over 1 year ago - PlayOverwatch - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s did you know that Brigitte Lindholm is
1s the youngest daughter of the stubborn
3s Swedish mechanic torbjorn she was
4s expected to follow her on her Father's
5s Footsteps as a mechanical engineer but
7s she had an immense desire for adventure
9s when OverWatch fell Reinhardt a close
11s family friend of the lind Holmes
12s declared he would become a night errant
13s and embark on a quest for justice they
15s asked to join Reinhardt on his adventure
17s and became his Squire during his travels
18s using her skills as a mechanical
20s engineer to repair his armor and her
22s learned skills as a combat medic to
23s patch his wounds but forget they soon
25s learned that in order to keep Reinhardt
26s safe as he became older and his body
28s suffered from his years in battle she
30s needed to step up and join the fight she
31s sparred daily with Reinhardt and even
33s built her own suit of armor out of scrap
34s while they travel with her own armor her
36s trusty rocket flail a handful of healing
37s repair picks and her own personal Shield
39s Brigitte joins The Fray at reinhardt's
41s side vowing to keep the old Crusader
42s alive and also defending and protecting
44s those that need it