over 1 year ago - PlayOverwatch - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

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904s the promise of something different
907s a promise of Heroes
912s but the path to glory is never promised
915s this is a knock down drag out no hold
918s back Paul what devastating loss
921s Heartbreak City this is the largest
924s mountain to climb
928s foreign
934s a glimmer of hope persists
937s the promise of a new era the stakes get
942s ratcheted up a notched
946s are you not entertained
950s an error that celebrates where we came
953s from
955s at a place we call home
960s which Heroes will find
963s which Heroes will rise the OverWatch
967s League playoffs continue right now
975s it is time to Crown a champion of the
979s ocean 2022 season it's finals days
983s everyone coming to you live from the ACC
985s arena in lovely and I'm California the
989s crowd is hyped the players are ready and
992s today they play for it all welcome to
995s watch point I am your Hostess Zoe
998s schmind and I'm of course joined by
999s Scott Casa Kennedy and Jonathan
1002s reinforce Larson but most importantly we
1006s are also honored to be joined by Leah
1008s Denise and Jerry's booth on watchpoint
1010s they're wonderful voice actresses for
1012s Jungle Queen and sojourn welcome
1015s thank you so much hello hello hi hi
1020s it's good to have you here it's so great
1022s to have you guys here we are thrilled to
1024s be able to have a quick chat before we
1026s get into all the action now of course in
1028s the moment you know right before you're
1030s recording your voice lines uh I want to
1033s know if there is something you do to
1035s really get into character and say some
1037s of the funny or quirky things that your
1039s characters tend to say
1042s well the junker Queen certainly has some
1044s Beauties look at her lines that she has
1047s to pull out uh I guess I I'm always
1052s going into a session pretty nervous
1055s because I don't know where she comes
1058s from she when I'm in the booth she
1060s absolutely takes over she's a force and
1062s I'm often like wow did that come out of
1065s me
1066s that's what I say about my analysis but
1068s yeah how about you I I actually
1073s hello everybody it's so great to be here
1077s [Applause]
1079s um
1080s whenever I'm getting into character I
1084s usually hear uh some voice references
1087s and so they'll play me some voice
1089s references of what I've done before just
1091s to get me back on ground grounded into
1093s her
1094s and then it's just imagination and I
1098s find myself because I'm a very physical
1100s person I find myself moving my body a
1103s lot but also trying to be quiet because
1106s you don't want to have the sounds picked
1108s up in the microphone so I'm kind of
1111s silently
1113s moving my body and I I tend to be very
1117s physical with my face so
1120s um sometimes if it's a like an intense
1123s line then you will see it in my face I'm
1127s kind of upset we don't get to see you
1128s guys as faces just hear the voice lines
1130s do you guys have any favorites any voice
1133s lines of your characters which really
1134s make you laugh
1136s I'm so sorry can you say that again do
1138s you have any favorite voice lines of
1140s your characters is there anything that
1141s really stood out to you and makes you
1143s laugh or there are so many and on the
1146s way here I was I was scrolling through
1149s some of the Queen's lines and one I
1151s cannot share with you guys because it
1153s hasn't been released
1156s we will wait for it and I will guess
1158s which one
1160s this one for you it ain't a party until
1162s somebody's dead yeah
1164s [Applause]
1168s I love that it's awesome yeah do you
1172s have a favorite I love that
1174s um I love
1175s sojourn's ability to be
1179s stable and someone that you can always
1181s count on and very clear and focused and
1185s so one of the lines that I love because
1188s she is such an appreciator of her team
1192s and one that's it has been released is
1196s we're in this together all of us
1200s [Applause]
1206s I really appreciate that because she
1208s understands the strength of everybody's
1211s individual unique abilities and how they
1214s work at Best as a team
1217s and the other one I like that just it
1220s tickles me because I'm not necessarily
1222s this person but uh she says I'd stay
1226s down after she's like gotten somebody
1229s down and they're trying to get back nah
1232s why don't you just stay down
1236s six yeah do that one on the server that
1240s has happened recently so I want to talk
1242s to you guys OverWatch is a very
1244s fanatical fan base obviously there's a
1246s lot of passion there as you can see as
1248s all these people in the audience
1252s how has it been for you guys with the
1255s reaction from your work in the game and
1257s you know how's it been having those fans
1258s sort of come up to you and appreciate
1259s your work
1261s let's start with you I have to say that
1264s I'm very new to the OverWatch World
1267s sojourn was introduced toward the end of
1270s OverWatch and is now here in OverWatch 2
1273s and I have to say I'm I so appreciate
1276s the generosity and the Positive
1280s Vibes and welcome that I've received
1283s from the fans really like I
1286s it's been such
1289s you know you the fans who know this
1294s world who've played in this world and
1298s um it is so near and dear to you to be
1300s to feel so welcomed is is really a treat
1303s you know so I really appreciate it
1311s absolutely second that it's I'm also new
1315s to the OverWatch world and to gaming as
1318s well so it was intimidating to come into
1322s this space and then to learn that the
1325s junker Queen already existed in law was
1329s is so intimidating because it meant you
1331s guys were anticipating her in game and
1335s that came with expectations and you know
1339s I didn't want to let any of you down but
1342s from the response that I've been
1344s receiving from you all I think you kind
1347s of like the queen right
1349s yeah
1351s I like it too
1354s um and I want to thank you I
1358s want to thank you all for reaching out
1360s and letting me know that you're loving
1364s the queen and this outrageous Journey
1366s that we're all on together because this
1368s game is going to keep evolving and she's
1371s going to keep evolving and it's really
1373s really cool to be welcomed into this
1376s amazing community so thank you
1380s now you mentioned of course jonker Queen
1383s was already part of the lore and you
1385s know there's so much lore that goes into
1387s OverWatch but when you take on this role
1390s as the character and you're doing the
1391s voice lines do you have any kind of like
1393s secret lore anything that like really
1395s helps you get into character maybe
1397s you're sitting home on a Friday night
1398s and you're like you know I wonder what
1400s sojin's favorite food would be you know
1402s something like that so I I guess my
1405s question is the soldier to have like a
1406s favorite food or Jungle Queen you know
1410s sojourn is so in a way very disciplined
1414s and focused
1415s that I have to believe that she has her
1419s secret stash of things that she treats
1423s herself with
1426s did someone say Hershey's I heard
1429s Butterfingers butter fingers for sure
1433s I think it's I think it's something
1435s sweet
1436s and it probably has like a lot of butter
1439s in it
1442s again oh I see I see I see what what
1444s about Jungle Queen I mean she's out in
1446s the desert in Australia I mean surely
1448s there's not a lot out there is there
1449s anything that you're like oh you know
1451s this is really Jungkook me to me
1453s I'll just give her a good cold beer and
1456s she'll be right yes
1458s yes
1460s I love it I love it no um
1465s I uh there might be a little much to ask
1467s but I I put some some cards down right
1470s in front of you because we were putting
1472s together prior to the show and we
1473s thought there are some lines missing
1475s that we personally would really love
1476s this it's just suggestions you know
1478s suggestions you don't need to you know
1480s maybe put them in the game but maybe
1482s maybe you do I don't know and so we
1483s wrote A Few down we numbered them as
1485s well so yeah if you could give those a
1487s try uh maybe starting with you here uh
1489s we have a good one for sojourn we think
1494s they stepped off the point
1496s fortunate I like that I like that yeah
1499s we would use that won't we would use
1501s that all the time yeah for sure for sure
1505s all right we gotta get another one for
1507s uh for our Jungle Queen just trust trust
1509s okay trust
1510s just trust us it might not make sense
1512s now but it will it will in the future
1516s oh that is an egregious C9 yes
1520s [Applause]
1528s [Laughter]
1532s that's awesome all right there's one
1535s going out to uh you know the people out
1537s there on Twitter and on Reddit uh taking
1539s maybe some issues with the soldier and
1542s uh maybe you want to read that one for
1543s us
1545s overpowered I'm barely even trying
1548s that's right
1554s [Applause]
1564s ha thanks for the heels Mike really
1567s appreciate it I appreciate that one
1570s because the junker Queen needs healing
1572s and the Sport's got to support so
1574s they're finally saying thank you I
1575s appreciate it
1576s so do we yeah we also of course
1579s appreciate your time thank you guys so
1582s much any last thoughts anything else you
1584s want to say to our community
1588s I just want to say
1590s the OverWatch League finals are coming
1593s up
1594s [Applause]
1598s stay tuned guys more watchpoint right
1601s after the break
1606s thank you so much
1630s foreign
1632s [Music]
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1652s [Applause]
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1674s [Music]
1683s one one
1685s time
1687s [Music]
1698s thank you
1703s foreign
1730s [Music]
1733s foreign
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1760s foreign
1766s foreign
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1775s [Applause]
1793s to what point
1796s that's great to be back in front of a
1798s crowd so loud
1801s can you like turn it down yeah come on
1804s [Applause]
1807s they just get even louder I take that I
1809s take that now every year we get to pay
1812s tribute to a dear friend of the
1815s OverWatch Community who left us too soon
1817s in the form of the Dennis habelco award
1819s this award honors the contribution of
1822s Dennis internet Hawker welcome to the
1824s community of OverWatch it represents
1826s each year a player that deemed to be the
1829s most outstanding example of positive
1831s influence on their team on the ark or
1836s the community at large as a whole so
1839s let's take a look actually at some of
1840s the previous winners of the Dennis
1842s havelka award and if you take a look at
1845s this list there are so many people who
1848s have brought such positivity to the
1851s OverWatch League community at large of
1853s course Mickey initially we all remember
1855s Mickey you know his laughter that he
1857s brought on stage I don't know who's
1858s talking to this but I don't know about
1860s him
1861s well for the Valiant Sparkle I mean
1863s Sparkle such a personality that really
1865s brings out the best in everyone and that
1867s is really how I remember International
1869s Force I got the opportunity to play
1870s against him you know why we're on the
1872s battlefield together and I remember you
1874s know in Korea he was always like a big
1876s brother he took every took care of
1878s everyone it was this happy influence on
1880s everybody and that is how I like to
1881s remember him because as we just saw on
1883s the list you got the honest to receive
1886s that prestigious award in 2019. can I
1888s maybe share it with all of us what that
1890s meant to do it was really special you
1892s know I knew Dennis as well from back in
1894s the year the early OverWatch and that's
1896s really what this award is about Dennis
1898s when he was a player he brought so many
1900s people together not just in the game but
1902s also outside of the game bringing people
1904s and communities together as a whole and
1906s he made OverWatch Esports what it is
1908s today he sort of built us up and it's
1910s not just for me about what happens in
1912s the server or success in the server it's
1914s outside of it and the positive impact
1916s that you have in the community on your
1918s teammates on yourself as a person just
1920s that personal growth and trying to be
1922s better and I think this award is great
1924s at identifying and highlighting as
1926s players that really deserve it
1933s at 22 Dennis havelka award
1935s and a person taking that one home with
1938s them for this year is no other than
1940s Danielle Hardy fly noggle
1948s is it acknowledgment and also a
1949s celebration of a figure amongst your
1952s OverWatch League community that has
1954s demonstrated real leadership qualities
1956s and not necessarily the outward
1958s leadership qualities in terms of you
1961s know just being in charge but someone
1962s who constantly lifts the people around
1964s them up the reason why Hardy deserve
1968s this award is because he's a player who
1969s has needed to overcome some of the
1971s greatest professional adversity in his
1973s career from being considered one of the
1975s weakest players and one of the weakest
1976s teams in 2021 to being a driving force
1979s for the rapid Improvement of the London
1980s spitfly and being an MVP candidate this
1983s year in 2022 it's really one of the best
1986s team in individual comeback stories
1987s we've ever had in the OverWatch League I
1989s think he also leads quite a good example
1990s in terms of how he's like he's gone
1992s through like a massive fitness journey
1994s where he's like lost a lot of weight
1996s he's now like very active in the gym and
1998s I think he tries to to encourage the
2000s rest of our guys and also people on
2002s stream or just the over overall
2004s Community about the importance of um of
2006s health and fitness and how it relates to
2008s game
2009s everything hottie does and that you see
2011s online is a representation of how much
2014s of like a kind person he is and how much
2016s he helps everyone for every time you see
2018s him do something nice online or
2020s something funny on stream he's done a
2022s hundred times that within our team he's
2024s always just the first one to go out and
2026s walks with people to make sure they're
2028s okay he'll he'll be check just checking
2030s in on people non-stop basically like
2031s he's always trying to make sure
2032s everyone's okay there's a few I guess
2034s characteristics that you'd want the
2036s award winner to have being themselves
2038s and not letting themselves be held back
2041s by anything and just being them on
2045s camera off camera on Twitter on
2048s broadcast sometimes too on stage you
2050s know in Harley's personal life he's
2052s really taken to his fitness journey in a
2056s big way but it's not something that he's
2057s kept entirely personal Hardy's also gone
2059s to Great Lengths to encourage his
2061s teammates to join him in living a
2063s healthy lifestyle something that's such
2065s a key component of being a balanced
2068s individual when you're competing in such
2071s a rigorous competition like the
2072s OverWatch League winning the award means
2075s a lot to me I've tried to grow as a
2078s person over the years and it shows that
2082s I achieved my goals means a lot to me
2085s unfortunately I didn't know Dennis
2087s personally but I looked up to him a lot
2090s I heard a lot of the good story how I
2092s inspired everyone his positive impact on
2094s the community and of course I also
2096s watched him back in the days when I was
2099s still a low tier player inspired me a
2102s lot to grind stay positive improve my
2104s attitude
2105s I just want to say thank you for
2108s everyone cheating for me especially for
2110s the OG fans from a few years ago we're
2113s stuck by through the tough times really
2115s appreciate everyone
2120s ladies and gentlemen your 2022 Dennis
2123s havoca Award winner party
2138s [Applause]
2143s now we gave you your own microphone
2145s because you're gonna have your hands
2146s full here up to this one
2148s congratulations man how does it feel to
2150s be out here pretty uh pretty electric
2152s atmosphere in the arena yeah it's really
2154s crazy to me it feels great to be a thank
2157s you so much
2159s obviously we heard from you about what I
2162s meant for you to win this award right I
2164s want to kind of ask you about your
2166s journey with your team over the last
2168s couple of years there's definitely been
2170s some some struggles to get to where you
2172s are now making it here to the playoffs
2174s and Performing so well tell us how
2176s you managed to keep your teammates
2177s together kept their Spirits High even
2180s through the hard times I mean I'm always
2182s trying to like lead by example be a
2185s positive force to my team my teammates
2187s but I think
2189s one member of my team who gets credit
2192s but doesn't get enough credit is coach
2194s Chris and I think like a leader needs
2197s also another leader to like bounce off
2199s of and Coach Chris helps me with that a
2202s lot and we both bring like a positive
2204s force to the team and I think we can
2205s like bring the best of our teammates
2210s [Music]
2214s sometimes being a leader isn't
2216s necessarily about what people see in
2218s public or on social media I'm really
2221s curious to know what does it mean to you
2223s to be a leader maybe the stuff that
2224s people don't get to see as much on
2228s for me being a leader means like for me
2231s like being a team means like being a
2233s family and I feel like I'm like the dad
2236s of our family
2237s and it makes me like really proud really
2240s happy what we were able to like
2242s accomplish and roll together and make
2245s friends and be like a real team you know
2248s not just like a team on paper on
2250s contract but we feel like with a team
2252s we're family means a lot to me
2255s foreign
2255s [Applause]
2261s thing that I found really compelling
2264s about your story is that for you so much
2267s of your time was spent
2268s Shifting the spotlight to the rest of
2270s your teammates and lifting them up as
2272s well and empowering them as well to
2273s become maybe leaders in their own right
2275s one day I just want to take a second to
2277s maybe hear from you if you have a
2278s message to everybody out here in the
2280s arena and everybody at home all the fans
2281s of Hardy in the London Spitfire and
2283s everything you guys have managed to do
2284s I'd like to share a few words with them
2286s we're really like everyone in this
2289s Spitfire is so grateful for the whole
2291s support for the fans especially for the
2293s fans sticking around after last season
2296s and still having faith in us trusting in
2299s us we really love you we appreciate it
2301s so much thank you guys ladies and
2303s gentlemen
2304s Award winner
2306s [Applause]
2309s okay very much some time down here and
2312s it's been great to have an opportunity
2313s to acknowledge someone here next to me
2315s and also someone that's passed on that
2316s has had an indelible and everlasting
2318s impact uh on OverWatch Esports love you
2321s Dennis miss you and thank you Hardy for
2323s sharing his example uh here in the
2325s OverWatch world back to you guys over on
2327s the desk thank you so much Mitch
2332s wow I couldn't think of him or this
2334s servant person this season to actually
2337s receive this award wouldn't you guys
2338s agree yeah he is someone who has just
2341s been such a positive impact in the
2343s server he went from being a player that
2345s not many people had very high up on
2346s their list but he has turned that season
2348s around but this award is not just about
2350s that it's him as a person has evolved
2352s and changed you hear that from all of
2354s his teammates from his coaches they are
2356s saying that he has improved as a person
2357s and made this community a better place
2359s he makes everyone surrounding the awards
2362s league so much happier every time he's
2363s on camera you know I just want to cue
2365s into the guy I'm like I want Hardy to be
2367s on my team I'm jealous in many ways the
2369s the longest bits where I get to
2370s experience such a vibrant positive
2372s personality like Hardy um he definitely
2375s seems like a big brother to that team
2376s and I look up to him I love I love the
2379s journey and also some stuff he shared
2381s there in the video where he didn't
2382s obviously know Dennis he then Dennis was
2385s playing before he was in the Pro scene
2387s basically and to coming from a country
2391s myself which is not really represented
2393s much in Esports having another German
2395s playing on the highest level and having
2397s something to Aspire towards like that is
2400s beautiful so for him to now be on that
2402s stage and receiving the Dennis have Elka
2404s award is very meaningful in many
2406s different ways so we absolutely love to
2407s see that yeah and I you know that's how
2410s Dennis was and that's why this award
2412s embodies you know Hardy was always sorry
2415s Dennis was always that guy that everyone
2416s felt comfortable approaching he was
2418s always that guy that made you feel
2419s comfortable in any social setting where
2421s Gamers after all we just want to have a
2423s good time play video games and that's
2424s what Dennis embodied and I think Hardy
2426s does the same thing he has fun with it
2428s he doesn't take himself too seriously
2429s and he ended at the end of the day is a
2431s great player absolutely so once again
2433s congratulations to Hardy much love to
2436s you Dennis that is a great
2438s representative and positive for course
2440s India OverWatch Community we are now
2442s going to a quick break but don't go
2444s anywhere because when we're back we will
2446s be announcing the 2022 OverWatch League
2449s Most Valuable Player don't go anywhere
2455s [Applause]
2470s [Music]
2477s [Music]
2488s foreign
2491s [Music]
2510s foreign
2514s [Music]
2559s [Music]
2579s foreign
2583s foreign
2612s [Music]
2620s foreign
2625s [Music]
2638s [Music]
2641s in just a few moments we will announce
2644s the OverWatch League MVP but let's take
2648s a moment to appreciate all the Fantastic
2650s players who were nominated for this
2652s prestigious award because quite frankly
2654s all season long there was no shortage of
2657s really really stand out players I mean
2659s it's been stacked right like I feel like
2660s every week I turn up to work and like a
2662s new player is popping off and I'm like
2664s oh there was time to pee at this point
2665s like oh there's a fusion gonna get
2667s involved with like says the number three
2668s but here you go here are all the MVP
2671s candidates for the 2022 season and I
2674s mean already like starts off with Hardy
2676s of course there the Dennis havalka Award
2678s winner but like Han bin for the Dallas
2679s fuel Kai he started off really hot free
2682s Atlanta rain yeah there's just endless
2684s amounts of potential on this race
2686s cluster and you have to give a shout out
2687s to shoe the only support player on this
2689s list as well who has been one of the
2691s most strong Flex supports throughout
2693s this league for so long there is just so
2695s many great players throughout this
2696s season we've gone through through so
2697s many matters so it's been difficult and
2699s honestly let's be real the discussion
2701s has been hostile to say the least there
2703s has been a lot of back and forth over
2705s who should be the end come on P and that
2707s is an important thing because that's
2709s just going to show you how many great
2711s players we have in this league and how
2713s it could go to any one player but that's
2715s the beauty of this award right there is
2716s no right answer to that because every
2719s broadcast say another team pops off and
2722s now the player pops off so you could
2724s have changed your mind every single day
2725s and you would have still been right and
2727s also we have two different regions of
2728s course I mean no there are so many great
2731s teams in the western region but in the
2732s APAC region as well I mean Seoul Dynasty
2735s the Shanghai Vargas like
2737s wait are you cheering for the buff Doom
2740s I think they are yeah
2743s no get out of here
2746s we go
2747s [Applause]
2754s it's all right it's all right I got you
2756s guys I can just distract them because we
2758s do have so many deserving players of
2760s course for this fantastic award but only
2763s one can get it only one player will be
2766s the OverWatch League 2022 Most Valuable
2769s Player and to announce the winner please
2771s welcome the head of the OverWatch League
2773s Sean Miller
2777s all right
2779s what's up OverWatch League
2782s who's ready for finals
2787s guys this has been one of the closest
2789s MVP races that we've seen in years top
2792s tier competition across the board we
2794s have to pick one and for the first time
2797s in OverWatch league history we have the
2800s same winner of the Rookie of the Year
2802s and MVP
2808s that's right let's give it up for proper
2811s your 2022 OverWatch League MVP
2814s [Applause]
2818s foreign
2819s [Music]
2833s [Music]
2856s ladies and gentlemen your 2022 OverWatch
2860s League MVP it's her
2864s proper
2867s [Applause]
2875s ladies and gentlemen put your hands
2878s together for your season MVP
2881s proper
2883s unbelievable congratulations you've won
2886s the roll star you're the Rookie of the
2888s Year and now you're the MVP how does it
2891s feel to know that your peers think so
2894s highly of you foreign
2909s oh
2921s [Music]
2938s uh I definitely I mean this is uh I I
2942s feel really great of course uh I'm a bit
2944s I'm a bit nervous right now I really
2946s didn't expect this at all of course
2948s getting the Rookie of their year I
2950s honestly wanted to work towards uh
2952s getting the season MVP for next year but
2955s I got this award and I just want to
2956s thank all my peers and all my friends
2958s who were rooting for me and this is
2960s really really great thank you so much
2962s well I think we heard from the man
2965s himself not much more to say proper
2967s congratulations once again and folks
2970s give it up for the one the only the MVP
2974s of the Season proper
2978s [Applause]
2981s back to you guys over at the desk
2984s thank you so much
2986s yeah surprise it's proper no one could
2990s have known who would have thought but I
2992s mean at this point everyone just give
2994s him the championship trophy he's
2996s collecting them apparently in this event
2997s are you so sure about that I'm seeing a
3000s lot of different Thanos fuel files and
3002s Houston Outdoors fans over here proper
3004s what an amazing year for him rookie of
3006s the year now MVP of the league as well
3008s such an impact player for the San
3010s Francisco show yeah I'm trying to think
3012s of things to say we've said it so many
3013s times because you just won the Rookie of
3015s yesterday but Bailey's absolutely
3017s deserving of this MVP award every time
3020s he steps in the server he is the most
3022s important player he plays everything as
3025s well we know him for his Genji earlier
3027s in the year then he picked up the Tracer
3028s had a high impact and now in the
3030s playoffs making a lower bracket run
3032s moving over to that sojourn a hit scan
3034s roll he really does everything and I
3037s mean he picks it up on the sojourn as
3038s well as all heroes this season on your
3041s screen fourth in hero damage tied for
3043s Fifth and eliminations second in final
3045s blows and first in final blow to death
3047s ratio proper has been an absolute Beast
3050s this entire season for the show and you
3053s know some people said coming into this
3054s season are proper is getting over hyped
3056s he's getting overrated right now where
3057s are those people at now because he has
3060s just been a force to be reckoned with
3061s every time he has shown up I have so
3064s much respect for this player to be able
3066s to do it in your first season and now he
3068s has the true challenge can he pull his
3071s team to a championship anyone wants to
3073s do it it would be him proper he's an
3075s absolute generational talent and I'm
3077s looking forward to see so many more
3079s years of proper dominating in the
3081s overseas absolutely the flexibility and
3083s the skill on that player is the beyond
3086s words however we do keep on trying to
3089s find the right word I describe
3090s everything he's doing for us all the
3092s entertainment he's brought to the server
3094s now that rookie of the year and now MVP
3096s still has his eye set on the OverWatch
3099s League championship trophy but first
3101s proper and the San Francisco shock they
3103s have to get past the Houston Outlaws the
3106s lower bracket final is right around the
3108s corner and we'll break it all down for
3110s you after this break stay tuned
3116s thank you
3118s [Music]
3129s thank you
3131s [Music]
3150s foreign
3152s [Music]
3178s [Music]
3186s [Music]
3188s foreign
3191s [Music]
3229s foreign
3233s [Music]
3249s [Music]
3258s foreign
3261s [Music]
3287s [Music]
3294s [Music]
3298s welcome back everyone to watch points
3301s only three teams remain in contention
3303s for the OverWatch League 2022
3305s championship and you know what let's
3307s just let's just run it back all right
3309s let's take a look at that
3311s everyone's favorite segment that's right
3313s starting with lower bracket let's see
3315s who is still in it to win it we will end
3319s up with the San Francisco shocking
3321s issues not lost here but what a run what
3323s a run from the San Francisco shock
3325s taking out three of the four APAC teams
3327s joining us here in Anaheim it started
3329s with the Shanghai dragons then the LA
3331s gladiers Seoul Dynasty Pinto spark the
3334s San Francisco shock beat them all for a
3337s match against the Houston adults here in
3338s the lower bracket and this is a rematch
3340s this actually San Francisco's shock
3342s chose the Houston Outlaws in the first
3344s round when they were the second seed and
3346s this match didn't go how the San
3348s Francisco shock expected they lost in a
3351s map five Banger to the Houston Outlaws
3353s it was a very back and forth series a
3355s lot of different things happening Dante
3357s was still playing the erisa played a
3359s little bit of roadhog
3360s in there as well Esperanza the San
3363s Francisco shock just held on but the one
3366s big thing that I noticed in this series
3367s was first of all Mikey had a poor first
3370s map but he has since turned it around in
3371s the playoffs but also lastro and violet
3375s that is the head-to-head the lucios I
3377s have to talk about the lucios of that
3378s head to head was very interesting
3380s because Violet out peace out Paces last
3383s row in getting sound barrier and just
3385s yesterday lastro was struggling to get
3387s Effectiveness with that sound barrier so
3389s keep an eye on those two players but
3391s also keep an eye on just the players in
3394s the servers if you're a contenders fan
3395s you're about to be very excited because
3397s all of these players so many of these
3399s players are coming from O2 blast we have
3402s Pelican Merit proper Finn kilo Violet
3407s like these guys have all so much story
3409s in history of playing on O2 blast in the
3412s past they know how to play against each
3414s other they play with each other now on
3416s the bigger stage they're playing against
3417s the new generation of OverWatch Talent
3420s is here and it's right here in the lower
3422s bracket right now these players they
3424s know each other they played with each
3426s other but now they're facing each other
3428s I couldn't get more excited for this
3430s matchup neither could I yeah the players
3432s are very familiar with each other and we
3434s here on the desk are very familiar with
3436s looking at sojourn head to head and
3438s we've got a really great Runner here for
3439s you of course uh in leveling up
3441s presented by Butterfinger Danny what we
3444s got for this one I mean we have to talk
3447s about this guys we always talk about
3448s surgeon I know you guys some of you
3450s might be sick of it but we have to
3452s because surgeon is that important and
3454s has that much impact in the game right
3456s now and so we're looking at Merit and
3459s proper both of them honestly looking
3461s really great Merit I'm very surprised he
3464s absolutely he wanted to really carry so
3466s much yesterday and he played he sort of
3467s popped off on that Soldier proper as
3469s well of course beating this uh the Hong
3471s so spark and he's beating shy in that uh
3473s sojourn duel so it's really a treat to
3476s watch I'm just very excited to see these
3478s two Soldier players going Head to Head
3479s today and in the past Merit did get the
3482s better end of the stick in the sojour
3483s matchup last time they passed but proper
3486s going through this low bracket has just
3487s leveled up time and time again that's
3489s why he is our MVP it could be a very
3492s different matchup if the Houston Outlaws
3494s are going to get this win they need
3496s Merit to stay informed and get this win
3503s not a huge surprise that they find
3506s themselves in a deep run into the
3508s playoffs but that Houston Squad I
3510s reinforced let's talk about how they got
3512s here because this is the first time they
3515s actually made it this far into a
3517s playoffs what's that transformation all
3519s about the transformation for the Houston
3521s Outlaws has been magical quite honestly
3524s they haven't been in a top three
3525s scenario since stage one 2018 where they
3530s lost to the London Spitfire 2018. I mean
3533s wow this transformation has been epic
3536s and it's because of one person in
3538s particular junk who used to be part
3541s of the San Francisco shock he won it
3544s with 2019 and 2020 with the San
3547s Francisco shock and since Jungkook
3548s became the head coach of the Houston
3550s Outdoors now what did that
3552s transformation look like for the Houston
3553s Outdoors well let me just show you this
3555s stat coming up on your screen right now
3557s on control the Houston Outdoors have
3559s leveled up dramatically as you so you
3562s know observant pointed out the other day
3563s Subway in 2020 the Houston Outlaws had a
3566s control map win rate of 28 percent
3569s in 2020 San Francisco shock had a 76
3573s controlled map win rate in 2022 the
3577s Houston alcohols they are the best team
3579s in the playoffs on control so if the
3581s Houston Outlaws want to make a deep run
3583s here in the playoffs today it's all
3585s about that control game mode they have
3587s to secure them we talked about the
3589s players playing each other from their
3590s past well it's also a coach matchup Jung
3593s who used to be part of the San
3594s Francisco shock now part of the Houston
3596s Outlaws another epic matchup for this
3598s one
3599s we're so excited for this one now here's
3603s the thing outdo's last showing wasn't as
3606s great and as explosive as their earlier
3608s ones in these playoffs so I am very
3610s interested to see where our threats are
3612s going are you still believing in the
3614s Outlaws or you think that San Francisco
3615s shock is gonna run it back let's take a
3618s look at our press for this one and hope
3619s we don't get booed again here by the
3621s audience
3623s [Applause]
3638s oh God all right now there's definitely
3642s more Outlaws in the house than there are
3643s shark fans and they're very close to the
3645s station so I'm a little bit worried but
3647s that is okay I mean okay but let's let's
3650s tell them why we went for the shop all
3652s right let's justify it I think the San
3654s Francisco shock have leveled up a lot
3655s since their last meet up with the
3657s Houston Outlaws I think they have come a
3659s long way poppers in top form on that
3661s surgeon and the Houston Outlaws took a
3663s pretty brutal loss to the Dallas field
3664s yes it's the Dallas fuel but I couldn't
3666s shake it off they did but if there's one
3668s player to highlight I mean Danny put it
3670s right it's all about Merit on the
3671s Houston Outlaws he has to pop off in the
3673s sojourn matchup I mean and he tried his
3675s best yesterday married really did for me
3678s Rookie of the Year season MVP proper
3681s that's it that's it that's all you need
3684s to know and that's it for once behind
3687s the Irish League finals start right now
3690s let's go let's go
3696s let's go started as a promise
3699s the promise of something different
3702s a promise of Heroes
3707s but the path to glory is never promised
3711s damn drag out no
3713s no
3714s what devastating loss Heartbreak City
3717s this is the largest mountain to climb
3723s foreign
3729s a glimmer of hope persists
3732s the promise of a new era the stakes get
3736s ratcheted up a notched
3740s [Music]
3745s an era that celebrates where we came
3747s from
3750s at a place we call home
3755s which Heroes will find
3758s which Heroes will rise the OverWatch
3762s League playoffs continue right now
3770s ladies and gentlemen welcome to the 2022
3775s OverWatch League Grand finals
3780s [Music]
3782s yesterday was an absolute slobberknocker
3786s of matches but today we are treated with
3788s two games that are certainly going to
3790s bring the heat in our first match of the
3792s day could one team potentially Shock the
3795s World with one of the greatest lower
3797s bracket runs that I've ever seen in
3799s Esports history
3800s or will their opponent look to Annie up
3803s the competition as it's gonna be the San
3806s Francisco
3808s on the Houston Outlaws
3812s live and then
3813s waiting in the wings
3816s the uncrowned Kings looking for their
3820s title it is the Dallas fuel as they will
3824s be competing in our OverWatch League
3826s Grand finals and we'll take on the
3829s winner of our first matchup of the day
3832s but folks we have had such a Monumental
3835s season we've had such an incredible Road
3837s up until this point it has been over a
3840s thousand days to we've crowned a world
3843s champion in person so for everyone here
3847s right now give yourselves a round of
3849s applause for witnessing history
3854s and I have one last question for you
3860s you ready
3860s [Music]
3861s [Applause]
3864s no no no no no I think we could do it a
3867s little bit better than that I said R you
3871s ready
3877s League final start right now
3881s [Music]
3883s thank you very much Golden Boy it is the
3886s dawn of the final day three teams vying
3889s for that trophy but two of them have to
3892s face off in one final challenge before
3894s they can face the Dallas fuel that's
3896s right the San Francisco shot and the
3898s Houston Outlaws have one final chance
3900s Heroes
3901s it's gonna be a crazy one gone boy
3904s already mentioned shock they made a heck
3907s of a lower bracket run they were the
3909s Apex Slayers of the tournament sending
3912s home some of the best in the East the
3915s Shanghai dragons Seoul Dynasty and
3918s yesterday the Hangzhou sparked to make
3920s it to this point where now they've gotta
3922s face off against the Houston Outlaws
3924s coming in from the winners bracket yeah
3927s Houston Atlas had a good run even beat
3929s the shock at the very beginning of the
3932s playoffs they've got to have some mad
3934s confidence coming into this I mean the
3936s San Francisco shock also managed to stop
3939s the Hangzhou Spa completing their lower
3941s bracket run I mean MVP proper the desk
3944s thinks they're all gonna win the piggums
3946s think they're gonna win but there's
3948s still a lot of green jerseys a lot of
3950s Houston Outlaws fans right here in
3951s Anaheim I was gonna see I think Anaheim
3953s might be more on the side of the Houston
3956s Outlaws and you know those fans like to
3958s get rough and rowdy and passionate for
3961s their team and I can't wait to see
3963s what's gonna happen because we're gonna
3965s be dishing out some big blows from both
3968s you ready
3970s foreign
3975s Champs the San Francisco
3979s [Applause]
3984s [Music]
3993s oh the San Francisco shark this team
3998s came out of the gates guns blazing this
4001s season with one of the most
4003s [Music]
4005s strongest
4006s undefeated run that we have ever seen in
4010s the OverWatch league history
4013s always had a perfect regular season only
4016s at the very end where they snubbed
4018s they're looking to repeat 2019 their
4021s lower bracket run that they eventually
4023s went off to win
4026s lightning does strike twice can It
4029s Strike Thrice in this game look proper's
4032s already got the alarm Rookie of the Year
4035s award he's got the MVP through to roll
4038s star can he claim that trophy too yeah
4041s maybe even uh Grand Finals MVP if shark
4045s can get there and they've got a lot on
4047s the team that will be able to boost up
4050s their confidence Mikey's going to be
4052s starting off in that tank role as shock
4055s like to do to play him on control to get
4057s aggressive and set up the team for
4060s success
4061s let's bring on their opponents
4063s it might be their final opponents if
4065s they're not careful
4067s please welcome to the stage
4069s the Young Guns from Texas the Houston
4072s Outlaws
4075s [Applause]
4087s a team that I have many questions coming
4089s into this year
4092s Dante swap into the tank roll and
4094s performing it out of his mind to the
4098s surprise of many
4100s dude's a man of many talents
4102s and two former O2 blast members Pelican
4106s and merits who have just gone Super
4109s Saiyan
4110s in the playoffs
4114s [Applause]
4118s the arena is going absolutely wild for
4121s this team and what else can you expect
4122s from the land Slayers themselves
4127s this is gonna be your starting lineup
4128s for the Houston Outlaws it's been the
4131s same one that we've seen throughout the
4133s course of the playoffs and so there
4135s really aren't any surprises coming
4137s through from the Houston Outlaws lineup
4138s or the lineup for the San Francisco
4140s chalk
4143s and the sheer force of wealth the
4146s courage stepping up in the last few
4148s moments here for merit and Pelican just
4150s putting on unbelievable performances we
4152s already saw the stack card earlier on
4153s just the sojourn head-to-head is just
4155s insane it is Outlaws taking it over the
4158s shock in that regard it's going to be a
4161s tough hard-fought battle but the Outlaws
4164s have had an unprecedented run for their
4166s organization Johnny spoke about it on
4168s the desk this is a long time in a while
4170s they've been in a position where they
4172s can lay hands on that trophy
4176s foreign
4181s but as they do we've got to look back at
4184s a little bit of a historical run that
4186s both of these teams have had playing
4187s against each other for the regular
4189s season up until this point they've
4192s played each other four times with San
4194s Francisco shock coming out on top three
4196s times and more recently the Houston
4199s Outlaws being able to stick it back to
4203s um the final match for them in the
4204s regular season and of course the match
4206s that we played in winners round two just
4210s a little bit ago which
4212s according to colush was one of the most
4215s heartbreaking losses that the shock had
4218s experienced they didn't want to have to
4220s lose to such a good friend in Dante but
4224s they're back and they are hungry to be
4226s able to take it to the Outlaws
4230s we're jumping into our first match in
4232s just a moment I cannot believe
4236s we finally get to play a playoffs on
4239s land
4240s [Music]
4242s the San Francisco shock and the Outlaws
4244s is their last chance to get to that
4246s finals to
4247s take the trophy they have to get through
4250s this and then the Dallas fuel heading to
4254s Nepal is our first map
4257s this playoffs match will be first to
4259s three and we'll kick things off on
4261s control and because Houston Outlaws came
4264s in from the winner side of the bracket
4265s they get first map pick so they picked
4268s to go to Nepal and there's a pretty
4271s strong disparity for how both of these
4273s teams have performed on this map thus
4275s far the dust already hit on how the
4277s Houston Outlaws have such a strong win
4280s rate on control and we all know the meme
4282s about the San Francisco shock and
4284s control and how that one goes but on
4287s Nepal specifically Houston Outlaws are
4289s undefeated on Nepal and San Francisco
4293s shock have yet to win on this map so it
4297s sounds like Houston Outlaws want to go
4299s to a comfort pick to get that confidence
4301s boost for the rest of the series
4303s ready
4306s fired here is already Electric
4310s it's going to be the same old cops I can
4312s imagine although if proper place Genji I
4313s think the crowd would go even more
4315s insane
4317s yeah we are going into Village start
4318s first round
4320s it's the 2022 playoffs
4323s shock have made an incredible run
4325s they make it all the way to the finders
4326s again I'd know what to think let's
4329s unlock the gates
4331s it's the car before the storm
4334s shot versus Outlaws
4337s tp's forward and they're going to meet
4339s in the mid
4345s looking at proper to try to make a first
4347s pick
4350s oh with Dante going down that's not good
4352s creative trying to back up quick reset
4354s from The Outlaws nice TP through the
4356s wall
4357s from creative five seconds till the
4359s point unlocks proper holding the port
4360s down on High Ground
4362s don't wanna have shock free sight line
4364s of course see Dante and Merrick had a
4366s skulky around
4368s process completely just focused on
4370s proper right now yeah well it's gonna be
4373s all about trying to keep those sojourned
4374s in check as Mikey and Dante both look to
4377s focus fire onto the sojourns as Merit
4380s and proper are gonna go for a duel of
4382s their own she'll kind of crap in the
4383s point first they force Pelicans right
4385s before
4386s a bubble's been used to by Mikey
4389s bear almost lining that giant railgun
4391s kill but proper axi opens this one up
4393s Snipes last rope from across the point
4397s shot get the recap only seven percent
4399s awarded to The Outlaws there
4401s oh
4404s Mikey fighting a small stagger too on to
4406s Merit and proper even going for a little
4408s aggressive beat look at this damage
4410s actually forces Pelican to use Faith
4411s already look at this aggression I mean
4414s what you gotta do when you have that
4416s over cloth ready to go maybe San
4418s Francisco shark can use just that to be
4420s able to keep the Houston Outlaws from
4422s entering back into the point but we will
4424s see Dante use those Mobility cooldowns
4426s to try to force shock to meet them there
4428s Kitsune rushes for both teams
4431s as now it's just a battle of wills who
4434s will give it up first bubble goes down
4435s and isolation onto Pelican forced him to
4437s use the shift and now proper with the
4439s overclock firing through the bubbles a
4440s slide to the side but Outlaws a little
4442s bit too tricky to pin down and now
4444s Outlaws are going for the push the beat
4445s comes out Dante just leading the charges
4448s robbers trying to find Value but it's
4450s just getting focused out leaving a
4452s primary race from Dante to force the
4454s rest of the shot away from the point
4455s because they end up capping pilot fall
4457s slow aside from there it is good the
4459s strikers tried to teleport away another
4461s low Health members have shot just trying
4463s to not just stagger too much let's
4466s Pelican fry it's a little 3K off to the
4468s back of that yeah he's gonna be rewarded
4470s with the death Blossom so that's a great
4472s tool that the Houston Outlaws can use
4473s especially in maybe a sneak attack as
4476s the San Francisco shark have to come
4478s back into this one to try to retake
4480s control of the point all right where are
4483s they hiding Houston Outlaws they want to
4485s get a bit aggressive here you see where
4487s you see where Pelican is he's just
4489s waiting he's waiting in Golden drop down
4491s under the shot
4491s cool
4493s scounded a bit of free space Oh eight HP
4495s wow all right Pelican there you go don't
4499s matter anymore fighter goes down to that
4501s death wasn't Pelican's still pretty low
4503s but without a Lucio shot really just
4505s have to fight on the point now Mike he
4507s makes an aggressive jump towards Merrick
4509s but he had the power side to get away
4511s sends him straight back to the small
4512s doors
4514s 65 now for the Outlaws and the building
4516s Striker still willing to kind of fight
4518s this
4519s finally presence right proper from the
4521s side kills Dante this could be a go time
4524s for the San Francisco shot they had the
4526s katuni rush of life is already back
4530s hold on that if that wasn't enough then
4532s maybe this is the go signal as Violet's
4534s gonna be able to get a pick two on the
4536s Pelican and that's a quick recap for the
4538s San Francisco shock they were able to
4540s hold on to that container Rush as well
4541s and proper ready to go with that
4544s overclock so we're gonna expect to see
4546s some explosive damage coming out from
4548s the shock to meet Houston Outlaws right
4550s at Maine well those two could suit me
4552s rushes but the beat Valastro is going to
4554s come online quite soon unless you're a
4557s little bit away Sean's gonna have to try
4558s and store this out there's the petunia
4560s rushing for both they're gonna try and
4561s force the issue both proper and Merit
4563s find a killer each with this sound
4565s barrier who did the scales in the favor
4567s of the Outlaws right now the focus fire
4569s just permanently on the front line but
4571s Dante takes too much damage and shock
4573s still controlled and here comes proper
4575s railgun in hand Dante Jones back to the
4578s rest of his team and now the beat comes
4580s through a headshot from proper a striker
4582s brings it up and San Francisco pushing
4586s Outlaws to their limits 99 no one there
4591s to touch
4592s as they take round number one
4596s [Applause]
4599s some mixed reactions in the arena for
4602s that one
4605s a couple of MVPs a couple of booze all
4608s right we know exactly what side the fans
4612s are on right now
4614s but I gotta watch this replay because
4616s proper is getting that real good charge
4619s activated Dante peeking his head up just
4623s to get it taken off there by proper but
4626s he's constantly has his relationships
4629s and with the snipe onto Merit as well
4631s that was a great way for shock to start
4635s their victory for that first round but
4638s now it's time to go over to Shrine where
4641s we did see a quick teleport out from the
4643s shop Checker coming back there with the
4645s reaper but it's the Houston Outlaws that
4647s make it just play first
4648s [Applause]
4650s proper start with the round off yet
4651s again with a bang
4653s oh a double kill made that as Dante's
4656s killed
4657s finding his way to the exit door
4661s all right San Francisco
4663s they're gonna claim the point first I
4665s can imagine not trial laws are going to
4666s try and touch still what beats the
4668s Outlaws though they can regroup his five
4670s should be too much time waste it
4671s considering how quickly those skills
4673s came through
4675s yeah this is gonna be a pretty quick
4676s reset for the Houston Outlaws we're
4678s still waiting for
4679s us come online so it's
4681s gonna be a
4683s staff both of these soldiers can get
4685s Merrick trying to go on and off flank
4687s but proper's locking that down
4690s a little bit wide now he's the main
4692s focus right now of the Houston Outlaws
4694s but they have to Back Off Mary Scott
4695s fully charged rail guard he unloads and
4698s does end up swinging a Miss with that
4700s one as proper Focus once again look at
4702s oh low proper is going every single time
4704s there's an engagement but the San
4706s Francisco shot actually switched Cyrus
4707s with the Outlaws here they're still
4709s gonna have to jump to make sure the
4710s point doesn't get flipped and it's up to
4711s Violet to do so he does go pretty low
4713s but there goes down the MVP this Pelican
4716s focuses the fire on him as Houston
4718s Outlaws claim a couple of their own and
4721s this blip will come through
4724s shock are still able to capture roughly
4726s 50 percent before the Houston Outlaws
4728s take that control but this is where
4731s things start to get really interesting
4733s as we see both of these teams with their
4735s Kitsune rushes online
4738s Houston Outlaws taking a very aggressive
4741s positioning Merritt's gonna back up to
4743s be able to save some room for this
4745s overclock
4746s but what do these kiriko do when do they
4749s decide to lay down the pavement
4753s ideally pretty early especially if
4754s you're on the Outlaws you want to point
4755s wide oh
4758s help us and that isolation come through
4761s the Houston Outlaws aren't going to need
4763s to use any ultimates at this point
4764s kitsuna rashes blown on both sides as
4766s Pelican just unloading his Hellfire
4768s shotguns
4770s as the Outlaws are going to find the
4772s cleanup
4773s 40 in building a futile attack from the
4777s shop there
4778s really nice value conversion though for
4780s the Houston Outlaws just laying down the
4782s kitsuna rush and being able to convert
4784s that over to a team wipe and the shark
4787s now too when they use theirs now they
4789s have to come back in with other
4790s resources but Striker is still working
4792s towards getting the death Blossom online
4794s at least both sound barriers are
4796s available so whatever type of damage
4798s comes out from either team should be
4800s able to be saved by the sound barriers
4802s already Mikey's in causing a rocket to
4806s that Primal Rage passed it back to the
4808s rest of the team same with Dante as he
4809s just trading primals but this overclock
4811s actually sends shock into a little bit
4813s of panic he looks like nope they're
4815s going to remedy that with a beat America
4816s gets chased down upon me Place bubble
4818s from Michael to stop that sound barrier
4820s reaching him and now with a man
4821s Advantage the San Francisco shock
4824s they're just going to take over the game
4825s proper kills two Strikers got the rest
4828s pick up the check at the door Outlaws
4830s your time is done here 50 for the shot
4833s now
4834s [Applause]
4839s [Music]
4840s [Applause]
4842s proper trying to prop pop off for the
4844s shock right now as they start to meet
4847s Houston Outlaws in their capture
4849s percentage Striker though
4853s nice suzu but is it gonna be enough of
4856s course it's not
4858s and suzu that immortality only lasts for
4861s a brief window a nice early fight for
4863s the shot there exactly and now they
4866s already have that Kitsune rush back
4867s online so Fink can send that straight
4869s down the middle and when this is last by
4872s territory shot could use this kituna
4874s rush to close out the map here no
4876s ultimates for the Houston Outlaws yeah I
4878s mean maybe the consumer rush comes
4879s online all right they've spotted the
4881s encroaching Outlaws on the side in
4883s instant suzu then to continue Rush
4885s forcing Outlaws the pointed out things
4886s already down
4888s the shock without need to worry about
4891s the Winston could just charge on
4893s forwards
4895s is there Hope For the Outlaws coming in
4896s Creative plays down the kasuni rush
4898s pretty stuff gonna matter 99 to 85 this
4902s town Francisco shot playing that one
4906s [Applause]
4915s that is the pace we expect to see coming
4918s out from the San Francisco shock when
4921s Mikey is in the roster for those control
4923s rounds and when the odds were stacked
4926s against them this is the first win that
4928s San Francisco shock have gotten on Nepal
4931s to kick off this series so that's gotta
4934s feel really good for the team heading
4936s forward in that upper bracking
4938s quarterfinals they ended up going down
4941s on control versus the Houston Outlaws it
4943s was a close series
4945s baby maybe we get the five mapper we'll
4948s have to wait and see but if Rob is
4950s playing like this it looks a little bit
4951s unlikely we're gonna jump to a quick
4953s Break map number two on your screen soon
4956s don't go anywhere
4962s [Music]
4991s thank you
5000s [Music]
5006s [Music]
5019s foreign
5020s [Music]
5035s [Music]
5052s foreign
5073s [Music]
5089s foreign
5095s [Music]
5106s [Music]
5130s foreign
5164s foreign
5190s they can't get away the damage is
5192s inevitable
5193s [Music]
5196s this man Revitalize FB God from the top
5201s of the pillar and Seiko with the play
5204s does get hit by the coach guys
5208s [Applause]
5215s oh my God you're just not getting a
5218s solid selection there oh
5233s yeah
5235s [Applause]
5237s whoever said lightning doesn't strike
5240s twice has never met the San Francisco
5241s shocks
5244s is the depth of Talent on their roster
5246s that can't be denied some of the most
5248s hardcore carry performances that I've
5250s ever seen this is going this is going to
5251s be a wild ride
5255s come the rest you get a double kill
5257s salute says how about that one see you
5259s later
5261s his name is so crispy
5271s mixed right to the back line insta
5274s killing
5275s [Music]
5279s San Francisco the greatest team in
5283s OverWatch
5287s it's already heating up here in Anaheim
5290s the San Francisco shock at the Houston
5292s Outlaws with their final challenge to
5294s face the Dallas fuel in the ground
5295s finals a little bit later on
5297s the San Francisco shot
5299s taking map number one a couple of clean
5302s rounds as we go into the next map and
5305s for this next map shark Are Gonna Keep
5308s Mikey in the roster to kick things off I
5311s already had a strong map number one and
5314s this is unusual because typically during
5316s the playoffs you've seen Mikey get
5317s subbed out in favor of kaluge for these
5321s payload maps and then Mikey will come
5323s back in to Anchor out the control but
5326s shock they had such a dominant
5327s performance on Nepal finally getting a
5330s win on that map and snapping Houston
5332s Outlaws five map control win streak so
5337s it might make some sense to put Mikey in
5339s there
5341s or proper also at a hell of a game on
5344s the sojourn he talks on the desk how it
5347s would be the soldier versus sojourn but
5348s proper stats looking anything but even
5351s right now yeah he had over 10 000 damage
5355s the next best person like 6500 and then
5360s you got 36 of the team's damage overall
5363s that's pretty Mighty High for a sojourn
5367s and that charge shot accuracy I mean
5369s yeah you could see that only three
5372s deaths too how does a man look so cool
5375s Carmen collected winning two trophies
5379s and hopefully going for a third after
5380s this smiling on stage like that well you
5383s put up those numbers that is for sure
5386s thank you
5386s [Music]
5389s yeah there's a lot of shock fans in the
5390s crowd I'm just saying I'm just saying
5392s we're in California after all all right
5394s King's Row is the map like you said Rose
5396s Mike is actually staying in a little bit
5397s something that we don't usually see here
5400s and this was Outdoors this Outlaws his
5402s choice and so maybe why San Francisco
5404s shock are going to keep Mikey in the
5406s roster is because during the playoffs
5408s versus the Gladiators recently versus
5411s the spark shock have taken losses on
5415s this map so maybe Mikey is the secret
5417s agent that San Francisco shock need to
5420s get a dub on King's Row
5426s it's strange because I don't imagine
5427s we'll see anything else might be of
5429s course was brought in a lot like we
5430s mentioned before for the control but we
5432s saw him a lot playing the wrecking ball
5433s earlier on the season wrecking ball
5435s nowhere to be found this better good for
5437s some I guess bad for the ball players
5439s out of The Proud but you see how they
5442s want to attack I mean it's probably
5443s going to be the Winston again but maybe
5444s this is the change that they needed
5446s collusion and interview was speaking
5447s about how they have such different play
5450s stars they know Mikey is much more
5452s aggressive Fast Pace just wants to go in
5454s Dive Dive Dive Dive and collusion a
5457s little bit more Reserve wants to play a
5458s little bit more of a slower game a lot
5461s of the winstons that have found success
5463s in this new kiriko meta have been very
5466s aggressive and have had to play with no
5468s fear especially when Reaper is a part of
5471s that damage lineup
5473s it's historically been a really nice
5475s Winston counter because of how much
5477s damage those Hellfire shotguns can do to
5480s Winston's head hitbox so you definitely
5483s want to Winston that can jump in there
5485s and can test the sojourn in the back
5487s line so we'll see Houston Outlaws come
5490s out of the gates on the defense with the
5492s Winston but Striker may be going for a
5494s quick pick here on the Widowmaker
5498s careful than that creative sometimes
5502s I've seen too many casualties there
5504s all right
5506s he's now it was playing rather far off I
5508s must say
5509s we've seen a lot of the different
5511s defenses here from a lot of teams
5514s The Outlaws just taking it super
5516s aggressive and shock and more than happy
5517s to bring it to them I mean they're
5519s trapped on the wrong side of the map
5521s right now I mean they're just gonna get
5523s torn down this is too easy for the San
5525s Francisco shock in their first attack
5526s that's a queen team kill
5529s just like that
5531s Houston got absolutely collapsed on by
5535s the shock once they were able to jump
5536s forward and then just as the outlaw
5539s started to rotate around shockwears that
5541s are capitalized on that awkward movement
5543s do the secure this first point now
5546s they've got five and a half minutes to
5548s get through second with this payload
5552s Dante
5555s that was their Motif to begin with
5558s oh no instantly spotted there's no way
5560s you're gonna get through much of that oh
5562s well yep probably starting to fight off
5565s again with a nice little rail gun
5567s Pelican forced to use that rate it's the
5569s time we normally see a lot of the teams
5571s just basically onto the reaper uh after
5575s you use that shift but Rob is nearing
5576s that railgun at lightning speed
5579s okay all right
5581s maybe trying to go for a bit of a cheeky
5583s flank going for a bit of that poke
5585s damage to try to get that kid CNA Rush
5587s online pretty quickly outpacing creative
5589s here so that'll be laid down soon that
5592s was really nice uh moved in there from
5593s Dante he kind of flipped around 118 real
5595s fast just make sure he didn't get a
5597s headshot of the Pelican can't Dodge
5599s those Edge proper overclocked Overkill
5603s the San Francisco shot charge on
5606s forwards proper with threes make that
5609s four maybe five Dante hides in the room
5612s but nothing's gonna stop you from this
5614s actually use the Rival to stay alive a
5617s big ultimate bullet I'm lost not happy
5620s with that no I mean at this point that
5623s was Dante buying time for the rest of
5625s the Outlaws to get back the poor
5627s kpoppers set them back so much
5632s [Music]
5634s everybody's fine it's all good don't
5636s worry the beat came out just in time but
5639s last try to save his team oh please save
5642s the PC too I hope it's okay Houston
5645s Outlaws are still trying to hold on but
5647s the failure is so close to being
5649s delivered oh a small C9 from Houston
5652s there was it really a C9 if you were
5655s getting this man handled I'm not sure
5657s Merit trying to go god-like like he's
5660s done all playoffs some proper is gonna
5662s take him down the San Francisco shock
5665s wanna make this quick yeah that they do
5668s I mean proper's already gonna lock down
5669s one of the exit points before the
5671s defensive spawn of the Houston outliers
5673s and with this High Ground Control that
5675s popper has he's going to be building up
5677s to that real go once again so two key
5679s ultimates for the shark heading into
5681s this one with the overclock and the
5683s death bottom and last drop doesn't have
5685s the sound barrier
5686s okay Mikey ends up going down as the
5689s second dot for deck of the San Francisco
5691s shot but still the shot winning to fight
5694s this I mean depends how confident they
5696s are but I would be after getting five
5698s minutes on the second Point Bob has got
5700s that over block his second Merit
5702s building up towards his he's 50 away now
5705s death was for Striker available jumps
5707s straight over the payload
5709s Baron didn't even go down to the death
5711s box but Pelican actually bites back
5713s violet overextending
5716s kind of dossing around a little bit but
5718s of course proper still trying to carry
5720s as hard as he can Dante forced into the
5723s bubble he's gonna save him but not for
5725s long
5726s Robert takes him clean out of the game
5729s as the payload continues its Journey
5731s towards third
5733s and at this point too Violet's getting
5734s that sound Bearer online Mikey with
5736s another Primal Rage coming up as well a
5738s lot of sustain for the San Francisco
5739s shock to make this attack strong and
5743s also pretty low but okay A bit overstep
5746s back here
5747s [Music]
5749s all good okay small reset collect your
5752s thoughts get into that next fight both
5755s support onto the top of the shot flash
5756s are a little bit further behind with 20
5758s to go it's the shock
5760s they're all tracking well like maybe
5762s they know lastro's not near that beat
5763s just yet they can just overwhelm them I
5766s mean Houston Outlaws here they can't
5767s over extend or else they're running
5768s themselves right into a casino Rush from
5770s Finn
5772s Xenoverse is going to help last year as
5774s well build up towards that beat a little
5775s bit quicker popping out that damage
5776s speaking of consumer rushes oh they're
5778s actually shocker just gonna go in with
5780s the beat first Lincoln Zune rush and
5782s here comes his sound barrier from The
5784s Outlaws but Striker leading the charge
5786s with those Hellfire shotguns but Pelican
5788s and Merit making sure they burn as much
5790s time off this bike as possible Dante
5792s making sure the DPS with the shot cannot
5795s get a clear shot on the back line
5798s be proper laps he's only just hit that
5800s respawn two minutes disappearing from
5803s the Shop's time back down three to go
5806s Houston Outlaws has such a beautiful
5808s disengage there
5810s time for last year to come back in with
5812s the sound barrier to help preserve the
5815s team and this defense but with a wrap
5817s around the San Francisco shocker going
5819s for here Dante can just start jockey
5821s around this corner but the overclock
5823s from Mirror trying to shut them down but
5825s look you can see Michael just diving in
5827s straight away
5828s has to retreat
5829s for a moment just waiting for that
5831s overclock to fade still with 100 charges
5833s oh okay maybe not anymore missing that
5836s shot and now his proper's turn to lay
5837s waste to The Outlaws they get chased all
5840s the way back into their sport not where
5841s you want to be at all there it falls for
5843s the new tray for Strikers proper still
5845s trying to search for the kill into
5847s Pelican he secures it and now he's just
5849s lastrodante on the point to try and keep
5851s things alive creative he's gonna be here
5853s in the DPS The Outlaws are respawning
5855s and with Pelicans death pulse and this
5857s could be their final stand
5859s grab that maybe the sound barrier from
5861s last year getting online too how much
5862s time can you sound those five no that
5864s straight up going down no peak now for
5867s the Outlaws at no speed this death loss
5869s of our Pelican has to be massive he's
5871s waiting out on the payload with his
5872s death Blossom but he's struggling to
5873s find an entrance in proper
5875s shut the door on him
5877s and the shot take over the last point
5880s the beat to secure
5882s sound barrier for you Outlaws
5886s the shot complete with time a minute to
5889s 32 seconds in that time back
5894s San Francisco shock had walked into that
5898s second point in five and a half minutes
5900s kept up that quick Pace entering into
5903s third
5903s very impressive that the Houston Outlaws
5906s were able to whittle away so much of
5908s that insurmountable time Bang
5912s it kind of came down to the wire there
5913s San Francisco shock still finished with
5915s a minute and a half but now Houston
5917s Outlaws they have to complete the entire
5921s map and so we need to see them set an
5924s aggressive Pace especially when Mikey is
5926s a little bit more eager to jump into the
5928s back line right now
5930s oh this track is so clean
5935s all right the shot well importantly too
5937s they did finish with over a minute right
5939s so
5940s now Lord's gonna have to match them
5943s that replay too I mean proper right now
5945s he's caught 29.
5949s deadlifted right now I know that's what
5951s I was I I couldn't get there fast it's
5953s all right there's a lot of numbers on
5954s the screen proper's deadlifting right
5956s now is it's all what we wanted 16 final
5958s blows out of the 29 that San Francisco
5961s shot currently have doing 37 of his
5965s team's damage
5967s he's got a backpack big enough before
5969s and the Shocker in it
5977s aggressive well
5979s Allah heard of damage down onto the
5981s Outlaws
5982s all right another aggressive halt This
5984s Time by the shot goal fin those
5988s eyes yeah they hurt
5990s not a place though you want to be I love
5991s when the kiriko is actually holds
5993s forward there you can play around the
5994s mega pack
5995s that's switched it it's not a failure
5997s cooldown considering how strong that
5999s ability is
6001s it's good to see aggressive supports use
6003s it you get a lot more old charge too if
6005s uh you're putting down early damage
6007s speaking of damage oh Striker already
6010s dead three and a half minutes to go
6012s let's have Francisco shot now taking the
6014s duel proper unfazed
6017s by the encroaching Winston is still
6020s managed to kill Merricks
6022s yellow still have a nice sport to party
6024s so I mean their sport is a lot closer
6026s but look at this it looks like alo's
6028s just gonna back out or Dante's chords he
6030s couldn't quite get over the little ledge
6032s and now Pelicans trapped in a room all
6034s alone
6035s and now the San Francisco shot staking
6038s their claim on the spawn doors of the
6040s Outlaws
6043s proper gonna hold down that front line
6044s as well with that overclock available
6046s will be the first ultimate of this round
6049s on King's Row creative just trying to
6052s get a little bit of pressure there
6054s playing on that High Ground ledge but
6056s has to go on with this computer but to
6058s try to break it through the defense if
6060s he's rushes and Pelican just trying to
6063s get max value with it actually forcing
6065s away bid who's also laid down his own
6067s Kitsune Rush thing couldn't get to the
6069s rest of his team because Helen bush is
6070s standing in front of him
6072s you passed Pelican he's gonna two-tap
6073s you with the reaper and now maritz on a
6076s nice little Anglin hotel as Houston
6077s Outlaws regain control of the point two
6080s ticks online but shock still looking for
6081s another entrance a rape form actually
6083s for Striker gets onto the point and they
6086s even lay down the beat now you don't
6087s want to give this one up seven like 92
6090s but you can't get back and with two
6092s minutes to go the shot with a heck of a
6095s defense a Primal Rage
6106s but that was all because sharks were
6108s able to disengage and then come back in
6115s [Applause]
6117s oh Striker
6121s ultimate disrespect
6125s this is the speed the pace that you
6128s expect when Mikey's in playing all the
6131s way up to the front line oh lastro oh no
6134s please don't say it
6138s Jags
6141s oh no sound barrier for outlaws now
6143s they're gonna have to do this one
6145s without Support also as they're relying
6147s on Bella and pericard to find the kill
6148s for proppers on the flank creativity
6150s sights has to suzu himself
6152s the animals feeling pretty rough about
6155s that one hit soon Russia from the kirigo
6157s to Martin Ford Marines actually takes
6159s the better of it a double kill Mary's
6162s coming alive
6163s both DPS ultimates had to be used in
6166s this fight as they have no sound barrier
6167s to back them up
6169s and here it is
6171s a nice little team killer that'll be
6173s point a unlocked they're gonna get the
6174s payload going
6175s Houston Outlaws are one of those types
6177s of teams and their backs are against the
6179s wall they always clutch it out and so
6182s that was a beautiful point a capture and
6184s now they finally get to get that payload
6185s rolling but it's gonna have to be off
6188s the back of this kidzania Russian
6189s creator that they want to keep this
6191s momentum pushing forward that should
6193s allow them to get into the face of Mikey
6195s as long as they don't get punished in
6197s the back line for giving up too much
6199s space when Mikey jumps in also gotta
6202s watch out for proper as he's gonna get
6204s set up on a flank here with the
6205s overclock too
6207s Advantage right now Finn used that to in
6210s the last fight to
6212s try and win it and hold on to that point
6215s should be a pretty easy fight here for
6216s the Alloys if they don't
6218s get jumped on by the shot first speaking
6220s of which all right there's the casino
6221s Rush of the suzu they're WM warning yeah
6225s yeah and Mikey's down are these Finn
6227s kills created which is nice strike is
6229s still on the point trying to make him
6231s hurt but no The Outlaws they control now
6234s but with only two minutes to go the
6236s shock is gonna have an easy Recon test
6238s the recontest is even bigger for the
6240s shock here too because they do have
6241s Violet's sound barrier to be able to
6243s back that up alongside Mikey's Primal
6246s Rage so tons of sustain on the board and
6248s there's not really enough DPS pressure
6250s on the Houston Outlaws to be able to
6252s overwhelm that overhelp that the shark
6254s will be able to have so it's gonna be on
6256s last row speed they've got to be able to
6258s use this and time it right nicest
6260s Rapture shot there in the choke points
6262s actually forcing out a lot of cooldowns
6264s right now from the Houston Outlaws Mike
6265s trying to bash the DPS into the sights
6267s of proper who's just laying in weight
6270s trying to leverage that ultimate
6272s from Mikey great disengage there from
6274s the Houston Outlaws and now they're
6276s going to be able to take an ultimate
6277s economy Advantage when you see Marin
6279s Pelican working up to their DPS nice
6281s little flight there that kazoo nurse is
6283s pretty good for Finn as Dante jumps into
6285s the back line Isuzu to help the pipeline
6287s For the Outlaws but you can't help them
6290s from that prop is just immense damage
6293s coming out that was a really nice
6294s response from the out from the shot they
6297s saw Finn was getting Dove the katsuni
6300s rush straight towards the back line and
6302s the rest was history the shock now
6305s making their final stand on this second
6307s point with 50 seconds to go
6309s three ultimates on the board for both
6311s teams but it's overwhelming DPS pressure
6314s and how these sound barriers go Blaster
6317s didn't get a chance to use it a little
6318s bit earlier in order to contend with
6321s Strikers that's awesome oh
6323s it was just dirty just hiding away
6328s oh with 30 seconds now and Striker
6331s popping out of a Woodworks to disrupt
6334s this push at The Outlaws this is going
6336s to be a struggle someone's gonna have to
6338s touch the Alamos have a beat but
6340s Violet's there to match these overclocks
6342s from Merit and proper they're gonna
6344s signal the end of this match or the
6345s continuation onto that third point last
6348s year's gonna have to use this sound
6349s barrier pretty aggressively as well just
6352s so they're able to make it to this
6353s payload and Shop
6356s oh proper going pretty low but he has no
6359s fear dive straight into the back line
6361s but last
6364s the Houston Outlaws with little to no
6367s support left the San Francisco shot
6369s determined to hold this on the second
6371s point
6372s match point in their sights their
6375s Victory so close but they just have to
6378s deal with Dante in the front line turn
6380s the heels by creative as lastro joins
6381s The Fray once again a perfect soul from
6383s The Outlaws but is it gonna be enough
6385s Isuzu forward from Finn to protect the
6387s front line is proper is just dominating
6390s Merit on The High Ground a big Focus
6393s onto the social as he falls last throw
6396s and creative is the last hoop the last
6399s attempt to try and hold but it's not
6401s gonna be enough
6403s this time Francisco shock on Match
6407s points then Miracle run through the
6410s lower bracket is about to be complete
6414s the Houston Outlaws absolutely absent
6417s from this game so far
6420s their first
6422s third title must be quenched
6426s and the San Francisco shock I'm making
6429s this a quick one
6431s Match Point already for the shock
6434s after such a big performance coming out
6436s from proper you heard the cheers in the
6438s arena for the alarm rookie of the year
6441s for the MVP and he's about to prove it
6445s maybe even now here
6447s looking at escort as our next map type
6451s runs similar to 2019 shock wanna do it
6456s once again we're gonna jump to a quick
6458s break Houston Outlaws fast in the
6460s audience you better be loud and proud
6462s right now because they are on the ropes
6464s this is their final chance to go to the
6466s Grand finals can the reverse sweep start
6469s here we'll have to find out after this
6477s [Music]
6483s the unwatch league is brought to you by
6485s Upper Deck the official Trading Card of
6488s the OverWatch League
6489s and by TeamSpeak the official voice
6492s supplier of the OverWatch League
6495s qualification into tournament number
6497s three is still completely in the open
6507s foreign
6513s get through that war is Hawk already
6515s dead Kai also falls and the iron terrain
6519s it may be Scrappy his double supports
6521s versus the tank oh saying that not a
6522s support is speedly Kai ends up falling
6525s and it's just a slug face
6527s the way Yoji gets two poops there both
6530s backbone and had he sent to the drink
6532s what what is with this quarter are just
6535s ridiculous plays by the way the Atlanta
6537s Reign OG gets a double Boop an
6539s unbelievable amount of old charge for
6541s that beat plus extra meter Ridge ah the
6543s swing of the tempo of that fight
6547s yeah I'm now going to jump over to the
6550s point itself to keep it locked in the
6552s middle for now zest with a HP and look
6554s for his Carpe he used the debug command
6556s again after all someone needs to take
6558s away the admin privileges because they
6560s fight two for one trade void the only
6562s person going down so far for the dragons
6564s but that's enough
6567s it's too much
6569s as well
6571s oh man it's fragging once again
6576s San Francisco don't have too much left
6578s so they do not want to be reactive here
6580s it's about setting the pace for San
6583s Francisco calooz tries to do something
6585s he takes so much damage it has to be an
6586s early commanding shot that only affects
6587s him Rampage is going to catch on a two
6589s from Kellerman properties there oh my I
6592s don't know how he gets Flora sevens the
6593s Achilles from below and that's four for
6595s proper fantastic blade kellen's really a
6598s footnote at this point he can't achieve
6600s anything on his own in San Francisco
6602s convert yeah losing fight in a spawn
6604s Camp scenario into a huge win
6612s to seal the deal double knifing coming
6615s in for krong they're too Brute
6618s because they will now have been Dane
6620s following up on his kills and pushed all
6622s the way back to the spawn room again wow
6624s this is the song Classic at the moment
6626s Amanda Lucia popping up on the kill
6628s thing just a little bit there
6630s rampage versus Rampage again Mary's is
6633s pretty big a counter Rampage from
6634s dalante aims it straight at mirror King
6636s Amira in trouble blade pulled from
6639s Pelican straight to the back his fancy
6641s footwork looking like whoops out here 4K
6644s for Pelican well 5K in fact 4K with the
6647s plane Pelican getting it just a random
6650s solicit at the very start of the fight
6651s oh
6653s this guy's pretty good
6658s [Music]
6691s foreign
6704s [Music]
6713s [Music]
6731s [Music]
6751s welcome back
6754s getting down two maps right now San
6756s Francisco shock on Match Point not a
6759s close game not a close affair right now
6762s I know there are a lot of huge now loss
6764s fans in the audience
6766s they've been cheering something fierce
6768s we're gonna first compared to stepping
6770s into the lobby though
6773s they were cheering fears that they're
6775s booing now because kalluge is going to
6778s be subbing in for Mikey and this might
6780s be the anchor for the San Francisco
6782s shock as we head over to our next map
6786s remember you know coluge after their
6788s loss to the Houston Outlaws a little bit
6790s earlier on in the playoffs and that
6793s Winners round two
6794s so that he was devastated by that and he
6797s wants to come back and hit the Houston
6799s Outlaws hard and where it hurts and
6802s that's gonna be this match to make it to
6805s the Grand finals
6806s maybe owls weren't really expecting
6808s shock to have Mikey in for that second
6810s map so we're expecting that pressure
6812s that pace that they were setting we're
6814s going to Route 66 as our third a
6817s potential final map
6818s shock just look on an absolute another
6821s level today nothing really stopping them
6824s I wonder if our loss of Jake in the back
6827s room has got a few Choice words for them
6830s Shoring it up because that King's Row
6832s was not close no it was not close at all
6835s I mean San Francisco shot they finished
6837s with a minute and a half in the bank
6840s still able to hold Houston Outlaws on at
6842s that second point to their defense
6845s but when it comes to room 66 you're
6847s really looking at a bit more open
6849s territory for the soldier to operate it
6851s so you'll see them on The High Ground
6853s maybe playing around the train
6854s definitely on top of big girls and from
6857s that Canyon that heads over to that
6859s second point just for the defense alone
6861s that's going to be really fun to
6863s continue to watch how proper and Merit
6866s respond to each other
6872s is such a fantastic playoff season too
6877s but an almost unprecedented run from two
6880s teams in the lower bracket that was the
6881s Hangzhou spark in the San Francisco
6883s shock
6884s but the shock look well they look bad
6886s they look angry
6887s they want to get back at the Outlaws for
6889s knocking them so early down into that
6891s loses bracket it was a five back series
6896s Houston looking to maybe spawn hold
6900s might as well take the early fire on
6901s this map especially with these comps
6902s they are quick they can be quite clean
6904s is Striker Really Gonna Roll out with
6907s Sebastian
6910s well we've got five seconds to find out
6914s and I'm sorry everybody that fashion
6918s isn't going to happen but that
6920s teleporter will but it's immediately
6922s taken out there by the Houston Outlaws
6924s so that San Francisco shock have to now
6926s invest cooldowns to be able to meet them
6928s on top of these train times give us the
6931s guy with the heart
6933s stop by Outlaws see how the shop want to
6936s really do this do they just want to keep
6937s touching the payload just trying to
6939s in shape closer just so adults have to
6941s respond they get away from Violet
6943s regardless another engagement here from
6945s collude very super safe fighting all the
6947s way back as well hasn't got a high
6948s ground but still a fairly decent angle
6950s at the approaching shock members
6952s speaking of which Clues must get a head
6954s shot proper starts it off pretty well
6955s though with a kill off to Dante even
6956s sliding into the back line taking
6958s creative like what was that Dash in from
6961s proper ultimate disrespect like this
6964s confidence just
6966s from this guy right now oh he's just
6968s taken up to the front lines and the
6970s Houston Outlaws they do lose that first
6971s fight There Rose but they're going to
6972s get another couple of attempts to defend
6974s well we see this a few times where the
6976s soldier will get so aggressive because
6977s they know that they have the Lucio there
6979s to taxi them away to safety but also
6982s when those kirigo can lay down those
6983s Zuzu you can play a bit more
6985s aggressively and in the front line
6988s oh he's got a good sideline there's a
6991s lot of heads going through his Crosshair
6992s right now trying to take out his light
6994s for like in mayor who's also built up to
6995s another railgun shot oh fight okay okay
6999s I see you trust this movement there open
7002s merits aim and he ends up coming out on
7004s top Halo moving so close to that first
7006s point and here comes the katuni rushes
7008s oh Merit in a little bit of trouble
7010s where he already has to back away
7011s there's two of those DPS holes were on
7014s live right now those overclocks but with
7017s that later beat from the Houston Outlaws
7018s I don't think shock want to be a part of
7020s this one
7021s shocker gonna have to back off here
7023s especially after that beat was invested
7025s by last row that's going to be both
7027s supportive ultimates off the board for
7029s both teams and now we're really looking
7030s at Houston Outlaws to cycle through the
7033s DPS Alchemists that they have Pelican
7035s could go for a cheeky death Blossom
7037s maybe mirror goes in for the overclock
7038s right on top of big Earls or just across
7041s the way on that High Ground
7043s but proper is ready with an overclock
7045s too who gets her head taken off first
7049s all right payload currently in ball I
7053s was scared that I thought maybe Mary had
7055s a little railgun ready for it primary
7057s for Dante but he's already half HP
7059s rocker actually bumps into the reaper
7062s who blocks that power slider weight as
7064s the death Blossom will start to hurt
7066s that was only Reapers the DPS available
7069s for both teams as the sojourn does end
7071s up going down and now kaluch taking the
7074s brunt of this damage from a pelican a
7076s good hold for the Outlaws right now only
7078s a minute to go in the San Francisco shot
7080s forced to reset they're gonna reset
7083s though with a pretty big ultimate
7085s Advantage when it comes to Striker and
7086s proper ready to unleash that death
7089s blossom in overclock he's an Outlaws of
7091s invested a lot into these last few
7092s fights oh down creative's gotta get this
7095s guitar Rush online he does yeah but it
7097s might not even matter because look at
7099s the speed the base
7101s Striker unleashing that death Blossom no
7104s more alts required the shot
7108s they're gonna wipe out laws they're
7109s going to get those doors open
7112s great defensive hold from the Houston
7113s Outlaws on this first point
7115s but they're still fighting right now to
7118s keep up with the ultimate rotation look
7120s how far proper is playing up I know I
7123s mean look at all of the healing that
7124s he's getting from Finn at long range
7126s with those cards
7128s and then as well just be able to get
7130s these angles as palush goes in and takes
7133s the brunt of that damage up front so the
7135s proper has space cooperated that was a
7139s really nice boot there you see probably
7140s trying to take The High Ground he was
7142s booped away mid power slide so he was
7145s forcing back down to earth
7148s oh there it
7153s is waiting for proper
7155s he's forcing proper in a situation he
7157s doesn't want to be that bubble is pretty
7158s nice actually protects Barrett's little
7160s head from getting shot off and there's
7162s the power slide away straight up to The
7164s High Ground is Houston Outlaws right now
7165s are backing up giving a lot of space to
7167s the shock
7171s any Rush on the stairs now Bob is in
7173s danger that continues he's already
7176s aiding him in the battle for The High
7177s Ground there as the Houston Outlaws also
7179s used that beat ballastro
7181s they do end up getting it off but nobody
7184s sure that overhealth went to two minutes
7186s to go there's Barrett making this even a
7189s kilometer colush is good enough because
7191s the payload is still in hot contention
7195s creative getting a little low there but
7197s able to Swift step away to safety as the
7200s reinforcements for the Houston Outlaws
7201s come back into bolster up the defense
7204s Deluge now for the shock also making his
7206s way back over to the payload as Crawford
7209s tries to set up for this overclock for
7211s the disrupter shot on top overbought for
7214s merit needs a bit of help but maybe
7215s actually
7216s he's got one kill in the bag already
7218s proper in his sight smell it with a
7221s double kill
7223s one minute and 30 seconds to go
7227s Houston Outlaws they are standing strong
7231s wasn't so hot maybe a couple team fights
7233s ago
7235s I was good to play with a bit more
7237s with Dante's Primal Rage at the ready
7239s and when Pelican has been able to hit
7241s these massive death blossoms this is a
7243s great way for the Houston Outlaws to
7244s keep this defense strong they only have
7246s a minute to go and that's our big pick
7248s big pick on Dubai
7251s a big thing if the Outlaws Chase right
7253s here this will be final fight a
7256s beautiful dive from Dante and the Damage
7259s follow-up is there
7261s a triple kill For the Outlaws now as
7264s they force shot into last fight
7267s and they still have ultimates to work
7269s with Houston Outlaws too get to add
7271s another one to the bank where lastro has
7273s that sound barrier up and ready
7276s where's Pelican okay shock six fences
7280s about him they don't fall for it Yep
7282s they're knocking it through that those
7284s caves
7288s Four Oaks available for the Outlaws
7290s final fight initiated and consuming Rush
7293s on The High Ground and collus taking an
7295s absolute truckload of damage proper
7297s isolated but still holding the four down
7299s the payload needs to be touched as the
7302s time is whittling down to the Outlaws
7304s they've still got the Beats they've
7307s still got the death Blossom and they're
7308s gonna find the kills that beat was
7311s Overkill in this situation
7315s he goes to the punch swings and misses
7320s as the Outlaws will hold them on second
7322s points
7324s hopes and dreams of Outlaws fans here in
7327s Anaheim are alive
7334s and right past the perfect time as the
7338s Shark look at match point for this first
7340s to three series
7342s this is Houston Outlaws map pick
7346s also feels like it uh
7349s thematic feels thematic For the Outlaws
7351s to go over to Route 66 for this one fine
7354s the job's not done yet yeah because they
7356s still have to switch sides
7358s secret five percent damage buff maybe I
7360s don't know secret five percent aim buff
7362s for merit I mean
7364s Merit is just so good on the soldier and
7367s look rather suppressed to begin with and
7370s now doubling the final blows off proper
7373s with eight over the four a couple less
7376s deaths as well 30 of his teams damage is
7380s currently dishing out
7382s I wonder if shock they do go down here
7384s Rose will we see Mikey sub back in at
7387s Fort kalluge something that they've not
7389s really done it before
7391s we're gonna have to find out because we
7393s still have one round to go here on Route
7396s 66 or Houston Outlaws are looking to get
7399s back into this series and San Francisco
7401s shock are going to start out their
7402s defensive hold here on top of the train
7405s parts just like the Houston Outlaws did
7407s so how did Houston respond do they send
7409s Dante in at least they're gonna send in
7412s the destructor shot first to see if they
7414s can peppered out some damage and clean
7416s it up decent boot there on to Dante
7419s stops him tag teaming with Pelican on
7421s The High Ground
7426s just a slowly but surely building up for
7428s those railguns
7430s killing's really good on to lose right
7432s now almost can't popped it they do lose
7433s High ground for a brief moment headshot
7435s by Finn actually sent on the album was
7437s pretty damn blow saying I have to back
7438s off did you snow there more than that we
7440s actually just to jump with his payload
7441s right now forcing shock into a position
7443s where they need to touch it's actually
7445s proper of all people right now
7446s contacting the payload he's on the low
7448s ground and in danger too use that power
7450s slide to get away as the Susu comes out
7452s from the outlaw so they can't get one
7454s tapped by proper the payload's making
7456s his way through the first Corner nope
7458s Hills just yet but either side
7461s very steady progression here from The
7462s Outlaws to start around this first
7464s Corner as that Winston football comes
7465s down from kaluge but it's just a
7467s constant disengage because the Houston
7470s Outlaws just keep making free progress
7472s with this part
7474s where's that first pick gonna come
7475s through Copper's charging up to that
7477s railgun wants to unleash it to be able
7480s to take out a big damage threat for
7482s Houston
7484s has an advantage but
7487s the rest of the Outlaws are there to the
7489s rescue katuni rushes for both teams and
7491s now his proper's time to farm Pelican
7493s though in the front line he's gonna have
7494s to back out a beat no sent him back
7496s reading back in great form exited Finn
7499s on the sidelines actually forced away
7501s from the rest of his team for this
7503s Primal Rage is for at least finding some
7505s symbols in this fight it's just monkey
7507s on monkey action right now as both
7509s primals finding kills two minutes to go
7511s for the Outlaws
7513s not into flying the odds right now the
7515s surgeons are not in this game it is
7517s mainly just a Winston palitken's got
7520s that death possum online he's going to
7522s be waiting for the opportunity to use it
7523s though as the rest of the Houston
7524s Outlaws come back oh beautiful boob
7527s they're on to strike in fact same for
7529s Pelican also got escorted away
7532s oh proper robbers just slid behind the
7535s enemy team he's he's 13 HP
7538s he's gonna hopefully find Finn but no
7540s Finn ends up going down but look at the
7542s Courage The Bravery and proper right now
7543s 20 HP and still trying to find Value
7546s from his position
7547s Striker still kills Dante this is an
7550s absolute punch bar the sound barrier for
7553s the shock is good as Merit is chased
7555s down and he's still managed to find the
7556s kill onto Striker though he's him
7558s holding down the forward but proper
7560s unleashing the railgun he finds to make
7563s that three proper with the rail holding
7566s it down for the San Francisco shot
7569s that payload was just meters away from
7571s capturing a first objective but proper
7573s comes in to save the day that defense
7576s now from the shock able to hold strong
7579s as shock now look at Finn and Striker to
7582s keep this defense up for the shock
7584s Outlaws with maybe just two more pushes
7588s to keep their playoff dreams alive
7591s you've gotta think
7593s it's on Merit right now he's trying to
7595s find the angles the beat comes in
7597s Pelican ends up coming down though
7598s before he sees that overhealth but the
7600s rest of the San Francisco shot more than
7603s happy to back up right now as they know
7604s the payload is in an immediate danger of
7606s being capped and here comes the
7608s re-engage against two-day Rush is good
7610s blastrow ends off falling creative score
7612s against uni Rush of his own but this
7614s will be last fight in proper say about
7616s it
7617s Pelican forced all the way back 30
7620s seconds before the Outlaws can kiss
7622s their hopes and dreams of touching that
7624s trophy goodbye
7627s Houston Outlaws we're gonna have to come
7629s back into this one pretty quickly with
7631s how far that payload has progressed
7633s creative as our kids getting arrest
7635s available
7638s forcing Lester away and there's the
7641s kills they needed five seconds to go but
7644s Mary and creative come on large they're
7647s defying the guards to upset the gods
7649s Mary with a two-piece with the overclock
7652s makes out three The Outlaws will not go
7656s down without a fight
7661s and that fight is going to keep Houston
7664s Outlaw's dreams alive as they capture
7667s this first objective on Route 66 and get
7670s them two and a half minutes added to
7673s their time bank they had to use a lot of
7675s ultimate stare that was a pretty heavy
7677s investment but they will still have
7679s pelicans death Blossom as he starts to
7681s get set up on that High Ground the
7682s surprise shock as they move in reporting
7684s consumerous shoes like great if I choose
7686s that Swifter to get out of there an
7688s entire five-man dive from the shot to
7691s try and open this one up and they've
7692s actually just taken control of the
7693s payload you served it away from the
7695s Outlaws
7696s palooz uses the Primal Rage there to be
7699s able to get away but you said almost
7700s they just keep pushing the pressure as
7702s we get back to the first point and
7704s Pelican starts to wrap around
7707s a really awkward fight right now
7709s the San Francisco shop refusing to let
7711s this payload get in normally it's better
7713s as the doors end up closing a bit easier
7715s for you to kind of track people down and
7716s finally they get off the point and the
7718s doors will close behind the Outlaws but
7720s not a shot on them just yet
7722s proper with his foot in the door
7725s takes care of creative a minute and 30
7728s seconds to go the Outlaws they better be
7730s good at fighting Under Pressure because
7731s they're under an immense amount of
7733s pressure now
7736s proper holding down the fort with a
7738s disruptor shot and after Pelican goes
7740s down he still needs to be able to get
7742s back into a position to use this death
7743s Blossom Houston Outlaws have a minute
7746s remaining to be able to get this push
7748s over the line to that green box of
7750s Victory and get a map on the board but
7753s Houston they're getting mad at the doors
7756s by the shock that death wholesome
7758s actually just pushed away from the rest
7760s of the shock proper you can't be serious
7762s he's still taking names the Houston
7765s Outlaws maybe have one final fight now
7767s to try and get this payload in Pelican
7769s at least even to the battlefield with no
7771s rainfall left he has to just back away
7773s doesn't even receive the beats the
7775s Outlaws are getting pushed to their
7778s final limits 30 seconds to go and that
7780s payload just barely moved the pill is
7783s gonna get starting to move a little bit
7785s here but proper's looking to shut
7786s everything down here with the overclock
7788s and if shock do it with 20 seconds
7791s remaining they will be able to move
7793s forward and towable bubbles Dante in
7796s trouble creative and last row have to
7798s use taxi the team away they know they
7800s have 10 seconds to go to keep their
7802s playoff dreams alive for the Houston
7805s Outlaws with a whole flood of ultimates
7807s coming in
7809s but it's sustained Dante's gonna have to
7811s use his Primal Rage two seconds though
7812s can anybody touch elegant on the point
7814s he's already used
7816s he's already used The Wraith
7819s he's gonna use his overclock The Outlaws
7823s are pushing on Striker dead the Primal
7826s race saves colush for now does get back
7828s to the rest of the team they will have
7829s another touch but Dante's got the Primal
7831s of his own
7833s Dante's gonna have to be able to juggle
7835s people away from the point right now
7836s Houston they need your support to be
7840s able to sink this over the line
7842s overtime's gonna take down in just a
7844s moment Pelican has to be the one to
7845s touch the payload Dante use that Primal
7847s Rage and proper is the main target an
7849s overclock in hand he used it but Dante's
7852s completely denying the space
7854s take way too much damage Merit goes down
7861s [Applause]
7871s a third trophy in their sights they take
7876s the win and see themselves facing the
7879s fuel in the grand finals
7881s [Applause]
7884s [Music]
7887s San Francisco shock the exact the
7891s Revenge after getting dropped into the
7894s lower bracket by the Houston Outlaws by
7898s the team that they picked to go up
7901s against for their first match of the
7903s playoffs and now here they are once
7907s again
7908s can they get the three piece a miracle
7912s lower bracket Run for the San Francisco
7914s shock 2019 might just be repeating
7918s itself
7920s 3-0 for shock
7924s collus tweeted out how he wanted to get
7927s a bit of Revenge on Dante
7929s [Music]
7930s and this is the exact thing
7934s he needed a 3-0 here for shot sends them
7938s through but their final challenge their
7940s final fight against the Dallas fuel will
7943s be their biggest obstacle yet
7946s [Applause]
7948s it's going to be a pretty big task to
7951s overcome
7953s but the shock had put on such a
7955s performance all year long after having
7958s one of the longest undefeated streaks
7962s for the regular season maybe struggling
7965s a little bit in those third and fourth
7967s stages to really live up to the hype
7970s that they set for the first half of the
7971s season but now
7974s now I think they've gotten further than
7977s a lot of people expected
7979s a3p is on the cards we're gonna send it
7982s to Danny down on the stage we got a
7984s small interview we'll see how shop feel
7986s after that Frio Johnson necklace thank
7989s you very much what is up everybody I'm
7990s here joined Now by Striker from San
7992s Francisco shock coming off a clean 3-0
7995s Victory against the Houston Outlast
7998s I mean that was a crazy man Striker
8001s congratulations again I mean I do have
8002s to start off this interview by asking
8004s about your tank player we saw Mikey
8006s usually uh coming in for the King of the
8009s Hill map for this for this matchup was
8011s Nepal uh but we saw something different
8013s where usually you guys sub includes
8016s after the first map but today we saw
8019s more from Mikey he stuck around until
8022s King's Row so how did the San Francisco
8023s shock come up with this strategy or
8026s how'd you guys come up with this
8027s decision
8059s [Music]
8061s thank you
8066s foreign
8090s all right next question this is it guys
8094s the final match of 2022 season you guys
8097s are going up against Dallas fuel Striker
8100s how confident are you that you got to
8102s defeat the Dallas fuel
8105s even his name is
8111s foreign
8122s confidence that we are going to win
8124s against the Dallas fuel uh because this
8126s is the last uh last match of the Season
8129s we're going to give it all for this one
8131s all right everybody give it up for
8132s Striker
8134s I'm going to end the postmaster I'll be
8136s right here at Johnson necra back to you
8139s thank you very much Danny
8141s shock up the chance now one of the most
8144s decorated OverWatch League teams of all
8147s time to claim a third trophy confidence
8149s definitely high I can imagine it will be
8151s high in the crowd poof a lot of shock
8153s fans turning out here today the Dallas
8155s fuel though a mean opponent up in this
8158s Grand finals I mean in order to even get
8161s to this point San Francisco shock have
8163s had to take out some of the highest
8165s seated teams some of the best performing
8167s teams in the OverWatch League regular
8170s season so they've sent home some
8171s behemoths but that final one Dallas fuel
8174s that's gonna be a tricky one it is and
8177s uh player of the match I think I can
8179s guess the audience can also guess who
8181s it's gonna be can you guys get this one
8186s he's here alive rookie of the year he's
8189s the MVP a roll star the player of the
8192s match for this one is going to be proper
8195s foreign
8199s super strong like the first map even
8203s dead lifted some rounds and and what
8207s more could you really want he's already
8209s been given all the trophies apart from
8211s the single one of the very end of the
8213s playoffs right
8216s the conference just oozing out of it
8219s didn't even Grimace on stage it's pure
8222s smiles
8224s I mean proper hat like a
8227s 85 hand in in every kill you know pretty
8232s high number to be able to have a part of
8235s and just the overclock time and time
8238s again being able to hit those shots and
8240s it feels unhuman
8242s I'm able to see how good this player is
8244s at sojourn and literally every other
8246s hero that he's played so far this season
8250s there you go there are the stats 66
8253s Shard shot accuracy a whole bunch of
8256s damage kills deaths you know the vibes
8258s proper sojourn is just a different Beast
8263s the San Francisco shock like I said they
8265s want to put that third trophy in that
8266s cabinet and they've got a good chance to
8269s do so they continue to play like this
8271s the Dallas fuel is going to be their
8273s last opponent everybody's saying how
8276s scary the fuel are how they've been in
8279s screams and how they performed obviously
8280s during the playoffs and on stage it's
8283s going to be an upwards Hill battle for
8285s the shock but if anybody couldn't do it
8287s it's definitely them we're gonna jump to
8289s a short break don't go anywhere Grand
8292s finals they're coming up soon
8294s [Music]
8301s come on
8313s [Music]
8317s the OverWatch league is brought to you
8318s by Butterfinger crispity crunchery
8321s peanut buttery no one lays a finger on
8324s your Butterfinger
8326s foreign
8337s [Music]
8359s foreign
8362s [Music]
8391s foreign
8421s [Music]
8449s thank you
8472s foreign
8507s foreign
8520s [Music]
8537s [Music]
8540s foreign
8552s [Music]
8569s league is brought to you by Butterfinger
8572s crispity crunchy peanut buttery no one
8575s lays a finger on your Butterfinger
8579s welcome back everyone to the OverWatch
8582s League here in Anaheim California how
8584s about that San Francisco shock a crowd
8587s yes
8589s of course they'll be going to the Grand
8590s finals but yesterday we had an awesome
8592s uh emo dance-off presented by
8595s Butterfinger of course we had the
8597s amazing Ariel and her dad bust a move
8599s here on the Dance Floor One the hearts
8601s and minds of the crowd but this time
8603s around I have found three worthy victims
8606s I mean three worthy competitors for our
8609s next edition of the emote Dance Off
8611s presented by Butterfinger what's your
8613s name man my name is Evan also known as F
8616s dog a in game Evan F dog eight my name
8619s is Ryder also known as die Rider die
8622s Rider I'm Sergio I also go buy peaches
8625s FTW as a fellow FTW I respect that all
8629s right well folks the game is very simple
8631s what you're gonna do is you're gonna see
8633s the emote on screen and then you're
8635s gonna emulate the emote so dancer number
8637s one are you ready
8638s all right he's so ready to go let's see
8640s what dance we have oh it's the hog oh
8643s yeah oh yeah that's the That's a classic
8646s I do that at the dance floor all the
8648s time much of the detriment of my wife
8651s there you go there you go make a move
8654s make a move love it love it all right oh
8657s oh wait a minute dancer number two says
8659s not today not today what is gonna be our
8662s dance here for number two let's see what
8664s we have oh it's a little bit of shimmy
8667s with Winston oh let me get in there and
8669s do that it's the good stuff you gotta
8671s shake the rumpus remember you gotta
8673s shake the rumpus really let him see it
8675s let him see
8676s love it all right oh a little spice
8681s there a little Picante all right and
8683s what do we have here for dancer number
8685s three it's cesaria all right love that
8688s Flex it punch in the air get crazy we
8692s also have Azaria in the crowd as well I
8695s wish sorry it was here that was actually
8696s pretty good pretty good
8699s all right we have to decide who wins is
8702s it dancer number one
8706s is it dancer number two
8709s is it dancer number three
8712s well folks I think we found out who wins
8715s it stancer number two
8719s Grand finals are coming up who you
8721s think's Gonna Take It All
8723s San Francisco shocked without a doubt in
8726s my mind gold boy San Francisco shock
8729s will take this whoa wow passion for
8733s their shock of course folks Grand finals
8735s coming up in a little bit that was your
8736s emote dance-off presented by
8737s Butterfinger let's send it back over to
8739s sewing the rest of the desk to break
8740s down that first game
8742s thank you so much TV
8746s dances uh yeah we we've tried that kind
8749s of stuff didn't look so good no we've
8752s tried to do it before they actually
8753s didn't even show it to the world because
8754s it was that bad we need daddy we need
8755s Danny to do our Dance Off do we know I'm
8759s not entirely sure what we do need
8761s however is to break down all the action
8764s San Francisco shock looking absolutely
8766s dominant right now what a run they're
8768s currently doing through the lower
8770s bracket and now they find themselves in
8772s their grand finals let's talk about how
8774s they got it done of course proper will
8776s be talked about in just a little bit
8778s however the first storyline I really
8779s want to hit here is of course Mikey
8781s being in the mix for those first two
8783s maps why do you think they decided to
8786s make that switch in probably the most
8789s important match of all of them a
8791s different look in the tank roll for the
8793s San Francisco shock here in the losers
8795s bracket final historically we've only
8798s seen Mikey play the Winston on the
8799s control Maps whereas here we saw Mikey
8802s ride that momentum of King's Row as well
8804s I think it's a more aggressive change
8806s the San Francisco shock they've
8808s mentioned in the past Mikey is a more of
8810s an aggressive Winston whereas kalush his
8813s slower tactical playstyle suits itself
8816s better for our payload Maps however the
8819s San Francisco shock they have realized
8820s if they want to win the 2022 OverWatch
8823s League Grand finals they need to come
8825s out hot they need to play with
8827s aggression and with pace and that really
8829s set a proper for one of the best
8831s individual performances I have ever seen
8833s in the league of stuff if you had a
8834s doubt that proper was the MVP throw it
8837s out the window because he is incredible
8840s he is that guy check him PC it is not
8843s normal what this man can do in the
8846s server he took it over in the same way
8848s that we've seen shy that we've seen lift
8850s do and he is peaking at the exact right
8852s moment if I'm Dallas Fuel and I'm
8855s Anderson sitting in the back room right
8857s now
8857s I'm scared just a little bit I'm
8860s frightened I will say the major
8862s difference that we will see from this
8863s match into the next one is Dante he had
8865s a great job he did a great job on the
8867s Winston he impressed us all he Flex on
8869s to another hero but he was not able to
8872s apply that pressure to some of these
8873s other tanks will can Fearless apply that
8876s pressure and shut proper down I 100
8878s agree the Winston match up in this next
8880s match for the grand finals it's going to
8883s be legendary who is going to shut down
8886s proper is fearless on Winston Your Man I
8889s mean he has to be someone has to be
8891s someone has to shut him down because
8892s right now it just looks like no one can
8895s get it done and here are the winning
8897s moments of the San Francisco shock
8899s making it to the Grand finals this is a
8902s look into at The Dugout
8904s what a run this has been for the San
8906s Francisco shock and also look at that
8909s that's great
8911s what do we got bring back jokes okay
8913s someone take him out get him out of here
8917s speak to me simple but effective simple
8919s but effective yes it is that's the kind
8921s of energy we need it really is it's true
8924s I mean all of your energy is the energy
8926s we need it's so great to be back in
8928s person to celebrate the best of the best
8931s with everyone in here so we can be more
8934s happy we got a grand finals on our hand
8936s however before we head there I do want
8939s to take some time to say goodbye to the
8940s shoes now last because quite frankly
8942s what a run what an absolute great season
8945s that team has had in 2022. we talked
8949s about this team so much throughout the
8950s year they finally have the players to
8952s back up a deep run every single
8954s tournament that we had this year they
8956s always fell out just sadly a little bit
8958s short coming out sick coming out eight
8960s but this was the run that we were
8962s promised from the Houston Outlaws they
8964s should be incredibly proud for what
8966s they've accomplished so far big shout
8968s out to Dante for switching to time yeah
8970s having that level of flexibility in
8972s taking this team to the promised land
8973s the question that I have for them now
8975s where do they go next where do they go
8978s next again I'll say it like I did in the
8980s pre-show the first time the Houston
8982s Outlaws had made top three at a
8984s tournament since stage 1 2018. it's been
8988s a long time coming for all the Outlaws
8990s fans here in the arena what an amazing
8992s performance here in the playoffs we
8993s didn't expect them to make the top three
8995s so the fact they did with their their
8997s roster has been an incredible journey
8999s for them very happy for all the players
9000s can't wait to see what's coming their
9002s way in 2023 absolutely they should be so
9004s very proud of themselves it's been an
9006s absolute joy to watch them throughout
9008s the season and we can't wait to see more
9011s from the Houston Outlaws now San
9013s Francisco will move on to face the
9015s Dallas fuel for the 2022 OverWatch
9017s League Championship and we're going to
9019s take a quick break now but don't go
9021s anywhere because when we come back
9023s everyone
9024s OverWatch 2 developers Alec Dawson and
9027s Dion Rogers will be joining us here for
9030s the worldwide reveal of hero 36 stay
9034s tuned let's go
9036s [Music]
9044s foreign
9047s [Music]
9061s [Music]
9067s [Music]
9085s [Music]
9098s foreign
9123s [Music]
9132s foreign
9148s [Music]
9157s [Music]
9173s [Music]
9179s [Music]
9189s foreign
9210s [Music]
9223s convention center and we're so very
9226s lucky right now to be joined by two
9228s members of the OverWatch tomb
9230s development team our director Ian Rogers
9232s and a new face to the watchpoint desk as
9234s well we have Alex Dawson the hero
9236s designed Elite Hero designer in fact
9238s joining us here for a quick word how you
9241s guys doing how are you enjoying the
9242s playoffs so far doing great it's awesome
9244s now the matches have been incredible so
9246s far absolutely incredible yeah yeah so
9248s Dion last time you joined us here you
9250s know kiriko was just coming out we were
9252s starting to get glimpses of her how does
9254s it feel to see her being played at the
9256s professional level
9257s yeah it's kind of crazy we've been
9259s working on our wild and it's awesome to
9261s see her finally in the game
9263s and just we learned it so much about her
9266s at the same time watching professionals
9267s players so uh it's just really great
9270s yeah it's been awesome so far now Alec
9273s of course we've seen a ton of character
9275s being played we've seen the most Soldier
9276s being played it's been very exciting so
9278s far how have you been enjoying the
9279s playoffs meta so far yeah I think it's
9280s been awesome watching all the kariko
9282s play going on if she hasn't been
9283s OverWatch league for that long yeah so
9285s to see what the teams are doing with her
9286s has been incredible and then the sojourn
9288s battles I think we're about to see an
9290s incredible surgeon battle in that next
9291s match as well all right proper guy am I
9293s right it's pretty good yeah follow me
9294s right now I'd love to chat with you guys
9296s all day long however I do think it is
9300s time to give the people what they want
9302s it is time to announce the newest
9304s OverWatch hero is there anything you
9307s guys want to say beforehand
9309s that team has been working really hard
9312s and I think you'll be surprised by what
9315s we want to share here today and thank
9317s you to all the teams at blizzard that
9319s made this video possible I think it's
9321s time to show it right on so without any
9324s further Ado it is now time to introduce
9328s hero number 36.
9332s [Applause]
9348s foreign
9350s [Applause]
9362s a better life for my people
9365s the fact that we exist
9368s is a miracle unto itself
9372s we have studied the ways of peace
9375s and Harmony
9376s we have meditated on the universe
9380s and our place within it
9383s we have tried to coexist with Humanity
9387s but humanity is not interested in
9391s sharing their world
9392s how many more omnics should perish to
9396s fuel Mankind's dreams
9400s no more our race is only a single
9405s generation
9407s finite
9409s and dying all too quickly
9413s we can find our own place
9417s and must join
9422s we will make a better future for all
9426s onyx
9430s [Music]
9431s [Applause]
9443s wow wow but I'm having a physical
9448s reaction right now that can be
9449s Goosebumps that can be quite emotional
9451s in fact
9452s ramacha is our hero 36 what can you guys
9455s tell me about him
9457s wow thank you guys uh ramachar our
9460s newest tank
9461s we've been working on him a long time
9463s you first saw him in uh Havana archives
9465s Mission the little Seas he was talking
9467s to doomfist his visual design was done
9470s by our lead concept artist kufang
9472s and what I love about this hero he's the
9475s beginning of us moving the overall lore
9478s of OverWatch 4.
9480s he's uh the leader of null sector you
9482s saw in the final image of the origin
9484s story and he has a deep relationship
9486s with Zenyatta they basically consider
9488s each other brothers
9490s which I want more Zenyatta Lord we need
9492s it and so this is our way of giving it
9495s out uh he has amazing voice lines done
9498s by The Narrative team uh he was a monk
9500s in chambali he had a difference in
9502s philosophies
9504s and what's interesting is that many
9505s people might not know but omnics are
9507s finite they cannot make more so anytime
9509s one dies there's no replacement so
9512s ramasha's motives are around this he he
9515s doesn't want to see his people go he
9517s wants to see a better life for them so
9519s can't dig into it too much but there's
9522s more to come well I'm a little curious
9523s you said he's a big part of null sector
9525s and the leader of that does that mean he
9526s has a lot of relationships better or
9528s worse with some of the other heroes in
9530s the OverWatch league roster yeah
9533s um you know there was a few Heroes that
9535s fought in the omnic crisis like
9536s Reinhardt torbjorn he's gonna have some
9539s interesting voice lines
9541s you know but I really love what's going
9544s on between him and Zenyatta that's that
9546s that just really shows what's next for
9548s OverWatch of course we saw the visuals
9551s he's floating a little bit he has a
9553s staff as well and as a tank player I'm
9556s kind of curious how it's going to play
9559s what can you tell us about the gameplay
9561s yeah so Ramada is pretty unique because
9563s he has two forms actually his omnic form
9565s which he saw the staff he's doing a
9567s little bit of poke gameplay has a
9569s barrier and can protect his team but
9570s then he can transform into his Nemesis
9572s form he becomes this big dangerous
9575s Target on the battlefield marches
9577s towards the enemy backline with these
9578s piercing punches he can be pretty
9580s powerful and devastating though he's
9582s dangerous so you're saying like an erisa
9584s Reinhardt hybrid is that what I'm
9585s hearing right now I'm more scared of our
9587s Macho and he's coming at me honestly
9591s now I mean all of this has been an
9594s absolute treat but I've been told that
9595s we actually have another special guest
9596s joining us here at the desk and on its
9600s merry way another little reveal for
9603s everyone watching out there there we go
9606s Take It All In
9610s this guy that's awesome yeah this is our
9613s newest collectible statue from
9615s Blizzard's premium statue line
9617s it's sculpted and hand painted by
9619s artists at blizzard and he stands about
9621s 10 inches tall and weighs about five
9623s pounds which is pretty awesome he's
9625s actually available for pre-order now on
9627s our blizzard exclusively on our blizzard
9629s gear store
9630s that is the hair on that thing is sick
9633s that's goals actually like I'm I'm
9635s trying one day to achieve all of that
9638s maybe one day I can but definitely grab
9641s yours and now as they're still available
9642s but yeah it's all very cool thank you
9644s guys so much Dion and Alec for joining
9647s us thank you such a pleasure thank you
9649s for having us thank you
9654s we can't wait to see ramacho on December
9657s 6th when season two launches but now
9660s don't go anywhere because we're only
9662s getting started and when we come back it
9664s is the San Francisco shock versus the
9667s Dallas fuel it's the 2022 Grand Final
9671s and coming up right after this break
9674s [Applause]
9693s foreign
9700s [Music]
9708s [Music]
9739s [Music]
9749s foreign
9753s [Music]
9764s [Music]
9766s thank you
9768s [Music]
9783s [Music]
9795s foreign
9808s [Music]
9813s [Music]
9822s [Music]
9824s foreign
9828s [Music]
9840s [Music]
9853s [Music]
9870s foreign
9878s [Music]
9879s once again we are getting ready for the
9882s 2022 a grand finals we're going to see a
9885s two-time champion taking on what looks
9888s to be an absolutely Unstoppable force in
9890s the Dallas fuel but those two teams also
9893s do have some history so let's take a
9895s look at that and talk a little bit about
9897s the times they've met before and Hideout
9899s went down yeah they've obviously very
9900s storied franchises San Francisco shocked
9903s two-time Champions but the Dallas fuel
9905s have been making a run this year and the
9908s San Francisco shock have only beaten
9910s them once their most recent meeting of
9913s the Dallas fuel against the San
9914s Francisco shock was in the summer
9915s Showdown where the Dallas fuel handed it
9917s to them in the playoffs they've warned
9919s them seven most recent Maps against the
9922s San Francisco shock but
9924s this is not the San Francisco shock
9926s we've seen this season this is like the
9929s 2019 the 2020 OverWatch League champions
9932s this San Francisco shock roster they are
9934s something else and they've really turned
9936s it up here in the playoffs if it's any
9937s time they are going to take down the
9939s Dallas fuel it is right here right now
9941s it's an interesting storyline because
9943s the Dallas fuel have been the favorites
9944s throughout the entirety of these
9946s playoffs everyone's been saying this is
9947s the team to beat and they haven't let us
9949s down so far while the San Francisco
9951s shock we were worried about them very
9953s early on they hit the lower bracket not
9955s many of us expected them to make it all
9956s the way through if they could fulfill
9958s this lower bracket run win in these
9960s Grand finals it will be one of the best
9962s runs in OverWatch league history at the
9965s least but a lot of Esports as well yeah
9967s no I mean generally if you're a two-time
9969s champion both of those times with
9971s completely different rosters and now
9973s once again you're rocking up with a new
9975s roster a rookie roster uh as well right
9978s so that really goes to show just the
9980s coaching on that team is on another
9982s level but also we have a couple of Grand
9985s Final winners on that lineup Striker is
9987s one of the biggest veterans in the game
9989s having been part of those lineups and he
9991s played reaper in the 2019 finals as well
9994s something he's doing right here as well
9996s Violet I mean he's been a spectacular
9998s player for so long now taking up to the
10000s Lucio and then one of the best main
10002s supports in the game so this is a shot
10004s roster that is now coming into the
10006s finals with momentum they have
10008s experience in the biggest moments on the
10010s biggest stage the Dallas fuel they might
10012s be a bit caught off guard here in 2019
10015s Striker won that playoffs MVP as well on
10017s that Reaper that's how influential he
10019s was when it mattered and now you have
10021s proper rookie dear MVP and the list goes
10024s on he could get more Awards in this one
10027s if he can have another level of
10028s performance like he just did against the
10030s Houston Outlaws if we're looking back at
10031s the performance we saw so far from both
10033s of those teams in what we dubbed the
10035s banana Rush meta
10037s no we we did it that was it okay
10041s unless you like it then I take the
10043s credit for it of course uh but yeah no
10045s if we're looking at the performance so
10047s far and how The Meta has been played do
10050s you feel like there was a real crack in
10051s the armor at all looking at the Dallas
10053s fuel like they looked Unstoppable I I
10056s haven't seen one if I'm being honest
10057s because the thing that they have Edison
10059s is peaking at the right time he is
10061s playing such good OverWatch he's been
10063s performing highly on that sojin but not
10065s only that you have Fearless who's been
10066s shutting down everyone else on the
10068s opposition side you have a sparkle who's
10070s just such a smart player on that Reaper
10072s and the back line is impenetrable it
10073s feels like it sometimes so Dallas fuel
10075s hasn't shown a crack yet the shock will
10077s have to make one yeah I mean you can
10079s talk about the sojourns all you want but
10081s if there's one player that I really want
10083s the viewers to hone in on it's Fearless
10086s on the Dallas fuel his Winston has been
10088s lights out this entire tournament and
10091s Winston has the best ability in the game
10093s when it comes to stopping Soldiers the
10095s Primal Rage gets really efficient to
10097s dive in you juggle the soldier around if
10099s someone's to shut down proper on the San
10101s Francisco shock it has to be Fearless on
10103s the Dallas fuel now if we look in the
10105s ads uh Butterfinger or rather at
10108s leveling up presented by both finger uh
10110s there is of course something we do need
10112s to talk about and that is the Dallas
10114s fuels I don't want to call it cycle of
10116s misery anymore because we're in the
10118s grand finals now so it's not over yet
10119s it's not over yet but they got that far
10122s and we do have to talk about what a glow
10124s up that franchise had from the very
10126s beginning of the inaugural why are you
10127s looking at me now
10129s I'm saying you know some people took
10130s part in some of those results and and
10132s that's it look at these results they
10133s went 10th in the regular season when
10135s there were only 12 teams and then 15th
10137s when they were 20 they went up to 9th
10139s and 11th and they've slowly started to
10140s make these changes in the 2021 season
10143s they started adding this roster together
10145s and they had success but they only
10147s finished third in the last playoffs so
10149s now here they are in the 2022 playoffs
10151s can they finally get that Crown get the
10153s chip that they've been chasing for so
10155s long and achieve everything that is the
10158s biggest question can the Dallas fuel
10160s finish the job because the most
10162s dangerous thing about the Dallas field
10164s so far is everyone's got them favored
10166s they've been sweeping the competition so
10168s far they're almost expecting to win this
10170s championship and San Francisco shocked
10172s they've been on a Legendary Run in the
10174s lower bracket they are the underdog
10176s going into this series and they have
10178s that with them going into this matchup I
10180s do I do Wonder though I mean obviously
10182s Dallas fuel sitting comfortably in that
10184s winner bracket so that means that they
10186s had some time to rest but more
10188s importantly they got some time to really
10190s take a look at what the San Francisco
10191s shock were doing running through that
10194s lower bracket meeting some of the
10195s absolute highest level teams that they
10198s are so do you think there is anything
10201s the show can still throw at them any
10202s surprises that we might see well we got
10205s a surprise from the San Francisco shock
10206s in the last match they played Mikey on
10208s two maps which plays the game very
10210s differently to the way the collusion
10211s does obviously shutdown proper is step
10213s one but if you can do that you still
10215s have to deal with the rest of the team
10217s as well and the pressure is on the
10219s Dallas fuel they are the team expected
10220s to take it while the San Francisco shot
10222s they're on a miraculous run they want to
10224s win but I don't think the pressure is
10226s really on them
10228s I have to say though
10230s this has been a different proper I mean
10233s in that last match that was one of the
10235s best individual performances I've ever
10237s seen after the two first maps in the
10239s last series proper had
10241s 17.5 final bows per 10 minutes there's
10245s like three team Vibes for 10 minutes
10248s that's ridiculous right so proper he's
10250s been on a completely different level so
10252s far and especially in the match earlier
10254s today he could just flip this entire
10257s series on his head I wouldn't be
10258s surprised he's the Rookie of the Year
10259s the MVP of the year if anyone wants to
10261s take over this game Photoshop it has to
10263s be proper I saw some people in the
10266s audience disagreeing with the script
10267s writing here and now wanting the shock
10269s to take it three times apparently that's
10271s boring but honestly if you play like
10273s proper kind of deserved but yeah I don't
10276s know let's see I'm very interested to
10278s see where our threats are going are you
10280s going for the obvious favorite in the
10281s Dallas fuel or are we going for like
10283s what looks to be an underdog and it's
10285s weird to call the San Francisco shocking
10287s on the dock all right here are our
10289s prayers for this match
10290s Zoe
10292s and what look at her looking to The
10295s Crowd Oh no you know what you did Zoe
10298s you know what you did listen I predicted
10301s them literally at the beginning of the
10304s season I predicted proper to be the MVP
10307s and the Rookie of the Year at the
10308s beginning of the season that came true
10311s so clearly I I have some clear voyance
10314s abilities and that means that I have to
10316s ride or die with the shocks so I'm all
10318s in on them
10322s I'm not alone there's at least one more
10324s shock fan in the audience for me the
10326s Dallas fuel has been so dominant
10328s throughout this entire playoff it's hard
10330s for me to predict against them yeah that
10331s last year they have to be the favorites
10333s going into this they've just been
10334s destroying the opposition with ease I
10337s mean I don't think San Francisco truck
10338s can realistically take them down I hope
10341s they put up a good fight though can we
10342s at least get a great finals
10344s come on make it close that's the last
10346s come on yeah I mean that's that's the
10349s dream right for every final to play it
10351s as close as possible I believe in that
10353s Zoe I'll pray that that wasn't on the
10356s table too tell us we'll win you know
10358s close close we take it we take it all we
10361s want is some great OverWatch I'm pretty
10363s sure we're in for a treat with those two
10365s teams in the final so now it is finally
10368s time the 2022 OverWatch League final
10372s start right now
10374s [Applause]
10386s it started as a promise
10388s the promise of something different
10391s a promise of Heroes
10396s but the path to glory is never promised
10399s this is a knock down drag out no hold
10402s back Paul what devastating loss
10405s Heartbreak City this is the largest
10408s mountain to climb
10410s [Music]
10418s but someone a glimmer of hope persists
10421s the promise of a new era the stakes get
10426s ratcheted up a notch
10431s are you not entertained
10434s an era that celebrates where we came
10437s from
10439s at a place we call home
10445s which Heroes will find
10447s which Heroes will rise the OverWatch
10451s League Grand finals start right now
10460s kickoff Clash
10462s mid-season Madness summer Showdown
10465s countdown cup and now the 2022 OverWatch
10469s League playoffs all the obstacles
10471s designed to churn out the very best of
10474s the best here in the OverWatch world and
10478s Matthew we finally have them what a
10480s pleasure it is to be here to preside
10481s over our fifth OverWatch League Grand
10484s Final the shock in the field goal at it
10486s once more and we've been in this
10487s scenario before you and I with the shock
10489s in the finals just different opponents
10491s throughout the years it's a much
10493s different looking shock roster though
10494s right you know you have Striker you have
10496s Violet everybody else kind of new
10498s players coming on in I mean right like
10500s what before the season you know they
10502s lose super right super decides to retire
10503s they gotta replace them with Clues
10505s trying to figure it out how good would
10506s this team be they are as good as they
10509s normally are and then on the other side
10510s with the Dallas mule this has been a
10512s team that like their greatness has been
10514s promised for so long and they've just
10515s never been able to get there last year
10517s so close she thought maybe it was their
10519s year here they get third now they find
10521s themselves in a grand final So Close
10523s first they were hyped then they were
10527s mocked now they are revealed a
10529s collection of mystical elements brought
10531s together to form what we now know as the
10533s Dallas fuel a Gambit made to run all the
10536s way to the top of the OverWatch League
10538s over the last couple of years that
10539s hasn't been the story for the Dallas
10541s fuel it's something new and something
10542s special for them to be here competing
10544s now for the top honor in the OverWatch
10547s world and I think there's a lot of
10548s pressure on the Dallas fuel right you
10550s see the way the shark play earlier and
10551s is specifically proper I mean you know
10554s Megan Dante is like really difficult on
10555s the Winston like Fearless is gonna have
10557s to show up big time here today and then
10559s I think Edison as well you know the post
10560s game interview from the other day he was
10562s like you know as long as I'm not nervous
10563s I'm in a good spot there's a lot of
10566s people in the venue today and you see
10568s how proper is playing earlier I'd be
10570s pretty nervous no it's no something
10571s these teams are going to leave behind
10573s backstage as they walk out before that
10575s happens we're gonna head over to our
10576s venerable Master of Ceremonies that's
10579s right I'm headed down to Golden Boy on
10581s this stage
10584s thank you so much gentlemen it is now
10587s time for the grand finals of the 2022
10590s OverWatch League season so let's not
10594s waste any more time shall we and let's
10597s introduce your first team looking to
10600s become the three-time world champions
10604s and shock the world ladies and gentlemen
10607s put your hands together for the San
10610s Francisco shock
10616s foreign
10618s [Applause]
10624s [Music]
10628s [Applause]
10628s [Music]
10630s also in the damage position the MVP of
10633s the season the one and only
10643s in the tank position looking to keep the
10645s squad alive it's
10647s my king mmm
10653s a good tank ain't that good without a
10656s good support welcome to the stage in the
10658s support position it's food
10667s and also joining them in the support
10668s position put your hands together four
10671s five
10677s ladies and gentlemen one more time for
10680s the San Francisco shop
10684s [Applause]
10688s foreign
10704s [Music]
10715s in the damage position the mad scientist
10718s it's
10720s a song
10725s [Applause]
10726s also in the damage position put your
10729s hands together
10732s [Music]
10734s [Applause]
10740s in the tank position it's the one the
10745s only food
10747s foreign
10751s [Applause]
10757s position welcome to the stage Builder
10768s and last but most certainly not least in
10770s the support position welcome to the
10772s stage with a big round of applause
10774s [Music]
10777s [Applause]
10781s put your hands together for the Dallas
10785s School
10792s [Applause]
10794s and now it's time to jump right back
10796s into the action and send it over to Uber
10799s and Mr X
10802s what a moment for these two teams to
10805s have a chance to eye each other off
10806s before they take their places on the
10808s stage they're known to each other this
10811s rivalry renewed many many times over the
10813s years especially this one
10816s and of course in that summer Showdown
10818s finals it was the Dallas fuel laying
10820s waste to the shock
10822s they're looking like a different team
10823s Matt a different mentality a different
10825s vibe I I think it's really important
10828s though that they get off to a good start
10829s now the shock they've had a series
10831s already today right they've gotten to
10833s play in front of the crowd you know
10835s there's not really no Jitters anymore
10836s right maybe a little bit because now
10838s you're in the finals but the Dallas
10839s fuels you know you come in you know you
10842s watch that first game the first time
10844s walking out the crowd's going crazy like
10846s how do you kind of settle down here in
10848s map number one
10850s less of an opportunity for the fuel to
10852s have warmed up today and someone I think
10853s we need to talk about dump the man
10855s scientists and it's appropriate Edison
10858s silenced all of his doubters yesterday
10860s and we questioned him in that first map
10862s Against The Outlaws we said he needs to
10865s step up big time in this series and he
10867s delivered he said afterwards there's
10868s lots I'm not nervous I'm ready to
10871s dominate that's a strong statement to
10873s make you have to wonder where he's heads
10874s out right now because he has the biggest
10876s challenge of his career sitting across
10879s from him and I for me looking at this
10882s series a Fearless has to be that guy for
10885s the Dallas fuel right we've seen the
10888s shark know when you have space for
10889s proper uh he he just takes over these
10892s games and fearless has to be that
10895s Winston player we know of in the past
10896s right where he is able to cause so much
10899s chaos for the opponent Johnny mentioned
10901s on the desk you know Primal Rage one of
10902s the best ultimates get in front of that
10904s sojourn you know we Perico all drops
10906s down not players out of position
10908s Fearless
10910s to be as good as he's been historically
10912s in this series right now because uh
10915s Edison's gonna have Lanes to shoot right
10917s you look on the other side with Mikey
10918s includes very good players but nobody
10920s who you kind of say is like a Winston
10921s main so to speak uh where Edison's
10924s probably gonna have a little bit of room
10925s uh proper if if they give him that space
10928s it this could be a a very long series
10932s a first to four series here in our grand
10935s finals and it all begins
10937s on some hallowed grounds
10939s Legion Tower will be our first
10942s Battlefield and crucially our first
10944s stage will be control center
10950s foreign
10951s [Music]
10957s for everybody especially I know with the
10961s Dallas fuel right they've been grinding
10962s as an organization to get to this point
10964s the ultimate goal
10966s so close these players have been playing
10968s OverWatch for so long right since like
10970s the start of no OverWatch won right
10972s they've been grinding their way to the
10974s OverWatch League For a Moment Like This
10978s here we are
10980s faded breath as the team's prepare to
10982s come out of Spawn at 2022 Grand finals
10986s Starts Now on a Dallas fuel
10989s in the Cisco's shock
10993s so it looks like both teams gonna buy
10994s for a position over the point here is
10996s that a proper takes a shot early on
10999s which kind of like jock him for a
11000s position here right Fearless kind of
11001s just seeing where everybody's running
11003s they're actually going to shock gonna
11004s rotate around try and take some of this
11005s position on The High Ground
11007s for Edison very quickly there they're
11009s very concerned about Mikey closing on to
11011s him Fearless is dropping in the backside
11013s here and no one's playing proper that
11015s much attention early on the shock trying
11017s aggressor aggressively positions
11019s themselves through all this ball but
11020s Chino of all people to find first Barn
11022s at second for the fuel I shouldn't be
11026s surprised but here we are Edison is
11028s still on the field now's able to slide
11029s away from Mikey who's going lower and
11030s lower Geo Fancy's a bit of Auntie's
11032s boxing with Edison brings the monkey
11034s down no one capping yep the Dallas fuel
11038s have the numbers it'll be a TP into the
11040s back line or one of the points here
11041s rather from Striker that's a risky play
11044s that's punished yeah that is really
11046s dangerous play there from Striker is
11049s that's a really good sign for the Dallas
11050s seal early on right Violet not as
11052s aggressive as like an offensive player
11054s is Chio where Chio sometimes gets caught
11056s out by the sojourns uh you know wall
11058s riding and whatnot but it also gives
11060s them another weapon to throw at proper
11063s right you'll Fearless on one side Chio
11065s on The High Ground on another difficult
11066s to keep him up Prophet don't expect him
11068s out of the fuel to play so close here he
11070s has to back away disrupt the shot he's
11071s deployed Edison finding a headshot there
11073s and Violet's very low he's trying to
11075s build towards that sound barrier now a
11076s little bit of pressure going into since
11077s why he's going to take to The High
11078s Ground South America it's too late
11081s is going down to four now but you're
11083s ability about to expire and fearless is
11085s starting to cause problems Edison sends
11087s one Violet's way a free haircut inverse
11090s Mohawk though you don't get to choose
11092s and the sound barriers had been really
11094s good from Violet throughout the series
11096s that one just not able to keep proper
11098s alive then you have here the other team
11100s is a huge Advantage here in Dallas
11102s you're gonna have both supporters coming
11103s into this fight and they're gonna go
11105s above 50 on the point
11108s oh
11115s okay not great Mitch
11117s [Applause]
11120s not great indeed
11122s Dallas really setting the pace right now
11124s San Francisco trying to set up
11125s constantly getting caught off guard Finn
11127s no longer has that Kitsune right there
11129s losing so many key ultimates the shock
11131s and you've been able to hold on to this
11132s sound barrier right you can get
11133s aggressive behind this sound barrier you
11135s can kind of like disengage maybe when
11137s proper use is over primal
11140s he's having to get away but for how long
11141s Fearless chases him down Relentless
11143s Pursuit on the kiriko Mikey seems better
11147s days as well
11148s [Applause]
11150s San Francisco if they're here to play
11152s they're gonna have to take it up a notch
11154s they've got one last chance in this
11155s round to make something happen and
11156s violet has to heal himself to be able to
11159s pick up the mega back to the point
11160s you'll need a secure overtime but he's
11161s been spotted already and now the hell
11163s packed here on his way but Finn's
11164s already very long Striker
11166s he's come short tries to go for the dead
11168s Blossom and Edison's able to find him
11170s Phyllis is down though and now we have a
11171s 4v4 and proper finally gets into the
11174s game his first final blowing the map so
11176s far but will it be enough Valencia boat
11178s down the team fortified mobility and
11180s here comes Sparkle the Shocker able to
11183s get away though no purges without reap
11184s road to him Anderson turned up yet again
11186s proper searching probing hunting and
11189s Edison is down they all play from the
11191s periphery he needs another kill here
11193s he's going to get pressured by Felix and
11194s there it is
11196s Fearless brings him down three versus
11198s four right now the fuel have the numbers
11199s but don't have the ability to push over
11201s the line until
11205s good connection there Mikey back in the
11206s fight but Finn is very very low on the
11208s shot are running on fumes that's gonna
11211s be it for the first round
11213s early
11215s [Applause]
11219s we finish round one I know huge kill
11223s disparity here at the start I think you
11226s just see how good fearless and shield
11229s are combining as time we walked from
11231s proper's POV in the first person you see
11234s a Winston bubble dropping right in front
11235s of him you know the Lucio shooting to
11237s his side he's already used his Dash
11239s can't get out of the way
11241s makes it really difficult for the shock
11243s to get anything going
11246s zero final blows for striker in that
11248s first round
11251s since two is realist leading the lobby
11254s right now we talked about that tanked
11256s matchup felis is the Lynch pin for
11259s Dallas and it's wild because hanbins
11261s played a large part of the season for
11264s the Dallas fuel but that you keep
11266s Fearless on the roster for moments like
11268s this feels going in early
11270s Edison using a safe Lane for the time
11272s being folks he's trying to find Close
11274s Quarters here which could be scary
11275s disrupt the shots both already being
11277s used and the fuel are trying to track
11279s the shock as they move across the map
11280s here like he kind of punish the back
11282s line and fielder could be in trouble
11283s great pick up by San Francisco Dallas
11286s will start on the point with the downer
11288s player here yeah and they're down there
11290s kuriko so much Edison
11295s they give out the point they end up
11297s rotating out maybe if Edison finds what
11299s there they actually go back in they give
11300s up a point Mikey goes in over the top
11301s already the Winston bubble being
11307s maybe just to knock Mikey away if
11309s possible
11310s good angle for profit here San Francisco
11312s off to a decent start here's the disrupt
11314s the shot throwing into the main entry
11316s but the shocking and a side step and now
11317s I'm trying to approach the point
11319s disrupt the shot again proper trying to
11321s give himself a little bit of room to
11322s breathe here but that is slowly expiring
11324s Fearless low there it is
11327s and that's if you're the shocked those
11329s are the types of openings you need there
11331s is you're gonna get above 30 here on the
11333s point Chio and the rest of the crew just
11335s trying to get out Living Dangerously
11337s and presents himself
11339s for proper to devour 40 and Counting San
11343s Francisco off to a great start here and
11346s one thing that shock I don't think can
11347s like really match right is how
11348s aggressive Fielder and shield can be
11350s offensively but you can also take
11352s advantage of that right in a series of
11354s weekends earlier in the tournament of
11355s the Dallas tool they look great but Chia
11357s was getting picked off though a few
11358s times at the beginning of these fights
11359s they're going for San Francisco gonna
11361s start a final solo good idea
11363s protection Susie youth Striker's gonna
11365s be able to get out there nice disengage
11367s from Dallas very Nimble gonna put some
11369s no close to the capping
11371s and that surgeon could just one shot
11373s that TP out you need that Winston bubble
11375s on top yeah they come to Junior Rush
11377s being thrown down by Fielder Dallas need
11379s to find a way to break back into the
11380s round Butler finds himself
11384s his Primal Rage gets in there papa
11387s needs to respect Sparkle now with the
11389s right walk he tries to approach Chio
11391s gets his fifth final ball of the round
11392s but the shock have the numbers
11394s [Applause]
11396s Violet not the flashiest on the Lucio
11399s but right there you saw the booth
11401s striker in position all the hell proper
11403s keep him up Mikey handles Edison on the
11405s other side of the map the shot getting
11407s close to tying up map number one
11410s 96 now felis who will be the one to step
11412s up first final region beats plenty to
11416s work with you for the fuel Edison oh
11419s oh his head that Finn responds the train
11421s is there finger return to his team
11423s Fearless also will have to do the same
11424s now
11425s straight to the back of the point that's
11427s where much of the fighting is occurring
11428s here Striker needs to be careful Hill
11430s pack won't be up for a while and
11432s fearless justice of a tickle over the
11434s edge go the shock they're gonna have to
11436s give it up and you're okay with giving
11438s it up right I know you end up losing
11440s your overclock there didn't have
11441s anything else to deal with but you ended
11443s up having Edison use overclock Primal
11445s Rage being used here and sound barrier
11447s so you get some big key ultimates you're
11448s already at 99 you just need one fight to
11450s go your way
11453s not a lot of ultimates though for either
11454s team here many expended in that previous
11456s fight San Francisco looking to play a
11458s slightly longer game here even look now
11461s and finally coming up sport like he
11464s wants to come forward here but he is
11465s caught sparkler semen him absolutely
11469s drilled and that's not a good fight
11473s there for the shock because what they
11475s wanted to do there Mitch they just want
11476s to play that side room and just build up
11478s these support ultimates right you could
11480s have farmed the kariko alt you could
11481s have farmed you know the sound barrier
11483s and then you could have engaged but
11484s because Mila gets picked off early and
11486s it just all goes in the fuels way
11488s they're gonna have that consumer Rush
11489s biking how does he find himself here
11491s drops in right in front of Sparkle he's
11493s having to jump back to the rest
11496s are you serious
11497s [Applause]
11503s the Dallas fuel allowed the shock to
11507s retake the points and they're unaware of
11509s the fact that overtime was there
11512s [Applause]
11514s two and a half
11517s and in moments like this right you got
11519s the crowd reaction I'm sure the reaction
11521s on stage you gotta kind of settle down
11524s now going to this Final Round right you
11526s don't expect to lose that round in that
11527s type of fashion they end up looking to
11529s point back ends immediately that's a
11532s tough one
11533s five four one night surely wish they
11536s would have back Mikey just presents
11538s himself right you know looks out of
11541s position Dallas all turned their heads
11542s towards and he jumps back to the point
11543s and all of a sudden rounds over
11545s Dallas tunnel vision link on the Winston
11548s I know you're like what is Mikey trying
11549s to do here I was like well from my point
11551s of view it looks like he's trying to die
11552s pretty quick
11555s decoy yeah but I'm just gonna sneak the
11558s point out the back get Edison operating
11561s in this pocket he's gonna be doubling
11562s with proper the Lobster's gone for a
11564s time oh dude Violet had a maybe one
11568s shot there ah he's so low that was
11571s giving a little bit of ground here maybe
11573s trying to get Sparkle now into the fight
11575s Edison is out of it that's for sure
11578s and proper's not done here think back
11580s think what he did to those Outlaws give
11583s this guy an inch don't take a country
11584s mile Geo well it was only ever going to
11587s go one way I think what he did The
11589s Outlaws seeing what he's been doing to
11590s the entire league all season long
11593s the shark will take the point first and
11596s you know sometimes like players come in
11598s early and there's lots of hype and there
11599s was a lot of hype for proper and you're
11600s like all right yeah let's see let's see
11602s what happens let's surpass that and then
11604s some so you know we've kind of joked
11606s around like proper is inevitable and uh
11608s he is making this run back happen for
11611s the shot through this loser bracket it's
11612s insane oh I think hell that's a really
11614s fast play there Shield gets that speed
11616s boost gets Sparkle right in the mix and
11618s Mikey not able to get out
11620s San Francisco not ready for that kind of
11622s Pisces are gonna respond oh papa what's
11624s happened there gets in the rush deployed
11626s regardless but what are the options here
11628s for the shock it's a hard reset
11633s and that is a huge turn of events there
11636s for the Del tool they speed boost in
11638s they get that first Galaxy
11640s [Music]
11643s [Applause]
11645s not good
11647s stealing my lines
11650s [Applause]
11652s listen
11656s that one came out of absolutely nowhere
11660s he's dialed in Matt as I mean look you
11664s have to really as Mike you have to be
11666s careful jump in these positions right
11667s time time again we've seen now
11668s throughout this series at least in the
11670s early Parts you know taking big chunks
11672s of damage on him she was having a boot
11673s like the way as he comes down so it's
11675s not gonna land in the ideal location but
11677s there's gonna be a sound barrier here
11678s for the job to work with oh
11681s [Applause]
11687s [Applause]
11693s and the shot put it out again
11697s three fights in a row in favor for the
11700s Dallas fuel over clocks available for
11702s both sides here
11704s and maybe are able to actually like kind
11706s of speed boost Striker onto the point
11707s here take that opposite position you
11708s have that death Blossom to work with
11711s Dragon Ball strings here Sparkle a
11712s little bit low having to get away
11714s overclocked for proper can he just park
11717s [Applause]
11720s s up two huge kills it enough to put the
11722s shock ahead of this fight but it's not
11723s over so I can now need to try and get
11726s his damage done but he staped Away by
11727s the Winston bubble it looks like he has
11729s the fuel are out Striker a contingency
11731s there with the death Blossom zoning on
11733s secures the fight win they did see that
11736s and back away like a big spinning
11738s disrupter shot there so I see in the in
11742s the reaper dance there on the point
11743s blocking him off it's 81 though for the
11746s Dallas fuel in a position where you're
11748s gonna need like two fights I think to
11750s flip this and win the tuna watch
11751s throwing down Edison quickly getting
11752s away he knows the rest of his team are
11754s also does have a great angle Mitch
11757s not now that the fight has been taken
11759s away
11759s [Applause]
11774s [Music]
11776s the shock looks like they might be
11778s grouping up for another fight come back
11781s [Music]
11784s this one might be a photo finish Matthew
11786s and I was wondering if you're violent do
11788s you consider using the beat keeping that
11789s one going maybe you're able to get it up
11791s to 90 but they decide to save the sound
11793s barrier they back out
11795s last fight territory
11798s Kitsune Rush versus sound barrier at
11800s least in the
11802s here it comes
11804s down South America the proper there's
11807s bubbles in the way still probably gonna
11809s count four but it's only going to be the
11811s one who can't come the Dallas fuel
11813s they're bad and if I believe we're
11816s hungry
11816s [Applause]
11825s fantastic start for the Dallas fuel
11829s three Maps away
11833s and right there you know Mike he didn't
11835s get that sound barrier neither did
11836s proper and that's a huge difference in
11837s that final fight
11839s ing is defeated right no choice but to
11842s slide forward that's the kind of
11843s pressure you face going up against the
11845s Dallas fuel Fearless forcing fire to
11848s wave bubble down breaking that line of
11850s sight up a very forgettable sound
11852s barrier is what is the shocks undoing
11856s in that first round
11858s showing us a lot of spunk though Dallas
11860s fuel
11862s giving a bit of a round over to San
11864s Francisco to make it a very competitive
11866s first map what a way to start our 2022
11869s Grand finals folks stick around there's
11871s more to come
11875s [Music]
11881s [Music]
11887s the OverWatch league is brought to you
11889s by Butterfinger crispity crunchery
11892s peanut buttery no one lays a finger on
11895s your Butterfinger
11897s foreign
11905s [Music]
11917s [Music]
11928s foreign
11930s [Music]
11963s [Music]
11968s foreign
11971s [Music]
11989s [Music]
12000s foreign
12004s [Music]
12012s [Music]
12019s [Music]
12026s [Music]
12034s foreign
12036s [Music]
12088s foreign
12092s [Music]
12106s [Music]
12107s thank you
12111s three kills holy Lord in the blink of an
12115s eye holders what is this man on right
12119s now oh zero puts Vision in the dark
12122s returns to Sender they can't get away
12124s the damage is inevitable
12126s [Music]
12128s this man looked revitalized
12132s from the top of the pillar and Seiko
12136s with the play does get hit by the coach
12137s guys
12140s [Applause]
12146s oh my God you're just not getting a
12151s solid selection there
12154s come on
12156s [Music]
12167s that's it the running back tournament
12168s definitely not one you want to be
12169s missing contenders has never been more
12171s competitive Matt clear the competition
12173s how about this one for you
12175s and you know we've been kind of like
12177s every matchup I feel like oh his dad
12179s isn't going to be able to live up to
12180s marry it as I know if they plan to get
12182s shy how is it going to go against proper
12185s he's come up clutch uh now you're
12187s worried maybe into this series like the
12189s nerves gonna get to and whatnot I also
12191s think it helps that like the Fearless is
12193s just able to cause so many problems for
12195s the opponents uh it makes a distance
12197s life a little bit easier but he is
12199s playing fantastic
12202s as far as Winston players trying to
12203s create the space for these two to do
12205s their best work
12208s I don't think we need to ask the
12209s question anymore whether Edison is ready
12211s willing or able to step up
12213s to proper
12216s wouldn't he love to serve him up and L
12218s what a day like today
12221s pretty competitive first map I think
12222s that second round you know
12225s you thought they were in a position to
12226s sort of run it back pretty comfortably
12227s they're a night market when they kind of
12229s give over the point there a little bit
12231s of an error from them
12233s they finish pretty cleanly long series
12236s though Marathon type Series right
12239s so it'll be the Sharks map pick for map
12241s number two they will select King's Row
12244s we'll also see Mikey stay in the game so
12246s this is something that Phil we've seen
12247s over the like the the last series The
12249s now typically Mikey would play control
12251s kalu should come in and kind of play a
12253s lot of other different things I know
12255s potentially even maps on your uh you
12256s think like escort like a circuit you
12258s play come in and play the sigma uh but
12260s they leave Mikey in to play that Winston
12261s here in King's Row
12263s I could definitely
12264s Winston being one of his so-called
12267s Heroes
12268s alongside the wrecking ball so it seems
12271s like the Dallas already hoping to put
12272s him in position here to challenge
12274s fearless or at least man impact they
12277s don't want to be running very often
12279s again if you can shut down Edison you
12280s are well and truly on your way
12283s King's Row Matthew a map that with these
12285s Winston compositions could be pretty
12287s volatile at times we've seen a lot of
12289s teams make pretty strong attacking
12291s pushes but sometimes the defense can be
12293s hard to put together against this kind
12295s of Rush style yeah and you see when you
12297s have a player like Fearless ride uh or
12300s Goose way like how we caught I know
12302s Route 66 screw with a bubble blocks the
12304s sound barrier right there towards the
12306s end Fearless perfect uh bubble on the
12308s Winston right in the doorway blocks some
12310s of the players from getting that sound
12312s barrier now having that Winston expert
12315s so important as it'll be the Dallas fuel
12318s on defense first
12322s curious to see how involved Chio is
12324s going to be able to find himself he was
12325s everywhere once
12327s young Tower
12330s very aggressive Brandon Lucia very very
12332s high final blows General
12335s and back in week seven regular season I
12337s remember that loss as well he'll still
12339s establish themselves
12342s chuck with a very high expectations on
12344s their shoulders despite being a team
12345s mostly forged Anew this year but so much
12347s faith in the franchise and the culture
12348s they've set and it's paid off
12351s two
12352s it's an unbelievable regular season for
12355s the shock right no tournament wins
12357s throughout the year which is a little
12358s bit different uh than in years past but
12361s you'll uh you'll trade some of those
12363s other tournaments for a win here
12365s all of them an important step in this
12367s team developing themselves for the live
12368s environment
12370s I'll see you playing pretty passive
12371s pretty out of line of sight for the time
12373s being looks like the otherworth hotel is
12375s the choice of battleground now for the
12377s shock
12382s okay then
12389s I was mentioning in map number one a
12391s little bit more offensive then Violet
12394s he's actually up on the wall he actually
12395s lands some shots and then Fielder puts
12397s him away with headshots this allows
12400s Dallas now to establish their front line
12402s a little further forward at least for
12404s now
12405s hope to generate another pick here and
12407s set the shock further back but San
12408s Francisco aren't disciplined proper
12410s approaches the point with plenty of
12411s chance to work with Kia just a lack of
12413s targets for the time being Dallas
12414s playing extremely Katie around his
12416s railgun if he does have to touch though
12418s and here come the fuel out behind that
12419s bubble disrupt the shop thrown down so
12422s no one can close the gap easily a lot of
12424s poke damage a lot of Chip damage coming
12426s across the map it's a railgun Mr Edison
12428s and Sparkle he didn't strike his eyes
12432s the lion Cheetos just went out
12435s it's uh the Dallas Jewelry get a little
12437s bit split there so they disrupt their
12438s shot from proper goes into the choke you
12440s see him walking through here and it
12441s splits off the supports and Edison and
12443s they're not able to actually get through
12445s the choke Fearless actually has such a
12447s point but Sparkle they both take loads
12449s of damage not enough opportunity to heal
12451s it all back up and the shot take the
12453s point
12455s clean open the AC Dallas
12457s still a little bit unsure about how to
12459s have a consistent defensive hold with
12460s this setup don't tape him
12462s Geo there forced to respect that
12466s a little bit of a Teru S4 right
12470s some of the karikos instead of using the
12472s TP you know as kind of safety if they
12474s get Joe off you see him way more
12475s offensively to get out of Harm's Way
12479s innocent having to swing out from this
12480s corner glancing glow connects on proper
12483s he's close to his overclock
12486s it's a Tracker pretty conservative at
12488s the start of the fight not getting too
12489s close to the back line here Vikings
12491s Primal Rage these gets boots with Chris
12494s very dangerous place to be here for the
12496s Winston and the shop just either too
12498s close to the edge
12499s [Applause]
12504s Dallas does end up using their sound
12506s barrier to come out and win that as well
12508s though so for the shock you do have a
12509s little bit of an advantage right I think
12511s there's an opportunity for them to
12513s either use overclock use that sound
12514s barrier push them back there's really
12517s not a lot of ways the Dallas fuel can
12519s keep everybody protected
12522s back to the drawing board here for the
12523s shot oh Sparkles and hiding ease
12526s well in a position to do some damage
12528s here but there's a sound barrier in time
12529s this one for Violet one he was looking
12530s for geo gets cut down
12533s flying a little too close to the Sun
12537s here it is Edison proper continuing with
12538s the trade out near San Francisco
12541s on the opposite side of the map for the
12542s Dallas fuel here is that this engagement
12544s was able to put them on opposite sides
12547s he connects with sparkle there and this
12549s is looking much better for San Francisco
12552s they're having to wrap around on Dallas
12553s there releasing chiaw early means Dallas
12555s had nowhere to go yeah and Dallas does a
12557s good job actually extending that fight
12558s making it a little bit more difficult
12559s than one would think the go sign though
12561s for the shock there is as soon as the
12563s Dallas you end up using that protection
12564s suzu of karika you know giving everybody
12566s a brief moment of I know invulnerability
12568s as soon as that wears off that's when
12570s the shot dealer they can attack pretty
12571s safely Scott Williams really on the Move
12573s now two minutes 50 saw left in the round
12575s for the shock
12577s spend too much time snarled up in that
12579s truck it's a good sign
12581s sparkling Felix again just trying to
12583s hold the shock at Bay
12585s and hello Edison they're playing for
12587s this casino rush so they actually just
12589s form it up now Ben has his oh it may not
12593s matter now what an opener there from
12596s Anderson and the shark headed upstairs
12602s they'll be regrouping licking their
12604s wounds for a bit and we talk about how
12606s important sojourn is in the better and I
12608s think obviously everybody can see why uh
12611s especially moments like this being able
12612s to get those early pick-offs it just
12613s eats at the clock the shark have to
12615s attack San Francisco no choice but to
12618s regroup can't do too much about a fully
12620s charged railgun headshot
12623s ready to fight okay Mikey redirected
12626s they out to The High Ground Katina rush
12627s now coming out from Tim Hill to
12629s reciprocating Edison playing off to the
12630s side for the time being but Striker
12632s steps up forces him away now the
12633s sidelines aren't great for Edison but
12636s films that with a fire one on proper
12638s Striker with the sound barrier looking
12640s pretty comfortable coming forward but a
12642s lack of play here in the San Francisco
12643s shot most of the damage now needs to
12645s come from Striker's Direction biking
12647s dispersing these Dallas fuel players
12649s pressuring innocent up to The High
12651s Ground but Sparkle strikes him in the
12653s back line stepping up
12663s that seals the deal yeah and I think
12666s when uh do you actually have the death
12668s Blossom come out from Striker I mean I
12670s was a little bit shocked I thought
12670s potentially saves that but he ends up
12672s using Advanced when Edison decides to
12674s pop the overclock and here it is get
12677s some damage down
12678s that is exquisite
12681s hey look at it's time for strike it
12683s there as well he's not really where he
12684s wants to be he's not within the
12685s sojourn's vicinity he's not within the
12687s kiriko's vicinity he just has to go for
12689s a bit this is going to be so tough for
12691s the shark man no support ultimates just
12693s the silver clock available it's up here
12696s we've got a sound barriers
12700s with that over shield on your opponents
12703s the shock now down to sub 40 seconds
12705s left feather on the wrong side of the
12708s map this could get a little bit awkward
12709s can Striker break his way through is
12711s there enough time for proper to get back
12713s neither of those look to be likely here
12716s I think you need to die fast here if
12718s you're the shark yeah I mean you need to
12720s die fast
12722s dangerous
12723s [Applause]
12727s and we see proper right there like
12729s sliding on in you can't do that against
12731s a team like the Dallas drill they are
12733s too good and too fast that capitalizing
12736s on mistakes like that
12738s five seconds left to the round even a
12740s touch is gonna be pretty brutal to get
12742s but it's way forward
12744s [Applause]
12746s to nine over time
12751s that's dirty
12755s [Music]
12757s Sparkle is so much fun on the stage man
12760s it's a violent opportunity to touch
12762s their
12763s becomes bouncing off the wall on the
12765s Lucio
12766s get his head ripped off there by Edison
12770s again with only five seconds left in the
12772s round there one chance
12774s what's the Lucio touch and it just so
12777s happened Edison had a rail gun with
12780s Violet's name on it
12782s not an auspicious showing here from San
12784s Francisco's attack on King's Row I'd be
12787s nervous if I was them now on defense
12790s scary because defense on King's Row like
12793s it's not a great Winston defense map I
12797s hear at least on point a I think when
12799s you get towards the second half the map
12801s way better as here we see it from
12802s violence POV business
12805s oh
12807s it seems I misplaced my head somewhere
12810s along the line you see his body like
12812s flips like 30 feet
12816s all right
12818s so I think it's pretty clear San
12819s Francisco definitely need to eat through
12821s some of the clock on this first point
12823s hold
12824s not that we're expecting a full hole
12826s here it's tough with a Winston defense
12827s but that's the first step
12830s very difficult to hold four holes on
12833s Winston defense here uh just they'll
12836s hear his kitten like the dive nature of
12838s it just doesn't really suit King's real
12840s Point day I think you can do obviously
12842s way more things once you get past there
12844s but this is very difficult before hold
12846s this composition because look I mean he
12847s doesn't have like a shield like a sigma
12849s or a Reinhardt right has to kind of play
12850s here in the open okay I feel this has
12852s already gone upstairs and he can just
12854s hit the back line like this in the
12855s meantime the shotgun trying to
12857s reciprocate put pressure down on
12858s Dallas's backlab and feel it somehow
12860s appears in the midst of the shot cause
12861s they try and come forward they lose out
12863s on the damage trades but they're able to
12865s be topped up just in time by Finn
12866s they're trying to keep this position
12869s around the statue and proper is going to
12870s help them out in a big way there
12873s great shot on Sparkle
12876s and those are the types of fights the
12878s shark want to do uh I think against a
12881s lot of other teams right you know proper
12882s can use that Dash get in maybe get a
12884s pick I think it's just too risky against
12886s this team I think you've got to have him
12888s play a little bit more patient wait for
12890s Fearless to kind of come to you and then
12891s we saw unleash right beautiful help from
12894s Violet Striker as well and then it makes
12896s his life a bit easier
12899s but it's got time they will return the
12901s investment and trade here Sparkles down
12903s but proper crucial is missing Striker
12905s and Mikey now needs to be the bull walk
12906s to stop the flood of the fuel
12909s so he found out so bad here Mikey taken
12912s a moderate amount of damage but Finn's
12914s able to top him up they're close to two
12915s near us but Gilda's gonna have his first
12916s if you'll wait on it for now but now
12919s they approach the point Fearless first
12920s Edison not far behind button into the
12923s hotel now are the shop they need to make
12924s their explosion fourth year who wins the
12927s bubble in the way a little bit
12928s frustrating and Mike he goes down to a
12929s disrupt the shot Edison doesn't need
12931s this overclock the sound barrier from
12933s Silence it's just too late
12938s I think I think the shark their best
12940s though you know may have been just
12941s backing up a little bit everybody takes
12943s so much damage you have to play
12944s aggressive around that pillar to try and
12946s prevent that sojourn from getting that
12947s line as they force you back into that
12949s choke so you have to play up there but
12951s you back out you know towards the rest
12953s of your team maybe take a little bit
12955s maybe go in right as it's about to tip
12957s over
12959s Spock long card Duty
12963s again of being a close range fighter his
12966s team will fall back to the car okay now
12968s he'll get to go forward
12970s shock gonna play on this corner then he
12972s profit about a swing this and have a bit
12973s of space to linger and try and line a
12975s shot up
12978s I need a semi jump there from Mikey not
12980s a full commitment but it's a primal race
12981s here for Fearless this is a little bit
12983s scary now now dream taken down by field
12985s of the disruption the shock is suffering
12988s they cannot get their ducks in a row
12990s [Applause]
12993s and you can see like when we go to
12996s Edison's POV just the face you're so
12998s confident coming out of these fights
13000s Edison you know two kills three kills
13004s and they want to stop this you know come
13006s back right before you know they can even
13008s make it back towards that checkpoint B
13010s you have Sparkle with the deathclaw so
13012s maybe you can get a little bit sneaky
13013s because uh looks like he's working okay
13016s early death Blossom looks pretty good
13018s but it's gonna be a three versus four
13021s favoring the fuel they're having to pull
13023s back now and let much of this Primal
13024s Rage expire I don't know what Mikey's
13026s hoping to find with this team safely and
13030s that that tree's gonna be trying to get
13031s the health pack to get out of his life
13032s it's dicey they're trying to chase him
13034s the shock have one more chance on this
13036s map now they need to group up they have
13038s the players in position and now it's go
13040s times it's probably
13046s him from the rest of his team
13049s they're trying to wait out the overclock
13050s proper is using the overclock that's a
13051s huge pitch right the death Blossom now
13053s the consuming rush they can go Dragon
13055s will come back here with that death was
13056s never had a chance to use it and the
13058s shotgun with a hold on somehow but now
13060s it's go time
13061s we got roads converging here for Dallas
13063s fuel what a try and hit another gear
13066s bubble now down throw another one up
13068s Sparkles gonna be removed by Strikers
13069s that dead Blossom he held it in reserve
13071s it as haze off
13074s San Francisco hang on two and a half
13077s minutes remain they say not just yet
13081s Striker I think he may think somebody
13082s else is behind he does not want to know
13084s after some of the things he saw on point
13086s one I first got map he does not want to
13088s give up a back cap here not blame to God
13093s only just now starting to get bled
13096s really lighting around for San Francisco
13098s to put some stops together
13100s at the sound barrier at least to after
13102s cheers aggressive will this be as demise
13105s that was actually Striker winning that
13107s Frontline fight yet again Dallas now
13109s with a group up around Edison hope that
13110s he can create an opening and so he does
13112s finally the only elimination so far and
13115s that's not gonna cut the mustard
13119s much better
13122s now it starts to get dangerous for the
13125s Dallas fuel
13127s it's a really difficult spot the payload
13129s is stuck in some natural high ground
13131s cover around there for the shock to play
13133s from you see it from Edison's POV kind
13136s of coming around these Corners can't
13137s really figure out where players are
13138s playing from it's very difficult to land
13140s these railgun shots Fearless Primal as
13142s well is going to make it even harder to
13143s line them up keep an eye on that it's
13145s probably hope to find some picks with
13148s this overclock it feel as he stuck into
13149s the back line they weren't ready for
13151s this and here he goes now primer rage
13153s being popular Edison goes down proper
13155s finds that key first pick
13157s feel us now unsure about how to hit this
13159s back line adequately pop are gonna slide
13160s away and fearless can't chase him down
13162s it's Chico the second on the topping
13164s block
13166s your MVP is turned up
13171s three kills for proper in the fight 50
13174s seconds
13176s 50 seconds get sooner rush for both
13179s teams but look at how look how further
13181s Violet is towards this sound barrier
13183s where I think you kind of like
13184s everything equals out across the board
13186s here a shock also a Primal Rage that
13188s extra sound barrier could be clutch
13201s you know you have no way to use this if
13203s you're the Dallas fuel seems like a good
13205s trade 80 to beat San Francisco gonna
13208s have the support ultimates
13213s shoot around
13217s flights out
13218s that's what we're now going for the
13220s overclock Who Dares stand up and
13222s challenge him now the fuel have no
13224s choice throwing themselves into the meat
13226s grinder and brown to save a cup
13228s see let's get the Susie there trying to
13230s stay alive but probably hits another
13231s headshot in the San Francisco shock have
13235s held off the Dallas fuel
13239s on King's Road
13243s a Monumental defensive endeavor
13248s and being able to bounce back at moments
13252s like this
13253s that's our Championship stuff right
13255s there from the shark a striker Violet
13258s now coach Krusty the whole snap the
13261s organization they've been there before
13262s you know tough times I mean a lot of
13264s teams could Wilt away in a moment like
13266s that but not the shot proper finds eight
13269s final blows in the last two minutes of
13271s that round slow start but this is what
13274s you need from your star player coming
13277s alive when it really counts in San
13279s Francisco have evened up the series now
13282s it's one a piece in our grand finals
13284s don't go anywhere
13287s foreign
13302s [Music]
13320s [Music]
13323s foreign
13329s [Music]
13339s [Music]
13365s foreign
13386s Philadelphia Fusion getting the team
13389s kill and keep this block moving
13395s the payload is right there close to the
13398s Finish Line you can see the hunter
13399s skirmishing over to the side roof so
13400s much payoff the rally gets put up first
13403s everyone gets deleted by Lee and the
13406s rally was all for none I don't even know
13409s how to leave sees players through all
13411s that chaos stand he somehow perceives it
13413s through the Matrix just green lines it
13415s takes putting down the screen
13420s and that's our Rampage they have to get
13421s hit by the sound barriers timed well
13423s funny Astron have to be able to get away
13424s and kids to stand them playing Killing
13425s vigilante already oh she's a little bit
13427s too late with the Beat Again gets to now
13430s heads upstairs he sees Kai on his own
13432s and he can't even make it back to the
13433s health pack it's a deflect elimination
13435s from cancer on nagenji it's all over
13438s there is nothing left in the Atlanta
13440s rain not even a wimpap as they go
13453s foreign
13469s [Music]
13479s [Music]
13493s [Music]
13521s [Applause]
13524s whoever said lightning doesn't strike
13526s twice has never met the San Francisco
13527s shocks
13530s this is the depth of Talent on their
13532s roster that can't be denied some of the
13534s most hardcore carry performances that
13536s have ever seen this is going going to be
13538s a wild ride
13540s somebody's gonna come to the rest you
13542s get a double kill so Luke says how about
13545s that one see you later
13547s his aim is so crispy
13550s doesn't mix those holy cow
13554s let's sneak on Hardy Frank is able to
13556s bring the Titan down Sam he's right in
13559s the back line insta killing
13561s [Music]
13566s San Francisco the greatest team in
13569s OverWatch
13571s and Nightmare start on King's Row for
13575s San Francisco shock becomes their
13578s Wildest Dream as they turn around on
13580s defense and stop the fuel in their
13583s tracks it's not often we see that kind
13586s of holes for almost three minutes
13588s outside the last phase of the map but
13591s the shock managed to pull it off as the
13593s fuel faults up at the critical step
13597s and you know if you've been watching the
13598s OverWatch league for a few years you
13600s know our grand finals he gets
13601s snowballing at times go in One Direction
13603s where a better record yeah you're you
13606s know with the way King's Road is going
13608s oh man you know Dallas clicking no
13611s edisons feeling it right
13613s that is a huge series changing win there
13616s for the shock and a map that did not
13618s look like it was going to go their way
13619s they clutch up big time yeah I really
13621s gotta handle them of course proper a big
13623s part of what allows them to get back
13624s into the game but the real grit and
13626s tenacity displayed by that entire team
13630s striker of course
13632s and Mike's who's staying in for a third
13634s consecutive map now this is I don't know
13637s what the longest streak he's had in the
13638s game and I and I think the decision
13640s makes a lot of sense from the shop right
13642s uh it seems to be clicking with Mikey
13644s right now
13646s unless you need like Sigma in a
13649s situation where on Dorado is this will
13650s be the Dallas your lamps actually don't
13652s really need that here right you can keep
13653s playing the Winston so as long as you
13655s can kind of just keep getting away with
13657s Winston play and things are feeling good
13660s and clicking good amongst the team right
13661s I think you leave him in I mean you're
13663s very close like the shock I mean you
13665s have to be sitting on there that stage
13667s and you have to be very confident I mean
13668s you're close to being up 2-0 right now
13672s I could have gone either way that first
13673s map that is for sure
13676s you're a Fearless Winston bubble
13677s blocking beat that connects that might
13679s be improper which who knows what happens
13681s in that situation right but you know
13683s you're you're right there
13687s we may see the need for colusia get
13689s something lighter in the series but like
13691s I mentioned no Circle right out here
13692s right that requirement of Sigma not on
13694s the table
13696s some kind of map where you definitely
13697s expect to see very much the same
13700s compositions we have so far San
13702s Francisco with Mikey at the helm have
13705s looked excellent Dallas Voltron there I
13708s mean there's really no other way to put
13709s it on their attacking side they have so
13711s much time to work with they breathe
13712s through the first part of the map then
13713s they start getting slowed down players
13715s getting picked off often losing someone
13717s like Edison and started around
13719s it's not where they wanted to find
13720s themselves
13722s all the pinatas have to go here at the
13725s start evidently
13727s so something interesting they actually
13729s played the Tracer here on defense so
13731s we've seen teams do this or out the
13733s tournament thus far on the defensive
13735s side of Dorado tracers you see where
13737s Sparkles position can access some of
13739s those High grounds a little bit easier
13741s for flinking time because of the
13743s superior movement compared to a hero
13744s like Reaper
13746s your ability to access High ground or
13748s transitions from low to high though a
13750s little bit Limited Tracy you need to go
13752s sort of around so I'm curious to see how
13753s Sparkle overcomes that maybe just trying
13755s to control this High Ground gear right
13757s that's across from the top of the
13758s rooftop pretty comfortably Feliz wants
13760s to start off the fight pretty early
13760s filder a little bit low he's seen better
13762s days and finally gives him a case of
13763s tonight as he won't forget
13765s it's going to open it for San Francisco
13766s this is such a good sign
13770s playing attacking to High Ground
13772s defensive holds with Winston on this map
13773s typically take time
13775s yeah they slide directly across they get
13777s off on that opposite side High ground
13779s and then when Dallas you'll jump in it's
13780s protection Shizu that comes down from
13782s fearing a lot of healing output right
13784s you see how far he is ahead toward that
13786s kasuni rush and that's gonna have
13788s sparkles switch right off the Tracer
13791s seen this happen a few times teams
13792s trying to Tracer early switching right
13794s off of it Michael wants to start the
13796s fight off Fury fights out that disrupter
13798s shot will still give Edison a little bit
13799s of a Zone with which to work a few
13801s rounds they can't see Striker going to
13803s right walk here he'll wait he's got the
13805s patience he fires off there a bit of an
13807s erratic shot hoping to make some
13808s connection
13809s uh Reaper doubling back here I like this
13812s for a sparkle protecting Edison from
13813s Mikey
13816s this Mikey takes a ton of damage and
13819s you're not able to make it out with his
13820s life but he gets booped out of that
13822s Winston bubble Knocked Up in the Air
13823s finished off so the shot they make
13827s decent payload progress get very close
13829s oh wait wait
13831s that's huge man
13833s they might have thought that he didn't
13835s have enough charge to get that one shot
13837s because you need about above 85 to get
13839s that one shot nailed down five before
13841s this is perfect for San Francisco if
13843s they want to sooner rush they can have a
13845s tier two
13846s spicy heads up Edison forced into the
13850s corridor somehow excuse me
13853s I didn't know that Charles the ninth was
13855s issued a front row seats here in the
13857s finals
13859s yeah throughout all of that it'll be the
13861s shock actually completing the first
13863s checkpoint
13864s uh and it's in with that overclock tries
13867s to bounce up I think Dallas knows that
13868s playing this competition they gotta
13870s playing close you back them up into the
13871s spawn May is all quite close up get
13873s everybody to try and dump some ultimates
13875s in all right galaxy here anyway right
13876s they're pretty well committed already to
13878s a pseudo sport Camp endeavor
13881s okay that's a little bit of a scary side
13882s nice little back swing with the primary
13884s fist there putting striker in a position
13885s where it's hard to get probably one of
13886s the death blossoms
13888s so we're trying to do the same thing
13889s proper displayed him up remember Rick
13890s brew a little less Mobile in that form
13892s is it easier Target to knock down
13896s and proper nose probably knows how to
13897s hit him with a hurt and it was actually
13899s a really early sound barrier there by
13901s Violet I actually think it catches
13902s Dallas drunk a little bit because they
13904s use the sound barrier then they start to
13905s push up they're using continuing around
13906s fast
13908s top catches them off guard a little bit
13910s as difficult sometimes you know even at
13913s this level is how much charge that
13915s sojourn has on that rail shot
13917s proper jumps around the corner kills
13919s Sparkle and that allows them to take
13920s that first checkpoint
13922s shot having the right walk to the back
13923s line here not the way that the shock
13925s want to start to find him but Dallas had
13926s a lot of damage on fearless and Chio
13928s Chio is in trouble
13929s proper is probing hunting waiting for
13931s the Lucio to show his head it's a game
13933s of cat's Mouse
13935s here's a true apex predator
13938s taking his head like no one just
13940s laughing I mean
13941s the guy is unreal just try me he says
13944s bring me another
13950s World charged up his proper now he's
13952s happy to go to The High Ground Fielder
13953s has to switch step away Edison there's
13955s able to plug one in Striker the proper
13957s has the perfect perch play now
13959s Dallas are able to take up residence
13961s once more towards the car man massive
13964s kill there by Edison takes out Striker
13966s and when they were trying to play for
13968s High Ground access here that you can't
13970s allow the dive to come through and lost
13972s your Reaper right I need the reaper up
13974s there on The High Ground to deter the
13975s Dallas you from taking it again so be
13976s killed by Edison to maybe stabilize it
13979s out fuel bit proper 6-0 right now 6-0
13982s absolutely popping off this is where it
13984s counts feels trying to Extra Cashel for
13987s more
13989s water floats down and looks through his
13992s next Target Mike he's out of the picture
13993s now Sparkles having a dispatch the broad
13995s body of the Winston and proper now under
13997s scrutiny Fearless flattens them
14001s sound barrier used there by the shock
14003s they try and push out out of that
14006s Corridor and you kind of see like from
14008s the free cam Mikey really kind of
14009s calling out which Target they're going
14011s to go for they dying for Target in the
14012s back to Consumer rush comes on in don't
14014s think they may have bought the Dallas
14015s you'll have that at that moment in time
14019s shock now want to make the way at least
14020s towards some semi-high ground you're
14023s gonna see them take this route with
14026s where the payload is
14027s yeah it's the quickest route also the
14029s safest route oh
14033s Edison delighting our attendance here
14036s now without proper this looks a little
14039s bit awkward the shock sheepishly trying
14041s to back away can you beat them in there
14043s okay so Dallas doesn't Chase I was gonna
14046s say if you're the shark what you could
14047s have done here is like backed out right
14048s and if they would have chased you
14049s actually could have consumerous right
14050s into them they don't have feet or
14052s anything uh he has sold your Reaper off
14054s as that battering ram television Geo now
14056s has that beat pretty much online
14058s that part of the Playbook that played's
14060s getting torn out
14061s Striker close to a death Blossom here
14063s combining him with the consumer Rush
14064s could be pretty meteoric primary for
14067s Mike he's found something upstairs he
14069s wants a piece for an Edison dabble to
14070s force them away they want Mikey is low
14071s low trying to get away needs to be
14074s healed up him now gonna throw the
14075s consumer Rush down extra healing output
14077s for his tank to keep him in the fight
14078s and here comes striker
14082s spinning straight at the fuel
14086s and I don't have an answer
14089s as soon as Reaper gets at a limb
14092s triggers that DPS passive in the kitchen
14094s rush it is so strong speed boost man the
14097s speed boost plus the reload and then
14099s also the death Blossom Reaper also has
14102s the life steal he becomes so difficult
14104s to take out those scenarios
14106s trying to assert himself early here just
14108s does not want to let the shot give the
14109s jump on them
14110s on that bridge you can't allow proper to
14113s establish High Ground right because if
14114s you do he's 100 charged he's a shot and
14117s you're you're looking at one fight
14120s from preventing them from completing the
14121s map you've got to keep him in these
14122s tight viewing angles if you possibly can
14124s Edison hoping to dig him out of
14126s formation there much of Dallas playing
14129s on the low ground as well it's really
14130s he's gonna be Edison transitioning
14132s between the two trying to find advantage
14135s Rush here the big point of difference
14137s ultimate wise Primal Rage also one for
14139s Fearless
14142s both teams are content just kind of poke
14144s it for some damage here this looks
14146s folded just content this looks hungry
14148s proper famish looking for Edison now
14151s trying to track as he drops down you're
14152s only going to go with the consumer
14153s Russian Sparkle what's the surge forward
14155s could San Francisco shot getting
14157s overwhelmed here what's the plan for the
14159s low ground mic trying to battle him out
14161s of this stairwell
14169s shock are stuck in a really weird spot
14171s outside proper takes an off angle they
14173s go to the hike right here around the
14175s fuel continue to Rush from behind the
14176s Dallas fuel now forced away from the
14178s card they have to contest on top of it
14181s disrupt shot throwing up here
14183s flipping the match seems fire would you
14185s have control of the card Striker wants
14186s him to come forward he's grading them
14188s gearing them controlling them
14190s have a chance to use the death Blossom
14192s as they run at him seems huge movement
14193s people are doing something about this
14195s San Francisco is stealing this part away
14197s and fielder goes down
14198s three
14205s and he fails out the fuel again
14208s the payload's so close
14212s finishing the map
14214s 10 seconds a little bit more than a
14216s meter Mike's got a Primal Rage possibly
14218s can touch
14219s he gets a jump reset on Primal over he
14222s goes gonna have a private 10 to test
14224s with sparkle eventually the rest of the
14226s fuel are going to get back there but
14227s over time has been triggered
14229s Mikey goes over but he's taking too much
14231s damage too much damage how does he get
14233s out of this can they keep him alive is
14234s the big question Mikey spending some
14236s time out of the fight now while the rest
14237s of the shot try and touch the cycling in
14239s keeping overtime going
14242s to get beat he's here on the Tracer this
14244s is a big change for him Fielder now the
14246s consumeros and innocence out a fight
14247s might keep popping out trying to do on
14249s the car trying to keep this alive couple
14251s shot players left but Sparkle gets rid
14253s of strike he gets down there the big
14254s guns are down Violet Sal Barry is just
14256s not going to be enough here
14259s that's as far as the shark are gonna get
14265s School
14266s King's Row ends with a tremendous
14269s defense from the shock
14271s and they start to bring some of that
14273s momentum here into Dorado and not play
14275s by Sparkle is massive because I don't
14278s think they expected that right the shot
14279s come around on a little bit of a flank
14281s they take that High Ground they consider
14282s us they force him around the corner the
14283s payload is moving backwards away from
14286s the fuel
14287s Sparkle with that death Blossom connects
14289s with three players actually a brilliant
14291s maneuver by San Francisco it's a really
14293s smart if you want to force a fight you
14297s want to force an engagement for your
14298s opponents stand on the objective
14301s Dallas were serious risk of that card
14304s just riding off into the sunset without
14306s them
14309s that kind of
14310s at our kind of response time yeah that's
14312s the Hallmark of Champions during the
14314s OverWatch League this is how it goes
14315s down
14321s the shark we're actually trying to get
14322s just get the payload
14325s ing two meters trying to get it over the
14327s line and uh they have that Winston ball
14329s down and Sparkle ends up inside of it
14331s with the death Blossom and Striker and
14333s Mikey they're playing so close together
14334s they have to in that type of situation
14336s he gets both
14338s okay
14340s San Francisco on the attack able to
14342s unravel this High Ground pretty
14343s effectively Dallas hoped to repeat that
14345s the shotgun defense don't up to go with
14347s the Tracer we see a bunch of teams go
14349s for the Tracer Striker can play it
14352s um in theory you would want to see
14354s proper on that we're with the sojourn in
14356s the mix you're not gonna see him drop
14358s that hero
14360s maybe an extra layer of Defense there
14362s for proper striking to school wait for
14365s Fearless to step up a challenge so
14367s you're not gonna be able to play as
14369s aggressive let's say for the shock right
14371s if you had the Tracer in the mix but you
14373s Bingo you can her some of this action up
14376s on The High Ground here you see how they
14378s try and put pressure on the proper leave
14379s the reaper right in the mix the Winston
14381s can't kind of hold that position for
14382s that long and you see right there
14384s Fearless jumps up doesn't have the
14385s bubble no protection to you you're just
14388s gonna fall right so that's like one of
14390s the differences between the Tracer
14391s defense setup Reaper really has a
14393s staying power right if you can stay out
14394s of line of sigh of the enemy soldier
14395s helps if they're dead by the way almost
14397s think of it in the way their teams used
14398s to play like the Britney on The High
14399s Ground here at a certain time Toronto
14401s did that a lot right yeah protect the
14402s sojour and in scenarios like that as
14404s Reaper is really used is like a
14406s protective DPS here for the soldier
14407s there's a window there for Dallas
14410s oh man he's giving it to us
14414s got the canine internally this one right
14417s look at that look on the guy's face it's
14419s like he's playing at home
14422s he is so calm for a rookie what is MVP
14426s in the finals roll star by the way to
14429s make that three of the lights
14432s why not win
14435s okay
14437s let's redirected
14439s that was really nice I'd be afraid it
14441s wants to come here if you are the fuel
14444s proper preparing to unleash
14448s happy to take the flight to the church
14450s he's got decent Lanes to fire through
14457s disrupt the shot okay the fuel trying to
14460s close the gap a little bit here but
14460s they're being careful about it already
14462s has to be used in here
14463s [Music]
14464s ready to go trying to find purchase on a
14467s Target
14468s but it's the Dallas fuel makes it hard
14469s to get a kill a nice head shot there but
14471s Sparkle picks him out of the sky
14481s that Fearless is out of here
14484s [Applause]
14486s that is such a huge win for the shot
14489s support alts used on both sides
14492s they're able to get to proper early as
14494s he plays some crazy angles and get right
14497s up in the mix
14501s time has taken 96 he says left in the
14504s round and it's a bit of over block here
14505s trying to take
14507s his own hands trying to find anybody
14509s they've run away playing for The High
14512s Ground now there'll have to be a
14513s re-engagement from them here they can't
14515s just let this happen
14517s I gave up the points
14519s [Applause]
14521s of miscalculation cost the shock
14524s go in here and now they're just a second
14527s late on going in to Recon test the jump
14530s needed to be a little bit earlier there
14532s from Mikey and the shock because he knew
14534s that Boop was going to come through or
14535s some form of displacement
14538s and you would have had like the reaper
14539s to TP there right on top of the bubble
14541s or something like that to be able to
14542s kind of keep that contested
14544s huge turn of events so I have relief
14547s here for the Dallas fuel that was a stay
14550s of execution
14552s now they're trying to again I assume
14555s this pretty far forward High Ground
14556s position proper knows he has to assert
14557s himself pretty quickly here
14560s he gets moved out he's trying to jump
14562s away but Fearless
14564s once he's got his teeth in room he won't
14566s let go
14570s now what's the follow-up looking like
14571s not too shabby Mikey out of the pitcher
14573s here Edison has all the room he needs
14576s that's why because Striker's gonna be
14577s forced back from the front line here
14578s invariably
14580s Violet ended up using the beat there and
14582s they just try and push up they try to
14584s find a kill or two that's huge so I
14586s can't that's huge three
14591s what a way to make up a lost time
14594s what do you think just a few months ago
14596s Striker not on this team
14598s it's a late edition right though you're
14600s wondering like how is kilo how to sample
14602s in this team they bring in Striker do
14604s you think it's probably play like
14605s something like the Tracer but the reaper
14607s is Reaper you know back in the day and
14608s the ball summarizing the shock as well
14609s in the past so strong proper took over
14612s the soldier and roll he says no I'm
14613s gonna do this too
14615s well let's say What I've Done Right do
14616s it yourself
14617s another nice one there for Striker
14620s headlining in the last couple of moments
14622s because I want a touchdown there he'll
14625s scan across the rooftops
14629s just like how the Dallas fuel played a
14630s little bit close trying to spawn Camp a
14632s bit the shock doing the same thing this
14635s fight is going to be very difficult for
14637s San Francisco lots of good key ultimates
14639s for the fuel consideration is pretty
14641s much straight away Mikey trying to make
14643s it hard for Dallas to benefit from that
14644s but Spock who you better believe he's
14646s taking these Hellfire shotguns to the
14648s bank
14649s Striker lucky to get away there
14651s better be on the car with a sliver of
14653s Health that was a wash
14656s they don't even have to use sound
14658s barrier there just to continue Russian
14660s Mike he's got Primal popped it and he is
14664s just shunked down instantly by the
14666s Hellfire shotguns of the Reaper
14669s I think you're gonna have one more
14670s contest here though for San Francisco
14671s still dangerous now let's have a little
14673s snowball some ultimate Advantage now
14674s Edison wants to play forward I don't
14676s blame the guy Mikey getting absolute
14679s leaking no way to survive dance and here
14681s comes Sparkle
14684s yeah it's the overclock and the death
14686s Blossom used there for the Dallas fuel
14690s take our second checkpoint essentially
14693s with how close the shotgun it's a it's
14695s about a mass completion now 0.83 meters
14698s right attention you need to be just beat
14700s That by a little bit it's essentially a
14701s full map completion with two minutes on
14703s the clock not gonna be an easy task
14706s till now find it had a sound barrier
14708s coming up but that's off the table
14710s proper up to scrutiny intense pressure
14712s now is trying to pick him out Mikey's
14715s large figure gets in the way and
14717s Strikers doing work by keep buying
14719s enough time there
14720s the numbers will favor Dallas so they'll
14722s get some progress here
14724s you're gonna buy about 15 25 seconds
14727s here of tunnel off that clock
14730s you're the shock you just cannot afford
14733s to have anybody drop early one of these
14736s railgun shots
14740s probably looking to have another moment
14741s here this is scary though he swings this
14744s too wide he's going to be in a world of
14745s hurt
14746s here they go bubble throwing down in
14748s front of him Felix is gonna be in his
14749s face proper strikes first no field it
14751s goes by the wayside katsuna Ross used
14753s here now with the shock have all the
14754s advantages they need
14756s very clean fight
14758s and that's a meat used there as well
14761s [Applause]
14765s and the scary thing is is because of
14767s where the payload is and where it needs
14769s to get to the defender's Advantage is so
14772s strong in the respawn one right the it's
14774s so close there on Dorado see how far the
14777s offense has to travel to make it there
14779s we've lost so much time into a shot with
14781s a big event you play close right you
14783s need you want them to use ultimately
14784s early and fearless uses Primal now he
14787s needs to make some kind of space he's
14788s happy to trade ultimates for that but in
14790s the meantime the needle is threaded and
14792s sparkled laid out you have to back up so
14796s now you just use that price nothing with
14798s it Mikey is going to have the Primal as
14800s well maybe you use it here this is
14801s getting ugly but I think he's probing
14803s forward Dallas don't know how to deal
14804s with this level of aggression they keep
14806s getting caught on the back foot they're
14807s gonna have to go here what is it they're
14809s positive I can't believe it Addison
14812s tries to go over a proper catches him a
14814s minute now this could go wrong for the
14816s shot they need to regroup here together
14817s and so they do I love that they've been
14820s quite hard to pull that kind of regroup
14821s off the continue Rush has used it Mike
14823s he's actually in a really difficult spot
14825s he's going to make it out
14833s [Applause]
14838s they're out of players San Francisco
14843s take Dorado
14845s [Applause]
14848s and we typically would talk right proper
14852s 18 final blows for me the thing is
14856s Striker showed up big time on the reaper
14859s here matching proper 18 final blows 36
14862s of Limbs as well
14864s fantastic performance out of the DPS
14867s players on the shock
14869s San Francisco shocks defenses on the
14872s last two maps have been absolutely
14874s Sublime
14876s this fuel can't get Arena and they can't
14879s feel the flow of these fights they keep
14881s getting caught out
14883s heading to the break now the shot
14884s Captain Phil Gilbert is much more
14886s OverWatch to play right here after the
14888s break
14897s all right
14898s foreign
14932s [Music]
14937s foreign
14957s [Music]
14982s [Music]
14985s foreign
14989s [Music]
15013s foreign
15020s [Music]
15030s [Music]
15045s foreign
15048s [Music]
15059s [Music]
15071s [Music]
15080s [Music]
15084s foreign
15088s [Music]
15103s [Music]
15108s [Music]
15126s thank you
15132s [Music]
15144s [Music]
15150s this is the sad Francisco shock
15156s kill
15164s this guy's just he's a freak on the
15166s sticks man
15168s on this Echo already picking up two
15170s kills the San Francisco shock that was
15173s their key to Victory there aggressive
15174s baby one reset two Robert dashes through
15177s the ball proper almost ghost dashing
15179s through them San Francisco shot win that
15181s fight come back there's the Nano's there
15184s trying to keep him alive but here comes
15186s the oh God
15188s Finn the deadly Flex support will be
15191s Nanos for both teams
15194s [Music]
15199s the San Francisco shock continue their
15202s conquering of the OverWatch League
15204s definitely history once again here for
15207s the shock
15208s [Applause]
15210s well well well
15213s Strikers turn to take the spotlight on
15216s Dorado
15218s he does it in style Matthew incredible
15221s showing on the reaper plate this defense
15223s from San Francisco on payload Maps is
15226s iron clad and I should be worried about
15227s these stats but golden boy's got the
15229s crowd doing the wave in here it's been
15231s it's been going on for an extended
15235s period look at this
15237s it's uh no I for me Striker has been you
15242s know at this point in the series for me
15244s uh at least like the most valuable
15247s player for the shot I think he has shown
15249s up in a big way
15252s specifically on that Reaper roll right
15253s to you know really make it difficult or
15256s Fearless the combination of Striker uh
15259s and violet on the Lucio really making it
15261s top
15263s Dallas can't deal with what San
15265s Francisco are doing them on these
15267s defenses they're playing very far
15268s forward they are trying to initiate
15270s quasi-spawn camps against them every
15272s single time because the shock no with
15274s where the card is we're gonna have this
15276s fight and we'll have another chance to
15278s stop you there in Dallas for whatever
15280s reason can't seem to get themselves
15282s oriented they're very split coming out
15284s of that spawn quite impressive to play
15286s out of that situation I think is the
15288s attacker you've got to head into San
15289s Francisco in a game like this offering
15290s negative respect to your opponent it's
15293s gonna definitely shake them and fuel
15294s gets right back on the stage and is uh
15297s you see some players from the shop
15298s entering in now a little bit of a break
15300s uh you know when I when I was coaching
15303s Call of Duty
15304s opportunities like this I know I know
15307s our compound's gonna be mad I'm saying
15308s it but I would tell our players like hey
15310s let's let's wait a little bit let's let
15312s them marinate in it on the stage you
15314s know let's all enter back in one by one
15318s you know make the Dallas fuel just sit
15320s there and think about the situation they
15323s find themselves in now
15326s That's how little I know psychological
15328s warfare so to speak
15330s Dallas's grip
15333s starting to slip a little bit on this
15335s series
15337s I'll see that control map playing out in
15340s their favor and they look wave is still
15341s going yeah it don't start I don't know
15343s how you all have the energy
15344s [Applause]
15347s they look so good starting on both these
15349s payload Maps Matthew
15351s and then Summit just
15353s I just goes down the gurgling for them
15354s each time
15356s pretty insane stuff from the shock here
15357s again their adaptations their ability to
15360s identify opportunities to sort of start
15362s to play forward start to play extra
15363s pressure on the attackers as they come
15365s out doesn't matter how good your team is
15367s but it does help that you have your both
15369s proper uh hand struck with 18 final
15372s blows each yeah I think out of like a
15374s total of your team's 42 or something
15376s pretty insane
15378s and you're wondering like how how are
15380s they able to really kind of counter the
15383s pressure that Fearless is going to put
15384s on I think they've done it quite well
15385s really protecting proper also proper you
15387s know getting really close and fearless
15389s jumps in like he actually jumps right in
15391s up there with Striker and Mikey at the
15394s Forefront uh something I've noticed oh
15396s Mikey will stay in here for the shock so
15399s he's the guy look
15401s you're hot what
15403s have you been going
15407s strap yourselves in ladies and gentlemen
15410s it doesn't get any better than this
15412s play us OverWatch in the Anaheim
15415s Convention Center
15417s it's electric in here and we're heading
15420s to Esperanza
15424s schmap in OverWatch two
15428s plays vastly different than new Queen
15430s Street in Coliseum which have been in
15432s the map hall for the entire season and
15435s you went to like the teams are so
15437s comfortable on like new Queen Street now
15440s on coliseo I can understand why you
15442s don't go to Coliseum right because the
15445s the way where the bot is and that sight
15447s line it's such a coin flip at the start
15449s and you know with the way proper is
15451s playing and whatnot you don't want to
15452s risk it in that type of scenario uh
15455s maybe there's just some stuff on new
15456s Queen Street that the fuel do not like
15459s where maybe teams haven't figured out
15462s the best way to play this map yet maybe
15463s they have an idea that a lot of other
15464s teams don't one thing that stood out to
15466s me about this map Matthew is the ability
15469s for teams that are behind for much of
15471s the round to come back yeah and
15472s sometimes even win it I'd say that's
15474s happened a disproportionate number of
15476s times compared to our other push Maps
15479s that's the beauty of Esperanza it never
15481s truly is over we throw these stats out
15482s about like wow the team who gets the
15484s first checkpoint wins x amount of the
15486s time
15487s on this map though
15489s that Trend seems to be
15491s subverted
15494s that's music to my ears yeah the shark
15497s just spinning the bell at the top so
15499s we'll go through the Dallas fuel are
15501s doing for now because it is all business
15503s on the fuel side of things well business
15507s ain't great right now so you want to
15508s hope so business ain't booming on the
15510s fuel side so
15513s here we go ladies and ladies in fourth
15515s back
15518s Esperanza it's about to kick off
15522s and I like this position that Mikey's
15524s gotten early he makes it very costly
15526s just positionally for the Dallas fuel
15528s it's actually push on him he keeps it up
15530s he actually goes in pretty deep down
15531s love that dive put that pressure on
15532s Edison denied it off ankle now Dallas
15534s all forced to group up around Edison to
15536s protect him now they give up a lot of
15538s space and that's what allows proper to
15539s start moving the mod to start to wrap
15541s around that was the center there on Chio
15543s he almost had him in the meantime
15545s they've lost Mikey probably not
15547s the spices given there
15549s San Francisco have to give up the ghost
15551s pretty quick
15554s see for me I actually I actually think
15556s the play there is for Mikey to actually
15558s hold that position you have to because
15560s then it forces the reaper in the Winston
15562s around that corner that allows proper to
15564s nail some shots disrupt their shot you
15565s can actually shoot right in that cubby
15567s right on top of Mikey yeah make it
15568s costly in terms of HP pools Dallas would
15571s have had to back out and then you dive I
15573s think I think once you get that position
15574s to dive in right away you give up that
15576s advantage that you worked hard to earn
15578s High Ground now for Dallas that's their
15580s prize hoping on a push to this first
15582s little choking Susie thrown down their
15585s heads and hoping to capitalize and
15586s follow
15587s not able to come up with anything just
15589s yet
15590s but what's all out under the bridge for
15591s the time being here Dallas want to
15593s regroup for a moment
15599s careful
15602s Dallas get forced back around the corner
15604s here they want to dive in no to their
15605s rush now is going to Spur them forward
15607s Mikey trying to take to this guy but he
15609s drops to the ground lifeless
15612s it's an easy one for Sparkle
15615s here goes the Box still on the Move San
15617s Francisco gonna have to make something
15618s happen with four
15620s Mikey coming back off spawn this map is
15623s way bigger than a lot of the other push
15624s Maps awkward awkward stuff here Teo
15627s there disrupting the shot because they
15628s try and line up and use his high ground
15630s to their advantage but they've found
15631s nothing so far not even a rail not even
15633s a liquor damage here they come though
15635s kitsuna Ross
15637s and they're dancing among the
15639s cobblestones
15641s Fearless tries to jump up to the eye
15643s ground I know maybe to get the shock
15645s players off there gets moved down by
15646s Finn and Chio actually tries to Just
15649s Launch the members of the shop from that
15651s High Ground as well gets a Boop knocks
15653s them down but you see the staircase
15654s behind proper you're able to access it
15655s again so fast he probably still wants to
15657s go for this despite taking that hit
15659s there for medicine
15663s really trusting Finn there to keep him
15666s topped up this is the kind of sideline
15667s he wanted he feels to try to interrupt
15669s it now with the Primal race he actually
15670s jumps away maybe look at the pressure
15672s thing down for the time being with this
15674s that's proper reassoon this High Ground
15676s position someone has to challenge it to
15678s feel his turn down just to deny The High
15680s Ground it's classy start but in the
15682s meantime they've lost Edison Mike he's
15684s getting value for this Primal man or in
15686s the Beats not in time to be able to save
15688s Edison she'll actually use the sound
15689s barrier you get almost nothing for it
15691s awesome
15692s oh this is so good for San Francisco
15694s might be using that display
15699s Reaper away sparkles death boss
15701s essentially get shot
15703s starting to put it together
15705s still pretty good progress from the
15708s Dallas you're not even halfway through
15709s this game of push
15711s 53 meters for the Dallas field of shop
15714s will get it going
15716s to do the shark decide to push up they
15718s actually have to kind of like hold the
15719s bot here and they'll hold this High
15721s Ground
15724s again that's something Fearless wants to
15726s deny especially from proper they need to
15728s try and control his position with the
15729s meantime there goes the mobility for San
15731s Francisco probably needs to back away
15733s again but now his ability to regroup and
15734s this team will be compromised
15737s it doesn't he plants he speaks until I'm
15738s here to stay Fiona can go home instead
15741s that is just dirty
15746s Edison actually takes out Mikey on the
15748s other side I think
15750s proper still has some charge Fearless
15752s just trying to hold on to this bot I
15755s tell you what though the proper gets
15757s that first kill oh no oh God and he
15762s pushes up he's swapped with the
15763s overclock he slides in into a Reaper
15766s to try and take out Sparkle I mean that
15769s aggressive is something we do not see
15771s from a lot of other players Dallas don't
15773s quite get that checkpoint by the look
15775s see so the shot can get ahead here that
15776s close two meters away here comes the
15778s Katrina Rush from both sides Striker
15780s wants to reposition to whatever field is
15781s gonna turn up and he goes to work with
15783s the Hellfire shotguns Felix is down to
15785s half gear but he's able to get away get
15786s some space for the
15788s time's gonna get beat here and he left
15790s to go only off to three though Mike he's
15792s already taken down the proper evens the
15795s score
15797s to their knees and make it three why
15800s don't you
15802s it's all about proper there
15804s can't do much more would find a kill on
15807s the way out and there's your first
15808s checkpoint San Francisco nail it
15812s time and time again we've actually seen
15813s the shark able to come up with a sound
15815s barrier a bit earlier than the Dallas
15818s fueling of what are these key fights and
15820s something like Violet's been doing all
15821s season long able to get these sound
15823s barriers so fast right now getting at an
15825s average of you know a minute and 48 or
15827s chill on the other side you know he's
15828s been holding it I know he's working his
15830s way towards another one now but two
15832s minutes and 41 seconds that is so fast
15835s getting these sound barriers for the
15837s shot while it's having a great game by
15838s the way doubling up Geo's healing and
15841s proper is there again Edison just has to
15843s comp that one sweet
15845s take another crack at it next time every
15847s time that happens you just feel like a
15849s little bit of the soul is just drained
15851s out of the Dallas fuel it's just so
15853s disheartening to try and push up and see
15855s those railgun shots come up result in
15858s those big kills
15859s promise you're hungry he'll have his
15862s kind of Flesh here
15864s you better get up early if you want to
15866s cover the king like that
15868s get another
15870s bring me more says proper pills is
15873s eventually able to neutralize him with
15875s the damage may already been done a
15877s Fielder uses the Continuum Rush here
15878s this might work out Mike he's under a
15880s lot of pressure here Dallas are trying
15881s to establish a foothold and they spin
15882s daily in order to do so
15885s so Dallas has to invest extremely heavy
15888s here and they still don't even have the
15890s buck going in their Direction Finn's
15892s going to use you have Striker with a
15894s dead floss until around the corner well
15896s you can run oh they get off so fast
15899s from Dallas that was sound barrier and
15902s consumerous there from the shot if
15904s you're still giving up what progress
15906s here though eventually they need to
15908s actually be able to move the adjective
15909s back so although Dallas pushed up pretty
15911s far they don't have the checkpoint so
15912s the bot actually stopped to that
15914s checkpoint that's right for an extended
15915s period and with three minutes on the
15917s clock you think you just burned clock
15919s here it's gonna be tough for the fuel to
15920s push up Edison finds the overclock here
15924s to break the deadlock but proper what is
15926s his flight what is this audacity
15930s proper knows where his red spotted here
15931s he's definitely made a statement
15936s Dallas will get control the bot
15940s it takes a while
15942s but with that close spawn you're gonna
15944s be able to challenge this really early
15945s for San Francisco proper accounts for 13
15948s of 22 of San Francisco's final blows
15950s right now
15952s I don't need to spell it out for you
15954s so I like this position at the fuel
15956s arranged the issue is they have to be
15958s the more aggressive team they're gonna
15959s try for that to get to Interruption now
15960s it's gonna be thrown down Finn is a long
15962s way away from that one and perhaps that
15964s pick on Mikey will do the trick bot's
15967s gonna be moving pretty quickly back
15968s through this chug Matt no Primal no
15970s support odds no way you're going to keep
15972s him up is this going to be a checkpoint
15974s yep that'll be the checkpoint here
15976s for the Dallas fjords they'll get that
15978s close spawn now
15981s a brief interlude here a chance to take
15983s the breath because the bot removes rust
15985s from the crevasses
15989s okay proper trying for the overclock the
15991s sound barrier might be a little bit of A
15992s Wrinkle in that plan though he falls
15994s back and he accounts Michael
15997s he'll have his dude
16000s and this puts Dallas in Striking
16002s Distance now of shocks total they're
16004s gonna get there man
16006s it'll be the Dallas fuel taking the lead
16008s here
16010s Dallas has to use everything though to
16013s make that happen still a decent amount
16015s of time left in this game 90 seconds
16018s ticking down now real quick the follow
16020s go pretty fast in the Shop's directions
16026s absolutely incredible there eventually
16028s you fall down though
16029s saw it anyway Strikers found three in
16031s this fight though when he's still hungry
16032s see he's Edison try and go upstairs and
16035s Striker instead puts him at the ground
16037s that is such a huge fight win for San
16040s Francisco because they don't have to use
16042s any ultimates to make that happen with
16044s Dallas one series they're gonna get as
16046s much progress as possible for some
16047s ultimates out burn clock they don't
16049s really hit it that much further and then
16051s also they have a huge ultimate Advantage
16053s the bot's gonna speed run its way back
16055s to that barrier I think if you're in
16056s Dallas you gotta take a really early
16058s fight here
16061s we've won I guess is the question what
16062s do they start this off with they're
16063s trying to beat them around the corner
16064s for like a casino they're gone over
16066s Fearless
16071s Devil's Back Down the square would have
16073s disengage at least when the katsune rush
16075s Edison playing very safe here
16078s the sound barrier Advantage though could
16081s be the difference
16083s I don't need that smoke so I can gonna
16084s try and take the fight to the DPS he
16086s wants to back away not ready for this
16088s sound barrier now Fielder has continuous
16090s available we have a chance to use it Geo
16092s she's in help
16094s he needs
16098s needed someone to save him there the
16100s fuel are going to go without him though
16101s he's in place Strikers trying to shut
16103s this down quickly but they back away
16104s great spacing from Dallas here a field
16106s put them a bubble
16108s Pro Edison is a big kill mate no mistake
16111s now with a three bass is three and
16112s Sparkle surges forward once more it
16115s comes up with the goods and that'll do
16118s it Dallas even up the series
16121s now we have a game
16125s typically in push the team that gets
16128s that checkpoint first
16130s has like almost an 80 win rate and the
16133s shocking at first Dallas has it pretty
16134s close to the other side of things but
16136s they come up clutch there at the end to
16139s tie the series up
16142s fight for play
16144s blown for blow
16146s Dallas refused to give any Crown to send
16149s for San Francisco
16150s it is the most competitive Grand Final
16153s we have ever seen
16155s both of these teams refusing to give an
16158s inch
16159s three Maps left in the series here to
16162s play who will it be to take that number
16165s five don't go anywhere it doesn't get
16168s any closer than this
16171s [Music]
16185s [Music]
16194s foreign
16196s [Music]
16200s [Applause]
16207s [Music]
16215s [Music]
16227s foreign
16230s [Music]
16236s [Music]
16259s foreign
16260s [Music]
16266s [Music]
16279s [Music]
16301s foreign
16305s [Music]
16326s [Music]
16335s [Applause]
16339s thank you
16341s [Music]
16366s foreign
16368s [Music]
16383s [Music]
16394s actually
16412s [Music]
16414s you'll start the shout and the blade
16417s from Sparkle with it now that there's
16424s some with a 5K
16436s what is this
16440s [Music]
16445s just as we fear the blue flame may be
16448s sputtering out
16450s he players to life with renewed vigor
16454s is Esperanza is claimed by the Dallas
16456s fuel it's a tight game tied series
16461s some back and forth Haymakers being
16463s thrown
16465s down a squeak an important map went out
16467s so close as we will go back to control
16471s for the next map
16473s it'll be the shock pick it'll be Oasis
16476s the shock you're gonna go back and look
16479s at that fattest one they could have won
16480s mitsune Rush sound barrier and death
16483s Blossom uh they use the beat and they
16485s don't actually push up like I almost
16487s think like we went on with uh Mikey and
16489s he was uh you know juggling Cheo and got
16491s that kill and everybody here was going
16492s crazy but came out of the fight for so
16495s long just to chase out Lucio there was
16497s really nothing that was going to go on
16498s there
16500s virtually eliminated himself even if he
16502s was alive he won't swear he may be
16503s needed to be in that moment San
16506s Francisco select Oasis
16508s it's the fifth map in this series
16512s we're gonna know from here on out still
16514s quite a climb to make
16516s winning this cement obviously Dallas's
16518s pick would seal the deal but the fuel
16521s now looks like they've found their
16523s second wind another gear they've gone up
16525s Sparkle coming alive in that last map
16527s for Dallas his last two death blossoms
16530s big difference makers especially without
16532s Mike getting his bubbles in his way I
16535s also think so I think this map may be a
16538s little bit more important for the fuel
16539s right they're both you know you get to
16541s gain point for both teams essentially
16543s but if you're the shark
16545s and you end up dropping this here their
16548s circuit bringing in collusion Sigma and
16551s kilo on some of those head skins Dallas
16554s they've tried to play playing Gario
16556s during the season and whatnot to have
16557s that extra hit scan it just has not
16559s worked out but that's one where I think
16560s the shop would have a huge advantage on
16561s so I feel like there's more pressure
16563s here on Dallas because I think the shock
16565s have a really good pick for the next map
16567s Dallas didn't want to play signal no
16568s they had hop in zaga and they weren't
16571s playing that sort of poke composition at
16572s all on uh in the previous tournament
16574s Dallas do not want to go to that map and
16577s they also don't want to drop this one
16581s yeah
16581s good rule back and forth stuff here
16583s again proper 14 out of 29 of his team's
16587s final blows on the last map continuing
16589s to be a headliner so frightening even in
16592s map losses But Here Come the fuel once
16594s more we're up to the races on Oasis
16598s and the veiled on the Lucio we talked
16599s about how fast building these sound
16601s barriers
16603s value out of a map right yeah I mean
16607s it's great you're building them you
16608s gotta make them high value
16612s Edison here again very safe place to
16615s start not charged up enough yet
16619s hard to even find Opportunities to build
16621s charge he actually concedes High Ground
16623s gear but then disrupt the shot will give
16625s the shot calls for thought in goes Mikey
16627s bubble throwing down straight away
16628s Edison has to make use of this safe
16630s angle for the time being here eventually
16631s someone's head is going to swivel in
16633s this direction and fielder he's out
16635s [Music]
16636s of screeching Wilson as Mikey gobbles
16638s him up and everybody pushes in there for
16641s San Francisco and they get sparkled
16642s really low at the start Fielder as well
16644s Edison gets well it'll be the point
16646s going to San Francisco's first the
16648s Edison's Bizarre Adventure he ends up on
16649s the opposite side of the map going for
16651s the health pack here knowing Kilda was
16652s out of the picture down a surge back
16654s into the point here
16657s what is this the audacity of this man
16661s the railgun is supposed to be used at
16663s range not like a shotgun he gets right
16665s up and it's interesting they've done
16667s that a few times he slides up he gets
16668s right in Edison space and then the
16670s protection suit comes right down on top
16672s where he has a second of invulnerability
16674s to land that shot in a team's time and
16677s time again he does when we say dive
16679s we don't mean the whole team dies
16681s normally there's a component of the team
16682s that dives and your soldier will sit
16683s back proper not about that life again
16686s making sure that you'll know that he
16688s respects them none
16692s sound barrier available here early as
16694s well
16695s for the shop I think you just gotta use
16697s it and get more aggressive behind it
16699s yeah that's what they decide to do
16700s finally even feel this again trying to
16703s make it hard for probably connect any
16704s shots in the meantime Edison has the
16706s room to work with Striker goes down
16708s felis has done his job Matt that is that
16711s is exactly what you want to see out of
16713s your Winston in a meta like this
16715s sound barrier used you think the shark
16717s we're gonna get aggressive behind it
16719s Primal Rage use and just not proper out
16722s of line inside of anybody
16725s shot get a pretty nice Buffy here though
16727s 56 it really takes a while for Dallas to
16730s put it together as most of the fighting
16731s happened off the point here's the
16733s Continental which is the one kill of
16734s violence should be enough to seal this
16736s up Finn doesn't even bother going for
16738s his ultimate here Michael's primer was
16739s used
16741s that's gonna be the waste
16743s okay Anderson issues a challenge mid
16747s round and I wonder no just kind of
16750s looking at the series in totality if
16751s you're better off maybe trying to use
16753s that sound barrier your own rush to
16755s combo that because Mikey has used Primal
16757s a few times during that Kitsune Rush
16759s from the Dallas field he gets just
16760s chunked down so fast you want bubbles
16763s during that continue rush I don't know
16764s if you want the Primal Rage necessarily
16766s the cooldown reduction is huge he's the
16768s best Boston from striking nobody's there
16769s to receive it though sparkling that
16771s tries to walk the road and Mike is out
16773s of the picture here Edison in a safe
16775s place but you can't escape from proper
16777s anywhere safe with him on the map nope
16780s the guy is dangerous almost has another
16782s rail ready to go here all of Dallas
16784s getting bundled off into that left
16788s hand actually gonna be a point left
16789s sparkler to step off him for a brief SEC
16791s wouldn't want to face down proper at all
16794s now the Shocker playing with nobody and
16796s proper's going to the bank with it was
16798s able to bring it down but here's a Beat
16800s from Violet Matt
16801s the sharp corner maintain that claim to
16804s this space so they will Phyllis is so
16806s low still to go through a Cartoon
16807s Network can't keep the Winston alive oh
16809s that ultimate goes to waste can they get
16812s something with that now they have Mikey
16814s low they're just trying to push him back
16815s but it's going to be Finn getting on the
16817s point here Mikey will come back as well
16818s that is huge
16822s to worry about that Casino restaurant
16824s how do they get use out of it they lose
16825s the player early
16826s Dallas commit they said we have to go
16828s now
16829s four players or three we had to go
16832s they're gonna even this up Matt
16835s very close to a tie game has to be so
16839s careful
16841s trying to cross to the rest of the team
16843s Edison's starting to position a little
16845s bit more aggressively here
16847s what they want to cut the shock off
16849s Dallas reluctant to push any further
16851s than off the point though there will be
16852s awaiting San Francisco's first move
16855s railgun there innocent acknowledges
16857s proper's presence on the left-hand side
16858s but doesn't infect any damage here it's
16860s the rush man thing goes in there isn't
16862s gonna be forced away because we've set
16864s to try and back him up and Mikey gonna
16866s go for the primer once more just to
16868s force them away San Francisco half the
16869s point but it's 99 for Dallas last fight
16872s Dallas intentionally gives that up there
16874s they know they can re-engage with that
16876s sound barrier Tower Barry here it is
16878s like you said no support ultimates
16881s available for San Francisco they have to
16882s like casually from the extremities of
16884s the point but eventually Dallas is going
16885s to look to take the fight to them now
16887s Mikey takes it licking out the opening
16889s needs to be topped up but Dallas to flip
16890s the point now it's 99
16892s to know still has all the room he needs
16894s Striker
16895s wants something in the woods but no
16896s one's there to see it it's gonna be
16898s sparkling stats
16900s Mikey comes back in but he gets blown to
16903s smithereens
16905s and the Dallas fuels steer the ship home
16907s in the first round
16908s [Applause]
16914s in our first control map goes the
16916s distance but the way the first point on
16919s control went here
16922s looks like we could be going the same as
16924s teams are so evenly matched
16928s the thing about the shock it looked like
16930s potentially your earlier in the week
16931s this is a team that could be out early
16933s and you're kind of talking about how
16934s disappointing the season is there's no
16936s proper just great in the regular season
16938s they've gone on an insane loser bracket
16940s run I feel like getting better and
16941s better with each series you see just
16944s matching that Stellar play of the Dallas
16945s fuel a couple days ago we wouldn't have
16947s thought they'd be out of state in the
16948s lock step with a team like the fuel and
16951s number one and number two seeds
16953s respectively meeting up in the final bit
16955s pass
16956s converging here at the Nexus of the
16959s OverWatch League season
16963s Dallas decides to take High Ground on
16965s the side first
16966s the shock
16968s they'll take the highway side
16973s feels taking the opportunity forces the
16974s Swift step there from Finn so just have
16976s to get that cooldown out so the way to
16978s start
16980s that's in there
16982s I don't think he's actually even aiming
16985s for it Edison there uh because Sparkle's
16988s coming around the corner then actually
16989s Dodges it in Edison just right behind
16991s him
16995s dropper is here to excite and Delight
16999s there's a delivery on that promise here
17001s San Francisco will start with this early
17003s lead
17004s to the proper get going man the game's
17006s going to get away from you awful quick
17009s and this is one of the control points in
17012s OverWatch
17014s in all of the maps right that is very
17016s difficult to flip a lot of spots to
17018s contest from a lot of cover on the point
17021s shark can get a tighter percentage out
17023s of this
17024s maybe only right there from Striker run
17026s clear he takes a bit of damage up front
17027s oh they're hunting they're hunting
17029s foreign
17056s he believes he's better knows it in fact
17059s ah there's the consumer Rush here and
17061s actually are getting kicked off Dallas
17062s dispersed a little bit as they try and
17064s get towards the point here and this one
17066s is a non-starter
17068s as the train jump over the top
17070s interesting Fearless gets on the point
17073s it's left from Fielder getting right to
17075s him they use to continue Rush as you
17077s know the shark are actually trying to
17078s move their way back on to the point
17079s they're trying to force him into the
17081s rush doesn't even matter though
17085s 80 ticking San Francisco crucially with
17088s a sound barrier in reserve this Point's
17090s been up for one so they've got
17091s everything they need man they're so far
17093s ahead
17095s okay fancy footwork there a little bit
17098s of Twinkle close kicks him alive and now
17100s the spawn Camp begins
17103s what can one do against such Reckless
17106s power
17107s Dallas poison the same question Fearless
17109s has ever slipped through with the
17111s defenses and gonna touch him and
17112s everybody's coming for him
17116s Fearless gets off here a couple players
17118s coming in he eventually goes down if
17119s you'll have to do it with only four this
17121s time it's Sparkle now
17124s a very sheepish contest and as he was
17126s able to find violent though there might
17128s be something here at sound barrier also
17130s going to be committed to looking for
17131s more value of this overclock now Dallas
17133s has been allowed to establish a foothold
17134s here but for how long sound Barry now is
17137s over Dallas need these reinforcements
17140s and they need them fast Edison is a full
17142s charge with no targets to fight here The
17144s Stave Mike the opposite tries to
17146s interfere with phyllis's players Edison
17148s still has a safe pocket to work from
17149s here but now he's going to get pressure
17150s down Mikey and has violence
17157s we'll see your first round and raise you
17160s the second
17163s that was not a clone surround
17168s shock they establish dominance and
17171s control of the point first and they do
17172s not look back
17174s so he moved to the final round on Oasis
17179s so much pressure here
17181s this round goes to series point
17185s I for me let's see who kind of goes for
17189s that High Ground Control first right
17190s you're gonna there's some high ground on
17192s the back side of the point here who
17194s tries to take control of that first and
17196s then who has to play from that low
17197s ground because it can be very difficult
17200s this could be it the back-breaking round
17203s in this first to four series
17206s going to series point is a huge boost
17210s for either Squad
17213s has his little home invaded up on that
17215s High Ground disrupt the shot Throne to
17217s force him down it's an interesting no
17218s team takes that High Ground first but
17220s Dallas takes the point I think it's
17222s because if Mikey actually kind of Dives
17224s in here towards Edison at the back he
17225s can actually use that slide and the dash
17227s to get up there towards the high ground
17228s but nobody on the shot could access it
17230s then Edison climbing that bubble here
17231s goes really well dude has to get out
17234s look at the damage on Dallas right now
17235s that has to be topped up but fiority is
17237s there
17238s proper is playing so far for the rest of
17240s your team he knows he can just slide
17241s away if he has to that was a grouped up
17243s they're looking scared but Mike he is
17244s low low low
17247s and papa still goes where he playsets
17252s in Sparkle and fearless which has taken
17255s so much damage
17258s and as soon as that happens it's just
17260s some damage down from Striker proper as
17262s well
17262s and then they just capitalize so fast
17264s and the shops don't mind Mikey taking
17266s damage because I feel like the devil is
17268s still not gonna capitalize not gonna
17269s play aggressive around that corner
17270s they're not
17273s proper is constantly swinging left to
17274s right around that pillar Edison is
17276s playing from inside the room he plays
17277s soldier in almost like a instead of like
17279s more of a long-range railgun in like
17281s that Medium the close range
17284s it's like Cassidy sight lines almost
17286s yeah
17288s they're watered away
17290s Sparkle again and doesn't want to be
17292s here Edison
17293s slides on out and
17295s it's the foxes are coming home Edison's
17297s able to find Mikey early in the fight
17299s Finn uses well up there because she
17302s always has pots like a balloon her
17304s brother has the space he has the room
17307s what can he do with an hour Striker out
17309s of the mix the front line started to
17310s collapse a little bit but Edison is no
17311s longer with a threat proper trying to
17313s get people to look at him trying to
17315s Garner some attention and feel as
17316s happily obliged as he's going after the
17318s surgery but Dallas don't have the point
17319s they need to get a flip here
17321s neither the sound barriers knock right
17324s there from Violet it doesn't say strike
17326s upon this might be back in the mix the
17327s point is not lifted he's got Primal
17329s crucially Sparkle trying to go for the
17331s death box but it's cut down by proper he
17333s found the headshot to interrupt that
17334s ultimate what a crucial moment for him
17336s to make that happen here comes Mikey
17338s sound barrier now for the Dallas fuel
17340s Mikey able to play from the extremities
17342s here but he sees Edison he thinks about
17343s going downstairs and dealing with a bit
17345s of katuna rush comes out from Fielder
17346s saves the sojourn's life for now but all
17349s the while shot at picking up this
17351s capture percentage now at 78 like he's
17353s low what was able to find feelings
17354s though again that wins the battle being
17355s one hour once more and Striker comes in
17358s Sparkle removed and Chio has to head for
17360s the kills this has gone all wrong for
17362s Dallas that fight goes so long they lose
17365s Edison here at the end 90 percent
17367s and Counting for the shock one fight
17371s separates separates him from going to
17373s game point Edison's gonna be late Matt
17375s it's four players at Dallas
17378s like Helms
17381s there for the fuel
17382s sojourn is off the way in the shot gets
17385s up around here my proper's done with
17387s that he's here to take what is his
17388s Bubble Up in the way but there's gonna
17390s be a container Rush coming down now
17392s proper looking back away see Sparkle
17394s heading his way in the bubble now
17395s throwing down over him but there it is
17396s that's the pick Sparkles down but
17399s Edison's able to reciprocate this time
17401s it's Mikey taken off the board playing
17403s around the middle puller again and
17404s probably still swinging wide real wide
17406s upstairs into medicine Six Feet Under
17409s Felix now trying to get the value out of
17411s this battle but everybody's looking at
17413s him there's not enough healing for the
17415s fuel filter now throwing out his pickets
17417s but nobody wants him San Francisco goes
17420s the championship points
17423s [Applause]
17427s the momentum is so on the side of the
17433s shock
17434s Dallas
17436s proper so cool on stage Dallas they've
17441s been so good all season long we've been
17444s talking about the number one seed coming
17445s this event it looks fantastic towards
17448s the Winner's bracket
17450s and this shock team has gone on such an
17453s unbelievable run led by the season MVP
17457s one map away from steal in this event
17461s it's all on the line now it's all to
17464s play for San Francisco one step away
17466s from Glory
17469s dick around
17470s there's much more of this story to be
17472s told
17481s [Music]
17493s thank you
17507s [Music]
17513s [Music]
17526s foreign
17534s [Music]
17551s foreign
17578s [Music]
17593s foreign
17608s [Music]
17615s [Music]
17617s foreign
17621s [Music]
17627s [Music]
17646s [Music]
17653s foreign
17657s [Music]
17664s [Music]
17675s [Music]
17685s [Music]
17692s one more step
17695s one more map
17697s for San Francisco to find out what's on
17699s the other side
17701s of the horizon
17703s Championship points
17706s is up now
17708s after we're showing on Oasis that was
17710s nothing short of breathtaking and they
17713s do not need a break nobody getting up
17717s there from the shot they're like hey
17718s let's get right back into it so the
17721s Dallas Hill let's step up the stage for
17723s a second
17725s man just think about the shock as a in
17727s organization right like Not only would
17729s this be their third Championship but
17731s such different versions of this team
17734s right different looks different Players
17737s Once nothing's the same one plan at
17740s least here I guess a plus Striker
17742s violent and crusty right I mean kind of
17744s like they're they're the like last
17747s standings of the original Squad Striker
17750s as well wins with this team too
17753s he had just proven to be such a strong
17756s force in the OverWatch League
17759s here is your Lucio head to head and it
17763s tells quite the story mind you
17765s this player violet
17768s was like one of the best if not the best
17772s flex support in the lead
17775s decides this season you know have been
17777s coming on board I'm gonna play the Lucio
17779s I'm going to play more of a shot caller
17780s type of role
17782s and he has been look not the flashiest
17784s Lucio no he he's not wall riding off no
17787s the top ropes coming down making plays
17789s but he has Violet may have trodden this
17793s ground before
17795s but each time it's like the first
17800s the arena now almost irreverent
17804s hush we move past the wave
17809s we have indeed the question I think that
17812s everyone is asking of the team in blue
17815s what do you have left
17819s so I think there's got to be an
17820s adjustment here from the fuel take a
17823s look at the next map in the set it will
17825s be route 66.
17827s so when when Fearless is jumping in
17830s right trying to make a play on problem
17833s what we're seeing consistently is that
17836s copper is actually instead of like
17838s sliding out away from Harmony
17840s he is actually sliding in into the
17843s bubbles of Mikey into the range of
17845s Striker with the protection suzu of
17849s Perico and then Fearless just kind of
17851s left in the middle of nowhere
17853s uh there's got to be some type of
17855s adjustment here I think for the Dallas
17856s Fuel and whether it's uh maybe Fearless
17859s using some leaps and then kind of like
17861s looking like he's gonna go in Bike Shop
17863s uh like a faint right you know fainting
17865s he's gonna go in stays in that position
17867s maybe it gets proper to use that slide
17869s early then catch him off that was a
17871s tactic popularized by a team many years
17874s ago ninjas in pajamas a predominantly
17876s finished roster who mastered the counter
17879s dive in a winston-based manner they
17882s always said we don't want to go first we
17883s want to bait aggression and then hit
17885s that back line speed out of range that
17887s strategy although the game has evolved
17889s so much since then
17891s still exists and you're still an
17894s important way to answer a dive mirror I
17895s just think it's important as well
17897s because you gotta get Edison going a
17899s little bit no confidence right you know
17901s mentioned it the other day like he feels
17903s like he can be the best player in the
17904s world at times just deflating getting
17907s taken out time and time again
17918s on the attack here at Route 66 of course
17920s Dallas off to take a relatively close
17922s hold they don't try and fly towards
17924s spawn here and they look a little
17925s uncertain actually about what to do
17927s about this position
17929s so they don't want to play extremely far
17931s up they just kind of poke here at the
17932s beginning is
17933s shot their shot Sparkles get enough
17935s rayform to make it out
17939s proper opens it up
17941s wouldn't be a sharp map without it
17944s everyone's throwing themselves at him
17945s and he's able to slip through the cracks
17948s that's a pretty compelling start here
17950s for San Francisco
17953s proper Only Knows One Direction it is
17955s forward gets right up on that High
17957s Ground
17958s W key
17960s look how far up he is there with Violet
17963s he's just trying to form some damage
17965s like hey you want to come through this
17967s show maybe I just rip somebody's head
17969s off he wants the fuel to know he wants
17972s the people to know he's coming for them
17973s perpetually
17974s down a sword him away from The High
17976s Ground here with the teleport forward
17977s from Sparkle Felix even throws down the
17979s Dome
17980s the proper still hunting
17985s a lot of pressure now he's head to The
17988s High Ground he comes out aggression from
17989s properties top back up somehow he's
17991s still standing field is having a fine
17994s fiend that's a key pickup especially
17995s with katsune Rush on Board San Francisco
17997s Peter out here
17999s they take too long to strike a critical
18003s blow
18004s and Dallas went in the back the rush was
18007s just looking at Fearless like I don't
18008s care what's going on you chase they're
18011s sojourning around
18013s you do not let him get out of your face
18015s uh it's right there you see Fearless
18017s always right in front of proper not
18020s letting him get that space this
18022s equipment Fielder there doesn't use
18025s Finn will have one to match in this
18027s fight it's going to come down at the
18028s finer points of execution
18031s Sparkle and Striker a long way away from
18033s Death Blossom so that may not be a
18035s factory to you profit playing from a
18037s compromising position you might think
18038s but he's able to get away to safety now
18039s sound barrier first from the shot Geo's
18042s holding on against right now but San
18043s Francisco can't derive an advantage with
18045s that ultimate this is huge for Dallas
18050s they're back in this that is a massive
18053s fight win for the Dallas fuel support
18056s alts blowing on both sides but proper
18058s ends up trying to go with the overclock
18059s maybe he thinks he's a on a good flank
18062s with a nice angle on top of the girls
18063s behind the Dallas fuel
18066s and results in nothing
18069s one minute 20 left here for the shot to
18072s make a real dent in this map
18075s being saved off the last couple of
18077s fights pretty comfortably Edison
18080s starting to feel maybe a little bit more
18082s confidence but he's still cautious as
18084s ever bubbling the way he wants to take
18085s it a bigger it's a proper into the wall
18089s two female trying to escape medicine
18092s able to connect they look like a Suzy
18093s might have interrupted that that's the
18094s thing away what's that shadow behind me
18096s now it's my own tank
18097s less than a minute for San Francisco the
18100s gawler was thrown by the shock and it
18102s does feel they've got a decent pitching
18103s arm themselves they got a ways to go do
18106s the shot
18108s not really a ton you love to work with
18111s right uh overclock was used by Edison so
18114s the Primal without Casino Rush maybe
18117s Mike he's able to come up with something
18118s and the death Blossom with so much ways
18122s to avoid it especially on this map could
18124s be tough
18125s feels there forced to keep his head down
18127s by proper who's hunting edson's gonna
18129s play her in the billboard here they're
18131s trying to get Violet beat trying to wait
18132s for proper as well stop striking maybe
18134s he can find a connection there Fighter's
18136s gonna be pushed away they're just trying
18137s to beat damage here to get this beat for
18138s violence she goes pretty far behind here
18140s he needs to be catching up in that
18141s metric popping up in that High Ground
18143s there primer right for most wisdoms can
18145s they pull some action here it looks like
18146s they could be travel in the tunnels and
18148s sparkles taken down you can sooner rush
18150s now for the Dallas dual can they recover
18152s no they can not Fearless tries to Bubble
18156s this one up but it's not gonna be enough
18159s crisis averted really nice use of the
18163s death glass in there Mikey after Primal
18165s gets really low has to jump back towards
18168s the team team who's kind of in that
18170s casino Rush from the Dallas fuel Mikey
18173s lands a bubble there there can't be any
18175s follow-up because Striker is using the
18176s death Blossom inside of that bubble
18178s you're not going to chase that kill onto
18179s Mikey go into the reaper
18182s shock able to win that and have both
18184s support us on that spots for Dallas
18186s right usually continue rush and getting
18187s nothing before we thought the shock
18189s we're trying to just build up but they
18190s just started the fight with Primal rages
18192s seems to work just fine
18197s bit of a wet noodle fight here and it's
18200s about forcing the positioning of the
18201s enemy Winston
18202s Edison's going for it though time for
18205s the overclock and there it is
18209s good open up still some work to do now
18211s and that should be enough it might be
18213s both out of the pitch of the shock we'll
18215s have to concede yeah it's interesting
18217s the shock don't feel that they uh so
18219s Violet not gonna make it out they don't
18221s feel that they like need to kind of
18224s invest anything and win that fight right
18225s when the over a clock comes out Mikey
18227s doesn't have to leave doesn't have
18228s Primal so you can't really get in
18230s Edison's face you're all kind of stuck
18232s there in the middle of the road
18233s you may as well just go again right you
18235s know you have an advantage in terms of
18237s support it's no reason to burn them and
18239s waste them there
18247s probably trying to circle around here
18248s looking out for Edison White's field of
18250s everything oh my goodness that was close
18252s just a bit more charged and this fight
18253s could have been over already
18256s Dallas now taught their lesson it's
18257s going to be a sound barrier to make this
18258s a bit safer for them to continue rushes
18260s on the ground from the Hassan gold for
18262s that overclock just yet and there's a
18264s decent amount of alpha strike damage on
18265s the Dallas duel Sparkle trying to back
18267s away but that is it spelled violence
18269s now the stroke is committed they'd
18271s already have a way to escape
18274s Glory it's all there for the shock but
18276s no w
18278s ow a little surprised that we didn't see
18279s proper end up using the overclock there
18282s Sparkle and a few other players trying
18284s to hightail it out pretty low in that
18285s scenario
18288s Violet still holding onto this sound
18290s barrier for this SUNY Rush that's going
18292s to come down
18294s a mismatch of support ultimates here
18297s many of the other relevant ones are on
18299s Deck those fit has to jump away he's
18300s gonna be pursued sound very now from
18302s violent Mikey doesn't get it but has the
18304s proper way to give him some
18305s survivability can't say the same for
18306s feelers though he's in danger proper
18309s finally fails the Raging Beast we're
18312s there Sparkles he boils out the fuel and
18317s we're going all the way
18320s that's all they have to do is turn
18323s around on this attack have a good
18325s showing and they can force that final
18327s map
18329s but we've seen them falter when it comes
18331s to those offenses man
18333s even halfway through the metal they had
18335s to push on those first two payload Maps
18338s and they've been staved up before
18340s they're not out of the woods yet
18342s Sparkle bailed them out there big time
18344s yeah big time kills from the Reaper
18348s of the Dallas fuel
18351s in Dallas you think their offense can be
18353s a little bit better right more
18355s aggressive getting Fearless into you
18357s know positions to make plays
18359s where the shocks that they had an
18360s advantage in terms of supports but uh
18362s with the way this map is right with this
18365s this kind of like verticality and you
18366s know different types of like uh you know
18368s Bridges and whatnot very difficult to
18370s get great use out of that consumer Rush
18373s Sparkle here he just picks this spot so
18376s well
18376s the tuneros means that he can get in
18378s position
18380s that's the ultimate combo right now
18385s and San Francisco probably relieved that
18387s they even managed to get past that first
18388s phase of the map right getting into very
18390s difficult
18391s getting into that second is a big deal
18394s I like this from Dallas a little spicy
18397s it's been number four
18401s shark will play close we'll see for how
18404s long
18405s Fearless on the Roadhouse Oh I thought
18408s maybe we were gonna see uh seeing some
18410s teams go for the road hog with trying to
18411s get a hook at the start here Sonic Arrow
18414s to check see if anybody's coming
18417s Wild games though
18420s you will know what the shop we're up to
18422s now
18425s proper trying to kick something off here
18428s it's always really just trying to make
18429s sure he puts his life first and Striker
18432s gets dragged out in the front line
18434s you're battling Ram now broken in two
18436s that might have been a fine Captain
18438s taste of your own medicine
18440s [Applause]
18443s that's where the Dallas fuel on their
18445s defense decided to play Closer when it
18447s got a little bit scary they just had to
18449s back up and play around this first
18450s corner
18451s the shock up to everybody play close
18453s we're gonna try and burn as much time as
18456s possible we've seen that in previous
18457s metas before
18459s so they push up they get on top of the
18462s girls it'll just be Sparkle moving the
18464s payload right now
18466s shock on a surgeon here to their relief
18468s they can still control this High Ground
18470s to a degree the card still just rounding
18473s that champion
18474s 's looking for a Target no one there
18476s Dallas really playing close together
18477s inside big girls but they're getting
18479s half progress they're saying no you have
18480s to step down and contest this we're not
18482s going to give you any freebies here look
18484s at this positioning so cagey so
18486s frustrating
18488s up we go
18491s shocker gonna have to fight soon
18494s sound barrier may be available for that
18496s great read on proper though Edison
18498s making sure he can get the drop on his
18500s opposite number doesn't connect the rail
18502s there but the idea was good here's a
18504s consider rush now Edison trying to get
18505s to a safe spot he's in a close little
18507s lane poplar's gonna have just gone to
18508s The High Ground here sparklers in his
18510s element right now
18512s sound barrier for both sides so this
18513s will have to be waited out for a timer
18515s for bubble and he's taken down can't
18518s give back to safety it's not over yet
18520s but Dallas he'll have the numbers and I
18522s love that peel Midway through the fight
18523s they turn around
18525s they shut proper down they're starting
18527s to get a read on that yeah they're doing
18529s a much better job at punishing
18532s not letting proper just go wherever he
18535s wants on the map
18536s that is gonna be point a taken above
18539s four minutes they don't even need all
18541s they don't need to get it all the way
18543s through checkpoint B just write about
18546s you know pass underneath that underpass
18548s there that's it
18550s four minutes and five seconds to do it
18552s it is a whopping Time mega that's gonna
18554s make this even worse
18557s proper charging him but he doesn't know
18558s what he's looking for Dallas
18560s vaporize
18562s all of a sudden they turn up on the
18564s wrong side of the map it's every Cisco
18567s are disoriented
18568s [Applause]
18570s Edison and Co will push up
18575s some ultimates to use here for the shot
18577s so much time available for the Dallas
18580s fuel to make it happen
18582s we said that on King's Row though and
18584s the shock were able to hold so sparkle
18587s ushering the card forward
18589s gently here is that is the pick that
18593s might be it
18595s Mikey trying to go over here but without
18597s proper where's the Firepower gonna be
18600s Strikers got no way to go and make it
18602s too
18605s turning the lights out here on Route 66
18607s Sparkle on Legato we're going all the
18610s way
18611s [Applause]
18618s the fuel have come so up close in the
18622s past
18623s and they were not ready to go just yet
18626s as we will go to a seventh game in this
18631s series
18636s and years in the OverWatch League have
18638s seen one team beat dominant in our grand
18641s finals that streak is broken San
18645s Francisco and Dallas one more playable
18647s fight to the death in our tiebreaker map
18651s right after this
18654s [Music]
18659s foreign
18677s [Music]
18696s [Music]
18699s thank you
18712s [Music]
18723s foreign
18744s [Music]
18756s foreign
18777s [Music]
18790s foreign
18792s [Music]
18806s [Music]
18816s [Music]
18822s foreign
18835s [Music]
18855s foreign
18860s [Music]
18897s [Music]
18906s for the first time in OverWatch league
18909s history a grand finals is going to one
18914s final
18916s map
18917s every good thing must come to an end and
18920s that's
18921s what we're playing for today ladies and
18923s gentlemen
18924s the San Francisco shock looking for
18927s their third Championship with a revamped
18929s team and Dallas finally getting to the
18932s ultimate stage in the OverWatch League
18934s after years of work
18937s for their first title the Dallas fueled
18940s so many veterans on this team
18943s and that type of situation you're
18944s looking across the stage everybody's so
18947s cool and calm on the shock side so many
18950s new players in the mix
18952s you're just like well it's not your time
18955s just yet maybe
18957s it'll be the shocked pick for our final
18960s map it will go to push the map pick will
18964s be Coliseum so you only have new Queen
18967s Street or Colosseo to pick from and what
18971s this tells me and what we've seen a lot
18974s on this map is really big stalemates at
18977s the beginning right both teams letting
18980s the sojourns pick at the start trying to
18982s farm some damage
18983s shock for me it's like hey proper bring
18985s us home
18986s get this pick at the start get that bot
18988s moving it is so difficult to make that
18990s comeback here
18992s this
18994s six seven
18995s four San Francisco
18998s nine and four
19001s both teams finding
19004s measures of success on this stage but
19008s none of that matters now none of the
19010s numbers none of the stats what matters
19013s is what these two teams have left to
19015s show to leave it all out there here and
19018s the biggest stage in the OverWatch world
19021s [Music]
19023s you throw all those numbers out the
19026s window right now
19028s and if you get one of these standoffs at
19030s the beginning it is gonna be 10.
19033s nobody is going to want to give up that
19035s first kill
19044s no substitutions no surprises there
19050s Mikey is the guy that San Francisco
19052s believed can take them to a third
19055s championship
19056s here we go
19061s the gates open it is the usual
19065s it's Dallas
19066s gets there first
19068s you're gonna see a lot of this type of
19070s posturing here trying to find some
19072s damage down for these sojourn players
19076s feel is hoping they're to drag
19078s one or two players out of formation
19080s there the proper response in the
19083s prescribed manner slide away to safety
19086s Royal charge here he'd love to get some
19088s value out of
19092s maybe gets a little bit too close there
19096s Fearless not able to stick to kill both
19098s teams
19099s so careful here but I like it so low
19103s he's gonna be able to top him back up
19105s Bucky though he's getting pressured
19107s bubble now being broken here
19109s the fuel are in a power position they're
19111s in a stronger spot
19113s the shock looking for proper to swing
19115s and find
19116s T kill
19119s bubble here and there
19122s open and the bank of San Francisco
19126s Sparkle the first deposit
19128s and now we're looking at a clean up here
19130s no Reaper means no problem for Mike he
19132s is he surges ahead Edison now removes
19135s Dallas looking a little bit toothless
19137s even Fearless tries to stand tall
19140s the longer you say
19142s the reaper is one of the more high value
19145s picks you can get at the start so the
19148s bot was a little bit in favor of the
19151s Dallas fuel they're at the start there's
19153s see the shot they push up they're okay
19155s taking this mid-map bite because they
19157s have that ultimate advantage in terms of
19159s the supports
19162s shingo not quite of that sound barrier
19164s yet I like this from the Shopkins go
19165s early go fast people are having to play
19168s from the side here probably passes in by
19170s because he only has eyes for Edison
19173s that's a sojourn down on the Dallas
19175s skill side it thinks now it might he
19176s returns to finish the job Sparkle Force
19179s the right walk away
19182s this is a good start for San Francisco
19183s Fielder hasuzu does he have Swift step
19186s no climbing the ball He's Able just to
19187s get away in time
19189s the Dallas aren't advancing across the
19191s map oh it's a shock we'll get oh a
19194s little bit oh that's a huge kill a
19195s headshot there on the properly getting
19198s involved now what a great time to do it
19199s sparkling to try and compounding issue
19201s with the death Blossom against the Round
19202s the Corner
19203s and he gets his two
19207s that is the first big team wife we've
19211s had here on Coliseum thus far
19215s Dallas will now Take the Lead
19218s because look at how far up they push
19220s they can't they can't allow the shock to
19222s just access his high ground for free
19224s they need to make it difficult to do so
19229s a little bit scary for the fuel to push
19230s into this part the map they love the
19232s shot to bring the fight to them if at
19234s all possible Edison line up there and he
19236s almost did
19237s Striker taking a beating it front line
19239s forced to back up now with the right
19241s walk and Edison again peaking these side
19242s angles again taking Striker low
19248s proper getting close
19250s to the bloodthirst beginning to take
19252s over
19253s Suzuki here and now and there is the
19256s strike from the fuel
19258s emerging from immortality they take the
19262s shot to task yeah they have the good
19264s City Rush there and they don't want to
19266s push up there they played it really well
19268s to Dallas fuel they want to allow the
19270s shark to come in they don't want to push
19271s into that high ground that the shark
19272s have unlike a little bit of a defensive
19274s side here they want to allow that fight
19276s to happen in that Archway win it now
19278s pusher
19279s [Applause]
19283s so instead he played for Dallas losing
19285s Shield there less than ideal they're not
19287s gonna be able to get off the hill at
19289s this stage
19290s Mikey wisely backing up there so they
19293s they end up using the katsune rush there
19295s do the shot they get that pick and now
19298s they have the back up he actually got
19299s the sound barrier may have been in for
19301s his spots but they killed Chio so that's
19304s pretty big
19307s like you're just testing here
19321s and the scalpel is still in this man's
19324s hands
19325s there it is Fielder cleans up Mikey
19329s and Dallas are painting in blue
19334s we will swing back the other direction
19338s with the bot may get up to the point of
19341s pushing that barrier getting close to
19342s that first checkpoint
19344s but that pick for medicine is massive
19346s he's going to use the overclock Samara
19349s came just in time not for every member
19351s of the shot but for enough to allow them
19353s to hold steads faster now such a good
19354s trade for the fuel though
19358s is tonight
19360s pilot won't be able to get away in the
19362s fuel are firing on all cylinders
19365s and a push-up and use your overclock and
19368s be able to trade that for sound barrier
19369s you're fine with that not only does that
19371s happen you also get a kill onto Striker
19374s huge play from Edison thus far
19378s getting the checkpoint here is so huge
19380s it's over halfway through the rounds the
19383s shocks still have a window here getting
19385s rid of Edison a good start proper has a
19387s prime Vantage here the sparkle goes for
19390s the dead Blossom you can't be expecting
19392s that if you're the shock and he lost
19393s violent as a result they run away from
19394s striking but she has not too Lucky Now
19396s strike against Fearless face to face
19399s and his fears are realized
19403s and we swing back the other way
19407s the shock do not have the same luxury
19409s the Dallas fuel had where they didn't
19411s have to push Into The High Ground
19412s because you're behind and because we're
19414s already halfway through this game and
19416s because you can stall this out for so
19417s long in the middle the shock need to be
19419s that aggressive team here
19422s trying to start up another fight just as
19424s you mentioned
19426s Finn again trying to find whatever he
19428s can
19429s sooner Rush was that Susie deploy there
19432s and that's gonna be enough inoculates
19434s the shots of any unexpected damage
19435s sources as Edison pops once more now
19438s proper's got them lined up
19440s he gets up here on this High Ground so
19443s aggressive has that overclock to use
19445s here they made easy Mikey kind of Posh
19447s around the corner a Winston bubble for
19449s protection
19450s come in the way but he's trying to keep
19452s this charge trying to keep this position
19455s too a pick-off here may actually give
19457s them the checkpoint Fearless comes in
19459s over the top there's a primal right
19460s available Geo sends the beat
19463s s and happening so low
19465s I feel it's just in time to shove him
19467s out of the way as he was poised to
19469s strike like he gets Edison eventually
19471s Edison is run down man that sound
19473s barrier didn't reach him and his life
19474s was cut short Geo might be headed over
19476s the edge here
19478s looks like he's having a salvage the
19479s situation now at the shock and getting
19481s close to that checkpoint Sparkle
19483s searches forward now with a sound
19484s barrier for San Francisco's gonna have
19485s to give him pause for Thought backing up
19487s even with katsune Rush in play Dallas
19489s are a little patient a lot of damage on
19491s Mikey can they patch that up in time it
19494s looks like it they get us and back and
19496s they use everything here at the Dallas
19498s fuel they need to hold
19502s [Applause]
19504s three
19507s [Applause]
19510s and if you're Dallas you don't
19513s so you would love some more progress on
19515s this barrier right but it's not a
19517s hundred percent necessary they can push
19519s this spot up they can then back up and
19521s they can play middle map if they want to
19526s be on a plate from the bridge at least
19528s see where they back up to right they
19530s they back up to that choke point they
19532s don't want to push through that High
19533s Ground
19536s not there Edison picks him up it could
19538s be all over but Sparkle might have them
19542s fire the chains here
19543s [Applause]
19546s one minute and 47 seconds left in the
19549s round no checkpoint get for San
19551s Francisco and Dallas
19554s are surging ahead once more it's time to
19558s dig deep
19559s you're gonna get that bunt around the
19561s corner Primal Rage both support alts
19564s probably available here for the Dallas
19566s fuel 90-second warning
19569s listen trying to keep himself oh there
19571s it is
19572s Striker tries to drop down on a flank
19575s but Edison got to it first the two new
19577s rush and then just back out now look
19579s they've gotten a lot of progress here 90
19581s meters
19582s they don't have to fight that there
19583s there's a rush from the fuel now and
19586s this one has the bite to match the bark
19590s Sparkle out of the window they're
19592s looking for proper who has to back away
19594s is this it is this all the shock
19599s under a minute to go the barrier making
19602s its way towards the end of the map
19606s Edison could seal the deal here how do
19609s you come back from this
19611s [Applause]
19614s medicine
19618s trying to bring it home and strike
19620s yourself to attack him for the shot
19622s they've got a sound barrier strike you
19624s for four
19627s pilot steals the ace with a shocker back
19630s on the road 23 seconds we have seen
19633s crazy stuff on this map you think back
19635s to earlier in the season Pelican on the
19637s Houston Outlaws
19639s come up with some huge plays
19643s as we jump back into game 10 seconds
19645s left we're gonna jump into OT I just
19647s want to start this fight shock fans do
19649s you believe in magic because you're
19651s gonna need it right now Primal for
19652s Fearless he's knocked back but he's
19654s still hunting able to get away from
19656s proper he's a little bit low
19658s we're in overtime now and Dallas opt to
19662s regroup albeit for just a moment
19665s Violet's got beat
19666s has to get value out of this you cannot
19668s die in this situation if you're violent
19671s 50 meters it's a long way for San
19674s Francisco
19676s bike he goes in and then straight back
19678s out doesn't find what he was looking for
19681s Fearless in the front line all the time
19683s it's the sound barrier coming out for
19684s San Francisco they get it on five
19686s players and field is found him as an
19689s opening ear there's a chance but Sparkle
19691s shot's been down
19702s [Applause]
19709s Advantage here for the Dallas fuel
19711s though only two players here for San
19713s Francisco it's not much to work with
19714s here
19716s how do they touch the card
19717s if I was gonna be there but it's gonna
19719s be forced away he's in grave danger
19721s grave danger indeed
19726s [Applause]
19728s [Music]
19731s [Applause]
19738s OverWatch League champions
19743s [Music]
19746s God
19751s [Music]
19754s this team has worked so hard and this
19758s organizations worked so hard to get to
19761s this moment
19766s than the fashion it did
19767s proper was coming on Big Time in that
19770s series Edison steps up here in our final
19774s math
19776s Sparkle always so consistent for this
19779s team
19782s five years up Dallas Fuel and now the
19785s first
19786s [Applause]
19791s check you see everybody riding out of
19794s the back here before the fuel
19798s as this has been a grind the best team
19800s and this group of players
19803s it has not been easy
19808s and they go up against the toughest of
19811s the toughest right the shock
19814s two-time Champion already and they get
19817s it done
19820s you understand why the emotions are
19822s running High
19824s the palace fuel tried everything the way
19827s they started with the OverWatch League
19828s hopes were so high they fell short of
19831s their goal in that season one and
19834s struggled to find their footing until
19835s they realized they had the opportunity
19838s to bring these element Mystic players
19840s under their banner and groom them for
19845s kingship
19848s you worked so hard all season so many
19851s regular season games tournaments
19855s for this moment
19859s overall seed did I win here it's like
19862s well we're just gonna have to reset and
19864s go again
19867s but not today now adopt so much of
19870s Dallas's success came with Hardman at
19872s the hill we saw bits of fearless here
19875s and there this season but we didn't
19876s expect them to have to rely on this guy
19879s from the Shanghai dragons
19883s in one of the toughest positions any
19885s player could be in unable to find a win
19887s with that team now he's able to take the
19890s stage as a Victor as a champion
19894s and you can see how much it means to him
19898s you can just see the relief on their
19901s players faces of so much pressure one of
19905s the most popular organizations that the
19908s players as well you know Sparkles such a
19910s long time kind of Legend eat OverWatch
19913s to be able to get this championship
19915s coach rush so stoic normally so serious
19918s so Stern
19921s overflowing with a motion City in the
19923s background you can see him there on the
19924s right
19925s but I get a Stern Taskmaster to be sure
19928s for this team and the Dallas who had
19930s done it what an incredible moment let's
19933s continue to savor it now as we head down
19934s to the stage with Golden Boy and the
19937s victors ladies
19941s ladies and gentlemen
19944s all right ladies and gentlemen you're 20
19947s 22. OverWatch League Grand Champions the
19952s Dell is fuel
19955s and to officially award them the trophy
19959s we have Sean Miller here the head of the
19961s OverWatch League Sean
19963s six Golden Boy Dallas fuel thank you
19966s fans look at what we've done we've
19968s broken records we've come together and
19971s I'm not gonna delay your first Global
19973s Champion to OverWatch 2 the Dallas fuel
19976s let's give it up
19977s [Applause]
19989s [Applause]
19998s unbelievable moments here but first
20000s player I want to get to if I can find
20002s him through the rummage is Sparkle Danny
20004s helmet there's Sparkle all right
20012s yes how does it feel congratulations
20020s [Applause]
20023s oh thank you for telling us
20028s we're gonna come for the champion
20032s say no more say no they no more uh let's
20036s find the coach coach Rush
20041s don't rush here you are here you are my
20043s friend uh what makes this Dallas fuel
20046s team so special and why they won this
20048s championship
20075s I am just so happy and it's so hard for
20078s me to talk right now because I am so
20080s happy but I think we really as a team
20082s relied on each other we depended on each
20085s other and we work towards a goal same
20087s goal just by you know thinking that we
20090s could defeat any opponent that we face
20091s so that's just it just feels really good
20094s to get this win right now
20096s thank you
20098s and uh where's Fearless Fearless
20101s come over here Fearless
20104s because I want to tell you that you are
20107s the grand Finals MVP
20110s [Music]
20111s [Applause]
20120s congratulations you played unbelievably
20124s how does this moment feel
20128s it oh
20136s foreign
20157s [Applause]
20172s thank you guys so much again we got this
20174s we got this win because of all of you
20177s guys thank you guys so much
20178s [Applause]
20180s once again fearless and folks in Anaheim
20184s if we could do it one more time for your
20187s world champions the seller
20197s let's send it back to the casters
20200s what a way to make history here in the
20204s OverWatch League map we've had the
20205s pleasure of presiding over each Grand
20207s Final in the league so far and nothing
20210s quite comes close to what we have seen
20212s today the game unbelievably competitive
20215s there were fears and we thought Dallas
20217s might just sweep this one away San
20219s Francisco went to new level after new
20222s level in their Pursuit Of Glory and they
20224s came so close in every member of the
20228s Dallas Joel was so important throughout
20231s the year right we've seen Doha at times
20234s you've seen Korea so the one you know we
20236s saw him a little bit was like Fearless
20238s right like hogman was so good MVP
20240s candidate kind of forgot how good
20242s Fearless is on the Winston and what
20244s happens the playoff meta allows Fearless
20247s to come back in the mix and he shows he
20250s is one up if not the best winstons in
20252s the world to Tasmania on his friend
20254s who's been with the team ever since the
20256s beginning as their manager through all
20259s the ups and downs of this Dallas fuel
20261s team has faced incredible to see they're
20263s now having a chance to celebrate I have
20264s to say you know I've really enjoyed
20265s watching and citizen owned his style
20268s right he's less aggressive than properly
20271s he didn't want to charge for a little
20272s bit time he knew what his job was with
20275s Staying Alive especially into the mid
20276s late fight and then finding his
20278s connections I have a lot of respect for
20280s someone who you know resists the urge to
20282s try and charge headlong Into The Fray
20284s like his opposite number was he's not
20285s about the glory or not but the
20286s fashionist but he's still able to
20287s produce those moments for us here today
20289s also a player who believes that
20292s if the nerves don't get to him and you
20295s know the the spotlight doesn't get too
20296s big he can be the best player in the
20298s world and in the biggest moment in a
20301s game seven he showed up big time I mean
20304s that is that you take that confidence
20306s and you know sky's the limit for a
20308s player like Edison now
20310s such an incredible moment like we talked
20312s about the the tank rotation here for
20314s Dallas the fact that they're able to
20316s find equally
20318s results with both these squads Rascal of
20320s course here on the coach
20321s it's really taken to that role by all
20324s accounts stepped into it and stepped up
20325s in a big way in a leadership position
20327s the Dallas healed him in multiple years
20329s and we thought it might have been their
20331s year always faltering always you know
20333s jailing with the meta was an issue but
20334s we knew we heard The Whispers as soon as
20336s we started here on this current patch
20338s and Dallas fuel we're still the team to
20341s beat an upper body was following suit
20343s but they've been the team to beat before
20345s but they just were not able to get it
20347s done and with how close they were they
20350s did not want to let that opportunity
20351s slip away and you can see how much it
20354s means the players on the stage it's been
20356s a couple years ladies and gentlemen of
20357s playoffs where we've tried to share our
20359s love for the game remotely
20361s rather isolated from one another on the
20364s internet trying to generate that hype at
20366s 4am in the morning in a garage or at
20368s your PC but having us all here today
20370s this atmosphere and this love for the
20372s game should tell everybody that this
20374s game this community lives it breathes
20377s and we're not going anywhere thanks for
20379s being with me and Matt so far we're
20381s gonna head over the desk
20388s s
20400s [Music]
20405s bye guys
20412s the OverWatch league is brought to you
20414s by Butterfinger crispity crunchery
20417s peanut buttery no one lays a finger on
20420s your Butterfinger
20421s [Music]
20431s [Music]
20437s foreign
20467s foreign
20469s [Music]
20475s [Music]
20499s foreign
20536s foreign
20545s [Music]
20558s [Music]
20562s foreign
20571s [Music]
20577s [Music]
20601s foreign
20613s [Music]
20629s [Music]
20646s foreign
20664s post shows that we are joined by my
20667s absolute favorite human beings in the
20668s universe daddy Casa as well as
20671s reinforced we're here to break down all
20673s the action what a day it's been but also
20676s what a playoff it's been a quite frankly
20678s I think this is hands down the best
20680s playoffs as well as the best friend
20682s finals
20697s yeah no it's been it's been absolutely
20700s fantastic let's talk about those two
20701s teams and let's talk about the Dallas
20703s Fuel and how they got it done they
20705s etched out the victory at the very end
20706s we saw individuals popping off on both
20709s sides left and right I mean Edison and
20711s proper we asked prior to this match we
20714s asked like who can stop proper what Ed
20716s is Madison is the answer he can in fact
20718s get it done but that was not just Edison
20720s who took down to San Francisco shock the
20723s Dallas fuel just continue to be an
20725s absolute rampant yeah the entire team
20727s was just an absolute Juggernaut it
20730s doesn't didn't matter it was Fearless it
20731s was Edison Chio had some incredible
20734s stars to the series that really helped
20735s Dallas fuel as well this was the Dallas
20737s fuel we expected to see in the finals
20739s and it was the San Francisco shock we
20741s wanted to see take it to them in the
20743s finals and it was just such a dog fight
20746s going back and forth after the first map
20749s I was like oh no this might be Dallas
20751s fuel running away with it but then the
20752s San Francisco shock kept dragging it
20755s back and then the Dallas fuel went on
20757s the back foot and the resilience and The
20759s Peasants of mine to be able to come back
20762s on Match points for the San Francisco
20764s shock and win two maps back to back
20766s absolutely incredible but also the
20768s resilience I mean from the San Francisco
20770s shock team you're down a map you go to
20772s King's Row and then you're being held on
20774s the point B it's very easy at that point
20776s to be like oh Dallas fuel they are the
20778s better team but they held fast with a
20780s superior defense for King's throw and it
20782s gave him a Fighting Chance in this
20784s series they did and I mean I'm just
20786s gonna I'm not gonna analyze anything I'm
20787s just here to say that I truly enjoy this
20790s game like like Jose you said it was your
20792s back and forth they were just trading
20794s blows left and right you know Sparkle
20796s was popping up Edison on the San
20798s Francisco shock Striker I think he
20800s really popped up proper as well it was
20802s just such a treat to see apart from just
20804s the individual mechanics that sort of
20806s made these guys the best teams in the
20808s playoffs some of the strategies that we
20811s saw come out in this series were just
20813s exceptional on this map in particular
20815s Dorado he was the Dallas fuel who
20817s decided to flank through the left side
20819s up through the window use the casino
20821s Rush almost full capped using that
20824s strategy because the San Francisco shop
20825s lost control of the card there was just
20827s so many mind games going on with the
20829s ultimate on top of that great mechanical
20831s play and the surgeons from the winstons
20833s from the reaper absolutely everybody the
20834s teams were really pushing it to the
20837s Limit I'm talking about all 10 players
20839s in the server turning it up we saw such
20841s crucial sound barriers coming out from
20843s our veteran like violet for example who
20845s is a two-time champion Striker as well
20847s with his death process kept San
20849s Francisco shock in this series and you
20850s go up three to two and that's what you
20852s expect the San Francisco shock they are
20854s going to claw they are going to finish
20856s this off but the Dallas fuel they claw
20858s themselves back in map six and they take
20860s us to the final push map yeah and what a
20862s great story that is really for the
20863s Dallas dude we looked at their history
20865s in uh the league as a franchise prior to
20868s heading into the Grand Final and I mean
20870s this has got to be one of the biggest
20872s blow-ups we're having from from the very
20874s bottom really in those little ups and
20876s downs throughout the seasons to the very
20878s top to becoming the first OverWatch 2
20881s Champions and you can see how much it
20883s meant to this team you just saw it on
20884s all of their faces you can see it right
20886s now these guys just holding the trick
20887s that's a heavy trophy
20889s these guys they absolutely deserve this
20892s they had their eyes on this trophy the
20894s entire year rush in particular he has
20897s whipped this team into shape that no
20899s matter what was pushed against them they
20901s were able to succeed even against a very
20903s strong San Francisco shot yeah we do
20905s have to uh talk about the MEP of course
20907s as well here Fearless that is a player
20909s you've been keeping your eyes on at
20911s reinforce all season long and he did not
20913s disappoint in these finals I mean this
20914s is a player I kept my eyes on for years
20916s now I mean this is such an incredible
20919s Story part of the initial element Mystic
20921s contenders team with Coach Rush then
20924s Fearless he has high aspirations he goes
20926s to the Shanghai dragons but it's the O
20928s and 42 Shanghai dragons in the initial
20931s 2018 season just an awful track record
20934s goes back to contenders with Team CC
20936s until he finally gets an opportunity on
20939s the Shanghai dragons again in 2020 and
20941s that's a Shanghai dragons that is
20943s powerful that is the Shanghai dragons
20945s that wins stages and then at the end of
20947s the 20 2020 season Fearless goes to the
20950s Dallas fuel he leaves his Shanghai
20952s dragons behind Shanghai dragons they end
20955s up winning the 2021 finals instead
20958s without Fearless who was one of their
20960s best players on that roster to see your
20963s former team win the 2021 finals without
20965s you have to struggle to finally be able
20968s to earn this title for himself this is
20971s one of the best stories in the entire
20973s league and that we've ever had Fearless
20975s winning the grand Finals MVP is an
20977s absolutely amazing achievement and
20979s fearless absolutely deserved this award
20982s in this match obviously Edison went
20983s absolutely crazy on that Sergeant but
20986s the amount of pressure that felis was
20988s putting out and the amount of work he
20989s was putting on he was definitely the
20990s better tank in this series and that was
20992s really where the major differential came
20994s from Dallas fuel the amount of pressure
20996s that he was able to apply to proper and
20999s the shock and just stay alive through
21000s that absolutely impressive and also we
21003s do have to keep in mind that you know we
21004s haven't seen much of fearless throughout
21006s the whole regular season it was time
21008s been most of the time he did play a
21010s couple matches here and there and I
21011s remember in my post match interview in
21012s the regular season he was like oh I just
21014s want to play more that's all this
21015s honestly like my biggest wish and to
21017s just come out to the playoffs and be
21019s this in the starting lineman and just
21020s dominate is just so impressive yeah what
21023s a way for him and the entire team to end
21025s their season what a successful uh moment
21028s that was here what a successful showing
21030s in the entirety of the playoffs not
21032s dropping down to the lower bracket and
21033s just all the way riding that high but we
21036s look at the other side here the San
21038s Francisco shop what a run through the
21040s playoffs they had and they kept us on
21041s their toes this was not a one-sided
21043s final that was as close as it can
21046s possibly get and that is due to just the
21048s Raw Talent we have on that very rookie
21050s forward roster and for them to keep that
21053s mental fortitude up throughout the
21055s entirety of the lower bracket run
21057s despite maybe not having the same
21059s experience as some of those veteran
21061s players that is a phenomenal achievement
21063s playoff success is in the San Francisco
21065s shocked flood every time they're back is
21068s against the wall they step up that was
21070s an impressive lower bracket run one of
21072s the best runs that we've ever seen they
21074s pushed the Dallas fuel who everyone
21076s thought was Untouchable to the edge they
21079s deserve massive props they have done
21081s great things with a roster that has a
21083s ton of rookies and this is not going to
21085s be the last thing we see of all these
21086s players proper will be back all of these
21089s rookies will be back and they will
21090s improve going into next year and they
21093s want that trophy again like I can't even
21094s begin to Fathom like the amount of
21096s pressure and stress like imagine that
21099s you lose to the Houston Outlaws and
21101s throughout the whole playoffs you
21102s literally have one life if you lose
21104s you're out but they they just kept
21106s continuing to win and win and win all
21108s the way to the finals it's just this
21110s team is just crazy and in many ways with
21113s this loss despite losing very close they
21117s still remain as this big Juggernaut in
21119s the OverWatch league as well the 2019
21121s the 2020 OverWatch League champions and
21124s then they they struggled a little bit in
21125s 2021 it was not the shock we were used
21127s to seeing with several key members
21129s leaving that team this season in 2022
21132s they set the new record for regular
21134s season win streak and here in the
21136s playoffs with an amazing lower bracket
21138s run you can never count out the San
21140s Francisco shock they might have gone
21141s down today but to remain the absolute
21144s Peak when it comes to abor City
21145s franchises and quite frankly we should
21147s be we should be happy that they didn't
21149s win because I was scared that if proper
21150s just gets every single award available
21152s he might as well retire I mean go from
21154s there right if you if you get them all
21156s what's the point now he has to come back
21157s next year think about it think about it
21159s if shark won and and proper got
21161s everything the only award that he needed
21164s was coach of the year and Dennis the
21166s worker award and you can get those two
21169s surely at the same time
21171s very nice natural really uh that's the
21174s script writing for you we we get them
21176s again next season but what a fantastic
21179s day this has been what fantastic
21180s OverWatch we got to witness we also got
21183s introduced to our newest hero which is
21185s coming up in December so this this is
21188s just Good Vibes all around it's been a
21191s fantastic time it's been a fantastic
21192s playoff but what a phenomenal end to a
21195s wonderful
21196s 2022 season we could not have asked for
21199s more so for myself reinforced Costa as
21202s well as Danny from everyone involved in
21205s the league across the globe thank you
21207s all so much thank you to the teams to
21209s the players to the fans for making the
21211s season one to remember the best is
21213s surely Yet to Come the OverWatch League
21215s will return in 2023 and we hope to see
21218s you then goodbye
21220s [Applause]
21222s foreign
21229s [Music]
21254s [Music]
21294s foreign
21303s [Music]
21327s foreign
21347s [Music]
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21365s thank you
21366s [Music]