about 1 year ago - PlayOverwatch - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

1s [Reinhardt] Press the attack!
4s [Ramattra cackles]
6s [Lifeweaver] A little care always helps.
9s [Sojourn] Don't give up. This is our fight to win.
14s [Ramattra groans]
19s [Lifeweaver] Being down just makes the comeback all the more exciting.
24s Let's perk you up.
27s You're blossoming!
32s [Symmetra grunts]
36s [Lifeweaver] Lucky I was here, huh?
43s My platform is here!
53s [laughs]
56s [in Thai] Excuse me!
61s Shall we do this together?
64s Leave this to me!
67s Life unbridled!
76s [Pharah groans]
81s [Mercy and Orisa groan]
85s [Lifeweaver] Spend every moment growing into who you truly are.
97s [boosters whirring]