about 1 year ago - PlayOverwatch - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

1s [Music]
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272s hello everybody and welcome to the
274s OverWatch 2 Invasion reveal stream I'm
277s your host for the day Matt Mr X and we
279s have so much exciting OverWatch 2
281s content to show you and uh just a
283s reminder that a lot of the stuff you're
284s going to see today some of it is
286s finished some of it is work in progress
288s so uh with that said and out of the way
290s with me today in our first segment uh
292s from the OverWatch 2 development team uh
294s we have senior game producer Kim Horn an
296s art director Dion Rogers how are you
298s guys doing today good to see you again
299s man I know it's great it's great I've
301s always you know me and Dion we've been
303s in a bunch of pieces together Kim we've
305s you know talked for ages on Twitter
306s that's the first time I think meeting in
307s person yeah no no it's great and uh for
312s with you guys today we're really gonna
313s you know get into The Invasion story and
316s you know some of the PVE experiences
318s people are going to have so uh Dion
320s we've actually signed you up as our lore
321s expert
323s surprise yeah surprise so uh no one of
327s the biggest reveals you know with the
328s trailer and you know everything going on
330s with invasion is the story Mission so
332s just give us a little bit of a where are
334s we in terms of the OverWatch story and
335s where is the launching point for this
337s okay
338s um yeah we have an amazing narrative
339s team back at the office that helped put
341s this stuff together so speaking on
343s behalf of the awesome work they've done
345s and Kim and I have been on this for a
347s while but basically these are
349s Cooperative admissions that will finally
352s move this story in the world of
354s OverWatch forward and so it takes place
357s shortly after Winston's recall Winston's
359s been trying to get the old OverWatch
361s agents back together it's a bunch of bad
364s things happen around the world he feels
366s we need to get back together and even
368s meet some new friends old friends get
370s together and help solve these different
373s problems that are happening around the
375s world especially null sector has
377s returned
378s it's interesting I know when we were
380s chatting there's some Heroes that like
381s canonically in the story haven't met
383s each other right uh so get to see some
386s of these moments the proper Cannon for
388s OverWatch we're finally moving the story
389s forward oh yeah and in this version of
391s the story obvious this is the Canon
393s story
395s Lucio hasn't met Reinhardt yet so
398s you're going to learn exactly how these
400s characters meet each other what they've
402s been up to while um before this Invasion
404s happened so yeah it should be pretty
407s interesting that's going to be so cool
408s for you guys to like be able to write
410s and bring these moments to the game
412s right uh how do you even like start that
414s whole process
416s um so part of it we start to look at the
419s heroes there's some young Heroes that
421s never been in OverWatch before and
423s there's some older Heroes that they've
425s been there for a while but they need
426s some new blood to help deal with the um
430s that's happening basically I see you
433s there Kim
437s so it's fun to see actually how these
441s characters met each other or what
443s they've been up to during the um the
446s phase between Winston's recall and no
448s you know when The Invasion starts so in
451s terms of you know we're able to see a
452s lot of awesome footage here from
454s Gothenburg which is one of the invasion
456s story missions uh Kim from being you
458s know on the on the gameplay side it's
459s like how do you actually you know build
461s out these story missions uh you know
463s what were some of the fun gameplay
464s things you guys were able to play with
465s yeah um a lot of these were originally
468s based on the PVP maps and um we decided
472s as we were making our story missions
475s that we had to make something a little
477s more different a little more fun for PVE
480s so you might recognize some of these
483s Maps but it's entirely new different
485s areas yeah I think that's super cool
486s because uh we all know and love uh the
488s OverWatch PVP maps but uh you're made
492s them for like competitive you know quick
494s play purposes where these have a
497s completely different purpose right in
498s terms of story missions so uh when you
501s guys kind of went back and looked at
503s some of those areas you know where were
504s some of the things you wanted to expand
506s on in terms of things you probably
507s couldn't do with PVP
509s right um so we both wanted to balance
512s gameplay choices versus the what did we
515s want to do with the story so for example
517s Rio makes a great location because it's
519s connected to one of our heroes Lucio and
521s you get to witness how he feels to see
523s an invasion happening in his hometown
526s basically but we also each Mission has a
530s slight difference in gameplay that we
531s wanted to achieve from a Cooperative
533s perspective and so it meant we needed to
536s build newer maps to to Really balance
540s the gameplay plus the story moments we
542s wanted to tell yeah there's a lot of the
546s different needs and PVE maps versus PVP
549s you know there's a you know something
552s like a tunnel which would be terrifying
555s but you actually might want to duck in
557s there to hide from an enemy yeah yeah a
560s tunnel in PvP uh no I I'd be I'd be
563s angry I'd be like hey don't put me in a
565s tunnel you know you got the reinhardts
567s with the Shadows down there right but I
569s guess that allows you to kind of have
570s some more fun a little bit more
571s creativity types yeah the levels are
574s more vast we're able to do
576s um things that just would make PVP
578s imbalance you know exactly I mean they
580s look incredible I mean just uh kind of
582s seeing some of the footage here from Rio
585s just the lighting and then this guy I
588s saw him in the trailer I I think he's
590s coming up yeah I mean uh he he looks he
593s looks tough I can't it's a pretty fun
594s encounter yeah yeah I'm super stoked
597s that I didn't jump in and see some of
599s these encounters and different types of
600s things that you guys have uh Jim I gotta
603s ask on the on the gameplay side like
604s what was some of other what was like the
606s most fun part about being able to kind
607s of craft into these story missions
613s uh the dialogue in between the rows
616s the heroes and their interactions a lot
618s more it's already a favorite thing of
621s mine in PvP but it we really get to
623s throw a lot more in PVE yeah you kind of
626s hear like all the uh the dialogue that
628s goes on with like uh you know voice
630s lines in the spawn room and you know uh
633s PVP so I mean that's pretty cool in
636s terms of you know PV in terms of getting
638s more kind of story a little bit more
639s tidbits uh in terms of level design you
641s know obviously you mentioned that the
643s PVP spaces some of these are based on
645s changed drastically uh no how big should
648s we expect them you know the different
649s types of environments that you guys
650s wanted to create oh these are a lot
653s bigger than our PVP maps so
655s um there's a ton of stuff no we have a
658s good comparison but they're four or five
660s times bigger than wow any PVP space
662s we've made and just we're able to do
664s cinematic Vistas and longer sight lines
668s just things that just would totally
670s break the balance of BBT and it's so fun
673s to see what we can do you know the
675s team's been itching to do this kind of
677s thing for a while and then I guess with
678s the longer sight lines and stuff like
680s that like it allows you to kind of play
681s with the different enemy types right
682s that you could see during that like uh
684s anyone we should look out for that we
686s don't want to go up against uh there's
688s an artillery unit that he loves to stay
690s away from the player he's really far
692s away so
694s um using your team comp to balance like
696s who needs to deal with the artillery
698s that's further away versus
700s um the grunt is pretty dangerous up
702s close it there's this fun balance of the
705s level design plus the units tactical
708s abilities plus the powers that our
710s OverWatch Heroes Have yeah I mean the
711s art that uh you know we we got from this
714s I mean this looks uh you know that looks
716s like Gothenburg to me I'm not an expert
718s yeah uh home the tour everyone I mean
721s this looks uh super cool is this I guess
723s uh this is some of the artwork and like
724s kind of InDesign right like this looks
726s like a factory you know weapon Cannon
728s then Gothenburg you'll find out yeah
731s but uh we're trying some new stuff you
734s know tobymoon gains a few new turrets
736s during this Mission so
738s some little tools a little Tech little
740s tech tech Advance there yeah
742s I mean the level of detail that you guys
745s put in this just uh tremendous uh for
748s this types of content what what is like
750s some of the and I guess this is a you
752s know null sector kind of coming in right
753s this is kind of like uh is this do you
755s know where this is this isn't real so
758s this is when
759s um a contest of artist named Peter Lee
760s worked on this piece and we usually try
763s to
763s um kind of a little script of what we
767s want would like to see within a space
768s this one's interesting because it
770s started off at night but we kind of
772s changed the setting and this is a
773s glimpse of some of the other null sector
775s units they return fully upgraded and
779s they're ready to go
782s uh their Command Ship this was an
784s iteration by Al
786s right this has to be so fun to work on
788s yes it does because like what you have
790s the obviously that moment with uh
792s Winston's recall right and then after
794s that you guys kind of have an idea where
797s it's been a long time coming but it
798s feels so good to finally just
801s we're answering that question that we we
803s created a lot of questions we're
805s creating some new questions but we're
806s giving some answers finally now so it's
808s fun to see this uh uh an objective in
811s Toronto here yeah I think fans are going
814s to be blown away once they see some of
816s the stuff that you guys have been
817s working on it's been incredible one of
818s the other things is actually event
819s Mission so uh story missions they look
822s amazing you know really kind of build on
823s obviously the the lore the story uh of
826s OverWatch uh event missions so these are
830s you know story missions are not the only
831s PVE thing happening right event missions
833s are also coming in uh can you explain to
835s me a little bit about what event
836s missions are yeah event missions are new
839s they're coming with season six
841s um they are the highly replayable
843s repeatable content that you're meant to
845s play after you finish the story Mission
847s so can this is this canonical is this
851s not like a little bit about a little bit
853s you might want it to be we might have a
856s canonical mission in there we might have
858s one that's not
859s um I would say the first one coming out
861s was season six is in that gray area yeah
864s and maybe not and I I've seen this
866s location before it looks like a little
868s bit of a an expansion on uh yes I think
872s some crafty players have seen this in
874s advance yes the sneaky players yeah I
876s think they have peeked through some
877s cracks but it's something we always
879s wanted to do is expand on our PVP maps
882s and and build more give another option
885s there was a lot of ideas about this so
887s this is a new branching path that we
888s used during the event mission right yeah
891s in King's Row yeah the lighting and
892s everything here looks tremendous and so
894s what what is the gameplay changes
896s between a story Mission and an event
898s Mission like how should people expect
899s those to play differently
901s um we have a whole bunch of uh
903s challenges with story missions um
905s they'll change every week also the hero
908s roster you can choose from will be
910s different so uh the the gameplay will
913s change from Weekends
915s that'll be super cool so like a gameplay
917s modifier each week you know with some
919s different like new heroes in the
921s that should be super fun just terms of
923s like replayability yeah well it's just
926s this is underworld right this is kind of
928s like the first one is called Underworld
929s the first one and uh you know some same
932s enemies his story were different same
934s same enemies but uh you know you'll
937s fight them in new ways yes oh okay uh so
940s I I won't get any uh tips and tricks uh
943s today in terms of how to deal with that
945s uh these look actually super awesome and
948s I love the fact that they're like you
950s know you mentioned like replayability
951s right in terms of like week to week
953s coming back with a new hero roster right
955s uh different types of modifiers I assume
957s you know with uh different enemy
959s modifiers or you know Buffs or something
961s like that that'll be super fun what was
963s the best part about working on this type
964s of stuff is it like getting creative
966s with the modifiers and things like that
967s like yeah definitely and then just
970s figuring out how to make the gameplay
972s really fun when you're playing over and
973s over again it's something we play like
977s every day and it always has feels
979s different yeah I guess was the
980s philosophy go in Underworld was it to
982s build something that's like highly
983s replayable like you've gone week exactly
985s yeah that's uh yeah I mean uh and then
988s uh you know to have something like that
989s I think obviously on top of the story
990s missions right I I think is awesome
992s because people were wondering like oh
994s like you know I'm gonna do a story but I
995s want to do like more and I want to do
997s all the time with the different
998s difficulties there and then uh is this
1000s like one difficulty or is it multiple
1002s difficulties how does that work uh
1004s there's multiple difficulties yeah
1006s you know what's cool too is it was fun
1009s to revisit a a classic PvP map and it's
1013s banned on it and in PvP we do place a
1016s lot of story right a lot of players pick
1019s up on a lot of things we do in the PVP
1020s maps that are Canon to the story of
1023s OverWatch so King's Row made a lot of
1025s sense to do it as an event right Mission
1028s because there's mondata and Kings Road
1031s yeah
1033s right yeah so a lot of our PVP maps have
1037s a lot of story in it and and this is
1039s what's so great about finally doing this
1041s Co-op story missions to help answer some
1044s of those tidbits of
1046s story that we used to place yeah around
1048s the PvP map so it's totally that was a
1051s lot of fun just digging into that yeah
1053s and I I just love like the nighttime
1056s scary kind of look that King's Row has
1059s yeah I know over the top underworld but
1061s uh another piece of uh you know content
1064s that's a PV you know e uh solo playable
1066s uh is hero masteries so uh I found out
1070s about this a little bit ago and I was
1072s like this this looks super cool I'm
1074s terrible at it uh so explain to me a
1076s little bit about hero masters
1078s um it's solo content you're meant to
1080s play
1081s um you know by yourself maybe it's late
1084s at night and you just don't want to stop
1085s playing but um it's it's meant so you
1089s can try out new Heroes
1091s um you know maybe a hero you haven't
1093s played very much or very often want to
1095s get better at and you can kind of play
1098s on your own and learn techniques and
1103s play some challenges oh yeah and I see
1105s uh whoever was doing this one pretty
1107s good I see the the Winston private rage
1109s Tech right you jump then Primal and then
1112s uh and be able to knock players around
1114s yeah and you know story wise Winston
1117s basically created a simulation room
1119s within Gibraltar watch Point Gibraltar
1121s for the heroes basically to hone their
1123s skills to test out
1125s um you know just training this basically
1128s a training simulator or a holographic
1130s room that Winsome creative for Our
1132s Heroes to train and we use that as a
1134s reason why players can train and get
1137s better at a hero or even use it as a way
1139s to start learning a new hero you know
1141s and the hero that you haven't played
1142s before yeah that's super awesome you
1144s guys have like uh woven like the story
1146s and the universe into like hero
1148s masteries right right it just exist as
1150s another thing like in the arcade right
1152s like this is kind of no there's a door
1153s in Gibraltar that place you know right
1156s that's super cool and then uh how did
1158s you guys go about no I think can you
1160s tell the story about like how this kind
1162s of came to be right
1163s um well what it how it started is a few
1166s of us on the team were saying uh you
1168s know our kids are starting to want to
1169s play OverWatch and uh we wanted a safe
1172s space for them to learn how to play that
1174s you know isn't really in the live game
1176s it isn't in ranked play uh not right not
1180s learning how to play with us and live
1182s and uh yeah I guess uh well one thank
1184s you
1186s creating this space for I know them to
1188s learn and figure out how to play yeah uh
1190s and then too I mean I think it's an
1192s awesome tool to be able to for players
1193s to train right to be able to kind of uh
1196s learn different Heroes uh outside of
1198s just playing them in ranked exactly um
1200s if there's a hero that's your favorite
1202s that's great but now you can play
1204s someone new and maybe kind of get to
1206s learn the play style find out if you
1209s actually like you know healing people
1212s finally learns a rant right right
1216s every Mercy she would have to do a
1219s minimum of 10 hours on the course
1221s it's so fun to see other people play you
1225s know what they do compared to um your
1227s own trials exactly
1229s yeah no I I think I think this is super
1231s cool then uh how uh what should we
1234s expect uh when hero masteries launch uh
1236s so we'll have five Heroes coming
1240s out um we uh there'll be a different uh
1244s Heroes you can play some will unlock
1246s different weeks and
1248s yeah they'll be scoring so you can
1250s compare your score with your friends oh
1252s that'll be cool like a little bit like
1254s speedrunning type of thing right yeah
1255s yeah yeah you're able to go in kind of
1258s maybe you know plot away through the
1260s course where hey this is going to be the
1262s best course of action right I assume the
1264s coins obviously boost your score and
1268s after that and so does time yeah and
1270s then this is the this is the mercy one
1271s is that you can tell that one looks like
1273s it's a little bit harder than the other
1275s one uh look like there's different
1277s enemies right like right is it different
1279s enemy types than others yeah so we made
1281s a we made a whole new custom set of bots
1283s for this mode
1284s um and some are specific to certain
1286s Heroes so yeah there's a whole bunch of
1288s new stuff to learn yeah that's awesome
1289s you guys like gamified this hey it's you
1292s know a kind of like a cool lore piece
1294s it's a little bit of like training to
1296s fight you know null sector and then
1297s obviously gamified it into like a solo
1300s PVE type of of play right I learned so
1304s much playing the mercy course I was
1305s surprised things you could do with Mercy
1308s yeah coming out of the hero Mastery yeah
1311s yeah I mean you know there's uh tons of
1313s stuff right in the arcade like you know
1315s you think the like Doom parkour and
1317s different things I like trying to help
1318s you with like the movement and yeah you
1320s can already tell that there's so many
1322s players whether they're new or old or
1324s gonna either learn new different types
1326s of skills that you can do with some of
1327s these heroes or just you know get better
1329s at them right yeah
1331s yeah I think like Mercy like being able
1333s to obviously jump from platform to
1335s platform yeah this person's cheating
1337s let's say he's a valve right but
1340s like trying to do this without it right
1342s and kind of learning like how to kind of
1344s you know launch yourself from platform
1345s to platform could definitely improve you
1347s have tons of players games yeah exactly
1349s each hero will have a different
1351s difficulty course so as you change the
1354s different difficulty you'll get a
1356s entirely different course
1358s I'm uh I'm super stoked I think you
1360s could use this it's a really cool like
1361s warm-up tool you know a late night after
1364s you know a long long day of rain to jump
1367s into this try and set a high score uh
1369s you know being able to kind of show off
1370s to the rest of your friends uh pretty
1372s sweet I I'm I'm even more excited than I
1375s was you know before we started right
1377s about all the TV stuff coming uh in
1379s Invasion uh what would you guys like to
1381s say to the community what do you guys
1382s you know most excited for them to get
1383s their hands on
1384s yeah we just I'm finally excited to just
1388s get the story missions out there and the
1390s team has worked really hard on this and
1392s um finally moving this the Canon of
1395s store OverWatch for the world in the in
1397s these Heroes yep um it this is well we
1401s just loved it and and glad it's finally
1403s making its way yeah we've uh We've
1406s poured a lot of Blood Sweat and Tears
1408s into this content we've been playing it
1410s for years and we're so excited to
1412s finally be able to play with our friends
1414s and everyone in the community yeah I'm
1416s I'm excited to jump into the story I see
1418s all the awesome cut scenes we'll kind of
1420s learn more a little bit about where the
1421s OverWatch story is going but uh thank
1423s you guys uh for both joining me here
1425s today and uh first part of this and when
1427s we come right back we're gonna have game
1429s director Aaron Keller and Daniel McGowan
1431s to talk about Flashpoint coming with
1433s Invasion stay tuned you don't want to
1435s miss that
1436s csis unit 37 Toronto is under attack
1440s no sector
1447s they've taken over most of the city and
1449s they're rounding up omnics they need our
1452s help
1453s people are answering Vincent's recall
1457s there's new blood on the team and we
1460s have so much to teach them
1469s stop null sector maybe we can save the
1472s city coming through
1475s it's been a while as if I didn't have
1478s enough problems already
1485s smash through anything that gets in our
1487s way
1491s I hate to interrupt the moment but I'm
1494s picking up reports of more attacks in
1496s other cities
1498s it's a fight they walk I say let's give
1501s it to him
1504s [Music]
1507s hello everyone
1511s engaged Target mark
1515s time to create things with bullets
1523s [Music]
1535s [Music]
1543s the world is coating on us
1546s [Music]
1561s [Music]
1565s welcome back everybody it's Matt Mr X
1567s and this time I am joined by game
1569s director Aaron Keller and principal
1571s environment artist Daniel McGowan to
1573s take a deeper look into some of the
1575s other things coming into Invasion how
1576s you guys doing awesome so good thanks
1579s for having us uh no I mean I'm super
1581s excited to jump into this some of the
1582s PVE stuff we talked about earlier was
1584s super exciting and then for me I I love
1586s PVP so first I want to go into player
1589s progression Aaron I know a lot of people
1590s have been talking about it online kind
1592s of you know what what should player
1593s progression look like uh you may have a
1596s little bit of an update I think I can
1597s update players on yeah progression
1600s system yeah so this is going to be
1601s coming this August and our player
1604s progression system it's a little bit
1606s different than the one that we had in
1607s over in the original OverWatch which was
1610s just a player level system this time
1612s what we really want to do is we want to
1614s recognize people playing the game but
1617s also recognize the way that the way that
1620s they play the game so as people jump in
1623s and start playing and almost any of our
1625s game modes they'll start earning
1627s experience in this new system and what
1629s they do is they earn it per hero and
1632s we'll be tracking their their play style
1634s through a lot of different categories so
1636s it might be things like games played or
1639s damage done damage mitigated and healing
1641s done and as you do that you'll level up
1645s that particular category and earn an
1646s emblem for that hero and you can
1648s continue to earn more emblems for Your
1650s Heroes and as you do that they will like
1655s upgrade your hero's level and so you'll
1658s start getting these badges for Your
1660s Heroes and the interesting thing about
1662s it is you can go into your career
1664s profile check out the progression
1666s section and kind of get a story for the
1669s way that your particular hero plays the
1672s game
1673s um an interesting detail here is that we
1675s don't cap the amount of experience that
1677s you can get in any category and the
1679s reason why we do that is we don't want
1681s to incentivize you to play it in any
1683s particular way in order to fill out your
1686s your player progression system in a
1688s certain way we really want it to be
1689s about your own play style and to have
1692s everybody's own player progression board
1694s to be a unique reflection of the way
1697s that they play that hero and then on top
1699s of all that we're going to be rewarding
1701s name cards through this system and so as
1703s you progress through
1705s um through these the the different
1707s categories let's say you're playing
1709s Reinhardt you'll unlock a Reinhardt name
1711s card but then as you level Reinhard up
1714s more you're going to unlock higher level
1716s versions of those name cards it's the
1718s first time we've really had a
1719s customizable name card like this yeah I
1721s mean that's really awesome for people to
1722s be able to show off you know they're
1723s individual Heroes right you know you
1724s level you level a certain hero or you're
1726s you know playing just one hero all the
1728s time right you can show people you know
1730s a name card that kind of signifies how
1732s good you are how much you've leveled up
1733s that hero I want to talk about
1735s Flashpoint so I know with the trailer
1737s that launched everybody was talking
1739s about Flashpoint uh before we jump into
1742s like some of the details of the mode uh
1743s tell us a little bit about just kind of
1745s the basics how does Welsh might play
1747s sure so yeah Flashpoint is our newest
1749s game mode it's coming it's coming during
1751s OverWatch too Invasion it takes place on
1754s some of the largest maps that we've ever
1756s built these are awesome for OverWatch
1758s and the way that you play the game mode
1761s is the objective for each team is to be
1764s the first team to score three points and
1766s the way you score a point is you fully
1769s capture an objective on the map when you
1773s first start in Flashpoint you'll be in
1775s the spawn room and we'll randomly choose
1777s one of the objectives on the map and
1780s when the spawn doors open everybody runs
1782s out they go to that first that first
1785s capture point the capture points work
1787s similar to the way they do in control
1789s your team can can gain ownership of it
1792s very quickly but then you have to take
1794s all the way up to 100 before you fully
1796s own the thing and score a point the
1799s interesting thing about the mode though
1801s is this is this is where everything kind
1803s of changes so when a team caps that
1807s um what will happen is we'll randomly
1809s select one of the remaining control
1811s points and activate that one these Maps
1814s like I said they're really big so now
1816s you'll have these two teams typically
1818s traveling in a parallel path to the next
1821s capture this looks incredible this is an
1824s amazing amazing Point
1825s um and so yeah so you'll you'll go to a
1828s point like that but you'll be traveling
1831s next to the enemy team so you have all
1833s these options do you want to interact
1836s with the team there do you want to try
1837s to get an early pick or maybe an early
1839s team Fight Win so you can capture the
1842s next Point easier do you maybe just want
1844s to like to try to to try to protect
1847s positioning so maybe you're just going
1849s to try to get to the next Point quickly
1850s in order to get high ground on it and
1852s enforce the enemy team to kind of pop in
1854s in a in a less advantageous route and
1858s then you'll fight over the next control
1860s point and you'll keep doing that until
1861s one of the teams gets three points and
1863s they'll win the match yeah and I gotta
1865s say uh Daniel the art looks amazing uh
1868s how difficult was it tackling like these
1870s these maps are massive like truly
1872s massive how difficult was it tackling
1874s like hey we want to keep that OverWatch
1876s you know level of detail style across
1878s these large maps I mean just look at
1880s look at some of the Landscapes we're
1882s gonna have to play with yeah we um well
1884s first it took a whole team effort and a
1886s lot of passionate people but we really
1888s tried to push the bar as much as we
1890s could with these Maps right they're much
1892s larger than any other maps that we've
1894s built to date and it actually allows us
1896s to bring in a lot more themes right so
1898s we can push more narrative we can show
1900s you elements of that culture that you've
1903s never seen before right uh for example
1905s in junk City you might even be able to
1907s see where the demolitionist faction
1909s reside right the center arena the ham
1912s Mill so
1915s um yeah we've put in a lot of love and
1917s getting it all you know fit was very
1919s tricky but we didn't want to you know
1922s drop that blizzard Quality Bar at all so
1924s it's got to be really cool to be able to
1926s kind of explore you know we have uh
1928s junkertown right but that's just a
1930s pretty linear path right the game tells
1933s you where the cart goes you follow the
1934s cart uh now with these like wide open
1936s Landscapes it must be super fun to jump
1938s in with the team and you know ideate on
1940s like how a you know really kind of like
1942s junk City looks right exactly exactly we
1946s um you know the fans love junkertown the
1948s developers we love junker tan and we
1950s have some great cinematics and we really
1951s wanted to explore uh this fantasy a bit
1954s deeper and so uh we had to ask ourselves
1956s some really cool questions about you
1958s know we know what the town looks like
1959s but what if the city if you're in the
1960s heart of it right right on top of the
1961s omnium core what would those Vistas look
1964s like and I think we came up with some
1966s pretty good uh Solutions yeah and in
1968s terms of gameplay like Aaron like how do
1970s the points you know different right you
1972s know uh obviously we have control as is
1974s now but now with these like large Maps
1976s right you can create different types of
1977s points in between those points like
1978s connecting them uh what should players
1980s expect yeah so these maps are totally
1983s different than anything that we've been
1984s before and they're a big non-linear
1988s space and they're also a
1991s quasi-symmetrical layout as well and so
1994s there are there's a lot of challenges
1996s with building these Maps as I said
1998s earlier they each have five control
2000s points and when we develop new game
2003s modes especially game modes for quick
2005s play ranked and for Esports players to
2008s play on one of our top goals is to make
2012s sure that they're competitive that
2013s they're balanced and that they're fair
2015s so every one of the control Point areas
2017s in these maps have a symmetrical layout
2019s it works similar to the way we do
2021s control so each team has the same
2024s entrances to it they have the same
2026s amount of cover the same access to high
2028s ground and even the same run times from
2030s their spawn room and we we do that very
2033s intentionally to make the map fair but
2036s but then on top of that when you have
2038s all five of these in one big space as
2041s you start moving further away from these
2043s points then the map starts getting being
2046s less symmetrical and it's more about all
2048s the connecting routes that you have
2050s between the space because sometimes you
2052s might be going from one of the capture
2054s points that's closest to the enemy team
2057s side and you're pulling back to yours or
2059s sometimes you might be in one corner
2061s going all the way across to the other
2063s corner of the map and it's a really long
2065s journey and one of our priorities is to
2068s to always make it so that players kind
2070s of recognize where they are in the map
2071s and recognize where they're supposed to
2073s go in the map and so as you as you move
2076s from one point to the other and you see
2077s that next objective I think that we've
2081s spent a lot of time in that flow along
2082s the streets and to that next point of
2084s interest that you're supposed to go to
2086s and those are all like a lot of the
2089s challenges there's a lot more that I
2091s could talk about with building uh this
2093s particular gamer yeah now we get Clips
2096s here of uh sirivas one of the the maps
2099s here for Flashpoint uh Dale I gotta ask
2101s like when when you kind of get this you
2103s know design right of a you know a map
2104s and how it flows uh when you guys jump
2106s in like how do you help you know in
2108s terms of art like having players
2109s identify like where they are because
2111s like Aaron mentioned I mean you know
2112s some of these clips that we have
2113s sirivasa I mean are beautiful but it is
2115s such a large expansive map Yeah It's
2118s Tricky um we know we have to be very
2120s careful with our sight lines for
2121s performance um and gameplay and things
2123s like that and so what we did is we
2124s designed into each of the uh points
2127s um very large recognizable elements that
2130s you can see from basically anywhere
2131s right so the Center Market has a giant
2134s tower that you can use to
2136s um you know Center yourself and find out
2138s where you are right the omnic temple uh
2141s goes up into the sky so we've been very
2143s conscious about giving the players
2145s something uh on the horizon that they
2147s can always use to orient themselves
2149s within the map yeah I'm I'm super stoked
2151s for this mode especially once we see you
2153s know high level teams and players go in
2155s and how do they decide to play it right
2156s do you have like a really sick Tracer
2158s player who maybe can like lurk in some
2160s of those like parts of the map right and
2162s try and get those pick-offs or maybe you
2164s decide to run all the way to the other
2165s point and set up with like tourbillard
2167s and I try and like really kind of like
2169s bunker down with a Baptiste uh how did
2172s this game mode come to life Aaron that's
2174s a great question and like to just kind
2176s of like touch on what you were talking
2177s about there too since these maps are so
2180s big there are so many little cool
2182s locations that you can go to and I think
2184s that like a core skill for an FPS
2187s shooter is map knowledge it's not just
2190s about aiming OverWatch not just about
2193s also team play and ability usage it's
2195s about learning the map these maps are a
2198s lot bigger than anything we've built
2199s before so we think there's probably
2201s going to be a longer tail to this
2203s learning curve so it it might be a
2206s little bit more intimidating to jump
2207s into a map like this but at the same
2209s time I think that there's this process
2212s that you get to go through of learning
2214s and getting better and better over time
2216s on one of these Maps yeah yeah I think
2217s you'll see lots of really cool stuff you
2219s know like what's the best way to rotate
2221s from one point to the other right uh if
2223s you know a team is spawning in one spot
2225s is you know this is the best route to
2227s take or maybe you take a little bit of a
2228s safer route uh is this the other one to
2231s kind of work on I think there's a ton
2233s one of you know when we see it with push
2236s right push came out was played a certain
2238s way and then over time that's like
2239s changed I think with the a mode like
2241s this and I mean you see where you can
2243s fight in all these different awesome
2245s locations uh I I think it'll definitely
2247s change over time yeah definitely okay
2249s sorry jumping back to like how we how we
2252s developed this yeah too I think that
2254s developing new game modes for OverWatch
2257s is something that we have started to
2259s recognize as core to to running the live
2263s game if you think about the way players
2266s experience our game you select a hero
2270s you load into a map that plays a
2272s particular game mode and all of our maps
2274s are like that all of our maps are built
2275s for very specific game modes and when
2277s you have that sort of constraint on you
2280s when you develop a new payload map for
2283s example there's only going to be a
2284s certain amount of things that you do for
2286s a map like that they're very linear
2288s they're cut into three sections they
2290s have a certain amount of like choke
2292s points and run back times from the spawn
2294s rooms and so to to create an experience
2297s that feels a lot different to players on
2300s a map requires a new game mode and so so
2304s that was our intention here was to not
2306s just build some new maps but just to
2308s start evolving OverWatch into the future
2312s by building new game modes these are the
2314s sorts of things that we would like to
2316s continue to do for the game and when you
2319s start looking at what our game can be
2321s years down the line as as we're
2323s releasing things like story missions
2325s we're releasing new Heroes new game
2328s modes new maps in three five years in
2331s the future OverWatch is a much bigger
2333s much more expansive and much more
2335s evolved experience than you have today
2337s yeah and I and I think just uh you know
2339s seeing some of these locations and like
2341s building upon the story like we were
2343s talking about you know uh in the past in
2345s PVE right we're like you know expanding
2346s King's Row and like obviously we have a
2348s junkertown map and then see like new
2350s junk City it's got to be fun Daniel for
2351s you guys to look and be like okay what
2353s can we expand on right and show more of
2355s that side of things absolutely in junk
2357s City for example you can actually see
2359s junkertown in the Vista that's cool
2361s right we've tried to give some kind of
2362s connection to those and call back to the
2364s original map because it was you know so
2366s influential
2367s um but we can't talk about junk City
2369s without talking about India first and
2370s that one you know we built that as an
2373s assault map originally but when we cut
2375s to CP we decided you know it'd be a
2378s perfect opportunity for Flashpoint
2379s because we really wanted to represent
2380s you know that that location in our world
2383s so
2384s um you know that was the first one we
2385s built and we learned a lot which we took
2387s to junk city right yeah that's that's
2389s super cool because yeah like uh you know
2391s I've seen sirivasso like firsthand and
2394s just the the locations I mean are
2396s beautiful I mean we just kind of had it
2398s on the big screen behind me but like man
2399s it looks so good and all the locations
2402s are so different from each other I think
2405s that's one of the things that I I really
2406s kind of take when I you know see some of
2408s the footage and watch is that uh every
2411s point in this feels different but then
2412s also every game also feels different
2414s right because as you were mentioning
2415s before you're kind of traveling through
2416s different parts of the map that you may
2418s not experience all the time yeah because
2420s the points are selected randomly in this
2423s game mode and so you might start in the
2425s far right corner and then pull back to
2427s the near left corner but sometimes
2429s you're going to go in a completely
2430s different order so there's a lot of
2433s combinatorics in learning how to not
2435s just play the mode but in learning like
2438s hey if we're going to be going from this
2439s point to that point what's the right
2441s route to take what are we going to do if
2443s the enemy team does this or hey we think
2446s we saw that brigitta alone over there
2448s maybe we we take the opportunity to go
2451s over there and try to get an easy pick
2452s for us and there's a lot of different
2454s things that you can be thinking about
2455s and doing just as you're learning how to
2457s play the mode and learning how to move
2459s around the map and I think when you see
2461s it when I know we get some of these
2462s clips at the start of these right with
2464s the top down POV of just how expansive
2468s how big these maps are uh Daniel kind of
2471s like you know what what should people
2472s expect at home like for how the sizes of
2474s a map like this like
2476s um I think I think people are going to
2477s be really impressed um I mean these maps
2479s are so big we're able to pack more
2481s theming
2482s um and more narrative into these than
2484s any of our other Maps right and you're
2485s going to see things like uh omnic
2487s temples marketplaces uh refineries
2491s palaces uh Gardens you know you name it
2494s we're all over so I hope my teammates
2496s don't get distracted going from point to
2498s point with all the story and lore you
2500s guys have packed into some of these yeah
2502s it's interesting hey the point
2505s it's like being in the hanamore arcade
2507s right right it's hard to get out of that
2509s spawn room but a lot of these Maps
2513s um they are connected to our lower
2515s surivasa mandata is learning simple
2517s learning learning center was built um
2521s near surivasa you know and manzada was
2523s in theaters teacher and so we have a lot
2527s of the maps that we are building now a
2529s lot of the maps in OverWatch too even
2531s though we might not have communicated it
2533s yet to players they're all involved in
2535s the story that we want to be telling of
2538s starting in season six with our story
2541s missions but going into the future so
2543s like I'm kind of excited for people to
2546s you know like later down the line jump
2549s into one of these places and be like oh
2550s I see how that was connected that's
2552s really neat right and to just see uh
2555s yeah just the expansiveness right and
2557s just how big the you know
2559s locations are that we're going to have
2561s here for Flashpoint uh damn how complex
2565s is this to do I mean realistically I
2567s mean that had to be really difficult
2568s yeah I mean it was a lot of back and
2569s forth we had some really good support
2571s from our Tech art and our Engineers
2574s um and you know we had to solve a lot of
2576s development problems right getting
2577s everything to fit in memory um you can
2579s you know teleport from one end of the
2580s map to the other at any given moment
2582s right
2583s um with certain characters and so my guy
2585s the scale man he's out yeah
2588s yep see behind the curtain a little bit
2590s you know you have to have those you
2592s build something just way too big it's so
2596s incredible to be to see this stuff like
2598s just that turns into you know what we
2601s just saw I mean yeah and you can see we
2603s we stick as close as we can to the
2605s original blockout to you know maintain
2607s the Integrity of that gameplay right
2609s because that's where uh you know the fun
2611s is found right and we want to make sure
2613s that we amplify that not distract or
2615s break yeah it's really gameplay first
2617s right and then how can we go about and
2619s like support that with the art and
2621s whatnot oh I like that yeah can you play
2623s first yeah way to go uh man uh thank you
2627s guys so much for joining me here today
2628s uh Flashpoint you know player
2630s progression both look amazing uh
2633s anything you want to say before we uh
2634s head out yeah I mean one thank you for
2637s having us thank you for letting us talk
2638s about
2639s um OverWatch 2 Invasion it's a season
2641s that we're like so incredibly excited
2643s about and it's not just because of
2646s Flashpoint or the progression system or
2649s the story missions or hero Mastery we
2651s have a new hero coming out that season
2654s we have an event mission for people to
2656s play we have another event later in the
2659s season that's coming there's like so
2661s much as a part of this season we're so
2664s excited for it so yeah I think we could
2667s probably talk about this all day if you
2670s if you let us so thank you oh man I I
2673s still like look at the scenery yes I
2675s mean ceravasa is going to be a whole lot
2678s of fun to play yeah uh Daniel anything
2679s you want to say before we go um I just
2681s can't wait to get this in front of
2682s people and play this with the my friends
2684s and um hear what the community thinks
2686s yeah I I think they're going to be super
2688s excited to be able to jump into PVE PVP
2692s all the awesome content coming in
2694s OverWatch 2 Invasion uh but that's gonna
2696s be it for us for the OverWatch 2
2698s Invasion reveal stream thanks so much
2700s for joining us uh also season five out
2703s now jump in and play it get ready August
2706s 10th kicks off Invasion we'll see you
2707s there
2708s [Music]
2709s everyone excited to play role Heroes
2712s Emily's been working on this campaign
2714s for ages
2714s [Music]
2721s I can't wait to meet Queen Emily
2724s [Music]
2727s is ready
2729s come face me
2731s shall we get started it goes to 11. you
2734s stick with me and Fortune will follow
2737s I've never been more ready for adventure
2747s my arm is in rough shape after that last
2749s fight
2750s [Music]
2754s [Applause]
2756s we still haven't had any Random
2758s Encounters
2760s and you want this time my dice occurs
2763s [Music]
2766s a Demon Lord with rubbish gear
2768s let me show you how it's done
2771s we must press our advantage
2774s [Music]
2778s you can't stop me
2782s [Music]
2783s we go
2788s I know we defeated the Demon Lord but
2791s can we keep playing
2792s [Music]
2799s My ultimate is ready
2808s [Music]
2829s [Music]
2833s thank you
2859s foreign