almost 2 years ago - PlayOverwatch - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

2s [Music]
22s so
26s [Music]
35s so
37s [Music]
56s foreign
61s so
93s [Music]
106s so
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143s [Music]
154s [Music]
180s [Music]
182s the reaction time on is insane the blade
185s generation is gonna be cracked he's
187s killed four is sparkle getting the ace
190s oh
191s oh
192s that's a big one but although he's
193s leading the charge and he has a blade
195s here so although brings the building
197s down reinforcements are going to be on
199s the way trying to dodge what a kid what
201s a kill on the spy that is absolutely
202s ridiculous
211s blade for proper nice deep like look at
214s him go like five kills just like that a
216s blink of an eye quick team kill as mira
219s is tossing in the front line a four-man
221s ante vancouver titans are gonna wipe
224s them off the map
229s [Music]
238s and we are back welcome back to the
241s summer showdown ladies and gentlemen
243s it's day two and i am back in the
245s building parking alongside custa and
246s reinforced gentlemen
249s ready to boot right into day two summer
251s showdown how are we feeling custom oh
253s i'm ready for another day we
255s teams go home now so everything's on the
258s line you're ready for teams to go home
260s yeah i'm ready for send them home
262s with their own land no oh no hopefully
264s they win yeah yeah there's money on the
265s line there's some overwatch points that
267s you need to get into the tournament at
269s the end of the year a whole lot to talk
270s about here but first we got to open it
273s up with a discussion of what went down
275s on the other side of the planet last
277s night and that of course were our first
278s two matches in our east region with
281s guangzhou charge looking to start their
284s underdog story against the reigning
285s overwatch league champions the shanghai
287s dragons now the charge guys they looked
289s pretty solid during the qualifiers don't
292s know if you could use that same word
293s when you described their play against
295s the dragons last night because this was
296s a one-sided affair
298s yeah jimmy okay no i'll get i'll get to
301s germany
302s but here's the thing
303s four and two the guangzhou charge
305s they've proven to be better than the
307s rest but not better than the shanghai
309s dragons and the salt dynasty and that it
310s was their problem in this match once
312s again they can play close to the
314s shanghai dragons but they really rely on
316s just individual brilliance from krong
318s choice one or jimmy to get them over the
320s edge and get them some of these fight
322s wins but that's not a consistent
323s strategy and the shanghai dragons on the
325s back of lip who is just under
327s appreciated at this point which sounds
329s ridiculous because he was the runner-up
331s mvp last year but he's so
334s good and we're just so used to talking
336s about how good he is you need to just
337s sort of take a step back every now and
339s then and really appreciate just what he
341s does this is the guy right this is the
343s guy show me his face he's just oh he's
345s just a different little he's a seven
346s foot six gaming warlord i figured
349s i thought so you would love muscle yeah
351s fuel muscle he's absolutely incredible
352s and he really put the guangzhou charge
354s on the back foot in this match so the
356s charge just couldn't live up to the hype
358s we went over to circle royale jimmy had
360s some good moments he did give it to lip
362s a little bit but it wasn't the jimmy
365s prophecy that i hoped it would be
368s custom when you're looking at the
369s shanghai dragon squad
371s who's the scariest is it lip is it who
373s are you we've got highlights from void
375s on junker queen as well it looks like
377s everyone took turns popping off in this
379s series and well you don't even have the
380s 2020 mvp playing for this russell right
383s now in flutter as well honestly that is
385s the dragon's scariest part they have
386s some of the best players in every single
388s role but if i was choosing the player to
390s be afraid of as i said it has to be lit
392s his flexibility not just on the hit scan
395s his ability to play the sombra to play
396s the tracer he is consistently putting up
399s these top-level performances yes the
401s dragons have struggled so far this year
403s lip has not and if we look at guangzhou
405s charge of course they're not done this
406s double elimination on the east just like
408s it is here in the west so what do we
410s expect from our blue squad can they
412s rally if so tell me the story ah it's
416s philadelphia fusion you never know what
418s to expect i'm sure johnny johnny will
419s tell us about that one no idea a second
421s but the charge theoretically so far this
423s stage have been better than the fusion
425s okay i would love for them to get this
427s win because as i said seoul and shanghai
430s might be on a different level but they
431s can absolutely beat philadelphia fusion
433s and i would love to see them get that
434s success i love living in a theoretical
436s world we'll see how it all plays out
438s live in the east next up we gotta talk
441s about philadelphia fusion though because
443s this is a squad that seoul dynasty was
445s matched up against we knew how close
447s they played against each other last week
449s again another five game set johnny
452s another five game step between these two
454s teams and it was so entertaining back
456s and forth fusion just when the fans
458s counted them out they gave them hope
460s once more and disappointed it's really
462s you love the philadelphia fusion amazing
464s stuff here we kicked things off on map
466s one nepal and seoul dynasty were just on
468s fire fitz had a great performance here
470s on the sojourn for seoul dynasty but
472s also mn3 showing signs of life you know
474s benching carpe is no small feat and m3 a
477s rookie coming into this lineup this year
478s he's explosive racked up a 3k right here
481s and it was pretty much the only shining
483s light for the fusion otherwise it was
485s all soul dynasty stalker had a great
486s performance another rookie here in the
488s lineup for them as well fitz swapped
490s over to the ass a few times we saw that
492s last week it didn't work out this time
494s around seoul dynasty with a refined kind
496s of tactical approach the backline of
498s profit and binding did a great job
500s supporting fitz in that ash roll and in
502s many ways the way soul dancing are
504s approaching this game is a bit like
505s dallas fuel they like to take things
507s slower they like to be the one who uses
509s commanding shots second and with this
511s slow tactical approach they're able to
512s take down the philadelphia fusion poke
514s them down from afar and before fusion
516s can even get there well they're already
518s dead stalker here firing another first
519s pick great performance overall by the
521s soul dynasty i was so impressed by seoul
524s throughout this but philly of course
526s takes it to a game five johnny so let's
528s tell the fusion fans let's sell a little
530s bit of opium here what did we see on the
533s good side from the fusion in this series
535s the good side is that the damaged
537s players are popping off cess has been a
538s con consistent factor for the fusion
541s squad
542s few would even argue that zest is in the
543s rookie of the year conversation but also
545s mm3 that he's able to show up rack up
548s these kills with the railgun and find
550s the opening picks aim got here with a 3k
552s on a brig you don't see that every day
553s as well you say custom just did a fist
554s pump was that for johnny's point or for
556s the brigitte
558s because you weren't here last week but
559s lost with me and johnny got into an
561s argument about zest i said that his
563s genji could be rookie of the independent
565s potential if the fusion had been better
567s and it seemed like you've covered i
568s don't know
570s i don't think but i was catering to the
573s fans all right successful hate to say
575s words guys it's okay he was all right he
578s was good all right i'll give them that
579s but overall it was seoul dynasty here on
581s map five and that's where stalker really
584s made the big difference for the soul
585s dance squad you would say like oh fitz
587s you know the sojourn prophet on the
588s brigitte smurf a veteran two-time champ
590s no it was stalker the young rookie on
592s genji who made the biggest difference do
594s you think our editor is a brigitte man
596s hey i feel like we do get a lot of break
598s but you're all coming in here either
600s that or johnny's just like slipping them
602s at 20 and like let's get some more
603s profit profit breaks a little bit more
605s profit in my broadcast no one ever
607s complains about that well gentlemen two
610s matches are down in the east and only a
612s few remained as we look to crown our
615s winner in the eastern this summer
616s showdown let's see how the bracket has
618s played out so far and i don't think
620s there's any surprises here this is the
622s way we all predicted it playing out
624s right johnny absolutely i mean shanghai
626s dragons and soul dancing they've looked
627s like the two best teams in the region so
629s far seoul dynasty they lost to shanghai
631s in the qualifications but seoul
633s themselves started off things 12 and
635s zero in maps so yes the two favorite
637s teams are on top in the upper bracket
639s now yesterday sorry go ahead scott i i
641s want to ask johnny guangzhou
642s philadelphia fusion we know we don't get
644s to put our predictions on the broadcast
646s but just putting you on the spot who's
647s going to win that i'm going with the
648s fusion sorry jimmy no i'm going for
650s jimmy let's go charge no sir james is
652s going to show up
653s today i feel it gentlemen yesterday we
656s saw that uh we had profit of course on
658s brigitte and you told me it's because
660s they had some young studs on dps that
663s didn't make sense to me yesterday
665s today after watching some of these
666s highlights it totally makes sense and i
668s wanted to spotlight one player in
670s particular let's talk about stalker and
673s this genji we saw because this is the
675s guy who's kind of stepping in and
677s causing some chaos in when it comes to
680s the blades is he the best genji in the
682s east is it who are you who are we
684s looking at and what does this player
686s bring to this all right look look
687s it look okay who are you
689s he is the lead he is the number one so
691s it's kind of unfair to compare a young
693s rookie like stalker to who are you but i
695s was saying i would i would say stalker
699s is definitely the number two and that's
701s big praise you know for a rookie coming
703s into this team you're playing alongside
704s prophet the goat and fitz and he's
706s finding his place in the starting lineup
708s this is a guy that you need to learn the
710s name of because stalker is going to be
711s in this league for a very long time it's
714s almost unfair because in many ways he's
715s like profit the junior the ways they
717s were able to flex over to the tracer the
719s genji the soldier and at times and
722s compete with some of the best players in
723s the league this flexibility is like
725s unheard of before players like prophet
727s right so a bit unfair to call him
729s prophet junior when a prophet is on his
731s team he's stalker is overshadowed but he
733s deserves all the praise what's called a
734s little prophet little prophet
736s honestly i've just been impressed when
738s he first aligned with this team we're
739s like oh that's a great signing we're
740s excited to see him he's probably not
742s gonna play you know profit and fitz are
744s on this team they're gonna play majority
745s of the time but stalk has come in
747s multiple times this season and impress
748s us every time he's done that so awesome
751s to see him a rookie popping off once
752s again he has a bright future ahead great
754s stuff last night that is our player
756s spotlight for the day and a strong start
758s to the summer showdown in the east we
760s also have four matches coming your way
762s live from toronto today now most of our
765s top seeds from day one moved on will the
767s tournament continue to follow the truck
769s johnny custom will try and sell us on
771s some of the lower seat upsets after the
773s break
778s [Music]
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816s [Music]
828s [Music]
837s so
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845s [Applause]
847s [Music]
861s so
862s [Music]
871s [Music]
886s [Music]
894s [Music]
954s we're back live on watchpoint and we've
956s got a jam-packed day for you so let's
958s not waste any time and jump right in
960s with our favorite and do i say most
962s important segment of every single day
966s the bracket guys
969s taking a look here in the west dallas
971s fuel with the number one seed went down
973s 2-0 to the justice they pull off the
975s reverse sweep and now that means they
977s played the spitfire meanwhile on the
978s bottom half we got the shock versus the
980s outlaws so our top three seeds winning
983s but london pulling off the upset over
985s the hometown favorites the toronto
986s defiant guys what's the biggest takeaway
989s from this day one and how does that set
990s us up here on day two
992s for me it was how weak the dallas fuel
994s looked as much as you know they still
996s got the win they are a great team they
998s were the numbers johnny's paid for the
1000s tournament
1001s they won three maps in a row yeah but
1003s they were the number one seed and they
1005s struggled against the washington justice
1007s there's no chance that i'm gonna i was
1008s not impressed with how they played they
1010s could struggle against the london
1011s spitfire biggest takeaway for me how
1013s impressive the washington justice
1014s looking together
1016s i mean to take two maps of the dallas
1018s fuel or a juggernaut that's amazing i
1020s like these cells guys all right well
1022s yesterday was all about the favorites
1023s today i think it's safe to say it's
1025s about the underdogs right chat toronto
1027s folks it's time for you to sell us on
1029s some potential upsets here in our day
1032s two action in front of you i put some
1034s hockey pucks all right each of you have
1036s two and each of them has a lower seed on
1039s that hockey puck i need you to look at
1042s that team and tell me how is this squad
1045s on thin ice
1046s going to pull off a power play if
1049s they're truly going to reach their goals
1052s to avoid being body checked out of this
1054s tournament and other hockey punts guys
1056s it's time to get pucky it's time to puck
1059s it up yeah
1061s we're doing it johnny get ready because
1063s you're going first johnny you have a
1065s hockey puck in front of you tell me how
1067s does this team slap shot their way in to
1070s the next round you want one of mine
1072s can i pick any puck any poke
1075s grab that that's a bad choice that's a
1077s bad choice who do we got the london
1080s spitfire you have to go against the
1082s doubles
1086s london spitfire
1088s if thanos fumes are to get it done it is
1090s through the lower bracket because by god
1092s the london spitfire they are one
1094s impressive squad i tell you howdy with
1096s the push of those stage establishing
1098s dominance against the opponents
1099s yesterday amazing to win a sparker
1102s one of the proudest proudest sons of
1104s sweden we have i mean the way he
1105s represents our country not only is
1107s kevster an mvp candidate but sparker
1109s look at him go here on the soldier
1110s fantastic stuff just landing all the
1112s shots with the red gun am i convincing
1114s pocket i don't know admiral orlando just
1116s twitter last night really
1117s applauding oh yeah absolutely backbone
1120s here on the genji and i i i tell you as
1123s well he can pull out to me if need be so
1125s if you're a fan of me pocket backbone is
1128s your guy huge fan of mate great backbone
1130s is like the only guy who plays me in the
1131s entire league there you go i haven't
1133s seen it in a bit does the maid come out
1135s and push today johnny is that how you
1136s beat the fuel sure why not bring out the
1138s bait bring out the maybach come on you
1140s need everything you got all right this
1142s is a great group of players right here
1144s they know they are the underdogs but
1145s they're not going to waver they'll bring
1146s the confidence to bring the fun and
1148s that's what you need to be able to take
1149s down only 25 more seconds to fill up
1151s this great cylinder unknown spitfire i
1154s mean this team right here all right
1156s someone put on the tea kettle because
1159s these brits are about th
1161s i think they have one brick yeah
1162s backpack's a bread all right
1164s he's about to drop the bag on the dallas
1166s field i'll tell you so much wow johnny
1169s could sell me a 1991 toyota corolla and
1172s i would pay four points
1174s custer you're up next it's time to pick
1176s up a puck and break down how you think
1178s this team can skate through to the next
1180s round
1180s london spitfire alone how many hockey
1182s punts did hex write in today's script
1184s yeah i don't know 42 i'm here what do i
1187s got
1187s the houston outlaws that's easy oh this
1191s is this this bad boy
1192s is easy pocket let me let me paint you a
1195s picture because they play the shock
1196s who's uh statistically the most
1198s successful team in the league right now
1199s yeah but okay
1200s number two previously they have a bunch
1202s of rookies now who choke on stage every
1204s single tournament that we've ever been
1206s to you know the san francisco shock they
1207s don't even know how to play the game
1209s they just get so frightened by
1210s themselves and the potential success
1212s that they can find houston outlaws
1214s though they're an infallible team they
1216s have never choked in their life houston
1218s will actually be winnable okay
1220s everyone's been getting it wrong this
1221s whole time and it's gonna get done on
1223s the back of this man right yeah pelican
1226s last year was our rookie of the year and
1228s he has been going absolutely sicko mode
1231s on this genji he just hits a different
1233s gear you guys remember in dallas when he
1235s had that 5k hanzo play to pull them
1237s across the line he will do the same
1239s thing here on genji and then you have
1241s the map five pinch hitter in merit who
1244s is just one of statistically the best
1246s hit scans that we have in this league he
1247s has been popping off he was alongside
1250s kilo who plays for the san francisco on
1253s the same team in o2 blast they traded
1255s time
1256s merit in my opinion especially in those
1258s grand finals in contenders was better
1260s than kilo and he has continued to show
1262s that in the league so far then you just
1265s have everyone else you got spd on the
1267s support line last roy you don't even
1269s know what that means svd it means but
1271s deadly exactly that's exactly what it
1273s means thank you he can play the honor he
1275s can play anything he is ridiculous at
1277s whatever he has to touch and then we
1278s have the flex god who plays doomfist
1280s himself dante i i know what spd means
1283s i watch that show you watch that show
1285s it's a pretty good meme it's a good
1286s meeting uh well i have to say johnny you
1288s are getting stomped in this competition
1293s roasted you in the opening round but
1294s it's time for a little bit of revenge to
1296s reinforce please pick up your next puck
1299s show it to the camera and tell us how
1301s your squad can avoid the penalty box aka
1303s getting kicked out of the tournament by
1305s losing
1307s here we go what do we got johnny
1308s washington justice they're gonna get the
1311s job done the k is back with a vengeance
1314s they're playing the toronto defiant
1316s screw the home crowd all right go down
1318s they haven't started the video yet
1320s play the video let's go assassin with
1323s the blade look at him tearing the dallas
1325s fuel apart all right this was not dallas
1327s fuel playing a week this was the
1328s washington justice being strong all
1330s right there's the villain in the sports
1332s league they're about to get the job done
1334s and play spoiler for the toronto defiant
1337s home stand this was supposed to be the
1338s homecoming for defiance this was
1340s supposed to be the breakout stage they
1341s got the four seed they looked amazing
1343s though look at the k look at him just
1345s clicking here it's boom and then all
1347s those on the right here
1349s i mean this stuff is incredible all
1351s right people are sleeping on the
1353s washington justice this is one of the
1354s best damage views in the entire league
1356s and you got opener he's not just an
1358s opener he's a closer in this backline
1360s the way he's about to drop these sound
1361s barriers for his team to counter some of
1362s these rampages coming out from hotbab
1364s hotbar more like cold by after this game
1370s grilling on this brick as well he's
1371s about to throw all the armor packs
1373s required for assassin to finally stay
1375s alive and not be like top three worst
1376s steps in the entire league washington
1378s justice i tell you you gotta put your
1380s confidence in these guys they look solid
1382s as heck they're thick they're
1384s oiled up all everything you need
1390s how could you not love this squad right
1392s here
1393s the thick and oiled up comment is the
1395s only thing i agreed with during that
1397s rant
1398s and that is worth three points and i
1400s held up two fingers again because it's
1402s finally back to you my australian friend
1404s by process of elimination i think you
1406s know that you got florida but pick it up
1409s anyway show us the puck and tell us how
1411s this team can catch lightning in a
1413s bottle look at me goomba look at me
1414s florida mayhem
1416s you've got this baby double flex support
1419s is the future and is the truth of this
1421s leak no one else actually knows how to
1423s play this game goomba is just a mega
1425s brain he has 500 iq and he has solved
1428s the problem the double flex support yes
1430s it might not have been
1432s but when you got so much and you got
1434s rupaul in the back line anything can
1436s happen these guys are actually
1437s mechanically insane and people don't
1440s give them enough credit because what
1441s they're pulling off when it works is
1443s incredible
1444s yeah they're going up against the
1446s vancouver tower yeah they have a spire
1447s but deeply his iron shoulder is weak
1450s from being not on a team for the
1451s gladiators so far this yeah
1453s he's gonna try and iron shoulder them in
1455s the in the hallway and it's just not
1456s even gonna work he's going to fall over
1459s just like the vancouver titans the
1461s florida mayhem on the back of someone's
1463s incredible rookie leadership will hit
1465s another level they're incredible
1467s rookie leadership exactly those i'm just
1469s going to throw as many adjectives
1472s you're buying in you would not even
1473s believe this guy when they win you're
1475s going to see someone's dance moves and
1476s you're just going to be on the high
1477s train they're going to go all the way
1479s they might win the entire tournament
1481s it's going to be easy for the florida
1483s gonna be super duper easy ladies and
1486s gentlemen you heard it here first every
1489s single match on today's west broadcast
1492s will be an upset call your bookie get
1494s your numbers in right now all right
1496s gentlemen as we head to a short break we
1498s don't want to go anywhere quite yet
1500s because we got to remind people we got a
1502s big matchup coming up here to kick off
1504s today london spitfire versus dallas fuel
1507s it's the first battle live in toronto
1509s we'll talk about it when we come back
1516s [Music]
1520s so
1524s [Music]
1535s right
1540s [Music]
1561s [Music]
1581s [Music]
1597s bye
1602s [Music]
1627s [Music]
1640s [Music]
1653s [Music]
1693s watchpoint is back and so are your
1694s favorite human beings it's pocket
1696s alongside custa and reinforced
1698s reinforced just lost the battle of the
1700s upset salesman
1701s i was so convincing the champion sold me
1704s hard i don't think a top seed is going
1706s to win today but if they do it might
1708s happen here gentlemen the first battle
1710s of the day the london spitfire take on
1712s the dallas fuel and the field well they
1715s came out a bit flaccid yesterday johnny
1717s we touched on it with the justice taking
1719s 2-0 but then we saw a reverse sweep
1721s after some hero swap so how can they
1724s avoid a slow start today is it more than
1727s just the sojourn
1728s no come out play the soldier all right
1730s is that convincing enough for you pocket
1732s all right come out playing the sojourn
1734s because a lot of spitfire especially
1736s they know how to counter the ash they
1738s beat the truth of the fire twice when
1740s toronto placed that ass all right edison
1742s avoid the ash play the sojourn get us
1746s clean 3-0 all right that's the goal
1748s right there easy job clean 3-0 that is
1751s going to be the key on the other side
1752s the one in spitfire made sure that
1754s they're the enemy of the people here in
1755s toronto everyone cheering against them
1758s after they beat the defiant i assume uh
1760s it's a huge matchup today costas so how
1763s do you pull off this win right now if
1766s you're going to get it done and earn
1768s some love from everyone in that venue
1772s for both of these teams it's like really
1774s comes down to just the synergistic we
1775s can talk about the hitscan matchup of
1777s edison versus sparker but i actually
1780s want to take a look at the backline
1781s because we have two very different lucio
1783s support appreciation day appreciation
1785s day we got to think about the lucios
1787s because they matter too and this is chio
1790s versus admiral this is the qualifiers
1792s lucio head to head and you can see the
1793s differences in their playstyle admiral
1796s likes to play with the team less
1797s aggressive get more of that healing
1799s probably using those amps up for healing
1801s less than speed while chio he just
1803s exists in your background he has more
1805s final blows he has more hero damage and
1807s you see that in his gameplay when you go
1809s just yesterday this is their stats and
1811s it tells the exact same picture look at
1813s how little healing chio is doing
1815s aggression is the name of the game for
1816s him which is a double-edged sword if he
1818s is not getting value from that
1820s aggression not getting those final blows
1822s it could turn back on them so keep an
1824s eye out for this the london spitfire
1826s will have more healing but the dallas
1827s fuel will have more offensive prowess
1829s and are we going to see any zenyattas or
1831s anas or is it 100 gonna be lucio's for
1834s these two players no these two players
1835s are pretty much known as lucio players
1838s we have some players in here who can
1840s play some flex support if they want to
1842s but for the most part these guys this is
1844s their comfort this is the hero that they
1845s want to be on and i would expect to be
1847s them to be on it the entire series i
1848s mean look at these six sick eliminations
1851s that we're scoring here on lucio
1853s honestly though you're a support player
1855s i can't play support because i don't
1856s like to help my teammates but custa what
1858s is the most impressive thing you can do
1860s currently in the 5v5 meta as lucio in
1863s this meta jokes is exactly like goats a
1865s matter that i played in had mixed
1867s success in uh that we can talk about but
1869s the big thing is about getting that
1871s aggression it's about getting that
1872s little bit of extra value you can just
1874s sit back there and heal everyone and
1876s just sort of speed everyone around but
1878s the best players in the world the best
1880s lucios in the world are the ones who are
1881s getting more done and you need to get
1883s environmental kills you need to be
1885s pushing around the tanks and you need to
1886s be a threat at all times while staying
1888s alive it's so easy to get picked off
1890s we've seen it from some other lucio so
1892s far this stage i want to see pat okay in
1894s place from them well the support line
1895s are always the unsung heroes of the
1897s squad but reinforce tell us about the
1899s people who truly deserve the blame when
1901s the team loses a fight
1903s no what is this what is this garbage is
1906s spewing out all right yeah tanks are the
1908s most important role there's only one
1910s tank all right so you better take care
1911s of that tank player all right it's going
1912s to be
1913s versus hottie oh by the way that rant
1915s was very annoying for me because as a
1916s tank player i don't like to get booped i
1918s don't like to get boosed by lucio's
1919s alright
1921s it's one thing to avoid if you're a tank
1922s player but comparing these two tank
1924s players today you got han bin
1926s the best junker queen in the league i'm
1928s just going to claim that all right
1929s london is the best during queen i'm not
1931s arguing with it you can see yourself the
1932s offensive stats here or the damage final
1933s blows he's on top over hardy but hardy
1936s he gets more use out of that rampage and
1938s rampage is the best ultimate in the game
1940s right now if you have a team that
1942s follows up on your rampages that's going
1944s to be a massive boon for your team so i
1947s really do think that when these two
1948s players go head to head yeah anvin you
1950s know he might you know swing some axes
1952s in you know hit some daggers and you
1953s know pull some players oh that looks
1955s cool and all but hadi he has the
1957s potential to really take a lap around
1959s hanbin here the way he suggests with his
1961s team the way he uses these rampages
1963s that's going to be a huge difference
1965s maker here so if patty can come out with
1967s his team and he can get amped up and i'm
1969s not talking about some lucio speeders or
1971s anything i'm talking about push-ups live
1973s on stage that's going to get his team
1975s rallied that's going to help them
1976s synergize with his ultimate usage and
1978s that's going to be a big difference
1980s maker for the london spitzfire so are
1982s you convinced about this bucket i
1984s confused about this i i like hodman
1986s right i'm liking these clips
1991s ready to take the stage once again
1995s uh silence the folks in toronto or make
1997s them cheer that's mutual in this fight
1999s that's meant to warfare that right there
2000s you look across the stage and the other
2002s tank player is doing push-ups you're
2003s going to get self-conscious you're like
2004s should i do push-ups do i need to be
2006s doing more you need to do something
2008s oh come on gentlemen i guess you're
2010s losing
2011s supports that blah blah blah important
2013s matchups but i got the real showdown we
2016s all need to look at that of course is
2019s sparkle versus sparkler let's take a
2021s look at this battle of the dps because
2024s when you compare these two whoa the
2026s ombre versus now brave man sparker
2028s versus sparkle we got a noun versus a
2030s verb one of them has an e which one well
2033s you can see it for yourself six letters
2035s to five two numbers to zero when it all
2038s comes down to the anagram though who do
2040s we give the edge to custom ah cat plus i
2043s don't think is a good one i it just
2045s doesn't really make sense rk raps
2047s vodka has the edge on this one honestly
2049s i just love sparkler on the stage his
2051s interview yesterday with danny was so
2053s cute he is ready to go up against the
2055s fuel and they are going to need him on
2058s this spitfire all jokes aside gentlemen
2060s we have some fantastic matches and it's
2063s time to reveal our picks for today's
2065s match let's show it to the people we're
2067s all going the same way right those
2069s surprises here huh
2072s oh burning blue we're shocking it all
2075s and is that a mayhem pick first
2078s washington
2079s with washington
2081s oh no i don't know if you can see my
2083s pick on the left toronto i got your back
2085s in this six let's shut them up and make
2087s some noise as we celebrate ladies and
2090s gentlemen that is the picks from our
2092s experts get your picks in right now
2094s that's gonna do it for watchpoint we got
2096s london we got dallas all live from
2099s toronto and it's coming up here live on
2102s the overwatch week we'll be right back
2103s you got this toronto
2105s [Music]
2114s bastard as soon as they're low the
2116s reaction time on sparkle is insane the
2119s blade generation is gonna be cracked
2121s he's killed four is sparkle getting the
2124s ace
2125s oh
2126s oh
2127s that's a big one but although he's
2128s leading the charge and he has a blade
2130s here so although brings the building
2132s down reinforcements are gonna be on the
2134s way trying to dodge what a hit what a
2135s kill on this fire that is absolutely
2137s ridiculous
2146s played for proper nice d flag look at
2148s him go like five kills just like that a
2151s blink of an eye quick team kill as mira
2153s is tossing in the front line a four man
2155s ante vancouver titans are going to wipe
2159s them off the map comes full
2162s that is ungodly another one absolutely
2166s demolished
2173s [Music]
2174s day number two of the summer showdown
2178s tournament rose we're live in toronto
2182s day number one was it was a banger uh
2184s maybe not for the hometown audience of
2186s toronto london took them down on their
2189s stage we'll see if toronto can fare a
2190s little bit better today
2192s but game number one london spitfire in
2194s the dallas fuel it's gonna be a good
2196s time there's me a lot of close games
2198s already honestly all of today's matches
2201s look so good on paper and i cannot wait
2204s to see how the action plays out
2205s especially because kicking off today
2207s it's the battle of the blue here yeah
2209s it's gonna be great yeah london spitfire
2211s and the dallas fuel are taken to the
2212s stage first up i i just honestly can't
2215s believe we're in a position where uh
2218s we're doing atlantic it feels so nice
2220s and we're in day number two already this
2221s is going to go in the blink of an eye i
2223s almost guarantee it's going to suck i'm
2224s going to be real but obviously
2226s grandfather is also going to be a pretty
2227s damn hype so make sure you look forward
2229s to that and the teams are fighting for a
2231s position there too
2232s you want to come first you want to get
2233s as many league points as possible
2236s two teams and well one team the dallas
2238s fuel have proven their excellence in
2240s this meta the london spitfire though
2242s looking to take him down i mean i'm
2244s actually really surprised that danny
2246s didn't predict the london spitfire here
2248s where is your allegiance danny what no
2252s well no i'll give you a little insight
2254s in the green room a little bit earlier
2255s on danny did say he'd shave his head if
2258s london won
2259s so
2260s okay so he doesn't he really doesn't
2261s want to predict london to win because he
2263s doesn't want to shave his head exactly
2264s that's why he's on the field side a
2265s little bit biased there maybe maybe a
2267s little bit he doesn't really want to
2268s lose all of his hair maybe chad he can
2270s actually do it if he uh if he wins well
2272s yeah he's going to get the chatty
2273s haircut exactly maybe some press ups on
2275s the stage and a little bit of a haircut
2276s yeah i mean look london yesterday beat
2278s toronto to fight was it the push-ups not
2280s sure they beat him on the on the home
2281s stage which is kind of insane they just
2283s weren't phased by all the booze and
2285s obviously it's is kind of nice charlie
2287s just brushed off his shoulder like a any
2288s good player did sparker actually did a
2290s good interview at the end there a little
2291s bit nervous but you know playing on
2292s stage against uh and winning against a
2294s team that has a lot of fans in the
2296s audience it's not even that though too
2298s toronto defiant came into this
2299s tournament as one of the favorites as
2300s well because of their performance that
2302s they put on in the qualifiers leading up
2304s to the summer showdown so i think that
2307s was definitely something that london you
2309s know like they had a big battle
2311s yesterday but they have an even bigger
2313s battle today oh yes they do
2316s i think it's about time we bring london
2318s onto the stage so give a big round of
2320s applause to the london
2322s spitfire
2326s [Applause]
2332s [Music]
2336s not as many boozes i thought that would
2337s be gonna be real i want to see how he do
2339s some more of those push-ups
2340s i've got to be honest maybe that was her
2342s secret sauce running into this but i
2343s think so this team has had another like
2346s big come up from a meta where they
2348s shifted it completely into their favor
2350s running the rhine rush now to the junker
2352s queen and had he really stepping up to
2353s that role and i think one of the reasons
2355s why we saw london spitfire yesterday
2356s just play so well with the junker queen
2358s is because it really does lend itself to
2361s that kind of reinhardt rush style where
2363s if you're playing against the ash which
2364s is what he see was running yesterday
2366s just run at the enemy team they're so
2370s good at pressing the w key yeah pretty
2372s good they're pretty good damn good at
2373s that we saw some lucio stats earlier on
2375s too the chio versus admiral heads heads
2378s gonna be pretty damn interesting that is
2379s for sure spark has also been pretty
2381s cracked on the sojourn yeah he has
2384s absolutely i think that when you look at
2386s how dallas fuel has been playing the
2388s game they played a lot of the ash so far
2390s but yesterday they did switch over to
2392s the sojourn but when you look at the
2393s sojourn head-to-head between sparker and
2396s edison
2396s that's where things get really tricky
2399s because sparker does lead in almost
2401s every single stat actually i lied it's
2404s every single stat sparker's just ahead
2406s by a lot well dallas fuel are going to
2408s make sure
2409s they remain ahead remember they were
2410s undefeated coming
2412s into the tournament qualifiers beating
2414s the san francisco shot giving them their
2416s first loss of the year
2418s let's bring out dallas onto the stage
2420s please give a warm welcome to the dallas
2423s for yule
2425s [Applause]
2431s [Applause]
2435s another team with a gargantuan fan base
2438s a lot of people have been following
2440s these players since their time back in
2442s the korean contenders like it was
2444s already a matter of time before edison
2445s stepped up to the league and it's been
2447s good to see him perform can he show up
2449s against sparker maybe london do get a
2451s slight lambo beating the favorites in
2452s the toronto defiant yesterday the dallas
2455s fuel flying club mentors though rose
2458s almost got 3-0 by the washington justice
2460s but just smacked him around with a
2462s reverse sweep oh the reverse sweep was
2464s something else too a dallas fuel
2466s identified that the ash was just a
2468s little too passive and even with chio's
2469s interview yesterday you could hear that
2471s chio and sparkle just really like to
2473s play this aggressive game with that
2474s lucio and genji but the ash because it's
2477s a little bit more passive and plays more
2479s defensive didn't really lend itself to
2481s that style but let's go dallas they are
2484s here to play today and it looks like
2486s they're all smiles so far sparklers
2488s always got a grin on his face every time
2489s i see him there's no there's not a
2490s moment in time where he hasn't got a big
2491s smile step up the stage is going to be
2493s big he and he's been playing on stage
2495s too mind you since he was like 14 15
2497s years old like
2499s god damn has that experience another
2501s another amazing personality and harm
2503s been to another big smile on his face
2505s and he should be one of the best junker
2507s queens we have currently in the league
2508s yeah absolutely i mean we saw the stats
2511s that we the death broke down and even
2513s going into this tournament han bin was
2515s one of the top junker queens just by a
2519s lot and so when you look at also how
2521s they performed yesterday honven is still
2523s living up to the hype on that junker
2524s queen i just want to see them continue
2526s with that aggression because that's
2527s really how they took down washington
2528s justice yesterday yeah look look
2531s i love support players i really do i'm
2533s with scott on that one on the desk i
2534s don't want to hear johnny ever again
2536s about how tank is an underappreciated
2538s role okay look you've got a new hero we
2541s haven't yet
2542s hey so the support's just like that's
2544s such a thankless role too
2546s you know it is johnny yeah
2548s johnny i'm not gonna play uh blaine
2550s parker he's a dps player i can do it
2552s once yeah tank players need us more than
2554s the dps players need us yeah but the
2556s chio versus admiral um head ted and
2558s malucia was also kind of crazy chio
2559s loves to go aggro and so do london so
2562s it's gonna be
2563s probably a bloodbath well you saw it
2565s from the stats as well though it really
2566s does back up that london spitfire puts a
2569s lot of emphasis on making sure that they
2571s stay alive and something else that backs
2574s up that just lucio sustainability is
2577s just how well hottie has been able to
2579s make use of the junker queen abilities
2581s you know the wound being able to get
2583s that bleed and kind of get some of that
2585s health back has been really nice with
2587s those rampage kills as well hottie just
2589s does have some of the best wound up time
2592s as well as those rampage kills yeah it's
2594s pretty big and he
2596s not dying as much as honda saw the stuff
2598s yes absolutely
2600s but that's kind of ride or die with
2601s dallas right i mean they're either all
2603s in or they're all out maybe that's one
2605s of the reasons why humming's got uh a
2607s lot of deaths i have to wait and see
2609s two teams in blue too which is uh yeah
2612s i like it blue's a great color
2614s favorite color oh yeah you're wearing
2615s blue yeah well you're wearing blue
2618s uh yeah blue and yellow i suppose mostly
2620s blue white blues and favorite colors
2622s yeah same yeah there you go but it is it
2624s is insane and
2626s looking at the results from yesterday
2628s dallas fuel reverse sweeping the
2630s washington justice but it very much felt
2632s like a decay moment right it's like oh
2635s decay is on stage and he's clicking on
2637s people's heads and everybody's just
2638s dying but the dallas fuel coming back
2640s from that is kind of a big feat maybe
2643s that is a little bit on washington
2644s choking at the very end there but they
2646s have been from formidable on stage well
2649s the biggest difference was when edison
2651s switched over to the soldier and that's
2652s really when the reverse sweeps started
2654s coming through for the dallas fuel and
2656s they were able to play way more
2657s aggressively with that hero but i wonder
2659s if dallas fuel is kind of feeling
2661s themselves can they go back to the ash
2663s for edison can they play that on lijiang
2666s they did pick this map but what's
2668s interesting about the map stats for both
2670s of these teams just this stage is that
2672s there is
2674s they're pretty similar in terms of their
2675s win rate
2678s all right lee zhang tao is our first map
2681s that's what it looks like
2682s all day today
2684s which would be kind of nice yeah it's
2685s first map for for every every matchup
2688s we've got today so i hope you hope you
2690s like lichen
2691s i like lucian yeah so it's a beautiful
2694s map of course it's night and day time
2695s too uh with the different modes i wonder
2697s if that's going to be standardized at
2699s one point whether we only play on day
2700s only play all night not sure
2702s this just has to be renamed market it
2704s can't be night market anymore i'm
2706s standing by but they still like it
2707s but what if it's only open at night
2710s well i don't care it's day time here
2712s yeah but it's closed now
2714s but but it's still the market the day
2716s yeah but it's closed so it's not a
2717s market it was closed right but the shops
2719s still exist yeah there's no people in
2721s the shops so
2723s so it's night mark except for the night
2727s i'm gonna die on this in the cake i
2728s don't care i'm gonna die on this hill
2730s team
2731s they're on my side you know what they
2733s probably are it's fine
2735s it's okay it's it's beautiful either way
2737s but let's talk about the match at hand
2738s here london and dallas getting ready to
2741s come out of the gates and dallas looking
2743s to use that symmetra teleporter from
2744s sparkle just to try to beat london
2746s spitfire to the punch and edison right
2749s now is on the soldier
2751s all right yeah that's the change that
2752s you wanted to see a lot more fast pace
2755s you've got to be if you're against the
2757s london spitfire oh
2759s good first blood sparkle taking down uh
2761s spark her
2762s they highlighted how many letters
2764s sparkle has uh versus
2766s london spitfire sparker this time his
2768s sparkle coming out on top land also
2770s falls this aggression that we wanted to
2771s see from the dallas fuel already quite
2773s apparent oh spark with three kills to
2776s start off and dallas fuel end up capping
2779s well what's really interesting is you
2780s can see that sparkle and chill right now
2782s are playing together as a unit like they
2784s want to be able to do and with edison on
2786s the sojourn it really does allow dallas
2788s to play this faster-paced game they're
2790s gonna be focusing down sparker sparker
2793s has the ability to get these pop-off
2795s moments and take out somebody before the
2797s fight even begins so if dallas can take
2799s out that massive threat they're not
2800s worried about that so much anymore
2803s spark was not
2805s that much ahead of uh backbone kind of
2806s all charged right now
2808s slow and steady dallas food don't really
2810s want to give up positioning they trying
2811s to bait london spitfire between these
2812s doors a clutch commanding shot from
2814s hardy to try and keep himself alive but
2816s the over aggression from fuel they're
2817s not punished at all you can see sparkle
2819s dashing back to the rest of his team
2821s and with hardly dead london spitfire
2823s have to make a decision they either go
2824s in off of uh
2825s some damage some poke from backbone and
2827s spark or they have to back all the way
2829s out this indecisiveness might cost them
2831s here as london gets taken pretty low
2832s back by reflecting a lot of that damage
2834s but look at that harvey just rushes in a
2836s double carnage kill from the jumper
2838s queen the dash fuel do end up losing
2840s sparkle but look how he jumps back into
2842s the fight instantly taken care of as the
2844s dallas fuel just continue to control the
2846s point i mean sparkle is just getting so
2849s many resources from the dallas fuel not
2851s only is chio there with that healing but
2854s also that speed boost but fielder is
2856s also saving a lot of those armor packs
2858s for sparkle specifically and now just
2861s like that sparkle does have the dragon
2863s blade online
2865s but you know is admiral going to use the
2866s beat for this can dallas fuel really
2868s force admiral can i just go in with it
2869s first
2875s there's a lot of over health so london
2877s spitfire have to back off sparkle almost
2879s gets taken down there's the play for a
2880s sparkle as backbone gets eliminated the
2883s bt come out from the spitfire but it
2884s only hit four and sparkle just waits
2886s that over health out and dives back in
2888s to get some additional damage a nice
2889s little commanding shout to push the rest
2892s of the dallas fuel out they want to make
2893s this last fight as edison takes care of
2895s admiral he's going pretty low in the 1v1
2897s versus sparker and he comes up the
2899s better but it is a trait oh and they
2901s can't touch
2902s oh backbone
2904s just caught on the lip of that window he
2906s couldn't actually get onto the point and
2907s trigger ot i mean
2909s playing round one they do claim round
2910s one i mean even if backbone had gotten
2913s there dallas had picked off so many
2915s members of london spitfire that backbone
2917s probably didn't have the sustainability
2919s in order to actually bring that overtime
2921s into a round flip but they get to go
2924s again let's see if we see any changes
2926s here but i'm not expecting too many
2928s edison feels really comfortable on the
2930s sojourn right now and sparkle as well
2932s that symmetra teleporter really did help
2934s to make sure that dallas fuel could get
2936s the positioning that they wanted to in
2937s that first round despite the fact that
2939s london spitfire made it to the point
2941s first dallas just going to go ahead and
2943s rush in to teleporter also allows hanbin
2945s to save that commanding shout for when
2947s they want to actually start engaging in
2949s the fight
2950s tv strat yeah
2952s way quicker
2953s i'm going to take a fighting server room
2955s though it looks like they want to hold
2956s around the outside it's a little bit
2958s better mind you if you put yourself in
2959s the shoes of edison there's a very small
2961s doorway you have to go through so the
2962s right clicks might be easier to land so
2964s backbone's already gone in he goes for
2965s the dash kill onto edison there's a
2967s commanding shot to sustain it as well as
2969s sparker this time london are on top the
2971s dallas fuel make an executive decision
2973s to back out rather quickly someone
2975s they'd be very good at rose is just
2978s like the neural network is completely
2979s linked between every player of the
2981s dallas fuel they know when to go in they
2982s know when to go out and they work as a
2984s high five yes i was about to say that's
2986s what i was thinking as well but they're
2987s already back too that's what allows you
2989s with a quick
2990s switch around double disruptive shot
2992s doesn't really result in all of anything
2994s but look at the health bars the london
2995s spitfire fire right now hardy and spark
2997s are going pretty low and they actually
2998s give up the point for free you got to
3000s wait for that sustainability to come
3001s back online before you can move in but
3003s he's down now dallas you're going to
3004s capitalize on this yeah yeah yeah yeah
3006s miss step there from london spitfire
3008s they need to get healed a little bit
3010s quicker so they could feed themselves in
3011s the fight infinite reflection there from
3014s sparkling backbone just reflecting each
3016s other's shots back at each other
3018s dallas fuel now they control what kind
3020s of spitfire do to come back they're not
3021s really near any ultimate spark was the
3023s closest one 10 towards that blade yeah
3024s and admiral right now is sitting on 70
3026s of that sound barrier so that's not even
3028s a viable option to try to respond to
3030s that blade but sparkle has been finding
3032s so much value dallas you'll get the cool
3034s sparkle's got that blade online already
3036s and he's going to pull it april's no way
3037s near that b like you were saying bro
3038s sparkle goes pretty low and actually
3040s taken down by landon in amongst the
3041s chaos abroad does end up falling over
3043s and london spitfire now don't have that
3045s speed boost to march on it they still
3046s got a fair bit of heels that means the
3048s dallas fuel have to rely on edison
3050s getting a shot onto the back line
3052s backbone goes pretty low jumps back to
3053s mega health pack using that reflect and
3056s now getting healed up slowly april's
3058s going to be able to come back into the
3059s fight but the dallas fuel are going to
3060s march over with that beats a headshot to
3062s hardy ends his life and backbone sees
3064s that as a signal to back away the dallas
3066s feel once again come out on top as the
3068s london spitfire now eventually have alts
3071s that they've been building this whole
3072s round i mean london though they were
3073s really hoping that admiral soundberry
3075s would be able to get back online they
3076s were able to contest that point for so
3078s long but it just wasn't there chio beat
3081s them to the punch able to use that sound
3083s barrier to play a little bit more
3084s aggressively and just stop the fight in
3086s its tracks but now elise admiral did
3088s hold on to it could go in with the
3089s double support ultimates here but
3091s fielder goes first look at the agency
3092s from the london sp the dallas fuel right
3094s now always marching on forward backbone
3096s hitting four people at a time with these
3098s swings from the blade unreal value
3100s doesn't matter how many support
3101s awesomeness you have if multiple people
3104s are getting hit with the dragonblade is
3105s still doing enough for the rest of
3107s london to finish the uh the dallas fuel
3109s dps off lunges pitfall will end up
3111s getting the cap but dallas have 87 i
3114s mean this is what we expect from
3115s backbone though even yesterday watching
3116s that match
3118s backbone just took a little bit to kind
3120s of ramp up to being able to get that
3121s value from those blades but i'm
3123s expecting to see backbone able to
3125s convert that dragonblade energy into
3127s kills
3129s sparkler can hold on to his if london
3131s smith i can just survive this overclock
3132s they might be good rallies coming out
3134s from london too you can see how passive
3136s spark is playing right now he wants to
3137s go and peek with the overhead so he
3139s doesn't get one shot back bone and
3141s fielder end up trading much better for
3143s the dallas fuel but they actually get
3144s hit with a three-man rampage now they're
3145s in trouble sparkle leaps forward finds a
3148s kill on joshio but a reflection kill
3150s from sparkle will end his life a rather
3152s scrappy fight on the outside of this
3154s point harping is all alone he hasn't got
3156s many heels left and landed with a nice
3158s double kill onto the front line the
3160s dallas fuel as they continue to hold
3162s they burnt a lot of ultimates in that
3164s fight though they did but i mean the
3165s london spitfire that's something that
3166s they're really good at is executing that
3168s patience to hold on to those ultimates
3170s until they know they have that advantage
3172s in ultimate economy now it really is
3174s about admiral and cheo who's going to
3175s get to that sound barrier first right
3177s now chia was leading the charge he was
3178s able to beat admiral but london spitfire
3181s they played a little bit more passively
3182s so they have that health sustainability
3184s online maybe they can hold out
3187s eddie looking for a cheeky right click
3190s trying to peak one of those supports he
3191s can see the lucio kind of diving in that
3193s corner has to use the power slide to get
3195s away that's kind of unfortunate
3197s and now the dallas fuel are making their
3199s approach there's the beat oh landon
3201s didn't see that one coming london
3202s spitfire have nothing absolutely not
3205s well sparkle pulled okay well i mean uh
3207s yeah intimidation blade i suppose i
3209s guess so sparkle was the uh sparkle was
3211s the only one to survive he's actually
3212s getting chased down by the dallas fuel
3214s they're not gonna be able to touch maybe
3216s backbone gets there but he hasn't got a
3217s dash reset and look shio's just hugging
3219s at the point for dear life to boop
3221s anybody away and just like that the
3224s dallas fuel
3225s running over the london spitfire that
3227s first round definitely favorable for the
3230s dallas fuel that second round a little
3232s bit closer there london spitfire holding
3234s onto those ultimates for the perfect
3236s time to at least be able to get 99 to
3238s 100 so dallas though
3241s let's see what they got edison looking
3243s real warmed up on that sojourn today
3245s just the speed
3247s from the dallas fuel the way they're
3248s playing right now we said it might be a
3250s bit of a bloodbath and it was london
3252s just cannot keep up to that tempo
3255s fire burning quicker than a jet plane
3257s can fly
3258s enough to see what happens in map number
3259s two it's gonna be london's pick after
3261s this
3288s [Music]
3296s [Music]
3304s [Music]
3325s [Music]
3336s [Music]
3353s [Music]
3368s [Applause]
3377s [Music]
3416s foreign
3474s oh
3477s [Music]
3523s is
3527s [Music]
3534s dallas fuel burning pretty bright
3536s already with a clean 2-0 on lee zhang
3540s tower it's har mid time
3543s time
3544s pretty excited about how hombin has been
3546s playing too because he's just been kind
3549s of tearing through the london spitfire
3551s those rampages
3553s they've been capitalized and followed up
3555s upon and i think a lot of that has to do
3558s with how sparkle has really been playing
3560s on the genji just to follow up on those
3562s low rampage targets
3564s yeah i mean just the speed at which
3567s harman is playing is kind of crazy and
3569s that's what you want right you want to
3571s throw i mean spitfire in this case but
3573s the enemy team off-kilter you just want
3574s to play at your own kind of tempo that's
3576s one of the reasons why london did so
3577s well against uh the toronto defiant they
3579s knew that they at the toronto were
3582s playing a little bit more passively
3584s because he do love to play the ash a
3585s little bit more a slow comp compared to
3587s the sojourn and they were able to pay at
3589s their own speed can they shift up now to
3593s the speed of the fuel well i think
3594s that's something that london spitfire
3596s are so good at is identifying those
3598s weaknesses or maybe those kind of
3600s vulnerability points of their opponents
3603s but unfortunately the vulnerability
3605s point i would have expected to see in
3608s this match would have been the sojourn
3609s versus sojourn but edison has been
3612s performing really well has a lot of that
3613s damage under control but also the way
3615s that sparkle and cheo are focusing down
3617s sparker has made it a little bit more
3619s difficult for him to actually get the
3621s value that we want to see on that
3622s sojourn
3625s okay map number two
3639s all right this was spitfire's pick but
3641s dallas fuel actually gets their
3643s choice of where they want to start
3644s either attack or defense so dallas fuel
3646s will start on the defense and that has a
3648s lot to do with london spitfire's win
3651s percentage on this map it's 100 they're
3654s 3-0 i know that's not a huge sample size
3656s but they did get wins over the houston
3658s outlaws and toronto defiant on this map
3662s and it's always when they've started on
3663s the defense so dallas fuel just gonna go
3665s ahead and take that advantage away from
3667s them
3670s we can see any ash here do you reckon
3673s you could definitely see it on the first
3674s point so this is where i have the
3677s questions is like is edison gonna feel
3678s comfortable in the ash you can totally
3680s play it on first point so i would kind
3682s of expect to see that and a lot of why
3685s ash is so prominent on that first point
3687s is because you have all of these entry
3689s ways that those dynamites which edison's
3692s gonna have because he's on the ash right
3694s now on the defense will be very valuable
3697s he's to charge up that bob so fast you
3699s can even see like as we kind of fly
3701s through the map here those choke points
3703s that london spitfire will have to
3705s aggress through
3707s super good for getting that dynamite
3708s value
3709s yeah even like the on the point that
3711s little shop the little fruit shop yeah
3713s where a lot of attacking teams like to
3714s try to go to kind of force the that
3716s enemy towards them yeah it's uh
3718s disruption is pretty decent in there but
3720s like dynamite uh you can't run away from
3722s dynamite unfortunately unless you're
3723s escaping the blast radius all right
3724s backbone what you got son is he gonna
3726s get the grapple this time
3728s oh yeah mr grapple last time around he's
3730s got it this time don't worry he was uh
3732s practicing yesterday
3733s is that chio well yeah he's in the
3735s skybox you know yeah of course you know
3737s the vibes yeah no chia's not a frog he's
3739s like a falcon i don't know he's a
3741s jumping tree frog
3743s a little threesome jump around on this
3745s man that's for sure all right let's see
3746s how uh london spitfire end up attacking
3748s this they do have the sergeant if they
3749s want to rush to point or get on the high
3751s ground push away uh edison looks like
3754s backbone is going to make uh the first
3756s incision with the shurikens and look
3758s edison's getting chased away but appeal
3759s for the dallas fuel is kind of crazy
3761s backbone forced to use that to dash and
3762s reflect already dallas fuel are quite
3765s split up in fact they've traded places
3767s with the london spitfire for the most
3768s part anderson still remains quite
3771s protected by the rest of the fuel he's
3773s used that coach gun to get back on his
3775s side of the map and april actually gets
3776s taken out they're not really paying
3778s attention to edison right now but they
3780s probably should do they end up trading a
3782s sparkle also falls but that dynamite's
3784s pretty big backbone's gonna die to it
3786s two members down for the london spitfire
3788s sparker the only one that can open this
3789s one up but it's not gonna happen and a
3791s quick kill for hamid nice little start
3794s on the defense for the field look at how
3796s much value edison's been getting to both
3798s addison and sparkle 60 and counting on
3801s their ultimates but also when you look
3804s at the support race too
3806s fielder and chio just right now they're
3808s doing so much healing so much damage
3810s chio in the sky box how are you supposed
3812s to hit him unless admiral goes after him
3813s but he's sticking with the team the big
3815s thing about these comps two rows is you
3817s know they take a long time to end these
3818s fights most of the time and the half the
3820s time bank has gone off of one push
3822s pretty much they're gonna set up but
3824s london needs to be able to make a mark
3826s here if the flight goes the same amount
3827s of time then yeah your time bank is
3829s going to be zero before you even touch
3830s the point and with a kill like that at
3832s least i mean grace gracefully uh london
3834s spitfire can back off dallas fuel
3837s they're gonna have to wait again they
3838s don't overextend either if they end up
3839s going down it's disaster but the pope
3841s pressure the dallas fuels putting on
3842s london spitfire right now actually makes
3844s it very difficult for them to disengage
3846s because dallas will push up really not
3848s allow london spitfire to get that
3852s territorial
3853s length that they kind of want to just
3855s kind of get away from the situation
3857s humbin two playing so aggressive
3859s backbone keeps jumping in so early yep
3862s blow spitfire moving at six bob's
3864s already available double rally coming
3866s out but london spitfire are already
3868s pretty weak edison hardy end up trading
3870s but sparkle's still holding on to that
3871s blade oh no at least the beast said to
3874s save her but he's still just trying to
3876s cut sparkle apart look at that look at
3878s the target priority from the dallas fuel
3880s there that over health from april's beat
3882s meant absolutely nothing it just didn't
3885s exist
3887s dallas fuel is putting a lot of focus on
3890s to backbone and sparker you know
3892s backbone's been jumping in really early
3894s that leaves that defensive mechanism
3896s with the deflect unavailable to really
3898s help out the back line and so when
3899s you're going after sparker you're going
3901s after landon you get those cooldowns on
3903s this line
3905s then all of a sudden you don't have that
3906s crowd control anymore to be able to deal
3907s with something like sparkle going after
3909s you i mean the bob's available backbone
3912s has to back out he's got no cooldowns
3913s left and the spitfire a little bit worse
3916s for when oh there's the bomb
3918s he's taking control of the car
3920s he's guarding it and these are actually
3922s guarding
3923s backbone in april who cannot reach the
3926s rest of the team because the bomb is
3927s just stood in their way the dallas fuel
3930s with an unbelievable defense
3933s they've already brought london spitfire
3935s down five seconds yes this is his final
3938s fight and it's really on sparker right
3940s now to get something done with this
3942s overclock but it's hunt been even gonna
3944s give them the chance han vin chio
3945s playing so aggressively in this match
3947s that haunted could just set up for a
3949s massive rampage right down maine and
3951s london spitfire might not know what hit
3952s them
3953s okay
3954s field taking the 1v1 versus backbone
3956s ramp he comes out from harmony but he's
3957s cancelled
3958s hardy with a meat shot does take him out
3960s but edison and field are just holding
3963s that high ground they erase landon and
3965s sparker but london spitfire still have
3967s one support and hardy on the point he's
3969s gonna get a fair bit of healing from his
3971s own passive after he hits those jagged
3973s blades and the carnages and it is
3975s sparkles chance now to just stall for
3978s long enough for harvin to get back the
3980s rampage hits two on the dallas fuel but
3982s now the fuel of backup is five again
3984s sparkle kills three because of course he
3986s does
3988s 78
3989s is all the spitfire gain on point a
3992s edison two just playing so far back on
3995s point
3996s really denied hottie a ton of point
3997s presence he would have needed to be able
3999s to stay in this match and get that
4001s overtime
4003s just continued
4005s i mean the damage diff right now between
4007s edison and sparker is kind of large
4010s spark are currently sitting at two and a
4011s half k damage edison near 5k
4015s like almost doubling that's a big
4018s differential like a lot of that is from
4020s the dynamites ash in general is going to
4022s get you know gold damage more often than
4023s not right um with the dynamites and the
4025s shots from long range um sparker is a
4028s sojourn just wants to get those head
4029s shots but still a disparity like that
4031s right now is not what you want to see no
4034s i think that's the problem with the ash
4035s versus the sojourn especially when it's
4037s in the hands of somebody as competent as
4040s edison is that those dynamites put so
4042s much pressure onto the enemy team that
4043s you really just don't have the ability
4045s to go in here's where things go wrong
4048s for london as sparkle
4051s actually does get hit by the rampage but
4054s he goes up and over to be able to get
4057s that massive pick onto admiral and
4059s landon and all of a sudden potty's just
4061s not there to be able to go back to
4064s reactivate that overtime
4066s yeah don't worry spark is still clean
4067s with it he's still clean with it yeah
4069s he's still got it all right downstairs
4071s on their offense now they're going to
4073s stick with that
4075s let's see if uh
4077s edison could find a first pick another
4079s spitfire have
4080s kind of a a tough mountain to climb now
4082s as they need to defend they got 78
4084s percent they got a little bit of leeway
4086s there
4087s yeah they can definitely afford maybe to
4090s give up some of the point if the going
4092s really gets tough but backbone look at
4094s how he's kind of playing by himself
4097s dallas fuel have done a great job of
4099s focusing down a target that has been
4100s isolated
4102s oh speaking about isolated targets i
4104s just didn't look like he wanted to try
4105s and peek onto sparkle there
4107s backbone just ignored by the backline of
4109s the dallas fuel did a fair bit of damage
4111s to fielder forcing him to back up just
4113s perma hold shield
4114s and uh with that kill he's still gonna
4116s be careful of london spitfire you gotta
4118s end this fight fast because edison is
4119s coming back rather quickly sparkle is
4121s behind use that reflect still got his
4123s dash available and he rejoins the rest
4125s of the team hardy is pretty low and in
4127s fact backbone sees an opening gets the
4129s dash reset off the fielder
4132s another pick for the spitfire is good
4134s again burning the time bank is there
4135s name of the game right now although
4137s hardy going down is not good edison is
4139s pretty low but the london spitfire just
4141s bleeding out right now as chio takes
4142s care of backbone backbone trying to make
4144s a hero play hardy's gonna be able to
4146s come back in a couple of moments but not
4148s before the dallas fuel can get on the
4149s point landon's gonna have to use the
4150s rally here that's gonna be huge for the
4152s sustainability they can't just back up
4154s like this the speed the dallas you're
4156s playing right now is a little bit insane
4158s a bit too much for the spitfire to
4159s currently deal with but that rally is
4161s going to hold them off for the time
4162s being no tick has been acquired by the
4164s fuel yet but they are holding on to that
4166s rally they eventually use it open
4168s sparkle can get that blade to end this
4170s fight landon's already dead and now the
4171s spitfire with almost no healing need
4173s that beat to come online it is ten
4175s percent away for the dallas still aren't
4176s even gonna let them get to it the blade
4178s has been pulled but it's already over
4180s sparker knows it too oh a nice headshot
4182s but uh yeah a little 1v4 from sparker
4185s not gonna happen
4187s london spitfire unable to keep up with
4189s the pace the momentum from the dallas
4191s fuel
4192s the granny shifting not double clutching
4194s like they should the dallas fuel with a
4196s quick and clean 2-0
4199s this is so good for them right now
4201s dallas fuel they just look like they
4203s know exactly how to deal with the london
4206s spitfire usually it's london trying to
4208s find those advantages against the
4210s opponent but this time around it really
4212s is dallas they know where they can
4215s exploit these dps in the back line and
4218s it's removing so much damage from the
4220s board
4222s it's heading out to be a
4224s quick series maybe hardy needs to get
4227s the floor do some more push-ups to get
4228s him back in
4230s because yeah that parisio
4232s or paraiso sorry sorry you corrected it
4234s was uh
4235s it was pretty damn oh they are happy
4237s happy birthday
4238s thank you
4239s [Music]
4240s it's uh it is a rough spot for london
4242s spitfire to be in can they come back
4245s reverse sweeps we've almost had them
4246s already in the summer showdown we'll
4248s have to wait and see after this break
4249s it's london's choice
4251s once again
4293s [Music]
4376s so
4474s [Music]
4477s hey yo new skin just dropped yes the
4480s summer showdown legendary skin is out
4483s right now 200 league tokens for the
4486s happy genji
4487s skin what if they put a little easter
4489s egg of a happy on there maybe a little
4492s little jpeg of happy somewhere hidden in
4494s the skin not sure but that's on sale uh
4496s right now for two hundred league tokens
4498s make sure you pick that up yeah i do
4499s like the fish in the back i'm gonna say
4501s that's for you that is uh yeah
4503s there's um you know what there is a
4505s shark in the game on ash's pool party
4508s skin or like the pool summer skin
4511s right on the gun there's a there's a
4513s dangly like shark at the very end of the
4515s game uh there's a shark on blizzard
4516s world too isn't there there is it's
4518s hanging upside down yeah yeah it's
4519s pretty sick
4520s more sharks in this game let's go
4522s more british bags in the audience let's
4524s go
4525s listen i there's some sharks in this
4527s game though right now in this match
4529s dallas fuel they're hungry they smell
4531s the blood in the water right now and
4533s that's going to be that 3-0 versus the
4534s london spitfire
4536s yes yes yes that british flag may need
4540s to be a little bit bigger yeah
4542s some more confidence
4543s i mean
4545s they are down 2-0 and it has been a
4546s couple of quick maps but
4548s you know you need that uh iron clad
4550s mental
4551s to be uh in with a chance to be the
4553s dallas fuel right now
4555s paddy's number one fan hmm comments do
4557s we uh get
4559s push back push up buff two push up push
4562s up buff yo true circuit royal is our
4564s next matt rose that was london's choice
4567s why do you think we're going in yeah so
4569s london has performed very well on
4572s circuit royale so far in this stage as
4574s like a 2-1 record so far one of those
4576s wins was over the toronto defiant i hate
4579s bringing this up in the home crowd i'm
4580s so sorry but it's just stats it's just
4583s facts everybody
4584s but yeah circuit it's um
4586s great scam map sparker has found a lot
4589s of value great picks especially around
4591s the statue when sparker's able to get
4593s that high ground you can see that he's
4595s able to you know get those really nice
4597s off angles and just make sure that he's
4599s getting the value but dallas they have
4601s been denying that value focusing down
4603s sparker sending sparkle and cheo after
4606s that hitscan player and just making sure
4608s he kind of can't play the game it's been
4609s hard for him to get those overclocks
4611s online as quickly as he has been able to
4613s do in series previous not to mention
4616s dallas fuel this is where they started
4618s their reverse sweep yesterday over the
4620s washington justice
4621s yeah confidence is probably an all-time
4623s high for uh they're like wait you picked
4625s circuit bro really really we know this
4627s map okay well that's fine with us i mean
4630s if you're thinking about it from
4631s london's perspective
4633s they want to set sparker up he's
4636s definitely been the linchpin for the
4637s team and getting a lot of those opening
4639s picks and this is a bit more of a hit
4641s scan orientated map long sidelines we
4644s know what the when we have the widow
4646s meta like
4647s the best winner makers are coming out
4649s getting some crazy clips but the spawn
4652s holds too yeah not so many long sight
4654s lines when you get in sport health yeah
4655s yeah
4657s kind of rough
4658s kind of rough okay
4659s let me get out of spawn though so now it
4661s really is about how dallas is going to
4662s control in it with the first pick too
4664s this looks good target priority from
4666s background there you can just see him
4668s right click spam right clicking into
4670s fielder
4672s yeah sport holes are breaking uh broken
4674s even oh
4675s backbone a little
4677s broken i need to be putting a cast after
4679s this
4680s all right that's probably the quickest
4682s spawn hole break of all time unless
4684s edison finds the little 1v3 no he
4686s doesn't all right london
4688s broken the spawn hold already and you
4690s can see landon even like after he got
4691s picked he's like yeah yeah okay like
4693s this is good though like the rest of the
4694s team they've got the cart rolling i'll
4696s be coming back soon and london spitfire
4699s they're walking away with a pretty good
4701s chunk of charge but what's really
4703s interesting about that is edison's still
4705s leading slightly in the sojourn match-up
4708s i mean he walked away with 35 percent
4710s there edison got some quick picks too
4712s but dallas is back fast
4715s disruptive shots there they look like
4716s miniature mape blizzards which always
4718s quite find
4720s all right this is the perfect corner for
4722s sparker to find kills
4723s nice right click
4725s wow dallas fuel
4727s just crumpling
4728s under the sheer weight of the spitfire
4730s currently
4731s well this is the setup we wanted to see
4733s from london they picked circa royale so
4735s they could play to their strength of
4737s sparker being able to get those long
4739s sight lines and he is absolutely
4740s delivering right now on this attack push
4743s what a record pace right now to be able
4744s to capture that first point and the
4746s aggression that london spitfire is going
4748s with too they're setting themselves up
4749s to be able to use this rally really
4751s early in these fights playing at their
4753s own tempo another big pick onto eddie
4756s dallas fuel now down at dps you can see
4758s backbone so close to the blade london
4760s spitfire can just hold all the way
4762s up to this point harmon's actually alone
4765s rally for the dallas fuel to try and get
4767s harping out of there but that overhealth
4769s didn't build quick enough backbone is
4771s getting completely ignored by the dallas
4773s fuel he's able to earn himself a free
4776s blade maybe the british flag in the
4778s audience helping them out just a little
4780s bit backbone with a nice double kill
4782s okay and look at the ultimates they
4784s didn't need any of them to push up this
4786s hill that's actually wild landon could
4788s hold on to that
4789s rally the midfielder doesn't have it
4790s anymore okay we want to watch this one
4792s more time because backbone has been
4794s setting up some huge picks here for
4796s sparker you've got the deflect kill onto
4799s edison and then you're able to go after
4801s isolated kills like
4804s all right there's the blade
4806s london spits by trying to set a record
4808s right now sparkle went up dying to back
4810s bones played and the sniper is still at
4812s most
4813s i mean you don't really want to use them
4815s as the dallas fuel getting extinguished
4818s five minutes and 15 seconds
4820s in the time bank for circuit royale
4823s geo went down so early he only got five
4826s percent all charged in that last fight
4829s so he's really behind right now on
4830s building up to that sound barrier
4832s admiral already has it but you don't
4834s even need it anymore as a response to
4835s sparkle's blade because that got taken
4837s off of the board so now london spitfire
4839s they can keep playing this aggressive
4841s game they can go actually fight by the
4843s pool if they want to
4845s using that sound barrier way more
4847s aggressively to set up sparker this time
4849s for success i don't know what happened
4851s you look like you've got body block
4852s there but sparkle does make it out of
4854s life but maybe not for long edison with
4856s a right click onto hardy hardy's good
4858s rampage but put him in a vulnerable
4859s position so eddie can edison could take
4861s him out two members of the fuel were
4863s anti but they're healed up after fielder
4865s and shia just spam a couple of health
4866s packs
4868s and now the dallas fuel
4869s regaining control of the map
4872s the payload has been pushed a fair
4874s amount though rose and with four minutes
4875s in the time bank and a beat
4877s for this uh the london spitfire if
4879s sparker gets a pick
4881s they could open this up to a final fight
4883s on that last stretch really could i mean
4885s this point is very difficult to complete
4889s but when you've got something like the
4891s beat maybe you can get in and break this
4893s stronghold that dallas feel have right
4894s now
4896s nice disengage from the london spitfire
4898s a rally was used by the fuel to try and
4901s conquer but london just take it in their
4903s stride harvey's in a good position rose
4905s he can use that rampage when they come
4906s through the doors look he's trying to
4907s light up for it now he's spot a lot of
4909s people in their sights and a whip shot
4910s has already been used
4912s if april is patient maybe he can get a
4915s boom carnage kill carnage hit in fact
4918s it's a couple of people a nice little
4920s poop but he still manages to get landed
4921s that hardy
4922s not just spitfire backing up but still
4925s pining on that pressure with a rapper
4926s with a rally of their own
4928s backbone holding on to that plane no
4930s one's gone down apart from edison as the
4932s dallas fuel still want to fight this but
4934s it's looking
4936s rather worse for them they don't have a
4937s lot of damage with edison dead and
4940s backbone with a clean triple kill and
4942s they'll get the payload going again this
4944s is another reason why london spitfire
4946s have chosen circuit royale as maybe a
4949s start to their reverse sweep or at least
4951s keeping them in the game backbone has
4953s been able to use all of these tight-knit
4955s corridors to keep getting those dash
4956s resets playing along the walls making
4958s sure that the shurikens are going to be
4960s able to find their mark you've got a
4961s really narrow lane to fight in and not
4963s only does backbone kind of make those
4965s dallas fuel members low but low enough
4967s that sparker can get those charged up
4969s railgun shots rotation for london they
4972s want to take high ground away from the
4973s dallas fuel double blades are online
4975s backbone dashes back to the point to try
4977s and put pressure on the fuel but now the
4978s fuel see this is an opening the blades
4980s have been popped where the kill
4981s sparkle's super low in the corner
4983s deflectors run out as london takes care
4985s of it backbone dashes back to the rest
4986s of his team to help them out but they
4988s didn't even need it landed and honey
4990s come on big and now edison with the
4991s overclock in the back line gets it
4993s deflected back in his own skull
4995s the dallas fuel just wiped off the map
4997s as the london spitfire
4999s it will it's quite a quick push
5002s end up capping with two minutes and 17
5004s seconds in the time bank that's pretty
5007s lightning fast right there
5009s wow i mean that this is just a complete
5012s turnaround right now from the lion
5014s spitfire they look like a brand new team
5016s those first two maps going so heavily
5018s into dallas fuel's favor but now that
5020s london spitfire are playing in a comfort
5023s pick
5024s they really are setting up sparker and
5026s backbone for so much success that's been
5029s a huge key for london to just kind of
5031s keep going for those big isolated kills
5034s onto dallas fuel and a lot of that is
5036s backbone just kind of leading the charge
5038s getting those shurikens finding somebody
5040s that's low and then all of london just
5043s rushing at that one person but we are
5045s swapping sides so now we are going to
5047s get a chance to see how london spitfire
5049s fare on the defense
5055s yeah no funny business i wonder how uh
5058s close london end up holding
5060s a couple of times we've seen teams have
5061s a like a loose spawn hole not really
5064s playing up to the doors or playing
5066s around the payload
5068s london's one of those teams too maybe
5070s they try something a little funny when
5072s it comes to the defensive hold but
5074s london when they do focus a lot more on
5077s the support from admiral and landon they
5079s do like to play a little bit farther
5081s back so they don't get run over by the
5084s spawns and dallas too i think they're
5086s actually preparing for that when you see
5088s edison on the ash trying to get that
5090s dynamite damage to actually force london
5092s spitfire back and get that disengaged
5094s but madison doesn't see it oh they know
5096s okay they know they know
5098s papaya they know
5100s okay all good
5102s i mean i guess benefit to edison here is
5104s that they're all clumped up so you can
5106s just love a dynamite and hope it lands
5108s there you go see that dynamite damages
5110s kind of insane
5111s however the shout will
5114s help the support to keep everybody
5115s healthy payload's still moving mind you
5118s and london spitfire doesn't want to let
5119s it slip through their hands and it's
5121s doing just that look at that they have
5123s to make a move now otherwise sparkle
5125s could move that payload for free he gets
5127s that over health but now he's trying to
5129s go for a flank sparker knows he's there
5131s a couple of shurikens fly his way but
5133s london created more of that hive mind
5135s that the dallas fuel have end up coming
5137s up with a kill on to edison they do
5139s trade it for backbone but holding in
5140s this small room is good for the time
5142s being let's just have sparker as well
5144s you can just kind of wrap her up
5147s okay the dallas feel managed to catch
5148s sparker out you saw him holding on he
5150s tried to use that slide went
5152s back into the building into the wall
5154s called body blocks is the dallas fuel
5156s they're going to break this hole get the
5158s payload go
5159s okay
5160s all right that was great
5162s just map understanding and awareness
5164s from dallas fuel they recognize how
5165s london spitfire wanted to play this game
5167s they denied that high ground advantage
5169s that london had held onto for a while
5171s and then edison was able to find way
5173s more value with the ash you're not
5174s having to shoot upwards into the
5176s staircase or on top and or ski shooting
5179s there with your dynamites either so way
5181s more value edison and sparkle they're
5183s still going to be
5185s trying to find these picks
5189s clears up hardy there
5191s these dynamites gonna be pretty big
5192s every holding this corner from the
5194s london spitfire
5196s this bob could be quite influential too
5198s there's another dynamite here's what
5199s like three or four people there now
5201s going to decide to go in the landings
5202s i'm actually on the floor a counter bash
5204s from fielder which someone is back so he
5206s can't escape
5208s or can't even whip shot anybody there's
5209s no utility there as soon as he gets uh i
5212s guess the mutual knock down and his
5214s house fuel end up capping apparently no
5216s one will be able to uh able to defend
5218s this map at this point
5220s 40 seconds difference too 40 second
5222s difference for how fast dallas fuel cap
5223s versus the london spitfire yeah london
5226s came in with like five minutes or
5227s something but that's pretty negligible
5229s now when you know that dallas fuel can
5231s play such an aggressive game that bob
5232s was held on to edison can just kind of
5234s throw that as a zoning ultimate for the
5237s london spitfire and then they just have
5238s to disengage they don't want to be
5240s taking too much damage from the bob or
5241s that dynamites all of that damage does
5245s add up there's the bob he's running to
5247s the back he was already our facebook
5248s before he started shooting
5250s bob does fall to the disruptive shot and
5253s that was all on sparkle look at him 300
5255s hp genji yeah you take that any day of
5257s the week all the resets are good
5259s dallas fuel now playing lunch in their
5261s own game just trying to force ultimate
5263s self oh start off with that bob from
5264s edison had to push london all the way
5266s back and they took a lot of damage from
5267s that too
5268s but now london spitfire can fire back
5269s with that sound barrier you know you
5271s have that over health available you
5272s aren't going to be taking too much more
5274s from the dynamites and even the blade
5276s might have to lose that a little early
5277s but oh look at the move on the sparkle
5279s yeah you just get booped and london
5280s spitfire just be lined straight to the
5282s payload they they know it was a 2v5 on
5284s the point blackboard with an
5286s unbelievable damage with this blade
5289s he's seen the dallas fuel trying to
5290s cower away from him but they end up just
5292s lining themselves up
5295s three minutes for the dallas fuel they
5297s don't get the payload though
5298s unfortunately stop three meters away
5300s from capping point b it's a huge denial
5302s from london spitfire too especially when
5305s they've been preserving their ultimates
5306s now the ultimate economy is back in
5308s their favor they are so good at being
5311s able to carve out that
5313s uh that just advantage they force dallas
5316s fuel force their opponents to use their
5318s ultimates first here you go that's what
5319s you want to see
5323s the rampage hit three and backbone
5325s there's an easy clean out right you get
5326s a lot of quick dashes everybody's anti
5328s so they can't get healed dashfield's
5330s still waiting to fight this so is
5331s harping he's cleaning up the spitfire
5334s somehow it's up to sparka to try and
5336s figure this fight out he's got hardy in
5338s his back as harpin gets
5341s eventually killed he survived way longer
5344s than i think london spitfire anticipated
5347s a nice shot to chio
5349s sparker the hero of that fight point
5352s nine meters too another minute burned
5354s off the dallas still struggling to get
5356s up this hill they still might be able to
5357s cap though i mean two minutes is plenty
5359s of time for dallas fuel to actually out
5361s rotate london spitfire in these
5363s ultimates you're gonna expect london to
5365s use this rally now but are they gonna be
5367s able to get back bones blade up in time
5369s oh hottie's getting pretty low too
5372s sparkle so much sparkle he had to back
5373s off he got dynamited or back oh what a
5376s shot it just soon
5379s the rally comes out from the spitfire
5380s they got a little bit of overhealth to
5382s work with but look they have to back up
5384s will they contest that's the question or
5386s will they hold this four position i
5387s don't think there's a point right now
5388s it'll be a three v5 sheo is pretty low
5391s but receives the commanding shout just
5393s in time and now the dallas fuel don't
5394s want to let london set up but london
5397s might just do that achilles good enough
5399s but the dallas feel more than willing to
5401s fight these four on fives you've seen it
5402s time and time again and they kill landon
5404s the london spitfire is backlight just
5406s fall apart
5407s sparkle once again comes up massive
5412s ah look at that too in all of the chaos
5415s dallas fuels ended up capturing that
5417s second point they don't add a whole lot
5419s of time to the bank and in fact london
5421s spitfire still going to be outpacing
5422s them
5423s dallas fuel though they could just
5425s snowball here
5426s jack look at that four ultimates on the
5429s board london still trying to fight to
5432s get these online back one's gonna have
5433s to find value there's been a few maps
5435s now his dragon lights have been good
5437s from backbone geo matches it with the b
5439s can backbone find enough damage for the
5440s team to follow him up the bob's already
5442s out the london spitfire i have to make a
5443s choice they go in or they back out
5445s they're gonna decide to go in and edison
5446s sport just colleen's house the london
5450s spitfire getting back-to-back team kills
5452s by a team killed by dallas and they
5455s still have two holes online
5456s they do but you know that admiral has a
5458s sound barrier now so at least when
5460s london spitfire rushed out of the spawn
5462s as long as nobody gets taken out here
5464s admiral sound bearer should be able to
5465s keep them in this fight for one more
5467s contest
5468s for sparkle the beat comes out the
5471s rampage from heartbeat gets cancelled
5474s sparkler just him with a quick punch and
5476s now the dallas to your ultimate is
5478s absolutely nothing and the london
5480s spitfire manages to defend against them
5482s and this might just be last fight
5484s there's a minion 30 seconds to go but
5485s london can play super far up yeah
5488s they're going to because they know that
5489s even if they get completely wiped here
5491s they're just trying to get some poke
5492s damage but wants parker to have that
5493s overclock online because if they end up
5495s popping that while dallas fuel are
5497s making an approach to this payload maybe
5500s sparker gets to take somebody out they
5502s get more time off of this clock they
5504s stack around dallas fuel and then all of
5506s a sudden it will be last fight landon
5509s though has the rally they can go ahead
5510s and start building up that overhealth
5512s now to make sure that they can take this
5513s fight by the pool
5515s dynamite doesn't really do all too much
5517s someone needs to know on the side of the
5518s dallas fuel they're all auntie there's a
5521s chill in trouble howdy chasing down the
5523s front line there's the rally from the
5525s dallas fuel they're more than willing to
5526s fight these four v5s but it's not going
5528s to work out this time around the dallas
5530s fuel overstepped their mark fielder
5531s kills one but does it matter in the end
5533s they have 30 seconds to go they need to
5536s rush to the point they've got no support
5538s ultimates and quite a late kill onto
5540s fielder
5541s this could be
5543s where the reverse sweep starts to happen
5545s for london geo's gonna have to use that
5548s speed boost and also on top of that
5550s commanding shot from hanbin just to be
5552s able to make it to point as a full team
5554s of five to be able to have a chance at
5556s getting there but what do they have
5558s nothing sparker still has the overclock
5560s available and backbone might just have
5562s another blade for the end of this it
5564s comes down to this i look at the
5566s position with some sparkle right now he
5568s does get dashed on but his supporter
5569s right is back ready and waiting sparkle
5571s finds one he's lining him up to knock
5573s him down harpin's dead another spitfire
5576s are going to be able to defend on last
5578s sparca kills three almost four over time
5581s disappearing london is bad choice
5584s london's win
5585s is the dallas fuel was so close to
5587s taking that map london deny it
5591s reverse sweep on the cards
5592s i'm not out of this yet hey it was a
5594s reverse start to a reverse sweep for
5596s dallas fuel yesterday when they were
5597s able to get a win on circuit but this
5598s time it's going away of the spitfire so
5600s maybe that's a good omen to get us to at
5602s least a map number five maybe they're
5604s getting in dallas jules head a little
5607s bit remember dallas came into this
5608s tournament from the qualifiers
5610s undefeated can they keep that streak
5612s alive they only need one more map we'll
5614s have to wait and see it's their choice
5616s now and we're going to push after this
5618s break
5708s do
5719s [Music]
5728s [Music]
5734s [Music]
5813s [Music]
5826s [Music]
5860s [Music]
5880s [Music]
5891s [Music]
5903s [Music]
5910s london turning the game
5912s on its head
5914s as they take
5915s circuit royale in quite a quick fashion
5918s mind you there's like five minutes going
5920s into third something crazy like that i
5922s mean the fuel at the side of the series
5924s also kind of speed running but you know
5926s london spitfire determined to hit those
5927s uh gold splits
5929s you're six seven
5930s really
5932s six seven who seriously
5934s jeez that is tall somebody has someone
5936s out of science at six seven i feel like
5937s bob's that tall well maybe that's
5940s maybe i think so i don't know if you
5942s want you can cosplay bob that'd be kind
5944s of cool
5944s i don't i i would not be able to cosplay
5947s bob i'm too short
5949s oh yeah
5953s oh god
5954s i look like a small garden gnome
5956s especially with it like a small garden
5958s next to you
5959s oh that'd be funny all right we are
5961s going to
5962s new queen street as uh the next map and
5965s that is dallas fuels choice
5967s true fuels choice for great reason too
5970s dallas fuel are 9-1 on this map
5972s throughout the course of this season so
5975s far they have i think actually been able
5977s to get a completion on it too so dallas
5980s they know exactly what they need to do
5982s the trajectory of the map the
5983s architecture and this also plays really
5986s well into dallas fuel strengths as a
5988s team where sparkle gets set up to be
5990s able to get those dash resets and also
5993s when edison has been performing the way
5995s he's been performing today this is a
5998s smart choice from dallas fuel yeah chio
6001s can go on that high progressive play
6003s style too with sparkle we've seen that a
6005s lot actually with um the genji and the
6006s lucio just going off as like a duo
6009s and then stopping the sojourn all the
6010s ash getting a good sight line and uh
6012s just kind of pressuring them out
6014s but london spitfire played around that
6016s really well during circuit royale look
6019s at that backbone still all smiles today
6022s as he gets a chance to play on this
6024s beautiful stage in toronto
6027s and he's got a smile for a great reason
6029s backbone was so influential to london
6031s spitfire getting that win on circuit
6033s royale and he's been putting up the
6035s damage look at that yeah circuit
6037s almost eleven thousand damage some good
6039s damage though
6041s blows when when we transitioned into
6043s this meta too his genji didn't look that
6046s great but like you can see the evolution
6048s of it and then london were like okay the
6049s engine's not great maybe we'll try may
6051s may worked too
6053s fast
6054s levels of success yeah that was
6056s basically they were playing with yeah
6058s exactly but now he's back on the genji
6060s he's looking like his old self like we
6063s and i think backbone kind of made his
6064s name playing the may in the rushcon it's
6067s good to see him flex onto a genji be
6068s more confident and you have to be going
6070s against the fuel your confidence needs
6072s to be sky high and it should be after
6073s that circuit royale queen street is our
6075s next map
6077s is the london spitfire
6079s want to take this to a game five they
6080s want to find their reverse sweep can the
6082s dallas fuel deny them of that on this
6084s next one
6085s well dallas fuels record definitely
6088s supports the idea that dallas fuel could
6089s just end the series here oh yeah but i
6092s raised you the question of can london
6095s spitfire keep up this momentum that
6097s they've generated they are very much
6099s kind of a momentum team where we have
6103s seen them be able to to go really hard
6105s against opponents even after a loss like
6107s yesterday
6109s one map and then all of a sudden it's
6111s just back to back three maps
6114s for wins
6116s it's like
6118s london
6119s and this will make complete sense when i
6121s say and it might sound a little bit
6122s silly but
6123s london being an eu team it's like it
6125s very much reminds me when i used to play
6126s in like eu solo queue it's like okay so
6128s you have like a rhine play you like
6130s cloudy or like whatever ryan player on
6131s the ranked ladder it's like okay someone
6133s has to be a lucio player right and you
6135s just
6136s permanent speed boost only running to
6138s the back line and that's london's
6139s pitfall
6141s that is what they want to do that is
6143s their team it's just we want to put as
6145s much pressure on the back line as
6147s possible hardy is an exceptional rhyme
6148s player he's slotted into the junk queen
6150s role incredibly well and it's good that
6151s they have uh this dedicated lucio player
6154s in
6155s admiral of course they have khan 2
6156s sitting on the bench their support
6158s lineup for this season especially with
6160s the
6161s picking up of khan is pretty damn solid
6164s like khan is a little bit of a freak on
6165s the zenyatta you know he's pretty crazy
6168s and having a dedicated lucio player is
6170s not something that a lot of teams had
6171s and i think a lot of teams are kind of
6172s struggling to to grab one but dallas has
6175s one chio has been very good on the lucio
6178s so far you can actually see dallas fuel
6179s try to posture around the statue but be
6182s careful geo you don't want to go off the
6183s edge yeah you know chio's just
6186s gunning for the boob kills although
6188s harvard ends up going down lon lonnie's
6189s so low spark with a quick reset huddy's
6192s weighing around that corner he can't go
6194s too far the backbone does what he does
6196s best
6197s shio yeah attempting to clean up some
6200s kills but the london spitfire control
6201s that bot and start pushing that
6203s barricade lotus before so good at
6205s winning the first fight on new queen
6207s street as well despite their record on
6209s this map being kind of 50 50.
6212s they usually get a chance to set sparker
6214s up for success on these longer sight
6216s lines in the neutral unfortunately
6218s sparker's gonna have to come back from
6220s spawn but this is definitely a fight
6222s before dallas want to capitalize on i
6224s still just dropped a shot there
6226s the retreating members of the
6227s london spitfire have to all walk through
6230s that
6231s okay and now uh the dallas fuel rather
6233s quickly managed to clean up sparker
6236s backbone's only just respawning now
6238s what can admirals charge for the sound
6241s barrier yeah i know
6243s that already that's crazy
6245s that's really fast
6247s i know
6248s yeah violet's like definitely another
6250s one of those players that you just blink
6252s and he's sound barrier already backbunk
6254s is so low though you gotta be really
6255s careful put some resources into that
6258s genji
6259s god where'd he go
6261s where did sparkle go
6263s okay london spitfire with a pick on the
6265s dps that's phil did get some decent
6267s meterage but losing a fight like this um
6270s and having london set up on you if you
6272s don't find another pick like a sojourn
6274s moment from edison it could be hard
6276s especially on this corner where a lot of
6277s the sports can play around
6279s nothing still want to pile on that
6280s pressure to get another stagger kill
6282s here will be good london are fighting
6283s this uh there's a four before as there's
6285s still someone on the bot pushing that
6287s barricade dashfield got a lot of balls
6289s coming online as the respawns come
6291s through riley coming out landon's dead
6293s he can't match this from the dallas fuel
6295s backbone does he choose to go in doesn't
6297s look like it wants to get a couple more
6298s meters as the rest of his team just
6300s decide to back off or either just commit
6303s themselves to the old bank of the dallas
6305s fuel
6306s yeah backbone just had to disengage
6307s there tried to get up to the same
6310s meterage but everybody on london
6312s spitfire basically at this point walk
6313s away with an alt
6315s and when you had dallas fuel utilize the
6318s overclock and the rally again once again
6321s london spitfire are just trying to get
6324s that ultimate economy in their favor and
6326s they do such a good job of that forcing
6327s these alts out of the dallas fuel when
6328s they force them to take these four v5s
6331s london will always try to force that out
6334s by looking for
6335s a place to go in with that blade post
6337s support ultimates being used by the
6339s london spitfire to stave off this
6340s aggression backbone pulls the blade that
6342s yo sam barry now non-existent somehow
6344s fielder is into the spawn root of almost
6347s of the london spitfire 40 meters and
6349s counting for the dallas fuels they do
6351s end up getting white here on this corner
6353s there's a london that once again a
6354s control
6357s that's gonna move really quickly though
6359s as well look at london spitfire just
6361s protecting
6362s that push spot sparker too when this bot
6364s rounds the corner can just go crazy with
6366s the overclock he's even just gonna
6368s actually push up now because he's got
6370s such
6370s strong sidelines with these
6372s straightaways but he's going to start
6374s getting a little bit of space look at
6377s what does all trying to do they're
6378s trying to split up the london spitfire
6380s right now an unbelievable rampage from
6382s hanbin hits both landon and
6384s sparker they do end up trading as dallas
6387s still supporting ends up going down and
6388s harvey gets pulled away from the mega
6390s health pack
6391s on what was an amazing rampage from the
6394s jungle queen on the dallas fuel side of
6395s things the london spitfire just ignore
6398s it completely and backbone does what
6400s this series has really been a testament
6402s to how much is genji has improved
6404s absolutely he just takes a little bit to
6406s warm up sometimes you know gonna get get
6408s the confidence rolling but just like
6410s that london you're gonna be able to meet
6412s match that meterage spark was super low
6414s he has a dash but no deflect oh my god
6417s shio is going aggro sparkle doesn't
6418s really know where to look he eventually
6420s gets taken care of by a lantern but now
6423s sparkle trying to show
6425s up the backbone just a little bit can't
6427s go too aggressive though you still got
6428s to deal with that junker queen you
6429s haven't got one on your side of things
6432s point four nine meters are london away
6434s from gaining the lead but spark was
6436s making sure they can't do that by
6437s putting himself on that bot photo using
6439s the rally to sustain the rest of the
6441s dallas fuel as uh now sparkles just
6443s stealing the ball away and the dallas
6444s fuel all the meanwhile have just won
6446s that fight so this could be a dangerous
6448s situation for london spitfire to be in
6450s dallasfield could get the checkpoint
6452s they could i mean this is a huge denial
6453s here from dallas and especially when
6455s edison can use that overclock glenn and
6457s spitfire haven't you around the corner
6458s yet edison can use this overclock as a
6460s zoning ultimate and then all this like
6462s london just can't approach their head's
6464s gonna get taken off here
6466s overclock from edison backbone's already
6468s dead edison with a perfect shooting
6470s gallery here for his overclock that's a
6472s lot of damage on to land in the fuel uh
6475s the spitfire backline have to stay alive
6477s but they are unable to do so
6479s sparkles still in the kill feed as the
6481s checkpoint has been unlocked
6483s yeah butt scratch mode has been
6485s activated and just like that also just
6487s pushed through
6489s and dallas
6490s they got the overclock they get to
6492s rotate now through sparkle's blade
6495s and geo has been putting on some
6497s pressure if he can still play aggressive
6499s backwards is going to go in first yeah
6502s midfielder i've only got that over
6503s helped to work for it from the junker
6505s queen lona low health bars on the side
6507s of the dallas fuel and now he's up to
6508s spark off to clean them up harp being
6511s the next target for london but no a
6514s knife kill onto backbone as hardy tried
6516s to push around the bus stop the supports
6518s from the london the dallas fuel they've
6519s been building up the support off to us
6520s this whole time a blade now from sparkle
6523s straight to the spawn of the london
6525s spitfire admiral doesn't want to use
6527s this beat as it's their last surviving
6529s hopes to try and stop the dallas fuel
6532s from fall capping
6534s they might have to use both support
6535s ultimates here but oh geo's gonna do the
6537s stopper now okay edison gets taken out
6540s maybe this is where london spitfire can
6541s come back yeah edison dead to a headshot
6543s from sparta both beats from either side
6545s have been used already dallas fuel they
6547s want to take this 4v5 they've done it
6549s plenty of times make that a four on four
6551s as london dies with rally online and now
6554s the dallas fuel could just march on
6555s forwards hardy now trying to turn the
6557s tides in their favor with a two-man
6559s rampage i've been sent for his one out
6561s two it's junk of queen versus jungle
6563s queen a royal rumble but it's hard been
6566s coming out on top the dallas fuel want
6568s to end this series right here right now
6571s maybe with a full completion as well as
6573s dallas fuel they're a full team they're
6574s going to be trying to push all of london
6576s spitfire back into their spawn backbone
6579s it's parker they're down they are just
6580s not giving them any space whatsoever
6583s sparker and backbone dead that bought
6585s nearing its completion this is gonna be
6587s a tough one sparker's gonna have to come
6588s out and use this overclock lane and has
6590s to get the rally online he's only meters
6591s away there you go rally out
6594s contested can they find a pick off no
6596s they cannot sparkle ends up going down
6598s they do trade and look at this
6599s backbone's actually stealing the pot
6601s away
6602s dallas fuel over committing to the spawn
6604s doors
6605s and they get white but
6607s 121 meters
6609s with two and a half minutes to go feels
6612s like a gargantuan task right now for
6613s london but they are still getting those
6615s staggered picks honda just goes down
6617s backbone as well just kind of going away
6619s from the team trusting that the rest of
6621s his teammates will be able to clean up
6622s the dallas fuel
6624s he's been able to get so much progress
6626s with this push bot
6628s and also maybe going to get a blade
6630s online while fueler and chio don't
6632s really have an answer right now
6634s oh that was a knife knife pull out
6635s edison there you saw him
6637s slide forwards for not using his uh
6639s shift
6641s oh sparker
6642s lining them up no one piqued their
6644s little heads out
6645s he's got an angle but nope can't find
6647s anybody perfectly disengaged from the
6649s dallas fuel as the bot continues its
6650s path towards that checkpoint for the
6652s london spitfire right now dallas they
6654s just really want to get a support
6655s ultimate online because backbone's
6657s working up to that blade he is so close
6659s he's just got it online and pulls it
6661s almost instantly a commanding shot from
6663s both teams backbone with infinite speed
6665s now running down the back line of the
6668s dallas fuel shield and field are dead
6670s but dallas fuel have meters to give
6673s with a minute and 20 seconds to go
6676s a gargantuan meter meter ridge bank i
6679s don't know what to call it 121 meters to
6682s 55 plus now double dps open for the fuel
6685s as they come back in fact
6687s double dp has a full slightly different
6689s that's just five volts right there
6690s dallas though they've got to come back
6692s strong
6693s look at how london spitfire need to give
6695s them a little bit of space as that bot
6698s gets moving again but they have to play
6700s perfectly here jaws they can't drop
6701s anybody edison on his little perch
6704s there's a perfect collat lining straight
6705s up for him the damage is insane but
6707s innocent steps too far forward the
6709s lonely spitfire all emptied afro comes
6711s out with a beat but it's not enough
6713s sparkle just swinging away and takes
6715s care of the rest of the london spitfire
6717s admiral spark having to back up there's
6719s 40 seconds to go london want to keep
6721s themselves in this series nobody can get
6723s staggered here because that would be
6725s absolutely detrimental for the london
6727s spitfire they have to give up some space
6729s they gotta fight in the neutral but
6730s that's where they play best but with 30
6733s seconds remaining london they have to be
6735s able to get some big value here from
6737s fielder a nice rampage from hardy for
6739s that over health too much for them to
6741s chew through 20 seconds to go the bot is
6744s being contested by admiral but that's
6745s just about it the dallas fuel just now
6748s need to wait 10 more seconds and the
6750s series is theirs can anybody from london
6752s spitfire get back in time there's the
6754s rally online but it is up to admiral
6756s blackboard somebody with a speed boost
6758s to get to the point edison goes pretty
6760s low same with sparkle but there is the
6762s commanding shout to top their health
6763s bars up london do manage to get back to
6766s the point is the dallas fuel end up
6767s backing off you know they have to
6768s because the rally is activated right now
6770s landon has given so much over health to
6771s the team of the london spitfire but it's
6773s going to start expiring very quickly
6776s london they've got to get one of these
6777s dps ultimates online right now as they
6780s continue their homage to that final
6784s checkpoint and over time as well we'll
6785s take down super quick you can't get off
6788s the payload now if you're london
6788s spitfire for to keep in the series the
6790s london's already dead sparkle in the
6791s backlight sparklers gonna have to do
6793s something but no sparkle takes him down
6795s hardy the last damage dealer really for
6798s london on that point the dallas fuels
6801s health bars are waiting but fielder
6802s topping him up finding the frags the
6805s dallas fuel have done it a three one of
6807s the series as they continue their
6809s undefeated run
6810s in the summer showdown such a valiant
6813s effort from the london spitfire but man
6815s dallas they're just playing on a whole
6817s other level today the sojourn match up
6820s so good for edison and then sparkle that
6823s genji wow so clean
6827s [Music]
6829s sparkle versus sparker at the very end
6832s the plays from sparkle looks so good and
6834s the dallas fuel
6836s look they almost got
6839s white by the washington justice
6841s yesterday but they hit them with the
6842s reverse sweep they went down on their
6845s map pick
6846s on circuit royale oh no sorry they end
6849s up taking london uh on circuit royale
6852s and then are going down at a very very
6854s very close game a close map
6857s push was all theirs 121 meters is
6860s ridiculous from the fuel they look
6862s unstoppable in this matter that was
6864s almost a full cap there for the dallas
6866s fuel that was the perfect choice of new
6868s queen street
6870s they got it down
6871s sparkle edison honestly the whole team
6874s even haunted just setting himself up for
6876s these massive rampages so that the dps
6880s and the supports could really follow up
6882s on that damage london aren't out though
6884s they do go down to the lower bracket
6887s we'll find out their opponent a little
6888s bit later on today
6891s out of the fuel uh
6893s for their next match i mean honestly you
6895s don't need to do much they continue
6897s playing this way rose you could see them
6899s in the finals quite easily who can trip
6901s them up it was decay
6904s being quite frustrating right on uh
6906s doing what decay does best for the
6908s dallas fuel right now their
6910s understanding of the meta and how
6911s aggressive in the the tempo setting is
6913s just unmatched by you know any other
6915s team it's been so so good to watch the
6917s dallas fuel just kind of keep up that
6919s pressure and the aggression
6921s but they've got to keep doing it again
6923s looks like we've got some special words
6925s i think from edison with danny on the
6928s stage let's hear what he's got to say
6932s thank you very much what is up everybody
6933s danny lim here for the post match
6934s interview i'm joined by edison
6937s from dallas fuel edison congratulations
6940s on the win before we get into the post
6942s match interview i just want to ask you
6943s how are you feeling right now how does
6945s it feel to be inland on land you know
6947s like in front of people in front of the
6949s crowd
6958s oh
6973s definitely because this is offline event
6975s compared to when we play online there's
6977s you know i do feel a little bit nervous
6979s but it does i do get the energy and
6981s whenever the crowd gets gives me all the
6982s chairs it definitely feels a lot better
6985s uh i just want to quickly follow up on
6986s that do you feel like because
6989s you are i guess in front of the crowd
6990s like you said you were nervous did that
6992s affect your gameplay
6994s at all from today's match and maybe uh
6996s yesterday's match against washington
6998s justice
7015s foreign
7018s [Music]
7033s nerve was definitely one of the factors
7035s but uh another thing is because of those
7037s nerves because we all of our teammates
7039s and myself included we're nervous uh we
7041s made a lot of mistakes in yesterday's
7043s match so but after we got over that
7046s nerves we were able to communicate
7047s better and that's how we were sort of
7049s carrying on that game now talking about
7051s yesterday's match and also today um
7054s i guess you are sort of special because
7056s as a head scan player you get to choose
7058s between sojourn or ash
7060s were there any sort of
7062s adjustments that you made coming into
7064s today after playing washington justice
7066s yesterday
7080s [Music]
7098s [Music]
7109s yesterday so yesterday we actually had
7111s more maps that were uh that ash were
7113s more viable but coming into today i
7115s guess uh whenever we had the choice of
7117s making uh making the map choice we focus
7120s on more
7121s sojourn-focused maps so i think in the
7123s future there might be a possibility
7125s where a soldier might be played more for
7128s our team all right that is it for the
7129s interview everybody give it up for
7131s edison one more time
7133s thank you very much with that being said
7134s let's send things back to our casters
7137s justin necro who's the player of the
7139s match
7141s wow good question danny
7143s it's like you've read the runner show
7144s it's perfect it's perfect yeah that's
7146s crazy you know i just you know doing
7147s really well like you said there's some
7148s maps that they prefer playing ash on
7150s seven they're playing sojourn at the end
7151s of the day they won like a three one oh
7153s yeah and the winner of this game too you
7156s can't see it but man mitch is just
7157s trying to distract me right now dancing
7159s off camera yeah that's pretty sick i
7160s love that from like
7162s my colleagues very epic but look
7165s the the winner of this series does end
7167s up playing houston or shock i want to
7169s see that rematch baby that shock versus
7171s dallas rematch look they gave them their
7173s first loss in a long time received
7176s houston can tip the scales in their
7178s favor we'll have to wait and see it's
7179s going to be it's going to be a tough one
7180s let's have a look at the player of the
7181s match
7182s thank you danny as well somehow it's
7184s perfect it's perfect yeah and now i'm
7186s just i'm going to start off
7188s well our player match is going to be the
7190s man of the hour is sparkle on the genji
7193s i mean it's a hard choice for dallas
7195s fuel as well picking a player of the
7196s match because every single person on
7198s that team had incredible highlight
7201s moments i mean even i was even talking
7203s about fielder maybe getting that player
7204s of the match just the shield bashes and
7206s the flails be able to displace members
7208s on london spitfire but at the end of the
7209s day sparkle
7211s those blades were sharp
7214s he's still got it i remember back in
7216s 2020 i think we mentioned this yesterday
7218s but yeah the the bidding war for sparkle
7220s was just ridiculous like this guy is
7222s still an insane
7224s flex dps
7226s those stats really backing that up 23.7
7229s eliminations per 10.
7231s what is that pretty uh i don't know just
7233s sparkle things i suppose what is this
7234s what what is this what is this i'm not
7237s sure it's a lot of damage can anybody
7239s take down sparkle that is the question
7240s like i said shock or houston will beat
7242s their opponents um the london spitfire
7244s aren't out of this they do go down to
7246s the lower bracket which should be an
7247s interesting run can they end up uh
7249s going through all the way to the loser
7251s bracket finals have to wait and find out
7252s they still look like a formidable
7254s opponent well london spitfire is going
7255s to play the winner of the vancouver
7259s match that's going to be happening a
7260s little bit later so canada buff maybe i
7263s don't know canada
7265s is it still a thing are toronto going to
7267s win today come on now toronto show
7269s canada team some love here we'll have to
7271s wait and see we're going to jump to a
7272s quick break we've got match number two
7274s coming up soon don't go anywhere
7287s foreign
7297s [Music]
7300s the on watchig is brought to you by
7302s upper deck the official trading card of
7304s the overwatch league
7306s and by teamspeak the official voice
7308s supplier of the overwatch league
7314s [Music]
7336s me
7339s [Music]
7358s so
7360s [Music]
7370s [Music]
7386s [Music]
7403s me
7409s [Music]
7424s [Music]
7436s [Music]
7464s [Music]
7481s [Music]
7491s [Music]
7495s welcome back to everybody except the
7497s roadhog mains out there it's playing
7499s alongside custa and reinforced larsen
7501s first of all johnny who's worse a
7503s roadhog or a symmetra in your lobby i'm
7505s going roadhog yeah but i don't know why
7506s that would be relevant because i'm the
7508s only tank player on my team are you the
7510s one playing roadhog i'm the one thank
7511s you
7512s i'm the rotor player fuel the problem
7515s my guy uh we got to talk about this
7517s london versus dallas battle of course
7520s we're in the upper bracket and dallas is
7522s powering through they have not dropped a
7524s match this stage and we're looking at a
7527s 3-0 potential until london showed a
7529s little bit of light breaking these
7531s highlights here customs
7532s dallas is still in it much to your
7535s chagrin yeah the the maple syrup is
7537s looking more and more menacing as the
7539s days go on and dallas fuel looks better
7541s and better and as you said dallas fuel
7543s were in almost complete control this
7545s entire series other than that circa
7546s royale they came out strong here on this
7549s liang tower just showing their hive mind
7551s coordination it was good to see edison
7554s come out on the sojourn not starting on
7556s the ash that was very slow then we went
7558s over to para iso and he was like
7559s actually i can play ash and this was
7561s just a complete shut up against the
7563s spitfire their understanding of how to
7566s navigate around the map to play to their
7568s own advantages and just isolate players
7570s is world class and it is the team the
7572s reason they are the number one seeded
7574s and have not lost a match in this meta
7577s so far and the player that really stood
7579s out in this one that really needed to
7581s step up in this tournament has been
7583s sparkle his genji has been lights out
7586s we've always hyped up so many of these
7587s genji players who are you on the
7588s shanghai dragons but sparkle is coming
7591s back into his previous form johnny i
7592s will say we did see life from the
7595s spitfire on that map number three
7597s sparker on the attack with 25
7599s elimination zero deaths everything was
7601s great and then all of a sudden the fuel
7603s comes right back in game four and you
7605s told me they never lose push they're so
7608s good what is the difference here for the
7610s fuel throughout this series because they
7612s looked like they had some ups a moment
7614s of down and they're right back to the
7616s top again i mean the way they just
7618s approach this game mode is phenomenal
7619s they just control control the bob or not
7622s the bob but the boss
7623s they control the bombs too because they
7625s play the ash but you saw this several
7626s times like not a spitfire they would win
7628s fights but dallas fuel they know well
7630s you got if you win the fight you still
7632s have to control the objective right so
7633s we're not going to let you take control
7634s of that bot we're going to have the bot
7636s on our side of the map all right we're
7637s going to move it forward and we're not
7639s going to let you have it and that made a
7640s huge difference in positioning around
7642s the map and dallas fuel they're so
7644s tactically smart they make the most out
7645s of it well bob was doing things for
7647s edison today other than jumping off the
7650s map the fuel looking clean in their
7651s first two games unlike their series
7654s against the washington justice so well
7655s done fuel fans as for your opponent well
7658s the spitfire they still have a lot to
7660s play guys and it's going to happen in
7662s the lower bracket let's take a look at
7663s how it's breaking down here in the west
7666s up next we got the shock versus outlaws
7668s to find out who plays dallas fuel but in
7670s that lower bracket we now are starting
7673s to see a bit of a stacked series in
7675s front of us two series to go today two
7677s more tomorrow with the spitfire waiting
7679s for the winner of the titans or the
7681s mayhem is that good news for justice
7684s defiant or were you hoping maybe for
7685s spitfire in that round too i mean it'd
7687s be so nice to see spitfire go
7689s head-to-head against the defiant for the
7690s third time running in two weeks
7695s but yeah it'd be a nice change to face
7697s ronald spitfire they've had a really
7699s grueling schedule so far i think they're
7700s happy playing either vancouver or
7702s florida all right we got houston coming
7704s up they're taking the stage they of
7706s course are gonna be featuring one of
7708s their star dps players i know he made a
7710s lot of noise last year but on the other
7712s side we got the san francisco shock and
7714s you guys can't stop talking about proper
7716s let's talk head-to-heads here johnny
7719s tell me how you see these two genjis
7721s facing off we forgot to mention to this
7723s to you to pocket but we're contractually
7724s obligated to mention proper in every
7726s single profit yeah
7728s proper profit and uh pelican there you
7730s go the the three piece
7732s [Laughter]
7734s yeah for the piece this is going to be a
7736s sensational genji head-to-head not only
7739s do you have pelican who's last year's
7741s rookie of the year but you have proper
7742s who's the leading candidate for this
7744s year's rookie of the year this is them
7746s as genji yesterday in their matches and
7748s you can see proper i mean his numbers
7750s are just out of this world notoriously
7753s his hero damage per 10 minutes is just
7755s absurd and this is a stat he's almost
7757s known for when it comes to the genji you
7759s always look towards the dragonblades you
7761s know dashing around slicing and dicing
7763s the way proper makes use of the
7764s shurikens makes a huge difference not
7766s only does he charge his dragon blade
7768s faster than other genjis but in the
7770s neutral matchup he pokes weaknesses into
7772s the enemy team and he capitalizes on top
7774s of it but pelican is the star player for
7776s houston outlaws i'm looking forward to
7777s seeing these two genji's battle it out
7778s i'm looking at proper rate there and i'm
7781s seeing four eliminations per blade
7784s you you said yesterday you were 80 of
7786s the team you said you weren't impressed
7787s yes that's not even his final fault
7790s yesterday you're just not paying enough
7792s attention parker we keep telling you man
7793s the observer's fault
7795s is the truth he's the truth okay third
7798s person isn't my strength because the san
7800s francisco shock is the strongest team in
7802s your bracket why do you have faith in
7804s them in this matchup in particular
7806s against outlaws they just are on a
7808s different level we talk about proper but
7810s there's just so much talent across the
7812s board and let me talk about the line
7813s because it's support friday remember
7815s okay yes support you're trying to make
7817s this happen support appreciation friday
7819s will be a thing johnny for the rest of
7821s the season uh and i want to talk about
7822s you know violet he was back then he was
7824s the zenyatta of the league he was an mvp
7827s candidate in the goats mata and he was
7829s so good but he's made this transition
7830s over to lucio and early on in the uh in
7833s the stage it wasn't so hot but he's
7835s getting there and he has such an
7836s aggressive fun style of playing finn as
7839s well the big crux for them in my opinion
7842s is having that level of aggression that
7843s they we're known for but they need to
7846s stay alive
7847s is that lucio right now the lucio is so
7849s hot right now
7851s it is statistically the most damage so
7853s far in this stage on that lucio he's a
7855s mechanical warlord we all know what to
7857s expect but he has been punished in the
7859s past him and finn just need to tighten
7861s up a little bit don't get punished for
7862s some of their mistakes some of their
7863s aggression and they will be able to just
7866s easily in my opinion roll over the
7867s outlaws well custer i made you sell me
7870s on houston earlier i'll let you sit with
7872s the shock this time around johnny real
7874s quick though before the break i believe
7876s in houston they showed me enough
7878s doomfist yesterday to prove they are the
7879s best team in this tournament but for all
7881s the haters out there how do you sell the
7884s houston win what do they need to avoid
7886s so costa's gonna hate this
7888s i know i predicted the san francisco
7890s shook today but i actually have a bit of
7891s a houston outlaws upset in my bracket
7894s that i submitted to this turtle oh
7896s houston outlaws i have that much faith
7898s in them did i get a three-two upset in
7900s my bracket not my bread stop my prince
7901s my bracket though it's a three-two upset
7904s so the houston outlaws their damage duo
7906s is sensational and i love what i'm
7908s seeing from them but you know when it
7909s comes to playing on stage when it comes
7911s to playing the tournaments the houston
7912s outlaws they haven't placed top three in
7914s a tournament since 2018 stage one
7917s that was the very first stage of the
7919s university they haven't been top three
7920s since i genuinely believe that they have
7922s the talent to pursue that top three spot
7924s in this tournament but you gotta show up
7926s on stage you get a strength in those
7928s nerves do you strengthen nerves i don't
7930s know because steal those nerves
7932s and not choke this one out i know this
7934s common phrase is houstonable i know they
7936s get reversed swept time and time again
7938s by the new excelsior this stage for
7939s example not this time around all right
7941s come out on stage confident in your game
7944s have fun and you're going to get the
7946s opposite winner you have fun you're
7947s getting the upset it's as simple as that
7949s to steal your nerves during the break
7952s back it's plenty more overwatch league
7954s the summer showdown continues live from
7955s toronto
7957s how dare you
8048s [Music]
8067s [Music]
8141s there's just something about overwatch
8143s play in the land environment the hit's a
8145s little bit different and so far here at
8147s the summer showdown our upper bracket
8149s has been quite fascinating indeed the
8152s dallas fuel will advance further in the
8154s summer showdown in that upper bracket
8156s and now
8157s we have a huge match on the line to
8160s decide our other
8162s undefeated team matthew and i think this
8164s one is gonna be
8166s way closer i think than the last one and
8168s i think dallas
8169s that was a pretty close game against the
8171s london spitfire at times but the outlaws
8173s they've looked pretty good i know
8176s better than i think some people would
8177s expect uh i think like kind of agreeing
8179s with johnny i think like the outlaws
8181s like upset picks not a crazy one here uh
8184s but the shock you know they've been so
8186s strong throughout the summer showdown
8188s really only that slip up against the
8190s dallas fuel
8191s it's tough to figure you know what
8193s another team could do and beat them uh
8196s but maybe the outlaws can do it today
8197s there's an extra dose of volatility that
8199s seems to get injected into these matches
8201s right dallas look much less squeaky
8203s clean and we saw san francisco have a
8205s really close matchup yesterday at times
8207s against that titans team who seem to
8209s have risen to the occasion i guess the
8212s one question mark for us is that i feel
8213s like houston had a fairly smooth goal of
8216s it yesterday going up against the mayhem
8218s squad without sue marchette yeah present
8220s felt like they were able to get over
8221s them a little easier here but there are
8223s no easy games from here on out for that
8225s outlaw squad no but i think i've liked
8227s what the outlaws have done throughout
8229s this tournament i think pelican has
8231s played really well merritt can play the
8232s sojourn uh or the ash at a really high
8235s level uh and dante on the jungle queen
8238s it's just can they rise to the occasion
8240s you know they joke like it's
8242s houston-able right like this one is
8244s definitely winnable uh it's whether they
8246s can kind of deal with it's odd to say
8248s but like they're one of the teams that
8250s deals with like the most pressure uh
8252s just from their fan base yes i mean if
8254s they're tweeting me mean things i'm sure
8255s the players after lost
8257s things too uh it's just can they deal
8259s with that and overcome i saw jake a
8261s little bit uh yesterday we were catching
8263s up and like everybody over in houston
8265s seems in really high spirits i think
8266s they have a great team during this meta
8268s yeah look i mean and we saw this team
8269s make some changes right bringing in
8271s leopard doge and you know we weren't
8272s quite sure where this team would land in
8275s terms of their roster and dante has
8277s again sort of survived uh you know
8278s potential uh usurping and has remained
8281s in that junker queen role showing us
8283s that it wasn't just the doomfist played
8284s that has allowed him to catapult his
8286s stock now as a multi-role veteran in the
8289s overwatch league and merit continuously
8291s gets this sort of these compliments as
8293s being a very calculator very smart
8295s player the outlaws have the pieces to
8297s make things work here well we know how
8298s versatile the player dante was even on
8300s the damage dealers right and then now as
8302s the tank roll has changed a little bit
8304s here in overwatch too with only one tank
8307s and the tanks being more aggressive
8308s brawly like damn like larger damage
8311s dealers to some extent uh he slid into
8313s that role quite nicely and it's probably
8315s one that like maybe he expected to feel
8317s like a little bit of that time right but
8318s now
8319s i mean he's been like their go-to in
8321s that role the entire season uh kind of
8323s wonder like what this outlaws team would
8324s have even looked like without you know
8325s him picking up with some of that tank
8327s roll the entire season they'd be in a
8329s really tough spot and then you know even
8331s though we have a huge match ahead of us
8332s both of these teams part of their minds
8334s are thinking about what comes after this
8336s because now we know in the upper bracket
8339s the dallas fuel await the winner of this
8341s match i mean either which either way you
8343s slice it you get a battle for texas or
8344s you get a rematch there is the shock had
8346s their streets snapped by the dallas fuel
8348s a lot to play for here ladies and
8349s gentlemen so let's give a good
8350s old-fashioned toronto welcome to
8352s la houston
8354s outlaws
8359s something funny about a battle for texas
8361s in toronto uh but tell me more but we'll
8364s save that i know if it happens uh
8366s they also have a little bit of like a
8368s like a hometown favorite like wherever
8371s they go i mean the outlaws just one of
8373s really since the overwatch began one of
8375s the more popular teams in the league and
8377s this year have one of the better rosters
8379s they've ever put out there team has
8381s really broad appeal uh you know they
8383s really um
8385s they really went for it in terms of
8386s getting some star power on this roster
8388s right and we saw jake uh obviously spent
8390s some time with us in the booth and now
8392s obviously coaching this team they've
8393s really put him in a position to to help
8395s craft this squad let come in as well as
8398s a as a real sort of raw rookie and it's
8399s just been outstanding so far uh lassro
8402s so many different roles of support now
8404s it's the brig he's one of the top briggs
8406s in terms of up uh inspire uptime in the
8408s whole league at 38 percent yeah when we
8411s know how good last show and pelican were
8413s coming into this team right and they've
8415s kind of uh you know pelican i think it's
8416s been a little bit up and down i think
8417s but you're really just judging him off
8419s of like such an insane performance
8421s overall last year right where he's been
8422s really
8423s strong in the damage dealer role and
8426s merit you know when you kind of looked
8427s at like their offseason you're really
8428s excited about him and he's come in and
8430s played great uh i think dante though
8432s being able to fill that tank role has
8433s been massive right i know now obviously
8436s no uh piggy on the roster you have dante
8439s i know and like really your two main
8441s tank players at this point and look
8443s dante is really whether it's the doom or
8445s the junker queen lived up to the hype
8449s and of course their opponents you could
8451s feel the earth shake as they approach
8453s make some noise for a number two seed
8455s lesson francisco
8458s shock
8459s [Applause]
8464s we got the colluge fam zone down there
8466s absolutely
8468s so it turns out obviously yeah clue 6'2
8470s um tall but it's really just the uh the
8473s contrast in height that makes him look
8475s so towering here i want to say me and
8476s closure about the same height
8479s on a good day with a box or two
8483s no i mean he's been he's been so good
8485s throughout the season like you're when
8487s you really kind of think about it like
8488s the shock like super retires right
8490s you're like who's gonna play tank for
8491s this team like where where do you go
8493s you're bringing colluge
8495s and he is just slid in and i think
8497s they've been getting better over time
8498s i've actually think they've been getting
8499s more used to playing together more
8502s comfortable and you just look at this
8503s roster i mean it is just like an
8505s all-star team put together and this is a
8507s team that set their scouting efforts not
8509s only in south korea by bringing o2 blast
8511s in as their academy team but also
8513s looking at north american contenders at
8515s players like columbia players like sam
8517s really uh robust approach to raising the
8520s next generation of champions on this
8522s shock team and so far
8524s so good
8525s i think you know players like new finn
8527s really made a huge impact especially in
8528s a double flex support manner but even
8530s now this team looks like they are in a
8532s position to do some serious damage a
8534s little bit tough of course against the
8536s fuel and this team in the past atlanta
8537s showed a little bit of that shakiness as
8539s they adapt to playing on stage but you
8541s have to feel like they are the favorite
8543s team here even if it's only by sliver i
8545s mean look you give crusty some
8548s really talented individual players with
8550s some good game sense and it seems to
8552s work out uh for the shock time and time
8554s again
8555s uh so how do you see like you know the
8557s outlaws if you're gonna win this series
8559s what way do you have to have that happen
8561s i think you need a fantastic game out of
8564s merit specifically yeah we saw some of
8566s those proper stats you cannot let that
8568s happen again today uh he does that you
8571s know pretty consistently against a lot
8572s of teams but you can start to slow him
8574s down a little bit i definitely think it
8576s throws things off i also think like
8578s violet's been so aggressive on the lucio
8580s and we've seen like him uh the other day
8582s we're watching the game
8583s and on toronto he ends up building like
8585s a beat like so fast like 80 percent like
8587s right off the rip like 240.
8589s yeah like like putting down so much
8591s damage and being so aggressive you've
8592s got to be able to punish those two
8593s players in tandem and in a coaching
8595s sense this is a battle of student versus
8598s master junk buck versus krusty both
8602s obviously used to be on that san
8603s francisco team junk box sort of now
8606s forging his own path has brought his
8608s team to the number three seed against
8610s the san francisco team so there's always
8611s so many layers to this kind of match-up
8613s and both of those coaches have similar
8615s philosophies in terms of what they've
8617s tried to create what kind of rosters
8618s they've tried to form
8620s in their relationship of course with uh
8622s talon i think it was over in uh in that
8624s apac region has helped them
8627s bolster this roster lee jung tower is
8629s the pick by san francisco shock it is a
8632s first of three lays in general with
8634s loser selecting the next map
8636s i don't think you're going to see either
8638s team you know veer off of you know
8640s either of the popular compositions right
8643s whether it's the ash or the sojourn more
8646s interested from the outlaws point of
8647s view like what do they decide to do like
8649s how do they feel the best route is to
8651s kind of slow down proper and violate
8653s some of this aggressive style of play
8655s from the shock i think their
8657s compositions have a little bit more
8658s flexibility in terms of like you know
8659s are you gonna run the ash like how are
8661s you gonna play this a little bit more
8662s defensive uh then you would say the
8664s shock right i think the shock uh
8667s they know how to win these games they've
8668s done it against everybody pretty much uh
8671s they just got to do it again i'm looking
8672s out for kilo here yeah uh you know a
8674s player that san francisco definitely
8676s need to have working it
8678s uh you know max capacity going up
8681s against a player like merritt who really
8682s makes those unforced errors he's not the
8684s kind of player that can get baited into
8687s making a mistake
8689s but five seconds to go ladies and
8690s gentlemen out of the gates your san
8691s francisco shock in the houston outlaws
8693s the battle in the upper brackets
8696s [Applause]
8698s i'm sure both of these teams after
8700s seeing dallas if you're houston you want
8702s to get that battle for texas in that
8704s winter final if you're the shock you
8705s want that revenge right so
8707s a lot on the line uh not just for this
8710s match but just over the course of the
8711s weekend right as both teams really
8713s motivated
8714s merit nice disrupter shot to just kind
8716s of get proper out of the way yeah really
8718s playing safe this merit starts off in
8719s that dojo building and then as well
8721s happen to play back towards the point
8722s for the time being proper is caught in
8725s the middle of the play for the time
8726s being but receives a good cookie
8728s and we're back on left goes down here
8730s but finn's been removed by pelican dante
8732s clinging to life though and violet is
8734s going to finish the job proper always
8736s good for an up-close shuriken head shot
8738s dash combo and mirror has nowhere to run
8741s i i gotta feel like though if you get
8743s proper that week like we saw him weak
8744s like two three times there like really
8746s low you gotta commit and try and get him
8748s out of the fight and finish him off
8749s because if you allow him to you know get
8751s healed up the amount of damage that he
8753s puts down even outside of blade is quite
8755s large uh he's eventually going to just
8758s kind of chip you down over time you're
8759s not going to be able to heal through
8761s both genji's having
8763s similar amount of damage in that first
8764s fight you'll notice that they are
8765s getting towards those first ultimates
8767s again violent 89 percent to lapse 48
8771s that's an intangible thing
8773s that makes a huge difference when it
8774s comes to staving off that first dragon
8776s blade ladies and gentlemen kilo that's
8778s pretty aggressive positioning it's not
8779s going to be punished though it's going
8780s to be the commanding shot that sends the
8782s shock forward
8783s great coordination just sort of looked
8785s like kilo was maybe too far forward in
8786s fact he was right where he had to be
8788s yeah you said he was maybe too far
8790s forward and he hurt you and slid even
8792s further forward as he gets in there with
8794s the rest of the team wants to brawl out
8796s on the sojourn and yeah like you
8797s mentioned a violin able to build up
8798s these beats so fast man like over the
8801s course of uh you know right now it may
8803s not be the biggest deal okay oh that's
8805s gonna be uh
8806s you know a good old cross mapper like a
8808s tomahawk modern warfare 2 type of thing
8810s they're from dante so you get killer
8812s fight you may be able to steal this now
8814s oh the truck are going to invest
8815s ultimates and staying alive in this
8817s fight even with four players that is a
8819s nasty kindness though not what colors
8820s you do about that for the rest of the
8821s shocker here here's the dragon blade
8823s from proper and dante is cut down to
8826s size merit knows there's no point
8828s returning to the fight of the shock
8830s that's a bit of a flex matthew
8832s so nobody talked yesterday with decay
8834s like can can he do these like
8836s performances time and time again and i
8839s know it ended up he was able to do two
8840s three but no not really do it the entire
8842s series property's done in every game
8844s every regular season match you know he's
8846s always been there for the shock every
8848s time they need that time of the play it
8850s comes up big where you're looking at
8851s maybe last fight territory here for the
8853s outlaws
8854s 91 accounting here kilo goes for this
8856s overclock and he's found pelican already
8859s that's the high value shot and making
8860s two
8862s two steaming holes boarding heads for
8864s the outlaws and they are in no position
8866s to contest this dante eventually gets
8868s dragged off his horses viola completes
8871s the kill and that will be enough for the
8873s shock a strong start indeed
8875s [Applause]
8877s you know maybe the outlaws will be the
8879s nerves jumping in this one early on
8881s we'll see how this next round goes you
8882s don't get a use of rampage or sound
8884s barrier during that first round
8887s uh you know you you get the action you
8889s want at the beginning of a few fights
8891s right you're not able to capitalize
8892s though uh so
8894s maybe you just need to be a little bit
8895s more aggressive at certain moments you
8897s know know when to peel back a little bit
8898s further you know play a little bit more
8899s passive as uh see this from dante's pov
8902s oh this is
8909s sleeping with the holographic fishes
8913s are there oh there are fishes right
8914s there
8916s six years man
8918s six years we've been doing this i don't
8919s spend too much time down there sorry
8922s uh yeah i'm not like you
8924s oh my god
8926s lucio roll out mitch leslie into the
8928s drink
8929s proper six and one after that first
8930s round
8932s no surprises there but my god the impact
8934s being felt
8935s a backbreaker the outlaws get that first
8937s pick matt and they can't convert into a
8938s fight win that probably gets in their
8940s head pelicans very low gets a heel pack
8942s there
8943s proposed threatening the elimination
8946s they just backed them up into this
8947s corner though already it feels like
8949s there's no packs left for dante at least
8951s two repair packs got used on pelican
8952s they're in the neutral dante gets burned
8954s to an absolute crisp
8957s in the the shock are so aggressive and
8959s they put down so much like early damage
8961s they force them back into that hallway
8963s they don't have the healing resources
8964s and it's just a matter of time
8966s just get kind of like wilted down and
8969s man not looking good for the outlaws
8970s here early on didn't that free
8972s unanswered damage makes a big difference
8974s right the pressure you put on those back
8976s line on the healers and their resources
8978s can manifest in a huge way later on in
8980s the fight
8981s merit
8982s he's having a probe here nicely done
8984s body shot on finn
8986s san francisco
8988s don't want to back up entirely here as
8989s kilos ever take mirror down across the
8991s map oh no san francisco now in a four
8994s versus four and finn will be back in the
8996s fray in no time they'll maintain control
8998s of the point for the time being although
8999s it seems like collusion is disinclined
9001s to take too much poke damage at the
9002s moment
9004s geo getting close to that overclock it's
9006s gonna be a sound barrier for left and
9007s right at all too happy to acquiesce with
9009s one of his own this will force the
9010s outlaws back it's the blade that strikes
9012s the fear of god on even god's name is
9014s proper today that's two with the blade
9017s and the outlaws are nowhere to be seen
9021s the outlaws end up using their rally
9022s there as well so you have the rally
9024s advantage here for finn the overclock
9026s available for kilo as
9029s the shock looking at domi here on map
9031s number one i mean this is uh it's not
9033s close no it has not been great maybe
9035s pelican can save the day with the blade
9037s though
9038s kilos overclock here
9039s that's gonna be a problem for the
9041s outlaws to push into especially through
9042s a choke if they lose a player
9044s here it's gonna be another 15 or so
9047s good discipline from houston
9050s no whack-a-mole this time for san
9051s francisco but the outlaws still need to
9053s find a way into the rest of this complex
9055s commanding shout here for the outlaws as
9057s they want to try and gain some ground
9058s and proper is corralled into the corner
9060s but it gets a repair pack he's still
9062s fighting fit collusion is getting close
9063s to the rampage and he fights the knife
9065s on dante pelicans blade
9068s barely anywhere to go with it he's able
9069s to get rid of proper who was definitely
9071s deep behind enemy lines and kiro a
9073s killer rather slides on in himself
9075s all right the shock you're just going to
9077s throw themselves on the outlaws here i i
9079s don't i don't mind it though for the
9080s shock right clue she'll back up die on
9082s the point here as you're going to get up
9084s to 99 one fight territory you come back
9086s with your rampage you know they don't
9088s have anything in terms of support
9090s ultimates on the other side uh it's a
9092s good fight opportunity to give up there
9093s for san francisco
9096s 99 to 10 here
9098s these rampages
9100s will be key in this next fight as we're
9101s in a bit of a
9102s support ultimate trough
9105s can merit
9106s make the difference with this overclock
9108s he'd like to play in space
9110s and into the choke with that ultimate
9113s notice pelican he got a repair back
9114s there he got going to go for it sliding
9116s forward no connection here playing
9118s around the outside of the point there's
9119s players all around him right now he's
9120s looking for properties behind him merit
9122s takes a hit and another backs away it's
9124s going to be a rampage connection on
9125s towards the left he won't have the sound
9127s barrier for this fight there 4v4 last
9129s rose rally get some durability but it
9131s doesn't look like it's going to be
9132s enough prop is going to be occupying
9133s merit for a huge amount of time and he's
9136s still at six health eventually he's able
9138s to top himself up but the rest of his
9139s team has already fallen he'll play from
9142s the outside but proper had a sixth sense
9144s about this one he'll hunt him down that
9146s spider sense tingled sound barrier for
9148s leopard desperation here only here last
9150s try to benefit from it and very quickly
9151s these two beleaguered supports will be
9154s put in the ground dante headfirst into a
9157s rail gun the blade from proper just to
9159s cut the cake of victory as san francisco
9163s making a map
9165s and i gotta say i really love the way
9167s that kaluge played that towards the end
9170s uh when you watch just the way he plays
9172s the junker queen like uses the rampage
9174s there and then just like first person
9176s shooter mechanics right he's like jiggle
9177s peeking behind some of the cover he is
9179s so good at not taking that unnecessary
9181s chip damage before some of these fights
9183s kick off also know like how to play his
9185s life and live extend it for a period of
9187s time he goes deep with that rampage
9189s connects with a few players he's so deep
9191s in the outlaws enemy lines and he's able
9193s to survive there with really not a lot
9195s of help really strong player from
9196s collusion being gonna be low economy is
9198s the
9199s tank on your team is huge in terms of
9201s keeping pressure off your back line and
9203s letting them just pop those resources
9205s into proper
9207s pretty dominant showing here for san
9209s francisco in the first map of this
9210s series if houston have any aspirations
9212s to advance this tournament they'll need
9214s to find something a little stronger
9222s [Music]
9230s so
9293s [Music]
9302s foreign
9322s so
9397s [Music]
9410s [Music]
9440s [Applause]
9442s whoever said lightning doesn't strike
9444s twice has never met the san francisco
9446s shots
9448s just a depth of talent on their roster
9450s that can't be denied some of the most
9452s hardcore carry performances that i've
9454s ever seen this is going to be a wild
9456s ride
9459s somehow
9460s get a double kill
9462s how about that one see you later
9471s [Music]
9476s oh
9478s [Music]
9480s san francisco the greatest team in
9483s overwatch
9487s a very slow start on at least young
9489s tower for the houston outlaws and if i'm
9491s honest with you everybody
9493s it didn't get much better when we went
9495s over towards control center san
9497s francisco
9498s felt like they were very much in the
9500s driver's seat matthew for most of that
9501s map
9502s finn uh obviously
9504s crucial in that brick position but i
9506s have to say we saw kilomaker a very
9508s strong case for himself in that second
9510s round
9511s uh a lot of the time
9513s coming in with uh these huge overclocks
9514s to secure things this team is yeah again
9517s they're right where they need to be
9518s right now
9519s but again still waiting on on that
9521s dallas rematch on the other side of this
9522s bit of positivity here for the outlaws
9524s you have to pick your next amount right
9525s that was a san francisco shock pick
9528s they obviously came in dominated it uh
9531s you bring us to hollywood that'll be the
9533s next map in the set here for houston uh
9536s maybe you think creating these longer
9538s sight lines gives merit an opportunity
9540s to live more you know maybe kind of stop
9542s the proper and violet's aggression a
9544s little bit like or stunt it just by the
9546s way the map is laid out designed
9549s uh
9550s a lot's gotta go your way ah yes ah yes
9555s true some things never
9557s die
9560s that one
9561s that one will go on forever yep
9563s much like uh
9565s last round selfie whichever role he has
9567s been
9568s required to move into he
9571s does it with uh alacrity now on the
9573s brigitte and like we mentioned before
9575s has had
9576s really good impact but again it's going
9577s to take a little bit more than lastro to
9578s have a sbd performance
9581s what does that even mean
9583s figure it out
9587s sure
9587s it's uh
9589s yeah i mean there was a
9591s look i think you can almost just throw
9592s away map one it really outlaws like that
9595s was just
9597s ugly you know not really kind of
9599s representative of like how you play
9601s throughout or how you want to spar or
9603s want to play this series right
9605s uh you can just chuck that one in the
9607s bin like say hey hello the series starts
9609s here our map selection we win this we
9611s get to 1-1
9614s you're gonna go to uh
9616s you know escort and kind of like with
9617s the maps in there maybe you get a circle
9619s royal you get over to push like there's
9621s a path right it all starts here though
9623s [Music]
9625s wouldn't it be nice if you know things
9626s that
9627s you don't like in life you can just
9628s ignore pretend that don't exist
9631s i mean i i've been trying with you for
9633s how many years we've done this
9634s they still keep popping my voice
9635s interiors baby
9637s i swear they keep pumping it even louder
9639s i keep trying to turn it down they keep
9640s they keep amping it up or maybe you're
9642s just getting louder over time i'm not
9644s stuck in here with you matt you're stuck
9646s in here with
9647s me just like all these people in toronto
9650s stuck in here with you is that so bad
9653s i didn't think so
9655s how many of your family members are down
9658s okay buddy
9661s slow thine roll
9664s all right let's go on the defense kilo
9666s is going to be
9667s on the ash
9670s well it'll be an ash on both sides of
9674s the field here so to speak and i think
9676s it's interesting right like
9678s ash is really good on this map even like
9680s prior to this type of meta like the
9682s sight lines just really favor ash and uh
9685s i think you're gonna see like as you see
9686s right now both teams play a little bit
9688s more passive because nobody wants to
9689s take that big ticking dynamite damage
9691s collusion proper hoping to funnel the
9693s outlaws into the choke yeah set up a
9695s pizza and not get a lot of value out of
9696s kilos dynamites
9699s okay so the others are pretty split
9700s right now i think merit is on an island
9702s i wait for them here so
9705s the question remains whether he can
9706s actually get involved see kilo is
9707s keeping mid bay and profits already
9709s managed to get left now that mobility
9710s for the outlaws has been compromised
9712s yeah and the always i mean this is just
9714s so hard right they've just done a lap
9715s around the point it's uh
9717s you actually get a kill here for a
9719s pelican on the fence so maybe with the
9720s commanding shell gives everybody a
9721s little bit more help you can actually
9723s stay alive oh you're kidding
9725s all right proper okay picking his door
9727s off the ground
9729s nicely done by merit that's two quick
9730s headshots he gets back in the fight and
9732s he makes his presence fails
9735s three final blows merits zero deaths
9737s with forty percent of his team's damage
9739s after their first fight
9741s so you see a merit on that ashrae able
9744s to pick a you know a few players off
9745s his damage is from dynamites yeah i mean
9747s it's it's massive right when everybody
9749s wants to play so close together with
9750s this type of composition because
9752s i can get the most uh effect out of the
9754s lucio and the brigitte right in terms of
9757s the inspire everybody needs to be kind
9759s of close together so you can get really
9761s big value out of those dynamites where
9763s uh you see merit who's been very good on
9764s the ass when you've seen it thus far
9766s uh
9767s and that's probably part of the reason
9768s they select this map right as i was
9770s talking about you want to kind of see
9771s this type of slower
9773s play merit answers the call there
9778s just what the outlaws needed
9780s again tough to defend that point a no
9782s matter what team you are at the moment
9784s definitely attack a favorite
9787s merit he is just trying to keep oh keep
9789s tabs on proper free haircut reverse
9791s mohawk though sorry you don't get to
9793s choose
9794s but see as they push them back and merit
9797s hits these shots and hits these
9798s dynamites and you have to use your amp
9801s you have to use your brigitte armor
9803s packs you just start to dwindle down
9806s some of these healing resources over
9807s time
9808s uh which if you can do that to the other
9810s team gives you a huge advantage right
9811s because the shock they pretty much have
9813s to play a little bit further back wait
9814s for these things to come back online
9815s he's about to get messy five ultimates
9817s on board
9818s he's the sound barrier from violet last
9819s story already went for the rally let's
9821s keep his peace
9823s the bomb comes down pelican on the high
9824s ground wanted an audience with kilo he
9826s declined he dropped to the low ground
9828s and gets eaten up by bob dante knifed
9831s out of position again merit finding a
9833s way to remove the bob
9835s from kilo
9837s and the outlaws here
9839s i've already advanced all that much
9841s couple of ultimates left thinking about
9842s how to judiciously apply this sound
9844s barrier
9844s i mean that this barrier is for proper
9847s blade uh
9849s if if they weren't
9851s oh well you gotta trade here so violet's
9853s out of the equation
9855s so don't have the speed to disengage
9857s here
9858s finn actually ends up popping around so
9860s the outlaws you got the rally huh you
9862s know you know you have the beat
9863s advantage at the current moment maybe
9865s dante builds up towards this rampage
9867s here is some type of action there
9873s proper holding on the blade as well it's
9874s going to be a game of chicken between
9875s him and lip
9878s glue is getting close to that rampage as
9880s he's dancing he's taking absolute
9881s licking
9882s okay he gets topped up he takes the mega
9884s health pack but pop it aside it's time
9885s to go it's gonna be the sound barrier
9887s from lip as prescribed and violent falls
9889s first over extensive the last row who
9892s starts flailing about himself
9894s two key kills from the brigand again
9895s merits cleaning house he's five and oh
9898s on the ash right now and the outlaws are
9900s well and truly on the way yeah and it
9901s was a great sound barrier there from
9903s left and then also a really good rampage
9905s from dante
9907s chad do you try and challenge us again
9908s if you're the shock proper come down the
9910s door
9911s and fight checkpoint achieved already
9913s for the outlaws here so the shock would
9915s be advised to spend too deeply here
9918s can't even put a spawn came together
9920s dante gonna tear the limb from limb here
9923s by setting fin
9925s oh man this is great for the outlaws
9928s obviously they didn't have much to use
9929s if anything but they're they they don't
9932s let the shock build up towards some
9933s ultimate they're gonna get this car
9934s probably around the first and second
9936s corner and kind of like down to that
9938s home stretch because they come out and
9939s fight this
9940s so really good for the outlaws thus far
9945s the outlaws
9946s droving this car like a herd of cattle
9950s i might get some good time on hollywood
9952s pelican hoping for a vantage point can
9954s he spot kilo out he doesn't want to be
9957s caught in midair in front of the shock
9958s he knows he gets shot at the sky like a
9960s clay pigeon
9961s now the rampage from columbus three
9963s players connected with the last rally
9966s is enough to keep them up minimal
9967s follow-up from san francisco and
9969s collusion's ultimate goes down the good
9970s luck well they rally and then they back
9972s up and the shock don't actually go in
9974s and contest this is that it's gonna be
9975s violent with the sound barrier as it's
9977s gonna be merits bob on the corner kilo
9979s playing pve for a bit at least now he
9980s can get involved in oh he does quickly
9982s as well another dynamite connection but
9984s pelican
9987s beautiful blade
9989s he is eight and one
9992s this card is careening towards an early
9993s finish yes but what do you have to get
9995s this card over the line you're gonna
9996s have bob come out here for the shock
9998s you're also gonna have a rally so it's
10000s gonna be really difficult for the
10001s outlaws to win this they're gonna need
10003s an early pick off me like proper gets on
10004s the contest you're able to get rid of
10006s him early
10008s yellows feeling the same way here as
10009s they kind of back up hoping to bite
10011s something out of the cul-de-sac which is
10014s difficult to push into on it on a good
10016s day even
10017s thank you
10019s kilowatts bob up his
10021s sleeves
10023s dynamite connect here trying to punish
10025s here's the running from finn the shock
10027s taking a lot of upfront damage kilo
10029s actually wants to go forward with the
10030s coach done
10031s all right disengage from houston
10034s they're just waiting for alts like they
10035s got to get like a rampage online
10038s you need something else here
10040s besides this beat or else you're relying
10042s on the shark having a big blunder here's
10045s bob here he goes pelican
10047s looks like he might have been locked
10048s onto first by bob so we switched strikes
10050s away and another disengage from there
10052s he's very disciplined they get in they
10054s get an ultimate they get out they get in
10056s they get an ultimate if they get out now
10058s this may be the time where they actually
10059s stay in here are they accounting for
10061s proper in the play though here it comes
10063s sound barrier out for the houston
10065s outlaws and proper left branching cold
10067s steel in the middle of throw whether
10068s barrett's up to pressure and proper
10070s takes him down unfortunately for him the
10072s rest of his thing get decimated
10075s houston one minute 17 seconds on the
10079s clock
10080s that is a fantastic bounce back there
10083s for the outlaws after how they looked on
10085s lichen tower to take it to a map here
10087s where you can start to see like how they
10089s can use the map picks potentially to
10092s really swing this in their favor
10095s uh
10096s see how they look on defense though here
10098s with the ash in play
10099s credit
10100s yeah big part of why houston are able to
10103s disengage like that after drawing
10105s ultimates out and not losing any players
10107s to them
10108s two or three times in a row is because
10110s that lucio call is coming in at just the
10112s right time
10114s very well done very disciplined play
10116s from the houston outlaws to force the
10119s san francisco shock to spend where they
10120s did not want to the newest addition here
10123s for the outlaws a big part of that
10128s [Music]
10132s ultimate out get out
10134s uh being able to do that to really good
10136s effect here so
10137s now we'll see the outlaws on defense
10139s take a look from laps pov
10143s speed in beat
10144s on to five great timing as well
10149s controlling proppers positioning with
10150s the blade there boops him back gets
10152s involved
10154s that uses the uh
10155s the cart for some cover there
10160s good looks from houston very clean
10163s that's really where they're gonna have
10164s to oh my
10168s i'd say egg on the face and a bully in
10170s the brain for your boy kilo
10174s no they feels way better to play on land
10177s uh it also feels way worse when things
10179s happen like that on the planet
10181s kilo actually is going to play the
10182s sojourners they want to just move away
10185s from the ash altogether uh
10187s the shock i think are going to have to
10188s play this quite aggressively they're
10190s going to have to run down merit and i
10191s think if you're the outlaws can you keep
10193s him up
10196s slow and steady for san francisco the
10198s outlaws see that high ground control as
10199s many teams elect to do
10201s last row dante a lot of damage dante a
10203s little bit caught up i've come on a chat
10205s allows his team to again group around
10206s him
10207s yeah this is a tough one in san
10209s francisco making all the right moves
10211s matthew
10217s they will be able to take the first
10219s checkpoint they get in they play
10221s aggressively now we'll see here mitch i
10224s think this is probably the worry if
10225s you're playing the sojourn we think
10226s it'll look oh look at this repellent
10230s see this happen
10234s um
10236s i think what you're gonna have to worry
10237s about here if you're the shock
10239s how do you access this high ground and
10241s play these long sight lines against the
10243s ash this is where i think you have a big
10245s advantage for the outlaws uh typically
10247s we see a lot of teams just give up that
10249s point a right uh it's this part of the
10251s map that teams really start to stall out
10255s for how long can the outlaws force the
10257s shock to play from that disadvantageous
10258s position with poor sight lines that's
10260s the question
10262s merida is to drop off the high ground
10263s here nice big dynamite connect prop has
10266s already gone down pelican winning out in
10267s the neutral
10269s and the chase is on
10274s now you get aggressive right you push
10275s them back you take the high ground you
10277s get an advantage you jump down
10279s you just destroy
10281s now you see that the outlaws they pushed
10283s up
10284s we've seen teams take this position as
10285s well kind of play here in this courtyard
10288s make it costly right you can start to
10290s bleed this clock the clock pretty
10291s healthy for the shock at this moment but
10293s force them to use ultimates here you
10294s know get the get ultimates out you're
10296s still like two three fights away from
10298s being able to actually even take that
10299s second checkpoint
10302s oh dear okay nice little d flex there
10304s from pelican thinking about the blade
10305s but attracted the attention of the brig
10308s of finn often to give a bit of ground
10310s again disengage this time not nearly as
10311s clean dante gets caught out
10313s that's the shock surge ahead
10315s pelican again is fighting a retreat
10317s proper nipping at his heels here the
10319s outlaws it's not a clean disengage it's
10321s more likely not a rat for the
10322s battlefield
10324s no and i mean you're gonna come back
10325s into this next fight you do have an
10326s advantage in terms of support ultimates
10328s uh but it's going to be dicey i feel
10330s like now that you have the high ground
10332s here
10334s going to be able to just
10336s make it very difficult for the outlaws
10338s because now kilo can land this disrupter
10340s shot from the high ground you have the
10341s overclock available so he's actually in
10344s the low ground now probably trying to
10345s fade out like a dash and then get up
10347s there this is the fight that decides if
10348s the shot can actually break through the
10350s outlaws here okay
10352s oh pelican is so low
10354s where the ultimate team for the houston
10355s outlaws okay granny comes out my
10357s pelicans already gone down here kilo up
10359s on top of the jail hoping to incarcerate
10361s the outlaws here
10364s proper going in thinking about it to
10365s lose rampage it's good oh the outlaws
10367s absolutely rolled
10369s absolutely
10371s rolled
10373s the outlaws end up holding on to their
10375s sound barrier throughout that fight
10377s the
10378s opportunity not really lined up is left
10381s looks like he's gonna make it out with
10382s his life barely and that's a huge you're
10384s gonna be able to come back maybe you
10386s play aggressive if you're the outlaws do
10387s you use like uh you know beat plus blade
10391s right uh you're gonna get their blade
10392s out by doing that you think you win that
10394s fight you try and just rampage here a
10396s few options for the outlaws to swing the
10398s momentum back a lot of pressure on the
10401s san francisco's healing there
10403s violet took a lot of damage to lose has
10405s also seen some better days
10408s travel would love to find his way around
10409s dante controlling that point of ingress
10411s very effectively
10413s proper needs to get closer before he
10414s wants to commit that dragon blade the
10416s outlaws need to make use of some of
10417s these ultimate soon enough ladies and
10419s gentlemen otherwise it's got to get away
10420s from them pelicans down it's sick rail
10423s gun through the body
10424s dante wants to try and get towards
10426s toulouse
10427s no man the rampage isn't followed up on
10430s the shock is still at full strength as
10431s they start to round the better
10433s out of position
10435s the rallies here from finn oh the
10437s outlaws are starting to capitulate
10441s yeah when you think you know things uh
10443s didn't look good there with the rampage
10445s no follow-up maybe you're you're giving
10448s yourself some time to regroup
10450s right there not being able to save dante
10452s with the beat that is
10454s that's brutal here for houston as now
10456s they're just getting bullied oh
10458s no last throw maybe down to deflect
10460s damage there if i'm not mistaken in the
10461s blade to make things even worse for
10463s proper dante
10465s gets filled oh you're kidding you're
10468s kidding proper
10470s unholy performance
10473s proper at 12 and five
10474s after that round in san francisco very
10476s quickly show they've got game of their
10478s own
10480s man that's uh that's tough for houston
10482s because you think you have the momentum
10483s you think you have it figured out
10486s and the shock just bullying back to your
10488s spawn there uh now a few opportunities
10491s there for the outlaws like you know
10492s maybe you would have loved to play that
10494s second fight uh in the second checkpoint
10496s right before b a little bit differently
10497s maybe you would have liked i know a way
10499s to replay that first corner right where
10501s you use rampage you don't have the beat
10503s to save uh you do beat but you don't say
10505s dante with it
10507s uh you just wanted those two moments
10509s back there and maybe that's kind of like
10510s the way you keep uh morale up and the
10513s outlaw side of things and kind of like
10515s look at that as you know not really a
10517s terrible losses uh it'll be the shock
10519s with a better time bank so they'll be on
10520s defense first kilo obviously making a
10522s switch to sojourn after that uh
10524s rock moment for him there yeah dante
10527s dante's really weak right here in front
10529s of uh
10531s [Music]
10537s that's tough stuff especially when
10539s there's no like barriers to block that
10540s so he's legitimately very not very not
10542s sbd
10545s i knew you'd catch on
10546s yeah i'm a quick learner you know
10549s it's uh
10550s see the shock they actually just have uh
10552s they're not gonna run the ashland
10553s defense either they're gonna have a new
10555s kilo played sojourn again i think it
10557s just works better with their playstyle
10558s he's five and eight though pretty quiet
10560s stuff from him it's definitely been a
10561s matter of proper
10563s uh stringing together multiple team
10564s fights worth of
10566s uh
10566s hard carrying
10568s but san francisco look they'll take it
10570s whichever way it comes here the outlaw's
10571s obviously under a minute to make the
10573s push out of this point san francisco can
10574s simplify the calculus
10576s greatly if they get a stop here
10580s no no no mean feat though let's just be
10582s clear about that
10583s kilo trying to stay pelican off he a
10586s little unaware right now the soldier's
10588s presence kilo remaining somewhat
10589s invisible but proper and he combined all
10591s the kill with lamp and it's again proper
10593s getting final blow credit but kilo is
10595s able to command the high ground he needs
10597s to deal with merit though and it's
10598s dangerous dante went down though in the
10600s meantime pop is being popped up here
10602s hastily by violet they want to send him
10604s forward as quick as possible
10605s the cyber ninja sorties cut short by
10608s pelican
10609s proper with the eye roll there
10611s couldn't get back to full hp and
10613s pelicans stepping up
10614s can we talk about obviously how good
10616s proper is a lot
10617s uh pelican like last year and you see at
10621s big moments this year can still rise to
10624s that level as
10626s you'll get the cart moving that's
10627s actually huge for the outlaws just in
10628s terms of like win scenario when they
10630s move over to the defense which uh and
10633s we'll hit on as soon as we see where
10634s this ends says
10636s out the outlaw is going to have to try
10638s and get them off of this high ground
10639s somehow someway now walt's here good
10642s old-fashioned
10643s gentleman's overwatch i guess
10645s pelicans 15 to 5. proper 15 and six they
10649s are neck and neck and genji turns but
10650s pelican gets ahead finn's gonna fall
10652s down poppers trying to just sit there
10654s and throw these shurikens but eventually
10656s he's going to be discovered in pearl
10657s again he's running away with it
10660s killers trying to get away prop is able
10662s to find the one elimination but that's
10663s not going to be enough on the outlaws
10664s they be coming around the mountain here
10666s matthew and they've got a head of steam
10669s this is uh
10671s it's proper against pelican here
10673s everybody else feels like a an npc at
10675s times they're just dashed through making
10678s players out yeah i mean it is uh
10680s it is quite the show from that guy
10682s playing the tree in the high school play
10684s you know uh
10685s now you have a blade for both of them
10687s soundbar a huge rally advantage here for
10690s the outlaws though pelican to the skies
10692s like the north star draws the blade
10694s not able to get much done there yet
10696s violet goes for that sound barrier
10698s trying to dance on top of pelican also
10700s comes up with very little from his own
10701s blade we're gonna have overclock online
10703s bob's coming up here in just a moment
10704s the running for the last row here to get
10706s the outlaw some momentum and merits able
10708s to take advantage 5v4 now as bob's in
10710s the periphery just putting damage down
10712s as he does and meredith could shut kilo
10714s in the next tuesday finish down and the
10716s outlaws are far from done ladies and
10718s gentlemen another checkpoint for houston
10721s i mean this is a performance from the
10723s outlaws you're wondering no is that
10726s momentum shifting over towards the shock
10728s they played great on their offense they
10730s have a great time bank you know the
10732s outlaws some misplays there i know at
10734s the end of their defense
10736s you know how do you kind of regroup and
10738s they have battled back here now in their
10741s overtime offense
10743s can they win this next fight though
10745s dante's dante's rampage has to be huge
10747s here
10748s kilo has to step up
10751s 5-11 right now but he has an overclock
10753s and a chance to swing the balance of
10755s power back in the shocks favor finn goes
10758s for the rally he's going deep killer
10760s getting aggressive here with the railgun
10761s shots he's putting some damage down
10764s but nothing about home about just yet
10765s colluge gets in there kilo finds the
10767s body shot last row goes the way of the
10769s weary and that will be that
10772s but my god houston
10774s want to run across the map
10779s they made this way more interesting than
10781s uh no it was gonna look because when the
10783s shock go on offense and they just roll
10785s on through them you think hey you know
10786s maybe you get like a
10788s you get that first checkpoint if you're
10789s houston you make it a little bit further
10791s and then things kind of end and the
10792s shock have a lot of time in the bank
10794s that is a tremendous push there for the
10796s outlaws they've given themselves a real
10798s chance of taking this map which is huge
10800s like i mentioned this is their map
10802s selection
10803s you end up having obviously the shock
10805s select map number one they win it you
10807s end up losing your own map selection
10809s here and even in a different fashion
10810s right you're not really playing the
10811s sojourn you're playing the ash a lot of
10813s the times now you start searching like
10815s like where can we go that we can get an
10818s advantage uh then it feels like the
10820s series is a little bit i know out of
10822s your hands where
10823s you win this you're you're kind of in
10825s the control if you're the outlaws
10826s there's a lot of different things you
10827s can do
10830s i like it for those keeping at home in
10831s the genji match up
10833s 21-6 for young kelly proper
10836s 17 and 8 having a pretty quiet round and
10839s again there's definitely a a bit of a
10841s golf between our hitscan dps merit
10844s having extremely solid showing here he's
10847s 11 and 6.
10849s the kind of map were a little bit harder
10850s for junkie queens to have a lot of
10851s impact especially that second phase of
10853s the map where much of the fight is held
10854s on a periphery or in 1v1s between
10857s genji's and hitscan
10860s okay no chicanery at the front of spawn
10862s this time
10867s eyes on this man on your screen kilo
10871s needs to deliver niels they can see this
10873s space this is where america can land
10875s those big dynamites yeah proper goes
10877s really deep in that corner you're able
10879s to keep him alive
10881s yeah let's just have to figure out a way
10882s to gain some control here
10884s not a target rich environment as far as
10886s kilo's concern
10888s proper
10889s extending for these kills the pelican
10891s opens up the account
10894s merit has a bit of space on the point oh
10895s this dynamite could be devastating yes
10897s more pressure on the healing resources
10899s san francisco was stuck inside the cafe
10903s and you notice when the dynamite comes
10904s down well we're watching from pelicans
10907s pov and you know what i love is
10909s he sees finn there they know they're
10911s taking the ticket dynamite damage uh
10913s there's only so much lucio can do with
10914s an amp the finn is swinging for the
10916s fences because he needs to trigger the
10918s inspire and he's just staying at a
10919s distance just firing from range and what
10922s what do you do you can't just speed out
10924s uh as you're taking taking damage to try
10926s and find that so really nice play there
10928s by pelican pretty smart
10930s and look at how far further he is
10932s towards that blade oh yeah
10934s that's gonna come out before violet can
10936s get a sound barry if the outlaws choose
10938s to go it's unlikely as defenders here
10940s they want to make the first move
10942s san francisco they have to show
10944s something they need to
10946s put something on the table
10948s here's the blade king doesn't want to
10950s wait anymore but violet does go for the
10952s beat they managed to section off one of
10954s these shock players here it's proper a
10955s little bit behind enemy lines
10958s he's able to get back to his team and
10960s now you just kind of hold here through
10961s the outlaws you get both of these
10963s supports online and you can take the
10964s point back about the rally it's gonna be
10966s a commanding shot here for dante left
10968s with a beat that's a huge advantage here
10970s for the outlaws if they can make it work
10972s getting them down vicariously via bob
10974s and pelican gets in for two
10977s not a done thing the shot can do about
10979s it we spent so much time talking about
10980s how defender oh rather attack of favored
10984s this part of the map is and yet the
10985s outlaws have two winning fights in a row
10988s what a big deal that is
10990s merit's been getting insane value out of
10992s the dynamites just if he's able to
10994s connect those it really makes it tough
10996s on the healers for the shock and you can
10998s get some other chip damage that allows
10999s pelican to go off pelican is 25 and six
11002s right now
11004s and not too far away from a cheeky
11005s little dead lift
11008s will it be required though is the
11009s question come on the shock take a ton of
11010s damage early here comes the rare page
11012s it's good for three for the fighter boy
11014s connected with it kilo just melts
11018s but he's now laws
11020s they are doing this
11021s now pelican retry
11024s trying to hunt down proper here is
11026s everybody
11027s running him down
11029s man
11032s tremendous here in map number two they
11036s battle back to take it
11038s pelican
11040s is insane
11042s 28 of a possible 61 final blows not
11046s quite a deadly but near enough we spent
11049s so much time johnny says we're
11050s contractually obligated to talk about
11052s proper every time the shot comes up with
11053s the outlaws here of my deck case they
11056s put pelican forward and said no no no
11058s our little rookie of the year
11060s he's still a big deal now we have a game
11063s ladies and gentlemen
11064s [Music]
11067s stick around we'll be back of course
11068s with map number three san francisco pick
11070s as this series is tied up
11083s [Music]
11099s [Music]
11115s [Music]
11141s [Music]
11147s [Music]
11174s [Music]
11188s [Music]
11200s um
11206s um
11243s [Applause]
11245s [Music]
11255s [Music]
11286s [Music]
11298s let me into
11303s [Music]
11312s [Music]
11322s [Music]
11335s cause i'm back in my zone
11338s [Music]
11341s [Applause]
11343s one of the most dynastic teams in korean
11345s contenders especially last year was o2
11348s blast
11349s three
11350s of their three dps players from that era
11353s are in the server right now
11356s kilo proper
11358s and merit all three of them rotated
11360s through a lot of the time
11362s it was proper and merit
11364s kilo
11365s feeling left behind a little bit here as
11366s well matt it was a very rough hollywood
11369s outing for him yeah you were just we
11371s were talking during the break about how
11372s rough akilo's map was their amount
11375s number two
11377s uh in the shock obviously after a loss
11379s will get a map selection they go to
11381s circle way out which is interesting
11383s because
11384s merit on the ash is very effective you
11385s can do that here again maybe not as much
11388s on the defensive side because you have
11389s to play so close a spawn right
11392s but
11392s there are some good sight lines for that
11394s hero if you're able to make it work on
11395s this map
11397s really interesting selection here for
11398s the shark
11402s one thing that
11404s we definitely noticed across the course
11406s of this series is that pelican has been
11408s more than happy to step up to the
11409s challenge that's sort of been
11411s delivered by proper we know pelicans are
11413s known quantity to us here we go well his
11415s second year in the league had a
11417s fantastic first one look here in
11418s overwatch we get unreasonably excited
11421s about rookies right we just do what
11423s people like to do here uh it's not like
11425s pelican got worse he's just not a rookie
11428s i mean he is still
11429s that good uh as he was last year i mean
11432s i remember hearing like when he was
11434s going to the outlaws i was like what why
11436s would anybody give a pelican like he's
11438s insanely good uh and you see why you
11442s know in a game this big against the
11444s shock
11445s he's capable of you know being that
11447s heavy lifter to get you over the line
11449s pelican was the kind of player that had
11450s to miss out on a lot of the travels with
11452s the atlanta reign because of health
11454s issues right this player had to wait
11456s patiently for his chance to get onto the
11458s big stage and show what he's made of so
11461s it's got to be cathartic now
11463s that he can deliver a elite level dps
11466s performance against an elite level dps
11468s lineup
11470s and you got to think as well like
11471s playing for the outlaws like you know
11473s winning a stage for the outlaws like
11475s when like i've been in like four leagues
11477s for really another team right now
11478s they've been a statue out there
11481s you get bigger bronzed up yeah i don't
11483s know where they'd put it i've never been
11484s to houston but they'll they'll put it
11485s somewhere uh i think they have a lot of
11487s room out there yeah
11489s the trophy cabinet as well yeah that's
11491s true it's uh it'll be the shock they're
11493s gonna play the sojourn you play close up
11495s here and so we talk about a lot of the
11497s time so we see here so it'll be houston
11499s with an opportunity to maybe uh you know
11501s do you try and play the ash here i
11502s believe the other day when we watched
11504s this happen it was like a nasty spawn
11506s kill uh that went down until the
11508s offensive team had to switch uh off of
11510s the ash and go to the sojourn so
11512s take a look merritt on the widow now now
11514s he's gonna go to the ash maybe you take
11515s an off angle right you see everybody
11517s funnel out of this left side if you
11518s maybe get us
11519s dynamite connection dynamite from behind
11521s yep
11525s yep there it is it's on colluge only but
11527s still you can see that tick damage is
11529s annoying to try and remediate if you're
11531s another team and no one's looking at
11532s merit he gets free damage from the off
11534s angle in this meta game it's about body
11536s shots with ash all right quite often
11537s you're not really doing that much oh
11538s that's a good dynamite critical hit
11540s damage a lot of your early
11542s dps comes from that dynamite violet is
11544s down and this defense will
11546s be tested
11548s and as soon as that dynamite hits that's
11550s when it's go time for a pelican right he
11552s knows they're that's the one too they're
11554s using their healing resources he can go
11556s in they can command and shout and uh yep
11560s you get together in a small room you
11562s don't have a lot of health
11564s that's what's gonna happen is uh no
11566s that's like one of the tougher parts for
11567s the yellows to get out of right the
11569s spawn trap here at right at the gate and
11571s then if you take point a that next spawn
11573s trap those are some of the toughest
11574s parts of the map to get through
11576s the ash can really put pressure
11578s on your opposing genji if you can get a
11580s dynamite explosion plus the tick damage
11582s pelican can go
11584s and chase after proper and eliminate him
11586s and even if he doesn't proper has to
11588s stay out of the fight for a while he
11589s can't poke from medium range he can't
11591s deflect in the neutral because she can't
11592s deflect that explosion damage right it's
11594s very scary for poppa that's how you shut
11596s the enemy genji down if you play solid
11598s ash and look at this from the shark pov
11601s always on the way back right because
11603s you're always taking this damage
11606s that's a nice shot from kilo
11611s merit they're just getting blown out
11613s the outlaws quickly heading upstairs now
11615s want to play through this alcove kilo
11617s just drop the shot he's on cooldown
11619s presently he'll have to
11621s that is a return shot from kilo stops
11624s the bleeding there
11625s so he'll have a bob here so you know you
11627s can maybe bob getting like an off angle
11629s force them into an area of the map where
11631s pelican can get a really good blade off
11633s no support ultimates available just yet
11643s beautiful stuff from kilo there is one
11645s great way to silence the outlaws before
11646s the fight can really begin and again
11648s they must reset matthew
11651s and i'm sure kelo knew like you know
11652s last map wasn't his best performance
11656s hey if he bounces back plays well maybe
11658s he feels like that's enough to get this
11659s team a win here and now back-to-back
11662s fights where you're able to get that
11663s first blood that allows them to build up
11665s these support ultimates and other
11666s ultimates to be able to withstand some
11667s of this coming in from the outlaws look
11669s how he's playing still infused with
11671s confidence as he plays out in the middle
11672s of that street
11674s a lot of ultimates about to come up here
11675s this is going to be an extremely
11677s volatile trade-off
11679s pelican takes a little bit of poke
11681s damage early here's the rally from finn
11683s and last stroke flags are up for both
11685s sides but they're not surrendering
11689s i can try to los here as much as he
11690s possibly can okay he knows where kilo is
11692s right now but he's popped the overclock
11694s can kilo make more of these key
11695s connections that has a sound barrier
11697s there merits bob has been removed but
11698s colludes loses there in the jungle queen
11700s match up pelican goes for the defect
11702s immediately and now it's gonna be a
11703s sound barrier for both sides pelicans
11705s gonna get whatever damage he can but
11706s proper is one better regardless the
11708s outlaws come out on top
11710s this last throw trades the kill the
11712s mirror was alive in the back line the
11714s whole time i mean the biggest thing is
11716s being able to keep dante alive on the
11717s junker queen you know you have that kill
11719s straight at the beginning but you're
11720s able to get kalush out of the fight we
11722s talked about how good he was in map
11724s number one being able to get him out of
11726s the way allows the outlaws to take that
11728s you know checkpoint a now start to make
11730s this trek uphill
11734s good time so far for houston despite
11737s kilo ending two fights before they began
11741s again we knew that would be a messy
11742s fight with four or five ultimates up for
11744s each side and as usual that rampage the
11746s slowest ultimate to generate in this
11747s composition generally will be on deck
11750s for this next fight
11751s and there's no support ultimates there
11753s to mitigate the impact of that anti-heal
11754s and tick damage so keep your eyes out
11757s for the better junker queen lineup
11760s dante wanting to round the corner knife
11762s not quite connecting with finn
11766s but this card is being allowed to
11767s ponderously advance
11769s yeah they're just trying to
11771s line up this rampage when does this
11772s happen here we go
11774s oh my goodness like ships in the night
11775s but it's the outlaws that have five of
11777s their players afflicted by that
11779s anti-heal still it ends up just being a
11781s straight train
11782s four versus four
11783s the outlaws disinclined though
11786s to get too aggressive off the back of
11787s that they reset for a time and now we're
11789s looking at support ultimates coming
11790s around bobby's on deck once more it's
11793s hard to play that position without your
11794s junker queen is kalush still up here for
11797s the shock is you have the bob how do you
11799s decide to use this do you want to like
11801s use it at an off angle maybe over there
11803s to the right and then force people to
11804s the left uh where is the best position
11806s to make use out of this bob
11809s merritt doesn't exactly have the safest
11811s sight lines or the easiest ones right
11813s now
11814s but he knows that once bob gets out it
11816s might give a little bit of space but
11817s dante needs to be healthy kilo's down
11819s pelicans able to make his way into the
11820s back line of what a key elimination it's
11822s gonna be a sound barrier now for the
11824s shock and they use it to get a player
11825s parody here at four versus four
11828s how they come with the beat from left
11829s dante getting pressured though heavily
11830s in that front line but look at the
11832s damage
11832s kalooz comes in swinging with the axe
11836s dante in pieces
11838s and they can try to avoid finn but nice
11839s job by the shock they know they have
11841s that advantage they play forward get a
11842s lot of value out of the brig
11845s and then when you lose kilo early and
11847s all of those
11848s i know kills being exchanged it's proper
11851s and colluge being able to play together
11854s great use out of the junker queen in the
11856s genji to stave off the outlaws from
11858s taking that point finn is building his
11860s ultimates twice as fast as last row
11862s right now a minute 28 place two minutes
11864s 51
11865s big difference here in the brick match
11867s up here comes the running from both
11868s sides though and proper looking to shut
11870s the door on the outlaws 33 seconds left
11873s in the round and there's a blade to be
11874s coming
11876s you can be sure of that
11877s this is that other nasty spawn camp i
11879s was talking about trying to get out of
11881s but against there are no chance
11883s he got shut down by the table removed
11885s done to hear a proper doesn't need to
11887s draw cold steel
11890s the outlaws looking a little listless
11895s oh so close
11898s you will pay the iron price for that one
11900s i mean he draws them back
11901s the downside is is he is now dead and it
11904s looks like pelican
11905s nope not going to be able to get it
11906s touched she got overtired
11908s three players here for the outlaws seem
11910s to be left and they can't even touch
11911s really proper gets rid of dante
11914s and the houston
11915s outlaws are derailed
11918s not a bad push entirely for the outlaws
11920s right uh they were able to get that a
11923s checkpoint after a little bit of a fight
11925s there but maybe if you play the ash up
11926s in the high ground you make it even
11928s harder uh
11929s and then they get the car you know just
11931s a little bit before that second
11932s checkpoint so they do push it around
11934s like the the upper echelon of the map
11936s right you know getting uphill so that's
11938s a little bit harder
11940s see if they're able to hold on defense
11942s though
11944s pretty tough for the outlaws to
11947s push up that sort of middle part of the
11949s map you saw that yeah you know mera is
11951s playing this really sharp angles you
11953s know he's not able to peek out into the
11954s open is
11956s obviously a great risk of getting
11957s dragged in by a knife or
11959s being headshot by his opposite numbers
11961s killer was obviously on the sojourn
11963s there has that insta kill potential
11966s so the outlaws now
11968s pretty grim task ahead of them here look
11970s at a little bit of helm's deep-esque
11971s defense might be required on this map
11982s why is it parts of the caribbean they
11984s are getting unreasonably good at this
11995s yep it is
11998s round of applause everybody for our
11999s maestro the keys
12001s [Applause]
12005s so they do play the ash on defense
12007s uh we'll see how they decide to and make
12009s use out of it you see kilo kind of like
12012s poking from the spawn on the sojourn
12013s they're trying to take the same type of
12015s approach
12021s the shock don't get spawned camped
12022s either to push out the question is they
12024s still need to convert on this fight or
12026s rather can they convert on this fight
12029s yellows almost want to play this first
12030s corner
12031s like uh with the ash thing about trying
12034s to just funnel players in into that area
12036s right into the sight line they bend like
12038s a sapling but they sort of snap back
12040s once the breeze is done right because it
12042s you know they come around the corner
12043s whether they're inside of uh you know
12045s this kind of hotel to your right but
12047s they're coming down the main street good
12049s opportunity for dynamites those are the
12050s types of things that the outlaws want to
12052s force like look at like if you're the
12054s shock where can you go right now you
12055s kind of have to go up this main street
12057s or around towards the high ground but
12058s you're still funneling players in one
12060s direction you need to go towards pelican
12061s and that barrier to break up the line of
12062s sight and move the car
12064s pelican kind of knows that he's the
12066s first line of defense
12068s he has to give up that position got
12070s caught again that's what soju will do
12072s pressure that enemy jumper queen with
12073s railgun hits
12075s very messy little engagement here but
12077s proper has a bit of room
12080s can you do something with it pelican in
12082s trouble
12083s violet will finish the job done thirsty
12085s support as violet is five
12088s and three yeah the advantage with the
12089s surgeon you see right there is that
12090s burst damage right dante maybe doesn't
12092s expect to just have a large chunk of his
12094s health taken in a quick second it's kilo
12097s right around the corner connects with a
12098s shot
12100s you wonder how this guy gets ultimate so
12101s early
12102s a lot of the time it's
12104s raw
12105s deeps i mean he was playing cassidy at
12107s some points last year
12109s that's true that is true
12114s all right
12116s a space here decent part of the map from
12117s to play from it you can see the shot
12118s trying to get up at his face at all papa
12120s doesn't give blaster a moment of respect
12123s gets up his nostril with that dragon
12125s blade
12126s they are san francisco they're starting
12128s to feel it now but i can try to back
12130s away but he's not in line of sight of
12131s any of his healers and proper he knows
12133s it all right he is pushing further up
12137s here is a
12138s poor lastro he's in a tough spot that's
12140s very on sbd of him man no
12143s not gonna make it out of that one and
12145s that's brutal uh you used you were able
12147s to get the blade with your rally there
12149s and kill astro before he was able to get
12151s rally the last time and then you push up
12153s you catch him coming off the spawn you
12156s delay that even further uh it's just
12158s gonna be great cart progress here for
12160s the shock they're probably only gonna
12162s need one more fight
12166s bob could be crucial here awkward part
12168s of the map for attackers to play it's
12170s going to be an overclock to start things
12171s off kilo
12173s looking for pelican he's able to get
12175s away for now rally healing trying to
12177s keep pelican nice and vital shiloh knows
12179s they're coming for him he backs up a
12180s little bit so does collude a disengage
12182s here for san francisco as the outlaws
12184s are forced to use that rally
12187s so we'll see now can
12189s colluge hit this rampage
12191s seal the deal is see players all lining
12194s up here it's go time sound barrier here
12197s for both well violet rather his left
12199s doesn't have that up it's going to be a
12200s nice little rampage connect blade
12202s pelican bailing his team out
12204s two kills kill and finn both go down
12206s collusion needs to find some work here
12208s with that axe swing but proper gets rid
12210s of the enemy genji three versus two now
12212s as the outlaws are in an awkward spot
12213s it's just gonna be left left on his own
12216s and he gets last samurai
12219s a san francisco shock back in the lead
12224s proper inclusion have fantastic maps as
12228s good of a tank
12230s dps duo we have in this league
12232s especially on the junker queen
12234s genji combination
12236s they they're they've been actually able
12238s to slow down kilo kilos having a little
12239s bit of a you know he bounced back a
12240s little bit on that map but definitely
12242s making it hard on him but
12244s the genji and the junker queen for the
12246s shock still popping off proper has three
12248s times the final blows that pelican does
12249s it's 12 to four
12251s and violet comes out with seven final
12253s blows of his own
12255s always finding a way to get himself on
12257s the kill feed this time it's on the
12259s right side for violet
12261s in the san francisco shocker on the
12262s right side of this half time in the
12264s series stick around everybody as it will
12266s be a houston outlaws map pick they're
12268s looking to force this one
12269s to a map five
12272s [Music]
12284s [Music]
12301s do
12303s [Music]
12321s [Music]
12330s [Music]
12357s [Music]
12429s [Music]
12522s [Music]
12534s [Music]
12546s [Music]
12552s show off during the summer showdown you
12555s can share your art celebrating summer
12556s vibes and the summer showdown tournament
12559s for a chance to be featured on broadcast
12561s and the fan art gallery and if you're
12563s here in the arena we've been featuring
12565s some of your
12567s work
12568s whether it's signs or otherwise so keep
12570s that up great to see you all here
12572s toronto you've been fantastic so far
12574s over the home team can make you happier
12576s later in the day
12578s but for now we have
12579s the small matter of an outlaw shock game
12583s to decide
12585s the outlaws they get to pick here for
12588s push uh only out of the two maps in the
12590s pool for push where uh they will go to
12593s new queen street so this tells you
12596s probably gonna see more of the sojourn
12597s play merit goes on to that hero yet
12599s again
12600s uh
12601s and we'll say i mean i think it's really
12603s at this point kilo's really not had like
12605s a great series been up and down right
12607s where i think you know if you can
12609s at least
12610s it's tough to say slow down but like
12613s collusion proper just so good and
12615s consistent gaming game out
12617s if you can like you know catch them off
12619s pick them off a little bit early you
12621s know put some extra chip damage on the
12622s colluge like make it hard like like
12626s this looks like a winnable series for
12628s the outlaws it's not like the shock just
12630s completely running away with it uh as i
12632s think a lot of people would have
12633s expected
12634s i feel like maybe
12637s the baby elephant in the room so to
12638s speak though might have been sort of the
12639s difference in performance for pelican
12641s between hollywood and
12643s and that previous map there he's only
12644s able to find a couple of final blows
12646s that's true for the whole map yeah no
12648s i'm going to have much of an impact we
12649s sort of mentioned yeah four final blows
12650s i think to prop is 12.
12653s i think a lot of that probably has to do
12654s with the fact that finn is firing
12656s uh you know or rather kilo is firing on
12658s all cylinders there on the sojourn with
12660s some fantastic shutdowns at the
12661s beginning of fights but
12663s he's definitely a weapon that he's gonna
12665s have to be honed
12666s and uh put to good use if the outlaws
12669s hope to blow out the shock here we'll
12671s see first fight here should be massive
12673s it's uh pretty important on all push
12675s maps
12678s i think just like some high ground kind
12680s of you know jostling around that statue
12682s up there
12690s get a shot a strong showing here early
12692s for the outlaws can definitely
12694s convert
12695s to a map win i think they'd be really
12697s happy if they can get to a control
12699s map a
12700s and you also wonder if the shark with
12702s their map one selection of legend like
12703s that's their best control map right like
12705s so if you win this here did you take
12707s their best control kind of uh off of the
12709s board right you didn't win it did we end
12710s up on busan or something similar you
12712s know right like in nepal like something
12714s that's like a little bit that would be
12715s funky yeah yeah a little bit funky right
12718s here's your neutral ladies and gentlemen
12723s all right
12724s he's living the platformer life right
12725s now merida was taken down kilo's
12728s headshot
12729s should herald success for san francisco
12731s now the outlaw seem unwilling to give
12733s any ground and that is going to hurt
12734s them here as they all
12737s will be forced away
12740s it's that early pick off there from kilo
12742s that's what you want to see if you're a
12744s shock fan right start to see you come
12745s alive because i tell you what when he is
12748s when he's firing on all cylinders and
12750s you got proper collusion you know the
12752s supports back there they are
12755s know you don't want to say impossible
12756s because we've seen it but they are tough
12759s i mean
12760s it is not a easy out for anybody what's
12762s insane to me is that proper worst maps
12764s are still elite level performances by
12766s the numbers
12769s these best ones are astronomical
12771s so we whichever way you know you're
12773s going to get the goods from this guy
12776s well worth the spend from the org no
12778s doubt about it
12781s okay i was in colluge here i think
12783s merits really trying to put pressure on
12785s the junker queen force those repair
12787s packs out which in turn
12789s gives san francisco some pause for
12790s thought they're gonna give a little bit
12792s of ground here until the commanding shot
12794s comes in by that who's already built a
12795s sound barrier that might be the race in
12797s the hole they're gonna go with it dante
12799s very very low right now when leopards
12800s floundering he's trying to find his way
12802s towards that first sound barrier but
12803s instead he finds his way through
12804s collusion cranium pretty important kill
12806s there
12807s but it really just stems to bleed
12808s eventually the shock will break over
12810s them like a tsunami
12813s yeah now you could kind of see when it
12814s was go time dante took a large chunk of
12816s damage used commanding shout started the
12818s backup and that's when the sound barrier
12820s and the aggression came in from san
12822s francisco
12823s san francisco play right get beat first
12826s and use it just to force an advantageous
12828s fight if you you get an advantage you
12829s can have your little checklist of
12831s cooldowns what's up what's not you see
12833s you have that big advantage of
12835s commanding shotgun and the jungler queen
12836s low
12837s and you you don't let that advantage
12839s slip because look at this they've gotten
12841s that checkpoint right here off the start
12842s so who cares if there's two support
12844s ultimates from the outlaws matt let them
12845s use them san francisco hoping to force
12847s some of them out sooner rather than
12848s later and lip does use the sound barrier
12850s here properly definitely quite
12852s threatening and if they can get pelican
12853s they can make this scary for the outlaws
12856s last row though
12858s shaolin monk level discipline does not
12860s expand the rally no this is still good
12863s though for the shock you get that first
12865s checkpoint we talk about how important
12867s that is and how fast you can progress
12869s after getting the bot back in your favor
12872s in the outlaws they'll start to move the
12873s barrier but they had to use some key
12875s ultimates to do it
12880s the shock here
12882s pretty uncommon we see that first push
12883s turn into like a whole checkpoint but
12885s scratch scenario so they're very very
12887s happy they've definitely got an out
12888s sized amount of contribution towards an
12890s overall score
12892s big rampage though here for the outlaws
12894s they'll take an easy fight win here no
12895s doubt about it credit to dante lines it
12897s up beautifully eventually gets brought
12899s down by kaluge the outlaws disinclined
12902s to pressure any further well look how
12903s healthy collusions i mean he is full hp
12907s able to go out now and contest and just
12909s because you lose that queen i mean that
12911s is huge being able to just get around
12912s the corner stay alive be a nuisance
12915s there
12916s it's uh it's difficult once you lose
12918s your junk queen theirs are still up to
12920s stay in it what's lester holding rally
12922s for here do you think
12923s i mean i think they actually would have
12924s thought about using the rally there if
12926s you had dante in the fight you may need
12927s to consider using it now i mean will it
12929s help you against this kilo if he finds a
12932s head shots lights out oh great deflect
12934s though from pelican
12935s kilo just fire straight into that takes
12937s a big hit in the body
12940s proper is the cat amongst the pigeons
12941s here
12943s merits forced to take flight lastro
12944s won't be nearly as lucky and those wings
12946s are getting clipped yeah i was gonna say
12948s it's looking brutal here for the outlaws
12950s because
12951s the rampage comes in the rally as well
12953s uh you know the rampage for the shock
12955s and then the rally for the outlaws and
12958s you're just getting pushed back push
12959s back you know you delay some of those
12961s deaths now you're sitting in the spot if
12963s you're the outlaws you have no support
12964s alt you have a blade going up against
12966s the shock with double support alt
12968s improper with the dragon blade uh i mean
12970s you know you could be even looking at a
12972s map completion here
12974s disrupt the shot thrown down here
12975s pelican is able to find kilo who is
12978s probing even with merit finding this
12980s overclock
12981s san francisco look like they're
12982s unwilling to give grounds here they know
12984s they have the beat for fire they can
12985s make something happen behind a
12986s commanding shout and a proper blade lips
12988s building towards that barrier though
12990s that is going to be the answer if the
12991s shock choose to make that particular
12993s gambit right now they want to keep
12995s trading as if they're in 5v5 these guys
12998s so confident and here comes property
13000s takes pelican down first before the
13002s sound barrier can even be a factor
13004s he's taken down the enemy genji
13006s beautiful rail though from merit that's
13008s going to stem the bleed here and give
13009s the alloys a chance to push on back
13013s are they i mean you still have finn here
13016s in the mix you have clues still here as
13019s they are
13020s backed up well you have kilo coming off
13021s the spot i mean the support with colluge
13024s is playing so good
13026s the front spawn actually relevant here
13027s which should often needs it on a map
13029s like this if it is taken down by pelican
13030s whose blade really needs to find the
13032s mark right now collude he's got to get
13034s clues but somehow the man stands tall
13038s the pelican can't get it proper
13040s beautiful head shot up close there
13042s shurikens fire their mark and the shock
13044s the inexorable tide of orange flows
13046s across the queen street and you can see
13049s it when we were on with merits pov but
13051s he was trying to put down damage on
13053s kalush to make a play and just using the
13055s cover of whether it's the barrier of the
13057s robot whether it's you know some of
13058s these signs here the car is like doing
13060s such a fantastic job not taking
13062s unnecessary damage
13065s that's a connection there dante decides
13066s to go for it rampage catches three but
13068s the sound barrier is gonna be there and
13070s it's tied perfectly with the commanding
13072s shout so the shock completely protected
13075s from that anti-kill and they dominate
13077s the outlaws
13079s houston this is last chance saloon for
13082s the gunslingers they have to make
13083s something happen here or it's all
13086s over
13087s oh and she's gonna be a mad rush out of
13089s the spawn but
13090s finn collusion proper right up there
13092s they do not want to let the outlaws out
13095s here's the blade sound barrier for left
13097s he's going to try and put him molester
13098s on the point but merit is going to be
13100s cut down to size proper even the sushi
13103s chef here is going to have his just
13105s desserts it's the full clear on new
13108s queen street
13109s what a way
13111s to send your foes packing to the lower
13114s brackets
13116s and it's really being able to get that
13119s checkpoint off the start
13121s allowing you to kind of then once you
13123s get the barrier going back in that
13124s direction and just progress that part of
13126s the map faster and the outlaws were
13129s never able to really get finn violet and
13132s collusion at the end of these fights you
13133s lose dps here and there at the start of
13136s them and that's you know you obviously
13138s don't want it to happen but it's not the
13139s end all be all
13141s and those three players man college been
13143s invited a tremendous series being able
13145s to just stay alive extend these fights
13147s how is it that the outlaws are unable to
13149s convert on
13150s you know these player advantages we talk
13152s about that front spawn actually having
13154s some value there but they are getting
13155s first picks in some of these fights and
13156s yet
13158s i would say all first picks in fights
13162s aren't equal you know if you have dante
13164s dropping first and you know you're
13165s trading now for like kilo let's say on
13167s the other side like
13169s that's still an advantage for the shop i
13171s know even though they did not get that
13172s first pick uh it's really just kind of
13174s looking at the landscape of like what
13176s heroes you have alive uh going into
13178s those fights where now a few times we
13181s saw they were able to get kilo right but
13182s all the healing resources still there
13184s all the damage went proper still there
13186s and you're not able to capitalize
13188s uh i think if you're a team that's going
13190s up against the shock you really gotta
13192s you know figure out a way to get that
13195s early damage down onto kalush force some
13197s of those cooldowns out because you know
13198s him violet and finn are in such lockstep
13201s on how to use everything
13202s the houston outlaws their road ahead
13205s is precarious they will face a winner of
13207s the justice and the defiant
13209s that'll be happening tomorrow so they
13211s will have their eyes
13213s glued to their screens to see what their
13214s opponents will have in store for them
13217s now if the san francisco shock don't
13219s find a way to monetize collusion on a
13220s stick
13221s it's a huge missed opportunity
13223s yeah that's gonna yeah i mean i don't
13225s know how you would do that but sure
13228s just to put a price tag on it matthew
13230s we're gonna head down to the stage now
13232s with some winning words from our
13234s victorious squad danny take it away
13237s mr man thank you very much what is up
13239s everybody i'm here joined now by violet
13241s from san francisco shop violet
13244s congratulations on getting the win now
13246s thank you
13248s i have to ask because uh i heard from
13250s someone that yesterday houston outlaws
13252s when they had an interview uh that that
13254s they said they weren't too worried about
13256s this match because they're just better
13257s than san francisco shock
13269s [Applause]
13308s so after winning the first map on these
13310s i thought that we already won the whole
13312s match uh against houston outlast it's
13314s just that you know doing it on hyper
13316s maps or like second maps we sort of have
13319s a little bit of difficulty as a team but
13320s if we just tune that out it's not only
13322s houston outlaws but moving forward uh
13324s against any other teams i think it is
13326s going to be an easy win for the san
13327s francisco shop talking about other teams
13331s after i mean because you guys beat
13332s houston outlaws you guys are going to be
13334s going up against dallas fuel who
13336s actually you know put put an end to your
13339s winning streak on your qualifier matches
13341s so
13342s how do you think or how confident are
13344s you that you could beat the dallas fuel
13345s tomorrow
13352s soon
13356s [Music]
13368s [Music]
13376s all right so i do believe the one time
13378s that we lost to dallas fuel i do think
13380s it's just like a one-time thing i'm
13382s actually feeling pretty confident that
13384s we could beat the dallas fuel tomorrow
13387s violet i
13389s i want to hear from i want to hear this
13390s from you one more time because you said
13392s that you feel confident but i didn't i
13394s didn't get any
13395s any like confidence from your uh answer
13398s so i'm going to ask you again are you
13399s really confident against dallas fuel
13412s everybody give it up for violence thank
13413s you so much violet again big
13415s congratulations on the win let's send
13417s things back to our casters mitchell back
13419s to you
13420s okay
13422s we like that some fighting words there
13423s from violet but again let's be honest
13425s with you both the shock and the fuel
13426s have shown some degree of fallibility
13428s here when we've come to land their
13429s opponents the rest of the field here at
13431s the summer showdown have up their game
13433s and it's going to be quite the match up
13435s here if we get them going head-to-head
13437s that upper bracket final oh man what a
13439s banger it promises to be i also think
13441s houston's going to be a problem in the
13442s lower bracket i don't think they're
13444s going to be an easy out for anybody
13446s still kind of left in the tournament
13448s yeah you look at uh the defining you got
13450s there uh the spitfire now so they go up
13453s against the
13454s course of the define and uh stop it's
13457s already gonna be quite a wild match up
13459s and if they can make their way through
13460s it's like we've unleashed the balrog on
13462s the lower bracket ladies and gentlemen
13464s you're the reference really yeah if you
13466s okay i'm impressed no worries let's talk
13468s about our player the match here in this
13469s head-to-head we discussed pelican he was
13471s a big part of the success for the
13472s outlaws but when it counted proper stood
13475s tall
13476s first map especially what a way to start
13477s on that front foot he was really really
13480s dominant over the course of this series
13481s people might be getting sick of seeing
13482s this constantly but there's a reason why
13484s everyone's touting this guy as the new
13486s big thing yeah i mean he was really good
13488s in this series i mean as typical i i
13491s actually thought over the last like few
13493s maps like colluge really turned up his
13495s play and i thought that was a huge
13497s difference maker being able to stay
13499s alive and play in tandem with proper but
13502s i mean it's so difficult i mean the
13504s performances that he puts up map in map
13506s out or difficult to match
13508s and i mean he's looking squarely now at
13511s a head-to-head with sparkle
13513s in that fuel game
13514s the guy i really i don't think you can
13516s sort of overstate the importance of that
13518s match up and just how close it could be
13520s but credit to the guy here again still
13522s 1.3 on that dragon blade efficiency
13524s which is really impressive and a very
13525s very low number of deaths per 10 for
13527s genji's who often struggle to play in
13528s their neutral especially against teams
13530s that are looking to use ash to punish
13532s any over extension 11.6 final blows per
13535s 10 really really solid performance for
13537s proper constantly choosing to take the
13539s fights against pelican getting in his
13540s face and more often not like right click
13542s shurikens up close is able to get him to
13544s win there he has dash resets to continue
13546s to run wild in those fights especially
13548s in the series where kilo was up and down
13550s right and you need it proper to continue
13552s that level of play especially when the
13554s outlaws i'm sure a lot of their kind of
13556s conversation is like how do we slow this
13558s player down
13559s we're not able to do it the stakes
13561s continue to get high here ladies and
13563s gentlemen at the summer showdown we're
13565s now looking at the lower bracket in our
13567s upcoming matches and for some of these
13569s teams it is their last chance to show
13570s what they're capable of here at the
13572s mattamy athletic center don't go too far
13573s everybody it's just starting to heat up
13575s here in toronto and we'll see you on the
13578s other side of these messages
13586s [Music]
13595s foreign
13604s is brought to you by upper deck the
13607s official trading card of the overwatch
13608s league
13609s and by teamspeak the official voice
13612s supplier of the overwatch league
13617s [Music]
13633s [Music]
13645s [Music]
13652s [Music]
13660s do
13661s [Music]
13688s do
13689s [Music]
13702s do
13704s [Music]
13716s [Music]
13728s [Music]
13748s [Music]
13758s do
13759s [Music]
13774s [Music]
13789s [Music]
13798s congratulations you've reached the
13800s halfway point and you just saw our top
13802s two teams walk away with 3-1 victories
13804s it's puckett alongside mr custom master
13807s reinforce fellas i'm not a monster
13810s master you're wearing
13811s top 500. i was looking at your stats
13813s here custom i was saying maybe high
13816s diamond on the prediction end you chose
13818s the shock to win this whole tournament
13820s though and that could be
13822s that's our game you need to leave frog
13824s johnny i'm coming for you johnny i'm
13826s coming for you you think you're so good
13827s with dallas because you're number one
13828s seed we're coming up shots rising up
13830s yeah haven't lost yet all right dallas
13831s fuel still have not lost the shock they
13833s lost one map in this series but they
13835s looked pretty solid across the board
13837s let's take a look back at what just went
13839s down with the shock we're taking on our
13841s friends from houston of course game
13843s number one well gentlemen this was
13845s proper coming out we had our eyes on
13847s pelican a little preview of the dps
13850s proper looking pretty good today there
13852s you go
13855s i'm starting to see the hype as you
13857s should be you know this honestly this
13858s was a 3-1 victory for the shock it was
13861s competitive but not competitive at the
13863s same time if that makes any sense
13865s because the shock were dominant in their
13866s three map wins but then the houston
13868s outlaws came back with a pretty dominant
13870s win on hollywood as much as the shock
13872s finished pelican and merit on this map
13875s were just on a completely different
13876s level this is you know the anime
13878s protagonist pelican look in his eyes on
13880s this map and it's just impressive to see
13883s these guys go back and forth and i think
13885s the houston outlaws there's a lot of
13886s redeeming qualities to come from this
13888s match but once again the san francisco
13890s shock just proving that they are the
13891s better squad looking at the big picture
13893s here johnny we talked about the sojourn
13895s was needed to swap out for the ash on
13897s hollywood it looks like ash may be a
13899s mainstay do you expect her to see be
13901s seen throughout the night so hollywood
13902s is actually one of the best ash maps in
13904s the game and because there are so many
13905s buildings so many walls to play around
13907s so you can really play the positional
13909s game here houston outlaws try to make it
13911s work here on circuit real to limited
13913s success i mean this was a very
13914s impressive hold from the san francisco
13916s shock i do think it has legs but you
13918s need pelican to pop off like you did on
13920s hollywood for example to make it work
13921s and you can't do that all the time so
13923s san francisco shock they still remain
13925s the more dominant team as they wrap
13927s things up here on your queen street yeah
13928s and as we closed out this final game
13930s custer i think you nailed it tight
13932s series but one-sided victories when the
13934s teams got their map when how did the
13936s shock settle the deal here in game four
13938s i think it just really comes down to the
13940s players just fundamentally playing
13942s really well as a unit their ultimate
13944s usage was very good play is starting to
13946s come alive kylo is having his moments
13948s colluge who we're going to highlight in
13950s just a second really coming into his own
13952s on the junker queen we actually have a
13954s stack card that we're going to put up
13955s here in just a second collusion actually
13957s struggled earlier on the stage with the
13958s junker queen you know we know he's a
13960s rookie he's been so dominant for them
13962s but he didn't really assimilate to that
13964s hero very quickly so what happened is
13967s over time he's really coming and this
13969s land he has been dominant you just look
13970s at these numbers 2.6 rampage kills per
13973s 10 minutes is very good high hero damage
13975s that's quite good for the junker queen
13977s and he's not dying too much he's doing
13979s his job
13980s he's fundamentally giving everyone else
13983s space around him to do it and not really
13985s making himself the hero that he needs to
13987s be get a strong tank get strong dps
13990s seems to be kind of the recipe for
13991s success for the shock squad since the
13993s beginning over the overwatch week but
13995s johnny i want one word to describe this
13998s shock squad if you can use one adjective
14000s how do you describe this team in this
14002s summer show does it have to be an
14003s adjective or adverb
14006s is is is explosive is that a the
14009s explosive is good i'm swedish i don't
14010s know what this is good okay now we're
14012s probably not gonna do the same thing for
14014s houston they're in the lower bracket
14016s they're not out but how would you
14017s describe the outlaws moving forward not
14019s explosive uh
14022s no the houston outlaws still um
14025s i mean i i was gonna make a pelican pun
14027s like they're they're we're gonna cut
14028s them off there ladies and gentlemen
14030s let's go to hollywood buildings because
14032s if you are a houston fan there is some
14035s hope and cuts and i carved out a little
14037s example of it custom break this down
14039s yeah so the houston outlaws fans
14041s obviously you just lost to the shop but
14042s there were some really good moments this
14044s is a play that the shock uh actually did
14047s and the houston outlaws played against
14048s it very well the shock with their backs
14050s against the wall on this third point
14051s defense they popped the rally to go
14053s aggressive houston outlaws just
14054s disengage they do the same thing again
14056s in the next fight we see kilo drops the
14058s bob look at how far away the houston
14060s outlaws runs they are respecting the
14062s opposition ultimates they then take that
14064s they wait that couple of seconds they
14066s wait for the bob to disappear and then
14067s they re-engage with their ultimates they
14069s now have the beat to counter the blade
14071s of proper they are able to go aggressive
14073s and the shock no longer have the answers
14075s to the problems that the houston outlaws
14077s are bringing so great fundamental macro
14079s play by the outlaws that's what they you
14081s need to look at it's not just pelican
14083s it's just not merit popping off
14085s individually as a whole they are a good
14087s team and i would expect them to make a
14089s good lower bracket run they're playing
14090s the game the right way johnny the chat
14091s feels bad for you so here is our beaver
14093s of friendship please hold that while we
14095s take a look at the brackets because
14096s here's where we're at in the tournament
14097s scott we've got two teams remaining in
14100s the upper bracket it's johnny's team the
14102s dallas fuel
14104s the san francisco
14107s but our lower bracket is chock full of
14110s squads six of our eight teams are
14112s battling for their life in the losers
14114s bracket up next we're gonna see titans
14116s versus mayhem and of course at the end
14119s of the day the hometown squad the
14120s toronto defiant taking on the justice
14123s for their spot against the outlaws
14124s tomorrow we excited for tonight oh yeah
14126s we're about to see two teams go home
14128s unfortunately but it's are you so
14130s excited about that no because it means
14132s everything's on the line at this point
14134s you can't just be like oh well we can
14135s make our lower bracket run like we're
14136s talking about the houston outlaws you
14138s can't lose at this point otherwise
14139s you're going home that's true i might go
14141s home i like it as well give me real
14143s quick thoughts here on this matchup
14145s florida the eighth seed the lowest seed
14147s coming in of course on the other side we
14149s have vancouver who didn't have a lot of
14151s success in their matchup yesterday
14153s who's got the edge here costa well
14155s here's the thing florida mayhem we
14157s actually talked to goomba last weekend
14158s when and he said when we qualified our
14160s realistic expectations is to have fun
14163s you know he sort of said it's a bit of a
14165s holiday for us they don't have that
14166s pressure on themselves to be able to
14168s step up i have seen that sir majed is in
14170s the building which is a big boom for
14172s them they'll be able to play on land
14174s they'll all be there in the moment maybe
14176s the double flex support can come up
14177s clutch against a vancouver titans that
14179s hasn't been perfect so far anna and zen
14182s all three games all four games all five
14184s games johnny oh two out of three all
14186s right i don't think they're going to
14187s bring it out to control but i can see it
14188s happen on hybrid and escort and by that
14190s point the vancouver retires have already
14191s won 3-0 so you know what are you gonna
14193s do vancouver titans they're looking good
14195s now if you were
14196s reading the discords people are saying
14198s vancouver doesn't look super comfortable
14200s on land true or false shoddy um i mean
14203s some of the it's the first time for some
14205s of these guys playing on stage actually
14207s so that might become a factor ah here's
14209s what i think all right vancouver titans
14211s they're a canadian team all right so i
14213s know toronto defiant is not playing
14215s right now crowd but get on your feet and
14217s make some noise for the vancouver
14218s thailand's all right get on the hype
14220s train august 14th has happened we're
14222s making a national holiday when they got
14224s their first win in the overwatch league
14225s costa right here he's made a train
14228s representing the vancouver titans hype
14231s train we all need to get on we're on it
14233s please stand in a line behave
14235s appropriately get your tickets out we're
14236s gonna stamp them and you're welcome
14238s aboard the vancouver that is hype train
14240s let's go it doesn't look like a lot of
14241s seats on that thing so hold on quick you
14243s got to get on quick the supply is not
14245s very high the vancouver titans lower
14247s bracket train is leaving the station
14249s everybody get in i'm actually on this
14250s train i think they can go really far
14252s because they play this match they then
14254s can potentially go up against the london
14256s spitfire a team that they can play close
14258s with august 14th train oh god uh 14th
14261s train might make it the difference
14264s 8 14 remember that day maybe we'll add
14266s another one to the calendar after
14268s tonight ladies and gentlemen quick
14269s commercial break we come back it's match
14271s number three before banger day we'll be
14274s right back
14276s [Music]
14315s [Music]
14332s so
14337s [Music]
14342s [Music]
14437s [Music]
14459s welcome back everyone to the summer
14462s showdown knife here in toronto at the
14464s anatomy athletic center the double elves
14466s that's lemmy kiwi that's leg day we're
14468s gonna be bringing you the next match
14470s it's gonna be a good one uh the
14472s vancouver titans and the florida mayhem
14475s in the lower bracket their last life on
14477s the line oh yeah there are no more third
14480s chances lemons are already on their
14481s second one so whoever loses is
14483s unfortunately going home and whoever
14485s wins gets to move forward with the
14486s unenviable task of facing the london
14489s spitfire and both of our teams have
14491s their melodies yesterday but one that's
14493s already been sorted out is the absence
14494s of sir marget who's flown in overnight
14496s we've expressed delivered sir margin
14498s over to florida mayhem and now he's
14499s ready to play on land and keep the
14500s team's spirits high and together like
14502s every main support should i didn't
14504s actually check if he was here we're
14505s gonna see on the walkout if he's arrived
14507s because i know airports be silly these
14509s days um both teams i mean struggled
14511s already this tournament um whether it
14514s was florida yesterday we got to cast
14515s that 3-0 i'm not sure they're they're
14517s excited that we're casting and
14521s bad luck to them um but it was a tough
14524s 3-0 against the houston outlaws who were
14525s looking like a top three team though
14527s this tournament and then the vancouver
14528s titans i mean
14530s they had to go up against the shock so
14531s what do you do
14533s yeah times they took a map off a shock
14534s as well which i think surprised a lot of
14536s us we all rated the shock very highly
14538s coming into this i think that shark and
14540s dallas fuel were
14541s definitely the favorites and they are
14542s going to be meeting of course in the
14543s winners finals but uh that's enough of
14546s the analysis of what's happened because
14547s i want to bring the chaos i want to
14549s bring the carnage i want to bring forth
14551s in front of all of your eyes for florida
14553s mayhem
14558s and no longer overwatch 4v4 we have our
14561s fifth member here to go welcome everyone
14565s who's made it to toronto and look at
14569s them someone waving away
14571s yup the tall one is the one who got here
14573s today so i'm so excited for florida who
14576s the nerves were settling in yesterday
14578s but they are looking much more confident
14580s speaking to mcgravy yesterday about the
14583s things that they had to fix today just
14585s small little mistakes mostly nerves but
14587s today they feel so confident about
14589s beating the vancouver titans especially
14591s on this meta cool calm and collected yes
14593s lemon it's been a night of iteration for
14596s florida mayhem and having so much it
14597s here in person brings so much more
14599s respect it means that you can really
14600s center the emotions of your team around
14602s your kind of emotional anchors that
14604s every team used to have in history has
14605s been players like jake players like punk
14607s people who you look to to really lead
14609s the team and florida mayhem needs one of
14611s their players to step up and when things
14613s start to go wrong if they do rally
14615s around that player to make sure the tilt
14618s doesn't set in and that you can always
14619s reset go back to a plan that mcgravy and
14621s gumba have laid out
14623s well going up against them the ones that
14625s could send them out of this tournament
14628s it's the canadians from the west give it
14631s up for the vancouver titans
14634s [Applause]
14637s this is a team lemon that defied
14639s expectations yesterday and played so
14641s well against the san francisco shock a
14643s team that went absolutely lostless in
14646s the regular season for so long until
14647s they met their end at the hands of the
14649s dallas school
14652s and let's not all forget august 14th
14654s baby the national holiday in overwatch
14656s the vancouver titans day it had been a
14660s disappointing season for the team thus
14662s far but deepay has come in mr david paid
14665s the god emperor previously a vla
14667s gladiators now of the vancouver titans
14669s he's turned it all around and these
14671s players are looking renewed refreshed
14673s and reinvigorated here in the lower
14675s bracket and dipe was optimistic about
14677s this team no matter the loss against the
14678s shock he pointed it out they took a map
14680s but for dp to come in with only three
14682s months of the team with the team
14684s mid-season to turn this entire roster
14687s around has looked good but the level of
14689s trust he has in these rookies i was
14691s talking about king this is a guy i used
14693s to cast back in 2017 when i first
14695s started and he has grown up to be such a
14698s tremendous genji player and along with
14701s mirror junker queen mastermind deepay is
14704s so confident in him and his junker queen
14707s skills because it fits his aggressive
14708s play style yeah the acquisitions that dp
14711s has made for this team have all slot in
14713s perfect of course remember that mirror
14715s actually used to be a dps player
14717s gladiators under deep so evidently
14719s deepay is a big investor in mirror and
14721s believes that hey joker queen's uh it's
14723s a character a tank that we've seen
14725s multiple dps players pick up fairly well
14727s including dia over on vla valiant and of
14729s course dante who you all just saw on the
14731s jungle queen on the houston outlaws but
14733s here we are there's our ten box
14734s everybody's got their bums in their
14736s seats
14737s and we're almost ready to head into our
14739s first map here in our lower bracket depe
14742s had one message for the florida mayhem
14745s and it was nice it was simple bye bye is
14748s all people had to say to the florida
14751s mayhem but hoping i mean florida are
14752s hoping to turn that 03 around to a 3-0
14755s in their favor and i've always been
14757s hyped up on checkmate i think we i've
14759s even talked to the team and they've
14760s confirmed that genji is either his best
14762s or his second best hero this is the meta
14764s that fits him along with i mean even
14767s flex supports like sir majed and being
14769s able to play that double flex support
14771s has forced teams to kind of adapt to
14773s florida rather than the other way around
14775s even yesterday we saw last year have to
14776s swap to the ana against florida yeah i
14779s mean for checkmate these genji's it's no
14781s reinhardt there's no checkmate ryan but
14783s the checkmate genji is still super
14784s impressive and we look at king as well
14786s and king's sort of fitting into a unique
14788s role in genji in this particular matter
14790s in the it's aspire who's for superstar
14791s dps on vancouver so we've seen king play
14794s more of a supporting role being able to
14795s soften up those targets and move in in
14797s conjunction with the rail to try and
14798s make sure those finishing blows are
14800s collected for thank you for titans more
14802s as a team ralph and there's a singular
14803s player popping off here's a look at our
14805s map set gem we're starting off on li
14807s zhang tower of course and well while in
14810s previous metas i talk about how control
14812s centers more suitable towards ryan et
14814s cetera we all know what we're going to
14816s be seeing here well this is florida's
14817s choice and i think they're going to
14818s their strengths something comfortable to
14820s them it's something they've recently
14821s played this was last time against the
14823s boston uprising one of their most recent
14825s matches where yes they unfortunately
14827s lost in a game five but that map
14828s differential actually is what helped
14830s florida even be here in the first place
14832s but specifically it was map number one
14833s liang tower that they won against the
14835s boston uprising that's the only time
14837s they played it so i'm excited to see how
14839s florida will set the pace in this series
14842s of course we're not expecting to see any
14843s of the double flex support shenanigans
14845s from florida mayhem on control the game
14846s mode is simply too fast and speed is too
14849s important and when it comes to that
14851s speed lemon right now we're running in a
14853s double speed boost meter of course we
14854s have the ampere up from valusio it's
14855s been classic across
14856s years and years half a decade of
14858s overwatch esports with the junker queen
14860s but the commanding child giving that
14861s team-wide speed boost as well that's the
14863s cooldown we really have to look out for
14865s in this matchup and if someone can hit a
14868s better timing like a secondary
14870s uh a second shout compared to mirror
14872s that's going to give florida mayhem a
14874s lot of vigor to move forward no here
14876s that hydron's actually a little bit
14877s split off after having done the symmetra
14878s tp but florida mayhem they're playing
14880s more reserves to make sure hydron's
14881s covered on his approach oh checkmate's
14883s already dashing in he's got the shout
14885s from florida and they start to engage on
14887s their terms as now that their cooldowns
14889s are out they take shelter in the left
14890s corridor vancouver said see you later
14892s buddy we're going to the point
14895s even with a canadian accent and
14896s everything but we'll see how this will i
14898s mean are they going to get the capture
14899s from this they're not coming out mirrors
14901s already been pulled in by the knife
14902s that's going to be an exchanger if it
14903s disrupts the shot and someone could
14904s barely even disengage of only a little
14906s bit of health remaining yeah aspire just
14908s needs to create some distance and not be
14910s accessible to someone like checkmate but
14912s checkmate is low itself so is someone
14914s vancouver just have to finish off these
14916s kills and king is doing his darn best
14918s but as vancouver titans leave the
14920s shelter of the point they're going to
14921s cut down one by one king is looking for
14924s the equalizer and a pick under rupaul
14926s could assure of that vancouver have the
14928s point as long as this fight still goes
14930s on they can extend the lead but
14932s unfortunately they don't have the
14933s manpower to keep protecting it or
14935s someone hitting an early knife there on
14936s tabir actually created a long deficit of
14939s healing for vancouver titans but
14940s eventually was overwhelmed by a nicely
14943s placed headshot i believe from hydrogen
14944s with the rail getting the burst that was
14945s needed to get rid of those meteor
14947s targets vancouver already on the point
14948s here look at this hydrons and a massive
14950s pressure no way the assassin
14953s assassinated what an opening pick and
14955s now how do the dice fall after this as
14957s fire has used the jump hydra is trying
14959s to lock him down but he also wants to
14960s cancel the rally from aztec but that's
14962s been unperturbed what a shot from his
14964s fire it's four versus four not a lot of
14966s healing though from vancouver without
14968s ass back but it's about the permanent
14970s damage mirror is so close to rampage but
14972s i don't think you commit to this you
14974s don't have enough health and you don't
14975s have the support checkmate will light
14977s this fight on fire and florida hold on
14980s and king is such a difficult person to
14982s lose early because it means when someone
14984s from florida mayhem gets low you don't
14986s have that guaranteed 50 damage you get
14988s from the super accuracy of the dash and
14990s it means that your ability to follow up
14992s and as well the brawl damage you get
14994s from those right clicks onto targets
14995s like the junker queen of a brigitte is
14996s entirely missing now florida mayhem are
14999s they going to swap up their tempo here
15000s and have an earlier fight but it's not
15001s as centralized on the point it's a
15003s pretty big difference it kills two um
15005s vancouver had eight deaths florida only
15007s have three
15009s see how this upcoming old fight will
15011s make a difference florida defending it
15013s and they're actually saying they're
15014s playing hide-and-go-seek so they don't
15016s take any accidental poke and now florida
15018s show their faces as vancouver titans
15020s enter the point as the rampage real
15021s mirror it hits at least three of florida
15023s with the sound beer from serbian buys up
15025s time it's a 3k from checkmate in the
15028s blade to save this for florida lemon
15031s mirror and king both using the results
15033s their members so much it got so much
15035s efficiency out of that sound barrier
15036s both of the big plays from vancouver
15038s were counted there now with nine percent
15041s left to go it's only aspire with an
15043s overclock and that's an early rampage he
15045s pulled the trigger and he fires into
15047s vancouver who can't even go back to
15050s spawn because they're dead and that that
15052s type of initiative is what got florida
15055s mayhem the first round winning on
15057s lijiang tower it's not just the
15058s initiative but also the conditioning
15060s that meant that initiative was not
15062s expected it was fight after fight on the
15064s point allowing that space over to the
15066s vancouver titans they did not expect
15067s florida mayhem to make such an early
15069s engagement out of the safety and also
15071s you pointed out in that penultimate
15072s fight however was playing around the
15074s outside of the point which was super
15075s important because it's environmental
15077s deaths everywhere there that means if
15079s you rampage towards them you have a big
15081s chance of being booped off the map when
15082s you do so that was good all tracking for
15084s florida and also sir machete dropped the
15086s barrier when mira had the rampage so
15088s this is the 3k from checkmate going
15090s immediately having access to the
15091s supports dash reset the prioritization
15094s for going after massa to aztec i think
15097s he took out master during his b cast as
15098s well yeah that was a good point too
15101s wow
15102s that was just the best possible fight
15103s there for florida mayhem and that's an
15105s amazing start considering that their
15106s tournament run so far here in toronto
15108s has not been amazing but up against some
15110s native canadians it's all looking good
15113s pharah huh not anymore well not anymore
15117s that's enough of that thank you just
15118s getting a little too close and that's
15120s why it's so important to have that mercy
15121s for the consistent healing if someone
15123s just gets overwhelmed the damage just
15125s over just too much from the side of
15128s vancouver titans this will have the
15129s point first and now for the first time
15131s we're gonna be seeing vancouver titans
15132s playing from a place of strength so they
15133s can really control when and where the
15135s engagements happen i imagine florida
15137s mayhem are going to try and want to move
15138s through white room here which you're
15139s seeing on the right hand side of your
15140s screen at the moment just rolling in
15142s towards this area because going across
15144s the bridge is far too dangerous against
15146s the number of boots that this
15147s composition has you have better shelter
15149s options also coming from lightroom and
15151s it's also difficult to attack with the
15152s pharah so needing that first pick
15155s potential hydra going back to what he's
15157s best along with checkmate so here's the
15159s point now for our florida actually
15162s trying to take back the point is
15163s vancouver keeping some kind of presence
15164s to not allow the flip no ultimates yet
15167s sir magenta is actually quite far ahead
15169s on the sound barriers so that could be a
15170s tempo engage that florida can work
15172s towards but you don't even need it when
15174s checkmate is applying that much pressure
15176s to your front line florida approaches
15178s from front to back and bulldoze the
15180s vancouver titans from the point and now
15182s once again florida mayhem they can try
15184s and control these engagements
15185s characteristically thus far florida to
15186s make him on their defense have been a
15188s much more passive team they allow
15189s vancouver towns to take this space so
15191s they can look for people overextending
15193s and then punish them via either hydron's
15195s accuracy or checkmate going in with the
15196s right clicks that we saw into mirror in
15198s the fight previous however for the
15200s moment vancouver titans tight in their
15201s formation and no one over extending yeah
15204s i think aspire can keep this position
15205s because he's close to overclock but if
15207s florida keeps hiding then he needs to
15208s get some kind of sideline he puts
15210s himself in access to checkmate he's
15211s close to blade disrupter shot slows down
15214s florida's disengage as vancouver's fines
15216s look to flip the point but florida don't
15217s want to make it happen they have to use
15219s the sound beer and try to engage into
15221s them but they have to layer this with
15222s rupaul but it wasn't enough to save
15224s someone there's no tank for florida and
15226s aspire is lighting things up two kills
15229s looking for more but florida dead in the
15231s water as they just hope to extend the
15233s lead that they have as vancouver titans
15235s hope to take control and master
15237s critically now has an advantage on the
15238s sambar sir merchant he can't dance for
15240s long even with those happy feet and
15242s happy skates in the building
15245s we saw samantha actually invest for
15246s soundbar to try and deal with a spy's
15248s overclock knowing how low someone had
15250s gone because he was just taking a little
15251s bit too much poke wasn't using the
15252s physical cover as much as he otherwise
15254s could and now vancouver titans maybe
15256s they'll be able to have an earlier or at
15258s least a more effective sandbar so going
15260s up against so many win conditions from
15261s florida may him which can be counted by
15263s that ultimate master needs to be a
15264s little bit more patient with this and
15266s try not to use it on just for rampage oh
15268s someone and mirror rampage back and
15271s forth what is the blade from king that
15273s we're watching as masa holds on to the
15276s barrier thinks king is healthy enough
15278s and supported enough five versus four
15280s for vancouver checkmates things it's
15282s time for the blade he wants to turn
15283s around this fight that's lauren we're
15285s down at the start he's able to get a few
15287s trades without that without that main
15289s tank looks like vancouver might fall and
15293s so they do as florida race back to flint
15296s i talked about how master needed to be
15297s patient and admittedly there was a good
15298s answer there from vancouver titans using
15300s both the blade and their own rampage to
15303s answer someone's rampage rather than
15304s investing the beat but masa
15306s unfortunately allowed someone to die
15307s before that sound barrier came out and
15309s that was critical because it meant only
15311s three members of vancouver titans could
15312s sit around and try and clean up that
15314s match and now florida mayhem they aren't
15316s going to be defending with any ultimates
15318s here so aztec can try and bully them out
15319s with a tempo rally
15321s yeah that rally is close it all depends
15323s i think you want to maintain mirror as
15325s much as possible he's been taking a lot
15327s of pressure here's a rally from aztec
15329s shout from mirror florida start they're
15331s disengaged they're not looking so
15333s healthy and not so much now that root
15335s ball and hydraulic fall vancouver
15337s clutching up at the last second will get
15340s the point right back it's been flip
15342s after flip and at 85 plus vancouver one
15345s fight away from sending us the round
15347s three and that one fight for florida
15348s mayhem it's going to involve a tracer as
15350s hydra moves on over here away from the
15352s sojourn there won't be a disruptive shot
15353s and that means mirror can do so much
15354s more for free he can over extend and not
15356s worry about being slowed down on that
15357s disengagement aspire with the overclock
15359s oh hydra oh no i was about to say
15362s something real cool hydra was known for
15364s a stranger but not anymore because this
15365s is aztec's field and it's the vancouver
15368s titans homeland 99 in overtime checkmate
15372s can't make the miracle happen vancouver
15375s turning around and we're going to round
15377s three the north remembers and the spy
15379s remembers that he's in his own country
15382s now the vancouver titans bring it out in
15384s front of their home crowd one to one on
15387s li zhang tower
15389s i was hoping this was going to be a
15390s banger lemon and i've got a feeling that
15392s it is going to be
15394s obvious if there's going to be no major
15396s compositional changes coming in here
15397s towards control center what you are
15398s going to want to look out for is how our
15400s team's position in the pre-fight to see
15402s you also try and take the pseudo-high
15404s ground of the server room versus the
15407s better availability of physical cover
15408s that's on the point including those
15409s curved computer screens those can be so
15411s good for allowing your brigitte to peek
15413s out throw out an armor pack and then go
15415s back into relative safety where it
15417s becomes much more dangerous for a genji
15418s to dash in on them because you can't get
15420s the long range support you want from
15422s your sojourn there's an interesting dps
15424s matchup aspire is out damaging hydron by
15426s about 2.6 k but checkmate is out
15429s damaging king by about 2k so it's a
15432s really back and forth i mean aztec
15434s already falls over how does florida
15435s already have access to your back line
15437s like this checkmate is really putting on
15439s a deadlift for florida and that's all
15441s about speed tempo and ferocity aztec
15444s might even be used for shield bash on
15445s the roll out there are not able to use
15447s it to move away either way aztec's
15449s kiting ability there was not good enough
15450s to save him from a culture of checkmate
15452s who walks away with his huge old premium
15454s compared to king admittedly for
15456s vancouver titans that wasn't a very long
15458s fight for them at all and now florida
15460s mayhem they're not going to play up
15461s against the chokes here they don't want
15462s a race getting flanked upon by king and
15464s instead they're going to move towards
15466s these same areas where previously aztec
15468s was caught out
15469s yeah and that's that i mean just asshat
15471s dying early also means just double the
15473s old charge for rupaul just that
15474s survivability important and the rally
15477s tempo engage in the cards in the next
15479s fight what a shot from hydra
15481s and the way he creates the distance away
15483s from everyone else he's just been
15485s untouched by king and now the floor with
15488s a 5v4 they're looking to clay four but
15491s vancouver run for the hills a spiderless
15493s hydraulic in terms of a history as well
15495s as a super cool matchup here lemon these
15497s two were both uh the hitscan dps of
15500s american tornado at different points in
15501s their careers and that kind of became a
15503s real dynasty of north american
15505s contenders players we see we saw college
15507s and reiner also came from that roster
15509s and at the moment hydra seems to be
15511s drawing pretty even with aspire and i
15513s think the hydron's been a little bit
15514s less rated checkmate coming in now ready
15516s with the blade but master if you can get
15518s just a few more little squeaks of
15520s healing out we'll be able to counter it
15522s checkmate's been playing so aggro and
15524s king is trying to keep him in check put
15526s him in the corner where he belongs the
15528s roof rally first checkmate doesn't even
15530s need it he cuts fear by the ankles
15532s chases down the monster but the barrier
15534s has already been delivered but death
15536s received to the vancouver titans as
15539s florida take back-to-back fights the
15541s barrier was not only two late lamb and
15542s it was mispositioned as well only two
15544s members of vancouver towns could get it
15546s knew that there would be a third if he
15547s wasn't dead before it struck the ground
15549s and now martin has nothing to try and
15551s counter someone with this rampage if
15554s they play aggressively here from florida
15555s to make him and catch vancouver titans
15557s in a choke where they can get a five-man
15558s ante from rat rampage it could be
15560s curtains for the home team
15562s hydron is putting on a performance 26
15565s and five what can he not do
15568s someone has to make sure he keeps
15569s control of server he has the rampage but
15571s how much and how deep does he would want
15573s to go is the king blade as a rampage
15575s pierces the back line of the vancouver
15577s titans aztec tries to rally the team
15580s together give them the heels a king
15582s disengages with the rest of his team and
15584s hydro fumbles the front line with
15586s additional dp assaults from florida who
15589s are just one fight away from taking the
15591s round but as florida disengaged they
15594s actually gave up the objective to
15595s vancouver who don't have the people to
15598s keep this going
15599s yes her point may have been flipped but
15601s unfortunately it's the inevitable that's
15603s being delayed here lemon once more the
15605s point will exchange hands over time back
15607s in session mirror can move on forward of
15609s the rampage and try and start off a
15610s fresh fight oh this has to be everything
15612s mirror and aspire have to get the kills
15615s but aspire cut down from his overclock
15617s and mirrors rampage doing nothing
15620s florida though not looking so healthy
15621s someone in checkmate need to be finished
15623s off vancouver chasing down the kills the
15625s focus fire not enough to take down
15627s hydron and without aztec as he was
15630s following the charge falls and vancouver
15633s fall
15634s florida take back one that was such an
15637s intelligent rampage there from someone
15640s splitting the vancouver titans and
15641s actually vancouver times when it came to
15643s that disengagement they were a little
15644s bit more messy we saw mira back off
15647s towards the mega but the rally of aztec
15648s was over on the point trying to get that
15650s flip florida made him identified but
15653s they could give over the objective and
15654s in the end it would not matter because
15656s they could pick off these individual
15657s targets like a pack of hunting wolves
15659s hijacked and checkmate looked disgusting
15662s the first map went for florida at this
15663s tournament a total of a 65 a limbs
15666s between those two dps from florida alone
15670s they have turned up in the biggest of
15672s ways so excited we're gonna throw you
15674s guys to a break and when we get back
15675s vancouver titans have the choice of map
15691s now
15695s [Music]
15725s [Music]
15744s so
15751s [Music]
15760s [Music]
15790s [Music]
15830s bye
15837s foreign
15849s [Music]
15868s [Music]
15890s [Music]
15909s florida mayhem are showing us a
15910s multitude of different looks and someone
15912s is helming all of them this guy can do
15915s anything
15918s someone already
15922s [Music]
15924s sorry someone just slurped up proper on
15927s the way through this like someone just
15928s bolted a bloody hyper-powered dyson to
15930s the front of him as he charges through
15932s the middle of the map
15934s someone has to eat the spaghett
15937s someone was just able to follow him up
15938s clean him up indeed someone's gonna
15940s flatten yurio here and dallas
15947s [Music]
15949s someone trying to clear a few minds he's
15950s very very low but he catches violence
15952s still somehow
15955s when it comes to rookies i think someone
15958s is someone that we're really gonna have
15959s to start heavily considering as one of
15962s the best
15969s someone is so funny and he's truly
15974s making a name for himself not only in
15976s the league before his team really
15978s turning around his performance from
15979s yesterday and you see him on the camps
15982s he's always talking he brings that
15984s energy and that leadership and i think
15986s no matter how much they're losing or
15987s winning someone is consistent someone
15989s you can depend on he's yapping he's
15992s yapping he's yapping away lemon
15993s communication is the key to when he
15995s maintains success but also let's not
15997s forget that someone
15998s highly underrated player somewhat
16000s unknown coming into this year and
16002s florida mayhem as an organization in
16004s 2022 i think they have been a success
16007s story for the power of scouting that
16009s their back room has players that other
16012s teams probably weren't considering as
16014s much grabbing sir majid grabbing rupaul
16017s players from north america and european
16019s conditions we don't see too many pickups
16021s from european contenders these days
16023s gumber and mcgravy they were doing an
16024s excellent job of finding this talent and
16026s managing to integrate it into a fairly
16028s successful roster because we can't
16029s forget that florida mayhem as low ranked
16031s as they were they're like what seven
16033s seven eight or something in the regular
16035s season they are pulling up at 0.50 which
16038s is well above where a lot of people
16039s thought they were gonna lie
16041s our next map has been chosen vancouver
16044s titans had the choice they send us to
16047s paraiso they i had it right on the break
16050s they're actually undefeated on this map
16053s in this stage they full held toronto
16055s defiant i'm sorry guys and um paris
16058s eternal they won this against uh in the
16060s qualifiers so this is again vancouver
16063s playing to their strengths
16065s welcome to the beautiful sunny streets
16067s of balaizu
16069s florida mayhem they they have a lovely
16071s tropical color
16073s they're
16077s on the beaches of rio i don't have
16078s crocodiles this is an area though where
16081s i expect to potentially see ourselves
16084s some
16085s uh some ash ash defending point a is
16088s particularly oppressive i'm not sure if
16089s florida we're gonna be able to bring out
16091s the double flexible here to defend we
16092s could actually play a little bit further
16094s back instead of playing the first bridge
16096s uh we could see florida mayhem defend on
16098s the sort of like
16099s surround high ground but florida mayhem
16102s i don't think if they they see much need
16104s to actually move away from the classic
16105s composition at the moment there's always
16107s the feeling that hey if we can beat them
16109s at what's better and what to a degree
16111s might have been our weaker competition
16112s well why would we move away from us
16113s while we would start to show our hand in
16116s the first round of losers yeah that's
16118s actually a good point of just florida
16119s brought out the double flex support
16121s instead of just forcing um their players
16123s to play like heroes they're weaker out
16125s they just said well stick to what you're
16126s good at and which is kind of what i
16128s suggest all my teammates in ranked to do
16130s but um when i spoke to mcgravy they felt
16132s good about playing the double main
16134s support to the double flex support but i
16136s think that choice depends entirely on
16138s the map on a close range map like
16140s paraiso it's you don't have the space to
16143s go for poke aspire he goes for a little
16145s widow headshot and
16147s gets a little bit of old charge but
16148s there's that actually we're talking
16150s about okay so the ash here it's very
16151s good at attacking the bridge in
16153s particular because you don't need a
16154s direct line of sight in order to
16156s detonate the dynamite and do some
16157s significant damage to bring people away
16158s you can already see the hydrogen you've
16160s been bought low by the dynamite force to
16161s move away and that's a little bit less
16162s pressure surveillance of titans they can
16164s move forward without being harassed by
16166s hydra
16169s and now florida
16170s is supposedly defending this although
16172s the attackers have gone past them as
16174s they were trying to access the back line
16176s aztec almost got knifed as mir is there
16178s for the peel someone grabs the health
16180s pack and tries to trade blows with the
16183s tanks as well not a lot of healing is
16185s left with the defense now that rupaul
16186s has gone and you could see the evidence
16188s of this with everyone for florida being
16190s in critical house but it's checkmate
16192s that slices through gets the dash recess
16194s on vancouver and might have salvaged
16196s this fight there's only two people left
16198s from the defense and no one from the
16200s attackers was actually quite a messy
16201s fight from both teams who saw a lot of
16203s players going low but not really really
16204s the target focus to finish from all off
16207s in quick succession and get those dash
16208s resets which are so important for it to
16210s make him now though about to seed away
16212s some of the best defensive ground and
16214s there's a new battleground that now
16215s needs to be fought for as vancouver time
16216s to move forward and taking out checkmate
16218s finally love vancouver landing some good
16220s poke and that's a good dynamite inspired
16223s turns and burns on hydra
16225s as they clear the houses from the
16227s remnants of the defenders in vancouver
16230s kind of smooth sailing to the point the
16232s way that aspire weaves in the hip fire
16234s of the ash to maximize dps and really
16236s hit those break points to get the
16237s killing blows is one of the best factors
16240s of aspire as a dps when it comes to his
16242s actually what uses the ammo so
16244s intelligently and that's something that
16246s you really need to do because for vipers
16247s reload animation it takes so long that
16249s your downtime can become quite sustain
16251s and create real openings of weakness
16253s from your team where you can't really
16255s focus down the enemy as much but the ash
16257s here up against checkmate you're gonna
16258s try and hit plenty plenty of body shots
16260s to make sure that you can't take these
16262s riskier peaks and get those shurikens
16263s out positioning of the hit scans is so
16265s important remember sojourns have better
16267s mobility with the shift jump while
16268s there's a spire on the edge just has a
16270s coach gun and it doesn't really matter
16272s what your mobility is like if you just
16274s hit them shut so florida as soon as they
16276s have one they go to look for more
16278s vancouver titan spawns are right close
16280s by it's florida hopes to just maintain
16282s the choke check made very close to the
16284s blade mossa barrier coming up already
16287s though for usage on that deflect oh it
16289s doesn't matter checkmate taken down by a
16291s spire he stuck around for too long what
16293s you're doing back here someone
16295s just the rest of florida wanted that
16296s choke just so checkmate could be as
16298s close as he could to the supporters who
16300s had around that corner to uh heal the
16302s rest of vancouver so with that pick
16304s florida have a good disengage and only
16305s lose one person however the thing is
16307s vancouver titans who didn't need to use
16308s any ultimates to break through that
16309s close hold and that means almost five
16311s are going to be available fifth final
16312s fight on point b valley zoo florida
16314s mayhem the same situation hope you limit
16316s up lemon because this could be a 10-0
16318s fight coming up ah
16320s it's gonna be a big one florida with the
16322s rally first vancouver meters away it's
16325s the blade from king the bot from its
16327s fire florida getting pounded but the
16329s barrier buys them a cushion they can
16331s rely on root ball is separated from the
16332s flock hydrant has to convert and protect
16335s him but someone falls and there's not
16337s that front line with barricade that
16338s florida can really depend on it's all
16340s about picks and well king is looking to
16342s deny that from hydra but vancouver have
16345s just captured point b so it doesn't
16347s matter the king even gets for knock-off
16349s credit from a melee on hydra and c
16351s resets master didn't even need to use
16353s the sound barrier this is excellent news
16355s for the vancouver titans so margaret and
16357s rupaul they actually lay it over their
16359s support ultimates landslides that's
16361s unacceptable and you didn't use either
16363s one to save checkmate he died before the
16365s fight so there's no way to start using
16368s those dash resets to start moving
16370s together kills and really taking
16372s advantage of a brawl dps someone in
16373s checkmate bring in tandem you're gonna
16375s have to drop them lads when you're in
16376s canada you say buds okay so
16380s mira has the rampage and he wants to
16381s drop florida to the low ground to just
16383s have the red carpet of death and he
16385s delivers it four hit hydraulic critical
16387s health vancouver need to focus down
16390s these targets they're for free and just
16392s getting magette there's no speed for
16394s florida to disengage and make hoover
16396s hunt down the rest oh i heard i heard a
16398s sound but i got confused but it's okay
16402s that's fine that's fine that's fine mars
16403s is still hanging onto this sound battery
16405s as well and i love how mirror hits or
16408s over he gets so margin lower mitch
16409s sleeps and he knows what somalia is
16410s going to believe to death and he's
16411s auntied there's no way he's gonna get
16412s healed and that's time to swap the
16414s targets this is such a fast attack here
16416s from a bank of italian so he could try
16417s and bully through here with a barrier
16419s this is such a big time bank and
16420s checkmate needs to deny it right here
16422s right now goes after masa uh as packed
16425s shield bashes away has to duel against
16427s him there's no appeal from vancouver to
16428s save him but that's because they're
16430s supporting checkmate on the counter dive
16432s who converts it on two kills vancouver
16434s might not get to continue this momentum
16437s it's two versus four favoring the
16439s defense but how far can vancouver get
16442s great will he be forced to use the rally
16444s here is the important question i'm
16445s wondering is masters q key broken right
16448s now the check him keyboard please
16450s because why didn't he try and beat the
16452s blade that came out there i knew that
16454s admittedly master's pathing meant that a
16455s late beat would not have been very
16456s helpful at all he would have only hit
16458s himself but aztec seemed to have got the
16459s boot that was ideal to give enough
16461s casting time but master wouldn't die
16462s during the cast still mars and alco at
16465s least try and bully out florida mayhem
16467s by using a tempo beat on an engagement
16468s but has to worry about the greater
16470s longevity rupaul brings with the rally
16472s and you see that uh
16474s aspire is putting dynamites on the high
16475s ground to drop florida down here's the
16477s rally from rupaul as they engage in the
16479s florida florida's uh vancouver support
16482s themselves with a barrier and a bomb and
16484s fight back even harder it's the king
16486s played he's been quiet but he wants to
16487s be loud for the time that vancouver
16489s needs him the most well serviced up in
16492s there sorry checkmate's up in the sky
16494s but vancouver titans just took the fight
16496s and our meters away responds are close
16498s though hydra might get to touch it but
16500s he wants the space to overclock but he
16502s has to clutch this up the check uh the
16504s overclock is cancelled and florida can't
16507s support this any longer it's a
16509s two-minute time bank for vancouver king
16512s wanted to be loud
16514s and toronto is as well
16517s the canadian team seemingly picking
16519s exactly the right map for exactly the
16522s right scenario
16523s the king demands that florida bend the
16525s knee and so they do one minute and 54
16529s on the clock so now florida mayhem the
16531s question is how do you try
16534s and match this of a deep diff
16537s it's it's a dps diff as well uh aspire
16540s is 16 and three hydrogen five and six
16544s and this was after i said that li zhong
16546s tower there were 65 limbs between hydron
16549s and checkmate an absolute deadlift was
16551s happening from florida but now florida i
16553s think the nerves are gone you go to a
16555s map you're comfortable on one that
16556s you've had success and they are
16558s undefeated on this map and vancouver is
16561s showing why a two-minute capture on this
16563s map is incredible
16564s yeah i think that we need to look at the
16566s style of these teams as well here's a
16567s quick replay of a spy who's executive
16569s i'm going to talk about and in
16570s particular oh the hip fires are nasty
16573s dude you don't get a double headshot
16575s there
16576s you are
16577s disgusting
16580s and the bob just upper just uppercuts
16582s someone in the face we're going to talk
16583s about aspire versus hydron here and how
16585s the ash verse for sojourn works so i
16587s think that florida are getting
16588s aggressive enough to be using this
16589s sojourn ideally because they're fighting
16591s way more pitched battles and these
16593s pitched battles are where the ash can
16595s continuously put out that damage on
16597s demand and really bring these players
16598s low to be finished off by king later on
16601s whereas i think that florida mayhem
16603s they'd be able to achieve a lot more if
16605s they got much more aggressive with this
16606s sojourn which is ideally how they were
16608s to manage their attack that was a
16610s slightly scary widow shot because king
16612s was the one who got hit by a body shot
16613s imagine if that was a head shot king
16615s would have been down and that would have
16616s been pretty much the point cap for
16618s florida if they've played their cards
16619s right but enough with what-ifs florida
16621s start moving across the bridge heidrun
16624s actually jumps on the high ground to
16625s drop a disrupter shot but he doesn't
16627s really want to meet face to face with a
16628s junker queen florida instead of going to
16630s the point they actually rotate to the
16632s high ground and that's where all of that
16633s distraction allows hydra to get a
16635s connection onto king checkmate dashes in
16637s the back finishes off this fire and
16640s without dps and a tank this is toast for
16642s vancouver this is the kind of forward
16644s momentum and aggression that i wanted
16646s from a sojourn showing team of florida
16649s mayhem and we had to checkmate as well
16651s playing on an off angle on the opposite
16652s high ground to try and just harass
16654s people into hydra and zone of influence
16656s so that those rail shots could be
16657s delivered on people who are fleeing
16659s checkmate and the right clicks thank you
16660s for titans they're going to have to seed
16662s away this point and we're going to move
16663s on to point b
16664s now vancouver titans the question is how
16666s are they going to set up on these high
16667s ground to try and give a good amount of
16670s breathing room over to aspire to work
16672s his magic on the ash you can see how far
16674s back aspire is at the moment florida
16676s mayhem they need to try and break the
16677s blockade of vancouver titans and path
16679s themselves onto aspire to dislodge him
16681s from this position
16683s yeah vancouver are more focusing down
16685s someone someone has doubled the deaths
16686s of mir at the current moment but
16688s aspiring king have more deaths than
16690s hydron and checkmate so we will see how
16692s this one goes florida advancing through
16695s taking control of the high ground and
16696s doing some scouting around and that's
16698s where the long distance poke between
16700s aspire and hydra can make a difference
16702s before a fight even breaks down
16704s checkmate if he climbs through this
16705s window who will have access to someone
16706s like aztec maybe even aspire depending
16708s on where he is so really getting mirror
16711s out of this position would be great
16713s someone from vancouver just dropped and
16715s that's actually king but he has so much
16717s mobility that i don't think that's a
16718s dual checkmate wants to take yet yeah
16720s king at this point is essentially
16721s playing the uh the cart troll however
16723s now with mirror moving down we're going
16725s to see a lot more freedom of movement
16726s from king oh my goodness we're on top of
16728s a spy chick makes me for dive this is
16730s the question they needed just ashes
16731s doesn't have as much mobility and this
16732s fire is paying the price it's two kills
16734s for florida already but the rally i mean
16737s you're kind of destined to win the fight
16738s when you have the extra resources and
16740s you pull the trigger first but with the
16742s kind of the free car push that florida
16744s had and at this section of the map they
16746s could stop vancouver from even
16748s recontesting vancouver i don't think
16750s even can with mirror dead this is such a
16752s fast point b vancouver titans on their
16755s map here kid it may have been a fast
16756s attack but oh lemon they're in trouble
16759s five minutes and 15 for point c another
16762s question is the vancouver titans how do
16763s they stop checkmate from finding these
16765s openings to get on top of a spy it's
16767s continuously checkmate finding these off
16769s angles and the dash angles in particular
16771s or aspires disengages don't buy him
16773s enough space what a pull oh spider uses
16776s the coach gun to get back
16778s important call there king is on the left
16780s side just getting some poke to get close
16781s to his blade florida or florida mainly
16784s checkmate has this first looking for any
16786s connection between aspire and hydra
16788s remember aspire can kind of uh derail a
16790s push just throwing the bob down as he's
16792s really forcing rotations out of florida
16794s he drops the bob the fire drops above
16796s behind them forces florida actually go
16797s back towards their own spawn and florida
16799s depend on high jumps overclocked to get
16801s a pick king's playing a little far
16802s forward looking for a blade opportunity
16804s and hydro could have picked them off and
16806s started to fight off well for florida
16808s but for now no one has died but let's
16810s see if that still is the case with
16811s checkmate blade it's barrier b barrier
16814s and rally now for vancouver a little
16817s extra resources but a respawn advantage
16819s for florida and the pokes that hydra is
16821s delivering it's paying off now mirror in
16824s with the rampage ready to go with
16826s florida made him all dare to present
16827s themselves as they move through as a
16829s unit that's a huge rampage that's a
16830s four-man rampage for mirror and no
16832s support ultimates vancouver drew out
16834s every resource in florida but where is
16837s the follow-up vancouver did so much
16839s initial damage got florida the
16840s half-health but vancouver didn't want to
16842s extend past the door because that's
16844s florida's territory with the spawn
16846s around the corner checkmate hunts down
16848s king and florida search forward no holds
16851s what a big dream and his fire is
16853s accessible i don't think he has the
16855s coach gun but masa had some critical
16857s boops to dissuade checkmate from going
16859s any further well there wasn't much
16861s follow-up on the rampage here for
16862s america because they're just using it to
16863s buy time for king to get back but the
16864s second king moved back in he went into
16866s an overexposed position with no clean
16868s disengagement route and no clean line of
16870s sight to aztec either king can't afford
16872s to be the first picked and neither can
16874s aspire hydrogen with a perfectly placed
16876s rail shot here florida mayhem mean
16878s business at the end of panizu this could
16881s be a big fight for florida to get the
16882s bigger time mega decide who fights first
16884s next rupaul has the rally florida start
16887s off the fight on their terms taking down
16889s from front to back vancouver falling
16892s flies and florida are going to make sure
16894s that they can't even touch the cart but
16896s vancouver need to go and massa is just
16898s getting tossed around hydra almost
16900s pushes it in until masa gets cut down
16903s mirror can't touch in time as a
16905s three-minute time bank a one-minute
16907s difference between vancouver florida may
16909s have made the decision
16911s disregard mirror
16913s acquire damage frags it's continuously
16917s king and aspire who were under the
16919s pressure who were feeling the wrath we
16921s saw just how much king was under
16923s pressure rupaul was running at him the
16925s bragita who usually has to play the
16926s kites in healer just to try and survive
16929s cling on to this mortal coil was
16931s throwing themselves into the fires of
16933s mordor in order to take out that genji
16936s and remove the teeth from vancouver
16938s titans and lemon this is an adjustment
16940s that is a reaction to the stats you
16942s pointed out at the end of liangtao where
16943s we're seeing a hyper carry from aspire
16946s or rather from hydraulic checkmate they
16949s want to make sure that vancouver titans
16950s can't match that kind of performance
16953s just i love the way that they're just
16955s both teams are kind of trading alt and
16957s they're taking space and then giving it
16959s right back it's really just a dance
16960s between these two teams and why i think
16962s the time banks are so close i mean
16964s florida just did an incredible job on
16967s the point a and point b attack they had
16968s five and a half minutes for c so you
16970s have several cycles of ultimates to
16972s really get yourself to this point so
16974s florida did an s plus job through 75 of
16977s the map to go to an a plus job on point
16980s c so we'll see if the one minute truly
16983s is a difference because that's just one
16984s fight
16985s that one fight could mean everything
16987s here on point a of valeezu
16989s however both of our teams have seemed
16991s adept
16992s in this first point attack or maybe less
16995s so on the defense who knows
16997s remember that this first fight
16999s during vancouver's attack it was a
17001s little bit messy we did see a lack of
17003s target focus on both of these teams and
17004s that might need to be amended to give
17006s one team a larger advantage
17010s vancouver on the attack looking for poke
17011s and someone tried to approach inspire
17013s but hydra hits the shot at range
17015s vancouver really got to protect aspire a
17017s lot more with the limited mobility that
17019s he has although he is out damaging high
17022s jump by at least two or three k it's not
17024s enough for a vancouver titans fight win
17026s yet this reminds me of a previous match
17028s we saw with the uh with the san
17030s francisco shock where they actually i
17031s believe got farmed by dallas fuel
17032s because they had kilo continuously left
17034s behind on the ash and dallas fuel would
17037s just allow them in
17039s catch keeler when he was on his own on
17040s the action and take a four versus five
17042s afterwards vancouver titans are gonna
17043s need to move more as a unit and that's
17044s why they have a spy swap over onto a
17046s sojourn so there's great some ability to
17047s join these pushes
17049s see king showing himself on the right
17051s side receives the shout because he
17052s dropped down to half health now
17054s vancouver titans don't have the speed
17056s florida used their shout second but they
17057s don't really initiate at this fire jumps
17060s into the lap of someone hits up with the
17062s headshot and now vancouver can go for
17065s more inspire with two disruptive shot to
17068s santa set up king for success but really
17070s what is the successful story here is
17072s vancouver taking the point my favorite
17074s part of a vancouver titan's match is
17076s when is when aspire says it's aspiring
17078s time and aspire is all over them and
17080s that's indeed what just happened just
17082s rail shot after rail shot we saw the
17083s aggression of aspire as well the course
17085s and vancouver titans are clean enough
17087s aspire is willing to take the risk to
17089s slide into a junker queen who at close
17091s range is incredibly dangerous and think
17094s you know what i'm gonna hit this
17095s headshot i have the confidence in myself
17096s and if i don't we still have king here
17098s as well to guarantee the frag onto
17100s someone
17101s everyone from vancouver saying real
17103s grouped up you gotta do a lot of
17104s scouting when you round corners like
17106s this you never know where a genji is
17107s setting up checkmate's staying hidden
17109s and he really wants to act as someone
17110s like monster aztec can you take one of
17112s those ultimates out of the picture
17114s mainly masa to enable checkmate's play
17116s coming up king goes after supports get
17118s someone low enough hoping to get the
17120s reset he has to use the deflect as a
17122s barrier i think dropped from magette to
17124s stop the king blade and hydra at a
17126s distance gets three looks for more and
17130s that's all she wrote for the florida
17131s mayhem
17134s not much time here to touch the car
17135s accuracy over time he's given over to
17137s the vancouver titans but the car sits
17140s alone and vancouver titans there they
17142s entered that fight with the distinct
17145s idea of fragging sir margie before or
17147s during his usage of the sound barrier
17150s and i think the vancouver titans kind of
17151s gave up on that strategy as keane pulled
17154s out the blade i think they needed to be
17155s a lot more brazen king pulled out the
17157s blade it was countered by the sound
17159s barrier and king said okay
17160s that's my job done i've bet it for
17162s somebody but in this moment in overtime
17164s the context is different you can't play
17167s this long game of trading the off of the
17169s old you still need to try and grab the
17171s value out of that dragonblade and all it
17173s did was allow florida make him to run
17175s forward and overwhelm the vancouver
17177s titans on the car in that close range
17179s battle that matter the most
17182s there's a big difference of genji's
17183s styles between checkmate and king maybe
17185s a difference of experience levels as
17187s well or maybe nerves on the stage i'm
17189s seeing checkmate take a lot more
17190s creative rotations really go further
17192s away from his team to look for more
17194s opportunities and he actually has less
17196s depths than king only by three while
17198s it's kv6 really close to his team when
17201s it comes to blaze because he wants to be
17202s in range of the shout or in pack range
17205s and here's a replay of hydron when you
17207s give him space hydra delivers and the
17210s way that checkmate and hydra work in
17212s tandem whether you're looking at
17213s checkmate and how he's rotating then
17215s you're not looking at hydron and how
17217s he's shooting you in the face another
17219s death drawing a sound barrier there for
17220s masa
17222s it's not been a uh it's not a great
17224s sound barrier
17225s uh collection
17227s in this particular series between both
17228s of our
17230s blue series i do believe but it seems
17231s like some ajad
17233s on land is definitely feeling that lack
17234s of ping and look at how it's actually
17237s playing up higher here we actually have
17238s both of our lucio's playing on these
17240s elevated positions to try and get that
17241s boot mirror is now down on the ground
17243s and while takes a little more so he's
17245s not what florida mayhem wants if we
17246s don't speed onto him just yet they're
17248s going to wait for the shout to be used
17249s and then we'll probably make the move
17250s afterwards i think vancouver just used a
17252s shout there so florida are gonna use
17254s their second let's see if it's an
17255s advantage someone gets pulled in the
17257s line of fire he drops from the stairs
17259s right by his side as rupaul but
17261s checkmate didn't get any tlc and
17263s vancouver though
17265s still fall and how does this happen is
17268s fire really couldn't get the trades
17270s while he was having all the freedom to
17271s sit back and shoot so florida getting
17273s the cap here
17275s is quite dangerous because the box of
17276s victories around the corner oh yeah it's
17278s not very far at all 62 meters that need
17280s to be moved but that's nothing here on
17281s balizu and that all came back to masa or
17284s rather sir major getting that opening
17286s boot on tamira making sure it was
17287s playing on the logo and had to play some
17289s dangerous physical cover but was so
17290s close now mirror once again catching
17292s some poke early cardron has a fully
17294s charged rail so ever on best power
17296s luckily it's a miss so vancouver times
17298s will remain fully manned fully personnel
17300s then ready for one more battle with two
17302s minutes left over for florida mayhem
17304s vancouver after win multiple fights to
17307s get the series equalized here's
17310s checkmate on the left bossa goes to poop
17312s him away sir majed escorting checkmate
17314s around hydra is low king can't find that
17317s opportunity vancouver have already used
17319s shout but haven't really initiated the
17321s fight as hydra looks to support someone
17323s from the front but there's too much
17325s damage from vancouver playing from front
17326s to back so they pushed away someone you
17329s don't have to shout but you still have
17330s rupaul but he doesn't want to go for the
17332s rally as vancouver hold florida for now
17335s and king can access everyone in time
17339s and the question is how aggressive does
17340s vancouver want to go here do they want
17341s to have a look at that spawn with aztek
17344s so far away does not seem likely but
17345s vancouver times are coming up on so many
17347s ultimates here rupaul if he identifies
17349s the aztecs gonna be missing can fully
17351s unfold with a rally the rally fight for
17353s florida how do vancouver survive this
17355s asparagus being patient with his
17356s activates his second a few seconds too
17359s late though because king needed that
17361s that healing it's one meter away florida
17363s so close to a barrier hydraulic looking
17365s for pigs can't connect with aspire but
17367s has to go after king but it's actually
17369s checkmate's blade that's happening it
17371s gets countered by the boss's sound
17373s barrier no one has really died it's
17374s about florida's zoning vancouver away
17377s enough to go to the box of victory and
17380s they have done it florida are on match
17382s point ripple's got the mega mine knows
17385s the aztecs still walking back so i'm
17387s going to pop the tempo rally baby and
17388s they just run on top of king get rid of
17391s the potential for that dragonblade to
17392s come on out and then they can use a
17394s luxury sound barrier after master has to
17397s use this simply to sustain vancouver
17399s titans on the car knowing that they
17401s won't have to use so much as barrier to
17403s deal with the king blade
17404s an absolutely amazing macro
17406s understanding from florida mayhem of all
17409s of the potential threats that were
17410s arrayed against them and how to use
17412s tempo to their advantage remember when
17414s the almost the entirety of the desk
17417s predicted vancouver time to take this
17419s series except zoe she do be studying a
17422s lot at home she'd be watching she knew
17423s something no one else did what's led
17426s telling her
17427s what is the baby now what is the baby
17428s now
17430s so i mean florida go from a no 3 start
17432s to this tournament to maybe
17434s flipping that completely on its head but
17436s we have maybe one more map to go and
17438s we'll see you on the other side
17461s one
17468s [Music]
17476s [Music]
17482s do
17489s [Music]
17497s [Music]
17508s [Music]
17522s [Music]
17530s [Music]
17540s mmm
17544s [Music]
17550s [Music]
17599s [Music]
17619s [Music]
17649s [Music]
17683s the fight saved by aztecs
17690s oh my goodness
17700s [Music]
17709s we're more than halfway through the
17711s season so it's time to keep collecting
17713s those owl tokens for the upcoming team
17715s mix legendary skins aaron if you sign up
17718s for the overwatch league newsletter you
17720s know you might as well stay up to date
17722s you can earn a bonus five owl tokens so
17725s be sure to get that done before it
17727s expires hey those of you here in the
17728s venue with us as well make sure you pick
17730s up your overwatch league app
17732s if you even if you uh show that you're
17734s here
17735s in toronto canada you can get 100 tokens
17737s i think sewing for lucio and a bunch of
17739s team mascot sprays as well i love the uh
17741s the soul and the gladiators once that's
17743s some cute lemon but uh you know what's
17745s not cute right now vancouver titans
17746s being 2-0 down d-pay the god emperor who
17751s has turned this team from winless to
17754s winners
17755s needs to have had himself a good half
17757s time to really make sure that everyone's
17759s on the same page what we're going to be
17761s doing because honestly
17763s we saw king getting caught out a lot he
17766s needs to be playing either closer to the
17768s team or the team need to be ready to
17769s move with his aggression to really
17771s facilitate the angles that he wants to
17773s take
17774s i mean even with the all the aoe heels
17776s that you have with this meta i feel like
17777s all the attention is to keep mirror
17779s alive because once that tank falls the
17782s fight is done the junker queen provides
17783s so many different resources of healing
17785s speed and really just a front line so i
17788s think aztec is focusing more on mirror
17790s than king and king is his style the
17792s series has been to play defensively and
17794s almost reactively while checkman is
17796s finding more opportunities and although
17798s that's maybe more risk-taking it's
17801s paying off more than it's
17803s hurting the florida mayhem and i mean
17805s look we're on match point for florida
17807s their first two map wins of the entire
17810s tournament
17810s and this is vancouver who i thought put
17813s a really good dent into shock all of the
17815s desks predicted vancouver after their
17816s performance against the shock but not
17818s really turning up on day two
17820s next up
17821s second real and then at the top of this
17824s series we talked about what
17826s few words deeply had for florida mayhem
17828s it was only two
17829s bye bye
17831s however there are four words that
17833s florida mayhem have to say in response
17835s with sir marjorie finally entering the
17837s landlord so go crazy go stupid florida
17841s mayhem they love to just run on forward
17843s with that w and just smack you in the
17845s face and honestly think of it as a bit
17847s stunned they've been reeling from the
17849s constant aggression of florida mayhem
17851s and i kind of wonder
17854s what the rationale is behind the pick of
17856s circuit royale because maybe vancouver
17858s titans believed that this would be a
17859s place where florida mayhem might
17862s get a little bit of a secret sauce can't
17863s help themselves from that double flex
17865s support but honestly
17867s florida mayhem i think are playing this
17868s intelligently they don't need to return
17870s to that that will flex support even if
17871s they do think it's well suited to this
17874s particular engagement zone because they
17876s know that at the moment they're winning
17878s in the mirror there's no reason to
17880s change
17881s so i gotta say finn was better on the
17883s piano i'm sorry mirror
17886s something about just smashing the entire
17888s piano that it just doesn't sound great
17890s but to report back on the map stats
17891s vancouver are one in one uh losing this
17894s to houston although it was close winning
17896s this against paris which is usually free
17898s so vancouver feeling obviously very
17901s strong although uh it's hydron that
17903s continues to get these first bloods for
17905s florida vancouver
17907s why take this flight you might as well
17908s go back to spawn but you also don't want
17910s to deal with having to go through that i
17912s guess choke of your own shelter as
17915s vancouver not really sure whether to
17916s escape they think this is winnable they
17918s managed to pick up two kills starting to
17921s turn the fight in their favor it's three
17923s versus three vancouver have closer
17925s respawns but florida still hold on
17927s someone's dead so florida mayhem were
17929s playing on borrow time but they did the
17930s right move there and got super
17931s aggressive after having lost someone it
17934s meant that they could pick up these
17935s additional frags onto vancouver titans
17936s turn them into old charge now they can
17938s give a rendezvous with someone and a
17940s more defensible location while still
17942s having trained a good amount of a
17944s vancouver titan's timeline because spy's
17946s been able to do a good amount of damage
17947s so huge drawing even with hydron when it
17948s comes to a charge towards this overclock
17951s florida mayhem have a right angle to
17953s play around the only real advantage that
17955s vancouver titans have is that they can
17956s use the bridge to get themselves easy
17958s sight lines for things like armour backs
17961s this is about who's gonna be the better
17962s sojourn player in these poke matches
17964s like this and we haven't even seen
17965s florida play the double flex before
17967s which i really thought would come out on
17969s a map like this with the amount of
17970s distance between both teams hydron
17973s getting charged up here's aztec kind of
17975s approaching and king gets disrupted
17977s quite literally that's another first bud
17980s from florida but vancouver haven't
17982s really given up these 4v5 fights they
17984s kind of hang around and see if they can
17985s get a training blow but not this time
17988s and now there's actually a hostage
17989s situation three players stuck inside
17991s there aspires down mira's gone 211. a
17994s commitment of the rupaul rally when i
17996s felt like vancouver were trapped so it's
17999s a florida florida mayhem fight win but i
18001s think vancouver are happy with that oh
18003s the florida mayhem now they're gonna
18004s reestablish
18006s the spawn hold and try and drain even if
18009s they can get aztek to use the rally here
18011s to break out of spawn that'd be a huge
18013s win for florida to make him the question
18014s is do they actually want to use anything
18015s to counter this the rally just to leave
18017s spawn and florida are not even
18019s disengaging i mean hydraulics in the
18021s middle of the fire with an overclock and
18023s he's not going to get a finishing blow
18025s on the mirror who's looking to ask him a
18026s question and florida looks like they'll
18029s have to back away it's three versus
18031s three but vancouver have respawned
18033s advantage they saw that vancouver racing
18035s towards them but florida are too quick
18037s trading one for one on the alts here
18039s that's just fine for vancouver titans
18041s yes they have to use the rally but they
18042s still have a soundwear in reserve to try
18045s and deal with checkmate and someone the
18047s question is here will someone use an
18049s earlier rampage to try and lay the
18051s groundwork for checkmate to have an
18053s uninterrupted blade later on or will
18056s checkmate go first so that someone can
18057s clean up afterwards
18059s it's a big old fight
18060s point a cap on the line three meters
18062s away it starts with the over volte piezo
18065s from vancouver the sound barrier on top
18067s florida trying to trade blow for blow as
18069s we're left with the four versus four
18072s checkmates blade and king's blade are
18073s now gone as all vancouver have to do is
18076s zone off the cards for three meters and
18079s nasdaq is still alive mirror activates
18081s the shell just to help titans get back
18083s to spawn and not get staggered anymore
18085s because there's only 47 seconds left
18087s master sound barrier unable unable to
18090s save a vancouver titans from the
18091s aggressions of a florida making the
18092s target focus looking super good
18094s samaritan's actually getting a bunch of
18096s those killing blows as well lemon which
18098s is super important i'm just checking on
18100s my stats page here to uh make sure that
18103s we did actually get some sound barriers
18105s applied mirror hits early that's a pair
18106s of rampages your brake dying first is
18109s just so horrible
18111s this is just a dead fight before it even
18114s started florida have brought this down
18116s to 17 seconds vancouver can't get held
18119s like this if they're down on match point
18122s this is a heartbreak of a vancouver
18124s titans and he's a rally and they need to
18125s do it now mirror has to swap over to the
18126s doomfist's signature hero when he was
18128s dps five seconds remain lemon and
18130s rupaul's in the way with a rally is
18131s massive getting even the touch is he
18133s even there
18136s vancouver held at a
18138s florida with a box of victory in sight
18141s could go up three nothing a team that
18144s yesterday barely installed overwatch
18146s against the houston outlaws
18148s up against the resident home canadians
18151s they are here to slay and they don't
18154s care how many members of the crowd will
18156s give them death looks for doing so
18159s two to zero florida mayhem
18162s was sir margie they're the missing
18164s ingredient playing from home oh that's
18166s true i mean so much do you go to me as
18169s well let's talk about for minutia here
18171s he's been up for ages mate i think he
18173s got up at like 6 a.m this morning
18174s 5 am having to go to the airport get a
18177s flight over here
18178s put his peripherals in get sorted out on
18181s land
18183s it's been a rough day for samajit
18185s but it's been a beautiful day in the
18186s lobby it's been a rough day for
18187s vancouver titans when it comes to the
18188s actual gameplay lemon and now in order
18191s to stay alive in the tournament in their
18193s home nation they must hold this cart
18198s before 93 meters so someone wants to try
18200s to stop someone as in somebody tried to
18203s stop masa from the touch just quite
18205s literally a body block everyone falling
18208s back and no i guess it was mirror stop
18209s too whether rupaul hydra and the and the
18212s boobs from everyone yeah ruger doing a
18214s good job there making sure not to boot
18216s mirror towards the car and instead being
18218s very uh judicious
18220s with the usage of a whip shot and i
18222s think that we might have saw hydron body
18224s blocking master as well here we have
18226s vancouver titans with a slightly wider
18228s spread
18229s oh hello checkmate with the symmetra
18232s where do you want to go oh okay on top
18233s of a traffic variant that's right from
18235s the mirror somewhere safe it's all they
18237s want to be this is while this fight
18239s breaks down four versus four florida on
18242s the attack managed to tp to the left
18244s side room but now cut off from
18246s reinforcements as someone hopes to shut
18248s the door but vancouver made their way in
18250s but i don't think that's the smoke that
18251s they ordered so florida will move
18253s forward
18255s so many young players here between these
18257s teams lemon the pressure of playoffs can
18260s be so so much and remember vancouver
18262s times and even experienced a win
18265s until october until uh august 14th i
18268s don't know what months are
18269s now vancouver titans have to move on
18272s back florida mayhem
18274s will then make any early engagements
18276s here to try and force vancouver titans
18277s into a chase that might leave someone
18279s exposed another dps gab hydron is 18 and
18283s two checkmate 17 and zero deaths
18287s that's incredible three minutes away
18289s florida one fight away from sending
18292s vancouver out of the tournament and
18294s keeping them at home i guess but no alts
18297s yet it's all about the picks king can't
18299s go forward where a checkmate keeps him
18301s in check and uh king managed to get the
18303s mini pack while he's at critical health
18305s that was a scary decision he gets booped
18307s but he can climb king is fine but he has
18309s to look for opportunities he's dueling
18311s against checkmate the shout first from
18313s florida mirror overwhelmed and you need
18315s them desperately because florida's
18317s starting to push this cart and aspire
18319s has to kill everyone to keep this alive
18322s for vancouver
18323s oh canada it's not looking good master
18326s remains alive
18327s the finnish fury i'm afraid is about to
18329s be taken out florida still have two
18332s support ultimates and vancouver have to
18334s go touch soon but there's no one there
18337s vancouver the first canadian team to
18339s fall as florida take the series three to
18343s nothing one of our only seems not to
18345s pick up a map yesterday embarrassed by
18347s the houston outlaws but pride has been
18350s reclaimed they exclaimed to king
18353s hand that over mate and bend the knee
18355s because there's a new lord in town and
18358s he's from the florida keys baby
18361s oh what a series what a turnaround from
18364s 03 to 3-0
18366s the nerves i heard uh mcgravy telling me
18370s a lot of these players actually haven't
18371s been on a stage like this but florida
18373s really felt it in map one and to them it
18376s was always losing to themselves
18378s but turning it around regaining that
18380s confidence and proving everyone wrong
18383s because most of the desks even myself
18385s vancouver looked tremendously good
18389s especially against the shock putting up
18390s a fight against the number one team
18393s in the league was amazing to see from
18395s vancouver and for florida to struggle
18397s that much against houston we didn't
18398s really have high hopes but it's about
18400s how quick you can adapt in a tournament
18403s like this with so little time is what
18404s mattered yeah we got to talk someone as
18406s well always getting the second show i
18408s felt like mirror was in these positions
18409s where he saw the opening so i had to
18411s appeal for someone using the commanding
18413s shout and then it was someone who was
18415s identifying those openings and we know
18417s how someone who likes
18420s all the information pouring out everyone
18422s moved in behind the leader and someone's
18424s really
18426s leaning into that role and engaging with
18428s the team as the person who's gonna call
18430s that play uses for shout to drag
18432s everyone forward that speed boost the
18434s additional health and create some brazen
18436s positions that continuously roll into
18439s rewards
18441s well
18442s on the stage we're gonna hear from
18444s florida mayhem and how they turned this
18446s all around so let's say hello to danny
18449s and his special guest
18451s thank you guys very much what is up
18452s everybody i'm here joined now by someone
18455s from florida mayhem congratulations on
18458s the win i mean it was a great series um
18461s i do have to ask because i mean this was
18463s an important match for the florida
18465s mayhem because if you guys lose and you
18466s guys are out so what was florida
18469s mayhem's mentality coming into today's
18471s match
18480s up
18505s all right so i did know that you know if
18507s we lose then we are out so i at first we
18510s all didn't we really didn't want to have
18513s any regrets so we wanted to definitely
18516s win and i think our strategy for this
18518s matchup was to
18520s not give them any chance of winning i
18522s think that was our focal point for this
18523s matchup now uh of course yesterday
18527s you had you i mean uh florida mayhem is
18529s one of their team members sir majority
18530s wasn't here on stage with you guys but
18532s today he joined do you think that having
18534s your whole team on stage did that help
18536s you get the win today
18564s i definitely do believe that you know
18565s having all of your teammates uh in the
18567s same plot in the same spot playing the
18569s game is definitely important and i do
18571s want to say that houston uh yesterday
18573s got really lucky by beating us is
18576s oh why why do you say that
18578s okay
18579s is
18593s [Music]
18597s all right definitely because yesterday
18599s we didn't have ceremony so it was just
18600s four of us and one one of our members
18602s were was in florida so we didn't have
18604s that synergy we didn't have that
18606s cohesion or that energy so i that's what
18608s i think that's why i think houston
18610s outlaws were lucky and i definitely
18612s believe if we just play like this if we
18614s play how we played today then i'm 100
18617s sure that we could keep winning in the
18619s tournament all right uh last but not
18620s least my final question for you uh
18622s someone is
18623s you know do you have of course as a team
18625s i think florida mayhem you guys are
18626s shooting to win it all for the
18628s tournament but do you have a personal uh
18631s goal for this tournament
18656s [Music]
18659s a lot of people not only play people but
18662s pro players alike told me that i was a
18664s great player but when we moved on to the
18666s jungle queen meta i haven't gotten that
18667s from any of my peers or pro players so
18669s that is my personal goal i want to get
18671s validation from pro players and my
18674s friends alike that i am a good junker
18676s queen player all right someone that is
18678s it for the interview thank you guys give
18680s it up for someone one more time round of
18683s applause thank you so much thank you so
18684s much all right casters back to you
18687s what about caster validation
18690s i mean i'm willing to give it give
18692s thumbs up to someone and in honor of
18694s someone we got to do the someone
18695s handshake that he did on stage oh what's
18697s that i didn't tell you i didn't prepare
18699s you for this
18701s like this he did this okay yeah so now
18704s i'm good at overwatch now i think i need
18706s some hand sanitizer
18708s that's so rude
18710s so final thoughts about the match like
18712s they uh toronto do they make it further
18714s than vancouver because we have two
18717s canadian teams here they can't be wise
18720s oh yeah
18722s i don't like that energy this is a glass
18723s half full situation
18726s i i mean
18727s going out 3-0 against the florida bank
18729s it was not amazing for thank you for
18730s titans but i'm willing to give that
18731s validation over to someone he was very
18733s good today when it came to getting the
18734s second child and that can often be the
18736s linchpin of a victory in this matter
18738s lemon turns out if your fifth member
18740s shows up to the event you start winning
18742s hey but there was one person who i think
18745s played a 3d chess mental chest physical
18748s chest and your player of the match
18751s is checkmate give it up he put an
18754s absolute deadlift on lee john tower it
18757s was like 30 eliminations multi kills on
18760s uh the dragon blades that he did finding
18763s opportunities and converting fight wins
18765s for florida he did incredible today
18767s checkmates with chess term and i'll give
18769s you another one zuk swang to make a move
18771s against team is to be a disadvantage
18773s checkmate popped off today always
18776s finding the incisions and also making
18778s sure there was always enough pressure to
18780s force out mirror shout first which gave
18781s someone those openings to be the better
18784s junker queen today lemon and honestly it
18786s has been such a
18794s today it's a bit of pop-off moment we
18796s got ourselves some lovely stats final
18798s blows pretend that's freaky man wow
18800s that's so much and he's a solo killer
18803s and for the amount of times he went on
18805s flanks completely by himself for him to
18807s have only three deaths for 10 minutes he
18809s wasn't getting punished at all and for
18811s king to play as defensively as he did he
18813s had the same amount of deaths per 10
18815s checkmate did amazing today really
18818s turned it over i mean all of florida
18820s turned it around today it's almost
18821s having that fifth member and just having
18823s everyone comfortable and
18825s getting over the speed bumps i think
18827s florida are feeling really good and they
18828s have to go up against london spitfire i
18831s mean it's gonna be a fast team against
18832s the fast team that is going to be a
18834s nightmare to cast whoever gets to do
18835s that it's just going to be clashing
18836s together consistently we're getting like
18838s newton's cradle of jungle queens just
18841s smacking and smacking and smacking lemon
18843s that is going to be an absolute banger i
18845s hate that i just did that motion but
18846s anyway i'm gonna throw it away as fast
18849s as i can to hear from watch boy in the
18851s next set of casters more overwatch
18852s around the corner
18863s [Music]
18872s boys
18874s [Music]
18878s is brought to you by upper deck the
18880s official trading card of the overwatch
18882s league
18883s and by teamspeak the official voice
18885s supplier of the overwatch league
19052s [Music]
19060s [Music]
19066s [Music]
19070s the sun is setting on day two of the
19072s summer showdown but we still have one
19074s more match to go tonight before we jump
19076s into the toronto discussion we gotta
19079s tackle what we just seen here it's
19080s alongside custa we got
19082s reinforced and johnny can i just ask
19084s is this comfortable sitting like this
19086s during like that whole third game you
19088s had your legs tightly crossed it was it
19091s nerves were very intense it was
19092s nerve-wracking it was it was scary quite
19095s honestly you know the canadian team that
19096s didn't put them through you know it was
19098s very emotional yeah vancouver couldn't
19100s get the job done but florida mayhem are
19102s moving on once they get all five players
19104s to stage was it getting that second
19106s support onto the stage or was it giving
19108s him the right character that gave him
19110s the dub tonight costa a little bit of a
19111s motivational boost having everyone there
19113s morale but i think just their experience
19115s on stage you know someone just hit on it
19117s you know they've been there before they
19118s know that if they lose this match
19120s they're going home so they stuck to it
19122s and also interestingly they didn't play
19124s any of the double flex support
19125s comfortable right in the mirror match up
19127s we've been hyping that up this whole sea
19129s uh this whole playoffs but so far they
19131s have played very little of it so johnny
19133s talk to me about this first game of
19135s control because i was expecting an anna
19137s we did not see that from the mayhem and
19139s they really just stayed on the lucio
19141s brigitta but we watched a lot of ninjas
19144s in this matchup we watched a lot of
19145s ninjas i told you pakia they come out
19147s with the lucio and the brig here on
19148s legion to kick things off it's hard to
19150s get that distance separation so it's
19153s easier for the enemy team to dive on to
19154s your zenyatta and you're on a
19156s composition so maybe not the map you
19158s want to bring it out necessarily but
19159s after lee jiang tower of course we move
19162s over to uh paraiso and this is also
19164s another map where you know
19166s where's the room where are you supposed
19168s to bring out the honor where are you
19169s supposed to bring up the set you can't
19170s really it's all closed corridors so you
19172s prefer the brawl with the rally the
19174s inspire healing and the lucio aura
19176s instead but for a mayhem despite all of
19178s that they look like the more comfortable
19180s team playing this double main support
19182s composition i think honestly like also
19185s said a lot of credits to the fordham and
19186s for playing composed with experience
19188s vancouver titans they were a bit all
19190s over the place king dashing away from
19192s his team disengaging when the rest of
19193s his team was engaging they looked a bit
19195s discombobulated the vancouver titans and
19197s maybe you know with some more reps onto
19198s the stage they can come back another
19200s time to give it a good old uh go with
19202s the state field well you guys hype me up
19204s on vancouver coming into the weekend
19205s they're now the first team eliminated
19207s from the bracket so thanks for wasting
19209s my time but let's talk about vancouver
19211s because this is a team that took a map
19213s off the shock yesterday and the shocker
19215s looking so strong in this event how did
19217s they fold to florida was it something
19219s different in their game or is it florida
19221s coming to life today i think it's a
19223s little bit of both i think the vancouver
19224s titans maybe not that experienced on
19226s stage they said this is a first for them
19228s this is the first stage that they
19230s actually got wins so as much as this is
19232s a disappointing loss they are the first
19234s team out i think you got to take steps
19235s right obviously they won their three
19237s matches they actually made it here so
19239s now you build from that you learn from
19241s that experience you come back maybe they
19243s can start making that run for the
19244s players like we've already talked about
19245s so far and you know maybe coach deepak
19247s can lead this team to the promised land
19249s alright we'll see if they can get it
19250s done but we gotta talk about florida's
19252s hero of the day he was wearing pink and
19254s he looked good doing it checkmate is
19256s gonna be our player of this match
19257s decided by johnny here on the watchpoint
19259s team johnny why was it the genji that
19262s deserves the love for florida why not
19264s your main tank look the casters pick
19266s checkmate for player of the match and i
19267s i completely agree the way he holds the
19270s line for his team it's sensational
19272s whether it's diving in going aggressive
19274s with the dragonblades finding pics of
19276s low health or in this case the vancouver
19278s titans when they were engaging when king
19280s was dashing under the genji it was
19282s checkmate to clean things up and counter
19284s that positioning the genji very much
19286s holds the line for these teams whether
19288s it's diving aggressively or falling back
19290s so checkmate i think he did a fantastic
19292s team i think that's the janitor for his
19294s team cleaning up the fragrance without
19296s to be done definitely the strongest
19298s player pose as well and we're just going
19299s to hold this until the next segment
19301s which is right now guys we got to bring
19302s you the next match coming up as florida
19304s is moving on in your bracket we got to
19307s show you the last battle to go it's here
19309s in the losers bracket and we know that
19312s the hometown heroes aren't out of this
19314s yet so costa get me hyped up washington
19317s toronto match number four here on day
19320s number two we can't have both canadian
19322s teams go home the first two teams it
19324s cannot happen toronto i know i predicted
19326s for the washington justice but i believe
19328s in you guys they me too
19332s we can't have this happen and honestly
19334s they looked very good earlier in the
19336s stage they actually looked like they had
19337s a ton of coordination players on their
19339s right heroes it's just these last couple
19341s of weeks the the players that you need
19343s to step up he's who although have not
19345s been able to get there they're going up
19347s against decay and assassin two great dps
19349s players that have really bought this
19351s washington justice back from the brink
19353s so they are the players that need to
19354s show up and come to play in this stage
19356s who's more important to shut down decay
19358s or assassin after watching them take two
19360s maps off of the fuel to open up this
19362s tournament so in this case if turn to
19363s defiant if they once more commit to the
19365s ash composition you gotta be scared of
19368s the dives coming in from the washington
19369s justice and assassin is very much going
19371s to lead the way the washington justice
19373s they'll be looking to not give toronto
19375s to find any room anytime whatsoever to
19378s operate with heisu on top of that ash
19380s and well if they diverge from this ash
19382s composition it's all on the cave soju
19384s versus sojourn i want to see the cave
19386s pop up for the washington justice well i
19388s noticed earlier in the show guys on our
19389s pre-show you both made a big mistake you
19392s clearly don't know much about this
19393s toronto team because they picked them
19395s loose right so i wanted to teach you a
19397s little bit about toronto here in a
19399s little speed round of trivia are you
19401s guys ready i used to live in toronto did
19402s you yeah this is great
19407s yeah well custa everyone knows toronto
19409s is now known as the six that of course
19412s thanks to drake but before that
19414s what was toronto's original nickname was
19417s it a the gem city b the queen city or c
19421s the king city
19423s well okay it's called new queen street
19425s so i'm just going to take an educated
19426s guess it's b queen
19429s one point to custom yes
19432s free wins johnny are you prepared for
19434s your first trivia question
19436s i've never been there johnny as our
19438s swedish american analyst i expect you to
19441s get this right what is canada's national
19444s animal is it the moose
19446s canadian goose
19448s beaver or grizzly bear
19451s i should know this i think
19453s i'm going to go defiant johnny you
19455s should know canada's natural animal uh
19459s i i'm gonna i'm gonna go with n no
19462s grizzly bears california right yeah
19463s there you go i'm gonna go with the moose
19465s go with the moose wrong it was the
19467s beaver oh you're the beam
19470s sweetest national animals
19473s zero to johnny back to custer question
19475s number two name toronto's canadian
19477s football league team
19479s canadians football league team yup
19482s like
19482s the toronto cfl team
19485s the toronto mm-hmm okay half of it
19489s raiders no oracle goes close close it's
19493s the argonauts bargaining point so
19496s do you know what an argonaut is
19498s it is uh an astronaut that's an animal
19501s it's a small floating octopus or a greek
19503s sailor from argo there you go uh you the
19505s more you know johnny question number two
19507s chance to catch up here it is one to
19509s zero for custom right now you're a
19510s football guy johnny so what's toronto's
19512s baseball team's name
19514s jase i know this one
19516s johnny's back at the game all right guys
19518s running out of time so let's speed this
19520s up scott question number three
19522s name the five teams hoppa has played for
19525s oh okay
19526s philadelphia fusion check and then he
19528s went to the guangzhou chart jack and
19530s then he went back to the philadelphia
19532s fusion at some point i'm skipping one
19534s first yeah and then we went to toronto
19535s defiant yep and then
19538s he was also on
19541s new york southeast yes yes all right
19543s that's four teams lw red was the
19545s contenders but you nailed philly twice
19547s well done johnny
19548s chance to tie this up what is custa's
19551s all-time win rate versus the defiant
19553s what percent
19555s all-time win rate for custom versus the
19557s toronto defiant
19561s 100
19562s 00
19564s lost 2-1 drew on hollywood that was
19566s stage one week two of 2009. we lost the
19569s toronto in 2019
19571s defiant have beaten custo and they're
19573s gonna beat these guys predictions
19575s defiant versus washington coming up when
19578s the overwatch league returns
19598s [Music]
19613s [Music]
19624s done
19636s so
19638s [Music]
19645s [Music]
19654s [Music]
19680s do
19690s hmm
19694s [Music]
19709s [Music]
19734s [Music]
19746s [Music]
19764s at the dawn of the day two pillars stood
19767s tall
19768s in the north and now only one remains
19771s and a particular gavel seeks its
19773s destruction
19775s welcome back everybody to the summer
19777s showdown and is our final match of the
19779s day another lower bracket elimination
19782s match coming at you live from the madame
19784s athletic center
19786s the last hope for canadian overwatch
19789s will go up against the resurgent
19792s washington justice
19794s in an elimination match it's a big one
19796s on the line matthew i'm here of course
19797s mitch leslie matt uh a lot to be said
19799s about both of these two teams not a lot
19801s of positives coming out of yesterday
19803s though struggles from both sides no not
19805s a ton of positive i think if you're
19807s toronto you're the home team you played
19809s pretty well throughout the
19811s summer showdown that's kind of what
19812s you're working with uh i think the
19814s justice is a really scary opponent
19815s because for two maps the justice looked
19817s awesome yesterday uh and they looked
19820s awesome against like one of the best
19821s teams in the tournament uh right against
19823s like the dallas fuel that's right uh so
19826s you think they're able to kind of muster
19827s some of that up here against the defiant
19830s really scary opponent for them today
19832s absolutely enough so we just saw the
19833s vancouver titans get filled a tough
19836s match for them definitely seems like now
19837s that the mayhem have all their ducks in
19839s rolex all their players in the venue
19841s they're looking like a different team
19843s they've advanced in the lower bracket
19844s and of course we have teams coming down
19846s from that upper bracket like houston
19847s outlaws so there's a lot to play for
19849s here naturally getting to see a canadian
19852s team advance into the weekend would be
19854s good but there are definitely quite nice
19856s a lot of boxes that need to be ticked
19857s for the toronto defiance so far though
19860s it's been a little bit of a lackluster
19861s couple of weeks from them let's talk
19862s about their opponents starting to come
19864s to the stage make some noise everybody
19865s for the nemesis to your canadian roster
19868s it is the washington
19870s justice
19874s oh hey a little
19877s little fierceness out of canada here all
19879s right
19881s what's up look
19882s i like it i i we we've gone to the home
19884s stands in the past
19886s and you're about to play against the
19887s home team everybody's cheering the away
19889s team i'm like come on man uh
19891s too nice out here yeah i mean you you
19893s show the justice of love given that
19894s confidence i mean
19896s you could not be seen to define for the
19897s rest of the weekend especially with how
19899s decay was playing the other day he was
19900s playing lights out for those first two
19902s maps
19903s huge impact player and one that was
19906s single-handedly mount giving the dallas
19908s fuel a run for their money now just
19910s imagine if the rest of the justice are
19913s operating at close even half of that
19915s level of impact and you have a very
19918s frightening core of five players
19920s caligo's the most aggressive junker
19921s queen here in the west for better or for
19923s worse leads the charge who's
19925s instrumental in in taking space away
19927s from the fuel pressuring them down yeah
19928s you also described the issue with the
19930s justice for the
19931s pretty much the whole season
19933s having their players kind of get on the
19935s the same page you know the consistency
19938s game in and game out uh if you're able
19940s to kind of get all those players
19942s clicking on the right cylinders they
19944s have tremendous individual skill
19946s scary scary team alarm bells definitely
19949s going off for the home fans if this team
19951s starts to get off to a hot start it's
19954s time to bring out the justices
19956s opposition everybody be upstanding for
19958s your toronto defiance
19966s [Music]
19994s let's jimin make some noise for the
19997s toronto
19999s defiance
20001s [Applause]
20006s hometown team put a lot of pressure on
20008s them right uh you just saw the vancouver
20011s titans they get swept you find yourself
20014s in the lower bracket
20017s really scary matchup they got to bring
20019s it home
20020s no more second chances
20025s it's time to prove themselves now a
20027s franchise who's fallen under a great
20029s deal of scrutiny we were so close to
20030s seeing a toronto home stand in 2020
20033s until
20034s obviously the face decided it was not to
20036s be
20037s we've been waiting a long time to see
20039s this team this franchise play at home
20042s and it's time to leave it all out there
20044s on the stage
20046s and look this is a winnable game for
20048s them with how we've seen the defiant
20049s play throughout the summer showdown we
20052s have seen them peak to pretty nice highs
20055s uh can they hit it again though uh no
20058s over the last few games they started to
20059s look they'll be trailing off a little
20061s bit so gotta find some of that magic
20063s here with this roster in to start things
20065s off pretty consistent they've been using
20067s this roster throughout all the summer
20068s showdown i think kind of the uh
20070s highlight players you're looking at here
20072s is uh really like kisu whether he brings
20074s it on the ash or the sojourn we've been
20076s seeing a lot of ash from the defiant as
20079s of late uh and then although on the
20080s genji
20084s had a chance to catch chorong and
20085s passing so they asked him how he was he
20087s said he's all right he wasn't getting
20088s too ahead of himself and if he wasn't
20090s smiling from ear matt because
20092s defiant know that they have a pretty
20094s tough task against them nobody
20097s except the dallas fuel herald really
20098s want to go up against the washington
20100s justice when they're at their best but
20102s listen
20103s this defiant team has shown us some
20105s incredible overwatch especially when all
20107s though
20108s is turning up we know what he can do but
20110s the problem is sometimes it's been half
20112s a series on half a series off hot and
20114s cold this dps line it needs to be all
20117s hot
20118s all day
20119s so uh cover your ears canada what i'm
20121s worried about for the toronto defiant
20123s and worried about a lot is when we saw
20126s the justice have success against the
20128s dallas fuel they were playing the
20129s sojourn into the ash compositions here
20131s and doing great things about it all
20133s we've seen from toronto is hisu on that
20135s ash a lot of the time
20137s we know that the justice can have
20139s success against that type of composition
20142s uh did toronto watch that the other day
20144s did they decide to make some changes
20146s coming in
20148s what's been the game plan here for the
20149s defiant
20150s couple of years ago i want to pop as
20152s many rosters that new york team he said
20154s i'm here to be the new big boss well
20156s he's gonna have to take charge in a
20158s match up like this because his opponent
20159s is frankly a
20161s berserker calios is going to want to get
20163s in his face and continuously create
20165s these openings for decay to work his
20167s signature brand of magic
20169s do the defiant have it in them to match
20171s that level of aggression
20173s ah i mean calios he hasn't seen a fight
20175s that he doesn't like i mean he'll he'll
20177s be like
20178s he'll get in there he'll scrap with
20179s anybody yeah it's a lee shang tower will
20182s be the first map in the set
20184s uh and i don't know if they want to have
20185s that type of aggression i think they
20187s want to play a little bit slower that's
20189s what toronto's game is
20192s liang tower
20194s our first map in this series the defiant
20197s are the highest seed
20199s but the loser will choose
20201s the next map
20202s in this first two three series
20206s the loser goes home the winner advances
20208s in the lower bracket with still many
20210s trials and tribulations to face if they
20212s fancy a berth in the grand final on
20214s sunday
20216s [Music]
20218s really interested to see what we have
20220s compositionally from the defiant to kick
20222s things off if what they saw from the
20224s justice the other day is uh scary enough
20227s to make some moves or commit to just
20229s playing their game
20231s don't think we'll see that soldier 76 uh
20234s i haven't seen him in a bit
20236s i like this toronto defiant backline
20238s matthew i think that's actually where a
20240s lot of their star power is concentrated
20242s a lot of their consistency is also
20244s located
20246s it's uh still some time
20248s to make some changes here for the
20250s defiant
20252s uh you imagine decay will go over and
20254s play the sojourn
20256s here we go
20258s let's try to find take on the washington
20260s justice
20261s control center is the site for our first
20264s engagement
20268s we'll have that mid-range poke early on
20270s it's gonna be hotbar coming up second
20272s best in a commanding shot here assassin
20275s now gets some heads swung in his
20276s direction
20278s he's happy to garner a little bit of
20279s attention if it's not lethal
20281s although there's a little bit of danger
20282s they've locked on he's sue when he gets
20284s caught in the corner he's on the sojourn
20286s mind you yeah and that's good aggression
20288s there from the justice they realize
20290s where
20292s he's who is are able to track him down
20294s as kill traded out another favor of the
20296s defiant
20297s opener trying to keep his head in the
20299s clouds if he can but although it's we're
20301s to hunt him down
20305s he's in trouble
20308s and toronto will start with the lead
20311s and that's huge even after losing he's
20313s able to battle back
20315s although gets in the mix comes up big on
20317s the genji and now a little pressure on
20319s the justice how do they break this set
20321s up
20324s kind of sidelines there's the k get look
20325s at he's his old charge he's well behind
20327s but that's the start you're looking for
20330s off with his head he says to the k
20333s enemy secret weapon is out of the fight
20336s that's a a big pick right it's gonna
20338s just buy some percentage here
20340s a lot of defiant to get up probably near
20342s 40 percent
20344s overall once this next fight really
20346s starts to kick off as the justice they
20348s just they look a little timid here to
20349s start the series
20353s 84 accounting therefore although a blade
20356s with no beat to answer it could be huge
20358s for the definer and extending that lead
20360s a lot of pressure on krillin
20363s he's a struggling right now and that
20364s blade is ready although paul's there
20366s with 30 hp you're insane
20370s assassin shutting down and makes it true
20372s though
20373s a little
20374s overeager
20376s yeah not sure i agree with that one
20378s uh as he was quite low but you got the
20381s rally going but didn't really kind of
20383s get any of the effects of it
20385s uh able to stay on the point there for a
20387s little bit you get a
20388s bit of extra percentage but
20391s man that is uh not a not the right time
20393s to blade there you you'd love to have
20395s that one back because look at this i
20396s mean the justice they're stuck full of
20397s ultimates here
20399s and the definer in the unenviable
20401s position of having to peer in through
20403s this singular choke
20404s into a sojourn set up here she tries to
20406s force his way through decay a little bit
20408s low takes a big hit early but they're
20410s defined and not feeding himself in their
20412s heart by big boss dangerously teetering
20415s on the edge of the map and realizes he
20416s didn't get anything from that rampage
20419s the k now looking to clean up but
20420s toronto is long since absconded i mean
20423s these are big ultimates you're just kind
20424s of throwing away if you're in the
20426s defiance
20431s that's a rampage and a blade
20433s really a rally as well just kind of
20435s completely down the drain
20437s assassin is six and one matthew right
20439s now on that
20441s genji what a difference maker early here
20443s for the justice not always the one we
20445s expect to turn up but when he does it
20446s seems like it's unlosable for washington
20450s speeding here comes the rampage catches
20452s two and pressure is now on he's sued by
20455s corporate
20456s played out there to deflect twilight
20457s able to deal with assassin but it trades
20460s go in favor of the justice and they now
20462s get into the lead on percentage cheeky
20464s sure wrong deals with decay but can't
20466s flip the point
20467s but can he get out with his life though
20470s uh you know you get out with your life
20471s it's uh
20472s kind of worth maybe now with people
20474s coming back for the defiant you can make
20475s something out of this but
20477s you know really outside of that first
20478s fight it's been all justice
20482s assassins a little bit low on the point
20483s here here's that overclock from
20485s oh there it is open this down
20490s assassin flies over here but it's there
20492s another kill from the overclock
20495s and that'll be enough
20498s ah yeah that'll be enough to flip the
20500s point
20501s is it enough to kind of guide them to a
20503s round win
20505s uh they'll have rally in blade you kind
20507s of
20508s no didn't really do much with them last
20509s time but you get good value adam here
20512s this is the first point going in favor
20514s of the define
20516s even game
20517s one fight in it now
20519s gonna find half control it's twilight to
20521s start up with the rally where they're
20522s looking looking for assassin he's able
20524s to stay alive the commanding shout can
20526s the defiant get back in formation they
20527s can but although keeps his head down is
20529s decay almost removes it 98 and counting
20532s now a blade he can redeem himself
20534s although with a chance to make up for
20536s lost time because kelly goes to fall
20538s first they're looking for decay when
20539s assassin is down
20541s five versus three
20543s and decay has to come from behind he
20544s counts one catches two he's dangerous
20546s this man can take the game over
20548s bring a sigh of relief as the defiant
20550s squeak clover
20552s decay still killing people in slow-mo
20554s time
20557s they win the round but that is uh that
20560s starts getting a little bit closer
20561s towards the end you have to lucio coming
20563s in i believe opener coming from the side
20565s could have touched the k is able to take
20566s out two
20568s it's a defiant they squeak away with
20571s that first round no it did not look good
20573s in the middle right but they battled
20575s back out of their spawn to take the lead
20577s gotta find
20579s looking to settle some of those jitters
20583s a little bit of a quiet round for all
20584s though there while assassin really put
20587s the hood on them i love the shot called
20588s there to go for assassin to dive in
20589s there don't catch him but they force the
20591s justice out of position it's gonna be
20593s market here for a
20594s second round and it's heisu back on the
20596s ash
20597s yeah so we didn't see it obviously there
20599s in the first round not a great effective
20600s range for ash not a great point for her
20603s now
20606s if that's true wrong i don't want to be
20608s right matt what an opener piece who does
20610s get traded out but getting rid of decay
20612s early is a big deal assassin looking to
20613s make up for it we have a 3v3 pressure on
20616s krillin he crumbles
20618s and toronto
20619s start in front again i mean getting
20621s decayed early is massive right uh we
20624s know the kind of destruction he causes
20626s where getting him out of the fight is
20628s huge now chorong actually able to get in
20630s the mix offensively uh pick up a kill
20633s although
20634s you win these fights in the defiant you
20635s still got the justice with like these
20637s moments right you know assassin gets two
20639s here he comes right like never clean is
20641s it no
20643s that may just be how this series is
20645s though it may just be a little bit of a
20646s little bit of a bloodbath he needs to
20648s have impact here he's got a
20651s needs full clip
20652s some of these krillin's a little low but
20653s they've lost hotbar already they're
20654s defined
20655s the trade it's not a good one for
20657s toronto
20658s starting to give control the point and
20659s they've given it up mid fights with four
20661s players that define have to decide do we
20664s back up and we go for this you back up i
20666s mean you you back up here we gotta get
20667s harper back in the fight i mean you see
20669s he's coming right back off spawn so you
20671s get hot back in the action i gotta say
20673s these fights have happened fast with
20675s these teams they are just flying
20677s decay there it
20679s he is down at the start of this fight
20681s again the defined even the odds though
20682s it's twilight to stand up both teams
20685s like a dps player but hotbar is so low
20687s constantly getting pressured by decay
20688s twilight realizes this i'll beat a
20690s little bit too late can they collapse on
20691s the sojourn they can what a deflect from
20694s although
20696s they're fighting with the numbers but
20697s how do they convert galio's having to
20699s trade back and get rid of twilight now
20700s and chorong is stuck in the corner
20702s krillin let's sing go
20704s although blade is online and assassins
20706s is close as well but all this time the
20708s defined have been losing out on
20710s percentage points for the justice man
20712s and is this the type of game the defiant
20714s want to play do you want to play the
20716s justice in this really fast-paced high
20718s tempo
20719s game because where we see teams have
20721s success against the justice is slowing
20723s it down and like they're just to just
20724s make their own mistakes
20727s here's the sharp and steel sound barrier
20730s going to be there and although
20731s makes opener explode
20733s calios removed and krillin yeah he's
20735s done the defiant have an important
20737s opportunity to get back to parity here
20741s bob will be online for hisu
20744s in case of emergency yeah um we're
20745s looking at the rampage available here
20747s for calios we'll see
20749s what happens with opener i kind of have
20751s an idea what we're going to see here
20754s oh
20757s that's an ajax this is a wing in the
20759s mist although it's 5-0 right now had a
20762s massive round so far
20765s joram gets assassin first
20767s they'll get rid of bob eventually but
20768s that's not the trade you want feel the
20770s justice
20771s decay falls back sliding on away
20773s dynamite tick damage there
20777s toronto should be able to take the lead
20778s off of this right uh it's good they're
20780s actually just kind of climbing back into
20782s this not really a ton of investment in
20784s that fight we'll see though now with
20786s hoppo with his rampage you see cali is
20788s coming here from the high ground how how
20790s do these junker queens try and line this
20791s up what is doing
20793s he's right behind him on that high
20795s ground big connection nice rampage
20798s so big they call it jackson
20800s keller is able to find a double there
20802s it's going to be a three versus three
20803s and all that chunk of queen's looking
20804s worse for where kaligos is down but
20806s hopper's being accosted in the corner
20809s although we'll follow up on the defiant
20811s ladies and gentlemen at 84 and counting
20814s one more fight for the justice to get in
20816s this one
20819s one more fighter we have the defiant
20821s taking map number one here
20823s rally available for krillin you think
20825s twilight
20826s plays good enough here to earn it as
20828s well
20829s oh there it is
20831s decay strikes first and he's who is down
20833s from behind now the define have to play
20835s hopper keeps a minute here but they're
20837s better off just resetting
20839s getting back on towards spawn
20842s decay maybe not taking over the game but
20844s when he strikes first strikes true you
20847s get getting those first bloods is
20848s massive
20850s especially with the way he has been
20851s shooting here early on as
20854s good decision as well not to burn the
20856s rally you have the rally to engage if
20858s you want during this fight the thing
20860s that's kind of rough is you got sound
20862s barrier probably a blade as well and
20864s you're already up to 90 here for the
20865s justice
20866s one last fight twilight the veteran the
20869s superstar leads with the rally in all of
20871s the point go there to fire
20872s they know there's an assassin and he's
20874s down all those having an incredible
20876s round but there's more to be done sam
20877s berry coming out from opener and he's
20879s who gives himself some breathing room
20880s although he wants to pressure down the
20882s lucio and open it gets away the beat not
20884s what they were looking for is krillin is
20886s down and there it is
20888s the drawing to fire with the numbers now
20890s and although looking to finish the job
20893s one two
20894s three
20895s packing he is able to get chorom though
20897s and now comes back assassin he's very
20899s low hop was able to finish the job he
20901s finds a key kill and that will do it
20903s defiance
20905s are on the board
20907s [Applause]
20911s canada's lasso
20914s they take map number one here in the
20917s set game was really fast paced i mean
20920s kills back and forth you know not a lot
20923s of setup not a lot of team fights really
20925s a lot of brawling and the defining come
20927s out on top
20929s although started with three final blows
20931s after the first round he ends with 12 12
20934s and two for although and from the front
20936s of course hot bar leading the charge
20938s good looks for toronto again messi
20940s fights but if that's how they want to
20942s play them so be it stick around map
20943s number two is coming right up
20963s here
20978s [Music]
20996s [Music]
21004s [Music]
21036s [Music]
21042s oh
21044s [Music]
21094s [Music]
21110s [Music]
21145s [Music]
21154s [Music]
21163s [Music]
21179s nothing quite handles those pre-matched
21182s jitters like getting a win in the first
21184s round matthew and that's what the home
21186s team
21187s have managed to do
21189s but i think he was sort of
21190s pointing out the scrappiness of the game
21192s and i think we could see a lot of
21193s nervousness from both those sides on
21196s lijang tower
21198s yeah just uh really aggressive play uh
21201s that typically like you see that from
21203s the justice right but toronto playing a
21206s very fast pace as well especially i mean
21209s even when they have the ash in play so
21211s it'll be interesting if you can kind of
21213s keep that up as the series goes on uh if
21215s you can be as clean doing it as well
21219s we talked about a lot of big players on
21221s the defiant side of things and
21223s one that got glossed over a little bit
21224s in our pre-match discussion was although
21228s but you don't have to look back too far
21229s to see
21230s he had some huge weeks in this summer
21232s showdown qualifier
21234s we could tell this team was gonna hit a
21236s different level when they had access to
21237s genji and a player like although to
21239s pilot it the toronto defiant looking to
21242s continue to lean on this man because
21245s assassin was looking dangerous at times
21247s although ended like
21249s 12 and two no deaths in that last round
21251s despite how scrappy the game was i mean
21254s this team was like really good
21256s throughout the summer showdown i mean
21258s they get the number four seed
21259s you're looking at their schedule before
21261s and you were wondering you know they're
21263s gonna be in the top eight i mean they
21264s could have that number three seed right
21266s that last matchup against london that
21267s kind of gets away from them late in the
21269s series
21270s could have been number three like
21271s outlaws at four you know they played uh
21273s the gladiators they played the fuel uh
21275s throughout this i mean please really
21277s tough teams to get here uh sounds like
21279s they had a little bit of a pushover of a
21281s schedule i mean it's been really tough
21284s uh so you think kind of like beating
21285s that level of competition even with the
21287s gladiators not being here still i think
21289s is pretty good team really good team uh
21292s you think their ceiling's pretty high
21294s it's just
21295s the game against london kind of felt
21297s weird you know uh the you know the one
21300s before uh obviously we came here and
21302s then they played london again uh
21304s and now it just kind of feels like maybe
21306s a little bit like um
21308s you know sliding a bit in terms of like
21310s their play but that's a big map one to
21312s get
21313s paraiso gonna be the selection from the
21315s justice for map number two
21318s that would put the defiant on the
21320s offense to start
21324s tough round on uh lee jung tao for both
21327s teams hit scan dps
21330s there were moments though decay looking
21331s very scary it looked like he was going
21333s to try and 1v5 in that last fight uh
21336s definitely the kind of thing breathing
21337s down your neck that is going to make you
21338s sweat
21342s and uh now with the justice on defense
21345s they'll be playing the sojourn set up
21346s here kick things off
21349s uh do you take a shot with the widow and
21350s then maybe kind of play with the ash if
21352s you're the defiant do you gonna go with
21354s the sojourn i think it's interesting
21356s that what no for oh well nevermind i was
21359s gonna say for a team that's run a ton of
21360s ash for them to not do it here but
21362s they're gonna pull it out
21365s okay
21365s again we've seen it so far this weekend
21367s difficult sidelines to navigate
21370s as the team with the actual you want to
21371s push through as quickly as you can get a
21372s better position pop-up wanted a pressure
21374s calios good damage
21376s on a lot of the justice here you think
21378s they've got to press the advantage when
21379s they can commanding came out there from
21381s calios some trading between the
21383s brigitte's lots of inspire up time at
21385s the moment
21387s and there it is
21388s that's what you want to start the fight
21390s what a clean opener from the defiant
21392s neither of these teams want to play
21394s defensive or passive whatsoever
21398s typically you see some trades like that
21399s right whether it's the offensive team
21401s maybe you get a speed boost you go to
21402s the point here and you're going to play
21404s from the corner or the defensive team
21405s they fall back right and play from this
21407s first quarter uh both those teams just
21409s stand there and swing i mean uh they're
21411s just a
21413s big fight at the beginning uh and it
21415s doesn't work out the justice way
21416s eventually the justices are gonna have
21418s to kind of uh figure out a style of play
21420s that's not just brute force this is such
21422s a big deal for the defiant now an early
21425s take on point a many teams get
21427s snarled up here
21429s it's a big big check in the first box
21431s for the defiant what can they do here i
21433s love that from all though moves to take
21435s advantage of the peak building to start
21437s on top of the
21438s rooftop for now
21440s issue again
21442s wants to make as much use of this high
21443s ground as possible has a sixth sense
21445s maybe about assassin
21446s encroaching from behind so he drops down
21448s that's a nice dynamite connection
21451s you can see that he's coming in but
21452s there's decay again you take your eyes
21453s off him for one moment and he will
21455s punish you and now he's behind the
21456s defiant taking them to task
21459s it was a really nice coach gun and a
21461s shot to be able to stay alive as that's
21463s why i get some kills in here
21466s oh
21467s charon's going to escape with his life
21468s and he's going to get a kill so you
21470s might be able to move the payload out of
21472s this coming off the spawn but from jesus
21475s pov big dynamite then what he's got a
21477s blading genji adam coach guns away uh or
21481s you know just a genji coming at him you
21483s know coach guns him away and then also
21484s able to and we hit a shot and then
21486s eventually just falling to the sojourn
21488s so much pressure in his face and dealing
21490s with it quite well he's doing great
21493s three and one at the moment gets topped
21495s up there great dynamite that's gonna
21496s force assassin down and twilight is
21498s there to catch him the old one two punch
21501s opener knocked up by bobby's in deep
21502s danger and charong chases up the kill
21506s the defense here playing flowchart
21508s overwatch to perfection
21510s just have four minutes left as they
21512s approach this second checkpoint this is
21514s squeaky clean stuff
21516s yeah and the justice just
21518s they need to set up and like go in with
21520s a plan right like they're just fighting
21522s to fight
21524s this looks like a plan sketched in sand
21526s will it erode
21528s assassin finds very little with the
21529s flight and twilight is still taking in
21531s the task as well
21533s he'll have to run away but although
21534s we'll be there to chase
21536s that checkpoint's already been picked up
21537s by the defiant of course so now the
21539s pressure mounts kelly goes down to the
21540s dynamite
21542s for two for three he's least ladies and
21544s gentlemen
21547s just at the right time
21551s i mean they're putting pressure on him
21552s they're just not really able to secure
21553s the kills but then also
21555s they're starting these fights to justice
21557s and it doesn't really look like they
21558s kind of have like plans or intentions
21560s going in right like they're not focusing
21562s one player down they're not trying to
21563s get an ultimate out of the other team
21565s uh you know that time they lose uh what
21567s they lose assassin and then uh you know
21569s calios from the top rope with the
21571s carnage trying to swing down on players
21573s and then he's in a bad spot i mean
21576s it's got to be a better way to set these
21578s fights up
21579s eight final blows one dead pc right now
21582s in charge
21584s and looking large
21587s love that for him good little dynamite
21589s there but assassin punishes charon
21591s sometimes tron will look to go pretty
21592s deep for those eliminations
21594s decay
21595s plows a hole through his face there
21599s i like the training from the hotbar what
21600s is this
21602s oh this is the big boss's house you're
21604s just playing red sun
21607s oh you have time to clap you're kidding
21610s me
21614s you're kidding me when the opponent's
21615s got the hand off the keyboard and
21616s they're clapping
21618s that ain't good
21620s man this has been all defiant here the
21623s justice with some decent ultimates here
21624s coming out could make a difference decay
21626s he's done this before matt this wrap
21628s around from the back side to save his
21629s team
21630s looks like the killing all those
21631s probably gonna be enough to do just that
21635s like they don't have to chase here right
21637s they they've got what they wanted back
21638s hang on
21640s bob
21641s he's in the building he soon finds the k
21644s can't believe it kelly was able to find
21646s the connection there with the rampage
21647s yields in the kill hopper under a lot of
21648s pressure there and there's assassin
21650s charges in the deal with his nice
21652s clean up assassin getting
21654s three of his four final blows in one
21656s fight they weren't decay's pov i know
21658s the bombs in front kills having it uh
21661s char over the top he's like pushing the
21663s carpet behind trying to fight i mean
21665s this has been all out chaos and
21668s aggression from both of these teams
21670s it's uh the defiant though uh have a
21672s blade here most likely this blade is
21674s just going to be able to get a support
21676s out
21677s or two out of the justice uh nothing to
21680s deal with assassin's blade so this fight
21682s not set up great for the defiant
21686s assassin just there to check that a pint
21688s of the door thinks about the blade and
21690s he goes sound barrier coming out from
21692s opening here the stars are aligning for
21693s the justice to slow the game down
21697s he's who they took a rail
21699s that'll be that curling gets to hold on
21701s to the rally yeah that's big they're
21703s able to hold on to rally to deal with
21704s this although blade still no support
21706s ultimates for the defiant so
21709s starting to slow down a little bit here
21711s maybe the justice start getting into a
21712s rhythm right being able to cycle through
21714s some of these ultimates
21716s two minutes on the clock here
21718s toronto could force something now with a
21720s beat coming up
21724s the justice have managed to choke some
21725s of the momentum out of the game but the
21727s definer always looking for a little bit
21728s more they're looking for that next
21729s little bit of magic although a big hit
21731s on him decay punishes him he can't get
21732s away opener chases him to disrupt the
21735s shot
21736s now what
21738s they're stuck in here
21739s time to brawl i guess sound barry coming
21741s out from toronto they're gonna commit to
21743s this although he's quickly on his way
21745s back to the fight we want to get there
21746s in time decay
21748s seize the bigger knife
21749s calios removed inside the room
21752s and the tornado defrayed transition now
21754s to the card a great clean up they are
21756s 4v5 and they managed to make it work
21759s yeah i mean 4v5 the justice have the
21762s advantage but running into a small
21764s corridor there
21765s against uh you know the junker queen
21768s with the sound barrier this will be
21769s rally from twilight right by the door
21772s okay play now from although bob got it
21774s coming from the timing is right for
21776s these dps ultimates and they make short
21779s work of the justice
21780s are you not entertained
21790s [Music]
21792s and toronto looks clean in some of these
21794s fast fights
21796s we talk about a lot of aggression a lot
21798s of brawl here right but those first
21800s couple checkpoints came up for the
21801s defined pretty
21803s comfortably looked like the calling in
21805s the coordination was on point
21807s just when you asked for it
21809s someone put the goose signal up in the
21811s sky because he turns up 11 and three
21813s on that ash did you see when you're
21815s watching from the free camp uh they're
21817s in that kind of like stairway when all
21818s the the crazy craziness got down so
21820s decay goes unlike one of those flanks
21822s and classic and
21824s as soon as they realize it turns around
21826s and gets a knife in the head from papa
21828s and then they just rampage up the stairs
21830s he's he's like dead in seconds uh i mean
21834s not the spot you want to fight the
21836s jungler queen in especially uh you know
21838s with the bleed and
21839s being able to get the sound barrier as
21841s well
21842s here's your boy
21845s again starts the fight off with a really
21846s nice dynamite and he's
21848s able to punish someone like genji he
21850s will double jump
21851s be essentially a little stationary in
21853s midair love that coach gun
21855s yeah when you get around these
21856s objectives and the justice have to play
21858s on there and they can't get in jesus
21860s face it is just a shooting gallery for
21862s him i mean
21864s those
21865s those are pretty you don't want to take
21866s easy shots right but for a player of
21869s jesus caliber i mean he is a he is dealt
21871s with way worse situations than that
21875s all right time for the justice to see
21877s what they can do on the offense
21879s the definite mindful of making sure his
21882s setup to succeed here and they might
21884s need to give him as much space as
21886s possible assassin is already looking to
21887s undermine that easy though very aware
21890s will fall back but this in turn gives
21892s the justice a lot of space and there's
21893s decay
21894s he gets the better adhesive in that
21896s first engagement
21900s this is like i think where you need to
21903s like where the justice can go on offense
21904s and be aggressive right in and see some
21907s success
21908s this is how you kind of start to get
21910s some momentum back if you're washington
21911s right you can play
21913s as aggressive as you feel here on the
21915s offensive side getting the flow of the
21917s game a little bit because right now
21918s toronto's dominating in that degree but
21921s it'll be the justice
21923s they unlock the payload they'll take
21925s that checkpoint
21926s so we'll see where toronto decides to do
21928s it looks like now from this overhead
21930s kind of got them setting up in the
21932s street trying to get some of these
21933s dynamites in the choke as he soon moves
21934s to the oh look
21936s at the top of the building he's gonna go
21937s straight up love that look at the charge
21939s in here the justice though got a whiff
21941s of it man they kind of knew what was
21942s coming
21943s he's not able to stand up and scope in
21945s for long periods of time he can play
21946s from the stairwell pressure opener but
21948s moving out in the open would be suicidal
21952s ah good intuition but will it be enough
21954s to save him
21955s survival instincts working overtime here
21957s he soon needs to respect the poop he
21960s doesn't do anything right now he has no
21961s sight line he needs to reestablish that
21962s quickly
21964s yes calios actually finds hot on the
21966s other side of things so getting rid of
21969s the junker queen of the defiant you're
21970s going to see everybody hightail it
21973s preempting also the commanding shot
21974s there so that'll expire assassin
21977s cannot deflect the blast but the
21979s dynamite wasn't close enough to pressure
21981s the genji down
21983s that kill from
21985s although on decay really slowed this up
21986s for the justice it could have been
21987s dangerous for the define
21990s he sue was completely out of the fight
21991s just
21992s chilling in a side
21995s you'll have street here for both teams
21999s i think if you're defining you want to
22000s hold this defense you got to get good
22002s value here from although he needs to
22004s give an account of himself now that
22006s assassin would soon forget he can't
22008s quite get to grips though with the
22009s ashton what can he do with this time
22010s with this space
22014s run into the blade maybe here it comes
22015s assassin looking for the ashes fan of it
22017s although is that enough time to strike
22019s at the heart of the justice it's a one
22020s for one four versus four all those play
22023s came a little bit later and the sound
22024s barrier is now here for sure on great
22026s timing open is down with his beat he's
22028s not involved in the fight did a fight
22030s need to use this window of durability to
22031s their invitation they do
22033s they run over the justice
22036s and important
22038s important fight win
22040s huge and you you get that fight win you
22042s got your rampage now you're going to
22043s have your bob and goodheesu set up on
22046s the high ground here this should be very
22049s difficult for the justice to break
22050s especially with the justice was really
22052s nothing to work with
22054s you think three minutes and 20 you can
22056s you should be able to hold at least
22057s another two minutes you know before it
22059s gets competitive
22062s that has to be on the docket for the
22063s define here they're running into open a
22065s sound barrier
22068s he didn't have a chance to use it last
22069s fight
22072s with death
22075s great pressure from toronto here it's
22076s enough for now to slow up the justice
22078s but there's a lot to work with on both
22079s sides bob may be a crucial factor here
22084s okay
22085s and what are the justice playing for you
22087s you just play to get your rampage and
22089s now you're gonna play to get rally
22091s you're not gonna you're not gonna be
22092s able to force them down right because
22094s you're just gonna have assassin just
22096s jump down and touch the card the only
22097s way you can do it is here by forcing
22099s this card to move assassin oh he's
22100s caught
22101s [Applause]
22104s and like the lumberjacks of your hotbar
22106s fells that's sequoia
22110s another one oh rampage yeah he's hit by
22112s that kalios is like a defensive rampage
22114s works up
22117s pretty clean stuff there's the defying
22118s get a little too aggressive
22120s little beat and switch there oh man
22122s we're so scared we're running away then
22124s calios comes on in with a rampage takes
22126s that hot butt chorong in twilight
22128s although he's behind enemy lines with
22129s very little health right now a little
22131s dangerous they're gonna give this up
22132s they do
22133s oh well they didn't intend to give it up
22135s harper runs out the door shouts and then
22137s runs right back
22140s all right there'll still be a fight in
22141s the car for now kallios tries to round
22142s the corner
22145s accident swing
22147s rally was used here by twilight
22149s they're still gonna fight are giving
22151s ground that's what leads me to believe
22153s you you used to rally and you shout try
22155s and get out that door potentially try
22157s and challenge doesn't work
22159s he charges in two connected with here
22161s with the rampage follow-up
22163s is it enough people unable to stay alive
22165s even a lot of damage then you cannot
22167s heal this up on the justice watching to
22169s need to get kills of their own otherwise
22170s they're going to lose this fight and
22172s it's too late
22174s assassin forced to stand there and
22175s defend looking awful silly
22178s the k looking awful deceased
22182s so you're able to win that fight if
22184s you're the defiant but it it costs you
22186s everything
22188s you're not adding absolutely everything
22189s to get it done
22191s we're now decay with the overclock right
22192s if you're the justice like hey this is
22194s your time to show up right you pop that
22195s overclock we need a kill or two
22198s to get this card moving again
22201s six final boys for each of the justice
22203s dps 11 for each of the defiance that's
22205s the difference mikey here oh
22208s boy
22209s [Applause]
22213s i mean yeah that's quite aggressive i
22215s would say
22216s decay maybe just disrespecting there and
22218s gets punished for it if the fight can he
22221s keep hopper alive here that would be
22222s absolutely monumental and they do he's
22224s topped up again matt
22225s yeah you can you cannot be chasing kills
22228s like that and then pop your all with
22229s like 40 hp
22231s uh with your back to the rest of the
22233s other teams that is ridiculous yeah
22236s although i was doing that in round one i
22238s don't know if there's much excuse to be
22239s doing it here in map two
22241s there's no excuse to do it anymore
22245s all right let's hop up ready for this
22247s the group up by the justice rally here
22248s for twilight
22250s looking good defensively are identifying
22252s so far sound barrier here
22254s bob gets sent in
22257s plugging away he is
22259s kalyan's having to remove him pretty
22260s quickly but it's scared seconds that
22261s have been bought for the defined that's
22263s quite important
22264s demanding shout although can play
22266s aggressively here can he get rid of
22267s kelly o's it's looking a little bit
22268s dangerous he gets ganked forward by the
22270s knife he decides to go after assassin
22271s instead who's done the wiser
22274s although taking his opponent's namesake
22276s for himself and doing him one better
22278s and bust out the broom because the
22280s definer on janitorial duty open is able
22283s to chase down twilight but again these
22285s are excellent kills if i've ever seen
22286s them
22287s when we were on with all though and
22289s calios gets so low
22290s he ends up popping his rampage there
22295s and the results in a lot of nothing as
22298s uh no now you the justice you gotta move
22300s in a little bit right because some of
22302s these kills happen later but they've set
22304s up
22305s the defiant a great spot 40 seconds to
22307s go
22309s all the big bosses coming for you
22313s the blade from although though quite
22314s open at the screening by hopper was
22316s important as well
22317s wrong with two
22320s and you don't feel the need to use the
22322s rampage there right hopper gets
22323s aggressive with the fallback that if the
22325s blades not getting a lot they could
22327s rampage but they don't need it they hold
22329s on to it here
22330s for what could be our final
22333s fight of the map to put the toronto
22335s defiant up to uh assassin and decay i've
22337s got to make something happen this is the
22338s last chance for the justice big swing
22340s big hit grill along with all those
22342s strikes again death that decay come for
22345s us all apparently but although gets the
22346s better over the card it's on the move
22348s they don't know open is moving up
22350s towards the end of the map here in the
22351s defiant lose the fight they're gonna
22353s have to spawn back in awful quick it'll
22355s be over time either way but he sue is
22356s out at sea he's yelling wilson
22359s and harper's rampage got absolutely
22361s nothing coming around the corner jumps
22363s uses the rampage doesn't connect with
22364s anybody there
22366s they traded kills then it all goes in
22368s favor of the justice where's toronto
22370s toronto need to touch they need this
22371s over time to work just in time but gets
22374s there there was a boot but he's able to
22375s get on that card although it's pretty
22377s low for the run he's going to top him up
22378s in no time now that a fine needs to make
22380s a play okay looking to wrap around sees
22383s his suit misses that first one takes a
22385s big hit he burns for a time as well but
22387s hopper is down the justice now winning
22389s this war of attrition with the help of
22390s the sound barrier and he still has
22392s nowhere to go
22393s the justices get themselves another
22395s minute on the clock
22396s and we're going to run it back once more
22399s what's up man it looks like the define
22401s if if you get a good rampage there i had
22403s a hot but that's probably good enough
22404s right
22405s uh and what are the chances you know you
22408s turn the corner you rampage when you're
22409s kind of spawn kill and you hit nobody i
22412s mean with how big the cone is
22414s with that ability uh that's a that's a
22417s big whiff there is that is one that you
22419s have that
22420s i mean we're probably halfway through a
22422s commercial break right now i mean we're
22423s ready to come back from f3 uh but
22427s you with that
22428s you know the justice a good sound
22430s barrier there get a good fight at the
22431s end and they're able to complete it and
22434s you can't keep giving team like the
22436s justice some you know signs of life
22438s right you know some hope because
22440s you never know this team is like
22442s individually skilled so talented it's
22444s just whether they can put it together
22445s for periods of time
22447s that you don't want to give them more
22448s opportunity to do that
22451s kalios right now leads the washington
22454s justice eleven final blows and nine
22456s deaths assassinated struggling to yeah
22458s let's see
22459s so he goes for this like right corner
22461s here i like the idea
22465s but krillin is able to back up
22468s oh just outside the hitbox yeah
22470s and
22471s yeah i mean it almost looks like krillin
22473s could have gotten empire but yeah they
22475s just back up just slightly still you
22477s still split the justice right that's why
22478s all those able to have a quiet moment
22480s with decay enough to take him out of the
22482s picture if my options mitch or to split
22484s the justice or give them uh taking
22486s anti-heal that heals me i will take the
22489s ladder point taken
22491s the fire will be on defense here he's on
22492s the ass once more great pressure on
22494s assassin he's not finding his mark there
22500s did he not think they were going to like
22502s get aggressive on it
22504s yeah i mean he just he goes right around
22506s the corner and it's like so leisurely
22508s and then all of a sudden he's gone
22510s a stately trot yeah he just
22513s just crosses this choke and then just
22515s jumps up and down the anger did in
22517s seconds
22518s all right last chance for the justice
22519s here we go again this time the more
22521s direct route taken by assassin as he
22523s heads straight upstairs but he sues oh
22524s he's in a different post code hotbar
22527s gets krillin he's blown up by decay
22529s though decay can make it happen
22532s but although he shuts him down and this
22533s should be a defiant hold
22535s back swinging
22536s calios
22539s he's down
22541s no kick for the justice
22544s for defying rock solid defenders today
22546s yeah so what best case scenario here for
22549s the justice you're looking at a draw
22550s right
22551s no ticks on the point there
22554s just got to get a hold a minute and 59
22556s is not a ton of time
22558s uh you're looking at like two three
22560s fives potentially depending on how long
22562s some of these fights go in this meta and
22564s let's be fair the defiance first attack
22567s happened in possibly the most
22569s ideal way yeah right um
22571s really push under that underpass and
22573s he's just fighting first i also would be
22575s like stunned if the toronto divine push
22577s to the underpass and the justice
22580s take the same approach of standing there
22582s in the underpass and trying to just
22583s trade the blows with them uh
22588s it doesn't put you in the best position
22589s to win i'll say that
22593s just under two minutes here the defiant
22595s obviously getting an extension in time
22597s as the justice finished during overtime
22598s it's pretty healthy
22600s for only one tick
22601s but if you get ahead of yourself
22605s well
22606s you're gonna be in trouble unlikely we
22608s see the soldier 76 here guys i hate to
22610s break it to you it's a great point yep
22612s i'm surprised they brought you here they
22613s show up in the watchpoint truck with
22615s stuff like that
22618s oh man
22620s yeah real good chance we're not going to
22621s see 76 here you guys don't get excited
22623s oh it's the ash it's ah
22626s look with the way they're playing with
22627s the choke though man like i would play
22628s that like like why not like they're
22630s basically inviting hishu to hit like a
22632s three or four player dynamite
22635s oh dangerous opener
22639s and there's a three player diamond right
22641s connection calios
22643s oh my
22644s the definer pushing on all the right
22645s spots right now
22648s there it is
22651s i mean they don't need to fight there
22653s like they do enough damage in trying to
22656s make it costly for the defiant to get
22659s through the choke
22660s uh there's no reason oh
22663s it's over
22665s it is over
22667s that's two
22669s for your toronto defiant
22672s so they just barrel over the justice on
22674s defense sir
22676s i know that is a justice map pick as
22678s well
22678s uh so quite surprising that's the kind
22680s of defensive setup they ought to go with
22682s where you know didn't really like back
22684s up to the point try and use the uh
22686s disruptor shot to you know block off
22688s make it a little costly
22690s uh really you know not not a great
22692s strategy there indeed
22694s this was the justice that really put the
22697s pressure on the dallas fuel of all teams
22698s but somehow it feels like they're trying
22700s to fight they've used a couple more of
22701s those talent points they're further down
22702s the talent tree today matthew incredible
22704s series from the dps especially he saw
22707s though having an incredible performance
22709s again some things to tidy up and a good
22711s look can they make it asleep do the
22713s justice have life left in them yet stick
22715s around and find out
22754s [Music]
22800s so
22816s [Music]
22826s [Music]
22836s [Music]
22846s [Music]
22861s [Music]
22870s [Music]
22888s [Music]
22902s [Music]
22913s [Music]
22946s the man is still
22956s look at this opener
22958s look at that too they got sent to the
22960s skies
22965s [Music]
22971s here
22981s one foot
22982s over the edge of a chasm from whence
22984s there's no return
22986s one map away from elimination here in
22989s the summer showdown
22991s and one question levied in the
22992s washington justice
22994s where
22995s are
22996s your superstars
22998s a quiet showing from them unpardon izo
23000s matthew winner an underwhelming
23002s overtime run for the justice you
23004s questioned why play in the choke against
23006s the defiant like they did and they got
23008s decimated yeah i mean i just don't know
23010s their defense i mean there may be some
23012s type of reason they have for in some
23014s kind of way that they want to play or
23015s something that they see that
23017s you know maybe maybe i don't but like
23019s when they get that amount of damage down
23022s right you're playing against the ash you
23023s back up into the corner that gives his
23025s easy dynamite easy
23028s damage also it gives toronto the ability
23030s to now speed to the point take advantage
23031s of that corner
23033s uh and then put more damage on you as
23034s you walk into contests among you they
23036s only need one tick
23038s uh so put yourself really bad spot uh
23041s but
23042s if you're the justice that map's done
23044s it's over we move on uh they pick again
23047s we go circuit royale uh
23049s so we'll see how their
23052s close to spawn hold will be
23054s uh an opportunity here for his u to play
23057s either the ash or the sojourn so shown
23059s us some really good gameplay on both
23060s today
23061s uh
23062s toronto's got to be pretty pleased with
23064s how this series has gone uh like i said
23066s at the beginning i thought this would be
23067s a scary series and they're turning it to
23069s not be one
23070s the winner of this series will advance
23072s to play the houston outlaws
23075s and for the defiant that would probably
23076s represent another big step up they need
23078s to take if they can get there but for
23080s now of course
23082s obstacles still
23084s obstruct their progress
23087s circuit royale here
23089s obviously the choice of the justice who
23091s uh
23092s won't have any more after this one one
23094s way or another
23096s be
23097s pretty difficult for them to choose
23098s another uh i mean i guess
23100s they can't you could draw
23103s there's like
23105s almost like zero percent chance that
23107s could happen on escort but
23111s there's a chance it has happened before
23120s uh leading the final blows in that last
23122s map i think
23123s he sees all the the moira's doing he's
23125s like watch this
23129s oh
23130s thank you was that vivaldi ah yes
23134s i love the classics
23142s i love that somebody's spending precious
23145s scrim time
23146s playing the piano there for their one
23148s opportunity during the season we'll find
23149s out who it is
23151s somebody's going to come out the banger
23152s on there
23153s we got a good one in our earlier series
23155s today all right to the caribbean
23157s see if anyone can one up that one
23160s the fire won't be put in the corner they
23162s move out of spawn issue
23164s slides into loop-de-loop there is the
23165s disruptive shots are thrown down
23168s not a good rail
23169s brought in by the knife assassin strikes
23172s first he should catches him on the way
23173s through make it two why don't you
23176s calios
23177s at risk of being a third here
23180s it will fall eventually the defiant not
23182s clean but they get what they wanted here
23184s uh and the justice they they make it a
23187s little bit uh
23189s you know elongated right they burn some
23190s clock so
23192s we'll see now where this next fight
23193s takes place the the issue typically is
23196s is you know you see the
23198s payload moving making its way you know
23200s you lose this fight at this next corner
23202s you may not have another one uh which is
23205s pretty tough
23207s yeah basically mandatory for the justice
23209s to find a stop here
23211s okay likes this position he gets a
23212s decent sideline on this somewhat hairpin
23215s corner
23216s yeah teams stop playing in that street
23218s because the the second fight you got was
23220s really basically on the checkpoint where
23222s you play close up now you get this fight
23224s which is better with this choke
23227s they're highly beneficial for defenders
23228s they've got the barriers there unless
23230s you come around the corner
23231s they can really keep you at arm's length
23234s can't be constantly contested but look
23236s at it it's go time for the defiant
23237s apparently
23238s commanding shotgun are used for the
23240s justice here
23241s they don't want any of this they realize
23242s they're in a helpful disadvantage they
23244s back out they're trying to quickly
23246s bandage their wounds here but the
23247s pressure keeps coming from the defiant
23249s they are relentless and in they go
23251s although it gets rid of kali goes now
23253s you've lost your front line of your your
23255s flag mirror
23256s and you've lost a genji there he's able
23258s to find that kill
23261s okay sound barrier you're really
23262s investing in this fight here opener
23265s you better hope this one works out
23266s otherwise we go from bad to worse for
23269s the justice
23272s not a good start
23274s that will be point a taken
23277s moving up the staircase here seeing if
23279s they can get any players trying to get
23281s back towards the spawn but they'll make
23283s good payload progress around the corner
23285s here uh with some of those late kills is
23288s decay he's got this overclocking he like
23291s really likes to use him in like flanks
23292s and off angles uh this you take one here
23295s you're like almost on the low ground
23296s right so not an opportunity to really do
23298s that
23301s below trying to get out overclock for
23303s decay
23305s which decay do we get on this map
23308s making the air look like swiss cheese
23310s hopper does go low he definitely takes
23311s some damage to that exchange but he's
23313s who's there the headshot on assassin he
23315s had the blade
23318s and it's all for naught he's looking for
23320s but that's actually what he wanted he
23322s wants to get up in the face of the
23323s justice
23326s assassin will still have a window
23328s without a sound barrier to exploit with
23329s this blade going down early in that
23331s fight is disastrous
23333s and this is all defiant for a justice
23336s team that's played a really good stage
23339s of overwatch they battle back through
23341s some tough situations
23343s they're not showing a lot of fight right
23344s now uh let's see calios with a rampage
23347s and a blade here
23348s from assassin maybe that's enough to get
23350s a stop
23352s sees he sue
23353s in the back there trying to keep tabs on
23355s some of those squishier players when he
23357s gets ready
23359s charge four from the breach played for
23360s hop but that seems to be the play
23362s twilight's rally holding on for the time
23364s being the fight seems like they're happy
23365s to let this one go
23367s decent spin for the justice rampage and
23369s blade both expended i was going to say
23371s would you use the rampage there
23376s now look at how you're set up for this
23377s next fight i mean
23379s yeah no supports currently online maybe
23381s you end up getting them but you can open
23383s up with a twilight rally you're not
23384s going to come down here to spawn kill
23386s right so you're going to allow them to
23387s gain some space
23391s you win that fight but it may have been
23392s too much
23394s hop is doing a ton of damage this round
23396s more than the third of his team's total
23398s damage
23400s kelly goes with less than a quarter for
23402s a reference
23403s here we go although in
23405s doesn't pull the blade though
23407s oh what discipline from drawing he stays
23409s alive he was one hp does not beat
23412s and he can hold that for later and he
23413s does
23416s iron clad constitution from the lucio
23420s and the defiant heal will use that to
23422s exact
23424s their toll from the defenders
23428s another checkpoint taken for the defiant
23430s three minutes plus on the clock to get
23433s it done
23434s this map can be pretty difficult at the
23435s end to take right i know difficult
23438s around these corners with a lot of just
23439s natural high ground
23441s for washington but
23444s i really haven't showed a lot on d i
23446s mean when they when they've won the
23447s fights on d because they've like spent
23449s like two three ultimates during them
23450s right
23455s his last overclock was really
23456s underwhelming and this one was going to
23458s find able to evade much of it although
23461s that's a center for decay harper with a
23462s rampage
23465s sound barrier from opener in fairness
23468s so he covers that up fairly effectively
23471s and hey not a terrible place to make
23473s your stance here decay looking to make
23474s sure
23475s joron gets cleaned out
23479s the defiance trying to get full strength
23481s and justice go right around the corner i
23482s like that look washington now i want to
23484s make sure they assert their claim to
23486s this part of the map that's pretty
23487s convincing
23489s losing the k
23490s not the worst he will be back but
23492s remember how close the sport is for
23493s toronto
23495s yeah i also feel like give you the
23496s justice and you're going to go out and
23498s go out with the aggressive playstyle
23500s that you want to play that you've been
23502s here yeah i mean
23504s some map situations it's not going to
23505s work out but if that's your best look
23508s you gotta send it
23514s he sue knows
23515s he has a key ability in his hands and
23517s the only one available to the defiant
23519s right now
23521s neutralizing assassin
23524s top off the priority list in this next
23525s fight for the define
23528s pogba's shepherding the car forward
23529s slowly surely
23532s the defiant march forward giving up a
23534s lot of space here the justice
23538s is this wise i mean after they did a
23540s pretty successful spawn camp you know
23543s now you give up a lot of space
23545s it's time decayed takes a big hit here
23548s overclock shot to the body blade it's a
23551s big one assassin looking to shut them
23552s down but he's moved away can assassin
23554s find the kill the twilight is down he
23556s should respond though
23558s blade for rail gun
23559s then a fire now
23561s it's a three versus three but he's not
23563s in a great position to contribute this
23565s plane oh no
23567s he's already had it yeah he thought
23569s wrong
23571s you can see his reaction after kind of
23573s had the idea of yeah maybe that wasn't
23576s it
23577s uh no probably saw an opportunity right
23579s a few players weak inside that room
23581s maybe he thinks hey i pop this blade i
23583s get a dash i kill two three players and
23585s we kind of
23587s move on in and
23588s he was so weak when he decided to use
23590s that
23593s to support ultimates coming out for the
23594s fine the justice have them too they're
23596s digging in for a long winter uh the
23597s justice
23599s but no one knows that better than
23601s residents of toronto i'm
23606s to sure close
23608s to a key ultimate he's now running from
23609s twilight he's the one to start the fight
23612s assassin what could he do from midway
23613s through the fine it's full with the rare
23615s page from kalios the follow-up isn't
23617s there trong had the sound barrier
23619s hopper's going to fall first here and
23621s she goes very very low it's decay that
23622s finishes them off with a headshot
23625s and the justice
23627s both feet parted on the ground they hold
23629s the defined at bay
23631s much of the map completed but not all
23636s and really good defense there from the
23638s justice in my opinion towards the end of
23639s the map
23641s now uh point a and point b really
23644s you know good there for the toronto
23646s defiant but man the justice they hold on
23648s there towards the end a few good fights
23650s go
23650s in their favor
23654s assassin has 10 of his teams 22 final
23656s blows
23657s working
23658s himself to the bone
23661s to keep the justices hopes alive
23664s the players sat to his left
23667s one that the justice normally depend on
23668s decay is having a quieter day
23672s not a great time to flicker out
23675s [Music]
23676s oh the defiant know where
23679s they can kind of play here on defense
23681s they got to play close up here at the
23683s start
23684s they do have a a little bit of like
23686s leeway right i think when you're going
23688s to get towards that last part of the map
23690s the the payload moves a little bit past
23692s like that last choke
23695s take a look here from the case pov
23698s overclock here
23700s wants to pressure he's you down
23702s [Music]
23712s pretty nice moves from decay again a big
23713s part of why
23714s do you see the justice hold on when it
23716s looks like the game was
23717s slipping from their grasp so what kind
23719s of spawn cam do we get here can define
23721s hold them in their spawn for no minute
23724s 90 seconds that could be huge later on
23726s right you get a minute here
23729s and that is fantastic for the defiant
23733s assassin
23735s has a good crack in it here commanding
23737s shot used there by calios
23739s hopper has his available still if i'm
23740s not mistaken he might need to keep all
23742s those standing oh it's looking dicey for
23744s toronto he's getting batted about here
23746s but hotbar will eventually succumb
23748s and the spawn camp may be over nice one
23750s from he soon as he backs up but that'll
23752s be it yeah and once you lose hatha it's
23754s pretty much over is
23756s twilight and chorong they'll have to
23758s drop years
23760s oh they're not gonna be able to get
23762s anybody out on the way out so
23765s they stop the cart for a second or two
23767s uh they gain some ultimate charge
23769s themselves uh but the payload will get
23772s moving in favor of washington
23779s again taking a close fight means that
23781s the fine gets us set up
23784s on this corner
23787s crucially here although a little behind
23790s assassin in that blade charge with the
23791s lucio's getting their alts online it's
23793s twilight and krillin really leading the
23795s way
23796s oh okay all right
23798s now that'll wake the k up surely
23801s justice his character's put to bed
23804s okay i see you toro i see you i i view
23807s any time you hold here for the defiant
23810s is just bonus right i know that second
23812s part of the map really difficult to get
23814s through
23815s you can get a really good spawn uh canva
23817s if you're toronto
23819s onto washington
23821s where you just start to bleed the clock
23823s out
23827s crowd really starting to get behind me
23828s to find here
23829s we can all feel how close they are
23833s two minutes ten on the clock hot we're
23835s getting pressured a little bit alone
23836s that's decay he fires back
23838s keeping an even here between the
23840s sojourns
23842s twilight is gonna put the rally he could
23843s turn get to beat alive big question the
23846s defiant all backing up here stuck in the
23848s corner now and charon can't escape
23850s cut down to size now as the justice win
23852s out
23853s and they're rying off that first
23855s checkpoint
23856s yeah are a few players able to make it
23857s out here for the defiant that maybe you
23859s consider coming back and fighting this
23862s uh it looks like they'll end up giving
23864s it up as yeah it looks like uh they
23866s spawned a little bit too late where
23868s maybe you're able to get even although
23870s over the top right you come down with a
23872s sound barrier but now they're going to
23874s get aggressive i think
23876s they're defined hoping to make
23878s extensive use of this high ground
23880s oh and they do okay hopper gets rid of
23882s assassin looks like there was a body
23884s shot from his good connection and
23885s they're off to the races
23887s they're not quite quick enough to catch
23889s the justice so all they do is get
23890s assassin but that'll be enough for a
23892s momentum slow
23895s and i was wondering do they want to play
23896s closest spawn or they want to play a
23897s little bit you know further back on this
23899s high ground it looks like they just want
23900s to put hopfa
23902s right on this corner on this sign and
23904s let him just contest to play from up top
23906s he's the blade from all though slapping
23908s the back of the head from decay but the
23909s sound barrier he's going to keep him in
23910s this one now
23911s he's pops over the clock it's all
23913s getting used here but decay so sharp
23916s unbelievable pressure on although
23918s there's he's not able to find much with
23919s the blade and he comes decay looking for
23921s a little bit more his hotbar falls back
23923s twilight to the rescue though and he's
23925s the rampage it's huge open the bleeds
23927s out hemorrhaging on the streets of
23929s monaco and assassin fights to keep his
23931s team in and he does
23933s two critical kills late in the fight and
23935s the trio of the justice oh man keep
23938s pushing and the justice have some
23939s ultimates here for this next fight mitch
23940s and toronto ends up just throwing a lot
23942s of volts into that fight
23944s because now you're looking at you know
23945s you have a fight here for the defiant
23947s before this be checkpoint
23950s but you have nothing right now i mean
23951s maybe you end up with rally and that's
23953s like best case because they have a
23954s rampage and a blade i mean they get in
23955s this quick i think that may be over
23957s spent in that last fight jitters getting
23959s to them somewhat although
23961s he's in trouble
23962s assassin he's looking he's hunting see
23964s twilight there whip shot no connection
23966s decay fights hopper first
23968s the frontliner is down toronto trying to
23970s stall the car with although and with the
23972s lucio
23974s that is not going to pay off
23976s the justice have a robust time bank for
23979s this last phase of the map here matthew
23981s it's large yeah not the position the
23983s defiant wanted to find themselves in
23986s three
23987s 340 when they cap it
23990s and counting is
23991s toronto what do you decide to do i think
23993s you gotta push up there's no way you can
23995s take your first fight at this corner
23997s so the justice they gave a fair bit of
23998s ground right and they knew they had
23999s enough time
24001s and we're getting close to leaving the
24003s time blank down entirely it's a
24004s different situation here for the defiant
24006s they must be assertive without taking
24008s undue risks it's a tough balance to
24010s strike
24013s he let the cart move
24015s you know they got this rally but now
24016s they're going to get up on the high
24017s ground
24019s oh assassin sees or tastes the blood in
24021s the water rather
24024s assassin dangles himself in front of the
24026s cross here and what an unlikely turn
24027s around here for the defiant
24030s big pop off some more though when he
24032s couldn't couldn't ask for a better time
24034s for that i feel the defenders where are
24036s we going here
24038s i mean this a long chase just for the
24041s loser yeah i mean you got to get back
24042s his in opener's got to get back to the
24044s squad as well uh this
24046s they're trying they're trying to exploit
24047s the fact that open is not there rally's
24049s been forced here by krillin
24051s do they define keep this up can they
24052s speed out can they escape
24055s oh no they get punished for that one big
24058s time and krillin
24060s lays about himself with the flail
24063s yes uh now opener gets back with the
24066s team he's gonna have his beat as this
24068s one is looking all washington 2 15 and
24072s counting getting around this corner the
24074s the box of victory right there in sight
24077s they're to find it for their chances
24078s they want to end the series here it's
24080s going to take something a little special
24082s there'll be a beat to answer all those
24083s blade so you can't count on it
24086s decay playing pretty far forward here
24088s takes a lot of damage hopper also yeah
24090s against pamela trying to play close to
24092s the card keep it contested they gotta
24094s help him up but look at this aggression
24095s coming in from the justice now although
24096s getting break the deadlock with a blade
24098s opera has fallen the stalwart the
24100s juggernaut at the front line is late
24101s bear and assassin gets three in the
24103s fight the washington adjusters keep the
24106s dream alive
24109s so that is their map selection that they
24111s win
24113s and i'd say you know this is a scary
24116s series you go to push after this man
24118s we've seen push be so uh up in the air
24120s at times
24122s and then it controlled around things out
24124s where
24125s it's maybe not your pick is
24128s man this is uh this is going to be tough
24130s for the just the he uh defiant to just
24132s finish off the justice like this
24134s toronto's first chance to end the series
24136s in the sweep that one gets by them still
24138s a couple more chances to do so for the
24140s justice of building their strength stick
24142s around everybody a chance for them to
24144s find to take this one away but the
24146s justice look
24147s less than keen to give it up
24171s [Music]
24186s [Music]
24199s [Music]
24228s so
24238s [Music]
24264s my
24294s [Music]
24309s [Music]
24318s okay
24320s [Music]
24355s so
24398s [Music]
24410s [Music]
24422s [Music]
24429s the washington justice find
24431s some hidden reserves of grit
24434s to keep them alive
24436s and one of the most important series
24438s they played this entire year matthew
24441s circa royale was their pick and they
24443s managed to make it work it looks like a
24445s fire a little bit rocky
24448s uh for them as they try and sort of hold
24449s off a very aggressive justice
24452s yeah say uh we're not able to do so
24454s there as uh we now go to push
24457s toronto's map pick
24461s that's a flavor fail yeah you would have
24463s thought there's some kind of like
24465s toronto playing in toronto on toronto
24467s type of buff
24469s uh
24470s but no not the case they'll take us to
24472s coliseum uh which uh is interesting uh
24475s out of the maps that we've uh matches we
24477s cast so far this weekend have not seen
24479s coliseum it's really been all new queen
24482s street uh so wondering what the defiant
24485s got cooked up right
24486s for my money most teams tend to go for
24488s new queen street yeah they don't have to
24490s walk into this sort of very aggressive
24491s of this oppressive high ground control
24493s after winning
24494s the first fight
24496s so it does book the questions you know
24497s what what kind of strat
24500s do they have or perhaps do they
24505s oh yeah don't give the justice any more
24506s of this you don't want to give the
24508s justice some confidence
24510s you want to
24511s you want to close it out here you don't
24512s want the pressure to go into that game
24514s five
24515s uh assassin had himself a pretty good
24517s mat last minute uh good to see him play
24519s well on the genji a whopping nine deaths
24522s though that doesn't speak to necessarily
24523s the fact that assassins is speeding so
24525s much is everybody like that
24528s though we are gonna play aggressive
24530s there's gonna be lots of deaths on both
24532s sides
24533s uh
24534s i know genji has a play but he's as good
24536s as a blunt object as far as we're
24537s concerned but we are gonna try and belt
24539s our opponents around the ears with it
24543s him
24546s flip a coin who goes in first see sets
24548s the bases
24550s i mean those two players are so
24551s aggressive with each other as a
24554s coliseum like i mentioned
24555s is the defiant map pick what do they got
24558s here why go this map see a lot of teams
24561s have success
24562s going to new queen street
24567s it's toronto to find
24569s obviously came out on top on liang tower
24571s so if we go to control you feel good but
24574s that was a pretty close map
24575s it feels like the fight definitely came
24577s in with some buoyancy
24579s from the atmosphere in the arena perhaps
24582s they're starting to normalize a little
24583s bit more now and
24584s once you start to give a a justice team
24587s like this sniffer victory
24590s well
24591s they're liable to try and take it from
24592s you
24593s a reverse sweep here would be
24595s devastating
24597s for this
24598s home team
24599s of the defiant
24603s there's no way they play ash here on
24605s push right
24607s i feel like the game mode is just too
24610s well fast paced yeah are you playing
24613s hans no
24615s unless
24619s he sees i mean like if i was gonna
24621s you know between soldier 76 and hanzo
24625s with the hover i would say there's a
24626s better chance with the hanzo but still
24628s let's talk about it though why what does
24629s he offer you here pelicans had some big
24631s moments on a lot of long-range damage
24633s here in this hallway you died you rotter
24635s oh he's going to go with ash so this is
24637s interesting is uh
24639s no push is a game mode that is so fast
24641s that they may see the ash
24644s the justice and just
24647s get the speed boost get the commanding
24648s shot just get in there all right so the
24650s neutral is pretty good place to be
24651s playing ash with the dynamite uh
24652s especially if your opponents are
24653s grouping up and they often aren't for
24655s the brigades they don't all have to
24656s group up here though like on new queen
24658s street uh there are spots where you have
24659s to group up but it's also too small
24662s there's not really like a part where
24663s they're forced to play around certain
24666s objectives but they're guarding the
24667s flank the define although he's playing
24669s the flank so the justice can't wrap
24670s around and just close it on history
24672s without him getting good sidelines
24673s i think i'd feel uncomfortable if i was
24675s here as a nash player
24678s again he should spend some time in a
24679s line of style but looks like job done
24682s because hoppers managed to somehow get
24683s decay
24685s of all people
24686s that's wild yeah i mean they they
24688s they try and take the fight to justice
24690s close up but
24692s nothing goes in their favor clean sweep
24694s here from the defiant and maybe you can
24696s get up on the bridge here you get some
24698s of these longer sight lines that's where
24699s you feel like you can make use of the
24700s ash here
24703s because we have seen long-range hit
24705s scans succeed on this map uh now he sue
24708s is hovering the hanzo we've seen that
24709s work in the past right with this long
24711s sight line to where the bot is but
24714s i'm not a ton of ash play uh in push so
24717s far
24718s they're probably pretty good when you're
24719s defending from a spot like this less fun
24722s from the low ground
24723s although we're constantly trying to work
24724s these flanks and make it so he's you
24725s can't be crept up on
24728s doing a bit of creeping on his own here
24729s he she gets opener so it's paying off
24732s they're screaming so heavily for the
24733s rash player in this matchup eventually
24735s calios is able to bring heater down the
24736s krillin yeah he was clinging to life
24739s strong wind and blow them over and all
24741s those got more than that
24743s okay toronto
24746s and now maybe you can get he's too up on
24748s the bridge he can put some damage down
24749s as they come off of spawn right
24752s and there's a few opportunities here
24753s where the map is set up to maybe you are
24755s able to land some big dynamites right
24757s they got to contest probably where the
24759s checkpoint is and that small kind of
24761s turnaround
24763s that horseshoe so to speak you can feel
24765s like there's some pretty good damage
24766s down to how you had there
24770s pressure on although from decay
24771s it's returned in kind
24774s dash in hot below hopper very low has
24776s the commanding shot here the rallies in
24777s place wrong does he hold the beat no he
24779s lets it go pretty much straight away but
24780s open it doesn't even have these yet but
24782s are fired they're so durable they're so
24784s aggressive now pushing you towards
24786s krillin they try and make good use of
24788s that extra help but calios is still able
24789s to find twilight calios finds another
24793s how do you lose
24795s that how oh that is brutal the bomb is
24798s still here as well
24802s they got to back up
24804s yeah i mean that's both support olds
24806s they are used
24807s in the bob and you're not able to win
24809s that fight
24811s looks like kalios was getting a lot done
24813s in the neutral there as well it might
24814s have been a multi-carnage connection if
24816s he's able to work through that over
24818s shield so easily
24820s great result for washington to keep a
24821s sound barrier and win against double
24823s support ultimates they have
24825s everything they need here to extend the
24826s lead decay pressure though tyron gets in
24829s there blade is drawn by although but
24831s he's gonna be brought down by assassin
24832s who looks to look further into the back
24834s line
24835s it's a trait still and there goes
24841s direction what's going on
24844s uses blade turns around nobody's there
24846s as uh they have hightailed it back the
24848s other direction so
24850s even with those ultimate usage some
24852s kills that go in favor of the justice
24853s they are basically starting from scratch
24856s in terms of pushing this bob back
24857s towards center map
24861s [Music]
24862s don't know what to think
24865s the defense to have such a significant
24866s lead now
24868s just cycling into calios and decay's
24870s ultimates though is the define obviously
24873s have a bit of a trough economically
24879s they haven't been able to get the bomb
24880s past this part of the map we're almost
24882s halfway through matt i know it's uh
24885s i don't even know it's really like the
24886s ash play like it just seems like they
24888s have not been able to get aggressive at
24889s these parts ah super cookie is that you
24894s okay
24895s needs to find something here oh my god
24897s his sidelines are just not good for him
24898s he wants to push up but the definer
24900s happy they're ready to hold their ground
24902s kallios a little low very low now an
24904s assassin has been removed you have to
24905s turn tail you have to run but calios is
24908s no coward and he goes catches three but
24911s decaying assassin they're down
24913s oh it's a disaster
24919s a disaster is correct as the bot goes
24923s back
24923s the other direction it's actually crazy
24926s the defining didn't get the uh no they
24927s actually did get the checkpoint so they
24929s got a little bit past the checkpoint so
24931s this is mass i mean this is just so much
24933s bonus like
24934s five minutes to go like you're gonna
24936s have to
24937s make like three tremendous pushes of
24940s this barrier uh if you are the
24942s washington justice
24944s rallies from both sides here the
24946s justices are now in their old economy
24947s drop they've not made use of the
24948s advantage they had and now they're going
24950s to be made to suffer
24952s decay slide on now there's only he can
24956s dalios are getting some deflected damage
24957s from although when he finishes the job
24959s oh this is getting scary
24964s they push the justice back to their
24966s spawn no support ultimates available for
24968s the defiant oh and the k finds hot bug
24971s that should be enough to stop this push
24973s from coming on through is it was
24975s starting to get really ugly there for
24977s the justice i wish i had avril here i
24979s could insert a coin and he'd tell me the
24980s odds of winning from this kind of uh
24982s deficit if you're the justice i'd
24983s suggest
24986s from yesterday and i'd be able to tell
24987s you but i left him in my hotel
24991s 113 plays three
24994s i poultry three
24997s but hey
24998s just under four minutes here for the
24999s justice to try and get back on the board
25000s couple fights in a row start to build
25002s some momentum and it is
25004s possible it's not likely it's our
25007s barrier i was gonna let it go assassin
25008s just trying to swing whatever's there
25010s he'll take
25011s blade here for although looks a little
25013s haphazard
25015s but he still lands adjointly
25018s three for two trade justice with the
25019s numbers hopper though right behind him
25021s in a good spot to get a good axe swing
25022s he's looking for the brig he's found him
25025s throwing his down but now he's gonna
25026s have to hold off against two and that's
25028s just not good odds
25029s but you're okay with these traits though
25031s if you're the defiant i mean you have
25033s two players here for the justice you
25034s have a spawn advantage right with which
25036s way the barrier is going and they don't
25038s have the
25040s positioning and just kind of like the
25041s time to play a little bit passive here
25043s like look they back off of this bot
25045s toronto doesn't need to move it like
25047s like they can just back off as well
25049s there's no reason to to run in and take
25052s these fights yeah this is awkward
25054s the justice once been like what two
25055s minutes without a kill against the shock
25056s in this part of the map very strange
25058s they've got to go for it here's bob
25060s comes in oh oh did
25063s he goes down
25066s that blade
25067s is broken
25069s and opener tries to climb the walls but
25071s even he can't escape the scrutiny of he
25073s shoot
25074s and the bot is headed back
25076s towards the justice spawn and if you're
25079s the justice
25081s you know what do you do here you have to
25082s come out of the spawn you gotta
25084s overclock right away you may have to get
25086s a rally you need this bot back
25088s as soon as possible because you start to
25091s get close to where this barrier is going
25093s right and if the pop makes it all the
25094s way there i mean you're looking at
25096s you're gonna have to run a full map
25097s completion the opposite way
25099s the chances that are just so slim the
25102s justice don't want to spin here but they
25103s may have no choice they start to fight
25105s behind and it's not looking much better
25107s now two for two krillin keeping a bit of
25109s a decay under so much pressure although
25111s it gets them in the divide just don't
25113s care they don't care if they die in this
25115s fight they don't care if they lose
25116s twilight does rally there though so they
25118s rally and they actually he drops as soon
25121s as he decides to do so so
25123s that big support ultimate off the table
25125s now we now go back the other way the
25127s justice they don't end up using the
25129s overclock they got the rampage they have
25130s a rally themselves they need to be
25133s perfect from here on out a fight loss
25135s and a barrier push like a bat push the
25137s other way to where the barrier is
25139s that's it yeah that's it
25143s they're fine the ball's in their court
25144s right now krillin a lot of damage early
25146s in that fight he's able to heal most of
25148s it up with the rally yeah the justice
25150s have to dig into those pockets but so
25151s far they're coming up with dust and link
25154s decay two final blows for the whole map
25156s he's found nothing more with that
25157s ultimate either calios is one that has
25159s to come in like a bat out of hell to
25160s bail them out and so he does although
25163s and hop are down but the justices are
25164s forced to play dd for every single meter
25167s can you do that three
25170s to four more times if you're the justice
25173s in a minute that's kind of what you're
25176s looking at here for the justice to stay
25178s alive in this series
25180s it would be a monumental collapse by the
25182s divine
25184s like but look the justice they don't
25185s have the luxury of just backing up here
25186s they have to fight like 46 seconds left
25190s uh you're behind like 70 plus meters but
25193s you have to fight 40 seconds left
25198s dynamite connection from his winner pop
25200s up his sleeve all those blade will force
25202s the beat
25203s and hop is going to go down decay gets
25205s rid of him here toronto now it's a
25206s matter of stalling
25209s although he doesn't want to get snagging
25210s here at all he can open it that would be
25212s big that could be huge he's too fast too
25216s what are we witnessing he's looking to
25218s get another one but decay evades his
25220s deadly gaze another dynamite another
25222s connect twilight gets in there and
25224s krillin gets bombed oh my word toronto
25229s what a display
25232s the timer takes down and not with the
25234s rule but a whip of the justice go out
25239s eyes wide open feet on the ground
25242s toronto march
25243s in the lower brackets
25245s [Applause]
25251s not pretty but they get it done in front
25254s of the home crowd
25256s so
25257s you know as we go into that push you
25259s could start to feel the pressure you
25261s know nobody wants to save a man that
25262s just started to battle back and
25264s toronto they go to coliseum
25266s uh they play the ash on push and it
25269s looks good they were able to make really
25271s good use of that hero in his hands
25274s and the justice had no answer for it all
25276s map long
25279s feel this franchise if you're a fan if
25281s you're a toronto fire player even you've
25283s been dreaming of a win in front of a
25284s home crowd like this
25287s for more than just a couple years
25291s and under these circumstances it's not
25293s one of which you can
25295s you know
25296s let your hair down take that sigh of
25297s relief because you've got the
25299s gunslingers you've got the outlaws
25301s coming your way tomorrow
25303s and they've got fire in their bellies
25305s they're looking for a redemption of
25306s their own i mean don't spend too much
25308s time celebrating this one i mean the uh
25311s the outlaws are no joke tomorrow it's a
25313s pelican has looked really good
25314s throughout the weekend dante as well
25317s uh they have a great series earlier
25319s against the shock where the defiant they
25321s got to go back watch them film they got
25323s to be on their a game tomorrow
25324s absolutely there are definitely a lot of
25326s rough edges in this particular display
25328s from the define but it's still something
25330s they can hang their hat on for now
25332s tomorrow there's a new day a new
25333s challenge let's head down to the stage
25335s here we're going to get some words from
25336s our winning team of course danny lim
25339s to start a conversation
25341s mr man thank you very much ladies and
25343s gentlemen give it up for hotpaw and the
25345s toronto defiant
25348s what an amazing series and what an
25350s amazing performance from the toronto
25351s defiant i mean i gotta be honest
25354s compared to yesterday there was a clear
25355s night and day difference in how you guys
25357s played the game what changed for you
25359s guys today
25369s to
25381s [Applause]
25385s you know because this was our last
25387s chance and also there was a clear uh
25389s solution that we had to that was clear
25391s thing that we had to do and if we didn't
25393s get that then we would have been out of
25395s the tournament so that was the biggest
25397s thing and also uh yesterday our
25399s opponents were pretty good does that
25401s mean today's opponents weren't that good
25411s definitely we were the better team of
25413s course of course
25415s i mean how about you briefly mentioned
25417s you know you guys had to win this
25419s because if you guys didn't you guys were
25420s out so before coming on stage was there
25423s something that you guys you know said
25454s we definitely talked a lot about not
25456s losing and we really wanted to win a
25458s tournament uh game and also you know as
25461s a team you know if someone makes a
25463s mistake we should be a good teammate to
25465s help the
25466s player that made the mistake and work
25468s work as a work as a team in general
25471s all right
25472s last but not least i mean
25474s how does it feel
25475s to be playing in front of your home
25477s crowd
25479s like i
25480s i don't know i feel like it would feel
25481s amazing but yeah how does it feel
25489s um
25507s foreign
25512s definitely the uh the dallas homes and
25514s it felt great to be on stage but it just
25517s feels different it feels really great
25518s and amazing to be in uh in a home stand
25521s in toronto in front of the home crowd so
25523s it's definitely a different feeling and
25525s it's honestly
25527s it feels amazing to put on a great
25529s performance in front of our home crowd
25532s as well all right before i send you off
25534s let's talk briefly about tomorrow you
25536s guys will be facing off against the
25538s houston outlaws how confident are you
25540s that you guys could beat the houston
25542s outlaws
25550s in game
25568s i'm not really good at trash talking but
25571s i feel like i do want to make a
25573s statement because houston outlaws were
25576s the team that sent us home for the first
25579s and the second tournament
25581s so
25581s give me one second let me let me double
25583s check
25586s so i definitely want to be the one to
25588s set to send them back home
25593s guys one more time give it up for hop on
25595s the toronto defiance
25597s amazing job with that being said let's
25599s send it back to our casters mission map
25601s back to you
25602s as if the stakes for tomorrow's matchup
25605s weren't already high enough you had that
25607s on top and yeah a lot to play for for
25609s the toronto to find madame rooney placed
25612s a a really uh whole team contribution
25614s across this series right because there
25616s were times where pc although you know
25618s not all their players always firing up
25620s there but players like chorong through
25622s the whole series really impressed with
25623s him great contributions in the lucio
25625s throughout they're gonna need to be
25626s cleaner tomorrow i think against the
25628s outlaws the outlaws really even in a
25631s loss today i thought played pretty well
25632s against the shock uh i think you're
25634s gonna need to clean some things up if
25635s you're the defiant but
25637s it's
25639s look if you're the defiant it was like
25641s between playing the the outlaws or
25643s the fuel and the shock like this is the
25645s matchup you would have wanted here is
25647s your player of the match ladies and
25648s gentlemen uh it's gonna be although
25650s putting a staggering nine and zero
25652s performance on deck
25654s in that second round only jiang tower is
25656s what set the define on the trajectory
25658s that they were able to execute
25660s looked really good at moments of pariso
25662s as well
25663s we said start of the game this guy needs
25665s to step up in a big way we spend so much
25667s time talking about history but although
25668s it was uh really looked like
25671s a key component of this team and there's
25673s a difference maker for them like we know
25674s that he is going to bring it just about
25676s every series gonna be consistent on that
25678s hit scan roll
25680s if he plays genji like this you know you
25682s can go toe to toe with a merit pelican
25685s damage deal or ryan right i mean he had
25686s a really good series have a look at that
25688s over the course of the series four point
25690s four desperation we were looking at
25692s assassin at nine deaths in one of the
25693s maps right so we are seeing like a real
25696s brawly series where both teams are
25698s throwing themselves at one another just
25699s to buy extra time a lot of stalling uh
25701s you know a lot of like you know lost
25702s fights okay we'll commit we're not gonna
25704s disengage having such low desks in a
25706s match like that is really very
25708s significant he's able to get a lot done
25710s sometimes that's just by surviving i
25712s feel like the definer a team with less
25714s emphasis uh you know on the dps players
25716s to carry all the time we talked about
25717s their back line are really significant
25719s but this team is going to want everyone
25720s to take a big step up if they're going
25722s up against the outlaws they want to win
25723s it it's going to be a crazy match
25725s tomorrow against the outlaws right i
25727s think a lot of fans here in the building
25728s they got some hard decisions to make
25729s because i swear i see people in outlaws
25731s jerseys in the morning out they're
25732s buying jerseys in the afternoon
25734s the only that's the rule tomorrow my
25736s rule you only root for one all right
25739s okay you guys show up in your toronto
25741s jerseys tomorrow really cheer them on
25742s against the outlaws because they're
25744s gonna need it no doubt about it that's
25746s about all from us here at the miami
25747s athletic center for now thank you very
25748s much toronto you've been fantastic host
25750s for us today we're gonna see you
25751s tomorrow but for now we're gonna head
25752s over to the truck with the gang and have
25754s them break down some insane matches from
25756s the day that was
25761s [Music]
25770s okay
25779s the on watchig is brought to you by
25780s upper deck the official trading card of
25783s the overwatch league
25784s and by teamspeak the official voice
25787s supplier of the overwatch league
25805s [Music]
25811s [Music]
25817s [Music]
25855s [Music]
25861s [Music]
25874s [Music]
25898s [Music]
25919s [Music]
25961s [Music]
25988s [Music]
26027s [Music]
26034s and we are back it's time to break down
26036s day two of the summer showdown in the
26039s west we just saw washington versus
26041s toronto custis giggling because we saw
26044s some humorous gameplay yeah that was
26045s some great gameplay no it was uh it was
26048s you know disappointed to see washington
26049s go off but it's good to see toronto get
26051s a win in front of the fans we were
26052s practicing chugging water bottles
26055s wondering what we're actually giggling
26056s about uh cirrus face though johnny let's
26059s talk about this game game face cause
26061s toronto defiant they are back for the
26064s weekend this is a weekend squad thursday
26067s didn't happen friday saturday sunday
26068s this is where we pull out the dubs i'm
26070s just happy to see toronto defiant
26072s playing the way that he did in the
26073s qualifiers yesterday's performance it
26075s was not what we wanted to see from the
26077s toronto defiance their damage players
26079s fell flat but not in this one although
26081s on the genji came out looking so
26083s powerful and rightfully earned player of
26085s the match this was arguably i'd say the
26087s best match of his career he was that
26089s impactful canceling lucio sound barriers
26092s just like this and racking up very
26093s impressive final blows to death ratios
26096s throughout the fire coming out with a
26097s punch custody you got to think that
26099s playing in front of the home audience is
26101s helping fuel this team's momentum
26102s because they looked like they were all
26105s smiles anytime the crowd got loud you
26107s see them take their game to the next
26108s level yeah you know the first game it's
26110s a wash you know the nerves are there but
26111s the second game that's when it all comes
26113s out you can feel the the weight of the
26115s crowd you know i playing in front of an
26118s audience that is cheering you on is just
26119s a different level every time you get
26121s that kill you hear the raw every time
26123s anything big happens like you just feel
26125s that through the ground through the
26126s sound through the headphones and it's
26128s just appreciated and you can see all
26130s though and the team just feeding off
26131s that so
26132s nothing is better than winning in front
26134s of a home crowd i have to give a lot of
26135s credit to hisu here especially as the
26137s series closed out we saw the sojourn
26139s then we saw the ash in the ash well she
26142s was paying dividends johnny absolutely
26144s and it's what they're known for playing
26146s so far at this stage as well being able
26147s to play this ash poke down your
26149s opponents from afar huge dynamites
26151s coming in for a throne to defiant and
26153s with all this damage to washington
26155s justice their hands were forced they
26157s engaged when they didn't want to engage
26159s they were shouting with the jungle queen
26160s when they didn't want to out and
26162s those little small advantages the
26164s toronto defense are so good at
26166s capitalizing on and hotba as well
26167s another player i want to mention because
26169s hotbar really came in clutch for this
26171s team and also showed some momentum for
26173s this team for example on paraiso getting
26175s a rampage doing a bit of a clap for
26177s himself
26180s that's what you love to see from your
26181s home team and honestly i just love
26183s seeing hoppa still in a starting lineup
26186s i mean how few players were there on the
26188s first season of the overwatch league
26190s still competing now in season five hoppa
26192s he's been to five teams but he's looking
26194s good in that toronto jersey on the main
26196s stage fellas we got to close out the
26198s show with best of the day though are you
26200s ready i'm ready i'm ready can i go first
26201s you go i'm stealing it all right guys
26203s yesterday i was a little disappointed by
26206s our npc bob was letting me down today
26209s bob is so much cleaner can we take a
26211s look at how he has improved from day one
26214s to day two because it wasn't just the
26216s fuel i mean this was yesterday right
26219s bob he went exploring he wanted to see
26221s the rest of the world johnny the
26222s explorer
26223s goodbye team my people need me you guys
26226s are on your own
26227s bob today though from outside to indoors
26231s like most of us gamers he thrives inside
26233s absolutely i mean this is what you love
26235s to see in edison as well you know edison
26237s deserves some prop as a quote-unquote
26239s caretaker for bob here yeah but the way
26240s he comes up clutches in here pumps them
26243s up into the air and then rains down from
26245s above
26246s there's a whole lot of bobs today i did
26248s see one bob get pushed by a cart is this
26250s the new meta yes yeah the if you put the
26253s bob in front of the car
26255s the car will move with the bomb and
26256s that's where we need to get to we have
26258s one of the craziest c9s earlier in this
26260s stage where bob c9 no one expects bob to
26264s be the person to push it across the
26265s finish line i'm ready for bob to show up
26268s in a big way this weekend championship
26270s sunday he could be the difference maker
26272s who brings him out in the biggest way
26274s it's still yet to be seen let's keep it
26276s moving though who's up next fellas what
26278s do you got for best of the day talking
26279s about bob coming out in a big way we're
26281s gonna follow this one up as well because
26283s this is bob doing too much you know i
26285s think i think some people like you know
26287s bob's offering a little bit too much so
26288s we're gonna put him in jail go directly
26290s to jail do not collect 200
26292s do not proceed pasco or whatever the it
26295s is uh so
26296s merritt's like you know what you've had
26298s enough okay so bob's just gonna see here
26300s fortunately he can still you know shoot
26301s a couple of boards jailbroken what makes
26303s it even better
26305s what
26306s he's an outlaw oh
26309s [Laughter]
26315s fast forward the episode show johnny's
26317s best of the day so i'm actually taking
26319s some inspiration from your origin story
26322s right here pocket as well because we got
26323s junkie queen in the game now we got a
26325s little gracie we're throwing knives all
26327s around the map and this time around it
26328s was dante who came in clutch for the
26330s houston outlaws here tossing out the
26332s knife well you never know what you're
26333s gonna find if you just throw it out
26334s right just throw it well there's a kilo
26336s for you and a little bit of a magnetic
26338s pool junk
26339s dawg kilos off the map that's so unlucky
26342s that that one little bit of fencing was
26344s missing if that fencing wasn't it was
26346s there killer would have been fine but
26348s joy just the most unlucky pool but big
26350s place by dante i think it's just dante
26352s being dante that's none of a pure skill
26354s no luck involved at all calculated 100
26357s calculated moves from the houston
26359s outlaws we're gonna see dante in action
26361s as well as a lot more of our friends
26363s tomorrow let's take a look at our
26364s brackets fellas because once again it's
26366s not just the west that's competing we've
26368s got the east and full action tonight and
26371s we've got some big matches underway
26373s johnny which one has you most excited
26375s this upper bracket or lower bracket i
26378s mean the upper bracket one is going to
26379s be a giga banger as well shanghai
26382s dragons they won the last time around
26383s seoul dynasty looking for revenge but in
26385s the lower back of costa it's jimmy
26388s trying to avoid elimination who served
26390s timothy first of his name will put the
26393s feel of philadelphia fusion in the
26395s ground do you mark my words no he will
26397s do it i was told if you wake up at 6 a.m
26399s in toronto you can have a coffee and
26401s watch carpe for game number two only
26404s that's his trade secret don't tell
26405s anyone but there it is that is the east
26407s region the west though continues as well
26410s and this is what i think everyone is
26412s excited for that's in the venue still
26414s johnny we've got the fuel and the shock
26417s the rematch of our one versus two it's
26419s happening to kick off saturday but
26421s that's not the only battle of the day
26423s just like in the eastern region the
26425s seoul dynasty are looking for revenge
26426s the shock are doing so against the
26428s number one seed dallas fuel and in the
26429s lower bracket as well toronto defiant
26432s are taking on the houston outlaws in
26434s what is going to be a great game trotter
26436s the fire needs all the support they can
26437s from the home crowd because houston
26439s outlaws are looking like they're on a
26440s tear all right fans there is a look at
26443s the order 2 p.m eastern set your alarms
26447s make sure you're in the venue hydrated
26449s and ready to roar as you get behind your
26451s defiant as they take on the outlaws all
26454s the action kicks off here 10 30 a.m
26456s pacific that's 1 30 eastern we'll see
26459s you guys then thanks for watching day
26461s two we'll see you for day three three
26462s things here johnny
26467s [Music]
26475s [Music]
26483s so
26500s [Applause]
26501s [Music]
26515s [Music]
26526s so
26529s [Music]
26534s besties
26541s [Music]
26549s [Music]
26552s made it to terms
26566s [Applause]
26567s [Music]
26570s [Applause]
26576s [Music]
26613s yay