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about 1 year ago - /u/Blizz_Alec - Direct link

Originally posted by banethor88

Healthy changes all around. Except for Widow - why increase her effective range even more?

I still feel like snipers remain a part of the DPS design that's quite unsolved - it makes the game quite un-interactive especially with a mercy pocket where one-shots are still quite likely.

Some of this was for Widow duels - there were spots we saw Widows dueling each other (from statue to spawn on King's Row was one sightline we used) and just not dying even though we felt the distance should have resulted in a kill. Should still be safe from one-shot when playing 250hp heroes further back (behind car on first point, ledge above is fine too for King's Row for example). If it ends up shifting her effective range too much, it could get rolled back.