about 1 year ago - PlayOverwatch - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s Overland is threatened by a powerful and
2s deadly evil and it's up to you to decide
4s the fate of the realm to feed the Demon
5s Lord in this new limited time mode in
7s the arcade created in the workshop by
8s Cactus puppy and this 4v1 showdown one
10s player plays as a buff to Demon Lord
11s Reinhardt while the other four Heroes
12s try to take him down the Demon Lord will
14s win if he's able to bring down the
15s heroes 30 times and the heroes will win
16s if they're able to bring down Reinhardt
18s three times not only does he have an
19s increased Health pool but his charge
20s sets enemies on fire his fire strike
22s fires three in a horizontal spread and
24s his Earth shatter stuns all enemies in
25s the sphere around him plus increases his
26s speed and damage for a short time life
28s Weaver will have increased speed and
29s infinite ammo junker Queen's Carnage
30s will slow Reinhardt down and Genji's
32s Dragon Blade will grant him an
33s additional 400 HP and successful strikes
35s will slow Reinhardt down so do you have
36s what it takes to bring down the evil
38s demon Lord or will you become the Demon
39s Lord and destroy all who oppose you