8 months ago - PlayOverwatch - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s did you know the underworld in OverWatch
1s 2 has tons of hidden lore throughout the
3s map the underworld Mission sets you
4s fighting to protect King's Row from a
6s null sector Invasion many fans may have
7s noticed that the person talking to you
8s is Iggy the punk omnic who made
10s appearances in the comic London Calling
11s and is mentioned by Tracer in this voice
13s line A friend of mine has a massive
15s collection of vintage vinyl that's sick
17s if they want I could send him some stuff
19s too Iggy would love that and as you
21s Traverse London you might also find
22s several lore locations there are five of
24s them to be precise when you interact
25s with a location Iggy will make a small
27s mention of the item or poster found
30s [Music]
32s one particularly interesting lore bite
34s would be the small Shrine to mandata
36s this Shrine pays respects to the shin
37s Bali monk who Zenyatta and ramatra's
39s mentor and was taken out by Widowmaker
41s in the animated short alive check out
42s these lore pieces to cure your
43s challenges for extra rewards and more
45s before the event is over on September
46s 5th