9 months ago - PlayOverwatch - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s I studied during school they said you
2s were the best sniper in the world I'm
4s sure some would disagree like the sniper
6s who shot out your eye she doesn't count
9s I've been thinking about getting another
11s striped cat but I'm running out of cool
13s names I name my llama Junior like the
16s free dry potato potato you're a genius
18s I'll call him hustle Buck I have
21s questions about anti-fighting Styles I'm
24s not qualified to answer them the records
27s show you're a prodigy perhaps you're not
28s giving yourself enough credit keep
30s reading those records you'll see how
32s much credit I deserve hmm
38s nice melody does he have a name no
41s sometimes I just hum when I'm thinking I
44s can stop humming overthinking