about 2 years ago - PlayOverwatch - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s [Music]
10s so
12s [Music]
18s [Applause]
21s [Music]
80s do
101s [Music]
122s do
123s [Music]
162s [Music]
173s [Music]
191s do
195s [Music]
233s [Music]
245s [Music]
256s [Music]
275s [Music]
283s [Music]
307s [Music]
322s [Music]
335s [Music]
361s okay
364s [Music]
368s so
380s [Music]
389s [Music]
420s [Music]
624s [Music]
654s so
656s [Music]
661s warrior mentality rising through the
665s flames awaken the power held inside of
669s me harness resilience through the pain
672s i'm a warrior
677s the blade comes out and he shuts it all
679s down in one fell swoop absolutely
681s stomping oh what is happening to the
684s bridge
685s backbone
686s warrior i'm a hurricane like gloria i
688s won't fail my times now rising glory
691s won't back down i'll take the pain and
692s i'll let it out on the mountaintop shout
694s it out break away let me demonstrate my
696s mentality
699s rampage thank you for the side room
700s everybody
702s catches everybody else
706s gonna look to make it happen and there
707s it is
709s cannot be stopped
711s on the mountaintop shouting out break
713s away let me demonstrate my mentality
718s [Music]
720s summer showdowns in full swing and we're
723s here with day number two of the eastern
724s region my name is trid i'm joined by
726s avril to bring you two first of three
728s matches here to decide who is going home
730s and sending one team over to the grand
733s finals tomorrow
734s getting to the business side now we've
736s kind of been in the business side for
737s some time now it's you know
739s four of our top teams here in the
740s tournament stage now the summer showdown
742s our third tournament over the entire
744s year and our final one actually before
746s play off so this is the final
747s opportunity for our teams to kind of get
749s a title in before we actually go to what
752s is going to be the end of the entire
754s season upcoming so you know for teams
756s like fusion that missed out a little bit
757s earlier and kick off clash shanghai as
759s well they haven't had a title yet so far
761s everything is still online to play for
763s sulky the second title guangzhou this is
765s their first tournament showing in what
766s has been two years so they're in the
768s running as well
769s let's get you up to speed with the state
770s of the tournament so far like i said
772s we've already had a day of action let's
774s pull up that bracket and see how things
775s stand shanghai dragons and seoul dynasty
778s that's going to be our second game of
779s the day avril and they're all positioned
781s in that effectively upper bracket final
783s if you will and then when we look in the
785s losers bracket the charge are going up
787s against the fusion after losing their
789s matches yesterday to the aforementioned
791s teams that's going to be our first
792s matchup of the day one team's going home
795s one team is going to get a second chance
797s in the tournament
798s absolutely and i think you know in some
800s ways the bracket has gone exactly the
803s way you would expect the top two c's
805s number one and two between dragons and
806s dynasty have moved through to the upper
808s bracket flying the whole dynasty though
810s not without a better turmoil in their
811s particular game guangzhou though could
813s quite touch up on the dragons and now
815s they'll be facing the philadelphia
817s fusion in that little bracket loser goes
819s home one of moves forward to the next
820s loser bracket game that loses breaker
822s final and the one of that will end up
823s going towards the grand final the
825s philadelphia fusion their roster up
827s first saw this team in action yesterday
830s after you know what was a pretty hot
832s poor start going open to down versus
834s seoul they were pretty strong come back
836s i mean they kind of got this reverse
837s sweep dream going
839s third map fourth map both going their
841s way forcing a tiebreaker map number five
844s but
845s some cases kind of i don't know if you
847s would say it's expected for the fusion
849s but it seems like the map five horrors
851s strike again for them
853s yeah five map philly they're always out
855s here struggling on the map five but
857s let's take a look at the roster for
858s today mn3 zest fury aim god and fixer uh
861s this has been kind of like the roster
862s we've seen towards the latter end of the
864s summer showdown mn3 has now become
866s effectively the starter i believe after
867s last week um when they stopped running
870s carpe as the starting lineup doesn't
872s mean carpe is necessarily out of the
873s lineup altogether uh for now anyway but
876s mn3 has been a starter and i think
878s fusion have had a couple more of those i
880s think fusion has looked like they could
882s win more games with this starting lineup
883s attacking keeping eminent free in seems
885s to have at least leveled the team up
887s slightly
888s stew daggers in the uh for now anyway i
891s heard that i don't know i'm not going to
892s read too far into a trend
895s it is what it is no we'll see um you
897s know and this has been an interesting
899s stage so far for philly fusion because
901s like
902s we're talking about map fives here the
903s they've been to three map fives
906s in their last four matches guangzhou
908s seoul hangzhou then sold again
910s of those three map fives they've lost
912s all three of them the last time they
913s went to a map five and actually they go
914s to map five squad a lot look at their
916s history uh was versus valiant in the
918s regular season week 16 here now they did
920s beat the valiant but since then it's
922s been a bit of a loss streak then they
924s beat hung joe those are the only two
926s wins they had over the course of the
927s entire qualifier right they kind of
929s squeezed in on a two and four record
932s they needed a three one or three zero
934s versus hundred they got that score line
936s um they're here in the tournament but
939s it's one of those situations where they
940s get so painstakingly close two times now
942s defeating the adversaries in seoul but
944s just kind of falling short if they want
945s to win this tournament if phil you
947s finally want to lift a trophy and be an
949s organization that after five years gets
951s that podium win that number one spot
953s victory they gotta beat teams like the
956s sole dynasty but for now they've got to
957s get past the golden charge first
959s i love that you brought up their map
961s five record aval because the last time
962s these two teams faced off in week number
964s three did go to five games charge ended
967s up beating philadelphia fusion so they
969s are basically replaying one of their
971s five map losses that have happened in
972s earlier on this stage uh let's take a
974s look at the charge roster though jimmy
976s choice one kron xerneas far away um
980s charge nine yesterday apparently avril
982s um very anti-climatic end to midtown in
985s that uh three zero defeats to shanghai
987s dragons it does happen uh it always
990s still does manage to surprise me when it
991s does though
993s and it was probably one of the more
994s egregious ones because you know you see
996s in the replays and i believe jimmy and
997s troy they just literally both step off
1000s um
1002s and
1003s it could be one of those situations as
1004s well you look at they're both looking at
1005s each other i was like wait whose job was
1007s it to stay on i thought you were staying
1009s on the other side i thought you were
1011s staying on and they just both walked off
1012s right so uh
1014s yeah very anticlimactic who knows what
1017s would have happened there i don't know
1018s that they would have won that map we're
1019s talking about midtown versus shanghai
1020s here i don't think they would have won
1022s necessarily but you kind of robbed
1023s yourself of a good opportunity we did
1025s see how close that circuit royale was
1026s but again no dice for the gauntlet
1028s charge now you did mention the previous
1030s matchup versus philly i want to dig a
1032s little bit deeper into that because not
1033s only was it map five tread it's actually
1035s a reverse sweep from charge we've
1037s actually now also seen
1038s philly nearly get a reverse sweep versus
1040s seoul but charge actually got a reverse
1042s sweep versus fully and that's something
1044s to remember
1047s that's even more heart-wrenching isn't
1048s it you get the two-hour advantage three
1050s maps in a row bing bang bong you're out
1052s of the well out of the match already so
1055s just waiting for the crawl uh waiting
1056s for i think kron was actually sat down
1058s actually waiting for the charge to just
1059s fill up the lobby and then we'll get
1060s into the game number one a little bit
1062s different from previously we don't have
1064s uh set map types anymore because we're
1065s going into the tournament stage so
1066s there's a little bit more variance i
1068s believe here after all um
1070s still not sure what map we're going to
1071s be starting on today is going to be a
1073s control
1074s i think this is important for fusion
1076s because as we saw in the previous series
1077s and something i've noted on quite a
1079s decent amount is uh they do have
1081s particularly strong maps uh you know
1083s we'll just talk about those for now
1084s circuit royale plus new queen street i
1087s think are the strongest maps for the
1088s philadelphia fusion have been for the
1090s majority of the entire year with no
1092s matter what metal we seem to be in those
1094s two end up always being the strongest
1095s maps for philly fusion um and seoul
1098s dynasty they actually pick me queen
1099s street versus fully and that ended up
1101s being a bit of a mistake and you know
1102s that's something that uh herex and i
1103s talked about yesterday where it's like
1104s you know soul had the opportunity to go
1105s to coliseum but they actually beat the
1107s fusion on they didn't do that it's got
1108s the new queen street where uh you know
1110s if we remember a few matches past now in
1112s mid-season man it's the final week
1114s qualifies when fusion actually beats
1115s seoul and queen street was one of those
1116s linchpin maps that fully really
1119s dominated so long so that to me is still
1121s a little bit of an iffy situation coming
1122s through from toby the head coach but hey
1124s soul still one map number five basically
1126s we're trying to get out though is in
1128s that reverse sweet run through for fully
1129s fusion those two maps between circuit
1132s and new queen street really allowed the
1134s fusion to bring us to a map five
1137s so map choice gonna be a big one to pay
1139s attention to throughout this series then
1141s see if they can pick their preferential
1142s matches uh maps and get themselves back
1144s into it maybe um we're still doing the
1147s uh loser the previous map gets to pick
1148s the following ones so it does mean that
1150s they drop maps they have a chance to
1151s bounce back quickly kill any momentum
1153s that runs forward into the series and so
1155s hopefully it should keep it quite
1156s competitive here would not want to see
1158s ira team go out to a 3-0 today and
1160s honestly looking at charges fusion i
1162s don't think these are teams that could
1164s free each other at present is just my
1166s assessment of things
1167s i mean they went to five previously i
1169s think they have the capability to do
1170s that again i also think that if we do go
1172s to circuit and there's a very high
1173s chance we do it's going to be super
1175s competitive because charge also shows
1177s that yesterday versus the dragons it was
1178s a very strong map for them they nearly
1180s took down the dragons on that map and
1182s that would have been by the way the
1184s second only map loss for the dragons
1186s this entire tournament stage right
1188s dragons are otherwise flawless they have
1190s currently the best match record and map
1192s record of any team including versus
1195s seoul as well um it's something like 19
1198s and one now i know it's actually more
1200s than that i think it was uh
1202s yeah it's uh i'll figure it out but it's
1204s a lot they've only dropped one single
1206s map so far i don't know why i'm blanking
1207s on this yeah six times three
1209s uh 21 or something i don't know
1212s 21 63 is 18 but
1215s yeah so it's 21-1
1217s amazing
1218s so but they are undefeated as you said
1220s via matches shanghai dragons so they
1222s haven't had the streak ended that sets
1224s up nicely for the next match however
1226s because i have a feeling they're going
1227s to have their that's going to come out
1229s quite a bit uh players are all in the
1230s lobby they are just about ready we're
1232s going to get into map number one i
1234s believe i had someone whisper in my ear
1235s from production tell me that the first
1237s map of this series is gonna be liang
1239s tower we will get that confirmed on your
1241s screens in just a second and there it is
1243s lee zhang tower coming up shortly
1246s right up and i don't know if this really
1248s necessarily favors anybody we're in the
1250s sort of now meta in stage three and some
1252s showdown where map choice generally
1254s doesn't matter as much as it did in the
1256s mid-season madness but for a team like
1257s philly you know as i said escort get
1259s towards a push might be a little bit of
1261s preference there for guangzhou they kind
1263s of won and lost everywhere already a
1265s great match i think we need to focus on
1267s here it's a couple of ones actually it's
1268s definitely in the dps line i think
1269s there's no real surprises there jimmy
1272s has been a very important member of the
1274s charge so far in their campaign through
1276s this third stage and also uh the return
1278s of jimmy into the overwatch league right
1280s he's kind of led the team via that
1281s sergeant quite comfortably he even had a
1283s great match and showing versus lip
1284s yesterday no lips still mostly had the
1287s better of jimmy but you got the circuit
1289s jimmy started to show his chops again
1290s kind of put lip into the ground a couple
1292s of times that's going to be important he
1293s needs to do that versus mn3 who also
1295s currently looks to be on fire on the
1296s sojourn
1300s pay attention to the damage lineup when
1301s they come through they are running
1302s mirror compositions so far on night
1304s market although we don't really see much
1306s variation here it's you know sometimes
1308s see the odd fire come out when it comes
1309s around to gardens
1311s here they are on the rollout
1314s yeah maybe troy will go towards the fire
1316s but i think both teams are getting very
1317s comfortable just playing stand in normal
1318s compositions here play the genji's
1320s that's got a match up as well zest
1322s versus choi it's been a very interesting
1324s one choice been so good so far in this
1325s matter from taking a bit of early damage
1327s here
1328s yeah they're on the hunt for choice one
1330s isolated by the rest of the team it's
1331s just an easy pick up there with a
1332s railgun and then three two taps two
1334s kills
1335s just needs to find another one that's
1337s deal done fusion taking the first cap
1339s yep troy going down krong and the rest
1342s to follow from the charge and nobody
1344s died at all from the fully fusion so
1346s five alive here as we push on forward
1347s ultimate's starting to get ahead as well
1349s very importantly for the fusion far away
1351s does keep up
1352s with his counterparts and he's actually
1354s ahead of aim guard by a reasonable
1355s margin so it'll be something that charge
1357s can use when push comes to shove but
1358s fusion with an early account they'll be
1360s comfortable for now
1362s hold the line here under charge oh what
1364s a shot on to choi
1367s in a row they've gone down early
1369s so we gotta see out of him and three
1370s that's why this guy is really hot on the
1373s trigger fingers so far jimmy caught on
1375s the side there no way to exit it's gonna
1377s be a light death as well that really
1378s hurts the charge
1380s just gonna burn more of the time or the
1382s effect of oh my god evan freeze on the
1385s map on something
1386s yeah keeps on going
1389s but uh no it's gonna just burn more and
1391s more of the time like you said these
1392s late picks they're just climbing the
1393s percentage of the map charge want to go
1395s as a cohesive unit and they can't do
1396s that if members keep getting picked off
1397s by mn3 on the entry they're so close to
1399s the overclock as well now avril that
1401s this could be a lethal approach for them
1404s it's nearly double the old charge jimmy
1406s which as you said is going to be pretty
1407s lethal because we're heading into what
1408s is finally you know i would technically
1410s say this is about to be the second fight
1411s because even though we've had like three
1413s kills in a row those aren't really
1414s fights are just kind of short skirmishes
1416s across the map three picks that kind of
1418s put the trunk uh guangzhou charge behind
1421s now fully fusion should be the overflow
1422s coming through but soon he's just killed
1423s him in three
1424s i don't know however three is that far
1426s forward he's basically leading the
1427s charge for his team there puts him in
1429s such a vulnerable state and now they've
1431s opened it up they did manage to trade
1432s away krong for this one though so the
1434s sojourn for the junker queen
1436s they're holding the line still furious
1438s just able to lock down the point we're
1439s pushing into final fight territory now
1441s zest is over in the small room cutting
1442s off the respawns from charge and charge
1445s don't have ultimates here then finally
1446s they get a couple of bets available
1447s fusion haven't spent they've got four up
1449s currently so far zuni is going down as
1451s officer finds that one solo
1453s position
1454s there steers them in through with that
1456s overclock one shot of the far away does
1458s the trick oh
1459s mnfree is having an incredible round
1462s avril this is unreal most of these
1464s fights have not even got started because
1466s he's been there with the headshots
1468s clicking and removing the charge from
1471s the field and that's the smile i like to
1473s see as well airmen three is feeling
1474s fired up he's confident he knows what's
1476s going on emin three can that final fight
1479s and the philly fusion comfortably take a
1481s 1-0 lead in this opening map here 100-0
1485s as well charged completely absent from
1488s any of those fights
1489s in fact
1490s philly fusion had barely died i mean
1492s they only had two deaths the entire time
1494s yeah zest had a blaze shut down m3 did
1496s die too i think zernius i'm still not
1499s exactly sure how that occurred but
1500s beyond that fury ain't got fixer all
1502s still deathless only two frags from
1504s charge that entire opening round it is a
1507s bit of a disastrous opening for the
1509s guangzhou charge but for philly fusion
1510s exactly what you want to see
1514s all right here we go round number two
1515s moving on to the gardens troy did pivot
1517s on to the far for the time being
1520s so we're gonna have that different
1521s variation in effect for this round
1524s the rest of the team's gonna migrate
1526s over to the point fury a little bit
1527s isolated for now very vulnerable to
1528s these rockets the entire team's just
1529s charging with the fury here come the
1530s reinforcements from the fusion though
1532s they're collapsing but it's too late to
1533s save them and the isolated fury going
1536s down early and this is charged clapping
1537s back on round number two yeah coming
1539s through with the variation choices on
1541s towards the fire we kind of did allude
1543s to maybe there's been a possibility for
1545s the charge to flex on to i said maybe
1547s joy wouldn't do it because the genji has
1549s been really good but at the same time he
1550s did get clapped on our opening round
1552s maybe a bit of a risk is required here
1554s and now a risk does pay off for the
1556s guangzhou charge
1557s infusion though see how they bounce back
1559s into this one so
1560s uh you still have at least aim guard
1562s getting away with his life so not a
1564s complete team light coming through from
1565s the guangzhou charge this now moving
1567s over towards the echo predictably to try
1569s and counter try
1571s it's always a strong move to deal with
1573s the pharah the echo just seems to win
1575s these matchups all the time so she'll
1577s give fusion the edge in the sky battle
1579s which will translate into the ground a
1580s couple of directs find mn3 though
1582s he's not the only damage lineup who can
1584s be accurate when it comes to these
1586s projectiles are going to have choice
1587s they want just nailed him please pay
1589s attention to where zest is though he's
1590s still hovering around some hunting for
1592s him jimmy's going to try and keep that
1593s echo in check though i feel
1595s it's just two directs coming through
1596s from troy exactly as you need on a very
1598s important member of m3 very similar in
1600s some cases to what fusion we're doing to
1602s charge early on vm and threes rails
1603s right just solo picks slowing down the
1605s philadelphia fusion or in this case that
1607s was the quantum charge the previous
1608s round
1609s now choice about to get this barrage
1610s online should be the first ultimate
1612s through cessna one versus one trying to
1613s get choice down but can't do it
1615s i think he picked up a pack there just
1617s to restore him if he didn't have access
1618s to the mega he would have really
1619s struggled there but just delays the
1621s inevitable zest able to pick up that
1622s kill goes back to the sky 27 hp outside
1625s of far away's range but jimmy he has the
1627s railgun you can't escape that one flip
1629s comes in perfusion while this whole
1630s outside skirmish was happening
1633s yeah it's cool i mean you'll kill and m3
1635s will kill choi again you all get uh zest
1637s down if you are going to charge me you
1638s lose everybody else and as soon as troy
1640s respawns he instantly gets killed so
1642s it's actually six deaths in that
1643s particular fight really good for the
1644s fusion to pick up especially in the alt
1646s charge department as well
1648s troy is actually still waiting to get
1650s their barrage online
1651s sitting in the 90s here has been for a
1653s reasonable while in charge of the
1655s capability ability to make the comeback
1657s here but i think once you have the
1659s attacking fire and you're not defending
1660s with the fire it's a lot harder to get
1662s that value going you want to be
1663s defending chokes as a fire attacking
1665s jokes really not the same deal
1668s you can see the flank coming in they're
1669s just trying to hover around the
1670s outskirts of the point but being kept in
1671s check rally's both pop there's the
1673s barrage coming in from choi it clears
1674s space but it doesn't result in any kills
1676s and mm3 picks off the static barra with
1679s the right click duplication possess
1680s coming in there's another jungle queen
1682s on the field carnage cuts through it's
1683s mm3 beats into the punch with the kill
1685s far away he's not going to laugh this
1686s one great jagger knife pull into jimmy
1689s to help mn free pick off that kill
1692s and now they've surpassed the charges
1693s charge
1694s and are having towards the end of this
1696s map
1697s no casualties either there aim god by
1699s the way you're still deathless the only
1700s one that went down was this on the
1701s duplicate you're okay with that one m3
1703s shutting down choi was so huge and that
1705s means zero valley found on the rocket
1707s barrage you expect a lot more from choi
1709s in that exact play a one for one it's
1711s kind of the minimum
1713s quantity charge now back over towards
1714s the genji m3 on the rails for the
1716s overclock
1718s charges
1720s say the only option is the scatter
1722s average you can't like hide in the sight
1723s lines they're too long on that bridge
1725s coming from white room that you're just
1726s so vulnerable to mm-free picking you off
1728s you know he's on fire today why chance
1729s it is jimmy's chances oh
1732s there's the chance coming in with the
1733s overclock
1734s wait for it to expire finds mn3 turns
1736s attention around to zest unable to find
1738s a connection here
1740s from having to clean it up as jimmy
1742s skirts away to safety
1744s thankfully charge managed to clear out
1746s the fusion at 99 they'll get the flip
1748s but now they have the rampage and a beat
1750s to cut through but i think charge have
1752s options to stop that
1753s charge of a long way to go though it's
1755s still 33 36 to go through once we get to
1757s the 100 meter 100 uh percent mark 99
1760s mark and okay they have pretty even
1762s ultimates right it's rampage and sound
1764s barrier on both sides looking towards
1766s what aim got a far away getting these
1767s rallies into that next fight also
1769s first rampage super important here
1772s expecting the sound barriers to come
1773s through immediately when the rampage get
1774s popped
1778s just fine for big from cross beat comes
1781s out and answer fury still holding on for
1782s theirs they're going to downstream i
1783s think they got killed before they're
1784s able to apply to anyone
1787s you have to do it without zest still
1788s making this work despite on the back
1790s foot
1792s crown needs to get out of here mega flip
1794s comes in someone's got to touch zonius
1795s is there to trigger overtime keep it
1796s alive they're keeping kron away from the
1798s fight there's no support for him take
1799s down from zest and now the back line is
1801s driving too late zonius gets in just by
1804s the skin of a whisker
1806s as choice a1 will then jump back on to
1808s the point as well to keep the overtime
1809s alive try and buy time for kron to get
1811s back into the fight but they're playing
1812s a numbers disadvantage
1814s especially when jimmy gets taken out as
1815s well they just don't have a 10 player
1817s coming out from troy ain't got
1819s moving over to fury takes attention to m
1820s free gets the cut through as well joy
1822s might be putting the team back in to
1823s keep him alive this is the longest over
1825s time we've seen in a while seth comes
1826s out with the counter blades to fight too
1828s and he gets delayed back away from far
1830s away there's a wrecking ball from krong
1832s which isn't efficient but it will keep
1834s things alive for the charge as far away
1835s forced back into white picks up the mini
1837s double supports taking down one and
1839s here's pixar defined far away they move
1842s back to the point they're gonna claim
1843s their own 99 apple they got the flip in
1845s the chaos there
1847s and saw him missing members so they have
1849s ball they have sold their trace it's not
1851s the ideal composition to be playing
1852s through but it's one that they have to
1853s just try and touch and go in the back
1855s line
1856s booped off even with chrome began to
1858s that might just be quick charge out of
1860s this fight they started the players
1861s alive
1863s well they've got the flip back nice
1864s little delay they stopped far away going
1866s across with the shield bash so he's
1868s surely going to go down here he can't
1869s stay up over time takes down fusion
1872s we'll finally claim map one after a very
1874s elongated overtime yeah i think there
1877s was four fusions taking as well just a
1879s little bit of you know like you sort of
1880s said elongated time to get the win for
1883s fusion charge they came back on stall
1885s heroes we saw the ball we saw the tracer
1887s we saw the soldier that's only going to
1889s go so far in terms of trying to win this
1891s fight phil effusions still have the
1893s standard composition they didn't change
1894s anything he had aim got come back on the
1895s arena that's one thing but you saw very
1898s importantly her fury on that specific
1900s junky queen right krong dying in that
1902s final engagement was what two versus
1904s three unfortunately low hp he goes for
1906s the mega pack but as the point flips
1908s over zoning has to go for the touch
1909s those two members in the 2v3 get split
1912s up kron gets taken down zonings are so
1914s low charge don't have a tank they can't
1915s contest properly they come back with a
1917s ball and you just can't want to fight
1918s with that sort of composition back
1920s confusion they whittle down the charge
1922s and they eventually get the win but they
1923s put themselves in the winning position
1925s first survive against choice blade gets
1928s this played out and just played does the
1929s job
1931s all right this charges map pick
1933s moving into the second map of the series
1935s we're gonna go to a quick break when we
1936s come back we'll see what they have for
1938s you when you
1947s this return
1948s now
1967s [Music]
1998s [Music]
2011s [Music]
2034s [Music]
2040s [Music]
2055s [Music]
2060s [Music]
2092s [Music]
2108s [Music]
2164s [Music]
2179s so
2182s [Music]
2185s [Applause]
2187s [Music]
2199s okay so the first two replays i kind of
2201s get but that third one was just doing
2203s cronk dirty i feel like just watching
2204s him hang from underneath the head just
2206s face the inevitable i've been there
2209s it's tragic you know it is tragic
2211s at that moment you're accepting death
2212s you're like well
2214s there's only one direction i can go from
2215s here and it is down and unfortunately
2217s you're also in the last fight it's 99.99
2219s you know like you kind of have to get
2221s back into action but you can't credit to
2224s fusion for knocking as many players off
2225s the map as they did um but i think at
2227s that stage it was it was pretty
2229s clear-cut for the philadelphia fusion
2230s they had it locked up mn3 had it locked
2233s up praised bm and three in this lineup
2235s so far because he actually got 15 out of
2237s 36 final blows for the philly fusion
2239s over the course of those two rounds now
2241s the second of which was far more tight
2244s you know in terms of closeness and
2245s competitiveness get to gardens it's 99
2247s to 99 troy comes out in the pharah it
2250s works for some time until the zest echo
2252s shuts them down and from then on
2254s outwards fusion mostly had charges
2256s number going to hollywood now as charges
2258s picked let's see if they turn it around
2263s sort of come out with as well i know
2264s we'll probably see some cheeky little
2266s like widowmaker on the spawn won't see
2268s that roll out they just want to see if
2269s anyone pokes their head too aggressively
2271s which by the way
2273s we saw uh the pelican deflate kill this
2275s exact map yesterday well rather this
2277s morning from the n a games over in
2278s toronto
2280s so that was pretty hard where's the risk
2281s calikin
2284s gone
2285s i'm saying there's always a risk of it
2287s yeah i mean it's just like pelican he's
2289s he's waiting for the water shot to come
2291s through deflects it straight back in the
2292s water that's the kind of thing you'd
2293s love to see so
2297s how do we handle this situation here as
2300s we look back to
2302s our previous series yesterday
2304s seoul dynasty and philadelphia played
2306s hollywood as a three-and-two victory for
2308s seoul they finished the entire map
2310s philly unfortunately failed to finish
2311s the entire map
2313s as this will be the one to take the
2314s opening shot coming through as well
2315s fusion now
2317s making their first push forward i
2318s actually specifically remember
2320s fusion nearly full held the seoul
2322s dynasty on hollywood a yesterday but
2325s they overextended into the soul
2327s offensive spawn on a that end up being
2329s their mistake they're attacking first
2330s love to see how their defense goes later
2332s on choi already taking a rail shot one
2333s hp then
2335s what a combo there from the damage line
2336s for philly mm3 doing the broke for the
2338s work zest comes in with the shuriken to
2339s finish them off not a good start on your
2341s map big charge you need to try and
2342s recover this quickly sure can get back
2344s to the fight relatively quickly being on
2346s the genji drove the cut down xerneas
2347s missed the slice they still will get a
2349s reset and go to cronkite news let's just
2351s cut through the entire team with the
2353s help of his support we'll rotate
2354s background to the point and choice one
2356s will be arriving too late to make a
2357s difference yeah flawless and this will
2359s be the stage where you will get the cap
2360s as well charge can no longer contest
2362s basically the charge can do a setup for
2364s some high ground maybe set up for a
2365s fight very early on as the gates to be
2368s do in fact open zest already kind of
2369s sort of marking some space up forward
2372s choice to challenge but that's going to
2373s dominate that very early fight though
2375s to m3 before setting up the initial
2377s kill we did look at choice one's pov he
2379s did take a rail shot and that rail shot
2381s is what sets off the momentum for fusion
2383s winning the fight
2385s hey dude he doesn't get the final blow
2387s still being the impactful member here
2390s troy off to the side he's playing around
2391s the mega just watching the side entrance
2394s i might get overwhelmed here quickly you
2396s might go for the kill and fixer or troy
2398s has to use that dash not to go after the
2400s loose ship instead get to safety nice
2401s boot from the top brings them all down
2402s to the ground level that's actually
2404s incredible from fixer and it sets them
2405s up nicely to take out kron
2407s zest and the rest of the boys are
2409s relatively safe here payload has been
2410s moving this entire time
2412s and now he has a blade from above for
2414s all of his worries charger backing out
2416s of this one they'll be kind of thankful
2418s that they only lost the one they still
2419s get to back up because that could have
2420s gone a lot more poorly for the guangzhou
2422s charge they could have lost everybody
2423s right fusion could have actually cleaned
2424s wiped them off of the stage this
2426s particular you know b point i should
2428s probably say m3 the beautiful rail to
2430s jimmy just happens like clockwork for
2432s the sky so far high ground control in
2433s favor of the fusion and they will get
2435s the other four kills in a short or
2438s all right nice little return on to aim
2439s god though so it does stem the bleeding
2440s just a fraction
2442s be used in action for the blades and
2445s then three finds far away zest is just
2447s going to clean up after the blade
2448s finishes and charge has not been able to
2450s find any footing in this map whatsoever
2453s constantly getting paid that's all it
2454s feels like and fusion's just rolling it
2457s legitimately feels like we're in our
2458s opening round of control back on our
2461s first map again of lee jung right it
2463s feels like we're back on night market
2464s we're charged can't get a fight going
2466s they're constantly down one whether it's
2467s troy being railed out jimmy getting
2469s railed up somebody's gonna rail down in
2471s the three nearly hit another shot there
2472s overflow coming through his toy once
2474s more
2476s talking about nearly i think he heard
2477s you out who immediately flicks on
2478s detroit finds the fight scene
2482s ah she's come through like charged
2484s they're not worried about the objective
2485s right now they're worried about staying
2487s alive that is the objective for them
2489s because m and three and the rest of you
2490s should be worried about immigrating them
2492s there's a lot to be worried about m and
2494s three and these is a big concern for the
2495s guangzhou charge currently they can't
2496s even really get out to contest it's an
2498s entire team therefore maybe it's just
2500s the m three versus everybody def
2502s strongest player in the server so far
2503s that we've seen zest is keeping up in
2505s frags but mn3 is putting the charge to
2508s pound down currently we talk about
2509s charge
2510s i mean having a good showing so far in
2512s the sword they even beat the
2513s philadelphia fusion previously but so
2515s far they've yet to win a fight on
2516s hollywood troy has a play he wants him
2518s in three down
2520s trying to find them rally rampage goes
2523s through he's looking for the back foot
2524s holds the deflect long enough support
2526s comes in just delays and then free from
2528s going down but that's the only thing
2529s choi will get rave boss down for the
2531s charge they lost two members in that off
2533s the back of fury's rampage just making
2535s it really difficult to sustain the fight
2537s and now the charge have to back off so
2538s they stalled the payload but that still
2541s doesn't feel like a decisive fight win
2542s because now they're getting resets and
2543s zest is hunting this final member of the
2547s charge from that original fight reese
2548s wants to come in they can't even save
2550s zernies on the spawn door right now and
2552s now they have to deal with the player
2557s just in time
2558s oh i guess they're just in time with the
2560s rampage but here's the blade from zest
2561s it's so messy the of panicking they
2564s can't breathe they can't set anything up
2566s they are being strangled by the fusion
2569s and a three-minute 43 time bank exists
2571s at the end there
2573s i'm gonna have to check uh world record
2575s tip i'm gonna go ahead and and check
2576s right now what the record for fastest
2579s cap on hollywood is because i feel like
2581s we're getting closer if it's not a
2582s record it is damn near close uh
2588s check him in pc
2590s i don't think there was a single moment
2592s where
2593s the fusion really stopped pushing did
2595s you see a moment when they stopped
2596s pushing because to me the payload was
2598s basically going the entire way through
2601s uh
2602s one moment on point b where they lost
2604s the fighting just krong was just dying
2605s on point that was it right
2607s okay here we go that wasn't even for
2608s that long all right so i do have
2610s confirmation on records uh the
2613s [Music]
2614s fastest ever time bank
2618s for hollywood
2622s was
2625s 3 47 so this is four seconds off
2631s this is tied equal for the second
2633s fastest hollywood ever though so the
2635s second holly so for confirmation the
2637s fastest hollywood ever was a time bank
2639s of 347 that's a cap of 413
2643s that was done by hundred spark versus
2645s chong do hunters in 2020
2648s second fastest now tidy call previously
2650s set
2651s was
2652s shock versus paris 2021 343 this is also
2656s 343.
2658s so we have a tidy cool record now second
2660s fastest hollywood ever
2663s shows you the dominance that's going
2664s into this series at the moment apple
2666s doesn't it's close to saying world
2668s record pace in a lower bracket round you
2671s know the tournament here
2673s now it's time for fusion to be on
2675s defense no major switches up here
2677s charger found their way around the point
2679s and remember
2680s fairly nearly full held sold yesterday i
2682s think there's some regrets there from
2683s the philly camp they probably wish they
2685s didn't make a mistake on their defense
2687s they didn't over commit they could have
2688s just held but this time around they're
2690s not over committing jimmy will get the
2691s opening rail shots very similar to what
2692s we saw from fusion versus charged
2694s previously him and three at least
2695s responds but he dies
2698s yeah i was going to say maybe he could
2699s have la equalize things again but krong
2701s taking him out makes things rough here
2704s that's gonna get back to the fight i
2705s don't know if they're gonna stall they
2706s are isolated though so i don't know what
2707s the plan is here they're gonna at least
2708s try and yeah they're gonna contest it i
2710s think it's the only thing they can do
2711s here is zest comes back
2714s it's gonna be throwing the shurikens
2715s around on the point they've brought
2716s enough time for mm3 to come back as well
2718s i feel
2719s i might have to turn this just to the
2720s end
2722s of a lot of danger currently
2724s down first though far away to follow
2725s next maybe fusion have yet to drop a
2727s member
2728s now they've got it they've actually
2729s managed to come back here on the cusp of
2731s jimmy doing his best in doing his best
2734s mm free impression to take out mm3
2737s but now they're just gonna catch all the
2738s stragglers on the outside so looking
2740s really shaky for the fusion do we still
2742s count it as a full holder they don't
2743s allow point a to be captured because
2744s they allow progress though you know i
2746s mean i i don't know what the definition
2748s is anymore i'm pretty sure from my
2749s perspective a full hold is just like
2751s completing any sort of hold on a i think
2754s the old definition was you can't even
2756s you couldn't allow a tick to come on
2757s through but
2758s that obviously doesn't apply to escort
2760s right so you have to be kind of weird
2761s with the terminology because escort does
2762s count and there's no like ticks in
2764s escort so for me the full hold is just
2766s defending a entirely with whatever
2768s available but uh you know whatever way
2770s you want to define it in either case
2771s fusion are on for an eight point defense
2773s fury by the way hasn't died yet that's
2775s actually very important because fury
2776s didn't die he gets to come back and
2778s contest with the team now zest paul's
2779s blade
2780s rally for the blade zest still finds it
2782s ends the armor early beat comes out from
2784s zernia support ultimates on the line
2785s inside the fusion is still available as
2787s fixer drops the beat but they still have
2788s the rally
2789s and it's gonna cut through they're now
2791s gonna get the overclock potentially the
2792s rampage online but it's gonna be a rough
2795s battle for the charge going up against
2796s that rally from aim god they still
2797s managed to hold on to that in that
2799s previous conflict by the way i just it
2802s took me a long time to realize the joke
2803s trip but i just realized that philly of
2805s course they got the second fastest time
2807s of hollywood not the first fully not
2808s known for first you know they they're
2809s very well known
2810s [Laughter]
2814s all the way back to the first grand
2815s finals unfortunate very unfortunate for
2817s them so we'll see if they can get a
2819s first here first point hold otherwise
2820s we're going to go to the second
2822s jimmy off to m3 again that's what you
2824s need
2825s makes it so much harder when he finds
2826s those shots takes one player out of his
2828s face nice flick there both of the damage
2831s dealers from philadelphia fusion have
2832s been removed choices one pulls the blade
2834s out here so they're making this pretty
2835s expensive for the charge but they want
2837s to seal the deal and get onto the escort
2839s section of the map clearing up the
2840s stragglers no more contestation we're
2843s now gonna get the payload in motion
2845s jimmy overwatch this is what jimmy
2846s overwatch does right you can't count him
2848s out of this game
2849s he will pull through and give the charge
2851s the tools they need to push on four you
2853s take down the raid boss two of mn3 and
2856s zest
2858s now the philadelphia fusion on to a b
2860s point defense but charge still don't
2863s obviously have a lot of time compared to
2865s the 343 time bank nope charge are not
2867s going to match that they are going to
2869s have to just finish with anything they
2870s can hope for the best in the time back
2872s period of this map if we do get there
2875s fury has now finally died let's fury's
2877s first death so far that previous fight
2879s of this entire map both attack and
2881s defense combined we'll have the rampage
2883s available three goes overclock as well
2885s jimmy's already used the overclock in
2886s the final fight with the previous fight
2887s of a so m3 will be the first to pop here
2890s just holding charge at bay for now
2893s he's waiting for that shot the
2894s opportunity to just get a freebie
2896s with the railgun then he'll probably go
2897s for the overclock unless he's pushed
2899s into it there you go o'clock cess goes
2900s down for the dragon player just in time
2902s needs to find a pick of the equalized
2903s things troy has the deflect the melee
2905s from aim god will find the kill rampage
2906s cuts through everybody dodge not fast
2908s enough four members
2909s and the charge counter attack is huge
2911s you can hide in the corner but krong is
2913s going to find you all the same
2915s in charge keep the payload in motion
2917s they aren't going to be able to match
2918s the pace of philadelphia fusion like we
2920s said that was a tie for the second
2921s fastest hollywood but they are still on
2923s the path to completion i gotta say as
2925s well you know a lot of people have given
2927s criticism towards krong for his
2928s performance so from the jungle me but
2930s that play right there that was all crong
2932s right four man hit on the rampage he
2934s gets a knife kill the zest as well he
2935s basically set up everything for the
2937s charge to get that win it'll be the
2938s first death unfortunately for this
2939s particular fight fury gets the better of
2941s him charge backing out
2943s yeah there's a big offensive from the
2944s fusion coming in they use the shout
2946s there's a carnage to cut him down charge
2948s very decisive they're just like okay
2950s we're gonna leave we're gonna get out as
2951s fast as we can not lose any more members
2954s play it safe they have two support
2955s holders to attack back with philadelphia
2957s fusion they have a blade and their own
2959s rampage because fury was unable to
2960s execute it in the previous fight
2963s still have defensive options one minute
2964s 20 left on the clock they're gonna pay a
2966s direct route to the payload it seems
2968s it's just such a convenient way for the
2970s fusion to win as well right just a one
2972s kill okay you're not going to get a huge
2973s cleanup but you do force the charge back
2975s you do force a reset now it's going to
2976s be played coming through following that
2979s uh amazing shot by man three right
2982s target right times zest able to move
2983s forward with the blade to find krong
2985s rotate your background to the fight
2986s charge they have time to be decisive on
2988s this one they've left the track to go
2990s for the back cap jimmy don't lose
3127s record in terms of tied equal for second
3130s being set there by the fusion i mean
3132s that's brilliant stuff
3133s it's going to give you a lot to be
3134s afraid of if you're a charge fan because
3136s they're now on their last life if you
3138s would do with the tournament
3140s another like map loss here means they
3141s will be going home char the fusion will
3143s be securing themselves a spot in the
3145s next stage of the tournament we're gonna
3146s go to a quick break when we come back
3148s it's once again gonna be charges matt
3150s pick
3215s [Music]
3233s me
3236s [Music]
3256s [Music]
3273s [Music]
3288s me
3295s [Music]
3310s [Music]
3323s [Music]
3332s [Music]
3339s [Music]
3352s [Music]
3357s um
3376s [Music]
3389s how can we recap it
3391s i mean i can i can
3393s i can recap it based on memory if uh you
3395s know
3397s i'll do that
3399s it looks like we got pgm back now anyway
3400s like oh yes
3408s [Music]
3414s apologies about the technical
3416s difficulties there at the end the
3417s philadelphia fusion have managed to
3419s score out another win we're now at a 2-0
3422s scoreline against the charge charge
3423s unfortunately we're unable to cap point
3426s b avril how good is your memory do you
3427s reckon you can give people the lowdown
3429s on what they missed
3430s yeah i think we'll take a look at that
3432s through replays anyway but essentially
3433s you know there was like 51 seconds
3435s remaining
3436s um charge trying to come through for a
3439s final engagement uh
3441s i'm actually now you know what now that
3442s i'm being put on the spot i'm trying to
3444s remember which exact ultimate's being
3445s used i know it came down to a 3v3 i'm
3447s trying to remember how we got to the 3v3
3449s but essentially the 3v3 looks like i
3451s believe it's one dps
3453s with fury and one supporter live i think
3455s it might have been aim guard for the
3457s fusion and then for the charge it was us
3459s and far away dead this was the two dps
3462s plus uh krong alive i think jimmy was
3464s actually coming back from spawn as well
3465s and jimmy uh was first death
3468s two probably mn3 somebody like that he
3470s was coming back from spawn so it's
3471s actually 2v3 for a while jimmy comes in
3474s with overclock as i think it was krong
3476s that was dying and then jimmy takes a
3478s bunch of damage tries to get a little
3479s bit aggressive with the overclock he
3480s actually gets one kill in the overclock
3482s which is nice uh but it's not enough to
3484s save the day for the charge they just
3485s don't have the healers right when you
3486s have a 3v3 the team that has at least
3488s the one support alive it has in my
3490s opinion a pretty big advantage just
3491s through the healing alone when there's
3492s zero healing available for the charge in
3495s that last 3v3 it's just not going to
3496s work out for you so yeah they couldn't
3498s clutch up i think the respawns were
3499s favored for fusion anyway given that
3501s we're at the end of b that's close to
3502s the fusion respawns much far away
3504s further away for the side of the gaundra
3506s charge it was very difficult for charge
3507s to get much more done there
3510s that has been your avril recap we'll now
3513s cut back to our regularly scheduled
3514s programming of map number three
3517s it's going to be match point for the
3519s philadelphia fusion
3521s charge have selected
3524s circuit royale avril now this is another
3527s map that you said that fusion tend to be
3528s quite good at as well correct but charge
3530s are good as well this is the thing it's
3531s like i sort of mentioned in the pre-show
3532s that circuit was going to be a very
3534s important map here because both teams
3536s favorite this was the best map for
3538s charge in the series versus shanghai
3539s yesterday i mean it was the one
3542s where
3543s it honestly looked like charge could
3544s have beaten shanghai and that would have
3546s been the second ever map loss for the
3548s shanghai dragons this entire third
3551s tournament stage
3552s so would have been a big deal of charge
3554s one they didn't quite get there we
3555s actually went into a full-time bank as
3557s well uh you know i got confidence that
3559s this could go this would go some
3560s distance here fusion looked amazing on
3562s this map you see the charge also
3564s looks really damn good
3567s what do you call this piece
3570s i actually
3572s have no idea i don't think it's a piece
3574s i think it's more of a performance art
3576s april the music fusion
3578s cool you know what just called this
3580s performance yeah it's called this uh
3582s song fusionable
3584s fusion
3585s fusionable the song the theme song
3589s i'm drowning it out just like i drown
3590s out their fan base it's great
3593s wow
3594s i respect that i respect it that's the
3596s kind of fire that i like to push out
3597s sometimes
3598s is there any way i can see only way i
3599s can survive online abroad it just needs
3601s something you just have to block out you
3602s know that's what bp does as well so here
3604s we go
3606s obviously we do see we do see the ash at
3608s the start to break out of the spawn hole
3610s not much for spawn hold there actually
3612s in charge of playing that one very
3614s passionately you can see that they're
3614s not actually going up to the spawn doors
3616s they're playing the first quarter
3617s instead so a much safer version of the
3620s initial aggressive
3621s spawn hole
3623s it does allow philly fusion to say okay
3624s well they're not at our spawn doors
3626s let's swap off of the ash go back
3627s towards the soldier that's the standard
3629s play here troy taking a big shot
3632s he's able to weather the storm though on
3634s that back corner
3636s fusion of crane's face zest now having
3637s to take cover after getting dinged no
3639s doubt from a jimmy railgun
3643s hashtag jimmy
3646s i'm pretty sure there's another hashtag
3647s that's associated with jimmy that's not
3649s jimmy railgun
3651s we'll leave that one for the after hours
3652s broadcast and then i say that this is
3654s this broadcast depending on where you
3655s live is happening pretty late at night
3657s but
3658s yeah well after after hours in you know
3659s so far after hours that the sun is
3661s rising again
3663s prong now thinking about a lot of damage
3664s but it's actually even three down oh
3665s sorry given three from jimmy jimmy i
3667s thought i thought mm3 was aiming for
3669s krong he just finds jimmy at the back
3671s takes him out there with the railgun
3672s shot zest
3674s should be able to deal with troy here i
3675s think he's just going to try and milk
3676s some old charge knows he's probably
3678s going to die in this instance
3679s but that's a very fast point a capture
3681s could it be a cat in here i think we
3683s actually have to see because while xerox
3685s is coming back now they can speed bruce
3686s into play here that's good quickly but
3688s nope m3 once again controls the pacing
3690s of the game we thought they could have
3691s been a bit of a final contest mn3 says
3694s no and now charge have to worry about
3697s getting out alive they have four members
3698s up but they can't look forward to lose
3699s anybody else
3700s so they're spawning out of the point b
3702s defense store but now they've like kind
3704s of well they're basically now already
3706s playing like the defending c they're so
3708s cool by the way
3711s yes that's pretty i think that's pretty
3712s standard for circle royale as well when
3713s you have one team uh winning a is
3716s handily as the philly fusion did you
3718s kind of just push the charge back and
3719s spawn mm3 has the overclock available
3722s jimmy it's only halfway there at least
3724s sound barriers coming through for the
3725s charge possessed to pull out the blades
3727s they went so hard to try and shut down
3729s emma and freeze overclocked they forgot
3731s about zest and krong will pay the price
3733s for his ignorance
3734s going down here rally popped in that
3736s engagement as well choice one now has a
3738s blade to use fixer has the beat that
3739s should be a good counter does mean that
3741s fusion will have an overlap with the
3743s rally
3744s if and any of these follow-up
3745s engagements payloads have just been
3746s wistfully just being escorted by fixer i
3749s believe up to the point
3750s yeah it's been a 4v5 the entire way
3752s through as well because fusion have been
3753s solo pushing with one member now it's
3755s gonna be a proper 5v5 with ultimates
3756s committed choices that's the only
3758s ultimate for charge god
3759s this is going to be a disaster for the
3760s charge april their big bite their big
3763s gun it's just been gone
3764s it just cost fixers beat and like i said
3766s we still have that rally overlap for the
3768s next engagement and troy is just going
3770s to be in there at the end as well this
3772s is not looking good charge
3775s they're all over the place i'll tell you
3776s what i tell you what guangzhou charge
3778s did reversely the philadelphia fusion in
3781s the regular season game week 17 but you
3783s know that uh watchpoint gibraltar was a
3786s good look for the charge when they got
3787s there reversally done here it's just uh
3789s unfortunate look so far
3791s it's looking like another speed run
3793s fusion have been unimpeded there was a
3794s minor slowdown on eight but not really
3796s you know a was so very smooth for the
3798s fusion b was a complete free push there
3801s not a single fight one from the charge
3803s they couldn't even get the ultimates to
3804s play for the most part
3806s now they need to get that done troy with
3807s the blade
3809s that rally but they've already found
3810s eminem free fury has a rampage online if
3812s they want to use it
3814s gonna try and cut through to reset the
3815s fight sony is the only one found
3817s jimmy with the railgun slides back to
3819s safety we've lost two members right now
3822s fusion still have the man advances and
3823s jimmy's always about to lose
3825s he doesn't want to lose his life we'll
3827s be able to slide back but just chasing
3829s him down he's boxed in the corner
3830s reinforcements coming out the spawn but
3831s they can't drive the carnage
3834s finds him at the end from fury and now
3836s zest has their play but no hp to safely
3838s pull it out we'll have to retreat the
3839s safety we'll have that with the push the
3841s next engagement
3842s the payload's been moving the whole time
3843s so despite losing members the payloader
3845s is moving up charge of getting another
3847s kill here that will finally reach the
3848s funny fusion by the way that fixed death
3850s to choice a1
3852s is the second only final blow
3855s that has occurred against the fusion the
3857s other one was on m3 so toy has got the
3859s only two kills
3861s from the charge the entire way through
3862s actually i like krong as one is also
3864s three but troy's got two out of the
3865s three all right kong's rampage finds two
3868s fixer and fury far away as well seems
3871s expensive zest pulls out the blade clean
3872s damage hit through crong and far away
3875s you'll find a girl to take him down and
3877s then three about to have the overclock
3878s online tucked away in the corner
3879s isolated from the team regroup's over
3881s jimmy takes even free out of the sky
3884s love the quick pov change from the
3885s observers there
3888s charge souls should be able to get this
3890s fight underway i mean they have the
3891s health bar advantage far away looking
3892s pretty low yet
3893s fury surely gets cleaned up but as all
3895s of this happens you know charge they
3897s lose double supports mm3 zest gets those
3899s kills required charge still end up
3902s losing the fight it was a good looking
3903s fight maybe you could force out more
3905s from the fusion you've at least slowed
3907s down the push the payloads barely slid
3909s backwards this is still very contentious
3911s for the charge they haven't been up to
3913s do enough they haven't won hard enough
3915s it's going to be rough edmond free can
3916s pop the overclock here just go to town
3918s you play really far back and still have
3920s effect on the map he's going to slide
3921s forward though over the top beat comes
3923s out from xerneas
3924s he's also come out from fixer as well
3926s england's already used that rally kron's
3928s been taken out and then free finds jimmy
3929s that's three members down for the charge
3931s how they can defend this they are not
3933s 226 on the clock for circuit royale
3936s we talked about the last time these two
3938s teams played each other out well you
3939s mentioned it earlier the reverse sweep
3941s is how charge were able to get away with
3943s this one but
3944s charge don't look in control in any
3946s sense of the word in this series they've
3949s just been absolutely dominated at every
3951s step if they're gonna reverse sweep they
3953s have to just have one hell of a push
3954s here and start rebuilding their
3956s confidence because it's in pieces on the
3957s floor of their offices right now yeah a
3959s hundred percent and you know to sort of
3962s harken back to what happened in
3963s gibraltar in the regular season game
3965s where in fact guangzhou did reverse
3967s sweep the philadelphia fusion guangzhou
3970s prevented fusion from capping c of
3971s gibraltar guangzhou themselves finished
3974s gibraltar they did not allow fusion to
3976s finish gibraltar here
3978s fusion's already got a full cap on
3979s circuit they've finished the map already
3981s and you know we've talked plenty about
3983s the various strengths of different teams
3985s on this particular map i don't fault the
3986s charge for coming here i think charge
3988s are confident on this map and they want
3989s to be playing a map they are good at it
3991s just so happens unluckily for them that
3994s this is also one of fusion's best maps
3996s just how that cookie crumbles
4003s this is the most controlled charge of
4004s luke the entire series
4010s you know what tread i
4013s do enjoy the piano meta where every team
4015s now i i think finn is kind of the
4017s sort of epicenter of this but every team
4019s now when they play circuits somebody is
4021s in charge of playing something on the
4022s piano they just sort of you almost have
4024s to learn that you're on the piano now
4025s it's like required
4027s i finn started that for everybody else
4032s now for more of a forward hole from the
4034s fusion
4035s not to be deterred krong's gone down
4037s already so charge their first offensive
4039s to breach the defense of the fusion
4041s knock on too well evan three was tucked
4043s in the alleyway tries to get back to his
4045s team fix has been found out by some
4046s dynamite and freeze gone down so that
4048s full hold has now been dismantled but
4050s still managed to cost the charge quite a
4052s few things
4054s they are being losing lives on the way
4055s out here
4058s it's a good number of kills coming
4059s through for the charge so no matter what
4061s happens here charge will break out of
4063s the spawn hold
4064s fusion lose a couple more members fury
4066s going down last means it's going to take
4067s a while fusion to get into a position to
4069s recontest they need fury alive to do
4071s that
4073s jimmy staying on the ash i think that's
4074s a very important thing to note here he
4076s actually went back to sport anyway
4078s thought about going towards the sojourn
4079s decided against it we'll stay on the
4082s ash here as we build towards the bottom
4083s nearly the halfway mark
4086s no one really running away with
4087s ultimates maybe aim god actually will
4088s get this rally very soon that's going to
4090s be a big boom for the fusion in the next
4091s fight
4095s the lions are just about to jump into
4097s that corner charging in to the coastal
4099s line
4101s trying to isolate choi it's hard to do
4102s that to again jeep they'll regroup the
4104s 500 charge remember three looking for
4105s the shot there's attention over jimmy
4107s fury on down to crong
4110s not the start you're looking for the
4111s fusion this defense has already been
4112s disrupted
4113s good call on to fioraway we'll take them
4115s out
4117s jimmy finds fixers still staying on the
4119s ash for the time being
4122s fusion just very muted right now unable
4123s to play as aggressive leader lost two
4125s members and now the bob's gonna come
4126s online as well charles problem is should
4128s he get point a fusion only had three
4129s they lost fury they lose fixtures while
4131s the rallying tries to carry them through
4133s for the radical to do so much bob will
4134s now cover the angle just a bit of
4136s sliding on the wall
4137s yeah look at them out
4139s from fixers they push into the charge
4142s that far away they lose them in three
4143s zest then takes out jimmy as well four
4145s for three at the moment choice a1 with
4146s the blade
4148s gonna find multiple members
4150s with one of his own he's locked in the
4152s corner into xerneas can't get into the
4154s fight
4155s beat was deployed as well so expensive
4157s for the charge possesses buying time
4159s here for reinforcements to come in he's
4161s not gone down yet he surely has to drop
4162s soon what a stall from zest the
4164s reinforcements coming they might be able
4165s to turn this around
4167s that was a big big play from zest the
4169s fact that he didn't die now in three
4170s gets a pop the overclock it's far away
4172s the rally as well four versus four so
4174s far even three desperate for kids
4176s jimmy's on the tracer as well has to use
4178s the recall there to stay alive tucked
4179s down low incredibly there by mn3 just
4182s dropped a shot as well makes it a little
4183s bit difficult to play angles around the
4184s payload
4185s zest has come back to the fight xerneas
4187s matches the escape it's incredible
4189s recall
4190s i don't think it's actually online for a
4191s year it might be back charging back now
4194s they've actually have to leave this one
4196s fury only gonna find zernius with that
4198s rampage
4200s they're gonna keep him on this payload
4201s for time being this one minute remaining
4202s i think charge can lose a decisive fight
4204s still have one more chance to do it but
4206s putting the reset back their reset
4209s this is charged now definitely going
4210s back to spawn look they don't have the
4211s members alive and how has fusion done
4214s this it looked like a charge kept for
4216s sure it looked like they had that dead
4218s to rights and now fusion going into the
4220s charge for maybe they've actually over
4221s committed cronk gets a big punish on the
4223s rampage catches two
4226s yeah this is it charlie's gonna be able
4227s to play this one back now but abroad i'm
4229s absolutely with you here big disbelief
4230s the fusion rail
4233s i think they've sent over everything
4234s incentives to go and touch it i think
4235s they're fine yeah they're getting a line
4237s here while the rest of the team's
4237s forward but no no zest that was the
4239s power of staying alive timing the
4241s deflect able to play around the payload
4243s enough put enough deterrence against the
4245s charge to stop them from just being able
4246s to cap and then you saw the
4248s reinforcements descend from the heavens
4250s yeah and fusion just reconvene as a
4252s five-man unit able to take down charge
4254s true that was a 1v2 as well zest in a
4256s 1v2
4257s stayed alive for so long
4260s and allowed the recon test still though
4262s fusion off the back of that they will be
4264s overstepping they do push into spawn
4265s they do overstay their welcome and kron
4268s will get the necessary punisher charge
4270s with a bit of a round about final push
4273s there do get the cap on a so the goal
4275s has still been met they are pushing
4277s through now three ultimates available
4279s should be on the tracer as mentioned
4280s we'll look for the pulse bomb now
4282s displayed b comes out far away still
4284s have the rally they need it then answer
4286s back to deal with choice blade as well
4287s so it's identical ultimate shoes so far
4290s there's a rally from far away as well
4291s it's gonna make it difficult pulse bomb
4293s stick in there choice found two kills
4296s payload is actually pretty close as well
4298s just not looking good for fusion to hold
4299s this defense zest the person usually
4302s lasts the longest goes for haley hail
4304s mary stalls they're off the field as
4306s well mn3
4308s will get a staggered kill onto them as
4309s well payload is going to walk in points
4311s unlocked for charge so the reverse sweep
4313s avril is still on the cards for the
4315s charge if they can complete this map but
4317s they're gonna have to do it again
4318s because of fusion
4320s well that's the thing is like fusion
4321s give and take here they giveth and take
4323s it away in the sense that they nearly
4325s full help the charge on a but then they
4328s have now lost enough fights and give
4330s enough momentum over towards the charge
4331s that we are in a situation where charge
4333s run c and jimmy got valley on the tracer
4335s he swaps back over to something more
4337s comfortable like the ash we're pushing
4339s on c sorry halfway towards just bob by
4341s the late mm3 on the overclock
4344s yes nice take down there's less finding
4345s troy over the top of jimmy
4348s go far away the shield will delay that
4350s kill krom could be a prime target turns
4352s attention to the zodiac one the snipe
4353s finds it at the end easy
4358s oh god just showing us how dominant he
4360s can really be they've locked charge in
4361s the spawn too
4362s left to go yeah another mn3k now a
4365s fusion spawn camp we talk about fusion
4367s wanting to get aggressive on a they'll
4368s be able to do that now on c
4371s this is from what i've been told my pros
4372s the most egregiously powerful spawn camp
4374s that currently exists in overwatch two
4378s processors have been acting it
4380s carnage not gonna be enough stabbing
4382s cronk fury some healings
4387s i don't know how they managed to do it
4388s but like i said that egregious spawn
4389s hole now in effect avril one minute 50
4392s left on the clock they burned about 40
4393s seconds on that i mean
4395s and i like death and i like death on
4397s choice so this is guaranteed by the way
4399s charge ultimate is being able to spend
4401s jimmy to come through with the bomb
4402s almost immediately probably just chucks
4403s it on the fence on the left there or
4404s fury it'll be an ideal place or even
4406s just way into the back
4408s front could just die he has his rampage
4410s cancel that's unfortunate bob on the
4413s field as well this is so expensive for
4414s the charge they've not even been able to
4415s reach this halt
4418s two almost no progress gained and two
4420s ultimates two two ultimates and they
4422s won't get out of this
4423s yes
4425s time bank burned down one minute 15.
4427s they now have beat and blade for still
4428s options available from the fusion to
4430s counter it as well they have their own
4431s aggression for this fight there goes the
4432s blade from zero so one's gonna pop it
4434s both beats dropped riley from far away
4436s could be a difference maker yet again
4437s expensive answered back from the fusion
4440s and they've not got out the sport room
4441s yet fury still has this rampage to
4443s commit as charge are being bodied
4446s sub one minute time bank fixer and mn3
4449s i'm not letting them breathe anything no
4452s air to be found on circuit royale what
4454s time do we start with on the spawn camp
4456s it was about two minutes maybe just like
4458s two minutes 2 20. yeah it's been nearly
4461s nearly a minute 30 now gone
4463s off the clock for the charge just
4465s sitting in spawn and they've spent now
4466s about four ultimates still can't get out
4468s this ultimate number five fury coming
4470s through on the ravage it's all five
4471s rampage from fury
4474s and they use the rally as well there's
4476s 25 seconds left unless serbia's just
4478s snuck out somehow avril
4481s they're not touching this payload look
4482s at the payload look at the payload oh my
4484s gosh right there outside their door
4487s they've got so much progress to make in
4488s overtime
4490s how are they going to connect this one
4491s for 10 seconds remaining before overtime
4493s comes into effect
4497s my goodness i this could be it we have
4499s another bump available does get thrown
4500s out straight away going to charge a
4502s desperate friend he kills him and
4503s through the overclock again he's been so
4504s good so far
4506s slipping and sliding
4508s wants to pump some damage he's looking
4510s towards jimmy jimmy's the big gun in the
4512s back if he can nail the railgun shot
4513s takes a huge bite out of the charged
4515s offense fusion's playing forward he's
4517s got a good angle here 100 shots oh jimmy
4520s that's the pick they wanted he may have
4521s gone down to troy who's putting a
4523s valiant effort in but the numbers
4525s advantage securely in favor of the
4527s fusion
4528s absolute
4529s dominance from philly and they secure
4532s themselves a spot in the next round
4534s yep they survive and they survive with
4536s flying colors very little resources
4538s again they're not in the waldens of
4539s thinking is that all is that all that
4541s the wilderness has to come up against us
4544s this is too easy for philadelphia fusion
4545s it's a stroll in the park and the
4547s guangzhou church unfortunately have just
4549s not shown up to play today or if they
4551s have it's nothing in the face what
4553s philly can bring to the table m and
4555s three zest fury ain't got fixed to
4556s everybody putting in the work and across
4559s all three maps very little resistance
4562s from the guangzhou charge it has been
4564s their first tournament showing in two
4566s years a brand new lineup bolstered by
4569s ex-chengdu members bolstered by their
4571s academy team members from ultra prime
4573s it's gotten them this far a 4-2 record
4576s third seeded the tournament but
4577s unfortunately there will be the first
4579s team eliminated and the philadelphia
4581s fusion four smiles across the board they
4584s were the best team today in this match
4587s i think that's just undisputed at that
4589s point uh you know even from that first
4591s round watching mm3 do a takeover of
4594s night market on lijiang tower
4596s she just knew this was going to be a
4598s different day for the fusion and the
4599s momentum kept rolling and they kept
4601s picking up the kills they kept ending
4603s fights before they even started they had
4605s lethal spawn holes coming in especially
4607s at the end and you know without a doubt
4610s this is probably the easiest one to call
4611s for me i think i know you highlighted
4612s all the players but just especially
4614s earlier on in the series apple mn3 just
4616s took control of the series he's going to
4617s be a player of the match
4619s i'll give you emin three guesses to
4621s guess this one but honestly from start
4622s to finish like you said it was one man
4625s on my mind uh and it is you know one of
4628s the most hyped up rookies that we've had
4629s coming into the overwatch league it's
4631s not been
4632s the greatest stage for the philadelphia
4634s fusion m3 wasn't even playing for the
4636s majority of the qualification stage once
4639s he comes back in though once he jumps
4641s back on i mean you see the power that he
4644s brings to the table you see like you
4645s sort of mentioned how much of a raid
4647s boss mn3 has been how many fights how
4650s many picks he delivers i mean fight
4652s after fight after fight the opening frag
4654s from m3 and this is the crazy part
4656s whether he's on the final blow kill feed
4658s or not he either gets to kill himself or
4661s he sets up the rail gun body shot for
4663s then zest to come through and get that
4665s kill as we saw in hollywood so he's a
4667s part of the opening frank he's a part of
4668s the opening play he's just a part of the
4670s play no matter what phase of the game
4671s we're in
4674s fantastic and like you said i have a
4675s rookie year by the way uh rookie season
4678s for them they've come in absolutely had
4679s a
4680s wonderful performance particularly today
4683s secures themselves a spot in that lower
4684s bracket final tomorrow their opponents
4686s are t b d as things stand
4690s um but we say goodbye to the charge
4692s that's the end of their tournament run
4694s um they're not able to participate any
4696s further in the summer showdown so it
4698s just leaves three teams remaining the
4700s philadelphia fusion the shanghai dragons
4703s and the seoul dynasty two of which we're
4705s going to be seeing shortly to decide
4706s who's going to spot the grand finals
4708s already
4710s now this the i think the best match in
4712s all of apac here number one versus
4714s number two see we still have game break
4715s to come through trip to break down a
4717s little bit more of what we just saw
4718s maybe what is to come but you know first
4720s match done
4723s all right well we're going to take that
4724s game break now avraham we're going to
4725s take a quick break when we come back
4726s let's break down the series further and
4728s then we've got our final match of the
4729s day
4731s [Music]
4733s the watching is brought to you by upper
4735s deck the official trading card of the
4737s overwatch league
4738s and by teamspeak the official voice
4741s supplier of the overwatch league
4747s [Music]
4767s so
4787s foreign
4802s [Music]
4816s [Music]
4833s [Music]
4845s hmm
4850s [Music]
4864s [Music]
4879s [Music]
4886s [Music]
4893s [Music]
4907s do
4910s [Music]
4927s welcome back to the summer showdown
4929s tournament we just saw the charge go up
4930s against the fusion fusion absolutely
4933s dominating the series incredibly
4934s one-sided so i don't know how long the
4936s replay package is going to be that's not
4938s for lack of quality though i'm thinking
4940s just purely from quantity we had three
4941s maps and they were relatively quick i'd
4943s say
4944s i'll tell you what there's a large
4945s quantity of fusion clips to choose from
4947s it gains overwatch did indeed occur
4950s and uh it's a it's an mn30 performance
4952s here just uh nothing
4954s really there from the charge i don't
4956s want to be that's probably not entirely
4958s fair because the charge did win some
4959s very convincing fights we did actually
4961s see a circuit royale go not quite the
4963s distance but at least getting somewhat
4965s deep we got the c point right so
4967s impressive from the charge in that sort
4969s of situation given how far behind they
4971s looked on our first two maps hollywood
4974s in particular trent i gotta say
4975s definitely felt like the most one-sided
4977s making because we literally set a new
4979s record second tied equal for fastest
4982s time ever on hollywood
4986s it's
4987s the fact that we had to check that up at
4989s any point just because we thought it
4990s might have been the fastest it shows you
4992s how it was going regardless of what the
4993s actual result was i think we just saw it
4996s as well cheeky little bit of tech there
4997s on the end of li jiang tower as well
4999s zest jumping up and body blocking the
5002s stun
5003s uh from
5004s from far away to stop them from being
5006s able to get to the point and cause him
5008s to die like that's pretty cool to be
5010s fair to be fair to follow that might
5011s have been just luck from zest as well
5013s because i don't know that's like i don't
5015s know that you're expecting him to shield
5017s bash you there because you can't really
5018s preempt it so jump across i think he was
5021s pre-empting i think he's pretty because
5022s he's gonna have to use the shield bash
5023s to get across the gap that's why i think
5025s he knew because it was right at the end
5028s we'll take that yeah i'll give you that
5029s that's fair enough so yeah it might have
5030s just been some clever tech anyway one
5032s thing that we can definitely see here
5034s this is spov from his 1v2 stall right uh
5037s it's something that i find very
5038s interesting that i'm i quite respect
5040s this for he doesn't over commit on the
5041s blade because if you think you know when
5043s you have the blade out you don't want me
5044s to is it time for the hero play right
5046s you want to run into the team and just
5047s slash them down maybe just get both
5049s kills
5050s his goal there was to play patiently and
5052s be like you know what i i'm not gonna go
5054s for the kills because if i go for the
5055s kills i might actually die if i die the
5057s cap goes through so he plays patiently
5059s there she's the blade again
5061s stays alive
5062s maximum duration on deflect uses the
5064s geometry of the payload itself allows
5066s him and three to get back to the payload
5067s with an overclock and then they actually
5068s defend a now what happens after that was
5070s a bit of a mistake so we can definitely
5072s you know then argue that
5074s for charge they made a bit of a detour
5075s there took the scenic route to camp a
5077s but they still kept a by the graces of
5079s fusion allowing them to in some cases
5081s there as well but after that we're back
5083s into fusion winning territory an
5085s immaculate spawn camp on the you know
5088s the c point attack from the charge uh
5091s fully just rushing to the spawn again
5092s like i said the most difficult spawn
5094s hole to break through from the attacking
5096s pov and yeah charged couldn't break
5098s through
5100s well that's it charge out the tournament
5102s fusion going on to the next stage their
5103s opponents are going to be decided in our
5105s next matchup is the shanghai dragons
5107s going up against the seoul dynasty after
5109s this break
5116s [Music]
5153s [Music]
5159s [Music]
5168s [Music]
5193s [Music]
5196s foreign
5201s [Music]
5255s [Music]
5275s [Music]
5283s [Music]
5299s welcome back to the summer showdown
5300s tournament we're in our winners bracket
5302s final the number one and number two
5304s seeds seoul dynasty and shanghai dragons
5307s going up against each other in their
5309s second clash of this stage and by most
5312s rights or most people's beliefs probably
5314s gonna be their second of third avril
5317s could be and it's so many games played
5319s between these two teams i have a big
5321s question for you trid
5322s do you count overwatch league preseason
5325s towards overall match records
5328s what do you think i would say yes
5329s because like it's an all-time overwatch
5331s league and pre-season
5333s in that
5334s okay then by that definition i will now
5337s proclaim that this is our classical
5339s number 25. it's been 24 matches played
5342s between these two teams in the league's
5345s history i've said it many times before i
5347s will say it again it is the most rivaled
5350s story between any two teams in all of
5352s overwatch league only two teams have
5353s played this many games against each
5354s other no other two teams include in
5357s terms of their specific matchup has gone
5360s this distance and the record currently
5362s stands including pre-season
5364s 14 for shanghai 10 for seoul the most
5367s recent win being shanghai versus saul
5370s but seoul actually did beat shanghai two
5372s times this year as well now despite this
5374s being a bit of an el clasico match up
5376s our last two meetings between these two
5377s teams have been three zero fares
5379s previous to that we've had a lot of map
5380s fives had a lot of three ones in there
5382s as well let's hope that this one can go
5383s beyond a three and zero this time around
5386s but i will say tread even though we did
5387s have a 3-0 last time it was still fairly
5390s competitive from saw the losing side
5393s let's take a look at that soul roster
5394s see what made it so competitive in that
5396s three zero so he's gonna be starting up
5398s today
5399s for them i imagine it's probably gonna
5401s be what we've seen a lot this stage as
5403s it is stalker fits smurf profit and vin
5406s dame to line out the roster
5409s um
5410s you said it might be the last time we
5412s see profit on support in this stage if
5414s any of the changes come through so we
5415s don't have a junk of queen meta we might
5416s see profit back on damage yeah
5419s it's a it's a really interesting thought
5421s process as well because it's like well
5422s if profit goes back on towards dps as
5425s expected for countdown cup what does
5427s that mean for the rest of the dps
5428s players because currently we're starting
5430s with three dps players for the sole
5432s dynasty you have stalker fits and profit
5434s one of these three members is gonna
5436s unfortunately have to go back to the
5437s bench once we head back into a more
5440s standard meta where prophet doesn't have
5442s to play in the break as a reminder eris
5444s is on the roster now as well transferred
5445s from the houston outlaws he's still
5447s waiting to play his first game for the
5449s sol donuts which probably won't be until
5450s the countdown cup begins
5453s it's going to be rough because i think
5454s we're starting to fall in love with this
5455s particular lineup here but we know
5457s profit has so much to offer and a lot of
5460s that does come through on the dps side
5462s of things speaking of which the shanghai
5464s dragons have been absolutely dominant
5466s from their specific pov off their dps
5468s players take a look at the opening
5469s lineup here very predictable we're on
5472s the same five they run the entire stage
5474s through no more are we juggling through
5476s a bunch of different members moon is not
5479s just subbing in members in and out
5481s trying to figure out what works he knows
5483s what works it's this starting fight
5486s they're based they're all like
5487s effectively role stars of this matter
5490s why would you why would you interrupt
5491s with is this in any capacity lip's been
5493s fantastic on the sojourn who are you the
5495s genji master void has had success on the
5497s junker queen and izzy and legion
5500s have been fantastic on the back line as
5501s well
5503s don't mess with a winning formula they
5505s have not dropped a match in this stage
5507s during this matter they have no reason
5509s to change things up now
5511s and they've only dropped one map and
5512s that was the fusion not to the seoul
5513s dynasty and to sort of recap the
5516s previous matchup rights uh what happened
5518s in oklahoma number 24 which is the last
5520s match that we did play
5521s it uh how did this go it was lee chung
5524s tower shanghai 3-1 midtown shanghai 2-1
5527s gibraltar shanghai 6-5 so that final map
5530s of gibraltar
5531s very very competitive extremely
5534s competitive so much so that shanghai
5536s finished the map twice
5538s because i had something to really think
5539s about and salt nearly finished the map
5541s twice i don't know if we're gonna get
5542s something like that again i would love
5544s to see a repeat of watchpoint gibraltar
5547s but for now saul dynasty looking for
5549s revenge they still have a little bit to
5551s be concerned about given they had a very
5552s close call versus the fusion yesterday
5554s however trade i gotta say after looking
5556s at fusion's performance today there's a
5558s couple ways to look at that either soul
5560s you could say didn't perform great
5562s versus the fusion or fusion are actually
5564s just insane right now i'm more willing
5566s to believe the latter that fusion
5567s currently just look insane in the later
5569s part of this matter of this stage as
5571s you're ramping up that a great versus
5573s soul but that is not a mark against
5575s seoul i still think so are an amazing
5576s team fusion very easily look like the
5579s third best team here and maybe
5581s if they beat the loser of this
5582s particular matchup they can get even
5583s further than that second place is yet to
5585s wait the philadelphia fusion but for now
5587s first and two seeds seoul versus
5589s shanghai we start out on lijung tower
5592s of course before we jump on to start off
5594s on our wall oasis we start on our
5596s wastelands
5598s i don't forgive you for that yeah i saw
5599s a tower i saw a tower i'm like you know
5602s what just going to say it's lee jung
5603s towel because there's a tower
5604s right starting off with a waste of city
5606s center to kick things off and uh as you
5608s saw before we jumped into the game who
5610s are you has their hair in sports mode
5612s they've got the clips in which usually
5614s means
5622s [Laughter]
5627s as soon as possible to see if the clips
5628s are in uh but they're rolling over and
5630s calming out on identical compositions
5632s and finally flying over to mega who are
5634s you taking it to the seoul dynasty
5636s playing very far forward but now the
5637s rotations come in around the jump and
5639s the bounce house
5640s where are the supports going up and over
5642s the top profit backing away needs they
5643s have no hp and boy's been deleted
5645s somehow
5646s yeah with uh i don't know what happened
5648s there shanghai dragons trying to chase
5649s down profit they end up losing their
5651s tank instead that's gonna be the opening
5652s first flight coming through in favor of
5653s the salt dynasty fitz getting a lot of
5655s damage done that you can be very sure
5656s that his rail had definitely something
5658s to do with the boy death
5662s sent stalker cuts through there's smurf
5664s picking up dj gone
5666s not looking strong for the shanghai
5667s dragons on this first round but it is
5668s control the first round of which
5671s so we just take that first fight so
5673s you've been getting more taxation on the
5674s outside but i think the drivers can make
5676s it back to the sport room and regroup
5678s and come out to cohesive units it's a
5680s very extended opening fight as well one
5682s that saw dynasty actually kept in the
5683s middle of so when you talk about seoul
5684s dynasty getting an early start that
5686s really benefits them i think this is the
5687s best possible start you don't get five
5689s kills but you do get four you get a cap
5691s as well in all four of those kills i
5692s kind of staggered out to get maximum
5694s respawn distance in time
5698s take the same path they did last time
5699s afro trying to move over to the mega but
5701s they are split now in a two-free unit
5703s before we reconvene around the point
5704s wants to clear out these stragglers in
5706s the high ground
5708s program shot from lip not going to
5709s connect but he's got fits in his sights
5711s look at me jigging on all charge by the
5713s way
5716s sound barrier way ahead of stalker
5717s despite losing whichever gun has managed
5719s to get a lot of volt charge yet very
5720s important for tampo it might even be a
5722s tempo beat
5723s unless they track stalkers playing
5724s properly if the watch that fits maybe a
5726s little bit trouble for survives it'd be
5728s so risky to use it aggressively though
5730s april they've lost someone this is not
5731s going to be good for them cut through
5732s from who are you this is the flip
5733s without a doubt and if you're if you're
5736s seoul dynasty
5737s you're just going to have to take this
5738s one you can't really fight this one back
5740s and you're going to have to build out
5741s and you've got your overclock ready you
5743s can have your blade and your beak for
5744s the next engagement 68 on the first cap
5746s though nothing to scoff your teeth
5749s it's a long time to get a fight win but
5750s at least dragons get a very clean fight
5752s with right they don't lose any players
5753s there they don't have to spend their
5755s only ultimate available so it ends up
5756s being cheap economy
5758s wise and you get to save the the sound
5760s barrier most importantly for stalkers
5761s blade which will come through in this
5762s next engagement now who are you not that
5764s far off vin dame already prepped up to
5766s counter that when available check out
5768s dragons first defense now on board
5772s let's see how they roll out this one
5773s double sport ultimates are available
5778s very muted here's a fits with the
5779s overclock takes out
5780s after the bradley was popped as well
5783s that's a wasted order that's a one fight
5785s so efficient from the dynasty they just
5786s use the overclock to make it work and
5788s they get an ultimate so they trade it
5790s out equally and we'll get the flip back
5792s in their favor fantastically played
5794s a little light bit of a late killed
5796s legion on there but he was also trying
5797s to stall out the actual percentage point
5799s so but a given trade just slowing things
5801s down for the sole dynasty allowing
5802s shanghai dragons to come in for a final
5804s engagement here as we force final fight
5806s and talk about cheap fights talk about
5807s the economy economic game here seoul
5808s dynasty they get that in space they have
5811s fetch pop and overclock a single
5813s ultimate use they even cancel out the
5814s rally for easy so it's a one for an old
5816s trade with shanghai dragons losing at
5818s least you're gone not gonna pull the
5819s sound back because he knew that he
5820s didn't have to now they'll use the beat
5822s play for playing beat for b rally still
5824s available for profit has to be popped at
5826s the end there to get an overlap for the
5827s support boyd runs through fights
5830s hasn't used theirs yet and i think he
5831s might all get a chance to
5833s he's gonna find themselves dropping
5834s before they can bring it to the field
5836s shanghai dragons four versus three in
5838s their favor at the moment
5840s no alts available on the field stalkers
5842s going down low who i use on the hunt
5843s misses the dash just to find that kill
5845s at the end they're good support from
5847s vendai to stop the hunt now shanghai
5850s dragons have control it's 99 favor for
5852s the dynasty and i know there's no
5854s cassidy in this game but void versus
5855s small smurfer show her down at high noon
5858s and it's void that will pull the
5859s revolver first that rampage was exactly
5862s what shanghai dragons needed now he's
5863s trying to get it done on this overclock
5865s smith when he gets three but it might be
5866s enough should be two supports down
5868s they're trading back and forth despite
5870s having the rampage in effect right now
5871s they've got both supports up for the
5873s soul dynasty though so it should be able
5874s to sustain this council should have to
5875s deal with flips damage should be able to
5877s they just found bj gone
5879s i think you're gonna have lip get on the
5881s point they're going to go down seoul
5883s have their favor over time ticking down
5885s first round going away the dynasty yeah
5887s successful there from smurf it's a
5888s three-man rampage two members got taken
5891s down there it's i believe at the end
5893s something like a three versus three or
5894s two versus three but seoul have smurf
5896s and two supports alive shanghai dragons
5898s only have one support lip still in there
5900s but can only do so much can't get
5901s another kill and for the shanghai
5903s dragons unfortunately they will not be
5905s able to hold on and i credit a lot of
5906s the successful assault dynasty in that
5908s first 60 was at 68 60 or so percent in
5912s terms of an early lead that they had
5913s took a while for the shanghai dragons to
5915s come back into play that opening line of
5918s neutral again four kills zero deaths
5921s staggered kills as well and seoul got
5924s the maximum time on the po on the on the
5927s actual uh cap available there as well
5929s they're something like 20 plus as
5930s they've got the four kills right so
5932s everything going false for them at the
5934s very early neutral that's the kind of
5936s start that seoul dynasty have to be able
5938s to snowball with that shanghai dragons
5939s can't catch up on
5942s house physical down this early already
5944s how they managed to get away with that
5946s one after fitz
5950s i'm sure there's got to be like a
5951s deflect on a railgun shot to get that
5953s chunk immediately like that right
5955s you'd be surprised a genji with you know
5957s perfect uh mechanics here can just sort
5959s of dash and combo you down
5961s so i wouldn't be surprised i wouldn't be
5963s surprised if lip actually had a bit of a
5965s play in there as well but in either case
5967s it will be another 5v4 as profit will go
5969s down
5971s who are you once again hunting
5973s all these stragglers on the exit
5976s should be able to escort them safely
5977s back to the spawn area at least still in
5980s range to get some poke shots try and get
5982s some minuscule amounts of volt charge to
5983s have a marginal difference shanghai
5985s dragon 30 percent they're in short at
5987s the moment
5988s it's been at least small discs for the
5990s soul dynasty right they haven't been
5991s team light they haven't had to wait too
5993s long for a bunch of different members to
5994s respawn shanghai only had a couple of
5996s kills ahead they're not running too far
5998s ahead in terms of ultimates yet it's a
5999s silver lining for saul and now they get
6000s the first one
6002s nice cut down two trades aren't back
6005s though
6006s there's no damage needed on the side of
6008s seoul dynasty tanks and back chase man
6010s and they're blocking them they're going
6011s to change the name should be able to go
6012s down here nice headshot there from flip
6014s smurf is just isolated though grab the
6017s mega good move stops the burst healing
6019s smurf goes down so lip has picked up all
6021s of those final blows as well look at
6023s that charging ahead with old charge
6024s against fists yeah i don't know if smurf
6026s got boot but from my perspective it
6028s looked like he chose to drop down into
6030s the hole that's going to be a big
6031s mistake from smurf because it actually
6032s staggers him out he doesn't have the
6034s mobility to escape and dragons doing the
6036s exact thing that i believe that they
6037s should do strategically chase down smith
6039s he cannot escape he is definitely dead
6041s and he will be staggered that's maximum
6043s time gained by dragons we talked about
6044s seoul on city center having a 60
6046s advantage now dragons have that going
6048s for them
6055s it's going to change very quickly in
6056s this next engagement lips on the casper
6057s once those who are you is the archie's
6059s about to get rally and legion will have
6060s beats couple of answers on the soul soul
6062s dynasty but shanghai dragons are going
6064s to be the ones in control of this soul
6066s alone
6067s the hp smurf down
6070s yes nothing they can do about this one
6071s fitz drops down the only thing they've
6073s had to use right now is the overclock in
6074s the rally and it's a team kill with no
6076s losses for the shanghai dragons 90
6079s they're gonna have to sprint back to the
6080s point if they want to have any hope for
6081s triggering overtime for this round but
6083s look at the spawn closed look at trying
6084s to smurf switched over to the doomfist
6086s just to touch and manages to do so
6088s before dropping down
6090s teams should be able to get chasing
6091s position
6093s but yeah you've not going to smurf
6094s you're going to hope for the blade who
6095s are you going to cut off the
6096s reinforcements there's a rally from
6098s profit you use vin game just to beat as
6099s well double sport ultimate shoes lucha
6101s gone has their own void with the rampage
6103s only finding fits who's got the
6104s overclock but they're out of the fight
6105s they can't find the angles to join in on
6107s this one and over time is trickling down
6109s they finally gone
6110s but there's not enough bodies this is
6112s shanghai dragons walking away with this
6113s round surely yeah you don't have to get
6115s the flip here there's no support though
6117s so shanghai dragons have to be
6118s considerate here if fitz and smith can
6120s get more damage on they could clutch it
6121s out but not going to happen if it's the
6123s last one surviving there it doesn't
6124s matter whether he touches or not it's a
6126s three versus one shanghai dragon is no
6128s easy aki no lee jaegon doesn't matter
6130s the 5v4 was worth it they decided to
6133s focus down smurf on the doomfist coming
6134s back in to enable the touch he's the
6137s first one dead they have a 5v4 to start
6139s with the shanghai dragons ride the
6140s momentum from zero to 100 they respond
6144s big time on our second round there for
6146s university they lose city center but
6148s 100-0 finish on their second round
6150s that's domination
6154s angry they're angry they lost the round
6156s avril and they're taking it out on seoul
6158s dynasty by being able to do that 100-0
6161s now i'm going to go to gardens final
6162s round of oasis
6164s see who takes the actual map
6167s and gets the first score in this series
6169s tp's out and rotate round to the point
6172s no variation of the composition i doubt
6173s we're going to see very much of that in
6174s this entire series okay let's see how
6178s the opening neutral goes now one has
6179s gone towards seoul one has gone towards
6181s dragons this one's looking dragons
6183s yeah profit smurf going down so early
6185s just makes the fight untenable for the
6187s dynasty and lip also gets a sniper max
6190s range to find the dame fits oh okay gets
6192s a real good legion
6194s one answer back but it doesn't change
6196s the outcome of the fight and it means
6197s the first cap goes over to the dragons
6199s yeah i think there was something like
6200s four kills there stalker was the only
6201s one that made it out alive and we talked
6202s about university being not the worst
6204s opening scenario for seoul dynasty given
6206s that they just kind of lost the single
6207s members twice in a row the time is a bit
6209s of a fact there but otherwise they're
6210s not feeding gold charge this time around
6212s dragons get the opening cap they get the
6214s opening fight win and they get four
6215s kills they lose one but legit gone he's
6217s a lucio he gets back in time no issues
6219s there dragons
6221s let's see how they snowball this one
6222s stalker notably does have a bit more old
6224s charge then
6227s yeah got burped
6231s doesn't we have an advantage for seoul
6232s dynasty now five versus four
6235s flip nearly comes in but they put some
6236s bodies on the ground to contest it
6238s stalker low lip answers back that's now
6239s four before oh here you go as well
6241s reinforcement should be coming in from
6242s the sport room is still an advantage for
6244s the seoul dynasty and they're gonna
6245s press the fitz finds that flick onto lip
6248s legion's removed 40 flip coming in for
6251s the seoul dynasty
6252s yeah that openly killed izaki might need
6254s to check up on how that one happened uh
6256s i'm assuming it is a boot nothing came
6258s up with a kill for it obviously in terms
6259s of an actual kill credit but isiaki off
6262s the map four versus five we trade the
6264s genjis here it is this should be the
6265s replay now take a look at easy yucky
6269s oh no that was not a purpose that was
6271s just a mistake from izaki unfortunately
6273s yeah overshot the shield bash on stalker
6275s didn't find the connection and the
6277s distance just took me straight off the
6278s map oh well we start right this fight as
6280s we did last time we're a dead brigitte
6281s profits off the field stalkers followed
6284s up as well fitz under pressure who are
6285s you gets cut down
6287s that seemed quite effortless from
6288s shanghai dragons if i'm honest with you
6290s avril yeah i mean that was like a team
6292s ace as well where everyone sort of
6293s contributed to a kill each who are you
6295s with a brilliant 1v1 versus fitz full
6297s confidence he knows he's not going to
6298s lose that one has the mechanics to back
6300s it up finds him megan to walk through
6302s with
6303s and still waiting for ultimates would
6304s you believe we're like you know eighty
6306s percent ninety percent through combined
6307s between both teams and no ultimates have
6309s arrived left kills fits and that was the
6310s only ultimate available for salt
6313s profit gets away just in time
6316s everyone's outside the range of that
6318s disruptive shot
6319s just buys the more percentage doesn't it
6321s have all 75 in climbing at this rate
6324s they have to run into the dragons
6325s ultimates
6327s lit with an overclock that's terrifying
6329s to deal with look at this vindang
6330s doesn't have beat he doesn't have the
6332s sound barrier so when who are you paul's
6334s blade when boyd goes for red pegs vin
6336s dame's just dead he can't even get the
6337s beat
6338s a nice answer back there deflect from an
6340s stalker fig
6342s who are you pulls out the blade cutting
6345s down smurf goes for the back line 92
6346s percent there's no answer here
6349s no one's gonna be able to go and get up
6351s to this point they're sending someone
6352s down profit when for the last touch vin
6354s dame is on point after respawning from
6356s the early kill
6357s triggers over time now has to play the
6360s stall game how long can they channel
6361s their inner zest
6363s reinforcements
6365s oh it's not looking good now stalker
6368s gets on to the point once again it's a
6369s cycle of bodies to try and delay the
6371s inevitable but i don't think they're
6373s going to turn this one shanghai dragons
6374s they secure the first map take an early
6376s lead in this series
6377s now it looks all but too comfortable for
6380s the shanghai dragons towards the end
6381s they're 100-0 on university
6384s not that much better from sol dynasty
6386s unfortunately on our third and final
6388s round of gardens a little bit more to
6389s play for a few more fights one few more
6392s kills actually coming on through i don't
6393s think vin dame sound barrier towards the
6395s end that would have made too much
6396s difference whether that was going to be
6397s an ajax or not
6399s the shanghai dragons the overall
6401s recorder for the summer show down
6402s tournament now in terms of maps tread is
6405s 22 and one they have still only lost a
6408s single map this entire stage that was
6410s the philly fusion and their winning
6412s record continues to be bolstered from 21
6414s to 22.
6418s let's see if they can go ahead and get
6419s it up to 24 by the end of this series
6422s see how many maps they lose as well
6423s we're gonna go to a break when we come
6425s back map number two it's gonna be seoul
6426s dynasty's pick
6439s [Music]
6480s [Music]
6491s so
6492s [Music]
6506s so
6510s [Music]
6519s so
6523s [Music]
6523s [Applause]
6528s [Music]
6544s [Music]
6558s [Music]
6567s [Music]
6588s so
6589s [Music]
6609s you know what it is
6613s [Music]
6631s [Applause]
6634s [Music]
6664s welcome back to the summer showdown
6665s we've got shanghai dragons in the lead
6667s after their map victory on oasis and
6669s we're now about to jump into our second
6671s map of the series and of course seoul
6672s dynasty's choice and we'll bring you
6674s that uh very shortly but for now it
6676s seems like uh i don't know where it came
6678s from after all but round number three of
6680s oasis shanghai dragons got the download
6682s and they all just suddenly got on the
6684s same page and they towards the end of
6686s that round in particular did start to
6687s make things look effortless against the
6688s seoul dynasty despite that rocky start
6690s on city center i mean that's why they
6692s call them the shang ai right they will
6694s be able to download you eventually they
6695s are the hive mind and
6697s at this stage the deeper in a particular
6700s map or even a particular series you go
6702s it seems the more powerful shanghai
6704s dragons become we saw a very nice early
6707s win from seoul dynasty on what was it
6709s city center right there the 60-something
6711s percentage early lead to gain and the
6715s shang dragon struggled to catch up but
6716s once we got to the second and third
6719s rounds of oasis it was lights out
6721s shanghai dragon's 100-0 response on our
6724s university particularly was just
6726s powerful to behold and we are going to
6727s go back to another hollywood it seems
6729s like we've seen a few hollywood so far
6731s in the regional tournament and back to
6733s hollywood we go
6737s pop quiz avril did vendame have clips in
6741s i didn't see any i didn't see it i don't
6743s i i i was paying close attention didn't
6745s see any clips so clip def in favor of
6747s shanghai dragons confirmed
6749s all right clip that clip that for no
6751s clips
6753s and
6755s right now
6757s look at the past couple matches here
6759s again the rivalry between seoul and
6761s shanghai last two matches have been
6763s three and zero seoul got a three and
6765s zero
6766s shanghai got a three and zero
6768s current record this year is actually two
6770s and two so shanghai sorry that's uh
6772s complete lights three and two shanghai
6773s i've won three times seoul of one twice
6775s this year in 2022 so it could be four
6778s and two it could be tied up three and
6779s three it's all up to seeing now how the
6781s seoul dynasty can respond to this
6783s particular map
6784s that's some interesting tech as well by
6785s the way you see shanghai dragons tping
6788s lip over towards the side angle to see
6790s if you can get a shot and then tps them
6791s straight back in
6793s very cheeky doesn't give them anything
6796s if it's rolling out on the ash for this
6797s defense as well so we're finally seeing
6799s a deviation from the mirror yeah that's
6800s a soul specialty
6804s is a dead liji gone also a soul
6805s specialty i don't know might be that's a
6808s shanghai specialty actually
6809s [Laughter]
6812s well it does cause shanghai to go into a
6814s partial retreat they're not all the way
6815s out of the woods yet but they are hiding
6817s away from soul dynasty while those
6818s reinforcements come in off the back of
6820s that first kill
6822s our frog ran in and died yes quite
6824s enjoyable so the average shanghai
6826s dragons fan and honestly i respect it
6829s right now some wine on some critical hp
6831s a lot of members on dragons are critical
6833s hp actually they might have to just do a
6834s little bit of a soft reset here to heal
6836s up
6837s dynamite's keeping him on the constant
6838s pressure as well keep having that damage
6840s over time take it away but it's finally
6842s time for lip to pull the shot off gets
6845s profit stalk is taken down by who are
6846s you and now who are you will rotate
6848s round to the point lip finds fits his
6849s second headshot of the fight with the
6851s railgun
6852s and boy just wins that tank george just
6854s because he has overwhelming support and
6856s shanghai dragons get control of the
6857s payload and move on to the escort
6859s section of the map
6860s it's like the first early fight loss
6862s didn't even really affect them right
6864s it's like all right lose lee jay gone
6865s we'll just chill out for a little bit of
6867s a second here no one else actually dies
6868s that was the only death so far for the
6870s shanghai dragons they just recollect all
6872s their members regroup properly come back
6874s and do play who are you just exits as
6877s the doors open so times are well enough
6879s the shanghai dragons also have by the
6881s way the first ultimate available in
6882s izuki's rally fitz is also very close on
6886s that bob and that's kind of the benefit
6887s of playing ash sometimes the ultimate
6889s does charge quite quick
6891s yeah just able to constantly harass with
6892s the dynamite as well it's very easy when
6894s you don't have the sight lines and just
6896s like straight up damaging it's just
6897s ridiculous when you can start
6899s using the ads
6900s quite comfortable up on the high ground
6902s for now who are you is gonna get in
6903s their face in a second lip went for the
6905s shot
6906s bob's going to come out early they're
6907s really going to play on tempo here right
6909s in the middle gets that'll be out from
6910s lee jay gone why you still found profit
6913s despite this sort of supports are
6914s falling behind bob's just peppering away
6916s in the distance into void actually it's
6917s thankfully that's remember you do want
6919s the attention on this takes out who are
6920s you stalking pulls out a blade
6923s gets the headshot down everyone's being
6924s shut
6925s down so quickly here avro payload only
6928s momentarily stopped because of bar but
6930s now it's back in pursuit is the archie's
6932s rally's about to expire lip will have
6934s the overclock for the next engagement i
6936s i think the silver lining is that seoul
6937s don't lose too much did they kind of
6939s play in the double ultimates right
6940s stalker gets instantly blown up and you
6942s see the damage from lip he was railing
6944s stalker down from range soccer can't get
6946s a successful blade at all very important
6947s shanghai spin two support ultimates for
6949s that
6950s and now we get to the final fight
6951s obviously here comes the overclock smurf
6953s as well triple hit on the rampage
6955s yeah free for free on those rampages
6957s overall profits gonna take out boyd and
6959s it looks like profit and seoul dynasty
6960s the ones to capitalize on this one
6962s finally shutting down the momentum of
6963s the shanghai dragons push
6965s i don't lose anyone in that chaos as
6967s well big win for the dynasty to keep it
6969s short just shy of point b yep and they
6972s you know they've been to shanghai
6973s dragons here didn't have the extra
6974s support ultimate to block out the
6976s rampage both void and smurf actually got
6978s a three-man hit on the rampage but vin
6980s dame still had sound barrier available
6982s pops in the sound barrier wasn't extra
6983s threatened by who i used blade and
6985s strangely enough this is a bit of a you
6987s know uncharacteristic moment for hawaii
6989s but he's got a slow blade coming through
6990s this has taken a while for who are you
6992s to build but now he gets to use it for
6993s free profit can counter with the rally
6996s but how successful will it be so far not
6998s so successful
6999s no that boot to delay who are you
7001s doesn't really change the outcome all
7002s that much three members taking down just
7004s from him alone makes it too plain
7007s to fit yeah it's looking pretty silly
7009s right now
7010s not quite the world record pace we were
7012s seeing or the tied second place we've
7013s seen from fusion on the last time we saw
7015s hollywood today however still very quick
7018s four minutes left in the time bank
7019s because they're moving on to point c
7021s waiting for the dynasty to aggress and
7023s try and take the space
7024s i mean despite who are you taking a
7026s while to get played in that particular
7027s you know so far this attack is just so
7029s enjoyable seeing his pov and his
7031s mechanics his outplays beating fits in
7033s that 1v1 dodging up the dynamite having
7035s the dash reset all of the above right
7037s shanghai dragons now pushing through
7038s they do have to deal with fitz's bob
7040s coming online stalker saw has a blatant
7042s chicago we'll be able to match that who
7043s are you on the hunt on the back line
7045s fits the target
7047s he's drawing focus as well away from the
7049s front line smurf
7050s a little bit of attention but not enough
7052s to make you start worrying yet lip just
7054s opened up the fight for killing the fits
7055s don't know how he keeps finding these
7056s ones
7058s supported that was the only all
7060s yeah b comes in as well just gonna seal
7062s the deal here for the dragons in this
7063s fight smurf
7064s will have to drop down as well stalk is
7066s dead that's the saving chris well you
7068s know you're just gonna have him he was
7069s the only member alive on the point he's
7071s by himself the bob is just going to be
7072s the only small tactic here it's very
7074s easy to remove it's a static target you
7076s just booped away you get headshot a
7077s bunch of times with the overclock
7079s prophet gets there just in time but this
7080s is that stagger we're talking about
7082s pretty much done they're cleaning up
7083s seoul so quickly
7085s dynasty finished 254 in the time bank so
7089s yeah still
7090s very quick
7091s and that's the thing it's not a world
7092s record this is not fusion versus
7094s guangzhou but it's a staggering pace and
7096s you can see that reflected by the fact
7098s that seoul never had a chance to pull
7099s blade lee jaegon felt so confident to
7102s even go for a tempo beat there the sound
7104s barrier pulled through just to allow the
7106s shanghai dragons to walk forward with
7107s confidence to just use a support
7109s ultimate to run at the salt dynasty and
7111s typically you'd say okay well if
7112s shanghai don't win this fight stalking
7114s is to pull a free blade the only
7116s relevant counter is off the table now
7117s for the shanghai dragons however look at
7119s stalkers hp in that last fight was just
7121s being shut down who are you and putting
7123s the damage and the salky had no chance
7125s to pull blade it takes some sold on to
7126s respawn as well when he does because
7128s team is dead he still can't pull blade
7130s so that blade never became affected that
7132s was the only risk for shanghai drags the
7134s deal against
7135s and it was never a fact the fitz okay he
7137s pulls through the bomb and by the way he
7138s was the first death
7140s he was the most important kill if there
7142s was one member shanghai needed kill was
7144s fits they got him down it was a late bob
7146s and the bob was booped off the payload
7148s never really stole the payload and
7149s instantly fragged out by left so it's a
7151s good ultimate but it's also just free
7154s territory free real estate for the
7156s shanghai dragons to clear
7160s fantasy going through the defense it
7161s looks like seoul dynasty ah sorry
7163s dragons going defensive dynasty look
7164s like they're gonna roll out with the
7165s sojourn this time rather than going for
7167s the ash flavor
7169s hopefully be a little bit more offensive
7170s no shenanigans like dragons had with
7172s fast tps on the widowmaker but they will
7174s still roll out all the same
7175s now
7177s i just think like when you like credit
7179s to everybody in dragons but specifically
7181s living while you they just look like the
7182s best specific members on their roles now
7185s you could argue that players like m3
7186s might be better than lips so far lips
7189s very consistent though who are you is is
7192s just the king against you right now by
7193s now i don't think a single other player
7195s touches who are you that's gonna be so
7196s dynasty now faking the rotations now
7198s coming back through maine
7200s shanghai dragon is not perturbed
7204s i was still gonna stay strong on that
7206s payload for now vin dame goes down low
7208s dragons i think they're sensing the
7209s weakness at the moment and they press
7210s forward not too much though they're very
7212s tempered
7214s just playing their game for the time
7215s being dashboard from stalker tries to
7217s find the connection for the extra damage
7218s and kate takes his face away here's the
7219s kind of hole
7221s they saw the dash they saw the
7222s uncohesive unit and they're like right
7224s time to go boys put on the speed walk
7227s forward and the dynasty's offense has
7229s crumbled
7230s yeah they just rushed down smith we saw
7232s that from dragons once they turn up the
7234s heat they get the speed going and it
7236s smurfed the primary target you have to
7237s be a little bit concerned now though
7238s with fitz's leg come to the left dragons
7240s do have to pull back the concern now is
7242s do they lose a tick or not how much do
7245s the dragons actually give up look at
7247s voice positioning on the side you'll
7248s notice that okay he's actually been fine
7250s i was going to say if he doesn't get
7251s found here this is a great position for
7253s boyd to be him but he takes a risk he
7254s gets found it's a 5v4 no tank
7258s it's a good opening for the dynasty
7259s they're on the position
7261s shanghai dragons oh vin dame's gone okay
7264s lip doing lip things once more these are
7266s going against the back
7268s i think they've bought enough time
7269s potentially before to come out here
7270s please go to the defense is the arc is
7272s isolated they will be going down no way
7273s they lose this to stalker
7275s boys been captured what's going on
7277s staggered deaths as well yeah he's gonna
7279s mean point b is quite difficult
7281s and this is where i got to put some
7282s commentary on voice decision making that
7283s i don't know if he chose to go for the
7286s hidden flank just lurking right i don't
7288s know if he had time to rotate back
7289s towards his own spawn he probably should
7291s have gone back to his own sport for
7292s safety it's a very high risk to go and
7295s try to i guess lurk in the the pack room
7298s on the side and if you get snipped out
7299s if you get caught you are dead you're
7300s 100 dead they're five versus four and
7303s now it's another five versus fours that
7304s takes down what brits rather takes down
7306s lips so it just slows down dragons from
7308s reapproaching and if you are dragons if
7309s you don't avoid alive you cannot retake
7311s aid you cannot contest a and the fitz
7313s kills just keep coming through
7315s just keeps weaving those headshots in
7319s just buys advantage for his team every
7321s time overclocking the highest
7325s look at the positioning soul have now
7327s full high ground control dragons are
7329s coming out of spawn with no map control
7331s whatsoever payload is coming around the
7333s final couple of quarters now on towards
7334s the final straight past the county jail
7336s and this is where sells positioning is
7338s absolutely powerhouse and it's about to
7339s be four offense on both sides
7344s angle taken from fitz
7346s playing some overwatch on them quite
7347s literally
7348s do i use blade to tear them from that
7350s space
7351s he's playing very mindful not pushing
7353s forward not pushing too hard with that
7355s ultimate lip
7357s returning the favor with the overclock
7358s doesn't find anything as well just scare
7359s tactics right now all bark and no bite
7361s with these ultimates after all well
7363s everyone's just disengaging right we
7364s have the sound barrier from vindan the
7366s prophet rally layered in as well both
7367s teams respecting each other's ultimate
7369s soul not going to push into overclocking
7371s blade shanghai not going to push into
7372s double support now it's going to be
7374s sound barrier versus stalker blade and
7375s stalker slashing green hp
7378s yeah it's lots of cleave damage as well
7380s but it's not enough to break through all
7381s the shields that came in there for pj
7382s got beat so the trading smurfer is the
7384s arc at the time being two for two still
7386s so it's a three on three on the payload
7387s who are you solo holding the livestream
7390s for reinforcements there we go lip's
7391s gonna take out a couple of members
7398s we'll get the kill right at the end here
7399s reinforcements come out the spawn room
7400s spawn advantage for shanghai which means
7402s they're able to hold the payload for now
7404s but i think the reinforcements for
7405s dynasty are going to get there a little
7407s bit faster perhaps or roughly at the
7408s same time just because of how quickly
7409s they were dying
7410s it's a very cool anime battle it's
7412s stalker versus who are you and stalker
7413s is going to win the one versus one but
7415s with easy aki respawning and by the way
7416s touching i think about a meter or so
7418s left about 150
7420s it's not enough for salt dynasty to
7422s sneak a payload cap in seoul however
7424s still maintain high ground control
7426s that's very important
7428s just the two there ground place it's
7429s counted two against three when it comes
7431s to that impact legion will be feeling
7433s the hurt of the rampage profit it's been
7435s converted we've been damaged smurf stay
7436s alive and now
7438s dynasty get the advantage in the fight
7440s there's the clock who are you and lip
7441s and then they will get onto point c and
7443s get themselves a time bank extension yep
7446s very cool void rampage but smurf's
7448s rampage as well equally good in fact
7450s supposed rampage is going to allow the
7452s sold dynasty to pick up a number of
7453s frags profit getting very active in the
7455s kill feed this is what a details from
7456s brigitte it looks like two frags with it
7458s before he dies
7460s allow salt dynasty to maintain some
7462s player advantage and certainly the right
7463s players alive as well as we hit into now
7465s the c point push not going to be to
7467s match the 254 on board for the dragons
7469s time back but seoul can still finish the
7471s map that is the important factor now
7473s what time back do they have remaining at
7475s the end
7487s needs to answer back for a big pic here
7489s from fix to keep the fight alive they've
7490s lost too many already and now they have
7492s no space to operate within is the yaki's
7494s in their face
7496s shanghai dragons reclaim control of the
7498s payload they can't really start to
7500s damage this back uh damage his time back
7503s okay so this is where you talk about
7504s damaging time banks the spawn cap would
7506s do that to you let's see if dragons want
7507s to commit to it or not half place on
7508s higher ground half players on the ground
7510s here as well you also notice it was a
7511s very specific timing window in the last
7513s fight saw her blade legion did not have
7515s beat but that climbing window is over
7516s double rallies popped and just waiting
7518s for the blade to come through
7524s here it comes
7525s over clock pop by lip there's a hero
7527s playing
7528s oh my god
7530s the flick was there shut down stalker
7534s and the punishment to the dynasty time
7536s bank continues
7539s he knew what he had to do there he was
7541s set up for it and immediately shut down
7543s the offensive from stalker
7545s yeah i mean just the impact kill right
7547s the exact kill that you need it's been a
7549s rough game for stalker he was so great
7550s in his matchup versus folly fusion
7552s yesterday but today the shanghai dragons
7554s just have his number he can't pull out
7556s the blade when he wants to he misses the
7558s timing window versus gonna speed in a
7560s previous fight and now here when he
7561s actually does pull blade left just
7563s destroys him a single rail will deny the
7565s blade and we're back into spawn camp
7568s territory shanghai dragons taking the
7570s early high ground we talk about salt
7571s dynasty being able to finish this map
7573s with time
7574s that starts to dwindle now payload is
7576s receding backwards 115 remaining do you
7578s get lee j gone but it's traded
7580s [Music]
7581s yeah
7583s stop here fits outside well what would
7585s be their spawn room if it is
7587s just to try and deflect dragons away
7590s sub one minute now this is the danger
7592s zone because like you said they run the
7594s risk of even if they finish at this
7595s point they might run out of time to have
7596s an offensive the best they can hope for
7597s is the draw
7598s yeah so draw scenarios now on the cards
7600s for seoul dynasty
7602s but you know they might even get there
7603s if they don't care they still do have to
7604s get we're waiting for smurf he has a
7606s rampage advantage there's nothing to
7607s counter that izaki kneeling on the rally
7609s but smurf has a window here this could
7610s be opportunity
7612s there was a line up there he's gonna go
7614s for it finds two just is the rpm there
7616s were so many targets there but it's
7617s enough to make it work void as the r key
7620s will get converted really making use of
7622s the anti-hill here home stretch for
7623s seoul dynasty 30 seconds remaining
7624s shanghai dragons they can play for the
7626s stall out for and guarantee that they
7627s won't lose
7628s and it's so big because izuki was on
7630s like 98 99 percent so it doesn't have
7632s the rally to block out the rampage seoul
7634s will use a ram fish to take control but
7636s can they win the final fight fitz still
7638s coming back from sport about to hit the
7639s ot now he's the aki pop and rally the
7641s blade is going to be next here comes
7642s will you
7643s try to isolate smurf coming off from the
7645s rest of the team and then they get the
7646s pick up quite easily fitz finds lip with
7647s an overclock still alive for the soul
7649s dynasty at this point blaine
7651s who are you is down no damage dealers
7653s available for the shanghai dragons right
7654s now we're in overtime though they've
7656s already lost the map they're not gonna
7658s be able to get the overtime
7659s they're gonna cut through only finds a
7661s profit who's rallying at the same time
7662s and he won't be able to convert it boyd
7664s might be cut down here uses the carnage
7665s is the arc he returns to the field
7666s immediately finds stalker smurf left
7668s over to the wrecking ball just to get on
7669s to the point
7670s and now lips over in the back he has his
7672s overclock available and the sight line
7674s and spits might attack here at the end
7675s but smurf is still on the point
7677s he's gonna be able to find the slam on
7679s the payload profit knocks lit back
7682s soul dynasty still trying to push this
7684s one spawn advantage really helping the
7686s dragons right now as boyd comes back on
7688s the doofus just to try and get smurf off
7690s of the point they've cleared enough
7691s bodies store tactics can only work for
7693s so long over time as the swap comes in
7696s they trigger it once more but it is the
7698s last time shanghai dragons secure map
7700s number two they're going to series point
7703s and what a shot coming through a lip on
7704s the fitz as well that was a collateral
7706s shot that actually went through smurf's
7708s body on the wrecking ball he fired it
7710s through the body and hits fitz on the
7712s other end that's something that you can
7714s do with the overclock you can't do that
7716s normally on the rail gun only during the
7718s ultimate can you collat and he perfectly
7720s lines up a shot through the body of an
7721s opponent
7722s unbelievable stuff and shanghai dragons
7725s pulled through despite oz looking like
7727s it might have been stacked against him
7728s that final fight but i dare say even if
7730s the salt dynasty do in fact cap
7733s they would only be in a draw only
7735s scenario because the ot was ticked over
7737s dragons had like nearly three minutes to
7740s cap on through for only one take i think
7742s dragons put themselves in a commanding
7743s position to win map number two and the
7745s win record continues now from 22 to 23
7749s and only one lost so far in maps
7752s 24 on the cards for them one more map to
7754s win shanghai dragons
7756s could be match point for them as we head
7758s to the break when we come back seoul
7759s dynasty's last chance to stay alive in
7761s this series
7773s oh
7776s [Music]
7790s [Music]
7811s [Music]
7835s so
7882s hmm
7884s [Music]
7885s hmm
7888s [Music]
7935s [Music]
7956s [Music]
7970s [Music]
7990s [Music]
8005s shanghai dragons they currently lead in
8007s their matchup against the seoul dynasty
8010s and they are one map away from securing
8012s themselves a spot in tomorrow's grand
8013s final we expected both these teams to
8015s eventually get there or at least i will
8017s i'll keep pushing that narrative however
8019s one of them can only get there first
8021s looking like it's gonna be seoul uh they
8022s just have an escort map in the way and
8025s of course the sole dynasty's pick so
8026s it's a chance for them to pick a comfort
8028s position and try and build a reverse
8031s suite from there
8032s it's just wild how good shanghai look in
8035s this better right now they've levelled
8036s up to a level that is i was going to say
8039s unprecedented but funny enough trip the
8041s last time i saw a team that's dominant
8042s was also shanghai dragons that was last
8044s year so shanghai dragons now kind of you
8046s know once again reaching their own
8048s potential only they themselves can reach
8050s the potential that they have reached the
8051s past uh but they look untouchable no
8054s other team comes close seoul is the next
8057s best team and the next best team is only
8060s kind of getting somewhat competitive in
8062s maps granted last time they met
8064s gibraltar was a lot more competitive we
8065s don't have gibraltar on board this time
8067s it's gonna be dorado um that's chosen by
8069s seoul by the way so salt water gotta
8071s drive now i respect it because
8072s historically dorado has been one of
8073s seoul's better maps but part of the
8075s reason why dorado was good for seoul is
8076s because they played the winston dive
8078s here to perfection you can't play that
8080s currently in this particular matter but
8082s you can go back to the fitz ash if you
8085s want to and that has been a strong
8087s comfort pick for fitz i don't know if i
8089s really respect it as a powerful pick
8090s overall compared to something like a
8092s soldier you can see what lip can do in
8093s the surgeon here and lip is also no
8095s slouch on the ash either
8097s salt dynasty they're clutching at straws
8098s that's kind of my read on the situation
8100s here because they're in desperation mode
8102s to get anything to work and so far
8105s nothing is really working versus the
8107s dragons
8111s who's going to pull out that solution
8112s though avril who is going to be the
8114s change what's going to be the change for
8115s the sword dynasty to be able to find
8117s their power prophet jungkook queen
8119s prophet
8120s queen are you ready for the roll swap
8122s we've had we've had profit dps profit
8125s support
8126s and come back with a profit tank it's
8128s got to happen no um not not at this
8130s point in time no but
8132s no no it's gonna mean at this point in
8133s time
8135s because he's
8137s is you know uh
8139s it's an it's another minting of these
8141s two teams it looks like it might end in
8143s a 3-0 you know we've had some very close
8145s games between seoul dynasty and dragons
8147s in the past
8148s and now in the summer showdown
8150s it's been very one-sided games which is
8153s just so strange and
8155s very uncharacteristic of the rivalry
8156s that we've had but you know sometimes
8158s that is how it goes it's a very long
8159s rivalry but some of the games do go
8161s one-sided some of them are very very
8162s close
8164s and as mentioned and as predicted fitz
8166s will start on the ash now lip is going
8169s to start on the ash as well for a little
8170s see if he stays on the ash
8172s ash has a bit more valley on dorado than
8173s other maps
8175s but uh if shanghai dranks not getting
8177s spawn held i think lit might be insane
8178s device to go back on the sergeant
8181s they found the name already so whatever
8182s they were trying to do whatever the
8184s change was going to be for the soul
8185s dynasty it's not been a net positive one
8187s unfortunately luigi gone goes low oh
8199s from the shanghai dragons
8201s who are you just chasing them down you
8202s actually see stalker dashing in towards
8204s the window he missed the window and
8206s actually dropped down that's critical
8207s because it uh you know it affects his
8209s ability to get away from the other team
8210s and indeed who are you chases them down
8212s regardless so it's going to be a late
8213s kill shanghai dragons haven't camped yet
8216s sold on actually in position to go for
8217s one more final contest and they need to
8219s protect fits as also they're gonna come
8221s in from the side angle which is
8222s important
8226s get some complaints and damage on the
8227s team through the audio cues
8229s fix turns the corner sees the genji
8231s turns immediately back from the corner
8232s doesn't want to do with that
8234s sharp and used on the point by dynasty
8236s who i use very low but will survive
8239s well he needs to find a health pack
8240s though can't play with collapse it's
8241s going to get bombarded hp
8243s we're taking out dj gone so
8245s i'm gonna have that option for the
8247s shanghai dragons to stay in this fight
8248s much longer another headshot should
8250s clear off boy but stalking to clean up
8252s instead
8253s they've deflected the attack jacket
8255s blade pulls the arky back in but smurf
8256s can't hold that position on the corner
8258s yep so we'll retreat and they will
8259s escape strong retake it's a really
8261s important retake from the shanghai
8262s direct for they sold dynasty rather and
8264s now shanghai dragons despite getting the
8265s bob online
8266s what i believe was legion gone down
8268s early he's no shot for shanghai to pull
8270s through on that particular fight a
8271s little bit of heal up here for lipids
8272s trying to catch up on the bobbin that's
8274s the other thing right shanghai dragons
8275s are missing a bit of a timing window as
8277s dragons go through for the secondary
8279s push dynasty of caught up and also will
8281s be bob versus bob
8284s there's bob one bob two comes out too
8286s late for seoul dynasty before he lost
8288s stalker
8289s will only repair the damaged numbers
8291s won't actually win out the bothers bob
8293s jewel was strong but lip was the
8294s difference maker there
8296s rallies now popped instead laid over top
8298s of each other
8300s boys in the face up in dave nice shot
8301s from lip tags him
8303s wants to get into the fight with a rally
8305s he's been denied and like you said avril
8307s there is the cap for point a
8309s coach gunn
8310s just stalling a little longer for them
8312s to get that through
8313s i speak of stalling longer i mean if the
8315s fight goes a little bit longer there and
8316s saw more teammates alive i think stalker
8318s pulls blade and anything can go after
8320s that at minimum you pull the legion
8322s sound barrier in response which is
8323s important for all trading purposes
8325s sultan actually don't get to discover
8327s what that blade could look like though
8328s stalker dies at 99 and even if he had
8330s the blade too many members are sold down
8332s they can't touch the smurf isn't there
8334s stalkers probably the next one available
8335s to touch they don't even bother going
8337s for it fight is definitely oversold
8339s resetting towards the high ground here
8340s they begin with fits on that high ground
8342s immediately but this make no mistake is
8344s gonna be a blade fight
8348s keep an eye who pulls it first who has
8350s the impact
8352s high ground in favor of seoul dynasty
8354s right now beautiful
8355s bullets
8356s harder for who are you better for
8358s stalking here high ground advantage is
8359s big resolve well gone takes a lot of
8362s damage before dropping down who are you
8363s trying to assault the high ground this
8364s drop down from stalker is that advantage
8365s gonna be enough as the beats are both
8366s dropped in return
8369s bark and no bite those blades
8370s unfortunately stalkers now expires as
8372s well just under get off high ground
8374s rampage from floyd only finds smurf
8375s counter from route from smurf only finds
8377s lee gone one man rampages on either side
8380s mr carnage to take out the second
8382s support of shanghai dragons
8384s yeah do you have the loose show here for
8385s the soul dynasty to be able to support
8386s them there's no support for shanghai
8388s dragon right now
8389s and shanghai dragons still got a lot of
8391s push despite having no support so seoul
8393s backed out they weren't confident in
8394s winning the 3v3 despite having an extra
8396s support and they didn't want to take the
8397s risk i could respect it because if you
8398s do take a risk and you do lose a member
8400s there you are waiting for respawns and
8402s shanghai can cap here you allow shanghai
8404s to get a few extra meters payload is
8406s under the bridge in fact it's slightly
8408s ahead of the bridge now for salt
8409s honestly have all five alive it's bob
8411s versus bob again
8413s we'll see which bob gets the better of
8414s the positioning
8416s nice boot back there from bj gone it
8418s stops the ball from getting into optimal
8419s positioning but void will be cut down by
8420s the carnage all the same obviously the
8423s corner yep
8424s classic
8426s it allows these teams to have a neutral
8427s and honest fight in which the soul
8429s dynasty are winning head shots coming
8431s through from fitz and vinday clearing
8433s out the last couple of strikes with the
8434s rest of the team
8435s so big that they got void down first
8436s smurf just walks up seoul dynasty will
8438s win that fight off the back of that tank
8440s kill the shanghai dragons and actually
8442s the soldiers on neither will be pulling
8443s the rally through the fight we are
8445s extremely equal in terms of which
8447s ultimates have been used at what time
8448s profit is actually going to pull the x
8450s one here both rallies now pop the soul
8452s trying to go for a spawn camp but i
8453s think they may be overstepped here
8455s they're trying to back out dragons are
8456s chasing
8457s lots of critical hp on seoul dynasty
8459s being repaired nicely by the rally and
8461s some armor packs
8463s dash forward there lee gone actually ran
8464s straight into smurf they're very low and
8466s there's going to be the pick up
8468s sports trading right now free for
8471s free who are you hunting stalker they
8474s will isolate turns attention to vin dame
8476s has blade for the next fight doesn't
8477s want to pop it in this one there eight
8478s hp someone hiding
8481s oh she comes in just in time to keep him
8482s healthy
8484s dragons rotate round to the point into
8486s that final section of this section it's
8488s it's a significant slowdown though look
8489s at the time about a minute remaining now
8491s so seoul vanishing has successfully
8493s slowed down the shanghai dragons who
8495s are not quite as dominant as they were
8497s in previous maps and that's quite
8498s assault they really stepped it up for
8499s dorado this is kind of the hidden weapon
8501s right why they choose the right they
8502s feel confident on this map and maybe
8504s they can feel good enough to collect
8506s themselves a b point defense we're still
8507s waiting the players coming through while
8509s you're at the bend it's a major blow why
8511s you can pull blade here without any
8512s impact on the other side they can't
8514s counter it yeah no mitigation for
8516s dynasty on this one
8518s who are you with the cut through the
8519s cleaves there aiming for smurf get some
8521s extra damage off to the side profit
8522s isolated blade
8525s comes out from stalker jumps back into
8526s the fight fight to the ark
8529s stalker trying to stem this bleeding
8531s right now
8532s as reinforcers will come in turns
8534s attention to lip lip not having any of
8535s his funny business dynamite from afar
8537s not enough to get the damage oh it
8538s wasn't enough to get the damage over
8540s time and lip just burned
8542s he can't touch though he's not in a
8544s position to contest his back into the
8546s fight finn damon smurf
8548s it's not enough that's it that's going
8549s to be it i mean lips not here can't use
8551s the bob shanghai dragons can barely
8553s touch they probably won't touch at all
8554s maybe the lucio comes up through jakarta
8556s is going to attempt to go for it will
8558s pay for it with his own life and for the
8559s shanghai dragons who is up next how can
8562s they even win the situations four versus
8564s five they still don't have void
8566s they're gonna go running this rampage as
8567s well smurf cuts through only five gets a
8569s pick on the doomfist that's huge if
8571s you're going to switch over to an
8572s unofflocked pick like this for the stall
8574s they're turning around what is going on
8576s after all they just need to fight one
8577s more who are you lip and void refused to
8582s go down
8590s that's incredible dragons have done it
8591s again they managed to clutch them
8592s through what looks like an impossible
8595s fight they had nobody alive legion died
8597s straight away voiceover coming back from
8598s spawn it was like three players there
8600s for the dragons trying to contest lip
8602s dyed late as well don't forget the bob
8604s comes in from long range who are you
8606s finds three how does who are you get
8608s three there
8610s all the work that was set up there from
8612s void at the end just like on the
8613s doomfist getting that residual damage
8614s who are you then picks them all off
8617s what a mental shatterer for the soul
8619s dynasty they thought they had that in
8620s the bag there towards the end i thought
8622s they had a dog
8623s i think everyone did
8625s it's probably doing wonders for their
8626s mental right now dragons still running
8628s strong
8629s rallies traded out
8631s shouts as well on the payload
8634s fitz looking down trying to keep his
8636s head covered while he reloads and then
8637s opens fire back up dynamite into the
8639s middle of the field profit going down
8641s low after using the rally we'll be able
8642s to stay
8643s back up
8645s wait for it 20 seconds who are you
8646s earned this blade and that overtime
8648s flip's gone down he now needs to use it
8650s to save the dragons on this offense if
8653s the arc is gone bob is keeping him under
8655s the check too many members have gone
8656s down here this is not going to be
8658s something that you are you can save he's
8660s popped off by fitz
8661s but well well well avril they had no
8664s right getting this far based on how b
8666s was going but now you have to defend the
8668s seoul dynasty from this point onward i
8670s mean it doesn't even matter that dragons
8672s lose that fight doesn't even matter that
8673s whoever you just get to pull blade right
8674s they get the push far more than what
8676s they really deserve to get the clutch
8679s was incredible on b we're not expecting
8681s the clutch twice in a row but clutching
8683s b was unbelievable for the shanghai
8685s dragons to even allow them to get
8687s towards c and they are on the final
8689s corner that is so dependable let's take
8690s a look at who are you again in that
8692s final fight
8693s and he gets three kills here fits
8699s okay there is a bunch of damage done by
8701s other members there but who are you with
8702s the insane cleanups there the 1v1 versus
8705s fits and he is every single time never
8708s been afraid to check fetch go for the
8710s one versus ones take down fitz he's got
8713s the confidence to say i will beat fitz
8715s in 1v1 every time
8719s that confidence is exuding
8721s for the shanghai dragons not only
8723s through the mathematical advantage of
8724s having one less person to deal with but
8726s also being able to play confidently
8728s little bit of moments of overconfidence
8730s would say on dorado offense however
8733s kind of justified at the end with that
8734s clutch right there so now defense for
8737s the shanghai dragons the last line in
8739s the sound has been drawn the entry point
8742s to the finals tomorrow has been drawn by
8745s shanghai dragons salt dynasty if they
8747s cross that line we go to another map if
8749s they do not they have to face against
8751s the philadelphia fusion to earn that
8754s spot in that final a rematch of earlier
8756s in the tournament
8757s you know that's been you know two map
8759s five so far in this stage between seoul
8760s and philly but let's not get too far
8762s ahead of ourselves yes see your soul
8764s have anything left to play through
8765s you'll notice they go for the typical tp
8766s play say typical they actually don't
8768s take the high ground here that's a very
8770s conscious choice
8771s they're trying to make the rotations
8772s through on towards the sort of outside
8774s courtyard area to make some high ground
8776s control happen swap sides and dragons
8778s will go towards the payload soul go
8781s towards the high ground
8782s get caught by dynamite there
8785s yeah and it's kind of dangerous because
8786s stork was still playing around the spawn
8788s if he kept low still could have gone cut
8789s through there going easy pick up he's
8790s trying to do the same thing to izayaki
8791s right now though
8793s a couple more shurikens support has to
8795s filter in is the arc is off the map
8797s i don't know if that was a conscious
8798s reset or just in the chaos ends up going
8801s this is just a little bit of tiny
8802s overwatch on the coastal while seoul
8804s dynasty is winning the fight
8807s they are willing they are down to two
8808s members so they can't really continue
8809s this any further stalkers no hp
8812s waiting for us supports to heal him up
8814s dragons will reset their i i we're going
8815s to assume that maybe izaki just shield
8817s bashes off again we didn't actually see
8819s that yeah racist yeah it's not
8820s impossible he just does it twice in a
8822s row
8823s in any case
8825s shanghai dragons they're not too upset
8826s with that they get a one minute sort of
8828s time purchase there
8830s they will slow down the seoul dynasty
8832s they don't really get
8834s hard farm for ultimates they don't lose
8835s the fight in a big way they get the back
8837s out but the rest of their members alive
8838s now they've got the continuous skirmish
8840s through fitz and a lot of trouble here
8841s could be down
8842s yeah he's been removed these are gone
8844s second kill onto profit
8846s one trade four
8847s all right
8848s now dragons the fight continues stalker
8850s a lot of work in this fight
8853s still quite even
8854s and the response is gonna have to come
8856s in for a next engagement nearly two
8857s minutes nearly half of the time back
8858s burning they're just under the arch
8861s and stalker has been really good for the
8863s sole dynasty in this tournament stage
8864s and this entire you know summer showdown
8868s they had some reasonable moments on that
8869s toronto defense here he's trying to step
8871s it up who are you has a blade far
8872s earlier though that is going to be
8874s dangerous there's no counters
8876s they trying to escape has speed boost
8879s and the support for his team to stay
8880s alive no counters
8882s just mechanics
8883s able to stem that blade now means that
8886s stalker can have their blade up legit
8888s does go down in the end
8891s and so is the arki no supports available
8893s it's big for dynasty they should be able
8894s to push this advantage and get the
8896s payload close to point a
8898s that's really important as well you see
8900s the sole dynasty they don't use any
8901s ultimate so actually wouldn't that when
8902s we talk about stalkers getting the blade
8904s soon doesn't have to use it take a look
8906s at easy again is it a mistake oh yep i
8908s don't know i think he did shield bashing
8911s the geometry fell off or he just decided
8912s no he's another side stepped off yeah
8915s well it's uh yep that's
8917s unfortunate but it's the second time now
8919s izuki's just randomly fallen off the map
8923s hashtag unlucky hashtag it just happened
8925s sol dynasty now has hashtag five
8927s ultimates the shanghai dragons the ones
8928s that are behind
8930s half the criticism appealing flawlessly
8932s versus who i used place we talked about
8934s vindham and profit not having support
8935s ultimates well now who is actually just
8937s dead so they are putting the lid on the
8939s hyper carry of the shanghai dragons and
8941s really forcing dragons back it's gonna
8943s be more free push dragons need to kind
8944s of force some ultimates but they can't
8946s start a fight because they're constantly
8947s down
8950s makes it awfully difficult for them to
8951s do so with the overclock and the high
8953s ground this could be big if they're just
8955s able to get a few
8956s uninterrupted moments to take these
8958s shots
8960s stalker with some deflections we'll then
8962s rotate back round dragon's gotta use
8964s back in the fight stalk is down
8967s okay so stalk has been all right i'm not
8969s sure how that happened but okay
8971s completely takes the wind out dynasty
8972s sails and they're gonna reset
8975s man just got overwatched
8977s it could have been uh could have been it
8978s could have been a rail into a long range
8980s whip shot i'm not exactly too sure we
8981s didn't get to truly see what happened
8983s there but
8984s hey we said dragons need to do something
8986s they definitely did do something
8989s yeah who are you just keeps getting
8991s found out here it's not good it's not
8993s conducive to dragons winning when like
8994s you said the hyper carriage just off the
8996s field still played by profit it's good
8997s play by papa to find those
9001s who's testing
9002s someone has to get down there lip can't
9004s be the one he's got an overclock and
9006s he's being focused by a bomb he now has
9007s the stalker blade in front of him
9010s good force down gets him out of the
9011s fight big empty from the rampage has
9013s traded three for two dynasty advantage
9015s they're just taking over this map apple
9017s this is a night and day performance wow
9019s in this series
9021s i mean not only that but that's just a
9023s just
9023s a complete
9025s farce of a defense from the shanghai
9027s dragons they just weren't present at all
9028s i don't know what was going on there but
9030s they allowed the sol dynasty to free
9031s push the entire way through b
9033s barely tried to contest anyway i mean
9035s they are the ones that need to start the
9037s fight they cannot allow the assault
9038s dynasty to free push all the way to the
9039s end they contested with listen to me the
9041s left i checked was about 0.86 or
9043s something like that shanghai dragons
9045s actually nearly c9 the point
9047s and now we're already on sea there's a
9048s gigantic time back available for the
9050s south dynasty cap they can win this map
9051s seoul dynasty might get the second map
9053s whenever against shanghai dragons so far
9055s this one on the stage
9057s herculean hold required by the shanghai
9059s dragons
9061s creating space with the coach gun
9062s sight lines to act here stalker half hp
9065s dynamite over the top dot not gonna find
9066s a connection
9068s void
9069s has to take cover right now
9071s dynasty are on the opposite side of
9073s where they should be to push this
9074s payload through they switch sides once
9075s more they're making the dragons fight
9077s for the payload
9079s and the blade will be there now this is
9080s the way dragons have to pull this
9081s through who are you must get a
9082s successful blade he has to be possible
9084s easy against the multi-pack up here we
9085s go
9086s nice fast fits he's been the shut down
9089s for him every time dragons win the fight
9091s quite decisively they will lose lip
9093s stalker at the end
9095s only have to do that like four or five
9097s more times avril
9098s i don't think that many times i think a
9100s good three what depends because dragons
9103s they they can chill now because they are
9104s just defending the final push soul
9106s dynasty after you want to engage they
9108s have the bob available
9109s i don't think i should take sold
9110s honestly too long but if seoul dynasty
9112s don't kind of push
9113s the envelope here and get things started
9115s they might only have like two attempts
9118s uh
9118s it's not a lot
9120s you know three minutes was good coming
9122s in
9122s it still is reasonable
9124s but it's also the kind of situation
9126s where i would not be surprised if
9128s shanghai dragons after kind of just
9129s giving up being nonchalantly they just
9131s they defend c quite well so that could
9132s happen c team you know kind of a point
9134s ct
9137s the name cut off
9139s lip's about to get bomb online it's
9140s gonna be a big tool for them in this
9141s next fight
9157s i have no idea but it does not do to any
9160s favors in this engagement after all
9164s yeah the shanghai dragons
9166s able to just cut through
9168s the seoul dynasty here one minute
9170s remaining the point c team still alive
9172s looking at the ultimates available for
9173s what could be their final skirmish
9177s you have to be concerned for soul
9178s because we're down to one minute the bob
9179s does nothing for the blade could be
9181s successful smurf's rampage comes up next
9184s but void has an earlier rampage there is
9186s only a rally stalker's blade has a
9188s window of opportunity here with the
9189s sound barriers not available the rally
9191s can still counter so if the shanghai
9193s dragons have used their supports to peel
9195s and boop stalker around to prevent him
9197s from getting a good plane shanghai
9199s dragons could hold this one this blade
9200s to me is a bit of a make or break
9203s that's dead so soldiers
9205s have to retreat yeah they have to get
9207s out now but they've been caught taxation
9210s it's one of those certainties in life
9212s after all
9213s 25 seconds remaining final offense
9216s goes one unit
9218s i mean they hold them here maybe go for
9219s a secondary backup fight like maybe they
9221s can if it's like a staggered one they
9222s could get two fights out of this it fits
9224s us on tracer if it's on tracer you can't
9225s you can't disrespect
9227s the soul dynasty are going for a spawn
9229s camp now because you are going to get
9230s back capped so they have to be wary of
9232s that
9232s yep lip needs to get back on the high
9234s ground immediately there we go so it's
9236s going to come down the rampage we still
9238s don't have a sound barrier from legion
9239s this is a lone bearing rally from izuki
9243s finds three look at the cut down of the
9244s seoul dynasty the b comes out stalker
9246s with the blade onto the lip who are you
9248s answers back onto prophet stalker can't
9249s find the follow-up section
9251s who are you has the advantage smurf goes
9252s through fighting free on the back line
9254s with the anti-hill stalker getting away
9255s with the skin of his life legit gone
9257s there to destroy him afterwards smurf
9259s with no hp no support cut off from
9261s reinforcements fix is the last one alive
9263s they are a point c team afro and
9265s shanghai dragons to spur a secure spot
9268s in the finals
9270s 24 and one is their map recall they are
9274s still not
9275s defeated in any matches i mean it's it's
9278s been four so far 6-0 in the
9280s qualification stage now 2-0 in the
9282s tournament itself like you said they
9284s gotta go to finals guaranteed lockheed
9288s they didn't get to play the finals at
9289s kickoff clash they didn't get to play
9290s the finals at all didn't get close and
9292s mid-season man is now finally three
9294s stages deep we are gonna see the
9296s shanghai dragons
9298s in a minimum podium position here
9300s and you're looking at a situation where
9303s seoul dynasty the second best team here
9305s still cannot touch the dragons 24-1 the
9308s map record the only map loss was to the
9311s philadelphia fusion and you start to
9313s think back what if the dragons did not
9316s drop that map to philly fusion it could
9318s have legitimately been a flawless stage
9321s with no maps drop dragons look flawless
9326s fantastic performance from them and uh
9329s yeah it does make you worry a little bit
9330s looking at how strong fusion looked
9332s today and looking at how much the
9334s difference was between dragons and
9336s dynasty today when you look at the
9338s entire series
9340s do we see a different story tomorrow in
9343s the dynasty versus fusion matchup
9345s because if mnfree arrives with the power
9347s they have today
9349s i could see it going the opposite way i
9350s can see philly fans making their way to
9352s the finals well the problem is is is
9354s like
9354s is is are the dragons so far ahead that
9357s realistically it doesn't matter who
9359s faces them it's just not going to change
9360s the difference at all
9362s whereas i think you look at seoul than
9363s philly they're actually quite closely
9364s matched now two out of the last three
9366s two of the two of the last matches went
9367s to five maps here very difficult
9369s situation philly nearly actually uh
9372s reversed swept and maybe those two teams
9374s do fight closely but maybe those two
9376s teams are both just that far behind the
9378s dragons right now currently you have to
9380s convince me
9381s that the dragons are not just gonna four
9382s zero the grand finals no matter who they
9384s play with their soul or philly
9386s somebody a team has to convince me that
9388s they can even take a map of a dragon
9390s because i think it's gonna be 4-0 grand
9392s finals for the summer showdown but
9394s before that let's take a look at the
9395s play of the match here trid
9397s i didn't actually hear who it was but uh
9399s i don't know
9401s is it lip
9402s i think it's gonna be lip
9403s and it is lit there you go the replay
9405s tells it all fantastic performance just
9407s before we jump into lip though remember
9408s the one team that did take a map off the
9410s dragons was the fusion
9412s omen of something yeah and i'm sure and
9414s i'm sure the dragons remember that
9415s fondly as well because if it wasn't for
9416s that they'd be completely forced right
9418s so they probably have the iron fusion
9420s now they have tried to dodge fusion for
9421s some time now we'll see if they can
9422s continue doing that talk about lips
9424s gameplay at the moment because we are
9426s looking at his replays here he has been
9427s pivotal in this matchup i think things
9429s slowed down a little bit towards dorado
9431s because he's mostly on ash i think
9433s sergeant has been more so his bread and
9434s butter this tournament station the story
9436s of lips relationship with his ability to
9439s play surgeons a very interesting one
9441s because he was not that consistent in
9443s mid 60's and madness i think that was
9445s one of the weaknesses of lip and the
9446s shanghai dragons in this previous
9448s tournament stage in msn but now
9450s straight from the get-go number one
9453s match you look at the shanghai dragons
9454s across the board every game they played
9456s lip has been a factor mm3 actually gave
9458s a winner's interview in the billy billy
9460s broadcast and he was he he predicted
9462s that dragons would probably beat seoul
9463s and one of the reasons why is he was
9465s concerned about lip he's saying lip is
9466s just too good that's why that's why
9468s seoul probably will just lose to the
9470s dragon so i mean even mn3 who looks like
9472s a mechanical guard on the sojourn
9474s currently for the philipp fusion has the
9476s respect out there for lip who has been
9479s the key to consistency for the shanghai
9481s dragons next to his dynamic partner on
9484s the genji and who are you also just
9486s carving through the composition
9487s competition
9490s yeah there's a terrifying dragon's
9491s lineup like you said they are going to
9493s kill themselves a spot in the finals
9494s tomorrow so there's all the war to look
9496s forward to when it rolls back round but
9498s of course that's not the end of the
9500s overwatch league action today avril of
9502s course later this evening we're going to
9504s have north america live from toronto i'm
9506s sure the fans have been enjoying that up
9508s in canada going to see some live
9509s overwatch action that's all from me trid
9511s and of course avril here this evening
9513s we're going to be turning up tomorrow
9515s bright and early to bring you the losers
9516s final and of course the grand final the
9518s summer showdown
9528s this ends
9546s wow
9552s [Music]
9561s [Applause]
9561s [Music]
9577s [Music]
9584s hmm
9599s help me
9603s [Music]
9636s [Music]
9664s you