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In the bank interface if you empty your herb sack with the new herbs, all herbs in the sack no longer deposit and are gone to the ether.

Edit: this has since been hotfixed

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6 months ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Fix for this is being worked on as we speak!

6 months ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by Albaniancheese

Mate, love the update. But you mean to tell us a herb that takes 5 mins+ to mature wilts and dies within 5 seconds? Give us more time to collect the thing. Its unhealthy how much we have to pay attention to that 😅 hopefully others share my annoyance (new herb minigame)

Have already made a note, think it is a little too punishing and totally agree that it could be a lot more lenient!