about 2 years ago - PlayOverwatch - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

1s uh
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228s do
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254s [Applause]
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322s foreign
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398s so
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601s [Music]
612s [Music]
641s me
643s [Music]
663s warrior mentality rising through the
667s flames awaken the power held inside of
671s me harness resilience through the
679s the blade comes out and he shuts it all
681s down and one fell swoop absolutely
683s stomping oh what happened if we got to
686s the bridge
687s backbone warrior i'm a hurricane like
690s gloria i won't fail my times now rising
692s glory won't back down i take the pain
694s and i let it out on the mountaintop
696s shout it out break away let me
698s demonstrate my mentality
700s rampage
715s let me
720s [Music]
723s welcome to the overwatch league the
725s qualifiers are done the wait is over the
727s summer showdown tournament is finally
729s going to begin you know what puckett
731s isn't the only new face on the summer
733s showdown broadcast we also have the
734s archbishop of na contenders here in
736s heurix as well give us your sermon i've
739s been waiting come on
742s yeah it's been some time since i've seen
743s some apac matches that you know started
745s my career a little bit you know getting
747s started in korea and china and
748s everything and since then i've really
751s i've been invested in a sure but
752s archbishop may be overselling it i won't
755s take credit that much yeah i'll let you
757s live
758s we can you can move diagonally that's
759s good i mean that's a lot of different uh
760s position you go
762s uh all four directions diagonally so
764s we'll see how things move on for today
766s as we have our first round in the double
770s elimination bracket here you know
771s guangzhou shanghai dragon soul dynasty
774s philadelphia fusion our top four from
776s the eastern division now finally got the
778s battle out for our third title of the
780s year so far
782s yeah this should be awesome to see
783s because we do seem to have in you know
786s we have some setup already shanghai
788s dragons feels like the top squad
790s obviously number one seat coming in but
792s you know they only drop the single map
793s they're gonna be taking on the guangzhou
795s charge here in our first match but that
797s second match there i think could be
799s really entertaining seoul dynasty fusion
801s there's a lot of questions with regards
803s to where those teams actually fall right
804s now after week 18.
807s and um you know it's getting competitive
809s out here as well because shanghai
810s dragons and dynasty they did play so
811s there was a three and zero but you kind
813s of feel that dynasty had more to show
814s but they had more to give and both
816s dragons and dynasty had kind of that
818s feeling of having more to show since
820s we've seen them in the mid season
821s madness tournament where truth be told
824s they probably did you know underperform
825s a little bit they didn't quite perform
826s up to expectations that we really set
828s out for them uh but also sort of new to
831s the tournament stage of the quantum
832s chart shoot they haven't been in a
834s tournament since the 2020 season or
836s season three is two years ago uh the
838s only surviving member of that squad is
840s kroll who actually remembers winning the
841s summer show downstairs he's actually won
843s the tournament before summer showdown
845s comes back again charge didn't do so
847s great last year they didn't do so great
848s in the first two stages of this year
850s either here x but now i think they're
852s making a bit of a comeback
854s yeah it is interesting that the summer
855s showdown that they participated in back
857s then was actually their best performance
858s that this team has ever had and now here
860s they are with another opportunity
862s against i mean realistically the best
864s team certainly i think the favorite but
866s you look across this team and i i start
868s to see some some things that i like
871s personally you know coming from
872s contenders i love these kind of rebound
874s stories i like these stories of
875s development as well and one that i
878s really like especially with regards to
879s rebound is ernie is you know seeing
881s xerneas come back over and i think fly
884s under the radar as a truly productive
886s force for this this squad i think
888s i certainly seems like a standout to me
892s yeah i mean i think in their previous
894s matchup versus the chengdu hunters right
895s there was a lot of comparison there
896s because you have a lot of uh members of
898s the ex chengdu hunter squad of last year
900s that being zernigas far away and jimmy
902s kind of outperforming the counterparts
904s on the other team and you know of those
906s we always kind of felt like at least in
907s my opinion and xerneas was a stronger
909s player compared to nietzsche he got a
910s lot more game time to competing last
912s year he was kind of cut from the roster
914s for other reasons right and now he's had
916s to make a run through continuously he
918s joined ultra prime academy which is the
920s academy team they're going to charge
921s he's made it back in the overwatch
922s league to look like one of those top
923s main supports again or at least on the
925s trajectory to becoming you know that
927s sort of play that he was regarded for
929s last year so look at their opponents
931s though that's going to charge have quite
933s the mountain to climb today certainly
935s not an easy task to go up against the
937s shanghai dragons at the best of times
938s and writing champions from 2021 but you
941s already knew that this team has had all
944s of you know the wins under the belt that
945s they needed so far in this qualification
947s this qualification stage six and zero
949s haven't dropped a single series they
950s only dropped by the way
952s one map and that was to the philly
953s fusion they actually nearly had a
955s flawless stage
957s yeah i mean them in stolen for some
959s reason fusion just loves to play spoil
960s to those golden stages but yeah this is
963s a team
964s third place finish and kickoff clash i
966s mean in isolation that feels like a good
967s result but
968s it's the shanghai dragons and then you
970s look at mid-season madness and they had
972s that exit when they did and it's like
974s okay
975s they did go pretty they did do pretty
976s well but again it's the shanghai dragons
978s we are expecting more and it finally
980s feels like now again with that 18-1 map
984s score not dropping a single set
985s throughout the entirety of the
986s qualifiers it feels like the dragons are
989s back to being the dragons yeah
991s absolutely i kind of felt like that was
993s happening in the previous stages as well
994s like kickoff clash they started slowly
996s but they sort of got into it by the time
997s we got to the tournament uh they looked
999s very strong off the back of most
1001s importantly who are you which is again i
1002s think that the key player the spare head
1004s of this entire team currently in this
1006s tournament as well uh let's see some
1008s madness looked a little bit shaky he had
1010s some good hopes going into the actual
1012s tournament but you know a lot of that
1013s wasn't realized and i think with
1014s shanghai dragons as well they they sort
1016s of had that realization they got uh you
1019s know the wake-up call from their exit in
1021s the mid-season madness tournament and
1023s and i think they wanted to do better
1024s they knew they could do better it's been
1025s a bit of an interesting year for the
1026s dragons given that they haven't looked
1028s as dominant as their 2021 selves uh but
1030s maybe
1031s now in summer showdown like this has
1033s been the closest that we've seen to 2021
1036s dragons
1037s yeah it's interesting it's interesting
1039s to see the kind of scale between both of
1041s these two teams right where we we know
1043s the the height of shanghai dragons we
1044s know what they're capable of obviously
1047s the the absolute pinnacle of what we
1049s expect to see in this region but on the
1051s other side you know of course they're
1053s kind of going through their growth
1054s stages but on the other side charge very
1055s much the same and i think this is a
1057s question of ceilings here and i think
1058s we'll probably say that a lot about
1059s charge going through this tournament
1062s bracket because look i mean charge they
1064s didn't start too hot as you mentioned
1066s earlier on that
1068s it's it's really about a rebound for
1069s them wholesale and i think while we
1072s compare them to a team like dragons do
1074s they have that kind of height in them
1076s i'm not sure but potentially down the
1078s line how do they skill against some of
1079s these other squads obviously it starts
1081s here if they could do well here and make
1082s a statement then i mean all's well will
1085s be well right for for the charge because
1087s if you could do it against
1088s what seems like the best team
1090s then certainly smooth sailing and going
1092s forward
1093s and they weren't even by the way the
1095s lowest seed coming into this tournament
1097s i believe they were seeing three right
1098s they had a four and two record fusion
1099s came with two and four they are the
1101s fourth c shanghai being the first seed
1103s they had choice they had opponent
1105s selection uh which is the i guess the
1107s prime benefit of being the first seed
1108s and they chose the charge over the
1110s fusion i think that speaks volumes in
1112s terms of what their preference is they
1114s being the shanghai dragons here they
1115s would rather play the shang that rather
1117s play the charge at four and two um than
1119s the philly fusion at uh two and four i
1121s think maybe maybe that's about fusion
1123s kind of having their own upswing towards
1124s the end of the qualifier here and fusion
1126s has been a bit of a bogey team for
1128s shanghai in the past especially this
1129s year shanghai probably feels a lot more
1131s comfortable going up against the the
1133s charge i mean you look at their match
1134s history they are currently on a five
1137s match win history
1138s uh streak versus the charge which goes
1141s all the way back to the last time that
1142s charge actually beat the dragons and
1144s here's a fun fact your people will
1146s remember this one it was the summer
1148s showdown finals in 2020 four and two
1151s that was from going to charge won their
1153s first and so far only title and i'm sure
1155s that many guangzhou players fans and
1157s everybody attached to guangzhou finally
1158s remembers that tournament and that time
1160s and ever since then looking to recreate
1162s that magic and well this has been the
1163s closest so far in two years that they've
1165s had to do that but that was the last
1167s time that they actually beat the dragons
1169s all the way back in 2020 summer showdown
1170s finals
1171s yeah and i mean just to reiterate as
1173s well we have to also bring up the fact
1175s again that
1176s right after that that was their last
1179s actual tournament showing realistically
1181s that they've had since then so i mean it
1183s has been some time for charge but they
1184s are on an upswing and a lot of that i
1186s think can be comprised of the fact that
1188s they have had this injection of newer
1190s talent it seems like things are going
1191s well and again it's just a question of
1193s where their ceiling is at are they able
1195s to build up quickly enough off of some
1197s of their successes in in previous weeks
1199s in the kind of latter half of the
1202s qualifier stage to be able to contend
1204s with a team that has been profoundly
1207s strong i i think surprisingly to a
1209s degree but also unsurprising in the fact
1211s that it is again the shanghai dragons
1213s and we kind of expect this from them but
1215s we haven't seen that and now they're
1216s back in stride but
1218s charge i think moving into this series
1220s obviously with the meta as it is and i
1222s think we're going to have a lot of
1224s discussions during the map about what
1226s this method looks like and the the the
1227s strengths of both of these teams their
1229s identities as well i think establishing
1231s that early on is going to be key for
1233s them because dragons have certainly done
1235s that especially when you look at their
1236s roster right because back in mid-season
1239s madness there was a lot of movement with
1240s regards to their roster now it feels
1242s like they're locked in both at the
1243s roster level and at the compositional
1245s level and strategy level and that's
1246s gonna be hard to contend with yeah both
1248s teams are feeling locked in as far as
1250s the rosters goes we'll be getting to
1252s match very shortly but for now you know
1253s as we sort of wait for map one to begin
1255s and also take a look at our map set as
1257s well uh and we're also into the sort of
1259s stage where teams can pick and choose
1260s maps
1261s after they do lose them
1263s it's been
1264s three zero three zero the last two games
1266s that dragons have had against the wonder
1268s charge a single map given away uh there
1271s was a more contentious game at the start
1273s of the year that was in kickoff clash
1274s regular season it was week four charge
1276s got two maps off of the dragons so they
1278s had been at least a little bit more back
1279s and forth even this year even with the
1281s prior charge roster before they're
1283s rebuilding coming into this particular
1285s tournament so there may be a little bit
1286s of hope there uh and and you talk about
1288s ceilings right that's going to be a bit
1290s of a topic for us in terms of how far
1292s can the charge go because uh we've seen
1294s some of these other teams at their peaks
1296s we know how good they have been how good
1298s they are uh with the charge i feel like
1299s there's still a little bit more to show
1301s they did go down as mentioned on three
1302s versus dragons this qualifies stage as
1305s well with jimmy with xerneas
1307s but
1308s maybe they've improved since then maybe
1309s there's a little bit more there because
1310s they started to get a lot more
1311s comfortable towards the end of the
1313s qualification stage that's when they got
1315s some of their better wins over their joe
1317s compatriots in hangzhou as well which is
1319s a very important game for them um and
1321s four and two i mean that's easily been
1322s their best record for some time so you
1324s know the question will be what is the
1326s ceiling of charge and what even is a
1329s marker of success here obviously
1331s breeding drags will be nice but if they
1332s even take maps off dragons does that
1334s mean success
1336s yeah i mean it certainly feels like that
1338s that has to be the case because not many
1340s teams have really done it again really
1341s only the fusion have done it because if
1344s they have some weird knack at just
1345s playing spoiler i'm not sure what what
1347s it is about the fusion and i think
1348s that's probably a key to why i like to
1351s give them
1354s it's all about the hopium but look i
1356s mean dragons they certainly they made a
1359s decision here they went for guangzhou i
1360s think a lot of that comes into the fact
1362s that as much as there is an unknown
1364s quantity about guangzhou charge there's
1366s also the fact that they are somewhat of
1368s a known entity you know what you're
1369s getting there obviously the the height
1372s the ceiling that's the major question
1374s and concern that i think we're gonna be
1376s looking at but throughout i think
1378s certainly guangzhou makes sense to
1380s shanghai and i'm looking to see shanghai
1382s really settle in here
1385s oasis first up for
1387s the map series here chosen by the
1388s shanghai dragons it's the highest scene
1390s and the following match will be chosen
1391s by the loser
1392s i don't know if there's going to be any
1394s particular map preferences i mean
1396s paradiso is obviously in the pool and
1399s some teams have preferred that
1400s especially the teams that will enjoy
1402s playing the dorado but herrick's here we
1403s go finally we are beginning the game our
1405s first official match
1408s a map starting in the summer showdown
1410s tournament again the qualifiers are over
1413s the tournament begins
1414s there's gonna be city center here
1416s everyone playing exactly what you would
1418s expect don't get better by the who are
1420s you echo it's gonna be standard jokes
1423s yeah definitely gonna be exactly what
1425s we're gonna see probably through and
1426s through there might be a couple of
1427s little
1428s changes that we do see probably more at
1430s the dps level than any if anything at
1432s all but already out of the gates look to
1434s see where these shout cooldowns get used
1436s that's the primary indicator of who's
1437s gonna have tempo control in these fights
1441s and also you have to look at you know
1442s the early damage being done there as
1443s well specifically onto cronks or zuni is
1445s getting low jimmy copping a bit of hate
1447s you talk about early shout usage once
1448s already come through from the charge and
1450s immediately trade jimmy for easy yaki
1452s it's still a four versus four scenario
1454s but they're healing a little bit better
1455s on the charge off the back of that
1456s choice a1 will execute who are you and
1458s that typically will be enough for me who
1460s are you down it's a pretty big deal
1461s that's still alive though can be a bit
1463s of an issue saved by the shot their
1464s choice want to believe went down to
1465s something like one hp really really
1467s close call white is still not yet over
1469s the cap is open no one really has an
1471s advantage
1473s looks like shanghai dragons looking for
1475s that early contestant charge not gonna
1477s let this one go you can see krong
1478s working that angle trying to get a flank
1480s open for his team while lip is getting
1483s pressed
1484s ooh four hp and it gets the hedgehog
1486s destroyed and detroit that should be the
1488s start now of dragons walking forward
1490s further executions who are you on
1492s towards jimmy and the fight is all but
1494s done lip living on four hb what's
1496s everything in there i mean if lip dies
1498s and troy gets the kill and said it could
1499s have been a very different fight dragons
1501s the first ones camping
1503s yeah i definitely think for the dragons
1504s it kind of was bookended by lips
1506s performance there right like equalizing
1508s that opening pick that
1510s lip got initially with the head shot
1511s from the railgun then also just finding
1513s that kill in the choice of one i think
1515s completely shut that fight down so
1517s obviously i respect the lip for getting
1519s the job done for his team because
1520s otherwise that could have gone horribly
1522s awry for a team that is looking to
1524s dominate i think this series and they're
1526s going to be dominating at least in terms
1528s of old charge here who are you up to
1529s jimmy but lips already copy overclock i
1531s mean this fight should all be done in
1532s dust as early as not even closer to pop
1534s the sound there i don't think he would
1535s have done that anyway given already
1537s losing players on mark there's a bit of
1539s a canyon of a damage difference between
1541s lip and jimmy so far also a uh a life
1544s difference given that lip is one of
1546s three players on the dragons they
1547s haven't actually died it's a lip void
1548s legit gone and zero deaths jimmy's died
1550s three times he's been a bit of a target
1552s and lip is exceeding damage above jimmy
1554s by about 1.9 k it's interesting too that
1557s jimmy is the target don't often see
1558s sojourns being the primary go-to target
1560s but jimmy's playing a little bit
1561s aggressively here and he might be caught
1562s again
1564s there's double sound barriers coming on
1566s through but choice one's played will
1567s catch lit before each one can save it so
1569s that is to be uh the time that will make
1571s a bit of a difference here five versus
1572s four we talked about was deathless for
1575s this stage and in terms of being alive
1577s in this map and that will finally go
1578s down
1579s a later rally from easy i could be
1581s popped to match far away but another
1583s player down i believe far away might
1584s have even got the boot kill to lead you
1585s gone so that's a five to three
1587s continuing one always even with dragons
1589s respawning lips back in the fight but
1590s who won't use that instantly krong
1592s cleaning up the rest of the members it
1593s should be the foot coming on through
1595s very shortly dragons might exceed 90 but
1597s they will lose the fight
1600s shanghai dragons fall into the wayside
1601s but the good news here for the dragons
1603s is that they made that sustain happen
1605s for so long i mean obviously a kind of
1608s later rally from izayaki
1610s certainly not enough to keep lip up
1611s right but dragons they certainly feel
1614s good about what they got there they got
1615s the score up to 95 now it's all about
1617s getting into that building stage
1618s certainly you don't want to have picks
1619s like that go out you're giving away
1621s economy to the enemy charge
1624s it's very much a different story for
1625s them while they're obviously trying to
1627s prevent dragons from turning things they
1629s also have to make sure that they remain
1631s efficient in their economy here more
1632s than anything on top of the timings with
1634s the shouts and trying not to overextend
1636s because you know lift can find ahead
1639s i don't know if this will be over
1640s extension or not but it will be
1641s aggression being shown by the charge
1643s dragons don't actually really want to
1644s buy this boy being hit by the rampage
1646s isn't going to respond with his own
1647s obviously no support ultimates on board
1649s for either team here is going to be at
1650s least one punish out from isiaki this is
1653s the dangerous part for charging we talk
1654s about it could it be over extension now
1656s it does start to really look like it
1657s jimmy wants you to save the raid but
1658s he's got a healing he's on below half hp
1661s and this is going to be a cleaner bit
1662s too often it's used by the charge and
1664s dragons walk away with the fight with
1666s and they're at 95 so once they flip this
1668s one charge to come back immediately
1670s cron's on the ball
1672s i started to wonder here if choice of
1673s one can even touch and in fact he goes
1674s down so now they don't even have the
1676s genji they don't have to touch along
1677s with it and 150 there for the dragons
1679s getting an early lead
1681s i think partially as expected but charge
1684s looked good there there were some great
1685s moments obviously caught overextended
1687s just a little bit towards the spawn
1688s trying to get a little bit more value
1690s than they really deserved to get at
1692s certain stages and dragons they're just
1694s not a team that's going to let that fly
1696s yeah i mean it's not uncommon that we
1697s see
1698s uh you know spawn camps happen i think
1700s maybe it's a little bit rare in oasis i
1702s don't know if it happens a little more a
1704s little bit more often in
1705s a can tinders from what you've seen but
1707s uh you know it's very risky on some maps
1710s and on some portions to go for that kind
1711s of play krong diving in with the team
1713s they at least got the one kill but they
1714s failed to get anything afterwards
1716s dragons could just go back and spawn get
1718s their health back in re-aggress get a
1720s couple of punishers and just entirely
1722s turn that so for charge they were
1724s looking for a lot there but they didn't
1725s get too much done
1728s loving the aggression still though with
1729s charge i mean you see choice of one
1731s really taking some of that forward
1733s position away getting space for his team
1735s allowing them to take up the high ground
1737s that's good for charge that means they
1739s are still confident in this matchup
1741s which is huge for them
1743s these are gone now gonna be the first
1744s target so we had dragons got a losing
1746s remember early on city center that will
1748s happen again but this time charge do not
1749s lose any further members of their own
1751s which likely will end up in a pretty
1752s clean
1754s sweep of kills krong staying alive very
1757s important for the guangdong charge
1759s struggling to maybe get further than a
1760s couple kills here but uh they'll at
1762s least get the cap that's the important
1763s thing for the charge you know they might
1764s not get the full cleanup but they will
1766s start with a percentage
1768s establishing yourself early on after the
1770s neutral fight is huge i think a lot of
1771s that really kind of feeds into what we
1773s were talking about already with choice
1774s of one getting a lot of
1776s forward position taken away from the
1778s dragons to get stuck into these spots
1780s where they can get aoe pressured down
1781s that's where the carnage really comes
1783s alive as well for players like chrome
1786s oh boy's on a bit of uh hp
1788s deficit at the moment compared to his
1789s counterpart in particular zones looking
1791s for a plentiful number of boots who are
1792s you just flying back on shanghai dragons
1795s for the most part have been allowed to
1796s freely rotate on the high ground what
1798s can i do with that a little bit of
1799s damage and choice one has been healed
1800s look at folks now troy importantly has a
1802s blade coming online it might just be a
1804s beating player engage
1805s dj god has to sound very nearly ajax
1808s someone has to be very careful very low
1809s hp responded to by xerneas no for the
1812s ultimates from the dragon just because
1813s they've got nothing to use he's yaki
1814s likely to go down here it's not a choice
1816s with two in the fight and the dragons
1818s just have to give it up the timings
1819s we're just slightly off lip was just
1821s slightly off from the overclock who are
1823s you 25 away from the blade izaki i think
1825s it's just percentage points away from
1826s the rally and the slight ultimate
1828s difference from the charge will be
1829s enough
1830s i think at least for the dragons here
1832s obviously staring down the barrel of 60
1835s for the charge you start to wonder okay
1837s was there at least a silver lining there
1838s and i think there was and the fact that
1839s xerneas did pop the sound barrier just
1841s to help bolster the blade now that's one
1844s defensive utility that you don't have to
1846s worry about moving forward at least
1847s before you have the opportunity to get a
1849s flip it was feeling like a big blade
1851s engage for me as well as just thinking
1852s that you're looking at
1854s how much it was going to cost the charge
1855s to be able to secure that one but they
1857s have 80 percent
1858s little pop the overclocker who are you
1860s that suddenly get the damage done he's
1861s got two on his own call it three as
1863s shanghai dragons could even pull the
1864s play if they want to but everyone's dead
1866s so no need for it three out of the five
1868s kills there the overclock didn't end up
1870s being a fact it doesn't need to be
1872s allows the dragon shanghai dragons to
1873s walk on forward and four they go 90 for
1876s the charge though is a very strong lead
1879s i think though dragons have the capacity
1881s to turn this around though right because
1882s you have the blade there's a rally there
1884s for far away and they're gonna you have
1886s to try to try to layer both the rally
1889s and the shout probably just to stay
1891s alive talk about considering okay what
1893s kind of lethality can you get out of a
1894s blade typically not much in this meta
1897s but it's who are you i think they're
1898s gonna need both of those resources to
1900s get through this offensive pressure that
1902s they're about to see and i'm also
1904s looking at the tanks here as well
1905s because we're getting towards rampage
1906s territory and uh that obviously comes in
1908s a little bit late on a control map and
1910s for boyd it might not come at all in
1911s this fight jimmy's just deleted him who
1913s is a difficult choice to make and he
1915s will choose to still go for the blade
1917s he's gonna try and make the hero play
1918s happen but he's just shut down i don't
1919s know if that was the correct call from
1921s who are you it's like basically 2v5
1923s chimney pulls an overclock it's a lot of
1924s damage the shanghai dragon is now left
1926s one thing five percent left to go for
1928s the touch and charge in position to
1930s equalize here on oasis map number one a
1932s charge
1933s touch a touch from the dragons rather
1935s will come through in time
1936s can they keep it going though barely
1938s literally gone has been really sneaky
1940s about it there is still a rampage
1942s teacher was finally taken down by jimmy
1944s and is there more is there more from the
1946s shanghai dragons in the extremities of
1948s the spikes jimmy which are gone so far
1950s blade deleting who are you rampage
1953s coming through both sides cronkite choi
1954s being hit big time so we talked about
1956s the trailer rampage dragons have
1958s actually come through despite losing who
1959s are you
1960s one of the big things there too is krong
1962s was backed out of the fight so shanghai
1964s dragons had their junker queen whereas
1967s charge did not looks like this is gonna
1969s be a flip here for the dragons they're
1970s gonna get back into the swing of things
1972s and they've at least to a degree reset
1974s the economy which is important for them
1976s because they have still a mountain to
1978s climb in some of this score percentage
1980s to be able to find a way through and
1983s maybe still get a 2o and i think one of
1985s the big things here is utilization of
1987s these supports we see some of that
1988s layering already happening in this
1990s series between those resources
1992s shanghai dragons have to be efficient
1994s more than anything
1996s that was looked like it was signed
1997s sealed and delivered for the guangzhou
1998s church to take us to a desired
2000s university
2001s we might still yet go to university will
2003s take a lot more effort now and despite
2005s going to a charge starting well in that
2006s fight
2007s couldn't quite continue and convert on
2009s the further members of once more choices
2011s one will get who are you down it's the
2013s first half of the shanghai dragon sound
2015s comes through regardless it is the final
2016s fight both teams equalizing that
2018s regarding the act with the actual rally
2019s far away doesn't quite have it yet can
2021s that be enough left onto overclock as
2023s well jimmy's already dead this is going
2025s to be equalization while you're coming
2026s back from with two jagged blade finds
2029s both how is that even happening goes to
2030s charge
2031s four versus three low hp on the support
2034s line the dragons have only got who are
2035s you left so we talk about equalizing
2037s going to university charge look like
2039s they'll make that happen
2041s nice little cherry on top as well for
2042s krog three jagged blade kills there in a
2045s single fight and you can see there
2047s another pick on to lift just at the very
2049s end obviously doesn't mean much but a
2051s lot of the picks that we're seeing from
2052s charge have meant so much more than that
2055s i mean charge consistently finding some
2057s of these opening picks against the
2059s dragons a team that generally seems very
2061s composed in some of these pre-fights
2063s some of these rotational plays even in
2065s neutral engagements as well
2067s charge have found a way to catch dragons
2070s out which is something that we don't say
2072s really often
2074s my goodness
2076s really making this one competitive today
2078s as let's take a look
2080s this could be the double jacket blade
2082s kill coming through it just goes through
2083s both i mean
2085s collette with the plate take those
2087s two low players lined up for you a third
2090s one as you sort of mentioned
2092s yeah i mean that's the kind of heroics
2093s you want to see out of krong but also
2095s choice of one taking who are you down
2097s right off the rep but who are you i
2098s think did twice in a row at the
2100s beginning of two fights
2101s really hurts the dragons chances of
2104s making a deep run in that particular
2105s fight i mean given that they still
2107s really made a competitive dragons
2108s looking pretty hot for a while when lip
2110s called the overclock and now maybe one
2112s of these two genji's it's gonna be troy
2113s on you
2115s again can't be having that happening
2117s there obviously a lot of just kind of
2119s latent pressure being applied to both
2120s genjis but the shanghai dragons firing
2122s back now after losing their genji they
2124s go ahead and take away the junker queen
2126s that's an advantage
2129s certainly an advantage for now exactly
2130s falling though kind of equalize in terms
2132s of george playing your numbers both the
2135s gears will fall joy has just been you
2137s know he's been a part of every single
2138s one of these kills he's been him on the
2140s kill fee final blows coming on in
2143s so point is open no one's really taking
2145s advantage of that just yet charge first
2147s ones on said point 5v5 to come through
2150s so a lot of early skirmishing in terms
2151s of players down charged with the cap but
2153s all players have arrived
2156s cheering on dragons really would like to
2158s have gotten a little bit more value out
2159s of that krong pick find the kills onto
2161s jimmy and choi extend this a little bit
2163s out so that he can get control but
2164s instead charge somehow find a way back
2166s and you can see the flank coming in from
2168s boyd trying to work that off angle
2172s that's going to be the shanghai dragons
2173s you know popping the early ultimates
2174s look at the support line of the charge
2176s they don't quite have anything to match
2177s with just yet it's the extra tempo beat
2180s from dj gotten boyd walking forward with
2182s full confidence major carnage swing and
2184s despite troy having a advantage on the
2187s blade no opportunity to use that in that
2188s last fight
2191s i think charge have certainly
2193s relied a little bit on choi getting some
2195s of those first picks deleting who are
2197s you from the equation entirely taking
2199s him out and the blades have also been
2201s very consistently lethal in a meta where
2204s there's so many defensive utilities to
2206s prevent that lethality but charge still
2208s find a will still find a way it's all
2209s about baiting some of these cooldowns
2211s out they've already got the sound
2212s barrier he could get through a rally for
2213s sure and now joy can come on through
2215s easy if he dies here we'll be over two
2217s supports down dragons no responses here
2219s who are you not even gonna pull through
2221s the hero blade this time around a five
2223s and zero wipe for the charge and off the
2224s blade alone as one me was two support
2227s ultimate shelved away for a rainy day
2228s and they even got the extra rally from
2230s izaki
2231s yeah that's probably the most important
2233s aspect is that now they're way ahead in
2235s economy or at least for now to be able
2237s to continue this progression that they
2240s have all they have to worry about at
2242s this stage is making sure that they
2243s don't get picked out by whoever you were
2245s lit
2247s now this is charged once again going
2248s close to dragon spawn not quite there
2250s though and even though they're not quite
2252s there troy maybe he was a little bit too
2254s far forward lip gets the punishment here
2256s a lot more ultimates being thrown in
2257s this void three-man rampage i mean it's
2259s looking good but
2261s still waiting to get a couple more picks
2262s in here it's taking a long time this is
2264s where the double support offense of the
2265s charge really come into fact that who
2267s are you now that the cleat and the rally
2269s have dissipated just looking for the
2270s flags they aren't quite getting it done
2272s so far now we got following down chrome
2274s summer falls off the map and it's still
2276s fairly even you'd like to have seen the
2277s opportunity to use that rampage that's
2279s gonna be the case
2281s shanghai dragons eventually will come
2282s out of here you'll notice that choi also
2283s came back on the tracer but it doesn't
2285s really help shanghai dragons they get
2287s the initial punish of detroit and they
2289s continue the fight it takes a while to
2290s get the win
2291s i think the probably most pivotal part
2293s of that fight the fact that krong just
2295s fell off the side of the map obviously
2296s yeah rampage would be huge but also just
2298s the presence of a junker queen when you
2300s have that chaotic breakdown in the fight
2302s where you are gonna be going you know
2303s three v three four v three three before
2305s whatever it may be you need the junker
2307s queen to be that pillar and they're also
2309s gonna need lee jae gone on the other
2310s side both lucio's already dead okay well
2313s left just gonna have to save the day now
2314s they've actually done a ton of damage
2315s who are you still gonna get done despite
2317s losing legion god who are you up for a
2319s 5k the eight's available now stolen by
2321s lip but they'll get the fight when
2322s that's the important thing for the
2323s shanghai dragons what was that coming
2325s through as charge popped in the extra
2328s rampage they got the opening picker so
2330s it looks like they have everything going
2331s for them while you just says no
2333s look at the timing of this too both
2335s support also the exact position that
2336s charge were in earlier now dragons are
2338s in but they're much higher on the score
2340s line there 80 percent so they can extend
2342s this fight out where charge have to kind
2344s of build have to be careful here and i
2346s think dragons if i was them i would play
2348s this aggressively as soon as charge
2350s comes in make that pivot make that
2352s rotation with both of your supports and
2353s just cancel this one out well one of
2355s them's gone that's one support ultimate
2357s off the table easy he should be
2358s pressured now his fighter fight terry
2360s treats the dragon it's gonna do so much
2361s to hold on before the rally must be
2362s popped and there it is still some low hp
2365s on charge though dragons they get troy
2367s down strong survive through it should be
2369s now with the overclock
2370s for targets he did actually
2372s connect to the floyd but white survives
2373s on whatever that is critical for the
2375s dragon success because now lee jungle
2377s comes in with the sound bearing it's
2378s looking healthy for the dragons charge
2380s i've fallen by the laying side so many
2382s players though so many players down who
2384s are you pause the blade and that will be
2385s the blade that sends the charge down on
2388s the first map dragons lock it up they do
2390s lose that guardians but they will secure
2392s oasis
2394s i mean come on easily one of the most
2396s dominant teams coming into this
2397s tournament especially in clutch moments
2399s you look back to their last series that
2401s they had and really defined by clutch
2403s moments i think
2405s predominantly and you look now at what
2407s we're seeing here and guacho charge had
2409s some pleasantly surprising moments i
2411s think choi sawan had honestly some of
2414s the best genji play that i've personally
2416s seen obviously you know coming into this
2418s i had my expectations between who are
2420s you and choi and it feels like choice is
2423s doing a lot for the charge really
2424s establishing presents really making sure
2426s that they're taking space away from the
2428s dragons putting them in uncomfortable
2430s positions and i think a lot of that
2431s comes from the head of the spear and i
2433s think in a lot of ways that's joy
2436s and despite krong being the longest
2437s serving member on the charge it does
2438s feel like choice juan has been the
2440s franchise player leading the squad for
2442s quite some time now over the course of
2444s two years in charge they made oasis
2446s competitive couldn't quite get the win
2447s it will be their map choice coming up
2449s next but we are gonna take a quick break
2450s when we come back map number two of our
2452s opening series the summer showdown
2453s tournament will be here
2456s [Music]
2468s it's
2477s [Music]
2541s [Music]
2550s [Music]
2575s [Music]
2620s [Music]
2627s so
2638s so
2648s [Music]
2669s [Music]
2680s so
2686s [Music]
2691s [Music]
2695s an intense first showing here from
2697s charge and shanghai dragons in our
2698s opening match of the summer showdown
2700s tournament as uh if that was a lot
2702s closer than we probably expected here
2704s here x given that oasis went to all
2707s three rounds and not a single hundred to
2709s zero found within any of those uh i
2711s think we had like you know 80 plus
2713s percent on both teams for almost every
2715s single round and even on the first one
2717s you know charge got 50 so charge are
2719s doing probably a lot better than people
2720s gave them credit for
2722s yeah i think i'm just gonna say it
2724s they're doing better than i even gave
2725s them credit for coming into this and i
2727s think we need to start maybe
2728s reevaluating our expectations i mean
2730s coming into this we already did know
2731s that the only two losses this team even
2734s really had at four and two were i mean
2736s kind of the expected two best teams
2738s coming into this they had a great
2740s turnaround since injecting some of that
2741s newer talent coming in and maybe this
2743s was kind of written on the wall all all
2746s along and we're only just seeing kind of
2748s the impacts now that we're seeing them
2749s up against what is expected to be the
2751s best team or at least
2753s what is the expected best team right
2756s yeah and while as far as expected best
2758s team goes they do actually when that
2759s first map still so as far as the
2761s scoreline is looked at
2763s all par for the calls for the shanghai
2765s dragons as we head into map number two
2766s this one is uh the choice of the quantum
2769s charge
2770s and uh spoilers it is going to be hybrid
2772s midtown has been selected here we'll see
2775s how things go noting that on the charge
2777s side of of of gameplay choi has been the
2779s standout he's been a stand-up for some
2781s time i would have said that he's been a
2782s standout on the team for two years
2783s running now but in this meta it is a
2785s genji meta this guy was playing the
2787s genji even last year in various
2789s situations where genji wasn't considered
2791s that good and now when against overwatch
2792s 2 and genji is amazing joy is showing us
2795s value and especially against some of the
2797s top tier games we have in the world
2799s where again personally consider who are
2800s you to be the number one genji and some
2802s of that value gets shown and how clutch
2804s he has been and how strong his
2806s performance mechanically in the neutral
2807s has been but troy getting a number of
2809s those first blood specifically onto who
2811s are you has been a tipping point
2813s yeah i think that's been the most
2814s interesting thing here for me at least
2816s is seeing that there's obviously a
2819s very
2820s high amount of influence that these
2823s genjis have in this region specifically
2826s you look at you know my wheelhouse
2828s talking about na talk about eu i mean
2830s there's obviously a lot of focus on brig
2832s there's obviously a lot of focus on the
2834s junker queen as well but it feels like
2836s between these two teams it is certainly
2838s a battle of the genjis who are you i
2840s don't know how much you buy into the you
2841s know the whole uh you know hairpin thing
2844s the power up that vicky was talking
2846s about last week but who are you
2848s very solid genji obviously one of the
2850s best if not i mean you can make the
2852s argument that he is the best genji but
2854s right now it feels like choi is battling
2857s that out in a big way and shanghai
2858s dragons already working their way
2860s through i'm questioning can who are you
2861s stay alive against choi are they going
2863s to find him again
2864s we'll see if they can make the rotation
2865s happen first and foremost couple of
2867s dragons members are kind of caught out
2869s here in the open
2870s and if while he was indeed the best well
2872s troy can't be that far behind especially
2874s in this fight now joining us on to avoid
2876s and joining one
2877s and then ej gone dragons get cleaned up
2880s there's gonna be a five zero cleanup
2881s that looks like lit might have to get
2882s out with his life i don't think charge
2884s will chase further for this but i do
2886s like to see that as dragons try and push
2888s on through for the rotation charge and
2890s decept straight away
2892s so much of this charge team seems so
2895s centered around the genji and i think a
2896s lot of the teams in this region
2898s certainly feel the same about their
2899s player in that role but charger just
2901s getting so much value out of getting
2903s someone low like lip like who are you
2905s right now and then executing so fast
2908s that there's no possible way that
2909s shanghai dragons can actually react to
2911s it
2912s 12 years now very critical one hp taken
2914s down by xerneas they swarmed the boss
2917s and is there gonna be any response i
2918s mean krong is low but dragons there we
2920s go they do get their response on across
2922s that it's gonna be a genji four jump
2923s between trey that will play with the
2924s attackers and this is where boyd gets an
2926s opportunity to pop off as while cron is
2928s not in his way
2929s losing easier both rigs
2932s lost in this fight and the respawners
2933s they gotta go in the favor dragons they
2935s have the much closer response now they
2937s have the much greater damage and the
2938s kills the rest of the charge will fall
2940s this might even just be a cab straight
2942s away because as krong comes back in the
2944s rest of his members are too far off
2947s yeah not a lot of time left for zarya's
2949s to get back into position they're gonna
2950s require that speed as well just to get
2951s there so this is given away and i think
2953s a lot of that fight really boils down to
2955s the fact that shanghai dragons despite
2957s losing a player the trades that they
2958s made after especially with the junker
2960s queen going down krong falling out early
2962s there dragons are just gonna have that
2964s pillar that they can rely on in the
2965s shout for the drunker queen the damage
2967s the everything else that dragons can do
2969s with that still on the field
2971s now charge i'm looking at chrome i'm
2973s looking at who are you those are certain
2974s focus targets look at that headshot
2975s coming through from left disgusting
2977s stuff joy though pulls out the blade
2979s regardless sound barrel will block up
2980s most of the damage save lip four versus
2983s four so far the extra railings now both
2984s popped on both ends why are you not
2986s quite on top of the play but with chrome
2988s going down xerneas couldn't save him
2990s charge only of three in this fight jimmy
2992s of joy
2993s thank you they're here one of them is
2994s still coming back from spawn you have
2996s troy going towards the dragon spawn this
2998s will be a cleanup for sure and dragons i
3000s get to walk on for charge have to back
3002s out
3004s and i think ideally for them they also
3006s want to make sure that they're not
3007s losing bodies here because that just
3008s extends
3009s the progression of this payload that
3012s that dragons can actually pull out of
3014s course
3015s all supportops
3016s off the field now but dragons they win
3018s that fight and they come away ahead in
3020s economy as well i mean come on
3023s that's what makes dragons just so
3025s different it feels like because they're
3026s able to put themselves in these types of
3028s scenarios where they have significant
3030s advantages
3032s well they uh you know they deflect out
3033s the choice of one blade
3035s they match the sound barrier and rally
3037s observing symfonic and then they won the
3039s fight without using any further
3040s ultimates and dps or voids ram pictures
3042s has come on now
3044s charge looking for spacing but will go
3045s through first and foremost on the
3047s overclocking immediately fights value
3049s charge at the stage trying to match with
3052s jimmy and jimmy's gone as well lip is
3054s just doing way too much at charge
3056s they're on the back foot and that foot
3057s looks broken to me easy hockey with a
3059s couple more and the dragons it's a one
3061s for one alt trade you talk about economy
3063s and even when shanghai dragons use alts
3066s charge still match and they still lose
3069s yeah i mean one oh one fight win that's
3071s the kind of thing that separates great
3073s from the great test you can see charge
3076s piling back in they're investing on this
3078s one
3079s it's a big rampage with crown credit for
3081s that one well you actually put into the
3083s dirt with it as well because so genji
3085s can't really afford to heal up when
3086s you're ant to get out you're in a little
3088s bit of a rough spot so the blade is not
3089s getting high as valley frog taking a
3091s bunch of damage now that the dragons do
3093s have a better time to sustain themselves
3094s and with that cap comes and kills come
3096s in as well two more often still to play
3098s through they won't need them they'll
3099s save them for c and cronk lucky to have
3102s his life saved here the hunt is on
3104s dragons want him down and they might
3105s just get him to because cj comes flying
3107s around the corner the sound barrier on
3109s the sound barrier the sound wave that's
3110s the official name for boop we'll push
3112s them backwards and dragons easy push
3114s coming
3116s charge setting back up you can see of
3118s course supports coming back online that
3120s means that this should ideally come down
3122s to you know some longer extended fights
3125s that's what we're looking to see however
3127s this kind of hasn't followed that script
3128s we're seeing
3129s time and time again just opening picks
3131s up and you can see who are you pressured
3132s same thing with choi here a lot of focus
3135s on trying to find something early and
3136s they get it
3137s yep that's big league sure gone doesn't
3138s save his teammate either so sound
3140s barrier only got to be good onto four
3141s members so far dragons why should use
3143s that to disengage they won't push four
3145s further forward so i guess gets to save
3148s his sound barrier for now we'll have to
3149s use that to block at the rampage from
3150s boy that's up next for the shanghai
3152s dragons
3154s it's now charge kind of taking control
3156s of the driver's seat
3158s thanks to choi in large part at least
3161s but dragons they're building into some
3162s things that i think are going to be
3163s dangerous especially with that pick
3164s there you still have to worry about lift
3167s that's the thing right dragons with five
3169s prong low hp lip is still doing plenty
3171s of damage and you'll get that kill the
3173s cronk the rally coming on through
3176s pretty comfortable for the shanghai
3177s dragons at this rate charges for any
3179s trades you know they don't have to burn
3180s their double support ultimate so they'll
3182s take the fight loss they'll take the
3184s rally from izaki but it is going to be
3186s the final defense now
3187s and i think this is all going to come
3189s down to tempo in this potential last
3191s fight with over two minutes on the clock
3192s still here who are you has played
3194s there's two supports on the side of
3195s charge they have their shot of course
3196s that they can utilize as well but
3198s they're playing aggressive and they're
3199s trying to find a pitch so they can
3200s stabilize early here
3202s kron is just so endangered look at many
3204s headshots on him double rails i believe
3206s it's a double support for a charge but
3208s it's not enough that everyone's just
3209s dying inside this rail everyone's dying
3211s inside the dragon's damage coming
3212s through it's a complete wipe and then
3214s what feels like one attempt from the
3216s shanghai dragons to get the sea push
3218s down i know there was that one fight
3219s where they did disengage with the sound
3221s bear that was the only fight they
3222s actually lost on c otherwise
3224s it's just a completely free push through
3226s 150 in the time bank locked up for the
3229s shanghai dragons now looking pretty
3230s comfortable i mean you talked about the
3232s economy the entire way through felt like
3234s it was in the hands of shanghai dragons
3236s yeah i think there was probably one
3237s solid moment there where charge felt
3240s like they were potentially in control of
3241s that and oh guys
3243s okay
3244s we're showing someone that's like the
3245s brig tech but like just completely
3248s ramped to oblivion did he get pooped as
3250s well i'm not too sure that
3252s i'm not sure i did i mean definitely the
3254s scalability of the verticality rather uh
3256s that comes from right the timing there
3259s certainly came from his own rampage but
3261s [Music]
3266s they say one of the biggest weaknesses
3267s of the jungle queen is that uh she has
3269s no verticality well i guess if you can
3271s just sort of angle yourself from the car
3273s the right way
3274s you can't fly up
3275s that's the one
3278s of course 150 on the time bank uh
3281s certainly feels good for dragons
3282s especially coming off of a map win
3284s already but a hotly contested one this
3286s one i think feels more in line
3288s with at least the dragons expectations
3291s certainly for themselves and one thing
3293s that i am noting as well is a little bit
3294s of an adaptation something that we saw
3296s early in the control map that we just
3299s got through was who are you really
3300s positioning forward getting caught up by
3301s choice of one we've seen it a couple
3302s times here on this map but they're
3304s reserving that a little bit now pulling
3306s choice of one into them and then
3308s allowing dragons more time to deal with
3311s kron because certainly i think that's a
3313s differentiating factor between these two
3314s teams who are you as the focus for
3316s charge whereas kron is the focus for
3318s dragons
3319s we've seen kron take a bunch of damage
3321s early in fights and this time we'll be
3322s certainly a sport in the wayside very
3324s far ahead of his team i mean we know
3325s teams like to push in that direction for
3327s a
3328s uh rotation and with
3330s zurich is down so early there's no speed
3332s bridge but you have wrong they can shout
3334s your team out and crawl themselves take
3335s them down against this is gonna be a
3336s number of kills three i believe so far
3339s and on top of that a late stag on the
3341s chrome that's gonna cost them time
3344s time is gonna be key here because
3347s time means that you're of course going
3349s to be losing out in some of your economy
3351s if you can progress through this map
3352s there's a lot of building that needs to
3354s occur here and if you're losing bodies
3355s early like they did with xerneas you're
3357s going to fall way behind in those really
3361s key cooldowns like sound barrier that
3363s dragons are going to have massive
3364s advantages and they can start rolling
3366s through some of these ultimates that's
3368s going to be
3369s very visible looks for a charge
3372s in previous you know occasions what
3374s we've seen choice 1 kind of at least
3376s match or exceed who are you in many
3377s cases for the play that's not even
3378s happening now with krong dying on
3380s rotation it's more of the same here
3382s dragons can even just play with their
3383s food a little bit they don't have to
3384s kill everyone straight away they will
3385s just
3386s take their pickings one by one it's a
3388s mantra charge smorgasbord for the
3390s shanghai dragons will allow three to get
3392s away
3393s they probably could have gotten a little
3394s bit more there but they're being
3395s respectful they're being disciplined
3396s they don't want to over chase they don't
3397s want to spawn camp pretty hard to do
3399s that as the defending team here in
3400s charge losing other fights nearly two
3402s minutes gone yeah but they literally
3403s don't want to do exactly what charge
3405s kind of baited themselves into back on
3407s oasis right it's this exact same kind of
3409s situation and they can keep finding
3410s these pigs again through the rotations
3413s there's some rotations that are not
3414s working out charge they just can't get
3416s players across they might have to think
3417s about another way to do this they even
3419s slightly stagger out crown them
3421s like in time is a factor and we said two
3423s minutes gone now it is officially two
3424s minutes gone we talked about dragons not
3426s really going for a spawn camp they
3427s thought about it here they got real
3428s close towards the charge spawn i think
3430s better of it charge by the way haven't
3431s found a single option it's been more
3432s than two minutes not one ultimate
3434s available for the charge
3435s and i think that's why dragons did kind
3437s of toy with the idea of playing more
3438s aggressively they know that they're
3440s ahead big time in terms of the old
3443s charge they can click tab right now and
3445s just see it so it's a little bit easier
3447s to visualize those kinds of things with
3449s regards to old tracking now
3451s but longzhou charge i think now
3454s certainly slowing the pace a little bit
3456s and i think that is much better for them
3458s because they can build you can see them
3460s closer just a little bit dragons dragons
3463s don't mind if charge slow things down as
3464s charges time that's taken down at the
3466s moment they're happy about that i mean
3467s dragons nearly have the full christmas
3468s tree up
3469s five lights as void is waiting for the
3472s rampage slightly hit a choice hit of
3474s cronkite choice he was about to get the
3475s blade but it's taking quite some time i
3478s don't know that charge will go for a
3479s long rotation here charge might just
3480s want to go for a quick engage use some
3482s ultimate slips already pulled out the
3484s overclock charge will do well to not get
3486s caught by this time rounding the pulse
3488s of the health and here we go who are you
3490s want some damage you want some frags
3491s what's choi first and foremost because
3493s you know troy is the target he has been
3495s the carry member for the charge two
3496s members caught by the rampage and this
3498s blade is all forfeited as the guangzhou
3501s charge can't do anything with their
3503s three ultimates shanghai dragons head
3505s five
3507s i love that so much from dragons too i
3509s think
3509s good news for charge is
3511s 30 seconds left you have at least
3514s something dragons completely reset their
3517s economy all the way down to scratch but
3519s jimmy still has that overclock could
3521s have potential to turn this around but
3523s they have to touch still they have to
3524s make their way through and choke that
3526s dragons have caught them time and time
3527s again
3528s look at this dragons are gonna play in
3529s the trade this is very rare teams don't
3531s do this so what is the response from
3533s charge can go straight forward towards
3535s the point itself should make his first
3537s blood on lip for this fight which is
3538s nice to see krong about to get the
3539s rampage as well that will be important
3541s we'll probably end up having to burn
3542s that despite it being a five versus four
3544s dragons not full
3546s any other members being killed by jimmy
3548s in fact jimmy's a 101 hp who are you
3549s just solos and what is going on there
3551s who are you just decides that jimmy is
3553s going to die and the shoulders are wrong
3555s gets quite heavy here only boycott you
3557s want more from that rampage a choice one
3560s might still just deliver more as the
3562s guangzhou charge have a five versus
3563s three advantage they'll get that extra
3565s kill ej gone and they will be able to
3567s get the point but it costs them all of
3569s the time on a cost them the two
3570s ultimates as well and even then
3573s they were losing members
3575s i think one of the big things too that
3577s has me a little bit concerned for the
3578s charge moving forward you know you want
3580s to be hopeful that we got a great series
3582s here and that charge are
3584s really in their element
3585s off of the 4-2 great great setup but
3588s with dragons already pushing it they've
3589s lost krong
3590s oh no
3592s yeah well charge is trying to get a
3593s little bit far forward there right they
3594s want to get aggressive versus dragons
3596s and once again somebody does get
3597s punished when we see charge walk on for
3599s them it's a namesake right they're
3600s trying to charge on ford but shanghai
3602s dragons will have none of that
3604s two minutes to go through and
3605s immediately this is where you would like
3606s to see charge get a bit of momentum but
3608s they're sort of sent back to spawn in a
3609s reset as the door closes
3611s and the fire truck has gone through
3613s dragons control the space
3617s to see if they can actually kind of
3619s choke out choice of one and deny him
3621s some of that forward aggression because
3623s as we've talked about choi loves to take
3625s some of that space away look for
3626s pressure onto his you know
3629s opponent across the island who are you
3631s and try to shut that player down and
3633s create an opening but even when they get
3634s picked dragons are really good about
3636s turning fights being down a member
3638s choice lucky that's why you already
3639s assisted that dash but lip is still
3641s looking for tigers nearly caught ahead
3643s there sound bear being popped regardless
3645s and that's charged looking for the
3646s comeback they only wanted to turn a
3647s little bit re-engaging now boy you found
3649s his timing just has to deal with the
3651s fireway rally troy got his place shut
3653s down by left disgusting rail shot and
3655s now who are you there's unimpeded
3656s there's a lot of charge members out for
3658s the picking
3659s once krong we'll get chrome who are you
3661s says he'll die and he will go down will
3663s they walk further forward because this
3665s is prime territory for a spawn camp and
3667s the only member down is izuki but that
3669s might be important dragons might not be
3671s able to spawn kept with four they need
3672s five alive
3674s is that a deflection
3675s yeah big time dragons still have leisure
3678s guns sound very which is huge but i
3680s think the big thing there is two
3681s concepts baiting and layering you saw
3683s where you pulled the blade out they
3685s already had the rally invested now you
3687s bait out the sound barrier they layer
3689s those two ultimates together charge
3691s immediately lost someone despite
3694s utilizing both of those resources and
3695s now dragons have both a fight win a
3698s massive advantage in time and a massive
3701s advantage in economy and the fact that
3702s they can utilize the sound baron to play
3704s aggressive with 10 seconds left on the
3706s clock they can end it i mean void will
3708s get rampage in this fight there's no
3709s doubt about that as long as boyd doesn't
3710s die he will have a rampage here if he
3712s does die dragons have so much space to
3714s play through charge have not made any
3716s considerable distance on the payload
3717s they're even barely getting into the
3718s underpass choice solar pushing for now
3721s dragons being patient they can go for
3723s the rampage at any point i don't know if
3725s they've read the old economy or charged
3726s correctly but they could even tempo
3728s before there's nothing really to counter
3730s out from the charge side who currently
3732s are just waiting for the jimmy overclock
3735s make no mistake this is the final
3737s portion charge they want to move forward
3739s but it is so risky to see how timid they
3741s are in this fight
3744s just hoping praying for any kind of pick
3746s charge have been good about finding them
3748s but they will absolutely require one
3751s oh no they see nine okay well that
3753s literally happened unlucky i guess
3757s that's the most like anti-climactic oh
3760s no they just
3761s they see nine uh that happened so
3763s dragons here's what happened here's what
3765s eric's way as well i'm gonna paint the
3766s picture right here the uh the guangzhou
3768s charge
3769s they uh you're walking in with their
3771s fantasy rpg party they walk into the
3773s dragon's dungeon and then they just uh
3775s they leave actually i think we're a
3777s little under leveled for this raid uh
3778s they tried to push that payload forward
3780s i don't know who stepped off i think it
3782s was choi's job to keep pushing he might
3784s have stepped off but it was just done
3786s it was dragons waiting out jimmy's
3788s overclock and they're like wait on the
3790s overclock and then go
3791s and then the game just ended
3793s i can't believe that
3795s yeah i felt like we were kind of
3796s building into this you know great
3798s potential climax charge pushing in and
3801s maybe being able to find something they
3802s were looking for the pick but instead
3804s they found the end of the map and
3807s unfortunate for them to go down o2 and
3809s it's it's serious point already for the
3810s dragons
3812s yeah that is really rough for the
3814s guangzhou charge i think they were
3815s already in a pretty tough position to be
3817s in but you like to see them at least
3818s take the final fight see if there's
3819s anything left in there not going to
3821s happen dragons kept through the entire
3823s map with a pretty reasonable time bank
3825s in the going to charge and now down zero
3826s and two in the series shanghai dragons
3828s at match point in our opening match of
3830s the summer showdown tournament don't go
3831s anywhere possibly the final map coming
3833s on right after
3837s this ends now
3846s [Music]
3862s [Music]
3869s [Music]
3884s [Music]
3899s [Music]
3982s [Music]
3994s [Music]
4076s i know king charles iii just got
4077s inaugurated but king charles then ninth
4079s just made an appearance on our broadcast
4081s here in the overwatch league for the
4082s summer showdown day one
4084s tournament on midtown an overtime push
4087s goes awry for the guangzhou charge and
4090s unfortunately they got no one to blame
4092s but themselves that was pretty egregious
4094s it didn't look like they had a lot of
4095s chances to win that map here x but at
4097s least they would have had a chance have
4098s they continued pushing on four i was
4100s really looking forward to how that fight
4102s could have gone for them
4103s yeah and on a map and really a meta that
4105s is just so dependent on snowballing and
4108s momentum
4109s i mean there's nothing to say i think
4112s that charge if they found a way to get
4114s through point b that they couldn't have
4115s at least finished the map and given
4116s themselves an opportunity to to force a
4118s draw or any just something to help set
4120s them up long term but either way charge
4123s unfortunate i think a little bit of a
4125s deflating loss there at least a little
4127s bit but you have to kind of scrap that
4129s you just have to move on you have that
4131s time now to kind of figure out okay
4132s where do we want to take this series we
4134s obviously know that
4136s shanghai dragons have made some
4137s adaptations obviously they're not
4138s catching who are you out as much early
4140s in some of these pre-fights yes they're
4142s getting some picks but dragons they stay
4144s so composed in the mid-fight that even
4146s when they lose someone early they're
4147s still able to find krong and then have
4148s that advantage and the fact that they
4150s have their pillars still on the floor
4151s with void being the only junker queen
4154s still alive
4156s let's move forward now uh map chosen for
4158s number three is going to be circuit
4159s royale coming through from the ground
4161s charge side and despite oasis looking
4164s competitive i would argue here midtown
4166s looked
4166s less than competitive given that it took
4169s until the ot for charge to even get the
4171s cap onto a i mean how many failed
4172s rotations that they have until they just
4174s said screw it we finally found
4175s alternates like
4177s three and a half minutes deep into this
4178s attack let's just use our ultimates hope
4180s for the best that actually worked out
4181s remember shanghai dragons at one point
4184s had five ultimates they did win that
4185s five ultimate fight but you know when we
4187s came back uh further forward from that
4189s charge
4190s managed to rack up a little bit more
4192s push things further into beep that's
4194s when things fell apart so if they can
4197s gain some real distance now on circle
4199s royale that would be pretty good it will
4201s be dragons once again attacking charge
4203s defending
4204s as we've seen already in this series and
4206s as we've seen really throughout this
4208s entire stage and throughout this entire
4209s meta a lot of this is defined by and
4212s certainly on this map in particular
4214s defined by spawn holes you're going to
4215s see virtually every hold here or sorry
4218s every spawn here is defendable
4221s and right out of the gate charge is
4222s going to look to do that shanghai
4224s dragons we have seen some teams offer
4226s some swaps to try to break these spawn
4229s holds but shanghai dragons the only
4230s thing that they're changing is the ash
4232s and this is i think the statistically
4234s most dominant ash pick
4236s lip right
4238s uh actually i have no idea i will have
4239s to check the stats on that one but i do
4241s not verify it look at that he is
4243s okay well you know i'll trust you on
4245s that one we'll call it
4246s statistically the best ass show fight
4248s that we've seen and for the charge
4251s we'll still try and just not quite spawn
4254s camp anymore but play the opening corner
4256s right that's the next defendable
4257s position you'll notice that lift will go
4259s straight off of
4260s exogen once the spawn camp is gone okay
4263s oh jimmy does kill lee jaegon just uh
4265s full shanghai dragons to walk backwards
4266s a bit
4268s shanghai
4269s losing that player as we've seen you
4272s know a few times throughout this series
4273s it's all about composing yourself making
4275s sure that you can try to find some
4276s pressure and they find it oh man
4279s oh jimmy i think it took a rail there as
4281s well from left i mean that's just the
4282s power of the surgeon coming on through
4283s and you know once you're no longer
4285s defending or trying to get out of a
4286s spawn hole you're just opening the gates
4288s and now they're kicking the doors right
4290s arm down it's a big cleaner far away
4292s will trade lead regard he's the only
4293s player that's actually died in the
4294s shanghai dragons two now but it doesn't
4296s matter he respawns quickly he's a lucio
4298s hook back into the flight dragons
4300s getting some real good push on now
4302s and that's something a little bit
4303s different from the shanghai dragons as
4304s well i mean typically you see them
4306s pressuring out krong that gives
4307s allowance for void to step up take space
4310s away and then they can kind of out
4311s pressure just have that delta
4313s advantage
4315s instead they went for the instantaneous
4316s pick that looked more like charges play
4318s style actually
4320s well now who are you has the blade
4322s zunius has the beating response so it's
4324s very important well you have to be
4325s careful it needs to be healed on top
4328s wants to come out immediately troy was
4330s low he has been saved each again
4331s actually matches what choices has a
4333s timing here but they might not be able
4334s to do anything about it if frog is dead
4336s enjoy to follow
4337s 99 that's a heartbreaker charge
4340s to give this one up and with that
4341s they'll have to give up the point as
4343s well they'll be lucky to save even these
4345s two members jimmy he will be forfeited
4348s he is the only one surviving uh oh
4351s what's this krong got the bad spawn
4352s that's really unlikely
4355s i think at least some good news for
4357s charge is that a lot of this down time
4358s here okay this does not feel as good
4361s this this does not feel as good now that
4363s you're losing more bodies to this spawn
4365s and as we talked about we said look
4368s every spawn here is holdable and that
4371s doesn't discount the fact that you can
4372s do it on offense too
4374s look how deep the dragons are
4376s are they attacking sea or bear it's hard
4378s to tell this thing they have someone
4379s pushing it apparently yeah exactly they
4381s are pushing feet that's the thing though
4382s they're so deep on the scene they they
4385s are doing an offensive spawn camp now
4386s that's right you see the deep in this
4387s ball game attackers though not so much
4390s ultimates coming through now who are you
4391s getting killed regardless of all of that
4393s troy wants to save the day dodge is out
4394s of rail importantly the defense is gone
4396s now and with that his life will be
4398s forfeit which white did actually get
4400s void down so
4401s that was a pretty even beginning this is
4403s now no longer even the shanghai dragons
4405s we don't have any junk queens on board
4407s but shanghai dragons with four as
4409s they've had this entire time it's more
4411s than enough
4413s charge just investing so much in those
4414s early fights and if they can get a very
4417s decisive win with their investment early
4419s on then they do well but oh and here you
4422s go
4422s yeah that's what we're learning for like
4424s jimmy pops the overclock immediately
4426s gets slipped down so i'm trying to get
4427s out and dragons overstaying their
4429s welcome they wanted to get very
4430s aggressive on towards the c spawn point
4432s and
4433s they're going to charge now a great
4434s ability to defend but jimmy gets stuck
4436s on the geometry there i think he might
4438s have is that a bug i have no idea but it
4439s is unlucky
4440s and what that dragons they've turned
4442s this fight around who are you
4443s consolidated
4444s jimmy starts to fight for the charge but
4446s who are you ends and that's the cap as
4447s well
4449s shanghai dragons move forward and again
4452s it just comes down to that same story
4454s right charge come through they're hot
4456s right off the start if they can get some
4458s value they can win the fight but
4459s unfortunately for them dragons are
4460s playing that long game they're trying to
4462s bait you forward they're looking for
4463s that disengage opportunity and once they
4466s catch you there they are looking to turn
4467s the fight with that pivot they can
4469s invest their shout turn things around
4471s find a pick and start establishing some
4473s dominance midway through a fight i think
4475s charge just kind of keep i don't want to
4477s say falling for it but they're playing
4479s into it a little bit right i would
4481s describe it as dragons kind of
4482s disengaging well and then being able to
4484s regroup their respawners and charge them
4485s to convert off initial picks right
4487s they're not shy about getting first
4489s picks we've seen jimmy get that kill to
4490s lift
4491s they can't do much more than that boy
4493s fails rampage that's gonna entirely go
4495s why there might have been boot no idea
4496s sound barrier from zonius regardless
4498s just for the tempo he has a charge walk
4500s on four that's exactly what they need
4501s this is the first time the charge will
4503s successfully win a team fight dragons on
4506s the run
4507s back to their roost
4509s and uh a full disengage that's not gonna
4511s be turned around
4512s yeah no way to collate when you lose
4514s three of your bodies and you lose the
4516s pillar as well and the junker queen
4518s so shanghai dragons they back up but
4520s they're looking for that next
4521s opportunity sound bear is still online
4522s they're gonna have rally there as well
4524s so they should have an advantage in
4525s terms of just being able to press
4527s forward have that pressure delta in
4529s their favor and look for those picks
4532s oh there's a peg yep troy down that's
4534s what you want if you're dragging
4535s trolling 80 percent as well and effects
4537s continue once dragons get one they will
4539s get the second and further from that
4540s fairly easy who are you
4542s cleaning them up and slow burn kills
4545s also at least slow down the payload but
4547s it's a five to zero sweep here not a
4549s single member of charge could at least
4551s trade on the dragons and now dragons
4553s look forward
4555s i think one of the big things there as
4557s well as just pure economy win for them
4559s right i mean not having to utilize
4561s either of those supports that we just
4562s mentioned on top of the fact that they
4563s have great titles
4565s as well and another pick
4567s that's the power railgun once again lip
4569s i mean i don't you you talked about his
4570s ash i don't know if you got the sojourn
4572s stance for me as well sound bear
4574s sound bear not quite be popping here it
4575s is now the counter the dragon play from
4577s choice f juan but it doesn't matter what
4579s 20 does everybody is dying at me zoning
4581s it's dead in that fight this is going to
4582s be the cap charge just cannot get a frag
4585s boy's done too much here lip has done
4587s too much to open up the fight choice
4589s blade is not even going to be enough to
4591s save the guangzhou charge it's been
4593s enough in previous maps in previous
4595s situations versus any other team but
4596s versus the shanghai dragons i'm not
4599s going to call it a speed run but 153 is
4601s damn quick
4603s yeah especially on this map in
4604s particular this is a map where it's so
4606s easy to get hung up there's a couple of
4608s corners that are very difficult to get
4610s beyond especially if a defense knows how
4612s to maneuver and rotate
4614s you know you look at b and that like s
4616s curve that you have to get up the higher
4617s ground you have to push through maybe
4619s not as
4620s devastating the high ground aspect at
4622s least in this meta but even still
4624s some difficult geometry and you asked
4626s for some sojourn stats and i do have
4627s some i think you know looking back at
4629s the grav bag from you know
4631s weeks 15 through 18. the main thing that
4634s i remember seeing there and that's yeah
4636s that's unfortunate the uh
4638s baggage cart there
4641s you go
4642s anyway continue please
4644s but
4644s the i think the main thing that i
4646s noticed about those stat lines for
4648s sojourn especially when we talk about
4650s lip really hitting his stride now on it
4652s is that he had a major standout stat
4654s line that i think people aren't talking
4656s enough about and that is solo kills per
4658s 10 and the fact that you have someone
4660s that is able to just outright delete
4662s someone on their own and and it wasn't
4665s like a little bit
4667s literally double the average and well
4669s above the second place person i mean i
4672s think it was like 1.06 and i think
4673s second was somewhere around like the
4675s highest point sixes i mean
4679s the way i read into that stat line of
4681s solo kills is is also first place now we
4683s don't have a state line for first place
4684s we really should get one of those if we
4686s can but they don't currently exist the
4688s reason why i say first bloods is because
4690s as troy gets void down guess let's see
4693s points falling apart is the fact that
4695s when you get a solo kill technically on
4697s a surgeon it's like the opening
4699s railroads
4700s lift killing jimmy multiple times
4703s and dragons despite losing members like
4705s okay i was going to say they're still in
4707s this one then now it's time to back on
4708s it they need five
4709s charge yeah jimmy will swap over towards
4711s the sojourn as well as they did in the
4713s opening with troy getting who are you
4715s down as soon as dragons had five can
4717s they instantly lose
4720s all about another picks richard's all
4721s about starting early
4723s setting an advantage
4725s dragons on the other hand looking for
4726s their footing and looks like they do
4728s have it here three minutes on the time
4729s bank so
4731s not much
4732s required from charge at least just yet
4734s but dragons i think they're going to
4736s start asking
4738s this could be where they really put
4739s their foot down right so early shout has
4741s been expanded here look there it is
4743s that's what we're talking about actually
4744s that wasn't a rail kill but in case you
4746s get it
4746s jimmy does get a kill for who i use it's
4748s a one-for-one trade so far krong for who
4750s are you i mean both are really important
4752s members here i think charge
4753s they have the slightly closer respawn
4755s distance they can't really afford the
4756s taxi so you don't see zunis going back
4758s for cronk just yet
4760s troy wants to play it in but you need
4761s the player advantage and i guess player
4763s advantage technically generated kron
4765s comes back as off there's any time to go
4766s for the blade it is now no sound bearing
4768s from legion as he's still at 94 and
4770s still respawning charles can just force
4772s this fight to happen
4774s yeah i think they they expect legion
4776s going to have this barrier i think
4777s luckily for dragons they're gonna have
4778s time to build it but he's not gonna get
4780s it he's not gonna get it jimmy's too
4782s good today he's just sniped them down
4784s that's gonna be a free fight
4787s i mean
4788s stepping up since stepping in right i
4790s mean that is jimmy's story through and
4793s through he came in has definitely looked
4795s like a really strong talent especially
4797s when you talk about
4799s trying to pair up with someone like
4800s choice of wand especially in this meta
4802s here and you can already see dragons
4804s pushing into troy there but with jimmy
4806s having that overclock available how can
4808s he stand up to lift lip's going to have
4810s one himself who can get the better fire
4812s power off
4813s i mean this has just been a big
4814s turnaround for jimmy right because it
4815s was lip getting those first blood so
4816s many times so far on the other end when
4819s uh dragons were attacking both of the
4820s clocks as you mentioned is going to come
4822s on through one cleaning up easy
4824s there sound barrier now being matched on
4826s both ends of the player who are you
4827s that's looking to be the difference
4829s maker just can't quite go through all
4831s the shielding and jimmy finds the
4833s hedgehog who are you so when all is said
4834s and done jimmy gets the better of their
4836s opponents and surely continues he gets
4838s to kill the void as well this is falling
4840s apart for the dragons we talked about
4841s them maybe putting their foot down on b
4843s b is not looking too healthy for the
4845s dragons not at all and now you see some
4847s of that like spawn camp type action
4849s coming through as well for the charge
4851s gonna be backing off not looking as
4853s aggressive as the dragons but you see
4855s here dragons with the brown they're
4856s gonna be forced to utilize this in the
4858s pre-fight
4859s yeah and who i use even on the tracer
4861s recall's gone by the way so
4864s okay well charges
4866s oh they're trying to wait out the winner
4867s that makes sense yeah they are going to
4868s wait out the rally here but i'll tell
4869s you something though it does allow
4871s dragons to reclaim space i don't think
4873s it's the worst thing in the world it's
4874s quite an expensive way given that you
4875s have to pop an entire ultimate to just
4877s get the space back but coming out of the
4879s choke positioning is not comfortable
4881s either so we'll take that if you are
4882s dragons
4885s i think on top of that as well dragons
4887s having the tracer on the board as well
4888s charge are comfortable with this they
4890s know that they've waited out the rally
4892s and they don't have to deal with a genji
4895s this time void will connect last time
4897s the rampage left wanting this time he'll
4899s get wrong choice down low as well but
4901s not quite dead far away being the next
4903s target and dragons this is what i'm
4904s talking about right here x they might
4906s have used an entire rally literal zoning
4909s rally by the way that's a good mean but
4910s um off the back of it they get map
4912s control you can't underestimate how
4915s powerful map control is because if you
4916s are the team trying to come out of spawn
4918s and fighting through the choke of b to
4919s get back on the payload that's hard but
4921s when you have actual position to play
4922s with suddenly things become a lot easier
4925s yeah on top of that that fight win is
4926s critical because think about how long
4928s it's gonna take to get those rotations
4929s in back to the objective and think about
4931s also the lethality that you have to face
4933s in those rotations on top of the fact
4935s that who are you had enough time to make
4937s that spot back over the genji
4939s it's a big one from kron and it needs to
4940s be a big one because they need to get
4942s dragons off the board here to kept beach
4943s like 59 towards the plate he might still
4946s have to pull it through because the
4947s numbers do not look good for the charge
4949s they're one ahead but they need a lot
4951s more than that the blades looking good
4952s now two players caught on the wayside
4955s and a final member being
4957s taken down that's who are you on the
4958s side the shanghai dragons despite it
4961s looking like a good big defense the
4963s guangzhou charge
4964s not to be deterred not just yet the
4967s extra blade from choi required and it
4969s does the d
4970s and now we move into the final section
4972s of the map and this is i think a haven
4974s for choice right we we always talk about
4976s how choi is looking to try to take space
4978s away kind of be that head of the spear
4981s for the charge and this is a map where
4984s dragons are going to be taking away
4985s space as much as they can rotating
4987s together but if troy can actually find a
4989s nice angle to work with here he could
4991s continue to potentially find some of
4992s these opening picks again
4994s the dragon's trying to push through the
4995s choke at the top of the stairs here as
4997s well it's looking pretty difficult
4999s they are somewhat through but instantly
5001s zaki's gone so that's the rally taken
5003s off the table easy can't quite match far
5004s away and with that the dragons yeah
5006s they're not going to throw in any extra
5008s ultimates here no sound barriers they're
5009s just going to allow the charge to
5011s collect big skills 5-0 wipe exactly what
5013s the charge need dragons unfortunate
5016s can't quite engage there and this is
5018s really dangerous territory now i don't
5020s think charge can match 153 but they can
5022s definitely cap
5024s question is can they break through the
5025s dragon's advantages that they kind of
5027s have i mean you see the both of those
5029s support holes the fact that they can
5031s layer those now they can force that they
5032s can reset certainly but they also have
5034s respawn advantage and that could be huge
5036s especially when you pair it with the
5037s blade from who are you it's just going
5038s to be up a little bit faster than choice
5041s so very critical that's only got to get
5043s to the speed off because who are you is
5044s going to be looking for those kills
5046s jimmy as well he's been brilliant for
5048s those first picks
5049s has the overclock available
5052s 146 now there's still time to cap and
5055s charge they can play patiently if they
5056s want to again they can't match 153 we've
5058s accepted that vapor can they get more
5060s than that here comes jimmy now he wants
5062s some blood and the dragons will come on
5064s through they might just deliver that one
5065s who are you with the blade boy takes
5068s down krong it's already not looking
5069s great for the charge zoning speed can
5071s only do so much there's some decent
5073s trades though jimmy and choices one
5074s flying two on the opposite end it's
5076s three versus three the extra rounding
5077s from isiaki could equalize things and
5079s give dragons a bit of an advantage
5081s they've only got two members alive but
5082s here actually talked about the respawn
5084s advantage can that come through for the
5086s shanghai dragon's charge can't get any
5087s more kills it stops now they are
5089s resetting
5090s just took too long unfortunately for the
5092s charge dragon stabilized that rally
5094s helped him do it
5096s and now dragons without resources i
5098s think this looks a lot better for the
5100s charge but even still that respawn
5102s advantage you cannot count that out
5103s despite the fact that the blade is ready
5105s for choi and we've seen him get those
5107s three four five k's already he might be
5109s able to get that done but i think
5111s barring that there's still going to be a
5112s struggle ahead
5114s yeah and this is a decision for boyd to
5116s make as well because he's got to get
5117s this rampage underway
5118s krong if he dies here that's critical he
5120s fails his whole climb but he doesn't die
5122s so that's very important that charge at
5124s least retain the blade capabilities a
5126s lot of low members on the side of the
5127s dragons krong whipped his rampage but
5129s they might stop if they win the fight
5130s look how low the dragons are going down
5133s boyd catches two very low hp on
5135s everybody charged now have to be very
5137s careful and it's just a mixed bag of
5139s kills across the ball two versus three i
5140s believe and choice got a lot who are
5142s your respawns lip tries to go overclock
5144s he's dead who are you bailing touches
5146s two versus one currently the recoil's
5148s available but who are you
5150s cannot touch he tries to blink on him he
5152s might have been body blocked he might
5154s just have been a fraction of a hair off
5156s from getting the touch going because if
5158s he had managed to touch dragons with a
5160s further response would have had it that
5162s came down to a two versus one with
5164s extremely critical hp on both sides
5168s could have been a massively heroic
5169s moment from who are you and tracer there
5171s because the timing of those kills
5174s certainly favored dragons if they could
5176s just get one more body on they would
5178s have had three more right after they
5179s would have had everything they needed to
5181s actually just shut this map down right
5183s then and there but certainly respect
5185s over to charge their ability to just end
5188s it make sure that they can cancel out
5190s that stall from who are you
5192s great way to take that fight as well i
5194s mean when everything broke down you
5196s typically see dragons that's where they
5198s feel most confident and they take
5200s control but charge despite all of that
5202s and also despite the respawn advantage
5204s they found a way forward
5207s krong's a very unfortunate rampage worth
5210s but thankfully that didn't end up
5212s costing them the attack
5214s because i'll still get it done
5216s that's the kind of thing right this is
5217s where why we look at midtown and we're
5219s thinking yeah it didn't look great for
5220s the charge but maybe they can just watch
5222s on through a flight it feels like that
5223s exact clutch on through all the fight
5225s just occurred on that sea offense so
5227s we're gonna go to
5228s time bank now a minute versus 242
5233s charge had just i think barely enough
5234s time to work through there uh expect
5236s jimmy to go from the i was going to say
5238s ash but he'll actually go forwards
5240s would it make the first and foremost
5242s obviously still can just play the ash on
5244s the exit as again they're trying to
5246s break the spawn hole right so this is a
5247s good character
5250s oh already investment of the shot void
5252s goes down in spite of that dragons i
5254s mean they're just backed off immediately
5255s right
5256s they have to
5257s yeah they'll be lucky to not lose more
5259s than that but i think who i used it so
5260s that's gonna be four out of five gondola
5261s the only survivor
5263s i don't think they can chase them down
5265s yeah he's too far away but
5267s four out of five void going down
5268s straight away it's uh that's a rough one
5270s troy gets a parting gift from that now
5272s remember herex with one minute
5274s everything counts here for the dragons
5275s for the charge rather so i mean as much
5277s distance as they can get if they can cap
5278s a i think they'll be in a winning
5279s position winnable i think
5281s yeah i think the biggest thing for the
5282s dragons though is that they know that
5284s charge have to play the cart right they
5285s have to play on the car which means that
5288s one of their players or potentially
5289s multiple player their players if they
5291s swap around that duty is gonna be forced
5293s to play a very static position in this
5296s meta you do not want that
5299s jimmy just got completely dashed in by
5301s who are you but we'll survive the green
5302s hp from wrong mining shot will save the
5304s day here no ultimates on board just yet
5306s from either team dragons in a great
5308s defendable position and lip i think he
5311s caught somebody with a rail gun but
5312s didn't get the kill in fact they are the
5313s ones that lose members they've got two
5314s down now three two alive for dragons
5316s it's not enough to hold up we talk about
5318s charge capping a to give themselves a
5320s wonderful position and they might just
5322s get that lip with the fade away kill
5324s but only lip alive not gonna be enough
5327s starting to wonder if the broader
5329s storyline about charge the fact they had
5332s a rocky start turn things back around
5334s heating up potentially at the right time
5337s could that be the same story that we
5338s have here in this series now in overtime
5341s they continue this push two fight wins
5343s in a row decisive ones at that i mean
5346s this feels like a kind of different gear
5349s for the charge already and i will be a
5351s little bit concerned for jimmy because
5352s you don't have the same pop-up potential
5354s on the ash like you do on the sojourn
5355s can't just get those opening picks the
5356s way that lip cans will see if looking
5358s down deliver that with the overclock
5359s choice of one he pulls plate he's dead
5361s soon he just couldn't save him from now
5362s on critical hp and that will probably be
5364s the fight done now you pop both support
5366s ultimates but there's not enough players
5368s still alive and legit going with a
5370s celebration sound barrier jimmy can do
5372s nothing on the side zernius the soul
5374s lucio
5375s waves goodbye to the payload and the
5377s guangzhou charge it was a good effort
5380s they're right on that second hairpin
5383s going up the hill of b gotta say though
5385s it's a respectable amount of distance
5387s and effort coming through from the
5388s ground charge but when that fight
5390s started to go the way of dragons it
5391s really went the way of dragons
5392s initiating match
5395s i i love that though from charge i feel
5397s like with what they had the resources
5399s that were available they got so much
5401s value i mean especially from the time
5405s now dragons where i mean considerable
5408s advantage coming into round three now
5410s moving into around four here it i mean
5413s that advantage feels all but gone right
5415s i mean certainly yes it's still dragons
5417s but you look ahead what needs to happen
5419s for dragons to equalize it or rather
5422s surpass more importantly and you're
5425s looking at three fight wins probably
5428s that you have to take unless things go
5430s very differently and maybe you can fit a
5432s fourth if you're the charge remember
5434s three fight wins is asking a lot 240.
5437s there's uh there's one other extra
5438s important thing as well you do see a lot
5440s of teams after capping a you get a lot
5442s of free push and a lot of very
5443s aggressive you know movements from four
5446s members while one person is pushing
5447s payload four members are running at the
5450s literal spawn of the defending team as
5452s both the genjis will wave at each other
5453s through the opening spawn gates here uh
5456s and also how successful the charge
5458s opening spawn camp is
5460s will be very telling because this is
5461s where you shave time off you can get a
5463s somewhat successful spawn camp
5464s dragons lose that time but the most
5466s important thing is
5468s dragons or rather charged cannot allow
5470s dragons to get that sort of momentum
5472s that a lot of teams usually get on b
5474s that will be the end of their map and
5475s their series if that happens
5479s oh nice first pick there from charge and
5481s the momentum that dragon needs to
5482s establish early on
5485s oh
5486s not going to get it
5488s with these flights jimmyable you can
5490s always get those opening frags which is
5492s any frags
5493s look now comes through on the watermaker
5494s so it's a mixed bag of like different
5496s you know opening hero choices yeah the
5498s watermark eventually gets ogen as the
5501s payload starts pushing on through so
5502s you'll say that's been semi-successful
5504s for charge so far i mean they haven't
5505s dropped members they got kills
5508s dragons are slowed down you mentioned
5509s that even with two something minutes
5511s it's you know it can be tricky so if
5513s charge can win from this positioning
5515s this opening a has to be pretty damn
5517s good
5520s at least a win there for dragons one of
5522s the fights that they would have had to
5523s have won they actually just take because
5525s of pressure so they didn't even have to
5527s win that fight to start sending this
5529s cart forward now we get into the second
5531s stage this front corner here coming
5533s around this turn this is all important
5535s they have to find prong if they want to
5537s keep pushing forward the kron's low he
5539s is going to be the target here shanghai
5541s dragons have loved to go for it but
5542s choice it won i mean they'll get both
5544s they'll get three they just keep on
5545s going zones and jimmy now only ones are
5547s alive they're trying to slow things down
5548s look if you are going to lose the fight
5549s you want to go on the payload to at
5550s least slow things down and this is now
5552s the difficult position for the charge to
5554s be in as the payload does come on
5556s through dragons
5558s think about pushing further forward but
5559s you also notice that charge lost that
5561s fight while the payload was not quite at
5564s the end just yet so this will give
5565s charge an opportunity to at least
5566s regroup
5568s big thing here for dragons they get that
5570s cap they still have a minute you look at
5572s time to old for all these characters
5574s they're all even across the board for
5575s the dragons there's more than enough
5577s opportunity here for them and they even
5579s could potentially lose this fight and
5580s still have that opportunity next
5582s although i think right now given their
5584s advantage
5585s it's all right here
5586s you have to be careful because the
5587s dragons lose they can't get spawn kept
5588s as well and that is probably going to be
5590s exactly what they need who are you pulls
5591s the blade shout to come on through sound
5593s barriers mixed in from both sides the
5595s rallies will not be pulled to both ends
5596s as well choices one down charge can't
5599s pull their own play they're down to only
5600s four members jimmy has the same day
5601s jimmy has to get this overclock in
5603s otherwise it could be lights out lip
5604s will get the overclock first putting the
5606s rails and looking for the damage and the
5607s right damage has been found from the far
5609s way it's falling apart charge this is
5611s the final defense jimmy gets shut down
5613s there's not gonna be the rail coming
5614s through it's not going to be any savior
5616s or saving moments from the grand jury
5618s charge it was a great effort second
5621s uh hamp in there
5622s a decent amount of distance on their
5624s attack but the shanghai dragons they
5626s will not be denied the three and zero it
5628s was competitive but i think the dragons
5631s we expected them to win we expect them
5633s to win by quite a clean margin as well
5635s and they've done all the above
5637s i think coming away from this series as
5639s well as of course we're gonna have so
5641s many conversations about shanghai
5643s dragons and you know obviously what
5645s they're capable of especially now that
5647s it feels like they're looking more like
5649s the shanghai dragons that we're used to
5652s but charge i feel like coming into this
5654s we had that early question right we had
5657s that question of what is their ceiling i
5659s think now we have at least an indication
5661s maybe not a full answer but at least an
5663s indication of what that may be and i
5665s think that puts them more in line with
5666s some of the
5667s uh other teams that are here obviously
5669s there's
5670s still the potential of seeing them take
5672s on shanghai dragons again and they've
5674s gotten better over time so perhaps that
5676s could look like a great match in the
5678s future if they get there but either way
5681s charge looks just phenomenal
5685s yeah and uh this is maybe a crazy take
5687s here x but this game in some ways
5689s reminds me of the seoul shanghai game as
5691s well it's a 3-0 but it kind of feels
5693s close to giving the absolutely good play
5695s uh so i think there's still a bit of
5697s hope there still left for the guangzhou
5699s charge but play the match here for the
5700s shanghai dragons their threesome victory
5702s is gonna go to who are you i think it
5704s was you know a very obvious pick he's
5706s got a number of the player matches so
5708s far in this particular season and he
5710s doesn't disappoint in this game i think
5712s the early oasis did look a little bit
5714s rough when troy was getting them better
5716s of him in several fights not every
5718s single fight but a couple of them but as
5720s the series went on here i think who are
5722s you just uh you just leveled up more and
5723s more and more and the charge failed to
5725s contain it
5726s yeah this would actually be a really
5727s hard one for me to to go through and
5729s select because obviously if charge wins
5731s you're looking at choice of one because
5733s of how much value they got early in the
5735s fight lip had some really strong first
5738s opening picks that kind of set the tone
5740s for dragons and allowed them to turn
5741s back around but obviously the
5742s performance from who are you it's all
5744s about consistency with this player right
5747s it's just over the course of how many
5749s years has this player been considered
5752s one of if not the best genji's and now
5754s we're in a meta where he can just go
5756s lights out that's exactly what we got
5758s here even against choice of one who was
5760s playing so well where you still stood up
5762s to that test
5764s yeah even despite him basically being
5766s benched the entire year last year you
5768s know he kind of got a free ring off the
5771s you know shanghai dragons championship
5772s despite playing i think 20 minutes total
5775s now he is legitimately a starting member
5777s uh and i think the most important member
5779s on the team i mean all the biggest
5780s successes that dragons have had have
5782s been off the back of who are you
5783s specifically on the genji and if they
5785s are to win this tournament if the
5786s dragons are to bounce back finally and
5788s get their first title of 2022 it's crazy
5791s that we're we're still talking about
5792s their first title 20 20 they haven't
5794s gotten anything yet it will be off the
5795s back of whoever
5799s the summer showdown and uh move through
5801s they do as they will now head towards
5803s our winner bracket final and they will
5805s be they're waiting for the winner of our
5807s next series philadelphia fusion
5809s versus the seoul dynasty so um quantum
5812s charge moving down the office face to
5814s loser here uh an expected result here x
5817s let's go to a bit of a quick break here
5819s when we come back for the
5821s breakdown we'll talk about a little bit
5823s more how we felt about that series and
5824s moving forward as well so see you soon
5830s the on watchig is brought to you by
5831s upper deck the official trading card of
5834s the overwatch league
5835s and by teamspeak the official voice
5838s supplier of the overwatch league
5857s [Music]
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5879s [Music]
5896s [Applause]
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6024s welcome to game break here i'm going to
6026s charge over and three down versus the
6028s dragons in a full sweep victory heading
6031s now into the winners finals so uh strong
6035s looking dragons as we expected but as
6037s you can also see from the score line
6039s below you it wasn't without a bit of
6041s turmoil i mean the charge really
6043s especially i think on circle royale here
6045s x kind of uh gave it to the dragons made
6047s it competitive
6049s yeah i think that's been kind of the
6050s story for the dragons for their last two
6052s series right they've had to actually
6053s battle
6054s and when you tie in the fusion matchup
6057s where they lost a map there as well this
6059s has certainly been
6060s dragons put to a test in a big way and i
6064s think a lot of that test came on to who
6067s are you here with choice of one really
6069s focusing him out trying to take him out
6071s of these fights but dragons i think the
6073s best thing that they did for themselves
6074s was adapt to that strategy where you
6077s start playing a little bit further back
6079s they started playing more disengaged
6080s centric and the dragons found a way to
6083s kind of play the mid fight to their
6085s advantage instead
6086s and i really liked some of the you know
6088s mid game decision making by the shanghai
6091s dragons um and part of that crucially
6093s for me was on circle royale when again
6095s they had that
6096s what was it the the brigitte rally from
6099s izuyaki which pushed charged back and
6101s charged respected enough to just like
6103s not even engage it and it was a zoning
6105s rally but that was enough like a zorring
6107s rally
6108s actually then
6109s led to the shanghai dragons putting
6110s themselves in a positional advantage
6112s position to get a fight win and kind of
6114s snowball from this i think that just
6116s stuff like that where you're willing to
6118s give up ultimates that give you no
6120s tangible value but the intangibles the
6122s intangible of like kind of forcing the
6124s charge away and buying yourself space
6126s ends up giving you a lot to work through
6127s just stuff like that is great to see
6128s from dragons
6130s yeah i think that's probably a more
6131s nuanced version of what you see out of
6133s baiting ultimates to get out of spawn
6135s holds
6136s i think when you look at the dragons
6138s what they're really really good about is
6141s finding those little advantages and
6143s really exploiting them other teams i
6145s think aren't as consistent they
6147s certainly know them i mean we have to
6148s give respect to all the teams that are
6150s here even a team that we're going to be
6152s seeing a little bit later that only has
6153s two wins every one of these teams is
6156s very very smart they understand how to
6158s play this and i think the major
6159s difference with dragons is the fact that
6161s they're extremely consistency about
6165s sorry consistent with the things that
6167s they're able to exploit and how often
6169s they're able to do it and when they
6171s start getting exploited they can adapt
6172s very much on the fly like we saw after
6175s that first map yeah it just seems like
6177s you know despite charge being number
6179s three seed here four and two record the
6181s only two losses were to seoul and
6182s shanghai
6183s they still haven't been able to sort of
6185s cross their barrier of getting one map
6186s versus shanghai so it's a zero and six
6188s versus shanghai so far in this
6190s particular tournament stage in the
6191s summer showdown across both qualifiers
6193s and now the tournament itself but the
6194s tournament here x does continue we're
6196s going to go to another break when we
6197s come back fusion versus dynasty it's
6199s number two versus number four we've seen
6201s this match up so many times in the past
6203s and it does deliver so we'll see you on
6205s the other side for match number two
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6350s so
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6421s welcome to the overwatch league here for
6423s the summer showdown tournament with me
6425s avril and herrick's about to head into
6428s our second matchup of the day we just
6430s witnessed the shanghai dragons getting a
6431s 3-0 sweep versus the guangzhou charge
6434s and now it's time for philly to take on
6436s the seoul dynasty
6438s yeah this was going to be the match that
6440s i mean granted in the first series we
6441s got a great one but this was feeling
6443s like it was gonna be
6444s really i think the most hotly contested
6447s series that we're gonna see today
6448s hopefully that still pans out but seoul
6451s dynasty they're a team that you know
6453s i think seoul dynasty
6456s they're one of the best teams in this
6458s region there's a lot of discussion
6459s though of course about are we seeing a
6461s little bit of a mirroring effect to
6463s mid-season madness i think you know
6465s certainly as we talk more about them we
6467s could probably temper that at least to a
6469s degree but fusion they played spoiled to
6472s both of these teams seoul dynasty and of
6474s course shanghai dragons they had those
6476s golden stages set up and fusion spoiled
6478s those they have i think like we talked
6480s about already a little bit of a layer of
6482s chaos about them they can play the
6484s spoiler they also have the potential to
6486s have a really high ceiling and take
6488s series potentially not just maps against
6490s some of these teams that are more
6491s potentially established right
6493s well let's meet the opening lineup for
6494s the philadelphia fusion and yes it is m3
6497s on board currently as uh you know we
6499s we've had long discussions about what
6501s fusion are trying to achieve in terms of
6503s their substitutions uh cafe played the
6506s majority of the games the qualifier but
6508s uh you know fusion really struggled and
6510s since having m3 back on the siding
6511s lineup they've you know come back into
6513s form we look at their final week's worth
6515s of performances but versus seoul
6517s and the win versus hunger spark i mean
6519s it definitely does
6520s give you a good feeling about fusion now
6522s having this upswing late into the
6525s tournament qualify into the extra
6526s tournament itself and that's dangerous
6528s and this is why i think dragons wanted
6530s to avoid the philadelphia fusion in the
6531s opening matchup because we saw them
6533s three zero quantum they're comfortable
6534s versus the guangzhou charge fusion as
6537s you mentioned it's a mixed bag because
6539s their peaks are so high look their lows
6541s have been very low as well
6543s when the fusion really kick into high
6544s gear they can be anybody here they can
6546s beat the dragons they can beat the soul
6547s dynasty and if you are fusion i don't
6549s think you're even necessarily scared of
6551s soul today even though they've had your
6552s number in the past seoul have beaten the
6554s fusion
6555s this year especially far more than
6557s fusion have been evil been able to beat
6559s souls just at one time right and
6561s still have to be careful here because
6562s fusion have only looked to go from
6564s strength to strength but they have to
6565s find that level of consistency now at
6568s seoul dynasty we'll take a look at their
6569s starting lineup as well they have been
6572s one of our most dominant teams this year
6574s they started as our most dominant team
6577s in the summer showdown qualifiers and
6579s they're still our second seed for a good
6580s reason
6582s yeah absolutely i think you know again
6584s just to bring up there's a lot of talk
6586s okay are we are we getting seoul dynasty
6588s back into kind of that
6590s mid-season madness swing or is this
6592s something different i think
6594s we can at least sort of answer that
6596s right i mean starting off 12-0 in maps
6598s they had a great
6600s start to this tournament or rather this
6602s this stage and now going into this
6604s tournament
6605s yes they did drop a series but it was
6607s against shanghai and yes it was a 3-0
6610s but it was a lot closer i mean certainly
6612s you look at that that that series and i
6615s think you could easily tell that the
6617s score line doesn't necessarily reflect
6620s what happens when you look at the film
6622s when you look at what how
6623s everything actually broke down and at an
6626s individual level dynasty still has
6628s incredible talent and it's not like you
6629s just lose out on what started you off so
6632s hot early on in this stage i think
6635s really this is more of a situation where
6638s philly fusion can easily play up to some
6640s of these teams and i think we need to
6641s start respecting that and seoul dynasty
6643s they took a loss for the dragons but
6645s again it's the dragons and it was a lot
6647s closer than the 3-0 would otherwise
6649s suggest
6650s and i've called this matchup in the past
6651s this rivalry is a spaghetti bowl in an
6653s endearing way uh and
6656s really in a daring way because
6657s especially this year both teams have
6659s looked a lot more solid compared to
6661s previous you know seasons of the
6662s overwatch league especially for the sol
6664s dynasty now they've actually have a
6666s title under their belt their first ever
6668s title and their organizers organizations
6670s history fusion still left one thing for
6672s that one that's why the kick of clash
6673s final was so great because somebody had
6675s to win right it was such a legendary
6678s match-up and uh you know rivalry leading
6680s into it so
6681s it does kind of continue because these
6683s two teams i think it's eight and five is
6686s the overall record between them favoring
6687s seoul but uh this year so far two in one
6690s of rather three in one could they extend
6692s that one further
6693s in the past in 2021 it's gone two and
6695s two so fusion were a lot closer that
6697s year but now with fusion sort of looking
6699s a lot more dangerous catching up in that
6701s three and two victory that seoul dynasty
6703s got over fusion that's one that i think
6706s seoul are probably not too pleased with
6707s they probably would have enjoyed a much
6709s cleaner game and for fusion i don't
6711s think they can be too upset about that
6712s either they still managed to qualify by
6714s beating hangzhou and they took a very
6715s close game to seoul which now they can
6717s rectify by beating seoul if they can do
6720s that first map gonna be in nepal
6723s already uh very interesting start here i
6725s think nepal you know we look at some of
6727s these control maps and i think a lot of
6729s the discussion around this map starter
6732s especially in this meta is that there's
6734s not as much of a difference
6736s generally when you talk about the
6737s different control maps but i think that
6739s when you start to take into account the
6741s playstyle differences
6743s that these teams are going to have
6745s especially now that you talk about the
6747s mixed bag that fusion can often be
6749s especially when we've really had limited
6752s looks at mn3 being a part of this as
6754s well that could very drastically change
6755s the way that fusion play
6757s i think seoul dynasty versus fusion
6760s getting a good read here in this first
6762s map is going to be pivotal for how the
6764s rest of this series could go
6766s all right we'll see how it breaks down
6767s because the seoul dynasty did lose the
6769s opening oasis to philadelphia fusion in
6771s their last match up against three to two
6773s victory for seoul but they dropped the
6774s opening away so they did pick up the
6776s final busan map so control going both
6779s ways one and one a piece fits starting
6781s out here on the sergeant i'm not the
6783s sergeant of the ash rather it's gonna be
6784s soldier for mn3 smoke already taking a
6786s bit of damage both teams have now popped
6788s the commanding shouts salt dynasty kind
6790s of locked up in the lobby though they
6792s need to break on out
6793s and out they come
6795s possessed but the game just trying to
6796s create some damage as this falls first
6799s looks like fusion can actually back off
6802s here at least a little bit and they need
6804s to they don't want to give away too much
6805s old charge i mean once you lose a fight
6808s like that you lose control early and
6809s you're also kind of giving this slow
6812s push over to the dynasty where they're
6814s going to get even more of a lead here
6816s on top of the fact that they're playing
6818s the ash so getting set up defensively
6820s here is going to bode well for them as
6822s things move forward i think that's
6824s probably the main concern if i'm fusion
6826s i think you you need to have good sight
6828s lines for fits as well as your
6829s defendable angles i think the difficulty
6831s of playing ash in this meta is that it's
6833s a lot easier to flank and actually just
6834s get on top of an ash whereas you know
6836s sergeant has a lot more to play with in
6837s her kit i think the disruptive shot
6839s importantly will kind of make things
6841s difficult for a genji and also the first
6843s potential soldier is so much higher is
6845s also fitz might be playing a little bit
6847s uphill if he's not too careful then dame
6848s gets away with his life zest didn't have
6850s the dash available to go on in to find
6852s the execution
6854s point though might just get capped over
6855s is contested have to be careful about
6856s that one soul can't let that one go away
6858s from three
6859s blades should be coming up soon stalker
6861s on 95 sulker and just gets a kill on the
6863s fixture so it might not even matter here
6865s prophet needs to be a little bit careful
6867s to not die with the rally seoul dynasty
6869s versus two okay that got a little bit
6870s tricky him and three popped up with two
6872s shots there herrick's but it will still
6873s go the way i'll solve dynasty to retain
6875s the cap they retain most it plays alive
6878s in three got tricky but still dynasty
6880s don't lose
6881s it's interesting to see what how these
6882s fights take place too because this is
6884s certainly a much slower tempo than what
6886s we just had in our previous match up
6888s we're seeing pressure definitely getting
6890s placed down upon dynasty but they're not
6892s utilizing a lot of their resources to
6894s stabilize they're allowing their team to
6896s kind of sit at about half hp and then
6898s once the fusion commits that's when they
6900s do as well
6901s okay here's the committal now aiming
6902s three going into bob responds to the
6904s opposite end i believe just got moved
6905s back slightly and now pooped off the map
6907s sophia will just take care of the bomb
6910s goodbye stalker low hp wants to pull
6912s play they're playing patiently here they
6913s being assault dynasty they still have
6915s point control but now the swaps and the
6917s trades rather will come on through four
6919s versus three play to save the day zest
6921s needs to get something good done out of
6922s here because with fix it gone and ain't
6924s got dead there's just no supports and
6925s it's final fight church he's sold
6926s dynasty he might just get a 100 to zero
6928s finisher zest
6930s he needs to do a lot more on that but he
6931s just can't because the supports of seoul
6933s dynasty keeps everybody up final ram
6936s patron smurf goes across fixer i believe
6938s that was an ajax unlucky and 100 has
6942s been found but even had fixer dropped in
6944s the sound barrier i don't know that it
6946s would have made a difference
6948s yeah a desperate investment there for
6949s fusion i mean forced because of the fact
6951s that dynasty was just on top of them as
6954s soon as we saw dynasty win out that
6955s neutral engagement
6957s they were just easily in control and i
6959s think a lot of that certainly determined
6961s by the fact that their cooldown usage is
6963s just so effective against this playstyle
6965s that fusion are trying to go for where
6966s they're out pressuring constantly trying
6968s to find that opening and see zest trying
6971s to invest and finding that execution
6973s like we saw between choi
6975s and who are you but dynasty they're
6978s they're the team that is playing that
6979s disengage style they're looking to
6980s absorb that pressure and then once
6982s fusion commits they still have resources
6984s they still have cooldowns despite their
6985s health part not seeming like they do
6988s they do
6989s and fitz was well protected there as
6990s well he had zero deaths as well as smurf
6992s with zero deaths on that first opening
6993s round hundred to zero so you know you
6996s you know it's difficult for you when
6997s your ash is kind of struggling that
6999s match up uh is not being defended well
7001s but uh fitz was just kind of free firing
7003s for the most part which is what you want
7005s out of space in that specific situation
7007s into the second round though bunch of
7009s damage being taken by salt dynasty but
7011s returning to the case and look at that i
7013s mean despite stalker dashing in for the
7015s kill to aim god it will be fitz finding
7017s him as well as zest and once again the
7019s soul virus is getting a very early clean
7021s up onto the photo fusion and fairly
7023s responsive next stork is the only dead
7024s so far and he'll remain the only death
7026s in the first fight
7028s really good start here for seoul dynasty
7030s i think that's again why i try to play
7033s down the notion that seoul dynasty is
7035s for some reason fizzling out because we
7037s saw them take one loss against
7039s the shanghai dragons and they dropped
7041s the map as well well this is still seoul
7043s dynasty and they're here to stay it
7045s seems like they're still one of those
7046s top teams in this region but
7048s philadelphia fusion they have to turn up
7049s the heat right here and right now
7051s another potentially neutral fight
7053s obviously positional control the dynasty
7055s but pass to find a pick here fusion to
7058s be able to move forward
7059s yeah and it's been you know 130 percent
7062s worth of including sanctum as well where
7064s people haven't won a fight yet so this
7066s entire opening has been pretty dangerous
7068s so stalker deflect the railgun shot so
7071s foreign thankfully not back into his own
7072s head
7074s but are struggling here from fusion to
7075s be able to walk on full they really are
7077s trying to rely on m three to maybe find
7078s an opening and there it is they get what
7079s they wanted salt danish is now down by
7081s one for the definition can finally walk
7083s on four can they get more they will get
7085s more possessed gets punished there's
7086s still a four being three supporters
7088s about to come online in the three
7090s virtual further member and mn3 is just
7093s popping up three kills so far make it
7095s four the rails have been phenomenal here
7097s and three he's got about have the
7099s overclock already
7101s i remember too man three came in kind of
7103s late in the season as well got injected
7106s in here
7107s to try to find some other way for the
7109s fusion and it seems to have worked i
7111s mean between m3 and zest they feel so
7113s fluid together like they really have
7116s something there and now we can see in
7118s control especially with the overclock
7120s can they find picks against the double
7121s support that dynasty have we'll find out
7124s because the first couple of rails are
7125s now firing on through and they really
7126s want smurf down shouts already been used
7128s profit trying to keep the players up via
7130s the rallies extra sound barriers still
7132s being held on through vintay wants to
7133s save that one possessed who does take a
7135s bit of a damage and even three just at
7137s least profit goodbye out of the server
7138s five versus four m three's rails
7140s continue to find value in this round so
7143s far on trying the salt dynasty they look
7145s like they're just gonna back on out they
7147s need five
7148s they have to profit down
7150s and on top of that
7151s a big trade for fusion they're getting
7153s back in control here
7155s great investment great pick there as
7157s well
7159s this is just it's never ending
7160s immigration keeps poor piling on the
7163s damage of the soul dynasty
7165s and a soul dynasty
7167s consistently out of four versus five in
7169s these last couple of fights and engages
7172s and look at the economy as well here
7173s experience about to get this rampage
7175s about with four lights online look seoul
7176s also have about four ultimates coming in
7179s but unless they can get past him and
7180s three on the rotation it's just looking
7182s bad for salt they have plenty to play
7185s through here so opportunity on board i
7187s mean three downfits gets his revenge
7188s it's been it's such an important member
7190s to get down early fixing low hp some
7192s blame to pop the sound barrier vindem
7193s already popped smurf coming through the
7195s rampage in just a hot second and s has
7197s his blade shut down stalker still
7199s slashing takes down ain't got no more
7201s rally available fix it did in that fight
7203s as well no chance to pop the sound barry
7204s and the salt dynasty off the back of
7206s killing airmen three early from fitz's
7208s rail will get the job done
7212s huge win for them obviously getting that
7213s first pick that's pivotal it's set
7216s things up so well for them because now
7218s you talk about the reward well fusion
7220s has sound barrier but they i mean they
7222s invested three ultimates into a fight
7223s that they then lost and now dynasty if
7225s they win this next one that could clear
7227s it they could go 200 here as long as
7230s they remain vigilant and composed and
7232s this one looks so much better for the
7233s fusion but still you have to get past
7235s seoul in a position position of
7238s defending here with smurf coming up
7239s towards the rampage
7241s again fix it held on to sound barrier
7242s didn't get to use the last fight could
7244s be important here that's another
7245s deflected rail but again doesn't go into
7247s him and three it's fits to pull the
7249s overclock fixture just sound bearish
7250s can't afford to lose their smurf can now
7252s wait for the rampage to find maximum
7254s value it does only get the one i believe
7256s he was pooped in there they can still
7257s get that kill properly swept on low hp
7259s fury as well quite low but is this
7261s falling first when dame gets that kill
7263s so thanos gets 99 they can finish this
7265s one right here and now airmen three
7267s trying to put a stop this off even three
7269s try to save the day extra rally from
7270s profit to come on through its low hp for
7272s seoul even three though he's struggling
7274s to find these skills he's trying to find
7275s the picks and fitz is now in towards his
7277s face so vanessa they're about to get
7280s this one if fusion can't find any
7282s responses they can't even touch
7284s they can't even touch zest tried didn't
7286s get that
7288s unfortunate way for fusion to
7290s kind of fizzle out on that first map but
7293s either way i think
7294s they have found a way to adapt to this i
7296s think a lot of that is done through mn3
7298s just being able to click people's heads
7300s much the same like we saw from you know
7302s lip in the last series but either way
7306s anything that you can find any value
7308s that you can attribute to getting some
7310s fight wins under your belt and actually
7312s establishing yourself in this series is
7313s something you're going to do and i think
7314s that's a big reason why fusion invested
7317s into mn3 and even more so invested in
7319s him
7320s now more than ever because he's able to
7323s turn the tides of a series just slightly
7325s but still of course we have to kind of
7328s set expectations as they should be in
7330s that dynasty they're still a top team
7333s and they've established that yet again
7335s yeah despite mm3's heroics on that
7336s second round right it just wasn't quite
7338s enough that i think 4k from m3 was one
7340s of the better lines of you know
7342s sequences in terms of highlight from the
7344s sojourn play that we've seen so far it
7346s was just really beautiful to see but you
7348s need a lot more from the fusion you need
7349s the rest of players being able to match
7351s up there as well very slow game and very
7354s slow start for zest who you normally
7356s expect to be in that carry position have
7358s to see if zest and the rest of fusion
7360s can bounce back on map number two that
7361s will be their pick as well but for now
7363s we'll take a bit of a break see you soon
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7590s um
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7605s well i have some good news here here x
7606s fixer did in fact not uh ajax on that
7609s first round but unfortunately the bad
7610s news is it still ends up in a 2-0 so it
7613s doesn't really help either way whether
7614s the beat lands or not there for the
7616s philadelphia fusion a rough play to
7618s start up billy was 100 to zero on
7620s sanctum a lot closer on that second
7622s round 80 plus accumulated i think maybe
7624s even 90 therefore fusion but you know m3
7626s can only do so much for the team
7629s yeah i think certainly the rest of
7631s fusion fusion's gonna have to step up
7632s and i think they're more than capable of
7634s doing just that as we've seen already
7636s this is
7638s a varying degree of of pacing and tempo
7641s obviously in our last series we saw
7643s things really really high octane just
7646s running each other down trying to find
7647s those opening picks
7649s initially things were slowed down soul
7651s really kind of helped to dictate things
7653s in that fashion of course a lot of that
7655s comes down to the fact that they were
7657s simply just using fits on an ash so they
7660s needed to do that but then once it came
7662s down to the mirror a lot more chaotic
7665s and i think that's where fusion once
7667s they start to establish some some better
7669s comfort in this series as a whole and
7672s they start getting a download out on
7674s okay what is dynasty doing well because
7676s they've been doing it well throughout
7677s the entirety of of this stage
7680s what could we do to start mitigating
7682s some of the efforts that they're doing
7683s and then also how can we enable zest in
7685s particular because obviously mn3 is
7687s doing what he's doing already
7689s now it's time to get zest involved again
7691s as we know he can
7692s i've got a couple of stat lines as well
7694s from that previous map that i think are
7696s quite a bit telling
7697s m3 obviously did as you'd expect he got
7699s the the largest amount of final blows on
7701s his team by quite a fair margin by the
7702s way he goes 10 for mn3 and then two for
7704s zest and then you know one for fear et
7706s cetera so it's like 10 and then two it's
7708s quite a large gap there so zest
7710s unfortunately just couldn't quite get
7712s too much done on the the genji but also
7714s across the board the damage was there
7715s for philly fusion they only did about
7717s 260 less damage as an entire team of
7721s five compared to seoul dynasty who only
7722s had by that amount and yep they were
7725s below they were down by nine final blows
7726s so the salt dynasty were hit by nine
7728s total final blows while only being ahead
7730s by 260 damage overall that really says
7732s to me that fusion kind of struggled to
7734s clean up members there there was also a
7735s lot more healing done by the sole
7737s dynasty so they're low hp they're in a
7739s position where they could die but then
7740s they get healed back up they disengage
7742s well and they don't lose numbers yeah i
7744s think a lot of that damage just came in
7746s pre-fight for fusion before everything
7747s really could stick whereas dynasty again
7750s they held their cooldowns they were
7751s looking for that pivot and they're doing
7752s that again here as well you can see them
7754s kind of posturing up onto the high
7755s ground and again utilizing fits on the
7757s ash they want fusion to come forward at
7760s them
7761s this is really a lot of fits ash that
7763s we're seeing today and i think hollywood
7765s will probably remember for 20 21 was a
7766s lot of fits ash finding values also
7768s replicating some of that performance
7770s through
7773s fusion are giving up a lot of space here
7775s fury obviously low hp hit the back on
7776s now the shot expended
7778s vin dame could be the first target no
7780s one cleaning him up there it is fix will
7781s find a very wayward headshot but you
7783s take those you take this for shorts one
7785s tick regardless for salt whether it's
7786s one or lose but they haven't been quite
7788s cleaned up circle will get a trade on to
7791s aim guard gonna be enough for seoul to
7793s get further than that the fusion have
7794s the player advantage and they will
7795s capitalize on said player advantage but
7797s like i also mentioned here x there is
7799s one tick given away
7801s and of course as well i mean you talk
7803s about shout timings that's one of the
7804s hardest things to see because one of the
7807s best ways to see it is if you could just
7808s barely make it out in the top left or
7811s top right of your screen or you hear it
7813s but that really favored fusion there
7815s they had a great timing mid-fight that
7817s they were able to just establish their
7819s dominance once they got slightly ahead
7821s and helped stabilize them as well now
7823s look at looking forward i'm expecting
7825s dynasty to kind of temper that
7827s aggression just a tad remember they
7829s still have fits on the ash so they want
7830s to poke out fusion as much as possible
7834s but they nearly got the second tick here
7835s as well fusion have to respond very
7837s quickly zest
7838s to build the blade they'll have the
7839s earlier sound barriers although it's
7840s very important because vin dame is far
7841s away stalker is still a reasonable
7843s length away as well from receiving his
7845s own ultimate confusion pull the trigger
7847s or pull the blade at any point yet and
7849s they might be forced to two ticks now
7851s giving away fusion just giving the
7852s objectives to the soul plessy
7855s bush does need to come to shove here
7857s double rallies pulled on through smurfs
7859s deleted what's going on there smurf went
7861s very far forward in seoul could not
7862s support him up in the three takes down
7864s fitz and with the blade coming through
7866s this will finally get a kill it's enough
7868s for the philadelphia fusion to win
7869s another fight but he eric's a second
7871s tick given away
7873s yeah i think fusion certainly would like
7875s to have at least that back but you can
7876s see them pushing up a little bit farther
7878s forward they know that seoul dynasty is
7880s building some of their ultimates but
7881s they may not be quite there yet so it's
7883s time to go defense is slow puts us down
7886s mm3 pulls that trigger on the overclock
7888s straight away this is a bold strategy
7890s coming through from the philadelphia
7891s fusion they want to get very aggressive
7892s and in three and four she goes a little
7893s bit too far up he was out of the loss of
7895s all of his healers and smith will now
7897s claim aim god as well this is for
7899s leading punish i think soul will count
7900s from here absolutely too many plays from
7903s fully down and this is the disengaged
7905s star by the way the ultimates here x
7907s seoul don't even have to alt they
7909s already got two ticks they got a cap
7911s all just came from an over extension
7913s there and i think that's why we you know
7915s we talk about philly fusion it's really
7917s hard to get a good feed on where they're
7920s at because when when they're playing
7922s well they're playing very well but
7925s sometimes there's just those little
7926s things that happen that other teams can
7928s take advantage of like seoul dynasty and
7931s of course like shanghai dragons as well
7933s i just don't think you can afford to
7935s kiss the spawn doors there right at me
7936s m3 fighting a lot more off than he can
7939s chew for sure and if you are fusion if
7941s you're going to lose a you want to burn
7943s ultimates off of dynasty here you're
7944s going to get another first pick
7945s brilliant to see it's all done actually
7947s though send out the bob this is now
7948s opportunity for seoul to just buy a bit
7951s of time regroup together okay it costs
7953s you an entire bob but it makes sure that
7955s no one else dies okay i'm lying actually
7957s just kills i was gonna say two one of
7958s them is the ball i don't know how
7960s stalker got caught there but it's enough
7961s and now seoul dynasty are left hurting a
7963s lot because originally they spin the
7965s bomb to disengage without dying now they
7967s just die anyway
7969s yeah that's a huge win actually for
7971s fusion it reestablishes their control
7973s on top of the fact that i don't know
7975s where popular opinion lies on this but
7977s bob actually a really solid ult right
7980s now in this meta uh genuinely and to be
7983s able to pull that out still get the
7984s fight when you don't have to invest your
7986s resources
7987s to be able to do that
7988s that's great now you can start matching
7990s going forward yeah down to two minutes
7992s it looks better for fusion now
7994s i got a lot of mixed feelings about bob
7995s because uh you can sort of mis displace
7997s the ball quite easy with multiple
7998s different boobs even the jagged blade
8000s and also the serger can use the bob to
8003s either burn it or just charge a rail
8004s right you can just charge your rail off
8006s the ball which is pretty good look at
8007s the case yep rampage sound barrier to
8010s counter probably look for the rally next
8011s sound better from fixing now to match
8013s and stalk his turn to play
8014s zero targets are not very rich in terms
8016s of a target environment in seoul dynasty
8019s they have a very good rampage that gets
8021s fury down and got low but again the
8024s extra rally healing will come on through
8025s it's not enough to say fix it and the
8027s fusion are falling over they just can't
8029s quite do enough damage to secure kills
8031s that's been the story of our opening map
8033s in nepal and now deep into hollywood
8036s smurf critical hp doesn't die sole
8038s dynasty they continue pushing forward
8041s a lot of time though left so of course
8043s when you look at this and you see philly
8045s fusion has zest with an opportunity to
8048s actually step into the spotlight i mean
8049s how much have we talked about him
8050s already in the fact that he needs to
8052s stand out the way that we're used to
8053s seeing him do it well this is the best
8056s opportunity he's going to have no ults
8057s online for dynasty they're probably
8059s already better shot they do
8061s yeah the shouts already have been in
8063s play their fury gets smurfed down so
8064s with a bit of help from zest blade the
8066s damage has been good that's the only
8067s kill they have so far but it might be
8069s the only kill they need they do push
8070s back the philly fusion fix a great boot
8072s point to fit will secure a secondary and
8074s this will allow the fusion to walk on
8076s forward stalkers life is
8078s obviously gonna go forfeited
8080s this stage fusion could actually go for
8082s spawn cap if they want to but uh they'll
8084s refrain i think part of that reason
8085s might be because the payload is very far
8087s up
8088s yeah i think if you go for it there you
8090s might afford yourself an opportunity to
8092s still go for a contest but instead they
8094s like the high ground here they can
8095s control the drop they can control the
8097s timing of this fight and i think that's
8099s more important to them especially given
8101s the fact that mm3 does have his own oh
8102s they've lost fixer that's uh not what
8105s you want to see fusion's defense now
8107s solely relies on the success of this
8109s overclock
8111s they'll allow a bit of space to be given
8112s away fixer will return they desperately
8115s need a five versus five here in m3
8117s fighting this time to pull through the
8118s ultimate default also come with the play
8120s stalker he gets another opening pick he
8122s gotta fix it before gets him and three
8124s now but it's so much more impactful to
8125s kill airmen three five versus four no
8128s more overclock available fury falls as
8130s well and the rest of fusion will get
8132s cleaned on up bob even making an
8133s appearance in the kill feed and seoul
8135s get the cap stalker with two important
8138s kills to lead the fight
8139s and this one kind of feels stolen away
8141s from fusion as well i mean they did such
8143s a good job in those first two sections
8145s of the map but now dynasty are moving
8147s into the final phase here and granted
8150s yes the time bank doesn't look great but
8152s it seems like they're doing their best
8153s work when their backs are against the
8155s wall and the overtime wick is burning
8157s down you know of course you look at the
8159s blade here available for stalker
8162s and
8163s fusion the timing does not look good for
8165s them here they're not going to have the
8166s sound barrier to answer but they're
8167s going forward anyways well fitz could
8169s die here doesn't get saved by the cookie
8171s as we saw from long distance could i see
8173s a prophet who now goes down it's both
8175s brigitte's on the floor so far but so
8177s much more damage done by stalking look
8179s at the beauty of this blade he just gets
8180s the damage through the fusion can do
8182s nothing about it they already lost their
8184s healers vin dane getting active in the
8186s kill feed it's a full 5-0 wipe assault
8188s dynasty of the back of a single blade
8190s continue pushing through unimpeded
8194s snowballing through now i mean momentum
8196s is in seoul's favor and on top of that
8199s they were able to abide enough time here
8201s with 20 seconds left they have both
8203s their supports they could go one to one
8205s but they have to find kills quick
8206s otherwise you give that respawn
8207s advantage to fusion well vindem has to
8209s be careful here because both rampage and
8210s plate are available he comes up late now
8212s zest needs a lot of kills here somebody
8214s has been popped by both of this uh both
8216s of their lucio players fury now climbs
8218s on through smurf basically has rampage
8220s canceled yes in fact it is cancelled by
8222s the rampage of fury fighter fight
8224s territory anyway seoul try to do all
8225s that they can but with fusions four man
8228s i believe rampage by fury and there's
8230s some extra damage done by zest there as
8231s well sulfonas will finally lose a
8234s critical fight that ends the push
8236s however herex take a look at that
8237s payload positioning
8239s yeah not bad i mean it's basically the
8241s end of the map
8242s just a couple of meters away so yeah
8245s they weren't going to finish with any
8246s time left but hey at least they get
8248s pretty much all the way there and
8251s certainly feel for the dynasty there
8253s especially vendeem had a impossible task
8255s dealing with two ultimates that he was
8258s basically in charge of trying to deal
8260s with
8261s not ever going to go in your favor
8262s fusion could kind of pay space those out
8264s a little bit especially given the fact
8265s that they know that they have their
8268s respawn right behind them if they lose
8269s one player they can still turn that back
8271s around and get the
8273s award of
8275s just getting value out of one of those
8277s olds at the very least but they got both
8278s so that does well for them at least but
8282s they have at least now
8284s a good spot to go okay we had a great
8286s defense seoul dynasty yeah they snuck a
8288s couple through us but we look great in
8291s the team fights and all we have to do is
8292s complete the map and we can take this
8294s one home
8295s yeah
8295s well maybe that'll be easier said than
8297s done you know plenty of teams have
8299s fallen by the weight of the pressure of
8301s we just need to complete the map and
8303s seoul dynasty they look like they nearly
8306s did not even cafe uh you know there are
8308s still some mixed feelings about how that
8310s a point defense could have gone for
8311s fusion had they not played risky i don't
8313s mind that they ambush sold dynasty by
8315s sort of hiding the corner there but
8317s taking it all the way to the spawn
8319s certainly not what you want to see out
8320s of fusion and maybe that could have been
8322s an eight point hole who knows well that
8324s would be an alternate timeline and the
8326s multiverse that we'll never sort of get
8327s to see fits on the ashford defense here
8330s as well so again seoul lost a lot of
8332s time on a they're gonna need to burn a
8333s lot of time off of fusion assault
8335s because you know easier said than done
8336s to camp but still very capable i think
8338s this is a wonderful map of fusion
8341s yeah all about for dynasty at least just
8344s controlling just buy time play this like
8347s you did on sanctum that's what they want
8348s to accomplish here that's why they have
8349s fits back on the ash for this this
8351s objective here
8353s fury's in a lot of pain here he might
8354s actually just go down that's critical hp
8356s fury indeed
8357s shout being extended here stalker is
8359s actually being caught he's gone right in
8362s deep it's one for one trade so far two
8364s for two now sul dynasty saw three alive
8366s but they have given up the point fusion
8368s and starting to cap they got the first
8369s take underway fusion can't afford to
8371s chase these kills so we're about to have
8372s some respawners coming back and both
8374s teams have pretty equal respawn
8375s distances here and assault dynasty
8377s regroup they will stop the second tick
8379s from coming in and both teams back on
8381s out
8382s yeah of course seoul dynasty just loving
8385s the fact that they got their jugger
8386s queen out of that situation and stole
8389s the kill onto fury as well so that they
8391s could re-establish their positioning
8393s here at least a little bit but the big
8395s thing is that fitz i don't know if he's
8397s really in the greatest spot right now as
8399s things are already breaking out they're
8401s died for oh
8403s low hp members it's a so the supports
8405s and m3 wants but stalker finds his kill
8407s first and foremost now stalker continues
8409s two for one trade so far fusion down to
8411s very critical members here fixer will
8413s save the sound bear they know they lost
8414s this fight for short fury at least takes
8416s down fitz but i don't know if there's
8417s gonna be a valuable enough timing for
8419s the philadelphia fusion to actually use
8421s that i'm pretty sure that uh fitz will
8422s be on his way back and well before
8424s either fixer and fury can regroup their
8426s team so it's a good effort but this time
8428s solve dynasty get a five clean a fight
8431s win
8432s you can see as well seoul dynasty have
8433s that bob coming up and i mentioned
8435s before that i like the value in that ult
8438s and this is one of the reasons why if
8439s you can send that onto the back wall i
8442s think ooh fusion actually i think expect
8444s this to happen so they're going the back
8446s route through the alleyway and might
8447s deny some of the values
8450s it's gone
8451s bombs and nani apparently it's just
8453s completely out of the map and well maybe
8455s the bop's out of there but the fusion
8456s trying to rush into the salt dynasty
8457s it's still a five to zero sweet but by
8459s the way i'm the only outfit they don't
8461s even need to use any other ultimate so
8462s we'll just forget about the bomb uh
8464s because uh the fusion did and sold
8466s itself
8467s and i mean incredibly smart rotation
8469s still though because they could very
8471s easily use some of the map geometry some
8472s of those boxes
8474s on the back side of the point to just
8476s mitigate the value there unfortunately
8477s for them they just ran head first into
8479s their own death and now soul dynasty you
8482s look at fitz he just used bob he's up at
8484s 50 the rest of the olds are still online
8486s so dynasty
8487s kind of got away for free on that
8490s i think the other value of the bob is it
8491s does charge fairly quickly off the back
8493s of dynamites and we'll see if that
8494s happens again very quickly as rally
8496s comes on through m3 trying to find
8497s valley on this overclock but currently
8499s isn't able to selecting targets smurf is
8502s at least slow but not dead so the
8504s stalker running on it smoker does not
8505s get saved by anything the vin game sound
8507s barrier comes in fairly late fix the
8509s sound barrier first obviously to block
8510s out the play and zest is still alive
8512s he's still killing he's got everybody
8513s now has fits in his sights as well just
8516s another day okay apparently not
8517s fitzgerald's house fits with that one he
8519s won it might not be enough for the salt
8521s dynasty to hold on as it's just been
8523s dame alive the fusion
8526s the extra sound there from fixer vending
8528s not saving stalker i think that could
8529s have been the difference
8531s time and key there though i mean
8534s seoul dynasty not gonna have short spawn
8535s so they're not gonna be able to move up
8537s to that high ground instead zest can
8539s actually take that away from them at
8540s least for the time being allow fusion to
8542s get through this choke
8544s pretty safely here again as long as
8546s they're not getting picked out but
8548s once again bob coming online fusion did
8551s a great job of rotating away they still
8552s died but you know as long as they kind
8554s of keep that at the forefront of their
8555s mind they can do that again here there's
8557s a lot of opportunity to line of sight
8559s away from the oh
8561s yeah that's one opportunity right there
8562s how about just delete the fits
8564s uh ash before the bomb can even become a
8566s factor you know seoul dynasty can just
8567s disengage here or rather they can just
8569s play the high ground wait for it to come
8570s on back fusion can't really aggress on
8573s me this will do a little bit of the
8574s extra damage because the dash
8577s fitz comes back though that's when the
8578s fight really starts and i think bob
8580s don't need to almost pop that
8583s instantly three great position working
8585s the flank there's the bob invested
8587s fusion can they get away
8592s doesn't look like it at least not for
8593s any god i think the rest of them could
8595s still make it through it's an expensive
8597s way to regain payload control but again
8598s we discussed this in our previous series
8600s i think it ends up being worth it bob
8601s doesn't take too long for to build
8603s on up
8604s and uh using bob straight away means it
8605s allows the soul dynasty to instantly
8607s engage fusion don't want to borrow it
8609s they lose a player they'll
8610s go back and regroup now a bit of a high
8613s ground stalemate as only fusion have to
8615s be the ones to break the stalemate they
8617s need to get the push on again and it's
8618s fury with the rampage where smurf
8620s doesn't have it
8621s oh i love the way that zest is working
8622s this as well this is just zest position
8625s alone means that fusion can force their
8627s way across the bridge and push down
8629s dynasty they're forced onto the low
8631s ground fusion can now take this fight
8632s more aggressively and with at least a
8634s little bit of favor but i think they
8635s want to wait for their sound barrier
8636s that's what their go button is going to
8638s be once fixed gets that they can make
8640s another contest
8642s and vin dame is 21 off here as well
8644s prophet's gonna have to pop this as a
8645s pre-rally at any point now as m3 is
8647s going to force an issue this is the
8649s overclock to flying the kill from choi
8650s smith got
8652s quite a bit of hp damage and all that
8654s now probably be taken down assault
8656s dynasty if so far not gonna have to
8657s really respond stop it gets just the one
8660s and despite profit actually piling in
8662s the rally it does not help the soul
8663s dynasty enough fusion off of m3 pushing
8666s on inner fury using the rampage they get
8668s the required kills maybe not looking for
8670s a few stragglers left behind
8672s soul of all regroup nobody got a bad
8674s spawn
8678s one of the main things i'm looking for
8679s here with zest having this blade with
8681s the positioning here from dynasty
8682s wanting to have an explosive start to
8684s this fight instead fusion back away but
8686s again rally with the blade seoul dynasty
8689s it's all about forcing zests deflect if
8692s they can do that they can mitigate the
8694s pressure there they can push through the
8696s over health supplied by the rally and
8698s dynasty can regain control defensively
8701s comes above now played as well come
8703s through the stalker and it's just all
8705s kills the way of the soul of dynasty
8707s not a single response smurf gets three
8710s of them infusion
8711s could be a risk of being spawn camped i
8713s mean usually when you see a defensive
8715s team kind of just get a 5-0 wipe they
8716s can play very aggressively in saul's
8718s positioning it's
8720s right up there it's not quite kissing
8721s the spawn doors but it is quite a far
8723s fair bit up
8725s and i think with that fight there too
8726s yes they give away some of their
8728s opportunity to get the deflect out from
8730s zest but they still have sound barrier
8732s to answer they still have rampage coming
8733s up as well so dynasty i think still in a
8735s good position despite utilizing two of
8737s their offensive weapons in that last
8740s fight
8741s and this is where fusion come in and
8742s reclaim all the space right put the
8743s pressure onto stalker who got low hp
8745s there zest would have probably have gone
8747s deeper but hit by dynamite
8750s so the stalemate continues but fusion
8751s okay with this one because they are the
8752s ones pushing up and we remind ourselves
8754s they just have to finish the mafia there
8756s is not going to be a time back 43
8757s seconds to get it done the sound bear is
8759s available for vin dame to counter out
8761s displayed
8762s this has to be the linchpin here to get
8764s the party started we are getting into
8766s the position now with fusion have to
8768s pull the trigger and here it comes if
8770s this
8771s is half hp smith the rampage on the
8773s opposite end this is currently slashing
8775s a lot of air with fury down seoul have
8778s all but locked up this fight time is
8779s gonna be critical here here extra fusion
8781s have to regroup quickly
8784s it's gonna make it a little bit easier
8785s for evan because he's going right to
8787s that right back to the spawn and now
8788s sound very available but who's not gonna
8790s be an offensive weapon and someone does
8792s have to touch because look rampage is
8794s still going to be there so fusion are
8795s not going to get
8796s the same barrier
8797s zest is recalled they've got to go for
8799s this now they have the mixing sound
8800s barrier and go for resistors down
8802s and they can't quite get okay there's
8803s going to be a touch involved the rampage
8804s cuts through all the footage they'll be
8806s usual at least two important members
8807s there sound better to block it through a
8808s bunch of damage profit is keeping the
8810s team healthy and the fusion caught
8812s between going for the objective trying
8814s to stay alive zest getting taken down
8815s earlier the final fight is all but gone
8819s the chances of the fusion
8821s have been wiped out of hollywood and we
8823s said it right from the start there
8825s philadelphia fusion finishing the map
8827s easier said than done 40 seconds left to
8830s try and get it done but it was just too
8832s difficult the zest blade versus vin dame
8835s sound barrier flight have to go the way
8837s fusion it did not and then they were
8839s caught in spawn
8841s all came down to ultimate efficiency
8842s there as well towards the end it felt
8844s like the timing that we saw between
8846s those two as well
8849s especially when you consider the fact
8850s that seoul
8852s really kind of had a rocky start to
8854s their attack as well i mean remember
8855s they kind of finished the map i mean
8857s certainly a couple meters away but they
8859s were right there but
8861s fusion was so it was just so on the
8864s defense as well i mean they almost held
8865s on point a they almost held on point b
8867s and it really came to a close at the end
8869s on point c and fusion just couldn't get
8871s that same distance covered i think they
8872s want that one back in a big way
8874s yeah
8875s you know i go back towards the a right
8877s the over extension who knows what could
8878s have happened in the multiversal
8879s timelines but
8881s we won't get to discover that the good
8882s news for fusion is there is still
8884s another map to be played they are still
8885s in a position to pick that one we'll
8887s have to find out what that is after this
8888s break
8891s [Music]
8894s over here
8904s [Applause]
8910s this ends now
8914s [Music]
8930s [Music]
8938s [Music]
8971s [Music]
8991s [Music]
9014s [Music]
9040s so
9041s [Music]
9047s [Music]
9062s [Music]
9067s so
9071s [Music]
9081s so
9083s [Music]
9121s so
9124s [Music]
9137s welcome back to the overwatch league
9138s here at seoul versus fusion currently
9140s two and zero up well the seoul dynasty
9142s match point has been locked up here x
9144s and for the philly fusion
9146s you know it's a competitive map uh
9149s not so much on to nepal especially on
9151s that first round but as we moved along
9153s it has been more and more competitive
9154s but not quite enough to get fusion map
9156s just yet
9157s yeah not just yet certainly looking a
9159s lot better over time while we progress
9161s through this series i think fusion they
9163s could be very very much you know moments
9165s away at this stage and certainly as we
9166s progress forward now where we're at 2-0
9169s i mean every
9170s map that we see from here on out whether
9172s it be one or or several is gonna be
9175s still fusion's map selection and i think
9177s that certainly can help them along the
9179s way but still you're down two maps now
9181s you're talking about a reverse sweep and
9183s i know i shouldn't say it out loud or it
9184s won't happen but either way fusion while
9187s they do look good it just is a little
9189s bit short at this stage against dynasty
9192s and i feel like it's you know it sort of
9194s betrays the previous result a little bit
9196s as well because when you look back at
9198s the regular season game in the final
9199s week despite fusion losing to salt was a
9201s three and two win for seoul meaning that
9203s fusion actually had the two maps in
9205s there and they actually had the two
9206s match first it was two to one after
9208s circuit royale which will by the way
9210s also be our next map coming up selected
9212s by the philly fusion
9214s were at a match point
9216s versus the sole dynasty in that uh you
9218s know week 18 game
9220s and they sort of allowed two maps to go
9222s the way of seoul dynasty and they they
9223s lost the ability to win that series and
9225s here it's just a very different feeling
9227s right because instead of a commanding
9229s position and a leading position for
9230s fusion they are so far down
9233s one thing i do like about this map
9235s though especially given the fact that
9237s it's fusion's choice to actually take us
9239s here is the fact that on this map it
9241s feels like well more often than not
9243s we're seeing genji's kind of command the
9245s team at least to a degree obviously main
9247s tank is probably the most dominant
9250s factor of this composition but
9252s genji plays a very pivotal role however
9256s on this map you're seeing a little bit
9258s of the
9259s hit scan dps role or rather the sojourn
9262s specifically get a little bit of an
9264s increase in value and especially when
9266s you have a player like mn3 doing what
9268s mn3 has been doing i think that does
9271s help you out at least at least a little
9273s bit
9274s to have mn3 be able to kind of impact
9276s this match more so than he is already
9278s even
9279s and he has been i think the primary
9282s carry of the philipp fusion so far in
9283s this particular match up right uh
9285s obviously was the case on nepal by a
9288s big margin as described from the
9290s statistics outlined after that map
9292s concluded fitzwill
9295s i think uh predictably start out on the
9297s ash here whether he remains the ash will
9299s be
9299s questioned he is the kind of player that
9301s likes to continue playing the ash but at
9302s the same time you know we've seen both
9303s lip and jimmy they start on the ashes
9305s towards ogen breaking past the opening
9308s spawn holder is what's important and
9309s watchfully members are already quite low
9311s here
9312s smurf though taking a bunch of damage
9313s he's probably targeting number one
9317s should be nice and efficient here for
9318s fusion one thing though that they want
9320s to make sure of is that
9322s when we do see players like aim god for
9324s example getting low like we saw in that
9326s last fight if things go
9329s the way of aim god falling out that
9331s means fusion has to back up and they
9332s have to give up this spawn camp that is
9334s certainly going to be testing dynasty so
9336s fusion they can continue to look for
9338s these picks but they have to make sure
9339s that they stay composed especially in
9341s their backline that's key
9342s well fusion can't really afford to lose
9344s any members here right so that opening
9345s shout that's already been used by fury
9347s helps up keep them healthy maybe even
9349s disengage fury though still just really
9351s far up he couldn't quite get away they
9352s do trade out the two jugger queens but
9355s this is still i would say go in the way
9357s of seoul dynasty seoul might lose this
9358s fight but the respawns matter here soul
9360s are going to get their response very
9361s quickly and they're going to break out
9363s and that's exactly what i was kind of
9364s getting into right the fact that they
9366s did lose some bodies the respawn is
9368s right there fusion should have to back
9370s up here which means that dynasty well
9372s they didn't win the fight they still get
9374s the value of winning the fight which is
9375s pushing that payload forward starting to
9377s progress this cart and and getting into
9380s a better place for them to fight because
9381s you definitely don't want to be attached
9383s to your spawn at any stage of this map
9386s i'll still say that's a fairly i think
9388s successful spawn camp from fusion given
9390s about a minute 30 were shaved off the
9392s clock you also have a very early sound
9393s barrier now profit and bending low gets
9394s cleaned up there it is in three hands
9396s that's the two dps players of the fusion
9398s getting active in the kill feed and
9400s stalker should be falling next
9402s and the spawn camp can continue now
9403s because here's the other problem here
9404s because if you do with this 5.0
9407s on the defense you just walk forward
9410s yeah now you can go right back to
9412s everything that seoul dynasty doesn't
9413s want to be a part of you can go back and
9416s spawn camp yet again
9418s start taking resources from dynasty
9419s where you know even if dynasty wins a
9421s fight if they invest a resource early to
9423s win it they don't have that for the car
9426s they have the ball but they do bob and
9428s now the sound barriers and the support
9429s ultimates ain't gone might have to pop
9430s around here as well start to come on
9432s through
9433s it's very hard though i think to pop
9435s extra ultimates if you have fusion
9436s because if you try and play dynasty just
9438s go back on this spawn so you have to be
9440s considerate of what you use here as the
9442s fusion you are trying to get some
9443s ultimates out of salt dynasty and one of
9445s those will now be the plane stalkers
9446s trying this best the rally from ain't
9448s got is keeping most players alive at
9449s stalker doesn't care he'll even get the
9451s mega pack he'll get his third kill in
9453s the fight now looking for four and five
9454s smoke cleans it up a fusion
9456s they lose everything it's hard zest and
9458s m3 even pulled ultimates but it's just
9460s too late
9462s huge blade there from stalker i mean
9463s when you look across the board massive
9465s investment from both sides and seoul
9467s dynasty had to win that there there's a
9468s minute left on the clock there's just
9470s simply not much opportunity left to
9472s build some of these resources back up
9474s before you run out of time so getting
9476s that win means you can get forward you
9478s can go rampage first rampage and take
9480s yet another fight where you're going to
9481s rely on your
9483s i mean really anyone on the team to step
9485s up and find some kind of opening i think
9487s fury may be the one that they're going
9489s to go for here
9490s and this might be a hard take but i
9491s think hughes should have just lost that
9493s fight not used ultimates have been in a
9494s better economic situation now because
9496s maybe they'll wish they had that but uh
9498s they'll have the one ultimate at least
9499s to use it's looking pretty good so far
9500s smurfs survived so he'll pop out the
9502s rampage not quite as good as furies and
9504s the saw results in just a one-for-one
9505s trade so far m3 ticking down survive he
9507s didn't actually bleed out and fusion
9509s have the extra members survive that they
9510s can continue holding seoul dynasty lose
9513s the fight with critical time remaining
9515s less than 10 seconds a lake death on a
9517s stalker fence is going to go towards
9518s sombra just to enable the touch smell
9520s for the ball now i don't think it's
9522s gonna work even if they can touch fusion
9524s have five alive and solve dynasty
9526s waiting for respawners time runs out
9528s here it's a successful a point hole it's
9531s a full hold
9533s i mean what a turnaround too for fusion
9534s i mean something that they were so close
9537s to achieving on hollywood now they
9539s actually get the job done and remember
9542s despite the fact that this is a 2-0
9544s right now ford dynasty that last map was
9547s dangerously close i mean dynasty like i
9550s said in that last map in hollywood they
9553s kind of snuck away with some points that
9555s fusion
9556s really could have with minor changes
9560s shut them down early and then they
9562s clearly with their attack probably had
9564s the pacing to just take that one away so
9566s now with this hold here
9567s this could be a major point in the in
9570s this series for fusion this is probably
9572s that potential pivot if there ever was
9575s gonna be one
9576s and i think historically as well when
9578s you look across the fusion's results so
9579s far this year
9581s let's see if aim god has a
9583s mary does indeed have a little lamb
9590s all right well as the concert continues
9592s he's been practicing he looks very
9594s focused here
9594s [Music]
9598s historically this has been one of the
9599s better maps for fusion they've
9601s been very good on
9603s [Music]
9604s uh circuit royale nice ending there
9606s circuit royale in the history of all
9608s their games and especially in sniper
9610s meters with m3 has been able to play the
9612s the widowmaker in fact this was uh one
9614s of the pivotal maps in fusion being sold
9616s dynasty in the msm qualifiers as well
9619s when mm3 probably had one of the best
9620s individual performances we've seen out
9621s of any player so far this season so
9623s dynasty are obviously going to go for
9625s their own spawn camp here and then three
9627s obviously got to be on that uh very
9629s predictable ash everyone does go for
9630s salker taking down zest it'll be fusion
9632s just kind of go back to spawn waiting it
9634s out
9636s so all the same notions that we had for
9638s fusion
9639s now just flip the mirror around and it's
9641s all on dynasty you have to make sure
9643s that they do get their kills they do
9645s remain stable here and composed you
9647s can't lose a body or else you're going
9648s to get backed up despite winning maybe
9650s oh there's a body up
9654s three finds that body dynamite on to
9655s profit and got traded but it sol dynasty
9658s losing one and lose more now they have
9660s to back on out i think even if name god
9662s died sorry uh prophet dies and nobody
9664s else on seoul died the soul would have
9665s technically still lost that spawn hold
9667s right so they certainly lose a lot more
9670s you uh lose one of your supports yelling
9672s kind of goes in the bin there infusion
9674s very early on break out of spawn
9678s big time moment here for seoul dynasty
9680s they got held on
9682s have to hold this corner down now have
9685s to be
9686s basically flawless in your defense of
9688s this corner there's certainly i think a
9691s silver lining for them if you're gonna
9692s hold any point on the map
9694s or sorry any map this early on circuit
9697s royale actually has a very solid point a
9700s with this composition because there's
9701s great line of sight to use in this room
9703s smurf can fall back but still has to be
9705s careful and smurf might have to fall
9707s back look at his hp bar very very low
9709s here i believe the shelter review
9710s stalker as well in a little bit of
9711s trouble but he'll still fight fix it
9713s despite being a low hp that's incredible
9715s but that actually takes the sound
9716s barrier off the board and now they can
9717s get further kills look at their stalkers
9719s just going wild
9720s the kill feed five and zero assault they
9722s can rush towards the spawner this is
9724s exactly what fusion did to seoul and now
9726s salt lake doing diffusion
9728s in the back of my mind i'm wondering if
9730s fusion might
9731s in the chaos of a fight
9733s potentially say okay we might be losing
9736s this fight go send fixa over to the
9738s point and see if we can drag them away
9739s from this spawn hold if we're losing but
9742s it has to get to that point first fury
9745s down
9746s and got the follow through next and yeah
9747s look at this right
9749s you can't even really
9750s send somebody on through another one
9753s another opportunity another way you can
9754s do what you're trying to say there is go
9756s trace or somber or something to go like
9758s just force a back cap that's another way
9759s to quite a quick win against the spawn
9762s camp i think you sacrifice all the old
9763s charge right of fusion i don't think
9764s they can afford to do that they're going
9765s to go to the rally now and now the
9767s ultimates will get popped from both
9768s sides overclocked from bets looking for
9770s targets fixed up barely dodging out that
9771s last shot
9772s defense is kind of struggling to find
9774s anything at this moment with that soul
9776s dynasty they'll uh kind of gentlemen's
9778s agreement back out over
9780s blades will come through next blaze to
9782s be counted up by the sound barriers
9783s prophets dead though this is prime
9785s opportunity for the fusion to push on
9786s four but
9787s are going to trade it out both briggs
9789s down sound very pop like fixer ferry on
9791s towards fence in three now popped out
9793s three versus three
9795s and seoul dynasty they're gonna be on
9797s the losing end of that three versus
9799s three fusion with a brilliant
9800s opportunity to push on for seoul should
9802s still get one more contest
9805s it's that same kind of similar situation
9806s here fusion as well they're gonna have
9808s rampage they're gonna have blade and the
9809s only thing that they have to worry about
9810s is the soundbreaker how can vendame
9813s have the impossible task again of trying
9816s to deal with both as their lone support
9818s ultimate it all comes down to this right
9820s here
9821s aiming three now you're pulling it
9823s through smoke took so much damage you
9824s got fury as well smith might fall within
9826s damn saves and so the sound barrier oh
9828s wait a minute if you're getting a
9829s that's the second one that we've seen
9831s today humongous shot mike smith but
9833s isn't enough so dynasty still only have
9835s to assess the extra blade here talked
9837s about vin dane neem to block out two
9839s important offense he can only block up
9840s the one and with that zest despite fury
9843s failing on the rampage the blade will be
9845s enough fusion
9847s stay alive in the series the reverse
9849s sweep is now officially on
9851s interesting dynamic at play there as
9853s well right dynasty invest in the sound
9855s barrier they don't even block an
9857s ultimate with it they instead use it to
9859s actually position themselves more
9860s aggressively they run down fury and
9862s basically cancel that ultimate exactly
9865s they they run down fury and take him out
9867s of the equation so he can't even use his
9868s old but then as things wear off
9870s fusion still has all of those resources
9872s available and it's just too much to
9874s contend with i think at that stage
9876s i think when you really break it down as
9878s well you know in a kind of roundabout
9880s way the sound barrier did block out the
9882s rampage or at least one of the two
9883s ultimate smurf gets to stay alive he
9885s walks up kills fury completely denies
9888s and cancels the ram pace on a roundabout
9889s weight that that's kind of what the
9890s sound barrier does but then obviously
9892s once the sound barrier is gone zesk gets
9894s to do his job he gets the pull blade and
9896s pull fusion through to a map victory
9898s that allows them to keep going on the
9900s series can they get the reverse sweep
9902s done
9903s before on your screens right after this
9904s break
9918s [Music]
9927s [Music]
9941s [Music]
9951s [Music]
9989s [Music]
10001s [Music]
10018s [Music]
10032s so
10036s [Music]
10070s [Music]
10093s [Music]
10117s [Music]
10118s so
10131s [Music]
10139s [Music]
10144s the philadelphia fusion keep their heads
10146s above water but now can they survive in
10148s the coldest we're about to head over to
10150s toronto that's right seoul dynasty are
10152s not going to do colosseum and you know
10154s what fusion they don't mind going to new
10157s queen street they love new queen
10158s shooters one of their better maps they
10159s have a great map win rate on this map it
10162s also does put the pressure on fusion if
10164s we are going to see a reverse sweep here
10165s x uh it is already on but two more maps
10167s are required
10169s yeah i think it is definitely
10170s interesting i kind of talked about it
10172s during the break a little bit but now
10173s have a better opportunity to kind of
10175s expand on it that yeah it's really
10177s interesting here that we see this map
10178s selected especially given souls
10180s i mean they they did well in colossae
10183s especially against the fusion i mean
10185s that was a map that they actually wound
10187s up taking then they took out number five
10190s yeah i mean it was like 1400 something
10192s to exactly
10194s so you wonder okay what are some of the
10196s elements in play as to why soul would go
10199s this direction especially given
10202s we have a lot of repeating maps here i
10204s was going to say sorry to cut you off
10205s there but you know yeah the previous
10207s series was oasis one by fusion this time
10209s one by seoul hollywood won by seoul one
10211s by seoul here circle royale won by
10213s fusion one by fusion again but then
10215s seoul choose colosseum and that actually
10217s did they get to choose i can't remember
10218s but they there's another cop there's a
10220s colosseum whether they chose it or not
10221s doesn't matter but they go to colosseum
10223s 114 versus 62 they wouldn't have chosen
10225s because it's a regular season game but
10226s my point stands coliseum was the map
10228s they
10229s won quite convincingly compared to the
10230s fusion on but uh they're actually going
10232s to choose to go to new queen street here
10233s so we're gonna deviate from the pathway
10237s of the previous matchup
10239s yeah kind of avoiding the script a
10240s little bit here and we've seen a little
10242s bit of that today we've seen certainly a
10244s lot more of the following of the script
10246s where
10247s especially in this series here seoul
10249s dynasty they're here to stay they're you
10251s know you know 12-0
10253s this could very well wind up being that
10255s same situation as before where
10258s you look at
10260s how fusion has played throughout this
10262s entire qualifier now moving into this
10264s tournament they typically like to punch
10265s up they can play spoiler
10267s they like to take these maps off of
10269s teams as well but sometimes and i think
10271s inevitably they wind up falling flat
10273s that's why you see their two and four
10274s record as we're going to be moving into
10276s new queen street here
10277s and i i have concerns for fusion because
10279s i think a lot of people want to see them
10281s succeed they want to see that two and
10283s four record look obviously a little bit
10285s better than what it is because this team
10287s is simply i think better than a two and
10289s four record we're seeing that here
10290s they're playing up to seoul dynasty but
10293s on new queen street i think maybe a
10295s little bit of confidence gained because
10297s like you said this is a map that they
10298s love to play
10300s yeah they are fantastic on the queen's
10301s street i mean their history on this map
10303s is i would say the two best maps aren't
10304s equine street and circuit royale that's
10307s been proven in our previous
10310s you know tournament qualifiers
10312s in those tournaments as well
10314s so we'll have to see what the game plan
10316s is going to be
10318s obviously we have the north american n a
10321s side of the summer showdown tournament
10323s happening live in toronto that will be
10324s happening later today as well
10326s we will go to toronto virtually here for
10328s our summer show down in the eastern
10330s division as the seoul dynasty roll out
10332s with the soldier no more fits ash now
10335s previously ash wouldn't have a lot of
10336s game play time here but now it's like
10339s i've actually before we talked about
10340s soul just getting the opportunity for
10341s supplies a very quick fashion festival
10343s respond onto one but at this stage yeah
10345s seoul dynasty are rounded they will
10346s probably lose everybody here if they're
10347s not too careful it doesn't look like
10349s they will be able to get very many
10350s members away profit to at least boot
10352s fury back
10354s and yeah uh it is surgeon time
10356s ash gets flanked a bit too hard here's
10358s what i was about to say
10360s i think with those picks though from the
10362s fusion this means that they can't
10364s actually follow this payload all the way
10366s forward looks like they got everybody
10367s back i think they did taxi everybody so
10368s now they just completely nixed my point
10371s so
10372s with these taxis they can actually push
10374s forward still though this is a
10377s this is a map type where a lot of teams
10379s like to kind of fall back and play more
10381s neutral
10382s you know use the disengage try to get a
10384s better position to fight for him but
10385s zest just loves playing aggressive so
10387s never mind
10388s you know
10389s found the damage on the smurf and now
10390s we'll find the execution of smith as
10392s well that's the prime target you want to
10393s get down tank is gone for the seoul
10395s dynasty supports to follow next stalker
10397s as well on the list ain't got showing
10399s the kill through three kills rain guard
10401s on the brigitte and all allow fusion to
10403s walk further forward but you have to be
10405s very mindful the fact that fetch killing
10407s fury makes a lot of difference here
10408s because assault dynasty get respawners i
10410s think fusion have to back out
10412s yeah this is the point i was actually
10413s going to make initially but
10415s that taxi just helped fusion get into
10418s position now
10419s maybe not as much i think they're gonna
10421s have to go ahead and disengage like you
10422s talked about they do just that and i
10425s think priority there for dynasty was
10427s making sure that they did that they
10428s pushed fusion off before
10430s the bot actually made it to the
10432s objective because then they get better
10433s spawns and that
10435s certainly plays nicer into fusion's
10437s ability to keep progressing this spot
10439s forward
10440s was any other member maybe that would
10442s have been flying this actually got moved
10443s back there i think it might have been
10444s from the flail neither case the kills do
10446s still come on through not from this but
10448s fixer gets one now it's to stalk his
10450s play to come on through and his played
10451s has just been amazing so far he already
10453s has this down early blake clicks through
10455s that's uh what three kills so far this
10457s fight looking for number four will
10458s probably get it profit steals it doesn't
10460s matter if stalker lives and that's the
10461s most important part salt dynasty don't
10463s lose a single player in that fight
10465s meaning that they can now push on
10466s through very aggressively without having
10468s to give up any sort of space
10471s and they'll get their first bit of meter
10472s ridge now
10474s one of the things i love about this map
10475s too i don't know about in the regions
10477s you cover but in the regions i cover
10479s this is a map that could easily turn on
10481s its head on a dime i mean instantly you
10483s can see a team have like 70 meters
10485s difference and that that's able to be
10488s come back from on this map momentum is
10490s certainly a factor maybe a little bit
10492s even more so than colosseo but still
10494s dynasty need to get through fusion to
10495s get there
10496s i'll tell you why here it's the region i
10498s cover is it's just asia it's apec it's
10500s all he's gonna
10502s it's going to be the two jungle queens
10504s falling over nice and early mm3 does
10505s find some value on that overclock and
10507s the rsa finds a little bit more now
10509s double support offers being popped by
10510s both ends they all but dissipated now m3
10513s still in the next one versus one against
10515s stalk and he wins that one so clean from
10517s him and three fitz will get the revenge
10519s and as the dust settles
10521s usually should be coming out ahead okay
10523s fitz is just kind of uh popping off over
10525s there he loses the fight so lose the
10527s fight but fitz gets the extra points for
10529s style
10530s yeah definitely i think we were
10532s inevitably going to say that about mn3
10533s but the fact that he did get that kill
10536s on the stalker it meant that fusion
10537s could stabilize long enough to just
10540s neutralize the fight i mean completely
10542s neutral like nobody really got much
10543s ground at all and it's just kind of a
10545s reset here fusion diving in though
10549s is the rampage it's two i think there's
10551s a little bit of disengage from saul
10553s dynasty attempted they're trying to get
10554s away now but they get two kills i mean
10556s on the exit entirely i mean fusion
10558s trying to go on in off the rampage and
10559s seoul dynasty getting kills as they
10561s press doubles s rather now they're
10563s preaching w
10564s m3 gets one
10566s profit does have to respawn and we'll
10568s have to get taxis back by vinday but
10570s that is otherwise a very clean fight
10571s they just disengaged from the rampage so
10573s well
10574s it's also a good amount of time for them
10576s to get this tax you could see them
10578s working their way back over it's all
10580s about timing here certainly dynasty are
10581s going to have to back off away from this
10583s position but if fusion are smart i think
10584s they're going to go fast here instead
10586s they do notice that prop and vendee make
10587s their way back so by their time just a
10589s little bit but not for much longer
10591s rampage onto one and that's kind of been
10593s the specialty so far for smurf you can
10594s only really get one on the rampage it'll
10596s be enough sphero for fitz i think that's
10598s a better trade for the salt dynasty but
10599s they don't feel confident about it they
10600s lost their damage they have a tank
10602s available
10603s usually trying to press the issue here
10604s fusion are going in says paul's blade he
10606s wants some kills he wants specifically
10608s smurf down he's low hb though disasters
10610s be so careful finally gets killed onto
10612s vindem it was a smurf smurf got taken
10614s down by fixer
10616s and now the philadelphia fusion three
10617s versus two they have technically won
10619s this one but stalker still gets a couple
10620s of important kills
10622s slowing things down
10624s i think stalker wants to use the blade
10626s pretty aggressively here because again
10629s all tracking should be at least a degree
10632s easier in overwatch too
10634s but you can see with stalker in this
10637s position knowing full well that they
10639s probably are just a little bit ahead of
10641s the fusion
10642s with those support holes they can go and
10644s just dive right in on top of them
10646s speaking of ahead it's fury pushing away
10648s past the stats you can see he was out of
10650s line of sight of his supports entirely
10651s so yeah it does cost him two ultimates
10653s to do so but it's a second member picked
10654s up now
10655s maybe that is worth it for the solved i
10657s see i think by the time zest comes back
10659s and fusion do regroup they will be able
10661s to stop this payload from capping but uh
10664s sold honestly spending twelve percent it
10665s was expensive
10667s i think with dynasty though i think
10668s they're comfortable with pushing this
10670s where they can get it get it almost to
10672s equal territory up near that 50 50 mark
10676s and now see if they can pull some more
10677s ultimates they might lose the fight but
10679s if they can pull resources that's key
10682s double support almost available for
10683s fusion though and fits us down to mm3 so
10686s this is important now fusion have the
10687s lead going further forward vendeem will
10689s find a sound barrier but chooses not to
10691s use it because everybody has 10 mm and
10693s three and zest mm3 in fact gets four in
10695s that fight the x was stolen by zest but
10697s it's okay fusion they get five alive and
10699s that's important they are going for the
10701s cap m three's already pushed deep into
10703s salt territory not towards their spawn
10706s but
10706s very much holding tight angles here as
10709s the payload comes around expecting seoul
10712s to take a quick fight here
10715s that they do they're kind of diving
10716s forward utilizing some of their
10718s cooldowns initially but watch for those
10720s shots
10721s good news here is that this is kind of
10722s neutral territory right three minutes
10725s both the teams very close
10727s i mean all these olds are kind of right
10729s in line with one another more or less as
10731s well so neither team wants to make a
10733s mistake here because both of these
10734s squads are capable of exploiting these
10736s weaknesses you don't want to over extend
10738s you don't want to utilize that shout too
10740s early and get caught out i think this is
10742s a very portable pitiful uh pivotal
10744s rather fight as we have a three-minute
10746s gap between the teams fusion are also in
10749s position that if they win this fight
10750s they will get the checkpoint super point
10752s assist on one hp that was very critical
10755s to survive that because usually push
10756s back they had they would have to
10758s disengage if this dies now the shots are
10759s being expended
10761s fury though what is that is that a solo
10763s kill from smurf was fury too far forward
10765s unknown how he dies there but that
10766s assault dynasty prime position now to
10769s get a big cleanup here i'm not expecting
10770s fusion to burn ultimates in fact dynasty
10772s themselves will also not burn ultimates
10774s but they are going to get a number of
10775s frags effusion trying to throw bodies at
10777s seoul
10778s any sort of trade that would have slowed
10780s down salt but seoul get five alive they
10782s push on through
10783s five alive that's the name of the game
10785s here especially on new queen street
10787s where there's just so much distance to
10789s cover and a lot of it is just
10791s very open singular lanes right that's
10794s the key but philadelphia fusion they're
10796s quick on the draw they're going to be
10798s able to contest this before any progress
10800s really is made
10801s by the players oh my god that was very
10803s close you cannot allow the to come
10804s up through if you are holding up a
10806s fusion but
10807s here we go the blades coming on through
10809s pretty good so far fury will catch two
10810s on the rampage and now smurf to respond
10812s to the opposite end both dps has been
10814s caught but fixing him and three still
10815s getting the kills it doesn't matter that
10816s they've been anted out fury's still
10818s alive he's been saved by his own shout
10819s he's very hard to kill and m3 is still
10821s doing damage while all of that is
10823s happening that was a very tight fight to
10826s get through it looks like smurf might
10827s have been able to turn around but fusion
10829s refused to lose
10832s that was
10833s insane i mean as much as that last fight
10835s should have been the pivotal one to look
10837s at this fight that just transpired
10839s probably even more so fusion come away
10842s with that one also very low on hp none
10844s of those targets could get killed and
10846s now it's all about picks m3 versus fitz
10848s who can win out oh profit down to fix it
10850s that fix has been active so far in three
10852s even more active smurf trying to get
10854s away desperately there was a headshot
10856s rather i think a headshot maybe coming
10857s through for the rail it's enough
10858s possessed to get the cleanup and the cap
10860s comes on through that is so important
10862s for the philly fusion they have a
10863s brilliant checkpoint now to work through
10865s and even more distance about to begin
10867s that three meter gap now extends to
10870s beyond ten maybe fifteen and twenty to
10872s come up as well salt dynasty could be
10874s losing this map now this is looking
10875s pretty poor from seoul in philly on the
10878s victory path 30 or so seconds remain
10881s still interesting that both these teams
10883s very similar timings in terms of their
10884s ult so it's just going to be head to
10886s head for these last couple fights
10887s potentially it might even be the last
10888s one right here 30 seconds left on the
10890s clock
10891s smurf low hp pitch will get the first
10893s kill though it's a one for one so fight
10894s you value m3 or smurf but
10896s i'm gonna say oh it fits in profit
10898s though that's something you can't afford
10900s to lose if you bother seoul dynasty and
10901s this is where the philly fusion
10903s time not great but they win the fight
10905s they can continue pushing seoul dynasty
10906s backs against the wall the deficit grows
10909s further here x i mean even if salt with
10911s this fight and start pushing how can
10913s they catch up
10915s yeah i'm going to take multiple fights
10916s back to back to back and nobody yeah
10918s well they can't even touch actually
10919s there
10920s they can't even touch the fusion push
10922s forward they'll push forward towards the
10923s spawn and the soul dynasty cannot even
10925s touch we talked about how much of a risk
10927s it was for seoul to take fusion to one
10930s of their best maps on new queen street
10933s coliseum was open available to pick for
10935s seoul dynasty they chose to stay away
10937s from coliseum they won
10938s against philly fusion on coliseum by a
10940s wide margin might i add we remember
10942s their scoreline and here
10944s a little bit of hubris maybe they get
10946s punished fusion a brilliant win that
10948s continues the possibility of a reverse
10951s sweep we went to five maps between these
10953s two teams in the week 18 game we will
10955s once again go to five maps so don't go
10957s anywhere the final map to decide it all
10960s comes up after this break
10965s now
10972s [Music]
10985s [Applause]
10986s [Music]
11011s so
11015s [Music]
11025s so
11029s [Music]
11040s [Music]
11046s foreign
11048s [Music]
11061s [Music]
11063s we're clear for takeoff
11071s [Music]
11079s [Music]
11085s [Music]
11092s [Music]
11105s hmm
11127s so
11131s [Music]
11138s [Applause]
11141s [Music]
11194s what if seoul dynasty wanted to win but
11196s mn3 the tiger slayer said no new queen
11198s street a brilliant map now goes the way
11201s of the philadelphia fusion chosen by the
11204s way by the soul dynasty and we talked
11206s about the possibility of reverse sweep
11207s heroics while it is officially on the
11209s cards with two maps locked up by the
11211s philly fusion
11213s yeah now we get to that stage where
11215s dynasty it's their turn to take that map
11218s selection that yet again here obviously
11220s didn't go all too well for them in that
11222s last map but potentially now moving into
11224s a control obviously they had the upper
11226s hand when we first started this series
11228s but philly fusion i feel like they've
11230s adapted pretty well right now to what's
11233s been going on they certainly look like
11234s they have more firepower there's more
11236s lethality there as well and as close as
11238s hollywood looked it felt like
11241s i mean fusion has like played played up
11244s to seoul dynasty but now it feels like
11246s there's maybe a little bit of some
11247s distance being gained by fusion in this
11250s series so seoul dynasty definitely have
11251s to step up yeah and make something
11253s happen quick i i and here's the other
11255s opposite end of that coin as well here's
11257s i would have to say to temper
11258s expectations for fusion here because
11260s map fives have been very 50 50 for the
11262s fusion in the past they've won plenty of
11264s map fives they've also lost plenty of
11266s map fives uh fusion can reverse sweep
11268s but they've also been reversed swept in
11270s the past so you know it's kind of
11271s anything can go and i want to
11273s specifically pay attention to map
11274s selection being important for a map for
11276s team like the fusion because the two
11278s maps they've won in this series
11280s again i would have to reiterate are the
11282s two best maps for the fusion new queen
11285s street
11286s circuit royale have historically this
11288s entire year been their most successful
11290s two maps for the fusion so i don't think
11292s it's crazy they did one these did win
11294s these two maps now we go towards oasis
11296s as a reminder oasis
11299s was the map that philly fusion 2-0
11302s versus all dynasty in that week 18 game
11304s it's actually beat seoul here
11306s seoul picked this map just to be clear
11308s solve chosen oasis they did lose oasis
11310s to fusion they beat fusion on busan
11313s albeit by owning a 2-1 score line
11316s but um
11319s this one's hard for me to call herex
11321s because i feel like philly have won here
11322s before but i think
11324s grasp it you know
11326s yeah i think i do have at least
11328s a little bit a hint of a silver lining
11330s here i think obviously this is fresh on
11332s dynasties mines they probably looked at
11334s that very recently
11335s watched it in film broke it broke it
11338s down figured out okay what needed to
11339s change from from there i think obviously
11342s philly fusion probably did very much the
11343s same but there's more to work off of
11345s that for dynasty because they're the
11346s ones that took the l there
11348s maybe they feel like what they figured
11350s out is enough for them to get out on top
11352s let's see if there's going to be a vhs
11354s diff today
11355s as
11356s lessons to be learned for the soul
11357s dynasty
11359s okay
11361s it's a risky one it's a tricky one
11363s sullivan taking the fusion to some of
11364s the good maps today stalker will take
11366s down m3 though
11368s and this could be a continuation of
11370s frags coming on through it indeed is
11371s profitable to fix it and that'll be the
11373s cleaner could be a very very good
11375s cleanup here as well i believe five
11376s kills to zero if zest falls yep there it
11379s is five on the board zero for the fusion
11382s five alive as you'd like to say at least
11384s on new queen street but
11386s while here certainly it doesn't
11387s necessarily help you you know position
11389s aggressively and get some bot coverage
11391s at least it allows you to maintain you
11393s shouldn't yeah
11394s yeah it's definitely i wouldn't do that
11396s i wouldn't kind of do that i mean that
11398s was a pitfall that charge fell into
11400s earlier on this map specifically not
11401s this sub map necessarily but
11403s definitely something i think you want to
11404s stay away from as much as you can
11406s certainly take your advantages but not
11408s all the way to the spawn doors now
11409s though seoul dynasty talking about
11410s advantages already up over 35
11412s and on top of that looking for some
11414s picks onto fury who's very low they
11415s can't press forward without him getting
11417s a staple
11418s and i'm looking at the ultimate charge
11420s there as well but maybe it doesn't
11421s matter if we could just get the opening
11422s flag with the rail of the smurf
11424s and smurf uh the past couple of maps has
11426s struggled a little bit here for the soul
11428s dynasty
11429s seoul though don't give up the point
11431s they're actually still there it's a
11432s struggle for the fusion to actually cap
11433s this one over salt donuts here just very
11435s carefully chunking aggro in the middle
11437s of juggling fitz kills fixer so fusion
11439s they like kind of win the fight back in
11441s the smurf and now it's a one-point train
11443s neither team has a lucio alive fusion
11445s did actually cap got the flipping over
11447s at least solar isn't getting more points
11449s in the camp now but if they can heal
11450s stalker up the blades gonna be available
11453s that will open the fight and that bomb
11455s dynasty as well i'm just allowing the
11457s lucius to come back into the fight
11458s because i need to reset we use shout
11460s gotta make sure that you have that
11461s available you don't want to press into a
11463s fight without that cooldown available
11465s well guess what now it is so is the
11466s blade for stalker and saul just walked
11469s on up they have just entirely walked
11471s through this point now trying to get
11472s this cap going forward soccer pulls play
11473s there's no response says mm3 gets caught
11476s up he's a very important member to get
11477s down early it's a lot of the firepower
11479s god zest can pull his own play but it's
11481s a four versus five fury going down means
11483s that zest now has to hold as well as
11485s fixer and ain't got just trying to delay
11487s as long as possible folks are giving his
11489s life away for it and salt will get the
11491s flip and do not allow few
11493s to overtake in percentage points
11495s i think delaying actually was the key
11497s for dynasty start that fight off like i
11499s said
11500s just having the ability to wait out that
11502s cooldown have the shot available have
11504s your lucio available as well you don't
11506s even utilize too many resources outside
11507s of that you just invest the blade you
11509s get the flip now you're at 75 percent
11511s and you start to go one to one see if
11512s you can steal a fight away by getting an
11514s early pick but you have to keep smurf
11515s alive
11516s okay so since it says time to go now
11518s it's double supported when it's
11519s available for the sole dynasty they
11520s actually fall ready first ready now
11522s responded to you by ain't and zest
11523s cannot get through all the shielding
11525s cannot get through the hp
11527s sound barrier is not in position to
11528s block out the rampage his first one
11530s coming up through fitz saved by the
11531s sound barrier very important there m3
11534s the overclock is looking for damage and
11535s smurf finally gets a beautiful rampage
11537s four members caught and the sound
11538s barrier is gone this is opportunity now
11540s seoul getting so much work done off the
11542s back of that rampage and they're gonna
11544s win the fight there 84 percent the flip
11545s did come on through fusion stole the cap
11547s but sol dynasty might steal away this
11549s round
11551s really good play there from fusion they
11553s at least afford themselves one more
11555s fight and you look at dynasty well they
11557s don't have any all certainly fusion
11558s feeling very much the same and it's cert
11560s it may even come down with 12 seconds
11562s left now to whether or not fusion can
11564s touch and i think that's going to fall
11566s firmly on zest shoulders to try to get
11569s the tracer there and make sure that they
11570s still have recall ideally
11572s to be able to continue this fight and i
11574s i think that they did actually manage to
11576s hold on to that cooldown
11578s it can be hard to hold on to that given
11579s when you touch you know you're in a lot
11581s of trouble there so you might have to
11582s recall early in fact
11583s this will do his best now to try and get
11585s that cool down back if it has been used
11587s proper saved by the commanding shelter
11588s they're sold dynasty low hp and a couple
11590s of members their fixer runs up the fence
11592s and collects them down soccer trains are
11593s the fear it's a one for one so far
11595s sorker gets further kills yes talking is
11597s just doing so much work console dinosaur
11599s three kills both the supports down pause
11601s the blade at the back of it hunch down
11603s mn3 zest is the only one alive and well
11605s the ace might not be there but sold
11607s they'll take the win regardless
11609s huge win there for stalkers especially
11612s but dynasty will take it as a whole as a
11614s collective unit
11615s we decided of relief because it felt
11618s like fusion was just continuing to kind
11620s of breathe down their necks and despite
11622s the position that dynasty was in and now
11624s we transition over into our next sub map
11627s here and seoul dynasty yet again with a
11630s a lead but one that i don't think that
11632s they can feel necessarily overly
11634s comfortable with because remember fusion
11636s loves to do this when they are down and
11639s it feels like they're out they surprise
11641s you every single time it feels like can
11643s i surprise you with a stat line really
11644s quickly before we get into this round
11647s here the kills or deaths between the two
11649s teams sell dynasty versus fusion 19-3
11652s that's right fusion only got three final
11653s blows an entire round i don't know what
11655s percentage points they had on the cap
11657s but it's a lot given they only had three
11659s final blows stalker and profit haven't
11661s even died yet they're still deathless
11663s so uh
11664s and well that continues now as seth goes
11666s down it's 23. solves honestly looking
11668s like they want to dominate here fury
11670s could be in trouble next and we saw
11672s seoul dynasty just running the philly
11673s fusion on that first run at university
11675s clean them up five to zero and it's
11677s looking like it'll happen again nobody
11680s increasingly difficult now for the
11682s philly fusion but not out of it just yet
11685s just like in the series they fought
11687s their way back into a map number five
11689s they could certainly do the same for
11690s round number three but after a neutral
11693s fight win for dynasty where they're
11694s gonna have an early rally
11696s potentially if they can win this next
11697s fight but look at zach's position he's
11699s worked his way around he's flanking
11700s behind them he has to be careful though
11703s because uh his team if it's too far away
11705s he's not going to be able to be
11706s supported
11707s and despite the flanking despite all the
11709s cuteness of that zest we'll just get the
11710s one kill simply to trade vindang for
11712s fixing you take that lucio for lucio
11714s very low hp means that fusion do have to
11715s back on out and with that solve dynasty
11718s have a chance to get vendang back into
11719s action fusion don't want to push without
11720s fixer we're back into a 5v5
11724s 40 now for dynasty fusion
11727s i mean i don't want to say running out
11728s of time but certainly time is against
11729s them but they are now looking for
11731s stalker
11733s so we've got low there but profit pulls
11734s the rally first fury is again very low
11737s hp he is again going to be taken down
11739s here proper staying alive it's more
11741s kills coming from seoul when is fusion
11742s got to get a single final blow
11745s i think they got maybe one no they could
11746s they did a good one they got vending
11747s down so they're going from three to four
11749s heroics we're improving
11752s it's gonna have to find a lot more than
11753s that and unfortunately for them stock is
11755s gonna have to blade in this next fight
11756s they're gonna probably have rally there
11758s but oftentimes rally even with a shout
11760s layered over the top of it is simply not
11762s enough
11763s so fix a
11765s burden is on you can you get something
11767s done and maybe even just display stalker
11771s to try to limit and mitigate this blade
11774s okay well stolka can definitely get a
11775s lot done here it's looking pretty decent
11776s so far fix it gets a kill that's a big
11778s shot down the stalker that's exactly
11779s what you need from the philly side fury
11781s low hp is there gonna be a sound barrier
11783s from fixer no doesn't need it zester
11785s fixer will get all the kills regardless
11786s of what the sole dynasty want to do
11788s shutting down both fits and stalkers so
11790s important and even more important than
11792s that fusion get on the board big time
11794s they got five kills there the entire
11796s sole dynasty wiped out
11798s gotta be pretty much perfect here though
11800s from here on out and
11802s fusion's certainly a team capable of
11803s doing just that obviously they have a
11805s slight advantage in economy the fact
11807s that mn3
11809s one of their i think pivotal players
11811s critical players must have overclock
11813s coming up might fall to that to see if
11815s fusion can sustain here
11817s the rampages have been very mixed as
11819s well from both sides fury probably has
11820s had the better ram pages so far smurf
11822s though but a brilliant one on ukraine
11824s street
11825s well not this question on university so
11827s here we go rampage is coming on through
11829s five caught on the side assault dynasty
11830s vindam gonna do so much to keep them
11832s alive smurf tries to pull on through
11833s he's trying to clutch down but it's now
11835s 3v5 clutch at least they might get
11837s angled they do fixes to fall following
11839s that but smurf on his lonesome you can't
11841s do more
11842s it's a late rampage it looks okay but
11845s you don't have the players alive to
11847s capitalize on killing aim god and fix it
11849s and that might have given away
11851s what could have been a gift for them i
11854s mean think about it philly fusion
11856s you look at their economy it is
11857s destitute they are barren out there and
11860s if you talk about having a rally and a
11862s rampage advantage going into the next
11864s fight
11865s man that could have been almost a gimme
11867s now seoul dynasty gonna have to work a
11869s little bit hard for this oh and they
11870s can't rally now that's gonna be profit
11872s taken down right so they just have less
11874s and less to work through infusion they
11876s can definitely win this map and the
11877s round rather to continue the map on to
11879s number three city center comes up next
11882s and
11882s one of the precipice of it
11884s 20 away
11887s rally now finally coming up for profit
11889s it caught him in the last fight gonna
11891s have to do so again as philly fusion
11893s still very much building but this looks
11895s to be i mean really the final fight of
11898s this round
11899s so they're looking to end it here they
11901s don't want to go to a round number three
11903s and m3 and zest and low fury being
11905s caught by a lot of damage there's all
11906s fury in the corner they call fury in the
11908s corner that could be the map that could
11909s be the entire series going away seoul
11911s dynasty have another frag fusion no
11913s responses they don't have a single kill
11915s here they're invisible airmen three and
11917s zest to hold down the fort they're
11919s trying their best but smurf says no
11922s seoul say no they deny the reverse sweep
11925s and they will get the series down to
11927s face the shanghai dragons in the upper
11929s bracket final
11931s huge win dynasty unfortunate for fusion
11934s especially their fans too going on yet
11936s another wild ride and you can see it on
11939s their faces i i would feel very much the
11941s same way
11942s i mean going that five map set again i
11945s mean how many times has it been this
11947s stage alone that we see them get here
11950s and sometimes they succeed sometimes
11952s they fall a little bit short here it was
11954s the latter but dynasty again
11957s establishing
11958s as one of the top two teams here but i
11961s think you know charge and fusion both
11963s look pretty solid still
11965s and it's crazy that we we kind of um
11967s repeat the same score lines from the
11969s qualifier as well
11970s uh which is to say that shanghai 3-0
11972s charge as they did in the qualify and
11974s then seoul dynasty
11976s very with a lot of turmoil i barely get
11979s a 3-2 victory versus fusion but we sort
11982s of repeat the same score line again
11983s albeit this time and a lot more
11985s dangerous fashion i think for both teams
11987s in a way because you're sold you have a
11988s 2-0 lead that's quite dangerous with the
11990s fusion but the fusion get another two
11992s maps to start a reverse sweep that's
11994s quite dangerous for the seoul dynasty i
11995s think both teams have a lot to take away
11997s from this game in terms of it not being
11999s quite comfortable with your fusion i
12001s mean it just is so close you talk about
12003s a wild ride here this is mr fusion's
12005s wild ride right you have
12007s two round two maps coming in to kind of
12010s making you believe in the reverse sweep
12012s but then
12012s number five it just falls apart
12015s yeah unfortunate for fusion but i think
12018s good news for dynasty because some of
12019s the things that are working really well
12021s for them continue to work and one of
12022s those things is stalker gonna be the
12025s player of the match for this series and
12026s i think rightfully so right because
12028s when you look at who was making a
12030s massive difference throughout this
12032s series time and time again it was
12033s stalker it was those blades finding the
12035s kills again in a meta where there's so
12037s many defensive utilities
12039s still finding just 3ks 4ks
12043s at that level consistency that's what
12045s separates
12046s and you know even winning in a big way
12049s on the maps they lost as well stalker
12051s putting up big numbers even on circuit
12053s even on new queen street and it's a very
12055s interesting dichotomy here between him
12058s and zest because you have a situation
12060s where zest has kind of been you know
12061s popping off and lauded as one of the
12063s best uh you know players just generally
12065s speaking from apac the entire way
12066s through you know a player that you have
12068s to be considerate of in the rookie of
12070s the year discussion however i think
12071s today specifically stalker has this
12074s number you know there were a number of
12075s maps resist honestly could have done a
12077s lot more it seemed maybe out of
12079s character that zest was a bit quiet
12080s there stalker no bad performances all
12083s five maps he showed up he stood tall he
12086s outperformed his counterpart and zest
12087s and he comes in so late in the season as
12089s well i mean this guy barely played in
12091s the first two stages he played a lot
12092s more in mid-season madness now he's
12094s getting a full starting role on the team
12097s in in mid in summer showdown and kind of
12099s proving why he is still a player that
12101s you have to fear he is so
12103s much of a strong force on the sole
12105s dynasty roster so many huge moments
12107s today
12109s yeah definitely come
12110s a long way a a journey himself as well
12114s since the first time that i remember
12116s seeing him all the way back when i was
12117s casting in korea i think that was 2019
12120s stalker
12121s playing
12122s yeah i mean it's it's been a journey but
12124s one that i think he's finding some
12126s success on because obviously you know
12128s you know you now see a team
12130s moving forward into the winners finals
12131s yes you have to take on shanghai dragons
12133s but at least for now you can breathe a
12134s sign of relief and say look we made it a
12136s step forward now let's see what we can
12138s do against what has been a pretty
12140s indomitable team one that is very hard
12143s to surpass but hey maybe seoul can pull
12145s it out
12147s well hearings it's been good having you
12148s on the overwatch league congratulations
12150s on your official debut here especially
12152s the summer showdown tournament as well
12153s but that will do it for the day we have
12155s closed up our first opening round of
12157s matches congratulations to both seoul
12159s and shanghai for going on through to the
12161s winners bracket final now we'll have to
12163s come back tomorrow to see how that match
12164s goes as well as the country charge
12166s versus philadelphia fusion game and the
12167s elimination slide down the lower bracket
12169s somebody is gonna have to go home but uh
12172s that does it for the day we'll see you
12174s tomorrow for more summer showdown and
12176s also if you want to stay awake na coming
12178s up soon as well live in toronto we'll
12180s see you then
12186s [Music]
12203s [Music]
12207s oh
12213s [Music]
12220s doesn't get better than that
12238s [Music]
12252s this is
12259s [Applause]
12265s [Music]
12273s [Music]
12283s now
12295s [Music]
12307s [Music]
12314s so
12317s [Music]
12328s [Music]
12372s [Music]
12379s you