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604s and welcome everyone to OverWatch World
607s Cup 2023 APAC group a qualifiers my name
611s is G clef with me we have unknown we are
614s back for the qualifiers and it's gonna
616s be eight pack group a with stacked
618s countries fighting for those top three
620s spots yeah so it's gonna be really
623s interesting uh we've been casting uh
625s OverWatch contenders a pack which is a
627s which is very very uh fun uh which was
630s very fun and it's also going to be very
631s fun watching these teams and players
634s representing their com uh their Nations
636s and uh we have a banger of series we are
640s going to be we're going to be going
641s through all the teams actually we have
643s three matches so we will get to have all
645s six teams all six uh countries actually
647s representing and we'll get to talk about
649s the teams a little more of course of
650s course we kind of skip the patch and
652s we're on the live patch basically so
654s there has been a lot of changes we'll
655s talk about that too and I'm actually
657s very excited to be back right after Med
660s season uh uh Miss season Madness that
662s was really cool last week and right
664s after after that we're continuing with
666s the World Cup qualifiers I mean it's
668s basically a 25 or 24 hour non-stop
670s stream right now yeah so emea
673s um a pack APAC A and B APAC B first and
677s then a and then there's also um America
679s yeah
680s uh there's a lot of OverWatch time for
683s you and I know a lot of you are here for
684s the drops and so there will be plenty of
687s matches and uh broadcast time for uh
690s your for your skin needs and uh we we
694s definitely have to talk about the patch
695s G clef because we've been through two
697s patches before the last competitive
699s season yeah for sure and I know a lot a
702s lot of you guys of course we all have
704s our favorite Heroes and when it gets
706s nerfed uh slightly slightly worse but
708s when it gets buffed then then maybe it's
711s time to pick up on those new Heroes like
712s junk Queen uh she's got she's gone
715s through a lot of changes so I think
716s that's certainly one of the heroes that
717s we do have to talk about so junker Queen
720s went through a lot of changes mostly
721s Buffs there has been two patches one was
723s a huge buff and then one was a slight um
726s Nerf but overall it's still I think
728s jungle Queen's really strong the healing
730s from her wound damage is now 200 which
733s means that she can even uh drunker Queen
736s was able to survive a lot of 1v4s and
738s 1v5s maybe and we'll talk about the
741s patch a little bit later but G clef can
743s you walk us through this uh overview
744s here yeah of course you're going to be
745s seeing a lot of these for the rest of
748s the qualifiers of course we have the
750s different regions and we are in the
752s middle middle there a pack a actually we
755s get pop three teams so depending on some
757s region uh a will have top three teams
762s but the B section group B's will only
764s have top two teams from uh the pool that
767s they actually have so don't get confused
769s between that between those and then once
771s they move up from there then we'll have
773s a good stage and then the final stage
775s what's gonna happen later later but the
777s qualifiers that's going to be happening
779s for two weeks and it's gonna be full of
781s live patch matches so you can actually
784s learn and you have to figure out a lot
786s of the things that you can immediately
788s Implement in your in your gameplay
789s exactly uh even the previous matches and
791s the other regions we've saw it we've
793s seen a lot of different compositions
794s that was coming from uh that we've been
796s not seeing on OverWatch contenders
798s OverWatch League
800s um and all sorts of other competitions
801s like for example we've seen a lot of
803s Pharmacy recently and also a lot of Rush
806s using frequently a lot of the Cassidy
808s uses well a little less of the double
811s flankers because of the Cassidy uh we'll
813s talk about those as the patches go on
815s but I mean tldr we are seeing a lot of
818s compositions here and we are up for a
821s lot of OverWatch yeah today's gonna be
823s the first day of APAC group a here and I
827s know we we go uh move between the region
830s and you might be confused but just have
832s this Channel all the time then
833s eventually you're gonna figure out how
835s things go and of course the map Pool
837s yeah because it is uh first to two not
840s first to three we will have uh first
842s going for control hybrid as court if you
845s go to Fourth and push map if we actually
847s go all the way there so there is a
849s little bit of a curveball here for the
851s OverWatch uh World Cup qualifiers so
854s first map is controlled and the loser of
856s the first map gets to choose the map
858s type attack hybrid and escort uh
861s previously in our first to three format
863s it was control hybrid escort and then
864s push but for this format specifically uh
868s the losing team can choose whether they
870s want to play hybrid or escort which may
872s actually change a lot of things a map 3
874s will be uh will be push but um it'll
878s this is a very interesting format
879s because some a lot of these teams
881s haven't been playing together and for a
884s long time like professional teams and
886s they have very clear weaknesses and
888s clear strengths so it's really
889s interesting to see what kind of maps
891s what kind of compositions they will come
893s up to come up with yeah because uh
895s that's very interesting point on them
896s because some of these teams actually
897s qualify back in February and so some
901s March so and then and then thinking
902s about that there were some roster
903s changes in the middle and yeah we'll
905s talk about that as we go through the
906s rosters too so depending on what they
908s choose they have to choose their best
909s map but if if they actually want the
911s first map then there's a higher chance
913s of actually going into that third map
914s which is going to be push so we can talk
916s about the match a lot more but this is
918s today's schedule as we said this these
921s are all the teams in group a eight pack
923s so make sure you keep an eye on these
926s you have your favorite team root for the
927s team we're always always reading chats
929s at the same time but look at these
932s stacked teams between Japan up first
935s Hong Kong Indonesia's second and man the
938s third South Korea versus Chinese Taipei
941s so I do have I mean I'm what are you
944s gonna say Okay spit it out just do it
946s well I mean I'm Korean so I do have a
947s little bit of bias towards Korea but of
949s course I will do my uh I will do my job
951s very professionally however we do have
954s like you said gcloud a banger of three
956s matches here Philippines Japan's Japan
958s was recently featured
960s um in a lot of the APAC contenders APAC
962s action Hong Kong Indonesia all teams
964s that also do have several players on
967s playing on the contenders level South
969s Korea is basically an OverWatch League
971s team
972s um Chinese Taipei also with the very
974s stacked roster so it'll I do think I can
977s make some predictions out of this uh
979s there are some
981s um favorites here into into these
983s matchups certainly however I do think
984s that all the teams all the matches have
986s the potential to mix it up a little bit
988s yeah and it's going to be not just one
990s not just two it's gonna be three teams
992s actually making out of this uh Good Feet
993s so you do want to put your spot in in
996s top three but we're starting off today
999s it is going to be Philippines the
1001s Philippine versus Team Japan and this is
1004s quite this is quite going to be quite a
1007s banger because how we start because
1009s Japan we already know from the APAC uh
1011s it's going to be Barrel that we just had
1013s from Apex summer series not too long ago
1015s actually just two weeks ago yeah uh Vero
1019s so the entire Japanese team is going to
1021s be uh the entirety of barrel which is
1023s which placed second on the APA uh
1026s OverWatch contenders APAC summer and
1029s also they did pretty well on Spring but
1030s look at this roster from the Philippines
1032s here
1033s um Not So currently there aren't a lot
1035s of players that are playing on the
1037s professional level right now but they do
1038s have some experienced members and
1041s um in Chun Lee
1043s so she was on brainless I think the uh
1047s earlier version of brain that so that
1050s that brings a lot of experience and I'm
1053s just uh ready to be surprised of what
1055s this roster can bring yeah also all the
1056s way up all the way left on uh Redux was
1058s actually a team Philippines member uh
1061s member back in 2019. so which was the
1064s last World Cup so basically uh he's back
1067s again for to represent Philippines and
1069s let's see how he actually uh actually do
1071s and their opponent of course we've seen
1074s this roster just two weeks ago and they
1076s did pretty well almost took the entire
1079s thing but just came a little short going
1080s all the way uh to map actually map seven
1083s against Kraken so this roster is a
1086s little bit more familiar to fans who are
1088s watching a little of the competitive
1089s scene competitive leads of OverWatch
1092s um Nico kuki all very good players KSG a
1095s phenomenal tank player minted Cloud also
1097s very good support players however uh my
1100s main concern here is that although Japan
1102s is our favorites here I would consider
1104s them favorites they do have history of
1107s being reverse swipe so they do have a
1110s little bit of they do need to figure out
1112s how to close out a winning series or
1115s they might be actually in for a real um
1117s real trouble
1119s yeah it's going to be awesome because
1121s Philippines they did go through their
1123s open trials and even though it was it
1125s was not a Flawless run through but still
1127s uh one of their biggest opponent was
1129s actually uh wb40 and they actually beat
1131s them twice with a pretty big score so
1134s certainly a deserving team to be in the
1136s qualifier let's see how well they can
1139s actually do against uh Team Japan here
1140s because we've seen what team Japan was
1143s able to do not too long ago but for
1145s Philippines it's been a while right it's
1146s been a while since that open trial I'm
1147s pretty sure they did their practice on
1149s on the new format and everything with
1151s the new patch but we just have to this
1153s is going to be the day because it's the
1154s first day we're going to be removing the
1157s removing what's been covered one by one
1160s and see oh this team can actually make a
1163s lot of things work like this is a pretty
1164s cool com like the things that that we
1167s might not know yet we're about to find
1168s that out too yeah it's it's really
1170s interesting for me to see I'm really
1172s wondering how both teams kind of have
1174s their read on the current meta right now
1175s because it is going to be the live patch
1177s and I think Philippines did have a
1179s little bit bit more time preparing all
1180s the live patch because team Japan who is
1184s literally team feral uh was practicing
1186s on a previous patch because of OverWatch
1188s contenders which is also a very
1189s important part of their competitive uh
1192s career so Philippines do have the upper
1195s hand in a little bit of uh preparing and
1197s meta preparation uh it's just really
1199s interesting to see what they will burn
1201s out I do see Nico and kyuki on the
1203s starting roster right now so maybe I do
1206s suspect a double flanker which is coming
1208s for which is the vestiges of previous
1210s metas but
1212s um if I right now I think for the
1215s Cassidy Buffs really he
1217s and kind of hinders uh the a lot of the
1221s strengths of the double flankers so
1223s it'll it'll definitely be interesting to
1225s see because mihawk is also on the roster
1227s and very a prominent hit scan as well
1229s mihawk's not on the starting five for
1231s this control map so it'll it'll
1235s definitely be something yeah that's a
1237s pretty good point and also Nico was
1238s actually the the Tracer God on the team
1241s literally saved the team from losing
1243s losing their entire match on the clutch
1244s moment Nico would be alive somehow he
1247s would be winning one it won't be three
1248s duels he was winning some of those
1250s Lighthouse like taking control map by
1252s himself at the end we thought the match
1253s was over but Nico pulled it at least two
1256s or three times in that entire in our
1258s tournament but Tracer not as strong
1260s anymore there was a slight Nerf on on
1262s the spread which I think is actually
1264s pretty huge uh if you think about the
1266s range and all the damage exactly and
1268s also Cassidy I think there are a lot of
1270s a lot of more counters a lot of other
1271s dpses kit that are usable and also
1274s actually a lot of DPS actually went up
1277s in a higher tier and so to say And
1279s Trades are kind of coming down from that
1281s got tier and slightly so I think they're
1283s all mixing mixed and done and Nico might
1285s actually have to pull something else
1287s other than Tracer that might actually
1289s bring them down in terms of the entire
1291s power level as team Japan yeah so just
1293s to kind of elaborate on what the patch
1295s was for audacity is that Cassidy's
1298s um grenade has been altered a little bit
1301s so the damage was nerfed a little bit
1302s but it has a new status Effect called
1304s hindered and when you while you're
1307s hindered it it just hinders well for the
1310s namesake all kind of movement abilities
1312s so no Tracer blink no recall not even
1316s the TP from Sombra so if used correctly
1319s I think this will be a really really big
1321s counter to the double thinkers that
1323s we've been seeing a lot on the contender
1325s scene and also in the OverWatch League
1327s scene as well so
1329s um that is a big I think that's one of
1331s the big game changers here we haven't
1332s seen a lot a lot lot of Cassidy on the
1336s OverWatch qualified so far as far as I
1338s view only a few I actually didn't get
1340s much of sleep because I've been watching
1342s all the games for the last I guess 16
1345s hours ish but a few cassidies not too
1348s many I have a lot more a lot more far
1350s mercy and also some Echoes yeah echo's
1353s actually a good pointy Club because Echo
1354s has been buffed a lot as well uh
1356s especially for the ultimate charge Echo
1359s has Echo can charge her ultimate really
1362s really quickly now I think that was a 20
1364s of 50 at least 15 uh buff for for the
1368s old charge so having that early copy
1371s will be really really important and also
1373s on maps like ilios and maybe even some
1377s uh Kings Row I think Echo could be it
1381s could be a good yoga card yeah I think
1383s there can be a lot more pairs I think
1385s Sombra is still unchanged so we did see
1387s a lot of sombres coming up from the
1389s other regions so I expect that to be
1390s about the same but it's going to be the
1392s pair who do you pair up Sombra wit uh
1395s those ones in the air or Hanzo
1398s light Nerf uh personal personally not a
1401s big fan but because never touch Hanzo
1408s this so I'm
1409s um
1410s I'll confess guys and I'm proud of it
1413s okay but yeah I do I do think that
1415s g-club has a really good point in a
1417s sense that uh Hanzo is a good DPS right
1420s now especially as especially also
1422s because Widowmaker is really really
1424s nerfed right now
1425s um her damage Fallout uh according to
1429s according to the distance has really
1431s really uh scaled off so from what I'm
1434s seeing all my notes my secret notes here
1436s right now is that her damage falloff
1439s starts early and then it also the damage
1442s fall off is increased so at 60 to 70
1446s meters you cannot one shot a 200 HP
1449s support and also like if we say 50s to
1452s 70 you actually can't really tell
1453s exactly you have to be in game so the
1456s range that you thought you'd be okay
1458s before is totally not okay you have to
1460s cut down cut down that Distance by
1462s basically like half almost to get the
1464s same damage that you wanted before
1466s pretty much because if you're if you're
1469s closer than 60 to 7 meters and you're a
1471s Widowmaker then you're probably kind of
1472s in trouble right yeah goodbye
1474s that's not that's not a good position
1476s for Widowmaker to be in so Widowmaker is
1479s I mean of course even though she still
1482s has that one shot potential and even in
1484s close range and also does a lot of
1486s damage to tanks if headshot correctly
1488s but I do think that she doesn't have the
1491s the
1493s um I guess oppressed oppressiveness that
1496s uh she had especially on some maps like
1498s kavana and that kind of leads us to
1502s um some kind of speculation for me that
1505s maybe some some form of Rush like
1507s ramatra might be used a little bit more
1510s frequently I did I did see a lot of like
1513s you said Pharmacy and ball comps a
1515s little bit maybe even the urisa
1518s um but in the end I do think that we
1521s will be deviating a little bit from the
1523s classic Winston double flanker comp
1525s maybe veryl does want to maybe a little
1528s bit yeah there are some there was some
1529s some great moments from uh from the tank
1532s from especially from Team Japan using
1534s using a lot of Mantra plus uh the
1537s Winston but because of Winston because
1538s of the amount of Winston that we
1539s actually saw in in the tournament we're
1541s having a lot more Reapers even though
1543s Reaper did get some change in The Wraith
1545s form but I think I don't think it's too
1548s like too much of a Nerf in a way right
1550s oh well yes in in a sense that I think
1553s it's more targeted for the Casual user
1555s base uh because uh for this was the same
1558s change for the Mora and the reaper and
1560s that when you are already uh movement
1563s hindered uh for example if you're a
1565s graviton surge or if you have if you're
1567s hit by a Cassidy grenade you're not able
1570s to pop up that movement uh ability which
1574s is uh the fade for the more and also The
1577s Wraith form for the reaper so again I
1580s think it doesn't it's not like a really
1583s really big change compared in like the
1585s up tier level But A change is a change
1588s and we are hearing that we do have a
1590s little bit of a technical issues we have
1592s news for you guys go ahead
1595s all right so we do have a little bit of
1598s issues on the technical side for
1599s Philippines uh we are taking a little
1601s bit more time that so that means a
1602s little bit more talking Time For Us yeah
1604s which means that I'm sure you guys don't
1605s want to see our faces as much but I
1607s understand exactly I do look at I do I
1610s do look at mirrors every morning well
1612s not every morning I wake up in the
1614s afternoon whatever so uh so but we're
1617s hearing that we might have we're having
1619s some technical issues with connection
1621s issues with the players so we might have
1623s some starting roster changes because of
1625s this issue so as soon as we get that
1627s sorted out we will be moving into our
1629s first map which we don't know exactly
1632s yet but uh we're solving that issue
1634s right now so we have this time to talk
1635s about the patch which is actually great
1637s because we have a lot of a lot of
1639s changes within the two patches and of
1641s course
1642s what about Genji how come that ninja
1644s actually gets a slight buff that no one
1646s actually notices but only Genji means
1648s they're pretty happy about it because
1650s they get to throw more shurikens so uh
1653s Genji had a little bit of uh well I
1655s don't I think it's actually a really big
1657s I think in a sense that he has six more
1660s shurikens which means that he have two
1662s more shots
1663s um in both the alt fire and the primary
1665s fire
1666s um I think that could be a big
1668s difference to a lot of the Genji means
1670s out there
1671s unfortunately I don't think that Genji
1673s will still be meta uh I mean yes if you
1677s are some uh if you're a player like Nico
1680s and you can play Genji out of your mind
1681s well we do have xiaolian coming out
1683s later so just wait for him and then we
1686s can start talking about Genji at that
1688s moment
1688s and we have our first map this is going
1690s to be the control and ilios will be our
1693s first map uh out of the potentially the
1695s uh the third and how do you think about
1698s this one do you think we'll be seeing
1699s some units flying in the air a lot more
1702s um definitely so because Echo like a
1705s like we mentioned is a lot it's buffed a
1707s lot and pharah is also viable depending
1710s on what kind of map it is if it's well
1711s or the lighthouse I do think that it's
1715s going to be
1716s um okay so we might be seeing a lot of
1718s uh we might be seeing a lot of Flyers
1721s here and also I don't know maybe Diva's
1724s here yeah Diva certainly is going to be
1726s one of the potentially available uh
1728s depends on the cop that they will bring
1730s We'll see as we loaded to our first map
1733s Leos and Philippines
1736s okay so for for what we're seeing on the
1739s Harvard right now Philippines is going
1741s with the uh Winston composition however
1743s there are making a slight variance with
1746s the Echo and Japan is going with the
1749s double flankers oh yes still having uh
1752s Sombra which what not a different path
1756s so we'll see how well this works by the
1758s way Philippines they didn't have uh
1760s actually uh not making it instead we do
1762s have uh grandisado
1764s yeah so the technical issues I think
1767s will meet uh cop-ops make a decision
1769s here so I think there was maybe uh
1772s Charlie was unable to be on the lobby so
1775s uh we hope that those issues are fixed
1778s real soon but for now
1780s um Philippines I think has won the
1781s initial gamble for the uh composition
1784s however Japan is make is showing why
1788s they are the favorites right now for
1790s this match they go right next to KSG
1793s putting all the damage Source we don't
1796s test recall all the way out his
1797s teammates not really nearby oh there's
1799s echo on top but you do have to
1802s still inside and if you want to actually
1803s do some damage so for the Philippines
1805s right now
1806s um there are currently no members on the
1808s side of Japan that could actually really
1810s threaten the echo Mercy but they do have
1813s to make the most out of it because uh
1816s because on the neutral fight Japan is
1819s the stronger team so they do Philippines
1822s do have to make the lot the most out of
1824s the echo Mercy if they want a chance at
1826s this match yeah Mercy certainly
1828s certainly a DPS that can work in theory
1830s but uh if team Japan if they hide and
1833s just don't come out towards the range
1835s against that Echo they can actually be
1837s safe and also kooky here with the early
1839s EMP so I don't think Philippines will be
1842s expecting this because there are there
1844s are all levels are so low so low and
1846s cookie already has this EMP so they get
1849s very close they don't even need it
1850s because Nico is being a god oh I think
1853s yours is the EMP and they clean house
1855s and that is going to be at least a 60 to
1859s 70 percentage for Japan already that EMP
1862s it seemed like it wasn't even needed
1864s needed it in a lot of ways but just
1865s gonna pop it easy oh pug butt is having
1869s a bad having a nightmare I'm here so
1875s okay that was a cheeky place for the
1877s Chaser to be in but Japan is in a
1880s positional Advantage right now on the
1882s defense oh there is oh wow so puckman he
1887s is taking down early as well so
1888s Philippines does not have a tank and
1891s there's the copy and a feed couple of
1893s kills to follow along so maybe the
1895s Philippines finally can have a foothold
1898s on the point they did uh it's been a lot
1900s of votes but that was costful but still
1903s they needed to get their uh beat in the
1905s control Point there's team Japan a
1907s little lost and there's an Annihilation
1909s KFC is just gonna pop it once the
1911s control back immediately because his
1913s teammates are quite away from him at the
1914s moment kyuki all the way in the back so
1916s we're picking up two kills on DPS
1919s okay so Japan is using their ultimates a
1921s little bit undisciplinedly but they
1923s still are winning these fights so they
1925s can't complain
1927s because I don't think the
1929s I don't think the annihilation was
1931s immensely of value but still even
1934s without the old skooky and Nico are
1937s making these fights happen there's still
1939s that wasn't nothing to Japan running
1942s away with that first score against the
1945s Philippines
1946s oh that was
1949s actually quite one-sided as we thought
1951s Echo could have been really good but
1954s team Japan they actually uh they were
1956s hiding behind the pillar they actually
1957s didn't really put them into the fighting
1959s Zone I think that was a big biggest
1961s choice because uh the chance that they
1963s actually had so yes it was a really
1965s dominant display from Japan
1967s um especially in the comp wise
1969s Philippines did I did think Philippines
1972s did have the upper hand compboys but
1974s Japan credit to Japan for forcing
1978s Philippines not to make the most out of
1980s it so even in this composition right now
1983s it's pretty much the opposite because
1985s it's especially on the tank side because
1987s KSG is playing the Winston and Pogba is
1990s playing the ramatra however I do think
1992s it's going to be the same kind of play
1995s because Japan is going to play around
1997s their dps's and Philippines has to me
1999s has to keep Puck butt alive if they want
2001s a chance yeah so stopping into Ramada no
2004s that was a nasty
2007s they're diving in at the exact same time
2010s that team was was totally there that
2012s Genji walked couldn't really deliver
2014s anything in that first play for the
2016s again the first capture will be for
2018s Japan here
2020s again um if you look at kooky he is
2023s hacking the right targets at the right
2025s time so he although cookie is not making
2029s the kills happen most of uh well some of
2031s the times especially on well right now
2033s but they are they are forcing
2036s Philippines out of position and which is
2038s what Japan needs because everyone else
2040s on the team can make this kill happen
2041s Sombra doesn't if Sombra can make that
2044s kill that's totally fine that's even
2046s better but even if they can't just
2048s forcing them out of position and there
2051s is the Genji gone again
2054s what is not being a menace at all
2057s towards the back line of Japan because
2059s that's what they need they need to be
2061s effective the Japanese backline if they
2063s want anything yeah that's exactly what
2066s they're missing Philippines they needed
2067s some more DPS along two actually grab a
2070s kill onto either the Wednesday which is
2072s pretty easy because they do have Reaper
2074s around here
2076s Philippines are losing a lot in time
2079s because it's already 52 on the other
2081s side
2082s oh this is being a massacre here do they
2085s need to make a switch right now because
2087s that Genji has been having no impact
2089s whatsoever and Genji is basically
2091s Genji's old levels are almost at default
2094s levels so it's 30 hey while Nico already
2097s has the pulse bomb and not 89 81 on that
2101s EMP so a lot of fight value for Japan as
2103s well so now it's not gonna be even the
2105s neutral fight but also the ultimate is
2107s in favor of Japan the Philippine needs
2109s to pull a miracle here you can hear the
2111s dive with uh with uh The Reaper and The
2113s Winston but the reaper is going to go
2115s down to two loud actually kill picked up
2116s by Anna and Genji here not alive for too
2119s long if she's still on Primal primal's
2122s over now but the entire team fight is
2123s over that's the entire team wife going
2125s for Japan again 91 can Philippines turn
2129s this around it's going to be the entire
2131s match can they even touch that is gonna
2133s be the question and all the stuck to the
2137s reaper just nice the touch and that is
2139s gonna be a easy 2-0 for a first map on
2143s Japan man Japan oh we've seen we've seen
2146s their play not too long ago and still
2148s sticking with that uh the team con that
2150s worked uh with a different patch but
2152s still seems pretty good to me I mean
2155s whatever works unless it's broken like
2157s we don't have to really fix it and it
2160s worked perfectly against uh Philippines
2161s and Philippines they didn't really get
2163s uh their big chance especially on the
2165s second map uh to do anything uh I don't
2168s think it was a big uh it was a big risk
2171s to bring Genji first of all I think but
2174s maybe having a having a quick shift in
2176s the hero pool I think might be needed in
2178s the next next map if they want to
2180s compete against Japan I do think that on
2182s the side of Philippines I they do need
2184s to kind of figure out what they want to
2186s do it looks like they're really
2188s disoriented and what they want to do
2189s because sometimes they they're looking
2190s at the bat line againji is isolated uh
2193s Philippines especially on well uh
2195s Philippines Genji was kind of trying to
2198s look at the back line but was isolated
2200s and then caught out and on Lighthouse
2203s they were trying to go for the front
2205s Lane flight
2206s and the team wasn't coordinated so I
2209s think a little bit of better
2211s um I guess cool coordination is kind in
2213s order for Philippines and Japan I I
2216s think they're holding their cards here I
2218s do think that if they did bring a lot
2220s they did prepare a lot for the live
2222s patch they're just playing on the
2223s previous patch because number one
2224s they're used to it and number two they
2225s don't need to pull out the new card set
2227s yeah that's exactly what team Japan
2229s should be thinking right now is they
2231s single-handedly basically that was a
2233s second one of course was 100 to zero but
2236s the first one was actually uh not not
2238s too well I'll be honest it was still
2241s kind of one-sided right so Philippines I
2243s think this is a good time to actually
2244s adjust to the think about because they
2247s get to choose the second and it's going
2249s to be either hybrid or escort so it
2251s depends on the map and maybe they can
2253s have pull out their best comp I think
2255s this is this has to be it because we're
2257s not playing first episode first of three
2258s we're playing first to two and every
2260s every single of these matches actually
2261s matter for you to get out of these
2263s qualifiers so I think Philippines they
2265s have to really spin their heads right
2267s now exactly so Philippines I think it
2269s will be making the choice for the map
2272s type and map and like you said G clef
2274s this is very important because every map
2277s matters especially now that in this
2278s group three teams will advance
2281s even map differentials may even matter
2283s especially because there are two clear
2285s favorites in this group which is I'll
2289s I'll be I'll risk it I'll risk my neck
2291s and say this South Korea yeah
2294s maybe your hair okay maybe so Japan and
2298s Korea are clear favorites for this group
2300s and the I think it's this fight for
2302s third place and for that uh losing even
2306s if you lose if you win that's that's
2309s totally great even if you lose getting
2311s to the full extension of the match
2314s meaning that you get less um less roll
2317s through in map differentials it's really
2319s important for that qualification spot
2321s yeah I think everything matters
2322s everything every single point every
2324s single kill doesn't matter it leads into
2325s you every single percentage I think
2327s that's realistically what you'd be
2329s aiming for I I do agree I think we have
2331s really high up there the two uh clear
2333s favorites in in our group uh group a of
2336s aipac but the third place of course you
2339s have to As Long as You go into that
2342s third place that you still get out here
2344s yeah being qualified and not being
2346s qualified are two like they're just
2348s different they they can't be the same so
2351s it does matter and for Philippines I
2354s they I hope they do come up with
2356s something that that can counter um the
2359s Japanese aggression here yeah I think
2361s Philippines uh it depends on the map
2363s really oh Echo it can actually work uh
2366s better if you think about some escort
2367s map that you uh you can think of and
2370s also also in push when we get when we
2373s potentially get into push but certainly
2375s it's not really work in that Lighthouse
2377s at all and depending on the comp I think
2380s Japan was just slightly more ready in
2381s terms of Team comp and we did see some
2383s uh pretty good moments of Reaper and
2386s Winston diving in at the same time from
2388s Philippines but Japan they were overall
2390s ready for that time exactly it was like
2392s oh come at us we're actually ready for
2394s you like there was an anti-anti grenade
2397s at the same time with the Winston dive
2399s from Japan to the power level we could
2401s see the difference here in the first map
2403s uh but we'll see what happens in our
2405s second map potentially I think we
2407s because I think there are some
2409s substitutions happening that's why we're
2411s actually you're taking some more time
2412s before we're going to jump into the
2414s second map which I don't know what it is
2416s exactly spell it I dare you I read it
2420s but
2422s I did see it on screen but I want to see
2425s it pop it on our screen I'll I'll keep
2427s that spoiler all right so it I'll also
2430s I'll do this though it is an escort map
2433s I'll give you that oh really it is then
2435s I have no idea what it is okay never
2437s mind but I do think it does make sense
2439s uh depending on what was being shown in
2441s the Philippines here it is Gibraltar so
2444s this uh this to me feels like
2446s Philippines wants to play the Winston
2448s again and there's also a substitution
2451s now that Chun and Lee is playing again
2453s okay so apparently I hope that his
2456s technical issues are fixed so this is
2459s going to be the what the Philippines was
2462s meant to start as they're starting five
2463s so we'll see I I do still think that
2466s they will run a Winston comp though yeah
2468s winston-com I think it's still really
2470s good Reaper I think uh was the right
2472s choice because ksg's uh Winston was
2475s actually pretty I think his G actually
2477s overall even in Apex summer series from
2480s contenders one of the best thing for
2482s sure because this guy called KSG can
2485s actually match your team and also a good
2487s Winston always come back comes back to
2489s you without dying and that was cages KSG
2493s okay no substitutions on the Japanese
2495s side it looks like okay there Japan is
2499s going attack so it they might change
2502s their composition while they're hovering
2504s it but as you can see Philippines is
2508s still going to run the same compositions
2510s that they were trying to run
2512s and I do think uh especially coming into
2515s OverWatch too the back line the two
2517s supports uh there's a lot of
2519s responsibility uh that you do have to
2521s take care of how depending on how strong
2524s the back line is uh a lot of a lot of
2526s fights actually we saw the importance of
2528s the back line during the mid-season
2530s so like this edgy Club it is going to be
2533s very very important and oh okay I see a
2537s okay I I was about to mention the
2539s symmetra but there is the Tracer now and
2542s both Echoes on the team Philippines has
2545s the haunt us of maybe that one hit
2547s potential might be able what they just
2550s need to unlock Japan yeah looks like
2552s he's gonna swap into something else okay
2555s there is that Sombra there so again
2558s uh Japan is going with that double
2559s clinker yeah after checking out the
2561s composition of uh Philippines
2564s had a pretty good time in the last match
2567s so okay buy some time make sure you have
2569s your positions and make sure the
2571s tracer's on bro you can actually rotate
2573s go around still there's that Tracer
2574s pushing the okay a little bit they got
2578s through that bridge so that is a first
2580s tweetups oh no silver actually took care
2583s of both basically okay both DPS is down
2587s for the side of Philippines they do have
2589s to put you back if they want a chance
2590s for that recontest that it looks like
2593s they can and first first point is going
2595s to Japan five and a half minutes on the
2598s time bank for Japan and in Japan
2599s actually leaving that Winston all the
2601s way up to mess up with the respawn
2603s they're pushing a little too far but
2606s okay as long as you keep on getting the
2607s kills I guess it's okay but Philippines
2609s what do they actually have to do in this
2611s case I mean I think Philippines does
2613s need to kind of
2615s agree on what their intent is right now
2618s Philippines is being like hey do we want
2620s to do the front Lane fight or do we want
2622s to jump on the on their back line not
2625s big I don't think uh the entirety of the
2628s team is
2629s just strong this could not be handled
2632s well from Philippines I think they
2634s really have to take care of the back
2635s line first there was Yuki plus KSG
2637s diving at the same time that leads into
2639s three kills well Hanzo was up there but
2641s not anymore
2643s wow okay and that was I believe Japan
2646s didn't even use a single alt here it was
2648s a highway it was less it is we call this
2650s a highway and
2652s there is a EMP there and that pulse
2655s takes out puckman and everyone on well
2658s not everyone but okay now everyone on
2661s the Philippines falls down and that is
2663s early early point B this is Gibraltar
2667s this is literally Highway all the way in
2670s and this is the best because the other
2671s few like Anna
2674s they can actually push all the eagles
2676s back and still support the
2678s teams down again and they so it's
2682s they're moving towards the final point
2683s and Philippines is struggling to even
2685s have their first ultimates online if
2687s this is painful because buckled is
2689s getting hacked all the time and that's
2690s none of this time oh good sleep on the
2693s wins in there
2695s yeah we'll buy a lot of time and waste a
2697s lot of that enamel time at the scene so
2699s Wilson doesn't die uh Pogba still stays
2701s alive for now but does that because dude
2705s Japan's time to take the
2707s um Nano Winston and KSG is doing a lot
2711s of damage there Nico turning everyone
2714s back to their spine this is gonna be a
2717s free roll into the end they can barely
2721s come out of the spawn this is a disaster
2723s here's kimchi popping it so you don't
2724s actually get to even come out from your
2727s respawn and that's a full push with 447
2731s score okay I need confirmation here is
2735s this the biggest time bank for Gibraltar
2740s I need to know let me let
2742s it back to you after asking production
2745s here
2746s that was nasty
2748s there's just uh it's not not as much
2751s cover there's Hanzo but hanzo's risky if
2753s you missed your shot it's not as good
2755s so
2757s that was part of the highlights
2759s So Okay cooking credits to cookie for
2761s doing a phenomenal job on the Sombra but
2763s I do want to phrase Japan and their
2766s coordination here because in that
2768s highlight play KSG blocked all sorts of
2771s healing with that bubble here and that's
2775s the sort of coordination that
2777s Philippines need if they want to run
2781s okay let's see the conversation from
2784s Japan
2785s now as we flip sides as they're
2787s defending
2788s okay we are seeing I'm sorry to cut you
2791s off that's okay we are seeing the
2793s Cassidy here Cowboy Maybe
2796s in hopes to kind of suppress the double
2800s flankers you can literally just headshot
2802s and get one DPS down easy if you can get
2805s better
2805s but the the thing is Japan is not
2809s running a double thinker they are
2811s running
2812s go of course there isn't the person
2816s or unavailable for that Echo however
2819s I do think that it's not going to be as
2822s effective as it was it should be against
2825s the double clinkers they they Japan they
2827s do check out the teams coming out oh
2830s pretty hot still having a walk-on Tracer
2834s does manage to survive and goes all the
2836s way back
2837s dangerous as there's not much cover if
2839s you are alone in that angle
2842s away from your double support line
2844s okay so Philippines is moving to um
2849s Japan is there then contest Cassidy is
2852s down kiss you what a monster
2856s like someone pulled it back into Zoo
2858s What's Happening Here
2860s Winston beautifully doesn't do that much
2862s damage of course that's those with the
2863s help of his teammate but still
2868s he's Unleashed yeah so that's so
2871s Philippines has the full reset I don't
2873s know even what to say here for the
2875s Philippines here because yes they're
2878s running a good comp but now they're
2881s trying to transition into the Genji
2883s maybe in hopes to go for that back line
2885s but again we've seen this in Ilias well
2889s before they need to coordinate their
2891s jumps really well Philippines is Sunday
2893s being sent back to the response while
2895s the while the two people players that
2898s were diving got eliminated yeah because
2900s of these Dives the the back line of
2903s Philippines they just cannot support
2904s they just cannot do the job their
2907s support supposed to do as a support for
2909s the backlog DPS line they cannot be
2911s healed and also the Winston um
2918s that's two foreign
2928s well we were saying maybe with the trees
2930s are slightly being different now with
2932s the with the extra spread we're saying
2934s maybe Nicole is not going to actually be
2936s replacing uh play much Tracer but never
2939s mind
2940s um
2944s it's making full value out of that
2947s Tracer and also go see how that Echo is
2949s insane oh still Genji's what's here well
2952s not anymore and Philippines actually
2954s rotated okay I think this was a better
2955s rotation still going around to delete
2958s some angles from Echo but Echo is
2960s actually nearby instead not flying
2962s towards a bridge okay now calm down look
2966s I need to calm down a little bit me too
2967s but Philippines now have their alts
2969s online they will be having that
2971s nanoblade soon Philippines have a choice
2974s whether they want a nano the Winston or
2976s the Genji for the blade I do think that
2979s the blade will be The Logical toys here
2981s however they do whatever they do they
2984s need to make it so that they can
2985s actually make a pick
2988s that's making the picks and Philippine
2990s is delayed yet again I thought this was
2993s going to be the timing where Philippines
2994s because there it just seems like they're
2996s just Gathering holes uh if you have five
2999s volts I think that's gonna be our best
3001s chance to actually push this team of uh
3003s Japanese players because they're killing
3005s us left and right that's sometimes what
3007s you have to do to get yourself started
3010s started on this escort uh this is gonna
3013s be really really tricky for the
3014s Philippines now because because they
3016s were delayed last turn now Japan has
3019s ultimates of their own and Japan is
3022s starting that aggression first again and
3023s Nico with the first skills and the
3025s second now 30 seconds Philippines have
3028s to fall back again they have to not they
3031s have to keep their ultimates because
3033s they have they have to live to fight
3035s another game I know I I know what's
3037s gonna happen Okay okay let's pause for a
3039s second okay we get to talk about this a
3040s little more time okay Philippines they
3042s took that long to actually get four alts
3045s look at the the one play uh player that
3047s we're missing did didn't enables
3049s perfectly but because Japan was
3051s dominating so much they were able to get
3054s more odds in less time so they also have
3056s four olds ready to load yeah so I think
3059s that was the Philippines best uh window
3061s to actually make things happen and even
3064s with that it was a little bit difficult
3065s because they had so little progress on
3068s the payload that they had to win at
3070s least one more fight in order to cap
3072s point a and they needed that window so I
3075s think maybe if the Genji blade was not a
3078s was not a maybe even the Nano to the
3081s Winston might have been a good chance
3083s good chance but now since because well
3086s all credit to Japan they had they made
3088s the aggression first they knew that hey
3090s this is actually Philippines opportunity
3092s so we're gonna go in a little bit
3094s earlier and deny that chance overall now
3096s with that with just that Nano they not
3098s only denied the push for the Philippines
3101s now they have like you said chica they
3102s have oats of their own now so they can
3104s match the olds from Philippines it
3106s depends and Philippines they do have to
3107s to initiated you have to go aggressive
3109s first and very likely because they have
3112s less than I think 30 to 30 seconds now
3114s and it's coming soon and Japan they know
3117s it's coming it has to come they haven't
3118s been using ultimate snap many times so
3120s it has to be ready it has to come so
3122s they will be ready and usually when you
3124s talk about the old Advantage when you
3126s are ready when you can counter better it
3128s works slightly better especially uh
3130s those like EMP oh it's not here right
3133s now but uh if you can run out the run
3136s out the ultimates of a counter and then
3138s have your own right after that usually
3140s works a lot better so I think team Japan
3142s is actually going to be waiting for that
3144s perfect time and counter again because
3147s uh Philippines uh I think and in other
3150s other ways they have to go one by one
3152s really pinpoint on a single player first
3154s and then
3157s anything about the rest okay let's have
3160s 10 seconds left let's grab Winston or
3162s the Tracer or Echo first and then move
3164s on they have the Nano blade there we go
3167s we were talking about why
3171s okay still the backline
3176s vehicle does take Genji down but these
3178s Philippines does this is the best
3179s opportunity Philippines ever had still
3181s here but still no more kills happening
3183s for Jeep in Japan Philippines they're
3185s falling apart left and right of course
3186s they're nearby the escort finally
3188s there's redox but he's taken down and
3191s that's gonna be time oh dear that is GG
3197s for Japan I mean all good to Japan
3199s because yes we did talk about the
3202s struggles of the Philippines but Japan
3203s is looking on fire right now
3206s uh they're not on fire they're actually
3208s standing on on lava they're standing on
3211s lava with their feet and they can make
3213s those plays because they're just that
3215s good this is a huge power level gap
3218s between the two teams and Japan that was
3221s a showdown it was a showcase for them
3223s yeah like for trampolines they did a
3226s really good job this I think this was
3228s the best moment for them in the entire
3230s Series so far and
3232s they uh they did manage to take out the
3234s back line of Japan which is credit to
3237s the nanoblade of the Genji but the rest
3240s of the members I think it was a 4v3 and
3242s Japan's a 3v4 on the side of Japan and
3245s they still managed to come up on top and
3248s wow what a team Japan is being right now
3251s we I've been we've been casting APAC
3254s contenders and we've been impressed by
3256s viral so far they are looking even
3258s better than what they were right now
3260s they actually do look better in in the
3262s live patch which we thought they were
3264s really good because they were adjusting
3265s perfectly to the previous patch which
3267s was not the not the one before it was
3269s actually two patches ago now we're on
3271s that now that everyone's on the live pad
3273s which I'm so so happy about still and oh
3276s Japan they look very dominant that was
3279s that could have couldn't have been
3280s better I mean they could have had all
3282s perfect Flawless hundred hundred to zero
3284s but that was almost 100 to zero on the
3287s first map also Gibraltar that was just
3288s the perfect push so I can't really oh
3291s there's nothing to be said about team
3293s Japan but for Philippines because this
3294s is not the only match they have to go
3296s through they will be fighting all the
3297s other teams this is a big round robin
3299s here so I think there's a lot to take
3301s from this match right yeah so both a
3303s little bit to take for both teams I
3305s think Philippines they did kind of have
3307s their bright spots on towards the end of
3309s the match so they just want to mental
3311s reset they they say Okay Japan's a good
3314s team we respect them ggs and we had some
3316s good moments on them like the uh
3318s nanoblade so do that and for Japan I
3321s think a lot of teams will be scared of
3323s Japan now yeah that's going to be the
3325s thing because oh that's going to be very
3327s hard because this is only the first
3328s match out of the three that we have
3330s today uh that was the first match uh
3332s first win of the day uh going to team
3334s Japan but next up we have two more
3336s matches so don't go anywhere we'll be
3337s we'll be right back
3340s good
3359s morning
3376s thank you
3414s thank you
3423s [Music]
3434s [Music]
3453s foreign
3464s [Music]
3486s [Music]
3503s [Applause]
3505s [Music]
3526s [Music]
3528s foreign
3529s [Music]
3538s [Music]
3547s [Music]
3559s [Music]
3595s thank you
3598s [Music]
3600s foreign
3607s [Music]
3640s thank you
3644s [Music]
3650s [Applause]
3652s [Music]
3655s [Applause]
3656s [Music]
3660s [Applause]
3662s [Music]
3665s [Applause]
3671s foreign
3673s [Music]
3722s [Music]
3729s thank you
3733s [Music]
3752s foreign
3774s [Music]
3821s foreign
3838s [Music]
3857s and welcome back everyone to APAC group
3859s a of OverWatch World Cup qualifiers it's
3862s G clef here and unknown and what did we
3865s just watch in our first match team Japan
3867s just destroying team Philippines that
3871s was it basically right yeah exactly so I
3873s think that was a I haven't been able to
3876s check how how much like how big the time
3879s bank was compared to other historic
3881s records on Gibraltar however it was a
3884s huge time bank I think did I don't think
3887s the Japanese on the Japanese attack if
3889s the cart ever stopped for Gibraltar and
3893s also on Elias as well yes uh Philippines
3897s did get a little bit of foothold on the
3899s point but on on Lighthouse I believe
3902s however it was a it was sheer domination
3905s from Japan and credits to them they look
3908s like they really they understand what
3910s they need to do in order to win they
3911s know their strengths and weaknesses of
3913s the team and they know how to use full
3915s effect of their strengths right yeah
3917s sometimes it's uh through the open
3919s trials all of these seems to those they
3922s did go through the open Trials of their
3923s own region so they did have a lot of
3926s company experience but it wasn't on some
3929s of them was like uh and it's been a
3931s while it's been a while so some of them
3933s might have could have been nervous on
3935s the first day of the world cup so well
3938s that's a lesson learned for Philippines
3939s they might have to well do a lot of
3942s feedback within the teammates and
3944s hopefully work and can work better in
3946s the in their next matches to come
3948s because we're moving into our next match
3951s the second match of the day it is going
3953s to be Hong Kong versus Indonesia which
3956s actually we have a lot of players from
3958s again from the summer series APAC that
3960s we just had especially from the Hong
3962s Kong side because we have xiaolan and
3964s mangojai from nguk r3k uh from Kraken
3969s Esports and and crazy from oua so we do
3972s have a lot you see a lot of familiar
3974s names on the side of Hong Kong here we
3977s see mango Jai a tournament well he has
3981s been a lot he has been with the history
3983s of the OverWatch World Cup I believe if
3985s I'm not mistaken this is his third world
3988s cup if not fourth if I'm not my second
3992s super better and since 2017. 2017 and he
3997s was actually in different teams but in
3999s 2018 and 2019 so I think you're right on
4002s the third or is it fourth t23 is going
4005s to be the fourth yes wow well they did
4008s have some some roster change compared to
4010s what they uh what they had in their open
4012s trials but still they were undefeated in
4015s their own region undefeated not even a
4017s single map loss that is that's how good
4020s they were that that's really really
4022s important that's a good point G clef
4023s because yes you can win a batch
4026s dominantly but not even dropping a map
4028s means that you are just mechanically and
4032s tactically tactically better than of the
4034s other teams in that region yeah which
4036s actually means that they were just
4038s totally dominant and I think this can
4040s continue oh not likely going to see that
4043s Widow very very unlikely but we we might
4046s who knows and one of one of the points
4049s for interest is that r3k is going to be
4051s the only tank for Hong Kong and r3k
4054s during his time in Kraken Esports was
4057s that Flex support off tank oh no I'm
4060s sorry off tank specialist so it's really
4063s interesting to see how Hong Kong's
4065s composition is going to look like I do
4068s believe that r3k knows how to play some
4070s of the main tank
4071s um hero pools however it will he will be
4074s more comfortable on the off tank
4076s curables so we'll see how what kind of
4079s composition Hong Kong is cooking right
4081s now yep and their opponent is going to
4082s be team Indonesia here uh proxy speed
4086s Zekrom Chutney and shrimp will be the
4090s starting roster and especially uh chunri
4092s has been having uh one winning a few
4095s Community tournament uh Regional
4097s tournaments but that's about that's
4098s about it and I was trying to dig a lot
4101s more from the team but I just couldn't
4103s search it yeah
4105s um a lot of the people are just um High
4107s ELO players from the server however that
4109s still means that their mechanical is
4111s very very good and like you mentioned
4113s g-clav Chun Li has history of uh
4117s OverWatch contenders into the sea uh
4120s open tournament open door open huh so
4122s we'll see how it finds out because this
4125s tournament might be that little push
4128s that they need to level up and be able
4131s to compete with the bigger players yeah
4132s of course and also Indonesia they have a
4134s lot of a lot of teams in their open
4137s trials and of course they were
4139s undefeated but of course they dropped a
4141s few maps of course including uh by in
4143s the first round but it was the first
4144s round so uh let's still keep that in
4146s count so B Messi was a team name uh from
4149s the open trials and they were pretty
4150s dominant I saw all the scores and did
4153s not get to seal the matches but still
4155s from the region seems to be one of the
4158s best Squad that you can come out with so
4160s let's see how they can actually perform
4162s and actually compete against uh Team
4164s Hong Kong here here I think Hong Kong
4166s will be the favorites here however we've
4169s seen time and time over in the few days
4172s of the OverWatch World Cup qualifiers
4173s that upsets happen upsets happen and
4176s that is what makes this Sports so great
4178s so we'll definitely see whether
4180s Indonesia whether if Indonesia can pull
4182s out that upset or Hong Kong with their
4185s experienced players on the pro scene can
4187s be able to close this one out yeah it is
4189s also the first day so we mentioned it
4191s briefly for the first match and a lot of
4193s these players a lot of these players
4195s those that they do have experience and
4197s especially competitive but some of them
4199s actually not as much I'm talking a very
4202s few amount of players because oftentimes
4203s they do play a lot of competitive but on
4205s the broadcast on the World Cup qualifier
4207s level sometimes not so they might be
4210s feeling a little bit different on this
4212s online stage so we'll take a uh we'll
4214s get to see and also I'm quite I do want
4218s to see uh how the roster from Team Hong
4221s Kong is actually going to turn out
4222s because it's a combination of few
4223s different teams together right there
4225s were opponents just few weeks ago
4227s exactly Kraken nguk
4229s oua they all went against each other
4232s um I do think that they know each other
4234s really well because they've been playing
4235s against each other so much and also on
4238s composition on the comp they've been
4240s meeting and playing against each other
4242s for a lot so I so as a team like for as
4246s much as team coherence I think there
4248s won't be much of a problem but if there
4251s are conflicting styles that might be an
4253s issue for Hong Kong but my main issue
4256s here is whether r3k will be able to pull
4259s out some of the main hero pool main Tank
4260s Hero pulls that is needed for playing
4264s some of the maps here especially like
4265s Gibraltar here like yes diva is a good
4267s pick but mostly the Winston's gonna be
4269s the go-to for this for that map it's
4273s also very it's going to affect what Maps
4275s Indonesia or Hong Kong is going to
4277s select if they do lose that map one so a
4280s lot of interesting things here also a
4282s point a player of interest for me is
4284s going to be xiaolan because shell Lance
4285s Genji has been phenomenal in the
4288s contenders yes and only yes when there
4291s were Anna's on his side but without the
4293s Anna I would say his CPS role was
4295s actually roller coaster there are some
4297s dips that he can actually go down to and
4299s like die three times in a row without
4301s having a blade but once he gets that
4303s Nano blade on a certain mat like he
4305s could he could pop off literally and
4307s have an entire team wipe by himself yeah
4309s I still remember I forgot which team it
4311s was against but it was on King's draw it
4313s was second point and his nanoblade was
4316s that saving savior save your hero play
4319s for his team and again shaolan has
4323s proved that he can play a lot of good
4324s Genji's although like you said um he
4327s doesn't need support of his team but
4328s mango Jai will be there with that
4330s experience and his Mechanicals aren't
4332s dying out so I think this is going to be
4336s an interesting
4337s um decision whether they do opt to play
4339s the Genji because we haven't been I'll
4341s be very blunt I haven't been impressed
4343s with the with the engine in a pack yet
4345s especially in the World Cup qualifiers
4346s not today for sure so we'll definitely
4349s see whether xiaolan will be able to
4351s impress me with his Genji he also does
4353s play a little bit of Chaser and the
4356s variety the majority of Flex DPS uh hero
4359s pools so I think Hong Kong will be in a
4362s good spot again my main points are will
4366s r3k be able to will or are they willing
4368s to and will they be able to pull out
4371s those main Tank Hero pulls and will
4372s shaolan be able to pop off yeah he has
4374s to he is the only tank on the team so on
4376s the other side also uh Zekrom for
4378s Indonesia will he actually because right
4381s now we do see tank as like a supporting
4383s role with the DPS but depending on how
4385s well the tank does I think uh right now
4388s I think the tank is basically the bridge
4389s between the team between the DPS and the
4391s supports because it's the only one
4393s instead of the two now as Zekrom Zekrom
4397s should be the bridge in between the
4399s teams and depending on how balanced he
4401s can be because uh right now we have seen
4403s from Japan versus Philippines there was
4406s a lot of disconnections in this joint
4407s jointed moment from the Philippines the
4410s reason why they were losing a lot of
4411s their either the DPS or the back line it
4414s was because of those dive comp and
4416s sometimes if you just cannot handle that
4417s you just lose the entire match just like
4419s that one-sided so that has to be worked
4422s on of course I'm sure they have watched
4424s the first match yes uh like you said G
4426s clef also I've mentioned this on the
4429s team on team Philippines as well that
4432s this all teams must have a common intent
4436s so if they're going to jump if they're
4437s going to run a rush if they're gonna go
4439s with a dive comp that's totally fine as
4442s long as you know the entire team knows
4445s that you are going to jump either on the
4447s back line or are you going to disturb
4448s the healing or the support cut off the
4450s healing from the back line to the tank
4453s from the front line and take out the
4454s front line first it has to be a
4456s coordinated event and that's also the
4458s same for Rush like if one if one person
4460s decides to go in and the rest of the
4462s team's like uh maybe like after I get my
4464s alt and that's going to be a disaster
4465s either way and
4468s this is going to be the coordination
4470s between the uh between the two teams are
4472s going to be crucial and who's going to
4474s win yeah let's see as we start our first
4476s map in ilios
4480s Indonesia let's see who will come out on
4482s top 13 seconds before we open that door
4485s and maybe the first chunk of Queen of
4487s the day
4488s so this is this used to be a widow map I
4492s do you think the little Nerf is going to
4494s affect greatly to this decision here
4498s um Indonesia is going with the double
4499s flankers on the one said this is the
4501s classic dive composition so you need
4503s absolutely Indonesian needs to be on the
4506s same page on who are you going to dive
4508s and Hong Kong is a little bit more of
4511s the jokes meta but they do have like the
4514s classic job so it's gonna be interesting
4516s the Hong Kong composition is a little
4519s bit uh better into the Winston comp so
4522s and Zekrom going very low here and that
4525s is the first kill for Hong Kong easy
4527s slash through that Winston Charlie and
4529s talk about his Genji let's see how well
4532s he can actually play on this first okay
4535s on Chrome slightly pushing them all the
4537s way out Indonesia falling all the way
4539s back you have to regroup now and that
4541s will be the first cap for Hong Kong so
4544s Hong Kong using their compositional
4547s advantage to full effect here
4549s and I think Indonesia needs to uh get
4552s that EMP really really quickly and then
4554s I'll try to do the I tried to pull the
4557s trigger before Hong Kong does because
4558s Hong Kong they will be happily going
4561s with the Rampage or a dragon blade here
4563s so it will be the neutral fights
4566s basically on the side on the advantage
4568s for Hong Kong so Indonesia needs to warm
4571s up their Ultra really really quickly and
4573s get that Ulta online and oh that was a
4576s good chance they'll get a kill a
4578s translator Chancellor locator kill for
4580s Genji this fights their trade kills on
4584s and off but Hong Kong is having the
4586s number Advantage here but not for a long
4588s year because Indonesia it's back credit
4591s to the double flankers Here for a Good
4593s Target acquisition if speed proxy is
4596s still alive they were putting out the
4598s most amount of damage Hong Kong after
4600s taking out the back line of Indonesia
4602s but certainly but besides now that
4605s little flank were doing some work if it
4608s didn't work twice in a row that could
4610s have been very dangerous as Hong Kong
4612s still uh they all already have 40 okay
4615s Indonesia does have Advantage here
4617s because they do have EMP and don't have
4620s the sound barrier four four
4623s get you down with that Blake down double
4626s both dps's down on the side Hong Kong
4628s Hong Kong needs to back out
4631s and they're just pushing all the way and
4633s we'll take care of the rest here as I
4636s think Hong Kong they're pretty ready but
4638s they ended up just saving the ultimate
4640s instead okay Indonesia they're gonna use
4642s their EMP very likely with something
4644s else and Indonesia though they didn't
4646s use the sound barriers they still have
4647s the pulse bomb so I think they're still
4649s not too bad in terms of old Usage Now
4652s the turn is on to Hong Kong like you
4653s said g-club because they do have the
4655s they do have the Rampage they do have
4657s the Dragon Blade and they also have the
4658s sound barrier and Indonesia has the
4660s Soundbar yes Charlie has this out there
4662s but it can only cover for one alt here
4665s and Charlie might be even down before
4667s that siberium okay so the sound barrier
4670s is down
4671s the Rampage is still there Hong Kong
4690s is still contested which means more
4693s percentage to Indonesia this is good for
4695s Indonesia because even if they lose this
4697s fight they get a lot of percentage and
4699s Hong Kong needs another fight win to
4701s defend that and finally a flip to Hong
4704s Kong that fight was a very long one as
4707s they couldn't just uh find the DPS first
4710s okay now this is going to be a very
4712s interesting fight because Indonesia does
4714s have the EMP Hong Kong does not have any
4717s defensive measures however they do have
4718s the overclock and the Rampage so if Hong
4721s Kong wants to pull the trigger earlier
4723s but Noah
4725s pull the trigger earlier and now Hong
4727s Kong has the back of again
4728s they want to fight this though oh
4731s Charlie and then also Soldier actually
4732s survives
4734s Yeah by having that overclock just
4735s popping everything before he actually
4736s goes down the Rampage is still available
4738s but upper gate can only find the right
4740s target right time still speed this
4744s Tracer has been harassing Hong Kong team
4746s Hong Kong so much
4748s however it does not lead into any flips
4751s so Hong Kong will be able to match the
4753s percentage of Indonesia and now because
4756s that was a really good play for that was
4758s a really good overall clock play from
4760s kurumi here because it looked like
4762s Indonesia was having the upper hand
4764s because the EMP was there quickly
4765s however they had overclock was able to
4768s take out multiple members of Indonesia
4770s which is leading up to this overtime
4773s here I think Hong Kong wins one simple
4774s fighter that will be that will be ruins
4777s going over to the side of Hong Kong they
4779s lost two already and the old charges are
4782s not even close Hong Kong it seems like
4783s they're about to grab the very first
4786s and where's proxies he's gotta find the
4789s extra
4791s okay I don't think there's gonna be
4793s anyone to touch and ruins ghost is
4796s inside of Hong Kong but g-clan this is a
4799s more competitive series than match one
4800s was certainly in Hong Kong it seems like
4803s after taking some punches on their own
4805s from Indonesia uh okay we can't really
4808s take this lightly we actually have to
4810s gather up and group up first because it
4812s seems like Indonesia's DPS are actually
4815s very strong flanking from side Hong Kong
4817s actually uh like tilted their head for a
4820s second and said okay we need to regroup
4821s and think about this because Indonesia
4824s actually really strong here I think this
4826s is gonna be really interesting because
4828s Hong Kong like you said it's not going
4830s to be a walk in the park uh so they do
4833s need to work on their old discipline and
4835s use their positioning really well and
4837s okay Hong Kong Arthur K is still going
4839s with the Jungle Queen which is I think
4841s uh was expensive oh that TP was a little
4844s bit that was a new season okay it
4847s doesn't matter well just gonna be a
4848s slightly late to the point
4850s uh okay still Hong Kong with that um
4854s with a shout from the junker Queen still
4856s got there a little bit faster so they
4858s will still be able to keep that
4859s positional advantage and will be on to
4862s the point first Indonesia is going with
4864s the classic Lighthouse comp with the Ash
4867s and the echo so Indonesia wants to get
4871s to that high ground and have have that
4873s Echo fire very freely
4875s and that's why Hong Kong's actually
4877s staying in that control Zone not showing
4879s themselves too much right next to the
4882s wall and France is actually getting to a
4883s Kill on the reaper first so that's a lot
4885s of her damn it DPS reboot on Hong Kong
4887s side keep it up
4890s very low Indonesia and putting out all
4893s sorts of DPS nearby look at the X look
4895s at the buff to Echoes all charge here
4898s already at 48 yes shallowance may is
4901s also getting to that point but okay so
4904s so no copy for this fight and I think
4906s Indonesia has to back out and reset yep
4909s Echo we'll be getting that old charge
4910s real soon for the next fight when they
4913s come back first of course Hong Kong
4915s already having 33 because they got the
4917s early point lead uh controlling this
4920s point this is going to be a really
4921s important fight for Indonesia here
4923s because Hong Kong does have the blizzard
4925s to deter any any entrance to the point
4929s however they do Indonesia oh no
4933s sniping speed 75 away but there is that
4937s there's gonna be that res here blocked
4939s uh the maywall locked Bob but blonde is
4943s still on the point however both are
4945s frozen Bob is taking out of the picture
4948s so a lot of volts
4951s and it looks like Hong Kong is taking
4954s the lead for now yes r3k Falls so both
4958s teams do not have a tank but but the
4961s currently the point is on the side of
4963s Hong Kong so if this fight gets extended
4965s Hong Kong is the one who's gonna likely
4968s be smiling here yeah that's Hong Kong he
4970s still has all the sports backing off so
4972s the control was still being hold by Hong
4975s Kong Indonesia they need to come back of
4976s course trip has been always
4979s providing heels but the inside fight
4981s matted so much
4983s [Music]
4985s good push Dorothy K so Hong Kong does
4989s not have the uh the Rampage available
4991s for that fight however 99 the ball is
4995s there to touch but for how long is the
4997s question Indonesia has to group up real
4999s quick if they want if they don't want to
5000s get 100 zeroed yeah they do have the
5003s best blossoms ready to Goomy in the hill
5013s it looks like this is gonna be it and
5016s the map is going to the side of Hong
5018s Kong yes Indonesia did put up a good
5020s fight but in the end it is going to be
5022s the match favorites that is going to
5024s take map one and Hong Kong leave the
5026s series 1-0 oh man another loss for Echo
5029s actually on this map which is actually
5031s uh actually going to be a big pattern
5033s that we've been we are going to be
5035s keeping up and again Hong Kong just uh
5037s keeping everything under control and not
5039s really leaving their ground actually
5041s it's me I was actually pretty impressed
5044s always using that wall to block debug
5046s from coming in defend that much uh uh to
5050s block that much damage out of the team
5052s so that was really well handled by team
5053s Hong Kong overall getting the first map
5055s good read on well I think it was a good
5058s read on the side of Hong Kong so they I
5061s think they had an idea of what Indonesia
5063s was going to play although they do have
5065s some a little bit of a limitation on
5068s what team Heroes they can play the
5070s Jungle Queen comp was very very
5072s effective in what Indonesia had to bring
5074s and also like you mentioned G clef
5076s shaolan was both not only Stellar on the
5079s on the Genji like we've been seeing so
5081s far on OverWatch contenders as May was
5084s also really really effective like we've
5087s also saw a single um
5089s snipe shot onto the ash there which
5092s which was really important because a lot
5094s of the compositional advantages that
5096s comes from the Indonesian side
5098s especially on
5100s Lighthouse was the ma was the Ash and
5103s the echo so yeah which was crucial I
5106s think because of that may uh Indonesia
5108s they just could not really provide
5110s enough damage plus uh the space to
5113s actually go into the point because a lot
5114s of their members the DPS plus Anna and
5117s the both of the support right support
5118s line they're actually up on the second
5120s floor not really coming in with that
5122s Diva as long as as long as Hong Kong
5124s they took out that Diva they had no
5126s chance of actually diving into that
5128s point it was also there was a lot of
5130s fights when both teams were missing
5132s their tanks and it was a 4v4 and and
5135s Hong Kong with that experienced DPS line
5139s and I also want to give credit to Hong
5142s Kong's backline as well I haven't seen
5144s the back line of on the side of Hong
5146s Kong fall down a lot of times I am of
5148s course it wasn't on screen a lot of
5150s times but that means not being on the
5152s other side of the kill feed means that
5154s they were are protecting each other
5155s always being able to support their DPS
5158s and tanks so I think credit to that and
5160s Indonesia here kind of needs to work
5163s they did quite well I do want to give
5165s them credit and I think they've really
5167s played well it's just that the score
5169s doesn't honor those efforts however they
5171s do need to find a way to access the back
5173s line of Hong Kong if they want a chance
5174s to win and also because of because of
5176s that issue uh Hong Kong it was actually
5178s easier for them to focus on one thing
5179s like when there was Bob they literally
5181s just threw down the blizzard okay no one
5183s coming to the point let's take care of
5184s Bob first and then we worry about the
5186s diva and then the rest of the team and
5188s that wasn't really that was really being
5189s well handled by Hong Kong it was
5191s actually easier because of less targets
5193s to be uh you face with on the control
5195s Point uh you can just pinpoint the shot
5198s caller just calls for one and then
5199s everyone just attacks at once you have
5201s the entire team around that zone so
5204s which I think Indonesia should have
5205s changed in the middle unless unless it
5208s was going to be incredibly hard to
5209s actually dive in even with the diva and
5211s the two dps's okay looking forward now
5214s Indonesia has is going to be it's lovely
5217s with a choice they do have selection
5219s over map type and map selection I do
5224s smell maybe I do suspect that Gibraltar
5226s is also a viable choice because I know
5229s that r3k although rtk is a very good
5231s Winston as well uh they have not been
5234s showing an r3k within the first map so
5237s maybe Gibraltar because they know that
5240s they can play Winston a little bit more
5241s comfortably however I do think that the
5243s drunker Queen is a good countermeasure
5245s to Winston so maybe they have they're
5248s kind of wearing their options here how
5249s about a hybrid I mean uh for the similar
5252s team come I think uh blizzard world or a
5255s few other hybrid could actually be okay
5257s for team Indonesia also
5260s this is very viable so but for blizzard
5263s rule I think r3k can cover a lot with
5265s the diva so uh for me Indonesia will be
5268s wanting to choose a map type and map
5271s that they can kind of try to limit r3k's
5274s influence because r3k has been Stellar
5277s this map yeah for sure it's getting a
5279s lot more supported from the supports
5282s that literally they were stuck right
5283s next to you and of course uh echo echo
5286s Mercy on the other side it's really hard
5289s to it's because they're actually playing
5290s a different game compared to the other
5292s three on the ground uh like Pharmacy
5295s Echo Mercy they do have they do have
5297s their own way of maneuvering and
5299s oftentimes they can't even though
5300s there's a shot calling from the captain
5302s or the shock hauler you can't really be
5304s there at the same time because you're
5306s like in the air or off of the point
5308s sometimes you're at the right place
5309s sometimes you're not so it's very
5311s conditional when you have that kind of
5313s team comp so you do need to really match
5315s and know exactly where teammates are to
5317s make that Focus fire work but on the
5320s other side Hong Kong when you have when
5322s you can actually defend a tag into that
5324s small choke point I think it was also
5326s it's a lot easier which I think that
5328s they're going to continue I think Genji
5330s might not even be needed from Hong
5333s Kong's side they can just continue to
5334s play with May which actually had a
5336s pretty significant balance change but I
5338s don't think it matters too much right
5339s now
5340s yeah so a little bit more commenting
5343s about the echo comp here Echo Ash which
5347s was on Lighthouse I think the entire
5348s point about Indonesia as composition was
5352s that they take if they take the point
5354s first if they cap the point first they
5356s can deny a lot of entrance entry to the
5359s point because Echo will be on the air
5363s okay shooting a lot of uh shooting a lot
5365s of things with that mercy and Ash would
5368s be on the high ground and two things
5371s went wrong there
5372s um number one they didn't tap the point
5373s first even though Hong Kong kind of
5375s messed up that TP and number two
5378s um Ash got a little bit out sniped by
5381s Logan May so a little bit of a
5384s confidence uh uh boost there for the May
5386s so maybe they need to work out something
5389s else compositional wise so yes Echo is
5393s buffed but it's not going to be the
5394s answer for everything yeah certainly not
5396s as it's conditional also you need to
5398s work with your the other team comp which
5400s works with echo which actually is one of
5403s the DPS that changes the entire team if
5406s you want if you if you know what I'm
5407s saying so I think that's something else
5409s that you have to think about if you're
5410s bringing Echo depending on the map of
5412s course if it's practiced I think it
5414s doesn't really matter sometimes it
5416s doesn't really matter what the opponent
5417s is uh uh actually bringing on the table
5420s sometimes you just bring what you
5421s practice that at some of these teams
5424s level but we'll see we'll see actually
5425s what uh happens in our Second Amendment
5428s if we leave the second map has been
5430s picked by Indonesia you are correct I'm
5434s a God like I'm like I'm floating right
5436s now so I I do have to make perfect
5438s prediction okay
5440s because Chad's looking at you so it's
5442s going to be a blizzard World guys and I
5444s predicted it is indeed going to be
5446s blizzard world and this is to me and
5448s then very interesting choice because I'm
5450s hearing that there are no Subs on either
5451s side so this means I do think that maybe
5456s we can expect something like a diva or a
5458s ramatra on the side of Hong Kong
5460s Indonesia probably a Winston maybe if
5463s they can play out a romantic Rush maybe
5466s that as well I do think that they still
5468s will opt to go with the Winston calm I
5470s may be wrong but I'm not the coach so
5473s maybe they may not hear me say this and
5474s they're like okay I'm gonna I'm just
5476s gonna scrap the Winston comp but yes no
5479s way it's not gonna happen of course
5482s there's uh there's a slight delay uh
5484s slight delay in the broadcast of course
5486s uh that's also another reason why but on
5488s this little Winston seemed to be good so
5491s just quite work with it and also bring a
5493s Reaper just in case
5495s that might be a little bit of a gamble
5498s here because I'm hearing that Hong Kong
5500s is going to be defense first oh defense
5502s first so that means that you won't the
5506s spot is going to be a little bit far
5507s away and if they if you get to lose that
5510s composition gamble you might be in a
5513s really weird spot yeah I think that's
5515s exactly what you have to think here as
5518s you said oh wait Hong Kong's on defense
5520s first right yes so Indonesia they have
5522s to break the gates first uh first they
5524s do have to get some cracks open and then
5528s considering opening door or breaking the
5530s door and just going in because it seems
5534s like Hong Kong right now as even if they
5536s uh there were some moments where they
5538s actually lost their tank but still with
5540s the support and the DPF they still won
5542s the fight with 45 and if that keeps on
5545s happening I mean Indonesia you're not
5547s going to get too far away on this map so
5549s first we talked about the composition a
5552s lot and also the focus fire I think it
5553s has to come together yeah especially if
5555s they're going with the Winston dive comp
5557s like I kind of
5559s thought think they will go they need to
5562s prioritize the target especially on the
5564s back line and run towards them and jump
5567s towards them yeah they have to be quick
5569s and they have to have their maximum
5572s amount of attempts to break into that
5575s first point as that's going to be the
5577s main point for Indonesia
5580s [Music]
5581s I don't think that's going to be real
5584s though maybe for Cassidy Maybe
5587s so Hong Kong's on defense so they should
5590s be that what they're hovering should be
5592s their final oh kumi's already here okay
5594s yes so Cassidy I think is
5598s I think the reasoning for Cassidy here
5599s is on two things if Indonesia goes
5602s double flankers maybe that's this is
5604s going to be kind of like their test for
5606s hey can Cassidy actually suppress the
5608s double thinkers and also this is a map
5610s that Indonesia can play play Flyers so I
5613s think maybe that's a little bit of a uh
5617s guarantee uh not guarantee but insurance
5620s policy or uh the Flyers and I like this
5623s from Indonesia double flank I think this
5625s works so much better just like the very
5627s first map that we had in ilios as proxy
5630s speed now it's gonna be the actual test
5632s because can Cassidy suppress the might
5636s of double flankers here yeah that's
5637s going to be the real test for kurumi
5640s yeah actually back on Tracer attacking
5643s few heel packs all the way back so Hong
5645s Kong does not get to heal once they go
5647s double plankers coming around
5650s to get some damage of the bungle Jai and
5652s here's the Winston here's the contest
5654s for a high ground and there it is the
5657s jump on the Hong Kong backline that is
5660s exactly what Indonesian needed yes they
5662s lose speed 75 but still this is this is
5665s looking good on the side of Indonesia
5667s because it means yes okay r3k is down so
5671s this is a also a longer spawn distance
5673s for the side of Hong Kong maybe they get
5676s a tick or two here yeah by far and
5677s notice the speed immediately went down
5679s against Cassie that means that the
5681s Tracer could not recall basically he's
5683s not going to see the exact screen of
5685s what happened I'm pretty sure that was
5686s in Hong Kong losing a few more members
5689s their horse back wait for the point
5690s that's a second take they might just
5692s give this one up or okay they're coming
5694s in with when's the first shell down
5696s again so this means that Hong Kong has
5700s to fight with the member down r3k very
5703s low okay that is first point for
5706s Indonesia I'm impression see how much
5708s better this is actually working for him
5710s Asia the two proxies speed the two DPS
5713s Duo it's breaking a lot here I thought
5716s they're going to first okay make some
5718s cracks and then have the door open but
5720s they punch that door open immediately
5723s from that first push and not only that
5726s Foxy's already has the EMP and I don't
5730s think Hong Kong has any defensive
5732s measures maybe the rally comes online
5734s but if Indonesia choose to uh do an
5737s early aggression here I don't think Hong
5738s Kong has any means of countering it
5745s and immediately Cassidy down with that
5748s Anna that back line will be having a lot
5750s of trouble if this keeps on happening
5752s because Cassidy is not a DPS that can be
5755s away from the supports okay now kermi
5758s walks away from the Cassidy so the
5760s answer is no Cassidy is not able to
5762s contain the double flankers at not yes
5766s not yet at least and there is all r3k
5769s they have messenger has to use the
5771s battle just to keep r3k alive maybe they
5773s can then connect this into a push
5775s however I don't think they're in a good
5777s position to do it Indonesia can just uh
5781s just disengage and go go their turn now
5784s yeah I'll Decay having a tough time uh
5786s surviving at the Winston here uh gets
5790s against all the squad of Indonesia the
5792s DPS line seems to be between slightly
5794s better although stick no kill from the
5796s ball stop he said speed okay Charlie
5799s with that sound Bearer for extra sustain
5802s they will be wiping Hong Kong out of the
5804s map r3k does have that Primal Rage if he
5808s wants to survive another day but he
5810s decides to keep it but will they be able
5813s to contest I do think they might be able
5816s to contest at the very end of point B
5818s but this looks promising for Indonesia
5820s here comes a real fight with Genji now
5821s and the Jungle Queen
5828s get down for Indonesia
5832s Indonesia might want to back out and do
5834s it again however okay not if they have
5837s these many kills here
5839s Jack ROM actually popping that rage they
5841s want to get the second Point immediately
5843s four minutes
5845s four minutes for Indonesia to push all
5847s the way Hong Kong certainly having a lot
5850s of trouble dealing with this cop and
5852s that stagger kill onto mango Jai will
5854s mean that they will have a little bit of
5856s more extra mileage there and proxy is
5859s already with the EMP again and once
5862s again Hong Kong does not have any
5864s defensive measures all night
5866s I'm actually quite impressed uh I was
5870s saying I I like the team combo wouldn't
5872s do issues after bringing on this map but
5875s Hong Kong and they're having a very
5876s tough time especially losing Reaper a
5878s lot in the beginning of those fights
5879s well now here's a response but I think
5882s this is really the time for Indonesia to
5884s just regroup a little bit okay Hong Kong
5887s is stabilizing things a little bit
5888s Indonesia making a good choice in my
5890s opinion for moving away from the Winston
5893s to match the jumper Queen because Hong
5897s Kong invested a lot of compositional
5899s changes for that is the five-man efb no
5904s kills though
5905s if no kills and rather epoxies fall here
5909s yes they do make a kill on am crazy
5911s however this looks like a fight going oh
5914s no it's speed Tracer is out of this
5916s world okay some response from r3k but
5919s only the supports are alive and
5921s challenging goes foul without having
5922s that blade we've talked about this uh
5925s ginty is can be incredible but without
5927s Sienna without the Nano sometimes he can
5931s be upside down okay what I'm so
5933s impressed about Indonesia right now is
5935s that not only can they do dive comps and
5937s the Jungle Queen comp they're
5939s they actually fixed a lot of the issues
5942s that they were facing not one oh the
5947s Genji
5948s not making any value from that Dragon
5951s Blade better than just uh turns out to
5953s be here we go to Simon's Indonesia keeps
5955s up watching yourself sound barrier
5956s though and The Rush from Hong Kong
5958s they're going to survive with those
5960s holes
5961s however Hong Kong used a lot of
5963s resources that fight and although
5966s Indonesia does not have any odds online
5969s they will be having those earlier than
5971s Hong Kong because they used three alts
5974s just to stabilize the car right now yep
5976s in Asia actually stopping a little bit
5979s here's Reaper and now may coming from
5982s proxy speed to DPS as they've been
5986s working really well so far here along to
5988s isolate
5989s r3k does have that rampage this is a
5992s good opportunity but they know that
5994s Kelly has that they don't even need the
5996s Rampage Hong Kong is back on their trash
5999s right now so in Indonesia can they when
6002s they can actually use that tree service
6004s they have been doing it so well but
6006s except for that
6007s Hong Kong kind of seems like they can
6010s actually handle most of the other team
6011s comps that Indonesia is going to bring
6013s of course that was without any ultimate
6016s new song information side okay the time
6018s bank is now at one minute so Indonesia
6022s does have to make this one count they do
6025s have a lot of ultimates already but
6027s gently Falls without using the sound
6030s barrier at least he gets the hole that
6032s it wasn't an Ajax but shrimple doesn't
6034s want to win this fight and Pops pop
6038s stick to Teeny Rush there are a lot of
6040s upcoming speed 75 with that blizzard
6042s online r3k is winning for the perfect
6045s chance to use that Rampage here it is on
6047s three members their Channel Lee is there
6050s for the rescue it is now it's turn it
6054s looks like shellan is going to fall
6058s on either side so it's going to be Hong
6061s Kong winning on the upper side of things
6063s again after a lot of balls yeah we'll
6066s see because the r3k is still here oh
6069s there's speed but you can't really push
6071s when there's Compass as the rest of the
6073s team Indonesia they will be coming back
6075s from Spawn that was a good save on the
6078s save of Indonesia because it's only 10
6080s seconds left now and if that was going
6082s to be uh speed falling it would have
6085s been a disaster okay r3k down that is
6087s okay that's the cheap there's a chance
6089s for Indonesia to push all the way in
6091s I think cam crazy might have to use the
6093s sound barrier early because they have to
6095s do you have to uh
6097s [Music]
6098s it is first and the baby are early on
6101s okay good aggression from Hong Kong be
6104s used
6104s early and it looks like they're wiping
6107s out Indonesia out and it looks like
6109s overtime is going to burn out but good
6112s push from Indonesia yeah all the way
6114s until four meters out of the final Point
6119s Indonesia they have school I think they
6122s have literally achieved what they wanted
6123s so far not a three-pointer but still a
6126s two point and that far into the map I
6128s think it's totally fine against Hong
6130s Kong right now yeah I think Indonesia is
6132s going to be really happy with that push
6134s and they still have although yes Hong
6137s Kong if they full cap they are going to
6138s win this map however I I've seen
6142s Indonesia being a lot a lot of the
6145s improvements on the side of Indonesia on
6147s their target acquisition and their way
6150s of playing so now they're they know how
6152s to access the backline of Hong Kong they
6154s just have to execute it perfectly oh my
6155s God uh Indonesia proxy speed these two
6158s dps's they focused so well along with
6161s Zekrom and Hong Kong there are a lot of
6163s moments where that could not be handled
6165s and that's going to be a problem when
6167s you run into other teams like a team
6169s Japan team Korea South Korea later on uh
6172s not today but later on into the
6175s qualifiers let's see how Hong Kong
6177s actually wants to push this on their own
6180s attack now
6184s lukewarm compared to our first map here
6187s yeah Shaolin had definitely had some
6189s better moments here maybe here is that
6191s moment where we mentioned hey bamboo
6193s Jack can you play that on now for me
6195s instead the kiriko but right now it
6197s looks like it is going to be the kiriko
6199s and Lucio
6201s for shaolan just okay just no Nano
6206s we don't even need Nano you're so good
6209s that's a way of complimenting your team
6211s and also doing what you want okay good
6213s scouting here on the side of proxies
6215s that you know what Hong Kong is going to
6217s run and good
6219s [Music]
6221s for Michael Jackson they're all the
6223s points oh good yeah he has been here on
6227s the points as they did have Sombra on
6230s the other side okay but the sports or
6232s just
6233s okay they were literally brought down
6235s maybe the Jungle King got a step uh they
6237s got the daggerated I literally blinked
6239s and Hong Kong 2.8 they're they're angry
6242s right now they are angry because they're
6244s trying to prove that he doesn't need
6246s Anna okay okay that's approved she only
6248s got two kills
6251s and that's the important part I think
6253s it's still okay on the side of Indonesia
6255s but Hong Kong is definitely gonna feel
6256s good about this one
6257s um
6259s no compositional changes so far and it's
6262s still the neutral game because the point
6264s was taken so early that they don't
6265s either yeah the highest numbers that we
6267s can actually have is 47 48 now well
6270s Indonesia
6272s does this work do you think that's a
6275s crown might need to move away from the
6276s woods in here because it is the jumper
6278s queen and the reaper so the double
6279s shotgun is going to do a lot of damage
6281s to this is everyone like here right now
6283s and if you don't have a tank it's a
6285s little bit it's gonna be a little
6286s difficult to hold the payload and
6288s especially with a five minute time bank
6292s need those kind of holes yeah it works
6295s uh when Indonesia was pushing but
6297s instead of a story when you actually
6298s have to hold and get a real team fight
6300s around the payload years
6304s better ninja once again
6307s okay and so this is a little bit of this
6309s uh stabilizing on the side of Indonesia
6312s unless Hong Kong wants to pull the
6314s trigger but they don't have any alts so
6316s it looks like they are going to wait out
6317s until they regroup and get those alts
6320s online
6320s yeah I'm gonna die and eat other here we
6323s go ready with that Rush as shrimp will
6326s only be four percent away okay early
6329s aggression from manguja here will they
6331s be able to profit damn crazy is going to
6334s fall down and that is a four-man camping
6337s poor man because the fifth man is
6340s already down Mama speed is still alive
6342s with very low HP and finally a little
6345s Millie uh Charlene's going to get it but
6348s that EMP was actually effective speed
6350s was able to take care of few more yeah
6352s but in the end uh Hong Kong did achieve
6355s their objectives so Indonesia is not
6358s gonna feel so happy about that however
6361s so now the point is going to be about
6364s the Genji the Genji has the dragonblade
6366s r3k with the Rampage
6369s John we've seen Charlie fall down even
6372s if they have the baby not this time so
6375s able
6376s stiffly
6378s Shield his teammates but not save Zekrom
6381s from certain deaths angry
6384s okay so this is a speed rule for Hong
6388s Kong Indonesia not being not being able
6391s to pull out the same heroics that they
6393s were able to do on their attack Hong
6396s Kong's backline is is still alive and up
6400s and running yeah with the jungkooki in
6402s the do you feel the difference is uh you
6404s can't really dive in at the same time as
6405s you have to Winston so that's why
6407s Thumper is going to go attack a little
6409s more here said that's awesome oh nothing
6411s too much uh the fight was actually away
6414s from this guy
6415s yes shrimp does fall so it's only the
6418s Lucio sustain which is not a lot let's
6420s set Grom lives by a sliver and stops the
6425s stops the payload as well still for now
6428s but Hong Kong still has four minutes to
6430s push he said a lot of this name called
6433s speed but Tracer seems to be on someone
6437s of another level when you're taking down
6439s an opponent just coming out from nowhere
6441s making sure you're still alive speeding
6443s so much more than me here it is
6449s Manuel hack into r3k means that it's
6452s going to be a total reset for the side
6454s levels
6456s and Hong Kong the sukiotic they had no
6459s clue that Chaser was behind them the
6461s entire team okay I think this was a uh
6465s fairly economic turn for Indonesia so
6468s the pulse bomb was used the Rampage was
6469s used Rampage is a big old however they
6471s do have the EMP online and will be
6474s having that sound barrier up again very
6476s soon so Indonesia has a happy some
6479s ingredients to make this all here
6487s is actually helping out the team is
6491s Source while healing
6494s oh and that's one will you pop the blade
6497s not yet as your teammates oh
6500s that's the ground
6502s just didn't want to get staggered and
6504s just was staying on the point forcing
6506s Indonesia hey take me out unless you
6508s want the card if you want the card to go
6510s back yeah there's still Stormbreaker
6512s Foxy's hanging around Indonesia's kind
6515s of used a little bit more than they
6516s wanted here a little bit I think they
6518s might have wanted to keep
6520s that cool lessons however it was a fight
6522s that they needed to win so it was a
6525s necessity here here is the dragonblade
6527s and that coalescence here which is gonna
6529s do a lot of damage and Indonesia will
6534s they okay two members of Indonesia is
6536s still remaining will they be able to
6537s touch and contest they have to call me
6540s immediately but no alts available that's
6541s the important thing as Hong Kong
6544s what's that Rampage
6546s Rampage is there only hits two however
6550s it is
6552s that might actually just do it in Hong
6555s Kong
6556s grab the second and actually
6559s entire thing here at first or two and
6561s Hong Kong wins our match the second
6563s match of the day yeah they did have a
6565s little bit of a scare on when Indonesia
6567s was attacking on blizzard world and
6568s Indonesia was really really if they had
6571s some really bright moments especially on
6573s blizzard world but also on Alias as well
6575s however Hong Kong did show that hey we
6578s have the professional players we have
6579s players playing at the contender scene
6581s we are the better team and they proved
6582s so yeah I think the response of
6585s responding to the enemy team com I think
6587s Hong Kong had a slight Edge doing
6590s slightly better in terms of response on
6592s blizzard world and that sometimes it
6594s actually comes out from the oftentimes
6596s from the shot caller and also
6597s individually but all experience oh it
6600s does come in handy in these type of
6602s moments and Indonesia though they looked
6604s scary when they're on their own attack
6606s just have to work on the other side I
6608s think they had some weaknesses into in
6610s terms of when they were on the other
6612s side the defending side on blizzard
6614s world but they're on when they're on on
6615s offense man they couldn't get all three
6618s points of course but still it seemed
6620s pretty incredible with that Sombra
6622s Tracer cop and if it works if it
6624s continues to work just make it you can
6626s actually find refine it to the maximum
6628s point but right now on this patch ah it
6631s doesn't work everywhere on the map
6633s that's the thing so I think yes Street
6635s Club it was a 2-0 it was a 2-0 not only
6638s just on control but also the match score
6642s was 2-0 as well but I don't think it did
6644s Justice to how well Indonesia played
6646s against Hong Kong
6648s Hong Kong was great I I like Hong Kong
6651s was the better team today but Indonesia
6653s could like they showed us what they can
6656s be when they're at their best and I
6658s think they can still feel very confident
6660s coming into the other matchups
6663s uh well not just today but for the rest
6665s of the qualifiers yeah because you do
6666s have to remember we do have to play
6668s every single team in the group and we
6670s have six teams which means which makes
6671s it five matches uh per team so that's
6674s going to be it and I think this is
6676s actually going to be this result between
6678s Hong Kong and Indonesia might come to
6680s bite Indonesia a lot because these two
6681s teams I think they were really
6683s competitive it might be actually one of
6685s the deciding factors but of course today
6687s we only got two matches
6689s for now because we still have one more
6691s mat a left and that is going to be South
6694s Korea versus Chinese Taipei that's gonna
6696s be the highlight match of the day I feel
6697s but we'll take a short break before that
6699s so don't go in here guys we'll be right
6701s back
6723s foreign
6768s foreign
6793s foreign
6806s [Music]
6840s [Music]
6853s [Music]
6862s foreign
6904s [Music]
6952s [Music]
6991s [Music]
7021s [Music]
7032s [Music]
7071s foreign
7085s [Music]
7111s [Music]
7114s foreign
7128s [Music]
7136s [Music]
7146s [Music]
7163s [Music]
7174s foreign
7175s [Music]
7182s [Music]
7202s [Music]
7214s [Music]
7225s [Music]
7243s and welcome back everyone to APAC group
7246s a so far it has been two two zeros
7249s unfortunately but the third match that
7251s we have they are on they're about to put
7254s on some show because this matchup is
7257s going to be a pretty big matchup of
7261s course oh not exactly the opponent that
7264s South Korea is actually going to be
7265s fighting uh South Korea is going to be
7268s versus Chinese Taipei yeah so Indonesia
7271s yes they did put up a good fight against
7272s Hong Kong so kind of like a credit to
7274s them special props to them but look at
7277s this South Korean roster do we have a
7280s lot of Champions on this roster the
7283s mid-season Madness Champions Fielder
7285s Trio also the champions of the 2023 uh
7289s mid-season Madness Fearless runner up
7291s for the mid-season Madness and Sparkle
7294s 20 20
7296s Grand Final Champion we have a lot of
7298s Champions here a lot of trophies on this
7301s roster for sure and I'm known I think a
7303s lot of the viewers are also waiting for
7305s this matchup today as
7307s these oh this roster seems to be the
7310s favorite not just in this group the
7312s entire world cup to be honest yeah this
7315s team is not just today's match favorites
7317s but uh South Korea I mean even all the
7320s Caster biases out this team is one of
7323s the team favorites one of the favorites
7325s to win the entire thing so this team
7327s it's not uh it will be very interesting
7330s to see how they play out what they play
7332s and how could they are and will they
7334s actually show
7336s 100 and how is the team work going to be
7340s within this roster because of course
7342s mechanically they're all proven they're
7344s all proven already for years of how good
7347s they are on stage in big stage
7349s performances but
7351s of course there are some opponents here
7353s I'm within the rosters well yes I do
7355s think but however
7357s unturned team in terms of Team cohesion
7359s I think it's going to be really really
7361s okay
7362s um not concerning at all because
7363s lipfield shio
7365s just played competitive matches together
7367s aren't they mid-season Madness as the
7369s Atlanta Reign literally a week ago yes
7371s and I was there to scream no I always
7374s saw scratch that five days ago not seven
7376s okay and Sparkle and fearless also have
7379s history together at the Dallas fuel so I
7383s think in terms of Team Collision I think
7385s this shouldn't be an issue for this team
7387s however it looks what's what I'm
7389s interesting
7390s see interested to see is that what kind
7393s of compositions will they be coming up
7395s with lip is a Sombra God and Sparkle is
7399s the Sparkle is good on a lot of things
7401s like Tracer Genji especially the Genji
7404s right and fearless I'll I'll be putting
7407s this Fearless is currently the best ones
7409s in the world you think so I do okay I do
7412s agree in a lot of ways and on the other
7414s side the Chinese Taipei a bubble Tracer
7416s Oh cannot double Tracer in game so we'll
7418s see uh snow hope Nexus uh Ray Momo and
7421s Mao Lee so this roster they're up
7424s against a mountain they're up against
7426s the space the Galaxy of OverWatch I do
7430s think that this team does have a lot of
7432s competence in them because also this is
7435s for people who know who've been
7437s following APAC contenders this is the
7439s old version of crack and Esports so
7442s before our Dragon Esports revented a re
7444s uh Vamp their roster this was a lot a
7448s lot of these members are the former
7450s Kraken Esports and they have experience
7453s on the professional stage however the
7455s question is will they be able to go
7458s against OverWatch League
7460s caliper opponents it's going to be
7463s uphill climb and the climb that we're
7465s talking about is a lot of slow very high
7468s number slope but this uh team called
7471s roll Momo from the open trials they
7473s actually did one of the biggest uh
7475s bracket that we have for the open trials
7477s by the way from Chinese Taipei and they
7479s did have a lucky pie in the upper
7481s bracket but except for that they haven't
7483s had pretty dominant bracket run out of a
7486s lot of other teams so they should be
7488s feeling okay but it's just that their
7490s opponent seems to be one of the
7491s strongest teams stronger teams not in
7493s just the group the entire tournament uh
7495s Bubble Watch World Cup yeah and here we
7498s are at Elias again it looks like it's
7500s going to be Elias all around for today
7502s uh again Winston Winston is I think
7506s gonna be a very favorite because
7507s Fearless is in Fearless knows how to
7509s play a lot of Heroes really really well
7512s but I mean why not play the Winston if
7514s it's ilios right and for I do suspect
7517s that because lip and Sparkle are
7520s starting it might look like a double
7522s flanker here and shield Fielder
7526s um break oh no why not
7529s it's going to be a big test for for both
7532s teams and I'm very interested to see
7535s what South Korea is feeling right now on
7538s the live patch what kind of team comp
7539s are they actually going to pull first of
7541s all are they really going to be putting
7543s out like at least the 90 of their power
7546s level and what the team comp they would
7548s they think it's the best on each map and
7551s Chinese type A has to just match up to
7554s that level oh we do have expectation
7556s that South Korea is going to be the big
7558s favorite on this matchup about Chinese
7560s fight is their first all of the day and
7563s of the tournament so they have to show
7565s something here
7566s yeah especially because like we said
7569s even map differentials may be very very
7572s crucial in quality oh it's just for the
7573s main event and to be honest taking a map
7577s off South Korea might be something that
7580s no other team may be able to do in this
7582s group
7583s mine actually be the realistic goal here
7586s and
7587s don't worry right no team's perfect no
7589s team can be perfect sometimes you're
7591s having a bad day sometimes you're having
7592s a good day and so it gates open
7595s here we go we do have okay after the
7598s teleport okay Ash Tracer from South
7601s Korea no Sombra from South Korea which
7604s is kind of surprising given that lip is
7606s so good on that Sombra however lip is
7609s also very good at the ass so and already
7613s putting up a lot of pressure on Nexus
7615s here Nexus does jump back to safety and
7617s get that heal so uh the Anna will be
7620s Raymond will be having a little bit of a
7622s more old charger yeah oh here on the
7624s Sombra let's get that hat
7627s on the belly there
7630s Okay Nexus does
7632s fall back
7634s see you tomorrow however this is
7636s actually a good sign Winston actually
7637s keeping safe staying alive it's always a
7639s better thing also it means that Raymond
7641s can also charge uh Ronaldo really really
7645s quickly and oh The Shield it's a hook so
7649s the double finger the whole point of our
7651s double flankers is about giving granting
7653s pressure giving pressure to the
7655s opposition back land however time and
7657s time again the plan of the Atlanta Reign
7660s backline Duo is proving that they can
7663s survive any aggression against them not
7666s career right now reading where
7668s opponent's going to come from
7670s and Here's Hope
7672s okay the Saving Grace here the fourth
7674s Chinese Taipei is that Raymond is
7676s closing on to that Nano so the Nano
7678s Winston will be available but no Sparkle
7682s no that was dirty with sparkle and
7686s Chinese Taipei has to back up and
7688s regroup and we grew up and they are
7691s actually Gathering some wall charges uh
7692s Nano's almost there uh pulse them and
7696s hope EMP is only halfway here so they do
7699s need a lot of time but still the thing
7702s is I'm thinking it's already 60 for
7705s South Korea Nexus is already so so low
7707s okay it's the ante is gone so they can
7710s heal them now and it is going to be the
7713s Nano Winston here will South gonna be
7715s able to survive this Fielder does fall
7718s which is a first and but does not be is
7721s not able to access lip
7723s and Chio also picks up a kill for
7725s himself and Sparkle
7728s firing oh wow it Molly actually pushes
7731s uh Sparkle off the edge there I think
7734s and you're just think oh I'm actually
7736s using that dude
7738s [Music]
7741s what an outplay from Shield there and
7744s well okay so the point was flipped a
7746s little bit for the side of Taipei here
7748s however South Korea does manage to flip
7751s it back up and it is going to be final
7753s fight territory for South Korea yes
7756s let's be all fall over the walls and the
7760s boards
7762s okay
7764s Geo has a good rally to save Fielder and
7768s takes out a hole which means that it is
7771s going to be a fight and the advantage of
7773s South Korea
7776s and it looks like the fight is going to
7779s South Korea oh he immediately brought
7781s down that Western has full HP before but
7785s the focus fire from South Korea is just
7787s outrageous and that's a team one and the
7790s first control going to South Korea okay
7793s not a hundred zero but it is a dominant
7797s dominant display from Team Korea here
7799s and dominant and clean at the same time
7803s we could see the the place the focus
7806s fire that South Korea wanted to have and
7808s oftentimes they were already that was
7810s placed to the back
7813s perfect stick there
7817s oh you should count on the kill feed so
7820s we all know what happened here yeah that
7821s is that is definitely a chill kill over
7824s there but
7825s um just coming back to South Korea it
7827s was it was a great display from everyone
7829s uh lip was really really good on the Ash
7832s and sparkles good on the Tracer oh
7835s Winston was also good the back line
7837s almost never died I think the only death
7839s from the back line was just that one
7841s death from Fielder oh and here we go we
7843s literally have uh the same Gamecock
7845s coming out from both Tracer Echo will be
7848s the dps's and everything else Winston
7850s Anna and
7851s so it's going to be an interesting Echo
7854s dual from both sides no Ash on either
7858s side so it's not gonna be the height
7860s it's by the the fight for The High
7862s Ground is not going outside
7864s Sparkles smoking his opponent and a nice
7868s knee yeah the Empire went into three on
7870s the back line at the same time so I pay
7873s again on a run the thing is even though
7876s that amount of book of fire from South
7879s Korea is coming down onto that Winston
7880s Nexus has been surviving not too bad so
7884s I think they have to consider themselves
7886s uh going around the map display anymore
7889s and tricot rotate South Korea but of
7892s course uh South Korea is not going to be
7894s really out rotated on this map as if it
7896s is quite easy to read and what's
7899s difficult for Chinese Taipei here is
7901s that they need to find an opening on
7903s like a certain point of the map because
7905s South Korea is taking all the geographic
7908s uh terrain advantages that they can get
7911s and they have
7914s again to Sparkle that was gonna be a
7917s member deficit for them to the side of
7919s Chinese Taipei snow is falling very low
7921s I think he already used the recall okay
7924s heal back up by the Stick of the snow
7927s onto Tracer that's going to hurt
7931s oh man that's like
7935s handsome
7937s I've lost words like onto a tracer that
7940s takes a lot of bulls that's it that's
7942s basically saying you are not a match for
7944s me Jason versus Tracer try again okay
7947s snow does you just throw the pulse bomb
7950s elephant no deaths from South Korea yet
7952s the Fielder is it is nanoing fearless so
7956s South Korea wants to spawn Camp here
7970s to keep everyone alive the South Korean
7972s background is just refusing to fall and
7975s Nexus Falls instead Molly has that rally
7979s but will they be able to use it 88 on
7982s the side of South Korea this is again
7984s final fight territory for South Korea
7987s that could have been the one chance for
7989s Chinese Taipei but because they're so
7991s far a spawn Camp so DPS in the back line
7993s they're so far away from the control
7995s point the rage monkey what's nearby but
7998s the entire team was so far away from
8000s each other Maui has to pop prop 99 oh no
8004s I was about to save the rally but the
8006s rally is gone no sustain Raymond Falls
8009s Raymond doesn't fall yet but now they
8011s fall asleep hope also don't have to do
8015s it you know how to do it alone and it
8016s has to bring a lot of efforts but hope
8019s pounds only two remain from for the side
8022s of Chinese the band they can't touch it
8024s is going to be first man for South Korea
8027s and when you said hope is down it
8029s sounded like there's no hope anymore for
8033s the Chinese Taipei wow that was the
8035s first map and of course we were
8037s expecting this much of a of a dominance
8039s from South Korea and we've seen it as
8042s a lot of 1v1 DPS wins for South Korea as
8046s you that usually doesn't happen as much
8048s but because you know the mechanically
8051s that you are just outraging uh just out
8053s dominant your you can now you can
8056s basically just pin down your opponent it
8058s happened multiple times and that's just
8060s what it is sometimes yeah dominant
8062s display from South Korea as expected but
8065s um getting expectations and living up to
8067s those expectations are two different
8069s things so credit to South Korea I think
8071s Chinese Taipei had a good plan but
8074s they're just out executed by South Korea
8076s so I just think that and on the side of
8079s the Chinese Taipei I think they just
8080s need to kind of work on their execution
8082s and most importantly not get mental
8085s boomed so I think that's going to be
8087s most important going into this match
8089s Chinese Taipei now has map type
8091s selection and map selection so it's
8094s going to be interesting to see what
8096s Taipei Chinese Taipei has to come up
8098s with that will be a rough rough it'll be
8102s the harder this question that you will
8104s have in your test uh you have this many
8107s Maps uh the two modes and which one are
8109s you actually going to choose so either
8111s you just pick the best map on your own
8114s or try to find one week one week map
8117s from South Korea that is going to be the
8119s big question and in this case well I
8122s made one prediction last time but I'll
8123s keep up
8124s this time I'll actually give up and uh
8127s let's go regardless of which map I think
8130s it's going to be more of more of how
8133s Chinese Taipei will be able to will be
8136s able to bring down each members of South
8138s Korea because so far they have been
8139s doing uh not really being close to even
8142s if they had the die count the type
8143s didn't really turn out to have that many
8146s kills instead they were forced to back
8147s off immediately against South Korea so
8150s and if they come up other they come up
8152s with some cheesy plays or else I don't
8154s think it's really going to be working at
8156s all I agree
8157s um for conventional I guess compositions
8160s I think South Korea will be covering
8162s almost everything and even though if
8164s they do have a little bit of
8165s unexpectedness coming into I think South
8168s Korea does have the flexibility to kind
8170s of
8171s kind of react to that and still be a
8175s little bit better but we'll see I do
8177s think that if they want if Chinese type
8179s A does want a little bit even a little
8181s bit of a chance I think they need to
8183s kind of surprise South Korea with
8184s something
8185s I don't want to be this brutal but Korea
8190s if you look at if you look at the
8192s substitution list for Korea they have
8194s hanbin and they have Finn hey on the
8197s bench I well that's if you want to uh
8204s if you wanted even they have a hot pin
8207s if you want a Zen or a double Flex they
8209s have thin
8210s so you can basically mix and match for
8212s any map with this roster that's what uh
8216s that's exactly another reason why this
8217s roster is so strong of course oh for
8219s Chinese taipe they do also have uh a
8222s light they can actually you can actually
8223s come back in as a DPS and tomato again
8226s another uh really experienced player
8229s actually uh from the Chinese Taipei side
8231s so maybe we'll see a lot of
8233s substitutions happening for the second
8235s map because uh they also get to choose
8237s the map so I believe Chinese State
8238s payday should have a better idea of the
8240s substitution and what they want to do in
8242s the second map of their choice yeah and
8244s to be honest I don't think Chinese
8245s Taipei played badly like it's just like
8248s again they had the right ideas they just
8250s were outplayed by the immense talent
8253s that South Korea had so I think it's
8255s also really important that they that the
8257s players that are playing right now
8259s understand that they are playing one of
8261s the best teams in the World Cup right
8263s now yeah just in the qualifiers but
8264s across all the regions and if they can
8267s keep this up not I mean they can have
8268s the experience for I mean they can also
8271s drop a win we don't know anything yet so
8274s they can as unlikely maybe very unlikely
8277s we're talking like single digit maybe in
8280s decimals like I I want to be honest
8281s because I've seen the seen a lot of feed
8284s from especially from the Korean fans
8286s they're also saying this might be the
8288s strongest South Korean team ever one of
8291s one of these strongest if not the
8292s strongest so that's going to be a very
8295s tough Hill to climb for any other team
8298s in group a exactly and although it's
8301s open to a lot of debate on who's going
8302s to be your best player slash favorite
8304s player there's no denying that this
8306s current team is full of talent and that
8310s I don't I don't want Chinese Taipei to
8312s be disheartened right now because
8313s they're playing pretty well and like I
8315s said even maybe dropping a map from
8317s South Korea even if they do fall zero
8319s two today their level of performance
8321s right now is really really good so it
8323s gives them a chance for them to try and
8327s take that other qualifier Place yep and
8329s I think with that first win South Korea
8331s might actually just try a few more
8332s things like out of the wild bring a
8334s widow even if after even after that big
8338s Nerf and bring some more Hanzo I think
8340s that those are there are open to a lot
8343s of other options they don't really have
8344s to match or having the same matched echo
8347s echo Tracer from both teams it was I
8349s think we're going to be seeing that come
8351s a lot in this tournament with the same
8353s patch not just an ilios and a lot of
8356s other Maps because I think Echo with the
8358s with the duplicate uh the charge being
8361s your the fact that you can actually
8363s charge the ultimate so much so much
8364s faster now that's going to boost a lot
8367s of echo plays coming out from the teams
8369s yeah I think this was the first time
8371s that Echo was used as intended uh Echo
8374s did have a rough time earlier today but
8377s I think it was a little bit more of the
8379s execution and the team environment
8381s um around the echo I think this was one
8384s of the games that even without the mercy
8385s that the echo really thrived especially
8387s against another Echo mirror and even
8390s without other Echoes I think it would be
8392s I think this is how if Echo ever revives
8395s and because of the Buffs I think this is
8397s like you're witnessing how it is used
8400s and we are getting messages from the uh
8404s from the production that we are having a
8406s lot of substitutions coming oh that's
8408s why we're taking some time before we go
8410s into the next map and oh as I do see
8414s some subs on both sides actually so we
8416s might have to wait on that though so
8418s slow light more but
8421s Taipei I think they can take some time
8423s to actually cool down a little bit okay
8425s we knew that South Korea was going to be
8428s very strong they're indeed very strong
8429s mechanically teamwork wise the team comp
8432s it was matched but the game we were not
8433s matching at all so honestly I think
8435s taking some feedbacks back so ever what
8437s can we actually do and what can we get
8439s out of this match I think that's going
8441s to be the realistic like if I was the
8443s coach I think that's something that we
8445s will be talking within the team from
8446s Chinese Taipei yeah like I said they're
8449s not playing that bad and so I think the
8453s most of the things is that hey what went
8454s wrong is like like I said the idea isn't
8457s wrong it's like what went wrong in an
8459s execution point of view yeah and then
8461s they can uh kind of do a little bit of
8464s reviews here short reviews and I think
8466s the most important thing for Chinese
8467s Taipei is that they want to keep their
8469s morale up and here is circuit Royale so
8472s this is also a escort map and I we have
8475s this is our first time casting circuit
8477s Royale together yeah because uh it
8479s wasn't here on the on the in the map for
8482s the contenders but here it is as is it
8486s was a pick from Chinese Taipei let's see
8488s what kind of team contain we'll actually
8490s actually be bringing
8492s because certainly it's a map where you
8495s can technically be stuck in that first
8498s first few meters if you are yes if you
8501s are a small town and also this is a
8503s widow map I don't know how I don't yet
8506s know how teams will react to the World
8508s on Earth because this is a long range
8511s straight map and if there's also some
8513s High Ground natural high ground and
8515s which which makes it a perfect spot for
8517s widows to thrive uh with the wood owners
8520s however I don't know how thing how teams
8522s think about it as currently and this
8524s kind of explains a lot for the
8527s substitutions here we see humbin here
8529s and also on the side of Chinese Taipei
8531s we see tomato tomato and also light in
8535s here as as we see from the UI de hambin
8540s uh
8543s here and on the other side we do have
8545s snow going out and light the new DPS for
8548s Chinese Taipei and also tomato instead
8551s of Nexus
8552s yeah so this is what we usually see on
8554s escort Labs as well on both teams the
8557s flex Tanks off tanks usually take over
8559s with and to be honest right now the
8563s typical pick for uh Striker Royale would
8566s be that Sigma that we're seeing on the
8568s side of Taipei however hanbin is going
8571s to play on that signature junker queen
8574s that that he is so famous on on the
8577s Dallas fuel
8578s oh oh Geo what just happened from like
8584s you just
8586s obliviated lights Widow I'll screen I
8590s think they're they were trying to hide
8591s some they were hiding somewhere and just
8593s okay no more Widow light says and two so
8597s their name immediately
8600s okay Chinese Taipei is used it's kind of
8603s uh but using a similar composition of
8605s what you would usually see okay okay
8609s and okay good kill on the pier this
8612s means that the spawn spawn Camp will
8614s probably end very very soon
8620s [Music]
8624s now here's hope with that Genji a lot
8628s more okay Signs of Life for Chinese
8630s Taipei so far and but the bright side
8633s from South Korea is that humping is
8636s already farming that Rampage up so Lip
8640s lip was there was a good Anthony to live
8643s and look fell first so they had the swan
8647s Camp was about to end anyways but the
8649s good side for South Korea is that they
8651s have all the key alternates coming up
8653s soon
8654s GPS
8658s on both sides the lib is going together
8661s we had shot onto light that's gonna
8663s Force training sideway all the way to
8665s the back
8667s yeah so I it's interesting to see that
8670s how Gene oh what a strike through
8673s multiple members I think
8675s if that was I think 30 20 I'll charge
8679s you in the signal strike so that was uh
8681s wow Sparkle's doing wonders here and
8685s interesting to see how both teams are
8686s thinking of sojourn which is the
8689s mid-range sniper as as is like a
8693s substitution for the Widowmaker yeah
8696s but before that here's the ramp the
8699s Rampage countered very well by mali's
8701s sound barrier so no casualties on the
8705s side of time
8707s now there's gonna be the sparkle Dragon
8710s Blade and so who it's really interesting
8713s to see which team is going to pull the
8715s trigger first oh but Sparkle doesn't
8717s even need the Dragon Blade hoop holster
8720s Dragon Blade but will they be able to
8722s make any kills out of it yeah but it's
8724s without banana because remember went
8726s down a little too fast Mark will
8727s actually wanted to get that Anna early
8730s on
8731s at the down this doesn't happen the
8733s fight's still here though oh tomato
8735s pulled the annihilation but was taking
8738s out very very quickly Fielder making
8742s wonders value out of that rally here and
8746s again Chinese Taipei not making a lot of
8749s progress here
8750s Aziz again
8753s might actually be spawn camp now with
8755s with the soldier from live
8760s [Music]
8761s okay lip is like scrap this I'm gonna
8764s I'm gonna do my own healing and Sparkle
8767s still has that Dragon Blade and Maui
8769s does not have the sound barrier or any
8772s defensive measures here so it's going to
8773s be a challenge for Taipei to stay alive
8777s they're all all to the side of the
8779s corner as a blade available
8781s and sound barrier this is not a tomato
8783s Sparkle doesn't even need
8786s Genji
8793s light falling very low has to reduce the
8795s spine
8798s okay g-clap okay nine seconds yes nine
8801s seconds left
8803s you know these
8805s oldies
8806s and that is the blade killing nobody
8810s okay two people but wow the Ajax
8814s God
8816s oh gosh you guys should see our faces
8819s right now oh my God
8823s how many meters
8825s 62. that's something they need it they
8828s don't yeah it's parked in the corner not
8830s even a single block but
8832s okay that was it as it see what it
8836s seemed like Chinese Taipei it could have
8838s been a longer push for sure but the
8841s later fights after losing their dps's
8844s got some support
8846s uh
8848s that's not enough not enough floor it's
8850s not enough wonders I think yeah South
8852s Korea was using their ultimate I mean it
8855s looked like they were having fun but in
8857s if you look at it very carefully they
8859s were using their ultimates very with
8862s very very high discipline they were only
8864s using the oats that they needed Sparkle
8866s have that dragon blade for ages and
8868s still didn't use it because he didn't
8870s need it to and those kind of discipline
8873s those kind of old discipline is what you
8875s need even though if you're in a winning
8876s match anything can happen so like credit
8879s to Sparkle and team South Korea and them
8882s we forgot to mention about life Weaver
8885s Buffs it was a gigantic buff on life
8889s Weaver it might happen
8898s okay but live with the Genji
8901s okay
8902s okay
8904s zarya Sparkles here
8907s yeah that distance
8909s actually more far away Chinese Taipei
8912s playing a very risky game here because
8914s they know that they're trying to spawn
8916s camp but they if
8918s but if they fall here they don't they
8922s don't have a lot of chances to defend
8923s the payload
8926s it's gonna trigger a fight here flip
8930s two smashy survives okay Liv gets taken
8933s down have I ever seen have I ever been
8936s like kimchi before
8939s his first time not quite sure if I feel
8942s or still stay of course they're still in
8944s respawn but okay this spawn Camp is
8946s actually kind of quirky Chinese taipe
8949s and the annihilate no no the coalescence
8952s is online so they can use that
8955s which is okay right now here's the
8958s gravity
8960s the Dual following up damage might see a
8962s tree coming out soon there it is
8966s oh wow this is sheer violence from the
8970s uh from the side of South Korea here yes
8972s Chinese Taipei did kind of stall them
8975s for about like a minute and a half but
8977s in the end with that hop in graviton
8979s Search and the outstanding damage output
8983s from all the members of South Korea
8985s actually even the support players
8987s they managed to break out the barricade
8990s and 40 meters out leaving less than 20
8993s meters now for South Korea Tennessee
8994s they're in position let's turn the
8997s corner this is going to be the final
8999s fight F Chinese type A lose all the
9001s women
9010s South Korea grabs their first win in the
9014s qualifiers with a dominant performance
9017s 2-0 score
9018s well what I mean I I think they were
9021s having a little bit of fun I I have to
9024s check lip I don't think lip has ever
9026s played Genji on a competitive match but
9028s for at least not on the Atlanta Reign to
9030s my recent memory but still they do me
9033s they do me and able to work because of
9037s good positioning and ult usage oh
9040s a lot of compliments for this team as
9043s just on paper we could kind of tell and
9046s a lot of you if you watch if you have
9049s watched over league and what just
9050s happened last week Mrs Madness a lot of
9053s these names were playing in that big
9054s stage and it actually amazing that
9057s trophy too so you could tell that this
9060s was going to be the dominant team and
9062s not to see the two maps of South Korea
9065s so far yeah a lot again a lot of talent
9068s expected from this talented lineup here
9070s we have a lot of not just OverWatch
9073s League talent but top top OverWatch
9076s League Talent here and well yes credit
9080s to Chinese Taipei to try to make
9081s something happen yes they did that uh
9084s initial spawn Camp did kind of work out
9087s a little bit because they did stall a
9088s minute and a half from South Korea
9089s however it wasn't enough but I still
9092s think Chinese Taipei can keep their
9093s heads up yeah because this is not going
9095s to be the only match that they will play
9097s in the group as we have the match result
9099s of the day day number one from Apex
9101s group a we did have group a and Group B
9104s so it's a different group with different
9106s countries representing uh match one
9108s going to Japan two zero oh surprisingly
9110s we do did have all two zeros today uh
9113s but we'll have a lot more matches a lot
9115s more plays from all of these teams that
9118s you have seen so far and let's see if
9121s the teams that actually lost O2 let's
9123s see if they can actually bounce back in
9124s the group yeah it's also going to be
9126s really interesting to see right now
9128s because right now all the favorites all
9131s the pre-match favorites are winning and
9134s I do think that it's going what's going
9136s to be more interesting is that when the
9138s winner meets the winners and the loser
9140s meets losers it's going to be a really
9142s yes I that will eventually happen yes
9145s and it's I will call it interesting
9149s and well like you said G clef it is very
9153s important to see how the winning teams
9155s kind of even kind of find a way to see
9158s hey how are we going to press on this
9159s strengths that we've been showing and if
9162s there are a little bit of weaknesses
9164s that we've been showing with displaying
9165s how are we going to cover up that
9166s because teams like Japan and South Korea
9169s are going to bite you at any weakness
9172s that they have they will at that level
9175s he show any type of weak play they will
9178s dominate and crunch on your weaknesses
9181s and there's the updated standings after
9183s the result of the first day Hong Kong
9185s Japan South Korea tied with one win and
9188s the map differential the plus minus that
9190s on the right that's what something that
9192s you should be looking out for because
9193s that's the map differential
9195s yes and also I don't think that the
9198s standards right now is going to be like
9200s terribly important at this stage of the
9201s tournament uh they will this group is
9204s still up for grabs however after seeing
9207s one day of the qualifiers which isn't a
9209s much so don't hold me too accountable
9211s for this but I do think that South Korea
9213s Japan is going to be the clear favorites
9216s for qualifying and Hong Kong looks
9218s really really nice so far so maybe Hong
9220s Kong might clinch that third place
9222s however I do think that that third
9224s qualifying place is still up for grabs
9226s yeah and then on screen this is next
9228s schedule for APAC group a of course
9231s there are going to be other regions
9233s happening in just a couple of hours
9234s actually so you don't actually even if
9238s the stream ends you can actually just
9239s keep this up and it'll be automatically
9241s on in couple of hours the skin foreign
9245s you never have to leave the channel it's
9248s your dream come true in real life but
9251s for our next schedule for tomorrow which
9253s will be starting at the same time for 6
9254s PM kst starting with Hong Kong versus
9256s Philippines and then the second match
9258s Chinese Taipei versus Japan oh I'm
9261s looking forward to these matches yeah
9264s Hong Kong versus Philippines I think
9266s Hong Kong Hong Kong will be kind of
9268s favorites coming into this about uh to
9270s that matchup and Japan also uh going to
9273s be favorites for that match against
9274s Chinese snap pay however both teams have
9277s shown that they can do a little bit they
9280s can they have a lot more to show oh yes
9282s oh no what a first day all two zeros but
9285s they're filled with a lot of stories a
9287s lot of players you got to see some of
9289s their highlights uh some of the good
9290s good moments the bad moments what'd you
9292s feel about first day overall uh this is
9295s well to me honestly personally this is a
9297s dream come true because I this is a
9300s little bit personal so but uh okay what
9302s are you gonna say now you're making me
9303s worried I started I started my career
9308s after watching the World Cup in 2018.
9311s okay so being on this stage being on
9314s this stage uh cat actually being able to
9316s cast here although I do have a lot to go
9320s I do have a lot to learn it still feels
9322s special for me and the matches today
9324s were really really
9326s special yep and special but uh don't
9330s mean to cut you off there no no okay so
9332s yeah just for me too actually being on
9334s on the World Cup qualifier it's an honor
9336s for me and we're actually floating in
9339s the sky right now casting at the same
9340s time so that's a hard top for us and
9344s because uh two zeros a lot of two zeros
9346s did happen today but it's only the
9348s beginning it's first day of six days of
9351s APAC group a and it's only it's also a
9354s portion of the all four regions that is
9358s going to be happening for two weeks two
9360s weeks of qualifiers so it's going to be
9363s packed OverWatch for another two weeks
9365s and you can enjoy the entire thing just
9367s have come at this Channel at any time
9369s and most likely it's going to be on with
9371s some teams yeah I mean like we've
9373s mentioned during the start of the cache
9375s other regions with their wonderful
9378s casters and wonderful teams as well will
9380s be on and a lot of OverWatch they played
9384s and again since like you mentioned G
9387s clef this is only the first day so
9389s there's going to be a lot of adjustments
9391s adaptations and it's going to get more
9393s even more fun yeah and for us that's
9395s going to be that's going to be it thank
9397s you unknown and this was true clef and
9399s thank you everyone for watching
9400s OverWatch World Cup 2023 eight pack
9402s group a we'll continue with day two
9405s tomorrow and see you all in OverWatch
9448s thank you
9452s foreign
9483s foreign
9524s [Music]
9542s myself
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9578s thank you
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9593s thank you
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9605s [Music]
9638s thank you
9640s foreign
9644s [Music]
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9704s [Music]
9713s thank you