over 1 year ago - PlayOverwatch - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s here's a quick rundown of everything in
2s season 2 of OverWatch 2 and the many
3s events coming up first up we got the new
5s Tank Hero ramatra ramatra will be
6s unlockable at level 45 of the Season 2
8s battle pass and the premium battle pass
9s will offer legendary and epic skins as
11s well as instant unlock of ramatra and a
13s 20 battle pass XP boost All Season
15s paired with ramatra is the new escort
16s map shambali and omnic Temple located in
18s the heart of Nepal from January 5th to
20s the 19th there will be an all new
21s limited time Mode called the battle for
22s Olympus an ancient Greek themed
24s Deathmatch with new theme skins for
25s select Heroes December 13th to the 4th
27s is the winter wonderland event and
28s January 17th to February 6th is the year
30s of the rabbit New Year's Event finally
32s make sure you keep an eye on the shop
33s for new bundles every week and in-season
35s twitch drops you can get from watching
37s your favorite OverWatch 2 twitch
38s streamers