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Transcript (by Youtube)

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905s is Sparkle getting the ace oh that's a
910s big one but although he's leading the
911s charge and he has a blade here so
913s although brings the building down
915s reinforcements are gonna be all the way
916s try to Dodge in what a kill along the
919s Spire that is absolutely ridiculous
928s blade for proper nice deflect and look
931s at him go like five kills just like that
933s a blink of an eye quick team kill as
935s mirror is tossing in the front line a
937s four-man Auntie Vancouver Titans are
941s gonna wipe them off the map
944s that is ungodly another one absolutely
948s demolished
956s ladies and gentlemen we are back what's
959s up everybody it's Puckett your host from
961s the first two seasons back here in
963s season five and I am joined by a former
966s five-man reserve the mercy Legend Scott
968s Cuts academy
969s and of course the greatest hamster of
972s all time the wrecking ball that carried
974s me to my first talent takedown
975s Championship Johnny reinforced Larson I
979s love it I I you are the only person who
981s refers to me as a wrecking ball player I
983s love it
984s look I'm natural at wrecking ball all
987s right roll around soccer Queen but the
990s wrecking ball is really where Johnny's
991s prime gentlemen it's been a minute covet
993s has kept me away for two years I am back
996s though this is the summer Showdown and
998s Scott we got to talk about something
999s that is new now for me the tournament
1002s points they didn't exist back when I was
1004s doing this gig so break it down for me
1006s how does it all work yeah so tournament
1008s points obviously we have the matches but
1010s you get extra total points full doing
1011s well and what these do is they add up so
1013s if you qualified for the tour tournament
1015s then you get one League point as you can
1017s see here this is the east region but the
1020s number one team who takes the
1022s championship gets three points second
1023s place gets two points and then they get
1025s some cash with it as well if you head
1026s over to the western region there's a lot
1028s more one points and these one points
1030s matter they accumulate for some of these
1032s teams who might be on the cusp of these
1034s plans all right so you got some serious
1035s prize money up for grabs but also these
1038s tournament points and these points are
1040s going to not only seed your team but
1042s also secure your spot at the end of the
1044s year's OverWatch league tournament so
1046s which teams desperately need these
1048s points who needs to make up some ground
1049s right now oh so it depends on the region
1052s that you look at in the East it has to
1054s be the Guangzhou charge this is a team
1055s that struggled early on and they're
1057s really battling with the Los Angeles
1058s Valiant for that final position the team
1061s that comes seventh in the East is the
1063s only one who will not get a chance in
1065s the final plan so Guangzhou charged they
1067s qualify for this tournament they got
1068s that League point and that'll be so
1070s integral moving forward I believe in the
1072s charge but Johnny what's going down in
1073s the west how is it all breaking down
1075s western region I mean the San Francisco
1076s shocked they're on top with 21 League
1078s points so they're pretty much good but
1079s the Vancouver Titans are the 11th they
1081s started the season 0 and 13 but with
1083s three wins this stage and maybe some
1085s additional lead points they can compete
1087s with the Boston Uprising for that final
1088s playing spot as well Vancouver three
1091s wins New York Excelsior three wins times
1093s have changed
1095s let's get into the matchups here at the
1097s summer Showdown now last week our team
1099s selected who they wanted to play at the
1101s tournament it was pretty cool to see
1102s this process walk me through the
1104s selections though and let's start in the
1106s east region because there's only four
1108s teams qualified really you only have to
1110s make one pick and that pick belonged to
1112s the Shanghai dragons custa dragons are
1116s going with the Guangzhou charge even
1117s though Philly was ranked lower was this
1120s a good decision ah only time will tell
1122s and this really goes into the
1124s inconsistency of the fusion sometimes in
1127s the playoffs they show up and they hit
1128s that new gear and I think the Shanghai
1130s dragons are just afraid of that
1131s especially now that they've been playing
1133s more mn3 they're going
1135s that's an evil that you know you know
1137s what their peaks really are so I think
1139s the Shanghai dragons are confident
1140s enough there's a threat on the charge
1142s Jimmy I'll talk to you okay I'm ready to
1145s learn Scott I am ready to learn we got
1147s to talk about Philly though Johnny
1149s because that's the other Squad who is
1150s now in the east facing off against the
1153s Seoul Dynasty in my prep I was really
1156s weirded out because there's a guy named
1158s Prophet kind of MVP from that inaugural
1160s season finals he was on Tracer back then
1162s now he's playing
1166s brigitte's still playing how's this
1168s working it's temporary all right
1169s probably got tired of the damage rolls
1171s he moved over to brigitte's Temporary
1173s for this stage but on the other side of
1175s things you have carpi as well now I know
1177s that back in the days you know the name
1179s of the game was play Carpe let him do
1181s his thing yeah this time around don't
1182s pay Carpe we play number three he's the
1184s young talent coming up corporate having
1185s milk that's refined but the Philadelphia
1187s Fusion as custom mentioned they got tons
1189s of Firepower and they're looking sharp
1190s going into the summer short I'll say I'm
1192s loving the action in the East that of
1194s course is happening all week long as is
1196s our action in the west so let's take our
1198s eyes there next because in the west
1200s bigger bracket right we got eight teams
1203s qualified three teams got to choose
1205s their opponents and it all started with
1207s our number one seed the fuel picking
1210s Washington Justice now a little bit of
1212s banter was happening in that selection
1215s show and Sparkle had some words for
1217s another DPS member because to break it
1219s down for me yeah so Spock was just
1220s saying Decay is getting a little too
1221s comfortable a little too happy and if we
1223s go all the way back to the 2020 season
1225s when Decay was on the Dallas fuel he
1228s left that team in the middle of the
1229s Season went to the Washington Justice
1231s and then went on that ridiculous playoff
1233s run maybe Sparkle and the Dallas fuel
1235s learning from their previous mistakes
1237s and being like hey let's not let Decay
1239s get too happy let's not get the one let
1241s the Washington Justice get too
1243s comfortable and we will take them out
1245s early and honestly it's a safe pick the
1247s Washington Justice did have three of
1249s their Superstar players depart from
1250s their roster recently they do look
1252s weakened Dallas fuel should win do we
1254s consider this trash talk yes look I'm
1258s usually like hey players should be happy
1259s but then spark on something like no
1261s Decay is too bad happy we can't allow
1262s that no happiness for you we have seen
1265s Decay unhappy in the past right now he's
1267s smiling with Washington we'll see if
1269s that is still true when they take the
1271s stage in just a little bit next up
1273s though more things change some more
1275s things to stay in the same and the
1277s two-time Champions the San Francisco
1278s shock are still near the top a dominant
1281s Force here in the OverWatch league but
1283s they're coming in with the number two
1285s seed so Johnny they had a chance to make
1287s their selection how'd they go about
1288s picking the Vancouver Titans this used
1290s to be a battle of juggernauts on the way
1292s uh yeah I mean like super versus bumper
1294s come on yeah a classic here we got
1297s Twilight the one side of things no no
1299s sorry bucket it things are not the same
1301s not the same but the San Francisco show
1303s they're still great you saw them number
1305s one in the regular season standings
1306s proper he could be the first player to
1309s win both the Rookie of the Year and the
1310s MVP award in its very first year in the
1313s awards league on the other side of
1314s things as I mentioned the Vancouver
1316s titles they started 0-13 but they got
1318s three wins under the belt in that play
1319s in Pursuit but yeah it's really all
1321s about who is this guy this is uh he's a
1324s truth an absolute freak of nature it
1327s looks like he was born to play OverWatch
1328s proper he looks fantastic when you watch
1331s him play now the San Francisco shock
1333s they haven't won a stage in a couple of
1335s moments here they got second in the mid
1336s season Madness but with the LA gliders
1338s not qualifying for the stage playoffs
1340s one asked himself could this be the
1342s stage where proper and the San Francisco
1343s show won their first stage in quite a
1345s while I'm just ready for more Tracer
1346s more Reaper proper bring it all out
1348s today please our final selection here
1351s with the three spot was the Houston
1353s Outlaws and the Outlaws we all saw they
1355s had Jake on the desk then Jake was on a
1358s starting lineup now Jake is coaching I
1361s was I still think I know this squad on
1362s the other side we got the Mayhem the
1364s eight seed tell me about this matchup
1366s Custer how this selection go down yeah
1368s so Florida Mayhem are living up to their
1369s name and just pure chaos right now they
1371s are the one team that is really
1373s innovating the game they're playing this
1374s double Flex support to mix success I
1377s will say and that's on the back of Sir
1379s marjed on that Zenyatta he has really
1381s been that
1382s he's a mechanical warlord who just only
1385s plays whoa
1388s he's all those ones that's great it is
1391s only out of one player who plays I might
1394s have lied to you on that one but if
1395s that's how unique it is he's the only
1397s guy who is currently playing it and it
1400s might be their Ace up their sleeve but
1401s the Houston Outlaws did pick them
1403s favoring that over the London spare fire
1405s because they're comfortable that they
1407s can take down this sort of defensive
1408s style of playing Saudi Arabian Zenyatta
1411s that is my new favorite player to watch
1413s this weekend thank you so much sir Majid
1415s uh last but not least gentlemen we gotta
1417s talk about the leftover matchup the
1419s number four seed is the Toronto defiant
1423s the hometown squad for this weekend
1425s summer Showdown is that going to be
1427s enough to help take down the number
1429s seven seed one in Spitfire who's got the
1431s best of them last week one would hope so
1433s I mean last week the lonel Spitfire they
1435s had to win two crucial maps to qualify
1438s for the Toronto playoffs this week round
1440s but the Toronto refined I mean they
1442s underperformed hisu who's been a
1444s fantastic Ash player so far he didn't
1446s have the best of game he got arguably
1448s outplayed by sparker on the other side
1450s of things but taking a look at his stats
1452s you can see number two in scope Keith
1454s kills number four in hero damage pretend
1457s I mean this guy's stats are amazing so I
1459s would love to see hisu with the crowd
1461s backing him really come to show up to
1463s play and if that is the case the Toronto
1465s defiant they should Coast to Victory
1467s against I've seen a ton of sojourn is
1469s Ash the play today Johnny so soon as the
1471s play for most spot when it comes to hisu
1474s he has favored the ash so far in the
1476s summer Showdown I would love to see him
1477s come out on this hero and have a banger
1479s of a game
1480s I'm not sure that he said he said
1482s coasting before he saw in that Ash got
1484s dominated
1488s I don't know about that one Johnny
1490s Scott's touching the beaver already
1493s on watchpoint gentlemen I feel all
1496s caught up I am ready for four more days
1498s of OverWatch League action and remember
1500s the tournament is kicking off but before
1503s we talk about who's gonna win it all we
1505s gotta show a few commercials we gotta
1507s pay the bills when we come back we'll
1509s break it down who's the number one team
1511s in the East and the West right here on
1513s watchpoint
1514s [Music]
1524s thank you
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1595s all right
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1632s foreign
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1665s thank you
1690s [Music]
1697s we are back live with watchpoint gearing
1700s up for this summer Showdown here at the
1701s OverWatch League Chris Puckett back in
1703s the building I missed you all I love you
1705s thank you for the Twitter messages we
1707s got custo we got reinforced and we got
1709s some picks to make here fellas it's time
1712s for who you got well let's go I'm ready
1715s all right so let's start things off here
1718s in the east region nice and quick fellas
1720s there's only four teams right not a lot
1722s to choose from so let's start here
1724s because I have a feeling you may be
1726s going with our number one seed but I
1728s challenge you tell me how Guangzhou
1730s charge is going to win this tournament
1732s in the East well I got you pucker
1734s because here's the thing I know you've
1736s been out of the loop for a while I know
1737s you haven't really been able to keep up
1739s with everything as highly so let me tell
1740s you about the truth the MVP candidate of
1743s this year please don't Jimmy he's the
1745s best gameplay
1747s I'm talking he's the best hit scan
1750s player in the world Jimmy goes hard he
1752s has been putting up crazy performances
1754s he has taken down last year's MVP leave
1756s on hit skin he has dominated some of shy
1759s some of the best performances we've ever
1760s seen he's lying for his best team in the
1764s league he's not that good at this player
1765s his surgeon is clean his first piece all
1767s right yeah okay he's all right he's fine
1770s but you should keep your eye on him but
1772s more importantly you should keep your
1773s eyes on the Shanghai drag Johnny I was
1775s looking at the numbers Scott presented
1777s me Jimmy's on the up and upper he's on
1780s the up and up but you know he's coming
1781s from nothing you know you got the right
1783s steady slow and easy maybe next year is
1785s your year
1786s Guangzhou charge in Sir James as we'll
1789s call him after he pulls off the upset
1791s today I believe in Jimmy this weekend
1793s Custer's sold me on it but send me the
1796s clips guys why do I need to cheer for
1797s Jimmy Scott went with the easy one here
1799s reinforced I expect you to do the same
1802s how do you see things breaking down in
1804s the East here well Shanghai dragons are
1806s the favorites but if you're going with
1809s the number one seed Shanghai dragons you
1810s gotta go with the soul Dynasty they've
1812s been looking dominant they started this
1813s stage 12-0 in maps you know a bit of a
1816s summer let's go class right there and
1817s I've already mentioned this name profit
1819s he is by the way the the the declared
1822s goat of our watch number one greatest of
1825s all time greatest of all time and he can
1826s do it all not only is he on the trace or
1828s the Genji this stage he's on the break
1829s and it's exactly what do you think it is
1831s it's a damaged player playing Support
1833s Final blows third dies almost like the
1836s third less as well the healing done
1838s though yeah
1840s 19 players he's number 17. these are
1844s good numbers right okay this is a DPS
1847s play this is the definition of a DPS
1849s player playing supporter like he's so
1851s great I'm so great look how many kills
1853s I'm getting on support Johnny good
1854s offense it's the best defense or
1856s something like that you know they're
1857s just the more if you kill them all you
1859s don't have to heal your team sure so I
1861s have seen different metas though where
1863s the support is expected to lay out that
1865s damage we had jonak all year exactly
1867s right so is that where we're turning now
1870s or is this just a one-off with profit
1871s being profitable one up here with profit
1874s but he can get away with it as well I
1876s mean it's not long as you provide the
1877s armor packs to the damage players fitter
1879s but looking amazing soccer is a young
1881s rookie on the Seoul Dynasty playing this
1882s Genji for them just in just send them
1884s the armor packs and then you can do
1885s whatever you want profit that's the name
1886s of the game the Tom Brady of OverWatch
1888s there you go yeah ladies and gentlemen
1891s that's right all of you fantasy kids
1892s football kicks off this evening the
1894s western region though is what we're
1896s talking about next year and we got eight
1898s teams in this tournament so a little
1899s harder to pick the winners here and I
1902s have a feeling you might both be looking
1904s towards the top again let's start here
1906s with you Mr Johnny why is hanbin gonna
1910s be the player to watch in Dallas all
1911s right so husband wasn't around in the
1913s OverWatch League when you used to host
1914s but if you didn't know about him you'll
1916s know about him after this weekend Han
1918s bin has been the best junker Queen so
1920s far this stage playing the new Hero Of
1922s course and if you're looking at Stats I
1923s mean he's been electric just like the
1925s effectiveness with his abilities you can
1927s see tight for a second in Dragon Blade
1928s heels and rampates the ultimate well
1930s he's tied for second in that too so top
1932s three stats all around he's going to be
1934s a game changer for the Dallas fuel going
1936s into this tournament so he's the best
1937s tank in this West it's definitely in the
1940s west but it's between him and I'd say
1942s Smurf you know Smurf time Champion for
1944s the Seoul Dynasty I'd say those are the
1946s two best tanks but in my mind hanbin is
1949s the best tank all right if you gotta
1950s pick one I would go with hanbin without
1952s you and custom I'm seeing a lot of zarya
1954s Clips we even have little Reaper
1956s highlights from his buddy Edison but
1957s what are we expecting from hanbin today
1960s what tank is gonna be in almost every
1961s match he's gonna be playing the Jungle
1963s Queen and as Joni just highlighted he is
1965s the best that we have in it he did pull
1967s out Zaya I know he loves
1969s won the little bit and it did look good
1971s but he played in the kickoff Clash I
1973s wouldn't expect to see much else of that
1975s all right so we had Shanghai for you in
1977s the East if it's not Guangzhou I think
1979s Shanghai was your real pick who is your
1981s real pick though as we look at the 18
1983s bracket and I agree with Johnny the
1985s Dallas fuel they did just take down the
1987s San Francisco shock this most recent
1988s weekend but I still believe in my boys
1991s at the shock to bring it back around and
1992s I think the linchpin of this team of are
1995s they going to find success in the
1996s playoffs for the first time will be on
1998s the back of kilo he's a rookie hit scan
2000s player who's he's been good I don't
2002s think you can doubt his performance
2005s like yeah you're always going to get
2007s overshadowed by proper but he's not
2009s Jimmy level on the hit scan either but
2011s he is very good you look at the stats he
2013s is middling with some of these you know
2015s 10th in death so he's not you know
2016s staying alive for that long but he's
2018s high on eliminations and he's high on
2019s railgun kills he did get dipped by
2022s Edison in their most recent match if he
2024s steps up if he hits that mechanical Peak
2026s that the shock need him to get to then I
2028s think they do have the edge because the
2030s shock do not have the same level of
2032s coordination as if you'll see I I don't
2034s like I don't think about this thing I I
2036s don't understand why you could go with
2037s the San Francisco shock here so here's
2039s what I'll say all right on the table
2040s right here
2042s we got some maple syrup and last time we
2044s had maple syrup on the desk you know it
2045s was 2018. so I'm going to propose this
2047s to you I believe that Dallas fuel would
2050s win so bad that I'm willing to bet with
2051s you if the San Francisco shock wins I
2054s will chug that maple syrup but if the
2056s Dallas fuel win you gotta chug the maple
2059s syrup custard are you in or you can pour
2061s it on your chest two options
2063s whatever you guys want to do the truck
2065s you here on watchpoint
2068s it's not going to show up the same way
2071s the BET has been made it's official
2072s ladies and gentlemen someone clip it put
2074s it on the internet so we have it for the
2076s history books Johnny's feeling confident
2078s to kick off this weekend I'm loving this
2080s custom how you feeling I'm confident I'm
2082s confident I think Johnny is off the
2083s group I think he's recency biased out I
2085s don't think the Dallas fuel can
2086s replicate it well ladies and gentlemen
2088s if you don't like our experts picks or
2090s maybe you do and still think you're
2091s smarter I need to challenge you right
2093s now we need to get your picks right in
2096s the bracket Pick Em dot
2098s overwatchclick.com fill out your bracket
2100s do it right now for the summer Showdown
2102s you only got about 10 minutes left so
2104s get those picks in while you can and
2107s remember you can do it right now because
2108s you're not gonna miss much we're going
2110s to commercial break but hurry back cause
2112s when we come back we're breaking down
2114s the first battle of the summer Showdown
2116s it's gonna be Dallas versus Washington
2118s when we return
2134s foreign
2152s [Music]
2158s [Music]
2164s foreign
2201s foreign
2224s [Music]
2235s foreign
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2242s [Music]
2248s [Music]
2289s foreign
2295s foreign
2305s everybody our first match of the day is
2308s just a few moments away with the Dallas
2310s fuel taking on the Washington Justice to
2312s kick off our summer Showdown we got the
2315s top Squad Dallas and that was not uh
2317s something I'm used to here Johnny
2318s because in my first two seasons this
2321s Dallas Squad well let's just say their
2323s record wasn't always on the winning side
2325s of things well you know I'll take that
2326s personally the ultimate was cuss's fault
2329s but yeah they got rid of Costa that was
2332s the first step in the right direction
2334s and after that they proceeded to drop
2335s the other guys too all right it was a it
2338s was a rough first couple of years here
2339s uh pocket you know 32.4 win rate but
2342s then especially after 2020 uh the 2020
2345s season they got in brand new faces tons
2347s of talented players like Honda bin
2349s Sparkle DOA for example and since then
2352s David lights out last year they were one
2354s of the best teams in the west they made
2356s top three in the final playoffs and they
2357s won a state as well and they're looking
2359s to carry on that momentum this year as
2360s well so you know they're my favorites
2362s going into the stage bucket are they
2363s truly favorites though because a lot of
2366s people in the chat are saying it's still
2367s the shock right now where is the Dallas
2370s hype in your mind custa I I think it's
2372s completely fed there's always going to
2374s be Dallas and shock fans
2376s a week ago I know but they're both very
2379s passionate about their teams and they
2380s love to be the winning team so I think
2382s it could go either way neither of these
2384s teams have won a stage so far the
2385s Gladiators decided to knock themselves
2387s out of two and four so it could go
2389s either way I don't think you can lean if
2391s you're going from a purely analytical
2393s side you can't lean one way I like that
2395s sit on the fence as Nana was safe play
2397s we gotta talk about the underdogs in
2400s this matchup though that's gotta be the
2401s Washington Justice right everyone sees
2404s them as the lower seed coming in but
2406s What's it gonna take to upset the top
2408s dogs you know we always know Decay is
2410s gonna be big he's always going to be
2411s that Firepower for this roster but I
2413s want to look at some of the other
2414s players and I think assassin on that
2416s Genji has been one of those standout
2417s players Johnny you like this guy yeah I
2420s mean look he's had a few memes behind
2422s him you missed out on the whole
2423s Washington justice so I got but don't
2425s worry I'll give it to you during the
2426s break all right but for now all you need
2428s to know is assassin on the Genji he is
2431s the linchpin in my opinion here for the
2432s Washington Justice obviously the K they
2434s can pop off on the Sony Etc but Genji is
2436s crucial in this matter when you get the
2438s opponent players low to about 50 100
2441s Health that's when the Genji needs to
2442s dash in and finish off those kills so
2444s you can see here the hero damage is
2446s great for assassin he's third when it
2447s comes to dragonbate kills but he needs
2449s to get those funnel blows up and he
2450s needs to die last you know 17 that's not
2452s good another 17th on this Graphics
2454s what's going on guys all right but yes
2457s assassin if he is successful on this
2459s Genji he can be the player that really
2462s makes the difference for the Washington
2463s Justice 17th when it comes to the dust
2465s he doesn't
2467s but he makes his impact for help with
2469s that hero damage he's very pucket-like
2473s Freddy is super assassin fan uh Custer
2475s though if we're seeing assassin have
2477s success is he picking off supports DPS
2479s what is the role of the Genji who is the
2481s prime target right now right now the
2483s Genji he's kind of like that initiator
2484s because you have the junker Queen you
2486s can't jump in like a Winston wood as you
2488s would initially think so the Genji is
2490s really the person who is Dashing and
2491s choosing the Target and executing them
2493s so honestly whoever's low it's the
2495s Genji's job to go in and I think that's
2497s where the disconnect and the high deaths
2499s can come from the Washington Justice
2500s assassin's going in but he's not getting
2502s the follow-up looking at some of the
2503s stats here it seems that Dallas feel
2505s well they protect each other pretty well
2507s when the whole Squad is close together
2509s seems his hive mind is getting the job
2512s done so how is it working with the fuel
2514s in particular yeah it seems like the
2516s neural network of the Dallas fuel that
2518s we knew from 2021 that was in beta
2520s version it's in full-fledged activation
2522s at this point and their coordination and
2524s teamwork is unparalleled in the entire
2526s league right now that their ability to
2528s just do things at the same time use
2531s their ultimates perfectly and push and
2533s pull like you need to in a meta like
2535s this has just been absolutely incredible
2537s so for me the Dallas fuel are the
2539s favorites if they can play this way and
2541s have the same level of individual
2543s performance on top of it as well so the
2545s question becomes Ken Harbin lead this
2547s team to the success that they haven't
2549s seen so far this season who's in charge
2551s of cops here is it always the tanks now
2553s in The 5v5 Meta it goes back and forth I
2556s think you're always going to have your
2557s main support the Lucio and chiro is
2558s probably going to be making a lot of
2559s calls but your tank player he is at the
2561s front they are at the Forefront and
2563s hanbin has been known to be one of these
2565s biggest brains in the league one of the
2567s biggest brands and one of the best tanks
2569s according to Johnny I am fired up for
2571s the fuel Johnny any final words for the
2573s fuel fans who are desperate for a
2575s victory this weekend any final words for
2578s the Dallas fuel fans well you need
2579s Edison to pop off all right he had a
2581s monster performance against the San
2582s Francisco shock yesterday he claimed I
2584s am the best hits game player and it was
2586s truly Elite but what's that a one-off or
2589s are we going to see repeat performances
2590s you want to see Edison pop up for the
2592s Dallas fuel okay well I think I know the
2594s answer but let's make it official
2595s gentlemen it is time for our first
2598s prediction of the summer Showdown who
2601s are we going with Washington Justice
2602s Dallas fuel
2604s burning blue right yeah there's yeah
2608s easy peasy there it goes
2610s [Applause]
2611s yes sir wow no one else believes in
2614s London they just beat the defiant all
2616s right believe it the home crowd Toronto
2618s fans all I know is Danny Lim and I have
2620s the same picks we're equally smart and
2622s Johnny is in our level ladies and
2624s gentlemen what a great time we have in
2627s store for us today Toronto welcome back
2629s to Live Events I am fired up for this
2632s week and Scott any final words for the
2633s people at home oh man I'm just looking
2635s forward to seeing another land event
2636s it's a completely different environment
2638s players and teams step up at different
2640s levels when they get that will Toronto
2642s go off or will they go down stuck in
2644s front of them
2645s what do you have to base that off the
2648s crowd you guys are going to be great
2649s crowd keep cheering you guys are gonna
2651s be fantastic Make Some Noise cheer on
2653s your squad as they take the stage a
2655s little bit later but right now it's time
2657s to kick off the summer Showdown we've
2659s got Dallas versus Washington taking the
2661s stage
2663s [Music]
2672s fostered as soon as they're low the
2675s reaction time on Sparkle is insane the
2677s blade generation is gonna be cracked
2679s he's got is Sparkle getting the ace oh
2684s that's a big one but although he's
2686s leading the charge and he has a blade
2688s here so although brings the building
2690s down reinforcements are gonna be on the
2692s way trying to dodge in what a kill along
2694s the Spire that is absolutely ridiculous
2703s blade for proper nice deflect now look
2706s at him go like five kills just like that
2709s a blink of an eye quick team kill oh
2711s Samira is tossing in the front line a
2713s four-man Auntie Vancouver Titans are
2716s gonna wipe them off the map
2719s that is ungodly another one absolutely
2723s demolished
2732s with the summer Showdown qualifiers done
2736s and dusted we have eight of the very
2738s best teams in the western region of the
2740s OverWatch League converge here in
2741s Toronto at the mattamy athletic center
2743s in Toronto for the summer Showdown we're
2747s in Toronto by the way you know hey guys
2748s here with Matt Morello I'm just so
2750s excited to be here we'd be remiss of
2752s course if we didn't start off by
2753s thanking the city for hosting us what a
2756s beautiful place this is to be I want a
2758s great place to showcase the talents of
2760s our top teams in the western region
2761s Matthew yeah and it's going to be a
2763s different tournament than the ones in
2764s the past right where the Gladiators and
2766s the Atlanta Reign like those two teams
2768s have really been Staples like going deep
2769s into some of our events uh are not here
2771s do not qualify for this one so gonna get
2774s a new champion this weekend yeah a new
2775s minigame of course in this stage For
2777s Better or For Worse has given us a very
2779s big shake-up of teams in our top eight
2781s but there are still some rosters that
2784s remain at the top that's right we're
2785s talking about teams like the Dallas fuel
2787s like the San Francisco shock of course
2789s one of those is in this matchup today
2791s they'll be going up against the
2793s Washington Justice who sneak in its
2795s seventh year out you know after losing
2797s two of their last three games Dallas get
2799s the option to select the first team here
2801s and then make the choice they say they
2803s want to face the Justice yeah and their
2805s last match against the Outlaws was rough
2807s I mean that was a tough one to watch as
2810s the Justice Just got they got wrecked uh
2813s so not surprised to see the delos fuel
2815s look at that result uh you know
2817s Washington only winning one out of their
2819s last three here in the summer Showdown
2821s and saying we want that team first
2824s the team is surprised just though after
2826s a bit of a reshuffle but let's
2827s re-familiarize ourselves with this team
2829s ladies and Gentlemen let's give a good
2830s old-fashioned Toronto welcome to oh
2833s Washington Justice
2836s [Applause]
2839s and imagine a good old Toronto welcome
2842s is just cheering for everybody
2843s regardless of where they're from so the
2847s Justice they take the stage uh we know
2848s the roster by now right as uh I'm
2851s excited to see Decay playing on land
2853s right you get the K in there he's in
2854s there all the time now see how he plays
2856s I think the Difference Maker for this
2858s team kind of decides on you know how
2860s long this series goes is probably calios
2862s right yeah if calios can stay alive no
2865s but keep that aggressive playstyle uh
2868s they have the Firepower in terms of
2869s damage dealers to you know hang with the
2872s Dallas fuel uh if he is going to get
2874s picked off early though uh it's gonna be
2877s a fast right that's the question can
2879s Kelly always have that big impact he
2881s show he showed on Twitter he said I've
2882s got these big damage numbers I've got
2884s some stats to back my performance up
2885s still look at how long I'm alive exactly
2888s uh it's all about framing Matthew Decay
2890s though uh whichever way you frame it he
2892s is the number one in final blows on
2894s sojourn coming into week 19 to be this
2896s week and despite a pretty invisible
2899s showing in their last game assassin
2901s still is number two in hero damage
2903s number three in Dragon kills and also
2905s third with the highest time to charge
2907s that Dragon Blade so I would say that
2910s you know we saw a lot of suffering uh
2912s Against The Outlaws for this Washington
2913s Justice team the key pieces weren't
2916s working but I tell you who looks like a
2918s well-oiled machine it is uh their
2919s opponents today ladies and gentlemen
2921s Make some noise for the Dallas fuel
2928s I think the Dallas Shield just about fan
2930s favorites anywhere they go
2931s what's up you know we were all talking
2934s about the shark and their win streak and
2936s how good they looked uh in Dallas they
2939s wanted none of that they have looked
2940s fantastic so far in this meta Han bin
2944s has looked unbelievable on the junker
2945s Queen uh when you look at like Honda men
2948s and calios right caliosteo put down
2949s those big damage numbers right but does
2951s die quite often trying to be that
2953s aggressive Han bin that is not the case
2955s hanbin is number two in least deaths per
2958s ten not only having a huge and outsized
2961s impact in many of Dallas's team fights
2963s but also staying alive this is the team
2966s that obviously showed up at the kickoff
2968s clash in Dallas and were defeated in
2970s front of a home crowd and then had a
2972s pretty middling mid-season Madness
2974s Tournament they are lacking titles so
2977s far this year and they've come to
2978s Toronto to remedy that but with how good
2981s they played in the summer Showdown I
2982s think if you're the Dallas Fuel and even
2984s the San Francisco shark you will get a
2986s team like the Gladiators not here and an
2988s opportunity to make up some ground in
2989s terms of League points right because
2990s your overall season record is quite good
2992s and you look at this as a huge
2994s opportunity to you know secure some type
2996s of like playoff scene right or
2998s guaranteed slot
2999s exactly there's a lot to play for here
3002s again he's highlighted of course in the
3004s truck big shout out to pocket great to
3005s have him back on the show it feels like
3007s old days again but they point out
3008s obviously three League points up for
3010s grabs in winning this particular
3012s tournament that is a big deal there's a
3015s lot more than just Pride on the line
3016s here and especially in a matchup like
3018s this the justice what a punish the fuel
3021s for selecting them first it's definitely
3024s a statement by Dallas very clear that
3026s they wanted a match up they'd feel
3027s comfortable in and I'm gonna bring it
3029s back to what Scott said
3031s Honda rather Edison needs to have a big
3034s game he's up against Decay he needs to
3037s show that he is that Elite level hit
3039s scan player that he's already professed
3042s to be
3043s you can look and you're like how do the
3044s Justice possibly win a series like this
3047s right it's they're able to punish Harman
3050s a bit on the Jungle Queen for being that
3051s aggressive and Decay has a game like we
3054s know decay can have and Edison just
3056s cannot match it right uh where uh we
3059s actually canceled I believe it was a
3060s Dallas fuel against uh Toronto actually
3063s where hisu is really good early on in
3065s that series and definitely gave Dallas
3067s uh Buell some trouble uh that's on that
3069s like Dallas ends up winning 3-1 but it
3071s was like pretty close and competitive
3073s all throughout so you've already seen
3075s like another team kind of had a quote
3077s unquote like maybe it's not a blueprint
3078s to beat them but one to make it close
3080s it'll be ilios for the first map uh
3083s potentially even some ash play you can
3084s bring out if you're the Justice right if
3086s you want to train slow the pace down a
3087s little bit uh make it a little bit
3089s easier for Decay possibly no Force
3091s Edison to take those long range
3093s engagements so it's kind of your path to
3095s Victory I think if you're the Just Dance
3096s I don't know if there's like a clear-cut
3099s path just straight up playing the same
3101s exact stuff same exact way and just
3104s relying on I guess I'd be being better
3105s right I guess that's what you're kind of
3107s looking at assassins at times uh
3110s throughout the summer Showdown qualifies
3111s I was putting out some League best Genji
3113s performances right he looked really but
3115s he was looking really confident he was
3116s having a huge impact we know Edison
3119s likes to play The Ash he really likes to
3120s try and control Genji right hit him with
3123s the dynamite explosion yeah and make it
3125s very very hard for Genji to play
3126s aggressive as soon as he gets that tick
3128s damage and also The Upfront damage from
3129s the explosion he can't go forward
3130s anymore so keep an eye on Edison look
3132s out for him trying to prevent Genji
3135s Assassin from getting up close to his
3137s back line
3139s it'll be Lighthouse to kick us off here
3143s on ilios and uh you won't see any
3144s surprises in competitions from either of
3146s these teams I'd suggest
3148s as much as someone like fildo probably
3150s misses playing Indiana now is not the
3152s time
3153s and you see in week one uh that was the
3156s last time these teams met it was a 3-0
3158s for the Dallas fuel so already some
3161s experience of beating this team
3163s to see if they can do it again the
3165s Justice may be on a little bit of a
3166s slump as a Dallas fuel is sending so
3168s Edison will be on that Ash here probably
3169s no surprise that's something that dancer
3171s preferred they have that flexibility
3173s good early poke here from the Washington
3175s justice as assassin tries to threaten
3176s that he's forced to deflect essentially
3179s straight away commanding xiaomi in
3180s Denison can drop to the low ground here
3182s now most of his help pull intact but
3184s Decay strikes first it's Sparkle that
3186s goes down and assassins up and Fielder's
3188s Grill this is the justice that we need
3191s to see if they want to have success in
3192s this series
3193s so I mean look this is how you know that
3196s the Justice can win this series right
3197s Decay comes out get that first Blood
3199s you're not being punished after the
3201s dynamites come down and if you get that
3203s first pick advantage that allows calios
3206s to just YOLO just go right in just make
3208s a play right uh which that's the kind of
3210s style he wants to be essentially on the
3212s Jungle Queen he almost wants to act like
3213s a damage dealer right he wants to get in
3215s there really brawl it out
3217s something Houston did really well was
3219s like tuned in very quickly to what
3220s calios could do could say the same of uh
3223s fire even if they weren't ultimately
3225s successful in that series Geo needs to
3227s be careful here oh that's a royal gun
3228s from Decay man doesn't miss on land but
3231s assassins going down Sparkle's able to
3232s win the Genji Duel at the very least but
3234s the Justice already have 30 and counting
3236s in a 4v4 make it 4v3 decay will not be
3240s moved if you if you're Dallas and you
3243s think you can win this series just by
3245s like challenging Decay with your Lucio
3247s or just your Ash coming around the
3249s corner and taking those fights that is
3251s like the perfect series that Justice
3252s would have wanted the Justice would have
3254s said like yeah sure well like if that's
3256s gonna be our option and like one of the
3258s things on the table and another thing
3260s for us to potentially win like you'll
3261s take that match up every single day I
3263s mean Decay one of the best damage deals
3265s from the league still
3266s Edison playing the low ground here a
3268s little bit up close and personal the
3269s Bobby's launched it's gonna have to be a
3270s commanding shot here rally online the
3273s Justice overlay those support ultimates
3275s but Bob is going to be dispatched very
3276s prettier it's 66 and Counting for the
3278s justice and they look so good Edison is
3280s down but Harmon and Sparkle get back
3282s involved in the fight here with Decay
3283s and calios off the pitch the Dallas yeah
3287s the fuel are poised to flip this one
3288s back and so they do you still got 73
3291s here for the Justice the bad part is is
3293s you ended up investing both support
3295s ultimates so now it's shio we're going
3297s to have this sound barrier coming up for
3299s the Dallas fuel you figure they could
3300s chain a few fights together uh and maybe
3302s one that Justice would have uh like to
3304s have back yeah if you have a fight where
3307s you layer your support Ottomans and you
3309s lose that is absolutely crushing no
3311s sometimes it's acceptable right but I
3314s mean yeah losing there going all in on
3315s that fight right you use boost support
3317s all till you win that they wanted to win
3318s the round there yeah you're looking at
3320s 99 right now and this is just Dallas
3321s running to the point okay it's going to
3324s be a beat for Blaine surely oh she goes
3326s too slow Edison's already taken down an
3328s assassin seems far from done but Sparkle
3330s reciprocates a blade if his owner's
3332s gonna find his opposite number calios is
3333s looking worse for wedge you're a sparkle
3335s will convert and Dallas stay in the hot
3339s seat now at 45 and Counting they got
3341s fortunate though right that sound
3343s barrier doesn't connect that is in
3344s Assassin's able to get that first kill
3346s that's something you really don't want
3348s to see from the Dallas fuel but Sparkle
3350s answers back with a blade of his own and
3352s there's no support alt on the other side
3353s because they layered them the last fight
3354s so you see how that kind of still comes
3356s back to bite though how about this Han
3358s bin with the Rampage up kalios will try
3361s and poke through but it's more likely
3363s it's going to come up late in the fight
3364s that's about it here in the most
3366s important fight no key support ultimate
3368s on the board
3370s see how the Justice decide to play this
3372s do you just want to like go for the
3373s point I'm surprised Dallas is something
3375s a little bit more aggressive knowing
3376s that there's a lack of support ultimates
3378s great pressure from Han bin kalios is in
3381s trouble they need to keep him up
3382s otherwise it's a free fight win for the
3384s Dallas fuel harman's thinking about the
3386s Rampage but so far has been holding on
3387s to it the healing resources are getting
3389s attacked so heavily and calios goes
3391s first with the Rampage it's only gonna
3392s be half and hit here but opener needs to
3394s get his sound barrier up before he drops
3395s down in the nick of time he gets it four
3398s versus four now as the Run he comes out
3399s from field and we're playing around the
3401s point where the Justice have flipped it
3402s just in the nick of time as well as
3404s Dallas look like they're gonna try and
3406s coalesce a little bit before they try
3407s and engage Matt rally comes out from
3409s Krillin though the Justice want to clean
3410s them up I was going to say it's massive
3411s because you have this rally you're
3413s trying to close the gap it's going to be
3414s Bob that comes out though big Dynamite
3415s connection as well but it's Dallas to
3417s take far more poke damage here and
3418s Bobby's being circumvented mostly by the
3420s Justice who move off the point they're
3422s playing in the cage here he comes the
3424s overclock from Decay turning in the
3425s Round Here and Now Sparkle seen better
3427s days he's trying to get to the point
3428s half it's the only one to find an
3430s elimination so far Decay is a fully
3432s charged railing he's not afraid to use
3434s it Harmon is very very low and he's
3436s brought down in the Washington Justice I
3437s gotta get rid of Fielder and they're
3439s gonna take the first round here on Elios
3441s quite the statement from the Underdog
3443s team
3446s that's about about as bad as the worst
3449s start you can get for Dallas uh I mean
3451s we talked and I mean Costa kind of
3453s highlighted as well like how would the
3454s Justice see a path to Victory it's
3457s exactly how we just saw that round one
3459s play out uh if you do not punish Decay
3462s and you allow him to get these free
3463s shots and sight lines he's gonna hit
3466s those shots uh you know one of one of
3468s the best aimers in the league and if you
3470s can't punish him whether it's with Chio
3472s and Sparkle whether it's Edison playing
3474s maybe some ash at range uh it's gonna be
3477s a really tough series for the fuel
3480s how impactful is Edison in that round
3482s Matt seems like he doesn't often have
3483s enough space
3484s to get much done no not really and maybe
3487s it's just that way that map is kind of
3489s laid out for the ash right it's like not
3491s really the the spot said the Justice are
3493s taking these fights is not the effective
3495s range of like ash it's really like a
3496s little bit too close for comfort or
3498s maybe a point here like well it's a
3500s little bit easier to get that use out of
3502s the ash
3504s Edison making no switch here big
3507s Dynamite connect there is Decay and
3509s kaliosa taking the tick damage with the
3511s Justice are the ones that try and take
3513s the game into their own hands they set
3514s the pace once more here at the start of
3515s well and Dallas team are all too happy
3518s to give them the space they attemptually
3520s even give them the early cap
3523s oh no
3525s but you also saw that second Dynamite
3527s right Edison just throws around the
3528s corner it goes for nothing as they're
3530s trying to wrap the justices get
3532s aggressive and they just push on in uh
3534s where that's where you get much better
3536s value out of the sojourn right the
3537s sojourn can help for all a little bit in
3539s that closer range with this SMG
3541s [Music]
3544s definitely get a sense that Dallas are
3546s unprepared for how aggressive the
3548s Justice want to play but it's well
3549s documented Matt that the Justice Take
3552s This approach especially with a tank
3554s like calios on their team they always
3555s want to go forward
3557s and Edison is playing a Less Mobile
3558s long-range hero one that does worse when
3561s that space is taken away at one point if
3564s you're the Dallas field do you decide
3565s hey you know what we're not able to
3567s punish their aggressive play sale with
3569s this ash in the fashion we think we can
3571s do we just switch to the sojourn as well
3583s that void himself but unfortunately
3586s it won't quite be enough still the
3588s Justice had to be pleased this early
3589s campaign for the Nets 55 56 percent
3593s back to the fuel now as they gain
3594s control
3596s so still pretty good percentage here for
3599s the Washington Justice this is a
3600s difficult point to kind of take back you
3602s got sound barrier V sound barrier I
3604s think a little slight Advantage towards
3606s Krillin here with the rally
3608s see what the Justice decide to invest
3610s into this fight we saw that you know
3611s they ended up doing that double support
3613s ultimate in the last round and didn't
3615s really work out able to win The Round In
3617s the End uh did they try and maybe bait
3618s out some support ultimates here you kind
3620s of lose this fight give it up and then
3622s come back with an advantage in the next
3623s one
3624s 25 and counting but Sparkle takes a bit
3627s of a licking in the neutral here he's
3629s playing a little far away from the rest
3630s of his team but he's hoping for a blade
3632s while he's in Behind Enemy Lions now it
3634s is pressure on Edison commanding shot
3636s had to be used in that sound barrier
3637s who's going to come out preemptively
3638s here and the rally if you'll need to win
3640s this fight but assassin's gonna go in
3641s with the blade gets forced away looks
3643s like he was whip shot upwards here but
3645s he's able to get into the cookie jar
3646s anyway Harvard and Sparkle both fall and
3649s the Justice once more overrun the fuel
3652s all right
3653s yes I mean look at that Edison pushed so
3655s far back can't really contribute in that
3657s fight
3658s uh he's gonna die here at the end and
3660s now you're gonna have to wait out
3662s probably get 10 for free off of this
3664s kill right uh you have a rampage coming
3666s through the choke
3668s Decay with the overclock with how good
3669s he has been is man this is a it's
3671s looking like a map that the Washington
3672s Justice could steal
3675s not the foot the fuel want to start on
3677s here
3678s oh not at all
3679s Bob for Edison but does he have a chance
3682s to use it who's going to heal the guy
3683s Fielder gives him a pack
3684s patches him up
3688s now whenever for the fuel those the
3690s Justice get tantalizing and close and
3692s calios is going to have that first
3693s Rampage up he's looking to line it up
3695s too Decay was focused by Bob for a time
3698s there so he's forced to play inside the
3699s low room but he still has plenty of
3700s targets Rampage catches four though that
3703s might be the answer and calio's full
3705s blow top lead damage and Han been
3708s showing why he is considered the best in
3711s the league on the queen yeah there's
3713s just not enough healing to heal through
3714s all of that right so much just damage
3716s coming down overall from the team and
3718s then the ticking damage the anti-hill
3719s from the Rampage just now passed for for
3722s the Justice to stay alive they come back
3724s with a rampage of their own uh where you
3726s looked at this tank matchup and who was
3728s going to get the better so far Han been
3730s on this round has given the Dallas fuel
3732s a chance uh Ken calios kind of slammed
3735s the door here on map number one in favor
3737s of the Justice you know a good Rampage
3738s probably does it conchio redirect kalios
3741s mid-rampage that's the question it's one
3743s of the only ways you can explain yeah he
3745s is really wrapping around okay he runs
3747s at the back what a flank I've been a
3749s medicine both dating healed right now
3751s but the follow-up it's not really there
3753s okay field of drugs but it's gonna be a
3755s trainer Brinks and Sparkle finds his way
3756s into Decay calios is very healthy right
3758s now when Heineman is just trying to stay
3760s alive for as long as possible eventually
3762s he too must succumb 98 99 for the fuel
3765s filter needs to have this rally on board
3767s he needs to get back to the fight can
3768s Edison get away his fight is sealed by
3771s assassin the blade is sharp and so is
3774s the Witch of the one wielding it
3777s trying to Stave him off even assassin
3779s gets a commanding shot Fielder going to
3780s be returning you with the rally but he's
3781s under pressure it's a doomfist for
3782s harming already down to half and fielder
3785s he's gonna back him up for now Dallas
3786s can get their players back in position
3788s if Chio could find a sound barriers
3790s could be big he'll have to use it pretty
3791s quickly though now and here it is four
3793s players benefit from the sound barrier
3794s now and Harvard is on the hunt looking
3796s to try and pressure Decay down does he
3798s have enough damage he's the follow-up
3799s there decay's able to get away just as
3801s Krillin pops a rolling at home and is
3803s the first casualty in this fight it's a
3804s 4v5 but calios it will also fall three
3807s players left for Dallas it's a
3809s desperation blade from Sparkle but the
3811s connection just isn't there he's trying
3813s to hunt but Decay brings him down unreal
3815s from decay
3817s that's a map one for the Washington
3819s Justice just like they drew it up man
3822s and uh we got Cali as his face on a
3824s monitor here and as soon as uh Decay
3826s hits those three shots he's clapping his
3828s hands it must be fun to play with that
3830s guy is you know if this is gonna be a
3833s really brutal series for the Dallas fuel
3836s if they don't make some adjustments
3837s because you know decay's shooting like
3839s that in in kind of that head to head
3842s against Edison it's gonna be tough man
3844s you're gonna have to figure out a way to
3845s slow him down
3847s you're getting a little bit more than
3848s they bargained for here at the Madame
3850s athletic Center in Toronto stick around
3852s everybody it's a first to threes much
3854s more OverWatch to be played in this
3856s series
3866s [Music]
3883s foreign
3886s [Music]
3905s [Music]
3918s thank you
3954s me me
3965s [Music]
3974s [Music]
3987s foreign
4021s [Music]
4035s thank you
4039s [Music]
4048s [Music]
4056s [Music]
4066s foreign
4097s [Music]
4111s Wheels ready with a rampage here
4121s experts pundits fans all were pretty
4125s unanimous on the likelihood of the
4128s Dallas fuel looking the better team in
4130s this series but after map one that is
4133s not the case Matthew the Washington
4134s Justice come out of the gates and boy
4137s they're swinging for the fence it's a
4139s scary team to pick because some days
4142s they look like this some days they look
4144s like they can't win them out uh it is
4146s just
4147s it's a really like Feast of Hammond with
4150s the Justice today though especially here
4152s on land in the venue right
4155s it seems like they're bringing it uh and
4157s with a team that's like hot and cold
4158s like that
4159s kind of think that in this type of
4161s environment there's a better chance
4162s they're gonna be hot then cold right you
4165s kind of have the crowd to feed off of
4166s you're you know in person with the other
4168s teams in the league and whatnot so you
4171s think there's a little bit of a an
4173s increase in performance uh which Dallas
4176s is definitely aware of now uh probably a
4180s bit surprised I would say
4182s wouldn't be the first time that the fuel
4184s have had to spend some time warming up
4187s when they get to Stage again can always
4189s be a little intimidating being the first
4191s team up and also when you're expected to
4193s win it comes with some added pressure
4195s Paraiso is going to be the second map of
4197s this series selected of course by the
4199s Dallas fuel who were felled in map
4202s number one you see you're too nice uh
4204s they know a little bit of pressure being
4207s the first team to play on the weekend
4209s like I mean come on now like they they
4211s played in so many events this team has
4213s been so good they play it in high
4214s pressure situations before
4217s being the first team to play against the
4219s team that you selected out of any team
4221s is possible
4221s [Music]
4223s I mean I it's a tough sell on nerves for
4225s me
4226s hard man to please Mr Morello uh again
4231s more than just a grain of Truth in that
4233s statement there's a reason why you
4234s select a team like the Justice because
4235s you expect to absolutely wipe the floor
4237s with them now this map was where the few
4239s were able to Showcase a very strong
4242s performance against the shock one in
4244s which they're able to shut down proper
4246s the player who did that primarily though
4248s was Edison a player who struggled to
4251s find his footing on Elios
4254s yeah and it's interesting like the sight
4255s lines here are quite large so maybe the
4258s ash you get better use out of but I
4261s don't think the Justice are too scared
4262s about that uh you see kind of all-time
4264s hybrid Maps uh the fuel pretty good
4267s against the Justice uh I think we're in
4270s a completely different era of OverWatch
4272s so I don't know like how you can kind of
4273s like correlate that to current possible
4276s success uh
4278s uh but if you're the Justice I don't
4279s change anything up I keep playing the
4281s sojourn you clearly were able to kind of
4284s neutralize Edison's effect on the Ash
4286s and until they prove they can
4289s consistently beat this I don't think
4290s about changing anything in my style play
4293s looks like they got the same idea the
4295s fuel also for some reason also no
4299s thought to change up they still want
4301s Edison on the ash
4303s some of the sight lines here are a
4304s little bit difficult to to work with as
4306s attackers
4307s so Edison will have to deal with people
4309s in his face as they make their way
4310s towards the underpass yeah I mean look
4311s at where the Justice are playing from
4312s they're not getting any sight lines to
4314s Edison to just get some free shots from
4316s everybody playing around the cover here
4318s the Genji difficult to shoot they want
4320s him to walk into this shock and play at
4322s Close Quarters with like what Ash wants
4323s to fight in this range like none of them
4326s yeah and Edison's job is to control
4328s assassin who just drops off the edge uh
4331s that Dynamite explosion comes a little
4332s bit too late that might come back to
4333s bite him yep she would have taken down
4335s by kalios Chio having to back away here
4338s and sparkles pretty deep he has to dash
4340s back to his team it doesn't seem like a
4342s major thing but like you mentioned uh
4344s the dynamite when he goes to shooting he
4346s like misses like that initial where it
4348s probably would have hit everybody I
4349s think I've only connected with one
4350s target uh as the K and Co finding some
4353s picks here towards the end that's huge
4355s because you may have had a window for
4357s Dallas there if you stayed alive with
4358s Edison where they would have had no
4360s Krillin in this fight but now you're
4362s gonna have both teams at full strength
4365s if you're able to get through the first
4367s choke that means that Edison can now set
4369s up towards a high ground it's where he
4371s not just wants to be but also where he
4373s really does need to be here there will
4375s be aggression from assassin one way or
4377s another play grouped up here's the
4379s commanding shout from hanbin
4382s keep an eye to Kate trying to stay
4384s around that corner as he can it was a
4385s good Dynamite connection is putting some
4386s pressure down plus the bleed from hanbin
4389s but assassin will have a blade on board
4391s before Chio can beat
4393s and the Justice just playing this so
4395s patiently I love the way they're playing
4397s this they don't need to be the aggressor
4398s here now they go in with the blade no
4400s sound barrier
4403s is brought to his knees awful quick
4406s Sparkle gets away with this I won't
4408s believe it
4410s somehow he has evaded death we cannot
4412s say the same for the back line and no
4414s one is there to get Addison out of
4415s trouble this is over two minutes of the
4417s Dallas skills attacking time bank God I
4419s was going to say this clock is going to
4421s start to dwindle fast as you now look
4424s for Dallas you're how do you go about
4426s breaking this sparkle get a bleed
4428s eventually but you're gonna have both of
4429s these support ultimates so Edison's
4431s gonna have the bar maybe the Bob and an
4433s off angle makes a play but you really
4436s like you know you're banking on maybe
4438s the Rampage when that comes up
4441s trying to rely on something that can't
4442s pass the Turing test to win the round
4444s for you Matt not a great idea this
4447s decent uh Rampage connection there from
4448s Kelly oh it's just two of it I'll be
4450s enough to put some pressure down to
4451s force the sound barrier here from Chio
4453s Decay back it up here it is this gets
4455s scary now calios might be down but Spike
4458s was dangling himself right into Kate's
4459s crosshairs and he'll get the body shot
4461s for opening to finish the kill the 4v4
4463s now but no junker queen means adjusters
4465s don't have the space but Edison Falls to
4467s a head shot from Decay oh the fuel are
4469s lucky that harman's able to move it and
4471s take that space up a close fight but
4473s Dallas oil get the card unlocked yeah
4476s charge Decay down still able to get one
4478s in the process a kill on Edison woof
4481s pretty good hold all things included
4483s there for the justice so that'll be
4485s point a taken here by the Dallas fuel
4488s three minutes and change here in the
4490s time bank I like this decision from the
4492s Justice play close you win a fight here
4494s you get some ultimates out you still
4495s have like two three fights possibly
4498s remaining
4500s Edison uncomfortable seems to be the
4503s game plan for the justice
4505s don't give him that room to work
4507s so far assassin's been able to get up
4509s nice and close
4511s you play close here it also makes it
4513s difficult for the ash right you're not
4515s giving the ash like you know roof sight
4516s lines and whatnot right here no sound
4519s barrier for opener that's already been
4520s expanded so Spike was able to catch
4522s Decay as he heads upstairs a little bit
4524s of extra damage goes a long way here and
4526s you have a trolling as low as he is
4528s you'd think that you'll be able to push
4529s up I haven't been can he access these
4531s targets eventually Edison putting in the
4533s work from the back line is able to clear
4535s the chap the remains of the Justice
4537s formation in Dallas with two in a row
4539s finally building some momentum the
4541s Justice almost got exactly what they
4542s wanted they are like the blade comes in
4544s the ashes are training some of those
4545s kills like it doesn't get both support
4547s alt if you would have been able to keep
4548s calios alive I think Han bins
4550s potentially forced to use the Rampage
4551s which that's what he want to get both of
4553s those ultimates out they end up being
4555s able to hold on to the Rampage which is
4556s fortunate for the Dallas fuel Bob looks
4558s pretty scary in this cul-de-sac Matthew
4560s pretty hard to contest if Edison can get
4562s that ultimate off with nice positioning
4564s Decay will have to focus all his
4566s attention on burning Bob down
4568s Harmon would love some tick healing
4570s right now from some from bleed damage
4571s somewhere but okay Bob actually comes
4574s out with very minimal Fanfare as the
4575s field already push behind it they just
4577s let him go they get some free progress
4579s to be sure it is the Rampage assassins
4582s always able to water for the time being
4583s and the sound barrier is just the right
4585s timing from opener to keep the Justice
4587s healthy enough they lose a Lucio but
4589s have been forced to his death now and
4591s it's a sound barrier for the Dallas fuel
4592s on four players the hope is that Fielder
4594s can build his rally during this process
4596s and can use it later on Dallas
4598s definitely favored here starting to find
4600s a bit of Rhythm bit of GrooVe and
4602s they're down to party in this last phase
4604s of the map I was gonna say you don't
4605s even need the rally there from Fielder
4607s that'll be the second checkpoint so the
4610s Justice get two fights they don't really
4612s put up uh you know a great showing there
4614s on the defensive stand in this part of
4616s the map uh still an opportunity to hold
4619s the Dallas Hill from completion this can
4621s be pretty difficult to kind of contest
4623s this High Ground
4624s old economy not great for the Justice
4626s though Matt they've really yeah burnt
4628s through those support ultimates calios
4631s you only have a good chance to use that
4632s Rampage and that's an opener nice job
4634s Edison pretty robust Dynamite connection
4637s and another one that seems to be backing
4639s the Justice up somewhat
4642s you'll have to drop to the whole ground
4643s for the low ground for a Time excuse me
4645s but
4646s the Justice can't really play
4647s aggressively they can't play the way
4649s they did on ilios that one kill gives
4651s them so much space I mean look at how
4653s far they're moving this car they each
4655s got one corner to get around uh you
4657s gotta worry about calios for this
4659s Rampage though and this close quarter
4661s scenario strike through the corridor
4662s could be absolutely devastating
4664s good shut down the rally here as well
4666s calio's always so low before the Rampage
4668s even comes in but it's a nice connection
4671s to Thomas just let this one go through
4672s to the king but no they get rid of
4674s calios they can heal themselves back up
4675s where was the follow-up for the
4677s Washington Justice there man hey it's
4679s been nowhere to be found at all the map
4681s along as Sparkle in the spawn with a
4683s blade this is what we thought we would
4685s see from the Dallas fuel they're
4686s doubling down
4688s for booth which
4690s winner won't get those support ultimates
4692s up in time to stop the fuel here they
4694s come once more as calio's dropping down
4696s but he's already been picked up Bob was
4697s deployed to the point but Decay from low
4699s oh my will you not be serious Decay
4702s three to try and save the day for the
4705s justice and chio's gonna afford him as
4707s well this man is unhinged
4712s well that's one way to get follow-up uh
4715s Decay just goes on a flank and kills
4717s everybody as uh man that is a potential
4722s map completion saving those type of
4725s fights also are so draining probably
4726s emotionally for the Dallas fuel you
4728s think you have it in the bag all of a
4729s sudden one player on the opposing team
4731s goes on a flank gets three kills I mean
4733s that is tough
4734s what a way to knock the wind
4737s of the Dallas fuel sails just as they're
4739s about to win the round okay Sparkle
4741s opens up the account though it's in the
4743s positive to start with Assassin's hoping
4744s to chase but Sparkle had a sixth sense
4746s about it he dashes back to the rest of
4747s his team to benefit from that Inspire
4749s proc but assassin will be looking for
4751s the blade he'll wake this sound better
4752s out if he possibly can but it's time to
4753s go pressure on Edison here getting coach
4755s gun again to your way he can but
4757s assassin has a dash he thinks twice
4759s about using it though his spark has
4760s already been picked up three plays from
4762s the Justice playing around the card
4763s right now they know they don't need to
4765s push up and field is stuck in the corner
4767s Anderson finds calios with the fuel line
4770s confident they don't have the players
4771s and they don't have the time they have
4773s to make something happen here and it
4774s will be cheer to step up trying to save
4776s Decay away but you better get up early
4777s in the morning if you want to put the
4779s hurt on this man
4780s what a stop for the Washington Justice
4782s just doesn't look like the fuel we're
4784s gonna finish with over 30 seconds at
4786s least oh yeah you know we were getting
4787s to a point where it's oh okay this is
4789s the Dallas fuel we expected no they're
4792s rolling through the second part of the
4794s map here they go the Justice are giving
4796s up a lot of map here at the end kalios
4799s going out dying early and then the cage
4803s just does stuff that he can do uh goes
4806s on a flank and he's ended up killing
4808s three players takes all of the momentum
4810s out of everything that also were
4812s building and they're not able to
4813s complete uh and now you have a clear
4815s path to Victory if you're the justices
4818s oh man I mean although I will say how
4822s many times can you rely on him to
4823s reliably do that throughout the series
4825s uh the fight after that gets really
4828s scary because calios basically goes up
4830s the stairs and says hey please kill me
4831s and they get rid of him right away he
4833s released me from this Mortal coil
4835s and they are able to like stall long
4838s enough for Decay to come back all right
4839s so let's take a look at this no alt here
4840s there's no information right now
4843s the information he has is if I don't
4845s kill everybody we lose so that's good
4847s enough that is that shot is just stupid
4852s I mean that is so sick
4856s I'm sorry you got four of the five
4858s players there you're watching the kind
4859s of play that it kind of Breaks the Rules
4862s of Engagement at times in this game we
4864s talked a little bit about like at the
4865s beginning of the season five on five
4867s where individual players can have way
4868s more of an impact uh that is what having
4871s way more of an impact looks like uh
4873s being able to make the play like that
4877s with that said the Washington Justice
4879s still haven't
4880s a precipitous
4882s literally
4884s they've already circumvented the truck
4885s look at the speed oh my goodness they
4887s just go Decay gets caught by the jacket
4889s blank though he's young back for the
4890s time being so he's trying to fight and
4892s reposition at the same time so far those
4894s so good he's working his sideline well
4896s misses that railgun but still that's a
4899s threat though yeah they pressured off
4900s the point and the thread of that one
4902s shot of them coming around the corner
4903s and makes it very difficult to advance
4905s Sparkle goes in they've got to make a
4907s play Dallas they've got to get the
4908s Justice off the point force back his
4910s sparkly sees assassin in his own
4912s backline but he can't do anything about
4913s it krillin's still able to find field of
4915s a Cheetos there stays off the enemy Brig
4917s no inspired healing on the field right
4918s now but no healers for Dallas humping
4920s tries to Stand Tall but the car was
4922s already picked up what Dallas gave way
4925s too much crown of the Justice there and
4926s let it slip away oh man
4930s say it I I see you I see people in the
4932s crowd they're uh their their their hands
4935s on their heads just oh man is this is
4937s this gonna happen again it's uh Dallas
4939s just giving it up there on point a
4941s it's a five minutes plus get this car
4944s moving I think you saw the effect of
4945s sojourn there right like the disrupter
4947s shot makes it difficult to go through
4948s the choke you don't want to get one shot
4949s by the K coming through uh just a little
4952s bit more passive than what were you
4953s seeing from Dallas they're not able to
4955s advance
4957s actually give it a lot of ground here as
4959s well but Spock was able to pick Krillin
4960s off I think he took a bit of poke damage
4963s very different stylistic approaches
4966s between these teams right now you can
4967s see how they manifest on attack and
4969s defense sides of this map specifically
4972s Dallas man oh they gave so much room to
4974s the Justice you are giving this team
4976s amen you need a really good hold here
4979s because your end of the map gets scary
4981s with some of those sight lines uh with
4984s the sojourn where you could see a world
4986s in which Decay gets some kills again I
4988s mean Anderson was just
4991s man walking when that blade got drawn
4993s still the spike was able to get anyone
4995s towards calios that's huge he still has
4996s a blade to spend and chigo's coming up
4998s on that sound barrier never mind never
5000s mind open a picks him up and the fuel
5002s are still able to punish
5004s suit two fights in a row in this part of
5006s the map you are starting to believe that
5008s big old time bank down and now you have
5011s your blade here for the Dallas fuel you
5012s have both support ultimate it's now
5014s you're certainly you know a mass like an
5016s ultimate bank here to be able to use
5018s them look at this they sit right on top
5019s of the Justice spawn the bricks are just
5021s going out and Hammer and Tom's a wet
5023s noodle fighting Sparkle breaks up the
5024s gentleman's duel excuse me Krillin gets
5027s taken down something sharper than a
5029s Destructor disk came his way and Sparkle
5031s finds two kills I kind of like the
5033s decision by the justice so just not
5035s decide not to really fight that and
5037s don't use the sound barrier there hold
5039s on to it because that is effectively a
5041s loss fight at that moment so you hold on
5044s to that to fight another day so we'll
5046s see what they decide to do okay we're
5048s rapping all the way around all right
5052s so we never see it you can actually go
5054s all the way around this building and go
5055s around but I don't want to play from the
5057s low ground the Justice I think they
5058s really want to get decaying position to
5059s do just this is the overall
5062s call ground but the sound barrier is
5063s going to make it harder to cut through
5064s these Health pools Edison needs to get
5067s some work done Sparkle in for the diver
5069s decays taken down lovely little Rampage
5071s gets the two most important targets
5073s Decay and kalios just bleed out
5076s now you're starting to get rolling if
5078s you're the Dallas you've got two minutes
5081s two minutes shaved off the clock already
5083s a lot of ultimates being used here by
5086s the Justice just to try and get out of
5088s their spawn and you can play from this
5090s high ground like what do you even do
5091s with a rampage here like you're like
5093s that's really difficult to get any type
5095s of value with it so when you're full
5096s Supply from the low ground like this
5097s yeah I mean where is he gonna go I mean
5100s you can try and get to the cart and
5101s start moving it I like this oh and like
5103s there's a lot back here
5104s you freaky with the Rampage Sparkle yeah
5106s nowhere to go there great Carnage
5108s connection from calios
5112s it was actually a nice it was like
5114s almost like a predictive Rampage like
5115s they came around the corner they played
5117s from the cart as soon as he saw Sparkle
5118s there he assumed that enough damage was
5120s gonna go down on Sparkle that
5122s everybody's gonna come to help and he
5123s just pops it straight away with just
5125s seeing one player where uh maybe you
5127s feel that one player that's enough to
5129s start moving the cardigan where uh they
5132s still have to get another fight to go
5133s their wave to probably take the second
5135s checkpoint
5136s cheer down whoa blown up
5139s not great for the fuel here we're gonna
5141s have to give this ground especially that
5142s disruptor shot on the doorway do you do
5144s you invest rally here for the Dallas
5146s you'll try and hold it here probably the
5149s time increase for the justice is scary
5151s man sets you up so bad though if you
5152s lose this fight they're going for it
5154s assassin coming with the blade here what
5156s can he make happen again Edison's his
5157s first Target but Sparkle shuts him down
5159s he gets in between assassin and his
5161s intended target if field is able to find
5163s the bomb called Krillin sends it
5164s backwards and sparkles blade may not be
5166s necessary because he gets a dummy
5168s old-fashioned way in the Justice are
5170s just short of that second checkpoint and
5173s their fortunate right you if you lose
5175s that fight you're in a terrible spot
5179s with some amount of time going into this
5180s last part of the map you're still in not
5182s really a great position because you have
5184s the the beat plus rally to be able to
5186s use like offensively here against
5187s nothing you're thinking how much the
5190s game right now is about sustain uh
5193s having those two ultimates is just it's
5196s so difficult to burn through you're
5197s gonna have to get an early pick off if
5198s anything
5200s Justice have been feeling the hurt of
5202s the uh topographical disadvantages
5205s they're forced to play from oh Bob
5208s 's Chuck good Lord tell us able to get
5210s out of the way adjustments another nice
5211s Dynamite connection did Bob just you
5214s know what we'll just leave that
5216s yeah don't worry about it
5219s Bob has his own thoughts yes he can do
5221s what he wants uh could have potentially
5222s been like boobed or displaced when he
5225s was running and didn't really get a
5226s chance to see but uh
5229s that's great for Dallas that buys them
5231s some time here at least gonna have sound
5233s barrier here no no threat of blade on
5236s the other side uh so this is looking
5238s like Dallas you know after Decay you
5240s kind of had some heroics late could
5242s actually battle back and take this map
5244s Sparkle thinking about it oh he's
5247s thinking about it
5249s double support ultimates here for the
5250s Justice Decay verging on a key ultimate
5252s for this fight
5254s here's the blade into the rallies Buckle
5255s weights his time oh the dynamite
5257s connection he's hoping to follow up on
5258s that they don't beat they catch
5260s assassins where's the beat both teams
5263s hold on to their beats over they're
5264s gonna use it now on a plane
5265s disadvantages could be devastating
5266s Dallas reciprocate both teams with sound
5269s barriers now and Harvard's getting close
5270s to a rampage look out for that but it's
5272s okay oh it's always decay two headshots
5276s with the overclock in hanbin burned to a
5278s crisp in front of him now spark we're
5281s trying to get to the cable the damage is
5283s already done
5284s this man has already put your team to
5286s bed
5287s that is just unreal the Justice again
5290s kept Alive by decay
5293s the the Beat from opener comes out so
5296s late they don't save assassin maybe they
5299s want it to try and match like cheers
5300s they don't want to use it and then have
5302s Dallas like you know disengage and go
5304s around the corner and then have that
5306s Advantage so maybe they feel like they
5307s need to use it uh at an opportune time
5309s that it is last fight territory
5312s but oh
5314s is he just gonna like win them the game
5316s like is that like just kind of like
5318s we're talking about all these individual
5320s fights but really it just kind of
5321s sounded Decay just going bonkers just
5323s winning the map oh I'll see your
5325s OverWatch analysis and I'll race you
5327s yeah
5328s the one-man Army himself yeah
5331s I just want to go aggressively Matt not
5333s sure why it doesn't work out
5335s okay that's classy little 180 I see you
5338s yeah you can put together a pretty fast
5341s uh analytical breakdown of the series
5343s thus far uh put to case POV on and
5346s throws some like you know Modern Warfare
5348s to the Techno dubstep music for like a
5350s month yeah
5353s unfair and that's pretty much your video
5355s right now is 27 seconds left Rampage
5358s available sound barrier here in blade
5361s for the Justice they are in Prime
5363s position to take this one fight to rule
5366s them all here Decay charged up with a
5368s big railgun and the fuel go aggressive
5369s early they don't find what they were
5370s looking for though when openers able to
5371s use that sound barrier here assassins
5373s played his drawn what can he find
5376s oh not a whole lot there but Decay again
5378s delivers assassin forced to use most of
5381s the blade defending himself but it's a
5382s player Advantage here for the justice
5383s for the next few moments assassin
5385s reaches Decay over clocks Edison able to
5387s stay alive but just on The High Ground
5389s it's still to brought down by calios
5390s Decay goes upstairs he says beat me up
5393s Scotty we've got a Galaxy to conquer
5395s over time now it's hard been trying to
5397s keep things going on just the doofus
5399s Toyota trying to touch desperately is
5401s gonna be forced away and the Washington
5403s Justice have two in a row they've got to
5406s be kidding
5408s if somebody gets in my ear and asks who
5410s or my pick for player of the matches
5413s the game is going bonkers here in our
5418s first two maps comes down to the wire
5420s there on point B ends up just taking out
5423s three players Dallas almost with an
5425s opportunity to steal the deal on the map
5426s he ends up going on a flying kill in
5428s four uh I mean if Dallas doesn't come up
5432s with an answer soon this could easily be
5434s a Justice 3-0 back up
5436s Brink's truck for the Washington Justice
5438s and Decay ladies and gentlemen that's
5440s 2-0 in this series looking to
5442s potentially sweep the Dallas fuel in our
5444s opener here in Toronto unreal scenes
5447s don't go anywhere
5451s [Music]
5457s [Music]
5493s thank you
5496s foreign
5502s [Music]
5518s [Music]
5545s foreign
5567s [Music]
5585s foreign
5614s foreign
5633s [Music]
5644s foreign
5676s [Music]
5682s foreign
5686s [Music]
5694s [Music]
5722s the summer sawdown legendary skin is
5726s file on your face happy Genji is on sale
5728s now for just 200 League tokens through
5731s September the 6th I swear I've seen this
5733s in Animal Crossing
5734s I swear yeah it's like an outfit Animal
5736s Crossing you know what probably happened
5738s before the series as assassin was like
5740s looking at this Genji skin and how
5741s awesome it was and I was like man it
5743s would be dope to see that in the Justice
5744s cars and Decay was like don't worry I
5747s got you fan yeah you might be right
5750s I'm looking forward to uh jumping in and
5753s getting that one but what a series we
5756s have seen so far I mean quite the
5758s timeline really if you go back Dallas
5759s fuel selecting the Washington justice as
5761s their first opponent and honor that they
5763s are uh that is rendered unto them for
5765s being the number one team sometimes
5767s sometimes
5770s you get God I mean so far they're
5772s getting got real good so what's
5774s interesting is is the next map for
5775s escort uh Dallas obviously sucks again
5777s they go Circle Royale so it seems like
5780s they're trying to force these like more
5782s longer range sight line Maps where uh
5786s Edison can play The Ash which is
5788s interesting because when we uh cast in
5791s Dallas Toronto he's who is running the
5793s ash Edison was running the sojourn
5795s Dallas was not able to break it then
5796s they switched and they look great yeah I
5798s wonder if uh sometimes like Fighters
5800s fall in love with like you know the
5801s stand-up right where maybe that's not
5803s your game I wonder if they kind of fell
5804s in love with like hey we can play this
5806s long range like it's more easy to punish
5808s right with the dynamites uh and just
5811s kind of moved away from the bread and
5813s butter right where you can go back and
5814s play the sojourn because you think about
5816s Circle Royale yeah the sight lines are
5818s great for the ash right but we see loads
5819s team spawn camp with the sojourn right
5821s play really close aggressive like take
5823s these fights so uh another I mean
5827s it's it's not exactly I actually think
5829s almost any map is a risky pick because
5831s of the play style that Dallas is trying
5833s to force first what the Justice are
5834s doing like it's still kind of the same
5837s game as map number one and two although
5839s you could say
5841s if Decay doesn't go Bonkers in map
5843s number two we probably win that uh the
5846s issue is is he only has to do that one
5848s more out of three times
5850s um he's already done it twice uh you
5853s think so far it's looking like a little
5855s bit more than just like a once in a blue
5857s moon occurrence Matthew
5858s it's looking pretty consistent this far
5862s um so we'll see uh if we see any changes
5866s here from the Dallas fuel I think
5868s they're the team that you're really
5869s looking at if you're the Justice I mean
5871s I would you do the coaching sandwich
5873s like do not do anything differently
5878s don't breathe different don't look at
5881s each other different just hit the same
5882s way because they're playing great
5886s I'm pretty happy playing a very close-up
5888s spawn camp
5890s and it's working as many teams we'll see
5892s the Justice try to do something similar
5893s here before they come out the gates why
5895s do you think these weaknesses weren't
5897s exposed in the qualifiers or is this
5899s just
5900s I mean is this just okay or is there
5902s something that Dallas really needs to
5903s find I actually think for the justice as
5905s well uh
5907s calios has done a good job staying alive
5909s like we've talked like a few times he's
5911s kind of like been the first death and
5913s it's been quite bad but playing a little
5916s bit safer I think keeping the Jungle
5918s Queen alive has been huge oh my oh
5923s innocent welcome to the Hotel California
5925s my friend yeah you can check out but
5927s don't think about leaving that's about
5928s as fast as we've seen somebody die in
5930s the OverWatch League uh
5933s his face as well yeah that's a custard
5935s stat I don't exactly have that down but
5937s costistics yeah I'm eyeballing it that
5940s seemed pretty fast assassin Assassin's
5942s in a rough spot uh you'd say that and
5944s then gets out Scott free somehow a lot
5946s of damage on Sparkle and fielder here
5948s and the fuel are scrappling to try and
5949s uh just to clog up the dam here
5952s we've seen teams get stuck here for a
5954s while though like a minute minute plus
5957s oh man oh man
5959s so much pressure assassin getting away
5962s with it oh my
5964s God
5964s this is starting to cross into inhumane
5967s territory ladies and gentlemen just to
5969s remind everybody uh the Dallas fuel is
5971s the number one seed they picked the
5973s Justice not not the justices picking the
5975s Dallas fuel uh you get that kill though
5977s that's huge that should allow you some
5978s space here for the fuel to operate you
5980s can get out of the spawn they can't play
5982s that close-up game without Krillin so
5985s buys you a little bit of space a little
5987s bit of breathing room here and you know
5989s Fielder and shield but how much damage
5991s they've taken they're just getting way
5992s more healing across so you're gonna have
5994s an advantage term to support ultimate to
5996s maybe you do that to just kind of get
5997s over this first checkpoint
6000s what's good for Edison is good for Decay
6003s when these long Sidelines come into play
6006s is more than happy just to work these
6008s poke down
6010s get rail guns and fire them off
6012s Dallas trading damage upwards here
6014s pretty effective so far
6017s Dallas not being aggressive though is
6019s allowed of the Justice to build their
6020s support ultimates here and that Blade's
6023s coming in right now hoping to get a back
6024s assassin up and giving that durability
6025s she goes forced to spend here's an hour
6028s can you support ultimates in play and
6030s it's still not enough to keep the Joker
6032s Queen alive assassin gets what he came
6035s for Decay now starting to chime in from
6036s the periphery and then Justice get
6038s another stop
6041s I don't know man sometimes you just get
6043s a feeling and there's just so much
6045s momentum on the Justice side right now
6047s and they end up winning that that's
6049s those support ultimates for the fuel use
6052s there and you're able to Win It by
6053s holding onto your rally and you're gonna
6054s get a rampage here
6056s things are just uh lining up nicely for
6059s the Justice a minute and 37 so you can
6061s like take a fight here at this corner
6063s you probably end up trying to use one or
6065s two of these ultimates win that you're
6066s looking at them like 45 seconds on the
6068s clock right 50 seconds on the clock
6070s coming back depending on when this kicks
6072s off
6073s here they go the Dallas Hill drop in
6075s nice and close let's Sparkle check into
6076s the back line
6078s calios took so much damage at the
6081s beginning of that fight before anything
6083s even happened uh and they had to use a
6086s bunch of cooldowns trying to keep him up
6087s and then they could use the blade that's
6089s one where he talked about how calios has
6091s been better not like being overly
6092s aggressive uh that's what maybe playing
6095s out a little bit too loose pretty big
6097s speed boost from a fuel though they're
6098s like leaping over the heads of the
6099s Justice in that fight we're fighting not
6102s achieved yet assassin goes down here
6104s still no checkpoint four players here
6106s with that Rampage CEO has to be careful
6107s always just stays alive but Kelly was
6110s gonna try and hold ground here Decay
6111s gets rid of the bomb open is forced to
6113s get out of that corner that he was in
6114s but Fielder now starts swinging that
6116s flail
6118s and that'll do the job
6121s not pretty from either team uh if I'm
6124s honest there where the fuel able to get
6126s it over the line so three minutes on the
6129s clock here for them to get that second
6130s checkpoint
6131s calios invests a rampage into that
6134s and you got like only like one or two
6136s other players there it's a good Rampage
6138s can exit four but there's no follow-up
6139s breathe on Chio when he absolutely uh
6142s gets eliminated there follow up
6144s unfortunately not able to be
6146s within arms race for the justice
6149s nothing to work with for now they're
6150s gonna have to deal with the Rampage from
6151s heartbeat look at decay
6152s they say you make your own like Matthew
6154s and this guy's as lucky as they come
6156s into the back line finds a kill and then
6159s the follow-up is there I love that from
6161s the justice no ultimates to speak of
6163s going against the Rampage they still
6166s come out on top
6167s he doesn't need luck
6170s just give him a little bit of space and
6172s some charge on the rail and
6174s that'll happen so that's a huge fight
6176s because we know how difficult it is to
6178s make this like uh you know upward Trek
6180s here around this corner
6182s on circle around so yeah I mean
6185s carry him up Mountain Dew at the
6187s moment it looks so painful for the is
6189s that Lord of the Rings yeah yeah yeah I
6191s know that's good that's good nice job
6193s you know General name for a volcano so
6196s you picked it up well you could have
6197s said Mel what a Haka look him out but
6199s thought better of it
6200s killed it low with the rally in play
6203s and Addison is down this is big but it's
6205s a trade okay voting's a lot of DPS but
6206s Decay is still kicking over nicely
6209s the fuel are split apart and Chio gets
6211s punished as a result well it's back to
6214s spawn for the fuel once more here the
6216s Justice just need to be care not to
6217s overextend and at one point for Dallas
6220s do you see this is just not working and
6223s trying something else uh I think you
6226s could also probably look at it from
6227s Dallas perspectives like look like we
6228s kind of had advantage in some of these
6230s maps and a few of those crucial fights
6232s didn't go our way but
6234s God I feel like there's got to be some
6235s sort of change here ready from Krillin
6238s play
6245s butts they still need another fight to
6248s get this next checkpoint you would think
6250s you're gonna get one more fight here if
6252s you're the Justice gotta get out of the
6255s spawn fast you may need assassin to
6256s touch or do they decide to give this up
6258s that would be odd there's so much spikes
6261s still left though it feels like there's
6263s a lot of time yeah they're gonna be able
6264s to get here so calios could get a
6266s rampage during this maybe you try and
6268s he's got to stay alive though oh he went
6270s out too early he got hit with a dynamite
6272s but he still stays alive the commanding
6274s shot there pretty big from caliosis
6275s getting closer to that Rampage mode it
6277s decay strikes once more Sparkle's gone
6280s down calios is in position and the
6282s Dallas fuel the House of Cards is
6284s crumbling The Joker Is You Dallas I'm
6287s gonna be forced back Edison on the card
6289s here Kelly goes seen better days and
6291s assassin has fallen kellyos has to give
6293s some ground but so must of fuel with 12
6295s seconds left it all comes down to this
6297s and they don't use the Rampage during
6299s that they're able to win it clean
6300s without unreal page in sound barrier
6303s Sparkle's got to be the one to touch he
6305s should get blown up fast deflect Matt he
6307s gets there touches the card and overtime
6309s has begun but the Justice are pushing
6310s back already and that's two hit with the
6312s Rampage Sparkle Anderson
6315s they'll stop the cart and the Washington
6318s Justice set their win condition for a
6322s clean sweep of the number one seed in
6324s the west
6325s Siri's got a little bit of everything to
6327s kick the day off oh man
6330s it's uh not able to make it back towards
6333s the payload so with the ash can you play
6336s close to the spawn door like you'd have
6338s you'd have like a big opportunity for a
6339s dynamite early right but you probably
6341s just go into the small and get that
6342s healed up and then come back out and
6343s fight
6345s are you capable of doing that is that
6347s how you want to play this I'm interested
6349s to see what Dallas does on D oh man
6354s this is a long map
6356s and we see sometimes teams have to burn
6358s 90 seconds plus to get out of sport and
6360s if there's a competent spawn Camp facing
6362s them the problem for the fuel is and
6364s something we've seen from the justices
6365s sometimes Decay just slides on out there
6368s gets sideways and just finds a random
6370s headshot to push his team forward
6371s something actually
6373s um the London Spitfire did pretty well
6375s to break spawn camps against them on
6377s this map I think it was actually against
6378s the justice so
6380s um that's something you want to be
6381s careful about you lose that one player
6382s the small Camp's over for Defenders and
6384s now they'll match you'll put Edison on
6387s the surgeon maybe you're able to make
6388s something out of this uh it feels like a
6391s concession Matthew well I think you have
6393s to I actually think it's like almost
6395s necessary like
6397s you cannot play this close spawn hold
6400s with the ash
6403s if you can see that much space and you
6405s lose that fight you're looking at a
6407s scenario where the Justice have like
6409s four or five minutes on the clock right
6410s because you've had like one maybe two
6412s fights uh and they just have to get like
6414s to the second checkpoint they don't even
6415s need all of them uh they're not doing
6417s this they're getting out of Dodge
6419s this is going wrong for the Dallas field
6420s I think that they don't want any of this
6422s smoke
6423s oh this is
6425s ignorable look for the Dallas fuel as
6427s they just back right on up here a lot of
6429s respect given to the justice
6432s to fight
6433s the Kai's looking for the Genji Krillin
6436s by Dennis I think the body shot was
6437s involved there as well but Dallas field
6439s are getting absolutely steamrolled in
6441s the streets of Monaco what is going on
6445s Chris Puckett bought the Dallas you're
6447s back
6453s oh man have a look at this
6456s so they're expecting the Genji or
6458s something oh my
6460s that's the that is a railgun body shot
6462s though from Decatur sets that Arbor
6464s Krillin
6465s damn hey are you trying to calming house
6468s for quite some time love to see it
6470s and what do you do I mean if Dallas
6472s plays close I mean that's a huge shot
6474s there great night they need a Fight Win
6476s here it's such a desperate way
6482s does need to do this they need to go
6484s through the motions here of chasing and
6486s staggering kills that's going to build
6487s that confidence a little bit more
6488s because they had none of it at the start
6490s of this map they look absolutely
6492s terrified of the Justice they need a big
6494s fight or a big moment to go their way
6496s can I get that momentum get that Swagger
6498s back
6500s she got a little Oh my he just piles
6502s into the room with everyone else I'm in
6504s the Fielder though give a good account
6505s of themselves the Decay has saved off
6507s here field was able to find his second
6509s for the fight and so the justice will be
6511s slowed up once more a sigh of relief for
6514s the fuel here but still over two minutes
6516s for this part of the map on the clock
6517s yeah but now you're starting to get
6518s things going in the right direction here
6520s if you're the Dallas fuel you can come
6522s back you have a rally to use here we'll
6524s see if Edison is able to find anything
6526s with his overclock but Decay just
6528s lurking on that other side he's going to
6530s have it for this next fight we know how
6532s aggressive he's been on like flanks and
6533s getting into off angles with it the one
6536s positive for Dallas not a lot of great
6538s opportunities for that here
6540s one minute 42. Edison okay they that's
6544s beautiful
6545s perfect railgun kill on opener means
6547s that Justice
6550s had to use a commanding shout to run
6551s away and I think with how their first
6554s fight went and where this card is I
6556s think it definitely will dial us up a
6557s little bit of like oh we lose another
6560s fight like we're walking off this stage
6562s losing 3-0
6565s Decay for the overclock great pressure
6567s on Hard Men I've been clinging to the
6569s vestiges of his life and he's the blade
6572s assassin's gonna go straight into a
6573s sound barrier here is Edison finds the
6575s first pick once more the Dallas fuel
6576s gotta stop to the momentum here once
6579s more and Andy comes alive
6582s so you know what what was wrong with
6585s running this uh as this looks totally
6587s fine here as uh there's no slaps in the
6590s sojourn that's for sure yeah Anderson
6592s goes big so what what could swing this
6594s in the Justice's favor Rampage for the
6597s Justice Rampage for Dallas fuel as well
6599s but opener actually because he gets
6601s picked off early in that previous fight
6602s doesn't have an opportunity to build
6603s towards barrier but he's gonna actually
6605s have it here uh so you get a good
6608s Rampage here from calios and even if
6611s hanbin uses it you feel pretty good
6612s because you got your beat
6614s he's the Rampage I thought he's going
6616s off the edge nothing
6617s two players caught with that one no
6619s cheers gonna go down
6621s couldn't heal him up couldn't keep him
6623s alive
6623s great knife from calios
6626s gets drawn into the sweet Embrace of
6628s death now it's a matter of cleaning out
6630s your corners getting rid of the fuel and
6632s at hand it eventually he's also going to
6633s be drawn out of hiding the Justice they
6636s get it done match not pretty no but
6638s they're still in this with 235 to go and
6640s they do not need a point B cap you see
6643s where that golden box of Victory is at
6645s the top of the screen they need a little
6647s bit before uh allows him to just kind of
6650s play around this corner maybe get some
6651s you know free fire here
6653s if you're the Dallas fuel it's
6655s interesting if you don't play close
6657s you're looking at a one-fight territory
6658s that is a huge pick-off though you play
6660s closely play right around this corner
6662s now the Justice don't have anything to
6663s use to try and slam this back in their
6665s favor after losing a player so calios
6667s will be the main recipient of the
6669s scrutiny and Edison will bring him down
6670s alongside Fielder
6671s back to spawned you go two minutes now
6674s but when you're playing the ash there's
6676s no worry of Decay there like jumping out
6678s and just getting one shot right when you
6680s have the sojourn on the other side that
6681s is a real threat you have real burst
6683s potential yeah
6685s oh nicely done Decay wasn't paying
6688s enough respect Edison
6693s this is getting ugly now
6695s the Justice looking to brawl I get the
6697s one is that enough to back up the fuel
6699s doesn't look like it
6701s it might be once the rest of the Cavalry
6703s come out of the spawn here so it is yeah
6705s so it is right um
6707s they're gonna have to back up because in
6709s an early death year for Dallas I mean
6712s you're looking at a junk fight for that
6714s last fight and that's not what you want
6715s to see so a minute 18 on the clock still
6718s an opportunity for the Justice to close
6720s it out here
6721s overclock for Edison what can he find
6723s he's fishing for a Kill
6726s it's gonna be Krillin falling first here
6727s running in play for the Dallas Fuel and
6729s assassin and opener is so low
6731s there's no way that uses ultimates now
6733s looks like they'd let this one go
6734s through again
6735s Justice League two fight wins in a row
6738s here minimum up and they have a minute I
6741s maybe two uh if you get one fight win
6745s right in the card is like progressing
6747s with where it is right now like you may
6750s be in a situation where the Dallas fuel
6751s with like how the fight goes or like you
6753s know if everybody gets wiped fast or
6755s players staggered for a little bit like
6757s where you're not fighting that last
6758s fight that full strength uh
6761s still an opportunity here for the
6763s Justice to fortunate Advantage with 30
6764s seconds left
6773s warmed up
6776s Sparkle gets the blade he gets it where
6777s it needs to go he drinks some decays
6781s humors
6783s and that'll be that one more chance for
6785s the justice as they can absolutely
6786s smacked there's no way he's going for
6789s this oh you're kidding Decay what have
6791s you done I mean what do you do there's
6793s no way to get a touch here assassin goes
6796s over to the Tracer not able to get back
6797s towards the cart
6799s the Dallas fuel they stop the bleeding
6802s they take this third map
6805s they prevent The Sweep here uh and now
6808s but now you get a Washington Justice map
6810s selection uh if you're the Dallas fuel I
6813s think you go back you kind of talk here
6815s a little bit of a break there's no shot
6817s we come out running the ash again you
6819s stay on that sojourn because it was
6820s looking fine
6822s looks for the Dallas fuel their Edison
6824s Sparkle both stand up now we have
6826s ourselves a game ladies and gentlemen
6828s what a way to kick off our summer
6830s Showdown tournament so don't go too far
6832s it'll be the Justice's pick from lap
6835s number four
6839s foreign
6841s [Music]
6851s [Music]
6863s [Music]
6868s foreign
6872s [Music]
6896s [Music]
6902s foreign
6904s [Music]
6935s foreign
6944s [Music]
6955s [Music]
6963s [Music]
6966s foreign
6967s [Music]
7010s thank you
7024s [Music]
7038s foreign
7051s [Music]
7077s thank you
7088s [Music]
7100s [Music]
7104s foreign
7106s [Music]
7112s [Music]
7120s blows for 20 deaths in the first two
7123s maps leading the server in debts Edison
7125s comes back to a more than double his
7127s first Blood total final blow total
7129s rather with 14 to 7 after swapping to
7133s sojourn on circuit Royale you can see
7135s he's getting some encouragement from his
7137s teammates here because he was the
7139s Difference Maker when it mattered to
7141s keep the fuel alive Matthew yeah and I
7143s think he just kind of as a team after
7145s your knowledge like hey you rock first
7147s two maps yeah maybe we put you on the
7149s wrong hero right like some of that
7151s blames on us like you know that was the
7153s strategy we all decided let's get back
7156s out there let's run that sojourn it was
7158s good there on serger rail you can go
7160s back you can play it on another map here
7162s coming up
7163s and maybe you take it
7166s it'll have to be a reverse sweep from
7169s the Dallas fuel to remain in the upper
7172s bracket here in the summer Showdown
7174s it's not Beyond them to be sure a little
7176s bit of a quiet amount from the
7177s Washington justice as well
7180s and we were pretty Frank about it
7181s Matthew the first couple of maps looks
7183s like they could have gone either way
7184s until Decay steps up
7187s and takes over the game there are very
7188s very few players in the league that can
7190s match that level of evil hacked and the
7191s question was how yeah how many more
7193s times can he do it look when when you
7195s are playing the soldier and they're
7197s playing the ash you're not punishing
7199s their junker queen with the ash play
7202s right for calios who's pretty over
7204s aggressive at times right I mean just
7206s kind of runs in there you're trying to
7207s punish the games yeah and and assassin
7210s as well if you're not doing either of
7211s those things and then Decay is also like
7213s doubling you up in final blows like I
7216s don't know how you expect to win Maps uh
7218s so it's good to see Edison come back to
7221s life they're still a little bit close uh
7223s on that map right uh it's not like you
7225s know just switching him on to the
7226s sojourn resulted in blowout but still
7229s looked much better than what we've seen
7231s from Dallas over the first two maps
7234s and they're going to be calling upon
7236s Edison to continue to deliver some of
7239s those moments quite a career from him
7240s we'll have more time to talk about it
7242s later on your screen there assassin
7245s I mean Edison I mean let's have a look
7247s at this map three stats actually while
7249s we have an opportunity to show it what
7250s he gave us on sojourn the 14-7 number I
7254s quoted was obviously combined with his
7255s Ash stats but 10 final blows seven of
7258s those being railgun kills close to 60
7260s accuracy and most importantly everybody
7262s two deaths for Edison on circuit Royale
7265s as soja there's a player that began his
7268s career uh you know quite a while back
7270s uh in 2017 but it was on GC Busan way
7274s for a time then the Atlanta Reign right
7275s a team that you know was looking for a
7278s lot of ways to try and you know work him
7280s and sort of erst her into their DPS
7282s rotation
7283s middling performances through medicine
7285s and then he came to the Dallas field to
7287s answer their lack of hit scan DPS with
7289s XC unfortunately unable to compete on
7292s the roster and now he's looking right at
7295s home
7297s again the other side of the stage though
7298s some serious veterans in This Server
7301s ladies and gentlemen new Queen Street is
7303s going to be map number four in this
7305s series
7306s a treat for those locals
7309s and I must say the real thing almost as
7311s picturesque as the uh utopian rendition
7314s of Queen Street in OverWatch
7318s so we'll see uh you know a push map it's
7320s so scary man in this type of scenario
7322s like a first fight goes your way in a
7325s big way right you get that bomb moving
7327s you know you get that checkpoint for the
7329s next go around it's so snowbally that
7332s like
7333s evine Dallas fuel like I am so scared to
7335s go to this map
7338s and the question as you raised you know
7341s there's there's a feeling that maybe
7342s they let Edison just sort of run on this
7344s sojourn right
7345s it feels like he has a bit more
7347s flexibility a bit more individual agency
7348s as well especially when uh
7350s uh people try and get in his face
7353s Dash not enough to shut down assassin's
7356s Genji but more importantly
7358s the sojourn of Decay still Public Enemy
7360s Number One for the fuel on the other
7362s side of the stage he will need to be
7363s answered once more
7365s and if you're the fuel you know what the
7367s justices are going to do there is zero
7369s changing there are zero adjustments
7371s they're going to play the same exact way
7373s and maybe Dallas you know you kind of
7375s figure something out there on certain
7376s Royal uh this first fight though Mitch
7379s man when they play for that statue it's
7380s like you're the Justice you get an early
7382s first pick you can kind of capitalize on
7384s that like it's something that can
7386s snowball out of control here so really
7388s interested to see how the Dallas you
7389s will play this first fight they have to
7391s understand what's at stake it's all
7393s about the neutral ladies and gentlemen
7397s it's all about who works who gets worked
7400s note the low ground assassin positioning
7402s there Sparkle getting pressured somewhat
7404s okay shouts coming out from both sides
7406s keep an eye on those health bars
7407s everyone at home kellyosh is the one
7409s taking the front of this aggression and
7410s he falls first quite the key Target to
7413s get rid of and the Dallas fuel now will
7416s continue to close the vice grip on the
7418s Justice a great start here for the team
7420s that needs to reverse sweep the start of
7423s that fight is fine when everybody's you
7425s know trying to trade their commanding
7426s shouts damage exchanged uh Han been just
7429s able to get out with his life backtrack
7431s a little bit where calios decides to
7433s just hang out Behind Enemy Lines for a
7435s bit too long and that's been a lot of
7438s what's gone wrong for the Justice when
7440s things have gone wrong uh they they've
7442s just stayed around for too long on that
7445s junker Queen when they need to back out
7450s Good Start Mount Dallas want to convert
7453s on that first fight keeping on those
7455s ultimate charges Sparkle push to 60 here
7458s gonna be another five with that
7459s ultimates but Sparkle again gets rid of
7461s calios they're over aggression of calios
7463s being punished once more oh this is a
7467s different page that we have the fuel on
7470s here Matthew and it wasn't like that
7471s early on but maybe with the inclusion of
7474s the soldier and a little bit more
7475s consistent damage going down on akalios
7477s as Edison pushes up takes out the K uh
7481s it's gonna be the the checkpoint here
7483s already for the Dallas fuel uh and the
7487s Justice they have done absolutely
7489s nothing uh I mean there has been no
7491s semblance of Defense here
7496s some of the roughest moments of the
7498s Justice have honestly been on this map
7499s uh
7501s we sort of saw it in that first stage
7502s right sleep dance not being followed up
7504s on
7505s very uh very difficult first stage for
7508s Washington but that's in the past now
7510s it's all about this fight right Kia
7512s rally to start a fighter from Fielder
7513s and sparkles blade may not be necessary
7515s shurikens striking true
7518s he is running away with this one Matthew
7520s Sparkle is just doing whatever he wants
7525s this is brutal I mean this barrier is
7529s going to get uphill here it's going to
7530s make it around that first Corner
7532s probably gonna get it up close where
7534s that like red car is maybe a little bit
7537s less
7538s but look at all the ultimates available
7540s for the Dallas fuel it's gonna be an
7541s overclock here for Edison all you need
7544s is one and you may get a map completion
7546s [Music]
7548s open it just got its first sound barrier
7550s for the round and he couldn't keep his
7551s fang tank alive oh this is not good at
7554s all the Washington Justice heading for
7556s the hills now
7557s there is a white flag above this door
7560s yeah this this may be a let's just go
7563s again
7568s this looks like the number one seed
7570s against the seventh seed now
7573s still four ultimates online they're just
7575s as gonna start to break into that war
7577s chest and make use of them sound
7578s barriers are from both it's gonna be a
7580s runny now pop by Krill and a sparkle
7581s tries to pressure calios down assassin
7584s stop looking more like a warlord in that
7586s team fight
7588s I mean that was a hard one fight win for
7591s the Justice look at that spend
7594s and what they're gonna get back to maybe
7596s mid map like look at how far this bot
7598s has to travel to get back oh yeah I mean
7601s Dallas is going to be able to fight this
7602s like in the neutral of just where the
7604s barrier is like you're not even gonna
7606s get anything out of this if you're the
7607s Justice you just get to you know play
7609s for another six minutes and 14 seconds
7611s yeah they're just playing to stay alive
7613s with that fight they need to do more
7614s this time of that ultimate
7618s carbine's about to go Mad Max on these
7620s fools
7623s commanding shout move back by opener
7627s no connect on the night but I've been oh
7629s what is that opener somehow gets caught
7631s by the hitbox on that one but a pretty
7634s underwhelming Rampage bit of a swing and
7637s a mess yeah
7639s what about calios slightly better gets
7641s his two and Edison crucially is
7643s connected with by that one he is down
7645s and this is going to be two in the row
7647s for the justice
7650s so what all right so let's try and pull
7652s out a path back here for the Justice ah
7655s cartography my favorite yeah we're in
7657s Uncharted Territory that's for sure so
7658s so you you win that fight you're gonna
7661s get close to the checkpoint here uh
7665s you probably have to see Fielder use a
7667s rally you got to back up maybe give up
7668s some space right then come back with
7670s some support ultimates of your own and
7672s then you're still stuck at the
7673s checkpoint you probably need another two
7674s fights after that uh you're looking at
7676s it which you start to look at the clock
7678s and you're like do we even have enough
7679s time to make that happen
7681s Fielder has made the decision it's time
7683s to go forward and like you said the
7686s Justice are trying to give some of that
7687s space but they haven't given enough the
7689s Dallas feel they're greedy and they want
7690s more well kellyos has to know that when
7694s the rest of the Dallas fuel see his team
7696s carve off to the right from their
7699s perspective around the corner he goes to
7701s the left he is to the left in the
7703s hallway he is going to get focused down
7705s uh that where you just need to fully
7708s back out with the rest of the squad and
7710s then come back into the fight uh they
7712s just don't have enough HP and enough
7714s survivability to play at that corner and
7716s hold
7717s Dallas are five and one in this state
7720s during this summer Showdown on push Maps
7723s pretty good one for them and they're
7724s showing you just why Sparkles played
7726s mostly for theatrics at this time as the
7729s sound barrier Blunts and a little and
7730s Krillin
7731s will punish Sparkle
7733s as he tries to come forward
7736s but still you're just gonna keep playing
7738s in this back and forth game here where
7740s you know the Justice are going to need a
7742s fight to go massively their way with the
7744s Dallas fuel kind of throwing some
7746s ultimates or just kind of having some
7748s misplays during it to give themselves an
7751s opportunity I mean they are just so far
7753s behind in terms of barrier progress
7756s overclock starts A Little Neko it's both
7759s surgeons going for it
7761s Spock was low and instant what a nice
7763s catch on to Kate what a beautiful
7765s elimination
7768s and they're far from done the Dallas
7769s school really want to get back in
7771s control here they're a little out of uh
7772s swords in their positioning but as
7775s announced happy to close the gap it's
7776s going to be assassin looking for the
7777s blade but Chio has the antidote
7780s and he charges straight into Krillin it
7782s will be a trade of projectors but Dallas
7784s still take the player Advantage here and
7786s assassin needs to find a bit more Han
7788s bin wasn't in a position to look at him
7790s there and assassin wants to try and keep
7791s this going but he is outnumbered
7793s outgunned
7794s and that's what I talked about early on
7796s where I was actually more worried about
7798s like something for Dallas where
7800s Washington wins an early fight and just
7802s kind of steamrolls away with it
7803s snowballs it went the other way where I
7806s mean how do you bounce back from this it
7808s is just so much progress that you're
7810s going to have to give up and every
7811s single time you lose a fight you
7813s essentially lose that progress right uh
7815s because the bot is now moving all the
7817s way back to your territory
7818s three minutes you need four fights in a
7821s row I think here for the Justice within
7825s this like three minute window to give
7827s yourselves a chance oh this looks like
7830s someone's lining up for a rampage here
7832s hard been getting very assertive with
7834s his space taking
7835s Carnage just won't connect so those
7837s Chuck and wings have some healing but
7838s the damage is there for the fuel
7841s oh my what an execution you can also do
7845s this if you're Dallas and play a little
7846s bit more aggressive with these support
7847s ultimates around the corners and whatnot
7849s uh with the barrier moving because you
7851s know that if the Justice have anything
7852s they're forced to use it match because
7854s they can't possibly give up even more
7856s space uh where you just kind of like
7859s deplete their ultimate Bank just off of
7860s their sins of urgency right because they
7862s need something to happen that's the
7864s Rampage it catches on a hand is getting
7866s the biggest fish in the sea but can they
7869s hook it into the boat caliot's looking
7871s low he struggles he's down Harvey now
7873s with some tea killing from that Carnage
7874s a rampage would also give him some
7876s survivability commanding shot does the
7878s job
7879s two for three fight here in the field oh
7881s my goodness they're gonna do it under a
7883s middle left and they clear the map
7886s we have ourselves a game ladies and
7888s gentlemen wipe the Slate clean it's the
7891s best of one
7893s uh since Dallas went to the sojourn on
7896s defense on circuit Royale they have not
7898s turned back great on that defense
7901s absolutely blow the Justice out here on
7904s Toronto on new Queen Street
7906s one map though to decide at all and
7908s that's scary because you you gave the
7910s Justice to go obviously they win those
7912s first two maps but you think maybe kind
7914s of switch up compositions probably a
7916s little bit different style they could
7917s have went differently you put yourself
7919s in one map territory in a coin flip I
7920s mean that is tough especially now what
7922s the Justice they get to pick the map I
7924s imagine we're gonna go to lijiang Tower
7926s uh that's where I if I was like the
7928s Justice that's where I would go force
7930s that close quarter style of play and
7932s maybe you get the K back online
7934s let's see if either of these have
7937s anything left in the tank because
7938s they're not called to fuel for nothing
7940s map number five is where it's all gonna
7943s end in this series these teams both push
7945s to their limits early in the tournament
7946s stick around for the decider after these
7949s messages
7951s foreign
7991s [Applause]
7994s foreign
8034s [Music]
8040s foreign
8045s [Music]
8056s [Music]
8068s foreign
8071s [Music]
8083s [Music]
8090s [Music]
8098s foreign
8099s [Music]
8129s foreign
8145s [Music]
8166s so if you're anything like me and one of
8169s the big things you love about Esports is
8170s sort of chasing that magic then you
8173s might be finding some in this particular
8175s match Matthew it is a map five between
8178s the Washington Justice and the Dallas
8179s fuel in the very first game of their
8182s summer Showdown tournament here live
8184s from Toronto it's a big deal that the
8187s Dallas have to reverse sweep to stay in
8189s the upper bracket coming in as the top
8191s seed
8192s and if Dallas ends up taking this Fifth
8195s and final map uh they still can't be
8198s happy oh I mean this is not a good start
8201s that I think uh you know maybe it's just
8203s a really good wake-up call right uh that
8206s uh now regardless of what you think of
8208s the the Justice they can rise to the
8211s occasion uh and they can play with some
8213s of the top teams in the league we don't
8215s see it as consistent as we've actually
8216s probably all would like because they
8218s have such a talented roster but I know
8221s on the day they can get there so we see
8223s all the last two maps have gone uh the
8226s Justice pick is lijiang Tower I am not
8228s coaching the justice but I agree with
8231s the pick uh it allows them to kind of uh
8234s I think you can get calios in better
8236s positions to be aggressive without him
8238s taking punishing amounts of damage uh
8240s because of like the closer shorter
8242s mid-range nature of the map uh a lot of
8246s the times we're seeing them lose these
8247s fights he's dead early he's taken tons
8250s of early just poke damage so pick a map
8253s that you can possibly avoid that with
8255s some of the sight lines and the angles
8256s that you fight on as quintessential as
8258s King's throw is a map
8260s of the match in the OverWatch League
8261s lijiang Tao are probably the site of
8263s some of the most insane map 5 moments
8268s can you come with all the night market
8269s anymore for obvious reasons
8271s it is no longer at night as you can see
8275s but again for the Washington Justice
8277s they love nothing more than for it to be
8279s lights out for the Dallas fuel starting
8280s here in this first round
8283s obviously the first thing we look to is
8285s Edison's pick here it definitely looks
8287s like the call has been hey if you're
8289s more comfortable on sojourn today then
8291s throw the playbook out the window it
8292s seemed like coming out of like our kind
8295s of uh you know not exactly a half time
8297s but a little bit of a break they were
8299s some kind of discussion with Dallas took
8301s him a little bit to sit down everybody
8302s kind of like huddled up and trying to
8304s cheer up Edison in a way it seems like
8306s you know they realize like hey that
8308s wasn't the right game plan it's been
8309s tough on you let's let's get things back
8311s in the right direction this is how
8312s they've done it
8314s out of the gates we go ladies and
8315s gentlemen in our map five
8318s Dallas look to reverse sweep the
8320s Washington Justice to stay in that upper
8322s bracket where they probably feel they
8323s belong
8324s with the Justice are Plucky they're
8325s upstarts and they start
8328s listen goes down as kellyos finds the
8330s Carnage connection and that's the type
8332s of positioning you want to fight with
8334s calios with how aggressive he is and
8336s maybe just the tendency to not fall back
8338s as fast you want to fight in these Close
8340s Quarter scenarios where he can he can
8343s close the gap fast play at a more of an
8345s even match this is awkward oh oh the
8347s chance to try and rotate to the point to
8349s capture it with the fuel they put their
8351s foot on the gas they chase them down
8353s Harbert and calios are both Fallen now a
8355s weird fight happening without either
8356s junker Queen in the mix here Krillin
8359s though swinging that flail getting some
8361s serious work done and Sparkle tries to
8363s close the gap and pressure him down
8364s assassin though gets Edison first one
8366s back and forth fight here as it looks
8368s like sparkle and Co will be forced to
8370s submit
8372s and I think if if you're the Justice
8374s like you trade there early in that like
8376s neutral type of game like maybe it's
8378s because you lost your Brig and you don't
8380s want to fight in that time you fall back
8382s to the point I would have liked to see
8383s them keep that positioning and then
8385s backtrack to the point caught their Han
8387s bins jacket blade Finds Its mark
8390s still there's a trade in the fight but
8392s I'm in doing a lot of work in that front
8393s line you need to respect assassin though
8395s the Justice still have the point there
8396s in mind that Dallas people want to clean
8398s fight that's three in this fight for
8400s hanbin but this fight is so dirty like
8402s he kills on both sides as Dallas now
8405s ramps to the point you're gonna have a
8407s contest here for the Justice it is an
8410s utter slugfest humping hits every one of
8412s those shots means that opener cannot
8414s even touch he cannot even contest he
8416s gives the fuel that point in every way
8418s in that last fight
8420s without a doubt is this going to be a
8421s blade from assassin Edison trying to
8423s stay alive so support ultimates online
8425s Julia gets there running a little bit
8426s too late but will it be enough to let
8428s them equalize assassin's blade finally
8430s gets sheets but Sparkle now comes out
8433s finds Krillin assassins still getting
8434s involved into the back line the Genji's
8436s having all the impact in this fight but
8438s Decay gets one I've been very low an
8440s assassin will be successful no one can
8443s force him away and the Justice flipped
8445s the point there uh yeah but yeah field
8446s are still alive okay now he finally
8448s Falls as maybe that's just kind of
8450s stagger that goes now
8452s you're gonna get up to about 50 percent
8454s here for the Justice they'll have your
8456s rally available here no threat of the
8459s blades as we just saw both of them come
8460s out in that previous fight
8462s and play close to the door here with
8464s this Rampage possibly it's gonna be an
8465s overclock right away Parker's already
8467s been taken down though the rally is
8468s going to be used here so Edison
8471s Krillin his
8475s chick he did play from assassin who
8478s drops in front of them with the sliver
8479s of HP remaining hoping for a bit of a
8481s gimme it won't be there Dallas are back
8484s in control with the sound barrier to
8486s Boots and that's huge to win what a
8488s fight by just using the overclock there
8490s and hold on to some of those alts where
8492s you don't have a rally anymore here if
8494s you're the Justice you're really relying
8496s on calios to hit a really nice Rampage
8498s and maybe with some follow-up from decay
8502s or the clock here maybe on the menu yep
8505s finds it up straight away who's looking
8506s for fielder in the back of the point
8508s combining shot then sound barrier more
8510s overshield than to cake and hope to even
8512s deal with and the pressure is immense
8513s but he still fights Fielder at the back
8516s of the package Decay he gets his face
8518s yep and Decay is just attracting orders
8521s attention but Collins already found hard
8522s been Dallas have to fight hard to get
8524s the point back in favor all the while
8525s they're bleeding this capture percentage
8527s away to the justice and with calios
8529s getting rid of Edison Washington might
8531s run away with this this is disastrous
8533s for the fuel but this is why I like this
8535s map pack from the Justice because this
8537s is the type of play they want they want
8540s fast they want chaotic they want to try
8542s and let their individual players shine
8544s as opposed to trying to play more as a
8546s unit uh and you're seeing they're doing
8548s it right now assassin Dives
8550s if you want to take a little bit of
8552s damage but they'll be okay blade here
8554s for assassin surely not it's Edison
8556s falling first Rampage going to connect
8558s with the Genji assassin can't heal but
8559s it can do damage and you better believe
8560s he's gonna try Fielder interception with
8562s the shield bash and very importantly
8564s Sparkle goes to the point of that fight
8565s he flips it but now he's got more work
8567s to do with harp it out of the picture
8569s Dallas still need to win this fight and
8571s it's all about this blade kalios has
8573s fallen that just to try to group up
8575s around this rally but they're in a
8576s fighting Retreat right now looks like
8578s they're trying to give control over oh
8581s and they end up using the sound barrier
8582s here and they're just going to connect
8583s with opener Decay and it's acid they
8585s want to still fight it the key is able
8586s to get one I thought maybe you had used
8588s a sound barrier you think you've got to
8590s go acry Krillin they gotta go now
8592s bit of a quick taxi there to get calios
8594s back in the fight the justice that sound
8596s barrier oh that might have been better
8597s off just going back to Sport and taking
8599s the L they got to capitalize on that
8601s Kelly a timer with damage early on
8604s the punch for a second there 70 charge
8606s for Decay he's looking for an easy insta
8608s kill Sparkle was the intended Tiger but
8610s Cali ocean said his forward first it's
8612s got to be the Dallas fuel to roll back
8614s over the Justice here
8615s three versus one I mean a three kill
8617s situation to open it up and that is it
8619s oh Washington and Justice a massive
8622s error in support old usage and they get
8625s punished for it it's
8626s so it's not necessarily a massive error
8629s if they actually sped in and capitalize
8632s on a faster they just were not able to
8635s uh by time they got in position they
8637s couldn't get another kill before I
8639s believe Fielder got back into the fight
8640s I went to taxi calios I think I think it
8643s was actually Krillin they went to go
8645s taxi they went to go taxi Krillin back
8647s which
8648s uh you know you're fighting without your
8650s bricks maybe yours gets here a little
8651s bit faster but still even if you taxi
8653s him back you almost got to take that
8654s speed boost and go deep you gotta commit
8656s at that point uh they just kind of play
8658s in the neutral and once both teams get
8659s that full straight Dallas just too good
8662s all right Justice deep breath
8666s on the precipice of a crushing a reverse
8669s sweep here
8670s they must win control center to keep
8673s this series going and take it all the
8675s way to round three
8677s Justice get really aggressive here by
8679s the center of stairs they push all the
8681s way up to the fuel side fuel just seem
8684s to be kind of prodding at this point a
8686s little bit of a Boop there display some
8687s players assassin slammed in the neutral
8689s there he had to back out early couldn't
8691s pressure Edison very much at all who
8693s still needs to respect to Kane
8696s oh my even Edison couldn't believe it
8698s look at the look on his face
8700s open to the first kill there and maybe
8702s just the perfect one now the Justice had
8705s no choice but to go aggressive they've
8706s got to go Phillips been eliminated
8708s already down and the fuel raised the
8711s flag that will be the first in control
8715s hey see like earlier on in the series
8717s right is it not able to find those first
8719s picks playing the ash 12 and 20. the
8722s Decay able to find them pretty
8724s consistently since the switch it's been
8726s much more even I would say
8730s okay really probing for something there
8734s door is shutting his face proverbially
8736s even with Edison being so low they can
8739s top him up pretty quickly he's the
8740s commanding shot if you want to play in
8741s the front line of Sparkle wants to get
8743s his hands a little dirty as well he
8744s finishes a little largely bargi I'm so
8747s low though great job for the Justice
8748s they punished that junker Queen being
8750s out of position therefore sojourn does
8751s so well here but it's a trade both teams
8754s have lost their front liner how do you
8755s take space outside of that raw damage
8757s and eliminations his Decay provides two
8760s more
8761s this will be a point full up here
8763s uh Chio comes back in he gets moved
8766s he'll get taken out so 39 percent here
8769s for the Dallas fuel this next five inch
8771s I think is going to be the biggest fight
8772s probably this round everybody's gonna
8775s have their support alt if you're the
8777s Justice you you end up winning that we
8779s can kind of get to a spot where
8780s everybody's even in terms of percentage
8782s maybe even take the lead uh if you lose
8785s that fight you're looking in a really
8786s tough spot
8787s right here from assassin sound barrier
8791s comes out the alarm more than truly
8794s raised for the Dallas fuel it's gonna be
8796s killing us going down first right
8798s getting the junker Queen focused by both
8800s sides this time it's Dallas again able
8802s to get rid of calios Decay actually goes
8804s for it here he's gonna pop the overclock
8806s forces harm being away so the Justice
8808s lose their front liner and they keep
8809s control Sparkle gets passed into the
8812s wall by that railgun
8813s but it's a feeling of inevitability
8815s about this fight right the Justice being
8816s forced off the point Dallas on the cap
8818s yeah it was it was just a matter of time
8820s I mean he buys them enough times where
8822s they end up taking the lead for a split
8824s second but now you're gonna have
8826s everybody at full strength coming back
8827s and he's looking for a big elimination
8830s to start this off
8832s yeah just good damage on calios there
8834s can't complain about that and the
8836s grazing blow and assassin forces him out
8838s of the fight makes him very easy for Han
8840s bin to dispatch have a look at that old
8843s charge for the Justice man it paints a
8844s grim pitcher yeah not good I mean that's
8846s why I talked about that one fighter is
8848s going to be the biggest one of the round
8850s they end up losing it in the end it's
8853s really gonna come back to bite him
8854s because look at this I mean Han bin you
8855s can play pretty close in this hallway if
8857s you want try and go for that Rampage be
8859s aggressive and then you're looking at
8861s one fight territory
8863s 80 and Counting this is dangerous for
8866s the Justice it has to be now but the
8868s Rampage comes out from the fuel first
8869s and then better off just letting this
8871s one go assassin I'm gonna snap Fielder
8875s up but you have to think that Justice
8876s want to just regroup if they get
8877s staggered here if assassin gets
8879s staggered it could be all over I I mean
8881s you don't really have a great
8882s opportunity to regroup uh assassin air
8884s with opener in calios trying to work
8887s their way back around to the point it's
8888s time to face the music Matt the Justice
8890s step forward now as the Dallas Fielder
8892s at 99.
8893s Leos
8894s waiting for a bit of a top up here but
8896s he needs to Rampage forward soon
8898s he'll take the point Dallas don't quite
8900s allow for the flip and it's gonna be oh
8901s my Fielder just gets cut in twine
8904s the case forced to see although great
8906s aggression in the backline keyboard
8907s assassin keeps it alive for the Justice
8909s okay
8910s first steps being taken but it's not
8912s quite done yet kellyos needed a Carnage
8914s connection there to shut Harmony down
8915s the fuel they're going for it you can't
8918s be serious calio's trying to run for the
8920s heels but Hardman runs him into the
8921s ground instead the Dragon Blade
8924s connection on Assassin it's gonna be a
8925s blade from spark could have finished the
8927s job and oh my the Washington Justice
8930s I put in the ground the Dallas fuel make
8934s the reverse sweep happen you better
8936s believe they're warmed up oh a bit of a
8939s sire relief there from the Dallas you
8941s see Sparkle I mean always in High
8944s Spirits but uh that was not the face we
8947s were seeing from them after the first
8948s two maps uh they were they were getting
8951s rolled there early on and they came to
8954s life there later in the series
8956s you know they take the point right off
8958s the calios Rampage and he connects with
8960s a knife on a Han bin and when he grips
8962s him in the sound barrier comes down and
8964s it's like oh uh I wasn't asking for this
8968s I'm not stuck in here with you you're
8970s stuck in here with me yeah great
8972s turnaround though and look I mean that's
8974s not easy to do in this kind of better
8975s game which normally is really predicated
8977s on player Advantage especially when it
8980s comes to your Jungle Queen or your
8982s support ultimates here but that's and
8984s also I think if you're the Justice you
8986s need to figure out how to win in more
8989s ways than decaying going crazy yeah
8992s right uh because it's not entirely fair
8995s I think to him like of like hey you know
8997s like we're only gonna win these two maps
8999s when you go the hero mode and save the
9002s day right there's got to be other ways
9003s you're able to force these fights that
9005s get you wins uh that's really what kind
9007s of ended up ruining them in the long
9009s haul but tell me
9011s is this Dallas fuel
9013s is this Luke from the Dallas field going
9014s to be enough man I don't want to see
9016s that Ash again I I'm sure I I'm sure
9019s it's it's good we've seen Edison on in
9021s the past they just looked way better
9023s with the sojourn look it was like night
9025s and day plenty of notes to take away
9027s from this suit but we're gonna get some
9028s insights from the winners themselves
9029s we're gonna head down to the stage with
9031s Danny and a post-match interview
9034s bad thank you very much what is up
9035s everybody Danny Lim here joined by Chio
9038s from Dallas fuel for the post-match
9040s interview
9041s all right so that I'm gonna be honest uh
9044s I thought I I personally thought it was
9046s going to be a 3-0 for the Dallas but it
9048s really wasn't this was a very close
9050s fight uh the first half I guess what you
9053s guys seem to have a lot of trouble but
9055s at the end you guys were able to manage
9057s to get the win so uh what adjustments
9059s did you guys make after the half times
9078s sparkly
9090s um
9105s all right so the problem that we had for
9108s the first two map was that we played the
9111s ash composition and for the
9112s ashcomposition uh the team has to sort
9116s of stay back and play reactive but I
9119s guess we were a little bit too
9120s aggressive so that was a problem and I
9122s guess it was me and Sparkle we just
9124s really wanted to just go in there and
9126s fight so we were a bit too aggressive
9128s for the ashcomposition so coming into
9129s map three uh we asked the team hey let's
9132s play the soldier in uh me and Sparkle
9134s we're gonna carry this pre-pasco Soldier
9136s and win this and that's how we got the
9138s win against the Washington Justice all
9140s right uh moving to my next question
9142s true it's not really a question because
9143s I heard that it's uh chio's birthday
9145s everybody today
9148s so Toronto do you guys mind should be
9151s singing him a big happy birthday for the
9154s birthday boy you guys ready let's do
9155s three three seconds here we go three two
9157s one
9159s [Applause]
9172s happy birthday to you Brothers
9177s thank you everyone all right and chill
9180s uh for your birthday gift I got your uh
9184s got your win okay okay Steve Washington
9188s justice so I mean today's your birthday
9190s you got this big win against Washington
9192s Justice are you gonna do anything
9193s special today
9212s all right I mean I'm definitely going to
9215s you know after this match we're going to
9216s go outside and take a big long stroll
9218s and also it's really good to get this
9220s win against the watching sources I am
9222s just very happy all right everybody give
9224s it up for Chia one more time
9227s thank you guys so much that is all I
9229s have on the floor so let's send things
9231s back to our casters Mr math back to you
9234s gotta give credit to Danny that'll be
9236s like you turning out to my graduation
9237s and giving me my degree for my birthday
9239s happy birthday Mitch got this for you
9241s congratulations of course though uh to
9243s the Dallas if you want to be birthday
9245s win uh for Chio and look they set
9247s themselves quite the tough task with
9249s their selection you've got to feel like
9251s they've got more than they bargained for
9252s from this Justice Squad yes and no I
9255s mean we see what happens towards the end
9257s of the series when they make the
9259s adjustments uh and it's all Dallas fuel
9262s they just came in didn't play that way
9264s maybe just a really odd reason
9268s and I look one play we want to highlight
9270s for that yes Edison came alive but
9273s across the whole series consistency and
9274s Excellence came from Han bin himself not
9278s an easy job when you are going up
9279s against a tank line around a tank of
9282s calios leading the Justice into a lot of
9284s aggression against you early tough to
9286s play against that when you're playing an
9287s ash composition that needs space that
9289s needs some time to really get uh their
9292s engine running so credit to Harman for
9293s again which could do in those situations
9295s and light in the series man he was just
9297s unbelievable yeah and I think like
9299s Edison's making the hero Swap and kind
9302s of uh allowing the team to play a
9304s different play style is like massive but
9306s also he was really like non-existent for
9308s the first two maps I mean he was nowhere
9310s to be seen where you know hanbin was
9312s trying to keep this team in there and
9314s keep those you know Maps close uh
9317s definitely on Sergo Royale played a huge
9319s impact again 4.5 deaths per 10 minutes
9322s that is such a big deal for someone who
9325s needs to stay alive late into the fight
9326s to have that Empower multiple blades get
9328s people out of position get a lot of
9330s those Carnage hits it's so important and
9332s Harmon really filled that role nicely
9333s with numbers approaching that of DPS
9336s that we give players of the match to as
9337s well so fantastic summing from the fuel
9340s also enabling uh you know people like
9342s Edison to get the job done when they had
9344s to after that switch to sojourn
9347s this is going to continue to drive our
9349s conversation forward when it comes to
9350s the Ash versus the sojourn pick right
9352s very clear and Dallas admitted it that
9354s it was a problem for them I'm curious to
9357s see what other teams like to do
9358s especially teams like the Outlaws and
9359s Merit you know is they're going to be
9360s going back to the accuracy showing some
9362s sojourning him recently even Toronto
9363s Toronto runs a lot of the ash
9365s composition so interesting to see after
9367s that first series uh how that worked out
9370s for Dallas if they decide to make any
9371s swaps yeah so keep that one in mind as
9373s we go forward what a way to start up
9375s your summer shirt and ladies and
9376s gentlemen we'll be back with more of it
9377s here Live From The Madame athletic
9379s center in Toronto after the break
9382s take it again
9397s [Music]
9399s [Applause]
9404s watching is brought to you by Upper Deck
9406s the official Trading Card of the
9408s OverWatch League
9409s and by TeamSpeak the official voice
9412s supplier of the OverWatch League
9416s foreign
9424s [Music]
9445s thank you
9476s foreign
9477s [Music]
9488s [Music]
9506s foreign
9507s [Music]
9520s [Music]
9544s foreign
9564s [Music]
9572s [Music]
9586s foreign
9588s [Music]
9598s what's up Toronto we are back it is the
9601s watchpoint crew here to talk in her game
9602s break about what we just witnessed with
9604s the squad I am very familiar with Dallas
9607s fuel playing like the Dallas fuel in
9609s games one two that was best fuel but
9611s Dallas where's the fuel seem to end in
9613s game three let's talk about all the
9615s action we just witnessed because the
9617s Washington Justice was making Johnny
9619s more uncomfortable than I'd ever seen
9621s you in your career the Beavers were
9623s laughing at me the maple syrup is right
9625s there I was ready I was looking up
9627s guides like how can you actually chug
9629s maple syrup what's like the fluidity I
9631s you know I have to dig into all the
9633s details I will sweating bullets with
9635s Dallas fuel down O2 to the Washington
9636s Justice and Washington looks good I mean
9639s Decay came out of the sojourn on fire
9641s and this is what you want to see from
9643s the cave when you talk about what the k
9645s is capable of this was an a top tier
9647s performance by him some of the best
9649s OverWatch he's played and meanwhile the
9651s Dallas video they were middling we
9652s talked about Edison on the ass how great
9654s he was against the San Francisco show
9656s class week and he just liked fell a flat
9658s in the first couple of maps here Costa
9660s yeah Decay these sort of plays was
9662s really the big moment for the Washington
9664s justice but they were just playing well
9666s overall yeah
9669s yeah when their backs were against the
9671s wall but watching just playing a very
9673s fundamental good style and they were
9674s able to isolate the players of the
9676s Dallas fuel we credited Dallas time and
9679s time again this stage for being that
9681s high mind working together as a unit but
9683s they were picking them apart absolutely
9685s routing around them until we got to this
9688s circle Royale and that's where things
9689s really started to flip a switch and the
9691s Dallas fuel started mounting their
9693s comeback and Mitch and Matt talked about
9695s it once they made that transition from
9697s Edison on the ash sorry on the ash to
9700s the surgeon all of a sudden the Dallas
9701s fuel looked like a completely different
9703s team because it felt like they could
9704s play more cohesive yeah absolutely I I
9706s do think that you know we'll be talking
9709s more about Ash this tournament going
9710s into the tournament we're like we like
9712s the ash it's a nice component but
9714s Washington Justice I think they really
9715s proved as well how do you counter the
9717s ash well you go aggressive you dive on
9719s top of the ass you don't get in their
9721s face don't let them get away and when
9722s Donald swapped over to the sojourn you
9724s can slide away you can get out the
9725s fights and you have to respect Dallas
9727s field and Edison at that point because
9728s after that game four you said this is
9731s gonna be fuel in game five it wasn't as
9734s easy as we predicted the Washington
9735s taking them the distance there in that
9737s opening round yeah and it could have
9740s gone either way and honestly there was
9741s just some great individual plays I think
9743s that opened a beat on that first round
9744s might have gone a little bit by the
9746s wayside they would have liked that one
9748s to hold on to that one for the end but
9749s this is another disappointing tournament
9752s for the Washington Justice the exact
9754s same thing happened
9756s the same thing happened at the kickoff
9758s clash in Dallas earlier this year they
9760s made it to the tournament they went 2-0
9762s up over the San Francisco shock only to
9764s get reverse with so they show up they
9767s can play against the best they just need
9769s to close out okay I still have faith in
9771s this Justice lineup and for one reason
9773s can we take a look at it one more time
9775s gentlemen it's all about the DPS when I
9778s play this game we gotta highlight Decay
9780s and what he was doing because I have a
9783s feeling this is the man to pull you out
9785s of that lower bracket if you want the
9787s rally you need Decay to be on top of his
9789s game as he was here in game two yeah I
9791s mean that second show here on Edison is
9793s absolutely ridiculous and the K
9796s notoriously is someone who's come out in
9798s the past and been like I don't I'm not
9799s really comfortable playing the
9800s long-range chip scan you know it's not
9802s really something I want to do and
9803s instead that's why we saw someone like
9805s happy come in for you Justice at the
9806s start of the Year happy no longer on the
9808s team instead Decay has to take on this
9810s long range hits can roll and what a way
9812s to do it in this tournament so far as
9814s the fuels tank is going to take the MVP
9816s honors for our first match I think we
9818s also need to give some credit to the man
9820s who made that roll swap we saw the ash
9822s put away Edison pulls out to sojourn is
9825s this the future for the fuel if you're
9827s going to win this tournament is this the
9829s character you want him playing
9831s okay it's so hot because we've been
9834s going back and forth on Ash and surgeon
9835s so much this stage yes there is validity
9837s to the ash when you can play this long
9839s range but look at these stats that
9841s Edison were putting up he was just there
9843s was just too much pressure the
9844s Washington Justice were getting in his
9846s face and he was unable to do anything
9847s and if you can't pump out that damage
9849s then it's what are you even playing it
9851s for you're not getting the picks when we
9853s saw this transition over to the sojourn
9855s look at these stats it is just way
9857s prettier look at how many eliminations
9859s per 10 minutes he has 11.5 final blows
9862s and only 4.5 deaths if you're the Dallas
9865s fuel it's nice to have that Ash in your
9867s back pocket but I think you lean more
9868s towards associate and I think the big
9870s takeaway for me was Zero scope critical
9872s when he was on the ash when he switched
9875s over Johnny the man's Landing final
9876s Blues with that railgun yeah absolutely
9878s I mean the thing is Washington Justice
9880s they were always on top of him right so
9882s what's the point of scoping in you're
9884s just like everywhere everywhere throw
9886s the ball says Lose Yourself everywhere
9887s so he didn't give a tie have time to
9889s scope in right so that just tells you
9891s like sojourn way more appropriate you
9893s have a slow you can plant on your enemy
9895s team you disengage you fall back that
9897s played way better for Dallas people well
9899s we still have three more matches to go
9900s before the break Johnny are you still on
9903s the Dallas fuel chart
9905s all right
9907s come on yeah that was just a learning
9910s experience you lose and you learn there
9912s you go lose early and then win three in
9914s a row and just finish that way for the
9915s rest of the tournament well ladies and
9917s gentlemen that is gonna do it for our
9918s first match when we come back though
9920s things are getting spicy the Spitfire
9922s faces off against your own Toronto
9924s defiant don't go anywhere or you'll be
9926s missing who
9927s Canada
9931s what
9938s [Music]
9958s foreign
9969s [Music]
9988s [Music]
9993s [Music]
9997s foreign
10004s [Music]
10011s [Music]
10028s foreign
10029s [Music]
10055s [Music]
10065s [Music]
10067s foreign
10069s [Music]
10084s [Music]
10102s our rampager is huge Crow he's going to
10104s die to just the plead what a Knife by
10106s Keller okay
10118s to save him rips out the blade doesn't
10121s have the healing and mm3 shoots them out
10123s of the sky ending the blade early not to
10126s be overclock the five midday and again
10129s mn3k four Philadelphia Fusion getting
10133s the team kill and keep this block moving
10137s foreign
10143s over to the side roof so much payoff the
10146s rally gets put up the journey can take
10148s it down first everyone gets deleted by
10150s Lee and the rally was all for none
10153s I don't even know how to leave seized
10155s players through all that chaos stand he
10157s somehow perceives it through the Matrix
10158s just green lines it takes coming down
10160s the screen
10161s [Music]
10164s and that's on rampage they have to get
10166s hit by the sound barriers timed well
10167s funny Astron have to be able to get away
10169s and kids just found them playing Killing
10170s vigilante already oh she's a little bit
10172s too late with the beat again against it
10174s now heads upstairs he sees Kai on his
10176s own and he can't even make it back to
10178s the health pack it's a deflect
10179s elimination from cancer on nagenji it's
10183s all over there is nothing left in the
10185s Atlanta rain not even a wimpap as they
10187s go down
10192s foreign
10223s foreign
10224s [Music]
10237s [Music]
10255s foreign
10287s foreign
10291s [Music]
10312s welcome back to the OverWatch of Summer
10315s Showdown here live at the beautiful city
10318s of Toronto here at the matami athletic
10321s center oh my God today's been the a
10323s great treat already but like they and I
10325s are ready to serve you the next course
10327s it's a rematch of the London Spitfire
10330s versus the Toronto defiant oh yeah so
10332s home teams finally get a walk out in
10334s front of their home crowd lemon but last
10336s time what you said these teams met it
10338s was three wonderful in the Spitfire it
10339s was a huge upset no one's expected on
10341s Spitfire to be able to slap her onto a
10343s defiant around the way that they did and
10345s in the end it all came down to kind of
10347s Sparky be able to hit some massive snack
10349s cards during that particular battle over
10350s 13k damage per 10 minutes on the sojourn
10353s during one of those Maps he was
10355s absolutely trouncing for thrawn's
10357s defiance so the question is this time
10359s around the Toronto Define going to be
10361s able to try and turn around the tempo of
10363s these engagements and make sure that he
10364s still has enough space to work with well
10366s I had to talk to Toronto Define about
10367s this because I was like you know Moby
10369s Dick
10370s the result didn't go well last time what
10372s words do you have for your opponent now
10374s besides you know the constructive stuff
10375s of not wanting to just uh trip over
10377s their toes and wanting to improve over
10379s the mistakes they did against the London
10380s Spitfire Moby said dear Christopher
10383s Chris it's Moby you might have been us
10386s last time but now that we're in front of
10387s the fans we're going to beat you this
10389s time in front of everyone so this match
10392s means so much more it's a lot of
10394s pressure on these players who haven't
10395s been on the stage like this yeah back in
10397s uh OverWatch one we talked about the
10399s seventh man being the crowd now we're
10400s down to a the Sixth Man being the crowd
10402s and a lot of players say that it is uh
10404s something a little bit different it's a
10406s little bit of extra Vigor in their step
10408s and we've heard so many interviews from
10410s Return to the fight during their
10411s qualification run about how much it
10413s meant to them how they were working
10414s extra hard they're putting in the extra
10415s hours doing the extra world of views to
10417s make sure that they could be here in
10419s front of their home crowd and make it
10421s worthwhile well across a pond the London
10423s Spitfire who were kind of shaky this
10425s matter not gonna lie and you thought oh
10427s the rush King surely this is gonna fit
10428s them like a glove going into junker
10430s Queen but like when I talked to manager
10432s Nuki about this team and just how are
10435s they feeling going into this tournament
10436s it was it's a big mental game for them
10438s they're so confident in their mechanics
10439s and their understanding of the game it's
10441s about just their mental like someone
10443s like backbone who we never really saw
10444s play Genji in Genji Meadows previously
10446s and I was like so what's up with
10447s backbone I think he looks awesome on
10449s Genji why I haven't we seen this before
10451s and she was like it's all a mental game
10453s with these guys and when you're young
10454s like that you can maybe get frustrated
10456s with yourself you got pressure you got
10458s fans cheering or brewing for you so it's
10460s easy to make mistakes when there's so
10461s much on the line so London it's about
10463s setting it wasn't about Reinventing the
10465s wheel and getting different strats it's
10468s about just mastering the fundamentals
10470s well from my opinion here as a Brit
10473s Britannia rules the waves and that
10475s includes Lake Ontario everyone in the
10478s arena around the world please give it up
10479s former London Spitfire
10483s foreign
10486s but still confident leading that charge
10489s chatty but then you got backbone who I
10492s think has done a tremendous Improvement
10493s is actually looking like a great duelist
10495s on the Genji they all look six foot five
10498s by the way I'm on a box and they Tower
10500s over me look at Chad he he wishes this
10502s was a Winston meta but he'll get in his
10504s chest he found his chest in the game and
10505s out of game too I'll tell you what about
10507s how to use well really interesting stat
10508s line he's actually got the highest kills
10511s per 10 with the Carnage at the moment
10512s which is kind of it's reminiscent of his
10514s legendary States this is one of the
10516s greatest Winehouse in the game surely
10517s when it comes to the big melee damage
10518s that you get with the ax with the
10520s Carnage how to use the one delivering
10522s and the question is in this matchup can
10524s Toronto defiant turn around to try and
10526s punish Hardy for going for those deeper
10528s melee kills with the ax and Admiral
10531s Landon although maybe rookies and not
10533s someone you people you talk about too
10535s often they're incredibly consistent they
10536s do their job and the people you can
10538s trust a lot of these players come from
10539s British hurricanes from contenders so
10542s they know each other for years and even
10544s people who weren't on British hurricane
10545s they played in contenders and they know
10547s each other so the amount of trust that
10548s this team has this is why they look so
10550s good in previous Rush matters now coming
10552s in as a 15 yeah maybe they're not on top
10554s but it's not about the seed it's about
10556s how you finish yeah and when it comes to
10558s how you finish it go to manage to get on
10560s top of hisu and finish off that Ash
10562s before it can really do some damage
10564s because he Sue on the ash that we know
10566s him to enjoy playing is really going to
10568s be trying their best to get continuous
10569s damage onto backbone and shut him down
10572s and that's one of the things that we're
10573s really looking out for for drawn to
10575s Define in this rematch as to as they can
10577s try and either peel back and play a
10580s disengaging game to make sure of London
10581s con completely control the tempo or if
10583s they're going to potentially match that
10585s Soldier because we just saw in our last
10586s matchup right now how vulnerable teams
10589s can be to just being outsped Washington
10590s Justice just kept bringing it to Dallas
10592s fuel Edison was on the Ash and
10594s eventually it had to be a swap over onto
10596s that sojourn so the tempo could be
10598s matched
10600s well your home team
10605s North has arrived give it up for the
10608s Toronto defiant
10610s [Applause]
10616s [Music]
10621s foreign
10623s [Music]
10645s they're allowed and they're proud
10647s they're on the stage the Toronto defiant
10650s hitting the stage kill him you're up
10652s Canada
10654s rolling through the crowd everybody
10656s wants a piece of the action when it
10657s comes to Toronto to the fire they are
10659s the hot stuff in this matter for my
10662s money lemon shurong and Twilight this
10664s duo in the back line for void premium
10667s backline we had a mancian backline they
10669s are unbreakable in this matter Twilight
10672s has a brain that has tenured over
10675s Generations upon generations of
10677s competitive OverWatch and every single
10679s time he's come out on top on the
10681s brigitta it's no different but he chose
10683s rally in place you know that it's a
10685s winning move Twilight understands he's
10688s in The Matrix and he is always being the
10691s one to tell Tron to defy I have looked
10693s through the future I have pondered the
10695s orb and I can see the victory in this
10698s fight and they want to rewrite their
10699s Destiny because as you mentioned London
10701s won their last rematch it was what a
10703s week or two ago time is a concept so it
10706s was 3-1 for London and Toronto showing
10708s up on the biggest of stages in a
10710s probably a country they've never even
10712s been to before here's your starting
10714s lineup and when talking to Moby Dick the
10716s one person that really glues this team
10719s together is Twilight the experience the
10721s veteran ship the way that he takes care
10723s of his players in and out of game this
10726s is a team play meta and you gotta look
10728s to Twilight to unite this team once and
10730s for all yeah Twilight and a hot and hot
10731s girl is a Duo here when it comes to Land
10733s Experience they are going to be
10734s unpowered of course Hopper he's been in
10737s every single season of the OverWatch
10738s league on the Cavalcade of different
10740s teams but especially in our first two
10742s seasons we were over in in a Bala it was
10745s land every day hopper knows how to play
10747s in front of a crowd that is screaming
10749s his name but I want to zoom in on all
10752s those possibly the least name value for
10755s any player on tour go on Twitter five
10756s that is a short-lived title because
10758s although when it comes to the Genji
10760s mechanics in this particular meta he has
10762s been up and up and up and really
10764s impressing us for the ability to clutch
10766s fights for Toronto to fight might not be
10768s able to win otherwise and although from
10770s the Shadows stepping up into the
10771s spotlight because in previous Meadows it
10773s was finale but although has been growing
10775s into the Genji rule similar to Backbone
10777s I feel like they both have a similar
10778s story of being known on other Heroes but
10781s then really becoming prominent on the
10783s Genji which is so important in this
10784s matter to be a good doulas on the Genji
10786s because yes you're getting resources but
10788s you also have to be smart you can't be
10790s over antsy and this was a problem that
10791s London had of just maybe going in too
10793s deep or wanting too much or being too
10795s quick in the fight you really gotta take
10797s your time and backbone and although have
10799s learning have been learning so much from
10801s their coaching staff and this is a
10802s matchup I'm so looking forward to
10804s interesting tidbit as well although
10805s actually was on London Spitfire in our
10808s third season so it's uh even though it's
10810s a completely different organization now
10812s it's a little bit of a battle against uh
10813s his original home in the OverWatch
10815s League Of course these are two very
10817s close seats number four and number five
10818s Toronto did not get to pick their
10820s opponent going into their own home stand
10822s so they were kind of left with London
10824s Spitfire as everyone else decided we'll
10826s take anyone else yeah I mean we even
10828s heard from Jaws that London is kind of
10830s this Dark Horse of yeah they had maybe a
10833s slower start to this matter we really
10835s thought they were going to be top four
10836s and above because of how good they were
10838s at rush when no other teams wanted to
10840s play that and even just the team London
10843s knows that Hardy has been adapting I
10845s mean every tank has had their
10847s trepidations of trying to learn the
10849s jungkooked queen first map Choice goes
10851s to Toronto to find having the better
10852s seed it's Fourth versus Fifth and we go
10855s to ilios this is they've only been to
10856s this map once this stage and it was
10858s against the LA gladiers which Toronto
10860s had success on manami athletic center
10864s long have you waited for Toronto Define
10867s to come home to you as aspiring
10869s champions in their first ever map in
10872s front of your eyes send forth your
10875s energy
10876s it is all red I'm ready to see red on
10879s the ground too map one I mean we've
10880s already had a crazy day the fact that
10882s the Justice game uh the Justice game
10885s went to five and it was a 2-0 start when
10888s Dallas fuel were talked about being the
10889s number one team or just even going all
10891s the way to winning it but really you got
10893s to throw all your expectations out the
10895s window when playing on a stage like this
10896s there's different factors it's a new
10898s environment there's a crowd there's
10899s noise distractions and everything but
10902s the doors are about to open for our
10904s rematch of London versus Toronto and you
10907s know it Jesus on the Ash and sparkers on
10910s the sojour and let it rip I missed a big
10912s technical matchup here how does hisu get
10914s the space to operate against a very fast
10916s London Spitfire can he should find
10917s themselves on high ground or will under
10919s Spitfire tonight those angles entirely
10921s playing in the gazebo at the moment
10922s background's already doing a significant
10924s amount of damage the hot rod I believe
10926s has already used their shouts backbone
10929s just applying pressure to hop it was
10930s completely surrounded by Spitfire
10932s members and not getting the resources
10933s Toronto already starting to back away
10935s but around the corner actually but not
10938s really wanting to initiate anything
10939s without Hapa so London get the cap first
10941s you know they will be able to get out of
10943s here with a good amount of out charge at
10944s least getting up towards that blade but
10946s Hopper will have to wait now another 11
10948s seconds that next shouts come up of
10950s course you can pick some poking in
10951s Earnest before any of this is available
10953s London Spitfire though they'll be able
10955s to control all of his defensive uh areas
10957s where they really wanted to like he's
10959s just some space to work with oh although
10961s already going after that Bernita Hardy
10963s trying to protect us backline with
10965s everything he has but he's the first to
10967s fall and Landon can't back him up so
10969s that's a quick turnaround for Toronto
10971s now Holly being the first one really
10972s hurts because after at your
10973s disengagement is so much weaker you
10975s don't get the additional speed from that
10977s shout as well and oh yes all those
10980s sitting at 85 percent towards the place
10982s and look at London Spitfire support
10983s ultimates at the moment admin Orlando is
10985s so far behind if although decides to
10987s take a Tempo blade here strike first
10989s Toronto could pick up a very quick
10990s second fight with which to farm their
10992s other ultimates oh and Toronto already
10994s wanting to initiate and even just
10996s getting a dash or a few right Clicks in
10997s is great for Aldo because five percent
10999s away from the blade now they can maybe
11001s create some distance poke away get up to
11003s the blade and hope that Admiral doesn't
11005s have the barrier in time and really
11006s gotta judge the old tracking of Toronto
11009s here's the first blade from although and
11010s all of London are grouped up they use
11012s the shout from hottie they back away
11014s Admiral how's the sound barrier and
11016s although never killed anything so London
11018s like you say can get maybe a Tempo
11019s engage off the barrier coming up this is
11021s dangerous though Twilight just a little
11023s bit ahead on the rally not enough for it
11025s to matter but it's going to be sound
11026s barrier versus sound barrier Truong is
11028s forced to move into a second barrier
11030s beat engage for Admiral chorong
11032s unleashes his second walleye with the
11034s rally and Landon as well resources
11036s expended and Admiral's first to fall no
11038s speed for London as he Sue has been free
11040s too to poke away at London and dismantle
11044s them one by one but what is this Landon
11047s are you serious takes out Twilight very
11049s limited healing for Toronto but is the
11051s job already done you look at the point
11053s it's three versus two and London back
11055s away so Toronto holds a point credits a
11058s land of over Force for usage of the Bob
11060s there from hisu now contesting the point
11062s needs to be a risk of the help of
11065s Toronto to fight when they move on to
11066s there huddy's just ahead when it comes
11068s to this uh when it comes to this Rampage
11070s but sparker here with the overclock is
11073s actually going to be in a really good
11074s position to try and follow up those
11075s Rampages at good range with a consistent
11077s rail shots from Harper hits four Hardy
11081s responds hits three Landing down no
11083s healers for London it's 92 for Toronto
11086s as well they just have to hold on a
11088s little bit longer but sparker has to
11090s shine as a headshot of Twilight sparker
11092s keeps this winnable you look at the
11094s point it's four versus two Toronto just
11097s needed to finish but Sparkle ignites and
11100s London are still in this London still
11102s have to stay on the point as well as
11103s overtime in favor to run to a defined
11105s Hopper will be sent for healing backs of
11107s a spawn and London Spitfire going to
11109s finally get their flip but not without
11110s significant investment now the blade is
11113s the next ultimate that needs to be
11114s looked at and considered how could it be
11116s counted but if it's wrong to defiant
11118s they have an extra bloop remember in the
11120s form of a coach gun from the ashimat
11121s needs to be considered by backbone
11123s because now going up against a triple
11124s Boop and that can really mess with your
11126s Locomotion when you're trying to get a
11128s blade that's not assisted by a damage
11129s boost and backbone is ready to cover mid
11131s the rest of London are covering the left
11133s side so Toronto have to choose how they
11135s engage carefully they don't have any
11136s ultimates but they just have to survive
11138s this backbone blade here it goes
11140s immediately after Harper Cuts him by the
11142s ankles and here's Hardy to assist and
11145s all the resources behind backbone the
11146s one kill is all they need to send
11148s Toronto packing for now backwards
11150s decision there to use a short Dash as
11151s well to try and receive an extra 50
11153s damage on Hopper and close the distance
11155s so he can't be out ran was a great way
11157s to just read what is required of that
11159s blade only the one kill was needed
11161s however now although on the other side
11162s is going to be looking to achieve the
11164s same however this is going to be the
11166s last white lemon as we move in towards
11167s the 80 for London Spitfire here all the
11169s cars need to be put down on the table
11171s and the bulb is almost ready for hiso as
11173s well in London have their support
11174s ultimates a little bit before Toronto
11176s and that could make a big difference all
11178s those blade how will you pierce through
11180s this admiral has to be ready although
11182s getting into position sees London
11184s approaching the Mini pack side here's
11187s he's still having the space as well
11188s although it already sees the Soundbar he
11190s just has to survive and this bleed could
11192s be All-American in all three Toronto on
11195s The High Ground waiting to get towards
11196s the back line he finds Landon who
11198s activates the rally and although gets
11200s nothing but so does backbone the sound
11203s bear from Toronto does it give them some
11204s extra resource some overheld to work
11207s with as now all things are equal four
11209s versus four Admiral makes sure that his
11212s back line is safe good whip shot from
11214s Landon he has turned trying to Boop
11216s someone in position but sparker
11217s headshots then oh boy not a lot of
11220s damage
11221s not a lot of people on the phone on the
11222s Block Toronto with round one it was a
11224s big old Ball but forced on the Spitfire
11226s backwards yesterday survived and yes
11228s they killed the big old MC Butler in the
11231s end they lost the point they lost their
11233s footing and they've lost the whale as we
11235s head over to stage two which ruins lemon
11238s and this is another fantastic area for
11241s the ash some really long sight lines
11242s that can be exploited for Locomotion
11244s towards that Ash is a little bit more
11246s difficult because the point is in a
11248s depressed Zone that means Ash can sort
11249s of play around the periphery and have
11251s themselves a high ground to work with
11252s and here's the final looks of the uh C9
11255s if you want to call it zoning blade I
11256s know we kind of meme about it but also
11258s kind of accomplished a lot if you think
11259s about it uh I don't think even killed
11261s anything because of Admiral but the way
11263s that London stepped away to respect that
11265s blade is what costing them the round we
11267s enter ruins doors open let's take a look
11270s and part of a reason why I've had to
11271s step away to respect that blame that
11273s with Bob forced for sambury
11274s beforehand so he only had a rally to
11276s really deal with that Lucas are onto the
11278s fight here and if they make a move to
11279s control the mega Health Banks that's so
11280s important for keeping Hopper alive
11282s backbone is making his way free into the
11284s back line but hottie already ditched the
11286s front line so this could just be a front
11288s to back fight if you're looking at
11289s London but they can't be too eager and
11291s see how they're not dying that's so
11293s important you don't want to go in too
11295s deep once you get that first kill
11296s because 4v5 is still winnable London are
11299s playing smarter than they did before I
11300s think it's a misstep from although as
11302s well he picked up the mega health pack
11303s and I talked about how they were making
11304s that play to control the zone so I was
11306s actually in that area with no cover and
11308s couldn't get the burst healing from that
11309s mega pack now he gets hit with a knife
11311s pulled on in Hope is taking so much
11313s damage yeah Hopper got a knife pulled by
11315s Hardy and it was already forced to use
11317s shout this is going to slow down the
11318s fight for Toronto as they just want to
11320s take shelter and not get pulled or maybe
11321s uh one shot by sparker and he has to be
11324s careful for knives too as he steps up
11326s for those picks it's marker very high on
11328s the charge towards the rail 100 but
11330s where is it placed not enough to take
11332s Twilight out but he does leave him in
11334s the danger zone lemon London are playing
11336s this very messy sure they get down to
11337s about half healthy respect that space
11339s But backbone is killable Twilight
11341s assures a fit great whip shot moment as
11343s Toronto step forward to clean up the
11345s rest 5v4 taking control of mega pack is
11348s great hottie a little bit behind from
11350s the flock but although cuts through the
11352s back line and more as Toronto take back
11355s the point two whip shot kills in one
11357s fight as well from Twilight we talked
11359s about what the veteran brings to the
11360s table and it's not just the car mind
11363s it's also the accuracy nobody escapes
11366s Greece on Twilight's watch
11368s take me out the next as well this was a
11372s larger oh it's an environmental as well
11374s taking out spark above the EPS slain I'm
11377s the DPS now says Twilight Twilight is so
11380s scary he is not afraid to step up and
11382s put your whole team in a locker as a
11384s bird eater like I'm waiting to see
11385s Twilight just promote it to DPS he has
11387s the attitude but check out this he used
11389s to just dropped the Bob London have to
11391s back away because the pub isn't pretty
11393s deep it's stating as a bodyguard in
11395s their doorway they burn it down now
11397s London can move forward because of this
11399s time burning Toronto have taken a lead
11401s Spock's actually Bill up a rail off of
11403s his Bob though so have a look to see if
11405s there's any burst damage being delivered
11406s from spark of is the rally popped by
11408s both sides and London needs the space
11410s need the resources and backbone finally
11412s has the blade sound beer first from
11415s Toronto and let's see if this can
11417s convert it to any picks as uh another
11419s barrier drops and backbone unleashes his
11421s blade he goes immediately after Hoppa
11423s wants that first tank Domino Falls so
11425s usually does the rest he also deny the
11427s win condition of the Rampage as London
11429s are satisfied with this pick and
11431s Twilight maybe tried to present himself
11432s on the point to extend that lead even
11434s further but for now London get the flip
11436s and that was all about London responding
11437s very well to my early Bob by simply
11439s disengage didn't use either of their
11441s support ultimates and that meant that
11442s they could draw even with Toronto to
11444s fight when it went support out for
11445s support ultimate now Hardy with the
11448s Rampage we talked about how Hopper died
11449s about denied a win condition but now
11451s it's much harder for Hopper to get value
11453s out of that Rampage because London
11454s Spitfire can control their spacing
11456s incredibly well with Admiral and spark
11457s up on The High Ground they're going to
11459s be incredibly difficult to capture of a
11460s rampage although already pressuring The
11463s High Ground kind of forces the London
11465s DPS to drop as they're really good at
11467s respecting that space But one
11468s identification honey Rampage is the
11470s backlight Twilight is toast but London
11473s managed to get a trade so it's four on
11475s four as although gets another blade but
11477s he's not getting the multi-kills but man
11479s is he scaring the heck out of London who
11481s are still anti-healed it's 80 plus if
11484s Toronto win this fight they're setting
11485s themselves up to take the math so on so
11487s they flip the point in the middle of
11488s Disney match despite being down on
11491s Personnel for quite a while in the end
11493s though it's all about the cleanup that
11495s although can bring to the point and now
11497s hisu once more can poke away easily
11499s Atlanta spit first as we have to put
11501s themselves in danger to touch this point
11502s with no ultimate can't Admiral can't
11504s touch is anyone else there a sparker he
11507s does jump in starts the overtime Landon
11509s is around the corner hottie has to jump
11511s in Toronto they shut the door at Toronto
11515s take map one their first map in front of
11517s a home crowd in Toronto defying two not
11520s disappoint they have been grinding for
11523s years to make themselves a team that
11526s Toronto could be proud of and his first
11528s sampling lemon it seems to be going
11530s pretty well there's another Canadian
11531s team here did you know that the
11532s Vancouver Italians but Toronto they want
11535s to be the number one in Canada hey
11538s number one in the league too that's not
11539s too shabby but for now it's about
11542s showing up in front of the crowd and
11544s it's already a good start we're gonna
11546s throw it to a break and we'll see you
11547s after this
11579s foreign
11586s [Music]
11597s [Music]
11611s foreign
11614s [Music]
11625s [Music]
11634s [Music]
11646s foreign
11679s foreign
11686s [Music]
11704s [Music]
11718s [Music]
11744s [Music]
11755s thank you
11763s nice
11770s [Music]
11777s the Toronto scarves are out but so are
11780s the claws Toronto take map one it was
11784s looking close but they're already
11785s starting to rewrite their script but
11787s Toronto 83 win rate on control this is
11790s their best game type what now
11792s well I guess that they've prepped pretty
11795s heavily for the ash here and they're
11797s thinking okay look at that by the Izu we
11799s can potentially hope that Toronto
11801s Department are going to be leaning
11802s heavily into that and then the game plan
11803s but we've got to counter it will work
11805s out a little bit better and maybe they
11806s just feel they've got really good
11808s control of the movement and they're
11810s pathing towards things like point a
11811s because we know that London or a team
11813s that in their history this season have
11816s had to rely very heavily on good pathing
11818s suit we're playing a lot more Reinhardt
11819s than other teams and with Reinhardt
11820s you've got a path so efficiently to not
11822s lose your shield and lose out in poke
11824s fights and that's incredibly important
11825s by the Izu as well yep that is London
11828s spitfire's Choice One More Time
11831s one of our newer maps in OverWatch 2 and
11835s just making sure backboat's chilling
11837s Smiles all around but also
11840s I feel maybe the map one was a bit
11841s nerves right but I think after we just
11843s heard all the Toronto defiant uh chants
11846s in the crowd you kind of saw the Toronto
11847s defiant players smiling but it's
11849s important to also stay focused and not
11851s let any win get to your head
11853s yeah although I do think that there's
11855s gonna be a quiet confidence coming to us
11857s as well like Moby Dick really sort of
11859s like imbued that up on us that he really
11861s believes it's going to be a win and the
11864s three one before they're not phased they
11866s wanted a fire they'd already been in a
11867s pretty good position in this veteran to
11870s be fair I think that Toronto's
11872s performance in this man has been a
11873s little bit surprising I didn't expect
11874s although to be as powerful on againji as
11876s he has been and when we saw hisu like
11879s being uh an average Ash enjoyer
11882s for a while that uh
11885s there was a little bit of a
11887s philosophical debate for a while as to
11889s what is more valuable and since we might
11890s have a technical policy let's talk about
11891s what the ash brings to the table because
11893s Ash is a hit scan is very good at
11896s bringing damage on demand there's no
11898s real charge up like you have with a
11899s sojourn rail that you have to charge up
11901s to 100 and it means you can continuously
11902s Pelt the enemy Genji with damage and
11904s keep him from getting into positions
11906s that are too aggressive but they can
11908s really access the back line and it keeps
11909s backbone much more suppressed so one of
11911s the things that we really have to watch
11912s out for here is how deep backbone can go
11915s before it is far too much and he can
11916s just be burned to death with a dynamite
11918s what we saw in Ruins just how deep
11920s backbone went and was not very Bueno for
11923s them we're going to paraizu as our
11926s second map still first the three and
11929s there's still a lower bracket so the
11931s story won't end here for either team but
11933s yeah you brought a ball though and maybe
11935s not the flashes please we're not seeing
11937s the 5K the the good old Nano blade days
11939s where I would just have my vocal cords
11941s fried but the presence that although has
11944s the way he just Force the C9 on well
11947s just because of how they were able to
11949s manipulate the position of London and
11951s quite literally Corner them and make it
11952s so they didn't even have space to get on
11954s the objective so that's what I really
11956s like about Toronto but London also
11957s aren't getting too aggressive mine it's
11959s like one or two mistakes from backbone
11960s they're really measured on how they give
11962s and take space this has been a great
11964s match for both teams must be if I'm
11966s going to be starting off here on the
11967s defense obviously into the sojourn
11970s instead of the ashes one of the things
11972s that we really have to look for out for
11973s here is analyst and as an audience is
11976s where Spark is going to be putting this
11977s disrupter field because the disruptive
11978s field is a really important piece of
11980s utility in this matter because if you
11982s put it in the right place to find sex
11984s enemy team you can force the enemy
11985s junker Queen to use their shout too
11987s early in order to get the speed booster
11989s first of a team to move on through or
11990s for the Jungle Queen to disengage and
11992s after a junker Queen has used that shell
11994s that's the go sign for the enemy junker
11996s Queen because they have such a huge
11997s advantage in the next engagement here's
12000s his initial Widowmaker shot sometimes
12002s you get lucky it's like Bingo it's like
12004s one percent chance
12005s and you also get to convert maybe some
12007s old charge you really just saw hottie
12009s there sometimes you even go for shot
12010s number two because you never know okay
12012s you get hottie half hell that's kind of
12014s cute but he'll be healed back up so it's
12016s fine
12017s and hisu gets to uh start off with
12019s premium on Old charge not terrible also
12021s keeping those flicks warm
12023s runs a bit fire here not getting overly
12025s aggressive but backbone is uh he is
12028s testing himself a little bit and almost
12029s walk himself into the back line This is
12030s an interesting spot to take a defensive
12032s fight usually you let the attack come to
12034s you but I think London wanted the
12035s initiative and it's where the sparker is
12037s the first one to die tomorrow is not
12039s afraid to jump in your back line and see
12041s who he can duel and winning that against
12042s sparker is kind of massive for Toronto
12045s but on their Journey to the objective
12046s they've lost a few members he Sue Hapa
12049s this is just a dead fight for Toronto
12050s but because London lost a few members
12052s they're not exactly gonna position near
12054s the bridge and rather near the point now
12056s yeah aggressive positioning he is off
12057s the counter that's a really good
12058s two-stage engagement rings adhesive you
12060s add backbone engage first knowing where
12062s he soon had to go because even he
12063s couldn't go in even deeper so when he
12065s disengage he was right into the path of
12066s London who could deliver the melee DPS
12068s to get that killing blow now to run to
12070s the five they aren't close to any
12071s ultimates what they don't have to do is
12072s Battle Through The High Ground this is
12073s an ideal fight for them oh backbone got
12076s found great headshot by hisu he has one
12078s of the highest crits on ash as well and
12080s land it's just toes this is such a brief
12082s buff for Toronto oh and all they had to
12085s do was walk up while London lost control
12087s of bridge so great fight by Toronto it's
12090s all about that attrition like you were
12091s saying lamb and London Spitfire they
12092s could not move forward to control that
12094s High Ground as they were power thing
12095s forward for Toronto to fight was
12096s absolutely free they didn't have to use
12099s a shout or a speed boost and also
12101s actually access the point the mountains
12103s of those both of those amps were
12105s available for Toronto to fight in the
12107s actual fight in those narrow areas where
12109s you can really get massive cleave damage
12113s although has been positioning quite
12115s aggressively as well just going on off
12117s angles to kind of surround London but
12119s look London go underground and now
12120s they're behind the car they try to catch
12122s up off guard it's a good disruptor shot
12124s from sparker all the pressure is on the
12126s Hoppa they get that trade but not before
12128s sparker gets headshot by hisu so it's a
12132s 4v4 but Toronto the attack without a
12134s tank spawn room doors around the corner
12136s and they don't want to get trapped they
12138s invest the ball behind London just to
12140s force London's attention behind them so
12142s Toronto don't get spawn camped which
12144s would cost them some time yeah an
12146s amazing bisection as well Landon gets
12147s isolated he won't be back for a while
12150s sparker well London knew that he could
12152s not hold that spawn even if they did win
12153s the fight without sparker the long range
12155s damage are so important for being able
12156s to put down suppressive fire on those
12158s spawn doors although now has a blade
12160s ready to go but learn a Spitfire of both
12162s of their support ultimates that can be
12165s used and there's no Bob beforehand to
12167s try and force something out of London so
12168s all those likely to be mitigated here he
12170s needs to stay safe during his blade
12172s still last fight for B so London
12175s have to burn a lot of time here they got
12177s kind of rolled at the start but backbone
12180s it's time to do some bulldozing himself
12182s he is on firing not in a good way that
12184s Dyna fight Dynamite laid him up so he
12187s really forced out a barrier but not the
12189s rally Admiral also had his barrier
12191s forced by Aldo's Blade no one died
12194s London though they're still on the
12196s defense and they're still holding yeah
12198s because if we need to use that bulb to
12199s break the spawn hold now Spock has an
12200s advantage against the lack of support
12202s ultimate a rallies pops bites while I
12204s put a disengagement from London they're
12205s not gonna counter rally Harper wants to
12207s draw everyone into an alley for this
12209s Rampage he catches Sparkle Admiral and
12211s Landon Landon's rally trying to keep the
12213s team up howdy encounter engages he gets
12216s a three-man or four-man Auntie the
12218s support from Toronto affected but above
12220s is sparker he needs to hit the shots for
12223s London and he converts on a few at least
12225s two and Toronto dead in the water this
12228s fight with 240 left oh it's a romso fans
12231s they remember this stimulus spark her up
12233s on High Ground absolutely fine farming
12236s on the sojourn no killing blow onto hisu
12238s and that is a prayer given over to
12241s Toronto to fight they can make more time
12243s happen out of this but London Spitfire
12245s they've been completely spent look at
12247s those old charges Landon's the highest
12248s on 31 he's going to be the next to try
12251s and make something happen and that's a
12253s well facilitating Dynamite yeah that was
12255s an expensive last fight now it's just
12257s all vanilla really how can these Genji's
12260s maybe try and duel up against backbone
12261s is pretty close to heathu he sees that
12263s drops on the other side backbone is on
12265s the hunt Toronto fall back to peel but
12267s basketball's already assassinated and he
12270s goes after the reinforcements he's solo
12272s killing people and Charles like I ain't
12274s want that smoke that's not me Daddy I
12276s ain't that guy so backbone really found
12278s a great opportunity for the defense oh
12281s and the last show reckon as well takes
12282s out although just extra old charge an
12285s extra waiting time for the Toronto
12287s defiant and he wasn't able to hit that
12289s many shots over the course of that fight
12291s London Spitfire actually took fights in
12293s isolated areas that had physical cover
12295s from making sure that he was at least a
12297s little bit isolated in those battles and
12299s couldn't help out others from range and
12301s now on spit five they've retaken The
12303s High Ground to monster fight need to
12304s invest heavily in terms of their
12305s resources and their movement to take
12307s these areas so although when Sharon have
12309s to play as a Duo here to even try and
12311s wrap around onto sparker and that means
12313s that passing for Hop was much more
12314s dangerous he brought up the good parts
12316s about Ash but how about this you don't
12318s have as many uh you don't have as much
12320s Mobility as a sojourn so this part of
12322s the map is so close range that London
12324s can instantly pounce on hisu but Toronto
12326s have to learn they dropped the Bob to
12328s stop London from jumping on top of hisu
12330s Toronto need he's doing this fight for
12332s all the damage he can provide rally
12334s first from Landon the fight has started
12336s they picked off these two they're going
12338s after the back line and I mean Harper
12340s can't do anything if London just walked
12342s past them all those like maybe I can
12344s push this card a little bit further but
12346s this is another done fight back to back
12348s to back wins for London the spine that
12351s was promised continues to pick up the
12353s killing blows and now back boom be
12355s rewarded for all of that with a blade
12357s strong into my life they are just a
12359s hands breath away from getting the
12360s supports ultimate with saying Toronto
12362s Define from a blade-born Onslaught and
12364s maybe potentially Charon could get a
12366s beat but would also facilitate all those
12368s counterblade here but the question is
12371s shorter onto the fight lose on their way
12372s in because spark is building up towards
12374s another rail if he hits a body shot with
12376s that he's ready for an overclock and
12378s that makes the path to the car where
12379s everyone has to be so much more
12381s dangerous yeah Landon's initiative on
12383s the rally was important last fight but
12384s Toronto have the advantage here they
12386s start with the rally in the blade and
12388s it's already one kill Harper leads the
12390s charge on the front line and he's strong
12392s threatening the faces of London who just
12394s decided to only use the blade and give
12396s this one up this was an overtime push
12398s though several minutes costed Toronto to
12402s get to this point they'll have a little
12403s bit more for C with a long road ahead
12406s everyone sparkova deciding up to invest
12408s their ultimates in trying to clutch up
12409s it's a long-term view from the London
12412s Spitfire a macro economic fiduciary bit
12414s of responsibility to not invest when
12417s they were already down backbone knowing
12418s that without the dash resets the move
12420s between targets they were unlikely to be
12422s able to follow up very well on the
12424s ultimates they had available now they're
12426s on to the fight they need to try and
12427s find a way to extract value from this
12429s Rampage I see the Toronto rotate right
12431s London tried to cut off the respawn or
12433s cut off their rotations and weren't
12435s successful at getting back any kills as
12438s Toronto used a resource to rotate and
12440s also the right door to get back to the
12441s court there's so much attention from
12443s London on the history look how they just
12444s speed pasta and then try to go after
12447s hisu Rampage to Rampage and that's a
12450s massive one from Harper and Hardy and
12452s there's just no one left alive Toronto
12455s have to just hide in there in their
12456s spawner doors honey uses the knife to
12458s pull he's so away from the immensibility
12460s area so he dies to the bleed hot but yes
12462s can brawl up in the front lines but they
12464s don't really have many tools on the way
12465s of trying to Define to really Force
12467s themselves forward with no shout while
12469s under Spitfire waiting here this is
12471s incredibly perilous London are always
12473s pulling the trigger first on these
12475s fights is it paying off though but that
12477s means also so much real estate for
12479s sparker to just sit back and not have
12481s anyone get close to them although it's
12483s not being able to pressure its Parker
12484s but look at Toronto already with the
12487s first pick in hot but as soon as London
12489s approached he holds his ground and
12491s London sees some signs of life I think
12493s London spit fly maybe Ogle played their
12495s hand in terms of a confidence there
12496s pouring out through the choke into
12498s Toronto Defiance effective zone of
12500s control but now we're in overtime the
12502s spawns are going to take longer lemon in
12504s Toronto to fight as we get further in
12506s they're going to get further and further
12507s away from their sport room every single
12509s kill will camp for so much and sparkling
12511s and deliver them readily using the
12513s overclock rally to Rally Toronto getting
12516s a free they're already halfway to Sea
12518s when are London gonna choose to fight
12520s they were on The High Ground but now at
12522s the end they get pummeled by the hisu
12524s Bob who sets up at the end oh London
12526s just commit the overclock to burn the
12527s Bob down now this card has not stopped
12529s pushing this entire time so London need
12532s to win this fighter this will be a full
12533s cap and it starts off the way of
12535s backbone already two kills for the
12537s defense and a blade on the menu next
12539s Toronto present themselves forward but
12541s this was a dog fight to begin with as
12544s London stopped the full capture from
12546s Toronto sanctically utilizing the
12549s reality of overtime lemon knowing that
12551s while that overclock is online to wanted
12554s to find they've been conditioned via the
12556s spark a fear the rail so they all hang
12559s back and they leave Hopper alone to just
12561s keep that car contested and yes that car
12563s is moving but it also means that there's
12565s no one to back up Opera and he can be
12567s easily focused down by all of from the
12569s Spitfire as they take their time to wrap
12571s around the car and make sure Hopper's
12572s got no disengagement paths there are at
12575s all palatable now to want to Define it's
12578s not unwinnable they've got themselves a
12579s respectable push here I was I was
12582s worried about where London decided to
12584s take that fight because like I said it
12585s was just an Unstoppable push but the
12587s difference between Ash and sojourn is
12589s that sojourn can take advantage of super
12591s long ranges and I think they set up
12593s sparker at the end of Point C for that
12595s reason uh you had to spend a bit of your
12598s overclock to deal with the Bob but if
12599s you if you manage to still get
12600s overclocked value after the Bob's been
12602s dealt with it ended up working out and
12604s even just even if Sparkle can't finish
12605s off kills backbone will if you set up
12608s your Genji for success for those Dash
12609s resets that's where London really found
12611s their success but they choose they chose
12613s that moment almost too carefully because
12615s that was almost a full Push by Toronto
12617s so London have to go almost to the end
12619s to equalize the series yeah and this is
12622s a dangerous part here lemon point a with
12624s an ash defending it is a very tough
12628s cookie to take a bite out of hisu will
12630s be able to tax you incredibly toughly as
12633s you try and move through his zone of
12635s influence and it means that you have to
12637s expensive any resources like the amp it
12639s up and like oh that's not the grapple
12642s background wanted yeah it's a little bit
12643s of a giggle there from Bank bonus okay
12645s bud no one saw
12647s oh it's not like those Widow shots I
12649s forget anything anyway to do that in
12652s front of a crowd uh yeah I wouldn't stop
12654s it's it's I'm just kidding but London
12656s now they can just maybe it's hard for a
12659s SoJO to attack here you don't have to
12660s die why you could throw over but that
12662s pole means a lot hottie holds it
12664s Twilight to the line of fire five versus
12666s four and not a lot of healing without
12668s that brigita player Toronto disengages
12670s around the corner sparker man he is
12673s lighting up he's got a ton of charge
12675s it's back or sorry Aldo finds himself
12678s completely out of rotation away from the
12680s team he tried to take it off angle but
12682s Toronto went the other way yeah it was a
12683s boss call on the disengage and sparker
12685s still Reigns Supreme maybe Sweden's gift
12688s to Esports continues to hit those
12690s killing blows but that was all about the
12692s Hobby Magic hitting the knife on
12693s Twilight I don't know what happened but
12695s Twilight was caught without his shield
12696s up should have been 3D peaking maybe
12698s with that alasita pulled down to the low
12701s ground and quickly finished off and you
12702s can see that spark run back when they've
12704s been rewarded so heavily in terms of
12706s their old charge but the real question
12708s here is how aggressive can London be in
12710s terms of claiming this High Ground away
12712s from Toronto Define and forcing them to
12714s spend resources in order to claim it
12715s back
12716s yeah that's important of who is having
12718s that High Ground Control for now is
12720s Toronto but London kind of just jumping
12722s up seeing what they can find it's a
12723s little bit of game of duck hunt when
12725s you're watching sparker play and I like
12727s that he has his brigitta shield so he
12729s kind of has some protection of although
12730s decides to apply some pressure which he
12733s hasn't been doing as much of that lately
12734s I feel like backbone takes more risks
12737s can be a liability but could also reward
12739s the team London now rounding this corner
12741s Toronto put a stop to that and they're
12743s ready to fight all right hisu on one
12745s angle although on the other there are no
12748s unattended paths here for London
12750s Spitfire to try and move through but
12752s look at the sparka Falls low gets the
12753s armor back and now toront in a dangerous
12755s position alongside all though backbone
12757s just tried to harass hisu and Twilight
12759s said none of that you are not invited
12761s over anymore Toronto and especially
12763s children likes to go and harass people
12765s sometimes he wins that duel against
12767s sparker and if you're Lucio could do
12769s that that's kind of safe but backwards
12771s like enough of that when he meets uh Bob
12773s around the corner that is not who you
12775s want to be in the dark alley quickly
12777s burned down without Hoffa Toronto don't
12780s have a tank they don't have a front mine
12781s they need to stay safe for this final
12783s fight he's with that Bob they may have
12785s actually given Toronto enough time to
12786s play this out because jurong was saved
12789s by that Bob spark of this is such an
12791s aggressive angle London will just take
12792s you the land away Oh I thought spider
12794s was gonna kill Twilight there he needs
12795s to stay alive for the rally coming up
12797s Toronto holding well as London are
12800s playing cat and mouse brigitta's
12802s exchanged and it's Parker with the
12804s overclock he gets the sit back and be
12806s happy but look Leonard just kind of
12808s shoved Toronto back into the point C
12810s area Toronto will have maybe a recontest
12813s and they touch at the very last second
12815s now we've got to worry about the boobs
12817s it's gonna be out bro who's responsible
12819s for them back then goes too deep but
12820s Hoppers turn around on the other side is
12821s sparka with the rail all those throw
12823s some blades oh it never went solo from
12825s London but although she doesn't want to
12827s take that risk especially without hot
12829s but here this could be a lost fight so
12831s Toronto are done with this they're happy
12832s now he used to taking up a
12834s responsibility of just making sure that
12836s can't be snuck on forward Hopper ready
12839s with the Rampage London if they put
12841s themselves onto this car they're going
12843s to be very vulnerable to large spacing
12845s Papa said what's up what you guys
12848s cooking the Rampage Shores his own team
12850s hottie follows along he pulls Harper
12853s into his loving arms but I don't think
12855s Harper wants to date he is Andy healed
12857s but Toronto never die what a job from
12860s Chong and Twilight to keep this fight
12862s alive for Toronto and hope Brazil
12864s realized that he went too far was hoping
12866s to drag in members of London Spitfire
12867s thinking oh hop is hinting let's just uh
12869s well let's take care of that Evan turns
12871s around with the old 180 and Rampages
12873s back how did you get more value out of
12875s that Rampage the thing is because
12876s hogwood already anti people London
12878s spitfighter don't want to move forward
12879s into that enemy Zone to actually follow
12882s up upon it so hunt didn't have as much
12884s backup as he would housewise like yisu
12887s is the only
12895s one shot but without support this is
12897s just a dumb fight London get point B
12899s there's no saving this for Toronto
12901s you're farming alts and you're thinking
12903s about Point c three and a half minutes
12905s to think about as well I mean we are far
12907s flowing from the overtime take of point
12909s B charong given the armor packs it's all
12911s reliable in Twilight who keeps his Lucio
12913s alive thank you sir he soon with the Bob
12917s where do you put it here do you want to
12918s try and use it to try and force on the
12920s Spitfire forward and make sure that this
12922s engagement path is gonna be incredibly
12923s perilous because of the auto damage that
12925s Bob does or do you want to use it mid
12927s fight instead when London Spitfire have
12929s already used their engagement tool so
12931s they can't disengage effectively from
12933s that ball I like the mid-fight
12934s distraction that you're talking about
12935s with the bar but more importantly just
12937s manipulating the position of the other
12938s team as soon as London go forward key
12941s shoes Bob meets them at the front London
12944s respect that they go back and you know
12946s it's actually the defense on the car
12948s right now is London find themselves on
12949s the wrong size and also cut off from
12951s their own spawn it was on that side what
12953s year is it London Spitfire almost a four
12955s ultimates ready to try and break through
12956s here and only Twilight in his rally will
12958s stand in their way oh rally to Rally
12960s though resources equal but Hardy is
12962s taking a lot of heat so adorable
12964s especially against all those blade but
12966s backbone he got the barrier too and he
12969s hasn't been able to cut through any of
12970s these resources and London still find
12972s themselves cut off from their own spawn
12974s while at least they have access to the
12975s door now as Toronto not really sure how
12978s to control this space halfway moves away
12980s from the disruptor shot as sparker hopes
12982s to disrupt this fight with the overclock
12984s it's back to back kills for London five
12987s versus two and Toronto only have two
12990s minutes left to defend oh he's a stagger
12992s there as well Hardy eventually getting
12994s the killing bloke the fact is love this
12996s fear fire that was not an amazing return
12997s for the three ultimates they used at the
12999s beginning only the overclock really
13000s starting to find those killing blows and
13002s that means charong now he's gonna be
13004s able to just hold on to this sound
13005s barrier until Harley uses that Rampage
13008s there's gonna be no other onus no major
13010s stimulus which forces jerong to play his
13012s hand early and to call the bluff of
13014s London's Spitfire however when we look
13016s at the distance this could be the last
13018s fight for London if they can eat it out
13019s where where did Toronto want to engage
13021s uh the card is pushing Toronto oh my God
13024s okay they got at least Harper is there
13026s the barrier drops a turong in Toronto on
13028s London over like a truck and
13030s we can fly a win for Toronto on this
13033s point see after so many seconds have
13035s been exhausted but London had many more
13037s chances with a minute 15 left okay let
13039s me get a little bit small then we didn't
13041s have the ultimate to try and win that
13042s battle so instead they went for a split
13044s trying to drag in Toronto super deep to
13045s chase those kills while a couple
13047s actually moved off to hit the car
13049s instead Toronto defiant they are still
13052s at least with a semi-filled war chest
13055s with the Rampage and the Bob the Hardy
13057s here if he can hit himself a top Rampage
13059s Strong's already used that sound barrier
13061s now to engage it's not going to be
13062s available to counter Harley's aggression
13064s this might be tricky for a hottie's
13066s rampage do you want to take it on the
13067s low ground do you want to hit him on The
13068s High Ground and try the fight down low
13070s Toronto have ways to disengage but
13072s they're the ones who initiate they throw
13074s the ball forward they split London in
13075s half and they tried to send although to
13077s finish the fight but it's hard but uh
13080s rampage that slowed London down but
13082s without Landon's rally London are
13084s dangerously low but it's the damage
13086s that's straight finally for London as
13089s the box of Victory is in their side
13094s I was almost ready for that to be a mass
13096s win Toronto though just had me going
13098s London Spitfire will tie the series
13101s unless I can touch after a celebratory
13103s sound barrier is not enough on their own
13106s map pick London Spitfire decided that
13109s the beautiful beaches of paleizu were
13111s going to be where they would even up the
13113s series and yes there will be no sweeping
13115s today for Toronto to find but we're far
13118s from a 3-1 we saw before now Toronto the
13121s fight we'll be able to pick their own
13123s location going over to escort and demand
13126s maybe an Ash versus Ash on something
13128s like a Dorado are you trying to curse I
13131s don't want to try to get booed in front
13132s of the Toronto audience I'm gonna say
13133s this real low so they can't hear me but
13135s uh Toronto won the control map last time
13137s and then London rolled them the next
13139s three Maps is this gonna be the repeat
13141s of History we're gonna throw a toy brick
13143s and we'll find out after this
13147s foreign
13154s [Music]
13161s [Music]
13179s foreign
13185s [Music]
13203s [Music]
13210s foreign
13214s [Music]
13229s [Music]
13237s [Music]
13243s foreign
13248s [Music]
13262s [Music]
13287s [Music]
13311s [Music]
13318s around
13325s [Music]
13333s [Music]
13339s [Music]
13355s foreign
13364s [Music]
13373s script is all going according to plan
13375s Toronto wins control and then London win
13378s the second map we just like to keep
13380s things a little spicy here in Toronto
13382s yeah it's uh some it's an unfortunate
13384s flashback though for a couple of throws
13386s to Defying fans you ever get my feeling
13388s of deja vu no mate was that a good
13391s accent it's okay we take those and uh
13394s actually I got a feeling of premonition
13396s as well lemon I anticipated as we go
13398s over to escort that we might see Toronto
13400s Define try and force us to Dorado
13401s because that's an area that's very good
13403s for Ash and really good sight lines and
13405s some high grounds it can be quite
13406s difficult for a Genji to pop up too of
13408s actually using his Dash because the wall
13410s climbs can be a little bit finicky and
13411s that makes it a much more dangerous
13413s proposition for regenji because he could
13415s be tracked very easily as he makes his
13417s way up to those High grounds and when
13419s you go for hisu versus marker in an ash
13421s battle usually you're going to be
13422s preferring hisu here he especially has
13425s um most time on the ash in the league by
13427s a huge margin over an hour of gameplay
13430s time in this meta more than anyone else
13432s on the ash
13434s well speaking of map stats we already
13436s knew Toronto were like mid on paraisu
13439s because they actually got full haul by
13441s Vancouver Titans but when it comes to
13442s Dorado this is Toronto's map pick they
13445s have had great success on this they have
13447s defeated the Boston Uprising and the
13449s Houston Outlaws on this very map so
13452s Toronto are sticking to their strengths
13455s surprise me if Toronto have done so well
13457s here in this matter like we said before
13460s it's an ashes playground and
13462s she wants to Define if they can get
13464s aggressive they can give hisu so much
13466s space to work with and when he still has
13468s space to work with that means that
13469s backbone doesn't because you're getting
13471s consistent damage onto McGee it becomes
13473s too nervous to try and make those risky
13475s Dash plays knowing that if he has to
13476s brawl afterwards the likelihood of
13478s survival is incredibly low however it's
13480s going to be Toronto to fight who was
13482s starting off here on the offense
13484s kind of watching Pottery zoo I actually
13487s found like London were the ones who were
13489s stepping up and trying to go after hisu
13490s more and that's where Twilight really
13492s had to get his peel on and they had to
13494s kind of just punish London every step of
13496s the way that's why backbone looks like
13497s he's dying a lot more than all though
13499s because although gets to sit back and
13501s just peel for hisu or see what he sues
13504s opportunities can create and although
13505s can follow up afterwards or you just go
13507s full punish mode and wait for London to
13509s act first but that's how I think London
13511s were able to kind of manipulate almost
13513s Puppeteer these fights when they get to
13515s control and have a say on how everything
13517s goes
13518s let's run to marionette should become
13520s Toronto to fight here a quick TP up to
13523s High Ground courtesy of all though this
13524s gives hissu a nice little Zone from
13527s which to exact his will you can see
13529s about backbones consistently taking that
13531s damage that is a beautiful shot from ISU
13534s and the cloud yeah they're getting their
13536s clap on now that's our heat scan that's
13538s a hit scan he too has the most amount of
13541s time out of every player in the league
13543s when it comes to Ash but he also has one
13545s of the highest crit chances I think
13546s something like 20 and you see like a lot
13548s of Jesus kills are just these random
13550s headshots so it's really awesome to have
13552s someone Dependable like that on the team
13553s because that first pick reason
13554s guarantees you that you're going through
13556s bridge but London are still holding the
13558s space even being down a person and look
13561s backward tries to present himself in the
13562s back line and Toronto know this is
13564s coming this is the style that backbone
13566s plays and although has to protect his
13568s team as Parker Falls to hisu and the
13571s picks continue Toronto's way with
13572s respawn Advantage as well for the attack
13574s they can keep this going forever
13576s jurong though was punished for going for
13579s a very aggressive Boop on London
13580s Spitfire as they made their way around
13582s this High Ground you can see although
13583s getting a little bit of poke to begin
13585s with here however London Spitfire they
13587s are uncaued in their attempts spark is
13589s gonna be rejoining them soon so it's
13591s just in a little bit of an S as they
13592s move on back way to go back to full
13594s strength and then retake The High Ground
13595s to make sure that hisu doesn't have
13597s these easy areas to operate from yeah
13598s backbone was kind of contesting the car
13600s and he dashes in I'm not sure if he got
13601s the reset and this has been tough
13603s Toronto are just surrounding them
13605s they're still trying to punish backbone
13607s and they finally do London finally gets
13610s removed from the card but not before
13612s taking the half of tyrano's time bank
13614s seem like I might have been a little bit
13615s of a conversation before as well we've
13617s got the opening pick onto Twilight and
13619s after that the lack of burst healing
13621s from the lack of repair packs of
13622s restaurants are defined should have made
13623s stringing together those kills from
13625s London Spitfire so much easier they
13627s couldn't really pick a Target to focus
13630s on I think that this first point is
13632s going to be seized away lemon and now
13634s Toronto they're fine I'm gonna be able
13635s to move on to point B we're going
13636s Spitfire once again just calmly
13639s controlling The High Ground here knowing
13640s they can't allow all though to set up
13642s here and maybe create a safe path for
13644s hisu to be able to move on up but Bob's
13646s gonna be interesting is his access to a
13648s high ground is incredibly limited and
13649s thus maybe we'll see he so actually play
13651s the Bob a little bit later in a
13653s mid-fight scenario to try and take care
13655s of London Spitfire who dive in well
13657s diving on in is Bob who meets a few
13660s London Spitfire members down that
13661s Alleyway and London just we're on The
13664s High Ground immediately dropped
13665s backbone's almost a little bit too deep
13667s so Toronto get to sit back just poke him
13669s down now Toronto have access to The High
13671s Ground they have car push in London
13673s they're sitting in bank
13675s it's wrong taken down by sparker I'm
13679s once again getting that feeling of deja
13681s vu lemon as hisu is forced to give away
13683s that High Ground over
13685s two is better half London Spitfire yet
13688s to invest an ultimate here on the
13689s Toronto Defiance side of course they
13691s have used that Bob thus far however
13693s London Spitfire if they can control The
13695s High Ground here with backbone it means
13696s for Toronto to fight are more likely to
13697s have to use an ultimate to break through
13699s that oh backbone steps up all those okay
13703s he's getting packed up now above it's
13705s London and backbone with the blade
13707s forces at the bear from torong and
13708s that's fine backbone backs away in
13711s Toronto now back on the car around the
13713s corner though it's Hottie with the
13714s Rampage and drawing out all these
13716s support ultimates from Toronto could be
13718s a sign of success although goes in 86 HP
13720s goes at the sparker who jumps on out and
13722s the berry from Admiral saves the entire
13724s team and London hold them
13726s I love how everyone actually held onto
13728s that barrier for a car full of seconds
13730s longer not instantly reacting to a blade
13733s and actually it was a little bit of a
13734s risk for spark company pre-packed him as
13736s well using Landon to make sure that
13737s sparkle had a better chance of surviving
13738s and they did that so that Toronto the
13740s fight would be sort of tempted into over
13742s following in that particular engagement
13745s and it meant that they could get these
13746s early picks onto people who were
13748s positioned far too aggressively like
13749s Twilight and then the Snapback like the
13751s elastic band snap for London Spitfire
13753s when they finally got that sound barrier
13755s was on a Toronto Define who could not
13757s disengage effectively
13759s an old Advantage for London again they
13763s always pull the trigger first and the
13764s Rampage redirected towards Toronto four
13766s members hit the rally from Twilight that
13769s this engaged from Toronto they only lose
13771s what one member if anything at all I
13773s think Toronto are fine and now with this
13775s rally started they might want to take
13777s this fight now that the overhealth is
13778s there but what do you got to work with
13780s you just have a hop a rampage the end of
13782s a house to hop around Pages for it right
13784s in but spanker could answer they sweep
13786s the overclock oh my God that Bash from
13788s Twilight to get landed on the ground but
13790s Landon had a rally but it had support
13793s and sparker has the shots Toronto fall
13796s one by one and they have two minutes
13798s left to go to B
13799s oh what a response from the London
13802s Spitfire land and track that so well
13804s seeing that Twilight was getting
13805s aggressive after Hopper used for Rampage
13808s going for the counter bash knowing that
13810s I've got a better capacity here to try
13812s and get the damage onto Twilight because
13813s I've got sparker in my pocket and he has
13816s the overclock lining up those headshots
13818s you can instantly try and burn through
13819s even the overhealth if it was left over
13821s from a rally beforehand now once again
13823s Toronto the fight they have to deal with
13825s a Hardy on The High Ground who can
13827s freely Reign Over this damage but Hardy
13829s being up here too means that although
13830s can't get too aggressive because he can
13832s get Carnage I mean as soon as he shoots
13834s he blew himself up he said I'm not gonna
13837s let you get all charged I'm gonna take
13838s myself out London just looming on this
13841s High Ground makes it so kisu has no
13843s space like although needs to get
13845s backbone off of Toronto's back no one
13848s kills his eBay
13852s London Spitfire once again we're just
13855s making sure that every single inch draw
13856s on certified have to walk through here
13857s is hard fought for and backbone almost
13861s has the blade there's no way to answer
13862s it from Toronto to fight apart from
13863s maybe above remember the knock-up during
13865s that can do a good amount of damage and
13867s might be a good counter to Backbone if
13869s he decides to go too deep yeah you can't
13870s let back run on that High Ground I think
13872s all those keeping him in check the first
13874s blade to Backbone goes after jurong and
13877s a hottie squash is heartburn so a five
13880s on three London now going a little too
13882s big but I only honestly just losing
13885s Admiral is totally fine you don't have
13887s to really back away too much from this
13889s but London keep initiating every fight
13892s Toronto just sat in there watching and
13894s Alan and spitfire they can play the
13896s schoolyard bullies they have sustained
13898s upon sustain Admiral with a sound
13901s barrier Landon almost with the rally
13902s Toronto to fight they need to survive
13904s long enough for Twilight and charong to
13906s be able to bring their own
13907s sustainability
13909s [Applause]
13912s oh
13913s it's not on land bro not a hot Land
13918s Toronto defying the knee to touch the
13921s objective I'm not quite sure that's what
13923s they were going for with the name lemon
13925s but uh
13926s that's a sadness so there are a few
13929s different things happening so Toronto
13931s we're trying to adjust their presence on
13932s The High Ground he Sue went all the way
13934s behind uh went up the staircase went
13936s along the ledge he wanted to help
13938s although on that High Ground Papa was
13939s probably I'm not sure I guess it's
13941s really up to Hopper and trolling I have
13943s zero idea why Toronto were not on that
13945s card because it's right in front of them
13947s right
13949s we've got a nice Scenic shot here of uh
13951s Dorado waiting for you as well with a
13953s llama and alerta and I certainly am
13955s feeling better for those after that
13956s remember to want to Define
13959s this was their map pick this is where
13961s Toronto defined believe they had the
13963s best chance of sending the London
13965s Spitfire into a tailspin and
13968s their record on this against teams like
13970s the Houston Outlaws have been very good
13972s let's have a quick uh insight into how
13974s this
13975s objective Malarkey happens
13979s oh he's with disrupture shot oh we talk
13982s about the value of that but I've never
13985s imagined that it would be a
13987s round-winning disrupter shot maybe he
13989s thought he had the touch too maybe look
13991s it looked close yeah but could have been
13993s no cigar I'm sure I'm sure of a Reddit
13995s scientist so I've got top men on this
13998s we'll figure it out that is not a full
14001s push for Toronto this is for Dallas TP
14003s are they tping right
14006s just kidding jubate Toronto actually
14008s right above the card too so they can
14010s drop onto London at any time so sparker
14013s has to be careful where he positions but
14015s also that sojourn has a lot more
14017s Mobility than Ash and can actually get
14019s away pretty easily now the disrupter
14021s shot drops just to get Toronto right
14023s around the corner just away from that
14025s area but Toronto are waiting to engage
14028s and they actually go to punish backbone
14030s who dives into the back do they get the
14031s kill he's very low but as everyone is
14034s distracted from flanking it's London
14036s that play front to back and end up
14038s winning the fight all right chatty
14040s moment right here what tracking your
14043s handles although to the first Carnage I
14045s talked coming into this particular
14046s matchup lemon and that how Hardy is a
14048s melee DPS tank through and through he's
14051s got the highest Carnage kills per 10 in
14053s the league right now I think it's about
14054s 6.7 per 10 minutes and well that's
14058s obvious for such an aggressive Reinhardt
14060s playery love sticker up him faces and he
14061s knows how to play The Fear Factor how to
14063s intimidate his enemies into moving
14065s exactly where he wants them for everyone
14066s else to follow up on oh although it's
14068s getting harassed by backbone although
14070s concedes he's half Health London meters
14073s away from point A and anchoring
14075s themselves down Toronto don't have alts
14077s and they don't have space but they try
14079s and punish backbone but he's so Wiggly
14081s each they just can't seem to lock
14084s backbone down but for support ultimates
14086s Landon as soon as he gets it he pops it
14088s and this is going to overwhelm Toronto
14090s but just in time as Twilight with his
14092s own rally and now they just get to
14094s coalesce into London he's who has a
14097s space to set London Ablaze but spark
14100s Arena but he still gets the last laugh
14102s in Toronto hold that was a perfectly
14105s timed shout as well from hot but when he
14107s was cool within the second use of that
14109s disruptor shot and it gave the
14112s additional speed that Toronto need to
14113s get onto those more vulnerable members
14115s of land Spitfire including a backbone
14116s who like you said was being so slippery
14118s they needed that speed to catch up with
14120s him and actually pin him down into a
14121s fight now it's gonna be a tale of two
14123s blades in this forthcoming battle but
14126s the Bob is going to be such a good uh
14128s such a good countermeasure here from
14130s heater because you could simply put it
14131s up against the gate at the back and it
14133s will Pepper fire into backbone while
14135s he's trying to get value oh backbone
14137s kind of double jumped almost hit the
14139s wall and I thought that would have been
14140s a moment but he was in the middle of
14141s throwing a dynamite so couldn't get the
14142s head sharp but he puts the Bob right at
14144s the choke as London activate the sound
14146s barrier and I thought although I was
14148s going to want to wait for that but
14150s backbone doesn't wait a second he's
14151s blading the back line almost does the
14153s same thing but he was anti-heeled by
14155s Hardy so although you can heal him all
14157s you want it's not gonna work so London
14159s waited and it paid off they will be
14162s getting point a on the spit five they
14164s have a managed to
14165s drag everyone into a area where how do
14169s you get good value out of the Rampage by
14171s using the blade first to really try and
14173s force strong into using a less than
14175s ideal beat in the end London Spitfire
14178s yes they use a lot to win that fight but
14180s thinking over the course of the three
14181s and a half minutes they have to do
14183s essentially half of point B here lemon
14185s it's not going to be too bad at all
14186s because now they're trying to Define
14187s they have a choice to make do they want
14188s to take one really good fight or play it
14191s twice
14194s the rest of Toronto has to follow this
14196s up and they even throw the hopper
14198s Rampage on Top This hits about three of
14200s London as they back away towards their
14202s own spot Toronto do not want to
14203s overextend past this Archway this is a
14206s London Zone especially with the spawns
14208s that close so Toronto really don't end
14210s up killing or doing much with that
14211s Rampage Toronto style of play here on
14213s point B has now been forced to have to
14214s play for two fights there's a rail
14216s that's charged up
14218s and against Twilight that's why I was
14220s looking at backbone but the match made
14222s in heaven was between sparker and him
14224s the overclock still available but she
14226s don't even need it he's charging up off
14228s the tank and London taking kill after
14231s kill and sparker is performing at Land
14234s one fight away for London to take the
14236s map
14237s the younger players on the Spitfire we
14239s wandered after mid-season Madness were
14242s they going to be a team who would have
14244s these questionable performances on land
14245s someone's got to come in and touch this
14247s cart we cannot have yet another
14249s absconding from the objective and yes
14251s it's a touch oh thank God but there's a
14254s disruptor shot there don't be allergic
14255s to it Hoffa has to anchor for his team
14258s they need to heal him up but Twilight is
14260s dead right before
14261s the London Spitfire overwhelmed them and
14266s they spit fire indeed they're on match
14268s point
14269s for London spearfire want to once again
14272s repeat history the 3-1 The Echoes In the
14275s minds of Toronto defiant players fans
14277s and back room alike
14280s fear begins to set into the nerves but
14283s they are gonna have a longer half-time
14285s here lemon this is the moment that back
14288s rooms are Made for This is what a head
14289s coach does you don't need the head coach
14291s for shrouds you need them to be a leader
14293s you need them to be the rock the anchor
14296s that your team clings to when you are in
14298s Dire Straits and you are facing down the
14300s barrel of a gun and right now Toronto
14302s Define they're facing down the barrel of
14305s a large poor aircraft cannon from the
14307s London Spitfire you gotta look to
14309s Twilight to unite this team the C9 might
14311s have boomed them a little bit but they
14312s delivered a C9 of their own I mean
14314s London uh uh whiffed a bit of well back
14317s on Ilia so I mean all things are even
14320s but it's match point for the London
14322s Spitfire will this chapter end the same
14325s way it did last time we'll find out
14327s after this break
14333s foreign
14341s [Music]
14350s [Music]
14359s [Music]
14365s [Music]
14376s [Music]
14377s thank you
14380s [Music]
14392s foreign
14398s foreign
14403s [Music]
14409s [Music]
14437s foreign
14461s [Music]
14468s foreign
14473s [Music]
14544s foreign
14578s foreign
14580s [Music]
14592s [Music]
14602s foreign
14604s [Music]
14611s we're back baby and we're so glad to be
14614s here in Toronto with all of you it's
14617s gonna be an amazing week slash weekend a
14620s couple of days and the London Spitfire
14623s ain't changing the script that the
14625s OverWatch had planned of course 2-1
14627s going exactly the same way as their last
14629s rematch what a week or something ago
14631s yeah am I watching reruns or something
14633s let me knows for my surprise content but
14634s I think Sean Miller's just started
14636s reusing the scripts here now it's also
14638s if I they want to break through the
14641s script and try and drag themselves up to
14643s an even score line and a map number five
14646s we've had ourselves a half time and
14648s before the half-time own we talked about
14649s what the real value of head coaches and
14652s admittedly it's wanted to find drop this
14654s no more kdg they have Moby Dick I think
14657s uh filling in as the interim head coach
14659s we've also got these veterans in Hopper
14661s and Twilight the avatars of the back
14663s room the senior players on the stage who
14666s are going to have to be working super
14667s hard to make sure Toronto's Mentor stays
14669s in line and when I talk to Moby Dick
14671s about just how the coaching structure
14673s and how does the back room has improved
14675s over the season because Toronto are
14677s getting better every step of the way
14679s they actually have an horizontal kind
14680s enough structure where they're not
14682s overstepping on each other Hapa or uh
14684s Moby Dick opportunity he directs the
14687s in-game stuff but Moby Dick he he gives
14689s a general direction while the assistant
14690s coaches provide more individual stuff
14692s but for them it's about a new feedback
14695s sessions there's a lot more trust in
14697s each other and they just communicate
14699s about just an overall goal and when
14701s everyone is involved in the plan to
14703s success Toronto are just getting better
14704s especially in a meta like this where
14706s team plays so important
14708s heading over next to our push Mount
14711s Lemon
14712s and uh once again it's going to be the
14715s choice of Toronto Divine we're in our
14718s tournament Arc now and this is where we
14720s really start to see the character of the
14722s back rooms come out as well because we
14724s ask are you playing towards your own
14725s strengths or are you trying to play
14727s towards your opponent's weaknesses which
14729s of those do you prefer more when you're
14730s picking from the options that you have
14732s admittedly for push it's only two
14734s options at the moment you can either go
14735s to new Queen Street the home groundwater
14737s Defiance or Colosseo over in Italy what
14742s is happening party all right one two uh
14745s three four five six seven eight nine ten
14752s oh he keep going eleven he's going 12.
14755s he's been working I heard from Nuki he
14757s this guy works out every day yeah this
14760s is chatty live this is what you're
14762s paying to see everybody get your money's
14765s worth baby I lost count it's been a real
14768s transformation for Hardy as well this
14769s year like he talks about how he's
14771s working out every day it matters so much
14774s to these players as well to not only be
14777s healthy in terms of a gameplay star but
14779s also physically and mentally healthy it
14781s brings so much to the table and Hardy
14785s staying in chat yeah just a quick pump
14786s you know go get that land intimidation I
14788s mean we take a little bit of that online
14790s a couple Shenanigans a little bit Tom
14792s Foolery you could intimidate the Enemy
14795s by showing off your physical prowess on
14797s stage who's our most shredded player of
14800s the match when it comes to Toronto like
14801s we gotta have some some counter pumps
14804s like if I was that tank I don't care if
14807s I can do three push-ups I'm getting off
14808s the ground that I'm doing the same thing
14810s but I mean London Spitfire we it's all
14813s about mental with them like I've already
14815s talked about in the pre-show it's it's
14817s the confidence that was kind of lacking
14819s at the start of the Season at the start
14820s of this minute because it's a big
14821s adjustment even though they were the
14823s rush Kings it's still a different way to
14826s play Rush when you don't have a shield
14828s and Etc there's a lot of resources but
14830s we go to the next map now Cole said it's
14832s an interesting choice here it's a much
14833s worse record for Toronto to Define
14835s compared to new Queen Street but I
14836s wonder if they're trying to force London
14839s Spitfire into their own Wacky Races fun
14841s timeline you never like to play the May
14843s because on the Spitfire they've had a
14845s pretty good level of success on coliseo
14847s a lot of that admittedly was good for
14849s Reinhardt May and to a large degree
14850s that's because the geometry of this map
14852s is so well suited towards maywall
14854s boosting where you can just get up onto
14856s these high grounds that are assumed safe
14858s using with less mobile characters like
14860s it may like a gen Queen like a Reinhardt
14862s by using the mayweal for a boost I think
14865s we're on a Spitfire though after those
14867s last two Maps they're gonna be fairly
14868s confident in just remaining on the Genji
14870s and the sojourn and forcing Toronto to
14873s defiant to actually try and play towards
14874s them and one of the things that was
14876s actually a Hallmark a little bit of a
14877s meme for this composition in the first
14879s week was on coliseo we saw like a three
14881s minute stalemate we had ourselves a
14882s battle of epra a song yeah some trench
14886s warfare I died of old age yeah it's
14888s sometimes it happens and the thing is
14890s here Toronto to fight they would like
14892s one of those slow fights well this could
14894s be potentially your final map of the
14896s series everyone give Toronto your energy
14899s they're going to need it it's match
14902s point for London and sparker versus hisu
14905s again then he too he do be sticking on
14907s the ash
14908s I want to split here from under the
14910s Spitfire maybe trying to wrap around and
14911s take away the space from what you see
14913s before we can even start to use it
14916s just making sure that Toronto have to
14917s continually make these rotations and
14919s potentially leave hisu behind us he's
14921s gonna have a lot more trouble actually
14922s joining them oh no that's bad how does
14925s twilight die first London just sail past
14928s Hopper they don't know while him and
14931s they're constantly just finding picks on
14932s these supports Toronto have to keep
14935s their head in the game because his first
14936s fight goes to London well there's a
14938s reason lemon why no one wanted to pick
14940s London's Spitfire if they left Toronto
14942s to find our fourth seed to have that
14944s rematch oh the headshots oh and it's
14947s backbone as well with just the pure
14948s mechanics the head shots and we began
14951s this stage lemon wondering if backbone
14952s could even cut it as the Genji but trust
14955s me he's cutting through Toronto to
14957s Defying just fine mates they really
14959s needed the scale that background was
14960s just on that wall the fact that he was
14962s putting free poke and he's who didn't
14963s even know he was there there wasn't a
14965s coach gun until hisu was basically dead
14967s so it's maybe up to taurang or Twilight
14969s to get a whip shot or some kind of
14970s disruption onto backbone and that's when
14973s kind of Toronto's game plan is to punish
14975s backbone but they haven't been
14977s successful at doing that I mean he's so
14979s Swift and the confidence exudes from
14981s London they are very low though all 30
14984s HP in a dream backbone still lives he's
14986s taken down by Admiral the frog goes
14989s right okay might well be followed in
14991s here but still can use for showers later
14993s and there it is the speed boost given
14995s fall and that's for support scene and
14997s supports executed bring me that tour on
15000s where where is he going it's a forever
15002s to hard enough to get him but that's two
15004s fights in a row 35 meters and now
15006s growing this is dangerous
15010s moving in towards that checkpoint lemons
15012s wants to finally gonna have to be very
15014s judicious for when they take that next
15016s engagement I believe that although it
15017s was for last to die so they are going to
15019s be able to move in as five here with a
15021s blade in hand London Spitfire they get
15022s aggressive oh backwards and nah just
15025s kidding I was pranking you but Toronto I
15028s mean they're so close their own spawn
15030s and that's maybe checkpoint for London
15032s 65 meters although wants to end the road
15035s here he uses the play it gets countered
15037s by the Admiral sound barrier as Toronto
15040s now he was theirs to engage after
15041s backwood already used his blade can
15043s Toronto actually get any kills that's
15045s the million dollar question they
15047s collapse on the land and sparker is done
15049s with Toronto get their first fight win
15052s of Coliseum but not after giving up 65
15054s meters some overall plan there from
15056s Milan Spitfire of course was to try and
15057s Zone Toronto Define back to allow
15059s themselves to get that checkpoint with
15061s only the singular ultimate but the thing
15062s is she wanted to finally disengage so
15064s well because they only used hot for
15066s shout rather than using either of their
15067s support ultimates jurong held on to the
15070s sound barrier and that means that all
15071s those blade could be reinforced and
15073s London Spitfire simply did not have the
15075s means to try and rebuff although when
15077s all of Toronto defiant fell upon them
15079s like a red wave Toronto need to win this
15082s fight if they want to match up the score
15084s Twilight has the rally maybe wanting to
15087s save this for the haughty Rampage Hardy
15089s I mean the lane is there the red carpet
15091s is set they want to keep although in
15093s check there's a rampage from hottie it
15095s only hits the supports Hoppers hits
15097s hottie and backbone and sparker's done
15099s with as well trades back and forth four
15101s versus four but any loss for Toronto is
15104s so critical they're the furthest away
15106s from home when it comes to this map and
15109s they just can't keep this going unless
15110s they get an insane punish but he sues
15113s taking so much pressure finally London
15115s leave him alone they have to heal up
15117s themselves as uh Toronto just barely
15119s holding on to this spot Hopper's so far
15122s away right now though lemon server only
15124s four players from Toronto to fight who
15126s can really take advantage of this that
15127s means backbone isn't too uncomfortable
15130s and just trying to contest Timothy alone
15132s right now and just stops her onto the
15133s fire from getting that objective
15134s progress now both of our teams are
15136s getting back towards five members but
15138s Landon's quite far away so wanted to
15140s fight take their opportunity now Toronto
15142s have to fight now that Landon is just
15144s getting back and Hoppers back in the
15145s picture and Twilight is getting
15148s by two or three members of London where
15150s is the field from Toronto they're trying
15151s to counter dive they're trying to do the
15153s same thing to Admiral and Landon but
15155s they're unperturbed and Toronto they go
15157s for the closet and they re-emerge with a
15159s blade
15160s and Johnny and the sound barrier of
15163s Admiral it just seems impossible for
15165s Toronto to get ahead and London they
15167s take back the block you may have
15169s thousand folded steel but I've got
15171s xavi's special acts and it thirsts for
15174s blood baby Johnny with two Carnage kills
15176s in that fight London spot five they
15178s really understood the timing there
15179s knowing that they had a man disadvantage
15181s against Toronto to fight because
15182s landables are back here they went for an
15184s early engage with the overclock to try
15186s and keep trying to Define from flowing
15187s over well that's a Bob from hisu just to
15191s kind of support them a little bit more
15193s and get London off the bot here's a
15196s blade from backbone supported by the
15198s land in the rally countered by the sound
15200s bear of chorong no kills quite yet not
15202s even anyone low that's a good Dash or
15204s backbone to get Toronto uh how about at
15206s half health and Twilight was just 10 off
15210s of the rally that might have been that
15211s extra push that Toronto needed but
15214s London are looking to extend this lead
15216s even more excellent parting there from
15219s London we've talked about how important
15220s it was to event Reinhardt compositions
15222s before but to be able to disengage from
15224s that of a bob he's given it up well the
15227s Bob that was used now giving up the ash
15230s he's gone to the sojour and he's
15233s admitted that Toronto the fight they
15234s need to change for Tempo they need to
15235s change for style London have figured out
15237s how to play against the ash but do they
15239s know about the hisu soldier oh hard he's
15241s in your backline and he's coming for you
15244s Toronto they have to Rally they
15246s immediately use it Hardy tries to deny
15248s some of those Resources with the Rampage
15250s and Aldo already Falls and Toronto
15253s cannot afford to give up any more meters
15256s what a Boop hotba is gone London seem
15259s ahead for now as backwards open was
15261s trying to get punched by Twilight but
15263s it's a backbone that had the last laugh
15265s London or kalami to 90 meters plus and
15268s with almost four minutes left you don't
15270s want to call it yet but Toronto or in
15273s danger this is so dangerous for Toronto
15277s the 3-1 repetition it's siren song tools
15281s to want to defiant dare not steer into
15283s those pointy rocks they must straighten
15285s the ship and they must take this now
15288s although almost got the assassination on
15290s the sparker but this is a London fight
15292s with the sound barrier first and Harper
15294s falling over before he could set up the
15295s Rampage we're in full cap territory it's
15298s red alert here in Canada I'm not the
15300s right that Toronto wanted London
15302s approach the final destination for the
15306s match win and the Final Chapter to be
15309s closed and Toronto they can approach
15311s with the Rampage few more meters to go
15313s and where is hop up where is our star he
15316s sues the one who shines overclock at a
15319s distance will stop London from the full
15321s capture three minutes to save a Winner's
15324s bracket run for Toronto to find this is
15327s the matter where they have proven
15328s themselves to be a team of Elites this
15332s is one of the best support lines we have
15334s in the world for this matter but still
15337s the resources are not all there just yet
15340s the blade last I'm gonna shut down so
15342s well by Hardy all those gonna be so
15344s careful about his spacing against the
15345s Jungle Queen and maybe try and take out
15347s Landon early although with a blade he
15350s needs your support and he goes after
15352s Landon the support of London without
15354s that rally can London survive but the
15356s clap back even harder although and the
15359s supports of Toronto toast as they were
15361s hoping to make this back-to-back fight
15363s and they need to go for almost a full
15366s capture with the 135 meters that London
15368s have Admiral
15370s managing to get himself a couple of
15372s final blows there but the real boogeyman
15374s here it's sparker with the overclock so
15377s many maps of Toronto to find two Series
15379s in a row lemon have been decided by
15381s Sparkle just deciding that the railgun
15383s means everything Timmy is on the Move
15385s Toronto in a fight they've set up the
15386s blockade the bullwalk has been laying up
15388s but only a minute and 45 remains well
15391s Hardy is planning to do push-ups on the
15393s Toronto Graves it's barrier V barrier
15396s and overclocked appears to Twilight who
15398s tries to close the gap but can't seem to
15400s get close enough to sparker but the
15402s front line of London has been
15403s overwhelmed as they tried to go a little
15405s too deep to go for the full capture in
15407s front of the Canadian fans but Toronto
15410s ended here but it's still a long road to
15413s try and match another hundred meters to
15415s go for London though it wasn't a huge
15418s investment they used the overclock they
15420s used the rally but still the sound
15422s barrier the Rampage the blade the three
15424s most important ultimates are waiting in
15427s the wings Twilight how aggressive does
15428s he have to be with the rally here to try
15430s and make one on the Spitfire
15431s disengagement the question is how
15432s willing to London Spitfire to just give
15434s away that space because they've got so
15436s much distance to play with and she
15437s wanted to find only have a minute to
15439s save themselves
15441s here's Hardy with a rampage soon tries
15443s to go up to the back line although
15445s applying pressure behind backbone 14 HP
15449s how does he do it the blade draws out
15452s the healing of Toronto and the odds on
15454s top but it's London making a pan paint a
15457s sandwich as Toronto fall yet again
15460s London Take Back Control the bot and
15462s there's only 30 seconds left oh it's a
15465s signature swap Twilight's on his Anna
15468s baby it's the signature from Twilight
15471s he's got the range to work with but he
15473s doesn't have the time and so wanted a
15475s fight they've only got the one Ultima to
15477s try and make work the ante will be
15479s delivered yes from Twilight but can
15481s although follow up upon it with the
15482s blade watch for the ante it hits
15485s backbone oh and you got the punish after
15487s the London supports that's all Toronto
15489s needed finally although gets the pop off
15492s but let the guns and you gotta stay on
15496s this court Perfection is demanded of
15498s Toronto if they want to force another
15500s map he still has to take the bot away
15503s from the remaining members of Toronto to
15505s find though and Timmy moves so fast he
15507s moves at a pace of a person walking
15508s alongside it and social wants to find
15511s they may find themselves in a shambles
15513s as they try and get up here to wrong yes
15515s is going to start taxiing Twilight the
15517s question is controlled to fight find the
15518s space for Twilight to work if he needs a
15520s longer range for this and I cannot
15522s afford to get into a close range battle
15524s with a London Spitfire and spitfire they
15526s can bully out Toronto with only their
15528s sound barrier here because you only need
15529s to win one
15531s Twilight starting with the ante hits
15532s Hottie with it the sound bear from
15534s Admiral starts to engage off nice for
15536s London there's a sleep on the sparker
15538s can he still get the finishing blow he
15540s doesn't without that main takeaway
15542s Toronto what happened chorong misses the
15546s beach well London don't miss this week
15548s they take the series just like they did
15550s last time three to one in front of the
15554s home crowd let him just call himself
15556s villains he's pushing up on the graves
15559s of Toronto the five yes there may be a
15562s loser's bracket but that does not mean
15564s that Toronto Define will be any less
15566s devastated by history once more bringing
15569s itself back around 11. just London the
15573s confidence exudes from them the way
15575s backbone was a thorn in their backside
15579s he was constantly harassing going after
15581s the supports I felt like Hapa was
15583s probably at the least amount of deaths
15584s because of how much he's been ignored he
15586s had the invisibility cloak on him as one
15588s could step past it always went after
15590s that leader of Twilight and he kind of
15592s saw the fight breakdown for Toronto not
15594s only uh throughout most of the maps but
15597s in Communications when you had that C9
15598s happen on Dorado that's not something
15600s Toronto usually do
15601s yeah Toronto their communication lines
15604s they kind of broke down at points like
15606s we saw
15607s that lack of touch on Dorado that's a
15610s echo through their memories for all of
15612s tonight and especially going into that
15614s lower bracket match later on in the
15617s tournament it's going to be something
15618s that honestly is going to be
15620s heartbreaking for them to do that in
15622s front of their home crowd as well
15624s Toronto Define it's a heartbreaker but
15627s under Spitfire this is a good turnaround
15629s for them after a mid-season Madness
15631s performance but definitely didn't live
15632s up to expectation it's a lower bracket
15635s run for Toronto their story doesn't end
15637s here and their goal of being the number
15639s one Canadian team is still alive and we
15644s have a special treat for everyone we're
15646s gonna send it over to Danny on the stage
15648s with an interview
15650s thank you guys so much yes this is a
15652s very special treat we got sparker from
15654s the Spitfire for the post-match
15656s interview
15657s how are you doing I'm good you're good
15660s first experience on stage first
15662s experience uh on stage I mean I I guess
15665s I'll start my interview with that
15667s question because this is London
15668s spitfire's first ever land so how did
15670s how did it feel to
15673s Field playing OverWatch
15675s it's a surreal experience like
15677s everything is shaking your hair just you
15679s hear everyone screaming in the
15680s background pooing and sharing and yeah
15683s it's a crazy experience really
15685s I'm just gonna let you know uh that
15687s booing is probably gonna continue
15689s because you're not Toronto yeah
15694s we're a little nervous and shaky but I
15696s don't think that showed at all on camera
15697s and on your performance now this match I
15700s think because it was what a rematch from
15702s the qualifiers last week
15704s um were you guys extra sort of confident
15706s that you guys could beat uh Toronto
15708s defiant because you guys already have
15710s beaten them before yeah we think are
15712s better overall at the current meta and I
15714s think we just played our game and we
15715s thought we would win automatically
15717s okay all right and last but not least
15720s because of this one you guys will be
15722s facing off against the Dallas fuel our
15724s number one seed currently do you have
15726s any fighting words for the Dallas fuel
15728s to the camera we're gonna beat them next
15730s game
15732s all right that is it Force Parker
15734s everybody keep it up for Sparkle one
15735s more time
15736s that is it that is awesome all right
15738s let's send things back to our casters
15740s lemon day and leg kiwi oh I like that
15745s they are they're so creative they're
15747s just so creative on the desk of yeah
15750s great interview I mean I would be
15751s honestly intimidated when the opponent
15754s starts doing push-ups yeah right before
15756s the final map uh so 3-1 ends the
15758s scoreline for London and you gotta heard
15761s from sparker of just the nerves were
15763s there the booze were there but it didn't
15765s affect their performance I mean you know
15767s what was there I actually take partial
15768s credit the uh the Brits along this bit
15771s fire Christopher and backbone they were
15772s missing the bikies from back home I
15774s bought them over in my suitcase I bought
15776s them some special biscuits and well the
15778s homesick went away and the at the home
15780s stand win came to the bias over here
15783s just feeding the enemy all right
15785s Canadian ah they're quiet but there is
15788s one person who was very loud this match
15790s you just saw him on stage you're a
15792s player of the match is sparker of course
15796s duh so many maps are just turned around
15799s I mean this is almost a legacy player of
15801s the match as well over the last two
15803s match-ups between Toronto to fight and
15805s London Spitfire sparka has just been the
15807s Sandman in their nightmares who
15809s continually put them into these Eternal
15811s Slumbers Eternal rest and let's not
15813s forget about possibly the most valuable
15815s disrupter shot in the entirety of this
15818s manner even in the entirety of sojourn's
15820s competitive history to force that C9 on
15823s Dorado and even just being able to shoot
15825s a scary toy like chorong that's kind of
15827s nuts I mean sparker is able to convert
15830s on multi-kills almost every single
15832s overclock he commits the overclock to
15834s deal with Jesus Bob I mean we even get
15836s to see Bob for more than three seconds
15838s at a time it even forces hisu to go to
15840s sojour on that last map and the stats
15843s speak for itself I mean sparker I mean
15845s before this match was top three in terms
15847s of railgun accuracy he has very low
15849s deaths which tells me that Aldo wasn't
15851s able to really Gap clothes and go after
15853s him even Twilight you saw in Coliseum
15855s tried to step up just a harass sparker
15858s and they never could get to him yeah
15859s it's difficult to try and like figure
15861s out the architecture of a dive onto
15863s Sparkle when it felt like London
15864s continually being able to control the
15866s tempo because Sparkle was so mobile and
15869s that 57 railgun accuracy by the way you
15871s talked about how he's top three in terms
15873s of railgun accuracy that was a 55 so
15875s he's only getting better and uh Vemma
15877s actually put him into number one when it
15879s comes to railgun accuracy in this meta
15881s for summer Showdown and we got two more
15883s matches around the corner keep your
15885s butts in your seats or on your gamer
15888s chairs get the popcorn because OverWatch
15890s doesn't end here we'll see you after the
15892s break
15895s ERS Queen one Queen one point please
15909s [Applause]
15916s is brought to you by Upper Deck the
15919s official Trading Card of the OverWatch
15920s League
15921s and by TeamSpeak the official voice
15924s supplier of the OverWatch League
15934s [Music]
15962s foreign
15963s [Music]
15982s [Music]
15993s foreign
15994s [Music]
16011s [Music]
16020s [Music]
16028s [Music]
16044s [Music]
16061s thank you
16064s foreign
16066s [Music]
16074s [Music]
16087s [Music]
16109s welcome back everybody it is
16111s three-fifths of your Montreal muskrat
16113s squad for 2023 bucket alongside custom
16116s reinforcing gentlemen not a lot to be
16119s proud of if you're a Canadian today so
16120s far Johnny
16122s [Laughter]
16133s a syrup chugging competition throughout
16136s this weekend but also there's a lot of
16138s Pride on the line in this square box I
16141s just wanted the home team to win here
16143s custom was the only one to predict the
16146s little kids fire we all the rest of us
16148s we we understand the Toronto fan base
16151s the crowd showed up you know they they
16152s gave it their all but lonel Spitfire
16155s they were just too much to overcome you
16157s saw this coming Scotty yeah well it was
16160s exactly like literally set for step map
16163s by map it was the exact same thing that
16164s we sold this most recent weekend the
16167s Toronto defined they come out of the
16168s gate strong when they're able to play
16170s control they can set the tempo they they
16172s play quite well but as soon as we get
16174s into these hybrids these escorts and the
16176s London Spitfire are able to get on top
16178s of that hisu Ash it all really starts to
16181s fall apart from them and they had the
16182s exact same issue that although adhesive
16184s just aren't showing up at the level that
16186s they need to to be able to start getting
16188s some of these map wins the series this
16189s wasn't all bad though Johnny right if
16191s you came out to Toronto you were pretty
16193s excited early on you had Twilight doing
16195s Twilight things on the brigitta what did
16198s you see on the good side of Toronto's
16200s matchup well for the good set of Thrones
16202s refined I still think that they're like
16203s a very uh group that plays well together
16206s early on in the states we pray store
16208s ability to stay together similar to The
16210s Dental fuel actually that they synergize
16212s well with the backline Twilight and
16213s chorong it's an incredible back support
16215s backline the way they utilize those
16217s ultimates the tempo they have when they
16219s play together it's just the individual
16221s skill really that needs to come together
16222s for the Toronto refined and I think a
16224s large part of this is the ass place so
16227s maybe if you come up with a sojourn hisu
16229s he is one of the better hit Scouts in
16231s the league and I definitely think that
16232s hisu if he's come in to the next matchup
16234s and he plays sojourn full time maybe
16236s with that conference he can be able to
16238s make something up with personal defiant
16239s they still have tons of great players on
16241s the team Custer do you think it's a hero
16243s swap that is needed because the fuel
16244s needed to do it with Edison earlier do
16246s we need to just remove ash from the
16248s field for the rest of the day if you're
16250s Toronto it's obviously not just the ash
16252s but I think the ash is fundamentally
16254s hurting them you know you taught you
16256s said like throughout the entire match I
16257s was just time and time again saying
16258s that's not a great ball don't engage
16260s with the Box don't Engage The bobbin the
16263s next thing you know he's throwing the
16264s ball very early either throwing into a
16266s bad position or a place that the London
16267s Spitfire could disengage I don't want to
16269s just put all the blame onto Toronto I
16271s think London played it perfectly they
16273s understood their win conditions and they
16275s were able to capitalize on that but if
16277s you are the Toronto defiant they need a
16279s different look when the ashes are
16280s working they need to be willing to
16281s switch to the sojin and not just in the
16283s last map when that's all falling away
16285s from them all right Johnny it's your
16286s turn to hold the beaver that means it's
16288s your turn to tell me how we get a
16290s victory if you're Toronto because we're
16291s not done yet we still have to play
16293s Washington Justice in the lower bracket
16296s when action kicks off tomorrow evening
16298s all right so they're playing the
16299s Washington Justice tomorrow and we saw
16301s how effective Washington were when they
16303s played Edison on that Ash so really I
16305s want to see Toronto to find the swap
16307s over to that Soldier and be more
16308s aggressive all right throughout this
16310s entire stage trying to Defiance they've
16312s been like oh we're going to be
16313s calculated we're going to sit back we're
16314s gonna make very smart decisions be less
16316s smart all right be more aggressive push
16319s in be ruthless be emotional play with
16321s passion your crowd is right there get
16323s some momentum in the game and they will
16325s back you every step of the way all right
16327s thinking more dinky yes yes
16330s I like this this is the strategy for
16333s Toronto also for all the fans it's the
16335s last match of the night so make sure
16338s you're hydrating dehydrating properly to
16340s have all the energy necessary for that
16343s final battle tomorrow night we still
16344s have another match though coming up here
16346s and that is Vancouver the Titans take on
16349s the shock a rivalry that we've seen
16351s since the beginning of the OverWatch
16353s league and it continues now with the
16355s shock coming in as the number two seed
16357s how does Vancouver pull off the upset it
16359s has to okay I got my Canadian uh Beaver
16362s uh it has to be on the Aspire back of a
16365s spy he has been so good the entirety of
16367s this year he is this up and coming hit
16368s scan who just has been unparalleled in a
16371s lot of ways we we saw in the selection
16373s show dpay is saying you have to be
16375s realistic you got chosen by the shark
16376s they're such a great team you need to
16379s just be confident and just play that
16380s game it's so easy to just sort of get
16382s overwhelmed by these Juggernaut teams
16384s play with confidence play on the back of
16386s aspire and you never know what you can
16388s get they're just happy to be here
16389s honestly just show up play your best you
16392s understand it's the shock stubble
16393s elimination if it all goes wrong anyway
16395s Johnny do I win the tank fight the
16397s support fight the DPS fight what's most
16399s important here for Vancouver I think
16400s it's actually the damage fight all right
16402s if you get Aspire going especially in
16404s this matter we saw what happened to the
16407s dollar fuel in the first match suddenly
16408s Washington Justice number seven seed
16410s they're up 2-0 they got the momentum
16412s going I think Vancouver Titans if Aspire
16415s shows up to that level today he can do
16417s the same thing for the Vancouver Titans
16418s Costa talked about kilo on the San
16420s Francisco shock earlier today hasn't
16422s really lived up to his reputation going
16424s into the season San Francisco shock in
16426s the kickoff Clash when they were playing
16427s on stage they looked at a bit shaky at
16430s times so maybe this time around once
16432s more you're on stage maybe the Shocker a
16433s little bit shaky as far gets going
16434s suddenly you're cooking with gas the
16437s Vancouver Titans maybe they'll survive
16438s the Canadian cold Costa one last
16441s question does the shock let this go past
16444s three games
16445s I think if you're the shock if you're a
16448s fan of the shock you want to see a
16450s decisive 3-0 you are the better team
16451s they've always come out slow as Johnny
16453s said where they've dropped a couple of
16454s maps early and that's come back to bite
16456s them when they really need to close out
16458s matches come out a strong shot Krusty
16460s with the great leadership then you come
16462s out strong get these three zeros that's
16463s what I predict all right well
16464s congratulations half of you on the
16466s internet already have a better bracket
16468s than Johnny and I and if you have a
16470s perfect bracket keep tweeting us
16471s throughout the week this is the summer
16473s Showdown match three coming up after
16475s this
16479s foreign
16488s [Music]
16540s foreign
16541s [Music]
16572s foreign
16578s [Music]
16591s [Music]
16603s [Music]
16626s thank you
16632s [Music]
16637s thank you
16640s foreign
16641s [Music]
16655s [Music]
16660s [Music]
16663s Toronto for the summer Showdown
16666s tournament we've already had two banging
16668s games so far and now we have the
16671s Vancouver Titans and the San Francisco
16673s shock
16675s oh we got another Canadian team
16677s hopefully they can bring a dub home
16679s today but what a beautiful city to have
16682s a land in like can I move here yeah are
16685s we allowed to move here are you
16686s permanently as soon as we got here not
16688s gonna lie first day I was like what so
16690s what's rent like
16691s expensive can I get a Canadian visa
16693s please cast some OverWatch for you don't
16695s mind yeah right right yeah it'll be a
16697s great time at least we get a chance to
16698s do it here this is the what could have
16700s been at the kickoff Clash but we at
16702s least finally get to do it now so pretty
16704s pumped life in person it's gonna be uh
16706s yeah it's gonna be a good time San
16708s Francisco shock and the Vancouver Titans
16709s like Puckett said on the desk two teams
16711s that have had quite the history together
16713s however different looks from both squads
16716s an extremely different look for the
16717s Vancouver Titans yeah making just their
16719s first tournament and even finding their
16721s first wins in the qualifiers they were
16723s undefeated for a period of time
16725s this season pretty cool that they ended
16727s up getting three consecutive wins in
16730s their qualifier matches leading up to
16731s this point it's ridiculous like
16735s thought who could have predicted you
16737s coming to a tournament and the Vancouver
16739s Titans are on that list but like you've
16741s got to look at the back room stuff a lot
16742s of people have been talking about people
16743s like dpay coming in and
16745s shaping the roster to what it is now
16747s they came in with three wins but
16750s small problem
16752s they are facing the San Francisco shocks
16753s they're first yeah I I mean that's a
16755s rough one anybody that rolls to San
16757s Francisco shock I think definitely is
16759s quaking in their boots just little bit
16761s just I mean they were undefeated 17 wins
16765s in a row for qualifiers just this season
16767s and it's just so impressive I know that
16770s streak just got cut short but they're
16773s still here at land and they've got a
16774s chance to prove themselves again on the
16776s stage like this oh your second Canadian
16778s team is about to play let's bring him on
16782s the stage a team that has had a better
16783s comeback than Elvis it's the Vancouver
16786s Titans
16788s [Applause]
16796s like you said a crazy turn around Rose
16799s for this organization they do have a
16802s tough opponent to go up against but on
16805s land it can be a very different Beast
16807s San Francisco shock know that all too
16809s well I mean they might have the Canadian
16811s buff here you can hear the crowd going
16813s wild for this team and you know the
16815s Titans they definitely can prove
16818s themselves here once again that they
16821s deserve this spot in the summer Showdown
16823s and honestly Jack I have no idea what to
16827s expect because even the first two
16828s matches that first match today between
16831s Washington like they that was a five map
16834s series maybe we get the same here we
16836s very well could do I mean look we've had
16838s some two crazy games some crazy preds
16840s Scott being the only one right now with
16841s 2-0 on the desk it does feel pretty good
16843s as your lineup to start you already saw
16845s him come out on the stage at spy King
16847s mirror Aztec and uh and Martha so lineup
16850s they've been running for
16852s all of that wins in recent memory
16854s aspire's Soldier it's just been such a
16857s blowout for some of their games he's
16858s just taken over and King two a
16861s relatively new addition to the roster
16862s yeah a king is King's Genji in specific
16865s has just been a really nice glue for the
16867s team and I think alongside that addition
16870s plus d pays coaching coming in as head
16872s coach for the Vancouver Titans we have
16874s seen a pretty big turnaround for this
16876s team but I mean again a tough opponent
16879s for them today I think we've had to
16881s bring him out
16883s please welcome to the stage a team that
16886s needs no real introduction the San
16888s Francisco shock
16891s [Applause]
16899s of course there's gonna be a couple of
16902s moves we're still in front of a Canadian
16905s crowd but shock just an unbelievable
16908s season thus far have only recently just
16912s found their first loss against the
16914s Dallas fuel right but against the
16917s Vancouver times a team that they ended
16918s up picking might be easy pickings after
16921s this maybe I mean you still have to look
16923s at their most recent performances on
16926s land I mean in the kickoff Clash they
16928s went in as the number one seed ended up
16930s in fourth place and that was a
16932s disappointing performance from them you
16934s look at maybe some of the new content
16935s that they've come out with like the
16937s Aftershock and they are definitely
16940s hungry to prove themselves in this
16942s environment
16943s yeah it's great it is crazy they're
16946s hungry to prove themselves not like they
16947s haven't done that already but hey you're
16949s thinking back to the first land that we
16951s had in the year we're like wow they're
16953s under fear coming in surely they're the
16955s favorites to win and they were on the
16957s first day and then they ended up just
16959s Fallen by the wayside teams like
16961s Gladiators in Dallas fuel who ended up
16963s showing up I mean they seem way more
16965s centered this time around though you can
16968s see the confidence that this team has
16970s had throughout the course of qualifiers
16972s leading up to this point and despite the
16974s loss against the Dallas fuel I feel like
16976s this is the type of team that when they
16978s take a loss they come back even stronger
16981s so I'm expecting them to be in top
16983s condition today oh most definitely it's
16987s worth keeping in mind too A lot of the
16988s Korean rookies that have come in to the
16991s OverWatch League have has a fair bit of
16993s experience on land before uh in Korean
16995s contenders they've just started having
16997s some of their lands back or at least um
16998s in-person events uh it's been a bit
17000s patchy but you know that's just the
17002s times that we do live in so you did
17003s expect people like proper and kilo
17005s didn't have a strong showing at uh the
17007s kickoff Clash to come in like you said
17010s they are very hungry the Titans have
17012s surprised everybody though Rose they
17014s have and I think we have to look at the
17015s fact that Aspire and a lot of the recent
17017s matches so far on the sojourn has been
17020s able to secure first picks time and time
17022s again and it's every single one of those
17024s sojourn picks that has really allowed
17026s the Vancouver Titans to capitalize on
17028s that and get those team fight wins
17032s it's worth pointing out
17034s who chooses what map no that is loser
17038s picks but the San Francisco shock
17040s because they come in now to hire seed
17042s they end up picking first so they've
17045s decided to take us to lijiang Tower and
17046s lijiang is definitely the map we would
17049s have expected the San Francisco shock to
17051s come out swinging on because they have
17053s an undefeated record on this map so far
17055s this season seven and zero this might be
17059s a tough one but at least this is a good
17061s litmus test for how the Vancouver Titans
17063s can perform against the shock today
17067s foreign
17068s first map what can the Titans really
17070s prove
17072s it's an upward Hills battle and you
17073s mentioned the very top right that Depot
17075s comes in wants to be realistic about the
17078s expectations for the team you know
17080s you're going against the shock like it's
17082s going to be hard yes maybe they're
17084s expecting to make a lower bracket run
17085s but Aspire King they could come out and
17088s show us something crazy although you are
17091s against proper rookie of the Air Canada
17093s MVP yeah I mean we've definitely like
17097s nailed that story home but I think one
17100s thing that you really want to look out
17102s for right now is really how King on the
17105s Genji is going to interact with kilo
17107s that's going to be playing that hit scan
17109s role for the San Francisco shock we have
17111s seen kilo kind of flip between the
17113s sojourn and the Ash and those definitely
17115s play a different role in how you end up
17118s dealing with that oppressive Genji that
17120s King is going to have
17122s all right TP out from both teams
17125s see who gets where oh I'll stick with a
17127s little uh Shield bash across the lake
17128s kind of dangerous yeah it's kind of cute
17130s dangerous though against Lucy on the
17132s other side so uh yeah you've got to be
17133s careful
17134s all right proper doing what they do best
17136s this Savages so shocks doing what they
17138s do best in running on forward but
17139s collusional getting healed up in time in
17141s his fire with all of his trademark first
17144s Bloods and then Master boops kilo okay
17147s this is what the Canadian crowd want to
17149s see that's for sure Vancouver Titans
17151s even though they lose Master ending up
17153s winning in that first fight and get in
17154s the cap that's perfect timing right now
17156s but it looks like we've got a little bit
17157s of a pause here we just end up uh maybe
17160s needing to take a look at some things
17161s real quick but I think that with the
17163s pressure that Masa put onto the shark
17165s Not only was it a Spire getting that
17167s opening pick like we expect to see from
17170s this team but they capitalized on it
17172s Master getting super super aggressive
17174s there
17175s maybe it's a keyboard disconnected
17180s that's why he died
17187s but it also wouldn't be a pause without
17188s us castings and we are cursed I know it
17191s sucks oh collusas are in the lobby so
17193s hopefully we'll be getting to the game
17195s in just a moment not sure who uh call
17197s for the pause
17199s but they're just checking if Vancouver
17200s are also ready
17201s that Seth's not even casting this
17203s tournament and he's uh he's still
17205s cursing okay Master's also ready okay
17208s and kalusha asking why I got headshot
17211s uh because a spy a good aim maybe I
17214s think that's what it is
17216s it has to be no we're just you know
17218s collusion is so tall so maybe that has
17221s height has transferred over to the
17223s junker Queen in game I mean John
17225s Queensbury totally games exactly all
17227s right we're on pausing we're getting
17228s back into it let's go okay all right
17230s Vancouver science they do lose massive
17232s but look
17233s capping the point first let's see how
17234s that uh end up working out oh yeah so
17237s Master with a little oh going into
17239s playing a little bit of funny
17241s you take that though you get a double
17242s kill you get some extra old charge you
17244s die you'll lose you come back I mean I
17245s mean look at that right now amasa I mean
17247s he's definitely keeping up with Violet
17249s right now Violet has been one of the
17251s biggest Char all charge lucios in this
17255s meta
17256s must try and submit for a little bit
17258s funky again but look at that the San
17260s Francisco shock to charge forwards
17261s mirror in their sights she doesn't
17263s really know what hit him the Vancouver
17265s Titans have lost their junker Queen but
17266s they still have a couple of people on
17267s the point can they stall out for a
17269s little bit longer it doesn't look like
17270s it's kilo gets a double kill in the San
17272s Francisco shot
17273s okay Master's still killing people okay
17276s eventually gets taken care of but 40 of
17278s the ball for the Titans hey and not
17279s before Masa takes out Finn as well so
17281s you know that that Brig is off the board
17283s and if you are fast enough with the
17284s Lucio to get the speed boost then maybe
17286s Vancouver Titans can move back into this
17288s one before Finn is able to come back and
17290s activate that rally to get that
17292s overhealth started and generated but
17295s Vancouver yeah they walk away with 40
17296s here they get to re-engage with the
17299s rally too so they're gonna be coming in
17301s fast
17302s Here Comes The Oaks no more neutral
17304s fights more flashy plays mirror takes a
17306s headshot and has to back off commanding
17308s shower is going to keep him alive in
17309s that fight though as kilo tries to find
17311s a headshot on the sidelines King ends up
17313s finishing off Violet another San
17314s Francisco shock do not have a beat to
17316s follow this fight up but it doesn't
17317s matter because proper's on the case kilo
17320s all the way in the background
17322s overcharged over clocking in the San
17325s Francisco shock despite losing Violet
17326s who had a support hole managed to win
17329s that fight yeah I mean Finn got back in
17331s time able to use the rally and make sure
17332s that the sustainability was there to
17334s keep the shark alive but it ended up
17336s being quite an expensive fight for them
17338s there was three ultimates that they had
17340s to throw at the Titans in order to make
17342s sure that they could keep control so now
17344s Titans get to come back with a blade and
17347s maybe even the Rampage if Mir is able to
17349s work off to that one the sound barrier
17350s from Violet might not be enough
17352s oh spies one HP maybe a pack a single
17355s pack there's the blade Violet uses the
17357s beat hits all five members of the shot
17358s but King's still trying to burn down
17361s Finn and he does so quite successfully
17362s the Rampage from colush is quite large
17364s as taken as far in a whole heap of hurt
17366s but it doesn't matter because King pulls
17368s a blade gets the reset onto kilo and the
17371s Vancouver Titans take those holes for
17373s the shot thrown at them with ease where
17376s did that sound barrier go Violet hit the
17378s beat and I didn't see anybody get
17379s overhealth from that one
17381s he did end up getting five but King was
17383s doing so much damage with the blade it
17385s looked like absolutely nothing yeah just
17387s kind of it just kind of expired super
17390s fast but that was really nice value
17392s there from King he always seems to get
17394s two or three people with those Dragon
17396s blades so he's definitely living up to
17398s that hype there but Masa goes off okay
17400s take your own medicine I think they're
17402s Master 4v5 on the point King super low
17405s you've got Aztec but he needs shoes
17407s those packs for someone else king tried
17409s to go for a flank and get healed in time
17411s in the San Francisco shock now just have
17412s to push the Titans off the point Aspire
17414s at least kills one is able to stay alive
17416s for a little bit longer but the Shocker
17418s just overwhelming the Titans stall game
17421s is all that they really want to do 79 to
17423s now 80 for the shotgun building it's one
17426s more fight now yes there is and now when
17428s you take a look at the fact that Finn
17429s has the rally you can just go ahead and
17431s make sure you're getting that over
17432s Health generator before Vancouver even
17435s move in but Aztec has one too so it
17437s really comes down to what proper and
17439s kilo can do with these DPS ultimates
17441s it's all about the blade
17444s can that blade come off in time for
17446s proper looks like it Rally from Aztec
17449s Rally from Finn and now proper he's got
17451s to take care of aspire he's been opening
17453s up these fights more often than not he
17455s turns his attention to him but Aspire
17456s and the rest of the team managed to peel
17458s for him Bravo pulls out the plate King
17460s and Aspire now already dead the
17462s Vancouver Titans just cut directly in
17465s half Masters B Only Hits him and the San
17468s Francisco shock are gonna take round
17470s number one that was some impressive play
17473s coming out there from kilo and proper
17475s but what a close first round here that
17477s we've had on Legion Vancouver putting up
17479s a heck of a fight being able to get that
17481s 79 capture progress on the point and I
17485s think we're also seeing those nice
17487s moments from Vancouver Titans that we
17489s expect Aspire getting those opening
17491s picks King as well getting high value
17494s from the dragon blades but I think shock
17496s is just beating them to the punch on
17499s these DPS ultimates where Vancouver just
17501s hasn't had the answer for this first
17503s round
17505s yeah Master going down there two to Finn
17508s can't build up that beat quick enough
17509s use it just for himself he's pretty
17511s rough
17512s we're going on to our next round of
17514s course though no changes who's a real
17516s surprised spy is always going to be
17517s playing on the uh on the soja no Ash to
17520s be found in fact I think kilo's gonna do
17522s the same thing right unless we go to uh
17523s junk down or something yeah maybe hybrid
17525s map for sure but we're just gonna go
17527s ahead and meet in the middle here for
17528s the neutral
17529s yeah nice distract the field uh from the
17532s San Francisco shop well they're just a
17534s new crazy amount damage you can still
17535s like speed through its whatever but the
17537s shock do use that space and time to get
17539s to the point first proper going pretty
17542s low and Aspire trying to find these
17543s openings that's how the Vancouver Titans
17546s have found so much success but he needs
17548s to replicate that versus the shock
17549s easier said than done this master ends
17552s up going down first look at kilo just
17553s charging off of the headshots on to
17556s mirror it's quite a quick and clean
17558s fight for San Francisco to the end of
17560s cap you can see exactly how that
17562s disparity in the sound barrier charge
17564s plays out here as well Master going down
17566s so early 30 violence says 70. that is so
17571s fast for a sound barrier to be charged
17573s in this meta so now you know that you
17575s have a great answer a great engagement
17576s tool and when the Titans come back in
17579s yes whether you I guess depends how much
17583s uh how fast it takes King to build that
17585s blade but fighter will definitely get
17586s his hole online first they use an
17588s aggressive beating gauge that's a super
17590s low proper almost went for a little one
17592s combo there with the right leg Dash a
17594s lot of damage being reflected by proper
17596s kilo's falling pretty low and now
17598s Violet's going to use that beat so early
17599s San Francisco shock with the
17602s overwhelming Health Advantage I'm gonna
17604s be able to run over Titans they earn
17606s themselves what a rally here a double
17608s DPS hole coming up pretty quickly Titans
17611s need to come back with something big I
17612s mean this is big for the shock as well
17614s you know that you're gonna be outpacing
17616s king right now so you can use the sound
17618s barrier a bit more aggressively and you
17620s also knew that Finn was going to have
17621s the rally online for this next engage
17624s when Finn has been so good with these
17626s Shield bashes and these flails I don't
17628s know if you're as concerned about Kane
17630s getting the blade double rally all kilo
17633s oversteps this Mark just a little bit
17635s Vancouver tire is very happy with that
17637s kill probably fading a lot of that
17639s damage but he's still got the blade
17641s commanding shout from the San Francisco
17642s shock has already been used and propagos
17644s pretty low he does get double packs but
17646s look at that huge ultimate from colush
17648s he does manage to get the back line but
17650s King pulls the blade and takes care of
17651s him can he find the resets the they've
17654s isolated one person in Finn but he just
17656s Shield bashes away and in fact High ends
17658s are going to pile on this pressure with
17659s a beat on top of that rally a headshot
17661s from kilo using that overclock but the
17663s shock I'm more than happy to fight this
17665s 86 percent in building and they've even
17668s picked up mirror Titans 2 managed to
17670s find that flip but they haven't got that
17671s front line now rose knowing that this
17673s was huge from the Titans as well they
17675s denied proper the entirety of the Dragon
17677s Blade
17678s super low no deflect oh kilo nice little
17682s left hook the San Francisco shock did
17684s end up losing the point and Titans have
17686s managed to keep themselves in this one
17687s by flipping but now the San Francisco
17689s shock are in a position where they can
17691s just take this entire map at least you
17693s have that Rampage available and there's
17696s not a great answer on the shock you
17698s don't have the rally or the sound
17699s barrier but can they get there in time
17701s to use it Kimani Xiao from Mirror King
17703s is gonna trigger overtime not gonna go
17705s for the cap because he needs to help the
17706s rest of his team that Rampage for mirror
17708s is good it did hit three and takes care
17710s of kilo and now it is proper the man of
17713s the hour and Finn in the front line two
17715s his own personal bodyguard but actually
17716s Titans it up going for this flip but
17718s they haven't got the numbers now to fly
17720s in the front line against the San
17721s Francisco shock proper luckily had that
17723s climb up but it's now Aspire doing the
17725s dirty for the Titans but they got no
17727s heels no support the San Francisco
17729s shocked they lost the point yet again
17731s mid fights but they're gonna find the
17733s reflip and maybe Master gets back just
17735s in time he gets booped off triggers OT
17738s as that kills proper they're coming back
17740s in King kids on the point once again to
17742s re-trigger OT but there's two support
17745s ultimates from the shock that should be
17746s able to waylay them Coast fight with a
17749s rally but no instantly killed by kalush
17751s that'll be it no more support alt no
17754s more health bars no more players for
17756s Titans the San Francisco shock will take
17759s map one such a risky play there as well
17762s that's a king over to the point to try
17765s to flip it when they were playing in the
17766s front lines that was a rough one
17768s especially if you aren't going to be
17770s able to get the win there you know
17771s you're playing a 4v5
17774s a little collage cutouts the shot fans
17777s to go in the audience okay I see you I
17779s see you can lose type of beef in my old
17781s it's not gonna lie in the chat
17784s we'll see if he can match Hardy's
17785s presser so maybe we're gonna press up
17786s competition at some point maybe I hope
17789s so another kiss at Lan experience I
17791s don't know we have one in Hawaii maybe
17792s another one party all right we're gonna
17794s jump to a quick break we'll see if Tides
17796s can come back after this we'll see in a
17798s sec
17801s [Music]
17809s [Music]
17814s foreign
17824s [Music]
17832s [Music]
17838s [Music]
17844s [Music]
17848s foreign
17852s [Music]
17858s [Music]
17885s foreign
17893s [Music]
17907s [Music]
17913s [Music]
17923s foreign
17924s [Music]
17974s foreign
17990s foreign
18002s [Music]
18025s [Applause]
18027s whoever said lightning doesn't strike
18030s twice has never met the San Francisco
18031s shots
18033s is the depth of Talent on their roster
18036s that can't be denied some of the most
18038s hardcore carry performances that have
18040s ever seen this is going to be a wild
18042s ride
18045s you get a double kill
18047s who says how about that one see you
18049s later
18051s his name is so crispy
18053s [Music]
18065s San Francisco the greatest team in
18068s OverWatch
18073s welcome back
18074s shock up a map already against another
18077s Canadian team Vancouver times to have a
18079s chance to come back we're going on to
18081s hybrid is our next game mode hybrid is
18083s an interesting one as well because as we
18085s talked at the top of the show kilo the
18087s hit scan for San Francisco shock has had
18090s this tendency of switching between that
18092s Soldier and the Ash and it's on hybrid
18094s that we typically see kilo go for that
18097s Ash pick but how does that fare against
18099s King's Genji Ash can be very oppressive
18102s with the dynamite specifically because
18104s it forces you into this weird position
18105s where the blades you just might not have
18108s enough Health to get them to work
18110s yeah I mean King's doing pretty well
18112s with the blades so far for another
18114s rookie that's coming early in the season
18116s yeah it starts looking pretty clean and
18118s uh we they knew it was gonna be a hard
18119s game it's how far they can really take
18121s the shock how far can they push them
18124s maybe to their uh breaking Edge Aspire
18126s two it's been uh coming up pretty big on
18128s the these first blows or First Blood
18130s sorry uh in a lot of these fights we're
18133s going to Midtown by the looks of it that
18134s was at Vancouver times pick yeah so
18137s maybe they have something up their
18138s sleeves knowing that we might see this
18140s ash pick and how that does interact with
18143s the Genji I feel like there has to be
18145s some strategy involved but when you look
18147s at the record so far of both of these
18149s teams on Midtown it's pretty 50 50. it's
18151s literally 3-3 for both of these teams
18155s but paint your strength probably a
18157s little bit better in this kind of
18159s situation rather than playing to uh
18161s shock's weakness then you play like the
18163s rollouts for for Titan Titan the way
18165s that they control territory is
18167s definitely really good on this map when
18169s you look at how they rotate to that
18171s first point a lot of the time you will
18173s see them maybe try to skirt around some
18175s of that damage by going through the
18176s building and they just seem to really
18178s understand the architecture of this map
18183s it's definitely a lot harder on first to
18185s get a lot of value with the ash there is
18187s a few nice sight lines but you can get
18189s that point so easy with the Lucio like
18191s it's uh kind of gross however look at
18193s this
18194s a little bit of Honor action oh I ain't
18197s seeing Twilight I'm seeing fit pulling
18199s out the honor okay okay on the defense
18201s this is actually something that uh
18202s Mayhem ended up doing they went double
18204s Flex support with the Zen and the honor
18206s but it's actually Violet staying on the
18207s Lucio instead taxiing around people oh
18209s uh trolled actually trolled they thought
18212s about it a little bit more maybe
18214s controlling stick we'll see okay I was
18218s gonna say though I think in this
18219s scenario kilo has been popping off so
18221s much on the sojourn that you may as well
18224s just continue to go for that railgun
18226s accuracy and those charged up shots it
18228s has been hitting different for the shock
18230s and when you have these nice long sight
18232s lines you get a chance to just charge
18235s that up quickly maybe get a quick pick
18237s and set Titans behind if you keep them
18241s at bay on the defense
18245s okay what you got for us aspire
18248s where are these first Bloods
18250s quick rotation from the Vancouver Titans
18252s going in the alleyway in the back oh
18253s look at kilo already pretty charged up
18255s oh some loan in this corner just trying
18258s to do his laundry he does Boo kilo out
18260s of the way he's done washing and now
18262s trying to look to wash the shock
18265s kilo taking a lot of damage though in
18266s King's right above him where did King
18268s even come from descended from the
18270s rafters like Spiderman prop is also
18272s pretty low
18273s targeting Finn good priority for the
18276s Vancouver Titans have made the way to
18278s the point already as tack goes down to
18280s proper but they end up training their
18282s Briggs as mirrors found Finn and now
18284s King just finding a lot of Dash resets
18286s on these assist kills on those transfer
18288s and Francisco shock probably still
18290s pretty low somehow alive 70 towards that
18294s blade King not too far behind well kilo
18296s is back now as well so you know that you
18299s still have that long range available
18299s Titans do have to disengage from this
18302s just a little bit to buy some space and
18304s time for those cooldowns come back
18305s online but the aggression they're
18306s rushing straight to for a spawn they
18308s knew Finn was just about to come back
18310s alive and they take care of the brig
18312s with the East the Vancouver tires now
18313s pushing forward they have the beat way
18315s before the San Francisco shocker found
18316s any of their ultimas proper proper is
18319s behind them getting a little bit of
18320s damage but now they know where he is
18322s can't the San Francisco shock hold on
18324s long enough well it looks like they're
18325s gonna be good focusing down kilo and
18327s proper right now taking the damage out
18328s of the way beautiful knife kill for
18329s Mirror across the map the San Francisco
18331s shock still using that beat they know
18333s proper all that plate so soon he's
18335s already got too much backup though and
18337s he's already used deflect he's still got
18338s the dash but use it to get to safety
18340s three ticks on the ball for the Titans
18343s as they take point a oh and they're
18346s gonna chase him down too look at this
18347s shark might be able to get away
18349s are they gonna get some more stagger
18351s kills they've lost their Lucio free all
18353s charge to the Vancouver Titans here yeah
18355s I think it's the disrupter shot dig keep
18358s Vancouver Titans from aggressing too far
18361s onto the shock so it was a really nice
18364s play from kilo to make sure that they
18365s were able to get away but the Titans
18368s they haven't used any ultimates right
18369s now they've got five in the bank here
18372s coming up
18373s San Francisco shocks popping the carpet
18375s of their own there's the play from King
18376s he's got that beat to back up to Finn
18379s cut down both supports dead San
18382s Francisco shock
18384s torn apart the Vancouver Titans on such
18387s a good uh point now they could put a
18389s Spire up on high ground and they've got
18390s two more old twins to rely on I mean
18392s look at the old economy sharks old
18394s economies and shambles they use both of
18396s the support ultimates there from Finn
18397s and violet to no value King's blade just
18401s got there a ton of progress and now you
18404s see the cart around in the corner and
18405s this is a great setup for you for the
18407s rally there's the rally slowly but
18409s surely that overhealth is building up
18411s Spire pops the ultimate he does get
18413s pulled towards kalluge but a beautiful
18416s air shot from Aspire takes care of
18418s proper he looked like he was going for
18420s that play but now can't use it a double
18422s Rampage from Mary hits the back line of
18424s the shock and now they're in trouble the
18426s Vancouver Titans handling shot like Clay
18430s on a potter's wheel the Titans just
18433s running them down as they claim the
18435s second point in record time oh look at
18438s that four and a half minutes on the
18440s clock and King but King Andrew's fire is
18442s kind of playing a different game here
18444s yeah proper is gonna go ahead and stop
18446s them for a little bit but shocks still
18448s don't really have the power right now in
18450s order to keep the Titans from this
18452s respawn advantage that they have they're
18454s still gonna get inches of progress as
18456s they wait for the rest of the
18457s reinforcements to come back
18460s I guess at least shark have a little bit
18462s of a fourth position proper still yet to
18464s use his blade they know Titans don't
18466s have any support ottom is this point as
18468s they use them in this last fight
18470s is when the San Francisco shot want to
18472s go in that's the question it's probably
18473s just waiting on Titans commanding uh
18475s running cries already been used there's
18477s the poop onto proper blade been poured
18479s in to kill on to master nice little
18481s reset that's a lot of damage with that
18482s Blade the shock managed to follow up and
18486s now kalu's peeking his head out of those
18487s doors but you've got to be careful
18488s mirrors waiting on the other side Finn
18492s now back to spawn in the Vancouver
18493s Titans just taking advantage of this
18496s over aggression from shock they really
18499s are overextending right now and Titans
18500s are gonna punish that absolutely and
18503s especially when you've got that respawn
18504s Advantage too shark just cannot over
18507s extend like that so now you're in this
18509s position where Titans they're gonna
18510s round this final corner but Violet Finn
18513s they've got the double support ultimate
18515s here they have at least that
18516s sustainability but can they use these
18519s aggressively they're not really looking
18520s at having to respond to anything right
18522s now there you go there's the push from
18524s Vancouver Titans
18526s and the helm is mirror who's going
18528s exceptionally low that Rally from both
18530s teams pretty Hardy now
18532s it's just a little bit more of a stale
18534s mate that's tight was stepping up there
18536s look like he wanted to give her feel a
18537s little headbutt maybe all right round in
18539s this final Corner both rallies out
18541s overhealth gonna disappear in a moment
18542s it's going to be on the soldiers and the
18543s Genji's find these openings but once
18545s again Vancouver Titans trying to set
18546s their own pace kilo on the sidelines
18548s he's got a good angle but can he make it
18550s work of course he can master in his
18552s sights taken care of quite easily by spy
18554s with the outplay
18555s just with vanilla Soldier he didn't need
18559s any of that but proper or the meanwhile
18561s Aspire was looking at the front line
18562s proper eagle eyes on master and Aztec
18566s takes care of him but still two minutes
18568s and 20 seconds for Titans on this last
18569s Corner not bad at all bad at all
18572s especially when you look at the fact
18573s that they have the Rampage the Dragon
18575s Blade of course they have the overclock
18577s too as fire has been absolutely nutty on
18579s this map and now you can see that after
18582s forcing out both the rally and the sound
18585s barrier these DPS ultimates they could
18587s just pop off and get Titans the full cap
18589s here there's the ultimate from Merit
18592s Only Hits kilo and they focus him down
18594s perfect Synergy from the Titans thus far
18597s King ends up pulling the blame as Mira
18600s does end up falling but like you said
18601s it's the DPS from the Titans that's who
18603s you've got to watch out right for right
18604s now aspire's already taken care of one
18606s and making Finn looks 17 different
18608s directions to try and Escape aspire's
18611s wrath and save the rest of his team at
18613s the same time a tough job at the best of
18615s time but the San Francisco shock are
18618s going to be able to regroup their spawn
18620s close uh they're spawn pretty damn close
18622s as the Titans time back is dwindling
18624s well you're waiting as well for Mirror
18626s to come back but now that he is back
18628s into The Fray You Can absolutely go in
18630s with a commanding shout and that speed
18631s boost just rush at the shark all right
18634s profit with a blade of his own he's got
18636s that over Health look at the
18638s assertiveness in the corner look at the
18639s Titans though they just run him down
18641s every single member of the Titans was
18643s looking directly a proper stopping
18645s getting value from that blade still got
18647s to pay attention to kilo though but the
18648s problem is the the Shocker just kind of
18650s inching onto the front line just into
18652s the grasping arms of mirror who's taking
18655s this any day of the week these carnages
18658s this ax swings hitting like three or
18660s four people at a time the San Francisco
18662s shock are gonna have to come back as
18663s Doom Violet didn't even use the beat in
18665s that fight and they managed to get in
18667s the cap yeah I mean coming back on the
18670s doomfist you hope that you could get
18672s there in time but the way that mirror
18675s was able to keep himself alive with all
18677s of those carnages and of course that
18679s wound you get so much health back that
18682s mirror was just unkillable in that last
18685s fight
18686s super impressive it was just a crazy
18689s they just so doved to that bad portion
18692s of the station wow the mirror was just
18694s like I'd just be smoking yes a lot of
18697s damage yeah I like how it's like yeah
18699s Genji has a sword but I have a giant ass
18702s yes exactly which one's bigger well this
18705s time it was mirrored I think it's gonna
18706s be the ax there I don't know but what an
18709s impressive showing from the Titans as
18710s well I think you got to give them a lot
18711s of credit for how well they've been able
18713s to focus down a lot of the ultimates
18715s that have been coming out from the shock
18716s the proper blade into the final fight
18719s was definitely a great example of that
18721s but maybe maybe this is the the replay
18724s oh look at myself
18727s oh no kilo I didn't see that and I'll
18730s pretend I didn't see it yeah he
18731s unfortunate he uh use the sound barrier
18734s but the latency uh he also got skeet
18737s shoot it out of the sky there rather
18739s unfortunate unlucky seeing a bit of a
18742s switch up though as Titans start to take
18743s the defense Aspire also a player that
18747s you know has had a little less time on
18748s the ash than kilo but we have seen the
18751s Titans pull out this ash pick when they
18753s are on the defense specifically of these
18755s hybrid Maps so Aspire definitely going
18757s to be playing trying to get those big
18759s dynamites and if shock aren't careful
18761s where they end up approaching the point
18764s like if they go through some of these
18765s buildings or you know just kind of those
18768s smaller openings that is a great Target
18770s for those dynamites and Aspire will get
18772s a lot of value but kilo sees that
18774s decides to go back and match the ash all
18777s right going for that
18778s remember this straight mirror
18780s okay okay
18782s let's see it
18784s it's funny because we uh we're talking
18785s about how a spider's Never Gonna Change
18786s to sojour and then he brings out the ash
18788s maybe a few times Secret Sauce oh dipped
18792s all right spy takes care of kilo
18794s big reset here now for shock and you can
18797s see just how effective aspire's Ash has
18799s really been in this matchup so far not
18802s only getting the pick on the kilo but
18803s also 50 towards a bob already that's a
18806s really big one you're playing on the
18808s defense especially on Midtown because
18809s there are so many different avenues that
18811s you can shut down with the bomb maybe
18812s play it by the fire truck and then where
18814s does shock have to go you funnel them
18816s directly where you want them to be
18820s Mary's playing a little bit of a
18821s goalkeeper there trying to stop oh Jesus
18826s let's get cleaned up King again just
18827s lurking in the shadows it was like
18829s midtown's really his map
18831s shop really aren't paying attention to
18832s him and they both trade their Ash
18834s players San Francisco shock have wrapped
18837s around the Vancouver Titans and put
18838s themselves on the points for remember
18840s the scorn positioned from Titans is a
18842s pretty damn close a tick already gained
18846s from the shot and had the pile on the
18848s pressure they use that beat to push them
18850s forwards but they've got to worry about
18851s Titans who are using that rally bosses
18854s 25 away from his own beat but uh
18856s Vancouver times need to be able to touch
18858s they do in the end as they send master
18860s fort with a backup of mirror a lot of
18863s dynamite damage from Aspire as he owns
18865s himself for both and the Titans way
18867s laying the shock again marks it with a
18869s couple of clean kills half the time bank
18872s disappeared there was a such a long
18874s fight as well too okay I mean look at
18876s that you're also looking at the staggers
18878s under the shock Aspire had patience at
18881s the very end of that too you know not
18884s panicking that the shock was still on
18886s the board so now he still has the Bob to
18888s use for this next fight territorial
18890s control you know that King has the
18893s architecture of this map down those
18895s blades have been massive and even just
18897s in the neutral King has been able to go
18899s slash and dash here he's going to the
18900s back now trying to find a place for the
18902s blade yeah you see those pings coming
18903s out
18904s the Vancouver trying to exactly where
18905s kilo is thanks to Rally from the shock
18907s remember kilo is not with the team right
18909s now so it's a 45 on the point and King's
18911s just paying attention to kilo making
18912s sure he can't pop his head a little head
18914s out
18915s he eventually is going to get back to
18916s the rest of his team but Rose that's
18918s overhealth from the rallies just
18919s disappeared though okay Bob comes out
18922s with a perfect whip shot actually from
18923s Aztec he ends up pushing the Bob away
18925s soon can't get maximum Effectiveness it
18928s does though because King ends up into
18929s the back line and Bob cleans him up
18931s there's kilo with the dynamite damage
18933s and eventually the San Francisco shock
18936s are gonna get this one rolling
18938s still though Titans able to whittle away
18940s so much of that time bank so now shock
18943s they do have three and a half minutes
18945s but you're really looking at them trying
18947s to cycle through the sound barrier and
18949s that Rampage when mirror has one on the
18952s other side mirrors Rampages have been
18954s huge hitting three or four people and I
18957s think mirrors but a very underrated
18958s junker Queen coming into this tournament
18961s so can mirror do it again sets
18963s themselves up for Success if shot go
18965s down the stairway as well Mirror Has the
18967s perfect sight line to hit a huge Rampage
18970s and then maybe the sound barrier is just
18971s useless from violet oh property's just
18974s being rather annoying right now oh
18976s almost gets double tapped by a Spire
18979s Dynamite is still doing a fair bit of
18981s damage as it looks like the Vancouver
18983s Titans still want to play at their own
18984s tempo
18986s yeah so you can see that there's just
18987s setting up and shock just kind of
18989s jogging her position here as well around
18990s the payload The Mirror's going in Mary's
18993s got one the Beat from the shock is the
18994s perfect response but Titan's trying to
18996s keep themselves competitive in this one
18998s but it ain't gonna matter that rally
18999s does absolutely nothing against the
19001s anti-heel Keeler with a two-man Dynamite
19003s kill
19004s and a shot win that fight
19006s a better Rampage does it in the end yeah
19008s I mean mirrors was okay the collusions
19010s was just bigger and now as well shock
19013s just that they need they got exactly
19015s what they needed out of that this is
19016s stain and the damage to be able to look
19019s at the ultimate economy being in their
19021s favor the rally from Finn being online
19023s aspires Bob at this point too is not
19026s really as effective as you would like it
19028s to be there's too much open territory so
19030s we'll see
19032s hold down the police car there this fire
19034s takes to himself to the top of the bus
19036s stop look at this the Vancouver times
19038s though have managed to isolate colush
19041s hey almost a perfect pick if they can
19043s find more staggers Rose they might be
19045s able to make this one fight territory
19046s yes Finn goes down kilo Violet Gets Out
19049s Alive same with proper a lot of Mobility
19051s on those characters of course but wait
19053s Violet's still burning peace goes down
19055s to Aspire that's even more time off the
19057s bank it's not even that as well Titans
19059s at this point are trying so desperately
19062s to get some type of ultimate on the
19064s board if they've been tracking these
19065s correctly they know the kilo improper
19067s are ready to use their ultimates and
19069s Finn has that rally to start building up
19072s that over Health aspired with those
19074s dynamites King with those hurricanes
19076s maybe gonna get a dragon blade online
19080s okay
19081s yeah not sure what happened there a
19084s couple of Cheerios but I didn't want uh
19087s didn't want that for breakfast
19089s 57 seconds to go the Vancouver Titans
19091s are in a fairly good spot like you said
19093s Rose still building up to a lot of those
19094s ultimates and the shock Hathaway for
19096s reinforcements but look Vancouver Titans
19098s might just go in proper is touching the
19100s payloads but it's a 45 on the point King
19102s forced to Blade collusion is his Target
19105s next is finer couple of resets for the
19108s Genji and with 30 seconds to go the San
19110s Francisco shock you're gonna have to
19112s rely on the three ultimates they
19114s currently have in the bank this is last
19116s fight you hope that Violet can get the
19120s sound barrier online if you are a shark
19122s fan maybe the rally is enough to sustain
19125s them to get to that point where you can
19127s just have the sound barrier as an extra
19129s insurance policy but Aspire with another
19133s Bob it was good against the police car
19135s yep rally coming off as type two there's
19138s the Bob big time the main kilos already
19140s dead King finds the opening pick the
19143s shocks use the rally to get onto the
19144s point but Bob has joined the action it's
19147s a six on four on the points the Beat
19149s from the Titans to stop proper doing any
19151s damage he eventually goes back in as he
19153s receives the Beat from violence kilo is
19156s alive and well as he's coming back from
19158s small but his team might already be dead
19159s before he even gets there collusion
19161s finna finished off the Vancouver Titans
19163s are going to do it Mira takes three
19165s kills the Bob jumps over the payload not
19167s where you want to see it go as overtime
19169s ticks down the Titans
19173s tie up the series
19175s yeah wow the Titans
19179s they knew exactly what map they wanted
19182s to take the shock to on hybrid they did
19184s not allow that Ash to be the bane of
19187s their existence King popped off just
19189s completely they ignored the dynamite
19191s damage that was coming out from kilo and
19193s the Titans there you go we've got series
19196s on our hands
19198s all right well it felt like a king diff
19200s that is for sure
19201s King's showing up big we know we had a
19204s lot of potential coming into the season
19205s a Spire stepped top for the Vancouver
19208s Titans in fact the entire team in
19209s general has been stepping over taking a
19211s map off the San Francisco shock of all
19213s teams what a good start we're tied up
19216s we're gonna escort our next game mode it
19218s is shops pick we'll see
19232s [Music]
19238s foreign
19240s [Music]
19263s foreign
19293s foreign
19309s [Music]
19327s foreign
19349s [Music]
19358s foreign
19388s foreign
19420s foreign
19461s up is that
19462s he's there quotations wgs Phoenix
19472s oh my goodness
19490s the Vancouver Titans they take a map off
19494s of the one of the most dominant teams in
19497s OverWatch league history after coming
19499s into the summer Showdown qualifiers with
19502s zero wins they're now on the stage live
19505s in Toronto and they are one a piece
19508s against shot and like that first nap was
19511s actually pretty close despite it being a
19512s 2-0 score line and then you look at how
19514s much of a blowout circuit Royale or
19517s excuse me
19518s for the future but yeah just how much of
19521s a blowout as well that Midtown was
19524s it's pretty big it was pretty big
19527s little cheeky wave too I'll take those
19529s we'll take those yeah we are going into
19530s escort as our next map it was a Shop's
19533s choice and we are going to you sport it
19535s but I spoiled it we're going to do a
19538s circuit Royal and this is a really good
19540s pick for shock because they have a
19542s record of seven and one on this map so
19545s far for the season and it knows in
19549s different matters a lot of it was based
19552s off of collusion's Sigma but now it's
19555s all about the junker Queen and you know
19557s that they still have a good
19559s understanding of how they want to play
19561s this map not only that but Vancouver
19563s Titans as well they don't have as much
19564s experience on this map
19568s it was all King in Midtown this map a
19571s little bit different in terms of layout
19573s You're Expecting hit scan players to
19574s really come alive here so I think Titans
19577s fans looking
19578s to watch Spire can bring to the table
19581s against the shot too like you said they
19584s are very dominant on this map a lot of
19585s that came from collusion's um
19587s unbelievable Sigma play uh in that Sigma
19589s metal well I guess it wasn't a sigma
19591s meta it was just open circuit Royale on
19594s this map yeah yeah Sega Royale was just
19596s Sigma and Widowmaker permanently yeah we
19598s don't have that anymore unfortunately
19600s but we still have the sojourns with the
19602s charged up railgun shots that's pretty
19604s fun as well but we can talk at least
19606s about the shock on the defense no
19608s surprises here kilo's gonna stick to the
19610s sojourn and I love this choice because
19612s you still have those long sight lines to
19614s use despite the fact you don't have the
19616s grapple hook from the Widowmaker to be
19618s able to get you those aerial shots but
19621s it's still going to be super effective
19622s with this closer hold as we see shocks
19625s setting up to be able to spawn Camp the
19627s Titans
19628s you know little cheeky stuff we've seen
19630s a lot of different
19631s um strats coming out from attackers okay
19634s teabagging at the door all right okay
19637s and we've seen people use teleport we
19639s just
19641s speed out the left-hand side door looks
19643s like Titans aren't gonna wait for the
19644s Sim just hopefully a speed
19647s getting a Kill
19648s maybe maybe
19650s it's pretty tough too there's a lot of
19652s hiding spaces for the shock to kind of
19654s hide around these these cars the F1 car
19656s and the opposite of the building
19659s but is that going to be enough defense
19662s for the shock you can already see that
19663s kill is actually being pressured out by
19666s King King has just been doing such a
19667s good job of making sure that kilo can't
19670s find maximum value but it's going to be
19671s a big reset here
19674s I didn't look both ways when he was
19675s crossing the street there
19677s sparring kilo in a little honorable 1v1
19679s no no not quite so honorable as a spy
19682s against healing seven kilos 20 hp as he
19684s backs up
19686s got stuck on the bush though so yeah
19689s definitely still there
19691s Landing these headshots of these cheers
19693s I don't know
19695s proper takes care of Aztec but look at
19697s this Kings online
19700s four kills for the Genji's
19703s and that's six kills in tow look that's
19705s just gonna start patting his stats even
19706s further on Midtown alone King had 16
19710s final blows seven Dragon Blade kills and
19713s that was almost double what proper had
19716s on the Genji and so King off to another
19718s blazing start despite the fact that they
19721s have been stopped at the spawn doors
19722s they are starting to get that car
19724s rolling and they might even have a sound
19726s barrier to boot still looking at kind of
19728s a neutral fight though
19730s probably still pretty low what can King
19732s do see proper is farmed way more King's
19734s got a lot of kills but 90 on the blade
19737s for for proper in the neutral with the
19739s shark and accuracy kind of unmatched
19741s nice little Double Dash there and that
19744s should earn him a blade in just a couple
19745s of moments Master's got that beat online
19747s pretty quickly too there's the blade
19749s Master hitting that beat Aztec almost
19751s went down but master came in clutch
19753s another beat this time on the San
19755s Francisco shock side and I still perfect
19757s deflect from King stopping that blade
19759s from killing him but a Spire falling is
19762s not good Titan still want to pile on
19764s this pressure with a rally but King
19765s going pretty low hashtag takes care of
19767s proper and in fact it's more of an even
19768s till now it's really kilo being the
19771s Difference Maker
19772s Mira he's the one you're looking at to
19774s do the damage but the San Francisco
19776s shock half the numbers yeah I mean the
19779s Firepower was off the board but its fire
19781s is back now maybe he's gonna get the
19783s overclock online as they're pushing them
19784s back from the San Francisco shot
19786s overlock comes on live collusion running
19790s for the hills kilo just Dyson with death
19792s trying to take the size take out a Spire
19794s but got body shot healed up though by
19796s Finn who's also returned and there's the
19799s Rampage from Mirror kalluge who's
19800s already dead on the ground before proper
19803s and violet got antiques kilo trying to
19806s make a hero play with an overclock of
19807s his own but the Titans in a nice time
19809s Capone a
19812s you're still looking at the dragon blade
19813s from King too yeah I mean kalluge has
19817s been maybe struggling a little bit with
19819s the Rampages in the first map you you
19821s saw in the chat you know they said maybe
19823s beefed him a little bit but have been
19825s getting better and better as the series
19827s progresses and when you look at the
19828s shock having this High Ground Advantage
19830s as well no matter what kind of Avenue
19832s the Titans take that is a perfect Lane
19835s for the Rampage to go down so kalluge
19838s definitely looking at trying to get a
19839s big one but look at how the Titans are
19841s playing they're split up
19842s for the commanding shout's already been
19844s used
19845s King's got that blade in his back pocket
19846s they have to go quickly though because
19848s Violet pretty good at putting up these
19850s sound barriers fast over the last couple
19852s of maps he's
19853s um
19854s religious pegmaster to the Post in the
19857s beat proficiency well he's build them up
19860s a couple of headshots and now oh King
19862s that is a body shot you're gonna build
19865s tomorrow
19866s the Vancouver tire is here with a
19868s ginormous ultimate from colush yeah is
19870s the Rampages now looking a little bit
19871s better yeah that was really really good
19873s I know that the The High Ground helps a
19875s little bit but I King just got pressured
19878s out so much you could see him posturing
19879s for the Dragon Blade but just never
19881s really found an opportunity to use it
19883s because of how much Focus shock was
19884s putting on to him they recognized he's a
19886s threat they gotta take him out he comes
19888s away from King yeah matched with the
19890s Beat from Violet all the way back into
19892s spawn spawn Blaze loves it
19896s he's not a play on right throwing there
19898s I can guarantee it
19900s San Francisco shock gotta help kilo he's
19903s getting targeted for another commanding
19905s shout comes out Justin the nick of time
19907s is kilo survives even Master trying to
19909s get some poop kills but look the
19912s payloader's also moving backwards yeah I
19914s mean Masa was just trying to help King
19917s stay alive just going after uh the maybe
19920s the the Escape but couldn't get away
19923s Esky not super effective a spawn is so
19926s gonna go ahead and reset in there as
19928s they wait for the opportunity to use
19930s these double support ultimates you got
19932s to get the rally to get out of the door
19933s oh my God Papa sent out for a meaty Dash
19936s she does she's got the blade already but
19939s spot takes care of Violet from the San
19940s Francisco shotgun to stay in this one
19942s even though they've got no Lucio King
19945s goes down so maybe they end up putting
19946s the trigger on a couple of ultimates no
19949s not enough healing the payload uh to be
19952s fair is moves a fair bit back and the
19955s shock with a nice brutal sport hold of
19957s course the Titans a lot of their time
19959s well this fire as well just moved up to
19961s try to keep the San Francisco shock at
19964s Bay buying some time creating some space
19966s for that payload to move forward but now
19969s it's about whether or not proper can can
19971s get back into this one the stats aren't
19973s looking too good for him right now but
19975s this blade is online does it end now
19977s kilo's hoping it does the Beat from the
19980s Vancouver Titans as kilo put you to 10
19983s on The High Ground the blade from proper
19985s still manages to kill mirror even though
19987s he's antied that meant absolutely
19989s nothing mirrors ultimate roll clean was
19993s just ignored by the rest of the San
19994s Francisco shock they take it in their
19996s stride and have put Titans in a
19998s precarious position they got 30 seconds
20000s to go they have to ascend the hill and
20002s get to the payload well proper they did
20004s such a good job you know Finn and violet
20005s they're always able to keep proper alive
20007s in saving those packs X4 proper when he
20010s was going for the play but kalluge once
20012s again is gonna have that Rampage online
20014s there's not really enough time for
20015s Titans to be able to get anything in
20018s terms of support to match this maybe
20021s King gets played 20 I don't know it's
20024s it's eight seconds Jaws Beats Rampage
20028s for colush this San Francisco chocolate
20030s for all the tools they need there's the
20032s Rampage it hits three aspiring Aztec oh
20035s was delivered with a ribbon on top
20038s and that'll be it that would be Titan's
20041s push just before that second point that
20044s orange box of Victory will appear for
20047s the shock on their attack well that
20049s second point is just so hard to attack
20051s as well you've seen so many teams
20054s struggle with it especially when you've
20055s got a joker queen that has been as good
20057s as colludge to lock down those corridors
20059s and especially the main pathway it's
20063s tough when you know that kalush has the
20065s Rampage online because where do you go
20066s it's not really a great way to escape
20068s from it
20071s give give proper MVP and Rookie of the
20074s Year award just give it to him already
20075s yeah
20077s King's showing up okay we're not at the
20080s end of the year just yet still a lot of
20083s time still a lot of time yeah I mean he
20085s really has been the man of the hour for
20086s the shark and all eyes are on him
20089s for the roster it is crazy shot coming
20092s to a new season they only have Violet as
20094s their returning player and then they
20095s still put up results like this
20098s I mean a proper is doing way better on
20100s this map as well you know he did get out
20103s Pace by King on Midtown but is now
20106s looking at 15 and 9 versus Kings nine
20110s and five so basically just flipping the
20111s script here
20112s he's got the he's got the double up now
20115s what you got for us
20131s so talented so handsome I know it's not
20135s fair it's not fair life is not fair
20137s sometimes it's good to video games he's
20139s good at piano and he's uh a handsome lad
20142s well hopefully that helps him to get the
20145s lamb buff to get out of the gate
20146s Christ are you really gonna do as tag
20149s like that proper
20151s reflecting his Fire's own railgun back
20153s into his head
20158s are you taking me seriously yeah I am
20161s now you're dead three minutes and 30
20163s seconds the shock uh with a nice little
20165s push out you saw the Vancouver Titans
20166s there they didn't have that aggressive
20168s spawn hole they weren't literally
20169s teabagging out the doors maybe that's
20171s what you need just
20172s show the Colones right at the door don't
20175s you but I think it's like for the Titans
20177s as well did you play a little bit more
20179s of a passive style you see that they're
20181s not as ready to go into the shock when
20184s they notice that Violet has that speed
20186s boost available they just don't want to
20188s get run over you don't want to
20189s overextend if they've been able to
20190s punish the shock for that and they did
20193s just that you called it perfectly
20195s proper just goes around the statue tries
20196s to get a small little flank maybe on the
20198s Titans get some additional damage down
20200s didn't end up working out well that's
20201s why the Titans play that way because
20202s they know that the shark might do that
20205s so they want to be in a prime position
20206s to be able to punish that because this
20208s is not the first time that we've seen
20209s shock over extend Midtown was another
20211s great example on first point I mean the
20214s cost of a series oh another series The
20216s Man Jesus Christ I'm not getting too
20218s ahead of myself there's no crystal ball
20219s here against you okay
20221s all right so a large chunk of time in
20224s the time back for the shock two minutes
20225s and 30. uh back over time is going to
20228s try and make the paint King's pretty low
20230s reset Dash from a proper and now pedal
20234s to the middle for the San Francisco
20235s shock a lot of deflect damage problems
20238s incredibly precise with these deflects
20241s yeah Master there's no hope in hell my
20242s friend I know right checkpoint unlocked
20246s that orange box of Victory just up that
20249s hill and the shock are gonna push super
20251s far in fact look the time to split oh
20253s look at that yeah look at they're not
20254s even out of Spawn right now I don't know
20256s if they're gonna be holding it out
20258s I guess this is a quick reset it's nice
20260s but not really what you wanted to be
20262s Oaks building for the shock too looking
20264s at five coming up for this next fight
20268s this fire has to come back maybe with
20270s the overclock but at this point as the
20272s card starts around the corner you're
20273s running out of time Masa is racing to
20276s get that sound barrier online Aztec as
20278s well just getting out Pace right now by
20280s Finn double support ultimates for the
20282s shock to keep proper's blade alive this
20285s looks like a huge mountain to climb here
20287s for the Titans all right there's a blade
20289s pulled from king oh my God Miss kilo in
20293s the air the rally for the San Francisco
20295s shock is still going off so that
20297s overhead that is building but I still
20299s have a man Advantage the shot might not
20302s want to use any Ops here to be fair Rose
20304s they know they've got a lot of time in
20305s the bank and they go for a reset just
20307s trying to draw ultimates out from the
20309s Titans but Miro has already fallen
20311s Mirror Has Fallen and now you have to
20313s look at the fact that we're gonna see
20314s the rally here
20315s where's that deflect now oh we didn't
20318s get it in time okay he waste a couple of
20320s seconds and now repeat from the Titans
20322s is fairly decent they're keeping them in
20324s this but they're not gonna be able to
20325s push forward because they don't have
20326s their Genji kilo has pulled that
20328s overclock Master ends up going down the
20330s shock use all of their ultimates the
20332s Titans can't come back into this Rose
20333s yeah look at Mira right now trying to
20335s set up for the Rampage but is he gonna
20337s be able to get back in time he's right
20338s at the corner Arthur is just spawned
20340s they don't have a speed boost mirror
20341s needs to come up with something big four
20342s percent away from that ultimate but look
20344s San Francisco shocker so healthy moving
20345s on to that point Aspire is already dead
20348s and Prophet just trying to weighley
20349s Aztec Miralax with the Rampage but it
20354s doesn't matter at all the San Francisco
20355s shock just ignores
20358s and they take back number two
20360s the Titans couldn't quite get checkpoint
20363s B and the shock now sitting at match
20366s points yeah that was a rough one for the
20368s Titans the shark just showing why they
20371s picked Circa Royale as their escort pick
20375s but that does go back to the Titans so
20378s can they come up with another Midtown
20380s esque type map that's going to play to
20383s their individual strengths of King just
20386s making sure that he has those Avenues to
20388s get those Dash resets that's what he's
20390s been so good at
20392s well they're not out still Smiles on the
20395s face that's what you want to see they
20397s know the crowds behind him too we are
20399s selling Canada of course even though
20400s there are an enormous amount of shop
20402s fans we're gonna go to Quick break this
20405s is a time for Titans to choose their map
20411s [Music]
20419s [Music]
20430s foreign
20437s [Music]
20458s [Music]
20473s foreign
20498s foreign
20533s [Music]
20539s foreign
20550s [Music]
20570s foreign
20579s [Music]
20590s foreign
20593s [Music]
20625s foreign
20632s [Music]
20647s [Music]
20657s [Music]
20661s foreign
20669s [Music]
20681s [Music]
20687s we're more than halfway through the
20689s season and it's time to keep collecting
20692s those owl tokens because guess what the
20695s upcoming team mix legendary skins so
20698s yeah some of those legendary skins we
20699s released earlier this year yeah they're
20700s getting some team colors it's going to
20702s be pretty sweet also you can sign up for
20704s the OverWatch League newsletter you get
20706s some bonus tokens uh yeah it's only a
20708s limited offer so go sign up right away
20712s all right Vancouver times versus the San
20714s Francisco shock
20715s s are going to shoot Rose and yeah they
20718s are
20723s they Ops got a lot of fam here yeah and
20726s plus who's found he's gonna be showed up
20728s his entire family tree is here
20731s supporting the boy can we hear the the
20733s noise from collusion's family right now
20735s for support from kalluge
20739s I love it that's so cute
20742s oh you you love supportive family for
20745s for Esports folks love it he's doing
20748s well too yeah because Rampages yeah
20750s maybe they didn't lose a great start off
20751s the series but they look way better now
20753s way better
20755s with the way the Titans want to start
20758s playing now
20759s I I think we've got Matt on on the San
20762s Francisco train too
20766s 14 plus eight
20769s 14 August 14th the data that the
20771s Vancouver Titans won okay uh at 22 plus
20774s two because the amount of maps played
20777s this year yeah 14 plus eight equals 22
20781s plus two for the amount of maps that
20782s were played in the series which gives
20784s you a total 24. divided by eight because
20787s it's the second seed versus the six
20788s seeds the two plus six equals eight
20790s which equals three so whoever wins the
20792s third map is is gonna win the series so
20795s that was the shot is
20797s this is a very convoluted way of saying
20800s shock is going to win the series
20803s he is off the goop that this is this is
20806s insane I've never met a man more off the
20808s goop in my life yeah Mr Matt Morello
20812s Jesus anyway I didn't know he could do
20814s maths I'm gonna be very honest with you
20816s guys this is an example of him doing
20818s math
20820s yeah not good math okay see there we go
20822s preschool mathematics
20824s anyway new Queen Street now this was the
20827s uh pick from the Titans since they lost
20829s uh circuit Rail and this makes a lot of
20831s sense too because despite the fact that
20833s up to this stage Titans haven't won a
20837s series yet they are undefeated on new
20841s Queen Street they've got a 100 wig
20843s record five zero
20845s so not not to mention Coliseum would
20848s have just been a bad choice for
20849s Vancouver too that's a great map for San
20852s Francisco
20853s [Music]
20857s when you reach that tournament
20858s because you do get to choose Maps even
20860s if you uh do go down uh one or two so
20863s Vancouver times they end up picking
20864s Midtown because they lost Legion
20867s we're gonna go back and forth here back
20870s and forth and get a map five that's for
20872s sure but we are waiting for both of
20874s these teams to set up see what they're
20876s gonna lock in it's gonna be more of the
20878s sojourn and the mirror match up so far
20880s for both of these teams it's been a lot
20883s of aspire versus kilo and King versus
20885s proper proper kind of evening up the
20887s stats score there between King
20891s but yeah King really uh won it for
20894s Titans in Midtown we see if we can
20896s replicate that
20898s we're gonna be going over to the statue
20908s oh yeah crowd still behind the Titans
20910s Master looking for a cheeky boo oh thin
20912s little Dodge oh no what Fifth and off he
20916s fell off
20917s okay Dash wasn't good enough apparently
20919s not goes in the drink they do trade they
20922s lose Mastery take that trade any day of
20924s the week like I think so losing a brick
20925s is not good and now proper trying to
20927s open this one up further dashes in he's
20929s the reflect to get back to the rest of
20930s his team but the Vancouver Titans they
20933s do get that pop moving first
20936s I mean you've got to back off if you're
20938s the Titans here you have no disengage
20940s ability but King but even if the score
20942s kilo is off the board all righty
20947s have the San Francisco shocker respond
20949s also it's Violet this dude must be
20952s cheating how has he got 80 to a beat
20955s he's just playing so aggressive right
20957s now just getting in the back line of the
20960s Vancouver Titans getting in their face
20961s being such a nuisance they can go in
20965s with an aggressive beat just like they
20966s did in one of our previous maps of
20968s series
20969s I mean thank God I know King's not
20971s really that close to a blade you've not
20974s really had a full fight it's been a
20976s couple of environmentals all right the
20978s San Francisco truck have beat I don't
20979s think Vancouver timely expected that at
20981s all they're just going to run forward
20982s with the beat in the speed boost oh kilo
20985s interplay in the dust though and
20986s proper's in trouble look at the turn
20988s around from the Vancouver Titans
20991s from the sound barrier so now look at
20994s this King just gonna go ahead and earn
20996s the Dragon Blade in this fight alone
20998s aspiring King now putting their huge
21001s numbers on the damage board and
21002s completely outpacing kilo and proper
21004s shock who the Titans might actually be
21007s getting the checkpoint only a few meters
21010s and yeah like you said double DPS all
21012s coming up as tack has got rally you can
21014s just pop that right away get that over
21016s Health before the shock movement but
21017s proper is looking to go in he's gonna
21020s deny it perfectly cool there you go
21022s there's the rally now aspires going head
21024s hunting collusion's already pretty low
21026s commanding shout has been used but shock
21028s need to hold on they're so close to that
21030s rally but collusion is already dead Finn
21033s Violet they know they're gonna save that
21034s rally so they end up backing off but the
21036s Titans unrelenting in their pressure
21039s they get that checkpoint at butt scratch
21041s mode initiated now they have the forward
21044s spawn too that's the biggest thing that
21046s the Titans have to get away with because
21047s at this point with that first checkpoint
21049s unlocked Titans just have to play to
21052s keep the lead and so it's all about
21054s survival at this point Master's sound
21056s barrier needs to be cut big to be able
21059s to contend with these double DPS alts
21062s here from the shock
21063s prop has already gone in he is half HP
21066s and use that deflect and dash no in a
21067s position where he needs to use the blade
21069s and King cleans him up the Shocker got a
21072s little space and do what shock do best
21074s and try and win it out in a 4v5 but the
21076s way the Titans are playing right now it
21077s looks like it's going to be impossible
21079s oh uh Caster curse that a little bit as
21081s king gets knocked kilo using the
21084s overclock fight one headshot already on
21086s a Spire wasn't enough to end up killing
21088s him
21089s Titans Austin the lead mind you and they
21092s don't have the forward spawn no but
21094s tussling and making sure this is a five
21096s on five it's gonna be a good spot both
21098s Rampages going out Titans and the shock
21101s backline in a whole heap of hurt they do
21102s end up trading and going down so it's
21104s going to be on the DPS a nice little
21106s reset they're from proper Dash but then
21109s there's spies coming up big two a spike
21110s it was three off screen propos 19 HP he
21114s can't go in the Vancouver Titans getting
21116s the bot rolling again that was such a
21119s huge fight though for shark to lose
21122s because now they have four minutes off
21124s the board they used a lot of important
21126s ultimates there colusa's Rampage was
21128s huge but there just wasn't a follow-up
21130s and by the Time Finn went off to the
21132s board there wasn't a great way to keep
21134s proper alive either to be able to get
21136s that blade damage but they have a chance
21138s to come back now they still have the
21140s blade they still have the sound barrier
21141s and violet has been using these
21143s aggressively and you keep doing so here
21145s oh uh King was there now he had
21148s disappeared
21149s put on that invisibility cloak
21151s all right the shot they got blade they
21153s got beat around in this corner they know
21155s they can turn pretty well proper pulls
21157s the blade already pretty low but now
21158s he's got the Beats yeah two alts
21162s you fight win there
21164s Violet's already used one of the early
21166s and they end up getting run over they
21167s needed something a little cherry on top
21169s in proper's play to make that one work
21171s Def
21172s Genji right there but to what a veil
21175s shock now they're playing in the
21177s midpoint but they've got nothing they've
21179s got nothing for what the Titans have at
21181s the moment Aztec's gonna go into this
21183s engaging with the rally Makita is pretty
21185s low Aztecs in the front line okay Shield
21187s backs uh Shield bashes the rest of his
21189s team to save himself King jumping to the
21193s sky box and the Vancouver Titans control
21195s the payload once again proper dead a
21197s railgun to the chest the Rookie of the
21199s Year the MVP already getting taken to
21202s town by the Vancouver Titans
21205s the San Francisco shock have gained
21207s eight meters the Vancouver Titans on 69
21210s in a little bit and it's half past the
21213s halfway point we now have four and a
21215s half minutes on the board shock just had
21218s to take an equal push there to be able
21219s to get this rally online but the Titans
21222s they have a better rotation Masa with
21225s the sound barrier can use that against
21227s kilos overclock
21229s there's the rally played instantly
21231s pulled they've got to aim for that brick
21233s there was a commanding shout mixed in
21234s with that too so Finn is super healthy
21237s right now King's play did a fair bit of
21239s damage that P now from the Vancouver
21241s Titans wearing off Finn's overhaul did
21243s enough for the San Francisco shock to
21245s hold on but King is just unrelenting
21247s it's 9 HP and does need a pack to get
21249s healed up to full the Vancouver tire is
21252s still in a decent spot they've gotten
21253s the payloader a fair distance and like
21256s you said Rose we're over half the time
21258s being disappearing and shock of God
21260s almost nothing on board the eight meters
21263s versus 88 the Vancouver times come back
21265s with a rally and that Rampage online the
21268s Titans have done such a good job of
21270s forcing shock to use ultimates when they
21272s don't want to and so now you don't have
21274s that overclock anymore because kilo had
21276s to use that as a zoning odds to at least
21278s break through but they're still at the
21280s Midway point now they've got to get some
21281s meter Ridge on the board Mira's trying
21283s to set up here you see he's going for a
21285s flank trying to line the rest of the San
21287s Francisco shock up as long as Violet
21289s doesn't get caught should be good a nice
21291s pick off from kilo and proper all right
21294s okay the shock mean a business they need
21298s a couple more fights though to be fair
21299s Rose to even equal the meter inch that
21302s Titans have gained they do need one more
21304s fight to be able to get that first
21305s checkpoint but I think they're set up
21307s really well to do so I mean look at the
21309s ultimates that are available hashtag
21312s actually got the rally completely
21314s negated because it got taken out before
21315s the overhealth could start to build so
21318s gig proper very safe right now to go for
21321s this Dragon Blade especially collude is
21322s gonna get pull it off yeah
21325s absolutely not but he's still gonna go
21327s in proper descending from the heavens
21331s the Holy Light radiating from him
21333s spotted a mile away all right there you
21335s go the shock they pull the blade to get
21337s the checkpoint a trade will take any day
21339s of the week but kilo and an unbelievable
21342s home from colush he hits four members of
21345s the Vancouver Titans piling on the
21347s pressure four kills for the junker Queen
21350s Martha Gates I think he's a little bit
21352s shocked after he hit that one the
21354s Vancouver Titans now in trouble that was
21356s a huge Rampage and that was just
21358s dominoes falling over for the Titans but
21359s the Titans do have respawn Advantage
21361s they will be coming out very quickly
21363s here and Mira now gets a chance to fire
21365s back as well
21368s so close to that checkpoint though they
21370s Awkward on the corner though you must
21372s say there's the Carnage a rampage lined
21374s up pretty well Violet's in trouble he
21376s activates his sound barrier just in time
21378s no Ajax here that over Health working
21380s out well for this San Francisco shock
21382s but King has saved his Dash oh he
21384s manages to get on the back line and
21386s kilos Dash get somehow gets him away he
21389s doesn't go down and receives that
21390s commanding shout to keep him alive and
21392s wealth proper receives a pack just in
21395s time but he's behind the team can he
21398s provide a nuisance maybe an opening for
21400s the San Francisco shock he doesn't look
21402s like it's 0.5 meters separates both
21406s teams right now as Titans win this fight
21408s and now that they've done that the
21410s spot's gonna be moving quickly back
21412s towards their side of the map to
21414s continue some of that progress It's
21416s Gonna Reach This halfway point before
21417s shocking are you even able to come out
21419s of spot so now collude having to try to
21422s catch up to where the rest of the shock
21423s are Aztec pop of the rally here could
21426s really keep him alive so the kilo can't
21428s get get these one shots with this over
21429s clock yeah they're double DPS over the
21432s shot coming up rather soon
21435s Aspire has to win a fight in the neutral
21437s he has to get a headshot on it El kilo
21439s or proper or one of the back line
21440s there's the rally Vancouver trying the
21443s Titans trying to make this one stick the
21445s overclock kilo's got a perfect sight
21446s line a couple of those right clicks
21448s actually reflected back and the Titans
21451s they got the overheld and weight out
21453s kilos ultimate can they go for a
21455s re-engage before proper gets his blade
21457s online with 30 seconds to go They're
21459s gonna have to do something the rally
21461s from the San Francisco shock as they run
21463s on forward proper earns himself a play
21465s but doesn't want to pull it just yet I
21466s know he doesn't need to mirror Aztec
21469s Mata already dead there is 0.5 meters
21473s between shock and a w here and there's
21476s 15 seconds to go
21477s Titans they've got the double DPS
21479s ultimates to come back Violet has a
21481s sound barrier to be able to answer that
21482s but it's about colusa's Rampage that's
21485s what I'm looking at right now got a
21487s four-man last time Kenny do it again
21488s this next fight is for everything here
21491s Jaws
21494s San Francisco shock on Match Point I set
21496s on coluge the Rampage trying to line it
21498s up he swings Anonymous as that King King
21502s in trouble rubber pulls the blade that
21505s 0.5 meters is nothing for this San
21507s Francisco shock
21510s standing proud a 3-1 for the shock The
21515s Titans with a valiant attempt at taking
21518s down one of the most dominant rosters in
21521s OverWatch league history but the shock
21524s Reigns Supreme today such a close match
21526s though as well from the Titans if you
21528s told me maybe a few months ago that they
21530s were gonna take a map off of the shark I
21533s wouldn't have believed you but this was
21534s a close series The 2-0 to start things
21537s off on our first map was actually very
21539s close like 79 to 100 on both rounds and
21543s then of course that slap on Midtown that
21546s was a valiant effort from the Titans for
21548s sure
21551s hugs all around
21553s Jesus collusion's tall my God
21556s I feel like it's a fair hug every time
21558s like he's just a hug a player a good
21561s start for the shock yeah like you said
21563s it was a close game and the Vancouver
21565s Titans still quite a formidable opponent
21567s they'll drop down to the lower bracket
21569s the shock are gonna and then of course
21571s that slap on Midtown that was a valiant
21575s effort from the Titans for sure
21579s hugs all around
21581s Jesus colujah's told my God I feel like
21585s it's a fair hug every time like he's
21587s just a hug a player a good start for the
21589s shock yeah like you said it was a close
21591s game and the Vancouver Titans still
21593s quite a formidable opponent they'll drop
21596s down to the lower bracket the shock are
21597s going to advance the winners of The
21599s Outlaws Mayhem game which is after this
21601s one will determine their opponents
21605s but the shark needed a win here I think
21607s this is a huge confidence booster for
21609s them knowing how they performed on the
21612s last land that we had at the kickoff
21614s Clash that was a fourth place for them
21617s and they want to take home the crown
21619s this time around
21622s they'll be more than happy with that I
21624s think
21624s and yeah maybe family buff
21627s I think there's a family buff here yeah
21628s for sure seems so looks like we've got
21631s Clues down on the stage we jumped him in
21633s just a moment but uh yeah good start
21635s they don't want to repeat at the kickoff
21637s clash it's not what you want to see they
21641s start off here with a W their opponent
21643s will be Outlaws or Mayhem which is the
21644s next match but I think what a little
21647s word from colush down the stage with
21649s Danny take it away
21653s thank you very much what is up everybody
21655s Danny Lim here joined by kaluge from San
21658s Francisco
21661s uh how tall are you oh like six two six
21665s two yeah it's okay I just need to go
21667s like six inches
21670s hopefully I'll get as tall as you
21671s anyways uh this match was I mean I think
21674s it was very back and forth um it wasn't
21676s a 3-0 for the San Francisco show but at
21678s the end you guys did get the win uh were
21680s you surprised at all by how well this
21682s have uh the Vancouver Titans played
21684s against you given that they're the sixth
21685s seed
21686s I feel like a lot of teams are
21688s underestimated in this meta I feel like
21690s they're like one of the they're more
21692s more of like a top four team in my book
21694s I think they had a few like rough
21696s matches they went map fives they could
21698s easily win like five and one or six at
21700s all okay I don't think they're that
21702s underrated right and but at the end of
21704s the day was the San Francisco shop
21706s taking the W so what gave you guys The
21708s Edge uh for this matchup uh I don't know
21711s I think we just came in we had more
21713s experience because we played in Dallas
21714s and it was our first time on stage so
21718s yeah of course and also I
21722s didn't have the hometown buff but youth
21725s had a special buff and I think it's
21726s called the family buff
21729s uh yeah you have your whole family here
21731s so I don't know like how was how did it
21733s feel to you know just be on stage in
21735s front of your whole family did it you
21737s know did you think that you got that
21738s buff or was it sort of like did it made
21741s you make you feel a little bit more
21742s nervous that kind of made me more
21744s nervous because you know
21746s but it's all right they're all
21747s supporting me I appreciate them for
21749s coming out love you guys
21751s all right that is it for the Post match
21754s interview everybody give it up for
21758s thank you very much all right let's send
21760s things back to our casters jaws and our
21764s birthday girl necra happy birthday
21767s [Applause]
21770s buddy there's a lot about taste tonight
21771s I know it's a good time yeah look Chio
21774s girl at Dallas fuel yeah the girl here
21778s so yeah okay start I think we'll have to
21782s see I like cake well look close yeah
21785s maybe a little bit more nervous on stage
21787s but like you said the the San Francisco
21788s shop do have a little bit more
21789s experience uh Vancouver times did not
21791s make it to the kickoff Clash uh well
21793s they didn't even make it to mid-season
21794s like this was the start of their run
21796s that qualifies where they eventually
21797s found wins and even Khloe said look I
21800s don't think they're that underrated
21801s they're they're a top four team coming
21802s into it big words and we'll see the
21804s Vancouver Titans can do in the lower
21806s bracket we'll see if they can make that
21807s run but for now the shock yeah they're
21810s still the shock yes they've been
21812s definitely still a shock and one thing's
21814s for sure is the shark have great players
21815s so let's go ahead and look at our player
21817s of the match and that is going to be
21819s kilo
21820s oh yeah and we pegged like a Spire being
21824s this person that picks off a lot of
21826s people kilo not finding a lot of like
21828s first Bloods or anything that's more
21829s proper side effects to be honest amount
21831s of flanks he takes but just a raw aim
21833s from this guy is just it's just someone
21835s else I remember watching him actually in
21837s some of the scrims from like before the
21840s season started I'm not expecting kilo
21842s I'm like Jesus Christ like how is this
21846s guy his aiming like tracking on Soldier
21849s um at the very start of the year he's
21850s just unreal and the shock made him
21853s Killer Acquisitions and this is just one
21855s of them yeah I remember the same scrums
21857s as well just like on Midtown
21858s specifically with the soldier 76 the
21860s tracking on those Corner yeah kilo just
21863s has a great way of finding the perfect
21865s position to take to maybe take those off
21867s angles in a blind spot that their
21869s opponents just aren't looking at you can
21871s see the stats there as well the final
21872s blows for 10 is really what sticks out
21875s to me as well here and maybe a few more
21877s deaths and what he would like but these
21878s fights were happening super fast and I
21880s think that's more of a testament oh yeah
21881s dude just how strong of an opponent
21882s Vancouver were yeah yeah they were very
21884s Scrappy yes a lot of those fights were
21887s pretty Scrappy but yeah kilo's going to
21888s be our player of the match for the San
21890s Francisco show we'll see if I can can I
21892s keep that Trend going I mean maybe it
21894s was a small stumble or maybe it was
21896s Vancouver times kind of living up to
21897s that hype oh oh it's for me
21904s happy birthday guys there's no candles I
21908s think we can have flame on the broadcast
21909s I don't think we should have them here
21911s that's a very bad idea oh thank you
21915s we're gonna have to share this later
21917s yeah that's a lot of cake that's a lot
21919s of cake that's a lot of coffee yeah
21920s there's just no way I'm sure Mitch will
21922s devour that in a couple of bites and
21923s I've seen him devour stacks of pancakes
21925s that guy can eat that's for sure don't
21928s go to breakfast with mitchever you'll
21930s never get any of your food back trust me
21931s trust me right we're going to jump to a
21933s quick break out awesome Mayhem coming up
21935s next the winner will go against the
21937s shock
21938s it's a scary scary thought that is for
21940s sure but the Mayhem Also may be pulling
21942s out something silly we'll have to wait
21944s and see after this break we'll see in a
21945s bit
21947s um
21969s the unwatch league is brought to you by
21971s Upper Deck the official Trading Card of
21973s the OverWatch League
21975s and by TeamSpeak the official voice
21977s supplier of the OverWatch League
21984s [Music]
21992s [Music]
22010s [Music]
22045s foreign
22049s [Music]
22062s [Music]
22070s foreign
22074s [Music]
22107s foreign
22120s [Music]
22134s [Music]
22137s foreign
22139s [Music]
22158s [Music]
22164s for another game break alongside
22167s custom reinforcing well everyone who's
22169s in the chat right now and fellas we just
22171s came off a spicy game that I expected to
22174s be a 3-0 I'm now a dollar poorer my
22176s friend who is not named in the control
22178s room is a dollar richer damn Johnny you
22181s said don't take this bet though you had
22183s some faith in Vancouver to steal one map
22185s they did it which player gave you
22187s confidence coming into this Aspire
22189s absolutely he's an absolute beast on a
22192s sojourn but actually it was King who
22194s showed up on the Genji usually it's
22197s always a Spire he's like the star on the
22199s Vancouver titles taking up all the room
22201s but instead of King the Genji player on
22203s the Vancouver tennis I think he had a
22204s fantastic match and maybe with a one two
22206s kind of punch the Vancouver Titans
22208s actually has a chance coming in at the
22210s succeed to beat some of these other
22212s teams now in the lower bracket despite
22213s taking this roster now you guys talked
22215s to a proper coming in fellas I won't say
22217s he had the hottest sorry
22221s I was expecting hacksaw level blades you
22225s guys got me who are you level blades
22232s it definitely wasn't the proper that we
22233s know and love he didn't have that same
22235s level of presence in the server
22237s especially when we head over to this
22238s Midtown I think he really struggled to
22240s get going honestly the whole San
22241s Francisco shark team and we talked about
22244s it a little bit earlier heading into
22245s this match they need to be able to not
22247s lose these kind of maps it was
22249s interesting hearing from collusion the
22251s interview saying that I think people are
22253s underestimating the Vancouver Titans so
22255s there's a level of respect there and you
22257s can understand why when they pull out
22258s some of these performances but it just
22260s wasn't enough as we head over to Circle
22262s Royale a San Francisco shop pick they
22264s were just dominant they were all over
22266s them spawn camping and I think you
22268s really started to see kilo come into his
22269s own a little bit if he can keep
22271s performing like that instead of like
22273s some of the other Maps then they start
22274s having that Firepower from multiple
22276s different sources yeah I mean kilo
22278s honestly struggled a limit to start this
22280s series and there were some worrying
22281s signs for the San Francisco show I
22283s started to feel better about my maple
22284s syrup beds and I was like I might not
22287s get away with it and shock winning the
22289s tournament because kilo had a bit of a
22290s rough start then we saw some of that
22292s town for example but when he picked the
22294s soldier in on circuit Royale and here on
22296s new Queen Street at the backgrounds were
22298s actually mostly in the lead here on the
22299s new Queen Street but then you saw the
22301s shot at the clutch Factor came in for
22303s the shock and they got a finishing blow
22305s on that very final fight so looking good
22306s gentlemen I just have to say I am amazed
22309s at the front office of the shock for you
22311s to be able to retool your team you still
22313s have the same success that I remember
22315s when I started at this league it's
22317s insane shout out to Krusty shout out to
22319s everyone who had faith in the rookies to
22321s put him alongside Twilight it's working
22322s out let's talk a little bit about what's
22324s coming up though because we definitely
22326s know the shock is moving on the fuel's
22329s moving on we've got our team Vancouver
22331s in the lower bracket how deep can they
22333s go Scotty see Vancouver is that Dark
22336s Horse team that as I said they're really
22337s just happy to be here but when you look
22339s at the level of performances they can
22341s actually beat a lot of these lower end
22342s teams you know we've already seen the
22344s Washington Justice potentially uh
22346s upcoming the Florida Mayhem if they do
22348s drop there I think that's a good matchup
22350s for the Vancouver Titans they can go
22352s further they just need to be able to
22353s string it together and as we always say
22355s it's on the back of a spy if you can put
22357s those level of performances up on the
22358s sojin I think they can easily make it to
22360s a top six potentially top four chat
22362s you're right the name is violet thank
22363s you Custer for of course closing out our
22366s first matchup China we got to talk about
22367s the last match of the day though this
22369s one is coming up with a whole lot of
22371s Texans getting excited Houston is taking
22373s on Florida in our last match let's talk
22376s about the show down here starting with
22378s how does Houston deal with the double
22380s Flex support is it a problem even for
22383s the Outlaws look it's going to be a
22385s problem because if you leave it be
22387s thermojet and the back line of the Forum
22389s am they're just gonna go have they're
22390s just going to get the value from the
22392s Zenyatta from the honor they're gonna
22393s make it work all right so you gotta deal
22395s with it and to deal with it you gotta
22397s bring the pace all right you got the
22399s movement speed from the junker Queen
22400s shout you got the movement speed from
22401s the Lucio just run in just just go in
22404s and just wreak havoc and then deal with
22407s the backline and of course we gotta talk
22408s a little bit about pelican in this one a
22410s player to watch coming in for anyone who
22412s may have stepped away for a minute
22414s Scotty what do we need to know about
22415s Pelican before he takes the stage Rookie
22418s of the Year in 2021 if you saw him in
22420s any clutch situation he is the guy who's
22422s going to close it out for you and we've
22424s seen the San Francisco shock actually
22426s dismantle this double Flex support from
22428s the Florida Mayhem by playing aggressive
22430s with the Genji and actually bringing the
22431s Lucio with you you become that two-man
22433s hit squad and Pelican has the skill to
22435s be able to shut that down as well so the
22437s Florida Mayhem in RuPaul and so much Ed
22439s have a big task and what are our odds of
22441s winning right now for a Mayhem fan oh
22443s you're gonna throw up yeah put him on
22446s the spot that's what I do here 15 15. I
22450s don't think I can get I think they can
22452s cheese a couple of amounts from The
22453s Outlaws they can struggle but I think it
22454s getting three Maps off of The Outlaws is
22456s going to be a difficult Johnny easy
22458s question how many Maps does Florida win
22459s in this next series uh
22461s uh they went zero because I want to see
22463s The Outlaws come out and just like give
22465s it to him all right the Houston Outlaws
22467s that's been a long time coming I think
22469s this could be the Outlaws tournament
22470s through our top three finish so just
22472s come out with a three year against the
22473s Mayhem sorry Florida fans don't take it
22475s personally and final question about the
22476s owls Dante still playing Sombra these
22478s days right yeah absolutely
22484s you'll make me a happy man we're going
22487s to a quick commercial break when we come
22488s back it's the final series here of our
22490s opening day of the summer Showdown don't
22492s go anywhere
22494s foreign
22534s foreign
22568s foreign
22600s foreign
22627s [Music]
22637s [Music]
22639s foreign
22645s [Music]
22664s [Music]
22670s foreign
22677s to the summer show down here in Toronto
22681s the mattamy athletic center is our last
22684s match of the day but we've had so many
22686s bangers so far game five Justice the
22688s London uh Toronto rematch Vancouver took
22692s a map from shock I mean everyone's
22694s brackets must be in the toilet at this
22695s point yeah thus far I mean the evidence
22697s says that your favorites are not
22699s guaranteed to win we have had some uh
22702s some would say troubling uh matches
22704s between some of these teams right here
22706s it's been a very very close Vancouver
22708s maybe much more of a run than anyone
22710s thought up against some of the favorites
22711s in the shock Dallas having to reverse
22713s sweep their way through that first ratch
22715s as well it's been Banger Against The
22718s Banger I I can't even believe what today
22721s has held and we have so many more days
22722s of OverWatch but one final match of the
22725s day is the Florida Mayhem versus the
22728s Houston Outlaws and I know Houston has
22730s been looking good this meta but Florida
22732s just barely barely clinched that Spa
22734s Within nice uh they won their last two
22737s matches basically to clinch that last
22738s spot because it was all hell was loose
22740s and that last week of different teams
22742s trying to qualify and it seemed like
22744s Florida finally unlocked like the secret
22745s sauce actually making this work from
22747s some object getting super aggressive on
22748s the Lucio and admitted that we had a
22750s pretty woeful match from Mayhem where it
22752s didn't look amazing but the thing is now
22754s Mayhem have learned we've got to go with
22756s sir Majid they've got it in with Majid
22758s and then they do so much better because
22760s he just get super aggressive about Works
22762s super well with these Soldier and teams
22764s as well we've seen hydron come in
22766s replacing axi was playing a little bit
22768s more of the ash to play the sojourn
22769s instead that we've seen throughout
22771s today's actually excelling in these
22773s faster games against slower Ash teams
22775s and I don't think they're going to find
22777s themselves with an ash match up here
22779s against Merit who's one of the smartest
22781s sojourns we've got but we've also got
22783s the double Flex support in their back
22785s pocket lemon so uh well the team that
22787s has for double Flex support is gonna
22789s Flex hard on Toronto as well give it up
22791s for Florida Mayhem
22795s foreign
22798s well you did say to go with RuPaul but
22801s RuPaul's actually not here
22803s we'll be joining the team tomorrow but
22806s take a look at the squad look and cut
22809s only four yes OverWatch is now a
22813s 4v4.3 baby let's go but someone leaving
22818s the jokes behind them because this guy
22819s is the opposite of a joke he's been I
22821s think one of my favorite like upcoming
22823s tanks to look forward to in this meta
22826s and speaking to coach mcgravy this is
22827s someone who's struggled on the junker
22829s Queen but it's someone that they can
22831s they wanted to depend on this guy to
22833s flex to any meta and he's trying his
22836s best now I'm especially excited for
22837s hydron I have a special bias for him in
22840s casting him from contenders North
22841s America and the team told me that they
22844s love to play with hydron especially in a
22845s team based a meta because of his ability
22848s to speak English well and just be able
22849s to communicate with the rest of the team
22850s yeah somebody just got a day ahead of
22852s him he's gonna be playing remotely from
22853s Florida for this particular match then
22856s he's getting on a plane to Toronto
22858s tonight and then he'll be playing with
22859s the Florida Mayhem tomorrow regardless
22861s of whether it's in the winners or the
22863s losers bracket but we will see a full
22865s strength Florida Mayhem on land and like
22868s you mentioned someone may not be the
22870s most confident junk Queen but you see
22872s this guy's job Cam he's yapping away
22874s man confers a lot of information and the
22877s information is super important
22878s arithmetics you've got to be tracking
22880s those cooldowns for disruptor shot in
22881s particular when you're going sojour
22882s versus soda and the commanding Shout
22884s well although there's only four players
22886s here there's five going up against them
22889s they're hitting the stage give it up for
22892s the Houston Outlaws
22894s [Applause]
22900s that was pretty good convincing yeah I'm
22903s not a hat person but I would wear a
22904s cowboy hat if I could how give
22907s yourselves a look and the Houston
22909s Outlaws dancing in the center of course
22911s he's had himself a year coming out at
22915s the beginning of the year on the Doom
22916s there's not expected for the doomeday to
22919s come on to be one of the main weapons in
22921s the Arsenal for Houston Outlaws but one
22923s of my yapping points personally is
22925s actually how I think that Merit in this
22927s particular matter I think he's the
22929s smartest hit scan player that we have
22930s for this particular mother he's so
22932s precise with where he places his
22935s disrupter shots and it's so good for
22936s being able to either create space for
22939s Dante to peel back if he's been in a
22941s little bit more of a cheeky position
22942s looking for a big Carnage to open up a
22943s fight or to try and isolate an enemy
22945s junker Queen who's also been looking for
22946s that value out of carnage I know the
22949s Pelican
22950s um versus Checkmate Genji matchup is a
22952s scary one I mean even Florida said they
22955s respect Pelicans Genji think he's one of
22958s the best but checkmates Genji I think
22960s they're probably thinking it's the
22961s second best they're very close to his
22963s best heroes so I always thought when it
22965s comes to Checkmate versus Pelican this
22967s has been their meta although Pelican
22969s always thought maybe sometimes he likes
22971s the echo because maybe he didn't feel
22973s like he could duel against the other
22974s Genji's but he's been growing into that
22976s role and I'm really excited for Pelican
22977s and Merit and I think this uh an
22980s incredible DPS Duo is why Houston
22983s Outlaws look like a top four team go
22985s ahead on the cams from the home of
22987s course
22988s not quite here in person but it's okay
22990s he's plugged into the comms he's plugged
22993s into the server convincing background
22995s yes
22997s it's just an Outlaw's backline as well
22998s Merit and Pelican he was talking about
23000s Pelican it's kind of like the brains and
23002s the brawn because I think the merits are
23004s smarter sit scan in this matter and I
23005s think that Pelican is also one of the
23007s biggest Risk Takers but he's kind of got
23009s like the dummy thick strength and
23012s mechanics on the Genji that sometimes
23014s you can take a risk and he'll get away
23015s with it because he'll hit the sure
23016s because he needs to to get the dash
23018s reset and be able to extricate himself
23019s from a danger afterwards and bumps on
23021s the road even for the tank line of the
23023s Houston Outlaws they did just sign Doge
23025s and then there was kind of that mix-up
23026s between was Doge gonna step in as that
23029s junker Queen but then after some
23030s discussions they kind of found out that
23032s through while the team is just so used
23033s to Dante's leadership and just his
23036s aggression off of The doomfist Meta that
23037s just passed or that they created really
23039s it feels like Dante is just better on
23041s the junker Queen role for now as we'll
23043s wait to find out if doge is ever subbed
23045s in or maybe in the next meta but our
23047s first map of the series will be Busan
23050s and this is chosen by the Houston
23052s Outlaws yeah here's not what's coming in
23054s as a higher seat picking this map you'll
23055s see those question marks if you haven't
23057s been
23058s foreigners what have you been doing but
23060s also let me tell you about the format
23061s it's loser picks the map so we are
23063s destined for closer series as our back
23066s rooms can try and eke out a little bit
23068s more in terms of that personality
23069s wondering whether they go towards the
23070s weaknesses of their opponents or
23072s strengths of their own teams picking the
23074s maps that best suit them
23076s looks like lemon we're probably gonna be
23078s starting off here on Mecca base and the
23080s Florida coaching staff are actually
23081s really proud of the work that they've
23083s done with the team because they they are
23085s aware of their weaknesses and instead of
23087s like forcing their players to kind of be
23088s middling or just not so great at certain
23091s heroes or forcing a certain meta they've
23094s actually gone for the double Flex
23095s support and it's worked out for them the
23097s last time these two teams faced was at
23099s the mid season Madness Tournament as you
23101s can see where Houston Outlaws took a
23103s victory so Florida want their revenge
23105s and they're gonna I mean they could get
23107s it on the big stage yeah it's important
23109s to think about how that was in the
23110s tournament context as well lemon Florida
23112s Mayhem a team of mostly rookies Simone
23117s was kind of like a dark horse pickup so
23118s Majid and RuPaul they were also like
23121s performing him stouting this year
23123s has honestly been nuts their back room
23125s has done so much in terms of getting
23127s bang for their Buck finding a talent
23128s that other people didn't really consider
23130s as much and really squeezing as much
23132s juice out of it as possible we'll see
23134s how much uh juicer is squeezing out of
23135s the other team as uh Houston present
23138s themselves Dante leading that charge
23139s Checkmate is a bit of a harasser in that
23142s back line he's able to return to safety
23143s and to his team as Meyers getting
23145s charged up looking for that first pick
23147s as someone is still dueling out in that
23149s front line very very low as checkmates
23151s trying to be in distraction with both
23153s tanks fall but one man ahead for Houston
23156s as RuPaul down for Florida not a lot of
23159s healing unless there's some kind of big
23161s opening trade from hydron Houston
23162s Outlaws will take the point first
23164s Pelicans gone so aggressive he's a
23166s replacement main tank but he's getting
23167s armor pack after all effect from last
23168s stroke and one member of Houston Outlaws
23170s will peel back to make sure that point
23172s is caps and it is indeed lap and Pelican
23174s who do so Florida man will see the wave
23176s at first control they don't give over
23177s too many lives in order to do it
23180s merit with an early poke here and of
23183s course Houston Outlaws are now going to
23184s try their best to force Mayhem to come
23186s through the chokes but we didn't see
23187s Checkmate Charlie oh Checkmate just
23189s dashing through it it's so confusing you
23191s got to do a 180 and find everyone he's
23193s so close to the plate too Ali slasher
23196s has a rally you might need to pop it
23197s yeah Dante's happy tree and Houston need
23199s a honey to that rally a bit earlier
23201s lasho keep himself alive at least but
23203s for how long like a checkmates blade who
23205s receives the barrier from the shed at
23207s the last second just to ensure value out
23210s of this in Florida even invests the
23212s rally but the same ultimate same support
23214s ultimates used from Houston Outlaws and
23216s as the dice fall it's Houston that still
23219s have the point as Florida are cleaning
23221s things up a shoving Pelican back in the
23223s locker where they found them and heading
23225s to the objective for the flip you have a
23227s late old man from left it may have
23228s extended the fight but it didn't really
23229s give Houston Outlaws the purchase or the
23231s territory that they needed in order to
23232s win up against for tie to Florida May 10
23234s players Checkmate got so Brazen there
23236s really Towing the line to try and build
23238s up the blade and he was finally rewarded
23240s for his brazenness and now it's all
23242s about hydron building up towards this
23244s overclock and how much damage can be
23245s done to reduce an Outlaws who are forced
23247s to place themselves in these positions
23248s around the point oh shouts exchange but
23250s last show down a great first pick by
23252s hydron really just all of Florida
23254s working together
23256s meanwhile is just bulldozing the front
23258s lines so is this a Houston flip because
23261s Florida are still trying to close the
23263s gap and after this overclock is all said
23265s and done Houston are still trying to
23267s kick and scream I mean merits got his
23269s own overclock and really how is this
23271s gonna go down I think this is a four
23272s versus two for Houston so this is a
23275s cleanup fight and Merit came with his
23277s A-game yeah I talked about being the
23279s smartest player but sometimes the the
23280s highest IQ you can find is just one at
23282s the end of the railgun and there it
23285s manages connects with shots that are the
23287s most crucial and oh I just noticed how
23289s pretty this color scheme is the green
23290s this is the pink it is cute very
23292s aesthetically pleasing Dante ready to go
23294s with a rampage and remember a spacing
23296s here for Florida Mayhem is going to be
23297s very difficult to counteract the uh
23302s the disrupter shot I think might have
23304s slowed sir machete enough to just get
23306s the final Ax from Dante in now 70 if
23310s Houston want to maybe just pre-engage
23311s with a rampage see what happens there's
23313s no there's no support ultimate but
23316s Houston kind of just hanging out trying
23317s to gatekeep girl boss see what it is
23319s Pelicans saying hello at the window
23320s means Checkmate halfway as Florida kind
23323s of just trying brute force their way
23324s through the door Pelicans win their play
23325s here are so important it's all about
23326s information gather to make sure we're
23327s dancing's in the right place to hit this
23329s early Rampage and the thing is Dante I
23332s think it's a big brother you can end
23333s this map oh the Rampage to hits the
23335s three of Florida that's stuck down the
23337s door they try to go together but they
23338s will also fall together if they're not
23340s careful check me with the blade still no
23342s support ultimates from Florida they're
23343s still so close
23346s and it's just not gonna happen the first
23349s round goes to the Houston Outlaws oh
23351s that was all about Pelican being up in
23353s that window Gathering the information
23354s nature of Florida didn't go too far
23356s there were attentions made to see if
23358s they could get an early pick off onto
23359s Pelican if you go for extend himself
23361s just a little bit just just dipping his
23363s toes into the Mayhem trying to get the
23365s actual bit of old transmitt in the end
23366s it was all just about making sure that
23367s Dante was ready for a rotation for
23369s Florida when it came and datu was
23371s rewarded for his patience a big Rampage
23373s up in Florida made him always going to
23375s be behind in terms of the uh oh hello a
23378s pause hello they were going to be behind
23379s in terms of the amount of resources they
23381s had for that fight because once you get
23383s rampaged obviously one of the first
23384s things you're gonna pop if you don't
23385s have a support ultimate that's ready is
23387s gonna be the commanding shout because
23389s the over Health can still be applied
23391s even when you're entered
23392s are you still there pick it twice if
23396s you're still connected I came from
23398s Austin to see The Outlaws yeah shout out
23400s to all the fans who made the long
23402s journey here and even the Toronto crowd
23405s supporting the Vancouver crowd was
23406s really cool to see um but that was still
23408s I met a fan from Arizona wow in an
23411s outlaw City and finally for a Paris
23413s Eternal fan so oh yeah
23417s when we come to a tournament play all
23420s right we're getting back into it so I
23421s don't have to uh talk about that any
23423s further well that was the first round
23426s pretty convincing by the Houston Outlaws
23428s and I think they were just really good
23429s at cycling their ultimate to mainly
23430s supporting Dante with a support ultimate
23433s um when he was able to Rampage because
23434s it felt like when Checkmate and someone
23435s tried to Old they did they were already
23437s have health and it was already shocked
23439s to begin with but we go to downtown to
23440s see if Florida can rewrite the story
23443s we're going to try out again once more
23445s Soldier versus sojour and I've heard
23447s these teams uh particularly Ash happy
23448s married us pick it occasionally but like
23451s I've said mayor is so precise oh
23454s what happened damn brother my brother in
23457s Christ
23460s I don't know if there was a disrupter
23463s shot that slowed him down but he just
23464s couldn't get out he was trying to do
23465s Astro and that first pick from Houston
23467s is All She Wrote with that first fight
23469s for Houston maybe he faffing did Fat
23472s forget a dash or something I don't know
23474s how you end up there or maybe the
23475s remainder of Florida Mayhem were cool to
23477s go forward and the call Simply wasn't
23479s feasible for the rest of the team and
23481s they left Checkmate to his feet either
23483s way he's not also gonna get the first
23484s cap here once more we're gonna be able
23486s to take over these defensive positions
23487s and give Eric so much room to work
23489s really he does have that much room to
23491s work and my Florida are trying to hide
23492s in the mega pack room merid has the
23495s space and he's charged up waiting for
23496s the one shot Hydra makes his what mayor
23499s doesn't Houston again with the first
23502s blood but how does this fight end I
23504s think RuPaul just got hooped forward and
23506s Houston just chasing after the
23508s stragglers of Florida that seemed to
23510s isolate themselves now their goal is to
23512s play on an off angle to go for these
23514s backline assassins Nations but they're
23516s getting divided and they're getting
23517s conquered by the Houston Outlaws all
23519s right those of you who are over five
23520s years old and know your basic man 86 is
23523s significantly more than 51 Merit right
23526s now we talked about how much roomy has
23527s to work but it also means that hydron is
23529s really lacking the angles to do a huge
23531s amount of work with this sojourn because
23534s they're forced to play inside these
23536s areas and that's only going to get worse
23537s now that America is close to the
23539s overclock Florida Mayhem may have to
23541s overreact to this and hide away again
23542s which will once again decrease hydron's
23544s overall effectiveness of his poke
23547s Houston I mean they could take this
23549s fight once the all I mean any of their
23551s olds come online it's really how much do
23554s Florida want to invest in support
23555s ultimates but I guess you're not
23556s investing in anything the stalks are
23558s going down when Marin hitch headshots
23560s like this how could you ever doubt the
23561s Houston Outlaws but they almost went too
23564s deep Houston lost lastro during the
23566s journey they need to be careful how much
23569s they want to kill Florida because now
23571s Florida have a chance to turn it around
23572s now the Poke accounts for so much more
23575s without any repair packs to really
23577s Shield themselves up let's get a use of
23579s somebody but he can't save merits oh boy
23582s sound barrier Florida Auntie healed but
23585s they go back to the point to stabilize
23588s looking for a flip and is it really
23590s gonna go their way it's a pretty close
23592s fight and it's 98 for the Houston
23594s Outlaws and last year just killed RuPaul
23597s Rampage someone and Florida getting
23600s desperate as lastro tries to find safety
23603s but only finds the shurikens of
23605s Checkmate as Florida just struggled
23607s their way it's only Checkmate alive I
23610s believe is Houston cap over and Florida
23613s under the wire another time once more
23615s Florida Mayhem needs to get on this
23616s point and touches checkmate with a dash
23618s now he's gonna be super vulnerable still
23619s with the blade in hand but I'll give a
23620s dash reset if he desperately needs it
23622s but right now we're confusion Outlaws to
23624s use some resources oh check me play
23626s going right after lastro and the whip
23627s shot Pelican has the peel what is the
23632s answer Florida don't have DPS there is
23634s nothing more to say pelican is
23636s dominating the emergency doofus they
23639s doing nothing and the Houston Outlaw
23641s shut the door on map number one this is
23645s what we've come to expect from the elite
23646s DPS of the Houston Outlaws merits and
23649s Pelican dominating on every front here
23652s on Busan whether it came to be early
23654s picks from Merit making sure affordable
23656s him never had for five people they
23658s needed for those fights or pelican in
23660s the midst of them finding all of the
23662s openings in the mid fights and
23664s exploiting weaknesses that were found in
23666s the Florida Mayhem formations
23668s I also like those random Atlanta rain
23670s haters
23672s I came all the way here to hate on
23674s someone who's not here
23676s what is this I believe an Artemis art an
23680s Artemis Supremacy plus ratio oh I wish I
23683s could read hmm good thing I can vaguely
23686s talk so anyway I will see you guys all
23689s after this break
23706s foreign
23719s [Music]
23731s [Music]
23740s [Music]
23746s foreign
23749s [Music]
23764s [Music]
23767s foreign
23785s [Music]
23793s [Music]
23800s [Music]
23802s foreign
23857s foreign
23893s foreign
23908s [Music]
23935s [Music]
23944s [Music]
23963s it's the pink versus the green but I see
23966s quite a few red flags like that and I
23969s think it's the 70 control percentage gap
23973s between our two last teams yeah oh that
23975s was just a little bit man it's a little
23976s one-sided oh just so we can move on
23979s control sometimes it sometimes control
23980s can be a tough one to get into
23983s it but you know what now Florida can
23985s turn it around because they get their
23987s choice of map and the thing is Florida's
23988s probably one of the best teams in our
23991s league to actually be in a loser picks
23993s four Max it means that they can go to
23995s where they can really Flex what the
23997s secret sauce is they put the habanero
23999s peppers in 11 herbs and spices
24002s and it comes up as double Flex support
24004s yeah and that's it dances in that side
24007s to you it's not trash can it's Pelican
24010s all right well we'll see how the series
24012s ends up and then yeah we'll see uh but
24014s double flexible coming out oh maybe at
24017s least I I assume so because we're going
24018s to go to hybrid and that generally means
24020s we're going to be going to Hollywood if
24022s y'all can cast your minds back to
24024s ancient history written on Dwarven
24026s tablets week one of the summer Showdown
24029s qualifiers we had Florida Mayhem going
24031s up against the London Spitfire a little
24033s Spitfire were blown out of the water
24035s they were so confused they were mentally
24037s destroyed by the double Flex support and
24041s the thing is it's a little bit of an IQ
24042s check lemon because you've got to get a
24044s good par thing and you've got to be able
24046s to get on top of those supports before
24048s making out rotate you because you get
24049s two speed boosts and they don't have any
24051s which means that you've got to be really
24053s good with your party knock out Pokemon
24054s with sir Majid uh right clicks and then
24057s be able to make sure that Florida Mayhem
24058s they don't have good Escape Routes those
24060s level Flex supports and I think they're
24062s used and out rules they have the IQ
24064s necessary to try and counter out but you
24066s never know until it happens you need to
24068s have this much IQ to enter the OverWatch
24070s although I've questioned that a few
24072s times but yeah in just anything yeah
24075s don't tell them but uh even in previous
24078s matters like on a Zen any kind of double
24081s Flex support like that you need quite a
24083s bit of a big flex zone between you and
24085s the other team you already pointed out
24086s you have the speed but if there's Miles
24088s and Miles where I guess now they were
24090s Canada kilometers between you uh there's
24093s a lot of Gap closing and Florida have
24095s found success on maps like junkertown
24097s and maybe even Maps like this where
24098s there's a significant amount of distance
24100s and they can just Zen poke and then
24102s you're just stuck trying to run at these
24104s supports and it might not ever happen
24105s but we'll see how far away sir magenta
24107s and RuPaul can play so one of the power
24109s things that's been quite interesting
24110s that uh London in particular tried
24111s against Florida Mayhem is going through
24113s a security room and then wrapping around
24115s through the backstage as well to try and
24117s come at The High Ground of a cafe from
24120s the back and forcing floor to make him
24121s out of there so you end up forcing
24123s samaja to report to try and play on the
24125s low ground and when it's an easier
24126s second push after that
24129s there's the initial push from Houston
24134s to the top left to just have that High
24136s Ground Control but as you drop sometimes
24138s you can take a quite a bit of poke so
24140s it's it's all about timing when and
24142s really team play when it comes to this
24144s meta here's the drop from Dante already
24145s down to half Health gets pulled in by
24147s someone as Florida forced to use a shout
24150s so does Houston a first Auntie name from
24152s RuPaul hits Dante not something that
24154s Florida could capitalize on as Merritt
24156s finds the last shot into surmajed and
24158s Checkmate gets punished again as Houston
24161s taking Flawless first fight yeah samaja
24164s they're dropping down was a huge L
24166s unfortunately for Florida Mayhem but
24167s you've got to feel that it was because
24168s maybe they saw merits railgun starting
24171s to Glow in them but you'd be a super
24172s easy target up there on his Larry with
24174s no one to help him so dropping down
24176s hoping to get maybe a little bit uh
24178s easier shots with the left picks the
24180s orbs of Destruction as well
24181s unfortunately
24182s Houston Outlaws as a whole could just
24184s run him over now at least we have The
24187s High Ground available as hydron moves
24188s over onto the ash here this is going to
24190s give a little bit more peeling power to
24191s these double flexibles through the use
24193s of a coach gun so now they finally got
24194s themselves a knockback alongside of
24196s course for SNAP kick from Zenyatta just
24197s sojourn is all mechanically demanding if
24199s you don't hit that 100 charged shot then
24201s what are you doing at least with Ash and
24203s even I mean this is an ideology that
24206s other teams think of the consistent
24207s damage of Ash is so important so at
24209s least Florida are trying something new
24211s now that they're on The High Ground
24213s looming Houston are staying below these
24215s roofs to kind of avoid that Dynamite
24216s damage or just really any poke at all
24218s but Houston able to hit a nade as even
24221s last year it was matching the Anna which
24223s is interesting and from the low ground
24224s that's hard to do that's a double name
24226s from RuPaul and that's where you wish
24227s Checkmate was there and alive and well
24229s to do anything about that but Florida
24231s don't have any DPS so this is such a
24233s free push for Houston Pelican gets
24235s slapped and he gets fragged by sermon
24237s shed so maybe Florida could stabilize
24239s off of this I sure wondering did you
24241s forget but I'm actually a Top Flight
24243s Support let me give you one a very
24245s timely reminder using out well still
24247s they're gonna be forced to back out of
24248s this at least until there are a couple
24250s more players ready to go I wonder why
24252s the Anna here is the choice over the
24253s prediction Peter may be thinking that
24255s that long range poke could actually
24256s suppress RuPaul away from some of these
24258s angles where he's just free healing
24260s someone and make sure that someone's
24261s more vulnerable in the time after also
24263s someone has to contest the car pretty
24264s closely here under the the guardianship
24268s of RuPaul and trying to get an answer on
24270s him could be huge
24272s Florida are left without RuPaul but I
24274s mean as long as you stay on The High
24276s Ground you're kind of chilling Houston
24277s have to kind of cross this Bridge of
24279s Death it feels like without falling off
24281s maybe even getting some car push where
24282s Dante is anchoring that he has to go
24284s against Checkmate Checkmate gets antied
24286s he's gonna back away this is free push
24288s for Houston as getting married on this
24290s High ground's important for that
24292s overclock and there's no exchange of
24294s that because hydron has a bot maybe he
24295s wants to throw it on the high ground but
24297s it's always good to have Bob on the
24298s objective so you can kind of distance
24299s yourself away all right someone here
24301s gets the antenator from a friendly
24303s RuPaul that means he gets even more
24305s healing and dancing Falling Down is
24307s gonna be uh a big Thorn and a plan to
24309s finish this one thing I want to draw
24311s everyone's attention to his last drone
24312s where he's putting these nades they're
24315s always on the players contesting the car
24316s because Florida made him here their
24318s composition has to have someone or
24319s Checkmate just sitting on the car
24321s getting constant heals from RuPaul in
24323s order to allow themselves for time for
24325s hydron to get picks from above but if
24327s you get a good answer on that player
24328s who's contested they can easily be
24330s overwhelmed yeah what up the elevator
24332s and that's not the floor they wanted
24334s they walk into Florida's blade gets
24336s nanoed by RuPaul as well and Florida
24339s looking a lot better now that they're
24341s kind of positioning well in The High
24342s Ground and engaging into Houston without
24344s them really knowing all right so for
24347s Florida Mayhem here it's all about
24348s staying on High Ground that's their win
24349s condition for this fight because we're
24351s looking at a nano blade right from
24352s Leicester and Pelican and the best way
24354s to mitigate that would be the
24355s Transcendence but after that you're
24356s thinking about the antenade from lastro
24358s but lastro can't hit that very well if
24360s they're up on high grounds so rock paper
24362s scissors can oh Bob just
24366s does he even get any value out of it no
24369s he has to use deflect just to live what
24371s a play from RuPaul now the Rampage from
24374s someone and answer his last draw and
24375s left is this something Checkmate and
24377s Hydra can capitalize on Checkmate does a
24380s two for one swipe you take those but you
24383s can't deal with the marriage who's
24385s overclocking so Florida supports are
24387s hiding and they're gonna buy time for
24388s reinforcements yeah forces in the back
24390s here samaja and RuPaul back up to The
24392s High Ground what a critical sleep to hit
24395s for RuPaul
24396s and I've been pleasantly surprised by
24399s RuPaul's uh performance the entire
24402s mentality of his way through his short
24404s our career was only a late pickup for
24405s Florida Mayhem they started off with uh
24408s just some Majid and animal on the team
24410s for now though it's all about Houston
24412s Outlaws trying to get a little bit more
24413s distance on the car was only a minute
24414s and a half remaining as uh Route 4 sets
24416s up an ante but no dice lemon yeah it
24418s seems like a lot of these honors are
24419s aiming that towards the tanks of these
24421s Joker Queens but it's a blade from
24423s Pelican what's he up to he's on the back
24425s line he's got close to hydron what a
24428s sleep RuPaul has hit another one Pelican
24430s can't even believe his eyes he's got the
24432s back hunch he's gonna have to straighten
24434s things out because Houston are heading
24435s towards point B welcome to Newport to
24437s RuPaul's nap race lemon however you
24440s gotta touch the car and I'm afraid that
24442s two supports simply aren't gonna cut it
24444s mate a Boop up onto sir Marge at a
24446s second Point gained and RuPaul simply
24448s has to feed into last year was to not
24450s get even more staggered speaking of
24451s staggers uh Hydra on here grabs someone
24453s onto lastro but in the end idon's gonna
24456s be the one who spawns even further away
24459s I think I saw someone ducking into the
24461s spawn I wonder if we are going to get a
24462s swap here no it's just let bringing lash
24465s throw back no swap over to brigitta this
24467s time sticking with the Anna and it makes
24468s sense on this particular area because
24470s you you got this long sight lines to try
24472s and exploit but at the moment RuPaul has
24474s a serious Advantage when it comes to the
24477s Nano and that means Checkmate can get
24478s super aggressive with the right clicks
24479s oh Houston kind of taking a lot of
24481s damage but checkmate's trying not to
24483s take too many risks I think he did a lot
24485s of that on Busan and got really punished
24487s and he doesn't want to be a liability
24489s but sometimes you have to go for these
24491s opportunities to really make a
24492s difference as Pelican precious Checkmate
24494s off The High Ground as they duel in the
24496s skies Pelican really low to check me not
24498s wanting to dash in no matter if he has
24500s the blade or not that doesn't have the
24502s sound barrier yet and RuPaul is down the
24505s blade given to Pelican as he hopes to
24507s farm another old he swipes through
24509s someone he's in the back line going
24511s after high drawn but Checkmate hey where
24514s you been Buddy well clearly doing a lot
24517s of work and that saves the fight for
24519s Florida talking about the samaje trans
24521s as well Florida Mayhem decided to get
24522s aggressive off the back of that
24523s especially with lastro seemingly gone it
24526s means that there was no ante to really
24528s nullify the overall Transcendence from
24530s same objects of course so much it
24531s doesn't want to use for trance to deal
24533s with Rampage doesn't do anything against
24534s Rampage it doesn't do anything against
24536s the ante and now Dante is going to have
24538s potentially a fairly open but what is he
24540s doing back here what is he cooking he
24543s said there's no one around me for what
24545s I'm about to do physically anyway no
24548s coach can elbow this move check me does
24551s take out two goes for a third man
24554s Checkmate is lighting things up this map
24557s a big turnaround for Florida after how
24560s things ended up almost the ace for him
24562s good job 36 seconds left for Houston you
24564s know samaja's position there makes more
24566s sense when you're going up against the
24567s Anna compared to a brigade six it means
24568s that lastro is often going to find
24570s himself in a more isolated position
24571s because you're not going to be running
24572s in like the Bernita is and that means
24574s there's a wider formation from the
24575s Houston Outlaws used to try to pick off
24576s earlier you can see right now RuPaul up
24579s high with Checkmate they are way to
24581s finish that also move a little bit
24582s closer in so they can wrap around the
24584s back potentially
24585s oh someone took a lot of damage just
24587s trying to look for a knife pole because
24589s that's a winning condition on its own
24591s Rampage always available Pelican gets
24593s anted he's going to be slowed as he they
24595s kind of want to Houston want to break
24597s through either of these doors so now
24599s Pelican with this blade and he gets so
24601s low they have to use Dante's shout it's
24603s over time it's do or die and Merit is
24606s looking for any contact with this
24608s overclock it's still off working out has
24610s someone counter-engages with the Rampage
24612s and we're left with just two of Houston
24615s to keep the train rolling and the brakes
24618s are getting pumped Florida have
24620s respawned advantage and the road is
24622s about to end here unless Pelican puts
24624s his hero cape on high John is wrong how
24626s she said wait Houston can do this but
24629s Pelican gets knife pulled he's antique
24631s he's getting supported last year has to
24633s hit every shot as Dante's back on the
24635s Doom fist the Doom tank is back this is
24637s what you've traveled traveled for he's
24640s nanoed and he's knocking kids out left
24642s and right up at the Transcendence is
24644s hard to break through how did Pelican
24646s and the rest of Houston clutch this they
24649s complete the map
24650s blastrow I can't say the words the s b d
24657s what a pocket there to sing to Pelican
24660s tank the car bro I have got you 100 in
24665s hitting the perfect antennas as well not
24667s only giving over extra healing to
24669s Pelican when he most desperately needed
24671s it but also the antiquille on the
24673s Transcendence as well but so much I was
24675s hoping would keep the rest of Florida
24677s income alive to keep contesting that
24679s last row is a clutch master and honestly
24684s if you snap what's up anyone else in
24686s that position anyone else they don't
24688s complete as an honor made respect
24691s because I choke those every time of just
24695s it's like a super tense situation
24698s I forgot I forgot how to play the entire
24701s game and you missed that one shot and
24704s your DPS is just dead the amount of
24706s support Pelican got because he was in a
24708s 1v3 because the dashery set off of
24710s hydron here in a second goes back to
24712s safety Florida did everything including
24714s use a Transcendence and that still
24717s wasn't enough to keep keep the defense
24719s alive look at the support you wish this
24722s was your pockets Pelicans should have
24724s gotten narrow just for like a vouch like
24729s thanks for picking me up in your
24731s Lamborghini the other day you just
24734s need to talk to the mansion bro like
24736s Dante shows up for one second and gets a
24738s gold medal
24739s every time take you here if you're just
24740s now also if automate him can take we
24742s have more than a minute on the clock
24743s they'll have an absolute freebie when it
24745s comes to the attacker remember this is
24746s Florida mayhem's playground the question
24748s is how much space did Houston Outlaws
24750s want to allow to serve margin of RuPaul
24752s here because if you play it slowly
24754s you're taking a huge risk but samajid
24757s Superior mechanics just pick someone up
24759s with a right click
24760s Houston cap in overtime so Florida they
24764s might have looked better on this map
24766s and they're learning step by step as
24769s they step up this might not be
24771s the best metaphor Florida but they
24773s qualified and they qualified over
24774s Atlanta and Gladiators so just being
24777s here is a proud moment as this is the
24779s Poke face this is what kind of what
24781s what's on the menu in this double Flex
24783s support setup for Florida the Discord
24785s orb looking for the right opportunity
24786s and there it is Dante is low Checkmate
24789s presents himself goes for the dash
24790s doesn't get the Finish as Houston hide
24792s away to heal back up so one of the
24794s interesting things here is someone can
24795s actually be a little bit more aggressive
24796s than the right killer junker Queen
24798s because he's got so much healing in the
24799s form of the Anna who can give him over
24801s grenade as well and that means that you
24803s can kind of like try and condition Dante
24804s to think oh someone's in sing there's no
24806s way you can survive this was uh with a
24807s Lucio and a break but you can actually
24808s sustain those positions when you've got
24810s Brianna behind you Dante's on top of
24812s itron oh the flanker Queen the flaker
24815s Queen and Dante is slapped in Florida
24818s just barely pulling through I think it's
24821s yeah 3v2 for the Florida Mayhem but
24824s without RuPaul you just have very slow
24826s heels so this is how you just have to
24827s take the fight very slowly but turbo
24829s Jazz was off on another door and
24831s checkmate's trying to feel but this is
24833s kind of chalked so he said we'll hold
24835s for now the master agario Warfare some
24837s are dead he's always coming from where
24839s you least expect however Houston Outlaws
24842s picked their mom and they picked it well
24843s Dante somehow went unchecked being able
24846s to move over to The High Ground actually
24847s dropped down on top of hydron he matched
24849s a Precast for Carnage while he was
24850s dropping so that it would hit hydron
24852s that the second but Pelican moved in as
24853s well and the burst was simply unable to
24855s be responded to despite the large amount
24857s of healing Florida Mayhem have from this
24859s double Flex support now they're looking
24860s for a place to put Miss Nano which is
24862s likely going to be on to Checkmate
24863s either to help him build the blade or to
24865s make the blade more effective itself
24866s this is gonna be a big old fight I mean
24868s a lot of people just 80 90 percent is
24870s the first Nano to Checkmate not wanting
24872s to pull out the blade yet Pelican can't
24874s deliver neither can lastro and you don't
24876s even need to use the blade if your
24878s Checkmate there's a damaged mitigation
24880s to survivability you had was enough and
24883s Florida don't lose a single member as if
24885s they're about to cap the point oh it's
24887s good that Houston at least die on the
24889s point here there could have been some
24890s horrific staggered spawns and you can
24892s see that Floyd may have actually moving
24894s forward quite uh aggressively here
24895s potentially hoping to catch up Merit who
24897s is one of the first to fall on the
24898s Houston Outlaws
24899s question is Houston after they swap back
24902s now to the honor hoping that the
24904s additional speed that brings us for
24906s Lucia is really going to be the
24907s Difference Maker as well as of course
24908s for sound barrier which is going to be a
24909s great uh counter to at least the blade
24913s if not the Bob
24914s just Outlaws they can try and play very
24917s aggressively for this High Ground using
24919s their rolls no you can't let Astro doubt
24921s like that no way from the low ground
24925s I have so many questions
24927s what Florida I mean they're okay
24931s so they just get there happily push the
24933s card maybe get High Drops set up on that
24936s high ground up here real nice because if
24938s hydron and Friends Florida set up on
24939s that top left building Houston might be
24941s trapped last year assault back to break
24943s Houston Outlaws there comes right now
24945s might be a little bit here and there
24947s can't decide on the composition we do
24948s have four ultimates maybe here you have
24950s to over invest macro economically just
24953s to try and get yourself a semblance of
24955s stability against Florida Mayhem so
24957s hydron didn't go to The High Ground I
24958s think he's worried about Pelican just
24960s climbing up there and harassing him
24961s Pelican he's actually bleeding it goes
24963s towards RuPaul he gets the dash reset
24965s he's looking for more maybe even a
24967s hiding place because he's 33 HP so we'll
24969s see pelican in a minute meanwhile Mary
24971s gets to dominate the front but the
24974s Transcendence healing of Florida is
24975s keeping them kicking they have two and a
24978s half minutes in this momentum that they
24979s have is important but uh also having a
24982s tank is important as well and Florida
24984s didn't want to invest more than that
24986s despite having so many more options hey
24988s lemon time for an old classic from uh
24991s season Madness you know the sojourn's
24994s headshot it can actually kill through
24995s zenyatta's Trends on Squishy targets it
24999s does more for 200 damage and that's
25001s exactly what Mary got there onto Hydra
25003s with so much Ed popping the trance could
25005s not save from the burst damage of
25007s merit's headshots now Houston outlaws
25009s they're playing themselves a split
25011s forward defensive they have to take the
25012s forward fight because luckily Dante is
25014s they can't leave him on his Lonesome
25015s over here but maybe Dante in this
25018s exposed position can force out an early
25019s ultimate to try and punish him
25021s what is Dante cooking over here and what
25024s are Florida it's like you gotta cross
25026s the road there's Delta on one side and
25028s the rest of the team on the other the
25029s Bob is thrown down from high Tron just
25032s to maybe pay of a red carpet but I mean
25035s Houston easily killed that Checkmate
25037s unleashes the blade and it's old after
25040s all for Florida and finally they can see
25043s green green flags no more green from
25045s Houston that's actually such a smart
25047s raid from hydram as well to use the
25048s above there they see Dante or myself
25050s angle will be like okay he's cooking up
25051s something here there's gonna be a crunch
25053s that goes on so what we have to do is
25055s make something Houston are going to be
25057s punished for moving forward so we'll put
25059s the Bob over where the rest of Houston
25060s Outlaws are and now Florida Mayhem they
25063s can set someone up here with an
25065s excellent Rampage against the Houston
25066s who are moving together oh the Rampage
25069s someone does it hits Pelican left just
25072s Falls over last year's win HP might have
25075s to pop the rally and he does immediately
25076s and Houston Salvage this fight Florida
25079s on The High Ground RuPaul delivers the
25081s Nano
25084s Target Target healing he has so Houston
25087s will stabilize and Florida only have 37
25091s seconds to make this work and it's in
25093s these close brawls that the classic
25094s Jungle Queen composition begins to show
25097s its real strengths in that aob healing
25099s Lester and left being able to make sure
25100s that everyone's topped up even if it's a
25102s little bit less Point healing for every
25103s person
25104s 22 seconds remaining but it's not the
25106s fastest cop but yes there's plenty of
25108s time to get to the car what it may not
25109s allow however is a luxurious rotation
25112s where you can throw up a high ground
25113s this might be Scrappy positioning from a
25115s Florida Mayhem that could be punished
25116s very much so by Pelican the question is
25119s what angle is Pelican gonna come from at
25121s the moment he's hanging around near that
25122s Mega health pack and he's going to be
25124s able to track the progress forwards oh
25127s check we got the touch right oh I'm not
25129s ready for any more c9s Pelican though
25131s I'm ready for his blade and someone has
25133s used a shell there's a lot of Hell to
25134s get through and Pelican custom by the
25136s heels and Florida are down and there's
25139s really no one left to keep this going oh
25142s Transcendence ah too late and there you
25145s have it beautiful now laws are on Match
25146s Point even 300 speed lemon is not faster
25149s than a speeding bullet in Houston
25151s Outlaws
25156s I can't believe it man
25159s what did I sign up for sometimes did you
25161s just be that way lemon well Florida
25162s taking the last spot I think there's a
25165s lot of pressure on them not only because
25166s Lan and la la but they've taken spot
25169s from Big teams from Gladiators from from
25172s Boston from from Atlanta
25174s Etc so they're kind of going out with a
25177s whisper but they'll have the map Choice
25179s again so maybe things can turn around
25182s but Houston had brought their A-game the
25185s number three seed looking like a number
25187s one and after this break we're gonna
25189s find out where Florida want to go to
25191s next
25201s you're fine
25222s [Music]
25246s [Music]
25249s thank you
25251s [Music]
25260s [Music]
25264s thank you
25266s [Music]
25279s [Music]
25283s foreign
25307s thank you
25311s [Music]
25348s foreign
25371s [Laughter]
25378s [Music]
25382s foreign
25393s [Music]
25408s [Music]
25416s foreign
25421s shout out to the summer Showdown and
25423s them summer Vibes and you can show us
25425s your summer Vibes by submitting some
25427s cute art go over to overwatchleague.com
25429s Art Dash Gallery I know you guys like
25432s tweeting it but you gotta submit it so
25434s we can get that you know the file and
25436s all that going because look at the look
25438s at this art from Santa so beautiful I'm
25441s feeling relaxed simply looking at it
25444s lemon I'm looking forward to Mayhem have
25445s had a chance to relax obviously with
25447s their current setup it might be very
25449s difficult in half times to be able to
25450s send to himself as a team because while
25452s they do have some very personal coaches
25454s in gunbar and mcgravy it does mean that
25458s without samajid they're so difficult to
25460s bring the team together and get that
25462s morale heightened and I worry that means
25465s that that might mean that there could be
25467s more spiral from Florida Mayhem however
25469s when it comes to this team they now get
25472s to pick again as to where we are going
25474s and I think we're probably going to be
25476s going to Dorado I really hope we see
25478s their pharah comp because I've had to
25479s look at it I've taken a deep close look
25482s at it lemon and I believe in the Florida
25484s Mayhem composition with the Pharaoh I
25486s think it's actually really well be built
25487s with the pharmacy and the Anna I just
25489s want them to swap over hydron from the
25491s sojourn to the ash so they get a little
25493s bit more appeal for RuPaul who's been
25495s popping off on the Anna I just find this
25498s pig a bit curious from Florida just
25500s looking at their map statistics from the
25503s stage they've won a junker town uh
25506s against New York they've won a Gibraltar
25508s against Paris and the only time they
25509s went to Dorado was against the Dallas
25510s Fuel and I guess it was closed it was
25513s 3-2 but it was for Dallas fuel so
25515s they've just never won this map this
25516s meta so they must just obviously feel
25518s like this is their strongest map and a
25520s map that they can play very distantly
25522s away uh with their double Flex support
25524s checkmate
25526s show me the pharah stop beating them I I
25530s wish for it to be real
25532s I saw what they did against Dallas and
25534s Dallas are one of the best teams we have
25536s in this matter I think of Florida may
25537s have been able to uh
25539s really dot the eyes and cross fatigues
25542s with this composition it could be
25544s everything but no Checkmate coming out
25545s on the Genji and service does it leave
25547s skip from two separate options as to how
25549s they can test the car the biggest
25551s problem that Florida may have had before
25552s with their previous compositions that
25554s someone had to continuously be the cart
25555s contester now you can have Checkmate do
25557s that as well because RuPaul can also
25559s pocket him through that just like we saw
25561s last Row 2 of Pelican at the end of uh
25563s Hollywood
25564s and it was kind of funny and curious
25566s that Houston decided to use their own
25569s Anna because that was something I mean
25571s everyone is just running Lucio Brigg and
25573s I think they thought well the brick is
25574s not going to ever get in range of a whip
25576s shot so you're just never gonna get
25577s inspired up and you can't really
25578s generate rally without it so we'll be
25581s sticking to the break for now because
25583s when Florida do engage that's when your
25585s brigitta can pop off
25590s no more committing oh but I think the
25594s mature booped away maybe whip shot by
25596s last show because that should have been
25598s a kill for Dante and now both teams lose
25601s the support each as it's all chaos and
25603s Dante just wants to hide away he has no
25605s supports and really not much help after
25608s that uses do have respawn Advantage so
25611s they're chasing away but as Pelican went
25613s for a flank he might have traded out
25615s with sir magette but Houston at least
25617s have space there's a silver lining does
25619s any of you forget about Dante used to be
25620s a top tier DPS because that tracking was
25622s filthy mate repo got absolutely
25624s dominated there by Dante and now Florida
25627s gonna be playing in a tighter Zone where
25629s the safe zones for RuPaul and so much
25631s are they're going to become increasingly
25632s limited especially if this cart moves up
25634s it's a moving piece of physical cover
25636s which means San Margaret is going to be
25637s able to get less value out of her right
25638s clicks Houston moving forward RuPaul
25642s hits Dante with the ante nade and
25643s Florida put a lot of damage into them
25645s but it's Merit that strikes through the
25647s hearts of two and the fight just goes
25650s Houston's way off of Meritus doing Merit
25654s things question is the photo to make him
25655s overreact to this do they make the swap
25658s now
25658s no good I think the this fight here is
25661s the one where Florida Mayhem can really
25662s dig their heels and if they can start to
25664s get control of a high ground and then
25665s Force used Outlook to continually have
25667s to rotate through some margins zone of
25670s hurt where he can hit those right clicks
25671s that's where Florida Mayhem can really
25673s drain away of his time back that second
25674s fight on Dorado it was such a tight
25676s space for the huge knuckles were always
25678s going to have an advantage of two Aura
25679s healers and now Florida Mayhem may have
25681s invested heavily four or five members
25683s all going to High Ground what is Pelican
25686s up to well he does try to touch away but
25688s hurry you gotta stay under this roof and
25690s try and avoid poke damage and you see
25692s someone at least it's on Garden but
25694s Pelican does manage to get out now it's
25696s a free push for Houston lap is also
25698s still coming back from Spawn so we wait
25702s pelican in a risky position but that's
25704s okay can get out fairly easily remember
25706s with that Discord all your break points
25708s is against you become a little bit
25709s different you actually have to get
25711s yourself out of Dodge I believe at like
25713s 66 HP because you can be uh dashed even
25716s earlier by the other Genji because
25718s you're taking more damage both teams
25720s just in this old generation phase about
25722s 10 20 away that's a big antennae from
25724s RuPaul in his Pelican and Dante that's
25726s Florida move over to Gardens they narrow
25729s someone who's so close to a rampage gets
25731s the knifeball after Dante and hunts
25733s after the supports of Houston that were
25735s there to support him that was a big
25738s really great awareness from Florida as
25740s you're not gonna be able to pull them
25742s right back to Houston reset I really
25744s hope that it was common from Florida Bay
25745s here we just like break breaks of a
25747s shovel Astro shield and it breaks just
25749s before the knife gets there that would
25750s make me a very happy individual either
25753s way a lovely pair of knives from someone
25756s that's not good hydron down that means
25758s the pope from Florida Mayhem is weaker
25760s Houston Outlaws can move more freely and
25762s and that's bad news of Florida Mayhem
25763s because they can start to close with
25764s this and so large oh Pelican and the
25766s blade and all the antenna on top but
25769s Dante's counter rampaging to stop
25771s Checkmate and he's trying Dante's also
25773s slept on a rifle as the dust settles
25776s it's Houston it's Houston only up by one
25778s so Florida commit more ultimates the pop
25781s on top but everyone from Houston just
25783s vacates the bank so this bot from hydron
25785s doesn't do much got him to bank but no
25787s one's here to make a withdrawal I think
25789s they're touching the car is also out of
25790s the question lemon and RuPaul's been
25792s taken down as well gonna take a sweet
25794s time to respawn and Florida made him a
25796s stuck in no man's land getting staggered
25798s here by merits okay Pelican had a little
25801s bit of a while to up there for a second
25802s but back over onto the Genji for the
25805s main move around swap here for sojourns
25807s try and lock down the choke points
25808s hoping that Houston Outlaws are gonna
25810s have to move through disruptor fuel sort
25811s to get into The High Ground that too but
25813s the mobility of sojourn is so important
25815s with how close range this is you just
25817s want to create that distance between
25818s yourself and the junker Queen who's
25820s looking to Axia down Houston have the
25823s overclock Meredith heading up to The
25825s High Ground Florida has to be careful
25827s but they wasn't the Rampage so it's
25829s really mirror that has to be careful
25830s love Florida at this point but this is a
25832s massive time being for Houston too
25834s Florida desperately need a win and
25837s someone has just been anchoring the
25838s cards so very little progress is made
25840s because Houston are actually rotating to
25842s High Ground using the spacing at the
25843s moment very good let's try and deny
25845s maximum value Rampage from someone home
25847s and moving together now as you if
25848s someone can get into this Alleyway he'll
25850s be able to hit almost four people with
25852s the Rampage here it is someone rare
25854s pages and it hits three
25859s hits the real life route for Houston in
25860s this fight it's signs oh what a sleep
25863s it's signs of fun after Florida finally
25867s win a fight
25869s that's just our report there man
25871s RuPaul's not brace back again season two
25874s Houston Outlaws now they've got one less
25876s ultimate to worry about but
25878s a fresh worry in the back of their mind
25880s RuPaul with this Nano previous it's been
25883s given over to Checkmate to try and give
25884s these extra effective right clicks and
25886s they could be so good actually burning
25888s down lastro in particular because the
25890s brick has a very meaty hitbox for
25892s checkmate to get up close to and hit
25893s those right clicks for maximum damage
25895s RuPaul's Nano ready for checkmate
25898s they're already a Florida established on
25900s The High Ground that's a good knee no
25902s tank in the picture how will Houston
25904s really keep this going they don't
25905s Pelican dashes out and at least scurries
25908s off to the corridors who doesn't get
25910s knife put by someone so Houston will at
25912s least quickly reset wake up babe new
25914s Synergy disrupt the disrupter field from
25917s hydron slows people down and then RuPaul
25918s can even more of them with the anti it's
25920s inescapable in many cases that's what
25922s happened to Dante right there so watch
25923s out for when hydron uses the disruptor
25925s field if they pile on even further as
25927s the Florida Mayhem oh Pelican do be
25930s sneaking around and near the blade from
25931s checkmate lastro with the rally as
25934s Houston respecting that space they even
25936s throw the disruptor shot down and
25938s Checkmate really couldn't convert on
25940s much Houston and it's the overclaw
25943s Checkmate down Mara looking for more
25945s someone low hoping to Anchor the card if
25948s someone receives the Nano it has to be a
25950s hole for Florida both support ultimates
25953s out serve a shed healing everything he
25955s can
25956s to dice through anything but it's a
25959s respawn Advantage for Florida they gotta
25960s keep this up and Houston are down Merit
25963s they don't have High Ground Control
25964s Houston's battle backs are against the
25967s wall this is not salvageable very poor
25970s once again able to free heal from The
25972s High Ground hitting aunties hitting
25974s sleeves and hanging as many biotic darts
25977s as he would like still here's an Outlaws
25979s one cannot deny
25981s how much distance was able to begin
25984s there and this is already a pretty
25986s successful push here on Dorado
25988s however their hopes rest on Dante one
25991s man one Rampage and five targets but the
25994s spacing of Florida Mayhem they're spread
25996s out very well and they might not even
25997s expect that someone's waiting here for a
25998s Carnage early oh just right after last
26001s show who's empty that this man told what
26004s a play from someone as love also almost
26006s snuck the cart through so Florida had
26008s their attention split but good
26010s communication still made the plan work
26013s with only 50 seconds remaining now
26015s Houston Outlaws that was a bit of a junk
26016s fight I mean it was so fast lemon though
26018s everybody really been able to build up
26020s towards any additional ultimates here in
26021s RuPaul's been able to farm through that
26023s previous fight especially with that huge
26024s anti once again someone is up to his old
26027s tricks again so he's not always gonna
26028s watch out of that one mate don't think I
26030s will thanks uh Houston need that done
26032s that's that IQ check you were talking
26034s about it's Houston almost sneak the car
26036s through as Florida tried to re-establish
26038s themselves Checkmate has to climb over
26039s the wall to dodge that act is Dante's
26041s looking for any Target what a hook onto
26043s hydron and he gets the last lag turns
26046s around and Rampages Florida fall like
26049s dominoes and with 12 seconds remaining
26051s the Houston Outlaws will fully cap and
26054s that was all down to individual duels
26057s let went off to samajid and Pelican went
26059s after RuPaul each of them won their 1v1
26063s and they took Florida mayhem's legs out
26065s from under them the healing was taken
26067s away and after that was desperation
26070s which Florida Mayhem could not turn into
26073s a 40 defense still that was a meaty time
26076s bank and it got absolutely cut down by
26078s Florida Mayhem it's easy to see one of
26081s it wanted to go to Toronto but double
26082s Flex support here is excelling but on
26084s the attack lemon it can be a little bit
26087s less effective because you've got to
26088s claim that space yourself you can't
26090s force Houston Outlaws to come into sir
26092s Majid sight lines as easily as when
26094s Houston will have to escort the car all
26096s that way by themselves
26098s it's match point for Houston
26102s and Florida have to full cap the map to
26105s give themselves another chance
26107s and Houston they met their batch I think
26110s Point C was contested Florida I mean one
26112s I think one of their first fights on
26114s point C it felt like although point a
26116s was kind of a mess from either side so
26120s Florida are improving but if it takes
26122s this long you're gonna face the lower
26124s bracket but Florida have to put their
26127s heads together they look quiet on the
26129s bench while you have Pelican kind of
26130s fist bumping Merit who's just looks
26133s uncaffeinated at the moment but
26136s it's fine Florida I don't even have a
26138s coffee for this in Florida ready to
26140s leave the gates for one last haul
26143s hi John early people barely had shots
26146s what a freak
26148s uh this is the hydron we have been
26151s waiting for it he was known for his
26153s widow back in my day but in Florida I
26156s mean he returns to the sojourn and needs
26159s to hit their shot oh nice shot bro you
26161s handsome you know what
26164s I ain't gonna argue it
26166s here's an outlaw supposed to give away a
26168s huge amount of ground here and maybe
26170s this will give time for uh Florida
26172s Mayhem to try and find an early opening
26175s on Tuesday that was at the moment it's a
26177s little bit of a cool down reset so
26179s samaja and RuPaul now off of that double
26181s Flex support they are gonna have a
26183s significant Advantage except from
26185s Checkmate who should be further ahead
26186s from pelican in terms of little charge
26188s but she's not worth it at really good
26189s disengage here to deny that I really
26191s like the map coverage from hydron it
26193s kind of closes out any corner of that
26194s Pelican would try to sneak and maybe get
26196s any backline pressure
26198s as hydron continues to harass Pelican
26200s but hydro's been forced to use jump and
26202s he dropped to half Health forcing I
26203s think the shout out of Florida as it's
26205s all chaotic Houston not knowing when to
26208s engage with respecting that distance and
26210s flankering around the rosie around the
26211s statue Hydra on full charge misses the
26214s shot no connection there as Florida by
26217s back and forth RuPaul's Shield bashes
26219s away Pelican goes after him now that the
26221s important cooldown is gone and Dante
26223s gets the finish and without that healing
26225s sir machine has to make it a decision
26227s whether to use the barrier and he
26229s decides against it to wait for the blade
26231s from Pelican I would have won first sir
26233s Majid to have hit that Barry of a second
26235s he got it was an unbelievably fast build
26237s on the sound barrier and could have hit
26239s it before RuPaul fell down but I think
26241s so Majid is feeling the uh the pressure
26243s to make sure that Pelican can't wipe his
26246s team with a well-placed play winner but
26247s Pelican is a mechanical monster when it
26249s comes to the beginning so if his blade
26250s isn't dealt with physically it's not
26252s like a sound barrier or a well-placed
26253s rally in shout he can get himself a lot
26256s of purchase now once again Floyd may
26257s have move through this choke point you
26259s can see from someone burning but the
26261s dynamite can be a real issue here you've
26262s got to try and find your openings after
26264s that Dynamite has been used well there's
26266s going to be an opening created all right
26267s especially once this Bob is thrown down
26269s from Merit let's see if Florida have
26271s what it takes to withstand it they start
26273s the RuPaul rally the overhaul is enough
26275s for Houston to back away as they keep
26277s the Bob on the car just to stop its
26279s progression as Houston kind of gathered
26281s their bearings and re-engage with the
26283s elastro rally the later ultimate the
26285s better and Florida are dismantled
26288s and so much and he's just holding his
26291s barrier for this blade unfortunately
26293s Pelican he suffered to Simply hold the
26295s blade in his sheath
26297s and that takes out check Majors before
26299s he can reach the exit 99 on the blade
26302s Florida Mayhem they are gonna have
26303s plenty of resources for this next fight
26305s but we don't have is the position and
26307s that means that every time they approach
26308s Merit is simply taking away their health
26310s taking away things like the amp like the
26312s shouts and forcing them to react to
26314s these Dynamics is really messing with
26315s Florida's overall game plan they can't
26317s get a clean engage right now
26319s Florida just need a clean point a I
26322s don't think you want to go into the
26323s lower bracket after a full hole
26324s checkmate's in the back he has the blade
26327s but left the barrier has his name on it
26329s Checkmate receives a barrier of his own
26331s just to keep him kicking as he goes to
26333s kick pelican in the face he escapes into
26334s the Shadows Florida keep engaging but
26337s they're hit by Dante's uh rampage that
26339s hits RuPaul in someone and hydra's uh
26342s overclock has enough space Pelican can't
26344s even believe he died to that and he will
26347s respect it later 33 seconds and Florida
26349s I mean that's a three versus one so
26352s that's a clean fight in Florida able to
26354s get point a not sure if it was a poor
26356s timing on the blade from Pelican or an
26357s amazing timing on the uh on the Rampage
26360s from someone managed to catch just the
26362s periphery of the AOE onto Pelican
26364s ensuring there'd be no healing available
26366s and of course the overhealth had already
26368s been used
26370s now Florida Mayhem it's not a meaty time
26372s bank to get through point B but
26374s this is going to be Troublesome overall
26376s no Alps to try and force uh fight on
26379s their own terms Houston Outlaws is going
26381s to be all about how they decide to take
26382s this from High Ground Florida lost so
26384s much time on point a so you need to pray
26386s for a miracle and it might be Checkmate
26388s who's already pressuring The High Ground
26389s but at the back it's Pelican harassing
26392s hydron forcing out the jump Pelican
26394s dashes back to safety as now Florida
26396s does have to gather themselves they have
26398s The High Ground though so it's about how
26400s Houston want to approaches us they've
26402s taken position over on Gardens and
26404s speeding Pelican around in different
26405s positions has helped kind of keep
26407s Florida on their toes they really don't
26409s know what's coming
26411s check my board I'm easily killed on up
26413s here as Mario gets closer to that ball
26415s Pelicans going to demand healing here
26417s from last year I was going to soak up a
26418s couple of packs that's why checkmate's
26419s going on to other targets oh the Merit
26422s Bob just set up right at the door of
26423s gardens so Florida all they have to do
26425s is put that thing in Reverse or die to
26428s it and someone at Checkmate could not
26430s find safety in time so Houston had
26432s brought this down to a minute 40. these
26434s precious seconds are draining away now
26436s here for Florida Mayhem they desperately
26437s want this series to continue to go to a
26439s map four they've been able to pick two
26441s separate maps with a double Flex support
26443s has been its best but on the attack
26445s foreign
26449s Lucio brings to the table they can force
26452s the engagement here with a rally but
26453s they'd be probably poorly suited to do
26455s it early when Houston was still just
26456s disengaged but he is so low I can't
26458s believe Houston are extending like this
26460s but merits taking five shots and Florida
26462s thought they had the upper hand as soon
26464s as they went to approach to go after
26465s Dante mayor's getting pick after pick
26467s and you know there was the last show
26468s rally just in case but now that that's
26470s out of the a picture Checkmate enters
26472s the scene he tries to cut through the
26474s support but took so much healing and
26477s disruption but Florida followed behind
26479s him and they seem to do okay for now but
26482s if the time is not on their side four of
26485s them made a really good uh macro player
26487s of what was a bad situation with only
26489s four players alive because my jungle
26490s picked off early they said Rupal kite
26493s backwards of the rally to try and
26494s survive the Houston Outlaws rally engage
26496s came through for speed race a new videos
26498s that was would stay there and overextend
26499s with the sticking overhealth that they
26501s got so they figured for after lastro's
26503s rally is expended Checkmate would be in
26505s a great position to get value out of
26506s that blade someone cannot die here
26508s someone's getting beat down from behind
26510s what is happening Houston arriving like
26513s a train and that's a great first pick as
26515s Houston hope to re-establish himself on
26517s the objective and they're Rampage in and
26520s said so hints for Pelican to knock them
26522s down RuPaul says she'll pass away but I
26526s don't think you can stop cause Pelicans
26527s ready I heard spot room doors to prevent
26529s you from going back home few more
26532s seconds remaining and Houston now let's
26535s we'll take the series three to nothing
26538s Ohio seeds number three in the
26541s tournament lemon they did decide before
26543s the Mayhem would be their target of
26546s choice after a lot of players were uh
26549s for the cope okay okay okay well let's
26553s just say in front of him they chose uh
26555s he's like oh we're done yeah they chose
26556s to come to Matilda pick up a third go in
26559s handshake but why is peliculous so
26561s confused oh yummy tasty Jersey
26564s it's like well Cami saw you conquered
26567s and he's like now what who's next but
26569s they forgot what the stage is like you
26572s actually have to go up and interact with
26573s other people on land so your handshakes
26576s coming in and Florida will have their
26579s fifth member join them tomorrow maybe
26580s that'll help make things a little bit
26583s less messy yeah hopefully that will turn
26585s things around I think that Florida
26586s Mayhem in particular we're going to be
26588s able to do a lot better in terms of the
26590s spirit of the game just having much of
26591s the episodes so you can look over to
26593s your main spot but like I'm with you
26594s mate you you go aggressive and I will
26597s follow you to the death and it's so
26599s difficult to do that when sir Majid's
26601s elsewhere but he's on the grind into the
26603s match into a plane into the match again
26606s this is our first 3-0 of the day too I
26610s think so because even like Dallas went
26612s to five like it was 3-1 for shock I mean
26615s Houston just saying we're the only ones
26616s who could do it cleanly so but I feel
26620s like I don't have I don't have a good
26622s radar on Houston Outlaws was this a big
26625s enough challenge to them did we really
26626s see Houston sweat maybe not but hey
26628s rookie left there saying hello but we
26631s want to give a special hello to Danny on
26634s the stage with an interview
26636s thank you guys very much hello everybody
26638s I'm here joined Now by Pelican from
26640s Houston Outlaws congratulations on the
26643s win now I do want to ask you know
26646s Florida is a unique team I think in this
26648s meta in the stage because they have been
26650s running that uh two uh I guess Flex
26652s support uh composition a lot so did you
26655s guys know that and also if you guys did
26657s how did you guys use that to your
26659s advantage uh for today's matches
26680s foreign
26695s competition all I want to say is you
26698s know it just kind of make made me
26700s chuckle I didn't really think too much
26702s about it there was no need for me to
26704s think we just beat them to the ground
26706s and that's how we got the win
26709s it was you did beat them to the Quran
26713s did you did you ever feel bad today uh
26715s during the match
26720s Pelican says if you're bad then you just
26722s have to take the beating
26726s I mean I also feel like uh Houston
26730s Outlaws have been looking fantastic uh
26733s previous I mean this whole uh I guess
26735s stage and also the past couple matches
26737s Pelican do you think that this stage uh
26740s or the summer summer Showdown tournament
26742s is going to be the tournament for
26744s Houston Outlaws to win it all right
26756s foreign
26779s if that's not the case Houston Outlaws
26782s are going to win the summer Showdown
26783s tournament everybody give it up for a
26785s falcon one more time thank you so much
26786s and again big congratulations on the win
26788s now send it back to the casters take it
26790s away well at least the person who
26792s travels all the way here got to see a
26795s Houston Outlaws Victory and after that
26797s interview they're feeling really
26799s confident on going all the way to the
26801s finals and taking it all but their next
26803s opponent is the San Francisco shock so
26806s oh man wow it's uh well shocked it show
26810s themselves a couple of weaknesses today
26811s it gives a rank of attacks that was
26813s surprisingly close but I think we could
26815s say that Vancouver times really played
26816s up to the shock rather than shock being
26818s the ones who sort of like fumbled a
26819s little bit we saw King have a bunch of
26821s pop-up moments and of course the Spire
26822s has always been one of our statistical
26824s top performers when it comes to the
26826s soldier and you cannot make you cannot
26828s say that like he's not performing if it
26830s is a shot fan boss so I think that we
26832s are gonna have an incredibly close
26833s matchup and Merit versus kilo is going
26836s to be particularly impressive as well
26838s that's gonna be scary especially proper
26840s I mean that's gonna be incredible but
26843s Florida mayhem's road is not over yet
26846s they have to go up against the Vancouver
26847s Titans to see really which Canadian team
26850s is gonna make it further into the lower
26852s bracket because if Vancouver and Toronto
26855s kind of win their matches we might see a
26857s Canada versus Canada so that might be
26859s kind of fun yeah that'd be real fun but
26861s uh when it comes to fun uh I had fun
26863s watching a particular player in this
26865s matchup he's
26866s flights and knives may have sliced
26869s through flesh but his words were also
26870s violence here's a player of the bad
26872s titties of course Pelican the
26874s replacement main tank when Dante face
26877s and what a clutch God doing this in
26880s overtime as well by the way when he's
26882s the one who has to touch that is
26884s unbelievably Brave the pelican he knows
26887s to trust himself we had we already have
26890s a chatty here we've decided to pump 30
26892s push-ups but look at what Pelican does
26894s to Florida by himself with of course he
26898s got to give it up to Florida support
26899s line for you know allowing that or sorry
26902s Houston support like of course for
26904s allowing that to happen maybe Florida
26905s supports dying a lot but that was an
26909s incredible match for Houston not
26911s dropping a single math but Florida maybe
26913s I had a lot of expectations you know
26915s they ended off the qualifiers really
26917s well and were able to clinch that final
26919s spot but this was not a great look for
26923s them it is their first match they looked
26925s quiet on the bench but Pelican is the
26927s one who was the loudest I mean even on
26929s the bench he was yelling giving high
26931s fives and maro's like I'm trying to
26933s focus dude
26934s man I I'm just out here trying to play
26937s some OverWatch come on bro
26940s well I'm also very happy to see some
26942s consistency from The Outlaws as well
26944s right because we had that weird dip in
26946s the mid-season after piggy was released
26948s we were like are they broken they're
26950s broken something happened to the animals
26952s are they okay they just didn't turn up
26954s for a match against London spit if I
26956s were like uh all right was Pelican the
26959s lucky charm was he the who rake but it
26961s seems like even with piggy gone we have
26963s seen these players and I cool down when
26965s it comes to being able to perform on the
26966s land they were intimidated by the crowd
26968s I think I think the crowd actually loves
26970s the Houston Outlaws quite a bit here and
26972s you know what at least three people do
26974s I've spotted at least three Houston
26976s jerseys out there so that's pretty good
26979s um and they're looking like a top three
26980s team honestly they're looking scary but
26983s Florida their Journey continues in the
26985s lower bracket along with other teams
26987s that was our final match of the day but
26989s you want to stay tuned because the
26990s watchboy post show is coming right up
26995s the old watching is brought to you by
26997s Upper Deck the official Trading Card of
27000s the OverWatch League
27001s and by TeamSpeak the official voice
27004s supplier of the OverWatch League
27014s [Music]
27029s [Music]
27031s foreign
27035s [Music]
27064s foreign
27069s [Music]
27075s [Music]
27094s [Music]
27101s thank you
27103s foreign
27104s [Music]
27139s [Music]
27145s [Music]
27167s [Music]
27173s thank you
27181s [Music]
27188s foreign
27191s [Music]
27205s [Music]
27221s foreign
27252s it's Puckett alongside his furry friends
27255s we have custo we have Johnny his suit is
27258s better than custis but guys we got to
27259s talk about OverWatch today and we just
27261s saw Florida versus Houston Houston
27264s hottest 3-0 of the entire day the only
27267s 3-0 that we've seen yeah it was a pretty
27269s clean Victory from the Houston Outlaws
27271s pretty textbook there was a little bit
27272s of stumbling when we went over to that
27274s Hollywood we saw our last trip move over
27276s to that Anna which had mixed success
27279s success yeah you know but it was pretty
27283s much what we expected uh the Florida
27284s Mayhem they did qualify it's good to see
27286s them here but the Houston Outlaws just
27288s outclass them they're just more
27289s consistent in this meta obviously
27291s Pelican had a great performance on that
27293s Genji but Merit Dante everyone just
27295s performing at this level I think uh
27297s lemon kiwi said it as well it's kind of
27299s interesting because this isn't a great
27301s gauge for where the Houston Outlaws are
27303s they play their match tomorrow against
27304s the San Francisco shock that will be the
27307s real test and I'm excited to see Houston
27308s coming off this 3-0 you got to feel
27311s confident it wasn't as clean though as
27313s we expected especially in that second
27314s map a doomfist came out Johnny come on
27318s Twitter it come out 15 seconds of
27320s doomfist to cap think so oh it's right
27322s here as well with Dante goes back to the
27324s distance he should be watching this it's
27328s coming the NATO came out just what you
27330s wanted to see right it's coming it's
27332s about to arrive I hope it does it's
27334s coming come on
27337s sorry Dante Dante that is
27342s cleaned it up but we all know who
27343s deserves the honors of that play yeah
27345s honestly though this was a fantastic
27347s showing for the Outlaws to open up your
27349s summer Showdown you're coming out you're
27351s feeling good who is the star player
27354s though because we argued does Pelican
27356s deserve the MVP honors do you give it to
27359s someone else on the squad custom who's
27361s shining for Houston in your eyes okay
27362s here's the thing we I've already
27364s highlighted American Pelican Dante the
27366s one that we don't talk about enough
27367s islastro on that break has some of the
27370s highest statistics is absolutely
27371s incredible but his ability to go over to
27374s honor as well in case they ever need it
27376s I think last year has been having a
27378s great performance it's kind of difficult
27380s to highlight support players in this
27381s matter because it's very ultimate usage
27383s dependent it's hard to really know with
27385s positioning but I think lastro
27387s consistently puts up good before the
27388s time Anna has always had some of the
27389s coolest highlights especially those
27391s sleeks we saw them all day long from the
27394s Mayhem does the Anna ever pay off for
27397s this squad in this tournament Johnny it
27398s has to it's honestly Florida it has to
27401s all right look it's the front of mayor's
27404s best chance all right they're playing
27405s against the Vancouver Titans tomorrow in
27407s a lower bracket match if you're if you
27409s lose you're eliminated you're out so the
27411s Florida Mayhem I honestly do think that
27413s Fiona is their best chance to get the
27414s victory against the Vancouver Titans
27415s look the Houston Outlaws they like good
27417s coaching staff they got Jake behind them
27419s you know they figure it out they knew
27420s how to beat it Vancouver Titans ah I'm
27423s not so sure so maybe Florida Mayhem Get
27425s Away With Us you're watching the post
27427s show now they're gonna be ready for it
27428s Johnny but we had a fantastic day number
27431s one congratulations to Houston and all
27433s of our teams winning here on our first
27435s day but there's only a few moments that
27437s deserved best of the day honors and our
27440s first one comes from a giga Chad tank
27442s who plays for the Spitfire
27446s yeah let's take a look here we got the
27449s great tank
27452s s
27455s I'm
27456s hitting my push-ups come on come on
27461s foreign
27469s maybe five he pounds out 20 in front of
27472s a live crowd Johnny I mean this guy's an
27474s absolute feast all right he's a
27476s Reinhardt Main and he does push-ups on
27479s stage what more can he ask for Mr beefy
27481s hottie you earned another fan tonight
27483s let's talk a little bit about some of
27484s the other big moments Johnny what did
27486s you pick out on the day for my best of
27488s the day hello all right we always do
27491s this we always highlight it because
27492s honestly it's amazing to see every time
27494s I had to play like this a couple weeks
27496s ago let's run it back all right Edison
27498s didn't have the best performances on Ash
27500s and he didn't really do both any favors
27503s here setting it off on Paraiso and well
27506s you know come on Bob help us out with
27508s his own positioning well where's pop
27509s going
27512s did it get booped did it did it get
27515s pooped oh I got whipped a little bit
27516s yeah you know whipped a little bit but
27518s Bobby was more interested in you know
27520s discovering Brazil let's see what it has
27522s to offer
27524s see you later Bob coded that guy wrong
27530s Bob like stole the doorway and he's like
27532s no I don't think I will I think after
27534s watching today if your ass just don't
27536s use your all it seems to be worthless
27538s every time uh what is your best of the
27540s day though Scott from day one here at
27541s the summer Showdown I want to talk about
27543s collusion I don't think we idolized him
27545s okay all right I don't think we
27546s highlighted him enough in this match in
27548s the San Francisco shock had a great play
27549s on that uh junker Queen I have one here
27552s coming here this is the Drunken Queen
27553s plate he got it heated up on the wood
27555s ground I'm like oh
27556s ground but don't worry Aztec had him
27559s covered he's like don't worry I'll make
27560s sure you get value from this now we're
27562s dropping down two of them yeah and I
27565s also want to credit as well the kalush
27567s family the The Brady Bunch came out in
27569s full force to support collusion I always
27572s respect any family that's willing to
27573s support these these players is always
27575s appreciated there's nothing better than
27576s live crowd audio coming through our mics
27579s we had it in a big way in Toronto what
27582s an awesome day here to kick things off
27584s absolutely the crowd was very supportive
27586s and they gotta come back tomorrow right
27588s to get a backup to run through a fight
27589s who didn't really get the win today but
27592s I believe in the totally fine for the
27593s week I heard
27595s early to show everything you got in
27597s Toronto you play more games in the lower
27599s bracket Rod is just trying to play more
27601s games back it's a great plan I love it
27603s shout out to all of our players today a
27605s reminder you get a chance to see them
27607s tomorrow let's take a look at the action
27609s because it's going global it's not just
27611s our squads in the West Point in Toronto
27613s we also got the battles going on in the
27615s East and that's where we start with our
27617s bracket preview Johnny which match are
27619s you more fired up for there look we
27620s gotta see Jimmy all right we gotta see
27621s Jimmy Buffett another one I'm not I'm
27623s not hyping Jimmy up to be some MVP level
27625s player but come on now we gotta see
27627s Jimmy in the face I need the Jimmy I'm
27628s ready to see him we'll talk about them
27630s bright and early on watch point at 10 30
27632s Pacific tomorrow morning and of course
27635s we gotta talk about what's happening in
27636s the west this is going down all day long
27639s we've got the fuel versus Spitfire shock
27642s versus Outlaws here in our second round
27645s of the winners bracket I'm actually
27647s really curious to see how the Spitfire
27649s are going to do against Dallas Hill
27650s Dallas looked a little shaky today and
27652s London looked to be on top four there
27654s you have it the lower bracket is set
27656s who's getting eliminated it all happens
27659s tomorrow make sure to tune in our
27660s Opening match is 11 A.M Pacific 2
27663s o'clock Eastern thank you all for tuning
27665s in reminder we're opening up bright and
27668s early 30 minutes early with the
27669s watchpoint pre-show you don't want to
27671s miss it I'm it I'm back and I'm
27672s throwing things at Johnny we'll see you
27674s tomorrow hey hey
27679s foreign
27686s [Applause]
27687s [Music]
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27709s [Applause]
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27716s [Applause]
27719s foreign
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