over 2 years ago - PlayOverwatch - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

6s [Junker Queen, echoing] Listen up, you wretched scum!
9s You try to wreak havoc and chaos.
11s [heavy breathing]
12s You may even try to challenge my reign.
16s But this is Junkertown...
20s and here, there is no mercy!
24s Welcome to the apocalypse.
27s -[crowd cheering] -[heavy metal music]
30s [Junker Queen] All right!
31s [Reaper] Time to kill.
34s [Roadhog grunts]
35s [Junker Queen] That's the way!
40s Got a little knife in ya!
42s Ha!
44s [clinking metal]
44s [Junker Queen] Bow down.
46s [gun firing]
48s [Junker Queen yells]
50s Yeah!
51s [Soldier: 76] There she is. Get on it.
53s [Junker Queen] You're scattered, mate.
56s Watch this.
57s [slow heartbeat]
59s [Junker Queen grunts]
61s [yells]
62s [grunts and chuckles]
63s Junker Queen!
66s Down you go, big man.
69s Good on ya.
72s [laughs] Ugh.
75s Ohh. Should have ducked!
76s [blows kiss] Ha!
78s Oi, Junkrat.
80s All hail the Queen!
84s Time for the big finish.
88s You got too close, didn't ya?
91s And I'm just getting started!