9 months ago - PlayOverwatch - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s what your OverWatch 2 main says about
2s you Anna you're patient mentally hard to
4s break and operate under the guy's
6s maturity and wisdom you also excel at
8s multitasking able to rapidly flick
10s between damaging an enemy and healing an
12s ally with ease but sometimes you get
14s tunnel vision I need healing
17s you're very selective with your Nano and
19s if you give it to somebody who doesn't
20s properly utilize it well they're never
21s getting it again my ultimate is ready
24s no
25s though who hasn't nanowed Voldemort is
27s he just for the fun of it very well
30s [Music]
32s spray and good good voice line be sure
34s to comment on which hero you want to see
35s next
36s so you don't