3 months ago - PlayOverwatch - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

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239s there know
269s yeah
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808s oh
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1137s everything
1140s [Music]
1158s it's time to put up her shut up we're in
1160s the grand finals and I can't wait to see
1162s what ends up happening here this is the
1164s true test for both of these teams right
1166s now it's going to be about who wants it
1168s more who has on the grind practicing
1170s this so
1172s much getting to the Grand finals that is
1174s a huge achievement on its own not to
1176s mention all that is at stake with the
1178s prize pool on itself coming away with
1181s that Championship Victory say that you
1183s can do it this is their chance to get
1185s that first place for
1186s Redemption they're here to make a name
1189s for themselves come out of these Gates
1191s Strong send a statement to all of the
1193s people that have ever doubted that in
1194s this
1197s tournament with the Tracer alone she has
1200s to try to keep this one up especially
1202s now that the Sal going on out but keeps
1204s gessi alive and allows the r to come
1206s through the mering rims on and Ki never
1210s ever give up that's so much
1214s out for Dragon comes out the SE barode
1217s it's real good shot and Genji is split
1221s in half your final stand on midt about
1225s to get crazy out here but somebody need
1226s to make this down the car the flex ends
1228s up getting canc can anybody else get a
1229s touch on the koad 33 M away the high
1232s guard left uncontested the FL everything
1235s going thing of
1237s KC beautiful start to this game the
1240s third look they focus down the enemy
1245s Sigma see that coming through and H key
1248s goes over the top immediately takes down
1250s Halo Z goes down no support no back R
1254s for long with on now i' like to see wow
1259s oh my goodness wow down to what once
1261s again now without the Blass the racer
1264s onto the back line and the blizzard
1265s coming through from Zone going to
1267s pressure out Kindred and they just get
1269s melted there needs to be some way for
1271s them to keep on to only the players are
1273s falling one by
1276s [Applause]
1283s [Music]
1287s one
1290s [Music]
1298s it is the culmination of a Year's worth
1301s of passion and hard work from staff
1304s Talent players alike but mostly today
1307s the players who have put their Heart and
1309s souls into today to earn the title
1312s calling all heroes Champions welcome
1315s everybody my name is CB we are uh we're
1318s here we've done it an entire year to get
1320s here to the calling all heroes
1322s championships and we have four teams
1324s left buying for the opportunity to win
1327s that Tracer Corgi statue a little bit of
1329s bad news chat Ash our usual host is uh
1332s dealing with some technical difficulties
1333s so you're stuck with me but the good
1335s news is you're not stuck with me alone I
1337s am joined by our lovely casters for the
1339s top half of today Dogman and Moxy how
1342s are you guys feeling
1343s today good yeah good St good stuff that
1346s was awesome that that was actually sick
1348s I mean considering you know how short a
1350s time you had to work with congrat that
1351s was awesome and you're right I think
1353s that Corgi statue is sick I mean myself
1356s and Moxy and you I know have been
1357s talking about that bad boy for a while
1360s I'm jealous of whoever wins this thing
1362s they're lucky we're working remoor I
1363s would snag
1365s one I would 100% be right there with you
1368s pulling off that high CV it is all on
1371s the line like you've said so much has
1373s built up to this as well so many of
1375s these teams working so hard throughout
1377s all of the year so many many different
1378s metas picking up different players
1380s molding them to where they are as we can
1383s have a look and see that last previous
1385s circuit and a lot of it was dominated by
1388s one name and that has been Timeless
1392s these guys are an absolute chaut in the
1395s cah circuit and I mean potentially we
1398s could even see a Timeless versus
1400s Timeless Grand Final it's going to be a
1402s little bit harder to pull off I think
1404s especially given the fact that slal are
1405s currently in the lower bracket but a IAL
1409s judging from the performance yesterday
1411s looking exceptionally strong I I mean
1413s Timeless as a whole has kind of been
1415s like this North American Dynasty as of
1417s late and they were so strong in calling
1419s all heroes that they brought out a
1420s second team to make it to the final four
1422s that's an accomplishment no matter how
1424s you look at it it is I mean it's it's
1427s this entire team has just had a great
1431s branding behind it and it's just overall
1433s like just through Timeless ethereal
1435s alone doing as well as they have and
1436s then Timeless Celestial coming in as
1438s well well in doing that kind of being
1440s that second team that also performs to a
1443s high level I mean top four is definitely
1444s nothing to scoff at although like Moxy
1446s said they do have to make that lower
1448s bracket run and it is a bit more
1450s difficult and she also mentioned how
1451s Timeless ethereal has been that kind of
1453s number one team for a while I mean so
1455s far Michael wave is the only team to
1456s take a map off them yeah Michael wave
1459s being the only team to take a map off
1461s them unfortunately going to be facing
1462s Timeless Celestial in our lower bracket
1465s run you also saw a highlight up there of
1467s the upper bracket where we're going have
1468s wisp Embers you mentioned Timeless
1470s ethereal being perpetually the number
1472s one team it feels like wisp Embers is
1474s perpetually the number two team as well
1476s so there are some uh some potential
1478s usurpers to the Ethereal Throne yeah
1481s definitely it feels for whisp Embers
1483s like it's the story of never the bride
1485s always the brides made and it's going to
1487s be really interesting to see how these
1489s two teams actually interact with each
1490s other because a lot of what aerial does
1493s we've also seen whisp do the exact same
1495s thing so I'm really looking forward to
1497s getting to see that sort of Spider-Man
1499s Point meme moment where you've got the
1501s sojan setting up with their lucios for
1503s that first fight and they both pick the
1506s same off angle and it becomes an
1508s absolute scrap instead of pressuring the
1510s other side of the team you're having to
1512s immediately win out their DPS duel
1514s before getting to decide and continue
1516s pressuring things like that R Matra and
1518s that's something we haven't really got
1519s to see from either of these two teams
1521s right whenever they've had their run in
1523s the upper bracket whatever team that
1524s they've come up against a lot of the
1526s time having that soan off angle has been
1528s something they've had solely to
1530s themselves so I cannot wait to see that
1532s particular interaction go down it's
1535s going to be a lot of fun and you know we
1536s talk about it a lot how dominant
1538s Timeless ethereal has been throughout
1540s the entirety of this circuit well the
1542s only win that really matters in my
1543s estimation is the one that you get when
1545s the lights are on the brightest and we
1546s got a lot of lumens in the building
1548s tonight as well as a lot of cash money
1551s on the line for some of these teams have
1554s a look at our prizing it's a $20,000
1556s prize pool first place is $1600 awarded
1560s to each player wuang Clan said it best
1563s cash rules everything around me these
1565s teams want that
1566s cream they do I mean this team
1569s specifically Timeless Celestial you
1571s talking about too I mean they've see me
1572s they've done they've done so well when
1574s those lights are shine brightest right
1575s it just seems like even when we talk
1577s about it as much as we have been where
1579s you know a lot of teams tend to you know
1580s either choke under pressure or you know
1582s something happens where you can't
1584s perform to the highest level maybe you
1586s have a player that lags behind it
1587s doesn't seem that way at all I mean as
1589s Moxy said they control those off angles
1590s incredibly well as a unit as a team
1593s they're so cohesive and really just move
1597s perfectly right it just feels like no
1598s matter what they just always pop off
1600s individually all five of them and that's
1602s going to be the toughest thing for every
1604s single one of these other teams to deal
1605s with is the ls of Timeless Celestial
1607s waiting for them in an upper
1610s bracket yeah absolutely and you know
1612s we're talking a lot about these like
1614s Soldier splits and some of the
1615s mechanical ways that these teams want to
1617s play and the comps that they're going to
1618s be trying to bust out well let's have a
1620s quick look at the map Pool and we can
1621s kind of see why we're talking so much
1623s about these ratra compositions with the
1625s soldier and splits because it's very
1627s brawl favored across the board kind of
1629s facilitates that play style yeah it's so
1632s interesting that we talked specifically
1634s about two Heroes for that bra and there
1637s is a big old name that we do have to
1640s throw into the mix as well and that is
1642s the May because you're seeing a lot of
1645s that Ram Rush come through May's value
1647s just Rises exponentially off of a lot of
1650s these Maps there's a lot of really hard
1651s chokes to be able to control you're able
1654s to get up close as well because the
1656s matri can go for that Tempo tank player
1658s where you have a little bit of poke
1659s which favors the serjan build up and
1661s then once your seran has ramped up you
1662s can go fully in for that commitment and
1665s close up the distance so that the May is
1666s able to provide that pressure but that's
1668s what we started to see these teams move
1670s away from the sigma which gets entirely
1672s counted by the m to something like the
1675s remat that has a little bit more
1676s survivability going up against that
1677s specific specific hero so a lot of the
1680s time we're seeing these teams not
1681s actually immediately go and try and
1683s pressure the tank they'll still do it to
1684s try and bait things like immortality
1686s field out but a lot of the time the
1688s biggest Target in the lobby is actually
1691s the other May and it's something that a
1693s lot of these teams in the upper bracket
1695s Timeless aerial being one of them who
1697s are able to do an exceedingly good job
1699s of forcing the mate on the other side
1701s into utilizing that ice block before we
1704s see the blizzard for blizzard mirror so
1706s that when the ultimate comes out from
1707s the team they lose the May in the
1710s process as opposed to someone like B who
1712s still got that cool down is able to hop
1713s into that block heal up and still find V
1715s with the AL bun has without a doubt been
1718s one of if not the best Mays in all of
1720s calling all heroes but some other teams
1722s May has been a bit of a sticking point4
1724s before we get too into that though I
1726s want to have a quick little heart-to-
1727s heart with chat chat today is urgent it
1729s is the last day for you to get your
1732s viewer incentives we got drops and if
1734s you ask me these are the best ones that
1735s we've ever put out we've got some name
1737s cards a and a player icon make sure
1739s you're farming those up sticking along
1741s with us in chat throughout the entire
1743s day not that you'd want to go anywhere
1745s anyway cuz the action's going to be just
1747s that damn good but you know a little uh
1749s a little he and stars name card to
1751s sweeten the pot never hurt I didn't
1754s think to be honest that I was ever
1756s changing my name card from the Llama fed
1758s one but the heart in the Stars one has
1760s still on my heart quite literally it is
1762s my name card now I have moved away from
1765s the fluffy llamas in pajamas and it is
1768s now proudly displayed for all to see
1770s when they look at my profile and see way
1772s too many hours of
1775s Mercy all right well uh that pretty much
1778s does it for our little intro it's time
1780s to get back into it we can start talking
1782s about the May players we can start
1783s talking about all the players we can
1784s start talking about our lower semifinal
1787s one of these teams is going home right
1789s now and it's either Timeless Celestial
1791s or it's Michael wave yeah both of these
1794s teams in the lower bracket for a reason
1796s they've had a couple of struggles time
1798s Celestial because they were running that
1800s soan Lucio didn't really take advantage
1802s of all of the space for some of those
1804s maps and got shut down very very quickly
1806s by wisp Embers who identified okay this
1808s is fre real estate if you're not going
1810s to scrap over this space we're
1812s absolutely going to take it and take the
1814s map as a result they were incredibly
1816s aggressive team as well so the fact that
1818s they continued to have to turn around
1820s Deni them that Avenue of aggression to
1822s be able to put themselves into a
1824s comfortable position and it was
1826s reflected in some of the hesit decision
1828s Mak dog man I want to get your thoughts
1830s real quick though looking at this roster
1832s who has stood out the most to you on
1834s this time the celestial Squad you know
1837s surprisingly I feel like it's been merer
1839s I think mer has been a very very
1840s consistent support player for this
1842s lineup and and inan fact in support play
1844s in all of calling Heroes has been
1845s Stellar around the board however I think
1848s merer specifically has just been very
1850s good with that Co with those coold downs
1851s and with the overall rotations alongside
1853s their team keeping you know Street alive
1856s when they need to be same with snosa and
1857s AER right really has been a a major
1860s point of this team I think somebody that
1862s maybe has to step up a little bit is
1864s going to be the likes of azer azire had
1866s moments yesterday in that lower bracket
1868s run where you know they've had they had
1871s extremely pop off moments on the sojourn
1873s however today they're going to need to
1874s step up yet again against microwave
1876s which is definitely no slack in that
1878s department either yeah dog man you're
1881s talking about uh talking about a team
1882s that's got no slack in fact a team
1884s that's got that dog in them Michael wave
1886s they are heating up and they better I
1888s mean they went out in the lower bracket
1889s to Timeless ethereal so they're going to
1891s want that Revenge match they seem to be
1893s like we talked about one of the only
1894s teams that have consistently taking it
1896s to the best and even at some stages beat
1899s them but it hasn't been consistent
1902s enough what do they need to do Moxy in
1903s order to overpower them and you know
1905s make a statement at Celestial expense I
1908s think they just need to stick the
1909s landing and and that's probably a tough
1912s lesson for them to have learned coming
1914s out of the upper bracket into the lower
1916s bracket yesterday and that's what a lot
1918s of these teams are having to find
1920s themselves right if you get kick from
1921s the upper bracket into lower bracket
1922s there's probably a reason now that
1923s they've had a day to be able to look
1925s back at the vods and think about okay
1927s why exactly did Things Fall Apart well
1929s it all came down to that last map of
1932s push they came out with the doomfest and
1934s the Genji composition we've seen this
1936s team run consistently in the last major
1939s Mari absolutely is a comfort pick on the
1941s dmist Zoe loves to be able to play that
1943s Genji as often as possible but something
1945s that you I and Dustin were talking about
1947s before before today actually began is
1949s the fact that may coming back into the
1951s mattera is just so incredibly
1952s problematic for the Genji to be able to
1954s find the value and as a result dive just
1956s doesn't have the damage necessary to be
1958s able to pick up the kills REM mat is too
1960s good at self- sustain so if you dive the
1963s backline and think okay the supports are
1965s looking away this is when we can jump on
1966s that tank I hate to tell you that's not
1969s how it goes the Baptist keeps everyone
1971s healed up when that dive comes through
1973s the Lucio has the means to be able to
1975s kite out the surgeon's going to be able
1976s to one shot your your Genji if the May
1978s hasn't already been able to beam him
1980s down and even though you've got all of
1982s those players all of those Heroes
1984s turning away from their tank ratra is
1986s still going to be standing exactly why
1988s you left them and and and we talk a lot
1990s about how good of a Genji player Zoe
1992s actually is and like if she can't get it
1994s done on Genji then like who can well
1997s we're probably not going to see a whole
1998s lot of Genji to kick things off we're
1999s going to Mesa well not her home she's a
2002s Eco Point Antarctic but close we're in
2003s the neighborhood we're starting things
2005s off on Antarctic Peninsula it's timeless
2007s Le Deal's map pick do uh Dogman how you
2011s feeling I mean for this map in
2013s particular I think it's definitely going
2015s to be favoring Timeless Celestial right
2017s there's a reason why they picked this
2018s map I think Moxy could probably talk
2020s about it more than I can where this team
2022s just loves Antarctic Peninsula they're
2023s just super good on this map in
2024s particular and they've also improved at
2026s that ratra composition that we saw
2028s yesterday um but you know we have to see
2030s today can they continue that prowess can
2032s they continue improving at that
2034s composition because it's so crucial in
2035s that upper bracket if they make it there
2037s well there is only one way to find out
2039s if they make it there and that's by
2041s kicking off the action so I'm going to
2042s go ahead throw my hands up leave the
2044s room and let you two have at it good
2046s luck have fun and uh you know
2049s enjoy thank you CI I'm sure we will cuz
2052s yeah I mean this is going to be a really
2053s fun matchup I think so far Moxy I mean
2056s like I like we talked about little a
2057s little bit of U you know map pick map
2060s Choice here Antarctic Peninsula the one
2061s that Timeless chooses today why do you
2064s think that is I mean in particular like
2066s what's the reasoning behind this is the
2067s ram rush ram Rush is insanely good here
2070s the May wall is incredibly powerful to
2072s the point where if you do lose your tank
2074s it's not problematic the may still has
2076s the ability to be able to control all of
2078s that fight the thing as well is you have
2080s to remember this is a team who's going
2082s to be running the sojan and sojan is
2085s that determinating factor in these
2087s opening fights if you're able to put
2088s that serjan into a position with the off
2090s angle on the long backside of that point
2093s you can apply so much pressure onto the
2095s ratra and the team behind something that
2097s we talked about yesterday going into
2099s depth with Christopher was one of the
2101s problems that ratra runs into as a tank
2104s is that you can only cover so many
2107s angles with your utilities you're always
2109s going to be left vulnerable and open if
2111s someone is able to actually find that
2113s off angle and take advantage and it's
2115s something that we have to see from both
2117s of these
2118s teams right I me we have to considering
2121s it's the it's only that ratra
2122s compostition Moxy I mean that's
2124s basically what we've seen from these two
2126s teams in particular um well I guess not
2128s microwave cuz microwave tends to to mix
2130s that up I think that uh I'm sure you not
2132s to steal any talking points from anybody
2133s later on but I know Mari has been that
2135s kind of that character that we usually
2137s see change between different Heroes
2139s right Moxy like that like she's been
2141s making sure okay I want to swap to Sigma
2143s or whatever to counter the ratra points
2145s right yeah well you can do that on
2147s flasho because the map goes on for so
2149s long here in control it is so important
2152s that you win this first fight so that
2153s your sergean and they are set up to
2154s success in the ones afterwards we're
2156s going to see that for Mirror May's
2158s coming through from both of these sides
2160s so far however no one actually fully
2162s isolated no but Mari actually goes a
2164s little bit low here forcing that
2166s immortality field out and as well from
2168s Timeless Celestial however Mari goes low
2170s and doesn't really matter Timeless they
2172s just want to back up right take these
2173s kind of angles too far away in fact
2176s getting a lot of space to microwave be
2178s baiting them in temporarily however
2179s nobody dies on microwave side it's kqa
2182s to fall first and we' seen this
2183s previously in Anar Peninsula for time of
2185s celestial as death gets a 3K in this
2187s fight they lose their Lucio first yeah
2189s it's a great Vortex as well coming from
2191s Mari she actually gets walled off and
2194s uses the vortex places it right in front
2196s of that corner so time are not able to
2198s actually peek and try and take the
2200s isolated GATRA down otherwise they were
2203s that slow impact coming into play making
2205s it so much harder to be able to dodge
2206s around death shots and now the defens of
2208s soan is in that position she's always
2211s going to have that first opening shot
2213s and Timeless celesti you're always going
2214s to have to be so careful that they don't
2216s fit that real Al Fire by losing
2218s someone's head already early
2220s regenerative verse used by mer rest the
2223s time of celestial back up early beat
2224s drop by the way from Wick there only
2226s connects on the ajmr so just helping
2228s their supports meanwhile time celes is
2231s waiting for that counter engage right
2232s they will have that beat Advantage after
2234s Michael wave used their first now they
2236s try to come in slowly but it's window to
2238s slow them down counter window on the
2240s other side by maer beat drop still
2242s available for kqa trying to force off
2245s the May who is aggressive kind of just
2247s harassing K on the back side already
2249s forcing that cool down though K and
2251s making sure so can't go to get blizzard
2252s meanwhile her blizzard on the side got a
2254s good one too however overclock from
2257s Death there they kind of push back
2258s Celestial make sure they get those kills
2260s the beat drop eventually will wear off
2262s as snos Falls so low the immortality
2264s field was used as well to keep likes of
2266s a alive to get wild with this overclock
2269s however there's a blizzard and a wall in
2271s the Wave A so no damage will come
2273s through on this angle and Michael wave
2275s are going to be it's going to be only
2276s them in that kill feed and still in
2278s control of that point with 70% yeah and
2280s here's another reason why coming out
2281s with the raat in this composition on
2283s control matters so much Dustin this is a
2286s sustained composition if you start a
2289s fight with control of this point you're
2291s able to just sustain through so much
2293s point percentage and stall Michael wave
2296s coming now into that last fight
2297s territory and time celesto committed
2299s everything in the fight prior SMA has to
2301s come back from the traitor just to try
2303s and get her touch ready to go Mari just
2305s wants to fly it and what do you do at
2308s that point tried to throw the
2309s immortality field down but it was far
2310s too late meanwhile their side what
2312s street Lord found one they get the cap
2314s at least with snar on the Tracer and a
2316s kill what before the immortality fi
2319s could even come ajar is down somebody
2321s could touch the point snar that's a big
2323s kill considering now you don't have that
2326s impation Matrix yeah come towards this
2328s point to give it a little B A Touch do
2329s you live though wi still has the beat
2331s straight Lords back on the doomfist the
2333s hack comes through by the way because
2334s now AZ is onto that Som beat drop early
2338s use here by Michael wave they do have
2340s that ultimate Advantage so even though
2341s it was a little dicey withler finding
2343s the Baptist of Michael wave eventually
2345s agmr comes back they find two kills
2348s counter window is here by mer however it
2350s doesn't matter in Michael wave will win
2352s round one I like the fors behind the
2354s swaps coming through right A lot of the
2356s times sometimes we see things like the
2357s soldier picked up by the DPS but they
2360s opt said to go for that Sombra
2362s understanding the other side has the
2363s sign bar has that sustainability in the
2365s overtime especially because we've had SN
2366s SW to the Tracer and straight having to
2368s swap onto the Doom that resets a lot of
2370s Al charge so you need to have the stra
2372s to threaten that space and potentially
2373s find the hack onto wicker to stop the
2375s sound barrier from coming through
2378s unfortunately it doesn't quite work out
2380s and microwave again because they won
2382s that first fight even though along the
2385s way they would lose a couple of players
2387s they never once had a full team wipe and
2389s as a result they just got to stall and
2391s sustain on that point for an absolute
2393s eternity it's one of the biggest TRS of
2396s the ratra comp position and it's why so
2398s many of these teams are sticking to it
2400s Like
2401s Glue P SL Shi see if in this fight they
2406s want to play a bit more aggressive right
2407s it feels like they've been continuously
2409s playing a bit reactionary to Michael
2411s wave whereas death already goes low so
2413s that's a good start they have that
2415s damage Advantage here really getting a
2417s lot of that space however immediately
2418s microwave come back through with the
2420s counter engage W Falls so low but no
2422s deaths that's the biggest thing for
2423s microwave until about now snar will find
2425s wi who fell low on the side no more
2428s speed in this fight now I mean yeah all
2429s of the momentum is back in Timeless fl's
2431s favor death has found one could they
2434s find more they have three here the Boop
2435s off the map in fact on to Zoe from kqa
2438s fantastic job by them ESS leio will
2440s actually be the first ones to take the
2441s point kqa as well because you managed to
2444s get the knock onto the May means that
2446s you're able to pick up all of the all
2448s charge on that higher Health Target as
2451s the DPS 74% to a sound bar one of the
2455s slowest charging ultimates
2457s in a first fight in comparison to wer
2459s who got picked first on microwave side
2461s and as a result is so far behind in
2463s terms of that ultimate if T Celestial do
2466s start seeing themselves go a little bit
2467s too low on the Hellas with the sustained
2469s composition they are going to have so
2471s many resources to hold on to this
2473s point on the flip side death also has
2476s that overclock for their engage see what
2479s Celestia want to do with that beat like
2481s you said do they want to maintain their
2483s momentum play aggressive with it no it's
2485s in fact dead the the the old early we
2488s seem like some microwave do this
2490s previously does it pan out for them now
2492s the beat drop comes out from KQ way
2494s Michael
2494s wave playing it slow still nobody's
2497s really dying even though SPS were used
2499s on the other side meanwhile Blizzard
2500s from snar enables SN to find Mari in ajm
2505s h% on the board built in a fight win yet
2507s again for time with Celestial oh Michael
2509s wave got baited they thought that they
2512s could push onto kqa and the rest of the
2514s team went sounded by had ran out and SNS
2517s just catches them with the blizzard on
2519s rotation over towards that point and
2521s it's an absolute shooting G for both M
2523s and azer now we're going to see
2525s Annihilation and amplification Matrix as
2527s well as the overclock for the defending
2529s soan microw wave will have support
2531s ultimates but a lot of this is going to
2533s hinge how Zoe utilizes the blizzard try
2535s and shut down someone's face to his
2538s Genji got to deal with that window on
2540s the left side on the may be drop to give
2543s them some space wall off Street Lord for
2545s now no blizzard utiliz just yet
2548s Annihilation committed by Mari as well
2550s so they're kind of cycling their
2551s ultimates making everybody low on
2553s Timeless but now Timeless is coming back
2554s with an overclock and their own
2555s Annihilation now the blizzard is used by
2558s Zoe it does catch out street Lord with
2559s the annihilation damage is able to find
2561s them mer will trade back quick at the
2563s very least however m is shut down by
2565s death who is looking phenomenal so far
2568s in this map and microwave take control
2569s of the point and the pressure good
2572s ultimate economy coming through from
2573s Michael wave it does cost them a lot but
2575s honestly it's the right rotation
2577s necessary Annihilation from Mari pushes
2579s T to Celestial off of the point Zoe gets
2581s to hold on to the blizzard so if anyone
2582s from Celestial tries to contest that
2584s flip to come through they walk directly
2586s into it and they're able to bait azra
2589s into utilizing the overclock one of the
2590s ultimates that can still have an impact
2592s in the fight outside of the reaches SN
2595s block oh no goes down early on Michael
2599s wave able to catch the May early push
2602s ESS Celestial back and that is huge in
2605s terms of making up for the point percent
2607s that's not even an ultimate invested
2608s this is great for ajmr who's going to be
2610s able to cycle into amp at the same time
2613s as overclock for death yeah I mean if
2615s you're on the if you're a fan of
2616s Timeless celes just hope they learn and
2618s react to that cuz that was an entire
2620s Vortex from Mari there does so much
2622s damage alongside the May of of Zoe in
2625s that fight now try to walk in but now
2627s they're dealing with the Matrix from
2629s ajmr just wants to maybe use it towards
2631s the middle holds against it though for
2633s Now counter using it on the backside cuz
2636s Mull also committed their an Matrix but
2637s death gets that shot with the rail gun
2639s through with a also find streight Lord
2641s and even though Timeless Celestial got
2643s up to 93% Micha wave look to be in full
2646s advantage at the moment up to 75% on the
2648s port yeah great amp coming through from
2651s AJR actually is able to get blocked off
2654s a little bit by the Mayall but still has
2656s a gap large enough for the pick to come
2659s through until the wall is broken and
2660s then death with the overclock is able to
2662s push forward and claps onto the members
2664s of ESS C who are trying to hide away
2666s having lost the player early speaking of
2668s early we're going to see an early fight
2670s immediately start to break on I do
2671s microwave want to stop any potential for
2673s Celestial to touch the point and 97 98
2677s can KQ a tou oh oh my God just did in
2680s Thisick of Time snar find soe Death has
2682s found as so they are even in terms of
2684s Trades however microwaves still have
2685s their so Mari also has the annihilation
2688s is low but has that beat drop on top two
2690s Timeless CEST you'll have nothing just
2693s yet so somehow some way in overtime they
2695s need to stall for from however Street
2697s Lord's already gone SAR does find one
2699s now there's that Annihilation from Mari
2701s on the backside has so much damage SAR
2703s trying to equalize it and get kills but
2706s they're the ones to go down Mari just
2708s able to run rampant towards this point
2709s kqa found death so slowly celesti
2712s working themselves back in aay finds one
2714s has the overclock finds the Lucio finds
2716s the ratra and the Tracer took that point
2719s back in overtime they've worked
2721s themselves back into this series into
2723s this map in particular and I don't think
2724s anybody else can touch her Mich somehow
2727s in overtime Celestial does it bringing
2729s us to round number three a surely it was
2732s over Street was so close to the ultimate
2734s so close to Annihilation the one thing
2736s that could have catapulted if fight back
2738s into Celestial favor and there are match
2741s where Falls and you think okay it's done
2743s you're having to deal with an
2744s Annihilation and a s bar from the other
2746s team you don't have any of the damage
2747s burst potential snar is getting so much
2750s pressure out on that Ma so that you
2752s don't just stall and sustain on that
2753s point for eternity Zoe even swapping
2755s onto the Tracer to keep MOA occupied on
2758s that Baptist but azer with the absolute
2761s clutch play coming on through what a
2765s soan to be able to shut down the players
2768s of microwave and win that last fight and
2771s put us onto the third map in Antarctic
2774s Peninsula we're going to see Icebreaker
2776s come on through and this means we need
2777s to see these SOI start to put a little
2779s bit more pressure from that backside
2781s angle onto the teams behind the
2785s ratra in order for time with Celestial
2787s to maintain their advantage though they
2790s they still play a little bit slow right
2791s they get wall off first now death finds
2793s kqa we saw this in round number one time
2796s of slal that momentum needs to go back
2798s in the favor sosler though equalizes I
2799s mean how many times have we seen snar do
2802s this two times in a row now basically
2805s find that kill getting rid of that soj
2807s also finds w i mean oh my gosh what M
2809s play we talk about bun but snar has been
2811s stained out as well has all of this
2813s healing from mer and the front line
2815s pressure still there from great Lord
2816s Mari and soe Falls so low eventually
2819s they'll fall to K QA who's back from the
2821s spawn and time Celestial turn that back
2823s on its head as they take the point first
2825s yeah so the difference is time Celestial
2827s they see that Lucio goes down early yet
2829s again and have that Deja Vu moment but
2831s they decide to double down they know
2833s that they can't back on out that means
2834s that Zoe is going to get a free wall
2836s without the Lucio to speed boost
2837s everyone in tanm someone's getting
2839s isolated and that's going to stagger
2841s them even more and spiral into way more
2843s Al percentage and point percentage for
2845s microwave so they go for that brwl fight
2847s and as a result they're able to win it
2849s out and now they've got the at Matrix
2851s and Zoe is gone in the blink of an eye
2855s yeah immediately just delet them Mari
2858s does get one however that's a hold
2860s already there Moxy with just the use of
2861s that an Matrix kqa does go down but the
2865s luu is going to be back you move so fast
2867s from the respawn back to that point you
2870s don't have to turn around and FY IA m is
2872s going to be there if microwave try and
2874s get a little bit more aggressive fast on
2876s especially with the annihilation wanting
2877s to potentially try and run in on this
2879s team have to be careful though that you
2881s don't commit too aggressively CU SN is
2883s holding on to the Blizzard that can
2884s immediately slow a fast
2887s down double DPS ultimates that blizzard
2890s that you said on the left side a drops
2892s that disruptor shot immediately Mar is
2894s trying to create space on the Az A lot
2896s of that pressure coming towards that
2898s soor Annihilation still here making sure
2899s this over through but a doesn't even
2901s need it doesn't even adjust the
2903s Crosshair it seems two kills for azire
2906s who has come on line an anthropic
2908s Peninsula 70% of the board ant Matrix
2910s was used but Mich would have to back up
2913s yeah agmr pops The ampt Matrix to try
2916s and contest and also just for azer off
2918s of that angle before the overclock is
2921s able to claim another bit straight with
2923s the annihilation just denies it entirely
2925s kqa is able to catch death the player
2928s with the ultimate that Michael wave
2930s needs to be able to break the back of
2932s this defense but it's just so hard to be
2934s able to do so if you look at how split
2936s time cesal are playing they're not going
2937s to allow microwave any freedom of
2939s movement to just come around UN
2942s notic in this fight Michael wave trying
2945s to go agressive with the beat drop does
2946s catch on a three members of their team
2948s also incoming overclock nice beat from K
2950s QA takes that D in the left side wall
2952s off they also want to slow down asra on
2954s this back side who's got that an Matrix
2956s finds death and then the immortality
2958s field however they've already lost two
2959s members of their own team and microwave
2961s take control of that point a doesn't
2963s even care doesn't even care about the
2964s person Advantage kills W and then comes
2967s back on to Zoe an absolute insane clutch
2969s player that azire has been so far
2971s microwave still on this point they have
2973s their amatra and they've got some
2974s healings here so a does have to back up
2977s for now even though yeah eventually lose
2979s snar they had a lot of point on the they
2981s have 99% on the board here Moxy
2982s microwave have to make this 99 comeback
2985s yeah t have all of the time in the world
2987s to be able to just slow push build up
2990s these ultimates Shore the aggression and
2992s then come in swinging microwave on the
2994s other hand are going to be on tenter
2996s hooks through the entire duration of the
2998s rest of this map Mari does have
3000s Annihilation doesn't have to worry about
3001s being burst down with the M's
3004s amplification Matrix early that's not
3006s going to be available for a little bit
3007s longer but they have to try and stall
3008s these fights for as long as possible so
3010s that ultimate can find
3012s Value we use this Annihilation they've
3014s already got the shift out of snar if
3016s they find that kill that'd be so huge
3018s immortality field used as well they back
3020s on out of there can Timeless live it
3022s appears they can't death is found AER
3024s already Mari does go low though but
3026s swaps for blizzard maybe this is a bit
3027s of an overextension from microwave kqa
3030s finds soe as well so they're even in the
3032s fight ant Matrix has to be used now from
3034s ajmr continue this pressure death finds
3036s K you way they have at least the
3038s advantage through that straight lower on
3040s the inside angle just trying to live
3041s they' got no healing so this is really
3043s going to be hard to live in this
3045s situation is Al and also there's a lot
3046s of time already built on the board this
3048s is pretty much last fight for both teams
3049s yeah and there's going to be free
3050s ultimates available for ter Celestial
3052s Annihilation to brute force your way
3054s through choke and both support ultimates
3055s to give all of the sustain and
3057s confidence to be able to take this point
3060s and fight directly to that objective so
3062s we hit into that overtime death needs to
3064s come into clutch we've seen azer pop off
3067s now microwave soan needs to save the day
3070s the though already wall in that front
3073s side a finds that kill and they find any
3075s more potentially death also close on
3077s that overclock deep drop was later from
3080s kqa so they have that support advantage
3082s two down two overclock from Death here
3084s it just might be too late I don't know
3086s how you get it done without a tank on
3088s the front line you just don't a shuts it
3090s down overclock of their own believe that
3092s was like four in that fight for AER and
3094s they win on an Peninsula Titan Celestial
3098s have such a good understanding of what
3100s they can actually utilize at the
3101s beginning of that fight immortality
3103s field is not used defensively it's used
3105s aggressively proactively to be able to
3107s just cement that position behind that
3108s amp Matrix so that if de does come into
3111s the overclock before the map is done
3114s unfortunately she's already just lost so
3116s many players on her team that it is not
3119s going to be able to make a difference if
3120s your is still alive you're going to be
3122s able to use that Nemesis for re the
3124s shield and just body through a lot of
3125s that sergean ultimate so that Celestial
3127s have the opportunity to be able to take
3129s the sergean down before it becomes an
3130s absolute team life the way that we saw
3133s AER start to run rampant on labs and
3136s Moxy if we if we look back at Round
3138s number one right Michael wave did look
3141s very good right just on this map alone
3143s they were able to control that pressure
3145s what what flipped in Timeless Celestial
3147s brains after this first round that they
3150s just decided okay we can kind of come
3151s back maybe play this reactive style we
3153s just play better so they started setting
3156s traps which is actually really
3157s interesting cuz it was kqa sometimes you
3159s see the Lucio and the sjan putting
3161s themselves into a position understanding
3163s that you're going to get flanked on and
3165s you don't want to have a one versus two
3167s potentially but kqa alone goes to make
3170s sure and guard dog essentially the
3173s entire back Avenue of Icebreaker and it
3176s comes into play massively When Death has
3178s the overclock that second ultimate that
3180s we see come through when microw wave
3182s initially trying to break the choke
3183s defense they send de through and round
3186s the back of that point in the hopes of
3188s being able to surprise s Celestial
3190s comeing of the overclock instantly find
3191s a pck and then just claps onto them in a
3194s pins movement with everyone else moving
3196s through from choke but because you get
3198s spotted out by the Lucio who has the
3200s sound barrier you don't actually have to
3202s win the 1 V one you just have to give a
3204s heads up of the 's position and then
3207s have the ultimate to be able to save
3209s everyone if the overclock does indeed
3211s come through as opposed to someone like
3213s azer who when you were looking at how
3215s they were getting set up with those
3218s overclocks it was always off of the back
3220s of the ampt Matrix coming through from M
3222s you don't need the off angle because the
3224s amp Matrix means that you're going to be
3225s connecting onto so many of those bodies
3227s on Icebreaker especially with the chokes
3229s being so narrow that's going to mean a
3231s lot of kills and that's wild too just
3234s look at these stats alone mock see I
3236s mean I was it Maru yesterday too that
3238s kind of had I'm not going to say empty
3239s stats but like high damage and still in
3241s a loss right like wasn't that was that
3243s Mari yesterday that had that incredibly
3245s high damage on tank but just like didn't
3247s have a win to show for it well Mari was
3249s taking a lot of damage because Mario was
3251s playing a lot of the orisa remember so
3253s we had that discussion about meaningful
3255s damage and meaningless damage it's it's
3257s happening again today though Marx like
3259s it's on ratra too yeah and it's
3262s something that's actually really
3263s problematic with this composition
3264s because of high fast amp Matrix buls on
3267s up you don't just have to worry about
3269s the soan in the downtime of when rail
3271s gun doesn't have that alt fire when
3273s overclock isn't available you have to be
3275s consistently Vigilant about when that
3277s Baptist hits the amp Matrix because a
3279s lot of the time the soan is able to do
3281s so much damage through the window that
3283s even if you're about 50% off of the
3284s overclock you're immediately able to
3286s supercharge that ultimate percentage and
3289s build the ultimate back on up and as a
3292s result when you talk about meaningful
3294s damage and meaningless damage especially
3296s on those tank plays because everyone has
3298s the health to be able to survive all of
3300s that poke pressure if you're chipping
3302s those health bars down and the enemy
3304s supports the healing them straight back
3306s up with no kill in sight all you're
3308s doing is handing your opponent a Smoking
3310s Gun and asking them not to shoot it at
3312s you next round well we're going to Kings
3315s roow next and by the way speaking of the
3317s supports I mean merer I I I wanted to
3319s point out M's gameplay before I mean
3322s definitely um was just consistently
3324s putting those ant matri down in
3325s positioning those teammates like you
3327s said Moxy I mean fantastic Baptist play
3330s from the support of Timeless and now
3333s Moxy we're going to Kings Row Mich wave
3335s think they have a potential Advantage
3337s here on Kings Row are they are they
3340s right to believe that is mainly Timeless
3342s a team that you think okay Kings Row
3344s could be a weak point for them or is it
3345s just more so a strong point for the
3347s likes of microw wave I think it's a
3349s strong point for microwave if you think
3351s about what they actually played into
3353s Timeless aerial yesterday with it was
3355s Kings r that we first got to see Mari
3357s swap onto the orisa and that threw a
3360s spanner into the works of aeral an
3362s incredibly strong team arguably the
3364s strongest team in cah at the moment they
3367s really had to take their time reset and
3369s figure out how to deal with this orisa
3371s where I'm a little bit concerned however
3373s is that not only have you already shown
3376s your hand on the orisa strategy you've
3378s shown your hand with the Arisa strategy
3381s to a team that is under the same label
3383s of your opponent that you tell that card
3386s too so this is going to be something
3388s that everyone is expecting and Timeless
3391s 100% are going to know how to deal with
3394s the Orissa and land on their feet today
3396s far faster than aerial did yesterday now
3399s that they know what to
3401s expect I like I like what I'm seeing at
3403s a Timeless right I think Moxy we were
3405s talking about a little bit like I just
3407s feel like yesterday in and maybe this
3409s whole tournament so far it just feels
3410s like Timeless Celestial has been you
3412s know a little not I I want to say like
3415s it it just feels like they're not
3416s connected in this current meta but as of
3419s today and as of that previous map the
3421s opposite was kind of happening right
3422s like as a unit they look really strong
3424s it wasn't really that aggressive play
3426s style that we see the other Timeless
3427s team do but it still worked right it
3430s kind of proved that this team can play
3432s in their own sort of ratra brawl style
3434s right yeah I I don't think it's the fact
3436s that t Celestial look necessarily weak
3439s yesterday I think it's just wisp ERS
3441s looked amazingly strong and Incredibly
3443s dominant this is a composition that is
3445s all about finding momentum and working
3448s with it if it's defending momentum then
3450s it's just playing off of the back of the
3451s fact that you can stall and sustain so
3454s one fight win controlling that space for
3456s even 5 Seconds normally guarantees that
3458s you're going to be in control of it for
3460s at least a minute until those ultimate
3461s start to come into play and when it's
3463s aggressive momentum it's all about
3464s trying to just pick up that space
3466s forcing the enemy team constantly on the
3468s back foot and to be retreating which
3469s means that things like the mid the soan
3471s and the ratra don't get into the
3472s position to actually be able to pop off
3475s even if their mechanical Paris is there
3476s if they don't have the space to be able
3478s to do so you don't really get to see it
3479s and I think that's what we saw yesterday
3481s and now that Timeless Celestial on
3483s always on the back foot and constantly
3485s having to react to what's being thrown
3486s at them they look a lot more
3488s dominant it's a fa Point yeah whis is
3490s just is a really good team and now today
3493s against Michael wave have to put another
3495s good team down make that top three Sor
3498s already saying up on this top right
3500s flank really didn't have a lot of
3502s pressure over here because Micha way
3503s were trying to react to it with three
3504s members of their team
3506s knowing that snar just drops back to the
3508s main side so good counter push there
3509s from microwave bit of a micro fight in
3512s that staircase now that statue is still
3514s under control by Mari however early well
3516s used by Zoe here to really slow down
3518s potentially catch somebody out
3519s immortality field been trade though so
3522s it is a one for one in terms of cool
3524s Downs rail gun shot also available here
3526s from azer looking towards that hotel
3529s side can't find the kill necessarily has
3530s to back up towards Maine and microwave
3532s are putting a lot of pressure on
3533s Timeless at the moment really can't make
3535s it past the statue yeah again when you
3538s don't have one of those players
3539s instantly finding that kill shot with
3541s the soan these fights are going to slow
3543s down to an absolute snails pace until
3545s something like amplification Matrix
3547s comes through and T celes are taking a
3548s lot more poke damage and as a result the
3550s m is about hit out that amp's almost
3553s available Mari goes so low on that front
3555s line how do they want to use this looks
3557s like actually passively so they're not
3559s going to be able to get any kills from
3560s this but at least maybe take some point
3561s pressure yeah over the top I mean they
3563s have some people jumping up the clock
3565s tower too points getting CA really
3567s slowly asre tries to jump up to The High
3568s Ground kqa goes down the rubber band
3571s yeah rubber band works out in favor of M
3573s wave and now Mar and agmr connect for
3575s two sure they get one tick down and
3577s Street Lord finds
3578s agmr however at this point M wave have
3581s won that team fight alt tracking on
3583s point for Michael wave as well they
3585s understand that the mo is coming into
3586s that a matrix and as a result when the
3587s ultimate actually goes down Michael wave
3589s already in position to not get bothered
3592s by it at all speaking about in position
3594s so we want you up to you hiding in
3597s health pack room so they don't spawn you
3599s out so you can blizzard the backl no way
3601s they didn't see that coming oh no
3604s immortality F use beat dropped oh my God
3605s by kqa keeps that Baptist alive for now
3608s SAR meanwhile in the front line use that
3610s blizzard just trying to live on the
3611s other side of the map Annihilation here
3613s for Mari has that healing from ajmr as
3615s well nobody dead yet on either side just
3619s yet counter Annihilation potential still
3622s available here from street L beat drop
3623s used by Wick here as tries to find some
3626s value shoot wildly with this overclock
3628s and through it finds that extra damage
3630s the street Lord needed to kill Zoe and
3632s Mari So eventually timeus Lees will come
3634s through off of the annihilation and
3636s through some more ultimates and capture
3637s the point I wonder if this is where we
3639s see that Arisa Swap come through now
3641s that Mario potentially has that choke
3643s Corner as we head into B but it feels
3646s like they're looking a lot more
3647s confident inside theat miror as in just
3650s entire composition as a team from
3652s Michael wave side so I don't think we're
3653s going to quite yet see that A R A Change
3656s pal on through they're confident in the
3657s full mirror as death holds on to the
3660s overclock fin C have to be careful s has
3662s to have the M on cool down but utilizes
3664s it aggressively to try and shut the rat
3666s down and Matrix to support them at the
3669s very least with those rail gun shots
3671s able to push back microw wave and force
3673s that immortality field out for now but
3677s no kills found either through that
3679s ultimate it seems like Timeless Lester
3680s is kind of using that ant Matrix as more
3682s of a support item death now here with
3685s that with the overclock tries to get rid
3687s of the May forces that ice block from
3688s snar and then gets the kill afterwards
3690s as well and with that Timeless try to
3693s back on out of there right they don't
3694s have their May anymore and they just
3696s want to live for now as microwave take
3698s control in the stre things I think there
3700s are two cool Downs in the entirety of
3701s OverWatch that are frustrating for May
3703s players dynamite and disruptor shot
3706s every single time you pop out of that
3708s ice block there's always one to the
3710s other waiting to catch you I de is able
3712s to just lock small down and ride that
3714s made the push is done as we're going to
3716s see Michael wave immediately start to
3717s open on up and Matrix from ajm dropped a
3719s shot as well looking to shut down some
3721s of the movement from who's now been
3723s tanged inside this hallway which is
3726s perfect position for Mari to start try
3728s and get aggressive but it's immediately
3730s having to be a full team Retreat as s
3733s defensively uses the blizz but yet again
3735s Michael wave don't get caught out by it
3737s they expect it they know that they're
3738s pushing into a space where the blizzard
3739s is going to come into play and find so
3741s much more value and as a result they
3743s kind of bait SM into throwing it
3746s absolutely nothing well it sucks there
3748s Moxy for snar cuz that blizzard didn't
3751s get pass like that choke so it didn't
3752s have Los is really unfortunate for snar
3756s who now has to use the ice block coming
3757s out of Spawn and Zoe hands their own
3759s blizzard so all the old going in favor
3761s of microwave minute 50 seconds left as
3764s well so microwave playing the time B
3765s pretty well now using that Blizzard from
3766s Zoe walls off to spawn too snar gets
3769s killed and as the streight Lord aay
3770s finds one and use the overclock on to
3772s the side finds two but can they find
3775s more forces immortality field out now
3777s with the beat drop surely they'll find
3778s more that's three for azra to come out
3780s of Spawn but they had to use so many SS
3781s just to get out of there Mar yeah the
3783s ultimate economy is just shot through
3785s we're about to go into recession for to
3787s the celestial side the m is going to
3789s have ant Matrix stre is going to have
3790s Annihilation but microwave are coming
3792s into so many ultimates and we are so
3795s close to an overtime fight if ESS
3797s celesti will have to utilize both of
3798s these ultimates in the next fight they
3801s are going to really struggle not just to
3803s finish B but also moving into with such
3805s a limited time bank as you can see them
3807s getting incredibly aggressive with those
3809s positions hoping to try and pick one of
3811s these players out so they don't have to
3812s commit the ultimate and instead get free
3814s space keep an eye on death by the way
3816s that is a flank coming for from the soan
3817s alley side we'll see if maybe defensive
3821s ant Matrix can help the likes in
3823s Timeless again in SN are fine so so in
3825s this situation it works meanwhile beat
3828s drop also committed Annihilation from
3830s Mari who went really far forward okay
3833s that was definitely interesting will go
3835s down with that Annihilation and so does
3836s wi So eventually with passive Timeless
3839s Le Shield was was playing it works out
3841s for them yeah but there's another fight
3844s is the problem we're going to see a
3845s stagger onto death which is huge because
3847s the soan is going to come into this next
3849s fight with the overclock that might
3851s actually have allowed Timeless Celestial
3853s to avoid another fight entirely and it
3856s does look like microwave are just going
3858s to allow the cat but this is where we're
3860s going to see the Domino's start to fall
3862s being stuck on be for so long diminishes
3864s that time bank on C below 2 minutes and
3868s that is massive but that to is a
3870s brilliant pick Wicket goes down
3871s microwave has to take the fight where
3873s they are I mean it feels like Michael
3875s wave you know this win was almost
3877s assured early on Moxy but now I mean
3881s it's slowly just sort of Falling Away
3884s It's just tough death finds one at the
3885s very least but might get staggered yet
3888s again fall so low one HP does get healed
3891s last second but now there's a minute and
3892s 10 seconds left on the clock when you're
3894s so close to is stopping them in streets
3895s yeah but you've got blizzard you've got
3897s overclock and you have far faster
3898s respawns time ler have to be so careful
3900s that they don't lose one of these
3901s players they do not have the time bank
3903s to afford having to full push Bry yet
3906s again as Zoe finds snla and that is the
3909s blizzard finding value it doesn't get a
3911s full team wi but it slows turn the
3912s celestial down and allows de to get into
3914s position to use the
3916s ultimate and with that they're able to
3918s find more Street Lord goes down both
3920s teams kind of have one gear it seems
3922s Moxy right for microwave that's just go
3924s go for time Celestial it's just play
3926s Slow yeah time Celestial going to be
3928s playing slow in the last fight
3930s definitely not slow into this next one
3932s they are coming into an absolute wealth
3934s of ultimate recession is over we are in
3936s the golden age as a is going to be
3938s coming in of overclock you've got
3939s Annihilation both support ultimate
3941s available as well the problem is you
3943s have to BR Force Through the beginning
3945s of SE both of the m going to be invested
3947s that's immediately going to be a goh the
3948s street as well who doesn't have to worry
3950s about the ultimate being shot down with
3951s the me cool down already used time is
3955s sitting with that advantage and Matrix
3957s aggressively for Muller l or sorry
3959s actually no it's still in a a safe angle
3961s here towards the C just to suain both
3963s immortality Fields use beat drop from
3965s kqa to
3966s continue agression forwards and the
3969s annihilation but a more over the top
3971s able to find one also Perfect Beat Drop
3973s from wi there soe will find two in this
3976s fight and microwave have finally
3978s stabilized on Third and overtime will
3980s eventually tick down as they stop
3982s Timeless Celestial in third B good
3984s stabilization really good use of the S
3986s barrier into that Annihilation from Mari
3989s as well just the cherry on top in the
3990s overtime where we've talked about it
3992s right some of these ultimates you don't
3994s really have to worry about them in the
3997s normal neutral but the second that
3999s overtime starts to come into play where
4001s you don't have that opportunity to be
4002s able to kite out the actual impact of it
4006s they become a lot more problematic and
4008s Annihilation is top of the list when it
4011s comes to that scenario as we can have a
4013s look at these statistics and see pretty
4016s is incredibly similar in terms of the
4019s damage output Done Right both of your
4021s sojan sticking around the 8K 7K Mark
4023s both coming of about 15 to 14
4025s eliminations where it was really
4027s problematic for time the celestial H was
4029s that they ebbed and Float they would
4030s full push through some of those places
4032s on kingt incredibly quickly but at other
4035s points they just started to an absolute
4037s Hal and that's when microwave would
4038s really turn that pressure up and stop
4041s them from being able to group up Brute
4043s Force with the rematch behind
4046s them that's kind of that's kind of what
4048s I talking about with the both of these
4049s teams you know kind of figuring out
4051s throughout the series like you said
4052s maybe Timeless adjusting a better I I
4055s don't really know it just feels like
4056s both of these teams kind of like Michael
4058s wave wants to always go first right kind
4060s of just as a cohesive unit just hold the
4063s W key whereas ESS leeso playing the
4065s exact opposite of that neither team I
4067s mean you said that like Timeless L feel
4069s sort of e and flowing there a bit so
4070s maybe they're mixing it up I don't know
4072s like it just feels like Timeless is
4073s always
4075s acting no overload this time coming for
4078s something that M actually did on their
4080s defense they anticipated that being ran
4082s on by the soan for time C to be able to
4084s claim that High Ground so actually left
4086s the mate on that high ground location to
4089s defend it speaking about the maze Zoe
4092s goes down incredibly early on and that's
4094s just going to force microwave to have to
4095s wait they may want to get aggressive but
4097s Dustin this time around they're going to
4098s be on the pause slowing down for now 30
4102s seconds off the clock already in Michael
4103s wave still stuck at the choke while
4105s ultimates actually not really built
4107s really it was just that opening kill
4110s kind of slowed down microwave like you
4111s said who were deciding what to do at the
4113s moment of the choke point yeah probably
4115s sergeon body shot into this follow up
4117s from Lucio with that poke pressure
4119s especially given the F of both KQ and a
4121s are playing that similar angle as death
4123s goes incredibly low off of that head
4125s shot coming through from snla doesn't
4127s manage to find to pick however still
4129s slows down the approach unfortunately M
4132s dinks are not as strong as sojourn Dinks
4134s death will find aay no more soj for
4136s Timeless Celestial side although snar
4138s will have a lot of ultimate charge no
4140s more soj pressure on WE field ball used
4142s by mer to back off Street Lord and yeah
4145s everybody backs off with thas Celestial
4146s as they wait for the soldier to come
4147s back yeah Michael wave able to clear
4149s thas Celestial off of that point they
4151s know that there's another fight coming
4152s however Zoe lying in weight with that
4154s Mayall going to see an off angle
4156s approach actually coming on through SSA
4158s taking a flank and Street Lord just died
4161s running straight to point jumping in a
4163s straight line felt like death nice shots
4165s and also m a wave nice work as a team
4168s they take point a I'm not sure how I
4170s feel about s actually taking that PL
4172s because in that scenario you kind of
4174s need the Mayall you saw what happened
4176s when you try and take that fight moving
4178s through choke onto the point where
4180s everyone from Michael wave is set up
4181s without that additional line of cover
4183s for the remat you just get absolutely
4185s shredded down within moments smalla did
4187s draw a little bit of attention away so
4188s that Zoe wasn't able to immediately find
4190s the isolation wall but it still just
4192s wasn't enough there was no kill
4193s potential for time CER without that may
4195s to be able to add that extra burst of
4198s damage coming on through from the
4199s primary you will however have the
4201s blizzard in this next fight something
4202s that microwave have to be careful that
4204s they turn back into gorgeous W from Zoe
4206s to make sure that Timeless are not able
4208s to find anything other than the
4209s immortality field and yeah that ant MJ
4211s is over the right side really makes sure
4213s nobody can push through so in
4214s combination with that may wall nice
4217s avoidance of the Blizzard from the SAR
4220s however it is just a one for one Al
4221s trade at the end of the day NE will go a
4223s little bit low on the top side but has
4224s double support pocket here on the flank
4225s side still has the overlock ready to go
4228s bit of a whiff on the disruptor shot
4229s just to slow down the push potential for
4231s now is ASR with the beat drop connects
4234s on to Mari too and another flank angle
4236s it doesn't really result in much je gets
4238s a little bit of a cheeky shot on the
4240s main sign however two already down for
4242s microwave and a reset is surely about to
4244s come how aggressive are we going to see
4245s time with Celestial when it comes to
4247s spacing are we going to have touch the
4249s SP challenge or are we going to have
4250s hold R choke hold R choke okay I'm a
4253s bigger fan of this especially when you
4255s have things like Annihilation come into
4256s play it does mean that Michael wave are
4258s going to be a little bit more
4258s comfortable in terms of the ultimate
4260s economy moving forward but time
4261s Celestial still slowing things down
4263s making it problematic for the attacking
4265s side to walk through especially with
4266s that may from sosla as toward main side
4271s now decides to pop it looking for a
4273s squishy but nobody squishy when Lucio
4274s beat job hits on that side Michael wave
4277s with the extra Health pool able to find
4279s snar again seems like snar has been the
4282s focus of Michael at the moment every
4285s time you know forcing out that ice block
4286s early now time to Leal down one back out
4289s of there yeah we talked about it before
4291s the broadcast began right that may is
4294s really that Focus that you need to be
4296s able to remove from the picture she
4297s brings so much to the table in terms of
4299s damage output but also utility and
4300s confidence which he allows a team to be
4302s able to hold on to that space for as
4304s long as they do with these teams want to
4306s go aggressive with that M they allowed
4308s to run onto some of these teams we're
4310s going to see T Celestial trying to play
4312s aggressive but microwave yet again
4313s looking to stop things off first
4315s Annihilation from Mari also s Celesta
4317s into reg the no's got blizzard so yeah
4320s Focus him down with that Annihilation
4322s with the right clicks even though the
4323s blizzard was used noar will lose their
4326s lives again right that's the problem
4327s with using these cool Downs for early
4329s but streight Lord will take out so
4330s however immediately Mario finds AER so
4333s one more person is available for mik
4335s wave while as time of celestial slowly
4337s bleeding members of their roster only
4340s two people here try to run towards that
4342s point 3 minutes and 30 seconds that is a
4345s larger time bank B than you know the
4347s likes of time Celestia on their attack
4349s yeah it looked like time Celestia were
4350s also trying to set up for another
4352s contest snla had gone onto the Symetra
4354s to be able to teleport everyone B that
4357s spawn faster into the fight kqa as well
4359s hanging around a little bit longer
4361s wanted to try and launch that contest
4363s Street going down talking about going
4366s down a a pick before the fight can ramp
4368s is devastating news for the soj we're in
4370s final fight territory and you do not
4372s have the instant kill pressure that's
4374s going to force Michael wave back as
4376s swaps the Widowmaker in fact just comes
4378s back from spot actually gets one kill
4379s but Mari with the blizzard able to find
4382s one beat drop gives everybody a bit more
4384s sustain towards the objective as not
4386s missing bunch of head shot hit but the
4387s beat drop surely negates anything this
4389s Widowmaker could do and Michael way will
4391s capture out king Z to tie the series one
4394s to one the Widow swap is always high
4396s risk High reward right you have that
4398s instant kill potential you also have the
4400s surprise Factor because so often we
4402s don't see the Widow swap when it gets to
4404s that space of positioning for the
4407s defending team a lot of the time it's
4408s the Bas that now actually takes the
4409s prominence unfortunately however with
4412s the Widow having that instant head shot
4414s potential you don't have any potential
4416s to touch the objective so you do manag
4419s come in with a couple of kills but the
4420s second at the Widow's presence is felt
4422s we see the may come through instantly
4424s your line of sight is Broken Sound bear
4426s comes on out as well to make sure that
4428s if a squishy does potentially get caught
4430s out in the Crosshair it's not going to
4432s net the kill and as a result the payload
4434s trundles Along on its merry way and
4437s there's nothing that azer can do to
4438s prevent
4439s it yeah Timeless Celestial I mean tough
4442s map for them there Moxy considering map
4444s number one went their way towards the
4447s very end this one it just felt like they
4449s they had their moments but could really
4452s they really couldn't deal with microwave
4454s aggression right they just consistently
4456s getting picked off I mean what is the
4458s reasoning behind that is that just
4459s individual mistakes or is this an
4461s overall team kind of cohesion problem
4464s like it's so difficult when you lose a
4467s fight and with this composition the
4469s defending team just decides okay we're
4471s not going to stop and hold it the choke
4473s while we're going to have a much better
4475s position in terms of a fight if it goes
4477s to a team match but if you push into
4480s spawn because all of these different
4482s Heroes have so much self- sustainability
4484s they're able to cover all of the
4485s different angles so you don't get that
4486s off angle approach it forces ultimates
4488s from the other team as well just to be
4491s able to break back into a space where
4493s they're able to to regroup and you deny
4495s a lot of the wi conditions a lot of the
4497s team play coordination setup that is
4499s there from things like the May into the
4500s sojun or the ratra all of that is denied
4504s entirely if you just continue to hound
4506s them as they pop on out of Spawn and it
4508s means that the things like the Baptist
4510s with the immortality field have to be
4511s burned out just for you to be able to
4513s step forward and something else that it
4516s does because you have to overcommit is
4517s it just shoots your ultimate economy in
4519s the long run and the fact of the matter
4522s is kingro and are like two of the only
4525s Maps where you can kind of get away with
4527s that if you're defending because of how
4529s problematic it is for attacking teams to
4530s finish up on C even if you lose a spawn
4534s hold on a defensive side incredibly
4536s quickly a lot of the time you've still
4538s done enough damage to the time bank
4541s overall to be able to walk out they
4543s might be able to get past you and pick
4545s up that second checkpoint but they're
4546s definitely not going to be able to pick
4547s up the thir and it's something that
4549s microwave no and that's why we see them
4552s instantly pressure put that aggression
4554s into play and just not allow Timeless
4557s any idea in the matter to be able to get
4559s out without parting through so many
4561s things and unfortunately it's a catch 22
4564s they lose the map if they don't
4565s overcommit they lose the map if they do
4568s and now obviously they get that map pick
4571s right coming up though we have to go to
4572s a short break when we come back we'll
4574s see you guys for that number three which
4575s time is Celestial will have the
4576s opportunity to
4582s pick
4583s [Music]
4590s [Applause]
4591s [Music]
4605s [Music]
4612s yeah
4619s [Music]
4628s [Music]
4662s [Music]
4668s [Music]
4673s m
4678s [Music]
4688s [Music]
4709s [Music]
4722s [Music]
4739s [Music]
4763s welcome back everybody to the calling
4765s out Heroes championship series we are on
4768s our final day and have some more final
4770s matches for you guys okay we got three
4772s more this is one of three obviously to
4775s come up but we are midst the series
4777s between time of celestial and microwave
4779s at the moment Moxy we're all tied up one
4781s to one walk me down what exactly
4783s happened in antar Antarctic Peninsula
4785s and then on Kings Row which has been the
4787s two maps so far yeah so control was very
4789s much a story of the DPSS right A lot of
4792s the time it felt like one team was going
4793s to walk away and then it immediately
4795s seaa into the other team's favor because
4798s of some really clutch moments azer
4801s absolutely popping off on labs to be
4804s able to secure a victory for the team
4806s was massive but when we headed to Kings
4808s Row unfortunately a lot of that
4810s significance just fell off because
4812s Michael wave were able to continue
4814s exuding this pressure as a team as a
4816s coordinated unit breaking ESS Celestial
4819s space control and any concentration so
4821s even though they might mechanically be
4823s able to hold their own they just didn't
4826s have any opportunity to be able to use
4828s it and now we head into flash point Sasa
4831s I'm hoping that we see the mirror
4833s continue between these teams or if one
4835s of the teams swaps that it's not
4836s microwave this is something that we were
4838s all talking about in that downtime of
4841s the break this is a team that has been
4842s winning the mirror and we don't want to
4844s see them swap unless things start going
4847s sou it's the first time I've ever heard
4849s anybody ask for the same compostition
4851s throughout a series Moxy I know you're
4853s not a fan of the ratra
4856s composition we've seen in the past teams
4858s on flasho try and move away from it but
4860s it just it hasn't worked out no I I I
4864s definitely I'm not hating I'm not a
4865s hater right now okay listen I I ain't
4866s been a hater since we started watching
4868s it it's just the idea converted you to
4870s the
4871s REM no this is still one of the worst
4873s compositions to watch in my opinion
4875s listen I just like obviously I would
4877s rather have any other tank like junker
4879s Queen like this guy they play this too
4881s however you know like you said earlier
4883s machra comp's working Mari is insane
4885s right as a tank player I think that
4887s overall it's working for them and you
4890s know like you guys talked about like you
4891s talked about Moxy I think that is
4892s continuously the comp they're they're
4894s looking to keep playing right I hope
4896s it's the comp that they're looking to
4897s keep playing one thing that Michael wave
4899s has shown in the past even if they're
4901s starting to get the better of the mirror
4904s sometimes I don't know whether it's
4905s because they're more comfortable on
4907s other compositions and they get a little
4908s bit nervous towards the tail end of some
4911s of these matches and just want to finish
4912s things off with their comfort picks they
4914s will move away from it and I'm hoping
4917s that's not something we see occur
4920s here my God sorry despite being
4923s responsible for 36% of microwave final
4926s blow's death only has died three times
4928s on King's Row are you kidding
4930s me petition for the battle net name
4932s change to come through to Alive cuz uh
4934s death is very much a lie right
4938s now absolutely and uh you know obviously
4941s for microwave that's been crucial for
4943s them right we were talking about a m one
4945s popping off to have death come back and
4947s kind of equalize it where do you think
4949s death is kind of laid in terms of that
4951s sojourn landscape so far in calling Our
4953s Heroes de has definitely been holding
4955s her own she's been able to find some
4957s really good value uh up against some of
4959s these other serans I want to see a
4961s little bit more confidence come through
4963s something actually that I want to see
4964s from AZ as well just being able to take
4965s some of these off angles and look to
4967s create a little bit more space for the
4969s rest of the team instead of relying on
4970s some of these other players like your
4972s Lucio or even smalller on the May to be
4974s the one that actually tries to take that
4975s off angle and give it a little bit more
4977s pressure
4979s elsewhere
4980s microwave worked the way towards this
4983s point as did M Timeless
4985s Celestial see who decides to go towards
4987s it first obviously now the point has
4989s unlocked microwave will use that
4991s opportunity to push forward right it's
4992s been a constant for both teams microwave
4995s to always kind of make that first move
4997s while timeus Lush will play back afford
5000s that space towards microwave Mari trying
5002s to get that damage off getting a lot of
5005s support but the support goes down wi
5007s gets removed by a who just playing I
5010s don't know aim Labs back here basically
5012s just doing their own little aim trainer
5013s and now with that pick I mean no more
5015s speed available however so we found snar
5018s the focus of microwave so that is a
5021s great pick to find however Zoe will get
5022s traded as Ray eventually find dead
5024s straight Lord also finds Mari was
5026s looking like microwave could have worked
5027s the way back in but in this situation
5029s Timeless take the point first yeah
5031s unfortunately when you lose the loose
5032s areal Baptist as a result has to be a
5034s little bit more conservative in how you
5036s Peak some of those angles and it left
5037s Mario a little bit stranded on that
5040s point having to do with all of the other
5041s players of time the celestial and even
5042s though we do see the pressure start to
5044s comeing from potentially swim back into
5046s Michael wave's favor having the m just
5048s being that constant presence you can see
5050s it in terms of that little bit extra of
5052s Al charge that they're holding on to was
5055s just enough to swing it back into T of
5057s celestial favor an Mage is going to be
5058s available as well off of that edition of
5061s an available or this next
5064s fight ready to go with now uses it back
5068s again and look who's running towards
5069s them it's Mari and Mari will get traded
5071s out immediately by kqa meanwhile the
5074s sign a is able to find wi with those two
5076s kills and 70% on the board mock you have
5078s to wonder can microwave even touch yeah
5081s the book's been read time Celestial it
5083s took a little bit of time but they see
5085s that aggression come through from
5086s microwave unprecedented on King's Row so
5088s when the at Matrix comes through M has
5090s an idea that Mario is just going to try
5092s and run directly through it to deny it
5095s entirely and as a result we see that
5097s immortality field already come through
5098s from W side so that the bapti continues
5101s to be able to put that pressure onto the
5103s remat through the amp Matrix and as a
5106s result Mari goes down with microwave
5108s having to just pull that provide that
5109s tank now we're going to see a fight
5111s however between these two teams trying
5112s to cut each other off in rotation and
5114s kqa the one player that tuster rely on
5117s to be able to rotate goes down stre has
5120s to use the annihilation to try and trade
5122s Mari who has to mirror with annihilation
5124s of her own in death on that has also
5128s found azay we talked about the yesterday
5130s too MOX is where Zoe and the rest of the
5132s microwave are super good on flash point
5134s at those fights sure they lost the first
5136s uh the first point but in this one in
5138s particular while the rotations were
5139s happening they took advantage like they
5140s did yesterday yeah huge kill onto kqa as
5143s well s barrier going to be in the hand
5146s of the Luci A and S are also coming in
5148s with their ultimate but stre and Mari
5151s both lacking you
5153s means that they're actually going to be
5154s able to find Value as well you don't
5156s have to worry
5157s about and rushing right
5159s on those reduced by snar with the beat
5162s drop that continue their advantage
5163s towards death as well who can't run
5165s anywhere with a May that has beat drop
5168s with the sound Barry over top of them I
5169s mean not much you could do in that
5171s situation Wicked is something to hold on
5173s to their own and they built up 50% on
5175s the board however now Timeless will
5177s regain the point A's going to have the
5180s overclock M as well going to have the
5182s amp to be able to peir alongside it wer
5184s does have the S barer but even with that
5186s extra armor with the extra damage that
5189s overclock does through that Baptist
5191s ultimate it might not be enough to be
5193s able to keep these players from Michael
5195s wave alive they have to make sure that
5196s they do not go down to poke if they can
5198s bait the overclock early where they're
5200s in a position to be able to kite away
5201s from it that's
5203s huge op to do 40% on the board now
5206s microwave walking slowly with just that
5208s sound barrier where did it go merer
5211s playing back again we we've seen this
5213s consistently safer Windows comparatively
5216s he was getting towards the point there
5217s so it's a bit of a middle ground for
5219s them microwave what do they want to do
5221s play it slow wait up the
5223s ultimate yeah they temper the aggression
5225s that's the first time that we see them
5226s they understand the position that
5227s they're in a does not actually pop the
5230s overlock however sees that M wave had
5232s not committed now will use it to catch
5234s on to Mich wave but because they
5235s actually just tided out of the an Matrix
5237s they still have wi S Bar keep everyone
5240s alive and
5241s healthy and with that that'll burn
5243s through the
5244s overclock see if they find any dry kills
5246s overtime now takes down Point flips for
5248s Michael
5249s wave situation time was playing it slow
5252s right now I mean this has been a
5253s constant for them giving that space to
5255s melave whove now built up some ultimates
5256s so this is kind of scary for them unless
5258s they find a default kill through azerite
5260s Mar's got Annihilation still ready to go
5263s now we'll use it to get some extra armor
5265s and damage through on that back line
5267s there's that window but now can just run
5269s through it I mean Mari just say scw it
5271s that's not going to stop me it's not
5272s some sort of May block to force me back
5276s and now mari's able to walk forwards no
5278s more may on side yeah W just tries to Dr
5281s or kqa tries to run and touch the point
5283s and they will trigger overtime however
5284s they're already down their may they have
5286s to make it Scrappy at the moment so and
5288s the blz is able to find a more totic aay
5290s finds one at the very least goes so low
5293s but that pocket from Muller is there and
5295s a is still alive so even though they
5296s lost nolar they're not in that bad of a
5298s spot wi will trade back Lucio at the
5300s very least but a is just not missing as
5303s well as the rest of ESS ceso used a
5305s blizzard on top of it at the very end
5307s even though they pretty much won it ESS
5309s ceso now put themselves on m point here
5311s on flash point yeah I think they just
5313s wanted to know that wi was going to die
5316s the luo incredibly close to H bar def
5318s incredibly close as well to the
5319s overclock and could get back into the
5321s fight far faster than T CIO wanted to
5323s deal with yet again azra is able to come
5326s in with that save moment on that
5329s soan if CH hadn't been able to find the
5332s tap AZ hadn't been able to find the Taps
5334s Michael wave would have been able to
5336s walk away with that point but now it
5338s does mean that sza does not have the
5339s blizzard for this next engagement lucky
5342s for you however Zoe does not have a
5343s blizzard of her own it's instead going
5345s to be down to both these so try and open
5347s things up wi with the S Bar still can
5350s allow Michael wave and death to get a
5351s lot more aggressive as a result
5353s though take the body shot has Lucio
5356s support on the back already out of cool
5357s Downs here too so surely yes nozar will
5360s go down by themselves did have K but K
5363s just like left understanding that was a
5365s bit of a lost fight and now Michel wave
5367s get a push forward right they've been
5369s consistently in the edge early on but
5372s for some reason keep managing to to
5374s throw these rounds so it look like T of
5376s celestial actually put small onto that
5378s off angle to challenge death a could
5380s stick closer to the m who has the amp
5382s Matrix they wanted to be able to pair
5384s the amp with the overlock and went
5386s through main as a result but
5388s unfortunately it just means that you
5390s lose the M you lose the first fight and
5392s wi still gets to hold on to his S Bar he
5395s be able to deal with it can't drop the
5397s beat in time to save Mari though and
5399s Michael wave know that the fight is done
5401s they're going to hold on to the Lucio
5403s ultimate even longer cuz when you lose
5405s the tank that fast there's nothing to do
5407s but lick your wounds and
5409s regroup what a great time to swap now
5411s too Moxy right they did use some
5413s ultimates at the very least but 46% is
5415s not insane on the board microwave now
5417s coming back with some Ms yeah it's going
5419s to be kqa getting incredibly close to
5421s that sound by however some not microwave
5423s are going to be incredibly Vigilant
5424s after coming to so many ultimates
5426s however and that one St bar is not going
5428s to last for all of them death with an
5430s early pick on to Smalls is going to
5432s start the
5433s wave I mean as ra traced back down heat
5436s drop used on both sides so now it's
5438s getting kind of Scrappy amplification
5440s Matrix here defensively maybe trying to
5442s take advantage of Timeless Leia who was
5444s a bit overzealous here in going for such
5446s an aggressive push losing everybody one
5448s by one microwave will come back and take
5451s the point yeah two ultimates from the
5453s side of time Celestial invested a lot
5456s more however on the side of microwave
5459s that's actually really good for time
5460s cestal they're one fight away from being
5462s able to take this point they're going to
5464s have a little bit more time to be able
5466s to just bait and build up some of those
5468s ultim speaking about baithing sosla
5470s where exactly are you off to is she
5472s going to try and back out I mean yes
5475s this has been a a common thing for snar
5478s is to just play kind of their own on
5479s their own little island eventually we'll
5481s see if diverting all of the attention
5483s away from everyone else on the team L
5486s get a free pass for choke back on to
5488s point it kind of works out for them snar
5491s had to use a lot of those cool down so
5492s doesn't die that's the main factor snar
5494s doesn't go down that'd be huge blizzard
5495s also committed here and eventually it
5497s pans out for them sosler will get killed
5500s by Zoe but as at that point already took
5503s down Mari right that's a lot of your
5504s damage a lot of your front line pretty
5506s much gone now Timeless get a walk on
5507s through Muller find soe right this is
5510s now or never as well for M wave who now
5512s have to be in a very dicey situation
5514s with 80% of the board SN going to be
5516s coming back in on the Tracer you lose a
5518s lot of space control and shut down with
5520s the may but you're also going to be back
5521s to the fight far faster Zoe going to be
5523s on Tracer as well just to be able to try
5525s and get past Celestial forces and find
5528s the tap as it comes down to death the
5530s overclock has to come in huge but no one
5533s gets to touch and time the celestial
5536s walk away with the map and I get a
5538s little bit more down time to absolutely
5540s gush about the valley that Smalls L
5543s flank found from Thomas celestials point
5546s of view right you're coming in to where
5549s you're just one fight away you know that
5551s your ultimate economy is going to be in
5553s a far better position than your opponent
5555s what you have to worry about however is
5558s not losing anyone in rotation because of
5560s how quickly percentage on flash point is
5562s acur very very quickly if you lose
5564s someone on rotation and have to wait to
5566s regroup that percentage that they'
5568s picked up would have been eclipsed by
5570s microwave so what do they do they send
5572s snla not to back cap but to just divert
5575s attention and force everyone from
5576s microwave away from being able to look
5579s at the members of town the celestial pin
5581s down in those chokes pin down in the
5582s places where the May and the sergean are
5584s going to be able to find so much value
5586s and divert them back onto the point
5588s where everyone from timeo gets a free
5590s pass doesn't have to worry about burning
5592s abilities just to be able to brute force
5594s their way onto the point knows that if
5596s it goes down to a sustained fight
5598s they're going to be in a far better
5599s position cuz they're going to hit
5600s ultimates first and if they win that
5602s fight they're going to be able to delay
5604s Michael wave from being able to touch
5605s again to even trigger into overtime
5608s granting them the full fight and map win
5610s it is so smart from this team it is I
5614s mean 100% I agree like just what snaz
5616s was doing at the very end there was huge
5617s but you know not to be a Negative Nancy
5620s here I can't feel I can't help but feel
5622s like Michael wave kind of tossed some of
5623s these team fights MOX he just felt like
5626s they had a lot of these team fight wins
5628s you know point after point it seemed
5629s like they were having success and then
5632s you know either was it an ere extension
5634s once or twice uh Street died
5637s once what the
5640s heck CRA okay there you go that that's
5643s the big Difference Maker right this is
5645s the thing even when time Celestial lost
5648s fights they would still be able to kite
5651s out the repercussion so it wouldn't
5653s become that stagger where they lost so
5655s much point percentage and ultimate
5656s economy they would always if they lost a
5658s fight put themselves into a position
5660s where when the next fight began they
5662s were able to recover immediately as
5664s opposed to microwave who ironically got
5667s a little bit of a taste of their own
5668s medicine from King's roow they lost a
5669s fight and it spiraled into losing
5671s another and another and another yeah
5673s that's a good point and I think you know
5675s to to obviously point out the supports
5676s again looking at that healing in itself
5679s and comparatively to you know team to
5681s team it it's just so much more for
5683s Timeless ceso at the moment I mean mer
5685s and kqa really have been popping off
5688s right getting a lot of those heals on
5690s the other side right agmr was was
5692s getting a lot of damage but really what
5694s was that trading into nothing you know
5696s when you when you work when you look at
5697s the other side when Timeless gets as
5699s much healing off on their tanks as they
5701s were I mean it's just unkillable right
5703s it just feels like this team's
5704s unkillable also saving snar on those
5705s flanks like you said that was obviously
5707s on part due to
5709s sar's really good positioning but it was
5711s also because M could keep him alive yeah
5714s and a lot of the time they would be
5715s sending the M on the flank so the seran
5717s could stick closer to the Baptist to
5718s line up the overclock and the ampt
5720s Matrix so that even even if the May on
5722s the other side utilize that wall to try
5724s and defensively block off any impact
5726s from the B ultimate it was just burned
5728s and shredded in seconds and a lot of the
5730s time because of how quickly that soan is
5732s able to find the opening shot with
5734s overclock the wall doesn't even come up
5735s in time to be able to save someone and
5737s we saw that occur when Mari went down
5739s the second that amp and overclock came
5741s into
5742s play now we're going to espira that'll
5744s be our fourth map in this first to three
5747s so that means Timeless Celestial is on
5749s that map point to put themselves forward
5751s into to that loser bracket finals which
5753s would be huge for them considering how
5755s things have you know kind of gone
5757s throughout the tournament to kind of
5758s turn things around here against Micha
5760s wave who were a good team right I wonder
5762s if we see the Doom I wonder if we see
5764s the Doom of the Genji they took us to
5766s this map this is off of the back of
5768s having lost a mirror match up as well
5770s Dustin we did not see Mari swap onto the
5772s Orissa it was a straight up mirror match
5774s all the way through are we going to see
5777s a retreat back to the familiar for the
5780s doomfist Genji team
5782s I mean we definitely might um that was a
5785s bit I don't know about you but I feel
5786s like that was a bit of a panic squap for
5787s them cuz they were kind of getting
5789s getting dominated right it just felt
5791s like that was you know let's just do
5793s this see what happens here um the thing
5795s was they weren't getting dominated they
5797s were really able to hold our own we were
5799s seeing the the tank cycle come through
5802s remember this was off of the back of of
5804s flash point where they actually forc
5806s Timeless aerial into swapping into
5809s bending the knee and actually cycling
5811s through time tring Swap all the Run
5813s that's a good point I think that uh in
5815s this particular map you could probably
5817s run it however you know like you said I
5819s I was think another game Sorry that was
5820s a bit of a mistake on my part I feel
5822s like that doomfist composition really
5824s just doesn't have a place in the current
5826s meta what do you think Moxy on that it
5827s just it does seem like it's like it was
5830s their plan don't like don't get me wrong
5832s it definitely was their plan I just
5833s don't know in the current situation the
5834s current patch and the current meta that
5835s we're playing that it really can do much
5837s versus some of these top teams yeah so
5839s there are two factss I could see
5841s microwave utilizing to take us to this
5844s push map one they do want to fully
5846s commit onto the deist Genji or two
5849s they're hoping that just like us taking
5851s it to this map especially having ran the
5854s doomfist and Genji up against another
5856s timer team yesterday they're hoping that
5858s Celestial are scratching their heads and
5860s trying to figure out whether or not it
5862s is going to be a dius Genji or whether
5864s or not it's going to be the mirror again
5866s because if they come out on the wrong
5868s composition if they call it wrong and
5870s run something like a CUO in anticipation
5872s of the anti nades they're going to be at
5874s a significant disadvantage when it comes
5877s to that first fight and push the first
5879s fight and the last fight are always the
5881s most important fights on the entire
5885s map as brancha a map that do you like
5888s playing this map Moxy you want to do you
5890s like playing these like divy comps that
5892s for example you know microwave likes to
5894s run it's kind of weird they like to run
5895s that comp too isn't cuz the entire point
5897s they're called microwave is because
5899s microwave right it's not because this
5901s guy named Michael was waving at somebody
5903s you know it's interesting they don't run
5905s like the symmetra or something you know
5907s considering that's their team name not
5908s that symmetra's good right now um but
5911s yeah I don't know I know this map is
5913s definitely an interesting one to just
5914s run full dive I feel like that's the
5915s opposite of what they're what they stand
5917s for as a team you know I feel like it's
5918s the safest one of the push maps to be
5920s able to run dive though especially with
5922s that High Ground ledge up over on bridge
5924s if you have control of that spacing
5925s shelving and Anna on that position just
5928s makes it so much harder for that support
5930s to be run onto
5933s points we'll see if they want to decide
5934s to do it obviously mari's a great tank
5936s right like Mari has that in the hero
5939s pool to just play basically every single
5941s one drunker Queen doomfist every every
5944s character that could potentially be in
5945s the meta meanwhile for time of celestial
5947s they just pretty much rock that ratra
5949s comp the entire time with Street Lord
5951s right it feels like
5954s oh there it
5956s is all right we don't know if they're
5959s fully committing onto it it does look
5960s like this is a comp position that
5961s they're going to come out with look at
5962s to the celestial though I think we're
5965s going to see the swap but potentially
5967s the m is actually going to stick with
5968s the KIRO they think that the doom and
5971s Genji is going to come through and they
5972s call it
5976s correctly see if it counter is what
5978s Michael wave is trying to do there's no
5980s there's no anti there's there's no anti
5983s to be able to initiate the dive because
5984s the suu is immediately going to be that
5986s worse titless Celestial are running a
5988s composition that is so hard to dive onto
5990s everyone is incredibly mobile you don't
5992s want to dive onto the Jun Queen you
5993s can't dive onto the back line who does
5996s Michael wave go
5997s after I don't know I mean what like the
5999s Lucio I guess or that sojourn after
6002s using a cool down maybe even Street Lord
6005s we'll have to wait and see it does seem
6006s like theu kind of counters the idea of
6008s what Michael wave trying to do but now
6010s they go early on to Street Lord just to
6011s for some pressure wait for ajar to get
6014s those an grenades like we saw yesterday
6016s we'll see if they want to play a little
6016s bit more proactive though they always
6017s ping where this Anna is right so as long
6019s as they know where the Anna is they
6020s can't get hit by corre I mean it just
6022s feels like it's easy to avoid it Ian
6025s we're going to see Zoe start to try and
6026s take that forward position and just
6027s frighten a little bit of that spacing
6029s not allowing time with Celestial be able
6031s to walk onto these supports but we're
6034s just at an absolute stal me at the
6036s moment nanab is Boing up for ajm on now
6038s we're going to see the ant but it
6039s doesn't connect it actually does it
6041s connects onto Street Lord but it's
6042s immediately going to be cleansed doesn't
6044s matter and now AGR seeing ghosts and the
6047s ghost name is sosar and a removed from
6049s the lobby no more anate avable Wicket
6051s goes down I mean this is an absolute
6054s disaster for microwave at the moment
6055s because not only did they lose the first
6057s fight but they're getting counter comom
6059s yeah I theorized it was a little bit too
6061s predictable they take us to this map
6064s after losing a mirror match the doomfist
6066s and the Genji is going to be inevitable
6067s and time Celestial read it out now we're
6070s going to see swaps come through Michael
6072s wave off of the doomfist onto the Jun
6073s Queen Zoe going to be sticking on the
6075s geni to be able to infiltrate into the
6076s back line just the same way it's
6077s smalller is those two DVS going to have
6079s to keep each other in check the safety
6081s to that backl but losing that first
6083s fight is huge for Michael wave Celestial
6086s already getting ahead in terms of not
6087s just the AL because they forc swaps but
6090s also the distance picked up poking out
6093s sasar for forcing that Tracer away for
6096s now zoing now looking toward Street Lord
6099s but that pressure is happening on so all
6100s the while forcing a lot of cool Downs
6102s meanwhile Street Lord now backs out out
6104s of the banar's got the pulse obviously
6106s suzu is still in play so no matter even
6108s if you get the pulse B off you could
6109s live through this bad boy Bard just kind
6112s of playing it slow waiting for that soj
6114s pressuring
6115s out that soj to force forward now aay
6118s from the top with the overclock did they
6119s find any kills Yes W will go down no
6122s more Lucio available speed removed soe
6124s also just without any ultimate trying to
6126s find some kills that also finds kway
6128s though without any ultimates so both
6130s Lucio remov forcing this katun rush now
6132s out of Mer so at least Mich wave getting
6134s some ultimates in an even team fight did
6137s they lose anybody though pulse bomb
6138s almost committed by the way from Star to
6139s no avail now comes forward to that yet
6141s again W has to deal with this Tracer
6143s it's so hard though to live when snar is
6145s playing as well as they are on that
6148s character and also makes to the make a
6149s health pack so no death there for that
6151s Tracer in time of celestial they're just
6153s making this painful for microwave at the
6155s moment yeah microwave coming up the
6157s blade but because they're having to play
6158s the Lucio of the Jun they're not going
6160s to have nanog to put that extra o behind
6162s it now we can see the rush come through
6164s from ajmr but Thomas Celestial just kite
6166s around it l we gets spotted out looks
6169s for the dash to be able to push some of
6170s those Health BS enough maybe you can
6172s follow up with the blade into a kill
6174s death's going to actually utilize the
6175s opportunity to get into position with
6177s the overclock with the Ste from kqa
6179s saves everyone rampage now cutting on
6181s through connects on to Zoe time last new
6184s without the sound again she would be
6186s flopping at the mou for the blade to
6188s come on out anticipate the move and
6191s catch with the Rampage it's just time of
6194s celestial really are good at playing the
6196s safe style right just waiting out you
6198s know not overc committing ultimate
6200s Street Lord waiting to the last second
6201s to commit that ultimate as well and now
6203s they get the checkpoint here marked see
6205s 6 minutes left on the clock the future
6207s is it's insane the fact that they were
6209s able to accurately predict how Michael
6211s wave are going to play off of all of the
6213s ultimates that come out as well as the
6214s spacing too it is no easy feak to be
6217s able to connect a rampage onto a blading
6220s Dash resetting Genji but street is able
6222s to do so snla Wick his position forces
6227s the spacing and the sound bar from the
6229s Lucio to try and save from the
6231s detonation of the pulse
6233s bomb well we're getting saved with a
6235s pause at the moment between both teams I
6238s mean luckily it was nobody died just yet
6241s or anything like it's not like it was a
6242s little bit of a dicey situation okay but
6244s we have to figure that out what goes on
6245s behind the scenes up to you guys in a
6247s second a beat drop obviously use P spom
6250s using that fight Moxy one for one trade
6252s you have to feel decent if your snos
6254s there right cuz you probably forced that
6255s suzu and the beat drop and now you're
6257s feeling good going into this fight right
6259s oh 100% you're incredibly happy about
6261s that I mean how are you going to be able
6264s to sustain like you said the S Bar has
6267s already come and gone it's off of the
6268s back of a tracer as well so everyone
6270s from time to Celestial are going to be
6272s in a better position to just kite away
6275s from the aggression that microwave try
6276s and utilize this sound bar for they know
6279s that they burned it too early they're
6281s going to have to try and capitalize on
6282s it in any shape they can and that means
6285s getting aggressive something that this
6286s team know incredibly well but because
6288s it's a tracer instead of pressure coming
6290s from through from a tank in a one versus
6292s one everyone from time Celestial going
6294s to be so far away that microwave are
6297s going to lose a huge chunk of the same
6299s barrier up time just getting into
6301s position to be able to play off of it
6303s and to me it feels like Moxy see let me
6306s see if you're getting a similar read
6307s that it just they're always in the back
6308s foot microwave is right it just it's
6310s constant pressure onto them as it looks
6313s like we've figured out what's going on
6315s here but yeah look I mean microwave have
6317s some ultimates already used them early
6319s you know do Timeless commit there consun
6321s a rush in this fight even like when Mari
6324s goes aggressive with the with the uh
6326s with the well Mari cono aggressive is
6328s the thing you have to wait the
6331s suzu comes through the back side already
6334s used just immed taking advantage of the
6336s unpaused time kqa will find Death SAR
6339s eventually comes back everybody tries to
6340s dodge through that ultimate from like
6343s subari who were able to find one Zoe
6345s also connects on azer so that was
6347s actually a very good ultimate from Mari
6350s in the situation now time of Leal right
6352s they do have some Stager players in
6355s microwave have control of the robot yeah
6356s we're going to see overclock for azer so
6359s offensive capability for offensive
6360s capability with ajmr also getting into
6363s that kit Rush on the side of microwave
6365s both of those ultimates can be used to
6366s just threaten the space of the other
6368s speaking about threatening the space of
6369s the other smalller and death potentially
6371s going into a one versus one as a is
6373s going to pop the overlocked going to see
6375s Michael wave counter with the K but goes
6379s down and time SL just get to swarm onto
6382s a team who do not have that tank Health
6384s to absorb all of the damage when the
6386s soan all continues fantastic shots from
6388s AZ right there and without death yeah I
6390s mean like you can't really compete
6392s against that SN is just gatekeeping at
6395s the moment she's spawn camping a soier
6397s no that's run 62% on the board they
6401s already have the checkpoint by the way
6402s too from earlier time is Celestial don't
6404s have any ultimates obviously besides
6405s that JQ but neither does Michael
6408s enemies on the ram okay I mean that
6411s surely should work out for them however
6412s you know they don't have that b in that
6414s composition so we'll see if that is a
6416s hindrance in this situation meanwhile
6418s time Celestial they give up some of that
6419s space wall already used stop Street Lord
6423s from falling back but all the heals are
6424s here and the suzu can't get the kill
6427s through that either microwave want to
6429s keep going forward right they have a lot
6430s of that space kind of celestial now they
6432s I mean they have the space to work with
6434s too though Over The High Ground they can
6435s just build up those ultimates and pulse
6436s bomb has been built agmr has to run away
6440s not used to just yet either because has
6442s that pulse you have to use it just for
6443s that however bit of a whiff on the pul
6445s following this situation microwave go
6446s low on the front line Street Lord comes
6448s through wer falls down before the beat
6450s could even be built oh no that could
6452s have been a turning point for M wave and
6454s now time of sles just clean up and keep
6456s this robot pushing forward Target focus
6459s on point there's a reason that snaz is
6461s chasing a harder to hit Lucio it's
6464s because the message had gone through all
6466s of the Cs of time is Celestial this
6468s Lucio needs to go wicker cannot be allow
6471s to land that sound barrier and as a
6473s result both the Tracer and the junko
6475s queen will collaborate to be able to
6478s take quick before her ultimate like you
6479s said can be built to turn the fight
6481s around that was the Turning Point
6483s Michael wave needed and now time
6485s Celestial have the means of being able
6486s to C out all of the ultimates for the
6488s come through nearly 90 m b a also finds
6491s the opening pick SN there on the death
6493s cun rush and beat drop on top of it in
6496s microw wave are being eviscerated on the
6498s robot at the moment Timeless again team
6501s fight win a doesn't even need to pop the
6503s overclock it's just K Russi sound where
6505s I utilize both support ultimates coming
6507s through from Timeless elal side a very
6509s fast fight so fast in fact that Wicket
6511s is just not able to utilize that sire as
6513s result will hold on to it as yet again
6515s SN being an absolute Menace in the back
6518s line and forcing microwave to turn
6520s around so that a gets even more space
6522s they why are they not even dealing with
6524s S I guess that's why now wo was able to
6526s find Street Lord just look for that JQ
6528s but now snar Lucio looking for more in
6531s the back luckily for Michael wave
6533s they're able to find the kills necessary
6535s to finally ignore and then kill snaz but
6538s they have so much meters so many meters
6540s to to make up now Moxy yeah there's a
6542s reason like you said they ignore the
6543s Tracer they know that pulse bomb was
6545s used in the last fight right so Sosa's
6547s not going to have it available which
6549s means it's just pulse pistol damages
6551s coming through the much bigger threed is
6553s the sojan with the ultimate that
6554s microwave no hasing that killing
6556s potential with how close time the ly w
6558s at the Finish Line microwave could not
6559s afford to lose that fight now they're
6561s going to have two ultimates to be able
6563s to start this next one but again t
6564s celester with the mobility on these
6566s Heroes have the means of being able to
6568s work around it death trying to duel this
6572s kuo in the backside while soe actually
6574s finds snar so nice shot from the May
6576s player of Michael wave see if they can
6579s capitalize offord obviously has built up
6581s towards the old but it doesn't matter
6583s when death hits the shot on the azer
6585s surely forcing a reset out now from time
6587s to Celestial without NE yeah I like this
6590s the restraint coming through from
6591s Michael wave they understand that t just
6593s have too much movement to be able to
6595s play around things like the blizzard and
6596s the annihilation instead they're going
6598s to hold on to it until the fight goes to
6599s the objective where you're going to be
6600s able to catch far more players taking it
6603s to the neutral time L things like that
6605s Tracer Lucio and are a lot more fragile
6608s as straight up onto The High Ground
6610s precious Mor of the
6612s angle immediately comes in with the
6614s ultimate finds wi soe though gets one
6616s and then also drops that blizzard off
6617s however sosler finds Mori de get a
6620s crucial kill on the street Lord there as
6622s well and microwave did get the robot
6624s stolen for them and it's actually going
6625s quite far with no time left they're not
6628s building any to any time or meters at
6630s all because of sn's little sneaky
6633s play we need to put bells on snaza to be
6636s able to track her position every time we
6639s see that overhead P she's somewhere
6641s where she's not supposed to be and that
6643s has to be so frustrating for mic wave
6644s cuz like you said they were able to turn
6646s that fight around off of the back of the
6648s blizzard and follow up from death and
6650s now is a result they have so much more
6651s distance to be to make
6653s up now get engaged upon by a katun rush
6656s from ajmr Street Lord trying to avoid K
6660s in this fight counter Rush from mer
6662s early suzu as well abili back back very
6666s quickly death over the top side with the
6668s overclock looking for some kills but
6670s it's inact Zoe to find another one who
6672s has been crucial so far in a lot of
6674s these overtime situations see if mik
6676s wave continue It Forward looks like they
6678s find Street Lord snar sitting with the
6679s pulse bomb avail
6681s proba doesn't want to use it just go and
6683s reset overtime takes down now Michael
6685s wave they've got 60 me to make up for
6688s from Timeless Celestial who have SS in
6689s the bank yeah that is unfortunately more
6692s than one fight that microwave are going
6694s to have to see themselves through
6696s Annihilation can come into play but KIRO
6698s and Lucio are incredibly fragile and S
6701s is not available something that time
6703s know incredibly well snla again Bells
6706s attach to the Tracer please especially
6708s for Michael wave of supports they have
6710s to be able to check this tracer's
6711s position so that the pulse bom doesn't
6713s find the target W so smart challenge
6716s that Tracer let see does this pulse bom
6718s connect though I mean Timeless Le you'll
6720s have everything in the
6722s bank it's up to so or dead to find the
6725s opening kill but the bull bomb it
6726s connects no suu to save death and
6730s unfortunately that could be the end of
6732s Michael wave with the beat drop as well
6734s Mari tries to commit the annihilation
6736s they could potentially find the kills
6737s here but no it eventually gets gets ran
6739s out right the it's no longer Here and
6741s Now from the inside Jun goes with the
6743s suzu oh my God the Rampage can't find
6746s anything because of it what a nice suzu
6748s from ajmr in that situation so he finds
6750s azere no way Michael wave have worked
6752s themselves back into this with the
6754s katune rush Treet Lord able to find zoy
6756s that could be huge but they eventually
6758s take Street Lord down they built up the
6760s beat drop as well and this robot ain't
6762s stopping they're getting up to 100 m and
6764s closing Michel wave could bring us to
6766s that mountain number five snar gets
6768s staggered it's almost here right at the
6771s very end they just need 12 more met to
6773s go Timeless swapping into some really
6775s fast compositions doomfist is here to
6778s try to touch last second for less than a
6780s met to go ATR finds azra Sombra removed
6783s from the game suu to keep tree Lord
6785s alive just for a bit longer pushes him
6787s off the robot able to find agmr all the
6789s healing is gone for microwave all of a
6791s sudden they might fall apart Street Lord
6793s will go down continue rushes here Asar
6795s back towards the spawn on Widowmaker to
6797s help support snar trying to find
6799s anything Mari trying to close it out
6801s this is absolute hectic what is going on
6804s microwave trying to close it out as R
6806s finds death and somehow after losing
6808s their kuo Michael wave will force a at
6811s five what an
6814s overtime what an absolute
6817s emotional roller coaster it all starts
6820s like you said with that Rampage which
6821s would have been huge but it gets suzu as
6825s the Jun Queen sails through the entirety
6827s of the team and then even worse for
6829s celestial to have to recover from your
6831s Jun Queen gets walled away from the rest
6833s of your team and as a result Michel wave
6836s were able to come in with those couple
6838s of picks so that they have the time
6840s necessary that little bubble of safety
6842s for Wicked to be able to bull that last
6844s necessary percentage to coming to the
6846s sound barer even though you're lacking
6847s the KIRO the Lucio has the means of
6850s keeping everyone up and alive for the
6851s ultimate the KIRO is able to come back
6853s incredibly quickly because of the switch
6854s that mechanic and as a result we see the
6857s Panic come through from Celestial it
6859s looks for a minute when we see the
6862s doomfest punch in and connect onto two
6864s players of Michael wave not just
6867s connecting but slamming them into the
6869s backside of bus shelter doing even more
6872s damage because of that connection that
6874s you would have been able to turn the
6876s fight around that street would have been
6877s able to find the kills necessary with
6879s Celestial being so much closer in
6882s regards to those respawn points but the
6884s kills do not come through Michael wer
6887s able to regroup and reform dealing with
6890s with the stagers making sure to see the
6891s Sombra out before turning around and
6893s dealing with the
6894s Doom Moxy I had to retire after that one
6897s honestly that was that was an insane
6900s last fight what a what a close out from
6902s Michael wave right we talk about you
6904s know the lights potentially being too
6905s bright for a lot of these teams neither
6907s team seems to be backing down at the
6909s moment right snar is doing these crazy
6911s crazy things on the backside and that
6913s ends up not working out for them right
6915s if we just take a look at the stats
6916s alone I mean what a game it's been for
6919s Michael wave to come back from right it
6921s was so close it was so they had so much
6923s they had like 60 70 so much distance to
6926s be able to to recoup and the thing as
6928s well is that overtime would have been so
6930s much easier if Midway through the map
6933s they hadn't allowed snla to walk away
6935s with the objective in fact they could
6937s have lost the map potentially off of an
6940s allowing snla to be able to make a way
6942s with that Heist as it is however they're
6944s able to find the recovery even making
6947s sure that yes they do lose the sojan to
6949s the pulse
6950s unfortunately when that fight probably
6952s kicks on off but a lot of the time
6954s they're more Vigilant of things like the
6956s Rampage pulse is potentially going to
6957s get one person but Rampage and the anti
6959s need connecting onto so many of those
6961s players who are forced to take that low
6963s fight to be able to throw themselves
6964s onto the objective and keep overtime
6966s burning if someone else goes down making
6969s them even more vulnerable to the Jun
6971s Queen Al really pushes them into holding
6973s on that suu sacrificing that player so
6976s that later on the suzu is going to have
6977s more value great stuffer them really
6980s just getting to see the bigger picture
6982s understanding that they need to keep a
6984s hold of those crucial abilities so that
6986s even if they start falling apart they're
6989s able to pick up the pieces and recover
6991s and we go to map five map five indeed
6995s but before that obviously we need a bit
6997s of a break the players need a bit of a
6998s break a bit of a reset before that final
7000s map the first map five of our playoffs
7002s guys so don't go anywhere we'll be right
7003s back after
7008s this
7018s [Music]
7025s [Music]
7038s for
7041s [Music]
7077s [Music]
7128s oh
7147s [Music]
7154s [Music]
7158s he
7166s [Music]
7181s [Music]
7189s well welcome back everybody to the
7190s calling o Heroes championship series
7192s we're in that lower bracket near finals
7194s uh what a series that we have in our
7196s hands Moxy we're entering that M five
7198s now um can you kind of break down for
7200s everybody what's happening in the series
7202s between Timeless Celestial and microwave
7203s because that last map was incredibly
7205s hectic I mean it's it's it's just stress
7209s is what's been happening between these
7210s two teams heart rate monitor through the
7213s absolute roof every single time Michael
7216s wave turn a corner they're having to
7217s constantly watch their backs against
7219s sosla who plays Tracer even if she's on
7221s the Main and then when we head into push
7223s we we I was really worried I'm not going
7226s to lie when I saw the Genji when I saw
7227s the doom and we immediately saw Timeless
7230s rolling out in the kir I was like oh
7231s this dive is not going to go well I
7234s really hope that they see that and they
7236s admit defeat and they move away from it
7238s and that is what we saw the moment of
7240s recovery come through from this team the
7242s lesson that they got taught yesterday
7244s when they landed themselves into the
7245s lower bracket they learned it they
7247s swapped off of the Genji they swapped
7249s off of of the dest they brought
7250s something new to the table with the
7252s ratra and off of the ratra they were
7254s able to finish and finalize out that
7257s fight because when agmr went down and
7259s that remat was left I was like oh no and
7261s you were like oh no and c was like oh no
7264s everyone I was like oh this is curtains
7267s but no ratra is just too good at self
7270s sustain and Mari is able to take out
7272s like three players with PML really
7274s really quickly which is huge cuz it
7275s means that azra who swapped onto the
7276s Widow doesn't get into position to
7278s actually be able to utilize that pick
7280s and find a kill that could have swung
7283s those forward spawns for time of
7284s celestial immediately back into their
7287s favor now R cc6 is on our plates today
7290s Moxy ESP Pancha is done and dusted the
7293s likes of either microw wave or Timeless
7296s mix it up again you think on this map or
7299s is it all the way back to that ratra
7300s gameplay that we've seen previously on
7302s maps 1 2 and three I feel like this is
7304s really smart from time Celestial cuz
7306s this is dangling Comfort pick
7310s right in front of microwave because you
7312s can find value with the Genji there's a
7315s lot of High Ground Control that goes
7316s into being able to hold onto the defense
7319s Genji has the mobility with the dash to
7321s be able to jump from the low ground to
7322s The High Ground and pressure the back
7324s line into turning around there's also a
7326s lot of flank Avenues available to snla
7329s if she goes out on the M of the Tracer
7331s but this very much feels like Celestial
7333s trying to get microwave into a game of
7335s dive chicken and see whether or not they
7337s fall for it or whether not they continue
7339s running this
7341s ratra see what decide to pick here on
7343s Route 66 this is one of my favorite Maps
7345s I think Moxy just to to watch and mainly
7348s play maybe not watch as much so just
7349s play the map it's just a kind of fun map
7352s it's been in the it's it's almost like
7353s my King's Row I just kind of maybe it's
7355s cuz I'm American and you're British that
7357s maybe you think you like maybe King's
7359s Row is more so up your up we bias yeah
7362s yeah maybe there's a little bias there
7364s live in the desert anyway as a Brit I
7365s want to try and get as far away from
7367s London as possible like don't get me
7369s wrong I adore King's Row but seeing the
7372s rain especially with like the five
7374s concuss concurrent storms that we've had
7377s in the last three weeks take me anywhere
7379s I will go to Route 66 and live there
7382s quite happily with
7384s you until you see your first Scorpion
7386s and you freak out or something I I want
7389s to see what Scorpions No spiders yes you
7392s ever seen they they on Route C60 I think
7394s there's shops like this where you can
7395s get like scorpions and in uh lollipops
7398s you ever seen those wait like actual
7400s scorpions yes yeah they put scorpions
7402s and lollipops so you can eat live
7404s scorpions and lollipops yeah I actually
7406s have a story like I basically we had uh
7408s back when I play on the L of rain we had
7410s uh Doo and a bunch of other Korean
7411s players come over and as a funny gag
7413s gift I thought I'd buy them some and
7415s they all threw him away and like I was
7416s like they didn't tell me though like
7418s they had him on their desk and then the
7419s next day I looked him the garbage and
7420s all four of the pops like o Pops from
7422s the garbage I was like okay guys I
7425s appreciate that it was gag to be fair
7427s for a second I thought you meant like
7429s like there were actual live scorpions
7431s that had been like wrapped up and you
7433s had like a chance a one in 10 chance of
7436s picking like a scorpion it's is sort of
7439s like the the sort of version of picking
7442s the Short Straw you pick the lollipop
7444s that has a live Scorpion and have to go
7446s to a well the yeah the the short STW in
7448s this case is who gets the biggest
7449s scorpion and who gets like the tiny one
7451s like a little baby boy some of them
7453s sometimes they have little little kids
7454s on them you want the big Scorpions No
7456s you don't you want to avoid that you
7458s also could get a Mother's scorpion that
7459s has baby scorpions in it too it's anyway
7461s this is a very gross topic let's move on
7463s to microwave versus time Celestial this
7466s is honestly my fault but um what series
7468s we have now map number five and R 66
7472s obviously time of celestial kind of
7473s hovering a meme composition potentially
7476s but microwave they want to rock with
7477s Marian and ratra yeah I'm really happy
7479s to see that they're going for the ram
7481s they're going for the May they're also
7482s going to try and hold pretty far forward
7484s up in train Carriage also on the hands
7486s is going to spot a DI however that is
7488s why we're seeing just the hands on now
7490s to use the Sonic spot out where the
7491s defenses if it isn't train Carriage
7493s before swapping after a little bit of
7495s pressure coming through from Scot Mar
7497s time to sa the world that swap obviously
7500s you know SN are back on the Tracer and
7502s you talked about it marxy in the green
7504s room but this is really one of sn's
7507s best also can see a z from kqa playing a
7511s lot closer to make it hard of the
7513s microwave to be able to run directly
7515s onto her but also using the Discord and
7518s the fact that you're the only Zen in the
7520s lobby so you're going to be doing so
7521s much more damage so much more pressure
7523s onto Mari on that rematch and as a
7525s result look at how far back Michael wave
7527s having to make sure that they split
7529s their front line and back well incoming
7531s dive I mean cool Down's used do they
7533s even yeah they're just going to take out
7534s street Lord but they do trade out Zoe at
7536s least definitely works out for them to
7539s something we also Discord aari
7540s eventually melts them and so far the
7542s zenyata is finding success in which we
7545s haven't seen in basically years trades
7547s work far better into the favor of the
7549s attacking team too because you regroup
7551s far faster with how closer your respawn
7554s is in comparison to the defense LOE
7556s actually going to be off of the May onto
7559s that Tracer there is no point in
7560s utilizing the May because there's
7562s nothing to be able to wall off Street's
7564s going to be able to jump out of it as R
7565s power lights M blinks instead now you
7568s have to try and keep a track of this
7569s tracer's location because pulse bomb is
7571s ready in AJR has to hold on to the
7575s morality Zoe by the way is onto that
7577s Tracer we've seen that yesterday see if
7580s I can deal with SN on this side pulse
7582s bomb used by snar but no kill on that
7585s side manab Bo committed by mer too so
7587s they want to continue this pressure on
7589s the microwave we were trying to rotate
7591s but maybe catch out so while that is
7593s happening from Street Lord very close
7595s the Primal range but goes so low those
7597s heals have been very good for Timeless
7599s Celestial though kqa also takes out Zoe
7601s oh my God to think we'd see zenyata play
7604s to this level this late in the
7606s tournament as well is really a trait to
7608s see also so a with that pressure able to
7610s find ajmr and slowly M wave are being
7613s melted away Transcendence as well bit of
7615s a dog man Trans in the situation don't
7617s know if it was necessary but at the end
7618s of the day ESS Celestial move on to
7620s second phase I mean mari's going to have
7622s the annihilation which is potentially
7623s the thing that you want to hold on to
7625s that transcend for but remember when the
7627s remat utilizes the ultimate you
7628s automatically go into the Nemesis form
7630s and what is Nemesis form but a walking
7632s hit box for a sleep that and laola on
7634s the an is going to be able to shut that
7635s one down
7637s immediately really nice to see like said
7639s traditional dive with the exception of
7641s that soan it very much does feel like
7643s we're back in the era of OverWatch one
7645s nanab boost being put onto the Winston
7646s to be able to pressure agmr into utilize
7649s the ant Matrix and actually agmr
7651s pressured off of the Baptist onto the
7654s K traded though on that side SN did take
7657s out death a lot of the damage now gone
7659s for Michael a beat drop here from wi
7662s continue the pressure street with that
7664s Primal Rage eventually suzu will slow
7667s Treet down heals can't save you for that
7670s though on the inside angle too tough to
7672s escape and that's kind of the win
7673s condition it feels like for mik wave is
7674s take out street Lord right yeah as a r
7677s is going to have a new win condition and
7678s that is overclock and Michael wave do
7681s not have the Baptist nor sber to be able
7683s to survive and sustain through it said
7685s is going to be up to Zoe who's able to
7687s shut down both of her opposing DPS and
7691s still hold on to the pulse but microw
7693s wave going to be in control of a choke
7694s and that is where D has always struggle
7696s to be able to Brute Force through when
7698s you do not have that space to be able to
7700s set the dive up onto the defending side
7702s as we're going to see Street Lord off of
7703s the Winston onto the junker Queen kqa
7706s onto the Luc they understand the dive
7708s has worn off they've been able to put a
7710s little bit of struggle onto Michael wave
7712s side but they've been able now to land
7714s on their feet as Zoe on her feet just
7717s crouching so that no one sees the
7720s Trac straight onto the
7723s Anna zo showing that they've got some
7726s nice Tracer chops too SAR got n boost in
7728s that fight just to go find something
7731s however assly m is going to swap over to
7732s the yeah both of these teams just seeing
7736s that the dive or the Tracer rather is
7738s just too potent for the Anna to be able
7740s to deal with worse if you have the Anna
7742s or Baptist you're constantly having to
7744s divert resources into being able to peel
7746s the Tracer off of them it is far better
7748s for the team overall health maybe you
7750s don't have the same burst heal potential
7752s but you also still can get to keep just
7754s sustaining that focus with the KIRO
7757s having the survivability by pulling all
7759s of those resources off of the tank is
7761s time Celestial no ultimates to work with
7764s s looking to find an infiltration into
7766s that back line she's being just capped
7768s in check now over clock from Death here
7771s on the inside angle towards the mega
7772s health pack little bit of poke damage
7774s come through no head shots though
7775s however HMR hits the head shot followup
7778s damage everybody is in the kill feed now
7780s for microwave a minute and 30 seconds
7782s left in the clock now for time Celestial
7784s yeah snla just not getting that free
7785s entrance to be able to divert attention
7787s away from the rest of the players on
7789s Celestial side is really problematic and
7791s you're actually going to see swap off of
7792s the Tracer onto the Genji looking to do
7794s the same thing but this time around if
7795s you get spotted out you do have things
7797s like not just the dash but also the
7798s defle to buy yourself a little bit of
7800s time so that your presence is felt a
7802s little bit more than the Tracer as kqa
7805s looks to try and speeding to Tunnel but
7807s that just leaves more vulnerable I mean
7809s this is a really really interesting
7811s match now I mean Mari found another two
7813s in this fight one minute left in the
7815s clock swaps happening on both SIDS
7817s continuously and Micha W keeps coming
7819s out on top it's really interesting to
7821s see one of the impacts of a very small
7824s change on this map the door still being
7826s left open makes it a lot harder for an
7828s attacking team to be able to sustain a
7830s lot of the Poke coming through if they
7831s decide to push through main as Zoe
7834s definely not a main at the moment all
7835s the way in the back line yet again
7837s trying to just divert this distraction
7840s away from T Celestial so that they don't
7842s get to work fre from that man finds the
7845s Baptist will only find the lamp but
7847s that's the go time for the rest of the
7848s team claps RAR will find Zoe too I mean
7851s just tracked down that Tracer the whole
7853s time and then came back under Dan 24
7856s seconds left Timeless Celestial finally
7857s found some Advantage Rampage going to be
7860s available overclock and sound barrier
7862s all on line what Timeless Celestial it's
7865s microwave Zoe onto the Genji to be able
7867s to tap and also put that little bit more
7869s pressure onto the mull who's going to
7871s want to try and play from that highr
7873s angle harder for the Trac to be able to
7874s collapse onto a street Lord Waits with
7876s the Rampage connect on to all of the
7877s players regrouping
7880s 3 seconds left to overtime now it taks
7881s down Zoe out the right side who is now
7883s onto the Genji match overclock over the
7887s top are they uncontested though for now
7890s it appears that yes a is uncontested but
7892s is not finding the kills just it Rampage
7895s connect flush however there's a beat
7896s drop on the top now there's a rampage
7898s from Mari pulled back in fact toward
7900s Street Lord to make sure that it doesn't
7902s find any value on towards his backline
7905s but Street Lord will go down to death
7907s that's absolutely huge time of SEL still
7908s needing that tank alive snar may not
7910s even be able to build that Genji blade
7912s which could turn things more able to
7914s find soe though however there might just
7916s be too much damage here now too many
7918s members on the side of microwave alive
7920s overtime will take down and eventually
7922s time and Celestial will get stopped in
7923s sh's face yeah yet again the raater just
7925s gets to Trump the junle queen in terms
7927s of that sustainability in these overtime
7930s locations where you're able to come in
7932s with the p can connect on to everyone
7933s who's not able to K out around you the
7936s backl constantly having to be pulled
7938s into that Focus as well by all of the
7940s changes coming on through from the
7942s defense diverting attention off of
7943s healing that tank and getting into a
7945s position they had that starting moment
7948s where they've got the overclock and
7949s they're having unfortunately to utilize
7950s it before the contest properly comes
7953s into full and unfortunately because
7955s you're also overclocking directly into a
7957s ratra who's also on the low ground not
7959s only does Mari have just the tank pick
7962s to be able to survive it solo without
7965s putting her supports into line of fire
7968s it it means that time will lose one of
7970s their biggest win conditions in terms of
7972s damage to actually be able to pick up
7973s the kills for the rat to
7976s fall now time of celestial interestingly
7980s enough Moxy they want to rock back out
7983s with Street Lord on the Winston again
7986s like on their attacking side yeah we
7988s talked about it right time Celestial
7990s taking us to Route 66 this is one of
7992s those Maps where there's a lot of focus
7994s on high gr there's a lot of space and
7995s positions for that Winston to be able to
7997s jump into the backline so that if a
7999s ratra directly runs at a team you're
8002s constantly diverting and pushing the
8004s raater into making the decision do you
8006s push the aggression or do you have to
8008s fall back and peel because ratra as a
8010s tank isn't the greatest about being able
8012s to peel you don't have something like
8013s the sigma of the creation where you can
8015s rock behind you you always have to
8017s divert your attention from the front
8018s line fight to the back and that leaves
8020s you vulnerable to things like the
8022s soldier lot of space given for now from
8026s Timeless waiting towards this kind of
8028s first
8030s section back obviously back on the trace
8032s for soe on their own as well taking some
8036s on the right side death waiting with
8037s that rail gun shot hits tank on The High
8040s Ground and for now or hits hits a tanky
8043s character I would say on The High Ground
8044s now meanwhile Street Lord forc use that
8046s bubble now jumps back towards the top
8048s side to get some of that healing build
8049s towards that nanab boost that timeus
8051s Celestial surely trying to engage with
8053s yeah de getting that position on The
8054s High Ground as well to contest Ty
8056s Celestial on the cling but Zoe gets
8059s brought down by sosla that tra gets a
8062s free angle into the backline and look at
8064s the attention that Michael wave
8065s immediately have to divert to try and
8067s deal with ooh noar will go down towards
8070s the cart though I mean that's huge for
8072s the likes of Michel wave also anti
8074s grenade came through on agmr but agmr
8075s eventually gets that regenerator burst
8077s back and with the imortality field
8078s stayed alive and look where that c is
8080s it's just continuously pushing all the
8082s while a lot of shots coming through from
8084s Death in the rest of Michael wave yeah s
8086s wasn't able to find I a Kill dra the
8089s immortality from ajmr as a result when
8091s stre goes for the dive you have to
8093s immediately pull back as death just gets
8095s to pull up so much percentage of the
8097s real Al fire and lands directly onto M
8100s before the Nano boost can enable the
8101s next dive what a shot and I don't know
8104s how Mar didn't die earlier on either
8105s death now finds two in that fight rail
8108s gun or overclock built as well doesn't
8110s even need it 3K in this fight midair
8112s shot for death kind of showing off at
8114s this point pulse bomb used by snar maybe
8116s that signals a swap Genji you know
8120s potentially geni potentially May
8122s something that's going to be finding a
8123s little bit more value the thing is they
8126s needed M alive in that fight as zo
8129s knowing that the an is going to be
8130s playing next the Bri finds the pulse one
8132s but only catches The Shield oh that
8134s could have been dicey if both supports
8136s went
8137s down nice block by kqa however in that
8140s fight still here a uses it with the N
8144s boost on the long at alongside Street
8146s Lord over the top who also has that
8148s Primal Rage in case they go low beat
8150s drop and trade will take that if your
8152s microwave it looks like they're just
8154s playing it slow waiting to push through
8155s four minutes left now on the clock they
8156s have so much timing to work with Baptist
8159s uses the amplification to walk out of
8160s the upper caves but when you have a wind
8162s on your face it's very hard to live
8164s death does trade back snos however at
8167s this point mer and with the pressure of
8168s Street Lord able to get more kills more
8170s damage Down Range Death is super low so
8172s that's another reset for Michael wi yeah
8174s gorgeous Primal from straight denying
8176s the usage of the amp entirely M wave
8178s wanting to be able to set up a split
8180s Focus so that the dive was forced to
8183s dealing with multiple angles fact
8186s wouldn't even be able to play that
8187s aggressive because they constantly
8188s having to turn backwards and help out
8190s the Anna all of that gets entirely
8192s derailed as de coming into this next
8194s fight with the overclock time Celestial
8196s understanding this playing kqa
8197s Incredibly Close to the Anna with that
8201s Shield playing it slow at the moment
8204s that's to already find Street Lord
8205s though I mean went too aggressive I
8207s guess towards the towards the low ground
8209s got wiped out by death who doesn't miss
8211s rally now used just to sustain but at
8213s this point you wait for ster to come
8214s back out of Spawn who swaps towards a
8216s doomfist so they will be back however
8218s now an ultimate has been used now
8220s Michael wave Tri to push this card
8221s they're still doing so however they lose
8222s wup meanwhile on the top side to mer who
8225s again has been doing so much on the Anna
8227s really has been one of the best flex
8228s supports in the tournament however Zoe
8230s trades back snar that low ground right
8233s it's a back and forth scenario anti
8234s grenade does get missed in this
8236s situation they could have used that as
8237s the C still pushes forward who goes to
8239s contested if the street Lord got to hope
8242s the healing is there now the damage is
8244s not there for microwave so with the PSE
8245s bomb ready to go the cart's almost at
8247s the checkpoint nobody's even here as the
8249s slides in they touch last second the
8250s annihilation does damage though snar
8252s able to find one street Lords touching
8254s over the top but so with her own pulse
8255s bomb has found mer the healing is gone
8258s and so is the rest of time is Celestial
8260s as microw wave against the odds have
8262s moved forward in the lower bracket
8264s finals Zoe's pulse bomb finds the higher
8267s value you target both tracers are able
8270s to net a kill but Zoe is able to deny
8274s not just the Anna's existence but also
8276s the potential for that Nano boost to go
8278s out onto the tank to be able to Anchor
8281s onto that payload find a regroup after I
8284s think it caught ESS a little bit
8285s unawares with how close that payload was
8289s actually moving closer and closer to
8292s that checkpoint as there was a panic
8294s moment where everyone on the defense had
8296s to sort of turn tail and go oh oh no he
8298s was so busy trying to control the Avenue
8300s of high ground and keep an is safe away
8303s from things like the Tracer and also
8305s Street having to come back in with that
8307s doomfist just to be able to regroup a
8309s little bit faster really unfortunately
8311s left this team unable to properly
8313s regroup and that is when Zoe was able to
8315s take full
8316s advantage I mean what a series what a
8319s way to end it to to steal the card at
8321s the very end Moxy I mean Michael wave
8324s you know they they came back multiple
8326s times last second
8328s I mean it could not be a closer closer
8330s comeback than Michel wave today yeah it
8333s was really good to see as well just the
8335s adaptation coming through from Michael
8337s wave they were seeing things like snla
8339s just being a nuisance in the backline
8341s but times they would acknowledge okay
8344s this is a threat that we have to deal
8345s with immediately and other times they
8346s would acknowledge this is just a
8348s distraction tactic there is no kill
8350s potential to this one of us can divert
8352s our attention away and deal with this
8354s problem but everyone else is free to
8356s just continue FOC focusing on something
8358s a little bit more important and that
8361s judgment just allowed them to have so
8364s much more confidence in terms of this
8366s space and when they wanted to properly
8368s push they didn't have to constantly
8369s think them second guess themselves and
8371s be like well if we commit an ultimate
8373s I'll we still going to find ourselves
8375s having to pull back and give up a fight
8377s because we're having to turn around
8378s since nozza is being so
8381s problematic and what a series on our
8383s hands here right or that just finished I
8385s should say we're going to break it down
8387s with unter and after a short break guys
8389s so don't go anywhere we'll be right
8396s [Music]
8416s back
8418s [Music]
8427s [Music]
8442s [Music]
8451s [Music]
8485s [Music]
8497s [Music]
8536s [Music]
8547s [Music]
8576s Michael wave have bought themselves
8578s another life in this tournament
8579s unfortunately at the expense of a
8581s Timeless Celestial team that had a lot
8584s more fight in them than I think we
8585s thought a map five Banger and here to
8587s break it all down I've got Dogman and
8589s joining me live from Arlington Texas is
8591s the most Australian polar bear I've ever
8593s seen the man the myth the mullet it's
8595s uner welcome yeah I'm I'm a bit mullet
8598s free at the moment but you know
8601s aring yeah I lost it many months ago
8604s actually so it's it's a bit thin in the
8606s back but you know this actually the
8607s first time I actually the first time I
8609s saw your cam today so I didn't even know
8610s the mullet was gone I should have been
8612s updated all right that's on me all right
8615s well we can get him some extensions I
8617s think at the next break I think I I
8619s think we can make that one happen but
8620s for now let's go ahead and break down
8622s the game so you were talking a little
8624s bit in the chat about how there's a bit
8625s of a difference in play Styles between
8627s these two teams one being a little bit
8629s more calculated and one being a little
8630s bit more aggressive do you want to lead
8632s us through that yeah so when I was
8635s watching I realized that you know
8636s Michael wave and Thomas Celestial
8638s they're pretty much Polar Opposites in
8639s terms of how they want to play the game
8641s Michael wave their strategy it's all
8643s about creating chaos everyone is
8645s swinging super wide playing Super
8646s aggressively meanwhile on thas Celestial
8648s they're just going for the slow play all
8650s the time just trying to have their ratra
8652s hold the space in main have their
8654s surgeons sit in the back with the Lucio
8655s and the Baptist and just wait for the F
8657s to come to them the exception to that
8658s was snla where she likes to go for
8661s really aggressive flanks all of the time
8663s going behind using all of their May
8665s utility to try and essentially bait cool
8667s downs from people bait attention from
8668s people and then hopefully ESS Celestial
8670s can Edge their way forward in the front
8671s line but as you saw it didn't turn out
8674s you know so perfectly for them in the
8676s end not not quite but I mean I I do kind
8679s of want to talk a little bit about
8681s snarler cuz she was definitely a
8682s highlight for the side of Timeless
8683s Celestial and in the front half of the
8685s series we kind of felt like ESS
8687s celestial were in the driver seat and
8688s snaz was the one actually driving the
8691s whole ship Dogman would you agree with
8693s that yeah 100% I mean I feel like snar
8696s alongside I'm sure I'm sure you and Moxy
8698s both agreed too it's just was definitely
8700s that driving factor and you know on un's
8703s point that was if that's your whole game
8704s plan it's it's tough because I mean you
8707s need to play around a May player that's
8708s kind of your main caller and that's
8711s always going to be tough right that's
8712s always going to be hard and the ratra
8713s comp that definitely I would say gets
8716s they just play it plays better the more
8717s aggressive you play like how Michael
8719s wave was
8720s playing I oh go
8724s ahead I I was going to Le us to the next
8726s point if you got more to cook let's cook
8728s yeah okay well I will say you know not
8729s to sleep on snas Tracer at all like you
8732s can see when snar playing the May
8734s they're kind of playing tracer on May
8735s they're going behind a lot they're
8737s playing for selfish individual value all
8739s the time but then when snla swapped over
8741s to the Tracer for the final two maps
8742s honestly even though the score line
8744s didn't reflect it it seemed like some of
8745s their strongest performances like they
8746s were really Cho poing it up consistently
8748s on the Tracer getting a lot of that solo
8750s value absolutely like there's no way
8753s like we can't overstate the impact that
8755s sasor had for ESS Celestial but it just
8757s wasn't enough because we had some impact
8758s players on the other side that were
8760s driving things for the side of Michael
8762s waves let's talk a little bit about Mari
8763s and her flexibility and how that be uh
8766s how that proved to be an asset for
8768s Michael wave throughout this
8770s series yeah you could really see from
8772s the way that Mari plays OverWatch that
8774s they're a flexible tank you can see that
8776s they're not just playing one role but
8777s they're really looking to get as
8779s aggressive as humanly possible and
8781s really push into the backline whenever
8782s available you could really contrast that
8784s with how Street La was playing you know
8785s a lot more slow and measured like
8787s playing for the perfect cool down
8788s situation every time whereas with Mari
8790s there's a lot more faith that they're
8792s going to be able to push into the back
8793s line and hit 100% of their shots and
8795s just make it work through that
8796s aggression and and speaking of hitting
8798s shots Mari wasn't the only one doing so
8801s on that team it was definitely death as
8803s well and you know we talk a little bit
8804s about the soj head-to-head I was uh you
8806s know again keeping track your notes we
8808s were looking at sojourn like the sojourn
8810s head-to-head death versus Azure and we
8812s were seeing Azure with these big pop off
8814s moments in overclock but what you said
8816s in the chat was that death in the
8818s neutral was just leagues
8820s ahead yeah so sometimes the damage stats
8823s can be a little bit deceiving it seemed
8824s like uh death and azer they were very
8826s even statistically but where death was
8828s really creeping ahead was the fact that
8830s you could see anytime you watch death's
8832s POV they were going super wide all of
8834s the time taking really high risk angles
8837s apply a lot more pressure to the enemy
8839s tank so they were making Street Lord's
8840s job really really difficult by swinging
8842s wide like this and it's good because not
8844s only were they doing all of these wide
8846s aggressive plays they were keeping their
8847s death count low at the same time you
8849s might have seen on the startat line just
8850s before only three deaths for all of
8851s King's Row despite swinging super wide
8853s and applying all of that pressure AZ was
8855s doing a phenomenal job of getting the
8858s picks as they fell into their lap but at
8860s the same time I felt like death was
8861s really going and creating openings for
8863s their team all right well Dogman I'm
8865s going to start with you here with
8866s knowing that Mari and death are kind of
8868s driving the ship for Michael wave how do
8869s you like their chances going forward
8871s they still got one more lower bracket
8873s round to go through before they get to
8874s the Grand finals how are you feeling
8876s yeah I mean just to keep it short I
8877s think Michael wave are 100% that Dark
8879s Horse we talking about before I mean
8881s they've just got a great lineup as long
8883s as they can maybe I like what they're
8885s doing with under mentioned how
8886s aggressive they've been playing if they
8888s can reel that in a little bit maybe be a
8889s bit less telegraphed I think that would
8891s work out for them obviously these are
8892s hard changes to make right before you go
8895s into another match in just a second
8896s however if they can maybe slow it down a
8898s little bit make the game easier on
8900s themselves I think they definitely can
8901s benefit from it and even win the whole
8902s thing all right well I I I like the
8905s sound of that I think I would like to
8907s see Michael wave win the whole thing but
8908s answer one more question for you if
8909s they're going to win the whole thing how
8911s do you think they're going to want to do
8912s it are they going to want to try and
8913s leverage that flexibility a little bit
8915s more or is there another potential play
8917s for them I definitely feel that the
8919s strength of Michael wave is their
8920s versatility so I think they should just
8922s create more chaos I saw yesterday Mario
8925s was playing lots of Arisa and honest L
8927s Arisa that's a bit of a counter to ratra
8929s even though Mari is doing phenomenally
8931s in the ratra mirror I think if you just
8932s throw another spanner in the works
8934s another thing that the enemy team has to
8935s think about if you swap over to the
8937s orisa you make it more difficult for the
8938s enemy tank there's just more thinking
8940s that has to take place and I think that
8942s chaos really benefits them because at
8943s the end of the day everyone is going
8945s wide Wick is swinging wide death is
8947s swinging wide everyone is just going
8949s everywhere right now so I think if
8950s there's a little bit more chaos in the
8951s server it will definitely benefit
8954s microwave all right I love to hear it so
8956s chaos be flexible be unpredictable and
8959s that's how Michael wave can take home
8960s the trophy thank you guys both so much
8962s for the breakdown and hey I got to have
8964s to send you away here now because I got
8966s wiah on the horn for an interview uh Hey
8969s W how you doing lovely hi hi this is my
8974s scenario having to interview you here
8976s live on camera being such good friends
8979s all right hey hello
8982s welcome all right I'm going to go ahead
8984s and kick it off by asking you how were
8985s you guys feeling coming into this
8987s weekend coming into this matchup today
8989s so coming into this matchup today we
8991s know that like in order for us to win
8993s the championship it's really just going
8994s to be like a test of endurance right
8996s because we have to play the most amount
8998s of matches to win um and so we knew that
9002s it was going to be a really really hard
9005s game uh a lot of the other players
9008s on Celestial have really like definitely
9011s earn my respect like throughout the
9013s circuit with their Improvement and their
9015s skill so
9017s I I still don't think we were quite
9019s ready for them to take first map um we
9023s just made a couple macro mistakes
9025s especially going into map two like we
9027s knew that we just want to punish their
9029s May um for going on these absolute crazy
9032s angles that you shouldn't be allowed to
9034s do
9035s um and so yeah so that was our plan
9039s going to Kings which is why it was so
9040s clean but our plan overall just going
9042s into this weekend was we need to be
9043s prepared to play the entire day we need
9046s to make sure we can keep energy up for
9047s every single match every single round
9048s every single map and take it from there
9052s I mean that that was kind of going to be
9053s my next question as well because you say
9054s you were prepped for like a long day but
9056s were you prepped for like your first
9058s match of the day to be a five mapper
9060s like what how's a how's how's it feeling
9062s how much energy do you guys think you
9063s still have in the tank we definitely
9065s still have a lot of energy in the tank I
9069s think definitely once we got to flash
9070s point we were just trolling ourselves
9074s and we weren't playing for the fun of
9076s fals that we know we can and funnily
9079s enough if you if you try to make these
9080s like crazy plays and you don't just play
9082s for the basic fundamentals of the comp
9084s you actually burn more energy that way
9086s and just over complicating things so
9089s flasho was definitely just a horrible
9092s map from Us Gameplay wise and I'm really
9094s happy that we were able to bring it
9096s back let's talk a little bit about push
9099s actually because I imagine a lot of your
9100s energy was expended especially during
9102s that last uh that last couple fights on
9105s push was there like a moment there where
9107s you guys felt like oh it's so over or
9109s were you just full steam ahead there's
9110s no shot we got this we never once said
9113s it's over we were focused the whole time
9116s we we should have expected that they
9118s would expect the doomfist which is why
9120s they rolled out on JQ comp um and I
9123s think going forward I mean we'll have to
9125s see what we roll that on I'm not going
9126s to say here what our plans for that is
9128s but we we should have expected that they
9130s would have something for the doomfist
9131s and that definitely let them get a lot
9134s of meters at the beginning that we did
9136s not want to give up I I really like the
9139s way you're making this sound like you're
9140s both thinking like five steps ahead of
9141s each other but you just managed to come
9143s out a little bit ahead on that map and
9145s then you know Route 66 looked to be
9147s entirely in your favor so how are you
9149s feeling going into the last couple of
9150s maps that or not maps the last couple of
9152s matches that you have today because you
9154s do still have that long day ahead we
9157s really have to see who wins this next
9158s match I think and I expect it to be
9160s really really close um I I I know that
9163s both teams are working hard obviously
9165s you know it's the championship that we'
9166s all been work working towards but I do
9168s think that wisp Embers has a super good
9172s chance to take that series uh they they
9175s work harder than anyone else and they
9177s have a really good understanding of the
9179s macro no bias there at all no bias at
9182s all of course especially not with like
9184s Kindred being on that team and all of
9186s that you know not absolutely no bias
9188s here we're all friends do you have
9190s anything okay I got I'm going to have to
9191s send you off here pretty shortly but
9192s before I do do you have anything else
9194s you want to say any shout outs this is
9195s your moment the is yours whatever you
9197s want to say um shout out my family
9199s they're all watching which was a
9201s surprise I didn't think they would um
9203s shout out Jasmine who said that she
9205s would give me a kiss if I won so I had
9207s to win and really shout out troph that's
9210s the real prize and definitely shout out
9212s Ethan my coach and then shout out Avery
9215s from Bell and Fable for Lending me their
9217s chair even though they didn't know until
9219s now so all right thank you so much W
9222s it's always lovely to speak with you
9224s it's lovely to get to have you here oh W
9226s my beloved it's so great to get to have
9229s her here and it does sound like Michael
9231s wave are in good spirits and are very
9233s confident in their abilities as long as
9234s they stick to their game maybe they're
9236s going to create a little bit more chaos
9238s maybe not we're going to have to wait
9239s and see but for now they're going to go
9241s ahead take a little bit of a breath take
9243s a breather sit back and relax and watch
9245s the next game that was only our first
9247s game we got three more to go today chat
9249s don't go anywhere we'll be right back
9251s with our winners finals right after
9255s this
9257s [Music]
9271s [Music]
9284s [Music]
9296s [Music]
9310s [Music]
9316s [Music]
9334s [Music]
9347s [Music]
9357s [Music]
9375s oh
9377s [Music]
9385s [Music]
9405s you
9425s [Music]
9435s you
9446s [Music]
9463s [Music]
9465s yeah
9482s [Music]
9489s [Music]
9495s e
9497s unfortunately we must say goodbye to one
9500s Timeless team but there is another that
9502s has their eyes on the crown the same
9504s crown that they have had over and over
9507s again looking for that one last Tracer
9509s Corgi shaped infinity stone to add to
9511s their Gauntlet we got our Winner's
9513s finals Timeless ethereal versus wisp
9516s Embers Dustin I got to ask you who you
9520s got on this
9521s one that is a tough question but I think
9525s you and I know as well
9527s essal has got to be like the favorite
9529s here I mean wh members is a good team
9531s don't get me wrong I think I mean MOX
9533s was talking about the last series you
9534s know it was less the other team losing
9536s in the lower brackets uh being bad it
9538s was more so wisp Ember just being that
9540s team so you know really both teams are
9542s them and they could easily pop off here
9544s however obviously I got a favorite time
9546s with C theal they just look so cohesive
9547s at the moment absolutely I it's really
9550s hard to like topple the tyrants that
9553s have been so in control for the entirety
9555s of it but if anybody has taken them to
9556s the Limit time and time again it's been
9559s whsp Embers and we'll get to them in
9560s just a second but Moxy having a look at
9562s this roster what do you feel makes
9565s Timeless ethereal so strong what do you
9567s feel like puts them Head and Shoulders
9568s above everybody else right now I think
9571s just the fact is they're so good at the
9574s roles that they play right they have a
9576s little bit of flexibility for bun to be
9577s able to to flex onto certain DPS to deal
9580s with things like Genji picks but soill
9582s being able to play such a solid ratra X
9585s and absolutely popping off on the soier
9588s and Halo a Stella Lucio Z as well has
9590s really impressed in terms of her
9593s immortality field usages being really
9595s really clean and Bun as well with the
9597s May with the utilities with that wool
9599s being so good and creative in terms of
9602s how to utilize that wool not necessarily
9604s to shut down the enemy tank but a lot of
9607s the time go after the may as well
9609s Timeless aerial just know this
9610s composition inside and out and on the
9613s other side we have wisp Embers a team
9617s made up of a a Dragon Ball Z Fusion
9619s Dance between the previous uh the
9621s previous uh tournaments nyxl Embers and
9623s drainers we've got Kindred and Senna
9625s coming in from that role Annie and poru
9627s and hkey coming in from the previous
9630s nyxl Embers now wisp Embers how are you
9633s feeling about this squad Dustin I mean
9636s pretty pretty good just like on
9637s timeless' side it doesn't feel like they
9639s have really any holes in their in their
9641s overall roster I mean everybody plays to
9643s a high level I think Kindred to me stood
9645s out a a lot yesterday but you know
9647s everybody played very well Sena and
9649s specifically had a really massive pop
9651s off moments hkey has been a consistent
9652s so far and calling o here is one of the
9654s best players in general so this team
9657s also really has what it takes to win it
9659s all it's just a matter of you know
9660s putting those pieces together at the
9662s right moment and right now they could
9663s easily do that by cementing themselves
9665s into the grand finals and they would
9666s have to do it at the expense of who
9668s appear to be the Undisputed top dogs in
9671s Timeless ethereal and by the way one
9672s last thing about the Timeless ethereal
9674s roster they have X10 on roster even
9676s though they already had Wisps in the
9678s back pocket they didn't even need to
9679s sign X10 but they did it anyway because
9681s When You're Timeless ethereal you don't
9683s let off the gas until you have hoisted
9686s that last trophy so they are going all
9688s out and they want to win it's going to
9690s be a true test for Wisp Embers I sure
9693s hope they studied because that test is
9695s going to start right now I'm going to
9697s throw it to you guys and let's get right
9698s into it thank you CB I appreciate it and
9701s you know it's it's been a really really
9703s fun series all leading up to this as
9705s well for Timeless ethereal they've
9707s obviously only dropped one map so far
9709s Moxy I mean as a team as a unit like
9712s like CB said I mean they've just been an
9714s absolute monster they could sign whoever
9716s the heck they want to and at the moment
9717s X10 appears to be that that amazing so
9720s player that they kind of need to get to
9722s that grand Finals over with yeah I've
9724s been really looking forward to seeing
9725s these two teams go head to-head cuz so
9727s far it feels like every single time
9729s we've had this Ram mirror come through
9731s one team has been a lot more dominant
9733s than the other and it's sort of had a
9734s domino effect in terms of of cowing the
9736s other team into a lot of hesitation
9738s pushing them into not really being able
9740s to utilize things like the May utilities
9743s or even the ratra getting to just move
9745s forward and take a lot of space and then
9746s obviously with those compositions denied
9749s and B their wi conditions it's not going
9750s to be able to find a whole lot of value
9753s this matchup however this is the time
9756s that we're going to see two teams of
9757s almost equal strength going head to
9760s ahead I don't think we're going to see
9761s one of these teams how the other team
9763s will spook them into submission it is
9765s going to be all all out perfect tempered
9767s aggression really good usages of utility
9770s and it's going to come down to not just
9771s coordination but just Stella pop of play
9774s moments from things like your sojan your
9776s May and even your support line as well
9779s all good
9780s points the Jang Tower will be our first
9783s one our first map to start off the
9785s series I should say Moxy leading into
9787s this one obviously we've got a favor
9789s Timeless Celestial just based on how
9790s they've played so far but on the other
9793s side right you know like you mentioned
9794s with wisp they've been consistent they
9796s haven't even dropped the map in fact
9797s this whole series so just based on that
9799s fact alone is this more so just looking
9801s at you know map differential and all
9803s this kind of stuff not really did we
9804s just toss all out the window kind of you
9806s know everybody fa different teams this
9808s is really just at the end of the day you
9809s know the matchup between Timeless
9811s ethereal and whisp it doesn't matter
9812s what their their record was leading into
9814s this well a lot of the time Thomas and
9816s wisp actually find themselves going head
9817s to-head like CV said wisp embus is very
9820s much an amalgamation of previous teams
9822s in the cah circuit one of which went
9825s directly up Against Time with safarel in
9827s the last grand finals of major free and
9830s time with safarel surprise surprise were
9833s able to take them down and come out with
9835s another win but surely that has got to
9837s spark a lot of hunger to be able to
9840s finally take this team down we've seen
9842s some take a couple of maps are we going
9845s to see a full defeat and surprise upset
9849s if Timeless find themselves in that
9850s lower bracket surely we're going to be
9853s thinking okay maybe things aren't quite
9855s so set stone for sure and you know
9858s leading into this one too obviously whsp
9860s Embers in their situation you know so
9863s far they they could easily do so right
9865s they could easily get that upset you
9866s talked about how you know yesterday and
9868s I think today this was kind of a problem
9869s with Timeless Celestial I know we're
9871s going back to that series a little bit
9872s but the fact that Timeless Celestial
9875s didn't look like very coordinated at
9877s points compared to wisp Embers I I think
9880s massive moving forwards considering you
9882s know on the other side time they will
9883s beat up Michael wave who obviously just
9885s progressed in that lower bracket final
9887s so either of these teams got a match up
9888s against Michael wave which is going to
9890s be a very very hard matchup so it's
9892s obviously now or never for both of these
9894s teams but whisp specifically has a
9896s tendency to make the other team look not
9898s as good and we'll see if Timeless can
9900s obviously maintain their their dominance
9902s as they've had throughout the entire
9904s calling o Hero season yeah H ke is
9906s incredibly good at being able to shut
9908s down the opposing May so I cannot wait
9910s to see that specific interaction between
9913s HQ and B go down but I think X and in
9916s Santa is going to be another Stand Out
9917s match to watch as well both of these so
9921s like unto was saying right taking these
9923s wi swings puts a lot more pressure on
9925s that tank it's a lot of risk because you
9927s are leaving yourself a lot more open if
9929s you get spotted out but if you're able
9931s to successfully navigate that particular
9933s risk you find so much more
9936s value wh Ember is trying to control the
9938s pillar side early and same with Timeless
9942s however the wall used by HK H cent of
9945s the shot on Z early on with a nice shot
9947s the sojourn of whis that opening pick I
9950s mean no more healing now for Timeless
9952s unless they get some sort of random head
9954s shot it's basically over for them one
9956s will go down to HK and eventually
9958s Timeless etherial will get wiped away
9960s with Embers they're going to take the
9962s point first oh that's going to spiral
9964s into the next fight effect as well anion
9966s getting to stay alive means that you're
9968s 63% of the way to amplification Matrix
9971s one of the most important ultimates in
9973s this composition Z going early however
9976s denies that ultimate from being online
9978s for Timeless aeral and that's going to
9980s PL to how xent is able to feel confident
9982s going up against Seno yeah close Bridge
9985s hold here wall immediately towards the
9987s bridge wall a flank is happening with
9988s that Lucio sojourn and everybody keeps
9991s talking about with these flanks nothing
9993s to come of it just yet but they still
9994s have control of that flank HT goes so
9996s low in the front line for you trying to
9998s deal with it the with the soj of their
9999s own so both of these teams understanding
10001s that that battle is just important as
10003s the main one here's that immedate window
10006s from an but H goes down before any
10009s healing can come through or the
10010s immortality field however it's traded
10012s back by Senna so dra and Timeless they
10014s lose a lot of the damage until now saw
10016s Hill comes back through with that
10018s Annihilation surely that's enough damage
10020s here as kri goes so low but the healing
10022s is here perfectly timed poru still has
10024s the beat drop ready to go Ops to hold it
10026s until just about now but oh my God the
10029s The Shield the B Hill blocked off
10031s Kindred getting healed from that sound
10033s barrier however Senate will still find
10034s x0 just seems to be a constant at the
10036s moment for whis Embers is the sojourn
10038s play however bun will take kred down
10041s eventually was far too much damage to
10043s deal with still though on in the rest of
10045s whis I mean they just been doing so much
10047s damage the flip has not come through
10048s like you said and they maintain the
10050s progress that they have oh my goodness
10052s the fact that Kindred went so incredibly
10054s low soill pops the ultimate
10056s understanding that annion doesn't have
10057s the amp Matrix to be able to just push
10060s that heal sustain onto the ratra nor has
10062s the immortality field to be able to
10063s sustain that Tank's presence kri should
10065s have been dead but it is a perfectly
10067s timed feat coming through from po as
10069s that may gets broken within moments to
10072s keep Kindred alive and that point in
10073s play as H key is able to deal out Halo
10077s and without Delo Timeless aerial they
10080s can't even afford to reset Dustin that
10082s last fight went on for so long they have
10084s no time left and just have to commit
10086s whatever
10088s happens wow I mean I understand this is
10091s Gardens and it's super hard to riest but
10093s oh my God 100 to0 what a statement from
10096s them there MOX yeah it's so hard to
10098s recontest because the Lucio has to be
10100s sent with the sergeon to look for that
10102s off angle into the back right and it
10105s means that the opposing side of the team
10107s with control of that point they have to
10109s divert the same resources both the Lucio
10112s and the seran you saw sen and Paul
10114s working together to be able to just keep
10115s a track of Exon and Halo but it's more
10118s problematic for soill who is a pushing
10121s in ratra who has to move over Bridge
10124s without that speed boost Bo and
10125s potentially get either knocked off or
10127s walled off and away from their team and
10129s it's something that whisp Embers were
10131s just able to cycle through absolutely
10133s gorgeously every single time the fight
10135s started now they're coming out with that
10138s round advantage in this first to two map
10141s Night Market this time come through on
10144s the right oh my God senta stop it I mean
10147s just absolutely amazing so play so far
10150s it's the overlo whis bers commit three
10153s playerss to dealing with fun who is solo
10158s and as a result they're able to find
10160s that first kick to will have to pull
10162s back allow the flip to come through and
10164s whis B not just going to be able to cap
10165s out Point easily also going to have
10167s control of the approach to it not if sen
10169s gets caught out that aggressively though
10171s oh yeah that ain't good for whis members
10173s now losing s anun TOA Hill great yo-yo
10177s back into this Timeless etheral are
10179s really straight up solid at yo-yoing
10181s back into fights instantly as soon as
10184s you think that they potenti lost him
10186s yeah that is the power of the Lucio
10187s speed boost the rubber band potential is
10189s absolutely through the roof with bers
10191s thought they had that space to play with
10193s and unfortunately Santa thought wrong on
10195s the real now in control of that choken
10198s really crucially for them as well this
10199s bembers were not able to stall the point
10201s anywhere there as long as they saw
10203s gens on the top left saw Hill decides to
10206s get in that damage meanwhile X10 as well
10209s there I mean cohesive and as a unital
10212s get a Fight Win pretty quickly I mean
10214s just get
10215s an HP there potentially even finding
10218s more making sure they don't even get
10219s back to the spawn with eat yeah and
10221s again you see that same problem right
10223s the Lucio is not with the tank and as a
10225s result hindra just gets absolutely
10227s pounced upon you put so much value into
10229s having these off angles and looking for
10231s those flanks to be able to swing a
10232s little bit wider the punishment is so
10234s much heavier from the defending team if
10236s you get caught out before that flank
10238s comes through as xan get to use the
10240s amplification Matrix alongside Z so that
10243s everyone from tus can just pull back
10245s yeah and just with that HT is gone
10247s immortality field used to keep that
10250s front line alive of Kindred who is
10252s taking a ton of damage right I mean this
10254s surely goes down here Annihilation
10256s however Pockets there surely they'll
10258s have some people back in this fight 7%
10260s nearly on the board and P disengage it
10262s great disengage from them Annihilation
10264s remove now they have even ultimates
10267s extend sitting back with the overclock
10269s 70% rotation comes through from Wiis
10271s Embers from the coastal side but wall
10272s immediately there from B counter Bo
10275s comes out overclock is here with a beat
10277s drop of Halo who wants to play
10279s aggressive towards that soor and stop
10281s that from getting any value blizzard was
10283s there on the coastal side but no kills
10284s to come from it oh my God it's only the
10286s Lucio that keeps getting booted back in
10287s fact it's X10 to go down with that
10290s amplification Matrix of anun Z will
10292s trade that however B bun next both down
10294s a lot of that damage has been removed
10296s they just saw Hill here oop again onto
10298s the Lucio but poo keeps crawling the way
10300s back and H is able to find too whis
10302s Embers will get that point back it's a
10303s Lucio do on the coastal side and Halo
10305s will win it however not the team fight
10308s it's a trade po gets Halo and Halo gets
10312s po so po actually booped Halo as Halo is
10314s able to to land the last couple of shots
10316s to dunk for past zero Health really good
10320s stuff coming through from both of those
10322s Luci but it's better in the favor of T
10324s right we are one fight away 5% Z's going
10326s to be coming in with the amplification
10328s Matrix and wh Embers have no choice but
10330s to keep themselves on the point they
10332s can't kite away from
10333s it
10335s here Point not moving anyway just yet
10339s window here on this right side kry gets
10341s that immortality field but what happens
10343s afterwards is Kindred live it's going to
10345s be so hard versus the entirety of
10346s Timeless etherial yeah eventually will
10348s go down but x0 is traded at the very
10350s least however well yeah they're able to
10352s get Bun too so nice work from everybody
10354s else losing their tank player it doesn't
10356s seem like it matter sill isn't finding
10358s enough value is also going to be frozen
10360s by the blizzard and that's another fight
10361s win for Wiis Embers yeah wisp Embers may
10364s lose kindred but it's kind of a silver
10365s lining because it means that they're
10366s going to have Annihilation for this next
10368s fight hqp and anun have all of the
10371s sustain necessary to be able to hold
10372s yourself on that point and keep it in
10375s play for the side of whisp Bon going to
10376s be going on that off Angle now trying to
10379s divert attention gets the angle to set
10381s up that W to isolate Kindred who's
10383s having to fall back to the rest of the
10384s team but this is crucial no immortality
10386s field you don't have a bage to use it
10388s though what a shot from X10 On's got
10392s beat drop used as well I mean what do
10395s you do at this point the Anni surely
10396s gets burned out On's got the window
10399s coming back from Spawn 95% though
10401s everybody got deleted by saw Hill and
10404s that Annihilation and nobody's touching
10407s overtime ain't being ticked today we're
10408s going to round number three again it
10411s just feels like there is one team that
10412s is always more dominant going into these
10415s raatz and one name that we haven't
10417s really talked about all that much at the
10419s moment is Halo and Halo is actually
10421s someone I really want to talk about
10423s because her Lucio has been so key in
10426s being able to shut down sen every single
10429s time time superial see whsp Embers
10431s moving on forward and the serjan is
10433s missing in that composition Halo knows
10436s okay that sergean is going to be on an
10437s off angle probably with overclock and
10439s she goes for the jeel she goes for the 1
10441s V one and it means that when we saw West
10443s members actually commit that flank from
10444s CNA with the overclock when they're
10446s trying to find the Point Flip sener
10448s doesn't find the value and anion is
10450s actually forced into investing the
10451s amplification Matrix which unfortunately
10454s just Absolut Ely bankrupts their
10455s ultimate economy for the long game and
10457s th able to come in with Z to be able to
10460s buy themselves all of the space and put
10461s themselves into that last fight
10463s necessary yeah Halo is indeed an X
10465s Factor for the ls of Timeless ethereal
10468s very aggressive Lucio some of the know
10471s Reddit Lucio kind of styles that is kind
10473s of prominent nowadays in OverWatch 2
10476s thuso will have full point control it's
10478s not unlocked just yet and whis Embers
10479s obviously like to prioritize this white
10481s side right just continually poking in
10482s and now they want to go in however they
10484s lose H ke early on to bun nice icle from
10487s across the map the stuff that may player
10490s of wisp Embers everybody also falls low
10492s on whis members they just have to give
10493s up the space and the point yeah I'm a
10495s much better fan of ter superior's
10497s positioning before that fight begins
10499s just being able to set up WID side of
10500s point so that the mayw doesn't have that
10503s problem from HK right bun is very much
10505s aware that HK is going to be trying to
10507s force a lot of those utilities as
10508s quickly as possible from your mirror DPS
10511s so she makes sure to play far enough
10513s away from H that she doesn't get
10514s pressure to utilizing those and as a
10516s result when they find that pick Timeless
10518s ve are able to fully commit onto whis
10520s without worrying about it being traded B
10523s already 77% of the way to Blizzard she
10526s might potentially even have it before
10527s amplification Matrix that be devastating
10530s if whis have to deal with that saw Hill
10533s still making sure nobody whis members
10535s walks in without taking a bunch of
10537s damage however in this instance just
10539s backing up towards the point playing
10540s that pillar side a bit of a micro
10542s fight's happening white room look how
10544s aggressive if Kindred is playing forcing
10545s out the ant Matrix and then going down
10548s nobody was there to support Kindred
10550s because they were fighting in White Room
10551s it looks like and off that I mean sure
10554s sen gets one however Timeless win again
10557s and potentially back to choke control we
10560s go that m is going to be so problematic
10563s yeah soill is really hoping to catch
10565s some of these players I especially with
10567s that Annihilation has to be careful
10569s however that you don't get chunk down
10570s with anion having the amplification mutc
10572s to shred through that ratra but it's the
10574s blizzard that whisp Embers have to be so
10576s concerned about it they can't directly
10577s take the point to fight they have to try
10580s and challenge that ice block from bun
10582s first they'll be able to shred her down
10585s still got the wall too now can use the
10587s blizzard in the corner cool Downs were
10588s used as well in that situation HQ will
10590s get Frozen has beat barely 20 seconds or
10592s 20 Health left bun gets that shield from
10595s the Lucio and then HT will fall too
10597s eventually this is what we're worried
10599s about for whis Embers right Timeless
10600s ethereal s is coming back with an
10602s overclock by the way 90% got one kill
10604s potentially find more kindred's also
10606s still here so it's not over just yet 7
10607s HP has to fall back but Kindred goes
10610s down Timeless ethereal just seemingly
10612s have woken up right round number one it
10615s was close they lost it round number two
10617s and three honestly not as close Timeless
10620s ethereal just dominated whsp EMB towards
10622s the latter half and will win theang
10624s Tower yeah wisp EMB sent so many plays
10627s as well to just try and take down bun on
10630s that may and the most tragic thing is
10633s when we see the mirror it's come through
10636s they've done the right thing they put
10638s the pressure onto bom they forced them
10640s into utilizing that ice block early so
10642s she doesn't have it when the opposing M
10644s drops a blizzard of their own the
10647s problem is Bon's blizzard catches H key
10650s H ke's blizzard does not catch Bon and
10653s as a result even though she's lacking
10654s that self sustain she's still able to
10657s dodge away from the CC Dodge away from
10659s death and very very quickly wisp lose
10662s that may caught in the mirrors free and
10665s they just lose all control of just
10667s stopping and tempering that aggression
10669s coming through from Timeless as a result
10672s you know as we come back from that you
10674s know little thing there I was just
10675s looking for a bit of ounce of copium for
10677s Wisp ember's fans because at the moment
10680s right they obviously rolled on Gardens
10682s Moxy and I think obviously in hindsight
10685s you think we can equate that to the
10686s likes of garden just being a really hard
10688s recontest map because time wasal he
10691s didn't really struggle on Night Market
10692s yeah again like you need to rely on the
10695s Lucio in gardens for the rotations
10697s especially if you're playing into things
10699s like aay you don't want that ratra as
10701s self sustaining as the ram can be on
10704s Gardens trying to cross Bridge provide
10706s that Lucio into a May who has wall on
10708s cool down is an absolute nightmare but
10710s the problem is that if you actually
10712s place the Lucio with the tank then you
10714s deprive the resources from the sojan and
10717s as a result the sojan finds far less
10719s value and it's something that wisp
10720s couldn't really afford to do especially
10723s because on the opposing end everyone on
10727s the side of a wisp they're basically
10730s just getting to pump resources in and
10733s make sure that Senna and poru are always
10735s pair up together so that if X10 tries to
10738s take that fight alone without Halo you
10740s just get walked on by two really good
10743s DPS players who can hit their marks I
10745s mean look at po you 12 eliminations
10747s almost 4K damage keeping Pace almost
10750s with h key in terms of damage output
10753s Halo on the same level too like both of
10755s these supports both of these losers
10757s being incredibly adapt being able to
10759s just put the damage in where it's
10761s needed and that's tough as well I mean
10764s obviously just looking at Stats here
10765s alone obviously Gardens inflates things
10768s right I mean you know you got all that
10770s damage done you won that map 99 to0 but
10773s you could even tell towards the latter
10774s half of uh of control center like Senna
10777s was just going off right even at 7 HP 1
10780s HP trying to make something happen do
10782s you think the likes of the soj player is
10785s going to allow wisp to stay in this
10788s series versus a team who is as strong as
10790s Timeless is I think we're definitely
10792s going to be seeing those flanks start to
10794s come through but again this is where it
10796s becomes problematic right because these
10798s two teams they're very similar in their
10801s strategies which means they understand
10803s the power that is in those flank
10805s controls and they're also going to
10807s anticipate it know that it's there and
10809s this is something that we saw them
10811s actually doing against some of the other
10812s teams they would lie and wait they would
10814s put these traps and Christopher
10815s yesterday talked about you know
10816s overloading those compositions so that
10819s you have you think okay one person's
10821s going to be flanking maybe two people
10822s are going to be flanking from the other
10823s team we're always going to put an extra
10825s person in so that when we send them to
10827s catch that flank we're just going to be
10828s able to spiral a fight Advantage with
10830s numbers because of how quickly that
10832s fight begins how early on in the round
10834s it is for control no ultimates come into
10836s play either so you can just chunk and Sh
10838s them down very very quickly in the next
10841s map we're going to will be Kings Row
10843s wisp thinking that'll be a bigger Edge
10845s for them and we we've talked about with
10846s Timeless ethereal specifically that they
10849s always are a team that okay maybe for a
10851s team fight or two they would look a
10852s little rough even around for example on
10854s the Shang Tower but Moxy this team
10857s appears to just be so good at points
10859s that just making sure they don't make
10861s any mistakes right as a unit they just
10864s always make the right choices um you
10866s like you said overload those flanks
10868s making sure that on the front line
10870s they're keeping saw Hill healthy Halo
10871s playing aggressive as well there are so
10873s many factors of this team that makes it
10876s so hard on King's Row does anything
10879s change is this really a map that wh
10881s think they can take the likes of um
10884s Timeless on is there something that's
10886s going to be different for them I think
10888s we're going to be seeing wisp try a lot
10890s of different routes to sort of find any
10893s weakness uh or vulnerability that time
10895s aeral have right they've tried applying
10897s this pressure onto bun they've tried
10900s pushing them mo to utilizing the utility
10902s so that they can find more value with
10903s the ultimate that didn't work out
10906s unfortunately for them I still think
10907s we're going to be seeing that pressure
10909s come out onto the may I think we're
10911s potentially going to have a little bit
10912s more resources put into these flanks as
10915s well as they have seen that thas aeral
10917s will push free players into those
10920s positions to be able to win out the
10922s numbers fight and as a result if wisp
10925s Embers just keep going this 50/50 route
10927s where they want to try and keep three
10929s people in Main and only send two people
10932s into those flanks and not really giving
10934s all of the resources that Thomas aeral
10935s are pouring into those flanks and
10938s unfortunately they're not going to be
10939s able to find the same level of
10941s value mox's main key to success trying
10945s to maybe send more towards those flanks
10947s help the so a bit more too cuz yeah like
10949s you said I mean that will assist Senna a
10951s lot more than than what's been happening
10954s and you know obviously this team
10955s definitely has it within them to take
10957s down ESS ethereal who has been such a
10959s juggernaut so far throughout the entire
10962s year see if you know these
10964s not I'm not going to say rag Tang group
10966s of of teammates coming together you know
10968s a mixture of multiple teams like we
10970s talked about with whis members kind of
10971s putting everything together but you know
10972s they've had a few months to work
10973s together had to prepare for this and you
10976s know surely Kings Row is a map where
10977s they can do those things like you said
10979s Moxy and change things up but you know
10982s at the end of the day we are going to
10983s probably see that remra composition
10984s again right and Timeless etheral are
10986s definitely experts at that comp yeah and
10988s it's going to be interesting to see how
10990s ESS aeral actually uh assign their
10993s resources in terms of who pushes main
10995s choke and around statue and who pushes
10998s up staircase cuz we've seen these teams
11000s these fromat compositions they'll attack
11003s one of two ways they'll either just send
11005s something like a seran and a Lucio up
11007s staircase to be able to duel out the
11009s opposing sergean and the Lucio overwhelm
11012s them take the high ground and then have
11013s everyone else on the low ground get to
11015s move forward safely from through choke
11017s onto point or they'll overload they'll
11020s send more people things like a May a
11022s serjan and a l IO up onto The High
11025s Ground to immediately find that pick and
11028s we'll actually get to see a much faster
11030s take because you don't sort of have that
11033s moment that stalemate where all of these
11034s soans and Maz are waiting to see whether
11037s or not they're going to be able to find
11038s that first value where the sojan is
11040s looking for that first pick and the May
11041s is looking for the better
11042s wall and to maybe change things more
11045s towards to talk about like these
11047s individual players we could talk about
11048s Timeless etheral cuz obviously they won
11050s map number one a bit marxy I mean
11054s visually uh as we by the way we're
11056s dealing with a bit of a Player audio
11057s issue so while we figure that out we can
11059s kind of talk things through what's
11061s happening in the series so far with
11063s these individual players Moxy with you
11065s talked about Halo previously what is it
11067s that Halo brings to Timeless ethereal
11070s that kind of enables them to play as
11071s aggressive as they are and have these
11073s insane Lucio plays is it the mechanics I
11076s mean what what is what is the main value
11078s that Halo is bringing to this roster I
11080s don't think it's necessarily the
11081s mechanics like she obviously has stand
11083s mechanics but I think for her it's
11086s actually the game sense and
11087s understanding of when to be able to
11090s commit to a Chase lucu is a very good
11093s character at being able to chase down
11094s vulnerable targets and it's something
11096s that she's done time and time again she
11098s is able to spot out whether or not Senna
11101s is low and commit to that chase find
11104s that kill onto the sojan or sometimes
11106s she doesn't commit to the chase she
11108s knows that the value isn't in
11109s necessarily finding the kill and the
11112s pick the value is just denying the soan
11115s having that angle and providing that
11117s extra Avenue of damage to the
11120s team and you know on the other side
11122s right those Soldier and players have
11124s been impactful like you said shutting
11125s down s has been a key success for
11127s Timeless ethereal and I think maybe in
11130s the lower bracket if we compare them to
11132s the other teams like it does feel like
11133s they're multi-chambered right you know I
11136s like it does feel like they're both of
11137s these teams and specifically Timeless 2
11139s really they're not like onedimensional
11141s right Moxy were seeing multiple
11143s different news to success for this team
11145s whether that be disengaging ultimates or
11147s whatever and you know those strategies
11149s appear to be working um you think
11151s there's so like maybe if other teams
11153s watch back the vods what would be the
11154s biggest thing that you tell them to kind
11156s of like learn from Timeless ethereal
11158s just I think be flexible right in terms
11160s of your wing conditions don't make it
11162s entirely apparent when you sort of
11164s crutch on one specific ultimate or pair
11167s of ultimates because it just it leaves
11169s you too open to prediction and it allows
11171s the other team to not have to worry
11173s about having to on the Fly inste they
11175s can lay foundations to go okay this is
11177s something they've done and utilized to
11179s win the fight three times before chances
11182s are they're going to do the exact same
11184s thing it's something that Thomas aeral
11185s and Whisper are actually very good at
11186s doing is keeping each other on their
11188s feet going for different angle
11190s approaches looking for different
11191s combinations of ultimates it's really
11193s nice to see and it really pushes both of
11195s these teams into having to use that
11198s adaptation which applies that extra
11200s little bit of pressure which doesn't
11202s seem a lot but in the long scheme of
11204s things when you also have to contest
11206s with managing to hit your shots keeping
11208s an eye on your mirror winning out that
11211s duel and also keeping a track of the
11212s ultimates on the other side that a lot
11215s of the time can overload and lead to a
11217s real collapse in
11219s communication actually I'm going to
11221s throw a bit bit of a what is it a
11223s spanner if I'm British throw a spanner
11225s in the wheel of things I'm pretty sure
11228s we still call it a spanner unless
11230s American it's a wrench isn't it isn't it
11232s wait a spanner is a wrench right
11235s unless yeah no actually I'm pretty sure
11238s you throw a wrench into the okay is it
11240s it is a wrench yeah it is a wrench you
11242s don't wrenches so wait you you actually
11244s have the saying for a wrench into the
11246s workx yeah yeah we do you know that
11249s actually signs way better cuz it has
11250s alliteration I'm I'm kind of a little
11252s bit miffed by that not going to lie
11255s we're better we're better miffed man I
11258s British vocabulary be like anyway we uh
11262s basically we're trying to figure figure
11263s out the issue is with these players and
11265s um I think we're probably going to go to
11268s a short break while they figure that out
11270s obviously we have to determine you know
11272s what's going on behind the scenes with
11273s these players everything's online so
11274s it's always going to be a bit um you I'm
11276s not going to say scuffed at times but
11278s it's always going to be hard to deal
11279s with some of these issues so while we
11280s figure that out guys we'll be going to a
11281s short break when we come back we'll see
11283s you guys for this amazing series between
11285s Timeless ethereal and
11292s whisp
11313s [Music]
11322s he
11331s [Music]
11338s [Music]
11340s [Applause]
11353s [Music]
11359s welcome back everybody we're back into
11360s the series and as both teams set up here
11363s mock c um Timeless etheral obviously
11365s locking towards we don't know yet
11367s because they're on the attacking side
11368s but whs bembers sticking with the ratra
11370s composition definitely different in
11372s terms of pacing that we saw in the last
11374s series with so many counter swaps coming
11376s through uh I think we're just going to
11378s see the ratra miror yet again both of
11380s these teams look incredibly confident on
11381s it it's one of the strongest tanks I
11384s mean he's probably the strongest tank at
11386s the moment unless he feel something like
11387s an Arisa to throw a wrench in the works
11391s as we're going to see a little bit of
11392s power a little bit of wi teed before
11394s swapping back onto the main
11397s meta in the front side X10 just trying
11400s to spam out that off angle that we
11401s always see these soes hold meanwhile
11404s Kindred kind of playing flexible right
11406s not at the Statue just yet deciding
11409s where to move look at that Halo in
11411s everybody on timeless theal at least I
11413s believe it's the May and the so come
11415s through the top side shots fired from
11417s Senna but it cost him his life or her
11419s life tr's back though so it's both so
11421s runs down the disruptor shot did get
11423s that final blow on X10 as Halo was wall
11425s riding in the Sky Box definitely an
11427s interesting fight that sort of happen
11429s there Timeless theal they'll have those
11430s close spawns that's always going to be
11431s an issue moving forward for wh members
11434s who have to walk further if they get
11435s picked off nearly one tick given as well
11438s as this has turned out to a bit of a
11440s neutral game fight well sojan IS F C has
11444s returned with the help of the power
11445s slide one it going to be picked up
11447s however for Timeless aerial is Kindred
11448s going incredibly low going to see H
11451s utilize that M and just buy the tank a
11453s little bit more down time to be able to
11455s get healed up as X10 does onto The High
11457s Ground and immediately pays the price
11459s how are the only two people to go down
11461s two fights in a row now it's only the
11462s sojourn Kindred now Trad back saw Hill
11464s so finally somebody else beside the
11466s sojourn he going to die sold abuse today
11469s has not been great Kindred does win out
11471s on the low ground and they hold the even
11473s though two ticks were given HQ has been
11475s able to build up lizard as well which is
11477s absolutely huge cuz Timeless aeral like
11479s you've seen have been just so aggressive
11481s and trying to lay stake onto this High
11484s Ground so that or and anion do not have
11486s this safe ledge to hide around and keep
11489s themselves covered when we see that poke
11490s come through from things like the May
11492s and the soier as amplification Matrix is
11494s online for anion definitely looking to
11496s utilize it head up with the so what an
11499s opening pick from HT by the way whis
11500s Ember is kind of coming online already 2
11502s minutes off the clock looking good for
11504s them as Timeless maybe on King's Row
11506s this was a great pick for them boes out
11508s that immortality fi and the blizzard
11510s immediately follows through from HQ
11511s surely that Baptist goes down a trade
11514s comes through from Saw Hill but at the
11515s end of the day ult charge has already
11516s been built so not exactly a ton of value
11519s however I guess they got the Bullard out
11520s in their fight they also got anion late
11523s as well bun with the headshot is able to
11525s pick out the map
11526s tless have to be careful that they don't
11529s overplay their hand however they're
11531s coming in with five ultimates almost
11533s whis Embers looking to unfortunately
11535s have to back on out without that b te so
11537s you have to be a little bit more
11538s hesitant to commit your hold on the
11540s choke just trying to sustain now has to
11542s do with the blizzard coming through beat
11543s drop should give them that sustain oh no
11546s oh my gosh the damage to the ant Matrix
11548s was far too much even with the beat
11549s droping immortality field then also
11552s everybody else just pumping damage
11553s through that so a great retake there
11555s from timeless it took him a bit of time
11557s but they managed to get it done X10 as
11559s well has a really good read on the fact
11561s that whis bers without an to have the
11563s confidence of the team to keep
11564s themselves on that point the entire High
11567s Ground is entirely deserted as a result
11570s the sergeant gets to hold that position
11571s for absolute free and just provide that
11574s little Avenue of pressure of that poke
11577s to come through his H what they know no
11581s they know that she got back there we go
11584s yeah that's unfortunate who everybody's
11587s coming to help oh my God it was a bait
11589s the whole time Roxy oh my God WWE style
11592s type in the chat H now that's 100% a
11595s question
11597s mark I was going to say if there's one
11599s player that can survive getting
11601s unfortunate spawn it is May in OverWatch
11605s especially since like you said the call
11607s went out reinforcements arrived with FIS
11610s condo calls for Aid and they
11613s listened maybe saw Hills questioning why
11616s the team wasn't there to help uh but in
11618s this fight now we're about even
11619s overclock committed by Senna does take a
11621s little bit of poke still help he
11623s meanwhile beat re-engage from Halo
11625s knowing that wh Embers have no support
11626s they want to back out of there really
11627s fast disengage with that Luci speed
11630s trading trading over clock for that B
11632s drop meanwhile in this fight I almost
11634s have the advantage unless H can build up
11636s ultimate same with on ten still sitting
11639s over the top left meanwhile on the front
11640s side X10 drops the overclock lot of
11642s damage coming into kred Force the
11644s immortality field over the top four used
11646s there with the boots to distract X10 but
11648s eventually with the last little bit of
11650s rail gun charge able to take down H ke
11653s could be the differ maker moving forward
11655s because she was so close to that
11657s blizzard meanwhile on the back has
11659s dropped that amplification Matrix slows
11660s things down makes sure Timeless has to
11663s kind of check everything out before they
11665s want to go in but no more ultimates are
11666s going to be here because
11668s HQ alive though yeah they keep Kinder
11670s alive on the front front line but sill
11672s meanwhile comes back from po you
11674s understanding that PO you kept kind of
11675s harassing towards that Pub side and now
11677s on the front line with the amplication
11679s Matrix there's just too much damage HQ
11681s eventually is going to be back but it's
11683s just far too late in the reach phas I
11685s think everything's kind of collapsed for
11687s wh Embers and Timeless are going to
11688s close out here yeah HQ goes down late
11691s doesn't throw in the blizzard it's going
11693s to hold on to it for a more favorable
11696s fight F's also going to have the
11697s blizzard now and now I want to see the
11699s do out of these two mze I want to see
11700s the Poke pressure coming through from
11702s both of their sides to try and force the
11705s other into utilizing that block so that
11707s the opposing May gets far less value
11709s with the ultimate speaking about value
11711s what a wall s on unfortunately
11713s absolutely nowhere to go and Bun gets to
11716s follow it up with a pick onto her mirror
11719s as well that is value 2 minutes and 22
11723s seconds left wisp you got to Hope if
11725s you're a fan of them that they're not
11726s panicking regrouping together they'll
11729s have some ultimates in this one
11731s we yeah BN falling back knows HP is
11734s going to be coming back on in with the
11736s blizzard good wall catching the raater
11738s alone and Kindred has no choice but to
11741s back up for Main yeah this is this is
11743s the worst nightmare for Wisp at the
11745s moment 2 minutes left now Timeless theal
11747s rotating ultimate so well bun sure you
11749s get the ice Block Force but she still
11750s got the wall x0 over the top overclock
11752s ready to go kred just spawned now
11755s there's that blizzard they're coming in
11756s with it x0 from the top side drops the
11758s overclock does take a body shot and they
11760s have barrier so this is going to be hard
11761s to take that duel but exent flying over
11764s the dang plane saw on the low ground
11765s meanwhile has taken some poke but the
11767s heals are there sill also has that
11769s Annihilation to go in with the second
11771s and same with double support ultimates
11772s how does react to this they play it back
11774s very aggressive window amazing placement
11777s for Timeless and with that they have to
11779s use the beat drop to keep moving forward
11781s a lot of damage com through the overlock
11782s Cena do they find the kills though Z
11784s finds Kindred onu trades back Halo cart
11786s still moving towards the very end as
11787s well and X10 will eventually take down
11790s Senna that was the last hope for Wiis
11791s Embers and Timeless etheral will cap out
11794s with a minute 13 seconds yeah there's a
11796s moment of reprove where you think okay
11799s defensive blizzard is going to be able
11801s to just stem the flow of this bleeding
11804s and then we hear the overclock popped
11806s and it means that no one is able to
11808s actually capitalize off of any of the
11810s setup that the blizzard could find I
11812s don't think it even frows anyone either
11814s so wisp em just find themselves getting
11816s stuck up in all of these really small
11817s cramped quarters which just makes it
11819s even harder for them to be able to play
11821s into things like the ratra the May and
11822s the soan who were just able to
11824s capitalize off of those claustrophobic
11826s areas by putting in so much additional
11828s damage and by the time Center is in a
11830s position to be able to build into the
11832s over can use it 's already got the Sound
11835s fire in time the saaral can just full
11837s push right on through Annihilation to
11839s block out amp Matrix and they are home
11842s and
11842s free early early in the map right I mean
11845s you you saw glimpses of mortality there
11848s from Timeless ethereal but you know at
11850s the end of the day they got the job done
11851s Moxy right it just it felt like first
11853s point I mean they had like what like a
11854s minute something left and now they end
11856s with the minute bun saves it the fact
11858s that bun is able to find those tager
11860s picks when we head into C deprives with
11862s ambers of being able to take advantage
11864s of the defensive capabilities that c
11866s should offer this team as a result BN is
11869s able to just keep everyone just pushed
11871s away Thomas field gets so much free prad
11874s distance without having to worry about
11875s whis bembers building up Oak to be able
11878s to challenge the ultimate economy
11879s Kindred doesn't get to create that space
11881s because you're constantly being
11882s pressured by the m and then the blizzard
11884s it's really good stuff coming through
11886s from her as we said Thomas one of the
11888s stand out players the absolute Jewel in
11890s their Crown has been dis Ming
11893s Timeless there on the defensive side now
11896s can use those May well to their
11897s advantage full rotate comes through from
11899s the top and now it costs for you life I
11902s mean I bit of an interesting rotation
11904s there from whis bembers and now with
11906s that Timeless just hold the choke point
11909s right send whs Embers back to the spawn
11911s temporarily yeah WIS Embers like you
11913s said going to be regrouping and trying
11915s to find a way through as we're going to
11917s see Halo the only one up towards
11920s staircase both and x and playing a
11922s little bit further back anticipating
11923s that run on as whis Embers look for the
11926s rotation to keep control of High Ground
11927s away from the
11928s defense and still playing it slow at the
11932s moment whs Embers meanwhile sending
11933s their flank through and sill takes so
11935s much damage forcing immortality field
11936s from Z that's a good co down to get out
11939s in the meantime however X10 doesn't even
11940s care about that right they just take
11941s that duel on the top of s s it goes down
11944s to the rail gun shot and B on the flank
11946s I mean it's getting so much value you
11947s talked about the M player before forces
11949s the ice blocked walls off the retreat
11951s immortality F gets moved as well onun
11953s Falls I mean that's clinical out of the
11955s M player and the rest of Timeless eal
11958s Vortex slows it down for now but
11959s Timeless again another scrappy fight
11961s that they win yeah this is what we were
11963s talking about right bun finds and zero
11965s in on the enemy May and forces you into
11968s these horrible situations these cat 22s
11971s you're dead if you don't use the ice
11972s block but if you do use the ice block it
11974s just allows her the opportunity to use
11975s the wall and cut H key away from annun
11978s and for's line of support aeral even
11982s though they gave up a little bit of
11983s control on The High Ground they' already
11985s made sure to rotate before members made
11987s it up staircase so they could drop back
11989s to point and deny even a tick and
11991s another Difference Maker has been X10
11994s opening up that previous fight has rail
11996s gunshot available without having to use
11997s the overclock just yet sure will pop it
11999s now has to deal with an Annihilation oh
12001s my God kred just said I'll take care of
12003s that sojourn shut down with the
12005s annihilation on the inside for you goes
12006s down yet again though so no beat drop in
12008s this fight if Timeless want to turn
12010s things they definitely could and there
12012s it is beat drop saw Hill drops the
12014s annihilation runs towards Kindred poor
12016s youu will come back to spawn with a
12017s sound barrier but it's not there in time
12019s to save Kindred Kindred goes down and
12021s pressure the damage is in air from whisp
12022s EMB they're playing scared at this
12024s moment I mean surely the Stager kill has
12026s come through now a minute 30 seconds
12028s left as well they is dropped towards the
12029s point die yeah again like they want
12032s control of this High ground but Timeless
12033s AAL know that that's the attacking
12036s side's plan and every single time
12037s Withers make a play for that route yes
12040s they give him control of high ground but
12041s it's only temp it doesn't grant them the
12043s free kills cuz thas are already
12045s positioning around anticipating High
12047s Ground not being in their favor this
12050s members Now 1 minute almost on the clock
12052s remaining they have the ultimates but
12053s now 'll hold close yeah they're
12056s dangerous to deal with Halo just forces
12058s that flank away and they're doing that
12059s same thing again Moxy of course that top
12061s side is just too predictable at this
12063s point Halo just like reading it not
12065s dying either unless a rail gun shot
12067s comes through from Senna who does have
12068s the overclock that X10 on the side has
12070s one as well H gets poked down in Main
12072s whisp waiting for that FL to come from
12073s the top side and it's very
12075s onedimensional so far from wh however
12076s the wall stops X10 from retreating
12078s blizzard is here but oh my doesn't catch
12080s out X10 they already found bun though at
12082s the very least so that might be
12083s something does X10 get the kill no h key
12085s will take down X10 so luckily even
12088s though it was a bit scary HQ is able to
12090s take that soj out of the equation and
12093s with that 30 seconds left similarly to
12095s Timeless ethereal but a little bit a
12096s little bit worse than they did on their
12098s attack whisp will get the job done we've
12100s got two overclocks available able for
12103s both of these team Withers I really want
12105s to see them proactively use it but time
12108s have been so good at just being able to
12109s K around all of these win conditions
12112s Santa trying to figure out where exactly
12114s this defense is going to be set up
12115s disruptor shot just coming through from
12117s that corner once to see whether or not
12118s she is going to get challenged up onto
12120s that High Ground approach maybe looking
12122s for ref flank to open things up with a
12124s surprise overclock into the backline of
12126s Timeless but they read the soan out and
12128s they send the hit squad Halo is Out For
12131s Blood
12132s they're able to get that angle CH point
12135s now could be in their favor they also
12136s dropped the May wall but the cart was
12137s there to break the middle of it the both
12139s may walls kind of negated oh taking a
12141s ton of damage amplification Matrix is
12143s here but he almost walk past it needing
12145s a blizzard to slow it down so great use
12147s of two ultimates however no
12150s Direct Value found I guess the blizzard
12152s was to slow down the amplification MRI
12154s rather set on the front line still
12155s sitting with the overclock ant Matrix
12157s used on C side now little defensive ant
12159s Matrix overclock used to potentially try
12161s to counter with the drop is here to
12162s counter this now in still has that
12166s Annihilation to go but not going to use
12167s it it's going to go for the wipe here
12168s saw Hill just used theirs so saing on
12170s ultimates for the next rank yeah we're
12172s going to see a massive commitment of
12174s ultimates from either of sides of these
12176s teams cuz they understand having this
12178s control of Choke at the very start of B
12180s is crucial because it's so much harder
12181s to be able to set up these flanks and
12183s surprise angles in terms of this
12185s position as well as allowing you to hold
12187s so aggressively close to the attacking
12190s team spawn timeless Imperial see what
12193s Michael wave did in that last series and
12195s decide to do the exact same and whisp
12198s Enders have to use the annihilation just
12201s to break through that's tough you're
12203s going to use the annihilation reactively
12205s I would have liked to see it in the
12206s previous fight and now you don't have
12207s any any ultimates besides the sound
12209s barrier saw Hill will go down so they're
12211s able to get a kill xt0 will trade back
12213s Center though I mean that's just another
12215s unfortunate situation moreal also has to
12217s be used eventually the stackers will be
12220s found but you know for every Fight Win
12221s It Seems seems like whisp is just CL is
12223s just clawing to The Nail at the moment
12225s to win it yeah and I mean Thomas a they
12228s struggled a little bit before we headed
12229s into C whisp Ember struggled both On A
12232s and B we're about to hit into overtime
12235s after just one fight time the aeral yes
12237s they don't have ultimates at the moment
12238s but they are incredibly close to a
12240s couple of them so it's really going to
12242s be crucial that whisp Embers find a pick
12244s off of anion's amplification Matrix look
12246s at The High Ground from catwalk they're
12248s waiting to utilize it with sen but it
12250s gets walled nice from Bund there slows
12253s down the attack from sen and
12256s team nobody's even peing the Matrix so
12259s no charge is giv to SNA ant Matrix Now
12261s counter engage comes through you don't
12263s have to worry about a rail gun shot cuz
12264s he didn't give any charge to it either
12266s looks like whis waigh it out they're
12268s going to have to deal with a May wall
12269s from bun in a second here as well as the
12270s M runs up for you on the flank side
12272s drops the sound barrier on the engage
12274s only gets three of wisp on their attack
12275s H goes so low he's going to live coru
12277s trying to slop stop the soj on the top
12280s side to barer as well there too bun with
12283s the with the May ultimate with the
12284s blizzard eventually takes down H ke and
12287s that flank is just totally negated
12289s Timeless ethereal just clean up whis
12291s Embers at the moment on Kings Row to go
12293s up two in the series in this first to
12296s three yeah whis Embers you can see that
12299s they have these ideas these rotations
12301s that they must have worked out and
12302s scrimmed because they're sticking to
12304s them like absolute glue and
12306s unfortunately it just leaves them yet
12308s again just too predictable plus bun has
12311s been the absolute star player the game
12315s maker every single wall finding value
12318s every single blizzard finding that value
12321s as well the connections onto these
12323s players not necessarily finding a full
12324s team or looking to shut down some of
12326s these ultimates but seeing these high
12328s priority targets things like the ratra
12330s that normally a lot of the time you're
12331s not able to take down quickly because of
12334s the self- sustained tools and then
12335s you're able to survive long enough for
12336s the reinforcements and peel from the
12338s rest of your team if you get caught up
12340s in blizzard a lot of that go goes away
12342s entirely and the ratra becomes for the
12344s first time vulnerable and it's something
12347s that bun has been very good at being
12348s able to pick apart she's able to counter
12350s the opposing may but when she sees that
12352s opportunity to take that ratra down a
12354s peg she absolutely goes for it yeah I
12357s mean beautiful work there from Timeless
12359s ethereal and Bun like you said and now
12361s for Timeless etheral to go up to in the
12363s series they put themselves on map Point
12366s get themselves into that grand finals
12368s and which would obviously mean a lot for
12370s them moving forward it's obviously not
12372s done yet for whisp Embers though I mean
12374s they had some bright spots Marx I hate
12377s to put you on the spot for this in
12379s particular but what what takeaway do we
12382s have for whisp Embers on that previous
12383s map was there any sort of bright spots
12386s that we saw out of them against Timeless
12387s ethereal there was some really good
12389s moments coming through from HQ when uh
12391s we see that blizzard being utilized to
12393s just force X10 off of the angle
12395s something I wish we'd seen a little bit
12397s faster however and this played massively
12399s into how they had to approach the rest
12401s of the map was the the fact that about
12403s four times in a row the one rotation
12406s that they just continue to make is
12407s trying to take staircase and it's
12409s something that Timeless aeral are more
12411s than happy to give them because it's
12412s always temporary right they always allow
12414s that one little bit of land that one
12417s ledge up on The High Ground above that
12419s point to fall into the laps of the
12421s attacking team because they don't care
12423s they've already pulled back they've got
12424s play stationed up in hotel to be able to
12426s instantly just contest that flip that
12429s comes through so no tickers picked up or
12430s everyone else is already up through
12432s choke to be able to play around things
12434s like the ratra shield and the mayw to be
12435s able to launch a full Counterattack once
12437s High Ground becomes less important we
12440s have to see if wisp can kind of come
12441s back in this upcoming map pick that is
12444s theirs again right that's the tough part
12446s is that Kings Row was just their map
12448s pick and unfortunately they lost it um
12450s it was close at at moments I would say
12451s close well it's about the same that
12452s leing Tower was wasn't it so whisper
12454s keeping themselves in the series at the
12455s very least now we're going to flasho
12457s here Moxy surasa you think they're going
12459s to run the same thing I mean we probably
12460s know they're going to run the same thing
12462s not a lot of compositional changes
12463s between both teams but wh maybe feels
12466s like they have a better chance on this
12468s flash point map yeah I think definitely
12471s for them their strength of being able to
12473s take some of these off angles they did
12475s go for some Pinter movements when they
12476s were pushing onto Kings Row which
12479s benefited them slightly but also left
12481s them incredibly susceptible to Bon just
12483s being able to to see those positions
12485s that they' voluntarily put themselves in
12487s and utilize a a well-placed wall and
12489s just split off players but you don't
12492s normally get to split off it's not often
12494s that you're able to catch the opposing
12495s May or something like that uh Lucio or
12498s Baptist alone and Bun was able to do
12501s just exactly that when we head into
12502s flasho there's a lot more angles these
12505s points get a lot more open which is
12506s really good for the sergeant that's
12508s surprise Factor it also diminishes some
12510s of the value from the me because there
12512s are so many different areas that you can
12515s get contested from that becomes a little
12517s bit harder to utilize that wall well
12519s because of just the sheer space that
12521s you're bombarded trying to lock down
12523s especially with the ratra that again is
12526s very sort of limited to the amount of
12529s angle that you're able to cover with
12531s your defensive capability so I'm hoping
12534s that whsp Embers utilize that to their
12536s advantage especially since they pick a
12538s rasa instead of new junk City where this
12540s first point is so incredibly just so
12543s many different angles you can get
12545s approach from The High Ground uh on the
12547s point itself you can get pushed onto on
12549s the back line there's all of these
12550s little nut where you can just power
12552s slide up if you're a soldan or W ride
12554s onto if you're a Lucio or even May W
12556s yourself up onto to be a little bit of a
12559s surprise that the other team is not
12561s necessarily equipped to deal with yeah I
12563s mean and surely the likes of I know
12565s we're talking about wisp strengths kind
12566s of at the beginning of that I Halo
12568s obviously takes full advantage of that
12570s asz does xt0 so you know that is going
12572s to be another aspect that I'm sure whisp
12574s are trying be cautious of considering
12577s you know how much damage that X10 and
12579s Halo can do on those angles like you
12581s said it feels like every time on Ser at
12582s first point like you see there's so many
12584s angles that it's just a matter of time
12586s before the sojin or something gets a
12587s pick however you know I guess BN on this
12590s side also does that right if you have a
12591s good n player that hits those icicles
12593s that's also you know yeah big factor
12596s that is as you said one of those factors
12599s long line of sights is perfect for
12601s sergeon but it's also absolutely brutal
12604s if m is a DA hander being able to land
12606s those icicles straight to your skull and
12609s Bun has been able to do just that
12611s holding up so quickly to these blizzards
12614s as well a lot of the time almost
12615s approaching the blizzard before the
12617s amplification mrix which is a feed in
12619s and of itself considering the baps is
12621s getting so much healing to pump out onto
12624s the ratra but also still able to keep up
12626s with damage in terms of the DPS
12628s department as well so you are super
12630s charging up that ultimate incredibly
12632s quickly and it even charges incredibly
12634s quickly as well it's one of the fastest
12635s Bing ultimates in the
12637s game Timeless at
12639s theel what they want to do you know
12641s obviously up 20 in the series now on the
12644s cusp of reaching that gr B also getting
12646s that corgy trophy Moxy that I'm still
12649s I'm still mad we can't get man I just
12651s I'm I'm really jealous of these players
12653s getting that Corgi trophy it's so
12654s beautiful so cute are we going to see
12656s the orisa mix up soill did play the
12658s orisa previously up against microwave
12661s and I really like this because the orisa
12664s is sort of the antiac to the ratra
12667s because you can really just keep
12669s pressuring a lot of the time Cycles that
12671s are there for the ratra composition as
12673s well as when the ratra wants to make
12675s that move forward with the Nemesis formb
12676s a well-placed javelin Thro can
12678s immediately knock them back and theat
12680s loser that crucial cool down and wh
12682s ambers loses a lot of aggressive space
12684s as a result this mix up hands out with
12687s that Shield they have to play aggressive
12690s May wall acting kind of as that pseudo
12692s Shield give them some space and they're
12694s actually going to take the point first
12695s yeah interesting that wh EMB just give
12697s up all that space play safe right now
12700s allow
12702s from soill disconnected Kindred from the
12704s rest of the team and as a result their
12706s match just didn't have the confidence to
12707s keep on point and we're just going to
12709s see staga Pig SM holding up to 30% on
12712s the board too I mean that's rough to
12713s lose first fight in that
12716s manner this is something we actually saw
12718s utilized from microwave as well the
12720s javelin frow can be really really brutal
12722s when paired alongside a may you don't
12725s necessarily uh allow the m to find a
12728s moment to find an isolated Target as
12730s much as forcing Target to be isolated
12732s with the Javin frow and that significant
12734s amount of knockdown looking at the
12735s overhead map this spers not really going
12738s to be taking any off angles either
12740s everyone playing very close together I
12743s think this Sissa actually does quite
12744s well in this uh no ultimate battle
12748s that's sort of happening meanwhile saw
12750s Hill kind of pressuring towards that
12751s point those was a javelin early wall
12753s here as well from bun pretty much
12755s exactly what we saw in the in the first
12756s fight just mired they D to shove off
12760s Kindred immortality
12761s Force amplication both side actually
12763s this one should favor whisp cuz they
12765s still have that immortality field and
12767s you got to use it late they get that
12769s Point Flip as well HT goes so low needs
12773s healing at the moment will eventually
12775s get it as well team about even an
12777s ultimate so yeah the teror surge is up
12778s X10 hits the shot too and that should be
12781s it Embers on this first point I mean
12783s teror surge now here no beat drop or
12784s immortality feel goodbye HP right after
12788s the cool down has been used overtime now
12790s taken down Timeless have that point
12792s everybody just runs towards that
12794s objective saves onto some ultimates and
12796s Timeless a buriel win point8 yeah Arisa
12799s doesn't necessarily just counter the
12800s ratra she's also really problematic for
12802s hq's blizzards because ideally if you're
12805s with bembers right you find that flip
12807s off of Just denying that spacing with
12808s the amplification Matrix time if like
12810s you said don't a the motality field they
12812s have to drop down and give up that space
12814s and H should be able to use the blizzard
12815s to keep that control of the point but
12818s soill threatens that space yet again
12820s with the teror which automatically you
12821s fortify which automatically cancels and
12823s nullifies the effect of the may freeze
12825s this night Thomas taking that High
12827s Ground removing the off angle from West
12828s bambas going to force them into
12830s utilizing an ultimate to be able to
12831s brute force that way through choke he's
12834s already built nearly another ultimate oh
12835s my God the javelin by the way from Saw
12837s Hill chunk Center stunned him and then
12840s bun was there with the icicle that's
12842s just a lost team fight right there Moxy
12844s yeah orisa is a lot better rater as well
12847s being able to control all of these
12849s different Avenues of angles we are going
12851s to see the blizzard being invested from
12853s H key asers look to rub a band it
12857s doesn't even catch door Hill low enough
12859s to force an immortality field from Z
12861s however maybe we're going to see a swap
12862s come through from whis bers that's the
12863s only reason I would see that blard being
12865s in fasted it's got to be like a bit of a
12868s panic ultim oh Jesus deleted T see
12872s Center Z nice shots obviously there but
12875s 50% of the board now Timeless Imperial
12878s just have every single ultimate nearly
12881s don't accept an amplification Matrix
12882s that they just use and 60% on the board
12884s Moxy yeah that was one fight win off of
12887s the back of like you said one ultimate
12889s which burns up so incredibly quickly
12892s time more than happy to trade that one
12894s off wh bam is going to be coming in with
12896s a lot of ultimates but they have to be
12897s able to find the spacing to be able to
12899s use them Santa trying to find that
12902s approach but goes incredibly low being
12904s spotted out Bon wins the jeel blizzard
12907s not needed Timeless soial just have to
12910s deal with this CPS of whis Benders oh no
12914s oh no stagger kill is not coming through
12916s Surly they don't use any alss I mean
12919s it's it's just over here Timeless
12921s etherial putting themselves at Point map
12924s Point yeah they win this next one it's
12926s all over I mean they're moving on that
12928s was what one entire point of flash point
12930s one off of the back of only an
12932s amplification Matrix used by Z yes the
12935s rest of composition is proving
12936s incredibly problematic for whisper
12939s Embers to have to deal with I'm very
12941s surprised we haven't seen swaps but I
12943s think coming through from there and
12945s they're just a little bit hesitant to
12947s give up all of the ultimates that
12948s they've charged up and haven't been able
12950s to find any time to
12952s use another technical difficul is
12954s happening at the moment for one of the
12956s teams I mean honestly kind of well you
12960s would think something's going on there
12961s too because considering how things went
12964s I mean it just feels like it was a bit
12966s of Disconnect there for Wisp toward the
12968s very end and I don't want to say
12969s anybody's raising the White Flag just
12972s yet um at the moment Timeless is just a
12974s terrifying team Moxy like they just look
12977s so well oiled and it's just so hard to
12980s match their prowess as an entire unit
12982s they keep offsetting the tempo like wisp
12985s Embers are always being kept on the
12987s absolute edge of that seat they're never
12989s really able to to find that Comfort to
12991s being able to utilize the cycle of these
12994s abilities that is the bread and butter
12995s of this composition and as a result they
12997s never get to win fights and never get
12999s the space to be able to find impact with
13001s the ultimates that should be finding
13003s them impacts blizzard is a high value
13006s ultimate Annihilation on flasho a map
13008s type that is all about controlling that
13010s space while Annihilation is so good at
13013s pushing players out of that space that
13015s is all just being entirely derailed
13017s because they're not even getting to
13019s start to utilize them every single time
13022s they look to put one foot forward
13024s Timeless aerial they know that they have
13026s this sustain they know that bun can just
13028s move forward into these much more
13029s aggressive positions to try take TOS
13031s against things like Kindred or Santa
13033s while still getting to keep her life
13036s alive with all of the sustain tools that
13037s the May has the same thing for S Hill
13039s the same thing for X10 and as a result
13041s with Bas are just never able to find
13043s that
13044s footing I know how that feels they just
13046s like losing in such a fashion too where
13049s Timeless is getting better and better as
13050s it goes on just got to feel rough now
13053s there's that Terra surge be dropped to
13054s counter it for now but kred finds AO
13056s there we go that's something for wh em
13058s and they also could potentially shut
13060s down X10 however the immortality field
13061s slows down damage onto X10 for now and Z
13066s tail gets rid of H ke so the fight being
13068s drawn out eventually pans out for
13070s Timeless who now drop in that blizzard
13071s they want to win it here whereas whis
13074s not committing any ultimates again they
13075s just play it back and that cost him s it
13077s before you go down injured was separated
13079s from earlier on and can't use any
13081s ultimates to trade back Timeless win yet
13083s again another fight yeah soill able to
13085s kite the fight over towards Cliff side
13087s as well poses even more of a threat with
13089s that Javelin space
13091s knocking onto those players pushing them
13093s off of the map whisp Embers still not
13096s seeing any swaps to come through HQ so
13098s close to a blizzard kred so close to the
13100s annihilation what's X10 doing on the off
13103s angle on that rooftop just making it so
13105s much harder for this team to be able to
13107s move through and yet again the
13109s hesitation the T the theal force wh
13111s Embers into sets up The Kill early on I
13114s mean there is there's no opportunity to
13115s use any ultimates here Moxy I mean it
13117s just feels like pick after pick going
13119s down timeless are just kind of
13121s clinically dismantling West members at
13123s the moment yeah and even the way that
13125s thas position thinks it's so much harder
13127s for Kindra to be able to utilize
13128s something like Annihilation to find
13130s Value and actually Brute Force Through
13131s choke which is why W members have been
13133s holding on to these ultimates the only
13135s thing it's going to connect on to a s
13136s Hill and so has the javelin spin to push
13138s that momentum and keep them out of the
13141s range of the remat ultimate even if the
13143s javelin throw doesn't connect but
13144s finally exent goes down early now we
13147s should see West actually making some
13148s inrs onto this point Matrix Tera surge
13151s here though push everybody act forward Z
13153s does get off mortality field and saw
13155s Hill also got two in the dang teror
13158s surge before immortality but could be
13159s even there I mean this really has messed
13162s up with ember's entire game plan they
13164s swapped the fast Heroes try to get back
13166s to the point with three versus four but
13169s at this moment like Kindra is getting
13171s deleted by saw Hill 99% still on the
13173s board blizzard here from bun just to
13175s make sure Anu couldn't do anything
13177s solder 76 from send to come back on
13179s Genji this is just over reflection on
13182s the saw Hill doesn't really matter at
13183s the end of the day Timeless ethereal
13186s have made it into the dang Grand finals
13189s oh we said that potentially this was
13192s going to be a five map that these two
13193s teams on paper looks Incredibly Close we
13197s also said that up until now when we've
13198s seen things like the mat miror it always
13200s has felt like one team has just been
13202s more dominant and as a result they're
13204s able to utilize all of the abilities all
13207s of the utilties this composition offers
13209s while depleting the resources and space
13212s available that the other team has so
13213s even if on paper these teams are close
13216s you just don't get the opportunity to
13217s see it and that's exactly what Timeless
13219s has done they may not go for the full
13221s mirror with the ratra but they just
13223s continue to offs sent this Tempo not
13225s allowing WS bembers to even start
13227s picking up momentum to get the ball
13228s rolling so it just stays Stu right at
13231s the top of that Hill unfortunately not
13233s at the top now though they're going to
13234s fall to the lower brco no what a series
13237s from Timeless ethereal I mean that was
13239s just progressively you just saw them
13241s improved right Moxy just like map one
13243s okay it was a little shaky map two they
13245s improved map three they got even better
13248s and you know this is this is the tough
13249s challenge the tough puzzle of Timeless
13252s ethereal that just seems almost
13253s impossible to solve and and I'm really
13255s curious to see how you know you and the
13257s desk kind of talk about this and and see
13259s what wisp members can maybe look back on
13262s there's so many things that they could
13263s potentially fix however Timeless
13265s ethereal look almost I mean near
13267s unbeatable yeah I think the strength for
13269s Timeless ethereal is that
13271s the start of the series you see a really
13274s strong team but sometimes they can fall
13276s into a couple of traps in terms of the
13278s compositions that they run up against at
13280s the end of a series however they look
13283s just elevated so far past everybody else
13287s because in very little time they're able
13289s to figure out how to just rip apart some
13292s of these compositions I would almost
13293s call it limit testing as the first
13295s couple of maps right control like you
13297s said like Gardens was not close in the
13301s slightest but it very much felt like as
13303s the series progressed Timeless aeral
13305s started seeing that they could get away
13307s with more and more and more they started
13309s pushing and poking a little bit further
13312s further and further until they finally
13314s figured out okay this is how far we can
13315s push you so that you absolutely break
13318s but we don't overplay our hands and get
13320s to as a result remain in control the
13322s entire way through it's what makes this
13325s team so immensely Strong having that
13328s depth of understanding yeah what what an
13331s absolute freaking
13332s series between these two teams Timeless
13335s Celestial will be moving forward into
13336s that grand finals we'll have to see them
13338s later in just a second we'll break
13340s everything down that has happened in
13341s that series but I'm going to have to say
13342s goodbye to you guys dog man out you're
13343s going to have Moxy CB and Hunter sadly
13346s Hunter on the desk at after this short
13348s break so guys don't go anywhere we'll
13350s see you our beautiful analysts after the
13351s short
13359s break
13375s [Music]
13419s he
13453s [Music]
13464s [Music]
13479s he
13487s [Music]
13502s [Music]
13514s [Music]
13537s as expected Timeless ethereal do indeed
13540s feel inevitable and even exposed some
13542s weaknesses in a wisp Embers team that we
13545s previously thought was a lot stronger
13547s than they showed us thankfully they have
13548s a little bit more to show us but to
13550s break it down and see what we just saw I
13553s got Moxy and I got unter joining me once
13555s again hello hello
13558s hello hello Dustin's not here so I feel
13561s like we should let on to you know just
13563s have like a little bit of time to return
13565s fire considering DUS just like get Jabs
13568s in when no one is around to actually
13570s contest them well now that he's not here
13573s as well is anyone missing him I didn't
13575s think
13577s so I miss him slightly for his his
13581s Sports knowledge Hees to bring we'll
13584s have plenty of time to take shots at
13586s Dogman all throughout the segment even
13587s though we all love him or I guess for at
13590s least for hter pretends to you know it's
13593s we we all we all love Dogman here but
13594s let's talk a little bit about the game
13596s and let's talk about Timeless ethereal
13598s we kind of have to going up against wisp
13600s Embers oer what do you think was the
13603s Difference Maker for Timeless athero
13605s what were they doing differently that
13606s put them over the edge here in a lot of
13608s these fights to be honest these two
13610s teams I mean the score line didn't
13611s really reflect up by the end but you
13613s could definitely see it at the beginning
13614s these teams were both Incredibly Close
13616s like they both had very similar theory
13618s about how they wanted to approach the
13619s game positionally you could see people
13621s constantly going for the side fight it
13622s was it was night and day to the previous
13624s Series where everyone was constantly
13626s buying to try and fight the side space
13627s and fight for these angles where they
13629s have the best position to apply pressure
13632s but I think that the biggest difference
13633s between the two teams this time around
13635s was actually like in the old Play
13636s Because Timeless ethereal they were just
13638s incredibly disciplined with their
13640s ultimates they were really good waiting
13642s until the fight had started waiting
13643s until someone had used their cool downs
13645s and then throwing down an ultimate to
13647s secure a kill whereas with wisp they
13649s were a little bit more we're going to
13651s ult as the first step in our fight and
13653s as you get into higher levels of play
13655s and stronger positioning people can
13657s really easily walk away from those alt
13658s if they're a little bit too early
13661s and I think like towards the end we even
13662s saw some of these desperation ults
13664s coming out from the side of wisp Moxy
13666s you definitely I'm thinking about that
13668s one uh that one H he blizzard that came
13670s out how do you like what are your
13671s thoughts on that one yeah that was a
13673s rough one I was like okay I'm not sure
13676s if this is going to find Val you're
13677s already not in a great position where
13679s the rest of your team is going to be
13681s able to follow up on this as unto said
13683s there was a lot of fighting over those
13685s sidelanes and you could definitely see
13687s why things like the blizzard be were
13689s being used to try and deny those angles
13691s because they're understanding things
13692s like the amplification Matrix and the
13693s San standing behind it are going to be
13696s problematic but unfortunately because it
13698s comes out so early on it's just dealt
13700s with incredibly easily as opposed to as
13703s Anto said when we were seeing ultimates
13705s come through from timeless' side even
13707s things like Terror search was Finding
13710s kills at this level it wasn't just one k
13713s ier it was one two multiple times
13716s because of that discipline of waiting
13717s for things like immortality field or the
13719s May ice block to be on cool down so you
13721s can lock those players down in position
13723s and still manage to lock those kills
13724s down afterwards we're talking a lot
13726s about like the Maze and the sojs and how
13728s they're all popping off and also like
13730s the Terrace are just the front line but
13731s we're not talking a whole lot about the
13733s back line I've noticed and I think we
13734s need to because un I think you were
13735s saying earlier that you felt that Z
13738s might have been the silent carry here
13739s for Timeless ethereal yeah I very very
13742s much felt that Z was perhaps the sleeper
13744s MVP for Timeless ethereal because you
13746s noticed that whsp was trying to overload
13749s the L often Christopher talked about
13751s this yesterday where you s bonus players
13754s to the s lane to try and win it with
13755s more players what Z was doing was just
13758s constantly playing these safe angles and
13760s not taking the bait not running into the
13762s side fight and taking thems out entirely
13764s but instead playing a safe position in
13766s the back where they can dodge all of the
13767s sidelane shots but continually apply
13770s pressure and with all this pressure
13771s coming out from Z they were in full
13773s position to throw down a window mid
13774s fight and start fragging to pressure the
13777s enemy tank and make sure that they were
13778s never able to actually push up take
13780s space in main really I think that Z's
13781s positioning was near perfect and it
13783s really helped shut out whisp I mean we
13785s saw it as well like on flash point but
13787s specifically on King row defense it was
13789s so hard to be able to get to that
13791s backline every single time whsp managed
13793s to break free that choken onto The High
13795s Ground it just felt like Timeless were
13797s one step ahead of them and it never
13799s resulted in any value I I kind of feel
13802s like you know I noticed it the most on
13804s their Kings Row attack where you had
13805s like that one fight where you know anun
13808s is going around to try and help sen
13809s who's on the flank and that's kind of
13810s like to what unter saying where you know
13812s whsp kind of feel like they're
13813s overloading a lot of these side fights
13816s and meanwhile it just gives Z The God
13818s Spot to just you know jump on top of
13820s that little Subway tunnel and on the
13821s attack putting an ant Matrix up there is
13823s just a death nail for an entire team's
13825s defense so that might be something that
13828s wisp need to iron out going forward but
13830s we haven't seen the last of them so they
13832s will be continuing to go forward so uh H
13835s I'm going to give you another uh
13836s potentially loaded question here what
13837s are some strengths that you think that
13839s whis can play to in order to get
13841s themselves back in to a grand final
13843s situation and hopefully Go the Distance
13845s next time around I really think that
13847s there's a there's a high chance that
13849s we'll see West in the final to be honest
13850s I think that they were a very strong
13852s team because just looking at them on a
13854s fundamental level they were really good
13855s at taking these side fights even though
13857s perhaps they were overc committing and
13859s overloading the S Side Lane a little bit
13860s too often I think vers a weaker team
13862s fundamentally there's a very high chance
13864s that that will work almost every time so
13865s I think if they keep playing their game
13867s they keep trying to take the side fight
13869s as they are just continually press
13871s forward with that bit by bit I really
13873s think that they could be in in a prime
13874s position the only thing that they need
13876s to watch out for is that chaos from from
13878s microwave or from microwave um but
13881s essentially if that side fight is so
13884s aggressive and then there's a bunch of
13886s people pushing from the other side
13887s perhaps anun could be in a little bit of
13889s trouble facing a lot of pressure there
13891s but if they keep their side fight really
13892s strong I think all should be fine for
13895s them all right well that is uh going to
13898s have to do it for our little death
13900s breakdown Moxy thank you very much for
13902s joining me today unfortunately we're
13903s going to have to send you off if there's
13905s anything you want to you want to say on
13906s your way out uh just thank you so much
13908s for having me it's it's always been an
13910s absolute pleasure getting to see cah
13912s prosper and I'm really hoping not just
13914s that we're going to see these players
13916s continueing the scene but potentially
13917s some of these teams stick around with
13919s the same rosters for
13921s owcs that's going to be really fun to
13924s see whether or not it integrates really
13925s neatly from the CH scene into the new
13928s era of OverWatch Sports which has been C
13931s plan all
13932s along all right that's so that's sweet
13934s of you to say I hope we get to see it
13936s too I hope we get to see a lot of these
13937s players and a lot of these teams come
13939s back thank you so much for joining us
13941s Moxy and he uh you know much to the
13943s Chagrin of Dogman we will fortunately
13946s have more of hter for some of the games
13948s later on today but that is going to be
13951s it for Dogman and Moxy but before we get
13953s too late into the show here I got to
13955s transition things just a little bit over
13957s towards debbit who is uh going to be on
13959s the horn for an interview to represent
13961s the winners Timeless ethereal going into
13964s the grand finals debit hello how are you
13967s hey I'm feeling great right now after
13969s that
13970s three I I can imagine that you would be
13973s I I mean let's start off with a lowball
13975s question how confident are you feeling
13977s especially after a three like that oh
13980s 100% we're gonna win Grand finals
13984s 100% it does okay it doesn't really get
13987s all that more all that much more cut and
13988s dried than what is giving you that level
13991s of confidence aside like aside from the
13993s scoreboard like we've seen you guys just
13995s run right over you know all of these
13997s teams pretty much all year long but
13999s aside from that like what is giving you
14002s this level of
14003s confidence um every single one of my
14006s players know that they are capable of
14008s com of winning this entire we know
14010s everyone's skill level we know that we
14012s can win it all we we know we've been
14015s scrimming all these good teams and we've
14018s seen how we've been doing we and it's
14022s been showing in our matches that we have
14024s no doubt that we're going to win at all
14026s from I go ahead I thought you were gonna
14029s keep going no you're good you know I'm
14032s that's it all right all right awesome i'
14036s I've personally born witness to some of
14038s the scrims that you guys have been
14039s playing through some of the practice
14041s that's been going on so like I I know
14043s the work that you guys are putting in
14044s and I can see the fruit that it is
14046s bearing but you know we may have just
14048s gotten a preview of of our grand finals
14050s matchup who do you think is going to be
14051s joining you is it going to be whisp
14052s Embers with the rematch or do you think
14053s you're going to be facing Michael wave
14055s in the
14056s finals I think it'll be close but I
14058s think WIS bembers got
14060s it all right all right I wouldn't mind
14063s seeing that again I wouldn't mind seeing
14064s that again what do what is the plan if
14066s there is a rematch if you do end up
14068s seeing WIS members in the grand finals
14070s again are you just going to keep playing
14071s your game the way uh we saw here are
14073s there a little bit more tricks up your
14075s sleeve uh we have some tricks up Our
14077s Sleeve we have a secret weapon but I
14080s think for now we're just going to keep
14081s playing our
14083s game no reason to change it up I mean
14086s you have secret weapons but if they
14087s haven't even dealt with your main weapon
14089s I guess you know why bust it out like
14092s yeah all right well I uh I'm going to go
14095s ahead and let you guys prep for the
14097s grand finals matchup we got another one
14099s going on here in just a second thank you
14101s so much for joining me debbit best of
14103s luck going forward and maybe we'll see
14105s you again hosting the trophy at the end
14106s of the night thank you so much is there
14108s anything else you want to say before I
14109s send you off yeah um we like to shout
14112s out the entire team for how we've been
14114s playing we um would like to shout out
14116s our coach Le so far uh also our analysis
14121s alos and also our number one fan scuo
14126s W all right thank you again very much
14130s debit it's been a pleasure to have you
14131s it's always a pleasure to have you and
14132s it's always a pleasure to watch the
14134s sheer unbridled dominance that Timeless
14136s ethereal brings to the table and now
14138s it's their turn to sit back take a
14140s breather and wait until they find out
14143s who will face them in the grand finals
14145s debbit thinks it's going to be whis
14146s members again but I believe that there
14148s are some Michael wave fans in the chat
14150s that might be cheering our dogs on we'll
14152s have to find out we're going to go to a
14153s quick break we'll be right back don't go
14155s anywhere chat we're only halfway done
14157s with the
14168s night
14169s [Music]
14188s [Music]
14266s [Music]
14279s [Music]
14289s [Music]
14305s [Applause]
14306s [Music]
14318s la
14335s [Music]
14386s [Music]
14393s [Music]
14406s our top three is looking about how a lot
14409s of us predicted with uh wisp Embers
14412s Michael wave and Timeless ethereal all
14414s leading the pack Timeless ethereal now
14416s waiting in the grand finals for just for
14420s whoever is going to step up be it WIS
14422s bamers or be it Michael wave but right
14425s now they seem they seem almost
14428s Unstoppable I'm back and I'm joined This
14430s Time by tiny shiny tiny how have you
14432s been feeling about the game so far today
14434s I have been thoroughly entertained by
14437s the matches we've had on our screen we
14439s expect nothing less out of the best of
14441s the best within the calling all heroes
14442s Championship circuit now Michael wave
14446s after a FIV map Banger series are not
14449s done with their losers bracket run yet
14452s taking on wisp Embers quite ironically
14454s CB the fairy team that knocked them down
14457s here to begin with Michael wave knew it
14459s was going to be a long day from the
14461s get-go I mean Wick even said so in the
14463s interview earlier she said yeah we knew
14464s we were going to have to go the distance
14466s we weren't really ready for that first
14467s one to be a best of or to go all the way
14469s to five Maps but they better be ready
14471s for this one to do that because WIS
14473s members despite what we just saw still
14475s have generally looked really strong
14477s throughout this entire tournament we
14479s talk a lot about some of the highlights
14480s of this team Senna anun H ke this whole
14483s team seems pretty loaded and like they
14485s are destined for something better they
14488s absolutely are the Wisp Embers are the
14491s only team other than Timeless ethereal
14494s to win a title throughout the calling
14496s all heroes circuit thus far and despite
14498s the recent loss I don't feel like that's
14500s going to hinder them at all coming into
14502s the series as I stated previously these
14504s two teams did face off against each
14507s other earlier on in this bracket was a
14509s three 0 going in which direction and
14511s they are not an opponent to be messed
14513s around with by any means Michael wave
14515s are going to have their work cut out for
14517s them indeed they are and I mean in order
14521s to get some of that work done I think we
14523s know un was talking about leaning into
14524s the chaos leaning into mari's
14526s flexibility who to my eyes has very much
14528s so been the star of this Michael wave
14530s Squad I'll continue to Hype Mari up in
14532s my opinion the best and most flexible
14534s tank in the entire calling all Hero
14536s circuit without a doubt the most
14538s improved player over time from where we
14541s started to where we are now she has been
14543s absolutely phenomenal and her
14544s flexibility has been the greatest asset
14547s for this Michael wave Squad I mean
14548s arguably it's what got them the edge
14550s over Timeless Celestial in the previous
14552s game will it give them the edge today
14555s against against wisp Embers as we go to
14558s our first map which will be Samoa for
14560s the first time all weekend long we get
14562s to see Samoa I'm down to take a little
14565s bit of a summer vacation to the beach
14566s get me out of the Frid winter of
14568s Antarctic Peninsula I mean seei this is
14570s the first time we're bringing Samoa in
14573s this circuit in the losers finals mind
14576s you a lot of teams have stayed far away
14577s from this map with how new it is to the
14580s realm of OverWatch as a whole whsp
14582s Embers is the first to dare to pick it I
14585s I think you know a lot of because we're
14587s in a very brawl Centric meta a lot of
14589s these teams are opting to go towards
14591s Antarctic Peninsula cuz that's what they
14592s practice that's where that composition
14594s is strong some have taken us to leang
14595s Tower just cuz it's another one of those
14597s scrims row type Maps where you can kind
14599s of get away with anything again brawl
14600s feels very favored on that kind of map
14602s but Samoa all three of the points kind
14605s of play a little bit differently as we
14607s go across so we're not really like we
14610s still might see a fair amount of that
14611s brawl composition but on some of these
14613s points namely the city uh the downtown
14615s City Center and you know the point you
14617s see on your screen right now Beach it's
14619s going to get a little bit more
14620s open-ended there's going to be a little
14622s bit more room for nuance a little bit
14623s more room for some of these sojourn
14624s flanks we've been seeing maybe opening
14626s the door for different tank compositions
14628s we haven't seen a whole lot of
14630s today this is going to be the chance for
14632s Michael wave to Showcase their
14634s flexibility it's not something that we
14637s really doubt from them at all which also
14638s makes me question why did whis pick this
14642s map to begin with if anything Michael
14645s wave has been weaker when they've had to
14648s play into this ratra miror with Zoe
14650s being on that may they want the
14651s opportunity to switch that up and
14653s perhaps this map of Samoa gives them the
14657s opportunity to do just that we'll be
14659s kicking it off here on the coast of
14662s beach Sandy pits sure about to be
14665s stained red momentarily wh members I'm
14668s curious what they've got cooking coming
14669s out of the gates are they going to
14670s switch it up sticking with Good Old
14672s Faithful Michael wave though you're the
14674s one to keep an eye on now speaking of
14676s cooking I have another fun fact about a
14677s spawn team uh for Michael wave you know
14680s I told you the one earlier at the this
14681s weekend about Vancouver Titans blue
14683s Michael wave have a slightly different
14685s ritual for them this time what they do
14687s is they will say uh you know they'll
14689s have their coach chimzi in the voice
14690s chat with them who will say instead of
14692s 321 fighting we'll say microwave sounds
14695s go and everyone will say beep beep beep
14699s or just you know making some making some
14701s microwave noises to let them know that
14703s they have started cooking and cooking
14705s indeed they are Zoe on the Genji on the
14709s Arisa this is kind of what we've been
14710s wanting to see Michael wave dipped their
14712s toes in a little bit more this Arisa
14714s composition that I feel plays very well
14716s into the ratra that Kindred has brought
14718s to the dance in my opinion it has been
14721s one of the best looks that Michael W
14724s have thrown out other than that J's Rush
14726s the difference Mari on the Arisa has the
14728s ability to control space or more
14730s specifically control kindri you're not
14732s allowing Senna to get up on these flanks
14735s and you can just javel and your spin
14737s your way through the back line you don't
14738s do a great job of protecting your team
14740s You Don't Go Near Kindred in fact death
14741s gets caught out on an off angle of their
14744s own it's a big problem for Michael wave
14746s starting out on this objective Senna now
14749s has to be a main target prob wanted to
14751s make the March onto the low ground yet
14752s the pieces are crumbling Kindred has
14754s been essentially ignored the entirety of
14756s this first engagement and and kind of
14758s the way that this tank match up is going
14760s to play out a lot of the times is you're
14761s going to try to utilize the
14762s assassination potential of either the
14764s Nemesis form to go into a backliner and
14766s start finding some punches or just all
14768s of the cool Downs that Arisa has to get
14770s in hit a javelin spear pin a support up
14772s against the wall kill them and then use
14774s the rest of the cool Downs to get back
14775s out and that instance Kindred was in the
14777s backline Mari wasn't using any of her
14779s cooldowns to check her so Kindred gets
14781s two and Mari has to turn around to deal
14783s with it but it's too little too late now
14785s we're seeing a couple of swaps coming
14787s out for Michael wave ammr actually going
14788s to swap over onto the Baptist perhaps
14791s for a little bit more staying power with
14792s that immortality but also is going to be
14795s a little bit more Mortal when it comes
14797s to those assassinations that Kindred is
14798s going to be looking for a great swap
14801s overall and that's where you need to
14802s start controlling Kindred a javelin spin
14804s off the side so now Mari walks on for
14807s cautious of the May wall as always I
14809s mean there's not much room for her to
14810s push up the window actually denying that
14812s space completely she's got to get out
14814s but no admr will still end up falling to
14817s Kindred and if anything you can't escape
14819s Kindred as easily with the Baptist here
14822s wh members keep targeting that support
14824s line and as difficult as it was to
14825s escape Kindred there it's going to get
14827s all the more difficult to do so now that
14828s she has an Annihilation and a ton of
14830s ults to back it up with yeah Senna with
14832s a pickoff onto death Senna has been on a
14834s war path all tournament long and even
14836s though we saw whis Embers kind of going
14838s down in the previous series Senna was
14840s still lighting up The Kill feed whenever
14841s she had the opportunity to if you give
14843s her an angle she will take it and poru
14845s will be there to help her set that up
14847s and especially with an overclock that's
14849s just another threat that Michael wer
14851s going to have to watch out for and
14853s they're so focused on Kindred right now
14855s who has the annihilation so even if she
14856s ends up getting low you need to find
14858s another player to go as in this
14859s situation it is poru nice Jaelin across
14862s the way Zenna blocked out of position
14865s temporarily or seizing the opportunity
14867s as much as possible tfield getting
14868s little to nothing done bring Anan to the
14871s back side of the Hut oh Michael wave
14874s flip the point back over they are far
14876s from in control of this battle atmr with
14878s another one get you're not chunking
14879s through the overheal Senate has plus the
14882s damage going in whisp Embers at 99% will
14885s have that flip back over a lonely battle
14887s capat on the objective wishing for a her
14890s to keep her company the reinforcements
14892s are coming slower than you would like
14893s them to death roaring back in bringing
14896s her Terror down upon their opponents has
14899s to do a lot more than that and you have
14901s Zoe just on the case Michael wave their
14903s gam play sloppy and chaotic but it works
14906s for them and it gets the job done when
14908s it's needed the most sloppy is
14910s definitely the name of the game it was a
14911s great fight to start out with with Mari
14913s going in with that Terror surge found a
14915s ton of value BL out a ton of resources
14917s from wisp Embers and it seemed like
14918s Michael wave had won the fight but they
14920s got too complacent too comfortable for a
14922s split second and Sena and Kindred
14924s collapsed on that and nearly snuck the
14926s whole point right out from under Michael
14928s wave thankfully death and Zoe come back
14930s with the heroic plays the big overclock
14932s the big blade to get the last couple
14934s stragglers out Michael wave now in
14935s control but how long can they hold on if
14938s death keeps finding sen like that might
14940s be a long time and that's T up from agmr
14943s watch how death and agmr continue to
14945s work together in a lot of these
14947s different fights whether it's the ant
14948s Matrix or not Michael wave will be
14950s giving hitan players so many
14952s opportunities to6 knowing value they
14955s bring to that neutral engagement and
14957s justers they're even committing the
14958s blizzard into this fight I really don't
14960s know how to feel about that a little bit
14962s better if Annie had picks up to on the
14964s back end of it Mel wave though still
14967s firmly in control there's nobody from
14968s whis that dares to go on the point it
14970s did end up being a good blizzard you saw
14971s the assist on anun that's our third kill
14973s the first two were frozen up targets but
14976s death was a little bit more mobile a
14977s much harder Target to hit but she does
14979s find the mark and that's going to make
14981s Michael wave sweat it might be a
14982s pressure point for them they have to try
14984s and get back on the point Mount some
14985s kind of fight with Wick a sound barrier
14987s here we go sound barrier is going to do
14989s it Kindred Force back just slightly
14991s enough to continue the conten on the
14994s objective the damage is too much for
14996s Michael wave to handle with Embers their
14999s flame burns up brightly here on the
15001s first objective 99% will that TI up to
15004s 100 yes it will Michael Wade gave a iant
15008s effort to come back onto Beach will end
15011s up forgoing it in the end it it it felt
15014s like Michael wave were so close to being
15016s able to buy themselves back into it once
15017s they won that fight but they weren't set
15019s up entirely for Success it felt like
15020s they were kind of just set up on stilts
15022s and all it really took was that blizzard
15024s and then Annie you to be there to get
15025s some of those kills to just kick the
15027s stilts right out from under Michael wave
15029s and they kind of slowly stumble and
15031s Tumble and Bumble their way as they
15033s collapse back down to the ground still
15036s though a close map very back and forth
15038s as we go into volcano I don't imagine
15041s we're going to see a whole lot of switch
15042s UPS on the composition this is uh you
15044s know of the three maps for Samoa this
15046s one is the most enclosed the most brawl
15049s favored and it's where you're going to
15050s see this ratra shine more so than even
15053s on Beach and kred specifically really
15056s stepped into the spotlight back in that
15059s first mini map there without that
15061s additional pressure on the front line
15063s with some of the crazy flanks that
15064s Michael wave were taking as she was
15066s ready to do a lot more than you would
15068s typically see from a player on this hero
15071s and that's something that Michael wave
15072s need to be cautious of this time it'll
15074s be a little bit easier since you are
15075s forced to go head to-head with your
15077s opponent K keeping an eye on those off
15080s angles and so is Zoe the DPS Duo taking
15083s out their counterparts in the side of
15085s wisp Embers Kindred can only block so
15088s much por she to will join them this far
15091s it's great that Kindred is able to find
15092s a Pick Off onto the backliner there but
15093s the other one yeah not not able to get
15095s two for one to make it uh make it all
15097s the worth while especially with your DPS
15099s being gone the May being one of the
15100s first to fall Senna the other Senna
15102s almost got no work done at all on that
15105s flank angle was sused out way too
15107s quickly by Michael wave who are privy to
15109s the flank angles that whsp Embers like
15110s to go for we talked about it with hter
15112s how sometimes they do kind of like to
15114s overload some of these flanks and if you
15116s start to sus that out if you start to be
15118s looking for those you can start to
15119s punish
15121s iters right now to push through this
15124s small Archway this is the best situation
15127s for them I me look how much death he
15128s been able to do 30% on Senna versus
15131s nearly 80 on the side of death I mean
15134s the outcome of this Soldier player is
15136s absolutely insane and I mean asers
15139s they're afraid to peek it the ant Mak
15140s are goinging up it's not something you
15142s even want to try testing but the same
15144s goes for Senna the ant Matrix at her
15146s back to help support double the damage
15149s and that's just the way wisp Embers to
15151s break through Michael wave's defenses
15153s Senna has a lot to prove and she's she's
15156s absolutely showing it little F tidbit
15158s about her by the way she's actually
15159s playing from the hospital right now I
15161s think looking on either side noticing
15163s the beds next to next to her are a
15165s little bit empty and wants to get a
15167s couple members of Michael wave nice and
15168s injured to join her so dishing out
15170s plenty of punishment to try and bring
15171s them down to her level but she's playing
15173s at a level we haven't seen out of many
15175s soj players as long as she's not getting
15177s caught out on some of these rotations
15179s she is finding a ton of value just like
15180s we saw there a 2K to seal it for whisp
15183s Embers but now death with the overclock
15184s on a similar flank angle and wi there to
15186s help tried to take it on 2V1 ended up
15189s losing their life whisp Embers now down
15192s and hurting the sound barrier as an
15193s attempt to keep the remaining three
15195s players alive and in control but at the
15197s end of the day CB that ultimate goes
15199s down to waste and they will be forced
15201s they have a reset yeah if you can't put
15203s the sound barrier onto Kindred then
15204s there goes all your staying power
15205s they're definitely not going to stick
15206s around all the much longer they're going
15207s to back out utilize the ult that they
15209s still have including kindred's
15210s Annihilation to really drag this fight
15213s out until they're able to wrestle the
15214s control away looking for an angle from
15217s Senna to Make Some Noise with this
15218s overclock or HP to go in with the
15220s blizzard those are the big money
15221s ultimates that Wiis ambers have to lean
15223s on right
15224s now the overclock out first wi not
15227s taking any chances immediate reaction
15229s from the Lucio player now mea wave
15232s they're saveing but no finds yourself in
15234s a fiery pit of death wi the ultimate
15237s protector of Michael wave shuts down the
15240s player that was ready to send them all
15242s to an early grave ow they're furly in
15245s control of this objective the last one
15247s standing is Kindred right now and like a
15250s wave they're pushing up they're on the
15251s chase knowing this fight could be the
15253s last you said Wick is not taking any
15255s chances I disagree she took a big gamble
15257s there and it paid off booping the
15258s overclocking soj off the map and even
15260s still Michael waiver able to kill HP as
15262s she invest the blizzard so have that ult
15264s down the drain too and Michael wave have
15266s all they need to hold this right now but
15268s they've lost so many oh they went on so
15271s early whisp Embers they had that ant
15273s Matrix just thrown in the middle the
15275s damage was done before Michael wave even
15277s even had the opportunity to understand
15279s what was happening and that fight came
15281s in so fast it made Michael wave's head
15282s spin they should have had that one ajar
15284s could have just locked it down with the
15286s window and they tried to do just that
15288s but it didn't work out Mari dies before
15290s she can pop the annihilation and you
15291s don't have the opportunity to build up
15293s to death's overclock you don't have the
15294s opportunity to make up any of that
15296s difference in the blizzard charge that
15297s Zoey now that HQ is on the Genji you're
15299s definitely going to be looking at Zoe to
15300s be the Difference Maker here for Michael
15302s wave but death has fallen once again
15304s courtesy asenna oh death I mean you talk
15307s about so but death as well has often
15309s been Michael waves in to these fights in
15312s the neutral game and with Sena just
15314s picking them off instantly that is a
15316s blow need to recover from before even
15318s thinking about aapproach and they do
15320s have time for said reapo though and
15321s they're I don't know if they want to try
15323s and take this duel up here I think they
15325s do want to do just that just to try and
15326s pressure Santa back but she can just H
15328s the power slide away go on an even more
15330s aggressive angle here Mari going to try
15332s and pressure out a little bit more with
15333s the annihilation where's the Beat from
15335s po you going to come from come out yet
15338s but now that time here giving Kindra
15340s that extra Health boost help burn down
15343s mari's remaining healthful now focus on
15345s death has three HP claim the lives as
15347s one the St barrier didn't land onto the
15349s soldier player they needed the B HK
15351s getting the deflect kill it's a brutal
15353s blow to recover from Michael wave half
15355s the flip back over into their control
15357s Senna sits with anun the final two
15359s players along with h ke slicing in the
15361s backline with bembers they're close
15363s they're not going to give up the map of
15365s sboa just yet a wave try as they might
15369s change the opportunities that they had
15372s couldn't be converted on a center as
15374s simply been too powerful for them to
15377s handle oh the volcano map it's been
15380s close CB he just never had the tools to
15383s fully take on what whsp Embers were
15385s throwing their Direction and they're
15387s going to walk away map number one it
15390s still feels close it still feels back
15391s and forth but unfortunately for Michael
15393s wave it also feels sloppy again I'm
15396s going back to Beach and thinking about
15397s that one fight where Mari went in with
15399s that teror Surge and it seemed to get
15401s everything Michael wave could have
15402s possibly wanted out of it but it wasn't
15404s quite enough because they rested on
15406s their Laurels for a split second and
15408s Senna was there for the punish as was
15410s Kindred and it feels like whenever
15413s Michael wave trip over their shoelaces a
15415s little bit Senna is there to give them
15416s that one last little push over the edge
15419s typically in the form of a rail shot to
15421s whoever was not paying enough attention
15423s to Senna senna's the breaking point
15426s right there's way too many instances
15428s where she just finds either just a rail
15430s gun head shot or is on this flank and it
15433s works out so incredibly well to whisp
15435s ember's favor and they're no longer
15437s overpacking these off angles Michael
15440s wave's chaotic play style doesn't handle
15442s well when you have to turn in so many
15444s different directions and it really does
15446s feed into it make it grow so almost your
15448s entire plan implodes from the center
15451s with members they really did start to
15453s Showcase that here on the beach now as
15455s we went over to volcano you mentioned it
15457s was a lot closer there weren't these
15459s massive differences you got to see
15461s within the team but it just came down to
15463s Senna being the extra Factor whisp
15467s ember's break point and and take nothing
15469s away from the rest of the team because
15470s yeah we can see Senna absolutely
15472s fragging 10 final blows there but hkey
15474s had 12 Kindred with 15 the whole team of
15477s whsp Embers is popping off and I think
15479s puu is actually doing a lot to
15481s facilitate that especially helping sen
15483s out with some of these flanks being
15485s there whenever H ke needs her and you
15487s know also being there to speed Shephard
15489s uh Kindred around wherever she needs to
15491s go to deal out 11k damage Kindred is a a
15495s very aggressive frontliner right now but
15497s hey it's making space for the rest of
15500s wisp Embers to collapse in here's
15502s another thing to note too look at the
15504s deaths on AJ Amar though that 10 deaths
15507s on a control map CB that couldn't have
15510s gone met more than 10 minutes itself
15512s ajmar was the primary target for Wisp
15515s Embers and got caught out a lot more
15517s more than what we're used to seeing from
15518s them we need to see Michael wave do a
15520s better job at helping their supports
15522s stay alive they're the foundation for
15524s your push and your composition you don't
15526s have them not going to be able to make
15527s any further progress the bad news is
15530s I've also kind of noticed that same
15532s pattern especially with Michael wave
15534s it's something that feels like it's been
15535s playing them for a long time it's if
15537s ajmr is being pressured down there's not
15540s always going to be enough PE for them to
15542s stay alive there's not always going to
15543s be a whole lot of you know a whole lot
15546s that you can do to stop that and if ajmr
15548s falls then suddenly you can't to stay in
15550s your front line we'll talk about that to
15551s we're blue in the face but that's why I
15553s kind of like the Arisa comp a little bit
15555s because you do have the option to turn
15557s around and put a javelin into the enemy
15559s ratra as they're going back for that
15561s assassination but we didn't really see
15562s that for the little bit that we were
15564s seeing Mari play the Arisa composition
15566s and I think if that's an option that
15568s they want to go for that's a small
15569s little micro adjustment I'd like to see
15571s Mari make that might end up meaning the
15573s world to ajmr and the success of Michael
15576s wave overall we're going into our second
15578s map here which is going to be Kings Row
15580s and I got to imagine a map like this
15582s where a lot of it is going to be Level
15584s Playing Field with little bits of high
15585s ground ammr is still going to be Public
15588s Enemy Number One for whs members and
15591s there's absolutely no reason to stop
15593s that Michael wave are a very frontally
15595s focused team once they start going it's
15598s like the S key is Unbound there is no
15600s way back and it leaves players like agmr
15603s vulnerable especially when you your
15604s opponent is as competent as is they will
15607s be aware when you're are making these
15609s plays and they'll capitalize on some of
15611s those minuscule errors that you might
15613s not think about at the beginning now
15615s with we that being completely caught off
15616s guard Beach being a bit of a mess we got
15620s to see that start to pull together here
15622s on Kings Row Michael wave won it last
15625s time around even if it was a battle
15628s tooth and nail see if they can find a
15631s similar outcome this time around you
15633s said uh you said they had the S key
15635s Unbound but you know what h key has been
15637s Unleashed through the through the he you
15640s like I was saying and Kindred has as
15641s well it feels like whsp Embers it's
15643s almost like night and day you know from
15645s what we saw towards the tail end of the
15646s last series what we're seeing out of
15648s them right now and again Michael wave
15650s this is kind of what we expect out of
15652s them very I don't want to keep saying
15654s the word sloppy cuz it's not always
15656s sloppy but it is chaotic and it does
15657s kind of rely a lot on death to be the
15659s one to pop off and that's what kind of
15661s happens when you're not always in
15663s control of things when you don't always
15665s have the most firm grasp on what's going
15667s out what's going on underneath you you
15669s know you do kind of rely on hero plays
15671s from your soj rather than setting your
15673s soj up for hero plays like we're seeing
15675s coming out from Senna and again take
15677s nothing away from Senna she's a
15678s phenomenal player as is death but you
15680s have to set these soons up for success
15682s and whis bembers are doing a much better
15685s job at this point in time at doing just
15688s that it's almost like that Michael wave
15690s have learned bad habits from Death
15693s successfulness on the soldier just in
15695s the neutral without any setup coming
15697s through so now they just expect it to
15699s happen every time and it almost feels
15701s that that could be a reason why they're
15703s not able to give the merely as much
15705s space on these different fights here and
15708s and especially with a point as King's
15710s Row we like to see the splits come out
15712s with the lucios and soj will be making
15714s way to Theo this time H ke will come in
15717s on in assist pooru kind of peppers them
15720s away Michael way being forced back
15722s without any real engagement taken thus
15725s far with members find the objective
15727s while po you is solely focused on making
15730s sure the the Lucio and the sold sa put
15732s you're in timeout in this staircase
15734s losing out on death though microw wave
15736s walled off and hurting are they going to
15739s be able to recover the answer likely no
15742s that's pretty much their entire team
15743s falling on down off of whs Embers
15746s dividing and conquering something that I
15747s thought was a little bit interesting was
15749s Zoe was playing that High Ground as well
15750s to try and defend it you had Zoe on one
15752s High Ground death on another and wisp
15754s Embers sent Senna hqy and poru all
15757s around so it ended up being like a 3v3
15759s split up there on The High Ground and HQ
15761s just got the better of Zoe in that
15762s exchange and started to find a lot more
15764s value and now whsb is looking to try and
15766s stagger some of these bodies out for
15768s microw wave so they can push their way
15769s through Archway W with the bo kill they
15771s run to hkey though means whis bembers
15772s have to play it a little bit slow
15774s without their ability to build some
15775s walls section anybody off they can't
15777s really hold this space Michael wave have
15779s bought their way into this
15781s Archway and a great time for them to do
15784s so look at that blizzard almost on line
15787s if you saw the first game Michael wave
15788s played in today Boe was Finding
15790s incredible valkum out of this ultimate
15793s and if here's the time to pull out you
15795s don't want anun to have anything with
15797s the amplification Matrix only sen up
15799s Frozen up for the time being but it
15800s opens the doori to go in and just punch
15803s some people down into the ground this is
15806s where Michael W can now move towards
15808s that spawn room and he wh em in the I
15811s mean you would like that but HQ is not
15813s going to let that happen she pops the
15814s blizzard it's going to catch it's going
15816s to catch both and ajmr and once again
15818s ajmr the first to fall yeah Mari gets
15820s the trade back but without your Baptist
15822s you're not going to want to stick around
15823s this spawn hold has been busted before
15825s it could even realistically be set up W
15827s Falls as well whisp Embers they might
15829s have just cracked this Michael wave I
15831s think got a little over zealous honestly
15834s TB I think they had the right idea the
15836s whole team wasn't with them though HP
15838s pulling that blizzard out and taking
15840s down angmar you had to get out of there
15842s but they didn't really retreat at any
15844s point and that's going to cost them even
15847s further I mean it it's also you know
15850s just hqy seeing an opportunity to put up
15852s a wall seeing two lonely players that
15855s can't be helped by the rest of their
15856s team putting up a wall and throwing down
15857s the blizzard and that's smart M play
15859s that we're seeing from a lot of these
15861s top tier teams and I hate to keep giving
15862s Zoe a hard time but compared to the
15864s other maze in this top four it feels
15866s like she's been just a step behind she's
15868s picking up the slack and she definitely
15869s needs to if Michael wave want to stay in
15872s this Michael wave that's ant Matrix
15875s really
15877s defensive don't get
15879s much neutral position death oping to pop
15883s out the
15884s overclockers on either side as well kind
15887s of this waiting game that over Health
15889s goes down this is where things are going
15890s to start to get a little sticky or a
15893s little bit purple and orange Kindred
15896s Mari ultimate out of piece yet it is
15898s Kindred to come out on top pushing on a
15901s forward through the second objective now
15904s in Jeopardy Michael wave be unable to
15907s make another reasonable contest they're
15909s going to have to finish this one off in
15911s The Foundry and what happens in that
15913s fight there though is Kindred puts her
15915s back to where ajmr is playing so they
15917s don't have to focus down ajmr the same
15919s way that they traditionally have been
15921s she just has to stop ajmr from being
15923s able to assist Mari on her Annihilation
15925s so Kindred ends up getting the better of
15927s that exchange as do the rest of whsp
15928s Embers as they all come forward as a
15930s collective having successfully cut off
15932s the lifeline again without even having
15935s to focus down ajm whis members
15937s understand the value of taking out the
15939s enemy Baptist and ajmr needs to start
15941s playing a little bit safer but a little
15943s bit
15944s smarter I mean you would like to see
15946s that but what can agmr even do in fights
15948s like this that was the blizzard chucked
15949s out from zoy Michael wave tried to push
15951s on in but with beers they were ready
15953s they had the damage the focus fire on
15955s point it was a completely dry flight at
15956s the cost of a major ultimate Michael
15959s wave will be fighting on their own
15961s doorstep and they don't have anything to
15963s work with they're going to swap over Zoe
15965s onto the Genji that's her Comfort pick
15967s but with HQ holding on to a blizzard I'm
15969s not sure how comfortable she's going to
15970s be feeling I hope she brought her
15971s snowshoes cuz she's going to have quite
15973s the mountain to climb on that Genji Mari
15976s coming close to an Annihilation and
15977s death also kind of coming close to an
15980s overclock if this fight goes long they
15982s might be able to build up with those
15983s ultimates but annun wants to put it to
15985s bed with an ant Matrix on The High
15987s Ground Senna doesn't have an angle she
15988s has to drop sen gets the angle the
15991s blizzard goes on out Mari free for the
15994s taking whisp Embers now their confidence
15996s has has sorn the fight has not gone
15998s close to long enough that microwave
16000s could build up those ultimates in time
16003s it is wisp Embers with 249 on the clock
16007s a great showing here on their King's Row
16009s attack this really does start to tell
16011s the story of how Michael wave's chaotic
16013s gameplay can be tempered by a squad such
16017s as them I mean I didn't even I don't
16018s even know if I would say their chaotic
16020s came gameplay is being tempered as well
16021s as it's being just outright counter just
16023s completely turned on its head it didn't
16025s ever feel aside from that one fight
16027s where Michael wave were able to get a
16028s couple kills and lock down the archway
16030s that they were ever in control but even
16032s that they kind of blew up in their face
16034s by going for that spawn hold and hkey
16036s Pops a blizzard and just completely
16037s turns that on its head and Michael wave
16040s had no way that they could have ever saw
16041s that coming no way to prep for it and
16043s definitely no plan B is and even it's
16046s one of those things right where you see
16047s your tank going in getting caught out
16049s you want to try and go in and make the
16050s save does wi but she ends up Falling
16052s Towards the tail end of it as well and
16054s now you've lost three players you don't
16056s have the slightest hope of getting back
16057s in time to lock down that Archway
16059s properly and then it just snowballs out
16061s of control from there that's the value
16064s that a good May player can give your
16065s team that's the value that hkey is
16067s giving to whsp Embers right now value
16069s that Michael wave aren't adequately
16071s dealing with and that it feels like they
16073s are in their own right
16076s lacking Michael wave and something has
16079s to come out and change and I really hope
16081s what we see from Mari teasing on the
16083s orisa is what stays wh right now are
16087s looking rather
16089s Unstoppable the momentum they've managed
16091s to gain thus far and with the orisa
16093s reing true Michael wave ready to try to
16095s switch it up and I I I do kind of like
16097s this switch up from Michael wave not
16099s just because of the Arisa playing well
16100s into the ratra which it does but because
16102s it's Mari once again leading the CH to
16104s try and make up the difference for
16105s Michael wave if she's been their biggest
16107s strength their biggest asset and if she
16109s keeps leveraging that flexibility sooner
16111s or later this broken clock will be right
16113s at least twice a day and that's all you
16115s need to get to a map five that's where
16117s Michael wave seem to shine as we've seen
16119s today they're trying to take this High
16121s Ground wrestle it away from Santa and
16123s boru but hp's there with the wall to try
16125s and slow it down W getting caught out is
16127s she able to stay alive she is but not
16129s will but Zoe won't oh that's a torge
16132s real shot to the Dome Michael wave they
16134s have the right idea taking The High
16135s Ground you just don't count for sna
16137s hitting the shot but s did through the
16139s same in their own soier counterparts
16141s them hitting the hay no tank online wisp
16144s Embers are going to be backing the heck
16146s out his objective switching over to the
16147s junker Queen and it appears players are
16149s lurking around for a potential recontest
16151s it was it was almost a wickah Wednesday
16153s there but it is still thankfully Wick a
16155s weekend as her play her her her over
16158s agressive plays are still paying off it
16160s despite nearly getting caught out there
16162s it was Zoe that ended up paying the
16164s price but death made up the deficit with
16166s a couple of key rail shots and also an
16168s early kill on to Kindred and again you
16170s lose your main tank you lose your
16171s staying power Michael wave can start to
16173s swarm the points start to force
16174s positioning and that's great you don't
16175s even really need Zoe for that at that
16177s point in time but unfortunately Zoe's
16179s going to be lagging a little bit behind
16181s on the blizzard charge and on this
16182s Archway you definitely want to have that
16184s sooner rather than later HQ getting
16186s close to hers you got to imagine that
16188s whis bembers are playing for that
16189s ultimate and looking to leverage it not
16192s a knife onto
16194s ajmr over to the Jer Queen would be
16196s scary you don't have anything to protect
16198s against the amplification Matrix that's
16200s a second down for death anytime this
16202s ultimate comes on up you're expecting at
16204s least one in the kill be
16206s of Michael waves soj a that's efficiency
16210s at its finest and he in with a late kill
16212s there onto death but death did all they
16213s needed to do in order to win that fight
16215s now we've broken through the archway and
16217s we able to do so without having to worry
16220s about the aention blizzard just because
16221s of that ant Matrix and because of that
16223s one kill that comes through as a result
16225s before that window even slam shut Now
16228s Zoe is getting a little bit more caught
16229s up and the rest of the ult advantage is
16231s kind of favoring Michael wave right
16233s about now so they can ride this momentum
16235s ride this wave if you will and try and
16237s get Street space closed out with time in
16239s the bank the overclock wanting to
16241s partner up with the ultimate of the tank
16243s and it's enough to snag for you caught
16245s on Zoe's wall preventing any form of
16248s Escape like a wave now to immortality
16252s field a little bit earlier might be a
16254s little bit problem if quite goes on long
16256s enough wi got down barrier a nice backup
16259s plan to go on through whis emers they're
16261s committing four ultimates into this
16263s fight they still think it's winable and
16264s the blizzard is making it just that
16266s Target so easy to hit for seta fish in a
16270s barrel Michael wave going have to take
16273s another swing at things but at what cost
16276s I mean wi's not done swinging right now
16278s with a poop there almost actually finds
16280s the cap that was very very close but it
16282s was super costly for both teams Kindred
16285s though is going to have that Rampage and
16287s Michael wave they don't have anything
16289s realistically that they can do to stop
16291s it so they have to try and first of all
16293s identify that that's the biggest threat
16295s secondly they're going to have to to
16296s find a way to kite it out and they got
16297s to do it quickly because remember 249 in
16300s the time B for whis Embers if Michael
16302s wave have a hope of coming even in the
16303s same zip code as that time bank they got
16306s to be swift here they can't afford long
16307s drawn out fights with a lot of mistakes
16309s they can't keep tripping over their
16310s shoelaces they got to go one and done
16313s they're going to make their attempts
16314s repping around the far s side of the
16316s building Mayall already out and that's
16318s prime time for ker to strike three
16319s players Knocked Up in purple and the
16322s rest are on the wrong side of the kill
16324s feed but the right one for Senna
16326s oh that's one way to lose a fight really
16328s quickly a benefit for Michael wave you
16330s could say yeah call Michael wave Oprah
16332s Winfrey the way they were all in the
16333s color purple right there thanks to
16335s Kindred that was beautiful but I mean
16337s that's exactly what Michael wave need to
16338s do right they need to bait that ultimate
16339s out shout out to Senna by the way for
16341s getting a 3K there another highlight
16343s reel for her but Michael wave have now
16344s made up the deficit with that Eco push
16346s they don't invest into that now they
16348s have a Terra surge now they have an amp
16349s Matrix they'll have a beaten an
16350s overclock soon enough they have to win
16352s this fight though cuz if they don't they
16354s might not get another shot or at least
16356s not another good shot to capture street
16359s phas with time as the two ultimates they
16361s do have make a decent combo if they are
16365s executed properly that's Mari going in
16368s her faster than she could blink my
16370s goodness that's T treatment if I have
16372s ever seen one they turn around they deal
16374s with the flank I mean look at this
16375s they're checking on Sena and po you
16378s Michael wave has made big steps in the
16380s right direction anytime they catch these
16383s two flankers the tank gets dealt with
16385s and now it's wh Embers that are starting
16387s to look a little bit sloppy their game
16388s plan their playbook has been read and
16391s will now need to write a new one HQ kind
16393s of Cask over mon AOS herself there
16394s trying to strike back out from behind
16396s the wall but that's the value that Mari
16398s on this Arisa is going to give you the
16400s fact that she can go up K assassination
16402s kill onto Kindred and then turn around
16404s hit another big Javelin onto the flank
16406s and then a third Javelin to force HQ to
16409s use both the ice block and the May wall
16410s just to stay alive she does but it's all
16412s for not as Michael wave do cap the point
16414s here's a teror sech Michael wave one
16416s more oh and they're getting both DPS out
16418s of it massive plays going in yes it is
16421s going to cost you three ultimates but
16423s look how far this payload is going to
16425s manage to get off of this fight alone
16427s but look at the ults for Wisp Embers
16429s though like they haven't invested ever
16430s since kindred's annihilate or kindred's
16432s Rampage a couple fights ago now they
16434s have the blizzard and that's going to
16435s make it so difficult never mind who
16439s cares about the blizzard Mari just kills
16440s H ke outright it's Senna they got to
16442s worry about though it is sen they have
16444s to worry about and zoy with a blizzard
16447s of her own and that manag to make an
16449s appearance yes it doesn't catch anybody
16451s off right and you don't deal with s the
16454s at Matrix from whisp Embers that will be
16456s the thing to start to turn the tide back
16458s into their favor cost them the three
16460s ultimates to do so but have guaranteed
16463s themselves a much higher time pick over
16465s their opponent at the very least yeah
16466s but I mean because you kill HQ early and
16468s she can't use the blizzard spoilers she
16470s still has the blizzard and wi is nowhere
16472s near a sound barrier to try and counter
16474s it out so she's going to have to use her
16475s speed boost just to try and kite it
16477s probably even have to leverage AJR's
16479s immortality field to try and keep
16481s everybody sustained through it you got
16482s to imagine mari's going to be ready to
16484s use you know the fortify the javelin
16485s spin whatever she needs to get out of it
16487s this blizzard no matter how you look at
16489s it is going to bleed out a ton of
16491s resources for Michael wave not least of
16493s which is time which Michael wave don't
16495s have a whole lot of left no and even
16498s that short little saw that we see right
16499s now this is basically going to be the
16502s last full team fight we are going to
16504s have and it's not the blizzard they
16505s worried about is Rampage through the
16508s backline Kindred with two whisp Embers
16511s now on their last limb are they going to
16514s try to reset this the fact that it's
16515s Scrappy often tells me that they will
16517s not give up until every single one of
16519s them has gone down and hit the dust
16523s theard HP has held it on for this
16526s freaking long and Michael wave to come
16529s back to bite them in the butt and she
16532s she hasn't needed to use the blizzard
16534s and the rampage that kred used earlier
16535s caught wi so wi is still behind in sound
16538s barrier charge so again this wizard is
16539s going to bleed out more time more
16541s resources wi's dead again she's not
16543s going to get the sound barrier now if
16545s she doesn't be an OT Michael wave they
16547s can't win this map anymore no this might
16550s just very well be done it's a 5v3 make
16552s that a 5v2 ajmr is going to get
16555s staggered and like with beever you're
16557s done you're not taking a full team fight
16559s against the blizzard H throws it out
16561s super early to prevent any of these
16563s players from getting a last minute touch
16565s in onto the objective spotted Lucio on
16568s the high grounds I mean whsp Embers they
16570s placed top two for a good reason they're
16573s up 20 in this series they want to have
16576s that rematch in this Grand finals
16578s Michael wave have so much housekeeping
16581s that needs to be done yesterday they
16584s like they need to clean a lot of this up
16586s there's still high points for this team
16587s like Mari but they don't get any more
16590s options any more opportunities no more
16592s map losses or they are done they are not
16594s not going to be making it to our grand
16596s finals one last shot and there's so many
16599s of these fights where it feels like
16600s their composition is favored mari's
16602s playing out of her minds but just
16603s something goes wrong and it's not always
16606s the same thing it's not always ajmr
16608s getting caught out it's not always Wier
16610s getting caught out sometimes it's Zoe
16612s using a bad ultimate or it's death
16613s getting caught out or any number of
16615s problems but they need to find what all
16617s of these problems are get them all in
16620s like one Tight Ball and throw it out the
16622s window clean it all up their house is
16624s absolutely fil right now and they need
16626s to bust out the broom to get the reverse
16628s sweep if they want to stay in this and
16632s it's it's not going to be a reverse easy
16634s reverse sweep to come back probably the
16636s most difficult that they have faced all
16639s day you have to begin to question is it
16641s a matter of endurance this team has
16643s played a grueling five map series prior
16647s to facing up against whip wisp Enders a
16649s more challenging opponent than before
16652s and now here they are with the run that
16654s they've made through the lower bracket
16656s at the brink of losing it all and things
16659s just got to be cleaner the ultimate
16661s management some of the positioning
16662s things and it's not the best that we've
16664s seen in them CV we know that they can do
16667s better it is here in the losers finals
16669s that they just haven't been able to
16670s Showcase that whsp Emperors have been
16672s doing so many things right and
16674s capitalizing of what Michael wave didn't
16676s even think would be problems and it
16678s doesn't even feel entirely to me at
16680s least that it's wisp Embers just being
16682s straight up the better team it feels to
16684s me like they're the hungrier team right
16686s now I mean Michael wave they're hungry
16688s as well but maybe the lights are on just
16690s a little bit too bright for them right
16691s now maybe they can put the shades on try
16693s and figure something out but looking at
16696s this scoreboard right now have a look at
16697s Senna right now cuz I spoke to her
16700s specifically she wants to win calling
16702s all heroes so badly and that loss
16704s against Timeless ethereal in the last
16706s matchup that is killing her right now it
16708s is it is driving her insane and she's
16711s taking it out on Michael wave right
16713s now the loss against time with theal has
16716s sparked senna's flame and my goodness
16720s those are some ridiculous numbers to
16722s have to look at right now and you're
16725s just not getting the same amount of
16727s value like the damage numbers can be the
16729s same about across the board yet it is
16731s Senna showing up for her team and and
16735s she's hungry she wants the win whether
16737s she's playing from the hospital or not
16739s there is no debuff on this player in
16742s Hospital cafeteria food sucks anyway she
16744s is hungry for real something more
16746s substantial like a
16748s trophy yeah understandably right and hey
16751s they're just about to do it if this next
16754s map of flasho goes exactly the way that
16756s King's roow did and where Michael wave
16758s are progressively looking sloppier and
16760s sloppier I mean Sasa very well could be
16763s the map to book their ticket get that
16766s rematch and then seta can finally
16768s unrelease your true rage and now that
16770s I'm actually thinking about it this is
16772s really bad for Michael wave cuz I
16774s remember interviewing wi earlier today
16776s and she was even saying that she felt
16778s like flash point was a weak point for
16780s them that it was kind of you know they
16781s trolled they threw a little bit they
16783s weren't playing up to their strengths
16785s well I feel like that's happened a lot
16788s with Michael wave over the course of
16789s calling all heroes you know they aren't
16791s the best team when it comes to flasho
16793s they do often make some of these big
16794s mistakes granted like you know yesterday
16796s we saw them absolutely pop off on this
16798s map and it was incredible but we need to
16800s see that today because this is their
16801s last stand it's their last chance and
16803s it's on a place where they have been
16805s even more sloppy than we've seen in the
16807s first half of this series they have to
16809s start the reverse sweep and what an
16811s awful place to have that pressure being
16813s applied right now yeah flasho is the map
16817s type generally is decided by who has the
16820s better ultimate management who has the
16822s better positioning the decision making
16824s and there's so many question marks
16827s Michael wave have this insane clutch
16829s Factor there is no doubt there but you
16832s can't win fights you can't start fights
16835s with that sort of mentality without a
16837s stable plan that wisp Embers don't
16840s already understand themselves and are
16842s able to properly counter it out and it
16844s it's seriously becoming a matter flasho
16846s in general yeah it makes sense that
16849s Michael wave feels that it's their
16850s weakness it latens the farthest away
16853s from their desired play style which is
16855s kind of counterintuitive when you think
16857s about it CU like flasho can often be
16859s really chaotic you know flasho and push
16861s are kind of you know different beasts
16863s when it comes to the way a lot of these
16864s play out you know you'll still see a lot
16866s of the brawl coming out on both of them
16868s but it's where you're going to be
16869s playing a lot more for these angles it's
16870s where you're going to start seeing a lot
16872s more you know new strategies come out I
16874s don't think the strategies Michael wave
16875s is showing me right now is what's
16876s actually going to come out at least I
16878s hope not but never say never hey you
16881s know what lean into the chaos bring out
16883s Mao who cares like at this point in time
16886s if it works it works I can say I haven't
16888s seen Mari practicing this particular
16890s hero in scrims all that often not that
16893s you know maa's a high skill hero that
16894s really takes all that much skill
16896s regardless but all right Michael wave
16898s going to swap it back to something a
16899s little bit less chaotic a little more
16901s standard but have a look at whis 's
16903s composition they're playing the junker
16905s Queen variation interestingly though
16907s anion is not on the Kido that might
16909s leave her a little bit vulnerable but it
16911s will mean Michael waves still have to
16913s worry about those pesky lamps being
16914s thrown out some pesky angles and
16916s whenever those ant matrixes come online
16918s you got to keep your eyes on
16921s Senna honestly wisp Embers are arguably
16924s on their best heroes right now Kindred
16927s the best junker Queen in this turn and
16929s only rivaled by Mari these are the two t
16932s fans that you really like to look at s
16936s up in the composition M wave really
16939s expecting this one to come out we manage
16941s to dodge around the May wall all a
16943s little bit Freer to do not having to
16945s worry about the same ability HP on that
16948s Genji instead able to take this fight a
16951s little bit slower you can notice how
16953s they're waiting for players to get in
16954s position seta and poru occupying The
16957s High Ground so even if Michael wave want
16958s to try to set their foot on this point
16960s Who's going to contest HQ who's going to
16962s contest Anu they're essentially in a god
16964s spot right now kred can walk on forward
16966s knowing that they have her back and Sena
16968s just hitting the shots as usual whis
16970s bembers they had this planned out yeah
16973s yeah yeah Senna just kind of goes in
16976s lays everybody flat on their backs and I
16978s got to be honest here despite the fact
16980s that I think the ratra comp is generally
16981s favored for Michael wave I want to see
16983s them swap I want to see them
16985s what whis Embers is currently doing so
16987s you can get Zoe off of this may and get
16988s her onto her Comfort hero that is the
16990s Genji I think if ever there was a time
16993s to pull out a composition that's going
16994s to lean into a potential star player
16996s who's been quiet because of being forced
16998s to play the May it is now especially
17000s going up against H key that's a Genji 1
17002s V1 I want to see just to see the
17004s fireworks but if Zoe could get the edge
17006s in that that could be a Tipping Point
17008s for Michael wave but right now they have
17009s to rely on Zoe building up to this
17011s blizzard and seeing where she leverages
17013s it but death going to take take down
17015s Senna now the door's wide open for
17017s Michael wave they come storming through
17019s coming on in it's only the Dragon Blade
17021s the sword being unleash H alive slicing
17024s and dicing yet there's so many cool
17027s Downs shoved into their face the damage
17029s cannot find an actual elimination the
17032s Blizzard from Zoe even ended up coming
17035s out way wave did have to win this fight
17037s or they would have lost Point
17039s understandable diting a little bit extra
17041s into this objective but Ed picks off two
17044s the booms from H you the support Duo CB
17047s they were never touched a ended up
17048s returning and whs peppers walk away with
17051s Market but realistically that should not
17053s have happened Kindred is now on the MAA
17056s we have uh unfortunately seen MAA
17059s rearing his ugly head in calling all
17061s heroes officially swapped to it on
17063s control briefly but now it's like
17064s actually in play not just as like a
17066s troll stall hero and by the way go let's
17068s go back to that back that last fight
17070s really quick that kind of comes down to
17072s anu's first of all her pure mechanical
17074s skills a Flex support player one of the
17075s best we have no doubt but also the fact
17077s that like you said she was on The High
17079s Ground the entire time no one ever
17081s touched her and by the time it feels
17083s like Michael wave win that fight it's
17084s anun again with a kill onto agmr all the
17087s sustainability for Michael wave gone out
17089s the window now death with another
17091s overclock trying to give microwave an
17093s edge back into this
17095s game will get them the objective without
17098s a fight ensuing just yet which is
17101s progress nonetheless even if seta is a
17103s little scary it's with poor for you is
17105s you need to be nailed down order for the
17108s tank to stand behind the malga an
17110s interesting switch off and honestly
17112s that's going to come back to get with
17114s Embers on the downside of this battle
17117s expecting the swap there it is juner
17119s Queen making the reappearance and
17120s Michael wave now sitting on the point
17122s yeah kred done trolling back on her
17124s signature hero there that's enough of
17126s malga for an eternity if you ask me but
17128s I mean death might actually not be too
17130s happy to see the swap coming out because
17132s death could have just continuously
17133s charged rail shots left and right off
17135s the malga but now no longer has a big
17137s beefy hit box to do that with so you
17140s know they're going to be at least a
17141s little bit more quiet than they were
17142s before as they try to charge those up
17144s that said they've been phenomenal in the
17145s neutral when it comes to those rail
17147s shots but on the side of Michael wave
17149s it's the annihilation in the ant Matrix
17151s that you're going to be leveraging to
17152s try and get this in all the way to
17154s 99 the ant Matrix is up but guess what
17157s you can move right around or your Sena
17159s shoot through one of your own oh an for
17162s you and Senna have been three High
17164s players out of wisp Embers winning the
17167s fight on their own they just need the
17169s extra thing to convert it on out Senna
17171s is still going by understand that it is
17174s a major threat to have to deal with HQ
17176s contesting the point decides to pull out
17178s the blade with half of their HP to spare
17180s going it Ste fights both support
17182s throughout all of this all right with
17184s Embers never give up never surrender cuz
17186s HQ has got a blade in the pocket yeah
17189s but uh well had a blade in the pocket no
17191s longer does she have it I mean Michael
17193s wave wi wasn't around to to pop the
17195s sound Barry to stop that but she will
17197s have that to stop whatever comes out
17198s looking like it's going to be sent as
17199s overclock but Michael wave have the
17201s Blizzard from Zoe that's going to be
17203s their meal ticket their entry to get
17205s back in here and win this point outright
17207s if they go in and they if they're able
17208s to realistically just freeze up Kindred
17210s and deal with the the the immortality
17212s field from anun that's going to come out
17214s in response that should be enough to win
17216s the fight but they got to do it before s
17218s an angle there's a b you that's one
17221s that's two off the F foru continues to
17225s third oh my God that's a 4K courtesy of
17229s whsp Anders Lucio we cannot hype her up
17232s enough my God po you keep on showing us
17236s this cuz I don't know if we're ever
17237s going to see it again and that's as Zoe
17240s pops the blizzard she's done on the
17241s she's done on the May she's swapping
17243s over to the Genji and I think that's the
17244s right call for her especially after an
17246s ultimate like that goes Belly Up
17247s courtesy is just something you could
17249s have never seen coming po you with 4K
17252s two of them environmentals and whis they
17255s don't even let Michael wave in the front
17256s door they don't get to touch the point
17258s Zoe Falls whisp Embers they've got to
17260s beat their they got to kick rocks they
17262s got to head for the hills they only have
17263s one more Point left and they are if they
17266s can't cap it here they're
17267s done oh Michael wave really are on their
17272s last limb they're looking at a reverse
17274s sweep off the map then reverse sweep of
17276s the entire series to make it to the
17278s Grand finals and the Wisp Embers are in
17281s top form the fire has burned yet to be
17284s controll and I wonder if it's reaching a
17285s point where it's Unstoppable CB wi is
17288s still holding on to the sound barrier
17289s from a couple fights ago but poro has
17290s made up the difference that's a great
17291s win there of the Genji 1 V one for Zoe
17293s that's going to be crucial especially as
17295s HQ was starting to get a little bit
17296s closer to that Dragon Blade Zoe can
17298s start to make up the deficit here but
17299s this sound barrier from WIA where is it
17301s going to come out poru is going to have
17302s one some match that's what I'm looking
17304s at right now the Lucio versus the Lucio
17306s who is going to Flinch first and who is
17308s going to
17309s fall every one still on their feet for
17312s now Michael wave at the first capture on
17315s the objective of wh bers hanging around
17317s zoy being over on the skin you can
17318s already see the difference in Michael
17320s wave's con confidence well the sound be
17323s popped at the same time but no team
17325s really engaging off of it they're
17327s waiting for it to go down cuz Kindred
17329s has this Rampage underlock both the DPS
17332s sliding in Michael wave wanting to even
17334s the playing field and it's zo in death
17336s doing far more than that they're tipping
17337s the scales entirely this is the change
17340s Michael wave needed to make now they're
17342s looking a lot better here on surasa have
17344s look at H ke's old charge once again not
17346s able to build up to the Dragon Blade
17348s because Zoe wins another 1 V one this is
17350s what I keep saying about Zoe she is one
17352s of the best Genji that we have in the
17354s entire scene and she's getting a chance
17355s to show it here and as long as hke is
17358s taking this mirror whis members is no
17360s longer feel like they have the pure
17361s mechanical favor they have to rely on
17363s their ult management their positioning
17365s and you their backline just generally
17367s being absolutely sick as well as Senna
17369s popping off she's got an overclock H key
17371s has finally made up the deficit so these
17373s DPS players is for whis Embers they're
17375s looking to put this one to bed whis
17378s Embers fights to win all of the tools in
17381s their control and they are building a
17383s masterpiece as a result they'll have
17385s that point back over into their favor
17387s Michael wave are okay with taking the
17389s reset was ERS used a lot there they used
17392s both the DPS SS I realistically think
17393s they didn't need the overclock there and
17395s that might come back to bite them and
17397s also they used the uh I'm not sure when
17399s por you used the sound barrier but it
17401s feels like quite recently albeit too
17403s recently consider ing look at the the
17405s wols for Michael wave zo's got the
17407s Dragon Blade Mari has that Rampage those
17410s are two wols that you would love to have
17412s a sound barrier for it's going to be up
17413s to anun with the suzu to try and make up
17415s the difference here comes the blade and
17417s s's got s's name is all over it so he's
17420s got one cut in half find another enough
17424s for Michael W the field they can occupy
17427s this objective overtime will be starting
17429s and who bembers this is the point they
17432s are going to end up losing now that m
17434s wave have something positive to reflect
17436s on they need to take this wave and turn
17438s it into a tsunami to stop the fire and
17440s Michael wave they finally got their feet
17442s under them they're starting to walk
17443s they're building up to a run but whsp
17445s Embers honestly if HQ swaps back over to
17447s a May realistically could just
17449s completely trip Michael wave up at the
17451s last hurdle there's still two more to go
17453s Michael wave are going to go back
17455s seemingly get the first control over the
17457s gardens Point here as whs members went
17459s back to taxi a couple of their members
17461s Michael wave still holding on to an ult
17462s advantage as well any with the consun
17465s rush is realistically the only tool whis
17466s members are going to have and you're
17468s going to be looking for heru to try and
17469s counteract Mar's Rampage here Mari for
17473s that cool down to come on out before she
17475s makes her move for kred don't walk
17477s straight into an at Matrix there's Amari
17479s waiting on the other side for you that's
17481s the greeting you were perhaps expecting
17483s on your junker Queen and Michael wave
17485s essentially handed that first fight win
17487s with that katun Rush coming out as well
17490s best case scenario and it only cost the
17492s ant Matrix you still have the chance to
17493s U Iz this Rampage the downside is poru
17496s has had the opportunity to build to a
17497s blizzard or not a blizzard a sound
17499s barrier no no blizzards on the field HQ
17501s has made the swap to May though so
17502s that's something else that we definitely
17503s want to highlight though Michael wave
17505s winning this fight without using any big
17507s ultimates aside from the ant Matrix is
17509s crucial they are still going to have to
17511s battle it out here those as whis Embers
17513s are starting to match in terms of old
17514s bank and death Falls overclock oh you
17518s just here this ends and it ends for
17520s death herself oh terrible outcome
17522s microwave need to recover Zer Mari
17525s walked into the backline the Rampage
17528s there's no suu to prevent the ending
17530s effect it's going to cost Mari her life
17533s Kindred giving whis Embers the
17535s opportunity flipping this point over to
17537s the orange side but at an expensive cost
17541s and Mari holds on to her Rampage though
17542s and I think that's going to be massive
17543s cuz po you invested the sound barrier
17545s both lucios in fact invested the sound
17547s barrier ajmr actually going to swap over
17549s onto the Kido so now we are going to
17551s have the suzu to counteract some things
17552s but not going to be enough to counter AA
17554s just going deep to try and take down Zoe
17556s here that's a lot more time being taken
17559s off the bank and if you're Michael wave
17560s you can't afford this again this is your
17562s last stand this is where this point
17565s specifically on surasa is where I've
17566s seen so many dreams go to die Michael W
17569s they want to keep theirs alive they
17571s can't be staggering out like that they
17573s have a chance for maybe one fight and a
17575s real staggered out fight here but they
17577s have to win this one Zoe's going to have
17579s the Dragon Blade she has to be the hero
17581s that we have propped her up to be and
17583s just knock going to be easy to do
17584s fighting through the storm of the
17586s blizzard and of course s's overclock
17589s Michael wave are making the first move
17591s the blade into the back line it forces
17593s the blizzard which won't get any value
17594s honestly not a bad tradeoff but you have
17597s an answer for ca's overclock ajmr does
17600s not the healing gets down Amari hits a
17602s wall spin Rampage all the tools gone
17606s down the drain Michael wave have fought
17608s tooth and nail to get to the losers
17611s finals and have made it this far yet
17613s they're going to have to settle for
17614s third place finish the flame bir
17616s brighter today is wisp Embers will be
17618s rematching in the grand finals and if
17621s that wasn't indicative of the whole
17623s series I don't know what is Michael wave
17626s feeling like they have all the tools to
17627s get by all the skills everyone is
17630s playing their game to near Perfection
17632s and then they run head first into a wall
17635s specifically a May wall which makes it
17637s all the more poetic because that has
17638s been the key sticking point for them in
17641s this tournament despite putting Zoe on
17643s her Comfort pick on the Genji it comes
17646s too little too late whsp Embers off the
17649s back of some incredible may play some
17651s incredible backline play and Senna just
17653s kind of popping off and doing whatever
17655s she wants wisp Embers are going to get
17658s their rematch they are going to join
17660s Timeless ethereal in the grand finals
17662s and like I said they want this Senna
17665s wants this and you can tell with how
17668s hard she's playing and how hard the
17669s entire team is playing just how badly
17672s they want it
17675s whisp Embers Unleashed their full Fury
17678s upon Michael wave and have earned
17680s themselves the right of the rematch
17682s today between poru Sena HK p and of
17685s course an the full five players made the
17688s store level plays to support each other
17691s and of course carry himself to another
17694s 30 victory microw wave won't be stopping
17697s them today despite the effort the time
17700s and how enjoyable it has been to see
17703s them grow this is where we have to fit
17706s them fairwell and the fact that wh
17708s Embers had to push them as far as they
17710s did here on this final map does show
17713s that adaptability can only do so much
17717s against the counterplay quite literally
17719s hitting the wall over and over again in
17723s this final fight poetic as it was it
17725s marks the send off as another one of our
17728s team's Falls be it poetic or be it Pros
17731s we still have one big story that needs
17734s to continue to be told and that is the
17736s one that is wisp Embers versus Timeless
17739s ethereal which will be our grand finals
17741s and your heart does have to go out to
17743s Michael wave for play you know they
17745s played their hearts out here and it felt
17747s so close on so many occasions it felt
17750s like they had everything they needed but
17751s it just wasn't in the cards today it is
17754s not their day and we continue on with
17756s the same storyline that has dictated the
17758s majority of the calling all heroes
17760s tournaments it's Timeless ethereal the
17762s juggernauts that have Ruled The Roost
17764s pretty much since the get-go and wisp
17766s Embers always the Bridesmaids never the
17768s brides this time hoping to show up all
17771s decked in white but we'll have oner back
17773s on the other side of this quick break to
17774s break this match up down and set set the
17777s stage for our grand finals don't go
17787s [Music]
17792s anywhere
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17882s e
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18025s welcome back chat what we just witnessed
18028s was two teams who were very hungry and
18030s very eager to prove themselves but one
18032s team was just a little bit more hungry
18034s or potentially a lot more hungry today
18036s and it was wisp Embers who will be going
18039s to our grand finals to face Timeless
18041s ethereal but to break it down we brought
18043s H back into the fold welcome back thank
18046s you very much I mean to be perfectly
18047s honest with you it it seemed like wisp
18049s they were they were starving today
18051s because they were just a they were A Cut
18052s Above uh Michael wave for that series
18055s there honestly I thought that Michael
18057s wave you know their strength might be
18058s leaning into the chaos a little bit
18060s making things a little bit difficult for
18063s um wisp to deal with but it seemed like
18064s wisp just had their number at every
18066s single turn anytime they tried to lean
18068s into the chaotic style and go super wide
18070s and do things a little bit less
18071s structured whsp always had the answer
18074s yeah it seems like you know trying to
18076s make it a little bit less comfortable
18078s for the enemy team by leading into the
18079s chaos and doing so this series they kind
18081s of made it a little bit less comfortable
18083s for themselves kind of created some more
18085s problems than they did solutions would
18087s uh tiny would you
18089s agree there's several moments where we
18091s really started to see that to light
18093s where Michael wave it got to the point
18096s where they were trying so many different
18098s things to come back what wisp ERS had
18100s done but it just reveals more issues and
18103s after the underbelly of the Beast was
18105s struck there really was no recovering
18107s from that flow and we got to see that in
18109s the finale map of surasa here today we
18112s had a lot of like pop off moments from
18114s some members of Michael wave but in a
18116s lot of these slower fights it kind of
18118s felt like whis was kind of getting the
18120s better of Michael wave you know you want
18122s to like kind of walk us through that a
18123s little bit see how some of these slower
18124s fights played in their
18125s favor yeah because every time we had a
18128s slow fight the thing is Michael wave
18131s they're so reliant on having individuals
18133s go wide and catch someone off guard but
18135s whisp was always on guard they were
18137s always watching that flank especially
18139s with puu and Anan they were always
18141s marking these flanks puu was where they
18143s needed to be 100% of the time Lucio was
18146s running over to the flank and just
18147s enabling a DPS player whenever it was
18149s required so these solo CU players that
18151s we were seeing a lot from out of Michael
18153s wave that we're initially finding value
18155s versus perhaps some weaker teams now
18156s that we're getting to higher levels of
18158s play it's just too difficult to work
18159s your way into the flank like that you
18160s need more structure better timing better
18162s team play and that was a little bit
18164s lacking here for Michael wave and you
18165s mentioned po you and Annie in setting up
18168s a particular DPS and I think we want to
18169s talk a lot about that DPS in question
18172s it's Senna who I think ended up being
18174s the star of the show
18176s here yeah I'd say we we pretty much do
18179s need to talk about sener because the Gap
18180s was the Gap was large in this series I
18183s can't lie to you really Center was just
18185s every time taking a nice wide angle
18187s really aggressive applying a lot of
18188s pressure and they were hitting the shot
18190s you see Center was winning the sergeon
18191s DU verse death many many times
18193s throughout the series and just
18194s consistent value without dying so you
18196s know what we might have seen from Death
18197s earlier on we saw twice as much from
18199s Senna in this series here and Tiny you
18201s and I are very familiar with Senna and
18203s how good she has been for a very long
18205s time she's finally getting a chance to
18207s show it how does it feel for you I mean
18209s I guess being you know a longtime Sena
18210s fan as well as I have uh to see her pop
18213s off like this I absolutely love s i me
18216s the opportunities that I've had to speak
18217s with her myself and she's very proud of
18219s everything that she's accomplished
18221s because of the hard work that she's
18222s really put into this game to being a
18225s team player and of course having these
18226s incredible pop off moments and you know
18230s she came here to win she came here to
18231s play we get to look at the stats from
18234s today and there really is no doubt in I
18237s I would want to say any of our minds
18239s that she is going to give it her all
18242s within the grand finals Timeless
18244s ethereal are they ready for what's
18245s coming for him as we uh look forward to
18248s the Grand finals like you said Timeless
18249s ethereal do they know what's coming for
18251s him but more I think more importantly
18253s how are wisp Embers going to bounce back
18256s after this you know after losing to
18257s Timeless ethereal in the upper bracket
18259s you know you I think you have a some
18261s advice for them for like what they need
18262s to do what do they need to lock down in
18264s order to get the win in Grand finals is
18266s it in the cards for them I really did
18268s think that they have a chance because we
18270s saw at the beginning of the series
18272s between Wisp and timeless it was really
18273s close it was really competitive so I
18275s think that the fundamentals are truly
18277s there but what whis needs to be really
18278s careful of is that they're not
18279s committing too heavily to the side fight
18281s not taking the bait and overloading it
18283s putting too many players there because
18284s we saw Kindred really starting to
18286s struggle when the side fight was
18287s overcommitted to everyone just applying
18289s lots of pressure onto Kindred and really
18291s nothing for them to do so I think that
18293s they need to be careful to keep taking
18294s the side fight but not overload it not
18296s put too many resources into it because
18298s there needs to be two simultaneous
18299s fights happening between Main and the
18301s side angle and the other thing of course
18303s is their alt economy where it looked a
18305s little bit sloppy you know when things
18306s started to get uh you know a bit less
18308s favorable for them they started to throw
18310s out alts you know left right center and
18312s that's just not possible as you get to a
18313s higher level of play they really need to
18315s be patient with their ultimates wait
18316s until the fights have started and then
18317s start to use them to catch people once
18319s they've used their cool Downs it does
18321s look to me at least on first glance like
18323s they've taken a lot of that advice and
18324s have cleaned a lot of these things up
18326s but it needs to be absolutely spotless
18328s if they are going to take down the
18330s Titans that have been ruling over
18333s calling all heroes since the get-go
18334s Timeless ethereal but we gassed Senna up
18337s a lot in this matchup here so far and
18339s it's time for me to gas her up just a
18341s little bit more I'm going to send you
18342s guys off for just a little bit and I'm
18344s going to bring in Senna for an interview
18346s reporting live from the hospital
18348s apparently Senna
18350s hello hello how's it going I it's going
18354s great for me I should ask you the same
18355s question first of all how is your health
18357s how's your heart rate right now how are
18358s you feeling okay well my heart rate is
18361s quite High because
18363s well the Thomas game I kind of I I I had
18367s a stinker think well it a bit of a flop
18369s for me but uh this game I brought it
18371s back so I'll try to keep lock in for
18372s next game but I'm happy I got second
18374s place or at least in the finals because
18377s um I've never been in the finals only
18379s got third like four times so this time
18381s uh this time I got it I I believe in you
18384s as someone who has seen your growth from
18386s even before calling all heroes to see
18387s you in this position means you know it
18389s means a lot to me but for some of these
18391s other people who haven't quite seen his
18392s as much of you it kind of feels like you
18394s have a lot to prove do you kind of feel
18396s that do you feel like you have something
18398s to prove here
18399s today well if I'm being honest not
18402s really I think people should know I'm
18404s good but uh I know I'm an EU player in
18407s an well technically na tournament so I
18410s guess in that regard yes but uh if
18413s people have S looked at EU they they
18414s should know me I think absolutely should
18417s and I think there's no doubt that the na
18419s audience is going to start catching on
18420s to just how good you are in this
18423s as a let me ask you about what changed
18425s though because the Timeless matchup
18427s wasn't yeah like you said it wasn't the
18429s best but it looked night and day
18430s compared to what you showed us here
18432s against Michael wave what changed there
18434s and what do you think needs to change
18436s for you to beat Timeless this time
18438s around I think against Thomas I well I
18441s respect a and a lots uh I think they are
18443s the best hit in car um I'm not close
18446s behinds but I think they're the best and
18448s I think I respected them a bit too much
18450s so I started stressing out a bit and
18453s that's why I kind of just as I said
18454s flopped but again in this game because I
18457s I'm really hungry to get at least finals
18459s which in this case I did get I I was not
18462s letting go of the guess I I just wanted
18463s to win and get in so so it sounds to me
18466s like the key is just don't show any
18468s respect right is that what I'm hearing I
18470s just need to I just need to focus up I
18472s think if I focus up we we have a chance
18473s easily just got to lock it in I love it
18476s I I mean I've SE like I've seen that
18478s over the past couple of days how much
18480s how well you've performed when you are
18482s this level of locked in it's going to be
18484s a little bit longer of a night is you
18485s have to stay locked in just a little bit
18488s longer but I want to give you one last
18489s opportunity you know shout out anybody
18491s who want to the floor is yours any last
18493s words before I let you go and uh prepare
18496s for the final match of the
18498s night definitely my entire team but
18501s especially uh cap and poor you and Par
18505s because cap and Par have helped me a lot
18507s to improve in general in this current
18509s matter because I was at first not very
18510s good at it or at least I didn't really
18512s know my job uh and they they help me
18514s with that and I'm po you just being an
18516s amazing main sport player helping me
18518s around by scorting me everywhere I'm
18519s like a president I feel like a
18521s president uh and then if I'm uh going to
18523s shout out someone else outside of the
18525s team has to be Samantha she she's always
18528s helping me um like uh how do you call it
18532s like Che cheering me on from yeah if you
18535s see her Twitter you'll see it so I I
18538s love her for that and yeah for us just
18541s my entire team they're all they're all
18542s the goats they're all the best very very
18546s welld deserved praise coming out very
18548s welld deserved gas coming out from
18549s Samantha I do have one more question
18551s actually before I send you off what do
18552s you want to say to the fans who are
18553s going to be supporting you as The
18555s Underdogs here in this uh in this last
18558s matchup uh I'll try my best I'll try the
18561s best best to dethrow In Time the toal L
18563s tournament uh I uh I'll see what happens
18566s but let's let's win
18568s this all right sounds good sorry to like
18571s bait you and then pull you back in for
18572s that one but I wanted to Hype things up
18574s a little bit more as we go into our last
18576s match up thank you so much for joining
18577s me Sena it's always a pleasure and you
18579s know I'm rooting for you as a fan of
18581s yours as well as you know a fan of
18583s Timeless ethereal as well I want to see
18584s a giga Banger I don't want to see
18586s another three I want to see this one Go
18588s the Distance show us what calling all
18590s heroes is all about and for the chat
18592s you're going to have to wait just a
18593s little bit longer to see it we're going
18594s to go to a quick break and then tiny
18596s shiny and I will be back to bring you
18598s the action don't go anywhere it's the
18600s main event coming up right after this
18613s [Music]
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18691s he
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18781s oh
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18833s [Music]
18841s oh
18853s ladies and gentlemen gays and V welcome
18856s back it is the main event of the evening
18859s of the entire calendar year what we have
18861s all been building up to this is the
18864s grand finals of the calling all heroes
18867s championships it is wisp Embers going up
18870s against timeless ethereum tiny shiny how
18873s do you feel about this one it's been a
18875s long road to get here how do you
18877s feel 10 months CB it has been 10 months
18881s of competition leading up to this moment
18884s right here Timeless ethereal coming away
18887s with five out of our six titles the
18890s other one belonging to the Wisp Embers
18893s roster more often than not wisp Embers
18895s have been standing on the sidelines the
18898s bridesma to the Bride of Timeless
18900s ethereal who has shown prowess and every
18904s aspect to put them on top these teams
18906s have already faced each other today CB
18908s Timeless ethereal it went three oh their
18911s way can is wisp Embers manage to bring
18913s it back this time around the the curse
18915s of second place has to really be
18917s bothering wisp Embers right now because
18919s again you mentioned five out of the six
18920s tournaments that we've had this calendar
18922s year have been won by Timeless ethereal
18924s but four out of those six it's been wisp
18927s Embers that have been second place is
18929s that going to be the story today though
18931s or will they a to Timeless eal finally
18935s there's only one way to find out but it
18937s doesn't like it's entirely in their
18940s favor given we saw these two teams play
18941s earlier tonight and it was not really
18944s all that close it looked to be kind of
18947s close at least initially but some cracks
18949s in the armor started to form but let's
18951s talk a little bit about how we got here
18954s it's been a long road even just for this
18956s tournament let's have a look at the
18957s upper bracket tiny how do you feel about
18959s how things have shaken out up here
18962s things in the upper bracket have gone
18964s the way that many people have expected
18966s to so far the only difference is perhaps
18969s some of these games could have been
18971s closer you're looking at two of the most
18973s stacked rosters you are going to find
18975s within the calling all heroes tournament
18978s and Timeless ethereal are welld
18980s deserving of their number one seed only
18982s dropping a single map in the three days
18985s of competition we have now had in the
18987s championship bracket bun X10 saw Hill
18991s Halo and Z coming back out they want to
18994s make that run Flawless and if they keep
18996s playing like they did CB we very well
18998s could find that result if I could Echo
19001s something that I've said a couple times
19002s throughout the night this team feels
19004s like they are indeed inevitable but
19007s their Infinity Gauntlet is missing one
19009s Tracer Corgi shaped Stone and today this
19012s moment right now is where they look to
19014s capture it and cement themselves as the
19017s Undisputed greatest of all time in
19020s calling all heroes especially in this
19022s you know this entire tournament cycle
19024s but we have these Scrappy hungry
19026s Underdog teams right here like wisp
19029s Embers who have gone the distance faced
19031s so much adversity to get here even to be
19034s in second place as much as they have
19035s been look to be the ones to make
19038s Timeless ethereal fumble at the last
19040s possible
19042s hurdle the flame has been sparked and
19045s wisp Embers are carrying that Spirit
19047s into this match if you just watched our
19049s losers finals you will know that they
19051s their confidence is starting to build
19054s and they are ready for this rematch to
19057s come on through map number one pick just
19060s came in Le Jang Tower is where we're
19063s kicking off our grand finals journey and
19065s what a Fitting Place to take it we're
19067s not going back to Antarctic peninsula
19068s where we're going to see just brawl all
19070s the time we still might because leang
19072s Tower still kind of does lend itself a
19075s little towards that brawl play style but
19076s we're not going to Samoa either way
19078s we're not going to see any of that
19079s silliness coming out we're not going to
19080s see any like MAA compositions or
19082s anything wacky like that we're going to
19084s be playing pure good honest OverWatch
19087s unless you're kunoichi which you know
19089s they they they don't play fair on they
19091s don't play fair on this mapup but
19093s everyone else does and I think it's a
19095s great test of both of these teams their
19096s skills their abilities it's also where
19099s these two teams started last time
19101s around and last time Timeless ethereal
19104s were very much in the driver seat of
19107s this map it did go to three if my memory
19110s does serve me correctly and it seriously
19113s it came down to a lot of the things we
19115s were talking about with hter on the desk
19118s we'll see whis B they like to heavily
19120s commit to these off angles they leave
19122s Kindred out in the open and that's where
19124s Timeless ethereal was able to win the
19126s Frontline battle and then shift their
19128s sights over to what was going on on the
19130s other side and it really was something
19133s that never got fixed throughout that
19135s play fundamentally they're on the same
19138s page these players there aren't too many
19140s differences that you can start to shout
19142s out it's Senna and X10 on the sojourns
19145s that have been lighting up The Kill feed
19148s and will be certainly the battle to
19150s watch and I don't want to put too too
19152s much pressure on Senna but I do kind of
19154s think that it's at least a little bit
19156s fitting that previously X10 was a part
19158s of the Embers roster but was snatched up
19160s by Timeless ethereal like I said earlier
19162s on in the night Timeless ethereal didn't
19164s have to grab X10 but they did it anyway
19166s because when you are Timeless ethereal
19169s when you've been so dominant all season
19171s long you do not take your foot off of
19173s the gas until you reach the Finish Line
19175s until you hoist that trophy so they went
19177s out and they got potentially the best
19180s hit scan player in all of calling all
19182s heroes and Senna is the one that nyxl or
19185s sorry that wisp Embers bring in to fill
19187s those shoes and she has done so she has
19190s absolutely shown herself to be a more
19192s than capable hit scan player capable of
19194s living up to the Legacy that X10 left
19196s behind and even capable of going
19198s toe-to-toe at times with X10 in the
19200s previous series it was X10 getting the
19202s better of senna but will it be the same
19205s story this time around on one side we
19208s have the Titans we have Timeless
19210s ethereal on the other side we have the
19212s hungry upand comers wisp Embers I it
19216s doesn't get any bigger than this this is
19217s what calling all heroes is all about I
19220s cannot wait to see it I really hope that
19222s this one goes the
19224s distance me as well I mean the last time
19227s around Timeless ethereal you had the
19229s three and you know we had the opport
19232s to hear from Senna in that interview and
19235s and she said it herself uh commenting on
19237s the The Duel between X10 on the soldier
19240s and said you know what I gave them too
19242s much respect I think that I can fight
19245s toe-to-toe with this player and I can be
19247s the one to help lead my team over to
19249s this Victory we saw it against Michael
19252s wave death was barely making an
19254s appearance in that map after just
19256s absolutely dominating throughout this
19258s tournament Senna was the one to shut
19261s that down and she is going to have x10's
19263s number throughout this first map of Le
19266s Jong Tower see where this one will end
19269s up taking us there been so much buildup
19271s to this exact moment CB both of these
19274s teams have been around since the
19276s beginning and now it's their time to
19278s show us how that story shall end yeah
19281s both of these teams here since the
19283s beginning and since the beginning
19285s Timeless ethereal has been forging a
19287s dynasty with win after win after win but
19291s but the only win that matters is the one
19294s that you get when the lights are on the
19296s brightest and we got a lot of lumens out
19299s here right now how bright are those
19301s lights and how bright does wisp ember's
19303s flame burn is it going to be too much is
19306s it going to be blinding for Timeless
19308s ethereal or did they bring the hater
19310s blockers did they bring the shades are
19312s they ready to firmly cement their legacy
19315s at the top of calling all heroes this is
19317s what it's all about we kick things off
19320s on Night Market on leang power Let's
19324s Go full mirror matchups into play
19328s objective oft about how are you going to
19331s control these outsid there these little
19333s Ledges of the high grid that we know X10
19335s and Senna will be sniffing out
19337s momentarily we also need to keep an eye
19339s on these tanks Kindred struggled to have
19342s a presence in this team's previous
19345s Meetup because of how heavily ESS
19348s ethereal understood that with they look
19350s at Senna be that hero they were on the
19352s rotations and yet this time it's Senna
19354s wrapping around saw Hill low the first
19356s one to pop into that Nemesis form
19358s winning the game of chicken and sna with
19360s the duel onto X10 CB that confidence she
19364s is glowing with it and you can't expect
19366s it to stop any time soon that was poru
19369s with the soldier player opening the
19371s gates for Wisp Embers to get that first
19373s step on point and I'm really hoping wisp
19375s Embers take it all the way now cuz how
19377s fitting would it be just like I said for
19378s Senna taking X10 spot on this roster is
19381s X10 gets snatched up by Town ethereal to
19383s find the first blow onto X10 to catapult
19386s her team to Victory it's done enough to
19388s catapult them at least to the first
19389s point capture but Timeless ethereal are
19391s back at full strength and are swarming
19393s the point looking for a way to just push
19395s whsp Embers off the point damn near push
19397s them off the map entirely did Halo and
19399s she's looking for another one Halo she's
19401s going to get it oh that's H ke sent down
19404s Into the Depths and there's a second one
19406s onto anot oh it's Halo showing up the
19410s angel from from above and wisp Ember
19413s sent down below to we won't be seeing
19415s them anytime soon that's such a great
19417s play from Halo and she's so great at
19419s going on these really aggressive plays
19421s when she needs to but playing it safe
19422s being kind of that silent carry in the
19425s backline along with Z by the way who is
19427s also phenomenal and have you look have a
19429s look at both of these supports both of
19431s them already built up their ultimates I
19433s mean a lot of ultimates about to come up
19435s on the board where a third of the way
19436s through whs ember's capture and nobody's
19438s pulled the trigger on the que yet nobody
19440s wants to be the won to throw that first
19442s down the drain but Halo going to throw a
19444s couple bodies down the drain right now
19446s an un and sna gone again Halo must have
19450s saw po you back on Sur said no no no I'm
19453s not the only one that can pull this off
19455s Halo she is just insane on this map I
19458s mean how much more can you ask from a
19461s single player Li gone is that you is
19463s this your Tower it's Halo's Tower right
19466s now one key thing though that I want to
19468s highlight is that bun did invest the
19470s blizzard to try and facilitate that
19472s second Boop there so that's no longer
19474s going to be an option so poru might have
19477s a free beat
19478s here Oru is going to have it on up the
19481s ant matrixes for both sides as well only
19484s timeus etheral will actually be coming
19486s out onto the night market and we grab
19488s Bor there's not even a sound barrier as
19490s an option Timeless ethereal they know
19492s that they're up and they want to stagger
19494s this fight out as long as possible
19496s knowing that this will get them to about
19498s one fight territory when whisp Embers
19501s ready to return and like I said before
19503s both of these teams it feels like they
19504s don't want to invest a lot of these
19506s ultimates be the first one to throw one
19507s down the drain but I think that's made
19509s whis Embers a little bit too guny they
19511s they need to pull the trigger eventually
19513s they do on the ant Matrix but that's all
19515s they really choose to invest now they're
19517s going to use the blizzard we'll see if
19518s they're able to get anything out of it
19520s the Beats there beat there a lot of
19523s those early resources wh didn't get you
19525s his last fight now coming up now oh
19527s surely you would respect Halo thankfully
19530s everyone from tyus is is able to hang on
19532s with white knuckling to the objective
19534s and there's no time that is better to do
19536s so this is the 99% for Timeless ethereal
19540s will give it up backing off saw Hill was
19542s incredibly low now healed up push likely
19544s to start soon and now that whisper
19546s finally willing to put their money where
19547s their mouth is spend a little bit they
19549s actually get a little for their purchase
19550s now they're back in control of the point
19552s but ESS ethereal Butz coming up on a
19554s blizzard and with a big wall she's going
19555s to throw it
19557s downard is coming on up it doesn't get
19559s anybody in fact hred walks back into it
19561s why would you do that to yourself they
19563s will manage to stay on their feet they
19565s have to pop this Annihilation looking
19567s through the back line Frozen up between
19569s a wall that's five assists onto the kill
19571s of whis ember's tank time with Imperial
19574s they know that they had the resources
19576s and the numbers to flip this objective
19578s took the soft reset this is them winning
19580s that macro game and the first round of
19583s Night Market and of course you got to
19585s give so much of that to Halo because
19587s she's able to win off of just the boops
19589s off the map we saw the big plays that
19590s came came out early on and that helps
19593s Timeless ethereal build up to a big ult
19595s Advantage where they didn't really have
19596s to expend too much in order to get so
19599s much percentage essentially just handed
19601s them on a silver platter because of the
19603s plays from Halo I can't praise her
19605s enough for that but it has to stay
19607s consistent that's just one point we
19609s still got potentially two more to play
19611s and Timeless ethereal might even be
19613s making a couple of swaps here swapping
19615s at least for the attacker for now Z
19617s swapping over to the Kido maybe looking
19620s for a teens bit more survivability it's
19622s t bit more nimbleness if that's even a
19624s word I don't know if it is to be a
19626s little bit more Nimble can I actually
19627s know swap back over to the Baptist
19629s forget everything I ever said time is
19631s ethereal if it ain't broke don't fix it
19633s just keep going with what you're best
19635s at there there's no reason to change off
19638s anything in these compositions then
19641s except for Pap whisp Embers stay away
19642s from some Ledges Halo has in ey out look
19645s at it she's already looking for it oh
19647s Anyan please be careful on the outskirts
19651s that wh bers they've lost one and Halo
19652s is still hunting for the boobs a
19655s bloodthirsty support the angel has
19658s fallen from heaven and and she's trying
19660s to make as much happen for the team as
19662s possible Timeless only lost or excuse me
19664s they only got one elimination and it was
19666s enough for whisp Embers pump the brakes
19668s yeah they're not going to want to go
19669s aggressive when they're down a person
19670s like that especially when that person is
19671s HT cuz again the May is absolutely
19674s crucial in this in this composition
19676s especially going up against a May that
19678s that is as storied as bun with hkey
19680s constantly being what a lot of us
19682s perceive to be the second place when it
19684s comes to May how fitting being on this
19685s team if she's able to make up the
19687s deficit she can help you know get whs
19689s bembers the win here but you're
19691s definitely not going to go in without
19693s her to try and match up to bun Senna
19694s though finds the pick on to X10 taking
19697s out her counterpart again now Bun's in
19699s trouble bun is the ice wall though to
19701s bail herself out of Tang I mean tell
19704s they just get off the point in general
19707s so with me they're in control until kred
19709s finds herself fac to face with an ant
19711s Matrix and a wide of opening in face of
19714s death itself Timeless ethereal I need to
19717s get back in control of the point saw
19720s nearing an annihilation of their own
19722s won't be needing it this time around be
19724s able to save that for the future is Halo
19726s just grabs another Boop casually yeah
19728s but whis members seemingly match
19730s Timeless ethereals or at least nearly
19731s match Timeless ethereals capture
19733s percentage out of seemingly nowhere a
19735s fight they had no business taking and
19736s one that was very Scrappy throughout so
19738s I mean they've essentially bought
19739s themselves an extra fight here and they
19741s didn't use any ults to do it so they can
19743s maybe take two really good ult fights
19745s here that they're going to have the
19746s advantage for the one sticking point
19748s though is going to be buns blizzard and
19750s how many times throughout the course of
19752s calling all heroes have we said that
19754s exact sentence what's one more to a
19756s player like
19758s bun bun has a little presence waiting
19761s for whisp Embers if they dare to
19763s approach this objective they're waiting
19765s for Halo to herself out and no and sna
19767s again winning the duel against xon but
19770s learn anything it's not enough to
19773s guarantee the fight Victory Halo moving
19775s players back out of the back line
19777s attempting to disrupt a few here and
19779s there H blers didn't find much bun
19782s wanting to do the same and it catches
19783s hitrate within the annihilation we're
19786s actually install Hill that ends up
19787s falling x0 is already back in the battle
19789s and this is what we're talking about
19791s Timeless e theia's ultimate management
19793s has simply been better on so many
19796s different platforms and it takes heroic
19797s plays such as this one to turn it back
19799s around that's one from C taking a second
19801s straight down dunking on x10's head what
19804s a way to save dip as whsp Embers keep
19807s themselves afloat I told you she wants
19809s this she told you that she wants this
19811s and it looks so dicey it looked like Ty
19813s ethereal had an opportunity to buy
19814s themselves back into it but s just like
19816s she takes Halo's life takes it all away
19819s from them and WIS bembers are still in
19821s this but it's costly have a look at the
19823s old bang for times a theal they got the
19825s ant Matrix and x10's got the overclock
19827s that is an absolutely lethal combination
19830s even if they over overclock wasn't a
19831s factor just an ant Matrix rail shot with
19833s X10 behind it is a scary thought one
19836s that's going to keep Santa up at night
19837s if she's not able to hit the shot to
19839s stop it HQ is under a lot of pressure
19842s though H is actually ends up going down
19845s and X10 being on the other end with an
19847s ultimate that's an even more terrifying
19849s thing you're either turned into a punch
19850s bag by Salt Hill or you're going to be
19852s shredded broken in half because of an
19855s overclock in the backline time was
19856s ethereals map control has been
19858s ridiculous whisp emers have not been
19860s checking their angles nearly well enough
19862s to validate them winning this map out
19865s Halo is still on an absolute Terr dios
19867s ethereal seem to be on top of every form
19870s of macro play despite duels being one
19872s whis Ember seriously have to step it up
19875s if they want a chance of winning this
19876s map the blizzard only making their
19878s challenges a lot colder to push on
19881s through Senna returning to the battle
19882s grabs X10 once again it's a grudge match
19885s even if it's the one elimination it's
19887s enough for the point to continue being
19889s sustained Hal walking around the
19892s objective daring someone to peek their
19893s head out one final Boop to seal it off
19897s oh wh Embers are trying as hard as they
19899s can I mean they got the blizzard to push
19900s on in it grabs saw Hill there's no one
19902s on the other side the point can't be
19904s contested and as long as it is it is
19907s timeless who will come out on top of map
19910s number one but you can kind of feel how
19913s every single player on both teams is
19915s just going blow for blow with their
19916s counterparts but it feels like Halo is
19919s definitely getting the better of the
19920s Lucio head tohe and also kind of fitting
19922s that she's doing it at anun expense
19925s these two were at one point teammates on
19927s New York excelsia but Halo definitely
19929s showing her value and it feels like
19932s across the board you know Timeless
19934s ethereal are still just one step ahead
19936s safe for Senna who is getting the better
19938s of X10 but is that going to consistently
19941s be enough to buy wisp Embers back into
19943s some of these fights in some cases yes
19945s but when you start looking at the macro
19947s you start looking at the ult management
19948s you start looking at the positioning
19950s suddenly it's not quite so cut and dry
19952s it becomes a situation where sure Senna
19955s can pop off but bun just has the
19956s blizzard and can deny Kindred from
19958s taking any sort of presence on the point
19961s we go to an overtime scenario where
19963s Senna can't stay on the wide angle where
19965s she needs to be if she wants to pop off
19967s she has to go in to try and you know
19969s make the contest and she catches a swift
19971s uppercut from Saw Hill on the way in and
19973s like that's that's what it's all about
19975s right it's all about setting your DPS up
19977s for Success it's something that Timeless
19979s ethereal are great whs members are also
19982s great at but you're still just one step
19987s behind whisp Embers they're they're just
19990s looking like amateurs because Timeless
19992s ethereal right now their macro gameplay
19994s their sense of synergy and how to
19996s operate as a team has been far and above
19999s what we've seen from wisp Embers there's
20001s only so much you can rely on from
20003s Individual pop offs from Senna I mean
20005s the stats tell the story completely in
20007s this 10 final blows from s and 12 for
20010s the entire ire team that's more than
20011s three of their team members combined and
20014s even that is nothing in comparison to
20016s what we see within the other side Senna
20019s may win be getting her one but the rest
20021s of the squad isn't able to pull it
20024s together within the chaos that time
20025s ethereal already caused and a lot of
20027s that is due to the map control there's a
20030s there's a couple other big takeaways
20031s that I take away from that scoreboard
20033s the first of which is the gap between
20035s bun and HQ right now bun is playing on
20038s another level and we hyped HQ up in the
20040s previous series but again all calling
20043s all heroes long it's felt like bun has
20045s been the premier May player in the
20048s entire circuit only dying once and again
20051s when your May is so crucial to the
20053s composition if you can keep her alive
20055s that long you're golden baby you're in
20057s the money meanwhile NYX or I keep I keep
20060s doing that with members there's players
20062s from nyxl in this game and you know they
20065s were previously known as that they're no
20066s longer affiliate it's WIS Embers I got
20068s to give I got to give props to the right
20070s team
20071s whisp Embers I like I lost the plot I've
20073s lost my Bo completely you know what hey
20076s CV it happens we got to make sure we
20078s talk about the players correctly that's
20080s fine whis bembers they're they're
20082s working on it right it's hard to
20084s remember them because in their in their
20085s Glory Days when we saw them at their
20087s Peak they were known by a different name
20089s they've had those roster changes come in
20091s Senna and poru being two of those and W
20094s these are definitely not the players
20095s that we're seeing struggle in a lot of
20098s ways they're also you're trying to integ
20100s them into the roster how that really
20102s operates it's gotten them to the Grand
20104s finals whereas Timeless ethereal on the
20106s other hand have seen very few changes in
20109s comparison especially as of recent so
20112s when we're lating to look ahead into
20113s this series Timeless ethereal just look
20115s like the better vers team when it comes
20117s to this ratra composition in terms of
20119s the value especially that bun is getting
20123s picking Midtown right now especially if
20125s you're whisp they don't want to go to
20126s Kings ow they want to make things
20128s slightly more uncomfortable and give
20130s give more opportunities for the sojs to
20132s shine and we've seen a lot of teams
20134s trying to go for these big flank plays
20136s with the soj especially on Midtown but
20138s trying to get her through that first
20139s choke point is always a bit of a
20141s sticking point on the attack and it's
20143s something that I think both of these
20144s teams are going to be aware of something
20146s they're both going to be privy to
20147s something they're both going to try
20148s their best to shut down composition wise
20151s I don't expect that or the play style to
20153s be shaken up too too much we do know
20157s that Timeless ethereal said that they
20158s still had some uh some more tricks in
20160s their back pocket earlier but I don't
20162s think they're being forced to bust any
20164s of those out just yet if there is a team
20166s that can maybe force that kind of
20168s adjustment I believe it would have to be
20170s wisp Embers but we still haven't quite
20172s seen it Senna is doing her best to
20175s deadlift this team but it's just not
20177s enough you know everybody else is still
20180s doing the most still doing just about
20181s all they can but they need to do just a
20183s little bit more especially you know
20187s trying like Po you has been phenomenal
20189s no doubt going to take nothing away from
20190s her but compared to Halo in that last
20192s matchup that's a gap that definitely
20194s needs to be shored up as does the hkey
20197s and
20198s Bundi there's these smaller things that
20201s it's not the problems that we exactly
20202s expected to go out to before it was exit
20205s in CA now that's changed it's hkey
20208s versus bun poru versus Halo and it just
20212s comes down to the smalls Min school
20214s things of how are you setting up your
20216s individuals can Kindred take the space
20218s that is required with how much of the
20221s team is actually supporting her it'll be
20223s a little bit easier to maintain that
20225s being in a defensive spot you have the
20227s options to move around and rotate as
20230s needed those calls whis Embers we know
20231s that they're able to make and they need
20233s to just make sure they have a lock where
20236s is X10 where is Halo how are they moving
20240s around this objective well on the
20242s defense first will'll be wisp Embers so
20244s my question is where is Senna going to
20245s be playing I don't think she's going to
20247s stay in this choke like that for too too
20249s long nor is H going to be there nor is
20251s Kindra where are all of you playing get
20253s back in get back in the choke stop being
20255s silly all right this is the grand finals
20256s this is no time to get too silly with it
20259s all right everybody calm down where is
20261s Sena going to be playing on the defense
20263s is she going to set up in the laat or is
20265s she going to set up very far behind no
20266s wait this defense is sticking they are
20268s playing close oh c you thought they were
20271s crazy they they might be a little bit
20273s crazy than Kindred that's your M cool
20275s down out sill and walk on to the rest of
20277s your team you're giving up space and now
20279s you don't have the cool Downs to
20280s maintain it now you have to hope can th
20282s FAL will they overextend they punish
20284s somebody and it doesn't really seem like
20286s it Sena now has to find a new position
20289s to prop herself up and she lost that
20291s before and doesn't have the best angles
20293s to work off of holding on to this charge
20295s shot for quite some time daring a
20297s squishy to peek their head around the
20299s corner with this is the fight where we
20301s expected them to take it and luckily
20303s they also have their lives until I spoke
20306s too soon anun the first victim to go
20309s down and Whisper Embers losing their
20311s foundations it's saw Hill everyone looks
20313s like a punching bag when you got the
20315s good old fist out and will'll be
20317s cleaning the house here first point of
20319s Midtown heavily going for time theal I I
20322s I got to be real I don't like that
20324s defense at all from whisp Embers I mean
20326s I saw the vision I mean it was just
20328s trying to catch them off guard and as
20330s they kind of back up through the choke
20331s to try and bait ESS ethereal into a
20333s pinch where whs Embers would have the
20335s advantage but you don't have the benefit
20337s of setting your soen up on a high ground
20339s or on an off angle and it kind of just
20340s becomes this neutral doy do around that
20343s fire truck and you know Timeless
20344s ethereal all they have to do is wait
20346s until they have an opening and they
20347s seese it they take down anun and that's
20350s all they really need 5 minutes to start
20352s working through Street phace wh bembers
20353s going super aggressive to slow it
20356s down Embers that's them pushing the
20358s blizzard on out well grabs a couple of
20361s players look once again buns get
20363s significantly more value doesn't get
20366s some the space though I mean s out
20367s winning that duel on to X and H keep
20369s following it up with one of their own
20372s this Embers have a stop here on this
20374s first point for now Zill still decides
20377s to pull out the annihilation and
20378s response to kindreds those tendrils will
20381s be expiring momentarily and this has
20383s been very expensive for whis emper so
20385s far and and they're spending all of this
20387s just to keep up aggression and take as
20389s many fights as they possibly can as
20390s close to the cart as they possibly can
20392s and they're not leveraging High Ground
20394s they're not setting Senna up on a whole
20396s lot of off angles right now and that is
20398s once again punishable especially with an
20400s a matrix coming out look wh members they
20402s just have to hold S and H is completely
20404s on her own down on the low ground Center
20407s has to pop off right now hitting the
20409s shot but she just can't find the angle
20410s and now she's stuck in the middle of the
20412s frea Hill not able to stay on their feet
20415s T Sounder came in a hair too late whsp
20418s Embers are nearly holding on to this
20420s objective it has to be stressful to do
20422s the chase is there for you skating on
20425s out but no you will not be seeing the
20427s light of day again here on this first or
20430s second objective excuse me time atherial
20432s that's all the reasoning that they
20433s needed whis Embers spit off way more
20435s than they could chew it feels to me like
20437s WIS Embers are trying to reinvent the
20438s wheel but the wheels are falling off
20440s like again we've seen how good Senna can
20442s be even with these overclocks but she's
20444s not set up for success with them she's
20446s on The High Ground when she pops it yeah
20447s absolutely but Timeless ethereal aren't
20449s really in all that much of a kill box so
20451s she doesn't get a whole lot of value for
20453s it Timeless ethereal can just kind of
20455s kite it out and they don't have to like
20458s there's nothing whis members can do to
20459s try retake that space times ethereal
20461s don't even have to play safe and now
20463s they have The High Ground X10 can set up
20465s a kill box look for even just a neutral
20467s rail shot it might have po you's name on
20469s it if she's not
20471s careful X ended up eating a rail shot
20474s from Cent May W that making that same
20478s approach again but I me this High ground
20481s with xn sitting on it is a deadly thing
20484s X10 has to realize that players are
20486s going to start rolling on up through the
20489s heights almost a theal not exactly
20490s pushing the payload right now it's more
20492s or less waiting for X10 or one to find
20495s some sort of elimination you got the
20496s coming on out of the blizzard what in
20498s the world is that with emers that had to
20501s have been a mistake from hkey it gets
20503s completely negated on the low ground
20505s with no one was sitting and now you lose
20507s H's life on top of it just because you
20509s needed something worse to happen
20510s Timeless ethereal found their
20512s opportunity to strike and this is going
20514s to be the second objective going over to
20516s them with the team kill at the start of
20518s that fight kred was so split she was
20519s over on the other side of the point from
20521s where everyone else is so when the amp
20522s Matrix comes out pointed at the rest of
20524s her team they all just have to beat for
20526s the you know look for any kind of cover
20528s cuz she's not there to put up a shield
20529s for it and you know it disaster narily
20532s avoided yeah cuz everyone lives to tell
20533s the tale but then they just walk into
20535s something even worse once they all
20537s collect themselves and try to wrestle
20538s that High Ground back away from Timeless
20540s ethereal again wisp Ember is trying to
20542s reinvent the wheel and it's ju it's just
20544s not working out they have to just try
20546s and play this a little bit more safe a
20548s little bit more controlled a little bit
20549s like what we've seen them play in the
20551s past this ends now and obviously C they
20554s wanted to change the narrow like Hey
20556s we're not afraid but they're almost too
20558s unafraid of taking these fights at
20560s sometimes so you need to find some sort
20562s of Middle Ground here because what we've
20563s seen so far hasn't been the answer and
20566s ultimate getting zero value
20569s X10 hang taking some of these shots on
20572s in the sound barrier is going on through
20574s X not finding the damage it is sill that
20577s will do so ra got through the end of
20580s poor you's head ESS ethereal pushing all
20583s the way up into the spawns right now I
20585s mean this is absolutely brutal with
20586s Embers they're starting to be afraid of
20588s taking the space on back and now they're
20590s going to have to do it through their
20592s spawns as a payload is so close to
20593s getting this Mark and when you're as
20595s hungry as wisp Embers sometimes you're
20597s taking bites out of things that just
20598s don't taste too good ESS ethereal making
20600s them taste the bottom of their boot
20602s right now as they continue the pressure
20604s on the amp Matrix from Z and WIS Embers
20607s they have to kite it but that gives so
20608s much space for the Kindred has to go out
20610s to contest sill does get dispatched
20612s though they needed that so badly wh
20615s hambers do not get that elimination this
20617s payload was going to roll on through and
20619s the only thing is they got to recover in
20621s terms of the ultimate economy blizzards
20623s will be on Pace CB but this bleeding has
20625s to stop and and what's been happening
20627s time and time again is like whs Embers
20630s will use an ultimate and Timeless
20631s ethereal will just kind of kite it
20632s because they know they don't have to
20633s fight into it whs members they no longer
20636s realistically have the space to do the
20638s same thing because of where the cart is
20640s they have to leverage their ults right
20642s now coming up with a blizzard to match
20643s buns and the spawn advantage to try and
20645s bleed this time Bank
20648s Dry you have to be planning these fights
20651s out very very carefully in terms of
20654s where are you position but ultimates are
20655s you going to use and why is bun pushing
20657s into your back line cuts off the May ice
20660s block is out this is the opportunity for
20662s HP to strike a big error that can be
20664s capitalized on the immortality field
20666s won't be helping you this time around
20667s the P though has to be contested keeping
20669s a close eye onto that one now it's the
20671s overclock from both teams X10 will get
20674s the better of senna in this exact moment
20677s but is it enough to actually turn the
20678s fight around very well maybe the rest of
20680s the team has started to regroup Timeless
20682s ethereal have the strong presence on the
20684s objective you need to close it out
20686s before poru gets back with that sound
20687s barrier Anan at Mak for oh that's not
20690s going to do a whole lot of anything
20692s sustain there from poru is H the knock
20694s to push them through Senna gets that
20695s Revenge kill X10 has fallen and now much
20699s more has to be committed it's getting
20700s sloppy and sna is putting an end to all
20703s of the chaos all on her own sitting in
20706s the back finding the shots charging them
20708s up off the tank which Sal Hill is
20710s struggling just hang on to this extra
20712s Health 30 seconds now on the clock for
20714s Timeless and this is not the fight
20716s they're going to win a full reset has to
20718s be scrambled for to make it possible an
20721s that's a 3K for anun to clean it up and
20723s that is that's so great from her and it
20725s was so great from Senna to get some of
20727s those early pickoffs that ended up
20729s winning that fight outright for whisp
20730s Embers Timeless ethereal now swapping
20732s over to fast Heroes they might be able
20734s to get another touch here it's going to
20735s be up to bun now on the Tracer looking
20737s for a flank but whis Embers have scouted
20739s it they put a wall right up in her face
20740s so it's saw Hill with the slam overtime
20742s Wick does start burning it does trigger
20744s but how do Timeless ethereal bring this
20746s home there isn't a realistic option the
20748s only thing you have this sound barrier
20750s from Halo and you're going to need that
20751s sooner rather than later given the
20753s current Annihilation occupying the
20756s objective you've now lost bun a
20758s devastating blow to Timeless ethereal
20760s chances of winning this fight set yet to
20763s be contested she finds a second one and
20764s now behind and at Matrix with an over
20767s clark she is simply
20771s Unstoppable and the cart will stop just
20774s shy of making it to Grand Central
20776s Station Timeless ethereals ticket to the
20779s big time might have just been revoked
20782s whis members they put themselves in a
20783s successful position where they can get
20785s the win here they're not going to have
20786s to go to Extra Innings to do it and it
20788s looked so rough for the first two3 of
20790s this map but once we finally got to the
20792s point where they could sit back and be a
20794s little bit more comfortable not have to
20796s worry about these crazy flank plays not
20798s have to worry about trying to go for
20800s these weird splits these weird close
20802s plays like spawn holds or whatever it
20804s was they were trying to cook once they
20806s just played the game and played to their
20808s strengths they're finding so much
20810s success you know they're finding an unit
20812s in positions to pop off they're finding
20813s Senna having the angles to hit some of
20815s these big rail shots and despite the
20818s nonstop pressure that Timeless ethereal
20821s is exerting here wisp Embers are able to
20823s withstand they bend a lot but they do
20825s not break and I also want to highlight
20828s the maze because a lot of that came
20830s triggered by one little fight there
20832s where bun invests the blizzard H key
20835s survives through it then pops one of her
20837s own and punished sorry punnished bun for
20840s trying to be the first to pull the
20841s trigger there and it all just kind of
20842s turns right back on its head and
20844s suddenly whs Embers are in the driver
20846s seat if they keep this momentum up we
20848s might not be seeing any more three
20851s OverWatch tonight no more three
20853s OverWatch please wisp Embers have set
20857s their Mark don't need to get the payload
20859s all the way the bar still relatively
20862s high and bun ever the more deadly when
20865s it comes to this map H getting the
20867s better of her towards the tail end
20869s perhaps can start to turn those tables
20872s into West ember's favor need to get
20875s themselves forward and find a Surefire
20876s way of doing it ideally we're going to
20878s see Santa r with poru onto this
20881s objective is the bre going to be there
20883s yes bun is sitting and waiting manag to
20885s squeak over the wall poru just barely
20888s now the attention is split and saw Hill
20890s is rather off on their own kred doesn't
20892s exactly have the backup to take it on
20894s the two fights that are happening
20895s simultaneously one already with a
20897s significant dent in it and that is poru
20900s going down whsp emers have to pull out a
20903s reset it's such a good shot from X10 to
20905s put that all to bed but it's also a
20907s great play from Z hang on X10 getting
20910s caught out there H key might have just
20912s found the key to break this door right
20914s on down whis Embers they're charging
20916s through they've taken the fire truck
20917s they're starting to Circle it but s has
20920s fallen Z continues to be a thorn in wh
20924s ember's side whereever Timeless Imperial
20927s them to show up Z will find a way to
20929s manage it and you just they just don't
20931s push without sen I mean with her pick
20933s potential gone and you wait for the ant
20935s make jks to come up stick your soldier
20937s behind it and hopefully you can find
20939s some amount of value I I again again
20942s want to highlight Z because in that
20944s fight where sen was rotating around the
20945s alley Z had the perfect triage to be
20947s able to look back and forth between the
20949s flank that was trying to deal with Senna
20951s and keeping sill alive sill was in a lot
20953s of danger there as whis members really
20955s put the pressure onto them but they
20956s weren't able to confirm the kill that's
20958s all thanks to Z on the Baptist who's
20960s been untouched so far wow I mean z is
20963s just this incredible player that knows
20965s exactly where they need to be at all
20966s times there may be X10 in the kill feed
20968s but who's keeping them alive who's
20970s supporting these push and is a z and
20972s grabbing the eliminations off the back
20975s uh it it just the extra sprinkles you
20977s know you don't need them but they're
20978s extra fun to have when you can get them
20980s I I mean maybe a little too much
20982s sprinkles being put on that cuz that's
20983s three SS for that fight and we still got
20985s two more minutes to go whis bembers
20987s they're going to have two big ones the
20988s DPS ultimates X10 versus Senna is going
20991s to be the major match up here and the
20992s different smer is going to be whether or
20994s not Halo is able to get her sound
20996s barrier off in time to negate the damage
20998s that's going to come through from Senna
21000s or H ke's blizzard she can only choose
21003s one if WIS members play this correctly I
21005s mean the question is are they going to
21006s be given a chance to and through all of
21008s it are they going to be able to knock Z
21011s off of their perch back there on top of
21012s the
21013s truck Z remains
21017s Untouchable forc them out the wall
21019s doesn't do much right quickly on the
21023s overclock it gets P just before it goes
21025s out too late Halo had the timing down or
21027s at least she thought it has to be a rush
21029s on in but no they're the ones that are
21031s trapped on Up season moral field keep
21033s Salt Hill on their feet and X1 is there
21036s to save the day on the overclock C and
21039s X10 my goodness that is a fight that
21041s wish members had laid out for them with
21043s a red carpet yet they still couldn't
21045s pull it out and it's because of that
21047s immortality field from Z and again the
21049s triage understanding that they needed to
21051s keep sa Hill alive to keep this defense
21053s in play and it was through the blizzard
21055s that HQ thought if she used and she
21057s killed Sill she would have the golden
21060s ticket this point would have been capped
21061s but now it's looking like it might not
21064s be kindred has the annihilation The
21065s Brute Force with a choke but you're
21066s going to need more than that someone has
21069s to come with a big play here to take it
21070s home otherwise wh members are going to
21072s get full held here on
21074s Midtown Embers are in big trouble right
21078s now time ethereal they have the
21079s amplification Matrix up but bun going
21081s down there the opportunity wh Embers
21083s needed with very little time they need
21086s to get themselves on the objective get
21087s the percentage on the upwards Trend you
21090s have no more ultimates to deal with Anon
21092s ends up going down X10 so the fire truck
21094s and flank is left uncontested there's
21096s only so many players on the point whis
21098s Embers did not divide their resources
21101s head and X10 seals the deal time was a
21104s theal are on Championship point and
21107s they're so composed every single time
21110s every fight it feels like wisp Embers
21113s have a way in they picked off bun two
21115s like first two fights in a row but
21117s because of Z and their ability to
21119s withstand as well as every other member
21122s of Timeless ethereal namely X10 being
21124s able to find the kickoffs that they need
21126s to relieve some of the pressure give
21128s Timeless ethereal that extra moment to
21130s breathe they take a deep a deep breath
21133s they Huff they puff they blow whsp
21134s ember's house in completely and they're
21137s already on Match
21140s Point it's crazy to have to say that I
21142s mean wisp Embers they they looked like
21144s they had a chance right and after we saw
21146s that stop on Midtown you're like surely
21149s they can pull it together we're no
21150s longer trying to reinvent the wheel we
21152s are using them as they were intended
21154s awesome but you get stocked up at that
21156s first choke and it comes down to where
21159s is z absolutely Untouchable you look at
21162s the Baptist who's looking at X10 nobody
21164s and then there's bun splitting them all
21166s in half and wisp Embers were just
21168s hitting wall after wall until eventually
21170s they're just banging their heads and
21171s with they got dizzy and couldn't
21173s remember what was even happening and
21175s they're finding themselves down on this
21177s match point they've looked good at times
21179s but it's nowhere near consistent enough
21181s to rightfully say Timeless ethereal are
21184s going to lose it's it feels again like
21187s West bembers at least early on were
21188s Reinventing the wheel then they just let
21190s the wheel be the wheel but then Z
21192s slashed their tires so they couldn't
21194s actually really go anywhere and like X10
21196s came over and just put a boot right on
21198s it like just left them like look at the
21201s final blows there for X10 24 and 10
21203s Senna is keeping up and that's still the
21205s story that we've seen between these two
21207s so but it's everybody else on the side
21211s of Timeless ethereal that's really
21213s making the difference
21214s here you you can't understand that look
21217s at z z two times yeah two deaths for Z
21220s two deaths that's again a lot of the
21223s ways that you want to play this is you
21225s want to try and look for an
21226s assassination on an enemy backliner and
21228s we can see that you know tied a
21230s three-way tie for most deaths on the
21231s side of Wis bembers but anun is one of
21234s those three so she is being targeted and
21237s you know whether members is targeting Z
21240s or not they're not successfully you know
21242s dealing with this silent
21244s carry who who realistically who is
21247s getting Anan it is x0 who came back and
21250s showed up on that map Le young Tower I
21253s think it hurt their pride a little bit
21254s because this is the x0 that we're used
21256s to seeing out of out of them and
21258s Timeless ethereal they're they're
21259s leaning into that resource to pull them
21262s on through now on Championship Point CB
21265s it's going to take one more map and that
21268s title could very well be theirs we have
21270s so much more to unpack as the series
21272s continues to go on and we're going to
21274s get back to the action in just a couple
21276s of
21283s [Music]
21297s minutes
21302s [Music]
21322s [Music]
21377s [Music]
21414s [Music]
21447s w
21449s [Music]
21462s [Applause]
21465s Timeless ethereal as they have been all
21469s all calling all heroes long really are
21471s on the precipice of glory and on finally
21474s claiming that Championship that rules
21477s over all the ones that they already have
21479s in their trophy case the Timeless trophy
21481s case is looking more gilded than King
21482s tutt's tomb right about now but one last
21485s trophy may not elude them as they're
21487s already on Match Point against wisp
21490s Embers who are hungry but maybe biting
21492s off more than they can
21493s chew we've seen it from them before wisp
21497s Embers hungry as they may be they're
21500s getting too aggressive your ultimates
21502s you're overspending and it comes down to
21505s the overall macroeconomy that you're
21507s dealing R right now and we we've talked
21509s about it throughout the series we may be
21511s overstating ourselves but it's the same
21513s issues every single time and when we got
21516s to look back on Midtown they may have
21518s gotten last second stop but at what cost
21521s how good did some of your players have
21522s to perform in order for that to actually
21525s happen where it's just a normal day in
21527s the park for Timeless ethereal and I
21529s think that's kind of the big difference
21531s that we're seeing one team is working
21533s together as a five unit have a clear
21535s idea of where all their fights are going
21537s to go as they get longer on whereas wisp
21540s Embers are really being played into
21542s themselves trying too many things and
21545s then losing out because of it you and
21547s you talk about these teams playing as a
21548s fiveman unit there is an absolute unit
21551s in Timeless ethereals backline and that
21553s is z and uh hter and I were talking a
21555s little bit in the break I don't know how
21557s much of it you heard but we were talking
21558s about how difficult Baptist actually is
21561s as a flex support because you really
21563s have to be an all-arounder you have to
21565s be good at every single skill set you
21567s think of like an Anna you can kind of
21568s sit back play safe look for
21570s opportunities to do little bits of
21572s damage but you don't have to be
21574s consistently putting out damage being
21575s close enough to get value out of the
21577s regen burst getting the big windows and
21579s still keeping everybody alive with those
21582s healing grenades like you do on Baptist
21584s and Z is playing it to absolute
21586s perfection which begs the question why
21588s are they hovering over life Weaver right
21590s now I there's a little more than life
21593s Weaver going on he wants to do some
21595s trolling that's okay we got the junk
21598s thear I mean that's not going to stick
21600s we very well know that but I do want to
21603s turn our attention to the other side of
21606s things whsp Embers on their last life
21610s here H key on the Genji Kindred over to
21613s the JQ this is jok this is where they
21616s feel comfortable Timeless ethereals even
21618s making a swap themselves how are they
21621s going to manage I could honestly see
21623s sill scouting this out maybe taking one
21625s fight and swapping over to the ratra I'm
21627s not quite sure but with bun taking out
21629s Senna yeah no swaps required I mean
21631s maybe Senna is going to want to maybe
21634s senna's going to want to swap just to
21635s something out of anger she's been lights
21637s out on the so but like maybe just go
21639s something that can that can grief bun
21642s please oh honestly I mean bun is by far
21646s one of the most consistent players that
21647s we'll see out of Timeless ethereal the
21649s best May player we have in the entire
21652s event and be the first cap going over
21655s just off of a single icicle and you'll
21657s see the difference even in the old
21658s charges o members have been able to do
21660s literally nothing that entire first
21663s fight nice part is now you can start
21665s that re-engage H ke starts to clear
21667s those players specifically ex and and Z
21669s off of the pillars we see kind of
21671s surrounding this objective but Sol Hill
21673s securing Kindred into the wall I mean
21676s this is it Timeless got to they know
21678s what they're doing it's whis bers that
21680s need to re-evaluate their game plan and
21682s and with sill being on this Arisa if
21684s you're not playing Sena on like a flank
21687s angle then Sill can just go in super
21689s aggressive just like they do clean up
21690s three there including the the javelin
21693s straight to the heart of Kindred but you
21695s can go in and really pressure this
21697s sojourn back not give her any room to
21699s breathe and Senna really needs to
21701s breathe because she's been the lifeblood
21703s of this team thus far look at the old
21705s charge again nobody else on wisp Embers
21707s has gotten a damn thing done and this
21709s point is nearly completely capped
21712s through now they have one more chance to
21714s change that bait and not resources deal
21718s with it he already has an amplification
21719s Matrix online here and we'll likely see
21722s that coming out in just a moment giving
21725s saw Hill and extensive extra support
21727s when it comes to that damage G instantly
21729s taken down below half HP be cautious
21732s about a further attack the terror just
21735s another thing in their way HP losing the
21737s duel against z i you cannot ask for more
21741s from this back tee player all around
21743s Timeless ethereal are putting themselves
21745s steps and miles above whsp Embers and
21749s this composition has just not been it
21752s and and that's H key on one of her
21753s signature Heroes on the Genji taking a
21755s duel with a backliner a Baptist
21757s something that the Genji like nine times
21759s out of 10 should be favored on but Z
21761s wins The Duel the Baptist lives another
21764s day and wisp Embers they just can't
21766s quite Force Timeless ethereal to crumble
21768s the way that they need to if they want
21770s to try and find any value that's a great
21772s that's a great way to make sure that
21773s your flanks are a little bit more secure
21775s you take down X10 great play from HT
21777s going to get hers back from the lost to
21779s Z got to imagine she's going to be
21781s looking for a round
21783s two and now l bers are in a much more
21786s favorable position to take a battle
21789s that's for about to be five check marks
21791s on their side please do not lose all of
21793s them this Embers use the ones that you
21795s need to do so likely this could soon a
21797s rush I spoke too soon rip and un X10 is
21800s on the battlefield now it's ht's turn
21803s trying to even this one up it's both
21804s damage ultimate and sound beer out with
21807s Embers this has been an expensive one
21809s and one that they really need to win
21811s they want the chance to go on through
21813s the point is in their control for the
21815s time being and it's HP taking a 2V1 go
21817s straight through the disruptor shot yeah
21819s you're not winning those today that's a
21821s real difficult position to have to be in
21823s if you're hqy but they were able to kill
21825s saw Hill so there is a slight opening
21827s maybe hqy wants to go something a little
21829s bit quicker no poru is actually just
21830s going to be there to try and taxi her
21832s fast so dless ethereal aren't going to
21834s be properly set up for this next fight
21836s whs bembers can go in with kindri
21838s Rampage and hopefully try and find some
21840s purchase but the question is what are we
21842s going to do about buns blizzard cuz B
21844s you had to use that sound barrier in the
21845s last
21848s fight bembers have that opportunity push
21851s up Rush say oh the wall it comes through
21856s the reaction time from SP this is why
21857s she's the best M player we have in this
21860s map and Halo I'm guessing that was a
21862s double Boop onto at least one player and
21864s a third up into the kill feed I mean my
21867s goodness whsp Embers are just crumbling
21870s their flame is stuttering it's barely
21872s staying a light CB hello I'm Halo back
21875s at it again she is so good and like what
21879s do you even say what do you even say
21880s about a play like that a Lucio fragging
21882s out a backline that's feeling themselves
21884s bun just putting some more salt in the
21886s room with theard Halo's not done goes to
21889s the spawn just to kill anun doesn't even
21891s care Timeless ethereal go up 20 and wisp
21894s Embers I their lunch their lunch is just
21896s all over the floor all right ESS
21898s ethereal took their lunch money slapped
21900s their chocolate milk off the tray it's
21902s all over the floor whis members are
21903s slipping and sliding all over it they
21905s need to get their feet underneath them
21907s and they only Havoc ATS rush to
21909s realistically do it you might be looking
21911s at hqy to build up to a dragon blade and
21913s make some noise with that but look at
21915s the ult on time with hero they have
21917s everything they could ever want to shut
21919s down an angry cyboard Genji poru out of
21922s position was there with Senna and she's
21924s not going to get out alive the luo had
21926s to ditch her in an effort to get back to
21928s the team which while that's going to
21929s happen you're still going to be greeing
21931s your soldier in the spawn rooms I mean
21933s the time feel like they're going to win
21934s this fight try they don't even have to
21936s commit anything and HQ now does have
21939s that Dragon Blade but yeah they ESS
21941s ethereal they didn't have to commit They
21943s just won that by being bullies
21945s essentially by not giving whis Embers
21947s any room to breathe just snuffing the
21949s flame out completely and that might be
21952s you know how this story ends it's the
21954s last opportunity for whis members they
21956s have to cap this point out they have to
21957s win on Gardens and run it all the way
21959s back but without sen Z again strikes
21962s blood as Z strikes blood Tex 10 on the
21965s followup I mean Timeless ethereal they
21968s are reaching a point where it is
21969s absolutely Unstoppable they're flying
21972s time itself I mean this is wisp ember's
21975s last chance to make their statement here
21978s in this Grand finals and and they don't
21979s even know where they are right now the
21981s lights are on far too bright they're
21982s completely blinded by the sheer force of
21985s Timeless ethereal they still have two
21987s two support alss and Bun is going to
21988s have a blizzard and how poetic would it
21990s be if she was the one to put this all to
21993s bed the May that has been leading the
21995s pack all season long being the one to
21997s put the death nail in the coffin for
21999s Wisp Embers HQ has to stop with the
22001s Dragon Blade H ke has to give it a shot
22004s gets Halo out of the picture no sound
22006s barrier available it's an opportunity is
22009s doing too much this could very well the
22011s final fight Kindred knows it committing
22013s the ultimate on in bun chucking the
22015s blizzard uh-oh cple players whis Embers
22018s they are locked up in place this is
22020s going to be a strle boss of a battle to
22022s make it the end and it's going to cost
22024s literally everything that they have
22026s that's four ultimates that they had to
22028s use to pull it back from the brink and
22030s you're not looking at much moving
22032s forwards but they do it and that is all
22034s that is important right now because
22036s there would not have been another chance
22037s and it was costly for Timeless ethereal
22039s 2o they invest the overclock the ant
22041s Matrix and buns blizzard and it wasn't
22043s enough because Senna and all of the
22045s healing that came through from her team
22047s was enough to put it over the edge just
22049s a little bit but now we're looking at
22051s Halo's sound barrier she could even just
22053s go super aggressive with this and win
22055s the entire fight outright and that might
22057s just be what she wants to do Timeless
22058s ethereal are gamling with house money
22060s right now so why the hell
22063s not ESS ethereal they're in they have
22065s the sound barrier Advantage Halo is
22067s going to push it Forward Cent is sent
22070s reeling off of the map the beginning of
22073s the end has begun unless wisp Embers can
22075s find the way to add few will to the fire
22078s and push it back and sa Hill is there to
22080s extinguish any last chance of Hope past
22084s present and the future Timeless ethereal
22087s have reign supreme over the competition
22089s and they're going to do it here for one
22091s last time and the calling all heroes
22093s championship title and did we really
22096s expect anything else out of a team that
22098s has been so dominant such a driving
22101s force since day one their worst finish
22103s the entire season long was third place
22107s and that that put a chip on their
22108s shoulder the rest of calling all heroes
22110s tournament cycle every other tournament
22112s from there on out there was no question
22114s who the best was there was no question
22117s who could topple them there was only the
22119s discussion of who might be taking second
22121s place and in this instance it's wisp
22123s Embers once again the bridesmaides But
22126s Here Comes the Bride it's Timeless
22128s ethereal once again adding one last
22131s trophy to their trophy case closing out
22133s the 2023 2024 season with the same
22137s dominance that they showed all year long
22141s they they finished exactly where they
22144s started with utter domination dropping
22147s one map the entirety of the playoff
22150s bracket the best of the best teams that
22152s we have never came close to pushing
22156s Timeless ethereal to step out of their
22158s comfort zone they're well practiced they
22160s have the super stardom that they need to
22164s pull ahead in this Grand finals match
22167s match shows that they are the true
22169s reigning Champions the CL old Heroes
22172s 2023 24 cycle I mean you have to be
22175s blown away with Z holding it down in the
22178s black line providing the damage where
22180s it's needed bun being the best on a hero
22183s that is so important in our current meta
22186s X10 the soier player just dominating in
22189s every aspect you could possibly want I
22192s mean Timeless ethereal have proven to
22194s build the best roster not only if
22197s individuals but as a team who can
22199s operate as one you you talk about bun
22202s being the best in her role on this may
22204s and that is absolutely true but it feels
22206s like every single role for Timeless
22208s ethereal you just have the best that you
22211s have to offer you got Halo and you got Z
22213s we've been singing Z's Praises all all
22216s game long and Halo from the GetGo was
22219s just booping people off the edge going
22220s super aggressive when she knows she can
22222s get away with it getting away with
22224s absolute murder absolute highway rock
22227s robbery on this Lucio you've got sill as
22230s the tank such a well-rounded tank player
22232s and as if they weren't well-rounded
22234s enough there's also sniper in the
22235s backline like or sorry in the bench
22238s right now to come out at any moment to
22240s be a threat on the sigma and then again
22242s X10 we touted X10 early on in the season
22245s it's potentially one of the most
22247s promising hit scan prospects Timeless
22250s ethereal heard that loud and clear and
22251s said hey you want to come play for us
22253s you want to help take a home a trophy
22255s for Timeless ethereal come on over we
22257s want nothing but the best and we got it
22259s and this team has proven top to bottom
22262s that they are undoubtedly the
22265s best there was never a doubt in our mind
22268s if there's a team that can withstand the
22270s test of this competition and the test of
22273s time it is timeless ethereal themselves
22276s CB as sad it is to say that the
22278s competition has concluded we still have
22281s so much to go over throughout the entire
22284s event we be bring hter back on for one
22287s final time going over our grand finals
22290s match don't go anywhere we still have
22292s plenty more to break
22312s [Music]
22315s down
22328s [Music]
22347s [Music]
22360s [Music]
22371s [Music]
22375s yeah
22376s [Music]
22397s [Music]
22403s [Music]
22405s sh
22407s [Music]
22435s a
22438s [Music]
22476s [Music]
22489s well chat here we are at the uh at the
22492s very end of it all and just as we
22494s started out the entire season timeless
22496s ethereal still Reigns Supreme the
22500s Undisputed goats and the champions of
22502s calling all heroes 2023 2024 season
22505s we've got uner back to talk a little bit
22507s about how they did it let's talk a
22510s little bit about the play style and how
22513s uh Wiss kind of fell by the wayside
22515s there especially as things as as time
22517s went
22518s on yeah I mean all credit to wisp they
22521s really did try every approach to try and
22523s get a win out from this series they
22525s started playing a little a little bit
22526s aggressive on the side fight and then
22528s they went to a little bit more of a
22529s textbook strategy where they were just
22531s going even on the side fight and then
22532s they tried switching up the comp
22533s entirely to try and make a new match up
22535s so really I think whis they tried
22537s everything they possibly could to win
22539s the series but at the end of the day the
22540s fundamentals of Timeless they were just
22542s way too good they were really on a a
22544s completely different level yeah tiny I
22547s mean let's talk about some of those
22548s fundamentals tiny how did you feel about
22550s the fundamentals of Timeless ethereal
22551s like did you see even any cracks in this
22554s armor rarely rarely was there anything
22557s that you would want to go ahead and
22558s critique about Timeless ethereals
22561s performance today they had the map
22563s control under lock they knew how to
22565s manage their ultimate economy and as a
22568s team this was one of the most impressive
22569s performances that we have seen not only
22572s within the playoffs but arguably the
22573s entire Circuit of calling all Hero this
22576s calling all Heroes season and they
22578s really did show us today why they are
22580s the champions in the undisputedly best
22582s team round and it might even be the
22585s support play that was the difference
22586s maker cuz we talked a lot about just how
22588s Ironclad Z was in the backline and how
22591s Halo was getting so much value with
22593s these aggressive boops like hter would
22595s you agree how would you like break that
22596s down between those two very much so I
22599s mean the thing about Z is that they're
22601s playing at the perfect range all of the
22603s time when people are pushing into the
22605s side angle Z is able to apply pressure
22607s to those people but at the same time
22608s they can keep healing and dealing damage
22610s to the people that are pushing up in
22611s main so it really does feel like Z is
22613s watching every angle possible but not
22615s exposing them too much not puttings at a
22617s lot of risk so they kept their death
22618s count really low yet their damage
22620s extremely high so I think Z was really
22622s solid there and then you look over to
22623s Halo you look at that leang Tower
22624s performance and just incredible stuff
22626s anytime people go for a risky rotation
22628s towards the edge of the map Halo is
22630s there immediately knocking people off
22631s the map getting so many environmental
22633s kills all throughout Night Market really
22635s just insane performance from both of the
22637s supports carrying pretty hard out say
22639s and it's just intelligent play coming
22641s out from both of them sometimes
22642s aggressive sometimes safe but being able
22644s to read the room and know that you're
22646s about to have an opportunity for a big
22647s play like that is everything and I think
22650s that might be the difference makers tiny
22652s how do you feel about the uh about the
22653s support play coming
22655s out nothing short of impresses I I gotta
22658s agree with arter here carry performances
22661s and they're highly deserving of the
22663s praise that we've been giving them all
22665s match long I mean Halo and Z all had
22667s their Superstar Shining Moments today
22670s while there was Halo back on leang Tower
22672s and Z more on Midtown and both
22675s throughout the entirety of their other
22678s games that we've seen on stream and it's
22680s truly deserving the praise even if we
22682s don't see them in the kill feed like we
22683s talk about the DPS we talk about the
22685s tanks but what makes that all possible
22687s is the supports consistent and Star
22689s level performance I mean oh go ahead you
22693s got more let's go I will say that um you
22696s know just because the supports are
22697s performing well it doesn't detract from
22698s the other roles whatsoever like sill
22700s consistently really intelligent with the
22702s push pull in main you know never
22704s overcommit just maintaining the space
22705s all of the time time essentially making
22707s it very difficult for the enemy team to
22709s ever make a push through main but not
22710s eating up too many resources really just
22712s staying in the middle and holding the
22713s ground and X10 as well very frequently
22716s winning the surgeon duel Staying Alive
22718s almost all of the time as well even if
22720s they're not getting the initial pick on
22721s the surgeon later in the fight they're
22723s creeping into that aggressive angle and
22724s starting to farm kills from a high
22726s ground so this really was like it was
22728s the entire team working extremely well
22730s in order to get this outcome it wasn't
22731s just two supports going crazy one DPS
22733s having an insane series it was the
22735s entire team yeah
22737s you got to be firing on all cylinders
22739s there's an old saying by the way uh that
22741s goes if you make your opponent look like
22742s a nobody then you didn't beat anybody
22744s that's a little pro wrestling
22745s terminology for behind the scenes there
22747s so let's talk a little bit about the
22749s team that they beat cuz wisp Embers I
22751s mean they didn't look all that strong in
22753s this match up but there's a lot more
22755s under the surface there were some
22756s strengths there were some high points
22758s that did make them a realistic Contender
22760s coming into
22761s this for
22763s sure oh no you got that
22767s soor with with bembers they they've been
22769s that second place team and you know
22771s Senna has been playing out of her mind
22773s today and the other two days that we've
22775s seen her and as great as it has been I
22778s mean you have this incredible roster
22780s behind her they're just lacking in a lot
22782s of these team plays that I think hter
22784s was going to touch on a little bit more
22786s yeah I I was just going to say that you
22788s know it's it's really impressive to see
22789s wisp able to cycle through all of these
22791s different styles while facing defeat
22793s because when even though they were
22795s losing at the end of the day the fact
22796s that they were able to adapt their style
22798s over and over again it it showcases a
22800s real deep understanding of the game and
22801s their ability to adapt and change at
22804s least in an attempt to win even if it
22805s didn't quite get them over the line
22808s getting that second place I think is
22809s going to sting a fair bit but there's
22811s definitely nothing to be ashamed of if
22813s you are wisp Embers it just felt like
22816s Timeless ethereal on this day were just
22817s goated just insurmountable just an
22820s Unstoppable force that really represents
22822s the best of what calling all heroes has
22824s to offer answer you have any more uh any
22826s more closing thoughts on them before we
22828s uh get you to say your goodbyes
22830s here uh no to be honest I think the the
22832s thing about Timeless is just that they
22834s were solid across the board every team
22836s you know sometimes it looked like there
22837s was a superstar player you know perhaps
22839s you know carrying a little bit but in
22841s the case of timeless it really it really
22842s seemed like a well old machine across
22843s the board so I think that you know
22845s they've got to be really happy with that
22846s the fact that they're actually able to
22847s put it all together and everyone can be
22849s happy with their performance at the end
22850s of that match so yeah very happy with
22852s Thomas all right well thank you so much
22854s for the Insight the analysis been a
22856s pleasure to have you on here all night
22858s long unfortunately we are going to have
22860s to send you on your way so if there
22861s anything else that uh that you want to
22863s say before we do take you out back I was
22865s just going to say does anyone remember
22866s that Dogman guy from the start I
22870s mean all right what a great way to sign
22873s off we're going to go ahead and uh move
22875s things into a little bit more of a
22876s positive direction though as we fondly
22878s remember Dogman we're going to go ahead
22880s and bring in one of the winners the
22883s Champions shall we say of calling all
22885s her her es it is X10 the hit scan
22889s extraordinaire uh X10 first of all
22892s congratulations how do you feel hi thank
22895s you I'm like I'm very stoked I'm very
22899s excited that I can fin I finally won a
22902s game you won more than a game you won a
22905s whole a whole damn Championship that's
22907s definitely something to be proud of and
22909s for you specifically how does that feel
22912s cuz I know like early on in the season
22914s you weren't someone that a lot of people
22915s were looking at but we were looking at
22917s you as kind of a potential up andc Comer
22918s a hot Prospect but to come into your own
22921s and be now A Champion what does that
22923s mean to
22927s you it just feels I don't know it feels
22930s awesome to like be noticed by other
22934s people I I love playing with Timeless
22937s and I love I love the
22940s team well I mean you guys all came
22943s together as a team and that love for
22944s your team definitely showed I mean I I'm
22947s going to have more questions for you but
22948s I guess I'll start with uh how like do
22950s you have anything that you want to say
22951s to your team how does it like what's the
22953s team environment like you know we were
22956s all very excited and we were going in
22959s positive knowing that we can win and
22962s yeah I just wanted to say that they play
22964s in Chan
22965s today what was uh what was the
22967s atmosphere in the voice chat like
22969s towards the end of surasa there when you
22971s guys definitely it seemed like you knew
22973s you had it one and there was nothing
22975s that could have stopped you so what was
22976s the what were the calms like what were
22977s the spirits like in those last couple of
22980s moments it was definitely very cluttered
22983s at the end but it was excitement that we
22987s were going to
22988s win very exciting very very high energy
22991s you love to hear it all right I'm going
22993s to hit you with a couple uh a couple of
22995s heavy questions but let's go ahead and
22996s start off with one since this is the
22998s championship since you are now a
23000s champion I want to hear from you what
23002s does calling all heroes mean to you what
23004s does it mean to be calling in all heroes
23012s Champions
23013s [Music]
23016s um I it's so hard to wait this it's okay
23020s it's okay I I I love representing
23027s the yeah it's a heavy question I'm sorry
23030s yeah it's it's heavy cion I'm sorry oh
23034s that's hey that's totally fine is
23036s totally I just love representing the
23037s community
23041s and yeah I just hope that we can be
23043s noticed
23045s more I I think you especially will be
23048s noticed a lot more for the performance
23050s that you put on today but again you
23052s didn't do it alone you had a whole
23054s village you had your teammates over
23056s there at Timeless is there anything
23057s again that you want to say to your
23060s teammates I love
23062s y'all
23064s yeah short and sweet all right well yeah
23067s short and sweet is there any other shout
23068s outs that you want to give to anyone
23069s else your team outside of the team to
23071s the fans to anybody who might be
23073s watching
23074s you um thank you for friends that are
23077s watching this right now sorry that I'm
23079s nervous but I'm scared
23082s of
23083s public that's hey that is totally that's
23087s totally okay go ahead and Senna for
23090s playing really good at the Grand finals
23093s that was really that was really fun I I
23096s really enjoyed seeing the back and forth
23097s between you and Sen and I do I do like
23100s that there is a little bit of a friendly
23101s rivalry there all right I'll I can tell
23103s that you're a little bit nervous and
23105s obviously your heart rate's still a
23106s little high you know feeling some of the
23107s excitement from winning so I'm going to
23109s let you go let you uh get back with the
23111s team and enjoy it uh again anything else
23113s you want to say or uh you know FL floor
23115s is yours and then we'll uh we'll let you
23117s go enjoy the
23118s celebration that'll be all of
23123s me thank you so much yeah thank you so
23127s much for joining us it's a pleasure to
23129s have X10 the hit scan extraordinaire
23131s definitely cementing themselves as the
23134s best in calling all heroes the best that
23136s we have to offer the best that this
23138s community has I'm going to go ahead and
23141s uh bring tiny shiny back in with me to
23143s talk a little bit about that so you got
23145s any thoughts on that interview there an
23147s X10 a wonderful player and person to
23151s begin with I can understand it's hard to
23153s be in the spotlight sometimes but know
23155s that you you have done incredible work
23157s throughout the calling all heroes
23159s circuit and looking forward to seeing
23161s more of you down the line I mean see
23163s we've had such an incredible journey
23166s just so far of course this weekend but
23168s also the past two months of competition
23171s yeah it's been it has felt like kind of
23173s a long weekend at times despite some of
23175s the three OverWatch that we've seen but
23177s this is how we got to the point where we
23178s are and we all knew right that it was
23181s going to come down to this that it was
23182s going to come down to Timeless ethereal
23184s putting on an absolute abolute master
23186s class right from the get-go immediately
23190s taking down inarizaki Michael wave wisp
23192s Embers and then wisp Embers again to
23195s solidify themselves as the top of the
23198s mountain yeah they got themselves to
23201s that grand finals nearly flawlessly and
23204s you know we had a lot of these squads
23205s fight their way through the lower
23207s bracket I mean talk about our loser
23208s semi-finals match Michael wave and
23210s Timeless Celestial was quite a banger to
23213s go ahead and watch their play might have
23216s ended in third with wisp Embers
23218s regaining the opportunity to meet
23220s Timeless theal in the grand finals once
23222s again just to meet the exact same fate
23225s as they did in those upper bracket
23227s finals and and CB there's so many story
23231s lines so many narratives that these
23233s players have grown as these teams and
23236s and us that we've been able to to follow
23238s throughout this time and it it's both
23240s it's a Bittersweet thing to see come to
23242s an end here with these championships
23244s today the good new news is it doesn't
23246s have to come to an end just yet because
23248s we have one more order of business to do
23251s before we uh before we close things out
23252s here we have an MVP that we need to talk
23255s about and we talked a lot about her a
23257s little bit earlier on today it's going
23260s to be Halo from Timeless ethereal of
23263s course the Lucio extraordinaire
23265s OverWatch League level Talent one of the
23267s best undisputedly one of the best that
23270s calling all heroes has to offer a great
23272s nomination for MVP a fantastic player
23275s top to bottom great representation for
23278s this community and I love to see her
23279s have
23280s this Halo has competed in OverWatch not
23284s only in coling Heroes but contesters and
23286s even at the OverWatch League level in
23289s this previous season and she's only has
23292s proven us these highest level
23294s performances I mean Le Jang Tower
23296s practically belonged to Halo the double
23298s boob to come back out at a third on top
23301s and it's just wonderful to see this
23303s player truly stepping into herself and
23307s discovering all of these incredible
23308s things that she can do on this Lucio the
23311s impact that she had on her team was a
23313s huge part of the driving force of their
23315s success she's she's just so good and
23318s she's been so good since the beginning
23319s she's been a main stay a staple for this
23322s Timeless roster ever since the beginning
23324s and consistently throughout the season
23326s even though she wasn't always the one
23327s getting the spotlight today it's very
23330s much so deserved that she does again I'm
23332s so happy and so proud to be able to
23334s present this trophy to were alongside
23336s the championship trophy she gets two
23337s Tracer corgis she gets a pair of twins
23340s coming her way while the rest of uh
23341s times with theal gets to be jealous
23343s coping and seething with only one G Halo
23346s how come your mom lets you have two
23347s Tracer
23348s corgis I don't know I mean I'd be kind
23350s of jealous those the trophies are
23352s absolutely awesome not to mention they
23353s get $1,600 per person from our total of
23357s a
23357s $220,000 prize pull over the course of
23360s this event mean it's seriously great
23363s calling all heroes as a whole and I mean
23366s I I can give a Sentimental speech all
23368s day like the importance that it brings
23369s to the players the event organizers us
23372s as casters to have this opportunity in
23374s the spotlight to Showcase themselves and
23377s build this community of people within
23380s Esports it's truly On The Rise and I
23382s it's not going to stop anytime
23384s soon Ian I share that sentiment entirely
23388s I want to go ahead and as we start to
23390s bring things to a close here before I
23392s before I you know give my sentimental
23394s speech want to go ahead and give a give
23396s a couple thank yous out first of all to
23398s radiant for putting on this uh putting
23401s on this tournament and putting on all of
23402s these tournaments throughout the entire
23404s year for helping make calling all heroes
23406s what it is the producers the mods The
23408s Observers everybody a special shout out
23411s by the way to the twitch mods who I know
23413s are always doing God's work out there
23415s thank you to everybody who came through
23417s the analyst unter Christopher aretta
23420s getting all three of them in it was a
23422s pleasure to get to have them and I want
23424s to go ahead and talk directly to you
23426s chat thank you guys all so much for
23428s coming out and supporting calling all
23430s heroes because like tiny said this is
23433s this is everything to us this is
23434s something that is very important to me
23436s that is very important to her and I know
23438s is very important to a lot of you it's a
23440s community of players marginalized gender
23442s talent and players that haven't always
23445s been given a place to shine but today
23447s they had the spotlight placed firmly on
23449s them and damn it they glowed they glowed
23452s so hard and it's all thanks to you guys
23455s for your continued support so thank you
23457s all so much for making calling all
23459s heroes special and I can't wait to see
23462s you all again in the
23466s [Music]
23484s future
23488s [Music]
23502s [Music]
23514s that
23527s [Music]
23541s [Music]
23544s I
23568s [Music]
23576s [Music]
23604s them
23626s [Music]
23633s ch
23637s [Music]
23653s got
23663s you
23671s [Music]
23680s [Music]
23700s [Music]
23723s let
23737s [Music]
23748s [Music]
23752s [Applause]
23753s all
23760s [Music]
23783s oh
23787s [Music]