4 months ago - PlayOverwatch - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s rookie mistakes to watch out for and
1s OverWatch two do your best not to shoot
3s zarya's particle barriers normally you'd
5s want to shoot shields in order to break
6s past them but dealing damage to hers
8s does run the risk of making her more
9s powerful and dangerous Anna is a
11s powerful fighter but her gun is not just
12s for enemies your bullets can also heal
14s your teammates making it a good kind of
15s friendly fight you might feel the need
17s to use kittu whenever but it's best to
19s use it mindfully it doesn't just heal
21s but can also cleanse negative effects
22s like burning poison hacking anti- heals
25s bleeding and even
27s sleeping no no no no and finally always
30s pay mind to the objective progress meter
32s it can alert you if it's being captured
33s behind you if nobody on your team is
35s pushing the payload or if there's a
36s sneaky hidden junkrat contest and as
39s always be sure to leave a comment if you
40s have any