over 1 year ago - PlayOverwatch - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s hi my name is Cherise booth and I play
3s sojourn in OverWatch 2. Soldier engaging
8s she is fierce she's courageous she's
12s focused she's a badass
14s sojourn here well I'm Leah Denise and I
17s play the junker Queen welcome to the
22s Apocalypse
23s who is also a badass she is seven foot
28s tall blue mohawked brutal and fearless
34s jumping into this community has been a
38s wild ride the fans are incredibly
40s passionate with good reason I am fresh
42s to OverWatch I'm also fresh to The
45s Gaming Community and I am just
47s overwhelmed in the most wonderful way
49s and it's been so wonderful to be so
51s warmly welcomed