almost 2 years ago - PlayOverwatch - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

10s do
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135s so
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230s [Applause]
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319s you know what it is
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388s [Applause]
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657s [Applause]
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758s [Laughter]
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795s [Music]
812s better beat you to
822s as long as he can the point is allowed
824s to flip down the mayhem sweep them away
827s unbelievable
839s [Music]
841s starting to go off now what the hell did
843s i just win this uh pardon all right
846s looks like pork's back on the menu boys
849s killed two
850s and he jumps at sides three
863s [Music]
865s where did that come from
867s [Music]
877s hello and welcome to watchpoint and the
879s final day of the mid-season madness
881s tournament i'm aublie mae and joining me
883s for the last time this week are jonathan
885s reinforced larson and scott custic
887s kennedy are you ready for it to be over
889s you've had a full week of me yeah this
891s finals day
893s let's go you've actually tuned in for
895s like one of the best weeks i've ever
896s watched of all time yeah it's it's been
898s good it's been a good week i know fusion
900s almost made it no no it's not right
902s regardless of future
904s this is so i mean
907s also monkey suits yeah
910s i do like that we brought out our uh you
912s know i think like our final form for
914s this final yeah yeah i don't know we
916s came together yeah we're looking snazzy
918s we just we thought about the onesies
920s again and then we were like no we should
922s we should be professional so we walk
924s whatever this is yeah i'm just a little
926s bummed that we all ordered our stuff at
928s the same time and mine is the only one
930s that didn't come with matching pants you
931s look incredibly professional though yeah
933s you do professional yeah i think i just
935s look shiny and look i have a pocket
938s there we go you can put your peanut
939s butter in there
941s where's my pizza and bananas okay they
942s took the peanut butter away from me guys
944s because this is the final saying we've
945s got to be professional because on our
947s final day only three teams remain from
949s the 12 that started with us the san
951s francisco shock the los angeles
953s gladiators and the atlanta reign are our
955s final teams fighting for the title we've
957s had an action-packed tournament so far
959s so let's take a look back at how it all
961s went down
964s then we had uh here we go look at this
966s look at all of our teams in the winner's
968s bracket and then each of them just
969s dropping one by one into the lowers
971s bracket but as we can see the grand
973s finals our one locked in team is this
975s san francisco shock and in order to find
978s out who is going to play against them we
979s have to take a trip to the losers
981s bracket where we saw atlanta rain beat
983s out philadelphia fusion yesterday
986s to find themselves in that loser's
988s bracket final atlanta rain taking on the
991s los angeles gladiators now the winner
993s there is going to be playing the shock
995s in our final match for the day now 12
998s teams entered our first global event of
999s the year but of course only one can be
1001s crowned the champion of the overwatch
1003s league mid-season madness tournament but
1005s before we get into today's matches we
1007s received some messages from fans who
1009s felt sad that their players didn't
1012s receive any awards during yesterday's
1014s consolation prize segment and to them i
1018s say well then maybe the player should
1019s have played better but our producer
1023s true
1027s but anyways our producer says don't
1028s anger the fans awfully so it's time for
1030s another run of the watches
1034s now custo we've had a lot of great
1036s rivalries come to the forefront of this
1039s week the watchpoint set versus an
1041s invading pineapple army the seoul versus
1044s the dynasty but you have an award for
1047s another rivalry now who gets our first
1049s watching yeah i want to give uh give
1051s some credit to some people that have
1053s been spicing it up a little bit it's
1054s gonna go to the san francisco shock and
1056s the los angeles gladiators but we're
1057s gonna look at the tank players reiner
1059s and colluge it is the cutest rivalry
1062s that we have in this league because they
1064s like to act tough they like to be big
1066s men and stand close to each other some
1068s would say a little bit a little bit too
1070s close you know you're kind of like mma
1072s fighting but you know they're going
1073s toe-to-toe and i just i just think it's
1075s cute they have so much history together
1077s playing together playing against each
1079s other and now they're on the big stage
1081s facing off and ryan is just ready to go
1083s look at it he's taller he's taller yeah
1084s he's he's standing on his tippy toes oh
1087s oh oh oh oh oh
1089s that's a chat move yeah that's a chat
1091s cool is back down closer
1095s that that's why you know the san
1096s francisco shock are going to fail today
1098s because it's crazy
1100s credit to you by the way overly was like
1102s yeah fans weren't happy their teams
1103s didn't get awards and you give the first
1105s award to the show can't be glad i mean
1107s that is just
1109s great job by you coaster as overly said
1111s if you lost you lost you don't get any
1113s more awards you don't get a
1114s participation award we're in the
1115s overwatch league
1117s no more freebie trophies but reiner
1119s versus college has been awesome and it's
1121s very possible that we get to see the
1122s second half of that love story play out
1124s today
1126s and if you haven't seen it just take a
1127s second to check out both teams twitters
1129s for a deeper dive into this hostile
1131s bromance now reinforce you're up next
1133s who gets your watchy for the event
1136s so this week's award for best tournament
1138s goes to
1140s this tournament the mid-season madness
1143s great job everyone involved
1146s everything from the producers the
1147s organizers the commissioner of course
1149s the teams the players the developers
1152s everything's been so great this
1154s tournament the competitiveness the
1156s storylines the close matches i mean it
1159s feels like almost every game went to
1161s five maps because you know the three of
1162s us we don't really want to remember they
1163s were you know curious but there were so
1165s many close matches especially here on
1167s the night market the meta was amazing we
1170s have seen winston doomfist wrecking ball
1173s reinhardt we've seen it all
1176s roadhog we saw the roadhog mirror
1177s yesterday in the upper bracket finals i
1179s mean who would have thought that
1180s the maps inspired different kinds of
1182s metals i mean this has been the perfect
1186s tournament so far and i mean i i love as
1188s well that at the end of the day the the
1191s two teams who will or the three teams
1192s rider who will be competing today
1194s they'll be in the same room opposite
1196s each other and they'll be interacting
1198s with each other and talk trash to each
1200s other and
1201s this has been the perfect tournament so
1202s far i can't remember the last time we
1204s had a tournament this good from like a
1206s game play and storyline kind of
1207s perspective so you've truly been blessed
1210s hopefully uh
1211s maybe like summer showdown 2020 but
1213s maybe i'm even taking that out you know
1215s that wasn't even like a land that was
1216s all yeah it was all online there was
1218s some cool genji moment so if you don't
1219s like genji like hex then yeah maybe you
1221s don't like so much but this tournament
1223s was epic all in all yeah i feel very
1226s lucky and very spoiled that i got to
1228s join you guys for my first overwatch
1230s league tournament on the desk and it's
1232s such a banger especially just seeing the
1234s fusion really come out to play and just
1236s even though it's just gonna be so
1237s disappointing when this game man this
1239s tournament ends in a four row where one
1240s team sweeps the other one no no
1243s no no today has to be perfect everyone
1245s stick to the script okay
1247s close matches only now's not the time to
1249s uh to mess up all right no furrows no
1252s absolutely not no four o's make it a
1254s good series now gentlemen this is my
1257s first watches so i wanted this award to
1260s come from the heart now even though i've
1262s only been here for a week i can
1265s confidently say that shy wins my award
1269s the best player player i'd most like to
1272s ban oh hey okay now if i move from host
1275s to commissioner of the league overnight
1277s i would remove this man from the game
1278s after seeing what he did to the teams he
1281s was playing against this week the
1282s hangzhou spark was more like the hong
1284s joo shai this man was stomping on dreams
1286s without even breaking a sweat and quite
1288s frankly it scares me
1291s although the fusion were able to stop
1293s him in a squad from knocking them out
1294s earlier in the tournament it was still
1296s way too close for comfort so get him out
1299s of my league
1301s look at this man he's so talented oh
1304s good it's like the 2018 shanghai dragons
1306s all over again as i said johnny and to
1308s think the fusion robbed us of uh having
1310s getting to see him today yeah
1312s good one game on the fusion someone had
1314s to stop him
1315s someone had to stop him he was doing way
1318s too much i swear every single time shy
1320s was up i was shaking i was terrified and
1324s as soon as shy went down i'm like it's
1325s okay
1326s is shy in the room with us now
1331s it's okay
1332s shai is not here it's okay it's okay
1333s this is a safe space it's okay
1335s you could have you could have lied to me
1336s and say that he like book hopped on a
1338s flight and he was just it's shy
1343s i'd be very scared of that but that was
1346s our watches now earlier this week month
1349s year i don't know what it is time is a
1350s construct we told you all who we thought
1353s would win the entire tournament and for
1355s some of us that didn't work out so well
1358s i'm not naming names we're going to move
1361s on and i don't even want to talk about
1362s it but we're going to recall our shot
1365s and tell you who we think will win it
1367s all today right after this break so
1368s don't go anywhere is he here
1398s [Music]
1403s uh
1412s [Music]
1437s [Music]
1445s [Music]
1466s do
1478s [Music]
1484s [Music]
1491s [Music]
1499s [Music]
1514s [Music]
1527s [Music]
1539s [Music]
1552s welcome back to watchpoint now while we
1554s were on break i got a message from sean
1556s the current overwatch league
1557s commissioner saying sorry shai is too
1560s powerful we can't get him out
1562s it sounds like they tried though it
1564s sounds like he tried to cut him and they
1566s couldn't they had to at least some
1568s effort had to be made so you know thanks
1569s for at least trying now listen all the
1571s way back on monday which was the first
1573s day of the tournament we told you all
1575s with absolute certainty who would take
1577s home the trophy
1579s and well
1580s someone changed the script while we
1581s weren't looking because my prediction
1583s didn't end up playing out so now it's
1585s time to recall our shots
1589s now i'm not perfect so i can be the
1592s first to say that i was wrong in my
1594s prediction that the fusion was going to
1596s win the entire tournament it's okay i
1598s understand what step is this i don't
1599s know i don't know how those counts steps
1601s in stage of grief or acceptance right
1603s now i think i'm like i'm almost to
1605s acceptance there's still a lot of anger
1606s bargaining
1608s pull out my wallet
1610s throw 20s at the screen fusion
1616s listen it was a lot of fun and the team
1617s had a great run but unfortunately i now
1620s understand what it means to be a fusion
1621s fan now that being said i'm calling it
1624s now the los angeles gladiators will win
1627s the mid-season madness tournament and
1629s why you ask because let's take a look at
1631s this really quick we have a graphic here
1633s because throughout this entire
1635s tournament
1636s they have never
1638s never
1640s beat my fusions and therefore they have
1643s my blessing look at this we have three
1645s o's three ones three o's but i just i
1647s don't see fusion up there yeah or london
1651s or london or london they did beat
1653s houston twice though
1655s houston had it coming
1658s and i mean listen also i've never been
1660s to atlanta
1662s and los angeles is far superior to san
1664s francisco in every single possible way
1666s and again that's why gladiators have my
1669s belief in them they're going to take it
1671s all for the title i believe it now
1673s johnny you had the unfortunate luck of
1675s believing in a team from the eastern
1677s region oh start the week off so who did
1679s you have are you swapping two now yeah
1682s avril it hasn't been great for us has it
1684s it's been tough avril
1686s but i tried look i really tried to
1688s commit to the eastern region you know i
1690s thought that shanghai they would get
1692s back into the group of things i thought
1693s they had it all figured out after coach
1695s moon came out in that interview and said
1697s we figured out the shot calling fate
1699s playing tank leads a gone in the lineup
1702s but fleta is not the met anymore and lip
1705s he just couldn't stand up against the
1706s western hitscan players it's been tough
1709s i say western is gonna place and then
1710s proper story but
1712s you know what i mean you know what i
1714s mean so instead
1717s i'm becoming a proper fan the san
1719s francisco shock
1721s i believe in you you are getting back to
1724s the winning ways
1725s today
1727s where you will be winning
1728s the mid-season madness tournament
1731s and proper is gonna be the main man for
1733s it you better believe we gotta talk
1735s about proper and if you think that
1737s kevster can stand against him look i'm
1739s swedish and i'm still saying that proper
1741s was far superior in yesterday's showdown
1744s between the two best teams and proper
1746s dominated him you can see as tracer
1748s yesterday per 10 minutes almost
1751s 1.6 100 no no no 1 600 more damage for
1756s 10 minutes 2.4 more final blows for 10
1758s minutes he's just dominating like
1761s there's no question the proper is the
1763s best tracer in the world it's not even a
1766s conversation anymore who can you
1767s possibly like put against him kepster he
1770s didn't didn't live up to the tracer duel
1773s yesterday so i believe
1774s do we have the objective evidence in our
1777s pocket and i just read it out loud okay
1780s proper is once more going to dominate
1782s today he'll carry the san francisco
1784s shock to another stage title and it's
1786s going to be glorious i'm sorry about all
1788s the elite letters stuff going on here
1789s it's not happening
1791s did you just denounce your swedish
1793s heritage by saying that kevster is worse
1795s than proper
1797s uh no
1798s no i think you did i i don't think
1800s they're gonna let you back in anymore
1801s because kempster is
1803s one of the best players that we have yes
1805s proper might have won yesterday but
1806s thinking that that's just going to leave
1808s the shock over the line once again no no
1810s no no no no no show up he had his
1811s wheaties today kept is going to show up
1813s and it's not going to be close
1815s we don't have a wheaties in sweden all
1816s right
1818s maybe we do i don't know but i didn't
1819s have it all right
1820s he had his blueberries or something
1822s maybe he got him from snello i don't
1823s know
1824s i wanted to say i was trying you don't
1825s know what snellow is by the way he's a
1826s fusion former future player so you would
1827s love stella i love them but i did want
1829s to say that while i was trying my best
1831s to focus on what you were saying i have
1833s just been mesmerized by your suit jacket
1836s there are so many different colors
1837s patterns there's an elephant on there
1839s somewhere there is elephants there's
1840s flowers yeah i think there's like a
1841s camel i'm not sure but i'm sure what you
1844s said was pretty interesting but either
1845s way custa i suppose that we could give
1847s you some time
1848s since you know you would uh
1850s sure you're gonna happily do because you
1852s picked the la gladiators to win the
1854s entire mid-season madness tournament and
1856s are you sticking with your guns or are
1858s you gonna swap sides of course i'm
1859s sticking with my guns the los angeles
1860s gladius i call it ages ago this san
1863s francisco shock in the upper bracket
1864s that was just a fork in the road you
1866s know they decided hey let's have a cool
1868s low bracket run let's let's beat down
1870s the atlanta rain prove to them who's
1872s boss and then we'll come back and
1874s actually try against the shock this time
1876s you know yes proper did get the better
1878s of cancer yes propper is an incredible
1880s player probably the best player in the
1881s world but the gladiators don't need the
1883s individual best player in the world they
1885s have the best team in the world and they
1887s have the flexibility to do it funny
1889s astro coming in to play this lucio the
1891s san francisco shock did not have a
1893s consistent answer against it paddy pan
1895s has been stepping up on that sojourn the
1898s one adjustment that i want to see from
1899s the gladiators in this match is going to
1902s be rhino i think reiner was punished
1904s heavily by the san francisco shock
1905s backline and he was just dying too much
1907s but ryan is a smart guy you could tell
1909s he didn't back down in that bromance off
1912s he stayed forward and he's going to do
1913s that again today i want to see him make
1916s some adjustments come back in learn
1917s their lessons and take down the san
1919s francisco shock because as obviously
1922s said los angeles is a better city than
1923s san francisco 100
1926s let's go baby
1927s all right now well we've called our
1929s shots and you should call your friends
1931s enemies acquaintances
1933s discord friends people on the internet
1935s people who follow you on twitter the
1937s mailman milkman the evening tv
1941s wait no what was the what's the next
1942s line i don't know i don't know where
1944s you're going with this effort isn't it
1946s either way tune in overwatch league
1948s because how else are you going to earn
1950s league tokens to buy this sweet sweet
1952s mercy skin it's royal night mercy it's
1954s only 200 league tokens and only
1956s available until august 19th so get on
1959s that right now we're just minutes away
1961s from the start of the lower bracket
1963s final between the atlanta reign and the
1965s los angeles gladiators we're gonna break
1966s down that match for you right after the
1968s break isn't it a song lyric the evening
1992s [Music]
2001s [Music]
2016s [Music]
2032s [Music]
2039s so
2050s [Music]
2066s [Music]
2074s [Music]
2079s so
2080s [Music]
2116s hmm
2120s [Music]
2135s oh
2139s [Applause]
2140s [Music]
2211s welcome back to watchpoint in just a few
2214s moments the atlanta reign will face off
2215s against the los angeles gladiators in
2217s the loser bracket final the reign have
2220s made a hell of a run through the lower
2222s bracket and look to continue rolling
2224s over all the teams on the way to the
2225s title however standing in their way are
2228s the formidable los angeles gladiators
2230s who have beaten the reign
2231s 3-0 both times these teams have faced
2234s off this year now reinforced we've
2236s talked about these teams at length but
2239s today's game is do or die so what
2242s matchup should we keep our eye on
2244s i don't think it's any surprise that i'm
2246s going to keep my eyes on the sojourn
2248s matchup and i get what people are saying
2250s you always talk about the surgeons you
2252s always talk about the hit scan and i get
2254s that but this is a carry meta okay in so
2257s many different metas we've been able to
2259s justify talking about the tanks the
2261s backline and how important they are and
2262s they remain important today but the
2264s sojourns need to step up if you want to
2266s find yourself with an advantage so far
2268s kai has not been as good as polyp on
2270s this tournament you can see paraffani
2272s leads an air damage final blows and
2273s railgun kills per 10 minutes but kai
2276s he's pretty efficient when it comes to
2278s the overclocking getting value from that
2279s ultimate so
2281s i still want kaido to step up just one
2284s more level he does tend to hang back a
2286s little bit and he is so good at getting
2288s value from that ultimate when he decides
2290s to go in with his overclock but
2292s if you want to compare kai's performance
2294s this tournament to the likes of i don't
2296s know shy
2297s then i do believe that kai could step up
2299s another level and i do think that that
2301s could help the atlanta reign in finding
2303s an advantage against the gladiators when
2305s we talk about the gladiators they have
2306s so many parts of their teams that are
2308s elite whereas the backline or the tank
2310s line or kepster for that matter that at
2312s some point atlanta rain they need to
2313s find an advantage somewhere so i'm
2315s hoping that kai really shows up today
2317s because he could be an absolute
2318s difference maker with how good sojourn
2320s is in this current meta there are so
2322s many other good parts of the atlanta
2324s rain but kai i feel like you have to
2326s talk about him when you discuss the
2327s atlanta reign going into a lower bracket
2329s final yeah absolutely i i and that's the
2331s thing like kai we know how talented he
2333s is and he has had some crazy high peaks
2336s if he can hit that peak it could be a
2337s problem for the gladius because we
2338s haven't really seen that level from
2340s patty pan patty pan's been good but i
2342s don't think we've ever seen him have
2343s that performance where it's just like
2344s he's on another level kai has been there
2346s and if he can get there it'll be a
2348s problem we have seen the trash talk
2350s performance come out of paddy though
2351s that's true which is impressive that
2353s absolutely impressive now the damage
2355s dealers have absolute carry potential in
2357s this tournament sojourn especially so
2359s that's a good shout now overlooked as
2361s always is the support line now both
2365s these squads have great players but we
2366s haven't really called out any other
2368s names so far scott yeah well as johnny
2370s said this is a very heavily a dps meta
2372s like that is really where the difference
2374s makers are coming in but the back line
2376s they are obviously putting in work and
2377s we just don't notice it as much but i
2379s want to highlight these two incredible
2381s flex supports that we have in the league
2382s we got ultraviolet the rookie coming in
2385s and he has been incredible his 180
2387s sleeps just seemed to come out of
2388s nowhere but he's going up against the
2390s veteran shoe who is one of the most
2392s bloodthirsty supports that we have in
2394s this league just look at the difference
2396s of damage that shoe does he does 1300
2399s just about 1200 damage more than
2401s ultraviolet ultraviolet does do more
2403s healing gets more defensive assists but
2405s shu is just putting out that work and
2407s those those moments can be the
2409s difference makers for these teams
2410s especially when you're throwing in those
2411s biotic nades both of these players are
2413s incredible at that in a doomfist matter
2415s in a wrecking ball medic being able to
2417s get those biotic nades on the opposition
2419s tanks not allow them to be healed can be
2422s a big moment for them especially if for
2424s whatever reason we end up in a roadhog
2426s mirror you need to have that value so
2428s i'm looking at both of these guys to
2429s really find their legs and really step
2432s up ultraviolet has been incredible
2433s through this long bracket run but shu
2435s has always been on that difference level
2437s so i want to see these two go head to
2438s head once again today i also think it's
2441s worth mentioning that well that
2443s ultraviolet has had a fantastic
2444s tournament so far like if you look back
2446s at atlanta reigns matches in the lower
2448s bracket a large percentage of their team
2451s fight wins or actually on the back of
2453s ultraviolet getting really good sleep
2454s darts getting really biotic grenades so
2457s i think across the board you can notice
2458s that atlanta rain they like to slow
2460s things down that's in part why
2462s ultraviolet has more healing done than
2464s dabbage down because they slow things
2465s down they build up the nanos etc and it
2467s also allows him to regenerate the
2469s cooldown of pirate grenade and sleep
2470s darts so that is a win condition for the
2472s atlanta rain they like to play slow but
2474s that also gives more time for
2475s ultraviolet to find value with his own
2476s abilities absolutely now those are the
2479s important matchups to watch as the match
2480s starts but if these teams switch up
2482s their styles and adapt early on what is
2485s the major factor to look for acosta yeah
2488s and that's the really interesting thing
2489s between these two teams the gladiators
2491s we always praise them for being
2492s incredibly flexible they can play other
2494s compositions they haven't as much in
2495s this tournament but the ability to adapt
2498s is there while for the atlanta reign
2499s they have stayed pretty pigeonholed so
2501s far throughout this tournament playing
2503s the one thing and we haven't really seen
2504s many other great looks from them here is
2506s the atlanta reigns hero usage just in
2508s this tournament here as you can tell kai
2510s on that sojourn venom on that tracer is
2512s a staple for them they've had og playing
2514s a lot of that zenyatta ultraviolet on
2516s the ana and hawk on that doomfist that
2518s is the general five heroes they like to
2520s play and play across many maps they do
2522s pull out the lucio to play a little bit
2524s more fast if they need to or the sigma
2526s baptiste on maps like king's row where
2529s they feel like they can play a little
2530s bit more defensive so i kind of want to
2532s see the gladiators if you can force the
2534s atlanta reign to be uncomfortable if you
2536s can force
2537s hawke to feel like he needs to play
2538s winston or play reinhardt these main
2540s tank heroes that he's not as comfortable
2542s on then i think that will be a big boon
2544s for them so i'm curious to see if the
2546s gladiators are just going to try and
2547s take this dive mirror or try and do
2549s something that might tilt the atlanta
2551s reign off guard yeah i also think that
2553s we've seen several teams this tournament
2555s when it's not working playing slow with
2557s the zenyatta and diana as your backline
2559s maybe picking lucio could be an option
2562s to speed up the game and try to just
2564s make like a last ditch effort
2566s strategically to throw your opponent off
2568s guard now we know that the alligators
2570s they're really good at adapting to that
2571s very fast style but og he's a fantastic
2574s lucio and maybe that is a better win
2576s condition for the atlanta rain rather
2578s than relying on og zenyatta for example
2580s against the backline like skewed with
2582s shoe i mean that is an elite level
2585s backline from the l.a gladiators so
2587s maybe atlanta rain maybe speed things up
2589s maybe kai who mentioned in interviews
2591s that he doesn't like to use the slide
2592s ability he'd rather save it maybe just
2594s push in a little bit more aggressively
2596s and maybe that opens up the game for the
2597s atlanta rain to win this upset in my
2599s opinion we're gonna have to see if that
2601s aggression comes through but uh let's
2603s see if this gets us a little aggressive
2605s let's pull up our predictions and i
2607s think we've already been pretty clear
2609s about who we think is going to win today
2611s with our earlier stuff let's go ahead
2612s and take a look at our gamble
2615s yeah there we go it's pretty straight
2616s forward
2617s i think atlanta they have had a great
2619s low bracket run but the gladiators in
2620s the san francisco shock they seem to be
2622s on a different level yeah you know
2624s atlanta's taking out the entire east
2625s region they could take out the
2627s gladiators in another upset we could see
2629s but i think the safe bet is the
2630s gladiators and i also will say i
2632s mentioned it yesterday but i'll say it
2634s again the atlanta reign everybody
2636s counted them out against the dallas fuel
2638s in last year's season playoffs and they
2641s ended up upsetting the dallas fuel in
2642s the lower bracket final turned
2644s themselves a slot in the finals the
2646s atlanta train they are experts at
2648s upsetting teams in the lower bracket and
2650s they can do it once more here against
2651s the gladiators again yep atlanta rain
2653s this is your opportunity make your own
2654s cinderella story no one here at the desk
2656s sided with you but this is your
2658s opportunity to show everyone here up uh
2662s now that is it for watchpoint everyone
2664s the final day of the mid-season madness
2666s tournament starts right now let's go
2670s [Applause]
2680s [Music]
2698s [Music]
2701s what the hell did i just
2703s witness uh pardon all right looks like
2705s pork's back on the menu boys
2707s killed two and he jumps at sights three
2714s it's a double pulse a double pulse in
2716s overtime
2722s [Music]
2724s where did that come from
2726s [Music]
2736s twelve seasons but uh twelve teams right
2739s there i mean twelve seasons i feel like
2741s it feels like it's been that long with
2742s the way we've seen the league evolve but
2744s you know what's exciting right now is
2746s that we have a mid-season madness top
2748s three that's dominated by one region
2750s that's quite astonishing considering
2752s that 12 teams began their campaigns here
2755s some in hawaii some elsewhere none of
2758s our eastern region teams are remaining
2760s and many of them fell at the hands of
2761s one of our teams going up against the
2763s gladiators today it's gonna be the
2764s atlanta rain versus los angeles here
2768s incredible matchup and we know what the
2770s rain are like in these lower finals
2772s uh just three really interesting and
2774s great stories going into our final day
2776s today right the shop we were worried
2778s about like how they perform in
2779s tournaments right uh they've been so
2781s great during the regular season well
2782s they've delivered here right uh sitting
2784s in the grand finals already the
2786s gladiators could they have a repeat you
2787s know of the kickoff clash they played
2789s well and i think the atlanta rain uh
2792s we've been talking i feel like we've
2793s cast a lot of atlanta rain throughout
2795s you know the mid-season menace and like
2796s we've talked about how this team where
2798s some teams kind of with the spotlight
2800s they don't play as well maybe they get a
2802s little nervous it seems like this team
2803s consistently rises to the occasion in
2806s the biggest moments i think uh you know
2808s hawk and i think it was gator he kind of
2809s made a joke about it but like he's like
2811s oh well we'll win the games that there's
2812s money on the line it's like well you
2814s know that does make an impact on some
2816s people right and
2817s uh i get why nobody picked them on the
2820s desk today but i don't know man it's
2823s tough to go against him they've been on
2824s such a run we can take a look at their
2826s starting lineup and they've played so
2828s many games that this team is just like a
2831s well-oiled machine at this point right
2833s uh they're welcome well conditioned to
2835s the room who's sitting where uh they've
2838s gotten so many matches different times a
2840s day uh the travel not an issue right uh
2844s i i think there's a there's a realistic
2846s chance no
2848s who knows what happens in a game against
2850s the shock right but i think this game
2851s for me is a little bit more of a toss-up
2853s than a clear cut
2855s yeah and look uh this isn't the first
2857s time that the atlanta reign have been
2859s underrated by many people coming into a
2861s matchup like this and we can't
2862s understand why we'll have a chance to
2864s dig a little deeper into that in just a
2866s moment but you're right these guys have
2868s had to play maximum overwatch 3-2
2870s against the seoul dynasty in the lower
2872s bracket 3-1 against the outlaws 3-1
2874s against the shanghai dragons 3-1 against
2877s the philadelphia fusion that three apac
2879s teams of course they've dispatched and
2880s in so many of those match-ups they were
2883s underrated as well this team is getting
2885s used to it and they look like they're
2887s comfortable in these conditions let's
2888s not forget ty and hawke two of the
2891s players from last year's atlanta rain
2892s squad who made frequent trips to hawaii
2895s dealt with the travel conditions
2897s dealt with the precious situations in
2898s games like this this team is made for
2901s matches like this
2902s yeah and i think the death talked about
2904s it you know maybe kai has an explosive
2906s game today we can talk about the
2907s gladiators starting lineup uh nothing
2910s too surprising here you know funny astro
2912s in so expect to see some lucio here in
2915s map number one
2916s uh but we know what we're gonna get to
2918s get with this team at this point i know
2920s panapan plays a really good sojourn has
2923s a lot of other heroes in his pool uh
2925s kepster on the tracer i think kepster
2926s versus venom is going to be an
2928s interesting match up uh now if those two
2930s players can kind of play a little bit
2932s equal to each other this series could
2934s come down to those sojourn players and
2936s uh you know the deaths talked about like
2938s kai hasn't had the greatest performances
2939s so far you know he's had some really
2940s clutch moments like last night
2942s uh but you feel like one of these
2944s players is kind of due for a big game at
2946s this point right
2948s absolutely think about who venomous had
2951s to go head to head with on the tracer
2952s role in their run so far names like
2954s zester in there fletcher is in there
2956s profit got dipped by him in that in that
2958s first lower bracket match-up that's a
2960s big deal this guy
2962s you know comes into this season with
2964s high expectations from contenders but a
2965s lot of people expecting to see him show
2967s his stuff and he's peaking at just the
2969s right time i love some of the the
2972s head-to-heads that our desk is sort of
2973s highlighted right because obviously shu
2975s and ultraviolet is definitely one to be
2977s watching two teams with honors that have
2978s impressed us but shu is tenured he's
2981s been around for a heck of a long time
2983s and he you know i mean he was called the
2985s shoe shoe train for a reason right he
2986s came out of the woodwork on the
2987s guangzhou charge initially back in 2019
2990s and really blew our minds this is the
2992s kind of player that will stand the test
2994s of time and continue to show dominance
2996s in his role the first map in this series
2999s will be elios
3001s yeah and it'll be a uh la gladiators map
3004s pick
3005s uh i think i saw something ready last
3007s night you just kind of think about how
3008s many
3009s like first second year players there are
3012s in the three teams left
3015s right i mean you look like you know kai
3017s and hawk and like a gator right on
3019s atlanta like they're kind of veterans
3021s but they've only been in the league for
3022s two three years max right and then i
3025s know on the other side the gladiator is
3027s really kind of full of i know some young
3030s players some veterans kind of coming in
3032s it's uh
3033s shocked like really like an all-rookie
3034s team like it feels like a little bit of
3036s a
3036s i know changing of a guard right where
3039s in the past i think like the apac region
3041s has always been really strong in the
3043s east uh it feels like the west now is
3045s starting to level up a little bit more
3047s as uh looks like both teams gonna start
3049s things out here with a lucio in the mix
3051s uh and i think it's gonna be pretty much
3053s mere compositions coming out yeah
3056s and so it is we know that you know the
3058s reign of playing sojourn a lot of the
3060s time it's one of their most go-to picks
3062s here even though kai is so
3063s multi-talented across the hitscan role
3066s nice to see your match up here now i can
3068s evaluate some of these roles in their
3069s head to head it's going to be kept
3071s who tries to assert himself a little
3072s early on now
3074s i mean causing hawke to have to snap his
3075s head around and try and keep tabs on his
3077s tracer kai as a result now has
3079s relatively safe sidelines i'll be kind
3081s of hard to find these foes catch the
3083s strikes first
3084s uh well they do trade doomfist on both
3086s sides and atlanta pushes on forward as
3089s ogu takes out funny astro and
3092s atlanta oh look like they're gonna be
3094s able to get the point first yeah they do
3095s is someone just goes right over the top
3097s so the atlanta rain able to take the
3100s point first on the side when you know we
3102s were launching from kai's pov but on the
3104s other side of the point uh that's where
3106s they actually got a i believe it was
3108s like a stun where hawk and reiner maybe
3110s collided and they were able to burn hawk
3112s down so fast but now kai from the side
3114s got a nice shot on the rhino and then
3116s even the odds
3119s big task on his hands today he's he
3121s would decide to be slams he tries to
3122s turn around he's fortunate to get away
3124s ultraviolet pump begin with those heels
3126s and so he survives and develops a pulse
3128s bomb now for the new feast it was
3130s intended and somehow rhino's going to be
3132s able to get far enough away from that
3133s there was no stick hawk wants to dive in
3135s here but it's a pulse from kempster and
3137s there it is big difference making here
3139s on the tracer so far but the rest of the
3140s rain are keeping the gladiators quiet
3142s here man a hawk gets patty right before
3144s he gets taken out though and that is
3146s huge you lose the sojourn there's so
3148s much free damage to be had by the long
3150s range hit scan over the middle of this
3152s point
3153s that kai is able to pick up some extra
3154s damage a kill in the time being and
3157s that'll stop the gladiators push so
3159s atlanta gonna get above halfway it's
3162s taking this round is uh we'll see what
3163s they decide to do with this nano maybe
3165s he's gonna send it on a rhino as he goes
3167s in
3167s slow start so far for the glass but it
3169s really is about how you finish
3171s rhino looking for elimination there he
3173s finally found ultraviolet and kepster
3174s once again chimes in og is fell
3177s kai's got a pretty safe position here
3179s and the gladiators haven't quite taken
3181s the point yet and 72 percent is a pretty
3183s rich lead for the reign early on
3185s yeah kai used that overclocking
3187s absolutely nothing
3189s trying with maybe the disruptive shot to
3191s force some players into his line of
3193s sight but not able to do so
3195s but the atlanta rain come back here
3196s mitch you know they hold on to their
3198s sound barrier they have a nano during
3199s that fight and they realize it's kind of
3200s lost early so they decide to hold on to
3202s it uh you have enough ultimates to just
3205s kind of run this back pretty fast and
3207s take over and oh that's going to be
3208s penny with a nice shot on the og though
3210s arranged
3211s just getting caught out in the open and
3212s yet hawk still wants to be aggressive it
3214s looks like shoe is playing quite far
3216s forward and yet the call comes a little
3218s late to get on out it's too late though
3220s as arena caught on the back foot and
3221s they're devoured by the glads oh that's
3224s a huge fight win for the gladiators i
3225s was talking about
3227s that advantage that atlanta's had and
3228s where they were so patient holding on to
3230s some of these ultimates and they come
3231s into that when they end up using the
3232s meteor strike in the nano boost and they
3234s lose og straight away and look at how
3236s the tides turn the gladiators now sit
3238s with four ultimates coming into this
3239s next fight they're going to get above 50
3241s percent
3242s atlanta they may have to take some
3243s fights early they may also just ah the
3245s skipster wins a 1v1 there against venom
3248s this is going to put him in a terrible
3249s position to get another good fight
3251s listen so far it's been clear to see
3253s despite the gladiators early struggles
3255s kepster has been the stronger tracer in
3257s terms of impact thus far
3259s and he's yet another pulse bomb ready to
3261s go
3262s his previous one a big connection on
3264s hawk
3266s and hawk will keep him honest there to
3267s make sure capture doesn't run rough shot
3269s over this part of the map jesse will be
3271s searching he's found ultraviolet it's
3272s going to be a sound barrier toward the
3273s tracer off early here but eventually
3275s that will expire and kept sir will make
3278s the stick that is a heat and a half what
3280s a connection on ultraviolet man didn't
3282s know what hit him that chance to need to
3284s complete the getaway plan but look at
3286s the back up venom runs straight into him
3288s here and the gladiators are getting away
3289s with absolute bloody murder
3292s hey yes they're gonna nano capture as
3293s they send pretty much everybody to the
3296s spawn door of the atlanta range of
3297s stopping them from getting towards the
3298s point it looks like hawk trying to get
3300s there oh gee not gonna make it and it's
3303s the gladiators
3304s bouncing back after atlanta got off to a
3307s good start really dominant the second
3309s half of that point
3311s what an absolute haymaker of a round
3314s kevster
3315s eight final blows zero deaths patapan is
3318s six and two right now whereas the rain
3320s only have nine final blows for the
3321s entire team and one of them is credited
3323s to venom the dps or the gladiators here
3326s are making their mark early
3330s let's see from cancer's pov you don't
3332s pulsate oh
3334s it's just
3335s yeah like
3337s obviously that slowed down a ton
3340s you know he probably kills it i'm in
3341s enough chance where like venom doesn't
3343s even have an opportunity has no idea
3345s yeah there's a one clip on an enemy
3346s tracer basically that's
3348s that's wrong
3349s all right
3350s well is up next
3352s and gladiators they're gonna play really
3354s fast here uh you're gonna have reiner on
3356s the winston now tracer genji is the dps
3359s combo
3361s is i think when you know you see them
3363s last round pushing all the way up to
3365s atlanta's spawn door really giving them
3367s problems say hey maybe we can up the
3368s pace even more
3370s this is the kickoff clash throwback
3372s actually uh i think we first saw the
3373s shock playing this cop sam's daviola
3376s genji
3377s gladiators here looking to throw it back
3379s to an earlier area this year
3381s kempster again continually hurrying at
3384s the flanks and it's getting a bit much
3385s for ultraviolet to keep
3386s topped up right now
3388s you have to control this tracer client
3390s makes a good opening here you're getting
3391s rid of shoe means funny astro after the
3393s body grenade connects he's done kept is
3394s still able to find his way in and get
3396s rid of ultraviolet here remember the
3397s clouds had the point but no real chance
3400s to extend that lead
3402s yes it was og and hawk trying to just
3404s contest at the beginning but it's kai
3406s that opens up with the first kill when
3407s the gladiators take the point but
3409s ultraviolet hits a pretty big biotic
3411s grenade as the dive comes in right over
3413s by that health pack and that allows him
3414s to pick up some of those kills right
3416s after he dies
3418s and takes the point back for the atlanta
3419s reigns atlanta pretty fortunate right
3421s this point usually can be contested for
3422s a very long time uh the glads only get
3425s ten percent
3426s oh okay
3428s with the kill there but yeah yeah
3430s obviously ultraviolet gets hit like a
3431s mack truck by a uh a whole host of
3434s different things i love the prediction
3436s plate from kepster there he knows venom
3437s is half hp and fancy's going for that
3439s health pack maybe even a recall to it
3441s that would have been a digger brain if
3444s he'd actually managed to pull it off but
3445s venue has played mahjong before
3447s underwater
3448s and ultraviolet actually kills uh patty
3450s as he tries to go in so maybe there's an
3452s opportunity for atlanta to get onto the
3454s point kind of chase somebody down as
3455s reiner gets quite low
3457s just not quite there you can see venom
3459s is literally shaking and jerking with
3461s the exertion here he's putting all of
3462s himself into his movements as tracer
3464s right now ryan actually backed away from
3466s ultraviolet there and uv walked back his
3468s white shoe with two kills
3470s that's a huge opening here for the
3472s gladiators now and it's a matter of
3474s clearing the point they have to flip
3476s it's under their control still it'll
3477s drag it out as long as i please in the
3480s rain end up using a sound barrier there
3482s which doesn't really get much value at
3484s all i was wondering like do we see a
3486s switch out of that but
3488s maybe they thought they were still going
3489s to be able to contest the point and had
3490s the point in their favor but
3492s really get much of anything out of that
3494s so i'm going to need to see a big play
3496s out of hawk here with this nano
3500s pad now looking for the blade
3503s 64 and counting hawk undeterred by the
3506s sound barry here if you can close the
3507s gap on shoe in the meantime be a big
3508s deal but they've already lost
3509s ultraviolet oh my god the mechanics from
3512s patapon astonishing paul can only do so
3515s much here maybe he gets to trading so he
3517s does he actually gets both supports
3519s which is really overperforming in this
3521s scenario but still dire straights for
3524s the atlanta reign here as they fall
3525s further and further behind
3527s that is so clean from patties i believe
3529s he actually uh reflects a sleep dart
3532s right back at ultraviolet kills ulcer
3534s while he's on the ground with his own
3535s sleep is kepster's gonna get og man is
3538s he just lost so many players from the
3540s elena reign really early on in some of
3541s these fights
3543s then just drop the shot defensive tells
3545s you a lot about the mindset of the rain
3546s right now hawk oh he slept he didn't
3548s quite make his way into the back line
3550s and shu was gonna slap him down that's a
3552s comfortable finish for the los angeles
3554s gladiators it takes him a little to get
3556s their engine running
3558s and of course
3560s some words in the chat they're under
3562s just weighing in fair enough good start
3564s for the glads funny astro uh
3568s uh nice beat too so
3571s oh geez just laughing he knows that uh
3573s yeah maybe they thought that fight was
3574s winnable uh it's the one we were talking
3576s about maybe it was a little bit late and
3577s not able to get anything of it but i
3579s don't think that's the difference in i
3581s don't know whether atlanta wins or loses
3583s the round the gladiator should look
3584s dominant let me give you some quick
3586s stats here kevster and patapan had 11
3588s and 13 final blows respectively
3590s venom only won only one for the entire
3592s map
3593s really difficult for him to find a way
3595s in it he finds his way in but sometimes
3597s he's doing it before his backline gets
3600s utterly decimated the gladiators are
3602s setting the pace right now and they're
3604s looking to continue to take some big
3606s strides in map two
3623s [Music]
3663s me
3676s me
3727s um
3735s [Music]
3760s [Music]
3773s [Music]
3786s let's go
3829s [Music]
3842s shut up
3845s [Music]
3852s [Music]
3853s yes
3857s [Music]
3869s [Music]
3883s some real raw emotion in this matchup so
3885s far not referring to the line in the
3887s background these two teams just belting
3889s the heck out of each other's back lines
3891s over and over again but kevster comes
3894s out with 13 final flows and zero depth
3897s with one and every two pulse bombs
3899s getting the stick that's finger looking
3901s good matt
3902s yeah uh pretty good map there from
3905s cancer uh you know 13 final blows zero
3908s deaths
3909s uh 50
3910s on the pulse bomb as hatch rate i really
3912s think uh made a huge difference and you
3915s know a large gap there between him and
3917s venom in that mountain one but
3919s a lot of uh a lot of this series still
3922s left to play it was the atlanta reigns
3924s pick uh they ended up going to king's
3926s row uh there is a substitution that is
3929s skewed uh in for funny as show that's no
3931s longer funny as show uh and on your
3934s screen it's uh you know uh skewed coming
3937s in probably uh you know some double flex
3939s support looks uh maybe some uh rig
3942s uh
3943s a few options there with him in the
3945s lineup
3946s yeah absolutely i know we saw both teams
3948s go for a they're pretty
3950s pretty standard compositions on that
3952s first you know ilios map right doing we
3955s saw some winston mixed in there as well
3956s the gladiators wanted to play the genji
3957s base set up and powder pun looks really
3960s clean with it today having a a strong
3962s genji player we kind of bring this up by
3964s having someone who's able to play hit
3966s scan and then just turn around and play
3967s some insane genji it is quite rare there
3970s are a lot of teams that sort of have
3971s that particular degree of flexibility
3973s available to them
3975s and kevster is actually insanely
3977s flexible he just doesn't it just doesn't
3978s have to be
3979s they can just leave him on the tracer
3980s and let him control venom venom who by
3982s the way
3983s you know
3984s there were some 1v1 between our traces
3986s right we did see them i kept saying that
3987s one clipping him that's going to get in
3989s your head especially to a young player
3990s like venom you know who i mean this is a
3993s big trip for him you know what i mean
3995s he's gotta he's gotta turn that aside
3997s and focus on the next map i feel like
3999s he's also gotten more play time during
4001s this tournament than like recently than
4003s like even at the beginning of the season
4004s right you know nero was playing a ton
4006s early on is uh now venom kind of working
4009s he was way more into the lineup you know
4011s getting experience in some of these big
4012s matches and you know tournaments
4015s uh because his skill is is up there with
4017s somebody like kepster tried really
4019s strong on the tracer role i think just
4022s maybe uh no it needs to get uh whether
4024s just kind of like in the flow of this
4026s game or just a little bit more
4027s experience but he's a tremendous player
4031s keep an eye out again for these
4032s backlines right which is something i'm
4034s glad they took the time to talk about in
4036s the truck earlier on here
4038s because we know what you know
4039s ultraviolet and og are able to provide
4040s for us i also think he's in is very
4042s scary so seeing the atlanta reign you
4044s don't have to make a substitution by the
4046s way to play this double sort of flex
4047s support set up
4048s look out for this match up skewed an
4050s absolute veteran of this role he was the
4052s brig and zen player for the gladiators
4054s from last year and sort of prior so uh
4057s oh yeah i got a good feeling about the
4058s support matchup and of course it is the
4061s sigma on defense here for the atlanta
4062s right now we've seen teams try and
4065s manage this or sort of play up against
4066s it i think we even saw the uh the fusion
4069s show great you know methods of digging
4071s him out on king's row and i think the
4072s glads are probably expecting it
4074s yeah and we casted a game the other day
4076s of the atlanta rain where they took
4077s somebody to king's row after losing map
4079s number one and og ultraviolet and hawk
4082s were tremendous holding that high ground
4084s that's got to open the outlaws game
4086s yeah we'll see if they're able to do it
4087s yet again i know constantly ultraviolet
4090s you're hitting big biotic grenades up
4091s there in the high ground og
4093s no
4094s point
4095s what's up
4096s you're having a lot no all right
4099s i thought we were getting a battle
4100s cattle there for a sec i was ready for
4102s it i was ready to settle out
4104s all right the winston for rhino so we're
4107s gonna have to the hanzo from kepster one
4109s of the you know we've said that he's
4110s flexible he just hasn't had to be
4112s yeah i i think i'm more interested with
4114s the
4115s hanzo in the mix than
4117s um the winston the hanzo really good for
4119s like that like medium to long range the
4122s burst damage
4123s as you can see you can just pester the
4125s shield up on the high ground and just
4126s one of those arrows connects on og and
4128s he's dead right
4130s yeah just lock him in range skewed loses
4133s out early here so kai is actually able
4135s to find a key pick and it's tough when
4136s you're an attacking team right because
4138s you want to take aggressive angles says
4139s that's him but you also put yourself in
4141s kai's sights that's a scary prospect
4144s they do uh they do sneakily get a tick
4146s there
4147s uh so you do get a a tick there for the
4150s gladiators
4152s uh and they get up to like 52 percent
4154s but
4155s uh i guess the grinder on the point nada
4157s didn't have a contest that was like
4159s probably venom's uh responsibility at
4161s that time right we're sure i know you're
4163s able to get a full tick on the point
4166s but you know look interesting big
4168s thing but oh yeah
4170s rhino
4171s okay you almost got out the hall capable
4173s to find
4174s what's happening in the back line yes
4175s paddy and co that snuck in no one heard
4178s the pitter patter of the genji feat
4179s apparently oh gee at least is able to
4181s deal with him paddy is absolutely right
4183s about it but it doesn't matter og tried
4185s to find a sideline and kevster punishes
4187s the hawk is going to be sheepishly
4189s backing up here
4191s yes that's patty with two and then
4192s kepster with one and just
4194s like the desk mentioned into these dps
4196s players right now being able to take
4198s over some of these games that's when
4200s they start off by getting a kill on to
4202s reiner like reiner is so low
4204s pulse bomb connection on him it's
4206s looking really good
4208s and then just uh the hanzo arrow but
4210s more importantly you know patty comes up
4211s with two on the engine just slicing on
4213s through opens up the point for the glass
4216s yeah we're watching rhino getting pulsed
4217s but you know meanwhile there's a full-on
4219s flank hat thing there's nothing the rain
4220s backline we're able to do about it so
4222s shoe body grenade they're trying to keep
4223s rhino standing there is a nano here
4225s ready to go there's padding with the the
4227s blade
4229s a little too easy for the man right now
4231s what a deflect timing knew that og would
4233s look to try and clean his clock and he's
4234s gonna get three still venom responds
4236s with a gravity flux here and skews gonna
4238s kick him right on back kinetic grass
4240s buys hook enough time and venom tears
4242s shreds off the glass
4244s he doesn't want it he doesn't want this
4245s smoke
4247s i just think he knows like that kepster
4249s hits him once and it's all over he's
4250s going to back up they know that reiner
4252s is coming right back but
4254s now it'll be hawk over to the winston so
4256s we talked about the atlanta reign really
4258s focusing on hawk as that main tank
4261s now now he's gonna he's got to play it
4262s here against reiner it's been
4264s able to play really much everything at a
4266s high level
4267s hawk has looked he has to look bad on
4269s the winston thus far let's see how it
4270s looks so in this type of game
4273s hanzo man ultraviolet's out of the
4275s picture the rest of the calculus bank
4277s gets a lot easier rhino just sat
4279s shepherding this one forward
4281s transcendence falls by skewed i think he
4283s might have been jumped on actually on
4284s that flank because venom's gonna look
4285s try and find a pulse he couldn't believe
4287s uh what was going on there he jumps to
4288s the sides he tries to get that stick but
4290s hawk is down to paddy trying to play
4292s inside of his own bubble
4294s kai also trying to use that for a bit of
4296s protection there but it doesn't realize
4297s that rhino was coming up behind him
4299s and now with the gladiators here with
4301s that second checkpoint so not a great
4303s start there for the reign
4305s no not at all it's uh
4307s really this hanzo has made an impact
4310s he's here
4310s one shot into venom
4312s kepster's having himself a game today
4314s 6-0 you said yeah
4316s has not died yet someone someone
4318s tweeting me we're talking about him too
4319s much he's literally 19-0
4322s i'm gonna talk about him as much as i
4323s want there very much
4325s this is unreal against the team of the
4326s reigns caliber you should not be
4328s allowing a player to run it's wild in a
4330s loser's final uh no less uh atlanta
4334s actually at the start of that wasn't
4335s looking too bad for them uh skewed had
4337s the use of transcendence early that
4339s allowed og to come in later with the
4341s transcendence but it was a biotic
4342s grenade from shoe that you know they
4343s were able to take hawk out really didn't
4345s get much out of there but
4346s started off good for atlanta didn't end
4348s up good
4350s or they're constantly being restucked
4352s with that discord orb every time it gets
4354s shaken off
4356s paddy with a deflect there venom knows
4357s that he can get in now take him down his
4359s paddy by the rail from kai again chiming
4361s in an important moment for the second
4362s final of the round for kai
4364s the gladiators don't have the confidence
4366s to push up here maybe they're waiting on
4368s a paddy blade again yeah i mean you have
4370s nano blade right you know most likely
4372s that og doesn't have the transcendence
4374s you saw him use it later than skewed so
4376s you know he's further behind skewed and
4378s skewed has it at this point
4381s so you have a really good idea that he
4382s doesn't have the transcendence you know
4384s that this could be a huge nano blade
4386s that secure this whole push
4391s there it is never played for panapan
4392s here we go he waits it for just a second
4395s ultraviolet's gonna dazzle with the
4396s fighting grenade and oh gee just able to
4399s dodge the questing edge of the blade
4401s gets party down ryan doesn't realize
4403s he's being shot from behind or maybe he
4404s does that's why he maybe had his head
4406s turned but it's a primal rage here does
4408s he use it it's gonna be a transcendence
4410s for emoji so i guess rhino maybe hoping
4412s it shut this down a little bit though
4414s it's going to be responded to by skewed
4415s dragon strike forcing og to the
4417s left-hand side but kai with the
4418s overclock deals with rhino who else will
4420s stand up
4422s oh shoot given no choice but to sit
4425s skewed following not long after
4427s and the reign is tied to break the
4429s deadlock
4430s yes reiner ends up using that primal
4432s rage now we see him make a switch kept
4434s serious behind him if he finds me trying
4436s to sneak that one home
4438s so we see the doomfist come out so
4441s doomfist is pretty good against uh the
4442s winston-based compositions right being
4444s able to just knock him away i give him
4446s some problems so
4449s gladiators are really running that uh
4451s winston uh against the sigma that was
4453s kind of their answer for that but now
4455s that we see hawk playing the winston to
4456s try to match it
4458s now they're going to go for the doom
4462s kepster
4463s on the sojourn
4466s yet another page in the book
4469s paddy on the tracer that's just still
4471s whatever they want at this point nicely
4473s done by venom though doesn't need the
4474s pulse to finish the job i wonder what
4475s the attach rate for venom has been so
4477s far
4477s tough to
4479s really follow but this is very good
4480s stuff on the atlanta right here they are
4482s to put a lot of pressure down on rhino
4484s and the gladiators dps switches aren't
4485s exactly giving them the opening they
4487s need
4488s no it's typically uh like you mentioned
4490s we've seen cancer play the tracer and
4492s paddy play the uh
4494s sojourn but a little bit of a switch up
4496s here
4497s that may have just been kind of what
4498s they're playing some switches a little
4500s bit late both of them are so flexible
4502s can play just about anything
4505s the biggest strength of this team
4507s and he's in oh and he gets the stick oh
4509s gee is scrap metal but now he has to
4512s deal with venom who's very mad but it's
4513s going to be another boost over towards
4514s paddy he can stand his ground now more
4516s than that he's going to send the card
4518s karine towards the end of the map
4519s somebody is going to have to challenge
4520s him but ryder is able to find his way
4522s towards ultraviolet just ruins him and
4525s kai is under so much pressure right now
4526s dealing with the doomfist he's got no
4527s choice but to slide towards the car
4530s definitely not the direction of safety
4532s and the glides are done with only 34
4534s seconds in fed
4536s i i was going to say it actually it
4539s feels worse for atlanta than it was
4541s like
4542s a map completion with 34 seconds
4545s compared to where you were in the game
4546s like that's pretty good for the atlanta
4548s reign and uh you saw a little bit of
4550s glimpse at the end you know when they
4552s nano boots onto the tracer man it's a so
4554s difficult for anybody to keep the tank
4556s up at that point hawk was on the car had
4559s a discord or bottom and a nano boosted
4562s tracer just like in his face
4564s not gonna last long is uh this is where
4567s i think though atlanta you probably
4568s picked this map it's like well what do
4569s the gladiators do on defense do they try
4571s and play winston base comp do you see
4573s reiner trying to pick up the sigma do
4574s they play the doomfist like uh what do
4576s you do yeah what do we see so it looks
4578s like at least we're gonna see at the
4580s start it'll be a doomfist based
4582s composition
4584s from the games that we've seen
4586s um
4587s doomfist or winston-based defenses on
4589s king's row
4591s notoriously short moved it's hard to
4593s really make these compositions work um
4596s maybe in keeping with that we see you
4597s know kev still on the ash here someone
4599s who can maybe keep a more respectful
4600s distance and also have that coach gun
4602s ability to just create a little bit of
4604s spacing but
4605s if they if atlanta come out with sigma
4607s it's the kind of composition that's
4608s going to give kevs to good opportunities
4610s to find big dynamites and to actually
4612s rotate around that shield position and
4614s catch by surprise so a slow comp is a
4617s little susceptible to the ash
4620s attack see now how atlanta decides to
4623s attack this with their sigma we've also
4626s seen i believe atlanta uh they they've
4628s used the batiste in a composition like
4630s this as well but
4632s coming around the corner you're gonna
4633s see uh you know patty up top on the
4635s genjis reiner it's gonna be difficult
4637s for him to just get in and be safe all
4639s right he's gonna get nanoed by uh he's
4642s gonna get biotic grenade he's gonna get
4643s discord orb uh a accretion right a lot
4646s of stuff to do
4648s there's no neutral here and here's the
4650s problem the gladiators have to give up
4651s space because they're up against a sigma
4653s setup which means that kai has much
4655s better sight lines and has to take less
4657s risks in order to get them and he's just
4659s dominating
4660s i agree with you or were you saying
4662s before i feel like yeah it's going to be
4664s a switch over the winston straight away
4665s like the doomfist base setups here on
4667s king's row that we've seen really
4670s fallen apart rather quickly
4672s about throughout all of the mid-season
4674s madness thus far so that's atlanta a
4677s load of time man the five minutes and 30
4680s seconds on the clock uh reiner already
4682s with a switch so you're gonna sit his
4684s ultimate uh back a bit
4687s and you might be able to make something
4688s out of this if you're the atlanta reign
4690s you have a huge time bank now to really
4693s set yourself apart
4694s and you want to control this church if
4696s you can that's a beautiful start venom's
4699s out of the picture now so zero pressure
4700s on that back line the only way you die
4702s as you walk headlong into a rail gun
4704s from kai
4705s good opener for the gladiators and
4707s padapan now has the chance to weasel his
4709s way towards the back line
4711s right is very low here but the fact he's
4712s getting topped up means that she was
4713s gonna have a very quick nano
4716s looks like the ultraviolet is being
4718s pestered
4723s everybody tries to disperse here
4725s skewed yeah caught inside the gravity
4727s horseback wasn't too sure who
4728s we've gotten in that but a peak around
4730s the corner gives him all the info that
4732s he needs and it was actually venom open
4734s that fight up again it looks like the
4735s glass had a chance to like pressure the
4737s 5v4 but venom spawned back in and gets a
4739s kill instantly
4741s yeah i wasn't sure if hoff really had an
4743s idea of that he
4744s got skewed
4745s in that prophetic blocks as paddy is
4753s we were expecting to sort of exploit
4754s that 5v4 right with the with the tracer
4756s down but he's well i don't know what
4758s he's looking for but look at all this
4760s this confident the gladiators just give
4761s space hand of a fist huge stick shoe is
4764s down and again this problem is starting
4765s to compound the gladiators are at risk
4767s of getting severely boomed out of this
4769s map now
4770s yeah and he had a nano is that's going
4772s to be kepster using the bob there it's a
4774s bobble just gonna stand over by where
4777s the objective needs to go not really
4779s doing much just shooting into the shield
4781s of hawk
4782s [Music]
4784s yeah i know this is uh
4786s this is all atlanta rain thus far
4789s what a whopping time bank
4792s five minutes seven seconds to work with
4795s and the gladiators still want to play
4796s this winston-based composition i mean
4798s there's always the question of like you
4798s know how inclined are the glasses to
4800s play like a static shield set up here
4802s but they have to give space until they
4803s find like an ideal setup to dive the
4805s problem is they never get to part b of
4807s that plant they just give space and die
4811s so it makes them much worse than they
4812s are they die bogey here potentially a
4815s nano for the zen of the atlanta rain
4818s yeah and that would throw everything
4820s sideways for the glass okay man it won't
4822s ride it here no i'm padded but ryan is
4824s able to find some purchase on kai he's
4825s hit with the biotic grenade still though
4828s goes for that primal
4829s it's a disruption here obviously very
4831s effective against a more static setup it
4832s opens it up for paddy to get rid of og
4835s now can you stagger this out and how can
4837s you convert this into stronger defensive
4838s positions they're the big questions here
4840s man for the gladiators
4842s yes the gladiators end of using the
4844s primal getting in deep
4846s making a play
4847s uh atlanta had really no reply to that i
4849s do believe they actually nanoed og
4852s uh during that they did get a nano off
4855s uh
4856s just was not definitely not on the quiet
4857s as he dropped really fast yeah it looked
4859s like you know og did die pretty quick
4862s but
4863s it might have been miscalculation by the
4864s oh that's nasty a miscalculation to sort
4866s of nano og thinking he'd be the prime
4868s target for ryder they're able to make it
4870s afraid here though
4872s oh i love that that's just dirty
4875s ryan can't be kept alive you see the
4876s transcendence is in play but they
4878s actually keep rhino
4879s i think he's too high above skewed's
4881s transcendence to be i can fight this
4883s though if you're the elena rain i think
4884s you can fight this you venom back in the
4886s mix you can at least get some cart
4888s programs and he has to play really close
4890s up he's front lining
4892s yeah
4893s so far not so bad he uses the deflect
4895s cooldown to create a little bit of space
4896s for the rest of his team
4898s venom definitely sidesteps the railroad
4901s grenade yep no goodness oh gee finds
4904s that transcendence here the rain
4905s actually happened to let the fight come
4906s together with this setup and it worked
4908s perfectly the gladiator is a little bit
4910s maladroit in the way that they start
4911s that engagement and they get punished
4913s for it
4914s yeah they try and push on in with that
4916s blade it's the transcendence
4918s from og that makes the difference they
4920s get a kill on a rhino early is reiner
4922s gets here the biotic grenade taken out
4923s on the point
4925s this has been all atlanta rain
4927s that beautiful stuff from ultraviolet
4929s especially he's going to send the nano
4930s over to hawk here to make sure he has
4932s the staying power and there's a huge
4934s lead for atlanta the gladiators play
4936s dive based defense and get humiliated
4940s and what do they do the next time on
4941s defense not that
4943s hopefully
4945s well it didn't really i think the
4947s winston is probably a better look than
4949s doomfist they were at the start but
4952s i i don't know if it would see a like
4954s drastically different result i mean
4955s sigma's so good on king's row defense
4957s because he can control the high ground
4959s like shield uh up there can eat damage
4962s you know tracer just kind of contests
4963s the point right
4965s uh the consistent damage from the
4966s hypersphere is just coming down makes a
4968s huge impact
4969s uh
4971s the winston on defense it just can't
4973s really control as much so
4975s it looks like it'll be the atlanta reign
4977s here on defense uh you know get that
4979s swapped on the top of the screen but
4981s they land on defense they'll play that
4983s same thing that we saw the last time
4984s from them on d it'll be the gladiators
4986s running that winston off the start this
4988s time
4989s hawks had an incredible map uh topping
4991s damage on his team by a pretty healthy
4994s margin
4995s whereas reiner is four final blows 11
4998s deaths 11 alongside paddy uh both those
5002s two having some difficulties here this
5004s is when we start to see quite a contrast
5006s between these first two maps the
5007s strengths of the atlanta rain now be
5009s made very clear
5010s hawks flexibility the gladiators are the
5012s ones that were boasting of their
5014s flexibility ever since tenses but ryan
5016s has been on do more winston nothing but
5019s defend
5022s takes a shot i think the hanzo yet again
5024s so
5026s if you're atlanta
5027s i don't really think you need to change
5029s too much i'm on defense like kempster
5030s was just able to get in a like if if you
5032s talk then you're the atlanta reign and
5034s so you see capture just banking those
5035s off the wall uh
5037s really it was kepster and patty who were
5038s able to get in the back and make a play
5041s if they don't make that play who knows
5042s what happens right uh because elena is
5044s doing pretty good on defense up until
5047s huge moment
5049s he's actually being topped up from
5050s inside the hotel yeah he has both
5052s supports looking at him so he it's a bit
5054s of a sort of misnamed duel there is he
5057s had the advantage oh she down but sleep
5059s there ultraviolet so low needs to be
5062s careful of anything bouncing off those
5063s walls but guys found skewed here there's
5065s a bit to work with for the gladiators
5066s but hawk he still controls that high
5068s ground
5069s yeah and you still have ultraviolet here
5071s who's been able to live through all of
5072s this is that huge sleep on the paddy and
5074s then be able to he'll hawk up
5076s og gets back on the lucio here to
5078s contest
5079s catch up looking flashy but in terms of
5082s result is it coming over too much so far
5084s wants to try and pressure down as much
5085s as he can he definitely won't have a
5086s dragon here so he forces his way back
5089s it's gonna be both on his down then i'm
5091s looking for a pulse bomb connection on
5092s skew but og's gonna finish the job for
5094s him that's a great freaking rider that
5096s comes over him there with the cell with
5099s the uh with the explosion rather the
5100s pulse bomb
5102s still there will just be hawk on the
5104s point exactly who you want to be there
5106s and
5106s padding dashes to the sky
5109s can't touch in time
5110s and more importantly they don't give up
5112s a tick there uh so huge defense there
5115s from the atlanta reign like we've been
5117s talking about hawk and ultraviolet for
5120s me on that defense uh were just massive
5122s you know kind of gave up a travail out
5124s there towards the end as reiner and i
5126s believe petty went up to the high ground
5127s chased him took him out but they got a
5129s few other kills on the other side of
5131s things
5131s i will see if the gladiators can muster
5133s up a better defense here this time i
5135s mean it's going to be very difficult uh
5138s just one tick needed for the atlanta
5140s reign 3 15 on the clock their map
5143s selection
5144s they've clearly looked in the driver's
5146s seat in this map uh would be a
5148s tremendous hold if the glads are able to
5150s pull it off there's no way there's just
5152s no way the gladiators just couldn't
5154s figure out how to unseat fork
5157s the guy was just unkillable from that
5159s position yeah he's obviously yeah venom
5162s the pulse bomb stick on rhino who jumps
5164s in his direction whether intentionally
5166s or not
5170s obviously yeah but i'm shocked by that
5172s i'm playing him
5174s still very comfortable finish for
5175s atlanta
5177s hello
5178s they'll be there you can fist yet again
5181s it's uh ultraviolet potentially hovering
5184s the batiste they mentioned that on the
5186s other uh their other offense so we'll go
5188s back to gyana but we have seen atlanta
5189s run this with the batiste at times
5193s it's more support for hawk and the less
5195s sort of
5196s mobile characters maybe sojourn included
5199s but look last time we saw this the glads
5201s gave up a bunch of space which allowed
5202s kai to find a critical
5205s final blow
5207s it's just so
5209s deep
5217s diligence here trying to make sure kai
5219s doesn't have a favorable high ground
5220s position to play from and the gladiators
5222s last pretty well but eventually blood is
5225s drawn by the rain
5227s reiner extends into og here though so he
5230s landed relying on sport advantage not
5231s much else for the time being kind of
5233s ready for the pressure coming in and
5234s ryan looked to finish that kill but
5236s good diligence as well from ultraviolet
5238s keeping eyes on kai both sergio is going
5241s to strike here it's actually shoe that's
5242s gone down it's a big kill
5244s and that's massive that's a large chunk
5246s of the healing for the gladiator so the
5247s gladiators know they gotta win this
5249s fight fast because the longer it drags
5251s out the better it's going to be for
5252s atlanta and they get hot
5255s that's big that's so big for the
5256s defenders here just one tick is all the
5257s rain need they can't afford to let this
5259s go to withdraw after having such
5262s a strong attacking half they'll have a
5264s nano here
5269s a few times whether it be early or late
5272s uh
5274s is the nano here for oh gee is it for
5277s fall you've seen him give it to hawk
5279s but
5281s i mean if you can mitigate damages by
5283s standing front center
5285s it might be a worthwhile investment
5286s ultraviolet trying to keep hawk close to
5288s his reticle here so i suspect that's the
5289s target
5291s all right reiner gets out there pork a
5293s little low ultraviolet knows it's coming
5295s for him sleep there immediately on ryder
5297s he's going to be put to bed and no one
5298s wakes him up until hawk just blows in
5300s the smithereens
5302s and he does get that nano
5304s now transition to the point how do you
5306s pressure this down it's going to be pad
5307s upon going in to find something easy but
5309s no blade for the time being he doesn't
5310s need it because cast is in the
5312s background with the overclock two key
5314s kills venom and ultraviolet down and now
5317s we're into squeaky bum time for the
5319s atlanta rain
5320s so two minutes already off of the clock
5322s here for atlanta
5324s a minute on it
5325s transcendence for both sides so this
5327s graphitic flux may not be that huge
5329s difference baker you're probably looking
5330s at kai with the overclock and man
5333s atlanta this is a must-win scenario uh
5336s this is your map pick you played so well
5338s on it for the gladiators just pull out
5340s an incredible defensive stand here
5342s towards the end and losing it that would
5344s be tougher momentum
5346s unreal
5347s found kai
5348s hawk wants to make the play where's his
5350s flex go sku's gonna transcend us that
5352s immediately patapon has to deal with one
5354s of his own in the back line kept his
5356s able to avoid the basting hypocrites for
5357s the time being but here's the blade and
5359s uv doesn't connect the sleeve but oh
5360s geez there with a foot of fury he goes
5363s pretty low gets to try to wrap around on
5364s that left-hand side with the rainer
5366s trying to throw the tempo down rainer
5368s taking it slow sku's gonna get hit by
5370s the pulse bomb there it's almost one
5372s tick that's all they need rhino versus
5373s hawk power blocking up trying to punch
5375s but cuts him down and the rain get what
5377s they came for
5379s almost let it slip through their fingers
5381s but that's a map secured
5383s and
5385s the rest of the team better than
5387s ultraviolet og for that one
5389s the supports just had a tremendous end
5392s to that round with og being able to pick
5394s up three uh the sleep on a rhino then
5396s the biotic grenade i mean just
5399s tremendous stuff from the atlanta rain
5400s supports
5403s now we've got ourselves a series on our
5405s hands not the start that atlanta we're
5408s looking for but the gladiators have been
5410s shown once again to be mortal and the
5412s kings of the lower bracket are looking
5414s to make a meal out of them don't go too
5415s far everybody we're hoping for a long
5417s one
5499s [Music]
5506s [Music]
5518s [Music]
5651s [Music]
5654s two shots dead on the ground we're in
5656s the same pull up three rounds bro you
5658s done we let a rain head pop so look out
5661s when we in the zone don't play around i
5663s got strap put your back tell you now we
5666s laying it down yeah bow bands up trapped
5669s out i bring the doors gang out
5672s [Music]
5681s you
5685s [Music]
5691s [Music]
5696s the midseason madness legendary skin
5698s sure got the royal treatment that's
5700s right it's royal night mercy on sale now
5702s through august 19th for just 200 league
5705s tokens so make sure you snap yours up
5708s today
5709s here of course in our second to last
5711s match of our mid-season madness
5713s tournament we see the los angeles
5715s gladiators looking not just fallible but
5718s a little under the weather here looks
5720s like their strategy just just broadly
5722s their strategy was not well tailored
5724s against what the atlanta reign could do
5725s on king's romance i i just think it was
5727s a really excellent map pick by the
5729s atlanta reign uh they had recognized you
5732s know maybe a weakness
5733s uh so to speak or an advantage they
5735s could uh pull out here against the
5737s gladiators and i think you know playing
5739s that sigma and hawk with how good he's
5741s been on sigma this season in the past i
5743s think it's a really good call out you
5745s know put one of your the best players in
5747s uh amazing situation to succeed and a
5751s hawk he comes up clutch in that map
5753s now there are other maps that you could
5756s do that on if you're the atlanta reign
5758s the catch is you have to lose the prior
5761s one to be able to select them
5763s if that's worth i think they should win
5765s the maps instead yes that would be my
5767s advice is the atlanta coaching staff you
5770s might be onto something you might be
5772s onto something gibraltar though is the
5774s pick for the gladiators here and
5776s obviously we see the answer substitution
5778s someone who's probably been getting uh
5780s you know there's been a decent amount of
5782s discussion around just the the pure
5784s efficacy of rotating arms in for these
5786s hit scan centric match-ups
5789s it is by the way one of the very best
5791s hit scan matchups you could ask for at
5794s least in the west if not the entire
5795s league right now aren't versus kai the
5797s problem is that aunts
5798s maybe he hasn't spent enough time in
5801s some of these games to really find his
5802s sea legs so to speak he's gonna have to
5804s find him awful quick in this very
5806s important elimination match i i think
5808s it's just more
5810s people
5811s kind of thinking about peak ants and is
5814s like well why can't we just get peak
5816s ants when they sub him in
5818s in the middle of a series right uh when
5821s he was just crushing for the shock
5824s uh
5825s he was playing every single series
5828s uh every single game every single map
5830s really right i mean he was playing a ton
5832s whether it was like the cassie the ash
5834s the widowmaker we even saw him play some
5837s tracer right where that's just not
5839s not his role on this team
5842s and
5842s even if he doesn't like pop off and have
5844s those moments i think just bringing him
5846s in and the
5848s the threat the capability of what he
5849s does changes how the other team plays
5852s now this doesn't mean that the rain
5854s don't have the luxury of playing a more
5855s static setup like a sigma based
5857s composition they have to match winston's
5859s here which may be the core the crux of
5862s why the gladiators selected his map
5864s a bit of fighting on the corner here now
5866s as you'll see reiner pressured but uh
5868s she will just stand up in that blue box
5869s there and would be really hard to
5871s pressure in general you can see how kai
5873s is trying to play a little bit more
5874s aggressively trying to bait some action
5875s there it's hawking the wireframe you see
5877s him pressuring disruptive shot to the
5879s high ground is a good way of denying
5881s advantage for a time but the clubs are
5883s just gonna jockey back and get rid of
5884s the surge fourth once more again they're
5886s not really giving odds any type of sight
5888s line here is uh
5890s does his diamonds with a venom
5892s gonna push him back a little bit gonna
5894s see if he comes around on the flank but
5896s aunt's not really able to find anything
5897s right now well no one's died yet uh both
5900s teams are being pretty conservative
5901s about their approaches here
5903s the car though saying that has passed
5905s through much of his underpass so good
5907s result for the rain a bloodless uh you
5909s know a push here so far
5912s hawk now wants to commit it's all about
5914s the server room ladies and gentlemen big
5916s hit from hawkers he poked his head out
5917s of his bubble for a scan second and here
5918s comes ryder hit with the body grenades
5920s he tries to pressure ultraviolet down he
5922s got what he came for but at what cost
5924s it's his life on the line
5926s diane hawk has both supports here stuck
5928s in a corner and he's got venom with him
5930s that's going to be a pulse bomb kill
5932s this might be something the atlanta
5934s reigners still continue to push on
5935s forward is he no he was so close to
5938s primal that's probably what he's kicking
5939s himself about
5941s yeah right gonna be out of touch here
5942s and catch this is a little low so needs
5943s to drop for the mini as he picks that
5945s health pack up
5946s and the rain have to back away here but
5948s they have a high ground and they have a
5949s much safer rotation in this server
5952s you know what though that's like a
5953s second away from like
5954s you know if he actually gets that primal
5956s it's a blowout yeah you can you can
5958s actually touch that and just get it on
5960s the way through right there two players
5961s on the cart
5962s so this will be the walls which will
5964s slow things down a bit so
5966s gladiators to get a little bit of a
5968s break there
5969s kevin gets nano there probably just to
5971s get him out alive
5972s but he's going to try and make some use
5974s of it here oh my what
5977s i think he need to right click it point
5978s blank tiger to find one of his own there
5980s which is pretty darn nice but skewed
5982s from the low ground picks og out of the
5983s mat the mix so now the glads have a
5986s chance here to call less in these
5987s defensive spots
5990s yes hawk and code do not want to give up
5992s the high ground regardless if they lose
5993s a few players they don't want to back
5995s out give up this position
5997s they still want to be able to hold this
5998s and maintain it as
6000s hawk takes a shot from arms playing that
6001s back left corner yeah putting on a good
6004s amount of pressure right now that's a
6005s sleeve that's a great one too
6007s you can keep rhino topped up though he's
6009s picking up
6010s off the edge enough
6012s and he will be healed up in the midst of
6014s it gets to snuck in there i mean snuck
6016s because he's not trying to hang around
6017s in that fight gotta kill an ultraviolet
6019s guy is chasing looking for elimination
6021s of his own human kept it gets in his way
6022s and maybe i just pushed a little too far
6024s 60 seconds remaining
6031s and you were in a position with two
6032s minutes to go and we talked about one
6035s percent away from that primal uh he's
6038s still holding on that primal i have not
6039s found a use for where maybe before it
6041s would have been good enough for just the
6042s health and to get the card over the line
6044s but
6045s we'll see if
6046s the atlanta reign are able to do it the
6047s card has moved back a good amount here
6049s you can see it on your screen
6063s the gladiators
6065s holding here on d it looks like it's uh
6069s seems like um mitch and avril got the
6071s same type of nook as it looks like
6072s reiner is going to get the nano boost
6074s it's going to be two kills here for the
6075s atlanta reign did they just have enough
6077s players to stand on the payload as he's
6080s gonna be skewed getting to getting back
6082s towards the cart is reiner and man this
6085s looks like it's gonna be a hold
6087s for the gladiators is you think for the
6089s rain you had that one opportunity
6092s just not able to capitalize is get it
6095s very close towards getting it over the
6097s line but not close enough as the
6100s gladiators a full hold here on gibraltar
6104s and
6105s wasn't really like a widowmaker versus
6107s sojourn matchup that was really the
6109s difference
6110s uh you know it was just time and time
6112s again like the atlanta range is not able
6113s to get a push outside of that one that
6115s we talked about where hawk and venom are
6119s able to get in onto the supports and
6121s make a play
6123s see now what the atlanta rain decided to
6125s do on defense uh potentially a
6127s winston-based setup right i think that's
6129s kind of what uh you'd like to see here
6132s for
6132s the atlanta reign uh like mitch
6135s mentioned before he you know took his uh
6137s what is this this mandatory five-minute
6139s break uh right for his uh pers ironclad
6143s deal uh
6144s he would mention no maybe this is the
6146s reason they go to this map right because
6147s hawk has
6149s not played a ton
6150s uh no of the main tank in the past right
6153s just kind of picked it up well at least
6154s in officials a few days ago
6156s uh
6157s probably doing it a lot in scrim so hawk
6159s will play the winston on d
6161s you'll have the gladiators a lot of
6163s options here i mean you can play
6165s the ash you can play sojourn uh
6168s kev's throwing the genji seems like a
6169s little bit of a block take a look at
6171s this replay here
6172s excuse me nice kick to the face
6176s discord yeah off no way he was living
6180s it's a nice little
6182s this little finish here from skewed big
6184s help from reiner taking most of the tips
6187s during that attackers
6189s so now it'll be the gladiators on
6191s offense onto the tp here uh just to get
6194s some players up to the high ground it
6196s looks like that was just skewed up on
6197s that high ground behind you
6200s so
6201s let's see now just the genji is so good
6203s here uh when you compare it to like the
6205s tracer just being able to control that
6206s high ground space is it's gonna be
6208s skewed finding venomous a few times now
6211s a venom so aggressive sometimes able to
6213s come up with those first picks but
6215s you know falling there early is huge
6218s because look at this position that the
6219s atlanta rainer falls back into is paul
6222s gets hit with a discord and then just on
6224s the high ground kev's are able to
6225s control this box but just look at the
6227s payload space you've earned from this
6229s it's massive as
6231s server room fight gonna go down
6233s i can't really find anything as uh okay
6236s turns looks up gets ons but you've lost
6238s your tank you've lost your tracer and
6240s look at this just
6241s done right for the supports on the high
6243s ground kevs from the kimchi
6246s i mean he can do just everything is kai
6249s will fall it'll be the diva swap here
6251s for hawk
6253s just to get a stall but it will not
6255s matter
6256s as the gladiators look tremendous on
6258s their map pick
6260s they'll take this map go one map away
6263s from getting to the grand finals here
6266s against the atlanta reign
6268s i think kepster on the genji was
6270s really impactful able to control the
6272s high ground a lot and i think you'll be
6273s looking back at that one fight
6275s where the atlanta reign they were
6277s pushing up to the high ground it looked
6279s like they were going to be able to take
6280s it and hawk just dropped a second early
6283s oh you're back finally yeah oh yeah
6285s sometimes your stream pc chooses to
6287s restart uh you know windows update and
6289s all that yeah pogchamp all right two to
6291s one for the gladiators here obviously a
6293s map pick that we felt good about for
6295s them and they converted on it don't go
6297s too far i'm gonna stick around for the
6298s rest of the series so you bloody well
6300s better too yeah good work there mitch
6301s you agree thanks mate all today's work
6319s [Music]
6333s do
6349s [Music]
6384s [Music]
6419s [Music]
6426s foreign
6430s [Music]
6459s bruh
6460s [Music]
6472s [Music]
6480s so
6486s um
6492s [Applause]
6496s [Music]
6499s alright
6507s [Music]
6515s [Music]
6527s [Music]
6536s [Music]
6540s you
6546s [Music]
6558s [Music]
6563s feels pretty darn good to be back here
6565s in a land setting it's been quite some
6567s time the overwatch league's most
6569s decorated franchise here in a new era
6572s the pulse on the mag another from proper
6576s spark on against you better sparkle
6577s found an opening there's one there's two
6579s that's the sparkle i want to see in this
6581s series those stats
6584s getting padded by sparkle sparkle with
6586s two and another one it's gonna be a heck
6588s of a weekend i'll tell you right now you
6590s get kai set up it is gonna be just like
6592s that the rest of the game back on their
6594s side of the map that's a stink oh
6596s checkmate
6598s a widow player potentially without equal
6600s that is some filthy stuff where did that
6603s come from a triple death blossom but
6605s pelican comes out of nowhere that's two
6608s of the storm arrows
6613s just continue to play right out in front
6615s of the spot there's the blade b can be
6616s used nice pin long pin two they'll be in
6620s the back they're managing to fight two
6622s basically the equivalent of three people
6623s he nearly had all the kills seoul
6625s dynasty have not defeated the shanghai
6627s dragon since the 2020 playoffs i think
6629s these are the top two teams in a pack
6631s three goes absolutely monstrous they
6634s take down the dragons i sweep best
6637s widowmaker in all of apac no he fell
6640s onto it chester who has been frightening
6642s ever since he joined this team smurf
6644s knows what it feels like to win
6646s everything hungry to experience that
6648s feeling once more
6650s [Music]
6652s edison is locked in ready to go and asm
6655s with a 5k
6657s that's what you want to see they might
6659s just pull the trigger here they do but
6660s i'm unreal
6663s now the stakes get ratcheted up
6666s unnotched it is two or three pops the
6668s recall he's looking for the target that
6670s comes in he's gonna fight for him
6671s probably the meantime found two with the
6672s pulse bomb
6674s han bin is the best sire in the world
6676s right now
6677s shu has absolutely taken matters
6684s and after so very long the dynasty will
6687s be able to best the dragons playoffs
6690s profit has certainly arrived the script
6692s riders they're not messing around today
6693s you step up to the plate son with a
6696s victorious war the gladiators are just
6698s tearing them apart sword dynasty will
6700s dominate their way and secure the
6702s kickoff flash title
6710s well here it is this is only a small
6713s piece of what these teams are playing
6715s for here at the mid-season madness
6717s tournament and one thing that kind of
6719s ties all these sports fans and
6720s competitors together alike is that they
6722s ask the same question who
6724s is
6725s the greatest and one of these teams may
6728s all have a chance to compete for that
6729s title here this is something magical
6731s about a global tournament finally
6733s pitting the west and east regions
6735s together and so far it's the former that
6738s have come out on top the gladiators the
6740s rain compete to take on the san
6743s francisco shock in the finals for the
6745s mid-season madness man and so far the
6747s gladiators have thrown the goldman down
6751s yes uh patio come back in for aunts and
6754s funny astro will come in here for skewed
6756s as uh the map selection here
6759s uh potentially the last map selection
6761s here for the atlanta rain
6763s looks like it'll be coliseum so we've
6765s seen atlanta pull this out a few times
6768s uh gladiators look to be running the
6770s lucio here uh obviously it's like kind
6772s of a funny astro in the game is
6774s you know upping that pace right just
6776s like how we saw in ilios
6778s no doubt about it it made a big
6780s difference there as well i think the
6782s gladiators looked
6783s pretty uncomfortable especially in that
6785s second round right
6787s it allowed them to really pit their dps
6788s against one another as we saw the really
6790s fundamental uh style of overwatch we
6793s just hit back lines over and over again
6796s coliseum is a different story yeah we've
6798s definitely seen lucio's bought into
6799s these compositions for a number of
6801s reasons primarily that mobility but
6804s this game type pretty scary for the
6806s atlanta rain in the past the kind of the
6808s joke i suppose was that atlanta were
6810s not particularly good at winning on on
6812s push i think there was like a video
6813s released like how to win on push by the
6816s atlanta reign organization i think
6817s everyone found it quite amusing because
6819s there was a little bit of irony there so
6821s historically this map type not the best
6823s for the atlanta reign it's safe to say
6825s that they've made a lot of ground on
6826s that uh you know over the last few weeks
6829s and there's no choice but to pick a push
6830s map here so coliseum is the decision
6833s so this does allow them to put hawk on
6836s the doomfist right uh and you can play
6839s hawk on the doomfist venom on that
6840s tracer uh
6842s and that's what they kind of played the
6843s most of right you know kyle and the
6845s surgeon uh something that claudius could
6847s pull out here maybe kevs are on the
6848s hanzo right uh we saw him play the hanzo
6851s in king's row they don't end up winning
6852s it but uh hanzo has seen some play here
6855s uh on coliseum but
6858s getting that bot first getting a decent
6860s amount of metered progress is going to
6862s be huge
6863s either of these teams where obviously
6866s still some time to make some changes
6868s uh the gladiators look to be hovering
6870s over the tracer genji set up here as
6873s opposed having the sojourn in the mix
6875s so we did see this uh albeit with the
6877s winston instead of the doomfist on elios
6879s uh yeah and the gladiators really played
6881s a quite a great pace so much so the rain
6883s couldn't keep up so we're actually going
6885s back to mirror compositions here yeah i
6887s was going to say they switch back off a
6889s bit uh you could have done that it's
6891s just this long sight line right the
6893s other team has the sojourn or hanzo or
6895s something right and starts getting these
6896s picks
6897s it could be pretty devastating as look
6898s at this both teams come out into the
6900s courtyard i'm not even fighting where
6902s the bot usually is something
6905s like a roll out probably from
6908s both teams and maybe they saw the other
6910s do and they wanted to come out here and
6911s fight real quick but
6913s i know just a few kills exchanged i
6915s believe the atlanta rain get like the
6916s upper hand out of this is
6919s they'll be able to get to the box first
6920s not moving very far not even a meter
6923s we've seen teams do that actually
6925s completely wrap around and play for the
6927s high ground on your opponent's side of
6928s the map so it's possible both these
6930s teams were looking to do the same thing
6931s it might actually become a standardized
6933s rollout as time goes on because of how
6935s what strong the initial position it
6937s gives you is
6938s oh kai there i think he tried to hope to
6939s jump out of that situation but kester
6941s will eventually run him down still good
6943s starts with the atlanta reign here
6947s and that's two fights in a row obviously
6949s really early in this map but they've
6950s been able to get rid of reiner first as
6953s that's kind of where i think the shock
6955s found the most success
6957s against the gladiators was if you were
6958s able to get reiner out of the equation
6961s uh you're able to
6963s really just take advantage of everybody
6965s else's
6966s is he struggling with the atlanta rain
6968s play this they don't want to push
6969s forward right here they don't want to go
6970s running into that high ground
6972s we're just not incentivized you might as
6974s well just wait for the gladiators to
6975s come to you because they inevitably will
6977s and look at the atlanta right it's
6978s trying to give up this much space
6980s hawk stand briefly there we saw caps to
6982s go in with the poles oh my two
6984s it's perfect the perfect two-piece
6988s from kevster
6989s oh that's just gonna cut the atlanta
6990s reigns straight away
6992s what a haymaker
6994s yeah and atlanta doesn't have much
6996s progress right 13 meters this should be
6998s pretty easy to make up as we were on
7000s with kepster we got off from for a bit
7002s let's see oh right on ultraviolet it
7005s looks like og just playing around the
7006s same corner yeah it's probably going
7008s around into that corner yeah they come
7010s out really fast here and they want to
7012s fight this is not going to allow the
7013s gladiators take the lead
7015s i like that opener from kai there and
7017s yes yeah atlanta rain making
7020s it happen very quickly the gladiators
7022s would have been able to get a lead the
7023s bot obviously little ponderous when he's
7025s behind that barrier
7027s i like the move from the atlanta rain
7028s though don't wait engage with the sound
7031s barrier use the meteor strike go in
7034s make a play and that allows him to get
7036s kai set up on the high ground
7037s who knows right you use an overclock
7039s here or even if you just pick up a shot
7041s or two so you can keep moving this
7043s barrier even more
7045s with that overclock here ultraviolet
7047s surrounded by foes
7049s extending pretty deeply into the
7050s formation of the gladiators here but the
7052s rain will be happy with some incremental
7054s progress
7055s on the proviso they can get back in to
7057s neutral territory as quick as possible
7060s yeah the gladiators end up holding onto
7062s their sound barrier there so we'll see
7064s if maybe they take a similar approach
7066s because you're gonna be in the same spot
7068s again right the barrier is gonna come
7070s here for the gladiators you still have a
7072s few players that are pretty far atlanta
7074s probably realizes that maybe they can
7075s make something out of this is
7077s yeah you see briner gets so low they're
7079s gonna have to back out
7080s they keep them alive crucially
7082s so the gladiators will get an even
7083s neutral gonna be venom this time looking
7085s for a flanking or a postman on a rhino
7088s here the focus seems to be just people
7090s towards the doomfist direction there
7091s runner has to medial strike out of that
7093s one he would have been toasty the way so
7094s he's gonna come down without that sound
7095s barrier but he flattens ultraviolet
7097s anyway eventually he trades himself for
7099s that kill but the gladiators want to
7101s make further use of the rest of their
7102s team being sound barriered up and so
7105s they go
7106s kai
7107s gotta get away there is kester opts not
7108s to push his advantage at least he just
7110s waits and ty doesn't have a health pack
7111s close enough and the gladiators have
7113s just snuck into the lead
7115s that is a huge play there from reiner
7118s solo gets hit with a pulse bomb then
7121s uses the meteor strike and on top of
7123s that just dodging the pulse pump ends up
7125s with a kill on ultraviolet as he's
7127s getting close to that nano that probably
7129s would have been able to keep hawk alive
7130s so hawk it's him with a biotic grenade
7132s going to try and try to stay alive for a
7133s little bit
7134s that was ultraviolet he hit both
7136s supports with that one and still kept
7137s his able to find his way in and remove
7139s the offending honor reiner gets that
7140s health pack but hulk's fine no one's
7142s pressuring the doomfist down right now
7144s because paddy you're kidding wouldn't
7147s achieve the butt scratch while the rain
7148s were busy elsewhere
7151s and he's gotten two years
7154s tempo g and hawk using the media
7156s straight to get back to prevent any more
7158s progress
7160s that is back breaking
7162s how did that happen the rain so caught
7164s up and i mean you saw hawk chasing rhino
7167s he's miles away from where the bot was
7168s and yet paddy just walks it in two kills
7171s you can't let that happen nine a game
7173s like this
7174s feels like every time as well that
7176s kepster is able to come up with a pick
7177s or two in the back line is
7179s here's gonna be that sound barrier
7181s engage again it's not gonna work out as
7182s well though paddy clean he hit so many
7185s of those rails during the overclock and
7187s he has one saved up for kai
7189s the rain need to get it together right
7190s now you can definitely see they're
7192s starting to fray at the edges somewhat
7194s and now the gladiators know they can
7196s scoot this spot in and out of the bridge
7197s awfully quickly
7202s because if you try and fight this if
7204s you're the atlanta reigns you see just a
7205s contest uh from the top of the bridge
7207s there is the gladiator
7209s but
7210s very powerful spot to contest you can
7211s sound barrier this thing nothing for it
7213s just run right over them and
7215s you're going to be looking at like
7217s 90 meters on the on
7219s turns your push so yeah i'm not able to
7222s use it they actually lose reiner i think
7223s he gets it with a biotic that's actually
7225s a big kill that's going to allow
7226s atlanta to get back on the offensive
7230s this is still anyone's game
7233s four minutes and 15 seconds left in the
7234s round so just over halfway through
7236s the rangers need to win a big fight
7240s may try and end it before it could even
7241s begin a pulse bomb here could be
7243s devastating everyone's kind of grouped
7245s up but they're able to get away from the
7246s pulse ultraviolet though a little bit
7248s too slow to avoid funny astro
7250s as he comes straight in that aggressive
7252s lucio we know him to be and the traits
7254s are favoring the gladiators here kept to
7256s get to the back line under perturbed and
7258s yet kai is still able to shut down the
7260s support that's huge for the rain they're
7262s still pushing we're about to yes venom
7264s is still here as well as he's able to
7266s pick up a kill so kepster though so
7269s clean it will finish off both damage
7271s dealers you have reiner coming back from
7273s the spawn
7275s it looked like maybe atlanta was able to
7277s make something out of that uh still
7279s they're gonna get in a spot where the
7280s the fight is not going to be you know
7282s deep in their territory of the map
7284s they're still going to have
7286s i know an opportunity to get this bot
7287s towards the other side rather quick from
7289s where this next fight's going to kick
7290s off
7292s 66 place 43 in meter ridge here's an
7295s overclock from kindly keep in mind as
7297s well allah sparks style
7300s invest in kai and you'll receive quite
7302s the dividends i'd say
7304s sure they're trying to cross
7306s kai will snap him up pretty quickly
7308s still not exactly where the gladiator
7310s the rain rather want to win the fight
7311s they'd like to be positioned further
7313s forward
7315s and that's you know kepster has been
7316s such a nuisance in the back line of the
7318s atlanta reign
7320s getting him out of the equation maybe
7321s you can start a few kills this is really
7323s good for the atlanta reign
7325s this is exactly what they're looking for
7327s now the sound barrier they can double
7328s down and try and get themselves to leak
7330s the bot is moving as we speak and hawk
7332s doesn't want to go too aggressive here
7334s he knows how important winning this
7335s fight is going to be for his team but
7336s reiner sends him off the bridge he'll
7338s drop down to try and contest but they've
7339s left battlefield to a pulse bomb from
7341s venom and here come the rain they're
7342s starting to push ryan is going to be
7344s caught in the back corner and a pulse
7345s bomb thrown a hawk is not enough to take
7347s him down look at the yellow line look at
7349s it it's so close then you need to deal
7352s with the personnel the top of the bridge
7353s and it's just funny astray they'll get
7354s there matt they'll have a butt scratch
7356s of their own
7357s and the gladiators are just throwing
7359s bodies at this and atlanta has been able
7362s to get a pic you know stay alive as now
7364s looks like the gladiators may be
7365s starting to fight back just a little bit
7367s uh but that is going to be the lead
7369s switched over
7371s not quite later oh no not quite yet it's
7374s difficult to see but it looks very close
7377s to being over towards the elena rain
7379s yeah frustrating for the rain the fact
7381s is the gladiators got a bit of extra
7383s push from paddy because he got those two
7384s kills in that previous situation there's
7386s also a yellow line on the ground
7388s the bot hasn't managed to lap the other
7391s teams it is i mean
7393s oh it's unreal i'm in 30. 90 seconds
7396s left
7397s and the gladiators are starting to make
7399s some big mistakes here players are
7401s getting caught out
7403s it seems like they're pressing a little
7404s bit too hard like you know they're
7406s they're obviously coming up with some
7407s big plays before individual moments but
7410s i know the time left on the clock and
7412s how much they were in the lead by they
7413s didn't really need that to happen this
7414s is going to be the toughest part because
7415s you can start contesting this from the
7417s high ground
7420s stuff gets a pulse uh rather a pulse
7422s bomb in the back pocket both teams with
7424s sound barriers here cancer doesn't
7425s connect the pulse though keep an eye on
7427s the numbers venom's able to dash back on
7429s to the bridge itself but ryder is taken
7431s down but still has a move because paddy
7433s part is turning up that's true already
7435s with the overclock inventors trying to
7436s hold his ground padding under a lot of
7437s pressure here but he gets a nano boost
7439s he's stuck he goes down as kai gets rid
7441s of funny astro as well in the rain
7443s finally break through reiner can contest
7445s from that high ground you're kidding
7447s ryder okay just the one hawk barely
7449s alive and the rain had the lead there's
7451s 30 seconds left
7453s and do you just back out here if you're
7455s atlanta absolutely i actually i actually
7457s like this move you back out i would
7459s probably you probably have to go like
7461s towards the choke right this first
7463s initial choke i play pretty far up here
7466s because if you lose that fight at least
7467s gives you one more attempt
7471s gladiators have to do a lot of work here
7472s catching hawk would be a great way to
7474s start but it gets away kai pops the
7476s overclock it's go time he says ryder
7478s trying to dodge away from but the
7480s gladiators need to stick to the bot for
7481s the time being they go aggressive on
7483s time but he slept right had to get over
7484s the meteor strike here he'll have to
7486s drop into a position to get healed and
7488s he can't he thinks he can get a kill
7489s there it's a big risk to take but
7490s there's a trade ultraviolet is down in a
7493s longer fight this isn't going to benefit
7494s the rain at all kai brought to his knees
7497s panapan trying to pressure those in his
7498s back line but venomous found two kills
7500s and they're both supports no healing
7502s left for the gladiators they gotta hold
7504s on regardless hawk is taken down kester
7507s gets a brace but look at these health
7509s bars
7510s oh this capture is so low he's going to
7513s there's a blade onto the carrier they're
7514s gonna get there are they gonna be able
7516s to touch no
7518s the gladiators get it in the final
7520s seconds it's just too far away
7522s for the rain to get there
7525s tantalizingly close and that's where the
7527s series ends
7529s it's a game of inches millimeters
7531s and the rain it's just out of their
7534s grasp
7536s dude they started to clutch up there at
7537s the end the atlanta reign
7539s just not enough and it's just kept sir
7542s and patty at the end we talked about you
7544s know these dps battles throughout this
7546s series
7547s uh and they come up clutch there at the
7550s end
7551s i think if you're the atlanta rain maybe
7552s you would have wanted to take that fight
7554s when you backed out a little bit closer
7555s towards the gladiator side of the map
7557s and uh you know giving yourself a full
7559s wipe as i think the elena ray know
7561s that that is one that they battled back
7563s and maybe have given away
7566s because that is a
7567s you know a really tough close series
7569s between these teams and i know you gotta
7572s feel for atlanta they battled back in
7574s that map specifically
7576s uh thought they had a chance to move on
7578s but gladiators too strong
7581s oh man
7582s there will always be a what if there for
7585s the atlanta rain it was just so close
7586s and here come the handshakes now what an
7589s incredibly close match the only sad part
7592s is that we couldn't see it go to all
7594s five let's talk about a player of the
7596s match though here matthew someone will
7597s be talked up extensively in the first
7599s map for a good reason and then the final
7601s moments the 3k
7603s to put his team into the grand finals
7606s it's your boy kevster
7608s uh just unreal on the tracer
7611s the desk was saying they needed to see
7612s kepser bring it today really pop off
7615s kind of ascend to the level we know that
7617s we've seen him play
7619s i think in this series uh he definitely
7621s did that and i thought you saw like more
7623s towards the end of that bush map like
7625s venom started to heat up right uh to
7628s where no it was difficult for the
7630s gladiators to just bounce back and
7632s really fight against venom's tracer but
7635s captur bringing it all series along was
7637s specifically dominant those first that
7639s first man
7640s they're forced to be pretty flexible
7642s over the course of this series picking
7644s up the sojourn while paddy played the
7645s tracer uh there were a few sort of roll
7648s mix-ups here and there but 15
7651s 15 final blows per 10
7654s is absolutely
7656s disgusting
7658s and he's able to stay alive for so long
7660s i mean the deaths are low final blows
7663s are up there you know the pulse bomb
7665s attach rate very strong
7667s uh you know
7668s everybody talks about like proper and i
7670s think deservingly so
7672s uh this next matchup though between
7674s cancer and proper it's going to be
7675s pretty close i mean kepser i think
7677s somehow somehow i think kevster went
7679s from like
7681s underrated to like properly rated to
7683s then like you know people kind of like
7686s underrating him again but like
7688s he is still one of the the best dps
7690s players we have in the because he's he's
7692s an understated personnel yeah there are
7694s a few of those in the league here they
7696s don't make waves until they get into the
7698s server
7699s i also think it's because they have them
7700s on tracer most of the time like we've
7702s seen him play other heroes at such a
7704s high level as well
7706s uh that
7707s you know it's something that they
7708s haven't had to
7710s dive into yet but i mean his hero pulls
7712s so deep
7714s man i mean incredible series and what
7716s could have been what could have been
7718s ladies and gentlemen it could have been
7719s a map five and it's gonna be a tough
7721s pill to swallow for the atlanta reign
7722s but now we get the salty run back that's
7725s right two teams that know each other
7726s pretty well at this point are going to
7727s be going head-to-head on our finals of
7729s the mid-season madness don't go too far
7731s that is coming up real soon
7735s the overwatch league is brought to you
7737s by the university of hawaii at manoa go
7740s to take me to today
7743s [Music]
7754s [Music]
7764s [Music]
7775s [Music]
7787s [Music]
7841s [Music]
7862s [Music]
7871s [Music]
7879s [Laughter]
7896s [Music]
7904s [Music]
7910s [Music]
7919s [Music]
7924s [Music]
7958s [Music]
7987s welcome to game break everybody i'm here
7989s with shu from los angeles gladiators for
7991s the post match interview show
7992s congratulations on the win that was a
7994s clean 3-1 victory for the gladiators now
7997s how'd you guys get it done
8005s [Music]
8008s oh
8028s all right um i think first first things
8030s first um i think we always think that we
8032s are a great team uh the other opponents
8034s were really good too but we always uh
8036s tell ourselves that we are a really
8037s great team we're always better for
8039s better than our opponent so i think that
8041s really came in clutch oh not only that
8042s for me personally i really wanted the
8045s revenge against the san francisco shock
8047s so that was sort of my drive so i think
8048s i focused up really well i think all of
8050s our
8051s teammates as well did bob really really
8053s well uh with the same thoughts so i
8054s think that also helped a lot you
8056s mentioned about the revenge so my next
8058s quest question is actually about that so
8061s yesterday you guys lost to san francisco
8062s but you guys are moving up and it's time
8064s for some some revenge uh our next match
8067s is going to be the mid-season madness
8070s finals gladiators versus the san
8072s francisco shock now what can the
8074s gladiators do this uh differently this
8076s time around too or in order for you guys
8078s to get the revenge and also
8093s [Music]
8109s [Music]
8120s all right i do think that um i think one
8122s of the biggest mistakes that we made was
8124s we made a lot of mistakes our opponents
8126s san francisco shock they weren't perfect
8128s either they made a lot of mistakes but
8129s we made more i think that that's what
8131s led the gladiators team to lose uh for
8134s this match however i do want to say give
8136s me one second let me follow up i sort of
8138s forgot my translation
8153s saying that yesterday was a san
8154s francisco shock day but tonight or today
8157s is going to be the gladiators day all
8159s right thank you so much for the time and
8161s big congratulations on the win and also
8169s and with that being said let's take it
8170s back to the desk thank you
8172s [Music]
8175s thank you very much danny and listen we
8177s all forget sometimes i forget that i'm
8179s stuck with these two for the rest of the
8180s day and then i'm stuck then i am
8182s reminded with that rude rude awakening
8185s when i look over and see these grandma
8187s couch print suits how dare you
8190s we do look like a cat we are trend
8192s setters yeah yeah we are we are defining
8196s no honestly the people need to know you
8198s chose these for us
8199s she chose these so if you think we look
8201s ridiculous it's her fault if you think
8202s we look great it's her fault so you know
8205s you take all the blame i i take all the
8206s blame and i take all the credit but
8208s again gladiators should be taking the
8210s credit right now with that 3-1 victory
8212s over the atlanta reign you know shout
8214s out to the rain they did have a really
8216s great uh run throughout that lower
8218s bracket but just when it comes to the
8219s gladiators as we saw especially just
8221s like in that last map right there
8223s couldn't quite touch the point and just
8224s let the wind slip through the rain's
8226s fingers yeah that was that last team
8229s fight was so close i think it was it
8231s reiner and uh sorry cancer
8234s paddy paddy came out of that with
8236s probably like 30 health combined
8239s and they just couldn't get back to the
8241s point if the atlanta reign had been able
8243s to just be a little bit faster they
8245s would have been back to the point
8246s potentially could have held and with the
8248s difference of spawn advantage it could
8249s have gone either way and we could have
8251s gone to a map five but alas here we are
8253s with a 3-1 victory to the los angeles
8255s gladiators and they came out fast here
8258s on the first map on elios and it looked
8260s like oh
8261s is atlanta going to be able to show up
8263s in this series and we went over to
8265s king's row which was a great pick for
8266s them because the gladiators just did not
8269s feel comfortable on this map and that
8270s might come
8271s to bear as well in the upcoming series
8273s against the san francisco shock because
8275s you know we have castro and paddy pan
8277s sort of switching roles they didn't
8279s really understand how they wanted to
8280s play on this map and the atlanta reign
8282s did a great job of capitalizing on this
8284s with hawke being able to switch over to
8286s that sigma watchpoint gibraltar would it
8288s was the most watched point gibraltar map
8290s i've ever seen in my life i don't know
8292s how many times we've seen full holds and
8294s this wasn't even really a major failure
8296s by the atlanta reign more just you
8298s really get one good team fight with your
8300s ultimates just not able to come through
8302s with a great play from skewed on the uh
8305s los angeles gladiators and that was an
8307s easy third map for them and then
8309s gladiators go over to carcio and the
8311s rest is history but you need to give
8313s credit to atlanta right they've had an
8314s incredible run through the lower bracket
8316s they've shown their ability to just show
8318s up in the playoffs time and time again
8320s and honestly if they've gone to map five
8322s it could have easily been their game to
8323s take to meet san francisco shock so you
8326s know i i just want to give this team one
8328s more bit of love and excited to see more
8329s of them in the future because there are
8331s great players on this roster that we
8333s didn't even see in these playoffs you
8334s know we have gator and nero just sort of
8336s sitting there on the bench we have
8338s speedily coming of age two oh as well
8340s that sometimes we forget about so great
8342s things to come from them moving forward
8344s yeah definitely especially we do have to
8347s pay attention to the fact that of the 12
8348s teams that came in atlanta rain was the
8350s ninth seed taking on the second seed and
8352s still looking very good i told you this
8355s is what they do
8358s every time he also told me that the
8359s fusion would get second but
8361s yeah
8362s i feel like the atlanta rain or fusion
8364s look better like they never win but they
8366s got top four in the past six tournaments
8369s wow that is crazy consistency from the
8371s atlanta range so they never win any
8373s tournaments themselves
8374s but you have to give so much
8377s credit and respect the other terrain for
8379s always being there competing with the
8381s likes of the alligators the san
8382s francisco shock dallas fuel tank and
8384s dragons last year of course the atlanta
8386s reign they're always among the mix and
8388s that is so hard to do consistently but
8390s they pull it off again and in that
8392s interview that we just had we heard him
8393s say that listen like yesterday that was
8395s the day of san francisco wasn't really
8397s there for the gladiators even though san
8399s francisco made a couple mistakes
8401s gladiators are making mistakes as well
8403s but let's talk about some great stuff
8404s that we did see especially from shu yeah
8407s so as for the individual skill
8409s difference i think we can all agree that
8411s kevster was the individually skilled
8413s more damaged player for the elegance i
8415s made a huge difference maker you know
8417s player of the match but
8418s in my mind strategically and tactically
8421s the biggest difference make it worse
8422s shoe and i saw this so many times
8424s throughout this series i think on the
8426s ilios alone i caught it like five
8428s different times when shu purposefully
8431s bionated hawk and it pushed the atlanta
8433s rain back so much and it meant that they
8435s couldn't really push up the pace they
8437s couldn't really pull off these dives as
8439s successfully as the la gladiators so not
8441s only do you have a venom getting tracer
8444s diff versus kevster if venom says well i
8447s don't want to take the tracer duel i
8448s just want to dive in with hawk shu
8450s always push the atlanta rain back with
8452s this biomates it was very purposefully
8454s done to push the atlantean back and not
8457s allow them to push up the tempo not
8458s allow them to
8460s you know sort of like surpass all these
8461s individual skill match-ups instead it
8464s meant that hawk had to slow down he
8465s couldn't get healed up and he was always
8468s set back by the back line of the
8469s alligators this was the big tactical
8472s difference maker in this entire series
8474s in my opinion and it's no surprise that
8476s land terrain looked a little bit better
8477s on king's row hawk being able to play
8478s the sigma well now you have a shield in
8480s front of you we saw a highlight earlier
8482s where he absorbed one of the bayonets
8484s and so the king's roadmap it just
8486s operates differently when it comes to
8489s vyana versus hawk matchup in this
8491s scenario but colosseo gibraltar and
8493s elios it was very clear to me that shu
8496s was the biggest difference maker on the
8497s la gladys you can see here the stats
8500s themselves 10.6 offensive assists for 10
8502s minutes i believe the word was 4.7
8505s biotic grenade kills per 10 minutes from
8507s shu and also i mean the healing is there
8510s 11.1 eliminations 10k healing for 10
8512s minutes i think shu had an incredibly
8515s great performance against the atlanta
8517s reign and while it's not you know as
8519s many highlights as a tracer popping off
8521s she would deserve some massive amounts
8522s of credit for the work he did here
8524s against the atlanta terrain i'm not
8525s allowing atlanta rain to even get things
8527s going in the first place yeah and
8528s looking forward i'm interested to see
8529s how that's going to play out in this
8530s next match because that is one of the
8532s values that colluge gets especially when
8534s playing that diva he has that defense
8536s matrix to eat that and you could see
8538s skewed and shu was struggling in that
8540s series i'm curious to see that
8542s adaptation they're going to make because
8543s it's a very different team the atlanta
8545s rain going into the san francisco shock
8547s so as you just said shu said they made a
8549s lot of mistakes can they tighten those
8551s up and can they find solutions to what
8553s the shock is going to provide and again
8554s i think since that interview i believe
8557s we have about 30 minutes of a break for
8559s our players to get set up it's a little
8561s bit shorter than you know a full day
8563s turnaround but hopefully this is where
8565s the team can reset understand and maybe
8568s identify some of the mistakes they made
8569s yesterday and make sure that they did
8571s that they aren't going to repeat them
8573s going into this next match but everyone
8575s i've been told that there is a very
8577s special video that's coming up next one
8579s that puts
8581s both of your analytical and overwatch
8583s knowledge to the test i'm excited to see
8586s it everyone let's go ahead and take a
8587s look at an overwatch
8590s are you all good danny you ready i am
8592s good i'm happy for you danny it's going
8594s to be a good time right
8599s let's keep that in that's funny
8601s [Music]
8606s welcome to the no watch league episode
8608s two
8609s where we test the desks analytical
8612s knowledge about overwatch league and
8614s overwatch as a whole
8616s and we'll see where they rack up we got
8618s a leaderboard from episode one custer is
8621s in the lead with five points johnny with
8623s four zoe with three and daddy
8625s unfortunately sitting in last place with
8627s just two points can danny make a
8630s comeback we'll have to wait and find out
8632s bringing on our first guest
8634s scott custer kennedy resident australian
8637s on the desk and scott did pretty well
8640s last time we just saw the leaderboard it
8642s was
8643s five for scott and four for johnny so
8645s johnny almost inching ahead of you there
8647s scott how you feeling
8649s confident you know i i didn't think i
8651s did that well in my first round but
8653s everyone else sucks more than me and
8654s that's the main thing as long as you're
8657s not lost like exactly
8659s uh danny is currently in last place with
8661s two points so there's a bigger gap there
8664s yeah you know it's always a toss-up
8666s between soy or danny being lost just
8667s like the predictions
8668s yeah wow
8670s okay pretty savage bringing in personal
8672s relationships into the show not sure how
8674s i feel about that one but that's okay
8677s we're going to move on to the questions
8679s let's get into them
8681s okay 60 seconds on the clock starting
8684s now what is my second name
8687s uh jack smith oh false achilles how many
8690s apex titles do kong do panthera have
8694s uh one zero
8697s what was the peak of the ottoman empire
8702s i don't know
8704s i don't even know what you mean at 300
8707s bc
8708s 300 bc i don't know
8711s your forte 1481-1566
8715s of course yep on march 29th of 2020
8719s mayhem played the reign what was the
8720s score
8721s march 29th uh
8724s they won 3-0 oh wait who won uh mayhem
8728s they were good then no it was rain it
8730s was the other way around
8733s what was tayo's crosshair
8736s either
8737s enormous not the magenta 138 30 100 100
8741s 0 000. what are these questions what
8743s teams played the first match this season
8747s uh it was the
8750s oh god uh dallas vs san francisco shock
8752s oh
8754s absolutely wrong
8756s it's excelsior versus the gladiators and
8758s scott yeah
8760s look i said you needed to research you
8762s needed to do your homework too the
8763s ottoman empire jack
8765s what do you mean
8766s was i supposed to just learn all of
8768s history during that period as well look
8770s flashback to episode one what did i say
8773s previously on overwatch league wait wait
8776s before we start is it overwatch related
8778s or is it overwatch league related no
8781s it's actually about the ottoman empire
8782s no it's actually about the ottoman
8784s empire
8785s and there you go you didn't do your
8787s research and that was a basic question
8788s too when did they peak like that's what
8790s everybody googles these days so yeah
8793s yeah you are in luck scott we do have a
8795s bonus question and we're doing this for
8797s each and every single contestant this
8799s time around because we got a few
8800s complaints in the youtube comments maybe
8802s there was a little bit of favoritism
8803s towards you and you know i'm no i'm not
8805s saying much but we're gonna give a bonus
8806s question to everybody this time around
8809s so your bonus question for an additional
8811s point
8812s spell the guangzhou charge
8816s can i write it down and then say it nope
8819s g
8820s u
8821s a n
8822s g
8823s z
8824s h o u c h a r g e
8831s y you got it right the bonus question
8834s i've been practicing my spelling so
8836s maybe i should have put more effort into
8838s history
8839s yeah i chose the potentially the
8841s toughest although my spelling is
8843s terrible so any team is very hard for me
8844s to spell but i thought it was the
8845s toughest one and uh you got it right so
8847s an extra bonus point for you scott
8850s congratulations wait you said you chose
8852s the hardest one for me did you choose
8854s all the hardest questions just for me
8855s because i'm in the lead
8857s no
8858s no pop no no there's no way
8861s two minutes ago on an overwatch
8863s league 138 30 100 100 000. one of these
8867s questions
8868s no i'm getting legal involved there's no
8870s way there's no way they won't they won't
8872s they're calls they won't pick up your
8873s calls no they won't
8874s please stop calling us
8876s that's right trust me anyway scott thank
8878s you very much for showing up today
8880s episode number two how'd it go how do
8882s you feel it went where do you think
8884s you've placed because currently you are
8885s in the league with five points i didn't
8887s get too many right today though those
8889s questions were hard i don't know if
8890s there were many that i should have
8892s gotten right i'm disappointed in myself
8893s if i'm being honest well you know what
8895s that's fine that's what this show's all
8897s about making sure you feel disappointed
8899s in yourself uh
8901s with your time here yeah okay thank you
8903s very much scott for for joining and give
8905s everybody a round of applause for scott
8906s everybody and uh yeah we'll see you very
8909s soon scott let's bring on our next guest
8912s let's welcome our second contestant
8914s danny danny lim lim welcome to the show
8917s danny
8918s look
8919s i'm really sorry i gotta apologize first
8921s up i know i'm taking a valuable gym time
8924s away from you
8926s bring you on the show but uh yeah good
8928s are you feeling nice today you you
8930s excited to get hey man i gotta go i
8932s gotta go i i have my pre-workout i
8934s literally have like five minutes it's
8935s kicking in right now let's get this done
8937s so okay go to the gym okay okay
8939s okay okay
8940s i don't really want it okay okay that's
8942s fine okay sixty seconds let's go you
8944s ready yeah let's go yeah i'm ready okay
8946s three two one king's row has another
8948s name what is it
8951s king's row has another name
8954s wait wait
8957s it's more of a community name
8959s and you can pass the question if you
8960s want to
8961s pass
8962s scrims row among is known for what hero
8968s diva
8970s wrecking ball
8972s this isn't great okay this is fine who
8974s founded the ottoman empire
8978s the ultimate empire isn't that strong
8981s the ottoman empire
8984s darth vader
8986s no darth vader it was actually osman the
8987s first
8989s where is bastian from
8992s the woods forests we thought was nilo
8995s you know what i'm going to take that why
8996s not
8997s let's go who got the most points
9000s in episode one of no watch who got the
9002s most points
9003s most point in episode one of overwatch
9006s of nova watch who came in overwatch oh
9009s oh oh uh uh i think it's a custard it
9012s was custard that's an extra point
9014s i will say we are doing a secret bonus
9016s question for everybody okay yep we're
9018s doing a single bonus question so this is
9019s your chance i don't have to go but look
9021s listen this is your chance again next
9022s point okay are you ready
9024s yes bonus question spell
9027s guangzhou charge
9033s [Music]
9050s hou
9052s charge c-h-a-r-g-e
9056s correct correct
9058s correct bonus questions that was the
9060s hardest question oh my god i froze for
9062s like 10 seconds luckily there's not a
9064s time limit on the bonus one danny so an
9066s extra point for you sir well done
9069s descartes pretty workouts kicking in
9072s danny getting toned getting ripped right
9074s now on live on camera they show the guns
9076s boom boom might have to censor those i'm
9078s not sure if we're legally allowed to
9079s show jesus christ this guy's right okay
9082s maybe an extra point for that but i
9084s won't because that'll be unfair and
9084s people complain in the comments danny
9087s how did you feel was i
9089s was a little bit easier than the last
9091s time you got two points last time i
9092s think you got three this time
9094s uh
9095s i don't know how many i got last time
9096s but i think okay it was a little bit
9098s easier jack i need i need you to step it
9100s up i need it i need the questions to be
9102s a little bit more challenging yeah you
9104s know
9105s i was expecting a lot more yeah i was
9107s expecting questions that are that were a
9109s little bit more challenging
9111s than this one so maybe on the third one
9113s you could get it maybe but this one was
9116s i'll give it a solid seven out of ten
9119s i'm the one asking the questions you're
9121s the one answering them how does that
9122s make any sense
9124s okay well you know what danny thank you
9126s for thank you for coming on thank you
9127s danny i appreciate you uh please don't
9130s beat me up thank you danny uh yep anyway
9132s everybody round of applause for danny
9134s danny lim lim thank you very much and
9136s we're gonna cut to a quick break see you
9138s soon
9140s [Music]
9148s uh
9150s i thought you were supposed to be a pro
9152s are you stuck are you kidding me yes did
9155s you hear the questions that danny got in
9157s comparison he looks great he needed a
9160s grape he got asked what amongst
9161s signature hero is and he said diva i got
9164s asked what tayo's crosshair numbers are
9167s and you did it now
9168s it is big i i do know it is it is very
9170s big but come on i heard you had harder
9173s questions no
9174s wait yes
9176s super hard questions so go make sure you
9179s check out the youtube video because yes
9180s on the overwatch league youtube go watch
9182s the thrilling conclusion of nova watch
9185s episode two but just know that scott
9187s apparently sucks
9189s i'm pretty sure it lasts i'm pretty sure
9191s you are laughing sorry dad no i i've got
9193s more points than danny still you know
9194s surely how many points drove i had five
9197s to begin with and i got one time at six
9198s danny got two and he got three in there
9200s so he's at five yeah i'm ahead still
9202s next time i don't think so i think minus
9204s ten points for scott just because
9207s he's uh his ego is getting too big so we
9209s gotta pop you gotta be careful you're
9210s coming into the next episode oh you know
9212s what bring it on i can do it i've
9214s watched all of the overwatch cinematics
9218s i know what hanzo really says when he
9220s goes
9223s what is that she's got us
9225s let the dragon consume you
9228s [Music]
9233s we're gonna lose we're talking about
9234s overwatch or something right oh yeah
9237s something about the finals
9239s just the mid-season madness finals where
9242s we're getting that salty run back of the
9244s gladiators fighting their way through
9245s the losers bracket to take on the san
9247s francisco shock in that grand final
9250s match and i think you were the one who
9251s was most excited uh yesterday after
9253s watching the gladiators fall down
9255s because you're like oh there's no way
9256s they're gonna make it back up there oh
9258s yeah and you could tell you just you saw
9260s that match
9261s capster is angry okay and proper is
9264s crazy kev's just angry
9267s daisy we got a grand finals coming up
9269s it's going to be a banger of a match we
9271s talked about it you showed it in the
9272s pre-show proper got the edge over
9275s kempster on that tracer head to head i
9277s want to see them run back it's a salty
9278s run back but then of course we got the
9280s reiner college head to head let's see
9282s how close they can get up in this uh in
9284s this one but honestly it's just going to
9285s be a great match you're asking how close
9287s they can get i think we saw how close
9288s that they completely
9290s they can get very close get onto twitter
9292s right now look at both of the team's uh
9294s twitter profile photos i think right now
9296s and you'll definitely know i think we
9297s also shared a nice little clip in the
9299s pre-show so go ahead rewind you're on
9301s youtube you can do that uh but johnny
9304s thought's going into this match we
9305s touched on it before the novel wars
9307s video uh because i mentioned it of
9308s course that kalush has been playing some
9310s diva this tournament i think we'll see
9312s more of that come this very much it is
9314s so ridiculously hard to match the fast
9317s tempo of the ali gladiators so well if
9319s you're not going to outpace them you
9321s might as well slow things down and try
9322s to get some defensive benefits your way
9325s collusion has been one of the only
9326s players the entire tournament to bring
9327s out the diva and you can see for the
9329s stats yourself they're not you know the
9330s shiniest stats ever it's not like he's
9332s racking up all these eliminations and
9334s final blows for 10 minutes but the way
9336s he's supporting his team with the
9338s defense matrix peeling for the likes of
9340s kilo and sam who have ridiculous
9342s mechanical skill sets when it comes to
9343s the soldier and the ash and also like
9345s you have one of the best backlines in
9347s the game with finn and violet that's a
9348s win condition and if you can support
9350s that win condition with that defense
9352s matrix you can buy enough time to peel
9355s off kepster and to peel off all these
9357s styles coming through like rain reiner
9359s for example so maybe we'll see the shock
9361s lean more on the diva but one final
9363s analytical point we also need to hit on
9365s is funny astros impact on the lucio
9367s because even dating back to yesterday
9369s the couple maps that the lag gliders won
9371s was the maps when funny assert was up
9373s there yeah when he's able to play that
9375s fast speed tempo it doesn't feel like
9376s the shocker perfectly ready for it
9378s violet is a flex support player who
9380s doesn't really want to go over to the
9382s lucio he will do it if he's required to
9384s but i agree with that but on my hand i
9387s like the funny astro lucio but the
9389s linchpin for them i said it in the
9390s pre-show with rainer and he did just
9392s struggle with the same thing his job is
9394s to go aggressive create that space but
9396s sometimes he's going down too fast not
9398s staying alive long enough so i want to
9400s see that from him in this match johnny i
9401s want to pose a question to you because i
9402s think something that you brought up
9403s yesterday i believe it was with the
9405s fusion in relation to them winning their
9408s earlier match then having to play that
9410s final match of the day you brought up
9411s the point of like you know you get the
9412s adrenaline pumping at the beginning of
9414s the day and you have a couple hours in
9415s between you kind of like fall off maybe
9417s you get a little sleepy and then you end
9419s up not having that performance now we're
9421s looking at the gladiators who just had
9422s their uh winning map off of the rain or
9425s winning series off of the rain
9427s they've built up that momentum do you
9428s think that they could keep that momentum
9430s and adrenaline pumping forward into this
9431s next match or do you think that there's
9433s any
9434s mental obstacles that could pop up for
9435s them i'm pumping out thing with my
9437s biochemistry
9440s caffeine i i have all the knowledge no
9442s but really like i you know this is all
9445s secondhand information right or
9446s anecdotal information rather but like
9449s that match between the l gladiators and
9451s the advantage we just saw it's not as
9453s like you know draining for the players
9456s so the alligators in this case as you
9457s said they are warmed up they're ready to
9459s go they're feeling good kevster's like
9461s oh i dominated on ilios i had such a
9463s great time and now carrying that
9465s momentum forward it's very different
9467s from the fusion who like
9469s wow we barely like you know came out
9471s alive from that one and then you get
9472s like two hours to digest and you're like
9474s oh am i hungry am i thirsty
9476s i don't know what's going on like
9478s every everything's a blur the other
9480s gladiators in this case they are warmed
9482s up and they're ready to go and also
9484s i would not be surprised if they went
9486s back to the hotel last night and they're
9488s like we need to find out what went wrong
9489s and they're already prepared they know
9491s what they're going to execute on going
9493s into this match up so they're like
9494s ladders you can even make a case that
9496s like they have the momentum benefit
9498s going into this magikarp i i completely
9500s agree with johnny from my experience
9502s when i did have to play long days
9503s playing back to back is actually not as
9505s bad as having that like big window of a
9508s break in the middle because what can
9509s happen there is you lose that adrenaline
9511s you lose that momentum and then as
9513s johnny said you kind of want to like
9514s take a nap or you kind of want to like
9516s reset yourself but it can be hard to get
9518s back from that it's almost like they
9520s just came out of a scrim they've just
9521s warmed up they're ready to go i think
9523s the gladiators if anything is in a more
9525s advantageous spot in this situation were
9526s you a player
9528s stop asking me this yeah anyway i want
9530s only stage four victor ever to happen
9533s sort of yeah
9534s we've got the predictions for our final
9537s match of the day so let's go ahead and
9539s show them to all of you although i think
9541s we all know who is going to take this
9543s one what
9545s all right you did call san francisco but
9547s daddy and zoey
9550s well i mean i i think you know
9552s is it too simplistic to just say they
9554s beat them yesterday like
9556s a pretty good fashion as well i will say
9560s i do think it was interesting
9562s that the shock picked illios as their
9565s first map yesterday knowing that the la
9568s gladiators played funny astro on that
9570s map and beat the spark on it but also if
9573s you lose control that means you can pick
9575s eichenwald that's your second map so
9576s maybe that was just another attempt to
9579s like get starting a map get some more
9581s practice time versus delusio figure out
9583s how to deal with it i'm just i'm just
9585s speculating over here but maybe they'll
9588s go for oasis or lee jung this time
9590s around knowing how dangerous financial
9592s can be they did win oasis in the last
9593s series so they could definitely go there
9595s first as the number one seed yeah all
9596s right well i believe at the beginning of
9598s the week uh scott you would call the
9600s gladiators the satiaters yeah i'm
9602s switching that name to the zadiators i
9605s think that's it i think that they can go
9607s the distance and take this final and
9609s we're going to get into that match right
9611s after we take a quick break but don't go
9613s anywhere because the moment that you all
9615s have been waiting for is coming up next
9617s stick around
9620s on watching is brought to you by upper
9622s deck the official trading card of the
9624s overwatch league
9626s and by teamspeak the official voice
9628s supplier of the overwatch league
9639s [Music]
9650s [Music]
9657s [Music]
9682s so
9693s [Music]
9725s so
9748s [Music]
9849s [Music]
9865s [Music]
9877s and welcome back everybody it is the
9880s moment that you and we and everybody has
9882s been waiting for the grand final here
9884s the mid season madness tournament in the
9886s san francisco shock going up against the
9888s la gladiators who have persevered albeit
9891s through a brief run in the lower bracket
9893s now we get a rematch of the upper final
9895s i'm achilles i'm joined as always by
9896s avril and we'll be guiding you through
9898s this best of seven series
9901s six days to get here 12 teams from
9903s across the world and we finally reached
9904s the top two when it's bracket final
9906s rematch here for both of our squads the
9908s l.a gladius and the san francisco shock
9911s themselves who are the most decorated
9913s franchise in the overwatch league's
9914s history three stage titles two
9917s championships looking to add one more to
9919s the tally now alley gladiators are
9921s defending champions from the kick off
9922s clash they come through for the lower
9923s bracket defeating the atlanta reign now
9925s looking for revenge in our finals it was
9928s a 3-2 last time that these guys did
9930s clash and it wasn't very long ago either
9932s so very well could have a repeat of that
9934s in this first four series i of course
9936s i'm hoping for that you know fingers
9938s crossed that this one can go the
9939s distance show me a 4-3 score line don't
9941s care who walks away victorious at the
9943s end of it all i just want to see some
9945s back and forth action between the two
9947s best teams in the overwatch league right
9949s now here's the starting five for the
9950s side of the gladiator so we did just get
9952s to see take down the reigns gonna be
9954s funny astro starting on support paddy
9956s pen in over ons
9959s standard five coming on through funny
9960s astro has been a critical player on this
9963s team putting them a handful of maps to
9965s come backs onto coliseum that's happened
9966s twice now it is uncanny what the ali
9968s gladius can do on that map look out for
9970s that one a little bit later on i
9971s guarantee it'll be on the dock it
9973s probably map number four
9975s now seven map series today again hoping
9977s that it does indeed go the distance to
9979s la gladiators from uh my little look
9982s into their team map drafting strategy
9984s should be after map number one if they
9986s do win it should be shot going towards
9988s icon world otherwise ladies looking to
9990s play midtown they want to go towards
9992s gibraltar as well avoiding circuit
9994s royale that to me is going to be a key
9995s swing map in this particular series
9997s shock looks fantastic
9998s on royale gladiators not so much
10001s colosseum though is a map that both
10004s teams have been proficient on but again
10005s i hide the gladiators their ability to
10007s make comebacks on their map is
10009s absolutely wild
10011s well here's the starting five for the
10013s side of the san francisco shock nothing
10015s too
10016s uh surprising obviously here as we know
10018s sam proper mikey finn and violet to kick
10021s things off in this series violet has
10024s been guiding these rookies to a victory
10026s i'll just have to see if they can close
10028s this one out obviously fell shy of the
10030s mark during the kickoff clash did get
10031s knocked down did get eliminated by i
10033s believe the dallas fuel but now they are
10036s looking so much more comfortable in the
10037s current meta
10038s you know these players have certainly
10040s matured and we're getting to the stage
10041s we're invited and the rookies are coming
10043s into championship caliber play
10045s for some of these young players it will
10047s be the first time on the international
10049s stage
10051s against 12 teams over the course of six
10053s days again now finally in their finals
10055s they've done so without dropping a
10058s single match in fact
10060s the count is currently correct this is a
10062s nine match win streak for the san
10065s francisco shock they have not dropped a
10066s single series for nine matches in a row
10069s the last time they lost was versus the
10071s dallas feel in the mid-season not rather
10073s the kickoff clash tournament stage in
10075s texas that you sort of mentioned there
10076s since then completely flawless
10079s and i mean could you expect expect
10082s really any other organization to be able
10083s to pull this off this is of course the
10084s team that back in 2019 pulled off the
10086s golden stage as it had to be you know
10088s made we had to invent that title for
10090s them because they didn't drop a single
10092s series throughout an entire stage they
10094s have been looking absolutely incredible
10097s and one of the biggest matchups that i'm
10099s so excited to see once more is gonna be
10101s proper versus kepster these guys are of
10103s course yeah on opposite sides of the
10104s rooms there's gonna be smack talk flying
10106s from opposite sides you can see finn
10107s it's already happening that right there
10109s and uh yeah it has begun and i can't
10111s wait to see what it looks like as well
10113s when we actually get into games because
10114s this is already spicing up
10116s absolutely padpan's trying to hear
10118s what's going on the other side or maybe
10119s his own coaches but in either case look
10121s like you mentioned kepster versus proper
10123s they'll be in the entire way through
10125s neither these players will be subbed out
10127s for the majority of the seven match or
10128s all the seven maps
10130s both top their players both getting for
10132s an mvp award and i do believe the
10135s results this time the results of this
10136s particular matchup will heavily sway fan
10139s favor personality flavor towards who is
10142s the top dog who has got their dog in
10144s them to get those awards but here we are
10147s seven maps on board first map choice
10149s being selected by the san francisco shot
10150s going towards elios a very even map for
10153s both teams if this was the gladiator
10155s selecting third first map i strongly
10157s believe it would also be earlier so not
10160s necessarily favoring either team here
10161s but we do get an early look from mikey
10164s and sam before we get collugin for the
10166s next map and this is where the glads
10168s also get to start with funny asterisks
10169s so something that they want to do as
10171s much as possible the series
10174s as you can see there for all the marbles
10176s just yesterday where they squared off
10179s went all the way to five gladiators
10181s narrowly
10182s missing out
10183s having that auto seat forward into the
10184s grand finals the shock did manage to
10186s maintain that match win streak we have
10189s the number one number two seeds coming
10191s into the event now squaring
10193s off all to play for achilleos ellie
10195s glady's looking to defend their title
10197s from the kick off clash in the san
10198s francisco shot
10200s back on top of the world
10202s map number one going to be elias well it
10205s is ryanair winston versus mikey winston
10207s as well no ball today about it coming
10209s through on the lucio sam on the echo as
10211s expected but watch out for the two
10212s traces proper and kepster
10215s definitely the ones to keep our eyes
10216s peeled on paddy bad of course on this
10218s very map not quite this sub
10220s was able to have an immense amount of
10222s impact and helping to gain a victory
10223s with that get cheaper proper he's drawn
10225s first blood shutting down kepster first
10226s and foremost up over the top just
10228s pour some sticky bombs over towards
10230s shield not gonna be able to find that
10231s execute but now but down a member of the
10233s gladiators going to have to take this a
10235s little bit slowly let's do man should
10237s get some quarter pressure here applied
10238s to the point to keep this contested and
10239s stop the shock from being able to gain
10241s some free percentage off the rim diving
10243s through from mikey from moving their way
10245s through the cap nearly there they can
10247s just clear the point for a brief moment
10248s they'll be able to grab it and they do
10250s crawford starts sticking around the back
10252s lines they've noted him exactly where
10254s he's gonna be playing through but in the
10255s meantime a couple people are focused in
10257s over towards proper that supports in
10259s particular reiner goes down that paddock
10261s gonna get cleaned up as well so the
10262s shock winning out handily in the fight
10264s really good defense by a gladiator
10266s totally sold on to the point for some
10267s time before the shot could actually get
10268s a cap that's going to slow down progress
10270s for the shock
10271s but in the other stage as well you see
10273s gladiators coming back in with a full
10274s five of the kips that gets first blooded
10276s they still cannot get a frag on board
10279s ryder falls over and the alley
10280s gladiators unfortunately are going to
10282s lose that cap 30 accounting now for
10283s shock proper has the first pulse from
10285s the first ultimate of the game finn
10286s nearly on that nano as well
10290s inside proper gonna be going low the
10291s recall's still available one time hold
10292s on to it but as he dashes
10295s he does very much the same cuts him down
10297s to size it's very much the fight victory
10299s here for the side of the gladiators to
10300s clean up three players mikey as well
10302s sliver of eight ping for the because
10304s they said sam gonna dash and duck around
10306s here on the point build up towards that
10307s duplicate won't be allowed to do so it's
10308s a clean 50 percent established for the
10310s shock as gladiators take charge
10313s very aggressive there islamic gladiators
10314s you just see from propis pov reinikem
10316s out of nowhere the instant damage the
10318s burst the proper takes them down no
10320s early pulse bomb advantages anymore
10321s kipps is caught up now
10323s gladiators with the lucio in hand
10325s keeping the pace as quick as possible
10327s both narrows online both nano is likely
10329s to go towards the winston players
10331s looking up towards those primals sam as
10332s well for the
10336s also about to be here for the side of
10337s the gladiators which can be instrumental
10339s in them holding this point trying to
10341s catch up already
10343s getting it up to 30 percent as the nano
10344s goes out of the mikey he's going to be
10345s taking a nap robert does manage to find
10347s bunny
10348s traded but now no supports inside the
10350s gladiator there's a great pulse bomb out
10352s knocks them both down turns his sights
10354s over to canister forces the recall just
10356s back up the void b and paddy bennett's
10357s just trying to make his way out mikey
10358s manages to pursue deep enough get the
10360s kill here onto the enemy energy cleanup
10362s could con continuing to come through as
10363s reiner is in desperate need of some
10365s healing here from his squad that is just
10366s now rejoining the shock they occupy the
10369s point is the gladiators
10370s the shock go ahead and retake it
10372s yes three ultimates traded for three
10374s there but the important thing that we
10375s did see is despite mikey getting slipped
10377s and ryden not eating asleep but it's
10378s proper that ghosts are finding the value
10380s double support line kills as well he got
10382s both funny astro and shoe headed to
10385s respond now working towards that play he
10386s has to be available he has an extra hp
10389s he's a little bit long to build it up
10390s but doesn't manage to find mikey getting
10392s that killing below the mainland at the
10393s very end now the blade's gonna be pulled
10394s through dashes across fine spin find
10396s sampling for a little bit more violet
10398s keeps him at an arms length and force
10400s him to retreat but milo himself is still
10402s in a precarious position doesn't come
10404s out on top all things considered the
10405s gladiators are once more in control
10407s keeping things nice and even
10409s yeah sound barrier being traded for
10410s rally there and ellie gladders will take
10412s that window of opportunity with the
10413s sound barriers more effective to get
10414s those skills in
10416s fight is still continuing with a bit of
10418s a skirmish happening here on the front
10419s lines glad he's not willing to give this
10420s one up obviously they're leaving
10422s with the biggest stick on to shoot
10424s and now he's looking for funny astro can
10425s he get the two for one again no he
10426s cannot manage to hound him down but the
10430s flip is getting ready to come through
10431s once more for the san francisco shock as
10432s the cleanup is there kept to the last
10434s one to fall two percent shy of tying it
10436s once more but the shock now ticking up
10438s last fight territory here for the
10440s gladiators yeah so many kills coming
10442s through from proper as well specifically
10443s six so far most of them have been pulse
10445s bomb kills we're heading towards the 90
10447s mark paddy pan coming back over towards
10449s a sombra there's not a lot of great
10450s targets to hack ideally you get proper
10452s or sam that one second window could be
10454s lethal if they can land the damage in
10455s time but this is desperation for glads
10459s look at the point touch they force out
10460s the overtime kind of power around the
10462s back
10463s he's looking for a target on proper
10464s hovering low as the heck out of the mic
10466s he's just kind of using him as an old
10467s battery as you can see
10469s as a summer but the sleep is absolutely
10470s massive and proper it's right in on top
10472s and the kill comes through the
10474s gladiators down a member having to fight
10477s back having to try to persevere the nano
10478s goes in as mikey goes through it dives
10481s into the back line and chew he can not
10482s nord as funny astro proper gets right
10484s underneath of him takes down the lucio
10486s and it seems like that is going to be it
10487s the ot will bleed away a celebratory
10489s primal end rally on the back end as the
10492s shark will claim well 176
10495s and it comes through from a first blood
10497s onto proper on multiple fights pulse
10499s bombs sticking through killing are
10501s straight away schematic for this series
10503s again proper versus kefstar is our
10505s highlighted match up here eight final
10506s blows for proper on that sub map only
10509s one for kepster need to look for much
10511s more of a step up from our mvp caliber
10514s tracer player of kevster on the alley
10515s gladiators side
10517s san francisco shock a lot of back and
10519s forth there push comes to shove they
10521s have the frags ready to go finn had the
10522s earlier nano shoe could not hold on to
10524s his life does not get the nano for the
10527s final fight we move over towards elios
10529s ruins it's going to be reiner coming
10531s through the doom this time lucio moira
10533s for the shock as well do note
10536s yep
10537s minor shakeups here lucia moyer at the
10539s gate for the side of the shock we've
10540s seen this be you know hit and miss
10542s depending on which team is piloting it
10543s but you put a bit more stock into it
10546s here with the shock raw can so
10548s let's see what happens and whether that
10550s the gladiator is going to be able to
10551s shut this down which they need to do if
10552s they want to take this to a third final
10554s round you already know dead off the rim
10556s violet getting on top and finds the
10557s melee kill paddy pat answers back
10559s finding one but mikey is quick
10561s maintaining that man advantage a two for
10563s one here for the side of the shock is
10564s once more point unlocking and they have
10566s first presence funny answer under fire
10568s the diving to the back proper not going
10570s to be able to finish him off with that
10571s clip still disrupting multiple members
10573s on the side of the gladiators making
10574s sure that they cannot rest easy
10576s and a much cleaner cap this time come
10578s through with shock you don't have the
10579s same delay from gladiators to slow
10580s things down two for one train in terms
10582s of members dead gladiators lose two
10584s their rhino on low hp couldn't dive back
10586s in i shouldn't go now putting a lot of
10587s pressure on mikey mikey's sleep looking
10590s for it there's the stick there's finn
10591s gone
10592s look that was a hit on the mikey but
10594s fifth is gonna be the one who eats it at
10595s the end violet as well take it down so
10596s no supports no tank proper i'm just
10599s looking for anything they possibly can
10600s but we'll just get picked off at the end
10602s by kepster who's starting to eat up
10603s gladiators once more regaining control
10605s this time a little bit sooner it's a
10606s shock hit 24
10608s and that's what you want to see out of
10609s glad when you're up against up against a
10611s lucia moya composition shark want to be
10613s the fastest team here so glad to flip
10615s the script that they can be the ones
10616s pushing the go button just that much
10618s sooner putting the pressure on to mikey
10620s there's no burst healing coming through
10621s for this lucio mario like you can get
10623s from an anna so mikey's blow once again
10626s a rare mister from proper that appended
10628s sliding away mikey take it down now
10629s violet joining him in the grave
10631s gladiator have taken the lead here for
10633s themselves they look just for the
10634s further clean up and build up towards
10636s these ultimates to further hold the
10638s point
10639s probably the last one to drop so paddy
10640s pan comes up with three or four in that
10642s fight very nicely done by them and stuff
10644s with the glads they're looking good on
10645s ruins
10646s and they're able to outpace the
10647s coalition's timing here as well because
10649s the fighter is only about to get the
10650s cold now but you see shoe you see funny
10651s asher they're about to land on their
10653s support ultimates as soon as the call
10654s does come through gladiators can respond
10656s they can just sound barrier directly
10657s into it you're not really sounding sound
10659s better for much except for maybe the
10661s blade a little bit later on so astro
10663s goes for it
10664s yeah pete gets dropped however still
10666s focus fire through that shield and they
10667s managed to find the kill funny asteroid
10668s was well dangerously low gets the poop
10670s back creates some distance stays alive
10672s for a little bit longer but the rest of
10674s the team is getting chewed apart across
10676s the map here's the shock let's do it go
10678s ahead and wrest control away from the
10679s gladiators capture fighting back doesn't
10680s matter to find finn but the flip will be
10682s there before rhino could dive on the
10683s point and then he quickly has to make
10684s his exit doesn't give up an additional
10686s stagger
10689s two two tray that you saw that last
10690s fight but gladiators lose their support
10692s so ryan can't stay in grabs and make a
10693s health back on the side gets a little
10695s bit of healing wants to do some harass
10696s but they cannot hold on to the point so
10698s importantly glads now stop that 67
10699s percent proper second pulse bomb miss a
10702s little bit unfortunate there shark have
10703s more to play through here comes the
10704s blade
10705s the blade is out but the poop is
10706s absolutely massive for mass strokes
10708s keeping him in arm's length once more
10709s and slasher reiner takes him low mikey
10711s now the primal oh he's got them locked
10713s in the side room shoop and the tank the
10716s gladiators end up falling they fish for
10718s a little bit more so while the
10720s the blade didn't get too much done
10723s it does a hell of a lot of work
10725s 67 about to be on board for the shock
10726s here as well still one more defensive
10728s ultimate players want to pull the
10729s trigger here they have the overclock
10731s available they have been putting a lot
10733s of focus on damaging mikey through finch
10735s with the counter there this time with
10736s the sound barrier
10737s they're going to go aggressively
10741s but they don't care violet he just goes
10743s ahead fades that one off and now they
10745s push forward and find the elimination
10746s it's the definition of the rail from sam
10748s knocks it back into shoe claiming the
10750s kill so
10752s only going to be able to find that
10753s singular kill with the overclock in the
10755s end
10756s that cap coming in as kepster dodged
10758s around the rest of the shock violet
10759s picked off here on the back end taking
10760s the call out for the extended fight
10763s and the shock seems like they will just
10764s be happy they can see the rest of this
10765s over they know that they have a little
10766s bit more time on their side with
10767s gladiators hold on to four alts
10769s and maybe shock fighting a bit more than
10771s they can chew their very aggressive beat
10772s going in usually you want to save that
10774s one to counter through for patapan's
10776s overclock and even despite the heroics
10778s of the deflect gladiators will get the
10779s number of kills especially off the
10781s overclock still fourth minutes in hand
10782s by the way and once more we found
10783s ourselves at the critical timing calls
10785s available for violet but so much more
10787s available for glads
10789s 89 percent now pulse bomb out from kept
10791s they're not going to find any purges
10792s mike you going to be emptied out however
10793s batman is able to finish them off with
10794s the rail the coalescence is just not an
10796s appealing throughput they try to keep
10797s them alive pulled back not gonna connect
10799s you get to sleep with the proper and
10800s pony astro is there for the alley-oop he
10802s gets the elimination violence gonna be
10804s taken down the overt bleeding down a
10806s last second touch from finn but he's got
10807s nowhere to go other than the grave and
10809s as this bleeds away we'll confirm that
10812s we are in fact going to a final round
10815s neither team going down without a fight
10818s go ahead and extend this all the way
10819s over to lighthouse
10821s shu making a name for himself possibly
10823s our best flex support in the entire
10824s league currently a major sleep dot on to
10827s proper that shuts him down the zzz is
10829s coming through he knows what kind of
10831s damage he did in that final fight four
10832s ultimates as well though the ali glad he
10834s is holding strong when the coalescence
10836s has come on through that is one of the
10838s key strengths for the shock running a
10839s lucio mori composition you have to play
10841s around the coalescences that's where you
10843s go for the aggressive plays each time
10845s though shoe and funny asher have their
10846s supports available funny actually
10848s responds with the sound barrier shoe
10849s pops sonata on the powder pen the damage
10851s is too good they shut down the carrier
10853s proper and the clients will take that
10854s 100.
10856s some questions there funny asked her at
10858s the very end of ruins asking finn lucio
10860s what's that
10862s and that's why we get the response of
10863s it's just some fun
10865s well it won't be too fun in hindsight if
10867s the shock ended up losing this map now
10869s not to say that
10870s in the grand finals that they would have
10871s lost that but yeah we we do a little bit
10874s of funning here in the grand finals
10876s first
10877s first wrecking ball that we got seen
10878s from the shock via mikey by the way i
10880s thought this one might come through on
10881s well he was playing the winston instead
10883s now it will be the ball the sam over
10884s okay first one skips her again
10887s i mean kev's there at a distance down to
10889s an echo not something you see too very
10891s often but
10892s just plays off his teammates damage
10894s quite nicely getting that pick fighting
10895s the timing let's get the shots to
10896s connect money astro making his way up
10898s top stays elusive he pumps once more the
10901s shock will be able to lock down this
10902s point and reiner is out in the middle of
10904s nowhere ends up falling it will be a
10905s trade on the tanks however with mikey
10907s getting taken down now they're looking
10908s for salmon he's locked in a bad position
10910s and she was able to clean him up
10913s no flight available over there for sam
10915s on the big sidelines there gladiators
10916s territory as i believe what's on their
10917s side of the map proper taking down very
10919s low hp but he'll take down cancer in
10921s response so
10923s things are going okay rydel is down
10924s pretty early in that fight as well half
10925s hp she needs to stand up oh proper
10928s a couple whips on ruins but this time he
10930s comes up huge gets on top of ryder and
10932s patty pulse gets the two for one after
10934s taking down the shock will be able to
10936s hold the point
10937s i mean just making up for lost time
10938s right two missed pulse bombs on ruins
10940s like you said but here we go one pulse
10942s bomb for two
10943s trying to catch up on lost kills that he
10945s had
10946s again right and a half hp that gibson i
10948s believe will either pad up and one of
10949s them was dead she did not have the nano
10951s and type and now it is here low hp that
10953s has to be in that fight
10955s oh and he whips the sleeve mikey gets in
10957s there
10958s plays off the back of the sticky bob's
10959s shoe take it down now ads are gone as
10961s well the supports claims
10964s gonna really hold this point for a hell
10965s of a lot longer 56 percent already
10967s locked in for them with no end in sight
10970s still no real engage from glads either
10972s we're waiting for overclocks to come
10973s online the nano as well been up for
10975s about one and a half fights here but the
10977s tempo from the shark just slammed the
10979s alley gladiators into the side room the
10980s little mini pack room there resolved
10982s like you mentioned shoe unfortunately
10983s the sleeped up
10985s didn't go for the narrow either to try
10987s and
10988s make the comeback play and shock holding
10990s on to a lot of ultimates and what could
10991s be lost by version the minds are out
10995s mine's invested nano as well here on the
10997s reiner trying to keep him sustained and
10999s oh
11000s snipes him right out of the sky could
11002s have used the tube to try to go for the
11003s eye frames keep himself protected now
11004s the body block is there just trying to
11006s deny point access here to mikey he does
11007s manage to swing his way through this is
11009s proper to dodging and ducking around the
11010s back the pulse bomb now already with the
11012s sound barrier shield coming through he
11013s said he's gonna have to hold on to this
11014s at least for a little bit longer trying
11015s to whittle away at these shields paddy
11018s however has slid away from the rest of
11020s the squad slid away from the point and
11022s make some easy pickings here for the
11023s rest of the shock he gets cleaned up sam
11025s once more going to be taken down
11026s seemingly just locked into the respawn
11028s room but shock looked to retake and back
11030s over onto the point occupying it looking
11031s for the flipping they're already at 97
11033s percent of the gladiators have to keep
11034s this one contested the dashboard they're
11036s looking for the supports false button to
11037s be locked in this time no stick for
11039s proper no elimination with violet going
11041s down the shock might just have to reset
11043s super fine margins here for the
11044s gladiators you see that shock want to
11046s stay in the fight they weren't done just
11047s yet they had already the point flipped
11049s over towards the gladiators that's why
11050s one thirty percent now
11052s finn holding on to transcendence i mean
11053s shock wanted to burn a couple of
11054s ultimates that you did see the rally you
11056s did see the pulse bomb but glad it's
11057s held strong three ultimates held on to
11060s if those have been burned shock would be
11061s up economically but glads have a real
11063s chance of coming back now
11066s dude but they need to really play this
11067s out
11069s and yeah i was gonna say with their old
11070s economy but the lucio dupe comes through
11072s sam
11073s trying to heal some people up trying to
11075s weave in some of these left clicks build
11077s up towards that sound barrier so they
11078s can win out the fight slope going and it
11080s will be expiring here in about two
11081s seconds gets the beat drops it down the
11083s shielding now going to expire finally
11084s take it down moments before by the pulse
11086s bomb from kepster but the flip was there
11087s in the meantime shock retake control
11089s finn however now going to be a minute
11090s that's going to be a supportless side of
11092s the shock the minds come through to
11093s occupy the point kepster falling lower
11095s takes the recall out puts a hell of a
11096s lot of damage down to the proper he
11097s tries to make his exit but cancer finds
11098s him in the end the flip still needing to
11100s be there though as the contest continues
11102s from the side of the shock the poop in
11103s kempster i think he was blinking to the
11105s side actually goes straight into the
11106s vines and ends up going down and that
11107s could be catastrophic pilot returns
11109s reiner claims the kill has failed for a
11111s little bit more the flip comes through
11113s the glads now back in control as they
11115s look for some cleanup kills get some
11117s staggers they will be able to keep this
11119s map going
11120s really important kill from caps onto
11121s proper a little bit earlier on there as
11123s well only one member dying to the mines
11126s not only gladiators that could have been
11127s a very dire moment funny astral coming
11128s back with the sound bar billy was about
11130s 94 95 might have had to burn that one
11132s but they will you have to force the
11134s shark out without having to use that
11135s ultimate so they can save it for this
11137s final fight where shock are mostly
11138s burned through in terms of alt economy
11140s we're looking only at problem now he got
11142s a two for one at the start of this map
11144s gonna get more
11145s he's going to have to
11148s absolutely this barrier needs to be well
11150s timed for mass trouble
11152s someone typically you can very much rely
11153s on to not beat the beat
11156s reiner consistently getting a whittle
11158s away at
11160s heels flying through the casinos is a
11161s bit of a battery trying to get that nano
11163s ready to go does have a nice little lead
11164s over finn and mikey's gonna be taking
11165s down the beast still gonna be used pulls
11167s bomb in finds violet one smaller slabs
11170s strikes him down and as you say proper
11172s slept funny astro once more gets on top
11174s of him to find the elimination the
11175s cleanups come through and the gladiators
11177s they will manage to persevere a great
11180s fight to take at the very end they clean
11182s it up two to one but back and forth
11184s between both of these squads is the
11186s gladiators however drawing first blood
11188s to kick off the series
11190s and
11191s funny astr says
11195s and that's the thing right because this
11196s is one of the very important maps for
11198s gladiators we've watched the gladiators
11199s versus the hangzhou spark not that long
11202s ago a couple days now and this was the
11204s map along with colosseum that they
11206s really brought back in terms of winning
11207s that series when they're down one to two
11210s shock have also been favoring this as a
11212s first pick they first picked this map a
11213s number of times now but any opportunity
11215s where the gliders can put funny asher in
11217s is gonna be a strong map but despite
11220s what funny asher was saying it was a
11221s struggle guys did have to come back
11223s another heroic sleep from shu on to
11225s proper to deny him from the pulse bomber
11227s this time it ends up being kepster that
11229s opens up with the pulse that wins the
11230s map
11232s just impeccably played so very back and
11234s forth the whole way throughout and that
11235s is what we have been asking for and that
11237s is what we hope continues throughout
11239s every single map in this series not just
11241s control not just helios i want to see
11243s this one go the distance give me seven
11245s maps i am fully prepared for it i'm sure
11246s the audience is as well that's map one
11249s out of the way we'll see if this can be
11251s tied up if the shock can't answer back
11253s with get another bat pick and try to get
11255s a victory we'll see where they take us
11256s for hybrid when we return
11262s [Music]
11280s [Music]
11292s [Music]
11299s [Music]
11308s do
11311s [Music]
11333s [Music]
11336s do
11337s [Music]
11351s [Music]
11363s [Music]
11372s [Music]
11378s do
11380s [Music]
11406s [Music]
11420s [Music]
11462s [Music]
11473s and we are back just one map into this
11475s grand finals series the gladiators
11478s narrowly being able to edge out the
11480s shock and take the win here two one on
11483s ilios and a lot of it on the back end
11485s had to do with shoe and these consistent
11487s sleeps that he was finding on proper we
11489s saw the game changing one they get
11490s breaking one for the shock on ruins and
11492s he does it once more here on lighthouse
11495s absolutely i mean this issue coming in
11497s for his role star once again
11499s one of if not the best flex support that
11501s we have in the overwatch league gigantic
11503s sleep darts there one and two prop of on
11506s i believe it was ruins one now on to
11508s lighthouse as well that will give them
11511s very important map wins and of course
11513s the kill onto mikey on the other end
11514s though you do have finn and violet also
11517s trying to compete for that sort of
11519s number one spot or at least the upper
11520s echelons going for those flight support
11522s rolls does just support role stars ready
11524s finn the newbie on the block extremely
11526s hyped up probably the number one
11528s flexible prospect from korea in the
11529s offseason from contenders and violet
11532s i mean this guy basically is the go to
11535s support in terms of his accolades his
11537s achievements oh yeah another leader of
11539s an extremely young squad trying to take
11541s them to their first ever championship
11545s and it's uh you know widely has been
11547s looking to treat maybe not so much in
11548s the first map but still uh that is just
11551s one map out of the way you can see
11552s reiner and colluge having some smack
11554s talk back and forth across the way there
11556s and at the very end you know mikey
11558s before he stepped away said yeah you'll
11560s win the map but you'll also lose the
11562s series so he's saying you know what that
11564s first loss does not matter we are going
11566s to be able to clap back now it's time
11568s for well while he might not be playing
11569s for the team to put their money where
11571s their mouths are and see if they can do
11573s just that eichenwald is the pick for
11575s hybrid so we'll see if that can be the
11576s staging grounds for them to take the
11578s step forward and tie this yeah one to
11580s i respect the uh self-censoring there
11582s from both college and especially ryan he
11584s had once a closed fist and uh a fist
11587s with an index finger but not quite the
11588s middle one so we're not going for the
11590s the bird back and forth anyway
11592s and speaking of birds diva should be on
11593s the cards here for eichenwalde for the
11595s shock again map drafting strategy uh
11598s from me analytically is that this would
11601s have been midtown for gladiators had it
11602s been their map pick but they win early
11604s gostimate pick of the shock and thus
11606s shock will take them to iconvolt this
11607s has been one of their absolute
11610s signatures
11611s throughout the entire tournament they
11613s are the only team to consistently run
11615s diva and specifically they are running
11617s diva here from college it is a shock
11620s specialty now when we have this match up
11623s in the upper bracket the ali gladius
11625s tried to counter with azaria composition
11626s both offensive and defensive does have a
11628s very good match up specifically into the
11631s diva so this rhino versus colluge
11633s matchup is now i think one that we have
11635s to zoom in for for i convolved that
11637s proper versus capsule was vague on the
11639s elias but
11640s we have to ask the question is it gonna
11642s be more zarya because zarya did struggle
11644s specifically on that defense wasn't very
11646s good on b for rhino as well that's where
11648s you expected to be weak but for the
11650s shock
11651s because the expectations that conclude
11652s run siva he's actually going to come
11654s through on a once and they have a dupe
11656s to the gladiators however the gladiators
11658s wants to notice this rhino should be
11659s going back towards either doom or
11660s winston when they scout the winston
11663s yeah we'll see
11664s how they try to hide this one obviously
11666s they can expect that kepster is going to
11667s be going for a pop shot so i just want
11669s to stay out of those widow sight lines
11670s by a little bit of extra time uh on the
11672s bamboozle before the swaps can come
11674s through
11675s just chip away at that time pink in any
11677s way that you could possibly do so
11680s let's see what happens i gotta say looks
11682s like once the glads do spit out this i
11684s think i think this is better for
11686s gladiators because they have the
11687s scouting advantage they are attacking
11688s first once they peep what is being run
11691s on the defense here rhino will change
11692s there's no reason to run it zarya unless
11694s colludes is going towards a diva and the
11696s diva so far i believe has a 100 match
11698s win rate or near 100 percent
11701s so no real reason for shock to change
11703s unless they just want to kind of confuse
11704s the gladiators that goes right let's
11706s is it going to be winston or doom is the
11708s question doom has been the preference
11710s for rhino for a lot of these maps and
11712s the answer is doom
11714s all right there's a swap up skeptic as
11715s well moving up again she goes over to
11716s the tracer
11718s and we have
11720s the doomfist coming out the gate
11722s supports going to be matched here with
11724s that zen on it ryan are wrapping around
11726s the back spotting sam there for just a
11727s moment
11728s he'll slide away now the contest over
11730s the point for just a brief moment put
11731s down a little seismic slam takes the
11733s punch to the side see the gladiators
11735s just poking and prodding trying to get a
11737s sense of how shock are going to be
11738s looking to pilot this defense and then
11739s try to find the entryway onto the point
11742s dash over the side proper chasing in and
11744s looking for kev sir just force him to
11745s recall
11746s this rhino takes a hell of a lot of
11748s damage trying to play forward kevs are
11749s now however going to get picked off
11750s violet finding the opening kill that
11752s after from proper going to whip doesn't
11753s mean she can actually shoot likely would
11755s have been a donation had he been able to
11757s do so but he will get him on the second
11758s attempt and now skewed is forced all the
11760s way back and it's gonna be a successful
11761s first volley here defended on the side
11764s of the shock
11765s a couple more things to really know for
11766s this type of map here as well as proper
11767s is actually playing the genji instead of
11769s the tracer previous games that we have
11771s seen on iconvolt that has always
11772s typically been the proper tracer along
11774s with the sam on the uh sergeant here is
11777s also another change up for the san
11778s francisco shock but for the nanoblade of
11780s future fights via is nearly there who is
11782s also playing the anna playing double
11783s flick support very important for the
11784s shock this is why their win rate is so
11786s much higher off the control maps because
11788s fighter is taken off the break and onto
11789s an ana
11792s made used by violet just getting that
11794s boosted healing out onto his teammates
11796s keeping them alive and pat he fights
11798s proper
11798s deflect already burned i do believe the
11800s headshot comes across big opening now
11803s for the side of the gladiators they look
11804s to take the point and then boost gonna
11805s be used goes over towards collusion
11807s trying to keep them alive as he snaps
11808s away right
11809s lower moves into the back will manage to
11811s find you and skip gets taken down by
11813s sam's eight as well
11814s now no supports no tick picked up the
11816s gladiators looking like they're going to
11818s be threes more have to reset and go
11819s again unless they can find this kill on
11821s a collusion they do manage to occupy the
11822s point for a little bit longer here patty
11824s sliding over gets up over top of klush
11826s finds that kill and they're actually
11827s going to be able to turn this on its
11827s head
11828s yep amazing by patty he outplays him
11831s there if i can profit out play the
11832s wrestler gladiators he's back in
11834s there's not enough time though he would
11836s love to play he's been stunned out here
11838s but they cannot touch it's two right
11839s they get blocked couldn't get there
11841s they get blocked they can't make their
11843s way through
11844s and now the trance gets burned for
11846s absolutely nothing no contest the cap is
11848s there nearly four minutes at the time
11849s big for the side of the gladiators
11850s they're going to be so very happy with
11852s that as reiner way to the respawn spams
11854s out the c9s
11856s it's so many failed adults here we have
11857s a failed transcendence a failed
11859s overclock from sam as well shut down by
11861s padded band
11862s nana on the college keeps him alive for
11863s some time but he couldn't build the
11864s primal within the nano so a couple
11866s things could have changed there i mean
11867s if there was a little bit more damage
11868s onto collusion they had them stay alive
11870s for a little bit longer had the supports
11872s died a little bit later there is what
11873s clutch could have built prime or the
11874s previous fight the transcendence would
11876s have come on through padding a hundred
11877s percent would have blamed their fight
11879s and at minimum even if shocked lose they
11881s force ultimates out of clouds and that's
11882s the one thing that didn't happen flats
11884s now have four ultimates going to be
11886s they're snowballing exceptionally hard
11889s caps are trying to harass but now with a
11890s recall burnt the collapse comes through
11892s from the rest of the members of the side
11893s of the shock they do manage to get that
11895s punished proper continuing to limit test
11897s a little bit with his hp bar
11899s has managed to stay alive for the most
11900s part and with the pickup on the rhino
11902s off the wait for the reset so for the
11903s cart not getting too much distance it's
11905s gonna be a minute taken away
11907s i mean we're expecting a little bit more
11908s distance considering you know how
11910s aggressively they were able to snowball
11911s that one they get four ultimates nano a
11913s little bit better served on either
11915s reiner's brand new winston here or even
11916s better should be the pader pan so again
11918s nano clock the ultimate combo that we're
11920s looking for here very difficult to
11921s survive against san francisco shock in
11923s that time had built up an extra nano so
11925s a little bit more even now now looking
11927s fine
11928s there's asleep they wake him up though
11930s right back into the action nano going to
11932s be used on the fin just to keep him
11933s sustained
11935s no no blade there for another target
11937s he's skewed moving forward with the
11938s transcendence rolling but the card
11939s however not moving at all and now skewed
11941s as soon as that old expires he ends up
11942s falling but patty and kepser they
11944s managed to find the enemy supports they
11946s clean him up they can sam as well and
11947s with collusion emptied out he does end
11949s up falling and cart can finally start
11951s moving over towards the bridge here from
11952s the side of the gladiators
11954s yes then on 97 there is all would love
11956s to have the next transcendence again
11957s burned it to try and save point a to be
11960s fair to him though in about the space of
11961s two fights he's got another
11962s transcendence doing a ton of damage on
11964s the zenyatta four final blows between
11966s finn invited three witch on finn i said
11968s that violet great on the flex sport will
11970s fit on the zenyatta as well is also a
11972s big boom for shock
11975s a lot of distance being given up
11977s just here now to the edge of the bridge
11978s patty taking a bit of damage as there's
11980s a fight happening over all of the
11981s ramparts and kevin manages to win it sam
11983s trying to take that high ground around
11985s the back the kepler says no
11986s shuts them down collusion getting over
11988s the side looking to put some pressure
11990s here on the right of the card is moving
11991s forward they have to go for the contest
11992s finn gonna be popping the transcendence
11993s this time he is able to get over towards
11994s the objective the pulse pod from kepster
11996s flies through and violent taken down had
11998s already used the immortality field seems
12000s to the gladiators not going to be
12001s stopped this time around not gonna have
12003s the time bank drain down any further
12005s that'll be the cap going through for
12006s them and now it's gonna be two minutes
12007s and 40 seconds as they breach the castle
12009s walls
12010s and it's more hero swamps as well
12011s because college did come back on a diva
12012s so the question will be does he remain
12014s on the diva or not
12016s not really the best for the final c
12018s point defense this is where zarya or
12019s sigma or even the winston could be
12020s preferred ryan has primal available
12022s alongside more ultimates the timing of
12024s gladiators for getting these ultimates
12025s is insane because they will now once
12027s more be snowballing to four alternates
12028s we'll see caps are changing from the
12030s tracer to the genji here for the nano
12031s blade a little bit later on bit of an
12033s insurance policy he did also get the
12035s initial kill i believe onto sam which
12037s opened up the by before b
12039s diving to the back rider instantly
12041s falling low has the primal rely on
12043s however
12044s makes his exit back over the front of
12045s the car now the nano for the
12047s re-aggression goes diving in once more
12049s down about half hp rams back around the
12051s side says shoot go ahead open me up some
12053s healing
12054s it will be in the window so overclock
12059s in the head stay safe now that all gonna
12061s be expired and it's a lot of pressure
12062s applied to property who needs to find a
12064s stick needs to find an elimination with
12066s this
12066s box falling low instantly patty finds
12068s the kill proper even without the pulse
12070s does manage to get in on top of the
12071s enemy soldier and finds that kill ryder
12073s gonna be taken down as well seems the
12075s shock might be able to find a little bit
12076s of breathing room now the final stretch
12078s of this defense a minute and a half
12080s remaining gladiators do they just make
12082s their exit riders gonna be swapping over
12084s a lob in a desperation only a reset
12086s throw but doesn't find the kill
12088s i think just don't have the number
12089s second it's okay swapping over towards
12090s cesare now the primal has been burned
12092s like i said that's already preferable
12093s for a pointy offense especially when
12095s college is playing diva as well but
12096s skewed did not transfer the fight you
12097s see patty going very aggressive on
12099s towards the overclock but he didn't have
12101s the support he was going straight into
12102s enemy lines died straight away to proper
12104s could have been the fight win and the
12106s camp for the ali gladius now one minute
12108s remaining here trent still available
12109s finn to match that in a hot
12111s second and nearly has it needs to have
12113s it sooner rather than later
12115s auntie under college can buy some space
12117s and time with that self-destruct
12121s for now he's just trying to stay in this
12122s mech as long as he possibly can oh for
12124s sure it's gonna be too risky to just try
12126s to lob it in but takes quite a bit of
12127s damage banana once more gonna be built
12129s up this time it goes over to ryder as he
12130s looks to build up some energy currently
12131s at 67. self-destruct goes out from
12133s college looks for a pick but i think it
12135s actually lands on the chandelier the car
12136s right now is not going to be contested
12138s they finally managed to get the touch
12139s back through
12140s sam slept however paddy gets on top of
12142s him the headshot rail goes through made
12143s out on the rider they're trying to give
12145s us a snake kill it's working a trade has
12147s been taken down the windows out from
12148s violets but kepster pulls the blade
12151s shuts him down they clean up the kills
12153s and the push comes to completion the
12155s gladiators managing to finish the map
12157s with just 16 seconds to spare but
12159s crucially they have time in the bank
12162s that's why the kev swap over towards the
12164s genji was so important like i said the
12166s insurance policy coming through renew
12168s that one for the next side of i convolve
12170s the for sure for the l.a gladiators when
12172s push comes to shove we get towards the
12173s end there and the camps to blade they
12175s come on through when nothing else was
12177s available but how about those heals from
12179s schuman scooters or keeping reiner alive
12180s for so long it ends up being the proper
12183s pulse bomb to finally take him down the
12185s gladiators despite not getting the most
12187s amazing time bank they do finish they do
12189s cap 16 seconds is still admirable that's
12191s still a lot to work through in shock
12193s now have the target set in terms of what
12195s they need to be able to get themselves
12200s well well well
12202s the shock on their map pick can take us
12204s to the end it's not going to be an easy
12206s victory it will go to extra innings so
12208s need to try to set themselves up for as
12210s much of an advantage as they possibly
12211s can
12213s let's see how they look though coming
12214s out the gate let's uh
12216s very quickly talk about these
12217s compositions as well last time these two
12219s teams met as a reminder reiner started
12221s out with the zarya defense that
12223s unfortunately was
12224s a very bad call from the gladiators it's
12226s good into collugis diva but it doesn't
12228s really have a lot of value once we get
12230s past a they really struggled to do a lot
12233s on b with azaria did not have the high
12235s ground low ground mobility did not have
12236s the verticality to play through so
12238s starting out on the doom or even the
12240s winston much more preferable once we
12242s transition onto b it's about playing for
12244s the entirety of the map not just for
12246s what is good on exit this is an
12248s improvement from the la gladys already
12249s in terms of opening compositional
12251s choices but as mentioned as well the
12252s colluge diva specialty for ike involved
12254s it is on the menu
12261s once more
12262s slow and steady at the beginning
12264s shock tiptoeing around chipping away at
12267s the hp bars of the gladiators members
12269s where they possibly can
12271s protect patty quite low now find reiner
12273s here for the forward contest of course
12275s his position back he's gonna be using
12277s his mitigation that doesn't have that
12279s for a little period of time as he goes
12280s diving into the back line and that could
12281s be a death sentence for him and yes it
12283s is he cannot exit absolutely overstepped
12286s and now the point is broken open with
12287s cute falling as well
12289s the last member standing as far as the
12290s supports are concerned they will manage
12292s to break colluge out of that mech but
12294s even with that little pilot pistol he'll
12296s still be taking down patty
12298s so you know it's not all about the
12299s caliber of the weapon
12302s and that is going to be the cap coming
12303s in a massive five and a half minutes
12305s about to be on the time bank
12306s yeah can't be in baby d perform for the
12309s following caps he's going to reset that
12310s mech and continue that diva game play
12313s four beat
12314s probably change we get to see but great
12316s stuff by the san francisco shotgun
12317s insanely good punish onto rhino
12319s overstepping by the way rainer lacking
12322s the patience there saw an opportunity
12324s the back line but was instantly punished
12326s by the entirety of the san francisco
12328s shock including colluge and uh no heels
12330s because what you do see there is once
12331s kalooz puts the matrix on top of rhino
12333s as he dives on in shoe and skew can't do
12335s a damn thing
12337s i think he realized that he overstepped
12339s now swaps over the wrecking ball here
12340s for the point b defense gave us a little
12343s bit of a blue steel look into the cam
12345s for a moment
12347s patty yeah this time around
12350s proper
12351s dashing forward pulse bomb already
12353s avoids getting rolled across no eyeliner
12356s stays it for now
12357s to find a head shot
12358s yep sam going to be taken down
12361s like he said mama targets a little bit
12362s difficult to decide on who you want to
12364s go for
12368s the part will be abandoned i mean
12369s the first fake is really important for
12371s glasgow because that will slow down the
12372s shock so they're gonna have to wait for
12373s that respawn which comes through now
12375s and this is where you can go for paddy
12376s because he does have the overclocks we
12378s are going to get that nine o'clock combo
12379s not likely to go on top of ryan or skew
12381s unless they're in trouble so ryder at
12382s the stage has to try and not take too
12384s much damage because she knees puts on
12386s paddy he's put on ryder instead
12388s okay
12389s connected the nano is there to try to
12391s keep him alive but here comes that oh
12394s god
12395s things up to the high ground keeps him
12396s protected now invest sets up the
12398s structure go ahead and clear out some
12400s space proper in the meantime is doing
12402s the lord's work for you for the side of
12403s the shot comes up with two eliminations
12405s before skewed can swap can find an
12407s answering kill taking down sam but the
12410s cart now opened up the bridge completely
12412s unoccupied space moving forward as
12414s proper can not recall
12416s doesn't end up falling for the glass can
12418s arrest
12420s yeah i just don't know if this paddy
12421s sombra's gonna be hit i mean not great
12422s hacking targets unless you can find
12424s proper sam pretty similar sentiments to
12425s what we had onto elios hack and colluge
12427s does nothing for you you get what one
12429s second less of matrix bit of a joke
12431s that's not going to help you at all can
12433s they initiate a dive on towards fender
12435s that could be another target at least
12436s you get good scouting you do have the
12438s sombra it's going to get the stronger
12439s okay that's okay yeah the pile driver
12441s doesn't even connect but it doesn't
12442s matter
12443s still enough damage output to go ahead
12444s and take him down sam now gonna be going
12445s for the duke goes over to the tracer now
12448s it's gonna be broken out of that by
12449s kempster still looks to apply some
12450s pressure falling lower and lower take
12452s down to 45 hp just hugging into the
12453s corner as much as he possibly can but
12455s the healers quite far away
12457s we'll get topped up as violet arrives
12458s into the stairwell to go ahead and
12460s sustain him
12462s because there's a hack on the proper but
12463s again you have to claim that one second
12465s window so your team needs to be
12466s positioned between parts reiner and kev
12468s said and also paddling
12469s a lot of damage we take it okay well
12471s ryan is slipped but he just kills violet
12472s anyway
12474s yeah takes a little nap since you know
12476s what i've done my job
12479s question mark um okay did he get hacked
12481s was that a hat that's all i can think is
12483s that he got hacked and went off the side
12484s of the map
12485s you would have to hope that that was the
12486s case for him either way he's not gonna
12488s be thinking with the echo anymore swaps
12489s now over to the sojourn then gonna be
12491s taking out the break on the mech for
12493s colluge and this is that's brutal really
12495s good for the side of the gladiators they
12496s are very much playing this up to a t
12498s just finding these consistent picks
12500s the super long respawn for clujas he has
12502s to reset the mech again here in the san
12504s francisco shock i mean if we're going to
12505s finish this map you need to see a lot
12507s more distance being gained here really
12509s had a pen came through what i believe to
12510s be more of a desperation stop to sombra
12512s you're going to come back quickly try
12514s and set up for the next fight but he's
12515s lived so long he's we've waited long
12517s enough that he's nearly got emp
12518s available nana on the rider again
12521s pulls bomb out not gonna find the kill
12522s but it still does a quite uh quite a bit
12524s of damage there simon violet both end up
12526s falling the nano on the fin doesn't
12528s matter and he is the only one standing
12530s there and surrounded by members of the
12532s gladiators they do get the pitch they
12533s get the kill blue's just trying to
12535s pistol his way back in but with the
12537s sliver of hp it's just gonna be a late
12538s stagger for him okay
12540s this is important now paddy pants should
12541s have a three-man dive between rhino kev
12543s and paddy with the emp onto the back
12544s line shock need to know this this is
12546s coming in as well fin and fight are
12548s going to be the targets sam is going to
12549s play counter spike here both teams just
12551s got to go towards the subway losing
12552s maybe a little bit over he's he's both
12554s supports
12555s confidence in the sojourn maybe he can't
12557s find the rail charge but i understand
12560s one minute twelve left and i i can't
12562s overstate
12564s how important this map is for the shock
12565s the system that like one of their
12567s signature maps let's get started okay
12570s they had kalush
12572s expires can use the d matrix once more
12576s connie goes ahead
12578s jumps out of there translocating
12580s jump over the top
12581s low on hp or apartment he goes his way
12584s trying to keep him alive and finn he's
12585s gonna be probably the transcendence now
12587s it's just human proper playing this far
12588s forward the rest of the team is i don't
12589s know what happened he slipped
12591s i have no idea now he's going to be
12592s slapped they'd look to get on top from
12593s the end he goes through capture finds
12594s the kill runner once more gets violent
12596s with a minefield and what in the hell is
12598s happening this one from such a clean
12600s initial take from the side of the shock
12602s five and a half minutes now five of
12604s those minutes are gone
12605s yeah that's uh disastrous coming through
12607s from the shock i mean they had a great a
12608s offense but b has been an entire stone
12611s wall the front of them from the early
12612s gladiators thematic because when i
12614s convolved here as well we're still
12615s talking about emp it's still a big
12616s factor we can save this into the last
12618s fight now this is huge from the flights
12620s they have four ultimates and the shock
12622s are reeling they have nothing to work
12623s through they need the schneider coming
12624s up through
12626s the back the pulse pump not going to
12627s connect doesn't get the elimination it's
12628s going to be shoot taken down on the
12629s opposite side of the field
12631s denying that now exactly now just trying
12633s to keep this card occupied
12635s nano
12637s invested keeps this diva nice and safe
12639s adding self-destruct to use you're
12641s trying to buy some space paddy emp comes
12644s through gets the hack out onto pretty
12645s much everybody on the side of the shock
12646s i think no dive though able to avoid it
12648s but there's no doubt there's no kills
12649s coming through and i said he does
12651s connect on the two violent under some
12652s fire they cannot keep him alive
12653s self-destruct goes out we'll find skewed
12655s but not before sleeping so now there's
12657s no support profit proper gonna be taking
12659s us a nap here the sleep dart connecting
12661s from shoes they try to keep rider alive
12662s 29 hp he crashes through manages to get
12665s that poop across and now it's just gonna
12666s be patty and kepster versus proper
12668s duking it out trying to stop this push
12670s from coming through and they will be
12672s able to do it proper gets pushed away
12674s the defense is there the gladiators win
12677s out another map
12679s they are halfway to victory closing out
12681s yet another victory on a shock
12685s this is gonna have to be a long series
12687s for the shock now thankfully it is not a
12689s first to three not a best of five here
12691s not quite a reverse sweep required from
12694s the shark but still a mountain to climb
12696s this was another shock map decision they
12700s really wanted to go to eichenwalde again
12701s i repeat a signature map pick for them
12703s the diva here has been flawless they've
12705s never really lost with the diva on this
12707s map
12708s and even despite the emp from panapan
12710s kind of whiffing there i say it with
12711s despite catching three you need the caps
12714s to rider padding trio dive for that emp
12716s to be truly successful shock survive
12718s against that but a lot of unfortunate
12721s mind-boggling situations on that offense
12724s what happened to finn why did he use the
12725s transcendence he then gets slipped and
12727s killed very confusing stuff
12730s all right this just yeah yet another
12731s unsolved mystery we may never know the
12734s reasoning of to see if we can pull some
12735s replays during the downtime and really
12737s dive into what in the hell just happened
12739s there all i know is that the gladiators
12741s are now 2-0 up in this grand final the
12743s san francisco shock not finding purchase
12745s whatsoever and they need to start
12746s answering back as you said they're not
12748s quite in a reverse sweep situation but
12752s if they can't win on their next map pick
12753s they absolutely are going to be so it is
12755s going to be a must win as we turn our
12756s sites over to escort we'll see where
12758s they go if they can get a win when we
12759s return for the break
12767s [Music]
12782s [Music]
12790s so
12797s [Music]
12813s [Music]
12832s [Music]
12840s [Music]
12845s [Music]
12862s [Music]
12876s [Music]
12897s [Music]
12911s [Applause]
12916s so
12919s [Applause]
12920s [Music]
12928s [Music]
12944s [Music]
12951s [Music]
12958s [Music]
12969s [Music]
12979s and welcome back a 2-0 lead here for the
12981s side of the gladiators but before we go
12983s back into the series and see whether or
12985s not they can take it the match point a
12986s reminder to pick up your royal night
12988s mercy skin as it's only on sale for a
12990s little bit longer august the 19th is how
12992s long you have to invest your 200 tokens
12995s to be able to pick up that skin
12997s otherwise once it disappears it's gone
12999s for good so make sure you guys grab it
13001s while the getting is good now we can
13003s focus back in on to the series the san
13005s francisco shock so far have had two map
13007s picks with zero victories have not been
13010s able to find any firm ground to stand on
13012s so far avril
13014s certainly not
13016s and the winner of this will have their
13017s colors on that royal mercy as well so
13020s it's gonna be purple is it gonna be
13021s orange i wonder this will decide
13024s a couple perplexing moments on ice
13026s involved a reminder that was the san
13028s francisco sharks map choice we'll talk
13030s about the substitutions in a minute i
13031s did decipher what ended up happening
13033s with finn's transcendence there uh you
13035s wouldn't believe it but the player that
13036s actually pressured finn to use the
13038s trance wasn't kepster it wasn't bad but
13040s was actually shoe shoe walked up as the
13042s ana player
13043s locked on damage on towards finn forced
13046s him to trance and then after the trans
13048s finish shu also then slept then and lead
13050s it to the led to the fin death as well
13053s so uh figure that mystery out insane
13055s play by shoe in that moment to be able
13058s to get that ultimate out then kill finn
13059s afterwards as well afterwards i mean
13060s that's just ridiculous right
13062s yeah well there you go and we've solved
13064s the unsolvable mystery and it didn't
13066s even take a one-hour long youtube video
13068s to uh go over the entire story of it all
13071s so huge is continuing to do wonderful
13073s things uh as he is known to do in that
13075s support role i mean we've seen you know
13077s we think back to the the clutch from him
13080s on havana at that point b defense do you
13082s think back to all the sleeps that he's
13083s been connecting onto proper to help them
13085s get out on illios and he can use to
13087s deliver for the gladiators i'm glad you
13089s brought havana because you know the shoe
13091s moments just keep racking up high stakes
13093s environments big pressure games
13096s shoe got them a stage title last year
13100s it was a part of the kickoff class
13101s championship this year as well let's see
13103s if we can get it done now skewed by his
13105s side arms being subbed in as well
13108s important that you know what map we are
13109s going to match up analysis for me in
13111s terms of the map drafting says that we
13113s should have gone to circuit royale has
13116s been a monstrously good map for the san
13118s francisco shock fantastic win rate
13120s proper gets to play the sojourn on that
13122s map as well
13123s and uh kilos widowmaker has been popping
13126s off so it's a it's a great map that the
13127s shock have had great times on however
13129s they have chosen to go to gibraltar this
13131s one's a little perplexing to me i don't
13132s know if i agree with it because the
13134s gladiators just won this map versus the
13135s atlanta reign
13137s in a situation where i think there has
13139s been some fair criticism towards anza's
13141s performance so far this tournament
13142s hasn't been up to keep up with the top
13143s widows of the entire league or the top
13145s hitscans of the league so far in their
13147s match-ups but they did beat kai they did
13150s beat the the atlanta right and further
13152s than that achilles actually full held on
13154s a
13154s so they dominated the atlanta reign on
13157s this map and get shock are going to take
13159s us here could kilo still beat arms
13161s likely but you're not going to get the
13163s proper surgeon unless he chooses to play
13165s it you're not going to get the colluge
13167s sigma either which has been a big boon
13168s for the shock
13172s well
13173s seemingly the shock i mean of course
13175s having watched that series let's say
13177s yeah we think we can beat this taking a
13179s look at that full hold defense so
13181s time will tell but again if they want to
13184s avoid
13186s that reverse sweep
13188s necessity they have to get a victory
13189s here let's see how they fare now
13191s starting things off on that defense keel
13192s of course going to be on the widowmaker
13194s yeah to hunt down ons
13196s we didn't get to see the bnc off inside
13198s of glads last time because well again
13200s the full hold was there but vlad's
13202s attack first now arms versus kilo
13204s very important match up and kilo strikes
13207s first blood this has been a bit of an
13209s issue for arn's over the course of the
13210s tournament he needs to get the better
13212s aquila because last time in the upper
13214s bracket on circle rail when they met
13215s kilo had his number almost every time
13219s that he did
13221s not the
13222s performances that we have you know very
13224s much come to anticipate from ons who's
13226s you know put on clinics and look like
13228s the best hitscan player in the world at
13230s times
13232s needs to get back into that form right
13234s here regain the name the onsen sniper
13236s where he debuted many many moons ago in
13238s 2018 tenders
13242s it's a young talent coming through
13243s that's just been so phenomenal mn3 kilo
13246s just to name a couple
13248s i mean shy only debuted last year as
13250s well
13251s yeah sleep on to mikey as uh there we go
13254s i only get one back okay opportunity
13256s gladiators they can use this five versus
13258s four they need to start taking some map
13260s control they are both high ground and
13261s their payload pushing to where they want
13262s to and now they are able to convert
13264s further look at that
13265s oh dear yeah it's uh falling apart here
13268s from the side of the shock so far on
13269s this point a gladiator just pushed
13271s through on just right up against the
13273s back side there up mikey does not care
13276s knows that he is perfectly safe as we'll
13277s take a look back at the opening pick
13279s that led to this spiral out of control
13282s slim margins to work with but spots the
13284s feet gets the head and now the point
13286s broken open and capped 4 45 in the time
13288s bank for the gladiators to work through
13289s as they enter into the hangar
13291s and paid attention to the else as well
13292s mikey only just got the primal so shot
13294s couldn't quite get those ultimates
13296s online irons continues to get picks here
13298s this is great for the gladiators they're
13299s able to snowball effectively off a
13301s single snipe of the kilo think of the
13303s 0.8 capture they have or about to get
13306s shuttle control as well shock could not
13308s defend with the lack of ultimate it's a
13310s simple five versus for advantage that
13312s gladiators are able to convert into
13313s further kills and their map control
13315s looking great right now kilo can't even
13317s respond to the infrasight
13319s we cannot kev's just shoving forward
13321s spotting him
13323s chipping away at his old toes there
13325s throwing out those shurikens fine spin
13327s kilo will be able to answer one back as
13328s reiner gets dropped no nano to be found
13330s there now it's gonna be used
13332s actually to keep him alive as they turn
13334s the sights over to mikey
13336s anteater rather discord it up makes his
13338s exit the cleanups there on a proper the
13340s card continues to roll forward
13341s gladiators making a fantastic pace right
13344s now through towards point b and if they
13346s can get this cap the time bank is once
13347s more gonna be bumped up and be massive
13349s violent antioxidants
13351s does have that transcendence online the
13352s capture gets on top of kilo takes him
13354s down now finn out in the middle of
13356s nowhere nate does go through does
13357s antioxidant but he is still more than
13359s saved stupid out back and forth here
13361s gets proper just get topped up by the
13362s transcendence they sustain them for a
13364s little bit longer but now as that
13365s expires right up the bible gets on top
13366s of violent finds the elimination looks
13368s for a little bit more juggles finn away
13370s from the respawn room and with this stop
13372s looks for the final kill pops the bubble
13375s the cap is there in the meantime kilo
13377s able to find kebster but cool i guess at
13380s the end of it all a nice sniper reiner
13382s to go ahead and take down the widowmaker
13383s and it's four and a half minutes plus
13385s for the gladiators in the final stretch
13387s yeah masterful stuff that is flawless
13389s map control coming through for the
13390s gladiators again snowballing off a
13392s single pick from irons all the way back
13394s on a pushing through the tunnel gets
13397s that kill on the kilo and we are
13398s snowballing ultimates positioning map
13401s control everything three ultimates by
13402s the way spent by the shock you had what
13404s is it infrastate primal and nano uh
13406s eventually to nothing there they also
13408s could not force the kips to play it out
13410s so gibson still gets to hold on to that
13411s with the nano about to come online for
13413s both teams and nanoblades could decide
13415s the next fight
13419s could be everything but the shock they
13420s need to find something they need to get
13422s a win game card control for the very
13423s first time here in this map
13425s ons once more
13427s looking for a pick the next infrasight
13429s nearly there is he is just laughing
13430s things down in this regard blades come
13432s through proper gonna be able to find
13434s skewed been taken down but that is the
13435s support duo gone from the top of the
13437s gladiators to the shock should be able
13438s to play off the back of this and finally
13440s establish some form of card control
13442s especially with ons dying on the back
13443s end a good chase there from mikey and
13445s they will at long last be able to hold
13447s this
13448s that's double supports down for the side
13450s of the gladiator shot get one extra fin
13452s indeed does die no nano popped onto
13454s proper but shu also dies luckily the
13456s nana on the capsule so neither of our
13458s blades
13459s ends up being
13461s narrow up for the extra
13463s and alley gladiators not able to get too
13465s much distance off that another five
13467s versus four surely this one is again
13469s very usable by the glads no response by
13472s shock hilo's too far away from the
13473s oversight
13474s well i think the widowmakers are one and
13476s one against each other that is going to
13477s be on very much taking a lead over top
13479s of the proper shutting him down once
13480s more swap over to the tracer now as the
13482s dive goes through reiner with the nano
13484s gets on top of it finds that elimination
13486s looks for a little bit more let's go
13487s ahead and knock a couple people back
13488s into the respawn room cart getting
13490s closer and closer here as they once more
13492s look for the contest violet dropping low
13494s doesn't the trance yet however
13496s holds on to that with the pick off on
13497s the shoe and now on's dying seems like
13500s the shock should once more be able to
13501s hold this card for a little bit longer
13503s the skewed would have loved to transfer
13504s but not available there so ryder takes a
13506s bunch of damage has to come back on in
13508s shock
13509s they able to actually match the
13511s ultimates now a fantastic a and b push
13513s has been stalled out significantly
13515s shocked
13516s have equaled in fact greater ultimates
13518s then the ali gladiators are finally
13519s killer will get the first blood instead
13521s ons has had a couple of those in the
13523s past you see this very tricky venom mind
13524s spot as well ends up being a head glitch
13527s kilo can see through it can fire through
13529s it arms if he shoots kilo it's going to
13530s hit the mine instead and we actually got
13532s a look of that i believe in the shock
13534s version of the dragons game where uh
13536s yeah on cigarette lip actually shot the
13538s vet in mind and did not hit kilo for
13539s that exact same play
13542s it's cheesy but you take advantage of
13544s everything you possibly can in this type
13546s of series this
13547s will be destroyed by cancer who moves
13549s forward
13550s out of that position
13552s denies the sidelines but oh
13554s great shot there hits ryder but ons gets
13556s violent once more coming up with a
13558s massive kill to open the fight for the
13560s side of the gladiator so now can start
13561s moving the card forward and this is just
13563s such a wash here the cleanup coming in
13565s violet and desperation transcendence
13567s making his way out of the spawn room
13568s just to keep this car contested 0.66
13570s meters left to go but he will die and no
13572s one else can get the touch in time you
13573s can see the desperate reaper coming
13575s through
13576s as some olsen celebration popped the
13579s gladiators finished with a minute and 31
13580s in the time bank
13582s yeah that's a decent finish coming on
13583s through and again as a reminder we did
13585s have a full hold on a versus atlanta
13587s look if shock loses map
13590s you have to significantly question why
13592s circuit royale was not the map choice
13594s here
13595s again oh yeah a situation where proper
13598s sojourn was more than dead lifting i
13600s believe he had one third final blows
13602s versus alley gladius on that map you're
13604s also forcing glads to rotate space in a
13607s player that hasn't had the greatest
13608s amount of scrim time with the team
13610s glides would prefer to not be subbing
13612s space and keep rhino in because again he
13614s is their starting tank player here arms
13616s is also heated up so the one area that
13618s shock should have an advantage in this
13620s kilo versus on sniper jewel has so far
13623s heavily gone the way of ons now kilo is
13625s attacking can he get the good sight
13626s lines on the attacking side can he get
13628s those
13629s initial first bloods that he did
13631s actually get
13632s on gibraltar a that then went missing
13635s take a look at arms again in terms of
13636s how he set all of this up
13639s boom he also noticed a headshot coming
13641s through from kilo on to rhino as well
13643s but of course ryan is a winston player
13645s filer gets killed and this is just a
13646s further snowball where mikey after being
13648s slipped can't do anything about it shock
13650s did not respond with anything they had
13652s no frags while it would love to trance
13654s but he was the first one down
13658s another fantastic sleep
13660s stopping
13661s all attempts from the side of the shock
13662s to get an advantage
13664s and look for it that's good
13666s a nice deflection
13667s violet i know one for one actually is
13669s what it is here yeah
13670s they did both get slept
13672s little minor exchanges kilo routing i
13675s think he might have just seen hans's
13676s head there
13678s for a brief a little moment spotting him
13681s is the first step nailing the shot
13682s that's the second one the most important
13684s step see what happens now as you were
13686s teeing it up
13688s with these aggressive sidelines can he
13690s find some success to break open this
13692s push
13694s already positioning quite far back just
13695s over top the point itself is ryan takes
13697s a nap will just be naturally woken up
13700s payload on the move is all every single
13701s time that arms goes for a top side peak
13704s it ends up being shot going for a bottom
13706s side pinky akilos sort of overwatch
13709s positioning here i'm not talking about
13710s just the game here but obviously the
13712s uh
13712s strategy the bryant down though this is
13714s gonna be map control taken by the shock
13717s dead in the stairwell could make his way
13719s back over to his supports nor the health
13720s pack to try to stay safe now caps are
13722s trying to get aggressive dives in the
13724s background
13725s damn thing ends up getting taken out
13726s chewed dead all right looks like shock
13729s here to play their own push here on a
13732s point a looking just as successful as
13734s the gladiator saw a massive time bank
13736s with 5 15 now
13737s lock button
13739s glads in the same position was able to
13740s snowball and be so they had the opening
13742s frags i believe on's got further kills
13744s that allow glad to take shuttle control
13746s so can shock also do that it's not just
13748s good enough to get a cleanly you have to
13750s snowball on to be they have first nano
13752s available both in for sights going to be
13754s even here as well violet slightly
13756s further ahead than skewed
13757s shu is catching up
13760s i mean everyone knows how infamous this
13761s point is for trying to attack through
13764s once the doors have shut reiner again
13766s getting right over and lower than his
13767s score out of him he manages to make his
13768s way over to the mega pack but he still
13770s needs to get somebody blocked bubble
13771s coming down to try and deny it he goes
13772s down to the slip of hp comes around the
13774s corner and now mikey says okay lots of
13776s people inside the drop ship on top of
13777s the primal looks to cleave them down but
13779s still takes a significant amount of
13780s damage makes his exit for a brief little
13782s moment kilo in the meantime going to be
13783s cooper stopped by reiner mikey gets
13785s eliminated might have been asleep into
13787s the headshot there from ons either way
13789s they break down the winston and now the
13791s rest of the kills follows the knife
13792s staggers to be found as violet tries to
13794s make his exit drops down grabs the
13796s health pack the zap not gonna connect so
13797s he will live the fight another day but
13799s it's gonna be the gladiator stopping up
13800s the shot denying the snowball yeah
13803s nano trader for primal there is all
13804s mikey going for the big place he nearly
13806s had ryan ryder jumps through mikey's
13808s body as well so nearly had that body
13810s block that would have confirmed ryan's
13812s death or at least that minimum maybe
13813s force at the prime range i can't
13814s remember if he had it or not
13816s kilo stopping over towards a tracer
13818s arn's getting that kill once again they
13820s lose all sniper pressure arms can now
13821s freely snipe assuming no one jumps on
13823s top of them and free in for sight here
13825s as well
13827s spying out everybody there
13829s minor contest from proper will be able
13830s to build up towards that blade a little
13832s bit faster nano in the meantime invest
13833s it over to mikey and he's gonna be slept
13834s once more pushed back away as they hold
13837s up the right click charge a hell of a
13839s lot of damage down on him as well as the
13840s ante but so far he has not died ryan now
13842s coming for the reinforcements
13843s again gets proper in the head i swear
13847s ons he's been a sleeper agent that's why
13848s he has been performing i spoke the magic
13850s words i initiated the code yeah sniper
13853s and now he is awoken
13855s absolutely and this is the answer we've
13858s been waiting for very much asleep in the
13860s previous few matches
13861s but in the finals now in the most
13863s important game on his map as well a very
13866s important escort right he needs to be
13868s the player to take control he certainly
13869s is
13871s naked at 13 odds he's back online at
13873s shock have no answer
13875s well for the shock fans i'm so sorry to
13877s have awoken him but it's great to see
13880s all the same for just widow and hans
13882s appreciators across the board
13886s knows that the pressure is mounting in
13888s this grand final series and he is hungry
13890s for the win
13893s this man who led the shark to a
13895s championship victory in 2020
13898s now on the other team
13900s came back in 2021 an unfortunate season
13903s for the san francisco shock but proper
13904s does get kept down five at support
13906s finally kill the shock
13908s make this advantage work is desperate
13910s for a trade on the back end quite the
13912s force trance
13914s robert looking to contest him drops down
13916s grabs the health pack or harmony out
13917s onto odds to go ahead and keep him alive
13919s he grapples to the opposite side he's
13920s looking for the point blank shot but a
13921s flight coming through that's just not
13922s enough damage but mikey's arrival they
13924s will finally be able to take him down
13926s kilo he finds the taste of the genji as
13928s well headshot there to kevster
13930s to go ahead and try to break this open a
13932s little bit more
13932s halfway there just about a little bit
13934s over that as the cart push now continues
13936s a team kill
13938s can there be a final contest with reiner
13940s not respawned i guess the answer is
13942s probably like no could try to go for it
13944s but no it's not going to arrive in time
13946s the cap will be there 3 15.
13948s final stretch
13949s yeah there's a bunch of look at the
13951s shark supports in the left side they
13952s might have the reason here they could be
13953s in a lot of trouble
13955s getting down okay yes sir sharks gonna
13957s get this made up yeah this is a big
13958s resemble glass they lose three members
13960s for absolutely nothing tequila got a
13962s couple of important frags in their kilo
13964s looking for his power to flash in this
13966s grand finals
13967s onsen sniper has been activated on b
13971s an x-shock member who led them to a
13972s victory now on the other end looking to
13974s put glads on line four a back-to-back
13977s championship in for sight for infra
13979s sight 131 is the target glads that's
13982s their time back shock 2 30 to play
13984s through they need to cap in the next
13985s minute to be up to match feels like this
13988s is probably the first time that they've
13989s been able to have these coupled together
13991s the kilo shot down immediately kepster
13993s pulling the blade into the back line
13994s he's trying to deal with violet but they
13996s keep him alive and violet shuts them
13998s down
14001s good returning kill reiner as well just
14004s melted there nowhere to go
14007s he's locked down to the nano goes
14008s forward
14009s they can confirm the kill
14011s cart now gliding forward the time
14013s looking decent here for the side of the
14014s shock to be able to to go ahead and tie
14016s things up mikey as well with a final pop
14018s gets on top of bob's shuts him down
14020s ryder rejoining just get the zap away at
14022s violet trying to take him out
14024s because he's still going to blame him
14026s starting to come in proper draw the
14027s blade he's looking for shoe he's not
14028s going to be able to find a forces back
14030s into the respawn room however the car
14031s once more gonna be the demanding point
14032s someone's gonna go for the touch reiner
14034s there primal popped he's trying to stay
14036s alive 2.6 meters left to go excuse me to
14037s be taken down but by the treated it out
14039s so no zenyatta's in the fight now but on
14041s returning on the cassidy instantly dealt
14043s with by mikey
14044s ryder and desperation just sitting in
14046s the bubble watch the time being behind
14047s the card trying to deny as many times as
14049s he possibly can and she was here to back
14050s him up does hold on to that nano boost
14052s should they need a bit of a bailout she
14054s now gonna be retaking the occupation
14055s duties of the card making sure there's
14057s no fat cap to be found in fact there's
14059s gonna be some roll back here so a little
14060s bit more breathing room now for the
14061s gladiators
14064s then onto rival
14066s ryder rather no problem just yet but
14067s he's going in deep regardless kev's off
14069s the kilo shot half the real back they've
14071s now divided response was a nano for now
14073s trade but shock a guarantee to lose this
14074s fight they need to engage they need to
14076s get out of here they need to reset right
14077s here right now a minute about to be back
14079s in the time bank
14080s and spin it's not going to be able to
14082s stay alive
14083s one last push here for the side of the
14085s shock looking like an ot finish
14088s if they can get it done
14089s that is so good absolutely so good
14092s about a minute ago it was looking like a
14094s very good push they just had to get the
14095s gladiators ultimates out a lot of just
14098s stalling ultimates available back in
14099s that last fight we had transcendence we
14101s had primal speaker which is now going to
14102s be online for the side obviously gladius
14104s through reiner so that at minimum is
14107s going to cost more time for shock we're
14108s no longer talking about getting a good
14110s time back we're talking about capping
14111s and the other
14116s stepping away from the tracer battle for
14117s just a moment against that order of
14118s harmony kilo infrasight pop goes up
14121s looks for ons but he manages to juggle
14123s back around the corner capture however
14124s take it down pilot
14125s able to start things off the right foot
14127s forward and proper fine skewed two picks
14129s now here
14131s we go
14132s violet gets another one putting the team
14134s on his back
14136s primal gonna be popped reiner looking to
14138s delay this drops back down contests the
14140s card for a moment retreats down into the
14142s spawn room gets back out 1.88 meters
14144s left this capture finds an opening kill
14146s but didn't gonna be eliminated but now
14147s kilo gets reiner the transcendence is
14149s there from violet shoe tries to go in
14150s for the touch will get picked off one
14152s after the other the gladiators members
14153s bleeding down the finish comes through
14156s in overtime for the shock but they still
14158s have their work cut out for them a
14160s minute added as we get ready to go into
14161s extra innings to two and a half for the
14163s gladiators
14165s yeah good picks coming through for a
14166s shock in that last fight before ryan had
14168s to pop the primal and
14170s unfortunately for the alley gladiators
14172s their ability to stall really starts and
14174s ends with that primal if rhino is burnt
14177s down and gladiators can't respawn and
14179s reinforce while the primal is up and get
14182s some frags as well they're not going to
14183s be able to hold on towards c like i
14185s mentioned no longer looking for
14187s a time bank for shock we're looking for
14189s an ot cap they get that got the bonus
14192s minute coming on through as does the
14193s gladiators four shocks minute so it's
14195s 231 now versus just the one both teams
14199s have not had successful a point defenses
14202s we've had significant pushes and
14205s snowballs from a off the back of
14206s individual picks it was ons of tequila
14209s for the gladiators attack
14211s it was reiner dying i believe from the
14213s san francisco shot killing him that
14215s allowed the shock to also snowball
14216s through a i don't know if b is going to
14218s be relevant in this time bank a is going
14221s to be the most important thing here
14224s absolutely
14225s if b does become relevant then it's
14226s going to be a a wonderful boon to
14228s whichever team can make it that far
14230s let's see violet just caught those shots
14232s setting up a proper to get in there by
14234s the follow-up kill and
14235s violent
14236s playing angry might not got it now ended
14238s up this time as he's been the target of
14240s those dama boots i think three times
14241s this map so far yeah this time he does
14243s it without it
14246s what a wonderful kills very necessary
14248s that they found those let's see if we
14249s can do it again now as they start off on
14251s the attack
14252s blast from the past achilles you know
14254s old violet coming on through on that
14256s zenyatta like we saw on previous seasons
14258s 2020 season 2019 as well
14261s on first blood onto kilo here we go this
14264s is where the glides start to feel a
14265s little bit more comfortable again no
14266s time for the shark can't really afford
14268s to die much more than that 30 seconds
14270s remaining every meter counts
14274s the shock will at least breathe easy
14276s that the underpass is not being
14277s contested so proper can go ahead and
14279s escort this card forward try to get it
14280s up to the top of the ramp here
14283s a little bit of free distance given now
14284s the drop down comes through gladiators
14286s not allowing it to go any further
14288s for free
14289s once going on the aggressive angle jumps
14291s up over the top monkeys in a body block
14292s however
14293s denies the sight lines once more
14301s needing to find a kill over time now
14303s rolling through the cart once more
14304s steadily being inched forward reiner
14306s playing up keeps this one shoes
14309s back
14310s somebody's gotta touch oh my goodness
14312s slip margins mikey almost gives his life
14314s for it but now odds gets an opening shot
14315s on defend taking leona's head off nano's
14317s here a little bit more the nano goes out
14319s kept there gonna be boosted up doesn't
14321s have a blade but it might not matter
14322s cash is through finds violet no supports
14324s here for the side of the shock mikey
14326s with a sliver of hp nine percent shy of
14327s the primal that he will not be able to
14329s build up and that is as far as it goes
14331s the gladiators have a very real very
14334s achievable win condition as they look to
14336s move up 3-0
14340s i'm that i'm afraid i don't know if
14343s that's enough for the shock in terms of
14344s distance gained
14346s 63.67
14349s unfortunately no cap
14351s what ends up happening there is ons the
14352s first blood on tequila and that can
14354s honestly decide it all
14357s first bloods coming through from the
14358s water makers
14360s shock having to reset
14362s 4v5 there losing time giving glad space
14365s to work through shoe the first nano as
14366s well
14367s very important timings there for the
14368s ultimates because we did not have any
14370s other ultimates online it was just gonna
14372s come down to who gets first nano and now
14374s shark by the way kilo on towards ash
14376s they have to play far more aggressively
14378s because that end point for the payload
14381s is the default end point for when you
14383s normally just kind of push the payload
14385s up the hill reset your team go for the
14387s high ground play and then once you take
14390s high ground and transition to server you
14391s can start pushing payload again so this
14393s is in terms of distance it needed to be
14396s a lot more that was a pixel from ons as
14398s well on tequila that is the irons that
14401s we know and remember
14403s just absolutely gorgeous shooting from
14406s ons this whole map throughout
14409s the gladiators needed him to step up the
14410s most he has absolutely been delivering
14413s shock now
14414s very far forward here on this defense tp
14418s doesn't get the high ground but what i
14420s believe on one it gives a little bit of
14422s a wry smile supporting the team over to
14424s the club itself which they will get
14426s moving
14427s this is going to be a major range
14428s advantage kilo can not match the range
14429s by the way double byronite coming up
14430s through that's got a four shot back
14433s part of the reason why he might be
14434s playing for this ash is the bob defense
14436s as well when you get that you can brawl
14438s up effectively at medium range with this
14440s ash and they want to be playing server
14441s room they have to hold the payload here
14443s to serve the room is of utmost
14445s importance
14446s i thought i might just get a little clip
14448s there on the kevster for just a moment
14449s the card
14451s already
14452s most of the way there because the shark
14453s they cannot contest forward in that
14455s underpass
14456s just be a death sentence having
14457s everybody grouped up like that
14460s once searching for a head good answer
14462s comes out clips onto three grabs
14464s stay safe no kills to be found off the
14465s back of that but it does slow them up
14466s for a moment if they have to try to top
14468s up odds and reiner who odds down to a
14469s sliver and proper does manage to find
14471s that opening kill but it gives his life
14472s for it skewed take it out kill it with a
14474s nice head shot we'll find a shoe
14477s rhino looks to contest over towards
14478s server room gets dinked however
14481s should be able to get cleaned up but now
14482s he has the leak back off cooldown makes
14483s his exit
14484s look at the anna's again this is the key
14486s point here finn above shoe shoe actually
14488s died in the previous fight finn did not
14490s die he also had a three-man bar so he is
14492s leading an old charge for the shock they
14493s need everything going their way finn
14495s actually needs to try
14497s and not blow this nano too early you
14499s need to have the sh the gladiators in a
14500s position where they want to engage and
14502s you counter with below nano five time a
14505s minute left
14507s 1.3 meters left to go they have to take
14509s glue to this proper a nice opening kill
14511s that's fine mikey nano managing to stay
14513s alive for a little bit longer
14514s with a break does find caps there proper
14516s proper gonna be taken down by skewed
14517s once more it seems like the fight should
14519s widely be one in the body just okay
14520s reset 45 seconds remaining but no
14522s they're going to pull the trigger on
14523s this i'm going to try to fight this one
14524s out the transcendence shootout for the
14526s moment there's not enough damage
14528s to take him down through that makes his
14529s exit pulls back the primal nearly up
14531s mikey has popped his own
14533s look at the alts finn had already used
14534s his narrator he was forced to use that
14536s onto mikey a little bit early on this is
14537s what i'm saying you need to be able to
14539s save these ultimates if you can longer
14541s because it has to be a final fight
14542s victory here for the shock glad now
14544s multiple odds coming on nano blade
14545s available primal as well and they're
14546s going to open up with odds
14549s kilo's dead the dps take it out of the
14551s fight odds once more delivers and skewed
14553s plays off the back of it beautifully
14555s finds kilo the rally gonna be canceled
14556s out the primal rage of reiner taking
14558s down a violet they've cleared the cart
14560s they've gotten the push the gladiators
14562s once more win out on a shock map pick
14566s and now they bring this to match point a
14568s 3-0 as the coaching staff from
14571s gladiators dropping trash in the chat
14573s they aren't match point they are looking
14575s to take this with a clean sweep they say
14577s we know you have been on a win streak
14579s but we are ending it in decisive fashion
14581s here today
14583s yeah shark right now they have to climb
14584s out of their bend they have to get the
14585s reverse sweep now it wasn't a reverse
14588s sweep scenario before but now it
14589s unfortunately is push comes up next most
14593s likely going to be seen color sierra but
14594s it is good for both teams shock may need
14597s to consider going to new queen street
14599s instead taking the gladiators to
14600s somewhere a little bit less familiar
14603s that ended up being a major macro win
14604s for the alleged gladius arms came a big
14606s time all the doubts evaporated gone now
14609s arms is back baby and the gladiators are
14611s up 3-0
14613s absolutely beautifully done so far here
14616s from the side of the gladiators and we
14617s were teeing this up going into this map
14618s and now it has become an unfortunate
14620s reality for the shock they need to pull
14623s off a reverse sweep if they want to be
14625s victorious if they want to be holding
14627s their heads high at the end of this as
14628s the champions of the mid-season madness
14630s our first international tournament here
14632s in the 2022 season otherwise they might
14635s just be going out not with a roar but
14637s with a whimper the gladiators hungry for
14639s the win we'll see if they can close it
14640s out as we once more go to a shock matt
14642s pick for push
14649s so
14651s [Music]
14670s [Music]
14679s [Music]
14693s so
14702s [Music]
14724s [Music]
14726s we're clear for takeoff
14733s [Music]
14741s [Music]
14755s [Music]
14772s [Music]
14794s [Music]
14832s [Music]
14841s [Music]
14857s [Music]
14869s [Music]
14876s [Applause]
14877s [Music]
14882s [Applause]
14886s pound story is just like one of the best
14887s in overwatch it's gonna be panapanda
14889s tries to let him go straight away it's
14890s gonna be a nano attack as well a lot of
14892s damage in the back line and there it is
14894s four kills from padapan jaw hits the
14896s ground even he can't believe it he comes
14898s up with the ice and look at the pressure
14900s come off his shoulders he was able to
14902s take those struggles early on in stage
14904s improve and reiterate his game and
14906s finally just figure it
14912s the out and patapan going a little bit
14913s lower than he so chooses but still
14916s kevster routing the dallas fuel he comes
14919s back right the visor
14921s on the back the big grab from hard bit
14924s the nade on top but the gladiators are
14926s just tearing them apart he's up on the
14928s high ground he's just highlighted
14930s and they can't do it the gladiators have
14931s done it
14932s a four and zero
14935s and you can tell how much this means
14946s and welcome back with patan stepping
14947s back in he is once more gonna be looking
14949s to lift a trophy but first before we can
14951s focus on him and the rest of the
14952s gladiators are now match point let's
14954s take a closer look at the widowmaker
14955s battle here on watchpoint gibraltar
14958s yeah and you have to remember as well
14959s there was a period of time where kilo
14960s actually hopped off the water maker i
14962s don't know if he just he was feeling the
14964s heat didn't want that smoke anymore but
14966s arms man this guy has been piping hot on
14968s gibraltar today the scope has been
14971s landing shots nearly double the screw
14973s scoped critical hit accuracy 29-15
14976s five more final blows
14978s includes uh seven more scope critical
14980s hits there as well with a bunch more
14981s damage obviously lower deaths widowmaker
14984s is in the hands of arms he is the og
14987s water maker in terms of original
14989s dominance that we saw in earlier seasons
14991s it took a while for ants to come on back
14992s but my god of course what a game to do
14995s it on the grand finals for answer step
14997s up yeah
14999s yeah and you know obviously a lot of i
15000s think deserved scrutiny for the most
15002s part of on in some of his performances
15004s when he has been coming through in this
15006s event but like you said this is the
15008s moment this is where it matters the most
15009s and it can shut up the people who are
15010s saying like you know this guy is washed
15012s he should retire anybody who's saying
15014s those things you should retire as well
15015s because your bronze placements in in you
15017s know a ladder season aren't good enough
15018s so just just quit if you can't do a good
15020s performance one day no ons he still has
15023s that talent he just hasn't been able to
15024s tap into it but the magic words were
15025s spoken onsen sniper he woke up sleeper
15029s agent was activated and he absolutely
15032s destroyed the shock time and time again
15035s yeah shark put him on the glass thought
15036s he was their sleeper agent but nope on
15038s swap sides he's done the purple armor
15041s now
15042s paddy will be coming in in a hot second
15043s for the next map it is arn's coming in
15046s to win his favorite escort and there
15048s will be another escort if the series
15051s goes deep enough that's exactly what the
15053s shock have to do the good news is
15055s by the time we get to a next escort if
15058s we even do get there
15059s has to be a circuit royale the shock
15062s cannot make the mistake of going to a
15065s map like gibraltar again obviously both
15066s will be out of the pool now
15068s dorado's still in there circuit rail is
15071s far too good to pass up and the alley
15072s gladiators
15074s on
15075s the victory march now
15077s three straight maps in a row
15080s violet looking for another chip
15082s shark looking for another chip
15084s all these rookies on this team looking
15086s for their first ever championship in the
15088s overwatch league but it's the alec
15090s gladiators that have won the kickoff
15092s clash defending champions looking like
15095s they might go back to back
15097s yeah i mean you think back to the
15098s kickoff clash and shock knocked down the
15100s lower bracket defeated by the dallas
15102s fuel falling shy of being able to make
15104s it into the grand final now they find
15106s themselves here and that pressure is
15108s very real that can very much affect you
15110s when you are a rookie player this is the
15112s highest stake match that you have been
15114s playing in and yeah it's not just the
15116s trophy it's not just the accolades and
15118s everything that you are playing for you
15120s are also playing for a massive cash
15122s prize of 500 000
15124s doubling the money if you can make it
15126s out of this being the champions
15128s right now it just does not look great we
15131s have to just wait and see though a
15132s reverse sweep is what is necessary for
15135s the side of the shock if they want to
15136s walk be walking away with the maximum
15138s points with the maximum cash in their
15139s pockets i gotta say as well shock have
15141s had every single mad pick
15144s they have first seed coming in ilios was
15146s their choice
15147s a map that glads
15149s very much enjoy going to enables them to
15151s play lucio for fighting astro was the
15153s key map that got them the win versus the
15156s spark as well in previous matches in
15158s this tournament
15160s shock takers to i convolved it which to
15161s be fair that is their signature map but
15163s it was also a map that they are expected
15165s to win not winning with their key diva
15167s pick from college on
15169s ikovalde is catastrophic then going to
15172s map three
15174s high expectations to take us back to
15176s circuit royale where proper popped off
15178s on that sojourn
15180s 20-something final blows
15182s out of i think 28 eliminations so he
15185s basically got all the kills
15187s kilo was defeating arn's handedly on
15190s that map as well we go to gibraltar
15191s instead something that reiner would love
15193s to play
15194s ella glady has just beat the atlanta
15196s reign
15197s very convincingly on that map and now
15199s finally the map choice between new queen
15201s street and coliseum and this is where i
15202s said earlier coliseum i don't know what
15205s it is about this map
15207s the gladiators no matter how far behind
15209s they are and shock capped over a hundred
15211s meters versus gladiators on this map
15213s yesterday
15214s doesn't matter gladiators still came
15216s back and got the win same thing happens
15219s versus atlanta still came back got the
15221s win shock is like we're gonna dodge it
15224s we are going to dodge it but what we
15225s notice here as well you'll see that push
15227s is map number seven if shock want a
15228s reverse sweep we are gonna have to end
15230s on coliseum one way or the other for now
15233s shock trying to stay above water keep
15235s alive in the series
15237s proper if you want that mvp
15240s you need to start winning now
15243s absolutely and just hasn't been finding
15246s the same amount of heavy impact that we
15248s were seeing you know on elios which was
15250s so very close between the two teams saw
15253s him very much putting the team on his
15254s back but
15256s hasn't had the same amount of impact
15258s what really is into uh new queen street
15261s yeah i mean we could probably say that
15263s eichenwalder probably was one of them
15266s uh
15267s again the sojourn circuit would have
15269s been insane played some decent genji
15272s there but it was really a map of snipers
15273s right when we talk about watch my
15275s gibraltar it's a map between kilo and
15277s arms fighting for supremacy
15280s shu is well so impactful on that map
15283s and now on to new queen street
15285s where
15286s mikey the substitution has to come on in
15288s for this ball to make it work we are
15290s also by the way sink hilo on towards ash
15292s i love this this is exactly what we see
15293s from mn3 and the philadelphia fusion
15295s where they dominate here i think this is
15297s a great map for the ash caps on the
15299s tracer patty on the hanzo that is going
15301s to be a bit of a swap out patty normally
15303s does play the sergeant as well
15305s we've seen hanzo on this map a couple of
15306s times few and far between but yeah no
15308s sojourn a little bit
15310s interesting to see here
15311s i'm gonna maybe catch that a little bit
15313s with this pickup
15314s and i don't think
15316s the ash is really within padded powder
15317s pancreatic either so this is going to be
15319s that something that shocked you
15320s like ladies are not going to be able to
15322s match they always run the doom here
15323s whereas i think in recent games that
15325s we've seen for queen street the ball has
15328s been preferable here goes the kill first
15331s yeah and there's gonna be the follow-up
15332s writer getting on top of proper seismic
15334s slam on to him
15335s maybe the punch either way gets the kill
15337s confirmed spin under some fires kept it
15339s goes flying forward will be slept but
15341s can anyone get a punish looks like the
15342s answer is gonna be no and as i say that
15344s finn will okay got reiner as well taking
15348s out a good answer back the bottom hour
15350s pushing forward 23 meters established
15352s here for the side of the gladiators the
15353s shock will be able to answer back off
15355s the back of finn's picks
15356s and we'll see who gets the first
15358s checkpoint reached as well near queen
15359s street unlike coliseum very much easier
15361s to find that checkpoint than colossio
15364s so maybe both people will get it right
15365s with another kill yeah that's uh another
15367s first blood for glads
15370s number that's gonna be that's slowing up
15372s proper a hell of a lot here only 68
15374s percent on that old charge caps are
15375s about to have the pulse bomb online is
15376s once more the gladiators take control of
15378s the bot gonna be gaining some additional
15380s distance and i can tell you what right
15382s now if you are a shock fan watching you
15383s could you better be giving your energy
15385s in the chat because they absolutely need
15386s it
15387s okay your chakras are lying so far shark
15389s only have two final blows both of them
15390s are on defense
15394s they are capture point around the back
15396s presence known though
15398s starting to sneak forward get the top of
15399s kilo and look at the dive coming through
15401s they're gonna have the nano hands
15403s but there is the stick to put him in the
15404s grave
15405s they say old speed damn you are not
15407s keeping him in this fight proper will
15408s finally get his hands dirty taking down
15410s shoe a key pick up but skewed once more
15413s finding an elimination for himself takes
15415s out proper
15417s spot getting shipped back here finally
15419s but now patty gets the kill here on
15420s defend the transcendence pop skewed
15422s keeping everybody alive this quarter
15424s about on a mikey he's gonna have to make
15425s his exit the bot once more in control of
15427s the gladiators continuing to advance
15429s forward as milo goes down to the back
15430s end a massive stagger
15433s and just more value on the ultimate
15434s there as well i mean violet had to use
15436s the nano
15437s onto i believe it was kilo just to keep
15439s him alive and then the pulse bomb
15440s deletes him anyway so glad he is just
15442s out playing shock and ultimate usage
15444s proper finally gets a kill but goes down
15446s straight away rider on one hp and lifts
15447s he couldn't get cleaned up he's pretty
15449s low again but can he actually go down he
15451s might be looking for the minefield in
15452s the next fight and this would be
15454s disastrous kilo has to lift he's got the
15455s ball
15456s oh patty he does get thinking about kilo
15458s but he let the dragon strike loose and
15460s does still meant to find that
15461s elimination from beyond the grave but
15462s you produce a spar
15464s mikey still alive rolling out or sitting
15466s over trying to grab the health pack that
15467s is not there in the meantime the bot is
15468s going to be able to hit the checkpoint
15470s here in just a moment as the cleanup
15472s looks to come through excuse taken down
15473s by the minefield and actually it does
15475s get denied here the very last second
15476s with mikey rolling back over so the ford
15478s spawns not gonna be found couple clean
15480s up kills here for the side of the shock
15481s so they open up a bit of distance but
15482s it's a hell of a lot of distance for
15484s them to try to claw back
15485s it's huge from shock actually preventing
15487s the push from coming on in for the extra
15489s capture point
15490s like i sort of said prevents
15492s first of all
15493s gladius from confirming the stall on the
15495s paler which gets removed the next time
15497s they go forward but also removes gladius
15499s from obtaining further forward spawns as
15502s well so glad to respawn much further
15504s back allowing shock in that position to
15506s play on in this bob needs to be saved
15508s until they can threaten their own cap
15511s he's got to use it never mind it's just
15513s gonna get used skewed does get dropped
15515s proper finding one of the roll through
15517s takes down patty let's reset once more
15519s gonna be advancing forward now for the
15520s side of the shock
15521s seventeen start climbing see how far
15523s this is the problem use the bob now you
15525s can't you don't have the bob for the
15527s actual important fight which is capping
15529s the actual checkpoint this is the fight
15530s you have to win glads can just reset
15532s they say you use bob we back out we
15534s regroup his five we take a fight now
15536s with our ultimates and they have a nano
15538s online nike low
15540s shock might not be at the cap now it
15542s might not especially with that pulse
15544s bomb not connecting
15546s and it's going to be the gladiators once
15548s more taking control fit does shut down
15549s chemistry though kilo gets a nice head
15551s shot once more going to be nanoed up
15553s hiding around the back side of the box
15554s putting some shots there in the backside
15555s of ryan he's now going to be taking a
15556s nap
15557s doesn't have the meteor strike but as
15559s they wake him up he is dead immediately
15562s cannot use it the shock do meant to turn
15564s this fight on its head proper continuing
15565s to clean up getting both of the supports
15567s in the back end the checkpoint
15568s absolutely obtainable for the shock they
15569s will take the lead
15571s yeah and especially with reiner going
15572s down there as well couldn't media strike
15573s slipped and then just kind of boom by i
15575s think was finn putting the larvae up the
15577s volley in there rather ellie glad he is
15580s losing a bunch of members there so
15581s shocked despite losing mikey the 4v5
15583s they actually outplay the gladiators
15585s despite the gladiators having ultimates
15587s available couldn't quite get them in
15588s there again great sleep down onto rhino
15591s checkpoint means everything in this game
15596s that does now playing around with the
15597s forward spawns kilo again finding a kill
15599s paddy gonna be taken down
15601s hamster slinking around the back would
15603s love to get an elimination but at this
15604s point
15605s with how many losses they have suffered
15606s four people going down just needs to
15608s hold on to the pulse bomb
15609s pants they look to retake this but yeah
15611s this is uh
15612s a little bit rough for them
15615s killers there's two fights in a row
15616s where glads unfortunately aren't able to
15617s get a transcend they're losing members
15619s excuse thinking about the situation like
15621s i could transfer maybe our numbers are
15622s too low and then he just ends up dying
15623s with the trance two fights in a row in a
15625s situation that does not favor the
15627s gladiators and they have to start
15628s winning these fights
15630s mines are deleted
15632s finally invests the pulse doesn't find a
15634s stick doesn't find a kill the
15635s transcendence this time is going to be
15636s used kepster managing to get on top of
15638s finn finds that kill proper though
15640s answering back alongside my king a two
15642s for one trade up here for the side of
15643s the shot because they maintain bot
15644s control in this fourth position they're
15646s looking for a little bit more and
15647s scoot's got nowhere to go gets taken
15648s down ryan are able to find violet with a
15650s punch the very end but it's then quickly
15653s dealt with on the back end the shock
15654s continue to gain distance or can kim's
15657s keeping alive right now they're trying
15658s to clean up kevster and they will well
15659s well they can't because too many members
15661s went down they actually started to see
15662s shock dropping members great job by
15664s kepster to hold on to the actual point
15666s preventing from pushing forward now will
15668s push on four but reiner goes in two
15669s contests 82 meters glads have to prevent
15672s this from hitting 90.
15675s patty again swapping over to the zombra
15677s desperate measures
15679s called out for here in desperate times
15682s the shock go ahead can see the bot very
15684s comfortable the amount of distance that
15685s they have as well is still holding on to
15687s those forward spawns need to hit the
15688s midway point for those to be taken away
15692s a little bit of harassment coming
15694s through hilo he's by himself now going
15696s to be hacked but it looks like the
15698s healing is going to be good enough the
15699s peel is there they managed to keep him
15700s alive in the pond it's not going to be
15701s moving forward here from the side of the
15702s glass now shoe taken down kilo really
15705s finding his footing on this ash where he
15707s could not have gibraltar comes up with
15709s another massive kill shoot taken down
15711s i can see that kilo's input on the ash
15713s is really really high when glads can't
15714s really do much about it he's done 30 of
15716s his team's damage so far a lot of final
15718s blows
15720s and the shock continually holding
15721s control on this payload shoe going down
15723s the last fight no nano
15725s fighter source is now available ryder
15726s has to get out with his media
15730s semi aggressive just drop forward over
15732s towards the members of the shock kept
15733s sir running that opening pick and now
15735s the support is gonna be taken down nice
15736s double kill here for the tracer of the
15737s glads scientific slam writer getting a
15739s little bit of green hp will lead to the
15741s kill on the kilo gladiators finally
15744s taking control back at the bottom now
15746s the amount of kills that they did find
15747s can open things up can deny these
15749s forward spawns and potentially gain some
15751s distance
15752s yeah once they get past the midpoint
15753s that's the ford spawns going away so
15755s prop is the only one that doesn't get
15756s forward spawn see
15758s on the back right now from all the way
15760s in shock hq
15762s the shot can still contest this so this
15764s is not going to be an easy situation to
15766s count we're waiting for the patapan emp
15767s to come on through needs to land on the
15769s double support lines kilo can also block
15771s this with a bob so a lot that the shot
15773s can use
15774s oh okay well shoot throws the sleep
15776s bales out of the high ground just
15778s leaving mikey there as finn uses the
15779s transcendence the bob's gonna be thrown
15781s down
15782s runs into the back goes right alongside
15784s the bus but gladiator still managing to
15786s trade up kilo and violet both getting
15787s taken down mikey hacked
15790s so they say okay let's just keep moving
15791s this bot forward as best as possible
15793s property's the only one keeping it
15793s contested here for the moment does
15795s manage to find an elimination taking
15796s down the zenyatta but it's pretty close
15797s our supports will also get taken down
15800s proper again just ducking and diving
15802s around trying to keep this bot locked
15804s into place but he does this damn this is
15806s not going to be good enough it will
15807s manage to make glass complete points and
15808s the forward spawns are there
15810s yeah they have to back out now look they
15811s don't have supports because shoe and
15812s skewed died in that fight look at how
15813s far away skewed is you're right shu has
15814s only just managed to get towards mid so
15816s proper he saves the shock there he
15818s single-handedly kills like i think three
15820s players including the supports so the
15823s trades matter for the shock there it's
15825s not enough for the gladiators when the
15826s fight they have to win the fight cleanly
15828s without dropping members otherwise you
15830s have to back out
15832s well they did get the checkpoint at the
15833s very least
15842s making some calls trying to go for this
15843s dive rider kind of getting bogged as he
15845s goes forward connects what a shutdown
15849s violet stays safe and patty he's just
15850s got to translocate the hell out of there
15852s shocked
15853s once more winning at the fight cleanly
15855s the dive does not come to fruition for
15856s the gladiators achilles if the emp does
15860s not win a clean fight for the gladiators
15861s where they have five alive
15863s shock should have this one in the bag a
15865s 30 meter advantage
15867s the cap was there for the gladiator so
15869s we're not going to enter the stall mode
15870s for the bottom a little bit later that's
15871s the one thing that's good for the
15872s gladiators they have alternates but they
15874s don't have kevster
15876s they need gifts for the dive yeah he's
15878s trying to set up a play perhaps with
15880s that pulse bomb to open the fight take
15882s down a support but he's unable to do so
15885s nothing currently without that
15886s transcendence there's the recall proper
15888s just denying patty the damage over time
15890s starting to bleed away gladiators have
15892s so much distance to cover
15893s spot right now hovering around the mid
15895s point
15896s no emp having to jump away
15898s to be used and riders gonna be taken
15899s down opening kill found skewed falling
15901s lower and lower shoot trying to dump
15903s some some healing into that zenyatta to
15904s keep him alive captain just made the
15906s final one takes out kilo but the trade
15908s back is swift and it is brutal proper
15911s finds two finn finds shoe the ot bleeds
15913s away and we are not done yet this is the
15916s first in several necessary steps if the
15918s shock want to be victorious here today
15921s but they get it down on their map pick
15922s here on new queen street they fight back
15925s they deliver unto us a series not going
15928s down without a fight
15929s amazing map choice from the san
15931s francisco shark i did not enjoy that we
15933s went to gibraltar but this one this one
15935s really does please be new queen street
15937s we get to see the mikey ball very
15939s relevant for this map kilo on the ash as
15941s well that's a nod to a pack those
15942s strikes came straight from the fusion
15944s mn3 looking out down there on tequila
15947s with a bit of a smile there i mean
15948s fantastic on your quest you could see
15949s that there was nothing to contest kilo
15951s no long range damage paddy goes from the
15953s hanzo to the sombra and the final emp i
15956s don't know if you saw it but it was
15957s completely invisible he dies the mines
15959s emp did absolutely nothing capsidized
15961s the final fight as well and the ally
15963s gladiators
15964s they're not going to get a clean four
15966s and zero they want this one we're gonna
15967s have to go further
15969s that we are firm handshakes between the
15971s orange theme teams shock and fusion on
15974s new queen street looking great or yeah i
15977s mean they've managed to get that win now
15979s though the thing that is going to be a
15980s little bit concerning is that they are
15982s out of map picks they need to continue
15983s to win back and forth over and over
15986s again get a reverse sweep on the
15987s gladiators map selections we'll see
15989s where they decide to take us for control
15991s when we return from the break but do not
15992s do not go anywhere guys chalk looking
15995s alive can they continue but can they
15997s carry this forward and make it a 3-2
15999s scoreline after the next map we're going
16000s to find out in just a few minutes
16008s [Music]
16067s [Music]
16092s [Music]
16099s [Music]
16117s [Music]
16138s [Music]
16152s [Music]
16161s [Music]
16164s hmm
16168s [Music]
16179s so
16183s [Music]
16195s [Music]
16216s and we are back we have a series here
16219s not going to be the 4-0 sweep the
16221s gladiators were so very much looking for
16223s still are in pole position to get a
16225s victory here however the shock they take
16228s the first step in several to try and
16230s pull off a reverse sweep
16233s the young proper on your screen right
16234s here
16235s said in between the maps after losing
16238s gibraltar that if he wants that mvp
16240s he's got to step it up and on that last
16243s map for new queen street
16245s proper had 18
16247s final blows out of a total of san
16248s francisco shocks 40. two away from dead
16251s lifting
16253s keff's are on 11
16255s 7 down from proper and the san francisco
16258s shock once again
16260s a fantastic map choice new queen street
16263s brilliant read as well compositionally
16265s bald and ash so prevalent on that map
16267s and the gladiators unfortunately without
16270s arms in that lineup for this particular
16272s map patty's choices realistically uh
16275s most likely the sojourn that would have
16276s been pretty decent if you really want to
16278s try and shove it into hilo
16280s sombra
16281s so far has just been not very
16286s what's that what's a nice way of saying
16287s it just it's not been a very highly
16289s performing here let's say that the emp
16292s at the end absolutely no impact no dives
16295s as well you see so many situations where
16296s panapan wants to get a hack dive in on a
16298s backline target but reiner and campus
16300s are too far away can't help with that
16301s the sombra itself is typically not
16304s enough and even then when kepster goes
16306s on in that play from
16308s violet i believe instantly out playing
16310s kepster and elos on panapan where
16312s pederman can't see him because he fully
16313s eloises so he isolates a 1v1 from a 1v2
16317s situation and then lives and paddy pine
16320s has to back out the doom as well
16323s is
16324s i hear that rhino obviously favors but
16326s has not been in my opinion as strong a
16328s new queen street as heroes like bull
16332s well we'll see what they have cooked up
16334s for us here as we get ready to go into
16336s another map of control obviously a
16339s couple substitutions with sam stepping
16340s back in still have a patty and funny
16343s astro will be rejoining so likely to see
16346s some of the more of those lucio antics
16348s that he has been just
16349s utterly dominated on let's just wait you
16352s know what the map is going to be
16354s and here you know again uh map drafting
16356s analysis analysis from my side says that
16359s oasis would have been the pick for shock
16361s if it was their map choice they love to
16362s go towards that map but when you look
16364s towards the glass the one thing that
16366s sticks out is you need loose your map so
16368s ilios and lee jung tower are the correct
16370s choices from them elias was already
16371s picked as map number one fighting ashrae
16373s gets to come on in again when asher came
16376s in
16377s on pretty much all the previous series
16379s he wins for the la glady units so this
16382s could be the potential for a four versus
16385s one finish
16387s with the map choice going towards the
16388s gladiators and it will go towards the
16389s gladiators for the remainder of the
16390s series being that they are 3-0 up or now
16392s 3-1 up shock will not have a map choice
16395s for the rest of the series and any lucio
16398s map is going to be incredibly good for
16400s the glads
16402s yup
16402s well only a 25 when right on their map
16405s picks here in the series for the shock
16408s not great the stage very much set
16410s against them odds stacked against them
16412s as well love to see it's going to be
16414s liang tower as you were alluding to here
16416s for our next control maps the gladiators
16418s still look to close this out
16420s for 4-1 still an incredibly respectable
16423s score line in the grand final if they
16424s can make it happen shock however are
16426s looking to do the nigh impossible and
16428s continuing a reverse sweep take another
16430s step towards that trophy the proper the
16433s rest of the squad heating up on that
16434s last map seems like they should have
16436s some wind in their sails but now we turn
16438s our sights over to the substitution on
16440s the side of shock sam who had did not
16442s have the greatest run on the maps that
16443s we saw him initially needs to level up
16446s alongside the rest of this roster if
16447s they want to continue this reverse
16448s street shop run and and on specifically
16451s either sojourn or the echo here that's
16453s been i think two of his primary picks so
16455s far in this tournament
16456s um
16457s the reason why shock would have
16459s preferred to go to oasis had it been
16460s their map pick as you deny funny ashford
16462s from rejoining the roster for a
16463s controlled map so lee jung tower great
16465s for lucio oasis not so much when we look
16468s towards future maps you did see that
16469s escort was going to come up next the
16471s important thing about knowing what is up
16473s next is that because it's glads pick
16475s they are not going to take us to circuit
16476s so shock have lost the ability to pick
16478s circuit now for the remainder of the
16479s series let's focus on this game though
16481s this is one that shocked me to take step
16482s by step they still have to win this
16484s before we can talk about escort in more
16486s detail it's going to be the rhino
16487s doomfist again lucio for funny asher as
16489s expected sam coming through on the echo
16492s again that has been his signature
16495s during the lobby there was a couple
16496s questions with funny after rejoining and
16498s he said no you know more fit lucio finn
16500s said yes obviously just tell one a
16501s little bit about a lie
16505s they're gonna be committed again for
16506s that it's gonna be sticking with the
16507s zenyatta that was looking quite good for
16509s him on that last map pat pat already
16511s going to take it down proper fighting
16512s first blood once more good opening kill
16514s a spin will be able to strike down
16516s reiner the gladiator is going to be
16517s heading for the hills but the shock are
16519s deep in pursuit
16521s clean pickups here on these kills go
16524s ahead get some staggers and shock once
16525s more will yeah able to take the control
16527s point first
16528s 4-0 there in terms of uh kills to death
16531s so shock didn't lose anybody four frags
16532s padded bank comes back for the summer
16534s this is now going to be a time when you
16536s have to ask is this going to be working
16538s for the gladiators the is it third time
16541s running now
16542s to be fair i think they did get this on
16544s illios i can't remember actually ran it
16545s initially but the heck of the proper
16547s no connection from the rest of the
16549s dive shot's not really even coming
16551s across from paddy pence so he doesn't
16552s even get too much as far as the emp
16554s charge is concerned mike's gonna be
16555s taking a nap here on the point rider
16557s gets on top of violet but finn answers
16559s back finds kenster now
16561s eliminated that's the supports go on the
16562s pile driver from mikey waking up and
16565s turning things into a nightmare
16567s rider needs to try to survive this he's
16568s just so very low rotates out he'll pack
16571s not there they pile in they get the kill
16574s shock should be able to hold the point
16575s from here paddy pant just contesting it
16577s for a moment but has to translocate out
16580s here we go glad is now coming with the
16582s rest of the team still waiting for
16583s ultimates come on in nano is about to be
16584s up hack up to mikey
16586s a pulse finds one kept they're getting
16588s an opening kill mikey going to be anted
16590s out still acts trying to stay alive and
16592s eventually does get hounded down so
16593s finally the gladiators will be able to
16595s get this flip proper only able to find
16597s funny answer here on the back end looks
16598s to make his exit out pops the recall now
16600s puts himself in a bit of a bad position
16602s and that's going to be a stagger so
16603s gladiators will be able to go ahead and
16605s hold this now at 10. oh my god shock 62.
16608s what real 12 in the grand finals by the
16610s way actual tall from sam in the grand
16611s finals this is either 900 iq or 9 iq
16615s we're about to find out which one it is
16617s to be fair the turret is pretty annoying
16619s for camp sir had about to deal with
16620s pretty annoying for ryan to deal with as
16622s well
16623s i'll dive into the back and uh yeah file
16625s it he's gonna say that's pretty annoying
16626s as well don't get taken down the meteor
16628s strike for the exit as it did fall low
16631s field sail live been able to clean up
16633s one kill but why the fight goes the way
16635s of the gladiators sam's still sticking
16637s through with this let's see if he's
16639s gonna have to make another swap though
16642s a 30 alt charge there
16644s so just peppering away at the l
16646s gladiators that you call the nine
16647s millimeter here for a reason
16650s how to pan has the emp looking for a
16652s much bigger emp connection that we've
16653s got last time in terms of impact not
16655s just the broad number menu
16657s jumped on emp coming through gets a heck
16660s out of just a couple of members out on
16661s the 70 manages to find a funny asteroid
16663s there's gonna be supports now taken down
16665s the cleanup comes in on the rhino so far
16667s the only casualty on the side of the
16668s shock is going to be the turret just not
16670s anywhere near good enough gladiators
16671s they have taken the lead but they have
16672s to concede the point the shock will go
16674s ahead and gain control from nine
16676s millimeter to the hand cannon there for
16678s sam san francisco shock will take
16679s control like you said once more 70 and
16682s counting up
16684s and we might actually see this vaulting
16686s core as well in the final fight it
16687s should be coming online sound barrier
16689s available for gladiators try and at
16690s least mitigate some of their damage
16692s proper would love to get a connection to
16693s one of these two supports
16695s he's the only one
16697s so holding on to it yeah the beat does
16698s come through finn down so very low
16700s capture gets the top of him now violet
16701s gone
16702s the cleanup coming through shoot picked
16704s off at the back end of this fight but
16705s with proper and mikey the only two left
16707s standing seems like it's just a matter
16709s of time before the glad should be able
16710s to regain control here the shots do have
16712s enough time for one last reset one last
16714s fight as they get close to 99
16716s won't quite make it there but they can
16718s get a flip they should be able to take
16720s the round gladiators looking to hold
16721s yeah making hay while the sun shines
16723s there for the gladiators they might have
16724s used an early beat but they will
16725s absolutely they have to make take
16727s advantage of it to run straight at shock
16729s shock with no response there just the
16731s pulse bomb killed the shoe which is
16732s admirable
16734s but uh gladiators importantly get point
16737s control which could be going towards
16738s double 99 or in this case 99 to 98
16741s still waiting for this molten core see
16743s if it will have any impact
16746s now has it ready to go he's going to pop
16748s it immediately
16749s still going to try to sell them out
16750s trying to stay alive and we're talking
16751s about come through he's going to drop
16752s down aggressively cleaning it up the
16754s rider gets the follow-up kill taking
16755s down the entire kit of sam funny astrid
16758s traded however proper finding that
16759s elimination shoe now gonna be taken down
16761s proper doing incredible work here for
16764s the side of the shock the supports out
16765s of the fight to flip getting ready to
16766s come through the shock
16767s might have just done it sam playing bait
16770s and there you have it no contest to be
16772s found the shock will be able to pull the
16774s rug out from beneath the gladiators
16776s taking night market for themselves
16778s and when it looks difficult for the
16780s shock it looks like glads had to fight
16781s when they were going to get the one
16783s round lead on lee jung tower as well
16784s it's proper on the back like double
16787s support kills shoe and funny asher
16789s dropping down proper doing so much on
16791s the tracer for the san francisco shock
16792s again their star player when they need
16795s him he gets it done look at this let's
16797s take a look at it
16799s pressuring out and oh i mean funny ass
16801s right here he had his sights turned to
16803s the paddy but he just turns him
16804s immediately to the supports as he spots
16806s them jumping forward clean clean up
16810s coming through here for this out of the
16811s shot not to be too redundant but now the
16813s gates will open as we turn our sights
16815s over to gardens
16820s back over towards the song as a soldier
16822s nearly said sombra gotta take those
16824s dirty words out of my mouth right now
16826s let's gladly get his story though i
16827s think really looking for the maximum
16828s value on that sombra but unable to find
16830s it on the previous round
16833s which was a genji now
16835s ellucia wants more for the shock for the
16837s tuck is going to be violent piloting it
16838s reiner the first blood is mikey cleans
16840s up the kill sam finding one
16842s proper going to be joining him as well
16844s paddy will be able to get pin on the
16845s back of the fight for the point it's
16846s unlocked and once more shaku i think
16848s i've gotten the lock down the point
16850s every single time we'll be able to claim
16852s it first and foremost
16854s this prop is on 62 there as well so
16856s we're getting some ultimates online very
16858s soon for the san francisco shock kips is
16859s not that far behind to be fit
16861s gibson really trying his hardest to
16864s get those initiation kills mikey has
16867s been naded
16869s does expire though he manages to stay
16870s alive hp bars a bit erect here on the
16873s side of the shock and paddy little chip
16875s away at prop for the rail good enough to
16876s kill when he asks you're going to be
16878s taken down however mikey finding that
16879s elimination
16880s gonna give violet now the lead towards
16882s the side of barriers paddy's just doing
16883s the damage trying to find something they
16885s get to sleep out they have the nade down
16887s like he gets dropped good clean up kill
16889s coming through now in control only 29
16891s established this time for the side of
16892s the shock is the gladiators go ahead and
16894s take it away
16895s and rhino stays alive for an
16897s unbelievable amount of time there is all
16898s finally going down towards the end but
16900s shark aren't going to be able to get a
16902s point flip or keep control the point
16903s rather with just a single kill on the
16905s rhino they lose mike even importantly
16907s shoot great sleep dot like you said
16909s now the ally gladiators starting from
16911s panapan who gets an initial kill to prop
16913s i believe it was a railgun connection
16914s plus a left click it's going to be
16916s enough to enable the 5v4
16920s rider diving forward pulse bomb going to
16922s be locked in proper not going to be
16923s finding anything for that
16925s capture still holding on to one of his
16927s waiting for own
16928s prime target nano banana salvia are
16930s gonna be dropped in violet shielding up
16932s the team and paddy pants could be the
16933s first one to fall finn however gonna be
16934s punched off into the koi pond
16937s instead of dying now the primal
16939s does get popped mine are able to exit
16940s however turns his sights right back over
16942s the point where the gladiators are still
16943s in control shu however picked off funny
16946s astrum still alive still does hold on to
16948s the sound barry should they think that
16949s they could win the fight but it looks
16949s like they are more than happy to see
16951s this and funny astro will in fact die on
16953s the back end for a little bit of stagger
16955s three versus two committed their shock
16957s with the three ultimate glads on two so
16958s they still hold on to three very
16959s important ones sam has played available
16961s but funny astral can counter plenty for
16963s the glads to work through in terms of
16966s resources far less for the shock and
16968s they need to enable this sam dive as
16970s much as possible
16972s an early beat for funny usher again
16975s locked in not gonna find that kill fit
16976s does take down kevster who has back
16978s turned to him
16979s a one for one of dps for a support
16982s violet now gone putting that much more
16984s who's going to be trying to keep sam
16985s alive blade gets pulled finds paddy to
16987s start looks for shoe wraps around the
16989s corner gets the kill gets the dash reset
16991s they'll just put a little bit damage
16992s down on it the reiner in fact will find
16994s that kill in the end
16996s shock
16997s able to hold this the flip was damn near
16999s that to the side of the gladiators but
17000s it gets denied to the end
17001s and this time the early soundbar from
17003s funny astro tempo play doesn't work out
17005s they didn't have that for the blade
17007s afterwards shock just disengaged better
17009s yet shock i don't believe really even
17010s lost control the point there so they
17012s just have to wait the sound barrier out
17014s pull the blade through they know there's
17015s nothing to counter the blade and sam
17016s will get it done
17018s 86 percent this is gonna be live
17019s territory for the shock poor hp
17021s pops the recall stays alive 91 here for
17024s the side of the shock anthony goes out
17025s the wrinkles and violet and dire
17027s straights they need to get healed up
17029s proper managing the feeling for a little
17030s bit longer oh it's over grab something a
17032s pack mikey however gonna be eliminated
17033s out of the bag robert dashes forward
17035s advantage of the fight caps the flip is
17036s there for the side of the gladiators in
17037s the meantime
17039s falling low the heels start coming
17040s through funny astro keeping him alive
17042s proper still holding on to this pulse
17044s pump has not let it loose yet but now
17045s they find a rider they get the stick
17046s with the meteor strike is there he makes
17047s his exit pet again gets proper with the
17049s rail gets the elimination banana now
17052s expiring he looks for finn he's gonna
17053s find the kill sam off screen takes down
17056s shoe yes they are back and forth you're
17059s in this fight but the shock they need to
17060s make a decision do they reset it do they
17061s continue to fight it out they think the
17063s play call is going to be made to go
17064s forward the beat comes in finn gonna be
17066s swapping over on to the moira and sam
17068s cleans up two kills he's looking for the
17070s flip back through once more and they're
17071s gonna have it the touch is there reiner
17073s this time able to contest it but he's so
17075s very low on hp and ends up dying on the
17077s return finds the kill the blade now
17079s coming through jumps forward gets on top
17081s of shoe slices and dices him down it
17084s looks for a little bit more we'll be
17085s able to clean up astro the ot starts to
17087s bleed away kepster gets the touch he
17089s forces it back up to a full bar but the
17091s cleanup comes in as proper once more
17093s fills the kill feed and it is a 2-0 on
17096s li zhong tower to get a second map win
17099s the san francisco shock are looking to
17101s pull off the reverse sweep they take
17102s another step in the right direction
17105s don't get comfortable right now the
17107s second act is when the sharks start to
17109s get really good they're firing up proper
17111s with the insane outplay versus keps the
17114s steals the mega pack away on eight hp he
17117s was anti-native as well still gets those
17119s frags doesn't quite kill reiner but
17122s rhino can't effectively rejoin the fight
17124s anyway the shock have the booster onto
17126s violet on purpose just to keep him alive
17128s allows him to find the sound barrier
17130s only connects on two but it's enough
17132s it's exactly the two unique as sam
17134s receives the beat as well finds that
17135s dragonblade there's nothing the glass
17137s can do about it you said you wanted to
17139s see sam come in big and he does just
17141s that
17143s i mean it was just one of those jukes
17144s from proper where kevin just trips over
17146s his own fate he falls down flat on the
17148s ground face down what a play from him
17151s the rest of the team sam looking
17152s incredible coming out with that genji
17154s finding the impact that they so
17156s desperately needed from him in those
17157s initial early maps now the whole team
17160s looking fired up looking unstoppable
17162s we'll see though the gladiators still do
17164s hold on to match point it is not tied up
17165s yet but three two the scoreline shock
17168s can they continue to run it back i do
17170s not know but we are going to find out do
17172s not go anywhere this series continues to
17174s deliver time and time again you do not
17177s want to miss it
17184s [Music]
17202s [Music]
17218s [Music]
17227s [Music]
17233s [Music]
17344s [Music]
17352s [Music]
17392s and welcome back the series continues
17395s down but not yet out the san francisco
17397s shock continue to try to claw things
17400s back hunting for that trophy right there
17403s the mid-season madness three to two to
17404s the scoreline the gladiators still
17406s having match points still just need to
17408s close out one more map to be victorious
17411s and be back-to-back champions in the
17412s kickoff clash now here in mid-season the
17415s shock are looking to deny
17418s francisco shock they might have to climb
17420s this one uphill going upstream here for
17422s the rest of the series if it has to be a
17424s reverse sweep they have to do it against
17426s the wind as the la gladiators have every
17428s single map pick for the remainder of the
17430s series
17432s ends up being though but the shock do
17434s indeed win one of those map picks lee
17435s jung tower very important to the ali
17437s gladiators he had lucio there for funny
17439s astro
17441s could have been the ending four to one
17443s but despite
17445s everything the shark will pull on
17447s through in fact it is violet's lucio in
17449s the final moments that will allow the
17451s shark to be able to get that map when
17454s and it is
17456s now the substitutions coming back
17458s through we saw kilo starting to heat up
17459s there on new queen street having an
17460s immense amount of impact with the ash
17462s needs to do that once more got the
17464s opening kill on on some gibraltar but
17466s after that didn't find nearly as much
17469s impact so ons should be heated up he
17471s should be ready to come back into this
17473s it's all about kilo stepping up to the
17474s plate and looking to shut him down
17477s now let's talk about maps as well in
17478s terms of again map drafting analysis
17481s here we actually do not have a push for
17483s the map seven you can see the icon down
17485s below
17486s uh next is gonna be escort we're going
17487s to finish this one onto hybrid so there
17489s is not going to be the key color seo
17491s pick for the la gladiators on map
17494s should we get there
17495s now
17496s dorado dorado is going to be our next
17499s map important to note because it is not
17501s circuit royale uh gladius there's no way
17504s they take us to circuit
17506s that should have been shocks map pick a
17507s little bit early on we went to gibraltar
17509s shock would punish for it and now
17511s again
17512s shock have to win on more gladys matt
17514s picks hilo has to redeem himself here as
17516s well because ons has come back in we
17519s talked about how important ons was going
17520s to have to be in the series he won
17522s gibraltar or at least he was a major
17524s impact in terms of winning gibraltar for
17526s his team it's gonna be another sniper
17528s battle it's gonna be in more escort
17529s sniper action
17530s and kilo cannot fall prey to ons again
17533s if ons pulls his weight and does the
17535s deed this is going to be a glass
17537s championship
17540s see if it comes to fruition here and now
17543s the shock can in fact take us
17545s to that seventh final map of hybrid
17550s maybe it's just that both these teams
17551s are so well prepared to counter strat
17553s their opponents on their map picks
17556s that this is just what happens that you
17558s can't win on your own selection but you
17560s can win on your opponents we'll have to
17562s just wait and see usually the other way
17563s around use
17564s yes
17566s typically that we've seen so far in the
17567s series you know it's been back and forth
17569s we haven't had well we've had a
17570s reasonable number of sweeps we had a lot
17571s of my fives and the reason we have a lot
17573s of map fives is because map selection
17576s does matter there is a strategy behind
17577s it
17578s and as we teed this matchup up kilo
17580s versus arms proper and kev sir back over
17583s towards the genji now proper has been
17585s much better on the trace of the genji
17586s today proper also needs to be able to
17588s step it off against you to continue the
17590s series for the shock
17592s spotting on there for just a moment the
17594s timing slightly off for him to be able
17595s to find that kill and hans gets tagged
17597s down low i believe from violet
17599s aquila will find an opening kill
17602s ons get to dig across onto a single
17605s player but not going to be enough for an
17606s elimination with the ona gone that opens
17609s up a hell of a space but tim can be said
17611s ons does go ahead
17613s get involved as well also claiming the
17614s life of an enemy support
17616s you look at the payload positioning
17618s right shock want to actually get this
17619s one through the archway that's the
17620s important thing now they'll wait for the
17621s respawns
17622s it's back to 5v5 very important for
17624s answer trade that pick eventually
17626s because you can't have gladiators on
17628s that 4v5 giving up free space and plenty
17631s of free space has already been given so
17635s opportunities now look at kilo's all
17636s charged as well sniper jaw will go awry
17638s for both of them so far
17641s neither really nailing any connections
17643s on to the other let's turn their sights
17645s towards the
17646s notting widowmaker players on either
17648s team capstick it's on top of violet whoa
17650s whoa defined proper as well massive
17652s place here from kepsters three
17654s desperately looking for a target he's
17655s not going to be able to find it in
17656s cancer does come up with three as you
17658s say taking down kilo on the back end
17660s with a little bit of damage down onto
17661s mikey but that's gonna be the cart
17662s halted for now
17663s really important there let's take a look
17665s at kevster again starts has found out
17667s starts us off on the back line
17669s low explain to violet
17671s sees the low hp proper result does not
17673s allow him to reset then obviously we did
17674s catch on the camera the third and final
17676s kill that one was just for fun as well
17678s shock were already on their way to
17680s resetting from there
17681s importantly for the next fight kilo is
17683s going to have an earlier infrasight
17684s gladiators very difficult to respond to
17686s that when arns does not have the
17688s ultimate finn will also have the first
17689s nano so they can push with narrow and
17691s imprecise at the same time and glads are
17693s going to be in trouble the riders very
17694s low hp as well
17697s kilo on the hunt
17699s here's the shots coming through gets one
17701s taken down mikey gets on top of him
17704s finds that elimination and there's the
17705s infrasight pop now the enemy widow out
17707s of the fight
17708s there's
17709s the shock trying to keep things moving
17710s forward the nano comes out proper has to
17713s make his exit
17714s sitting here on the ceiling but oh man
17716s what a set plate jumps up over the top
17718s gets the zap
17719s shoe nails him with the ante
17722s nice little combo coming through now the
17723s primal gonna be popped
17725s kill up into the sky and odds escape
17727s shoot he takes him down
17731s beautifully done
17733s for any additional that they can
17734s possibly get i think violent blow they
17736s should be able to confirm this kill in
17737s the end things back to grab the mini
17739s pack and maybe it's not going to be good
17740s enough yeah oh hang on the trunk what's
17742s going on here uh skewed has juggled well
17744s away from the rest of the excuse out of
17746s position
17748s trying to save him but they cannot do
17749s himself he gets taken down kept it up
17750s pulling the blade trying to turn this
17752s fight around spare them some blushes but
17754s it's two members dead for just kilo off
17756s the back of the dragon blade
17757s why was huge so aggressive you have to
17759s play the back throw allow ryder to go in
17761s with the primal he can save himself he's
17762s a winston with a thousand hp no reason
17765s for skew to be that far up yes he got
17767s pushed in by mikey's primal but for
17769s mikey's problem to even put him there
17770s skewed already has to be very far
17773s gladiators they had an advantage and now
17774s they've lost everything they're
17776s struggling to find space answers to get
17777s a kill
17779s he's looking for it puts a little bit of
17780s damage down on the mikey he's discorded
17782s up so he can't really start to rip away
17784s that hp bar but
17786s so far he's been finding too many sight
17788s lines proper sliding along the rooftops
17791s there's a couple shurikens into the back
17792s here of shoes the plate now gonna be
17794s pulled bishop this is on the dash for
17795s the second swipe little man to find the
17797s kill and the kepster ticking down as
17798s well as kilo got a nice head shot the
17800s card advancing forward that should be
17801s the cap coming in for the side of the
17802s shock but the time bank did get drained
17803s down considerably the 244 for the second
17806s stretch here
17808s stagger kill the rhino there is all been
17810s i i have to again question mark what
17812s gladiators were doing off the back of
17813s rhino's dive reiner himself had made the
17815s fine play you have to respond to nano
17817s when you're a player down right cool
17818s shock have a 5v4 clouds of ultimates you
17820s are training a kill for an ultimate
17822s that's an exchange that works for the
17824s gladiators they technically win the
17825s fight but once you lose the trance once
17827s you lose skewed san francisco shark are
17829s snowballing off that one play all the
17832s way to a cap and now they have ultimates
17834s they played the blade
17835s semi successful doesn't matter they had
17837s enough kills anyway we're on towards b
17840s and here comes caleb with the infrasight
17841s it's not going to be answered
17843s no it's not widely ignoring the winston
17846s but now they look for the setup there's
17847s the headshot the nano immediately in
17848s response from shoot making sure they can
17850s keep them alive and now he dives forward
17852s does have that primal rage ready to go
17854s he's gonna let it loose he's looking for
17855s a kill on a fin but kilo he's turned his
17857s sights over it's gonna be a trade out on
17858s the honors but now so pointless are the
17859s gladiators with skewed falling rhino
17861s just juggling violet back over towards
17863s the spawn room he doesn't make his way
17865s in there i'm staggering himself phil has
17866s managed to make himself make his way out
17868s to safety the cleanup comes through
17870s violet taking a couple squats as they
17871s start moving forward with the cart
17873s they get those brick legs working
17875s gladiators they primal response and nano
17877s great save onto rhino you'll have to
17878s remember that's a force nano there as
17880s well because otherwise rhino might have
17881s been dead from the sleep dot in either
17884s case uh the rest of the gladiators went
17886s down ryder despite being alive due to
17887s the primal that just becomes a self
17890s stagger and shock now getting maximum
17892s distance on this payload push primal
17894s from
17898s his face though juggling back that oh
17899s boy well this could be bad
17902s uh yup
17904s all right flew a little too close to the
17905s side but he's offered up an immense
17907s amount of space so to get the cart right
17908s in front of point b but still just have
17909s a minute remaining to try to get over
17911s the line
17913s like you're now going over towards the
17914s ball so
17916s the next defense will be a ball play
17918s instead we're looking towards high
17919s ground control from either squad here
17921s glad it's obviously defending going to
17922s have access to that first
17925s offering kilo there
17927s there's a really good angle for kilo to
17928s work through though you have to be
17929s careful you're skewed you can see that
17930s skewed is just across from kilo oh yeah
17933s i was saying skewed might have been in
17934s trouble but it's kept instead that's the
17936s blade out of the fight i think he puts
17937s you to go button right now and get this
17938s card moving forward they have a big win
17940s of opportunity try to capitalize they
17942s start making it move up and kilo gets
17944s skewed proper gets on top of bonds as
17946s well he shuts down the infrasight now
17948s they lose all their info pile driver
17950s into the corner shoe is completely
17952s locked in and there you go
17954s they manage to start up the fight
17956s beautifully they don't have to use any
17957s ultimates for it either shock now
17959s another minute and a half added
17961s as they go for the final stretch of
17962s dorado it's just a great amount of
17965s snowballing coming on through right kilo
17966s with the further picks and you know we
17968s said that arms had kilo's number on
17970s gibraltar this time kilo has definitely
17971s been the top fragrance six final blows
17973s to ons two
17975s so ons has yet to kind of light kilo up
17977s and he needs to
17978s the san francisco shock i'm making some
17981s decent progress through the map here
17982s comes that infrasight now
17984s yeah i mean such a massive advantage
17985s here
17987s kilo
17988s just waiting kepster spotting out flash
17990s back out through the the glass there now
17991s the blade gonna be pulled he goes diving
17993s into the back line it's matched by ryder
17995s so they managed to goombas down finn to
17996s death
17997s there's violet nowhere to go ends up
17999s falling mikey slept for the moment he's
18001s gonna need to reset or exit he will go
18004s for a pile driver and just give his life
18006s this is 50 seconds left san francisco
18008s shock four ultimates ready to go for the
18009s final push but the kill that staggers
18011s actually
18012s that stag is actually kind of huge from
18013s rhino so that's gonna be extra time
18014s bought so san francisco could definitely
18016s down to a single flight with not a lot
18018s of setup to go through still ends up
18020s being a worthwhile trade gladiator you
18022s see a situation where the infrasight is
18023s traded for two ultimates shock can still
18026s play through with four minutes and cap
18027s this so in terms of economics it's okay
18030s aboard minefield just looking to gain
18031s some space as they try to enter
18033s kilos swapping over the sojourn now the
18035s rally coming out from violet
18037s the group up around shots flying that
18039s effect now gonna be burned there is the
18040s nano boost that played getting pulled
18042s auntie out onto it but he still managed
18043s to find the kill on dawn sets up for
18045s mikey to get the double kill onto the
18047s supports rider a rude awakening because
18049s he is struggling
18050s team kill they might have an opportunity
18052s to maybe touch back in but it's on's the
18054s first one to respawn as the widowmaker
18057s not gonna be good enough kepster now
18058s swapping over onto the tracer needs to
18059s get there in new time dashes forward
18061s just shy of two meters left the
18063s transcendence skewed escorting the rest
18065s of the team forward piledrivers
18067s connect but now runners take it down as
18069s he swaps over onto the soldier the sleep
18071s is there he gets woke it up the final
18072s does get popped violet juggled around a
18074s bit they're in the back lines that this
18075s quarter of still focus fired onto the
18076s break but he's not taking any damage
18078s skewed taken down shoe once more
18080s eliminated as the primal expires
18082s reiner's life will as well the cleanup
18084s coming in the finish comes through the
18086s shock they get to the end of the map
18088s expertly calculated by the shock that
18090s they have again we have to rewind one of
18092s these fights here it's an infrasight
18094s training for i believe it was a
18096s two ultimates one from kefcen one from
18098s ryder and you have the san francisco
18100s shook holding on to four kilo goes
18102s towards the soldier he knows that
18103s they're not setting up for a long battle
18104s there you don't have to snipe you're
18106s just going in for a major ultimate brawl
18109s final fight territory we don't need to
18111s have a big time bank here the goal is to
18113s finish with any time remaining zero
18115s seconds absolutely fine for an escort
18118s and they'll be able to use those four
18119s ultimates to perfection proper getting
18121s so many i believe they had five kills to
18123s no deaths there as well so a complete
18125s team wipe while the rest of the shock
18126s are entirely alive they don't have to
18128s rely on respawners because they got all
18130s five there and the gladiators
18132s desperately trying to touch with
18133s everything they've got skewed by the way
18135s his transcendence
18136s does not save kevster kev touches first
18139s dies to a shale bash from violet and
18141s you're instantly down 4v5 the
18142s transcendence comes on in but the
18144s healing wasn't enough the healing might
18145s not have even touched if somebody just
18147s died too quickly
18149s oh it's huge moves here from the side of
18151s the shotgun i mean clearly learning from
18153s that gibraltar experience because they
18154s piloted around on so perfectly well
18156s never really allowing him to get into a
18158s position where he had the sightline
18160s advantage
18161s they managed to make it to the finish
18163s let's see if they can do that now on the
18164s defense once more but if they can
18165s continue to really just
18167s circumnavigate him
18169s that's a lot of firepower take it away
18171s from the gladiators
18173s again line drawn in the sand here shark
18174s three caps or rather yeah well three
18176s caps form that completion here
18178s looking to take us to map number seven
18179s which if i was to guess would have to be
18182s midtown that would be the next best map
18183s choice for the gladiators but still
18185s opportunities to take us to a time bank
18187s here again looking at arn's looking at
18189s kilo prop will get his counterpart and
18190s kept stuff first
18192s yep bit of a slow down for glads
18195s still just inching this card forward as
18197s much as they can probably will drop down
18198s go for the contest i'm gonna clear out
18200s the bubble here
18201s give me that added layer of protection
18203s and uh immediately gets his sights
18206s our good side set on him by sku takes a
18208s bit of damage has to pull back around
18209s the corner mike he's still occupying the
18210s high ground as on looks for an opening
18212s kill sulfin there for just a moment
18214s shot across on the mikey that takes a
18216s much more oh that's gotta be kill
18218s this is the shot of the violet he's just
18219s gonna follow up with a tap there into
18221s the shoulder but it's not going to be
18222s the elimination that they so desperately
18224s need
18225s that cannot be a mess from ons that was
18227s for sure a frag undivided that would
18229s have been everything glads would have
18230s had the 5v4 unless keeler responds shock
18233s would have been in a lot of trouble
18235s and he's going to regret missing out
18236s because it was set up for him easily it
18238s exactly was a perfect perfect kill that
18241s he ans should have gotten
18243s i mean even just there kilo not paying
18245s attention to the jump shot once goes up
18246s over the top it just doesn't connect
18247s into the head
18249s needs to start finding his groove again
18250s it's another tap but kilo answers back
18252s and kind says okay you shot ben to the
18254s chest i'm gonna shoot you in the head
18256s puts him down reiner taken out as well
18258s and it's a good hold now for the side of
18260s the shock just draining down the time
18261s bank half the time nearly gone
18264s you can see the difference in the damage
18265s output but the frags go tequila right
18267s it's 84 to 52 from kilo so he's hitting
18270s shots he is able to land the damage but
18273s these aren't resulting in final blows
18274s whereas kilo is getting final blows kilo
18276s is 10 to two in final blows versus arms
18279s in terms of the total kills not in the
18280s 1v1 obviously
18282s infrasight can be imported here
18284s instantly drops
18287s aware of where he's at wants to try to
18288s reposition but obviously it lives again
18290s odds gonna know everywhere that he goes
18292s mikey diving into the back does get
18293s anted out does fall low discord orb
18295s still through onto the winston pops the
18296s primal rage trying to stay alive
18298s beaten and battered falling lower and
18299s lower they still do hold on to that
18301s there you go that's the kind of shot
18302s that i needed violent gonna be shut down
18304s five percent away from that
18305s transcendence but mikey nanoed up dives
18306s into the back managing to find shu will
18309s be traded there's kepster and reiner
18311s managed to dive together they get on top
18313s of finn proper low hp the cap is going
18315s to be there four minutes and eight
18316s seconds now for the side of the
18317s gladiators
18320s when they needed it
18321s michael get a kill here so there's gonna
18323s be a bit of a trade but with mikey
18324s staggered this is important because shot
18326s can't set up for defense until nike
18328s returns by the way violet dies on about
18330s 98 to trance you cannot overstate how
18333s important that was from arn's talked
18335s about him going for violent number of
18336s times he missed twice but the third shot
18339s rings true in the third shot dare i say
18340s was the most important one there as well
18342s because it prevents violet from
18343s clutching with the trance if i doesn't
18345s die that any trances could be a very
18346s different fight
18348s absolutely
18350s and finally managed to get that hit
18352s he said it can just be the single shot
18354s even if you're whipping
18355s the whole way throughout you get that
18357s one connection onto somebody who's got
18358s that all ready to roll that could be the
18360s difference maker
18362s getting the win infrasight up from kilo
18364s he's playing a little bit of a
18366s unexpected off angle here just get a tap
18368s on a the side of skewed who's just gonna
18370s be sitting in the corner now clark
18372s contested for the moment you also have a
18374s situation where the blades are available
18376s but the nanos are not
18377s the two snipers will barely miss each
18379s other there and there it is that very
18381s critical venom mine does save hilo's
18382s life we've seen him place it there
18383s before and arms will not get the
18385s connection on the player
18386s oh mikey
18388s slap the headshot
18389s what
18390s he didn't hit it he died he still dies
18392s okay
18393s gets the kill and finn is out in the
18394s middle of nowhere he's sitting in
18395s courtyard somehow just go down execute
18398s trench to clean up come through france
18399s does come in from skewed i'm not sure
18401s quite what happened there maybe it was
18402s forced either way
18404s the shot could at least be glad that
18405s that is gone but the cart is now
18407s rounding the final corner mikey nearby
18409s ready to contest this probably
18410s transcendence of his own
18412s you know buy some time for the rest of
18413s the team to join in but they need
18414s problems could build up a very massive
18416s time bank here
18418s they played versus no trance is huge but
18420s probably dies late which means he's
18421s gonna be late party here as well trance
18423s just to buy space
18424s no problem
18426s a little bit of time the nano now online
18428s from shu he's going to use it goes out
18429s to kepster he dives into the back and as
18431s the trans expires violet goes down
18432s proper just pull the blade himself finds
18434s odds gonna get more values the answer is
18436s gonna be no as both of these olds end up
18438s expiring mikey once more taken low anted
18440s out but he hugs back around the opposite
18442s side of the cart
18443s he's training places here against the
18445s glass members he does stay alive for a
18446s little bit longer but reiner comes from
18448s taking down the dps members on the side
18449s of the shock but now he needs to make
18451s his exit jump back over grabs the mega
18452s pack
18455s he got the supports down shoe and skew
18457s died in that fight so rhino couldn't
18458s stay in and now kevster could get he got
18461s stacked as well but mikey doesn't commit
18462s to the kills of kepster gets out alive
18465s that's going to allow the gladiators to
18467s regroup for another contest here one
18469s minute 35 they have to play up against
18470s the mines nothing to clear their minds
18472s with rhino might have to drop a bubble
18474s on top of the mines just to get rid of
18475s some of them and it is annoying
18477s for rider to have to do that if he does
18481s like he's got good vision here great
18482s scouting
18487s again rolling down the minefield at the
18489s ready
18490s off angle oh that's huge okay once
18492s getting a melee kill on a proper and it
18494s is just an explosion of death this mikey
18496s will be the last one to follow the mind
18497s he'll be damned it's not going to
18498s achieve anything as everybody else on
18500s his team dies around him two and a half
18502s minutes now for the final stretch on the
18503s side of the gladiators look at this
18505s they're going to eat some mines for all
18507s charges gets a further kill we talk
18508s about eyes need to come line he was
18510s asleep for the first half of the game
18512s but now he is certainly here getting a
18514s couple of really important kills
18516s and staggering san francisco shock as
18517s well to prevent them from getting the
18518s setup on this c point defense two
18521s minutes to play through gladius have an
18523s opportunity to get a better time bank
18524s than the shock but likely this one might
18526s go to ot as well
18528s oh mikey is just getting beaten battered
18530s the bubbles down looking to cut off that
18532s healing
18533s will be able to exit
18535s a bit of a battery here for finn to go
18536s and try to build up towards that next
18537s nano where shoe is you know nearly
18539s doubled his old charge
18540s different site gonna be expiring ons now
18542s has his available pops immediately
18545s setting his sights over towards the
18546s target sends one over towards violet
18548s shield defense low finished off kevster
18551s gets on top of the ana finds that kill
18552s now violet's going to be gone camps are
18553s cleaning them both up mikey a little bit
18555s of hp dead and this keeper for the
18557s gladiators
18559s no alts shock don't revolts gladius have
18561s two more available including a blade
18563s nanoblade as well
18565s i don't know they have to go now kilo
18566s has to go
18567s okay the slide in he's gonna be focus
18569s fire though cleaned up the ball trying
18571s to get there in time but it's just
18573s not fast enough
18575s and that is a massive gap between the
18577s two teams now 224 for the gladiators to
18580s just the one minute of the shock they
18581s weren't able to get much done on
18583s gibraltar they need to get some distance
18585s here on dorado
18588s two minutes 24 versus one minute and i'm
18590s getting mad gibraltar vibes here once
18593s again
18594s stay calm
18596s breathe
18597s gladiators
18598s a minute and 24 seconds in the lead this
18601s could be the map
18603s san francisco shock
18604s not out of it
18606s a brilliant attack here off the back of
18608s kilo opening things up would be
18609s everything you need
18611s but again we go back towards that arms
18614s shot onto violet on a that changes the
18617s entire game violet dies on 98 cannot
18620s trance
18621s and alec gladys begin
18623s marching through the rest of the map
18624s including situations like this where
18627s mikey's got the uh mines available
18630s who takes down violet ons gets the shot
18632s in the mail onto proper and it's just
18634s all player advantage from here and
18636s because
18637s they basically don't have to use
18638s ultimates there minus i think the rhino
18640s primal was used gladiators to walk
18642s through on towards c plenty of ultimates
18644s available
18645s infrasight allows them to delete some
18647s supports full vision where shock don't
18649s know what glides are doing guys know
18651s exactly where shark is they can set up
18652s perfect dives on the fin invited they
18654s get those two kills shock no response
18656s and now this one minute is everything
18658s for the shock they have to get maximum
18659s distance if shock can cap a they are
18661s still in the game
18664s much pressure on these rookies violently
18667s keeping needing to keep them level
18669s headed
18670s in this moment on looking for the pop
18672s shot spots him he and kilo
18675s not going to be able to get the the
18676s shots there but kilo gets the follow-up
18678s hit ryan are taken down
18680s big punish
18681s how much distance now what can glads do
18683s can you re-engage it without rhino
18685s available it's really difficult to
18686s re-engage and almost another kill there
18687s as well shoe barely survives
18690s i'm so not so lucky
18692s kilo continues he delivers once more
18695s mikey gonna be taking a nap but there's
18696s no one to try to pressure him out
18697s without that widow head shot
18701s mikey
18702s back alive finn taking the lead towards
18704s the nano charge 41 percent for
18706s just 11 behind he's looking for the hit
18708s he's looking for kepster hasn't been
18710s able to finish him off yet
18712s something okay quickly here from the
18713s side of the gladiators if they want to
18715s hold this they need to find a shutdown
18717s ot now coming in the dive to the back
18719s they find skewed they get that
18720s elimination bonds up on top of the
18722s doorway but needs to find some kills
18724s quickly for the team again but kilo gets
18727s another headshot
18728s takes him down kempster dead and that is
18730s going to be your cart contest eliminated
18732s as reiner's got nowhere left to go no
18734s primal to play off of and even if he did
18736s he would have to hold it finn will find
18737s two and there is the cap that you were
18739s talking about as long as they don't
18740s stand nine this they can get some
18742s distance
18743s oh no violet's too experienced for that
18744s surely he's gonna stay on the payload
18746s the entire way through the gladiators
18749s have to get this next fight with if they
18751s allow the snowball to come up through
18753s from the shark it'll be too much
18754s distance
18755s they got to end this now but kilo opens
18757s up in the rhino runner gets majorly
18759s punished and that's probably the one
18760s member you can't afford to lose
18764s they need this now into primal
18766s the defeat
18767s which is getting the card through the
18768s doorway without stepping away from mitt
18770s reiner diving into the back lines
18772s not too far off from the primal should
18774s be able to build it during this skirmish
18776s proper in the meantime
18778s spotting violence for a moment ryan are
18780s anticipating doesn't have the primal up
18782s yet and caleb gets him in the head as he
18784s tries to leap out to safety another
18785s massive opening here from the shocks
18787s widowmaker to get the second kill with
18788s kevster taken down proper now we're
18790s sitting around the back he sees the
18792s supports he's playing off the in for
18793s sight he starts pressuring them out now
18794s he can't get staggered they can't get
18796s staggered dash is over they've got two
18798s players here odds because the point
18799s blank headshot to go ahead and shut down
18800s the tracer but he gives his life for it
18802s violet continues to just occupy the card
18804s bring this further forward the san
18805s francisco shock and immense amount of
18807s distance opened up now
18809s what's online for the gladiators that
18810s they need to gain control here
18814s out the blade pulls gets the deflect out
18816s been taken down he throws his own nano
18818s but now violet gonna be carved up the
18820s support's gone from the top of the shock
18821s and this could just be the resting place
18822s of the cart ons will get one proper the
18825s last man standing now
18827s recalls out and knows that it is done
18830s and dusted tries to preserve his kd i
18832s suppose makes his exit but man for a
18835s minute start this is still fantastic
18836s from the side of the shock
18838s yeah gladiators cannot allow this much
18840s distance to come on through with just
18841s one minute this is more than enough
18844s far more than enough for the gladiators
18846s to or rather for the shock to be able to
18847s put themselves in a winning position
18850s 2 24 available from class they would
18851s need to snowball exactly the same and
18854s even better they have an extra minute
18856s and 24 to play through it allows them a
18858s couple more
18859s a little bit more wiggle room for
18861s mistakes but realistically to push on
18864s through to nearly the end of b it's got
18866s to be a guaranteed overtime regardless
18868s so
18869s shock
18871s they've really
18872s really nailed that offense an insane
18875s pick from kilo on to rhino
18877s to put them in a winning position they
18880s really want that reverse sweep and they
18882s currently
18883s got their hands on the driver's wheel
18885s they do they really do
18888s a look back at this
18890s this is all the way back in the
18891s beginning here from kilo misses that
18893s initial shot oh slim margins reiner
18896s thinking that he was safe
18899s kilo says no no one can hide that shout
18901s out to rhino resolve put him to critical
18903s oh
18904s it's just kilo killing writers he tries
18906s to exit just denying him time and time
18908s again and and again he doesn't have
18910s primal so that's another very impactful
18911s kill mckebs are dying there it doesn't
18913s really help but reiner being on 95 is
18916s another situation where the timing of
18918s the kill is everything there for kilo
18920s because had primal been there for ryder
18922s glades might have been able to initiate
18924s an actual fight
18926s well now on's put in a similar position
18928s need to find some impact with these
18930s shots we saw it from among gibraltar can
18932s you do it now on this attack
18934s deliver a victory in this final to the
18936s side of the gladiators
18938s kilo set the bar pretty damn high let's
18940s see hans is up the task
18944s archway now confirmed for the gladiators
18946s that step number one
18947s kilo on 35 arms on 16
18951s looking for opportunity to find those
18953s opening shots again these opening widow
18954s picks
18955s make or break the series make or break
18958s this map
18959s the actual 124 is what the glads have
18961s the only
18962s wiggle room for mistake that they can
18964s afford
18969s i'm just waiting see if there's any
18970s forward presence being shown there
18974s he's proper for just a moment cannot get
18975s the kill violent under fire but the orb
18977s of harmony comes in from finn they keep
18978s him alive and it's two kills found for
18980s the shock card for now locked into
18982s position with a minute and 15 seconds
18983s remaining to go
18985s a little bit of roll back though through
18986s as well
18987s look at the notes 71 for shoot this is a
18990s win condition in the making kiss they're
18991s going towards the tracer
18993s rhino will be the one receiving this
18995s nano to make space and
18997s boy do they need that space 124 gold
18999s we're down to one minute now this is our
19001s equal territory
19003s glad it's working with the same time the
19004s shark had on their attack
19006s dashing around the back he spots a widow
19008s there for just a second falls low comes
19009s away in the corner and he goes out
19011s violet mikey both gonna be clipped by
19012s that manage to disengage and stay safe
19014s no kills to be found yet carte once more
19016s pushing forward
19017s proper manners available hunting for a
19020s target receive the discord orb so they
19021s can track him now
19022s he jumps into the back he's looking out
19024s pressure on he picks him low and he
19025s manages to get him in the end the recall
19027s back up the full hp a massive pick off
19029s here for the side of the san francisco
19030s shock banana use on the rider as well
19032s he's in the back lines but he doesn't
19033s have that dead range he gets cut down
19035s mikey managing to survive a little bit
19037s of hp for him and with that hp bar finn
19040s can go ahead and get the transcendence
19041s ready now by healing him
19044s this should be awful to get second hand
19045s ten seconds capsule has to touch he's
19047s the closest member he's still alive and
19049s the glads are into the ot primal should
19051s be coming up this fight double support
19053s ultimates with a shock
19055s and kilo has the infrasight the next
19056s pick could decide everything
19058s the car touches there if they force out
19060s the overtime but now they have to stay
19061s glued to this infrasight nearly up for
19063s both of these widowmakers the primal
19064s rage now online for reiner holding it
19066s the rally threw from violet to start
19068s things off
19069s on dead he tries to travel away but
19071s proper chases forward finds that kill
19073s kilo goes for the jump shot not going to
19074s be able to get a connection finder still
19075s holding on to the ultimate
19077s as long as he possibly can transcendence
19079s has been burned
19081s anted out mikey lower and lower needs to
19083s get some heal but finn is going to be
19084s taken down that cuts the healing down
19086s considerably kilo
19087s taking out the primal they managed to
19089s cleave him down it seems like the
19090s gladiator is not going to be done yet
19091s they do get the cap there's still a
19093s chance
19094s they can't get off now for the rest of
19096s this offense couple ultimates can still
19097s be there shoe and arms looking at them
19099s proper with the pulse bomb proper has
19101s been keeping a lid on us he wants to get
19103s in all this water jaws it's not just
19104s about kilo versus arms proper is getting
19106s on top of arms now as well so gladiators
19108s have to be aware that there is a tracer
19111s going for their sniper and they have to
19112s protect them there are alternates on
19114s life requires they can still snowball
19115s this one san francisco can fully reset
19117s properly now there has to be at least
19119s two to three more fight wins for the
19121s glass to get this
19123s yeah they do at least have some molds to
19125s work with the infrastructure's still not
19126s being popped on now we're going to be
19127s using it as i say pulse pump goes in
19129s though ryan are going to be taken down
19131s now it's going to be on the supports in
19132s the dps to stay stuck to this card
19136s right now it's proper will fall ons gets
19138s violent they get the kills
19141s and suddenly it's just kilo the cleanup
19142s comes through a massive amount of
19144s distance now for the gladiators as they
19145s start pushing for the nanoboost still
19147s held
19147s one more fight
19149s mikey has the
19151s minefield available violence deciding
19153s what he wants to go through lucio
19154s zander's got to know it's going back to
19155s anna
19157s the san francisco shock can touch this
19158s one kilo going towards the sojourn is
19160s off this will be the final fight a shoe
19162s nano available could go on to anybody
19165s this narrow can decide
19166s he's get a touch they can't do it
19169s not like this
19171s unbelievable
19173s the shock they set the stage they get so
19175s close
19176s one more map to try to tie it up make it
19179s a 3-3 go for the seventh and final map
19182s but they cannot do it the pressure
19184s applied mikey is so low he cannot touch
19187s proper does not arrive in time and it is
19190s a catastrophe heartbreak for the side of
19192s the san francisco shock as their run in
19195s this grand final comes to a conclusion
19197s it is not the great bout the massive
19199s explosion of death the battle that the
19201s gladiators want to win to give
19203s themselves a victory is just a simple
19205s cloud nine at the end of it all the
19207s gladiators take this series four to two
19210s in the end they are your mid-season
19212s madness champions and i cannot believe
19215s it
19216s what a way to end things out
19218s this is overwatch this is overwatch two
19220s i guess so many c9
19222s that we have seen but it ends up being
19224s the biggest one
19226s in
19228s i mean considering the stakes
19230s the final fight to take us maybe to a
19232s map seven shot looking for the reverse
19234s sweep
19235s and there is not going to be a touch but
19237s the ali gladiators
19239s are gonna go back to back
19241s sent to the lower bracket
19243s the players embracing i mean they all
19245s know what an insane game that was
19248s nearly a four zero points as well but
19251s it delivered it really did deliver
19254s and this is the gladiator squad now they
19256s get to hang their heads high
19259s and i mean goodness i mean the 3-0 lead
19261s to start things out with a shark nearly
19263s coming back
19264s what a mid-season madness tournament
19267s a bit of a smorgasbord of a final
19270s everything a little bit of everything
19272s included in this one incredible widow
19274s plays from both sides the near run back
19276s from the side of the shock trying to
19278s pull off the reverse sweep
19279s and then the cloud nine finish
19283s go ahead and have it hand it over to the
19285s gladiators the shock obviously some
19287s smiles hugs exchange between the two
19289s teams who haven't gone back and forth
19291s across the room with their trash talk
19293s but uh i think that this is going to be
19296s one that haunts them the whole plane
19297s ride back to the mainland gladiators
19300s though they're gonna be feeling pretty
19301s damn good and one person in particular
19303s who's gonna be feeling especially good
19304s about his performance the whole way
19306s throughout is our player of the match
19308s which is shu who from the outset getting
19310s that 3-0 lead he was absolutely
19313s instrumental in it
19314s the instrumental the old thai way across
19316s as well so many impactful sleep dodge
19318s bionates the mechanics being shown here
19320s shu really is at the top of his game
19323s a veteran that has been across a number
19326s of teams now
19327s has championships under his belt has now
19329s a back to back with the gladiators here
19331s has been with the system on glass for
19332s some time and
19334s again we said at the beginning of this
19336s grand finals issue the best flexible in
19339s the world i think after this match
19341s a resounding guess from me 100 this guy
19344s was on another level this
19346s connection as well just everything she
19348s did was great i mean plays it right off
19352s of finn hits proper gets that kill and i
19355s don't even know if you need to really
19356s add the the kind of caveat the asterisk
19358s of flick support why not just say just
19361s port in the world
19362s i think that you absolutely can make
19364s that argument this guy has continued to
19365s deliver it and what you know while he
19367s had he doesn't have as many accolades as
19369s violet on the opposite side of the arena
19371s he's got like one hell of a team around
19372s him this season yeah he is racking them
19374s up now with these back-to-back
19376s tournament wins here at the start of
19377s 2022 continues to look absolutely
19380s phenomenal
19381s and i'll tell you what one thing as well
19382s is that you really have to also consider
19385s now when you look across the board
19387s the la gladiators are they the best team
19390s so far this year i gotta say it's a
19392s resounding yes so far for that result
19393s they are the best team in the world
19394s proven in the mid-season madness
19396s tournament they beat everybody they lost
19398s to shock in a winner's bracket game but
19400s they come through the grand finals they
19402s had an insane 3-0 lead um props to all
19405s the players but the coaching staff there
19406s is on we've got to talk about stuff like
19408s coach oh yeah coming on through this is
19410s a team that was leaderless right at the
19412s start of the year when you know d-pad
19413s departed face was thrust into the head
19416s coaching position his first time as head
19418s coach um and back-to-back victories you
19421s know first go the head coach he built
19423s this team along with dp he scouted he
19425s specifically scouted patapan and skewed
19427s those are two of his pickups and now he
19430s builds a coaching roster alongside him
19431s as well the departure of thai dollar he
19434s brings an under he brings in smash from
19436s o2 blast and the three of them together
19438s you know smash mullet and bald man i
19441s mean he's both because he's just got to
19442s make more space for his brains to fit
19444s you know he's just such a big cranium
19446s they get it back to back best team in
19448s the world
19450s absolutely incredible and yeah i mean a
19451s firm statement and without a doubt no in
19454s without a doubt at all that they are the
19455s best in the world right now they
19456s continue to deliver they continue to
19458s look great so a huge congratulations to
19460s the gladiators across the board i forget
19462s whether it was johnny or custa who kind
19464s of set it up and said you know i'm not
19465s going to be surprised if at the end of
19466s yesterday after the loss that they go
19469s back to the hotel and they managed to
19470s figure out you know how the shock is
19471s going to play try to get those counter
19472s strats going on and it was working at
19474s the very beginning of the series they
19476s tripped up a little bit but they managed
19477s to find their footing and close it out
19479s on dorado uh much to the chagrin of
19481s shock and their fans but what a final
19484s this was looking like a complete another
19486s wash he can't be anything other than
19488s happy that the shock were able to rally
19489s back get these wins on the board and
19490s make it look like that reverse sweep was
19491s going to occur i just wish that we had
19493s made it to that fifth and final or that
19495s seventh final math rather uh in this
19498s series but uh
19499s uh as if they didn't go through enough
19501s pain the first time around we'll go
19503s ahead and take a look at it once more
19504s here to see exactly what had transpired
19507s at the end of that map
19509s and uh and it's just unfortunate
19512s it really is and i you know i would have
19513s loved to have seen what happens on on
19515s the seventh map which i think for the
19516s glads pov probably would have been the
19518s midtown uh that was one of the key map
19519s picks from earlier on as well but yeah
19521s it's sort of the payload coming on
19522s through right it's you see a ball flying
19524s on in but it's not nike it's indeed uh
19526s ryder instead i do have to say that
19528s despite it being i think a
19530s little bit of an upsetting ending for
19532s the san francisco shock they have to be
19535s done from odds you have to be you have
19537s to be at least a little bit
19538s you know proud of the fact that
19541s they took this one to
19543s six maps nearly seven i think this one
19545s deserved to go to seven as well
19547s um it does maybe hurt propper's campaign
19551s slightly but at the same time as well
19553s you know he showed up big time over the
19555s cross the series um was a player that
19558s was able to shut down arn's played at
19560s minimum on kepster's level
19562s and the san francisco shock you know i'm
19564s sure they're going to bounce back really
19565s really strong for the summer showdown
19568s one can only hope but guys that's gonna
19569s do it for myself and avril it's been
19571s absolutely wonderful to bring you guys
19572s this grand final and congratulations
19573s avril on your first ever international
19576s cast an absolute pleasure to be here
19578s alongside you but the broadcast might
19580s not be done however is we're going to
19581s throw down to danny and sean who are
19583s standing by for a winners interview in
19585s our trophy ceremony so go ahead take it
19587s away danny
19591s apple and achilles thank you very much i
19593s am here with the mid-season madness
19595s tournament champions the los angeles
19598s gladiators yeah
19599s [Music]
19600s now before i talk to all of you guys we
19603s also have another special guest we have
19605s sean miller the head of overwatch league
19606s who is here to congratulate our winners
19608s thanks so much danny hello overwatch
19610s league la gladiators what an incredible
19613s week of matches danny and everybody i
19615s mean six day tournament 12 teams the
19618s biggest we've had in season
19620s and by the way 80 percent of maps that
19622s could have been played were played in
19624s this tournament just
19626s all bangers and i want to just take a
19628s second as well before we present the
19629s trophy to thank the overwatch league
19631s staff
19632s all the teams that participated
19634s as well as the university of hawaii
19636s manoa their staff their students
19639s really really incredible work to put
19641s this on so now the moment we've all been
19643s waiting for
19644s your 2022 mid-season madness champions
19647s the la gladiators congratulations you
19649s guys
19650s yes
19655s all right all right interview time all
19657s right so i have a lot of questions but
19659s let's start with uh shoe today you're
19660s the player of the match and i actually
19662s you said that you had some stuff to say
19664s to the camera and all of our viewers who
19666s are watching this right now so please
19669s say whatever you want to say it's
19685s all right uh can i please have a coach
19688s smash i have one question
19691s uh coach smash was the mastermind with
19693s the team right now and i i do wanna i do
19695s i wanna quickly ask you because
19698s gladiators you guys only had well you
19700s guys had less than 24 hours to prep for
19701s this match and yet you guys still
19703s dominated the san francisco shock so
19705s i want the details like what were the
19707s strategies involved uh for the finals
19709s match
19711s [Music]
19741s foreign
19748s all right uh didn't really expect the
19750s ilias pick but we were very much
19752s expecting the icon wall pick um and i
19755s knew that i knew that they were going to
19756s come up with a diva pick and you know we
19758s were we really didn't have an answer for
19760s it but thankfully the san francisco
19762s shock with the diva they really didn't
19764s do much and the fact that we were able
19766s to get them out of the uh diva
19768s composition i think was a very clutch
19770s moment vote that was the strategy uh for
19772s the los angeles gladiators all right uh
19774s coach smash thank you so much uh sean
19776s would you do you want to do it i would
19778s love to have all right ask hunter a
19779s question if you could step up enter
19782s back to back champions for 2022
19785s what do you think you've been able to do
19786s to instill in your players such a
19788s championship dna uh
19791s i think we just taught them to talk
19793s a lot and to enjoy their games i mean
19795s every other roster in the league is mid
19796s so it's kind of expected that we're
19798s going to win just make sure that they're
19799s having fun while they do it
19802s love to hear it love to hear it all
19803s right and last but not least let's uh
19805s can i please have a kepster
19810s hold the trophy uh yeah i'm just gonna
19813s give you this mic and let you talk to
19815s all of your fans or whoever whoever is
19817s watching our broadcast right now because
19818s you were a standout players i think
19820s throughout the whole stage so please
19824s well first of all i want to thank all
19825s the fans
19827s i think it shows that it helps us a lot
19829s and
19830s i think we're really proven that we're
19832s the best team in the world now it's kind
19833s of kind of easy at this point really
19836s yeah all right round of applause
19838s everybody
19839s that is it from me and the los angeles
19840s gladiators desk taken away
19845s [Music]
19847s thank you very much danny and
19849s congratulations again to the l.a gladys
19852s [Applause]
19854s i love patty pan in the back that is the
19856s entire time why the tables why walk on
19858s those precious university tables they
19860s paid good money for those tables if
19862s you're gonna be the best then you should
19863s stand above the rest oh that's going
19866s westbrook
19872s let's go ahead and jump in talking about
19874s this series though because it almost
19876s looked like we were about to get the
19878s reverse sweep i had the silver scrapes
19880s up on my spotify i'm not gonna lie i was
19882s waiting for it to happen and i was like
19883s reverse sleep is gonna happen but
19885s unfortunately it did not but you know
19887s the gladiators coming out really strong
19889s in this series winning that map on
19891s eigenvalue sort of really did the like
19893s flip the whole thing on its head
19895s look like the shock will bring it back
19896s but not in the end yeah i mean do we
19899s just want to recap the whole thing i
19900s mean we're going to be here for a while
19901s we want to talk about it i'll i'll talk
19903s about the game talk about the game i'll
19905s talk about the talk about it uh i mean
19907s illios
19908s i'm going to be honest shulk like should
19911s have won ilios yeah they were very close
19914s to winning uh on the final third round
19916s on this map had no planet for gladiators
19918s clutching things up um obviously it it
19921s was incredibly entertaining because the
19923s summer says go shock they went for this
19924s lucio moya composition uh they went
19926s super aggressive we saw a lot of uh
19928s lucio sunbury in gauges and they
19930s recognized early on that they had to set
19931s the tempo they knew that funny astro was
19934s going going to be fielded for the ali
19936s gladiators which naturally brings the
19938s speed boost so well what can we do
19940s instead while we speed up the tempo even
19942s more and you can see here 99 to 99 in
19944s the very final third round and it really
19946s felt like the shock we're going to take
19947s that one to take yelio's but instead it
19949s was the align gladiators and we went to
19950s arkham welding which was san francisco
19952s shark's best map entire tournament
19953s really yeah
19955s you do have to question the map pool a
19957s little bit by the san francisco shock
19959s like why are you going to illios when
19961s the gladiators just recently you know
19963s beat you on that map we know how strong
19965s bunny astro is and then we go over i can
19967s vote the diva composition doesn't work
19969s obviously the gladiators have done a
19971s great job of learning and adapting from
19972s their mistakes and then they go over to
19974s gibraltar not confident in their circa
19976s royale which i'm not sure if i
19978s completely agree with that could have
19980s gone either way but it just did not look
19982s like the gla the san francisco shock
19985s were just going to show up in this map
19987s obviously very very close
19989s in the end when you look at that score
19991s line we're going into this overtime push
19992s but it felt like the gladiators had
19994s control for most of this map so i don't
19997s know what clicked after this break we go
19999s into new queen street patty pan decides
20001s that sombra is the solution
20004s for their issues right now with the
20006s shock and we start to see that reverse
20008s sweep starting to creep in but it's just
20012s it feels like the shock
20014s they couldn't string it together it was
20016s based on individual brilliance we saw it
20018s from profit we saw it a bit a little bit
20020s from kilo but the same team that we saw
20022s yesterday did not show up in today's
20023s match yeah i'd argue that the backline
20025s for the shock they were a bit all over
20026s the place at times you know they found
20028s themselves finn was one place in the map
20030s and violet was another place um here sam
20033s comes out playing the torbjorn and it's
20034s like you know memes aside it actually
20036s counters the sombra uh tracer
20038s composition kind of well with the turret
20040s i'm not going to say that it's a great
20041s pick but it does you know theoretically
20043s counter that as well sam had an
20045s incredible performance here on league i
20047s mean shock was so close to like losing
20049s this round but sam just comes in close
20052s just like 3k 4k proper had an amazing
20054s tracer battle as well and we go over to
20056s dorado now this is where i would argue
20060s that the lag ladder is over performed a
20062s little bit kilo had some amazing moments
20064s on widowmaker but even gibraltar like
20066s anz had some incredible moments on
20068s gibraltar that i would argue we haven't
20070s seen from him since like 2020 including
20073s this one in overtime four points to four
20076s like i i could see how the san francisco
20078s shock they thought to themselves that
20080s kilo they had an upper hand there they
20082s had an upper hand in the widowmaker
20083s jewel hence why they wanted to go to
20085s gibraltar but at the end of the day i
20088s think anz had a spectacular performance
20090s he has been good you know great so far
20093s this year but he's not been like the
20095s best widowmaker in the world and so i
20097s could have seen how shocked we're like
20098s well we have kilo he'll win that duel
20100s but instead it was it was on state today
20102s and it really helped the gladiators win
20104s the stage and that final team fight the
20106s one that i guess never happened there on
20108s dorado it i feel like that defined a lot
20111s of the issues that the shock had today
20112s where it's like mikey goes out just that
20114s little bit too early gets so low that he
20116s cannot touch the point and then profit
20119s doesn't get that communication tries to
20120s go on arms in the back line it's just a
20123s little bit of disconnect just sort of
20124s cause them those issues so they do start
20126s having that individual brilliance
20128s especially from proper like proper was
20129s incredible this series you can't hold
20131s him for today but as a team it just was
20134s not them on their a game and true said
20135s going into this match
20137s yesterday we made more mistakes than
20139s them they didn't play flawlessly but we
20141s made mistakes today i think the shock
20143s made more mistakes it's exactly that's
20145s exactly what we heard from shu going
20146s into this game but actually we have the
20149s calms from the winning moments let's go
20151s ahead and hear what our winning players
20153s had to say
20173s [Applause]
20182s i don't know what i don't know what this
20184s is but yeah it's a thing now apparently
20187s recording an aunt he stood up and he
20189s started doing it too patty pan uh we saw
20192s it at the beginning i don't think in
20193s that replay but we saw petty pain like
20194s would jump over the desk could have gone
20196s around but decides to jump over it it
20198s was strange you could tell the
20199s gladiators weren't ready for that fight
20201s to end they were like okay we're
20202s preparing everyone stay calm and then
20204s they just happen they're like
20206s yeah
20207s kevster was very ready for that c9
20212s you heard i think someone was saying
20213s like united st99
20215s and then so this is where it comes to
20217s question was it technically a c9 since
20219s no one was even on the point to step off
20221s of you said yes i think it's a c9 you
20224s have five members alive you had multiple
20226s members who could have theoretically
20227s touched and none of them did there was a
20230s reason they didn't touch costa but
20232s here's the thing i don't think it was an
20234s unforced one because i don't think all
20236s five could have touched it was up to
20237s either proper or mikey mikey forced out
20240s very early has to run away
20242s it was probably on proper to be the guy
20244s to touch it maybe a miscommunication
20245s there at the very end but you know it
20247s doesn't really matter at the end of the
20248s day like they will force off the point
20250s the gladiators won and deservedly so
20252s you're telling me if i'm wrecking ball
20254s and i feed before the fight begins
20257s that's like that's c9 that's a mistake
20259s like that's not those are very different
20261s things well i mean by definition c9 is a
20264s mistake
20266s touche oh i got nothing
20269s [Laughter]
20271s yeah i think it was definitely a very
20273s unfortunate way
20275s for the shock to get knocked out there
20277s especially when it looked like they were
20278s just on the cusp of pulling off that
20281s potential reverse sweep that's
20282s definitely something that they're going
20283s to remember and hopefully not a mistake
20286s that they are going to make in the
20287s future but i mean that's that and this
20289s was our mid-season madness tournament la
20292s gladiators being crowned our winner
20295s guys we just finished a full week of
20298s madness
20300s it lived up to the name absolutely
20303s absolutely we had just at the beginning
20305s of the week uh you heard sean say i
20307s think 80
20308s of the matches that could have been
20309s played had been played they weren't all
20311s just like three sweeps three sweeps
20313s three sweeps we had three ones we had
20315s five maps back to back on days back to
20317s back in games
20319s johnny tell me what was this tournament
20321s like for you
20323s i think that this this
20326s no no i don't think i can i don't think
20328s i can was it though i i think what was
20330s this the best i think the worst league
20332s tournament
20333s even the grand finals delivered even it
20335s was a 4-2 yes it wasn't like crazy but
20338s it was some of the best overwatch we've
20339s seen
20340s obviously the best overwatch two we've
20341s ever seen yeah there was so many hype
20343s moments so many great best of fives like
20345s honestly it's the best tournament we've
20346s had at least in my memory like it
20348s honestly had everything it had
20350s storylines it had close games
20352s what can more can you ask i want to
20353s correct really fast 90 maps out of 112.
20357s with a lot of maps
20359s 90 maps out of 112.
20362s i mean
20363s yeah i mean it really was so close and i
20366s mentioned it like in the pre-show as
20367s well like the meta variety um again the
20370s way overwatch 2 caters to so many
20372s different compositions if you go to
20373s circuit real
20374s you're going to play sigma compositions
20376s all right
20377s you're going to see wrecking ball on
20378s like new queen street we're going to see
20380s doomfist on leading tower we're going to
20382s see winston lelone and spitfire are
20384s going to force reinhardt as well like
20387s the meta is perfect the matches were
20389s close and the storylines like the
20391s atlantean lower bracket run it was
20394s edible there were just so many fantastic
20396s things about this tournament and like if
20398s you go back in time it's like all these
20399s different stages throughout overwatch
20401s league history like there was something
20403s that wasn't quite right like 2020 summer
20405s showdown well it was just genji all the
20406s time you know
20408s 2021 countdown cup well it's like
20410s shanghai dragons and the dallas fuel so
20412s like you can nitpick all these things on
20414s all the previous stages you know watch
20416s league history and you know all the
20417s playoffs we've never really had a great
20419s finals besides like maybe 2020 so
20423s this might have been the best of all
20424s yeah
20426s it was amazing it was it was a ton of
20429s fun well scott any final thoughts from
20430s you as we are basically reaching the end
20433s we are at the end
20435s of six
20436s seven a week year of just straight back
20439s to back hype overwatch games if you are
20441s here and you've watched every map you
20443s said 90 maps it's been a long week it's
20446s been an awesome week thank you for
20447s supporting the league it's been an
20448s awesome you know thing we've gone
20450s through a lot of turmoil over the last
20451s few years awesome to get the east play
20453s in the west you know big shout out to
20455s everyone and all the fans for supporting
20456s the league thank you you overlea and
20458s yeah thank you to you of course i was
20459s going to say a big thank you because uh
20462s everyone this is the first time that
20463s i've joined watch not only watch point
20465s but also just the overwatch league in
20467s general and uh chad has been so nice the
20469s community has been so nice uh hongzhou
20472s sparks
20474s she reads live read chat i show them
20477s love because they deserve it they need
20479s some more love in the world but listen
20481s this week i got you guys in onesies i
20483s got you guys in hawaii outfits we did
20487s we're in snazzy suits for you kicked me
20490s i kicked you yeah i am winton
20493s uh someone finally sent me the copy
20495s pasta the winston jelly zap
20498s probably uh what awfully jump overly
20501s zapped
20505s the perfect combo so good but i do want
20507s to say thank you to the community for
20509s you know welcoming me and in and
20511s everything i had such a blast and thank
20512s you to for making this show so freaking
20515s easy also i did not know that you were
20516s you know i just thought yeah no honestly
20519s this is this is why you're not coming
20520s back next stage i've i've gone i've
20522s overruled you you won't be back next
20523s stage maybe in the future all right well
20525s that is it for us for the mid-season
20527s madness tournament uh but there will be
20529s more overwatch later we could pull up
20532s the schedule because as we are going to
20534s be going on just a short break we are
20536s going to be back on august 11th oh and
20540s that's that's a doozy i don't see any
20542s fusion for the first day back but uh no
20544s this is the the north america we don't
20546s actually cover the philadelphia fusion
20548s yeah don't cover the fusion i know well
20551s we recap it sometimes
20553s okay so honestly i'm going to say i'm
20554s not going to be there on the 11th
20556s fusion isn't going to be there on the
20557s 11th what's the point of watching
20560s oh okay they just tore up my paycheck
20562s yeah really oh no
20564s well anyways thank you all so much for
20566s watching thank you too again for being
20568s on the desk and thank the entire
20569s production crew who are all backstage or
20572s remote or wherever they are everyone
20574s here has been absolutely fantastic and
20576s thank you to the fans for watching that
20578s was our show we will see you all back on
20580s august 11th bye
20583s get this stuff off me
20591s [Music]
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20683s [Music]
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20725s you