6 months ago - PlayOverwatch - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

13s What a day.
15s It's good to be alive.
17s I'm going to let you in on a little secret.
22s I wasn't always the friendly, carefree guy you see before you today.
29s I used to take things very seriously.
33s I never had time for fun.
42s One day, I realized...
45s something had to change.
47s I needed to work on me.
64s Now I've got a whole new outlook on life.
67s I realized that it's okay to put myself first.
71s Found out that I have a knack for bringing people together.
76s And I learned how to let loose with friends.
86s I work hard...
90s and I play hard.
93s So...
95s I only have one question for ya.
99s Ready to have some fun?