over 1 year ago - PlayOverwatch - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s OverWatch 2 season 3 is live and here's
2s what to expect from this new content
3s Pack season first there's a brand new
5s control map the Antarctic Peninsula
6s which takes place at maisel job site Eco
8s Point base February 13th play a
10s one-of-a-kind OverWatch dating Sim mini
11s game starring Genji and mercy February
14s 14th is the start of the ultimate
15s Valentine's game mode and a limited time
17s Cupid Hanzo bundle plus the OverWatch
19s World Cup returns this February as well
21s March 7th one punch man's collab with
22s OverWatch goes live and on March 21st
25s there will be a limited time patchy
26s Marchi game mode also the battle pass
27s has been reworked with more rewards as
29s you level up such as coins in the free
30s and premium battle pass and even more
32s awesome rewards and skins speaking of
34s skins there's also the new customizable
36s Mythic Amaterasu kiriko skin which is
38s earnable in the premium battle pass
39s finally make sure you're checking up on
41s the shop for all new bundles like the
42s mercy honeybee bundle and to watch
44s OverWatch 2 on Twitch to earn twitch
45s drops and I'll see you in season three