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608s welcome everybody to the OverWatch 2 mid
611s cycle Dev chat for season four Matt Mr X
614s here joined by some awesome guests who
616s all worked on Star watch which you guys
618s have all been able to enjoy in game a
620s little bit uh joined by Jesse Yang
622s gameplay engineer Tess Lehmann associate
624s game designer hero design and at Crystal
626s opinion senior expert audio designer uh
629s how is everybody doing today
630s great thanks Matt yeah Freddie good
633s doing awesome thank you yeah this is
635s this is going to be cool uh star watch
637s is unlike anything we've kind of had
640s it's like PV e but PVP would like some
644s cool story type stuff uh how did it come
647s together uh from like the start like I I
650s can't really even kind of comprehend how
652s a game mode like this happens and kind
654s of forms yeah so I think what happened
657s with this game mode is we started
660s basically from like the theme and the
663s ideas that we had right for uh this
666s concept of like uh the infinite versus
669s the Watchers and going like okay well we
673s do actually happen to have a map that
674s takes place in space and that's Horizon
676s Luna Colony so you know what let's do a
679s little bit of a throwback let's let's
680s bring it back into OverWatch 2
683s um and see how we can take it into
686s places that we haven't necessarily seen
689s before so we can make it feel like not
691s just another assault map and not just
692s another TCP map but uh like a actual
695s fresh experience for players
697s that's super cool I know when uh I saw
700s Horizon back I was like oh this is this
702s is interesting uh what was it like uh
704s for you guys as a team like bringing
705s that map back to life into new fashion
707s uh it's really like cool to get to see
710s it again because you know we're putting
711s it in the arcade mode we're putting it
713s part of a limited time event so I think
714s the new context really will help players
716s see it in a new light and then on top of
718s all the cool new spicy stuff we added to
720s the mode overall helps it like reform
722s into a completely new experience
724s yeah like one of the ways we approached
728s um designing this mode was almost like
731s you know people haven't loved like
733s assault or TCP in the past so what are
735s some things that we can do what are some
737s interesting mechanics that we can do to
739s uh like I said spice things up so that
741s it's it's fresh it's interesting and
743s almost like given like mitigating some
745s of the problems that people had in the
747s first place by just like throwing in a
750s bunch of fun like a lot more fun uh
752s interesting stuff to play out of play
754s and try out
756s yeah so obviously it's not 2cp uh crisky
760s explained kind of like how the star
762s watch mode plays out
763s sure so um like you said Matt uh Horizon
767s is a a two CP map and what we've done
771s with star watch is we've added two more
775s control points so you have two more
777s control points exactly yeah so
781s um
782s it it adds uh some variation to uh the
786s map type makes it a bit more Dynamic and
791s um yeah it's a it's a great experience
795s and there's other like gameplay elements
799s right like in the mode itself uh you
802s know turrets grabs like different types
804s of things like how did uh I'm super
806s curious like when you guys first started
808s like playing this like how do you start
809s to just add different things to the map
811s and kind of have it come to life uh
813s there was like a whole list of like
815s here's all of the cool like Hazard
817s elements we could add and you know the
819s ones that we're gonna see in the game
820s are things like low gravity uh the
822s turrets there's gonna be these barrels
824s that if you destroy them it releases
826s zarya's graviton surge uh and traps
828s players anywhere near them and you'll
830s even see like doomfist AI that will be
832s helping the uh Watcher team and you know
835s I think we kind of looked at the list
836s and we thought like what would be like
838s the most fun and we kind of started with
840s that and I think we just ended up
841s finding out that everything we were
842s adding was fun and some way we had to
844s stop and so that's kind of how we got
846s our list
848s or were there any that you guys tested
850s uh that you were like oh man this could
853s be super cool that you're like ah maybe
855s let's try something different I'm always
856s curious about that uh oh I one one thing
860s I can remember is um do you know how
862s like those there's normally those Gates
864s where uh you can like go out into like
869s space and and what happened yeah uh we
872s were originally like okay what if they
874s could like press a button and that
876s actually became like like a vacuum where
878s you like got sucked out and then just
881s died uh like because you got pulled into
883s space like you press like like some some
885s player presses a button and you just
887s yeah you just die to the vacuum of space
889s um we kind of threw that out because we
891s thought it might be like a little too
892s gimmicky a little too specific uh like
896s location specific and but you know I
898s think that what we landed on was still
900s pretty fun oh I I love hearing wacky
903s stuff like that uh I could imagine like
906s there would have been like like sombra's
909s and stealth like going just like hitting
911s the button just like sucking everybody
913s out I know into the kind of just void of
916s uh space and uh Chris obviously like the
920s sound design for all these elements like
922s as it's starting to come together uh how
926s do you kind of create like that sounded
928s just kind of different feel for emote
930s yeah so um
933s I'm a huge fan of of space operas so
936s there's uh there's a lot of content out
939s there that
941s um we can reference and uh kind of bring
945s that theme into the Horizon map and make
951s it uh something that's completely uh new
955s and unique so we we really focused on
959s getting the ambient sounds right to
962s match the artistic theme of the map and
965s really make sure that we are
968s um really adhering to our play by sound
973s approach to gaming to make sure that
977s players have all the information that
979s they really need to have the most fun
981s that they possibly can
983s and what what's that process like uh
987s when you start well you know I remember
989s when uh you know OverWatch 2 they were
991s showing all like the new like gun sounds
993s and they have like you know actually
994s like recordings like uh for space and
996s Hazards like what is the uh what is kind
999s of the process there sure well what I
1001s what I usually do is I I start with
1004s things that are similar to the context
1008s and the visual context of what we're
1010s going to be working on so
1013s um you know I can watch a lot of things
1016s um really start thinking about how to
1019s bring some of those ideas that are kind
1021s of established in
1024s um audio out there and how to kind of
1026s make them OverWatch so that's usually
1029s the first part and then you know I get
1032s quick sounds into the game and then
1035s really spend a lot of time working with
1037s everybody else on the team iterating on
1040s the sounds to make them as effective as
1043s possible
1045s that's that's just so cool how like all
1048s that comes together uh and then also
1051s something interesting uh with star watch
1052s is like uh it uses revive uh in PvP uh
1057s this is something uh new right like a
1060s kind of like a down but not out type uh
1062s system like why why did uh can I offer
1065s this over like traditional respawn
1067s yeah so this was actually a system that
1070s went through a lot of different
1071s iteration but it kind of started with
1073s the seed of wouldn't it be kind of cool
1076s to make it feel more like a mission
1078s um when you're playing against people
1079s because now not only are you like the
1083s infinite trying to hold back the
1084s Watchers uh like instead of just like
1087s immediately spawning back it's like oh I
1089s have to get my uh partner back into the
1091s and into things it kind of adds this
1094s like additional fantasy of like there
1095s are higher Stakes here you know
1098s um there's like the Watchers and like
1100s we're trying to make a final push but a
1102s couple people go down and instead of
1103s waiting like 10 seconds for them to
1105s respawn necessarily it's like oh I
1107s actually have to you know watch my
1109s teammate crawl over to cover so I can
1111s rescue them and that almost feels like a
1113s more epic experience
1115s um and it was also just kind of fun to
1117s play and experiment with like new
1120s systems and mechanics in a way that we
1122s haven't ever done before right because
1124s revive isn't traditionally a PVP
1127s code uh mechanic for us so it's like
1131s yeah let's let's see how we can
1132s integrate this to make this more fun
1135s yeah I think that's super cool the level
1136s of detail that you guys think about
1138s where yeah like you'd be able to revive
1141s somebody like that definitely feels more
1143s like a mission rather than uh you know
1146s me complaining for 10 seconds and
1148s waiting for the person to come back from
1149s the spawn uh that's just like really uh
1153s cool were there any other types of
1154s things you guys thought about like maybe
1155s for like a mission like this or like
1157s gameplay experience uh like a revived to
1162s kind of even make it feel more you know
1163s in a mission sense uh I think like the
1166s way that the turrets and the AI kind of
1169s function in the game really help kind of
1171s bring that like a little bit of PVE
1173s sprinkle into it it's not quite a PVE
1175s but you know you'll be fighting against
1177s both humans and things that aren't quite
1179s humans you know the terror attack will
1181s rudimentary AI system there's a lot of
1183s work that went into the doomfist or
1185s maybe I should say Bone Breaker AI has
1187s helped me call in the game uh and you
1190s know it makes you feel like oh I have to
1191s kind of like I know who's human I know
1193s who's Ai and I can kind of like
1195s manipulate them to my advantage so you
1197s kind of swap into a little bit of a PVE
1199s moment or like mode of thinking every
1202s once in a while
1203s yeah no that's uh I think it's like a
1206s really cool concept of like you know
1207s wrapping in some kind of like player
1209s versus player stuff because like I like
1210s the story stuff but I also don't like
1212s playing alone and I like playing against
1213s other people so something like this is
1215s like kind of like right up like my alley
1217s in terms of play style also there's like
1220s an intro outro cinematic so the three of
1222s you guys are obviously a part of like a
1223s large team that kind of made you know
1225s this level and kind of gameplay
1227s experience come to life uh can you tell
1229s us a little bit about how that kind of
1231s like cinematic got like embedded into
1233s the event and how it got created
1235s yeah we can talk about how uh so we have
1238s some really awesome animators who worked
1241s on uh actually Integra like creating the
1243s cinematics
1245s um like Casey and Travis uh were super
1247s instrumental in getting those up and
1249s running also like another engineer Julie
1251s who specializes in this sort of thing
1254s um just yeah a wonderful team of people
1256s really interested in like just adding
1258s like more story ambulance like more like
1260s putting yourself in the mindset of like
1263s you're you're on a mission to like save
1265s somebody or your your like your your
1269s ships Under Siege or your stations Under
1271s Siege and you want to prevent them from
1273s succeeding right so
1277s like those folks helped create the
1278s content and we just kind of threw it in
1280s like here here's like an awesome intro
1283s cinematic to guide you into the
1285s experience and then one thing that we
1287s thought was pretty cool about like the
1289s overall game mode is that you can
1291s actually have a different ending uh
1293s sending manic depending on who wins and
1296s you know so if you succeed and uh
1298s rescuing uh I think three Cho
1303s um then you get the the the in The
1307s Watcher is running away or you know you
1309s watch the Watchers get thrown in jail if
1311s the infinite win
1313s um and I think that's like a really cool
1316s like story element that kind of ties
1317s into like the PVP element does matter
1320s and tell me that story
1322s um and it also connects to our larger
1326s um
1326s like the comic and how the events of
1329s that will play out depending on you know
1331s who ends up winning the most
1334s yeah no that's uh super cool Chris and
1336s uh Tess I'm curious like Erica your uh
1338s experience you know with uh you know
1340s having obviously an intro cinematic but
1342s then also like a kind of like
1343s specialized outro cinematic for how the
1345s game goes
1347s yeah so I had a lot of fun working on
1350s these um cinematics love any opportunity
1352s I can get to
1354s um work on on
1356s um like more linear type of uh uh
1359s content I really felt that it was a
1363s great example of of the team kind of
1365s working together
1366s uh to make sure all the different parts
1368s finish on time
1369s um for sound we we usually design
1372s towards the end of the development
1374s process and mostly in terms of uh of
1377s cinematics so it it's really about
1379s communication
1382s um you know knowing when the cinematics
1384s are ready to work work on and then we
1387s just go in there and make sure that
1389s we're we're putting as much uh character
1392s into it and making sure that we support
1395s the overall theme as much as possible
1399s those were the test how about you I
1402s didn't really get to work on the intro
1404s outsourcinatics that much but you know
1405s when I got to see them in game for the
1407s first time I was like oh this is so cool
1408s and I just like got to see the
1409s difference between the infinite or the
1411s Watchers winning I was like Ah that's
1413s like that's like we've elevated it's
1414s like an ending cinematics that we've had
1416s in the past like the icing on the cake
1418s probably right for like kind of the yeah
1421s it really makes the whole Mode come
1422s together I think
1424s uh so curious like what were some of the
1427s biggest challenges uh that you guys kind
1429s of face like from the start to the end
1433s of kind of making this mode a reality
1435s yeah I can I can start on that one
1438s um I think uh
1441s there was a lot of things that we added
1443s into the the PVP experience for this
1446s this mode
1447s um and I think May the challenge for
1449s sound is is making sure that that
1451s everything is audible that that players
1454s really
1456s um
1457s um have as much information as possible
1459s about
1460s um like there's turrets in the mode uh
1463s there's a low gravity State
1465s um so really making sure that players
1467s are informed when those things are going
1468s on it's like with sound
1471s um you know visually we can see what's
1473s in front of us maybe a little bit
1474s peripheral peripherally but sound is
1478s really a 360 degree
1480s experience so sound has a unique
1483s opportunity for uh to really give our
1486s players a lot of awareness in the in the
1488s game so
1489s um that was
1491s um really sometimes challenging but uh
1494s but but super fun and I think we we uh
1497s we did a really good job at it uh just
1499s how about uh you what were some of the
1500s challenges uh you kind of felt uh
1503s bringing this to life oh yeah there were
1504s tons of challenges here and there and a
1507s lot of it as a result of us trying to
1510s just do some different things so there
1513s was a mix of both like technical
1514s challenges and design challenges and
1516s some of the design challenges for
1518s instance were
1520s uh like we're putting points in places
1523s that they usually aren't and also like
1526s depending on uh like your your RNG your
1530s randomization like you might have
1531s different points you don't always know
1533s exactly where the points are and so one
1536s of the design challenges was people
1537s giving us feedback like I don't know
1539s where the point is I don't know where to
1541s attack or like where to defend
1543s um and so there was a lot of like
1544s interesting things that we ended up
1546s doing to try and direct players to like
1549s hey come over to this point
1552s um and not like over to that place
1555s um you know and like just trying to like
1557s uh break the the force of habit of
1559s people always attacking like the same
1561s point a point B for Horizon
1563s um so like we did a lot of cool stuff
1565s where like we threw like lights and
1567s sound into the map like wherever the
1570s points are activating we added some like
1573s lights on the floor that turn on and off
1575s depending on whether the point is active
1577s just like a bunch of smaller things to
1579s help guide players
1580s to where they actually need to be
1583s attacking the objective right
1586s um there were also some like design
1587s challenges with like the revive system
1589s that went through a ton of iteration you
1591s know originally were like you know
1592s should we just let people sit there on
1594s revive forever uh Maybe not maybe we
1597s should like you know just in case people
1598s want to like troll their friends and
1600s just leave them down forever
1602s um no let's let's let's have them
1604s eventually respawn but you know
1607s just give some like more
1610s um activeness to that experience so it's
1612s not so you can still enjoy it without
1614s like being hindered by it
1616s um yeah and similarly we have like the
1618s like oh I will choose to respawn now
1620s kind of mechanic to give players a
1621s little bit more agency uh like you know
1624s you you dove in as like Winston or
1626s something you're completely stranded
1628s from your teammates they're not gonna
1629s revive me okay I'm just gonna I'll take
1631s the the lll head back to spawn okay
1635s um yeah and they're of course like
1637s technical challenges like you know we
1639s haven't integrated intro and outro
1640s cinematics in this way before so you
1643s know making the camera transitions work
1645s properly making
1647s um like the the the characters of like
1650s flow in and load correctly you know just
1652s all these little things
1654s um that you kind of like oh this did not
1656s come up before we have to fix this now
1660s um but I think overall like the
1662s experience the knowledge the technology
1664s that we've kind of developed
1666s um will help us make more awesome
1668s content of the future
1671s that's that's that sounds super sick uh
1674s and for uh tests like what are some of
1677s the challenges that you face like it
1679s sounds like I know from Jesse like you
1681s guys were able to like you had a lot of
1683s different things right here doing so
1684s many different things with this game
1685s mode but like able to kind of conquer
1686s all of them it's super cool yeah I think
1688s like I when I looked at the Moon I think
1690s the biggest challenge is actually the
1692s fact that like the two sides have vastly
1694s different Heroes right you know you
1696s because like the infinite are going to
1697s be all the evil looking kind of uh
1700s characters in this game and then the
1701s Watchers are going to be our more
1702s rebellious uh folk and they ended up
1705s creating like very imbalanced teams and
1707s so I kind of went around and edited all
1709s the hazards in order to make sure that
1712s they kind of felt really good to play
1713s with all of our heroes I think one of
1715s the biggest uh points of pain for a lot
1718s of people is on the uh Watcher side all
1720s of our characters are really good at
1721s jumping or like getting really high up
1723s into the air which sounds fun until you
1725s realize we added low gravity and they
1727s they stay up there for a long time so I
1729s had to go through and make some custom
1731s some low gravity where it actually you
1733s fall faster then you jump up so you
1735s still get the fun feeling of having
1737s these big moon jumps but then if you're
1738s playing a character like ash Baptiste
1740s wrecking ball you're not going to be
1742s just stuck up there floating for 15
1743s seconds you're gonna you're gonna come
1745s alone a little bit faster and there's
1747s other areas where I had to go and tweak
1749s it like on the uh graviton barrels that
1751s you'll find uh there's felt like a lot
1753s of characters would accidentally explode
1755s things all the time you know and
1756s Wrecking Ball would roll through them or
1757s like with Shield bash and then get
1759s caught on one and so I had to go through
1761s and I made very custom like damage
1764s modifiers for these barrels which help
1766s uh the characters it could be more a
1768s little bit uh added more intentionality
1770s to when these characters are trying to
1772s destroy stuff so you notice like normal
1773s guns will be able to blow them up in
1775s like one hit but if you're trying with
1777s something that's a little bit less
1778s accurate like maybe display or Winston's
1780s uh Tesla Cannon then all of a sudden
1782s you're gonna require you to hit them for
1784s a little bit longer just to make sure
1786s that players are sure they know what
1787s they're doing before they can get
1789s themselves caught in the grab a gun
1791s I I hope players pick up on that level
1793s of detail because that is so much care
1795s to gameplay uh and making sure the
1798s gameplay kind of uh just kind of
1800s resonates and feels good and equal for
1802s everybody I'm curious like how long does
1805s it make take to make a game mode like
1807s this like my non-game developer brain
1810s sees it go into the game I I clap and I
1812s play but like how how much how much work
1814s does it take I know like how long does
1816s it take to actually make something like
1817s a star watch
1819s uh I I don't remember the exact timeline
1823s frankly but it definitely takes like a
1825s couple of months right to go from your
1828s ideation phase to okay let's like
1831s prototype some stuff and then like let's
1833s do some initial play tests to get
1835s feedback I'm like is this like a good
1836s direction is this not like are people
1839s feeling this mechanic or they feel or
1840s are they not
1842s um and then you know once like you get
1844s through that kind of prototype phase you
1845s start like finalizing things like okay I
1847s think we know what direction we want to
1848s take this in and that's like especially
1850s when we start pulling in uh folks from
1854s like all sorts of different departments
1855s right to help get us to like a final
1858s stage like we pull in like hero
1859s designers we pull in level designers we
1861s pull in
1863s um you know all sorts of people to get
1865s this into a place where it's like slowly
1867s heading to like a final stage and then
1869s of course we we have our pulling our
1871s animators to make some awesome stuff we
1872s pull in uh Chris to add some awesome
1874s sounds and and we pull in people to make
1877s really cool VFX and and just like this
1879s just this kind of ongoing iteration
1881s process to make sure this mode is as
1883s awesome as we can make it
1884s uh so I gotta ask what were the favorite
1887s parts of working on the the level the
1890s mode just kind of everything overall uh
1892s Chris I'll start with you what was your
1894s favorite part about working on all this
1896s sure I I really enjoyed uh working on
1899s the the low gravity mode
1901s um it was really important for how can
1905s we best drive and support gameplay using
1909s sound and the low gravity moment is is
1912s similar to what you would experience
1914s outside outside of the ryzen map on the
1917s surface of the Moon so the low gravity
1920s moments in Star watch come and go so we
1922s really want to make sure players know
1925s when the low gravity moment is happening
1927s so we designed the appropriate sounds to
1929s support that
1931s the warning sounds that the players are
1933s about to enter low gravity and then
1935s there's also a sound state that changes
1938s the entire sound of the game while
1940s you're in that mode and also the ambient
1942s so it was really a lot of fun
1947s um kind of getting the new Vibe kind of
1950s evil
1952s battle station that's run by the
1954s infinite Empire so that was a lot of fun
1958s and uh Tess what about for you what was
1960s the most fun for you working on the mode
1962s well you know if I'm not allowed to
1963s cheat and say that my favorite part was
1965s getting to work with this awesome team
1966s you know like Jesse like Chris uh then I
1970s think I would have to say uh getting to
1972s work on the turrets and getting like to
1973s tweak all of their AI using our AI
1975s system was pretty fun because it was all
1977s about trying to make the turrets feel
1979s smart enough and responsive enough that
1981s they felt like they were doing stuff but
1982s not actually that smart and that
1984s responsive so players can feel good
1985s about defeating them over and over again
1987s and Hillary players get the good moment
1989s of like oh I outwitted this turret by
1991s standing behind a wall in a specific
1993s spot it was like it's nice to give
1994s players that kind of win
1996s okay so the turrets aren't just gunting
1998s people down yeah they're not that good
2000s but they're better than like nothing you
2002s kind of want them around
2004s yeah no Jesse what about you yeah I
2007s think I think that one of my favorite
2008s Parts was getting to iterate with the um
2011s the way that we move points around and
2013s like just like throwing them in like
2015s different places like is this a good
2016s place should we be fighting here
2019s um like just kind of like does this feel
2022s good
2022s um I love that kind of process and also
2024s the revive like I think
2026s um like I saw the designers were really
2028s invested in making this feel cool and
2031s like work in a way that doesn't feel
2032s frustrating
2034s um so that you can enjoy those like
2036s little moments of like if you know we're
2038s counting down like the seconds to being
2040s able to find like make a final push uh
2043s let me like rally my teammates like back
2045s from the thread the dead and like we'll
2047s make this final push and we're gonna go
2049s all in like I think that part of that
2052s um experience was really important to
2054s get right and get in a good place
2057s um yeah and other than that I mean I
2060s will also cheat like like test and be
2062s like I do really just enjoy getting to
2065s support like all sorts of different
2066s folks like that this kind of game mode
2068s exposes you to all sorts of uh different
2070s disciplines to support and that's like
2072s kind of like a huge job of a gameplay
2074s engineer is uh
2075s seeing what people want to do and being
2078s like okay how can I facilitate that you
2081s know like how can I make a narrative
2082s designers day Easier by like telling
2085s them hey like this is how we can set up
2087s like The Narrative voice lines to go off
2089s in this way or
2091s um here's how we can like control the
2092s logic for turning lights and on and off
2094s like I love being able to
2097s enable people to do awesome things
2101s yeah no no this is really uh truly kind
2104s of awesome uh is there anything you guys
2106s hope that players pick up on
2108s um I think we've kind of like uh given
2110s some shout outs to different types of
2112s audio cues you know make sure that make
2114s sure the turrets are you know not
2115s hitting you too hard is there anything
2116s else you hope players uh pick up on uh
2118s that we haven't talked about
2121s um you know our our composers did a an
2123s amazing job for the music
2125s um it really sets the tone
2127s um so I'm hoping uh you know players get
2129s to enjoy that
2131s um also uh you know there's some some
2134s cool little details uh if you go to some
2137s of the windows in the map
2140s um you can listen and you might hear the
2142s sounds of a a Space Fighter a battle
2145s taking place while the watches are
2147s attempting their their rescue against
2149s the uh infinite Empire so
2151s um lots of little details that you can
2153s kind of find just by wandering the map
2155s the skins of this mode are so cool and I
2159s love the attention to detail I love the
2161s way that we've imagined like what if
2163s this hero is a little more evil or a
2165s little more good or something like that
2167s um and just kind of fleshing out what
2170s does this like Star watch Universe looks
2172s like and also there's just some like
2174s really cute Dynamics to all of the uh
2177s all the hero skins and everything like I
2181s just love the little squishy aliens on
2183s on Winston's gun I love how they wiggle
2185s I love them so much
2189s personally want to shout out like the
2191s awesome lighting job that was done to
2193s this map because
2194s um you know originally when we're doing
2196s these play tests like you know things
2197s feel pretty like different but it's also
2200s I'm playing Horizon right again
2203s once we threw in that like lighting pass
2205s and making things a little more like
2206s darker and ominous and more space offery
2208s like it felt like such a different map
2211s and was like oh my God the power of
2213s lighting this is awesome
2216s oh I would have loved to the like the
2219s first play test like when people log in
2220s they're like wait Horizon what's going
2223s on here uh Tess what about uh what what
2226s do you hope that player is going to pick
2227s up on maybe that we haven't talked about
2228s yes I mean I hope most of the stuff that
2230s I worked on doesn't get picked up on
2232s because that's kind of the idea of a
2234s scenario so I would say that uh I want I
2237s would love to shout out you know the
2238s narrative team I think they did a really
2240s great job of like making those sides
2242s feel like you're playing either this
2243s evil empire or this rebellious crew and
2246s when you both play through the game mode
2247s it's just like oh you know I'm not
2248s playing doomfist on Lucio I'm playing
2250s Bone Breaker in this Prince and it feels
2252s like it's really cool to jump into this
2254s new world where it's familiar but it's
2255s not quite the same I think it was
2257s probably a real challenge to uh
2258s transform some of our gooder characters
2260s into the very evil characters
2262s yeah just for a bit they're just evil
2264s for a bit maybe not per maybe not just
2266s just for like two weeks in the Arcane
2268s yeah just for two weeks to the arcade
2270s they could be bad uh so also this like
2273s ties into a comic it's like a larger
2276s story that kind of like uh exists in a
2279s comic can you speak a little bit to that
2281s because like that's also kind of cool
2282s how like some of the stuff that happens
2284s in Game actually impacts that
2287s yeah so one of the cool things about
2290s this game mode is um similar to our
2292s battle for Olympus game mode where
2294s whoever was like winning the most
2297s um would get a statue in ilios
2300s um this game mode is also tied to a
2302s comic which you'll be able to uh read
2305s which is really awesome to set up the
2307s lore of star watch and like what's the
2309s context of how we got to this place like
2312s in this game mode of like uh rescuing
2314s three Cho or defending against uh the
2318s Watchers
2319s and what's really cool about this game
2321s mode is that you're also feeding into
2323s like depending on which uh side ends up
2327s winning the most you will be influencing
2330s the direction of this comic of like
2332s where does this narrative go next you
2334s know are are the Watchers successful in
2337s in leading their little rebellious crew
2339s or is the infinite like tightening their
2342s grip on things yeah that's uh that's
2345s really cool how uh because I also think
2347s like people want to enjoy OverWatch like
2349s outside of the game as well so like to
2352s kind of take your experience uh in game
2355s and then kind of have this comic kind of
2358s like be impacted and uh you know release
2360s where people can enjoy that uh it's just
2364s a really awesome like overall experience
2365s tied into everything
2367s um so I think before we go out one it's
2370s been awesome to kind of chat and hear
2372s from you guys about all the different uh
2374s how difficult it is to make a game mode
2376s of like this scale of this difference
2378s and then also uh all the kind of love
2380s and care that went into it
2382s um is there anything you'd guys like to
2383s share with like the overall Community
2385s before we go
2388s I guess is just who goes first
2394s um I'm happy to say something
2397s um I think that the thing I'd love to
2399s say is like I hope you guys have fun I
2401s hope that this is an enjoyable
2403s interesting new experience and that it
2405s gives you a kind of glimpse of like what
2408s other awesome stuff can we do if we can
2409s do this what else right and just overall
2412s like there's a ton of love and passion
2415s coming from all of the developers on our
2417s team and we want you to enjoy that and
2420s we hope we'll be doing it well
2423s yeah I think this is
2425s um you know there's a lot of interesting
2427s unique
2428s um kind of gameplay uh features to this
2432s uh to this experience to this event and
2436s um it was a lot of fun to work on and
2440s it's a lot of fun
2442s um I think it's a lot of fun to play and
2445s like Jesse said I'm I'm really hopeful
2447s that
2448s um yeah players love it yeah I can't
2451s wait to see everyone get in the vote and
2452s then find out you know what players
2454s really like versus what they loved right
2455s so I'm looking forward to seeing how
2458s everyone reacts and I really hope
2459s everyone has such a great time playing
2460s it yeah no I I I think everybody's gonna
2463s have an awesome time uh playing Star
2465s watch it's such an awesome experience
2467s something that uh I haven't really had
2469s yet Jesse test Chris thanks so much for
2472s joining us here on deaf child I know
2474s everybody's super stoked to play Star
2475s watch and you know just kind of
2477s experience it in game but don't go
2479s anywhere right after this quick break
2480s I'm gonna be joined by game director
2481s Aaron killer an executive producer Jared
2484s news stay tuned
2491s thank you
2500s hey guys Matt Mr X joined by some
2502s special guests it's game director Aaron
2504s Keller an executive producer Jared news
2505s joining me here on dev chat how are you
2507s guys doing
2509s hey Matt doing great thank you so much
2511s for having us today
2513s wonderful thank you for having us on the
2514s show oh no problem and uh Jared I think
2517s I wanna want to start with you is that
2519s you have been tweeting a lot lately uh
2520s tweeting about a road map saying it's
2522s coming mid-may it's been been on my
2524s timeline a lot I do have an update we're
2527s gonna run through the road map today uh
2529s we're gonna talk about what's coming in
2530s future Seasons uh we're gonna we're
2531s gonna talk a bit about PVE and uh and I
2534s think to kick us off I wanted to ask
2536s Aaron to give us a little bit of a
2537s history lesson in some context
2539s yeah you got it um so
2541s um we announced OverWatch too in in 2019
2544s and a part of that presentation was
2547s about this
2548s always-on deeply replayable PVE
2551s experience
2553s um and his work slowly continued on
2555s OverWatch too we began to pull more and
2558s more of our focus and energy away from
2561s the live game and all of the people that
2563s were playing it we had players that were
2565s excited to be to be playing that game
2568s um and they just wanted more of it so we
2572s had a difficult choice to make we could
2574s continue working on our original vision
2576s for OverWatch 2 without a definitive end
2579s date in sight or change our strategy and
2582s get something in front of players sooner
2585s we chose the latter and we released
2587s OverWatch to last October with new
2590s Heroes new maps new modes and regular
2593s seasonal updates but more than that we
2596s shifted our values for how we want to
2598s develop the game no longer would we
2601s store content up for really big releases
2604s and and leave the game
2607s um sort of languishing on the side now
2610s we made a commitment to always
2612s prioritize the live game and and all of
2614s the people playing it and to devote our
2617s development efforts there this game is
2619s nothing without all of you
2621s yeah I really can't say enough about how
2623s much we've learned over the past eight
2625s months or so and more importantly we've
2627s taken that learning and we've put it
2628s back into the game so it's really a
2630s season two I think you start seeing some
2631s some updates we've made based on your
2633s feedback and based on what we've learned
2635s um we've been changing all of our
2636s systems we've been adjusting hero
2637s ballots way more frequently constantly
2639s revisiting the roadmap behind the scenes
2641s to make sure that what we're planning to
2642s deliver is going to be great for
2643s everyone out there and and that really
2645s has been an awesome experience for us
2647s and partially that's because we feel
2649s like we're able to deliver a better game
2651s to all of you
2652s um and partially it's because we we hope
2653s that you're enjoying it more
2655s previously when the the original game
2657s was kind of slowing down a little bit in
2659s development but at the same time
2660s development on the PVE experience really
2662s hasn't made the progress that we would
2663s have hoped the team has created a bunch
2665s of amazing content so you know there's
2667s awesome missions that are really
2668s exciting there's brand new enemies that
2671s um are super fun to fight uh and some
2674s truly great and ridiculous hero talents
2676s but unfortunately the effort required to
2678s pull all of that together into a
2679s blizzard quality experience that we can
2681s ship to you is huge uh and there really
2683s is no end in sight or defined kind of
2686s end date where we can put that out into
2687s the world and so we're left with another
2689s difficult Choice do we continue to pour
2691s all that effort into PVE
2693s um uh hoping that we can land it at some
2695s point in the future or do we stick with
2697s this set of values we've aligned on and
2699s focus on the live game and focus on
2701s serving all of you with everything we've
2702s learned about what it takes to operate
2704s this game at the level that you deserve
2705s it's clear that we we can't deliver on
2707s that original vision for PVE that was
2709s shown in 2019. what that means is that
2712s we won't be delivering that dedicated
2713s hero mode with talent trees that
2716s long-term power progression uh those
2718s things just aren't in our plans anymore
2719s and we know that this is going to be
2721s disappointing to many of you which is
2722s why we wanted to bring it up before we
2724s talked about the roadmap and to be
2725s perfectly honest it's been really
2727s difficult for for many of us and a lot
2729s of folks on the team who've poured their
2731s heart and soul into that into that stuff
2732s going forward though rather than doing a
2736s big one-time PVE releasing and rather
2739s than pouring all of our efforts into
2741s these singular releases we're we're
2743s planning to make co-op gameplay and
2745s Co-op experiences just part of our live
2749s road map so we we want you to be able to
2751s experience it more often and with more
2753s variety than we had originally announced
2756s we're going to be releasing our first
2758s major story based event featuring a new
2761s set of missions and it'll kick off a
2764s brand new story arc for for OverWatch
2766s and beyond that we have a lot more Co-op
2769s features planned um some canon in some
2772s very not canon and we we just want to
2776s give ourselves flexibility to explore
2779s the universe of OverWatch and its cast
2780s of heroes and villains as as well as
2784s just try new things we're going to
2786s continue to find the most exciting ways
2789s of bringing new experiences to the
2791s running game on a frequent and
2794s consistent basis
2796s let's bring up that road map uh that
2798s Jared was talking about because Jared
2799s there is a ton uh coming to OverWatch
2801s too soon yeah it's kind of ridiculous
2804s actually when you see it all laid out uh
2805s like this let me just do a quick run
2807s through uh there's there's a lot to
2809s absorb and we'll be talking a lot more
2810s about this in the coming months but in
2812s season five uh you see us dip our toes
2814s into that very non-canonical
2816s storytelling that Aaron mentioned
2818s um and we're not talking about all the
2819s details of what that season is going to
2820s be like but uh it's going to be a brand
2822s new experience with with a really cool
2824s very integrated narrative uh uh for for
2827s the battle pass a bunch of new features
2829s and playable experiences uh plus a bunch
2832s of returning favorite features season
2834s six is gonna be the biggest season we've
2835s ever released uh and arguably the
2837s biggest live release in OverWatch
2838s history a ton of great PVE story content
2841s but also that new support hero a new
2843s permanent game mode that's going to go
2844s into unraked and competitive playlists
2846s uh season seven and eight you know we we
2849s have another hero a tank coming this
2851s time uh new control map there's a ton uh
2855s to look forward to this year I know when
2856s I when I see the road map I like jump
2858s from like one side to the other I'm like
2860s oh that looks cool but then Lord about
2861s that like oh wait hold on what's this uh
2863s where I gotta ask um you guys started
2865s with Aaron what's one of the things that
2867s you're most excited about coming to
2868s OverWatch too
2870s yeah I I have the same reaction when I
2873s look at something like this it's just so
2874s easy to get lost in all of the details I
2877s I would like to talk a bit about the
2880s story experience that we want to deliver
2881s and how we want to kick off this new
2883s story arc for for OverWatch that's going
2886s to come with a whole new set of missions
2888s and and cinematics and it's even going
2891s to come with like new story features for
2893s the game like a lore database that
2896s players can unlock over time and then
2898s additionally we're going to be running a
2901s PVE event that season with a co-op
2903s replayable Mission that's going to take
2906s place in a new section of of King's Row
2909s and then on top of all of that a new
2911s single player version of of a PVE
2915s experience where players are going to be
2917s challenged as individual Heroes to run
2920s through courses and get the highest
2922s score possible so it's going to
2924s challenge aim skill and the way people
2927s use abilities in order to be able to get
2930s to to the top of the leaderboard and
2932s compete with friends and and everyone
2933s else oh that that'll be cool I uh I
2936s can't wait to message you guys that ask
2938s why I'm not uh higher ranked on those
2939s leaderboards but uh you know feel free
2942s to block me when I do that uh Jared what
2944s about you yeah I'm uh uh my answer is
2947s kind of a cheat uh when you ask one
2948s thing I'm excited about it's it's kind
2950s of all of it uh like more specifically I
2952s think the thing I'm excited about when I
2954s look at the road map is that uh we're
2956s finally finding our footing and like
2958s really bringing distinctive themes and
2960s feels to each one of our seasons and uh
2962s and then in season six we're actually
2963s going to change the way that we present
2965s Seasons to players uh we're gonna give
2967s these these Seasons names and their own
2968s identities uh and we're gonna theme
2970s everything around them uh really tightly
2971s yeah no it's super cool to be able to
2973s see like all different types of content
2975s for all different types of players
2977s coming which uh yeah this has been a
2978s massive update uh a ton to look forward
2980s to uh thanks for stopping by uh is there
2983s anything you guys want to say before we
2984s go to the rest of the community
2986s yeah I just like to give like a big
2989s thank you to all of our players in our
2991s community we've talked a lot today about
2993s how our our overarching value our
2996s overarching goal for OverWatch
2999s development is to always be putting new
3002s things out in front of the community and
3004s to be supporting the game and the best
3007s way that we possibly can that's what
3009s that's what this roadmap is about it's
3011s about about showing you all of the work
3013s that we're putting into this game so
3016s thank you everyone for playing thank you
3018s for your your commitment to the game and
3021s all the feedback that we've gotten um
3023s from from all of you
3025s yeah I couldn't have said it better
3026s myself thank you to everyone in the
3028s community for playing thank you for
3029s supporting each other thank you for
3030s supporting our team can't wait to hear
3032s what you think of of everything we have
3033s coming uh please do send me I don't know
3036s that I need to ask you but send me more
3037s of your feedback on on social and uh
3041s look forward to seeing you out there
3042s yeah well uh thanks again uh Aaron and
3045s Jared for stopping by it's always great
3046s chatting tons to look forward to uh and
3049s guys check out Starwatch in game now get
3051s a chance to play that and always stay
3053s tuned for the next Dev chat we'll have
3055s one coming soon we'll see you there
3068s thank you
3091s thank you
3149s foreign