over 1 year ago - PlayOverwatch - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s OverWatch 2 Season 5 is live with a new
2s battle pass that'll set you off on a
4s Mythic Adventure here's what you can
5s expect to encounter on your journey play
7s through Quest watch and see Emily's
8s tabletop roll Heroes game come to life
10s as Tracer and Friends travel across a
11s Fantasy realm in order to defeat the
13s evil demon Lord Reinhard whether free or
15s premium you'll experience 10 unique
17s narrative chapters in this all new
18s battle pass and as you travel through
20s this epic tale you'll unlock some
21s amazing rewards in the process including
23s slime Queen Echo Royal astronomers
25s Zenyatta Alchemist May and more and for
27s the first time you'll be able to unlock
28s the new Mythic skin piece by piece
30s allowing you to level up the Mythic
31s Adventure trace the skin at levels 45 65
33s and 80. and during the quest watch event
35s you can complete key quests along your
37s journey in order to unlock a treasure
38s chest worth 1500 credits earn all of
40s this and More in season 5 which is live
42s now