over 1 year ago - /u/JagexSarnie - Direct link

Originally posted by OSRSkarma

Over complicating the axe is just too much, screw the rations part.

Just have 2h axe give 50% less logs but with 20% more xp or something like that. The whole energy mechanic is needlessly to complicated

We already have an item that gives you more logs (i.e. Ritual Mulch), but we feel that getting more experience and getting fewer logs is a combination that should come with a cost as it's very good. Could I ask what you would prefer the cost of that to be?

over 1 year ago - /u/JagexSarnie - Direct link

Originally posted by osrslmao

I understand it, i just dont like it or want it, same as most people.

Why make it all so complicated? Look at the reception the shooting stars update just got, people love it! It makes skilling simple and social, Forestry is needlesly complex.

Just make 2H Axe give double logs but half xp, or the opposite: ~20% extra xp but less logs. Thats the kind of update OSRS should get, not this run energy-ratiion-tealeaves stuff

FWIW, we polled the Axe to give more experience and fewer logs so we would need to repoll the Axe if people want it the other way around.

over 1 year ago - /u/JagexSarnie - Direct link

Originally posted by Background-Cat9903

effect looks fine, and rations being more obtainable makes this work alot better.

with future updates can it be released all in one go when its ALL ready, and not some multi part spread out over months, its very annoying especially when there is so many problems and could've all been remedied by holding off

Although from the survey we saw favour for a split release, in hindsight, I believe we should have released it all at once, but that's something we couldn't have predicted. Definitely something to learn from!

over 1 year ago - /u/JagexSarnie - Direct link

Originally posted by OSRSkarma

Appreciate the response, its a tough question and i get why you guys are trying to balance it. Im spit balling really, it just feels like the energy mechanic is just complicated (maybe not so much that if you stack rations you can just set them and forget it) but it feels weird focusing on run energy for woodcutting.

Yeah, that's totally fair and I can see with the Run Energy in particular there's been concern from players. Out of interest, even if you're just spitballing, would you prefer if there was like a degraded mechanic, just using the rations or have the drain tied to something different like Special Energy?

over 1 year ago - /u/JagexSarnie - Direct link

Originally posted by DivineInsanityReveng

XP increase is fine but if it requires active time spent making rations for iron it's irrelevant.

For mains it's not a tradeoff. It's a GE visit.

Understandable, I do think the changes to making rations as made that trade-off time a lot less as you can get at least a couple of hours from one inventory, where as this wasn't the case before.

over 1 year ago - /u/JagexSarnie - Direct link

Originally posted by fearthewildy

How has the team viewed the community's reception on the shooting stars change? Like it wasn't a planned update but worlds were full from it. Did this surprise the team?

I think that's a bigger question than I can respond to but the social element of Shooting Stars is great from my view! I haven't looked into numbers and how they affect current XP gain so I'm not sure from that aspect.

over 1 year ago - /u/JagexSarnie - Direct link

Originally posted by aryastarkia

Can the axe just give more experience and fewer logs then? Rations weren't polled and the resource usage with the weird combination of run energy + shopscaping with 80 world hops per hour of teak woodcutting is the issue

The polling issue is a fair point, but I would say the ration changes make creation far less time-consuming which helps to that!

over 1 year ago - - Direct link
We’re to discuss the future of the Two-Handed Axe, ready for Forestry: Part Two.