14 days ago - PlayOverwatch - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s What's up, everybody?
1s I'm Jake, and today I'm going to be showing you how to play Venture like a pro.
6s Blizzard hired me to stop y'all from feeding when they go live.
9s Of course, I was happy to oblige.
11s Venture is a Damage hero whose kit is focused on mobility and burst damage.
15s Your skills can be used flexibly for either purpose.
18s Your primary weapon is a great damage dealer when it can connect,
21s but its range is limited.
22s It's important to play around corners
24s and other natural cover to avoid long-range engagements.
27s Each regular ability that you use will give you an instant 40 HP shield,
31s with a hard cap of 75 total.
33s As Venture, the extra tankiness from shields and the option to escape with your skills
37s allow you to play from flanking positions that most heroes would not be able to safely occupy.
42s Your quick melee is also unique, dealing the same 40 damage burst as other heroes,
46s with an additional 30 damage over time coming just after.
50s The damage is very nice,
51s but if you miss, you will be locked into a longer animation.
55s Drill Dash has incredible damage potential,
57s but it's also an important movement tool to help you get around faster.
61s Due to your limited range, it's often necessary to use Drill Dash
64s just to take a better position from which to fight.
67s The unique strengths of the ability are best seen,
69s when you can push opponents out of position for your team to follow up on.
73s It's important to know that you can also use your Drill Dash while Burrowed.
76s The cooldown will be reduced by 50%
78s and you can turn freely helping you to travel long distances more quickly.
82s While dashing under enemies does boop them,
84s the damage is negligible in this state.
86s If though, you dash right away after Burrowing, and delay the exit as long as possible,
91s you should already have your next Drill Dash ready as you come out of the ground—
95s a perfect way to harass the enemy and make a clean getaway or recommit to finish a fight.
100s Burrow can be used defensively as an escape or stalling tool,
104s but it can also be used offensively to devastating effect.
107s Unlike Tracer’s recall,
108s there is a window of vulnerability during which you can be interrupted or killed
112s before you make it underground and become invulnerable.
114s Be cautious around heroes that can exploit this weakness,
117s especially another Venture.
119s While you're underground, you can scout out the enemy team's positions
122s and decide what to do from there.
124s You can get straight to the enemy backline or pop up in the center of the fight
128s and drill someone out of position.
129s If you don't see any good opportunities,
131s just end at a safe position to reset your cooldowns.
134s If you've chosen to go aggressive with the Burrow, you'll have the option
136s of fully charging to deal 110 to 80 damage based on range.
140s Full charging also sends you up into the air,
142s which can be a helpful way to grab high ground over your target.
145s You can also consider popping out very quickly
148s for 55 to 40 damage and use your other tools for follow up.
151s The height of your jump is determined by your charge,
153s so take positioning into account.
156s As you probably already noticed from my gameplay,
158s Venture is a hero that can be played very aggressively.
160s This means you might be dying once in a while,
163s luckily, both of your cooldowns will help you get back to the fight faster.
166s This is the cooldown cycle for rollout that I found to be the fastest,
169s but certain maps might optimize differently.
172s Now a couple of bonus rapid-fire tips about Burrow.
175s Most heals from your supports cannot connect with Venture
177s while you're underground.
178s You can, though, grab health packs without coming up.
181s Burrow instantly reloads your primary weapon on use.
185s You can also defend objectives while underground and invulnerable
188s and trigger overtime on offense,
190s but you cannot capture objectives offensively in this state.
194s Tectonic Shock: Ventures Ult does devastating area of effect damage,
198s but it is easily blocked by shields or simply avoided by enemies on high ground.
203s Flying heroes are essentially immune provided they can get away from the ground.
206s In the perfect scenario though, this Ultimate can be devastating
209s to grouped up enemies.
210s On Escort and Hybrid, you can shoot Tectonic Shock charges under the payload,
214s which can be especially useful to clear the objective.
217s Barring exceptional combo skills like Orisa or Zarya Ult,
220s I would suggest Ulting any time you think you can secure a single kill with it.
224s It's not flashy, but it gets the job done.
226s The Ult also gives you an instant 75 shield,
229s which can sometimes be a game changer.
230s I found myself using Tectonic Shock quite often for this clutch factor.
235s Don't forget that you can
236s continue to use your abilities as normal while your Ultimate is active.
239s They can help you set up good angles for Tectonic Shock
242s or to stay alive if the enemy tries to burst you down.
245s All right,
246s that's all the coaching you're going to get from me today.
249s Now, you're just going to have to go out and give Venture a try yourself.
251s Let me know how it goes. Good luck and happy digging.