7 months ago - PlayOverwatch - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

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552s what is up OverWatch fans I hope you
555s guys are all as excited as I am today
557s the best marginalized gender Talent the
560s OverWatch scene has to offer has coales
562s today to bring you a show it's the
564s playoffs it's the last day of the
567s calling all heroes rise together minor 3
570s hosted by Toronto Defiance and like I
572s said I'm so excited to get to be here
575s today my name of course is CB and I'm
577s just as excited to get to be joined by a
579s brand new face here lemon kiwi how are
581s you doing today hi I'm so excited to be
585s here first time casting together too and
588s I mean there's a lot of new Talent here
590s of course to put a spotlight on but what
592s a journey these players have been on to
595s now there's four teams we're going to be
596s deciding One champion today so I hope
598s everyone's buckled in for some amazing
601s OverWatch I mean we've had some pretty
603s amazing OverWatch thus far going back
604s through the entire bracket from top to
606s bottom one of the most amazing things
608s that we've seen already is the fact that
610s in that Grand Final spot already sits
612s Washington Timeless who has not dropped
615s a single map they have bent but they
617s have not break broken forgot what the
619s past tense for break was for a second
621s there I'm too excited they have bent but
623s they have not broken they haven't given
625s even an inch and no team feels as though
627s they have truly tested them so they sit
629s in that Grand Final spot potentially
631s awaiting their next challenge as three
634s other potential Challengers VI for their
636s date with Destiny to join them for that
638s grand finals yes I am such a big fan of
641s bun on that roster I've been casting
644s them multiple times and she deserves
647s that owl offer what are we waiting for
650s like she deserves that promotion to
651s OverWatch League she was one of the best
652s soers I've ever casted so I'm looking
654s forward to seeing if Washington Timeless
656s that armor can crack cuz of course with
659s how stacked their roster is I wouldn't
661s be surprised if they just didn't drop a
663s game I'm I'm really glad that you bring
665s up Bun like one of the the biggest
666s stories coming out of uh of bun
668s specifically in Washington Timeless
670s Squad is Bun's walls have just been
672s incredible on the may like complete
674s gamechanging stuff always in the right
676s place at the right time to block
677s shatters to cut off lines of sight when
679s that wall goes up a tank is surely on
682s death St it's incredible to see and
684s definitely something to keep your eyes
685s on but let's go over really quick how uh
689s how we're getting here how we got here
691s let's have a look at the event today we
694s played through all of these rounds of
696s Swiss six rounds to narrow the pool down
699s from 17 teams to just eight and those
701s eight teams went head-to-head starting
704s yesterday in a double elimination
706s bracket we are at the culmination of
708s that we only have three games left to
711s play all first to three and we're going
713s to see who our next calling all heroes
715s Champion is going to be today and I just
718s love to see the representation
719s um of course of OverWatch League brands
721s that are coming in you know the
723s Washington
724s Justice um the Valiant Guardians and
728s amongst others like it's just great to
730s see the teams support this just next
732s generation of talent putting a spotlight
734s on people who have just either never
736s been on teams or never had that chance
738s to go to the next step and just this
740s whole platform and how much it means to
742s the community so thank you everyone
743s that's come by to support watch and
746s cheer on their friends and those good
747s luck competing today because this is
749s going to be some intense matches I that
752s that is what it's all about though like
753s you said those underrepresented those
755s marginalized gender players the best
757s that the OverWatch scene has to offer
759s get having a place to compete to grind
761s it out to show the world what they are
763s capable of that is what calling all
765s heroes is all about but for the players
767s it's also a little bit about the cash
769s prizes and those circuit points let's
772s have a quick look at what it is that
774s these teams are actually playing for of
776s course that uh that 2300 CAD is going to
780s go crazy that's going to be the big
781s motivating factor for a lot of these
783s teams but in my own personal opinion the
786s uh the thing that they really need to be
788s looking for are the circuit points
790s because this is the last chance before
792s major 3 which will be their actual last
794s chance to gain any circuit points and
797s buy their way into the Championships
800s that you see over there in February
802s we're running out of time it's starting
804s to get dicey the top of the CH the top
806s of the hierarchy is already kind of
808s sorting itself out and if you're one of
810s these teams like you know say bearclaw
812s gaming who has just kind of come into
814s their own you want to try and get as
815s many of those points as you can so you
817s can make sure that you are among those
819s that don't have to go through that lcq
821s to try and get there to Champs and what
824s like we already reiterated just how long
826s this journey this adventure is and it
828s really mimics a like a real League like
830s you are winning tournament after
831s tournament over different metas over the
834s span of what almost like a year like the
837s championship is in February so whatever
839s ever happens here there is so much to
840s improve on to build off of and this
843s won't be the end of the road for some
845s teams that are still making that that
847s climbed the peak yeah it's it's still
849s like I said not quite their last chance
851s but hey viewers for you it might be your
853s last chance to get yourself in on some
856s skins we've got some drops for you guys
859s today the Kido and Hanzo will be
861s available today if uh if you were
863s watching last weekend you did miss out
865s on getting the contenders Mercy skin
867s very sorry to be the bearer of bad news
869s but you know everybody still loves Hanzo
872s and Kiko Kiko is one of my favorite
873s Heroes and I'd love to support tier 2
875s while supporting calling all heroes by
877s repping that skin in game so get your
879s drops be sure to get all your friends to
880s tune in and get those drops
883s Gamers heck yeah I know uh that Mercy
886s skin brought up a lot of hype but these
889s are limited edition if you want to be a
891s real supporter of tier 2 you need to
894s pick these up and I'm just also just so
897s stoked to be back on the contenders
898s Channel I know there's been a lot of
900s hype here a lot of growing talent and I
903s really relate to those people who are
904s just trying to prove themselves both as
907s a person as a player in this community
909s that rise to the top and once you know
912s they hit 18 19 they could go to the
915s OverWatch league and then really step up
917s from there but I I just love casting
919s platforms like this because there's just
921s so much passion and so much hunger from
922s these players and you're about to see
925s all of that passion and all of that
926s hunger on display cuz I've had the
928s privilege of getting to cast since day
929s one for this tournament watching all of
931s these teams grow and play their hearts
933s out non-stop it has been a building
936s Symphony and we're building just a
938s little bit more towards that grand
939s Crescendo where one team is going to
942s face off against Washington Timeless but
943s we have to kick it off with our first
946s matchup of the day and we're we're going
948s to be in the lower bracket essentially
949s all day it's win or go home for all of
952s these teams and we're starting off with
954s bearclaw gaming going up against
957s drainers this is going to be a good
960s match I mean this has been just a fight
963s at the bottom like you said it's going
964s to be first to three bearclaw gaming the
967s last two matches reverse sweeps they
970s have been clawing their way in the name
973s to get to this point drainers though
975s they had a big bounceback once they lost
977s to the you know that lossless team of
979s Washington Timeless so I'm excited for
982s this match yeah everyone seems to be
984s falling victim to Washington Timeless
986s one thing that is interesting though is
987s that their claw G have yet to be on
990s Washington timeless' chopping block
992s they're the only person that hasn't had
994s two attempts at trying to come at the
996s Kings if you include Swiss rounds so
998s seeing bearclaw gaming you know this is
1001s the team's Journey thus far seeing how
1003s far they've come first of all none of
1004s the teams that they beat in Swiss to get
1006s here were playoff teams and like you've
1008s seen they've been fighting for their
1010s lives ever since they've been in
1011s playoffs with those two back-to-back
1013s reverse sweeps against Vancouver Titans
1014s blue and Fable but the team that put
1016s them in that lower bracket is drainers
1020s if they want their chance at Washington
1022s Timeless in the finals they got to go
1024s through the ones that already got one
1026s over on them and these are two very very
1029s evenly matched teams in my opinion just
1031s looking at how they ended the Swiss
1033s bracket both at four and two but bear
1036s claw in fourth place or came out in
1038s fourth place and then trainers in fifth
1040s so we just have two teams that could go
1042s neck and neck and it's the lower bracket
1044s so there's all that pressure there's
1046s people watching and maybe for a lot of
1048s these players are not used to playing in
1050s such a serious environment with so much
1052s money on the line with everybody
1054s watching how they're going to perform
1055s and micro analyze everything they're
1057s doing on top of of course casters U
1059s hping everything they do up so it's a
1062s lot of pressure to compete in something
1063s like this I I've been sure to give them
1065s the hype and I'm happy to keep hyping
1067s them up especially you know drainers cuz
1069s this roster is like kind of sleepy good
1072s in a way it's one of those rosters that
1073s has a lot of talent to it and a fair bit
1075s of accolades it's got Kindred and
1077s Scarlet formerly known as wiah who are
1080s previous calling all heroes minor
1082s Champions they won minor one as part of
1084s nyxl Academy and there is still a ton of
1087s other Talent on this roster KJ has been
1089s phenomenal on the hit scan IES has had
1091s some insane plays on the Genji I still
1094s kind of want to hyperfocus on Kindred
1096s here mostly because I see junker Queen
1099s in front of my eyes and that just kind
1101s of activates the neurons but speaking of
1103s junker Queen Kindred is one of the best
1105s junker Queens if not the best in calling
1107s all heroes I've been staying at all
1109s tournament long and it's very conducive
1111s to the style that drainers want to play
1114s Kindred wants to go very very aggressive
1116s on either the junker queen or the
1118s Reinhardt get in the enemy's face and
1121s really really make them sweat and it has
1123s worked wonders for them against pretty
1124s much everyone except for Washington
1127s Timeless thus far and then you have zeep
1129s and Scarlet who are just going to fight
1130s over arari I guess so we got twins in
1133s the support line that's the type of
1134s synergy I like to see um and then KJ
1137s Bastion I was hoping the Bastion would
1140s die off in the meta but it is such a
1142s punishing hero towards people out of
1144s position so we'll see how KJ will do on
1146s the Bastion really any hit scan I know
1148s in the meta and playoffs there was just
1150s so many different choices of hit scan
1152s from Soldier Bastion and others so
1155s excited to get into this very first map
1157s it will be loser picks um the maps and
1160s then our better seed of I believe what
1162s trainer or sorry bearclaw that maybe
1165s pick our first m i i
1169s yeah I'm not sure which actually is the
1170s higher seed at this point but yeah there
1172s will be an early map pick there will be
1174s a map pick we promise hey regardless
1176s though I mean we still got to talk a
1177s little bit about bearclaw Gaming's
1179s roster because they have another roster
1180s that much like drainers is kind of
1182s sleepy good you don't really look you
1184s know you don't really know what you're
1186s going to get with this team when you
1187s first look at them but when you watch
1189s them play they are capable of Miracles
1191s they are Scrappy they have got that
1193s reverse sweep pedigree I don't think
1194s they're going to come out here with two
1196s tanks and only one support that might be
1198s a little sus to me but you know I do
1201s expect you know Garchomp to come out on
1203s that tank they've been phenomenal uh all
1206s of the tanks in calling all heroes this
1207s time around have been phenomenal
1209s Garchomp is no different and I also want
1211s to keep an eye on Dynamic who has also
1213s been a Lynch pin for this team coming up
1215s with some of those big plays on the
1216s Genji specifically I'm glad that one's
1218s uh represented with the graphic there
1220s but this is a team that you cannot sleep
1222s on if you if you take them for granted
1224s they will take Maps off of you and
1226s potentially take the whole series I'm
1229s just looking at this hero composition of
1232s what they chose and I'm giggling can you
1235s imagine if this was met I mean back in
1238s my day when there wasn't roock this was
1241s the thing that could happen but the
1244s mercy would be stressed out of her mind
1246s trying to go after the ham and the
1247s doomfist but mad respect to Garchomp as
1250s the tank been hyped up we were we were
1253s wondering if they were going to be uh
1255s starting on tank today they are but
1257s hopefully not on Mercy else she got some
1260s Buffs in the muscle Department that's
1261s what I got to say but we got some bear
1263s versus bear action too with our both our
1266s teams having Bear logos so we got to
1268s settle which bear is
1269s surviving it's uh all coming down to The
1272s Bear Necessities also I want to go ahead
1274s and thank you for putting the idea of
1275s buff Mercy in my mind not like buff her
1277s as yeah yeah that kind of buff gun yeah
1280s give her those kind of guns Mercy but
1282s she is buff like yeah that's now anytime
1285s I see someone calling for Mercy Buffs
1287s that's what I'm going to think of so
1288s thank you for that uh that'll live in my
1290s head rentree but you know we're going to
1292s have to you know it is dra going to be
1295s Diner's map pick so we're going to have
1296s to see where they end up taking us for
1298s the first round of control and it's
1300s going to be Oasis which is actually a
1302s little bit interesting I think we've
1303s only seen Oasis on broadcast here once
1306s but this actually plays really really
1308s well into the drainer style uh overall
1311s The Meta has kind of trended towards
1313s that Sigma composition that Florida
1315s Mayhem won the grand finals with in owl
1317s uh you know so a lot of Sigma a lot of
1319s Bastion Lucio Bap that's the whole
1321s shebang but that's not what drainers
1323s want to play they want to play that very
1324s fast aggressive rolly style and on both
1327s Gardens and University for Oasis that
1329s can work wonders for them it's City
1331s Center that I think is the anomaly yeah
1334s City Center is a little bit difficult to
1336s cross the the No Man's Land the no
1338s person's land in the middle of the map
1340s but that is exactly what junker Queen
1342s kind of facilitates as one of the
1343s options of Rush is you have usually two
1346s speed options of the Lucio or the junker
1348s Queen and some people even in OverWatch
1350s League will use Rampage not necessarily
1352s to hate anybody with it but sometimes to
1354s Gap close and to start fights on their
1356s terms whether the other team is missing
1358s important cooldowns suzu immortality Etc
1361s there's so many windows of opportunity
1363s that Kindred on drainers has to identify
1366s on that junker Queen but if it's not
1368s City Center well the other two rounds
1370s right are are great for Rush uh
1372s especially if you go to university yeah
1375s University is very much so like one of
1377s the best Junger Queen points I think
1379s it's it's so tight so narrow so easy for
1382s her to just hit that commanding shout
1384s get right up in your face and there's
1385s only one thing that you can do and
1387s that's hold down your s key until your
1388s healers have line of sight of you again
1390s otherwise back to spawn you go that's
1393s going to be a quick and easy drainers
1394s win but again bearclaw gaming are
1396s Scrappy they are capable of playing up
1398s to their opponents as we've seen time
1400s and time again but it was drainers that
1402s put them down in the situation where is
1404s win or go home for both teams can they
1406s get one over on drainers here can can
1408s they turn the tides can they not only
1411s potentially reverse sweep them but
1413s reverse sweep them completely out of the
1415s playoff bracket cuz rainers are one of
1416s the favorites I got to say trainers may
1419s be the favorites but bar clar the
1422s reverse sweep kings queens royalty of
1426s the calling all heroes tournament we're
1427s beginning on Oasis let us know in the
1429s chat who you think is going to win
1431s drainers or bear claw only one bear
1434s could survive this season in this first
1436s to three low bracket semis to go up uh
1440s against who is it valali and Guardians
1442s waiting in the lower bracket final it's
1444s it's quite the gauntlet to have to go
1446s through especially if you're bearclaw
1447s gaming coming off with two reverse
1449s sweeps to have to go against drainers
1451s and even if you beat them there's
1453s Valiant Guardians waiting next and
1455s somehow some way you scratch and Claw
1457s your way over them now you got the
1460s undefeated Washington Timeless waiting
1462s for you in Grand finals it's a lot to
1463s have to go through and it's not going to
1465s be any easier if drainers are the ones
1467s who end up taking it I do want to Circle
1469s back to something that you said really
1470s quick about bearclaw gaming calling them
1472s a verse sweep royalty that goes hard
1475s just you were trying to find like King's
1477s Queen's royalty I know I was the
1479s non-binary what is that reverse sweep
1482s royalty just goes hard as a saying
1484s that's what I'm sticking
1485s with h and what's hard is also these
1489s cars that hit you and I this is one of
1492s my favorite environmental kills to be
1494s happening I hope nobody has to play that
1497s Highway side but it is is a counter a
1499s counter position to anyone who takes
1500s that initial High Ground on the elevator
1503s side so here we go our map number one of
1506s our lower semi-finals between drainers
1508s and bearclaw gaming and you already see
1509s drainers on The High Ground yeah and
1511s this is exactly the kind of
1512s compositional style I was talking about
1514s drainers are opening up with that junker
1515s Queen composition bearclaw gaming that's
1517s that famous Sigma comp that we've been
1519s seeing all tournament long they're going
1521s to want to try and play at distance play
1522s for the Poke and play to get the wheels
1524s down so they can pump out all of the
1525s damage on Kindred when she gets a little
1527s too aggressive but without AES I mean
1530s she might think twice oh how did Eves
1532s get sniped like that like the approach
1535s is very difficult against the team of
1537s bar claw who just have this crazy burst
1540s with the Bastion Garchomp who could take
1543s so much pressure and once they removed
1545s that one member of draer be claw gaming
1548s came out of hibernation to do work I
1551s mean I drainers have often tended
1553s towards this Genji Soldier and kind of
1555s DPS line but I'm curious as to why they
1556s might not be running the May right right
1558s now cuz as you all know Garchomp is four
1561s times weak to ice type mov so this is
1562s just a bad typ match up for drainers but
1565s it also does mean that Kindred can't
1567s really get off and like section the
1569s enemy Sigma off and go aggressive the
1571s way you would expect with like a Ry Rush
1573s composition they have to rely on the
1574s pick potential oh KJ in trouble sliding
1577s out of those DMS though Gom really
1579s wanted that kill but might have put
1580s themselves in a awkward position but
1582s thanks to the protective Mayall of Dynam
1584s Dynamic looks like their claw are okay
1586s and now they respond with an ification
1588s Matrix drainers are so low they have
1591s their health drain and Kindred could
1593s reconnect with the support there of zeep
1595s a four vers the score basion there
1597s unlocked there by Bion and up above is
1600s evest on the Genji so they got to maybe
1602s readjust a position to get out of sight
1605s of that assassin KJ unleashing with the
1608s overclock but with that tank and now a
1610s sound barrier in the way there's just no
1612s shot for draer I mean it's just so much
1614s health to chunk through and without your
1616s junker Queen there who by the way kred
1617s is lagging behind in the old charge here
1619s that Rampage is not coming out anytime
1621s soon oh boy how is gar still alive
1624s they've gone so close to dying and that
1627s was a great dash out from EV as to dodge
1629s the uh blizzard place by Dynamic and bar
1632s claw continued to ravage these fights
1635s and I mean drainers they're investing
1637s the katun rush into this still not
1638s finding anything Kindred has still yet
1640s to come even close to that Rampage she's
1642s just now starting to build up to it but
1644s that late stagger kill on zest means
1645s this is kind of already one fight Terr
1648s for bearclaw gaming and they have that
1650s gravitic flux artillery strike combo
1652s that can completely shut it out the
1653s world is on wickah shoulders right now
1655s how big is this sound barrier going to
1657s be it'll be used to at least counter the
1661s gravitic flux but will Bion get any
1663s initial picks got hindred to half Health
1665s there's a gravitic flux it lifts up that
1667s tank the Scout Bar doesn't save them not
1670s enough cushion but evest is looking for
1672s the trades has to deal with the
1673s immortality first gets pooped Away by
1676s kqa with 100 KERO looming bear clock
1680s gaming are making a statement against
1682s the drainers who just have to reassess
1684s this the FL with Strong Enough by KJ and
1687s wiah and Kindred is going to go to round
1689s two as well I mean this is also kind of
1692s what I was alluding to when we were in
1694s the pre-show segment talking about Oasis
1695s and how City Center is just not
1697s conducive to this junker Queen
1699s composition it's so difficult for her to
1700s close the distance especially when you
1702s have an enemy Bastion a made section you
1704s off the sigma poking you and the B Lucio
1707s keeping that Sigma alive pumping out all
1709s of the healing you just can't really
1711s find all that much value so if your
1714s drainers you kind of just write that one
1715s off go next and thankfully next is
1718s University where it very much so does
1720s benefit that Smashmouth style that
1722s aggressive in-your-face style that
1724s trainers have made their trademark thus
1726s far they're going to swap over onto a
1728s rine composition which I don't hate but
1731s I still kind of would have liked to see
1732s the junker Queen try it a little bit
1734s more here yeah the I think um either or
1737s works Ryan is a little bit tankier than
1739s junker Queen doesn't have as much
1740s self-healing but when you don't need the
1742s speed of junker Queen then Reinhardt can
1744s be a better option that Shield can last
1746s a long time they can hold this Coast
1748s position for as long as they want I
1750s guess if you're going to randomly fire
1751s strike acio then it could be a free
1753s fight Kindred crosses over has a Bastion
1756s unloading right in front of them Kindred
1758s smart Shield Usage Now gets around to
1761s access that Bastion and bear claw gaming
1763s are insane but that'll be maybe the
1766s first fight for drainers all map
1768s bearclaw gaming they've you know they're
1770s still in the same composition
1771s essentially but they have the Arisa now
1773s which is a little bit better at
1774s controlling space in these tighter
1775s angles than the sigma who would
1777s definitely struggle against the
1778s Reinhardt but in this kind of 1 V one
1780s this is where Kindred thrives it's going
1782s to be so difficult for Garchomp to find
1783s any purchase here but with that wall
1784s section and Kindred off they might have
1786s just found something oh that immortality
1788s from zepa bought Kindred a lot of time
1790s eventually got booed out of it and
1792s trainers you thought they were safe
1795s 20% I was just saying how they might
1797s have won the first fight of Oasis but
1799s bearclaw gaming because they didn't die
1802s drainers well the re-engage happened too
1804s soon and drainers lost too many people
1807s K's actually going to make a swap over
1808s onto the zarya so we're seeing a little
1809s bit of tank rock paper scissors here is
1811s yeah the sigma didn't work now guard
1813s Chomps on the Arisa the Rind didn't work
1815s so now kendri is on the zarya we'll have
1817s to see if they're able to build up to
1818s anything our drainers but I mean they
1820s have to try and leverage this window
1821s from Zep turn but the one from shush is
1823s going to come out quicker oh the
1825s immortality from Zep might buy them a
1826s lot of value extra time to use that a
1829s matrix and look at the flanks from
1830s drainers bearclaw that have no place to
1833s run they have to take this fight kqa
1835s knows this CLS the down barrier and what
1838s a turn around Guard Shop with the
1840s terrrace surge might have even things up
1842s in the fight that was I've never seen
1845s that like on a broadcast before that's a
1846s Terra surge to pull two members off of
1849s the point and it was an incredible play
1852s one of my favorite moments of all time
1854s but uh it didn't really work out in the
1856s end actually drainer still managed to
1857s flip the point still had Kindred alive
1859s to melt down the last M uh last
1861s remaining members of be clock gaming and
1863s yeah trainers are getting themselves
1865s back on the board this early artillery
1866s strike to try and slow bearclaw's
1868s re-engage oh you do not want to be in a
1871s corner like that KJ trap D Dynamic you
1875s got this 5v4 for drainers and you got to
1877s grab you don't invest anything but be
1880s call also overstate their welcome it
1882s will be drainers taking that lead and
1884s okay Kindred gets out easily and able to
1887s keep that charge is important but
1888s trainers also bought themselves more
1890s time that wall I may a little bit scary
1892s but you know there had already been too
1893s many bodies that hit the floor for
1895s Kindra to even really be all that afraid
1897s of it and why would you be afraid when
1898s you still have your sound bear you still
1900s have your graviton surge you have
1901s everything you need to counter what bear
1903s claw gaming coming at you with you just
1905s have to execute here all right the Uno
1907s reverse card there by
1909s Bion going to force out some cool Downs
1912s maybe some initial bubbles there by
1913s Kindred Dynamic places the blizzard no
1916s Kindred gets fed out want to play from
1918s wika and then anwers right back to that
1920s may of dynamic that was advancing to
1922s play off of that blizzard and no you're
1924s not going anywhere kred places the grab
1927s and is hunting for more tro is going to
1930s even throw the sound barrier on top cuz
1932s this is all she wrote 93% plus it'll be
1935s up to kqa to touch I mean it seems
1938s pretty much academic at this point yeah
1940s kqa is going to get the touch but is
1941s going to get the mega Health back
1943s actually I was going to say it's going
1944s to get melted down but there is no
1945s second touch so as great as touch was
1948s from kqa it doesn't really amount to all
1951s that much and that fight I'm so glad
1953s that you called out that wi was able to
1954s save Kindred not with a sound barrier
1956s but with a speed boost to just get her
1958s out of the blizzard which just means
1960s that she still has the sound barrier to
1962s go aggressive and clean up the tail end
1963s of that fight it's it just feels like
1965s even if drainers had somehow lost that
1968s fight or if bearclaw gaming somehow had
1970s enough time for another fight that still
1972s having that sound barrier available
1973s means that drainers they won this more
1975s than just like they they it should have
1977s been 100 to zero bearclaw gaming should
1979s have lost their percentage with how
1980s decisive that was and now we go to the
1983s true decider map which is going to be
1985s Gardens which is actually interesting
1987s because I personally feel like the map
1989s geometry kind of favors both of these
1991s comps we could see a situation like
1993s University or city center depending on
1995s who gets control of The High Ground
1998s first and with the a of the symmetra TP
1999s it might just be drainers yeah trainers
2002s will have that favorable position first
2004s and having that Lucio wika be on top of
2006s that wall too like bearclaw don't even
2008s want to chance it just getting separated
2010s or potentially just killed by the
2011s environment is tough the symmet also
2014s allows an entry option an engage option
2016s if they ever do want to drop down which
2018s would not be the smartest of ideas but
2020s Kindred knows that well they can't
2022s really contribute to this fight unless
2023s they play close and maybe identifying
2026s that Kindred is close enough bearclaw
2028s want to deal with that Reinhardt but
2030s there is so much armor but now that
2031s kindred's in that bad position the
2033s immortality is dropped by death and just
2035s enough healing to keep kindred standing
2037s and holding that choke and Garo got a
2040s little greedy for that kill and will
2042s drop bearclaw don't have a tank and will
2044s not have a fight the positioning from
2046s drainers is just so great there because
2048s they counteract bearclaw Gaming's entire
2050s composition just by having Kindred
2051s sitting up there around that corner
2054s trying to bait Bion and Garchomp to
2056s overc commit to try and get her down but
2058s it just doesn't happen because there's
2059s too much High ground pressure the
2061s immortality fields from Zep turn have
2062s been on point and bearclaw gaming cannot
2065s safely poke their heads in but they're
2066s going to do a little bit more than
2067s poking with this ant Matrix this ant
2069s Matrix plus the wall Kindred got sped
2071s out around the pillar to Kindred lives
2074s all things to their supports but
2077s Garchomp just isn't able to take that
2080s pressure that the Reinhardt can the
2081s shield The Matrix more in kindrid is an
2084s Unstoppable Force to get these moving
2086s objects bearclaw running for the hills
2089s and it's like I said with the sigma
2090s composition that choke is not where you
2091s want to be as the sigma you want to be
2093s in control of the point on The High
2095s Ground so you can poke from afar but
2097s yeah drainers they just continually bait
2098s bearclaw gaming in bearclaw take the
2100s bait and they fall every time now they
2103s have to make the swap over onto the
2104s Arisa just to try and make something
2106s happen but Kindred might just have a
2108s shatter with Garchomp's name on it oh
2110s you got a front face that wall had it
2113s coming I swear bit of a weird side step
2116s there by Kindred but the fortify was
2118s going to be tough to go up against
2119s anyway including the ice block from
2121s Dynamic this Bastion from KJ needs some
2124s help good step up there by KR the
2126s Bastion of Fire on sprays PRS on top of
2129s drainers who have not been even scared
2131s enough to use the sound air that is
2133s amazing patience from drainers I mean it
2136s is amazing patience and they still have
2138s that sound barrier on the board for this
2140s blizzard that Dynamic is going to have
2141s to invest here it does come out and
2143s Kindred Falls with the sound barrier is
2144s a little late ah yeah if you know that
2147s blizzard is coming you almost want to
2148s take that early engage into sound
2150s barrier early if you're wicker cuz
2152s Kindred evaporated you don't need a size
2155s and green to see what happen to them
2157s them now goes to the zarya and bear
2159s cloth are back on the point but 97% is
2162s quite a hill decline that that zarya to
2164s me kind of feels like a rage swap like
2166s and I just lost my shatter I just lost
2168s my sim too kqa is going to go and take
2170s that away that's a really late stagger
2171s by the way but I like kindred's Rin play
2174s the fundamentals have been phenomenal
2176s but the shatters have been to be polite
2179s a bit tragic at times very unfortunate
2182s with the some of the wall placement from
2184s a lot of the Maze and I guess the
2186s developers when they bu the map so you
2188s know swapping over the zarya especially
2189s to counter the Arisa that tank rock
2192s paper scissors it still makes sense but
2194s with bearclaw having control of The High
2195s Ground and Bion up here raining out all
2197s of this damage it's going to be so hard
2198s to crack even with the zarya yeah the
2200s zarya is just going to melt through this
2202s uh Arisa if they can build up charge
2204s towards it remember the symmetra can be
2206s a way to enter but the ant Matrix I
2209s think he best stepped up a little too
2211s far and should have really relied on the
2214s Poke to maybe win them some an ADV adage
2217s but hey they got a few PS but they
2219s stepped right into the Terrace surge
2220s that put a huge deaded to drainers but
2222s Kindred has been growing in power and
2225s the bubbles beautifully placed on to KJ
2227s to assist an entry and they take that
2229s back from bearclaw with still ults
2232s remaining 99% who will be there to touch
2234s not kqa not nobody map one goes to
2238s trainers and again it's just like I was
2241s saying that very aggressive iny yourface
2243s style that we've seen time and time
2244s again from drainers the zarya is a new
2246s luck a new look and one that I think is
2248s coming out mostly from necessity because
2251s of Garchomp's Arisa that teror surge
2253s specifically this teror surge right here
2256s was absolutely bananas I've never seen
2258s that before in a live broadcast kqa even
2260s with a nice little Boop there on zpp
2262s turn to be the the icing on the cake
2264s there that was glorious it was beautiful
2267s but it didn't net bearclaw gaming the
2269s win there thank you for garch for
2270s putting on a show but we're going to
2272s have to put some wins on the board next
2274s time but with their map pick they can go
2276s somewhere a little bit less drainers
2278s favored where they can't play that
2280s aggressive in-your-face Smashmouth style
2282s where they just chip you down they just
2283s burn you down or in the case of gardens
2286s force you to overcommit and take the
2288s bait and punish it yeah Garchomp um I
2291s think started off the series really this
2294s map very well in the sigma good control
2297s good patience on how to approach too but
2299s then uh once bar uh sorry once Traer
2302s stepped up and played a much quicker
2305s more pressurized uh
2307s really fights and composition that's
2309s where Garchomp got a little overwhelmed
2311s had to go to the orisa for a more anchor
2313s style tank which really this series went
2316s back and forth I'd like the zarya swaps
2319s just the rock paper scissors uh mindset
2321s of trainers to always swap just have to
2324s be careful of how uh how greedy you want
2326s to jump into these kills or how you want
2328s to use these ultimates I was a fan of
2330s Kindred and and pulling the trigger and
2333s making these decisions evz just has to
2335s be a little bit careful on the Metra
2337s jumping ahead of the tank if there's one
2339s thing Kindred is great at it's not earth
2341s shatters unfortunately I I love her but
2344s the like that shatter I can't like that
2346s was I'm gonna I'm gonna say she was
2348s booped I'll say that the Lucio got in
2350s position and she got booped knocked over
2352s to the side and that's what happened I'm
2353s going to give her the benefit of the
2354s doubt but pulling the trigger is
2356s something that she is great at and you
2358s can see from her damage it doesn't look
2360s like a whole lot but that's because yeah
2362s zero deaths as Zar just as zarya this is
2365s just as zarya so there was definitely a
2368s couple of deaths on the junker Queen on
2369s City Center which I mean interesting
2372s that the junker Queen was their choice
2373s for City Center but regardless she's
2376s great at making these aggressive
2377s decisions going in super super
2378s aggressive and having the team at her
2380s back to throw in the immortality Fields
2382s aggressively to throw in all the healing
2384s and all the follow-up damage from the
2385s Bastion from the sojourn from whatever
2386s the DPS core is they're a very flexible
2389s team our drainers and we're seeing that
2391s in Spades right now so far is there
2393s going to be an answer for bearclaw
2395s gaming with that level of flexibility
2397s and that level of preparedness how do
2398s you slow the tempo and snatch control
2401s away from drainers with your map pick
2403s that'll be I think you answer that
2405s question earlier of just you avoid the
2406s rush maps and even though even when you
2409s did go to rush points I think there are
2411s so many ways to counter Rush that that's
2414s why there's so little OverWatch League
2415s teams that have really gone through with
2417s it when we all thought this was going to
2419s be a Reinhardt zarya meta that everyone
2421s went away from that there is always a
2423s way to counter rush and it's all about
2425s um how close how close does the rush
2428s stay together because we noticed a lot
2430s with the junker Queen comps you would
2431s have the queen that calls speed and goes
2433s in and would be the only one there or
2435s would think oh this person's one HP and
2437s would step a little too far forward to
2439s finish off that kill and find themselves
2441s a between a May wall and a sigma in a
2443s hard place so you just got to be
2445s together as a team um which you know
2448s there was sometimes where even evest on
2449s the Genji was getting picked uh just
2451s with the random May icicles so the the
2453s picks on to drainers weren't helping
2456s their Rush situation either well I me
2459s yeah the rush situation is it's kind of
2461s drainers whole stick like it's their
2463s it's their it's their bread and butter
2465s they're flexible but that is what they
2466s want to play whatever the variation is
2468s and if avoiding the rush map was the
2470s assignment I don't think bearclaw gaming
2472s did their homework because their map
2473s pick is going to be Midtown which that
2475s first point especially is uh is quite
2478s Rush friendly especially if you're going
2480s to have the Sim teleport get the
2481s Reinhardt get the junker Queen around a
2483s little bit quicker kind of you know make
2485s your way through that choke a little bit
2486s easier here second point is great for
2488s the sigma play that I think be claw
2490s gaming want to lean on but what is the
2492s strategy here like what do you what do
2494s you go for if you're trying to play into
2496s drainers on Midtown well for Midtown
2499s this is a very strong map for orisa and
2501s sigma which has been gum's bread and
2503s butter um it's just how are you going to
2506s play the sigma and how are you going to
2508s give up that space to the rush because
2510s eventually I feel like drainers adapted
2512s over and overcame that Sigma by just
2514s running them down you cannot just shoot
2516s shoot the sigma shield and play The
2519s Shield break that's Sigma takes pressure
2521s takes a lot of damage very well it's how
2524s you can punish the sigma once maybe that
2526s Shield does break or can you get past
2528s that shield and that is incredibly
2530s difficult to do on the Midtown uh
2532s overpass going to the point so I'm
2534s expecting either orisa or Sigma
2536s depending on if Garchomp uh feels like
2539s Sigma can sustain itself at the front I
2542s think the second point that we just you
2544s know hovered over there it is that's the
2545s one this this this is kind of where I
2547s think dark Chom wants to live try and
2549s control the most space this little high
2550s ground right here cuz this is where
2552s Sigma absolutely shines I I do also kind
2554s of want to go back to like why we're
2556s seeing most of the sigma rush and I
2557s think that has to do a lot with Bastion
2560s specifically I it seems so simple to
2562s think about but Sigma is not like
2564s actually attached to his shield the way
2566s that Reinhardt is so when Bastion melts
2567s down your Shield suddenly there's like a
2569s big German man behind it that's also
2571s going to have to take a bunch of the
2572s damage and if you're Reinhardt you don't
2574s want that at all like that's that's
2576s death that's all that is but if you're
2577s Sigma there's a little bit of distance
2579s there you also have the grasp you can
2580s absorb a little bit of the damage back
2582s yourself up recharge your Shield keep
2584s the aggression up and control the angles
2586s that's why I believe this comp has
2588s started to come to fruition but drainers
2590s despite Kindred being Adept on the sigma
2592s as well they just want to be aggressive
2595s that's the that's all they know it is
2597s who they are they bleed
2599s aggression and to quote hottie there
2601s every map is a Reinhardt map which
2604s Kindred is on that what's important
2607s between the Reinhardt Sigma um matchup
2610s is that Kindred can't just stay idle and
2612s play like a sigma it has to be engage
2614s heavy you have to swing at the sigma
2617s push them away as much as possible with
2619s the Bastion Garchomp has to play Corners
2621s very intelligently or they will just
2623s evaporate like they did before I I think
2625s Kindred has that hotti quote tattooed on
2627s her forearm specifically her Mouse
2629s forearm so she can see it all the time
2631s she ever gets demotivated she can just
2632s look at her arm and say oh yeah it's a
2634s Reinhardt map we've got this and they're
2636s going to play Super aggressive just like
2637s they've always been doing she took a
2638s look at her forearm said yeah this is a
2640s Reinhardt map we're going to go
2641s aggressive we're not even going to let
2642s bearclaw gaming get set up in the choke
2645s beaw have more Pig potential with this
2647s sojourn of I on too so drainers are have
2651s to wait for that tank cool down there of
2653s the Bastion Dynamic is going to get
2656s around the defle right in the face of
2658s that Bastion has to be careful and now
2660s Dives to that you got to wait for the
2663s immortality to be out because once
2664s you're committed like that and you don't
2665s have the dash re said you're a Sitting
2667s Duck and also a dead duck at the end so
2670s drainers will have their defense stand
2673s tall and bear claw sent back it's a
2675s little bit wild though cuz like for a
2677s while the drainers looked a little bit
2678s split like you can see Zep turn was
2680s playing really far back KJ and Kindred
2682s were in different zip coat I think that
2683s might have been a little bit of bait and
2685s I think Dynamic took the bait and got
2687s snapped in the jaws of it it's it's a
2690s trap it was a trap they fell for it and
2692s now Kindred has the shatter zon's got
2694s the window this is gonna definitely slow
2697s down the pace for be claw gaming they
2699s okay yeah there is no Pace it's can
2701s slowed down even more a nice pick off
2703s there from KJ and oh
2706s shatter oh my God run run I I can I can
2710s see the shatter I mean no she doesn't
2711s need it she doesn't need it when you
2713s have this level of aggression you don't
2714s even need the shatter it's
2716s cosmetic God I would be screaming in
2719s cobs if I was be clocking this rer
2721s ising past my tank like
2725s that just
2727s it's it's so hard to deal with and like
2729s because of all the damage and all the
2730s aggression drainers have all their
2731s ultimates and this is going to get even
2733s more and more difficult for bearclaw
2734s gaming to crack through especially if
2735s they keep bleeding players early you got
2737s to stop it well this is exactly what we
2740s wanted out of K don't play like a sck
2742s but play like hottie would want you to
2745s and it's w key press the mouse mouse
2749s button hammer down bar claw gaming and
2751s they still have a shot they still have
2753s four ultim I mean yeah they do invest
2755s the the window there from Zep turn and
2757s all it really does is slow bearclaw down
2759s a little bit more but they're running
2760s out of time they're going to invest a
2761s window of their own but kred wants to
2763s charge just right through it okay the M
2765s Matrix doesn't stop this bulldozer or
2767s maybe they did trainer step back and
2770s bear cloth made their way through the
2772s choke they have left the defense behind
2774s which I think Eves might have TP them
2775s behind they will TP them back towards
2777s the point and have denies that first
2780s tick and two bodies on top of it one
2783s shatter two supports and a sound Barry
2786s on top for drainers just for that
2788s insurance they deny the first pick okay
2792s every bad shatter that Kindred has had
2793s this tournament I think she just
2794s redeemed with that charge into the
2796s backline shatter onto both backliners
2798s and then following it up with two more
2800s that's a 4K for her what an insane play
2802s that's just a like bearclaw gaming did
2804s flip like kind of flip the roles a
2806s little bit got themselves on the point
2808s nearly C but drainers just issued them a
2809s cease and assist and I mean they've used
2812s all their SS to do it but be CLA gaming
2814s they're still running out of time oion
2816s putting the fear in their eyes but the
2818s over claw connects with Zep goodbye to
2821s your supports again drainers bearclaw
2824s this had to be the fight you have 30
2826s seconds and there's still so much more
2828s Midtown to see yeah a lot more to see
2831s and kred is going to want to see all of
2833s it she's swapping to the doomfist is she
2835s act there's no way she's actually going
2837s for a contest here oh no I hear
2840s it yes she's highw in trouble the St
2844s barrier kqa saved her
2846s be claw has still up to deal with this
2848s doomfist but they're also split their
2851s focus is also on the reinforcements and
2853s Eves has killed Bion Ze is still guard
2856s chop there's only two players left of
2858s bearclaw and now nobody trainers the
2861s retake to cause chaos in their favor
2864s bearclaw will not be capping the point
2867s that was I mean I I wasn't even sure
2869s Kindra was going to be able to get the
2870s touch there I thought the doomfist swap
2872s came in too late but she gets the touch
2873s baits out the sound barrier and by the
2875s time the over heal is gone all the DPS
2877s players from drainers whove also swapped
2879s the fast Heroes they get on the point
2881s and they just shut it down I that that
2883s felt like bearclaw Gaming's fight to win
2885s their point to win you said there was a
2887s lot more Midtown to see Kindra didn't
2889s want to let them see any of it no
2890s sightseeing tour you're your bus stops
2892s here get off no
2894s tourists and I think there must have
2896s been some kind of confusion in the calls
2897s for bearclaw because when you see that
2899s doomfist block instinctively you want to
2901s not shoot it because then the stuns the
2903s damage it's going to hurt a lot more but
2905s then obviously some people thought that
2907s doomfist is killable sometimes you can
2909s shoot that block because what the
2911s doomfist is still taking damage just not
2913s as much so some bearclaw members were
2916s shooting the doomfist some were shooting
2918s at the healers behind them and we you
2920s have a split Focus like that and the
2922s doomfist gets their coold downs again
2924s about the 5 six second Mark then the
2926s doomfist can sustain and keep going and
2928s bearclaw shouldn't have Panic should
2930s have just taken it from front to back
2932s deal with the doomfist and then drainers
2934s wouldn't have had someone to push p in
2936s without that doomfist it's that same
2939s kind of mentality that like early
2940s players would uh would take for zarya
2942s when they see the bubble go up they're
2943s like no don't shoot it you're just going
2945s to charge her up what are you doing but
2946s then they forget that like you know you
2948s can put in enough damage to kill the
2950s zarya if you just hard Focus her but I I
2953s you know I digress Kindred what are you
2955s doing what this is not in the script
2958s okay what are what are you doing little
2962s scouting uh yeah okay it's got to be
2964s scouting all right it it has to be yeah
2967s okay she's going to go on the zarya she
2968s sees the Arisa from guard chomp and says
2970s this is the answer it's what got us the
2972s wins on Oasis this is how we're going to
2974s proceed forward same Rush composition
2976s but just winning that tank rock paper
2978s scissors and an early TP rotate to take
2980s the fight on their
2982s terms yeah that's Z is going to laser
2985s that Arisa down and gar chop not opting
2987s for the sigma againsts that Bastion it's
2989s difficult to play these Corners
2990s sometimes you don't get enough support
2992s you get overwhelmed and drers wanted to
2994s engage off the TP maybe it was a f maybe
2996s they got blown off to teleport either
2998s way Kindred is isolated things that may
3000s wall of dynamic and be claw gaming
3002s trying to get through this and deal with
3004s Kindred they have both tanks are removed
3007s four versus four and again what do deal
3009s with Kindred from drainers it's tough
3012s for them to make any space and bearclaw
3015s are learning from that mistake I mean KJ
3017s can still make a fair bit of space with
3019s all that damage and bearclaw gaming
3020s can't really collapse on the rest of
3022s drainers and speaking of drainers kred
3024s is back on the doomfist again she's
3026s going for the fast Heroes because she
3028s thinks this is winnable oh the ice block
3030s from Dynamic was slightly off the point
3032s but they're Walling themselves off done
3034s bearclaw gaming come around the corner
3036s was not expecting the Bastion to unload
3039s like that and trainers just need that 60
3042s or that
3043s 82.6% and you're already waving goodbye
3046s Dynamic is so close to Blizzard and will
3048s not be able to get it off and here is
3051s some tur or some bombs being thrown down
3054s because the real bomb was drainers now
3057s going to match point uh those weren't
3060s bombs those were fireworks and
3061s celebration of drainers pulling out a
3063s miracle hold at the end there but what a
3066s like it just feels so silly the way that
3068s they captur the point there right like
3069s they lose both tanks Kindred and garcha
3072s both down but KJS is able to control
3074s space with the Bastion nobody from
3076s bearclaw can commit onto the Last
3078s Remnant so Kindred just goes doomfist to
3080s get back in the fight at roughly the
3082s same time as Garchomp the damage from KJ
3084s still comes down and Bar clock gaming
3086s just never really felt like they were in
3089s this map and that was their map pick and
3091s it didn't work out like I said you know
3093s you can't try and play against drainers
3095s in a rush style map I would have liked
3097s to see them go to maybe something like
3098s numani as well where you can play them
3101s you can play the rush but it's
3102s suboptimal and you're more favored in
3104s that Sigma mirror but Midtown was just
3107s curious top to bottom curious how
3110s drainers managed to hold how they
3111s managed to cap and why we were even here
3114s what are we doing here be
3116s claw just the May of dynamic is from a
3120s more slower Tempo I would say like they
3123s really didn't have a chance to Mayall
3125s something and really assure that kill
3127s before the Mayall would get shot down
3130s and then you would have this trade of
3132s tank I think that may wall to isolate
3134s kinderwood was fantastic but then when
3136s you lost Garchomp who just had to full
3139s commit for that kill then bearclaw
3141s didn't have much to contest the point
3143s with at the end you had Dynamic who made
3145s missed ice block on the point and then
3148s it was tough um I think they needed to
3151s match fire with fire having their own
3153s Bastion I think was a good idea from
3154s Bion uh Bion but not having anything
3157s else like another source of damage maze
3160s just not enough this I mean So speaking
3163s of damage let have a look at the damage
3165s that from KJ there that doesn't look
3166s like a lot but consider how fast this
3168s map was and how swiftly everything in
3171s front of her died and suddenly it all
3173s starts to make sense only one death for
3175s KJ and I think that might have been on
3177s Diner's defense while everybody was you
3180s know scrambling switching to fast Heroes
3182s and trying to get back that might have
3184s been what the what led to that one death
3187s in particular but outside of that she
3189s was untouched and was putting out a
3191s whole lot of hurt onto the entirety of
3193s bearclaw gaming which is interesting
3195s because like I said drainers like to go
3198s for this Rush style but also with the
3200s pick heavy Heroes with the soj with the
3201s Ekko with you know all these other
3203s Heroes that are not May Bastion but they
3205s can play May Bastion they can play Sim
3207s Bastion they can control space with them
3209s as well and that helps feed into their
3211s pure raw unbridled aggression that fair
3215s clock gaming still don't really have an
3217s answer for they tried something they
3219s threw something at the wall to see if
3220s Midtown would stick and it did not I was
3223s a fan of just trainers seem to be really
3226s well studied up on the game knowing what
3228s their counters are around the arisara
3230s bringing out the Reinhardt just to be
3231s able to get back to the point sooner got
3234s the SoJO for the pick potential that he
3235s brought out and Garchomp is is trying to
3238s figure out where their place is in the
3241s fight in in the composition right just
3243s going to either Sigma which gets run
3245s over going to orisa which just gets
3248s melted and if your tank is just going to
3250s be taking that much damage but they are
3253s buying you a lot of time then it's up to
3255s the DPS behind Garchomp to to deliver
3258s the kills that all the time is being
3260s used for so I think it's it is such a
3262s close tank match up but it's coming down
3264s to the DPS is coming down to the ant
3267s Matrix timings and and stuff like that
3269s but this is still an exciting match
3271s despite uh it being match point for
3272s drainers well I mean this is where
3275s bearclaw gaming thus far in the lower
3276s bracket have thrived though they're
3278s they're very much so a we only scrim the
3280s second half of the series kind of team
3282s it would seem with their history of
3284s reverse sweeps here the unbridled
3286s aggression from drainers doesn't stop
3288s but it does take a couple of breaks here
3290s and we're going to throw to a quick
3291s break for a second be right back and
3293s we'll have map three it's bearclaw
3294s Gaming's map pick do they start the
3296s reverse sweep we'll find
3308s [Music]
3322s [Music]
3324s out
3338s [Music]
3346s [Music]
3372s [Music]
3405s [Music]
3411s [Music]
3421s [Music]
3427s [Music]
3436s [Music]
3447s [Music]
3461s [Music]
3468s [Music]
3510s [Music]
3523s [Music]
3551s does the Underdog Story of bear claw
3554s gaming end here or does the reverse
3556s sweep that they have uh pulled off time
3558s and time again in the lower bracket
3560s start here there is only one way to find
3562s out welcome back it is time for map
3565s three of drainers versus bearclaw gaming
3568s bearclaw Gaming's map pick and they have
3570s chosen to take us to
3571s svasa oo is a pretty Rush heavy I mean
3575s most push maps are but drainers being on
3578s Match Point to be able to make a call
3581s like retaking on Midtown to force
3585s bearclaw to not even cap the point like
3587s drainer is almost you could tell by the
3589s way they play they know that they're the
3591s better team nobody Rec contests at that
3594s point with the Doom unless you're crazy
3596s like trainers and the fact they pulled
3598s it off is just so incredible to see we
3600s go to surasa now a lot of teams um oh
3604s sorry flasho right my brain has been on
3606s holidays um there's just it there's a
3610s lot of things I have to do with how
3611s close your spawn is of course but how
3614s quickly you can get to them this is
3615s where junker Queen Lucio could be coming
3617s back if they feel it's something they
3619s could pull off which we haven't seen
3620s since Oasis I do also feel like to your
3624s point it also
3625s has a lot to do with how quickly you can
3627s retake which we've seen that drainers
3630s can do quite well cuz they feel like
3632s they're the better team I'm really glad
3633s that you brought that up because that I
3635s feel like with flasho is conducive to
3637s success because it ticks up so fast that
3640s percentage so if you lose the point you
3642s only have a split second to try and get
3643s back in there and win it all back and
3645s that's something that trainers have
3646s shown they're capable of doing if
3648s they're even put in that situation it's
3650s kind of up to bearclaw gaming to push
3652s drainers put them behind the eightball
3654s and make them have to make make those
3655s moves and then execute on it that's the
3657s hard part because drainers are Scrappy
3660s they are aggressive and they want to
3661s rely on simply being the better
3663s mechanical players and it has worked out
3664s for them thus far yes if if you do play
3667s that junker Queen I know an important
3669s hero to pair with that is the Genji
3672s which we've seen more from Eves I want
3674s to say on the trainer side of things
3676s bearclaw have been kind of going
3677s everywhere from May to a bit of sojourn
3681s there from Bion to some Bastion of their
3683s own bear Claus seem very fluid but what
3686s can they be the masters of and I think
3689s if you do go with the junker Queen
3690s having a Genji is so important to give
3692s that overheal over to that assassin to
3694s go in and get that pick but most
3696s importantly not commit to a Baptist if
3699s they have immortality that was something
3701s that our teams learn the hard way on
3703s Midtown yeah that would uh that would be
3705s dynamic poor fella poor uh poor they
3710s trying to go on poor they trying to go
3713s on a Baptist who still had immortality
3715s field definitely a no no as far as Genji
3717s Swift strike usage is concerned Dynamics
3721s Genji has traditionally been pretty
3723s solid overall though that felt like a
3724s rare misstep and it might be just that
3726s bearclaw gaming are feeling as though
3728s they're under a lot of pressure right
3729s now they're one map away from getting
3731s eliminated from the tournament they've
3733s had to fight for their lives throughout
3734s the entire playoff bracket they feel
3738s very much so like the underdog team they
3740s have the potential to do great things
3742s but they just have to close it out CHP
3745s and dynamic are the two players on this
3746s team that I want to focus on because if
3749s anyone is going to do it for them it's
3751s going to be that tank DPS Duo of guard
3755s chomp and dynamic meanwhile drainers I
3757s mean Kindred has just been in the driver
3758s seat wiah has been putting her foot on
3761s the gas to help everything move move
3764s swiftly move as quickly break as many
3766s things as possible and bearclaw gaming
3769s they still are trying to find an answer
3770s for
3771s it I I feel like supports never get
3774s enough love
3775s in competitive play but wi and kqa have
3779s had such impactful sound barriers just
3781s reminiscing back to a wasis saving their
3784s fight saving namely their tanks because
3786s we've talked a lot about how it's been
3788s the battle between Garchomp and Kindred
3791s when it comes to tanks but yes maybe um
3795s Kindred is swapping to things that is
3797s that is uh countering Garchomp but
3799s Garchomp is able to live that long
3802s because of their supports as well so um
3805s it's what now the DPS can deliver during
3807s those moments that is really gonna stand
3809s out and drainers just been having that
3811s edge in the later stages of the fight
3814s now you got two speed options you got a
3816s symmetra there from Eves I'm expecting
3818s drainers to be in position first thank
3821s you for the pause by the way uh players
3823s so we can actually take a moment to
3824s appreciate the supports and give them
3826s the love that you uh you felt that they
3827s never quite get but we got to give a
3829s little bit of love to IES with that Sim
3830s TP that's already going to set drainers
3832s up quite nicely but air CLA gaming
3835s actually meeting them at the pass here
3837s it's going to have to come down to which
3839s Bastion ends up putting out the most
3840s damage first and which tank is forced to
3842s back off but wants to try and take The
3844s High
3845s Ground that was uh interesting for the
3847s Bastion to go up there too when Bion is
3850s just taking bright clicks there from
3852s evest drainers are taking angles around
3854s this bearclaw are so low and kqa wanted
3857s to stay involved in that fight help
3859s guide Bion back in and man trainers are
3863s just all surrounding them and Bar decide
3865s to step up and push into that tank of
3866s Kindred while they well weren't getting
3869s assisted as much so barlar able to get
3871s some traits to at least being decisive
3874s enough to push forward and trainers
3876s taking these weaker angles all around me
3878s they didn't have a strong side to hold
3880s on to yeah I meanes was kind of wreaking
3883s havoc there on the Sim being a little
3884s bit annoying but bearclaw gaming with
3886s the tried and true tactic of if
3888s someone's being annoying just ignore
3889s them they instead just charge forward
3892s utilize the Bastion get the early
3893s pickoffs and just melt down the rest of
3895s drainers and now bearclaw gaming are in
3898s a great position they are in a
3900s defensible position they've got the
3901s Arisa Kindred has made the swap back
3902s over onto the zarya with that an Matrix
3904s she can't stick
3906s around Kindred has no fear just staring
3909s down that amp Matrix bubbles up jumps
3913s behind reers who or jumps behind
3915s bearclaw who decide to just leave the
3917s party now it's a free cap for drainers
3920s but kqa is not going to let this go for
3922s free they speed the team in gar chop
3925s with the teror surge the sound bear from
3927s wi saves Kindred allows them to leave
3929s the fight but now trainers are so split
3931s from each other bear CLA will easily
3933s retake the point thanks to this giant
3934s anchor of Arista with his immortality in
3937s the way though it's been a little bit
3938s difficult to kill these members Garchomp
3940s just causing chaos hoping someone will
3942s kill the immortality and that is what
3945s kept the drainers alive for so long so
3947s again big shout out to Zep there yeah
3950s huge shout outs to Zep for keeping
3951s Kindred alive also shout out to AES for
3953s that Photon barrier that came came
3954s through at the last possible second I
3956s think that might have even been from
3958s Spawn before they were actually back in
3959s the fight and we got to go back to
3961s Kindred right as I was saying oh the ant
3963s Matrix comes out she doesn't want to
3964s stick around no she just goes around use
3966s a nice little uh zarya jump there with
3968s the right click to get up behind the ant
3970s Matrix pump out all the damage and just
3972s throw bearclaw Gaming's whole plan into
3974s disarray and now drainers have the
3977s defensible position they've nearly CA
3979s the point bearclaw have to come correct
3981s this
3982s fight oh that that bashal actually
3985s forced the jump out of KJ on the sojourn
3987s and Kindred got wall doesn't doesn't
3989s really care throws the graviton down and
3992s bearclaw still managed to fight back
3995s despite being trapped but Kindred is so
3997s charged up bearclaw I'm surprised
3999s they've lived ignoring them for this
4001s entire time now Bion is barely being
4004s protected kred steps up and what a body
4007s block from Garo Bion lives okay that was
4010s a nice little comedic angle there 15 HP
4013s for Bion can in wanted that Bastion dead
4015s so bad and as a as someone who's delved
4018s into tank play a little bit recently
4020s relatable I too want that guy dead every
4022s time I see him G Cho also going to get a
4024s little bit too low there
4026s though this is such this is the last
4029s fight and bearclaw at 99 and trainers
4031s have a Lucio harassing them behind are
4034s they going to commit ultimates it's the
4035s ant Matrix from Ze versus the one from
4037s shush and bearclaw are just stuck in the
4040s middle of all this pain and trainers are
4042s retaking it's the Emer doomfist that
4045s came back but Bion with the double kill
4047s gives them a chance at life but evest
4049s shuts that down also two or three kills
4052s coming out of Zep saves that point for
4054s drainers yeah that was that was Zep
4056s turn's point I mean you had all the hero
4057s swaps coming out from drainers and all
4059s the recontest even Kindred coming back
4061s on the doomfist but it was Zep turn that
4063s was the rock on that point that whole
4064s time pumping out the healing keeping
4066s everybody alive but more importantly
4068s pumping out the damage dishing out the
4070s death and stopping bear claw gaming in
4072s their little bear tracks and now those
4074s tracks got to lead to the second Point
4076s drainers go up taking the first one and
4079s they've already got favorable position
4080s on the next
4082s one all right Kindred holding the choke
4086s there see drainers have a sound if they
4089s want to take an early fight they want to
4090s also hold this for the gravitic flux and
4093s G Chom hasn't Unleashed it yet seeing
4096s what they can find off of the just the
4097s engage and now the gravitic flux comes
4100s out focused on that tank but Kindred is
4102s saved once again by Zepp in that
4103s immortal field but Kindred is so low and
4106s bearclaw are just trying to poke their
4108s way in but now allowing too much time
4110s for drainers to heal back up and unleash
4113s with an ultimate of their own he best
4114s with two in the back for third and
4117s drainers dominate the first fight I they
4120s just understand completely all of their
4122s win conditions at any given moment they
4124s pop the sound barrier go aggressive get
4125s the early pick off onto Bion the
4127s gravitic flux comes out from Garchomp
4130s that's when the immortality field is
4131s used from Zep turn and when all of the
4133s resources from bear clog gaming have
4134s been used up that's when youest goes in
4136s with a dragon blade that is clinical
4138s surgical OverWatch and as Scrappy as it
4140s looks from drainers there's a method to
4142s the madness and they execute it
4144s perfectly but Kindred might be getting
4146s executed next yeah IDE the prary first
4149s cute the maybe allows Kindred to not
4152s that's five players on one you know more
4155s kills with or more damage will come out
4157s with the ICL as well but Bion is always
4158s someone you could depend on oh my God we
4160s just saw that maze eye shut with that
4163s Genji diving in it's 92% plus you might
4165s see bearclaw's eyes shutting soon cuz
4167s that'll be round Point match point for
4169s ders and be claw is still trying to
4171s contest it's gar Cho and kqa and all the
4175s backand of the law from KJ coming in
4179s this has been their point all along I I
4182s told the audience like when we started
4183s like please keep your eyes on Kindred I
4185s want to tell speak directly to bearclaw
4187s gaming please take your eyes off of
4189s Kindred now because there's still four
4191s other threats that you need to be wary
4192s of they go super aggressive aggressive I
4194s call out like a five person assist onto
4197s just that one kill for Kindred but then
4198s you got IES and KJ at your backs pumping
4201s in damage and getting all of these picks
4203s and bearclaw gaming you look at their
4204s ults yeah they got a lot of them but
4206s they weren't given a chance to use them
4208s because they were too hyperfocused on
4210s just trying to take down the junker
4211s Queen you can't to throw in the queen
4213s and not expect the followers to rise
4215s back up at least we can expect be claw
4217s gaming to be comfortable they had closer
4221s spawns and how will they cap it's a few
4223s more seconds you see gar has the shield
4225s up and here is the Rampage right in gets
4228s three of bearclaw and now they place the
4230s blizzard to stop the follow up from
4231s drainers and Bion shooting heads great
4235s overclock that's a great first pick but
4238s now as the dietle bear clock gaming
4240s survived the Rampage while drainers
4242s didn't have a take they got split from
4244s each other but wait drainers as they got
4246s pushed into KJ gets enabled for success
4250s I was going to say for drainers that
4251s engagement was just pure stonks you
4253s invest the the uh you invest the Rampage
4255s and you get out the overclock the sound
4257s barrier and the blizzard even if drers
4259s had lost that fight that still would
4261s have been a dub but they somehow flip it
4263s at the tail end of it and now not only
4265s is it stonks not only have you bled out
4267s bearclaw Gaming's old economy you now
4269s have control of the point and once again
4271s bearclaw gaming are having having to
4273s make swaps to try and just find a way in
4275s find a way to sit comfortably drainers
4278s refuse to let them sit comfortably for
4279s even a moment they're back on the sigma
4281s now G Chomp has the gratic flux what are
4283s they going to do with it it looks like
4285s they want Kindred dead okay well at
4287s least the May wall guarantees that
4288s Kindred is going to take some Firepower
4290s from the critic flux but they still live
4293s sound from wika allows trainers to
4295s engage in overwhelming to bearclaw once
4298s again who want bearclaw want that slow
4300s Temple off of the May and trainers are
4303s so fast they will not let bearclaw
4305s breathe I mean bearclaw I mean right now
4307s they just feel out class and this is
4308s panic swap mode a Reinhardt am Moira a
4311s Reaper I I'm not even sure what their wi
4313s condition is anymore I think they just
4315s want to get to the point fast pump out
4316s as much damage as possible but with only
4318s 95% or sorry only 5% left at 95 in
4321s ticking are they even going to touch kqa
4323s tries to sneak in the back door and
4324s can't get there in
4326s time that is it trainers are going to
4329s your lower bracket final with a sweep
4333s against bearclaw gaming and a sweep on
4336s surasa on bear claw Gaming's map pick
4340s andz came alive this map the three a
4344s blade we've been seeing them get stopped
4346s by immortali stopped by random icicles
4349s and they got their revenge in the end I
4353s like I said I mean bearclaw gaming just
4355s overall feel outclassed on a mechanical
4357s level and on a fundamental level by
4359s drainers this is why I've been touting
4361s drainers as one of the potential
4362s favorites that top three that Triad of
4365s Washington Timeless Valiant Guardians
4367s and drainers and that's what our Podium
4369s is going to look like in any particular
4371s order that's our top three there claw
4374s gaming had a chance to crack into it but
4375s they weren't able to crack through
4377s drainers who swept them in the early
4379s Playoff round swept them in Swiss and
4381s are going to sweep them again here a
4384s quick 3 0 and it honestly outside of
4387s Oasis City Center never really felt like
4390s it was in bearclaw Gaming's favor
4391s drainers were always two steps ahead and
4394s changing the questions every time
4396s bearclaw gaming even came close to
4398s finding an answer yeah we said drainers
4401s had just really great counter swaps but
4403s also Al played a bit closer to the meta
4405s they had multiple wi conditions off of
4407s really just KJ and the neutral being
4409s able to get picks which they have
4410s multiple times to evest forcing out
4412s either cooldowns with the blades or just
4414s their presence like even if you die to
4416s the immortality you still get the
4418s immortality out and then once IES had
4421s those coold Downs out of the picture
4422s that's when you saw her just unleash
4425s bearclaw just could not stop them you
4427s had shush and kqa try their best with
4430s the sound Bears try to swap the healers
4432s that would live through the fight longer
4434s but at the end the May was just not
4437s enough of a wind condition for bearclaw
4439s to isolate that tank and really even the
4442s blizzard stopped anyone when you could
4443s just go and speed around it and they
4446s were trying so hard to isolate that tank
4448s from top to bottom like even in the
4449s closing moments of that fight you saw
4451s the gravitic flux come out like you said
4452s trying to isolate Kindra but while she's
4454s up in the sky nobody was looking at KJ
4457s and KJ just bion's head off with a rail
4458s shot and suddenly you know you're
4460s investing ultimates and trainers just
4462s took out your DPS for free what do you
4464s even do you're already behind the
4465s eightball there it's like I said
4468s drainers just feel two steps ahead at
4470s all time and they have stepped up they
4472s are now going on to our next round to
4474s face off against Valiant Guardians for
4476s the opportunity to face off against
4479s Washington Timeless in the grand finals
4481s the road doesn't get any easier from
4484s here but we do have one quick little
4486s rest stop and that is an interview with
4488s Krick we're going to throw to a quick
4489s break and we will be right back with her
4491s don't go
4492s anywhere
4501s [Music]
4511s [Music]
4527s [Music]
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4732s sh
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4751s welcome back everybody it has been sheer
4754s unbridled aggression and dominance
4756s coming out from drainers especially in
4758s this series and at the Forefront of it
4760s has been Kindred the tank for drainers
4763s we've got her here for an interview
4765s welcome Kindred I have to say right off
4767s the bat uh your V2 model is about as
4770s well endowed as your tank ability is
4771s there a tank that you can't
4774s play uh probably the wreck and ball I'm
4776s not playing that character ever and
4778s you'll never see me play that character
4780s unless I'm rolling out looking at their
4782s account a little bit of scouting we saw
4784s that we saw that
4785s yeah that it it's been great to watch
4788s you play uh just the tank matchup was
4791s really interesting um bring us to your
4793s mindset of going up against Garchomp
4795s kind of what led to your swaps and how
4797s did your team coordinate around
4799s countering uh we recently won uh another
4802s marginalized tournament and in that
4804s tournament it was the same patch and I
4805s kind of learned how to play The Meta
4808s during that with my team and my team
4809s also knows how I like to play and like I
4811s talk a lot with my team about what I
4813s want to do outside of the game and uh I
4816s just see triggers and I I I monkey see
4819s monkey do kind of thing I see Arisa I go
4823s go zarya I see Sigma I go Reinhardt it's
4827s just I'm I'm playing the counter swap
4830s game but you know I'm playing Reinhard
4831s so it's a little more
4832s Bas a little a little bit more based I'm
4835s glad you bring up that tournament that
4836s you uh that you won by the way that uh
4838s kunoichi K fuffle where you're selling
4840s yourself short because you really won
4841s two tournaments in one day you won the
4843s EU and na brackets which is absolutely
4846s insane and why we're considering
4847s drainers to be one of the favorites and
4849s you know you've manifested that you're
4851s now in the top three but if you want to
4853s take this Championship you have to go
4855s through Valiant Guardians to get to
4857s Washington Timeless you've already
4859s beaten Valiant Guardians once can you do
4861s it
4862s again yeah I miss I miss all my old
4865s teammates some of them are Valiant
4866s Guardians so I'd like to beat them in
4869s the in a Callo Heroes tournament
4870s especially after uh not really being
4873s with nixel anymore I kind of forgot that
4875s this is like our second tournament like
4876s or my second tournament not on dixel so
4879s it'll be pretty good to get a nice feel
4881s without or get a nice tournament placing
4883s without uh you know all my puzzle
4887s pieces yeah it I'm so excited for that
4890s match and um one thing I wanted to point
4893s out is you guys ran a lot of symmetra
4895s today with Eves so were there any CH or
4898s what were the challenges or how did you
4900s communicate around teleporting with the
4902s symmetra uh yis and KJ actually an hour
4905s before our warmup where V viewing a lot
4909s and we talked about it last night we
4910s since we lost the timelist so ruthlessly
4913s we are going to try a lot of different
4915s stuff uh if we make the grand finals
4917s it's going to be a very interesting
4918s Grand finals if we make it I'll just say
4920s that for the least I picked up a lot of
4922s plans and uh I'm I'm not even sure what
4925s we're doing so how are they going to
4926s predict what we're
4927s doing that's the shest strategy like if
4929s you don't know what you're going to do
4930s how is your opponent ever going to know
4932s what you're about to do well at this
4934s rate what it seems like you're about to
4936s do is run through Valiant Guardians to
4938s go to the Grand finals and that's what I
4940s kind of want to see I hope we get to see
4942s that happen but but you know as you get
4944s ready for that next match up I want to
4945s give you one last chance to uh give any
4947s sort of shout outs let everybody know
4949s how you're feeling and what we can
4951s expect from you shout out to coach L
4953s fumi AKA restoration AKA my partner she
4957s does a lot of coaching AKA she's not
4959s even in the server and uh they uh they
4963s also made our logo and my B model and
4966s everything that I do is supported
4969s heavily by aumi so that's the only
4972s person I can really shout out and of
4974s course my team because you know they're
4976s my little puzzle pieces and we work
4977s really well
4979s together and is adorable thank you
4981s Kindred so much it's always a pleasure
4983s to have you on here you're always
4984s winning games so I feel like we get to
4985s do a lot of interviews with you and I
4987s hope that that pattern does not change
4989s as we prepare for our next game here
4992s looking to the Past though a three 0
4994s against be claw gaming and like like we
4997s said it just feels like drainers have
4998s been a step ahead of bearclaw gaming the
5001s entire time bearclaw never really felt
5003s like they were in this matchup outside
5005s of Oasis City Center if you're Valiant
5008s Guardians are you looking are you scared
5011s are you scared lemon of what you just
5013s saw from drainers oh I'm scared to be on
5016s the other side the way y'all retook
5019s Midtown was crazy uh thank you so much
5021s for the interview there uh Kindred we'll
5023s see you in the next match but the way
5026s drainers would retake you never know
5027s what to expect from them that what she
5029s said was exactly right expect the
5031s unexpected for them
5033s well expect the unexpected and you never
5036s saw this coming we're going to throw to
5037s a quick break while we get our next
5038s match set up you should have seen that
5040s one coming but hey stick around we'll
5043s have mat we'll have the next match ready
5045s to go for you right after this
5046s [Music]
5061s break
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5350s welcome back OverWatch Gamers this is
5353s the second game of the day for the
5356s calling all heroes rise together minor 3
5359s hosted of course by Toronto defiant my
5362s name is CV I'm joined by the lovely
5364s lemon kiwi and we have a great game
5367s lined up here for our lower finals yes
5371s Valiant Guardians versus drainers
5373s drainers are on that hot streak ever
5375s since round one they've been taking dubs
5379s and you you heard from Kindred earlier
5381s she and the Gang sound very confident
5383s about their next match but Valiant
5385s Guardians has some players I've casted
5387s before that are very scary yeah there's
5390s a lot of star power on Valiant guard
5392s Guardians a lot of big names that you're
5393s going to recognize right away especially
5395s if you're a uh a fan of contenders
5397s OverWatch but speaking of contenders
5400s there's a couple of them right here in
5401s this lower finals and they have a date
5403s with Destiny with Washington Timeless in
5406s the grand finals there but there's only
5408s room for one at the top and there's only
5410s room for two to Vive for that spot who
5413s is going to be facing Washington
5415s Timeless interestingly as you can see
5417s both of these teams were sent to the
5419s lower bracket by Washington Timeless in
5422s three fashion so the road just doesn't
5425s get any easier for anyone involved yeah
5428s at least Val and Guardians have the
5430s better seed to get map one right so to
5434s pick their map one so you obviously want
5436s to counter what drainers have brought to
5438s the table so far but then you saw how
5441s Kindred can literally play any tank
5443s except Hammond which doesn't tell you
5445s exactly what map to go to against them
5447s but seems like kred from the interview
5449s is very calculated and knows exactly
5451s what to swap to so so hopefully Valiant
5453s Guardians are ready I mean maybe Valiant
5456s Guardians you know pull out a wrecking
5457s ball map I'm not sure which map from the
5459s pool is the most conducive to wrecking
5461s ball that wouldn't also very heavily
5463s favor the drainers rush style that
5465s Smashmouth in-your-face style that they
5466s have trademarked throughout the entirety
5468s of this tournament and like you said or
5470s like Kindred said it's it's chaos how
5472s can they predict what we're going to do
5473s if we don't even know what we're going
5474s to do Val and Guardians have to find an
5476s answer but drainers haven't even given
5478s them the question yet the last time
5480s these two teams met drainers swept
5482s Valiant Guardians so Guardians I mean
5485s despite their their upswing going back
5487s from being somewhat disappointing to
5489s being again a potential favorite and
5491s indeed a potential Grand finalist they
5493s still have to try and find an answer and
5496s there's some dangerous uh DPS players on
5499s drainers I mean KJ was popping off on
5501s the sojourn on surasa Eves with the
5504s Genji also the symmetra of they want to
5506s have this more brawl style and can be
5508s enabl to do that we talked about Zep and
5510s their impact on back Baptist and the
5513s immortali that have saved Kindred so
5515s many times so from what we've seen from
5517s drainers they're very capable team that
5519s are have the talent to go to Grand
5521s finals but the Guardians The Gatekeepers
5524s the Valiant Gatekeepers of that uh have
5527s some serious fire power especially
5529s moving fish is a tank that I've casted
5531s before that it was incredible on Winston
5533s during that meta here's their roster now
5536s they're sporting the div is sure but
5538s this is this is one of the more
5540s experienced tanks here yeah yeah I mean
5542s moving fish very storyed with red birds
5544s Esports in both Collegiate and in
5546s contenders has been a phenomenal player
5548s and typically for that Squad was brought
5551s out as their off tank but in the dive
5553s meta that essentially means when we play
5555s circuit Royale you play Sigma so
5558s something of a sigma specialist but
5559s they're also capable of playing any
5561s other tank Under the Sun being in a
5564s sigma favored meta you got to believe
5565s that that's what Valiant Guardians are
5566s going to want to lean more towards
5568s especially with you know hkey and the
5571s phenomenal may play play that we've seen
5572s out of her time and time again whiffs on
5575s the hit scan can easily slot into that
5577s Bastion slot quite nicely it's got to be
5580s what Valiant Guardians want to try and
5582s play but we've also seen a couple other
5584s interesting looks from this roster
5585s throughout the duration of this
5586s tournament so it's anyone's guess as to
5589s whether or not they are going to have
5591s the answer but they definitely have a
5593s ton of tools in their toolbox to try
5595s some things out and aramori is someone
5597s who produces amazing content and she has
5601s some serious Firepower I hope that she
5604s pops off today they also have Coach Leb
5606s which I didn't even know he was coaching
5609s so shout out to Le and the experience
5611s that he brings of course on the support
5613s line of things probably all around is a
5615s very experienced player in competitive
5617s outside of this so we'll see if maybe
5620s the Valiant uh Guardians have the the
5622s game plan to go up against trainers I
5625s mean again whatever that game plan might
5628s be whatever the game even is because at
5630s this point I'm not even sure if they
5631s know because again drainers they don't
5633s even know but we do know for sure what
5635s drainers roster is going to look like no
5637s swaps going to be coming out from them
5638s the same starting roster and we also
5640s know that we're going to kick things off
5641s on Le Jang Tower again it's the same the
5645s same lineup Kindred on the aggressive
5648s tanks the Rind the junker Queens driving
5650s the bo driving the bus driving the Pain
5652s Train forward Zep turn and wiah keeping
5654s her alive and KJ Andes thriving in all
5658s of the chaos finding the picks that they
5659s need to secure the dubs for drainers
5663s it's so chaotic and so difficult to stop
5666s on leang Tower there might be
5667s opportunities for Valiant Guardians to
5669s do that but what really is their modus
5672s operandi here I'm wondering of course
5675s Kindred goes to the rind on leang Tower
5678s I think most of the time maybe you can
5679s justify the Arisa it'll be matchup
5681s dependent as she said in the interview
5683s but is Eves want wanting to go on the
5685s cetra there were times where they lost
5689s some fights due to maybe miscoordination
5690s or some one they're them not even being
5693s being able to connect with the
5695s teleporter to teleporting to the wrong
5696s places to most of the time being able to
5699s do well with that symmetra but then
5701s symmetra is a super vulnerable character
5703s can be weak to Genji can be weak to just
5705s any assassin that gets on them so Eves
5708s can be both a liability and both an
5710s important winning condition for maneuver
5712s and Kindred around the map so is the
5714s symmetra coming into play or are we
5716s seeing maybe more Bastion Genji or just
5718s full damage when we go to night mark I
5722s do want to also keep a very close eye on
5724s the Valiant Guardians composition I
5727s don't believe it was against drainers I
5728s think it was against Washington Timeless
5730s on the first day of Swiss that they
5732s actually pulled out a doomfist pharmacy
5734s composition and it did win them Night
5736s Market it wasn't you know something that
5738s they were able to run successfully on
5740s Gardens or on uh control center so they
5743s did have to kind of adapt and play into
5744s Washington timeless' game a little bit
5746s but that does show that they have that
5748s tool in their toolbox again another
5749s thing that moving fish can swap over to
5752s is that doomfist and there is a ton of
5754s flexibility in that DPS core there uh
5756s we're still uh still waiting just a
5758s little bit on the lobby here so we'll be
5760s getting into the game shortly chat I
5762s know you want to get into it but hey
5763s we're buying you some more time to get
5764s those skins you know you I I've seen so
5767s many people that have been like please
5768s just stay live for like four more
5769s minutes I'm so close this is where this
5771s is where you really pump up those
5773s numbers here yes get your Contender
5775s skins they're limited edition they look
5778s cool and what's going to be cool is also
5780s this lower bracket final the winner of
5783s this gets top two goes to the Grand
5785s Final and has a chance to try and
5788s Dethrone that Washington team so we go
5792s to leang Tower this is picked by Valiant
5795s Guardians and that that's quite a choice
5798s to make against a kind of a rush Master
5801s team of
5803s drainers we're going to be looking
5805s heavily to night market and Gardens to
5807s be what actually sets it apart control
5810s center you got to believe like drainers
5812s this is where they want to live this is
5813s absolutely going to be their home but
5816s how are night market and Gardens going
5818s to favor drainers if at all do Valiant
5821s Guardians have a plan for those submaps
5823s in particular if they can take just
5825s those two then really doesn't matter
5827s what happens on control center yeah
5829s defending with Rush is what's most
5830s important just defending in general if
5832s you can win the first fight the
5833s percentage of you winning the map the
5836s round uh skyrockets so that that's where
5838s that symmetra of Eves is going to be
5840s really critical
5842s uh on a map like this uh not so much
5844s there is just so much open area around
5846s the point that teleporting first to
5848s point is is mostly for maybe a control
5850s center or a night market here on Gardens
5853s you can even have some dive if you want
5855s but both our teams seem to be hovering
5856s over Rush yeah not even a a smidge of
5859s dive to kick things off on gens both
5861s teams like he said hovering over the
5863s rush but the interesting thing to me is
5865s that there're is no symmetra on the side
5866s of Al there is now a symmetra I've just
5868s been debated I thought HQ was going to
5870s stick on that Genji which she has
5871s actually at times been known for and
5873s been quite good at but this is a little
5875s bit more of a mirror matchup here just a
5877s difference in tanks and we know how
5879s Kindred likes to play her tanks
5881s especially against the Nisa so maybe we
5883s can even expect a zarya swap in the near
5885s future oh Kindred has no fear just
5888s stepping up no armor half broken shield
5890s they don't want to let wisp get away
5893s with murder but they already have
5895s Kindred thought they could engage but
5897s they were missing out on resources and
5899s it's really not a bad idea to stay
5901s patient and play your section of the
5903s point like they were set up to do but
5905s they stepped forward and just ate so
5907s much damage from whis like I said
5910s Kindred is always driving the bus for
5911s drainers but her bus does not have a
5913s rearview mirror at all she did not see
5915s that there was not enough support behind
5917s her and too much damage in front of her
5919s for her to be able to back out safely on
5921s the Reinhardt so she's going to go ahead
5923s and use this opportunity to make that
5924s swap just like I called out onto the
5926s zarya and Hey look it's already paying
5928s off and it helps to also counter Genji
5930s you can't deflect zarya is damage so HQ
5932s has to be even more careful and keep
5934s track of that energy from Kindred cuz if
5937s it's at zero also just throwing popcorns
5940s at the other team but drainers seem to
5942s be defending well and just slowly but
5943s surely dwindling down moving fish who
5946s can't take that fight against EV at
5948s least not when they get charged up this
5950s much so drainers are back in the driver
5952s seam Kendra definitely not throwing
5954s popcorn at the enemy team right now
5955s popping them like popcorn along with the
5957s beam damage coming up from IES who's
5959s already nearing that Photon B barer Zep
5962s turn has the amp Matrix and that's going
5964s to be very difficult for valian
5966s Guardians composition to try and play
5968s into that's likely going to bait out
5969s almost all the moving fish's cool downs
5971s and suddenly they're going to be out
5973s where you don't want to be looks like
5975s they're actually just going to use the
5975s amp mat to control the bridge and force
5977s a rotation yeah the photon bear popped
5980s from Eves they kind of panicked they saw
5982s someone jump into the window towards the
5984s point there Valiant Guardians maybe HQ
5986s or something like that and trainers are
5989s teleporting into them they are insane
5992s Vali and Guardians have to use the sound
5994s bear they feel too much they feel too
5996s pressured and trainers are able to
5998s escape through the bridge and Val and
5999s Guardians have no punishing power it
6001s seems drainers are still finding picks I
6005s mean what a great teleport there for
6007s Evas just you peppering in the damage on
6008s the moving fish who has no idea that
6010s they're just melting fully focused on
6012s trying to put the damage out through the
6014s window but didn't realize the call was
6015s coming from inside the house and you you
6018s know valant Guardians they have a nice
6019s old combo with that artillery strike uh
6021s and teror surge combination but you know
6023s drers have all the tools they need to
6024s counter it valy and Guardians if they
6026s even want to try and get it off they
6028s have to try and find a way in and
6029s drainers are not keen to let them do
6032s that yeah moving fish can't sustain
6034s through this Spight and Kindred is very
6036s charged grab at the ready Val and
6038s Guardians don't have an answer to this
6041s but they want to try and force this out
6043s long range grab a throne and you've got
6046s moving fish who tries to e all the
6048s damage what an artillery strike from whz
6051s but have traded right out we have a
6053s three versus three drainers 94% and
6056s growing Wick makes the call for the
6058s sound bear moves to off the map Val and
6062s Guardians lose round one that's such a
6065s clutch play from Wicket to Zep turn was
6066s out of the fight KJ and Kindred were
6068s both low HP so wi says you know what I
6071s got this babes pops the sound barrier
6073s gives all that over Health to keep them
6075s alive just long enough and then just
6077s walks right through the window gets a 2K
6079s with that Boop that is mAh picture P
6082s Picture Perfect Lucio play that is
6084s beautiful stuff that is why she and
6086s Kindred have the accolades that's why
6088s she is a former calling all heroes
6090s Champion along with the nyxl academy
6093s roster that's why she even was one of
6095s the inaugural calling all heroes
6096s champions in the first tournament that
6098s we ran here she's a phenomenal Lucio
6100s player and it shows especially when she
6102s gets to play that hyper aggressive style
6104s where she can get those big plays get
6106s those big aggressive Lucio boops now
6109s though having a look back over the other
6110s side of the screen here's that
6112s composition that I uh foreshadowed from
6114s Valiant Guardians that doomfist Pharmacy
6116s comp this will be able to trickle damage
6119s around the point in terms of living and
6122s holding the space this is difficult for
6123s Valiant Guardians to do with this
6125s composition it will all be around trying
6127s to put damage into the point the for St
6130s out and kred is pooped off by hkey still
6134s a number Advantage for drainers who
6136s continue to live on the point KJ needs
6140s that bar to be a little bit more
6141s committed before switching to that tank
6143s configuration and trying to spray them
6144s down but it's difficult with a mercy
6146s pocket yeah the trouble is you're really
6148s relying on the presence of moving fish
6150s and the absence of IES all of a sudden
6152s to try and find a way in with that
6154s symmetra off the field it might be a
6155s little bit easier to get your Sim and
6157s your doomfist onto the point to contest
6159s and for HP to find a little bit more
6161s purchase with these Rockets oh there's
6163s the purchase buying so much and you see
6165s kred trying to protect their team that
6167s was a well-placed matrix with the diva
6170s and H is booping people off still moving
6173s fish must have missed a punch or
6174s something I have no idea but H ke is
6177s removing people by force but drainers
6180s still have so many people alive who is
6183s going to be really there to contest if
6185s your Valiant Guardians trainers are
6188s running out of firep running out of
6190s people and eventually B and Guardians
6191s will flip and moving fish I mean did
6194s slip off the point they return to the
6195s ocean briefly but they are now back and
6197s you got to believe the fight win is
6199s coming in favor of I guardians but W is
6202s still a ever looming threat with that
6204s huge Boop there once she's dispatched it
6206s is going to be Valiant Guardians finding
6208s the flip but it's Scrappy it's bloody
6210s it's not clean and that's the kind of
6212s chaos that drainers continue to thrive
6214s in and that chaos has gifted them a
6217s sound barrier and an amp Matrix I'm not
6219s quite sure how you use the amp Matrix
6220s against the composition like Valiant
6222s guardians but I'm sure that sound
6224s barrier is going to come in clutch
6225s especially with this pulse bomb and
6227s potentially with this rocket barrage
6228s coming online yeah the amrick would have
6230s been better better to defend with not to
6232s engage in Valiant can just simply leave
6235s but drainer somehow made their way to
6236s the point are going to be able to cap it
6238s back use the an Matrix to just scare
6241s Valiant into not having line of sight
6243s with them but trainers are down evest KJ
6247s is also translocating back Vali and have
6250s made their move they've Ned moving fish
6252s who's ready to go for environmental
6254s kills for anyone who steps on these
6256s Ledges Vali and guard Guardians have now
6259s just divided drainer how are people
6262s always falling off the map what's going
6263s on here I I think drainers might have
6265s left some banana peels near the edge
6266s there and Valiant Guardians have not
6268s been privy to that strategy is both
6270s moving fish and whis has falling victim
6272s to it but drainers they still look very
6275s strong there there's a kill onto aest
6276s but took out KIRO before they fell all
6280s right I think it's a three versus two in
6281s favor of Vali and Guardians and their
6284s reinforcements are coming back that much
6286s quicker Kindred might have contested
6288s there for a while they have left the
6289s scene so was wikas so Valiant will take
6292s back the point it's still looking pretty
6295s heavily favored for drainers though
6297s they're going to have the EMP they're
6298s going to have the duplicate Valiant
6300s Guardians don't have an ult to their
6301s name their stonks are looking quite low
6304s at this point in time they're going to
6305s have to rely on picks and you can see
6306s that's why HQ wants to go hyper
6308s aggressive right now they catch IES out
6310s IES is forced to use the duplicate early
6313s ohes trying to do the far better now
6317s says okay I'm going to go towards the
6318s objective help the team out gets gunned
6322s down and so does moving fish you got a
6324s five versus two Advantage for drainers
6327s at 97 plus% it'll be up to whis to touch
6331s and they've already been struck down so
6333s there really is no recontest potential
6335s for Valiant Guardians drainers will take
6337s map one they have indeed been struck
6340s down by the smooth criminals that are
6342s drainers stealing this one away there's
6345s so unpredictable they are so chaotic
6346s like what is this team comp that I'm
6348s looking at right now Diva with a Sombra
6351s Echo and that just kind of works out it
6354s it has no business working out it is
6356s definitely not the meta but it's one of
6358s those situations where you're going up
6359s against a team that is not playing what
6361s everyone else is practicing so you can't
6364s practice against it if they don't know
6365s what or if we don't know what we're
6366s going to do you can't know what we're
6368s going to do drainers they know what
6371s they're doing they might not look it but
6372s they definitely know what they are doing
6374s here Val and Guardians went for the full
6377s anti far comp with the diva Ekko and
6380s more but they didn't really have a solid
6382s hit scan to be able to take advantage of
6385s the space that they could have had wisp
6388s I mean also just it's tough to have an
6391s impact on Tracer when a lot of the
6393s characters you want to get close to are
6394s just that dangerous so having to come up
6398s with something that can counter drainers
6400s when they seem to be more studed up on
6402s the meta or what is good against them
6404s and how to play against it drers are the
6407s better team right now yeah I I don't
6409s know if I would say they're studied up
6410s on The Meta they're definitely studied
6412s up on whatever the heck it is that they
6414s want to play they've studied that book
6416s they read it back front front cover to
6418s cover left to right they can read it
6420s backwards if they want to and Valley and
6422s Guardians still have yet to even figure
6424s out what language it's written in let
6425s alone how to counter it how to stop it
6428s okay wisps didn't fall off the edge
6430s there I think pulse bomb themselves is
6433s actually what happened there so didn't
6435s fall victim to the banana peel fell
6437s victim to something much much more
6439s Sinister I was about to I didn't really
6441s see any pulse bombs I'm try not to call
6443s people out I I was wanting to see more
6446s explosive power out of wisp but maybe
6449s less explosive power out of wisps just
6451s not at your own feet you know I
6453s understand but
6455s drainers they they're an exciting team
6457s to watch they're an exciting team to
6460s watch and it's also very exciting very
6462s exhilarating to think about what the
6463s other team has to be thinking right now
6465s like how are the synapses in their
6466s brains firing what connections are they
6468s trying to make how are they going to
6470s somehow retake their position in the
6472s driver's seat because drainers have
6474s completely taken us off the road we are
6476s we don't know where we are we're
6477s completely out in the drainer zone
6479s wherever that may be Valiant Guardians
6481s they need to get back on course if they
6483s want to try and have that date with
6485s Washington Timeless they need to try and
6487s get back on course it's going to be
6489s their map pick and the next stop on that
6491s course is Midtown well trainers were
6495s very successful at that last time so
6497s much so that they pretty much full held
6499s their opposition not allowing that full
6501s point capture to go through and having
6503s and being so confident on this map that
6505s they would go for a retake with a
6507s doomfist and actually Prevail at it so
6510s got to watch out for Eves also on the
6512s Genji I think now that they've kind of
6515s warmed up they're they're one of the
6516s most threatening DPS on the field
6519s undoubtedly and I mean you we can go
6521s back to to drainers and how dangerous
6523s and how Scrappy they are as a team the
6525s win condition I feel for Valiant
6527s Guardians has to be trying to just take
6530s control and be the ones that are setting
6532s the tempo and not letting drainers play
6534s whatever it is their game is it's a
6535s childish game put your toys away stop it
6537s we have to play this serious game right
6539s now good old-fashioned clinical
6541s OverWatch where they are in the driver's
6543s seat are they going to be able to
6545s execute that though cuz like you said
6547s bearclaw gaming was not able to do so on
6549s this map drainers were quite successful
6552s on Midtown with that Miracle retake
6554s again pulling the toys out dumping them
6556s all over the floor so the parents step
6557s on them and just a terrible time for
6560s bearclaw gaming and have Valiant
6563s Guardians set them up for that exact
6564s same fate we'll never know or we will
6566s actually quite shortly
6568s know yeah moving fish do they go back to
6573s sort of an orisa style it is one of the
6575s just easier and more tankier tanks to
6578s play in terms of holding space but
6580s Kindred locking zarya IES sometimes
6583s going symmetra just the double laser
6585s comp is something that moving fish had a
6587s lot of issues with and what kind of had
6591s them such have such a hard time holding
6592s any real estate at all and just
6594s constantly having to maneuver around the
6596s map is very difficult on trying to
6598s discover what angles to retake on while
6600s is of course defending with what
6602s trainers were running was a lot easier
6604s but we go to Midtown now with Valiant
6607s Guardians attacking where moving fish on
6609s the sigma this is a good call I'm
6611s curious to see how the Ry defense plays
6613s out for drainers cuz yeah this is
6615s definitely what Kindred wants to play
6617s right now they're playing the uh the
6618s London Spitfire variant version of the
6620s rush composition with the Reinhardt with
6622s the SIM with the Bastion and it did it
6625s did Fair quite well for London but it
6627s requires a lot of synergy and it might
6629s not look the most synergistic the way
6631s that drainers play it's quite chaotic
6632s but they are all on the same page they
6635s do understand their win conditions when
6637s to use their ultimates when to use their
6638s abilities for maximum Effectiveness and
6641s whether that be on an individual level
6642s or a team level is kind of irrelevant
6644s when you have to try and play into it
6646s Valiant Guardians sticking with what
6648s brought them to the dance and that's
6649s that Sig meta
6651s but trainers they were able to dominate
6653s so many fights because of their ability
6655s to not hesitate to W key in with Kindred
6659s and look at them swing for the fences
6662s Valiant Guardians just woke up and
6664s they've already been put to bed yeah
6667s nobody on Valley and Guardians was
6668s looking at that window where KJ was
6670s lurking courtesy of the Sim teleporter
6672s and you know yeah ifest does fall the
6674s health bars on draer is looking a little
6676s anemic right now it might be an
6677s opportunity for someone from Valen
6679s Guardians to step up but who is there
6680s there's nobody nobody can step up
6682s drainers can just take a quick step back
6684s give up a little bit of space that does
6686s let Valiant Guardians get through the
6687s choke essentially for free which is a
6689s little bit more comfortable but they
6691s still have to try and find purchase on
6692s the point yeah this H ke May is playing
6695s at an off angle and the first May wall
6697s didn't really help moving fish taking a
6699s lot of pressure but Diner's not
6701s committing meaning Valiant Guardians can
6703s heal back up but Kindred pops around the
6706s corner starts beating HQ to death
6709s doesn't get maybe the impact that they
6710s wanted but it's good cycling around the
6712s shield and Trust into KJ's Bastion that
6716s prevails for drainers and like a rubber
6718s band drainers snap right back and now
6720s they have control of the choke again and
6723s their style like we saw is to not even
6725s let Valiant Guardians sit in this choke
6727s comfortably we saw Kindred doing the
6729s same play against bearclaw gaming I
6730s don't know if it's going to be as
6731s successful she might actually have to
6732s use the shatter this time around but
6734s even that there is no shot Valiant
6736s Guardians will have scouted this out and
6738s yep they didn't see it coming well the
6741s ice block was MTI by H key but
6743s hero just got their feet hammered
6746s Valiant Guardians see with this ant
6748s Matrix if they could have could have
6750s punished The Escape of Kindred but
6752s beautiful pin out now you got some hosen
6757s Valiant Guardian just Valiant Guardians
6759s taking a bit of damage not too worried
6761s but they have drainers on The High
6762s Ground you know exactly what's coming
6764s this basol will draw those rats maybe
6768s even get the immortality out of
6770s no but the blizzard is dropped by H key
6773s to stop drainers in their tracks
6775s freezing Kindred killing dead and KJ
6777s next on The Hit List but the photon bear
6779s of EVS is what saves the team at the end
6782s but with two missing from this defense I
6784s don't know how long drers can hold out
6786s for I I mean Valley Guardians at the
6788s very least have at least gotten their
6789s feet back underneath them and they can
6791s start to walk and eventually start to
6792s run they're going to be able to get at
6794s least one tick on the point here but
6796s yeah I wouldn't be surprised if drainers
6798s go back in for a recontest and hey what
6799s do you know there's Kindred oh jez
6802s Kindred uh do they have support they do
6805s the sound barrier but it's really just
6807s to delay the inevitable gravitic flux to
6811s deal with the reinforcements there of
6813s drainers and valali and Guardians have
6815s Capp the point they had to leverage the
6817s ult advantage to get to the choke and
6819s get themselves onto the point there wi
6821s goes for an aggressive sound barrier to
6823s try and keep the rest of drainers in the
6824s fight to keep the recontest alive but
6826s you live by the sword you die by the
6828s sword you go for the aggressive sound
6829s barrier you don't have a defensive one
6831s for the gravitic flux speaking of
6833s defensive KJ had no defense there for
6836s the just ganking there by Valiant
6838s Guardians that's a pretty late stagger
6840s and a rough time to lose your primary
6842s damage dealer that might actually just
6844s be Valiant Guardians taking this early
6845s High Ground for three and that is pretty
6847s disastrous for drainers that's a good
6850s call from valy and Guardians this bridge
6851s is a power position that both teams will
6853s fight over and to be set up this early
6856s especially with a May drainers are just
6858s not going to be able to go up here but
6860s somehow they do with the teleport evest
6862s they take a different angle which
6864s catches H ke off guard valali and
6866s Guardians decide not to contest this of
6869s course against the ant metric of z turn
6871s but Valiant Guardians still have some
6872s good cart push going and Bridge control
6874s back for drainers that's a great way to
6876s get that High Ground back up just pop
6878s the ant Matrix and make the other team
6879s Evacuate the Dance Floor but hey they
6881s have showed up to tango once again KJ
6883s looking very very low there they're
6885s trying to keep their Bastion alive
6887s drainers they're going to have to evict
6889s they're going to have to evict
6889s themselves take their leave what an
6891s incredible immortality once again at of
6893s seep turn when Kindred just abandoned
6895s the backline the immortality came came
6898s up saved KJ and the difference of damage
6901s for drainers is astounding now will not
6904s only have Bridge control but they may
6905s want to hold close off of the shatter
6907s they're definitely going to want to I
6908s mean they have five ultimates why
6909s wouldn't they hold close here yeah you
6912s can see Kindred looking she's going for
6913s another flank shatter and again Valley
6915s and Guardians have not successfully
6916s scouted this out once and why would this
6918s be any different yeah
6920s actually narrowly avoids it but now
6922s you're trapped in here with me son oh
6925s great Mayall from H key now Kindred is
6927s trapped that's the head down of hke like
6930s a mole and the immortality from z turn
6932s allowed that kill to even happen but
6935s kindreds eventually dealt with and
6936s trainers didn't want to invest more than
6938s they already did it's a good call go for
6941s those two ultimates the sound Bearer
6943s could have been used but wi is still
6945s enabling KJ for as long as they can but
6948s valy and Guardians are missing a few
6949s members so it's not a comfortable push
6951s for them yeah I mean they're only going
6952s to realistically be able to have moving
6954s fish on the payload here with I believe
6956s that's H key along with them here so
6958s they can get the cart back underneath
6959s this choke but they can't maintain High
6961s Ground Control they can't push the cart
6963s far enough to where The High Ground
6964s Control becomes irrelevant so again
6966s drainers are able to snap right back
6969s take the high ground and drop down on
6972s top of valiant Guardians on their terms
6975s oh KIRO managed to actually get the cart
6977s past the bridge now drainers pop the
6980s immortality on an off angle what a risk
6984s what a mistake from trainers they should
6985s have popped it to cover the payload and
6988s coming from behind Valley and Guardians
6990s who are already so far forward is a
6992s choice drainers are not only only not
6995s only going to lose bridge but the
6996s entirety of point B unless Kindred can
6999s contest then they do but they're the
7000s only member alive so you you shave off a
7003s few more seconds but Valiant Guardians a
7006s great call to keep that cart pushed and
7009s to keep moving forward despite drainers
7011s behind them you call that Wick a sound
7013s barrier there I in her defense it's kind
7015s of hard to use a sound barrier
7016s effectively when your team is playing on
7018s six different tectonic plates I we're
7020s playing a rush comp as though it is a
7022s comp full of just all flankers like Zep
7025s turn is going for aggressive ant
7026s matrixes in the backline KJ and wi are
7029s speed boosting a Bastion around behind
7031s the enemy team Valiant Guardians they
7034s have failed to predict anything but
7035s they're still able to make a little bit
7036s of Headway this basion all Plus charging
7040s in but now you're looking down the
7042s barrel of death when there's a sound
7043s bear from KIRO in your face but barely
7046s getting it the immortality but there is
7048s wisp getting their revenge and trainers
7050s will be wiped off the face of this
7052s objective and Valiant will get halfway
7054s to point C that was a great little stun
7057s there for moving fish I mean kred she
7059s felt it was getting too hot she wanted
7060s out turned around and tried to charge
7062s got hit with an accretion and then the
7063s wall went up in her face had that rock
7065s not hit she would have gotten out and
7067s drainers might actually be able to go
7068s for a recontest here but now now the
7070s card's going to get around that last
7072s corner or right up to it before Valiant
7074s Guardians have to try and be on the back
7076s foot now that kred is back in the fight
7078s moving fish was so low and drainers
7080s wanted that kill so bad and with being
7082s this close to shatter and now having it
7085s Kidd and how they play this corner is
7087s going to be important but maybe worried
7089s about the damage that whsp can do on the
7091s Bastion and reading this amp Matrix
7093s they're going to T drainers are tping
7095s behind Valiant and dropped the shatter
7097s right in front of them drainers wanted
7099s form the pain sandwich but Valiant
7103s removing Kindred maybe kills this
7105s defense for drainers it'll be up to
7107s their DPS and how they work off of this
7109s Photon barrier which is acting as a
7111s pseudo tank and it's been working out
7113s for KJ taking down the opposition of
7115s whis and now trapping the supports
7118s aramori and hero are gone and trainers
7121s will continue to hold that was almost a
7124s heroic play from HP the May wal to block
7127s Kindred shatter was incredible continue
7130s the longstanding Rivalry of Kindred
7132s versus walls walls gets one over this
7134s time around but hke dies with the
7137s blizzard that might have sealed the
7139s fight for Valiant Guardians and with
7141s that off the field and no other tools
7143s realistically in Valiant Guardians favor
7145s save for that gravitic flux that came
7147s out too little too late drainers are
7150s able to hold and withstand and that's
7151s where that friendly little fire truck is
7154s going to stop that is the win condition
7156s for drainers and if your Valiant
7158s Guardians I would have love to see a
7160s full cap because you got to believe with
7162s the aggression and the way that drainers
7164s play they are going to have their the
7166s pedal to the medal the entire time a
7168s full cap for drainers seems likely going
7170s on the attack with this hyper aggressive
7172s style surely this will be a close call
7175s yeah with how aggressive trainers are
7178s playing how moving fish decides to
7181s position is so important to their team's
7183s success You' got to not be afraid to
7186s give up space and to play off of your
7187s cooldowns let them regenerate especially
7189s that shield and to move back in because
7191s Sigma can take pressure very well at a
7194s distance and Kindred not so much so in
7196s an extended fight I would give moving
7198s fish and especially this Bastion the dub
7200s but it's about drainers not hesitating
7203s on always pressing W key which they've
7205s been so good at but Valiant have to be
7208s keep that space created between the two
7210s for Valiant to win and drainers love to
7213s press the W key but right now they're
7214s going to want to press the H key because
7216s IES versus H key is the major
7218s differential in this composition
7220s drainers are going to want to teleport
7222s right past the choke point hqy wants to
7224s try and cut them off at the pass who is
7226s going to get the better of this exchange
7228s there's the May wall the teleport is no
7230s good oh the cetra teleport almost caught
7233s Valiant off guard and now with this ice
7235s Block H key can't be saved moving fish
7238s needs to back away they've got the Caro
7240s speed and the boops to create space but
7243s trainers Are A Pain Train that will not
7245s be stopped there are no stops on this
7247s train and trainers will will be at least
7250s getting the first take they have to be
7251s careful with how far they extend out
7253s especially evest but with bash missing
7255s there of whiz there's a lot of damage
7257s missing from Valiant but drainers should
7260s be okay to get the second tick but what
7261s about the third Valiant Guardians are
7263s thinking about a recontest but with a
7265s Reinhardt that could be pinning them
7267s down is difficult but HQ has snuck into
7269s the backline while Kindred pinned
7271s forward and HQ might have bought another
7274s fight for
7275s Balian maybe but I mean she's still
7277s alive Zep turn going to go ahead and pop
7279s that ant Matrix up on The High Ground
7281s And I think with dispatching Kindred
7283s Valiant Guardians might have finally
7284s regained control of the fight nope
7286s scratch that they've actually failed to
7288s stay on the point and HQ Falls ifs and
7293s Zep turn they just go ahead and cap the
7295s point outright and drainers just when
7297s you thought Valiant Guardians had a
7298s chance to get back into it steal it
7300s right back out from under them and now
7302s here's that aggression from drainers yet
7304s again playing forward trying to bait
7307s Valiant Guardians into fighting on their
7308s term saying yeah come on up here take me
7310s down Kindred looking for a a shatter
7313s from the top rope most
7315s likely yeah it looks like the photon be
7317s is being thought about to deny Valiant
7320s from going inside of that room the
7322s shatter came down H key is missing but
7325s the artillery fire is here to stop
7327s drainers from having bridge but the
7329s shield goes up Kindred blocks the damage
7331s and now pins in you crazy Reinhardt
7334s Valiant still weren't able to punish it
7336s but Kindred without a shield just has
7338s the spray it just has the swing and pre
7341s but Valiant break through the tank must
7344s be more cous and trainers are gone from
7346s this bridge oh miss kindred's Wild Ride
7349s finally comes to a close she was emoting
7352s up on that pillar dropped down with a
7354s shatter killed two went in for that
7356s charge and on one HP canceled the charge
7358s so she could get healed some phenomenal
7361s Reinhardt play a master class and
7363s meanwhile wi was sneaking the point
7365s underneath him the entire time but it
7368s wasn't enough valy and Guardians right
7369s able to win the fight and maintain the
7370s ult advantage so it's going to be a very
7373s very uphill battle for drainers from
7375s here on out is where is drainers going
7378s to teleport to and hqy thought it was
7381s going to be right on top of bridge so
7382s they dropped the Blizzard at their feet
7384s but drainers are split they have someone
7386s pushing cart and the rest of drainers
7388s can't seem to find a safe way to cross
7390s the street while Valiant poke them down
7393s so a small push from drainers but great
7395s Focus out of valiant but Vali they
7398s utilize two of their biggest ultimates
7399s in that fight and drainers you know
7401s they're Diamond hands they get to hold
7402s on to their economy where can keep
7404s building up that sound barrier to match
7405s Kos and with that off the field drainers
7408s firmly have an ult advantage if they go
7409s in for a TP hit a big amp Matrix
7412s drainers can retake this High ground but
7415s Valiant Guardians do have an opportunity
7416s to consider that possibility mull it
7419s over think on it as we go to a quick
7422s pause yeah I was wondering uh that's why
7425s I wanted to talk to kid about how they
7428s were going to teleport this composition
7429s around cuz there's a lot to consider
7431s when engaging you know inside another
7434s team you're just teleporting into them
7436s so mainly it's been Kindred looking for
7438s shatters um Eves just making that call
7441s to usually go on top of the pillar on
7443s top of the bridge and this has been kind
7444s of nullifying such an important weakness
7446s of the Reinhardt composition of how much
7449s time they can take poke for and Eves
7451s cuts that down by placing them in the
7453s positions where they don't have to worry
7455s where Kindred can just swing and this
7457s will be what's on the menu still finding
7460s a way to do that the May wall was sort
7462s of to deny that and here's the artillery
7464s of KJ that put some fear into Valiant
7466s they pop the ant Matrix and drainers
7468s disengage even though they had their own
7470s a matrix it wasn't it was best placed
7474s yeah I mean it was placed pretty well
7476s but kry gets a little bit too low and
7477s the entirety of drainers just have to
7479s pump the brakes go on the back foot
7481s reassess and they can't stick around
7483s much longer so yeah ant Matrix for ant
7484s Matrix traded out both kind of wasted
7486s here W wants to go aggressive with the
7487s sound barrier though is very aggressive
7490s trying to overwhelm moving fish who has
7492s so much cushion because of that sound
7494s bear eventually dealt with good Focus
7496s out of drainers with this Photon barrier
7498s EVS will not be touched and drainers
7501s will continue to advance this cart and
7503s this should be a time bank Advantage as
7505s well Valiant Guardians they've done a
7508s good job at disengaging from these
7510s teleport plays but drainers are just so
7512s creative the Sim TPS are just phenomenal
7515s from investing you can even see the
7517s investment that hke has to go for every
7518s time with the Mayall just to block
7520s drainers off from even being able to
7522s utilize the teleporter but that makes it
7524s harder to be able to cut off line of
7526s sight once Kindred is actually in your
7528s face and so yeah she's able to disengage
7530s she's able to go aggressive she's able
7532s to shatter An Elevator Shaft for some
7534s reason who would let who is letting her
7536s cook there's too much cooking happening
7539s and uh KIRO or Koo definitely got fried
7542s going uh up against Kindred in a tiny
7544s room KJ is also unloading and drainers
7548s how long can this push push go without
7550s Kindred they've done enough damage to
7551s Valiant guardians but they will have the
7553s respawn Advantage he best has a good
7555s idea of trying to get more stagger kills
7557s the box of Victory is there Val and
7559s Guardians need to touch HQ has to pop
7562s the blizzard here surely someone has to
7563s touch please t Okay thing okay all right
7566s she still is going to have this blizzard
7568s is going to have to use it into the ant
7569s Matrix oh but the teleporter is placed
7572s and not everyone got a right at time
7574s what Wier lives the second icicle from H
7577s key didn't hit and especially didn't go
7579s for the head shot trainers are missing
7583s their symmetra and it's up to Kindred to
7585s dominate the front line but they can't
7587s gets all the damage at range from
7589s Valiant ni you still have two and a half
7591s minutes of your drainers nothing to
7592s worry about yeah nothing to worry about
7595s but you do have an ult advantage for
7596s Valiant Guardians they bought just
7598s enough time to build up that gravitic
7599s flux the artillery strike that's a great
7601s onew punch they've got the ant Matrix to
7603s try and control space which hasn't been
7605s the easiest task to do against drainers
7608s but it is a tool that when things are
7609s this dicey they must leverage they must
7612s rotate out effectively from here on out
7614s because once drainers build up that
7615s Earth shatter you know Kindred is going
7617s to go for something absolutely
7619s Bonkers
7621s trainers how is this going to go they
7623s have to wait out the gravitic flux
7625s there's no answer to this and zpp tur is
7627s already dead trainers just don't have
7629s the healing to sustain this fight and
7632s off the photon barrier they you know
7633s stuck around to see what kind of picks
7635s they could get but it's just not a fight
7637s you can take without Zep I mean and
7639s that's great value for valy and
7640s Guardians I mean the gravitic flux
7641s doesn't actually get anything but it
7643s does section off the rest of the team so
7644s Zep turn is vulnerable does Fall and
7647s Valley and Guardians have now build up
7648s to a sound barrier to match wikas so the
7650s ult advantage still in their favor the
7652s rotations are going nicely and they
7654s don't even have to invest as long as
7655s they keep finding early picks here's the
7658s artillery from whisp um firing at the
7661s wrong team but firing on to the right
7663s person Eves is gone trainers keep
7666s getting picked but they do respond with
7668s the down Caro from the s from the wall I
7671s should say sound bear hasn't been used
7674s and drainers will continue to delay this
7677s car dies without or with the sound
7678s barrier in his back pocket trainers I
7680s don't know if they scouted they're not
7681s going to go aggressive they're going to
7682s go ahead and use an artillery strike of
7684s their own and try and take space and
7685s walk forward but there's the ant Matrix
7687s from both sides and Kindred Falls yeah
7689s the ant Matrix from aramori came first
7691s punished Kindred extending forward the
7694s box of Victory right in trainer's sight
7696s but valy and Guardians they're not
7699s Guardians for no reason they are just
7701s defensive
7703s Warlords and the pace has slowed to a
7705s snails pace right now and that's not
7707s where drainers want to operate they want
7709s to pick up the tempo and they're running
7710s out of time to do just that we got sound
7712s barriers on both side Kindred coming up
7714s on a shatter but HQ has the blizzard
7717s again that has to be the big Difference
7719s Maker what will she do with this
7721s blizzard is anybody going to fall
7723s courtesy of it a great wall but the Bzz
7725s comes out Kindred lives no wait kred got
7727s booed line of fire again the immortality
7729s wasn't enough to save the sound beer
7731s from wika came too late someone has to
7733s touch the cart and wika is there
7735s trainers are so fortable in the face of
7737s the sigma moving fish who finds the aan
7740s maybe a winning one against eest
7742s trainers don't have a lot of members
7744s only three two are lifted up by the
7746s graphitic flux the moving fish in the
7748s sound bear Caro's just the cherry on top
7751s Kindred is back the shatter finds moving
7754s fish they're on their back and Traders
7756s are doing everything to put them sck
7758s speed under it's an overtime that never
7761s ends and Kindred can't take all this
7763s pressure aramori will find the health
7765s pack and Vali and Guardians have done
7767s enough to sustain especially with this
7769s respawn Advantage they will hold and tie
7772s the
7773s series you said they're called Guardians
7776s for a reason what a defense what a
7778s clutch defense there they know that
7781s Kindred is the threat there especially
7783s when she's holding on to that Earth
7784s shatter and like I said HQ with the
7786s blizzard sections her off isolates her
7788s she gets booped back into it so great
7791s team play understanding the mission you
7793s take Kindred out suddenly everything is
7796s in disarray you have the ability to
7798s control the tempo you can actually
7799s control the space with your own tank the
7801s way that you want to and Valiant
7803s Guardians that's what they needed to do
7805s finally the Pain Train from the drain
7808s Gang has been
7810s stalled what a defense they just valy
7814s and Guardians played that perfectly they
7815s knew what Corners to play around they
7818s also played around both Corners which
7820s made it very difficult for drainers to
7822s push into that t cross and look and know
7825s whether to fight the left side or the
7827s right side Valiant Guardians never
7829s stacked too close on top of each other
7831s where the shatters of drainers could get
7833s insane amount of value um Valiant
7835s Guardians also just winning the Bastion
7838s battle really good use of artillery
7840s there from Wisp and honestly I thought
7842s Traders were going to be able to push at
7844s the end but that is the weakness of
7845s Reinhardt they they can't take range
7848s damage for too long kind might have
7850s started off fights really well but once
7853s things got hairy kind just didn't have
7855s enough armor enough Shield to live and
7857s it's the trouble with the Reinhardt once
7859s the shield goes down suddenly you are
7861s the one taking all of the damage and you
7863s have to be putting out enough damage to
7864s offset and Kindred was definitely no
7867s slouch when it came to dishing out the
7869s damage but it was just that last little
7872s bit that those last two fights that seal
7875s the deal for Valiant Guardians they seem
7878s to affect the answer here whatever it is
7880s cuz I'm still not entirely sure what
7882s we've seen it's been so chaotic top to
7884s bottom but the fact that alian Guardians
7887s are able to at least stall out Dano's
7889s momentum I feel is everything they have
7892s a shot at making that date with Destiny
7894s we're tied up at 1 and I think the more
7897s important narrative by the way is that
7899s I'm not actually the cause of the curse
7901s Jag my codcaster from yesterday if
7902s you're watching you are the cause of the
7904s three curse I shift all that blame on to
7906s you I get to cast a serious in which
7909s it's not entirely
7910s one-sided yeah H key minus the blizzard
7914s that they used on the bridge there of
7917s point B really well timed ice blocks
7919s against the shatters maze that were
7921s isolating Kindred a lot and I think for
7924s this particular point it just symmetra
7927s is a bit weaker you know I think draer
7929s did an amazing job of overwhelming
7930s bridge and taking control of that and
7933s finding creative ways to get in and
7935s around Valiant guardians but this is
7936s just a point of the map that
7939s there is no uh Power position spot to
7941s engage into it was just a poke war that
7944s trainers could not win and you have a
7946s look at the damage comp or the
7948s comparison here between KJ and wisps and
7950s wisps did indeed come out ahead in the
7953s damage and in the deaths per 10 and I
7955s think when you're playing Bastion
7957s obviously you want to be pumping out as
7959s much damage as possible and staying
7960s alive so that you can continue to be an
7962s everpresent threat that makes the enemy
7964s tank sweat and you better believe
7966s Kindred was sweating heavily with whisps
7969s on the other side constantly staring
7970s down all of the barrels of that Bastion
7973s turret form it's a hell of a thing to
7975s try and play into as any tank but
7977s especially as a Reinhardt because again
7979s yeah once your Shield goes down you're
7981s the one taking all the damage you're the
7983s one that is you you just take all the
7985s damage you're melting like butter in
7987s front of your very eyes it's it's so
7989s hard to play into and so difficult I'm
7992s amazed that Kindred has been this
7993s successful thus far but has her luck run
7996s out has she sort of stalled out here I
7998s do want to you know highlight one other
8001s thing really quick last time these two
8003s teams met it was a drainers 20 in Swiss
8005s this is the most even that this matchup
8008s between these two has been thus far it
8010s is going to be Diner's map pick as we go
8012s into map three but we're going to throw
8014s to a quick break before we find out what
8015s that map is don't go anywhere this one
8018s is getting
8027s spicy
8046s [Music]
8057s 3
8081s [Music]
8087s a
8103s [Music]
8111s [Music]
8117s hey
8134s [Music]
8147s wor
8151s [Music]
8175s [Music]
8193s [Music]
8207s [Music]
8222s [Music]
8230s Washington Timeless currently sit at top
8232s their Ivory Tower with their notepads
8234s out doing their homework as these two
8236s teams fight for both amusement and for
8239s the right to take that Crown from them
8241s drainers and Valiant Guardians it could
8243s not be more even right now someone has
8245s finally put a stop to the drain gang and
8248s put it at one a piece we are going to go
8251s to cvasa for flasho to break this tie
8254s well drainers uh did just come off of a
8256s sweep which included surasa and in
8259s dominant fashion too with all three
8261s first rounds going their way and this is
8264s where especially Iz uh was insane on the
8267s genj she finally got the pop off get
8269s that 3K play of the play of the game and
8273s Vali and Guardians I think their defense
8276s is what got them to win on Midtown but
8280s how is that going to work against the
8281s map that you can't always defend well on
8284s yeah it's it's so hard to to defend on
8287s on flasho I mean it when you have
8289s control of the objective you're good but
8291s against an unpredictable team like the
8292s drainers who just you know us in zarya
8295s bubbles to circle around amp matrixes
8297s and hit you from the back door when you
8298s don't see it coming it makes it so much
8300s more difficult to hold on to a flash
8302s point and try and get that Advantage
8303s there it is also quite difficult to take
8306s it from a team as Scrappy as drainers a
8309s team that makes fights last what feel
8311s like an eternity that just never ends
8313s they keep it going even when they have
8315s no business going I feel like if you
8317s give an early point to the trainers even
8319s if you take it back you're not getting
8321s away without giving them at least like
8323s 60% yeah and just rotations right it's
8326s about the options of speed that you have
8329s where we saw a lot of EV Symetra at
8331s least for that first point whether they
8333s stay on that maybe go to Genji next
8335s we'll see how easy the rotations will be
8337s for Kindred who um I believe opted for
8340s junker Queen last time because they were
8343s getting maywald off and stuff but we'll
8344s see what kind of Rush tank they go for I
8346s would love the junker Queen to enable
8348s ies's Genji with that over Health but
8351s the Reinhardt has been rather successful
8353s for Kindred as well I mean the Reinhardt
8355s was very successful she also swapped
8357s over onto these Arya to try and
8358s counteract the orisa because as she
8360s phrased it monkey see monkey do monkey
8363s see orisa monkey gozaria it's that tank
8365s rock paper scissors that we've seen time
8366s and time again and I mean when you're a
8369s tank player like Kindred who is so Adept
8371s that all of these very brawl heavy tanks
8374s it makes it really difficult to play
8376s around moving fish is having to you know
8378s essentially play with their controls
8380s inverted it feels like sometimes and
8382s they're quite successful they're such a
8383s good Sigma player like I mentioned
8385s they're a sigma specialist a contenders
8387s and Collegiate player known so well for
8391s their Sigma play but it isn't enough to
8393s get one over on drainers it was enough
8395s to stall them out just barely on Midtown
8399s but they need to do something a little
8400s bit more decisive here on cvasa they
8403s need to completely shut drainers down
8406s even in spawn right now Kindred is
8407s playing tank
8409s roulette yeah just what is going to be
8411s the call out of drainers right and I
8413s think they were able to defend well
8416s moving fish I think yeah the Sigma again
8418s how do you respect that space between
8420s yourself and the Reinhardt it's lot you
8422s know this map just plays like control
8424s there's just more of it and there's some
8426s points that are more spacious for that
8427s Sigma but this first one's tough because
8429s the symmetra can also Place trainers
8431s behind that Sigma you call that ies's
8434s Genji play H ke is going to come out on
8436s a Genji of her own and IES at least for
8438s the first point sticking with the
8439s symmetra so drainers might have a more
8442s favorable ability to control space here
8444s with that little cocktail cooked up
8446s between that and the Bas but it looks
8448s like Val and Guardians are the first one
8450s to get their grippers on the point but a
8451s nice s fromes that get shut
8455s down is already using a lot of Shield
8457s early in this fight before the Bastion
8459s has even gone to tank form so that
8461s forces trainers to take a step back and
8463s they're going to be charging on in not
8465s using the teleport just trying to
8467s instill fear in the eyes of valiant
8469s Guardians trainers are pretty close to
8471s flipping and moving fish wanted to
8473s contest drop down to half Health just
8475s trying to be present but rers still
8478s haven't been able to cap quite yet the
8480s damage coming out of valiant Guardians
8482s has been a lot for drers to deal with
8485s who have been just trying to stand there
8487s capping the point but valali and
8488s Guardians been probably contesting
8490s things to Carrow or maybe H key but
8492s finally drainers get the point that was
8494s a long time for Vali and Guardians to
8496s hold on to it despite not being on the
8497s point there yeah either Hy or car was
8499s doing a great job keeping it in contest
8501s for that long but it does finally flip
8503s drers seem in Prime position to take
8505s this they could even go aggressive with
8506s Wick a sound barrier if they want to oh
8509s my God they're just going to teleport
8510s behind the ant Matrix like that drainers
8513s even with the sound bear and the
8515s immortality they've overstayed their
8517s welcome and now you have KJ just getting
8520s booped away from the enemy team Valiant
8522s knew what was coming and plant for it
8525s yeah and I mean this is starting to be
8526s where drainers you know their the method
8528s to the madness is starting to be a
8531s little bit less maddening for Valiant
8533s Guardians because they did that with
8534s only the ant Matrix and just a little
8536s bit of positional outplaying and maybe
8538s drainer is trying to reinvent the wheel
8539s with that Sim TP Strat there yeah it
8541s paid dividends but it wasn't enough to
8543s either bleed out the ult economy for
8544s Valiant guardians or keep the point in
8546s your favor this is last fight for this
8548s first point here on cvasa are drainers
8550s going to be able to buy their way back
8551s into this Kindred is so low and drainers
8554s got split up trying to help them so HQ
8556s tried to take advantage of this moment
8557s with the Dragon Blade and cutting down
8560s events one of the most vulnerable
8561s members that is a good start five to
8563s four in favor of valy Guardians who
8566s looking for the trades they managed
8567s Dodge the shatter from KRA but the sound
8571s barrier too they don't seem to be able
8572s to live against KJ's artillery and
8575s without that Bastion without whisp and
8577s age key valian just simply don't have
8579s the damage to keep defending this but
8581s it'll be up to moving
8583s fish and really they Lucio but I think
8586s that's all she wrote for Valiant it
8588s looks about like it KRA with a couple of
8590s stagger picks off there aramori being
8592s the last to fall is going to be
8594s difficult even worse with moving fish
8596s actually sticking around a little bit
8597s long than they should have sent back to
8599s the ocean once more is moving fish and
8601s drainers I mean that's all the time that
8603s they need to buy this back into one
8604s fight territory for this first point
8606s here they might actually be able to hold
8607s on to it and they have the sound barrier
8610s to do it that's the most important thing
8612s is that wiah still has the all important
8616s beat this is last fight for the first
8618s point drainers have the sound bear as
8621s you said but we can see this fight open
8622s up with the artillery dare of whisp but
8624s drainers are not going to let them set
8626s up they teleport into them them Valiant
8628s were in the middle of artillery and well
8630s K cancel out of that trainers removing
8633s that fashion is huge for this fight KJ
8635s has the immortality Balian know that
8637s that is an important Target Carol
8639s manages to take them down but with
8641s moving fish quite literally escorted off
8644s the premises d uh drainers will be
8646s taking the first point and Kindred
8648s acting as the bouncer to the club there
8650s like you said escorting moving fish off
8652s the premises and moving fish not taking
8654s too kindly to that nice A little
8655s accretion takes themselves out of fight
8657s as well first point goes over to
8659s drainers and they've already kicked
8661s rocks and booked it onto the second
8663s point and that's going to be the Valiant
8664s Guardians on the outside looking in
8666s while drainers will already be set up
8668s lurking with the shatter you got to
8669s believe you know another teleport play
8671s from evest is going to come out huge
8674s Valiant Guardians like how do you crack
8676s this this is tough you have at least the
8680s May of H key that is being used I kred
8683s who got teleported behind went for a
8685s shatter play I don't know what blocked
8687s it might have been the hkey uh ice block
8690s I'm not sure but Kindred went for a play
8693s came out with nothing and that gives Val
8695s and Guardians the point cap a shout out
8698s to our reservers for uh for watching
8700s wisp during that who looked quite
8701s unbothered saying like did I just hear
8703s something was somebody like knocking at
8704s my back door was there like a be or
8706s something back there like they paid no
8708s attention to Kindred that shatter just
8709s went completely errand again got like
8711s you said got blocked and now down the
8714s drain Valiant Guardians now have the ult
8716s advantage firmly in their face
8717s H ke blizzard is going to be a hell of a
8720s thing for drainers to try and clap
8721s through without this uh without this
8723s sound barrier from wi they're going to
8725s go with the artillery strike and go
8726s turbo aggressive to try and follow up on
8728s the damage yeah Kindred was trying to
8731s follow up on the artillery damage as you
8732s said and took a lot of hits and there
8735s wasn't enough damage coming out of the
8737s artillery and what was waiting for
8738s trainers was a stound barrier and a
8741s blizzard Diner seeing really what they
8744s can get out of this Bastion Lucio but
8746s now that's an a pretty painful stagger
8748s in favor of valiant it was a sound
8750s barrier blizzard and a gravitic flux I
8752s really like the combo lifting him up and
8754s slamming him right back down into the
8755s blizzard in fact most of them were
8757s already Frozen up before they even hit
8758s the dirt again and this should be
8760s Valiant Guardians capping I it's a heavy
8762s investment but if it get to the point
8764s it's absolutely worth it I don't think
8765s drainers have an opportunity to contest
8767s again both teams are just yeah they were
8769s just staying stationary waiting for the
8771s next point to reveal itself so they can
8772s start booking it on over to the opposite
8775s corner of the map and once again looks
8777s like trainers are coming out ahead in
8778s the race but it didn't favor them so
8780s well last time valy and Guardians should
8782s have a plan here especially with this
8784s ant magic from
8785s aramori it's one to one and also one to
8789s one in the series too Valiant will just
8792s be approaching the point now with
8793s drainer on The High Ground we could see
8796s another wiah engage off the sound barer
8798s if they think it's the right move
8800s Kindred likes to play aggressive look
8802s how pushed up they are they know that
8804s Valiant are rotating in these rooms to
8806s try and access that high ground with
8808s pass the artillery but they don't seem
8810s they want to make sure that they can
8812s prevent the cap from drainers hred seems
8814s to be locked down here's the artillery
8816s right around the corner kred gets booped
8819s away by um by Koo and Valiant Guardians
8823s have put a huge dent in the forces of
8825s drainers I mean the biggest Dent
8827s possible they take down wiah who had the
8828s sound barrier which is going to enable
8830s kindred's aggression and now that
8832s aggression is looking quite errant it
8833s goes all for not and Valiant Guardians
8835s sure they can see nearly 30% but they
8837s flip the point back in their favor they
8839s have SS to boot wi is forced to hold on
8842s to that sound barrier where you would
8843s have liked to think she would have
8845s wanted to use it to try and hold on to
8847s the point a little bit longer keep the
8849s chaos going you whip up a little bit
8851s more of a storm but it just doesn't pan
8853s out and so now how do you use this it
8855s has to be to try and counteract the
8856s blizzard here but that might be just
8859s what Valiant Guardians wants especially
8860s if moving fish is able to build up this
8862s gratic flock EV locked Valley of
8864s Guardians in the Kindred steps up with
8866s the shatter but Valiant had a blizzard
8869s waiting for them and it's only so much
8871s wi can do with the sound barrier now
8874s we're left with valian Guardian still
8876s not only defending this point but
8877s getting Stager kills on the drainers and
8880s this will be last fight for that point
8882s and blinking you miss it kred was
8883s already gone before that sound barrier
8885s came out and Yeah utilizing that and the
8887s shatter and getting absolutely nothing
8890s is pretty rough if you're drainers they
8892s still have an opportunity to go in for a
8893s touch here but it's going to be a
8895s desperation touch if anything you still
8897s have the gravitic flux to worry about
8899s and now you only are going to have Zep
8901s turn's immortality field to cancel it if
8902s and when that comes out there is no
8904s touch it won't come out as a matter of
8906s fact we're going to our we're going to
8909s our fourth Point here on Sasa two to one
8911s for Valiant Guardians trainers giving
8913s that point up maybe gives them a
8915s positional Advantage for this next point
8918s they know that defending with Reinhardt
8919s is important but the ant Matrix comes up
8921s from Valiant Guardians to break through
8923s before it's unlocked and the blizzard
8925s denied there from e as iant Guardian
8927s stepped up no kills exchanged yet next
8930s trigger being pulled gravitic flux onto
8932s those supports Z pops the immortality
8934s barely Dodges the accretion might have
8936s still got hit by it Valiant have trapped
8938s those supports and have shredded every
8941s other ounce of drainers on this point
8943s before they could even cap that eat onto
8946s the blizzard was everything great play
8947s there for moving fish and then following
8949s it up with the gravitic flux and like I
8950s said they only had the immortality field
8952s to counter it did drainers and that's
8954s not really enough because once that lamp
8956s goes down you still have to vacate the
8958s premises or else you're going to fall
8960s victim to some of those hypers spheres
8961s and that they did drainers KJ has the
8965s overclock which could be something but
8966s without a positional advantage or a way
8968s to really leverage it they're going to
8970s have to go for something really
8971s aggressive which it's just what they do
8974s have some overclock action here too KJ
8976s goes for that sound barrier preemptively
8978s and the May wall not a lot of line of
8980s sight options for KJ but putting in good
8982s damage and focusing that onto whis so
8984s valiia don't want to stand idly by they
8986s throw the blizzard in the the face of
8987s drainers who were stepped up looking for
8989s targets and they get Frozen up and taken
8992s down by Balian again it's just clinical
8995s from drainers here that's also going to
8996s be a late stagger onto wi that's the
8998s speed boost now gone that might have
9000s just removed any potential for there to
9002s be a touch drainers they don't want to
9003s swap the fast Heroes they want to try
9005s and take it the teleporter should get
9006s kindered in position to get a touch here
9008s and she has the shatter she has to use
9010s it okay that's three down from Valiant
9013s but they're still living through it with
9014s the ant Matrix 2 Kindred can't follow up
9017s decides to go back to the point cuz it's
9018s 99% the sound Barry allowed Kindred to
9021s be a little extra aggressive but they're
9022s getting bullied by everyone and they got
9025s too aggressive little bit off the point
9027s there Valiant will steal the point and
9029s the map not quite a C9 cuz there was a
9032s last second Boop there from Caro to
9034s prevent Kindred from getting back to the
9036s point but like that aggression kind of
9038s put herself in that situation where
9040s she's just kind of stuck between trying
9041s to pressure down everybody that will
9043s kill her if she doesn't keep the
9044s aggression up and trying to keep the
9046s point Point alive and she chose the
9048s former it was the ladder that bit her in
9051s the butt and drainers have dropped
9053s another map and they are now staring
9055s down the barrel of elimination here it
9057s might be a repeat of the last tournament
9060s in our grand finals Valiant Guardians
9062s against Washington Timeless unless
9064s drainers have everything to say about it
9065s and if they do now is the time to speak
9068s up and you were mentioning earlier that
9071s drainers to owed Valiant Guardians in
9073s that Swiss uh bracket and then now they
9076s just have never lost a map to Valiant
9078s Guardians and how about two the script
9080s is being reversed in the face of some
9083s drainers and Valiant Guardians I just
9085s think playing off with the sigma they
9087s knew how to take a preemptive engage and
9090s keep wisp alive that was what's most
9092s important and trainers just got really
9095s stuck there on some points and managing
9097s and knowing how to defend going for
9099s plays like this that were heavily
9101s punished that's really what the key word
9102s here for Valiant Guardian was is
9105s punishing Kindred I mean and yet they
9107s definitely did need to be punished
9108s because they've been quite naughty
9110s indeed throughout this entire tournament
9111s and maybe a little bit of punishment for
9113s that 20 that they had over Valiant
9115s Guardians in Swiss like we've called out
9117s and something I want to highlight about
9118s that particular Victory is that at the
9120s time Valiant Guardians did not have
9123s aramori in their backline she was not
9125s able to play so the backline for Valiant
9127s Guardians looked a little different but
9129s now it looks Ironclad and you can even
9132s see in the head-to-head Koo versus wika
9135s wi doing a lot of damage Dage and a lot
9137s of healing as well that is a symptom of
9140s that aggression but such is life and
9142s such is death when you are playing this
9145s hyper aggressive composition that the
9147s drainers love to play Carol can play a
9149s little bit more safe do more healing get
9151s more sound barriers off successfully or
9153s you know less sound barriers off but the
9155s ones that are used are much more
9157s effective and do amount in team fight
9159s wins and that is what you're looking for
9161s in elucio right
9162s now yeah the survivability of your
9165s supports and how long they can
9167s contribute to the 54 is so important and
9169s Carol did an incredible job to make
9172s those calls early and that's why you
9173s have so low amount of deaths because it
9175s felt like their team really decided on
9177s when the engages were happening and on
9179s what terms um so Valiant Guardians
9181s incredible job to slowly turn this
9183s series uh in their favor well on what
9187s terms will the next fight be it is on
9189s drainer terms and they have chosen to
9190s take us to coloso for our fourth map I
9194s finally get to cast a push map all
9195s weekend all
9197s all two weekends long that it has eluded
9200s me thus far I'm excited to be able to
9201s get into it push is a very fun game mode
9203s and one that I do think feeds into the
9205s type of chaotic style that drainers
9208s wants to play but in the past two maps
9210s you know Valiant Guardians have gotten
9212s increasingly more successful at keeping
9213s them at Bay if they're able to get some
9215s momentum underneath them start to walk
9217s start to run eventually drainers are
9220s going to run out of steam and this is
9222s where the symmetra of Evas is going to
9224s be so critical on coloso especially that
9226s neutral point is such a long road Sigma
9230s is going to Prevail there unless you
9231s have a gap closing option of a symmetra
9235s or maybe layers of speed you can run the
9237s queen and the Lucio if that is the rush
9239s of choice I would hope to see some Sigma
9242s out of Kindred but we haven't seen much
9244s of that they've countered to other
9246s options but Valiant Guardians have
9248s learned to adapt against the symmetra
9250s teleport uh fights that have come up in
9254s front of them so I think V and Guardians
9256s uh have a good game plan moving forward
9258s you know what's crazy too is like I've
9260s casted a lot of kindred's games her
9262s Sigma is also sick she could totally
9265s just bust that out at any time if she
9266s wants to but she has been just chugging
9268s pre-workout or whatever lately she's so
9270s hyped up on these really really hyper
9272s aggressive tanks she does not want to
9274s sit idly by and poke away with those
9276s hypers Speers she wants to hurt you and
9278s she is going to do it and I mean she's
9281s been pretty successful thus far but
9283s again on the last two maps it has been
9285s stifled they've managed to you know hold
9287s their hands out stop Kindra from getting
9289s too close stop her in her tracks punish
9291s her when she goes too aggressive or when
9293s she goes for a very very aggressive
9295s shatter I'm predicting she's going to
9297s come out on the Reinhardt again and if
9300s it gets punished this might be where
9301s drainers their run might be
9304s up yeah how you approach this neutral
9307s point it is such a longdistance type of
9310s fight the Gap closing is what's going to
9312s be key to watch there but once you win
9314s that first fight you have to have
9316s compositions that don't do well against
9318s poke are going to struggle to go up that
9320s staircase try and take control of that
9322s bridge that is a very awkward part of
9324s coliseo to try and maneuver around if
9326s you're a rush composition it's probably
9329s the map that I would say London struggle
9330s with the most but it's still some one
9332s that they're successful on so if you are
9334s drainers you're looking at London and
9337s how they maneuvered around this there is
9339s no hesitation that can happen in your
9341s mind you must be always going because
9343s Ryan like we said cannot take poke for
9345s that long while Valiant May uh just have
9348s better poke after all as difficult as
9351s those bridges are for a rush comp to
9353s take it is easy mode for a sigma to hold
9356s so Ian if you're drainers you have to
9358s try and break that lightning fast you
9360s can't let you can't let valali Guardians
9362s get set up on that High Ground there
9363s because they can poke and prodct you
9364s from Forever make you feel super super
9366s uncomfortable that's where again IES
9368s with a Teleport plays might end up
9370s coming into play if Kindra does indeed
9372s go for the big Hammerman once again
9375s which I kind of predict that she will
9378s that's the part of the map that I want
9379s to hyper fixate on is those bridges
9381s right there MH I hope that H ke doesn't
9384s get baited into playing May I think May
9386s is very difficult to pull off it's more
9388s of a closer to medium range hero like
9390s yes the icicles are great but it's more
9393s about the utility of why you use May and
9395s how you're using that may wall to
9397s isolate Kindred which I think that with
9399s a full shield with a lot of armor
9401s Kindred can live through that Zep has
9403s been incredibly reliable on the Baptist
9405s so I hope h hkey just goes for a poke
9408s style hero and not a May because we've
9411s seen may fall before but of course it
9413s was great on surasa when you can play
9415s close when you can be very close to
9417s engages Spa spacewise but this is a very
9420s long range map at times and may doesn't
9423s work well there I let's let's have a
9426s look see yep I okay yeah she's showing
9428s the May right now it is still attack
9429s resp spawns and I don't want to take the
9431s bait too hard though but I'm wisps what
9434s are you doing uh the may I think is very
9437s well suited to that first fight that
9439s very neutral ground in the middle that
9441s is very long it's a very long fight over
9444s the bot in that initial capture of it
9446s once we start to get to those High
9447s grounds is where you might see the Poke
9449s style hero swaps come out from HQ she
9451s might SW swap over to the Genji or
9453s something a little bit more
9454s assassination or poke or prod heavy but
9458s for now Valiant Guardians are sticking
9460s with what has worked and that is using
9462s this Sigma Rush variant to control the
9465s tempo and drainer
9466s as predicted on the
9469s Hammerman see how close hke can get
9472s isolating Kindred you can do these walls
9474s sort of uh near the edges of the wall
9478s and but it's not going to be the full
9479s isolation Kindred May manage to get
9482s around it Valiant Guardians now they
9485s have moving fish present in front of the
9486s bot Kindred trying to regenerate that
9488s shield and almost not able to is forced
9490s to fight at half Health has KJ and tank
9494s for just shredding down Valley and
9495s forcing the back and HK didn't get the
9498s MEO about the
9499s rotation HK gets caught out pretty
9502s heavily there and yeah that may that we
9503s talked about no longer a factor and
9505s neither are Zurn and evest it's pretty
9507s even both sides but drainers are getting
9509s a little bit of Headway getting a little
9511s bit of Bot progress early and that's
9512s going to be huge especially if they're
9515s able to go much further but it looks
9516s like they don't want to they're actually
9517s going to think better of it trying to
9519s play for opal positioning get themselves
9521s back to full
9523s strength yeah H key I could tell was
9525s trying to get in the creative angle
9526s looking for these mayw isolations but
9530s where you ice block to can have you
9532s trapped and almost bait your team into
9533s helping you survive and might just lock
9536s you into a fight that you do not are not
9538s ready to take yet and speaking of that
9540s you got the an Matrix ready from aramori
9542s the Mayall comes up from H key to delay
9544s the push there from drainers and at
9546s least you're out of line of sight of
9548s this amp Matrix but here it is aror pops
9550s around the corner draer seems to be in a
9552s safe position to even fire back this is
9556s uh with their own but they decide not to
9557s use that this is just Classic coloso
9559s this first fight goes on forever and HQ
9561s wants to put a stop to it she's back and
9563s Out For Blood takes down evest no sim
9566s wall coming up anytime soon but it's not
9567s going to be enough to evict R from the
9569s point just yet oh you cancel the accre
9572s if you're Kindred KJ steps up to help
9575s this push and all this poke damage
9577s coming around this Reinhardt is what
9579s finds KJ in the end Valiant will pull
9582s off this fight especially removing
9584s Kindred which was the biggest threat
9585s there at close range H uh Valiant
9588s Guardians will be able to take the lead
9589s from this and I mean aside from Zep
9592s turn's ant Matrix early on there and I
9593s believe aror popped one a little bit
9595s before it's been pretty dry thus far and
9598s it's about to get quite moist in the ult
9599s bank Department cuz both teams are
9601s coming up on a wealth of ultimates safe
9604s for evest who's going to have to take
9605s another break before they're able to get
9606s up to that Photon barrier I think that
9609s ult might have gotten the K there by the
9612s KJ that was a choice but got I think May
9614s walled up by H key which amazing Valiant
9618s just walk right into the shadow of
9620s Kindred the sound be of caro plus the
9623s blizzard of HP is it enough to stop
9626s drainers in their tracks will they go
9628s back up the stairs use the photon bear
9630s of evest to protect themselves and
9632s Valley on our left with not enough
9634s bodies to keep this pushed especially if
9637s armori falls look at her health bar
9638s right now she is criminally low moving
9640s fish getting even lower the immortality
9642s field going to come out from aramori to
9644s keep everybody alive but Val Guardians
9646s have given up a ton of space they no
9648s longer have the favorable position and
9650s Kindred wants to take all the space Oh
9652s my God moving fish using the AL just to
9655s escape with the m Matrix and sound bear
9657s in the face that is what you needed to
9659s do to survive so good idea by moving
9662s fish very much the Houdini plays of
9664s Sigma plays that I've ever seen but I
9666s mean now the old banks are pretty much
9668s drained on both sides neither team
9670s realistically has an advantage so we're
9671s back to this neutral fight in the center
9674s of the map that feels like it just never
9677s ends okay the fashion of wisp forces
9681s Kindred to take a step back see moving
9683s fish trying to take space but doesn't
9684s have a shield H key can't really stop
9687s what Kindred is up to just keeps on
9689s swinging and this is why this may may
9692s have issues if you're not able to
9694s protect your team if you're not able to
9695s stop Kindred and find the kill onto the
9698s Reinhardt maybe drainers will be just
9701s let loose they have a lot of freedom and
9703s now the May wall might have just killed
9704s Kindred h should have just went for the
9706s melee that might have been enough to
9708s kill them but I think unsure on if that
9710s was going to be successful drainers
9713s barely scraping by this fight no melee
9715s so the May gets laid low there but
9718s despite that Valiant Guardians are able
9719s to evict trainers from the point whips
9721s comes back with three big kills and
9723s drainers they aren't able to take the
9725s lead the bot just kind of stalling out
9727s there moving fish going to go ahead and
9728s take control of that and yeah
9730s drainers they they were able to stay
9732s alive for a little bit longer than I
9733s think they had any business doing but
9735s that was kind of all Valiant Guardians
9736s who are going to keep the bot going in
9738s their favor despite drainer sizeable ult
9740s Advantage where where is Kindred shatter
9743s going to land this time now the giant
9745s hammer coming through the wall would
9746s might have been a hint and it still
9747s lands on moving fish and combines with
9750s the artillery of KJ and two fall
9753s immediately from Valiant they still have
9756s a 44 meter lead with 5 minutes left it's
9758s drainers that might may be good at
9760s winning retakes that may be good at
9762s winning these neutral fights but how do
9764s they climb up these stairs they need to
9765s stop whis from getting up there the
9767s artillery is being thrown this Lucio is
9770s only a distraction the down bear of Koo
9772s saves the entire team and punish his
9775s Kindred that has been the recipe for
9777s Success when it comes to Valiant
9779s Guardians you ask how Valiant Guardians
9781s are supposed to get up those stairs it
9783s has to be quick it has to be pure
9784s unbridled degression but it gets
9786s punished once again they bait Kindred in
9789s they pop the sound barrier they pop the
9790s May wall behind her so she can't get out
9793s there is no escape and she falls and
9795s suddenly drainers have once again failed
9798s to take control of that high ground and
9799s they're struggling to maintain control
9801s of their own oh man valant Guardians
9804s want to extend what they have but they
9806s have to deal with Kindred and Friends
9808s rushing into the backline and Eves can
9810s only sit there and watch trainers have
9814s control back of the but have let valian
9816s Escape valian slipping out the back door
9819s but this is fine they can just Retreat
9820s back over to The High Ground leverage
9822s that Advantage but they're going to play
9823s the low ground and pop the ant Matrix
9826s oh Kindred is barely alive the sound
9829s bear may help but for how long this gtic
9831s flux is all for Kindred with love and KJ
9835s trying to deal with this Sigma and Eves
9838s can't escape either now they're going to
9840s get staggered and valant will keep their
9842s lead that's excellent timing on the
9844s gratic flux there from moving fish they
9846s know how to play this Sigma so so well
9848s sees the sound barrier that's popped
9849s from wi and drops this the gravitic flux
9852s the very second that the over Health
9853s would bleed away too too long by the
9855s time Kindred hit the ground there was no
9857s hope left for her and yeah again Valley
9859s and Guardians they're draining the
9860s coffers a bit investing a lot of
9862s ultimates but they're finding value for
9864s it whereas drainers I mean Kindred
9866s shatters have been pretty hit and miss
9867s when they hit they sure do hit and
9869s Kindred wants to hit another big one oh
9872s waiting wanted to combine this maybe
9874s with the artillery and didn't see a
9876s moment was worried about the blizzard
9877s and the blizzard gets no one the shatter
9880s well countered by the ice block of HK
9882s and whis but gets shot without the
9884s protection there of Kindred who was high
9885s riding in the
9887s closet but Valiant are just losing
9890s members left and right and trainers like
9892s I said are so proficient at winning
9893s these neutral fights but again how do
9896s they get up this corner staircase again
9899s they they have to be absolutely Swift I
9901s want to give a quick shout out to Koo by
9902s the way who I believe booped Kindred up
9904s just a little bit to delay the shatter
9906s and give HQ time to pop that ice block
9908s that is a great way to block that
9910s shatter but despite that the fight still
9913s goes on a little bit longer drers win it
9915s but but they lost a lot of time and now
9918s valan Guardians up on that High Ground
9919s are going to Leverage The Clock against
9921s drainers and Leverage The High Ground
9923s forc them into this little bar here the
9925s bot got stolen by Koo so drainers are
9928s this fight is going to cost them more
9931s and Kindred is in a corner with trying
9933s to avoid the artillery and the bot is
9935s just gone along with the rest of
9936s drainers that was the fight for the lead
9939s there's still 2 minutes left but
9940s drainers dropped the bag and forgot
9943s about the bot yeah g just sneaks off
9946s like a thief in the night with the bot
9947s and I mean Wick and Kindred the two girl
9949s hit squad go back to try and deal with
9950s him but I mean with the rest of the
9952s reinforcements coming for valan
9953s Guardians and with the bot now firmly in
9955s their control there's nothing they can
9957s do they take down Kindred early this a
9960s matrix plus Bastion is crazy KJ had to
9963s throw everything at that including wi
9966s with the assist now this fight for the
9967s bridge continues and valiant's Lead is
9969s only going to grow more and more and
9972s they may even get forward spawns
9974s drainers are in trouble this match point
9976s for Valiant Guardians it's spiraling out
9979s of control you live by the chaos and die
9981s by it and drainers they're getting a
9983s little bit too chaotic here they have to
9984s re themselves in and try and just play
9987s some pure academic OverWatch cuz Valiant
9989s Guardians look at their ult economy they
9991s have got everything they could possibly
9993s want the two big offensive ultimates and
9995s the defensive one wika has to be perfect
9997s with her sound barrier to try and match
9999s it moving fish has been great with these
10001s gravitic fluxes are they going to hit
10002s another big one there's a wall to
10004s section them off is the punish there
10006s though oh the gravitic flux just to
10008s dodge the pin the sound bear is so
10010s perfectly timed for that ultimate but
10014s now those are out of the picture Zep
10016s will have the ant Matrix they want to
10017s funnel Guardians in a specific alley but
10020s that is what HQ wanted with this
10022s blizzard in the May wall behind Kindred
10024s they can't escape drainers were trying
10026s to get in position for the a matrix and
10028s walked into a trap it was it was a trap
10031s laid specifically for Kindred and once
10032s again the Jaws snap shut and she is
10034s caught in and now here's another trap
10037s come contest the bot we Dare You Valiant
10039s Guardians have control they know that
10041s drainers if they touch it all it will be
10043s a suboptimal touch it doesn't look like
10045s anybody fast enough is going to be able
10047s to get there Kindred with the charges
10048s able to get the touch keep overtime
10050s alive they have the ults can they do
10052s this it is now or never for the trainers
10056s and the shatter at the ready and Valiant
10058s are fine for drainers to keep pushing
10061s this because that forces Kindred to take
10062s more poke and the an Matrix comes up and
10065s wh this B foul not able to jump out of
10067s the grenade trainers have the 5v4 this
10069s train has to keep going the May wall is
10071s only going to delay them trainers climb
10073s the stairs and they have a shatter this
10075s could be what makes or breaks this push
10078s for drainers while needing to leave one
10080s person to contest but moving fish is up
10083s there contesting so Kindred needs to
10084s remove them by force the shatter may
10087s have gotten some if maybe at all and
10089s trainers are left without any big
10091s ultimates maybe this blizzard if Eves
10094s can even get it in time but wisp is
10096s angry you took them out too early and
10099s ders will be sleeping permanently
10101s Valiant Guardians with the retake of a
10105s lifetime have drained the drainers have
10108s put him down the sink and Valiant
10110s Guardians will move
10111s on it is going to be that faded rematch
10115s from the previous calling all heroes
10116s minor it will be Valiant Guardians
10119s versus Washington Timeless for our grand
10121s finals matchup what a performance what a
10123s show that drainers put on in even in
10127s defeat keeping it exciting until the
10128s last possible second and this
10130s essentially right here oh sorry now this
10132s is a little bit earlier but a very
10133s similar picture actually towards the
10135s very end where Kindred is trying to go
10137s super aggressive because she knows she
10139s has to that is the win condition that
10141s drainers time and time again set up for
10143s themselves she had to try and remove
10145s somebody with the shatter but it didn't
10147s find enough the immortality field was
10149s good enough block enough peel came
10151s through and she couldn't find purchase
10153s for it and she gets punished without
10156s that Reinhardt on the field whis pops
10158s the overclock and suddenly it's just a
10160s shooting gallery with no shield no tank
10162s no big beefy health bar to absorb all
10164s that damage only the dainty little
10166s bodies of the Squishies that remain and
10169s they they were swiftly evicted Valiant
10172s Guardians they they did it they they
10174s stopped the drain gang they finally
10176s stopped the bleeding the Pain Train has
10179s now left the station and it is not
10181s coming back Al and Guardians we we
10184s applauded their defense when it started
10185s on Midtown where they just killed so
10188s many minutes and killed trainers as well
10190s but for so many minutes and it felt uh
10193s this coloso Fel felt reminiscent of that
10195s how valy Guardians defended that bridge
10197s having moving fish contest the bot from
10199s on top of the bridge to supporting Wisp
10202s and their crazy Bastion mechanics to
10204s stopping Kindred from I don't even know
10207s yeah I think this was the ice block so
10209s it was an ice block that denied a huge
10211s win condition for drainers probably the
10213s only one that was left and for Valiant
10215s to win the fight as quickly as they did
10217s before more ultimates came out their
10219s defense is is what can be applauded here
10223s we got to give huge shout outs to hkey
10224s for blocking all of those shatters be it
10226s with either the May wals or the ice
10228s blocks she has I mean when you keep
10230s going for the same thing eventually
10231s you're going to get a little bit more
10232s and more predictable unfortunately for
10233s Kindred but I mean hke read her like a
10236s book every time with those ice blocks
10238s there was that one where again Caro did
10240s kind of Aid in that as well and that's
10241s where the team play of valiant Guardians
10243s comes to the Forefront but the individ
10245s idual Talent is definitely not something
10247s to be sneezed at and what an individual
10249s Talent hki has proven to be on the May
10252s truly the bane of kindreds everywhere or
10255s specifically on the side of drainers but
10257s speaking of talent we've got a talent
10260s from the side of alant Guardians it's
10261s not gonna be HQ we actually want to talk
10263s to aramori and see what her thoughts are
10266s on the matter on the win over drainers
10268s and on their March towards Grand finals
10270s don't go anywhere we're going to throw
10271s to a quick break we're going to get
10273s Armory in here and uh he her thoughts
10275s we'll see you in a
10279s [Music]
10285s [Music]
10301s [Music]
10304s bit
10324s [Music]
10333s oh
10350s [Music]
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10581s welcome back everybody drainers were
10584s quite the Maelstrom but Valiant
10586s Guardians they learned to adapt and
10588s thrive in the chaos that drainers swed
10590s and they bested them three to one to
10592s punch their ticket to grand finals and
10595s surely a key part of that was the
10597s support player aramori the always lovely
10600s aramori joining us for an interview how
10601s are you doing today hi hi hi cie hi
10605s lemon hi everyone hello I'm doing
10609s SW I I want to kick things off by asking
10612s you of course you know the the softball
10613s question so how does it feel to be back
10616s not only in another calling all heroes
10617s tournament but to be punching your
10619s ticket to the Grand finals for another
10621s calling all heroes tournament well I'm
10624s always very blessed to be playing in C I
10627s love C I love all the players in C um
10630s being back in Grand
10632s finals y'all this is like my fourth time
10635s being second in C okay having secured
10639s second I have never won a calling all
10642s heroes I need it to be my time today
10644s hopefully today's got to be the day yeah
10647s it's got to be the year of you I I'm I'm
10650s think I've getting the Vibes based off
10652s the match but speaking of that match
10654s that was like based on the Swiss because
10657s uh y'all lost to trainers right in Swiss
10659s and now you beat them so what was
10661s different between those two matches oh
10663s to be to be completely complely honest I
10665s was not playing for any of like the uh
10668s Swiss Maps so having so you're the
10671s difference got it yeah yeah just me no
10674s I'm kidding my my team played really
10675s well I believe it was just like hard
10677s matchups um like we had a really hard
10681s bracket from what I remember in Swiss um
10684s but we were able to like pull it back
10685s like this week for us was like really
10689s intense scrims and B review and stuff
10691s and of course like uh LEP our coach has
10693s been helping so much um yeah I intense
10697s coaching and intense VOD review and it
10699s does show in your gameplay as well and I
10701s want to talk a little bit about that
10702s because trainers are a very difficult
10704s team to play against as we've seen many
10706s tried and many have failed so what was
10709s the secret sauce that let you guys
10711s finally put a stop to the Pain Train uh
10714s well we had a long discussion about
10716s running the Arisa Genji Bastion comp
10721s versus the sigma like May style comp
10725s and we just ultimately decided that the
10727s sigma just kind of fits our play style a
10729s lot more and kind of lets you know fish
10732s do what they want and and be moving be
10734s the moving fish um so we ultimately
10737s decided to go with that and fish has not
10739s disappointed us I don't know if you guys
10741s could see the the stats at the end of
10742s that but fish they ended up ending the
10745s map with like 13k damage which was just
10749s insane just your whole team played so
10752s well and just it looked like you all had
10753s to adapt a lot around just kind of the
10755s the symmetra shenanigans the Reinhardt
10758s stuff and y'all punished Kindred really
10760s well but how will you do against your
10763s finals opponent now Washington Timeless
10765s who haven't dropped a game I know you
10767s said it's the year of you but please
10768s elaborate what do you think about this
10770s final I definitely think it's going to
10772s be a very interesting and tough match um
10776s yeah like you said they have not dropped
10778s a map for the entire Series so far so
10781s it's definitely looking like they are
10783s the like Giants to beat but I think
10786s there's like I think they have a really
10788s good foundation but I think there are
10790s cracks in it I think I think it's
10792s possible for us to come out and and win
10794s we just have to play play our game and
10796s play well and you know trust each other
10799s and I think we can I believe I believe
10802s in you from what I have seen today I
10804s thoroughly believe that if you trust in
10805s each other believe in each other you are
10807s capable of doing just that but surely
10809s first you're going to have to have a
10810s long talk with your team about just how
10812s it is you're going to pull off such a Fe
10814s so we're going to send you off but
10815s before we do do you have any last minute
10817s shout outs you want to give any other
10819s final words before we get you back into
10821s the Dugout to plot with
10823s Team um well shout out myself hi I'm
10826s Armory you can follow me on Twitch and
10829s Twitter hey um but also big shout out to
10831s my team I love them so much um and shout
10834s out to all my old teammates on drainers
10835s as well miss you guys love you guys
10838s thank you so wholesome thank you so much
10841s for the time in the interview good luck
10842s in the final thank you you
10845s bye it's always lovely to get to talk to
10847s aramori she's such a ray of sunshine but
10850s I not going to be much of a ray of
10852s sunshine if you're the Washington
10853s Timeless definitely a harbinger of
10855s what's to
10857s come wow a team that has not dropped a
10860s game yet a team with so many huge names
10863s some amazing Canadian talent too shout
10865s out to you know hence
10868s the you know we we got the we got the
10870s Verge we don't get to show it off too
10872s often um but yeah that's going to be an
10874s amazing matchup between uh two teams
10876s supported by the OverWatch League 2
10878s Washington Timeless Valiant Guardians
10881s it's the script is there CB it's it's
10885s great I I love the I love the OverWatch
10886s League support for a lot of these teams
10888s investing in this tier of talent because
10890s again a lot of underrepresented talent
10892s here and it's it's insane Talent like
10895s we've seen top to bottom all weekend
10897s long all weekend last weekend there is
10899s so much to love here so much action and
10901s so much raw untapped potential in some
10903s of these these players and some of the
10905s OverWatch League teams have caught on to
10908s that and decided hey maybe we need to
10909s promote these guys maybe we need to
10911s elevate some of the people in this scene
10913s because we will all rise together if we
10916s do just that so thank you to Toronto
10917s Defiance as well for being among those
10919s to see the potential in calling all
10921s heroes but chat we only have one more
10924s game today and it is our grand finals
10926s match up against Valiant Guardians
10929s versus the Washington Timeless who will
10931s be our champions of this tournament
10934s there is only one way to find out we're
10936s going to throw to a break while we get
10937s the game set up don't go anywhere we
10939s will be right back I promise you do not
10941s want to miss
10963s this
10966s [Music]
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11112s w
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11232s welcome back Gamers to calling all
11235s heroes rise together minor 3 hosted of
11238s course by Toronto defiant my name is CB
11240s I am joined of course by the lovely
11243s lemon kiwi and it is Grand finals time
11246s true to the nature of calling all heroes
11249s all of the heroes answered the call 17
11251s teams came to play and we have Bid
11253s Farewell to all but the two very best
11256s who are ready to go head-to-head for
11258s that cash prize and those circuit points
11261s yeah Toronto versus Valiant or why did I
11264s say Toronto Washington versus Valiant
11266s hosted by Toronto there there just so
11268s much out representation here um I'm
11271s excited for this final 2500 Canadian on
11274s the line if we can take a look at the
11275s bracket to show this journey because
11277s what's important what I want you to know
11279s all notice is Washington Timeless
11281s haven't dropped a game will their armor
11284s ever be cracked Valley and Guardians
11286s seem to think that it can be exploited I
11289s I I want to go ahead and apologize I
11290s have erly been calling them the
11292s Washington Timeless this whole time when
11293s yesterday I coined the phrase Washington
11295s Flawless because yeah they haven't
11297s dropped a map all throughout the bracket
11299s nor did they drop a single map in Swiss
11302s no one has even made them bleed much
11305s less been able to topple the tyrants
11306s that they are have a look at this
11308s graphic right here I don't even need to
11310s say anything this tells the entire story
11312s it's their story to write and you'll
11316s notice that second match they two Ed the
11319s Valiant guardians but you know this was
11321s pretty early in the Swiss stage you know
11323s noticed that Valiant Guardians didn't
11325s have aramori and maybe it's an aramori
11327s differential because hey Valiant
11329s Guardians have have blossomed and
11331s improved so much from the Swiss to this
11333s point I mean they were even able to beat
11335s drainers who were an opponent that gave
11337s them a hard time before so I'm sure
11339s they're studied up on Washington
11341s Timeless and what they like to run but
11343s you and I were talking before the break
11345s that this is going to be a really fun
11347s tank matchup absolutely moving fish
11349s versus sniper it never ever disappoints
11352s these are two players that once again on
11354s their teams in contenders and Collegiate
11356s throughout all of their careers have
11358s been Sigma Specialists brought on
11360s specifically to play that hero on
11362s circuit Royale and now that we are in a
11363s sigma meta they are getting the
11365s opportunity to fully Blossom before our
11367s very eyes but which of the two is going
11370s to get the better in the past it has
11372s been sniper maybe today it will be
11374s moving fish but there's not just a sigma
11376s head-to head that we need to keep in
11378s mind the May head-to-head is also
11380s something that I want to keep in mind
11381s because buns may play has been
11385s impeccable one of the greatest May
11387s players that I've seen in calling all
11389s heroes some incredible walls every bit
11391s as good as hkey was in the previous
11393s series if not better that's going to be
11395s a back and forth to
11397s watch yeah bun I've been a huge fan for
11400s her I need to sign up as her agent
11402s because I've been trying to sell her to
11404s OverWatch league for so long and I think
11407s she's right on the precipice of you know
11409s being a woman in OverWatch League that
11412s could just dominate um so I'm looking
11413s forward to seeing her career Blossom of
11415s course there's also a thing with tanks
11418s choosing Mercy as their as their profile
11420s picture here so uh sniper you're goofy I
11424s like patch yeah that's true yeah Mercy
11428s Mercy's just a buff now we've made her a
11429s tank we've given her 12 24inch pythons
11432s on both arms and now she is she is scary
11435s she's frightening she's quite imposing
11437s look at that face that is the face of of
11440s a coldblooded killer right there and
11442s that's exactly what Valiant Guardians
11444s are going to need to be if they want to
11446s take down the Washington Flawless SL
11448s Timeless we just saw this roster in
11451s action and it's an incredible roster
11454s they're playing together very well
11455s aramori slotting back in has paid
11457s dividends for this team and you know we
11460s can call her the Difference Maker but
11461s any one of these players is capable of
11463s making the difference we've seen big
11466s plays come out from every single one of
11468s these names even in just the previous
11469s series let alone the entirety of this
11471s calling all heroes tournament
11473s and we highlighted Carol on that Lucio
11476s and how good he was at enabling moving
11478s fish at really speeding them around and
11480s making those you know go Allin type of
11484s calls Carol was really good about that
11486s but going up against Halo who she has
11489s been astounding her career as a support
11491s player doesn't get talked enough just
11494s talked enough about um especially for
11496s marized genders Halo has been just a
11498s groundbreaking support player in the
11500s scene so that is going to be a really a
11502s tough match up between Caro and and Halo
11505s on that Lucio and how what kind of calls
11508s are they going to make and is it going
11509s to be the right
11510s one you know I this might get like a
11512s little personal here really quick but
11513s without players like Halo already being
11515s in the scene it is uh safe to say I
11518s might not have felt as comfortable
11519s getting into the scene as I am now so I
11521s want to thank her for that but also I
11523s want to thank her for being a phenomenal
11524s player cuz she has also been quite the
11527s Difference Maker for Washington Timeless
11528s being picked up between tournaments from
11531s Valiant Guardians that's quite a coup to
11533s be able to take her away from her former
11535s team and utilize her to such great
11537s extent to dominate your old team and
11540s every other team that dares step in your
11542s way it's been a phenomenal thing to see
11544s she knows Valiant Guardians well Valiant
11547s Guardians have to be one step ahead here
11549s because it feels like they have been
11550s behind the entire time Washington
11551s Timeless like I said it's their story to
11553s write it's their game to play it's their
11555s game to lose do Valley and Guardians
11557s have a curveball they can throw them H
11559s well it's their bracket to win it seems
11562s but Washington and also have the choice
11564s of map of where they want to go to First
11567s and just reminder there is no bracket
11568s reset there is no plus one this is just
11570s a vanilla best of five it's an allout
11573s Showdown where Valiant Rose from these
11576s Ashes to see if they can be the first
11579s team and all of calling all heroes to
11580s take a game and maybe even a series if
11583s they can go all the way and well
11585s Washington have locked in their choice
11587s and they want to go to Antarctic
11588s Peninsula this I think is actually kind
11591s of a curious Choice here because I
11593s mentioned how both of the tank players
11594s are Sigma Specialists you would think
11596s that they would want to go to something
11597s where they can play the sigma granted
11599s there's not very many control points
11600s that are very conducive to it but I like
11603s to think that there is an opportunity
11605s for one of these teams to come out with
11606s a rush composition I don't think that's
11608s what we're going to see but Antarctic
11610s Peninsula is very very Rush favor and so
11613s we'll have to see I think it's going to
11615s be Sigma V Sigma yet again but it's
11618s always opportunity for one of those
11620s aforementioned curveballs and you talked
11623s about buns May at the beginning of this
11626s whole show and yes maybe I'm sad to see
11628s her not on a hit scan on on a more
11630s utility based hero cuz that potential is
11633s all there but a really good May player
11635s on Antarctic is so huge there are so
11637s many small choke points that may can get
11640s complete isolation on a tank or maybe
11642s more on and if bun is as good of a may
11645s as you say she is that could be a huge
11648s Boon for Washington absolutely I mean
11650s especially on Icebreaker where it is all
11653s about controlling those angles there's
11654s not a whole lot of high ground to
11655s leverage there so you're just trying to
11658s use those chokes use those May Wells to
11659s section off the enemy tank or section
11661s off the entire enemy backline away from
11663s any sort of protection move in swiftly
11666s and eliminate them that's May 101
11668s especially in the rush mirror even in
11670s the sigma variation not much has changed
11674s but one thing that I think is changing
11675s is people are becoming more and more
11676s aware of just how good at that job bun
11679s is you call out you know her hit scan
11682s prowess and the level of flexibility
11684s that she brings is showing in her M play
11686s in her ability to hit the walls at the
11689s right time use the blizzards to maximum
11691s Effectiveness her may play has been a
11693s driving force in Washington timeless'
11695s success but it is indeed a five person
11698s job and all five members of Washington
11700s Timeless have been Flawless this entire
11703s time it's going to be a good match let
11705s us know in chat who your cheering on for
11707s this calling all heroes minor 3 Grand
11710s Final with $2500 canadi
11713s on the line and of course circuit points
11715s to help them qualify for more down the
11718s line it's Washington versus Valiant and
11721s maybe some beef can be settled in terms
11723s of the brand I don't know and I did not
11726s know that turret could do that so I'm
11727s learning so much from this maybe the
11729s beef will be settled but nothing will
11731s settle this turret down it's as jittery
11732s as they come it's as excited as we are
11734s to get into this final game here uh
11737s we're going to kick it off with hey it's
11739s that sigv Sig mirror I don't think
11741s aramori is going to stay on that life
11743s Weaver I also don't think car is going
11745s to stay on this Moira there we go that's
11747s much better this is much more what I
11749s expected to see no variations just the
11751s mirror it's what both of these teams
11753s have been successful at thus far why
11755s change it up
11757s now we go towards the point it's all
11760s about these May isolation walls and you
11762s have to be clinical at executing these
11765s see that moving fish is already eating
11767s an accretion trying to take control of
11768s this top side and snos is taking a lot
11771s of poke too has to be careful where is
11774s sniper to step up and Lead this charge
11777s and most importantly enable your Bastion
11779s to move forward it's the same thing as
11781s we saw the last time these two teams
11783s collided I mean it was Washington time
11785s was positioning themselves where Valiant
11787s Guardians have to go through them in
11788s order to get to the point so even though
11790s this fight drags on and even though Z
11792s Falls Washington Timeless do get the
11793s first
11794s cap works out for Washington they seem
11797s just pretty organized there at the start
11799s and look at whiz not afraid to take that
11802s point back so yeah Washington were a
11804s little bit split I meant to say Valiant
11805s seemed more organized at least playing
11807s off their Sigma and it pays off and
11809s again you know losing Z there is kind of
11811s the worst possible scenario for
11812s Washington Timeless because there's no
11813s real way to keep your Sigma alive
11815s there's no real way to keep your Bastion
11816s alive and those are two of the most
11818s important pieces in this puzzle so yeah
11820s take that down you can just March right
11822s on forward Valiant Guardians yeah they
11824s only can seed 11% before they have
11826s before they take the point for
11827s themselves and now WatchON Timeless have
11830s to go through
11831s them well s is just removed and that's
11834s so much damage gone you can't retake
11837s with just a free roaming bash of like
11839s whisp running around and Washington are
11841s now getting surrounded moving fish is
11844s splitting them up and is getting kills
11846s out of it Bali and are just farming them
11848s it's a great wall there from Chloe to
11850s kind of stifle the aggression and a
11851s great window that's going to come out
11852s from Z but all that's really going to do
11854s is back Valiant Guardians up but they
11855s back right into the gravitic flux from
11857s sniper so close to hitting that
11859s accretion I like the idea of moving fish
11861s the Blizzard from Chloe to on top
11864s Washington only get slowed slightly
11866s there by the artillery of whis but this
11868s fight is all for Washington they've
11870s killed two or three but it's about how
11872s long Bion want to contest here on this
11874s point like that sniper is identified
11877s where that Bastion is you got to be able
11879s to track those cool downs and well looks
11881s like they've denied a lot of damage from
11883s them and Washington take the point back
11885s 62% for Valiant Guardians is not
11887s terrible but they don't have the sound
11889s barrier and Haley does have one of her
11892s own so Washington Timeless they've got
11894s the defensive tools they need to match
11895s that uh that that capture percentage
11898s there and Valiant Guardians they're
11899s going to have to try and find away in
11901s here leverage their very scant ult
11903s Advantage there but that sound barrier
11905s from Haley that's coming up close that's
11907s the window once she has it that window
11909s is slammed shut and washed in Timeless
11911s they're going to hold O The Matrix right
11914s in Washington Space they will just drop
11916s off that bridge Balian will be
11918s comfortable for the moment they just
11919s have to dodge this artillery from the
11922s Bastion like chicken but Valiant seem to
11924s be okay on that High Ground now they're
11926s looking to flip this point sniper wants
11928s to deny that steps right up and while
11930s sniper does that well the rest of their
11932s backline gets hit by that gravitic flux
11934s which forces out Haley's sound barrier
11937s but Washington are running out of
11938s options running out of Health time how
11940s we're able to make sure that sniper
11942s lives throughout that and that is such
11943s an important anchor for Washington
11945s Timeless and now they've got a win
11947s Condition it's this graphitic flux takes
11950s care of
11951s car
11957s and you called sniper such an important
11959s anchor well Anchors Away lift them up
11961s into the sky slam them right back down
11963s that's a great gravitic flux there from
11964s sniper I mean Valiant Guardians found
11966s the flip in the midst of that so
11969s 87% that's pretty big actually I think
11972s Washington Timeless had they not
11973s conceded the point there would be in one
11974s fight territory Vali and Guardians I
11977s mean they have a little bit of time not
11979s much but a little bit of time to build
11981s up to a sizable ult Bank and you're
11982s looking at chlo's blizzard that's coming
11985s up right about now that is going to be
11987s the main tool Wasing Timeless have it
11989s cannot get eaten it cannot be countered
11992s and it has to find some blood surprised
11994s that Washington don't even want to hold
11996s The High Ground there on the left side
11999s maybe just trying not to get maywald
12001s away they can now move around it
12002s Washington just have to dodge away from
12004s aramor an Matrix Chloe's on the flank
12007s looking for a blizzard do they hear this
12009s coming it's placed at the feet of
12010s aramori do they have him more
12013s doesn't seem to be so with the sound
12015s bear of Carol bought a lot of time but
12017s with aramori missing I'm not sure
12019s Valiant had the heals and moving fish
12021s feels the pain because of this
12024s Washington with such a creative flank a
12027s winning play out of chloi will be giving
12029s Washington round one I mean and it comes
12033s down to that early pick off there onto
12034s whis who had the uh the artillery strike
12036s but wasn't able to leverage it and
12038s without your Bastion on the field the
12040s ant Matrix that came out was uh not
12042s amping a whole lot it was amping a
12044s couple of icicles from H key and not
12046s much else Chloe just goes in with the
12048s blizzard forces Bali and Guardians to
12050s take the fight off of the point while
12052s the rest of Washington Timeless just
12053s March forward take space and lock
12056s Valiant Guardians out of even touching
12058s the point there again I mean they had
12061s the time to try and build up to
12063s something did Valiant guardians but that
12064s kill from wisps just ran out the clock
12067s instantly took it all away from them and
12069s now Ian Wasington Timeless they're
12071s looking poised to take this one as we go
12072s onto Icebreaker no compositional swaps
12075s and they got to be feeling themselves
12076s cuz that was a pretty decisive fight win
12078s at the tail end there Valiant looked
12080s like they were dominating at the start
12082s of that round but the retake off of
12084s sniper flux was the next level to punish
12086s and this was a tank match up we told you
12088s all the watchh looks like the grenade
12089s might have popped a moving fish into the
12091s line of sight of this Bastion snor is
12094s Unleashed Bali are trying to hide on the
12096s point but they get booped back into the
12098s line of damage Bali and have only
12100s dropped one but that Bastion missing is
12102s critical Washington Timeless running
12105s them over like they're bulldozers and
12107s Vali and just can't seem to escape
12110s there's some good Shield usage of moving
12112s fish to at least get some old charge
12114s going but Washington played that first
12116s fight so well you cannot run you cannot
12120s hide sosler is inevitable and even when
12122s you think you're safe Haley is there to
12124s Boop you right back into the line of
12126s fire and all of that Bastion damage has
12128s been sn's emmo this entire tournament
12130s and they're showing why showing how
12132s effective and oppressive this hero is in
12135s the current meta and now once again
12137s watch them Timeless they're going to
12138s take an early cap here Valiant Guardians
12140s have to try and find a way in but when
12141s snaza is firing at all cylinders how do
12144s you break through this the ant Matrix
12147s from Z and how this is used important
12148s but RM already knows this is coming you
12150s can track this off of your own ultimate
12152s H key exposes themselves looking for a
12155s May
12156s isolation opens themselves up to the
12158s line of fire of Washington who are now
12160s going to hunt for more stagger kills
12162s morality from aramore is well placed but
12164s sniper won't let you run the grab flux
12166s right in valiant's face so disrespectful
12169s disrespectful in Washington also wipe
12172s them and you called out Z's amp Matrix
12175s but they didn't even need to use the amp
12176s Matrix did Washington Timeless in fact
12178s they Ed the gravitic flux just to St
12180s just to keep the pressure up keep the
12182s aggression going it was that early
12184s pickoff onto hkey that spell disaster
12186s for Valiant Guardians and they haven't
12188s been able to successfully buy their way
12189s back into this matchup they have all of
12192s the old can possibly want so what it's
12194s going to have to be now or never but
12196s sosler wants to run out the clock a
12198s little bit more here comes the artillery
12199s strike who is it targeting it was
12201s everyone behind moving fish you got
12203s isolated by the May wol there of H key
12206s or from Chloe I should say and then the
12208s blizzard on Top This is disgusting
12211s Washington know how to initiate early
12213s fights now H ke's been discovered and
12215s now just has the blizzard to see if they
12217s can get a one toone trade they are going
12219s for the touch it's a little bit early
12222s and H will be from that last fight if
12226s there even is one yeah there should be
12228s okay with the sound from Carol there is
12230s going to be a touch from Valiant
12231s guardians but he has to quickly vacate
12232s the premises as there is a lot of
12233s pressure that kitchen is a little bit
12235s too hot and Valiant Guardians they can't
12238s find their way back in Haley is okay the
12242s sound did go off on the rest of
12244s Washington and they're slowly but surely
12246s taking this fight I thought Valiant had
12249s messed this up but yeah they kind of
12251s have Washington Timeless 100 to zero
12255s what dominance coming out of map one I
12257s think that might have been a gravitic
12258s flux from moving fish just to try and
12260s get over the wall there to touch and it
12262s it didn't really find a whole lot cuz
12264s you're Flying Blind there you don't know
12265s where everyone is you don't know where
12267s to focus that gravitic flux to get the
12269s most out of it and even if you had
12271s caught all five members of Washington
12273s Timeless they had all the tools they
12275s could have possibly needed haly was
12276s there with the sound barrier kept
12277s everybody alive there's no real good
12280s angle to leverage that ant Matrix and
12282s Valiant Guardians despite having a
12284s wealth of tools in the toolbox were
12286s never once given a chance to use it
12288s there on Icebreaker as close as Labs was
12291s Icebreaker was not at all not at all
12295s close that was all Washington timeless'
12297s Point yeah that second round and that
12300s first fight is what was so key being
12302s able to defend Antarctic is important
12305s the first round Valiant looked like they
12306s had a strong start as soon as they
12308s extended out to go for Stager kills
12310s sniper hit him with a flock and that was
12313s what allowed Washington Timeless to
12314s retake and eventually defend it until
12316s completion while then Washington on the
12319s second round had some beautiful boops
12321s out of Haley I think she was able to
12323s Boop people into her own Bastion
12325s Washington also at sosler who might have
12327s hit some lucky uh Bastion grenades that
12329s might have booted some people into the
12330s line of fire too so Washington just
12333s nailing that first fight in round two
12335s the solidified that map it felt like I
12338s mean when we talk about how successful
12340s Haley has been the plays that she's been
12341s set setting up the boops that have been
12343s coming through time and time again and
12344s again what a coup it was for Washington
12346s Timeless to to snag that player from
12349s valy and Guardians and it's paying off
12351s Caro is no slouch either he's been a
12353s phenomenal Lucio player and has had some
12355s huge plays thus far but Haley has been a
12357s step ahead especially with plays like
12360s this and I also want to highlight snaza
12363s who had a phenomenal like I think double
12365s the nearly double the amount of damage
12367s as wisp we're going to go on hyperfixate
12369s here as well on Z who look at look at
12372s the healing done 11k 4K damage that's
12375s not even phenomenal stats for a Baptist
12377s but the one that sticks out to me only
12380s one
12381s death that is insane they obviously knew
12383s when to leave the fight when to leave
12385s the party but what's something that's
12387s not talked enough about is the timing of
12389s ant Matrix especially in a Bastion V
12392s sort of Sigma Bastion V Bastion Sigma V
12395s Sigma the ant Matrix is often what's
12396s going to crack that egg and when you
12398s have someone as experienced as he is and
12400s obviously how survival able um they have
12403s been Z is someone that can really give
12406s um Washington Timeless a big win
12409s condition especially in the early fights
12410s because ant Matrix is going to be
12411s usually one of the first ultimates you
12413s get it is a way to crack that Egg and I
12415s know a thing or two about having my egg
12416s cracked it happened to me and it'll
12418s happen to you too dear
12419s viewer regardless of yeah that ant
12421s Matrix timing is everything and I I
12423s think we even kind of briefly touched on
12425s when that early pickoff came out onto
12427s wisps I mean there's no real good time
12429s to throw down your ant Matrix when you
12430s don't have your Bastion in play on the
12431s field ready to go and I think that just
12434s comes down again like all members of
12435s Washington Timeless understanding the
12437s assignment knowing exactly when to use
12438s their cool Downs finding those
12440s opportunities to find those pickoffs
12441s that they really shouldn't be able to
12443s find but seizing the opportunities that
12445s are presented to them Valiant Guardians
12446s have to stop presenting those
12448s opportunities they have to be a little
12450s bit more clean but hey they dropped
12452s control to drainers I believe in the
12454s previous Series so maybe they are
12457s another team that just doesn't scrim
12458s control when we go to our hybrid map I'm
12461s hoping vant Guardians have a little bit
12463s more to
12464s say and I think the only thing that
12466s Valiant Guardians really have to work on
12468s is ult tracking um which is not that
12471s difficult to do in their case but I
12473s think the one key miss that happened was
12475s in round one not knowing when um sniper
12479s had gravitic flux and then putting
12481s themselves in an awkward situation but
12484s it is what it is valali and Guardians I
12486s think put up a really good fight in the
12488s first round and it's just being able to
12491s retake on Antarctic is incredibly
12493s difficult for any team so valy and
12495s Guardians I imagine want to return to
12497s Midtown which is a map that they were
12500s very strong at of course when we saw
12502s their defense in the last series but see
12504s what they op for Solomon R PR is saying
12507s take a wild guess for map 2 and that
12509s does also lead me to agree with you I
12511s think it's going to be Midtown that's my
12512s guess but Solomon has gas lit me before
12515s okay not this time not this time you
12517s live another day Solomon it is indeed
12518s Midtown thank you very much for that and
12521s I'm it's interesting because early on we
12524s saw a lot of numani in the Swiss rounds
12526s but it has trended a lot more towards
12528s Midtown and suddenly Midtown is all you
12530s and I have gotten to see today a lot of
12532s teams really like Midtown for this Sigma
12534s mirror yeah I think the big difference
12536s in this Sigma mirror is that well
12538s Valiant didn't really use too much
12540s symmetra from what we saw it was more
12543s them knowing how to deal with triner
12545s symmetra so how are they going to want
12547s to maneuver that Sigma around especially
12549s on attack of Midtown yeah it's kind of
12551s like a slow grind towards the point but
12553s how you maneuver a Bastion on top of
12556s this very Bridge of point B is the most
12558s difficult thing your option is to either
12560s cross the road and go into the right
12562s side Corridor or try your hand at just
12565s going through the left staircase
12566s although you'll be a lot more exposed to
12568s poke that way there are many options of
12570s approaching this uh Bridge control
12573s without a symmetra but that's usually
12574s the most difficult part in attacking
12577s something that you said about map one
12578s that I do kind of want to highlight
12579s bring back to the Forefront and
12581s extrapolate at on is that often times
12583s Valiant Guardians did not know when
12585s sniper had a gravitic flux and there is
12587s a good reason for that sniper does a
12589s absolute insane amount of damage and
12592s gets a ton of support from the backline
12594s while doing it so they have gravitic
12595s flux seemingly off cool down pay
12597s attention to that check mark it will be
12599s up more often than you think it is and
12601s when you don't see it coming and we are
12603s not prepared for it much like I didn't
12605s see this oo coming and I wasn't prepared
12607s for it can I get some oos in the chat
12609s please and thank you when you don't see
12612s that gravitic flux coming and you're not
12614s prepared for it you just kind of fall
12616s over so Wasington Timeless you know they
12618s have no problems taking things slowly
12620s being up to build up to that wind
12623s condition yeah I think sniper's been
12625s incredibly productive as a sigma and
12628s snaza is just a perfect compliment Khloe
12631s going on the flank like that actually
12634s she's just insane and the fact that
12636s Balian didn't see that coming that was a
12638s game-winning play on the round two of
12640s Antarctic we'll see what kind of
12642s creative plays Washington can go for and
12645s they do maybe want to keep in mind of
12646s that left uh back alley which not a lot
12649s of teams use with this type of
12651s composition so no symmetra in play
12654s valian are just going to have to brute
12655s force their way in I have seen a couple
12657s teams crack this defense by utilizing
12659s that back alley but typically with a
12660s more poke heavy composition on the DPS
12662s something like a sojourn or even an
12664s Inari but we're still not seeing that no
12666s deviations just pure mirror these two
12668s teams playing what they're the most
12669s comfortable with but WatchON time feel a
12672s little bit more comfortable with it and
12673s Valiant Guardians cannot comfortably get
12675s their way in here you don't often get to
12678s see an attacking team push that top
12680s tunnel and that was nice to try and Boop
12682s the Bastion off that kind of high ground
12684s position on the stairs it it was
12686s successful at displacing but not
12688s necessarily turning a fight in the favor
12690s of valiant who are still struggling to
12692s escape apparently it's really hard to
12695s escape when Washington Timeless do not
12696s let you this is again some more of that
12698s pure unbridled aggression that is going
12700s to make it so ult for Valley and
12702s Guardians to even get to the choke even
12704s sit pretty as wisp sits really pretty up
12706s on top of that may wall and a couple
12708s quick icicles from Chloe I mean we talk
12710s about how good she is on May but that's
12712s just a flex right there to wall off a
12714s Bastion in spawn and then hit the double
12716s icicle to the Dome a little bit annoying
12719s If your whisp going to continue to slow
12721s down the pace as about a minute and a
12723s half has already bled off the time bank
12724s and Valiant Guardians don't have
12726s anything to show for it yeah you have to
12728s play these Corners very smartly if
12729s you're both of these teams you know ant
12730s Matrix is up and if you're caught just
12732s one second out of it in the out in the
12735s open you can be killed but Valiant
12737s thought they could move up to place that
12738s an Matrix they walk into the gravitic
12740s flux which got HP low and now they
12743s escape into the hallway but Chloe's not
12745s going to let you do that plac is the May
12747s wall and the blister valant are in
12750s shbl and Wasington Timeless like they
12753s have the ult advantage they are not
12754s currently aware of koo's whereabouts he
12756s goes in for a cap but Haley is there to
12758s contest and maybe a friendly Lucio 1 V
12760s one no okay no you have you have found
12763s no friends here car back to spawn that's
12764s where the rest of your friends are take
12766s another collap coach go back at it
12768s Washton Timeless have no problem
12770s investing ults and pressing the
12771s advantage when they know they have it
12773s but that said they have now handed an
12775s ult advantage over to Valiant Guardians
12777s the question is can they leverage it
12779s will they be given an opportunity to
12780s utilize it or will another early pick
12783s completely wipe that off the table Yeah
12785s because haly used sound barrier this
12787s gravitic flux could be huge you dodg to
12789s grab flux you go for
12791s thinking they don't have immortality
12793s that was the correct call out of moving
12795s fish but you lose your own fashion in
12796s the process and moving fish doesn't have
12799s enough support here or a shield to stand
12801s behind just when you thought valian had
12803s a good initiative taking out one of the
12805s biggest Healers of Washington Val it
12807s still crumble under the pressure it's
12809s kind of counterintuitive but it does
12811s work out the way Washington Timeless
12812s just split off there so yeah the
12814s gravitic flux only catches Z which is
12816s potentially the highest value Target and
12818s they take Z down before they're even
12820s able to hit the ground so they don't
12821s even even have to worry about whether or
12822s not the immortality field was there
12823s nullify that possibility but they failed
12825s to capitalize on that pick because the
12827s rest of Washington Timeless just swarm
12830s them Valiant Guardians still have the
12831s ult advantage and still have yet to
12833s successfully leverage it be a big oh I
12836s love the jump coming coming out of Z you
12838s avoid the splash damage you you take the
12840s risk of going or getting hit by the
12842s direct but valian still don't get enough
12845s damage in and as H key steps up they're
12847s removed you don't have a blizzard wind
12849s conditioning car's already popped the
12850s sound barrier so Valiant feel committed
12853s in this fight and now as they're exiting
12855s they're getting May walled off by Chloe
12857s this has been so clinical out of
12859s Washington Timeless and now you truly
12861s understand why they haven't lost the
12863s game all calling all heroes and today
12866s they might not this might not be the map
12868s that they dropped there's that blizzard
12869s coming out from HQ but it's just to get
12871s them to the choke not even through it
12872s and she gets punished for it ridic flux
12874s just to slam anybody that dares try to
12876s step up from sniper sosler is melting
12879s down everybody 7 seconds left and
12881s Washington Timeless are not letting
12883s Valley and Guardians have even an
12885s inch no one will be there to touch and
12888s that'll be the end of that attack
12890s because
12891s Haley has the music over
12894s there she's playing a Death March for
12897s Valiant Guardians
12899s there that
12901s was this is a map that exposes just
12905s which team is the better Sigma
12906s composition I think Valiant had some
12908s good openings off the graph flux just
12911s unfortunately just kept losing a member
12913s once they stepped through the archway
12915s and what I loved about Washington is
12918s their respect of space they are not
12919s afraid to keep stepping back stepping
12921s back and the fight really never took
12923s place towards the point Vali and
12925s struggled just to get through the choke
12927s yeah the only person from the entirety
12929s of alien Guardians that even set foot on
12931s the point was Caro and that was not
12933s supposed to happen at all and was
12935s swiftly deal dealt with so it it's it's
12938s just nothing it's a non- push and now
12939s Valley and Guardians you know they're
12941s either going to go down to match point
12942s already set Washington Timeless up for
12945s success to just walk away with the whole
12946s thing or they have to full hold and
12948s force a draw so that we go forward here
12951s and in order to force that draw you have
12953s to play near Perfection we talk about
12955s the tempo that Washington Timeless set
12957s they're not afraid to slow it down when
12959s they need to and step on the gas when
12960s it's time to and you know once sniper
12963s has a gravitic flux that's when it's
12964s time to step on the gas so all Timeless
12966s have to do is buy time build up to those
12969s ults and even if not the flux chlo's
12972s blizzard is coming up just as fast
12974s you've got the backliners pumping out
12976s all the healing to have their support
12977s ultimates up ready to go all the time
12979s Washington Timeless this is easy mode
12981s for them and I think if you're Valiant
12984s you can also learn to just take an L
12986s Washington are not afraid to use ult
12988s just to stagger you so if valian are
12990s okay with losing those fights and make
12991s sure you don't invest anything there
12993s then that's how they can win based off
12995s of how valian can win based off of their
12997s own ultimates but there's a first May
12998s wall there from H key kind of isolates
13000s sniper down to half Health Valiant
13003s holding close on this right side bridge
13005s but this allows Washington to cross and
13006s take some cover on the fire truck now
13008s Valiant have cornered themselves snipers
13010s putting on the pressure but very low has
13012s the immortality there of Z but a lot of
13015s important cool downs from Washington are
13016s gone and they're stepping on The Point
13018s Washington only need 33% and Chloe
13021s brings a lot of attention towards
13023s herself and Valiant remove her by force
13026s and Washington can't keep the the push
13028s going Haley is the first to fall and now
13030s valian cardies can breathe a sigh of
13032s relief cuz I'm sure they clenched once
13034s they saw that capture percentage ticking
13035s up and realized in real time oh we can
13038s only like if we give up even a tick it's
13040s over they did also lose aramori so
13042s Washington Timeless have an opportunity
13043s to retake some space here and once
13045s aramori is back that window will close
13047s but speaking of Windows Z's got one what
13050s an amazing May wall to deny a lot of the
13052s value of that amp Matrix Washington like
13054s we said it's a slow grind you got to
13057s take care of wisp this basion is
13059s emerging through the Atri sniper it's in
13062s the name strikes them down and
13065s Washington will be going to match point
13067s and there's those fireworks nothing but
13070s celebrations coming out of our number
13071s one seed and it's it's just like I said
13074s you know all that really needs to happen
13076s is WatchON Timeless have to buy their
13078s time play slow and build up to that
13080s gravitic flux cuz once sniper has that
13082s it is the death nail in the coffin for
13085s Valiant Guardians and there is only one
13087s nail left Washington Timeless has set
13090s themselves up on a match point Valiant
13092s Guardians whatever it is that they've
13094s been trying has not worked and this
13096s Sigma mirror is just not it Chief I know
13099s that moving fish is something of a sigma
13101s specialist but right now they're just
13102s kind of getting outdone by the overall
13105s team play from Washington Timeless to
13107s set sniper up for Success sniper I mean
13110s had three gravitic fluxes across the
13112s entirety of that map that doesn't sound
13113s like a whole lot but moving fish only
13116s got one and that was on Valiant
13118s Guardians attack which did go the full
13119s four minutes but Washton Timeless they
13122s didn't even need that much time it only
13124s took one one and done for Sniper to get
13126s the job that's a disrespect from
13129s Washington the spawn touching the spawn
13132s Walling I didn't even see that that
13135s Chloe pick on the Wisp Walling them out
13138s of Spawn like that so disgusting this
13140s was a cute little cancel on the grab
13142s flux there moving fish did what they
13144s could um Washington were just really
13146s good at also moving through the choke
13148s but not sitting out in the open they
13150s used the cover of the fire truck which
13152s had Valiant panicking do we shoot the
13154s the one HP targets what did we do
13156s against the people around the fir truck
13158s or how do we deal with sniper there were
13160s just so many threats from the Washington
13162s side that Valiant got people low but not
13165s not killed which was a big difference
13168s speaking of threats I'm looking at these
13170s Bastion stats and feeling quite
13171s threatened as I'm sure wisps is as well
13173s because we talked about sosler being
13175s such a menace on the Bastion look at the
13177s damage that they're putting in the oims
13179s and they just what one death again only
13182s having that one death is conducive to
13183s just you know it's because your team is
13185s just winning all the fights it's because
13187s you're coming out ahead time and time
13188s again but that is a no small part due to
13191s the pressure that this Bastion puts out
13192s and no one is putting out as much
13194s pressure on this Bastion as sosler is
13197s wisps needs to step up on this hero if
13200s we're going to keep this mirror alive
13202s wisps needs to try and make up the
13203s difference flip the script and make
13205s snoer be the one to sweat cuz so far it
13209s hasn't even been a drop on the brow of
13211s Washington Timeless yeah whis just has
13213s to be careful about how um he positions
13215s outside of the shield there of moving
13217s fish or was some moments that caught
13219s wisp sort of on an off angle or just
13222s trying to get around these sigmas and we
13224s kind of spoke about how you deal with a
13226s sigma you either break the shield with
13227s the fastion or you can maybe some find
13229s some ways to angle around that shield
13231s and with Midtown our the Midtown choke
13234s doesn't allow you for too many options
13236s around that I saw whisk trying many
13238s different things coming up with ideas
13241s but Bastion is that glass Cannon quite
13243s literally and you do not want to be
13244s caught without a tank protecting you is
13247s this where you f kind of feel like you
13248s need to leverage some sort of other
13250s strategy some sort of hero swap some of
13251s that pick Potential from the alleyway or
13253s potentially a Sim TP but it never came
13256s out Val and Guardians sticking to their
13258s guns and that may very well be the hill
13260s that they die on and this hill it's it's
13264s looking it's looking pretty uh pretty
13265s deadly right now Washington Timeless are
13268s on Match Point it's Valiant Guardians
13269s map pick we're throw to a quick break
13271s don't go anywhere chat this very well
13273s may be the end unless Valiant Guardians
13275s speak up or
13299s fall
13374s [Music]
13388s [Music]
13422s [Laughter]
13451s there is now only one map that stands
13453s between Washington Timeless and an
13456s entire golden tournament how many times
13458s have we said it today this weekend last
13460s weekend that they have not dropped a map
13462s they have found themselves at Grand
13463s finals Valiant Guardians are the
13465s challengers that have stepped up and
13468s Washington Timeless thus far have
13469s brushed them aside if valy and Guardians
13472s do not win this map Washington Timeless
13474s will not only be the Champions but the
13476s golden Champions having not dropped a
13478s map which is so insane to say over and
13480s over like I can't stop myself from
13482s highlighting that over and over again
13484s it's so crazy and then Washington
13486s Timeless have been the number one team
13488s for a while I mean you just look at the
13489s circuit points they're at something like
13491s 12,000 like clearly in the number one
13494s clearly of pretty much almost book that
13496s ticket to the championship already with
13498s more calling all heroes events around
13500s the corner but Washington is the team to
13503s be in valant Guardians you know have a
13505s bit of a different roster compared to
13507s Swiss they've been really creative they
13509s come up with good ideas it's execution
13512s against a team like Washington who have
13514s you called Washington flawless I kind of
13516s agree I there are very little cracks to
13518s that armor and Valiant haven't been able
13520s to exploit yet it it's it's very hard to
13523s call them anything else but Washington
13524s Flawless at this point and Valiant
13526s Guardians you know armori did say in the
13528s interview that she thought that there
13529s were some cracks in the armor but so far
13530s Vali and Guardians haven't been able to
13532s exploit those cracks if they have even
13534s manifested and as we go into our third
13536s map which is going to be flasho we're
13538s going to cvasa is there even even a
13540s whole lot of room to try potentially a
13542s new idea out here something that might
13544s actually get Valiant Guardians back on
13546s the board or we'll Washington Timeless
13548s just walk away with this one that's
13551s really tough I think in the mirror you
13553s clearly saw the confidence The
13555s Experience just the play calling out of
13557s Washington Timeless like they have
13559s really experienced players like I know
13561s Haley or Halo she is so smart she's been
13565s playing the game for so long and you
13566s could tell just by the pushes that
13568s Washington chose to take that this team
13571s is it's hard to be outdone in the mirror
13574s so what can Valiant Guardians do well
13576s the symmetra is always something that
13578s catches teams off guard that forces
13580s panicky and sometimes rough
13581s decisionmaking if you can force it
13583s quickly but it's not something we've
13585s seen Valiant Guardians do of course
13587s Genji is someone that can go in and and
13590s of course do work and assassinate people
13592s before they can get healed up because
13593s there were a lot of times where Valiant
13594s Guardians got people low but didn't have
13596s the finishing power to necessarily turn
13598s the fight so maybe someone who like a
13601s sojor or a Genji something with pick
13603s potential can help Valiant I anything
13607s you you you have to try anything and
13609s Wasington Timeless like they don't even
13611s have to worry about this honestly
13612s because they've gotten this far with
13614s what has worked and nobody has made them
13616s nobody has broken them on even a single
13618s map when you're this well practiced and
13620s you're this good on this composition
13622s there is no reason for you to go back to
13624s the drawing board but Valley and
13625s Guardians they got to be in desperation
13627s mode because there's no more Second
13628s Chances from here on out you have to
13630s beat Washington Timeless or aramori
13633s continues that curse of Second Place
13634s Washington Timeless walk away with the
13636s golden tournament we will have to decide
13638s what it is going to be or rather the
13640s players will have to decide what it is
13642s going to be when we kick off this next
13644s map here I think uh just a little bit
13646s more still getting the lobby set up a
13647s couple players still waiting on some
13649s things but anticipation building I'm
13652s imagining the coaching of valiant
13653s Guardians is giving them a giving them a
13655s good talking to giving them a good uh
13657s some good direction here some good ideas
13659s I hope
13660s yeah I know that arore gave a big shout
13663s out to LEP and just how how really
13666s impactful the coaching has been uh from
13669s that player of course of OverWatch
13671s League caliber and that bringing that
13672s OverWatch League experience to Valiant
13674s Guardians who have done a good job thus
13676s far they've gotten to the Grand Final
13678s but this is the final boss and I think
13681s hke has a tough matchup going against uh
13684s up against bun AKA Khloe on the May
13687s where hke has found themselves in
13688s positions where she's kind of jumping
13690s out in the open trying to take that risk
13693s of getting that may wall onto sniper and
13695s sometimes just the wrong Bastion grenade
13697s the wrong icicle to the face and hkey
13700s finds themselves first picked which sets
13702s the whole fight behind but you've got to
13703s go for risks if you want to go for
13705s rewards it's going to be a pretty big
13707s risk regardless no matter what it is
13709s that Valiant Guardian comes out with
13711s honestly even sticking with what they
13712s are the most comfortable with that might
13714s even be the biggest risk at this point
13716s in time because they are just outclassed
13717s on it Washington Timeless better
13719s practice practice they're finding the
13720s picks that they need to find they're
13722s finding they're just finding value
13723s they're playing this composition to
13725s Perfection and there have been a couple
13727s flaws in Valiant Guardians game and
13729s there cannot be any flaws any longer
13733s surasa may very well be where they make
13735s their final stand or where they start
13737s the reverse sweep which will it be there
13739s is only one way to find out chat what do
13742s you think do you think this is all
13744s Washington timeless' game to win with a
13746s nice quick and easy three or do you
13749s still believe in the Valiant
13751s Guardians I think after that Midtown
13754s your recency bias would have all your
13756s channel points on Washington uh almost
13758s said justice but Timeless but valali and
13761s Guardians you got to remember that in in
13762s the first fights of Antarctic put up a
13765s seriously good fight they look like they
13766s were dominating the start of Antarctic
13769s they were winning fight after fight but
13771s retakes are very difficult how they go
13773s for staggers has been punished and
13776s Washington Timeless are team that play
13777s with so much confidence they don't
13779s hesitate and in a composition like that
13781s you can't afford to second guess and
13783s that's been happening at times for
13785s Valiant but when Washington have been so
13787s good at punishing I don't blame Valiant
13789s for for thinking twice about every move
13791s you want to do I mean there's still I'm
13794s still seeing little bits of uh of
13796s thinking little bits of cooking there
13797s hkey flashed the Genji really quick I'm
13800s curious if that's what she's going to
13801s come out with Chloe is sticking on it so
13804s it's actually Washington Timeless that
13806s might be going for something a little
13807s bit more pick favored and this is a
13808s variation that we have haven't seen from
13811s Washington Timeless all that much but
13813s you know I talked about how they don't
13814s really need to reinvent the wheel with
13816s this because their wheels have been
13818s rolling just flying no flat tires on
13820s this road to success but they've got
13822s room to be a little bit flexible they've
13824s got room to experiment a little bit if
13826s this doesn't work they're totally fine
13827s to just go back what works and they know
13829s they can bully Valiant Guardians with it
13831s oh Chloe bun on the Genji oh this is
13834s going to be good but now you don't have
13836s a junker queen that can kind of give you
13838s that over Health you don't have an an
13840s honor to give you a nano boost so
13842s Washington it'll be up to Haley to maybe
13845s guide Chloe around these fights
13847s especially up high being able to harass
13849s and pressure this High Ground is going
13851s to deny this maybe from HP we'll see if
13853s how they will connect with Carol on the
13856s other side so far Khloe's been pushed
13858s back and both sigas are colliding but no
13861s clear winner so far I mean and look at
13863s the health bars from watching Timeless
13865s and how quickly they dip low right now
13867s have a look at moving fishes though cuz
13868s there's this very very
13870s Washington Timeless are going to get
13871s first cap here and Valiant Guardians
13873s they've tried to push their way in but
13875s they just got pushed right back that's a
13877s good cap and good patience out of
13879s Washington Timeless The Matrix is coming
13882s up soon we'll see if snar can have the
13885s jump in time to dodge it moving fish is
13888s ahead in the ult charge that gravitic
13889s flux but sniper is closing the Gap there
13891s arore with an early ant Matrix though
13893s might tip the scales in favor of valiant
13895s Guardians Timeless they vacate the
13897s premises but they pop one of their own
13899s yeah with all the space that Valiant got
13901s from the matri they never managed to
13903s flip back the point good timing from Z
13905s to allow that retake to get sniper in a
13907s good position removing moving fish is
13909s huge and Washington can now deal with
13911s all the dominoes that'll fall behind
13913s them removing moving fish that's very
13916s very poetic removing fish very good I
13918s mean Washington Timeless I mean and they
13920s win that clean it's just a rail shot
13922s from sosler is all they really need to
13923s do that yeah the ant Matrix was invested
13925s early but with just that one rail shot
13928s onto moving fish who was with the race
13930s to the gravitic flux uh dnf didn't
13933s finish now sniper has the gravitic flux
13936s it's going to be Mir going into the
13937s second point I don't think Valiant
13938s Guardians have even an attempt to cap
13940s this one they're not going for it
13942s everybody is going to be looking towards
13944s that second checkpoint but the fight
13946s looking like Washington time is want to
13948s cut Valiant Guardians off at the pass
13951s moving fish having issues moving forward
13953s when the shield and Matrix is always
13955s broken but they just need one person
13957s from Washington to step up so this graph
13959s flux can get some value but Washington
13962s know what's coming and they go back
13964s towards the point Bali are going to take
13965s angles Caro and H key head to the left
13968s this uh flux is all towards Z but Haley
13972s St barrier saves Z from the dash of H
13975s key no dash reset means the death of
13977s that Genji from Valiant and everything
13980s about this push was calculated but was
13983s read by Washington Timeless who are now
13986s looking for more kills that was a frame
13989s perfect sound barrier that came out
13991s there from Haley like you said to save
13992s Z's life there and prevent the dash
13994s coming in from hke but that said that is
13997s a beat that has been invested and now HQ
14001s should have a free dragon blade if she's
14003s able to get the advantage of it I think
14005s chloey might try and go more aggressive
14007s with hers so who is going to strike
14008s first it's actually snoer who's going to
14010s pop Q oh another cre knock moving fish
14014s on their butt and sosler is knocking
14017s everyone back to spawn with this
14019s overflow block Washington Timeless
14021s though now may be overextended a little
14025s bit since this blade is something Chloe
14027s is Dashing back towards the point with
14030s it I guess Carol also pops down beer so
14033s I understand the hesitation from Chloe
14035s and the the Dragon Blade there from
14037s Khloe may very well have been uh a tail
14039s tucked between the legs as she scampers
14041s off as the rest of valiant Guardians
14043s chase her away and inevitably do
14045s dispatcher a bit of a late stagger and
14047s Valiant Guardians have found themselves
14049s on the board here starting to take it up
14051s with Chloe dying that late it's going to
14053s be at least up to 50% I believe before
14055s Wasington ESS can mount a sizable
14058s offense here and potentially find the
14060s flip H ke still has her Dragon Blade it
14063s might not even need it if whisp gets
14064s anything with this overclock whisp it's
14066s open SE it Sor down but the rest of
14069s Washington have managed to escape they
14071s also have a healthy Shield behind
14073s snipers so wisp has done enough work for
14076s now you may rest but how long can they
14078s defend this for they're about to take
14080s the lead and Washington want to set up
14082s the St Matrix but valian go into hiding
14084s here in this Corridor so there's a lot
14086s of moving parts to this next fight here
14088s sniper has the uh gravitic flux and
14090s there is no sound Bearer on either side
14092s so it's the gravitic flux versus the
14094s dragon blade from H ke and it looks like
14096s the gravitic flux is what's going to
14097s come out first oh the accretion barely
14100s misses there and the immortality from
14102s arore only buy so much time but actually
14104s sand are still living and they fire back
14106s with an H key Dragon Blade to cut down
14109s the heels of sniper but eventually get
14112s punished while not able to find more
14113s targets 99% in favor of valiant but
14117s Washington will be giving this up for
14119s free there's still Z and I believe Khloe
14122s hanging around and this is a close fight
14125s but Chloe dashes right into the
14127s accretion of moving fish so Valiant may
14130s just have won the point but they have to
14131s be able this do this first I mean sniper
14134s is just donating an entire doomfist life
14136s bar worth of uh worth of ult charge over
14138s to watch over to Valiant Guardians right
14140s now cuz you got to imagine they're going
14142s to swap off that doomfist that is not
14144s going to stick they want to go back to
14145s that Sigma most likely and try and play
14147s for the next Point here and you know it
14150s was a great attempt though to try and
14152s get that retake but it was just too
14153s little too late Valiant Guardians have
14154s tied Sasa up one to one and both teams
14157s now linger moving towards the next
14160s capture point I believe Washington
14163s Timeless should be the first ones to
14164s touch here actually no it's going to be
14166s moving fish who's able to stake their
14168s claim now how this grab flux is position
14171s Washington are almost coming up from
14173s behind Valiant and well they caught them
14176s off guard for sure Chloe dead in the
14179s water though and moving fish has some
14181s extra room to work with thanks to the
14183s sound bear of caro and missing the
14185s accretion on Haley not a big deal being
14187s able to conserve that flux though is
14188s pretty big but moving fish is low needs
14190s to Matrix a bit and sosler gets one for
14194s the road but our Valiant really safe
14196s here I I mean it doesn't look like it I
14198s mean it's an early pick off onto Chloe
14200s no kloe means no Blade no blade means
14202s you can pop the beat to go aggressive
14203s but now you don't have the beat for
14205s everything that Washington Timeless has
14207s and that's a lot here comes that
14209s blade oh Chloe barely dodging the grab
14212s flx there still gets one on the H key
14215s and Washington have prevailed in this
14217s fight and fairly inexpensive too look at
14221s the late stagger on the moving fish but
14223s 52% is what they have to overcome I mean
14226s 52% is what they're going to have to
14227s overcome but look at the old of
14229s Washington Timeless that last fight like
14230s you said was very inexpensive only the
14232s Dragon Blade got invested sniper has a
14234s gravitic flux and KO again we go back to
14237s that previous fight he does not have his
14239s sound barrier right now so this gravitic
14241s flux is going to be solely countered by
14244s Aram Mor's uh immortality field and
14246s we've seen before that's not the most
14248s effective way you have to have some
14249s follow through some way to snap back
14252s once you snap back to earth oh moving
14254s fish brought back to almost full Heth
14256s immediately after getting hit by that
14258s flux here's the overclock from snaer
14260s Once balion have moving fish separated
14263s from the
14264s flock and look at them goost sosler will
14267s not be stopped two kills and more
14270s Washington Timeless wipe the floor with
14273s Valiant I mean that's just a perfectly
14275s timed overclock there from sosler like
14278s we talked about how great they've been
14279s on the Bastion they've been just as good
14280s on the sojourn the hit scan play from
14282s sosler is top tier and that's why you
14284s can have a player like Chloe who's that
14286s flexible over on the Genji but speaking
14288s of Genji
14289s is HQ going to be able to get the better
14291s of Haley in this Dragon Blade versus
14293s sound barrier matchup nope they're not
14295s even going to touch actually valali and
14297s Guardians concede Wason time let go up
14299s to one and valali and Guardians they
14301s have to head for the hills it's like
14303s this game of c mouse Valiant just try to
14305s get to the point they pop the Dragon
14308s Blade but it's countered by Haley's
14310s sound barrier so Washington Timeless
14312s chase them all the way to the point and
14315s back to they go Washington Timeless are
14319s crack whis popped the overclock but
14322s doesn't get anything sosler kills three
14324s without the overclock and sojan
14326s Supremacy is firmly on the side of
14328s Washington Timeless they win that
14330s without any ults only the defensive
14332s sound barrier they're going to get the
14333s first cap here they have the Dragon
14335s Blade they have the ant Matrix Valiant
14338s Guardians have NADA they have to try and
14340s build up to a sizeable old bank and make
14342s something stick because they have
14344s slipped they got the first cap but since
14346s then it's been all watched and Timeless
14348s thus far and doesn't show any signs of
14350s slowing down it's round Point match
14352s point for Washington Timeless chlo's got
14355s a blade and you better watch out Tero
14358s few perc away from that sound barrier
14360s now they have it moving fish goes
14362s through the grab Flex gets stunned out
14364s of it sound barrier from Carol and
14365s responds to the Chloe blade but it's
14367s already struck through the hearts of
14369s valiant who fall one by one and it's
14372s backto back fight for
14374s Washington that that that might just be
14376s it that might have been valali
14377s guardian's Best Shot there last gasp
14379s trying to capture the point they invest
14381s the sound barrier but it's too late to
14383s save the DPS player who falls they
14385s invest the the gravitic flux and they
14387s find nothing while Washington Timeless
14388s have one of their own they have an ant
14390s Matrix and they're going to have soslers
14392s overclock and we've seen how deadly
14393s they've been with that if there is
14395s anything B Guardians can do they have to
14397s pull a rabbit out of a hat right now oh
14399s H ke is dead already the head shot from
14401s Z this is the last fight for the point
14403s round Point match point and Valiant only
14406s flounder they couldn't break through the
14409s choke not against the sigma Supremacy
14412s Washington Timeless are you're calling
14415s all heroes Champions without dropping a
14418s single game potentially one of the most
14421s impressive calling all heroes runs of
14424s all time the golden tournament the
14426s golden swis round they did not drop a
14428s map like you just said and nobody was
14431s able to make them bleed even a little
14433s bit both drainers and Valiant Guardians
14435s have at times made them sweat but not
14437s enough to even get a single point on the
14441s board in the map head-to-head the
14443s Washington Flawless they shall be they
14446s will go down in history as your calling
14448s all heroes rise together minor three
14450s Champions without dropping a single map
14454s it Bears repeating and we're going to
14455s repeat it until we're blue in the face
14457s because it's such an insane run that
14459s this team just went on snipers Nosler
14462s bun Halo Z azer sill and oy of course
14467s with the back room that have supported
14469s this team for so long what a run calling
14474s all heroes Champions $2500 Canadian
14477s Richard with a ton of circuit points
14479s enough to pad their way to the
14481s championship in February this is a team
14484s that no other has been able to touch to
14487s crack to figure out and you got to
14490s applaud them their career their ceiling
14492s has no limits and I look forward to just
14495s seeing what the future holds for them
14497s I'm sure they're looking forward to see
14498s staying with the future holdes for them
14499s as well they may call themselves
14501s Timeless but right now they got nothing
14503s but time to look ahead cuz they will
14505s almost certainly be in our Champions at
14508s in uh tournament in February 2024
14511s they've got all the Time in the World to
14512s prepare for that as they come out Head
14514s and Shoulders ahead of the rest of the
14516s pack and they can watch and lie and wait
14518s as teams like Valiant Guardians teams
14520s like drainers try and try to just play
14523s catchup over the next couple of months
14527s it's going to be a lovely thing to
14529s can anyone topple the Washington
14530s Timeless not today not in Toronto not in
14534s calling all heroes currently right now
14536s they are they are the best they are the
14538s best team that calling out Heroes has to
14540s offer and I don't think anybody can even
14542s begin to doubt that after this
14544s performance this weekend this past
14546s weekend everyone who has stepped up has
14548s been brushed to the side and Washington
14550s Timeless will say it again they are your
14554s Champions I got to give a shout out to
14556s Haley she popped off today the perfectly
14560s framed sound berries you pointed out to
14562s the boops that allowed uh the first
14565s fight wins on Antarctic to just being
14567s that Fearless Lucio that you need in a
14570s composition like this Haley has brought
14572s the the master class of support to the
14575s realm and I'm so proud of how far
14577s they've come to as a player and as a
14579s person and I've just brought so much
14582s recognition to a platform like this to
14583s have a player like her play on it so
14585s congratulations once again to Washington
14587s Timeless every single player on that
14589s team had their moment in the spotlight
14591s had their impact in the match there
14593s wasn't someone who was holding them back
14595s they all popped off and I'm looking
14598s forward to talking to them very soon I
14600s mean yeah they they all more than pulled
14602s their weight I mean they they pulled
14604s like double their weight like looking at
14606s all of the stats and all of the insane
14607s plays across the board we talk a lot
14609s about sniper and the the sigma
14610s head-to-head we talk a lot about Khloe
14612s we talk a lot about snaza and of course
14614s Haley congratulations to her but
14616s congratulations are in order to the
14618s entire team so we're going to have a
14619s couple players from that team to give
14622s you an interview when we get back from
14623s this break to tell you how they feel to
14625s be your new calling all heroes
14636s [Music]
14647s champions
14657s [Music]
14681s [Music]
14689s [Music]
14707s w
14714s [Music]
14729s [Music]
14737s yeah
14739s [Music]
14770s [Music]
14778s [Music]
14787s [Music]
14806s [Music]
14814s [Music]
14827s [Music]
14835s [Music]
14847s [Music]
14891s not a new Champion but indeed a
14893s returning Champion has been crowned once
14896s more Washington Timeless are your
14899s calling all heroes rise together minor
14901s three Champions and for some it was
14904s never in doubt especially for the group
14906s that we've got here today for an
14908s interview we've got SNR their coach and
14910s sill one of their players how are you
14912s guys doing today how are you feeling uh
14915s pretty good honestly yeah I think uh I
14917s think we're all kind of expecting it
14918s honestly right we felt really confident
14920s going into today so I think it's just
14921s finally nice to like have the relief of
14923s it being actually done in the books you
14926s know and SNR I want to address you too
14930s um tell me about the work you and the
14932s team have done to prepare and improve
14934s over the season to to get to this moment
14937s yeah so I'm not going to take a ton of
14939s credit I think the players are all like
14941s really really good and they're also like
14942s insane worth ethic like I think that's
14944s the biggest thing the first week of the
14945s tournament is where I did most of my
14947s work and I came in lot of the scrims and
14948s did review but this last week like
14950s honestly it was pretty hands off for me
14951s I didn't have like I was also kind of
14952s busy so I didn't get big opportunity to
14954s do a lot but I kind of just kind of told
14956s them Direction I think they should take
14957s with the team and they they took it very
14959s very well and I think that you know
14961s little little B guidance but I think
14962s it's like pretty much just 99% all the
14964s team and they they're very good at
14966s dealing with everything on their own I
14968s you can you can see it in their gameplay
14969s and I guess you know speaking of the
14971s team I want to talk directly to saw Hill
14972s it's good to have you back on the
14974s broadcast after uh after last week we
14976s had you on cuz you guys were successful
14977s that week you've been even more
14979s successful this week so as a player how
14981s does it feel to be a champion once again
14985s uh I mean it feels good feels the same
14986s as the past few times I mean this our
14988s fourth tournament right the fourth time
14989s we've won and I mean I don't know it's
14991s like we worked hard and I think we
14992s deserve it I think all our players
14994s played really well and it's just uh good
14995s to see our effort like our hard work
14997s paying
14998s off the hard work paid off paid a lot
15001s actually congrats on the final it was
15004s awesome to watch your team um SNR we
15006s don't always get to see kind of the work
15008s you pointed out some work ethic stuff we
15010s don't get to see what happens uh behind
15012s closed doors or beyond the match if you
15013s had like an award to give uh maybe MVP
15016s or most improved player who would that
15019s be because there's just so many stars on
15020s that team and you've gotten to watch
15022s them grow and work so hard to be on the
15024s game what do you think so I think MVP I
15029s honestly I I don't necessarily want to
15031s pick someone because I think that's kind
15033s I think like I think the team actually
15034s like uh that did incredibly well but I
15037s think like a big big thing to take into
15039s account is like even for the people that
15040s weren't start starting like like whether
15042s it's like staff or like for example like
15043s sill as well like they're just always
15045s showing up the scrims and like giving
15046s their input so I actually think that's
15048s like where the the biggest Difference
15049s Maker is made is like it's not even
15051s though the players aren't necessarily
15052s you know playing every single map
15053s they're actually just like with the team
15055s still contributing their ideas so I
15056s think that's like actually the biggest
15057s Difference Maker is that the people that
15060s even aren't playing are still like
15061s actively trying to produce like uh like
15063s good results with the team so I think
15064s that's actually the biggest thing is the
15065s people that didn't even like play the Ms
15068s we're still like actively trying to
15069s improve the team that's what I'd say
15070s like the biggest thing is it it does
15073s indeed take a village to raise a
15075s championship team and you guys have done
15077s a phenomenal job of doing just that but
15078s I want to ask you SNR as the coach were
15081s you ever worried that your team might I
15083s don't know drop a single map uh I got
15086s I'll be honest I got dinner reservations
15088s in 15 minutes like I I was not worried
15090s like I I I'm going to be going like
15091s right after the interview's done I was
15092s not worried we got that unlocked it was
15094s all good yeah he's not even lying by the
15096s way that's not a joke it's just real
15099s stle um my last question to you is how
15102s is the Trust on this team it sounds like
15104s you know the coach trusts you but y'all
15106s have so many substitutes and different
15108s players from different experience levels
15110s what is it like to be on that team I
15112s mean I think it's just great I feel like
15114s with the players we have we're like
15115s super confident in any meta we can like
15117s trust each other to be able to play
15118s whatever we need and play it well like
15121s for example in this meta like sniper is
15122s just like the best sick player in the
15123s world so I don't even need to like open
15125s the game to be honest like I don't know
15128s I think I just I I love playing with
15130s this team I think we're going to do do
15131s well do well in the future tournaments
15132s too and it's just I think I think we'll
15135s continue doing well and well you can
15136s definitely look forward to those future
15138s tournaments because you will almost
15139s certainly I be at the Championships in
15142s February so I look forward to seeing you
15144s guys there we're going to go ahead and
15145s wrap this all up here cuz it sounds like
15147s snr's got places to be but before we go
15149s first saw Hill and then SNR in that
15151s order I would like to pose this final
15153s question to you do you have any other
15155s closing thoughts or any shout outs that
15156s you want to give before we send you on
15158s your Merry way for a SNR celebratory
15161s dinner uh you want to go first SNR yeah
15164s I mean shout out to the team to getting
15165s it done like quickly that's for getting
15167s me to dinner on time that's the biggest
15169s shout out I can give but
15170s yeah yeah shout out to everyone for no
15172s Maps dropped shout out to the people who
15175s helped us warm up uh actually don't
15177s remember who it was cuz I wasn't home
15178s but whoever you are you know you are uh
15180s shout out to our manager debbit shout
15183s out to Lily AZ shout out to Orion all
15185s the subs me included and yeah that's
15187s about it well thank you both so much for
15191s taking the time for this interview it
15193s was great to hear about your story and
15195s big congratulations once again on being
15197s Champions thank you so much thank you
15200s thank you thank you for having us thank
15201s you very much well these there they go
15204s there are your Champions let's have a
15206s quick look at what it is that they were
15207s playing for and what they won that grand
15210s prize that they get to walk away with
15212s you can definitely buy yourself a couple
15214s of fancy dinners with that uh that 2300
15217s Canadian dollars and the 450 uh circuit
15220s points per player that is by the way I
15223s we we failed to touch on that the last
15225s couple of times that is per player so a
15227s nice sizable chunk but with all the
15229s points that they've already amased it's
15231s still just a drop in the bucket for who
15233s will inevitably be one of the favorites
15235s to take up the whole thing the entirety
15238s of the
15239s champion yeah Washington Timeless you
15243s love to see the support I remember when
15244s they were like Timeless ethereal way
15246s back when and it's you people are
15248s starting to recognize that talent that
15250s potential and how unlimited their
15252s stealing does seem to be and I'm glad
15254s they've gotten the support from not only
15256s the an OverWatch League team but also
15258s the community these are some of the best
15260s players that are going to rise um to the
15262s challenge rise together title and also
15265s be the heroes of the Next Generation so
15267s I'm so proud to be just watching
15269s Washington Timeless and their Journey uh
15272s through their careers well like like I
15275s have said though their Journey does not
15277s stop can anybody topple them not in this
15279s tournament it would seem but there is
15281s another opportunity maybe you dear
15283s viewer could be the next one to take on
15285s the tyrants that are the Washington
15286s Timeless as we have another tournament
15289s coming up in December the calling all
15291s heroes radiant Heroes major 3 is going
15295s to be starting on December 2nd it's
15297s going December 2nd and 3rd then the next
15299s weekend of December 9th and 10th
15302s registration for that will open up later
15304s this month so stay tuned to the
15306s OverWatch path the pro on Twitter if you
15308s want to get involved if you want to come
15310s and show your stuff and maybe maybe make
15313s some of the best
15315s sweat and if you're not going to
15317s twitchcon this weekend then you'll want
15318s to tune in for the Collegiate homecoming
15321s playoffs that takes place on Saturday
15323s and Sunday and if you're going to Twitch
15325s con you know let me know I'll be there
15327s man and if you're not then CB will keep
15329s you company for the Collegiate playoffs
15332s I'll I'll I'll be there in the chat to
15333s support you but hey chat uh it's been
15336s lovely having you guys all here here
15337s thank you all so much for stopping by
15339s and supporting calling all heroes it's
15341s been a lovely tournament it's been an
15343s honor to be joined by the lovely lemon
15345s kiwi and also by Jag Chef Billy and
15348s Kwing thus far calling all heroes of
15350s course means a lot to me as a caster and
15353s as a just as a fan of all of this Talent
15356s all of these players it's a phenomenal
15358s program and getting to see the talent
15360s that is on display here means the world
15362s to me the visibility means everything
15364s this is a place where you can succeed
15366s despite being told time and time again
15368s maybe that you couldn't that there was
15369s no place for you in Esports there is a
15372s place here in calling all heroes so
15374s please come and join us and continue to
15376s support calling all heroes lemon I'm
15379s going to throw it to you do you have any
15380s final words no this is just an
15382s incredible platform shout out to Bailey
15385s and everyone behind the scenes that have
15386s put this together that have made this a
15388s safe space and for Toronto defied for
15390s stepping up and and putting the banner
15392s on Toronto has been incredible for the
15394s Canadian scene but for the entire
15396s OverWatch Community overall all and we
15398s hope that we'll see you all again for
15399s major 3 for homecoming playoffs for for
15402s all the OverWatch community events uh
15405s until whatever the future holds so thank
15407s you all so much for watching we'll see
15408s you next
15423s [Music]
15426s time
15435s [Music]
15456s hello
15486s J
15488s [Music]
15498s [Music]
15504s are I am
15516s outand
15539s [Music]
15546s you
15556s [Music]
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15636s the
15665s un
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15725s go
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