about 5 years ago - JoshuaNoh-1358 - Direct link

Hi, hopefully I can clear some of the number stuff up.
Symmetra does 65/130/195 damage per second at each respective charge level against non-armored health pools.

Against the original armor calculation (-5 dmg per hit) this got a flat 25 DPS reduction and a 15 DPS reduction after the armor changes to -3 per hit.

So with this current PTR patch, at level 1 charge you gain +2 DPS versus armor, at level 3 you lose 24 DPS compared to before (now 156, previously 180).

This ends up being a difference of about .17 seconds in time to kill 200 armor health. We’ll see if this ends up being significant or not and go from there. I will say there wasn’t any specific intent to reduce Symmetra’s power.

about 5 years ago - JoshuaNoh-1358 - Direct link

The primary fire damage rate has been at this value since her rework.
I just checked the rework forum post though and it does have the incorrect 60/120/180 values. Sorry we didn’t catch that!