almost 6 years ago - PlayOverwatch - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

8s I believe, that when it comes to game,
10s it is far more than just playing.
14s Overwatch provides fun in playing in teams,
18s bringing friends together, which is very meaningful to me.
30s Although video games are not particularly accepted to elders,
33s I think it plays a role by inspiring us and making friends.
38s Overwatch especially has Sci-Fi features that are futuristic,
42s and many students will be inspired to imagine its real existence in near future.
54s During my Overwatch plays I really liked that
58s it has many characters with engineering backgrounds.
60s Torbjorn requires a lot of game-sense and skills to play well,
63s but when you do, I think it is one of the heroes with potential to carry a match.
67s His turret design is actually very beautiful.
70s Also it matched the robot image we have pictured ourselves,
75s was appropriate to build it considering
78s our current working space and the resources we have.
84s We were motivated to create a real-life model
89s with the same function it has.
133s We always take the challenge to create something new that is original and never made,
139s which also means creating something from scratch.
143s We face the process of making new data and stacking them from nothing.
152s ﹐The world needs more heroes﹑.
156s I would like to rephrase it as
158s ﹐the world needs more engineers﹑,
161s because true heroes use their own skills to change the world.
165s If the world needs heroes,
167s I believe that it insists us to move on the track we have faith in,
171s because that will shape me as such hero in need.
174s I am an engineering content creator from KongdolE Production Su Hyun, Lee a.k.a. Chul-ee.
179s I am an engineering content creator from KongdolE Production Jin Ho, Lee a.k.a. Pakwi.
183s I am an engineering content creator from KongdolE Production Ho Jin, Choi
187s I am an engineering content creator from KongdolE Production Dong Suk, Kim