Will any part of the forestry update apply to f2p? Maybe not the items and events, but will the group buff and tree mechanics?
Will any part of the forestry update apply to f2p? Maybe not the items and events, but will the group buff and tree mechanics?
Yes, the new tree spawn mechanics, group cutting bonuses, the Forestry Kit and you'll be able to do the two events that don't need an item, as anything that goes inside the Forestry Kit is members.
Dark wizard ignores peepo
Scared of Peepo more like
Can all major content blogs use peepo going forward?
Maybe... maybe there's another one in the works :3
I might not have read it correctly, but the forestry kit is f2p but anything that goes in it is members?
Correct as you will need a Forestry Kit on your person to spawn the events
Okay now do this again but explain how to do my taxes
Peepo can take on 20 Dark Wizards but not the IRS
I can’t remember did they say of the 2h axes are coming in part one?
They were originally intended for part one, but they have been moved into part two to make sure we can spend some more time refining them. You'll get all the information in tomorrow's newspost.