12 months ago - PlayOverwatch - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

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953s welcome everyone to the radiant Heroes
957s major number two for the calling all
958s heroes initiative I am epitome is joined
960s by door and we are so excited to be
962s bringing you the playoffs of this event
964s that's right baby I mean we've had some
966s fantastic competition up until now
968s calling all heroes is going swimmingly
970s as it ever could be last week we had our
972s Swiss rounds they went great I I have no
974s complaints and I can't wait to see what
975s teams are offering up today
977s yeah and for those of you who do not
979s know what calling all heroes is calling
981s all heroes is a gender inclusivity
983s initiative foreplay OverWatch where they
986s allowed people of all marginalized
988s genders to play in these types of
990s tournaments and we also actually have
993s two different circuits running today we
995s are going to have the Challenger Series
996s that is right now and there is a little
998s bit of action that you will be able to
999s catch later today for a diamond and
1001s Below circuit that is the rising Series
1003s yeah Rising series I mean it's important
1005s to give those players the opportunity
1006s because it's not just a space for the
1007s most competitive of players right
1009s anybody who wants to get their toes in
1011s dip the toes into the community who
1012s might not have that opportunity to
1014s otherwise it's been fantastic and like
1016s we said not only do we have that but
1017s we've got the big one going on right now
1019s it's been super competitive we started
1021s off with our Swift stage happening last
1023s week and we've ended up with eight teams
1025s here for double elim playoffs
1030s rounding down from 24 in the Swiss
1033s stages so it's been very very
1034s competitive all the way through and
1036s these teams now fighting for the top
1039s spot in attempt to get the circuit
1041s points that are going to be awarded in
1043s order to get them to the end of your
1044s event for the calling all Hero circuit
1047s yeah and let's take a look at how those
1048s Swiss rounds did go we had of course
1050s more than just the teams we can show
1052s here but we have more than a bucket full
1054s just say the least those top eight are
1056s what you're looking at though nyxl
1058s Academy I mean a big 6-0 I think is a
1061s statement coming into a calling all
1063s heroes major that is almost inarguably
1066s more competitive than each of the
1068s previous last ones as the competition
1070s just continues to rise
1072s yeah I mean more a competitive
1074s experience on every single one of the
1075s players as you continue into the circuit
1078s and nyxl Academy obviously the last
1081s winners of the previous calling all
1083s heroes minor but those two after Rift
1086s Guardians were the ones who lost in the
1088s last calling all heroes minor and
1089s Timeless ethereal also having a win in
1091s the calling all heroes circuit
1093s um so thus far and I think this gives us
1096s a good idea of kind of what it has
1098s looked like in a recent time but let's
1100s go ahead and take a look at the point
1100s standings overall what people have
1103s gotten from all of the calling all
1104s heroes events because this is what
1106s qualification begins to look like when
1108s you start to look towards the big one at
1110s the end Timeless ethereal capping off
1112s particularly well with 63.75 NYX Academy
1115s winning that previous one at 6K and then
1117s the other team's starting to fill out
1118s behind them but it's becoming a little
1121s bit too little a little bit too late for
1123s some teams to get those points in the
1124s door before it's too late we talked
1127s about it I remember at the first major
1128s about okay you need to be winning and
1131s getting points now because it's only
1132s going to get more competitive and to
1134s watch that kind of Bloom and come to
1136s fruition has been wonderful
1139s yeah and the way that the circum point
1140s standings work for calling all heroes as
1142s well as they're awarded to the players
1144s so it really encourages these rosters to
1146s stay together and try to Foster that
1148s talent and Synergy as a team rather than
1151s just individual talent and mechanics and
1153s I think it really goes a long way to see
1155s how long these players have stuck
1157s together and how they're still competing
1158s together uh by the end of this year
1162s yeah we've got our points that we get
1163s the dish out at the end of this but we
1165s have two days of competition to go let's
1167s take a look at how those are gonna shake
1168s down with our bracket
1170s like we said we had the eight teams
1172s qualify nyxl Academy Bad Boys strix Bad
1174s Blood Titans blue title zero seven two
1176s one black riff Guardians and team yippee
1178s tall who's sticking out to you here
1180s well obviously we have nyxl Academy
1183s they've been pretty consistent
1185s throughout Bad Boys the roster that was
1187s just announced though and they're
1188s already going up against the big bad
1191s nyxl Academy previous calling all heroes
1194s minor winners Timeless ethereal is also
1196s a huge Contender here and they've been
1198s very competitive all the way through
1200s every single time I've seen them play
1202s here yeah I think there's a certain
1204s degree of pedigree that some of these
1206s teams begin to bring that have stuck
1207s together for so long and also have a
1209s fair amount of research being pumped
1211s into them you see the support that
1212s Timeless ethereal's roster gets right
1214s that Titan's blue roster gets at the
1216s nyxl Academy Ross forgets right these
1218s are teams with fully fledged staff ready
1221s to help them and help them improve when
1223s you're talking about a tournament where
1224s a lot of the time you're looking to keep
1227s that team together in order to keep the
1228s points all congregated in one place it's
1231s really important that you have that good
1232s support system so I love that it rewards
1234s teams for investing in their teams in in
1237s such a serious manner
1240s yeah on top definitely looking forward
1242s to seeing what they're going to bring
1243s out today for our first matchup we have
1246s Rift Guardians already up here on the
1248s big stage up against team yippee
1252s all right we're going to miss team yippy
1255s let's kick things off Rich Guardians a
1257s team that is I think extremely scary is
1260s probably an understatement Paula I mean
1262s they're they're coming in with a roster
1264s full of pedigree but for me the the
1268s Highlight is looking at that DPS line of
1270s Mercedes and hkey whoo those two can get
1273s some damage done
1274s yeah and lots of experience as well HP
1277s also having a win under their belt
1279s previously while playing for um I
1283s believe it was all Tiara Artemis in one
1285s of the previous Challenger cups so
1287s definitely a very very scary team to be
1289s going up against yeah a ton of
1291s mechanical skill and plenty of
1293s experience in competitive play not just
1295s in calling all heroes to kind of back
1297s that up this is a rush that brings a ton
1299s of pedigree it's also a wide roster that
1301s brings a whole host of players alongside
1304s it I'm expecting big things from them
1306s and I'm curious to see what they
1307s actually bring to the table in terms of
1308s compositions because we've had World Cup
1310s going on and that's kind of been
1312s dictated by okay what do our players
1314s happen to play whereas a lot of the
1316s calling all your stuff has been very
1318s meta dependent but with patches having
1319s come out since OverWatch League
1321s happening or the finals of that
1323s tournament and all the shifts that have
1325s gone on I think there's a little bit of
1326s room for both Comfort picks and also
1329s experimentation within the meta and Rift
1331s Guardians with their wide roster with
1334s the flexible ability of these players
1335s are really in a prime position to test a
1337s lot of that out and so that's what I'm
1338s looking for for them in particular
1340s the last calling all heroes Miner as
1342s well junker Queen was really strong so a
1344s lot of that was dictated by can our play
1346s a team play junker Queen and those types
1349s of compositions very well the dive
1350s compositions but this time around that's
1353s been kind of tuned down and the rest of
1355s the squad we're going to see what they
1356s want to play I mean it was fun while it
1359s lasted I you know what I
1362s it was fun for a day there
1366s I'm glad we've escaped junker Queen's
1368s rulership nevertheless we've escaped
1370s into a new Meadow where we get to watch
1371s TV take the helm a team with a little
1375s bit less depth in terms of roster but
1377s still brings a bit of flexibility to the
1379s table with these players I think they
1380s are going to have their hands full
1381s though like we said already that DPS
1383s lineup is going to be tough to match but
1385s then trying to match a rift Guardians
1387s that could be bouncing all over the
1388s place compositionally it's gonna be
1389s pretty tricky
1392s definitely feels like compositionally
1394s these teams go are going to be
1396s um are going to be very comfortable with
1398s the dive compositions seeing what Heroes
1400s that they are comfortable with so it's
1402s also the onus of a lot of display is
1405s onto that support back line to see if
1407s everyone would be able to get that first
1408s healing up and be able to peel for one
1410s another as well
1411s keeping alive in these situations is
1414s really really tricky that being said
1416s there are opportunities to escape I
1417s think for all the dive that we see for
1419s all the Winston that's been extremely
1420s prevalent in OverWatch 2 just for the
1422s fact that it's so consistent can be
1424s played kind of as a default on a lot of
1426s maps map pick does matter a ton for
1429s these teams especially heading in to a
1431s best of three first or two like we have
1432s in this first round if you're winning
1434s that first one on a dive map taking that
1436s second pick and forcing it somewhere
1437s else is vitally important
1440s and looking at the map pools that we
1443s have in play for this first round it is
1445s going to be first to two and it is
1447s control hybrid and then escort we only
1450s go to push in the first to two if there
1452s is a tie breaker so headed on to control
1455s I'm not sure what we are expecting to
1457s see just yet from these squads Arctic
1459s Peninsula also in the map Pool I mean
1461s this map Pool is ripe for diving you've
1464s got everything you could ever want in
1466s there except for maybe what lijon
1468s control center everything else is
1469s relatively diveable some Ram could
1472s likely be played on a couple of these
1473s Maps but by and large is going to come
1475s down to those Winston compositions when
1477s you're buying for both control of the
1478s series and control of the control map I
1481s I always talk about how first of two it
1483s is a brutal format right you've got to
1486s get through the early round so it's
1487s gonna happen but you the how quickly you
1490s can get Blitz out of an upper bracket
1492s with the first two can really Catch You
1494s by surprise so you need to be quick to
1496s adapt that means not just adapting
1497s saying oh oh yeah yeah it was Elios we
1500s just don't play that map and then we
1501s just we take our second map pick no you
1503s need to adapt on the dive map like it
1505s needs to be quick it needs to be as soon
1506s as possible dropping down to lower
1508s bracket especially in a bracket that's
1509s this contested with Incredible teams is
1512s not something you should ever be okay
1516s with
1517s at the very least they don't have to
1520s worry if they do drop that series
1522s because they still have that second
1523s chance in the lower bracket so right now
1526s we're still all up in the upper bracket
1527s we're all happy go lucky and getting a
1530s little bit of that extra comfiness that
1532s cushioning that they could get in before
1535s going down but the loser deciding the
1537s next map will also help them be able to
1539s get onto their own territory as well
1541s even though it is a first to do
1544s at first two is starting off on ilios I
1548s uh kind of foreshadowed a little bit of
1550s diving that's going to be happening and
1552s it is almost certainly going to be
1553s happening we watched the last Contender
1554s season uh wisp running around on monkey
1557s composition plenty of other teams kind
1559s of piloting them finding massive win
1561s rates on Elios in particular these are
1563s two teams that look to Pilot dive
1565s compositions that only one of them
1566s improve better than the other especially
1569s on the Battleground like iliosa map that
1571s offers so much up to these teams I want
1573s them to see good positioning from them I
1575s want to see good staging for fights and
1577s good neutral Dives in order to gain
1578s those positions and then I need to see a
1581s good execution on the Dives and I feel
1582s like you were talking about earlier
1583s keeping that back line alive
1586s and I kind of still have World Cup brain
1588s right now and I'm wondering is someone
1590s going to take out one of those birds is
1592s someone going to come in and look for
1594s The High Ground Control but I'm really
1595s hoping that they are going to go for
1597s those Dives because it seems like much
1599s more coordinated here and since they've
1602s been playing together as a team these
1604s two teams for a while they would really
1606s have that coordination when they go for
1607s the dive compositions yeah yeah I mean
1610s my biggest question about the dive
1611s conversations obviously you talk about
1612s the birds on Helios it can be somewhat
1614s prevalent the echo's actually been kind
1616s of a fan favorite as of recent here to
1618s kind of put a ton of pressure onto the
1620s Winston in particular out of the dive
1622s compositions also does decently well
1624s into the diva
1625s but outside of the DPS I'm looking at
1627s the back lines because as much as a lot
1630s of teams and Contender teams have taken
1631s it for granted be like oh yep we just
1633s run the Lucio Anna yada yada yada we're
1635s on our way maybe maybe mix in a
1636s different Flex support there as of
1638s recent you know you see teams
1639s experimenting a lot more with the Moira
1641s a lot more with just a little bit
1643s weirder picks when it comes to that back
1646s line nothing to out there but plenty of
1649s variants and it's those small changes
1650s that make a massive difference right
1652s something like a a Lucio Moira with the
1654s Rush Plays very different to a Lucio
1656s Anna where you're much more backline
1658s focused trying to keep her alive
1661s yeah the Anna it definitely feels like a
1664s huge Target on her back when you're
1665s playing the dive compositions with the
1667s Lucio as a secondary backline and your
1669s entire team is trying to go in on their
1671s back line and all of a sudden you're
1672s alone trying to keep them up from afar
1674s and you really have to be landing those
1677s sleeps if you ever do get Dove headed on
1680s to well for that first matchup it's
1684s looking like HQ HQ don't do this to me
1688s are you hovering the echo I'm fine with
1690s that I'm caught the neck open it slots
1693s right in I mean tarot's gonna have a bad
1695s time but that's Tara's problem not mine
1698s oh you know it it's also just a question
1701s of is Orion sticking on jono and Orion
1704s is this back line what they're really
1705s going to be keeping they're just going
1707s to allow that Echo to be up in the sky
1709s putting that pressure alone and it seems
1711s like team Yepi also going to match that
1713s Echo pickup it's basically a mirror
1715s match up on both sides other than that
1718s just that Echo seems to be out of place
1720s in the dive composition but they're
1722s trying to take the Hydra now uh straight
1725s up match for either side it will come
1726s largely down to High Ground Control but
1728s mostly who can kind of neutral a little
1730s bit closer to the opposing sides on a
1732s poker away pull out that biotic nade
1734s cooldown pull out the packs from the
1736s Brigitte or maybe even pick up the
1737s monkey here maybe you can find them
1740s yeah that monkey got real low on team
1742s yippee side riff Guardians looking to
1744s try and get that first touch and can you
1746s give me they're still fighting over the
1748s high ground but it doesn't seem like
1749s they're going to be able to get a little
1751s bit of a touch from that Tracer but it's
1753s Orion that's getting a lot of pressure
1754s being put down the biotic and it gets
1756s the purple down onto Terra now without a
1758s tank and team yippee they are going to
1759s back off that point oh I mean what
1761s disgusting feel from River Guardian John
1764s O Captain HK saw Tara diving and said
1766s absolutely not Orion didn't even have to
1768s break the sweat to get away from that
1770s diving it's rewarded with a really nice
1772s Point tick 20 on Deck as well some nice
1774s ultimate charge HK is almost up to a
1776s duplicate already I mean the sticky
1778s bombs have been disgusting from this
1779s echo in an early ultimate very well
1781s could win this next fight for them
1783s Mercedes and sunshine having a little
1785s brawl around the end but it seems like
1787s Harlequin also just getting so much
1789s pressure put down onto her that it's
1791s really hard for her to get that control
1792s they're still being able to push them
1794s pretty far back into their spawn and
1796s he's just that tracer on Sunshine that's
1798s trying to dance around the back line a
1800s little bit more cat going for the dive
1801s now getting a lot of damage Harlequin
1803s neutralizing H key though is going to
1805s allow that stick from Sunshine Too Orion
1809s going down as well backing off now is
1811s John onto her group with the squad and
1813s the point flips My Sunshine Harlequin
1815s are kind of cooking I don't know why oh
1817s it was great picks but I'm surprised
1819s again I mentioned hkey had the ultimate
1821s up super early you shouldn't be going
1822s down with duplicate in hand as a as an
1825s echo that quickly so it's a
1827s mispositioning on their side but now
1829s they're coming in with double port or
1830s double DPS ultimates first of which is
1832s gonna miss but they still have plenty of
1834s time to build up towards that Nano boost
1835s the front will raise the rally and all
1837s those tools that could get rid of
1838s Guardians
1840s both duplicates available for both of
1842s these nanoboost goes out on to Tara and
1844s that dive comes through to just force
1847s them to back off HP however the pressure
1849s onto the back line is immense to
1851s duplicate onto the Tracer try to charge
1853s up that pulse bomb as quickly as
1854s possible Primal Rage to get that bit of
1856s overhealth onto Terra and now of the
1859s duplicate Force out of HP by Harlequin
1861s cat even with the Primal Rage is able to
1863s find one on the other side from brick
1865s guardians but it's still just going to
1868s be team yippee holding on to that point
1869s there's not a lot of support for this
1871s Winston I mean this is a massive push
1874s fire Rift Guardians they're going all in
1876s on a fight that they were losing and
1877s they're winning it nevertheless
1881s now they're even with that rally being
1882s top five team yippee to get that bit of
1885s armor and overhealth as well now a
1887s duplicate from Team yippee's side in
1889s order to keep contesting this point the
1890s Winston gets a lot of help onto this
1892s Echo but it's definitely not enough the
1893s pressure from above from H key cannot be
1896s matched and Harlequin goes down in a bit
1898s of a stagger while Tara's still fighting
1901s but his anti there's nothing for this
1903s Winston no support from the rest of the
1905s team but dancing inside the bubble may
1907s allow him to escape
1909s they're just stuck all in if they lose
1911s this fight that's too punishing if they
1913s win it there's something they get out of
1915s it but they've given up 80 in the
1917s meantime it finally caps over but at
1920s what cost every Ultimate down the drain
1922s you get the tick eventually you allow 80
1925s through
1926s at this point it's a neutral game the
1928s kitchen sinks have been thrown in its
1930s elbow grease and bullets for either team
1933s that's all they have to work with stevia
1935s Primal Rage coming up for Terra soon if
1936s Mercedes finds his full form we could
1938s say goodbye to this first map
1942s whatever goes down this is certainly the
1944s last of it
1945s fight was extremely extended from rip
1948s Guardian side and they expended a lot of
1950s ultimates but they're building up to the
1952s Nano boost steadily and they also have
1954s that duplicate almost in the back pocket
1956s of aged key now fighting above for the
1959s hike run once again looking for a dive
1961s from Tara to initiate this fight but
1963s it's going to be aged with the duplicate
1965s now looking for the honor fine how to
1967s wasd and now using the Primal Rage
1971s double Primal Rage from Ruth Guardians
1973s on the field Tara does find one with
1975s Primal Rage of their own and
1977s unfortunately HD just falls off the map
1980s trying to chase down Harlequin Harlequin
1982s although one HP is still able to get a
1984s bit of a touch and the rest of Team
1986s you'll be looking to regroup and that
1988s Tracer is still sticking on to flip that
1989s point over time initiating the rift
1991s Guardians they fail that last fight
1993s Irish Guardians gotta get into this next
1995s one real quick they have a nano boost
1996s which is a huge ultimate if they can
1998s pick off was before this rally goes off
2001s call the fight it's already over
2005s they're looking to get aggressive they
2007s want to keep them inside their spawn
2009s hkey are shredding through Tara she's
2012s just absolutely gone even with that
2013s Health pool and now the Nano boosts on
2015s the cat even though there's no Primal
2017s Rage here there's no choice but for team
2019s yippee to back up
2021s now it's all about juggling the point
2023s fortunately because laws didn't pick off
2025s too early the rally does come online
2027s with Harlequin gone that's a lot of the
2028s week valid you know lacking for team
2030s hippy
2031s yeah that Rally from how did it was able
2034s to keep them up for a little while
2036s longer still contesting around the point
2038s and a little bit of that extra Spain but
2040s Caleb Falls quickly after that babita
2042s goes down and Tara has to find something
2045s on the doomfist still fighting for it
2047s but Mercedes dancing around that map
2049s first point secured by riff Guardian
2051s setting the pace for Elios honestly
2054s after losing Tara I've got to give some
2055s credit to hippie they did a great job of
2057s trying to stabilize play for that rally
2059s but Harlequin going down just as the Q
2061s button is pressed by wasd is uh quite an
2064s unfortunate series of events to say the
2066s least
2067s if Guardians end up taking that first
2069s map awesome consistent play some good
2071s ultimates and also that one all-in push
2073s the fight that took what nine years to
2076s finish ended up going in their favor if
2078s that went wrong it would have been all
2080s downhill but
2081s their bets pay off and now they head
2083s into
2085s Lighthouse with a one map Advantage same
2087s compositions coming to the table but
2088s does Tara actually want to stay on this
2091s so you know okay no expected swaps
2095s about being trolled in the pre-round
2097s name of better pair than that in
2099s OverWatch and no I mean headed on to
2102s Lighthouse they should be able to get
2105s some good
2106s um some good captures especially since
2108s birth Guardians they've proven that
2110s they're very good in a battle of
2111s attrition here in those long extended
2113s fights where they seem to prevail
2115s yippee continue to want to take that
2117s aggressive step forward and Tara just is
2119s the price that happened in the final
2120s fight on the last points as well the
2122s Winston getting punished for just diving
2124s a little bit too directly see how Rift
2126s Guardians kind of set up in neutral make
2128s a neutral dive and then go maybe if
2132s you're kind of skipping a step in that
2133s regard using all their cooldowns go to
2134s The High Ground and then they have kind
2136s of nothing for the actual fight
2138s Rift Guardians seem to have a very good
2140s understanding that that honor is really
2142s what's keeping them alive so the peel
2143s there is really immense every single
2145s time Tara tries to go for that dive in
2147s the neutral and pretty gets punished
2149s very very heavily and even though the
2151s anti-name usually isn't a punishing on
2152s its own the rest of the team is just
2154s right there
2155s yeah it's like a Venus flytrap closing
2158s around Tara every time they try to dive
2160s in I think said if they could be a
2162s little bit more coordinated about that
2163s dive seem to be can be very dangerous as
2165s they are putting cat in a bit of a
2167s corner
2168s yeah cat going to have to go ahead and
2170s leave towards the team but they're still
2172s holding on to that point team you'd be
2174s looking to round around and find their
2176s healers first off the support still
2178s alive though Mercedes goes down in a
2180s trade with the dps's but now cat going
2182s for the dive on the back line once again
2184s Kayla and how to was are unable to keep
2186s themselves alive but jono however goes
2188s down to that pulse bomb good stick from
2190s yippee
2192s again you see the difference of Peel
2193s through these backlines yes jono does
2195s eventually go down but the ease with
2197s which Kat was allowed to take down lost
2199s and Kayla's kind of unacceptable in
2202s situations like this where you're trying
2204s to rely on that High Ground of the
2206s Anchor Point for a lot of your
2207s composition really picked by Mercedes
2208s certainly does help the position Thrift
2210s Guardians a bit on top of that and allow
2212s him to build up towards not just a
2214s duplicate but possibly a rally that
2216s could keep Orion alive and a lot of
2218s other tools that are just gonna put team
2219s if he further and further in the hole
2221s that's continuing to be dug by Rift
2224s Guardians
2226s now with the duplicate online from Earth
2228s Guardians they're just on such good Pace
2230s with their ultimate Tara going for
2232s another one of those Dives and even
2234s though the back line oh it's nothing the
2236s Nano boost does come through but Orion
2238s goes down out of was finds one before
2241s falling and now Rim Guardians they have
2243s a banana duplicated by hkey looking for
2247s the Nano boost to get the extra
2249s sustained a really smart duplication
2251s from HP after Orion went down early into
2253s that fight and now just headed on to the
2256s point with the Primal Rage trying to
2257s hold on despite the rally from jono
2259s there's still so much pressure being put
2262s onto the back line of of the thrift
2264s Guardians Sarah still looking for the
2266s point Mercedes holding on with the test
2268s using the blinks on his racer and team
2270s yippee it's looking like they're trying
2272s to let this one go that Tara still wants
2274s to go in but there's nothing to be done
2276s yes just so well played by Rift
2278s Guardians whether it's a staged fight or
2281s whether it's a fiesta their connoisseurs
2283s of clownery in many ways Rift Guardians
2286s their ability to take these extended
2287s fights and play them when they're broken
2289s down has been there been through a lot
2291s of this I think a lot of that comes down
2293s to just solid understanding of what
2295s their win condition actually is you saw
2298s Yes we we traded on us there at the
2300s beginning of the fight
2301s the big thing is that Orion got the Nano
2303s off before going down they knew what was
2305s most important in that fight was that
2306s they got that ultimate off before
2308s anything after that they oughta can go
2310s do whatever she wants to go back to
2311s spawn to go to another map do whatever
2313s take a break take a bio as long as you
2316s press that Nano button you're all good
2317s and that Nano resulted in what two three
2319s kills amongst all of that and as long as
2321s they held that position they were gonna
2323s be fantastic and that happened fight
2324s after fight after fight or that would it
2326s would get that small earlier
2328s and then carry it through an extended
2331s fight
2332s not to mention hkey just had a really
2334s good duplicate onto the on and knowing
2336s that they needed needed a little bit of
2337s x scene and they had actually two Nano
2340s boosts into that fight one of them onto
2342s hkey and another one onto their tank so
2344s it was just so powerful and oppressive
2347s over here on a lighthouse they weren't
2348s even able to get a single percentage on
2351s that second map yeah with how much
2352s they're pumping out we're gonna have to
2353s start regulating Nano boost I'm not sure
2355s that's uh is that approved by the FDA
2358s can we can we get that tested
2362s uh I don't know I think that they might
2364s need to get something tested at least on
2367s yippee's side in order to figure out
2368s what their win condition is going on to
2370s the next map which is going to be their
2372s map pick and from the hybrid map pool
2374s this time around okay so let's kind of
2376s walk through this together and think
2378s through what we might want in terms of
2380s picks because the dive composition I
2382s don't think is working at least not with
2383s the honor break if they want to switch
2384s to something like a Lucio Moria play a
2386s little bit more Rush style where they
2387s don't have to worry about that back line
2388s as much I think that could very much be
2390s an option for them but amongst
2392s eichenwald Midtown and numbani nubani
2394s certainly seems like the pick I kind of
2395s want to play the least as them just
2398s because that traditional Flex support
2400s backline is very relied upon especially
2402s for point a over on new body so that
2404s kind of leaves us with eichenwald in
2405s Midtown being picks Midtown uh kind of
2408s Harkens towards a full composition swap
2410s they want to just pull the Big Shiny red
2412s lever on the wall that says emergency
2413s and go for it I'm all here for it if
2415s they want to keep it at least in the
2417s same ish vein I can well certainly there
2419s and offers up a lot of compositional
2420s diversity
2422s it seems like we might be getting that
2424s map pick through soon it is going to be
2427s Bonnie which you decided was the one
2429s that you wanted to play the least but
2430s maybe they're really uh they have a lot
2433s of
2434s um I'm not sure what to call it a lot of
2436s Reliance on that back line they believe
2438s in their back line to be able to pull
2440s this one through for them and maybe we
2442s are going to see compositional swaps
2444s here I mean the Winston is definitely a
2446s really nice tank because you're able to
2448s fight for that High Ground so readily
2450s but you could also perhaps slot in the
2452s diva as well to these types of
2454s compositions and maybe there will be a
2456s little bit more of that comfort and
2457s survivability as well
2459s yeah nobody gives so many opportunities
2461s in terms of dive tank play and the flex
2464s boards don't need as much peel here
2465s because they have that High Ground to
2467s kind of fall back on so maybe that's
2469s what they're looking forward to maybe
2470s they're saying okay our more aggressive
2472s dive style can rely on this High Ground
2474s to keep our support safe as opposed to
2476s trying to counter dive like we saw a lot
2477s of Rift doing in the previous map also I
2481s I think they're just trying to double
2481s down on what they think they're good at
2483s this is a team like I said with a pretty
2484s slim roster that very clearly wants to
2486s play one type of composition so coming
2488s in trying to change that identity as
2490s opposed to fix the small things that are
2492s going on might just be the better plan
2496s yeah it seems like the dive compositions
2499s are just so steady for team VIP it's
2502s what they know and they are playing what
2504s they know and going into new Bonnie I'm
2507s really curious if they're going to try
2509s and switch things around they do like
2511s the dive compositions but on the side of
2513s Rift Guardians they are playing the
2515s exact same composition matching it pace
2517s for Pace ultimate for ultimate and they
2520s seem to be just coming out on top of
2521s these fights every single time
2523s we'll see how EP deals with the
2525s architecture of this map
2527s we'll have to check compositions first
2528s like you said there there are inklings
2530s of Divas floating around potential
2532s backlines swaps that is a change that
2534s I'm all down for was swapping over to a
2537s mercy in order to pocket sunshine on an
2540s ash this feels especially on defense
2543s like a good time on the attacking side
2544s it might be a little bit more difficult
2546s to find purchase with that ashes
2548s spending that coach gun cooldown to get
2550s to a high ground up against a dive team
2552s like Rift Guardians I mean you're
2554s basically signing your own death
2556s certificate
2558s well the only good thing is starting on
2560s defense you're able to just get up there
2562s for the first time wait for the
2564s cooldowns to come back but on the other
2565s side team yippee it's going to be very
2567s interesting to see how Kayla fares in
2569s this because whenever you see that Echo
2571s Mercy combination any of the birds
2573s together then you really have full
2575s custody of the mercy as a DPS player in
2578s the air so it's going to be difficult to
2580s get was disconnected from the echo in
2582s order to peel for Kayla if it does come
2583s down to that cat going for those Dives
2585s and now without the Paquita for that
2586s extra peel in the back line it's
2588s definitely going to be tough for the
2590s survivability of Ghana yeah it's trigger
2592s for the background Wallace has some
2594s tricky decisions between sunshine and
2596s Harlequin of who's doing so that goes on
2598s to Harlequin and it's a great dive Orion
2600s and jono already having a fight
2603s okay Harlequin doing very very well
2606s right off the bat but Mercedes and HP
2608s they do find the BPS and the tank in
2611s exchange Terror going down but that's
2613s not going to matter cat's already backed
2615s off pretty far and there's not a lot of
2617s sustain here before the tank but they're
2619s going to not allow that second uh tick
2621s to go up onto the point just yet a
2623s escape to The High Ground Floor now and
2625s sunshine this time getting the mercy
2627s pocket as the dive comes through from
2628s cat I love how each of Rift Guardians
2630s are being about retaking this point so
2632s they allow the tick to come through
2633s they're waiting for the sports get back
2635s up they're slowly pushing the sunshine
2637s away here this is very measured over
2640s energy
2641s yeah and with guardians they do like
2643s that slow play style they're very good
2645s in these long drawn out battles of
2647s attrition they're good at waiting to the
2649s very group and now they have that pulse
2651s bomb on H key looking for the stick onto
2653s the Winston doesn't find it cat however
2655s will be able to take the flash out of
2658s the fight Harlequin exchanges that for a
2660s kill onto Orion and now missing a little
2662s bit of that extra sustain while the
2664s resurrection from how the Waz find
2666s Sunshine to come through the valkyrie
2668s has been popped for a bit of extra stain
2670s and the plaster does come out from the
2672s mercy in order to get a little bit of
2674s extra damage down as well however with
2677s cat putting so much pressure onto that
2679s back line to the Tesla Cannon they're
2681s having to retreat all the less yeah this
2683s is getting really tough for team up yes
2685s they got that particularly yes they got
2687s a very successful fight but we're
2688s halfway down through our time bank it's
2691s running a bit slim as are the ultimates
2693s for either side you're looking at that
2695s Nano Boost from Caleb though to be the
2696s real knockout punch right B
2700s fighting The High Ground is just getting
2703s such a good follow-up from age key time
2705s and time again look at that sleep onto
2707s cat but HP still finishes it off because
2709s there's just too many targets for Gala
2712s to try and hit and they're just
2713s struggling to stay alive now Tara
2715s electing her to harass with guardian's
2717s backline out of the fight with the
2719s Primal Rage cat popping their own Primal
2721s Rage in order to escape from the damage
2723s and pressure of Team yippee as the rest
2725s of Team regroup but now the Duke that
2727s has been forced out of harlequin app
2729s with the Tesla and the Bob of course
2731s from Mercedes coming through Harlequin
2733s in the air not really a lot of things to
2735s be done when you're that low HP Earth
2738s Guardians are just controlling this
2739s beautiful not overspending an ultimates
2741s as well they still have a nano boost to
2742s match Kalos hkey's pulse bombs have been
2745s a nightmare for Tara to deal with 24 7.
2749s this is a fight that very well could go
2751s their way but yippee Aviv and ultimate
2753s it's just a matter of if they can find a
2754s good opportunity to pop that Bob split
2756s this team in half or maybe shut off one
2757s of those tanks who are trying to dive if
2759s they throw it on the cat while the dive
2760s is coming in they can keep Orion and
2762s jono Alive there's a lot of chances to
2764s get some damage done
2767s though an immedi in a media Kayla just
2770s shredded out of the fight jono however
2772s from Tara will go down and it seems like
2774s Orion isn't going to be anywhere close
2776s by to help out the Bob does come out
2778s from Sunshine as well and it's just a
2780s bunch of zoning to make sure that
2782s they're off this payload now looking to
2784s escort into the straight space
2787s threes does change the texture of this
2789s map quite a bit the honors no longer
2791s have kind of safe havens to sit in where
2794s they're free to shoot from where they
2796s will this feels a lot more like Elios
2798s right where the team they're going to be
2799s tapped with keeping their honors alive
2801s from their respective positions whether
2802s it be the high ground or the long sight
2804s line that Kayla will be offered
2806s Guardians look kind of screwed up here
2808s in an early position at this corner but
2810s I don't think they're going to take any
2811s aggressive Dives down the road
2814s yeah Tara is just making sure that they
2816s don't have that dive from cat onto the
2818s back line here since Kayla is still very
2821s very vulnerable but the one thing they
2822s do have in the kit is that Resurrection
2824s to bring back the support or tank or
2827s whoever goes down if need be and with
2829s guardians finds that are really picked
2833s well now it takes down Kayla that's
2835s brutal for teamview I mean it's
2837s basically lights out there yeah they
2838s just have to evacuate as quickly as
2840s possible
2841s they have that Valkyrie so I'm wondering
2843s if they're looking for them oh they're
2844s trying to drop the bubble oh my God they
2846s got the red lap onto Caleb that was so
2849s risky but the peels weren't very well
2851s Tara knew what the win condition was
2853s there to keep pushing this payload
2855s forward and they're able to execute it
2857s very well now taking control of The High
2859s Ground as well but it seems like this
2861s fight is going to be extended by the
2863s Primal Rage cat just looking to try his
2866s sustain out in this back line but
2868s there's just so much dancing around that
2871s is happening from the side of the team
2873s yippee that's the cat can't get a good
2875s dive out yeah the res was sick but
2877s unfortunately in order to cover the
2879s Resolute required all five members of
2881s teamip to hold themselves up in a small
2882s room which is one of the less safe
2885s places to be against Rift guardian's
2887s composition now though they're taking a
2889s position out and around it with four
2890s ultimates up this could be very lethal
2892s cage keep getting caught out trying to
2894s harass the backline in sunshine
2901s it goes down immediately there's that on
2903s and now out of the fight relying on the
2905s sustain of John of the nanoboost did go
2907s out onto jono before and the rally is
2910s available but the Bob now from the side
2912s of rip Guardians should be able to clear
2914s and disengage coupons have just been the
2917s flavor that they haven't been
2919s Public Enemy Number One
2921s uh I will say seem to be having spent a
2924s fair bit going into that fight Rift
2926s Guardians match with only two ultimates
2927s of their own they have a lot of sustain
2929s to make their way through this one yes
2930s Kayla has
2934s bode well for them regarding have tools
2937s here especially that rally if they want
2939s to make this one go wrong
2944s and it's looking like it's working
2947s having to disengage now after the
2949s initial dive and the rally does come
2951s through from jono to get the overhelm as
2953s well Harlequin gets low but with a
2955s pocket of the mercy especially now that
2957s the valkyrie has been extended he's
2959s going to allow them to push forward
2960s towards this point still being contested
2962s by HQ
2965s comes back in now it's second tank into
2968s this fight just thinks it's players War
2969s yippee trying to push them forward it is
2972s still a contention but it seems like
2974s they might be able to get themselves off
2976s HP still able to stay on top and jono
2978s just whacking away with the flail trying
2981s to get the sustain through it is going
2983s to be brutal to try and see which one
2985s wins out in his Battle of attrition now
2988s with fishing with the whole swamp or the
2990s back line but HP doesn't find it I mean
2992s one of the most experienced players in
2994s this Lobby needs to show that grit metal
2996s right now blinking towards the cart
2998s every couple seconds just to keep that
3000s over time up oh enforces them away way
3003s One Missed eye from Tara has burned down
3006s the entire clock and whip it the push
3010s from Team yippee slips through their
3012s fingers
3014s round one complete just on the verge of
3017s getting to that second Point as well
3019s Rift Guardian setting them up for a very
3021s very clear wind condition here they need
3024s to get that little bit of extra time
3025s onto the first point as well and I think
3029s that they've fought that first point
3031s very patiently and very well so I have
3033s no doubt that they're going to be able
3035s to get control of The High Ground
3037s I mean Rift Guardians just turned into
3039s monsters on second what are you gonna do
3040s like hkey started going sick
3042s [Music]
3051s player defense team yippee should be
3053s feeling pretty good though with this
3054s High Ground axis that they'll have in
3056s the kind of safe sanctity of that
3059s elevation that's gonna offer up the
3060s Caleb
3061s Kayla at the very least
3068s in this High Ground
3070s um since how to was did have some very
3072s very good reses in the last bite but it
3074s seems like just a Miss time dive like
3076s you mentioned it it just wasn't enough
3079s to push some past to that second Point
3081s Mercedes switching onto the Hanzo is
3083s going to be an interesting pick up
3085s against with Ash though
3087s I'm a big fan of the Hanzo all the time
3089s I think it I mean it look you can call
3091s it what you want you call it cheese you
3092s can call it corny you can call it RNG
3094s but it's powerful and I think there's
3096s there's no questions about that it'll
3098s fill the same role as what Harlequin
3100s does right putting a lot of pressure
3102s onto the Winston but also has the
3104s opportunity to put that pressure a bit
3106s longer range if the sports happened to
3107s open up their sight lines like we're
3109s seeing now Mercedes working the way up
3111s to The High Ground looking for just any
3112s vulnerable player and because the
3114s Mercedes is so good if he just has to
3116s respect it
3118s Harlequin just able to peel for how to
3120s wads and allow them to get back to full
3122s health but or Brian finding some huge
3125s fix onto the DPS in line of eup or Ryan
3128s just another one onto Sunshine right
3130s after the Resurrection comes through one
3132s less tool in the tool kit from how to
3135s was and team you beat they're just
3136s giving up that payload for free five
3138s minutes for Street phase up to point B
3141s itch has been great with the resurrects
3143s But
3144s re-resurrected Sunshine there but it was
3146s like why are we born just to suffer
3148s Sunshine taken down for like the fifth
3151s time directly after a race
3153s stopped by Rift Guardians they may not
3155s be able to pick off that res but they do
3156s cover the person being rezzed afterwards
3159s pretty consistently
3161s an enormous time bank a pick in the back
3164s pocket of Mercedes and a cart that is
3166s cruising along I I see no signs of this
3168s stopping anytime soon
3171s seems like in this first two series Rift
3174s Guardians looking to come out on top and
3176s doing so in a dominant fashion as well
3179s there is just so much time left in the
3181s bank ladies oh even with the projectiles
3184s on the Hanzo is able to take down Harley
3186s Quinn twice in a row now and there's no
3188s Resurrection from how to was it's just
3190s not a good position it's too risky now
3192s it's just looking to feel for the back
3194s line and try and get a little bit of
3195s extra damage but because Sunshine is not
3197s secondary GPS there's no damage boost
3200s and Tara just Falls without the sustain
3202s from the back line hey you saw the
3204s backlit wasn't even dead the backlight
3206s was even dead Taro is there the back
3208s line was just getting zoned away behanzo
3210s arrows being thrown through a doorway
3212s 24-7 that that is the power of the
3214s Mercedes Hanzo you don't even need the
3216s kills you just have to throw arrows that
3217s are scary enough that the supports can't
3220s cross them Rift Guardians have been
3222s nothing but phenomenal this entire time
3224s being able to change where their focus
3225s was from pressuring out Tara for
3227s virtually all of helium to shifting
3229s their attention towards the back line a
3231s little bit more here on new Bonnie it
3233s has been a master class so far
3236s equal to snag away the play of the game
3238s by getting that first few picks on that
3240s first point of new Bonnie defense but
3243s now looking at how this match went Rift
3245s Guardians there is a reason that they
3246s have been on top of the calling on hero
3248s circuit thus far there is a reason that
3250s they were the second place winners of
3253s that last calling all heroes minor and
3255s there's a reason that they come out on
3256s top right now today
3258s I suspect they're looking to improve on
3260s the second place and in a tournament
3263s where there's a few more points up on
3265s the line as well it's big stuff for Rift
3267s Guardian it sets the tone as well for
3269s the rest of the bracket for them they
3270s get a couple of maps out get through it
3273s get to the next one these weekends can
3274s be very long and so for them it's good
3276s to preserve a lot of that energy that
3278s being said over on the other side
3279s teamipee did not go down without a fight
3281s yesterday was a dominant performance by
3283s Rift guardians but yippee showed us a
3285s lot of really strong stuff especially in
3286s those direct Dives some strong DPS
3288s performances as well I was very
3291s impressed with Sunshine usage on the
3293s Tracer and echo in particular if they
3296s can continue to keep that up and have a
3297s few of those pop-off moments to just get
3299s them through some of the really tough
3300s fights this team very well could go a
3303s long distance in the lower back yeah
3305s that first point Helios was definitely
3307s one
3313s and they have a second chance in this
3315s lower bracket to run all the way back up
3317s to finals it's just not over yet and
3319s they have more chances to prove
3320s themselves I'm curious has this been the
3323s fastest match in the bracket so far I
3325s mean let's go ahead and walk to the
3326s others because strix Bad Blood vs
3328s Vancouver Titans currently one up for
3329s strix Timeless therial is one up over
3331s 721 black and Rift Guardians we saw the
3334s two will happen it seems like all these
3335s matches have been particularly quick
3337s which means that the next round of games
3339s should be even more exciting yeah but
3341s don't go anywhere just yet we are going
3343s to have an interview with the winning
3344s Squad of this upper round thus far so
3347s hopefully we'll be able to talk to one
3348s of the cooks in the kitchen for Rift
3350s Guardians to see what was going on
3351s through their heads during that last
3353s match
3358s [Music]
3376s thank you
3408s [Music]
3417s foreign
3431s [Music]
3439s [Music]
3450s [Music]
3462s [Music]
3465s thank you
3473s [Music]
3498s foreign
3503s [Music]
3539s hope you didn't go anywhere we are back
3541s with an interview from Rift Guardians
3544s with hkey to try and see what was going
3546s on during their last match and what was
3548s going through their heads so hello HQ
3550s welcome and congratulations on the first
3552s win of the day
3554s hello thank you
3557s so going into this match what were you
3560s what were you thinking what was the
3562s preparation like for your team thus far
3565s um I'm not gonna lie it wasn't a huge
3569s amount of preparation specific to team
3571s yippee mainly because the previous part
3575s of the tournament hasn't really been
3576s streamed so there aren't really like a
3578s huge amount of resources to really Scout
3580s teams specifically you mainly get a feel
3582s for teams just based off of scrimming
3584s them and just like what you you know
3586s know about how they play
3588s um overall team yippee was pretty
3590s standard aside from their comp on
3592s nombani being a bit different because
3594s they didn't include a tracer
3598s yeah for sure and now going into the
3601s next one do you think that you're going
3603s to be able to keep this dominance going
3605s and are you hoping that you are going to
3608s be able to continue further than you did
3610s in the last minor
3613s um yeah I'm pretty confident I feel like
3614s my team is always playing really really
3617s well on game days although Timeless
3619s ethereal the team that we're playing is
3621s a very very strong team we didn't
3623s unfortunately get to play against them
3625s during the Swiss stage in this
3626s tournament so it's not
3629s um you know super well known exactly how
3630s we're gonna fare up against them but I'm
3632s really excited nonetheless
3635s you know hkey I I I've cast you for what
3637s feels like eons at this point so I have
3641s no doubts about uh about what you can
3643s actually get done I want to put a little
3644s bit more of that Spotlight and you've
3645s been talking about what your team's been
3646s able to do but by God that stall at the
3649s end of noon Bonnie B what's going
3651s through your head in that moment because
3652s I mean cat was eating bullets for
3655s breakfast and dinner was not ever gonna
3657s be able to touch you're out there
3659s blinking for your life how do you pull
3660s that off
3663s um I mean it definitely does come down a
3666s lot to my team as well I don't want to
3668s be too selfish in that respect because I
3671s mean I was just trying to Blink as much
3672s as possible if my team wasn't there with
3674s like the amounts immense amount of
3676s pressure that they had you know it would
3678s have been you know that easy for me to
3680s pull it off and there were a couple
3682s times where I was off cart and honestly
3684s where I just whiffed super hard I could
3687s have done a lot more when it came to
3689s actually killing stuff
3691s um but my team had my back and they
3694s stepped off the card so
3696s unfortunate for them but we managed to
3698s get the win there
3700s and it looked fantastic I thought is
3702s this how you expect a lot of the matches
3704s to go not just in terms of you guys
3705s winning but of course uh compositions it
3708s was pretty clear that it was what EAP
3710s wanted to come in and kind of mirror the
3711s Winston against you guys should we
3713s expect more compositional variety from
3715s you heading into further matches that's
3716s something you think you're gonna need
3718s against other teams
3720s um I think us and most teams are pretty
3723s comfortable running the Winston
3725s composition so that'll be either Tracer
3728s Sombra or usually a hit scan like an ash
3732s or a Hanzo with a tracer
3734s um and apart from some maps where you
3737s could potentially like get away with
3739s Brawl on like some of the King of the
3740s Hill Maps I think most teams are going
3743s to be pretty standard with some form of
3746s the Winston dive
3749s yeah that's good to hear and now going
3752s into this matchup you mentioned you were
3754s playing against Timeless ethereal is
3756s there a team that you are really excited
3757s to play in this tournament thus far
3761s um definitely Timeless ethereal because
3763s they're one of the few teams we haven't
3765s played against at all really we've never
3767s even really scrimmed them so I just
3769s wanna you know clear up that unknown
3771s element and then also of course uh New
3775s York Excelsior Academy because they're a
3777s very very strong team
3779s um and I'd love to win against them
3782s yeah and it's only very early into the
3784s day but are there any shout outs that
3786s you would like to give before you move
3788s on to the next round of the bracket
3791s um I want to give a shout out
3792s specifically to chime uh he's a player
3794s currently on the rift main team for
3797s contenders and he has been so
3799s instrumental in helping our team he's
3802s comes to a lot of the scrims and coaches
3804s and helps out with everything you know
3806s from one-on-one bot reviews like team
3808s stuff and he has just been so amazing
3810s especially because a lot of the other
3813s coaches that we would normally work with
3814s are super busy with their own projects
3816s so chime has been so such so fundamental
3821s to this team
3824s I mean shout out to chime for helping
3827s your team get this far and of course
3829s shout out to you and your team for being
3831s able to win out this very first round
3833s get this day started nice and quick 2-0
3835s dominant easy fashion for you and best
3837s of luck in the rest of the tournament
3839s thank you
3841s oh it's key
3843s all right Tyler that leaves us with a
3846s little bit of information to go through
3847s let's talk bracket let's talk who
3849s survived this first round because holy
3852s cow it's been a pretty quick first round
3854s for Rift Guardians and Timeless ethereal
3857s those two are gonna go at it next I I'm
3860s curious to see as well how it goes
3861s because Rift Guardians are trying to
3862s open like the Schrodinger's OverWatch
3864s team in Timeless ethereal that they
3866s haven't really gotten to see yet and so
3868s that should make for some fun stuff and
3869s then the upper one hasn't even been
3871s decided yet
3872s yeah I mean this is really interesting I
3874s think strix bad blood versus Titan's
3876s blue that's wondering what's going on up
3879s there because strix taking that first
3882s map off Titan's blue I mean this bottom
3884s half of the bracket feeling a lot faster
3887s Timeless ethereal Swift 2-0 and I mean
3890s Timeless and Rift Guardians meeting each
3891s other pretty early in the bracket I mean
3893s semi-finals it's definitely going to be
3895s a tough one
3898s it's gonna be tough but nevertheless we
3901s got a lower bracket filled out as well
3902s 7-21 black and team yippee are soon to
3904s be joined by a couple other people but
3906s like I said lower bracket look you said
3909s at the beginning of the broadcast I
3910s think it's complete copium I think it's
3911s complete copium to say oh we have lower
3913s bracket it's okay it's not these teams
3917s are brutal you cannot lose otherwise you
3920s have to win like a bajillion teams I
3921s guess or games against crazy good teams
3923s I don't want to be there I don't want to
3925s see or be within spitting distance of
3927s the lower bracket if I'm any of these
3929s teams it is going to be a dog fight down
3931s there and I cannot wait to watch from a
3933s comfortable distance away what happened
3935s to the rest of this bracket but we will
3937s be watching what happens in the rest of
3939s this bracket in just a bit guys we're
3940s gonna send you to a quick break while we
3942s load up our next match
3953s thank you
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4548s welcome back to the radiant Heroes major
4551s 2 of the calling all heroes circuit I am
4553s epitome is joined by door and we are so
4556s excited to be getting into the upper
4558s round semifinals for this playoffs
4561s bracket
4562s gloves are off we're not playing anymore
4563s it's all first to threes from here on
4565s out
4567s that is talking
4568s full on big OverWatch matches and the
4571s first of which is gonna be played
4573s between nyxl Academy and strix bad blood
4575s it was nice knowing you bad boys and
4576s Titans blue but we're gonna go ahead and
4578s toss you down into the the pits of the
4580s lower bracket and deal with these two
4582s teams right now who we haven't gotten to
4584s see either of up until now but we do
4586s know that nyxl went undefeated in the
4589s Swiss stage and strix bad blood did not
4591s so I would uh tip my hat One Direction
4594s to start things off
4596s nyxl also the previous major winners
4599s they've got a lot of players on this
4602s squad not sure who the starting roster
4604s is Justin
4605s is stacked
4608s yeah this team alongside their what can
4611s only be described as beautiful branding
4613s has a ridiculous roster I mean they're
4615s they are just hoarding the talent when I
4617s look at this roster and I see the
4618s players labeled as substitutes I am
4620s worried like when your substitutes look
4624s like other people's main rosters we've
4626s got problems sniper Kindred locking it
4629s down have the full breadth of the tank
4631s roster pretty much locked down with spun
4634s snoz
4635s are a set of DPS that need no
4638s introduction and then a back line that
4640s obviously gives you a lot of reliability
4642s especially a player who I love giving
4644s shout out to Wicca a phenomenal player
4645s and person
4648s yeah this is definitely a very very
4650s formidable roster to be going up against
4653s and on stricts Bad Blood side looking at
4656s who they have they've definitely got a
4658s few players that are formidable forces
4660s xn on the DPS definitely someone you
4664s have to watch out for on the squad
4666s um Mari holding it down on the tank I'm
4669s assuming it's Mari but she has decided
4671s not to tell us how to pronounce her name
4673s so we will be saying Maury we can just
4676s put in a different vowel every time
4677s Murray
4680s oh yeah yeah no no they're gonna regret
4683s that one
4686s yeah like you said though this team
4687s certainly can put up a fight up against
4689s nyxl it should be said though it's just
4692s always going to be an uphill battle if
4694s credit where it's due strix came out
4696s with a solid record from the Swiss stage
4699s they did not just barely qualify they
4701s qualified strongly they also picked up a
4703s big win in that last round up against
4705s Vancouver Titans blue a stark one at 2-0
4708s they've got to maintain that momentum
4710s though throughout the series and
4712s especially through the starting map as
4714s it's going to take a lot of effort right
4715s it's one thing to be able to kind of
4716s cheese out a first or two to kind of
4718s Blitz a team and catch them off guard
4720s but a first three where there's so much
4722s time to adapt than when you're talking
4723s about a team like nyxl who has so much
4725s depth to their roster so that is to say
4726s they can adapt a lot it's gonna be
4729s pretty tough
4730s especially when you have the number of
4732s substitutes that they have so you can
4733s have players kind of playing their more
4736s Comfort picks rather than having them
4738s always having to try and play the entire
4740s Flex DPS Rockstar the entire Flex
4742s support roster and how you know you have
4744s to play all of the hit scan Heroes you
4746s just have players that can kind of
4748s conform to their niches especially
4749s having Variety in the tank line as well
4752s yeah it turns out there's advantages to
4754s bringing a small army to an OverWatch
4757s tournament
4758s next thing you notice being an OverWatch
4760s League team comprised of just all one
4763s tricks for every hero no more roster cap
4766s we're done with it
4768s uh like we said though rosters will come
4770s into play at some point likely later on
4772s when we're talking about flexibility but
4774s first map is the same we're starting off
4775s things on Elios which uh I think we kind
4779s of hinted towards last time tile likely
4781s means a lot of Winston
4782s yeah and one comes with Winston I think
4785s we might be seeing that sniper starting
4787s off on the this uh nyxl roster on the
4790s other side it seems like they should be
4792s pretty comfortable with that same type
4794s of dive composition their DPS line with
4797s extended mini should be able to dish out
4800s um on both the hit scan you know X10
4802s being comfortable on the ash as well and
4804s the Tracer
4806s yeah what I'm actually curious about is
4807s what nyxl are likely to bring to the
4809s table because Wisconsin are in to start
4811s things out you have a lot of interesting
4814s options so I thought we've got a
4815s particularly wide hero cool that can
4817s utilize a lot of different stuff fun I
4819s mean likely to lock it down on whatever
4821s hit scan and just be completely
4822s oppressive to say the least uh there's
4825s there's no questions about what's coming
4826s out in that regard
4829s then you look towards how the matchup's
4830s gonna be played because yes you could
4832s bring the same composition to the table
4833s but how you pilot it changes a ton from
4836s Team to team we saw in the last matchup
4838s right a much more aggressive
4839s playstoppers one that just wanted to
4841s peel away and play a little bit more
4842s patient I suspect nyxl is going to be
4845s taking up a little bit more of that
4846s ladder
4848s play style but there's still a lot of
4851s play to be had in terms of aggressive
4853s play like you said X10 especially can
4855s bring that to the table
4858s now it seems like
4859s seems like we might be starting out
4861s actually I should not say that because I
4863s don't know what sub map we are going to
4865s speak
4866s okay
4867s I'm just going to see if the arm y gods
4870s are on my side is it going to be
4871s lighthouse
4873s oh
4874s I'll take a ruins I'll take a ruins
4876s that's my call yeah what if it's neither
4877s of us what are we gonna do like rock
4879s paper scissors to see like who wins no I
4881s think we just we have to both sit with
4882s RL and chat can be right which I hate
4885s saying ah I hate saying that chat could
4887s possibly be right but like I guess they
4889s can have the point
4891s yeah chat can have the point you know we
4893s can be like zero zero
4896s yeah I want to track this for the whole
4899s weekend I've actually got a surprisingly
4900s good track record of just calling it
4903s conflict
4908s we've been ruins for a little while oh
4910s Lighthouse I win
4912s um okay unless I give I give up I'm gone
4914s I'm leaving are we getting baited I
4916s don't think so nevertheless we'll see
4918s what we get the maps actually don't
4919s change that much in terms of Team
4920s compositions ruins might bring a little
4922s bit more to the table in fact I wouldn't
4923s mind a little bit of a little bit of
4925s sniper bun that's not to say sniper the
4927s tank and Bun uh but bun playing on a
4930s sniper
4931s I mean that is just a delight to watch
4934s actually going to have fun playing on
4935s the tank and
4942s tanks
4944s it's I mean we still don't know what um
4947s going to be coming out just yet still
4950s waiting a little bit on the players and
4952s I mean we can speculate we can Theory
4955s Craft on what we might be seeing maybe
4957s some off meta picks
4960s yeah I think there's a couple of
4961s off-metal opportunities I mean the DPS
4964s bring a lot to table snoz can play the
4966s pharah if they want to which I would
4967s consider off met if it weren't for the
4969s fact that we just got done watching like
4971s all of emea as well as I'm sure got done
4974s watching plenty of far away
4977s by the way I also saw a lot of
4982s should not 100 B percent be trusted
4985s because sometimes the torbjorn was a
4987s tool pick because I wanted a 1B and one
4989s and sometimes they literally did it
4991s because it was their team composition
4993s and it worked
4995s yeah it's tough to tell in a lot of
4998s situations calling Our Heroes has been
4999s pretty solidified in terms of its meta
5001s I've been surprised to actually not see
5002s more shaking up of things when the meta
5006s shifts people kind of I'm going to use
5007s the word cower because I think you're
5009s you're just fearful if you're not
5010s exploring more meta options but tend to
5013s fall back a little bit towards Winston
5014s compositions when the meta changes just
5016s because they're so solid right like you
5018s can never go wrong with it but that
5020s being said with all the reaches oh
5021s patches that have gone through I think
5022s it does open the door for some pretty
5024s interesting things to come out should
5025s teams want to shake things up
5027s we did it we're on ruins you win you can
5030s have you can have the point for this
5032s time around
5034s let's go five or six I've got a great
5037s record on one in three chances I don't
5039s know what's up with that
5041s so Winston competitions
5043s we don't get those
5046s actually they were alluding to it
5049s earlier in our interview with hkey but a
5051s little bit more of that Tracer paired
5053s with the Sombra we we talk a lot about
5055s the sombres and being able to coordinate
5057s with teams but minion bun truly do have
5059s a ton on their table in that regard and
5062s I will be paying a ton of attention to
5065s not just their embs but their manual
5067s hacks and their trans locator up time
5069s right how much damage are they getting
5070s through how much Ultra charge are they
5072s generating at what pace because when
5074s you're at a head-to-head like this
5075s getting your EMP 20 faster makes a world
5078s of a difference a complete mirror match
5081s up on both sides and you've definitely
5082s been shouting out the CBS line from nyxl
5086s Academy so far quite a bit I'm going to
5089s look for a bit of a fight around the top
5091s the statue many looking for the hack
5093s onto that health pack early in order to
5095s get the bags for stain on their side
5097s snozzler though X10 being caught out and
5100s now trying to get the shred from
5102s Smuggler onto the back line and the tank
5104s is forcing a disengage here from nyxl
5107s Academy this should allow them to get
5108s first captured yeah look how wide nyxl
5111s took their positioning there right
5112s allowing themselves to wrap around bad
5115s blood as opposed to Bad Blood who kind
5116s of tried to spearhead through sniper to
5118s start things out didn't work out too
5119s well for them but this next fight also
5122s will still be empty-handed now the
5123s team's got ultimates on Deck so bad
5125s blood stuff a pretty solid chance at
5126s finding an engagement yes NASCAR just
5129s being a pest in the back line has well
5131s looking for the dive opportunities
5134s and the honor they have that appeal to
5137s come through but the pulse bomb has been
5138s charged up so incredibly quickly just
5140s from the pure harassment that smaller is
5143s getting just from being in the bathroom
5144s gets out the translocator and
5146s mini-finding Jinx this is just so much
5148s damage being dished out by the Tracer in
5150s a matter of seconds Paul spawn doesn't
5152s find anything and actually it's opening
5154s things up now because snobs are so
5156s focused on the back line and just lost
5158s sight of them for a second bat was able
5161s to dive on to this point and there's
5163s just not enough sustain for Sniper he's
5165s alive despite the bubble and they flip
5167s it over yeah I mean early on that was
5170s just decided by Jinx getting picked off
5171s right so I was doing a great job of
5173s maintaining a ton of attention from the
5174s back Lane but unfortunately because that
5176s first pick was given up so early bad
5177s blood still hold on to a ton of
5179s ultimates but they're behind by four
5181s first or 14 or so and EMP so yes they
5184s have a lot of check marks up there but
5186s one well-timed EMT for fun very well
5188s could bring the House of Cards tumbling
5190s down in the Sombra matchup as well mini
5192s goes down can't build up the amp the
5195s rally does come through on Bad Blood
5197s side looking for that kind of sustain
5200s but the EMP is just so impressive from
5203s bun to be able to get that extra damage
5205s down and the health percentage goes down
5208s everyone on Bad Blood shredded looking
5210s for the regroup now I mean that's just a
5213s fun Gap right why are you coming with
5214s just EMP against five ultimates and you
5217s win the fight there is nothing than just
5220s a somber Gap there being said bad blood
5222s do have that whole host of ultimate
5225s still in their back pocket to use in a
5227s critical juncture
5229s they're gonna try and find Sombra this
5232s is great right this puts money behind a
5234s whole set of translocator rotations even
5237s though they're getting picked off
5238s Midfield yet be turned into a cheap
5240s fight by Bad Boys
5245s bit of that sustained but sniper comes
5247s in in such a good time and taking out
5249s both of the back lines before it's for
5251s Bad Blood now the EMP finally does come
5254s through from many but it seems like
5255s they're fighting an uphill battle
5256s already they're already missing so many
5258s players they're still being contested on
5261s the points though but nyxl Academy has
5263s already switched it over to their side
5265s although the stick does come throughout
5267s from the pulse bomb sniper comes in to
5269s try and finish things off but it's not
5271s enough damage for Mari to go down now
5273s the nyitl has peeled away at the perfect
5275s time they understand where the ultimate
5277s charges are bad blood have nothing to
5279s work with and fun is just 18
5282s minuscule percentage points away from
5285s having an EMP online that will very much
5287s knock the whole life out of Bad Blood
5290s have won this EMP placement is
5292s definitely going to be a huge factor in
5295s the next fight bad blood they need to be
5297s looking out for this one they force The
5299s Retreat out of James because of the anti
5301s and snazzler does fall early but they
5303s still have that game-winning ultimate in
5305s their back pocket they still have that
5306s EMP and they need to be looking out for
5308s gun who's going to try and pop this but
5310s instead they're forcing them back
5312s towards their spawn taking control and
5314s getting very very aggressive ahead now
5316s the regroup has come through they
5317s spotted out where bun is at the very
5319s least so they're gonna back off
5321s I mean they back off but it's just a
5323s quick reset right buying time forcing
5325s also to come back up you need the Tracer
5327s to follow up on the EMP so they wisely
5329s don't go in in that moment but now
5330s bolstered all five members here it's the
5332s time to strike yeah they've detected gun
5335s at the very least and the amp is just
5337s the target for the supports immediately
5339s into ajmr goes down so quickly and
5342s they're looking for the dive onto the
5344s bridge as well with the Primal Rage and
5346s sync the overtime has been activated
5348s nyxl Academy they put that point over 99
5351s for Bad Blood they're in one fight
5353s territory with an EMP of their own
5355s active but
5357s there is just no way that they can touch
5359s there
5360s yeah it was Final Fight either way Apple
5363s did a great job forcing them back I mean
5364s the pick on the snozzler was amazing
5366s right the fact that nyxl was able to
5368s disengage following that was arguably
5370s even more impressive the fact that they
5372s got out and were able to find a clean
5374s engagement EMP afterwards and the
5376s patience that they showed us and being
5378s willing to do that being willing to
5379s allow it to go all the way up to 99
5381s knowing that they had a very winning
5384s fight in their hands is really nice
5387s stuff to see uh from a team that really
5389s derives a lot of their power from being
5391s confident in the upper bracket like
5393s they're so am I so are laying the road
5395s work for some very good stuff about what
5397s I'm putting up a strong fight those
5398s first picks have been brutal so far and
5400s if they can keep them up with external
5402s on the echo a character that does
5403s generate a lot of first picks
5407s yeah that first round was very
5409s competitive and very close for no Excel
5411s their kiting was just Superior
5413s especially after they came out onto
5415s snowflower and Bun obviously the pacing
5417s on the ultimate was incredibly
5418s oppressive now fun switching on to the
5421s echo instead of the Sombra and bad blood
5423s is doing the same once again just
5425s matching up for the ultimates but many
5428s this time on the Tracer instead
5432s playing neutral very aggressive position
5435s pays off big time for them if AJ Morris
5438s is completely uncontested so many X10
5440s Mario they've all got support in the
5441s area evio just kind of clicking on them
5443s to take them down
5445s the DPS line from nyfl Academy is able
5448s to get a hit of damage now and try and
5450s contest a point but X10 is more looking
5452s to try and uh try and just burst down
5456s the Winston and force nyxl to take a
5459s later fight and get that percentage
5462s now it's all about that positioning
5463s again but NYX has so much ground to
5465s cover before they can actually get onto
5467s the back line of Bad Blood which is
5468s safely tucked away in the corner in the
5470s meantime bad luck's gonna go for a
5471s counter dive of their own separating the
5473s DPS away from the Winston and removing
5475s the teeth from this dive
5478s my excel's still pretty solid sure the
5481s Winston getting a lot of damage to go
5483s down and HMR and jam are just so safe up
5486s on this High Ground to die and they're
5489s trying to make sure they're not from
5490s across the lane way and they're not
5493s going to do so button is looking for the
5495s back line but just getting hot out now
5497s the dive comes through a little bit late
5498s and the Sleep onto sniper as well this
5501s is just a very disoint advice thus far
5503s from nyxl Academy but it's also comes in
5506s at perfect time with the pulse bomb and
5509s now all of a sudden they've just turned
5510s it around with the picks onto the back
5512s line and xn's trying to keep himself
5514s alive but they cannot
5516s I know I was talking about the position
5518s being so good that all you kind of do is
5520s click in their general direction and
5521s they would go down but there was maybe a
5522s little bit more Nuance than that for bad
5525s blood that was required the supports did
5526s a great job of keeping themselves alive
5528s but because X10 mini and Mari were just
5530s shooting five different people in five
5532s different places the target focus wasn't
5534s there and nyxl were able to exist for
5536s far longer than they had any real right
5538s dudes in the face of the positioning of
5540s Bad Blood now nyxlware offered that same
5542s Advantage but aren't able to take
5543s advantage of it if there are more he's
5545s gone down
5547s and the rousings from Bad Blood side as
5549s the well allows them to get that little
5551s bit of extra overhealth to come through
5553s sniper wants to go for the dive to hold
5555s on from point to Primal Rage with a
5556s bunch of Overhills now on to the Winston
5558s to allow him that bit of extra but Jinx
5560s can't come in in time and our Amore has
5562s a long walk back to the spawn before he
5564s can help out this tank the metal blade
5567s from a the Mark is going to come out the
5570s Nano he saw Hunter one of the players
5571s and X10 actually duplicates the Anna
5573s immediately shredded out of it in a
5575s chaotic fight from Bad Blood is going to
5577s result in the loss of the point that was
5580s a really sizable commitment by nyxla
5582s willing to kind of go in with that last
5584s name it was from aramori
5586s paid off Mari haven't used the Primal
5588s Rage fights a lot of time and I think
5590s enough time for bad blood to all get
5592s back it's full five on five yet again
5594s here despite the chaos
5604s same here and Minnie is being harassed
5606s down by snozzler able to pick up the
5608s health pack as well and just get back up
5611s to full health while they're still
5612s fighting that above High Ground fight as
5614s well X10 is really looking for that
5616s control and trying to protect the
5618s supports who are just sitting up onto
5620s that background I'm doing a much better
5622s job of it now than they were in the last
5623s fight that High Ground has been
5625s solidified for Jinx and Mori now it's
5626s just about holding on to that point Bad
5628s Blood the onus is on them to make the
5630s engagement
5632s another duplicate onto that honor
5634s they're really looking for these Nano
5636s blades I don't know if this was an
5638s accident or like I don't know what's
5640s happening with them but they're building
5641s up that Nano boost very very quickly and
5644s immediately goes down onto the Winston
5646s sniper now going to look for the dive
5648s onto the back line with the echo Nano
5651s boost and now just disengaging back to
5654s the point as soon as MRE comes in all
5658s right Bad Blood have to take an
5659s engagement from a pretty tricky position
5661s amongst all this chaos nyhl still have
5664s ultimates
5666s well we got another duplicate onto the
5668s Anna from X10 side and they're just
5671s looking for the fight onto the point but
5673s the overtime now activated and still
5675s being contested the Nano boost doesn't
5677s come through from the duplicated audit
5679s though xn goes down quickly because of
5682s the shred from buns focusing fire and
5684s they are using that Primal raid to get
5686s the extra stain with the rally on the
5688s other side it's basically two tanks on
5690s the field from Bad Blood side but once
5692s again rally comes through on nyxl
5694s Academy they're just trying so hard to
5696s get this battle of attrition and Jinx
5698s finding Jam as that rally Fades away now
5701s looking for the tank but there's nowhere
5703s to be found nyxl Academy it's messy but
5707s they secure map one yeah I mean you can
5709s see the few places that they were
5711s getting tripped up by strix but by and
5714s large were able to fix a lot of their
5715s mistakes on the Fly again something that
5717s I expect of a team of this caliber and
5719s also dish out a lot of hurt of their own
5722s that last fight was a beautiful example
5724s of some nice creativity off the auto
5726s swap and I can't get over bun just like
5728s jumping like they're reaching for the
5730s cookie jar on the top shelf every time
5732s to just Land one more healing shot out
5735s of the Winston oh what wild sights that
5738s map made for but it was a back and forth
5739s point I mean we were playing hot potato
5740s for a good time and I think that's just
5742s indicative of both of these teams
5743s understanding of the macro game they
5745s both came in and were very measured with
5747s their ultimate usage and respected each
5748s other's ultimates a lot so you saw rally
5751s get popped on the point the other team
5753s would then abscond allow them to cap it
5755s over then the next team would come in
5756s Papa Primal Rage and those team would
5758s say no no no no you have it you Fender
5760s ultimate and then we'll we'll come back
5762s when you're done with that yeah we'll
5764s take your leftovers that happened a few
5765s times and it's such a good understanding
5767s from these teams of what is coming at
5769s them what they're willing to spend and
5771s what for they're willing to spend it
5775s they are going to be headed onto their
5777s own bat picks so they're going to be
5778s able to have a little bit more of the
5780s hometown Advantage so to speak but I'm
5783s wondering what the echo picks is this
5785s like duplicating Anna just like the new
5787s meta or something when you pick Echo
5790s because they're trying to get the Nano
5791s boost up in like 10 times faster that
5793s you Norm than you normally would because
5795s I feel like we saw on a duplication
5797s almost every single time we see the law
5799s like Winston maybe once
5801s well I I think the question that I
5804s should ask in return is who is the most
5807s often person to die first on these teams
5809s oh sure yeah and then you're like oh I
5812s wonder what I wish I had after my honor
5814s is dead well I would kill for another
5816s honor oh yeah that's it most of the time
5818s and then like the last time was because
5820s the bubble got placed and so the on the
5822s opposite High Ground couldn't see the
5823s tank and so we're like I guess we need
5824s an honor inside this bubble
5827s buns up to the challenge they make do
5830s with what they've got it's really great
5831s on the Fly decision making coming out
5833s from these teams that's allowing them to
5834s do stuff like this but the on the Fly
5837s changes have to be made by strict so as
5839s we head into a map number two there's a
5841s lot on the table here we've gone over a
5842s map Pool previously I believe it was
5844s what Midtown eichenwald and uh what we
5847s ended up buying which was numbani it's
5849s gonna be Midtown of those three
5852s well Midtown is going to be an
5854s interesting one I feel like Midtown you
5856s can play a lot of those Rush
5857s compositions as well so I'm wondering if
5860s they're going to be a little bit of a
5861s change up from these seams and switching
5863s instead of the dive into more of a brawl
5865s Rush
5867s I I suspect that we at least had maybe
5870s not a full brawl composition I I know
5872s you know speaking to Wicca speaking to
5874s hkey in the previous match they were
5877s talking a lot about how a lot of these
5878s teams are coming in kind of
5879s prepared to play the Winston explicitly
5882s I think nyxl has the flexibility should
5884s they want to to swap to something like
5886s ramachar to swap to something like a
5887s rush composition or even an erisa that
5890s we saw some of the World Cup games could
5891s be very prevalent on this map but for
5895s now I'm still expecting the Winston to
5896s stay if not the backline shift to
5898s something more like a Lucio Moira or a
5900s Lucio kitiko to enable a more Rush style
5902s variation of it
5905s yeah it's a possibility that we might
5908s see the Matra if not the Winston as well
5912s but it's just you know back and forth
5914s for both of these teams I think a lot of
5916s them are really solidified and very
5918s comfortable with the dive composition so
5920s I wouldn't be surprised to see another
5923s variation of the Tracer Winston with
5926s potentially in Ash for that High Ground
5929s Control which there isn't a lot of on
5931s Midtown and or the Sombra
5933s yeah that hitskin's kind of the big
5935s question I mean no you're wrong bun was
5937s doing a phenomenal job I I have not seen
5939s the bun Sombra until now the bun somber
5941s has cracked I need more of the bun
5943s somber in my life and the echo is just
5945s as good but the hit scan is something
5947s that I think nyxl have in Spades and if
5951s there's something they want to lean on
5952s like you said with that Ash it's
5954s absolutely a very real opportunity the
5955s Hanzo as well it is very strong coming
5958s through this initial h o point it's
5959s something that I always shout out I
5961s think it's a pic that can come out on
5962s basically any map but here especially
5964s it's particularly good
5967s the Hanzo is just really good at that
5969s zoning control I mean the dragon strike
5971s most of the time you don't see a lot of
5974s people dying me to it especially in
5976s higher tier play uh but the Bob dishes
5980s out just that much more damage and lasts
5982s a little bit longer so it's you know a
5984s toss-up between those two dps's for the
5986s head scans
5989s you know what I really want what you
5991s want I just want one Reinhardt kid can I
5993s can ice nicely I know we're expecting
5994s like tiny Reinhardt Buffs or whatever
5996s Aaron was uh hinting at but
6001s oh what for World Cup yeah so many teams
6005s played Reinhardt you know what they did
6006s they played Baptiste Reinhardt and then
6008s they would amp Matrix and Brian fire
6011s strikes and they were just one shot
6013s somebody and I'd just be like okay I
6015s guess they're not fighting the next
6016s fight then I I miss the good old days of
6018s Reinhardt compositions but unfortunately
6020s ramatra just got put out and it's better
6022s Reinhardt so yeah that's the far more
6025s likely brawl option that we should get I
6026s don't think it's poke unless like I said
6028s the Arista that started to see a little
6029s bit more play during World Cup I I have
6031s no clue if that was like a player
6033s specific thing or if it was like they
6035s just thought they had the sauce you know
6037s but I'll give him some credit and say
6039s they might have had the sauce
6041s I mean erisa is a very tanky tank and
6044s now she can absorbs so much pressure
6046s with the javelins it also has a little
6049s bit of a little bit of CC with the
6052s javelin Spin and the javelin throw so
6054s you know she's a very tanky tank she's a
6056s very horsey horse
6058s well I I you actually hit the nail on
6061s the head there right as a tanky tank
6062s you're very good at keeping other less
6065s tanky tanks away from you and so when
6067s you're talking about long sight lines
6068s like this and trying to stop a a rush or
6070s a brawl composition from engaging on you
6071s there are very few few tool kits better
6075s than orissa's in the game at being able
6076s to do so so it's certainly an
6078s opportunity for them but I think it'll
6079s still likely be backed by a lot of the
6081s similar trimmings that you would get
6083s from the rush compositions be it that
6085s Hanzo the ash the Tracer and then the
6088s standard back line that you expect
6090s I feel like it sounds really really
6091s silly to say that she's a really tanky
6093s tank but it's like it's like on a tanky
6096s tank you remember release OverWatch to
6098s erisa oh my God that was yeah she was
6100s too tanky of a tank
6102s we had problems
6105s so fun she was so fun
6111s well still waiting to see what's gonna
6114s happen on this Midtown map a little bit
6117s slow getting into things we're off to a
6119s little bit of a low start
6121s okay it's just a nice easy first day
6123s second day it's gonna be back to back to
6124s back Maps
6126s we're gonna Force the teams in you're
6128s actually gonna finish one point head
6129s into the next they're just gonna be like
6131s chained together
6132s no breaks no nothing
6135s no I think we're just about locked in
6136s for this map Midtown our first Midtown
6138s of the day I'm very glad that we started
6139s to get some diversity out of this word
6141s we'd be just playing nobody because all
6142s the teams wanted to play Dive but bad
6144s blood has freed us of our shackles at
6147s least for now it may not be freeing us
6149s from the dive shackles we'll see that in
6151s just about 8.2 seconds
6153s we have been freed from the new Bonnie
6155s brace see what these teams have to offer
6157s up nyxl
6159s do make one change in bringing in Jinx I
6162s believe
6164s that side of that nothing too crazy
6168s Jinx not in a first map I may just be
6171s crazy yeah I think I'm pretty sure Jinx
6173s was here the entire time it's okay it's
6176s early at the early hours of 125. oh
6180s that's why okay okay I remember saying
6181s Wicca and seeing Jinx okay sorry Jinx is
6184s Wicca there you go that's that's my
6187s conclusion and I blame Wicca
6189s yeah Wicca why don't you just have the
6191s same gamertag across all of all
6194s platforms why are you wika and Jinx you
6196s need the you need the lore fill in here
6198s wicca's only good on Wednesdays Wicca
6200s Wednesdays are a a very known threat to
6202s contenders teams everywhere
6206s yeah you just change your name on every
6208s other day is The Game Plan
6215s and why Excel match on Midtown what a
6219s shot from Bunn I don't know if he
6222s actually just saw my expense but a great
6224s shot nonetheless a good pick off onto
6227s the x10 who now has a long walk back
6229s from Spawn and good build up on the
6231s dragon strike as well Mari gets shredded
6233s and the rest of the squad looking to
6235s disengage off the back of that tank
6237s going down
6239s yeah I see why people you know you might
6241s not like playing against Hanzo for one
6242s reason or another one shots being being
6245s the one reason and the other but oh my
6247s God bunches fun police the entire Bad
6249s Blood roster and now there is a
6251s re-engage eventually here but it's gonna
6253s be very tough especially without many
6254s yeah this tick is just so close to
6257s getting off and it's just no support for
6260s this
6263s going down so quickly bun is really fun
6267s policing as you called it uh with the
6269s headshots onto the back line getting The
6271s High Ground so early and it's just
6273s incredibly difficult to dive anyone on
6276s the nyfl roster because their peel is
6278s actually just so strong mini goes down
6281s despite supposing to be just that
6282s annoying little pest in the back line
6284s bun on fire on Pace to the dragon strike
6288s already and they still have five minutes
6290s left over for streets face yeah I
6292s actually think they're gonna pay the
6293s price big time it's a small thing but
6295s taking that re-engage for Bad Blood gave
6297s nyxl uh a significant hand up in terms
6301s of ultimate charge that they're about to
6303s eat from the hand of very soon
6307s Dragon strike we're just looking at it
6310s snows lar with the pulse bomb is able to
6312s find the entire back line of Bad Blood
6314s you all of a sudden have no sustain for
6316s the tank Mari down to such low HP and
6319s just kind of backing off for the rest of
6320s the squad and waiting for the healing to
6322s come through and now they're almost
6324s already at point B in good position have
6326s control of The High Ground also have so
6328s many ultimates in hand as well yeah bad
6331s news tell it's not over you only have a
6332s pulse bomb versus what dragon nano
6334s Primal this is this is not gonna be fun
6335s for Bad Blood
6340s does fall down there's a dragon strike
6342s it does a lot of zoning on the payload
6344s but they're still going to be able to
6345s contest momentarily with the Nano boost
6348s onto Mari now the Primal Rage in the
6350s back pocket of the Winston here and
6352s they're just harassing bun and as soon
6354s as bun goes down now it's just backline
6357s Bonanza and there's not much to be done
6360s there for Dinks yeah I mean that was a
6362s beautiful story that was the best thing
6364s that bad blood could have possibly had
6366s happen for them to pull back that fight
6368s that pulse bomb hits any other Target
6369s even though the brig's not enough to
6371s fling the fight in your favor in that
6373s regard you had to get the Anna Minnie
6375s did their job phenomenally it allows the
6377s rest of bad blood as well to pull their
6378s ultimates up out of the trenches so now
6380s we're actually fighting on a pretty
6381s Level Playing Field and one that bad
6383s blood have a positional advantage in
6385s with controlling this Hydra
6387s cows bubble now on to the back line once
6389s again looking for the rest of the
6392s supports now the sleep does come through
6393s the Primal Rage comes out but the anti
6396s is not quick enough there zomari is
6398s allowed to get a little bit of that
6399s extra help on trying to peel for the
6401s battle line as well the rally from both
6404s of these brigittas now looking for the
6406s sustain and as the harassment comes
6408s through from the Primal Rage on sniper's
6410s side button finds X10 once again button
6413s back to his fun policing duties
6415s anti-nade onto the Brigitte so she's
6417s gonna go down very quickly sniper
6419s harassing with the Tesla Cannon and
6421s looking for Minnie now who's really just
6423s being a pest into buns backside after
6426s attempting to push the payload forward
6428s Aura Mori able to get a nice anti-nade
6431s to finish off the tank and it's just set
6434s point C fight for Bad Blood all the way
6436s and it all goes back to those early
6438s Primal Rage from sniper and Mari sniper
6440s just gets the better of it more he jumps
6441s back with like 200 hp ends up all the
6443s way behind the team and you know if your
6445s front line becomes your back line you've
6447s got
6450s put their tank in front of their
6452s supports and take this head on but then
6454s why SLA just have more ultimate charge
6456s to work with double BPS are gonna prove
6458s really lethal and hard for Mario in
6460s particular to play into
6471s is going to go down nonetheless too
6473s preoccupied to try and shield away the
6475s whole bomb from snow blower and they're
6477s missing that Anna and it really swings
6479s in spite towards nyxl's favor yeah bad
6482s blood actually if they can disengage
6484s this they'll be pretty impressed it's
6485s not easy to get away from the fight but
6486s they should just be backing up towards
6488s their spawn expeditiously to say the
6490s least and they have gotten away having
6492s only lost one player so good disengage
6494s they come back with ultimates and they
6495s should be able to fight nyxl again on
6496s pretty even terms with both teams having
6498s the nanobooth you're now looking at
6500s sniper more you can get the better time
6503s though there's a little bit of that
6505s biscuit and now the Nano boosts onto the
6507s brigitta just to protect the back line
6509s Mari doesn't have the disengage almost
6511s made it out but bun is able to police
6514s the tank out of the fight now the rally
6516s from Jinx to attempt to keep the rest of
6519s the team up be a makeshift front line
6521s for nyxl Academy Squad and it does work
6525s out in their favor now a huge sagger
6527s from nyxl Academy on to Bad Blood Squad
6530s Mari does come in at the last second Jam
6533s might be coming up in time for a bit of
6535s extra sustain on the contest but it's a
6537s Primal Rage that's really going to allow
6539s this battle of attrition to be extended
6541s from Bad Blood if they can buy time they
6544s can get that rally up as well which is
6545s gonna bolster bad blood so much
6547s and there's the rally as well jam comes
6550s in with the rally and just going to try
6552s and push forward sniper uses Primal Rage
6554s in order to try and keep contesting even
6557s though they still have that two minute
6558s time bank to fall back on still they're
6560s still trying to push forward they want
6562s this to be the end of it the dragon
6564s strike from bun does Zone quite a bit
6566s and HMR gets very low on Bad Blood side
6569s from a shot off the bun however they're
6572s still able to back off I think the
6574s dragon strike was probably too much
6575s there from Bad Blood they could have
6577s rested for just a moment but
6578s nevertheless now they have this forward
6579s position to hold and it's a little bit
6581s awkward but they're making nyxl pay for
6583s taking this space with that Nano boost
6585s onto instant
6586s is going to allow sniper to get very
6589s very aggressive than he was allowed
6591s previously oh Laurie on the back line of
6594s nyxl Academy though they're just
6596s harassing the front line of bad blood
6598s out of the game so they're not allowed
6601s to get for that last touch mini goes
6603s down and touches a little bit too late
6605s right after the fact as well now a full
6608s cap from nyxl Academy to start things
6610s off on Midtown
6612s yeah a sick half by myself Academy their
6614s first two points were ridiculously
6616s strong right the rate at which bun was
6618s Finding picks the communication of the
6620s team their ability to put Bad Blood on
6622s the back foot I I mentioned it earlier
6624s but turning their front line into their
6626s back line you've got to have a team
6628s Twisted ten different ways in order to
6629s do that for real but Bad Blood had some
6632s Shining Moments for sure especially on
6633s that c Point some of the engagements
6635s they made some of the disengagements
6636s that they were able to pull off were
6638s nice if they can keep that up on their
6640s own attack I suspect things will go well
6642s for them compositionally nothing's
6644s likely to change but they will match
6646s that Hanzo
6648s that Hanzo is such a key factor on point
6651s a especially bun was just able to get so
6654s many picks early it was just immediate
6656s pick-off onto X10 all of a sudden DBS
6658s lines shredded and then you're really
6661s just focusing on Mari which is isolated
6662s away from the back line they have to
6664s disengage and that was just really what
6667s allowed nyxl Academy to get the full
6669s capture because they had so much time
6671s off of capping the first point so
6673s quickly
6677s that's the pace alone 127 on Midtown is
6680s nightmarish Pace from nyxl Academy
6688s whatever it is that makes Hanzo arrows
6691s connect to heads
6692s electric Shields blessings yeah look
6695s some would say aim some would argue
6698s against that I'm not sure which it is
6701s but x10's up to the task
6705s they've already pushed past that
6709s past that fire truck but haven't taken
6711s control of The High Ground it's a drop
6713s down from sniper but aramori gets
6715s harassed out of the fight so quickly
6717s already missing that on it seems like
6719s Deno XL Academy they are losing their
6722s foothold on point a and bad blood
6724s they're looking for the harassment so
6726s quickly now already able to get that
6728s first take at the very least it seems
6730s like nyxl Academy they are postured for
6733s re-engage on that third tick
6736s yeah they should be able to get it a lot
6737s cleaner than bad blood we're able to get
6739s theirs earlier as well throwing in that
6740s early dive from the Tracer now the
6742s Winston can kind of set up a small base
6743s on point a counter die from Bad Blood is
6745s nice but an anti-nade Wards away a lot
6748s of the pressure that that Winston would
6749s be putting on them normally sniper
6751s juggling the healing alongside snozzler
6754s is it done it for long enough to sustain
6755s here from nyxl is beyond impressive bun
6759s once again on his point a Antics able to
6762s take down two and now they're looking
6764s for the back line of Bad Blood all right
6766s more he does fall but that's all that
6769s nyxl is going to bleed in this fight
6772s I mean what a ridiculous retake the time
6775s bought by aeromori sniper and snozzler
6778s in that whole engagement the anti-nate
6779s initially with the touch sniper setting
6782s up base and then the heels my God we're
6784s everywhere bun finishing it off that was
6785s a symphony of perfect OverWatch but now
6788s Bad Blood are coming in and they look
6789s pissed
6791s yeah Mar goes down pulse bombed after
6793s trying to stick on to the nyxl's
6795s backline and aramore survives the
6797s engagement a dragon strike to zone out a
6800s little bit longer for MXL Academy as
6802s well and snozzler's still holding on to
6804s their own bomb I mean this is not good
6807s Pace just yet to match what nyxl Academy
6810s found in the very first round it's a
6812s minute almost two minutes
6815s an arrow allows them to throw the dragon
6817s behind ajmr cutting off the Escape for
6820s Bad Blood Flex support now they're stuck
6823s here without an Anna and with a whole
6825s lot of hurt coming their way
6827s you're just going to be able to dive in
6829s with that Primal Rachel Rally from Jam
6831s we can save off the pressure of Nyx
6834s sells Winston but extended down despite
6837s it all and the disengage is there again
6840s Minnie going down late as well a little
6843s bit of a stagger now on to the DPS of
6845s bad blood I mean this have been played
6848s beautifully by nyxl they're never
6849s overextending as well they're poking out
6850s just far enough to find that one pick
6852s and then going right back into their
6854s hermit crab shell they've got plenty of
6856s ultimates to deal with those of Bad
6857s Blood coming up in just a second with
6858s that being said bad blood do have
6860s ultimate and this is their moment to try
6861s and Cafe
6863s the dragon strike does find a bit of
6865s damage Jinx goes ahead and uses the
6867s rally in order to Stave off the pressure
6869s once again aramore is still having the
6871s Nano boost in the back pocket and could
6873s turn the tide of the fight ajmr has the
6875s Nano boost of their own Primal Rage
6877s already been used Mari needs some
6878s sustain but goes down the Nano boost
6880s hasn't been used by HMR on the other
6882s side though they're able to get that
6884s Nano boost through an nyxl academy
6886s they're forcing Bad Blood back once
6888s again the anti-nate is so powerful it
6891s has a well and now it's just left up to
6893s jam but they can't do much doesn't have
6895s rally doesn't have an ultimate going to
6897s back off and regroup now 30 seconds its
6900s final fight territory for bad blood with
6902s two ultimates in the pocket I mean we
6904s were asking for a Hail Mary from Minnie
6906s earlier with the stick onto the honor I
6908s hit for a second prayer but bye God man
6911s if you gotta get your team through this
6912s that is the only way
6914s wasted a lot of damage onto bun the
6917s healing is there from our more even
6920s toddler is just shredding through the
6922s support line of Bad Blood there's no
6924s healing no sustain the stick does come
6926s through onto Jinx but it's not on
6928s oromori they still have so much of that
6930s sustain and the other pulse bomb from
6932s snuggler does Miss but aramori is still
6934s such a huge Factor you need that on out
6937s of the fight you need the sustain to be
6939s gone Lucio goes for the touch and gets
6941s it immediately shredded HMR wants to go
6944s in wants to follow up but there is just
6946s no one to switch step two on the point
6948s and my Excel Academy three points to
6951s zero on bad blood's map pick I mean this
6956s has been I use the word Master Class
6958s often but this time I don't mean it
6960s lightly by nyxl Academy not to mention
6963s bun who was a force of nature on Midtown
6968s how do you deal with this Hanzo shot
6970s after shot pick after pick they they
6973s were just a problem that couldn't be
6975s dealt with in a lot of ways and then
6976s when you put on top of that the
6977s re-engages that nyxl were coming out
6979s with their ability to play through the
6981s mid fight and adapt in those moments was
6983s ridiculous I look at the re-engage on a
6985s after they lost the initial fight I look
6987s at the compound fight that they took on
6989s B where they dive onto The High Ground
6990s use that Primal Rage and then push them
6992s all the way back to the end of B in kind
6995s of one Fell Swoop it's moments like that
6997s three Dives the re-engages that make
7000s nyxl look A Cut Above the Rest
7004s this was just a clinic on how they were
7007s playing a Midtown they were just it was
7009s clinical it was surgical they were
7011s executing it so well they played it
7012s incredibly patiently they had a step one
7015s step two step three they had like a 10
7018s point plan on how to win this map and
7020s they executed it so well
7023s so did Bunn actually executed a lot of
7026s people very whatever that I had yeah I
7029s was excited I brought up the bun snipers
7031s early and oh my God bun snipers never
7034s failed to deliver I have no clue what
7036s you do now if you're on the other side
7038s bad blood has had a tough time playing
7040s against nyxl because yes they shifted
7042s things I thought Midtown was a good pick
7043s to change the texture of the series
7045s massively right you bring those snipers
7046s into the fold you change the front to
7048s back fighting style for these teams but
7050s it seems like what we had kind of
7051s prophesied at the beginning of the match
7053s is coming to fruition and that nyxl not
7055s only have roster depth but they've also
7057s got depth in terms of every single one
7058s of their players hero pools they're
7060s gonna be formidable pretty much no
7061s matter where you take them I think the
7063s the name of the game now for bad blood
7065s is just make yourselves as comfortable
7067s as possible and hope for the best and
7069s there's no more counter picking now they
7071s once again have their own map pick and
7074s this time it's going to be an escort map
7076s and if I remember correctly I'm actually
7077s going to take a peek at that map pool
7080s once again if I can find it
7084s do you remember what their the
7088s it's looking like Dorado circuit Route
7090s 66 in Gibraltar and you know what we can
7092s theorize all we want but why don't we
7093s just leave Bad Blood to do it and we
7095s come back from this break we'll have a
7096s map pick
7102s [Music]
7113s thank you
7114s [Music]
7136s [Music]
7143s [Music]
7164s foreign
7178s [Music]
7188s [Music]
7195s [Music]
7208s thank you
7215s [Music]
7233s foreign
7234s [Music]
7253s [Music]
7264s [Music]
7270s [Music]
7284s welcome back everyone we are here for
7287s map three after nyxl Academy take a
7290s dominant 2-0 in the first two maps up
7293s against strix Bad Blood I am epitome is
7295s joined by door and we are incredibly
7297s excited to see what these two teams
7299s bring to us next
7300s that's right um look I talk about it all
7302s the time and I talk about it a lot in
7304s first or twos about the Big Shiny red
7305s lever that I the metaphor that I've
7307s beaten like a dead horse at this point
7309s of view when to pull it best but it's
7312s time to pull it right I think we start
7314s looking at the red lever and we just
7316s yank that thing if we're bad blood make
7317s ourselves as comfortable as possible say
7319s forget trying to counter pick nyxl it's
7321s not gonna happen they've got like 20
7323s players on their roster it's too much to
7325s deal with just pick Gibraltar it's where
7328s we're gonna be most comfortable and I
7329s think it's gonna be a pretty solid look
7330s for them yeah Gibraltar I mean with a
7334s lot of the Winston compositions on
7335s watchpoint Gibraltar that we see a lot
7338s just so many Dives but maybe they are
7340s going to be able to see a little bit
7342s less of the Hanzo I'm not optimistic
7344s about that though bun is still going to
7346s be a force to be reckoned with the
7348s Widowmaker though
7351s look look I don't think I'm not saying
7354s it's gonna happen because you know
7356s Widowmaker these days but come on
7360s your entire back line they're gonna make
7362s uh with a play the mercy and they're
7364s gonna damage boost
7370s I mean
7373s that's exactly what I want tall thank
7374s you
7384s for bun I I would Mercy pocket for bun
7387s no questions asked every day of the week
7390s that being said it is likely that we get
7392s a bit more of the standard I I don't
7393s think it's uh likely to be the echo it's
7395s like the alongside the lines of the ash
7398s being played alongside the Tracer
7400s Winston comes into the fold obviously I
7402s mean it's it's Gibraltar what do you
7404s expect outside of that my question is
7406s actually what we get for backlines
7407s because a lot of the evolution of this
7409s within contenders and the OverWatch
7410s league is that defense is is very cozy
7413s defense is so privileged as to be able
7416s to play potentially two Flex supports if
7419s they really want to be greedy because
7420s they have such ridiculous High ground
7422s and the attacking side really can't
7424s afford to match that whereas some other
7427s teams want to play a little bit more
7428s safe and just utilize that High Ground
7430s as a very very safe place for not double
7433s Flex support I'm really uh interested to
7436s see whether or not either the teams gets
7438s into that they both certainly have the
7440s the flexibility to I think especially
7442s with the backline of nyxla they would be
7445s well acquainted with such compositions
7450s nyxl Academy seeing what they're going
7453s to pull out though they are on the
7455s attack first it's more of bad blood that
7458s we're looking at it seems like they're
7459s sticking with the same hold but it's the
7461s ash this time around not gonna trust
7463s nyxl Academy until this phase is over
7467s because I see Reinhardt and I want them
7469s to play the Reinhardt with the man I did
7471s it the other map too so I'm just I'm
7472s done getting baited my heart getting
7474s toyed with my my I was in whatever hours
7477s Reinhardt can just go into the drain
7479s yeah like
7480s Cypher is just here to tug at my
7482s heartstrings and nothing else Nosler and
7484s Bun though have some fun stuff to offer
7485s up
7486s we likely to get
7488s some sort of long range hit scan whether
7490s it's a sniper or whether it's in ashes
7492s yet to be seen sniper will I will swap
7496s over to the Winston I'm not getting
7497s baited here yeah there we go all right
7499s not double Flex port for either side but
7501s still opting for an honor so they have a
7503s lot of value to pull from these high
7505s grounds respectively it's a matter of
7507s who can keep them in those positions for
7508s a long time this rotation you see
7510s already coming out from the likes of BUN
7512s and Jake is very powerful the angle that
7514s you get onto X10 and crew here is
7516s ridiculous yeah just being able to take
7519s this really high ground with the help of
7521s that symmetra TV right off the bat and
7524s now just able to take control of the
7526s payload from above you're not allowing
7529s xn or mini to have that angle across
7531s Mario has come in to try and protect
7533s that the scan DPS try and protect those
7535s angles and the anti does force fun off
7538s The High Ground at the very least but
7540s Mari has to disengage very quickly I
7542s love that the dives from Mario are being
7544s kind of paired with the antinators are
7546s very aggressive tool but it means that
7547s they also don't have the anti-nade as a
7550s counter dive option should nyxl look to
7552s take advantage of like right now we just
7554s saw the end time they'd use this is kind
7555s of prime opportunity for nyfl to step
7557s forward with such a critical cooldown
7559s being missing and there you go step
7560s forward ajmr down fortunately Exton was
7563s able to win the critical moment take
7565s that pick back
7568s they're still not really contesting the
7570s payload not trying to push it forward
7571s but they should be able to create pass
7574s the underpass dangerous cross oh my God
7578s never played Frogger is like trying to
7581s cross the road what
7584s jail unfortunately going to fall there
7587s just gonna let buns spam them from
7589s across the sleep does get onto sniper
7591s and they are anti so sniper can't really
7594s go anywhere though yeah ajmr's been
7597s really on it with these anti-naves
7598s lately sniper has been on the receiving
7600s end of many of them now bad blood for it
7602s get a great position to fight
7606s Mari looking for the dive onto the back
7608s line it's going to be right there extend
7611s finishing that off so stalling out the
7613s push but look at how far the payload has
7615s made it they've barely been contesting
7617s it they've mostly been fighting for that
7619s high ground and kind of just having one
7620s person creeping along the bottom and
7623s nobody's really been trying to contest
7640s going down to the pulse bomb that was a
7643s nice sick from midi to take down that
7645s back line I'm once again stalling out
7647s nangmai Excel Academy's push and they're
7650s going to have to back off once more
7652s weight for the regroup but they still
7654s have control of this High Ground Bad
7656s Blood hasn't really been contesting that
7658s there's more looking at the cross from
7660s the other angles I mean why do they need
7663s the contest discount the question we
7664s start asking ourselves are the sports
7665s are already in a very good position Jim
7667s and ajmr don't want that High Ground
7669s nobody else does The High Ground doesn't
7670s have Vision around that corner either
7673s has some access to the back line here
7675s that should make them a little bit
7676s uncomfortable with the pulse bomb online
7677s but
7679s don't get sticked by this ultimate oh
7681s they've been separated away
7683s yeah now boost does come through from
7685s ajmr Jam should have a bit of extra
7688s survivability in the six field let's go
7689s through but the Nano boosts the damage
7691s reduction it's not gonna be enough
7692s because of the Primal Rage that sniper
7695s takes out and HMR despite Landing the
7698s anti-nade is not going to be able to
7700s take down this Winston that just diving
7703s onto the back line of the sports out of
7706s the fight doesn't look like there's
7707s going to be a touch here and should be a
7709s free point a as they head onto the
7711s hangar phase so yeah nyxl win there but
7715s I mean let's look at what the mean
7716s potatoes of that were bad blood
7718s absolutely held up that's why I saw like
7720s 30 seconds left this is by far the best
7722s start to a map we've seen out of Bad
7724s Blood thus far and if they can keep this
7726s up find a place to stabilize here on B
7728s especially with a bob in tow
7730s Ard very well could turn this into a map
7735s they do on top the airplane
7738s Bob does come through okay bun is really
7741s gonna have to find a way to shred this
7743s Bob the bubble does make down an x10's
7745s Bob finally does fall after bun just
7748s focuses it down calmly on top of this
7750s airplane hangar but now being doved by
7752s Mari getting a lot of that ultimate
7754s charge just off this single dive and
7756s Minnie has just not been there we've not
7758s been paying attention to many but
7760s haramori has been consistently falling
7762s to Minnie's attacks and harassment from
7765s the behind
7772s wreaking havoc here for Bad Blood who
7775s now have control of the ship and High
7777s Ground Origins that's gonna be that much
7778s harder for nyxl I think a lot of that
7780s goes back that we're talking about right
7781s on to aramore who is who doesn't have
7784s the same High Ground access uh we'll
7786s we'll be generous as the rest of this
7788s team does everyone else is just kind of
7790s looking down at Minnie picking apart
7792s their Anna just be like yeah I guess
7794s we'll try to trade it but you're
7796s definitely gonna die now the trade looks
7798s far better as everyone's up on that High
7800s Ground get the Nana who's out early it
7802s can get a lot more done
7804s yeah the Nano boost on sniper we slept
7806s for a lot of the majority of that Nano
7809s boost doesn't mean that X10 won't die to
7811s the Tesla Cannon though but now I'm
7813s being harassed out going back onto the
7815s airplane Hangar while Mari is just so
7817s deep into nyxl's back line bun goes down
7821s so quickly and aramore there's nothing
7822s that they could do to save that and it's
7825s just sniper who's isolated on top of the
7827s airplane Hangar now with the rest of
7829s nyxl Academy not having that High Ground
7831s access just yet waiting for the regroup
7833s but Anna Winston 1v1 not a lot of damage
7836s going out it's actually the pulse bomb
7838s that finds Jam from snozzler's side
7840s though hand down the nyxl they stand a
7842s good chance of being able to push this
7844s all the way to point B especially with
7846s the picks that they're finding honestly
7848s sometimes it just feels like they pull
7850s it out of nowhere but the pick from
7852s smells or really got them in fun as well
7854s coming on the Genji gives him so much
7856s more High Ground access than they had
7857s prior suspect it'll actually probably
7859s end up slopping unless they just are
7861s afraid to give away the ultimate charge
7862s for the Genji doesn't get too much so
7864s I'm here yeah out comes the Hanzo
7866s expected swaps from nyxla ad blood
7869s though lacking tools to stabilize here
7871s they're going into a fight up against
7873s rally up against a Primal Rage up
7875s against a potential Nano who shouldn't
7877s go long and that fight very well could
7879s roll into two which means a map end this
7881s is dangerous territory or bad blood this
7885s is not a fight you want to lose or at
7886s least do not lose quickly
7889s again I'm gonna help I'll take it that's
7892s definitely not losing the fight good
7894s start for bad blood taking down snozzler
7897s waiting for the root group now from the
7898s Tracer and also just taking the pressure
7900s off of the back line is consistently
7902s being compressed by the Tracer in every
7904s single fight but they are losing that
7907s High Ground Control a little bit coach
7908s gun could be expended to try and get on
7911s top of here but now it's just gonna be
7912s the dynamite to snip out where bun is
7915s however tonight we're using that Primal
7917s Rage should be able to find at least a
7919s pick but it's just shredded by ajmr and
7922s the rally as well from Jam it's just
7925s saving off so much pressure they've made
7927s it pretty far so far nyxl Academy but
7930s they only have a minute left over and
7932s they need to try and full Gap here yeah
7934s Bad Blood are playing so well right they
7935s trade the rally for the Primal Rage they
7937s still have their Primal available for
7938s when the opposing rally comes out Nano
7940s booster is dead even I think the bottom
7942s is a valuable tool as well and being
7944s able to shut down a lot of these pushes
7945s that you might still want to make and
7948s more Minnie Minnie has been playing very
7950s well this game we haven't been just
7952s watching mini go around the house
7957s from the nyxl academy and Jinx also went
7960s down to Minnie's pulse bomb with the
7962s rally in hand the Bob is expended by Bad
7964s Blood but the time is ticking solo 15
7967s seconds left over for the final push
7969s a lot of ultimates are available that
7971s honestly I'm throwing a whole Dragon
7972s strike up at The High Ground it has
7974s taken nothing less than that to unseat
7976s ajmr from that position I think ajmr
7978s might have actually of their own
7979s volition moved so what they're trying to
7982s do is kind of feign ajmr being up at
7983s that high ground and then have ajmr
7985s actually be down here for fat anti-name
7987s oh unable to avoid the dragon strike
7990s completely snuffler does get a bit of
7993s damage down onto X10 though but it's
7995s unable to get the build however now with
7998s the stick as X10 heads up with the coach
8000s gun goes down Mari using the Primal Rage
8002s to save off the pressure gets a bit of
8004s Health nyxl they use every single
8006s ultimate and they are still pushing
8008s forward that over time completely active
8010s and the switch was cyber onto the diva
8012s trying to get a little bit of damage
8014s with the defense Matrix but they put the
8016s diva out into the baby Diva form and now
8019s it's going to be a lot harder to contest
8020s dancing around the payload and the rest
8022s of this one is coming through X10 on to
8024s the Widowmaker aramori Falls they need
8027s to rely on Jinx and fall back on the
8028s stain from the Brigitte and the biscuits
8031s but they're just dancing around with the
8032s blanks and I stand there keep ringing
8035s out with this widowmaker's sniper rifle
8038s they cannot touch round one has been
8041s completed nearly to the third point but
8044s 72 meters
8046s I think that bad water doing
8048s phenomenally right now this is by far
8050s the best that we've seen of them their
8051s control of the map their fight planning
8053s got way better guess you didn't come to
8055s fruition with that whole play from the
8057s low ground hit the antinate thing but it
8060s very well could have in a lot of
8062s scenarios and even the scenario they got
8063s wasn't that bad they still managed to
8065s take out the tank without too much
8067s recourse from the opposing side and
8069s that's been the case where almost every
8070s single one of these points I think a lot
8072s of the credit needs to be going to the
8073s back line jam and ajmr have been
8076s ridiculous on this map every aggressive
8079s anti-nade that ajmr throws out is
8081s clinical the positioning from those two
8083s has been great jams peel has kept the
8086s Anna alive and in it
8088s far more times than it should have been
8090s able to if nyxl cannot find a way to get
8093s past that back line or to that back line
8095s actually I very well could see them
8097s having problems on this defense
8099s yeah Jinx and aramore you don't have
8101s that same kind of peel like she does for
8104s each other we've seen them be very very
8106s strong and consistent in the past but
8108s this High Ground Control they are just
8110s not being able to get a hold of and mini
8113s is just a constant thorn in their side
8115s Minnie has been able to find so many
8116s picks off screen onto nyxl Academy's
8119s backline with the pulse bombs and just
8121s the harassment that they're not able to
8123s get this the same through the sniper and
8125s the rest of the squad one
8127s attackers incoming not that high ground
8130s in hand nyxl step up to the plate
8133s unplaying that patented Hanzo though
8136s from Midtown is really terrifying for
8139s bad blood to have to walk into they've
8140s caught sniper off guard oh my God
8143s did you see that sniper has been removed
8145s from the service
8147s right and the rest of them are just like
8149s literally creeping up and they're like
8151s okay anti-nate shred and
8154s yeah sniper just got disappeared I don't
8156s there's nothing more to it sniper was
8158s there and then sniper was not there and
8160s that was weird momentary instances
8177s what in the world actually going to win
8180s that one how it was like they are
8182s surviving for a lot longer than I would
8184s have thought and they were able to
8185s actually win the fight now it looks like
8188s Mario goes might go down to snazzler but
8190s not the case since they have that biotic
8192s name in the back pocket from ajmr to
8195s just keep that tank up and Smalls
8197s harassment has suddenly become nullified
8199s I mean it's not as long as it's been
8201s missing the most annoying person in this
8202s Lobby for every map played I mean I
8205s hearken all the way back to ilios
8206s Melting High Ground High Ground now bun
8208s finding a pick making things even worse
8210s that's what just I'm trying to sit up
8211s here with this pulse Bob oh it looks
8213s juices
8214s yeah the pulse bomb if they can get a
8217s good steak on to HMR this could spell a
8220s good fight for nyxl Academy in a huge
8222s stall for them but they seemed to be
8225s backing off their waiting for some kind
8227s of initiation from sniper and needs to
8229s get the heals up first now it doesn't
8231s have time more bad blood to get their
8234s ultimate talk though and with that
8235s ultimate even the sick on tomorrow won't
8238s do anything because of our uh hmr's Nano
8240s boost however HMR does go down the
8242s nanoboost has come out beforehand but
8244s because of the harassment from sniper
8246s the counter dive onto Bad Blood support
8249s line they have to back off and there's
8251s only one thing better than having
8252s ultimates up and that's having players
8254s up and unfortunately Bad Blood did not
8256s have those going into the fight nice
8257s early picks by nyxla they buy themselves
8259s time to get ultimates online as well
8261s that Rally's the big one that I'm
8262s looking at if jinxing at that they can
8264s sustain through practically anything
8265s other than a pulse bomb on the air more
8267s and I'm not gonna ask for another one of
8269s those I feel like I've already put
8270s enough pressure on many as it is
8272s I mean Minnie's been playing incredibly
8274s well pressure or not I mean this map
8277s deciding the fate of the series whether
8279s they can go on you can get this series a
8282s little bit closer you
8286s shall receive doors
8289s but sniper with the Primal Rage this is
8292s a huge counter to that huge pig that
8294s mini just found and they're able to get
8296s so much damage onto the support line of
8299s Bad Blood jam and ajmr going down Jam
8301s going down with the rally in hand so bad
8304s blood will have that for the next fight
8305s but they're unable to sustain through
8307s this one
8309s I have all the tools to make this a
8312s lights out Series in the coming Moments
8314s One Minute stands between them and
8315s keeping themselves in the upper bracket
8318s an aggressive fourth bomb connects onto
8319s the shield of jam but not much more than
8321s that nyfl look to disengage from this
8323s high ground and not play too aggressive
8325s it's Mari taking quite a bit of damage
8327s followed up by a few of them but now you
8331s think that Dragon strikes try and clear
8333s them off The High Ground what a shot
8334s from ajmr Vine Falls immediately Nano
8337s boosts onto sniper sustaining through
8339s the fight trying to be that tanky tank
8341s front line but sniper goes down extends
8345s also able to take down the tank they
8347s should be able to get the cap here
8349s there's not looking like a touch from
8351s nyxl Academy and they're on to the
8353s hangar phase now
8356s and about the same amount of time as
8358s nyxl managed to as well I mean very
8361s similar time Banks coming out of there
8363s so high Ground Control has gone away
8366s bad blood for now it really comes down I
8369s mean there's pot shots of Plenty to be
8371s taking a moment like this where it's so
8372s few ultimates being online it really
8374s comes down to just who can throw more
8376s arrows out right now buns got a stark
8377s advantage in that regard
8379s less
8381s are looking to go for the Tracer 1v1 but
8384s really just stalling out the cart
8385s because no one is contesting payload
8387s they're really fighting for that high
8389s ground and this is a commonality and
8391s watch Point bridge over altar when
8393s people get very hyper fixated on this
8395s hanger thing
8396s I think there's been a reluctance from
8398s nyfl to take the fight following that
8400s first pick from Bunn but bad butter
8402s absolutely taking it from them as they
8405s spent the rally they spent the Nano
8406s despite having lost that player and the
8408s re-engage has been so successful
8411s sniper is just all left up to the
8413s Winston's triumphant has that Primal
8415s Rage and snazzler is going to come in in
8418s a nick of time to take down Minnie and
8420s try and save off a bit of that pressure
8421s still with some tasks all coming in from
8423s snozzler and 1v1 up top in the airplane
8425s Hangar Primal Rage still available in
8428s the back pocket of sniper but he's
8430s waiting for some kind of sustain to come
8431s through from their supports before he
8433s goes for long tension once again in the
8435s dive I mean there's no need I know I
8436s still have a whole slew of ultimates
8438s notably the Nano boost almost up for
8440s Mara moisture they can just hold their
8441s cards close to their chest until they've
8443s got that critical
8446s once again sniper using the Primal Rage
8449s to harass that backline try and force
8451s out the sight lines from this back line
8453s but sniper just takes so much damage in
8456s a matter of seconds just from those two
8458s supports snozzler finding mini however
8460s is huge
8461s bomb and that was the only ultimate they
8464s had on the gym and now they can harass
8466s out ajmr this could be another life
8470s lights for this next fight are Amore
8472s having that Nano and the huge anti as
8475s well into that room they're just
8477s fighting for The High Ground and they
8479s are speeding all that's left over is
8481s just the Tracer and being stunned out by
8483s Shield Fashions just nyxl Academy they
8487s win another fight they live to fight
8489s another day that was ridiculous I mean
8492s the timing from Sonos are to time the
8494s pulse bomb with snipers dive so that
8496s they were all forced back into the
8497s corner where the pulse bomb was gonna be
8499s lying beautiful stuff and now with
8501s ultimate still I mean a plenty this
8504s should be easy for nyxl to take across
8507s the Finish Line save for some magic for
8509s bad blood but that anti-nade has all but
8511s sealed their fate
8515s there is no one there to contest there
8518s is no one to touch but they still are
8520s able to get one in from Bad Blood side
8523s but the overtime will fade just as
8525s quickly Mari accepting their fate as
8528s nyxl Academy they take the series 3-0
8532s and I I think this is a statement being
8535s made because on the other side we have
8537s two teams
8538s really just rearing to take them on
8540s Timeless their own Rift Guardians their
8542s match is still going on both of these
8545s want to bite in nyxl academy I think
8547s after the statement nyxl Academy just
8549s made I'd be a little bit more hesitant
8550s about taking a Chomp
8553s I definitely think Rift Guardians are
8555s going to
8556s that remix
8561s tricks bad blood they are headed to that
8563s lower bracket the dog fight as you
8565s called it earlier and you know just
8567s imagine on the other side Timeless
8569s ethereal and Rift Guardians one of them
8571s is going to have to lose this series and
8573s imagine you're doing a lower bracket run
8575s just having the time of your life and
8576s you run into one of those giants yeah
8578s it's not a fun time down there man
8580s that's what I'm telling you the speaking
8582s of not a fun time basically anybody who
8584s had to step in front of nyxl Academy in
8586s this match oh my goodness not just a
8589s phenomenal showing of mid-fight prowess
8591s from nyxl and they're calling but
8594s individually as well I think we saw
8595s literally every single player step up to
8598s the plate in some regard uh strix put up
8601s a lot of fight I thought individually we
8604s saw some phenomenal stuff from Mari Mori
8607s Murray Mary whatever it is
8610s story vowel is we saw some really sick
8613s stuff from Minnie as well hitting clutch
8615s pulse bombs finding ridiculous picks in
8617s fights that seemed unredeemable but at
8620s the end of the day the nyxl are just an
8622s Unstoppable force of upper bracket power
8625s yeah nyxl looking to go Flawless just as
8628s they did in the Swiss stages and I mean
8630s even in the grand finals of the last
8632s Miner they went 3-0 and it was nearly
8635s with a very very small round
8637s differential as well they are such a
8639s dominant force and they look to continue
8640s to be so
8643s I think it's curious actually what what
8645s goes on inside this team because with so
8647s many players on the team that's the one
8648s usual downside of having so many players
8650s your communication structure becomes a
8651s little bit bummed up it's hard to stay
8653s so focused but this team has been on it
8655s all the time so I think it's important
8656s that we just ask the players themselves
8658s we'll have an interview coming up in
8659s just a bit with one of them uh to ask
8661s what it's like to kind of carry this
8663s momentum through not just switch stage
8664s but here and how they're feeling going
8666s on to the rest of the tournament
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9047s after sitting on zero at that time or
9050s for a little while we are back with an
9053s interview I am epitome is joined by door
9055s hope you didn't go anywhere after the
9057s 3-0 series from nyxl and we've got one
9060s of nyxl's players on the line it's going
9062s to be whis that is going to be here with
9064s us today wisps hello how are you
9067s all right I'm doing good over here
9070s I'm good thank you so much for asking
9072s and you know you didn't play too much in
9074s the mess but how is your team feeling
9075s how are you feeling uh everyone's
9078s feeling pretty good
9079s uh yeah we're doing good we've been
9081s practicing we've been playing the the
9083s Sombra on Gibraltar was definitely
9087s the little swap there that was
9088s interesting but
9090s so far it's still good
9093s yeah just a little bit of a surprise a
9096s gift for you right at the beginning of
9097s that map but you know I wanted to ask
9100s what are your pre-game rituals what did
9102s your team do to get in the mindset for
9104s playing these tournaments
9108s um I know a lot of people have like
9109s certain
9111s rituals and stuff I don't think we do
9112s anything as a team but like personally I
9115s always like make sure to get like enough
9116s sleep if not like extra
9120s um and then I try like if I eat
9121s something before a match I always like
9123s I I don't like something like nothing
9126s like high in carbs but those are like my
9128s two only things I know it differs to
9130s player though
9132s whisps out here supporting healthy
9134s lifestyle choices
9136s no clearly they pay off you guys are
9138s picking up some big wins I
9140s true I'm like checking all my things to
9142s make sure I'm not making accusations but
9144s like you guys have not dropped the map
9145s yet have you
9147s um
9149s I don't think so
9151s do you plan on it is that is that like
9155s I don't know how to like tell you this
9158s but we need you to throw a little bit
9159s just just to make it look a little we
9161s need entertainment it can't just be
9163s domination from you guys what's up with
9164s that
9167s um yeah um it would be really cool to go
9169s like undefeated for Swiss and playoffs
9173s that would definitely be exciting
9175s we'll see
9177s I mean you guys have the tools to get
9179s there I see how How deep the roster is
9181s all the opportunities that you guys have
9182s you're a really hard team to counter
9183s pick in terms of maps just due to the
9185s depth of roster that you have should we
9187s expect to see that death kind of explore
9189s the further on we go especially with the
9191s likes of Timeless ethereal and Rift
9193s Garden Guardians on the other side of
9195s the bracket
9196s uh we definitely we have a pretty large
9199s roster everyone has like unique Heroes
9201s that they're better at than others like
9203s you know the reason I'm here is because
9205s uh
9207s snazzler the interview uh there are new
9209s pickup playing Tracer and they have a
9211s better Tracer than me so I don't play
9212s like Tracer Maps right now
9214s um but Salazar could not join the
9216s interview no one else wanted to do it so
9224s I suppose is a little bit less vicious
9227s but he doesn't bite he just steps on
9229s your head and I have a Band-Aid on my
9231s forehead because he stepped on it this
9233s morning so he doesn't bite though you
9236s know no worries but I mean I wanted to
9238s ask is there anyone that you're really
9240s excited to play or a player in
9242s particular that you feel maybe a little
9244s bit more threatened by a team in
9245s particular that you are excited in this
9247s tournament to play
9248s uh probably Timeless ethereal
9251s uh they're always a really fun team they
9253s have a pretty interesting like new
9255s roster with players that we haven't
9257s played against a lot we went against
9258s them in Swiss but I definitely think
9261s like it was a two-one swiss but like I
9263s don't think that's at all represent like
9265s representative of like how the match
9268s could go today they're all really good
9269s players it'll be fun
9272s yeah and then is there anything that you
9275s would want to shout out anyone that you
9277s want to give thank yous or shout outs to
9279s before you head on for the day
9283s um probably my family for allowing me to
9286s do this and spend time on it
9295s it's you and allowing you to do the
9298s things that you love so thank you so
9299s much for talking to us yeah thank you so
9302s much for having me
9304s bye-bye we'll catch you around some
9305s other time I have no doubts we'll catch
9307s them around some other time nyxl are a
9309s very very good team that tend to win
9310s matches and make their way into
9311s interviews that being said we've got
9314s more fantastic matches coming up for you
9316s guys of course Thomas dearly and Rift
9317s Guardians is still going on the lower
9319s bracket the dog fight is still happening
9321s so plenty of matches already had but for
9323s epitome tonight at the end of our day
9325s Dustin and MOX will be taken over for
9327s the rest of it so thank you guys so much
9328s for watching us but stay tuned because
9330s there's more OverWatch coming
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10240s welcome back everybody obviously thank
10243s you to both the door and earlier in
10245s general it was a lot of fun Moxie I
10247s think that so far we've been through the
10249s playoffs and now we're actually entering
10251s you know later on in this brackets and I
10254s think Moxie we're both looking forward
10256s to this there's a lot of exciting
10258s matchups and this one in particular
10259s means a lot yeah that's a rivalry though
10262s there is a long-standing rivalry between
10264s these two teams given the fact that in
10266s the last major it was Timeless the feral
10267s who were able to topple nyxl Academy to
10270s be able to take that first position and
10273s wouldn't you happen to know it and
10274s though in his final right now we're
10276s gonna get to see that rematch right here
10278s right now and I cannot wait to see how
10281s this is going to go down Dustin because
10283s honestly these two teams I have a lot of
10285s respect for all of the teams that kept a
10287s lot of their core rosters moving from
10289s Majors from one into two and both nyxl
10292s Academy and Timeless ethereal were one
10295s of those couple of teams who did decide
10297s to stick with the plays that they
10298s previously picked up so they can prove
10300s and just gradually add to the Synergy
10303s already built
10304s yeah that's a big deal right obviously
10306s the cohesion between these two between
10307s teammates and players together really
10310s improves a lot of that uh that roster
10312s Synergy and you know going into this
10314s matchup Moxie between nyxl and Timeless
10316s you said there's a lot of you know
10317s history between these two teams and
10320s obviously leading into this I think that
10322s um you know both of them are incredibly
10324s excited just for this matchup but they
10325s will have a chance obviously down below
10327s if they ever were to drop to that lower
10329s bracket that you can say that the
10331s history right here I love that
10332s production so much I raise the point and
10334s immediately they have my back minor one
10337s one by nyxl Academy but it's the major
10340s that you have to look at for those
10341s circuit points time the several we're
10344s able to take that win back in April and
10346s now they're going to be back trying to
10348s rerun it and do it all over again
10351s something that we do have to mention
10352s however about times ethereal is that
10355s that roster it's it's pretty diverse in
10358s terms of where some of these players are
10360s coming from is you can have a look at
10362s what all of these teams are going to be
10364s playing for it is those massively sought
10366s after circuit points the better you do
10369s and all of these Majors the more points
10371s you're going to be able to accumulate up
10373s into the end of this year yeah that that
10375s Championship obviously is a big deal
10377s towards the very end and you know this
10379s matchup in particular is obviously the
10380s one they're looking for today though
10382s Moxie you know as it stands you want to
10384s look at you know what's in front of you
10385s and you know both of these teams are
10387s favorites in the entire tournament so
10390s obviously in this matchup who would you
10392s favor at the moment Moxie who's looking
10394s a bit stronger or is it a lot closer
10396s than maybe some people think
10398s Incredibly Close like I said all
10403s stacked you'll see it when we go for the
10405s rosters you saw it GS Tower nyxl Academy
10408s just looked incredibly strong with like
10410s 85 of the Midtown highlight we are
10414s literally just being the
10415s the show is is absolutely terrifying
10419s when you're coming up against it but
10421s they're also incredibly flexible in
10423s terms of that roster they're going to
10424s have snozzler come in to be able to play
10426s things like that Tracer but potentially
10428s even be able to flex onto other things
10429s like the echo sniper previously played
10432s the sigma for them but now he feels like
10434s they've actually flexed a little bit
10435s more towards Winston wicker an
10437s incredibly gifted Lucio but can also
10439s play an incredibly good pocket mercy and
10442s aramori who got picked up recently for
10445s this team coming in and getting to play
10447s a little bit of that Anna I think they
10450s really do cover everything on that
10451s roster and uh you know in particular
10453s they just have a really strong team and
10456s like you said you can't really mention
10457s this team without talking about bun and
10459s in that flexibility that snipers brought
10461s in with planks without Winston these
10463s days has really given anyone I saw that
10465s that leap that you said and they're
10466s looking really good at the moment is not
10469s just that all of these players are
10470s incredibly flexible like Whispers played
10472s the sojourn we've seen so much of these
10475s different eye looks coming through we've
10477s seen Hanzo sojourn Widowmaker bun pulled
10480s out the Genji which is something that we
10482s have seen in the past as well Kindred
10484s can play an absolutely amazing Reinhardt
10487s but also Flex onto that raw mattress so
10488s this composition this team can literally
10491s play whatever matter they feel like
10493s playing into but on the other hand we
10495s have to talk about time with Superior
10497s because if you're going to recognize
10498s some of these players from the American
10500s side of tier two well if you've been
10503s camping and I are in Europe you're gonna
10505s recognize some of these players too
10509s I still remember hero coming through for
10512s snc and just having such a good Tracer
10515s and popping off like crazy because
10517s literally we finished casting that match
10519s and I said to you here is going to be
10521s that one DPS that puts SMC on the map
10524s this season and absolutely hero was the
10527s best player that team had
10529s yeah for sure here is insane and uh by
10532s the way this is not a glitch this is all
10533s roadhogs is there was that favorite
10535s characters like they're obviously not
10537s all playing hog right I mean it's not
10538s like uh you could do that these days
10540s unless you're playing what you could
10541s play like roadhog on well or whatever
10543s the map where you just hook everybody
10544s into the pit but you know obviously not
10547s everybody's been playing that hero and
10548s uh yeah like you said I mean you you
10549s covered this team in its entirety
10551s they're just a really good lineup and uh
10553s you know obviously they have a point to
10554s prove today that they're still you know
10556s capable of beating a team like nyxo yeah
10559s like I said incredibly diverse in terms
10561s of nationality here I believe is Spanish
10563s Paul comes actually from New Zealand was
10566s playing alongside the New Zealand team
10568s when they were trying out to get into uh
10570s the Lan event so the finals of OverWatch
10573s World Cup all the way when blizzcon's
10575s gonna be played both the symmetra but
10577s was able to flex really nicely as well
10579s into things like the Sombra we've also
10581s seen Alice through and Baya two players
10583s that we're going to immediately recall
10585s back to with the Munich remember oh
10587s Munich a sites content this or they have
10590s a dream run for open Division and then
10592s topple every single contenders
10594s previously pedigreed team to be able to
10597s take the a side's crown overall so a lot
10601s of synergy already built up for these
10602s players as well but a lot of it however
10605s in Tios rather than the full team which
10608s is something that nyxl Academy is going
10610s to have in terms of advantage and if
10612s you're playing dive whenever we talk to
10614s players and ask how did the comms work
10616s how hard is it to be able to coordinate
10618s it really does feel like that dive
10620s coordination requires so much ingrained
10624s Synergy on the team that I would give
10626s them the other hand in terms of running
10628s something like oh Winston alongside a
10629s choice a Sombra okay all right that's
10631s interesting because yeah obviously you
10633s know this we don't really uh know
10635s because these two teams obviously
10636s haven't played each other just yet in
10638s the playoffs necessarily so you know
10640s leading into this it's really kind of a
10643s point more so that you know in the
10644s radiant Heroes major it feels like we've
10646s had a lot more Talent just constantly be
10647s injected into the scene and it's been
10649s awesome to see and obviously first map
10651s will be ilios Moxie I think that
10653s obviously you mentioned maybe that dive
10655s favoring want to move the other what do
10656s you think coming into ilios as that will
10659s be our first map well we've seen a lot
10661s of dive we've seen a lot of Winston
10662s we've also seen a lot of echo I love
10664s that now we're actually getting to see
10666s Echoes adapt and take on duplicates of
10668s Anna's so they can actually give an
10671s advantage to their Winston there were
10673s some really amazing plays coming through
10675s especially for nyxl Academy in that last
10677s series where they have fun go on to that
10680s duplicate use the nade use the healing
10683s to be able to keep their Winston topped
10685s up and as a result she's able to just
10687s immediately spearhead that dive and keep
10689s nyxl Academy in such a really sought
10692s after position The High Ground directly
10695s on the sideline of that point these
10697s Dives are going to be the beal and
10699s end-all of taking this map good point
10702s yeah I think that obviously bond has
10704s been a standard players top because also
10705s for Timeless I mean they just weren't on
10707s broadcast previously so it's gonna be
10708s really tough to see uh if they can
10711s actually match up to the likes of bun
10713s who has been a really standout player
10715s and on this map particularly like you
10717s said the echo has really been a focal
10720s points so we'll have to see if Timeless
10722s can match that uh you know really high
10724s skill level
10725s well we're gonna be starting off on a
10727s while so we could potentially see
10729s something like the Echo come through but
10731s more than likely it is going to be that
10732s spearheaded dive of a tracer and a
10734s Sombra that's so much higher ground
10736s there's so much blank availability that
10738s you're immediately going to be able to
10739s pin down and isolate some of those back
10741s lines and it really forces your hand in
10744s terms of support survivability to go for
10746s something like the Anna but alongside it
10748s feels something like a Brigida to be
10751s able to Duo those two up and make sure
10752s that if a dive does attempt to come onto
10754s the Anna you're not just relying on
10757s hitting that sleep dot especially with
10759s the changes that have hit into the
10761s antinate purple anti-effect still
10763s incredibly powerful probably one of the
10765s most powerful normal abilities in the
10767s game that isn't an ultimate problem
10769s however is that Anna now receives far
10771s less healing so I was able to survive a
10774s Sombra and the Tracer coordinating alone
10777s far less than it previously
10780s and uh you know on this map in
10782s particular too with all the range that
10784s you have to go for those Dives if you
10785s talked about earlier boxes you have to
10786s be incredibly coordinated it's not
10787s exactly an easy thing to do also you
10789s know with a lot of these Tracer players
10790s just coming in as of late you know it's
10792s been it's always hard to really get like
10795s those top mechanical skill Tracer
10796s players who are you know at the same
10797s time not tunnel vision right because I
10800s don't think enough people talk about
10801s that that really important role that
10803s Tracer has to not only be mechanically
10805s skilled but as a tracer mocks you it
10807s seems like you really have to also have
10809s be ready to dive with your Winston uh at
10812s 24 7 basically
10814s interesting too when you talk to these
10816s players afterwards and you ask them how
10817s the coordination works right
10819s coordinating an IG owling in terms of
10821s something like a rematch Rush is vastly
10824s different to how they're actually having
10825s to communicate with things like Tracer
10827s Sombra and Winston because you
10829s essentially have free plays all of who
10831s can call out point on which Target is
10834s isolated and therefore becomes
10836s vulnerable and then it relies on your
10838s other two players being able to get into
10840s a position fast enough to be able to
10843s take advantage of that before that very
10844s slim window is immediately slammed Sharp
10848s unless you well the first route is
10850s obviously you know waiting for both
10851s teams to get into the lobby you're ready
10853s to go and you know that really does
10855s matter right Max I don't think enough
10856s people talk about like what the because
10857s it's a bit RNG isn't it when you lock
10859s into a control map because you don't
10860s know what that first round that sub map
10862s will be so and that really matters
10865s especially on ilios where you know it
10866s could be playing a sniper composition
10867s compared to that Echo comp you talked
10869s about earlier and even some sort of comp
10871s that could potentially Boop things into
10872s the well on that map as well yeah if we
10875s see Lighthouse more than likely we are
10877s going to be seeing Echo for Echo just
10878s because of how you showed after that
10880s High Ground is if you're able to control
10882s The High Ground you get such a good
10884s vantage point on the other team and
10886s stopping them from being able to rotate
10888s easily to the points or something like a
10889s trace for a Sombra can't literally just
10892s throw themselves past the entirety of
10894s your team and force you to give up those
10896s defensive positions to be able to
10898s contest the flood
10899s let's get into it obviously between
10901s these two teams it's gonna be an
10902s incredibly immense uh looking
10904s everybody's looking forward to this
10906s match I think that it's been an
10907s incredibly exciting action between these
10909s two teams to really really have a lot of
10911s high skilled players too I mean a lot of
10913s these players play on separate teams
10915s outside of just radiant so let's see if
10918s they can play obviously we're still
10919s waiting for them to get ready to go and
10920s send back to the spawn doors obviously
10922s we gotta wait see what compositions are
10924s gonna play ruins is the first map Moxie
10926s yeah ruins not well not Lighthouse and
10929s this actually opens the door for a
10930s composition that we're yet to really
10932s discuss and that's the jungko Quinn a
10935s lot of distance but also a lot of just
10937s anchoring onto that point you have the
10939s means of stabilizing with that shout yes
10941s you have been hit pretty hard in terms
10944s of the Nerf coming through but you still
10947s have the means of self-sustaining and it
10949s puts a lot less pressure on your
10950s backline to have something like an Anna
10952s always keep you up you can feel towards
10954s something like the kiriko and Lucio
10955s which has less burst sustainability with
10958s a lot more survivability how however it
10961s does make it pretty easy to take
10962s advantage of in terms of that poke phase
10964s so it does look like both of these teams
10966s are going for the safer option which is
10968s just Winston mirror okay see if it works
10971s out for them obviously I mean this this
10972s kind of been The Meta for a while now
10973s right Max see this kind of Winston
10974s mirror composition
10975s feels like it's been you know quite
10977s quite the the Mainstay uh for the metas
10981s and competitions of the game at the
10982s moment a lot of Sombra in general and
10985s you know both sides like you said
10986s moxielocking.com oh bun got the health
10988s pack the mega health pack immediately
10991s climbed by nyxl Academy and that's gonna
10993s severely limit how aggressive time this
10995s video can be playing on Coast lights
10997s one of the left side bone already going
10998s for the hack
11000s on to par here it goes in so low on the
11003s left side as well so has to recall plays
11005s so well anyway Excel already going for
11007s that dive I still got to be taking a lot
11009s of that pressure also get the hack onto
11010s Alice who and see if the pressure is
11012s there Hal Maya both keeping Alice who
11016s alive great job for men to keep the
11018s Winston player Timeless stereo strong
11019s well sasa's still on the back side
11021s looking for the brigittees hitting finds
11023s by amazing work from snozzler on the
11025s side of nyxl Academy and also sniper
11027s goes for the dive onto Cal 2 so Timeless
11030s kind of falling apart to Nyx all the
11032s point they've already lost two numbers
11034s of the team make that three and the
11036s point Shirley will go in their favor and
11038s look how aggressive smells like got to
11040s actually go to try to press themselves
11042s up against fire on that Brigida because
11045s they sold very quickly that Paul had not
11048s actually hacked the health pack on
11050s Timeless apparial site they'd hacked it
11051s around that ruin architecture so they
11054s hadn't actually hacked it below where
11055s The High Ground is so small so it's as
11057s well gets to fall back onto the health
11058s pack in recall pressure the brake even
11061s if you got shot down snozzler has been
11063s amazing so far in this tournament well
11065s I'm ready to go try to go for the sticky
11067s but he can't come to the shield Timeless
11068s the real Alice who looking to prevent
11071s that pulse bomb from connecting and then
11072s here it comes over for that duel on the
11074s left side EMP from nyxl but no problem
11077s in fact maybe just about now with the
11079s Primal rate decipher it might be enough
11080s they do lose fun in the process though
11082s so it's a one for one trade as long as
11083s they don't lose their Winston and my XLR
11085s stolen a decent spot but a sticky on the
11087s sniper Force the sniper way down to
11089s below 100 HP but has the double support
11092s there as well knocking at the point 75
11094s fewer things flipped against the
11096s rallying brigitta sniper Dives in the
11098s buy and then the peel is there from jinx
11099s as well and now Alice who's left alone
11101s now they cross that 50 Mark Hira does
11104s find our Amore bunt as a result of them
11107s getting that flip nyxl still holds Trump
11113s Cal is forced to throw in that Nano to
11116s try to peel the after effects of bomb's
11118s EMP it goes on to bias so they can at
11120s least try and keep that break tapped up
11123s so that they're going to have the rally
11124s to sustain through a part does have an
11127s EMP for this next fight but nyxl Academy
11130s to be able to sustain through any
11132s aggression that I feel want to use even
11134s people oh no and poor was collected out
11136s so I had to go all the way away they did
11138s force that rally first up so anyway so
11140s trying to go for that aggressive play
11141s need stop Jinx for now goes so low but
11143s the heels are there far again almost
11145s gets one clipped and in fact dollars
11147s there at the end of it while the EMP
11148s came through so there's not enough
11150s there's not enough damage for Timeless
11152s to be able to follow up with the EMP and
11154s sadly Nya Explorer taking full advantage
11156s Locale has found fun that's a great
11158s trade from the inner player of Timeless
11160s that could give them some opening as
11162s nyxel don't have a lot of ultimates to
11164s keep things going here though with the
11165s force bomb 2 able to find Jinx so
11167s luckily for them they're able to come
11168s back in this fight and reclaim the
11170s objective in overtime the problem is the
11172s Timeless feral had to throw ultimate in
11174s to be able to claim that fight win and
11177s Dustin their back is against the wall
11179s quite quite literally nyxel Academy
11181s needs one fight win they're going to
11183s have ultimates to just poke and bold
11185s slowly off into before Thomas the fuel
11187s have access to an EMP a pulse bomb or
11190s even a primal if they lose one player
11191s they have no means of sustaining except
11193s maybe Cal being able to supercharge up
11195s this managers grounds are playing with
11197s the rest of his team or their team while
11199s Hero on the left side towards the health
11201s pack looking to duel
11203s to make sure they can't look for that
11206s engage we will need used by our Moorings
11207s has to back up with the verdicta doing a
11210s great job just kind of playing together
11211s this back line of nyxl now the Nano
11213s re-engage with sniper on the front line
11215s but nobody's there just to Winston
11216s meanwhile counter Nano comes through by
11218s as well with the peel on the cow out
11221s trying to play for the life towards that
11223s point desperately avoid sniper as well
11226s as Timeless to get the front line kill
11228s as well and then myself horsey sniper to
11230s fall back and get up towards 50 percent
11240s and hit it faster than Academy sniper is
11243s going to have the primary sure but pie
11244s is going to be able to have the rally
11246s and as long as the field don't play
11247s themselves against geography sniper's
11250s not going to be able to juggle one of
11251s them off the map for an easy kill
11252s ethereal Suddenly by dodging at EMP find
11255s this map so much more winnable
11257s you good at the moment Bill Parr has to
11259s relocate back here it still has the
11261s health pack to play around as well
11263s my Excel desperately trying to claim
11265s some space but Hiro's been shutting down
11267s that Mega health pack side down to 15 HP
11269s though due to fun being in a great
11270s position here it can now fall back
11272s towards the back line of Timeless
11274s meanwhile Alice who got slept and hacked
11276s on that front line twice the backup of
11278s support the recall came through so far
11280s sniper as well going for the juggle in
11281s the Primal Rage
11283s no pills to be found just yet find the
11285s counter Alice on the backside hero is
11286s able to find bundo and Par can't find
11288s the kill and the Jinx who is rallying on
11289s the backside has to translocate out but
11291s the Timeless is still up from this find
11293s a full Squad from snozzler's huge to
11295s find Baya amazing opening pick for n
11298s Wang self trying to go on the front line
11299s with sniper they're able to find caltus
11301s to the back liner move for Timeless not
11302s a lot of heals the prime will still hear
11304s from LSU but is the follow-up damage
11306s there it's just onto an Anna whose hands
11308s that preheat the support not a lot of
11310s damage found just yet hacked here as
11312s well snow finds par and last second
11314s waxah will reclaim that objective only a
11316s Lucio to touch can offer much longer an
11318s nwaxel will take round number one target
11321s Focus absolutely pristine not coming for
11323s you from nyxl Academy they understand
11325s okay Primal is there we're not gonna be
11327s able to stop it but there is no follow
11329s through damage when you're running the
11331s trace from the Sombra the only way
11332s you're going to be able to capitalize
11333s off of that Primal is if you juggle them
11335s in to the one clips and there's no Nano
11339s Boost from Cal either because nrx all
11340s Academy makes sure that the second they
11342s see where the Anna is they are gone and
11345s removed and what could have been a
11348s little wrinkle by missing out on that
11350s EMP offset the ultimate economy so much
11353s and allowed to feel such a good back
11356s door to try to get back from one to that
11358s point turns on its head and Academy are
11361s able to take ruins but Dustin we're in
11364s for a very close series indeed the
11366s winstons are going to stay but with a
11367s bigger Skybox and less Focus the snipers
11370s to be able to take down some of these
11371s more aerial focused DPS we're gonna see
11374s the echo deal
11375s see who can take the advantage their
11378s blood obviously taking some Anna shots
11379s early on from Cal who's a standout
11381s player for
11382s ethereal however that might sell our
11384s team with the map Advantage at the
11387s moment around Advantage if they win this
11388s one it's over on ilios oh my God Cal
11390s gets poked down to half base Nazar
11392s looking for that dime now comes back to
11394s that Winston The Echoes there as well
11396s but knowing that Alice who has to fall
11398s back through that pressure
11399s it's also coming back to the field
11401s noticing both deep yeses are diving the
11403s back line far is able to find one Alice
11404s Through connection get as well for Jinx
11406s and it forces rotation took a bit too
11407s long bun has found par but it might be
11409s too little too late Cal has found bun
11411s there nyxl did claim that point first
11413s but time was easily climb the bank yeah
11415s very fast flip as well no dealers on the
11419s board for either sniper nor Alice's so a
11422s lot of the spam damage coming through
11423s from the echo especially those stickies
11425s that you really can just use to be able
11428s to wall off some of these angles for
11429s these Anders to play onto becomes even
11431s more important
11433s very fascinator being built by Cal
11435s currently up at 75 just looking for some
11438s poke on that front line with the Winston
11440s able to take a little bit of damage to
11442s get towards that although an anti
11443s grenade connects both on Tower more
11445s engaged oh my God and Alice who is there
11447s with par two Timeless cereal perfect die
11450s from them now they have to peel off
11451s nyxl's desperate desperation attempt and
11454s they do so quite well too and surely
11456s will find the sniper delay too amazing
11458s work from Timeless ethereal no such
11460s Synergy that we were talking about right
11462s those Dives when you see an auntie like
11464s that they may be purple but the green
11466s light is it's the ghost line it's
11468s absolutely a ghost iron because you have
11471s that Echo because you have that
11472s tracerable claps onto these players so
11475s incredibly quickly because a lot of this
11476s Brigida utility is already exhausted
11479s keeping the iron as safe as the antique
11481s Glides onto ethereal's backline Cal
11482s immediately has to back up this should
11484s allow nor Excel Academy a safer approach
11487s than last time more famous the first
11490s time we're still not there for the dive
11491s just yet forth on the zone out cow and
11493s above available just had to kill just
11494s now but it's too late bun got the copy
11496s as well as a dive earlier on to connect
11499s on to Caldo Parr has able is able to
11501s trade it out that's at least one kill in
11503s the favor of Timeless on that re-engage
11507s they go Cypress will get to Nana boost
11509s on that front line well par looks for
11511s the end of the back line but aramore is
11512s peeling quite well on the backside
11514s snozzler's there too and they reclaimed
11516s that point as well so time was trying to
11518s kind of back up or kind of find
11519s themselves in a little bit of a soft
11521s fight at the moment Alice who actually
11523s wants to go for the dive they got
11524s privilege here and Cal and Bay are both
11525s here Cal gets to sleep but dies for it
11527s Alice who trades for Jinx memo Bai goes
11529s solo has to Raleigh get the armor back
11531s again get the health back and avoid
11533s dying to the Primal in Winston on the
11535s inside you can't really kill this
11537s rallying but he can just get until you
11538s have some follow-up damage but
11539s unfortunately bun goes a bit too far in
11541s dubaya and that peel was there so
11543s Timeless come back into the point with
11545s hero in the Winston of the point as well
11547s Timeless fantastic work and by amazing
11549s flail on top of it as they reclaim the
11551s objective health packwell's
11554s was not able to sustain sniper may have
11557s such a huge Helper and Primal but you do
11559s not have the means of being able to top
11560s up your teammates then as a result the
11562s Echo and the Winston blow fall to the
11564s Brigida who has the power of stunning
11566s and when you're locked in that closer
11567s position you're not going to miss as not
11570s that does of the pulse when it's going
11571s to be up to this traitor to try and find
11573s an end but it's not very much aware of
11575s the potential for the double blink drop
11577s down
11578s and the Anthony was there unfortunately
11579s it's going to peel off and also waiting
11580s for that pulse and it connects on the
11582s buyer nice work from them to find that
11584s bring it to early on Bun over the top
11586s two with the beam onto par finds their
11588s counterpart amazing dive from the DPS to
11590s Ben Wang sell to open things for them
11592s Timeless other Winston can't go for the
11593s dive that is delayed towards that point
11595s and reset fast yeah they take full
11597s advantage of the fact that snozzler
11599s essentially cleared all of the normal
11600s positions to deferial
11603s Kyle doesn't get to play up close and
11605s yellow because they're worried about
11607s getting double uh blink pulse bomb
11609s dropped from The High Ground that smells
11611s the flanks around in azra cell and white
11612s tail Academy get full Monopoly on that
11614s space and smother Thomas of Ariel's
11616s angles to be able to keep any of their
11618s players alive is it's still not final
11620s fight territory Academy only do have a
11623s rally up to go right now so at the
11625s moment it's just delayed tactics to stop
11627s and feel from being able to take
11628s advantage of ultimate economy I'm
11630s already trying to build up towards that
11632s Nano 95 percent early dive onto them on
11635s the inside barely stays up but
11637s unfortunately we'll fall to the end of
11638s boosting Primal raging Alice Through
11640s amazing work from Timeless to dive under
11642s armor early then Parr also finds bun too
11645s who came for them on nyxl's dive
11647s unfortunately it's not really working
11648s out for them at the moment does take
11651s down pars copy and the objective
11653s actually is the Timeless reclaiming Eric
11655s saw just waiting for the reengage
11657s opportunity sniper has to jump up to the
11658s air it's also still win with the full
11660s stop ready to go but it's a full storm
11662s at a side for although banana boost is
11663s there to negate a lot of that damage
11665s causer with the fullest bomb they know
11666s it's coming Timeless is ready and
11668s waiting for Salsas falls down to 5 HP
11670s the counter Tracer dive was there too so
11672s time was doing a great job peeling off
11674s nyxl at the moment but the dive
11676s eventually surely will come through from
11678s Bond on to Cal and he finds or then they
11681s find Cal too on the inside snozzler also
11683s finds Alice Sue so last second when I
11685s saw Rick attacks will find par on the
11687s air too and the point eventually goes in
11689s their favor Canimals touch here for
11690s Timeless Herod does so has to recall
11692s though so the cooldown is removed if the
11695s trace will try to touch once more to get
11696s the health back on the outside Wrecking
11698s Ball and Alice Through to try to touch
11699s as well here it does get the second
11700s touch in through Timeless will have five
11702s people here in this fight and might tell
11705s me to find some damage he had no
11706s ultimates they back up hero again down
11708s to one HP just doing touching his points
11711s back and forth to help pack Smith great
11713s job making those rotation Dallas who now
11714s goes to the role in the back line but
11715s it's fun to find two here and Baya
11718s eventually will fall it took him a while
11720s but snozzler and bond connect on the
11721s call in part two and nyxl will close out
11724s on heliums
11730s and I mean that second to last fight
11733s with bun duplicating the Winston making
11736s sure to entirely shut down any angle
11739s that Cal has on being able to heal their
11741s team finding then the enemy Echo to be
11745s able to to counter the mirror after the
11748s ultimate has worn off just allows nyxl
11750s Academy full control of the space and
11752s the second you as a team are forced to
11755s support your composition and go on to
11757s these Heroes that can really quickly
11758s mobilize and throw themselves onto the
11760s point you reset so much of your ultimate
11762s charges so even if they were able to pin
11763s down one player and when you look at the
11766s composition that you're running up
11767s against the two players you might be
11769s able to try and take down are the Anna
11771s and the Brigida everyone else is
11773s incredibly mobile and can literally just
11775s out rotate any dive that comes through
11777s and it's just gonna take too long the
11779s rally is going to be available for Jinx
11781s and that's literally just going to be
11782s the death now as nyxl Academy just looks
11785s so strong at the moment oh they do they
11788s look really strong and it's there's also
11790s you know a good thing for Timeless too
11792s because I mean they look good as well at
11794s points right they had that objective for
11796s so long right they were in favor for
11798s most of the time but it was his last
11799s second clutches
11800s from NYX so it's not that you know
11802s timeless's Talent isn't there it's just
11804s that you know it seemed like in a lot of
11806s these clutch time situations the nyxl
11809s just kept coming through and it feels
11811s like they know how to play that
11813s positions data right you look at thing
11816s fight into ruins a lot of the time when
11818s you have two sombres on the boat it
11820s literally just becomes a scuffle lover
11822s who's going to be able to hack Mega
11823s health pack the fastest in time and the
11826s second at nyxl Academy understand okay
11827s we have close side Mega Health back you
11830s see how aggressive their positions
11832s become because they don't have to jump
11834s back to their Anna no they literally
11836s have to just short hop Winston jump back
11839s onto that Mega health pack and deny it
11842s entirely from time of several and it
11844s effectively pinces the other team and
11847s sticks them in a really tough position
11849s where they are boxed in they can't go
11851s coastal side they get stuck in the
11853s middle if they try and go through on
11854s that right hand lane they're all going
11856s to be cramped up in an incredibly small
11858s space and that's the last place you want
11860s to be against either a summer of EMP the
11862s trace of possible or just a Winston in
11865s the neutral with the cleave it really is
11866s incredibly smart from the dive
11868s compositions and the macro heads up from
11871s nyxl Academy that we see carried for one
11873s to like not Lighthouse but well as well
11876s and I think you know we talked about bun
11878s obviously in the Renaissance nyxl and
11880s also the dps's of both teams but I feel
11882s like specifically on ilios it was uh all
11885s it was the bunch of some degree but also
11886s you know the back line is well on both
11888s teams really played well right it seemed
11890s like they're you know the supports and
11892s the winstons were a lot of the catalysts
11894s of of why that way in NYX all's favor
11896s and you know on both sides too it was
11898s really back and forth support matchup
11900s right yeah and like we said we saw
11902s Timeless several having some really good
11904s organized types where Cal would be able
11906s to land an antonate an immediately free
11908s players would just Bloodhound lock on to
11912s whoever was purple and go straight for
11915s the throat straight for the kill and be
11917s able to just clean it up really nicely
11918s and allow Cal to be able to hold on to
11920s that position but again the problem just
11922s becomes that the macro was there for
11925s nrxl Academy the second that salsa had
11927s that pulse bomb was able to reclaim The
11929s High Ground and push the entirety of
11931s Timeless Imperials backline into these
11933s really horrible spaces where the Anna is
11935s split from the Brigida because you don't
11936s want to get double pulse formed and lose
11938s both of your supports something that I'm
11941s sure a lot of these players are very
11943s cognizant of we just got out of World
11946s Cup where you and I both saw the
11948s punishment that would occur when a
11950s tracer has pulse bomb and goes for the
11952s Brigida and the Anna at the same time
11953s and because the break is so used to
11955s positioning with the Anna to be able to
11957s break flail the dive that comes through
11960s onto the Anna they unfortunately get
11962s wrapped up really neatly in a very nice
11965s bow with a double pulse bomb kill coming
11967s through for that Tracer and
11968s unfortunately in that aspect it worked
11970s against Timeless Superior it did sadly
11973s at the end of the day they eventually
11974s crumbled and you know coming into this
11976s next map I think that they obviously
11978s will have some strengths there but maybe
11979s you want a little bit more work done
11980s from your front line obviously I think
11983s at points par looked really good but you
11985s know what would you what could we say
11987s about that matchup potentially just that
11988s matchup between par and bond I think
11990s that obviously it seemed like that in
11992s the Sauber matchup it was very close it
11994s was tough to tell obviously because it's
11995s been more of that supportive role but
11997s when it came to Echo obviously both
11999s players were were shining incredibly
12001s well on that second round yeah
12007s yeah Paul wasn't really hacking those
12009s really useful health facts where you
12011s deny not really playing the resources
12014s for your team to always be that no for
12016s yourself when you translocate hard but
12018s more to denying starve resources from
12020s the other side so that a flanking Tracer
12022s and Sombra aren't just literally able to
12024s to sideline all of your resources which
12027s are closer to your respawn but when it
12029s came to emps part did better the emps
12032s coming through from Timeless apparel had
12033s follow-up a couple of times we did see
12035s bun invest the EMP and unfortunately not
12037s be able to find any value or lose it
12039s entirely in the cast time and it does
12041s feel like they're going to be pushing us
12044s back into that Echo match our person
12045s than Barney is actually going to be the
12047s map that gets picked up and this is a
12050s really interesting one because you can
12051s try and play to the strands of hit scan
12054s where you have something like an ash to
12056s be able to deal with the echo you can
12058s position your back line to be all the
12060s way up on The High Ground and fall back
12061s onto that small hallway if an Anna gets
12064s jumped upon which means a lot less
12066s pressure on something like a Brigida to
12068s be 24 7 babysitting them but in terms of
12071s the echo matchup I would say that Bond
12074s was definitely ahead in terms of damage
12077s output and usages of the duplicate so
12079s it's really interesting to see whether
12081s or not they're going to mirror into the
12082s gap
12083s probably you know I would not be
12085s surprised and uh you know Mark's only
12087s your take on this like what do you think
12088s about new Bonnie at the moment really
12089s kind of bigger Forefront that a lot of
12091s pro like the pro scene in general has
12093s just been loving new Bonnie again it's
12094s kind of like a revitalization of the map
12096s right well it's also only just come back
12099s into the map yeah that'd be obviously
12102s that's yeah
12108s put it on the board but like why do they
12111s like this map so much you think like
12112s what's that what's the reason for
12113s picking so much new Bonnie as of late
12115s well again it's almost like there were
12117s just some really significant spots where
12119s a defensive team can shave the time down
12122s point a can be incredibly hard to be
12125s able to coordinate that dive fully
12126s because if you literally have an analyst
12128s set up on this catwalk hey you can land
12130s those Auntie needs on the team that
12131s tries to dive in especially if they're
12133s favoring the Winston over Diva and if an
12135s Antony does hit and you don't have that
12137s defense Matrix to be able to coordinate
12138s it off you're gonna be waiting for the
12140s effect to run out and the Anakin
12142s immediately reposition away from the
12144s dive into fuel to come through and even
12146s if you're able to pick up point a a lot
12148s of the time it just comes down to point
12149s C and how defensively favored is that
12152s very good points all around and I I
12154s agree there's a lot of micro especially
12156s on first point here yeah well why do you
12158s think nyxl Academy decided since they
12160s weren't the ones to pick them up they
12162s get to choose the site and surprise
12163s surprise it's defense
12165s see if they can actually counter
12167s Timeless Dives so far it looks like
12170s sniper's the one pushing away the back
12173s line of
12174s Timeless meanwhile the Tracer also was
12176s there blunt takes some poke from Cal
12178s early on looking for that Tracer of the
12179s points onto snog bar as well eventually
12182s that I've come through on from sniper
12184s has to back up towards the rest of their
12185s team as well as Allison goes low hero
12187s finally to find sniper as well Jinx
12189s Falls from The High Ground but guess
12190s who's there it's hero behind them oh my
12192s God they barely lit or they live as well
12194s with some pocket from aramore but it
12196s seems like Timeless are just picking a
12198s poor nyxl at the moment by eventually
12200s finds muzzler who's caught up in a way
12202s but a potential recontesta could come
12204s still come through or nyxl Academy nope
12207s let's say it's new for Timeless it's a
12208s very fast point a tank callous such an
12211s aggressive Anna normally it should be
12214s noted as well when he uh he they play
12216s the snap tradition contenders they're on
12218s the kirika at this point but they want
12221s to be able to build up this manner they
12222s want to be able to enable Alice they
12224s want the Winston they're talking about
12225s enabling here is going to get spotted
12227s out but the pulse one can still find the
12229s stick onto the Winston sniper Falls
12230s incredibly low almost goes down entirely
12233s because it was actually around an anti
12234s provided by Cal but the brake flail
12237s prevails and Timeless the Pharaoh will
12240s be able to survive around corner as
12242s sniper remains intact as well
12244s Great Falls to force a banana now a
12246s counter Nano engage from time which this
12248s time it's a very proactive dive enabling
12251s Alice Through to find Jinx meanwhile
12253s bond has down here Alison looking for
12255s another Target but unfortunately can't
12256s find it although Cal is able to find fun
12258s meanwhile while Alice who's just
12260s distracting over here towards this this
12262s rhino statue side NYX will have to keep
12265s backing up and giving up some cart space
12267s now
12268s that is a Kill from Cal asleep onto buns
12272s duplicated Anna and then another kill as
12274s well this really is the cow show at the
12276s moment that back line is doing so much
12281s it does take so much damage with the
12283s echo stickers remember you don't get
12285s full access as an X-Men duplicate to the
12287s Tank's Health form it is limited to half
12289s so it does mean if you take those extra
12291s stickies you do not feel a little bit
12293s more defensive as sniper with that
12295s primary just push it right into the back
12297s line and oh almost finds a Juggle up
12299s close nice for you to bash back through
12301s enables them to live a bit longer Heroes
12303s also there for the peel par there as
12304s well amazing work the DPS although Parr
12307s eventually will fall to snarzlar towards
12310s the cart but they're kind of stuck on
12312s The High Ground Alice Through eventually
12314s find them too and Timeless just keeping
12316s this car moving move on to third phase
12318s with relative ease yeah it's the first
12320s time buying but this is where that time
12322s bank really matters pointy is going to
12326s have defensive favorite spawns if if you
12328s lose the single one of these fights as
12330s well it becomes incredibly easy to be
12332s able to see where that Tracer and Echo
12334s are trying to flank right so it's all
12336s about this initial dive from ethereal as
12339s nyxl Academy just go straight for the
12341s Nano offsetting any momentum I feel
12343s could try to pick up badly for Sniper
12345s the flare was there from Bayer
12347s fourth is that Nano to be wasted again
12349s for nyxl now they're trying to set up
12351s for the dive on The High Ground snozzler
12353s with the pulse bomb drops onto Cal
12355s connects perfectly amazing close bomb
12357s tough window to hit that pulse two
12359s giving in wank cell advantage in his
12362s fight Timeless now trying to back up
12364s have to use the bubble to disengage and
12365s in fact they find sniper on the front
12367s line a pulse bomb there and then Baya
12370s with the follow through on the Jinx so
12371s even though nyxo has the advantage they
12374s immediately throw it away and Timeless
12375s gain that cart pressure again bun is
12378s going to disengage to try to survive
12380s does have that duplicate that she's
12382s going to be able to use to try and
12383s sustain if the group do need to call for
12385s a regroup most likely it's going to go
12387s on to Alison but we have seen the
12389s duplicates on the animal often than not
12390s to be able to get through that when
12391s somebody land the anti but there it is
12393s on onto the Winston try to press
12395s referrals backline and beats both
12397s support ultimates in one go
12401s goes away but they don't have any
12403s ultimates to continue this fight however
12405s sadly then they're back towards their
12406s own spawn they pressured by the counter
12408s dive apart with the copy now bun Ruby
12411s has to just hide in the spawn while Hira
12412s finds snozzler so the DPS duel gone
12414s sniper desperately trying to build
12415s towards that Primal Rage will get that
12417s rally but nobody's there to touch with
12419s three minutes and 23 seconds Timeless
12421s ethereal capture new Bonnie I love that
12425s ethereal see that they've used both
12427s support ultimates and understand that
12430s they have a very small window where they
12433s are going to be able to use the thread
12435s of the rally and the Nano of potentially
12437s being able to find a pick and a numbers
12440s advantage against nyxl Academy and just
12444s push them back into their spawn point so
12446s even though Academy are so close to
12449s being able to come in with something
12450s like that Rally or a Nana boost of their
12453s own they just don't have the means of
12455s being able to build them up in time and
12457s when the rally is there off of neutral
12460s charge that unfortunately is judged up
12462s in the spawn they're just not within
12465s distance of being able to touch really
12467s smart from ethereal if they play just a
12469s little bit more passively after throwing
12472s both of those support ultimates then
12473s they would have been punished immensely
12476s for lacking that's the same in the long
12477s term
12479s now friend like something that's a lot
12481s of time bank to give up too much see
12482s three minutes in 23 seconds now going
12485s over your attack and then we could be in
12486s for an incredibly long to Bonnie if NYX
12488s I'll get that role going but you know it
12490s seemed like every time they wanted to
12491s engage it was something shutting them
12493s down right oh they had the perfect
12495s engage snozzler being able to drop from
12497s that High Ground Assassin's Creed style
12500s an eliminate cow with that leap of faith
12502s pulse bomb that should have been them
12505s immediately being able to just cordon
12507s off the choke and push a feral into
12509s using things like a nano boost or rally
12511s to be able to actually break that dive
12514s plus some really restricted spaces of
12516s the map but they just over committed and
12518s the Pharaoh were able to punish and now
12520s we're going to see if we will try and do
12522s the exact same if nrxl Academy obviously
12524s they're welcome in this time they're
12526s going to be some panic
12527s racer drool happening on the left side
12529s forces Nazar to jump back towards team
12532s Timeless trying to take that Advantage
12534s has the mini to play everyone actually
12535s steals it first and wigs in that matchup
12538s versus Hira and that was in perfect
12539s position to deal with the echo two
12541s snozzler amazing spot to hang out in but
12544s Cal gets that body shot on the soccer
12545s ball falling back I mean Fade Away shot
12548s from Calvary as Timeless book to
12551s potentially re-engage down some of the
12553s members of their team but they do find
12554s that Tracer pick so they can re-engage
12557s toward this point the perfect timing
12558s integrated will not connect on that back
12560s line sadly but they're still in a solid
12562s spot to touch this point at 98 on the
12565s board Parr finds bun and they're all
12567s here towards this point sadly snozzler
12569s and Bunga picked at the very end in his
12571s sleep Dart two why not on to sniper
12573s they're trying to back up of desperate
12575s recontest from Timeless works out yeah I
12578s bought a silver lining for nyxl Academy
12580s because they've been taking more damage
12581s aramore is that much closer to her Nano
12585s as opposed to Cal and that is when we
12587s see the real dive come through
12590s fun over the top side we said the Nano
12594s ready to go for their dive onto Cypress
12596s Texas Snapper goes early they have to go
12599s in a very aggressive position to get it
12600s off and also able to find Parr on that
12602s front line now sniper is relatively free
12603s to look for the back line but the AP
12605s slows down sniper for now and totally
12607s the Primal wage comes through the rally
12609s desperately trying to keep them alive
12610s bun finds hero two and for timeless it
12613s looks there's too much yeah nobody else
12614s here Stanley alive as Cal gets goofed
12617s off the map from sniper and wank saw
12619s Academy will capture point on that's the
12622s domino effect sir gets bubbled off by
12630s the Boost to be able to just allow that
12632s cleave to build Primal faster sniper
12635s goes down to the ante effect but the
12637s Nano boosters there the Primal is there
12639s and even when the rally comes through
12641s from buyer no one from Imperials where
12643s because they're all being jobs at the
12644s point oh Timeless and they're flying
12646s maybe they can do something proactively
12648s with banana boost engage and they're
12650s gonna be against NYX Souls double double
12653s DPS ultimate and rally coming up
12656s now trying to pressure out sniper with
12659s support ultimate to keep sniper healthy
12660s at the moment they'll be back up banana
12662s boost on to the primally Winston two to
12664s keep keep them alive versus the full
12667s spawn of snozzler sniper again gets
12669s poked out unfortunately it's just too
12670s much back before jinx's rally comes
12672s through Laura Morgan 802 so they have to
12674s play incredibly safe at the corner
12676s knowing that nyxl is trying to back up
12678s maybe find something in terms of kill
12680s potential here in the front line but
12682s Timeless is all healthy waiting for
12683s something but bun finds Hira that's a
12686s pick out of pretty much nowhere Parr has
12687s to back up deal a bun in the sky Bond
12690s knowing they have the advantage gets the
12691s copy as well on to the Anna bar goes to
12694s the counter copy fine sinks too after
12696s the rally is gone now we'll come through
12697s on to armor who's trying to sneak all
12700s the way around sadly is really not going
12702s to be alive versus a primal and copying
12704s Winston though sniper and fun is able to
12705s find two as well so back on a Timeless
12708s gone it's just onto the DPS of both
12709s teams to find some kills Horror in the
12711s sky can't find the track he snazzler
12713s finds par there as well and anyway Excel
12715s will keep that cart pushing for forward
12716s his Heroes pressured out sure lift the
12719s Tracer and the pulseman does have the
12720s man's are trying to contest however if
12722s they do want to stop nyxl Academy from
12725s taking streets and it does feel like
12727s they want to they have to be incredibly
12728s careful as Armory is going to have the
12730s Nano far faster than Cal once again
12732s what's gone out from here unfortunately
12734s we're not connected Jinx peeled it off
12735s with the Nana boost there too snazar
12737s finds Hira the counter Tracer is the
12739s cart actually got cash down
12740s unfortunately for a time was Dallas who
12742s did find fun it's not enough to give
12744s them that cart space and nyxl look what
12746s they want more
12749s Ultima to call me Advantage Dawson it's
12752s always such a pain when the Tracer finds
12753s the stick but there's a nano boost
12757s kind of boost now sniper however
12759s immediately going to be going for the
12760s Primal As Time Superior will try and
12762s peel away buyer with the rally just
12764s buying time for the rest of their team
12767s to be able to regroup and push Academy
12769s back a lot of balls has been growing up
12771s enough pills just an ALICE who's still
12773s sitting with that final wage incredibly
12775s soon animaxel Academy as well have that
12777s rally to pitch to reengage with him
12779s build a Nana boost in this fight maybe
12780s he gets closer yeah fantastic neither
12783s the sniper forces the rally of jinx at
12784s the moment
12785s time was still waiting to use their nana
12787s Boost Galaxy just wanted to go with the
12789s final rage first Hulk out that rally so
12791s that's exactly what Timeless wanted now
12793s can re-engage with the Nanos whenever
12794s they want animal Microsoft trying to go
12795s for a count after their own but sniper
12796s goes so low aramore has not built up
12798s that Nana was just yet so he has to keep
12801s one or they have to keep playing the
12802s safe Starship over the whole spawn
12803s counter dive onto the echo unfortunately
12805s no kill plate dark came through on
12806s Dallas who stopped to die for now but
12808s hero is able to find fun amazing kill
12810s four Timeless there is still waiting on
12812s that pulse bomb two here around the
12814s corner they're finding the picks to kind
12817s of keep holding here armor goes so low
12818s takes the pull spawn to the face two
12820s from here and that should keep this hole
12822s going for a bit longer for Timeless
12824s ethereal there are more going down with
12828s that none of this going to be waiting 30
12830s seconds alarming like you said referral
12831s to be able to regroup and use this
12834s distance this Gauntlet then nyxl Academy
12837s have to walk through the distance that's
12839s open space from that spawn and then the
12841s wrap around from The Higher Ground
12842s directly puts them into so much poke
12844s coming through from Hall so many avenues
12847s for Hurricane flank but more importantly
12849s these anti-need setups you cow
12852s the stuff is up meanwhile time was
12855s waiting the diet point oh my God goes so
12857s low goes to the copy now during this
12859s fight same with Parr both Echoes using
12862s the copy but it's fun to get the better
12864s of it onto par everybody there with the
12865s peel eventually buttons me out a copy
12867s for him but at least they keep their
12868s life here also is found by snozlar nyxl
12870s you know kind of playing this back and
12873s forth incredibly well now minute and 30
12875s 53 seconds left to go the spawn Camp
12877s trying to come through who sniper build
12878s towards that Primal Range current still
12880s pushing forward has two on it pulse one
12882s for stocks are not able to find the kill
12883s on the inside time was still holding on
12885s to the Nano unfortunately bond gets par
12887s again now Nana boost onto star to keep
12890s things going Alice who has it in on the
12891s cards for the quick delay it for their
12893s Echo to come back in this fight as Nana
12896s gustaslar eventually finds Hero on the
12898s cart too even with the rally they could
12900s not keep Hira alive maybe nyxl trying to
12903s find some more kills as the running out
12904s of ultimates Jinx building towards that
12906s rally doesn't have it just yet though
12908s time will still have some ultimates to
12910s recontest with par is able to find site
12912s for two towards that spawn doors nice
12915s work from Power is well on to fun too
12917s nice 2K for them as Alice who just looks
12919s to pressure on nyxl for now yeah Alice
12922s is doing such a good job at the moment
12924s of being able to just own the back lens
12925s that Jinx and Roy do not get POV on the
12929s Squishies that Academy are trying to use
12931s to be able to break ethereal's defenses
12934s and as a result we are down to final
12935s fight territory they have the rally the
12937s duplicate the pulse from so close but
12939s again ethereal just have them into being
12941s able to regroup so quickly around spawn
12944s and when I saw like I mean need a full
12945s team kill
12948s live though they have to deal with Alice
12949s hoop nice flail to stop Alice Through
12951s for now sniper towards that car can't
12953s find any kills just yet but they enable
12954s Jinx to push up forward now and go for
12956s that dive but pulse bomb and snazzler
12958s does not find any value how so close to
12960s the neighbors go so solo gifted off
12963s before they die sniper finds Cal here
12965s goes to the first one to stuck on the
12967s shield meanwhile has found Bun's copy
12969s for the snow kills just at an anemus
12971s re-engage from snipers there and they
12973s find the kills Baya finds Jinx in
12975s desperation mode as that cart still
12977s being pressured by sniper the rally is
12980s there from Brian to really stop anything
12981s that copies well from par and it might
12983s still have to back up get up to space
12984s sniper goes solo bun trying to take down
12987s the shield of par nobody could touch
12989s overtime now picks down as somebody was
12991s there to touch that payload last second
12992s Parr eventually out of the coffee will
12995s now be in the regular Echo form sniper
12997s goes for the dive gets that Prime array
12998s jump through tries to push them off that
13000s payload cannot find the kills just hit
13002s either as Baya is making nyxl's life
13005s incredibly difficult at the moment just
13006s keep touching that cart Alice who finds
13008s nonzalar too because this fight has been
13010s going for so long sniper goes slow after
13011s the Primal wage is here via will find
13013s sniper two via also connects with the
13015s Flair on to bond and on the Jinx in
13018s Timeless ethereal equalize the series
13020s one to one look at positioning of cow
13023s look at the positioning of Kelly not
13025s lost fight no one near the payload
13027s because they understand that if the Anna
13030s goes down the team's chances of being
13032s able to hold on to numbani go down the
13035s Drone alongside it you look at those
13038s helpers you look at the Target Focus
13040s Timeless ethereal are shot calling to
13043s the absolute pristine ability of who is
13047s going to be coming up onto an ultimate
13049s fastest and it's going to be the Tracer
13051s so Schnauzer is the one that they
13053s immediately take down and the reason
13055s that they're able to keep such a good
13056s track of that ultimate is because
13058s they're building a pulse form up at the
13059s exact same moment and they understand if
13062s snorla is able to escape that fight on
13065s the payload and double blink onto cow's
13067s position Landing the pulse bomb fire is
13070s not in a position of being able to file
13073s them off the Anna and they're going to
13075s lose the sustainability that's keeping
13077s Alice Through anchored on that card and
13080s it's going to be an absolute
13087s oh for sure you know and I'm surprised
13089s that we're seeing such a I mean I mean I
13091s guess I shouldn't be surprised
13092s considering these two players are so you
13094s know good on Timeless but uh you know
13096s obviously that was just such a fantastic
13099s backline performance and uh you know not
13102s only Cal like you said but it's also you
13104s know buyer too on that front line I mean
13106s just doing a lot of getting a lot of
13107s those flails and overall fantastic
13109s positioning so far for Timeless to
13111s equalize it I mean they look really good
13112s on new Bonnie yeah
13119s some bubbles being able to block things
13121s like the pulse Pawn but also being able
13123s to block the line of sight on the other
13126s Winston 2 every single time one Winston
13128s would try and dive into the backline you
13130s would immediately see the enemy Winston
13132s bubble in front of the Anna
13134s understanding that the heels are not
13135s going to be able to go through the
13136s shield and if you have ever ever played
13139s against a sigma who knows his stuff
13142s knows to position something like that
13143s Shield continuously behind the tank then
13146s Anna is healing you are going to
13148s understand one iota of how frustrating
13151s it was for both of those Annas to deal
13153s with all right well let's see what
13155s happens the rest of the series we'll go
13157s into a short break when we come back
13158s we'll see you for that map number three
13178s [Music]
13189s [Music]
13213s [Music]
13223s [Music]
13229s foreign
13231s [Music]
13238s [Music]
13282s [Music]
13296s [Music]
13309s [Music]
13312s foreign
13314s [Music]
13343s welcome back everybody the radiant hero
13345s Majors 2 and we are in the playoffs at
13347s the moment between both time of stereo
13349s and nyxl Academy Moxie we're one to one
13351s right now it's been an incredibly close
13353s series as the first map obviously went
13356s to 99 on iliosa now on new Bonnie it
13359s looks like Timeless ethereal are in a
13361s pretty dang good spot
13362s I mean we we almost got to see two sides
13365s of of nambani so it does hold in
13367s Tradition for these two teams when
13368s they've met each other the last time
13370s they went to Gibraltar I believe it was
13371s a five-fold score line there but we've
13374s already broken from tradition because
13375s the last time they met in that Mage
13376s number one it was a free oh victory for
13380s Timeless materials so for nrxl Academy
13382s already seeing massive improvements but
13385s I mean doesn't this series it's so close
13387s we've got two maps at least still to
13389s play for wouldn't be surprised if we see
13392s it Go the full distance because both of
13394s these teams have such a good
13395s understanding of their strengths of
13397s where they want to position and also of
13399s the win conditions of the team that
13401s they're facing
13402s yeah I think it's so interesting that we
13404s actually do have that first member third
13405s because I think between these two teams
13407s like you said I mean it's been one-sided
13409s it didn't I think these teams even
13410s played in the Swiss stages too and uh
13412s and even that was a sweep so now that we
13414s actually get that one to one you know
13416s it's it's interesting that this
13418s rivalry's kind of been going back and
13419s forth and it especially so you know I
13422s mean it's not early on in the tournament
13423s necessarily but obviously you know with
13425s things kind of leading towards the end
13427s you know with these teams both being in
13429s that upper bracket final you know we
13431s could easily see either team in that
13433s grand finals unless an upset happens
13435s down in that lower bracket yeah yeah I
13437s think a big part of it as well Doran
13439s tala talked about this a little bit
13441s earlier is just how wide both of these
13444s teams are in terms of hero gold right so
13447s a lot of the time counter-stratting or
13449s trying to mirror you're never 100 sure
13452s what the other side is going to bring to
13453s the table purely because of all of the
13455s different compositions we've already
13457s seen them play we know as well that
13459s they're incredibly verse and being able
13461s to flex onto all of those different
13462s Heroes but still being able to Output
13465s the insane mechanical price like we've
13468s seen bun on the echo so far we are yet
13470s to see her on the Hanzo which was her
13473s standout performance in my opinion on
13476s the last series The nyxl Academy played
13478s her performance on Midtown I'm pretty
13480s sure she had something like 85 accuracy
13484s on hand so it was ridiculous
13488s buns are really good player and just
13490s constantly improving for nyxl Academy
13492s they're glad to happen they're also
13493s their backline too he's been playing so
13495s well to support you know both snipers
13496s Nosler and bun with Jinx and aramore and
13500s now on Dorado it's going to be difficult
13501s time for them right Max you guys to
13503s support player yourself I mean you know
13505s how difficult Dorado can be to deal with
13507s some of these good DPS players yeah we
13509s get to really see our Mori play the
13511s Baptist as well I'm a little bit sad
13514s that was uh one of the the heroes that
13516s she was known for back when she played
13518s the Bumblebees in the last iteration of
13521s calling all heroes but harana has been
13523s absolutely stand out some really good
13524s needs coming through the fact as well
13526s that we're not releasing either of these
13528s Anna's go down incredibly quickly in the
13530s neutral a lot of the time the kill comes
13532s off of a pulse bomb which does become
13535s unavoidable if you don't have something
13537s like the sleep dot up to be able to
13539s dissuade the Tracer uneven then so many
13542s of these different approaches the
13543s choices can be able to find from The
13544s High Ground drop downs you really do
13546s have to have ice in the back of your
13548s head sometimes to be able to tell when
13549s they're on those flights
13550s to see if the back lines can deal with
13553s uh you know both EPS meanwhile a
13555s Teleport play comes through from
13558s Timeless to get far up to that High
13560s Ground as well as the brigitta but nyxl
13562s knowing that look to just pressure that
13563s cart to make sure they can't push it
13565s because you know obviously needs some
13567s more members down below here is the one
13569s doing a lot of that heavy lifting
13571s towards the cart with some support from
13574s Alice Sue who's taking their time now
13576s down below as hard looking for each of
13578s these shots right it's kind of shooting
13580s playing Hans was kind of like entering
13581s the lottery right every shot you send
13583s eventually maybe hit somebody
13585s kind of heard something and you also
13587s have that one shot potential but on the
13589s other hand has the advantage of Zone AOE
13593s damage with that Dynamite is going to
13594s connect on to so many of these players
13596s with how compact this composition is as
13599s well as forcing here over off with the
13601s payload or to use that recall too early
13603s and that's when the trace becomes
13606s coordinated attack at the top sides
13608s nozzler finds car
13609s pretty much solo had some support from
13611s sniper there but
13613s no assist in the kill feed for that tank
13616s player and Timeless not the backups
13618s because Cal has anti on them as well and
13619s and like it's all so far doing a good
13621s job though sniper gets poked out
13623s Timeless eventually will regroup towards
13624s the car club fine finds Cal over that
13626s top angle snozzler with the pulse bomb
13628s two still available don't even have to
13629s use it onto ala Zoo nyxl's defense
13632s looking strong yeah and nyxl Academy
13634s that positioning is perfect too they
13636s don't hold too aggressively around this
13639s High Ground because they know that Paul
13641s has that one shot potential and is also
13643s getting pocketed both by his brake
13645s Shield but also Alice's bubble as a
13647s result they just play patiently wait for
13649s pharaoh to properly commit that dive and
13651s then cloak them down once the Winston
13653s bubble has been removed and it puts fun
13655s into a position of not having to take
13657s the 1v1 against Paul instead you
13659s literally just get to poke all of these
13661s angles all of these Corners to dissuade
13663s the attack and force even more time off
13665s of the back
13666s sounds like they'd use the pulse there
13668s can you Avail now to boost re-engage
13670s onto sniper and it connects onto par
13672s with snow there here is able to find
13674s Jinx but with sniper in the background
13676s it's hard to deal with the Sleep Dart
13677s came through from Cal amazing shot from
13680s him or from them sniper as well still
13682s has that primary pretty dope with the
13685s rally to keep everybody alive on the
13686s inside forced the sniper away has to use
13688s that Primal wage thought that they could
13690s maybe be a big greedy in that fight but
13691s eventually they'll come back to Primal
13693s though Alice who had to use theirs too
13695s no kills just yet and I decide until
13697s just now parmero finds aramore from
13700s across the map Bondo where the dynamite
13701s able to find by it too no cleanse there
13703s because obviously no griko in the game
13705s Parr makes that a 2K connects onto bun
13708s who has been a new since four Timeless
13710s Alice who goes so low oh my God grabs
13712s the health pack just in the nick of time
13714s to stay alive as well but the rally here
13716s from nyxl they really want to make sure
13717s this defense is successful or yeah this
13720s defense Festival Jinx finds par on the
13722s inside angle as well sniper goes so low
13724s because of that anti-grenade from Cal
13726s and eventually is found by Cal but
13729s aggressive and a play there two snozzar
13731s still has that pulse for me to go but
13732s has to come back for that Tracer
13733s recalled from hero but it's fun back
13736s Bond or is able to find them though the
13738s pulse bomb for snazzler is there too and
13740s the deepest is of nyxl close now time
13743s was forced them back to the spawn for
13745s now by his Pawn her life as well she was
13749s antenated and on an absolute Slither of
13751s pixel of Elf but it's also with a pulse
13753s bomb is able to peel the Ash's position
13755s Thomas apparel however sitting on three
13757s ultimates to be able to commit in with
13759s the dragon strike to be able to Zone an
13761s oxl academy away from this payload and
13763s just push it a little bit further to be
13766s able to pick up that checkpoint and
13767s freshen that time bank as far as waiting
13770s to get challenged snozer is the one
13772s marking the hamster's position just
13773s again I can't even positioned himself
13775s away from the one shot yeah and they do
13777s a great job with keeps in our Mori to
13779s Staying Alive there's huge nozzle is
13781s able to find Hira eventually Alice who
13783s finds buns so it's a one for one however
13785s the traits are gone for Timeless Alice
13787s who tries to go in for the dive goes
13788s towards that Primal Rage with 0.85
13790s meters left to go they find Jinx also go
13793s for that climb on the back Lane Dodge
13794s that sleep Dart from arabori so that
13796s cooldown's already moved now three three
13798s four meters left us so close to
13799s finishing in Alison with the prime will
13801s find snozzler two amazing work from the
13803s Winston player here Parr also finds
13805s sniper and sadly friend Mike's cell
13806s there was too much to deal with two
13808s minutes and 26 seconds now in the
13810s Street's phase as time as Den wanks or
13812s no Timeless capture point a there are
13814s more just standing still to be taken
13816s down faster rejoin the rest of her team
13820s as sniper is a lot closer to the Primal
13822s the fact that Alice who had to expend it
13824s in their efforts to be able to push that
13826s payload and get that checkpoint is going
13829s to eat into snowball potential but I
13830s don't think any Excel Academy has
13831s actually noticed that cows creeping
13833s around the side for an accident
13835s the next connects out of the Winston
13837s sniper get down to 25 HP a little bit of
13840s a cheeky need from Cal there build up to
13841s 62 I started baited Primal I would have
13844s lost it
13845s hey Eric sniper is a bit smart to fall
13849s for that in that fight though LSU goes
13851s to that dive bubble used there as well
13852s on High Ground so that cooldown already
13853s removed cow mouth
13857s oh my Honda snazzler from Cal amazing
13860s the shutdowns as the Primal is low from
13862s sniper is there but no follow-up damage
13863s against that rally though they did force
13865s that out so nyxl can at least take that
13867s aggressive Anthony grenade connects as
13869s well into Aura Mori I mean it's just one
13871s after the other he throws to throw in
13872s the Nano boots there too unfortunately
13874s it's a bit too hard to get these kills
13876s to that rally though they are able to
13877s find it with some follow-up damage onto
13880s bun Falls I mean they're just getting
13881s this car pushing through the streets
13883s phase but relative East sniper goes solo
13885s maybe you're gonna have to get into some
13886s armor they do so to get the ring games
13888s with the sleep darling cow is there as
13889s well immediate wake up though 2.39
13892s meters left it might have been smarter
13893s to leave them but car is able to find
13895s snozzlar and nyxl slowly but surely are
13897s getting poked out from each of these
13898s angles sniper Falls two with no
13900s ultimates there Paul drops down from The
13902s High Ground and oh my God what a street
13904s space when Timeless and Cal in
13906s particular Cal is full for full
13909s the last four antonyms have landed on
13912s absolutely clutch targets sniper on the
13916s first one Armory II sniper again on the
13919s third and then Jinx on the fourth to be
13921s able just force Nala boost rally Primal
13924s out of Academy incredibly early on as
13926s again another Ryan snake lands onto
13929s sniper and just keeps them stuck inside
13931s this Winston bubble so power on the ash
13933s can land the dynamite and immediately
13935s push Academy off of behind allowing to
13938s feel such an easy wrenches to die
13940s early dying from Timeless Jesus tries to
13942s get the start of the bubble Primal Rage
13943s used by Alice Through To comes back for
13945s Bunn and finds bun finds that Target on
13947s the side Alice Through The Winston
13948s player Timeless good job SEC shooting
13951s off targets to find those easy kills and
13953s nyxl Academy are losing the grip on this
13956s game at the moment Tom does have the
13958s ball to be able to send out and peel so
13960s anyway won't have to physically touch
13962s the payload to keep it sold out a lot of
13964s souls let's try to push through
13967s unnoticed to be able to take part down
13969s but you need to find one of the back
13971s lines you need to find a support I was
13973s looking for the back nice 80 minute set
13975s up by our Amore Adventure songs that
13976s comes back to the kill on to here Alice
13978s who's able to find Jinx who is building
13980s that rally too Timeless looking to
13982s sustain on the inside with their own
13983s rally force that climb a wage from
13985s sniper at least try to give out what uh
13987s live in this fight versus sniper who has
13990s to back down forces pad off the
13991s highgones still have that initially
13992s available Timeless press the goalkeep if
13995s they really want to win this fight use
13996s them Alison in that backside now goes to
13999s the dime on to bolt that back line of
14001s Nyx self pars able to find sasler too
14004s via that pressure provided from Alice
14007s who's fun also has to use something oh
14009s my God what a shot on the cow from that
14011s left angle with the Nana boost as well
14013s looking for that action snipers there
14015s with the follow-up damage last second as
14017s well 30 seconds left they're able to
14019s stop timers Ali however is committed
14021s from drinks even though if they're all
14023s well lacking that Anna burst healing
14025s they at least won't have a rally to be
14028s able to get aggressive and try and
14029s sustain through this poke phase that's
14031s going to come out from Bond Dynamite is
14034s going to be so hard for the team steal
14036s it but more so if you're lacking the
14037s Anna stores like tried to find that
14040s stick onto cow but doesn't manage to
14042s find the kill
14043s so avoiding that pulse it would have
14045s been scary if not as long got that stick
14047s off shield on the top to maybe force
14049s Timeless in a weird spot but he was able
14051s to find snozzler via the low ground also
14053s Parr connects onto sniper too so this is
14056s looking rough for nyxl Academy at the
14058s moment nobody else can touch too and
14060s Timeless in overtime will capture out on
14061s Dorado no one can touch even if they
14063s want to Alice Through is just primaling
14066s right in everyone's lawn and as a result
14070s Bayer literally just gets to AFK on the
14072s cup and push it that little bit further
14074s it's it's definitely a slog it's
14077s definitely an uphill Road uh as is the
14080s way that we tend to see from Dorado High
14082s Ground can make it incredibly hard for
14084s attacking teams to be able to find any
14086s momentum in this map if they get stopped
14088s if they lose a single fight they're
14090s immediately sent all the way back to
14091s square one and above them the defense
14094s just Waits and gets to have that poke
14096s face coming through where your Tracer
14098s immediately gets to find contact with
14099s the backline and still be able to make
14102s it out on punished by more time off and
14104s that's before you even have to throw in
14106s the dive that comes out as well as the
14108s international sight lines too
14110s well actually this is also like you know
14112s on map number one we saw on ilios you
14114s know n1xl did a great job in a lot of
14116s these more you know dicey fights where
14117s you lose them ever come through in the
14119s clutch but it seems like on these
14120s payload Maps Timeless really understand
14122s how to play them and don't like lose
14125s members in a lot of the clutch and just
14127s keep coming through you know last second
14129s especially on Gerardo like you said when
14130s it's so hard to capture out well we're
14132s getting to see the hair is special this
14134s is something that we sometimes got
14135s treated to all the way back in
14137s contenders last year herea swaps off of
14140s the Tracer onto the tourbillon this is
14142s still the same idea right the Tracer is
14144s meant to keep him a mark on snozzler's
14146s location a lot of the time we did see
14147s the Tracer 1v1 there's both Jewel to try
14150s and bypass the other and get into that
14152s back line as a hero on the tourbillon
14154s with the turret is going to be trying to
14156s keep an eye on West snozzler pops up
14159s from but it also eats into the movement
14161s that fun is going to have access to on
14163s the Sombra as they've identified the
14165s buyer on that Zen is going to be a
14167s pretty easy target as long as you're
14170s able to get from or The Gauntlet of
14172s obstacles that the Pharaoh have laid in
14174s your Park
14175s so the pans out for them Auntie early on
14177s a snozzler to force that recall there as
14179s well so not a lot of fall dive on the
14181s torbun early who has the harmony where
14182s and double pocket meanwhile they come to
14185s the backside by now aware that the trace
14186s are coming through on the left really
14187s trying to pressure out this payload they
14189s have the Discord on to that Brigitte to
14192s make sure Jinx can't really play that
14193s corner aggressively here still has an
14194s aggressive spot too on the tour Jordan
14197s sniper tries to go towards that right
14198s side on the inside to keep pushing this
14200s car forward but it's Alice who's stopped
14202s nyxl's back line from really getting him
14204s a lot of space here to spamming out for
14205s this Opera and he connects on a hero but
14207s uses that cooldown to keep healthy until
14209s snazzler follows through three or two
14212s person assists as well as snow are
14213s finding the kill on the hero bye though
14215s does find aramore over the top angle on
14217s to the end that's a lot of the heels
14218s gone by and now pressured out by snozzar
14220s dive connects from sniper perfect
14222s coordinated dive on Dubai who's a little
14224s bit separated from Cal and Timeless
14226s ethereal now have to back up this car
14228s still being pushed forward by him by
14229s itself yeah bond is off this armor as
14231s well on to that hand so to try and use
14234s things like the wolf to be able to
14235s pressure this High growing tall that
14237s ethereal will have so that Paul your
14240s buyer and cow have absolutely no place
14242s to be able to stay safely and it impacts
14244s how aggressive Allison gets to be in
14246s these counter dive initiations Academy
14249s are still entirely uncontested just
14253s pushing this card as everyone was so
14255s busy fighting the space around it that
14258s the objective was entirely forgotten
14261s they're still pushing this car here
14262s forward as well as Cal just kind of had
14264s like a Yakuza moment fighting at one
14266s versus four Everybody's scared around
14267s sniper finds by up early on that's a
14270s great opening pick Brown Mike saw who
14272s were missing snozzler earlier on now
14273s four meters three meters left to go it's
14275s just Alice Through the touch and can't
14277s do so even against this rallying nyxl
14280s team who is literally a job rotating
14282s ultimates at the moment his move on the
14283s streets but if the moon is entirely
14285s uncontested as well car is having their
14288s hands full at the moment having two of
14291s all of these other parts of sniper going
14293s in with aramori's aunties of Smalls are
14295s trying to find these planks but fun is
14297s just free to be able to land these
14298s arrows into Alderson before the dive is
14301s there for the Winston and as a result
14303s every single time we see that dive
14305s attempted before Alistair was even able
14307s to hit the ground and land that bubble
14309s their health is diminished to about 50
14312s as there's the Revenge that's that's
14315s definitely personal there's Alice who
14317s finally de-hrones Bond
14320s you're also swapped off that scorpion on
14322s the trace rides you gotta swap up
14323s something I think also eventually you
14325s have to use the trance here Timeless
14327s looking to swap off the Zenyatta they
14328s don't even use the transference
14330s Cal does create it back onto sniper
14333s obviously still wants to hold the train
14334s so this is a strong ability Cal also
14336s with an intermittent in the regular body
14338s shot on the aramori fine snack kill
14340s Timeless hold on last second Parr also
14343s finds Jinx too
14344s so that's the correct cool in my opinion
14347s to hold on to zenol you got so close to
14350s the cliff sniper is Midway through
14352s Primal if if you go off the cliff and
14356s that's an ultimate We're Not Gonna Let
14358s You live it down and your team's
14359s probably not going to be able to live
14360s through this next dragonstrike that
14362s comes through from fun as it is time
14364s still can hold on to the Zen ultimate
14365s hold on to the Bob and have the means of
14367s being able to peel and sustain on the
14368s payload and that High Ground One Bun
14370s tries to use the hands off to clear up I
14372s just don't like the zenyon here it's
14373s like you're just sitting at the back of
14374s that pretty much doing nothing right
14376s it's just hard to get a lot of value in
14378s these fights though the harmony warp
14380s does connect again bun finds by on the
14382s backside over the in the blow ground
14384s actually finds that top pulse bomb and
14386s Bob Lewis the shutdown buns tough to
14388s deal with Alice to also finds Jinx and I
14390s guess bye is just a tank if it's a lamb
14391s at the moment because without Baya
14394s they're just destroying in one excel at
14396s the moment yeah so like you said fire is
14399s at the moment that point of initiation
14402s at nyxl Academy are essentially forced
14404s to go after if they leave the Sun not
14406s only are they leaving so much burst
14408s damage on the board but they're also
14409s leaving Discord on the board and when
14412s you take 25 increase damage from all
14414s sources either is they're not meant to
14416s be durable you have to have an anal line
14418s of sight you may be able to supercharge
14419s up your Nano but you're going to lose
14420s players in the process so long as buyer
14423s because they've won these points these
14424s fights can stick on The High Ground the
14427s forces Academy to using these dive
14429s cooldowns and it means that once the
14431s dive leaves and they've only been able
14433s to pick up the sun we all have the metal
14435s sustainable before we Transcendence
14437s there as well just to prevent a
14439s potential dive there for mics on the
14441s reposition as well
14442s oh my God snozzler 2K Force bomb onto
14447s bull Cal and car amazing from Stars
14450s Lauren MXL side they can't really do
14451s much here bun finds by a two sniper as
14454s well as the rest of nyxl looking to
14456s pressure even more amazing balls
14462s on this double pulse phone kill picked
14465s up the nyxl Academy's Tracer as it will
14468s allow momentum carry through pointy pick
14471s what's up cow taken down late and a
14474s burial are gonna have to give up even
14476s more grains as Bonn is not done once
14479s aboard this Bob throws in the dynamic
14480s field gets a little bit more old charge
14482s and makes it back to the rest of her
14485s team to be able to go unpunished oh hero
14489s with a pulse bomb on the Jinx there
14491s meant that Rally from coming out though
14492s with a cart still pushing forward almost
14494s makes its way around the bend though NYX
14496s Gonna Keep backing up buns totally fine
14498s waiting as they have so much time banked
14500s up in the clock in this third thing
14502s Hollister tries to show up to keep
14510s I've been used as far too good is launch
14514s that card to peel when ethereal actually
14516s decides to commit that was not a boost
14518s in his next fight
14520s the low Ground Forces snozzlar's Recall
14522s now has to back up towards the rest of
14523s the team MXL do have a lot of his
14525s ultimates use that Bob totally he's
14526s going off that High Ground Timeless have
14528s to back up use the Nana boost before
14529s callus early will fall here actually
14531s down so low does get attacked from Maya
14534s there too so sniper's really not able to
14535s find kills just to Zone off the backline
14536s gets left here too and sniper is trying
14539s to force away Cal and the rest of the
14541s backline oven Timeless gives up the life
14543s worth fun it might not matter because
14545s snowball is able to find par Alice who
14547s also fell so they might still have that
14549s advantage and here on the low count
14550s follows the snozzler and like you said
14552s Moxie's nazlars kind of come online at
14554s the moment Cal does trade back Jinx but
14556s loses the life for rmrc also finds Baya
14558s it's just Alice Through to potentially
14559s touch who is trying to build that Primal
14561s Rage but just took a pulse bomb to the
14562s face 98-99 no can't get the Primal Rage
14566s fun there with the follow-up damage make
14569s sure Alison does not pop that the rally
14571s here from bias to try to touch last
14572s second but nyxl will close out have a
14575s minute and 57 seconds in the time bit
14577s it's such important kills that climb
14582s through for nyxl Academy in that fight
14584s you talked about the Primal not coming
14586s online in time here it is
14589s so close off that pulse bomb in the
14592s Tracer 1v1 to at least be able to not
14594s just stick it on the trace a bit stick
14596s it on the cart to be able to allow
14599s Timeless ethereal some time to be able
14601s to regroup and move their forces out of
14604s the spawning on to that objective but
14606s snozzler wins and chunks through that
14609s tries to 1v1 and then gets to continue
14611s chugging that payload further and
14613s further to the finish line and there's
14615s nothing Timeless Superior can do about
14617s it except Conga line right back into the
14620s spawn a little bit faster
14622s and I you know I think a lot of this
14624s also you know for the side of Timeless a
14626s lot of this was because of that zenyana
14628s warbjorn composition right it's like
14630s they tried to run a bit of cheese and it
14632s really didn't work out like the way I
14633s see it is like Zenyatta you talked about
14634s the 25 Discord Urban stuff and the
14636s potential damage output you could do but
14639s the problem with zenyane is a lot like
14640s kind of like a basketball player it
14641s could be kind of shrieky right you
14643s always want that Zenyatta player to be
14644s able to get a lot of damage and be in a
14646s position to frag because otherwise if
14648s you're zanyonis is always the Target
14649s that you're gonna die that zenyatta's
14651s gonna be cold right and you're just like
14653s what just a Discord a Harmony or bot
14655s you're not really getting a lot of value
14657s in my opinion at that point and Timeless
14659s I'm sure aware of that at this point is
14660s there I'm sure on their defense they're
14661s gonna swap away from that oh look at
14663s this pencil that I don't know Excel
14665s Academy set up tennis field do notice
14667s that Paul sends a dynamite to be able to
14669s dislodge tonight
14673s purple and Imperial side no kill picked
14676s up however no point distance as that
14680s payload comes to a stop around the
14682s corner and nrxl Academy just reset that
14685s pencil movement for the next time I'm
14688s surprised that nobody died there in that
14689s little room it's very hard to get some
14691s kills in there I suppose
14692s Timeless still getting that car pectured
14694s for another nade comes through to keep
14695s their tank alive and the Sleep Dart
14697s eventually on that front line meanwhile
14698s Parr
14699s finds donzler now the rest of NY cell
14702s knowing that stars gone have to back up
14703s timeless take this cart space under that
14706s bridge sign will keep him pushing
14708s forward and myself waiting for someone
14709s to come back sniper goes so low but we
14712s back into aramara who's already built up
14713s towards that Nano oh good purple concert
14716s yet again both supports get with that
14719s nade but like he said arimari is so much
14721s close to that Nano sniper just waiting
14723s in position to be able to receive it so
14725s they can go aggressive in that back line
14728s go all the time is now kicking down
14730s that's the ultimate ultimate only
14732s ultimate on the board talents built up
14733s banana on the other side Nano onto
14735s sniper after the jump cooldown comes up
14736s but it slaps it foiled the way as para
14739s is able to find zig's here with the full
14740s spawn with Alice who's Dives able to
14742s find our of Mori and now it's just
14744s sniper here on the cart surely gonna die
14746s there too Timeless will keep pushing it
14748s over time now after capturing for a
14750s space not so he's able to find par but
14752s Timeless do caps draft point a they
14755s needed that they absolutely needed that
14757s because now they can move forward and
14759s play a little bit more aggressive and
14760s take what should be immediate High
14762s Ground access for bun off of the table
14765s yes they don't have the Nano boost but
14767s Alice Lou can actually play a lot more
14768s aggressively outside of Carol's line of
14771s sight because they built up that primal
14774s part make it about to make its way
14776s around this Bend usually this is really
14778s a lot of you see a lot of teams get
14779s stopped in overtime it's very hard to
14781s win fights here with all that positional
14783s disadvantage and Wang sell have that Bob
14786s coming up as well as sniper final waves
14788s soundswater sitting with the force bomb
14789s rally on the low ground they zone out
14791s that pulse buy against the Nana boost
14793s sorry get the rally to stay alive from
14795s that pulse from with snozzler and heroes
14797s there with the peel onto him too or onto
14799s them as well Bayer also finds sniper in
14801s somehow some way in a very unfavorable
14803s position they peel off the pulse bomb
14805s with the rally bun does find par but
14808s Timeless still keep this uh payload
14810s pushing
14815s Academy tried to position on The High
14817s Ground gets knocks onto the low of the
14820s Primal and as a result the payload gets
14822s to continue moving
14824s sniper does having that Primal weight
14826s Jinx also with the rally Timeless can
14828s only have a lot of ultimates looking at
14829s Heroes full spawn to work with in a
14831s moment but he's I bet they're not really
14832s set up in a position that is aggressive
14835s just yet now goes for that Holy Gage out
14838s of the inner forces the rally out pulse
14840s bomb drops under the mini but it's
14841s avoided narrowly from our Moy the Sleep
14843s Dart has wanted to Tracer amazing work
14845s from the backlight of New York Excelsior
14846s Academy Bible rage decipher there as
14849s long to buy to stop this car from
14850s pushing in the Nana boost is on to par
14852s unfortunately it's enough not enough to
14854s keep anything going here Bob also was
14855s hacked by bun and in overtime they're
14858s stopped but that was a very very far
14860s push from Timeless I mean without that
14862s Primal that payload like you mentioned
14864s stay stuck around that first Corner
14866s heading into peace without Primal that
14869s is where it stays on NYX telecoming one
14872s minute 57 seconds literally only have to
14874s win fights on a and just have the
14876s momentum and ultimates to be able to
14878s again position aggressively take the
14880s defensive High Ground away and allow
14883s them to immediately to such a
14885s significant Advantage heading into that
14887s final and most impactful fight but now
14890s now times zephyria have so many areas
14894s that if they lose a player early because
14897s they're playing aggressively to burn
14899s time off of nyxl Academy they have so
14902s many spaces to be able to fall back onto
14904s and regroup
14905s I mean this is gonna be tough for anime
14908s Soul Academy but I obviously they've
14909s done it before I mean we remember how
14911s how fast did they take their attack was
14913s it within two minute time frame Moxie
14915s when they were on their attacking sign
14916s it was it was a little bit slow remember
14919s Bond was initially playing with Sombra
14922s then went on to the Hanzo we were seeing
14925s a lot of sniping and trying to feel out
14928s others positions as well around clock
14930s tower that is going to be a luxury that
14933s my Excel Academy do not get to have they
14935s have under two minutes in the time bank
14937s they have to stick with a composition
14940s that they are going to carry on the rest
14941s of this map with they cannot afford to
14943s reset their ultimate charges
14945s well now on nyxl's attack he signed they
14949s are getting that pillow pushing forward
14951s while more and more is sitting
14953s towards those bells sniper does get the
14955s empty on them early just Alison looking
14958s down below to see if anybody else was
14959s integrated as well comes back up to The
14961s High Ground now a minute and 37 seconds
14963s going for the Internet connects onto the
14966s back line of jinx he was there trying to
14968s find that kill I mean they're committing
14969s their life for it and it works Hira with
14971s the follow-up on the Jinx after Cal's
14973s anti-grenade I like how Timeless is
14975s engaging on those nades but bond does
14978s find here on the low ground I mean you
14980s talk about the bun show really keeping
14981s in wax all in this yeah that choice is
14984s so vulnerable to the ash one top with
14987s the head shot coach that's Dynamite
14989s immediately sends so many of these
14992s members of times the Furious around that
14994s corner around that wall and as a result
14996s sniper has sent Ian try and capitalizes
14998s pushing hulking away the pharaoh's
15000s defense he's trying to bait out that
15002s need early so that anywhere so I can
15003s become use it aggressively because hero
15006s finds fun another antinid set up that
15008s one there's a feral still have to stop
15011s the car from moving but they will be
15013s able to dispatch this attacking team
15015s relatively easily another 40 seconds
15018s left gonna be down to aramori's Nano to
15021s find any movement for an RXL accounting
15023s to work with yeah we're gonna have to
15025s see a bunch of pop-off moment here at
15027s the moment it's like a hero versus bun
15029s show hey it's time for a snozzler to set
15031s up on these flank angles just uh at the
15033s moment looking for the back line early
15035s Nana was still available though the car
15036s under that bridge side Nana was still
15038s there sniper uses the bubble early
15039s armored is looking for the field Alice
15041s through with the Primal Rage to go
15042s coastal try to avoid that Primal waste
15045s cow also finds sniper sniper was a bit
15047s separated from their team now 10 seconds
15049s left will have to come back from the
15050s spawn doors Allison gets to nanobos too
15052s just to keep things going so they have
15054s the Nano Jinx in this fight Primal Rage
15056s from Alice who also has the follow-up
15057s damage onto bun amazing work from the
15060s Winston players so far up timeless
15062s ethereal over time now it takes down
15064s attack will come back from the spawn
15065s tanks will use the rally last second to
15067s keep oramori alive there's nosbar with
15069s the full spawn binds here and that's
15070s that kill you need but Alice who's back
15072s towards that cart finds nonsmar Rally's
15075s still here but sniper gets slept and
15077s into a bob needs to build the final rage
15079s but it might end up like it did in that
15081s street space earlier on Baya finds Jinx
15083s nobody else there to touch too Timeless
15086s will hold on Dorado to go up in this
15089s series two to one oh it's such a good
15092s count to die of coming from timelessly
15094s real too Albert Mori hits that Nano
15096s boost as Cypher Dives in and that should
15100s be the moment that you go for the Nano
15101s right yo Winston's already low you'll
15103s looking to try and build that Primal up
15105s as quickly as possible and what did
15107s Timeless video will do at that exact
15108s moment they send Val Winston in they
15111s sent that Winston and Alice who occupies
15113s the entirety of that screen and our
15116s Amore alongside that Brigida is forced
15118s onto staircases forced onto Coastal side
15120s and out of line outside of that Winston
15122s who immediately gets antenated and
15124s immediately goes down and like you said
15126s the Nana boost then has to fall onto the
15128s Brigida shoulders try and build the
15130s rally it's the only play that nyxl
15132s Academy have available to them because
15134s Timeless field did such a good job of
15137s wrangling that Anna's position
15139s what a series that we have on our hands
15141s guys obviously Timeless you know you
15144s didn't really want that overtime push to
15146s cover sorry not overtime push because
15147s then my Excel didn't have a solid time
15148s bank but it was obviously dicey at the
15150s very end there but you know a lot of
15152s heroics coming through from Cal and the
15154s ransom deal with Hira to it Alison the
15156s Winston at the moment it seems like at
15158s least on the payload map democracy
15159s everybody's kind of coming online for
15162s Timeless I mean you saw the coordination
15164s right that cow would hit that not uh
15166s that Auntie honestly would then jump in
15169s just initially to provide a little bit
15172s of pressure and bait out some of those
15174s abilities posting everyone from nyxl
15176s Academy's composition to split and
15179s Scatter because the Winston has cleave
15181s damage right so it is literally
15182s ingrained into your DNA the winner
15185s Winston Dives you all try and play as
15188s far away from everyone as possible so
15189s you're not contributing to that Primal
15192s Rage and what does that do it plays into
15193s the traces realize because the Tracer is
15196s meant to isolate targets chase them down
15198s one clip them and then recall back to a
15200s position of safety on The High Ground
15202s and that was the chain that we kept
15204s seeing repeated again and again and
15206s again when Timeless soferal had control
15208s of those two high Grand buildings right
15210s in front of the spawn ground for nyxl
15212s Academy once when it happens okay
15214s coincidence but we saw it three times it
15217s is a set play that this team were taking
15218s full advantage of
15220s I in the next map marks you obviously I
15223s think it's gonna be push right so you
15225s know we'll have to see I'm worried
15227s honestly for I thought I'm like so we're
15229s looking good on Mount number one and
15230s obviously he called it like they were
15231s kind of dominating but you know does
15233s what do you think does push kind of
15235s favor the players that play a bit more
15237s you know like Scrappy like you would see
15238s on like uh on control or do you think it
15240s favors a team maybe like Timeless who on
15242s payload maps are looking kind of
15243s Unstoppable at the moment I think it's
15245s all about what push map we actually see
15247s because when you say push Sky boxes come
15250s back in and some of that we didn't
15251s actually get to see on Dorado
15253s interesting enough was the Echo and you
15255s want to go back and talk about why anime
15257s Excel Academy was so dominant on those
15260s control while a lot of it came down to
15262s playing around the echo playing around
15264s bun being able to just zero those
15267s targets down with that being with those
15269s stickies and all of the spam damage to
15271s be able to block off the angles that
15273s Timeless to feel don't get the luxury of
15276s setting up those bait plays where they
15278s were able to sit back and sit on those
15279s angles have Cal being a very defensively
15282s favored position that makes it
15284s incredibly hard to be able to intrude
15285s towards them the echo gets negate all of
15288s that because surprise you can literally
15290s fly over everything and drop down on
15292s their head yeah it's not like on that
15295s note then so I imagine you're thinking
15296s that in my Excel are going to be in a
15298s little bit of a better map for them than
15300s the previous two and you know obviously
15302s if you go to that map number five that
15304s would be huge for my Excel uh because
15306s obviously then we go back to the control
15307s map so it's a lot of things that are
15309s kind of maybe this is their map right
15311s this is the map they need to win
15313s obviously you know not just for the
15314s series itself but you know just for
15316s momentum alone right yeah and it really
15319s is going to come down to which push map
15321s they actually want to take us to I'm
15323s gonna be really surprised if we see
15324s color so I am expecting either
15327s all new Queen straight purely because of
15329s the diversity of conversations that you
15331s can play the echo is favorable if you
15333s want to go towards the trace from the
15335s Sombra you've got it if you want to be
15336s able to pull something Niche out of your
15338s pocket like a sojun which we have seen
15341s these players feel towards when push
15343s comes to shove ironically enough it can
15346s still be incredibly strong as well with
15347s control of The High Ground especially
15349s those really nice early angles to being
15351s able to pick up one of those players as
15353s the team starts to rotate into actually
15355s going into combat you and I are very
15358s very well-hursed it's always a
15361s tragically so and how long push-ups can
15363s really take to actually find a kill it
15366s really does come down to the Mind Games
15367s for a lot of this and just control of
15370s those angles control of those Avenues
15371s and it's something that nyxl Academy
15373s have shown prowess in the past four
15377s yeah this just reminds me of like I mean
15378s obviously it's not out yet but when
15380s Flashpoint hits I mean I'm really
15381s curious to see how that kind of impacts
15383s a lot of these you know first to threes
15384s uh because you know obviously then I
15387s guess instead of control for them if I
15388s mean we'll see Flashpoint and stuff or
15389s even for that map one I mean that's
15391s obviously the way in the future but I'm
15393s just thinking about like how maybe
15394s things will work out uh in the
15396s competitive scene for that now obviously
15398s on push it's kind of been like you said
15400s these Maps can last about 20 freaking
15402s years like at times teams you I will say
15405s they last a long time but you can see
15407s you can see like from the beginning you
15409s know a lot of the times you can say okay
15410s this team is easily favored right
15411s they're already at 90 meters compared to
15413s where the other teams made it like 20
15415s and it seems like they always just make
15416s this setup back for the defensive side
15418s and Esperanto is a map that we see a lot
15420s of that right a lot of the advantage
15422s taken and then immediately did they just
15424s kind of come back and set up at the
15426s defensive hold right yeah hi Grant it is
15428s all about The High Ground uh not more so
15431s like you said done on each parent but we
15433s are potentially going to see one team
15435s actually take a fight win but still not
15439s aggressively push and try for straggle
15441s picks instead they will prioritize being
15444s able to hold those jokes hold the higher
15446s grounds that win these fights next break
15448s out they're in a more favorable position
15450s as opposed to their opponent hmm if you
15453s like this map Moxie I'll put you on the
15455s spot you like us put on sure do you
15456s think this map is uh what's your what is
15459s is your favorite out of the push map
15461s series I'll rephrase it that way so I
15462s don't really ruin the hot scene too much
15464s if you'd like to snap more than you know
15465s new Queen Street Coliseum I mean it's
15468s it's better than coliseo I don't know
15470s whether I prefer or not to new Queen
15474s Street New Queen Street has a lot of
15476s flank angles there's a lot of these
15478s really annoying staircases in the
15480s hallways and the high grounds that you
15481s have to keep an eye out for but each
15483s bronzer kind of Trades it to be a map of
15487s two extremes it can feel incredibly open
15489s where you look at where this first fight
15491s takes pardon but anywhere else on this
15494s map just feels so claustrophobic and
15496s again that really does just highlight
15498s how important it is that you win these
15501s fights so that you have that ability to
15504s be able to position yourselves before
15506s the next fight begins so you're never
15508s going to be on an angle that's easy to
15511s take advantage of for something like a
15512s tracer or if we do you see at the echo
15514s ah interesting points uh you know or you
15518s could have said the cop-out answer that
15519s you know you don't like all of them you
15520s know that's like a cop-out answer that's
15522s probably more of a Negative Nancy answer
15524s isn't it Okay the reason I love this map
15526s so much is because I literally just lock
15528s Farah and play around oh my clock tower
15532s Lander concursive drop down onto bridge
15535s two tap for hit scan and then move on to
15537s the rest of the team still fine he's a
15538s fire teaser she's a far abuser cat she's
15541s a pharah abuser oh my God I can't
15544s believe it I can't believe I'm casting
15546s with a fire abuser right now
15548s oh Jesus manly like okay all right Moxie
15550s I appreciate you uh coming out like that
15553s you know coming coming and admitting to
15555s your demons uh the Demons of other
15557s people I guess because definitely like
15558s it's not fun planning against a good
15560s Pharaoh player like you said with that
15561s knows how to use that cover and in this
15562s series Moxie I think we've seen a lot of
15564s echo you know on both sides and you know
15566s I think we see a lot of pharaoh players
15568s play both characters right uh do you
15570s think that obviously the heroes are a
15572s bit limited for both bun
15574s um and Par at the same time but like
15576s obviously you think that they probably
15577s you think they would they translate well
15579s over to potentially even being Pharaoh
15580s players maybe expanding that hero pool
15583s to be a bit larger oh
15587s Havana attack versus good boys on uh I
15590s believe it was Major one the difference
15592s in why both of these teams are walking
15594s towards the echo is that it means far
15597s less resources taken away from the rest
15599s of your team right if you're running the
15601s far you have to run the mercy if you're
15603s running the echo well not only do you
15605s not need the mercy for survivability
15606s because you have that ability with your
15608s shift and also being able to vary up
15610s your speed and descent based on how long
15613s you will spacebar or not you also have
15616s the damage potential to be able to just
15619s go through these squishies incredibly
15621s quickly as opposed to the pharah who
15624s relies so heavily on the damage boost
15627s and also I mean to add on to that too
15628s you know every Echo referral player that
15630s requires the mercy pocket automatically
15632s giving its defeat they're the worst Echo
15634s player right if the one only if you're
15636s the echo player that uses the brig not
15638s the mercy I mean you're just a better
15639s player dare you to to tweet at Lambda
15642s and and say that he's oh I've already
15644s said it
15646s trust me that's what I said about yazan
15648s in World Cup I was like you know he's
15649s they're playing Echo without that mercy
15652s and you know what okay here's the shovel
15654s his a lovely patch of dirt I'll I'll let
15658s you continue digging yourself
15662s so a lovely discussion Dustin has turned
15666s into Ash as it is the choices of
15668s remember instead you know what Santa
15670s talking is diamonds just count so far
15671s right obviously anti grenade connects on
15674s to the back line of nyxl forcing to
15676s already give up that robot first I mean
15677s within the first the first 42nd Timeless
15679s take some good positioning bun goes to
15681s the hack on the cow and looks to the
15683s diaper to sleep
15684s on car is there I mean
15687s anything more I'm talking about calabit
15689s too much but
15691s they've just been playing so well in
15692s this series his hero connects on the
15694s ball snysler and sniper and Timeless
15696s will win for his quite handling I mean
15699s summer is not traditionally the go-to
15701s peel Avenue but sure that definitely
15704s works power coming in for the backup not
15707s I think that Raquel needed it but it
15709s always does
15711s uh good to be able to make sure that
15713s your honor will be able to survive here
15714s has already got a pull spot
15716s has been an absolute Menace in nyxl
15720s accounting's backline as you can see the
15722s fly check come through just make sure
15723s that Bond doesn't get lost
15725s you talked about earlier also we've seen
15727s on broadcast when you hear this plays so
15728s well Alice who is well with the dive
15730s onto sniper shut them out early I mean
15732s no Excel look like they're collapsing oh
15734s not again one got slapped again he's
15738s typing he tells typing as well they're
15740s they're typing the channel I saw that
15742s for a second I think
15745s 100 hit up the match yeah
15749s oh they got the checkpoint too I mean
15751s this is gonna be rough mentally for
15753s nwank so how came through onto hero hero
15755s maybe baiting the hack out by AFK
15757s towards the robot for just a moment
15760s bubble use early buy sniper here too so
15762s that cooldown remove Alice who gets
15764s answered in though so that's a lot of
15765s pressure removed ask the backup get some
15767s heels here still waiting with that bull
15768s spawner to go Cal goes to the Nate down
15769s below does not hit it Nana boost
15771s available over the top they go over to
15773s the back Alice who goes does get the
15774s flail up into the sky though for a
15776s second but Jinx bubbled the way trying
15778s to find the kill as Alice too but as
15779s long as alzu doesn't die here they're
15781s distracting both of the supports of nyxl
15784s making so that snozzbar goes so low he
15787s needs some support down ace to the one
15789s HP the dive comes through hack
15791s eventually there from sniper as well
15792s perfect dive on to Cal right above them
15795s sniper also finds Maya too so the
15797s supports are moved and nyxl finally
15799s reclaimed that robot so that is the
15801s problem when you have a nano to Winston
15803s pressuring the back line and it doesn't
15805s actually find two kills you are playing
15808s into aramori building up the none of us
15811s so even though the Internet connects on
15812s to jinx and forces the breakup of the
15814s angle our Mori is still able to land
15817s banana piece on the fighter and send
15819s them sure foreign
15849s with EMP snipers able to find Cal too
15852s nice engage with EMP there from nyxl
15856s still trying to get some more robot
15857s position to reclaim that Advantage
15859s you're up just making it harder and
15862s works are coming to be able to consider
15864s this High Ground ledge their own as the
15866s snipers going to have to try and spy
15868s Jack so both para and Hira playing
15870s around there so do know that there is
15872s going to be a Recon test to come from
15874s however it's immediately get shredded
15877s with a sniper my man then is accurate
15881s this knife is their own star Tracer
15883s however Thomas Superior see that no one
15885s else other than nxl Academy sniper are
15888s actually committed to trying to take
15889s down fighting as a result objective
15892s moves away from those early response by
15893s NFL Academy
15895s all right before the polls still waiting
15896s over the top Timeless reclaim the robot
15899s to have to be aware aware of snozzler
15901s over the top two the double pocket still
15903s available for snozzpar here so I could
15905s easily go for that duel if they need to
15907s immediately pulls Palmer to go connects
15909s on davia before the rally could even be
15911s used amazing force from stanzlar again
15913s has been so good zero though does trade
15915s back sniper though snozzler has found
15917s Heroes so after that pulse bomb came
15919s through they immediately traded their
15921s life for it too as long as snazzler is
15923s alive it seems like nyxl are in a solid
15925s spot the Animus engage come through a
15927s hack onto Alice too but the Sleep dark
15929s onto the brigitta of jinx forces aramore
15931s to use the Nano and Mike's I want to
15933s keep moving forward sasler again make
15934s that three with some support from the
15936s Brigitte in the back line of nyxl they
15938s keep this robot pushing forward and
15940s claim that checkpoint yeah really good
15942s usage of those blanks coming for from
15944s snozzler able to land behind by a land
15946s that pulls one right onto the brake
15948s spine through that Shield to stop the
15950s rally from coming for a play even more
15952s pressure than onto Allison who's the
15953s only one who can try and keep the
15954s ejector in Shaq forcing and bailing out
15957s that now because early so aramori can
15959s send it on to jinx to keep everyone's
15961s oligarmy pressuring around that logo of
15963s the loose nozzle they still don't have
15966s the advantage in terms of distance
15968s pushed are you up as they even denied
15970s original resources as EMP comes through
15973s everybody trying to do everything they
15975s can to be able to come up in terms of
15977s the distance but it's going to have to
15979s be a fight win for the amount that
15981s they've committed into
15983s they commit the rally two armor is still
15984s purple eventually it'll uh go off but
15987s Jinx gets Dallas too and and we're still
15989s doing a great job fighting around the
15990s spot you know reclaim that robot going
15992s near that checkpoint to take that
15994s Advantage they're looking for a tracer
15996s or somebody here they find the song But
15997s first they had the hack ready to go and
15998s they're able to find the kill on the par
16000s knowing that hack was going to come
16001s through because Carl was gonna went
16002s alive and now the rally has to be popped
16004s by by they really don't want to give up
16005s this positioning but it's not as far
16006s with a pulse bomb connects and Nyx I'll
16009s take the advantage with four minutes
16011s left to go
16012s amazing work from nyxel Academy
16016s coming through from bond to deny apart
16018s from being able to pop that EMP as well
16020s and nyxl Academy have been able to take
16023s the lead in terms of distance as well as
16025s access those early spawns and when
16026s you're running such mobile heroes you're
16029s going to be into these fights incredibly
16030s quickly as targets find out trying to
16033s creep through Ali to set the CMP up as a
16035s result our remote he's gonna know
16036s exactly where the Sombra is to position
16039s out of line of sight and use the Nano to
16041s peel or whoever gets hit that's just
16044s unfortunately a bit greedy from Bond on
16046s the left side is found horse still
16048s waiting the EMP has to back up though
16049s really far away in fact then snozzler
16051s finds era meanwhile because car is
16054s fairly far away from the fight and now
16055s the rest of Nyx sodas continue this
16058s press before nice sleep on this Nosler
16060s from Cal but is the follow-up damage
16061s there doesn't look like a sanzo just
16062s wakes up after a short half sniper finds
16065s par two is continuing the price of Nyx
16067s all the final wage it seems like nyxl
16069s has found their footing with the kill on
16071s the cow yeah the fact that smells like
16073s get slapped actually works in nyxl
16075s Academy's favor because
16078s of snipers Primal and as a result they
16080s get a better Target they take down par
16082s with the EMP still in pocket bun is
16085s about to lap part in Ultimate charge
16089s still waiting with that EMP in a moment
16092s par on the left side looking towards the
16094s Anna bergita does get the EMP off and
16096s also finds Jinx there in that engage I
16100s don't know if he had a lot of she had a
16101s lot of ball damage there but Jinx is
16103s removed now time was trying to continue
16106s on forward but they're all a little bit
16107s low need a little bit of healing Baya
16109s does find sniper but now has to back up
16111s but the forward spawns are here for
16113s Newark
16125s back
16132s they both tracers really coming online
16133s on this map as prawns is a great Tracer
16136s map so they're able to find with that
16137s Primal Rage then might stop knowing
16138s ultimates for committed just gonna back
16140s up temporarily
16143s is going to be the clutch moment if bun
16145s can pull off this EMP and Jinx is able
16148s to follow up with an aggressive rally
16150s and RXL Academy are going to clean house
16153s ready with that rally
16155s what's the car here is pushing it bun
16157s still waiting with the EMP been in this
16159s position many times before so maybe
16161s Timeless sort of aware of that want to
16163s play it a bit passive I'm trying to
16164s avoid the EMP of buns so New York doing
16167s that now try to back up a bit still set
16169s up on the left side ready to go on the
16171s low ground hack now comes now they know
16172s where that Sombra is they poke out bun
16174s try to force the translocator but bun
16176s knowing they don't want to use the
16177s translocator just tries to get some
16178s healing back now under recall used from
16181s here they're in that fight one now wants
16183s to go through the main side instead
16184s understanding the left angle's not that
16185s great EMP connects on the three though
16188s the rally and Nana were there to counter
16190s it so what's on to Alice who can now go
16192s for that count to Diamond jumps in the
16194s air knowing nyxl or looking at pressure
16195s then bun goes so low
16198s has to try to regroup with the rest of
16200s their team Timeless buildup towards that
16201s pulse bomb here it has gotten it but the
16203s counter dive now from steinforce another
16205s boost does have that Primal Rage as well
16207s just the second will use it there in
16209s that fight trying to find some value at
16212s the final needs to have some fantastic
16213s mechanics but the rest of the back line
16216s of Timeless are doing a great job just
16217s peeling it off pars there with the EMP
16218s in just a second the rally there for New
16220s York but it's cool spawned by Hira para
16223s is here with the EMP after they've lost
16224s Cal and Byron so pack line removed
16227s though they've gotten rid of sniper they
16229s can continue this forward if Timeless
16230s gets some kills here this would be great
16232s but they're so low with no support from
16234s the back line in no time left six meters
16237s left to go or sorry 10 meters left to go
16239s in three seconds on the clocks Northstar
16241s finds Hira there were no heals available
16243s par will touch but gets answering it so
16245s has to back up but just alisu
16247s desperately trying to build towards that
16248s primer rage just has by here because
16250s they have the forward spawns they have
16252s regrouped but they have to keep touching
16254s Alison loses their life because of it
16255s it's just Baya that's going to be able
16257s to touch but they don't have any in that
16259s front line pressure no Prime rage is
16260s here buy it doesn't have to go to touch
16262s to separate from their team but no other
16264s support here for Timeless ethereal NYX I
16266s want to close it out it's just par with
16268s agrita they do have the rally they're
16270s able to find Bond but the pulse from
16271s snozzler they've been on fire so far in
16274s this match sniper and Jinx combined for
16276s two and then wax so it closed on an
16278s Esperanza to bring us to map five the
16280s top okay focus again Allison 94 to
16283s Primal if we see them actually get to
16287s pop that Primal and really set in motion
16290s that rally coming through Timeless offer
16294s with those faster and closer respawns
16297s probably would have been able to shift
16299s the fight in that favor given that the
16302s free that happened before that overtime
16304s push is every single person Panic
16307s throwing in an ultimate to try to
16309s guarantee for an Alexa Academy as I'm
16311s trying to hold on to that distance
16312s Advantage because we can see how close
16314s that objective is in exceeding the
16317s distance that they've been able to set
16319s up from the other end for Timeless
16321s inferior they're the ones thinking if we
16323s can continue applying this pressure and
16325s finding these kills from these ultimates
16327s then we're going to be able to win the
16329s fight we're going to have enough plays
16331s to be able to hold her on him objective
16333s and we're finally going to be able to
16335s exceed the distance but the target Focus
16338s coming through the sustainability the in
16340s positioning from nyxl Academy in that
16343s second last fight allow them to smoothly
16346s regroup without losing the pillars of
16349s the backline and as a result when
16352s Timeless zephyria will try and regroup
16353s for that overtime push trying to build
16356s and stop final desperately that denied
16360s it entirely and Dustin the series
16363s continues
16365s man number five coming up and Foxy do
16369s you think it's it's fair to say even you
16371s know both these tracers play well but in
16373s particular if it's not far is it fair to
16374s say Smalls was finally online or was
16376s that more of uh the fact that Esperance
16378s is a great Tracer amount it's a wasn't
16380s just the traces it was the honors
16382s aramori was coming in with kills in that
16385s second to last fight and I have to talk
16387s about it I have to load Cal's Praises
16390s that push where they know that bun has
16393s the EMP and they are literally just not
16395s pushing through Archway they're buying
16398s time for the Nanos to be available you
16401s see that the rally is available too and
16404s everyone is just waiting to be able to
16406s move forward with buns EMP into that
16408s aggressive rally to be able to wash over
16410s time the several but the second that
16412s burns EMP hits Cal hits the Nana boost
16415s onto the Winston and everyone from nyxl
16418s Academy makes the correct call to
16420s disengage a bike turn and tactfully
16423s Retreat giving up the EMP giving up the
16427s private position and allowing time with
16430s the pharaoh to almost push nyxl Academy
16433s to the absolute Brink both of these
16436s honors are playing absolutely out of the
16439s park
16440s map number five coming up we'll have to
16442s see after short break who takes it be
16444s right back in just a second
16458s foreign
16464s [Music]
16483s [Music]
16511s thank you
16525s foreign
16528s [Music]
16546s [Music]
16560s [Applause]
16561s [Music]
16567s [Applause]
16571s thank you
16601s [Music]
16607s foreign
16607s [Music]
16630s welcome back everybody we are in an
16633s incredibly intense matchup of the
16635s radiant major we have such a great
16638s series between nyxl Academy and Timeless
16640s ethereal Moxie we're going to the map
16642s number five and the other four Maps
16644s previous have really been so close
16647s surprised we didn't
16648s we didn't first control Point get to see
16650s all three but other than that like you
16652s said it has been incredibly close
16654s overtime push we've got to see back to
16657s back pushes as well on Dorado where they
16659s had two rounds nombani was such a nail
16663s biter as well really going down to the
16665s wire of whether or not teams would be
16667s able to full push all the way through
16669s and now just like time is the circle
16672s we're right back where we started it's
16674s another control map in no surprises it's
16677s not going to be Li Shang it's going to
16680s be Oasis another map where you could
16683s potentially roll towards something like
16684s that Echo alongside a Winston and a
16687s tracer but that's most likely going to
16689s be if we had someone like City Center
16691s the likes of university is going to be a
16694s lot of flanks a lot of Tracer a lot of
16696s Sombra potentially a little bit of raw
16699s matcha we haven't really got to see him
16702s come through just yet I don't believe
16703s Kindred has been stopped in however so I
16706s would be very doubtful if we do see any
16708s movement away from the Winston yeah
16711s you're 100 right I mean the Winston
16713s seems to be the hard lock at the moment
16715s just to kind of Mainstay in The Meta I
16716s mean how long how long has this been
16718s metaphor Moxie this like Sombra Tracer
16720s Winston kind of set up it's been like
16722s like six months nearly now almost the
16724s most a year I mean like how long has it
16726s been and it feels like it it feels
16728s however like we've seen a little bit
16729s more of a movement away from the Winston
16731s towards the diva purely because of just
16734s how strong defense Matrix can be and
16736s also like being able to just deny
16739s antonates and sleep dots the Winston
16742s unfortunately having to expend a much
16744s larger cooldown of that bubble and when
16747s you're in Primal you are just one of the
16749s biggest hitboxes if not the biggest
16750s hitbox in game actually I wonder this
16753s Winston's Primal hip-hop's bigger than
16754s rematch's nemesis
16756s rubber band right it must be he's got
16758s more he's got more meat on his bones
16760s whereas her Mantra is just kind of like
16761s a robot right yeah he's kind of like the
16763s hulking shoulders
16764s yeah yeah he's got big big big boulder
16767s shoulders big big dealts that Death Star
16770s don'ts uh meanwhile Timeless still
16772s locking that and no weight mocking no
16774s okay
16777s sniper it's a sniper there's no Kindred
16779s if Kindred was on the board I would
16781s maybe expect to see that romantra but it
16784s is just gonna be that mirror dive to
16786s come through and we've seen both of
16787s these wins since really putting on a
16789s good show being able to pressure the arm
16791s and deny a lot of the line of sight as
16793s well to be able to sustain the other
16794s side as there it is again bubble
16796s immediately to block playing on the side
16799s push it with that hack alongside nyxl
16802s Academy sniper having to play so much
16804s more possibly and allowing time to
16806s surveill full control
16808s Timeless still sitting above heck
16811s available
16812s for par they actually didn't like slow
16815s just kind of rotating all the way around
16816s the point sniper's still sitting above
16817s that pillar side looking to get that
16820s Ringgit dropping oh the made into flail
16823s engaged with perfect car and buy them
16826s both just fall immediately to the new
16828s ranking South Sierra Academy backline
16830s but Maury and Jenks and they claim that
16832s point fast sometimes you know
16836s in a hit it's a little it's a little bit
16838s like below right you're trying to dodge
16840s and move around all of these movements
16843s and damages coming out around you and
16845s you're not able to talk out of the nade
16847s and you got spotted out and again like
16849s so much of this dive hinges on power
16851s being in that forward position chunking
16853s these targets down denying sniper the
16856s ability to either be able to drop a
16857s bubble or jump back to the rest of that
16860s team well right the Sombra the dive goes
16862s off in spark
16864s hard just kind of looking for
16866s that dive in the low ground MXL rotate
16868s to the main side and Nate comes through
16870s onto aramore and the hack is there from
16872s par perfect engagement from them on the
16875s re-engage diet from Timeless ethereal
16877s now with that they get to kind of push
16879s forward to that point take the objective
16880s the bun comes back for Parr able to find
16883s that SOB onto the side I mean Bud's been
16885s playing so far better than par in that
16887s somber matchup hero with the full song
16889s trying he loves to sleep Dart from Cal
16891s but no the follow-up damage isn't there
16893s he ever does is able to take the mini
16894s health pack drop the pulse bomb as well
16896s on the Jinx with just practice that
16898s skilled up does block it though as LSU
16900s eventually will find Jinx and claim that
16902s point bang and also has the Primal
16905s Thomasville finally able to find the
16907s flip for the nyxl Academy stalling took
16909s 57 folding up an EMP for this next fight
16913s as well which they're going to be able
16915s to use to burn out that's not numbers
16917s from pal and then they have just the
16919s ultimate economy in their favor response
16921s sets up the translocator
16924s in her size just decides when she wants
16927s to pack to reveal herself and there it
16928s is
16932s Nano themselves this isn't death match
16935s and as a result Beyond is gone
16938s and removed immediately by as well will
16940s be found by bun with sniper's number
16942s right perfect engage from the New York
16944s Excelsior side just after after the EMP
16947s in Primal range claimed the objective
16949s again Paul's gonna have to do the exact
16951s same upon just now the problem is that
16954s there's an extra hoop to jump through
16956s and that is that Jinx has the rally so
16958s your EMP calm just down to the Anna to
16961s be able to get saved by that Nano you
16964s have to hit the brick at the same time
16968s by Cal immediately removes them with the
16971s pulse bomb
16972s with that in the Rick salskirt also use
16974s the Nana boost too onto sniper though
16976s abilities to flash her off Timeless
16977s we're trying to regroup for this last 15
16979s percent and when Excel want more but
16981s won't find the necessarily this back up
16983s give time with some space pop still has
16986s that EMP but it's not even doing such a
16988s good job with that coil of trying to
16990s check this on this location Paul with
16992s that jump we'll be able to land onto the
16995s break and the Anna but doesn't use the
16997s NP until just now and the rally had come
16999s through but the target Focus from also
17001s followed up is there the backline is
17003s gone I'm superior and I just need to
17005s clean up
17007s they're doing so quite well sniper does
17009s get them any health packs but in Alice
17011s who actually gets pressured off so they
17013s get cleaned up a little bit however
17014s Alice who kind of has to be careful
17016s because both support ultimates were used
17018s to Timeless and all they got is that
17020s pulse bombs gonna sit up down on the EMP
17021s yeah like you said no way of peeling you
17025s don't have Primal you don't have Nano
17027s nor do you have rally it is now going to
17030s be on spy check or an early killed
17031s comfort from Hero's pulse
17033s you're waiting though actually just
17035s looking for the peel first
17036s surprisingly bun setting up that EMP
17038s just connects onto Cal and LSU and here
17041s actually so EMP connects and here it
17044s goes solo down to when he speak he does
17046s have the heels here snipers pressured
17047s out
17048s objective almost reclaimed by an nyxl
17050s but time was there to touch it and
17052s Michael's actually the one in terms of
17054s the health disadvantage of the most not
17056s great via found snazzler as well with
17058s the flail amazing work from the brigitta
17060s of Timeless also disrupt the jump of
17062s sniper down incredibly low armored
17065s definitely trying to build that Nana
17066s boost 87 the board time was still
17068s proclaiming objective time sniper also
17070s oh my God what a pulse bomb from here on
17073s to aramori with 90 on the board now
17075s crime rage from Alice Sue on the Jinx
17077s two sending them towards the cars will
17079s just finally kill them as well no Anna
17081s there or brigitta please start from the
17083s caliber too just to continue their
17086s current Advantage sniper out of the
17087s Primal Rage will have to come through to
17089s touch the point Bonn also gets anti
17090s translocates away snazzler touches the
17093s objective sniper gets the Nana but with
17094s no jump cooldown doesn't get a lot of
17096s value also flailed the way Cal found
17098s snazzler earlier on this is really rough
17101s for nyxl Sniper goes so low eventually
17103s found overtime picks down the predicta
17106s of jinx tried to touch the objective
17108s against the EMP and Nano tough to live
17110s in that situation Timeless take round
17112s one time
17113s Tom's such a good team at understanding
17115s when they have any opportunity to be
17118s able to pick apart your timing and
17119s momentum and just disrupts it
17123s entirely like they are just the
17127s butterfly effect it's probably the best
17129s way I would Define it right they see how
17131s Excel Academy on an attempted
17133s disengagement immediately hero goes in
17136s with the pulse bomb lands on to aramari
17138s and you think okay maybe that's going to
17139s be the amount of pressure that they use
17141s they're gonna pull back obviously then
17143s commits the Primal and Thomas if you'll
17145s just continue shelving these ultimates
17148s onto nyxl Academy shoulders until the
17150s wind is just too much to bear and the
17152s team topple before it all what it's now
17154s we're headed to Gardens this is where
17156s the dive can still be pretty potent and
17158s once again it's going to come down to
17160s the ultimate arms race who is going to
17162s be able to hit the Nano boost or the EMP
17164s faster than the other side
17167s and white Soul takes that High Ground
17169s has sniper set up above meanwhile are
17171s coming towards that hookah side
17173s looking to pressure Alice Through from
17175s the inside angle time was taking a bit
17177s of a you know direct approach from the
17179s main different than a lot of teams like
17181s to go on the inside Adrian it comes
17182s through and no sleep start to save from
17184s snozlow who comes through and takes out
17186s by early on perfect HP from our Amore
17189s rig meanwhile Cal has to peel off down a
17192s person in this fight looks to peel off
17194s that tracer on the left side they
17196s actually have to give that point early
17197s because of the early pick on a
17198s biobs trying to build this Nano as
17201s quickly as possible using that Anthony
17202s try and just zone out any of the stars
17205s that come through from NY Telecom
17206s because like you said Thomas to feel on
17209s in a position you see a lot of teams
17210s voluntarily take normally they want to
17212s have Diana on The High Ground where she
17213s is Untouchable so they go on the logo
17216s and makes it so much easier for Academy
17218s to be able to formulate a dive and
17221s collapse that onto any of the space and
17223s it tries to hold down it smells like
17225s such a monopoly of this face
17227s and the pulse I'm just such a fast pulls
17229s from build snipers there onto par two
17231s sadly for Park really not able to get a
17233s lot of lot done so far in the Sombra
17235s meanwhile here to track down by snozzler
17238s two and I mean NYX all looking amazing
17240s in this round so far is so clean too
17243s with these one clips into the melee
17245s blink to be able to finish off our mark
17247s this is the position we were talking
17249s about with the Anna absolutely
17250s Untouchables and there it is Cal jumps
17253s away from the pulse bomb directly into
17256s the line of fire of aramore who comes
17259s work I mean we haven't talked about
17260s armor wheel that much this series but
17261s they've been playing incredibly well on
17263s their own right now looking for some of
17265s the board frosting that 15 is a huge
17268s deal for nyxl they built up the EMP 80
17271s for bun meanwhile Timeless trying to
17273s just stay alive right that is fighting
17277s should I live in terms of just tracking
17280s their ultimate charge here is 99 on
17283s false from Paris you have to hit an EMP
17285s and Cal only just got that for a snap
17289s and they go for the Nano engage sniper
17291s gets slept at least but without par in
17293s this fight it's gonna be tough here's
17294s gonna have to hit a clutch
17295s full spawn but Bonnet sniper combined
17298s his sleep Dart earlier came through from
17299s aramore I mean I almost have to reset
17301s again with 85 of the board if they lose
17303s any more members here this is Rob Alison
17305s with the Primal race maybe tries to find
17306s a kill here it does connect the pulse
17308s pump with the EMP on LS2 makes them lose
17310s their life sniper finds that trade onto
17313s aramore after they lost him 96 Now cal
17316s onto that Lucio desperation hours for
17318s Timeless they try to touch through Cal
17320s eventually gets Tracked Down by sniper
17322s the Tracer has to recall earlier on and
17324s EMP eventually for par but it might it
17327s just doesn't even matter at this point
17329s anyway so what a dominant round number
17330s two yeah again it really does just pull
17332s it down an imbalance of positioning
17334s right the fact that NYX all Academy were
17336s able to immediately position themselves
17338s onto the higher ground and there was no
17341s contest coming for her from time was the
17344s first it felt like they sort of saw the
17346s logo and one yeah okay will settle for
17348s this and it just impacted every single
17351s fight afterwards they never really got a
17353s full reset because snoresla Bond sniper
17357s we're just picking apart those players
17360s mid rotation before they got any
17362s opportunity to contest the higher ground
17364s or launch Alice Through into a dive
17365s position
17367s now Timeless we'll see if they you know
17369s do you think I missed anything up here
17370s it looks like they might run that
17371s ramatra
17372s yeah Power on the hand oh the reaper
17374s here on the may also like you said going
17377s to be on the remote which forces Cal
17379s onto that Baptiste to be able to use
17382s things like the Metallica but also the
17384s and Matrix to set their mattress primary
17386s oh those projectiles really good main
17388s look oh wow why is the value they were
17392s looking for it's not even having to use
17393s that jump early it was going to be
17395s incredibly vulnerable as bio just gets
17396s to hunt them down and Timeless of burial
17398s take that point as and also look at me
17401s they're forced to just give up that
17403s first fight give up the first control
17405s and swap to mirror I did I don't think
17408s they expected Timeless to run that maybe
17410s they maybe they thought the honorable
17411s mirror would come out but Timeless you
17414s know make takes that uh early aggression
17417s with the Ramada also they dive early on
17419s a sniper who dies immediately before the
17421s lamp was even used Mara Mori and this is
17423s why you have to be flexible in one of
17424s these fights eventually they lose Cal
17425s but you know we have to be able to you
17427s know change Heroes mid-series
17430s that is
17432s if you know that there's a Lucio still
17435s around but this is the importance again
17437s of positioning because time is superior
17439s already had the point in their favor
17440s they get to utilize choke so every
17442s single time the nyxl academy walk
17444s through that choke they're walking into
17446s here or being able to rule one of them
17447s or not there it is again
17449s oh but one hits the shot on the buyer
17452s while riding over the top angle sniper
17454s also finds oh what a shot from Bon
17456s earlier on eventually Allison surely
17459s will fall too nyxl maybe just need a
17461s little bit of a warm-up on this
17463s composition as they reclaim the
17465s objective eventually to kill that
17466s Baptiste in May reclaim the point
17469s that is the thing that can Trump pry
17471s positioning being able to
17474s look and that is what fun has been doing
17476s every single match that she has played
17478s so far Rockets up to that Dragon strikes
17481s to be able to zone out Thomas the
17483s Pharaoh when they have the ant Matrix
17484s this aramari does have one of her own to
17486s be able to contest it too walk in
17489s Timeless does but against that Dragon
17490s strikes to be tough lamp used early
17492s while here is one Alice too does have
17494s that lamp though over the May wall great
17497s work to avoid that bold amplification
17499s Matrix come out sniper finds one Nosler
17501s points two immortality caps nyxl healthy
17505s as well don't even have to use any more
17506s besides just the annihilation I mean
17508s perfect alt engage from them to work
17511s their way up to 40 on the board Thomas
17513s several the second that they know that
17514s nyxl Academy still have the lamp and
17516s they're going to be able to win the
17517s fight off of it they call for a fast
17519s reset and they only use amplification
17522s Matrix they have every overall smut
17526s available to them in this next fight
17527s Schnauzer has to learn such a good
17529s zoning blizzard to be able to deal
17531s either with hear his own or Alice's
17534s annihilation
17535s they just run all the way in but it's
17538s all perfect into the maywall in the
17540s blizzard and connects onto everybody the
17542s reaper ultimate on the back for the
17543s death Blossom from par could be decent
17546s enough but unfortunately shut down by
17547s its Nosler eventually it's not really
17549s traded up by Cal though so it's a one
17550s for one hero Falls incredibly low
17552s meanwhile Alice who has to locate
17554s towards that point by of the rotation
17555s perfect from Timeless even though
17557s snazzler's blizzard was big
17558s unfortunately he makes him off to the
17560s damage output really wasn't there bun
17562s does find Cal Allison will eventually
17564s come through and find bun sniper does
17566s trade back hura but they're really low
17568s on this point just this Lucio and
17570s romantra on both sides back and forth
17572s the wall here as well as to defends a
17574s lot of the damage from Alice Through who
17575s now goes aggressive but no kills just
17578s the point in the favor of Timeless and
17580s white silver regrouped they're all here
17582s they got four members almost five
17584s waiting to come back now a maywall on
17586s the back side Alice who can't make it
17587s through it in fact Falls before the
17589s immortality field was there snozzler
17590s amazing work to find LSU with the NY
17593s close front line annihilate Jason
17594s engages to make sure this fight really
17596s ends up a victory for them nobody else
17598s here for Timeless Justice Hanzo to touch
17601s 98 99 overtime will take down Allison
17604s can't touch on the wrecking ball in a
17606s sec but gets booped away in overtime the
17608s May chance even touch either on the
17610s flank and nyxl will win over Timeless in
17613s the upper bracket well Helen's face may
17615s be the one that launched the fires and
17617s ships but snozzles blizzard is the one
17619s that Fates so so many ultimates from
17622s Timeless apparial site it just capsizes
17624s their ultimate economy the blizzard the
17627s war the fact that we saw so much that
17629s Thomas had available to them literally
17632s having to be invested to be able to stop
17634s those kills from being picked off of
17636s just how good that blizzard was land
17638s comes out Annihilation comes out death
17640s Blossom on top of it comes out countable
17642s as it comes out and as a result they
17645s need to win the fight immediately when
17646s you commit that heavily into a fight you
17648s have to win it and stop that stall stop
17651s that stagger because if it goes too long
17653s in our Excel Academy can literally
17655s regroup and come in of ultimate
17656s advantage and overpower you that way and
17658s that's exactly what we saw happen and
17661s only Excel Academy override history find
17664s the win against Timeless ethereal and
17667s are going to be able to continue in the
17669s offer half of this major too
17671s we got amazing work from them and you
17673s know that was a close series I'm really
17674s interested to see how you know the likes
17677s of Timeless bounce back in that lower
17679s bracket obviously the punch their ticket
17680s to the Grand finals is huge and they
17682s look really good doing so much you
17684s talked about I mean overall seems like
17685s they're a good team at the moment tough
17687s to beat them uh and obviously you know
17690s what the with the upside of having fun
17691s pretty much in any hero it seems like
17694s they just have a lot of the heroes in
17696s the current meta that uh really enable
17698s them to get the win yeah every single
17701s one of them had really clutch memories
17703s but that Turning Point the fact that
17705s they lost their first fight on
17708s University by miscalling the composition
17710s that they would want interviews and
17711s other had to give a birth control had to
17714s go back to school and swap sniper onto
17717s that ramatra bun comes along finds that
17720s kill scales the Hanzo wall and opens the
17723s fight up for the rest of her team and
17726s that is where they're able to offset
17727s that positioning advantage that's
17730s available for Timeless referral that
17731s they would have been able to use to
17733s cycle through so many of those fights be
17736s one-sided build up ultimate charges well
17738s on the other side nrxl Academy have to
17740s scrounge for any scrap that they can
17742s such a deserving win for such a strong
17744s team
17745s he had a very close series too I mean
17747s I'm really gonna see who makes it to
17749s that grand finals office we got some
17750s more matches ahead of us and we are
17752s setting up an interview I think with uh
17754s one of the victors from nyxl Academy
17757s because I'm curious to see I mean we
17759s have so many questions for them
17760s obviously Moxie I think that that Series
17762s in particular was super super close I
17764s imagine you know a lot of the a lot of
17766s the anxiety a lot of the pressure
17767s finally is relieved off of them I mean
17769s that was so intense
17771s um but obviously we're going to a short
17773s break when we come back we'll
17774s potentially see an interview with one of
17775s the winners from New York Excelsior
17777s Academy so don't go anywhere we'll be
17778s right back
17784s [Music]
17810s thank you
17812s foreign
17823s [Music]
17852s [Music]
17872s [Music]
17874s thank you
17888s [Music]
17894s [Music]
17908s foreign
17912s [Music]
17925s [Music]
17935s foreign
17938s [Music]
17998s [Music]
18000s thank you
18015s [Music]
18020s thank you
18023s welcome back everybody obviously New
18025s York Excelsior Academy very close series
18026s with Timeless and we've brought in our
18029s Amore for an interview how you doing I'm
18031s what a series for you guys congrats on
18034s your win to punching that ticket to the
18035s Grand finals
18036s yeah thank you it was a crazy series
18040s um yeah thank you
18042s speaking of a crazy series I know Dustin
18044s and I were on the edges of our Satan
18047s anticipation of whoever would walk out
18048s on top how did the team handle having to
18052s go through such a pressuring map as each
18054s paranza and then moving into controls
18056s seeing the rheumatra composition come
18058s from one University and I think not
18061s really expecting it if I'm correct
18064s yeah we we definitely thought that you
18067s know their team was uh kind of like a
18069s one-trick dive team so we were just like
18071s oh maybe maybe we can just mirror on
18073s University even though it's like a
18074s traditional brawl team and then we saw
18076s like Reaper and we were like oh guys
18078s maybe maybe it's time to swap maybe we
18081s just go back into spawn
18083s um but yeah I mean we knew that when we
18087s played Oasis we just wanted to kind of
18089s just mirror the Tracer Sombra and we
18090s were pretty confident that we could we
18092s could play our game and do well
18094s um that's not to say that Timeless is
18096s bad but at all like they are very very
18098s good players
18100s um we just knew we could play our game
18101s and be strong
18103s yeah oh it was so cordial I mean how do
18105s you stay so calm like it's like you
18107s don't you obviously don't sound like
18109s like that anxious at the moment honestly
18111s like honestly my hands will be shaking
18112s after that I mean how are you feeling
18113s obviously you know after such a close
18115s matchup uh you know it was obviously
18118s tough for you you've had some fantastic
18119s anti grenades we saw throughout the
18121s series I mean what's your strategy just
18123s to stay so calm and such a tight matchup
18125s where you guys go to that mountain or
18126s five
18127s uh it's actually really funny you say
18129s that because at like like the last map
18131s Fifth map of my heart was pounding
18134s definitely after like
18136s um I was shaking a little bit so I'm
18138s glad I sound calm because I definitely
18140s don't feel it
18143s um
18144s but yeah we have amazing staff with us
18146s that are just you know helping us stay
18149s focused and you know good teammates that
18151s are also able to just like once your
18153s head's like in the game it's very easy
18155s to just stay calm and focus on what you
18156s need to get done
18158s so then talking about teammates
18160s obviously you took the predominant honor
18162s roll for the team today we saw a bun a
18164s lot of the time Beyond things like
18166s Sombra sometimes we got to see the hands
18168s though but most notably the echo as an
18171s Anna player without a mercy how does it
18174s feel being really the only one within
18176s line of sight who can help one survive
18180s um it's it's stressful sometimes like I
18182s feel like as an honor player a lot of
18183s times your teammates are all in like
18185s leashes and you kind of gotta reel them
18186s in sometimes if they're going too far
18188s right so um it's a lot to do with like
18192s um I know some people say like Flex
18194s support plays the most stressful to
18195s watch because there's so much you have
18197s to juggle you have to make sure your
18198s monkey is taken care of you have to make
18200s sure your your echo's taken care of at
18202s the same time as your other support and
18204s at the same time you need to look to be
18205s aggressive and look for these nades so
18207s it's a lot but
18209s um I really enjoy it I wouldn't have it
18210s any other way
18212s and for you in particular I think it was
18214s like obviously that change as well you
18215s know having to swap over to from Anna to
18218s Baptiste after pretty much playing Anna
18219s the whole way through I'll make you talk
18221s about making those transitions over to
18223s baptist I mean it's obviously something
18224s you practice but you know after playing
18226s what four and a half Maps basically of
18228s Anna then having to play Baptiste I mean
18230s that must throw some sort of wrench you
18232s know into your guys's whole system right
18235s I definitely feel like when I swap over
18238s to to Bap I'm a little bit more
18241s um like jumpy like I fall into like the
18243s bad habit of that where I'm just jumping
18245s yeah you keep jumping all the time
18260s yeah I'm definitely thinking about it
18262s actually I changed my answer
18264s so then speaking about that because that
18267s was actually one thing that we got to
18268s see your immortality field usage was a
18271s lot better it feels than the other side
18273s especially being able to take advantage
18275s of things like amplification Matrix as a
18278s Baptiste how do you decide when the
18281s right time is to throw out the frisbee
18284s I mean it's really just a battle of like
18286s both teams baps trying to stretch not
18289s having to use it first and I feel a lot
18291s of times my team was just I was lucky in
18294s the fact that my team was the more
18295s aggressive one to is able to kind of
18297s like force their hand first and then I
18299s could look for like even prettier like
18301s lamps like you were referencing the
18303s window where
18305s I'm not gonna lie I screamed a little
18306s bit with the window
18309s with winter and I just kind of was lucky
18312s that I wasn't the one who had left
18315s and like in your in your whole series
18317s right I mean like is can you guys talk
18318s about Timeless in particular like why do
18320s you guys think that you came through the
18321s edge obviously not number one worked out
18323s but then going down to immediately after
18326s that on some of the payload maps how did
18327s you guys kind of refocus on Esperanto to
18329s make sure you guys got the win today
18332s yeah I was saying like I think
18335s this really like Tracer Sombra the other
18338s two maps we had played like the Echo and
18340s the Hanzo I think it was Hanzo I don't
18343s even remember we've played so many Maps
18344s today
18345s um but we just knew that Tracer Sombra
18348s we could punish certain things and look
18349s to do certain things that we really
18351s couldn't do with the with the Echo and
18353s that played a lot more to our strengths
18355s hmm no that makes a lot of sense well uh
18358s you know obviously our more awesome
18360s talking to you and uh is there anything
18362s you would like to say before we let you
18363s go obviously you guys now make it to the
18365s Grand finals there any shout outs or
18366s anything like that you'd like to say
18368s yeah thank you so much to my team for
18370s putting me in their backpack it feels
18372s like sometimes no I'm kidding
18375s um but yeah you play well
18378s to my team and to my staff
18380s um just thank you so much
18383s oh thank you armor for coming through
18384s and obviously congrats to new
18386s recognition Academy for making it you
18388s know after such a closed Series so we'll
18390s have to see you later aramore and you
18392s know what I want a serious Moxie I mean
18394s what a dang series it was super fun to
18396s watch on the outside obviously I
18397s remember is probably you know a little
18398s sweating after that one like she said
18400s two hours
18401s two hours it was something like that
18404s we've been going for like an hour and 15
18406s minutes on on this shift alone Dustin
18408s this is the first match that they'll
18410s recovering so logic would point to it
18413s being around about an hour 15 minutes of
18415s OverWatch it's it's a longing
18417s how much do you think like because
18418s obviously you know like chess players
18420s burn what is it like multiple thousand
18422s calories a day I mean OverWatch players
18424s gonna burn like a hundred thousand
18425s calories something like that day right
18426s but it's gotta be like crazy it's a very
18428s stressful game to play at times you know
18430s right I mean how many calories you get
18432s OverWatch Pro Burns It's gotta be up
18434s there there's no way
18436s [Laughter]
18442s a walk
18444s yeah you're right actually so I just
18445s want to know how big the meal after
18447s these players eat but uh you know
18448s obviously we had to talk about
18449s everything that kind of happened today
18450s so far it's been a very eventful day I
18454s think that a lot of two o's three O's
18456s happened earlier on but you know for it
18458s just kind of made sense for these two
18460s teams to kind of come together in the
18461s upper bracket finals and have such a
18463s banger of a series right oh we we knew
18472s such good experience
18474s playing in that competitive scene we're
18476s already getting access as well to to
18478s coaching opportunities and voting and
18480s scrimming to be able to better improve
18482s and have that macro game sense which a
18485s lot of the time you got to see from how
18487s tracers were playing around brickitas
18489s from how Anna's were playing around emps
18492s from how we were seeing sombres operate
18494s with those hacks until Winston's to stop
18495s them from getting Primal off the second
18497s at the Winston gets targeted as well as
18500s things like going for those Health packs
18501s shutting off the angles even in the
18503s Tracer 1V ones some people moving
18505s forward taking their health back
18506s removing it from their opponents so that
18508s you get a little bit of a cheeky
18510s advantage and are able to find the win
18512s that's the sort of thing you see from
18513s tier 2. yep and we'll be going to a
18516s short break when we come back we'll see
18517s you guys for the rising series very
18520s first time it's gonna broadcast you're
18521s not going to miss it we'll be back after
18523s just a short break
18528s [Music]
18551s [Music]
18560s [Music]
18565s thank you
18567s [Music]
18587s foreign
18588s [Music]
18600s [Music]
18609s [Music]
18617s [Music]
18638s foreign
18642s [Music]
18665s foreign
18669s [Music]
18687s [Music]
18708s welcome back everybody the ready Heroes
18711s major 2 and obviously we had a very
18712s close matchup in the last series and
18714s also today's been a very eventful day
18716s but we have got one more game for you
18718s guys today and it's actually going to be
18719s a bit of a mix-up we'll be going over to
18721s the rising series Moxie for the first
18724s time in a long time actually I don't
18727s know how long it's been or if we've ever
18728s done this before but there's it's a
18730s diamond in below only tournament right
18732s for uh the right calling Our Heroes
18733s Rising series it's going to be
18735s incredibly exciting to watch this
18737s matchup between Mary's Guppies and Kaiju
18739s Corp mix yeah so radiant
18741s trying to build up these play
18748s these play Nash together alongside that
18750s popped Pro Avenue and the rising Series
18752s has that exact same idea right where the
18755s usual major series are trying to push
18756s these players into the contenders and
18757s overwatchly competitive scene this
18760s series is linked towards trying to get
18761s these players into open division so they
18764s can better improve adapt and then head
18767s into those tier 2 scenes but I love
18769s these sorts of matches because as well
18771s we get to see the niche picks that's why
18773s we get to see things like tourbillon's
18775s and Mattress a little bit of Zen to come
18777s through a little bit of pharah maybe
18780s it's all about those Comfort picks
18783s yep I'm really curious to see what
18785s people decide to play and uh I love how
18787s one player's name is Holo can't aim too
18789s I mean we'll have to see what comes
18791s through from from all of these players I
18793s think it's been a long time since I've
18794s seen a you know a tournament like this
18796s and uh like I said I think it's awesome
18798s it's really cool to watch you know
18801s everything because obviously overall
18803s with OverWatch you know we just walk in
18805s the Pro scene we're just watching all
18806s these Pro players uh but really we don't
18808s get a lot of view on what's happening to
18809s the average player right like a lot of
18811s the lower ranks what's going on with
18813s them in that competitive scene and today
18814s we get to watch that like you said so
18816s I'm really curious to see who stands out
18817s obviously you know some of these names
18819s sandwich maker mozzie Jorah hidden
18822s kitten inside Valley I was really
18824s curious I'm actually what do you think's
18825s gonna happen in the series you know I'm
18826s not really sure what happens in in these
18828s Diamond one ranks well I have been
18829s promised again Gina tourbillon so I am
18831s going to anticipate we're going to see a
18834s Genji versus until everyone and that
18837s does somewhat favor the turbine right
18839s especially if you're running a song
18840s right alongside that Genji both of those
18842s 2dps are all about trying to set up the
18846s Alva the Sombra the Genji the Winston
18847s all trying to chunk those targets slow
18849s enough so that the Genji with the dash
18851s is able to find the kill wall to quickly
18852s get that reset and make it back to the
18855s rest of the team the job everyone turret
18857s however for always quite literally a
18858s spanner into that works because the
18860s turret immediately Chimes out those
18862s players locations yeah that's a good
18864s point because yeah like I think that you
18866s know obviously with the higher ranks
18867s seems like torbjorn's uh you know
18869s doesn't get as much value but definitely
18871s you know over here you know in these in
18873s these kind of more competitive series it
18876s feels like people I hear a lot of people
18877s like don't like corporate right like is
18879s that that's like a very common take
18881s right the torpen's afraid knowing here
18883s to play against yeah
18884s yeah because I mean again you have to go
18886s through the turret and then whenever you
18888s get him low enough surprise he he has
18891s the ability to just immediately get a
18894s little bit of not just extra on if it
18896s also extra speed plus the ultimate is
18899s actually really good on maps like
18901s control and being able to shut all of
18903s that space down so in over time it can
18905s be absolutely killer
18907s you're right I guess you know
18909s as a as a former pro it's tough for me
18913s to relate to the uh the whole hating
18914s torbjorn thing but obviously for both of
18917s these teams you know we get to see a bit
18919s of maybe even a mantra composition come
18921s through they'll be saw in the previous
18922s matchup and potentially even some life
18925s Weaver yeah it does limit what you're
18927s going to be able to take these firetron
18929s if you're running this remaster you're
18930s looking to take these fights around
18931s chokes that you get the most value with
18933s cinepas May well the problem is that
18935s Memorial scuffies are going to be
18937s running an incredibly mobile composition
18939s so if anyone does get walled off they
18942s all have the means of being able to
18943s navigate
18945s I see Maura coming through like that
18947s pick there for the sign of murmurs
18949s Guppies meanwhile and Court MX takes
18952s that High Ground spawn plays together
18954s from a bit of a poke angle
18957s instead of taking a bit more of that
18958s brawl while when where's Guppies really
18959s trying to take a lot of that space in
18961s this dude look on goal for that dive
18963s early Vortex made it just peel off the
18965s back line but oh my God going incredibly
18967s low here's on the front line though
18970s still alive there's a lot of pressure
18972s coming through at the moment on the time
18973s too meanwhile they have to give him
18974s space down one more it's really doing a
18976s great job with the helpful they have
18977s diving on forcing the enemy forcing that
18979s immortality field and now the rest of
18981s them surely to fall though hayuka has
18983s found vastu nice work from them take out
18986s that Winston player sandwich mix goes
18987s incredibly low wants to re-engage with
18990s no help but Cinnabar takes them out and
18992s with those two kills mozzie has traded
18994s back one Kaiju takes point a first yeah
18997s so if you're running for Wednesday it's
18999s not the maywall that you need to watch
19000s your iPhone it's it's the refill the
19004s second you try and dive in to close up
19005s the distance and properly put that coil
19007s to cleave you're just gonna get
19009s absolutely melted with the Hellfire
19011s shotguns as faster is still going to be
19013s sticking I want to pick up that win
19014s significant taken down incredibly early
19016s as well as fast as just not able to find
19019s an opening that she feels safe enough to
19021s do
19022s and bar has found two sandwich does
19024s trade back one but off of those picks
19026s from Cinnabar that enables them they did
19028s use the beat in that fight though that's
19029s one ultimate gone whereas our motives
19031s don't have that point control but at
19032s least they're building them an old thing
19033s so nobody's going to have a blizzard as
19035s well to be able to isolate Sharpies they
19039s are at least running this loose here so
19041s they do have to mean to being able to
19042s speed the majority of the composition
19044s through it as well as making kitten
19046s coming in if that color glasses to be
19047s able to keep everyone popped up to full
19049s the problem again comes in the form of
19052s actually rotating into these fights and
19055s it's just going to be a resop
19058s hello Canon name I mean you look like
19060s your name there a nice work from taiju
19062s on the taxi percent of the board now
19063s marmonus
19064s Duffy's trying to switch something up
19067s they're gonna put kariko on kitten
19068s kitten meanwhile have that EMP to set up
19070s in this fight Kaiju kind of playing back
19072s they did use that Matrix but I've done a
19074s great job rotating those ultimates
19078s waiting over the back towards the
19080s staircase they actually broke into the
19081s point and the EMP as the rotation came
19083s through meanwhile blizzard was used and
19085s that EMP as well on a Kaiju goes
19088s incredibly low the death Blossom there
19089s as well from sandwich and also sandbox
19091s on the side is able to find one kid
19092s getting balls on the backside bastard
19094s goes so low sandwich though comes back
19096s to the point after one death Blossom
19098s four two kills there now has to fall
19101s back no not a lot of healing does have
19102s the beat though re-engage perfect timing
19104s on that beat drop now to re-engage
19106s towards the point basket as well at the
19107s Primal Rage will use it right before
19109s going down perfect with that same
19110s exhaust so make that a 3K in this fight
19112s Primal Ridge could move them off into
19114s the train but unfortunately slows down a
19116s bit from kaiz who's doing a great job
19118s slowing those kills from coming out
19120s monsie also finds Hollow and marmotis
19123s actually gonna recontense this point or
19124s Memorial sorry Rick attach this point
19126s taiju goes incredibly low with hyuka
19129s follows the Bossy who also takes down
19131s but sandbox God it reclaimed that point
19134s at 90 it's a really good Primal from
19136s vasu because she actually keeps higher
19138s contested and in Annihilation form so
19141s Kaiju Corp Khan actually coordinate and
19144s deal with the players on Guppies brought
19146s Low by that Reynolds as well this is
19148s just going to be waiting storm camping
19149s giving information get spotted out I
19153s actually get pulled back on however
19155s because we'll try and rotate the point
19157s best we get Poke down solo too on that
19161s point the rotation comes through from
19162s Kaiju now as unit they're all pretty
19164s healthy too the heck did come through
19166s but you know we need to see some more
19167s healing me from getting kid to keep
19168s basketball live it's tough that loosuit
19170s freaking calm now EMP from Mozzy but
19172s they've lost the team already able to
19173s find sandbox Timo town and feel
19175s perfectly placed on the opposite side
19177s also the image and beat drop just to
19179s make sure they're healthy now that
19181s continuous really being used for pretty
19182s much nobody here on the point eventually
19184s is going to be ran out of cooldown as
19186s well over time now it takes down to
19187s different touch eventually one does
19189s mozzie comes through but down poke down
19191s to one HP Ricky test now comes through
19194s they have the beat drop rain gauge they
19195s have five and it's a clean re-engage
19197s they're here on the point where the
19198s death blossom into the back line
19199s sandwich maker in the Boop on the
19201s Holocene from cybell amazing work to
19204s blizzard here just to forces a bit too
19206s late kitten kitten teleports away from
19208s it the Swift step perfectly timed in the
19210s Ricky test last second oh my God what a
19213s last second clutch for most Guppies oh
19215s Sasha good poop coming through from
19217s several right into the arms of sandwich
19219s maker staff Blossom and it actually
19222s allows the team not just to be able to
19224s sustain that hold on the point but also
19226s to deal with the after effects of
19228s cinebar's Blizzard something that kaija
19229s cup could have used to immediately break
19231s through this choke most Guppies now
19233s trying to hold on to this High Ground
19234s making sure that sandwich God doesn't
19236s get that high friend to be able to drop
19238s with the death Blossom onto the team
19239s block oh no when they got picked up by
19242s Mozzy with the hack off them early now
19244s without that Baptiste we decided to
19246s reset or push forward we have to make
19248s the call right here and right now looks
19250s like there's gonna place
19260s 82 on the board box this is getting
19262s scary is gonna have caramel as well this
19265s is where it gets even more scary for
19268s going to potentially have to invest all
19269s of these ultimates just to be able to
19270s break through shows and at the end of
19272s the day they'll walk into ENT and final
19274s Cafe
19275s there's no care though but if there's
19277s that EMP onto the mave Cinebarre goes
19280s down dead Blossom no to counter that
19282s dive with the annihilation is too much
19283s damage we're getting inside all to deal
19285s with Remy also finds vasu brick intense
19288s looking strong so far for Kaiju as
19290s they've regrouped around the point
19291s mostly has to transfer cut out so who's
19292s the transition to the point but it's
19293s broken by sandbox God has to run in
19296s without that transicator mozzie falls
19298s who else is gonna touch here it's a
19300s Lucio in overtime also the kariko is
19302s here we'll see if the follow-up damage
19303s is it not take down kid can they have
19306s five people looking at that Rico it's
19308s enough to take them down Kaiju take
19309s Route number one
19311s and uh wow what a what a first round
19313s that was uh what an Annihilation but I
19316s mean what a land
19317s what a lamp coming through from Kaiju
19320s Corp there are a couple of things that
19323s could definitely be improved I think we
19324s both picked up on the fact that mozzie
19326s twice was spotted out early and twice
19328s was able to get way too much value
19331s before being forced to translocate out
19333s but when it comes to being able to throw
19335s ideas in mortality Fields Kaiju Corp
19337s have it on lock
19339s wow okay
19341s see if Kaiju can continue their their uh
19345s prowess so far gonna swap over to the
19347s Baptist again same compositions except
19349s for more Morris maybe they're gonna lock
19350s the erisa yeah I think they're
19352s anticipating the romantra and Arista is
19355s a pretty decent character against it
19356s with the javelin the reinhot not so much
19360s the Reinhardt does find five with
19361s megabase for we'll sing these teams into
19363s the up close and personal world of those
19365s sharks allowing fire strike connections
19367s but the Romantic beats out the Ryan
19369s hotline comes out of town unless you're
19371s just charging and taking advantage of in
19373s the ramp
19375s value nope it's shut down immediately
19377s but does have some supportable sandwich
19380s in seinbell who gets two also perfect
19381s games if you need of course that
19383s immortality field
19384s from women now they have to back up as
19386s well just continue to give up some space
19388s even though Memorial's lost Val uh vast
19390s too early oh we're going to see the swap
19392s not faster still going to be sticking on
19395s her pick of this Reinhardt is higher
19396s because it's way things isolate one of
19398s these houses that may block early out
19401s from moldy so they're not gonna have it
19403s to be able to explain when the Ram comes
19406s in with the vortex and drops everyone in
19408s the club
19409s is a perfect May wall on Advanced view
19411s eventually they're able to find the kill
19413s two after the charge came through
19414s sandbox Scott also finds mozzie as the
19417s ranks of Kaiju you know does fall low HP
19419s they're still up in the kill Department
19421s though so really just have to do is
19422s reaper now and claim that point back in
19424s their favor okay that's there's effect
19427s that we wanted to see come through
19429s as kajikov
19433s we're gonna really come into handy being
19436s able to push hayuka not I would often
19439s MSS but still far enough away so that
19442s those pumbles don't cleave into the
19443s entirety of the team Elijah's got to
19445s hold on to a lot more of this utility
19457s for those two now without any support
19460s they actually they use that beat by the
19462s way in this fight even though they're
19463s down members Hollow does find monsie at
19466s least with the Beat Drops but now just
19468s along with that Reaper that's Blossom
19470s committed by samich
19473s a little bit unnecessary I I will say
19476s the deaf Blossom is going to mean that
19478s they're at a pretty heavy ultimate
19480s disadvantage in this next fight you
19482s could have used it to be able to peel
19484s this blizzard or even Annihilation to
19486s come out from the ramatra in this next
19488s engagement to be able to fully take
19489s advantage of Joker's Javelin spin from
19491s Vassar Who falls incredibly low the male
19494s 2 committed to make sure the arrest was
19495s able to line upside back to piano this
19498s just means like who could get such a
19500s free path for annihilation
19502s on the backside they go through the
19505s bridge
19506s armor is actually looking to take that
19508s fight with another boost on the May of
19510s all things into that Blizzard from
19512s Cinnabar who zones it back freezes that
19514s Lucia who got the beach off off before
19516s though nice work from simul to do that
19518s now they've hooked into the point bass
19519s and gets that Javelin onto one and then
19522s into the Terrace Wahoo just kind of
19523s stuck in it punt the amortanico keeps
19526s them healthy now vasu has to find some
19527s kills but it's not enough deal with
19529s Kaiju in that Annihilation amazing work
19531s for their matcha player and his kinds
19533s you reclaim the point a lot of ultimates
19535s invested from both sides but it is not
19537s going to favor kaiji called given that
19539s they are in control of the choke Andrew
19541s Mantra is as the name implies with
19543s Temper Town all about slowing and
19546s speeding things up especially when
19548s you're trying to rotate an erisa on to
19550s point as the pastor takes so much damage
19553s early on
19555s a little space created from Basu with
19557s the a little bit of the javelin spin
19559s meanwhile Cinnabar has to use that ice
19560s block and walled off perfectly for
19562s mozzie's sandwich maker capitalizes off
19565s of that now they rotate towards that
19566s point down Cinnabar we'll have to see if
19569s kaifu can maybe get some kills on the
19571s outside throw in enough damage
19573s potentially do something hayuka finds
19575s one Remy finds another amazing 2K even
19577s though they're down a member of their
19580s team they're able to continue for some
19582s kills and continue to hold this
19583s objective yeah we mean how are you going
19585s to be able to have that amplification
19586s Matrix well this next one again really
19589s clutching mortality field coming out
19591s from that Baptiste not pressured out
19593s early from Guppies not shot down
19595s immediately when it's on the field
19597s either as Mozzy is going to have the
19599s blizzard damage maker the death Blossom
19601s but they have to prioritize baiting out
19604s the bats utilities use the blizzard
19606s there now the ant Matrix is here above
19608s the point but it's walled off
19609s immediately Massey's been playing so
19610s well with those May walls beats off the
19613s stain here Into the Dead Blossom though
19615s where's the rotate they have to deal
19617s with sandwich maker though he only finds
19618s woman to death Blossom 80 enables them
19621s to find more though has to also connects
19623s onto holocaim nice work so far as the
19627s Ricky tense came through 92 93 reason
19629s has to happen fast I don't know if they
19631s get another touch I don't think they can
19633s Simon block goes iron sambex is going to
19636s have the death Blossom but a wall comes
19639s through from mozzie to stop anyone
19641s trying to take the downstairs approach
19643s and we are going to be headed off to
19645s sanctuary and now this is going to be
19647s really interesting because all we're
19649s going to see fastly try and stick on
19650s this erisa predicting the Romantic to
19653s still be on the side of karachuko
19657s I don't know yeah that's that's curious
19659s I mean vastness has shown a bit of
19661s flexibility so far and it has enabled
19662s them I mean why not right why not we
19664s continue with the erisa so the rematcher
19667s does fall off a little bit in this
19670s instance purely because of how open a
19673s lot of this map can be especially if
19675s you're in control of that point you can
19677s make it pretty easy to just be able to
19679s sit something like knitting kitten on
19681s this Anna all the way on and off and go
19684s far away from that ramp and it puts so
19686s much more value in cinebar's walls to be
19690s able to try and block off any support
19692s for that so who without that and a
19694s sustainability especially because it's
19696s backed up by Harmony open civil going to
19698s be on the Zenyatta you're a Sitting Duck
19702s this is so interesting this is
19704s definitely like an OverWatch one
19705s composition both hitting around that
19707s point damage maker trying to take some
19709s space over the backside Cinnabar though
19711s finds that pick on the May they've done
19713s it before why not do it again Seidel
19716s removed from the game but oh my God what
19717s a helix rocket from sandwich maker on to
19719s Cinebarre after finding the opening
19721s ticket cost him their life fast food
19723s also the javelin connects on the hollow
19725s and this is getting tough now for
19727s kaijuans their health pools dwindle the
19729s slowly working the way towards this
19730s point Andrew does not make that any
19732s easier in hayuka Kaiju now slowly
19735s falling away as the Guppies they've
19738s already reclaimed the point earlier on
19740s and just fine stagger pick yeah so they
19742s may have lost civil on the rotation who
19745s immediately by the way is actually going
19746s to switch on to that kiriko to protect
19749s themselves when that rematcher tries to
19751s push on to them they however have the
19753s arrest of where they want it to be which
19755s is on that point anchoring that
19757s composition and sandwich maker is able
19759s to lengthen the distance take that angle
19761s on backside and just hand the Poke
19765s damage into Kaiju Club allowing you to
19767s play off of those anti-names
19770s is going to set up an absolute stunner
19774s to to get caught in the interim as we
19777s see Kaiju coffee absolutely package
19781s uh do you think they can even like find
19783s a counter here at this point I mean just
19784s pointing right at the drying strikes
19786s they're running out of options now here
19787s Moxie so it feels like it's like trying
19789s to run on
19792s on front at this composition right
19794s you've got the reaper you've got the
19796s Lucio you've got the zarya you beamed
19798s this poke damage you bubble the Poke
19800s coming through from both the hands on
19801s Soldier so what should be an advantage
19803s for guppy's turns against them instead
19805s the problem is that hyoko takes so much
19808s damage early on and vassal is entirely
19810s untouched
19812s 20 now to go
19815s Guppies really entering last five
19817s territory guide through at the moment
19818s Anthony goes far into the distance does
19821s not connect with the ant Matrix over the
19822s left side is disengaged Perfect by
19824s guppies to rotate around this point
19825s meanwhile bastards just waiting with
19826s that terrorists Kaiju attempt to walk in
19829s they send in the divisor doesn't have
19831s the Nano just yet but now it connects
19832s over that back side with the visor next
19835s onto one with the aimax vasu also with
19837s the terrorists able to find Cinnabar
19839s mozzie also connects too it's just hit
19840s about to find one with the blizzard but
19842s sandbox God Falls the rest of the kind
19844s of true corpse I mean they just have to
19845s stagger on this point Hollow trying
19847s desperately to run around as Lucio could
19849s play pretty evasive but eventually is
19851s found I didn't get in Guppies what a
19854s Flawless round for them take Mount
19856s number one other than that little hiccup
19859s where they lost civil in that rotation
19861s towards that point which is honestly a
19864s sacrifice you take every day of the week
19866s it allows them to be able to pick up
19869s such important positioning both for
19871s sandwich maker on that Soldier but also
19874s for knitting kitchen on that Anna every
19877s single time we cut to that Anna's POV
19879s she is knowing that she's gonna get
19882s punched potentially by the may as we see
19885s kajukop try and rotate but because she
19887s has that corner because she has that
19889s wall she can mitigate so much of it
19891s while still sitting on that nade keeping
19892s the original line of sight and even
19894s though a wrestle without Diana isn't
19896s going to last very long as long as
19897s you're communicating when you have
19898s Javelin spin up you can mitigate a lot
19901s of that poke rotation damage coming
19902s through from the other side until you
19904s know that your Anna is in a place of
19906s safety and the Maze
19913s [Applause]
19916s whoever wins this series will lock
19918s themselves for sure into that second
19920s place so obviously both teams really
19922s want to win right here and right now and
19924s you know they're throwing a lot of
19925s flexibility I don't think we would see
19926s so much uh confidential changes on an
19929s app like some song where you think that
19931s maybe they would lock one thing or the
19932s other you know the rematcher was getting
19934s a lot of work done but at the end of the
19935s day it resulted in vastly kind of
19937s thicker now okay we just want to play
19938s Just Aristo just kind of rotate around
19940s and at the end of the day you know it
19943s seemed like Kaiju is a bit too slow to
19944s make those rotations yeah I mean
19946s romantra has his place in the matter
19948s there's a reason we see him so often in
19950s these compositions but when you're in
19953s one of those maps and you don't really
19955s get the opportunity of being able to
19956s utilize things like the vortex to pin
19959s down some of those players there's too
19961s much space as well on either side of the
19963s mayweal because again really smart
19964s positioning coming through from Guppies
19967s in terms of where they're taking those
19968s fights understanding that they can
19969s potentially get hold off that they're
19971s not running a counterme because they're
19972s prioritizing poke damage with the
19974s soldier in the Hanzo looking for those
19976s one shots looking for those early kills
19977s they don't have a counter nor do they
19979s have a Baptiste to be able to jump over
19981s and land that lamp it just comes down to
19984s being cognizant of the male or
19986s potentially being there and playing into
19988s spaces where it's going to lose a lot of
19990s its power
19991s we'll have to see what the next map is
19993s specifically obviously loser picks so
19995s we'll have to wait and see what that is
19997s and uh you know obviously Moxie I think
20000s that the different meta as well right
20002s traditionally what we just saw
20004s previously earlier on I think that's
20006s been the biggest thing for me that I've
20007s noticed so far moxie what what do you
20009s notice so far in this matchup I guess as
20011s we go to new Bonnie that is different
20013s than what we saw earlier maybe at the in
20015s the GM kind of tournaments I think we're
20018s seeing that that dive coordination is
20021s incredibly hard to replicate yes it's
20025s the hardest matter it's the hardest
20027s composition to be able to play we hear
20029s it from tier two we hear it from tier
20031s one just because how much has to go
20033s right how much you have to be able to
20034s engineer as well as what you're relying
20036s on being able to take advantage of from
20038s the other side or create those
20039s opportunities yourself it becomes a lot
20041s harder to find the values so if you sort
20043s of compare the value that Guppies were
20045s finding with just the Hanzo the soldier
20047s on that last map of sanctuary it's a
20050s mozzie not really being able to find
20051s those Avenues to open up space when we
20054s saw the Sombra come through from them it
20057s is a world of difference and I think the
20059s reason that Guppies were able to have
20061s such a dominant stamp on Sanctuary was
20063s because that they they understood okay
20065s just by trying to run to what should be
20068s quote unquote meta it's not going to
20071s work for us let's just go for what we
20073s know our strengths and interestingly
20074s enough that was something that aramori I
20076s actually talked about in her interview
20077s of us a couple of minutes ago yeah it's
20080s quite difficult to make those decisions
20082s and I think that like overall you know
20084s it is pretty interesting to see that the
20087s you know the difference like you said
20088s and it's really hard to play that dive
20090s it's not exactly easy and you know like
20093s when you see in all these tournaments
20095s and stuff too I think it's a big thing
20096s like the Casual players really
20097s understand you know how a lot of these
20099s teams run these compositions like that
20100s Winston like the somber like some of
20102s these characters that are way better in
20103s GM whereas when you come down to like
20106s diamond and stuff obviously like you
20107s said everything just looks so different
20109s that you know different Heroes have
20111s different win rates and stuff and
20112s obviously at the end of the day that's
20113s what OverWatch has kind of you know
20114s balanced around is you know that kind of
20117s like diamond range right yeah we also
20119s have a vastly different meta on rank
20122s platter to actual Pro play which is why
20125s you see all of these people on on forums
20127s talk about how crazy some compositions
20129s are on ranked ladder how annoying they
20131s are to play into because you don't have
20133s that coordinated environment where you
20135s have four other people on comms you're
20138s all all tracking you're all on one page
20140s with what you want to play so it makes
20143s sense that for some of these players
20144s that concert pick is going to come down
20146s to the more self-reliant Heroes the
20148s likes of hands of and soldier who their
20151s own utility let's face it is pretty
20153s selfish
20154s we're gonna see some Winston come from
20156s from both uh vascular now Felix on the
20159s opposite side in mozzy's ball kind of
20162s showing some flexibility over the ash
20163s you know a lot of these players
20165s making those swaps through also a Genji
20167s on the offensive side is quite
20168s interesting yeah very ironic that
20170s despite it being her home Burns erisa
20172s not murder on nambani for the pure
20174s reason of her she's pretty hard to be
20175s able to engineer onto that hikering
20177s unless you're running a live quiver so
20179s divers the Beetle and end all and that's
20181s why we've seen the Genji come through to
20183s accompany these onesie drops
20185s diver we came through but sandwich maker
20187s hits onto Felix forces sandbox to back
20189s up they already just want to wait for
20192s their Winston to come back as well I
20194s just give up a lot of space here mozzy's
20195s going to be doing a very good job too
20196s being able to utilize these dynamites
20198s every single time we see that Winston
20201s jump attempt is we're actually gonna say
20202s holocon aims up onto the mercy so I have
20205s a damaged burst Cinema or just a lower
20208s damage boost onto sandbox to be able to
20211s have the extra little bit of damage for
20213s the Genji to be able to claim the kill
20216s Sonic on the inside
20218s nowhere kaiju's coming from the bubble
20221s law as well both bubble cooldowns used
20223s but a lot of value being found by a
20225s sandwich maker at the moment really
20226s pricing out feelings they want to back
20228s up wait for feelings to get healthy they
20230s go to the coastal side so they make that
20231s rotation
20232s and knowing that Guppies now backed up
20235s they want to play at a distance it's not
20237s really taking control some of that space
20238s they want to give some space to Kaiju to
20240s find shots the sandwich maker
20242s anti-grenade thrown in there but it's
20243s mozzie to find Cinnabar early on the
20245s counterpart found of the ash amazing
20248s first kill the wrestle rat could be
20249s found in the middle of everybody as well
20251s fast who gets poked down incredibly
20252s though doesn't have a lot of his heels
20253s just yet will back down to the cover
20255s dick those skills off but it may not be
20257s fast enough right however the die back
20259s in back to full HP mog's able to find
20261s cinebar again perfect work from the ash
20263s player of mozzie with his High Ground
20264s space to be able to find so much value
20266s fast food finds a little bit more by
20268s going a bit deeper but gets left as
20270s Kaiju tries to reset yeah so this is one
20272s thing that Memorial's Guppies
20274s composition has over Kaiju Corps Shield
20276s break Cinnabar is really the only one
20278s who can try and chunk vasu shield down
20280s fast enough sandbars God is literally
20283s just gonna try and ignore it for as
20284s often as possible but between mozzie and
20286s sandwich maker with things like the the
20288s Viper from the ash as well as storm
20290s Arrow from the hands like that Shield is
20292s gone with insane seconds and minutes
20294s and boss kid Dynamite it but has that
20296s Mercy pocket so they can stay healthy
20298s meanwhile Master with the Nano really
20300s trying to look for that Genji able to
20301s melt sandbox resurrect still could be
20303s used and Hall of Fame was going for that
20307s Valkyrie meanwhile with the ENT it's
20309s enough for vastu to find that front line
20311s and the two more Morris guppy trying to
20313s take some extra value to going uh
20316s towards this bus side try to find
20318s sandbox but only a minute left I mean
20320s Guppies are looking dominant at the
20321s moment kajikova stacking all of their
20324s hopes on this Nano plate the problem is
20326s they're taking them so long to build it
20328s mozzie is sitting on the Bob to be able
20331s to peel from it and it's going to have
20333s to be a sleep top that comes through
20335s from we may hide to be able to shove
20338s that ball down
20339s there's that Genji played early fine
20342s Seibel No Sleep Dart committing hitting
20344s on the back side felis also has found
20346s salmon perfect guy for them both the
20348s dragon strike is able to find Cinnabar
20350s fancy the pill has come through onto
20352s sandbox ain't he perfect before the
20354s deflect could come through sandbox down
20355s to 65 HP as well and also falls too so
20359s does hollow two to mozzie who came back
20361s in that fight Felix now best breaking
20364s hours for that attack inside as mozzie
20365s finds three tries to back up one last
20368s fight territory for Kaiju yeah those are
20370s not a blade folks that was false
20372s anchoring onto that plane and as a
20374s result kaijukov do not get a single kick
20378s of that point secured off of that Wombo
20381s Combo sound barcode now off of the Genji
20383s onto the reaper just trying to counter
20386s vasu get up to The High Ground gorgeous
20389s coach going come through from Modi but
20391s does expand that cooldown so now Sam
20393s Bosco can hunt after him but the Raven
20395s already pulls the peel available from
20397s Guppies secures the Ash's position
20400s it might just be too hard now the Dynam
20402s on the front line they're all low they
20403s do have Bob at least doing something
20404s towards that point actually need two
20405s ticks as you
20407s guys not finds vasu so the most valuable
20409s player of Bob follows up with Felix as
20412s well on to Felix for now slows him down
20414s but are slows them down mostly also
20415s finds cinebar two but it's not enough
20418s it's too hard to find even more value
20420s the anti is there onto Felix but
20421s eventually the heels are here Cinnabar
20423s also finds samich the two ticks were
20425s given earlier and now that third take
20427s comes through Kaiju in overtime capture
20429s pointer Felix Felicia is having a really
20432s good Primal just juggling
20436s they can't coordinate as one unit and
20438s take that pop down and as a result
20441s finally point a unlocks and we're into
20444s streets the problem hours that kajukop
20446s at you so much to be able to secure it
20448s now it's just gonna be a beautiful just
20450s taking up face tank damage to be able to
20452s jump back to her Anna and ball banana
20456s want to get that oh wait that's not
20458s jumping back to your atom she provides
20460s it to the
20461s to this bulk
20462s all right luckily you know eventually
20465s they give that Nano over close enough
20467s anyways teleport come through early Nate
20469s unfortunately timing not exactly at a
20471s sleep guard as well but they are scared
20472s away Nana boost now on to mozzie his own
20475s back Bob also there to Zone bonds able
20478s to find Felix Mozzy looking so good as
20479s sandwich maker also connects with a full
20481s spawn now they can deal with that Reaper
20483s over the top out of the fade form coach
20485s gun to get away Valkyrie onto the inside
20487s too Bob as well was getting some Maximum
20489s value on the down on the low ground
20490s meanwhile sandbox God trying to find
20493s some space does have that Mercy pocket
20494s oh what a shot from Mozzy as Hollow
20497s tried to fall back to their team
20499s Dynamite also connects plus just that
20501s Anna need to keep a little bit healthy
20503s but the dynamite doesn't finally kill
20505s man now a minute left okay mozi has been
20508s an absolute stand out on the pick of
20512s this ash so hard to be able to unsee the
20515s sandbox cards how's the death Blossom
20517s but mostly with the coast and is going
20518s to be able to disrupt any plant the Koji
20521s cop have abuser
20523s kind of like 20 maximum value now
20525s bastard goes through with the Primal
20526s Rage monster over the top looking for
20528s the mercy connect acts easily also onto
20530s sin of our coach gun almost finds
20532s sandbox police poops in the way for
20534s groups them away for now samich also
20536s found one boss who connects as well now
20538s 38 seconds left for Kaiju on their turn
20540s sambargo the only player that kaijiko
20543s pattern ultimate for gets staggered out
20545s of the fight late civil is going to be
20547s able to have symbauer to sustain long
20549s enough for mozzie to cycle up into this
20551s next use of that Bob Kaiju cop have to
20554s find these kills him quickly
20556s whole bathroom sandwich waiting over the
20559s top recalls early because they took too
20561s much damage from that Winston so if that
20564s High Ground drops to the mini health
20565s pack but moved so far from sandwich but
20568s team of sandwich is kind of dealing with
20569s the Primal raging Winston's moment of
20571s Felix meanwhile death loss was still
20572s available though a nice sleep relax out
20574s of the Winston to slow down that final
20576s meanwhile fade committed by sandbox it
20578s won a group around this car overtime
20579s Kicks Down teleport over the top has a
20581s dip on turning up a nice coach gun as
20583s well boots them away for now sandbox
20584s drops that Blossom onto the Tracer Lucio
20587s booped away again unfortunately into the
20589s bomb as well I mean what a tough life
20591s that sandbox has had to go through
20592s Apollo was throughout the valkyrie
20594s trying to get the resurrect but died as
20595s well then getting also connects on the
20598s Felix gonna Force the death boss was the
20599s only thing they couldn't even get the
20600s Nana boost in this fight Sam it's
20602s eventually we'll find cinnabara too and
20605s my Morris Guppies will stop
20608s Kaiju on that attacking offense in the
20611s streets playing I mean multi just looks
20613s Unstoppable
20620s incredibly impactful being able as well
20622s to track holocon Ames movement on that
20625s mercy and deny a lot of the pocket that
20627s they were trying to use to be able to
20629s put sandbox God into a position where
20632s the reaper could chase after the ash
20634s after the Winston but again it really
20636s does feel like for some of these players
20638s at the level when you're running this
20640s dive especially when you're running the
20641s Winston rather than the diva there's a
20645s certain cycle that you sort of have to
20647s have there's a trust that you have to
20648s have in your support line and I
20651s understand why you're running the mercy
20653s you want the damage boost you want the
20654s resurrection you're playing into an ash
20656s slap on High Ground who's been finding
20658s those early picks and you don't want to
20659s have to wait 30 seconds to respawn and
20662s reset every single fight yet again but
20664s when the mercy who already has Valk is
20667s the one healing the Winston well it
20668s should be the Anna so you can get that
20670s Nana boost online put it onto Felix
20672s Felicia's Center onto The High Ground
20674s disrupt mozzy's position that way is
20677s these small learning moments that
20679s separate some of these attention being
20680s able to climb higher and hopefully
20682s they'll be able to use those moments to
20685s learn and improve as they continue that
20687s OverWatch Journey
20689s so on the attacking side if they want to
20691s swap things up obviously Guppies in a
20693s pretty good spot rocking that pharah
20695s this time around March oh this is this
20699s is a mean Crossfire Molly has been
20701s hitting so many shots that kaiji kop are
20703s pretty much going to be just trying to
20706s take this ash down they've essentially
20708s been conditioned and as a result
20710s sandwich maker is going to get so much
20711s more room but likewise if so many
20713s players look at this far mozzie gets an
20715s absolute Free Run
20716s here right now Samus goes to that dive
20718s early with vasu and that connects to me
20720s to the two sandbox though well he's
20722s trade backs one however boss who on
20724s attended bar makes that three now for
20727s the Guppies gavasu also finds Felix
20729s sleeps our amazing sleep and then
20731s sandbox is there for the kill for sorry
20733s a deflect to the sleep rather for
20735s sandbox but unfortunately this point was
20737s taken relatively quickly quickly for
20739s more Morris Guppies yeah no not a boost
20741s needed just send a fire and distract the
20744s entirety of kajukov's neckline and it
20746s just allows so much more movement for
20748s both Basu and mozzie as well the swaps
20750s immediate from coyote cup Felix Felicia
20753s is going to be going on to that Diva to
20755s be able to defense Matrix but also use
20756s the boosters and close up the distance
20758s dealing with the farm the barge that way
20760s the server onto the Cassidy trying to
20762s find the two attempts however with that
20765s 25 Health nerve it's pretty easy to run
20767s you down so you have to be incredibly
20768s careful of the angles you take
20770s dropped off The High Ground launched get
20773s back to it the rest of their team tries
20776s to throw and green like you mentioned
20778s but just looking for some poke well the
20779s card is still getting a lot of space
20780s meanwhile for the Guppies
20782s and he comes through from getting but
20784s does not connect rather it's damaged to
20786s five Felix over the top side Cinnabar
20788s looks for that kill but eventually we'll
20789s find so I know as well nice work from
20791s them but mozzie turns around finds
20794s Cinnabar in this this payload is not
20796s slowing down mods yeah the one native we
20798s saw Cinema Pro was faded iron Simon
20801s schmaker was able to avoid it and then
20802s immediately team like Felix Felicia's
20805s and this is the floodgates opening
20807s memoris Guppies this is what I was
20810s talking about right ranks Lada meta has
20814s an entirely different Outlook to the
20817s Esports scene sometimes and even though
20819s we are seeing farther really white
20821s prominently into the Esports thing for
20822s the EMA Regional 202 in this environment
20826s where you have a farm and you have the
20828s understanding of sending a mercy
20829s alongside it and an ash to be able to
20831s use that Crossfire there is just so much
20834s pressure on the defense that you just
20836s have to keep giving grounds and giving
20838s ground and giving ground and if you're
20840s denied that Cassidy that one Line in the
20842s Sand that you have to try and hold on to
20845s any of your street space everything else
20847s goes up in smoke
20849s yeah it's tough at the moment on the
20852s side obviously we're gonna look back at
20854s everything that has happened there but
20855s like I said it just seemed like the
20857s Guppies it was figuring things out
20858s perfectly timed Dives in at the moment
20861s they're just looking like a dominant
20863s force in the lobby such a good
20865s understanding of the cooldowns that are
20867s available for the other side too that
20869s was what really impressed me about
20870s Melissa I think there was only one time
20872s that we saw coach gun being used a
20874s little bit to lighten as a result
20875s sandbox code on that Reaper was able to
20877s find that kill but Mosley has still done
20879s enough damage in the fight before and
20882s the team were able to come out on top as
20884s a result
20885s yeah I mean so far so good for them
20887s obviously up 2-0 they get this last one
20889s that'll close it out for them lock them
20890s into that grand finals that'll be a huge
20893s deal if they get that spot uh meanwhile
20895s obviously we got that member three
20897s coming up but we'll see after short
20899s breaks so don't go anywhere we'll be
20900s right back for that Rising map number
20902s three
20906s [Music]
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20925s foreign
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20980s all right
20984s [Music]
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20997s okay
21011s [Music]
21014s thank you
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21027s foreign
21027s [Music]
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21055s [Music]
21062s [Music]
21081s foreign
21083s [Music]
21088s major two we got our last match of the
21090s day underway and it is in the rising
21094s Heroes kind of tournament that we got
21095s going around we got marmorris Guppies
21097s versus Hydro Corp MX and obviously the
21101s Guppies are up 2-0 right now looking to
21103s close out on that map number three first
21105s two have been pretty pretty amazing wins
21108s for them so far it's tough to see how
21110s kinds you can potentially come back but
21112s obviously not all hope is lost as
21114s they've as they've chosen Dorado yeah I
21117s mean other than that little bit of a
21119s hiccup at the very beginning well we saw
21120s a vastly tried to play that Reinhardt
21123s into the ramatra this team has looked
21126s incredibly dominant as we had however
21128s towards Dorado I wouldn't expect to see
21131s the ram I would maybe think that we're
21133s going to be seeing more of this Winston
21135s I'm hoping if we are that irid is going
21138s to be that Winston or the pivot towards
21139s the diva as Village felicious did play
21141s it out when she saw pharah come through
21144s on the other side and honestly in my
21147s opinion I would favor the diva in this
21149s dive just the way that kaija Corp have
21151s been playing it previously
21153s yeah I think so I I think that I would
21155s 100 with you especially with the you
21157s know ass gameplay that we saw earlier
21159s it's tough to say it's tough to think
21160s that it was such a dominant Ash player
21162s would slow down on a map like Dorado
21165s where it is so favored lots of high
21168s guards lots of shop angles lots of
21170s places where Dynamite can be just the
21172s absolute bane of your existence if
21174s you're trying to flank and you get
21176s caught out by it the fact is well that
21178s neither of these team uh teams really
21180s feel towards that kiriko ruin moves the
21182s suzu and obviously with like Winston
21184s bubble cool line being what it is you're
21186s not really going to be able to
21189s consistently block every single usage of
21192s dynamite which is why I would much
21193s rather see something like the diva
21196s yeah yeah maybe why not yeah why not
21198s rock the diva here
21200s I mean it seems like uh a lot of teams
21202s have favored at least at the higher
21204s level meanwhile no way would we they're
21207s on attacking side rather just messing
21208s around about the spawn ring I mean we
21210s can we can talk about attacking side
21211s later one like you said they've actually
21213s locked on to a composition we do have to
21216s acknowledge that Memorial scuff is have
21218s seen how horrible
21223s in the previous but I know that that's
21225s sensitivity it's it's actually pretty
21228s smart for Mercy players right a lot of
21229s Mercy players will have different
21230s sensitivities so when you're rezzing you
21232s can 360 spin and obscure your hitbox on
21235s your head for as much time as possible
21237s and then when you're actually doing
21239s Mercy things you'll have it on a
21241s different sense
21243s it's kind of a that's the same approach
21245s to it for sure I'm sure see if that
21248s is the case it probably is for a lot of
21250s these great Mercy players like you said
21251s and now let us do it too to obscure
21254s oh yeah proof yeah because it's really
21256s hard to hit that character I mean while
21258s Godzilla Falls so low it does bounce
21261s back the rest of their team meanwhile
21263s that cart really not getting a lot of
21264s space Kaiju trying to get that pressure
21267s towards it sandwich makers not giving
21269s them any amount of space to work we're
21271s still launching Rockets from above
21273s meanwhile the bubble used already buying
21275s Steelers
21276s past the creation space here they
21279s utilized as well to sustain they do a
21280s great job just building towards that
21282s Nano and that's just in the Genji over
21284s the top side Felix Falls low though
21286s Sandvik sandbox dies to vasu over the
21289s top now sandwich given that space just
21291s looks the pressure even more so of
21294s course everybody on the inside to build
21295s that barrage I mean that's a sign of an
21297s experienced power not sending the rocket
21299s into the deflect but instead splashing
21301s the damage behind the Genji and getting
21303s it pause the cooldown there's damage
21306s boosted pocketed Powers will be able to
21307s take two they do manage to take the
21309s forward down but we're actually going to
21311s see a resolution to try and buy you the
21313s space for the rest to come through
21315s did buying that place like you said the
21317s Sleep Dart eventually into Felix Walt
21318s Nana boost it was a great sleep
21319s meanwhile vasu takes advantage of hollow
21322s not having anybody to really fly to able
21324s to get that killed really has been a
21325s standout player for guppies meanwhile
21327s Felix finds mozzie cuts down the ash
21329s player who's going towards that Bob
21330s meanwhile final rage still available on
21333s both Winston player sandbox desperately
21335s trying to build towards that uh that
21336s blade will not have a nano to go along
21339s with it so we're just building up
21341s towards that driveway looking for the
21342s dive early with the Winston
21343s unfortunately doesn't get the dash close
21345s range but hey did you get that pressure
21346s down right back to action Pace down
21348s sandbox gone unfortunately for sandbox
21350s did not get the dash reset because that
21352s Mercy pocket was there and now Guppies
21354s are in a great spot Felix has to jump
21356s back away does not have anybody else to
21358s go for that Dodge Bob also inwards
21361s towards that car unfortunately gets
21362s stuck he got wedged a little bit too big
21364s sadly to squeeze through stop does this
21366s job though well combining uh confining
21369s onto this logo and mostly however does
21372s get jumped on to still finds the kill
21374s however on to be me high as the faster
21377s with the Primal gets to play a little
21378s bit more aggressive and out towards the
21381s open even if you get pressured she's
21383s still going to be able to eat the
21385s ultimate to save myself and keep kaiji
21387s cool disconnected oh I don't even think
21390s vastly meant to kill Cinnabar they're
21391s literally just like came to the doorway
21392s smacks in the bar said goodbye back to
21395s the spine to where you go you go Guppies
21397s as a team are looking so good it looks
21398s felicious now he's actually going to be
21400s on to the diva even though the flower is
21402s off the board Savage maker came back on
21404s the Tracer to be able to regroup faster
21406s with the team and keep this payload
21407s stuck in choker sandbox guard that
21409s doesn't have the blade but we may hike
21410s close that Nano are we going to see some
21414s hold on to this blade until she's ready
21417s to get that Nana Bush for the ultimate
21419s it definitely looks like it is yeah it
21422s definitely looks like him quite I have
21423s to know they use the blade now and
21425s cinebar also goes under one they did
21426s Nano vasu early on that's two which is
21428s the Dry Blade post on here Dash
21430s unfortunately but deflex onto the
21431s dynamite too nice 2k play will take that
21433s also the dynamite too out of the ash but
21435s grabs the mini health pack through 30
21437s seconds left no blade to go we'll have
21439s double support offense like I said
21440s sandwich coming back with that full
21442s spawn but Guppies now just spawned
21444s honestly to this fight two meters one
21447s meters nobody else here to touch sadly
21449s and Kaiju Corp will capture out point a
21451s yeah Savage maker already actually fools
21453s to use uh her recall as well I mean so
21457s that pill is gonna get to continue to
21458s move a little bit longer however Mozzy
21460s on the ash on that high Gardens is going
21462s to make it really hard for Kaiju cup to
21464s be able to get not payload any further
21467s than the first Corner keep an eye on the
21468s Tracer has six on the payloads but the
21472s AOE is still enough to take down sandbox
21474s god it works yeah what a bull spawn for
21477s his damage Mozzy also with the dynamite
21479s on the hollow burns them away also to
21482s make sure the valkyrie can't be used the
21483s diva also staggered out of the next
21485s damage now comes back for that Anna but
21487s avoids some of those shots on both baby
21489s Diva and the Anna or escape with the
21491s life for now and they have such a
21493s favorable position with this High Ground
21494s in fact find the Stagger kill him to
21496s feel it fast
21498s Moses gonna help up first of all and
21500s this is really problematic for Kaiju
21501s cool because if they try to make an any
21504s advance with this Nano boost me high
21507s mozzie can just put Bob onto the cart
21509s the sandwich maker entirely undetected
21512s at the moment Waits on that right side
21515s to jump onto one of the supports
21517s oh my God damage though is pressure out
21520s fine Kaiju who just move as a unit
21523s Auntie onto the tiger actually goes over
21525s the top side if you want to look for a
21527s wall in that situation Bob in No Sleep
21528s Dart cooldown available just yet it
21530s tracks them enough for faster to not
21532s come in throws the Nana boost out while
21534s separated but Bob is able to find
21536s sandbox so with an editors on the diva
21539s unfortunately they're not finding a lot
21540s of value just yet mozzy's able to get
21542s Hollow on the low grounded it's just
21544s kill after kill with Moz is taking above
21546s the hiker that's what we're worried
21547s about for kaijukor when you have Mazda
21550s on The High Ground it's just so much
21551s value Guppies win they gotta get another
21553s fight yeah that's what I talked by tier
21555s right they put the Nana based onto Felix
21557s Felicia does eat the pulse bomb coming
21559s from sandwich maker but no inroad is
21562s made on payload distance because mossy's
21564s Bob was that appeal for the entirety of
21566s that Nana booster tank engagement once
21569s again Spanish maker not even looking for
21571s a kill at the moment it's just delayed
21573s strategy season and I'm burning out
21575s however they might have been able to
21577s find something even better
21579s sandbox gets killed by vasu Diva bomb
21581s here maybe somebody could die of this
21583s everybody Ducks away at as well
21585s connected
21588s also connects on a Cinnabar and and this
21591s spot is just so hard when you get stuck
21594s when you get stuff this many fights over
21595s yeah tricer can guard that right angle
21598s mozzie has full control of high grounds
21600s sandbox God is going to have a blade but
21603s again the ash can just coach gun you
21605s away and if you don't get that Dash
21606s reset
21607s well you're not gonna be able to have
21609s The High Ground angle to be able to
21611s connect the blade onto those squishy
21612s members as vastly with Primal again just
21614s gets to cut off another Avenue for kaiji
21616s cop to approach
21618s made comes through slows everything down
21621s for now while samage just looking for
21623s those follow-up kills going up towards
21624s the polls meanwhile Ma's in the low
21626s ground with a block through the final
21628s rage able to burn out sandbox guns also
21631s connects on the Center Bar so that's two
21632s and then Bob from Cinnabar maybe that
21635s could give them something here but
21636s mozzy's Bob meanwhile is doing a lot of
21639s work the resurrection Hollow is there
21641s lawsuit though pad for the lines goes on
21643s to we may High's damage maker tosses off
21645s the pulse bomb on a Cinnabar to kind of
21647s close things out for them the blade from
21649s sandbox saw could find something but
21651s with the Anthony grenade he's that
21652s they're down to one HP and didn't get in
21655s just melees the Genji blade saying
21657s amethyst greater than the blade Genji
21660s shot bat and shut down just Felix with
21662s the Primal wage on the cart is slapped
21663s does ham that v-bump could kind of Mosey
21666s around the payload but unfortunately
21667s it's avoided and the payload is stopped
21670s in the second phase by guppy played
21673s coach gunned nated Mercy pocketed
21677s finds absolutely no value we knew it
21681s would be a tough task when we saw it was
21683s Dorado that got picked I definitely had
21686s a couple of questions coming into this I
21687s thought maybe we would see a different
21688s game plan maybe we would see that Diva a
21690s little bit earlier because it really did
21693s just show in The High Ground Control
21695s that my Morris Guppies are just able to
21698s exude and extend into such a horrible
21702s anchor in the opening of me that kind
21704s you can't really just wasn't able to to
21707s get out from the Stranglehold that
21710s Guppies had on every single Avenue every
21712s single road every single position that
21716s this team could have tried to find an
21717s early kill was just shut but every
21720s single time every single push just
21723s Dynamite Tracer showing up Winston
21725s jumping in nade from knitting kitten and
21728s if you're able to find a pick civil was
21730s there with the rest
21732s it's just so tough now for a contract I
21735s can see kind of why you know a lot of
21736s diamond players in particular really uh
21738s say the game is quite snowbally right I
21740s mean I mean OverWatch is a very
21741s snowballed game but it feels like in
21742s particular it could be if you're just
21744s outmatched I mean it's it's it can be
21746s really tough right no Kaiser cup now
21748s we're going to be on the defense they
21750s are running a very similar composition
21755s which God's still sticking onto this
21758s Genji we do have to see the infiltration
21760s into this background be a little bit
21762s more successful I'm hoping that we get
21764s to see shades of what we were seeing
21766s previously from um Timeless where they
21769s were controlling these two higher
21770s grounds and they would send that one to
21771s them the treasure ones oh no
21774s we're not not as Moses gonna be able to
21777s find the kilometer away
21778s oh once he finds that kill early on
21780s Sandbox fell Resurrected
21782s it's tough after dealing with that one
21784s though just climbs back up to deal with
21785s the Winston against mozzie again I mean
21787s just get the rest of rank give mozzie
21789s yet again another kill on his hand box
21791s God mozzie looking
21792s like an amazing player at the moment
21795s comes through the top side still has
21797s that Mercy pocket shuts down Cinnabar I
21800s mean you might as well just give Mazzio
21801s but kills at this point they're backing
21803s up through that night market side but
21805s Felix is taking a ton of damage getting
21808s also there with the anti-grenade the
21810s next on to that back line as they're
21812s trying to fall back and it's just
21813s stagger kill after stagger kill now this
21815s cart is not stopping not walking into a
21818s damaged piece of Mozzy who is 83 percent
21820s involved I was looking to see if it was
21822s flushes try let's open his face release
21826s Blaze distraction from all these
21829s crosshairs but that's going to be
21830s temporary as the ball comes first
21833s this is unfair like just use mozzy's in
21835s the lobby it's like what do you what do
21837s you do with the other team just feels
21839s like you can't do anything with this
21840s when this ash player is just not missing
21842s coach gun cancels the resurrection as
21845s well as holoca and aim just swatted
21847s against the windscreen like an
21850s insignificant fly
21852s and our memories guffey's can just take
21855s this Higher Grounds that Mosley up to be
21857s able to pick apart Kaiju Corpus they
21859s walk out from three spawns and all the
21862s while the payload pushes uncontested
21865s well we'll see Kaiju comes over the top
21868s towards that Mega health pack room still
21871s able to dive towards that cart
21872s is kind to in fact it's coach gunned
21875s away again
21876s already knitkins found sandbox got
21878s Valkyrie used earlier on they got the
21880s heels for mozzie who's now dealing with
21882s the Winston meanwhile a sandwich in the
21884s front line of Denton kitten and vasu
21886s able to find Felix and Cinnabar nobody
21889s else here to touch us the mercy ends the
21891s Glock is whipped out from Sybil
21897s yeah I mean we call him sugar Coda you
21900s said it yourself it's tough it is tough
21902s when you have a DPS player who has that
21904s mechanical skill the team understands
21906s that they have that mechanical skill and
21908s they just put resources into that DPS
21912s player into that Ash and you get so much
21915s value to just be able to turn the lobby
21917s into a shooting gallery
21919s what the heck I see are we are we sure
21922s that's a diamond player Mark zillion oh
21923s my God oh my God it's like say insane
21926s shots after shots not missing I mean
21928s that for sure monsters should be
21930s grinding the ranks anytime soon with
21932s plays like that yeah that is
21935s really interesting to see why some of
21937s these roles are locked into the ranks
21939s that they are some DPS
21942s mechanical skill
21943s sometimes it's lacking the game sense
21945s there were a couple of times where we
21946s saw blades come through from their
21948s opponents and the Bob peel wasn't
21950s immediate so as a result the blade did
21952s manage to pick up two kills so again
21955s mechanical skill absolutely there within
21958s Spades and the team has identified her
21960s but there is still improvements we made
21962s for both of these teams when it comes to
21965s that game sends a macro decision
21968s oh yeah for sure I think that you know
21970s overall just a little bit more time in
21972s the game and then obviously on the
21974s outside like you said the game sense
21976s needs to be to be there that's just a
21978s lot of uh practice a lot of ranked you
21981s know a lot of these things kind of
21982s enable you and I understand a lot of
21984s people like you know people talk about
21985s ranked anxiety and stuff like they're
21987s like queuing for ranked really really
21988s struggling with that at points now I
21990s don't know about these players but I
21991s know you need to get that practice in
21993s regardless of that pressure on the
21994s outside because it is a it is a hard
21996s grind in OverWatch with how many
21998s talented players have been playing since
21999s you know OverWatch ones released in what
22002s like 2016 I mean that's that's a long
22004s time yeah I think as well for DPS
22006s players on ladder it forces you to be
22008s incredibly self-reliant right A lot of
22010s the time you're not really getting to to
22012s full cue so it comes down to you either
22014s hitting your shots or not and a team is
22017s going to be looking at you from an
22018s outside POV where if you don't find
22020s those kills they're not going to help
22022s you they'll probably cut you loose and
22024s consider it just a trade a sacrifice
22026s where hey at least they're not coming
22028s after our backline if our DPS can't hit
22030s anything what's the point in them even
22033s being alive at least with their deaf
22035s we're finding some form of value so it
22037s pushes these DPS players to have that
22039s mechanical skill to be able to land
22042s those shots and it does lead to players
22044s like that being here in these kinds of
22047s ranks
22048s yeah it's going to be tough I mean
22050s obviously you know for a lot of these
22051s players I think that also I mean I've
22053s seen a lot of comments from at least Pro
22055s players in the OverWatch taking stuff
22056s saying along the lines of that like you
22058s know at the point OverWatch 2 is really
22060s mechanically skilled like more so than
22062s even overall team Synergy so we'll have
22064s to see if all these players can continue
22066s that forward obviously for them now
22067s moving to the Grand Final see if they
22068s can finally close it out uh tomorrow but
22071s we'll be going to show up break live an
22073s interview with one of the members from
22074s the team that just won so don't go
22076s anywhere guys we'll be right back with
22078s the interview and wrap everything up for
22079s today
22088s thank you
22094s [Music]
22129s [Music]
22133s thank you
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22151s foreign
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22235s thank you
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22307s [Music]
22330s thank you
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22379s foreign
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22397s [Music]
22422s [Music]
22435s thank you
22443s welcome back everybody obviously the
22446s copies just what a win from them 3-0 for
22448s the last game of the day we've brought
22450s in none other but then the star of the
22452s match monster what's going on how are
22454s you feeling congratulations on your win
22457s uh thank you I'm feeling great uh we're
22461s all pretty pretty excited after that
22463s that win uh
22467s it's very very fun match
22469s oh yeah
22470s so then speaking of the match I know
22473s doesn't I were both incredibly surprised
22475s that they picked Dorado up against the
22478s team especially with how dominant and
22480s Bonnie had been with all of the control
22481s of high ground and obviously your
22483s absolute star night performance on The
22484s Ash were you expecting to be taken to a
22487s different map
22488s [Music]
22490s um honestly we were we were kind of
22492s expecting Dorado just out of the
22494s principle that all of us don't like
22495s playing Toronto so it was a it was a
22498s pleasant surprise I guess for once that
22500s we were that we were able to play the
22501s Dorado since we were doing so well in
22503s this van uh
22505s but yeah I was I was shocked too that
22508s they picked it because I don't know we
22509s just kind of sat up on The High Ground
22510s and farmed the entire time so
22514s yeah you get you really did and uh you
22517s know overall for you guys want to see I
22518s mean how have you got how long have you
22519s been playing together for because it
22520s looked like it wasn't even close there's
22522s like a 3-0 win and you know as a team
22524s you guys looked incredibly cohesive
22527s well believe it or not uh sandwich maker
22530s just uh our honorrhea captain actually
22533s messaged us about a month ago and her
22536s pitch was two weekends no commitments
22539s we're just gonna have fun so we we
22541s played a little bit of ladder together
22542s but we a lot of us go way back we're all
22545s very involved in the warmers Community
22548s um so it was mostly just a group of
22549s friends getting together we hadn't
22551s really formally scrimmed or practiced or
22553s anything but we've known each other such
22554s a long time so I think it made it a lot
22556s easier for us to be able to come out on
22558s top because we've known each other for
22559s so long
22561s some of how well the team's been
22563s performing would you ever consider the
22565s possibility of maybe signing up and
22567s taking the team into open division
22569s uh I'm not sure about this team
22572s specifically where it was just kind of
22574s like a little pickup thing between some
22576s of my friends but um if any if any of us
22579s want like ever wanted to go to
22581s contenders and maybe travel then I'd be
22583s down I'd be the first one to say sign me
22585s up it's just about getting whether or
22587s not we can get the whole group together
22588s or not
22590s you're pretty hyper competitive person
22592s then because obviously I mean myself and
22593s Mark's been wondering like how long
22594s you've been playing the game like how
22596s long you've been playing OverWatch for
22598s uh since the open Beta of OverWatch one
22601s wow open Beta Knight so I didn't get in
22603s the closed beta either you know I was
22604s only like a couple couple people into
22606s the closed beta
22610s question because you play the open Beta
22611s 2 what do you think about like what's
22613s happened to Widowmaker with like the old
22614s uh well I'm really curious because
22617s you're a really good hitscan player so
22618s I'm curious what you feel like old
22619s Widowmaker was so much fun right in the
22621s open Beta where you said the instant one
22622s shots
22624s yeah I I kind of in a little bit
22627s grateful for the Widow Nerfs because uh
22629s I'm a lot better hitting my shots up
22631s close so when the other enemy Widowmaker
22633s who's a lot better than me has to play a
22635s lot closer I think that uh that gives me
22637s it definitely gives me the advantage uh
22639s because
22640s I'm not I'm not really I wasn't really
22641s good at Widow and she could one shot
22643s across the map like that
22645s yeah fair so is Ashton your go-to it it
22648s definitely seems to be the hero that you
22650s were the most versed on being able to
22651s hit things like dynamite timing Bobs
22653s really well as well
22655s yeah I consider myself an ash enjoyer uh
22658s she's she is usually my go-to just I
22660s mean it's a little bit different now
22662s that would have got nerfed but before I
22663s was my go-to because I could play a
22665s little bit more closer mid-range uh and
22668s not have to rely on the the long range
22670s one shots
22672s well we'll rank you at the moment by the
22674s way I'm just really curious because it
22675s seemed like you know from the outside
22676s you were kind of just just destroying
22678s like you said just farming I mean well
22680s rank you at the moment
22682s um I hit Masters five after the
22685s registration close uh I'm very grateful
22687s that I was still allowed to play because
22688s we the the night before the first
22691s weekend we all had gotten together and
22692s we were like oh let's play some comp you
22694s know let's practice together and I
22695s ranked up from Diamond five to Masters
22697s five in one re-rank so it was it was a
22700s little bit I was like oh no am I still
22702s gonna be allowed to play but luckily I
22705s was and I'm grateful for that
22708s I've heard I've heard like the ranks has
22710s been a bit silly recently right with
22711s like everybody kind of just going all
22712s over the place at the moment so that is
22714s an incredibly fast rank up from freaking
22716s Diamond five to Masters five but like
22718s obviously I would not be surprised if
22720s you kind of stay in that similar range
22722s because you're just uh really a standout
22723s player so thank you for coming in for
22725s the interview monsters there anything
22726s that you want to say before we let you
22728s go any last words uh for you or your
22730s teammates or shout outs you want to say
22733s uh let's go let's go marvelous Guppies
22735s we got the skies not scuffed we did it
22737s we're here
22740s thank you so much I mean an awesome
22741s interview with uh pleasure talking to
22743s you good luck tomorrow
22745s all right thank you
22747s well that was Mossy from the side of uh
22749s the Guppies like like you said and uh
22751s what a fantastic series that was what a
22753s great way to show you know what you have
22755s and what's going on because obviously we
22757s don't we haven't had really a tournament
22758s uh like this ever for any of these
22761s Diamond players um in the specific
22763s section of the scene as well so it's
22764s awesome to see especially to showcase at
22766s a radiant major I think a lot of these
22769s players will look back at the vods right
22770s Moxie and really take away a lot of
22771s things like you said yeah again like for
22774s some of these players hopefully it's a
22775s learning experience I know a lot of
22777s players think that they should have a
22779s certain rank don't realize why they're
22781s not being able to attain that Rank and
22784s also don't really get the opportunity
22785s even though we have the replay system of
22787s being able to sit down with a
22788s professional eye and figure right where
22790s something went wrong whether they blame
22792s someone but it could have actually been
22794s something that they'd contributed to
22795s doing which meant that it resulted in
22798s something going wrong aligned the line
22800s two like OverWatch is a very team
22802s coordinated game but at the end of the
22804s day what other people do tends to be
22805s influenced by what you do at the same
22808s time as well things like when the other
22809s support uses an ultimate probably
22811s because you didn't use an ultimate or
22813s they hold on to this because you used
22815s tools and hopefully this initiative this
22818s opportunity allows teams to be able to
22820s properly get that experience properly
22823s here that outside of POV and managed to
22826s actually push their gameplay up as a
22828s result
22829s yeah and it in general it feels like
22831s diamond players have improved to that
22832s level like you said where they're not
22833s really
22834s um overlapping old set points anymore
22836s and you know I didn't really see a lot
22838s of blatant macro mistakes per se either
22840s uh but obviously we have to kind of wrap
22843s everything up for you guys kind of give
22844s it a little bit of an overview of what's
22847s happened uh you know obviously I think
22849s today has been incredibly exciting so
22852s you know we can get a little bit of an
22853s overview potentially what's going on
22854s obviously tomorrow we start at noon so
22857s be aware of that guys we'll bring it up
22859s one more time before the broadcast ends
22861s but obviously this is what happened
22862s today we had earlier on on broadcast the
22865s nyxl academy team play up against Bad
22867s Boys to get that 2-0 and nyxl was
22870s rolling on through pretty much
22871s everything and same with Timeless until
22872s that Winners final where both of those
22875s teams had a very close matchup meanwhile
22877s it's been the off-broadcast games we
22879s also had some close matchups down below
22881s where Rift Guardians are making their
22883s way through against Rick's bad Bloods
22884s which we'll see tomorrow and they also
22887s have some really good players with hkey
22888s being on their team I mean I would not
22890s be surprised to see that team take strix
22892s to uh the distance obviously and that
22895s grand finals will also be tomorrow Moxie
22898s so we're looking forward to that as a
22899s unit I mean no matter what team it ends
22902s up being I've got personally my fingers
22904s crossed that we see the rematch of the
22905s rematch and we get another rerun of nrxl
22909s Academy versus Thomasville if you're
22911s just tuning in now or if you joined us
22913s in that second half and you didn't get
22916s to see that match I thoroughly recommend
22918s that you rewind the time by a good two
22921s and a half hours to be able to catch up
22923s on that absolute
22925s marathon of a five mapper that both of
22928s those teams went through because
22929s honestly Dustin it's probably the best
22931s match we've had in the entire history of
22933s the calling all heroes initiative
22935s oh for sure I mean that was such a
22937s thrilling match up and like I said guys
22939s make sure to tune in tomorrow at noon PT
22941s right specific Standard Time 12 p.m not
22944s 12 a.m okay I mean obviously as my you
22946s know as somebody as uh dumb as me I
22948s would assume okay 11AM 12 a.m no it's 11
22950s A.M then 12 p.m you know obviously I
22952s have to go back over that because people
22953s might have a similar size peanut brain
22956s than I do so thank you guys for coming
22957s out to the broadcast the radio uh Heroes
22959s major two that's myself Dustin and Moxie
22962s and the rest of prawn uh wishing you
22964s guys a good night and good evening we'll
22966s see you guys tomorrow at noon so come
22967s back see you guys tomorrow
22975s thank you
22978s foreign
22987s [Music]