6 months ago - PlayOverwatch - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s roadhog's rework is coming and here's
1s everything you need to know first is his
3s new ability Pig Pen Road Hog will launch
5s a trap that have triggered will slow
6s down and damage enemies for 60 initial
8s damage and 30 damage per second in the
9s area for 3 seconds it'll also reduce
11s Movement by 40% and is on a 12C cool
13s down alt fire scatter shot has been
14s removed scrap gun will now shoot less
16s pets with four large projectiles in the
17s center of the shot each projectile does
19s 15 damage and his pellets have been
20s increased to 6.25 damage finally the
22s take a breather healing ability has
24s become resource base with a new resource
25s meter and the cool down has been
26s decreased from 8 to 1 second the amount
28s healed depends on the charge and a full
30s charge will take 12 seconds to recover
31s which heals 450 health over 3 seconds
33s and the Damage reduction while active
35s has been reduced from 50 to 30% as
37s always you can find information on
38s roadhogs rework and more at OverWatch
40s blizzard.com