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Well dudes, it breaks my heart to say this, but something truly, truly tragic happened today. Just 15 minutes ago actually, I am absolutely heart broken. I hate to write this, I really do.

Basically I left the click to drop option on in the OSRS mobile settings, after a short stint of iron mining. How could I have been so careless? So FOOLISH.

I logged in on mobile today, mindlessly pulled out my farming supplies for my fruit tree run. I was sitting there chuffed, I had just achieved level 70 farming and had gotten myself 4 palm trees, they had coconuts ready to collect and I was getting ready to go pick them.

So I pulled out my graceful as per usual and stuck it all on, or so I thought. Actually what I had done was dropped all six pieces to the ground. SIX PIECES OF GRACEFUL. Just laying there, on the ground.

They sat there for the necessary 180 seconds or 3 minutes, just sitting beneath JimmyChungus. And that was it, they vanished into the abyss. Lost forever.

I brought my eyes back down from 'Better Call Saul', back to my phone, and set off to do my farming run, I noticed that I wasn't wearing my graceful, hmm that's odd, I thought. I was sure I had already put it on. So i checked the bank.


This is what met my gaze. Empty place holders for the graceful I was so proud to own, the hours of play time it took me to get that outfit.

I looked at my inventory, glowing red. Quickly I realised what had happened, and I frantically retraced my steps around the Grand Exchange, clicking every tile, I must have lapped it 15-20 times before I came to terms with what had just happened.

For now I will just have to bite my lip and rejoin the ranks of the inefficient noob elite, goodbye Graceful, gone but never forgotten...


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about 5 years ago - /u/JagexSween - Direct link

Genuine question, what more could we do to help with this? On mobile's beta release it was very easy to lose stuff in this manner, so we made the icon more prominent and changed the inventory to glow red. That, coupled with drop warnings, seemed like it should be enough.

Real sorry for your loss of progress - have you any other ideas we could implement, stopping shy of us asking for any confirmation with any drop?