over 2 years ago - PlayOverwatch - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

3s -[mystical music playing] -[muffled] BABY CRIES
7s [Man] Take them out with the rest of the garbage.
10s Let the Wasteland deal with them.
12s [muffled] BABY CRIES
13s [Girl] Mum? Dad? What's happening?
17s [Woman] At least let the kids stay, you monster!
20s [Man 2] We fought in a war together, Mason!
23s Don't do this.
25s [Girl] Please! Don't leave us out here alone!
27s [Mason] Get out of my city!
30s [gasps and pants]
35s [sniffs]
38s What?
39s I'm not allowed to have a bad dream?
41s [instrumental rock music playing]
44s [Announcer] Junkertown,
46s welcome to the Reckoning!
49s [joints crunch]
51s [crowd chants] Reckoning!
53s [The Queen] No Wastelander has ever made it to the Reckoning before.
60s [crowd boos]
62s [chuckles] But here I am.
67s A free-for-all
69s with zero rules.
72s [crowd cheering]
74s -[hiss] -[machinery clunks]
76s And the survivor...
79s gets the throne.
83s [chuckles] Welcome back, Junkertown!
87s King Howl has never lost.
90s Not in 13 years of rule.
92s -...on the battlefield! -[crowd gasps]
95s [the queen chuckles]
96s -Not until today. -[crowd gasps]
100s [Announcer] The Reckoning begins
102s in 5, 4,
105s 3, 2,
107s 1!
110s Did you really think this would be a fair fight?
114s You don't survive the Reckoning... [grunts]
117s ...unless the winner... grants you mercy.
119s [grunts]
120s [grunts] That's why I've got to win this whole thing?
124s [grunts]
132s [groans] All right. Let's get this started.
138s -[rock music playing] -[Geiger grunts]
140s [Geiger grunts]
142s [yells]
146s [grunts]
148s [Meri grunts]
152s [growls]
154s [chuckles] Scavengers like you ain't so bad.
157s [guitar solos]
162s [grunts]
165s You know how to fight dirty.
171s [efforts]
174s I want scavs like him on my side when I'm queen.
178s Speaking of...
180s Come on, big boy!
181s [efforts]
183s [crowd gasps]
184s Ooh, off target by this much.
187s [grunts and groans]
189s G'day, Meri.
190s What are you smiling about?
192s If you're smart enough to run the Tinkers,
194s why are you working for this drongo?
196s Ha.
199s [blades whirr]
202s Like you'd be any better.
208s [growls]
213s [electricity zaps]
214s At least I wouldn't shoot my friends in the back.
218s -[grunts] -[music fades]
221s [yells in slow motion]
225s -[gunshot] -[rock music resumes]
228s Wastelander scum.
231s Why won't you just die?
234s Because we're stronger than you.
238s [glass smashes]
239s You haven't had a real fight...
243s in 13 years.
246s We have them every bloody day!
250s I am the king!
256s I own everyone here!
259s [music fades]
262s Not in this arena.
264s -[rock music resumes] -[electricity hums]
271s -[machinery hisses] -[electricity zaps]
276s Ah!
277s What the...?
278s [metal clattering]
287s [electricity zaps]
288s This meathead has a bigger magnet?
291s [groans] Figures.
295s [Geiger mumbles indistinctly]
298s Geiger!
299s -[thud] -[crowd gasps]
303s [groans]
305s [muffled crying]
306s [groans]
308s [laughs]
311s [grunts] That could have gone better.
317s [electricity fizzes]
325s [grunts]
327s [guitar solos]
331s [powering down]
335s You idiot! I'll kill you for that!
339s No.
341s Not today.
353s [thud]
356s [the queen yells]
358s [grunts and yelps]
363s [hiss]
365s No, no, wait!
367s -[Mason yelps] -[thud]
371s Mercy!
373s I'll give you
375s the same mercy you showed my family 13 years ago.
381s Get out of my city.
383s [gasps]
385s You…
388s Yeah!
390s Junker Queen! [laughs]
393s -[crowd cheers] -[chanting] Junker Queen!
395s Well, that turned out all right, didn't it?
399s But now, they're probably wondering what sort of changes I'll make around here.
403s Well, buckle up.
405s They're about to find out.
407s [crowd cheers]
409s [Singer] This is the legend Of the Junker Queen
411s [guitar riff plays]
413s # Watch your back She's a hurt machine
415s [guitar riff plays]
416s # Fought the world since 17
419s [guitar riff plays]
420s # She'll burn it down with kerosene #
427s [mystical music playing]
435s [chain clatters]