over 1 year ago - PlayOverwatch - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s new two OverWatch 2. I feel like your
2s teammates are speaking a different
3s language well this video will help you
5s expand your OverWatch 2 vocabulary the
8s backline these are the players of your
9s team who tend to be squishy and prefer
10s to stay far far away from immediate
12s action usually the backline consists of
14s your support Heroes like Anna Baptiste
16s or long-range damage Heroes like
17s Widowmaker or Hanzo the pocket healer
19s this is a term not necessarily tied to
21s OverWatch 2 but it refers to a support
23s that focuses on keeping one individual
24s alive and well it might be for a fight
26s or for a match but that support
27s dedicates their time to one particular
29s hero knockback several Heroes have
31s abilities that can knock you back or
32s push you away such as Lucio doomfist
35s pharah and Ash you can use their
36s abilities to make space for yourself or
38s even utilize the environment and push
39s them off to their deaths but you better
41s be careful because they might be able to
42s do the same thing right back to you