over 2 years ago - PlayOverwatch - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

9s i wanted to introduce art director dion
11s rogers and a few new faces to the show
14s we have narrative designer miranda moyer
16s and cinematic director ben dye thank you
20s guys so much for joining welcome yeah
21s thank you for having us
24s i'm really excited to share this it
26s takes an army to create a game
29s i mean the effort is clearly paying off
31s that short was just so much fun to watch
34s now it's been such an exciting week for
36s everyone watching but i'm sure for you
38s three as well uh players have learned
40s that the next beta is coming on june
42s 28th can you tell me a little bit more
44s about what we can expect to see in this
46s beta the biggest thing is open the
48s console players this time we're gonna
49s add a new map rio junker queen will be
52s playable finally so this should be
54s pretty fun i mean i personally can't
55s wait to get my hands on jungle queen and
57s you're representing her right there with
59s the cool shirt as well
60s what a great segue so let's talk more
62s about the newest overwatch hero i think
64s it's super exciting i know everybody has
67s been really anticipating this character
69s for a long time she's been super
70s prominent in our lore ever since the
72s junkertown map came out and i think
74s people have really been looking forward
76s to finally getting to experience
78s everything that she has to offer what
79s makes jungkook queen so unique and why
82s do you think the oh players will love
84s her
84s so junker queen is interesting usually
87s when we start a character we do a bunch
89s of drawings and and we have a little
91s story but she was kind of born out of
93s the junkertown map we started to create
95s this map that was associated with
97s roadhog and junkrat this narrative
100s started to appear where they've been
101s kicked out of the city and so we're like
103s who kicked them out and we're like well
105s maybe there's some sort of leader so we
107s had the kind of junkertown decree that
109s you can see in the level
111s and then over time it kind of developed
113s that it was a queen during the short
115s we're actually developing her
116s personality she's full of attitude you
119s know that's what we love about her is
121s she she's really really strong so she's
123s very recognizable and obviously the lore
126s behind her
127s is very interesting so some of that
129s potentially can bounce off what the the
131s game design will be it's great to hear
133s that it's just such a collaboration with
134s the overwatch team yeah this is this is
137s the fun part about working together the
138s overwatch universe it's filled with
140s memorable heroes and as you say yourself
143s ben it does take a village of dedicated
145s developers to really bring each one of
148s those to life but in a meaningful way so
151s let's take a deeper look at the making
153s of jungle queen
155s [Music]
156s when we started on chucker queen first
158s we have to decide what kind of role
159s she's going to take so she's a tank
161s she's a really aggressive tank you know
162s we didn't want her to be kind of a
164s reinhardt style stay back and guard her
166s team she's got this very ferocious
168s nature and we wanted for that to be
169s represented in gameplay as well
171s personally what i'm most excited about
172s junker queen is just her big axe you
175s know just to be able to swing that thing
176s around is awesome it's always great to
177s have some sort of anchor point to make
179s sure we really incorporate this act into
181s her abilities
183s her secondary we call jagged blade if
186s you do your quick melee attack she will
188s kind of swing with the blade instead of
189s normal punch um it does a little bit of
191s extra damage and creates a wound on the
192s enemy so she can throw the blade as her
194s secondary fire and it's really a great
197s sort of skill shot to be able to land on
198s an enemy especially like a moving enemy
199s if you can land it and after you throw
201s it she'll recall it and it the force of
204s recalling it uh if it's stuck into
205s somebody will actually pull them forward
207s so she can actually kind of pull people
208s to herself if you can manage to stick
210s that blade into somebody her trekker
211s queen's ultimate we have an ability
213s called rampage she creates this kind of
215s whirlwind of magnetized metal including
217s her weapons and like whirls around her
220s and then she dashes forward and you try
221s to go through as many enemies as
222s possible and tag them all up that also
224s wounds everybody which is really
225s important because it's very easy to hit
227s this large effect so it heals you for a
229s lot but also it creates a debuff on the
231s enemies that reduces the healing that
232s they receive to zero
235s our sound designer has done an
236s incredible job with her she's full of
238s snarky fun to the way she plays so all
241s throughout her kit there's little guitar
244s sounds actually hidden so if you listen
245s to her axe she pulls it out and there's
247s a big screech on the guitar strings and
249s she pulls it forward we have a wonderful
251s actor named leah who we found after a
254s huge global search trying to find the
256s right voice for her here i am it's
259s really amazing when the right actor
261s matches the character and the
262s personality you feel the sort of magic
265s that comes out of it i think players are
266s gonna love her she's scary she's awesome
268s she's a departure from any other hero
270s that we have here you know this is just
271s a straightforward badass character she's
273s just been so much fun to work on and i'm
274s just so glad to get her in people's
275s hands finally
277s the queen of jungkook town has arrived
280s so how does the jungle queen fit into
282s the overall world of overwatch i think
285s junker queen's pretty interesting
286s because there have been previous rulers
288s of junkertown uh junker queen was not
290s always the queen and the old rulers of
291s junkertown have always been kind of
293s content to just you know lord over the
295s city but junk queen she has very big
297s acts and big ideas to go along with it
299s what did you aim to achieve when
301s developing jungle queen we want to tell
304s deeper stories for our heroes half the
306s heroes that are connected to the world
308s of the game big thing for overwatch 2 is
310s to move the lore of overwatch along so
312s these type of heroes help that what are
314s her abilities and how do those abilities
317s actually make her successful in the role
319s she's in what's pretty awesome about
321s this hero she was developed when 5v5
323s from the start she was never a part of
325s the 6v6 world of overwatch knowing she's
329s the only tank on the team
331s what abilities that will help bolster
333s the team she has this commanding shout
335s it boosts the speed and armor of the
337s heroes around her so
340s especially you need to push through a
341s choke
342s she does the shout all the players hear
344s it they move forward she has a bunch of
346s weapons you know she i think she named
348s one of her weapons right yeah her knife
350s that she throws and pulls back is named
352s gracie
354s a lot of her abilities kind of drain on
355s the heroes and gives her health back her
358s ultimate basically it shoots you forward
359s and you do this whirlwind with her axe
361s that it does a bit like a big antenate
363s on everybody around you she's very
365s aggressive and then people are going to
367s have a ton of fun playing it