9 months ago - PlayOverwatch - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s top three Flashpoint tips you should
2s know before jumping into the new core
3s game mode first thing you should know
4s never stop moving Flashpoint maps are
6s huge and you'll constantly be racing to
8s the next active point which could be
10s anywhere always know where to go always
11s know when to go and always get there
13s quickly there's almost never a reason to
15s be standing still next up is hero
17s selection as your mind immediately went
18s to high Mobility Heroes well you're not
20s wrong however defensive Heroes here will
21s provide crucial utility that puts your
23s team at an advantage like dropping an
24s ice wall in front of an enemy team right
26s before they reach a point and don't be
27s afraid to Hero swap every capture Point
29s has different terrain and Vantage points
30s that lend themselves to different hero
32s place which is a perfect segue to our
34s final tip know your Maps knowing the
36s layout of every capture point will help
37s you decide which hero to swap to there
39s are also several routes to take while
40s racing between points and knowing which
42s one is the quickest could give your team
43s an advantage additionally teams get
44s enter capture points from just about any
46s direction familiarize yourself with all
48s the potential entry points to make sure
49s the enemy team doesn't catch you off
50s guard Flashpoint is out now in OverWatch
52s to Invasion and I'll see you in New junk
54s City