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Transcript (by Youtube)

5s What's up everybody?
7s This is Jeff from the Overwatch team.
9s This is a really exciting Developer Update
11s because it's time to introduce you to Hero 30
14s and Hero 30 is Baptiste.
16s We needed another Support character in Overwatch.
19s We felt like there was room for a lot more
22s choice and exploration in the Support category.
25s So we made a really awesome hero for you.
28s But first, I want to get you caught up on Baptiste's backstory.
33s Baptiste was actually orphaned during the Omnic Crisis
37s many years ago.
39s There were 30 million orphans as a matter of fact,
41s and he was one of them.
43s It was very devastating.
45s He's from Haiti.
46s So as he grew older,
48s he joined what was called the Caribbean Coalition.
51s He became a masterful combat medic.
54s He fought as part of a special forces group,
57s and he was the medic of that group.
60s Really great training,
61s really learned how to become a good soldier
64s and a good teammate during that time.
66s Now as the Omnic Crisis folded,
68s Baptiste was looking for work.
71s Through circumstances out of his control,
75s he ends up in Talon.
77s At the time, he didn't necessarily know Talon was the bad group
81s that we all know that it is today.
83s So he reluctantly joins this group.
86s He's fighting with Talon,
88s and as he's part of the group,
90s he realizes these are really bad people.
93s They're doing bad things.
94s It's really tugging at his moral compass,
98s and he doesn't feel comfortable
100s with what Talon is doing.
102s Eventually, he makes the big decision to split from Talon
106s and go fight for a greater good,
108s which is awesome.
109s We hope you enjoyed his origin story.
111s We put it out last night, and it's available.
114s You'll be able to find it through a link.
116s You can learn more about Baptiste and his story.
119s But now let's get into gameplay,
121s and why I think everyone will have so much fun playing Baptiste
126s First of all,
127s he has a really fun weapon.
129s It's called the Medic SMG.
132s It's a mid-range submachine gun
135s that shoots three round bursts.
137s So it's a lot of fun.
139s It's very tactical. It really fits his character.
142s But the most exciting part is
144s that the alternate fire of the Medic SMG
147s is a Biotic Launcher,
149s which launches a healing grenade.
151s The way this grenade works is that
153s it does splash healing in a radius.
156s So if your team is grouped up
159s or if somebody is below you,
161s and you shoot this grenade
162s or you shoot it towards their feet or the ground,
164s it does a splash
166s that will heal everybody in that radius.
169s So, it's really fun.
171s It's a really effective way we believe
173s that Baptiste will end up being a primary healer.
176s In our playtest, that's how he's played out so far.
180s Now, he has some really exciting abilities
183s in addition to that Medic SMG.
187s The first one is called Regenerative Burst.
190s This is a primary ability he has
192s that is a point-blank heal-over-time,
196s meaning when you press the button as Baptiste,
199s it affects all the teammates around you
201s as well as Baptiste himself.
203s And it applies a heal-over-time that will gradually heal everybody.
207s This is really useful,
208s especially when Baptiste himself gets low,
211s as he cannot heal himself with his own Biotic Grenades.
215s That's something to really keep in mind.
217s Now, his secondary ability is probably his most exciting one.
222s It's called the Immortality Field.
225s Basically what he does, he launches a device,
228s a very high tech device.
230s It sticks into the ground, and it creates a big cylinder
233s that is very visible to Baptiste and all of his teammates,
236s as well as to the enemy team.
239s Now, this device, the Immortality Field,
242s makes it so that everybody on Baptiste's team
246s cannot go beneath a certain percentage of health.
250s And it's a very low health percentage.
252s They can all get very damaged, but when they hit a certain point,
256s You'll even see in the UI of the health bars,
258s they're immune to damage at that point.
260s Now, the enemy team can kill the Immortality Field
264s if they target the device in the center that's generating it.
268s So there's some counterplay there.
269s You might want your Reinhardt to stand in front of the device,
272s put his shield up and protect.
274s The device is very exciting for moments,
276s like when Junkrat's RIP-Tire is coming.
279s If Baptiste throws the device down at the proper time,
282s it will prevent anybody in that radius from dying from it.
287s It's an exciting ability with lots of counterplay to it.
291s We think it will create many really cool moments in Overwatch.
295s Now, you're probably wondering what his Ultimate ability is.
299s But before I get to that,
300s he has one more ability that we think is cool.
303s So I'm going to build the anticipation on the Ult for a second.
307s The last thing he has are what we call the Exo Boots.
310s If you look at Baptiste's legs, the art of his legs,
313s he's got these cool exoskeleton legs.
316s What he can do is,
318s when he crouches, he builds a jump meter,
321s and while crouching, if you press your jump key
325s or jump button,
327s you jump really high into the air.
329s It depends on how much of that jump meter you've built.
332s You can jump a little ways
334s or very high up.
336s We did this for two reasons.
338s One, as a Support player,
340s you need some way to disengage enemies.
342s So it's a good way for you to get away and disengage,
346s if need be.
348s Secondly,
349s because the Medic SMG,
353s when he's launching his heal grenades,
355s does splash damage,
356s we felt like it would be very useful
358s for him to be able to get height around the map
361s and do that splash damage down below.
363s It's much easier to do a lot of healing
366s if you're up above your target than if you're down below.
370s He can use his Exo Boots to get height.
373s We think it will give fun mobility to the character.
375s Now as I tease, the Ultimate ability.
380s This one is very precision based,
384s in that Baptiste lays out what we call the Amplification Matrix.
390s He gets a targeting interface
393s that reminds me a lot of placing Mei's wall.
396s You can see it before you've placed the Amplification Matrix
400s and know where you're going to line it up.
402s What you want to do is line it up
404s so that the most amount of your teammates can shoot
408s through this Amplification Matrix towards the most amount of enemies.
413s All of the damage that your team does, is boosted significantly
417s as they shoot through the Matrix.
420s So you can do really devastating damage to the enemy team.
424s Now, where it gets really exciting, is if you have an Orisa on your team,
427s and a Mercy on your team.
429s Maybe even an Ana who is doing a Nano Boost on your team.
434s All of that damage stacks,
436s and you can do some really crazy moments
438s if you can line it up correctly.
440s So it can be really devastating.
442s We find that
444s as we've been playing in our playtest,
447s when we know somebody is playing Baptiste on our team
450s we all get really excited,
451s because not only do we have this great healer,
453s who is keeping us all alive,
455s there's this really exciting moment
457s if he places the Ult in a smart place,
460s it can set up the enemy team to go down
463s and for our team to take an objective or push a team fight.
468s So it's been really exciting.
470s Never mind all the stuff I have to say about Baptiste.
473s What we're excited about here on the Overwatch team is
475s all the amazing things
477s you all are going to do with this character.
480s We've heard your pleas for more Support characters.
484s We know you want more variety on what your Support characters are doing.
487s We think there will be a lot of appeal to Baptiste,
490s both based on his back story
492s in addition to all the cool and unique things that he does.
496s He's got a great gun that is also fun to shoot.
498s So as a Support player, if you want to do some damage,
501s he should be really attractive to you.
503s We can't wait to see what you do on the PTR.
506s The PTR is up now with Baptiste available.
509s So if you have a PC,
511s please let us know what you think,
512s and he'll be coming very soon to PC and console,
516s and to Overwatch for all of us to enjoy.
518s Thank you and have fun with Baptiste.