over 5 years ago - Old School RuneScape - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

1s hello and thank you for joining us on
4s this week's old-school QA I'll start by
7s introducing the couch we have on your I
9s always get this wrong you're right we
12s have mod Bruno hey mod Munroe oh and I'm
16s joined on my right your left by mod ash
19s and I'm your host mod gambit so I'm
24s gonna kick this off by saying thank you
26s to everyone for both their feedback and
29s their patience with the cat bas-reliefs
32s we've had a lot of feedback from it and
35s we're working on the things you've been
36s saying I think most of all we're just
39s thrilled with how it's gone over all the
41s content has been very well received lots
43s of people enjoying the farming guild in
44s particular among the other content like
46s aerial fishing so thank you very much
50s for that I think we can agree it's been
52s largely a big success there's always
55s things after an update this size that
57s you're gonna want to reconsider in the
59s light of you know traffic like those
61s doors in the farming guild yeah and some
67s of the balancing in the light of what
68s people get and how people perceive it
70s but some probably speaking not like that
74s sighs it's not unusual to spend that cut
76s the weeks afterwards tweaking stuff I
78s remember James's Eric the one of the
80s biggest things that came out of the
81s first week was quick make a storage
83s facility so having looked you know then
86s got to spend the next weekend making a
87s storage facility for it to have that
88s shortly afterwards which he's very
92s helpful
92s well yes and no regrets about doing it
94s even if it were I to be nice they've had
96s in the initial launch I don't feel that
98s one week without it was a killer so what
101s I can't claim any credit for the dermis
104s of cables apart from the big compost bin
106s hmm I am very impressed by all the guys
110s and gee who worked on it so sort of just
115s a clue you guys in on what the plan is
117s over the next day or two we're going to
120s be collating all of the feedback that
121s we've received about chaos you may have
124s seen the poll blog which went live
125s yesterday I'm going to take the feedback
127s from that and discuss it amongst
128s ourselves and also the feedback
129s regarding Kona's drop table
131s which is obviously the hot topic right
132s now we're then going to publish a
136s revised poll blog which would include
138s the proposed changes
141s well the revised version of the proposed
143s changes and then the proposed changes
147s for Cohen are stable all in one post and
149s then look to get the poll done early
151s next week I imagine maybe what you guys
154s say about the post yeah other things
159s that are coming just so you're aware mod
162s edy is currently working on a new quest
164s not the big one obviously we all know
167s some of the elves is coming that much
168s well I think a much smaller one in
171s comparison it's going to be free-to-play
173s quest the idea behind it is to sort of
175s ties a a bit more to the mainland we've
178s had feedback saying that the two feel a
180s bit separate that is a big ocean yeah
183s yeah so I think the idea is to get the
187s players off talking to vales do some
189s tasks for him and then he'll introduce
191s the players to desire the place now
193s curious about how free-to-play question
194s vol was a right so I think I think the
197s idea is for vales to sort of introduce
199s players particular players and mobile
201s players to the idea of zaiah and explain
204s what it's about just sort of incentivize
206s them to to find out more for themselves
208s I think that's the idea behind it mm-hm
213s we have so you may have seen on Twitter
217s as part of the feedback go back to Cohen
220s Oz drop table I think it was cloud
222s badass who if I can say that on stream
226s who said he looked over the table and
230s gave some suggestions and actually that
231s was pretty well received funnily enough
234s so I think we've got a straw poll going
236s which compares the original table if we
239s can bring that up now that's possible
241s the first image if that's possible so
244s this is the the drop table as it stands
246s you may have seen in the news post we've
248s made a few changes namely removing runes
252s what else was adjusted I think we took
254s out the you logs not initially but
257s shortly afterwards and the appearance
259s that pure essence awaiting was reduced
260s as well so it's less common yeah I had
262s to play a concert an afro say why are
264s you taking things off
265s it's nothing it further while you know
266s forget further and I explained that the
269s thinking we're taking off for think
270s people didn't necessarily want so much
271s like they weren't thanking us for the
273s rune drop and by taking it off it made
276s you more likely to get one of the things
277s you might benefit from instead yeah and
280s the crystal keys came off as well to
282s just increase the overall value other
283s drops so this is this is where we're at
287s at the moment and if we could show the
289s suggested table from cloud badass and
292s there are a few things about this I
293s really liked I hope it's not too small
295s for you guys to read um but there are
299s things on there which were really
300s popular like I think volcanic ash was
301s quite high demand money make sense I
304s suppose given the location well a lot of
308s the tasks will be in much asyraf
310s referred to see us do something
311s involving mining maybe um trading in
314s unwanted nuggets and minerals to
316s somebody on fossil island for more of
318s the volcanic action it comes from for us
320s island and we can't just drop it here as
322s well and i can live with that yeah i
326s think i think a lot of the thought
328s process behind this was to have drops
331s which were iron man friendly but not
332s centered them around iron men so that
334s the regular players would also have
336s value from the drops and tried to find
337s that balance was was much of the thought
340s process behind this so i see the ruins
342s are back yes so i think he was going off
345s um a version which still had the runes
347s on I don't think he's necessarily
348s suggesting that we put them back in and
350s say 2500 brews no it doesn't so just in
362s terms of to get your guy's opinion in
364s chat mm-hmm I've got a little draw
367s possible drawn up just to see what you
368s think
369s comparing these two tables is this of
371s the direction you guys would like things
373s to go if not you know there's there's
376s feedback threads on reddit still which
378s we're going to look at on Twitter as
379s well so get involved in the discussion
383s we'll put that up now just for you guys
384s to see and while that's going uh suppose
388s we should move on to some questions
390s sure so I'll hop right into it while you
394s guys take a look at that we've got from
396s JS rule 24 Oh
398s well I think we've already addressed
399s this can we get a fix to the doors of
401s the Pharma guild we like to talk about
403s how you've yeah sure so I'm spent
406s by day this week fixing those farming
409s guild doors and went through various
410s iterations with some of visible click
413s boxes and then something else as well
415s which wasn't so great and then we
417s finally decided on the doors are now
419s just open and there's invisible blocking
421s in the way so you can try walk towards
423s it and if you meet the requisites then
425s you'll get what through the invisible
428s blocking and if you don't meet the
429s requisites you'll be walked back out and
431s told why and if you're coming through
433s some other side so say if you boosted
435s your level throat to 65 to get into this
438s mid-level area and you're walking back
440s through you can just walk straight back
442s through soft so people wouldn't be able
444s to do things like Mithra or flower their
446s way through or be shoved of all the PDMP
447s world with us okay
449s yep okay just in case you aren't aware
454s what this is about I think the problem
456s initially that was raised was I think it
458s was particularly the case shortly after
459s release a lot of players were trying to
460s get into the farmer guild and can't do
463s so all at once so should that be fixed
465s with this this change well yeah so
469s getting into farm guild we fixed with
470s moving the skills necklace teleport and
472s the farm and cape teleport as well so
475s they're now alone you inside the gilt
476s whereas this was more to address the
479s fact that the doors inside the farming
481s of themselves were a big bottleneck and
483s they really were so that's changed that
487s and should hopefully fix it this week
488s jolly good excellent thanks for dealing
491s with that yeah so a question from boom
495s saw they say there was an interesting
498s discussion about how well-received the
500s farming guild has been but it points out
502s that other guilds don't hold up quite so
503s well what does the team think about
505s revisiting some older Gil's such as the
507s ranging and cooking guild I heard
510s positive discussions about that sort of
512s thing around the team of though no
513s details about what in particular would
515s be done to those guilds if we were to do
517s it I think we've got a slightly bogged
519s down in why the crafting guild is such a
521s great place for you training your mining
526s I suppose I could see sort of things
530s that are like the contracts you get in
532s the pharma guild but for the various
533s different skills my peers so maybe
537s that's something we could do
538s I definitely liked it obviously the
539s Pharma guild has set a really nice
541s standard for what guild content can look
543s like what see what one looks like in the
546s prayer guild if we consider the
547s monastery to be one yeah and I suppose
550s we did this was not so long ago we added
553s minerals and to the fishing guild yeah
557s Oh mr. Toki misheard you that yeah you
560s know we're not averse to changing them
562s look quite and let's face it the cooking
565s guild is a really handy Bank yes mm-hmm
569s that's true so the results are in of the
573s straw poll in short I think coming up
577s the numbers were I think 45% would like
580s a mix of both the table suggested by
583s cloud badass and the current table 43 I
588s think that is prefer cloud suggestion
591s and very few of you would like the
593s current version to stay as it is so
595s that's pretty loud and clear
596s marvelous they won't be too upset
598s changes own Oh although I shall say a
601s lot of people are saying they didn't
602s receive a lot of votes is it possible
605s what was the votes on that one please
609s have a representative if we could that's
616s fine
617s I'll keep going away oh sorry you say
624s there's a problem with voting in certain
625s countries I think I think it's because I
629s used straw poll calm to make that rather
631s than the other one that we normally use
633s okay I could've been part of the problem
634s but we'll get that fixed you guys
635s certainly the other ones easier for me
637s to read from over here it's like rotten
640s mclaws's last night after a very nice
643s evening in the pub and they're not quite
648s aligned right anymore so absolutely
650s struggling with this Oh as an addendum
654s to the right word the guild question I
657s saw someone saying
659s we could add something like for example
661s the in the imbue for the archers ring to
663s the ranging guild for instance for
665s engaging the activities there I thought
667s was quite a nice way to move something
668s out of nightmares own shop to somewhere
671s relevant to the item so you'd go shoot
674s the artists up the towers maybe or maybe
677s click on that bull's eye thing yeah
679s actually I'm not sure when I send them
681s to do that maybe something more thematic
685s in the ranging gilt ones we have a think
687s about it or various other guilds with
688s the abuses always a an option we could
690s explore in the future
692s great tempting mm-hmm all right so while
695s we sort out that straw Paul I'll move on
696s with beer a quite well it's gonna go up
699s in chat now I'll give us some time to be
701s voted on venom candy asks are there any
707s secrets in the game waiting to be found
709s similar to crack the clue or corrupted
711s armor
713s I thought was an interesting question I
716s don't if there's I think well if we tell
717s people about them I'm a very secretly
719s this is true well I think things like a
722s yes or no is there something they could
723s be looking for I do not know of any such
726s thing nor do I personally I think so we
730s haven't added any for a very long time
733s there was a thing involving the color of
737s that dog from Vale yeah I think there's
740s a few but people did find that yeah I
742s think it's a few very small Easter eggs
744s yeah remains a very small easter egg
747s yeah as in like a line of dialogue if
750s you talk to certain NPCs and things like
752s that but nothing on the scale mmm
755s does anyone know where the mightiest
757s tree in the forest is I remember which
762s one it is now and has it changed I
768s remember Kieran speaking about this
770s actually mm and he did do something with
772s it I can't really what he did excellent
773s cuz um but I wrote I think a very very
776s long time ago and it's nice to think
778s that he's updated it yeah he definitely
780s updated it so am i camera which way he
784s went with it I think someone in the chat
787s has got it yes sir well I won't spoil it
792s for anyone who didn't get it
793s who doesn't know you have to find out
795s yourselves so the results of the
797s properly executed straw pala in with mm
802s almost 200 votes do a good viewership is
805s much better thank you other than 40
807s there was also much the same ashes it
809s turns out yep about 44% of you won a mix
812s of both and the rest of you prefer cloud
817s suggestion which is fair enough we're
818s gonna we're gonna look at that and take
819s it into account unlike those forty
822s players apparently were representative
824s there was born yeah well whoever you
830s were congratulations
834s representative so the next question from
838s brightful asks can we get a message in
841s the chat box for when the Cronos plant
844s increases the growth of our crops if you
849s have a lot of crops I can see like
850s become quite annoying especially yes
853s doesn't it wrong perpetual support order
857s per type of things protective like it
860s rolls
860s yeah per type okay so it should only be
864s maybe two or three messages every five
867s minutes if it's that most right I would
870s think so I'm not I'm not a hundred
872s percent sure how it actually does what
874s it does in the end um it was curing the
880s put that in place so yes I remember him
883s talk to you about how he was going to do
884s it by the fray I don't know the details
886s of it okay
887s well let's make a note of that one then
889s and ask here and I suppose when we get
891s the opportunity like I think from my
895s understanding it should be well then if
897s I'm in the right position to say I think
899s it should be possible but I understand
901s that it I know it is by um by plant type
904s and I think they all advance at the same
905s time so maybe Ellis wants to know if
913s there's an ETA on the host Sidious
915s rework difficult to give the timing on
921s that one we're trying to sort of fit it
922s in between all the other things we've
924s got planned
925s it's graphics on its the mapping work is
928s not yet ready for dev to work on it and
931s by the time they will be we are likely
934s to be sinkhole month time when you might
937s reasonably expect us to do a lot of qual
939s work as we had in the last few years if
942s we say cold months been postponed a bit
945s so we can do the hideous remapping job
948s I'm not sure that would be a great move
950s although you're welcome to say otherwise
951s I'd be interested to see what you want
953s to say if it isn't one one one one so
959s yeah we haven't really confirmed that
960s one but it's something we still we
962s definitely want to do mod West is very
963s keen I think yeah and we are definitely
965s gonna find a developer to do the code
968s side of it when he's going back in place
970s yeah he's certainly working through that
972s at the moment I believe three left's
977s wants to know well they say the new 2x2
981s lizard lisman shamans in the mulch area
984s still jump when you're standing next to
985s the wall they want to know if it was
987s done on purpose or if we change it I've
989s heard the devil on that one say it was
991s on purpose due to the being a different
992s size and therefore having different
994s movement restrictions okay so yes that
997s is intentional I've seen a few people
998s asking that so now you know Cink says
1004s can the expert mining gloves work when
1007s mining amethyst I don't see a reason not
1009s to and it would be a very nice qualify
1010s on men who need the arrows it sounds
1015s good to do yeah yeah I don't see why not
1017s it's not a metal but I mean you still a
1019s minor hmm that's an expert we can be
1023s flexible about exactly what the things
1025s willing to do yeah okay see it sounds
1029s like we'd be up for that one
1031s question chat so I'm wants to know what
1034s team ah - is drinking tea
1036s bill great so from boxed area they want
1043s to know our thoughts on making superior
1044s Slayer creatures more common for cone
1046s are tasks this would offer a slight
1049s increase in XP and make the eternal gem
1051s and imbued heart something you can grind
1053s for directly seeing lots of nose
1055s immediately in the chat well that's not
1058s worried about that one
1060s so probably not that's a nope
1066s I've got a duplicate question in there
1069s go to the next one I can fix that
1074s reckons they have a a solution to the
1077s blue dragon scales problem saying we
1079s should be able to use a knife on the
1082s blue dragon hide and turn into scales
1084s well what do we think well I like it
1090s better than picking stuff off the floor
1091s yeah I like most anything better than
1094s picking stuff off the floor
1095s somatic elite does seem to fit as well
1098s yeah like scale fish you basically just
1101s knifing through the fish and gets rid of
1103s the scale so that'll go to cooking
1106s killed get the new potato peeler right
1108s Amanda done shave you blue dragon harder
1111s yeah the thing is would you be able to
1113s just constantly use the same dragon
1115s lever because you'd have to do something
1117s they'd have to be a chance of it
1118s degrading or something or am i coming
1120s it's cow leather instead yeah or did you
1123s give it gives you a certain amount of
1125s scales and then there disappears kind of
1128s thing okay so you just chop the thing up
1130s with a knife if he wants to do it or she
1133s is yeah I'm seeing lots of yeses in chat
1137s seems have gone down well it seems like
1138s quite a nice thanks things I'll be
1140s wanting to use a knife on the blue
1141s dragon and get the scales off it like or
1146s the new shaver on the blue dragon well
1148s there's something not dissimilar to that
1149s one um splash neem oil or if we called
1153s it on the poly port dungeon creatures in
1156s rs3 if you splash me a jug of neem group
1159s squishing x' onto those creatures and
1162s some of their scales just fall off that
1164s was intended as a low-level thing that
1167s low level people could be doing if they
1169s wants to wander around a high level area
1170s what design consideration on that one
1172s yeah um but you know shaving the blue
1176s dragon doesn't seem as I'd reason with
1178s using a saw and a unicorn to get the
1180s horn yeah perp yours no we've also got
1184s this similar with the more minor fungus
1186s as well when you cast bloom on the swamp
1189s crabs oh yeah then when you killed
1191s can't believe we did that what Mara
1194s fungus has a drop huh I didn't know that
1196s that is very cool just yeah so Divine's
1201s Aros says can the abyssal sire be
1205s included in the abyssal demon task
1207s assigned by Kona which he asks them to
1209s start asks you to slay them in the
1210s abyssal area it sort of poorly worded
1213s but I think I think we get the idea well
1215s have I got news for you because coming
1217s tomorrow you can you know enjoy killing
1220s Sayers all right there we go well
1222s there's one of the spoilers for the
1223s update tomorrow well it's boiler but
1225s yeah that's coming tomorrow yes sir I
1229s think I think I was pretty much the last
1230s boss that one of the last yeah it's the
1234s only boss organ at Sean's task so we
1237s made it even yeah oh there we go
1241s trance says can we get a chat box
1245s message for when his spory has fully
1247s grown maybe a toggled in case there are
1249s people that wouldn't want it it doesn't
1250s grow that often I'd hope they'd be fine
1253s yeah it does take a while to grow it's
1256s not like he's gonna get grown in a few
1257s minutes later again no and the farming
1260s code already has a few special messages
1262s like maybe I should check on the onions
1266s I was growing for Lyra ores and things
1267s like that so sticking in another one of
1270s those saying I think my history might be
1272s big by now would it be hard mark Jay
1280s asks would it be possible to auto remove
1282s reported or banned accounts from your
1284s ignore list it's an interesting one
1289s sounds like it's gonna need the chat
1291s system to start looking up the state of
1295s everybody on your lists periodically to
1299s see if they've been to see what their
1300s accounts state is which is the
1302s information the chat systems there's
1303s certainly got all the time and I am NOT
1307s to pass it the engine team's gonna be
1309s able to offer that feature making the
1312s chat system be able to look up the band
1316s status of every account on your list
1319s at least not any time soon people often
1322s ask well mobiles out
1324s but you see all the other things we've
1326s been asking for the thing is Mobile's
1328s out but launching something doesn't mean
1330s that you can stop thinking about it as a
1331s developer just as care boss is out and
1334s you guys have quite a few suggestions
1336s about how to improve it still and fix
1339s niggles about it and doors so the
1344s platform the engine guys are still doing
1346s quite a lot of work on mobile but I do
1348s look forward to them being able to do
1349s more things in future I just don't
1351s really see this one being one of the
1354s quick wins we can get any time soon
1355s sorry
1359s so wast didn't asks could there be a
1364s barbarian assault high scores for both
1367s gamble count and Queen times this would
1370s enhance the already thriving be a
1372s community as they were thriving be a
1374s community is that description yeah
1377s there's people who are very dedicated to
1378s be a mmm-hmm and there's people who just
1379s go there once and like about it are so
1382s by hmm imagine this is like the same
1385s thing as bus Casey hi scars where it's
1388s locked pint or the things so well it'll
1392s be exactly like the boss
1393s Casey high schools and if we could do
1396s those we'd probably do this with it yeah
1398s okay imagine maybe on the proviso that
1400s we make it unavailable to people who
1402s leave on wave nine those are the worst
1406s yep the Excel wants to know can we get
1410s the task weightings for Drake's and
1411s worms when assigned by der Adele and
1413s we've had a few people asking for this
1416s I'm not sure how we feel about giving
1419s that to the players at this point I'm
1421s pretty sure we've given such intro
1423s before but it has of course just changed
1426s yeah the table changed it all to put
1428s those on if we don't necessarily put out
1432s detailed balancing info straight away
1434s for people to optimize their experiences
1437s without any exploration or investigation
1440s of new content but we'll give you some
1444s time
1444s I am personally leaving it for the devs
1446s who actually wrote the thing to reveal
1448s all this stuff rather than leaking their
1449s all their secrets behind their backs if
1452s I'd probably get a lot of social media
1453s Karma for doing so that's kind of their
1456s prerogative
1459s all right a empty bag asks could events
1464s could we get a name purged sometime in
1467s the next six months I know it's a lot of
1468s work but there are so many unused names
1470s and finding a decent name is getting
1472s tough my understanding of how it works
1476s is there's no set it's not a regular
1481s consistent thing that happens every X
1483s months
1483s definitely not sadly so and I think it's
1487s partially support who handled that if
1489s I'm not missing so um it would require
1493s sort of discussing with them I know
1495s there's a lot of demand for things like
1497s getting the display names with banned
1499s accounts and that kind of thing which
1501s typically occurs on a case-by-case basis
1503s at the moment there's something we can
1506s look into but those are promises at this
1508s stage I think is the right sort of it's
1511s not a small thing for the support team
1513s to do they have to put a lot of their
1515s staffs resources on it which of course
1517s takes them more for all the other things
1518s you guys need them to do so they don't
1521s get to do it very often
1522s so far they haven't set a date for when
1524s they'll do the next batch when they do
1527s set a date it'll be in a news post on
1529s the front of the site as usual so it's
1532s not going to be a secret the seats up on
1534s you especially if you follow us on
1535s Twitter
1536s I thought Juarez go on
1539s and at runescape why not um and of
1545s course from our point of view we love it
1547s like people get names they want we get
1549s sell bonds for display name changes I
1551s think everybody wins but it still does
1554s take a lot of reasonable start from the
1556s support team so they can't just do it
1557s whenever we like them to and I can of
1560s the influx of new members after the
1563s mobile launch has kept them really quite
1565s busy lately which may not be helping for
1568s this obviously it's good to have new
1573s players
1576s yeck $7.99 asks if we can make farming
1580s contracts scale based on the length of
1582s time taken to grow each crop they say is
1586s a bit overpowered that a magic tree or
1588s fruit tree can yield the same reward as
1589s a watermelon or herb patch a tree feel I
1594s mean I know we sort of discussed the
1596s idea of balancing farming contracts in
1599s some way they're very well not people
1601s are saying they're very powerful for
1602s iron men in particular yes a lot of
1605s there's a lot of yeses in the chat for
1607s this one turns with that wondering
1609s whether expecting it to go up for the
1611s long ones or down for the short ones if
1613s we were to do the scaling yeah or a bit
1615s of both
1619s it sounds reasonable to me I guess we'd
1623s have to discuss it more with the
1624s relevant devs
1627s well I wouldn't be committing to
1629s redesigning somebody else's project
1632s without them knowing about it no they
1636s might get knocked and they also might
1638s know something about it I don't yeah for
1642s sure I believe was mod ed who made the
1643s foreign contractors the hell is it yeah
1646s oops I've been directing people to Karen
1648s sorry yeah ooh mari asks could we add a
1654s notice board to the tier 3 section of
1656s the farming guild preferably somewhere
1658s close to the bank this notice board
1660s would display the status of all your
1661s farming patches like the geomancy spell
1664s currently does but without any cost the
1667s bank in the tier 3 section you know
1669s looks great is very nice for training
1670s banks banks got a bank standing skills
1672s and for avid farmers it'd be great to be
1675s able to constantly check where my patch
1676s is already there was an edit to this
1679s question which was to balance them they
1681s could be locked behind you the loan luna
1683s diplomacy or for a fixed cost of x
1686s amount of runes that would nobody used
1688s to cast jamie that does help yeah which
1690s i think is much more reasonable yeah
1693s it'll be a fun australe just putting a
1694s notice ball there how it makes a spell
1696s useless at that point but if you paid a
1699s lot of runes like the part nexus mm-hm
1704s that's not too bad then
1706s thing is the farming guild is pretty
1709s useful yeah that's the idea that we need
1711s to put something in it of that nature to
1714s make it more useful is not really that
1717s pressing because people go there anyway
1720s and we would like you to you know have
1725s the stats for geomancy and eat up nature
1728s runes using it but so I do like there
1730s was a cost on the thing but we're not
1732s you know we're not desperate to drive
1734s yet more people to the farming guild
1735s because they already go so follow up oh
1743s so I follow up to the question sorry I
1745s didn't know to put the questions
1746s together myself a follow up to that was
1749s from nest 9 saying wait no it's just the
1753s same suggestion just add a cost based on
1754s the G oh man C ruins right Alice the
1756s house give that the dubu guy asks is it
1759s possible to have guild master jane it's
1761s more farming guild questions to have
1764s guild master j and tell us how much of
1765s each contract we have completed
1767s currently she just says you've completed
1768s X contract I'd like to know how many
1770s easy medium and hard contracts I've done
1773s separately I don't believe so at the
1779s moment if we're not tracking it then
1781s yeah yeah don't we were being tracked so
1783s whoo that's a shame if that were changed
1788s and yes she'd be able to tell you the
1789s stuff as far as I'm aware it's not being
1792s tractable okay Evie it were and others
1796s who don't know it says we'd have out put
1797s it somewhere individually it's not okay
1805s I suppose that would mean if we started
1808s tracking it would be a case of that she
1810s wouldn't recommend unnie it's not
1813s starting from zero that's right
1815s plays a kind of accustomed to act with
1816s our counters and with some exceptions
1819s they generally accepting of it because
1822s in the longer term they get the counter
1825s and it's usually better than not having
1827s it
1831s hex hunter wants to ask if we can make
1834s the inventory I can icon of the zamorak
1836s in hasta more visible he has a hard time
1841s finding it in his inventory or equipment
1842s screen you should look harder I think
1852s it's fine as it is now it does look like
1855s every other speaker hosta and it's also
1858s different from the spear so I can
1860s somewhat see I've had not trouble but
1864s occasionally I'll spend a few extra
1866s seconds trying to find it in my bank but
1867s nothing I think warrants our full full
1870s change and people do always complain my
1873s change icons hmm so ok that's one of the
1877s reasons why I'd be against it I don't
1879s know how straightforward it is see it's
1881s something that's more recognizable out
1883s with the Zalman hasta anyways this might
1885s be one of the issues though it's a stick
1888s with a pointy end yeah we've got a lot
1891s of move it's getting awkward
1896s boogie the Hedgehog wants to know if
1898s there's any word on implementing the
1900s teleport from the lunar I'll bank to
1902s ellika for those who have completed
1904s daily diary is still more convenient to
1906s only have the hard diaries done not at
1909s present but see if we're working in that
1911s area for the remnant quest that's been
1915s discussed maybe we could take a few
1919s extra things along the way okay
1924s they whoa says it's very small but the
1928s Hydra Slayer helmet is the recolor
1930s because as the additional fins that
1931s extend from the eyes to above the helmet
1933s which none of the other retailers have
1935s if hydras helmet can have its own model
1938s can the other helmets have their own
1940s models to more accurately represent the
1942s boss it came from they naturally can if
1946s the artists are available to change
1948s those things that players already own
1949s and may have opinions about yeah and we
1953s wouldn't be offering to have both
1955s versions of the helm in the game Troy to
1957s ility so that you could switch between
1958s them on demand
1959s yes out yeah hive to all want it or not
1965s and frankly changing the appearance of
1966s things people already have has usually
1969s led to more upset than the happiness
1971s because um people get get very attached
1975s to how things look especially if it's
1977s their principal outfit I do want to take
1981s a question might see in chat it's come
1983s up a few times now and I've seen other
1986s players asking about it it's one of the
1988s things we're going to discuss tomorrow
1990s as part of the cable sort of balancing
1993s and changing discussion but they want to
1996s know if we can buff the dragon hunter
1997s Lance it's quite a hot topic at the
2000s moment so cut yourself get our force out
2003s at the moment for the time being sort of
2005s where we're at the Lance
2008s my understanding is currently it's a
2010s twenty percent this twenty percent extra
2015s against dragons in actually and strength
2019s essentially whereas the dragon hunter
2023s crossbow is thirty percent I think in
2025s each of those well how do we feel what
2028s do you think I personally think that by
2030s no means it's a weak weapon it's
2032s definitely got its uses this at some
2035s places like raids like a budget scythe
2038s that's what I seen that's quite useful
2041s it's also very useful for things like
2043s moon dragons so wait a little bit more
2047s see if people still think it's really
2049s need to know if then talk about it I'd
2051s say hmm okay I'm seeing a lot of mixed
2055s responses in the chat straw poll yeah we
2059s get strong strop all that sorry it might
2064s take a little moment I suppose the
2065s question should be well should the
2068s dragon hunter Lance receive a buff a
2071s buffer nerf or neither or both should it
2076s stay as it is there's always the option
2078s of making it buffed
2079s but only against the certain targets yep
2081s although that may not be what they're
2084s looking for
2085s yeah I suppose that is an option for the
2089s people who are concerned about ranged
2091s beers being the most effective against
2093s the Aqua Hydra if we made the lance more
2096s potent but against the Hydra
2097s specifically we wouldn't necessarily be
2099s making green dragons a lot better than
2101s they already are
2102s the seats do its mechanics work out well
2104s for that kind of thing the mechanics
2106s getting a bit trickier to manage when
2108s you are milling the boss mmm
2111s so maybe that's not the place we'd want
2114s it yeah so how should the dragon hunter
2121s Lance be changed we'll go for buff it
2126s nerf it leave it as it is I suppose it's
2130s not seem fair yeah oil of mushroom stick
2132s of list you yeah
2134s covers all the options okay yep cool
2140s in the meantime swimmer says quite a
2144s wall of text for this one they say it
2147s might be a little late but what do you
2148s think of the of a current diary award
2152s which would increase the points from the
2153s tithe farm at the moment points start
2157s when you have handed in 75 fruits fruit
2159s fruits for a maximum of 25 points per
2162s session my suggestion is to change that
2164s limit medium could start the count at 70
2167s and give a total of 30 points with 65
2171s and 35 respectively for the hard diary
2173s another option is to keep the points at
2175s 25 as a maximum but start the counting
2178s earlier whoever read the rest I think
2180s that gets the point across there's some
2183s stuff there I'd be glad for people to be
2185s able to get more conveniently
2186s specifically the zamorak great blessing
2190s bling yeah which is vastly underpowered
2194s and hence their requests early in the
2197s chat for more zombie wines from the Kona
2200s let's not ask where she's getting them
2202s from and also the drillers can you know
2208s if that thing became cheaper to use so
2211s the point that it was really really
2213s accessible that's not the end of the
2216s world really because you've still been
2218s to the mini game you played the mini
2220s game now you've got a lot of watering
2221s can save you
2222s filling it from things I think we can
2225s live with that yeah that watering cans a
2226s bit confusing in that know you have this
2228s watering can and to use it you need to
2231s get more points to fill it back up yeah
2233s Brickell is a funny guy
2235s yeah knows about how to make farming
2237s patches apparently for the sake of
2239s trolls in other quests yeah I would be
2245s theirs I wouldn't mind if from the point
2248s so easy to get I would be cautious about
2250s me XP at all yeah I wouldn't get I would
2253s want to touch the expiry to that that
2257s seems fair so the straw poll results are
2259s in for the dragon hunter Lance we asked
2263s if it could be changed so if it should
2265s be changed and 77% of you wanted nerfs
2268s so I think that's probably off the table
2270s [Music]
2272s 37% say leave it as it is and 56% of you
2276s would like a buff finding people who
2279s would like a buff has not usually been
2281s difficult for it no I suppose the real
2285s question is is the form that buff takes
2287s and against what creatures or creature
2290s specifically which is something I guess
2292s we'll discuss more tomorrow if we feel
2296s that it is required after looking at
2297s summer data for it as well after all if
2302s the man they were trying to make it more
2304s useful than say the twisted bow that
2307s would be understandable since it ought
2310s to have a use and yet incredibly
2312s powerful for went and did it yeah well
2318s he got I have a question from rehab who
2321s says and it's on the topic of the not
2323s mine that's the user they they're also
2327s on the topic of the dragon hunter Lance
2328s and they say it appears to be quite
2330s large in size which has them thinking
2332s even if it was kept exactly the same it
2336s currently is the same as it is in terms
2338s of its stats effects attack speed etc
2340s but had an added ability similars were
2343s halberd where it could hit an opponent
2344s from an opponent from one tile away this
2347s would bring it slightly closer to the
2349s dragon hunter crossbow in more
2350s situations I think that's the longer
2353s show of the question could be added at
2355s distance/time from there the Lance
2358s because it's a long weapon a lot of nose
2362s in chats immediately I'll get that but
2365s yeah it's a bit random you see that many
2369s people out with a halberd yeah yeah
2373s making it actually that much more useful
2375s anyway if anything it might make it less
2378s useful because people use just running
2380s to the spot where the NPCs are so okay
2386s so I think if he were to change the
2388s lands we probably look for other ways to
2390s do that but thank you for asking
2394s voice breaks says cannot be a dedicated
2398s Australian world for the winter Todd the
2401s blast furnace world is fantastic and the
2403s UK and US players are able to play
2404s winter Todd on low ping
2406s while Australians and New Zealanders
2407s like myself are struggling you don't
2411s actually need a themed world to be able
2413s to do it if you just says that those
2417s themes have no scene if it comes in the
2419s game at all but we can write the word
2421s winter title and one of the Australian
2422s worlds it doesn't have a existing theme
2424s if you like okay seems quite sure you
2429s just have to have people go to that
2431s world you could say although winter
2434s taught to be honest but yes not as good
2436s mm-hmm
2436s I'm just being reminded we're adding
2439s seven new worlds tomorrow I believe
2441s those are all for the blast
2442s oh yes flat taken not quite we're adding
2446s seven new worlds members worlds by the
2448s way and we are also putting blast
2452s furnace dwarves on eight members worlds
2455s not necessarily the same ones so that's
2460s due tomorrow
2461s we hope that'll help a little with the
2462s crowding wee bit limit for how many more
2464s we can put on the list I'm afraid about
2466s the moment and also the place we
2471s particularly like to have more worlds is
2473s currently Australia trouble with that is
2476s that we have only about 10 out there to
2479s turn on and while this happens are aware
2482s that we'd like some more best
2484s maintenance they've probably got to do
2485s to reject how the hosting their works in
2487s the first place before they'd be putting
2488s more
2489s things in it which makes sense really
2491s otherwise that if they do it isit is now
2493s they just have to maintain that again a
2495s week or two later so you should actually
2499s be seeing the maintenance work take
2500s place in the next couple of weeks after
2502s that hopefully this happens can move on
2504s to stop putting more worlds there for us
2506s although I can't promise that I do not
2509s know enough about their operations to
2512s give you details but they know we want
2516s it and I think that would help
2517s yeah and one of the world's writing
2520s tomorrow's e2k world or one of the
2522s themes is two key roles one of the seven
2525s new worlds is a 2k world in the west
2528s coast of the USA where there currently
2531s isn't a high-level world I mean there's
2533s I think 1500 but there isn't anything
2535s above that and we'd like to add one
2538s world one hundred and what four to eight
2541s I think it'll be okay so that's it for
2548s all the questions we had from well asked
2552s previously I'll head down to the chat
2553s questions actually if whoever's on chat
2556s on if it's the mod we have here with us
2558s or the one upstairs
2559s I think it's mod suite upstairs if
2563s anyone's listening more chat questions
2564s would be appreciated we've only got
2566s three at the moment so so can ask it
2573s very slowly if that helps but Kim jello
2576s asks can we add a louver Ken transport
2581s minecart into the new area making it a
2584s bit easier to reach no one likes map in
2589s those but I did write expendable yeah
2592s that seems like a good somatic way to
2595s get another transport to the same okay
2597s yeah and make it more useful there's
2600s even a one-off payment option so you can
2602s pay once never have to pay again to
2604s travel on that dwarf network yep they'll
2608s know thing I named the chief of that
2610s network after a friend of mine who is
2612s what the Myriam dwarf outside the
2615s banking lover came who the one when you
2617s go to to unlock the network in the first
2619s place
2620s um she's named after a friend of mine
2622s called Miriam who looks a bit like that
2623s isn't very tall and really likes trains
2625s couldn't resist so oh that's a third of
2632s our remaining questions gone
2634s we'll find we'll find something to say
2636s don't worry there's one in the chat
2639s about a Last Man Standing update um so
2643s we would like to well we're not sure do
2647s ideas for that I think mod Archie
2649s gathered quite a few and he wasn't the
2650s only one to do them or at least do a
2654s thorough job of it gonna take a while we
2658s are not able to offer that right now
2661s also that's not the only thing we'd like
2663s to look at we promised in 2018 to add
2667s more features to bounty hunter and I
2669s would like us to deliver on that promise
2673s hopefully in the first half of this year
2675s and also James's Eric we'd like to
2682s finally deliver on some of the
2683s suggestions that people have had over
2685s there like Vespa this brings to mind
2688s like well there's no law reason why she
2692s should be restricted from interacting
2693s with the contents of her room until a
2694s player looks in there to watch her do it
2696s or kill her while she's trying to do it
2699s yeah we know you don't like that it's so
2703s we'll do that change it I mean and
2707s various other changes as Eric things to
2710s make some of the unpopular rooms that
2712s you currently aim to skip less horrible
2715s or more rewarding so that they and it's
2718s a balance for how unpleasant they can be
2720s that's something we'll be hoping to put
2722s out more details about in the next week
2724s or two but you know Last Man Standing
2728s wasn't the only thing needed some
2729s reworking and I imagine you could list
2731s all will be listing lots of other things
2733s you like ve worked Last Man Standing is
2736s in the backlog of things we can do I
2739s think we're gonna take chambers as Eric
2741s a bit sooner than that though because we
2743s can probably address more about it more
2748s feasibly especially with qual month
2750s coming up which is going to
2753s quite a lot of the team's time if the
2755s last few have been anything to go by
2757s thank you no thank you
2762s well I'll give a reminder then just been
2765s reminded to do it myself if anyone who
2767s wasn't around at the beginning of the
2769s stream I'll update you on our plans for
2772s Kaos balancing and changes there's
2775s currently a poll blog out which went out
2778s last night and you'll see some of the
2780s proposed changes there we go to take
2782s that one and your feedback and have a
2785s discussion between ourselves using the
2787s suggestions tomorrow with the aim of
2790s having a revised poll blog which would
2791s include revised changes from that but
2794s also rebalancing for the Kohen our drop
2796s table which you can expect to see on
2799s Friday with a poll to Paul to follow
2803s shortly after so that's where we're at
2805s with the leak a boss changes going back
2810s to the chat questions
2811s we have can we get a buff to the seed
2814s box considering how many seeds are
2816s present in the game the fact that the
2818s seed box can only hold six unique seeds
2820s feels a bit weak no idea that I haven't
2824s read the code for how that one works but
2825s if it's expandable then maybe it could
2829s be an unlock of all expansion maybe not
2832s mm-hmm
2833s and maybe something that comes out of
2834s the guild or something you do with
2836s Nikolas points he knows about funny
2838s watering cancer maybe knows about funny
2839s bags for your seed yeah seems like would
2845s be a good addition considering just how
2847s many seeds now especially if you are
2849s waiting to do lots of firing contracts
2850s you really Tom you're back yeah speaking
2852s of which I think you and I were talking
2854s the other day about a seed vault in the
2857s farming guild and the possibility of
2860s being able to access it from other
2861s patches being an obvious thing people
2863s might like in future basically used by
2866s the word seed you need I really do like
2871s the idea of the seat belt it's quite
2873s useful because I see myself constantly
2875s going from the farming guilt of the
2877s genes buy more seeds but then I can't be
2879s bothered to keep them so I just drop
2881s them anyway
2882s in the banks but I'm never going
2885s shopping with you my bags just foolish
2888s their loads and loads of seeds at the
2889s moment not because the bank doesn't have
2892s enough slice but because I'm lazy I
2893s don't I do I think I think the bank
2897s slots are fine people just even hard
2899s lucky diamond I think there are a lot of
2902s players in a similar position because
2904s it's been a very popular suggestion and
2906s they're something we'd like to do not
2909s either I mean if they were up for us
2911s taking it beyond just the seed vault in
2913s the guild and letting it be accessed
2915s from the other patches that could be a
2918s bit helped people on their farming runs
2920s and maybe if the guild with the only
2923s place you could put things into it then
2926s it would be a higher level reward
2928s feature rather than something that
2930s changed the whole skill from the bit
2931s from the bottom up just to me
2937s so our next question says I think this
2941s is from Twitter
2942s please give Cohen our the ability to
2944s assign Zach and so how do we feel about
2950s that lots of why nots in chat lots of
2957s knows yeah it's out to know how they
2959s feel like I wouldn't mind it but I don't
2962s feel I'm strictly like very very much
2965s want that I mean you can't really only a
2967s scientist hours to one spot yes oh yeah
2970s no only thing I have but it's a bit
2973s tricky as well would be obviously the
2976s corner drop table rolls off of every
2979s kill you do want ask so if you're
2981s killing everything inside losing the
2983s fight caves or inferno you see a lot
2986s loot dropping on the floor especially
2987s because there's a lot of very high-level
2988s monsters in there hmm
2990s so your imagery would Death be
2992s interesting in those runs do you want to
2995s make a method yeah very different
2997s especially if you got a resource drop
2999s like that some food oh for sure of
3003s course they might be said that to be a
3004s reasonable reward for it but they don't
3006s seem to be begging for this one no I
3008s think probably keeping the Czar task
3012s assigned where they are is not the
3013s biggest problem so when Qo'noS
3016s the function includes spreading people
3019s asked across more places in the game
3021s having her send you to a place where
3023s people just go anyway isn't like demonic
3027s drillers isn't somebody were pushing
3030s okay so it sounds like we probably
3032s wouldn't go ahead with adding those to a
3033s Taccone ARS list of assigned tasks they
3037s were quite split and we're not keen not
3039s me we can probably find something else
3041s to be doing ja c9 has a suggestion which
3047s is adding volcanic gloves which when
3049s warned would make smell think animals
3051s two times faster I didn't read the end
3057s of the question before what they're
3066s saying about it I mean I know we did
3068s speak about potentially adding something
3071s to the Poh which would speed up the
3072s Sathya cannibals the cannon ball making
3076s room suggestion was quite popular at the
3079s time the blast furnace was also
3080s suggested for that kind of thing with
3083s requirements on them so that this would
3085s not be available to say well low-level
3089s people yeah right well I'm being
3096s strongly hinted to draw a strawpoll up
3098s for this one
3099s so I suppose we'll do it yeah well ask
3101s the question should volcanic gloves be
3103s added to Kona's oh I didn't finish
3105s reading this either and it's a Colonel's
3107s dropped able to speed up cannibal
3108s creation by twice the amount question
3110s mark well mark I don't think we're
3113s actually gonna go ahead with a strawpoll
3114s probably I think we might or the way
3116s he's typing this one
3117s yeah I think I'm being trolled here so
3120s we care silver lugia asks well they say
3127s I'd like to suggest a way to display
3129s Chompy bird hunting hats in the Poh
3131s perhaps a head mannequin in one of the
3133s empty corners of the skill hall I think
3136s it's fair enough actually I mean it's an
3139s achievement you wouldn't otherwise get a
3140s shout out about much
3142s whether we'd be able to put something
3144s else in there so it's not just this is a
3146s chunky hat mannequin hmm that sort of
3149s help display unit sir just bear in mind
3152s that it'll need a different version of
3154s the thing for everything that can be put
3155s on it rather like the Cape mounting rack
3157s yeah that can get very big given how
3160s many hats in the game that we might want
3161s to show off and there's like if it was
3163s your your Chompy spot then that would be
3167s a lot more manageable for us so the
3171s straw bottle went ahead
3172s you're still voting he's pretty even
3175s split so I think we're gonna go with no
3177s on volcanic gloves which will have all
3178s your cash at the no votes are split
3181s though so yes taking a strong lead yes
3185s we know and Hecker's that's the thing
3188s you have a three-party system yeah and
3190s and somehow knows that well was it 50/50
3193s now they're dead split 50-50 how about
3196s you make them twice a speed but you only
3198s get two cannonballs and said afar that's
3204s some clever balancing I like it still
3206s twice the speed right we've got a couple
3213s questions left so this one says can we
3217s change the jewelry box shortcuts back to
3219s the old ones and assign the new key to
3221s the farmer guild am I reading that
3225s correctly or understanding it yeah yeah
3227s I don't know if you understanding it but
3229s you read it so it was moved because
3234s obviously if you have a list and then he
3237s puts something on that list everything
3239s under our I'm with you shuffle down so
3241s yeah there's not really much we can do
3245s about that or must we put it like
3246s although their suggestion is to put it
3248s in the right place in the list but have
3250s the entries on the list not be in
3252s ascending alphabetical order of I mean
3255s that suppose now we're there that mean
3257s we have to do the same for any other
3258s other new teleports we had to it so they
3260s would probably expect that because they
3261s do not want to have to learn new
3263s shortcut keys I'm thinking yeah once and
3265s some people Ben Turner miscellany who
3267s did not want to be there
3268s I think the grant exchange was too big
3270s it's good for you
3276s so this one yet we would be able to do
3282s it but leaving yeah bear in mind that in
3286s time you could learn a new shortcut
3288s where us if for the rest of eternity old
3292s schools got a list with a very
3293s weird-looking order that's a little
3295s harder for anyone else to learn in
3298s future because new people do keep coming
3300s into the game that's not ideal any in
3304s the same way that when we start rounding
3306s lunar spells and always put them at the
3307s bottom out of new out of level order so
3310s that you wouldn't have to move where
3311s vengeance was that was also not ideal
3316s people couldn't find where we put
3318s geomancy for example yeah so we prefer
3321s not to have a rule that everything that
3325s exists now stays and everything else
3328s just gets piled up at the bottom out of
3329s order
3330s sorry yeah I think it's a case of either
3333s we leave as it is and you'll get used to
3336s it within like a couple weeks
3337s well we change it and make it look dodgy
3339s just so you can not have to learn a new
3341s shot I mean they propose ways that we
3343s reprogram the thing so they can have a
3344s customized option and then they could
3347s set any shortcut they like for any entry
3349s on the list we might be some time on
3352s that one year I mean it could be done in
3356s the same way that Mads wrote that menu
3357s that lets you customize the F keys for
3359s the side stones
3360s I don't recall her getting that one out
3363s any in a short period of time and it's
3365s not that she's slower and if neither is
3367s just a huge thing to handle especially
3370s with the large number of options on the
3373s thing so it would take a while was that
3380s an explanation he didn't read
3383s information was fine yeah yeah well
3387s we'll move on we'll move on so time for
3391s another question just about we have made
3393s at the end of this dream so might have
3395s Pat that out thankfully we've got
3398s questions in saying can skill keeps more
3402s consistently allow teleporting to their
3404s respective guilds as its
3405s Dan's about half do and half do not
3410s personally I'd be happy with all of them
3412s being able to do it in addition to
3415s whatever else they do many of them would
3417s yeah
3418s so yeah we would have to be bold
3422s obviously and if you guys are up for it
3424s I suppose we are
3425s mmm this has any objections I'd like to
3428s know if they're still like the current
3430s booster these calc it gives I'll just
3432s buff on two skill capes I didn't hate
3436s cash that's or I'd like to know if
3437s they'd like to just make it real buff
3439s this go capes are replace it for what's
3441s currently in there if they often ask for
3445s it when they feel that what's currently
3446s there is immaterial boring we should
3453s probably check that there's nothing that
3454s you know too many teleports of the face
3456s would give you a massive advantage of
3458s some sort yes thank you
3459s so I think which ones were missing tell
3461s what's actually woodcutting springs to
3462s mind yeah I mean there's other place
3464s ways of getting there I think for
3466s example there's a minecart parked yeah
3468s not that far outside the skills necklace
3470s tick yeah
3472s what's of that I don't see anything
3473s wrong with adding it as long as it's not
3475s breaking hmm well I think if we're done
3479s here announcements you need to plug
3482s before we go then off the top of my head
3485s other than the ones I've met at the
3486s beginning and shortly before sorry
3488s shortly before now that well just keep
3492s your eye on the new section of this
3494s website you'll be seeing a revised
3496s version off the poll blog that went up
3498s yesterday which will include adaptations
3501s of those changes but also the revised
3503s cone our drop table and suggestion and
3506s expect to see a poll on all of that
3507s early next week following your feedback
3510s otherwise thanks very much for tuning in
3512s thank you to everyone on the sofa with
3514s me this week and we'll catch you next
3516s time