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500s thank you
505s welcome to the 2023 OverWatch World Cup
508s online qualifiers for emec I'm your host
510s Jim Basco for the second half of the day
512s I'll be joined by CP CB and epitomees
514s but for the first half we've got the
516s Legends in zp and hexagrams gentlemen
519s how are y'all doing today I am doing
522s great it is always good to be back here
524s in the OverWatch World Cup a new year
526s after a bit of a break since our last
528s OverWatch World Cup and you know we get
530s to see all the stories unfold here some
532s old some new it's gonna be a great time
535s I I've always loved World Cup I mean
536s there's there's something great about
537s just representing a country and having
539s everyone root for you in that regard and
541s yeah I mean a little bit of a break
543s might be a bit of an understatement it's
545s been some years but uh hey whatever
547s we're here now all right and we're here
549s now that's all that matters and I'm so
550s happy to bring you all the action of
552s course zeping hex will be bringing you
553s the action uh from the games themselves
555s but before we hop into that game plate
557s let's talk about the format for today
559s right the emec online qualifier
561s challenge showcases two groups competing
564s in a round robin tournament so it's
565s gonna be first to two over two weeks
568s it's a single stage tournament in the
570s top three teams from group a and the top
572s two teams from Group B will be moving on
574s and with that said let's head on over
576s and take a look at our schedule and take
579s a look at the matches that we have in
580s store for you all today zp what do we
582s got going on well you take a look at
583s this and the one matchup that has to pop
585s out at you is the Finland versus Saudi
588s Arabia match later today where you talk
590s about old versus New Finland a team that
593s has always performed well in the
594s OverWatch world cup always been a threat
596s versus Saudi Arabia you know a country
598s that's really coming to its own in the
600s last uh you know years in OverWatch
603s competition you know I didn't see in the
604s first few years the OverWatch World Cup
605s but a lot of talent has been coming out
607s of Saudi Arabia so that match looks
609s great and uh yeah I mean also Sweden
612s Norway it could be good hacks
613s yeah I mean I I would definitely agree
616s with you Finland Saudi Arabia I have a
617s lot to say about that match but you're
618s gonna have to stay tuned and stick
620s around for that because we'll be
621s bringing you that match as our second
622s match of the day I want to burn through
624s all my lines right away
625s um I mean Norway Sweden could be really
627s good obviously countries uh close
629s regionally always have a little bit of a
631s rivalry to that extent Italy and France
634s you know there's there's some great
635s matches here
637s um I think you know you just might end
638s up seeing upsets and just going back to
640s the format I think you made a great
641s Point Jamie like only three teams out of
643s a and two teams on a b so every one of
646s these matches is so critically important
648s and also the fact that we're only
650s playing first to two and we're gonna
651s kick it off in control like every time
653s so like control can be wonky you never
655s know the meta who who knows what the
657s meta is going to be we're going to be
659s playing a live patch so right a lot of
661s changes coming in there so you drop a
663s control then loser picks map and you
665s lose your pick that's just it now you're
668s down you're down a map and like you're
669s down a set and that can be brutal so I
671s think these teams have to be at the top
672s of their game no matter what because if
674s you look at both of these groups there's
676s going to be teams that we expect to get
678s out that just mathematically cannot yeah
680s it is a brutal format but I think it's
682s because the competition is so Cutthroat
685s right so talk to us Poland versus Turkey
686s right let's set the stage before we hop
688s into this match what are things some
690s things that we're watching out for in
691s terms of players in terms of meta you
693s mentioned the new patch of CP let's
694s start with you yeah I mean when I look
696s at Poland versus Turkey I mean you know
698s as you mentioned you about a new patch
699s that's a great thing to bring up is that
701s you know we're on a different patch than
702s what the OverWatch league has been
704s playing on which means that we're going
706s to see different looks of the meta but
707s also the OverWatch World Cup in general
709s as a tournament is something where teams
712s gravitate towards Comfort picks you're
714s not always going to see adherence to The
716s Meta Even when it's you know very locked
718s in because teams have to play to their
720s strengths not every team necessarily has
722s the player pull or pull to pull from
724s like a South Korea sometimes you just
726s gotta go with your strongest hand which
727s could be very off meta but also makes
729s for some very entertaining story lines
731s as the OverWatch World Cup grosses I
734s mean you think the teams like United
736s Kingdom in past years where you know
738s even if Rush wasn't the meta Rush was
740s definitely what they were bringing so
741s stuff like that is really cool yeah
743s we're not going to see a hard locked
744s meta excuse me and we we really haven't
747s seen a hard hard lock medicine it's like
748s goats and even then a couple teams would
751s go that but like I think you know teams
753s like uh you know turkey and Poland who I
756s mean let's be honest that you know that
757s no one really expects them to win groups
759s or anything you could definitely see
760s some off meta picks and what I love
762s about the World Cup is you almost never
764s know where the next hero in Underdog is
766s Gonna Come From right like it's it
768s happens every time that we we have a
770s World Cup I think you know Poland
771s especially I think they they try to do
773s World Cup in 2019 and couldn't raise the
775s fun so now like they're just back in it
777s so they're thrilled just to be back in
779s it turkey's got some good players I
781s think like these could be Underdog
782s stories and maybe like you know Dark
784s Horses to pull upsets on people I don't
786s know how this particular matchup is
788s going to go against them head to head
789s but I'm interested to see I'm interested
791s to learn about some of these players
792s because to be dead honest like there's
793s not a ton of info on some of these
795s players out there we do our best due
797s diligence to look them up and see like
799s where they played and whatnot and yeah I
801s mean turkey has some players Poland
802s especially though not a whole lot of
804s competitive experience so I'm just
806s willing to learn like how are they going
807s to play and who do I need to look out
809s for for this team yeah hex I think you
811s hit it right on the head right
812s storylines are abounding for both these
814s teams Poland like you mentioned in 2019
816s put together a routine but couldn't
817s actually make it out to the World Cup so
819s they have one member of that 2019 roster
822s actually here for the 2023 online
824s qualifiers so you know there's a lot of
826s story building for Poland and for the
828s Turkish side of things like you
829s mentioned new faces new players maybe
831s there'll be a dark horse in the
833s contention here
834s um to make a name for themselves right
835s story lines
837s can start from just these small moments
840s so with that said zp and hex it looks
842s like the matches are ready to get
843s underway so I'm Gonna Leave You All to
845s it and we'll see you guys at the end of
846s this one
847s thank you and hex ran into it and yeah
850s we're talking a little bit about this
851s before uh we start the broadcast and you
854s know I think it was you brought up is
855s that you look at a turkey you know one
857s of the things we've seen in OverWatch
858s World Cup is the idea of hey if you have
860s a star player on your team a player
862s that's played at the highest levels
863s maybe you just support them maybe you
865s just throw everything behind them and in
867s this case you look at lethal I feel like
869s lethal is probably gonna be the linchpin
871s of whatever turkey ends up running here
873s and you know you're saying uh it also
875s could be Cass
877s yeah I mean I think lethal's got a
879s really good hit scan lethal of course
881s plays for London Spitfire and uh has had
883s moments and it looked really really
885s strong also I mean lethal's resume just
887s goes way way back like there's every
888s content of a scene that's ever done
890s anything of note lethal has been a part
892s of it seems like and so that could be
894s really interesting but also I mean the
895s strategy of have your best player go
898s kill the rest of the team that's not
899s like new to World Cup like when I see
901s that like the San Francisco shock have
903s implemented this strategy for for it
905s seems like many years has been their
907s strategy uh perhaps not working out so
909s well this year so it can definitely
910s happen
911s um there's a couple players of note on
913s on this Turkish team as or the turkey
915s team as well so
916s um but I mean I think you definitely
917s have to look at lethal and someone that
919s I think a lot of the other players could
920s be looking forward to for leadership
922s shot calling someone who's been in these
924s team environments
926s um and I think a lot of a lot of that
928s structure and just being around a team
929s and knowing like how a team is supposed
931s to work can really help carry a squad
933s through it so I think early on if you
935s look at just on paper then turkey would
937s just be would be the the favorites early
940s here but as you know I just it's way too
943s early to call anything and let's get
944s into like the first match and see like
946s maybe Poland as a player that we've just
947s never heard of and just goes nuts on on
950s a hero so well speaking
951s um yeah go hey do you have the Chipotle
953s team roster ready to go and you know
955s talk a little bit more I always
957s mentioned we don't have the most
958s information on some of these players
959s here but that is where stories get made
962s and uh you know take a look at it it is
964s fake Jake not just to be clear not
967s actually Jake and it said in the name
970s yeah uh fakie Jakey uh not to be
972s confused naked Jakey
974s um but yeah so this this Polish team
976s like I said we've looked at him um and
978s there's just not a whole lot of
979s information or competitive experience on
982s the back end of this the only player
984s returning from the previous roster that
986s got put together in 2019
988s um that was unable to compete
990s unfortunately is a player called uh
992s Fillion obviously not going to be
994s starting for now
995s um so we'll we'll see I'm willing to
998s learn about these players and as we go
1000s forward I think you know fake Jake
1001s obviously great name so I'm already
1003s invested in that so
1005s um as long as I can pronounce the names
1006s we'll get to know this team as as we go
1008s forward but as I said uh as much
1010s information as we try to dwell up that
1012s not a whole lot of contenders experience
1014s obviously not any pro experience either
1016s so uh it's a team that we're gonna learn
1018s along with you yeah I'll say too uh you
1021s know funny thing when it comes to
1022s Casting is that uh anytime uh you can
1025s make a name that's like you know kind of
1026s Snappy for casters you will get
1028s mentioned a little bit more just because
1029s it's fun to make tons of jokes about it
1031s but uh speaking of teams we do have
1033s turkey ready to go here so let's take a
1036s look at the roster that team turkey is
1037s bringing out here and you know we
1039s mentioned before uh lethal's on there
1041s but uh you know Romani we didn't see him
1043s in the rehearsal world but it looks like
1045s he will be on the starting lineup this
1046s time around yeah another interesting
1048s player actually dual citizenship uh both
1050s the United States citizenship and uh
1052s turkey citizenship uh a US player with
1054s some Collegiate Experience has played a
1056s little bit at UC Irvine
1058s um and so yeah that's another player
1060s that it's it comes from a team
1062s environment obviously in the Collegiate
1064s era as well a very structured
1065s environments and you know it's going to
1067s be really helpful but you know you just
1069s look at the dead center there and I
1071s think what we really have to talk about
1072s is is lethal
1074s um it's just uh I think if Cass becomes
1076s meta it can be absolutely crazy for
1078s lethal um and I think it ends up being
1081s just that kind of carry potential on the
1083s other side of things of your bowl and it
1085s it it kind of becomes like let's make
1087s sure we deal with lethal first
1088s everything else is going to have to
1089s follow so I'm just really excited to see
1091s what this meta ends up being I don't
1093s think we're gonna have like a grasp on
1094s it even after the first like match or
1096s two
1097s um maybe after our second or third match
1100s of the day but
1101s um yeah it's just gonna be really
1103s interesting to see but I think on paper
1104s it's just like the one or two players
1106s that turkey has the advantage on of just
1108s just the straight up competitive
1109s experience in OverWatch yeah and I mean
1112s you know I'm glad you said that in terms
1114s of how things develop because you know
1116s until we see more match time and stuff
1118s especially in this current patch you're
1120s not really gonna know where things are
1122s at because it's like are we seeing the
1123s meta or are we just seeing what a team
1126s particularly likes like there's going to
1128s be a lot of ups and downs but you know
1129s kind of a note here from the real Jake
1131s or original Jake how everyone said uh
1133s Jake OverWatch was tweeting uh recently
1136s about the fact that hey uh Cassie is
1139s gonna be good thank Cassie is going to
1140s be meta and used non-stop we'll see if
1143s that ends up being the case but there's
1145s definitely voices out there saying it's
1146s like yeah it's gonna be Cassie because
1148s of course you know Cassie has been
1149s buffed
1150s yeah I mean when you take all the CC out
1153s of a game uh crowd control and stuns and
1155s then you put some of it back a little
1157s bit and you put it on like an unlimited
1159s range grenade that heat seeks I think
1162s you're gonna see some of it you know I
1164s think it's just it just seems pretty
1165s obvious and also you know some some of
1168s the sniper Nerfs that came in on both
1169s Hanzo and Widowmaker makes mccree's uh
1172s excuse me that's one let's keep it tally
1174s uh sorry I don't mean any disrespect by
1177s it it's just I've been playing this
1178s games in 2015 so it took me a while to
1181s uh get the name change down but uh so so
1183s Cass is effective effective range is
1186s just a little bit better not always
1187s going to be completely out shown by a
1188s widow sitting in spawn across the map
1191s um a couple of these teams really like
1193s running Farah's so yeah like uh Cass
1196s almost did it again a cast could be
1198s really good for that so I think we will
1200s see it I think you could also see some
1202s teams run a May Rush still because that
1204s is kind of been The Meta that teams
1206s might have been practicing and going in
1208s before the live patch came and then may
1210s also got a a little bit of a buff but
1212s we're not really gonna know I think the
1214s one thing we will find out is what the
1215s control meta is because we're going to
1216s kick off each of these matches on
1218s control and I think lijong in specific
1220s so we'll get it we'll get a good feel of
1222s that as far as like as the maps go
1224s forward it's going to be the not winner
1226s picking second
1227s yeah and you know sometimes uh Comfort
1230s maps are also a thing in the OverWatch
1232s World Cup where like you have teams
1233s where you know for one reason or another
1234s they just really really perform well on
1237s one particular map but yeah we'll see
1239s those stories evolve as time goes on but
1241s lijong is always uh you know I feel like
1242s it's a good skill test to begin with
1244s they just you know you're not really
1246s going to test as much in terms of teams
1247s coordination where you might see a
1249s little bit more on escort or hybrid but
1251s you get into control and you just sort
1252s of see okay what mechanical level are
1255s these teams at you know are they similar
1256s is it going to be a blowout because you
1258s know if you get totally blown out of
1259s control on a mechanical level it's
1261s sometimes hard to see how you're gonna
1262s bring it back on other Maps so it is a
1265s good way to set the tone on a series
1268s yeah absolutely and but as I mentioned
1271s earlier it can be a bit of a wild card I
1272s think everyone at the pro level as well
1275s says control can just be kind of weird
1277s and a lot of it can be RNG which stagey
1280s gonna get uh so we're gonna be heading
1282s into Night Market here uh at the
1285s OverWatch League level maybe some of it
1287s will lead over into the OverWatch World
1288s Cup you see a lot of symmetra here just
1290s because the rollout is so good if you
1292s can get your team onto the point quickly
1294s set up some turrets uh then you're gonna
1296s be in a good spot so we shall see how it
1300s all shakes out
1302s right now I'm taking a look at both
1304s teams and a little bit similar on both
1306s sides here hexa okay so yeah it looks
1308s like Mecca base instead sorry
1312s no no we're I got confused by the fly
1314s through
1315s yeah yeah but we are here in lijong and
1319s see both teams hang up and we'll get a
1322s look at the rosters here again in a
1323s second but it looks like the only
1325s difference was that you had Poland
1327s coming out the sojourn and turkey coming
1328s out with the Hanzo and looks at it
1332s and yeah there it is okay
1334s um yeah it looks like some early Rush
1336s here with ramachar Lucio Macho Lucio Bap
1339s and some maze yeah and like you said the
1341s only difference being Hanzo and sojourn
1343s and effective range is not all that
1346s different from either a little more
1347s consistent damage but you don't need
1350s consistence when you're hitting logs
1351s like lethal yeah already lethal kicks
1353s off where he hyped them out to start
1355s things up gets the first pick on Hanzo
1356s and that just sets the tone for the rest
1358s of the team fight here where you know
1360s it's turkey's loose fruit gets a little
1361s bit low lethal Taps another head and 99
1364s hitscan as we hyped up just on Hanzo
1367s Landing good shots and already turkey
1369s very quick capture of your ex well I
1372s mean Hanzo projectile speeds it's not
1374s hitstand but it's not exactly it's not
1376s exactly junkrat either right so uh it's
1379s kind of that weird in-between hybrid and
1381s I mean the just the the pick potential
1383s of a Hanzo is so brutal and now only
1385s gonna have to struggle to get in here
1388s all right it's open oh Armani a little
1390s bit over extension Paul unable to pick
1392s off two and turkey's immediately gonna
1393s have to disengage off your hex and up we
1395s have a pause
1398s I wonder if there's a DC in the middle
1400s of that or something happened uh we
1401s don't know which team paused but you
1403s know what look you wouldn't be kicking
1405s things off here okay that probably
1406s explains why Armani was uh it will
1410s seemingly opposition you know yeah that
1412s tracks I mean just kind of
1414s standing there as ramatro we all know
1416s vermontra's greatest skill especially
1418s with ultimates is walking so when you're
1420s just standing still with your Mantra
1422s something has gone wrong uh so actually
1425s interesting Romanian rumatra that's kind
1427s of fun uh but yes you know it's kind of
1429s the game is tracking so far as we
1431s expected that like lethal's just got the
1433s potential to just go off and get picks
1435s and especially with Hanzo I mean the
1438s team can just peel for him you can't
1440s ever really dive on they can just sit
1442s back and eventually eventually one of
1444s those logs is gonna get a fine brain
1446s mass yeah and I mean also when you deal
1450s a more closed into areas well it's one
1452s of those things where I mean look Hanzo
1454s in any situation we can kind of feast or
1455s famine but you know on lijon things are
1458s closed in and you know there's only so
1460s much Space Heroes can be in it's like
1463s you just have to find an area where a
1464s current head is and uh shoot down the
1466s hallway hope for the best and uh lethal
1468s was definitely well it's the beginning
1471s it's one of the reasons he used to see
1472s junkrat on this map so often too is just
1475s just fire and forget it down hallways
1477s pharah has been played on this map
1479s before so I I wonder if you know maybe
1481s maybe Poland is that in their pocket to
1483s maybe deal with the Hanzo although far
1485s used to be much better against Hanzo
1486s which is that Hanzo hit scan-ish kind of
1489s feel he like does deal with bar a little
1491s bit so right now is I mean it's way too
1493s early to tell uh you know if there's
1495s going to be adjustments or something
1497s like that so I think the sojourn pick
1499s isn't is not terrible like I said it's a
1501s little more consistent than the Hanzo
1502s damage you're going to be able to just
1503s kind of fire uh get the area of effect
1506s damage in as well and the slows and then
1508s just on occasion you're just gonna hit
1510s the rails like Hanzo is effectively
1512s firing rails every time so even though
1515s it's real gunshots have to come up so
1517s yeah it makes sense and you know right
1519s now if you're just tuning in wondering
1520s it's like wait why are we over here the
1522s map isn't uh over yet it's like well
1524s Romani had a disconnect right now we're
1526s weighing to see how that gets settled so
1528s but you know coming back in it does give
1529s Poland a free team fight going in where
1531s you know there's no way of reversing
1532s that even though it was a quick
1534s disconnect so you know Poland kind of
1536s gets a gimme there and we'll see if
1537s they're able to take advantage momentum
1539s wise but you know the number one thing
1541s they're gonna have to do here x going
1542s forward is find a way to neutralize
1544s lethal or at the very least not get hit
1547s in the head by his arrows because that
1549s was the uh number one factor and the
1551s little bit that we've seen here so far
1553s it's just so difficult to isolate a
1555s Hanzo in the in these mere compositions
1558s too because you're you're kind of
1559s running Rush right you want to lose your
1560s speed in your Mantra you want to get a
1562s May wall up but I mean if you get a
1564s maywall up behind a Hanzo he just climbs
1566s over it because you know all the
1569s characters from that country have the
1570s buff of wall climbing
1572s um so gonna be able to go over top it it
1574s just can be very difficult and I think
1576s obviously if you're
1578s if you're turkey you know that the other
1579s team's game plan is we gotta deal with
1582s lethal like because why wouldn't it be
1583s that has to be the plan uh make somebody
1586s else beat you right we always talk about
1587s that you you and I are old Sports heads
1589s uh make somebody else who's not their
1592s best player beat you and and that's got
1593s to be the gameplay all right well we are
1596s back on in pulling continuing to clean
1598s up after that team fight where you know
1600s again it's pretty difficult to back up
1601s as a tank X when you're not in the game
1603s as it turns out who knew yeah
1606s um and you know the the tough part is I
1608s don't know if they ended up I don't
1609s think they used it before but now
1611s Annihilation is completely reset from
1613s Romani too uh that that's tough so
1615s Poland can actually push this Advantage
1617s here with forever 774. well step one the
1620s pushing Advantage don't get caught by
1621s hanza lethal here on the side again drop
1623s the dragon early looking over really
1625s nice flank positioning here mortality
1628s field up gonna stop any instant
1629s pick-offs Poland right now just staying
1632s on the point but here we go well it is
1633s gonna try and push the advantage as he
1634s said Annihilation coming on out lethal
1637s goes down and look Poland's working with
1639s what they got his icaf picks off some on
1640s the side
1641s hey you can't apologize for somebody
1643s else DC and you just gotta you know play
1645s the cards as they lie or you know as it
1648s were so yeah really really nice their
1650s understanding that they were going to
1651s have an enormous advantage on the other
1653s side turkey will you know be flipping
1655s that back but this is a nice cleanup uh
1657s not playing passively going all the way
1659s through toward the end and a nice first
1662s fight uh for Poland to take that over
1664s and yeah I think next is you're going to
1667s see the the ballet of the Lucio May both
1669s with the ultimates up so the blizzard uh
1672s the sound barrier to try to counter it
1673s and vice versa on both sides the timings
1676s are just too perfect had the ice ballet
1678s uh OverWatch on ice as it were you know
1680s there's some old old promotions here we
1682s go lethal again coming in on the plank
1683s and here come the blizzards out Armani
1685s though gets caught early and the
1687s blizzard pulling far more successful
1689s Texel just cleaning up right after and I
1692s gotta tell you a disconnect or no Poland
1693s on the verge of taking this first round
1697s yeah it's really nice for them both
1698s Lucio was able to hold on to their
1700s alternates going forward too but Texel
1701s with a really nice cleanup
1704s um and now yeah it's we're gonna see if
1707s if this sojourn can hit some rails here
1709s because overcharge is gonna be ready
1710s just want to make sure that you're in
1711s the right area to not get picked off it
1713s wouldn't be terrible to be squatted up
1715s with your Mantra get a shield up there a
1717s lot of pressure coming from up top
1718s lethal that's huge lethal able to shut
1721s down ikev get rid of the overclock
1723s turkey not one give up this round here
1725s just yet money here on the point both
1728s teams flying back broke money looking
1730s for his counterpart on the other side
1731s lethal still poking on the flank that
1734s track able to take down his counterpart
1735s and turkey slowly but surely back into
1738s the fight should be able to get control
1740s here hex
1741s they're going to get control and
1742s importantly romani's gonna have his
1743s ultimate up quickly again too so now the
1746s the romantras have equalized here in
1748s their Annihilation
1750s um are uh yeah ultimates
1752s um so
1754s yeah uh they're gonna be able to hold
1756s forward here Romani does have to be a
1758s little bit careful to not get caught out
1760s early yes he de-seed early but getting
1761s caught out up front was one of the
1763s problems yeah that was objectively one
1766s of the issues even if there was a you
1767s know controller malfunction so to speak
1769s but turkey not a situation they cannot
1771s lose another fight money can be looking
1773s annihilate here sooner rather than later
1776s you had to think here under a little bit
1778s pressure wall right behind him
1779s Annihilation Guy come out meanwhile
1780s lethal's Dragon Gets Texel super early
1782s into the fight and the rest of that
1784s cleanup gonna be there for turkey
1787s yeah I mean getting Texel super early
1789s into the fight is pretty much all of the
1791s healing in this composition uh Lucio was
1793s there for utility for the most part yes
1794s obviously you can win every
1797s what did we get we got oh a Sombra yeah
1800s okay
1802s yeah I mean it kind of makes sense
1803s because what's Poland's win conditions
1805s right now is probably getting in an
1807s ultimate going on from uh fake Jake if
1809s they're if they're tracking it right uh
1811s so maybe just trying to shut down one
1813s person but I come in yeah losing the bay
1816s that early is huge pulling now could be
1818s a lot more aggressive they don't have to
1819s worry about the wall I mean well fake
1820s Jake dropping the blizzard looking for
1822s the isolation here on the Romani but
1824s textile gets caught early and as you
1825s mentioned that's all the healing go on
1827s if you get rid of it as lethal it's just
1829s ripping things up in the back line is
1831s Sombra and you know we mentioned going
1832s into this hey turkey be playing around
1834s lethal Leaf would be huge and so far
1836s that narrative is stuck to scripted here
1838s we go I can't over clock out gets one
1840s caught by Romani and turkey just
1842s overwhelming presence on the point about
1845s ready to flip this to their favor and
1847s they do
1848s yeah I mean also lethal just taking kind
1850s of control of that as well by taking
1853s over the Sombra I mean I think turkey uh
1856s has to just be relying on lethal to make
1857s calls I I can't imagine that anyone else
1860s is the in-game caller for this squad I
1862s mean obviously you're gonna have input
1863s from your tank players Etc but with your
1865s being the in-game caller for Sombra
1866s you're just picking up targets and I
1868s think they also realize too one that
1870s their only lost condition was Poland
1872s coming out with big alts and hitting it
1874s so they they probably go to somber to
1875s try to negate some of that but also when
1877s they took out Texel the previous fight
1879s they realized just how quickly
1880s everything else melted around them so
1882s that was obviously a target for lethal
1884s coming in to take out the Batiste uh
1886s Tech soul is playing I was able to pull
1888s that off and turkey despite it early
1890s disconnect will take a 1-0 stage lead
1894s yeah now taking a look here turkey on
1897s the way out lethal gonna be sticking on
1898s the Sombra and we got Farrah Mercy
1900s coming out here from Turkey Cassidy on
1902s the other side so for me I'm interested
1904s in this icav versus my track battle
1906s that's going to be going on here
1908s yeah this has always been such a good
1910s stage for Barnes because of this Tower
1913s it almost seems unfair especially in the
1915s hands of a pro who they can get so much
1917s good height
1919s um so we'll see how it works early on
1921s though uh music Falls and with the far
1924s Mercy that's like all your ground
1926s healing down too so that's a rough spot
1928s for turkey but they're able to weather
1930s the storm so far yeah I mean they don't
1932s get team white but they do give up first
1934s control the point something out here too
1935s is that you know we expect to see a lot
1937s more junker Queen on this patch we're
1938s seeing it here and now both teams
1940s running it
1943s slightly nerfed in the most recent patch
1946s but got super buffed in the previous
1947s patch so overall that's a net up yeah
1951s not up versus what the hell wrong thing
1953s has been playing on but the track back
1955s in Action here looking for Rockets Texel
1957s though fines for money and you know you
1959s lose your junker Queen head there is
1962s the Revenger hex uh after the end of the
1964s last round feels like yeah Texas had
1966s some really nice moments as kind of uh
1968s the DPS Flex uh with both the Baptist
1971s and the kiriko getting a lot of work
1973s done and you know the thing about the
1974s the far mercy and I I love this
1976s composition it's super fun to watch but
1978s you lose so much ground control here you
1981s have pretty much team wipe to be able to
1983s pull a point off press Q to die some
1985s things never change from 2015
1987s to
1990s uh and that is still still I think
1991s turkey though still making
1993s money goes in after they get the res
1995s onto the track and you know still a
1997s decent fight from turkey or so far able
1999s to wipe out the rest but first control
2001s for them the question is can they
2003s maintain it where you know overall
2005s firewise it's been a little bit rough
2007s yeah
2008s um I mean turkey should be in a good
2010s spot here mostly because lethal is gonna
2013s have the Ed EMP uh so they're gonna be
2015s able to pull that off and EMP barrage
2018s would have been nice maybe you would
2019s have been able to hear the what the
2020s voice line actually is I don't think
2021s I've heard it in seven years of
2022s OverWatch
2023s you think I come off here from lethal
2026s muso immediately in the fall through and
2028s yep EMP into the white room into depth
2031s that also has not changed regardless of
2033s what iteration of sumpra you might be
2036s watching uh so yeah that was the free
2038s fight from Turkey here hex but now the
2040s hard part begins especially when you
2042s look at what Poland has on Deck yeah the
2043s only thing less than ideal from Turkey
2045s there is that they ended up using the
2046s junker Queen ultimate too and I don't
2047s think they necessarily had to usually
2049s you want the the Sombra to gain you
2051s economy because a an EMP is usually just
2054s a single white like a single fight
2056s winning ultimate so not a problem using
2058s that but they did throw in more ultimate
2060s Poland's I mean on paper they should be
2062s their fight oh Romani got picked super
2065s super early Poland might not even have
2067s to invest as much as they want to they
2068s do use both support ultimately but could
2070s be able to hold on to the rest as
2072s immediately get the point flipping yeah
2074s you see people jump into the mode that's
2076s also just like yeah it's over time to I
2078s want to reset go again I wonder if this
2079s is going to be a hard reset it's gonna
2082s be harder to convince Mac track to get
2083s off of or with 98 on barrage even though
2086s we know barrage is well barrage is what
2088s it is
2089s um but they do full-on reset Poland is
2092s only one fight away I want to see I mean
2095s ikev has been pretty quiet here so far
2098s let's see who dc'd this time yeah like
2102s we'll see if we get the swap before it's
2104s okay our camera before we see in game
2107s but I mean look if I was betting I would
2110s say remind me just because that's the
2111s person that you see before which oh man
2114s that has to be tough if it was ramani
2116s again just because you know I can think
2118s of nothing more frustrating when you're
2120s hyped up you know for an important match
2122s you've been looking forward to this and
2124s you're a key part of your team on top of
2126s it and you just keep disconnecting you
2128s know you just get smited by the internet
2131s Gods uh it's not great yeah I mean I
2134s don't want to speculate but we're in a
2135s pause so we're kind of gonna have to
2137s speculate I wonder where romani's
2139s playing from so as we mentioned it is a
2140s dual citizen uh ship player so perhaps
2143s maybe not with the rest of his team
2145s regionally maybe playing on some long
2147s ping and playing something like that
2149s again that's just baseless speculation
2151s but we're gonna pause you're gonna get
2153s baseless speculation yeah that's right
2155s that's pretty much all we got right now
2157s we got uh you know one round gameplay
2159s the go here I mean the one thing we can
2160s bring up is that it's not that it can't
2162s work it's not that it hasn't been
2163s effective but hex I feel like every game
2166s we've casted this year where we've seen
2168s afara on mijang it just hasn't worked
2171s out like it has been cursed uh on the
2173s whole uh just in the sense that you know
2175s you play the pharah you hope that you
2177s get really good suppression and pickups
2179s with the pharah but the dark side to it
2181s always is that the other team just you
2182s know uses terrain against it and the
2184s Fire doesn't land you know the
2186s back-to-back Rockets it can feel
2188s ineffectual at times while pharah hasn't
2190s really changed much since the game
2192s debuted like not that much right they're
2195s not a whole lot more damage whereas it
2197s feels like there's been so much more put
2199s into sustain in OverWatch especially
2201s with some of the healing that comes out
2202s and some of the tanks that are just not
2205s as effective you're gonna have to almost
2206s three tap people with a damage boost to
2208s get anything done forever immediately
2210s gonna Rampage on through
2212s turkey well they lose muzo really early
2215s on map track goes for the bras trying to
2218s equalize doesn't get anyone from it I
2219s can have looking to pick up the pieces
2221s and lethals down so really it's just up
2223s the Mad track to somehow bring this back
2225s but that is not happening the Dead Eye
2227s you gotta seal the deal
2228s and this is going to around three
2230s already Hecks a little bit closer than
2232s anticipated
2233s yeah um I didn't see why that I don't
2236s know that why that ended up pausing um
2239s but regardless
2241s um Poland yeah we'll bring it back so I
2244s mean already more of a victory for
2246s Poland than I expected and I mean
2248s you know we're doing our best to just
2250s build early narratives here and some
2251s players that have kind of impressed us
2253s so far right now for Poland I like what
2256s texel's doing mostly just says like
2257s being this extra source of damage
2259s um you saw it on stage one with the
2261s Baptiste being able to clean something
2262s up and also the Counterpoint to that is
2265s when texol is dead Poland doesn't win
2267s fights and honestly that's part of being
2269s a flex support right you just like it
2271s kind of just tracks that way but
2274s um so far been very interested in their
2276s play and okay so when we were first
2279s loading into this map I thought we were
2281s gonna see Sim
2283s but it doesn't seem like either team is
2285s running Sim now
2286s we might have another pause coming and
2288s yeah and that isn't me being psychic
2291s here uh production actually called that
2293s a little bit before it happened uh you
2296s know as much as I'd love to take credit
2297s for it uh steal Jack's Glory uh our
2299s producer uh you know that that was
2302s called out so once again we are back to
2304s speculation and one thing I'll say here
2305s I do like the change of lethal over to
2308s the ash not that lethal isn't good at
2310s Sombra but when you feel like you're
2312s going you're going to imagine you might
2314s have a skill differential like over the
2316s lobby playing a hero like ash that can
2319s just straight up hard carry under the
2321s right circumstances I think is a good
2322s move here especially in control
2325s yeah and at this stage in particular
2327s there's some really nice sight lines and
2329s you can actually take over the little
2330s alcove especially for these opening team
2332s fights and there's really almost no
2334s where to where to dodge it and if the
2336s other team's not going to run a shield
2337s tank and obviously the options for
2339s shield tank are much more limited
2341s nowadays then you can just sit back and
2342s even when they're on point you can shoot
2344s into them so yeah I definitely would
2346s agree with you that the ash is the right
2347s call here uh summer can be really good
2349s but I think Poland's been playing pretty
2350s well around it to be able to kind of
2352s stick together especially when you're
2354s playing these uh these Queen
2355s compositions you're not really going to
2357s be super spread out anyway so Summers
2359s going to have less of a chance to pick
2361s off stray targets yeah but we are back
2365s in the third pause in the bucket and as
2367s we say that lead pull immediately takes
2369s that icon gets rid of the opposing hit
2371s scan threader one of the two looking for
2374s fake Jake forces out the recall and
2375s right now sitting pretty comfortably on
2378s the point now changes his Target to the
2381s junker Queen gets rid of that and lethal
2383s again the raid boss that Poland must
2385s defeat
2386s it was a nice little collapse there
2389s um oh good job by Tracer that's not
2391s always like
2393s Tracer seems like she's a really good
2395s duelist but then you realize 150 HP and
2398s uh you know every every duel that you
2400s could win as Tracer is yeah one that's
2403s important and just kind of outskilled so
2405s really big there and they're gonna take
2406s advantage yeah Turkey right now they
2408s don't have lethal back here just yet
2410s it's a moment where Poland can get one
2411s more pick off and should be all they
2413s need to get the fight fake Jake though
2414s under pressure from Lucia gets a health
2417s pack coming around the side icat was
2418s able to get Romani down in the interim
2420s so unless lethal comes back in just hard
2422s carries you know I think this fight
2424s should be Poland's and it does look like
2426s turkey is backing up a bit they're
2427s willing to stay in the area but I don't
2429s think they're gonna hard commit until
2431s ramani gets back into the fight yeah
2432s Jake's gonna be a little careful here
2434s but also it's a nice spot to be able to
2436s just kind of uh yeah lacing a pulse bomb
2440s at this the team enters not a whole lot
2442s of negation for turkey
2444s a little late so he's going to come
2445s behind on the prowl has the pulse bomb
2448s needs to be big the equalized looks
2449s really tall and that one was a little
2451s bit off to say the least lethal takes
2454s down Texan turkey a much better engage
2457s the pulse bomb doesn't connect in right
2459s away turkey gonna be retaking the point
2462s uh re-taking the points a nice little
2464s stall there but turkey will end up
2466s taking the lead here uh also they're
2468s gonna have a bob and a blade and that
2470s Bob can be so good on the point uh just
2472s kind of launch them into a corner
2474s I have
2476s is gonna try to match the ash that is a
2479s Monumental task
2481s you know what though I like the energy
2482s from there saying oh you think you're
2484s good at Ash I think I'm good at Ash
2485s let's do this beat gonna be uh on the
2488s table for both teams here at Texas opens
2491s early
2492s with the Kitsune turkey able to just
2496s hold back for now and wow out from
2498s lethal but track down early so ramani
2500s gets hit and down icab immediately on
2503s the finisher and just like that I mean
2505s turkey they don't have anything really
2507s left in reserve here this is gonna be a
2508s quick retake by Poland
2510s yeah I mean they're gonna get a little
2511s bit of stall here but uh turkey is about
2514s one fight away but that's probably the
2515s biggest moment for my cat we've seen so
2517s far in the match today uh kind of quiet
2519s especially on the very first stage
2522s um hands full on the second stage but a
2524s nice big play there kind of puts lethal
2526s on notice
2528s now they really just have to dodge
2529s getting bladed to Oblivion but it's
2531s gonna be a naked blade
2534s um see what the targets end up being
2535s here there's not a great Target for it I
2537s guess Bob that is enormously quick bog
2540s build into the frame the track drops the
2543s blade and unarma track is right now but
2544s no he's back in spawn doesn't quite get
2547s as much he wants fake Jake lands the
2548s bomb from the back and Poland not
2551s letting this go quietly at all one more
2554s team fight away from taking this first
2557s map away from Turkey
2558s well metric is going to change here too
2560s to the May so maybe to let them get a
2563s little bit better entrance or maybe they
2564s want to try to rush somebody down with
2566s the Kitsune rush if they can do some
2568s sustained ramani should be able to get
2569s there on their own ultimate Pullman did
2571s burn the bank
2572s um in their last fight so it is all down
2575s to this one last fight don't die before
2578s the katsune that's number one here from
2579s Turkey Janae Rush going out Poland just
2582s gets run over right after katsune goes
2585s down but track and lethal start hitting
2587s their shots and the May swap looking
2589s pretty good turkey gonna get the recap
2591s but Poland has enough room here hex for
2594s a recontestant they're very very closest
2596s appeal ultimates yeah just barely I mean
2599s they have 20 seconds left when it's
2600s gonna hit 80 but they should be able to
2602s rush in and again this is just about
2604s staying alive if you can get both these
2606s support ultimates going down here
2608s um but they do have to be very careful
2610s of getting junker Queen altered and
2612s getting anti-healed here yeah Romani
2615s getting poked down pretty low to start
2616s with he'll back up Armani's still under
2618s heavy pressure not all on screen but
2620s both dunker Queen's gang oh I can't be
2621s able to find the track early that's huge
2623s turkey drops a beat in response they get
2625s rid of forever and now turkey trying to
2628s stabilize here Rampage coming out for
2630s Romani lethal Bob built in the middle to
2632s fight Big Jake trying to make anything
2633s happen here gets muzo down there's not
2635s gonna be enough lethal the bomb just
2637s starts cleaning up against two and
2639s lethal's not done yet
2641s oh no
2643s turkey
2644s finishes it out pulling Cove contested
2646s for a little bit longer and you know
2648s Point awareness gets you all sometimes
2651s yeah a little bit longer maybe
2654s um so we're watching uh Jake's fake
2657s Jake's uh POV there and eventually was
2661s able to take down Mazo but if you
2663s watched it it was like kind of this
2664s weird Target acquisition because
2667s kiriko was was beaded and then kiriko
2669s can always jump away from you then
2671s kiriko's sitting in her own alt and it's
2672s just like Ah that's a brutal Target to
2675s try to take down as a tracer and it just
2677s end up taking a ton of time uh then
2678s chasing down lethal almost gets lethal
2680s but has to Blink off the point because
2682s of the Bob pressure unable to Blink back
2684s but this was a lot closer than I thought
2687s it would be having really not heard of
2689s like any of these players on Poland at
2691s all like I'm I'm very impressed with how
2693s how they were able to pull this off or
2695s almost pull it off yeah and I mean
2697s that's what makes this tournament
2698s particular so fun to watch is that you
2701s might think you have favorites going in
2702s and some teams may be stronger than the
2704s others on paper but really anything can
2706s happen at any level of play I mean heck
2709s I I think back to you know years where
2711s you know Team USA thought that they had
2713s in the bag and then they run into just a
2715s completely energized uh you know at the
2717s time team UK now A Team Great Britain
2719s you know runs into them and runs them
2721s over a sort of deal right so you know
2723s there's always these story lines that go
2725s on and it's just cool to see
2727s yeah it's always fun to like watch new
2728s players and start developing new
2730s storylines like I mean part part of it
2732s is coming into it like yeah we you know
2734s a little bit about these teams but
2735s you're kind of coming into a blind which
2737s is always my favorite thing about like
2738s sports and competition is I get to be
2740s surprised and I get to learn things and
2742s I can see exactly what's going to shake
2744s down here and it was just really
2746s impressive competition I think lethal
2748s did well but if we hadn't just hyped him
2750s up as this raid God I mean you could
2753s have looked at some of the other players
2754s and some of the plays that you know that
2756s uh not that fake Jake made and that IC
2759s made so there there were some definite
2761s plays there and I think um yeah some
2763s interesting compositions I have no idea
2766s what this mud is going to look like
2767s because Lee Jean can be weird on its own
2769s so we're just learning and glad
2770s everyone's here learning with us yeah
2773s and you know I'm glad you brought that
2774s up too because you know you think about
2776s it control again you could kind of see
2778s the mechanical end but it is a wild card
2780s it has always been a wild card in
2781s OverWatch and you know sometimes that's
2783s where teams goes like oh man you know we
2785s were better we just lost two f three uh
2787s control maps of the series yeah that
2789s side of it sometimes but you know we
2791s will see a little bit more depth to what
2793s the teams have as we go into our next
2797s map where it is going to be uh Poland's
2800s pick here going in so you know if they
2802s have something up their sleeve you know
2804s it could be something where they even up
2805s the series and you know bring it 2011
2808s where you know again if you haven't
2809s looked at the format for this tournament
2811s every match every map really matters
2814s these are first to two series and you
2817s know it doesn't take a whole lot to get
2819s eliminated from the tournament you
2821s really have to go through and be nearly
2822s perfect you know to make it to BlizzCon
2825s later here yeah absolutely
2827s um so we're just watching some of the
2828s replays now and so some some nice plays
2830s from both sides I don't necessarily know
2832s if I have like a player of the map or
2835s anything I don't think anyone really
2836s stood out which was kind of surprising
2838s um the Romani had some good plays but
2840s it's gonna be a little bit marred by the
2842s disconnect
2843s um can't have that be happening
2846s um I have I think was really good after
2849s the first stage the first stage I just
2851s didn't see much of them
2853s um but as the second and third stage
2854s went on they I mean just the the guts to
2857s go Ash and just match lethal on the Ash
2860s and then have like a really nice Ash
2862s life where you get the Bob going but
2864s also I want to give some credit to
2865s turkey's play calling here with just the
2867s switch to May at the end I mean because
2869s you know you're gonna Rush In And so may
2871s gives you that map editor ability to
2873s kind of create a wall and then you know
2876s obviously May is has the the new slow
2879s ability and when you take all of the the
2881s crowd control and stuns out of the game
2883s and only a couple characters have it it
2885s becomes even that much more valuable so
2887s I really like that it was it was a nice
2888s call at the end of we're gonna Rush In
2890s what helps us get the most value out of
2892s Kitsune Rush the most and then they make
2895s the May pick and then like that's the
2896s one fight that they needed to actually
2898s win the map yeah I think the main swap
2900s was pretty good too because you look at
2902s the overall uh tempo of the match as we
2904s saw it and yeah the Genji it was a
2906s little bit of a rough time but that
2908s being said we're going to be taking a
2910s quick break when we come back we'll see
2911s if Poland can keep up the pressure and
2913s make the series one to one
2915s [Music]
2921s foreign
2927s [Music]
2932s [Music]
2951s thank you
2954s [Music]
2991s foreign
2992s [Music]
3010s [Music]
3017s [Music]
3025s [Music]
3039s foreign
3046s [Music]
3063s let's go
3068s [Music]
3101s [Music]
3119s let's go
3132s foreign
3136s foreign
3141s [Applause]
3144s [Music]
3149s taking turkey to the limit in our first
3151s map of the day here in the OverWatch
3153s World Cup turkey barely coming out on
3155s top but hex if that is a harbinger of
3158s what the rest of the day is about to
3159s bring it's gonna be a great day of
3160s OverWatch yeah I hope so too because
3163s like you know some of the some of the
3165s matches in in our wild card
3167s um tournaments
3168s I I think we only saw one map three the
3171s entire the entire tournament and you
3173s know good for those teams that won but
3175s I'm not a big fan of uh three OverWatch
3177s or in this case two OverWatch
3179s um I think the format of it will help
3182s negate some of that because these teams
3183s do get to map pick
3185s um and obviously like it's so important
3187s to like take notes now like oh Poland is
3189s gonna pick this map is this their
3190s favorite map um so how it works is our
3192s second map is going to be chosen by the
3194s team that did not win call them losers
3196s if you want I won't do it I refuse to do
3198s it uh the not winners will pick the
3200s second map and it's going to be either
3202s escorts or uh excuse me
3206s why am I blanking it's either
3208s hybrid yeah so that's going to be a
3211s choice of uh six different Maps three
3213s escorts or three hybrids we can go
3215s through them if you want but all you
3216s really need to know is that Poland is
3217s taking circuit Royale
3219s yeah and you know we can speculate a
3222s whole lot as to the whys and has but for
3225s now we're in the fact-finding part of
3226s the tournament where it is a new patch
3229s we gotta see what the teams have in
3231s store all you gotta know is it's
3232s Poland's map pick so we'll see if they
3234s have something special prep for turkey
3237s the first map was very close so hey
3239s there's a possibility that this could be
3241s opening the day with a third map which
3244s would be something because of course it
3245s is first of two you're not guaranteed
3246s the third map but this one could be it
3249s well you know what's interesting about
3250s sugar Royale too is oftentimes it's it's
3252s been viewed as a Widowmaker map or at
3254s the very least a sniper map but I wonder
3257s if some of those sight lines have
3258s changed a little bit because of the the
3260s changes that have gone to Widowmaker um
3262s that you you're maybe not going to be
3264s able to utilize as much as you'd like to
3267s get done so again this is Poland's pick
3270s we'll see if they what kind of meta they
3271s have here
3272s um also used to just kind of always be a
3274s dead-on sigma map like Sigma Widowmaker
3277s was The Meta on this map for a very long
3279s time so I'm really interested to see and
3281s as you mentioned this is more of a
3283s fact-finding Expedition as we go
3284s throughout these days we have eight days
3286s of uh online qualifiers so first match
3288s first day
3290s um we'll figure out what's going on my
3292s gut feeling Widow is that would always
3294s goes through these things we're like
3295s we'd all get nerfed or something bad
3296s will happen the Widow and everyone will
3298s stop playing Widow for a long while and
3300s then people realize like but it's still
3302s good it's good character that hits this
3304s hard is still really good hold on a
3306s second and then Widow starts getting
3308s played again although it's kind of thing
3309s that happens in like every patch like
3311s people don't really try it out they're
3313s just like oh numbers changed bad I'm not
3315s playing it anymore right so
3317s yeah we'll see how it shakes down
3322s interesting uh interesting setup here
3325s you know sometimes the enemy team just
3327s gets on top of the roof of your building
3329s is uh what we're seeing here Poland
3332s looking to be
3333s pretty quick to head on in Turkey
3335s meanwhile heading on out they're running
3338s with that Techo sojourn and fake Jake
3339s takes out enough for an early
3342s yeah
3347s just the the headers are a little bit
3349s wrong turkey's on the the orange squad
3351s or red Squad right now
3353s and it is Poland uh coming out really
3355s really strong to kick things off on
3357s their attack
3358s yeah I mean it's kind of an interesting
3360s Gambit to be able to run that defense
3361s that close so we've seen teams try to
3363s get it done and
3364s um often you see it like done on Havana
3366s because it doesn't lose you anything
3367s right so like if you lose that first
3370s fight it's like fine we can just sit up
3371s at the corner it doesn't seem to be the
3373s case in circuit Royale that if you set
3375s up that close you don't lose anything
3376s because you're losing first Corner uh
3378s obviously you can play second corner now
3380s and we'll see
3382s um how turkey wants to set up
3384s all right so three minutes turkey one
3387s good fight under their belts speaking
3389s under under the bridge right after a lot
3392s of fights take place forever right now
3394s just blocking away on the ram
3396s neither team hard committing here just
3399s yet
3401s people don't yeah able to find icav
3403s early and now you've lost a lot of range
3405s Power for Poland and turkey there's just
3407s gonna be way way more Acron you see
3410s turkey just rolling on in with the Rhine
3412s and really pushing pulling back yeah
3414s forever is going to try to get out and
3415s generally like Ram against Brian is is a
3417s pretty good
3419s um duel that you can take but when the
3421s other team is going to rush you down
3422s with the SIM in the May uh it doesn't
3425s really matter what tank you're on you
3426s eventually are going to get rocked there
3428s pulling with an echo here fake Jake Echo
3431s and Soldier and so really different
3433s styles here as turkey is going uh pure
3436s Rush
3437s so I think turkey is just gonna sit back
3439s and wait because they're out ranged
3441s um and then as soon as they find a
3443s Target that rounds the corner they will
3445s just rush in I mean and sense the name
3447s of the car it does make sense of those
3449s sometimes your Ryan just kicks things
3451s off finds Lucy with the fire strike and
3454s The Rush begins you walk on in after
3456s that first pick-off because what are
3457s they gonna do stop you it's not like
3460s well also it was a really good job I
3462s took it to negate the range by just
3463s teleporting in I mean effort and lethal
3465s just went to the back line just straight
3467s up teleporter right down Main Street
3468s like it wasn't in a hidden spot or
3471s anything it was right in the dead center
3472s of the street they just go and get
3474s worked on that means the other team
3475s turns around and tries to peel and the
3477s moment that they peel then they they
3480s just get their Reinhardt in and start
3482s swinging away so very well played and
3484s you know for a friend's pick they're in
3487s trouble
3487s enough for a nearly got head tapped
3489s there I think it was ikev I know the
3493s telephone
3494s just brings forever honor for a ride
3496s immortality field comes out early
3498s forever gonna counter with the
3500s annihilation
3501s multimortality Fields out of the fight
3503s Poland able to stabilize after what
3504s could have been a really really rough
3506s beginning big jig Vines lethal and by
3508s the four now for Poland as uh turkey's
3510s ambitious play does not quite pay off
3513s nephron gets caught and the odds of
3516s first point hold decreasing rapidly here
3519s next
3520s yeah I really like to switch to the
3521s zenyana too um it really puts Ryan in it
3524s in a terrible terrible spot if you're
3525s able to get that orb of Discord on them
3527s and I have with it with some of the
3528s moments here
3530s um really nice I mean maybe you didn't
3532s want to use the alt there but yeah style
3534s points yeah I also think that's one of
3536s those cases that look let's be sure we
3538s don't want to get first point held like
3539s we're gonna over commit a little bit
3541s here so we're not the team that you know
3543s lost the game with alt still on the
3545s board
3546s uh absolutely and especially you know
3548s with 5v5 you never know if like Orion's
3550s just going to charge in and take one of
3551s you out then all of a sudden you're in
3552s trouble uh so I agree maybe not an over
3555s commitment
3556s yeah
3557s blizzard really early here from Turkey
3559s as they come in from the back and again
3561s just catching pulling off guard and this
3564s is a hyper aggro rush comp that right
3566s now living up to its name
3569s yeah revenant's uh just kind of getting
3571s to swing away up front and this looks
3574s like a gonna be a really difficult
3576s position to breach now too I mean
3578s there's always been a defender's
3579s advantage on this map like especially
3581s right here with this High Ground that
3582s just allows you to poke and poke away so
3585s even though turkey's like not running
3586s these super long range Heroes like a May
3588s and a Hanzo can do enough to dissuade
3590s you and I think Poland is gonna have to
3593s rely on I mean just how is forever gonna
3595s get in position
3597s right now does not care walks forward
3600s swings the hammer Ash in his sights and
3603s oh man turkey is just doing whatever
3606s they want to do right now and uh you
3609s know one thing we really touch on the
3611s whole was like you know Turkey did have
3612s substitutions coming on in here where
3613s you know Romani was out and it was in uh
3616s the track out Nephron in so uh you know
3619s Turkey had a game plan for this and so
3621s far being executed to Perfection yeah
3623s the rush is looks really strong and I
3625s just you know Poland is just gonna have
3627s a really hard time getting in position
3628s here I think Poland is going to give it
3630s a shot with whatever alts they have uh
3633s cues them if you got them I guess and
3635s then maybe they'll switch up at the end
3636s so it's just been very difficult for
3638s Poland to get in position without just
3640s getting Ryan dropped on essentially well
3643s speaking of Ryan drops uh he's on the
3645s top rope right now coming on down Shadow
3648s not used instead uh just dropped instead
3650s uh you know that's where you go for the
3652s elbow drop and you just hit nothing but
3654s Matt as a Poland punishes and goes
3657s forward
3658s I I mean so it was an interesting drop
3661s because Revenant didn't get far enough
3663s out in front of his team to be able to
3665s get healed by the Baptiste
3667s um and then it was kind of just like all
3668s alone literally all alone people
3670s questioning the the validity of
3673s uh Hanzo arrows
3675s yeah they've all been there
3677s I think anyone that's played any game
3678s against sanzo has been there but is that
3682s just a really clever way of calling him
3684s lucky
3695s still gonna try and flip it lizard down
3698s from lethal in the back
3700s I kept though able to punish Revenant
3702s and Poland getting pushed back I can't
3704s get to the other end they can stay in
3706s this yeah yeah just to stay in this
3708s there's only 10 seconds left
3710s it's lethal and this is really nice come
3713s on it should be enough to extend the map
3715s we'll see if this dragon is able to do
3717s anything we do have Remnant back on in
3720s hold on though just needs to get a last
3722s little bit of cleanup
3723s but can they do it the longer this goes
3725s the more turkey's gang respawns back
3727s onto the point the more chance to turn
3729s this around and stop it here
3731s don't go down lethal's back in on the
3732s legs finds forever and turkey starting
3735s to flip this back around they lose
3737s Reddit they lose muso they still have
3739s the DPS lethal picks up another two is
3741s that gonna be enough it's coming down to
3743s the wire fake Jake though puts an end to
3744s the legs and that is gonna be the second
3745s point for Poland yeah I think Jake with
3748s a nice cleanup at the end we'll get two
3749s kills and look at the kill feed but
3750s there was a moment where flipper was
3752s just about dead for his team and about
3754s one HP was able to dodge an arrow at the
3757s end and him staying alive and on the
3759s cards providing the healing providing
3761s some nuisance and some cart presence was
3763s probably the clutch play right there
3765s that Poland needed
3767s um so now as the map gets a little bit
3769s smaller and there's these Corners then
3771s Poland's composition starts to look a
3774s little bit better
3775s um they could still get rushed down but
3777s now just taking it corner by corner and
3780s then you're gonna have this really long
3781s hallway and maybe icap can start getting
3783s some value out of it dragon come down
3785s early here from Poland trying to push
3787s Revenant back mortality field gone
3789s nephron though finds ikev early fake
3791s Jake back in return both teams down to
3793s DPS 4v4 Revenant getting real real close
3796s to the shadow right now 85 percent
3797s hiding around the corner looking forward
3800s being like please let me smack you at
3801s the hammer once I just need a smidgen of
3803s all charge fake Jake goes down on the
3805s turkey starts walking forward
3808s they don't need it turkey can set up for
3809s this final fight and I mean what a great
3811s position to be and if you're on the
3813s defense they're gonna have a blizzard
3814s and a shatter and a beats um Pauline is
3816s gonna have to find a way to engage
3819s with their support ultimates perhaps you
3821s want to take this High ground and set up
3822s a window from Texel and be able to push
3825s turkey back a little bit
3828s there's the window not on high ground
3829s though
3831s I say respective no respect
3839s in the back the beat protecting for a
3841s while but nephron getting some cleanup
3843s on the other end Revenant is down but
3844s his sacrifice sets the tone turkey
3847s should be able to finish this out
3849s Annihilation though still on the point
3850s pulling not gone just yet but the
3853s numbers game in turkey's favor just a
3856s few more of the cleanup and the cart
3858s stops here
3860s pretty clutch though from pole and
3862s throughout that match because they were
3864s about 30 seconds away from getting full
3866s held on first second point was a little
3869s bit dodgy as well so able to like win
3872s those final final fights
3874s um kind of bodes really well for for
3876s Poland and this was their map pick
3879s um and turkey just had a really good
3881s idea of how to play The Rush in certain
3883s positions but this map changes at a lot
3885s of different places so like Rush isn't
3888s always going to be the best thing and I
3889s think also Poland did a really good job
3891s of
3892s starting to catch the aggression from
3895s Revenant because Revenant was going nuts
3897s right and had some had some kind of
3899s crazy big plays and yeah that's good
3902s that's gonna happen on Orion but they
3903s started doing a really good job of
3904s catching that aggression falling back
3906s peeling using the alts when they had to
3908s and punishing that Ryan for being so far
3909s forward yeah I mean rather than points
3911s there
3912s are absolute ultimate example of there
3914s is a point where we should have stopped
3916s but let's keep going anyways and see
3918s what happens and hey at the end worked
3920s out pretty well who expects a ride to
3922s just go that deep and go I'm gonna say
3923s hello to your uh DPS in the back well
3926s he's not a coward don't give him that no
3930s you know so Poland's um kind of running
3933s yeah this this I don't know I don't want
3935s to call it old school but this
3936s traditional composition
3939s um
3940s on circuit Royale anyway double sniper
3943s uh Sigma and the the tanks can be can be
3947s really good so I think that this was
3950s their plan very likely
3951s um but with I think with their map pick
3953s it was turkey's side pick very likely so
3955s Poland didn't get to play the defense
3956s that they wanted to first but this is
3959s this is what we expect from circuit
3960s we'll see if Poland can make it work it
3962s took all of one match for Widow that he
3964s played again
3965s are you sure they nerfed her what's
3967s going on man
3970s but I mean I think I've seen some some
3973s tests on this map where the sight lines
3975s don't really you know the the damage
3978s fall off and the range Nerf doesn't
3980s really affect this map that badly uh
3982s we're you know it affects things like
3984s ilios where you're just installed oh
3986s geez well speaking of snipers uh you
3988s know sometimes the icicles uh can
3990s function in that capacity fake Jake
3993s catching one to the Dome is turkey just
3995s casually keeping things moving forward
3998s and you know at some point Poland's
3999s gonna have to commit onto the car but
4001s they really want to get pick off first
4002s here next
4003s yeah I mean but what they want is kind
4006s of irrelevant because they just keep
4007s Walling off forever and trying to rush
4010s down fake Jake will take down that
4012s that's the kill they need that is why
4014s you're running the Widow but both tanks
4015s trade it out is it gonna be enough well
4017s when both tanks are down that's why that
4019s Vapor snipers is fake Jake immediately
4022s takes advantage Cav with the cherry on
4024s top but yeah I mean once you lose your
4027s ride in that situation it's like uh-oh
4029s you know what's standing between us and
4031s the Widow and the Hanzo it's not a lot
4035s yeah so a reset here and
4038s I wonder if I can see turkey just
4040s teleporting onto the snipers like that
4042s is kind of how they've been playing it
4043s but they'll just put the wall up you
4045s know we talk about like how there's no
4046s double shield anymore May kind of fills
4048s that Gap in a lot of places yeah I mean
4050s the wall is Shield s because it turns
4053s out right now looking for the shots has
4054s the opportunity doesn't quite find the
4056s heads here thus far A little bit of
4059s damage onto the Rhine looking for the
4062s May finds the May
4063s not the cleanest pick-off but it'll do
4067s it's okay to be a body shot Bandit it's
4069s all right
4071s yeah
4074s yeah yeah that's true
4077s but turkey not making any changes here
4080s they're gonna run the same thing again
4081s I'm just wondering if they're gonna find
4083s some teleporter value there it is
4084s teleporter value goes down through the
4086s bottom and it closes the distance really
4087s well
4088s all right turkey now again up close and
4091s personal Dragon strike by Poland in
4092s response and transcend so Poland's
4094s burning the bank
4096s takes the opposing tank on a ride
4098s forever down in the corner now goes all
4101s right everything's all clear I'm gonna
4102s walk forward with my shield let's do
4104s this and now if you're pulling uh you
4107s can't really do much but back away you
4109s have to wait for reinforcements here and
4111s you have to give up the space
4112s yeah and even the teleporter out there
4114s comes as as just a Minor Threat but that
4116s was just a really great play by Revenant
4118s he gets even shoulder wise
4120s um and once you get past the other tank
4122s to be able to pull them away from their
4123s team like charging into the team doesn't
4126s help you at all but I shot yeah you get
4128s rid of that early flux coming in the
4131s play Remnant gonna get slammed down rub
4132s it though I think still looking for the
4134s shadow here I have the symmetra alt in
4136s play turkey thick still again trying
4138s contestants 4v5
4141s is a little bit rough feeling wise but
4144s now we're sitting here low HP does not
4147s care still has shatter Ray the go losing
4149s lethal though now you start the question
4151s do you want to do this you're three
4153s meters away but you're under a lot of
4156s pressure right now Turkey right now just
4158s waiting and they go for the shatter
4159s knocks down flipper in the back but is
4161s that gonna be enough teleporter comes in
4163s that friend finds icavin turkey being
4165s Scrappy staying in this fight here hex
4167s we'll see if it pans out as well come
4171s back in yeah lethals can be able to come
4172s back in Jake went a little bit too far
4174s out and the moment they step past this
4175s threshold there are Sim turrets
4177s everywhere and it's brutal so turkey
4180s just plays the sustained game even
4182s though like they they got the shadow in
4184s they didn't commit to the shatter
4185s necessarily there wasn't a big charge
4186s into it they just played the sustain
4189s game up front Poland's gonna pick up a
4190s couple kills late but that is the second
4192s point for turkey remember first to two
4196s in these online qualifiers Turkey
4198s already up 1-0 they can close out the
4201s map they will close up the series yeah I
4203s mean it's not always the easiest to get
4204s to the end of this map but you know
4206s nearly four minutes is a lot of time a
4209s good position to be in to say the least
4211s yeah it's a tough map to close out
4213s especially when the other team is
4214s running long range uh damage dealers
4217s because all this High ground but they've
4219s done such a good job of just teleporting
4221s onto things
4228s front but uh you know Turkey didn't
4230s necessarily have a whole lot going into
4231s that fight anyways so you know three
4234s minutes left to go and you know this is
4235s those things where if you're all
4236s tracking well you can just kind of go
4238s for that one good fight which is really
4240s all turkey needs
4242s yeah I mean we'll see by the time that
4245s they get to the payload if they just
4247s need one more fight because you are
4248s going to have respawns here they at the
4250s end so we'll see what that distance is
4251s but
4252s I think turkey if they're going to
4254s teleport onto a Target they need to full
4256s commit because what happened there is
4257s they teleport up with a couple people
4259s and then it's Poland just responds by
4261s taking whoever's left on the ground
4263s here we go they're getting into it once
4265s more symmetra oh gonna open things up
4266s here from that friend
4268s turkey
4269s rolls on Ford no Shadow Reserve Revenant
4272s though does not care in the front line
4274s fake Jake laying in the damage from the
4276s back gets pretty low right now trying to
4279s get healed back up before poking once
4281s more lethal though blizzard ready to go
4283s drops the wall holding on to Blizzard
4285s for now annihilation in from Poland for
4288s his able to find remnants so down the
4289s tank and you know again if your turkey
4292s they did spend the beat there I think
4294s they're gonna hold on to Blizzard but
4295s this is really good time delay from
4297s Poland
4298s yeah it's nice there that they're able
4301s to hold on as you said but Poland did
4303s burn a lot of the bank uh Poland's doing
4306s a pretty good job of rotating their
4307s ultimates between damage up front and
4309s then the tank will take a turn and now
4311s next rotation Poland should have both of
4313s their support ultimates so this battle
4314s is just gonna be can the blizzard get
4317s value can flipper stay alive during it
4319s to transcendence's team and keep them
4321s alive during it as well number one thing
4323s pulling can get another rotation flipper
4325s cannot get shattered before using
4327s Transcendence here that would be the
4328s worst case scenario if that somehow went
4331s into play Remnant under a little bit
4332s pressure Luzon nearly got picked off had
4334s the immortality field early there I
4336s think fake Jake had a good angle on him
4338s Turkey right now gonna slow down a bit
4340s heel back up blizzard and shatter still
4342s in reserve and again I just look at this
4344s next fight flipper safely get the
4347s Transcendence off fake Jake looking for
4349s pokins on the side Shadow again come
4351s down it's forever Transcendence is there
4352s but fake Jake got picked off fake Jake
4354s was with the rest of his team five
4356s before opportunity for turkey now
4357s blizzard
4363s so many members this is escalating fast
4366s and it's gonna be turkey taking the map
4368s and match
4370s a lot closer than I had expected though
4372s too and you can see why that was
4373s Poland's map Choice especially towards
4375s the end on that defense I mean fake Jake
4377s going down really hurt them because what
4378s was happening is every time that that
4381s turkey tried to set up or go in it get
4383s hit by like three arrows and then the
4385s ash putting in so much damage too it was
4387s just this murderous row of high grounds
4390s and even like they had tried it a couple
4392s times remember there was a Teleport up
4393s top earlier they're trying to take away
4395s that high ground and and uh Poland did a
4398s really good job of Defending that High
4399s Ground which is another strategy there
4401s but eventually overwhelmed
4404s um Jake not Jake once the well one too
4406s many times he was hitting all these
4407s great shots on on the reinhardt's then
4409s went back there and just got storm
4411s arrowed got really low and then it was
4413s really nice cleanup from the support
4415s line of turkey to come up and the Lucio
4418s eventually got the killed and then that
4420s was the Go Button there then they commit
4421s the blizzard they commit the wall they
4422s commit the shatter everything goes down
4424s there because they're not getting rained
4426s down by the these the sh the arrows of
4428s death from above so uh really nice play
4431s I I see what Poland was trying to get
4433s done
4434s um they're just kind of relying on their
4435s damage dealers to play their best heroes
4437s it looks like and it was it was really
4439s close yeah as we go to the replays here
4441s definitely gonna see uh a bit more from
4443s Revenant I'd say uh definitely one of
4445s the fun players to watch over the course
4447s of the match I mean look lethal and Ike
4450s have dps1 for both teams very effective
4452s in the pack but you know anytime you go
4454s around doing stuff like this it's a
4456s story it's very entertaining
4458s well I mean that last shatter though is
4460s like that was when you saw Poland
4462s starting to adjust right they then
4464s abusing a support ultimate there and
4465s they collapse on that shatter so it's
4466s like okay you want to do that this was
4468s like one of my favorite plays this just
4470s gets really aggressive and when you get
4471s even with the other tank like that then
4473s you're ahead so pulling uh forever away
4476s from the team and then this fight ended
4478s up just being a sustained battle up
4479s front and they were able to pull it off
4481s so a clash of styles I still don't know
4483s what the meta is I don't think we're
4485s gonna see a defined meta just based on
4486s like how map picks work and how kind of
4488s crazy uh the format is
4491s but um yeah I mean obviously you could
4494s see what Poland was trying to pull off
4495s there on their defense I think
4498s icav is most comfortable on the long
4499s range hit scans we saw it early on in
4501s Lee Jeong Tower the switch over to the
4502s ash uh turned to like a turning point
4505s for them and then you know you saw that
4507s the Hanzo play come out really well too
4509s so
4510s yeah turkey wins they win 2-0 but if you
4513s didn't watch the match like yeah that
4515s was way closer way closer than I
4517s expected on paper and I think Poland put
4519s some people on notice yeah I mean it was
4520s definitely
4521s because like well it was a 2-0 but you
4524s know it was it wasn't the score doesn't
4525s tell you everything you know Poland put
4527s up a very good fight couldn't ask for a
4529s better start to the day and you know hex
4532s it's probably just going to be getting
4533s on better when you look at what's on the
4535s horizon oh yeah yeah so yeah I was gonna
4539s say that said we will get to that in
4541s just a few minutes after our break I
4542s wasn't sure if you're ready for breaking
4543s up but we are ready coming up next is
4545s gonna be Finland taking on Saudi Arabia
4566s [Music]
4571s [Music]
4630s [Music]
4672s thank you
4674s foreign
4676s [Music]
4685s [Music]
4703s thank you
4705s thank you
4744s thank you
4750s foreign
4762s [Applause]
4764s [Music]
4769s welcome back to the 2023 OverWatch World
4772s Cup online qualifiers for emec I'm your
4774s host Jim Basco zp and hex just brought
4776s you the action between Poland vs Turkey
4778s which was way closer than we could have
4781s expected but the score ended up being
4783s 2-0 in favor of turkey with that said
4786s we've got stacked matches all day long
4788s just around the corner the next one up
4790s is Finland versus the Kingdom of Saudi
4793s Arabia and with that let's take a look
4794s at the schedule hex CP talk to us about
4797s that last game talk to us about this
4799s upcoming game obviously expectations
4801s definitely blown out of the water right
4803s that polish team put up a fight here
4805s yeah I mean what we saw from Poland was
4807s beyond expectations where you know again
4809s when you don't have a lot of you know
4811s knowledge on the players or you know how
4812s good they may be you're looking to go
4814s well you know we're gonna go with the
4815s team that has you know OverWatch League
4817s Talent on you know go from there but you
4819s know Poland was surprising but this next
4821s match up here is truly I feel like you
4824s know gonna be the most interesting match
4826s of the day because you know hex as you
4827s said it's old versus new and a lot of
4829s ways yeah I mean I will get to that in a
4832s second but like Poland in Turkey was
4834s kind of crazy like each one of those
4835s Maps went down to the last fight like
4837s the May pick the the single kill like
4839s absolutely Bonkers way closer than 2-0
4842s would indicate but Finland Saudi Arabia
4844s I mean we really have to talk about this
4846s because both these teams are in group b
4848s and Group B only gets two teams that
4850s qualify out of it so like I lost early
4852s on here is absolutely brutal because in
4855s this brag in group b as well you've got
4857s some other teams that could be wild
4859s cards like like a Sweden Sweden could
4861s get carried just by the fact that they
4863s have two of the best DPS in the entire
4865s uh game of OverWatch like Iceland could
4868s be really good like you've got Norway
4869s like you've got some other teams out
4871s here that could sneak in so I think
4873s early on you look at um you look at
4875s Group B and you'd expect Saudi Arabia
4877s you expect Finland but you Sweden could
4880s sneak it like there's some teams that
4882s could sneak in and like I said only two
4883s teams out of this group so somebody who
4885s we think deserves to get in will be left
4888s out and I think like early on it's it's
4890s going to be really really interesting to
4892s see and like you said zp is old school
4894s new school like this Saudi Arabia team
4897s if you're not familiar the core of them
4899s are twisted mines uh who beat nyxl on
4903s the Pro-Am maybe not the biggest beat
4905s ever but it was a contender scene made
4907s an OverWatch League team right um and
4909s then like this this Finland team it's
4911s it's so it's Masa LH cloudy vestola uh
4915s the experience an owl Sana plays on
4918s Florida Mayhem doesn't really play a ton
4920s because Florida mayhem's kind of stacked
4921s but he's an owl player and then you know
4923s you add in a couple people on Saudi
4926s Arabia like you can't even talk about
4927s this is team a second he got surmajed
4929s who I think is one of one of the best
4930s players from Florida last year now on
4933s this squad and and uh also like streamer
4935s extraordinaire the only person ever be
4937s rank one and all the OverWatch servers
4939s ever in yazan
4941s um
4941s granted pharah is a weird spot but we'll
4944s see like it's just they're they're
4946s stacked across the board on both sides
4948s and you bring up a good point right
4949s Meadows are still yet to be decided we
4951s saw very different team comps coming
4953s into this last match and of course saw
4954s lots of picks right the May was popular
4956s the ash was super popular the Cassidy as
4958s well so coming into this next set
4960s obviously there's a lot of expectations
4962s I hope to see some Pharaoh myself I've
4964s been a yazan fan since however long ago
4966s like you mentioned just accolades for
4968s this guy and for the team overall really
4970s for both these squads but obviously the
4972s action doesn't stop there we know it's
4974s bright and early for y'all on the
4975s Pacific coast but the action will
4977s continue on throughout the day today and
4980s for the next couple of days we're gonna
4981s be doing two weeks of World Cup
4983s qualifying action for the Eastern uh the
4985s emec conference rather so with that said
4988s let's head on into Finland versus the
4989s Kingdom of Saudi Arabia heading on into
4991s map one Li Zhang Tower casters go on
4993s ahead and take it away thank you Jim and
4995s yeah you know you take a look at going
4997s into so we're gonna be going the roster
4999s soon and there's just a lot to talk
5001s about here you know you can kind of you
5003s know again talk about Finland you know
5004s the storied history of a lot of the
5005s players where yeah one of the
5006s interesting things about Finland yo
5007s going back and refreshing my memory here
5009s I thought for a second that this would
5011s be the first year that you didn't have
5012s links are in play and I links are
5014s actually didn't play in 2019 I forgot
5015s about that the one rock of Finland that
5018s was there in every single sync for them
5020s and every year the OverWatch World Cup
5021s that no longer is a Zappos so I didn't
5023s realize that Zapped this was just you
5025s know the rock for that longer period of
5027s time first uh finish team though not to
5029s have him around because I believe he
5031s retired some years ago yeah so some of
5033s the the really early strong parts of
5036s OverWatch uh maybe a little bit before
5038s the OverWatch League where some of these
5040s Finnish players I mean I think we used
5042s to call linkster uh finland's gift to
5043s Esports uh I believe so
5045s um yeah I mean a Strong pedigree of
5048s Esports overall uh from Finland and you
5050s know they they play a lot of different
5052s Esports but I've always had pretty
5053s strong showings in OverWatch League Etc
5057s um so yeah I think it's it's kind of
5059s like vets versus I don't want to say
5061s like a bunch of new people because
5063s there's a lot of talent and experience
5064s on Saudi Arabia but like maybe names
5066s that you're not like super familiar with
5069s um but also like if you just started
5070s watching OverWatch League like this year
5073s or last year you might not be familiar
5074s with some of the Finnish players either
5076s because some of them have been kind of
5077s out of the league for a couple of years
5078s so um and kind of retired and coming
5081s back but that's a lot of experience so I
5084s this one could go either way
5086s um I know a lot of people just kind of
5088s reading the Tea Leaves of you know the
5090s Reddit and some more co-casters as well
5092s really banking on this Saudi Arabia team
5095s like they they just look super super
5097s strong in all aspects and we talked
5099s about like you know sir Majed and yazan
5101s but like the core of this team the
5103s Twisted Minds like I think those are
5105s probably their best players we'll talk
5107s about that when we when we get to that
5108s roster
5109s yeah I mean once we get to them uh
5112s there's a lot to talk about and you know
5113s you know you look at Finland though here
5115s too is that you know I just think about
5117s the peaks of some of these players well
5119s I guess one interesting thing I thought
5120s LH cloudy would be uh in here at the
5123s start instead it's gonna be Vastola but
5124s yeah I guess it makes sense it'll be
5125s going back and forth I want to talk
5127s about uh the good old days of LH cloudy
5129s and some of the you know his come up
5131s through EU contenders but you know
5132s that'll be another time but I always
5134s love seeing Masa playing masa's always
5135s been you know a very aggressive uh
5137s support that you know often makes big
5139s plays yeah Masa uh formerly I want to
5143s say Atlanta
5144s um I don't know why that's coming to my
5145s Atlanta and then uh Vancouver uh so
5147s obviously has experience at the
5149s OverWatch League level as does Sauna um
5151s I'm kind of glad that cloudy is not in
5153s the lineup right now because Cloud will
5155s be playing their TPS so that's just a
5158s selfish thing for me to not want to cast
5160s it but I mean obviously the the tank
5162s disparity is going to be vestola I think
5164s is his best heroes are kind of the flex
5166s tanks and obviously I think a festival I
5168s usually think of Diva media when I think
5170s of Cloudy I think of the Reinhardt
5172s immediately so it might just be map
5174s dependent and depending on what they
5175s want to play on either side of that so
5178s uh yeah it's it's a very strong team I
5180s think cloud is very good Sonic can be a
5182s carry
5183s like I said it plays on the floor to
5185s Mayhem but it's just that Florida's
5186s roster is so strong right now that
5188s hasn't had a use for him I think it's
5191s only played a couple of maps so
5193s um interesting to see where for this
5194s Finland team and like I said
5196s it's so important for Group B to be
5198s winning all your matches only two teams
5200s out of this and like I said you've got
5202s Sweden and Norway like you've got a lot
5204s of other teams still in in this group
5206s with with some talent that could upset
5208s people so somebody is going to be upset
5210s out of group b somebody who who one team
5212s that we think should get through will
5214s not qualify yeah and when you're up
5216s against one of the other teams you know
5217s that's strong in the group it
5218s essentially puts in the must-win
5220s territory already because if you don't
5222s then you basically have to go perfect
5224s the rest of the way through it's a whole
5225s lot of extra pressure whereas if you win
5227s here now then you can just be a little
5229s bit more relaxed on things but we do
5231s have the Saudi Arabia roster ready let's
5233s take a look at Deep dive just a little
5236s bit more and uh you know obviously
5238s you're gonna see the pharah in play
5240s front and center heck so there's good
5241s reason why
5243s yeah so I mean KSA obviously is a name
5246s that you should know as well you be in
5247s there a little surprise we're not going
5248s to see uh quartz who I thought was
5250s actually very very good players so we're
5252s good we're gonna see the the fire of
5254s Mercy uh sir magad I mean uh some of
5256s some of the the things I hear about him
5258s is that he's he's one of the most
5260s mechanically gifted crazy shooters ever
5262s sometimes not the best at knowing where
5265s to be uh so that might be something to
5267s look at but like sir magette has been
5268s able to make a living on
5271s um just being that mechanically better
5272s than most people so if he's out of
5274s position it doesn't matter because just
5276s shoots people it's just that's how
5279s sadness always worked so it's going to
5281s be interesting obviously Azan that we
5283s saw in there too so
5285s um I don't know if there's something our
5286s starting starting lineup but yeah Fair
5288s Mercy hasn't worked out the best we'll
5292s see
5293s um but yeah I mean there's still a lot
5294s of talent just waiting to play uh on the
5297s on the bench here for Saudi Arabia and I
5299s I cannot overstate enough how important
5301s this first match is and um yeah I'm just
5304s excited to get into it yeah I mean it's
5306s it's kind of nosy mentioned that because
5307s you know there is a disparity where some
5309s teams you know really don't have a lot
5311s of bench depth in the OverWatch World
5312s Cup and then other teams you know just
5314s have an abundance of talent that they
5316s could pull from uh for it so you know
5319s seeing those differences between the
5320s teams interesting but Saudi Arabia
5321s definitely coming in with a deep bench
5323s but once again we will be kicking things
5325s off with lijiang Tower getting a feel
5327s for where these teams are at
5329s mechanically and you know to me I feel
5332s like going into this you know Saudi
5333s Arabia is likely going to have a high
5336s degree of performance Finland to me is
5338s more the wild card where if Finland
5340s comes in and they do poorly I'm not
5343s gonna be surprised if Finley comes in
5344s and they beat Saudi Arabia I'm also not
5346s gonna be surprised I feel like there's a
5348s very wide range of performance here that
5350s my brain would just be okay with and be
5353s like yeah that makes sense like I can
5354s logically support anything because I
5357s think my feel is that like Saudi
5360s Arabia's flashier kind of like the next
5363s thing right you know we got some of
5365s these players that have like played
5366s really well in the Pro-Am
5369s and uh Finland is kind of like you know
5372s it's it's the old guard and you know
5375s it's it's dark there like 18 hours a day
5377s so it like I think I was I want to say
5379s it was Masa or maybe links around like
5381s why are there so many players from from
5383s Nordic countries that that end up in the
5385s OverWatch that he's like it's dark 18
5386s hours a day there's nothing else to do
5388s that sounds like links that really
5390s really sounds like sir even when link
5393s sir was in LA I gotta tell you like I
5395s know links are reasonably well he was
5397s not going outside a whole lot like that
5399s was just like what what is this burning
5401s ball of Fire in the Sky like I'm staying
5404s in
5405s yeah so uh how many is that pauses so
5408s far for us today four it's four yeah
5410s it's actually a good thing where uh for
5413s whatever reason people following are
5414s very interested in the amount of bosses
5416s so it's like you know there's a running
5418s counter where it's like hey this is
5419s gonna happen you have a big
5420s International competition especially
5422s with players that aren't always uh
5424s competing normally you know the internet
5426s gods are gonna strike and uh right now
5428s you know four at the start of the day
5430s it's on the higher end but we've seen
5432s worse but it's fine as long as that
5434s number is higher than the amount of
5435s times I I misnamed Cassidy uh so right
5440s now we have more pauses then that's
5442s happened so that's all right as long as
5443s your internet guys don't strike us
5445s knock on wood right there
5448s um we should be good so yeah I think
5450s this is all part of the plan to just
5453s create even more tension and hype for
5455s what I think is going to be uh the
5457s strongest match of the day I think
5459s whoever wins this I'm going to go out on
5460s a limb and say whoever wins this is out
5462s of group b like already already I will
5465s have them qualified as Group B because I
5466s don't see them losing
5468s um two more matches throughout the rest
5470s of it you know yeah I mean Sweden is
5472s probably the one where like I wouldn't
5473s be surprised if Sweden goes through and
5475s it's undefeated just because I mean look
5477s you have players like Kev star and
5478s sparker that's uh yeah to say Sweden has
5481s upgraded their DPS from previous years
5483s as an understatement where it's like you
5485s know 2016 they're pretty good because I
5486s was kind of like the great year to Vic
5488s but then you know they fell off in the
5491s preceding years in terms of DPS power
5493s relatively those stuff and now Sweden's
5494s like Hey we're back we got great DPS
5497s again so you know you look at swing
5499s you're like uh it seems a little bit
5500s Yeah Sweden used to be the kind of like
5502s their their tanks were their strong
5504s point with um ellieval
5506s but uh do you remember who was their
5508s last DPS I just love this trivia they
5512s remember the last year I know they had
5514s snow on one
5516s yeah
5517s I love Stilo excellent yeah I forget
5521s where we left off and talking about snow
5522s I think like the the popular memes is
5524s off uh in the countryside you know
5527s hunting mushrooms it's like how do you
5528s remember where the mushrooms yeah well
5530s because it was true
5532s mushrooms with his grandmother yeah oh
5534s okay I I honestly at some point it
5536s becomes hard to tell facts from the mean
5538s and like where it begins yeah and then
5540s back in 2018 reinforce was on the squad
5543s yeah well reinforced like had a he was
5546s also on the squad like 2017 as well but
5548s it was like Wikipedia actually is like a
5550s specific notation for reinforce I barely
5552s remember at this point because the
5553s pencil I said like he played in the
5555s qualifiers and then like the team
5556s revolted and replaced him for the
5558s qualifiers placed him with snow yeah
5559s yeah and then like Johnny therefore was
5561s like talent but I seen the very like
5563s Johnny being upset at being talent but I
5565s was also like the legendary you know
5568s desk that had like Golden Boys side show
5570s Brandon like reinforce so like it would
5572s have been a different desk if that
5574s didn't happen because reinforcement had
5576s been playing I don't know it was an
5577s entire thing like deep
5580s yeah well this is what pauses do to you
5582s you know
5583s just wait till we get to like the sixth
5586s pause we'll be talking about like our
5587s our favorite foods and favorite Ninja
5589s Turtles uh stuff like that well and then
5592s the tenth level of uh hell when it comes
5594s to that is when we start going deep in
5595s the midwest lore and we start going into
5598s oh yeah you know you know we talk about
5599s that you can know about Minnesota and
5601s Wisconsin the subtle differences between
5603s Minnesota and Wisconsin accents yeah
5605s that'll be coming out so hopefully we
5607s get into gameplay momentarily there it
5608s is we are back in the game and we will
5610s start the long-awaited Finland versus
5613s Saudi Arabia in group b Banger of a
5615s match
5616s I'm excited this is again I don't know
5620s what to expect I'm coming in with a
5621s slight bias towards Saudi Arabia and
5623s that you know if you had to tell me who
5624s wins I think it's that but I want to see
5627s what Finland has in store and ah please
5629s do it
5631s just do it Finland
5634s make it happen you know what I'm talking
5635s about hex as junkrat that's life Weaver
5639s yeah no the junk rat it was the junkrat
5641s I don't care about life Weaver but it's
5643s not the junkrat it's Reaper and my
5646s spirit's already broken
5648s all right we're on Mecca base here so
5650s we're gonna see some rushdowns for both
5652s teams difference being there's going to
5654s be uh the Moira on one side and a Reaper
5657s so way more aggressive way more
5660s consistent damage from the side of
5662s Finland yeah and already sermajed picked
5665s on off the old DPS
5669s but overall the pressure of running May
5672s Reaper I mean look it's not flashy but
5676s you run into people and if they don't
5677s immediately get pick off or run away
5679s they're gonna die
5681s yeah and it's I mean it's just tough for
5684s uh yazan right there on on the Hanzo
5686s because they it's just got super rushed
5688s down and yep it was only a matter of
5690s time it was a matter of one team fight
5692s of going I've run out of options it's
5695s time to play the pharah but hey you can
5697s play far on this map but it is not
5698s terrible yeah yeah on the same note
5700s though it is gonna be a little bit hard
5702s there's a lot of ways to avoid the fire
5703s with what Finland is running but if
5706s anyone can make it work would be him so
5709s we'll see right now just poke coming in
5710s from the top a lot pressure on the
5711s festival the skull and nearly down
5713s vistola means a lifeline
5716s is the still gonna get the help he needs
5717s right now the stola On Life's edge here
5720s gets taken down and so far the far will
5723s change up working out well for Saudi
5725s Arabia well here's the thing is no one
5727s really can shoot farm right now if you
5729s just stay like even a little bit safe
5730s like May icicles maybe do something
5733s actually like the Moira is one of the
5734s biggest threats uh you can get in the
5737s suck and then obviously the the coal so
5739s they're just gonna stall it out is
5742s um Saudi or is Finland and Saudi Arabia
5745s go into the the bread and butter right
5746s here and we got swaps we got a lot of
5749s swaps in fact we have to you have you
5751s can't run May Reaper and expect to do
5753s anything against the pharah I mean I I'm
5756s not even sure I love the Sombra Tracer
5758s but this might be one of those uh the
5760s good old strata of uh let's kill
5762s everything except the the Pharaoh Mercy
5763s yeah well so
5766s the pharmacy is don't get hit by the
5768s pulse bomb from beauty here but
5769s currently is getting planned for if
5772s you're not going off to the side
5773s something a little bit of recruit
5775s because there's a lot of pressure going
5776s yeah we don't want to get hit by that
5777s meanwhile yazan or the top
5780s Mirage finds one that's all you need
5782s that's a high value barrage you get that
5783s often don't die at the same time you
5785s take those yeah in almost the biggest
5788s threat to the far Mercy is usually the
5790s the diva uh we're gonna kind of swallow
5792s up and deal with it but so far
5795s um Finland has had no answer for this it
5797s just just absolutely none it looks like
5800s we might be getting a pause maybe
5801s that'll give us some
5807s to get our overlay fixed up here uh be
5810s all set there so yeah I mean
5814s the the idea is for this you
5817s you rush down with the Sombra and Tracer
5820s and you pick off somebody who's not fair
5822s or Mercy right and you hopefully you
5823s have the diva in there too to maybe like
5825s kind of negate some of that damage up
5826s top and try to do something with it but
5829s obviously you can't run like the May
5830s Reaper I mean I guess you could if you
5832s want to do the same strategy of ignore
5834s them both but it also becomes difficult
5836s on this map to even run like a Cassidy
5838s into it because Cassidy is just trying
5840s to find an angle if you go on that
5842s platform you're gonna get knocked off if
5843s you try to come around the corner you're
5844s going to get knocked off like there's
5846s it's very difficult to answer this
5849s composition
5850s um also because teams don't play this
5852s teams don't practice against pharah in
5854s Mecca base you know yeah I mean you kind
5857s of get the old like Chengdu Hunters uh
5859s Paradox where you know sometimes teams
5861s would like play worse against them than
5863s OverWatch league history because this is
5865s like how do you prep for them no no one
5867s runs if they're running like what's
5868s going on here
5869s they did have an edge but we are back in
5872s game our fifth pause of the day is over
5874s uh in the same breath though like you
5876s have to expect Saudi Arabia to at least
5878s try this like once or twice right like
5880s you you would expect that uh yazan is
5883s going to play some gonna play some Far
5884s like probably the most prolific ladder
5886s fire player ever in OverWatch
5889s from Masa
5890s again hit support V supports the kick
5892s things off Saudi Arabia looking healthy
5893s the skull though takes that service yet
5896s so but as it goes on we just got to the
5898s back there just ending things before it
5900s could become a more even fight and you
5903s know it's easy to forget that Finland
5904s started off with the advantage here hex
5906s because Saudi Arabia about to take the
5908s round away and I don't even know if
5909s Finland has enough time for a good push
5912s here but they do have EMP we'll see if
5914s they can make anything happen 98 there
5917s will be a push the Diva's gonna be able
5918s to get onto the point and touch but I
5920s mean also that EMP is you kind of want
5923s to hit this
5926s yeah meanwhile is in hanging on to the
5929s bras saying do I need to use this right
5931s now
5932s just comes on in vacuums up the mercy in
5936s Finland you know it wasn't the cleanest
5939s opening but they make it work still in
5941s it 52 to 99 but no more margin for error
5945s and you know is on still hang on to that
5947s barrage was able to preserve it at the
5949s very least it feels so in character for
5951s festola like I remember in in the
5952s OverWatch League it always seemed like
5954s vestola was like quiet quiet than 4K it
5957s was just these huge Peaks and valleys so
5959s really nice play there and I think you
5961s know it's the right play they were able
5963s to segment off the mercy and without the
5965s mercy the pharah is is just I mean the
5968s power level goes down so immensely
5978s again well timed and that should be the
5982s round for Saudi Arabia here barring some
5984s just Untold Miracle performance
5987s is gonna try to make him work for it has
5990s to yeah I mean you gotta drop the beat
5991s there there's no uh you don't have
5993s agency there uh the queue is almost
5995s pressed for you the Sola alive stalling
5998s on the point Saudi Arabia right now just
6000s play clean
6001s flex your number Advantage lhasa goes
6004s down Saudi Arabia though getting a
6006s little bit low from Pokemon making this
6007s way closer than expected sermon gen goes
6009s down Finland back onto the point Zen
6011s though able to get Mickey the stolen
6013s bomb gets KSA
6014s but no not enough to stay on the point
6017s that was you know with the camera going
6019s back and forth that was close to the end
6020s but uh good effort from Finland but
6023s Saudi Arabia though uh key moment there
6026s hex the forest swap
6028s well absolutely and I mean I think you
6030s you kind of had to bank on it but then
6032s also I mean feeling coming out the the
6033s ultra rush and just getting the better
6035s of it like it's you know Saudi Arabia's
6038s just like oh okay then let's just do
6040s what the thing with that we really want
6041s to do
6042s um so it makes a ton of sense uh also
6044s Ubi had a really nice uh play there
6047s let's go also it seems like there's some
6049s server issues gonna be another pause
6055s are you
6057s doing because it sounds like a low
6059s budget streaming service I mean yeah it
6062s kind of does there was like a period of
6063s time there was like a lot of just random
6066s uh streaming services check out the new
6069s show on UB
6071s ER there is like one really overfunded
6073s Hollywood production that like died in
6076s like three months yeah we're talking
6078s about but let's not promote things that
6079s actually exist I was just making a fun
6081s pause joke no anyway
6084s uh so we do have the far Mercy again
6087s interesting UB is gonna run the
6090s form here
6092s Finland is going to try to have an
6094s answer for this I mean putting sauna on
6096s the cast seems like the best option
6097s maybe if this doesn't work out you maybe
6099s go for an ash as well
6101s um but also the cast can be really good
6103s too if if uh yazan overplays it the new
6106s nade can be really good at just knocking
6108s pharah Mercy out of the sky
6110s yeah I mean also going into is like you
6112s have to look at the store right anytime
6113s you're running aphara like diva is a
6116s huge part of the equation trying to
6117s neutralize it both teams right now just
6119s trading out poke they're still getting
6121s very very low immortality field has to
6123s come out and still know if the soul is
6125s gonna go away but as I say that's
6126s to find you
6128s being down the back you'd be
6130s you've been up and his hand takes down
6132s Sana on the other end Saudi Arabia well
6135s on their way to getting this first time
6137s you love it even though your sand goes
6139s down I still love the Drex
6141s yeah you be with the Tactical getting
6143s head shot there too like just kind of
6146s took that bullet so that your son could
6147s live behind him I mean the torb just
6150s using his head as a shield I've just
6152s always said it with torb against like a
6153s cast you're you're just a head on on
6155s legs like it's just such a giant hitbox
6158s finland's gonna come back in here
6159s they're going to be able to have an
6161s amplification Matrix so they can get a
6163s good position they can kind of set it up
6164s and that should push back the pharah so
6167s yeah actually really no fight on the
6169s point even and I'm just gonna walk on
6171s and I'll finally contest now they drop
6174s the window and this is Rosanna it just
6175s kind of looks around like Laura I dare
6177s you to you you know change sight lines
6179s there UB goes down you might be resident
6181s here though depending on how this goes
6184s out roses back up KSA under a lot of
6186s pressure Finland is able to get the flip
6188s no matter how this goes but yeah you'd
6189s be able to get Rez back on up they
6191s weren't going for the rest beat comes in
6193s from Finland here Sana back on over
6195s Bob's not able to poop you be off the
6198s ledge even if press wasn't cool down not
6200s coming back after that one and Finland
6202s nothing flashy here actually just a good
6204s play but as I say that they take one
6206s step out of line they walk into the
6208s barrage and the pharah has turned up the
6210s pressure once more Saudi Arabia now
6212s going for the kill moving Honda Suzanne
6215s and you know you give the far just one
6217s moment and it'll rip you apart yeah just
6220s such great movement that's what
6221s separates these on from pretty much
6223s every other far the movement is so
6225s exceptional
6226s um because on his way out is gonna go
6228s grab that the DMACC Diva and just some
6231s of this little stuff is insanity to me
6234s um just really well played obviously
6236s Saudi Arabia is never really gonna have
6237s a presence on the point because you
6239s don't want to cage the bird that is fair
6241s Mercy inside there so you want to be
6242s sitting outside of it
6244s um so yeah finland's gonna be able to
6246s get some and they're going to be able to
6247s get percentage and then it's really up
6249s to Saudi Arabia response and find the
6251s fights tips from X play 23 do not cage
6254s the bird but here he goes doesn't like
6257s the read of things again back on out to
6259s EMP not quite coming out yet KSA still
6261s continually under pressure has Rampage
6263s in reserve but KSA is going to live
6265s solo EMP comes out it's Haku this end
6269s though and this is offsana KSA Falls 4v4
6272s here still winnable here from Finland
6273s but still a very very healthy on point
6276s definitely a presence Advantage one tank
6278s versus none is Finland able to recap and
6281s at least for now Force Saudi Arabia out
6283s but you know hex be careful when you
6285s walk outside the point while the fire is
6287s still around
6288s yeah it can be really tricky Saudi
6290s Arabia maybe go back to this tour I
6293s don't think the torb has gotten much
6294s done it's been kind of a distraction I
6296s guess more than anything else
6298s um but a little bit interesting no
6300s ultimates on either side here sir
6302s magette gets hacked out early
6304s yeah
6306s that had to be Cloud just coming in from
6309s a good angle but you know even stuff
6311s like that not only builds for clouds
6312s delays Saudi Arabia a little bit here it
6314s goes down onto the point looking for
6316s Vastola rocket after rocket here so far
6318s going around the side boy we're in a
6319s size oh gets the boyra on top of it gets
6323s sauna
6324s this is ridiculous Fire play makes it a
6328s three piece at the very end and that's
6330s exactly what Saudi Arabia needed to get
6332s back onto the point
6333s yeah gonna be some stall here from Masa
6337s um so it's gonna be one fight away from
6338s Finland but it's gonna be final fight
6339s and before we move on too much and give
6342s yazam too much credit let's give Haku
6344s some credit to here and it really like
6345s the thing that stood out to me is
6347s surmajet should have been dead there
6348s they get hacked and a lot of mercies
6350s will have this tunnel vision just on on
6352s their far and on their own movement but
6354s to be able to peel and heal up Sir
6356s Michelle is so incredibly critical so
6358s some uh
6359s glory to the mercy doesn't get a lot of
6362s it in these compositions
6363s I'm not coming in from the flank deals
6365s with the turret first pulse bomb ready
6367s to go could be the Difference Maker
6369s meanwhile he's on holding on to the
6370s barrage Under Pressure here on the back
6372s looking for five forces out the recall
6374s barrage still in Missouri call spawn
6376s comes out nothing but turret not quite
6378s what he's looking for one to get the
6379s torp instead meanwhile Rock after rock
6381s at the stall gonna get demet here has to
6383s use bomb but still gone Kazan makes sure
6386s it is permanent
6388s empx4 is helping to be their mods
6390s against two Inland making the most out
6393s of that EMP Masa going bloodthirsty but
6396s here's the brush at the end because on
6398s trying to finish things out gets rid of
6400s Moira it's getting real Scrappy here on
6403s the point here x 91-99 Saudi Arabia
6405s desperately trying to finish off case
6407s ain't gonna fall reinforce him from
6408s Finland coming in strong Masa killing
6411s the mercy there is absolutely enormous
6412s it is critical and now Saudi Arabia has
6415s their backs up against it they did
6417s switch briefly to the Moira now they go
6419s back to the mercy but you have to wonder
6421s if the moyer would have been better
6422s there just in this desperation mode
6423s looks like finland's gonna pick this up
6426s yeah I mean Saudi Arabia needs a miracle
6428s to bring this back already down to as
6430s reinforcers come back in this stall
6432s coming in here from KSA they're still
6433s having none of it Eva versus Eva gonna
6436s be forcing KSA out Aku goes down and
6440s this is all finland's to lose in the
6442s round they take it and they force around
6444s three our second round three in a row on
6448s control and you know we knew today could
6450s have the potential for some close games
6452s here hex and we're getting it
6457s too but also I I remember looking back
6461s an hour Masa was just this Quiet Storm
6463s where where's Masa what's Masa doing
6465s because he Lucio right if you're not
6467s saying Moss's name you're fine you're
6468s like okay good that's good but then all
6470s of a sudden just like three kills out of
6472s nowhere it's crazy because he's one of
6473s the most unassuming people I've ever met
6475s in my life one of the nicest guys and
6477s then just the the bloodthirsty Lucio is
6479s absolute Insanity uh good play there it
6482s was able to get the mercy and I think
6483s you know obviously it's a valid Strat
6485s that finland's you know everyone knows
6487s but the focus on getting the mercy
6490s um out of position and then following up
6492s on it has been the difference in the
6494s last couple of fights
6496s well here we go final Point here on
6498s lijong arguably the strongest for pharah
6501s a lot of options for yazan here in the
6504s sky turt can go down immediately uh Sana
6506s just feels like on Turk Duty half the
6509s time and again Masa just catches a
6511s rocket the hardest type of rain possible
6514s definitely not hail
6516s and just like that hex it's gonna be a
6519s very quick capture by Saudi Arabia you
6520s can't come back from the pickoff that
6522s early
6522s no and this should be a cleanup on to
6525s the on the cast over here actually some
6527s nice peel to keep Sana alive uh but only
6530s for the moment only for the moment
6533s this
6534s this right now this is yazan's
6536s playground
6537s so much room to work with the best
6540s advantage of far could hope for in terms
6541s of like sight lines to area mobility in
6544s Finland I mean they need an answer hex
6547s I mean the answer is to keep like both
6549s sauna and Vista Wall Live at the same
6551s time so that you can live in The Matrix
6553s and maybe hit some shots but even just
6555s just wear
6556s uh yazan's able to play is just unfair
6560s because the the damage Falls
6564s watch your feet oh boy that was close
6568s closer than Finland would have liked uh
6571s you do have the window coming down here
6572s from Finland immortality field used
6575s is on right now looking for Masa takes
6577s him down the window incredibly unsafe
6581s just not missing though Sana though gets
6583s The Equalizer however he's talking about
6585s that's the number of things like you
6587s kill the fire number two deny the
6589s resurrection deal with the tour toward
6591s game his life so far could live again
6592s but the Dead Eye comes in from the back
6594s finds the kiriko and Finland and all the
6597s chaos X does get control of the point
6598s yeah I've been telling you that was just
6600s using using the head as the shields it's
6602s happened twice now
6603s hmm I mean KSA they they got a Kill from
6608s that but that that old I think was a
6610s little bit questionable even more I
6612s wonder if there's gonna be a switch no
6614s not gonna happen it is one of the alts
6616s that you can clutch back a fight
6617s enormously that's brutal though double
6619s EMP oh again you saw it comes over gets
6624s two before the bras the bras adds on
6626s pressure that leads up the stall whoa a
6627s gift from the death uh it's only Haku
6630s though Taco in a turret I'm not quite as
6632s big as uh nothing's really left the deal
6634s too far right now
6637s yeah and that will mean Saudi Arabia is
6639s going to take the lead percentage-wise
6642s uh Finland can come back into this with
6644s a with a beat whenever they want mom
6646s core is
6649s that time the Boop gonna get the back no
6651s uh yeah last minute footwork saving it
6654s son of them
6660s it's worse
6662s 70 for Saudi Arabia right now Finland
6664s they need to reset or this is going to
6667s get away from the fast they have really
6668s just one good fight left here hex and uh
6671s yo again operation number one don't tie
6674s the Zen and trying to get to the point
6676s yeah I mean the problem with this
6678s pressure too is it just puts so much
6680s onus on like right now Finland has to
6683s worry about like how do we even get in
6685s how do we get in without losing people
6686s right now so everyone's got to stay in
6688s the defense Matrix and now you're in but
6690s now you know Saudi Arabia knows exactly
6692s where you are actually spy checking
6694s right there and now you gotta walk into
6695s a white room just taking damage boosted
6698s Rockets well it's All or Nothing window
6700s comes down Finland cannot lose this
6701s fight or the map is over Zen working on
6705s the outskirts and looks like they did
6707s put more bodies on the point they got
6708s control but Saudi Arabia has percentage
6710s the bird here like this is okay they
6712s just need to win the fight they can give
6715s up a little bit on the point
6717s solo right now focusing on the point
6719s he's taking shelter from as far as sauna
6722s was able to get Yumi you me again
6723s getting picked off early in a lot of
6725s these fights now it's once more up to
6727s the far the try and bring things back
6728s but you don't have the other DPS thread
6730s there so a lot more pressure on yazan in
6732s these situations where the torb is out
6734s of the fight
6735s yeah I mean I I'm pretty sure they're
6736s running the tour just to throw more
6738s angles at it right so the carry is
6740s obviously this this far Mercy combo and
6742s so torb can throw two different angles
6744s be a distraction just put down a little
6747s extra damage here and there so a team
6749s can't just pull focus on this because
6751s the garage could be enormous by Saudi
6753s Arabia this is their time to make
6754s something happen because then looking
6756s for shots not quite hitting here just
6757s yet going high risk High reward flank
6759s here into the building ground far I'm
6761s trying to get the bath no Haku ends up
6763s dying Sana able to get rid of the
6765s grenade here comes on to the back uses
6767s the barrage pays for it with his life
6769s and Finland has just about brought this
6771s back Nissan wasn't able to find anything
6773s for such a long time to stole a cleaning
6775s house on the point bomb in reserve if
6777s needed 99-99 and Saudi Arabia may be
6781s falling here on map one it's been close
6783s but they lost control and the fins are
6786s nearly there they lost control and it
6788s seemed like uh yazan just got a little
6791s bit impatient going for that that flank
6793s on the right hand side was never able to
6795s get value and what it ended up doing was
6797s leaving Haku in a really really bad spot
6799s and they picked off Haku over there so
6802s yeah the high risk High reward of coming
6804s down over the top of the shelter into
6806s that room I think if he saw you know I
6810s don't know a barrage there maybe get
6812s something done but they had just beat it
6813s there was an immortality feel there's
6815s there's a cast there and the new nade
6818s was able to get able to get the pharah
6820s the nade with Limitless range which
6823s tracks none of me for one second and
6824s within 1.5 meters totally fine everyone
6827s loves it
6828s um but yeah they were able to get Haku
6830s there and every time Haku goes down I
6832s mean it's just you know yazana is going
6834s to follow really entertaining though
6836s yeah I mean also AKO is just a like a
6839s tough position there because like he's
6840s on staid on that side for so long that
6842s like the only angle Haku had to like fly
6845s over the Azad was like in an area that
6847s like made it very likely that Haku would
6849s just like get hit and yeah you know it's
6852s hard to say like oh man you know I can't
6853s believe it happened at the very end
6854s because like is John was on point for
6857s every fight except that one but Saudi
6860s Arabia was relying on good fireplace so
6862s much in their strategy you know as you
6863s say the torb was like just kind of a
6865s distraction that anything less than far
6868s Perfection over the entirety of the map
6870s meant that Saudi Arabia was going to
6871s lose with how they were playing yeah and
6873s honestly more than once tour did you
6876s know maybe not willingly but like gave
6878s gave their life so that they could res
6880s or they could get in a better position
6882s right so like they were going all in on
6885s this the Pharaoh Mercy strategy which
6887s look it looked really good it was a
6888s really strong strategy some nice
6890s adjustments from Finland though too but
6892s I really I you know I honestly want to
6894s call it towards the end it seemed like
6895s almost an unforced heir to go fight in a
6897s room against a a BAP and and a cast as
6901s Farah Mercy where I think of you kind of
6903s just stay a little bit further away and
6905s just rain damaged eventually they have
6907s to come out so
6909s um just still really close I mean these
6912s matches have been so absolutely close
6914s like even our first match of the day has
6917s been crazy so yeah I mean it's control
6921s you know we only saw a non-far mercy
6925s composition from Saudi Arabia for the
6927s very second fight it's about two seconds
6929s yeah you know I'm not sure that was the
6931s official timer but close enough I say
6934s from uh overall we saw but yeah I mean
6937s look we went into the saying you know we
6939s could expect pretty much anything from
6941s Finland well it looks like hex they
6943s brought their a game but Saudi Arabia
6945s there's a lot of hype for them coming on
6946s in will they be able to bounce back
6948s we're gonna find out in just a short
6951s break
6956s foreign
6968s [Applause]
6970s [Music]
6977s [Music]
6985s foreign
6987s [Music]
7014s [Music]
7057s [Music]
7070s thank you
7072s [Music]
7079s thank you
7080s [Music]
7082s [Applause]
7087s [Music]
7112s [Music]
7133s foreign
7138s [Music]
7160s thank you
7167s [Applause]
7169s [Music]
7174s from 2016 to 2023 Finland continuing to
7178s be a force to be reckoned with in the
7180s OverWatch World Cup Saudi Arabia coming
7183s in as the favorites by many people
7184s finding their match and more it was a
7187s very very close contest hex between
7189s these two teams yeah I mean actually
7191s could not have been closer every map
7194s that we have cast so far today has come
7196s down to the final fight
7198s um so it's it's been a real good one Now
7200s reminder of the format this is Group B
7202s only two teams will come out of group b
7204s we expect one of these two teams to be
7206s on the top perhaps both but a loss early
7208s on and your first match does not bode
7210s well uh only best of
7213s um best of three or first to two so next
7215s map is going to be critical and because
7218s of the format Saudi Arabia will be
7219s picking at the next map it will be
7221s either escort or hybrid escort or Circle
7225s Royale watchpoint Gibraltar in Havana
7227s hybrid there's Kings Road and Bonnie and
7229s blizzard world to choose from Bonnie
7232s going to the lab makes sense to me the
7234s one and only and you might wonder it's
7236s like what do you mean in the lab it's
7237s like well if you didn't watch it early
7238s OverWatch it then Bonnie you know
7240s especially for a time in the foreign of
7242s times was probably the map where you saw
7244s just the most variance and strategy I
7246s mean teams would try anything on
7249s multiple different points compositions
7251s would swap heavily on multiple different
7252s points to some extent the map still has
7254s those qualities but there is a point in
7257s time where that was all the body could
7259s be known for you know some teams
7261s actually made it their uh specialty uh
7263s the old uh reunited teams back in the
7265s day uh didn't really lose on the body a
7267s whole lot but uh Good Times yeah it's
7269s funny I've got some notes about reunited
7271s that I was gonna bring up for our next
7273s match but uh it's kind of funny uh yeah
7276s a lot of OverWatch history uh coming
7278s into this too so I mean it's an
7280s interesting selection from Saudi Arabia
7281s I was thinking maybe you could see Kings
7283s because you can run off our Mercy on
7285s Kings uh for some of it uh not all of it
7289s necessarily but nombani makes a little
7290s bit of sense now we also don't even know
7292s if Saudi Arabia is going to make some
7293s substitutions like mentioned they have a
7295s very deep bench
7297s um so we'll look going forward once we
7298s get into game
7300s um who's actually on these rosters
7302s yeah and uh you know it's it's a little
7305s bit of a surprise going here and there
7306s where we get to find out at the same
7308s time as the viewers well as far as you
7310s know when it was broadcast wise we're a
7311s few minutes ahead but uh yeah that's
7313s just the benefit of living in the future
7314s as it turns out
7317s huh I never noticed all the the sigma
7321s Insignia on this map before no I'll also
7325s look at there's a lot of gold on the
7326s Bonnie like this is this is a rich city
7328s it's only enough to know but take a look
7331s we do have a summit from Saudi Arabia
7334s the torb player we saw before subbed out
7337s now Four Courts so yeah Ubisoft courts
7341s is in um quartz I think is is a
7343s fantastic player so that makes a ton of
7345s sense
7347s um so finland's gonna be on the defense
7348s they're gonna get an early Scout here
7350s from cloud
7351s and it looks like we're gonna have a
7353s pause
7353s I love it
7355s you know at some point we didn't do like
7357s stretch goals here like you know some of
7359s the lines of like hex will shave his
7360s head after the 15th pause uh but you
7364s know
7365s yeah you know fine I'm for it
7368s um
7369s well I mean I think you know we we could
7371s do something that could add to the we
7373s could add to the prize pool right so you
7375s know yeah it is kind of crowdfunded
7378s um you know I I'm getting up there in
7379s years but luckily my hair's still
7381s sticking around so if I shoot my head it
7382s could come back although it's not
7383s necessarily A gamble I want to be taking
7386s um maybe I'll I'll shave my sideburns or
7389s something or shave Nothing But The
7391s Sideburns and pull off like the the
7392s wolverine look what's that yeah I mean
7394s honestly wolverine look could uh go
7396s especially if you ever complete your
7397s dream of just living out in the forest
7399s alone oh dude that is my dream actually
7402s all right we're back in a game here and
7404s instead of a pharah we are going to see
7405s an echo makes a ton of sense Echo uh on
7408s the side of Finland too or the defense
7412s and yeah like I said uh quartz coming in
7414s no surprise courts a very very talented
7417s damage player there it is and as you say
7420s that a very talented taking Echoes out
7422s of the sky resurrection's gonna be there
7423s but still big Tempo edge here to Saudi
7426s Arabia early on inside it just goes down
7428s again quartz gives his life for it but a
7430s rough time to be an echo for Finland
7432s right now for before resga come up here
7435s on court Saudi Arabia working down the
7437s 5v4 again to secure the high ground and
7439s you just see this Echo pressure coming
7440s in gonna be forcing fistula back and
7443s this right now is unrelenting pressure
7445s Masa goes down and the DPS of Saudi
7447s Arabia have no chill hits
7449s now Court quartz is is such a talented
7452s damage player that I really was a little
7454s bit surprised we didn't see him in the
7455s in the very first map but UB did okay in
7457s the role that uh was expected to play
7459s but that is a very quick take from Saudi
7461s Arabia
7462s uh finland's gonna switch things up
7463s sauna is now on Tracer so finland's
7465s gonna go this Tracer Sombra
7468s um kind of dive composition usually we
7469s saw like Tracer Sombra with a Winston
7472s um but I guess you know vestola is is
7474s just a much better Diva than is a
7476s Winston so not a surprise here
7480s one round on Echo going yeah I'm not
7482s dealing with that I'm going back to
7483s Tracer like
7486s unless you have to swap up though pay
7488s some dividends clearly gonna be looking
7489s for ports a little bit more quartz
7490s meanwhile three shots onto the honor one
7493s head would have ended up there now
7495s though coming in from the side taking
7497s away control the building here just
7499s forcing Finland back into the street as
7501s well it goes down I was gonna say boss
7503s baby gets up but no KSA just finishes
7506s that where it stands and you know hex
7508s one thing the body is also known for
7509s unrelenting momentum if point a goes
7511s well
7512s yeah uh some people do not like that
7515s fact
7516s uh if you get a rather well and there's
7520s a decent setup there you're probably
7521s gonna go right through onto point B uh
7524s there is going to be a contest from
7526s Finland Finland is to stay alive long
7527s enough to get this EMP out Sama has a
7529s hit on him from basically everyone's
7531s soccer is a lot of just going down first
7533s every fight right now got hit by a
7536s kiriko uh shots and wild takes down
7539s quartz but legit is just going wild DPS
7542s kiriko making his presence known as
7545s Saudi Arabia just pushes forward gets
7548s point being record time five minutes 20
7550s seconds this is a Slaughter so far as I
7554s mentioned in the opening no one doubts
7556s sir majet's mechanics one of the most
7558s mechanically gifted Flex DPS that I I
7560s mean I think I've ever seen just as far
7562s as aim goes just some of the best aim uh
7565s on both the Zenyatta and obviously the
7566s kiriko now too so really well played
7569s there and there's been no answer from
7571s Finland I thought like maybe they were
7573s going to come back in and try to use
7574s this EMP to get something done quartz I
7577s think kind of sniffs out the somber here
7579s a little bit
7581s trouble
7583s EMP see if the fall through is gonna be
7586s there and Saudi Arabia they live through
7588s it yeah they're able to back out like
7590s it's a really good disengage fall
7591s through from Finland wasn't there I
7592s don't think Sana really had sight lines
7593s at all
7595s and now
7596s Saudi Arabia ready to move forward again
7598s Rampage is going to be coming out here
7599s from KSA and it's a big one hits three
7602s is Walter gonna be there but still able
7604s to get Quartz but Sana falling in turn
7607s however he forces the beat but yeah that
7610s should be a stabilization from Finland
7611s yeah Finland played around it pretty
7614s well I mean they did need the beat but
7615s uh all in all able to stop it and you
7618s know we go deep into the bundle War hex
7619s the other combining lore is the better
7620s hell well your point a and point B go
7622s sometimes teams just get stuck
7625s yeah it's a pretty tough one to uh
7627s actually close out a little bit you know
7630s like finland's I don't know they kind of
7632s need to clean up this composition a
7633s little bit because sauna can be a really
7634s good player but that last EMP was like
7637s in a room and not just like like it was
7640s like in a smaller part of a room within
7642s a room like there was almost gonna be no
7644s way they can follow up on that so gotta
7646s clean up some of these emps uh for
7648s Finland
7650s that's Saudi Arabia ready to go once
7652s more
7653s Zan holding on to the duplicate and I'm
7656s looking really low from the Poke between
7658s both teams Cloud goes down immortality
7659s field I'm up to save it I think it
7661s walked out of that Vastola gang super
7662s super low also though able to take down
7665s design on the side but I don't know if
7666s it's gonna end up Saudi Arabia looking
7668s pretty healthy here on the point the
7669s Resurrection comes on in back up to a
7671s full five and Finland they just got
7673s poked down so hard at the start of the
7675s fight that it really wasn't much of a
7677s fight three minutes left to go and this
7679s one could be over already on the attack
7682s yeah cloud is gonna try to stay alive
7684s and get a miracle EMP but that is not
7687s gonna happen this should be a closeout
7688s Aku living on a Razor's Edge there right
7692s before the the Resurrection on yassan
7694s and really just almost no pressure on
7697s yassan and every time they did kill his
7698s son just got resurrected up it was it
7700s was never really a problem for them and
7702s yeah I mean again
7704s Finland just not the most coordinated on
7707s their defense maybe making some of these
7710s I don't know it's it's it's it's been
7712s kind of rough to watch but defense on
7714s them Bonnie can be like that it feels
7716s like you first hold or this happens
7719s yeah and this is always a tough
7722s situation to be in uh after a rough
7725s defense because you look at and you know
7727s it's very easy to get demoralized on
7729s point a where you know Finland comes in
7731s here heck so they have anything other
7733s and then a quick point a take and so
7735s it's getting to the point it's like okay
7736s they have like a minute 30 left it just
7738s gets so hard to get through the rest of
7740s nambani and get put through Point C and
7743s the do so with the time bank that's like
7744s reasonable
7745s yeah and also I mean this this could be
7748s coming into map picks as well like
7750s because we really need to start taking
7751s notes of where teams are going on their
7753s map pick because it's almost impossible
7755s to practice six different Maps
7757s constantly as a team you know for
7759s Finland so obviously Saudi Arabia is
7761s going to have the advantage here that
7762s they chose this map it's a map that
7764s offers really good uh advantages for
7766s vertical Heroes like an echo or a pharah
7769s so that's going to be in Saudi Arabia's
7770s wheelhouse so
7772s um not super surprising here but
7774s remember finland's one map up you know
7776s if they're able to do something here on
7779s new Bonnie then they just close out the
7780s set and take a commanding lead in group
7782s b
7783s yeah
7784s well here we go Finland
7786s right now we'll see if things go a
7788s little bit better persona
7791s here on the echo
7795s right now uh still alive so definitely a
7797s little bit better for the beginning
7798s where quartz just immediately found him
7801s I kind of got him in a weird spot that
7804s was back yeah that was huge and all that
7806s went on courts is able to find Cloud on
7808s the other end as well so
7810s uh early on finland's struggling to get
7813s significant momentum here well I mean it
7816s was such a critical hit there so back
7818s off the opposing Echo because Finland
7820s had them set up in a really nice like
7822s kind of pincer they had them back in the
7823s corner and it looked like the Sombra was
7825s about to set up a dive the Sauber was in
7827s that back corner and they're about to go
7828s in but the the sticky bombs kind of
7831s create that that pressure release valve
7833s that pushes Finland back
7835s all right so Finland on the attempt here
7837s once more three minutes ago and again
7839s they need to get point a quickly gear
7841s things are gonna turn out well but Saudi
7843s Arabia just been better in the Pokemon
7847s Saudi Arabia is one to give up a little
7849s bit of progress right now they're
7850s focusing more on when the overall fight
7852s we have the Nano go on the sauna so I
7854s was able to get Hawker that's huge how
7855s are both teams down to Mercy I'm still
7857s able to get rid of yazan and for Finland
7859s you like how this fight is developing
7860s right now you have presence on the point
7862s of four Saudi Arabia back KSA goes down
7864s and this is gonna be point a and well
7866s not quite as quick hex this is something
7869s you can still work with here Finland
7870s just needs to have a better Point C and
7872s there's still very much in this and they
7874s might get this Chase too coach yeah
7876s quartz is out in the open gets chased
7878s down all those Sonic gets punished for
7880s it see if they get the resurrection here
7882s how Haku goes down again it's kind of
7885s just split up here and this is what
7886s happens on the Bonnie with it was
7888s somehow these spawns work sometimes
7890s um yeah it's just it's also once you're
7893s committed on point a as you saw with the
7895s cast there there's almost no retreating
7897s like trying to get back to your team
7898s like they don't want to really go
7900s through that spawn because then they'll
7901s get picked up anyway so you want to kind
7902s of rotate around and just be playing
7904s back here so there's there's no
7906s retreating once you lose point a you
7908s lose everybody on that team and you see
7910s some how these staggers kind of work a
7912s little bit
7913s Finland now trying to make most of it
7916s get back on their feet after taking a
7918s little bit longer
7919s now here we go awesome Under Pressure
7922s able to shake it and get out but not for
7925s long is on still able to kill him
7929s I mean he was pretty lonely picks up
7931s another just murdering supports in the
7934s back and not more than anything else is
7936s definitely gonna be delaying Finland and
7938s we'll see where they want to set up
7940s we'll see what started here because like
7941s maybe not with this composition but you
7944s can hold spawn on the Bonnie second
7946s point but uh composition's a little too
7948s fragile for Saudi Arabia to consider
7950s that
7951s I mean also it's like
7953s given how mobile this is you don't
7955s necessarily have the area where like a
7957s defense just gets run over on second but
7959s you often see it in KSS be careful can't
7961s say eats a lot of poke early in these
7963s engagements and the Soul oftentimes
7965s would use it to push for an advantage
7966s but Saudi Arabia now taking the
7969s initiative KSA getting low gonna have to
7971s self-destruct
7972s I Stay Alive here Sana though finishes
7974s the models Finland still very very
7976s healthy hack goes under the stool and
7977s asleep Saudi Arabia trying to return the
7979s favor of the school but not quite going
7982s to happen Finland just taking advantage
7984s on the corners and this should be point
7987s B for Finland uh don't really expect
7989s more delay to be coming out here
7992s yeah cart is inching along there quite
7995s quite literally on our screen yeah yeah
7997s that was weird no this is Gonna Come
7999s pressure back in really big EMP this is
8002s very high risk would be high reward but
8005s right now it's looking like they're just
8006s incurring the risk the point B is still
8009s captured by Finland and the fall through
8011s is there Saudi Arabia just down to EMP
8013s and you know maybe that was the reason
8014s why they want courts to go over to the
8016s ash so use it to see if something
8017s happens and
8019s see where it goes
8022s uh yeah I mean
8024s I've been going over to the Asha is
8026s better so far I mean
8028s I kind of have a whole dissertation on
8030s sombra's in OverWatch and the OverWatch
8032s league and OverWatch World Cup itself
8034s but so far the somber play has not been
8036s exceptional today so I think it makes
8039s sense and yazan gets two rather easily
8041s yeah that was a
8046s screen but just
8048s just quickly eliminates two and uh
8050s that's it and you know from what we're
8052s seeing right now I think uh you know
8054s maybe the observer's hang a little bit
8055s like but so as far as we know the
8056s players are good because they would
8057s pause at the briefest moment
8060s just somewhere clear I don't think the
8063s players are seeing a little bit of the
8064s studio
8065s yeah it should be getting fixed up
8067s because now
8068s um but yeah I don't think the players
8071s would put up with that
8072s um
8074s just getting Dove on here in the back
8076s line of sports go no way cordless quartz
8078s lives what in the world is that
8081s meanwhile mid duplicate the stola goes
8084s down I I don't believe ports live there
8087s no I mean there there's been some
8089s exceptional saves from Saudi Arabia
8091s um yeah the the support line has just
8093s been really really good appealing and
8095s living on like a knife's edge here uh so
8098s right now Saudi Arabia will have the
8100s advantage going forward even if Finland
8102s does finish the map all right let's see
8104s if Cloud can get something done with
8106s this EMP as I mentioned so far the the
8108s somber play has not been exceptional but
8110s that's kind of been a League wide thing
8112s and an OverWatch wide thing oh Sona
8115s finds Majid early bomb comes out but
8118s quartz goes down Cloud just picking him
8120s off here in the back I mean I think a
8122s lot of set up by sauna and vistola but
8124s good cleanup sauna finding his hits two
8127s minutes left to go and that was a clean
8129s wipe your hex I don't really know how
8130s long Saudi Arabia is gonna be in delay
8131s here if at all quartz goes in quartz
8135s goes up just instantly eradicated and
8138s that you know we got ourselves a match
8140s here in nambani extra rest yeah it's
8143s only a minute finish and you know Cloud
8145s um I was right didn't get a great EMP
8146s got into visual hacks and completely
8148s wreck the team but but I was right
8152s um yeah it was a really nice play from
8153s cloud and sauna to clean up that towards
8155s towards the end in Finland now
8157s they're only a minute down that means
8160s almost nothing on your body that's like
8162s that's like half a fight so well
8165s no map in the game I feel like is more
8167s notorious aside from maybe sometimes
8169s Gibraltar for the yeah it's overtime who
8173s cares we're just gonna stay on the cart
8175s forever and ever and at times it can
8178s actually sabotage teams because of how
8180s overtime spawns work on point C where
8182s you don't get a great Point C defense
8185s because you died trying to stop on point
8187s B and then you know it just it can all
8189s go downhill very quickly by the nature
8192s of how overtime pushes work so really
8195s for both of these teams your key win
8197s condition here is don't give up point a
8199s you know to holding point a for two
8201s minutes very very doable and you do that
8204s your job of winning the body becomes
8206s considerably easier
8210s all right we'll see
8213s if there's any changes here
8222s okay quartz on the cast instead of an
8225s ash
8226s makes sense for this first point
8229s a little bit of a change up
8237s it was a different hero for the attack
8240s yeah I mean so this is where like this
8244s is where you want to sit up on way
8245s better's done a good job of just pushing
8247s them off quartz nearly died there
8249s instead of getting nearly pick off uh
8251s Cloud did a way better job of pressuring
8254s and Finland just fully Saudi Arabia off
8256s the point
8257s really really Frontline play methodical
8259s poke sauna though goes down is Zan right
8262s there the rest is gonna be there
8264s be there Saudi Arabia immediately
8266s pressuring and not wanting to give
8267s Finland any time to reset up and his on
8269s just continues to go wild
8271s still though good progress on the point
8273s for a potential uh Point AV point a yeah
8276s you can kind of piecemeal these together
8278s you used to see it a lot on King's Row
8279s too where like let's just take one
8282s segment at a time so now with two ticks
8284s Finland
8285s and I mean the Nano sauna is gonna have
8289s to be big I think that is that is your
8291s win condition you Nano sauna sauna gets
8294s to their own duplicates you try to get
8296s something from there but last fight last
8298s fight opportunity for Finland also a
8300s very quick Nano build from Mickey G just
8303s you take a look at that that was one
8305s fight they only had two men to begin
8306s with here so you have the bomb you have
8309s the Nano they also could drop a nano
8312s onto the store here be the other option
8314s but no they're gonna drop on the sauna
8315s as predicted and now Finland looking to
8318s pressure through able to deal with
8320s Suzanne immediately gets rid of the
8322s threat who is the hero in the last team
8323s fight Finland other than that they're
8324s really prioritizing the point here x no
8327s greedy Dives just saying you want to get
8329s us off the point you come to us in the
8332s situation when it's five KSA Under
8334s Pressure gets hacked is the falter gonna
8337s be there yes gonna get demacked Finland
8339s still looking very very healthy clones
8341s the diva the Clone Diva bomb are the top
8343s gets two and Sana coming alive as
8347s Finland here we go hex overtime push on
8351s the body you gotta love it well I mean
8354s maybe it wasn't like super necessary to
8355s get that bomb of the Asana
8357s like I said there's no retreating once
8359s you lose point a there's almost none
8361s unless you're like Tracer or Sombra and
8363s you can get out cloaked but really a lot
8364s of different value there for the uh
8367s duplicate from Echo early on and that
8368s fight is on ended up duplicating a mercy
8371s and died immediately it's one of those
8373s desperation dupes like just to you know
8375s try to save your life and extend it a
8376s little bit longer but then sauna with a
8378s much bigger value uh duplication I mean
8381s generally like even in OverWatch one you
8383s wanted to duplicate tanks because tank
8385s value and ultimate value is enormous so
8387s you really want to be duplicating diva
8389s in these situations when you can not
8391s necessarily Mercy like this
8394s but here we go overtime progress every
8396s fight super crucial KSA just gets
8398s focused down immediately EMP coming out
8401s right after but it doesn't matter the
8402s bug from case after getting focused good
8404s finds Masa yazan was able to help with
8407s getting two and I don't think that we'll
8409s be able to keep this going it's overtime
8411s spawns and a pretty good hold from Saudi
8414s Arabia not quite the you know iconic
8416s overtime push of uh oh they uh stop the
8419s news tracks
8421s no totally fine for Saudi Arabia still
8423s um
8426s yeah it's it's
8428s I just want to keep setting up the
8429s stakes because you know sometimes we
8431s glance over it this is map two and a
8433s first to two if Saudi Arabia does not
8434s get further than this they go down on
8436s their own map pick
8438s um after a really well thought out
8439s control like I cannot overstate the
8442s value of this the stakes in each one of
8444s these fights and each one of these
8446s because
8447s again Group B only sends two people
8449s through qualifiers two teams
8452s um so these are two of the the favorites
8454s in the group but there's some teams
8456s lurking out there
8457s now losing your first qualifier match
8459s online is is going to be brutal so
8461s really a lot on the line here for Saudi
8464s Arabia
8465s to not drop their very first map pick
8468s yeah I mean you take a look at this and
8470s you know whoever loses this match uh
8472s they have to now look at Sweden and go
8474s we must beat Sweden or you're gone you
8477s know no BlizzCon no nothing like it ends
8479s here so you know you want to have that
8482s flexibility to potentially lose the
8484s Sweden and still get into BlizzCon
8487s proper but yeah well that said I mean
8489s given how close our very first uh match
8491s of the day was between like turkey and
8493s Poland who knows I mean really we don't
8495s know this
8496s but yeah I mean it's all about World Cup
8498s I mean
8503s any first attack uh first time around
8505s here in the body they're not guaranteed
8506s to get point a you can get hell on the
8508s body point a pretty easily you know the
8509s first time around Sonic got picked off
8511s super early I think sana's made some
8513s adjustments here so I don't know if
8514s we'll see that again well they're gonna
8516s try to take the same angle too because
8517s quartz is going to play on this this
8519s long sight line here
8520s um as the as the Ash and they're gonna
8522s kind of rotate damage boosting the Ash
8524s and the echo as they try to take this
8527s High Ground here Santa's a little bit of
8529s trouble but it doesn't get away yeah it
8531s sounds like a lot more defensive however
8532s yeah
8534s however quartz goes down so finland's
8537s down to support Saudi Arabia down the
8540s DPS spot they're able to get the res
8541s both teams getting rise up so back up to
8543s 5v5 Finland though got poked down a
8545s little bit more ahead they can see the
8546s bit of space however still looking for
8549s their option and Nick G just wasn't able
8550s to get away he's on camera chases him
8552s down Saudi Arabia is still very very
8554s healthy here too so you take a look at
8556s this this is looking like again a very
8558s good first attack from Saudi Arabia and
8561s again hex you think back to the last
8562s round they didn't stop until Point C so
8565s if they do that again we're going to a
8566s map three and they just prioritize the
8569s Anna early on I mean the Anna corner is
8571s like kind of notorious on the Bonnie
8573s Anna's almost always set up in the same
8574s spot so hitting that shot early is
8576s critical and then when you're able to
8577s take out the honor for the second time
8578s and there's no res not only does that
8580s hurt your team that there's no res but
8582s now masa's got to run double duty trying
8583s to keep everyone alive whereas Saudi
8585s Arabia does have a significantly higher
8588s healing output so 90 seconds left
8591s there's the box of Victory on the ground
8594s even sauna ends up getting duplicate
8596s value here you know you look at the time
8598s remaining it is only a minute 20.
8599s Finland only needs two flights but those
8601s two fights can be really
8603s really hard to get here of course to do
8605s anything they need to get this one here
8607s and now early hack on the KSA Bob it
8610s comes out from court Saudi Arabia
8611s probably gonna burn everything to try
8613s and do this here and now son of them
8615s into the back this is the duplicate ends
8617s up you have mercy ends up getting
8618s immediately ripped out of the dupe so
8620s very low value he is on sends him to the
8623s Grave right after meanwhile the payload
8625s moving and moving Finland not gonna stop
8628s him this time we're going to map three
8630s it seems to be the the harbinger of a
8633s fight loss is when you have to duplicate
8635s a mercy it happened to Saudi Arabia uh
8638s in in the the last stage and now it
8641s happens I mean obviously like Echoes are
8643s just like I gotta get out I gotta try to
8645s get out alive what really happened there
8646s is the Bob came in at a really nice
8648s angle and it forced the echo around the
8650s corner to try to make a play Echo
8651s doesn't want to be fighting that close
8653s right it helps with the beam to be that
8655s close but I just ended up getting in a
8657s really weird spot because he could not
8659s Retreat the other way he can't go up
8660s because Bob can shoot up Bob's really
8662s smart that way uh forced into the team
8664s and really well executed by Saudi Arabia
8667s so they're able to take their own map
8669s now Finland gets a chance at their map
8672s and maybe you want to pick something
8673s that uh you can't let the team get into
8676s the sky on yeah I know because USANA but
8679s you know what on the other side like
8681s Finland matched it a lot of the time
8682s like they played really well on their
8684s own Echo so
8685s well look I mean if they could get them
8687s to play a far a torb comp again I think
8689s you do want them to go to the sky
8691s because I don't think the tour part was
8693s a great aspect but Saudi Arabia they did
8695s make the change I don't think we're
8696s gonna see the tour come on back in and
8699s you know look Saudi Arabia they made
8701s good adjustments here both teams had
8702s their moments in this map but you know
8704s the biggest thing for me in this is that
8706s Finland wasn't able to find a firm
8708s answer for point a to Bonnie defense it
8711s burned them in the first round and it
8712s definitely burned them in the overtime
8713s round where you know if they were just
8715s able to get one fight on point a it
8717s probably changes the outcome of the
8719s match entirely
8720s yeah I mean there was some some really
8723s nice stuff uh from from Finland even in
8725s this loss though and I just can't
8727s believe how close everything has been
8728s today it has been so fun to watch and uh
8731s we're going to a map three uh gonna be
8733s spectacular it is going to be a rush map
8736s but it is finland's Choice
8739s um maybe maybe you'd prefer to have the
8741s the second map pick because it gives you
8743s a lot more variety but you know uh the
8746s game mode is rush I think Finland might
8748s put Let Me rush I'm saying rush all day
8750s long but yeah or you've been looking at
8753s my last name I don't know you know
8754s either way yeah or or a certain you know
8756s OverWatch League head coach you know
8758s yeah yeah there's a lot of ways to get
8760s Rush on the brand fantastic Canadian pop
8763s band
8764s um
8767s but yeah it's been a fantastic day and
8770s um yeah I'm just really you know
8772s obviously we're gonna have to take a
8773s break before we figure it out but I'm
8775s gonna try to Theory craft what I think
8776s they're they're gonna pick next but I
8778s wouldn't be surprised maybe see cloudy
8779s come in ah play a little Reinhardt well
8782s well cloudy or well heck sits here in
8784s Daydreams of Cloudy coming in The X
8787s Factor we will be taking a break while
8788s we come back the thrilling finale to
8790s what has been a great match so far
8808s [Applause]
8810s thank you
8815s [Music]
8817s [Applause]
8819s [Music]
8851s foreign
8852s [Music]
8862s [Applause]
8869s [Music]
8892s thank you
8905s [Music]
8909s [Applause]
8913s [Music]
8913s [Applause]
8917s [Music]
8922s [Applause]
8926s foreign
8930s [Applause]
8934s [Music]
8969s thank you
8976s [Music]
8983s [Applause]
9005s thank you
9006s [Applause]
9012s know it's not every day you can say
9014s something has lived up to the hype but
9016s here today hex this has lived up to the
9019s hype map 3 the deciding map here in our
9022s matchups here today it is first to two
9024s so three is the max you can go Finland
9027s and Saudi Arabia taking each other to
9029s the left hey buddy I don't want to
9030s interrupt you you're muted though might
9032s want to fix that real quick oh you know
9034s what I was I can read your lips I knew
9036s exactly what you said actually I I
9038s understood every bit of it now if you
9041s want to reiterate what that was no no
9043s the stream could hear me so really it's
9044s just on you just imagine you heard what
9047s I said oh okay well I you know I did not
9049s hear what you said
9051s um I'm sure it was insightful and
9052s wonderful and absolutely perfect uh you
9055s were just muted on my end so my bad I
9057s didn't mean to interrupt you as it was
9060s um so yeah uh that was that was an
9062s excellent point and I completely agree
9064s the interesting thing is like what
9066s what's this map selection gonna be
9069s um push so our options on the map Pool
9072s and I don't know if I'm repeating after
9074s what you said uh Coliseum Esperanza and
9077s new Queen Street so um it is going to be
9080s new Queen Street we are going to go into
9083s that map
9085s um and yeah that's finland's pick and
9087s we'll see we'll see what they want of
9089s course Finland picks the map with a
9091s hockey arena on it I was kind of like
9094s gonna say that too yeah it's like you
9096s know this feels close to home uh you
9098s know it might be Canada but yeah let's
9100s go with it uh we love the ice
9102s hahaha
9104s yeah so I mean the question is is there
9106s going to be any uh roster changes for
9109s either side
9110s um and we will find that out just now
9114s it's good looking statue yeah I mean
9116s look hockey is the theme Here great
9118s sport by the way underrated especially
9120s in North America but uh it is a little
9123s bit pricey to play only only in parts of
9125s North America I don't think it's
9126s underrated in Canada no
9129s no definitely not uh
9131s you know any place where there's a snow
9133s and cold yeah but yeah it'll be exciting
9135s to see what the teams have in store here
9136s on push and also you know remember it is
9138s push so you know with as close as these
9141s teams have been whoever wins the first
9143s one the two fights uh that could be its
9146s they could be putting the other team in
9147s a hole they will not be getting out of
9149s also and tracking substitutions or lack
9151s thereof quartz is staying in so no you
9154s be torb to be talked about here instead
9158s it's gonna be courts uh likely on the
9159s hit scan once more
9162s yeah uh interesting play and also no
9165s substitutions for Finland either so the
9168s team's just rolling with the the same
9170s rosters as they did in map two uh yazan
9173s was momentarily anime
9176s of course that's not gonna stick
9178s because he is on does not like to be on
9180s the ground at all and will be switching
9183s over to the echo it's one of the things
9185s where if he's on had a dating profile
9186s you know top things things I hate the
9189s ground
9191s Terra Firma not a fan
9194s see picture of me skydiving
9197s uh but as we say that design is in the
9199s sky once more so accurate to say the
9202s least Vastola just getting troubled
9204s early on has to block and go please
9206s please heal me but Finland in general
9207s this game beating up poke wise KSA
9210s eating a little bit counterpoke
9211s immortality Fields already used in the
9212s Solar oh man there's a hit out for him
9215s right now still the store be able to
9217s back up get healed on Saudi Raven not
9219s able to capitalize on what could have
9221s been an early Advantage so good poker no
9223s we're back to neutral he's on the fine
9226s sauna and that is the beginning of what
9228s could be some momentum here on push yeah
9230s I mean the sustain was there for a while
9232s for Finland but eventually just breaking
9234s through a nice knife from KSA it will
9237s finish off uh the remainder of the big
9239s healing for Finland and you know it's
9241s going to be an issue for Finland when
9243s you're on this Rush that if you end up
9245s losing uh your Batiste early you're just
9248s in trouble you just don't have the
9249s healing anymore so uh well Finland was
9251s able to sustain through a lot of that
9253s into Saudi Arabia that will take the
9254s first fight Finland with 20 meter years
9257s though is interesting because you wonder
9259s if they're going to come back and try to
9261s push this maybe a person down
9263s um just to not give up the the lead
9265s which is just so critical and push yeah
9267s I think they're gonna be able to contest
9268s it in time like you look at where
9269s they're at right now
9271s they don't care I don't care they they
9272s realize you know we want a better fight
9274s you know if we can only get 20 meters
9276s we're probably gonna lose anyways so
9278s they just let it be Sonic close to the
9280s Dead Eye gives up The High Ground goes
9282s down says I've smelled tank blood takes
9284s down kiss at the end of the stall uh
9286s Deadeye here in the back looking at izan
9289s who goes away it's like man I don't want
9290s to be here looking for the mercy mercies
9292s but it comes at a cost
9295s icious meanwhile Sada goes to the back a
9298s little bit clean up near the push point
9301s is on able to get Sana and still a
9305s threat Cloud get servich had a little
9307s bit of a dink from the icicle straight
9310s to the Head blizzard ready to go looking
9312s for KSA once more won't be a res this
9314s time this Masa finishes his plate and
9317s Finland they're gonna be able to push
9320s right back up I don't know if they'll
9321s get to 30 but it's gonna be close
9323s well I think I think they should be able
9325s to with a couple of late kills I mean
9326s it's gonna be 5v3 right now and then
9328s they're right around the corner it was
9329s an interesting blizzard to take down uh
9332s KSA there just to make sure the queen
9335s goes down
9336s I kind of don't mind it just because
9338s Queen can be one of those Heroes that
9340s you think is dead in the sustain just
9342s kicks in so hard so some changes going
9344s to come in though KSA gonna get off of
9346s the queen and on to the uh erisa first
9349s time we've seen Orissa today who can be
9350s a real bully in some of these situations
9352s yeah I mean I think I can't say anything
9354s to stay alive mean file for you is on
9356s it's like things are going bad uh what
9358s do we need do the win Bara go far the
9362s most comfort of comfort picks for yazan
9364s KS Halo getting super low again the
9366s Finland just hates tanks the tank
9368s focuses on Rio Vastola finishes him off
9371s the annihilation just a little bit too
9373s much pressure to deal with because I was
9376s able to get Masa as this is going on
9377s still potentially terrible fight but not
9379s anymore Sana Clips is on his wings
9383s and Finland getting really valuable
9385s progress now on the robot I should be
9388s able to get forward spawn here too which
9390s is critical but they did just lose two
9392s as quartz comes in pretty big estola is
9395s gonna have to hightail it out of town
9397s yep time to leave
9399s but you know for Finland you're really
9401s happy with that I mean yeah you would
9402s like to keep that going a little bit
9404s longer but you know a push leads like
9406s this can't just be the end of the game
9408s at times
9409s we'll see if Saudi Arabia though can
9411s have a good fight here he is on over the
9413s top barrage immediately gets rid of the
9415s stola and you know you're not gonna lose
9417s the tank fight if you have a tank and
9419s the other team doesn't well I mean you
9421s you used a barrage you got one and you
9423s stayed alive like that's the checklist
9425s right there like you that's it's a super
9427s successful barrage
9429s um and also I mean the the target of
9431s value uh taking out the the opposing
9434s tank is critical and that might lead to
9436s Saudi Arabia getting forward spawns this
9438s has been very back and forth but it does
9439s seem like Finland wants to contest this
9441s before they give up board spawn they
9442s absolutely should and you know part of
9443s that is gonna be if Cloud could just get
9445s the blizzard up in time though
9446s goes down and yeah they immediately
9448s invest the blizzard they they get KSA
9450s down Sonic it's Haku no more Lifeline
9452s here for these on if Sonic can just stay
9454s alive a little bit longer gazondo
9456s finishes him off I think though Finland
9458s did enough damage overall that doesn't
9460s really matter they're able to keep
9462s control able to push things back
9466s yeah I mean as soon as the mercy Goes
9469s Down You're Just in trouble and I'm
9470s actually surprised that yazan was able
9471s to live through that surprise vistola
9473s didn't kind of uh take him down
9475s so really in yeah sounds gonna initiate
9479s um you know I kind of want to see yeah
9481s KSA has gone back to the junker Queen uh
9484s really struggling on the tank play so
9485s far like it just has been kind of
9487s bullied out no matter what was played
9489s and in case I just need to find
9491s something that he won't die first time
9494s right now because Finland is the
9495s pressure tank specifically Masada went
9497s down first in this fight they lose the
9499s ability to speed up and ASA a little bit
9502s of quick Revenge aided by yazan and you
9505s know you lose one person that early in
9506s the fight and things just snowball as
9508s Finland they're gonna be bringing this
9509s right back the other way it's just a
9511s Mastery of the the firework fit uh the
9514s pharah kit excuse me for freeze on
9517s um so to jump on the back line and then
9519s watch immortality field come down hit a
9521s perfect concussive blast to knock out
9523s people out of immortality field get the
9525s Panic going in them try to finish it off
9527s just it's just an absolute Mastery of
9529s the hero to a level I've almost never
9531s seen
9534s early on and again
9537s you see the early barrage just uses it
9539s to confirm a kill it's exactly what you
9541s shouldn't be doing on pharah Saudi
9543s Arabia giving themselves a big edge here
9545s getting very close to equalizing 51-57
9547s yazan just isn't stopping finds Masa
9550s rocket after rocket gonna be playing
9552s vistola back and spawn as well and 57-52
9555s I think Saudi Arabia is going to take
9557s the lead here x is three minutes and 40
9559s seconds remain oh they absolutely are
9561s and now quartz is going to play front
9562s and get this pressure and there is going
9564s to be a Bob here like this
9567s um well I mean they're tied right now
9569s but this should be able to lock them in
9571s in the lead
9572s and Saudi Arabia has a legitimate chance
9574s to finish here if they don't get picked
9575s off early
9577s Bob coming up from Fort Saudi Arabia
9578s really wants to just keep up momentum
9580s gear if they can beat down from Masa
9583s well times save Sana from dying cloudy
9585s while finds corpse Finland 5v4 now
9588s Vestal holding on to the bomb you know
9590s if you're Finland you want to be
9591s economical here you have a long push to
9593s go the other way
9595s can't say now Enemy Number One gets
9597s hacked the focus can be there no means
9600s it gets machete on the other end and ASA
9603s says I'm still invested uses the rage to
9606s Saudi Arabia they don't want to give
9607s this up sponsor for Finland are coming
9609s right back in here hex and what is
9611s becoming a very Scrappy fight yeah now
9614s this Saudi Arabia has the lead they're
9615s they're going to switch over to a Sombra
9617s too which is is kind of an interesting
9620s pick
9621s it allows you to kind of just take these
9623s fights wherever to maybe get some back
9624s cap pressure to just put pressure on to
9626s the payload and you know with being up
9629s 20 meters you kind of just want to stall
9631s you're fighting clock now yeah at this
9634s point for Saudi Arabia you're okay
9635s losing a fight so long as it takes a
9637s long time you know it's going to take
9639s Finland at least two fights in all
9641s likelihood to bring this back so you can
9644s lose this fight just make it take a long
9646s time but of course winning fight would
9648s be better
9650s it's huge
9653s yeah that's that's really rough
9655s um
9656s now there's there's almost no healing on
9658s the ground they're gonna get the
9659s resurrection in though but it does mean
9661s that oh sticker goes down yeah
9664s a life finland's been doing a really
9667s good job of punishing these registers I
9669s feel like half the time Haku goes for a
9671s res you know it's a blood sacrifice it's
9673s life for a life in a lot of situations
9675s but Finland they get the fight they need
9677s they're moving forward Saudi Arabia not
9679s really a huge Edge at all into the next
9681s fight I mean the big thing is gonna be
9683s EMP you know if the EMP can set up the
9685s barrage is the number one thing but
9687s Finley can also set the tempo of banana
9691s but now you have to go really worried oh
9695s the movement
9697s no way he's living how is Victory alive
9700s no not anymore at the same time both
9703s teams have support is on running for his
9705s like 9 HP
9707s is on to live how in the world but
9709s yazan's also very far out of the fight
9711s that is still going on meanwhile of the
9715s stole I think was off hunting for yazan
9717s and what turned out to be a split fight
9719s both teams a little bit scattered one
9721s minute left to go and there's the pause
9725s well why not
9727s um
9728s I mean how can you end a map three with
9731s one minute left to go if you didn't have
9733s the pause is the the real questions you
9736s gotta ask yourself
9738s yeah we'll see if it's uh if the players
9740s are experiencing some some stutter or
9743s lag I know our engineering Department's
9744s been working on a couple of things here
9746s to try to bring you guys the best
9747s product possible but you know whatever
9749s it's just a pause in one of the most
9751s critical moments
9752s um of the map so far uh it has been kind
9757s of weird like these fights are happening
9758s all over the place and I think like what
9760s really exemplifies that is you know
9762s where yazan ended up being and then you
9765s know it's trying to bop himself around
9767s and all over the place uh but been
9769s playing really well and the the people
9771s from Finland has been really really good
9773s up to an extent I think it's just izana
9776s as Relentless pressure whereas like most
9779s borrowers would shoot like two rockets
9780s at that Anna um and then be like oh well
9782s the Diva's there and they're getting
9783s peeled because I'm just pumps in like
9785s two more and ends up getting the kill so
9788s it's been kind of crazy up 20 meters and
9790s in control of the cart is Saudi Arabia
9793s or the robot
9795s um and yeah see how this one goes down
9798s and we're only 40 seconds left a single
9800s one fight from Saudi Arabia could close
9802s out this series yeah Saudi Arabia
9806s change here depending on how this pins
9809s up probably close to the two at this
9811s point is on getting support means tallah
9814s says I hate mercy kill the mercy kills
9816s the mercy with the aid of mixing says I
9819s don't need a Lifeline life for a life
9821s once more takes down both supports on
9823s his own a solo Mission successful in
9827s Finland now desperately without heels
9830s just all though moving on forward
9832s Finland can't really back out a whole
9834s lot here 10 seconds left to go is on the
9837s threat yet to be dealt with gets the
9839s stolen doesn't let him remake this could
9841s be the end for Finland as his on cannot
9844s be stopped
9846s I mean generally Divas are really solid
9848s counter to the the pharah but he's on
9851s his really good at cleaning up these
9852s these uh d-mac pilot Divas like it's
9855s been happening all series Masa is trying
9858s to desperately keep his team alive up
9861s into this how long can they delay is the
9863s question here fifth win is scattered
9865s Masa just gets crunched and that is it
9869s Saudi Arabia pulls it on out but you
9872s gotta say here hex Finland gave them one
9875s heck of a fight and it was just great
9877s OverWatch across the board yeah it
9879s always comes down to like just one or
9881s two fights and I think it was you know
9883s one of the last times and Masa sometimes
9885s will end up winning these but so yassan
9888s went to dive the Anna again as always
9891s you know after the Anna killed his mercy
9893s and then he went to get revenge uh you
9895s know montoya's style goes in there takes
9898s down the mercy and then for whatever
9899s reason as yassan is on mega pack
9903s um Masa just comes rolling through the
9904s door as Lucio and like that's the second
9906s like it just made no sense and he just
9908s there were so many times Masa died where
9911s he was like two feet away from yassan
9913s which I guess is like the how you have
9914s to play it as Lucio if you want to try
9916s to get some damage but he comes in late
9918s that means that Lucio's not alive to
9920s taxi the rest of his team back or give
9921s any sort of heels and then that ends up
9923s being a one-sided fight and and so the
9926s diva can't go in and yassan still has
9928s free reign but you know we talked about
9930s a little bit of the meta coming into
9931s today and I was like man I think we're
9934s gonna see some power and mercy just
9936s because some teams you know have
9937s Specialists and things like that but I
9939s didn't expect to see 99 of the match to
9943s be far of Mercy I guess there was Echo
9945s I'm counting Echo into the Farah family
9948s um but yeah it's it's not surprising
9950s what Saudi Arabia did a little
9952s surprising Finland was able to deal with
9953s it as well as they did actually yeah and
9955s yeah we look into the highlights here
9957s sauna having moments but you know at the
9960s end of it just dealing with an enormous
9962s threat in yazan's Far where you talk
9964s about people that say pay attention you
9966s know the average player going to a game
9968s you know keeps informed goes okay here's
9970s what I should play you know yazan just
9971s has a page permanently locked where it's
9973s like what's meta and it's a wall with
9975s nothing but pictures of farm that is how
9977s he's probably operates on this game just
9980s give the fact is like what to play
9982s pharah doesn't matter yeah or speaking
9985s of like you know we talked about
9986s Wolverine but like the Wolverine meme
9988s just a picture of pharah
9991s well yeah I mean a fantastic game so far
9994s today and I mean it's only going to get
9995s better
9996s um but yeah I mean you have to give a
9997s lot of credit to like I said you know um
10000s Haku which I thought like
10002s maybe his worst map it was the last one
10005s going for like really aggressive
10006s resurrections but that's kind of the
10007s nature of push where like if you get
10009s that res off then your like team is
10010s still in it and if not you're at least
10012s delaying so it wasn't like that bad but
10013s early on especially at that Bichon Tower
10015s Haku played amazingly well on the pharah
10018s so like we're gonna talk about yazan
10019s because that's in the kill feed and
10021s you're the one hitting Rockets but like
10022s you're only half of the duo there
10024s um so I'd like to give credit to some of
10026s the mercies there the rest of the team
10027s picked it up really well and I mean
10029s finland's still a very very dangerous
10031s team because as much as like I think
10033s Masa made a few mistakes there towards
10035s the end but you're Lucy over his bar
10036s it's not gonna be awesome Masa also had
10039s like game and match winning plays uh
10042s especially on Lee Jong Tower early on so
10044s like this Finland team has a ton a ton
10047s of talent and this is the upper echelon
10049s of Group B uh Saudi Arabia and Finland
10051s so we'll see Sweden in a little bit and
10053s also some other teams but yeah a group a
10055s is looking really strong speaking of
10057s other teams coming up next it's gonna be
10059s Norway taking on Sweden the action is
10062s going on all day long here at the
10064s OverWatch World Cup stay tuned we'll be
10066s right back
10082s [Applause]
10089s [Music]
10133s thank you
10148s thank you
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10180s thank you
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10184s [Applause]
10184s [Music]
10217s [Music]
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10225s [Applause]
10230s [Music]
10232s thank you
10240s [Music]
10248s [Music]
10280s [Applause]
10283s foreign
10286s we just watched the Kingdom of Saudi
10288s Arabia take two straight games after
10290s losing one to Finland to take it two to
10292s one and proceed in our round robin
10294s welcome back everyone to the OverWatch
10296s World Cup 2023 online qualifiers for
10298s emec I'm your host Jim Basco and of
10301s course joined by zp and hex man aerial
10303s superiority zp I think you said it best
10306s I wasn't expecting Farah for 99 of the
10309s match or maybe it was hex I really
10310s couldn't tell you which one of you said
10312s that but that's exactly what I was
10313s thinking you know this is a pick that
10315s generally has a lot of problems
10317s especially in organized plays EP how did
10320s he make it work oh hey man work just by
10322s just hit all your shots forehead uh
10325s pretty much and you know it's one of
10326s those things where it's like it's the
10328s very thin line between feast and famine
10329s on far right you're either Landing
10331s enough Rockets to immediately take
10333s people out and not dying or you're not
10336s quite hitting as much and you just
10338s simply fall over and you look like
10339s you're completely ineffective like you
10341s have to just hit a certain threshold of
10343s lethality that most people don't
10345s nowadays because yofara hasn't been meta
10348s as often people don't spend really as
10350s much time dedicated to the character but
10352s you know for someone of his Gambler it's
10355s one of those things where hey I can make
10357s it work it's a hero I'm very very
10359s comfortable with and you know yazan just
10362s made it work simple as that I think
10364s hitting shots is a big part of it too
10366s but but to me the thing that really
10368s separates Great Fair gameplay is always
10371s the movement and the concussive blasts
10374s um just being able to control where
10375s other players are and where you are
10377s because especially with the way
10379s OverWatch has developed and I spoke
10380s about this very early on and I think in
10382s our first match the game has gotten a
10383s lot more sustainable there's a lot more
10385s healing that goes on the tanks are a
10387s little bit stronger there's mitigation
10389s there's immortality Fields there's so
10391s much that a pharaoh can't just sit back
10393s there and poke away and hope that one of
10395s your Rockets hits eventually you get a
10397s kill so what is on does and by extension
10400s the rest of his team and and the mercy
10403s with them is noticing those windows
10405s where now it's can cause a blast in and
10408s I'm on you and you saw it time and again
10409s with like remaking Diva like that that
10411s was the big thing for me you would see
10413s like the diva get played and like going
10415s down and Diva thinks she's safe all of a
10417s sudden bam in there with concussive and
10419s down how he got closed the distance on
10421s Masa was closing the distance on people
10423s and also knocking people out of
10425s immortality field knocking people into
10427s walls so that those those Splash damage
10429s is better like yeah hitting shots is
10431s important and staying alive is important
10432s but you can't play passively as pharah
10435s anymore you have to take the fight to
10436s him and I think that's that's what the
10438s game
10439s um that he played was is so excellent at
10441s yeah high in the sky yazan has managed
10444s to stay a Mainstay of the pharah
10445s gameplay from really day one of
10448s OverWatch so you know adapting to the
10450s times is no problem for him but with
10452s that match out of the way definitely one
10454s of our best matches of the day we have a
10455s lot more action just around the corner
10456s let's go ahead and take a look at the
10457s schedule I believe for our third match
10460s of the day today we've got Norway versus
10463s Sweden of course following that Iceland
10465s versus Germany Belgium versus Great
10468s Britain Italy versus France and at 12
10470s p.m Pacific the Netherlands versus Spain
10473s so going on into Norway versus Sweden
10476s here zp hacks thoughts on players
10479s thoughts on what we've seen so far
10480s throughout the day obviously the meta is
10483s still yet to settle and we've seen some
10484s very very interesting pics so far but
10487s you know Norway versus Sweden coming up
10489s what are your high level thoughts here I
10491s mean my high level thoughts are pretty
10492s low level
10493s Kevin's kempster win game like and also
10496s sparker but I do think that there's a
10499s potential that we just go into this and
10500s we see kevstner just put up you know
10503s three four eliminations you know every
10505s other team fight I I do think it could
10507s be that sort of match but as we've seen
10509s today teams can be surprising
10512s yeah I mean obviously like you you would
10514s favor Sweden just looking at the DPS
10515s line when you when you're a second DPS
10517s like buy a pretty significant margin of
10519s sparker uh you're doing pretty pretty
10522s good I mean kevistor is just that good
10525s um Kevin Pearson or person which is what
10527s a robot would call themselves if they
10528s name themselves just saying umster might
10531s be an AI it's very possible
10533s um I guess on the other side of things
10535s we can talk a little bit more about it
10536s like Norway does have some players with
10538s experience um psycho and Isaac have
10539s competitive experience but uh the guy
10541s I'm looking at is a guy that man uh he's
10544s been Ross's 2016 is his only God has
10547s been around forever I mean you want to
10549s talk about experience that you've had
10551s like he was on a team called Nordic
10553s Alpha I don't know if you remember that
10556s back but obviously like he was on
10557s reunited did a brief student with the
10559s Dallas fuel uh Paris Eternal um before
10562s like officially retiring earlier this
10564s year and like that's kind of what's
10565s great about World Cup is that players
10566s will like come out of retirement because
10568s it's like well I get to play for my
10569s country like it's a completely different
10571s thing so Norway has some players and
10573s like I think the strategy is obvious
10575s it's like we need we have to check
10576s Hester first and we have to hope that
10578s sparker doesn't pick up the slack when
10580s you do that so I think that's what we're
10582s seeing but Sweden could just run through
10584s it just because they have two not only
10585s OverWatch League level DPS but like top
10587s of OverWatch league right absolutely
10589s well zp and hex I believe the players
10591s are getting ready to rock so I'm Gonna
10593s Leave You guys with the match Norway
10594s versus Sweden just around the corner
10596s all right we are getting into it and
10599s yeah we're gonna be looking at Norway
10600s first so I'm willing to go down only God
10602s uh Memory Lane uh with you because I I
10604s think it was also it was only God I
10606s think filled in for one of the uh Old
10608s Apex tournaments you know Apex the
10610s Korean OverWatch tournament uh you know
10612s specifically where I think it was oh man
10614s I'm trying to remember I think it was
10616s kid maybe who like at the time like
10618s didn't feel comfortable with travel and
10620s then like Oni God I think filled in
10622s short notice where United it was
10623s something along those lines my memory
10624s might be fading at this point but uh
10626s sure yeah I mean it's very possible
10631s I just like yeah it's it's I was looking
10633s at it oh my God is that the same only
10635s God from from way back in the day and I
10638s was just kind of looking at it at the
10639s resume and it starts in like September
10642s of 2016.
10644s um of course was like a Mainstay on
10645s Toronto Esports when Toronto Esports was
10648s like a big thing has been all up and
10650s down had time on Envy time on fuel time
10653s on Paris just like just a player who
10655s seems to love to play uh because like
10658s just we'll we'll take anything really
10660s like we'll like play for any team just
10662s waiting for the chance so
10664s um definitely a player when I think of
10666s uh only God I think of like
10668s um maybe I'm thinking of someone else
10670s perhaps but I always thought of the
10672s Genji being one of his best players no
10674s no it was Genji 100 yeah I think we're
10677s we're probably gonna not see a ton of
10679s Genji might have to play Tracer just to
10681s try to check kevstraron Tracer which is
10683s a money yeah well speaking of Kev start
10685s we got our Sweden roster here where yeah
10688s uh Sweden has retooled a bit uh I again
10691s Sweden's progression over Overwatch
10693s World Cup history is very very
10696s interesting to me because you know you
10698s go back in time enough there was a
10700s period of time believe it or not that
10701s the they were the favor to win the
10704s OverWatch World Cup in 2016 before the
10706s reality of Korea being extremely good at
10708s OverWatch crashed upon the community uh
10711s you know rather coldly but you know then
10714s in future years I kind of fell off a bit
10715s as I sort of had an aging roster where
10717s they didn't reinvent but now you look at
10719s it the DPS line alone should be scaring
10722s you
10724s um yeah absolutely I mean if that's what
10726s everyone's looking at also I mean
10728s experienced tank play and lossesh I'll
10731s also just been around for quite a long
10732s time I think's had issues with maybe a
10734s Visa of some sort that I ended up with
10736s his unceremonious exit from the league
10740s um so yeah uh I think the story is Kevin
10744s sparker everyone knows that and I mean I
10746s think I'd be surprised if they didn't
10748s end up like kind of carrying this match
10749s and that's what makes Group B so scary
10752s is that like we just saw two of the best
10754s teams in group go go toe-to-toe and in
10756s Saudi Arabia in Finland and what you
10759s expect both of them to maybe get out of
10761s group but that means Sweden doesn't get
10762s out of group do we really expect sparker
10764s and cavister to not get out of group
10766s like this it's it's kind of crazy and
10768s then you've got a lot of wild cards like
10770s you know Norway and whatnot so
10772s yeah I mean but I think this one on
10776s paper maybe maybe just because I didn't
10778s know enough about like Poland and turkey
10779s but this one on paper seems like it
10781s should be Sweden right yeah on paper for
10784s whatever it's worth in this tournament
10786s where again historically you never know
10788s uh in the OverWatch World Cup but uh on
10791s paper it does seem like uh Sweden's
10794s probably gonna come on through and you
10796s know production you know talks are
10797s you're in like yeah you know we're
10799s actually a little bit behind schedule
10800s today you know didn't expect it this may
10802s be the game that gets us back on
10803s schedule to the uh listed times here hex
10806s because you know on paper at least
10809s there's a pretty overwhelming advantage
10810s of Sweden but you know there's a reason
10813s why the teams play the game and it's
10815s because you don't know until they
10816s actually play and that's where upsets
10819s and the unexpected can truly happen so
10821s I'm just curious to see what happens
10824s yeah um so obviously we're gonna kick it
10826s off on Lee Jeong Tower I'm actually just
10828s mostly curious to see what's uh what
10830s we're going to end up playing here as
10832s far as like comes I would expect Kev
10834s star to to just play Tracer
10836s um and then maybe sparker playing the
10839s Sombra right would that seem correct to
10841s you
10842s yeah I mean I think there's multiple
10844s things I also wouldn't be surprised to
10845s see like kevster just go on the Cassidy
10848s with uh some of the hype around like hey
10850s just play Cass he's really good yeah
10851s let's play cast like if you're feeling
10853s good about your single shot hit scan you
10855s know even though I would probably expect
10856s the Tracer you know play whatever in
10860s this regard I think the capster there's
10862s a lot of things kevstner can play and
10864s it's gonna go well regardless of what
10866s gemster plays so but right now it is
10868s looking like the Tracer as we head into
10869s the control center
10872s yeah uh Norway is looking like they're
10875s playing something kind of interesting
10876s here like this is a little bit of a
10878s hybrid this looks like kind of a Saudi
10880s Arabia cop actually
10881s one shot Captain that's all I want to
10883s say sorry
10886s so chemster's so good you're actively
10888s rooting against him absolutely yeah well
10890s no no it's worse so I just
10892s come back
10894s oh there it is I've wheeled it into
10896s existence X that's it that's a peak
10905s I icicles are the worst thing that's
10907s ever been out of this game I hate it so
10909s much
10911s I don't normally predict to be like man
10913s I hope this player does this but in this
10914s case I did it worked out and I'm good
10920s well I mean that's a really nice start
10921s for Norway to be in control of this
10923s especially when you're going to opt for
10925s the kind of uh the the echo Mercy style
10928s where you're kind of going to be
10929s squatted up where your Echo Mercy is
10931s going to be alone-ish
10933s um to have control of the point is
10934s really important
10937s coaster now also going to be on their
10939s event roll the play for not right now
10942s just general poke I think building more
10944s towards pulse than anything else right
10946s now rather than going for anything
10947s specific just press around the tanks
10948s marker though goes down most yourself
10949s finds his counterpart 93 comes through
10952s the pulse bomb here we go psycho over
10956s and in off the duplicate in Sweden just
10958s good poke here nothing too flashy to
10960s open this up
10962s no and uh the duplicate comes in late
10964s doesn't get anything done so Sweden will
10966s be able to take that one back and yeah I
10969s mean this is uh
10971s does the summer Tracer makes a ton of
10973s sense just because that's what the
10975s League's meta was for quite a while so
10977s it just seems like if sparker and
10979s cavister are going to come in after
10980s playing mostly in the league like this
10982s would be like what they're most
10983s comfortable with
10985s um so yeah it's as long as they have the
10987s comms going like it can be a devastating
10989s combination
10990s against her and now in the back threat
10992s here not so much poke but the pulse bomb
10994s in reserve we're now going around the
10996s other end coming up
10999s I'll spawn not gonna do too much JP able
11002s to find lotious and Norway playing very
11005s well around their May around their tanks
11007s right now very close to getting the
11009s reflip unless Sweden can get a pickup
11012s here psycho in or the top of the
11013s finishes off Sile smarter though in the
11016s other end it doesn't matter as psycho
11017s kind of coming alive here hex
11019s yeah it looks really nice and I mean
11021s kind of one of the byproducts of playing
11023s against a somber Tracer is that your
11024s team is going to stay a little bit
11026s closer together so when they come in for
11028s this dive when they come in for the
11029s hacks it gets very difficult to isolate
11031s a Target because the peel is already
11033s there you see it even with like the the
11035s echo uh Mercy is they're never too far
11038s away now part of that is that the map is
11040s a little bit condensed but it's been
11042s working really well against this kind of
11043s uh hack dive composition that Sweden's
11046s trying to rock EMP comes out real early
11048s psycho able to get the duplicate off
11051s yeah
11052s holy God though finds the Bap a quick
11055s pick up for money God
11056s backed up the other way I suck able to
11058s move forward in the support line of
11059s Sweden is just getting demolished right
11061s now hex I don't think the DPS could
11063s bring this back
11065s now in a free MP from psycho there too
11067s duplicating the Sombra I'm able to
11069s finish that one off and at 85 percent
11071s it's gonna be rough because even if they
11073s get in here they're going to have to end
11075s up playing against a blizzard
11076s momentarily so that can just really lock
11078s down the point entirely
11080s they're gonna have to try to sneak a
11082s sovereign you're just gonna touch
11083s because that Wall's coming up
11085s well just got sent up by only God who's
11088s been playing very consistent here again
11090s I love to see a veteran player because
11091s they play against like gets the map two
11094s icicles from Odie God show and he still
11097s has it it's Sweden now without a whole
11099s lot of healing kebster not able to find
11102s a Pick Off Norway coming in hot 99-54
11105s saw those able to get psycho that's
11107s massive pick for the Bap Walsh is able
11109s to slow it down a little bit
11110s Transcendence in from Sweden all in on
11113s the point they need to reflip It Here
11115s and Now
11120s Tracer and Norway is Isaac just goes to
11124s town
11126s one of the downsides of Sweden's
11128s composition is your Tracer and your
11130s Sombra are almost never going to be with
11131s your team like they're always gone so it
11133s kind of leaves your back line extremely
11136s vulnerable Lucio Zen not a ton of
11138s healing anyways so you see lol such
11140s getting punished on it too I mean if you
11142s just look at the Pure Healing numbers JP
11144s and mimio are going to have so much more
11148s sustain on it so if you're not getting
11150s extreme value in controlling the tempo
11152s of the game with the Tracer and the
11154s Sombra you're leaving the rest of your
11156s squad pretty exposed and you saw it it
11158s happened to losish time and time again
11160s just kind of got uh bullied out a little
11162s bit so yeah going to the Winston makes a
11165s little bit of sense here like if you're
11166s gonna do this Tracer Sombra like do the
11169s Tracer Sombra no don't don't do half of
11171s it also you know we talked a lot about
11173s the DPS of Sweden and also
11176s um you know well such and his pedigree
11178s but you know one thing there and you
11180s know they're players that you know not
11181s as familiar with but you look at the
11183s support line Norway was doing a really
11184s good job of punishing the back line of
11187s Sweden there and you know I wonder if
11189s that might be a little bit of an
11190s Achilles heel where you know you know
11192s don't worry as much about Kev star just
11194s deal with the supports
11198s yeah well I mean there was there's no
11199s one to protect the sports and I mean
11201s look Zen Lucio you're not gonna be able
11203s to protect each other anyway unless the
11205s Zen is just kind of stopping you get the
11207s poop but that's just it's just not
11208s enough now with the sustained line of
11210s like a May and uh and an echo Mercy
11213s coming after you
11214s the thing I like about Norway here is
11216s that the comp they're running is just
11217s it's consistent you know if Sweden
11219s doesn't get an early pickoff oh my God
11222s we get pickups get tipped by the bionade
11223s Under Pressure able to stay alive only
11225s God got real low still got away from it
11228s doesn't die psycho
11231s off the outskirts on the echo a ground
11234s Echo here uh yazan really wouldn't
11236s approve of that too much time onto the
11238s ground but hey still alive getting uh
11240s supported all the while in Norway adding
11243s on progress to points Parker trying the
11245s pressure here in the backs Parker nearly
11246s goes down just barely translocates at
11248s times still really low if anyone can
11250s catch him Isaac eats the bio name gets
11252s healed back up nanoboost ready to go
11254s here for Sweden in just a moment what's
11256s turned into a very long fight but
11258s something Norway is okay with hex I mean
11260s they're in control of the point spark
11261s has been trying to get something done on
11262s this right side but every time he goes
11264s in and just completely shut down by the
11266s echo now finds a good Target but ice
11268s block is a thing
11270s and Only God he's just living doesn't
11272s care about kimster poking kebster has
11274s had to really respect the icicle poke
11275s and turn psycho finds the Anna
11280s pushed out after the healing is gone so
11282s is the tank and Kev star Norway at 56 to
11286s zero hex what is going on
11288s well I mean the support line for Norway
11290s has held their own right so it's not
11292s been captured bullying uh down uh either
11295s of these supports one because mimio gets
11296s to stay in the air too because kiriko is
11298s just a great duelist and was able to win
11300s that last duel and Norway like you said
11302s this I mean this is a composition that
11304s doesn't rely on like super overplay your
11306s super coordination everyone hang out
11308s together try to peel for each other and
11311s just hit some shots Emil got caught
11313s early and Only God doesn't care still
11315s get dropped to play the tank do we need
11316s the mercy I'm gonna take down your Zen
11318s still though I think a little ambitious
11321s and yet still enough to make kempster
11323s burn the pulse bomb and seemingly one
11325s fight but Sweden now X finally on the
11328s board yeah uh Norway needs one single
11331s fight here they're probably gonna try to
11333s use the kazune rush maybe get a
11335s duplicate in onto the Winston would be
11337s helpful as well Sweden in a good spot
11339s though if I'm Sweden I really want to
11341s try to initiate this early on with
11342s sparker if I can try to get a fight with
11345s just an EMP
11346s I mean I think that's a play here be as
11349s efficient as possible and yeah
11351s the follow-through on the yeah killster
11354s push that eight percent of the way while
11355s such just smacked the rest Sweden
11358s looking very very healthy right now and
11360s this is good this is a solid economical
11362s fight for Sweden and something they
11364s needed to get back into this so they
11366s need like two more of those
11368s well it just which is good because they
11369s still have an EMP they like I think
11371s Sweden just can't be playing passive
11373s here now that you're in control like you
11374s can't be playing passive on this
11375s composition anyway it's it just doesn't
11377s work that way
11379s um you don't want to let Norway go get
11380s set up on the point because the map
11381s editor in May is going to be able to cut
11383s off half of the the dive paths for you
11385s so I would like to see Sweden stay
11387s aggressive here
11390s that's it
11391s I'm so good
11393s I mean you lose the mercy immediately
11395s essentially for
11397s should the rest of your push I mean you
11399s know there's parking that you almost
11400s wonder is the time to jump off the
11403s legendary go for the reset cycle that
11405s was able to get sparker so afraid Hill
11407s Norway they don't really like giving
11408s away flights for free here and that
11409s might pay off Kevin in the back here has
11412s the pulse bomb probably willing to
11413s invest it now maybe Waits out the orisa
11415s ultimate goes forward goes for the stick
11417s not playing around easy stick one and
11420s done 82 enough for Sweden then
11423s you know Norway took a gambler cycle
11425s gets two and it's sort of paying off
11427s your Hicks they've gone on to a point
11429s they're close to a reflect chemster goes
11431s down and this scrappiness from Norway
11433s really unexpected so far yeah they're
11436s gonna stick in it too and if they can
11437s stay alive long enough to get both the
11439s mercy and the main here they should be
11441s able to lock it out like rather easily
11443s and they will do just that the sustain
11445s on the point is really good as Isaac
11447s stays alive and now it's gonna be very
11450s difficult for Sweden to come in
11453s they touch the point and and volsis
11456s should be able to get Primal here 99
11458s ready to go oh God don't drop so
11460s defensively gets rid of the Lucio again
11463s only got Terry the sword lizard
11466s who's that kempster caught a kiriko hits
11468s and that could be it psycho mopping up
11471s the rest and oh my goodness hex I did
11474s not expect this coming on in Norway
11477s defying expectations they take map one
11481s away from Sweden yeah JP got hamster as
11485s many times as kebster got JP which is
11487s totally fine for support if you're gonna
11489s hold your own in the back end there
11490s that's completely fine I thought Sweden
11493s improved on the dive in the second um
11495s part of the map obviously it's a little
11497s easier on that uh that stage than it is
11499s on Mecha base but going over to Winston
11501s was super helpful
11502s um it just seems like they're about a
11504s second off either way of like the the
11506s somber's not there in time or the
11508s Winston's not there in time where
11509s kelster is getting someone down to maybe
11511s 10 HP but then they live because it's
11513s not the Super coordinated dive that you
11516s need
11517s um but yeah I mean you can't you can't
11518s say I can't say enough about like uh JP
11521s like this really good care play like the
11524s Lucio played well mulsish did their job
11527s as well and yeah I only got kind of set
11529s in tones with some icicles and that
11531s composition works really well against
11534s um a Sombra Tracer because maybe somber
11536s comes in then you wall up one side now
11538s the Tracer has to go around like it just
11540s is really well thought out and now
11542s Sweden is gonna have map pick here it
11544s also cycle played really well yeah
11546s psycho was solid only God just didn't
11548s die it was ridiculous but you know I did
11550s just hear something really interesting
11551s from production in my ear apparently his
11553s wedding is today or it's sometime this
11555s week but reinforce has left his wedding
11558s ripped off his tuxedo and he's actually
11560s going on to Sweden team comms to try and
11563s give them support he heard about the
11565s math loss he can't stand the next Lake
11567s and Johnny is Unleashed so you know
11570s we'll see
11571s but that's dedication to leave your own
11573s wedding for OverWatch wow I mean
11575s priorities right you know it
11579s it makes perfect sense to me so yeah a
11582s little bit of an upset like I said
11583s mentioning mentioned coming into this I
11585s thought on paper Sweden looked like the
11587s stronger team but paper has been useless
11590s today in a digital world so what do I
11592s know
11593s um Sweden's map pick is coming up next
11596s do uh platitudes uh be like hey anything
11598s can happen no we've been around the
11600s block a few times we've seen stuff
11601s happen
11603s ing right now you're seeing it happen
11604s too Norway up one to nothing over Sweden
11607s what's gonna happen next you got to come
11609s back to find out
11616s good
11626s [Applause]
11651s [Music]
11657s foreign
11660s [Music]
11698s foreign
11701s [Music]
11728s foreign
11729s [Music]
11744s [Music]
11781s thank you
11784s [Music]
11797s foreign
11799s [Music]
11830s [Applause]
11832s foreign
11836s Norway is up one to nothing over Sweden
11840s if you had a prediction bracket it might
11842s be about to be blown to Smithereens if
11845s Norway can keep up the pressure and if
11847s Sweden doesn't find a way to play up to
11849s the potential that most think they have
11852s yeah I mean they have potential
11854s um again baseless speculation usually I
11856s say this for pauses I wonder if that's
11857s like a little bit hubris though of just
11859s like oh we have Caster we have sparker
11861s just go kill people right just just win
11862s your one-on-ones and they just didn't
11864s win their one-on-ones a lot of the time
11866s like I I can't really remember like
11867s sparker having a moment where he found
11869s someone out alone and hacked and got the
11871s kill uh kevster I saw like you know I
11873s got kiriko a couple times but I saw
11876s kiriko get their own in there a couple
11877s times as well so uh maybe part of it is
11880s like okay we need to relax it seems a
11882s little better than we thought let's
11884s let's coordinate let's get our our
11886s composition down uh get something like
11888s that also I mean you can't take anything
11889s away from Norway just hitting shots
11891s playing well good peel
11894s um but yeah I mean the composition that
11896s that Sweden ran in the very first stage
11898s with like a Lucio Zen and just kind of
11901s getting jumped on by the echo not ideal
11904s um so yeah it's it's I kind of got
11907s counter compositioned because
11910s Norway just stayed together the whole
11911s time and that that summer Tracer doesn't
11913s like playing against a team that stays
11915s together
11915s yeah and look uh I do expect Sweden to
11919s bounce back here but the player I gotta
11921s highlight again just you know we talked
11923s about him in the Preamble because it's
11924s always fun to talk about players I've
11925s been around for a long time but look you
11927s don't play this game for this long
11928s without getting consistent and
11930s especially on Heroes like May that are
11932s so based on how's your positioning how's
11935s your reactions only God still has it
11937s only God is a good player and if only
11940s God keeps this up like should Norway win
11942s and Norway continue to do well
11944s I do feel like this is one of those like
11946s OverWatch World Cup stories where you
11947s could see only God just suddenly back
11950s into the league like OverWatch World Cup
11951s does have that way of just revitalizing
11953s careers so seeing the story of one God
11955s right now yeah it's been one map but if
11958s that narrative continues that's awesome
11960s I I really like that narrative yeah I
11962s mean
11963s um psycho and Isaac have some some
11965s competition like experience as well like
11967s ex obliviony if you're psycho psycho I
11969s thought played really well
11970s um also like the support line was Rock
11973s Solid so like yes it's only God and
11975s perhaps it's that leadership and that
11977s experience
11978s um and the the comfort of being within
11981s competitive OverWatch for seven years
11983s now just about like that's kind of crazy
11987s um so yeah that leadership I think is is
11989s valuable and the composition looked
11992s really really strong I I don't know you
11996s gotta you gotta let them leave spawn
11997s first yeah I know
11999s because I don't think we're gonna see
12000s life Weaver life Weaver Genji I'm for it
12003s you know but I I don't think so spark
12006s around to the dedicated hit scan rather
12008s than the Sombra I think is good too
12009s especially on this map along sight lines
12011s you either want to run like a Hanzo or
12012s an ash
12014s yeah I mean that makes all the sense in
12016s the world to me and you know you take a
12018s look
12019s at Norway setup and you know honestly if
12021s you can get away with it I you know you
12024s keep running them hey I mean only God's
12025s good at and I do think you know it's
12027s sometimes it's memed on but there is
12029s something to be said for the fact that
12031s may can give a good Tracer fits at times
12033s you can't play exactly how you'd want to
12036s play in some cases because you have to
12037s respect the one shot you know anything
12039s again kevstrom's head is good
12043s yeah so Norway is going to run pretty
12045s much what they ran on lijiang Tower here
12049s um almost exactly different tanks set up
12051s here from Isaac trying to get more
12052s Brawley
12053s oh sparker caught early Isaac also a
12057s standout right now at the tank play
12058s really good contribution so far psycho
12061s in the fall through gets the Zen and
12063s Sweden is folding this point already
12065s might be over hexes Sweden has to back
12068s out and pray to get a recontest which
12070s right now doesn't even look that likely
12072s yeah falling apart like cheap furniture
12074s which is apropos I think right now A
12076s Sweden just absolutely crumbling they
12079s lost one they lost two and then that was
12081s it also she tries to get out is unable
12083s to do so but I kind of want to see where
12085s that kill from Isaac came from early on
12087s to be able to get sparker like that
12088s might maybe hit a knife I didn't exactly
12090s see it but yeah I mean some yeah it was
12093s a blank can you miss it tight moment but
12095s Norway right now that's one thing
12097s they're not doing missing everything
12099s going well for them right now just
12101s flipping the script of what people
12103s thought this match would be
12106s and now go away just looking for the
12108s setup here meanwhile walsish on the
12110s Winston in the back
12112s I mean it's kind of gutsy for his psycho
12114s to be running Echo into into sparker's
12116s Ash yeah
12118s kind of respect it it's kind of a shoot
12120s me you won't moment that's going on
12122s right now he's just like do it
12125s I dare you but uh what else is right now
12128s back over onto payload gonna play a
12130s little bit more grounded rather than
12131s drop down oh you gotta get Parker in the
12133s middle of that that opens things up for
12135s psycho too no now he just doesn't have
12136s to worry at all about it yeah there's no
12138s anti-air anymore oh man also only God
12141s can just entirely focus on gemster now
12144s and just keep tester back psycho
12145s duplicate ready to go walsish can't get
12148s away Oni God controlling space so well
12150s right now a well-timed ice block when
12152s getting low and the one thing that keeps
12154s on going right now is the payload it has
12156s not stopped four minutes and 20 seconds
12159s for Norway the pressure unrelenting in
12161s Sweden the crumble and Sil goes down
12165s ultimate's gonna be invested here by
12167s Norway they use the duplicate the
12169s Valkyries in progress tried to do
12171s anything here with the primal does he
12174s get the Clone Bob coming out Isaac able
12176s to finish off the Anna Walsh's is down
12178s hex it's still happening
12182s maybe it is like kevsters there but
12184s we're not long it's kind of funny that
12186s Norway is running this like budget Rush
12189s with like the Joker Queen and then me
12191s like the commanding shout will come in
12193s and they've just been chasing people
12194s down it's it's been kind of crazy and
12197s then when when their target you know
12200s goes away or goes on a high ground or
12201s something like that then it's psycho up
12203s top trying to just good nuts with it a
12206s really quick preemptive switch though as
12208s LOL switch goes on to the
12210s um the erisa which is obviously a nice
12212s counter to the junker Queen and so Isaac
12214s just plays rock paper scissors and goes
12217s to the the zarya which is a nice counter
12218s to the eurosa always up like capster
12221s right now by the Bay of all things even
12223s on the echo blizzard coming down here
12225s from one God forcing things back at this
12227s Parker got caught again sparker's been
12229s having a tough day here hex and psycho
12232s goes I'll kill your robot too I don't
12233s care it gets rid of the bomb as Norway
12236s the payload just doesn't stop it does
12239s not stop
12240s yeah sparker has just been living in
12242s spawn it it has been really really tough
12244s for him to get anything done
12246s uh Sweden's been bullied back here
12249s this is a spot where you can hold on
12251s defense
12256s hope to get hope to win a team fight
12258s they haven't won a team fight yet yeah
12260s Sweden also sparker's gone to the
12262s desperation Hanzo here of please you
12264s know guide my arrows let they hit
12267s something we need anything right now and
12269s actually not too bad damage there at the
12271s end of tester like that is what they
12273s needed for Sweden they get Isaac out of
12276s the fight the problem is they don't deny
12277s the res mimio's able to get away cleanly
12279s and Norway the pressure's still oncoming
12281s duplicate comes on out well it's just
12284s getting pushed back has the Nano so it's
12287s able to stand to an extent Sparkle
12288s though lands the arrow finds Isaac and
12291s the Hanzo coming online helping out
12292s Sweden a bit here but the pressure from
12294s Norway they don't back out hex they just
12296s keep the fight going
12298s will sparker does have a really really
12299s good Hanzo and we've seen it time and
12301s again so it's it's a really nice pick
12302s especially with the sight lines here um
12304s and also the anti-nades have been pretty
12307s clutch uh coming in from Sweden so they
12310s were able to anti-isaac gets Isaac down
12313s low and then the combination of sparker
12315s and kevster able to finish that off so
12318s uh gonna have a dragon gonna have a dupe
12321s here oh my God
12323s a little projectile versus projectile
12325s gets a Arrow versus icicle Taste of his
12327s own medicine
12328s the not as cold sparker under a little
12331s bit of pressure goes back drops back
12332s drops the Dragon
12334s your way eats a lot of damage from that
12336s able to get away meanwhile only God uses
12338s the blizzard Zone swing up really
12339s capitalizing on that hamster meanwhile
12342s duplicate in progress star hit me zarya
12345s builds the grab and just full commits
12348s the follow-throughs there he's his own
12349s follow through on Echo after the
12352s duplicate Fades uh kebster had enough
12354s well Echoes combined for five kills in a
12357s row and now it's getting really really
12359s Scrappy towards the end here but it
12361s seems that Sweden will hold on the
12364s roughing for Norway during that last
12366s decade well maybe this evening a little
12368s bit
12368s I mean he might have died but
12372s so what yeah and that caused a little
12374s bit of pain
12375s well I was going to say it was really
12377s rough for Norway because they they
12378s committed so many ultimates that got
12380s absolutely nothing out of it but now
12381s Sweden is kind of helping them out a
12383s little bit by throwing ultimates of
12384s their own in towards the end Norway has
12386s made another switch as Isaac's gonna go
12388s to Sigma I mean this has just been a
12390s tank rock paper scissors back and forth
12392s we'll alsojana on Winston and we've seen
12394s Sigma we've seen six different tanks
12396s here so far all right get some they rush
12398s out here from Norway looking to put it
12400s away heavy pressure on the wolsters and
12402s style look at Style Style so low right
12404s now I think was just barely able to
12407s squeak away from the pressure but
12408s kepster Falls as a result the prophet
12411s supports and the back out kempster Falls
12413s Norway cleaning up Sweden and they're
12416s gonna finish out blizzard World here
12417s with a very respectable time yeah 90
12420s seconds left to finish up blizzard world
12421s is uh very very clutch that is enormous
12424s I mean we talked about it going into our
12426s second game of Saudi Arabia versus
12428s Finland but Sweden going down here would
12431s be absolutely have enormous implications
12434s for Group B and Norway putting some
12437s people on watch I mean I can't say
12438s enough about pretty much every single
12440s one of these players the best player in
12442s the server has almost been psycho it's
12445s been kind of crazy
12448s a little bit uh unexpected to say the
12450s least but it's a good type of unexpected
12452s I mean look I feel bad for you know all
12455s the fans of Sweden I haven't looked into
12456s this like this is our year this is great
12458s and it's not that Sweden can't bounce
12459s back right like losing this match it
12461s doesn't knock you out but if they play
12463s like this for Saudi Arabia or Finland
12465s they will get knocked out if they're not
12467s able to turn this match around here
12469s today so this has been a little bit of
12471s whiplash in terms of expectations meet
12474s reality it's uh yeah Sweden and Saudi
12476s Arabia going 01 to start it off would be
12478s a little bit bonkers
12485s of the setup here where we talked about
12487s what team was favored on paper there's a
12489s reason why you play the game you got to
12492s play the game and this is why because
12494s all the hype in the world doesn't always
12496s match what the reality is when one team
12499s plays another and uh this match right
12500s here living proof
12504s yeah
12505s um swing gonna come out take a couple a
12507s couple of pot shots here early I don't
12508s know how long have star is gonna stay on
12510s this Widow
12512s uh three seconds makes sense yeah
12517s that might be the expected uh time to
12519s stand Widow right now till uh players
12521s get a little bit more comfortable with
12523s the changes
12525s but Sweden they need to get point a
12527s quickly here hex this is you know a
12529s minute 30 time bank is not easy to make
12531s up on blizzard world and stuff number
12533s one here gemster
12535s has to become kebster the the kebster of
12537s hype and not just you know struggle with
12540s the only God containment that's been
12541s going on
12544s yeah he's kind of struggling to find a
12546s Target you don't really want to go up to
12547s the echo that's gotta got a pocket right
12550s with the mercy pocket going after drunk
12552s or queen is Tracer is what's the point
12554s you know it's it's just been very
12556s difficult to find an isolated Target for
12558s kebster
12561s and Sweden I mean the softens your exits
12563s slow right now they're really it's slow
12565s because they're hoping sparker please
12567s get an arrow or Kev start get an
12569s isolation you know hey they wait for the
12571s pulse bomb but Sweden is wholly
12573s dependent on that to kick start their
12575s offense right now Norway is just
12577s defending all the Poke attempts super
12579s super well now heavy focus on laws just
12581s but there it is sparker finds only God
12584s the opening they needed the res though
12585s is there the bomb onto Isaac though very
12588s big from kevster this gives Sweden the
12591s advantage of looking for a sparker just
12593s lays the arrows into the freshly
12594s resurrected Bay yeah I mean you see the
12597s moment that junker Queen goes down that
12598s they can't hold that corner anymore and
12600s that's when sparker just jumps in and
12601s then may kind of has to step up as the
12604s Quasi tank to try to like hold some
12605s angles hold some Corners because the
12607s junker Queen's down and just holds a
12610s whole quiver of arrows with her face
12611s instead so yeah Sweden's gonna be able
12614s to crack that one open and I think I saw
12616s some nice ultimates coming up here as
12617s well
12620s all right sparker right now going
12622s fishing
12623s there's ever a time to just have a
12624s fishing skin for hanza it is it's like
12627s what are you doing out here I'm out on
12628s the you know top of the building just uh
12630s you know hoping I hit something and oh
12633s right now that is what sparker's doing
12635s anyway these arrows could be lethal
12636s meanwhile Norway just you know standard
12639s poke back and forth right now
12644s yeah I mean it's just everyone's got
12647s faults happening right now I would like
12649s Sweden to like end up being a little
12651s more aggressive but the way Norway is
12653s playing this kind of has five doesn't
12655s really lend itself to like Sweden being
12657s able to dive in on it force on some
12659s ultimates Isaac Stone again first though
12660s yeah it was also a pretty well timed
12662s Transcendence there from style like
12663s right as Norway came in the
12664s Transcendence came out there wasn't much
12666s to be done sparker lands the arrow
12668s immediately and you know I think the
12670s change of momentum we're seeing here in
12671s part is that you know sparker Hanzo good
12674s as it turns out you know Sparkle is
12675s playing a whole bunch of different
12676s Heroes settled on the Hanzo but yeah as
12678s I say that no way I used to make
12680s something out of nothing there at the
12681s lake blizzard but you know they're just
12683s too far behind in the fight here
12686s yeah I mean the blizzards have not
12688s gotten value like probably the last two
12690s or three of them from oniga that needs
12692s to be cleaned up a little bit because
12693s it's such a high value ultimate for the
12695s most part should be winning you fights
12696s uh only God has had enough of the May
12699s and going to switch over to the ash
12701s which makes sense because like you know
12703s controlling this High ground and having
12704s sight lines here is good also like
12707s someone needs to be able to dual sparker
12708s a little bit and you don't necessarily
12710s want to fly your Echo right into the
12712s Hanzo so yeah and unfortunately yeah I
12715s mean it makes sense uh the swamp that
12717s they've done here and Only God right now
12719s is that pretty good Ash right now this
12721s lady looking for a little bit more
12722s damage but here's the thing of going to
12723s the ash it is opening up kebster now to
12726s do more like Kev start can be a lot more
12728s aggro so I'll find psycho I think psycho
12730s went for the dive this time doesn't
12732s quite go as well as Sweden right now
12734s starting to come online kemster finds JP
12737s and you know only God's lining some
12740s shots here but hasn't really been to the
12742s spot to do anything lethal as his team
12744s is just kind of dying underneath them
12746s now and a lot of this is sparker is
12749s found the hero that he's he's best on
12751s right now like the Hanzo has gotten so
12753s much value for this team as far as
12754s cleaning people up getting some early
12756s pressure onto the opposing tanks like it
12759s it's the difference in this map
12761s specifically has been sparker's Hanzo
12764s um and I think it goes back to like that
12765s the very early Ash on defense where he
12767s just got rocked like three times in a
12769s row like
12772s I you know look sometimes you know we
12775s talk about Comfort Heroes especially an
12777s OverWatch World Cup this is a comfort
12778s Carol for smarter and yo shows meanwhile
12780s kebster you can see how much more
12783s aggressive kevinster is able to be right
12785s now with the swap like
12788s he can't start flying a lot more
12789s pressure psycho goes down pulse bombs
12791s ready to go here from kempster it's like
12793s it goes back up waiting waiting just no
12795s respect to Onika there leaves a pulse on
12797s the corner gets rid of him and now
12799s Sweden hitting their groove they drop
12801s the Transcendence in response to the
12802s bomb moving on forward Isaac still
12805s trying to delay on point but Sweden way
12807s more pressure on the point right now
12808s they're gonna go okay we'll go for Isaac
12810s we'll Force the bomb out are they gonna
12811s be able to punish before he gets back
12813s and back no not quite
12816s nowhere near the same amount of fear
12819s no in insile is actually held his own
12821s like the last three fights against
12823s psycho and because psycho is going is
12825s has had to Die the back line can't stay
12827s at mid-range and train trying to fight
12829s the Hanzo whereas like the ash seem like
12831s a little bit more reasonable for him to
12833s dive on because it's like just storm
12834s arrow is really really good
12837s um and it kind of negates a dive on
12840s Isaac goes down early and also Kessler
12843s has the Tracer mirror now I again even
12845s if Kevin had a slow start you've gotta
12846s like this change in concert Sweden it
12849s plays way more to their strengths here
12851s so far Norway is off their game sparkner
12853s just rips Mercy out of the sky with the
12855s aid of welshish and Sweden finding the
12858s groove two minutes in the time bank
12859s roaring forward they can set a quick and
12862s time now hex with the setup of Team comp
12864s swaps what a change of momentum for
12866s Sweden
12867s yeah and I just want to give all the
12869s credit in the world to the support line
12871s of Sweden it looked completely different
12873s right now and it's just like kind of the
12874s Duelist nature because only God doesn't
12877s really want to go one-on-one versus
12879s kevster who would so he's trying to pick
12880s on the back line but the back line is
12882s picking on him uh kebster cleans it up
12884s sparker finds his Groove and yeah
12887s absolutely Sweden just needed to warm up
12889s there because you're you're starting to
12891s see the mechanical advantage that the
12893s damage line does have yeah and
12896s yeah I mean you think about what changed
12898s here Norway was able to get away with
12901s the May comp throughout all of map one
12904s and the beginning here of map two and it
12907s had this impact of keeping kebster in
12910s check and putting sparker in that well
12912s okay sparker has to beat you situation
12914s sparker ends up rolling through multiple
12916s different Heroes finally lands on Hanzo
12919s and everything seems to open up for
12921s Sweden I think it also like ended up
12923s relieving some pressure on sil's not
12925s going down first every fight and also
12927s maybe so I'll just need to warm up so
12929s it's just been this huge Tempo change
12930s where the support line of Sweden is
12932s living longer sparker is contributing
12934s kebster isn't under anywhere near the
12936s same amount of pressure it's a
12938s completely different game
12941s yeah absolutely I mean it's really
12943s helped the support line too like I said
12945s psycho found very little there tried to
12947s go after the support line a couple times
12949s but unable to do so a lot of those
12951s sparkers they will play a little closer
12953s to them
12954s um and yeah I just completely different
12956s game and it seems like Sweden has found
12959s the composition that they want to go
12960s with I was really worried about the
12961s Zenyatta for a while it seemed like it
12963s wasn't getting a ton of value and kind
12965s of just getting picked off but watching
12967s um Style just hold their own against a
12972s psycho diving in on an echo with a
12974s pocket has been really impressive
12976s Norway's going the same offense I did
12978s before but again key difference this
12980s time sparker starting on the Hanzo so
12983s we'll see if psycho's Hala Duty did
12985s before where you know psycho was heavily
12986s going after sparker heavily going after
12988s style but he's been challenged a lot
12991s more now helix
12993s yeah and also there's a lot of times
12994s where they're getting discorded too
12996s right so like psycho's getting marked in
12998s the sky immediately that's brutal Isaac
13001s is anti too wow just stays alive that's
13004s tough and you know for Norway you
13006s haven't done anyone here enough damage
13007s Queen is healthy just wait for onigo to
13010s come back after you do get the rest so
13011s you don't have to go for the full ring
13012s it's Parker gets long
13014s because I was able to take down Isaac
13015s doesn't fall the psycho if psycho just
13017s landed a little bit more damage Isaac
13019s would be alive but it's that thin margin
13022s let Sweden hold it off and Norway only
13025s 30 seconds here hex they don't have much
13026s time period it's like God CP get 33 HP
13030s right there because he gets stickied and
13033s he peeks around the corner and takes one
13035s of those try shots then that's just
13037s death but instead ends up taking away
13039s the tank
13040s and that's it there's another wealthiest
13043s way to say that that's just bravery
13045s you're a bravery it's like I'ma hit this
13048s but Sweden now while she's getting
13051s blown the Poke game here not really
13052s close to the Primal either so Walsh just
13054s has to be careful the tank pressure is
13056s very methodical here from Norway but the
13058s Nano boost is up because I gotta go to
13060s here's Parker Guild right on over Nano
13063s comes on out
13064s well now sparker here in the back
13066s waiting waiting has the trike it has a
13068s demon of space Proctor is gonna fall as
13070s well as uh half a swing at the same time
13072s a very well coordinated dive off the
13075s Kitsune so Norway spending some money
13078s for it but here we are hex we thought
13080s we'd get it on the Bonnie but a big
13082s overtime push could be in the cards
13084s well it just seems like Norway decided
13086s they'd uh they'd figured out the problem
13088s and they'd had enough of it like a
13089s three-person dive onto spark or um
13092s sparker never even in position to get
13093s the the dragon down earlies because the
13095s rotation of Isaac onto the diva uh was
13098s really helpful a diva to take away some
13100s High Ground into to put some pressure on
13102s the sparker was really nice that's a
13104s good swap off of the junker Queen onto
13106s the diva I think to be able to kind of
13108s mitigate it also it just it helps Norway
13110s appeal Norway is better when they're
13112s kind of sticking close together as a
13114s squad I'm looking at the pulse bombs
13116s right now between Kevin easily could set
13118s the tone here onigon hanging on to the
13121s pulse Isaac down early a huge value
13124s dragon and they get forced off the point
13127s uh once more deprived of the big
13130s overtime push but Sweden is awake now x
13133s uh they might have been sleeping at the
13135s beginning but they've found their groove
13137s and this is very winnable and it could
13140s be yet another map three in our first to
13143s two Series so uh really good OverWatch
13146s today
13146s yeah it's it's been fantastic to watch
13151s um
13151s yeah like is it Sweden just kind of kind
13154s of came alive Norway like a nice
13156s response too like this has been so back
13158s and forth and especially like the tank
13160s battles we've seen so many different
13162s tanks played already and what's amazing
13164s to me is like that Isaac will switch
13166s just based on like not even having a
13168s battle with a tank but being like oh
13170s they went to this this counters this
13171s this like it's just been this rock paper
13173s scissors
13175s um yeah it's been really fun to watch so
13178s Sweden not gonna switch anything up here
13180s Norway not gonna switch anything up
13182s either they both kind of settled into
13183s this groove of what they want to run
13185s yeah and again I I just feel like the
13188s fact that sparker on Hondo has now like
13191s caused enough Ripple effects that only
13193s God cannot play the May it is on Tracer
13195s it's just it a chess match it almost
13198s feels like Checkmate because this is so
13201s much more favorable to Sweden and what
13203s they're good at and you know the only
13204s way forward I feel like from Norway here
13206s is that you know you gotta find that
13208s extra level from onigod on Tracer but
13211s that's hard when your mirror is
13213s literally one of the very best Tracer
13215s players in the game so uh we'll see what
13218s goes
13221s absolutely
13223s so sparker wants to take this right here
13226s and then you just start firing logs in
13228s this is exactly how their their last
13230s push went
13232s from sparker you have your confidence
13234s back and then some take a look to the
13237s right something a little bit more
13238s squishy you can get Pony God of course
13240s it would be huge now turning to the side
13243s looking for JP in the back Walsh is
13246s again getting focused but that's the
13247s other adjustment too but also she was
13248s dying early now while it's just shaking
13250s the pressures oh my God though got style
13253s early big pickup for only God if he
13255s could get away under pressure by sparker
13256s has to go for three one still under
13257s pressure in the back sparker looking
13259s waiting gonna get Force back just a bit
13262s cycle though Goes Down Kevin was able to
13263s find him both tracers playing Scrappy
13266s and in each other's backlines right now
13268s this only God barely shakes death
13271s is looking for him but right now both
13274s teams trying back and forth 39 seconds
13276s left for Sweden's attack
13278s well they need to be able to get on this
13279s High Ground here right now LOL says just
13280s kind of just baiting it kind of doing
13282s like that the quasi-jump the half jump
13284s uh nice little Tracer battle in the
13286s background here only God I think out of
13287s abilities yeah oh my God uh needs
13290s cooldowns badly pulse bomb though built
13292s up both tracers ready to throw it out
13294s pulse already gone no does not connect
13296s meanwhile sparker finds psycho that's a
13299s huge shift in power and sparker grabs
13300s another kempster the bomb for good
13303s measure this point is going to Sweden
13305s and Norway hex gets one fight left to
13308s try to prevent the map three
13310s yeah and I think like just psycho is
13312s just getting marked by this Discord
13314s pretty consistently and it just has no
13317s good targets to go on kevsters Just an
13319s Illusion of blinks and recalls well so
13322s she's just living the bubble and you
13323s know he's been trying to get to the back
13325s line actually wasn't even discorded
13326s there I'm sorry but like uh silent
13329s um you know the support line has been
13331s doing a really good job psycho has
13332s gotten very little value in the last 10
13334s minutes of gameplay yeah I mean psycho
13336s his Tendencies have perhaps been figured
13338s out a little bit by Sweden the devil and
13340s maybe complete Dragon though going
13342s through the middle Rampage in from Isaac
13344s yeah that's a nice Rampage but it's also
13346s after everyone got hit by the beat cycle
13349s though still able to find the Anna in
13350s the middle of it so in return both teams
13352s down a crucial support JP Lowe gets on
13355s the side Norway getting a little bit
13357s more from this here so far so I'm
13358s looking awfully low I don't know what
13359s chemistry is but he's not healthy in the
13361s the least though trying to make room at
13364s the point not gonna have another time
13365s takes down and that's it
13370s Sweden have figured it out towards the
13372s end hex but the damage had been done
13375s I mean that was just an enormous Rampage
13378s right it just just Isaac gets a five-man
13381s anti and yes the beat goes in there but
13383s the B the overshield kind of goes away
13385s pretty quick and they're able to pick up
13386s the back of line of the supports and
13388s make sure that they don't have beat
13389s coming into the next vid will also just
13391s forced to use Primal just because how
13393s the timer was working mostly everyone
13396s who was alive just ignored the Primal it
13399s didn't really matter they didn't have to
13400s be necessarily on the cart eating those
13403s punches they could just kind of rotate
13404s around and get a touch here and there so
13407s yeah I'm just kind of stunned wow Norway
13410s did that uh Sweden looked a lot better
13412s in the second map than they did the
13413s first of course so they seem to be
13415s figuring it out but
13416s what an upset what I mean this is the
13419s one I felt almost most confident in
13421s because like I think normally like I
13423s have some like solid players but these
13424s aren't like it's not kevster and and
13427s sparker right and even like volsage like
13429s has this league experience where there's
13432s not a ton of League experience on Norway
13434s um but I guess it just goes to show you
13435s like the teamwork and compositions kind
13437s of held sway there but another one of
13440s our series comes down to the last
13443s yeah
13446s yeah time in a way obos like gets away
13448s for you look at that it's like oh
13449s there's so much movement for swimming
13450s they're doing good it's like yeah by the
13451s way they're also out of time like this
13453s is one of those things where
13455s at the latter half of this map I do
13458s think Sweden was playing better overall
13460s they dug too much of a hole on their
13463s first defense it took them too long to
13466s figure out how to give Norway fits and
13469s Norway's lead was enough that they could
13471s just solidify Play Good OverWatch and
13474s find the advantage to bring it all in
13477s and look this makes Sweden's Road the
13478s BlizzCon uh absolutely miserable they're
13482s not out of it here hex but you know they
13485s gotta go next level uh for everything
13487s else or it's gonna be tough
13490s yeah uh both Sweden and finland's go
13493s down today so kind of raw I mean who
13496s would have thought that Norway would be
13497s like the one team though to pull that
13499s out so kind of uh
13501s oh it's been an interesting groupie
13503s that's all that's all I can say it's
13504s been an interesting groupie we got seven
13506s more days we saw four more matches today
13508s to go through uh absolutely crazy but I
13511s mean I think if you know if I look back
13513s at that matchup it was pretty much like
13514s if sparker got Isaac early then they won
13517s those fights like Isaac died a couple
13519s times in somewhat foolish ways um for
13521s Norway but when Isaac was alive he was
13524s doing a lot of work on the tank the
13526s junker Queen specifically was a very
13528s good hero for them so
13530s um a lot of like little mini battles
13532s kevstrom obviously played a little bit
13533s better but
13535s um yeah that's I'm I'm just a little bit
13538s stunned and now Sweden has got to dig
13540s themselves out of a hole Yeah uh Sweden
13542s uh well that's gonna be one of the best
13543s stories to fall from here on out can
13545s Sweden bring it all back they're gonna
13547s have to run the table but hey we still
13549s got so much good OverWatch left to go
13551s not just in other days but also today as
13553s well this is gonna be it for me and hex
13555s today coming up next it's gonna be more
13557s matches with you CP and epitome is
13559s casting we'll see you then
13564s [Music]
13570s foreign
13576s [Music]
13578s foreign
13586s [Music]
13611s [Music]
13619s [Music]
13629s foreign
13640s [Music]
13651s foreign
13655s [Music]
13722s thank you
13724s foreign
13727s [Music]
13744s [Music]
13752s [Applause]
13762s [Music]
13770s [Music]
13789s [Music]
13790s foreign
13792s welcome back to the OverWatch World Cup
13794s 2023 online qualifiers for emec we just
13798s watched Norway absolutely dominate over
13800s Sweden in a match that could have gone
13802s either way of course joining me right
13804s now CB and epitomees how have you been
13806s enjoying enjoying the match so far
13808s throughout the day what were your
13809s thoughts on this last match and we've
13811s got a lot of action right around the
13812s corner please break it all down for us
13814s epitomies let's start with you
13816s well I definitely feel like you could
13818s call these last two upsets you know
13820s Finland kind of being a staple for
13822s OverWatch World Cup when it was hosted
13825s back in the day that a lot of those
13826s players
13828s um like Finland has just been holding
13829s that spot for a long time in Saudi
13831s Arabia though in the Pro-Am like
13833s mentioned before they have just been
13835s bringing so much heat and fostering so
13837s much talent in that region so I'm not
13839s surprised to see them bringing so much
13841s Firepower to this event and obviously
13843s Norway and Sweden both of them are
13846s pretty good uh pretty good competitors
13850s but I think you might even call that
13851s last map an upset
13854s yeah absolutely I would definitely
13856s consider that when an upset I don't know
13858s if I would consider Saudi Arabia going
13859s over Finland to be an upset because I
13861s kind of predicted that Saudi Arabia
13863s would be kind of sick that that Twisted
13865s mind's core with surmajet in the back
13867s line and sliding in yazan like that's a
13869s team that's been you know trying to pull
13871s out pharah comps even without having the
13872s most notorious fire player and
13874s potentially the whole world on their
13875s roster so I wouldn't call that an upset
13878s I would just call that a barn burner of
13880s a matchup and I think we have a few more
13882s to go as we progress throughout the day
13884s so I'm looking forward to seeing where
13886s we go from here yeah the action is gonna
13888s be non-stop like you guys both mentioned
13889s man it has been so good to watch these
13892s teams storylines develop and of course
13893s it's just day one it's a two week
13895s Endeavor here before we jump back into
13897s the action let's Refresh on the format
13899s right so the online qualifier showcases
13901s two groups competing in a round robin
13903s fashion so it's first to two they play
13905s out those maps and if we need a third
13907s one that'll make it we'll make it happen
13908s you know what I mean so it's a single
13910s stage tournament like I said going over
13912s two weeks today we're focusing on these
13914s couple of Maps we've had three matches
13916s occur so far four more still to go seven
13920s per day and we're doing it for four days
13921s straight all the way to Sunday so with a
13924s lot of action just around the corner
13925s let's go ahead and take a look at the
13927s schedule and see exactly what matches
13929s we're working with
13930s of course like we mentioned we just had
13932s Norway vs Sweden of course you can see
13934s the 2-0 score there earlier in the day
13936s we were graced with that bar and burn
13938s burner of Imagine a CB called it Saudi
13940s Arabia versus Finland definitely the
13942s close match we've had so far ending 2-1
13944s in the favor of the Kingdom of Saudi
13947s Arabia and turkey versus Poland which
13949s although it is a 2-0 in favor of turkey
13951s was a very close game as well though
13954s coming up we've got Iceland versus
13955s Germany after that Belgium versus Great
13957s Britain Italy versus France and shortly
13959s afterwards Netherlands versus the span
13961s versus Spain though Spain that wraps up
13964s day one of competition here today but of
13966s course like I said four days straight
13968s two weeks back to back the World Cup is
13971s underway CB and epitome's how are you
13973s all feeling before we head into this
13974s next match
13975s well we're still over here in group b
13977s and there's already been a lot of
13980s competition thus far Iceland versus
13982s Germany I mean for this next matchup we
13985s do have some players that have also been
13987s on OverWatch World Cup teams before in
13990s the past so there definitely is some
13992s experience going into this next one yeah
13995s experience is definitely the name of the
13997s game and if we were talking about you
13998s know experienced players my mind is
14000s drifting immediately to one of the
14002s biggest names that I saw from Team
14003s Iceland and that's Happy cool someone
14005s who's been a member of the OverWatch
14008s competitive scene since before the
14009s OverWatch League even existed you know
14011s playing in an OG and Apex tournaments on
14014s fnatic being a part of the historic
14016s British hurricane lineage I mean these
14018s are you know teams that you know long
14020s time OverWatch fans will definitely
14022s recognize and I think half a cool is
14023s someone that can potentially lead this
14026s crop of newer younger players to the
14028s promised land but they do have to go up
14030s against a team that has a pretty sizable
14032s lineage as well in Germany so we'll have
14035s to see what ends up happening here there
14037s are a lot of story lines and of course
14039s eight years of this game being out or
14042s you know from beta 2015 to 2023 there's
14044s a lot you know that a lot of history and
14047s I'm so happy that we've got players like
14048s half a cool and like you mentioned
14050s opportunities in the World Cup right the
14052s kingdom is Saudi Arabia putting together
14053s teams trying buying things that you
14055s really wouldn't see in the OverWatch
14057s League try and making them work really
14058s you know great matches so far but with
14060s that said CB epitome I'm Gonna Leave the
14062s action to y'all take it away with the
14064s next match
14066s thank you very much
14068s yeah now going into the next match like
14071s we want to take a look at these rosters
14074s obviously you were mentioning half cool
14076s and they are and he's basically joined
14078s by a roster that's part of a team called
14081s Beau mod cohort
14084s um and they play together regularly
14087s finzy as also a different another player
14089s that's actually substitute on this
14090s roster but all of them from what I saw
14093s do play together on that Squad this is a
14096s very interesting uh roster here I don't
14097s think Tracer has been converted to a
14099s tank yet I don't know if that rework is
14101s coming through but yeah I think Chrissy
14102s is uh Jericho in the DPS they increase
14105s or hitbox by like six thousand percent
14108s and now she finally is the tank we've
14110s been asking for for years but happy cool
14112s I I'm curious to see what he ends up
14114s playing if he is going to be here on the
14115s tank bro it should be a great role for a
14118s veteran player to lead like I said lead
14120s a lot of these younger lesser known
14122s players through what might be some
14124s Uncharted Territory
14127s uh yeah that definitely does feel like I
14130s mean definitely since now the tank roll
14132s has just been reduced down to one here
14134s in OverWatch two you need a lot more of
14137s that presence and having that
14138s experienced player be the one who's
14140s basically leading the charge on the tank
14142s seems like a necessity and over on the
14145s other side of Germany you have players
14148s like that played for sheer cold together
14151s um that plays top eight in the spring
14154s Contender series and immediately
14155s qualifying over to that summer
14157s contenders for Europe so definitely a
14160s lot of competitive experience especially
14162s in recent times over on Germany
14165s yeah like you know we have a lot of
14167s representation coming through from sheer
14168s cold and from raspberry Racers to you
14170s know decently successful EU contenders
14173s teams this kind of feels though like a
14175s putting together of the pieces rather
14177s than you know pulling together a whole
14178s core from an established team so we'll
14180s have to see how these players gel
14182s together how they all work as a
14185s collective here now that they've you
14186s know been kind of taken out of their
14188s comfort zones picked up and dropped
14190s right into our first map here against
14192s Iceland we're going to Nepal for our
14194s control map here
14196s and Nepal we've seen like a lot of
14200s lijiang tower Nepal is just a little bit
14202s different uh in terms of the like just
14206s the pathways that are offered into this
14209s um into the control Point as well and
14212s it's definitely going to be interesting
14213s to see how the compositions change
14216s especially in the sanctum where you just
14218s have that huge control point in the
14220s middle of a in the middle of like a hole
14222s you will like you're you're trying to
14224s highlight sanctum here I want to see
14226s what happens on Village if we uh if we
14228s end up going to Village because we've
14229s seen a lot of players trying to bust out
14231s Pharmacy comps especially hey Saudi
14233s Arabia because again they had yazan and
14235s other players have also been trying to
14237s bust out Echo and other flyers and
14239s Village is one of those Maps where those
14241s kinds of Heroes can really Thrive really
14243s you know find a way in to crack that
14245s like cube of a point that everyone's
14247s trying to jockey for and there's plenty
14249s of sky space on Shrine as well so we'll
14252s see how everything shakes out once we
14253s start to see what points we play and in
14256s what order and also what kind of comfort
14258s picks these two teams decide to play I
14261s do want to remind everyone by the way
14262s that these are two of our group B Teams
14265s and Group B is a wildly competitive
14267s group we've seen so much of the action
14269s from group P so far and there's only two
14272s spots up for grabs two playoff spots for
14274s some of these teams to try and grab and
14277s you know seeing how like all the other
14278s competition in group b the people who
14280s are trying to get it it's really
14282s important that these two teams get out
14283s ahead of one another if they want to
14285s make a case for making it to playoffs
14287s here what
14288s yeah just like one look at Group B you
14290s see Norway Saudi Arabia Sweden Finland
14293s there's just like so much competition
14295s here already and they have one less spot
14297s than group a so we're just going to get
14300s everything out early as we try to
14302s contest this point looking at the comps
14304s it's that Tracer Sombra on both of the
14306s sides but the Zenyatta is a little bit
14308s surprising along with the Winston really
14310s looking to dive into this back line get
14313s a little bit that early damage Orion
14315s trying to spam down divorce The Retreat
14317s and totori actually does fall after that
14320s the Brigitte floors to retreat with the
14323s rest of the team Germany just falling
14325s into this underpass and trying to back
14327s off and away from the Tracer as Iceland
14329s get first capture and that's where I
14331s kind of want to look take a look at
14332s Iceland's composition because they have
14333s the Sombra they have the Zenyatta for
14335s the Discord so you can see it's already
14336s just kind of blew up once all the focus
14338s fire and all the damage amp just went
14340s out onto the Winston there and that
14342s might just be what ends up happening if
14344s they're not able to get a successful
14345s dive
14346s but that's then you ought to just
14348s completely exploded at the hands of
14350s fight and they're trying to get back
14352s onto this point forward a recontest but
14355s half a cold is already so low and
14357s already has to back off now with the
14358s tank eliminated with the help of qrx you
14361s and by just finishing off that Tracer
14364s it's only the supports that are left up
14366s and they are already all the way back
14368s and spawn just waiting for the team to
14370s come back such as the life of a Zenyatta
14372s player sometimes used entirely blow up
14374s the enemy tank sometimes you find
14375s yourself being blown up and we're gonna
14377s actually see a swap over onto the
14378s Brigitte here so no more random support
14380s explosions in the back line for Iceland
14382s hopefully as they try to find their way
14384s back in here looking to try and take
14386s this Coastal approach here but hitori
14388s does not want to let them have it for
14389s free and Phi is looking for somewhere to
14391s put this pulse bomb
14393s yeah if I able to find Jordan that uh
14396s that repeat is unable to protect and
14399s that's really what you want there to
14400s bring me to stop that dive in the face
14402s of these winstons but in the case of
14404s Iceland it's just not working as well fi
14407s is just completely harassing this back
14410s line and half a cool is unable to just
14412s peel for that back line when they're in
14414s the middle of their own dive
14416s yeah it's the back line from Iceland is
14418s definitely under a lot of scrutiny right
14419s now and even with the Brigitte to try
14421s and peel for it they're not really able
14423s to effectively deal with the you know
14425s the two-prong attack coming out from
14427s Germany's DPS plus the monkey zapping
14429s everything in the front line that's a
14430s huge name from suckrax and that's pretty
14433s much just gonna be the fight right there
14435s yeah that makes it so easy for Germany
14438s to just shred and already up to 60 from
14441s Germany means that Iceland is running
14443s out of time to contest after that first
14445s initial capture they've been unable to
14447s win a fight they've just been throwing
14449s themselves against the brick wall that
14451s is by and this Sombra as well harassing
14454s the back line while her Tori
14457s um while Hattori is just trying to dive
14459s as well and George and futhrack they are
14463s really struggling with all the pressure
14464s that is being put on them they have a
14466s nano let's see how they could use
14467s they're gonna go ahead and pop it onto
14469s half equal here but another huge name
14470s from suprax and yeah the back line from
14472s Iceland just explodes yet again
14476s yeah and it just feels like Iceland
14478s can't find a pathway onto this back line
14480s at all their Primal Rage is still active
14483s from Iceland while Germany is able to
14485s use it and just Scout all the way back
14487s into Iceland's spawn they're not able to
14490s get any more than 50 not even half on
14493s this first capture Point Germany finding
14495s that first round and it's just so
14497s efficient every time Germany is able to
14499s win a fight it's usually just off of a
14500s bionade which is one single cooldown or
14503s you know if they need to invest a single
14505s ultimate like they managed to win a
14506s fight where they only invested the rally
14508s that's just economy that stunks right
14510s there you take that a hundred times out
14512s of a hundred and Iceland just aren't
14514s able to find the same value thus far I
14517s mean you can see half a cool making a
14518s lot of space and trying to put on a lot
14520s of pressure but the DPS from Iceland so
14522s far just hasn't quite been there but you
14525s know control is very wonky sometimes it
14527s takes a while to get your feet
14528s underneath you start to walk and start
14530s to run as we move over here onto Village
14532s we're gonna see a slight DPS
14534s compositional swap from Ice Iceland
14536s we're gonna see the Hanzo coming out
14537s from Orion here Germany gonna look to
14540s try and play close on the point here
14542s they got the May the simtp onto the
14544s point here with the rush comp they want
14546s to brawl
14548s yeah and it seems that they're keeping
14550s the symmetra as well going into it
14553s behind that Reinhardt which is they're
14555s trying to get so much sustain up close
14557s get this first initial capture as well
14560s the May barrier is just so strong for
14563s making sure that they stay outside of
14565s the point and of course that Reinhardt
14567s just a huge Health sync in terms of this
14570s next fight the Winston is trying to do
14572s damage but it's just all coming up short
14574s against the shield and Orion as well
14576s Hanzo not known for his Shield breaking
14580s abilities and oh getting caught between
14582s a rock and hard place so that DPS does
14586s fall no more Hanzo for this next fight
14588s half a cool is being an equalizer though
14590s and able to find so much of value
14592s despite Orion falling early Iceland
14596s able to turn it all goes back to that
14598s early pick off there onto suck racks if
14600s you're going to play this Rush
14601s composition if you lose the Baptiste you
14603s just have no legs to stand on you have
14605s no heels you have no sustain you will
14607s inevitably fall and that's where this
14609s comp is a little bit weak if one stray
14611s Arrow or one straight orb headshot takes
14614s down that Baptiste they can't do
14616s anything about it but a nice MTP is a
14618s great way to clap back and they just
14620s flip the point right back over for free
14622s oh the EMP from crazy but it's just
14625s immediate death after that ultimate
14627s comes out and like have to work their
14629s way back up to it once again George did
14632s find one pick off that yeah so working
14634s hard yeah just really trying hard in the
14638s back line with a Discord orb in hand as
14640s well now the Nano boosts onto half a
14642s cool alongside the Primal Rage but oh my
14645s goodness just completely Frozen forced
14648s to absorb a lot of damage here but it's
14650s that Zenyatta once again that's finding
14652s us so much value for Iceland and this is
14654s what they were missing over there on
14656s Shrine with being consistently Dove and
14659s they can't do it with a Reinhardt as
14661s well so they're allowing that back line
14663s to just wring out unpunished yeah it's a
14666s gorgeous 3K there from futhrack to cook
14668s to kick that all off and again it's the
14670s pick-off on to suck racks you saw the
14671s Primal come out from Happy cool in
14673s Germany they had to invest both the
14674s blizzard and the sound barrier just to
14677s try and keep themselves alive in the
14678s fight and sure they build up to 60 but
14680s they end up losing it and it's gonna be
14682s a while before they're able to fully
14684s retake here they're gonna go for another
14685s Sim TP but happy cool is going to be
14687s right there on their tails to try and
14688s negate the cap from coming through
14692s and after that they are trying to use
14694s the soundberry earlier as well but now
14696s with the amplification Matrix they
14698s should be able to get so much damage
14700s down however with the help of that anti
14703s from the bionade Hattori had to put the
14705s shield up and couldn't participate in
14707s the fight for a few seconds trying to
14709s allow fukard to get a lot of damage out
14711s on the back line once again those Sim
14713s turds are able to get bit of damage
14715s through on the Winston taking that tank
14717s down is Big to allow Germany to hold on
14720s to that point just a little bit longer
14721s and Luthor just can't turn to take down
14724s the Sim turrets either now with a lot of
14726s sustain here over on the field even with
14729s the uh even with after burrowing
14731s unfortunately just can't get through
14733s revenge for our fallen comrade who is
14736s doing so much work for team Iceland
14739s right now and is I don't want to say
14740s single-handedly keeping him alive in it
14742s because it is definitely a group effort
14744s but father is more than carrying his
14746s weight right now gonna be building up
14748s that Transcendence a little slow use it
14749s pretty recently but the EMP should be a
14751s fight when he for team Iceland if the
14753s follow-up is there and it looks like it
14755s might be in the form of that nade
14757s yeah that was just such a simple
14759s ultimate but there's a sound barrier
14761s once again rapid building up that very
14763s quickly to try and counteract for the
14766s EMP and it's just one of those ultimates
14767s that can so easily counteract but on the
14769s other hand without the Transcendence
14771s they have to back off from the blizzard
14773s that was just thrown by Phi and now the
14775s amplification Matrix as well they have
14777s no joints but to just hide around these
14780s corners and Germany although there was
14782s just that glimmer of hope from Iceland
14784s in the middle there they unfortunately
14786s were unable to secure this first map
14788s yeah Germany's just getting so much
14789s value out of the May pick the walls are
14791s just effectively locking half the team
14793s out from even contesting the point from
14795s one side and on the other side you'll
14796s oftentimes have happy cool you know
14798s falling low but no one can get to him to
14800s heal because there's just a big ice wall
14802s right in their face they can't do
14804s anything about it he ends up falling and
14805s if it's not him then it's you know
14807s phonthark being just left out high and
14809s dry unable to get in do that damage that
14811s he's been doing consistently enough to
14813s keep Iceland alive in the fight but it's
14815s yeah just so much value you and that's
14817s kind of why I wanted to hone in on
14819s Village as the point here from Nepal
14821s because you do see a lot of the pharah
14822s like we've been seeing all day but you
14824s also see a lot of that may Sim and that
14827s was a lot of value coming out from that
14829s may Sim comp on the side of Germany
14831s their support line looked pretty solid
14833s there on Shrine but it was Phi on the
14835s May on Village that brought it home for
14838s them
14839s yeah and it was also the fact that you
14841s see Iceland kind of running a half coke
14844s uh half poke half died
14846s oh my God they were definitely coping
14849s very hard on that first on that first
14851s capture point but it was a half poke
14853s half dive calm you know you have them
14855s throwing the bionades and the Discord
14856s orbs from the back line and you hope
14858s that half cool does enough damage uh
14860s after going in for the dive and the rest
14862s of the team just kind of answers from a
14864s distance as well and it just didn't seem
14866s like there was enough connection with
14868s those two components to come together
14870s and scrap out a roundwin over on Nepal
14873s yeah and yeah it's it's going to be
14876s interesting to see how Iceland tries to
14878s recover here because you know we have a
14880s lot of unknown names on both sides of
14882s the equation right now but it's time for
14884s both sides to make a name for themselves
14886s Germany has a pretty strong start we'll
14888s have to see if Iceland can catch up here
14890s we're gonna throw it to a quick break
14891s and we'll be right back
14911s [Applause]
14913s thank you foreign
14931s [Music]
14937s [Music]
14948s [Music]
14957s [Music]
14973s thank you
14988s [Applause]
14988s [Music]
14993s thank you
14998s [Music]
14998s [Applause]
15006s [Music]
15025s all right
15028s [Music]
15060s foreign
15066s [Music]
15075s [Music]
15114s laughs
15117s hello everyone and welcome back to the
15120s OverWatch World Cup emec online
15123s qualifiers we are back for map two of
15127s Iceland versus Germany over here in
15129s group b to fight for those two
15131s qualifying spots to the playoffs and
15134s already we have Germany up one point
15137s after taking Nepal yeah you said I would
15141s have you know hone in on one point that
15143s you said again once again only two spots
15145s from Group B and that's you know with
15147s teams like Saudi Arabia three quarters
15149s of Scandinavia already trying to buy for
15151s that all the teams that we've seen today
15153s and how close and how tight all of these
15156s matches have been this match not looking
15159s so tight right to be uh you know right
15160s out the gates Germany does look to be at
15162s least a little bit stronger than Iceland
15164s and Iceland if it's your map pick you do
15166s have to try and make your stand right
15167s now you can't go down early like I said
15170s this is very important for both of these
15172s teams to try and get out ahead of each
15174s other and not try and fall towards the
15176s bottom of the pack and be one of the
15177s teams that's able to make a case for one
15179s of those two spots right now Germany
15182s looks to be the favorite blizzard world
15183s is where Iceland wants to try and take
15185s it how do you like Iceland's chances on
15187s this map
15188s well Iceland once again they do really
15191s like that Zenyatta on a back line but
15193s also half a cool tends to prefer that
15195s Winston from what we've seen so far so
15198s it means that there might be a lot a lot
15200s less protection for that back line right
15202s so they really have to take those long
15204s angles and blizzard world does have
15206s spaces where you can do that especially
15208s on that first capture point but it also
15210s is going to depend on whether or not
15212s they're going to be starting on that
15213s attack or defense I think it also is
15216s kind of a compositional thing I did also
15218s like I'm usually a fan of a Zen on a
15220s back line but I'm not so sure that it's
15222s worked out so well for Iceland thus far
15224s at least on Nepal it didn't work out if
15226s that's something that they want to come
15227s out of the gates with here we'll have to
15229s see that might be something that can
15231s that you can you know try and run if
15233s we're playing maybe a Jugger Queen
15235s mirror but then you're also going to be
15236s looking for more kiriko in the back line
15238s and maybe a little bit less of the Zen
15240s Anna so we'll have to see again this is
15243s another situation where Comfort picks
15244s tend to be what people bring to the
15246s table because you know this is how they
15248s got got to the level that they that they
15250s got to come to the global stage to play
15252s to represent their country because they
15254s are some of the best players on their
15256s roles in on their heroes in their nation
15259s and it's worth highlighting them but I
15262s want to see something else from Iceland
15263s I want to see you know like I'm seeing
15265s what I what I want to see right now with
15267s the brig and the Anna something a little
15269s bit more survivable but I want to see
15270s them get more value out of that pick
15272s than they did on Nepal
15274s I'm going to assume that this life
15276s Weaver is just so you can get like a
15278s little of that petal uh the pedal
15280s platform and get that Widow up for the
15282s first yeah
15286s okay Germany going to start on the
15288s attack though uh try and get that first
15290s shot off Widow which is uh pretty
15292s interesting doesn't go to plan but
15294s they've also switched to the diva here
15296s so I think they've really honed in on
15298s the fact they have a really immobile
15299s back line but this time they have the
15301s break instead of the Zenyatta so it's
15302s going to be a little bit more difficult
15304s to dive since break's entire job is try
15306s and prevent those dives from happening
15308s but now up and close and personal it's
15311s already a hack onto the diva so they
15313s can't really get past and choke point
15315s the team is around the left side of the
15317s statue and now half cool has gone in for
15319s a dive on three of Germany's players but
15321s immediately slept in and there's that
15324s anti-nade from George to try and save
15327s their tank but half a cool still with
15329s the bionade has been taken down now a
15332s hack over on Alex but it's not going to
15335s deter the diva from continue to try and
15337s dive that back line they're just going
15339s to lay the pressure off go ahead and
15341s capture the point instead Germany are
15342s putting a lot of pressure on Happy cool
15344s right now and like you know the healing
15347s is there the sustain is there but the
15349s pressure just feels kind of
15350s insurmountable like the hacks are
15352s constantly going out onto halfy you're
15354s constantly seeing Alex trying to use
15356s those booster Jets to just melt that
15358s monkey down and it's working out wonders
15360s because Iceland you know they can't
15362s claim space Germany can just kind of
15364s take whatever they want and run with it
15365s they've already captured the point a
15367s five minutes to try and get through
15368s point B and have to cool hey he's
15370s already dead again so you know the
15372s card's gonna start moving pretty swiftly
15374s here
15375s yeah it feels like they just can't
15377s really follow up with the way that half
15379s a cool is trying to engage with
15381s Germany's Squad because you do have that
15383s break on a on a more immobile break and
15386s get up close and personal but without
15388s the break close to the honor to protect
15390s it's going to be so much harder to keep
15391s them alive meanwhile Alex is just being
15394s run up with both by and qrxu right by
15398s his side so it's a lot easier for him to
15400s get those picks through plus the diva
15402s damage is so much uh it's just like so
15406s much damage in comparison to Winston's
15408s Tesla Cannon here and you can see how
15410s far they're aggressing allowing the back
15412s line to try and heal from a distance but
15414s the pulse nade from Orion actually going
15416s to take down sucress but Orion I believe
15418s fell off the map so it is a one for one
15421s trade and they still have the same
15423s amount of players over here on the
15425s payload that was a uh interesting there
15428s from Orion you know dead to the old
15430s pulse bomb there did manage to find suck
15432s racks but again happy cool was the first
15433s one to fall and Germany has got this far
15436s without having to push q a single time
15438s and they can do it five times if they
15440s want to now to get that card that last
15442s couple meters into point B this is a
15444s very difficult place to capture because
15446s of this Defender spawn Advantage but
15448s when you have this much of an old Bank
15449s you might as well eat a few in and see
15451s what comes out use the EMP to open it up
15453s and they've already got George
15455s yeah and without that support there's a
15458s lot less sustain you really need that
15459s Inspire to be product in you do have
15461s Briggs ultimate to come through but Alex
15464s is just having so much sustain from the
15467s other side sucrox still yet to pop the
15469s Nano as well so you just have so much
15472s sustain that hasn't been used Alex still
15475s holding on to the self-destruct as well
15477s Germany already making it to that first
15480s point without so much of a hit yeah 444
15484s on the time bank we're down to 437 it's
15487s not gonna get all that much further down
15488s if Germany keeps this up if they keep
15490s fighting pick off snowballing from sorry
15493s farther down again and George that's the
15495s back line from Iceland just wiped out
15496s yet again it's Gonna Keep snowballing
15498s and Iceland they have to try and find
15501s something they're finally building up to
15503s something of an old bank that they can
15504s use to mount something of a defense here
15506s but they need to be given a chance to
15508s use it they need to find their footing
15509s and they need to try and find a way to
15511s bail half the cool out because all of
15513s the pressure onto your Winston all of
15515s this time time is it's not doing them
15517s any favors
15518s yeah George has been holding on to that
15520s Nano for quite some time but Chrissy's
15522s going to try and open it up with the EMP
15524s it's going to force Alex at the very
15526s least to run back and they do have to
15530s use the recall
15532s on the Sombra and the Tracer so they're
15535s able to take a little bit of pressure
15536s off of themselves with that EMP ultimate
15539s but not able to secure much else after
15541s that they're just going to wait for the
15543s respawns and the timers come back in and
15545s Alex always using those boosters just in
15548s and immediately out as soon as they're
15550s able to get some damage down Orion once
15552s again a big pulse bomb to stick onto the
15554s Anna and but they've already got the
15556s Nano out right before going down and
15559s they're able to get a little bit more of
15561s sustain while walking back on the race
15562s of Montana and they're so close to that
15564s second Point as well so they can very
15566s quickly regroup here half and cool
15568s however holding the choke pretty well
15569s Iceland finding a little bit of a rhythm
15572s yeah Orion able to find a kill with that
15574s pull spawn without having to find an arm
15575s and a leg or without having to sacrifice
15577s an arm and a leg but now Iceland get a
15579s sacrifice half the cool that is a huge
15580s EMP and Germany they're once again on
15583s the March forward Iceland on the back
15585s foot they've lost both Arc again you can
15587s see George just wants to hightail it out
15589s not gonna get out with his life and now
15591s the cart is gonna start moving again and
15593s you look at the old economy for both
15595s teams for Iceland the coffers one run
15597s dry right now they need to try and build
15599s up to another EMP from krizzy if they
15601s have any hopes of stopping this cart
15602s Germany are threatening to cap with a
15605s pretty beefy two minute time bank here
15607s private cool gonna go ahead and jump out
15608s we'll see if eisen's able to mount
15610s something of a defense here at the
15611s Midnight Hour
15613s and still the self-destruct is in the
15616s back pocket for Alex and it's so much
15618s area control for this Diva if that does
15620s go through both repeat tests going go
15622s for the ultimates but the EMP is going
15624s to stop Germany from pushing any further
15626s now the self-destruct coming through
15628s taking down crazy without the Sombra now
15631s they're going to have to rely on have a
15633s cool Orion going down so far HP but
15636s having to recall none of them can touch
15638s the payload it's all left up to George
15640s with only the Anna but the honor can't
15642s touch the payload can't touch the point
15644s it is all the way up to the third point
15647s with such a good time bank
15649s I'm really liking the coordination that
15651s I'm seeing out of Team Germany right now
15653s I'm seeing a lot of you know assambra
15655s finds a hack everyone jumps on top of
15657s that I'm seeing a lot of so happy cools
15659s trying to go in deep trying to find a
15661s back liner everyone peels back even at
15663s the end there where you you know
15665s an average player might have just been
15666s like okay well I just want to stay on
15668s the cart and continue to push it uh
15670s Germany they know better they know if
15671s they all peel back and they all kill the
15673s people that are trying to threaten their
15674s back line they can just win the fight
15676s outright and they do just that get back
15678s on the cart and I think at that point
15679s there was just happy cool to try and you
15682s know try and keep that keep that contest
15684s alive and he falls and yeah Germany like
15687s like I said it felt like they were kind
15688s of an amalgamation of several different
15690s teams a bunch of pieces picked up from
15692s different places and you know kind of
15694s slapped all together but the
15695s coordination the cohesion feels like
15698s it's there and I can't say the same for
15700s Iceland they're not doing as good of a
15702s job appealing for their back line
15703s they're not doing as good a job of
15705s bailing half the cool out they're
15706s finding some big value whenever Chris is
15708s able to come up huge with an EMP but
15710s outside of those sorts of fights Iceland
15713s hasn't really brought a whole lot of
15715s fight to the table and they have to come
15717s up with more than this if they want to
15718s even hope to match Germany's time bank
15721s yeah and Germany is just so good at
15723s kiting uh like you were mentioning with
15726s peel for the back line but the way that
15727s they kite back whenever half cools tries
15730s to go for those big engages as well
15732s immediately you see that fionade also
15735s landed on crazy very early somehow so
15738s you have that sucrax building up a
15740s little bit afterwards
15744s she's got lineups for these bio nades
15747s and you can see that the ultimate
15749s charges are coming up very quick but
15751s especially for Germany especially for uh
15753s Sombra on Germany's side who's able to
15756s get a lot of value just in and out
15758s weaving in and out of their back line
15759s the havocool is trying to find a way
15762s into these side rooms and on to the
15764s point they've already progressed pretty
15766s far up right around the corner now but
15769s they're just being taken down by all the
15770s damage laid down by suit cracks in the
15773s back line and Orion trying to find a lot
15776s of damage but with rapid just right
15778s there at their side it's so difficult to
15781s get enough damage down and half a cool
15783s dies diving the back line as well the
15785s Sombra is traded but a DPS for a tank I
15788s think it would take that if I were
15789s Germany I did half a cool say something
15791s disparaging about Germany because they
15793s seem to want him dead all the time he
15796s simply can't go in and try and take too
15797s much space because he just explodes
15799s every time he does but as I say that
15801s Icelander finding a lot of pickoffs here
15803s they're finding a lot of of damage and
15805s they're able to get two ticks
15806s potentially find the cap off the back of
15808s just a couple of picks and the rest of
15810s Germany yeah they hightail it out
15811s Iceland they are somehow able to cap the
15814s point
15815s I think it comes off Orion being able to
15818s harass Alex so well because previously
15820s you saw that there was a big sleep
15821s George was able to land on Germany's
15823s back line and then you just had Alex
15825s standing there with the defense Matrix
15827s open and then you can't do anything but
15829s then Orion able to harass the diva off
15831s the point and isolate them from the
15833s sports means that without the tank the
15834s rest of the squad can just completely
15836s obliterate their backline and even
15838s though they do have the Sombra and
15840s Tracer combination they still don't have
15842s as much sustain here oh crazy big hack
15846s here onto the back line but sucress just
15847s turns right around and they're just
15849s going to go back into the invisibility
15851s cloak and run away as if that engagement
15853s did not happen but crazy with the EMP
15856s built up is able to find a lot more
15858s value here jumping right into the squad
15860s and another hack on to Alex the tank now
15863s down and the pulse bomb from Phi is the
15865s only thing that's going to be able to
15867s answer but very quickly after that
15869s Tracer does fall Orion however traded
15871s out by qrxu but even then the Sombra
15874s does have to retreat cannot keep capping
15876s the point here yeah both back lines
15878s pretty much got instantly deleted there
15880s and it ended up being a bloody fight War
15882s of Attrition with just the sombres left
15884s over and we're not seeing a whole lot of
15886s cart progress here they're about halfway
15888s through uh point B here just starting to
15890s round that first Corner they're not even
15892s the most dangerous part EMP coming out
15894s Germany they want to go in
15897s oh Germany already with another ultimate
15901s over here the self-destruct as well as
15903s breed to Ultimate on board but they
15905s don't even need it they haven't even
15906s pressed Q here they did have that EMP
15908s right at the beginning of the fight but
15910s they don't need to invest much in order
15912s to win these fights and they're able to
15914s once again get Iceland force them back
15916s to their spawn and wait for that next
15918s fight Iceland coming into the next fight
15920s they do have those three ultimates but
15922s in combination I feel like they haven't
15924s made a big impact thus far yeah half
15926s equal has finally been allowed to do
15928s enough work to build up that Primal Rage
15930s but a big Antion to George that's gonna
15932s Force the rally out from Rapid there or
15934s sorry that's gonna Force the rally up
15936s from a great sleep there on to Happy who
15938s gets the Nano and everyone's just kind
15940s of scattering around right now trying to
15942s find something but further's gonna be
15943s the first one to fall
15945s now with the Primal Rage to come through
15948s that Nano just went to waste because of
15950s the sleep and now another sleep landed
15952s by Sue cracks along with the bionade to
15954s have the anti-heel onto half a cool very
15957s low now isolated from Georgia has been
15959s taken down and further just doesn't have
15962s enough healing to keep the tank up very
15964s close by you have the both of the dps's
15967s going down after Alex and I are able to
15969s isolate and now once again unable to
15972s push the point any further not able to
15974s get the payload to that second point
15976s just yet yeah we're at the point where
15978s Iceland's attacks have to be squeaky
15980s clean they can't be getting this messy
15982s with it they can't be losing members
15983s they have to be efficient here and they
15986s just haven't been early hacks coming out
15988s onto happy cool what else is new no
15990s follow-up even needed Chrissy's gonna
15992s have this EMP this has to be how Iceland
15994s gets in here
15996s oh that defense Matrix absorbs a lot of
15998s damage Alex still trying to contest this
16000s but after just using the booster to get
16003s on out while Phi harasses that back line
16005s they were distracted with Alex and they
16007s weren't able to protect George and now
16009s they're missing a lot of sustain from
16011s this brawl composition half goal does
16013s take down a uh the mecca of Alex but
16017s there's a self-destruct to come through
16019s as well then both pulse bombs now
16022s finding their respective kills but
16025s unfortunately it is still just neither
16028s of them able to contest the point I
16030s don't know if I agree with that EMP from
16032s krizzy there they had already lost
16033s George they didn't have a rally there
16035s was nothing to sustain that fight and
16036s sure you know you you're able to get
16039s like a little bit done you know get some
16040s more trades there but again it needs to
16042s be clean and Phi was doing a ton of work
16044s on the side of Germany on like
16046s throughout that whole time way way too
16048s much for Iceland to try and come back
16049s from and now they don't have an old they
16051s also don't have an Orion he's gonna fall
16053s as well courtesy of suck racks and now
16055s Germany has the old Advantage the spawn
16057s advantage and the clock Advantage
16059s because we're down to just a minute
16060s Iceland have to pull a miracle out of
16063s somewhere
16065s oh and now without the mecca of half a
16069s cool you do just have a baby Diva on the
16071s field you don't have anything to absorb
16073s that pressure and your XU is trying to
16076s take down George bavita comes to the
16077s defense and father is able to just Stave
16080s off the Sombra of Germany but they just
16083s go right back TV into wherever they need
16086s to go and escape the fight without so
16088s much as a little bit of a scratch now
16092s Alex even though haft still has a
16093s self-destruct in the back pocket half a
16095s cool has a self-destruct of their own
16097s and this could be a battle of that area
16099s control that we've been talking about
16101s with these ultimates but Germany
16103s definitely just has more ultimate
16104s charges in the back pocket with this EMP
16107s and qrxu is just trying so hard to sneak
16111s up onto the stock line they've been
16112s detected but there's the EMP and
16114s immediately George Goes Down both of the
16116s supports out of the fight they don't
16117s have to sustain and even if they do pop
16120s this self-destruct what are they going
16122s to be able to do with it because they
16124s are so many members of Germany that can
16126s just hide wherever they like and now
16128s both self-destructs do go out fine with
16130s the is able to find the baby Diva with
16134s the pulse bomb and now so many of these
16136s Health packs are hacked as well of
16137s aspect of Sombra that we haven't been
16139s talking about and since they've had so
16141s much area control for so long they've
16144s just been able to hack through all of
16146s those Health packs and get so much
16148s control over the defense and it was a
16151s very smart play towards the end there
16152s from Germany they realized that they had
16154s the time advantage and they had five
16155s volts in the bank and they didn't use
16157s any of them until OT struck and then
16159s they just hit Iceland with Wombo Combo
16162s after Wombo Combo that they were not
16164s prepared for they didn't have the
16165s resources to swat away you know Iceland
16168s just kind of dug themselves into a hole
16170s there that they couldn't bring
16170s themselves out of and Germany were happy
16173s to just bury them under a sea of their
16175s own ultimate abilities in said hole and
16178s take what looks to be an easy 2-0 and
16181s this kind of like gives us an idea of
16183s where some things are going to shake out
16185s in group b you know you you definitely
16187s want to say that Germany is ahead of
16189s Iceland Iceland is going to look to be
16191s one of those teams kind of towards the
16193s bottom unless they're able to mount
16194s something of a comeback in the coming
16195s days remember we still have eight days
16198s worth of games so there's plenty of time
16199s to make up the slack but this was an
16201s important win for Germany they get to
16203s get out ahead of things they get to you
16204s know set their own narrative say hey
16206s we're a team that you have to take
16207s seriously we've got some killer Sombra
16210s play we've got a fantastic back line we
16213s are a threat we are here we're coming
16215s for one of those two spots
16218s yeah and like you said before Germany is
16220s one of those teams that has kind of a
16222s lot of strong individual players you
16224s know their names they're familiar uh
16226s household names especially after playing
16228s in the spring contenders for Europe so
16231s you know that they are able to play at a
16233s high caliber but you just weren't sure
16235s how well these players were going to
16236s mesh together and Iceland as well was
16238s from the Wild Card group and they came
16240s in second so they were kind of
16242s automatically seated a little bit lower
16244s as we were started getting into this uh
16246s qualifier as well so it's going to be
16249s interesting to see how this Progressive
16251s Germany definitely getting a really good
16253s start especially with round
16255s differentials as well 201 first map
16257s three one on the second it is looking
16259s really strong for them absolutely and
16262s you do have to be looking at Iceland to
16263s try and make a bit of a comeback here
16265s but today is not their day it belongs to
16268s Germany but we've got more action coming
16270s up we got Belgium versus Great Britain
16272s coming up here next we're gonna throw it
16274s to a quick break we'll be right back
16275s with that don't go anywhere
16292s [Applause]
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16357s thank you
16359s foreign
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16399s thank you
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16425s thank you
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16445s thank you
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16459s [Music]
16468s thank you
16474s [Music]
16490s [Applause]
16492s [Music]
16496s the OverWatch World Cup 2023 online
16499s qualifiers emec continue right now I'm
16501s your host Jim Basco and of course I'm
16503s joined by epitomies and CB y'all what
16506s was that match that was so very fast
16508s epitomies break it down for me man
16510s because that happened in the blink of an
16512s eye
16513s yeah I mean when we were talking about
16515s going into it we knew that there was
16517s representation from uh European
16520s contenders spring uh just this year a
16523s lot on the side of Germany but on the
16525s side of Iceland we were really only
16526s seeing uh that representation come
16529s through in the familiar household names
16530s of OverWatch and half a cool and
16532s unfortunately it didn't seem like it was
16534s enough to just lead these the squad of
16537s younger more inexperienced players
16539s through this uh last matchup and we just
16542s uh it just felt like they couldn't find
16544s their stride
16546s yeah and I mean I will also say that it
16548s does kind of help speed things along a
16550s little bit more when there's not a pause
16551s every single map you know we had more
16552s pause than an animal shelter here for
16554s the first half of the day hopefully
16556s we're clear for the rest of it and we
16557s can just get through to the action
16558s because there is plenty more action to
16561s be had I'm looking forward to the next
16563s match up here absolutely yeah the World
16565s Cup you know we talk about it bringing
16566s the top tier of talent and it's some
16569s more talent that may not get the
16570s exposure that they deserve in the
16571s OverWatch league so it's always great to
16573s be here for the World Cup but with that
16575s said like you mentioned CB let's go
16577s ahead and take a look at the schedule
16578s see what matches and what action we have
16580s just around the corner for y'all as you
16582s mentioned we just got out of Germany
16585s versus Iceland 2-0 there Norway took it
16587s over Sweden 2-0 Finland over South I
16589s mean Saudi Arabia over Finland and of
16591s course earlier on in the day turkey
16593s versus Poland which was a much closer
16595s game than that score line may represent
16597s but we are down to three more matches
16600s for day one we're rounding out Group B
16602s here Belgium and Great Britain is up
16604s next followed by Italy versus versus
16606s France and we close out the day with
16608s Netherlands versus Spain so a ton of
16611s great talent still here of course Let's
16614s Talk About Belgium and Great Britain CB
16616s you had mentioned this before right
16618s great talent come out of coming out of
16620s Britain especially with the hurricanes
16621s in the past the contender scene is
16623s popping that Community has been very
16625s active for a long time talk to me about
16627s these two teams I mean team Great
16629s Britain let's take a look at them really
16631s quick these Seven Lions are fighting for
16633s more than just their pride let me throw
16634s a couple names at you right here Kai
16637s funny Astro backbone jakaru this is a
16640s roster they can definitely be proud of
16641s they came to fight they're in group a
16643s where there's actually three spots up
16645s for grabs and they look like a shoe in
16647s to take at least one of them here but
16649s hey we've seen crazier things we've seen
16651s some upsets already we might see some
16653s more Belgium still has a little bit of
16655s star power that they're coming to the
16656s table with they could maybe throw a
16658s spanner into the works make Britain have
16660s to work a little bit harder for it than
16661s you think they would I'm looking at
16663s people like Logics another household
16665s name did a lot of long time OverWatch
16667s fans will know and love especially on
16670s the hit scan Heroes Logics can
16672s definitely hold his own and I'm gonna be
16674s looking at him to try and carry team
16675s Belgium through to the end here
16678s yeah epitome is you know obviously when
16681s it comes to long time names like Logics
16683s we're gonna want to vouch for those
16686s players right they have those fan bases
16689s that are so large and of course eight
16691s six seven years after starting playing
16693s the game that fan base has evolved maybe
16695s they're still playing OverWatch maybe
16697s they're not but people tuning back into
16699s the World Cup what do they need to be
16700s watching out for in this matchup
16702s well in this matchup like you mentioned
16704s with Logics you have that player that
16707s has played in a World Cup before as well
16709s Logics playing in 2017 for Belgium I am
16713s so sorry about my cat and um also in the
16716s last match we did see Alex who you
16718s mentioned was from a team um raspberry
16721s racer CB and did a lot of work for that
16724s Germany squad and on the same Squad uh
16728s here for in raspberry Racers we have Ken
16730s who is one of the dps's here for Belgium
16733s yeah absolutely let's go ahead and hop
16735s right into that match so you guys can
16737s take it away CB and if I'll see you soon
16740s awesome
16743s yeah now headed into this next one
16746s looking at the rosters once again we
16748s mentioned that the raspberries Racers
16750s player can a DPS for that Squad and you
16753s know obviously another well-known name
16756s for the EU contenders uh contenders
16759s scene but looking at these looking at
16761s these picks you know do you have
16763s anything that you might want to expect
16764s going into these next matchups I mean
16767s you know some of these names here are
16769s ones that we haven't really seen a whole
16770s lot of so again it's their opportunity
16772s to make a name for themselves here but
16775s you know with not knowing exactly what
16777s sky tour paranova and Chaba all bring to
16779s the table I'm looking at this as the
16781s squad that potentially is going to live
16782s and die by their DPS line can can and
16785s can Logics do the bulk of the work and
16788s help tip this squad over the edge here
16790s and or are we gonna see something
16793s unexpected from the other three here is
16795s there you know potential diamond in the
16797s rough sort of situation here that can
16798s make Belgium look a little bit more
16800s competitive than First Impressions might
16802s lead you to believe
16804s yeah on the other side you mentioned
16807s there's just a lot of talent over here
16809s on the Great Britain Squad you have
16812s Jacob aru who was who is currently
16815s playing for sovereigns I believe uh
16818s sovereign's EU which is also you know a
16820s big contenders team but I think the
16821s biggest name that we do see here is
16823s backbone who is a London Spitfire player
16826s but also you have uh you just have so
16830s much talent La Gladiators as well from
16832s Kai so you know lots of OverWatch League
16835s Talent yeah absolutely and not only lots
16838s of OverWatch League talent but OverWatch
16840s League talent that might be able to find
16841s their stride with some comfort picks
16843s here backbone is known for the may play
16846s on the London Spitfire stage there so if
16849s May ends up coming out which we have
16850s seen a fair bit of so far that's going
16852s to be something that Belgium are gonna
16854s have to try and navigate here Kai one of
16856s the top Western hit scans potentially
16858s ever if we put him on the Cassidy he is
16861s gonna pound so you know it is again up
16864s to the DPS of Belgium to try and punch
16866s up and try and match that level if
16868s nothing else and hope that the rest of
16870s their team can do enough to try and tip
16872s them over the edge here so as we go to
16874s lijiang Tower here I might expect to see
16876s a little bit of May on Night Market or
16879s on control center so you know how do you
16881s deal with backbones May
16884s yeah it's really hard to say you really
16887s need that strong uh strong back line
16889s especially here when it comes to dealing
16892s with the May and you want those bailout
16894s ultimates from the supports as well I'm
16896s thinking of transcendencies I'm thinking
16898s of the sound barrier just those types of
16901s ultimates that's able to very very
16903s quickly get them out of those sticky
16905s situations
16907s 100 I'm curious to see what map we go to
16910s here first because that's going to kind
16912s of dictate the pace of things I really
16914s want to see what team Great Britain
16916s comes out with what kind of composition
16917s they decide to play it looks like we are
16919s going to start things off on control
16921s center so maybe I mean looking at what
16924s I'm seeing right now I never trust
16925s attack response they can always change
16927s that but maybe Great Britain is
16929s channeling just a little bit more of
16930s that London Spitfire than just backbone
16933s and there's that lethal May that I was
16935s talking about I you know Belgium they're
16938s gonna have to have an answer here
16939s they're gonna try and mirror the rush
16940s here can on the may as well Logics on
16942s the Sim and it looks like that's not
16943s going to be just for a swap that is for
16945s positioning and for a little bit of
16946s damage here so it's gonna actually be
16949s Kai that I want to keep an eye on here
16950s now because if Kai is able to find just
16952s a stray head shot one Straight Arrow to
16954s the Dome could put this off the bed and
16956s hey there's there's more than one yeah
16958s yeah I guess that's how you deal with
16960s can uh uh with a May on this map you
16964s just have Kai ringing out the back line
16965s already in support down as well and that
16969s Reinhardt going to be melted very
16971s quickly after with the storm though it
16973s is just so quick for Great Britain to
16976s take down this squad funny Astro as well
16978s another name that we haven't uh quite
16981s touched on as much but another La
16983s Gladiators player right and also played
16986s in another OverWatch World Cup in the
16988s past so just so much experience so much
16990s individual Talent on this Great Britain
16993s team yeah and not a whole lot of heads
16995s up Forward Thinking and quarter checking
16997s from uh Belgium because they never saw
16999s that flying from Kai coming and he's
17000s still just holding up here on this High
17001s ground and they've opted not even to try
17003s and challenge him they just want to try
17004s and take down jakaru but with all the
17006s healing being pumped into shikaru that
17008s is a tall tall task
17010s okay both amplification Matrix coming
17012s out means that Kai is going to be
17014s dealing a lot more damage is going
17016s through sure it's often to just block it
17018s off with a maywall try to teleport over
17021s here on this pass and they're just
17024s unable to get anything done quickly
17026s regrouping around to help this hit scan
17028s and the Hanzo just stays alive and you
17031s have the dragon strike online as well
17033s you have that funny Astro has built up
17036s the sound barrier so incredibly quickly
17037s if you look at Chaba only 50 on the
17040s ultimate it is just such chaos but Great
17042s Britain is thriving through it yeah and
17044s Belgium doesn't really have an in here
17046s like Logics is gonna have the Sim wall
17048s and that's how they're gonna try and
17049s open things up and try and build some
17050s positioning here but they don't really
17052s have something big that can just win the
17054s fight here and especially when they've
17055s lost their entire GPS line this fight is
17057s already over Great Britain are just like
17060s they're playing with their food right
17062s now they're taking candy from babies
17063s what is this
17065s uh yeah this is and they're already
17067s pushing in their spawn and typically
17068s this is not really something that you
17070s see in high level play because they
17072s don't really want to risk letting
17074s someone back cap onto that point but the
17076s confidence is there they're going to go
17077s right ahead the sojourn has been brought
17079s out by Logics to try and counteract give
17081s that a little bit of carry potential
17084s here but with the sound barrier they're
17086s allowed to just make like plays that are
17088s just a little bit silly a little bit
17090s foolish they're allowed to troll a
17091s little bit because they are so easily
17093s bailed out by this blizzard by the amp
17096s Matrix and by the sound barrier it's
17098s just all there and not even a touch not
17100s even a little bit of secure first point
17102s going to Britain yeah you were saying
17104s how you know you don't want to worry
17105s about the back cap coming through but
17107s Great Britain they don't even have to
17108s worry about it because they have
17109s everybody who could reasonably touch
17111s that being pretty much only Chaba on the
17113s Lucio there all corralled in the spawn
17116s there and they just can't get out they
17118s don't have to worry about that back cap
17119s because they just simply don't allow
17120s Belgium to exit their spawn doors can't
17123s touch the point if you can't play the
17124s game such as strategy that Great Britain
17126s has decided to bring here and you know
17128s we're seeing a little bit of swap UPS
17130s here coming out you know Gardens tends
17132s to favor a little bit more of a dive
17134s style so we're seeing jaycaro and uh
17136s skytor try to reflect that can get a
17138s swap over onto the echo that's gonna be
17140s something we might want to keep an eye
17141s on here but I mean if if control centers
17144s anything to go off of this is entirely
17146s Great Britain's match to win
17149s oh yeah Great Britain is just having fun
17152s with it they've switched over onto the
17154s echo mercy and you have that honor as
17158s well this is I mean it's an
17159s unconventional back line for sure and
17161s against the Tracer Sombra it's
17163s definitely going to be a hard one to uh
17165s it's going to be hard to get away from
17167s these two dbs's Sky tour trying to go in
17170s for the dive but there's just no support
17172s from the rest of the Belgium Squad
17173s immediately falling to jkro and it is
17177s just you know a meltdown once again for
17179s the first capture yeah so here's the
17181s trouble when you're running an echo
17182s Mercy because that Mercy is going to be
17183s attached at the hip to the echo at all
17185s times so a skytor wants to go aggressive
17187s it's all onto pot Anova to try and get
17189s the healing done and if he's zoned off
17191s if he can't Los the tank then you know
17194s Sky tour is just gonna fall uh Ken with
17196s a great opening pick off there and they
17198s might be able to clean up jakaru as well
17199s Belgium they might have finally found
17201s their inner
17204s shabby Echo Mercy is doing a bit of
17206s damage skytor has also found a pick onto
17209s the back line of cronus's Anna just once
17213s again that immobility getting to that
17215s support once again and now they're able
17217s to capture that point and I think
17218s allowing them that little bit of air
17220s space as well when Great Britain is
17222s really focused on ground control is
17224s really helpful it seems to be what they
17226s prefer here yeah and when you're putting
17228s all of your eggs into that Echo Mercy
17229s basket sometimes you have enough eggs to
17231s make an omelet as Ken does there but sky
17233s sword going really aggressive gets low
17235s there Great Britain want to try and
17236s focus that Winston down Ken has to try
17239s and invest the house invested duplicate
17241s just to get another monkey on the field
17242s because theirs has already been dealt
17243s with and this might be Great Britain
17245s coming through with the flip but it is
17247s Scrappy
17249s they're able to get those few picks to
17251s go through and now with Ken down you
17253s kind of have to worry about what Java is
17255s doing where are they going to escape to
17256s where the support is going to go and
17258s that the answer is just right back to
17261s spawn the flip comes through from great
17262s then written very quickly after that
17265s fight and once again these ultimates are
17267s being built up to very quickly Kai did a
17269s big flip with a pulse bomb and that
17271s ultimate just gets built up so quickly
17273s in a matter of seconds yeah and speaking
17274s of ultimates Belgium with the cops
17276s they're playing they don't really have
17277s access to a huge fight-winning ultimate
17280s they're gonna have the Kitsune rush and
17281s that's a great initiation tool but
17282s they're gonna walk right into backbones
17284s EMP and if Great Britain's follow-up is
17286s there that's gonna be a clean easy Fight
17288s Win for Great Britain so I'll have to
17289s see if uh backbone pulls the trigger and
17291s indeed he does but Cronus Falls early
17294s yeah Cronus going down before the sound
17296s barrier comes through could be a game
17299s changer for Belgium they have to keep
17302s jkro up somehow but they're unable to
17304s it's got a backup quite a bit because
17307s funny Astro just doesn't have as much of
17309s that's insane and now the pulse bomb has
17311s been built up by Kai though might be
17313s able to answer something back the
17315s contention is still there Kai just
17317s dashing around on the point blinking
17319s around trying to take down Chaba and
17321s trying to find Mercy pocket and finally
17324s JK aru finishes the job but that allows
17326s Logics and opportunity to just trade
17328s back onto the DPS already to 95
17333s contention's still there this might be
17335s an overtime flip for Belgium and now the
17338s duplicate forced through once again can
17340s going to transform into the wits in a
17343s second tank onto the field to try and
17344s harass JKR from regrouping with the rest
17347s of the team Ken is still on fire just
17350s going to Glide away very quickly waiting
17353s for Jabba to come back Jabba has
17354s switched on to the Lu show though and
17356s that means building up another ultimate
17358s while Kai already has the pulse bomb to
17360s come through and Sky tour is taken down
17362s now without a tank in a play it's going
17365s to be so much harder for Belgium to keep
17367s their hands on this point over time
17369s activated Logics attempting a blink and
17372s a recall upon the Nova also looking for
17374s the contest with the Isuzu and now the
17377s doomfist from Sky tour to get quickly
17379s back to point it is just so back and
17381s forth there are some desperation
17383s switches from Belgium but they are
17385s holding on and not by very much there
17388s Sky told that HP gonna finally fall
17390s you've got Shabba on point to try and
17392s contest here but this looks like it's
17394s all Great Britain in the kill feed all
17396s yep it's all coming up for the Seven
17398s Lions here that's gonna be a nice easy
17400s 2-0 there for Great Britain they
17402s definitely look to be the stronger of
17404s the two teams here and I want to go back
17406s to that last fight there where Belgium
17409s was able to flip the point at 99 for
17411s Great Britain Great Britain did enough
17413s to stagger out to where they got to 99
17414s and in order to even get the flip at all
17417s they made it costly for Belgium they had
17419s to invest ultimate abilities they had to
17420s invest pretty much everything throw the
17423s kitchen sink at it so when the next
17424s fight comes around and Great Britain
17426s come in they have ultimates they have
17428s resources Belgium just has nothing and
17431s they just crumble under the pressure
17433s there towards the end and we saw a lot
17435s of life from them on Gardens there's
17436s definitely something to this team
17438s there's definitely some things that we
17440s can see going forward here but I gotta
17443s ask you know do you think they can do it
17444s it's gonna be their map pick what do you
17446s what are you feeling
17448s I don't know it's going to be a really
17450s tough one like you said I mean it feels
17452s like they might also just be waking up
17454s each of these teams only playing one
17457s match you know every single day so it
17459s could be like they're kind of warming up
17461s to it because we saw so much more life
17463s over on that second round but it's also
17466s the fact that there were desperations
17467s which is you know Great Britain seems
17469s like a very calm level-headed team but
17471s when it comes to these really really
17473s chaotic messy fights and they start
17475s falling apart they start realizing
17476s they're losing the switches come through
17478s and there might be less of that
17480s forethought going into those team
17482s compositions when they're making those
17483s switches as much as we need to get back
17485s to the point we need to hold on to this
17487s no matter what and then you don't think
17489s about what about the ultimates that
17490s we're building up what about the
17491s ultimates we just lost how will this
17493s work with our team composition you know
17495s the switch on to Lucio they wanted to
17497s rush back to the point but it also means
17499s that Ken which was basically you know
17501s their big all their eggs in that basket
17503s they didn't have the mercy pocket
17505s anymore so it was a lot more difficult
17506s to get value out of it yeah it overall
17509s kind of feels like Belgium is playing a
17511s little bit more reactively instead of
17512s proactively I mean we do we do have the
17516s chance for them to try and be a little
17517s bit more proactive because you know as
17519s the non-winners of the first map it is
17521s going to be their map pick next they can
17523s take us to hybrid they can take us to uh
17526s escort I you know what kind of maps
17528s might you be expecting them to try and
17529s go with with what we've seen here like
17531s what strengths do they have that they
17533s can realistically play to here
17535s I feel like we could definitely see them
17539s on an escort map rather than a hybrid
17541s map uh they definitely feel like they
17544s want to be able to flow back into the
17546s fight instead of having to constantly
17548s hang on to something and that could be a
17550s problem for them with the first control
17551s point or the first capture point of
17554s those hybrid Maps but it's definitely
17556s going to be up to them to see what they
17559s want to play to their strengths and what
17561s kind of compositions they're going to go
17562s for this time around
17563s all right well they got a little bit of
17565s time to try and uh piece this all
17566s together we're gonna throw to a quick
17568s break let them go to the drawing board
17569s piece together a plan and a map pick
17571s we'll have all that for you and more
17572s action when we come back from the break
17574s stay tuned
17590s [Applause]
17603s thank you
17605s [Music]
17637s thank you
17664s thank you
17666s [Music]
17704s [Music]
17710s [Music]
17725s thank you
17727s thank you
17741s foreign
17742s [Music]
17743s [Applause]
17750s [Applause]
17751s [Music]
17791s [Music]
17793s thank you
17795s welcome back everyone to the OverWatch
17798s World Cup emec online qualifiers I'm
17801s epitome is joined by CB and we are back
17804s for map two of Belgium versus Great
17807s Britain after a little bit of a stomp on
17811s the shunga tower just a little bit I did
17814s say at the top of this match that Great
17816s Britain did look like to be one of the
17817s shoe wins for one of the spots in group
17819s a and they are staking their claim early
17821s they're not even let Belgium sniff one
17823s of those spots right now saying you have
17825s to go through us if you want even a
17828s snowball's chance and heck of making it
17829s to the playoffs here so it's up to it's
17832s up to Belgium here with their map pick
17834s to try and pull some magic out of a hat
17835s try and find something to turn the tides
17837s back in their favor and try and topple
17840s this British giant that sits before them
17842s and circuit Royale is their destination
17844s of choice this is where they will choose
17846s to make that stand and I gotta feel like
17849s this might be putting some eggs into the
17851s Logics basket this time
17853s oh this is definitely an interesting
17856s choice here I mean we did see like a
17859s little bit of that sojourn switch as
17861s well over on the first control center
17864s map of lijiang so I'm wondering if they
17867s might be bringing that out once again if
17869s we're going to see maybe a Cassidy come
17871s through as well
17872s and you know what else I did want to
17874s point out that you know we saw a lot of
17875s the Hanzo coming out and when we saw
17877s this map earlier today Hanzo seemed to
17880s be you know the pick that most of the
17882s hit scan players were going for in lieu
17884s of the Widowmaker because we saw the
17885s Widow Nerf so we're likely not going to
17888s see as much of her as we might be
17890s accustomed to she might still rear her
17892s ugly head again here once again but I
17895s mean Hanzo has been a great thing to you
17898s know a Great Hero to slot in with that
17899s traditional long-range sniper it's you
17901s know kind of one for one it's the same
17903s sort of deal where you can just find a
17906s headshot as I say that though both teams
17909s kind of looking like they're gonna eat
17910s my make me eat my words and uh go back
17912s to all reliable pull the Widowmaker out
17915s of out of this or off of the shelves
17918s here dust her off she hasn't even been
17919s up there for like a week yet but duster
17922s off try and find some some value with
17924s them and you know overall Belgium is
17926s kind of going back to
17928s the previous meta with this composition
17930s you know zp and hex were talking about a
17932s little bit but Sigma with the Bap Zen
17934s and then the double sniper that's very
17936s much a meta of a bygone era where we've
17939s been through some patches we've changed
17940s some things maybe Belgium knows
17942s something we don't and they're able to
17944s find some value here or maybe we'll just
17946s have to spam chat with thank Mr Logix
17948s once again
17950s yeah I mean you also see the Genji being
17953s brought out here and there's like a
17955s little bit of a buff there with the
17956s increase in ammo but also you see that
17958s there has been a switch
17960s um onto W maimon and as well on the
17963s other side shaira as that tank on the
17966s sigma here to try and get themselves a
17968s little bit of that stronger defense but
17971s it doesn't look to be like much of a
17972s defense right now it looks like Belgium
17974s they're just barely backing up they've
17975s kind of just given up this entire Street
17976s space over here for free like this first
17978s corner like you typically want to hold a
17981s little bit further up with your Sigma so
17982s that your snipers have an angle but the
17984s snipers are just holding their s key
17986s back and all the way up you know Great
17988s Britain they're about to get this first
17989s corner here essentially for free without
17991s even having to spill any blood but rest
17994s assured there's gonna be some bullets if
17996s Kai has anything to say about it
17998s okay Ken is able to find W my mom and
18001s Logics actually going to take down Kai
18004s Battle of the widowmakers which is
18006s something you don't really see too much
18009s um but sure and now they're just still
18012s holding the corner waiting for their
18013s dps's to come back into the game logic's
18017s still holding this very long corner and
18019s they don't really have a good way of
18021s kind of diving onto the Widowmaker the
18023s Genji could do something here
18025s but still haven't made the move yeah the
18028s problem here is as long as we're both
18030s investing into this Widowmaker battle it
18032s is going to be whichever Widow is
18033s getting the better of one another that's
18035s going to dictate which sight lines the
18036s other team can safely play in but a nano
18038s boost onto Chicago is gonna make the
18040s entire Point anything but safe for
18042s Belgium
18044s funny Astro going down so they're
18046s relying on backbone to get those sight
18048s lines on but it's just not going to work
18050s Ken is able to take down quite a bit of
18053s damage onto that tank taking out jaycar
18055s from the fight but the Primal Rage has
18057s been built up for the next one and
18059s because of how Pokey their comp is they
18061s are just backing up all the way once
18063s again it's just holding the S key and
18065s giving up that first checkpoint for free
18067s yeah it's a poke comp and typically if
18069s you want to poke someone you got to keep
18071s them in arm's distance but Belgium
18072s keeping Great Britain away with like a
18074s 10-foot Pole right now won't let them
18076s get close and that's totally fine
18078s because great brick and Great Britain
18080s can just take all of this space for free
18081s the site's gonna come out from Logics
18083s and you know Great Britain might slow
18085s the pace down just a little bit here but
18087s once Kai has those up it's going to be
18089s completely flipped and reversed and once
18090s again it'll be Belgium on the back foot
18092s ravidic flux to open things up are they
18094s gonna find any Peter with it
18097s and the gravity flux it unfortunately
18099s doesn't find too much here the Primal
18101s Rage does come out though Jake are we
18103s looking for a little bit more of that
18105s Health thing but oh what a shot from
18107s Logix Kai just straight back onto the
18110s support a tank for his support both of
18112s them are going to be at a little bit of
18113s sand still for the next fight but Logix
18115s and Kai they are just a gift that keeps
18117s on giving but with the new Widowmaker
18119s neutralize on Belgium's side it does
18122s give Britain a little bit more of that
18124s room to push forward but the sigma is
18126s just contesting the point I mean that
18128s that shot on to jaycar there from Logix
18130s was a discorded amp Matrix shot with a
18134s Sonic arrow and I'm just for good
18135s measure that was a great pick off there
18136s from Logix here but it's Kai that's
18138s getting the better of this duel right
18140s now and it's also forcing Logics and the
18142s rest of Belgium back they have to
18144s respect Kai if he keeps clicking heads
18146s build or Great Britain can keep charging
18149s forward another big pick from Logics
18150s here but it might be too late
18152s and there's the uh there's the Dragon
18155s Blade just coming through and forcing so
18159s much of this squad back what is logic
18161s going to do against Genji that has 5
18164s million dashes and also a sword battle
18166s two shot you and even though there's the
18168s Widowmaker nurse you know uh even with
18171s the Widowmaker nurse you're still seeing
18173s Widow battles is a little bit insane to
18175s me but Belgium I think they might have
18178s been a little bit too overconfident on
18180s the sniper comp because Great Britain
18182s they are bringing the sniper comp right
18184s back to them and they're doing it with
18186s only one sniper and they're looking like
18188s they want to try and open with a nano
18189s boost by the way this is the return of
18191s bone back I just realized we have
18192s backbone on the support once again we
18195s didn't think we'd see him again but it
18196s is bone back the evil twin
18198s makeup holding the Nano can put that
18201s onto shakaru at any point in time and
18203s make life miserable for Logics as funny
18206s Astro seems to try and do right now with
18208s some of the wall rides but well
18209s everyone's looking at the Frog no one
18211s was looking at the monkey and jakaru is
18213s in now
18215s yeah jaycaru has been allowed to take so
18217s much space just weaving in and out of
18220s Sigma Shields with the Tesla Cannon as
18223s well in such an easy way to escape with
18226s the jump they're trying to hold The High
18228s Ground trying to take control because of
18230s the prominence of the snipers in this
18233s composition and there's a gravity a
18235s gravitic flux to take down Kai as well
18237s as backbone and without Backbone in the
18240s back line Great Britain doesn't really
18242s have a backbone but jkro they're forced
18245s to retreat a little bit further since
18247s funny Astro doesn't quite have the stain
18249s that they need what he finds the killer
18252s okay funny ashtray is known for his
18254s aggression but even I would for a second
18256s there was like this is this is too
18258s aggressive for you but shyra not able to
18260s dislodge the wall riding frog here funny
18263s Astro able to take out the enemy Sigma
18265s and even kind of force the swap there I
18267s think Shire was probably already
18269s contemplating making that Diva swap here
18271s so they can try and counter dive and you
18273s know control The High Ground a little
18274s bit better here but it might be too
18276s little too late Great Britain they're
18278s really feeling themselves and starting
18279s to go for some ego plays and they're
18281s still marching right on forward
18284s yeah they just really don't have this
18286s attention Okay slept Genji in spawn
18288s that'll slow it down just a little bit
18290s but they have that sound barrier and
18292s they're just able to force forward to
18294s make the silly plays you know funny
18296s Astro having a little laugh to himself
18298s he's just he he ha haing his team into
18300s their spawn and now they've gotten so
18302s many picks as well Logics in the back
18304s line on the Tracer but backbone isn't
18306s barely even phased because the rest of
18309s the squad is just capping the payload
18311s and they're almost right to the end and
18314s it's all left up to Logics who's just
18316s being harassed by the Tesla Cannon but
18318s since they are so close to the spawn
18319s it's making it easier for Belgium to
18321s regroup Great Britain might have to let
18323s this one go and wait for that next fight
18324s Belgium they might be able to hold on
18326s for a few seconds longer but Jake and
18328s arrow popping the Primal Rage so much
18330s more of a Health sync now and with the
18332s Doom fist pick from shaira are they
18334s going to be able to knock the monkey
18336s back they do disengage off the back of
18338s this but they are still trying to cap
18341s yeah it was very much a thank Mr logic's
18343s moment as he did just enough to try and
18344s stop the bleeding a little bit and he's
18346s come back on the Bastion taking down
18348s jaycaru and once again Belgium are doing
18350s just enough to hang on by the Skin of
18353s Their Teeth here they once again repel
18355s the Great Britain Onslaught and Great
18357s Britain they invested a lot into that
18359s fight the Primal and the Nano and I
18361s believe the beat earlier on into that
18362s fight it was a long one it was a scrappy
18365s one but definitely thank Mr Logics for
18367s that one because now we're under a
18369s minute Great Britain they're still
18370s looking to cap here but Belgium might
18372s have finally found their footing
18374s yeah it seems like they are in a really
18377s good spot to hold on to this especially
18378s since it's so close to spawn and they're
18381s on their way to that meteor strike as
18383s well okay shyra in the back line Kai
18385s where are you gonna go on the back of
18387s this I guess I'm just going to go ahead
18389s and kill shyra and now without a tank
18391s they have to deal with a Logics now and
18394s just going to escape to The High Ground
18395s Kai getting healed up from the back line
18398s but Ken on the other hand has a dragon's
18401s blade of his own and is able to find
18403s only one funny Astro now down from Great
18406s Britain but the rest of the squad is
18408s there to back up and avenge for the
18410s Fallen teammate Great Britain completing
18413s round one with 17 seconds left over yeah
18416s the good news for Belgium is that they
18418s didn't end up falling with a two minute
18420s time bank like that definitely could
18421s have been the case save for some heroic
18423s plays the bad news is still that Great
18426s Britain capped at all and on circuit
18428s Royale that's not always guaranteed so
18431s now Belgium have to try and match that
18433s if they want to keep themselves up in
18434s this fight fight and potentially have a
18436s chance of winning this map here and
18438s that's not going to be easy again like I
18441s said Belgium is living and dying by what
18445s Ken and Logics are able to do we're
18447s seeing Shira going Uber aggressive on
18449s the doomfist and the diva there and you
18451s know failing to win uh duels with an
18453s enemy Lucio granted that enemy Lucio is
18455s funny Astro so you get a pass there
18457s because funny Astro is just funny Astro
18460s and I don't know what else I can say
18461s about that without you know being
18463s redundant we all know how good funny
18465s Astro is on the Lucio there and like you
18469s know I I gotta believe that Belgium is
18471s going to be able to pull out something
18472s here but Great Britain I mean if they
18474s just put enough pressure onto Logics
18475s where he can't get enough done on the
18477s Widow Force the swap for some comp swaps
18480s out of Belgium it might just spell
18482s disaster it might spell the end of uh
18484s Belgium's run here in this game another
18486s quick 2-0 for Great Britain it's it's
18488s yeah it's it's just up to logics
18492s yeah
18493s yeah Logics is I mean he did have quite
18496s a few Shining Moments on the defense on
18499s the attack it might be a little bit more
18501s difficult having to fight for those
18502s positions with a widow Sigma Zenyatta
18506s Baptiste Hanzo kind of comp and Great
18509s Britain they're holding so much further
18511s forward as while they're not going to
18513s allow that free space the free caps and
18515s if Belgium had held further forward in
18518s that first fight Great Britain might not
18519s have been able to complete round one
18521s with all three points here now they are
18523s having to fight up through the side
18524s house but it's being contested by three
18526s players and back right up with the Lucio
18528s of funny Astro just allowing to Boop
18530s them back into the room and then it's
18532s just so much free damage from that Genji
18534s it's all some of the most you know the
18536s most mobile heroes here so they have an
18538s opportunity to jump out but that rock
18540s from from shyra and the follow-up there
18542s from Chara or Chaba means that jakaru
18544s cannot get out and with the Winston gone
18546s now Belgium can start to trudge forward
18548s here yeah you can see backbone has to
18550s try and you know head for the hills and
18552s this is gonna be that first stretch uh
18554s you know being given up to Belgium but
18556s again we go back to Belgium's defense
18558s here they are now working to take what
18561s Great Britain essentially took for free
18563s on their attack here so now was Great
18565s Britain is able to set up they can get
18566s Kai on this High Ground here there's
18568s still a lot of work to be done that's a
18570s huge need from backbone not gonna be a
18571s lot of follow-up but that will slow
18573s things down just a little bit Kai
18575s looking for a head but Ken is not going
18578s to show his today because you jump up
18580s out of the way here cart's still moving
18582s Great Britain they're looking for a way
18584s in a way to get shikaru onto that back
18587s line
18588s yeah they're able to cap this for free
18590s it's going to be difficult for them to
18592s contest once again the Widowmaker uh has
18595s to stand really far back here but W
18597s maimon is able to find one on to Ken and
18600s that Genji is really the one that's
18601s going to be right up in their faces and
18603s forcing them back especially those two
18606s dps's that have been sent back to spawn
18608s here Java however has been doing a lot
18610s of work for Belgium thus far the Discord
18612s orbs and doing a lot of damage even for
18615s just Zenyatta but wmo and coin to
18618s neutralize that the Genji is such a good
18621s way to counter these really immobile uh
18624s backline picks you talk about how much
18626s damage Chaba is doing but that's so you
18627s know what this back line is right it's
18629s full poke full damage and it's finding a
18632s decent amount of value but not enough to
18634s dislodge Kai not enough to fully punish
18636s jakaru consistently and not enough to
18639s stop the support from coming in from
18640s backbone hey Kai there's another free
18642s headshot for you Logics never saw that
18643s one coming there's an easy trade and
18646s again like you have to try and find a
18648s way to shut down this Widow a pick on
18650s Tobacco no that could be huge
18654s now the Transcendence being used in that
18658s situation as well as the immortality
18660s field to just try and counteract the
18662s damage that was going to come through
18663s the sound barrier also used but looking
18666s at the ultimates that are coming up and
18667s now they have that widow's ultimate
18670s coming through so they can just see
18672s right through these walls and it should
18674s allow Logics to get a good pick here but
18676s Ken is actually the one that finds funny
18678s Astro now a player down missing that
18680s made support but oh my gosh the Dragon
18683s Blade doesn't even find anything and in
18685s the face of that they've also put up the
18687s immortality field and it's given them
18689s that enough sustain for sure to go ahead
18691s use the graphic flux and force them so
18693s far back and now with a few seconds left
18695s over they're able to get that first
18698s checkpoint which is going to give them
18699s three more minutes in the time thing to
18701s push into the second while shyra
18703s continues to Surge forward and try and
18706s force these players back and what a
18708s great shot from Ken here and with that
18709s shot to shut down that Dragon Blade now
18711s the hard part is done Kai is gonna swap
18713s off of the Widowmaker because he no
18715s longer has the favorable angle Belgium
18717s they can play this far up and as long as
18720s the fight goes on this even ground he's
18722s not going to be able to find much of
18724s anything meanwhile Logics can still play
18726s the Widow to his heart's content get a
18728s takedown W my moan and keep things going
18730s in favor of Belgium keep this cart
18732s inching ever closer there that's another
18734s great shot from Ken on takai there this
18737s might actually just be point B being
18738s capped here outright a storm arrow kill
18741s into jakaru why not Ken you're already
18742s cooking yeah Ken is definitely whipping
18746s up something in the kitchen and now it's
18747s all left to funny Astro another pick for
18750s Ken and now they get that second
18752s checkpoint it was just not even a
18754s struggle at all for them to get up that
18756s ramp and into this little building here
18758s now we're looking at Great Britain they
18760s switched up their pump a lot it's going
18762s to be back to that Widow
18765s there was a little bit of struggle to
18767s get up that wall but it was a little bit
18768s of that um
18770s he cannot overcome the wall he takes the
18773s stairs I have to admire that but you
18775s know he's able to get this High Ground
18776s here and jakaru wants to fight for it
18778s and dislodge him but not able to and
18780s they've lost funny Astro again Astro
18782s might be getting a little too big for
18784s his britches here going too aggressive
18785s and getting punished for it
18787s yeah it definitely doesn't feel like
18789s he's getting the support that he needs
18790s especially what needs the Winston to be
18792s right there with him in order to absorb
18794s some of that pressure but now they're
18796s trying to use this Tracer oh my God just
18799s immediately stunned by uh shyra's Rock
18802s and just going to go down even though
18804s there's a sleep onto the tank here it's
18806s going to be that bionade that's going to
18808s really Force shyra back a little bit but
18810s still Great Britain cannot get
18812s themselves in good position to defend
18815s this they are just it seems that they've
18817s really lost their stride yeah I mean I
18819s have to be looking at Kai making that
18821s swap off the Widow over onto the Sombra
18822s and hasn't been able to build up to the
18824s EMP yet is going to have it now and two
18826s early pick-offs that is huge okay Great
18828s Britain aren't even gonna need to invest
18829s at EMP they should be able to just win
18831s this fight outright with the cleanup and
18833s now they'll have the EMP for the next
18835s fight and that should be another fight
18837s win I mean Belgium is about to have five
18839s ultimates of their own this next fight
18840s is looking to be a bloody one but it's
18842s one that I think Great Britain might be
18844s favored in it's It's gotta be all up to
18846s Kai here going for an early hack they're
18848s on to shyra but gets sussed out is he
18851s gonna be able to find anything here
18853s yeah now that Widowmaker has been
18855s completely Switched Off and they're
18857s choosing that amp Matrix as well as a
18859s Transcendence in response to only for
18861s the Primal Rage and the pulse bomb from
18864s Great Britain Squad but now they're able
18866s to take down jkro with that little bit
18868s of extra sustain from those two supports
18870s and Shabba instead after using
18872s Transcendence has switched over to the
18874s brigitta to try and help out the team
18876s right next to their spawn Ken is allowed
18878s to just do a lot of free damage off
18881s after the tank has gone down and they're
18884s just trying to weave around with the
18885s Tracer and the Sombra but Kai has
18887s decided back to the Widowmaker they go
18889s especially after logic has switched
18891s don't have to get Widowmaker diff this
18893s time around as they push into the final
18894s point there was a moment in time there
18896s where I could see that Kai wanted to use
18897s the EMP but the Transcendence came out
18899s and it was just too costly to do it and
18901s by the time it would have been
18902s beneficial everyone else from Great
18903s Britain is dead so Kai just needed that
18905s one in there gonna go ahead and make the
18906s swap here but it might be too little too
18908s late he can't get favorable positioning
18910s the gravidic flux comes out my head
18911s shots are coming out from Ken Belgium
18913s going to cap this point here Ken is
18915s going absolutely nutty right now
18918s Ken just went crazy in that last fight
18922s and I'm pretty sure he was on fire for
18924s that entire last checkpoint and it was
18927s largely due to Ken as well that they
18929s were able to even just force their way
18931s through that second checkpoint without
18933s just even a little bit of a hitch and
18935s Great Britain you can see why Belgium
18937s picked this map Great Britain we saw
18939s them on the attack and we thought hmm
18941s why are they letting them capture it for
18942s free but even though Great Britain was
18944s in their faces and trying to contest
18946s every little spit of space that they
18948s could while Belgium was more looking to
18950s kite back and keep them at an arm's
18952s length Belgium still end up with a
18954s larger time sink yeah I and I think it
18957s kind of goes back to that somber swap
18959s from Kai I don't think it paid enough
18961s dividends it took him too long to build
18962s the EMP the synchronization wasn't quite
18965s there you know he would try and go for a
18967s hack and either it wouldn't get it
18968s wouldn't come through he'd get you know
18970s the the hack canceled or there just
18972s wouldn't be a hackable target for jakaru
18974s to jump on top of or for the follow-up
18976s from uh W Memon to be able to come
18978s through through and it just wasn't quite
18981s there I think this is kind of what Great
18983s Britain needs to do because now you know
18984s they're behind the eight ball a little
18986s bit Belgium set the better time Bank
18987s Great Britain they have to be Swift I
18989s think you just want to have Kai on this
18992s Widow to try and take the duel with
18993s Logics hopefully win that duel and be
18996s able to make enough cart progress to
18998s mount a pretty decent defense here
19000s because you know yeah like I said the
19002s time bank is in favor of Belgium right
19004s now which is not something I thought was
19005s gonna happen when I saw you know how
19007s slow their uh or how how rough their
19010s defense was but that attack was just
19011s something special
19014s yeah and Kai on this Widowmaker has to
19017s contend with two snipers and logic
19019s already taken down W May moan and you
19021s can see that the Genji isn't putting
19023s enough pressure but oh my goodness what
19025s a shot from Kai to take down Logics and
19028s now they're missing quite a chunk of
19030s that long range damage and they're going
19032s to have to back up a little bit since
19034s Kai is allowed to ring out for free here
19036s now looking for the pick on the Chava
19038s finds it the Zenyatta now out and no
19041s more of those Discord orbs for that
19042s extra damage that they have left over
19044s logic comes backs as Tracer partially
19047s maybe to try and get to the point that
19049s much quicker and force them back instead
19052s of allowing for them to cap for free Kai
19054s almost finding the shop on the support
19055s once again the shield does come through
19057s and saves Belgium's backline for the
19060s second longer and now choppa's switching
19062s on to the Lucio there's a lot of Rush
19064s switches that are coming through from
19066s Belgium and funny Astro now taking down
19068s Logics Logics once again sent back to
19072s spawn Great Britain they're making this
19074s a lot easier for themselves by
19076s neutralizing that DPS flare and now
19078s they're able to capture a first
19079s checkpoint and this is exactly what
19081s Great Britain needs to do they need to
19082s just let Kai pound let him win out that
19084s Widow duel you know losing WMA moan
19087s there early doesn't really matter all
19088s that much because his only job was to
19090s try and pressure out Logics but without
19092s Logics alive then you know job well done
19095s you know gave your life for it it's
19096s still good they've played us they play
19098s slow enough to build up to the Nano just
19100s send jaycaru in to mop up the damage and
19102s the follow-up is there they've capped
19104s point a which is already so so much for
19107s one minute if they're able to cap point
19108s B that might be an insurmountable task
19110s for Belgium to try and match here and
19112s you know Great Britain they want it It's
19115s gotta be up to Shire with this gravity
19116s flux to try and negate that try and slow
19118s something down Fine Pay Dirt with this
19120s ultimate Kai has the sights up Belgium
19123s they don't want to Flinch who's gonna
19124s make the first move here
19126s and that amp Matrix is also up and after
19129s they're able to get that through it's
19131s going to be up to Ken to try and find
19133s the damage the immortality field comes
19134s through as the Primal rages popped by JK
19137s aru trying to pound on the back line
19139s able to find both of the supports now
19141s the sustain simply isn't there for Shira
19144s being completely shredded by W maimon
19147s and there's the Genji once again the
19149s final pick on the Logics and the
19150s overtime continues into the second point
19153s at w maimon trades his life early on in
19156s the fight and takes at least three of
19158s them there in exchange towards the end
19159s of that fight and now has a dragon blade
19162s it will be a naked blade unless backbone
19164s is able to build that uh Nano boost
19166s quite swiftly but there's also that
19168s window where choppa's gonna have the
19169s Transcendence here regardless of how
19171s that interaction plays out this is
19173s already so much cart progress for Great
19175s Britain and Belgium are going to have to
19177s match all of this and then some on their
19180s attack they have to try and stop this
19182s train before it goes off the tracks here
19184s deep
19187s yeah Kai taking control of The High
19189s Ground needs to be a little bit careful
19191s about being flanked by this Tracer but
19194s the dragon strike does quite a bit of
19196s zoning they just take out that sound
19198s barrier as well as the dragon plane
19200s they're trying to get so much value here
19202s oh uh where are you going W May moan
19205s able to get back up onto the platform
19207s but they weren't able to tank so much
19209s damage from the dragon strike because of
19211s that sound barrier from funny Astro but
19213s now funny Astro going down to Chava's
19215s Discord orbs and Logics as well finding
19218s backbone this might be the end of the
19220s overtime Kai too far away to touch but
19223s this is 60 meters and a lot further than
19226s they would have initially hoped with
19228s only one minute yeah that's that is that
19230s is so so much I don't even want to think
19232s about what Belgium has to do in order to
19234s try and match that you know they have
19235s the favorable time bank but throw that
19238s out the window because as much as Great
19239s Britain did with a minute that's like an
19242s astronomical task to try and do with a
19243s minute 46 that extra 46 seconds pretty
19246s much means no nothing at this point it's
19248s gonna be an OT push no matter what and
19251s if Kai keeps winning out the Widow
19253s Jewels with Logics not allowing Logics
19256s to control the sight lines use the
19257s defender's advantage and control the
19259s angles then you know it's it's going to
19261s be pretty much over we're gonna see the
19262s Widow mirror coming out from both of
19264s these teams again and it's going to be
19265s Kai that has the advantage of
19267s positioning it's going to be up to
19268s Belgium to try and shut Kai down somehow
19270s but they just haven't really done that
19273s and meanwhile you can see how effective
19275s Great Britain has been in shutting down
19277s Logics if it's not Kai hitting a
19279s headshot it's jakaru with a nano boost
19281s or WMA moan with the with the Swift
19283s strikes just dashing through mopping up
19285s the back line putting the pressure on
19287s and once again we're gonna see Great
19289s Britain going for this really really
19291s close hold and this is designed
19293s specifically to bleed time off the time
19296s bank and get us into that OT situation
19298s as early as possible no compositional
19301s swaps up here from Belgium we have to be
19303s looking at Logics and indeed Ken to try
19306s and make magic once again can lightning
19308s strike twice Ken it's up to you bud
19312s it's time oh logic's not even going for
19314s the Widowmaker early looking really to
19317s harass Widow on that high ground that
19320s Kai is holding and once again they
19322s aren't looking to get control of this
19323s room very early and they do so great for
19326s not gonna make the same mistake quite
19327s twice and have their tank fall early to
19330s that engagement instead going to back up
19333s onto the second bridge and hold from
19335s there holding closer to Kai as well so
19337s it's easier to protect in case that uh
19339s Tracer goes for the dive yeah but
19341s there's no flank routes here on first
19343s point of circuit Royale right so logic
19345s is gonna have a hard time trying to get
19347s to Kai and is at some point going to
19349s have to face check him if Kai hits the
19351s shot it's just done and dusted here
19353s Lotus is trying to look for a way in but
19354s you can see Kai wants to take The High
19356s Ground not gonna even give Logics the
19359s chance here take this favorable ground
19361s that everybody has to try and respect
19363s and you can see how far back oh Belgium
19365s is forced to play right now and Logics
19367s is down
19369s okay backbone being the one to take down
19371s Logics trying to harass the supports out
19374s of the fight and it didn't work and
19376s there's just no follow-up which allows
19377s JK are going for a huge dive onto
19380s Belgium oh my goodness 30 seconds left
19383s over first fight already lost this is
19385s mean this is mean what oh what are they
19389s doing to him the Stagger on Zapata Nova
19392s and yeah with the ant Matrix that's
19394s gonna be your only ultimate that you
19395s have the last person to spawn is anyone
19398s gonna be able to touch logic is gonna
19399s have to try and get the touch but again
19401s there's no real flank rails he's gonna
19403s have to face check everybody and go
19405s right into the point here Ken's not
19407s gonna be there for backup it doesn't
19409s even look like there's gonna be a touch
19410s logic's gonna use both his blinks to try
19412s and get on the point here but the Dragon
19413s Blade comes out what does Belgium even
19415s do about this
19417s yeah the Dragon Blade is just so
19419s oppressive to Belgium Squad their back
19422s line is almost gone the amp Matrix even
19424s though it comes through what is Panda
19426s Nova going to do to touch that stagger
19429s was pretty much the nail in the coffin
19431s now Great Britain taking this another
19434s map 2-0 for us CV both of the series we
19437s casted have been pretty dominant for one
19441s team over the other but there was still
19442s that glimmer of hope the glimmer of life
19444s for Belgium that we saw in the previous
19446s match for Iceland there it's definitely
19449s there you can see the competition yeah
19451s man zp and hex got to cast all the good
19453s ones here I'm hoping we're not just on
19455s two OverWatch all day all night all day
19457s but it was still a really good series
19459s here like you said there was signs of
19460s life that came out from Belgium there
19462s was definitely some heroic plays that
19464s came out from the likes of Ken and from
19466s the likes of Logics it's still a squad
19468s that you do have to kind of watch out
19469s for because the heroics can be there and
19471s can make big plays but it's not enough
19474s to overcome the circle of life that
19476s these Seven Lions from Great Britain and
19477s just introduce them to it's just quickly
19479s life Kai hits you with a head shot death
19482s that's the circle right there that's how
19483s it goes top to bottom and you know
19486s there's even when Kai is not hitting all
19488s the headshots the Synergy is here jakaru
19491s and backbone with these Nano uh Nano
19493s sorry these Nano winstons the Primal
19496s rages funny Astro just you're playing
19498s playing however he really wants to just
19500s kind of like going in trying to take
19502s duels With the Enemy tank sure why not
19504s he's able to get away with it if Belgium
19506s can't stop him then you know he's gonna
19508s keep going for those kinds of plays and
19509s Debbie maimon on this Genji also a
19512s threat here there's a lot to be afraid
19514s of here on this Great Britain Squad like
19516s I said a shoe-in for one of the three
19518s group a slots and who else in this group
19521s can reasonably take it from them
19524s yeah I mean Great Britain they are just
19527s they just have such strong individual
19529s players and that experience allows them
19531s to gel together really well I mean from
19534s this group we've still got a few
19536s contenders I mean you you and I we were
19538s talking a little bit about Denmark the
19540s other day as well but they don't even
19542s play today so you know Great Britain
19544s they can safely say that they are
19546s looking in a good a good spot for at
19549s least day one of the emec online
19551s qualifiers yeah I I think it's going to
19554s be for more than just day one I think
19556s this is a squad that might go eight days
19558s uh being a dangerous threat to everybody
19560s else in this group throughout the
19562s entirety of it there's still a couple of
19564s squads here that might have some things
19566s to say about it some squads that are
19568s bringing some uh some heavy coaching
19570s staff some heavy uh strategy and some
19572s big names to the table here we're gonna
19574s have to see a few more of them down the
19576s line here but I mean as for now like
19579s someone has to stop Kai like someone has
19581s to shut this guy down and if you can't
19583s do it then like what shot does your team
19586s have what's your game plan you gotta
19587s come at me with something because Kai is
19590s a problem here
19592s yeah and it also feels like you know
19595s greatness elevates greatness when Kai is
19597s popping off wmail starts popping off you
19600s know they're focused on the Widow
19601s they're like we have to get that
19602s Widowmaker and then the Genji is all of
19604s a sudden in your back line with a blade
19606s and you're like what are we going to do
19608s about that and you're not really sure
19610s and it's just like it's so good that the
19612s way that the Synergy has been going with
19615s this Great Britain Squad and I'm excited
19617s to see what they do next I'm also
19619s excited to see who can step up to the
19621s plate and try and Dethrone the uh the
19623s The Lion King over here the Seven Lions
19626s I don't know how many more times I can
19627s reference that movie without getting a
19629s cease and desist from Disney so no more
19631s of that we can go ahead and move on to
19633s the next game here it's going to be
19634s Italy versus France we're gonna have
19636s that for you ready to go when we come
19638s back from another quick break here don't
19639s go anywhere we got two more games coming
19641s at you and they're both gonna be good
19643s ones stay tuned
19651s thank you
19658s [Applause]
19665s foreign
19666s [Music]
19684s [Music]
19692s [Music]
19716s [Music]
19740s thank you
19744s [Music]
19760s thank you
19764s [Music]
19778s [Music]
19800s foreign
19801s [Music]
19837s thank you
19841s [Music]
19857s [Applause]
19862s thank you welcome back everyone to the
19865s OverWatch World Cup 2023 emec online
19868s qualifiers I'm your host Jim Basco and
19870s of course epidemies and CB have been
19872s bringing you the action all day long we
19874s are three matches deep and of course we
19876s just got done with Belgium versus Great
19879s Britain epitomies break it down for
19881s anyone who may have missed it real quick
19882s what just happened what did we just
19884s encountered
19885s I mean obviously on the side of Belgium
19888s we had a little bit of that sniper
19891s battle on the very last map of circuit
19893s Royale for those who have missed it it
19894s was legendary Ken popped off logic was
19897s popped off Kai popped off Kai especially
19900s popped off at the very end and allowed
19902s them to cap to two and a half points in
19905s overtime with only one minute and that
19908s was just insane from Great Britain Squad
19911s and you know I I just really didn't
19913s expect that out of the second nap in
19916s circuit Royale yeah absolutely CB you
19918s had mentioned this before right Great
19920s Britain coming into this one with a lot
19921s of veteran players on their squad did
19924s this match go the way that you expected
19926s it to
19927s uh almost exactly honestly I mean I I
19930s after the first map I thought it might
19932s not be quite so close on circuit Royale
19934s the signs of life that we saw coming out
19936s from Logics and Ken like I said the
19938s heroic plays definitely you know made me
19939s believe for a split second that we might
19941s have seen a map three but it was not to
19944s be because you asked what happened Kai
19946s happened and just as much as Kai
19948s happened Logics did not happen because
19950s Kai and the Gang did not let him happen
19952s because they know what happens if you
19954s let Logics cook so got him out of the
19956s kitchen Kai was the only one left
19958s wearing a chef's hat and they just took
19960s it all the way home and also oh you know
19963s nearly took it to six points for them on
19966s circuit Royale which is just bananas
19968s with only a minute in the time bank and
19970s OT like mwah chef's kiss that's so good
19974s yeah lots of cooking references lots of
19976s heat references in here and you know
19977s with logic previously being on the
19979s Mayhem way back when it feels good you
19981s know what I mean like sort of living up
19983s to those Glory Days but Great Britain
19985s like you mentioned that Widowmaker
19986s battle is something to watch The Meta
19988s still being explored as we talk right
19990s match throughout the day have led us to
19992s so many different places but we're
19994s talking about throughout the day let's
19996s take a look at the schedule right now
19997s and see what matches we have up for you
19998s around the corner I believe Match six
20000s and match seven are final two showings
20002s of the day are just around the corner
20004s Match six will be Italy versus France
20007s which is coming up next and to close out
20009s day number one will be the Netherlands
20012s versus Spain of course like I've
20014s mentioned before World Cup action will
20016s be going on for four days straight
20018s ending on Sunday of this week and then
20020s restarting again next week and we'll be
20022s doing the same stretch here Thursday
20023s through Sunday so with two weeks of
20026s action around Robin and Stakes at an
20028s all-time high here Italy versus France
20031s is just around the corner of course
20033s three teams from group a will be moving
20036s on two teams from Group B with Italy and
20038s France just around the corner like I
20040s mentioned CB what are your thoughts
20041s heading on into this next one well I
20044s definitely want to see what France comes
20046s to play with because you know they have
20048s a lot of big names on their team but I
20050s think the names that are going to make
20051s the most difference are the ones that
20053s you don't see they're rolling up here
20054s with a fad coaching staff right now with
20057s get amazed at the head of it and this
20060s tells me one of two things either a they
20062s really really want this playoff spot
20064s they want to go the distance and they
20066s want to be a threat when it comes to
20067s playoffs and they have to do it here or
20070s maybe it might be a case of too many
20072s cooks in the kitchen and if I had a
20074s little bit more prep time I would have
20075s written a Ratatouille reference about
20076s that because it's France but that you
20079s know we have to kind of see which one
20081s it's going to be right I feel like it's
20083s gonna be it's gonna be the first one but
20085s you never know there might be a case
20086s where you know some wires get crossed
20088s and things don't quite click and they
20090s kind of just have to fall back on the
20091s value of the names they bring into the
20093s table the ones we will see going full
20095s force to try and bring that W home for
20097s France well and with that epitome's CB
20100s thank you so much for bringing us the
20102s action throughout the day we got Match
20104s six just around the corner I'm gonna
20105s drop it off to you guys and I'll see you
20107s I'll see you both shortly thank you
20110s shortly Longley who knows maybe this
20113s will be another 2-0 like I
20115s other match that we've casted so far
20117s which has only been two so I am
20119s exaggerating and being a little bit
20121s dramatic for the funnies but or it could
20123s be a 2-1 you never know but do you think
20126s that this is going to be a close matchup
20127s I think it has the potential to be and
20129s again it's gonna kind of be you know
20131s France is the team that I'm looking at
20133s the most here but you know it takes two
20135s to tango what is Italy going to be
20136s coming forward with you know are they
20138s going to have uh some star power are
20140s they going to have a big plan here we
20142s can see the uh the lineup here one name
20145s that I know a good friend of mine Mikan
20147s over there on the support that's someone
20148s I'm looking to see uh you know with some
20150s big things there don't be fooled by the
20152s Anna this guy's Lucio is really really
20154s strong and definitely something that
20155s could make a showing here but is it
20158s going to be enough to overcome the raw
20160s power that France is trying to bring to
20162s the table here we'll have to find out
20165s and we'll have to see if any of these
20166s other names are going to jump out to you
20167s in the future if today is where they
20170s finally find their way into your mouth
20173s yeah I mean one of the only names that I
20176s really recognize here is freyu who has
20179s played in OverWatch World Cup in 2019
20182s and okay so Miken on the loose show like
20185s you said there we go ahead change that
20187s one over it's like how's that going to
20189s work with both of them on the honor I
20191s wonder
20193s interesting strategy yes I didn't know
20196s that we were playing on uh you know an
20198s arcade patch
20200s but you know over on the other side like
20203s you mentioned a lot of raw power from
20206s this uh French roster you have FD God
20209s who is a huge name just left Washington
20212s Justice and off the back of that I feel
20214s like it's going to be bringing a lot of
20216s fire to this next game yeah there's
20219s definitely a lot of Fire coming from
20221s this kitchen right now we know Ben best
20222s and FD God like you said FD got formally
20225s of the Washington Justice I think you
20228s know a lot of eyes are going to be on
20229s him as a result of that departure we
20232s don't know the circumstances of it or
20233s you know giving everyone the benefit of
20234s the doubt but this is an opportunity for
20236s FD got to show everybody that he still
20239s got it and he's worthy for another owl
20241s team to maybe give him a look maybe try
20242s and pick him up here remember the World
20244s Cup is where he made his name where he
20247s became a household name and it's time
20249s for him to do it again and speaking of
20251s household names we have a bit of a
20252s throwback in Nico coming out to try and
20255s uh join this France Squad here so
20257s there's some big names here there's a
20259s lot going on a lot of moving parts and I
20261s want to see what again the absolutely
20264s beefy coaching staff that Francis
20266s bringing to the table what they've got
20268s cooking for us here
20270s yeah it's going to be interesting on
20273s lijiang Tower once again who's surprised
20276s not me but it I think we might be seeing
20280s some more of those brawl compositions
20282s with the may but it's possible we saw
20284s some Hanzo preferences up there on the
20286s roster screen that we might be getting a
20288s little bit of that Hanzo thrown in the
20290s mix as well and Hanzo has definitely
20293s been lethal again we go to the previous
20294s matchup and we saw the magic that Ken
20296s was able to do you know help claw
20298s Belgium from the brink of Despair only
20300s for them to be thrusted right back in it
20302s but that's the power that Hanzo has or
20304s has those headshots with those arrows
20306s can give you a Lifeline where you might
20308s not have previously had one tip the
20309s scales in your favor where they might
20311s not have been snatch Victory from the
20313s jaws of defeat and however many other
20315s metaphors and similes I can throw at
20317s this uh to get the point across here you
20319s know if either team busts out the Hanzo
20321s and is able to find some success with it
20323s you know absolutely I would love to see
20325s it I like that you also brought the may
20327s as well because that's one of the heroes
20328s that I think Nico in the past was known
20330s four so there's a decent chance that
20333s that's something that France tries to
20335s pull out here especially if we go to
20337s Night Market as our first point here on
20338s lijiang Tower and you know I think as
20341s well for uh for control center I think
20343s that's a very viable thing to come out
20345s with on both of those points here but
20347s we're gonna kick it off on Gardens here
20349s and despite that France still definitely
20353s wants to run the rush here I can I don't
20355s think there's gonna be a whole lot of
20356s swaps there
20357s yeah I feel like the symmetra might just
20360s be for that first initial but it also
20363s might not because we've seen a lot of or
20365s a lot more than I expected symmetra play
20367s and it seems like they're sticking with
20369s it they're really focused on the area
20370s control that you can gain with the
20372s symmetra May well on the other side they
20374s actually have a sojourn going into this
20376s one but Mikan immediately going down and
20379s true as well the kiriko just doesn't
20381s have the bursts and sustain to heal up
20384s that wrecking ball without the Lucio by
20387s their side but it's also interesting to
20389s see the wrecking ball being picked at
20390s all hopefully to get an early Point
20393s capture but unfortunately going down
20395s early now switching over to the orisa
20397s another interesting pick but one we've
20399s already seen played today and the
20401s strategy here from France is not too
20402s dissimilar from one that we would see on
20404s like Nepal village where they just set
20405s up shop on the point with the SIM
20407s turrets and they use the maywalls to
20408s section people off and make it difficult
20410s for Italy to try and poke in and get
20412s anything done and you can tell that's
20413s why they wanted to swap off the wrecking
20415s ball because they knew they weren't
20416s going to get anything done and sticking
20418s with that they have to try and mirror
20420s the rush in some kind of way and it
20422s looks like the horse is what they're
20423s gonna try and come out here with to do
20424s just that but it might be too late
20426s because France is already marching right
20429s at their front door
20431s already they have these ultimates that
20434s are coming out and France they are doing
20436s so much even though Ben best does fall
20438s they're able to weave in and out of the
20441s wall and with the amp Matrix drop down
20443s by freyu it doesn't even do much here
20445s they're not able to secure anything
20447s except for that tank who is almost to
20449s the shatter as well while on the other
20452s hand they are really lacking in terms of
20454s that ultimate build up and Italy only
20457s really have two abilities that can maybe
20459s block the shatter that's the ice wall
20460s from Chimera or the four to five from
20462s Andrew if those abilities get faded out
20464s Ben best is going to have the freest
20466s chatter of his life and that's gonna be
20468s another fight win for France and will be
20470s enough to take them into one fight
20471s territory so Italy have to try and make
20474s a move here and try and build for that
20475s blizzard of their own to try and match
20477s the one that France might even just open
20479s up here with
20481s oh and there's the blizzard that could
20483s be a really free shatter but yukino does
20486s take down pack but still the Sim turrets
20488s are on the point both sound barriers
20491s coming through to try and counteract the
20493s damage from the blizzard over on
20494s France's side and there's the shatter
20496s takes down the erisa takes down the May
20498s Orissa still live and fighting the
20501s javelin spin might do something but no
20503s it's just going to be a jump into the
20506s side of the map and regroup with the
20507s rest of the squad France just
20509s essentially mashed their keyboards
20511s making sure everyone hit the Q Keys all
20513s the olds coming out here Italy are going
20514s to have only the uh only the erisa Ulta
20517s try and uh get this contested but France
20520s isn't even letting them touch the point
20521s just playing gatekeeper not even letting
20523s them yet not letting them get through
20525s the window not letting them try and take
20526s any routes there even getting some early
20528s pickoffs there to try and just negate
20530s any sort of Ingress just completely
20532s locking the point down owning it
20534s entirely their own and that was the map
20537s where you know this may Rush was the
20540s least favorable and you gotta believe
20542s that going into night market and if you
20544s know Italy is able to pull out night
20545s markets somehow if we go into control
20547s center France might just have this in
20550s the bag unless Italy has an ace up their
20553s sleeve or you know unless they just kind
20555s of wake up maybe first round they were
20556s also a little bit asleep there there
20558s were some good plays coming out towards
20560s the end but not quite enough if they're
20562s able to find their Mojo I mean they kind
20564s of have to if they want to take this map
20567s yeah now Miken has switched back onto
20569s the Lucio right they're trying to get
20571s themselves early on to touch that night
20573s market first control Point yeah in
20575s through the window with the symmetra but
20578s on the other side they have symmetra of
20579s their own and they're just all
20580s contesting right on the point yukino has
20583s been given free reign to build up the
20585s charge on symmetra's by primary fire
20588s though and it's a lot of damage being
20589s laid down especially with the Reinhardt
20592s shield in play however Italy still
20594s forced back and unfortunately the
20596s turrets from yukino are unable to remain
20598s on the point so France once again giving
20601s free reign to set up shop here yeah and
20603s it's gonna be Italy on the outside
20605s looking in this comp is great for
20607s defending but not always great for
20609s trying to be on the offensive here not
20611s great for flipping the point in your
20612s favor especially when the turrets are
20614s all set up it's gonna have to be a TP
20615s there but they lose two just trying to
20617s take it
20619s oh they do trade for reviews but with FD
20623s God's still alive that's just enough
20625s sustain especially for a squad that is
20627s so tanky with the symmetra and may pick
20630s in tandem there's just a lot of uh there
20634s is just unaware of attrition they
20636s definitely do win even if it is only
20638s that Lucio Nikon is doing a great job
20640s finding some of those picks I'm glad
20642s that you bring up the Lucio but it's not
20643s going to be enough because you can't
20645s rely on your Lucio to be the one to get
20647s you all the kills all the time sooner or
20649s later the DPS in the tank have to do
20651s their part here meanwhile France
20652s everyone's doing their part they're
20654s about to have all of their ultimates
20655s here especially if this fight goes a
20657s little bit long which you know it looks
20659s like it might with uh the amount of
20661s sustainability here an early blizzard
20662s gonna come out from in Nico here though
20664s and yeah Italy they're in trouble
20666s yeah Chimera is able to hide behind that
20669s wall for the blizzard and yukino
20671s actually finds a pick off the back of it
20673s but it's the symmetra both of the
20675s cementra is going to go ahead pop the
20676s ultimate weave in and out to try and
20678s find a fight but France all of the
20680s players now up there's a shatter in the
20682s back pocket for Ben Fest but being
20684s shredded down right now now we can
20687s finding the Pick and Pack as well
20689s setting up shot with the turrets so much
20691s damage being laid down up front by Italy
20694s and now I'm just going to go ahead
20696s destroy Francis teleporter and make sure
20698s they have to take that long walk back
20700s from Spawn and that's a really good
20702s fight for Italy because France and best
20703s three ultimates and come up with zilch
20705s NADA they're gonna have that shatter in
20707s that beat which are two huge ultimates
20708s but you will definitely take that over
20710s having to deal with the blizzard and the
20712s Ant Matrix and the Sim wall on top of
20714s that they're gonna have a blizzard and
20716s an M Matrix of their own plus Nikon's
20718s beat here early and major gonna try and
20720s pressure Ben best back and that forces
20722s to beat out in France
20724s oh my gosh just the javelin spin to take
20726s Ben Bess right off the edge of the map
20729s and now Fran's missing their tank means
20731s they're going to have to just Retreat a
20733s little bit further Nico is already in
20735s the thick of it though with this may
20737s just can't do much and I have to go back
20739s it's a little bit of a staggered spawn
20741s as well for France's players and it's
20744s giving Italy a lot of this free charge
20745s making them a lot more secure on this
20748s point and once again the symmetra Nay
20750s once they have hold it their defense is
20752s just so strong yeah and now it is France
20755s that are gonna have to try and find a
20756s way in we might be looking at a blizzard
20757s for a blizzard here between Chimera and
20759s Nico and whoever gets the better of the
20760s two without a sound barrier on either
20762s side to sustain might be what dictates
20764s this next fight we'll have to see who
20766s ends up pulling the trigger first it
20768s looks like Nico wants to but they've
20770s only really isolated Andrew there so
20771s chimera's actually going to come in and
20772s use his
20774s oh yeah the blizzard on both sides both
20777s of the tanks have been frozen but it's
20779s France that has the backup here and
20781s they're able to destroy the rest of the
20783s Sim turrets as well yukino charging up
20785s the primary fire on the Reinhardt Shield
20787s but FD got allowed to just uh shoot for
20790s free in the back line and yukino gets
20793s taken down the rest of Italy regrouping
20796s but Ben best wants to take that early
20798s engagement and that's you know that's a
20801s great fight for Italy again you know
20802s France it's very costly they have to
20804s invest nearly everything they're gonna
20805s have the am Matrix but Italy could just
20807s section that off with a Sim wall here
20809s and they managed to take the lead so
20810s we're at roughly 80 to 90 for both teams
20812s Tara surge gonna come out and here comes
20814s the Sim wall that amp Matrix is kinda
20817s useless now you can't go to fall though
20820s yeah that amp Matrix was a little bit
20822s unfortunate but France Italy pops there
20825s is a little bit later trying to get that
20827s big damage on to Ben Bess who just hides
20830s behind the May wall after the fact and
20832s now the sound barrier dropping the beat
20834s is after God so France has so much
20837s sustained leftover Miken has a sound
20838s barrier of their own but still shredded
20840s so low by the amount of damage that
20843s France can put out in a matter of
20844s seconds now this we see the pharah has
20847s been switched out but yukino can't find
20849s any value reviews is actually the one to
20852s find and secure the pick but that back
20854s line dishes out so much damage and Italy
20856s just could not contest it Italy
20858s definitely had some big plays there
20860s while they were able to hold the point
20861s there but it feels like their attacks
20863s aren't always all that good their
20865s defense pretty solid they're able to
20867s mount up a pretty sizable Bank there but
20869s not enough to secure the lead there they
20872s take just a little bit too long in that
20874s last fight they're not able to get a lot
20875s of value out of Nikon's beat and
20877s simultaneously FD God is able to do
20879s enough work to build up to his at the
20881s back end there use that to great effect
20883s keep everybody sustained and again when
20886s you have that composition and you're set
20888s up on the point it's really really
20889s difficult to dislodge the enemy team
20891s especially when they have all that over
20893s Health to just keep them up keep them
20895s sustained a big beefy Reinhardt health
20897s bar that just doesn't ever seem to go
20900s down is is what they had at their you
20903s know is what they had to deal with and
20904s they just weren't able to do it there I
20906s do want a shout out making on there so
20907s for some great Lucio plays overall but
20909s team Italy it feels like they they're
20912s missing at least a couple pieces so far
20914s hopefully they're able to put it
20916s together in the next match up here or
20917s sorry in the next map uh as it is going
20919s to be their map pick again either uh
20922s hybrid or escort I mean what kind of
20924s like what do you think they pick here I
20926s mean that erisa was definitely not what
20928s you were expecting you know I feel like
20930s you we've seen a lot of Winston we've
20933s seen some of that stigma especially on
20935s those push Maps
20937s um and I think that it feels like we are
20939s seeing like the Eva Winston they prefer
20942s the dive tanks and the orisa is kind of
20944s more like upfront in your face for more
20946s of those brawl compositions as well but
20948s even when you do have brawl you could
20950s also be going for the younger Queen who
20952s overall still is very strong despite a
20955s few Nerfs in the most recent patch so it
20958s is interesting to see a team's Pick 3
20960s and try to play around that you did see
20963s some moments of Brilliance from Andrew
20965s as well being able to you know knock Ben
20967s best off the edge of the map the javelin
20969s spin does have quite a variety of uses
20972s and is pretty versatile but is it the
20975s best in slot for anything
20976s I'm I'm curious to see where they want
20979s to butter their bread here because you
20980s know I also saw that wrecking ball
20982s composition come out very early on and
20984s I'm wondering if that was just a thing
20985s for Gardens or if that's actually
20987s something that is a comfort pick for
20989s them and they just had to try and like
20991s abandon it on the Fly because they
20993s realized they couldn't try to play it
20994s into the composition that France came
20996s out with again we'll have to see with
20999s the benefit of having the non-winners
21001s map pick you know Italy do have the
21003s opportunity to set the stage try and
21005s play something that might be a little
21006s bit more favorable to the compositions
21008s that they want to play so we'll have to
21009s see what it is they actually want to do
21012s here when it comes to their map pick but
21014s they also have to try and follow through
21016s with it and while there was a couple
21017s times that they were able to it still
21020s feels just like an inch short of being
21022s good enough to uh to compete with France
21024s here
21026s yeah so we will see what Italy is going
21029s to bring to us in this next matchup we
21031s are going to throw to a very quick break
21033s before map 2 but we will see you then
21036s don't go anywhere
21054s [Music]
21057s thank you
21065s [Music]
21092s [Music]
21097s foreign
21098s [Music]
21106s [Music]
21118s [Music]
21135s thank you
21145s [Music]
21164s [Music]
21176s foreign
21178s [Music]
21218s foreign
21220s [Music]
21251s [Applause]
21253s foreign
21258s as you may have gathered from the heroic
21261s fly-in of the OverWatch Heroes we are
21263s currently in the OverWatch World Cup
21266s emec online qualifiers I'm epitomies
21269s joined by CB once again for map 2 of
21273s Italy versus France
21275s yeah and you know we hyped up uh Great
21277s Britain in the previous matchup here but
21279s maybe here in group way we might be on
21280s the brink of a French Revolution not if
21283s Italy has anything to say about it
21284s though it is going to be Italy's map
21286s pick here either escort or hybrid it's
21289s entirely up to them we'll have to see
21291s what they do indeed have to say about it
21293s if they can stake their own claim here
21295s and they want to go to watch Point
21297s Gibraltar which I think is very
21299s interesting to me this tells me that my
21303s instincts were right on Gardens that
21304s they did want to try and play something
21306s resembling a dive because if you want to
21308s play a dive composition on an escort map
21311s watchpoint Gibraltar is the one you go
21313s to
21314s yeah watch boy Gibraltar it does have a
21317s few tweaks going into this patch but
21320s it's definitely going to be really
21321s interesting I definitely do miss seeing
21323s gameplay on this map as well and it's
21326s going to be really fun to see what both
21328s of these teams are able to pull out
21330s and something else interesting I do want
21331s to point out is that watch Point
21333s Gibraltar was recently reworked in a
21335s couple of ways it's a lot less uh
21337s favorable to The Defenders than it used
21338s to be it used to be that Hangar phase
21340s was so so difficult to crack through if
21343s you as the attacker weren't able to just
21344s snowball your way all the way through it
21346s you have your pick of like four tiny
21348s doors that are just essentially choke
21350s points for an enemy widow or an ash or
21352s Hanzo or entire enemy team to just melt
21355s you down as you came through them but
21356s now there's uh there's some options
21358s there there's some ways around it the uh
21360s The Defenders spawn at the end of Point
21363s C is also uh altered from its past state
21366s which is going to make defending on
21368s point c a little bit easier to try and
21370s compensate for how much easier it's
21373s going to be attack on the hangar phase
21374s here so we get to see a lot of a lot of
21377s new things we get to see what Italy
21379s wants to come out here with and
21380s hopefully they can give us a nice tour
21382s of this new reworked watch Point
21384s Gibraltar here meanwhile France yeah get
21387s that life we have roughly no don't even
21390s pretend come on what what if he was like
21393s What if he was just trying to have a
21394s little bit of fun you know lifeweaver
21396s did get buffed you know he got he got a
21398s little tiny little tiny tiny bumps so
21401s maybe he's fine now question mark yeah
21404s he's less of a throw pick now and more
21405s of like an underhanded toss pick a
21407s little bit where you know you're not
21409s you're not quite an MLB pitcher uh if
21411s you're playing him but you're definitely
21413s still kind of throwing an easy one for
21415s the enemy team there so FD God actually
21417s gonna move over two of the briguitza
21418s much more expected Italy like I expected
21421s is going to play a dive composition here
21424s with yukino on the Widowmaker
21426s interesting but it looks like that's
21427s going to be a swap there once they
21429s realize that there's not going to be a
21431s lot of targets to go through and a
21433s defense Matrix to try and chunk for
21434s Russo it's going to be an ash Tracer
21437s mirror on either side now
21439s I mean similar to the Widow but the
21442s ultimate just has so much more presence
21444s especially on these escort Maps where
21446s you always want to be capping this point
21448s and getting as much time as possible in
21451s between each checkpoint it's just having
21453s Bob on the field having one more person
21455s to focus and so much more health is
21457s really helpful for both of these teams
21460s to have on board already though we are
21463s seeing that it is a little bit harder
21464s for France to get themselves off their
21466s feet at the very first point
21468s yeah I mean Italy is just taking so much
21470s damage right now from everybody on
21472s France who's controlling this High
21473s ground and they can't really commit to
21475s the fight here you know Dynamite from
21477s yukino not gonna find anything but does
21479s actually find Nico getting a little bit
21481s too aggressive here that might be enough
21483s without that pressure on your back line
21484s you might now be able to try and put
21487s some pressure on you can see they want
21488s to go for the dive but a great move from
21490s FD God to keep that monkey at Bay if
21493s France is still holding The High Ground
21494s thus far yeah and it's really helpful
21497s that they have that honor with the
21498s bionade to kind of anti their front line
21501s when they're trying to go in for those
21502s Dives so they don't want to Grass any
21504s further without the help of the healers
21506s since they are still a little bit more
21508s uh long range and you want reviews being
21511s kept very safe in that back line now
21513s they are have been able to push all the
21516s way to the underpass though
21518s I do also kind of want to point out you
21520s know we didn't really get the update
21521s that there was going to be some swaps in
21522s here but Ben best is out for France and
21524s Poco is in a very handsome tank line
21526s indeed but under a lot of pressure
21527s despite the Nano is poco gets antsied
21530s and is potentially about to get demect
21533s here if the pressure continues Italy
21534s meanwhile you've got Chimera just kind
21536s of back capping here and you know forced
21538s away with a dynamite but get significant
21540s cart progress
21541s yeah they've been holding this High
21543s Ground really well but they didn't
21544s really contest the cart as a win to the
21546s underpass and now they're all the way
21548s past and almost that point oh that is a
21551s good stick from Nico and now Mikan out
21554s of the fight they are looking at a rally
21556s from Ft got as well allowing them to
21558s drop down onto this lower ground Nico
21561s now locked into a fight with the Enemy
21562s Tracer but going to turn around and try
21564s and get ready on off of that back line
21568s yeah he's definitely off of that back
21571s line that anti-nade and the follow
21572s through coming through from just about
21574s everybody on the side of France
21575s definitely gets that monkey off of their
21578s back meanwhile Poco gonna be forced to
21580s use the self-destruct just to get the
21581s Remake here and that's pretty much all
21583s of France's ultimates running dry here
21586s they're gonna have a nano boost to try
21587s and defend here but they had a lot more
21589s going into this and I think you would
21591s have liked to hold on to that
21592s self-destruct just as you're you know
21594s you're push in case of emergency buttons
21597s yeah uh Italy definitely on better Pace
21601s with their ultimates now other than just
21603s that Nano boost the rest of the squad
21605s seems to be building them up very
21607s quickly especially those cps's which can
21609s dish out a lot of damage and France
21611s doesn't really have that bailout button
21613s they don't have the rally up and the
21615s Nano boost it's only a single Target
21617s bailout and it doesn't really stop them
21620s from dying just makes them take less
21622s damage so it's definitely going to be
21623s toughration now going to try and start
21626s that initiation chimer has hit by huge
21629s bionade and tied for a second delaying
21632s that engagement but Bob now coming in
21634s from Italy means that a lot of damage
21636s being forced through France and FD God
21639s does fall Evo is the next after rajaon
21641s is able to get a good jump onto that
21644s High Ground to take out the Ash and now
21646s the dynamite just burning through
21648s reviews as health at the end of the day
21650s Italy they're able to win the fight and
21652s take that checkpoint
21654s that was some really good Bob placement
21655s there from yukino there wasn't really
21657s anybody that could dislodge that Bob Bob
21658s was contesting the card and putting out
21660s the pressure at anybody that wanted to
21661s try and come through so Italy able to
21664s cap the point here and true to their
21665s instincts on the previous iteration of
21667s watchpoint Gibraltar they want to keep
21669s the snowball going so they're going to
21670s try and hold this High Ground here and
21672s make France try and work for it and
21674s meanwhile push the cart hopefully at
21676s least past this High Ground here try to
21678s punish poco's aggression to help seal it
21680s and almost losing the mech there is poco
21683s able to hold on oh but that's a huge
21685s nade oh the Primal Rage to come through
21687s the Sleep immediately deterred a pipe
21690s France though they're able to just wake
21691s up as if monkey and he's taking a lot of
21694s space on The High Ground they're not
21696s able to Capital once again it's only
21699s Nico who's kind of weaving in and out
21701s here and Poco is trying to come in to
21703s try and help but it's really just
21705s weaving around the corner and not going
21707s too far in and getting the Dives on the
21709s back lines that they might have wished
21711s with the Steve a pick now both of the
21713s rallies to come through and try and keep
21715s their teens alive as they start the
21716s brawl inside the aircraft carrier while
21719s the tracers are just fighting for the
21722s low ground and fighting for control of
21724s this point now dropping down the bubble
21726s and weaving in and out there's a little
21728s bit of that anti-name it's going to
21730s force reshon back and Nico finishes the
21733s job for the team now without the tank
21734s without that heat sink in the middle of
21737s the squad it's going to be back line
21739s having to press s and just back all the
21741s way up it's it's some interesting
21743s positioning from Team France here you
21745s see freyu hitting some big nades and
21747s Rajon trying to follow through on it
21748s this is going to be a stagger killer
21750s onto yukino and we're down to under a
21751s minute that's going to be massive
21752s especially considering Francis old bank
21754s but every time rajyan tries to try
21757s follow up on those anti-nades they're
21759s just corralling him inside of that
21761s shuttle where there's no support and he
21763s has to back up he can't fully commit in
21765s France they're able to just hold strong
21766s here and again going back to that old
21769s Bank they're looking to hold pretty
21770s strongly indeed and look at the
21772s aggressive positioning right now from
21773s Poco yeah and Nico as well with the
21776s pulse bomb gets quite a bit of damage
21778s down however on the other side they
21780s still have that Nano entourage on and
21783s they're trying to force the monkey
21784s through but even then the anti-nate is
21787s going to slow them for a second but with
21788s reviews now out of the fight thanks to
21790s that monkey they are going to be able to
21792s get a little bit more space they're
21794s going to counteract both Bobs and try
21797s and they just take each other down not
21799s much value founded by that it's just
21802s simply ulti counter ulti
21805s for you gonna go ahead and use the Swift
21806s step in to try and get uh Rajon backed
21809s up to full HP that monkey was looking
21811s very low and that was a very palatable
21813s Target here gonna go ahead and try and
21814s jump in the back line but Poco is gonna
21816s go ahead and trade out the back line go
21818s for the enemy one and now Italy they're
21820s on the back foot the Primal Rage being
21822s forced out but they've lost me again and
21824s they've lost yukino
21826s and now Nico is just going crazy on this
21830s Tracer allowed to kind of run around
21832s everywhere the self-destruct forcing
21834s through that area control Italy they
21836s either have to hide but all of them are
21838s dead so over time pass through Italy
21841s only able to get one checkpoint and
21843s forced halfway through hangar
21845s the more things change the more they
21848s stay the same that's yet another
21849s attacking push stalling out towards the
21851s latter half of the hangar phase that's
21853s very much the tale of watchpoint
21855s Gibraltar pretty much since its
21857s Inception and Italy despite having a
21860s slightly more favorable method of
21862s getting into uh getting through this
21864s choke point you currently see on your
21866s screen it's not enough to help tip them
21868s over the scales because France are
21870s playing a positioning excellently like I
21872s said they're not making themselves
21874s susceptible to the enemy Winston dive
21877s not making themselves susceptible to the
21878s follow-up from freyu's Big antinades so
21881s they're essentially not coming up with
21883s any real value which is insane to say
21886s because bionate is one of the strongest
21888s abilities in the game typically if you
21890s purple someone they die but if you can't
21892s get on top of someone who is purple you
21895s can't kill them they'll find a way
21897s they'll end up uh living through it here
21899s and that's what France has been able to
21900s do just through sheer force and
21901s positioning so Italy looking to try and
21904s best this uh best this defense here
21906s trying to hold them strong hopefully go
21908s for a full point a hold and if they're
21910s able to do that we're going to a map
21912s three but uh if we get to the end of
21915s point a it's not looking all that likely
21917s it's going to be tight here I want to
21919s see what they come out here with
21921s three two okay that's symmetra is
21924s definitely interesting I feel like it
21926s might be a Teleport play okay it doesn't
21929s look like it's a Teleport play they are
21931s actually playing the symmetric question
21933s mark no okay just teleporting everybody
21935s The High Ground so you can have a Avo
21937s with this sight line here and you don't
21939s have to like try and use abilities to
21940s take this High Ground for free and you
21942s can see Italy already forced to back up
21943s and give ground because of the threat of
21946s one of those arrows coming through and
21947s just hitting someone with a headshot
21948s yeah and there is nobody on that low
21951s ground either to be contesting the push
21953s for that cart they do have someone down
21956s there now it's Chimera who is looking to
21958s try and cap a little then not allow them
21960s to take the underpass since they really
21962s have no sight lines from The High Ground
21964s in but even then Rajon trying to dive
21966s that back line along with the Hanzo
21968s there's a little bit of that bio made
21971s that's going to put the purple Health
21972s but they're not I have any sight lines
21974s once again they can't finish off the
21976s kills off the back of that play from uh
21978s freyu so it's all left up to the tank as
21982s they're just forcing Poco through trying
21984s to take control of this overpass and
21986s even though that they did get purple
21988s they're able to negate a lot of the
21990s damage with the defense Matrix and now
21992s with the boosters are trying to force
21994s this monkey down to the low ground where
21996s the rest of the team can finish them off
21997s but Nico gdh being neutralized means
22001s that it's going to be a lot harder to
22002s get the monkey out of the fight and now
22004s without a oh
22007s without the mecca it's baby Diva going
22009s down Poco out of the fight so we're
22011s talking a lot about freyu's anti-nades
22013s and how there wasn't a whole lot of
22014s follow-up there but the beautiful thing
22015s about being on defense is there doesn't
22017s really have to be as long as you're able
22019s to hit nades that are big enough to slow
22021s the enemy down and make them think twice
22023s about poking their heads out you're
22025s doing enough to bleed more time off the
22027s clock we've gotten nearly two minutes
22028s off and France haven't made all that
22031s much progress as I say that Nico is
22033s currently sneaking off with the cart and
22035s Italy's gonna be forced to give up a
22037s little bit of high ground and also their
22039s honest life
22043s France still trying to push to the first
22045s point Italy is just contesting through
22047s these rooms on the side and on that High
22050s Ground off the back but they're not
22052s really touching just yet kramera is
22054s blinking in and out but isn't actually
22056s trying to touch through and avo actually
22058s getting a head shot off on yukino the
22061s ash now out of the fight the hit scan
22062s and The High Ground surrendered in off
22065s the back of the Dragon strike now Primal
22067s Rage is ready but the rally from both of
22069s these teams is going to be able to
22071s sustain them through just a little bit
22072s after you got coming back to full health
22074s right after getting to one HP oh my God
22077s the back cap was there you're absolutely
22080s right and now freyu going down as well
22083s off the back of the bionade they just
22084s didn't notice that there was Nico was
22087s just sitting on top of the point and
22089s they and when they turned around it was
22091s too little too late that back cap is
22093s massive though because this means that
22094s France has the opportunity to do what
22096s Italy tried to do and let's take this
22097s High ground and not let the Defenders
22099s have it that's going to let them roll
22100s the cart all the way through to that
22102s overpass again and you know Italy they
22104s have to try and find something to stop
22106s this and it's not going to be yukino
22108s because Avo has uh has his exact
22110s latitude and longitude written down at
22112s all times okay but the switch on to the
22115s mercy is really interesting here too
22117s because you don't really have these High
22119s Ground area control uh uh characters
22122s that you would want to pair the mercy
22124s with but they did use that Resurrection
22126s to get uh to get yukino back into the
22129s fight Nico and yep Nico is backgapping
22133s again
22134s yokino exact though they notice they
22137s noticed this time and they're not going
22139s to allow them to get past they're able
22141s to sniff it out this time but look how
22142s close the cart got just from that back
22143s cap now if like anyone blinks for too
22146s long France can just push it that last
22148s couple that last couple meters you know
22150s Italy they have to be on their p's and
22151s q's for the rest of the game here and
22153s look at the old bank that France has
22155s yeah they can just go ahead and heat
22156s those dragons out to try and force the
22158s positioning off The High Ground for
22159s Italy because they can afford to they're
22161s coming up on four more ultimates
22163s yeah and there's the Nano Boost from
22165s both of these sides right as well as the
22167s rally but mikin's already down and even
22169s then that Valkyrie wouldn't have the
22171s same effect that the rally would and
22172s France just winning the fight out right
22175s off the back of that and they are able
22177s to secure a victory on map two France in
22180s a very dominant fashion this time around
22182s are able to win 2-0
22184s yeah that that definitely looked quite
22187s dominant again there were some signs of
22189s life from Italy but I think we saw more
22191s of that on uh on lijiang Tower and we it
22194s kind of petered out a little bit there
22195s in uh on watchpoint Gibraltar watch
22197s Point Gibraltar especially with that
22199s back cap just look like a baguette beat
22200s down there from France Italy had no real
22203s response once that uh once that back cap
22205s came through on their defense they
22207s couldn't hold The High Ground
22209s effectively France started building up
22211s to too many old Banks because Italy was
22212s investing to try and hold point a and
22215s they failed to do so and that's just
22217s kind of how things snowball out of
22219s control from there when you have that
22220s much of a time bank to work through not
22222s even the entirety of Hangar phase and
22224s you have Nico just being slippery and
22226s taking the card away for you right out
22228s from under your nose there's not really
22230s a whole lot you can do here well fought
22232s from Italy overall but France definitely
22235s looked to be a dominant force and
22237s another team that much like Great
22238s Britain we're probably going to want to
22240s watch out for on uh in group a
22242s definitely looking to take one of those
22244s three spots for for their own yeah and I
22247s mean I feel like it's really funny to
22248s have like basically
22250s um a World Cup alumni and Nico be the
22253s one who's kind of just sitting on the
22254s cart when the rest of the team is hyper
22256s focused on the fight happening on The
22258s High Ground he's just like sitting there
22260s behind and pushing it forward and it
22262s allows them to gain so much space for
22264s free
22265s and you know I talked a lot about the
22267s positioning of France when they were on
22268s their defense and I think that plays to
22270s the coaching staff that I brought up I
22272s think they look like a very well coached
22273s team again you know in these World Cup
22275s situations you tend to have a lot of
22277s different parts coming from a lot of
22279s different teams in a lot of different
22280s places and sometimes entirely unknown
22283s names in the case of France again they
22285s have people like you know Poco who are
22287s not actively competing these days they
22289s have people like Nico who's a name that
22291s some of you guys might not have heard in
22293s a while but they're still able to get it
22294s done because of the talent that these
22296s players bring and the fact that they are
22298s indeed coachable and if you're gonna
22299s bring eight coaches to the table they
22301s better be but it's paying off so far and
22303s I think it might continue to pay off as
22305s we go forward
22306s [Music]
22309s yeah and now going forward it is going
22311s to be the last match of the day after
22314s France two o's Italy we are looking at
22317s the Netherlands versus Spain up next
22318s after this break see you then
22338s thank you
22343s [Music]
22356s thank you
22358s [Music]
22395s [Music]
22400s foreign
22408s [Music]
22422s [Music]
22444s [Music]
22468s thank you
22471s foreign
22473s [Music]
22503s [Music]
22508s foreign
22510s [Music]
22536s foreign
22537s [Music]
22542s to the OverWatch World Cup 2023 online
22545s qualifiers for emec I'm Jim Basco and of
22548s course joined by epitomees and CB we
22551s just had the pleasure of watching match
22552s number six of our day Italy versus
22554s France
22555s go to oh unfortunately for the team
22558s involved however we are on to match
22561s seven our final match of the day between
22563s Netherlands and Spain epitomies let's
22566s start with you here between these two
22567s squads of course we just came hot off of
22569s set off a set between France and Italy
22572s was pretty dominant until that last map
22574s but with Netherlands and Spain here
22576s right these are two regions that don't
22579s necessarily get the most representation
22580s on the big stage so what are you looking
22582s out for here today
22584s I think the Netherlands you do look out
22586s for like a 10 who is one of their DPS
22589s players but is also known for the
22591s ability to like Flex onto zarya as well
22593s and played in previous World Cups and I
22595s feel like that's a really big name and
22597s it's also the fact that he is
22599s technically a retired player who's
22601s coming back to represent the country in
22602s the world cup which I think is
22604s incredibly cool
22607s and CB honestly the same question to
22609s yourself right what are you watching out
22610s for here today because context I feel
22612s like for anybody watching at home and
22614s like like you were saying tala the World
22616s Cup is so special because you get these
22618s opportunities in these moments for these
22620s retired players for these content
22621s creators for people that want to
22622s represent their country on the world
22624s stage for OverWatch to come out and play
22625s for so for CB for you what are you
22629s looking out for today I mean that pretty
22631s much you sums it up that's the story of
22633s the Netherlands because you know you
22634s mentioned A10 surely there's someone in
22635s the twitch chat right now who's hit
22637s their GM for the first time thanks to
22639s a10's coaching videos you got tap from
22641s Red Birds you've got uh you got cranned
22643s up from team peps who's likely going to
22645s be leading this team forward but there's
22646s also another name on tank that you might
22648s recognize you've got Don from the uh
22651s City redacted 2020 Eternal and a lot of
22655s different power coming from a lot of
22656s different places a lot of different
22657s parts of the community to represent this
22659s meanwhile Spain their Core is coming
22662s from a contenders team ataraxia which
22664s hasn't had the most success here to say
22668s the least it's it this is a good
22670s opportunity for them as a collective to
22671s try and turn their fortunes around but
22673s you got to be looking at the Netherlands
22675s and the power that they're bringing to
22676s be the favorites here absolutely let's
22679s go ahead and take a look at the schedule
22680s right now so we can show you the matches
22682s we've done so far the match that's left
22684s and we can talk about the days to come
22687s so with the schedule ready let's go
22689s ahead and take a look
22691s Netherlands and Spain of course like we
22692s just mentioned 12 p.m PT we are just a
22695s little bit behind there but Netherlands
22697s and Spain will be the next one up like
22699s we mentioned France 2-0 over Italy Great
22701s Britain two over Belgium if you missed
22703s that earlier in the day we had Germany
22705s make quick work of Iceland and the 2-0
22706s there Norway to over Sweden Saudi Arabia
22710s 2-1 over Finland in our closest match of
22713s the day and turkey in a close match
22715s against Poland 2-0 as well so as we
22718s round out day one here epitomies CB of
22722s course we are heading into the
22723s Netherlands versus Spain
22725s what's been your favorite matchup of the
22728s day so far and honestly this is the
22730s first time we're seeing a lot of these
22731s teams right this is day one of the
22732s qualifiers with two weeks of competition
22734s ahead of us
22735s the stakes will continue to get higher
22737s talk to me about picks that you think
22740s um you're you're counting on to make it
22742s through the next stage and like things
22744s that you felt good about from today
22745s epitomies we'll start with you CB will
22747s go to you after well I think looking at
22749s Group B I feel like is probably the
22752s biggest point of contention since they
22754s do have one less slot in order to
22756s qualify into playoffs we saw earlier
22758s that Saudi Arabia and Finland both had a
22761s really good competition it was the only
22763s match to go to 2-1 and I feel like both
22765s of those teams are really strong
22767s contenders for those playoff spots but
22770s also in that um also in uh this group b
22774s you have teams like Norway which I think
22777s have really good chance as well
22780s yeah I mean I I could agree I I think
22783s the easy answer for what stood out to me
22785s so far today would be that Finland
22786s versus Saudi Arabia match but I'm going
22788s to be a contrarian and I'm gonna go
22789s ahead and say that my favorite of the
22791s day so far has been Great Britain versus
22793s Belgium because we did get to see what
22795s Great Britain brought to the table get a
22797s little bit a little bit of a taste of
22799s what the best of group a has to offer
22800s and even get a little bit of a glimpse
22802s into what Belgium might be cooking up
22804s for the rest of this two-week period
22806s here so I'm looking forward to seeing
22808s how things shake out in group a group b
22810s though the level of parody is just so
22812s like even across the board those two
22815s spots could realistically go to pretty
22817s much anybody in that group but there's a
22819s couple like clear favorites Finland and
22821s Norway or sorry uh Finland and uh Saudi
22823s Arabia
22825s yeah that's also yeah that's an easy
22826s answer that one's also you know that
22829s that's what I think too and like you
22831s mentioned the the parody between the
22833s teams is so even at this point
22834s especially right we're playing on a new
22836s patch uh new or patch uh and this is the
22839s first day of competition that we're
22840s seeing from these teams right so metas
22841s are still being established we saw a lot
22843s of different picks which is really good
22845s to see you know we saw a lot of
22846s Widowmaker we saw a lot of the echo the
22848s mate so much diversity in those picks so
22851s with match seven the last match of our
22854s day one just around the corner
22856s CB epitome I leave it to y'all
22859s thank you so much and it's it's looking
22862s like looking at these rosters looking at
22865s the maps that they're going on to let's
22867s see what we are headed to or where we
22870s are headed for this very first matchup
22872s between the Netherlands versus the Spain
22876s the Spain let me first let's have a look
22879s at who the Netherlands are bringing to
22881s the table and hey there's some of those
22883s names that I talked about or that you I
22884s know you brought up A10 there's Don
22886s making a return there and tap again from
22889s Redbirds a very successful North
22891s American contenders team these are some
22893s names that you're going to recognize and
22895s if uh if if the Spain doesn't come
22898s correctly then they might end up falling
22900s just by the sheer force of mechanical
22902s skill that the Netherlands are bringing
22904s to the table here buddy and a j are a
22907s little bit more of unknown quantities
22908s but not entirely they're still a very
22910s capable back line so the Netherlands do
22913s look to be the favorites here what do
22915s you think Spain is going to be cooking
22917s here how do you think they can best this
22919s squad here because this squad looks
22920s pretty beefy I the thing about Spain is
22923s that most of their uh beefiness comes
22926s from the fact that they've played
22927s together before that they are that
22929s ataraxia core so they have like that
22932s Synergy they have the ability to make
22935s these uh very synchronous plays that
22938s maybe the Netherlands cannot compete
22940s with because they might be newer and
22943s still getting used to each other's play
22944s style but obviously you do have I want
22948s to say that Hira is a huge point of
22950s contention as well uh he played briefly
22954s for ataraxia but also what is now
22956s playing for F-16 Esports and I feel like
22959s he does have a lot of experience when it
22961s comes to
22962s um when it comes to this High tier level
22964s of play
22965s I'm also looking at Health on this Spain
22967s Squad this is another veteran player
22969s that's been around and again part of
22971s that historic British hurricane lineage
22973s that has you know done wonders for the
22975s EU contenders saying definitely someone
22977s to keep an eye on and hopefully going to
22979s be the leader for this Spain Squad but
22982s he's gonna have to lead him up a uh an
22984s uphill battle if our predictions uh go
22986s the way we think they're going to go who
22988s knows Spain might have more than a
22990s couple aces up their sleeve they might
22992s be playing with a with a bit of a
22994s stacked deck here you never know but
22997s I still kind of you know my gut is just
23000s telling me that this is the Netherlands
23001s to to win here and we might be looking
23003s at another two OverWatch we might not
23005s get to see a map three it would be nice
23008s I would love to be wrong please Spain
23010s help me be wrong maybe Netherlands if
23012s you want to throw a little bit just so
23014s we can stay on the air a little bit
23015s longer here but it's gonna be uh it's
23018s gonna be tight it's gonna be it's gonna
23019s be tight for Spain to try and make up
23021s the Gap here that I at least predict
23023s will be the case here
23024s well definitely you'd will see I think
23026s these signs of life as well as they
23028s start adapting to the way that the enemy
23030s team plays and you might have like you
23033s know a little bit of a surprise like we
23034s did with Belgium and Great Britain then
23036s all of a sudden they're having cross map
23038s Widowmaker shootouts you know or we
23041s might see some of the picks that we
23043s haven't seen before yet like ash is
23045s pretty new to this last two matches that
23047s we just saw between Italy and France
23048s maybe we might see a Cassidy come in you
23051s know with the altered magnetic nade that
23053s everyone loves
23054s now we haven't seen nearly as much
23056s Cassidy as we probably thought we were
23058s going to I mean it's been terrorizing
23060s the live patch as of late with that
23061s hindering grenade that it's almost like
23064s a long distance kind of budget Sombra
23066s hack the way it works out and it's
23067s really really annoying for other players
23069s to try and play into and part of me was
23072s kind of thinking that like you know
23073s maybe we weren't actually going to see
23075s the pharmacy come out from teams like
23076s Saudi Arabia because like Cassidy would
23079s be so prevalent but he just hasn't been
23081s most teams are just still falling back
23083s on their comfort picks we've learned
23085s essentially nothing about what the meta
23087s is today everyone's just playing what
23088s they're best at and coming you know
23090s trying to put their best foot forward
23091s and for some team just looking better
23092s than others but it's time to put your
23094s best foot and probably every other foot
23096s you have forward if you're Spain and if
23098s you're Netherlands again you want to try
23101s and get it out ahead of the pack we
23102s think that France and Great Britain
23103s might be the famous in this group we'll
23105s have to see Netherlands could
23106s potentially make a push for that third
23108s slot here
23109s and also the fun part about there being
23112s so many veteran players as well headed
23115s on to lijiang Tower right you we know
23117s that junker Queen has been strong maybe
23119s a little bit too strong in the previous
23120s patch but now on the live patch a little
23122s bit of adjustments to just bring her
23124s power level down but we have not seen a
23127s single JQ and I'm just wondering is it
23130s just like not a comfort pick because
23131s these players are so experienced and so
23133s veterans and they're like oh we are all
23135s the way from the 2016 OverWatch days we
23138s didn't have JQ you know
23141s a little bit of Boomer mentality like
23143s back in my day that I only had Reinhard
23145s and Winston and we liked it we didn't
23148s complain about it and also there were
23149s two of us
23151s yeah back in my day we played Reinhardt
23154s we played Winston we played Diva I don't
23157s know who this junker Queen person is
23160s some days I miss Ryan zarya comps I know
23163s that like looking at it now kind of
23165s feels like it might be just too busted
23167s too overpowered especially with how you
23169s know how much of a threat zarya has been
23171s on and off throughout the history of
23173s OverWatch 2 not in the best place now
23174s but when the game first launched was an
23177s absolute Menace Ryan zarya I I missed
23179s those days but I I really do it was just
23182s a fun comp to be able to play that
23183s flavor of Rush where you have the
23185s bubbles to pump out all the damage you
23186s have the Rhine to take the space and all
23188s of the healing to try and keep
23190s everything up I don't miss 6v6 but like
23192s sometimes I just like I long for Taste
23195s past like just take me back for one day
23197s and then I go into like a you know pick
23199s up games and we play 6v6 and I go oh
23201s this is why they swapped
23204s yeah I mean there was also that brief
23207s period of time where it was just like
23208s rock paper scissors except ramatra orisa
23211s zarya which I thought was a little bit
23213s funny but maybe nobody else thought that
23218s it's the tank counter picking thing is
23220s so it feels really annoying as a tank
23223s player if you don't believe me try and
23224s play Winston just ever and see what
23226s happens after you win one fight you know
23228s so-called free thinkers you've got the
23229s enemies always gonna switch to like
23231s roadhog Moira
23233s kitty go and then like Bastion Reaper
23236s yeah you're going to see Reaper if you
23238s try and play Winston like in quick
23240s player in like competitive ladder like
23242s at some point you just have to be like
23243s okay I have to be good enough to deal
23245s with this it's yeah you know I just like
23248s wonder if one of these teams is going to
23250s see the Winston on the other side and
23252s they're just gonna be like you you know
23253s what no I don't want you to play the
23255s game and then they switch to that Reaper
23257s because we really haven't seen that much
23258s of it I think we've seen one Reaper very
23261s early into the day and that we haven't
23262s seen one since and you know it's curious
23265s if that will ever come out since Winston
23267s does seem to be very dominant in terms
23270s of a lot of teams liking to run brawl
23272s and dive comps as well
23273s yeah at this stage most of these teams
23276s are either going to fall back on mostly
23277s their comfort picks or what they've been
23279s screaming and you know you don't want to
23280s throw everything out the window and just
23282s go like full anti-winston just because
23283s you saw the monkey and got spooked by it
23285s you know you do want to kind of like
23287s stick to what brought you to the dance
23288s stick to your strengths play to those
23290s strengths and we're once again going to
23292s wouldn't you know it lijiang Tower I
23294s think we've only seen another control
23296s map once today we saw Nepal and I think
23299s everything else has been lijiang Tower
23300s from uh from then on out so you got a
23303s pretty good feel for what kinds of
23304s things this map brings to the table by
23306s now and what we kind of expect these
23308s teams to play but lijiang Tower is also
23310s one of those Maps where you can
23311s realistically play anything and get away
23313s with it if you're good enough at it and
23315s again Comfort picks so these teams they
23318s might just come out here with something
23319s wacky we haven't seen before just
23320s because they're good at it I think we
23322s did see someone try to take out a junk
23325s rat earlier I don't even remember which
23327s map it was but it was just completely
23329s meltdown it did not work at all so you
23333s know maybe there are some things that
23335s are really easily countered and I was
23337s talking about Reaper and ramatra and
23339s being a little funny you know I was
23341s doing it for I was doing for the jokes
23344s but I actually do see a Reaper at
23346s ramatra on the Netherlands side and that
23348s Moira as well are they listening do you
23351s think they're listening to us they might
23353s be but I do kind of want to highlight
23355s that Moira specifically because when
23357s you're playing the Moira Lucio backline
23359s especially with this front line you want
23361s to be aggressive you want to push
23364s forward and you want to do as much
23365s damage as possible and you want to get
23367s your a Matra and your Reaper and your
23369s May right up in the enemy's face the
23371s question though is is Heroes Bastion
23374s going to put a wrench under that
23375s equation
23376s bro the Bastion I is this a joke but the
23380s Bastion now coming through both of the
23382s maywalls coming in as they try to get
23384s the first touch onto the point the
23385s ramatra are going to stand there soak up
23388s all of that damage in the Nemesis form
23390s and it's going to be tabs that gets the
23392s first laugh and health will trade back
23395s for that Reaper trying to get a lot of
23397s harassment onto the Reinhardt not going
23399s to work out this time around but tap
23400s still comes out positive and Netherlands
23402s gets first capture I very quickly found
23405s the answer to my question by the way
23406s Heroes Bastion did not keep the
23408s Netherlands at Bay they just went
23409s full-on aggressive just like they
23410s planned to took out with backliner just
23412s like they planned to and tap just
23414s cleaning up with the May and now Spain
23415s they're trying to force like they're
23417s trying to force a positioning here get
23419s this Bastion set up somewhere but
23420s Netherlands they don't want to show
23422s themselves and risk taking all this
23424s damage and health has fallen early oh
23426s Shira is also just in the thick of it
23428s and they're unable to defend it with the
23431s Reinhardt and I feel like one of the big
23433s facets of the composition that Spain is
23435s taking out right now is the fact that
23436s the ant Matrix has already been built up
23438s by a canal and once they have a Bastion
23441s firing through that they can shred
23442s pretty much anything but they need to
23444s get the Bastion to set up shop and with
23446s the May kind of like hiding in a corner
23448s here with the blizzard and the ultimate
23450s economy of the Netherlands looking
23451s really healthy only a few seconds into
23454s the round it's going to be tough yeah
23456s there's the maywall blocking off that
23458s Matrix but still a lot of damage being
23461s dished out from Spain Dan however going
23463s to come out on top Nemesis form just
23466s gonna go throw some hands and win the
23468s fight yeah they are currently living in
23470s Spain without the S right now
23472s Netherlands they only invest the
23473s coalescence into that fight and Spain
23475s aren't able to get much of anything with
23478s their amp Matrix so I mean you will get
23479s that old back up eventually pretty
23481s quickly but you would still like to have
23483s it or at least if you're going to try
23486s and go in and commit ultimates like that
23487s to a fight you would have liked to win
23489s here but tap's got the blizzard a10's
23491s lurking around the corner no one is
23493s checking the corner and he's about to
23494s just go in with a death Blossom here and
23496s clean up
23498s yeah even just getting Kira but sending
23501s that one player back spawn is huge and
23503s the immortality field is the only thing
23505s that's keeping them up now it's a sound
23507s barrier but they are all just getting so
23509s low with that over Health ticking away
23511s too quickly tap is doing so much work
23514s and just building it up so fast those
23517s icicles are on point and doing the
23520s turtle for a moment here but right
23522s around the corner is Hira spamming away
23524s with the sojourn still overtime has been
23527s reached a little bit of a touch from
23529s Spain but that's going to be all that
23531s she wrote Netherlands finding that first
23534s map 100 to zero and it's that aggression
23538s from the Moira composition coupled with
23540s just tap and A10 going absolutely Wild
23542s on the DPS front line there for the
23544s Netherlands Spain didn't really have an
23547s answer to that aggression at any point
23548s in time and they didn't really have any
23550s defensive tools that they could have
23552s used reactively to try and stifle the
23554s pressure that Netherlands kept putting
23555s on them and as a result they weren't
23557s able to find their way into the point
23559s for any meaningful amount of time I am
23562s curious to see what they're coming out
23564s here with now though it looks like
23565s they're trying to favor that Pharmacy
23566s comp which might work out well against
23569s the Netherlands here but you know we're
23571s seeing something we've seen time and
23573s time again today is that Ryan Rush
23574s that's going to simtp on to the point so
23577s Lauren's gonna have a tough time trying
23579s to poke in from the outside try and get
23582s some Splash damage from those rockets
23583s and make a play somehow that way
23585s hopefully able to find a pick otherwise
23587s Spain are just gonna be on the outside
23588s looking in all day but yeah but the only
23590s other thing about the composition is
23592s that they have that Anna and it's going
23594s to make it really hard for the honest
23596s Survivor when there isn't much
23598s protection from the other support as
23600s well on the other hand Netherlands tap
23603s still firing away with those icicles
23605s isolating the tank here but not going to
23607s aggress much further they're still
23608s trying to hold on to the first touch of
23610s this point and go ahead and capture they
23613s have that first capture
23615s yeah and hell like goes in for the the
23617s try to find out the damage there goes in
23619s for the jump they're able to find A10
23621s off the back of that but it's not really
23623s enough because the Netherlands are able
23625s to just poke right back out but hold on
23627s they've got Lauren at the back door here
23629s threatening to flip the cap and is
23630s killed too oh okay Lauren able to get
23633s the first capture that Spain has had
23635s this entire map thus far breaking out
23638s the Reinhardt Shield as well the damage
23640s boost does quite a bit of damage
23642s especially since they are running the
23644s Reinhardt the pharah is such a good
23645s Shield breaker here and it leaves a lot
23647s less protection for the back line as
23649s well since they can just go over the top
23651s of the Shield
23657s I respect it you know it was it was
23660s targeted and uh you know Lauren knew
23663s what they wanted and there was a couple
23666s of turrets in the way that kind of like
23668s uh took a little bit more too much HP
23670s down there and tap was able to just
23671s clean that one up and yeah Netherlands
23673s they flipped the point right back over
23674s tap not letting anyone in
23677s yeah it was a really good uh turn from
23680s Spain but as soon as Lauren went in for
23682s that barrage without much support there
23684s and can't get out healed here by got
23686s Allah actually going to go ahead with
23689s the valkyrie but the value of the
23690s valkyrie is really just that group
23692s damage boost and it doesn't have as much
23694s value as other support ultimates have or
23696s as much sustain but Lauren is still able
23699s to get some capitalization off of the
23701s belt and getting out one of the supports
23705s out from the Netherlands now it's all
23706s left up to the loose show to try and
23708s keep the team sustained but there's no
23709s sound barrier in sight so Spain is able
23712s to flip point back towards themselves
23714s once again a buddy now going to switch
23716s over to the Moira the very Scrappy
23719s nature of Spain's composition and Lauren
23721s indeed always being on their back door
23722s means that the Netherlands have to keep
23724s their heads on a swivel they're living
23725s in Spain without the a right now having
23727s to spin themselves around time and time
23729s again to try and just find who's you
23731s know where all this damage is coming
23732s from it's a pull Spawn from Hira A10 is
23734s down despite investing the Sim wall and
23737s Netherlands have to invest a blizzard to
23738s try and come up ahead here
23740s yeah the blizzard coming through from
23742s the Netherlands tap really easily
23744s cleaning up the point and it's going to
23746s allow them to flip it right back Spain
23748s just can't defend this but they are
23750s going to be able to re-agress and
23752s recontest on to the point May a
23754s potential recapture there still could be
23756s contested by Spain but Netherlands they
23760s are still holding on to especially now
23762s with the shatter doing so much damage to
23765s health even with the Winston switched
23767s not even having that Primal Rage built
23769s up just yet they're holding on to the
23771s point Spain they look like they had such
23773s a good idea off that initiation from
23776s Health but they're unable to pre-flip
23778s the point
23779s yeah and despite not having any other
23781s ultimates to speak up except for the
23782s coalescence coming up soon you can still
23783s invest that shatter safely because you
23785s have time even if Spain flips the point
23787s here they're gonna invest The Barrage
23789s and it's gonna find a j hell's got the
23791s Primal Rage and Spain might take it here
23793s but Netherlands is still gonna have time
23794s to build up to another old bank and take
23796s another fight yeah that coalescence
23798s going to come through a and j coming up
23800s with the sound barrier as well can
23802s potentially get to Point very quickly
23804s there's that
23806s um there's the pulse bomb as well
23807s unfortunately does not find anything but
23809s creates enough space for the Netherlands
23811s and enough for a j to come right back to
23814s Justin's buddy falls for the sound
23816s barrier and that little bit of sustain
23818s has keeping Netherlands up once again
23820s Lauren is trying to do so much work with
23822s the pharmacy the valkyrie has been
23824s popped as well but there's no damage
23826s boost on this pharah it's just for this
23828s type of survivability of the mercy
23830s herself but it's enough for them to
23832s capture that point it's a Reinhardt from
23834s hell this time around Lauren finding tab
23837s but Netherlands they are just able to
23839s contact so quickly and that Mora a huge
23842s threat as well Netherlands taking map120
23846s yeah Spain did a lot of work there to
23848s try and flip it but the Netherlands just
23850s didn't ever fully go away they weren't
23852s able to clean up all of the pieces and
23854s tripped over the mess that they left for
23856s themselves there they had the olds to
23858s try and push it but they didn't do
23859s enough with them they had the abilities
23861s they had the positioning but Netherlands
23863s just can be just as Scrappy as Spain can
23866s and they're able to hold on tight there
23868s that was a kind of a closer Affair than
23871s we did see on control center I think
23873s Night Market definitely showed us a
23874s little bit more of what Spain is capable
23876s of here but it's not enough to get
23878s themselves even a point here and a quick
23880s 2-0 on Legion for the Netherlands and
23882s once again
23883s you know non-wares map pick what is
23885s Spain going to come out with
23888s it's going to be either hybrid or push I
23891s mean once again it's just the same story
23893s over and over I feel like on their map
23895s pick they just have a lot more
23897s contention though every single time but
23899s even then maybe they don't like hybrid
23902s maybe they don't like hybrid or escort
23904s maybe they only like push you never know
23907s with these teams because we rarely ever
23909s make it to that third map but tap just
23912s did so much work for the Netherlands on
23915s this first point capture it was insane
23917s how much value that may was able to get
23919s and how quickly those blizzards were
23921s built up time and time again and it just
23923s left so little area for the rest of the
23926s squad to try and retake and A10 as well
23929s on the edge of your picks you know the
23931s symmetra the reaper but still so much
23933s area control again
23935s yeah I'll just very well played from
23938s everybody on the Netherlands they
23939s understand their comp they understand
23940s their abilities like you called out tap
23942s was doing so much work especially on
23944s that may and it wasn't even just like
23946s the maywall sectioning people off like
23948s that's what we normally highlight when
23949s it comes to a may we say oh that's a big
23951s wall but tap is just hitting icicles
23953s like playing May like she's Hanzo and
23955s finding value and like okay you can
23957s section off a player or you can simply
23959s kill them they are dead now they are no
23961s longer a factor I don't have to worry
23962s about you and as long as you keep that
23965s Tempo up as long as you keep that pace
23966s up they're not there really isn't a
23969s response other than to try and match it
23971s or try and change your composition
23972s around I like the pharmacy I think it
23974s worked out well on Night Market not
23976s quite enough
23977s I think that maybe on either uh escort
23981s or uh or on hybrid you want to try and
23984s play into that a little bit more we
23986s haven't seen a lot of the cowboy not as
23988s much Cassidy and Netherlands didn't opt
23989s to bring it out so maybe you can find
23991s yourself in a favorable situation to
23993s pull out that uh pull that one out maybe
23995s Lauren can channel the inner yazan there
23997s and you know get some power going for
24000s Spain
24001s yeah the biggest threat I think to the
24004s pharmacy con um comp was literally just
24007s Buddy's Moira who's kind of able to use
24010s that alternate buyer get a lot of damage
24012s off along with the biotic orb but other
24015s than that it just felt like they weren't
24017s really trying to contest the pharmacy
24018s and they were able to get a lot of
24020s damage off for free but it's it's going
24023s to be interesting to see if they do
24025s decide to switch to a hit scan in order
24027s to contest that if it becomes a problem
24028s on the second map
24030s yeah and we'll find out what that second
24032s map is it is Spain's map pick we'll see
24035s where they want to take us don't go
24036s anywhere we're about to be uh we're
24038s gonna throw it to a break we will be
24039s right back
24042s [Music]
24069s thank you
24074s [Applause]
24075s [Music]
24078s [Applause]
24079s [Music]
24083s foreign
24084s [Music]
24084s [Applause]
24092s [Music]
24114s [Music]
24151s foreign
24152s [Music]
24162s foreign
24193s [Music]
24203s foreign
24210s [Music]
24233s [Music]
24235s foreign
24237s [Music]
24253s [Applause]
24256s [Music]
24260s welcome back to the OverWatch World Cup
24263s emec qualifiers I am epitome is joined
24267s by CB and thank you for joining us for
24270s potentially the very last map of the day
24274s between the Netherlands versus Spain
24278s it feels like so long ago that we got to
24280s see a map 3 will we get to see one in
24282s this series who knows it's going to
24284s depend on what map 2 is and if Spain
24286s chose wisely if they're able to play to
24288s their strengths and they're able to
24289s catch the Netherlands off guard we
24291s talked a little bit about the pharmacy
24292s comp and how that seemed to be something
24294s that works out for Spain but is that
24297s something that they can uh that they can
24299s hang their hat on is that something
24300s that's going to bring them a w and bring
24302s them back in this series or is the
24303s Netherlands just too strong of a force
24306s in this group for a team like Spain to
24308s overcome
24309s yeah the Netherlands looked incredibly
24311s clean and well executed oh King's Row I
24315s mean this is the first time we've seen
24316s King's Row today that's insane I know
24318s it's it's I feel like so much of the
24320s OverWatch Community is actually a huge
24322s fan of King's Rose so I'm actually
24323s surprised this is the first time that we
24326s are seeing it but it is going to be
24328s really interesting on King's Row right
24329s because it opens up like potentially the
24332s Widow potentially the snipers but also a
24334s lot of those brawl and dive cops
24336s yeah and you know lately we've been
24338s seeing a lot of dive compositions here
24340s you know mostly through uh OverWatch
24342s league play but you gotta remember there
24344s are a couple of patches behind in more
24346s recent tournaments we've still kind of
24348s seen some inklings of dive but we've
24350s also seen junker Queen I think the
24353s safest thing to go with here if you're
24355s either of these teams is something
24356s resembling a ramatra rush comp that
24359s seems to be the flavor of the month
24360s right now for King's Row but this is
24362s still a place where that Pharmacy is
24364s viable and if you want to try and swap
24366s that bird out for another bird and put
24368s the echo in instead of the pharah that's
24370s doable too so I we'll have to see what
24374s Spain comes out here with if this is
24376s just indeed like a case of it being
24378s scrim zero we've scrimmed this map a
24379s thousand times this is where we're
24380s comfortable we uh we either live here or
24382s we die here and we'll find out later you
24385s know we'll find out at the end of this
24386s matchup here or if there is a strategy
24388s if there's a reason they took us to
24390s King's Row and meanwhile the Netherlands
24392s I fully expect them to just keep doing
24394s as they've been doing because they have
24396s been doing some some incredible things
24398s there again tap on the May phenomenal
24400s stuff the whole team as a collective
24402s looks to be firing on all cylinders
24404s right now
24405s yeah and it's just interesting to see
24407s what that secondary DPS is and it's
24411s actually Pastor so we've got a switch
24413s here in the dps's and we're looking at
24415s that Widow potentially while tap I think
24418s that symmetra is probably just for that
24420s early teleport but on the other side we
24422s do see the Tracer Sombra picks
24426s yeah and not only that we've got the
24428s double Flex support backline for Spain
24430s with the kid to go Anna that's another
24432s thing that is a couple metas behind as
24434s of now we'll have to see if this uh
24437s Bears any fruit for Spain with hell at
24439s the helm I gotta believe that there is
24440s something cooking here but you've got
24442s crandop coming in on the other side
24444s there Don is out crandop is in and
24446s crandop is a phenomenal tank player
24449s again from Team pep somebody that can
24451s lead this team quite far we'll have to
24453s see which tank ends up getting the
24454s better dive going out here in this
24456s Winston mirror
24458s already Lauren looking for a huge flank
24461s there's the briquita for the defense and
24463s that's exactly what she's there for
24465s however because it's the honor Brigitte
24467s you have Pastor who should be able to
24469s get a lot of damage but the bird doesn't
24471s have a pocket so it's going to be a
24473s little bit more difficult to execute
24475s especially since you don't get a lot of
24477s that burst healing and Anna it can be
24479s hard but Hira is able to take down
24481s crandoff after trying to go for that
24483s early dive and there's a weakness of the
24485s echo on her own once again without the
24487s mercy it is just so quick to take them
24490s down especially when they're in the air
24493s yeah the echo has to try and
24495s subsist entirely off of the little
24497s cookie uh armor packs that bring it to
24499s throws and those are often in quite
24501s short supply there's only so much damage
24503s you can do before you have to back out
24504s and take shelter and you know get a
24506s little bit of healing out from your
24507s other support player so pastor's just
24509s gonna go ahead and drop the bird right
24511s now gonna switch over to the Cassidy
24513s we're finally seeing the Cowboy come out
24514s but interestingly enough I'm not sure
24517s what it's actually going to do here
24520s that's a big nade and the Netherlands
24521s are just gonna crumble
24523s wait Lauren is looking incredibly strong
24525s on the somber pick previously we saw her
24528s on the pharah and now he's switching
24530s over to this Sombra and it seems to be
24533s getting so many good flanks even with
24534s the beta in play now crandoff going to
24537s go very aggressive right out of Spawn to
24540s force that Sombra out of position once
24542s again Lauren although having to regroup
24544s with the team this is buying a lot of
24545s time very early
24547s yeah I like this a lot from Spain their
24549s dive looks pretty clean so far crandop
24551s gonna go and try and mirror that die but
24553s gotta get slept there's the EMP and it's
24555s all gonna fall apart for the Netherlands
24556s once again Spain just comes in and mops
24559s them all up back to spawn with you yeah
24561s we'll lose our Anna in the fight that
24563s might be a big thing uh to look out for
24565s in the next one here but that Lake death
24567s onto tap means that the Netherlands have
24569s once again failed to cap the point here
24571s and we're under two minutes Spain
24573s invests heavily for that one so that's
24574s your silver lining there but they're
24576s still gonna have a Primal Rage and
24577s they're still gonna have a Kitsune Rush
24578s those are going to be some difficult
24580s ultimates to try and bust down and that
24582s is going to cost you if nothing else a
24584s fair bit of time yeah and the thing
24587s about Spain is they are so mobile and
24590s when you're looking at really aim heavy
24592s characters like the Cassidy he really
24595s needs to be getting those head shots and
24597s it's going to be a lot very difficult to
24600s track the Sombra Tracer that just blink
24602s back and forth everywhere and the Sleep
24604s misses as well the high noon comes
24606s through but doesn't to find anything and
24609s even after that there's a biotic nade
24611s for the purple anti-health but
24612s Netherlands are going to force their way
24614s through with the help of the rally and
24616s the Nano boost a little bit of
24618s overhealth as well from brigitte's rally
24621s to allow them to capture a few ticks of
24623s that point but Spain is still looking to
24625s contest and their back line is just out
24627s in the open they don't have many places
24628s to hide a good sleep landed from Buddy
24631s means Akira does fall grandoff on the
24633s other hand with a Primal Rage still
24635s ready didn't have to invest allows them
24637s a lot of the space with the bubble drop
24639s down on point now payload coming out and
24641s they can push through the first choke
24643s hell's Primal and Galas katsune Rush do
24646s end up leading a lot of time off and now
24647s we only have three minutes for the
24648s Netherlands but it wasn't really a lot
24650s of time for you know the rest of Spain
24652s to try and make something with that and
24653s build up to another key ability because
24655s their old bank right now is kind of
24657s lacking right now a pulse bomb from tap
24659s could force them very far back grand Op
24661s with the Primal Rage could also
24663s potentially find a couple of kills onto
24665s the back line there Gala by the way
24667s gonna swap off of the kiriko and on to
24668s the Regita here so now they're trying to
24670s put a little bit more eggs in the
24672s counter dive basket something a little
24673s bit more resembling a mirror composition
24675s from what the Netherlands is running
24677s Lauren has to try and build this EMP
24678s ASAP but Gala has already fallen
24681s yeah top with a great pulse bomb onto
24685s Gala and even though it's anti-dive
24687s without the Brigitte it's going to be
24688s harder for canal and that's exactly what
24690s we expected passed her on a good flank
24692s to take down Camille and still being
24694s sustained by the back line even through
24696s all of the shots that here was hitting
24699s with the pulse with the pulse rifles now
24701s Lauren looking for a good flank to try
24703s and delay a little bit but just going to
24705s be running back trying to find a good
24707s place to retreat to still three players
24710s just sitting on the payload and Lauren
24713s even if he goes for the dive on Pastor
24715s there's briquita right there and you
24717s have buddy sitting so far back there's
24720s the EMP to come through though and
24721s Lauren does so much damage in a matter
24724s of seconds now Pastor can't do much as
24726s Hira joins in on the dive and it's all
24729s left up to Grand up to try and hold on
24731s to their forward positioning they're
24733s just going to go ahead and Retreat and
24735s disengage instead that was perfectly
24738s time from Spain the second that EMP
24740s takes effect a tactical monkey airdrop
24742s in the form of Hell uh the form of
24744s Health just comes crashing down from the
24746s sky on top of the Netherlands and
24747s putting a stop on this push here and now
24750s with how far the cart has gotten it's
24752s going to be difficult for them to try
24753s and keep that contest going here they
24755s have a nano likely gonna put that onto
24757s crandop here but they still have to make
24759s sure their back line is secure and it is
24761s not
24762s yeah once again the brigitta going down
24765s first to the pulse bomb so it's just
24768s going to leave buddy very vulnerable so
24769s they kind of have to play Closer to the
24771s rest of the team there's buddy just
24773s being brought down so low by the Tesla
24775s Cannon from Winston and Pastor doesn't
24777s really have that much Mobility to get
24779s out after the combat role has been
24781s forced through now with less than a
24783s minute left over for the Netherlands
24785s they have one more fight left into in
24787s them after the rest of the team comes
24790s back up and tap is still trying to
24792s contest that forward position having a
24794s pulse bomb in the back pocket and Pastor
24796s almost to the high noon as well
24798s I think between the Primal rages and the
24800s uh the rallies that are gonna be up for
24802s both sides this might be a long fight we
24804s might be looking at an OT push here
24805s unless tap is able to find something
24807s with this pulse bomb or try and take
24809s someone out early but and they're not
24811s able to finish off Laura in there and
24812s they tried they try so hard to do it
24814s potentially give up some positioning for
24815s it Taft needs to find something before
24817s these old start coming out
24819s yeah the pulse bomb goes out and it
24821s doesn't find anything Health however is
24824s low and it's waiting for a little bit
24826s more of that sustain it does come
24827s through the Primal Rage coming out and
24830s crammed off even with the final rage
24832s does go down now the rest of the squad
24834s it's the rally that has to come through
24836s and the high noon as well but it takes a
24838s while to charge it up and can he contest
24840s with all the damage that is coming out
24842s through the rifles from Spain it doesn't
24844s look like they can Spain is able to
24846s force all of Netherlands back in a
24848s matter of seconds with the help of an
24850s EMP pulse bomb and rally lots of
24853s ultimate such a good fight out of them
24855s and you can see exactly why they picked
24857s King's Row it was all up to tap there
24860s with that pulse bomb but it went wide
24862s and that let Spain sustain for just long
24865s enough to build up to that EMP and that
24867s pulse bomb to close things out that's
24869s kind of why it was all on tap at that
24871s point in time the weight of the world on
24873s his shoulders there and it had that
24875s pulse bomb stuck to the brigitta that
24877s would have been a completely different
24878s story that would have been Spain you
24879s know falling crumbling at the last
24881s hurdle there in Netherlands capping out
24883s point B but that ends up being a great
24885s hold for Spain I like their dive comp I
24888s like Lauren somber right now and I
24890s really like Hells Winston and more than
24892s any of that I like the Synergy between
24894s the two when Lauren hacks a Target helve
24897s is there when you know Lauren hacks a
24899s Target Hira is there when you need to
24902s try and slow down Netherlands push here
24903s is sticking a pull storm onto a and j
24905s and Netherlands have to play Slow they
24908s can't afford to do so on the attack and
24910s now their defense is gonna have to be
24911s just as good if not better Spain looking
24915s like they might want to try the echo
24917s that the Netherlands didn't really get a
24918s lot of value out of you know try it on
24920s for size see how it fits them
24922s yeah it's not the uh it's not the echo
24926s Mercy that we see a lot of as well but I
24929s mean that Synergy we're talking about it
24931s does have a lot to do with the fact that
24932s these players all have experience with
24934s each other except for Canal they've all
24936s played on ataraxia and you can kind of
24938s tell that experience from the way that
24941s Lauren plays a Sombra and the rest of
24942s the team just follows up very
24944s effortlessly now the Widow has been
24946s switched out it's Echo uh Echo tracer on
24949s the attack
24950s and that Synergy by the way between
24952s Lauren and health and the rest of Team
24953s Spain is exactly what you said that they
24955s were going to have to rely on that
24957s Synergy as part of ataraxia it might be
24960s time for them to turn that team's
24961s fortunes around here using the World Cup
24963s as their stage to do so here has already
24966s infiltrated the back line is likely
24967s going to be looking for buddy but a j
24970s gonna cut him off at the pass here and
24972s uh now just trying to punish krandom and
24974s they do
24975s Yahira has taken position up top and
24978s it's just harassing for free nobody has
24980s really turned around to try and take
24982s downtown and try and take down Hira but
24985s Lauren has been taken down by Gala and
24987s they are able to push onto this point
24989s very quickly a little bit of a touch
24992s here from Netherlands but other than
24993s that it should be a free capture for
24995s Spain Netherlands don't look like they
24997s have any interest in trying to recontest
25000s this they've all been forced too far
25001s back and hell is in such a good position
25004s oh the jump in from the Winston the
25006s bubble goes down and oh my gosh the
25008s anti-nade from Canal that was huge they
25011s couldn't do anything except Retreat and
25013s Pastor just had to sit there and take
25015s all the damage and go back to spawn and
25018s walk back to the point
25020s there's a late kill onto tap there but
25022s the good news is the last two players
25024s that die were past her and tap they're
25025s fast characters they'll be back in no
25027s time but Spain they don't care without
25028s those DPS on the field they know they
25030s can afford to play aggressively get that
25032s cart progress and force the Netherlands
25034s back don't let them set up don't let
25036s them be comfortable constantly force
25038s them to be as uncomfortable as possible
25040s we're gonna be looking at an EMP coming
25042s up from Pastor here and that's what's
25044s going to have to alleviate some of the
25046s pressure for the Netherlands right here
25048s barring that you might be looking at
25050s buddy with a nano boost but Spain has a
25052s pretty sizable old thing of their own so
25053s I mean this could really go anyway Nano
25056s gonna kick things off but we're gonna
25057s fall early
25058s oh crandop does get nanoed but is
25061s looking for a fight and can't quite find
25063s one it's only the back lines in there
25064s and it's a quick disengage from Spain's
25067s backline while Hira with a pulse bomb is
25069s able to find so much value with only the
25072s pistols and now crammed off has to pop
25074s the Primal Rage and Retreat for that
25076s little bit of extra Health in
25079s Netherlands they have just been forced
25080s back once again Spain the echo I don't
25084s think we've seen much of Lauren but I
25086s feel like they've been putting enough
25088s pressure with just Hira alone and if
25090s they're focused on trying to get rid of
25092s the echo in the sky then Hira is just
25094s allowed to do whatever they want Pastor
25097s has the EMP and is likely going to be
25099s looking for it but if Gala pops this
25100s rally and is able to sustain everybody
25102s it might be enough to keep everybody
25103s alive but actually with hell falling
25106s there it's yeah I was gonna think better
25107s of it actually gonna go on the back foot
25109s they've got time to reassess themselves
25110s and come in with an old Advantage so
25112s don't let Pastor expend that one they'll
25114s just go ahead and let that one go take a
25116s little bit of an Eco push drain the old
25117s economy from another ones that was
25119s already looking quite Barren and now
25121s Spain can come in and just hit him with
25123s a four-way combo with the rally the
25126s pulse bomb the Primal and the duplicate
25127s Rally from a j to kick this next fight
25130s off that's another old off the table for
25132s the Netherlands yeah and now on the
25134s other side they already have that Primal
25136s Rage lore and goes ahead and tries to
25138s duplicate the Winston but immediately
25140s gets knocked out of the duplicate now
25142s the rally from Gala attempts to sustain
25145s the rest of the team as Hira makes their
25147s way back from Spawn being knocked down
25149s early but crandop has been taken down
25151s low because of the biotic nade and tap
25154s finding one but it's a gift from Beyond
25156s the Grave tap taken down by hell now
25159s it's so many kills going back and forth
25162s but stuck by Heroes so crandop does fall
25164s now without the tank for the Netherlands
25166s it's a tough one they are going to be
25168s able to push back where Netherlands
25171s failed on King's Row Spain they take it
25175s to 1-1
25176s there was a moment in time there where
25178s there was some great cycling of the
25180s bodies on the point there from the
25181s Netherlands you would have one person
25182s going in for the contest and then
25184s dipping out with some cooldowns but
25186s eventually you run out of cooldowns and
25187s eventually you run out of bodies and
25189s Spain just keep the snowball rolling
25191s downhill and guess what we get to go to
25193s it's been a while since we've seen it
25196s but we get to go to map three that's
25198s crazy and it is going to be pushed and
25201s from push you've got three options right
25204s you've got Colosseo you've got new Queen
25207s Street in Toronto and then you got
25209s eastransa so we I mean it's going to be
25213s interesting no matter which way you
25216s spell it because this is the only second
25218s map three of the entire day and
25221s obviously in the early stages of the
25223s OverWatch World Cup you're probably
25225s going to expect a few of those Stompy
25228s matches but this is definitely one of
25229s the most interesting ones that we've
25231s gotten in the latter half of this day
25233s and also a very interesting matchup from
25236s group a of this of qualifier
25239s very interesting and I'm looking at the
25241s push maps that you were talking about
25242s that we have in the map Pool which is
25244s all of them there's only three in the
25245s game so take your pick I feel like we
25248s might not see them wanting to go to
25250s Esperanza because that's a map where we
25252s typically see a lot of the dive and I
25254s like Spain's dive a lot it is you know
25257s it's not the cleanest that I've ever
25258s seen but it is very clean and it doesn't
25261s look like the Netherlands have a
25263s realistic answer for it theirs just
25265s seems to be a little bit behind so if
25267s they're gonna play that they have to try
25269s and go for like a counter dive
25270s composition maybe a junker Queen but if
25272s you're gonna play that you might as well
25273s go to like new Queen Street so uh you
25276s know that's gonna be my map prediction
25277s I'm predicting new Queen Street
25279s Netherlands I'm happy for you to prove
25280s me wrong but we'll have to see
25282s yeah and I feel like Colosseo is just
25285s one of those very versatile maps that it
25287s kind of just like suits whatever you
25289s would like you know so you can play kind
25291s of any comp on that but it also means
25293s that we'll display to our strengths will
25295s it play to their strengths do we really
25297s have an advantage if we pick this so I'm
25299s going to have to agree with you on the
25301s new Queen Street pick
25303s yeah well we'll have to find out if our
25305s predictions are correct we're going to a
25307s map three it's going to be the last map
25308s of the day so make sure you grab your
25310s popcorn really quick as we throw it to a
25312s break but be sure to come right back
25314s because this is going to be look uh this
25316s is looking to be one of our matches of
25317s the day we'll see you on the other side
25318s of this break
25320s [Music]
25336s thank you
25340s [Music]
25372s thank you
25376s [Music]
25399s thank you
25401s [Music]
25407s [Music]
25416s [Music]
25425s foreign
25430s [Music]
25449s [Applause]
25450s [Music]
25467s foreign
25475s [Music]
25504s [Music]
25506s [Applause]
25529s thank you
25535s [Music]
25536s foreign
25540s welcome back to our third and final map
25544s between the Netherlands and Spain this
25548s is the OverWatch World Cup emec online
25552s qualifiers I'm epitomes joined by CBN
25555s I'm extremely excited for our map 3 of
25558s today CV yeah we finally get one we
25561s couldn't let hex and CP have all the fun
25563s they had to throw one our way and Spain
25565s came out with a surprise and here's
25567s another surprise they're actually going
25569s to take it to coliseo our predictions
25571s were wrong we uh are sorry that's
25573s actually going to be the Netherlands
25575s pick so actually yeah I mean still wrong
25578s we were saying new Queen Street but this
25580s is an interesting one where I think you
25581s know Spain can maybe still get away with
25582s the dive but I think this means that the
25584s Netherlands want to play something a
25587s little more rushy perhaps
25589s yeah maybe a Lucio kiriko like back in
25592s the back in the day back in my day I
25595s used to play Lucio kiriko or Lucio
25597s burgito
25599s um I don't know it's definitely going to
25601s be interesting to see what they play
25602s because push really necessitates that
25604s you win lots of fights in a row so you
25606s need to manage that ultimate economy
25608s incredibly well
25610s you like I said you still can get away
25612s with the dive here though so that might
25614s be what Spain comes out here with and
25616s again I really like their dive on King's
25619s Row I think that is you know that's the
25621s basket that they need to be putting
25622s their eggs in and if that's uh if it's
25625s able to Bear any fruit here we might be
25627s looking at another potential upset on
25629s the day I
25630s it could definitely happen it's not
25632s within the uh it is within the realm of
25635s possibility it's not impossible but
25637s we'll have to see what these teams come
25638s out here with surely there is a reason
25640s that the Netherlands are taking us to
25643s coliseo here and surely Spain will have
25645s something resembling a plan for it uh
25648s speaking of which by the way we do have
25650s Don coming back in for the side of the
25652s Netherlands as well as a 10 and uh I
25656s don't believe there's any swaps coming
25657s out on the side of Spain so a couple of
25661s swaps of the Netherlands definitely
25662s tells me they want to play a different
25663s composition but Spain they're sticking
25665s with what brought them to the dance
25667s [Music]
25668s yeah well Netherlands they're actually
25671s taking out a rematch I mean the switch
25674s on the tank back to Dawn right and then
25676s A10 also coming back in here with the
25678s Reaper and The Moira on buddy so this is
25682s a lot more reminiscent of what they were
25684s playing on Li Zhang Tower
25686s um with tap back on the May and Spain I
25689s think are trying to answer with a very
25690s similar composition except it's a
25692s Reinhardt and sojourn and the Baptiste
25695s in the back line
25696s I think that sojourn is going to be the
25698s biggest head scratcher for me here I
25699s hope that here is able to find some
25701s value out of it but the Netherlands
25703s again just like they did on control
25705s center they are just going to run at you
25707s and hurt you and you have to try and
25709s either pick one of them off before they
25711s get too close or try and find a way to
25713s keep them at Bay and sojourn unless she
25716s has a rail shot charged up doesn't
25718s really do either of those things and so
25720s suddenly you're putting a lot of
25722s pressure onto Lauren to be to be there
25724s with the maywalls to be there with the
25726s big damage you're putting a lot of
25727s pressure onto hell to try and keep the
25729s shield Up Hold the Line sooner or later
25732s it's going to crumble if the Netherlands
25734s all decide to smash their W Keys we'll
25736s see who Flinch is first here though it
25738s looks like Spain gonna at least start
25740s getting a little bit of Bot progress
25742s yeah neither of them looking to progress
25744s past their respective walls they need
25747s that something to play around since
25749s there is a lot of One-Shot potential
25751s over on Spain's side with the railgun
25753s shot charged but other than that it okay
25756s well
25758s we also get our first pause let's go
25760s congratulations us you know let's let's
25763s OverWatch without a few pauses I feel
25765s like I really jinxed this you know I I
25767s said I was supposed to Caster curse
25770s positively and be like yeah we're going
25772s to not have any pauses you know because
25775s we are on schedule right now and we're
25777s not going to have any pauses and
25780s now we've got one I mean like I said we
25783s couldn't let hex and CP have all the fun
25785s so now we get to fill time while we try
25787s and sort out whatever issues might be uh
25789s might be plaguing the players at this
25790s point in time you know when we're
25792s playing these kind of remote things and
25793s we've got players from all over the
25794s world you know ping exists and sometimes
25797s it's not the easiest thing to overcome
25799s so these sorts of things kind of happen
25801s we want it to be as Fair as possible so
25802s yeah we'll uh if someone's disconnecting
25804s or if they're experiencing a pink Spike
25806s or if someone's cat just chewed a power
25808s cord somewhere you never know
25810s you know we want to be fair we want to
25812s give these players a chance to kind of
25813s recuperate here but I you know nobody
25817s really finding any blood in that first
25818s fight there it kind of just felt like a
25821s stalemate there there was that part
25822s where the bot kind of like inched a
25824s little bit forward for Spain but went
25826s right back didn't even touch the
25827s barricade because the Netherlands don't
25829s really want to Flinch and I'm expecting
25831s them at some point to just hit the speed
25834s amp and go all in and you know
25837s what are they waiting for is it the
25839s thing that we paused for is it someone
25841s on their side that's dcing or are they
25843s just waiting for one false step from
25845s Spain and then pouncing on it it is
25847s possible that a tap is playing from n a
25850s uh in the EM you see so I mean it could
25854s be a DC over on the Netherlands side we
25857s don't really know hopefully we will know
25859s soon and hopefully that they are they
25862s are able to get it fixed but yeah it
25863s does seem like they were just to add a
25865s bit of a sail mate at the beginning I
25866s mean depending on whose side it was it
25869s might make a little bit more sense
25870s because like Spain started getting it
25872s going but that they didn't really follow
25873s up on it
25874s um if you just saw my camera shake that
25876s was my cat and
25878s um
25879s hydropower chords yes make sure that
25882s they don't get chewed through like
25884s possibly one of our players power chords
25886s did
25887s uh I'm glad you brought up tap though by
25889s the way because yeah something that you
25891s know I'm sure the chat might not realize
25892s is that while all of these players are
25894s representing these countries it doesn't
25896s always mean they're physically located
25897s in these countries we have tap who yeah
25900s is here to represent the Netherlands is
25901s from there but currently I believe is
25903s playing from n a he's uh been a staple
25906s in the uh North American Collegiate
25908s scene been a threat for pretty much
25909s every school here also with uh red birds
25912s Esports been a threat for everybody in
25913s the North American Contender scene so to
25916s my knowledge he is physically located
25917s here in North America so you know gonna
25920s be playing on a bit of paying potential
25922s for pink spikes like we said always
25924s something to be on the lookout for but
25925s when he's cooking he's able to he's
25928s definitely you're not showing that he's
25930s playing on ping when he's able to cook
25932s there we go back to like lijong Tower
25934s when he's just hitting icicle head shots
25935s like like it was a hit scan like he's
25938s just playing Cassidy and just going for
25939s the head click simulator there the
25941s icicles have been phenomenal the may
25942s play has been phenomenal
25944s I yeah he's a phenomenal player
25947s definitely someone worth highlighting on
25949s the Netherlands
25950s yeah and it's also interesting to switch
25952s back from Grand op and Dan and A10 and
25956s Pastor right so Pastor playing more of
25959s that Widowmaker for a second there
25962s um playing the Sombra the Cassidy while
25964s A10 is looking at you know the symmetra
25966s the reaper so really what much more like
25969s up close Brawley play style when you
25972s switching over to like Dan and A10
25975s because you know Dan plays a ramatra and
25977s the ramacha just loves the brawl
25979s yeah you you brought up late earlier
25981s that A10 has a has a history of flexing
25983s over to this area and in some circles
25985s that might even be what he's known for
25986s it feels like he just likes the heroes
25988s that get up close and melt people down
25990s you know the symmetra the reaper there's
25993s a lot of uh a lot of
25995s similarities there in the play style
25997s from Azaria not quite as much but the
25998s way that you the tempo the way that you
26001s play the level of aggression it looks
26003s like we're actually gonna have a restart
26004s here which is you know just as well
26007s because no progress was made we just you
26008s know bled a little bit off the time bang
26010s for both sides here so gonna go ahead
26012s and restart it here it looks like Spain
26015s might be trying something a little bit
26017s different a little dishonest but you
26019s know when opportunity knocks you answer
26021s the door
26022s okay I mean okay back to the right all
26025s right uh good honest good honest mirror
26028s yeah I mean I would really like to see
26031s the junker Queen um come out from either
26033s of these teams especially since she does
26035s play very well
26037s um into these brawl comps as well as the
26040s factory plays well on Coliseum you don't
26041s need to have too much control of high
26043s ground and having the low Ground Control
26045s on junker Queen she really does reign
26047s supreme and that's going for a flank
26050s here oh the entire team yeah the entire
26053s team they're just gonna give up the bot
26055s to Spain and like that's just as well
26057s because now we've uh you know shout out
26058s to Missy Elliott we flipped it and
26060s reversed it now the Netherlands are over
26061s on Spain's side and no one's really sure
26064s what to make of this so we're back to
26066s the stalemate we had before the pause
26068s but without sides out guys good job they
26071s put the they put the Blizzard or I'm
26074s sorry the May wall down and they're just
26075s able to get a little tiny little push of
26078s one meter on their robot and now they're
26081s just just you know weaving in and out of
26084s these columns held taking quite a bit of
26086s damage from The Shield but otherwise is
26089s there's just not too much going on they
26091s want to get A10 behind this Reinhardt
26093s get a little bit of that harassment in
26095s with those shotguns since Reinhardt
26097s can't really contend with the reaper at
26099s close range but in that at that point
26101s the A10 will also have to deal with
26103s Lauren and Hira just spamming from
26106s behind oh that is a very early amp
26109s Matrix from Canal though
26111s yeah I don't know if it's gonna really
26112s uh amount to much of anything but that
26114s charge from hell just Mike gonna Force
26116s the Nemesis form out from Dawn and the
26117s fist are flying Health just getting
26119s pummeled down and that's gonna be
26121s Netherlands most likely taking the bot a
26124s little bit more here they just have to
26125s dislodge it from Spain's barricade over
26127s here but without a Reinhardt to hold and
26129s without a Baptiste to heal that's gonna
26131s be looking not too difficult of a task
26133s to do just a couple more stragglers and
26136s again I like the flank play that the
26138s Netherlands went for here trying to turn
26139s this push map into a pull map where they
26142s just you kind of yank the bot out from
26143s underneath Spain and say no no you're
26145s coming with us back towards your spawn
26146s here you guys stay over there do your
26148s thing we're just gonna take Bobby here
26150s back to the back to the spawn yeah I
26152s think the hardest part of coliseo is
26155s really just getting started because it's
26157s just that long stretch on like Maps like
26159s Esperanza where there's kind of a curve
26161s and you have places to cover you just
26163s kind of have to force yourself into
26165s these rooms and that's why people love
26167s brawl comp so much on coliseo now
26170s they're forcing themselves past those
26171s arches which gives them a lot more room
26173s to play with a lot more obstacles that
26175s they can leave behind and potentially
26177s even take control of some high ground
26179s but the shatter comes through from Spain
26181s and hell is just swinging now with the
26184s sound barrier on the back line the
26186s immortality field does save some of
26188s Spain's players but alongside that
26191s remotra ultimate um and the death
26194s Blossom there's not much they can do
26196s after the immortality field has been
26198s taken down a lot of ultimate investment
26201s from Spain to amount to a whole lot of
26203s nothing uh Hey Netherlands it's me it's
26205s your pal CB here did you really need to
26207s invest all five ultimates into that
26209s fight there I'm not so sure that was
26211s entirely necessary but they do it
26213s regardless and it might end up actually
26214s being worth it if they're able to get
26216s the checkpoint here but Spain still has
26217s a chance to contest and potentially an
26219s ant Matrix to force some positioning
26221s here and they're gonna go ahead and Pop
26223s That speed on down and start the contest
26225s here
26226s oh that was a huge job that was huge
26230s from hell to get buddy down and now both
26233s of Netherlands supports are out of the
26235s fight they have to try and subsist just
26237s by themselves and off the health packs
26239s in Europe by A-10 is able to get out a
26241s little with the Rave form but other than
26244s that it is just not enough and they
26247s didn't even activate the checkpoint
26248s Netherlands just shy of getting that
26250s forward spawn for themselves now just
26252s going to push straight on back through
26254s to Spain's side
26256s had they got the checkpoint here that
26258s five ultimate investment would have been
26260s worth it but it's not and now they don't
26261s have anything to counter Lauren's
26263s blizzard here so we might be looking at
26265s at least one one fight here for Spain
26267s and they might be getting close to being
26269s able to match that payload progress but
26270s The High Ground here that the
26272s Netherlands can hold from is very
26274s oppressive and you know they don't
26276s really have anybody up there poking from
26277s it currently but if Netherlands just
26279s backs up here which they're doing the
26281s exact opposite of it could be a threat
26283s now both blizzards being dropped to try
26286s and freeze both teams in their tracks
26288s but Spain is coming out on top with Kira
26291s on the Hanzo such a powerful switch over
26294s and even at close ranges it's able to
26297s dish out so much damage very quickly
26299s especially with all the headshots that's
26301s being landed here suddenly on fire and
26304s pushing towards Netherlands record and
26307s possibly to the checkpoint
26309s I mean this this might be another fight
26311s win for Spain but Netherlands are going
26312s to have some ultimates coming online
26314s here but one pick can throw a wrench in
26315s the equation here Hira gonna use that
26317s Dragon strike early for some positioning
26319s and that's gonna Force some olds out of
26321s the Netherlands the shatter comes out
26322s from hell and a and j Falls
26325s yeah the amp Matrix as well as the
26327s dragon strike from Spain was so powerful
26330s but now once again the rematch ulti the
26332s death Blossom is also available but it's
26334s not going to be a necessary rimatra the
26337s obliteration it just annihilates
26340s everything and
26343s Netherlands walking back towards their
26346s own wall trying to push a little bit
26348s further to that checkpoint still in the
26350s lead and I thought that Spain might be
26352s able to delay a little bit further
26354s especially with the huge value out of
26355s that Dragon strike and their little bit
26358s more of long-range contention but it
26360s wasn't so now Spain back in the fight
26363s I mean they came into that previous
26365s fight with four ultimates but they
26366s didn't have the sound barrier online
26368s just yet and now they have it and it
26370s might have to be played the counter out
26372s a10s that's awesome here and it works
26374s wonders to counter there and now hell
26376s with a pin there on to Dan that's gonna
26378s be the Netherlands on the back foot
26380s but now buddy hat being eliminated
26382s because of Hell's dive means that Hira
26385s gets two basically for free without the
26387s sustain of the biotic or Premiere in the
26391s backline sound barrier up for a and j
26393s but other than that they have no reason
26395s to use it because their squad has been
26398s so staggered
26399s I mean this might actually be Spain
26401s being able to capture it here once again
26402s Hira is on that High Ground being a
26404s threat but the pressure is there for us
26406s to dip down and try and pressure the
26407s cart a little bit more sorry the bot
26409s Netherlands gonna go ahead and drop on
26411s top here comes another Earth shatter
26412s from hell but no follow-through
26416s yeah unable to the zoning from the
26418s dragon strike was incredibly powerful
26420s and the amp Matrix now coming back
26422s online for Canal it has been online
26424s three times already during this map and
26427s now it's the blizzard on the other hand
26429s to try and stop Spain from progressing
26431s any further but Spain has pushed past
26433s and they're also going to get the
26435s checkpoint here are taking a lot of
26437s damage from the Nemesis form of Don
26439s though but Canal is going to finish off
26441s and clean up for the squad while Spain
26444s get their forward spawn that getting
26446s that checkpoint there is everything they
26448s don't need alts they have the lead now
26450s and they have the checkpoint they have
26451s the forward spawn and they can get even
26453s just a little bit more progress and
26455s that's gonna be real tough for the
26457s Netherlands to do on the other side they
26458s still have to go through the butt
26459s scratch animation when it's their turn
26461s to try and take that checkpoint if Spain
26463s even lets them get that far that likely
26466s will because they'll have the ultimates
26468s to do it but they're going to have to
26469s invest some of them here the coalescence
26471s is going to go ahead and kick it off is
26473s there going to be any more do they need
26475s more
26476s Don is able to find something though in
26479s the Nemesis form and it's also A10
26482s that's been able to get up close and
26484s personal with Spain's back line Canal
26487s being that main source of sustain in
26489s their composition going down means that
26492s they're going to have to back off just a
26493s little bit more and Netherlands is
26495s really looking to contest that
26497s checkpoint it seems that they're going
26498s to be able to get it especially with
26500s Dawn keeping help at Bay with the help
26503s of his primary oh no Shield but oh the
26506s death oh my God he got knocked in the
26509s air and the sound barrier has been
26511s invested as well as the immortality
26513s field but they invested it too early
26515s they didn't wait for the annihilation to
26517s come through from Dawn and tap also
26520s having the blizzard in combination with
26522s that huge area of effect ultimate means
26525s that Netherlands can push a little bit
26527s further the death Blossom was really
26529s just a scare for the Netherlands I mean
26531s what a play from Gala to be able to Boop
26533s the reaper away and then hit the death
26535s Blossom there hello there's an early
26536s pick off there on to tap that might be
26538s enough for Spain to get their foot back
26540s in the door here and they're gonna kick
26541s that door right down they lose here and
26543s Gallo though when they try to do it the
26545s Netherlands are going to be dislodged
26547s quite so easily
26549s the Netherlands still contesting playing
26552s around this robot but ramacho when he's
26554s not in his Nemesis warm can be so paper
26557s so A and J going to go ahead drop that
26559s beat and the coalescence as well so much
26562s sustained come through from Netherlands
26564s but AJ still goes down with a swing of
26567s the hammer the shatter is still online
26569s for help and they can make a lot of
26572s space here Spain taking control of the
26574s robot marching it back towards their own
26576s checkpoint with only 60 seconds left
26579s over but it's only 10 meters in between
26582s the two of them that was a beautiful
26585s that was a beautiful fire strike and
26587s Matrix combo their held gonna take down
26589s two make it a third hell is just cooking
26592s right now another one on to buddy give
26594s him the 5K here Health just took that
26598s for free that's gonna keep put them
26600s going only one old was invested there
26602s and they're going to be able to get back
26604s up to that checkpoint Netherlands will
26605s have a contest here but Spain can look
26607s to match that progress and potentially
26609s Take the Lead they still have an earth
26611s shatter to do it and the Netherlands
26613s have nothing to stop it yeah Health
26616s didn't even need to invest the Earth
26617s shutter to get that triple kill but they
26619s have a locked held back into this corner
26623s and they are using the Earth shatter to
26625s take out the ramatra dam just forced
26628s into the corner and corralled A-10 away
26630s from the rest of the team sectioned off
26632s by the May while there's going to be the
26634s raid form to bail him out a little bit
26636s more but they're unable to take anything
26639s A10 does go down golliff quickly
26642s respawns and coming back to the rest of
26644s the squad canal still so much burst and
26647s Hira just popping off and over time a
26650s few seconds into it a j tries to touch
26653s but it's not enough Spain in a reverse
26657s sweep 2-1 Netherlands that has to be an
26660s upset but Spain oh my goodness what a
26663s what a sequence of events there to close
26665s things out we go to the fight where the
26666s Netherlands have the lead first rule of
26669s OverWatch you never investable support
26670s ultimates into a losing fights but they
26672s do just that so sound barrier and
26674s coalescence both off the field they
26676s can't be aggressive and they can't React
26677s to what comes next and that's that ant
26679s Matrix fire strike combo from health and
26682s the 5K cleanup that followed and at that
26685s point it's like you know the only old
26687s that the Netherlands were close to that
26688s they could have used to sustain was the
26690s annihilation but Don fell to the shatter
26693s got charged got mopped right up and that
26696s is a beautiful play there from Spain oh
26699s my goodness this uh this is a squad to
26701s watch folks definitely one that can uh
26703s surprise some people if you sleep on
26704s them great stuff from Hell great stuff
26707s from Gala as well those Lucio plays were
26709s something special I mean and again props
26712s to the Netherlands for this flank play
26714s that we're seeing here on the replay
26715s this was something spicy and might be
26717s why they chose coliseo in the first
26719s place but it was enough Spain they just
26722s came out with the clutch play there
26724s towards the end beautiful stuff 10 out
26727s of 10 no notes
26729s I mean held during the end the Synergy
26732s with Canal to put up the amp Matrix as
26735s well for that beautiful fire strike that
26736s took out so many of Netherlands players
26738s just in one Fell Swoop the Spain I mean
26742s they were winning fight after fight and
26744s it seems like Netherlands they were
26745s really losing their footing and just
26747s couldn't find their way back into the
26748s game nearing the end as well it felt
26751s like there was a lot of panic plays and
26752s Don really got caught out with that last
26754s Earth shatter and it was just such a
26757s good layering of their crowd control a
26760s good layering of their ultimates as well
26762s so they always had something in the back
26764s pocket for when the pressure came down
26766s I mean looking at the talent that the
26769s Netherlands came here this is absolutely
26770s I would definitely consider this an
26772s upset and if the Netherlands want to
26774s keep fighting for one of those last
26775s three spots or sorry one of those three
26777s spots from their group they're going to
26778s have to shape up here they looked
26780s dominant on lijiang Tower but everything
26782s after that was just Spain's game to play
26785s and they played it to Perfection they
26787s are definitely a hi Kitty Hello they are
26790s definitely a team to watch out for as
26792s you should definitely watch out for that
26793s tail
26795s yeah no I'm I'm yeah I definitely want
26798s to see some more of this Spain Squad as
26800s we go forward this is just day one out
26801s of day eight and they have already shown
26803s us something special and I hope to see
26805s more from this squad what a great game
26807s I'm glad we got to go out on a map three
26809s and a and a good map three at that yeah
26812s this was an excellent game to end the
26815s day and you know Spain who is like they
26818s rely on that Synergy and even though
26820s Canal wasn't ever really part of that
26822s ataraxia Squad that we were talking
26824s about that really makes up the core of
26826s the Spain's team he's still able to mold
26830s and gel with the squad so perfectly and
26833s it allowed a lot of those Place Plus
26834s Canal on his own was able to get so many
26837s of those eight amp matrixes up very very
26840s quickly it felt almost like he was
26843s charging up like a pulse bomb on Tracer
26845s because they were just so frequent in
26847s every single fight I feel like there was
26849s an amp Matrix It forced so much
26850s positioning and even when they were out
26852s of the fight during the transition they
26854s just delayed staggered with the amp
26856s Matrix even though there wasn't directly
26858s a fight there
26859s yeah and we talk about the Synergy that
26861s amp Matrix fire strike combo that makes
26863s it look like these two have been playing
26864s together for years and years and years
26866s so at uh that ataraxia core looking a
26869s little bit stronger than it has in the
26870s past definitely paying some dividends
26872s and a welcome addition in the back line
26874s there that ant Matrix fire strike combo
26876s that essentially won them the game there
26879s again great stuff from this squad I I
26882s cannot wait to see more of them as the
26884s days go forward but it looks like you
26886s know we should be uh we should be trying
26887s to cook up an interview with the team
26889s captain here from Team Spain here in
26890s just a little bit uh but like
26894s what a game we're gonna go ahead and
26896s throw it to a quick break here we'll
26897s have that interview ready on the other
26898s side of it don't go anywhere we'll see
26900s you on the other side
26902s foreign
26925s [Music]
26962s [Music]
26968s [Music]
26985s thank you
26987s foreign
27000s [Music]
27002s [Applause]
27002s [Music]
27008s [Applause]
27010s [Music]
27053s [Applause]
27059s foreign
27060s [Music]
27104s [Applause]
27107s [Music]
27108s foreign
27119s there we go that should probably fix
27121s that ordeal welcome back ladies and
27122s gentlemen to the OverWatch World Cup
27123s 2023 online qualifiers for emec I am of
27126s course your host Jim Basco that's
27128s epitome's CB we just had a banger of a
27131s match between Netherlands and Spain CB I
27135s mean that last map
27137s was pushing way back and forth the
27140s entire time I couldn't tell you who was
27142s gonna take it until the very end where
27144s Spain finally with that beautiful fire
27146s strike through the amp page and Matrix
27148s like you mentioned it was just so good
27150s to watch yeah and that's kind of like
27152s the nature of push in a lot of these
27153s situations where it feels kind of even
27155s kind of back and forth push and pull you
27157s know no pun intended but it often comes
27160s down to those big clutch plays towards
27163s the end that Spain came out with and you
27165s know Netherlands kind of fumbled the bag
27167s in the fight before with some of those
27168s support ultimates being expanded for
27170s very little payoff there and the payoff
27172s was definitely there for that ant Matrix
27174s fire strike combo those clutch plays
27176s when it's that close are what takes home
27178s the dub and that's gonna be a big dub
27180s for Spain one that a lot of people might
27182s not have been expecting to see when we
27184s saw the talent on both squads here but
27186s definitely one that people are going to
27188s remember for the rest of this week
27189s absolutely and it you know things get
27191s even more exciting right now because
27193s like you mentioned before we headed into
27194s the break we've got an interview with
27196s the team manager of team Spain it's Nest
27199s themselves so epitome CB I'm gonna hop
27201s out and hop into that interview with
27202s them so I'll see you guys shortly
27204s foreign
27207s yeah we're gonna get that interview
27209s underway in just a moment here Ness
27211s manager of Team Spain yeah there he is
27215s oh my God I'm I'm already sweating I'm
27218s still sweating like it was so emotional
27220s I was uh screaming with the with the
27223s guys they are so excited uh we are so
27225s happy we were working so hard in the
27228s last month so yeah uh it was so so equal
27232s that I was just like I don't know
27236s that's the reality man we saw it
27238s firsthand map three was the most equal
27241s game we've had all day so talk to me
27243s right in map three of course there was a
27245s couple of Team fights namely one where
27246s you came in with the death Blossom and
27248s you saw
27249s um of course a extremely well-timed Boop
27251s and a
27252s the beat drop keeping the team alive at
27255s the last millisecond talk me through
27257s those moments and then getting there in
27259s the very end to take it all the way to
27260s the victory
27262s so we knew that the we knew that the
27265s blossom was coming so we were just like
27267s looking for Reaper all around like where
27269s it's Reaper where's Reaper so Gala uh
27272s was really really looking for it he
27274s actually made an amazing play and also
27277s the Matrix from Canal it was help help
27280s was the one who called it he said okay
27282s they are all in this room let's go with
27284s the Matrix and fire strike and and we
27286s get Reaper and then and also like the
27288s last uh the last Ranka ultimate also
27292s helped call it like we go in and we
27294s focus around we did it so well I'm so
27296s proud of my voice I'm really like I I
27299s feel like like a pro father right now so
27301s I'm so happy and you want to tell the
27304s world like this is just the beginning
27307s Oh yeah talk to me more about that man
27308s this is just the beginning for team
27310s Spain you guys came out against
27312s historically one of the stronger teams
27314s in the OverWatch World Cup you know what
27315s I mean so and you took the victory this
27317s is day one you made a huge statement for
27320s all the Spanish fans and supporters so
27321s talk to me first about what was your
27324s preparation like right of course weeks
27326s leading up to this I'm sure were
27327s extremely intense that
27329s yeah we work a lot especially the last
27332s three weeks we were having like uh
27334s double Vlogs every mostly every day and
27337s we have some of the kids that are also
27339s working on students so they made a huge
27342s sacrifice into like playing and and
27345s doing their their life so uh also cheers
27348s to everyone on on the social team on on
27351s the the our social electronic that right
27353s now is is swimming uh there was party uh
27356s to everyone like uh it was hard but
27359s right now you can see that all the work
27361s and all the preparation and all the hard
27364s uh times that we had because like we
27366s have up and downs like we there was a
27368s time that we were believing that we are
27369s going to beat everyone there was time
27371s that we are like a bit down but right
27373s now all the work is is coming is coming
27375s through and I'm so happy
27378s it's coming together baby okay of course
27380s you played Belgium tomorrow right we'll
27383s be bringing you all the action then too
27385s but you know you saw them play today how
27387s are you feeling going into that matchup
27389s uh I we always uh we always we always
27393s gonna be coaches like we've seen that
27395s they create a a lot of problems to read
27400s written that for me is one of the
27401s favorites of this group so we are just
27404s gonna play our game we're gonna play
27405s what we know what what to play and we're
27407s gonna focus and I think we if we if we
27410s all play good we all play together we
27411s are gonna win
27412s man the energy is contagious you know
27414s what I mean I think everyone is buzzing
27416s right now about this team Spain victory
27417s for all those people like you mentioned
27419s in the watch party what's your message
27421s to the Spanish fan base right now can I
27423s can I do it in in in in Spanish of
27425s course please go ahead
27435s thank you so much it's yeah man it's
27438s your year I believe it team Spain thank
27441s you so much for being here today
27442s congrats on your Victory and we'll maybe
27444s we'll check in with you again tomorrow
27447s all right ladies and gentlemen of course
27449s that was NASA epitome Stevie what did
27452s you think man the energy is contagious
27453s I'm sweating now
27455s yeah I mean it seems like they were just
27458s so uh excited and it definitely felt
27461s like they were really really in tune
27462s with one another and what was happening
27464s in that game and it honestly really
27466s really nice to see how supportive the
27468s management staff is as well like they're
27470s not even playing in the game but they're
27471s right there listening to the comms and
27474s it is just seems like such a good
27476s environment for such talent to thrive
27479s yeah absolutely sorry CB go ahead oh God
27482s I was just gonna say that is the energy
27484s that is that's the energy of an underdog
27487s that just got their first win and has
27489s now transitioned from an underdog to a
27491s dark horse you're looking at the matches
27493s that they have coming up against Belgium
27494s if this Spain shows up tomorrow Belgium
27496s looks beatable some of these other teams
27498s in this group are gonna need to be on
27500s notice because Spain is here they have
27502s shown what they're capable of and they
27504s might even be capable of more they may
27506s well be you know that match went the
27509s distance even in map three even in the
27511s last minute I couldn't have told you who
27512s was going to win so team Spain the
27514s energy is contagious they're on fire
27516s right now and I'm happy for them and the
27518s country they represent but of course
27519s let's take a look at the schedules so we
27521s can get you a bird's eye view on all the
27523s results of the day and see what we're
27525s working with of course the broadcast
27527s will continue tomorrow into Saturday
27529s into Sunday and then again next week so
27532s there is a ton of action still to come
27535s so if we can't let's go ahead and take a
27537s look at the schedule with all the scores
27539s and um we can get those for y'all
27542s and of course Netherlands going down to
27544s Spain two to one in that close game
27546s France taking it over Italy Great
27548s Britain over Belgium Germany over
27550s Iceland Norway over Sweden Saudi Arabia
27553s over Finland I gotta say that that's
27556s definitely lost the spot for that top
27557s match of the day Netherlands and Spain
27559s definitely taking that one in my book
27560s and of course turkey over Poland that is
27563s just day one of the action everybody the
27565s action continues tomorrow same time same
27568s place same people too it's gonna be zp
27570s hacks epitome CV and myself bringing you
27573s all the action so
27575s honestly it's been a fantastic day one
27578s of action of course two weeks we'll
27581s determine who will move on into the main
27583s event three from group a two from Group
27585s B epitomies and CB it's been an honor
27587s and a pleasure to cast with y'all today
27589s but that does it for the broadcast for
27592s today so once again thank you so much uh
27594s thank you to Ness and all the teams
27595s competing today and we'll see you all
27597s back here same place same time for some
27599s more tomorrow
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about 1 year ago - PlayOverwatch - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

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571s [Applause]
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585s foreign
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615s thank you 16 teams representing Millions
619s across Europe and the Middle East have
620s virtually converged on this location and
623s at the end of these two weeks only five
624s move on to the main event to vary for
627s the title of best in the world I'm your
629s host Jim Basco joined by CB and
630s epitomies and welcome to the 2023
632s OverWatch World Cup emec online
634s qualifiers we are into day two of the
637s action and of course later today I'll be
639s joined by both zp and hexagrams but for
641s now like I said we've got CB and
643s epitomees to bring you the first half of
644s the day CB let's start with a quick
646s recap of the action from yesterday yeah
649s so I mean yesterday we did uh we did
651s unfortunately see a lot of two OverWatch
653s but we did still see some close games
654s some uh some pretty big story lines
656s coming out of day one I think the ones
658s that stand out to me are you know Spain
660s emerging as a potential Dark Horse
662s candidate for that group a they are the
664s three spots on the line for group a
665s Spain could be someone that ends up
667s claiming one of them if the other teams
668s don't come correct we have Norway
670s pulling out an upset or at least what
672s some people would consider an upset
674s against Sweden and of course we have the
677s certified Banger of a game that
678s everybody remembers Finland versus Saudi
681s Arabia yesterday it was uh it was quite
684s a bloodbath all around with that game I
687s don't even know what to say you know
688s like I said the Twisted Minds core from
691s uh Team Saudi Arabia plus yazan
693s everyone's gonna be keeping an eye on
695s that on the skies where yuzan will be
697s lurking but Tyler I want to know what
699s you what your thoughts are how did you
700s feel about day one
702s well honestly the thing is about Group B
705s which we are going to be doing most of
708s the matches of for today the first three
710s that Stevie and I will be on are all
711s going to be these Group B matches and
713s since there are only two spots to get
716s out of group b even though Saudi Arabia
718s two wand in their game and technically
721s r1o in groups thus far they are
724s currently not in standings to make it
726s out unqualified to the playoffs because
729s it was a 2-1 instead of a 2-0 whereas on
732s group a Spain they two won against
735s um if I remember correctly they too won
738s against the Netherlands and they are in
741s position to make it out of the groups
742s because two of the groups from group a
744s group a yesterday which is Portugal and
747s Denmark both didn't get a chance to play
749s yet so Spain they have a pretty good
750s record even though Saudi Arabia also
753s went to one they are not in the same
755s good position
756s [Music]
762s thank you
763s [Music]
764s much can change before we hop into the
766s gameplay itself though let's talk about
768s format right the emec online qualifier
771s challenge joke is two groups competing
773s in a round robin like you were saying
774s tala first to two
777s sway those Maps out if whoever the
778s winner is they'll take it and whoever uh
781s it's a single stage tournament so it's
782s split over two weeks and whoever ends up
783s with the most points the top three from
785s group a the top two from Group B will be
787s moving forward so now that we know how
788s exactly we're playing today let's take a
790s look at the schedule for the matches
791s coming up like you mentioned uh well
794s we'll be covering the first half of the
795s day following Group B action all the way
797s through and then when hex and zp join us
799s for the second half of the day we'll be
801s following group a action and for the
802s rest of the day is Saturday and Sunday
804s we'll be flip-flopping back and forth
805s following pretty much the same Cadence
806s so should be pretty easy to follow and
808s of course we'll be breaking it down for
809s y'all throughout the entire way of
812s course let's hop into the schedule and
813s take a look at what we've got coming up
815s for the matches today and of course
817s we're gonna be starting things off with
818s Sweden versus versus Finland which is
821s bound to be a slobber knocker followed
823s by Norway vs Germany later today Saudi
826s Arabia versus Iceland Belgium versus
828s Spain and then we'll finally get to see
830s Portugal play versus France Netherlands
833s against Italy and Great Britain against
835s Denmark who we have also so you get to
837s see played tala coming up with Sweden
840s versus Finland you know this is our
841s first match of the day we just saw Saudi
843s Arabia and Finland Go the Distance what
846s are you expecting coming into this
847s matchup I think if you look at Group B
850s overall and you would ask someone who do
853s you think are the best teams in Group B
855s I feel like a lot of people would say
857s despite the record so far I think a lot
859s of people are rooting for Sweden Saudi
862s Arabia Norway and Finland right they
865s have a lot of really recognizable
867s players for a lot of fans of the
869s OverWatch World Cup and the fact that
871s Sweden went down to o or O2 against
874s Norway the other day that counts as an
877s upset so I think that they will be
878s bringing their fire for this next one
880s because they're really looking to shape
881s up and get those two spots out to
883s playoffs but on the other hand Finland
886s going down to Saudi Arabia and it was
888s 2-1 so it was a closer series and I
891s definitely feel like they will be
893s feeling that fire that's been lit up
894s under them
896s yeah absolutely and CB you know taking a
898s look at the matches for the rest of the
899s day too right I think groupie tala made
902s a great Point earlier Saudi Arabia even
904s though they look so good even though
906s they've got that dominant core from
907s Twisted Minds which we keep talking
908s about because they are so good they're
911s fourth right now in standings for
912s groupie and granted it's it's day one
915s you know so everything's gonna change
916s stop the count yeah no how do you feel
920s about that so I feel like Group B is
922s just so wildly competitive that you
924s could just you know throw throw two
926s darts at the board hit two teams and
927s send them off the playoffs and it would
929s you know be good representation for the
930s group but you would still you know it'd
932s be a cry in shame for all these other
934s teams that aren't able to make it so
935s it's gonna be with a heavy heart at the
937s end of these two weeks that we have to
938s say goodbye to some of these teams but
940s for who gets to go on and move on it's
942s going to be Uber competitive throughout
944s and Saudi Arabia I mean to me at least
947s looks like the favorites just because of
948s how you know how that game turned out
950s but they have to kind of you know get
953s the numbers to back it up they have to
954s try and get some more some more wins
956s decisive 2-0 wins under the belt they
959s might have a chance to do so today in
960s their game against Iceland later on
962s today but you know Iceland might have uh
965s might have shaped themselves up and
966s might give them a little bit more than
967s they bargained for so we'll have to see
968s how things shake out get a little bit
970s more data on the group as a whole as we
972s move forward
973s that's the reality man we're gonna have
974s to keep an eye on the meta we're gonna
976s have to keep an eye on everyone's
977s mentals going into it day two is bound
980s to be full of action but with that said
982s I'm gonna hand it off to you CB and
984s epitomies have a fantastic match one
986s thank you so much um and I am incredibly
989s excited for this first match of the days
991s with Sweden versus Finland obviously
994s both of them pretty strong teams but
996s also the fact that they have imperfect
998s records going into this I think makes it
1000s that much higher Stakes for the two of
1002s them even though it is only day two of
1004s the qualifiers yeah I mean these two
1006s Scandinavian countries both kind of fell
1008s a little bit short of expectations you
1009s know I know that Finland versus Saudi
1011s Arabia match that work definitely a lot
1013s of people that had Finland as winning
1015s that match and were surprised to see the
1016s Saudi Arabian Squad come so correct and
1018s end up taking away that dub meanwhile
1021s Sweden got kind of upset by Norway there
1023s like I said you know both of these teams
1026s kind of fell a little bit short of what
1027s we thought that they would do there's
1029s still time for them to correct their
1030s courses and fortunately you know one of
1032s them will turn their fortunes around but
1034s as the nature of things goes the other
1036s just won't and the cycle of misery will
1038s continue it'll get harder and harder to
1040s dig yourself out of as time goes on but
1043s you know you've got to start now you
1045s gotta try and uh change the narrative
1047s show that you are still a dominant force
1049s and Sweden has the roster to continue to
1052s be the dominant force that we expect you
1054s know we have that luscious tank line
1056s there sparker and kevst are that DPS
1058s line that everybody was touting is
1060s potentially one of the most stacked DPS
1062s lines in the emec region it didn't quite
1066s do enough to carry Sweden over the edge
1069s against Norway yesterday but will it be
1070s enough for them to best Finland today
1074s yeah that is such a good question here
1077s Finland looking at their looking at
1080s their lineup as well the DPS lineup for
1083s Finland maybe no not as strong as the
1086s combo of Kev sir and svargar but Sana I
1089s mean playing for Florida Mayhem first in
1091s the Pro-Am third in the spring stage
1093s qualifiers it is definitely a force to
1095s be reckoned with on this Fitness spot
1098s and the way this game is going to shake
1100s out by the way I think will give us a
1102s little bit more Intel about what the
1104s rest of the group looks like you know if
1106s uh if we see Sweden just come over here
1108s and clown on Finland first you know
1110s completely hypothetical that kind of
1112s starts to make us think like hang on
1114s maybe Saudi Arabia weren't as strong
1116s maybe like both of those teams were a
1117s little bit weaker you know copium I
1120s guess but you know and if we see Finland
1122s come out come out and win against uh
1124s against Sweden we start to get a more
1126s established hierarchy of things so this
1128s is going to be one to keep an eye on and
1129s start to get another early barometer for
1132s where the rest of Group B sits because
1134s again it's so hyper competitive it's so
1137s only two spots up for grabs which is a
1140s shame and if Saudi Arabia is going to
1143s take one of those spots then Sweden or
1145s Finland only one of them can take the
1147s other if either of them do it all so
1149s we're gonna kick things off on Lee Jiang
1150s Tower see uh see who's gonna be able to
1153s get there be able to hit the ground
1154s running here get some momentum and carry
1157s it through to the rest of the group
1158s stage
1159s who knows if they'll be hitting the
1161s ground at all if they'll be taking out
1163s that Pharmacy convo or maybe the echo
1166s Mercy you know people do really like
1168s that even here on City Center I feel
1170s like we do see a lot of those echofara
1173s plays we saw some of it yesterday as
1175s well and it's really favored on City
1178s Center and um Gardens
1181s it tends to be yes and it's like one of
1183s those things on control center where
1184s it's like you know some people don't
1185s want to pull it out because they're like
1187s oh there's a ceiling I can't possibly
1188s play far but it's a pretty high ceiling
1190s over the point and it definitely you
1192s know you know your DPS if they have to
1194s look up to try and take down that flyer
1196s it makes it all the more difficult to
1198s focus on what's in front of you so it's
1200s viable if you're good enough to make it
1202s work but I don't think Finland or Sweden
1204s really want to come out with that
1205s they're both kind of uh showing a couple
1208s flashes of the rush compositions Finland
1211s interestingly enough is coming out with
1214s that hyper aggressive composition with
1216s the Moira where they want to get right
1218s up in the enemy's face and do as much
1220s damage as quickly as possible
1223s yeah and also with the combination of
1226s the reaper may this is just such a brawl
1229s composition and it seems like they're
1231s getting started trying to take control
1233s of The High Ground meanwhile Sweden kind
1235s of having more of a distance composition
1237s with this Hanzo being able to hit the
1239s shots from afar but it's going to be
1241s Finland with their brawl comp that are
1243s going to get that first lap and first
1245s pick off on uh hempe which means that
1248s they are missing a lot of that burst
1250s healing yeah I mean it's fitting that
1253s Masa ends up finding the first blow
1254s there there's another from Sana there on
1255s to sparker just trying to lurk and find
1257s a pick off there but again it's fitting
1259s that Masa ends up being the person who
1260s claims First Blood on the side of
1262s Finland because that's speed boost that
1263s very hyper aggressive composition that
1265s Finland wants to come out here with
1267s that's just the nature of it we're gonna
1268s speed boost we're going to get in your
1270s face we're going to tear it up and you
1272s have to try and do something about it
1273s you have to keep us away or you have to
1275s you know out damage us sparker how do
1277s you be able to find like a headshot or a
1280s decent storm Arrow went to the back of a
1281s solo there that might have been a
1282s different story but wasn't able to find
1284s a lot of value with that flank and now
1286s Finland have control of the point
1288s yeah they taking that first control they
1291s do have that kiriko on point trying to
1293s contest here and the Orissa with the
1295s javelin throw is able to try and get
1298s style out alive and the thought was
1300s there but unfortunately that wasn't
1301s successful so now we go ahead and go
1303s ahead and push right back into the spawn
1306s but they've isolated sparker and just
1308s barely lullish is able to get out to get
1311s re-heeled by those uh supports but now
1313s Kev sir is also looking for some kind of
1316s flank on The High Ground gets really low
1318s has to go and head and use the recall
1320s after Masa took that health pack but
1323s kepster is the sole contestant after the
1326s team rejoins on the point and now once
1328s again there's so much value coming out
1331s of uh finland's composition but now with
1334s mix G down and a lot of ultimates
1336s available for Sweden there's the dragon
1338s strike as well as erisa's uh terrorist
1341s surge but it was only able to find a
1344s Masa sauna on the other hand with the
1346s death Blossom and the annihilation to
1347s come out from Vista Ola but it's not
1349s going to do anything sweet and
1350s immediately eliminates finland's players
1353s and take control of the point I mean you
1356s don't ever really see it in the kill fee
1357s but the fact that Sweden is able to flip
1358s There is almost entirely on kevster
1360s continually continually being a thorn on
1363s the side of Finland putting in a little
1364s bit of damage and always threatening
1366s that back cap even when it looks like
1368s Sweden is at a disadvantage and that
1369s forces Finland back out of that choke
1372s point so Sweden can safely pass through
1373s and once they all come in with the old
1375s takedown Mickey early they can just
1377s collapse on top of the point cap it
1379s start to get a little bit of momentum
1380s now and now it's Finland trying to look
1382s for a way in
1384s yeah and they were using that may wall a
1386s bit defensively as well to stop all the
1389s oncoming damage that Sweden has in the
1391s form of mostly that Hanzo but the orisa
1393s also being able to fire on all cylinders
1395s makes for a little bit of extra damage
1397s but now trying to isolate with the May
1399s while the blizzard comes through lullish
1401s is able to escape just for a second but
1404s cloud is looking for the players that
1406s are playing around the objective and is
1408s able to find nothing unfortunately the
1410s blizzard doesn't find the value that
1412s Finland needs but they are able to turn
1414s the point over into their Direction and
1416s make force a disengage out of Sweden now
1419s with the pulse storm coming through from
1421s Kev sir trying to find a pick but the
1423s soul is actually going to find Kai skile
1425s instead now with lullish taking down
1428s Sana though it's still Finland in a
1431s pretty advantageous position they've
1433s only lost that Lucio and with the
1435s coalescence on board for Mixie there's
1437s so much burst healing and damage that
1439s can come through objective secured for
1441s Finland and when the blizzard came out
1443s there from clouds you were talking about
1444s how they were trying to track down all
1446s the members from Sweden that were
1447s playing around the point and that was
1448s just the problem they were all playing
1450s around the point not on it so Finland
1452s able to snake the point out from
1454s underneath Sweden's noses and by the
1456s time the fight actually kicks off and we
1457s start spilling a little blood on both
1459s sides there it's Finland coming through
1461s with that coalescence to clean things up
1462s it's festola coming through with the
1464s pummels and Sweden with just no answer
1466s for it that's a uh I don't want to say
1468s super decisive control center cap there
1471s from Finland but being able to go up 1-0
1473s and can uh on control is definitely
1475s going to be uh massive especially as we
1477s start to move out here onto Gardens I'm
1480s liking what I'm seeing from Sweden here
1481s though it looks like they want to try
1482s and switch things up go for something a
1484s little bit more dive-esque which should
1487s play a lot better into what sparker and
1489s capster are trying to come out here with
1490s you know you're expecting kevstrar to
1492s come out on the Tracer so if the
1494s synchronicity is there between kevster
1496s and lolcish and indeed the hacks from
1497s sparker we might be able to see Sweden
1500s change their fortunes yeah Finland can
1502s really front load a lot of damage onto
1504s this win sin though even if they do go
1506s for the hack targets so it is a lot of
1509s the onus on the supports as well to keep
1511s this Winston
1512s um up and healed since this broke so
1515s much of that upfront damage but you're
1517s right huge biotic nade but unfortunately
1519s Sana still does kind of pick off that
1521s but Masa out of the game now up to
1523s Mickey to try and keep this team
1525s sustained not going to be a problem with
1527s the biotic orb that's coming through but
1530s the anti-nades are also pretty
1532s oppressive if Kyle can keep Landing them
1534s they're going to be forcing Finland in a
1536s pretty bad position and oh my God such
1538s an early pulse bomb and stuck onto the
1540s Sola removing the tank from the equation
1542s for Finland means it should be an easier
1545s fight for them and they should be able
1547s to hang on to this point but Finland
1550s somehow still contesting even through
1553s the loss of the Sola and visola now
1555s switching on to the diva to get a quick
1557s way back to the point Finland can't even
1560s turn it and not quite yeah I mean
1562s Finland are still holding on they may be
1564s finished but they're not quite finished
1565s yet Sweden swarming like Ikea sharks
1568s trying to get the last of these members
1569s taken down here kevster with a cleanup
1571s there on to cloud and Sweden do finally
1574s find the flip there and yeah Mickey's
1576s gonna have to fade on out the stola
1577s gonna lose the mech here and probably
1579s gonna go for a bit of a reset here but
1581s Sweden just gonna bully the poor baby
1584s Diva right off gonna go ahead and take a
1585s swim with the fishes down there and
1587s that's gonna be a great a great play
1589s there from Sweden and they get to do
1590s that holding on to nearly every major
1592s ultimate they only invest the Nano boost
1594s they're gonna have an EMP and a sound
1596s Bearer they can really start to mount up
1598s some percentage here have potentially
1600s Take the Lead off of this next fight
1602s maybe even get it up to 99 and they
1603s cycle things out perfectly yeah and now
1606s they're kind of starting to switch
1607s composition around for Finland as well
1609s vestola kind of forced onto that Diva
1611s pick to try and hold on to this point
1613s and then Cloud now switching over onto
1615s the Sombra but it's sparker that has
1618s that EMP ready to go ahead and try and
1621s take some down but the sound barrier is
1623s just so quick for Masa beat drops so
1625s much overhealth and sauna with the death
1627s Blossom going to remove so many from the
1630s equation now Cloud on a Sombra of his
1633s own finding value onto the Winston now
1636s without the tank Sweden they cannot hold
1638s on to the point and it's flipped once
1640s again I mean Sweden was able to take the
1642s lead there but I guess they just didn't
1643s anticipate the sheer amount of damage
1645s coming through from asana's Death
1646s Blossom there and you know that couple
1648s with the fact that Masa was able to be
1649s just perfect with the beat by the way
1651s already up to 30 on another way another
1653s one a third of the way to yet another
1655s beat yes Sweden now they don't have the
1658s EMP they have to try and find a way and
1660s without that a pulse bomb and a primal
1661s are no ultimates to scoff at especially
1663s when it's a kebster pulse bomb but you
1666s know you might be asking for more than
1667s that
1669s yeah they're really fighting hard to
1671s take control of the bridge as well and
1673s it doesn't seem like Sweden is
1674s attempting to go in through the white
1676s room since they know that that Diva has
1678s to self-destruct and there is just
1679s basically nowhere to hide if you do get
1681s corralled now vestola going to go ahead
1684s and uh kick things off with a pick onto
1687s lulish now once again tank removed from
1689s the equation and that Primal Rage that
1691s you were mentioning could be so huge for
1693s Sweden but they're going to have to hold
1694s on to it and wait for the regroup from
1696s lullish while Finland takes up to 95
1699s it's going to have to be an overtime
1701s retake yeah there's the pulse bomb that
1703s comes up from kefister but Mickey just
1704s Fades away and drops it right on the
1706s ground and says no this ain't mine you
1708s can keep it Cloud takes down style and
1710s Spark are going to clean up Masa a
1711s little bit of a support for support
1712s trade now losis gonna pop the Primal go
1716s and walk going wild back there takes
1718s down Mickey that might actually be
1719s enough with no support line for Finland
1721s Sweden are going to be able to flip the
1722s point here it's at 99 and the fight's
1724s not quite over yet but Sweden have at
1727s least kept themselves in the fight here
1728s but self-destruct from estola they're
1731s gonna take down volsis and Finland yeah
1734s again they are not quite finished yet
1735s they're going to flip the point right
1737s backward in overtime situation Sweden
1739s gonna have to try and find a way in it's
1741s kevster with the touch but is there
1743s going to be any follow-up the EMP from
1745s sparker could actually be massive in
1746s Masa Falls
1748s yeah they are able to avoid it on the
1750s backside though vestola is still holding
1753s on to their life but they're going to go
1755s ahead and actually disengage from the
1756s point and this is what they did in the
1758s last fight as well trying to find us a
1760s advantage in their surroundings but
1763s Sweden is allowed to flip the point once
1765s again 99 for Finland all they need is
1767s one good fight being grouped up in cloud
1769s with a huge pick onto Cavs sir not
1772s without lullish in play as well sana's
1775s just able to go ham on the back line of
1777s Sweden and Finland I don't think a touch
1780s is going to be possible even though
1781s lullish does try Finland winning the
1784s first map Duo yeah and there's that
1787s point where like vestola makes the swap
1788s off of the romantra and over onto the
1790s diva so they're kind of playing like a
1791s dive composition and they can just play
1793s it the same way that they were playing
1794s that Rush where it's very in your face
1796s but it's just like a little bit more
1798s anti-winston and going up against the
1800s diva with those shotguns at close range
1802s especially the reaper guy shotguns from
1804s sauna who was just cooking them the
1805s whole game I mean little sister like
1807s really never had add that much of a
1809s chance to stay alive never really got
1810s the best chance to utilize the Primal
1812s Rage there was that one point where he
1814s did pop it and was able to flip the
1816s point for uh for Sweden but yeah Finland
1819s they're never quite entirely out of the
1821s fight it was very rarely decisive it was
1823s very rarely definitive that Sweden won a
1825s team fight there it was always like well
1827s we got the point we flipped it but
1829s there's a couple people that we haven't
1830s quite cleaned out yet and suddenly oh
1832s here's everybody back from Spawn
1834s regrouped ready to take us on down it's
1836s uh you know a lot of close moments back
1838s and forth but this is definitely looking
1840s like Finland are the more refined
1842s product right now
1844s yeah they definitely have that Synergy
1846s and even though they do flip the point
1848s on from the Primal Rage like you said
1850s before here on Gardens it was only to
1853s knock them off the point so that they
1855s could flip it they didn't actually find
1856s the eliminations and this was such a
1859s huge self-destruct from this Soul at the
1861s end of the day to limit uh eliminate
1864s just lullish and then you don't have a
1867s tank for Sweden in the fight
1869s so Finland they are definitely doing
1871s really well for themselves yeah and it's
1873s just a great understanding of like how
1874s they want to play that comp if the
1876s compositions it's like if it's designed
1877s just to kind of grief LOL such there on
1879s the Winston and be a counter dive
1881s composition and then yeah so be it
1883s because if you're losish there and
1885s you're playing on the Winston like who
1886s are you jumping on top of right you know
1887s you've got Lucio and Moira through the
1889s slipperiest supports on this side of
1891s Scandinavia and you got you know a a
1893s Reaper you don't want to jump on that
1894s that's death that's like jumping on a
1896s cactus you got uh Sombra who's just
1898s gonna translocate away and you've got a
1900s diva and she's gonna do a lot of damage
1902s with the micro missiles at close range
1903s with you so like you have to be
1905s coordinated with your team and I feel
1907s like there's just not quite enough
1909s coordination coming out from Sweden to
1911s be able to make this work so you know
1913s it's going to be Sweden's map pick next
1914s so we'll have to see if they have a
1916s better a better plan you know somewhere
1918s where they can take us that might show
1920s us a little bit more cohesion might show
1921s us a little bit more of a uh coherent
1923s game plan here but out the gates Finland
1926s look a lot better at uh you know
1928s identifying the cop they want to play
1930s and executing it the way that it is
1931s meant to be played
1933s yeah and it feels like they had such a
1935s good handle on being able to counter the
1937s dive comps like you mentioned even
1939s though they weren't technically 100
1941s going for that brawl uh they still had
1944s such a strong and slippery back line and
1946s it was just so hard to pick a Target to
1948s dive on and that Target selection is
1950s really important especially with the uh
1952s damage that can be done after on a hack
1955s Target after Sombra does so I'm
1957s wondering what the what the behind the
1959s scenes is for Sweden who's doing the
1962s calling how the calling is being done
1964s and how they're identifying their
1966s objectives
1967s yeah well at this rate if things keep up
1969s there might only be one more map in this
1971s candy Showdown but who knows Sweden can
1973s always make a comeback you'll have to
1974s find out on the other side of this break
1976s we'll see you in just a short bit don't
1977s go anywhere
1980s [Music]
1995s all right
2017s thank you
2038s [Music]
2053s thank you
2071s [Music]
2091s foreign
2110s [Music]
2116s [Music]
2149s foreign
2152s [Music]
2171s [Music]
2178s all right
2180s [Music]
2199s hello everyone and welcome back we are
2202s on map two of Sweden versus Finland and
2205s we just came back from lijon Tower where
2208s Finland was able to get a pretty
2210s decisive to a win
2212s yeah like I said finlands do definitely
2214s feel like the more refined product
2216s overall you know with Sweden the pieces
2218s are there you see flashes of Brilliance
2220s from Kev star and sparker as a front
2222s line but it's not all coming together
2224s the puzzle hasn't quite fit together yet
2226s and we're still waiting and hoping to
2228s see it because again you know Sweden has
2230s historically and throughout the history
2232s of the World Cup always been one of the
2233s favorite teams to watch one of the teams
2235s that almost always makes some noise
2237s makes a deep run into the playoffs if
2239s they want to even get to playoffs
2241s they're gonna have to shape up a little
2242s bit because look it's looking like
2244s Finland might be trying to shut them
2245s down early we'll have to see what the
2247s map pick was for Sweden here and it's
2249s time to shape up it's time to put these
2251s pieces together and make it all happen
2252s and this is uh an interesting pick watch
2256s Point Gibraltar so I'm expecting to see
2259s a little bit more of losis on the uh on
2261s the Winston there something resembling a
2263s dive most likely going to be coming out
2264s from Sweden here
2266s yeah I feel like they might also be
2268s looking for some of um some like more
2271s mobile back line as well because we saw
2274s the Anna Lucia we saw the kirika Lu show
2276s as well so I'm wondering if they're
2278s going to try and find something that can
2280s kind of keep up with the pace of the
2282s dive like maybe a Brigitte delucio
2284s missing out on a little bit of that
2286s sustain just for the sake of being able
2289s to coordinate a little bit better and at
2291s the same time Sweden like you mentioned
2293s the stakes are super high for them going
2295s oh too early
2297s um in a match against both in in a match
2300s against both Norway and Finland that
2303s could be devastating even though it is
2305s only early in the qualifiers and it
2306s could mean they need a perfect Run for
2309s the rest of qualifiers in order to
2310s qualify like you said and it's also the
2313s fact that if it is a 2-0 loss instead of
2316s 2-1 yeah you would you would hate to see
2319s Sweden falling to the bottom of the
2320s standings in the uh Scandinavian
2322s Supremacy but I mean they don't have to
2325s go against Denmark because they're are
2326s not in their group but you know still
2328s falling to both Finland and Norway would
2330s have to hurt you know at least a little
2332s bit right like you know going down to
2335s all of the other Scandinavian teams in
2337s your group for a team or for a nation's
2339s storied in the World Cup as Sweden and
2341s that has produced so much talent as
2344s Sweden you know you do kind of expect
2346s them to come a little bit more strongly
2348s especially with like kevstraker as a
2350s front line you know LOL such a very
2352s underrated tank that hasn't you know
2354s ever really gotten a fair shot in the
2356s OverWatch League still looking for an
2358s opportunity to show people why he should
2360s be considered here and then you know you
2362s have slightly lesser known players like
2364s skile and melon in the back line here
2366s but if everything fits together Sweden
2368s can make those into some big names here
2370s so and we are going to see some dive
2372s compositions come out on both sides we
2374s have the diva composition on Finland
2376s this is very similar to what they ran
2378s towards the end of control center but
2379s with an on a break back line instead but
2382s you know they have the Tracer they have
2383s the Sombra it's gonna be interesting to
2385s see what's sparker is capable of doing
2387s here on the ash I think that might be
2388s the one thing to uh to differentiate
2391s things a little bit yeah this Bob can
2394s just be a game-winning ultimate for the
2396s Sweden Squad but for now it seems like
2399s they are not even holding directly in
2401s front of that bridge they're more
2403s looking to push towards the side sides
2406s and stop the Sola from trying to get a
2409s good dive onto that back line it's going
2411s to be tough though but since they have
2413s such long sight lines and cloud is just
2415s able to sneak in onto spark art make the
2417s ash loose position and vessel is just
2419s bullying lulzish here now out of the
2422s fight without a tank it's up to brigitta
2424s to try and use that little shield and be
2426s that meat Shield fourth Squad it's not
2428s going to work out melon and style the
2430s back line down for Sweden and the first
2432s fight allowing them to just push very
2434s decisively up to that first checkpoint
2436s yeah holding an ash on The High Ground
2438s is a great strategy for a map like watch
2440s points or brawls where you can
2441s definitely put down a lot of punishment
2442s from up there but that all kind of Falls
2444s flat if Cloud just simply rains all over
2446s sparker's parade there just takes him
2448s right out and you know everything just
2449s kind of falls apart for Sweden there
2451s they've given up the first point Finland
2452s aren't really given the opportunity to
2453s snowball through the hangar phase here
2455s so there is an opportunity to get
2457s sparker back on a high ground but
2459s epistol is going to try and contest that
2461s a little bit and not let them have it
2462s for free
2463s yeah and vestola is just being kept so
2466s sustained especially since now they have
2468s that Nano boost available and they don't
2469s even need the sight lines they know
2471s they're going to be able to take bus
2472s damage and the defense Matrix soaks up
2474s so much pressure as well and in closed
2476s spaces like that airplane Hangar that's
2479s going to be a lot easier to get a good
2481s self-destruct off for vestola but now of
2484s course disengage from Sweden means that
2487s they can't push a little bit further so
2488s they can relieve a little bit of that
2490s pressure it's actually the pulse bomb
2492s from Kev store that ends up being what
2493s relieves most of that pressure onto the
2495s back line takes down Mickey and you know
2498s that's what allows Sweden to kind of get
2500s their feet back underneath them and now
2501s they have control of this High Ground
2503s sparker is going to be up there to try
2505s and hit some dynamites make people think
2507s twice about poking out of these chokes
2508s but remember this map was reworked those
2510s chokes aren't as unforgiving as they
2512s once were great sleep to deny the
2513s contest there from vestola but at Sweden
2516s they're gonna need a little bit more
2517s than that Cloud's got the EMP where is
2519s cloud
2521s uh that's a great question where is
2524s cloud are they contesting the checkpoint
2526s and this is something that we have
2527s already seen before yesterday on this
2529s very map but Cloud going to go ahead
2532s instead go use the EMP and a lot of
2535s kills going from both sides but it's
2537s actually the back line from both teams
2538s eliminated so it's now it's just a
2540s battle of attrition to see which team
2542s can sustain better loses with the Primal
2544s Rage is going to give a lot of
2546s overhealth to this win since just a huge
2548s stink and sauna gets taken down the
2550s pulse bomb still in the back pocket not
2552s a good opportunity to use it vestola
2554s still in the fight but not able to push
2556s up to the payload Cloud returns at just
2559s the right time to hack that Winston and
2561s force a disengage but still the kiting
2563s is there from Finland visola now with a
2566s re-engage onto the Winston but not
2568s enough damage done by either side that
2570s airplane Hangar still contested by
2572s Sweden holding The High Ground yeah and
2574s they need to contest this Hangar right
2575s because they nearly just gave this up oh
2577s great pulse bomb there from Sana and a
2579s recall from Kessler to drop it on the
2580s ground there the the cart's getting
2582s really close there melon's gonna have to
2584s use the shield bash to try and get the
2585s contest lolchus jumps back as well Mick
2588s G taken down Sweden are doing enough to
2589s hold on to this hanger phase but yeah
2591s you know they they nearly gave it up
2593s with about a three minute time bang for
2594s Finland and you can't give up hanger
2596s phase with that much time in the bank
2597s that would be just a death sentence for
2600s them going forward because like you know
2602s you would be given Finland so much time
2604s to full cap on Gibraltar and it is so so
2606s this is another one of those Maps where
2608s it's really difficult to get that full
2610s cap especially when you expect to
2612s potentially be falling or stalling out a
2614s lot on your own attack later on you know
2616s you got to be planning for the future
2617s bleed as much time out here as possible
2619s if you can get the full stall and hope
2622s for the best here
2624s okay cloud is a little bit sneaky we've
2627s already seen this before now Kev start
2629s getting the hack through but unable to
2631s actually capitalize off of it so Cloud
2633s going to go ahead and return and recurve
2636s with the squad here but still once again
2638s it's that contest for the airplane
2639s Hangar and visola is up there alone
2642s they're really looking for some kind of
2645s space maker and that self-destruct
2647s should have been it but they were unable
2649s to however a nice sleep onto style might
2651s guarantee a pick no the brigitta comes
2653s in just in time in Finland once again
2656s without that tank on top of their
2658s supports even with the brigitta both of
2660s the supports losing the back line once
2662s again though they do almost push it to
2664s the checkpoint yeah there was nearly a
2666s back cap there but the contest did come
2667s through but props to Sweden they're
2669s finding all of the right picks that they
2671s need to do to slow Finland down and stop
2673s them from being able to make this
2675s cohesive push that gets it that last
2676s couple meters and gets them to cap their
2679s hello a little bit of a spy or Spy game
2681s there gemsters trying to spy check
2682s nearly found Cloud there but clouds
2685s still going to be lurking still going to
2687s be a threat there and they can't just
2688s let Finland sneak off with this card
2691s yeah Cloud seems like he's trying to
2693s sneak off with the car every single time
2695s but there's a nano Boost from Sweden's
2698s side onto lulzish to just get that
2700s little bit of extra sustain the Primal
2701s Rage is also there such an ultimate that
2704s could knock them off after the 50
2706s seconds are set and done and style has
2709s been Landing some excellent biotic nades
2711s now love this without brigitta in the
2714s game and the Primal Rage out in the
2716s fight means that both the back line of
2718s Finland once again out of the fight
2720s there's so much pressure on Mitchie and
2722s Masa and they just can't seem to
2724s disengage from it even though they have
2726s that anti-dive support they need the
2729s support from the rest of the team which
2730s they are getting ensuite inside from
2732s Skiles anti-nades and the and the long
2736s range of sparker there's a bit of a
2738s window right now for the EMP for cloud
2739s to come through but melon is about to
2741s have that rally and if if allowed to pop
2744s that rally you should be able to sustain
2745s through the damage there Finland might
2747s have to invest nearly everything to get
2749s this second point there but a pulse bomb
2750s onto that might be enough
2753s yeah skile now out of the fight they
2755s have to pop the rally from a melon but
2758s it's rally and Nano boost on from
2760s finland's side and there is just barely
2762s a contest from Kev star who is one HP
2765s style comes in at just the right time
2767s with a switch step on the kirigo and a
2768s suzu but it is not enough to stop it the
2771s Bob might be though it's forcing the
2773s Sola to hide behind the car and it's
2775s giving them enough time for lulzich to
2776s come back into the fight but melon is so
2778s far off there is no way they're able to
2780s get the health back onto the tank now
2783s Lotus eliminated they finally pushed to
2785s the second checkpoint and have a minute
2787s to get to third yeah but Sweden have
2789s successfully made Finland pay the hangar
2791s tax they didn't finish with time bank
2793s you know they have they they are in
2795s overtime and so they now only have about
2796s a minute to complete here they have to
2798s try and snowball this out of control and
2800s it costs them every Ultimate just to get
2802s point B they're trying to build to a
2804s nano boost they have a self-destruct but
2806s you kind of need that Nano to be the
2808s thing that helps push the cart forward
2809s Sweden they don't really have a whole
2811s lot defensively here but they do have
2813s this one advantage they can try and keep
2814s the snowball going in their favor there
2816s they just have to stay alive long enough
2819s to stay competitive
2820s yeah they don't have the control of the
2822s high ground right now that's been taken
2824s up by Michi and Bossa but now caps are
2826s eliminating Cloud at a huge anti from
2829s Mickey is going to force Love's to
2831s disengage and Retreat and visola is able
2834s to finish off the kill now even though
2837s there's a sleep here onto vesola that's
2839s self-destruct once again such an open
2840s space on this third checkpoint can be a
2843s really huge ultimate and could
2845s potentially win Finland this first round
2847s yeah potentially but Sweden may also
2850s have done enough you see lolsa she's
2851s about to have the Primal Rage capster
2853s about to have a pulse bomb scale about
2855s to have a nano boost that's a huge name
2856s there from Mickey but the follow-up
2858s isn't there Sweden now have enough to
2860s make this defensive if finlet caps it's
2862s going to be an OT five seconds left
2864s Sweden they are ready to fight finally
2868s that self-destruct does come through and
2870s we see that there's been a switch on to
2872s the Hanzo as well from cloud and that's
2874s going to contest spark are so heavily
2876s now sparker out of the fight and it's up
2879s to three now with that style forcing out
2881s the Nano boost and melon out of the
2884s fight they're going to try and make sure
2885s that Lola's can sustain through all of
2888s it but that pulse bomb does come through
2889s on capster's side and they're able to
2892s eliminate the mech at the very least but
2894s sana's own pulse bomb finds the back
2896s line however the only contention is from
2898s Sana who has just trying to Blink around
2901s unable to keep touch on the objective
2904s and over time and ends with two points
2908s over on Finland it gets kind of scary
2910s there for a minute there from Sweden
2912s because even though they had the
2913s ultimates to finally be a defensive
2915s Force towards the end of their spawn
2916s Cloud hitting some head shots on the
2918s Hanzo that Hanzo swap was paying
2920s dividends for Finland there for a good a
2922s good little second there but you know
2924s the old advantage and the spawn
2926s advantage that Sweden had was enough to
2927s stop the cart just shy of the full cap
2930s there this is still a tall task for
2933s Sweden though you know their dive
2934s compositions haven't always been the
2936s most coordinated like we saw you know in
2939s some parts here where they have been
2940s subsisting entirely off of just finding
2942s the pick-offs that they need to at the
2944s right time they have to get a little bit
2946s more than that they have to be a little
2947s bit more perfect than that on their
2949s attack if they want to try and push this
2951s all the way through and just like it
2953s happened with them you gotta expect that
2955s they might have to pay that deadly
2956s hanger tax where they're going to lose a
2958s lot of time on that hanger phase if they
2960s even get that far because there's always
2962s the possibility of a full hold Gibraltar
2964s is it's not an easy point to push all
2967s the way to the end there
2969s yeah it's definitely going to be really
2971s tough if they do shave off sometime
2973s Finland in this first checkpoint though
2977s they might be less adapt at the
2980s defensive hold in the airplane Hangar so
2982s it might all be about that hanger phase
2985s and to see if they can get it past that
2987s one
2988s we're gonna see that teleport play
2989s coming out from Sweden kevster on the on
2992s the Sim gonna go and teleport everyone
2993s to The High Ground and then make the
2995s swap now that everybody is nice and cozy
2998s over there but we've seen this be kind
3000s of a situation where these two teams are
3001s forced into choke points I think Finland
3003s is willing to give up a little bit of
3004s ground and just try and play back where
3006s they have a better angle to contest
3008s Finland here
3009s I'm sorry to contest Sweden Sweden gonna
3012s be looking for the dive and losis ready
3013s to go in
3015s yeah and the pressure on Finn's back
3017s line was one of the huge reasons they
3019s were able to solve so much during the
3021s hangar phase but they're fighting very
3023s hard to stop this checkpoint from going
3025s into the underpass it seems like they're
3027s going to just let it go and try and
3029s fight over on The High Ground sauna
3031s taking quite a bit of damage and force
3033s the recall but oh vestola coming in from
3035s behind onto lulzish and there just
3037s wasn't enough sustain for Sweden now
3040s it's just spark guard looking for a
3042s little bit of pot shots before those
3044s that tank gets back into the game yeah
3045s all the damage that sauna took they
3047s returned right back onto lulse's tenfold
3049s and just melt that monkey right down and
3052s yeah Sweden are stalled out here right
3054s now Finland have control of The High
3055s Ground Sweden no longer have that
3057s teleport that they can just get right
3058s back up to it so now they have to try
3060s and play the dive to contested sparker
3062s has to use the coach gun just to try and
3063s be with the team here and they're not
3066s able to get anything right you know they
3067s lose kevs are just trying to get in the
3069s Nano boost comes out onto vestola and
3071s yes Finland should be holding here
3074s yeah vestool is just able to get into
3077s that back line it's trying to bully hard
3079s but they're able to disengage
3081s successfully sauna on the other hand
3082s putting pressure onto sparker and that
3085s takes the ash out and has to send them
3087s back to spawn to walk back to the team
3089s they are able to stall out the cart once
3093s again stop it from pushing towards that
3094s checkpoint but low dish is in good
3096s position on The High Ground once again
3098s but still that damage from vessel is so
3100s overwhelming the little blasters at
3102s close range do so much even to someone
3105s with such a large household like Winston
3107s so it's that rally that's going to force
3109s them across the bridge into that little
3110s room to try and contest past the
3112s underpass the rally is countered by
3115s masa's own but Mick she is eliminated
3117s and that little bit of overheld onto
3120s style helps them with the sustain over
3122s on sweet inside and they're going to be
3124s able to decisively win this fight and
3125s push up to that checkpoint there may be
3128s some potential for a contest here if
3130s sana's able to get on the point and
3131s tries to go for it but asson is actually
3133s engaged in a little bit of a war with
3134s the back line there just Kyle trying to
3137s go for a little recall prediction there
3138s but yeah you do see vestola is on the
3140s point now Maza there but a beautiful
3142s name from style that might just melt the
3144s back line of all through is there Mickey
3146s just no not able to hold on
3148s yeah and sauna is just kind of trying to
3151s dance around style right now that Primal
3153s Rage Nano boost combo is looking for the
3156s back line and Masa Mickey both
3158s immediately taking out no sustain left
3160s and even Sana can't go for the contest
3163s with only one HP left over so it they
3167s used quite a few ultimates they used the
3169s Nano boost and the Primal Rage which are
3171s definitely huge in combination but
3173s lozish on a stagger kill onto sauna that
3176s means that they can easily contest this
3177s High Ground anger yeah they don't have
3180s to worry about Sonic being a pest in the
3181s back line just yet they have time to try
3183s and take this High round but the stolen
3185s knows the value and is not going to let
3186s lolces just exist up here for free
3188s because you don't want to have to deal
3190s with the monkey and the Raptors that's
3191s going to jump on your own backline here
3192s you want to be the one in the Raptors
3194s ready to pounce so you can see them
3195s trying to pressure Sweden back force
3198s them out a little bit and that Dragon
3199s strike is going to be a great way to
3200s flush them out of that room
3202s oh that Dragon strike because they were
3205s just all corralled into one chord or
3207s there was no way of avoiding it both the
3209s back lines of Sweden now taken down and
3212s Finland it's just having to be a
3214s disengaged Four Season they have to
3216s flush them out not kill them you didn't
3218s have to get a 2K with the dragon strike
3220s there Cloud but that's value that's so
3222s much more value than you could have
3223s asked because yeah that's a dead push
3225s now they have the control over the
3227s shuttle and it's Sweden are the ones on
3229s the outside looking in and sparker on
3231s the ash is gonna have a tough time
3232s finding an angle onto the uh onto the
3235s Finish Force up here on top of the
3236s shuttle especially when nades like that
3238s from Mickey keep coming out
3240s yeah the biotic nades are such a good
3243s stalling Force for Finland and it allows
3246s the Sola to just get in such good
3248s position oh Melon now down and they're
3250s missing that little bit of sustained
3252s sauna also winning the Tracer 1v1 and
3254s they're doing their best here to try and
3257s protect this Anna but the damage from
3258s the Tesla Cannon and loves it just
3261s immediately goes down with vistola
3263s brawling at close range and house
3266s Finland they are just looking really
3268s good on the hangar so far now pushing up
3270s further to try and hold a closer choke
3272s yeah they they look clean right their
3275s Dives just look so much more clean
3276s they're getting so much more value in
3278s every fight that Sweden invests in
3279s Ultimate ability in and isn't getting
3281s cart progress out of it is you know it's
3284s just a it's a lost investment you know
3286s we're just losing money on this we're
3288s falling flat here even though it was
3290s just a pulse bomb from kevster it still
3291s is something that you would like to have
3292s a tool that you're going to need pulse
3294s one coming out from sauna doesn't find
3296s anything but Finland can afford to spend
3298s like that right they have both support
3299s on the ultimate Hangouts they have the
3301s positioning it's on Sweden to dislodge
3303s them and they just can't
3306s and Sana that was such a good anti-naden
3309s combination with Sana just running up
3311s onto sparkar and that Tracer dancing
3313s around the ash can be so powerful for
3316s the back line of Finland now with two uh
3320s support ultimates coming up on finland's
3322s side as well as the self-destruct once
3324s again there's so much area control that
3326s can come through from Finland while on
3328s the other side they also have the
3329s nanoboost coming through but no tank
3331s ultimate it's going to have to be that
3333s Bob that makes up for basically the Lost
3335s space that that Sola can take with that
3338s self-destruct they're using their their
3341s rallies just to like engage there and I
3343s don't know if that's you know the
3345s highest value and it's not even enough
3346s to keep Moses alive so still no Primal
3348s Rage still no time we're under 30
3350s seconds that's another huge pickup from
3352s cloud and yeah Sweden are about to have
3355s four ultimates but you've lost one of
3356s your biggest defensive ultimates you
3359s have nearly every tool you want but you
3361s don't really have time 20 seconds here
3363s it's gonna have to be an overtime push
3365s all the way through hang interface this
3367s might just be where Sweden dies in this
3369s match
3370s yeah and this Hanzo switch has been
3372s getting them so much value because of
3374s how small the chokes are to get into the
3376s hanger and they can just do so much
3378s flushing out and get catch a lot of
3380s players out of position with the dragon
3382s strike it's a Primal Rage to finally
3384s come out of lull's Edition they're still
3385s contesting that card but the fight is
3388s happening in the airplane Hangar
3389s overhead spark are finally getting the
3392s best of cloud as well without the Hanzo
3394s or the dragon strike to find any value
3396s for the squad is self-destruct that's
3399s going to be the area control tool that
3400s they choose but kebster now finding
3403s Mickey in the back line and Sana unable
3405s to escape sparker's Bob they're able to
3408s overtime push all the way to that second
3410s checkpoint and find themselves with
3412s another minute and that was the Primal
3413s Rage from bols such as just popped
3415s everybody off of that High Ground Force
3417s that supports onto the low ground where
3418s they were susceptible to capster's pulse
3420s bomb and you saw Mickey got hit with it
3422s and that was what finally tipped Sweden
3424s over the edge there they can still do
3426s this but now they're in the same
3427s situation that they put Finland in where
3429s they have roughly A Min it to try and
3431s not entirely full cap here but to
3433s essentially full cap if they do that
3435s they win and we go 1-1 but you know
3437s we're on a razor's edge here this could
3439s literally go either way Style with the
3441s with the Nano boost can make the
3442s difference an early pick up from that
3444s was huge
3446s you have to sleep on The High Ground
3448s they're going to be able to just keep
3450s losish there for a second longer but
3453s Sweden is still getting so much push and
3455s forward power from so far but Mitchie
3458s with a huge anti-name once again Anna
3460s out of the back line but melon and Kev
3462s star are not gonna let that one slide
3465s the back line of Finland has just
3466s completely been melted and shredded away
3469s from the squad now if without the
3471s sustain vestola has also Fallen I mean
3474s this all looks good for Sweden right
3475s because they're able to keep things
3476s going but they're only really just now
3478s getting that cart around the corner here
3480s 20 seconds and like I said it's going to
3482s be an overtime push and Finland has
3484s tools to stall this out Sweden like they
3487s have to find something like Lil such has
3489s to go nutty with the Primal here they
3491s can't lose spark or solo with the pulse
3493s bomb thankfully but kevster needs to
3495s find some value with his
3497s capster looking for that stick on the
3500s pulse bomb and just trying to harass
3502s that stole it from contesting contesting
3505s the checkpoint there's the dragon strike
3507s though it forces them to stop contest
3509s for a second and almost a kill there
3511s with the pulse bomb but unfortunately
3513s Moss is going to be able to stay
3515s aliveish on the other hand looking
3517s pretty low and it doesn't seem like
3519s Skiles going to be able to get that
3521s Health on and with only melon as the
3523s other support coming back on the Lucio
3525s there's no way to push it any further
3527s Sweden fall 2-0 to Finland on wall Point
3531s Gibraltar there were some signs of Life
3533s there from Sweden I think you know we
3535s saw something a little bit better for
3536s them than we have in the past this was
3538s uh you know better than expected but
3540s still kind of falling a little bit short
3542s I think they're like a couple inches
3544s away from putting all the pieces
3545s together and making it all fit into one
3547s beautiful picture but you know the
3549s picture that's being painted by Finland
3550s right now is just so much cleaner so
3552s much nicer so many more happy trees so
3555s many more decisive team fight wins that
3557s are coming out out of these Dives so
3558s much more value that's coming out of
3560s ultimates like that 2K Dragon strike
3562s from cloud earlier you know Dragon
3564s strike at this stage of the game at this
3565s level of play isn't typically supposed
3567s to net you like multiple kills like you
3569s maybe get one straggler but it's
3570s normally used just to force positioning
3572s right like you don't want to just like
3573s you you move out of the way unless
3576s you're in a position where you simply
3577s can't but Finland put them in that room
3579s and said this is where you die and the
3581s dragon strike was just you know just
3584s what came through and ended up ended up
3586s taking it but you know it's just Finland
3588s overall just looking like I said more of
3591s a refined product Sweden I wouldn't
3593s count them out entirely but they still
3596s have some work to do if they want to try
3597s and claim one of these playoff spots
3599s yeah and I'm in Sweden it's another 2-0
3602s loss as well you can see why they picked
3604s watch points for alter you can see that
3606s they had a set play in mind especially
3609s when it came to that hanger phase like
3611s the first checkpoint was a little bit
3612s weaker for Sweden sure but it was such a
3615s good stall over here in Hangar of almost
3617s four minutes I believe only for Finland
3620s to get to that point in overtime but
3623s they were still able to push a little
3624s bit further on the first checkpoint and
3626s I feel like so much of their game plan
3628s was riding on the fact that they would
3630s be able to stall in Hangar yeah and like
3633s being able for Sweden being able to
3635s stall out Finland as long as they did on
3637s Hangar was definitely not Finland
3639s dropping the bag that was Sweden making
3641s the right plays that they needed to do
3643s we just need to see more of that
3644s consistency come out from them but when
3646s Finland were stalling out Sweden on
3649s Sweden's attack it was again just that
3651s Finland were so much more decisive yeah
3653s they were also making the right plays
3655s but also being just that much more
3657s emphatic with some of those plays and
3660s that just kind of carried on through
3661s kept the momentum going there was a
3663s chance that Sweden could have capped
3665s that and we might have been going 1-1
3666s but you know early pickoffs onto the
3668s supports at the very end spelled
3669s disaster for Sweden and that's just one
3672s of those things right like you can't
3673s lose your supports early that's your
3674s whole Lifeline you know you saw like
3676s moments where Kev star has to go get a
3678s mini health pack because you know uh
3680s skile and melon had both Fallen you know
3683s too much pressure from Dragon strikes
3684s too much pressure from sauna sauna by
3686s the way has been very impressive for
3688s Finland in uh in both series you know we
3690s talked about how he's not always getting
3692s the most Play Time on Florida Mayhem but
3694s he's definitely someone who's lurking on
3695s that roster that could help them help
3698s take them a little bit more over the
3699s edge if the meta favors it yeah put Sana
3701s in you know can I get a can I get Albert
3704s yeah on the phone can we like talk about
3705s this can we get Sada some playtime here
3707s on Florida Mayhem because he's looking
3708s pretty solid he's definitely hanging
3711s with kevsta right now and at times
3712s besting kevster
3714s yeah I mean Sana was such a huge thorn
3717s in their side right at the very end
3719s there and it also the clouds switch on
3722s to the Hanzo we were talking about this
3723s a dragon strike but also Cloud on the
3726s even on the Sombra was being a huge
3729s thorn in the back line and the solo was
3731s so ready to follow up every single time
3734s perhaps there will be another day but we
3736s do not get the chance to taste sweet
3737s victory on this day so
3740s it's gonna be uh that's gonna be it for
3741s these guys here we're gonna have to toss
3743s it over to a quick break but when we
3745s come back we'll be ready for our second
3746s game of the day which is going to be
3748s Norway versus Germany don't go anywhere
3750s we'll be right back with that one stay
3751s tuned
3754s [Music]
3770s laughs
3778s [Music]
3801s [Music]
3824s thank you
3831s [Music]
3846s foreign
3848s [Music]
3890s [Music]
3907s thank you
3922s [Music]
3925s [Applause]
3925s [Music]
3939s thank you
3942s [Music]
3958s foreign
3962s [Music]
3970s welcome back day two of the OverWatch
3972s World Cup 2023 online qualifiers for
3975s emec continues now I'm Jim Basco of
3977s course joined by epitomees and CB we
3979s just watched Sweden or rather Finland go
3982s to over Sweden and now we're into match
3984s two where we've got both Norway going up
3986s against Germany both of these teams
3988s yesterday went 2-0 on the day they're
3991s gonna go head to head right now CB how
3993s are you feeling post that first match
3996s let's talk about Sweden versus Finland
3997s first wasn't everything that you
3998s expected I I
4003s like kind of Sweden but it's kind of
4005s what I expected based on what we saw
4006s from both of these two teams yesterday
4007s you know we definitely saw more life in
4010s finland's defeat from Saudi Arabia than
4011s we did from uh Sweden's defeat to the
4014s hands of Norway which I think is a great
4016s transition into our next match here
4018s which is going to be Norway versus
4020s Germany because Norway looks pretty
4022s impressive in that game I think more so
4023s than some people thought so you know
4027s epitome you know lead the way here
4029s Norway too over Sweden Germany 2-0 over
4032s Iceland now these two teams get to go
4034s head to head and of course if we're
4035s looking at the group B standings right
4037s Finland skyrocketed to the first place
4039s right now Germany and Norway tied for
4041s second here or you know in a three-way
4044s tie Germany Norway and turkey all at one
4046s and oh so you know the top contenders
4048s for this group going head to head to
4049s head here epitome is how are you feeling
4051s about this matchup between these two
4052s Titans I definitely felt like Germany
4055s yesterday though they did have a really
4057s decisive win over Iceland Iceland you
4060s know having that um that veteran of half
4063s a cool to lead their squad on the tank
4065s and it just didn't go in there uh go in
4068s their favor that yesterday for Iceland
4070s but Germany they definitely seemed very
4072s coordinated they felt very very decisive
4075s on everything that they wanted to do and
4077s every objective that they secured was
4079s very intentional
4080s um but it also did feel a little bit
4082s Stompy for Germany yesterday and I feel
4084s like if they're going against a team
4086s like Norway today who is definitely a
4089s lot more coordinated than what we saw
4090s from Iceland which is a lot of fresher
4092s faces and more unknown names than Norway
4094s who you know a lot of the names that are
4097s on this team they are very familiar to
4098s people that are fans of the OverWatch
4100s scene so this is a harder matchup for
4102s Germany and Norway they were definitely
4104s confronted with a little bit of a
4107s challenge with Sweden yesterday like
4109s what we saw just in this match earlier
4110s absolutely let's go ahead and take a
4113s look at the match schedules for today of
4115s course we were just talking about Norway
4116s versus Germany that's going to be right
4118s off of we just came hot off of Finland
4120s versus Sweden then later today we get to
4123s see Saudi Arabia versus Iceland bound to
4125s be a great game as well followed by
4127s Belgium versus Spain France versus
4129s Portugal we have who we have not had the
4131s pleasure of seeing Play Just Yet Italy
4134s versus the Netherlands and then we round
4135s out our day at 12 p.m Pacific with Great
4138s Britain versus Denmark a team that has
4140s yet to play as well so with so much
4142s still to come epitomies and CB I'm going
4145s to leave y'all to this Norway enjoy
4146s imagine I'll see you guys afterwards
4149s all right thank you so much Jim and you
4152s know like we said before you know
4153s Germany had a pretty uh easy day
4156s yesterday they were very very decisive
4159s very dominant but Norway they were
4161s against Sweden it might have showed a
4163s little bit more signs of life in
4164s Norway's matchup against Sweden so CB do
4167s you have any thoughts on who you might
4169s think who what do you think you might
4172s see in this next message I I'm expecting
4175s this to be a Norway dub honestly you
4176s know I think Germany did kind of you
4179s know surpass expectations a little bit
4180s but it was also kind of Iceland not
4183s really meeting their own expectations
4184s whereas Norway was more impressive than
4187s people thought that they were going to
4188s be going up against Sweden a team that
4190s people did think was going to be more
4192s impressive obviously yellow now we know
4194s Sweden is kind of still trying to piece
4196s things together but Norway people are
4198s surprised with how well things came
4200s together that that only God's psycho DPS
4202s line impressed me heavily and I do
4204s expect to see more of that going forward
4206s I I feel like this is norways to win but
4209s Germany can still pull out uh pull out
4211s some big stuff here definitely make a
4213s case and give us some more data overall
4215s for how groupie is going to shake out
4217s because these are two teams that are
4218s still kind of like middle of the pack
4220s potentially gunning for one of those two
4222s spots here we'll have to find out
4224s absolutely man that composition like you
4226s mentioned that came out from Norway
4228s yesterday we know only God for his
4229s projectile play but that hit scan was so
4232s good and they were running so much
4233s pressure with that comp so with that
4236s said for real this time tala I'd rather
4239s epitome using CB I'll see you guys after
4241s this game all right thank you thank you
4244s so much Jim for real this time and you
4246s know talking about Norway versus Germany
4249s once again only god with the projectile
4250s played like Jim mentioned but the hit
4252s scan was so good and oding God is also
4254s just a staple of Norway's World Cup
4257s teams as well playing previously from
4259s 2016 all the way through 2019 every
4262s single OverWatch World Cup had this
4264s player yeah he's a he's a name that a
4267s lot of like veteran OverWatch players
4268s and OverWatch fans will definitely
4270s recognize from World Cup's past and you
4273s know made made quite the statement back
4275s in the day in contenders playing
4276s alongside kevster that DPS Duo was
4279s absolutely insane was just wreaking
4281s havoc over the EU Contender scene you
4283s know they eventually both found their
4284s way to the OverWatch league and things
4286s didn't quite shake out as good for
4288s onigod as they did for kepster but the
4290s talent was always there he was leading
4292s the Dallas fuel through some dark times
4293s and was able to you know still keep up
4296s with the rest of the pack so the fact
4298s that he's still got it should really not
4301s surprise anybody but still kind of is
4303s right like you know not somebody that we
4305s were really expecting and again I also
4307s want to highlight psycho because psycho
4309s was also making some big plays also
4311s definitely keeping up his end of the
4312s bargain on this DPS front line from
4314s Norway and I think if this team as a
4316s collector as a collective continues to
4319s play you know didn't you just play like
4321s this they are definitely looking like
4322s potential candidates for those two spots
4326s yeah and then in this matchup over on
4328s the other side for Germany there is a
4331s lot of EU contenders Talent especially
4333s finishing in those top eight spots right
4335s like we mentioned yesterday we have a
4338s lot of representation from sheer cold
4340s over on Germany's side we have
4342s representation from like SRP check
4344s raspberry Racers but over on the other
4347s side psycho like you mentioned he plays
4349s damage for x oblivione and they play
4351s second in the EU contenders so it's just
4353s like that contender's talent coming
4355s together and I Feel Like Only God and
4356s psycho they have such a strong DPS line
4359s like you said and we have to see if they
4362s gel as well over here on Germany's side
4364s yeah Germany the nation that brought us
4366s the Beloved internet Hulk and
4367s everybody's favorite Giga Chad Reinhardt
4370s hottie chatty as you all know and love
4372s them the I think this squad is
4374s continuing that Legacy very well for the
4376s German uh World Cup teams Phi has
4378s definitely been a highlight for this
4380s squad but like as a collective like I
4382s said I felt earlier on yesterday that
4384s they might be kind of bits and pieces
4387s from various parts of the EUC and all
4389s kind of slapped together to see what
4391s sticks but a lot more stuck than I think
4393s I was expecting personally so there's
4395s still a threat there's still somebody
4397s that some of these teams in this group
4398s are going to have to watch out for and
4400s it's not going to be an easy day for
4402s normally or for Norway at least I don't
4404s think I but I'm still kind of expecting
4407s Norway to walk away with it we'll have
4408s to see Nepal is going to be a great
4410s place to kind of uh get some more
4412s answers so to speak about these two
4414s teams
4416s yeah Nepal I mean usually we see lijong
4418s tower all the way every single first map
4421s but Nepal definitely feels like a little
4422s bit of a breath of fresh air and it also
4425s opens up a few different team calms on
4427s the different maps that we see here
4430s I'm again going to be kind of looking at
4432s Village to be where things shake out
4434s because we did see Germany play uh this
4436s map it was the only time we didn't see
4437s lijong Tower was in Germany's match
4439s yesterday yeah and you know I there was
4441s a lot of like May compositions on the
4443s point that
4446s and like on Village that's a really
4449s tough nut to crack you know because you
4450s have to try and go in with like afaro or
4452s something that can poke around at some
4454s of those angles and get some damage in
4456s there blow up the turrets avoid the May
4458s walls but you were just seeing people
4459s being like sectioned off completely and
4461s unable to participate and you know Phi
4463s was a huge part of that and if that
4465s keeps up then it might be something that
4467s uh that Norway has to try and you know
4470s they might have to crack the code here
4471s solve The Da Vinci Code to try and get
4473s Germany off of that point there and I'm
4475s seeing a couple of uh a couple inklings
4478s of that same composition on Germany's
4480s side so yeah we're starting as we mean
4484s to go on here I assume I'm gonna go for
4486s another Sim TP over to the point and uh
4488s yeah Germany should be looking to get
4490s the early cap here but Isaac on the
4494s doomfist is an interesting and only got
4497s on the junk rat Norway what are you
4499s cooking yeah Norway is definitely
4501s chefing something up in the kitchen
4503s right now and you know the back line of
4505s the Zenyatta Anna I mean with the
4507s Discord orb and anti-nades they've done
4511s a lot of damage in the past we saw it
4512s yesterday but oh I what are they doing
4515s I'm just waiting for the point to go
4518s avoiding a fight with the Reinhardt
4520s shield and then they're going to go
4521s ahead and have that first capture on the
4524s point as well Germany they do lose Sue
4527s cracks pretty early though and obviously
4528s the Sleep onto hitori in the combination
4530s with that biotic nade is going to do
4533s quite a bit of damage Norway they have
4536s no problem going into this fight they
4537s still have their back line alive as well
4540s and the contest is going to come through
4542s for a second but Norway quickly flips
4544s that point after maybe a little bit of a
4547s Cheesy play from Germany at the
4549s beginning so I mean this this
4551s composition from Norway like it looks
4553s crazy right but it actually worked out
4555s well the spam damage from the junkrat
4557s pipes forced Germany to play and that
4559s other little cubby off of the point for
4561s just a little bit and by the time
4562s they're actually able to get the TP onto
4564s the point they taking too much damage
4565s Isaac can just go in and mop up along
4567s with psycho and now Germany their cop is
4570s great at holding the point but not so
4571s great at recapping it
4573s okay well Norway they've definitely done
4576s their VOD review because using the
4577s junkrat to destroy the shield of the
4580s Reinhardt as well as that slash damage
4582s taking out so much of maze utility and
4585s those symmetra turrets it is so huge for
4587s Norway holding on to this point and also
4589s presenting Germany from going on for the
4591s recap and this is also something that
4593s like there's no there's no way Germany
4595s has scrimmed against this there's no way
4596s they're gonna know like where Isaac is
4598s gonna come from here there's no way
4599s they're gonna know like you know that
4602s only God has the rip tire and that
4603s that's going to be coming as they try to
4604s go on to the point here here it comes
4607s yeah and on to the point and they've
4609s also been anti that's a huge biotic nade
4612s from nemio and unfortunately there's not
4615s gonna be the rip Tire Damage but they
4617s have to force out the sound barrier
4619s dropping the beat to try and save the
4620s team the overhealth does come through
4622s but they're just going to wait it out
4624s and hitori is immediately taken out
4626s after that they're not aware of all the
4628s traps that are being placed on the floor
4629s as well they just don't seem to be
4632s looking to destroy the things that are
4634s on the floor and owning God is being
4636s such a menace and a thorn in Germany's
4638s side I mean the only things on the floor
4639s now are Germany's bodies they're able to
4641s flip the point there for just a little
4642s bit but they only sneak away with 10
4644s before Norway flip it right back over
4646s and we're approaching one fight
4648s territory JP has a Transcendence and
4650s Germany might be able to cook something
4652s up with this blizzard but Isaac is not
4653s going to let them sit comfortably
4655s oh and the meteor strike comes through
4658s getting a bit of damage off but there's
4660s a huge charge from story in order to
4662s neutralize Isaac and now being able to
4664s set up shop here on the point is going
4666s to make it easier for Germany to flip
4668s that point over and defend there's a
4670s Teleport to try and get themselves on
4672s The High Ground once again and now it's
4673s just holding through the main choke
4675s point with the turrets but but this is
4677s not where their composition wants to be
4678s right they want to be taking fights on
4680s the point they don't want to have to
4681s hold this High round but if they stay on
4683s the point they're susceptible to the
4684s spam damage from only God they can't
4686s stay up they can't stay in there
4688s comfortably they have to drop in and try
4690s and take a fight with them now and you
4692s know maybe a may walk can still section
4693s people off but that nade is everything
4696s mimio has been Landing nade after Nate
4699s after Nate and it's been huge cycle
4701s though that is such a large pulse bomb
4704s for Norway to try and flip this point
4706s over hitori still in play though they're
4709s able to damage that shield and get it
4710s out in the pulse
4712s they're just so good the pulse pistols
4716s are doing so much damage Transcendence
4718s comes through and they're just gonna go
4720s ahead try and harass this may out of the
4721s fight fi goes down with blizzard in the
4724s back pocket but Germany they make good
4726s progress on this objective before this
4728s is being able to flipped over not only
4731s do they make good progress but they're
4732s able to hold on to the beat and the
4733s blizzard it's gonna be dicey there's
4735s only 10 left eight now if someone's able
4737s to get a touch they might be able to
4739s make something happen but I mean
4740s Norway's not gonna let that happen the
4742s rip Tire to try and cut them off at the
4743s passatori can't touch
4745s I mean taking the tank out even if they
4748s were able to touch during that fight it
4751s would have forced Satori to likely
4753s switch to a more mobile tank get to the
4754s point faster and I'm not sure it would
4756s have worked with Germany's comb either
4758s way Norway they were so decisive every
4761s single thing they done was very
4762s intentional and it's very clear that
4764s they've also done a lot of VOD review
4767s and I don't really trust picks in
4770s pre-round 90 of the time but is Isaac
4773s actually going to go for the JQ since we
4776s did already see him go for the doomfist
4777s and I didn't trust him then either I
4779s I've never tasted Norwegian cheese
4781s before but I can guarantee you Germany
4782s does not like the taste of it right now
4784s I think Isaac might stay on the junker
4787s Queen this might be another Scout they
4788s might have saw Germany wanting to play
4790s you know the dive composition here on
4792s Shrine and so playing a counter dive
4794s composition with the junker Queen
4796s interesting picks with the May and the
4798s echo Mercy this is again this is not
4801s something that I would have ever dreamed
4803s you know in my wildest fever dreams but
4807s I mean I trust Norway to make it work
4808s yeah after the last round why not
4811s yeah it seems like they've been doing
4812s their homework studying up and really
4814s trying to counter the dive composition
4816s that Germany is bringing to Shrine and
4819s this is definitely really scary for
4822s Germany as well getting a taste of this
4824s cheese medicine that Norway has been
4826s throwing at them and now the May Oni God
4829s now isolating the Winston from the
4832s wrestle Squad and stopping the jump
4833s through as well able to keep Oni God
4836s alive for a second but five is actually
4838s going to be the one to capitalize with
4840s the pick off on mimio psycho without the
4842s mercy pocket now when rapid trying
4844s taking down eyes like as well without
4846s the follow-up there without the double
4848s support line it's a real struggle for uh
4851s Germany or Norway to keep their players
4854s in the fight yeah so the mimio psycho
4856s portion of this composition ends up
4858s being kind of a weak point because you
4860s know you have Norway J or so you have
4862s Isaac JP and one God all isolated on the
4864s point where they're trying to hold kind
4866s of like Germany did on uh on Village
4868s there but if you just click the wings of
4870s the echo Mercy suddenly you don't have
4872s to worry about sticky bombs coming down
4874s from above and you can now sit
4876s comfortably on the point for just a
4877s little bit here but not for too long
4879s Isaac is already on the point pumping in
4881s some damage here at close distance
4882s making atori's life miserable
4885s yeah so-called free thinkers when they
4888s see a Winston playing the junker Queen
4890s here but where you gotta see if this
4892s psycho mimio can come out on top because
4895s I mean the dive composition it can still
4897s make Mercy freeze out uh vulnerable if
4899s you can capture grounded but Hattori is
4902s caught out of position and Isaac is
4903s easily able to take that out now the
4905s duplicate from the psycho making two
4907s tanks into the fight from Norway but
4910s there's that anti-nade that gets a lot
4912s of damage down onto Isaac it's a little
4914s bit of a retreat but the Primal Rage on
4916s the duplicated psycho is going to make
4919s it so this fight is won for Norway
4921s forcing the back into their spawn once
4923s again rapid caught out of position and
4925s it's just that Winston freshly returning
4927s from Spawn psycho with a straight sight
4929s line into it and perhaps a little greedy
4932s there from hitori to try and go that
4933s deep without having the Primal Rage
4935s might have been trying to farm for it
4936s but we'll have it for this next fight
4938s but Norway have the point they're over
4940s 50 percent now they're going to have a
4942s blizzard I I'm kind of looking right now
4944s at qrsu with the MP to try and be the
4946s Difference Maker hopefully try and catch
4948s the echo Mercy combo out of the sky and
4950s you know again clip their wings so that
4952s they can take a three uh 3v5 on the
4955s point here but you know they have to try
4957s and like identify that they have to be
4958s able to catch psycho out
4961s oh the blizzard here from Norway could
4964s be huge able to find Sue cracks taking
4966s down the back line of Germany and really
4968s all the burst healing that they have and
4970s mimio with a huge Resurrection onto
4973s Isaac by switching on to that sojourn to
4975s try and get the railgun shots out and
4977s take down to the psycho nemio uh DPS
4980s line but JP just going to go ahead with
4984s the Swift step and suzu to keep the team
4987s alive JP's doing a great job of keeping
4990s everyone topped off as well on only the
4992s kiriko not a lot of burst feeling here
4994s but still doing work katori however
4996s finally finding Isaac and JP being a
4999s consequence and a casualty of the fight
5003s see mimio with the uh with the valkyrie
5006s there and psycho has the duplicate now
5007s but I don't think they want to invest it
5009s here I think they just want to try and
5010s farm up for some more ultimates 43 for
5012s Germany who is going to flip the point
5013s here in Norway have some time to build
5016s back up to something that can be a
5017s threat here but they you know can't let
5019s Germany start to sneak away with it
5020s because this it's still a scrappy team
5022s and you know this Norwegian comp as
5024s unorthodox as it is it's finding a lot
5027s of value but that yeah that might run
5029s short they might stop running out of
5030s value once Germany finally cracks the
5032s code on this one only God gets caught
5034s out that's gonna be some percentage over
5036s to Germany for free there
5038s and now the railgun ready for Phi as
5041s well right the soldier and railgun
5042s brought out specifically to counter
5045s these two birds that are kind of
5046s harassing them from above the ash
5048s couldn't do the job you know with the
5050s dynamite you kind of still have to be
5051s focusing on shooting down from The High
5054s Ground instead of looking up here but
5055s sojourn with a lot more Mobility is able
5058s to kind of counter that a little bit
5059s better with especially now that the
5061s railgun is active the overclock does
5064s come through the duplicate comes out for
5065s a second there but psycho is just
5067s immediately taken down there's the
5069s railgun that we were talking so much
5070s about the double shots onto psycho to
5073s neutralize the duplicate ultimate and
5075s now Norway they are at a deficit they
5077s are missing their players they still
5079s need to come back into the game it's a
5080s brigitta switch so not without the mercy
5082s pocket and they are able to get a touch
5084s in from Isaac but it's going to be short
5087s live as that Winston is trying to bounce
5089s the rest of the support line back and
5091s isolate Isaac from the rest of the team
5093s psycho now going to come in hot from
5095s above the Hattori taking down nimio and
5098s that all left up to JP to try and keep
5100s the team sustained a bit of overhealth
5102s from the commanding shout but there's
5104s the anti-name from Isaac to force them
5106s to dance around the pillar the suzu does
5108s come through quickly and there is the
5111s um oh my gosh there's a cure to all of
5114s it as well yeah the Kitsune Rush coming
5116s through from Norway and it's enough to
5118s flip from the point and Germany can't
5119s contest again they lost hitori early who
5121s once again went in after the Primal Rage
5123s expired this time definitely didn't have
5125s it got caught out got punished for it
5128s and
5129s Norway just capitalized off of that like
5131s Germany had a chance to claw themselves
5133s back in it was getting Scrappy there
5135s that play from Phi without overclock
5137s that damn near secured it for them but
5139s it just wasn't enough Norway refusing to
5141s go away and they're able to flip it back
5143s right out from under Germany's nose and
5145s take you know take Nepal 2-0
5148s you know but honestly that felt like so
5151s much longer and more competitive than a
5154s just a normal control map it just felt
5156s very very close obviously that first one
5158s it was a little bit more smashy from
5161s Norway definitely doing a lot of
5162s studying up on Germany's side but when
5165s it came to that second round they were
5167s able to get so much closer and they were
5169s really cracking the code and starting to
5170s adapt and instead of playing their set
5172s comps and Germany they really had such
5174s good glimmers of life so now with their
5176s map pick being up next I'm wondering
5178s what they're going to take us to and if
5180s they're going to be able to get a lot
5182s more value out of that next map yeah I
5185s don't know like I don't know if I'm
5186s ready to say that Norway looked like the
5188s better team but they definitely look
5189s like the sillier team and silliness is
5191s King today it seems because they're able
5193s to take Nepal from Germany off of a
5196s chunk rat doomfist composition on Nepal
5200s Village Shore why not and then Joker
5203s Queen Echo May on on Shrine of all maps
5207s Shrine is a very like a neutral point
5209s where you know you're typically going to
5211s see like a rush V rush or a dive B dive
5213s but they just throw the mirror right out
5215s the window and go for something no one
5217s would ever mirror and they're able to
5218s take that point there yeah in Norway we
5221s get silly and it works I mean there's
5223s enough life in this German team for them
5225s to try and make a comeback here and with
5227s their map pick they should be able to
5228s but I mean for all the studying that
5231s Norway has done to pull out some of
5233s these comps I want to see what they come
5235s out with on a hybrid and or escort map
5237s here so uh Germany the balls in your
5239s court will have to see what you pick
5242s yeah Germany I hope that we aren't going
5245s to be able to see something cool out of
5247s them as well and you know they've also
5250s been adapting really well so if they see
5252s another Norway cheese comp who knows
5254s what they'll bring
5255s I like the adaptations but that
5257s Norwegian cheese was just the appetizer
5259s stay tuned for the main course right
5261s after this break
5263s [Music]
5281s foreign
5284s [Music]
5303s [Music]
5330s foreign
5331s [Music]
5353s foreign
5356s [Music]
5372s [Music]
5395s foreign
5398s [Music]
5424s foreign
5430s [Music]
5453s thank you
5465s [Music]
5481s it's only day two of the OverWatch World
5484s Cup emec qualifiers and we are already
5488s getting into some really spicy matches
5490s early into the day I'm epitome is joined
5493s by CB and we are currently on map 2 of
5496s Norway versus Germany where we just came
5499s back from shrine yeah there's a there's
5502s some creative minds at work on team
5504s Norway's coaching staff right now to say
5506s the least whatever compositions they're
5508s cooking seem either tailor-made to just
5511s throw a wrench into everything Germany
5513s wants to do or just good old-fashioned
5516s cheese that Germany just can't prepare
5518s themselves for but it is Germany's map
5520s pick so they do have the opportunity to
5521s do a little bit of foresight a little
5523s bit of pre-planning and maybe take us to
5525s a map that Norway doesn't have a an
5528s answer for or maybe Norway does maybe
5530s they've studied things maybe they
5531s understand what Germany wants to play on
5534s these maps and will know how to continue
5536s to counter pick them and it's going to
5538s be blizzard world that Germany is taking
5540s us to here I I think this is what they
5543s played yesterday so I feel like Norway
5545s might actually have an answer
5547s yeah I believe this is what they played
5549s yesterday so I mean Norway they've
5551s clearly done all odd reviewing that they
5554s possibly can and they're like yeah we're
5556s comfortable with playing these types of
5558s compositions and yesterday is it a diva
5561s comp that they were playing around I
5563s believe it was I believe it had to do
5565s with a diva dive comp yeah and like Diva
5568s dive comps tend to be very PR uh very
5571s prevalent on blizzard world I think you
5573s know that first point trying to take
5574s that High Ground behind the point or
5575s control the one uh you know just a
5578s little bit in front of it that overlooks
5579s the choke point I think taking either of
5581s those High grounds are very important
5582s for an attacking team otherwise you're
5584s just kind of stuck in that brawl on the
5586s point that seems to never end until
5587s something inevitably finally dies
5589s picture poison on that one we can you
5592s know maybe see junker Queen come out
5593s again we could see that Diva dive
5595s continue to come through but you know I
5598s wouldn't speculate based on like what
5600s we've seen when it comes to team Norway
5601s because they're probably about to show
5603s us something we've never seen they could
5605s also do the ultimate you know the
5607s ultimate Troll and just come out with
5609s something like buy the book meta that I
5611s wouldn't expect after the fact but you
5613s know you you never know like what they
5615s showed us on the ball like you can't you
5617s can't predict this team
5621s yeah it's really hard to say
5623s well I mean
5626s I know the life Weaver is a lie you see
5630s they're in the attack spawns you can't
5633s do this to me I know you're lying but I
5636s think that's what's up
5639s I just you know I have trust issues but
5642s on the Germany side you see that rapid
5644s has gone for the mercy pick which is
5647s really interesting because they are not
5648s really going for like a bird composition
5651s but they still have that Mercy there and
5653s over here on Norway side they have only
5655s God on the May it was a tour of yarn for
5658s a second but obviously never trust the
5660s attackers and it seems like they're also
5662s going for that Echo Mercy once again
5664s yeah this is the same comp that we saw
5666s on Shrine so I guess this is what they
5668s are trying to play as their more neutral
5669s kind of meta composition right now and
5671s trxu never saw the kunai coming the res
5674s coming through for it but that's already
5676s the rest off the field so you don't
5677s really have to worry so much about that
5678s Mercy pocketed Ash anymore because yeah
5681s now you're only down to just the one
5682s life
5683s yeah and Sue craft is absorbing a lot of
5686s pressure here from the echo as well
5688s they've been backed up out hopefully
5690s because this really just sitting here
5691s trying to protect over on The High
5693s Ground but cure XU has been able to take
5696s down only God and psycho now with the
5698s DPS line out they're still able to get
5700s the Reds off onto psycho though that
5702s Mercy pocket coming in clutch here and
5704s still being able to keep that Echo
5706s topped off the anti-nate is going to be
5708s the nail in the coffin though and five
5710s finishes off the kill now mimio looking
5712s for a place to escape to JP's still by
5714s their side so that support line is still
5717s alive and JP is actually looking to get
5719s some damage off on defy looking for the
5721s 1v1 and the DPS kiriko but it's not
5724s gonna work out here Isaac however will
5726s take a whole boatload of damage from
5728s five
5728s but like in that fight psycho was
5730s putting out so much pressure that Norway
5732s nearly took the point they have two
5733s ticks they don't have to do a lot to you
5736s know finish the cap here but they're
5737s probably gonna want to go and take a
5738s mulligan back out and you know think
5740s about it a little bit because they've
5742s lost mimeo so there's not gonna be that
5743s support for psycho there only God
5745s overstays his welcome just a little bit
5747s Germany though they had three ultimates
5750s and they expended them all just on the
5751s cleanup there you know they're gonna
5753s have the Bob now but I think you would
5755s have liked to keep like the valkyrie at
5757s least maybe yeah and that katsune Rush
5760s is going to be really oppressive when it
5762s comes to resting up onto this point
5764s especially with the junker Queen to push
5766s that tempo for Norway and Germany they
5769s are forcing themselves through the choke
5771s point with the Bob in order to try and
5773s get some value early Isaac obviously
5775s brought really low but the points are
5778s the point to help that but the oh they
5781s literally just let that point go they
5783s didn't even try to contest it and
5785s there's a duplicate to come through from
5786s psycho you know with the Tracer as well
5788s and I think psycho could probably even
5790s get another pulse bomb off if they were
5793s still actively firing on all cylinders
5795s but instead the disengage has come
5797s through from Germany and most of them
5798s sent back to spawn and payload pushing
5800s to the second checkpoint I mean and
5802s that's the same way that they took that
5804s early 91 right like Norway just kind of
5806s stand on the point while psycho
5807s distracts everybody and the rest of
5809s Norway just stays there like surely
5811s they'll come down on us any minute now
5812s right like surely they'll come down and
5814s Contest no I guess we just take point a
5817s now so now they're gonna be able to
5818s start trudging through point B for free
5820s Germany has the opportunity to at least
5822s set up on this High ground but you know
5824s we've seen how they handle High grounds
5825s thus far they're gonna have to drop at
5827s some point in time or try to keep the
5829s pickoffs coming
5831s and when it comes to High Ground Norway
5834s really Reigns Supreme that junker Queen
5836s coming through with a rampage and it
5838s just gets so much value for Norway
5840s forces Germany back almost all the way
5843s into their spawn and onigo is looking to
5845s keep pushing forward with this Tracer by
5848s almost getting stuck here but it's not
5850s going to look uh work out it normally
5853s looked really practiced on this comp
5854s like they understand the win conditions
5856s all the time that's a great pick up
5857s there onto JP that might kind of slow
5859s things down and force Norway to reassess
5861s but you know they were at least we're a
5862s little bit able to capture that high
5864s ground but using the Rampage onto the
5865s back line of Germany Germany is also
5868s doing a lot of damage and building up to
5869s a lot of ultimate abilities and Norway
5871s are still weathering the storm which
5873s speaks a lot to Norway's just
5875s understanding of how to play this comp
5876s the problem though is that Germany is
5878s about to have nearly all five olfs and
5880s they're about to have a spawn advantage
5881s and this is where things get a little
5883s dicey especially when you're considering
5885s like psycho just has to fly through the
5887s sky at Germany where he's gonna be
5889s picked off you know picked at by the
5892s Anna back here sucrax and by qrxu on the
5894s ash he's gonna have a hard time getting
5896s into this back line to really be the
5898s thorn in Germany's side that he needs to
5900s be
5901s yeah the support ultimates being built
5903s up now psycho also almost to the
5906s duplicate once again and there's that
5908s Valkyrie to try and force the fight
5910s forward it's really looking for the
5912s value on the team damage boost as well
5914s but the healing is just so powerful for
5917s the sucrose being tucked away able to
5919s have a good sight line and the Bob now
5921s forcing a disengage Norway very smart to
5924s try and kite away from this team here
5927s when the Bob is out but Isaac goes to
5929s sleep Escape they are just going through
5931s enough sleep oh if I'm so Crux right now
5934s I'm flaming Alex how dare you wake up
5936s that Tracer I had her dead to rights but
5939s I mean Germany are playing this really
5940s well that was a great trade for them you
5942s know both teams invest the uh invest of
5944s Valkyrie but Germany's able to win that
5946s fight out with just the Bob and they
5947s hold on to everything else Norway has a
5949s lot but is it going to be enough to
5951s overcome the defender spawn Advantage
5953s here at the end of point B blizzard
5954s world it's really difficult to get the
5956s cap here it almost feels like you know
5958s remnants are trying to cap two CP with
5960s how quickly and how like how quickly all
5962s the Defenders can get back to the fight
5963s and keep contesting the cards
5966s well now with the duplicate as well as
5968s the kutsune Rush from Norway activated
5970s and the pulse bomb as well oh such a
5973s good stick onto suit cracks they're able
5975s to get the Nano boost out right before
5977s and now the self self-destruct will
5979s Corral some of the players but because
5981s they're just trapped in rooms with
5983s Norway you do not want to be trapped in
5985s a room with only God's Tracer and that's
5987s exactly what happened to QR so Norway
5990s they outright win that fight and still
5993s hold on to the Rampage from Isaac so
5995s they have won Ultimate up on Germany who
5997s have that pulse bomb yeah I mean the
6000s time bank though considering like how
6002s dominant Norway has looked isn't as uh
6004s isn't as beefy as you might have
6005s expected we only have two minutes left
6007s and I think with this composition swap
6008s Germany does stand a better chance at
6011s bleeding that down to nothing unless the
6013s Rampage from Isaac is absolutely massive
6015s but he's under a lot of pressure right
6017s now and it's only gonna catch Alex
6019s yeah in they were really just trying to
6021s isolate that tank and they do so very
6024s well and JP even though they and they
6026s don't have the Anna anymore so they
6028s won't be able to anti in return it's
6031s only that jungkooker queen that has that
6033s Advantage I mean yeah Focus fire onto
6036s Alex to take that romantra down that's
6038s great and the car is going to keep
6039s making progress but they're not able to
6040s find like any snowball picks that would
6042s keep Germany on the back foot so now
6043s they can go in and re-engage and Norway
6045s has to be a little bit more careful only
6047s God was not careful sucrax caught him
6049s out yet again and now Germany they've
6052s got their feet back underneath them
6055s yeah Germany taking control back of The
6057s High Ground once again and that Bob in
6060s the back pocket of QR as well to just
6062s force the fight force them to disengage
6065s kite back and delay for a lot of time
6067s now under a minute left over and it's
6070s going to be only God switching over to
6072s the original maker while psycho is
6075s trying to just fight and brawl up close
6077s now the rematch are getting real low the
6079s valkyrie has been popped by rapid but
6081s it's a Kitsune rush to try and counter
6083s the amp Matrix the force positioning but
6086s they're just weaving in and out from
6087s behind these shields and Isaac on the
6089s orisa is somehow able to eat up so much
6092s damage now psycho a secondary tank in
6094s the game as just warming into that
6096s ramatra is forcing the players of
6098s Germany all the way back into their
6100s spawn QR can find everything even after
6103s using the annihilation from psycho
6106s Define 2 that is insane zoning all the
6109s way back into their spawn and now
6111s they're just camping the choke they
6113s don't need to though round one complete
6114s with all three points and 16 seconds
6116s left to boost you just you just like
6119s can't get more value than that out of a
6120s duplicate right like you you duplicate
6122s the remotra build up to the annihilation
6124s and suddenly it's keep away nobody can
6126s come close to you or they will be melted
6128s and especially at the timing that psycho
6130s uses that ability when the the
6131s immortality field from Sue cracks had
6133s already been invested when Germany was
6135s already trying to backpedal and get
6137s themselves collected again to take a
6139s more advantageous fight Norway didn't
6141s let them have it they nearly bled out
6143s there but they still are able to finish
6145s with 16 seconds in the time bank there
6147s so that's going to be you know a
6149s guaranteed overtime push for them which
6151s is awesome if Germany's able to come
6153s with like a blazing fast time back
6155s normally at least Norway at least we'll
6158s still have another crack at things so
6160s you know they've done enough that was a
6161s great final play though to close things
6163s out but I think again looking at how
6165s dominant Norway has looked at times you
6167s would have liked to see a little bit
6168s more time in the bank from them there so
6171s hopefully their defense is just as
6173s strong as their offense if not better
6174s otherwise we might go to Extra Innings
6176s here I also kind of want to see how
6178s Germany like tries to reassess this
6180s Norway is going to play the diva instead
6183s of the junker Queen but other than that
6185s no swaps this seems to be what they are
6187s most practiced on
6188s yeah this is really interesting as well
6191s because if you're going to have that
6193s Diva going in you're going to want the
6194s mercy Echo to follow up with the Glide
6196s and the guardian angel as well so it's
6199s going to uh I mean Germany will they be
6203s able to counter that though they do have
6205s a little bit of that squishy immobile
6207s back line in Sue cracks but otherwise
6209s they're full dive
6211s yeah but I mean they're sucrox is
6213s definitely going to be under pressure
6214s from psycho and from Isaac most likely
6216s so there's gonna have to be some level
6218s of Peel there and in the meantime purexu
6220s is going to be looking for a hack and
6221s for someone for the rest of Germany to
6223s jump on top of so Phi has to be lurking
6225s has to be ready to pounce on that hack
6227s Target the pings have to be on point the
6228s coordination from Germany has to work
6231s out perfectly and Phi nearly gets caught
6233s out there
6235s EFI going to have to use the brain
6237s called JP brought real low but Norway
6240s they are still holding on to this point
6242s trying to just dance around the corner
6244s Alex in the battle of the Divas with
6246s Isaac but only God has completely found
6249s the pigs onto Sue cracks and QR and now
6252s they have to try and charge onto this
6254s may but they're going to go ahead and
6256s turtle in the entrance can't even get
6258s into the room and Germany forcing a
6260s re-engage uh this is this is bullying
6263s what oh I'm surprised I didn't see like
6266s a maywall come out from Oni God there to
6268s keep that diva from uh keep that demon
6270s from taking the high dive there off that
6271s Pier Germany gonna make a couple of
6273s compositional swaps it looks like
6275s they're gonna swap over onto the sojour
6277s no longer on the Tracer I think they
6279s know what happens if you get too close
6280s to one God now he will not like it won't
6283s be happy spy checking for qrxu right now
6286s and like Germany they've lost a minute
6288s and a half and they haven't really got
6289s much to show for it
6291s yeah at this point Norway had basically
6294s already gotten two ticks up on their
6296s first push and they may also just has
6298s that much stalling power with the
6299s barrier as well but five to switch onto
6302s surgery and I do like because in the
6303s past they've been able to counter very
6305s well with the sojourn on the mercy Echo
6308s Isaac almost brought her down real low
6310s because of the anti as well as the hack
6312s but they're able to heal that back up
6314s and it's with the valkyrie now that
6315s they're going to try and push forward
6317s only God has to Turtle but the blizzard
6319s is ready katsune rushed out from JP
6321s Isaac once again now out of the Mac into
6324s the baby Diva because of the
6325s self-destruct it's so much area control
6327s and now the blizzard only God has forced
6330s them all into Corner suit cracks and
6332s Rapid the back line of Germany just
6334s being bullied by Norway scene but Alex
6336s has come in clutch for some kind of
6338s protection for the back line meanwhile
6341s Norway is still fighting for the point
6343s and Germany still has yet to get a
6345s single take up Norway however they are
6347s very separated and they're looking for a
6349s way to regroup psycho is looking to be
6351s the game changers with the duplicate but
6354s is brought outside of the mech with the
6356s baby Diva Now remix has to self-destruct
6358s almost ready but once again out of the
6360s mech okay let's try to find another
6362s remix here for psycho but I don't think
6364s that diva is going to get a
6366s self-destruct
6367s and Germany has just now built up to
6369s their EMP though and I mean the res
6370s comes out onto onigo there's the EMP
6372s that's gonna be enough to just delete
6373s Isaac and the overclock from five just
6376s for good measure I think this might be
6378s Germany finally capping it took a while
6380s to build that EMP though and they lost a
6382s lot of time but I think it's a better
6384s it's better to cap late than never but
6386s even that isn't guaranteed there's still
6387s some lingering members of Norway but
6389s yeah the scratching gonna be the better
6391s part of valor they're gonna lift the
6392s fight in another day not gonna try and
6393s install it any more time to just get
6395s ready for the next fight and I think
6396s there will be a next fight if Norway has
6398s anything to say about it
6401s yeah I feel like Norway is going to look
6404s for a much more forward fight through
6406s this choke point especially since they
6407s have that Mercy Echo to kind of just be
6409s flying above the overpass and Bridge
6411s just spamming down the shots but now on
6413s the side of Germany they don't really
6415s have much left over in terms of
6417s ultimates they do have this they do have
6420s this Nano boost and self-destruct being
6422s built up by Alex though on the other
6423s side it's only that Valkyrie and that's
6425s just went ahead being popped by mimio to
6428s keep up the dress of the team owning God
6430s anti for a second but it's just zoom
6433s suit right away and healed back up by
6435s the valkyrie now as the fight's getting
6437s started Alex trying to dive in onto
6440s Norway's DPS line doesn't get much done
6443s with it as they're able to disengage
6445s with the barrier Norway just like never
6448s seemed to fully go away like Germany
6450s Can't Always Get Enough like they
6452s they're they were able to cap the point
6453s but this entire time at the choke point
6455s Norway like they've lost the mech from
6457s Isaac they've gained it back everyone
6458s from Norway has just continually been a
6460s pest just bleeding more and more time
6462s off the time bank now only got gonna
6464s miss the blizzard in a small room and
6465s this is simply an iPhone yeah there is
6468s no way to get out of it oh but there's a
6471s self-destruct to come through Alex is
6473s just able to get back inside the mech
6476s and Isaac eliminates the mech but even
6478s though it's just baby Diva Alex is still
6480s able to get JP that is insane I mean the
6483s Blizzard from Oni God was almost able to
6485s turn that fight around and there was a
6487s self-destruct thrown in from Isaac as
6489s well but Alex just comes in clutch and
6491s it was only Super X that they lost have
6494s a look at Germany's old thing too
6495s they're coming up on that EMP and you
6496s know they have both support ultimates
6498s they have the overclock as well they
6499s should have enough to be able to force
6501s this through it's five with the
6502s overclock that I'm looking at to try and
6504s counter out psychos psychos duplicate
6506s but they've already deleted Isaac
6509s either and now Norway they are using
6512s that duplicate once again psycho's gonna
6513s try again on the diva but it's just
6515s shredded by rapid and pushed out of the
6518s duplicate psycho they got no way into
6520s the spike especially since they
6522s eliminated mimio so much earlier and
6525s Norway they have no way to contest that
6527s second checkpoint Germany two minutes
6529s and a half left over and they could
6532s potentially push this all the way for a
6534s third round and overtime they absolutely
6537s could but that last fight was costly for
6539s both teams it's worth it because you
6540s know it wouldn't be on blizzard world is
6541s never a guarantee and it's good for
6543s Germany to invest and be able to come up
6545s with that but now they have to try and
6546s build up to something that they can use
6548s to send this home maybe another big bomb
6550s from Alex could be what cracks it but
6552s losing qrsu right there is very bad he's
6555s not gonna have enough time to build up
6556s to the EMP or at least not as much as he
6558s would have if he was still alive to farm
6559s for it right now Norway know this and
6561s they want to farm up their rolls faster
6564s yeah Norway psycho's already really
6567s close to that duplicate only got very
6569s close to the pulse bomb as well in
6571s Germany they're not going to have as
6572s easy as a Time charging up the overclock
6575s and the EMP on the other end the
6577s valkyrie has already been brought up as
6579s well and we are on our way to another
6582s Kitsune rush but oh oh my God
6585s illuminated but has the pulse bomb out
6587s to your XU no way to get out of that the
6590s pulse bomb does eliminate one of
6592s Germany's DPS line and it's a valkyrie
6594s once again from Norway to uh Lao psycho
6597s to get more aggressive into this fight
6599s duplicate is already not sure if they're
6601s going to try for the diva once again but
6604s it seems like they're just allowing them
6606s to get away with the point a little bit
6608s the self-destruct goes completely past
6610s Norway and the hat comes through on
6612s psycho but they can't finish the job
6614s still a lot of harassment happening here
6616s and it's a diva for the third time on
6618s the duplicate maybe psycho can get
6620s something done this time around and a
6623s lot of damage being done this time
6624s however hacked and also out of the Mac
6626s once again is going to be a tough one
6628s the Kitsune Rush has to come and try and
6631s force Germany back once again but psycho
6634s has been brought down low and mimio out
6636s of the fight means no more pocket Mercy
6638s for this Echo it's going to be a lot
6640s tougher to stay in the air and be able
6641s to completely self-sustain and once
6644s again Norway are not fully going away
6646s they're still able to mount something of
6647s a defense here but the cart is getting
6649s closer to that golden box there and
6651s there's the EMP and psycho cannot live
6653s through that
6654s yeah psycho has been having a hard go a
6657s bit this time around they really want to
6659s contest try and force them into an
6661s overtime and force that time big all the
6663s way down but there is just no way to get
6665s out of it by is such a good Shredder up
6668s close and that sojourn has been
6670s oppressive last minute swap to Genji not
6673s going to do anything here Norway and
6675s Germany they're 3-3 and we're going to
6677s round three
6678s one second separates these two time
6681s Banks here Norway with one second more
6685s than Germany has so Germany gonna go and
6687s take the first crack at this one again I
6690s I mean I still kinda think I favored
6692s Norway in this situation right because
6694s if we look at both teams attacking
6695s phases it took Germany longer to get any
6698s progress on the point it was only once
6700s they were able to build up to that EMP
6701s from qrxu who's been a little bit slow
6704s to charge that ability whereas Norway
6707s just kind of took a bunch of like
6708s percentage for free just because
6710s everyone was afraid of psycho so like I
6713s kind of favor Norway's chances here
6715s unless we see something beautiful come
6717s out from Germany unless we see qrx you
6719s step things up and build that EMP
6721s lickety-split or potentially another big
6723s pickoff from Phi here but I I don't know
6726s I I want to know what Germany has to
6728s offer here I want to know what they're
6729s going to do to try and crack this one
6730s open because it is it's great that
6733s they're able to get these OT rounds but
6734s they're not quite out of the woods yet
6736s this is closer than I think some people
6738s might have thought again looking at
6740s Norway's attack but I don't know I just
6742s don't know what Germany's chances are
6745s here
6745s I mean there is so much pressure being
6748s put on this Echo Mercy by Germany though
6750s they've done a really good job of trying
6751s to counter that out with the Sombra on
6753s the hacks every time the duplicate comes
6755s out and Phi with the railgun obviously
6758s has such a better chance of just taking
6760s both mercy and psycho out of the sky and
6764s it means that the eggs are in the psycho
6766s and mimio back it are a little bit a
6770s little bit less fruitful than they might
6772s have wished
6773s I mean and like this composition from
6775s Norway right it's designed to be slow
6777s you know you have onigot on the May
6779s that's a great pick from soup racks
6780s Germany they've already lost time they
6782s only have 30 seconds they gonna lose
6783s five here as well that's really really
6785s bad this composition from Norway is
6787s designed to be slow because you have
6789s like the duplicate from psycho the ice
6791s block from one God the Remake Potential
6793s from Isaac here they want to try and
6795s stay alive give themselves extra lives
6797s reminiscent of the zombie cop from back
6799s in the day that's gonna take time for
6801s Germany to crack and with those two
6803s picks in that last fight Germany do not
6805s have time there's five seconds of them
6807s to get on the point and Norway is trying
6808s to slow them down at every pass
6811s yeah I mean Norway with the May once
6814s again it's the stalling power just
6816s purely that comes out of the May from
6818s her primary fire and that barrier they
6820s just can't get ticks on the point they
6822s are able to get the touchdown and
6823s contest for a second longer but once
6825s again being forced all the way back the
6828s hack does come through onto Isaac the
6829s anti is so huge for a second but the
6831s suzu just saves them right out of it and
6834s psycho now with the duplicate can have
6836s the diva back into the fight it's two
6838s tanks from Norway that are trying to
6840s contest this especially since they got a
6842s baby Diva but Phi once again able to
6845s take Isaac out of the equation and the
6848s duplicate is unable to find a uh a
6851s self-destruct but the blizzard does come
6853s through from one God and this might as
6855s well be what saves Norway in this
6857s overtime and stops self-destruct from
6859s going to Isaac blocks for the team and
6861s they are Left Alive as not even one tick
6864s from Germany is gained on this first
6866s attack but they were a hair away from
6869s getting that one tick like if you saw
6870s how close the meter was if like if
6873s Norway had stepped off the point for a
6874s split second like if they had to like
6876s turn their head to sneeze Germany would
6878s have gotten that first tick there and
6880s that would have been a win condition but
6881s that is gone now courtesy of that big
6883s play from Oni God there towards the end
6885s I mean Norway now if they get even a
6887s tick they'll win this right and it would
6889s have been like drawable for Germany but
6892s now they like that's all they can hope
6893s for like they have to try and get the
6894s draw now they have to bleed enough time
6897s so that Norway can't even get a tick
6899s this is so much closer than I think a
6901s lot of people would have thought but
6902s that was like
6903s [Music]
6904s nanometers away from being a potential
6907s Germany Victory there
6909s yeah I mean a good thing that no one in
6912s Norway is allergic to anything because
6914s apparently it's allergy season didn't
6916s have to sneeze during the last fight so
6918s we're looking at Norway with one more
6921s second than Germany does with their May
6924s Echo Mercy
6926s diva
6928s currico Cobb just trying to force this
6931s their composition that once again is
6933s designed to be slow to dispatch needs to
6936s be quick to dispatch Germany if they
6938s want to be able to cap this because
6939s again they only have a minute and you
6941s saw how like those two picks right onto
6943s sucrax and Phi how that just slowed
6946s Germany down just wiped their entire
6948s time bank down to Smithereens Norway
6950s can't afford to make that same mistake
6951s if they catch mimeo out or if they catch
6953s JP out somehow then Norway they have to
6956s retreat and again we're in that
6958s situation where they have to make a
6959s desperation play to try and get the Dub
6961s here
6963s yeah Norway is they're really working
6965s this High Ground angle trying to make
6968s sure nobody hiding oh wait you asked you
6971s they were just up top and didn't even
6973s notice that there was someone harassing
6975s the mercy and immediately mimio is
6977s shredded so they kind of have to wait
6979s for that Mercy to come back and now
6980s that's already shredded them down to 30
6982s seconds and you know there is not enough
6985s time for them to build up these
6986s ultimates at all originally if you
6989s wanted to go for this rush you could go
6991s with the kiriko comp especially since
6992s they are so slow and they're really
6995s looking for that stall potential qrxtu
6997s isolating Isaac once again Isaac has
6999s been the target of a lot of these hacks
7001s and in combination with the anti that
7003s has almost gotten this tank out of the
7005s fight many times but only God going to
7007s try for the hero play Phi now taken out
7009s of the fight and now the mercy Echo has
7011s less of a threat to worry about without
7013s the sojourn Alex has also been isolated
7015s on the objective and pure XU is trying
7018s to find a way in but mimio is able to
7020s Guardian Angel away from the damage
7022s that's coming through and Alex looks out
7023s on the map only the baby Diva not a
7025s threat Phi is going to come in quickly
7027s with the Tracer but there is just no way
7030s to touch Norway with only one tick on
7034s the third round are able to take the
7036s series 2-0 once again that might be the
7039s closest 2-0 I have seen in a long time
7041s Germany definitely made Norway sweat but
7043s they can wipe the sweat off of their
7045s brow there again it's an opening pick
7047s off there from onigot that opens up the
7049s whole thing taking out the DPS
7050s contemporary in Phi who has been Phi has
7053s been working wonders for Germany coming
7055s up clutch when Germany needs it but not
7057s this time this time was the victim of
7060s onigod and it all just kind of spirals
7061s out of control from there right like
7062s there's without the DPS there's not
7064s enough pressure psycho can go in put the
7066s sticky bombs onto refit take the
7068s Brigitte out suddenly that's you know
7070s less of a back line and everything just
7072s kind of spirals out of control from
7073s there but again it goes back to
7075s Germany's you know overtime attack right
7077s like they could have had this in a
7079s drawable situation they could have had
7080s it to where they would have had a tick I
7082s think even if they did this might have
7084s still been Norway taking the dub but
7085s that's just how close this game was and
7089s like again the 2-0 score line is not
7091s going to reflect that like people are
7092s going to look at that score line and be
7093s like Oh Norway totally dominated like no
7095s Norway kinda outplayed Germany overall
7098s but Germany really made them work for it
7101s especially here on blizzard world I
7102s think that was a great pick for Germany
7104s and on another day in another life they
7107s would have taken us to a map 3 here but
7109s just not on this day
7112s yeah Germany they were so close just
7115s literally the hairs with away from
7117s stealing away that single tick but they
7119s were really well thought on the attack
7121s as well and it almost felt like that
7124s they were going to have a larger time
7125s bank than than Norway did when they went
7127s to the third round of overtime so it was
7131s it was just incredibly close and Germany
7133s they also they are in a record of 1-1
7137s after losing the series of Norway going
7139s 2-0 so they're moving up in the
7140s standings here but Germany they still
7142s have a good chance they don't have like
7144s an O2 loss record in the qualifiers just
7147s yet they're still pretty much near the
7149s top of the leaderboard when it comes to
7151s Group B yeah Group B the one that once
7154s again only has two playoff slots
7156s available and right now Norway is
7158s gunning for one of those spots and they
7160s just might take it if no one else can do
7163s what Germany nearly did but still failed
7166s to do here and that's dislodge the
7168s Norwegian Giants here I like both of our
7171s matches today I have been two o's right
7173s but they have been very close 2-0 does
7176s not necessarily mean a stomp I think
7177s that's something that we have definitely
7179s learned today we'll see if that Trend
7181s continues when we go on to our next
7182s match up here but again props to Germany
7185s I I'm continually impressed by this team
7187s but Norway is like such an anomaly in
7190s the compositions that they play and the
7191s way that they play them that I think
7193s even a team as like well practiced and
7195s you know well put together as Germany is
7197s going to struggle to try and crack that
7199s nut so that's just kind of what we saw
7201s here today we'll have to find out later
7203s on in the week and indeed next week if
7205s Germany is able to make up the deficit
7207s and keep themselves in contention from
7209s one of those two playoff spots but as of
7211s right now like Norway I mean they've got
7213s a pretty firm grasp on the top of the
7215s leaderboards right now
7217s and I don't want to cast a curse Norway
7219s but I definitely it looks like they
7221s might be able to have a Flawless record
7223s through qualifiers because they just
7225s look so strong they look so adaptable
7227s but also the way that they challenge
7229s Germany today I think brought out a side
7231s of Germany that they we didn't really
7232s get to see yesterday because they would
7234s stick to their guns they knew that what
7235s they were doing was working but when it
7237s stopped working they were forced to
7239s adapt and then you kind of about to see
7241s a side that we just um it was really
7243s refreshing to watch them play on
7244s blizzard world today you you do mention
7247s that Norway has the potential to go
7249s Flawless here but there is another not
7252s necessarily Flawless because they
7253s dropped a map but there is another team
7255s here that could potentially take it one
7257s of the favorites that emerged out of
7258s yesterday from Group B Saudi Arabia will
7261s be taking on Iceland right after this
7263s break don't go anywhere you're going to
7265s want to see this one
7268s [Music]
7278s thank you
7281s [Music]
7289s [Music]
7316s thank you
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7379s things
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7480s thank you
7484s welcome back to the OverWatch World Cup
7486s 2023 online qualifiers for the embassy
7489s Virginia I'm your host Jim Basco and of
7490s course I'm joined by epitomees and CB
7492s who just brought you the closest 2-0
7494s that we've had to date let's take a
7496s moment to look at the schedule before we
7498s go any further so you can see what we
7500s just landed at what we have in store and
7502s man there are so many stories to be told
7505s here right so norare versus Germany is
7507s the match that just happened Norway 2-0
7509s over Germany let's talk about it epitome
7511s is lead the way here Germany obviously
7513s put up a massive fight against Norway
7516s but only got in that aggressive
7518s composition just really gave them no
7520s chance
7521s I mean this is exactly what you would
7523s expect
7526s they were tied for first place right
7528s with turkey but Norway and Germany when
7531s you were watching their matches you
7532s definitely felt like there was so much
7534s fire there was definitely a spark
7535s between these players and then now going
7537s on to this map such a huge Challenge
7539s from Germany and Norway was playing some
7542s really edgy cheesy comps as well
7544s especially on Nepal they brought out a
7546s junkrat doomfist and that's just not
7548s something that you see right but it was
7551s really impressive really entertaining to
7553s watch I you know honestly I love the
7555s place that the meta is settling into and
7557s that being absolutely nowhere because
7559s we've seen just bananas things for two
7562s days straight and it's been so much fun
7563s to watch of course
7565s coming up we've got a banger as well
7567s right it's the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
7568s versus Iceland CB lead the way here you
7571s know we have so much
7573s potential energy in this match right it
7576s can do so much talk to us about it yeah
7578s so we've got teams like Norway that are
7580s saying meta I don't know her never met
7582s her
7583s it seems like Saudi Arabia though that
7584s are writing their own meta and that meta
7586s is yazan on that Farah it's been a force
7589s that no one has been able to adequately
7590s deal with you know and there's times
7592s where he's being forced off onto Echo
7594s but like that's not the like that's not
7596s it's only a one for one trade for him
7598s right like he's still able to put in as
7599s much work on the echo as he is on the
7601s pharah you always have to keep your head
7602s on a swivel bee looking at the skies
7604s because he is always above you and will
7606s pounce on you and take just a couple
7608s extra seconds to get those last couple
7610s rockets in and find the value that that
7613s far pickoffs needs and you know zp and
7616s hex called it out yesterday about just
7618s the movement that he brings to the table
7619s like even for a hit scan player you
7622s think like okay they're on pharah I'm
7623s gonna play hit scan to hard counter
7625s trying to be a hit scan player against
7626s season is like trying to play duck hunt
7628s with your feet it's just it doesn't feel
7630s like your shots are going where you want
7632s them to go you're just gonna whiff all
7634s the time and now the dog is laughing at
7635s you like you know and that's the thing
7637s that we watched so much right yazan not
7640s only picked that pharah uh and played
7642s the game that the Saudi wanted to play
7644s but they're forcing other teams to just
7646s do things that they don't want to be
7647s doing they try to not address the
7649s Pharaoh for a while do their own thing
7650s but yazan is so oppressive that they
7653s have to swap to a hit scan try to
7655s accommodate it but with that said
7656s epitomies and CB I'm Gonna Leave You All
7658s to the match Saudi Arabia versus Iceland
7660s map one just around the corner have a
7661s great time guys
7662s all right thank you Jim so we're going
7665s up against Iceland this time around we
7667s talked a little bit about Iceland
7669s earlier because Germany was a team that
7671s had previously beat Iceland and left
7673s them in a 0-1 record so far in the group
7675s b so are you thinking do you think that
7678s Iceland can bring something to the table
7680s that's going to be able to counter
7681s yazan's uh Farah
7685s a short answer is no long answer is no
7691s because like I didn't I don't think I
7694s saw anything like it felt like in the
7696s game yesterday Iceland were missing
7697s something and maybe they found it this
7700s is not Iceland's team this is Saudi
7701s Arabia's team uh you know Graphics
7704s getting a little bit mixed up here but
7705s like you know
7707s I mean let's talk about Saudi Arabia
7709s since we have them here there we go
7710s quick color change we're good so again
7712s yeah so we have yazan over there and
7714s again like we said you you kind of
7716s instinctively see a pharah and go I
7718s should swap to a hit scan to try and
7720s counter this guy but it just doesn't
7721s work out the other option is like Jim
7724s was saying is like well we could ignore
7726s the pharah and try and play the ground
7728s game but that doesn't work out because
7730s yazan just will not be ignored and with
7732s the resources that they're pouring into
7734s this again this Twisted Minds core that
7736s was playing Farah compositions with lbbd
7739s as their Faro player now having the most
7741s notorious Farah player potentially in
7743s the world they know how to play around
7745s aphara comp they know that as soon as
7747s you they force you to turn their head
7748s towards gazan they're just gonna run you
7750s right over there's really no real way to
7754s counteract this at least that we've seen
7756s so far and unless you know
7758s unless I like unless Iceland has been
7760s like on the hunt for the Fountain of
7762s Youth and managed to find it in the last
7763s 24 hours I kind of expect Saudi Arabia
7766s to just run away with this honestly
7768s yeah I mean it also comes down to just
7770s the experience that there is between the
7772s players you mentioned the uh Twisted
7774s Minds core you also have some players
7776s like you have surmajet who is Toronto
7779s defiant player you know like he is just
7781s uh has so much experience in OverWatch
7783s league and then the rest of them they
7785s are all very prominent names in the EU
7788s contenders like Twisted minds they have
7791s triple Esports players as well which is
7793s yuzan so you know they just have that
7796s much experience between them yeah and
7798s the thing about it too is like when
7800s you're playing the pharmacy comp you're
7801s gonna have to leave your other support
7802s alone because you know the mercy is not
7804s gonna be on break isn't going to be
7805s there to peel for you uh uh like you're
7809s not gonna be able to like you have to be
7811s survivable as that other support and
7812s sermajet is definitely capable of being
7814s survivable doesn't necessarily need Haku
7816s to be there to try and bail him out
7817s there uh this is the German roster I
7820s believe for Iceland so still kind of
7822s working on some things here but yeah
7824s Iceland again led by half the cool the
7826s veteran presence has to try and bring
7828s some of these guys together show them
7830s the uh the ways forward and it's gonna
7833s be it's gonna be rough I think I think
7835s it's going to be difficult for Iceland
7837s to try and crack this code here and make
7838s Saudi Arabia sweat for it we're gonna go
7840s to ilios and oh my Lord if there ever
7843s was a map that you can play pharah on
7845s it's illios so this is already looking
7848s like the deck is stacked in Saudi
7849s Arabia's favor yeah I gotta say we
7852s haven't seen ilios yet but I am really
7854s excited to see what Saudi Arabia
7857s specifically can bring with the pharah
7859s comp because there are so many ways to
7861s maneuver on every single map of ilios
7863s with afara there is just so much air
7865s space there is so many different ways
7867s that you can play this and for Iceland
7870s like just in general you do have those
7872s veterans you have half a cool who played
7874s in previous World Cups who is like a
7876s veteran of OverWatch he's played 2016
7878s 2019 World Cup finzi has as well as
7881s their tank but it just like where is the
7884s rest of the experience and can that all
7886s gel the team together and that's what
7888s we're really nervous about here
7890s yeah they it did like I said it felt
7893s like they were missing something and I
7894s do hope that they found it and started
7896s to put some more of the pieces back
7897s together again there is Talent on this
7899s roster so I don't expect this to be a
7901s complete stomp there is always some hope
7903s there but I mean like I didn't see
7905s enough from Iceland yesterday to make me
7908s believe that they could potentially be
7910s favored in this kind of match up here
7912s against a team that has looked as strong
7914s as Saudi Arabia like we saw how how good
7916s Finland look earlier and the fact that
7918s Saudi Arabia bested them it just makes
7921s them look all the stronger right like
7922s earlier in the day seeing Finland versus
7924s Sweden you got to come away from that
7926s and being like all right Finland looked
7927s pretty good but like Saudi Arabia they
7929s beat them right
7931s yeah I mean I feel like Saudi Arabia's
7934s biggest uh enemy and this matchup might
7937s just be like their own connection to the
7939s servers because the last time Saudi
7941s Arabia played there were a lot of pauses
7943s involved and you know it's just the
7946s nature of online qualifier events or
7948s online events in general where you might
7949s just have a lot of tech issues so you
7951s know we're trying to get into the match
7953s as shortly as possible and it seems like
7955s we are getting things started kicking
7957s off here on ilios well much to the
7959s Chagrin of Iceland Saudi Arabia have
7961s loaded on into the server and we are
7963s gonna kick things off on ilios we'll
7965s have to see which point it ends up being
7967s I think ruins might be the one where
7970s Iceland might have a chance to try and
7972s counter this all out here uh but you
7975s know if we're starting things out on
7976s ilios well then I don't really think I
7979s like Iceland's chances here I think you
7982s know yazan is going to be able to come
7983s out on one of those bird characters and
7985s Iceland's they're gonna have to try and
7987s keep the skies clear but also be on the
7989s lookout for courts who has been nominal
7991s hit scan player KSA who was like one of
7994s the a very underrated tanks uh during
7997s his tenure in the OverWatch league and
7998s surmajet again a very survivable Flex
8001s support
8003s yeah servants I definitely does have
8006s like that survivability especially on
8007s the kiriko now but on the other side
8009s this is something we actually haven't
8010s seen before from Iceland they're trying
8012s to counter with the echo right and the
8015s Cassidy and also the junker Queen so a
8017s lot of really edgy picks in the junker
8019s Queen and Cassidy at least in the World
8021s Cup thus far yeah I mean very edgy
8024s indeed but Orion I got getting edged out
8026s there by Quartz with the favorable angle
8028s and the mercy pocket was actually onto
8030s quartz at that point in time the damage
8031s boosted shot there you know Haku gonna
8033s go fly back on over to yazan but by then
8035s the damage is done sermon shed cleaning
8038s up and Saudi Arabia I mean did they even
8041s take damage in that fight quartz took a
8043s little bit but
8045s well judging by the support ultimates on
8048s Iceland I think that they did take a
8051s little bit of damage at the very least
8053s right
8054s um but it seems like they are very very
8056s confident going into this you can
8057s definitely tell by the way that they're
8059s positioning how forward it is quartz
8061s like you're an ash but you've decided
8063s I'm going to position up on the forward
8065s spawn bridge and try to just shoot into
8067s them as they come out of their spawn and
8070s yazan obviously doing work on the pharah
8072s but we haven't really seen a real fight
8074s come into play between these two teams
8077s just yet it seems like they're gonna try
8078s and force it use on with the mercy
8080s pocket taken down Orion though but the
8082s echo from above nicely done from half a
8085s cool to take down yassan but quartz
8087s quickly trades that and of course the
8089s mercy coming in with the resurrection
8090s onto the pocketed Farah is on back into
8093s fight very quickly and is going to
8095s avenge himself for all the people that
8097s attempted to take him out of the fight
8099s and and even if we take away all of the
8102s like the mechanical skill in the world
8103s that's one thing that yazan has that
8105s right now half equal does not and that's
8107s that Mercy you know even if yazan gets a
8109s little too aggressive you can still have
8111s Haku coming with the res bail him out
8113s you still have that damage boost you
8114s still have that healing to keep him up
8116s in the fight half a cool if he wants to
8118s stay sustained has to catch healing of
8119s food is from frizzy and that's not
8121s reliable enough
8122s yeah I mean for dark on the loose show
8125s as well just trying to keep the rest of
8127s the team sustained when kiriko is just
8129s you know focused on burst healing but
8131s surmajed has barely really taken out the
8133s healing of food of that much it's almost
8135s all the kunai has been doing a lot of
8137s DPS there and the valkyrie has come out
8139s that's the only ultimate that we've seen
8141s from Saudi Arabia just yet they have all
8143s of their ultimates up their pacing is
8145s just so much better in terms of the
8147s ultimate economy and it seems like
8148s Iceland are a little bit at a loss for
8151s what to do here they are switching on to
8153s the Tracer though so Orion could try and
8155s touch and contest the point for the
8156s overtime but is there any follow-up from
8159s Iceland it looks like there is not
8161s yeah they didn't even let Iceland out of
8163s their spawn there like yeah sure Orion
8165s gets the touch but then Saudi Arabian
8166s get to stand on the point and just be
8167s like yeah do it again I dare you and he
8170s knows what happens and even if he had
8171s the blinks to get there to point you saw
8173s like you know the Rampage is ready to
8175s come out you had every old you could
8176s possibly want for Saudi Arabia yeah and
8179s like like you said the only old that
8181s Saudi Arabia needed to invest that whole
8183s time was the valkyrie from Haku and like
8185s honestly even that's debatable Iceland
8187s didn't even really get an ultimate up
8189s you know aside from the katsune Rush
8191s from krizzy which I guess speaks to how
8193s much healing he's been having to do and
8195s how little damage the rest of Iceland
8196s has been capable of doing Saudi Arabia
8199s just kind of running away with this
8200s we're going over onto ruins and Saudi
8203s Arabia gonna pull out the pharmacy yet
8205s again big surprise but a Widowmaker
8208s which I think might make things
8209s interesting I want to see how quartz and
8211s Orion uh pair up against one another
8213s yeah I think uh the Widowmaker nurse
8216s also do come into this I'm not sure if
8217s that's like over 70 meters back there
8219s but with a widow pocket is that she can
8222s sell One Shot or a mercy pocket she can
8225s still one shot from a little bit further
8226s away
8228s um right now quartz seems to be doing
8230s pretty well for himself forcing oklahar
8232s to kind of dance around this pillar um
8235s because of the damage that's coming in
8236s but KSA with their own junker Queen now
8240s trying to contest Iceland getting a lot
8241s more aggressive into this round though
8243s just outright stepping onto the point
8246s but sir is dead taking out half a cool
8248s and now very quickly the picks do come
8251s through for Saudi Arabia without courts
8253s ever having to leave position just
8255s firing the shots from very far away
8256s while the rest of the team takes on the
8258s fight and I think that's part of the
8259s reason for the Widowmaker and this is
8262s also kind of like one of those
8263s situations where it's kind of a Sophie's
8265s Choice sort of thing or reverse Sophie's
8266s choice for Orion because it's like
8268s you're the hit scan player you
8269s constantly have to be looking for yazan
8271s where is he but you also have to be
8273s worried about quartz so you're taking
8274s two duels at once and so you can see
8276s that Haifa cool now is going to go ahead
8278s and make a swap onto the Widowmaker to
8279s try and help things out in that regard
8281s there put a little bit more pressure on
8283s yazan and at least give a little bit of
8285s parody into this Widow 1v1 so maybe
8287s quartz won't be breathing down Orion's
8289s neck from afar the whole time and maybe
8291s Orion gets something done ever without
8293s Chrissy I doubt it
8295s oh yeah crazy going out of the fight
8298s pretty early and the sustained from the
8299s loose show is not enough for Orion but
8302s yazana is just going ham over on the
8305s Farah half a cool however able to trade
8307s that one out oklahar is going to try to
8310s find something but very quickly Haku
8312s brings zizan back into the fight with
8314s the resurrection and just as we expected
8316s right back into the areas on goes firing
8319s on all cylinders literally on fire and
8322s yuzan is able to take down the rest of
8324s Iceland's team yazan can indeed keep
8327s getting away with it and Iceland have
8329s yet to really do anything to stop him at
8331s least definitively they have you know
8332s taken him down a couple times but then
8334s you also have to take down Haku who
8336s again like this team knows how to play
8339s Pharmacy comps right they've done it
8340s before even before yazan so they know
8342s how aggressive their Mercy can play they
8344s know what rezas they can go for and how
8346s to cover for those rezos so they can
8348s always have yazan in the fight
8350s yeah and when you have a player as good
8353s as he's on there comes the Rampage out
8355s and the barrage as well it's just like
8358s Mercy never really gets too much play
8360s but then you have a Fara that is as good
8362s as yazan is and then all of a sudden the
8365s mercy gets the shine as well and they
8368s have seven percent which is better than
8370s the zero percent we saw on the first
8372s round from Iceland oh okay nice job
8374s Orion but it can you touch the point no
8378s you are correct seven percent is better
8381s than zero percent some improvement is
8383s better than no improvement overall but
8384s that game was as uh as we like to say in
8387s the business not close not close
8389s whatsoever Iceland I don't feel like
8392s ever really got a chance to play the
8394s game even like they had no space to work
8396s with they were constantly trying to look
8398s for yazan always trying to find out
8400s where quartz was on the Widow and they
8402s could never quite nail down any of the
8404s DPS they couldn't take down anyone else
8406s on Saudi Arabia definitively or really
8408s get much footing there in Saudi Arabia
8412s they also know how aggressive they can
8413s play how much of the map they can
8415s control and just force Iceland to play
8417s in the least comfortable positions they
8419s possibly can
8421s yeah in Iceland you have to wonder what
8423s the mantle is like going into this next
8425s map they did lose so they do get a
8427s choice and they really have to reset
8428s here because I mean going through that
8430s and being like too owed by afaro who
8433s literally you can't kill because as soon
8435s as you kill them they come back with the
8437s resurrection it's like what are we
8439s supposed to do now and I really I'm
8442s really interested to see how they are
8443s going to adapt and what map they're
8445s going to bring us to in order to try and
8447s kind of close that gap between them he's
8449s like he's like a cat like he's got nine
8452s lives but instead of nine it's like
8454s infinite unless you can also kill Haku
8456s like like it keeps coming back you just
8458s can't get rid of the guy but you know
8460s we'll have to see if Iceland is able to
8462s find a way to definitively shut down
8464s yazan they have one more chance to do it
8466s it's gonna be their map pick we'll see
8468s you on the other side of this break
8469s don't go anywhere
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8487s thank you
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8559s thank you
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8611s thank you
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8646s thank you
8652s foreign
8665s [Music]
8671s [Music]
8690s welcome back we are nearing the end of
8693s the group b run of day two in the
8696s OverWatch World Cup emec qualifiers I am
8698s epitome he's joined once again by the
8700s wonderful CV and we are here to bring
8702s you map two of Saudi Arabia versus
8704s Iceland returning from a very dominant
8707s map on Elios yeah ilios was not close
8711s and uh you know Iceland I don't know if
8712s they want to be able to get you know the
8714s Icelandic military on the horn but they
8716s are in dire need of a surface-to-air
8718s missile of some kind right now just to
8720s keep the skies clear because yazan is
8722s just getting away with it and they don't
8725s have an answer I don't even know if
8726s they've figured out the whole question
8727s yet like
8729s I want to see something more out of
8731s Iceland it's going to be their map pick
8733s but you know at this point like what is
8736s the strategy like how do you deal with
8738s this and I think this map pick might
8740s provide some sort of alleviation there
8744s might provide some sort of way forward
8746s for Iceland going to Havana a map where
8749s we do often see something resembling a
8751s double sniper comp where we see a lot of
8753s hit scans come out that might be some
8756s way that they can try to get the
8757s situation under control
8759s yeah Havana can be a little bit
8762s difficult to defend though and it's
8764s depending on which um which side that
8767s they're going to start on since Saudi
8768s Arabia does get the selection of side
8770s first and either no matter which way you
8773s slice it when you do have the snipers it
8775s is hard to get aggressive it is a little
8777s bit hard to get that push going right at
8779s the beginning
8780s yeah we're definitely going to see some
8782s spawn holds here on Havana and there's
8785s always like some interesting play I mean
8787s they might not allow yazan to play the
8789s Pharaoh or the echo here but I mean it's
8791s yazan so he's probably going to anyway
8792s there's usually like an interesting way
8794s that you can work that into those spawn
8796s holds where you just have the pharah or
8797s the echo hovering above like on the roof
8800s of the spawn door there at all times and
8803s it's that same situation right where if
8804s you want to successfully even get out of
8806s your spawn you have to look up like you
8809s have to try and do something uh you know
8811s fortunately Iceland's gonna be on the
8813s defense uh first so they can try and get
8815s that spawn hold not let gazan out of the
8817s spawn not let him cook but they're gonna
8820s have to try and bleed as much time as
8821s possible because once the skies are
8823s clear you gotta believe that he's gonna
8824s go back to Old Reliable and start
8826s putting the hurting on Iceland yet again
8829s well it seems like Saudi Arabia I mean
8832s they are in attack or spawn so I
8834s wouldn't trust anything that they do
8836s right now but Iceland on the other hand
8838s it's a little bit more brawl with Orion
8840s kind of holding it down from the back
8843s but Orion once again like you were
8845s saying in the previous match when
8846s they're playing the hit scan against the
8848s Widow and far you're playing 2V1
8850s basically but quartz is the one that
8853s gets a better of Christy or Ryan is
8855s trying to fire away but oh there is no
8857s way to get away from the harassment of
8859s the pharmacy and now someone needs to
8862s call a doctor for Oklahoma
8866s how do Sports even find that angle like
8869s out of the spawn door to be able to find
8870s that shot and then for yazan to just you
8873s know there's everyone just charge
8874s forward collapse on top of Orion and
8877s Iceland got essentially nothing done on
8879s a spawn hold look at their old charge
8881s there's not any like Saudi Arabia
8883s they've already gotten you know yazan
8885s able to just fly freely now they're way
8887s ahead in Old charge and they've gotten
8889s so much cart progress Iceland has a
8891s chance to attack here at this first
8893s corner or sorry as a chance to defend
8894s you a little bit longer but they have to
8896s get a little bit more for the money than
8897s they have so far
8900s yeah now Saudi Arabia they are still
8903s really far forward with the checkpoint
8905s quartz has taken a really good position
8907s but is getting caught out a little bit
8909s spammed down and there's really no way
8911s for them to get a good heal off but
8913s since they have such a team they're just
8917s isolating every fight they're just
8918s outright winning every fight it's not
8920s even a struggle for them it seems so
8922s quartz is kind of yeah it's hardly even
8925s a fight and Court says yeah still
8926s getting the better of Orion gonna be
8927s able to they haven't even capped point a
8929s yet and courts can already take this
8931s oppressive High Ground angle where yeah
8933s through this doorway you can see it oh
8935s you can see they have to put up the the
8937s ramatra barrier and you know double
8938s check behind them because now quartz is
8940s behind them yazana is above them they
8942s have to move forward they can't really
8944s go anywhere safely they're lucky that
8946s they're even able to touch but KSA
8947s already has the annihilation yeah the
8950s annihilation in such Close Quarters very
8952s early that's definitely got to be really
8955s oppressive and since they have the
8957s barrage they kind of have the zoning
8959s tool as well the mercy from above with
8962s the valkyrie keeping everyone topped off
8964s surmajed just firing away uh and then
8967s there's the resurrection for yazan of
8969s course bring the pharah back into the
8971s fight and now capping on the first
8972s checkpoint yeah over four minutes to
8974s start working through Distillery and
8976s Iceland I mean this is gonna be a little
8978s bit more contained where yazan shouldn't
8979s be able to get away with much but it's
8981s yazan so he's still gonna try to and you
8983s know still gonna be able to get out
8984s alive and control these boilers half the
8986s cool what are you doing my son where
8988s who's poking your head out just a little
8990s bit too much there a damage boosted
8991s rocket that might have even been a
8992s direct hit just to delete the May
8994s entirely from the equation and you know
8997s Iceland they're gonna have a lot of
8999s ultimate abilities sure but will they
9001s even be given a chance to use them or is
9003s like our yazan and quartz just gonna
9005s keep finding pickoffs and of course the
9007s snowball all the way through the
9008s Distillery
9012s already getting that pickup on Orion is
9015s huge and then quartz finishing off the
9017s kill when jazan is doing so much damage
9020s once again and of course the
9021s Resurrection comes through from Haku I
9023s feel like Iceland at this point might be
9025s a little bit you know mental boom but
9028s Oklahoma at least is able to get that
9030s one pick with the annihilation then
9031s Chrissy does find his own once again
9033s this time there isn't a resurrection so
9035s going to go ahead pocket the Widow
9037s instead they're able to hold just a
9039s little bit Saudi Arabia goes ahead and
9041s tries and disengages waits for
9044s be hard to come back but damn that was a
9047s lot of damage from sermogen can someone
9050s check courses PC I don't think the Widow
9052s Nerf patch has been applied to his copy
9054s of OverWatch 2. I think he's still
9056s playing on Old patch Widowmaker because
9058s you wouldn't even know by looking that
9060s she got nerfed you wouldn't even know
9062s that she's like so much more difficult
9064s to play but with all the free space that
9066s yazan and that KSA on the front line are
9069s creating for courts he just has a free
9071s Shooting Gallery at all times and yeah
9072s between this two-prong DPS attack and
9075s the front line just running over Iceland
9077s that's Distillery phase done and dusted
9079s four minutes to cap Havana and Havana's
9082s another map where like if you cap at all
9085s it's kind of an achievement right Saudi
9087s Arabia are looking to do it with about
9089s two plus minutes in the bank potentially
9091s okay well they've got three and over
9095s three minutes over three and a half
9096s minutes to get to the third and final
9098s checkpoint there was barely any fight in
9100s Distillery there was a little bit of
9102s that sign of life with them being able
9103s to kill yazan twice in a row so that
9105s Mercy res was basically nullified but
9107s yazan is still able to have such free
9110s range they are so close to the spawn
9112s they're doing so much delay as well for
9114s their squad to just be able to fire away
9116s with the projectiles with the Rockets
9120s and there's just not much they can do
9121s yeah and like happy cool is gonna swap
9124s over onto the Sombra we had Orion
9125s playing it before but now Orion is on
9127s the ash you wouldn't know it by the way
9129s that yazana's still free and that quartz
9131s is still picking off back liners they
9133s finally dealt with courts but I it's not
9135s definitive the res is there and KSA with
9137s the annihilation so no one can collapse
9139s on that and gazan wants to go aggressive
9141s again
9142s there's the valkyrie as well keeping
9145s everyone topped up and it just allows
9147s for so much quicker movement from the
9148s res on court back to yazan allowing him
9151s to do free range of whatever he wants
9153s and the switch on to Diva was a good
9155s thought to try and eat up some of the
9157s projectiles with the defense Matrix but
9159s still too much damage is being done from
9161s basically all angles here for that Diva
9164s to be effective and it's missing out on
9166s that huge Annihilation ultimate right
9168s since Saudi Arabia wants to be so close
9170s to your face at all times and Diva also
9173s does the most damage at close range so
9175s here's this guy ended up getting
9176s completely out damaged whenever that
9180s ultimate comes out and there's a barrage
9182s in once again the Nano Nano boost great
9185s sleep there
9186s sleep and yazan I think he's caught out
9189s he definitely dies here at the very
9191s least all right yeah the threat has been
9193s kind of neutralized for now you do have
9194s to invest the Nano boost to do it but
9196s like the cart is still close to being
9198s capped to your quartz oh my God stop
9201s it you're just stuffing Orion in a
9203s locker at this point in time and they're
9205s gonna have to like hack towards support
9207s is there they can't even take the
9208s Widowmaker down but I hit the Saudi
9210s Arabia just looking so much more clean
9211s as a team right now
9214s yeah and the switch on to Echo from is
9217s on now because they're like okay well
9218s you killed the pharah a few too many
9220s times okay Oakland car is able to get
9223s the self-destruct off take Haku out of
9225s the equation so no more res is for this
9227s neck but yazan needs to be a little bit
9229s more careful because he doesn't have
9230s that pocket but the rest of the squad is
9232s still on top of it KSA with the switch
9234s on to the diva and yazan just having a
9237s lot of damage in the bank with the echo
9244s there to be able to contest the card
9246s there making sure no one tries to back
9248s cap but KSA not quite done with this one
9251s quartz has the sides and Orion's head
9252s needs to be on a swivel
9255s the ground currently quartz calm down
9258s yeah quartz is popping off on the wheel
9261s there is just no other way to say it
9263s there is no way to avoid what course is
9266s doing to them and round one 56 seconds
9270s left over that's not a bad time bank at
9272s all Iceland did have a few sides of life
9275s right at the end there but it also came
9277s down to a lot of Spawn Advantage as well
9280s being very very close to where the
9282s payload currently was and Saudi Arabia
9284s they have a very comfortable time bank
9287s to sit back on they're quite comfortable
9289s not as comfortable as it could have been
9291s Iceland did you know did it did a pretty
9293s okay job of bleeding some time off the
9295s bank there but they just kind of delayed
9297s the inevitable quartz is currently
9299s playing like there's four of him call
9300s that a gallon the way this Widow is just
9302s constantly hitting shots taking heads
9304s off of shoulders left and right and like
9306s sometimes just coming up with 3ks and
9308s it's also because like everyone is
9310s trying to look at yazan and like they
9313s always have to have their eyes in like
9316s six different directions right because
9317s there's Sports lurking in one spot again
9320s gazan above them KSA sir Majed always
9323s being an ever-present threat as the
9325s front line and Iceland still just don't
9328s have an answer for it and Saudi Arabia
9330s like they don't even really have to go
9331s for the spawn hold here right I think
9333s they're just confident enough in their
9335s mechanical abilities and their team play
9336s to be able to bleed enough time off the
9338s bank here with something that's a little
9340s bit more of a standard composition with
9342s yazan on the ground for some reason I
9344s don't know what that's all about that's
9345s that seems like a seems like a glitch in
9347s The Matrix there but
9350s uh just a little bit of a glitch in The
9352s Matrix I mean Saudi Arabia they have
9354s gone right the sojourn is
9357s I I don't know if this is well I mean
9360s they're going to go for the sojourn so
9362s it's whatever but Iceland on the other
9363s hand they've gone for the Sombra on half
9365s a cool they've gone back to the ramatra
9367s as well and a Baptiste on a back line so
9371s they're kind of acutely aware of how
9373s much damage Saudi Arabia dishes out and
9375s they're trying to get as beefy as the
9376s birth supports as they can possibly get
9379s in terms of healing oglehar though
9381s they're able to isolate KSA with the May
9383s wall that's pretty good though just try
9386s and keep the Rota out but there's so
9389s much healing from sermajed however now
9391s with the nemnis for oaklakar is able to
9394s finally take down the ramatra Iceland on
9396s this attack they're looking pretty good
9398s I mean so far but the focus fire took so
9401s long for them to finally take down KSA
9403s and there's Haku with the res so you
9405s don't even have to wait for the respawn
9406s there they might be able to dispatch
9408s Haku but the the guardian angel flies
9410s out what sports
9411s what else is there to say about quartz
9414s right now quartz is just cooking KSA
9416s falls again that might be a way in for
9419s Iceland but the only way in is the same
9421s way out and that's right into quartz
9424s yeah quartz isn't even taking a safe
9426s position right eliminated with the
9428s anti-made and there's okay there's the
9430s annihilation to come out but Oklahoma
9432s car there wasn't really anyone except
9435s Sarah Majed they're really trying to
9436s focus down the back line now and KSA
9439s turning to that erisa instead of the
9441s rumacha to maybe try and get a little
9443s bit more uh crowd control for the back
9446s line since thermojet seems to be getting
9448s a little bit more focused fire from
9449s Iceland this time around Oakland car
9451s looking to take down why is on
9454s and with the Nano boost now on to the
9457s tank they're looking for the smiability
9458s as well quartz however is just being
9460s left unchecked but dark is now out of
9463s the fight and without the honor you have
9465s the amp Matrix coming through oh my God
9467s what a shot onto Chrissy and they can't
9469s even Force positioning now with that
9471s ultimate because the only person that
9473s was up on The High Ground was
9474s immediately neutralized by this
9475s Widowmaker okay what a sleep from
9478s servajed and quartz it's like we've been
9481s talking about yazan but quartz really
9483s needs this moment to shine now this is
9485s this is all quartz's map and like that
9487s clip even starts off with quartz missing
9489s a couple of shots but he's just not
9490s punished for it because who can punish
9493s him for it like the only person that can
9494s reasonably put up a fight against courts
9497s right now is Orion on the Widowmaker no
9499s one else is putting pressure onto quartz
9501s and you know Orion is not really able to
9504s keep up with the pressure that quartz is
9506s getting and so yeah you just let him
9507s keep hitting shots eventually he's gonna
9509s strike gold take another head off and
9511s that time it was not the coolest there
9513s goes orions oh my goodness quartz calm
9516s down
9518s okay like it's just like the amount of
9521s shots that he hits it doesn't matter how
9522s many hands this is because every single
9524s time he gets another chance he gets the
9526s shot and yazan you know still getting
9528s that Mercy pocket still doing quite a
9531s bit of damage but it's just every single
9533s headshot quartz is hitting and on the
9535s other side Iceland they have an ultimate
9537s but it's just the Widowmaker ultimate
9539s and what are you going to do if Orion
9541s wasn't really on like point in the first
9543s place wasn't really hitting those shots
9545s they at least know where quartz is so
9547s they can focus down the Widowmaker and
9549s yazan it's up to him to try and take
9551s some of the pressure off and take the
9554s pressure off he does Orion out of the
9556s fight there is no Widowmaker 1v1 to be
9558s spoken up here now the rest is going to
9560s come through though so quartz has not
9562s been successfully dispatched entirely
9564s half a cool actually tries to go for a
9566s punish there while the mercy is no
9567s longer attached to the Azan but not able
9569s to do enough Force to translocate out
9571s Saudi Arabia holding strong here and
9573s half a cool looking like his days are
9576s numbered the design has to be real
9579s got him eventually and meanwhile the
9581s rest of Saudi Arabia just collapsed
9583s Iceland the horse has fallen again so
9585s this might be a way in you've
9587s successfully taken out the main threat
9589s but you only have 10 seconds to touch a
9590s point in your son knows what he can get
9592s away with and oh what
9595s what is happening that is there is no
9599s way you let that happen to you but I
9601s mean I don't even think they had a
9603s choice the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia very
9605s dominant the 2-0 from Saudi Arabia after
9608s he hard fought 2-1 yesterday against
9611s Finland it is going to bring them up in
9613s the rankings for sure standing at a 2-0
9616s record only dropping one map so far but
9619s I am not surprised they are really
9621s winding up I I have no idea like what
9624s the conversion rate is from Icelandic
9626s currency to Saudi Arabian currency but
9628s you know Saudi Arabia gets a chance to
9630s figure it out because they just took all
9631s of Iceland's lunch money that whole
9632s getting just stuffed them into lockers
9634s left and right quartz was just
9636s Unstoppable there was just no answer
9638s that was a non-fight I mean I kind of
9640s knew going into this that two OverWatch
9642s was kind of inevitable but I didn't
9643s think it would be that dominant to where
9646s it didn't even look like Saudi Arabia
9648s really had to try uh Iceland still
9651s leaving a lot to be desired I think
9653s there's still time for them to try and
9654s make up the deficit but they're not off
9656s to a good start this week going down 0-2
9658s meanwhile Saudi Arabia like you said
9661s their match with Finland was hard fought
9662s but this one there they didn't even need
9664s to fight really
9665s yeah they were just I mean it felt like
9667s they had free range to do whatever it
9669s almost looked like they were smurfing on
9671s like a poor team and ranked and it was
9674s just like
9675s every single move that they made was so
9678s deliberate and calculated and they still
9681s felt like they were being very
9682s coordinated despite the fact they were
9684s kind of like given free range to do
9686s whatever they wanted you like use on to
9688s switch on to sojourn even when he's
9690s known for the pharah at the very last
9692s fight the overclock the amount of shots
9694s that he hit when Ari when quartz was
9696s down knowing the fact that okay we don't
9698s have a Widowmaker so I will be the
9701s Widowmaker and doing so much damage in
9703s the thick of it it is just so insane so
9706s impressive they really showed us their
9707s versatility they showed a lot of what
9710s they can do and they're not they're not
9712s doing this against like nobodies right
9714s like half the cool is again a name that
9716s has a lot of weight behind it you know
9717s I've seen a lot of bat a lot of good
9719s things from the back line of Iceland you
9721s know uh for thark and crazy have
9723s impressed me in some of their outings
9724s thus far but as a collective Iceland
9726s just haven't been able to piece it
9728s together and Saudi Arabia as a result
9730s just leave them in pieces
9733s yeah I mean it's I don't know what
9737s there's much to say for Iceland after
9738s that they are at an O2 record they just
9741s want to advance Germany I mean they went
9743s against some of the best teams in group
9745s b so far but I mean it after those games
9748s it has to be a little bit of mental boom
9750s you know you have to find some way to
9752s regroup and get back into it well I mean
9754s like if you face off against the two
9755s best teams in group b like you're done
9757s right like because there's only two
9758s spots so they have to try and best one
9761s of those teams so like now it's got to
9763s be like if Iceland really wants to make
9765s it to the playoffs they have to be like
9766s near perfect from here on out which is
9768s again going to have to be one of those
9769s situations where they go back to the
9771s drawing board you know find their Mojo
9773s find something new try and piece
9774s everything together and then they have
9776s to also hope that like Saudi Arabia or
9779s Norway like trip over their shoelaces at
9781s the Midnight Hour and they're able to
9782s overtake them like it's looking more and
9784s more dire as things goes on because
9787s again it's a very very competitive group
9789s and this was not a competitive match
9791s we're looking at potentially the top and
9792s bottom in that group Iceland potentially
9794s lower middle of the pack still has a
9796s ways to go I I still like this team
9798s there's still promise there and I do
9800s think that the talent is there if they
9801s want to try and fit some of the pieces
9803s together but it's going to it's going to
9805s be a process and there might not be
9806s enough time for that process to fully
9808s play out
9809s yeah I mean I'm really nervous for them
9812s they like the last team that they went
9814s against Germany right this person that
9816s has the same record the team that has
9817s the same record is Sweden who went O2
9820s who are currently owed to in groups as
9822s well but they also lost to Norway and
9824s Norway beat Germany when Iceland lost to
9827s Germany so just looking at the numbers
9829s Iceland they are down for an uphill
9832s climb now Iceland versus Sweden might be
9835s a match to keep an eye on just to see
9836s how the pecking order all kind of shakes
9838s out but you know up at the top maybe we
9841s might be looking forward to a Norway
9842s versus Saudi Arabia match coming up here
9844s in the coming days we'll have to see
9846s that might be the one to definitely keep
9847s your eye on for Group B as are all of
9849s the matches in group b because again
9851s it's a very hotly contested group here
9853s we have one more matchroom Group B
9855s coming up here as well as some action
9857s from group a which is definitely no
9859s slouch either there's some competition
9861s heating up there as well hex and zp will
9864s be here on the other side of this break
9865s to take you through through all of that
9867s sorry but that's gonna be it for me and
9869s CB and uh epitomies it's been a pleasure
9871s we will see you guys near the side of
9873s the break don't go anywhere
9876s [Music]
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9944s thank you
9959s foreign
9964s [Music]
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10015s thank you
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10033s foreign
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10050s [Music]
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10099s thank you
10101s welcome back to the OverWatch World Cup
10102s emec online qualifiers I'm Jim Basco
10105s we've had some incredible matches to
10107s date we are about halfway through the
10108s day and of course I have the pleasure of
10110s introducing zp and hex for this second
10112s half of the day we're gonna be focusing
10113s on group a gentlemen how are y'all doing
10115s zp how's it going man feeling good going
10117s good uh definitely got a little bit more
10119s sleep today on the later schedule but
10121s you know what these matches are all lots
10123s of in sleep through again another day of
10125s story lines it's been super the watch
10127s and you know it's not going to stop too
10129s especially when we look at the matches
10130s later in the day
10131s yeah I mean absolutely it's it's been
10133s fun to be up since early early but you
10136s know I'm not gonna miss these games
10137s anyway
10138s um so I mean just brief recap uh what's
10139s going on with Sweden uh Norway is pretty
10141s good and uh Saudi gravy is good uh and
10144s now we know we're at map four so just
10146s catching everyone up basically yeah
10148s obviously we just saw Saudi Arabia
10149s absolutely dominating let's take a look
10151s at the schedule if we can and of course
10154s I'll explain the format as we're going
10155s on along here the emec online qualifier
10158s challenge we're showcasing two groups
10159s competing in a round robin for the first
10160s half of the day we focused on Group B
10163s now we'll be Shifting the focus on a
10164s group a it's a first to two tournament
10166s and it's a single stage tournament split
10168s over two weeks we're on day two of week
10171s one and as you see Saudi Arabia dunking
10174s on Iceland there's no better way to put
10175s it quartz and yazan putting on an
10178s absolute Master Class coming up though
10179s we'll be shifting focuses to group a
10181s Belgium versus Spain followed by France
10183s playing Portugal we did not seen play
10185s yet Italy and the Netherlands shortly
10188s afterwards and will round out the day
10190s with Great Britain versus Den Mark which
10192s is another match another country rather
10194s in Denmark that we haven't seen play yet
10196s as well so hex let's start with you
10198s Belgium versus Spain what are your
10199s thoughts on that matchup well I mean
10201s Spain actually looked pretty strong uh
10203s yesterday when they I guess it's an
10204s upset I mean it's so early in the
10206s tournament it's kind of hard to call
10207s things upset but like you know they've
10208s beaten Netherlands which I was a little
10210s surprised at
10211s um the core of this team is not a not a
10214s lot of players that people have heard of
10215s it's the core of it is a contender spot
10217s called artaxia or yeah artaraxia I have
10221s no follow-up on that I just thought
10222s artaracts he has a great name and want
10224s to give them the props for that
10225s um and yeah and like you know Hal was
10227s pretty good on tank just former British
10229s Hurricanes got some experience so I
10231s think the Spain team is a little
10232s surprising on the other side it's no
10234s surprise like Belgium was trying to just
10236s have like Logics carried up like which
10237s was you know make make sense makes sense
10240s yeah I mean you talk about Belgium uh
10243s Logics uh that's that's pretty much it
10245s and I could go on for hours about logic
10248s said when he's done the OverWatch scene
10249s but it's just good to see him playing
10250s again
10251s absolutely yeah stack day and of course
10253s you guys heard the uh Spanish team
10254s yesterday so emotional about their
10256s Victory
10257s um and it was really contagious so of
10260s course there's a lot of high emotions
10261s riding today hopefully they can funnel
10263s and convert those into a victory for
10265s themselves here go 2-0 on the week but
10268s with that said
10269s um zp hex I leave it to y'all take it
10271s away with Belgium and Spain I'll see you
10272s guys on the flip side thank you thank
10274s you and yeah because we go in here I
10276s mean it's always gonna be interesting to
10277s see how these teams match up right where
10279s you know we talked about about a lot
10280s yesterday about hey you know it's
10282s OverWatch World Cup not every team is
10283s playing the meta every team has a
10285s different style and you know some teams
10287s rely more on those star players than
10288s others and you go to Belgium and that's
10290s probably one of the most true statements
10292s you could ever have where you know you
10293s have Logics one of the most tenured
10295s players in OverWatch history coming back
10297s in for the tournament and you know from
10299s we saw yesterday still a player that
10300s they are going to heavily build around
10302s well I mean what really stuck out to me
10304s first of all they played Great Britain
10306s so let's give them a pass Olympics a
10308s pretty stacked roster so it's kind of
10309s hard to say but like when they got their
10311s app pick they went to Circa Royale right
10313s which I'm like oh of course because now
10315s they just want to play Widow and sniper
10317s right so like that was obviously the
10319s carry
10320s um so Logix does have those I think you
10321s and I have both talked in length about
10323s this that Logics is one of those players
10324s with like some of the greatest Peaks and
10327s valleys I think I've ever seen in
10328s OverWatch as a whole
10330s um just like can carry a game but can
10332s also be really really quiet so they're
10334s gonna have to rely a little bit on other
10336s people to get to get some stuff done Ken
10339s had a couple of actually pretty good
10340s moments um like playing I think I think
10342s it was some Echo
10344s um but yeah a lot of this is
10346s it's gonna be hard to tell because if
10348s they come out and struggle against Spain
10349s that's completely different they
10350s struggle against a team in Great Britain
10352s with the loaded roster to be expected
10354s but Logics uh you know when you play
10357s Heroes like he plays with it's just pure
10360s aim like easy they're hidden shots or is
10362s not kind of so always that potential to
10364s carry a match
10365s yeah and uh we'll see how it pans out of
10369s course we're talking about Belgium other
10371s team on the other side of Spain and yo
10373s hex you're just talking a little bit
10374s about things that impressed you on the
10376s Spain roster where you know it's worth
10378s noting that this is a roster that seen a
10380s lot of turnover over the years there's a
10381s lot of like old Legacy OverWatch players
10382s that used to make up the Spain Rosner
10384s now yeah it's basically a new set of
10388s players but uh you know it's cool to see
10389s Spain still churning out new OverWatch
10392s Talent yeah I mean you're gonna have to
10393s stick with us through the old
10394s reminiscing you know we've been around
10396s for seven or eight years so um yeah gone
10398s are the days are Harry hook and neptuno
10400s on the Spain roster they are no longer
10402s here so I mean I looked a hell of a
10404s health played pretty well especially
10405s when they can play Rush and the
10407s Reinhardt can take off I also thought
10409s Hira had some pretty nice moments
10411s um but yeah I mean the Spain roster is
10414s not full of all stars but it is does
10416s have some cohesion a lot of players that
10418s have played together for a little bit
10419s and uh so yeah we'll see if they can get
10422s something done against a Belgium team
10423s that again I hate using this but like on
10426s paper should be the better roster
10428s overall but just ended up unfortunately
10430s going against Great Britain early on
10432s well one of the great things that we
10433s learned uh yesterday and you know a
10435s little bit on today I look at Sweden's
10437s performances you know what what's
10438s written down on paper does not always
10440s matter as it turns out especially in
10443s tournaments like this I mean look even
10445s if you have players that are incredible
10446s in the OverWatch League they may be out
10448s of sync with their team for one reason
10450s another out of practice whatever it may
10451s be so uh you know you don't know what's
10454s gonna happen until the games get played
10455s Vex we're kicking things off here in
10457s Nepal a little bit of a change of pace
10458s where you know yesterday I think every
10460s match we casted was nothing but Legion
10462s yeah nothing but lijong I think as we go
10464s forward into the next matches we'll
10466s we'll start rotating some controls uh of
10468s course it is a first to two or best
10470s three kind of depending on how you want
10472s to call it also the loser will pick the
10475s second match I've been trying to keep
10476s pretty close track of that because I
10478s think it's gonna play into a lot of
10479s these team strategies as they go forward
10481s of like is this team gonna be a King's
10483s Row team is this team another team so I
10486s believe yesterday when Spain lost their
10488s first match uh against the Netherlands
10491s they ended up picking well I guess we'll
10494s get there when we get there but I think
10495s they're King's Row team so we'll see how
10496s that ends up shaking out as we go
10498s throughout the day but Nepal early on
10500s and what I saw a lot yesterday
10501s especially in the latter half of the day
10503s was most teams running like a tracer
10506s Sombra Winston died like that was pretty
10508s much the predominant meta but we'll see
10510s also Nepal stage dependent this stage in
10513s particular
10515s tend to see a lot of May and symmetra
10516s just because how the point is oriented
10518s yeah I mean I love how Maps can impact
10521s hero selection where it feels like no
10523s matter what meta you're in an OverWatch
10524s where the 6v6 5v5 you know is dive
10528s strong Rush strong are you in goats back
10531s in the day uh it doesn't matter teams
10532s will still find a way of playing May on
10534s this map it just uh you know it's often
10536s Mainstay but it doesn't always happen on
10538s the same note and in fact as you take a
10540s look at both teams here you know we get
10542s done hyping up May and neither team's
10543s showing their hand to it here just yet
10547s yeah so it's going to be pretty mirrored
10549s out uh Canon the echo not surprising
10551s probably one of the better Heroes that
10552s they played yesterday uh hell on the
10554s Winston Sky tour you know Winston duels
10556s but the back Line's a little bit
10558s different running a mercy um that's
10560s obviously just to help with the echo so
10561s we'll see how that ends up shaking out
10564s I Meanwhile we're taking a look at Logix
10565s of course the story for Belgium and we
10568s get pod Down super super early here as
10571s we see Belgium try and equalize objects
10573s under a little bit of pressure goes to
10575s the Winston takes him on out and a
10577s little bit back and forth between both
10578s teams with Spain more presence of the
10580s point should get first control question
10582s is Texas we're gonna be able to keep
10583s this
10584s yeah I mean Belgium did a great job of
10586s catching that aggression and just
10587s falling back to where they needed to be
10588s wow like that is some nice shots coming
10591s in actually from Canal uh putting some
10594s damage on and that's gonna at least slow
10596s it down and not only does it slow it
10597s down but that backs up Belgium to the
10599s point where Spain is now fully
10601s reinforced so there was a small window
10602s where Waldron was up a couple players
10604s and that window is closed yeah Belgium
10607s didn't feel good about heading on to the
10609s point there but right now we're gonna be
10610s banking housing logic in the pulse bomb
10612s see Logics right now just the
10613s outskirts this one gets too low wants to
10614s find his window up to 11 HP though not
10616s gonna get it take it on down by Hira
10618s skytor though diving on end gets rid of
10621s the Anna for Spain however here are
10624s immediately firing back it comes at a
10625s cost and in Belgium right now again hex
10627s I don't think they have enough meat to
10628s get onto the point
10630s no I mean and even if they do if you've
10632s got Laura just waiting in the wing not
10634s even gonna need the EMP just a double
10636s kill from the Sombra of Spain this is
10640s really really one-sided right now I mean
10642s Belgium I guess is going to be in a
10644s different space where they're trying to
10646s like Bank up their their Echo alts and
10648s maybe get something going off of that
10649s but this has been
10651s this has been all Spain
10653s yeah and I mean while it's been the
10654s standout play from Lauren here thus far
10656s but you know you take a look here it's
10658s Anna looking for Nano boost to start
10660s things off but it's more an EMP
10662s immediately Shabba immediately taken out
10664s of the fight Spain though getting pretty
10666s low on the other end Lauren has to back
10668s out Sierra looking for any form of
10670s healing this doll goes down in Belgium
10672s they withstand a lot of the early
10673s initiation however here is still in it
10675s punishes skytor again held going to the
10678s back and Chase down Mr logic's Primal
10681s Rage up and ready to go here for Spain
10683s and again it makes room and Belgium just
10685s can't find the point no and I actually
10688s really like what uh the Anna player for
10690s Spain is doing canal and it seems like
10693s that EMP came out before just to like
10695s make sure that no one can jump them
10697s which was great and then even when they
10698s did get double jumped they they got the
10700s Nano off to get some pressure in and now
10702s at 99 uh ultram's just burning through
10705s everything because they have to yeah I
10707s mean Belgium has been sort of slowly
10709s standing up for the course of the round
10710s but around is just about over the point
10713s presence really hasn't been there in
10715s Spain just gets to do a little bit
10716s casual cleanup here because Belgium had
10718s to go in pretty desperate Logics try and
10721s do something to turn around gets Nana
10722s but that's gonna be about it and you
10724s know this is a bit of weird Round Here
10726s hex where I feel like there was a lot of
10728s hard losing it was like soft losing from
10730s Belgium the whole way through it's not
10732s that you saw like team wipe after team
10734s wipe it's you know they'd lose like one
10735s or two people early on the fight would
10737s last a long time and they'd eventually
10739s reinforced yeah all the while not
10741s getting the point kind of staggers uh
10743s not able to get initiating kills I think
10745s was a big problem like when you when you
10747s went in with your Echo and your mercy
10748s and you're diving in and you lose one of
10750s the two right away uh then you're in a
10752s rough spot because your team has to
10753s either try to like back up or go help
10754s the mercy with the resurrection but
10756s wasn't dying in like the correct spots
10758s to get resurrections uh Logics was kind
10760s of all over the place but actually
10761s getting checked by the opposing Anna and
10764s then um they Belgium just really didn't
10766s have an answer to Lauren's Sombra play
10768s like it was It was kind of uh being able
10770s to isolate players so
10772s really really good from Spain well also
10775s on top of that I feel like Sky tour was
10776s eating a lot of heavy pressure like in a
10778s good amount of those fights skytor would
10779s just be down early and you know
10781s especially at that point on Nepal it's
10783s so hard to make a legitimate attempt at
10785s the point if your tank is down before
10786s you know really have had a chance to
10788s head to it
10792s well now we do have a May Hanzo on the
10795s point Logics one of his better Heroes on
10796s the ash also very good on this stage so
10799s very different compositions Spain
10802s looking uh to super rush this one down
10805s yeah I mean Spain right now first round
10807s especially but also in this round
10809s definitely seem to be more comfortable
10810s just taking the initiative early May
10811s walking out the Spain looks to wrap
10813s around Belgium able to back out of it
10815s can again pretty well poked down but
10816s pabanova taken down super super quickly
10819s held though traded out he got boobed
10821s actually I think off the edge so Belgium
10824s best opportunity they've had here all
10826s map long but they still gotta go to the
10828s point Belgium a little bit allergic to
10830s hang to the point early here Warren goes
10832s down and right now Belgium finally
10835s hopping on over to the point Logics
10837s finds here and you know again these are
10839s not decisive fights but it's enough for
10841s Belgium to get first control yeah Chaba
10843s really opened that up for his Squad with
10845s a couple of kills uh from the Lucio on
10847s the other side and now we just have tank
10848s speed tanks there's no one else really
10849s even helping on these points finally
10851s illusio comes in help Sky tour please
10854s just getting beaten up in the corner
10856s taking on down in Spain want to reflip
10860s this in a hurry definitely more presence
10861s on the plane shop on Sky tour no Scotch
10863s Resort
10864s on the back end and this is gonna let
10866s hell be more aggressive just hold this
10869s outer door which you know in the ball
10870s hex has always been a little bit
10872s Troublesome to get through well I think
10873s why Spain is doing well and this is just
10875s Theory crafting is that however is
10877s definitely the most veteran player on
10878s this team the most uh experience and
10880s competitive play if you go back and look
10882s at the resume and so having that on your
10883s tank player is so important because even
10885s if you saw the initiations on the first
10887s stage and now you're seeing the
10888s initiations on the second stage it's
10890s enormous Logics was being sneaky and the
10893s seeking this only got an arrow to the
10895s Head hero was all over that flank
10897s attempt and uh I just immediately put
10900s the fight in trouble for Belgium really
10902s it's something it's about sending a
10905s message
10907s oh
10909s just so you know the team doesn't need
10911s me and your team doesn't need you go off
10914s the lunge
10916s well I mean you know if you really want
10918s to take a strategy angle to it the hell
10920s should be back a little bit faster
10922s um I don't know they might have Lucio
10923s taxi but yeah now they're at the Spain's
10926s in good position Dragon comes through
10927s and here opens up the dragon it pushes
10929s Belgium back a bit and see mortality
10931s filled out early at the same time now we
10934s got Girard here in the back on the Hanzo
10936s looking for
10939s throws onto the point in Belgium right
10942s now again they have to worry about Point
10943s person's part anything else but as I say
10944s that part of Nova and Ken both get
10946s picked off Logics struggling to find
10948s someone gets here on the backside and
10950s you know Belgium still has control the
10952s point and what has again been a very
10953s Scrappy spread out fight Spain though
10956s they have more presence on the point
10958s should be able to recap
10960s yeah not really sure what Chapel was
10962s doing they're probably going for another
10963s big playmaker uh play that he's done a
10965s couple of times logic's just going to
10966s give up the ghost just the coach gun
10968s does not recharge in time to get over
10970s that edge but I mean with just Logics
10972s just kind of poking away like Spain
10974s doesn't really care they can just
10975s sustain on the point with that and then
10977s Chaba ends up giving up his life now
10978s we're down to it like Belgium has to win
10980s a fight here you'd imagine Annihilation
10982s that something has to come out maybe
10984s boost forward yeah I mean Annihilation
10986s has to be done later Waldo going to be
10988s making Sky tour a little bit delayed
10990s early on
10998s but meanwhile you've got to pay
11000s attention to the point Belgium still has
11002s to move all this over to the point Sky
11005s tour anywhere but but Logics on the
11008s cleanup with Shabba Belgium does enough
11010s to get the flip
11011s yeah they desperately needed that I do
11013s like when hell did though is just like
11015s okay I know you're gonna try to
11016s annihilate I'm gonna give it up and
11018s hopefully my team can win a 4v4 uh they
11021s go in there but I mean it's mostly just
11022s been Choppa and the objects uh just kind
11024s of carrying and end up getting these
11025s enormous picks so 50 for Belgium they
11027s have no ultimates up neither to Spain
11030s we're gonna have a pretty empty fight
11031s here maybe a dragon comes out for either
11033s side
11035s well here we go Spain only being one
11037s fight Belgium being to be perfect from
11039s here on out Hira now on the Hanzo yet
11042s again here on the side just looking for
11044s any pick that can be found getting poked
11046s down to turn Sky tour pretty deep the
11048s mortality field already burned might be
11049s going down here in a second Logics
11050s dropping the Bob once again you see
11053s healthier out to the side I'll get back
11055s in there in just a second goes to the
11057s pin now to swinging take it on down
11060s Logics finding good damage in Belgium is
11063s starting to pull their way back in his
11064s logic's had a massive Dynamite
11066s yeah I mean this is the carry potential
11069s that Logics has especially on the ash
11071s um and right now Belgium just really
11073s needs and I'm focusing on keeping Sky
11075s tour alive and I think a lot of the
11076s resources will you know naturally go
11078s into Logics at some point in time but it
11080s doesn't really need them in this stage
11081s so Sky tour has been taking a lot of
11083s Entry damage he saw in stage one but
11085s they really need to focus on keeping
11087s skytor healthy so we can go head-to-head
11089s with hell Logics goes down hear us stops
11092s the threat early this time the arrow
11093s connects and hell no down on the other
11095s end so I'm gonna be short of healing
11097s Sky tour still alive on point walking
11099s away take out his counterpart and does
11102s the eight of Ken Belgium holding on
11104s strong it's 99-99 and Belgium has nearly
11107s brought this one back Spain how long can
11109s they delay Lauren down on the point as
11112s Belgium looking very healthy time takes
11115s down and we're going to round three I
11116s mean it's taking down the Baptiste right
11118s like it's just so much healing when
11120s you're running these compositions that
11121s have a Lucio in them you Lucio is your
11123s utility it's a lot like when you run a
11125s composition with a Zenyatta in his
11126s zenyatta's utility you just don't have
11128s the healing to go Toe to Toe uh with a
11130s team that's going to have the the splash
11133s damage and the burst healing that a
11135s Baptiste has so losing your back like
11137s that is really brutal but Belgium will
11139s tie it up one to one on the back of
11140s their support play and Logics also Sky
11142s torte Staying Alive a little better
11144s there uh hasn't quite evolved it was a
11147s much better run for Sky tour relative to
11148s the first round where it felt like Sky
11150s tour you know was falling first early no
11151s sub adjustments were definitely made of
11154s course it was a different tank matchup
11155s today uh speaking of different match up
11158s Spain going back to the somber here
11160s which should be a little bit worrisome
11162s for Belgium given how well Lauren played
11164s it in the first round the May is gone
11166s back to a little bit of stealth Action
11168s and we'll see if Belgium makes the
11169s adjustments
11172s yeah I like Spain's lineup a little bit
11175s better uh mostly just like the sustain
11176s on the point um so like you know getting
11178s the the brig in the Anna is enormous so
11181s Belgium really again is banking on this
11183s Echo Mercy combination which in stage
11186s one did not do a whole lot
11189s here it's a little bit more wide open I
11190s think this is a little bit better though
11192s it's a better stage for it yeah yeah
11193s it's definitely a better stage
11196s for the Logics right now I'm not going
11198s for anything too wild just sitting back
11199s focusing on build pack
11202s that's the adjustment though skytor got
11205s out this time didn't fall early the
11207s problem that Belgium has that Spain got
11208s control the point first so at some point
11210s they need to make a play here Spain is
11212s meanwhile willing to just hold back with
11214s it don't you feel each other out skytor
11216s going down low gets healed back up and
11217s herea gets Logics wins the Tracer V
11220s Tracer and with Logics down and Spain's
11223s still healthy I'll just have to back out
11226s yeah and pretty much it is a constant
11228s harassment from Hell onto Chaba uh he's
11232s just going after this Mercy you saw in
11233s stage one as well just chasing Mercy
11235s constantly and Echo doesn't have like
11237s this great response to like trying to
11239s trying to save your mercy
11241s um especially if a bubble goes down like
11243s Echo can't do anything uh so it gets
11245s it's very difficult and we're seeing
11248s kind of history repeat itself from stage
11249s one and I love the lurking pulse bomb
11252s we'll see if Hira can get anything going
11254s oh they might be hanged by it too you
11256s look where here just was you look where
11257s Belgium is going here it comes goes on
11259s in gets the stick takes down the auto
11261s and just like that you've destroyed
11264s Belgium's momentum for this push you buy
11266s yourself you know a lot of time but even
11268s if the res coming in you're not gonna
11269s have it for this like you cannot play
11272s anywhere near as aggressively as you
11274s want to and Here and Now
11277s a little bit further back the sky tour
11279s going in I'll spot from Logics is this
11280s guy connects no meanwhile Lauren gets
11283s stepped back touches Ziana won't be a
11285s res this time is Ken we have the
11288s duplicate you still have one more push
11289s you probably don't want to use it now
11290s but you know yeah you kind of mentioned
11292s before Belgium is in the same spot that
11294s they found themselves back on round one
11296s yeah and they're gonna have to get some
11297s value out of duplicate hopefully maybe
11299s you duplicate a Winston but I I think
11302s Spain I think if I'm Spain right now I'm
11304s Lauren I'm trying to set up an entry
11306s kill Spain's been so good at getting the
11307s first kills in these fight and I think
11309s the somber of the EMP you can you can
11311s end this round right now
11314s here we go Lauren drops the EMP and
11316s right now it's awesome tour yeah that's
11319s the only person in Sky tour is able to
11321s get away meanwhile held sleeping on the
11323s job Stills problem Reserve we'll be able
11325s to pop it even if Focus fire does go
11327s into it Spain looking very healthy Skies
11328s four still under pressure as criminal is
11330s long gone the stick from here it
11332s connects and Spain just about had this
11335s one done three down for Belgium no way
11338s that they keep this delayed and that's
11340s gonna be Spain taking map one
11343s impressive play from Spain and I mean I
11346s think I think we've seen it a couple of
11348s times so far in the tournament granted
11349s the tournament is very young there is
11351s something to be said about coordination
11353s team play
11355s um I mean it goes without saying in
11356s OverWatch right but like the teams who
11358s look like a cohesive unit just like that
11360s one moment just somber and Tracer
11362s connecting together and reinforcing your
11363s tank dive like the space looks like a
11366s pretty strong team and they're on the
11368s verge of like one map away from going up
11370s 2-0 against Belgium and Netherlands not
11374s like the top top tier of of the groups
11378s or the region but surprising it's
11380s surprising yeah
11382s I mean look Spain's looked good and you
11384s know you mentioned part of it is the
11385s team coordination but I'd also say in
11387s terms of individual Talent you're just
11388s seeing some hero plays come out from
11390s multiple members of the Spanish team and
11393s you know Kira definitely a player that's
11394s impressing me as we go on also held very
11398s solid tank play so far I think you've
11400s seen Sky tour just in a world of hurt
11402s and yeah part of that is that Spain has
11403s better focused fire in the tanks but
11405s helve has also been checking him very
11407s reliably the entire time well also I
11409s mean it's always that old adage too of
11411s we didn't really mention the supports
11413s for Spain and that's good it's usually
11415s the only time you mentioned subords is
11417s like oh didn't want to die there and
11419s like there was one death with a canal
11421s dying you know it's actually this fight
11422s right here that ended up costing them
11424s but for the most part I mean I also just
11426s questioned like I mean kind of had some
11429s moments you know I saw the other day for
11432s Belgium
11433s um but man this Echo got almost nothing
11436s done in stage one and stage three and
11439s not only is like you're the investment
11442s is so high why when you're running a
11443s vertical composition whether it be a bar
11445s or an echo then it has to get like twice
11447s the value because now you don't have the
11449s healing on the ground because you're
11450s committing the mercy to it too uh so
11453s pretty rough start there
11455s we'll see um I have my guesses where
11458s Belgium's gonna go but you know we'll
11460s find that out uh on the other side of
11462s things well Belgium the good news is
11464s that they do get a few regroup rethink
11466s how they want to fight but it is first
11468s to two in Spain on the verge of sending
11472s Belgium another L will they be able to
11474s do it we'll find out soon
11476s [Music]
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11696s Spain coming out strong against Belgium
11698s and a match that shows that Spain really
11701s played together in Belgium hex still
11703s having some weak points that they might
11704s need to figure out soon yeah I mean it
11706s was I don't know we harped on a little
11708s bit but we were even just talking about
11710s over the break like if you're gonna run
11711s the echo Mercy you got to get value out
11713s of it like it has to be it has to happen
11715s if you're gonna run Echo Ferry you have
11716s to get value out of it like
11722s um yeah so it just it wasn't there and I
11724s think there was you know there's just a
11726s lot of good planes from Spain I don't
11728s want to devalue what they ran so
11730s um yeah it's not Ultra surprising but I
11732s mean I guess the surprising thing is if
11734s you told me after two matches Spain was
11736s going to be up 2-0 I'd be stunned but
11738s they still have another map to go of
11739s course the format I'll remind everyone
11741s is that the loser gets to pick their
11742s second map previously when Belgium lost
11745s to Great Britain they went to Circuit
11747s Royale which I I was watching I was like
11748s since Logics wants to play the
11750s Widowmaker and we're gonna go to Circuit
11753s Royale again yeah I mean I'll say here
11755s uh you know the prop up hex he called
11757s this beforehand and he's just
11759s methodically looking at every team and
11762s what they pick just to you know build up
11764s the knowledge base you know build the
11766s narrative and lore here and so far
11768s Belgium they do like their circuit
11769s Royale yeah I mean it just shows how
11771s little people expect for me when people
11773s are proud that I keep a spreadsheet but
11776s I do keep a spreadsheets and yeah but
11778s Belgium going to Circuit Royale makes a
11780s ton of sense the double widow or double
11782s sniper rather and they can run that and
11784s uh they might make some substitutions to
11786s bring in someone to maybe uh
11789s I think they brought in the substitution
11790s to play Sigma I don't have a spreadsheet
11792s on that unfortunately but I think you'll
11794s see Sigma and uh Hanzo Widow would be my
11798s guess for Belgium here especially on the
11801s defense Circa Royale is that map that
11803s you can still run Widowmaker on despite
11805s any potential Nerfs because the sight
11808s lines aren't too brutal they're not too
11810s far you know so um yeah that's what I
11813s would expect to see and if Spain is
11816s doing even a modicum of research they
11818s should have expected circuit Royale as
11820s well yeah and I mean if you're a Spain
11821s going in here obviously if you know
11823s you're going up against a good Widow
11824s player you can always counter Widow and
11826s just be like well I'll play better than
11827s you or you know especially in light of
11829s the recent changes and the fact that you
11831s know you're not as vulnerable from
11832s longer range you can just play something
11834s that's really aggressive in your face
11836s and given how Spain was playing and the
11838s fact that they had really good Sombra
11840s play you know if I'm Spain I just
11842s continue to play their game that they
11843s did on round uh you know one and three
11846s there right where they were really good
11848s you know with Lauren on the Sombra I
11850s don't think you deviate from that I
11851s think you still run it here and you know
11853s make Belgium prove that they can beat it
11856s absolutely I I would 100 agree with you
11859s that I mean I would just probably just
11861s end up diving the Widow and being like
11862s hey um figure out if if you can either
11865s hate your shots or not
11866s um so yeah well it's a completely viable
11869s strategy
11871s um we'll see as Belgium is going to be
11873s on the defense first
11875s so it is going to be Widow Hanzo
11879s um yeah and they do sub in a tank player
11881s to play the the sigma and this can be a
11884s Shira and those are the changes here uh
11888s Spain you never know you never know what
11890s they're gonna run coming out but I think
11891s if I'm Spain I go full on dive here and
11894s just try to jump the heck out of the
11896s back line yeah I mean the thing is when
11898s you're dealing with a widow Hanzo
11900s defense right what they want is time
11902s what you want to do on the offense
11903s remove that time get in their face you
11905s know make it so if they don't hit their
11907s shot the first time there won't be a
11908s second time
11910s yep so I mean I like the Genji here
11912s Genji can be good I mean it would work
11914s fine as well but Genji can be really
11915s good to get the Reflex on and get dashes
11917s and the resets so I like that pick and
11919s then you know how Von the Winston makes
11921s a world of sense swell so right now
11923s Belgium is kind of getting pushed back
11925s odd that they're not like taking this
11927s corner with the sigma but they're just
11928s giving up a ton of space Oh what it's a
11931s good shot yeah I mean that's a win
11932s condition for Belgium have Mr Logix hit
11935s his shots and open up the pic of Miana
11937s one of the best things you can have
11938s happen it's gonna let the rest of
11939s Belgium push a little bit forward push
11941s Spain back at the same time and you know
11943s also in this brief period of time Logics
11946s has more room to find another pick so oh
11948s God about that Meme thank you Mr Logics
11951s oh man that's an old one it checks out
11954s though that is an old one though I don't
11956s think Logics could play the game without
11957s people just saying thank Mr Logix that
11960s will be with him forever I don't even
11963s know how where to ride from but like
11965s most memes it's it's origins of murky
11967s quality but uh yeah it's a good one
11971s so yeah I mean right now this is the
11973s interplay right is that you see Spain
11975s getting more payload progress Belgium is
11978s on a clock to can Logics or Ken get a
11981s pick off and right now aside from what
11983s Anna pick it's been a little bit slow
11984s going Spain has been doing a really good
11986s job of avoiding the Widow putting Logics
11988s under pressure and YOLO Logics is going
11990s here and moving the pressure on the
11992s front line continues Lauren takes out
11993s the sigma and Spain just keeps the
11995s payload moving forward
11997s I mean the pressure is just uh awesome
11999s and I think Lauren is doing a great job
12001s I was I was going to say like Lauren
12002s doesn't even have to get kills just be
12004s annoying and be alive that's like the
12005s whole job of being the somber here and
12007s then Lauren ends up just killing the
12009s opposing tank
12010s um and then you know Canal's gonna get a
12013s couple of pick-offs here on the end
12014s Spain's gonna grab this first point and
12016s probably you don't have to use anything
12017s they're gonna have a full-on bank here
12019s and they're in a great position and what
12021s I really like is that help is not
12022s necessarily diving these these snipers
12024s he's kind of just playing Frontline
12026s these kind of bunny hops getting
12028s protection for his backline and just
12030s really letting uh Lauren and hear him
12032s freelance and do whatever
12035s and I mean we already have swaps out
12037s from Belgium here you see watches on the
12038s castle all that EMP is so big Lauren on
12041s his own follow through but that was a
12044s devastating die then uh the cast swap
12046s not gonna do much for that because as
12048s you mentioned Spain was just saving alts
12049s he didn't have to spend anything to get
12051s through and uh they decided to spend
12053s some there
12055s yeah I mean that's I don't know what
12058s else to say what I'm really impressed
12060s with actually a small thing is uh Lauren
12062s being able to follow up most of his own
12064s emps and hacks like not only is it
12067s enough to have the assist for the Sombra
12068s but just kind of lighting up The Kill
12070s feed so really good trapping here comes
12072s the play Kira moving on in force up the
12074s Transcendence immediately and dies but
12077s well got the princess that would have
12078s been better but who's helping well
12080s punishes the set as soon as the
12082s Transcendence gone Ken firing back but
12084s again Lauren get into it picks up
12086s another two and Lauren just continues to
12089s be a menace on the Sombra yeah this is
12091s absolutely terrifying Sombra play and I
12094s mentioned it a little bit yesterday
12095s where I mean there's there's like one or
12098s two good sombres in like all of
12100s OverWatch right now uh that I've seen
12102s and everyone else is just like fine
12104s they're okay Lauren's playing a really
12106s good Sombra like this is an absolute
12108s effect it's not just a psychological
12110s could we get hacked of what cycle emps
12113s like these are hacks and kills and
12115s playing really really strong yeah and
12118s you look at the time bank here it is
12120s unreal Spain with four minutes 15
12122s seconds Belgium just desperately looking
12125s for an answer I mean you stop the thing
12126s that I think they've gotten like three
12127s eliminations total here so far one of
12130s them was just the Logics pickup at the
12131s very beginning I mean Spain is
12134s effectively done whatever they want nice
12136s made
12136s three and tied is going to push Belgium
12138s back a little bit
12141s objects what can make something happen
12142s here on the top break just holding up
12145s the shield that eye coming up anything
12147s gonna be involved looking looking just
12150s looking for any happy little skull and
12153s node
12154s does force uh Spain back a little bit
12156s that's about it
12158s yeah zoning alts it's almost as you can
12160s expect out of uh
12162s the follow through off the Nana Winston
12165s is there here it was just cleaning up
12167s one dash after another and yeah this
12170s Belgium even get back out here and touch
12172s it's gonna be oh they're gonna go doomed
12174s maybe maybe yeah touch but it's not
12178s gonna be a high quality
12185s Doug we've seen so far in this OverWatch
12189s World Cup that was yeah
12191s that was that was about as one-sided as
12194s it gets I mean especially for a circuit
12196s Royale which you know defender's
12197s Advantage can be pretty strong uh
12200s especially that second point we have
12201s like that that already good high grounds
12204s and that's that's a little surprising
12206s Belgium might be a little bit on tilt
12208s right now and you know maybe part of
12210s that is like when a sawber is just
12212s dominating you
12213s it's hard to really figure out like
12215s whose fault it is and then like it kind
12218s of creates internal strife you know yeah
12220s I mean look oh
12225s it's hard as Belgium just did there it's
12227s full team failure like that is all like
12230s critical failure across the board
12232s because there just was not a lot of
12234s bright spots to look at it I mean part
12235s of it too is that Spain was also playing
12237s really well right like you think about
12239s Logics on the Widow how many open shots
12242s did Logics even have to take there Spain
12244s was playing their positioning well
12246s pressuring Logics well and you know
12248s unless Logics was gonna hit every shot
12250s the setup Belgium ran on their defense
12253s you know kind of got outplayed
12256s well absolutely I mean I just I think
12258s the composition was just a little bit
12259s stronger
12260s um yeah and there was a there was a
12262s great Moment Like Logics had like the
12264s one shot but like once they had to go
12265s back to Second point he's just in that
12267s Widow perch right he's getting harassed
12269s by the Sombra they deal with the somber
12271s and it comes back and there's a blind
12272s Dart waiting for him because they know
12274s that that's where that was gonna be and
12276s ever since that moment like Belgium just
12279s had no life left in them and uh Spain's
12281s gonna take the the stronghold here right
12283s up front yeah I mean one way of
12285s lessening any sort of range Advantage
12286s just hug the spawn door it's like yeah
12289s try and snipe us down there you Logics
12291s we'll show him Widow at the beginning
12292s now went over the sojourn but this is
12295s just full in your face aggression from
12298s the Spanish team and you know Belgium
12300s they can't find an answer because
12301s they're not gonna get the range here
12302s because logic still gets kicked off
12304s early
12305s and somehow they're able to get out all
12308s alive with this too like that's what's
12310s impressive the teleporter uh getting
12312s half of the team out the ice wall to
12313s make sure that the symmetra gets out and
12316s already
12316s now Lux is out early from Belgium though
12319s but the problem is shyra uses as two
12321s people are already down and yeah they're
12323s able to kill Hira from it but it's not
12325s gonna have anywhere near the impact if
12326s it was used just a little bit earlier in
12328s the fight Spain did not give them the
12330s update oh no disrespect
12333s he's like I got you you're gonna watch
12335s me Crouch twice and then you're going
12337s back to spawn uh
12340s I like it how it helps a favorite of
12343s mine thus far you know it's something
12345s with these these tanks and these
12346s reinhardts there's a certain Swagger
12348s about them but yeah from the early
12350s charge on map one to to that I'm a fan
12354s yeah and you look at what Spain gained
12356s there where yeah Belgium is about to
12358s round the corner but a minute and a half
12360s is gone
12362s Spain not in a bad spot wise we'll see
12365s if they can bring the pressure here once
12367s again Belgium no let's go to Tele
12368s shatter I want a tele shatter now I
12371s think we're gonna see it like
12381s like fall Zen out of it
12383s now symmetra does give her lifeboard so
12385s it's not Ultra devastating but you know
12387s again sends a message to degree Health
12389s getting really really low here in
12391s mortality field forced out window is out
12393s and Yeah immortality field Not Gonna
12394s Save that one Belgium punishing the play
12396s from Spain then oh no not the worst
12398s reaction from Belgium no I don't care if
12400s it works or not I just like seeing it so
12403s this is uh that was a decent attempt a
12405s medium sized chatter but you know the
12408s problem with a tele chatter like that is
12410s can anyone be back there to help you
12412s follow it up and also like if I'm seeing
12414s it like this is telegraphed as that then
12416s I'm sure that from Spain or I'm sure
12418s that Belgium was ready for it as well
12420s Belgium in a good spot right now though
12421s actually both of their DPS alts are up
12424s um and they're going to have a flux
12427s ready too so yeah I mean space
12430s but I am ready for a Logics mode
12432s essentially overclock definitely an
12434s ultimate that could do just that Dragon
12436s comes out early Logics immediately got
12438s here uh to kick off the fight Ken's
12440s dragon eats up another and Belgium they
12442s could probably save the overclock here
12443s if they play this right right now up
12445s four to three a little bit damage going
12447s in the health health goes down but as I
12449s say that maybe Belgium should have
12451s burned a little bit more Spade really
12452s starts clawing the fight back and now
12454s you're logic is like odds two and two
12456s here do you want to use it probably not
12458s and Belgium They're Gonna Keep the
12460s momentum going for it but it's not as
12461s decisive as they would have liked
12464s no and also another late pick takes down
12466s the logic so with the respawn space is
12467s going to take this back they're gonna
12469s absolutely take this point back they're
12470s gonna take the space away at the very
12471s least
12475s yeah I just think that's a case where
12477s Belgium thought they could win without
12478s the overclock in Spain still made
12480s something out of nothing despite you
12482s know how poorly that fight began for
12484s them now Belgium gonna wait till they're
12486s at full five and it does come down to
12488s all right what's the overclock gonna do
12498s the upside I guess the overclock wasn't
12503s burnt well executed for help in the mail
12505s there's some of these combos like even
12507s the last couple maps and just like you
12509s know watching sleep darts into Dives and
12512s everything Spain's comms like you can
12514s almost infer they're really solid like
12516s window fire strike was instant it
12518s happened and then the teleporter
12519s shattered uh the hack into pulse bomb
12522s like these are some really cool combos
12524s that Spain is making book easy
12527s yeah and with the oh that's a huge early
12528s pick Ken gets here out of it and yeah
12530s you look at Belgium there's like okay
12531s slide forward go for it it's time to go
12534s and this is where you're more than happy
12535s to just use the overclock for cleanup
12537s here five before doesn't matter window
12539s coming on down from Belgium as they push
12541s the issue
12543s Logics will hang on to the overclock
12545s Spain gonna get back up to full five
12547s before this point is done yeah there is
12550s a shatter it was a nice wall to retreat
12551s there because it was like the window
12553s went up and then the wall behind it the
12554s little genre
12557s a little bit of danger here Logics uses
12560s the overclock the camera died from Spain
12562s though pretty darn good logic so you can
12565s get any hit here still winnable for
12566s Belgium
12568s so I get a few counters in turn logics
12572s Spain though this is really good delay
12573s hex we're just buying time for the
12575s respawn to come back in I love
12579s yet Canal comes back in deals with the
12582s counterpart back they lose May finally
12584s but Warren bought so much time left and
12585s nail is going wild on the back
12588s yeah Lauren has been super super
12590s annoying that is a nice block and Ken's
12592s gonna clean up the ground so this should
12593s be finally Belgium pulling it through
12596s but yeah Lauren uh has been fantastic on
12599s the Sombra and the may I would hate
12601s playing against them but Lauren's
12603s staying alive that long was super
12606s impressive yeah and also the walls have
12609s been just like just blocking anything
12611s that Belgium wants to get done like
12613s every single time like a window will
12614s come up and then wall like just every
12616s time they have some sort of value the
12618s Wall comes up and shuts it down yeah I
12620s mean if Ken just didn't have a series of
12623s very good eliminations or Spade came
12625s really close to pulling off was a
12627s difficult delay and speaking of 10 now
12629s onto the Hanzo here for final point you
12632s look at this I look towards Lauren right
12635s where ball comes in hell gets shyra
12638s immediately off the wall and the charge
12641s and already you're up a tank fight's
12643s over yeah I just got another great wall
12645s like just may is so valuable to be able
12648s to edit the terrain like that and I mean
12650s it's honestly something that like
12651s Belgium should have seen coming they saw
12653s Spain rotating up and boosting through
12654s like you can't have your tank out there
12656s all alone like that uh unable to save
12659s Kara and now with 90 seconds left
12662s Belgium has to win every fight remaining
12665s from the most part they have a long way
12666s to go still Dragon opening things up
12668s here shatter came down from hell didn't
12670s really do a whole lot and mortality
12672s field though was forced up in Belgium
12673s early window about to fade so Belgium is
12677s about his brained as you can get out
12678s wise they get Gala though and hell gets
12680s caught Choppa landed some orbs from the
12683s back and that keeps Belgium alive at
12685s least for now one minute to go hex but
12687s still quite a ways to go one minute is
12689s not much with this much left on point uh
12692s c yeah I think Spain was going for the
12694s jugular there though because they did
12695s invest the shatter early on and got
12697s nothing out of it then they invested the
12699s blizzard late in the fight and got
12700s nothing out of it and either of those
12701s lands and gets some sort of value they
12703s probably win this map but because both
12705s didn't land Spain is on the back foot
12707s right now they're gonna run a widow of
12709s their own Logics and can both have
12710s ultimates ready for the Belgium offense
12714s and Spain might just be in the situation
12716s of like can we get them to overtime oh
12718s what what health cut Logics I don't know
12721s how that happened but presumably
12722s involved a hammer but there won't be an
12724s overclock and you look at the time the
12726s 25 seconds off Belgium does not have a
12727s ton of time to reset they have a little
12729s bit of time but it's gonna be tortured
12732s now here it picks up two because Ken was
12735s trying to make the hero play in the back
12736s line 16 seconds and again it's there
12740s don't you you know it's not gonna be a
12742s good touch it'll be the opposite of that
12744s well overclock popped pretty earlier
12745s from Logics no choice goes down only got
12747s one and Belgium they are scattered they
12751s are broken and if they're able to
12753s somehow keep this alive it's gonna be a
12755s miracle over time in progress
12758s one goes down yeah I mean this is part
12761s one you get rid of the bath you're on
12763s the ball
12768s yet Belgium desperately trying to stay
12771s alive here and not wanting the series to
12772s go to the Wayside just yet
12776s Kira goes down Chira catches him held
12779s though Beam on the point the point
12780s incredibly important though it could not
12782s leave for a second but Belgium somehow
12784s someway holding things out the life
12787s Weaver out of nowhere not doing much
12789s could this be the overtime push to keep
12792s something alive here it should be
12794s definitely finish it out now yeah
12796s will be able to finish it out like I
12798s think um you know these last couple of
12799s fights weren't the ones that Spain was
12801s going for they really were trying to win
12803s this map in that Archway
12805s um and it was a good job by Belgium to
12807s deflect those very important alts like
12809s the the fight-winning alts the shatters
12810s and the blizzards get those done
12813s um a little bit of maybe trolling there
12816s at the end from Belgium with the the
12818s life Weaver but I mean it could be a
12819s good stall hero get up get down but yeah
12823s interesting I mean that that's the
12826s upside for Belgium is that it's not over
12827s yet like that is a truly a distinct
12830s upside the downside is you take a glance
12832s at the time bank and now Belgium has to
12835s massively outplay Spain to bring
12838s themselves back into it where the only
12840s upside really also is that it is a map
12843s where you can have a really long
12845s overtime push you know overtime spots
12847s can just be catastrophic to the defense
12850s but it's gonna mean that Belgium on this
12852s attack here hex everything has to go
12854s right they need good early pickoffs and
12857s also you know if Spain goes directly to
12858s the spawn doors again they have to deal
12860s with that a lot quicker this time yeah I
12863s don't think they will because they don't
12864s have the the symmetra this time uh
12866s that's kind of the The Telltale sign of
12868s like spawn camping so at least you can
12869s get out
12870s um I don't mind this maybe you can bait
12873s somebody into this room or maybe you can
12874s go for a rush afterwards
12876s but are they actually okay never mind I
12879s have no idea what I'm talking about
12880s apparently
12881s Spain doesn't care about your rule sex
12883s whatever they want to do the sin makes
12886s sense so that you could live after a
12888s fight but I guess that's not on the
12890s table anymore no Reinhardt sees a spawn
12893s door he's going next to him at least an
12895s elves world
12896s so again focus on the clock here how
12899s long is it gonna take to break out of
12901s the Shabba gets caught by Canal early
12903s and you look at Belgium still stuck in
12906s spawn 34 seconds left to go this is
12909s precious time being burned and we got a
12912s forest sighting of all things you know
12914s try what you gotta try it's it's
12916s actually one of the best heroes to break
12917s out of a spawn you see that Havana
12918s happen a lot of the times actually
12921s Portugal had to do it the other day like
12923s they had to get out of spot or in our
12924s Wild Card match so you have to go to
12927s spawn you need burst damage you like
12928s have to get out the door then have a
12930s different angle so it makes a ton of
12932s sense but they're going for the zero
12934s meters on the payload right now yeah and
12936s that's what Spade's going for is like
12938s don't let them touch shiver though runs
12940s over here where shot were on the ball
12942s the X it was to send it into overtime
12945s and it is now the touch of payload not
12947s zero meters anymore as Belgium is
12949s starting to spawn and you know you half
12951s wondered did Spain play themselves a
12953s little bit here because now they got the
12954s guilt overtime spawns and Belgium's
12956s gonna get a lot of room as Logics comes
12957s alive
12959s yeah I mean I
12962s I don't I'm gonna have to think about it
12963s a little bit I don't know if this I kind
12965s of really like the spawn hold right
12966s there and they were so close to just
12968s having a full-on spawn hole because what
12970s else are you gonna do are you gonna hold
12971s this corner right which is where you're
12973s gonna fight to next anyway it's it's
12975s like not that big of a deal it's kind of
12976s like it's similar to Havana where you
12979s will be willing to give up that first
12980s fight and spawn because if you all die
12983s you respawn where you're gonna fight
12985s next anyway so it's not the biggest deal
12987s Ken is still on the pharah
12990s yeah I mean at this point for Belgium is
12991s like well we got out there let's Let It
12993s Roll see what happens quite literally
12995s with the ball hero though grounds Ken
12999s immediately the Farah threat is gone
13000s chakra on the ball get attacked taken
13003s out immediately and just like that Spain
13006s putting an end to this offense
13008s potentially Logics though that's what
13010s I'm saying about it
13011s here on the overclock Orion in his face
13013s and no Belgium cannot stay on the carts
13017s and I gotta tell you Spain has four
13019s minutes and not a long way to go
13023s no probably win one or two fights and I
13026s just wonder if Belgium's gonna try to
13027s match that spawn Camp because if you're
13029s if you're Belgium and you're trying to
13030s play this like double Widow comp you're
13032s gonna be set up like essentially where
13034s double sniper cops all right you're
13036s going to be set up essentially where the
13037s cart needs to push to anyway uh which
13040s means you have to be perfect like
13042s absolutely perfect the whole time so
13044s really interesting play regardless of
13046s what happens this map
13048s um I really like the Spain team I think
13050s you're seeing a lot of Personality out
13052s of this team and they've been they've
13054s been fun to watch
13055s yeah I mean you see that a lot of ways
13057s not just how the dropping a few crouches
13059s while you know looking shy around the
13061s eyes and saying like yeah you're about
13062s to go back to spawn uh but yeah I mean
13065s you talk About Belgium has to run here
13066s in the defense
13067s they definitely I don't
13072s I don't know if they're comfortable
13073s enough to be spondor but they have to be
13075s aggro enough to try and give themselves
13078s two fights here on the defense at a
13080s minimum even then it is a long time to
13082s defend yeah uh I'm not certain on this
13086s one though I mean yeah it's not the
13088s Widow like obviously there's gonna be
13089s more utility from the ash from Logics uh
13092s but it's still kind of a rough spot and
13095s Spain's gonna switch over to their their
13097s patented dive comp I wouldn't be
13099s surprised if Hira goes to the uh oh
13101s Tracer oh God okay well that's about as
13106s poorly as I think it could go from
13108s Belgium is here and just explodes yeah
13111s removes Logics removes the res attempt
13113s Java says enough goes over to the Lucio
13116s oh boy
13118s I was thinking you know here's like
13119s gonna take a couple shots this Widow
13121s probably goes to Tracer after this but
13124s I wasn't expecting three headshots in a
13125s row you know even if here I was maybe go
13128s swap over not afterwards uh
13134s you ride the hot hand and the cart
13136s nearly to the box of Victory just a
13140s little bit left to go
13141s shyra's immediately gone and now Belgium
13144s everyone has to try and stay on the
13146s payload watching saskawa but man Belgium
13148s needs more and they need it soon Helm's
13151s getting healed back up he called an
13152s early GG man you don't want that song
13154s Legacy but it might just be yours gotcha
13158s Spade just pushes on through oh man
13161s Spain looking good Belgium having their
13164s moments to at least Force extra rounds
13166s but uh a clear difference between both
13168s teams and you know you said best here x
13170s this Spanish team has a whole lot of
13172s Personality yeah I mean absolutely and I
13175s think you know first of all Let's Talk
13176s About Belgium like we were giving them
13177s benefit of Doubt because they had to
13179s play Great Britain uh previously but I
13181s think maybe just their their composition
13183s and how the team is put together maybe
13185s not the correct meta for them right now
13187s I mean when you go to Circuit Royale
13189s twice with like your best Widow like
13190s double snipers and you still get bodied
13192s twice not great but yeah Spain a lot of
13195s really good personality I think hero put
13197s a lot of people on notice Lauren being
13199s the most like being great at two super
13201s annoying Heroes is awesome like being
13204s somber May and just crushing
13206s um and then again like we didn't give
13208s them enough credit at the time
13209s necessarily but the supports for Spain
13212s didn't say their name that's important
13214s like Gala and Canal who played great
13218s yeah I mean span across the board there
13220s wasn't a whole lot of weakness here and
13222s if there was they did a really good job
13224s of covering it and Belgium didn't do a
13226s very good job of punishing it and
13228s you know again across the board it was
13230s just kind of a difference in just about
13232s every wrong position and you know look
13234s we know Logics is a great player and
13236s this has moments but Logics also
13237s struggled to get anything done
13239s throughout most of the series because of
13241s just how well Spain was playing and
13243s pressuring him
13244s yeah I mean OverWatch is essentially
13246s that team game at times and I think like
13248s you know it Logics had a few moments
13251s that were fine I think you know Ken
13253s finally had a decent map here at the end
13255s but I think map one was pretty rough for
13257s him
13258s um and then it was just essentially like
13259s I just think there's a lot of times
13261s where when teams aren't that far apart
13263s talent wise which I don't think there's
13265s a giant golf between these equipments
13267s then the compositions and the
13269s coordination matters and Spain just
13270s looked really coordinated in a lot of
13272s different situations and then just these
13274s individual plays where I mean you don't
13277s need coordination to hit
13280s yeah I mean that's kind of things like
13282s yo team play is great
13285s got it going on where yeah I mean you
13288s cannot ask for more than that but you
13292s know hex uh taking a look at everything
13293s here uh this is just the beginning for
13295s us we still got three matches left to go
13298s here today and you know coming up next
13300s it's gonna be France taking on Portugal
13303s that's gonna be a good one
13306s [Music]
13314s [Music]
13322s thank you
13333s [Music]
13371s thank you
13386s [Music]
13431s thank you
13433s hahaha
13453s [Music]
13464s [Music]
13468s foreign
13475s [Music]
13493s [Music]
13519s thank you
13520s [Music]
13526s Spain and by extension Hera making
13529s Widowmaker look good in that last match
13531s versus Belgium Spain taking it 2-0
13534s welcome back to day two of the OverWatch
13536s World Cup online qualifiers for emec
13538s it's 2023 I'm Jim Basco at CP and X it's
13541s like 2016 all over again but here we are
13543s we've got France versus Portugal right
13546s around the corner for y'all of course
13547s let's take a moment to just quickly chat
13549s about what just happened we saw Spain
13551s put on a master class against Belgium
13553s there's no better way to put it hex what
13554s were your thoughts on that matchup I
13556s mean I mentioned a little bit but
13557s there's times when you watch OverWatch
13558s that you can tell like comms are good um
13561s and it just really it did feel like they
13562s were putting together some really good
13563s combinations and they're not like
13565s enormous things right but it's like a
13566s nice uh a nice amplification Matrix in
13569s the fire strike right away and they come
13571s one two so that team can't back off or a
13573s teleporter or shatter and they come one
13575s two so another team can't back off and
13576s so it just seemed like Spain overall was
13579s the more cohesive team
13580s um hitting hex and the pulse bombs and
13582s and there was some compositional picks
13584s from Belgium that I think they they were
13586s expecting more value out of and when you
13587s don't get the value out of those comps
13589s you're putting yourself behind the eight
13590s ball
13592s yeah zp I feel a lot of the same weight
13594s you know and seeing their performance
13596s two days in a row Spain is proving
13598s themselves to be sort of a Dark Horse
13601s you know what I mean there are way
13602s stronger than we would have anticipated
13604s talk to us about that and you mentioned
13605s this in the break right a sort of
13607s Changing of the Guard going on between
13608s these squads yeah it's one of those
13609s things where you know you love going in
13611s you hype up it's like uh Logics the
13612s Legacy he has and you know Kira just
13614s comes in and you know in a way it was
13616s very disrespectful it's like I don't
13617s care about you or your legacy you look
13619s what happened to that overtime round
13621s just not only gonna take you out I'm
13622s gonna take out your mercy and your tank
13624s three shots you thought you wouldn't
13626s have anything open overtime nah I'm
13628s taking it away I mean this is a Spanish
13629s team that not only has shown a whole lot
13632s of talent but also you know for lack of
13634s a better term Swagger right now I'm very
13637s excited to see how they continue doing
13639s going forward and it's again one of
13640s those stories where OverWatch World Cup
13642s is making very cool stories that you
13644s might not have expected coming in
13646s Making Waves that's the name of the game
13648s here OverWatch World Cup day two the
13650s action is non-stop let's go ahead and
13651s take a look at the schedule real quick
13653s and look at what matches we've got
13655s coming up of course we just mentioned
13656s mentioned France versus Portugal
13658s Portugal we haven't seen them play once
13660s yet so in day two they'll get their
13662s debut of course I'll leave zp and hex to
13664s talk about that but Italy and
13666s Netherlands shortly after and we'll
13667s round out the day with Great Britain and
13669s Denmark sleeping hex I leave it to y'all
13671s France and Portugal just around the
13672s corner
13673s yeah and has been the France V Portugal
13675s heck so you talk about again uh the idea
13677s of you know teams having pedigree team's
13679s having a history you take one look at
13682s this uh roster here for France I mean it
13684s is a country that has put out a whole
13686s lot of talent in the OverWatch scene
13687s over time and yeah I mean this uh Team
13690s for France might be a little bit
13691s different than you know the old school
13693s uh French teams but you know a lot of
13695s familiar faces when you look at roster
13697s yeah and um you know it's there's just
13700s OverWatch League talent and just high
13702s level you know Talent all throughout the
13704s French roster so Amy portrait was going
13705s to have a very difficult time so I mean
13708s look at the roster Stacks it's just
13711s absolutely stacked you've got FD got on
13712s the squad it'll just released from
13714s Washington and now he's gonna still work
13715s with some people who are on Washington
13717s so maybe you can put some it would be
13720s awkward for me as I'm gonna say that um
13722s but then you know you've got Poco of
13724s course and now that they they do it
13725s probably the best tank lineup in the
13727s entire world cup because Ben best can
13729s come in and play the Reinhardt of course
13730s and be that but then Poco we saw come in
13733s and hopefully like the diva and things
13734s like that so also another over to the
13736s level I do want to give a shout out to
13738s Nico though
13739s um you know Jim just mentioned we've
13741s been at this since 2016. even as this is
13743s 2015 and I remember casting Nico on a
13745s team called melty Esports way back in
13748s the day so Nico has been playing
13749s OverWatch since 2015 uh Nico F or gdh
13755s The God Hand
13756s um so yeah Nico obviously probably more
13759s experienced than almost any other player
13761s on the planet let's go a step further he
13763s was literally in the first game of
13764s OverWatch we ever casted not on stream
13767s in a trial run of going hey can these
13770s guys cast OverWatch for our weekly
13772s tournaments and Nico was there on Reaper
13774s it was Reaper on Kings Road yeah
13778s but uh yeah Nico's been here since the
13781s beginning it's always good to see names
13783s sticking around and you know again
13784s that's one of the cool things about
13785s OverWatch World Cup too is that like
13786s some players that you know maybe if the
13788s HF competitiveness for the OverWatch
13790s League they still might be good enough
13792s to play a you know for their country for
13794s pride and a little bit more
13796s yeah so obviously this roster is just
13798s straight up stacked let's take a look at
13800s Portugal not a lot of names that you're
13802s going to recognize not a whole lot of
13803s competitive experience from this team
13806s now Portugal just barely made it out of
13808s the Wild Card qualifiers uh where they
13811s were getting spawn camps I remember I
13813s think by Denmark on Havana uh they had
13815s to bust out the fair just to get out of
13817s that so you know Portugal has gone
13819s through their Paces they ended up
13820s eliminating I believe Ireland in that
13822s tournament so right now after Portugal
13824s the one benefit you have as a team is
13827s you're kind of playing with house money
13828s like you didn't necessarily expect to
13830s get here maybe you can pull it off and
13832s upset and also like literally no one
13834s expects Portugal to beat France like
13836s sorry they just don't so any small
13838s victory that you can pull off is is
13840s going to be nice and maybe they can play
13842s Fast play Lose play off meta and see
13844s what happens but I'm always excited for
13845s a new storyline look I didn't expect
13847s Spain to do what they did so who knows
13849s when Portugal yeah you think about
13851s Portugal historically there were times
13853s in OverWatch history where they did have
13854s you know very promising up-and-coming
13856s player years that have now since retired
13858s but I think back to the days of I think
13860s it was a gray and mozasa yeah
13864s one of the best tanks around at the time
13866s and gray was a very very aggressive
13868s support like you talk about someone that
13870s was you know at a time like people with
13872s his like man this guy's like kind of
13874s similar to Joni I could just how many
13875s eliminations he's putting down uh but of
13878s course uh times have changed they're no
13879s longer in the team but you know it's
13880s always good to think back it's like what
13882s did this team used to be and uh that was
13884s a centerpiece uh back in the day yeah
13886s the old laser kittens Duo right there
13888s the mazashi and gray
13890s um so yeah that's but you know like you
13893s said Changing of the Guard um you know
13894s Spain used to have some uh OverWatch
13897s League Talent players on there but now
13899s they've got new players and new players
13901s are surprising us so we'll see if they
13903s can pull off anything against France
13904s like I said I don't want to count them
13905s out because it's just not the nature of
13907s competition but France has one of the
13909s more stacked rosters they're a favorite
13911s to get out of group so we'll see if um
13913s Portugal can put up a fight you know
13915s last time we hyped up the team that as
13917s much Sweden lost
13919s Sweden is Owen too by the way
13922s just absolute tragedy for uh it's a
13926s Swedish OverWatch where especially
13928s how well the kid is like oh this is our
13930s year it's like this is not our year yeah
13933s but regardless uh that was then this is
13935s now we'll get to see if Portugal has a
13938s surprise store for this French team well
13941s France has already won and zero they did
13943s beat Italy yesterday
13944s um in rather quick fashion uh so Ben
13947s best played the first control map of
13948s course he's gonna they're kind of their
13949s ground tank and then Italy chose to go
13952s to Gibraltar so Poco came in and just
13954s played Diva you know so like I said
13955s Francis they say greatly versatile tank
13958s line
13959s um so we'll see if that ends up coming
13961s into play today but Portugal like I said
13964s I think they're they're kind of playing
13965s with house money I would love to see
13966s them actually come out on this roadhog
13968s it's kind of interesting too to see uh
13971s okay Nico's gonna go man that makes a
13973s little bit more sense I mean Nico has
13974s dabbled in its skin from time to time
13976s over the years but you know in my head
13977s he's it's always ingrained to me his uh
13979s you know era of playing Genji and
13981s nothing but uh yeah with Rogue Once Upon
13985s a Time Fair as well I mean he plays more
13987s more projectile
13990s friends right now not wasting any time
13992s uh off to the side of the point Portugal
13994s deciding you know we're gonna rotate
13995s around
13996s and this is the dance you always see
13998s here on this mathx where teams will feel
14000s each other out until the point unlocks
14002s and then they'll make the move
14004s yeah just seeing I mean you don't really
14006s want to be messing around against either
14008s of these teams with uh the lucios as
14011s they are it's funny we have FD God and
14013s Rod FD fdraw
14016s yeah now that you've mentioned that I
14018s will not be able to see it but until
14020s we're coming out here for friends France
14021s getting really really low hk3 takes
14023s unpack immediately and uh-oh the hype
14027s curse could be real as Cohen finds up he
14029s got it right after gets punished by Ben
14031s Fest but a really nice start from
14033s Portugal here so far well on their way
14035s to winning the fight Nico Under Pressure
14037s here to the side and Winston were on top
14039s of him Nico though just continuing to
14040s live also taking the fight to hk3 just
14043s goes I'm Gonna Keep chucking these
14045s icicles there's not a whole lot you can
14046s do about it karaba moves Ben best who
14049s got back over but it is Portugal the
14051s first control of the point again taking
14053s the fight to the French
14055s yeah and it has been as Scrappy as could
14057s possibly be uh pack that's coming back
14060s onto well that's not great what's up I
14063s didn't even see if there was a group
14063s involved honestly we've all we've all
14066s been there but I mean because it's so
14067s Scrappy this is benefiting Portugal
14069s greatly because they've been in control
14070s of this point for you know 30 seconds
14072s now and still there's still not full
14075s forces back from France they will
14077s finally put some pressure on the point
14078s take back over but unfortunately you
14081s know like I said celebrate small
14082s victories maybe ride some momentum I
14085s mean one thing we're throwing here for
14086s France is that they did change up tank
14087s was right but invest in like Portugal's
14089s running Winston so there's gonna be a
14092s change in Tempo here from France Nico
14093s very very close to the Blizzard a little
14096s bit Tracer back and forth here's caraba
14097s gets caught by Ben best doesn't let him
14099s get away
14101s here we go blizzard out from Nico What's
14103s it gonna do it's still very Scrappy that
14106s Blizzard or no Ben best in Pocket get
14108s caught friends don't control the point
14110s but Portugal they're gonna make their
14112s move Bob comes down Bob gonna be putting
14115s his mark on the pointers go ahead just
14116s looks for the map on the other side
14118s Dynamite over for a little bit extra
14119s poke and it's gonna be Portugal getting
14121s control of the point again
14123s get back in control they're gonna have
14124s Primal too so if they want to invest
14126s like Primal should be enough to at least
14128s keep you on the point in that pressure
14132s all right you got the hk3 alive that
14134s happened
14136s oh no no he's gonna get back up fine
14138s just barely ft got really fun to back
14142s over into the pit but he ends up going
14144s down anyways a very uh you know harassed
14147s hk3 goes down Portugal still control the
14150s point France now move on out ft God
14153s establishing Supremacy over caraba there
14156s let's be friends taking control of the
14158s point again let the stuff sleeping
14160s somewhere yeah ft got I mean it's not
14162s too long ago where people were talking
14164s about it was the best Lucio in the world
14166s like it's you know maybe a couple years
14168s removed but the thing about FD got is
14171s that he's a he's a player that is a
14173s playmaker but you love it when he makes
14175s the plays you don't love it when those
14177s play making uh buildings just get him
14179s killed like he's not the player you go
14181s to if you want your sport to stay alive
14182s the entire time Joey speaking he's not a
14185s support player that you're not going to
14186s mention their name you will say FD God
14188s either good or bad sometime in a match
14190s yeah very true crime is pulse bomb just
14193s gets the mortality filled out now he'll
14195s be going off to the flank France still
14197s and control the point ft God hanging on
14200s to the beat right now on the prowl
14202s Portugal being a little bit sluggish
14205s this attack here that's really taking
14207s their time on how to recontest
14210s pressure holds on to the Beat Drops the
14212s beat successfully
14214s hk3 down and Portugal he's kind of
14218s getting bled out
14220s yeah I mean I think that the one issue
14222s is it does look like you know Prince
14224s gonna be able to hold on to this
14225s probably throughout the rest of it as
14226s they get the cleanup the one issue is
14227s hp3 is going in and it's not like the
14230s mechanics are bad or anything but kind
14231s of the positions of where he's going in
14233s Is Not Great it doesn't allow the rest
14235s of his team to help out so it does feel
14236s like whenever hk3 commits France is
14239s turning around and like just popping an
14241s awl to doing something on them and then
14243s without a tank you can't get anything
14245s done so I I go back to that Primal which
14248s it was just a weird place to try to
14249s commit without the rest of his team
14251s there and even if his team was there
14252s you're jumping into the corner against a
14254s team that's completely expecting it so
14255s we'll see if that ends up being a
14257s pattern going forward of the commitment
14259s of the dive and if the rest of Portugal
14262s can go with hk3
14264s I'm thinking out now how many times have
14266s we seen
14267s unique play May on this map over the
14269s years I feel like it has to be I don't
14272s know I own 100 but I feel like it's got
14274s to be over 30 over 50 for games we've
14276s just casted alone we have seen Nico on
14279s this map so many times on this so yeah
14282s you may have you may have invented it
14283s you may have invented the May on on this
14285s particular stage
14287s um in Portugal I like this switch things
14289s up do something a little bit different
14291s Pharaoh can be decent here because
14293s generally you know what composition
14295s France running they're going to they're
14296s going to shelter indoors here they're
14298s gonna shelter in the point generally and
14300s you can get a lot of Hope Damage Done
14303s yeah this is also an iconic like
14305s match-up the the idea of like well what
14307s team runs May gets onto a point and then
14308s you just shelter away from the Rockets
14310s you you use the train to knock it hidden
14313s oh Nico gets caught getting the maze
14315s huge the backbone of the French strategy
14317s here Portugal really gives himself an
14319s opportunity Cohen right now
14321s just looking for a little bit of poke
14322s here to the side
14324s hk3 a little bit low France still gets
14327s first control the point by the way
14328s despite Nico dying and Nico swapped to
14330s the Sombra Cohen gets one but France is
14333s doing just a fantastic job of making
14335s this work even down one they get the
14337s cleanup and Portugal just couldn't
14339s finish their plates
14340s no and like that that kill right there
14343s to take down me ifara was probably the
14345s the nail that really did it all yes the
14347s the emergency comes back I think Ben
14348s best going to switch yeah he has to be
14350s going the swap like yeah
14353s either that or he's just hanging out
14355s yeah this is like that's not the
14357s direction of the other team what were
14358s you charging to uh but yeah yeah Fran's
14363s going to go fall on dive right now with
14365s the Cyber Tracer Winston uh so try to
14368s get something going on in the back line
14370s really pick on Nico answered though with
14372s Dizzle going down super early and
14374s overall I think you like that trade if
14376s you're France Portugal got a lot of
14379s healing for a while it also delays the
14381s Nano coming in yeah I mean you can't
14383s dive in if you're uh hk3 with that nice
14385s nice kill yeah that's big for Portugal
14388s If Karama can stay alive here they're
14389s gonna have an edge once more quick
14391s little hack on the hk3 focus fire on hk3
14394s at the same time but Portugal the other
14396s game poked a bit as they head in but
14397s they have the five before which they
14399s bring it to the point the spreads is
14401s that 70 to zero this is all well and
14403s good but objective Bob comes out just
14405s runs over pack Cohen making the name for
14408s himself here makes it three before it's
14410s all said and done Bob of course doing
14412s the heavy lifting
14413s that's enough to get Portugal on the
14415s board
14417s yeah very well played
14419s um the one thing the Portugal really is
14422s to worry about though is this this EMP
14424s coming up from Nico uh so they kind of
14427s have to spread out a little bit really
14429s Nico's been on the summer long enough
14430s that they should know this is coming and
14432s there it is it's free yeah I think it
14434s might have been four just one person
14436s just died super quickly after uh yeah
14439s that's a textbook EMP can't ask for
14441s better than that
14444s we're gonna try to stall it out just a
14446s little bit but not gonna be long for it
14448s now we've
14451s eight two percent of counting up
14452s Portugal is down to their last fight so
14455s you have to I mean rally early on to
14457s give Winston a little bit of help and
14459s maybe go for the die if the Primal
14461s should be there but really the pulse
14462s bomb is going to either win it or lose
14463s it well pulse bombs out there or Francis
14466s is one early which is a big thing uh
14468s after God already invest the B Eco takes
14470s out Cohen
14471s even if the Portugal can still make
14473s something happen here but oh Dizzle gets
14476s caught empty God when bloodthirsty once
14478s more and now for Portugal the question
14481s is can they make the miracle happen or
14483s is this gonna be over in two rounds I
14485s think I'm just running around on uh
14487s unstated bloodthirst while this delay
14490s happens back though final two and that's
14492s gonna be France
14493s two rounds to zero over Portugal
14496s yeah kind of what we expected there I
14498s mean it's it was not as as one-sided as
14501s actually I thought it was going to be
14502s there were some moments for a couple of
14504s players on Portugal and I actually like
14506s that they tried to mix it up like the
14507s last thing you want to do with a roster
14508s that has essentially like more
14510s experience and probably more talented
14513s than you was trying to try to go near so
14515s I like that they mix things up a little
14516s bit but I also um do want to give
14518s friends credit like the responses they
14520s had to some of those things too of like
14522s oh well this isn't working then bidvest
14524s goes to Winston and you know you'd think
14526s that Ben mess would almost prefer to
14527s always play Ryan but you can't always
14529s play around so yeah the result was as we
14531s expected Portugal putting up a good
14532s showing some bright spots but France
14535s absolutely stacked roster Portugal will
14537s have map pick next though yeah I mean
14539s one of the things that really stands out
14540s to me hex is that the brightest spot of
14542s an OverWatch team where you know an
14543s OverWatch team is playing well and has a
14546s good matchup is when they're going to be
14548s winning fights even when they lose one
14550s person to begin with and France did that
14552s several times on both rounds where you
14555s know you look to the opening of round
14556s two right Nico goes down immediately
14558s France still gets control the point and
14560s still wins the fight you can't do that
14563s unless you're playing really good
14564s OverWatch
14565s yeah absolutely and like even the the
14568s prior stage to that as well like they it
14571s was really Scrappy early on and then
14573s France just found themselves in a
14574s composition that didn't exactly work so
14576s they just switch it off and then they
14577s just let individual talents take over I
14579s mean there were some moments like you
14580s know Cohen played you know pretty well
14582s is a big moment from Ash got some things
14585s done uh hk3 especially in the first
14587s stage had a couple of moments but the
14589s dive is not as coordinated as it needs
14591s to be and then some of these early kills
14592s like when you take down the Anna of the
14594s other team like you just can't dive in
14596s after that you can't dive in against
14597s Atlanta without a Nana of your own uh
14599s you're just gonna get anti and things
14600s like that so losing some of those
14602s players early hurt but not a terrible
14604s showing from Portugal we'll see
14606s um maybe they have a pocket pick for a
14607s map next and a strategy that they really
14609s like well as the upside here it is first
14611s two it does not just decided by one
14614s control map so again we'll see if
14616s Portugal can learn from their mistakes
14618s and find a weakness in this French team
14620s it's gonna be difficult but not
14622s impossible we'll see if they can do it
14624s right after the break
14627s [Music]
14629s um
14643s foreign
14647s [Music]
14679s foreign
14680s [Music]
14704s [Music]
14710s foreign
14711s [Music]
14717s [Music]
14724s thank you
14733s [Music]
14762s thank you
14765s [Music]
14788s foreign
14791s [Music]
14844s France looking very strong against
14846s Portugal bring out some of the old and
14848s some of the new hexa about as expected
14851s coming in but Portugal did have their
14852s moments
14853s yeah the other moments I really think
14855s that you know we we've talked about this
14856s too of you know before the tournament
14859s started that if you think that maybe
14861s you're just outgunned you know which
14862s which happens sometimes like especially
14864s in World Cup tournaments like they're
14866s just you know there's things that are
14867s really really good then maybe you have a
14869s strategy for a specific map that will
14873s blow someone away right that like you
14874s know like
14875s a Bastion Strat somewhere right that's
14878s always kind of the the old standby or
14879s just something you know completely
14881s different that throws a team off that
14883s maybe you can cheese a map on and then
14885s hopefully you can get something else
14886s going so I think that maybe something we
14888s could see
14889s um out of Portugal I think like trying
14891s to run a mirror match up against
14892s somebody as talented as this French team
14895s is is going to be very difficult but
14898s um yeah there were moments but there
14901s just weren't enough moments strung
14902s together for Portugal to really make an
14904s impact
14905s yeah and one thing I gotta give uh you
14907s know deference to as we were talking
14909s about the break but it is always
14910s impressive to me I just looked real
14911s quick and they're like is everything
14912s going well on the stream and I just see
14914s nothing but support for the French team
14916s in chat French fans in OverWatch are
14918s really some of the very best like some
14920s of the most passionate fans around I
14922s still remember the OverWatch World Cup
14923s stuff but I think it was back in 2018
14925s Moran Paris said I mean that building
14927s was electric uh truly some of the best
14930s fans in the world and really cool to see
14931s them turn out to support the French team
14934s here today and you know likely
14935s throughout the entire tournament yeah
14937s you gotta raise your baguettes
14939s um you know when there was this tea was
14940s it when there was a team in Paris uh
14943s they got a ton of support as well from
14944s these teams you know so or from these
14946s fans so keep it up in chat uh we're
14948s gonna go to Blizzard World which is
14950s going to be Portugal's map pick not
14952s necessarily a map that I can think of a
14954s really good cheese strategy on just
14956s because like how long it is to get to
14958s first point but maybe the maybe it ends
14961s up being um you know some of the stress
14963s we've seen from a couple teams of of an
14965s echo or a pharah and that can you know
14968s throw some teams for a loop so we'll see
14970s what Portugal wants to run but they
14971s choose blizzard world the only thing I
14973s was certain of is that Portugal wasn't
14974s going to choose uh Havana they kind of
14977s got bodied on a fan in the Wild Card
14979s tournament so I left a bad taste in them
14982s yeah that's one of those things like
14984s maybe not that map but maybe not that
14986s map anymore if we have anything I mean I
14989s guess the upside up blizzard roll two is
14990s that it is a little bit more wide open
14992s and you know I could see France as a
14994s team like still liking to run things
14996s like Rush depending if it was a more
14998s closed-in map so you know if you're
15000s Portugal and you want to keep things
15002s more wide open you know blizzard world
15003s not a bad choice on the whole but I
15006s don't know if it necessarily gives them
15007s any real distinct advantage over this
15009s French team either but also France is
15011s pretty well-rounded I don't know if any
15012s map would have done
15013s no and like I said I think like when
15015s you're thinking about France and
15017s thinking about like maps to pick it's
15018s not like you can you know choose choose
15020s a map that's like oh wow they only have
15022s a Reinhardt Winston specialist we can't
15024s like no because as you can see like
15025s France is bringing in a couple of
15027s different players now so poco's gonna
15029s come in for Ben best and avo's gonna
15031s come in for pack so France like
15033s as good as just any part of their roster
15036s is like there's depth on this squad that
15038s makes them well it's one one of the
15041s reasons that makes them one of the
15042s favorites of the group
15043s yeah I mean there's a lot of power
15046s behind the squad but hey you know we saw
15048s some cool stuff from Portugal in the
15050s last round and it does look like there's
15052s a substitution here also we got uh
15054s flamenzo coming on in oh yeah okay
15058s uh so flamenzo's gonna come in and very
15061s likely to play this Sombra so it looks
15062s like Portugal wants to go straight up
15064s dive dive
15065s yeah I mean it makes sense even though I
15067s thought Cohen was like really one of
15069s their best bright spots in the last
15070s round uh we'll see if the pure died from
15072s Portugal works out in their favor three
15075s minutes 40 seconds left for the clock
15076s France on the defense here first
15078s [Music]
15080s yeah so I mean you're gonna run the diva
15082s here obviously be uh to be able to swoop
15084s up high grounds uh to deny High grounds
15087s as uh on either side you can run on
15089s Winston here as well but Poco I think
15091s Poco what do you think of Poco you think
15092s like poker bombs like yeah probably
15096s probably has some of the most hours on
15098s Diva ever by any player at least the
15100s competitive play Portugal right now
15102s again it's even for a dive cons a little
15104s bit slow going a lot of pressure on the
15106s ego forces him back and you know for
15109s Portugal the upside is no one's really
15111s gotten picked off or anything yet the
15112s downsize that France is just playing
15114s very very tight right now they're not
15116s giving up any opportunity in FD God
15118s Thomas just lomenzo early
15120s and suddenly yeah it just breaks France
15123s just rushes over Portugal and they've
15125s burned a lot of time off the clock
15127s yeah and I mean the diva against the
15129s Winston is just a really brutal matchup
15131s too because you can't use the mobility
15132s as the Winston to try to like get
15134s anything done I mean sure like you can
15136s tickle damage but the diva damage is so
15138s much more consistent
15140s um and yeah it's tough I don't think
15143s we're gonna see Portugal switch it up I
15144s think like they're gonna ride or die
15146s with this comp I feel like they kind of
15148s have to
15149s um so we're getting to the point where
15151s ultimates are going to come online
15153s um actually flamenzo dying to empty God
15155s like early last fight really hurts
15156s because that EMP is way behind where you
15159s want it to be yeah you go from
15160s potentially a quick EMP to a very slow
15163s EMP and you talk about time only two
15165s minutes left for Portugal you wouldn't
15167s think so because it's been one soft
15168s fight Nico though connects takes down
15171s Dizzle in the back Poco immediately
15173s rolls in goes that Winston's not gonna
15175s get eight healing big place for Nico and
15177s time is quickly getting away from
15180s Portugal yeah I mean I guess
15183s we've just given him like the worst
15185s backhand and compliments two fights in a
15186s row you're like well they didn't lose
15187s anyone yet and it's like I guess the
15189s good thing is they died fast here
15191s um it's looking bad for Portugal right
15194s now and you can't lose uh Kurama there
15196s like if you're going to reset you're
15198s going to have to full reset so I guess
15200s as Tracer they'll be back quick enough
15201s but I think right now if I'm Portugal
15204s I'm waiting on flamenzo just waiting on
15205s flamenzo maybe you open with like a nano
15209s Winston to try to get some space or
15210s something like that or I mean ideally if
15213s you're Portugal you're gonna have to
15214s spend more ultimates in the other team
15216s to win fights so Nana Winston EMP would
15218s be what you really want to go for Avo
15219s shouldn't hold it there yeah oh although
15222s did live there that's a problem for
15223s Portugal so then so finally has the MP
15224s took nearly three minutes a very slow
15227s build because of how France has been
15228s denying the pressure and Evo here uh
15231s France right now doing a little bit of
15232s cleaning in the back line says no we're
15234s not gonna be harassed by Sombra back
15236s here and Nano goes on the ego one uh
15239s this this is rough because I think
15240s France can just disengage the worst of
15243s the the Nano is gone and Portugal unless
15247s under a minute left to go here hex and
15248s again it feels like there hasn't really
15249s been a real fight
15252s no and not like anything to nothing to
15254s speak of really
15256s um there's EMP gets two pokers Nico was
15259s out of the fight early Poco drops the
15261s bomb is he getting the other remake is
15263s he gonna get punished here no he doesn't
15264s get punished Poco gets the Remake up
15266s team lost here from Portugal you go the
15269s back line got the finals coming out here
15270s soon Primal on the way try to knock
15272s anyone into the salty Waters don't know
15275s if that's gonna happen but instead I'm
15276s just gonna knock you out of your corner
15277s goes for the Anna doesn't quite finish
15279s it gets hit with the bionade on the way
15281s back over France still contesting all
15284s the way through Rod though picks up two
15286s on the brigitta as it turns into a very
15288s scrappy fight at all ego just explodes
15290s into the air and Nico lands a pulse bomb
15292s in France reconsolidates on the point
15295s two seconds left to go and that might be
15297s it
15298s that's gonna be it but there is some
15300s progress at the very least from Portugal
15301s I mean that last fight went about as
15303s good as they could have expected some
15305s very small things
15306s um happen for portrait like against
15308s Portugal that are really brutal and it's
15311s kind of just like unlucky in a lot of
15313s situations like Avo going down to 7 HP
15316s after that pulse bomb and living like
15317s that's just that's just rough it's like
15319s one Tracer bullet like that didn't
15321s connect and then there was a really nice
15323s hack onto Poco as Poco was trying to fly
15326s up to the The High Ground and got hacked
15328s during it but still had the momentum and
15330s the mech to get to high ground and like
15332s contest the dive just like a lot of
15334s these really small things just went
15336s France's way and that's not fair when
15338s the team already like has a better
15339s roster and then they're getting breaks
15340s like that too also Portugal has to worry
15342s about some of this positioning has been
15344s weird they got their Sombra Tracer like
15346s caught in the back line in that in the
15348s mega room
15349s um which ended up putting them in a
15350s weird position they had to burn Nano so
15352s you know some unforced errors Portugal
15355s needs pretty much the full hold here
15356s otherwise they're going down in their
15358s first match against defense
15362s this one off but you know it's gonna be
15364s hard it is not the easiest to full hold
15366s here on blizzard world I mean clearly we
15368s just saw that happen but still it's not
15371s the norm right like usually if a team
15373s opens with a hold of that good they
15375s usually win in the next round unless you
15377s just have an unbelievable Fuller hole to
15380s come out and for that to happen here I
15382s mean it's gonna take a combination of
15384s Portugal playing a lot better than what
15385s we've seen so far and France is gonna
15387s have to stumble a bit you know Fred's
15388s gonna need a few moments where you know
15390s supports get picked off early uh where
15392s the DPS underperforms this is a pulse
15394s bomb it's possible but everything has to
15397s go right for Portugal
15399s yeah um but you know maybe there'll do
15401s some block effort some of some a few
15403s small bad breaks in the last one
15406s um yeah so Portugal like I said they're
15408s gonna just ride or die with this
15409s composition France is gonna gonna switch
15411s over to a Hanzo here
15413s uh can be very good in taking over that
15415s high ground in the top right side
15417s probably go up there with Coco and then
15419s you just start launching logs over to
15421s the the secondary Hydro
15424s Portugal right now bending back a little
15426s bit Nico mostly same to team not going
15429s for anything
15430s wild into the back line just yet France
15434s wanted to take slow progress here heavy
15436s damage on the flamenzo Poco got the crap
15438s but that was mostly go just annihilated
15441s him to the back of the head 5v4 now for
15444s France ego one cocked and hex uh this
15447s might be over it before you can blink
15449s France with the 5v3 presence on the
15453s point Portugal you know they swapped to
15455s the Doom for the contest but they're not
15457s gonna come close to getting back on
15459s France a dominant two to nothing victory
15462s over Portugal yeah I mean I think
15465s Portugal was expecting that a couple of
15467s moments that looked okay but you know
15469s it's their first match of the qualifiers
15471s so far like just getting in
15473s um they were able to like you know like
15475s I said I think they're playing with
15475s house money they qualify for these
15477s qualifiers at the very least so that
15479s they maybe can play spoiler and play
15482s upsets also like France you know might
15485s be the favorite for the entire region so
15486s like there's there's no shame in losing
15488s to France and you know control was
15491s closer-ish like I've seen teams lose
15493s worse I know I know the way we're
15495s talking about Portugal it seems like all
15497s these backhanded compliments but like
15498s it's kind of what you have to do but
15500s like I've seen teams absolutely lose
15502s worse than I just saw Portugal lose to
15504s France so not that bad and there there's
15506s some things to build on I think that
15508s composition is probably going to be the
15509s one that works best for them the the
15511s somber Tracer Winston
15513s um and maybe just work on refining that
15516s yeah I mean clearly they had a
15518s preference for it uh even to the degree
15519s of you know swapping out Cohen for
15521s flamenzo didn't quite work out but you
15525s know part of it is just you know Team
15526s France they didn't really give a lot of
15528s opportunities uh you know for mistakes
15531s and capitalization and that was a short
15533s Replay that was uh well you know what
15536s they did their best I will not begrudge
15539s our replay producer at all for that like
15541s that that just happens it was a very
15543s very short match
15545s um but you know we still got we got
15546s plenty more OverWatch uh left today but
15548s yeah I mean look it's
15550s I found Portugal I'm not even that upset
15552s I was like yeah that's France France is
15553s really good we played all right it's
15555s moments like no one played terribly no
15557s one fed you know it was fine yeah well
15559s we still got a lot of action left to go
15562s here today stay tuned two more matches
15565s left on the docket
15569s [Music]
15586s thank you
15588s foreign
15590s [Music]
15595s [Music]
15601s [Music]
15614s [Music]
15656s thank you
15658s [Music]
15671s thank you
15677s [Music]
15703s thank you
15705s [Music]
15732s foreign
15735s [Music]
15746s [Music]
15759s [Music]
15782s thank you
15787s welcome back to the OverWatch World Cup
15789s online qualifiers for emec the year is
15792s 2023. CP and hex and of course we just
15795s watched Portugal go up against France
15798s France an insanely stacked Squad and of
15801s course the match going
15802s how we expect it but you got to give it
15804s to Portugal they put up a fight as much
15806s as they could but coming up next more
15808s importantly here Italy versus the
15810s Netherlands zp let's start with you
15812s what's your hot Eye in the Sky
15813s observations about this match before we
15816s head into it I'm the sky observations
15817s obviously you know between the two teams
15819s is not quite a stack to say uh the
15821s French team was uh I do kind of look at
15823s Italy and get a little bit wistful
15825s because I think back to the era where
15826s Dragon Eddie was like super dope on the
15828s team he's no longer on team Italy you
15831s know and the rest of Team Italy kind of
15832s out to prove themselves meanwhile you
15834s take a look at the Netherlands roster
15835s right there are a few names there where
15837s there was a point where Don was seen as
15839s one of the most prolific players around
15841s you know his career had some ups and
15843s downs but always good to see him back
15844s there and A10 if you follow the
15846s contenders especially uh you know many
15848s years back what's the point where his
15849s star was Rising as well so it's like you
15851s know for Netherlands there's definitely
15853s some players I'm ready to watch and see
15855s how they do
15857s absolutely hex and you know coming into
15858s this one of course we've got Italy in
15860s the Netherlands let's take a look at the
15861s schedule so we can see the other match
15863s of the day we are on number six already
15865s Believe It or Not we've got one more
15867s after this Italy and Netherlands match
15869s and that's gonna be Great Britain versus
15870s Denmark Denmark we have yet to see play
15873s just yet but of course a lot of hype
15875s around that Great Britain team look at
15877s that results though France sueo over
15879s Portugal Spain 2-0 over Belgium Saudi
15881s Arabia a queen over Iceland Norway the
15884s same over Germany and Finland over
15886s Sweden it's been a day of two o's Italy
15889s versus Netherlands though
15890s hex dots on this matchup before we head
15893s in you know zp brought up a couple of
15895s great points but
15896s do you think Italy has what it takes to
15899s potentially move past the veteransy of
15902s some of the players on the Netherlands
15903s Squad well I'm gonna go ahead and ignore
15904s that question that Netherlands needs to
15906s bounce back
15908s um uh because I mean they did end up
15910s losing yesterday I believe to Spain and
15912s Netherlands doesn't want to go down O2
15914s um so Italy I think it's a very much the
15916s same one we talk about like Portugal
15918s it's like you're kind of playing without
15919s some money you don't have a ton to lose
15920s here um Italy I believe got beaten
15924s pretty badly by France yesterday but
15926s that's France I think France is going to
15928s be most teams pretty badly uh Italy's
15930s got a couple of players I I do think one
15932s thing we will see from Italy what I
15933s noticed in their matchup is that like
15935s they will switch up their tanks to some
15937s weird stuff a lot like Andrew played a
15939s lot of ball uh that we we don't know we
15941s haven't seen a ton of ball except for
15942s like stalling and like getting you know
15944s to the point so maybe that could throw a
15946s team off a little bit and then like some
15948s Marissa or this has been kind of a niche
15949s pick but I think that could throw teams
15951s off it could be a bully so I think Italy
15953s is in position to maybe do something
15955s weird they didn't just sign a new player
15957s I believe like Mike who's a dual
15960s citizenship USA versus a USA and Italy
15963s and he's played some Collegiate
15965s OverWatch so there's some structure
15967s there other than that a lot of the
15969s players on Italy don't really have like
15971s Wiki pages to look them up like yeah
15973s there's not a lot of experience so if
15975s you look experience wise
15977s um the other ones has that experience uh
15979s over Italy but you know I give Italy a
15982s puncher's chance as always and I just
15984s hope to see a team like maybe try
15986s something weird maybe uh throw a ball
15988s cop ball comps can blow people off yeah
15990s man and zpu brought it up before right
15992s some of these teams just have so much
15995s new talent that it's hard to say where
15996s it's gonna go and maybe we'll see a
15998s transferring of that uh transfer of the
16000s Old Guard right Logics we saw that on
16002s display with Belgium and Spain Spain
16004s just absolutely crushing in that match
16006s props to them and of course the energy
16008s is high for that Squad but Netherlands
16010s and Italy just around the corner I leave
16011s it to y'all best of luck with imagine
16013s I'll see you guys afterwards
16015s all right now we get to see what Italy
16017s has in the tank here hex and you know
16020s it's probably gonna be an uphill battle
16021s because you know again I can't look at
16023s the Netherlands roster and go oh this is
16025s just stacked with you know players that
16027s have done you know all these different
16028s things OverWatch the way that like a
16030s team like France is right but there are
16032s known quantities on this Netherlands
16035s team that have been good in the past
16036s whereas you know Italy is kindly
16038s unproven will they won't they Zone and
16041s you know Italy overall and OverWatch
16043s World Cup history uh you know it's had a
16045s tough time in the tournament but it
16046s would be great to see them you know
16048s surprise here today I don't know if
16050s they'll happen but hey I'm here for the
16052s story you know yeah I mean I I just I
16053s always love like you know house money
16055s maybe a player goes off maybe they play
16057s something different I do want to talk a
16058s little bit about like this uh
16059s Netherlands team too because like yeah
16061s it's not like that highest end but
16063s there's a ton of experience on this team
16065s like you talked about uh don but like
16067s also there's player I know I'm gonna try
16068s to butcher his name but like it's like a
16070s grand dope it's the only time I'm gonna
16073s say it like that otherwise I'm gonna lay
16074s my Midwestern on it and it's going to be
16076s crammed up the rest of the rest of this
16078s time
16079s um but it has played you know I think
16080s it's on team peps right now has played
16082s for Twisted Minds X oblivioni like those
16084s are big names in the European contenders
16086s game so it's like it's it is that higher
16089s end of tier two and here's the rest of
16091s the Netherlands rosters
16093s yeah and again the player that I
16095s remember here is Don where there was a
16097s point in time where you know Don was one
16099s of the rising stars in the OverWatch
16101s scene and yeah I mean I think you know
16104s especially now in the you know shift of
16106s course from OverWatch to the or rather
16108s OverWatch won the OverWatch two you know
16110s who you have in main tank slot is even
16112s more important uh in terms of impact on
16115s the team and you know it comes another
16116s ones there they're in good hands uh so
16119s we'll see it Don has made it to the very
16121s top he's in the parents Eternal I mean I
16123s think it was like Don and Khan uh we're
16125s rolling with them together and you know
16127s again has played you know for excuse
16129s Monty Cruz played in some of the the
16130s higher levels of uh the contenders teams
16133s so there's definitely
16135s um Talent here and you know maybe it's a
16138s small enough scene that like they've all
16139s played together and there's coordination
16140s I think we'll be able to perhaps see
16142s that as we go forward but Netherlands
16144s again they are all in one right now
16146s losing some a little bit surprisingly to
16148s Spain yesterday so don't want to go down
16151s Owen two
16152s at the same note Spain also looking
16154s really good so you know I feel like I
16156s wonder how much of that was Netherlands
16158s was underperforming versus how much uh
16160s you know Spain over performing I like to
16162s think of the latter but of course we
16164s look here at Italy and again it's just
16166s it is a little bit weird when I think
16168s back to you know teams Italy's plan in
16170s the past just no dragon Eddie uh I I
16173s think what probably makes Dragon a the
16174s most notable uh back in the past was
16176s just he was a player that was always
16178s like super eager to like let me do
16179s interviews let me do this and you know
16181s the player is willing to do that you
16182s just get poor broadcast time but uh yeah
16185s that era has ended and now uh a brand
16187s new era of Italian OverWatch yeah so I
16190s mean it's gonna be interesting like I
16191s said Andrew on the ball could be just
16193s this wrinkle that they throw in there
16194s also uh yukino played a lot of sojourn
16197s in in situations
16198s um against France where like it wasn't
16200s necessarily ideal also there's the
16202s question of Mike and just getting added
16204s to the team yesterday you wonder if
16206s there's been any practice time or what
16207s went on with that situation so I'm
16210s adding a support that's maybe you've not
16212s played before especially for your other
16213s support can be tricky but yeah I think
16216s Italy has a chance to maybe throw
16218s curveballs and see if they can maybe
16221s upset the Netherlands and Netherlands um
16223s they've got to be careful like to if the
16225s Netherlands come into this tournament
16226s and lose to Spain and Italy back to back
16228s that's gotta be just be devastating
16231s yeah I mean not just devastating but
16232s also probably out of the tournament if
16235s not mathematically that effectively
16237s right I mean let's say the Bear in mind
16239s too is like anytime a team has racked up
16241s one loss effectively you're almost in an
16244s elimination match not exactly by the
16247s numbers but for all intents and purposes
16249s very likely and you know if both of
16251s these teams having lost well they are
16253s playing for their very lives here and
16255s it's first of two so you know it can be
16258s pretty short and sweet
16260s yeah we're gonna of course kick it off
16262s on Nepal as our control map
16265s um so yeah I mean we'll get to map
16268s choices when they get there both of
16269s these teams obviously have already lost
16271s a map one so both have their preferences
16273s when going to map two so we'll see if
16275s those uh preferences
16277s hold water as we get there but I think I
16280s mean look I don't want to hook this up
16282s too much but like I don't to be dead on
16283s us I don't have a ton else to talk about
16284s for Italy but I just wonder like there
16287s there are situations especially on Nepal
16290s we're running a wrecking ball is really
16292s good
16293s um so if that ends up being the case
16294s like if they do want to throw that
16296s wrinkle and like you saw on the rosters
16298s it is Andrew's favorite hero that's
16300s usually what their hero is on their
16301s rosters
16302s um I think it could work I think there's
16304s definitely a spot for it on Nepal I mean
16306s Nepal is it's just a good map for Paul
16309s yeah I mean also you know it's funny you
16311s break a ball just because historically
16313s in the OverWatch League Beyond it is
16315s just one of those Heroes that you know
16317s it's not always meta oftentimes it's not
16319s but you always have those weird
16321s situations where a team says we're gonna
16323s run it we're just going to run it and
16325s because it's unconventional it can give
16327s teams fits obviously that was just
16329s literally the Chengdu script for years
16331s with you know players like eighthong
16332s just going like yep I'm just gonna go in
16334s run the ball good luck and uh you know
16337s every thing that spawned from that but
16338s the reality is is that there are heroes
16341s in the game that even if you could argue
16344s they're not always the best sometimes
16346s the amount of disruption and mental
16348s damage they can cause by just causing a
16350s team to play differently can be all the
16352s chaos you need to sneak away but also
16355s maybe your other team has to switch
16356s comps now too it's like someone has to
16358s go somewhere now to deal with ball and
16359s now you're not running your ideal
16360s composition but also like you know we're
16362s gonna like sit there we're waiting for
16364s one of the teams to get to get finish in
16365s the lobby right now which is why you're
16366s looking at all her lovely faces don't
16369s worry news there um but the ball players
16371s are just different like I watched some
16373s clip on uh on Reddit the other day of a
16376s Korean just ball one trick I think that
16377s the name was something like fall awesome
16380s or something and it was like six minutes
16382s and it was just all Tech all the time
16384s and you're just you're just wondering
16386s like how many hours are they putting in
16388s on each map to know specific grapples
16390s specific texts and it's just like
16393s the the consensus was in the comments of
16395s like yeah ball players are just a
16397s different breed they're just nuts it's
16399s like you know closers in baseball are
16400s just weird people
16402s yeah I mean well like some people in
16404s their free time you know they might come
16405s home and go I just want to relax for a
16407s little bit you know play some OverWatch
16409s or you know more recently play some
16410s Diablo before you'll grind it out or
16412s there's other people that cover them is
16414s just like I need the practice ball Tech
16416s they just do nothing but play ball
16418s regardless of what their team wants and
16420s ranked what anyone else says they're
16423s locking in the ball no matter what and
16425s because it's one tank nowadays no one
16426s can steal the ball to be like you're not
16428s playing it you get in this tank you can
16430s play the ball and because we've talked
16431s about a wrecking ball for about five
16433s minutes straight means we won't see any
16434s of it this match sorry guys we jinxed it
16437s but
16438s um yeah it'll be Netherlands let's get
16441s into it
16443s alrighty so we'll see what's on the menu
16448s um yeah I think you are right in that
16449s talking about that much probably is a
16451s curse that we're not gonna see it but
16452s hey maybe we will do you see the rosters
16455s here and no right now for Italy let's
16458s look in a lot more like an orisa X as
16460s opposed to that and for Netherlands yeah
16463s I mean that's fine I did mention that
16465s Andrew plays Arisa and ball so a little
16468s bit right I also mentioned that uh
16470s yukino will out to play that sojourn as
16473s well uh maybe that is being the case of
16475s course Gonna Roll out with this symmetra
16477s teleporter but uh Arissa vs Ryan can be
16480s okay
16481s um it's you know Rissa can be a super
16482s bad bully like just definitely with the
16486s right match up aristoc it can be a super
16488s strong hero
16489s yeah there's absolutely no doubt about
16491s that is uh Netherlands take the TP
16494s immediately we got a ride on point
16496s sometimes teams will go out of their way
16498s and you know position on the outskirts
16500s not Netherlands they just say we're
16501s gonna find here we're gonna set some
16502s turrets in here fight Don if you dare
16504s and you look at the Poke side tap
16506s already tap to Kino gets them out of the
16509s fight and uh rough start for Italy yeah
16512s just a little tappy and um I mean that's
16514s a lot of the the huge consistent damage
16517s coming out uh for for Italy now
16519s eliminated getting your sojourn out
16521s really hurts your pick potential as well
16523s and now it's gonna be tough for Italy to
16525s like get into this point because once a
16527s team is set up in here with the SIM
16528s turrets like the slow on them is brutal
16532s and it's just really hard to figure it
16533s out and then oh my God twice yeah that's
16536s twice that's not the same one just like
16538s her in the streets literally I'd say
16540s it's just like go back in time no tap is
16542s just crushing everyone that's four kills
16546s as me
16547s bicycle machine gun oh man winter has
16551s come
16552s yeah
16554s I'm just gonna just gonna sit here a
16555s second and let my thoughts about may get
16557s out of my head
16560s that's good good play from tap looking
16562s that's gotta really just really hurt you
16565s keynote uh so yakino was actually gonna
16566s run teleport of their own and they're
16567s gonna try to to get in position here
16570s um lizard's ready already and also look
16572s at this positioning tap doesn't go for
16575s it there yeah a wall comes out they're
16578s like get rid of the threat deal with him
16579s but tap will just elevator right up and
16582s over and out holding on to the Blizzard
16585s gonna drop it on down and not gonna be
16587s an easy entry for Italy as it gets
16589s awfully Frosty real fast and uh so far
16593s you know with both real walls and the
16596s metaphorical walls uh tap has not let
16598s Italy cross East uh it only gets their
16601s first Kill by their brand new pickup oh
16602s Lucio's gonna take down the Sim on the
16604s other side
16606s um
16608s puts Andrew on the ground although Don
16610s is kinda looked alone right now
16612s immortality feel comes down maybe it'll
16614s be enough to keep talking alive but uh
16615s yeah that was a rough positioning and
16618s Netherlands they let Don die and end up
16621s getting forced back a bit Yeah and 86 to
16623s zero still tough
16625s yeah I mean Don just maybe a little too
16627s big for his britches I think it's going
16629s to be a trap we see a lot of teams fall
16630s into when they're playing teams that
16632s they think they should beat
16633s um I mean I think we've already seen it
16635s a couple times in this Tournament of
16636s just overextending or just not playing
16638s correctly
16639s um but Italy now like yes it's their
16641s first capture of the point but because
16643s of the composition they're running it's
16645s still decent for them because they're
16647s going to have a setup
16650s right now Andrew decides going
16651s aggressively with the orisa ultimate I
16653s think I come with another one's gets
16655s really low Chimera done immediately
16657s Italy though trading out a lot more
16659s effectively between the two teams not a
16662s bad engage see you know diving to the
16665s back a little bit pressure from the Sim
16666s charging up teleports right back and you
16668s know Italy not a bad job of stabilizing
16671s hearings no I mean the big difference
16673s though that they have to look at it
16674s again yeah tap is lapping Chimera when
16678s it comes to blizzards so
16680s the May value is just completely
16682s one-sided that's not even chimera's
16684s fault that's kind of just tap just doing
16686s doing tap stuff yeah I mean tap opened
16689s it up again with another pick off
16691s Netherlands gets back onto the fight or
16694s Point nearly for free as a result now
16696s Italy time is not on their side May's
16699s gonna be a little bit slow to fight but
16700s they just gotta go and they have to run
16702s through the blizzard
16703s yeah you would think the blizzard didn't
16705s come out well I mean the teleporter is
16707s going to get them behind it
16710s for our walk well they freeze out Andrew
16712s Italy already down to
16715s this one's in the can it's gonna be
16717s Netherlands getting round one here and
16719s they do it very decisively uh very
16722s intensively the only fight that they
16725s lost is kind of their own faults kind of
16727s an unforced error as you know
16730s Don just went in and uh
16732s thought he was gonna 1v5 I almost did
16735s didn't quite happen but I think this the
16738s story of that one was uh Taps may just
16740s was absolutely dominant the first uh six
16744s kills that Netherlands had tap had five
16746s of them so yeah
16748s and I mean two of them were the same
16750s person in uh yukino where yukino rolled
16752s up got shot down by tap came back in got
16755s shot down by tap against the point that
16757s you know I was just wondering is like
16758s have I gone back in time what has
16760s happened yeah I thought my screen wasn't
16761s refreshing or something but like that
16763s when that happens to you as a player do
16765s you get May single tap twice like back
16767s to back it it feels like an uninstalled
16770s moment obviously you just take a moment
16772s and you think about it but like those
16774s are brutal mentally
16776s also fitting player name for the
16778s performance here so yeah
16780s a little tap tap taparoo
16784s well nothing there's no love in these
16786s caps
16789s towards Italy and uh yeah this uh
16794s both teams setting up here again another
16795s one another one's a little bit healthier
16797s as you look at the Poke War taking place
16799s between the two teams but that can
16801s change in an instant Chimera right now
16804s looking to his best tap impression on
16806s the other side right now I'm not hitting
16807s a whole lot in other words
16810s testing on the point it'll be a little
16811s bit more progress here so far as you see
16813s the sigma via Resa battle taking place
16815s Anja was able to Boop Chimera into the
16818s pit and just like that Netherlands
16820s secures an advantage healthier across
16822s the board and you might be seeing more
16824s dividends from that spoon as Pastor
16826s Lansky arrows on the Aquino
16828s yeah it just kind of bullied into the
16829s corner and that's not where you want to
16831s be against a ramatra maybe they try to
16833s chase this
16835s no not quite
16837s yeah it's going to be rough
16839s um
16840s I mean the arrest is really good against
16841s Reiner I I like it a little less against
16843s the the ramatra uh can still work out
16846s but yeah I mean for the most part like
16849s if you're just looking at the maze
16851s um Chimera has been not getting the
16853s value that tap has and that's almost
16855s just been the whole story yukino has
16857s been almost a non-factor whether it's on
16859s sodorant or Ash and whereas Pastor has
16862s been cleaning yeah so yeah speaking of
16864s uh estaffiling
16866s foreign
16869s and now Italy just trying to hold on
16871s being down the bay early is rough and
16873s it's gonna get colder here hex blizzard
16874s ready to go and this is something where
16877s I would not be surprised to see another
16878s one to take this a little bit more
16879s aggressively they don't even have to at
16881s 52 but if they do and they win the round
16884s and map and be just about over I mean
16887s you got check marks across the board
16888s five checks right there
16891s window is going to be how they start out
16892s tap under a little bit of pressure early
16895s on beat gummy drop here from Austin into
16898s the pity goes gets caught by the Lucio
16900s but the rest of it's still going in way
16902s in favor of the Netherlands blizzard not
16904s even required and might be a finishing
16906s Blizzard at this point yeah I mean the
16908s new edition Mike and has been okay he's
16911s gotten a couple kills it's been kind of
16912s accounted for some of Italy's only big
16914s plays but it's it's just not enough when
16916s you know Netherlands burned three
16918s ultimates there and they're still ahead
16920s and the alt Bank still holding on to
16921s blizzard so Italy gonna have to get in
16924s here get some damage on some sustain so
16926s that he can catch it up
16927s um blizzard V blizzard though we'll see
16929s it's it's been kind of a battle of the
16930s maze so far so fitting it comes down to
16932s this
16933s and other once they want to hold that
16934s aggressively this side you know we're
16935s gonna hold back play it safe see what
16938s Italy can do to engage it's a tap team
16940s file just going for the lovely one in
16942s the back here going a little bit of
16944s pressure onto yukino while it's going on
16946s faster on the main point deals with the
16947s bat the healing Crush for Italy is tap
16950s takes down yukino he's just gonna sit
16953s back here and be like yeah heal me up a
16954s little bit I'll wait it only was able to
16957s get the capture as that went on but the
16959s Rica test for another one's gonna be
16961s pretty easy
16962s yeah you think I mean the wall is going
16964s to be able to segment off this erisa
16965s this is going to bully into the corner
16967s but may is actually okay with dealing
16968s with this
16970s tap quick ice block lizard
16974s of course gone chemo is here look at Don
16977s and that's not bad Don out of the fight
16978s early Italy is making something up this
16981s way you know again it seems like
16982s Netherlands wants to put off the gas a
16984s little bit at the very end yukino finds
16986s tap and yep just like that Italy not
16989s quite out of this yet yeah I was kind of
16991s wondering why tap went so aggressive
16993s against yukino in the previous few
16995s fights but it's you know if you leave a
16998s long range uh hit scan alone that's the
17000s kind of damage they can do so that's why
17002s tap went all in on that and Netherlands
17004s you know I think a lot of it is just
17006s gonna be hubris again they were on that
17007s doomfist for a little bit to try to come
17009s back like that's obviously not the place
17012s yeah but a quick Hanzo pick like that
17014s that sets the tone Oh both DPS taking
17018s out their counterparts Italy no DPS left
17021s deal it's like that props window it's
17022s like well you have to be your own DPS
17024s father at this point because everyone
17026s else behind you is dead Ange finishes it
17029s off and the Netherlands they're gonna
17031s run away with round two and the map here
17033s hex
17035s that will be mapped pretty quickly
17037s um no big surprises there I guess the
17040s the big you know not surprised with the
17042s person making the biggest splash for the
17044s Netherlands was obviously the maid
17045s player in tap
17047s um and then they kind of just the the
17050s fights that they end up losing I want to
17052s say we're mostly their own fault um
17054s rather than it'll be forcing errors
17056s right so you know Italy
17058s couple moments uh new addition look good
17060s on Lucio there are a couple of Boop
17062s kills that were nice uh yukino when not
17064s pressured obviously can hit some shots
17066s so that that's something to build on but
17068s Netherlands looking to uh not go down O2
17071s avenge their their loss yesterday to
17073s Spain Again by beating Italy here
17076s um now Italy will have map Choice going
17078s forward maybe they you know go to I
17082s think they went to Gibraltar against
17083s France and tried to play some like kind
17085s of high ground stuff so maybe maybe
17087s that'll be an option so I do hope we go
17089s to Gibraltar just because I like
17090s Gibraltar it's been out of the map pool
17092s it's been more than it's been in it yeah
17094s it's been reworked so that spawns aren't
17096s as brutal um gibraltaries just eat
17097s people alive but that's neither here nor
17099s there this is uh Downey is going look at
17102s the kill feed look at the bay like we're
17104s looking at Don but really the story is
17106s what may is doing here just icicle after
17108s icicle not missing shots and uh yeah
17113s that was the threat this round I don't
17115s know if it's on the replay there's also
17115s a point where like Don is just left on
17118s his own and just gets beaten up for you
17120s know a few minutes yeah well then this
17122s is just not the smartest positioning to
17124s get right in front of that window and
17126s then this was tap uh going after yikino
17128s like yukino out of money uh so that was
17131s yeah that was a very quick map
17133s um but yeah it's the Netherlands team
17135s that we think has a lot of Talent on it
17137s at least upper end contenders talent and
17139s Italy just just does not have that same
17141s experience on the roster well Italy they
17144s had a rough map one do they have it in
17146s the bounce back and challenge this
17148s Netherlands team and it's amazing may
17150s play we'll find out in just a few
17152s minutes
17152s [Music]
17214s [Music]
17232s thank you
17241s thank you
17242s [Music]
17259s thank you
17275s [Music]
17288s thank you
17290s [Music]
17316s [Music]
17335s [Applause]
17336s [Music]
17347s thank you
17353s [Music]
17371s the Netherlands coming out strong with
17374s some really really good may play taking
17376s the fight to Italy and you know hex that
17377s may play was so good you might have
17379s insomnia tonight it will haunt you
17382s uh yeah me lives in my head rent free
17386s um I mean we all know like I I probably
17388s like only Tracer all the time so getting
17390s ice cold across the map has been a thing
17392s for years
17393s um and you know whatever I'm not I'm not
17394s mad about it I think it's a good hero
17396s maybe we should buff May more
17397s um anyway so yeah it was really good
17399s play from tap uh could not be matched
17401s but may has just been so good in in like
17403s so many metas and never really been out
17405s of meta a lot of it is like yes the
17407s icicle is good the slow and the hindered
17409s Now is really good
17411s um ice block to heal yourself really
17413s good Blizzard's good old but it's almost
17414s the wall for me like the wall it just
17416s changes the Dynamics of a fight so
17418s instantly that that's really the mark of
17420s the best made players is how they're
17422s able to utilize the map editing wall
17423s capability of me so yeah that was uh
17426s that was that was a map that happened uh
17429s Italy is going to have map choice now
17432s as we go forward
17434s um so that's how the the brackets work
17436s or loser picks the next map last time
17438s when they played France uh at their map
17441s pick was Gibraltar it didn't work out
17443s well for them
17444s um against France but who knows if
17446s that's France or that's map pick so
17448s they're gonna choose to go to Havana
17449s instead and I think Italy's doing this
17451s because I think we saw moments where uh
17453s Yuko yukamino was
17455s um hitting shots and Havana is a map
17457s that if you can have long range hit
17459s scams especially a Widowmaker hit shots
17461s you could win fights and that might be
17464s the reason why
17465s yeah and I mean ideally you know for
17468s something like Havana you go into the
17469s idea of well you know if you're good at
17472s hitting long range shots maybe just stop
17474s them at the point a right like Havana
17475s while we have seen it Go the Distance if
17477s teams are evenly matched or just played
17479s really well it's not a map known for
17481s getting the point c a whole lot yo you
17483s see a lot of delay in wins on point a or
17486s just you completely stop it on point B
17488s so if you think about scenarios for
17490s Italy to bounce back I I like what
17492s you've concocted here where you know
17494s they play something more long-ranged
17495s they execute it effectively and I think
17498s ideally you know stop it on point a yeah
17500s sorry to yukino I call them yukamino
17502s which is a reference to Luke Amino sorry
17505s too many too many names of OverWatch in
17507s my head uh yukino uh so yeah we'll see
17510s what these teams want to end up running
17511s here but I think maybe that's that's one
17513s of the win conditions without knowing a
17515s great deal about these teams or seeing
17517s them play a lot it's really hard to
17519s concoct these type of things so
17521s um no surprise that tap will be playing
17523s the May for the Netherlands speaking of
17526s long-range hit scan it seems that may
17528s has been doing that but it's also really
17530s nice like May appears really well with
17532s vermontra like it is kind of double
17533s shield comp in a way so
17536s that is drippingly thick uh sarcasm from
17540s hex where it's like it's not hit scanned
17542s but it might as well feel like across
17544s the map but uh yeah we're you know when
17548s you play me that well why swamp just
17549s stay on if they didn't have an answer
17551s last time in fact they're coming out the
17552s May of their own so still gonna be
17554s Frosty on both sides as uh Netherlands
17557s just going for this very close hole Yeah
17560s you also need to make your own to be
17561s able to get out of this spawn lock as
17563s well
17564s see yukino takes the 1v1 loses it
17569s yeah that was just storm arrows to the
17571s gut no head required in that equation
17574s Italy could go for a little bit of a
17576s quick swap here yukino saying oh that
17579s Hanzo character seems pretty good let me
17580s play it myself as uh you see the swap
17583s over to Ryan as well same time and
17587s password gets caught now the right swap
17589s working out okay for Italy here thus far
17591s yeah yeah that's a it's a new tank
17594s player for Italy Andrews out and uh our
17598s channel is in
17599s they roll through
17601s yeah really good adaptation
17603s uh bloodthirsty ghost what do you mean
17606s you're running for me it's like well if
17608s any hero could actually get away to
17610s regroup
17611s yeah uh we needed the uh the infinite
17615s booster rank up there for for the
17617s Reinhardt there would have got him
17620s all right well Italy not a bad opening
17623s got rid of the spawn Camp to start
17624s things off but here comes a real test
17626s this is the point on the map where teams
17628s will often hold the entire time here on
17631s Havana early wall used by tap here
17633s nothing too much going of it Pastor on
17636s the side and uh has drawn the honor of
17638s Reinhardt and just puts him in the
17639s ground immediately followed through with
17642s the Bap at his side and uh
17644s got aggression not quite working out for
17646s Italy and this is gonna let another one
17648s stabilize right at this corner X yeah
17650s that's always the nice thing about uh
17653s winning any of these fights really in in
17655s Havana is you pretty much get to reset
17657s wherever you want and it's always this
17658s corner hold here
17660s um I mean especially like that's again
17662s it's one of the reasons why teams will
17663s spawn camp on Havana uh pretty
17665s consistently is because it doesn't lose
17667s you the first point and you get to fight
17669s in a pretty advantageous position
17670s regardless
17672s shatter up though
17675s shatter just about there to Rajan and
17679s so where it goes dragging strike in the
17681s back here from yukino might be used for
17683s a little bit of chaos to set up the
17685s shattering which still is not built by
17687s the way and he's going
17689s so long might not even get the shower up
17690s before dying
17691s all right Italy is Haley got the shower
17693s up but just barely the line nearly
17695s falling in the nick of time
17698s yukino looking for any pickup off top
17700s not a bad position here we go shatter
17702s What's it gonna be goes in drops the
17704s shadow looks for Dawn takes him on a
17706s ride right after the blizzard though
17707s comes out at the same time get a little
17709s bit Frosty for Italy blizzard be
17711s blizzard in fact
17712s and it's a vast daylight here that's
17715s working a little bit better for Italy
17716s chamera's having a two but as I say that
17717s Don and Buddy looking to swap it back
17720s over but it's Chimera x with three
17722s overall and a very scrappy fight yeah
17725s the annihilation does not get everything
17726s done and it is the May on the carry
17729s again on the back end that would be
17730s Italy grabbing first point uh and that's
17733s that's just a great play for them good
17734s job uh like the the Ryan play wasn't
17737s ideal but it was enough to cause chaos
17740s and uh their damage dealers were able to
17743s clean up the chaos so well played there
17745s like shatter should be free against
17747s ramatra and it is but it's just a matter
17749s of where that follow-up charge comes
17751s through uh the best ones will bring
17753s vermontra away from their team that one
17755s brought him kind of near his team he's
17757s perpendicular quick Dragon strike right
17759s down where Italy was going forces out
17761s the immortality field window though
17763s dropped by Fray tap though finds Mike
17765s and early the terror of May going to be
17767s felt a little bit more in a closed-in
17769s area
17770s see if another one can stay alive they
17772s got poked down pretty low but now
17774s they're killed back up they have a five
17775s before you see Italy just in Retreat
17777s right now going okay okay maybe we reset
17779s just a bit
17781s I'm gonna reset they're gonna have their
17783s own blizzard too but it can be weird to
17784s see where you want to use your blizzard
17786s as you're seeing on the defense like
17789s the Netherlands team is all spread out
17791s they're spread out and on different
17792s vertical levels too so it's getting
17795s value out of the blizzard here is going
17797s to be a difficult task
17801s s going through the top right side door
17802s you know looking for anything oh Dawn
17805s able to punish Chimera early no blizzard
17808s to be had and immediately Italy put in a
17811s tough tough situation where you know 3v5
17814s Orange dies but I don't think that's
17816s gonna be enough and no it's full cleanup
17818s from the Netherlands that you know you
17820s look at the time Italy quickly gonna be
17822s running out of it yeah we've highlighted
17824s tabs so much just because of like the
17826s ridiculous opening kill feed but Pastor
17828s has done really well on the first map
17830s and on this one of I mean it hasn't been
17832s like amazing stuff but the cleanup kills
17835s are there and those can be so important
17837s as far as building your alt and like
17838s staggering out seconds and seconds if
17840s you look at the kill feed pastor always
17842s has like the last two or three
17849s drops a shatter in the middle of it
17852s they're able to get past her down at
17853s least but a lot has been invested by
17854s Italy and the damages is coming from the
17856s other ones instead on with a massive
17858s Annihilation just completely finishes
17862s his play yeah Don just goes for an
17864s afternoon stroll and ends up killing
17865s three people good old Annihilation we'll
17867s clean that one up one minute left for
17869s Italy to try to get something done and
17872s yeah I'm not loving the Rhine here in
17875s this in this kind of mirror
17876s um it hasn't worked out well for them
17878s it's also very difficult like the
17880s defender's advantage on second Point
17881s like he's looking like they're they're
17883s operating on three levels of verticality
17885s they're all spread out
17886s just be very difficult to get anything
17888s going on
17898s buddy out of it Ray a little bath to be
17900s back action and that's enough to get
17903s some stability here for Italy 30 seconds
17905s left to go so probably gonna be their
17907s last good push but not a bad position to
17910s start it from
17912s um no not bad let's see where they can
17914s set up here
17915s yeah I like this position to try to hold
17917s uh as the offense comes in you don't
17920s want to be on the low ground just like
17921s giving up the the firing ground you do
17923s need someone on the cart pushing it
17924s through though
17927s another ones are gonna open with the
17929s beat here you have to think Dragon start
17931s things off Chimera gets caught early
17933s there's the beat both teams beat versus
17936s beat let's not have to save Russian on
17938s the point and this should just be the
17940s rest of the cleanup for the Netherlands
17942s is on foreign
17946s really nice stuff from Dawn and yeah
17948s like payload's gonna stop right here
17950s yep that's where it will end up I mean
17952s second Point gets really difficult to
17954s push through but I mean Italy kind of
17956s put themselves in a weird spot uh to
17958s never really be able to get in when they
17959s went right side they got walled off
17961s several times uh they would try to go
17963s middle but then middle like I said the
17965s Netherlands defense was
17967s they were in the correct position that
17969s you're supposed to play on on second
17971s point of Havana they had uh High Ground
17973s for their Hanzo up top the Baptiste was
17975s playing on another level and the
17977s defender's advantage of The High Ground
17978s gets so much to overcome that you you
17980s really need to find a way to get in and
17983s Italy never were able to Netherlands
17985s always was Walling them off or Italy was
17988s taking too much damage on the entry so
17990s now Italy's last best hope is to play a
17993s really solid defense on Havana it's not
17995s out of the realm of possibility
17997s yeah and I mean I go a step further and
17998s go the number one like key the victory
18001s here for Italy going in don't let this
18004s go beyond point a I think if it gets
18006s into point B the way both teams are
18007s playing it's gonna be a W for another
18009s one so for Italy they looked good on
18012s point a on the attack they need to
18015s somehow find it in them to bring that to
18017s the very end it is one of the most
18019s common ways to win on this map I think
18022s holding up close early is a good idea
18024s from them here I mean just do everything
18026s possible so you don't go on the point B
18030s yeah absolutely
18032s um yukino Okay so
18034s I'm trying to suss out this composition
18035s so they're not going to show their Camp
18037s just yet but they will be rushing in to
18041s spawn
18042s um well never mind they're gonna show it
18044s right away
18046s um last second here but the spawn Camp
18048s here
18050s yukino on the Cavs First cast we've seen
18052s today
18054s yeah Casa not seen as much as uh we
18057s might have thought coming in with some
18059s speculation but we'll see how things
18061s develop either way both teams getting
18062s into it try to spawn and the the old era
18065s where the offensive defense swap is what
18067s we're seeing here it's on though just
18069s punches Cassie in the face yukino gone
18071s immediately faster gang where the
18073s immortality field and Netherlands
18075s looking very very healthy here and you
18078s know look you expect to die eventually
18079s in the spawn camp but that was a little
18081s too fast text yeah if you want to get
18084s some trades or some value and you just
18086s nothing happening there and again I mean
18088s I just think it's it's kind of just out
18089s comps like the ram versus the Reinhardt
18091s matchup has just been completely
18093s one-sided
18095s um you can get some value out of the
18096s Rhine eventually but I mean it's just
18098s sad to see the Rhine holding up a shield
18099s and getting the punches like just
18101s getting punched
18102s it's just uh not ideal they're gonna
18106s need big picks here from yukino I think
18108s that's probably the best win condition
18127s really really low goes back immortality
18129s Field's gonna be down window about to
18132s fade and you know again you might be
18134s fooled here but his Netherlands on the
18135s attack Italy's on the defense it's just
18137s positions have swapped Russian's gonna
18140s go down in the Netherlands just out
18142s rotate and punish and the idea of the
18145s point a hold hex it's going away in a
18147s hurry
18149s yeah I would definitely agree and what's
18151s worse is that because the Netherlands
18152s were so dominant in both of those fights
18154s it is one two three four five ultimates
18157s in the bank
18159s um the try to find some sort of win
18161s condition for Italy
18163s they need to hit a shatter and separate
18166s somebody like you can't shatter then
18167s charge someone into the team that can't
18169s happen Russian has to live to get the
18171s shower though immortality feels already
18172s used shatter built up is it gonna land
18175s no just immediately crunched mid shatter
18179s the Netherlands continue their
18181s unrelenting pressure
18183s and this should be point a and you know
18186s I don't mind Italy coming out that
18187s aggressively X I think they need the
18189s hold here at Point a and now like
18191s they can still win but those Paths of
18193s Victory is so much harder now well the
18194s other thing I was going to say you you
18195s can shatter and then you can also
18197s blizzard so now the other second half of
18199s that is the last best chance for Italy
18202s uh but some great positioning from the
18204s Netherlands they've already taken over
18205s the Defenders and bandage spots up here
18207s on uh the stills and pastor
18213s right now they're going for the
18214s Reinhardt isolation again they're gonna
18215s get it I think they do I mean NJ went
18218s down pretty quickly but uh you take that
18221s trade you absolutely trade the Lucio for
18223s the Reinhardt in that situation and look
18225s I respect good Reinhardt aggression as
18227s much as anyone but right now Italy has
18230s to tone it down a bit it's not working
18232s uh whenever the aggression comes in I
18234s mean Netherlands are just doing a great
18235s job of catching it right here comes the
18237s May wall here comes the storm Arrow it
18239s comes everything into it but by the time
18241s Reinhardt swings the The Shield's dead
18243s and is at half HP America Khan's Pastor
18247s was on the flank where Asian I mean
18249s you're gonna get the beat but the
18251s pressure is gonna be huge yukino could
18253s be the X Factor overclock in progress
18254s but uh Dawn is annihilating literally
18258s walking forward getting the rest of the
18260s cleanup and that is gonna be all she
18262s wrote Netherlands about to take this map
18266s and they take the series as another
18268s Netherlands will go to one in one on
18271s their uh tournament so far Italy I mean
18274s that's kind of what we expected look
18275s they like not every team is going to be
18277s great in this and you look at their
18279s roster and they just don't have a lot of
18280s tournament experience but like you know
18282s how you get tournament experience while
18283s you start playing in tournaments like
18284s this uh so the strategies I don't think
18287s were refined or perfect enough
18289s um you know their tank play seems to be
18293s strange even when Andrew was playing
18294s like they're playing the erisa which is
18296s not necessarily meta um and then they
18298s swapped in a different tank and uh kind
18301s of bullied by the vermontra there too
18303s and overall like they just kind of got
18305s gapped the May got gapped because tap
18307s played really really well yukino had a
18309s couple of shots here and there but for
18311s the most part uh Pastor was playing just
18314s better so yeah it's It's just tough when
18317s you go against a team that has a ton of
18319s competitive experience so many hours in
18321s the game and just you know some of this
18323s great talent on the squad so
18326s um again it's kind of like what you said
18328s with Portugal and I don't mean this in a
18329s mean way I've seen teams lose worse uh
18331s so it was it wasn't terrible well for
18333s Italy and like I think they they can if
18336s they refine some of it I think they need
18337s to refine compositions and really look
18339s at some of their positions and
18341s strategies
18342s yeah I mean the Rhine versus Ram that
18344s was going on here at least with how they
18346s were playing the Ryan definitely was not
18348s it I mean it just put them at a
18349s disadvantage even before you got into
18351s some of the mechanical differences we
18353s saw between the two teams but uh you
18355s know a really good setup coming out here
18357s from the Netherlands uh keeps him alive
18359s here in the tournament to be sure a good
18361s bounce back like anytime you lose the
18363s previous day you know the best way of
18365s getting over it just win the next day
18366s yeah into winning such decisive fashion
18369s so the Netherlands like they they have
18370s talent they have upset potential for
18372s some of these teams so I think losing
18374s the Spain really hurt them but also like
18376s you never really know how these groups
18378s are gonna shake down since we've seen
18379s some upsets already so they're still in
18382s it
18383s um I mean obviously it's only day two so
18385s I ever I want to say everyone's still in
18387s it
18388s um but yeah it's so I mean Netherlands
18391s in group a especially where three teams
18393s are going to come out of group a you'd
18395s think like Great Britain and France are
18397s going to be in that conversation but now
18399s Belgium is 0-2 Italy they just beat you
18402s know like Netherlands
18404s Denmark is kind of up there for that
18406s third spot and then Spain too so there
18408s are three teams coming out of group a so
18410s obviously going one and one is uh not
18412s not the end of it not the end of it at
18414s all for the Netherlands you know for me
18416s it might just be and we'll save a lot of
18417s this for the hype into the next run but
18419s for me you know I think about Denmark I
18420s have those one like absolute dark horses
18422s and they're one of my favorite teams and
18424s yeah a lot of it goes back to 2019
18425s OverWatch World Cup where they took
18427s South Korea to the Limit but you know
18429s Denmark of any team definitely not one
18432s you want to sleep on and guess what if
18434s you like Denmark if you like Great
18435s Britain I got news for you they're
18437s matching up against each other next in
18439s just a few minutes
18442s [Music]
18450s thank you
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18660s World Cup 2023 emec online qualifiers
18664s I'm Jim Basco joined by zp and hex we
18667s just watched Netherlands take it over
18669s Italy 2-0 and we're on the final map of
18673s the day or rather the final match of the
18675s day we've got Great Britain versus
18676s Denmark Denmark we have yet to see play
18678s a Great Britain with tons of hype riding
18680s around them but we want to mention and
18682s we don't want y'all to forget that the
18684s World Cup and home hope the World Cup
18686s Home and Away skin bundles are now live
18688s you can hurry up and get them before
18689s they leave the shop on June 27th that is
18691s in four days there are actually three
18693s bundles the emec APAC and American
18695s versions you can get both the Home and
18697s Away skins for all the heroes in those
18699s bundles and the bundles support the
18701s teams directly by contributing to the
18703s World Cup prize pool you can shop now on
18704s Battlenet or via the OverWatch 2 in-game
18707s shop and of course you can learn more at
18709s overwatchworldcuff.com with that said
18711s hex zp Great Britain and Denmark right
18714s around the corner we have yet to see
18715s this Danish team play thoughts on this
18718s matchup zp let's start with you
18720s I mean for me I can't wait to see
18722s Denmark play like I don't get me wrong I
18724s love what British OverWatch has been
18725s over time like one of the most exciting
18727s teams but Denmark has a special place in
18729s my heart for how they performed in the
18731s last OverWatch World Cup they are filled
18733s with a lot of heavy mechanical Talent
18735s they play well together as a team and
18738s you know for me I feel like this should
18740s be the match of the day both teams have
18742s so many bright spots that I'm just
18745s excited to see things get kicked off
18746s yeah I mean this is such an important
18748s match because like you like for
18751s obviously from what we've seen from
18752s France like you're worried about them so
18754s neither of these teams wants to like go
18756s put it put anything in the Lost bracket
18757s right and it's also like we can get into
18759s this a little more but this is the
18760s closest thing you have to like two
18762s OverWatch League rosters like just
18764s through and through from top to bottom
18765s absolutely stacked rosters of course
18767s Fielding OverWatch league players on
18769s both teams here Denmark versus Great
18771s Britain is bound to be a banger let's
18774s take a look at the schedule real quick
18776s of course like I mentioned earlier this
18777s is the final match of the day match
18779s number seven Italy versus Netherlands
18781s just finished up we are at Great Britain
18783s versus Denmark and of course two o's
18785s across the board for the day
18788s um definitely a day of two OverWatch but
18791s that is all okay of course yesterday we
18793s had tons of maps go all the way to three
18795s and maybe with this Great Britain and
18797s Denmark match like you were saying
18798s perhaps the Marquee match of the day
18801s we'll get to our third map here but hex
18803s and CP I'm Gonna Leave it to y'all this
18805s is a fantastic match you've got under on
18806s your hands and I will see you guys on
18808s the flip side
18810s all right so X we are getting into it
18813s and you know the challenge for me here
18814s is that you know you might be wondering
18816s uh you looked at previous uh years ago
18818s wait didn't they used to be called
18820s United Kingdom there's a reason for it
18822s uh in regards to it it's like
18823s International competition stuff but it
18825s is Great Britain I will try to call them
18827s great brand the entire day through I
18829s don't know if I'll be successful but uh
18830s yeah in case you're wondering that is a
18832s thing
18833s um yeah I mean you've been complaining
18835s about that for two days I'm glad you
18836s made it public to people so that when
18837s you do screw it up at least they know
18839s that it's been on your mind for a while
18841s uh but yeah this this Great Britain team
18845s um I mean what can you say like there's
18846s so much talent all over like funny Astro
18848s maybe the best Lucio in the world has
18850s been for at least several years uh
18852s backbone is such such a good player uh
18855s Kai is my extra car like it's all great
18857s I even went back to look at it too and
18859s like the GM of this squad is tasmo like
18862s obviously Championship Championship
18864s pedigree tasmo um and then uh
18867s Christopher is the last year's coach of
18869s the year for the OverWatch league right
18871s so like it's just like up and down all
18874s the way through this Great Britain team
18875s anything uh less than getting out of uh
18879s group stage especially in group a where
18881s three people get out is going to be an
18884s extreme disappointment for them and I
18887s mean even the players that aren't like
18888s you know the players that are in the
18890s OverWatch League uh I mean shikaru and
18893s like it's just they're just talents just
18896s talents all the way through
18898s yeah I mean this roster what morky's
18901s saying it stacked and for good reason
18903s and this is also you think about history
18906s of Great Britain in the OverWatch World
18908s Cup I mean this team has done severe
18910s mental damage to top competitors you
18912s know like Team USA if you go far enough
18914s back right like this is no matter what
18917s like when this team plays in person when
18919s you beat the they just have energy
18921s around them like strong we're gonna win
18924s this energy and uh that's the best way I
18926s could describe it probably one of my
18927s favorite teams to watch over the history
18929s of the OverWatch World Cup and uh I
18932s don't think this year will be an
18934s exception but the lads are always Chads
18936s right and then they like they they take
18938s that beat from Christopher usually their
18939s coach going through but man I don't know
18943s this is Denmark squad has a lot of
18945s really good players
18947s so like eating Maga might be like one of
18950s the best or Naga might be one of the
18951s best like May players I've ever seen
18953s just as a straight up like if you're
18955s only gonna solo that Shockwave has carry
18957s potential on pretty much every hero I've
18959s ever seen Celtics I just respect so much
18961s been through ups and downs all the way
18964s through his out career but still sticks
18966s with it and then you look at like calyx
18968s and slay are part of Twisted Minds which
18970s is one of the which is the best
18972s contenders team in EU uh mole is on the
18974s bench but he's a Mainstay of European
18976s OverWatch with British hurricane and
18978s been on one is spitfire uh Doge like was
18982s previously on Houston and then Shaq so
18984s you don't see on the screen like I mean
18986s he was on the Spitfire a couple respect
18987s but I remember when he was on the
18989s Valiant he was the best part of the Los
18991s Angeles Valiant too I mean I've done
18993s videos on his Tracer so like there is so
18996s much talent all the way through on this
18999s squad as well like this this I'd be
19001s surprised if this one doesn't go to
19003s three or is at least like not like close
19006s like single fight of ending things yeah
19009s I mean look there's a world where like
19011s it is a 2-0 where one team just has
19013s superiority but I don't think either
19015s team will look bad like I'm expecting
19017s clean OverWatch regardless of what the
19019s final score is like this is about things
19021s where it could be a game where it's two
19023s to nothing but you just look at and go
19025s yeah but that was good both teams looked
19027s good that that's what I'm expecting here
19029s and look it is still the OverWatch World
19031s Cup there's always a possibility a team
19032s could come in and just be weaker than
19034s expected we've already seen it here and
19037s we're just on day two so you know as
19039s much as we're hyping it up you never
19040s quite know until the game begins but man
19042s I am excited for this one because I
19044s think it'll be good
19046s yeah this should be I mean this should
19048s give us a really good sense of where
19049s both of these teams are at going forward
19052s even only in day two but yeah these are
19055s teams that like I said you would expect
19057s them to get out of out of group
19060s um but one loss is going to be tough
19062s because I think you know France up there
19064s as well like group a is tough that's why
19066s we're letting three people out of it I
19067s think I don't know how the rules exactly
19069s broke down for that one but three people
19071s will qualify out of group a but you know
19074s I think there's been a couple teams in
19075s group a that you don't want to face and
19077s put a one in the in the loss column like
19079s if I'm in group a I don't want to have
19082s to play Spade at some point it's There's
19084s Scary teams still on there
19087s very much so well again we're kicking
19089s things off here on Nepal not been a
19092s lijiang day for us but it does mean that
19095s as you say we've seen a whole lot of May
19097s and I don't think that's gonna change
19098s here I do think we're gonna see May at
19099s the very least on the village stage
19102s speaking of here we are gonna go to the
19105s Village all right
19108s so
19110s um yeah we didn't even mention Kai's
19111s name because I think it almost needs no
19112s introduction uh but their second DPS uh
19115s maimon is also been really solid too
19118s and scraping right now showing us the
19121s echo Mercy which has had
19123s interesting results
19125s um so far
19127s in the tournament as I think of our
19130s first match of the day were bad results
19132s really
19133s um
19135s yeah and both teams gonna teleport out
19138s but I think Denmark's gonna teleport to
19140s the point given their composition yeah
19142s you would have to think that would be
19144s the case and yep Naga showing May no
19147s surprises there and Chuck leave gonna
19150s stay on the Sims so also I have been
19153s right back to school on the gay booked
19155s down early big bionade early heading
19157s from Great Britain all through though
19159s not gonna be there the Wall comes up
19160s that Denmark is hunkering in for the
19163s winter right now hex but it's up to see
19166s if maeman and Kai can grab some picks
19168s and break them out of the bunker
19172s that gets rid of a huge impediment and
19175s Kai sets maimon up on the outskirts the
19178s pressure here is under letting they try
19179s and teleport out Shockwave one of the
19181s people who can't take his own teleporter
19183s as Kai just continues his assault
19186s yeah Kai with three right there I mean
19188s backbone's gonna get pushed against the
19191s wall turn himself into abstract art but
19193s it is all for not nice patience there
19195s from Great Britain on this Echo and
19198s mercy and so I think sometimes when
19200s we've seen it not go great is so the
19201s echo Mercy is not like patient around
19203s the point or just waiting and playing
19205s Corners going through these Dives and
19207s exposing themselves wide open but when
19209s you're
19210s um I mean Great Britain you can just
19211s wait for Kai to get picked Shockwave
19213s Denmark has completely changed their
19215s comp conversely when you're done Mark
19217s you wait for Kai to get picked and then
19219s you go
19220s oversee there
19221s caught out position got just hammered
19223s from both ends from Naga and Shockwave
19225s and Denmark got the control the point
19228s already here actually even though the
19229s fight's still going on they prioritize
19230s the point 20-28
19232s name on them over nice little Beam on
19235s the Naga gets rid of him immediately
19238s Great Britain not willing to get this up
19240s to that fight kind of swap the soldier
19241s and immediately finds Kellogg said oh
19244s the deadliness from Kai is unreal
19246s yeah and we're just kind of playing rock
19248s paper scissors here too uh with Kai with
19250s the switch and here goes the balanced
19253s beam yet again his sleigh goes down
19255s slaya spent the last about three minutes
19257s inside a spawn it's been a rough go of
19259s it for the Anna uh Great Britain will
19262s take the lead here
19265s at 44 Shockwave EMP ready though and
19268s just switched to the Samra so getting a
19270s lot of work done
19271s yeah these fights have been quick and
19272s decisive and again Denmark has been
19274s focused on point look at this the fight
19275s has even tried to look at the progress
19277s it's keeping Denmark in it even when
19279s they've lost more fights in the blonde
19281s EMP from Shockwave just basically uh a
19284s swap get rid of the Winston
19285s not the worst opening Astro though
19288s dominance over calyx dog is still around
19290s here's the interesting figure hex great
19292s brand likely is gonna win this but take
19294s a look at the progress Denmark is
19296s getting good value out of losing fights
19299s yeah I mean it might not even be lost
19300s yet and not at all I mean it's a really
19302s nice play from uh Doge to come in there
19304s and it buys some time and godly I
19307s believe you got the Anna on the baby
19309s Diva too and bought himself space gets
19311s the remix so nice individual play and
19314s Denmark yeah just kind of scrapping it
19316s out they will take the lead here as well
19318s yeah I really like that from Denmark and
19320s you know even though the fight was
19322s looking against him even if it didn't go
19323s against them they got value but now in
19325s the lead here once more Great Britain
19328s coming in from The High Ground Hikaru on
19331s to the point AGA meanwhile everyone said
19333s pulse bomb lucky for the honor backbone
19335s and trouble goes down
19337s Shockwave and Naga working real well the
19339s stick is so good Naga with two right
19343s after make it three the coordination
19346s between Naga and Shockwave right now is
19348s unreal yeah I mean I I think about like
19350s the DPS lineups we have in in the league
19353s and like where where we expected them to
19355s be and I think Shockwave Naga got
19356s overlooked I think Shockwave and Naga
19358s were overlooked in their their times in
19360s the OverWatch league as well too like I
19362s just don't think they ever got the
19363s respect to put on their names maybe it
19364s was given the teams they were on how I
19366s got plenty of respect and that's why
19368s yeah I you have to respect Kai or you
19371s simply follow the deadliest DPS around
19374s really good opening here on the sojourn
19377s with the overclock gives Great Britain
19379s control the point but hex it's all gonna
19381s come down to really empty probably one
19383s fight but potentially two if you're
19385s Denmark almost you want a quick fight
19386s and then a Rigo because Great Britain is
19389s stacked right now when it comes to
19390s ultimates they do have ultimates but
19392s Shockwave can make them not use them uh
19394s so the EMP is pretty much ready to go
19396s shopping it's done a great job charging
19397s this up and getting the Poke and that
19399s you need to get done as a Sombra so
19401s Denmark might open with Kitsune and then
19403s see the response and then you get Astro
19406s before The Beat Don't let Astro beat
19408s Astro got the beat and hit him three
19409s though doesn't hit Maymont or backbone
19411s jacarlo gets Shockwave early both teams
19414s down to DPS Naga on the prowl once more
19416s getting real close to building a pulse
19418s bomb mid fight here could be the
19419s Difference Maker but kellix Falls great
19422s Brandon way healthier on the point pulse
19425s bumper left for Naga but he acts like no
19426s HP and quickly no teammates either slake
19430s finds Astro Point gonna get flipped and
19433s Mark got the flip in the middle of that
19434s again yeah it really helps them try to
19437s get back in here
19439s then naga's bomb does not connect Great
19442s Britain still in a better position
19443s overall maimon holding on to the pulse
19445s bomb where is it gonna go holding here
19447s in the back under a little bit pressure
19448s 16 HP under pressure again Naga Out For
19452s Blood name on the gonna stay alive both
19455s teams back and forth Denmark is
19457s back up to full strength the pulse ball
19458s comes out Doge in real danger right now
19460s super low HP still somehow alive doge is
19464s staying alive against the odds right now
19465s it doesn't get fish is the beat gonna
19466s hit in time oh no Kelly drops the beat
19469s it doesn't hit those just in the dick of
19471s time Kai meanwhile finishing off on the
19474s side makes it two and that is Great
19476s Britain taking the round but what around
19479s it was I've been really impressed with
19481s Doge actually
19483s pretty impressed with both the the early
19485s Diva play into the the Winston play
19488s there at the end to stay alive and I
19490s think that's just a taste of what we're
19491s gonna see between these two teams and
19494s um yeah I mean Naga going absolutely
19497s nuts not gonna be in the aggressor on
19498s the Tracer looked really good both of
19501s these squads putting out some really
19502s excellent individual plays and about as
19505s good as it can get I do like the Denmark
19506s really really prioritize getting control
19509s of the point if they didn't get the
19510s eclipse there a couple times like that
19512s match goes completely different I mean
19514s you look at Great Britain was winning
19516s more than Denmark was but Denmark made
19518s up the difference by just the number one
19520s rule of OverWatch get on the objective
19523s stupid and it paid off big time we'll
19527s see if that point presence continues
19529s here into the next round
19532s big difference though between what both
19533s teams are running here is the market
19535s they do go to the May again
19538s yeah I mean naga's May is just it's
19541s excellent so uh that's gonna be
19544s something that they can rely on but they
19546s need to try to get a good rush in here
19550s nose here punching away jakaru in his
19553s face
19553s hoping for a little bit heals just
19555s throws up the arms blocking say please
19557s get off of me both teams a little bit
19559s poke back and forth neither team
19560s suffering elimination here at this
19562s happen again look at the point Denmark
19564s prioritizing it Great Britain more so
19567s just looking to win the fight Chicago
19569s goes on the Button he's in the pit he's
19571s gone and just like that Doge with the
19574s next one I don't know was it was it
19576s because of the the remotra it might no
19579s it might have been the rematch or
19580s something yeah yeah because I think he
19581s like kind of skipped through it and it
19583s just it dropped him like a stone
19585s yeah it looked a little bit weird but
19587s that had to be what went on there is
19589s Denmark they get first control again
19591s huh
19595s well that was it was an interesting
19597s interaction sorry I'm a little bit
19598s flabbergasted
19599s though I hear the wheels
19602s just punches Backbone in the mouth
19605s Denmark keeping control here thus far a
19608s sleigh a little bit pressure for the
19610s outside of Kai on the Proud just Snipes
19613s out Alex right Brandon trying to find
19614s their opening sleigh meanwhile it gets
19617s taken down you can't turn your back to
19619s Kai like that it'll kill you every time
19621s as Great Britain right now off the
19624s assassinations of Kai working their way
19626s back onto the point Denmark though still
19629s plenty of tools installed Naga just gets
19630s pinned down to Karu doesn't let him get
19632s away so close it's so far to Blizzard as
19635s Great Britain now should be about to get
19638s control
19640s yeah 54 though already for Denmark here
19642s but Great Britain has been banking up
19644s enormous ultimates like this pulse bomb
19647s we used to find some Pay Dirt but also
19648s it's gonna be very difficult for Denver
19650s to take the point against a Winston with
19652s Primal range uh ideally you you fight
19655s the Winston somewhere that is not over
19657s an enormous Death Pit Cai almost clearly
19659s picked nagamo I see naga's health bar
19661s just disappear that's just you know what
19663s happens when you when you try to open it
19664s well I'm curious here is the pulse bumps
19666s at maimon going here to the back on the
19669s approach Shockwave in his sights the
19671s Bob's already been used and now they
19673s turn their attention to maimon no pulse
19676s bomb used here just get gonna go around
19677s Doge Under Pressure got hit with the bio
19679s name game preload Alex also in dangerous
19681s jakarts slaps people around Annihilation
19684s though out and as I say that babe on got
19686s to the back dealt with the bat with the
19688s pulse bomb Naga though fires back in
19690s turn makes him pay for it as Denmark is
19693s trying to fight their way in they don't
19696s have to worry if the Primal Rage anymore
19697s here hexa Naga you're gonna go with the
19699s blizzard they're looking for the
19700s isolation jakaru froze on the point
19702s Astro drops the beat in response I think
19704s that's a good beat you just keep people
19705s alive Denmark though they drop the later
19707s beat they go for the highly aggressive
19710s engage trying to make anything happen
19711s later beat they nearly get Chicago but
19713s it's again Great Britain yeah Denmark
19716s always gets the point during some of
19718s these duels so it is a nicest uh nice
19720s disengage really good beats by both
19722s squads to keep the tanks alive and now
19724s we're back to the neutral
19726s and trades in the neutral
19729s Kai wins those trades as it turns
19731s outfits slay this is jakaru Denmark
19734s still in control of the point Britain
19737s yeah it doesn't have their main healer
19739s or their tank they gotta back up so
19740s Britain has one more fight remaining
19742s dragon can be fine just to keep some
19744s space so if you're Denmark and you're
19746s tracking alts you don't want to be
19747s engaging on The Rush right now because
19748s dragon's just gonna put you back
19751s well here we go Great Britain on the way
19753s in a fight they must win for the round
19755s Denmark at 96 Kai holding down gets
19759s caught by the Bap as it was mid Dragon
19761s Denmark 5v4
19765s and that is enough to force around three
19767s uh sometimes the word play just makes it
19770s too obvious I can't even think of it but
19772s slay takes down the dragon
19774s um it's really really well done there uh
19777s big play Kai says H Jacks which I think
19782s might mean Ajax maybe yeah I'm not sure
19786s ebony like yeah also the legacy is some
19791s OverWatch players man that just became
19793s ajax's Legacy is that we've turned you
19796s into a descriptor in the game even
19798s though you haven't played the game in
19799s years and years like uh yeah it just
19802s happens I just one of those things that
19804s happens in Esports I mean think about
19805s how Cloud9 feels right
19812s free marketing keeps the brand relevant
19814s all right we are one one here on Nepal
19817s uh again different compositions here
19819s Denmark's gonna go for a little hybrid
19822s of the rush
19823s and then Shockwave on the ash
19826s and Great Britain's going for kind of a
19828s strange divish so much pressure already
19831s low somehow was able to shake it I think
19834s there's a shock wave and a little bit of
19836s pressure from Naga there but both teams
19838s still at a full 5v5 but again Watch The
19840s Point death Park values the point as
19843s we've seen over and over again and it
19845s might be first control even as this
19847s fight is still being contested both
19849s teams pretty healthy here right now
19851s maimon just charging alt here on the
19854s back generic damage coming out for the
19856s Tracer but Denmark first control the
19858s point kaivo first pick off gets slay
19861s some quick revenge for the end of last
19863s round shockwave's so low to Naga out of
19866s it and that
19868s shouldn't be a quick retake here for
19870s Great Britain but it's not one just yet
19872s but maimon certainly leading the way
19874s well I mean why Denver is like you know
19876s obviously prioritizing the point it's
19878s their composition allows it
19880s when you've got a May and you've got a
19882s ramatra it's a little bit easier to have
19884s some staying power but at the moment
19885s that you lose a Baptiste
19888s not only losing like your your Splash
19890s damage and everything you're losing your
19891s anti-dive which ends up being the
19893s immortality field uh so it gets it's a
19895s little tough there so obviously losing
19897s your main support early in a fight is
19899s bad you saw it there shockwave's gonna
19900s go over to the Sombra again
19904s it's not bad but you won't have Naga on
19906s the trace of the back it up so it's a
19907s little bit different than the last time
19908s we saw it maimon meanwhile in the back
19910s stop in the sights immortality field
19912s though Gonna Save the bath in the moment
19914s however there's no saving Naga from Kai
19916s who is being deadly consistent on the
19919s Han zone Great Britain's still a control
19921s of the coin those a little bit back and
19923s forth here tank could be tanked Dragon
19924s going right down the corner here from
19927s Kai walk out from Doge punches Chicago
19930s in the mouth and Denmark still trying to
19932s get the point flip but the summer on
19934s Great Britain doesn't let him have it no
19936s Denmark's gonna back up here and not
19937s lose anyone else
19940s careful
19942s I looking looking and oh it's backbone
19945s finishes off I can't let Kai do all the
19947s work uh you can't even go in now like
19949s you just you just have no healing
19951s um Naga is gonna be in trouble maybe ice
19953s Block's way out and gets a pack at some
19955s point but
19956s yeah you have to wait for slice Lee's
19958s actually just gonna switch just gets off
19960s of the Baptiste and goes over the Moira
19962s maybe more survivability a little more
19963s sustain uh possibly just to be able to
19966s get it ultimate up before Great Britain
19967s caps also I think Naga might go to
19970s Tracer once closer is that I think
19971s probably want to swap a little bit
19973s earlier but evolve asleep
19975s fuckwave just takes a quick nap but you
19978s know still decent for Denmark I got
19980s picked off early and I think it's one of
19982s those blessing in disguise I was just
19983s gonna say that Denmark's winning the
19984s fight anyway so they just get to save
19986s the EMP
19987s oh I mean Great Britain yeah but I I was
19992s thinking the same thing of like wow now
19994s they're gonna win that fight and have
19995s EMP for the next one but the blizzard
19998s had to come out Denmark now in control
20000s but if you're if you're Denmark like you
20002s kind of want to take the fight to them
20004s with this EMP don't let them get set up
20005s God slay has been haunted by Kai I think
20009s that's cool deaths in a row
20017s I like him an EMP for one and now Doge
20021s in the middle of the point Annihilation
20022s has to be on the Mind here Annihilation
20025s comes out and he's got to walk forward
20027s and keep on punching Shockwave finds
20029s maimon in the back and Denmark Untold
20032s aggression towards Great Britain here
20034s and they kind of have two hex because
20036s there is a big progress disparity
20038s between the two teams yeah big progress
20039s disparity but I mean Denmark has done a
20042s pretty good job of at least staggering
20043s their ultimate economy uh you saw
20045s previously it was the DPS all so now
20047s this time it ends up being
20049s um the tank ultimates and now Denmark
20051s has both support ultimates to go for two
20053s Great Britain the bank is a little bit
20055s empty now
20056s yep and uh it's gonna be what everyone
20058s gets for Christmas it's coal for Denmark
20061s on the way and look it's not the
20063s flashiest ultimate but it does its job
20066s uh then reason here as long as he
20069s doesn't get hit in the head immediately
20070s but Kai is a little bit busy on the
20072s shock wave over here and I like what
20074s Denmark is doing and pressuring Kai a
20076s little bit more don't give Kai the free
20077s shots Naga just strips Castro off the
20080s wall with the icicle and now it's
20081s anyone's game 99-95 Great Britain being
20085s the Mig a play here but Astro's not
20087s gonna be back for a little bit yet still
20089s in spawn with the beat and that's a beat
20090s that Great Britain needs Shockwave finds
20093s backbone and after a great brand you got
20094s delay you guys delay till the beat comes
20096s out beat comes out now what's gonna be
20098s the capitalization here for Great
20099s Britain Denmark is still at a full five
20101s slay shakes the pressure Kai finds calyx
20104s and slang takes down both supports but
20106s won't be enough Shockwave and Naga
20108s return the favor Doge gets rid of Kai
20110s and Denmark they're almost there on the
20113s first half they just need a little bit
20115s more jacaru though good delay right now
20117s for Great Britain is that gonna be
20119s enough for people to get back to the
20120s point it is so back and forth X this one
20122s is getting really hard to call it's
20124s gonna be a blizzard coming out though
20126s from Naga Kai has gone to the pharah of
20128s all things and Denmark pulls it off in
20132s the end I really like what the Kellogg's
20135s ended up doing with the beat there even
20136s the funny Astro came back like the
20138s moment they got the beat and it was 5v4
20140s he just slammed it just do it right away
20142s and if they could pick up one or they
20143s could pick off two they only ended up
20144s getting one out of that beat which is
20145s why I was a little bit dodgy uh towards
20147s the end of that fight but just to use it
20149s proactively like let's finish out this
20152s play but so far this match is living up
20154s to the height yeah and you know what's
20156s the most intelligent play for me at the
20158s very end there it just because it
20160s completely threw off the temple Great
20161s Brain had just Shockwave going hey kill
20164s Astro EMP for one remove him and that
20168s just messed up everything for Great
20170s Britain in that final fight so I think
20173s that was a super smart play from
20174s Shockwave yeah I think Denmark's really
20177s trying to control the tempo and the
20179s space in a lot of these engagements too
20181s so really smart and Shockwave is getting
20183s EMP so quickly that trading one for one
20186s has been kind of fine uh for them but I
20189s mean the thing keeping Great Britain
20191s alive in a lot of these fights is Kai
20193s getting two and three kills like pretty
20195s much at the time and what a big play
20198s there this is coming down to like a
20199s little bit of a few of our matches
20200s yesterday where it's the final fight
20202s every single time on control
20204s I mean I'm just happy both these teams
20207s are living up to the hype and you know
20209s you think about like hyper DPS players
20211s coming in Kai is doing everything that's
20213s Sweden thought their DPS players would
20215s be doing because you see Kai on the
20217s field you kind of know someone's gonna
20218s get dropped most of the time and it's
20220s why you saw Denmark just have to really
20222s shift gears and go okay please attack
20224s kai no matter what so he stops murdering
20226s our supports in particular yeah also I
20229s mean I thought the tank play from
20230s Denmark was really solid support play
20232s was okay I mean slay I mean sometimes
20235s it's just an unlucky go next right uh so
20238s Slayer was getting hit by Kai pretty
20240s rough on that in the second stage first
20242s stage though slay had like the
20243s game-winning shot to kill that dragon on
20245s Kai too so very evenly matched a lot of
20248s good players and we're in for uh a map
20251s two and it'll be the first time that
20253s that Great Britain loses uh a match so
20256s we'll find out where they want to go
20258s next
20259s yeah I'm super excited to see what map
20261s they bring us to but Denmark versus
20263s Great Britain so far it's leading or
20265s living up to the hype will it do even
20268s more well you gotta stick with us to
20270s find out
20272s [Music]
20289s foreign
20294s [Music]
20318s [Music]
20323s foreign
20326s [Music]
20350s [Music]
20363s foreign
20370s [Music]
20378s [Music]
20392s [Music]
20398s thank you
20412s [Music]
20434s foreign
20435s [Music]
20450s thank you
20465s [Music]
20489s foreign not everything in life lives up
20492s to the hype but in this brief moment in
20494s time this match certainly is Denmark vs
20497s Great Britain both teams hex throwing
20499s Haymaker after Haymaker after each other
20501s in what was very tight well coordinated
20504s OverWatch yeah and a couple different
20506s clashes of styles we saw composition
20507s switches which ended up being really
20509s interesting uh Kai went nuts but I mean
20512s you made the the comparison between like
20514s you know DPS not living up to the hype
20516s and then Kai doing it but I'm kind of
20518s looking at this Denmark DPS Duo and
20520s being like maybe this is the duo that we
20522s should really be looking out for
20523s Shockwave and Naga played really really
20525s well Shockwave on the Sombra you know we
20528s I've shared my opinions on somber before
20530s I think some teams play it just because
20531s they think they have to not because
20532s they're good at it it looks like
20534s Shockwave is good at it um and then just
20536s the the kind of aggression that comes
20538s out from Denmark and I've always
20539s appreciated teams with aggression like I
20541s feel like even if you're over matched
20543s talent wise you can win matches just by
20545s being aggressive
20547s um anyway so Great Britain is map Choice
20549s they're going to take us to watchpoint
20551s Gibraltar a map that's been reworked
20553s what do you think of this choice zp
20556s resting because I feel like there are
20558s previous years in the OverWatch World
20559s Cup where uh you know Great Brain was
20562s like we want everything up close and
20563s personal but you know as I brought that
20565s up to the break he's like yeah but think
20566s about Kai's impact on too it's like yeah
20568s it makes all the sense in the world
20569s right is that you have not only an
20571s incredible DPS player at anything long
20574s range but as we see you don't have to
20576s wonder it's like does he feel like it's
20577s there or not Kai's playing incredible so
20580s going to a map that gives you longer
20582s sight line ability yeah that makes a lot
20585s of sense to me yeah it also might get uh
20588s Doge off of the ramatra which I thought
20590s the rematch was really strong so like
20592s Denmark looked like they were playing
20593s like this weird kind of Rush hybrid they
20596s weren't really playing Super dive but on
20598s occasion they were still cycling in the
20600s Sombra so it was kind of hard to like
20602s give a name to what Denmark was playing
20604s but um obviously Denmark was more of uh
20606s control the point control space
20608s composition with the ramatran with the
20610s May and that doesn't necessarily work on
20613s Gibraltar just because every low ground
20615s is flanked by High Ground like every
20617s single spot
20619s um Gibraltar has been swapped out a
20621s little bit there's a couple different
20623s pathing issues and now like with the
20625s ability to switch spawns and things
20627s Gibraltar won't be the the Venus flytrap
20629s of maps which it used to be uh you know
20632s if you captured first points while the
20634s other or second Point rather when the
20635s other team was in spawns like the map
20638s just killed you essentially you would
20639s jump off
20640s yeah which you know while Nostalgia is
20643s good to see the map get you know some
20645s tweaks over time but here we go Denmark
20648s out the gates here on the attack and
20651s they run with the junker Queen and uh a
20652s Sombra Reaper here x yeah uh Denmark
20655s remains a team that's really hard to
20657s kind of call their comp this is a rush e
20660s but uh you know without the may there's
20662s not gonna be the wall to pin the other
20663s team against but Great Britain doesn't
20664s have a Lucio to disengage so if Denmark
20667s finds a good angle to get in there um
20669s they can definitely Rush down targets
20671s with the reaper and junk
20672s I think step number one you see Kai's
20678s guys just he will live to regret it but
20679s Denmark right now they just kind of want
20680s to survive keep the payload moving on
20682s there go at some point you gotta jump
20683s down and jakaru does just that but also
20685s immediately jumps back up does not want
20688s to overstay his welcome there is Denmark
20690s again objective focused getting through
20692s this underpass which is not always free
20696s yeah and I mean this is I think one of
20698s the reasons that Great Britain went to
20699s Gibraltar of course is because Kai and
20702s these sight lines you think of like up
20703s here running an ash or even like a
20705s soldier 76 up there is uh fantastic uh
20708s Reaper is going to be have to be the one
20710s to deal with it because no one else
20711s really has high ground unless you want
20712s to send calyx up there or maybe a somber
20714s to harass but Naga can just maybe try to
20717s uh
20718s flank up there with reavers extremely
20721s quiet I'm flanking Voice live
20723s well Kai is getting pressured right now
20726s so you take a look at the pokeboard
20727s between both teams at the top of your
20728s screen yeah
20730s yeah deal at the moment chocolate though
20732s getting really really low able to get
20733s away gets a health pack
20735s because Naga just shoots away near the
20736s payload is Denmark they're just trying
20738s to push a payloading doing at some point
20739s you have to commit Great Britain and you
20742s know Naga gets caught goes for the
20744s teleported I see those that's the neat
20747s thing no you don't you don't have to
20749s commit because like it's just going to
20751s be very difficult to get Kai off of this
20754s High Ground given the composition that
20757s Denmark is running like I said like Naga
20760s maybe Sombra maybe maybe you send Salma
20764s up there like on a flank and then have
20766s slay teleport to them like it doesn't
20767s seem like there's great ideas to be able
20769s to deal with it
20771s um yeah I mean right now you look at
20772s this Kai's just squatting up there he's
20774s not removing you can get whatever
20775s judicial order you want unless you go
20778s there and move them yourself it's not
20779s happening that is the number one issue
20781s but here comes the Beast and the
20783s teleport it's everyone going to knock on
20785s the door kylo drops a bob in response
20788s scraper and able to shake a lot of
20789s pressure does get really low taking on
20791s down by Astro the focus was there out
20794s either team with the tank think EMP gets
20796s dropped right after it's a nice CMP from
20798s Shockwave hex and even though Kai's
20800s still alive uh not a lot of the rest of
20802s his team is yeah just pushing that as
20804s hard as they did maybe you don't get the
20806s kills there but it buys you space to
20808s evict the other team also the Kitsune
20810s with the reaper combo on the ground is
20812s just brutal like the the fire rate going
20814s high is insanity
20817s the the old classic Reaper High Ground
20820s death Blossom and well it's got it uh
20823s once it goes on there so not quite gonna
20825s be one of those big death Blossom
20826s moments at least not just yet but I mean
20828s ripped apart as he goes up the higher
20830s skill level you go the less death
20832s Blossom is valuable you know
20834s if you only hang out on the main
20836s OverWatch subreddit you think death
20838s Blossom is the best thing ever
20844s who's gonna have to back out soon he's
20846s just getting crushed by this Reaper shot
20848s after shots I mean it's not flashy but
20851s it's effective you just see his elk
20853s melting
20854s as Denmark they're almost at the end of
20856s point B here Great Britain's gotta do
20857s something fast and it starts with the
20859s rally rally comes out Shockwave though
20861s gets backbone immediately oh again a 5v4
20864s in favor of Denmark slay finds Astro and
20867s Denmark just not letting up
20870s Echo is brutal there well Denver did so
20873s perfectly here and maybe people you know
20875s haven't played Gibraltar in a while is
20876s taking that momentum from a onto High
20879s ground and B because if you do not take
20881s that first momentum fight and take
20882s shuttle and you take High grounds and
20884s you let the defense set up it is a
20887s brutal retake to get into second point
20889s on any sort of decent position
20890s especially against good long range hit
20892s scan so to ride that first momentum to
20894s get people up top on the shuttle to take
20896s that High Ground away I think it's the
20898s hardest part of the map is offensive
20900s look at Astro Astro nearly goes down
20903s there it gets a little bit of sport but
20904s Shockwave still holding on to EP still
20906s just fighting the supports here the back
20908s line teleports out that is ridiculous
20910s pressure for one player in the back he
20914s still has the EMP jikaru gets the Nano
20917s goes on in EMP from Shockwave dropped to
20919s the back Naga finds backbone though
20922s punishes Naga 4b4 beep is used here from
20925s Denmark so they're looking for a little
20928s bit more and uh it's not gonna give it
20929s to him
20930s no and also like it's it's a really nice
20933s duplicate here too double tanks on the
20936s field seems unfair in OverWatch too uh
20938s so they're gonna be able to pull that
20939s one off and Denmark sent back to the
20941s drawing board Shockwave with the solo
20943s EMP has worked out sometimes he's able
20945s to get backbone there but not able to
20946s clean up the kill on the kai towards the
20948s end as well and this is the first time
20951s that great friends had some Breathing
20952s Room on defense
20954s oh God how does Kai not die there he got
20956s down like two HP like healing yeah yeah
20960s the healing was just enough to keep Kai
20962s in it Castro finishes off calyx and once
20966s more Kai just perching on The High
20967s Ground with uh two and a half minutes
20968s left to go still plenty of time for
20969s Denmark but Great Britain has finally
20971s found their groove yeah this is still a
20973s problem
20974s um it's it's like the the problem that's
20976s Denmark ran on the offense of a is you
20979s need to evict Kai this one's a little
20980s easier because at least there's like
20981s stairs and it's not as tucked away as
20983s eight point High Ground
20985s um but this is still the big issue
20987s they're gonna have to deal with because
20987s Kai is going to probably be getting
20989s damage boosted up here and they still
20991s don't have the comp to necessarily
20992s fighting easily
20994s Bob comes on in Bob's about to go back
20996s on out but again a little bit of
20998s pressure I don't think Kai's expected
21000s too much from that the main thing is
21001s just stay on The High Ground fire on
21004s down but here comes the pressure EMP out
21006s however Shockwave and Naga also out it's
21010s not the most effective time just
21011s immediately punished by Great Britain
21014s and uh that's gonna buy them yeah Naga
21016s playing Reaper like I play Reaper it is
21018s teleport right in their face and hope
21019s they miss unfortunately Kai did not miss
21021s that shot and puts Reaper down right
21023s away
21025s um yeah we'll see if there's any
21027s switches that come in uh Naga on the
21030s Tracer
21032s um yeah I guess kellik has gone to Moira
21034s they still don't really have ideal
21036s options to dive high and it does seem
21038s like maybe you just send people into the
21040s low ground and try to run Corners here
21042s and just maybe hope that Kai cam can
21044s dominate you on the entry
21046s all right
21049s hanging on to the Rampage and decides to
21052s let it fly
21053s yeah
21054s it's not the worst Rampage in the world
21056s however
21058s the fall through is there both maimon
21060s and Jakarta are able to get out pretty
21062s good disengage here from Great Britain
21063s Kai again under a bit of pressure down
21066s the half HP still alive
21068s Doge looking for jakaru over and in as
21072s Denmark I can't get Kai Kai punishes
21075s calyx
21076s and again Kai in good HP decent
21079s positioning naga in the back and chased
21081s by the Chicago and just pressured on
21083s both ends maimon doesn't let him get
21084s away 38 seconds left from Denmark and
21087s they get one more reset
21088s yeah they finally got caught in The High
21090s Ground but you know at what cost
21092s yeah I think they thought like once they
21094s pushed under the archway under the
21096s bridge that Kai was like gonna drop down
21097s and maybe play the the back platform but
21100s Kai just set up there and just took top
21101s shots for another 30 seconds hammering
21103s on people and just unable to ever really
21106s dislodge him now with the Winston you
21108s can try to get this dive going too the
21110s Shockwave EMP is gonna be everything
21111s yeah I agree this is entirely set up by
21114s the EMP Denmark can they land the EMP
21116s before the engage comes in can Shockwave
21119s make a count he's going in from the top
21121s goes in for car they're gonna get kind
21123s of a demo what a well-timed nano from
21125s backbone wasn't caught in the EMP saved
21128s Skye's life it also gives kaimano that's
21131s terrifying at the same time takes down
21134s Doge and oh man really well timed
21138s support played from Great Britain and
21141s that should be it for this round of
21143s Gibraltar far but not quite far enough
21145s yeah it's a good offense but that's just
21147s phenomenal support play by Great Britain
21149s to understand your your losing condition
21152s is an EMP right there because we saw the
21154s Nano goes down immediately and that was
21156s good it was good spacing
21157s um to have your Anna that far away to be
21159s able to get Nano off but also valquin
21161s off immediately too uh I mean there's
21163s there's a small window where you can get
21165s your ultimate off before the EMP hits
21167s too so both supports for Great Britain
21169s being Ultra aware that that's their
21171s losing condition is if everyone gets
21173s emped both able to get the ultimates off
21176s at the end really smart play
21179s um Denmark you know given what what they
21180s were going up against in Kai in Great
21182s Britain's map pick a very very strong
21185s push for Gibraltar there is there's
21187s definitely places here on offense where
21190s a team can get hung up like you can get
21191s hung up on a I think like I said offense
21194s on B can be brutal unless you're able to
21196s really roll through it so a really good
21198s play
21200s from Denmark Great Britain's gonna have
21201s to finish the map otherwise they're
21204s gonna drop uh their first match of the
21206s tournament well the other thing here too
21207s is that Denmark should match up a little
21210s bit better on the defense where you know
21211s you think about how Great Britain was
21213s running you know the last round they
21215s were using every last bit of defensive
21217s geometry available to them to maximize
21220s the impact of Kai they did it very well
21222s it's not as easy on the attack because
21225s your spawn point does not just spawn you
21227s on The High Ground and make other teams
21230s go to you right so even though I think I
21232s can still be super effective here you
21234s know in theory it is a little bit less
21236s oppressive to deal with from Denmark
21237s yeah that said I do like Great Britain
21240s maybe trying to run this Echo Mercy
21242s um to get some of the high ground and
21244s take it away and to really work with the
21246s Winston dive although Denmark is is
21248s running like kind of this this anti-dive
21250s catch here well yeah Shockwave was
21253s behind the right corner picked correctly
21255s and immediately sent Mercy to the Grave
21257s the one hero you're not rezzing as it
21259s turns out
21260s so still not the worst opening here for
21263s Great Britain Astro's gonna be back out
21265s of sponsoon it'll lead to the 5v4 and
21267s Denmark I kind of have to rotate out a
21270s little bit those are just getting pelted
21272s down got hit by the mayonnade and you
21274s know just tickled the death by jikaru at
21276s the end
21277s finding some decent room here on the
21279s echo at the same time as a pretty solid
21282s opening here for the great brand offense
21284s I think Denmark may be playing this I
21286s mean maybe they'll make switches here
21287s given what Great Britain's running but
21289s you run this composition kind of in a
21291s way where you know it's a great
21293s defensive composition because you don't
21295s have to win fights you have to stall
21297s card and so like this conversation is
21298s really good like taking space and
21300s keeping space the big issue is of this
21303s this Echo Mercy combo is just gonna go
21306s kind of uh you know untouched
21309s heavy pressure on the Doge once more
21314s coming in from the top heavy pressure on
21317s the maimon able to get away where you
21319s know if you're Astro you're kind of Torn
21320s Between Two Worlds here boost the really
21322s good Ash or keep that girl alive and
21324s well maimon finds Shockwave doesn't let
21326s him get away that time is Great Britain
21328s looking really healthy but as that
21330s happens
21331s things back up here comes the Clone it's
21334s cloned junker Queen this time around I
21337s guess I don't know and Denmark doesn't
21338s really have a lot of damage threats
21340s right now as Great Britain slowly
21342s cleaning this up no I think
21344s um that Great Britain or that Denmark
21347s wanted to play car wash down at the
21348s bottom uh they wanted to have all their
21350s Brawlers in the big pack and maybe stall
21352s card down there but Great Britain was
21354s able to move it far enough that they
21355s never were able to get the composition
21356s set up in that position and so far
21358s Denmark's kind of just getting rolled
21360s over
21360s he comes in but to what end
21364s upside here for Denmark is that great
21366s brand they're keeping really good
21367s control but you look at the delay here
21368s for
21369s here try to win that
21371s that stall
21372s for point B you're feeling a lot better
21375s as Great Britain right now so long as
21377s you win the first fight on point B which
21378s is that changes although very very
21381s important okay some switches come in
21383s here so doge is going to go to the diva
21385s that should help at least with the the
21386s sky combo calyx goes over to the Moira
21389s uh but a little more sustained
21392s um maybe also to help out with the sky
21394s combo
21396s but pretty good for Denmark Todd because
21398s get control of this High Ground early on
21401s all important first Plan B still going
21404s on bionate on the Doge again you've been
21406s seeing backbone just focus on Doge a lot
21409s High fine sleigh deals to currico Great
21412s Brain again up five before Doge it will
21415s get back into it after healing up really
21418s really low has the EMP and oh Kai finds
21420s him at the same time no EMP can be
21423s dropped in this is surgical no one's
21425s really getting poked out in Great
21426s Britain but hey that's a poke that's a
21428s full-on bomb but what does that do in
21430s the situation you still have an enormous
21432s number advantages Denmark is just
21434s struggling to find their footing yeah I
21437s mean the DeVos actually really
21438s struggling against this Echo you've seen
21439s the beam come in and do so much damage
21441s the Winston on the tickle so it's just
21443s kind of a matter of time before Doge
21445s gives up the light EMP can be a game
21447s changer because sooner Rush could be a
21449s game changer right now Denmark needs to
21451s find their footing and get a fight
21461s all through just is not Astron backbone
21464s on the punish on the both DPS of Denmark
21466s as Great Britain looks at just easily
21470s cruise through point B and now Denmark
21473s they're gonna have to have an even more
21474s impressive Point sea hold from Ultimate
21476s if they want to hold on and win this in
21479s two yeah maimon has just been kind of
21481s running wild all over this team and no
21484s one's really been shooting up it's it's
21486s tough and like you know Diva can be
21489s some of that damage but it's just it's
21491s not been good enough
21494s um yeah Denmark's compositions both
21496s offense and defense are oh that's brutal
21499s a little something the shockwave gets
21502s hit with the bionade finished off and
21503s backbone just drops the l-o-l this is
21506s the attitude I expect from Great Britain
21508s in the OverWatch World Cup I'm glad
21509s that's what we need uh let's begin
21512s backbone Nano good to go Shockwave Widow
21516s here as soon as jakaru is like please
21518s save me heal me
21521s no Nano required here
21522s yeah the Shockwave Widow is an
21524s interesting switch
21526s um but the problem is Shockwave has to
21528s deal with both the the sky combo and
21532s Kai's Ash
21533s es
21535s yeah Chicago went in got low got the
21538s Nano at the right time both are gonna be
21540s there though right now looking for Naga
21541s again slowed down and really just wants
21544s to get out however deals are gonna be
21547s coming back in great bran looking to
21548s press the assault backbone goes down
21549s early but the dive is still really good
21552s able to get both Shockwave and slay not
21555s without some falling on the other hand
21556s as Doge picks up two getting Scrappy and
21559s usually the defense likes Scrappy fights
21561s here doe Staying Alive as a tank
21562s respawns are gonna be coming in soon and
21565s you know if anyone was still up Naga
21567s could have delayed yeah the dojo I don't
21569s know it seems like the Comfort hero of
21570s vermontra right now has played it so
21572s well in the previous map and uh you know
21575s the diva just wasn't getting it done it
21577s does enough to pressure up but
21578s eventually these teams have to land I
21581s think the Shockwave Widow pick is really
21583s smart it makes at least Great Britain
21585s respect it and play different angles so
21587s now you almost know that the Echo and
21589s Mercy's gonna come up over right side
21590s top
21592s um and so yeah you're gonna have to
21593s commit some resources to to deal with uh
21596s Shockwave back here yeah and Shockwave
21598s while he's drawn the Agro of a Winston
21600s meanwhile Kai finds slate again another
21602s quick early pickoff from Kai the tank
21605s down maimon finishes him off at the beam
21607s and just like that Great Britain on
21610s their way to force a map three
21612s everything going right for them on this
21614s long range of Gibraltar Point C just a
21617s quick little slide in the Victory and
21619s map three not a day a full two OverWatch
21622s hex and we finally got it yeah I mean
21624s it's it's one of the great things about
21626s this format is that where teams are able
21629s to pick a map and like that map just
21631s made so much sense for the compositions
21633s that spray Britain wanted to run I mean
21635s obviously Kai long-range kids get on
21636s defense you know that Ash up in that
21638s spot is always good theoretically MB
21640s still the same but they kind of get
21642s pulled over there but then also you saw
21643s a pie on on point C with long range hit
21645s scan and then their offense clearly like
21647s I was very impressed with the echo Mercy
21650s combination they were getting so much
21651s done and there was really no good answer
21653s so a difference of style between Denmark
21655s and Britain where Denmark it's not a
21658s full-on like Rush sustain tank
21661s combination but it's like that's the
21662s core of what they're working with right
21664s it's like a milliona Mayan over Mantra
21666s so this is a great map to negate some of
21669s that advantage
21670s yeah I mean the different looks we saw
21672s from both teams was pretty exciting I do
21674s think one thing we didn't talk a whole
21675s lot about but especially in the second
21677s round you know how players have
21679s Tendencies to eventually figure it out
21681s and you start reading them I do feel
21683s like shockwaves started getting red a
21684s little bit where you know there was a
21686s period of time where I think it was like
21687s three or four straight team fights
21688s Shockwave would go out to harass and
21690s immediately get hit with a bionade and
21691s often just straight up die to the point
21693s that backbone you know drops the LOL
21695s right so there is adaptation coming in
21698s here from great Brandon going okay we
21700s see how you're playing this you saw
21701s Shockwave get a little bit less value as
21703s time went on and you know I like the
21707s different changes we saw from both teams
21708s and yeah even the Widow swapping them
21710s from Shockwave was really smart they
21712s just had to defend for too long it is
21714s one thing that you will notice with
21715s samras like if you play it or if you
21717s watch enough Sombra is that dude Summers
21720s do tend to get caught in a loop and they
21722s do and it become some of the most
21723s predictable Heroes of this is where my
21726s translocator goes this is who I harass
21727s this is when I uncloke and you can you
21729s can kind of pick up on that and so yeah
21731s it was it was a good uh good read by
21734s Great Britain but now though we are
21736s going to go to a third map uh thank
21738s goodness it'll be our fourth uh fourth
21741s match overall that goes to a map number
21743s three and it's going to be Denmark's
21745s pick so you know obviously if there's
21747s compositions that they like better I'd
21748s imagine it's going to be a map that
21750s suits ramatra just looking at Doge so
21752s far as your matcha has been the best
21754s tank he's played I mean it's only played
21756s like three different tanks but still
21758s well I got a Great Britain Denmark not
21761s only has it lived up to the hype they're
21762s bringing us to the all-important map
21764s three the thrilling conclusion comes at
21766s you right after this
21770s [Music]
21787s thank you
21791s [Music]
21803s [Music]
21810s [Applause]
21819s [Applause]
21826s thank you
21829s [Music]
21843s foreign
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21872s [Applause]
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21906s [Applause]
21912s foreign
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21982s thank you
21985s foreign
21987s the ultimate match here in our
21989s competition where everything is first to
21992s two both of these teams Great Britain
21994s and Denmark bringing each other to the
21997s Limit and more and hex we are going to
21999s Denmark's map pick which could give them
22001s the edge yeah I mean I think you're
22003s seeing a little bit of different styles
22005s come out here like we're you know
22007s obviously denim Mark has the players
22009s that can go toe-to-toe with Kai and like
22012s long range hitscan we've seen shop wave
22013s do it a couple times it's possible but
22016s it seems like they prefer like kind of
22018s the vermontra in may just seems like
22020s more of the their base style at the very
22023s least like holding a spot rushing into
22025s teams in that way and then letting
22027s um letting Shockwave like either Sombra
22030s or kind of just do whatever uh so it
22032s does seem like they would rather prefer
22034s a map that didn't give Kai the longer
22036s sight lines and so the I think that's
22038s the small difference in style I haven't
22040s seen a ton of these teams just yet but
22041s we're just trying to Theory craft a
22043s little bit yeah or at the very least if
22044s it does have like higher sight lines at
22046s least you know not a map where Gibraltar
22048s where you could just camp out like the
22050s most advantageous spots ever as arranged
22053s uh dps's like well you know they can get
22056s to me but it's gonna take a while like
22057s any map where even as Tracer you go oh
22060s God I have to go to High Ground like
22062s it's probably a pretty good map for Kai
22063s you know yeah uh so the map pick for
22067s Denmark is going to be new Queen Street
22068s uh only I think three push mounts to
22070s choose from those are the new Queen
22072s Street Coliseum or Esperanza Esperanza
22075s whatever I'm from the Midwest I can't
22077s say words
22078s um so new Queen Street makes the most
22079s sense I think because I was thinking
22082s about like Coliseum used to just be
22084s dominated by sojourn I mean everything
22085s was dominated by sojourn but it's
22087s because like there are good sight lines
22088s there at certain points um especially
22090s the long hallway where the initial
22092s fights usually happen so I think new
22094s Queen Street allows best or if you want
22096s to run a rush comp uh may can be very
22099s very good here uh you can also just
22102s stall things out by like kind of sitting
22103s in the window and dropping May walls and
22105s things so this makes sense to me for
22108s what I've seen so far from Denmark again
22110s it's Denmark's first match
22112s yeah
22115s and two obviously teams still have to
22117s play the matches or anything else I
22118s think regardless of who wins in the
22121s series uh odds are very high I think
22123s both of these teams get through and if
22124s they don't that'll be a story unto
22126s itself because what we're seeing it's
22127s not that this is just gone to map three
22129s or X where we've seen matches in
22131s OverWatch in history where it goes to
22133s three or you know you think back to
22135s certain Infamous games it goes to seven
22136s and it's not good OverWatch this match
22138s has gone to three and it is very good
22141s OverWatch yeah again three teams will
22143s come out of group a group a includes
22145s France and and Belgium uh obviously
22147s Netherlands Italy Spain as well so and
22151s Portugal so there's there's a chance
22153s that uh you know one of these teams ends
22155s up getting upset but uh so far they look
22158s like two of the best
22159s and we'll see as the tournament goes
22161s through uh Kai is gonna be on sojourn
22163s Shockwave is going to try to match that
22165s with an ash and then it's gonna be the I
22167s think the core of Denmark strategy is
22169s Naga on May which is it's best hero and
22172s Dojo matcha which I think is is best
22174s hero
22175s yeah those are two very clear Comfort
22176s picks hey Mom right now looking to add a
22179s little bit of pressure to the shock wave
22180s open things up for Kai to drop the
22182s finishing blow
22183s cool team to sprint out kill each other
22185s okay though under pressure in the back
22186s getting very very low Denmark getting
22189s the better pressure for a moment and
22191s also Denmark first control of the robot
22193s here
22195s Great Britain meanwhile
22197s a little bit further back and uh you
22200s know kind of how we saw things play out
22201s of control in regards to objective uh
22203s priority next yeah I mean the first
22206s point I think you you would rather just
22208s take a good fight rather than getting
22209s seven meters right yeah as things go on
22212s in the meter and the yard age or meter
22214s it changes then coyotes can be different
22217s but I think it's really important you
22219s just really want to win this first bite
22220s and get maybe 30 meters out of it
22222s again you see the DPS getting pressure
22224s Kai getting a lot of Naga getting low
22226s the Tank's trading off here in the
22227s middle but the real story is what's
22229s going on between the DPS neither team
22232s wants to lose it first Dojo though
22234s yeah it's like one Tech Maybe by a bunch
22237s of Carl's the one that needs help on the
22239s other end Kai again gets hit for half
22241s slave finishes off backbone finally we
22244s got a first blood and Denmark looking to
22246s push the advantage that Mark essentially
22248s you know going forward in this moment
22252s and you know great for him when you're
22254s down that much healing you just kind of
22255s back out
22257s yeah I mean you kind of have to all your
22259s sustain is gone the pulse bomb will miss
22261s and this is kind of the very first push
22262s you want and it just comes off of one
22264s kill and as much as slay has gotten kind
22266s of rocked like high today you just take
22268s that like slaves given almost as as much
22270s as he's gotten anything about like that
22272s that kill back on uh on Trine
22276s um so yeah there's it's been a good play
22279s out of that player got it back
22281s immortality field yeah slate had to drop
22283s the mortality now I got indulge both low
22285s nagas still under pressure wants to live
22287s to blizzard here at the very least nag
22289s is still under pressure goes down Kai
22292s finishes off the overclock shot there's
22294s no railguns in Preserve can I look at a
22297s little bit more maimon be able to find
22298s Doge and reprint and collapse right back
22302s yeah they will be able to in a full
22304s reset now from Denmark now always the
22306s question is is uh are they gonna be in a
22308s good enough position to fight before 38
22310s meters I believe so I mean the bot moves
22314s pretty slowly here and at the very least
22316s you can Chuck Bob at it
22318s yeah I I like Denmark's position here I
22320s mean the number one thing is where's the
22322s blizzard gonna go right that is probably
22324s the key factor here Bob's just gonna
22326s kind of do whatever number number one
22329s thing is to not use two ultimates here
22331s like you either want to use Blizzard or
22333s Annihilation not both
22340s how did he not use Primal the the like
22343s just absolute presence on takaru his
22346s backbone find Shockwave
22350s Bob's already out here Denmark can still
22352s drop the blizzard
22355s and this is uh
22357s you know Denmark's hanging in there
22358s despite the early pick up great brand
22360s though they dropped the prime a little
22361s bit more delay beat coming in here
22363s Annihilation coming in here Denmark
22364s emptying the bank and they might not get
22366s much in return maimon doesn't care takes
22368s down Doge and that blizzard was at the
22370s very end of the fight hex that went as
22372s bad as it could go Denmark used
22374s absolutely everything that they had I
22376s mean just look at the single legit
22377s numbers that they have at ultimates and
22379s they still don't win the fight Great
22380s Britain used ultimates a little bit
22381s earlier but only a couple of them and
22384s they're gonna win this fight they're
22385s gonna take control and get some good
22388s yardage here now the question is we're
22390s done marked I didn't think they can can
22391s they even stall to stop forward spawns
22394s uh right now it's looking rough jacaro
22396s gets Nano early Baymont again finds a
22400s pick maimon has been playing out of
22402s their minds right now as Naga combines
22404s Astro a little bit early here but the
22407s rest is going all in favor of Great
22410s Britain a really nice engage by jakaru
22412s and they're not stopping here hexa this
22414s is where just lethal damage can be done
22416s in push where it can be difficult to
22418s bring it back after there just hasn't
22420s been enough peel at the back end uh for
22422s Denmark kellics and Slayer kind of just
22424s getting bopped on and that's why slay is
22425s going to switch so at least like there's
22427s some survivability there with the
22428s coalescence but maimon has just been
22430s back there causing all sorts of Havoc
22433s um also like the Winston can always go
22434s support that meanwhile like Dosh is just
22436s hanging out in front of the cart trying
22438s to one of you won the Winston and
22439s Winston can just choose of like yeah I'm
22441s out of here I'm gonna go help and kill
22442s the back line and that's what's happened
22444s a couple times
22446s all right Denmark have a tough spot
22448s Great Britain coming out with some
22450s excellent play here thus as far as Kai
22453s strikes just lands it on to calyx and
22457s that could be a back breaker the Ted
22458s mark his name on piles on gets the post
22461s Bob stick onto the tank and guess what
22463s hex we're adding on even more progress
22466s for Great Britain yeah and the forward
22468s spawns are gonna be really hard to
22469s overcome this map is so momentum based I
22472s mean we have seen a couple different
22474s instances of teams bring it back from
22476s about 80 to 80 you know 80 plus meters
22478s but man it looks like Denmark's in a
22481s rough spot plenty of time left though
22483s four and a half minutes
22485s it is a lot of time but it is a long way
22487s to go especially when Denmark is not
22489s want to fight in a while takaru already
22491s another Primo ready to go welcome out
22494s here from Slade jacaro though goes let's
22495s interrupt this a little bit whatever she
22498s always was able to find Astra oh
22499s yeah
22501s he's shooting and uh you know Chicago
22504s doesn't use a problem here maybe it's a
22505s good reason but as they say that I just
22507s a quick little flick on the kellogs
22510s stops for being a route but I think
22512s Denmark is going to start getting some
22513s progress back the other way
22516s yep
22520s at least a little bit I mean probably
22523s gonna allow for some peel for his back
22525s line at the very least too so that
22526s Winston's a little less hesitant to go
22528s join the parade
22530s um
22533s yeah Astro is able to live long enough
22535s to drop the beat right after arguably a
22537s little bit forced out though Kai down
22539s right away this could work out as well
22541s for Denmark but oh the file from
22543s backbone is massive sets up another two
22546s lamations like it though this is not
22548s over yeah blossom into the back line
22549s getting very Scrappy between both teams
22552s right now Denmark still in control the
22554s robot although not anymore
22556s Carl goes right back over Shockwave
22559s backs out and that works out for Great
22561s Britain
22562s yeah I I'm trying anything sells out
22565s there Primal and I think like knowing
22567s it's a one-on-one with the Sombra and
22568s Primal end of it is kind of smart
22570s because at least you're gonna have the
22572s health buff to be able to like live
22573s through the hack and then be able to
22575s have the mobility so Astro interesting
22577s little exchange Astro just got caught
22580s could not slide away from that again
22582s gives Denmark a 5v4 and this is huge
22585s where if your Denmark you want to do
22586s this with this few ultimates as possible
22588s Annihilation into the sleep and I
22590s immediately woken up doesn't matter just
22592s a Nile late's backbone immediately takes
22595s down jacaru right after and this is
22598s Denmark coming from behind it's what you
22600s have to do here on push hex if you want
22602s to make up the sword deficit yeah main
22604s blonde does get a nice kill in the back
22606s though it takes out slay
22608s um so now the only healer on this field
22610s right now is calyx it's not a payload so
22613s no heel from the Bob that's what's done
22616s again
22617s just got hot and again Great Britain has
22620s to keep fighting these fights without
22622s Astro Kai shooting here on the overclock
22624s hey Mom was able to get two so covering
22626s fire from Kai
22627s but Denmark's still pushing here I mean
22629s he's losing you're losing earlier he's
22632s the last little bit of goal finds Kai
22635s and this is coming down to the wire I
22637s would love to see the kill logs of just
22639s how many times slay has killed Kai and
22640s Kai is killed slays those two are
22643s destined to fight it out through
22645s eternity
22646s well here we go both teams setting up
22648s here once more early Nano on the jakaru
22653s gonna be moving forward looking for
22654s Kellogg's really close to Primal Kai
22656s just pops one on the calyx right after
22658s two down and now let jakaru save the
22661s Primal here easy cleanup for the rest
22664s but the minute that he left though I
22665s mean Denmark has kept themselves in it
22667s here
22669s in it but by the time this this uh bot
22671s pushes forward far enough they might be
22673s in a position where they have to win two
22675s fights in a row uh which can be
22677s difficult because I think Jakarta was
22679s gonna really stall out the next fight at
22681s the very least there's also a beat
22682s Kellogg's dying before he got beat off
22684s there and the last fight is is a little
22686s bit tough for them
22687s um yeah we're gonna see that yeah well
22690s that's a good opener they call that hit
22692s on Cotton they're going for Astra right
22694s after where Shockwave for the most part
22696s is chasing astronaut 2 and pro now
22698s looking for back my little bit of
22700s pressure Naga punishes shikaru and there
22701s won't be the stall on the points a
22704s little bit of sleep in the back don't
22705s know if it's able to punished as calyx
22707s comes alive and for being behind early
22709s this is all Denmark could hope for the
22711s Finish is out it really does come down
22713s hex to this one fight right EMP death
22716s Blossom and Annihilation it's actually
22717s looking really good for Denmark if they
22719s can get these off in time there's only
22721s really stall ultimates for Great Britain
22723s maybe Kai can get to the ultimate and
22725s get some damage in
22727s all right here they go EMP out here
22729s electric Shockwave the big bione from
22731s back box at the same time calyx goes
22733s down four B4 jacaro super low can they
22736s finish Chicago he somehow got away that
22738s would have been so huge they got it but
22740s no both teams
22742s that's big another fight at the very
22745s least right now the ones Under Pressure
22748s slay with the call finds backbone
22751s Denmark has nearly brought this thing
22753s back Kai gone jakaru out to overtime
22757s taking down and it's a victory death
22759s Blossom as Denmark strikes blood against
22762s Great Britain maimon a little in the end
22766s but not enough overtimes done and so is
22770s Great Britain as Denmark takes the
22772s series just some really great emps there
22776s towards the end of the EMP coordination
22777s and the hat coordination to to knock
22779s people down and then and hit the nades
22781s there too was really well done uh the
22784s ultimate economy ended up flipping just
22786s in favor of Denmark where they had the
22788s good ultimates towards the end the
22790s annihilations uh things like that so as
22793s back and forth as it could have possibly
22795s gone and I just I can't respect Denmark
22798s enough like to be able to pull back a
22800s push where you're down like that towards
22802s the end is absolutely absolutely brutal
22804s they pull it off and they just win the
22805s positioning game towards towards the end
22807s of that map this uh look Great Britain
22810s only has one loss but one loss is really
22814s bad no matter what especially these
22816s these top heavy recruits so really tough
22818s Denmark played so well also again you
22821s have to highlight anytime it happens you
22823s can push you do not see comebacks like
22825s this like with as far as Great Brain got
22827s in most maps and situations they win it
22831s is a testament to how evenly these teams
22833s were matched how they were like even
22835s playing different comps how well it
22837s interchanged that you're able to create
22840s the circumstances for Denmark to make a
22842s comeback like this both teams gave it
22844s their all and it really did culminate in
22846s some pretty special OverWatch yeah and I
22848s think what you see about these two these
22850s teams um and then you know going back to
22852s even France what sets them apart is
22854s depth and versatility uh maybe like
22857s France is more deaf but like just
22858s watching the versatility having a player
22860s like Shockwave on your team that can
22861s play at the level they can play at
22863s having Naga uh who can play the level
22865s they can play at High I mean we saw the
22868s soldier and we saw the ash obviously
22869s they're the best heroes but also the
22871s Hanzo works really well so it's like
22872s when you have these high-level players
22875s you can't really out comp them because
22877s they're gonna play like their best comps
22879s but also they can play whatever they
22880s need to to to adjust to the situation
22883s yeah I mean again
22885s just because the series goes to three
22887s doesn't mean it's a good series this
22889s series one to three and it was a great
22891s series but you know what we are not
22893s quite done yet we're gonna take a short
22895s break when we come back we'll have an
22896s interview to break things down just a
22898s little bit more
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22918s thank you
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23118s day two of the OverWatch World Cup 2023
23121s online qualifiers for emec is under
23124s wraps man we just had match number seven
23126s go down Denmark versus Great Britain the
23130s best match we've had to date so far in
23133s these qualifying series hex break it
23135s down for us what just happened man I
23136s mean I think we we really need to look
23138s at and focus on Shockwave Sombra
23140s especially towards the last couple of
23141s fights there just the the absolute Havoc
23143s being caused and maybe doesn't always
23145s show up in the kill feed we saw early on
23147s there was some emps that would like
23149s force out Beats from the other side like
23151s funny Astro was just playing paranoia
23152s but also like really towards the end
23154s there was a hack on the Anna and the
23157s kill didn't come in right away in fact
23158s uh like Shockwave got slept during it
23160s but then woke up and killed Diana anyway
23162s but that's time where the supports are
23164s not focused on keeping their team alive
23166s so it ends up being akin to a Kill where
23169s the supports are focused on the Sombra
23171s somber can just bail or summer can
23173s finish the kill but there's so much
23174s Havoc that that Shockwave caused in that
23176s back line yeah and I feel like the
23178s biggest Testament to that that you
23180s always just the fact that funny Astro is
23182s a really really good player and any
23184s situation where you'll see Astro like
23186s die three times in a row which sort of
23187s happened on push it's not really usually
23189s because Astro is playing bad it's
23191s because there's an enormous amount of
23193s pressure coming on in and you just saw
23195s like a moment where for about two
23197s minutes in a row Denmark brought it to
23199s another level especially in their
23201s ability to pressure supports and create
23203s advantageous fights and that's pretty
23206s much what you have to do to make a
23207s comeback on push it requires that level
23209s of Excellence consistently over multiple
23212s fights to make the comeback possible and
23214s you gotta set look it's exactly what
23216s they did yeah that's exactly what we saw
23218s you know Great Britain really gave them
23220s a run for their money after game two I
23222s couldn't have told you where that was
23223s gonna go and even in the later parts of
23225s this Denmark and Great Britain game it
23227s was favoring graper and but just moment
23230s after moment you mentioned at zp right
23231s really focusing and off the back of
23234s those three deaths in a row they were
23236s able to regroup
23237s come back together and take it all the
23240s way for Denmark so you know we're lining
23241s up an interview as we speak with Fisher
23244s the coach of
23246s um the Denmark OverWatch World Cup team
23248s here so we'll have that for you
23249s momentarily but man oh man Denmark in
23252s their first showing of the OverWatch
23254s World Cup putting on a show to say the
23256s least hex is this expected out of this
23258s roster you know OverWatch League Talent
23260s abounds for both these two teams and I
23263s want to say these these two teams are
23264s definitely favorites in their respective
23266s groups was this what you expected out of
23268s the outcome
23269s um I think so actually the more I looked
23271s at this Denmark team the more I looked
23272s at just players who have had such great
23275s Peaks but I like I mentioned it very
23277s early on a couple of these players on
23278s Denmark didn't really get a fair Shake
23280s in in OverWatch league in my opinion
23282s like I think Shockwave
23283s um has such such highs and I think Naga
23286s like has such an ability it surprises me
23288s like you know like Naga could just be
23291s like a May Ace for for many teams and
23293s like they've just been put into strange
23295s situations but I think in a vacuum
23297s assume the talent level of Denmark can
23299s rival almost anyone in the league and
23301s that were in this tournament and that
23303s includes uh France and so I think I
23306s think we might have seen Denmark in the
23307s Wild Card tournament and people were
23308s kind of looking at it of like did we
23310s Overlook some of these players are we
23312s underrating some of these players
23315s um and then like even the players who
23316s are not in the OverWatch League like
23318s like Slay Slay had some great moments
23321s and slay you know his on great
23322s contenders team so the level of Talent
23324s on Denmark is almost unmatched and if
23327s they can put it together and the
23328s versatility that especially the damage
23331s line allows for them to have I think is
23332s is unmatched yeah you know it
23336s just really what an astounding match to
23338s watch going all the way to three Maps
23340s like you mentioned zp not all three map
23342s sets are created equal but this one
23343s definitely stands Head and Shoulders
23345s Above the Rest let's take a moment to
23347s take a look at the schedule that was the
23349s seventh map of the day seventh match of
23351s the day rather wrapping up day number
23353s two of course we had Denmark take it 2-1
23355s over Great Britain Netherlands take it
23357s 2-0 over Italy France 2-0 over Portugal
23360s Spain the same score over Belgium Saudi
23362s Arabia over Iceland Norway over Germany
23365s and uh obviously our first match for the
23368s day here Finland over Sweden in a quick
23371s 2-0 as well so definitely a stacked
23374s match of a day of matches and of course
23376s the action continues Saturday into
23378s Sunday before returning again next week
23380s for the same four day stretch Thursday
23382s Friday Saturday and Sunday where we'll
23384s determine which three teeth three teams
23386s from group a and two teams from Group B
23388s will be moving on to the main event so
23390s the stakes are high for these teams and
23392s of course these early round wins and
23394s losses they're going to tell the 10 tale
23396s of the next couple of weeks to come so
23399s still a lot on the line here you know zp
23402s Denmark they debut this way Portugal
23405s debuted a little more poorly than I'm
23407s sure they would have liked to but for a
23409s lot of these teams especially for Group
23411s B where only two teams are making out of
23413s the top
23414s the pressure is on right so what are you
23416s hoping we see out of those but you know
23418s bottom couple of teams in Group B that
23420s are struggling right now I mean look for
23422s their own sake you're now in the uh
23424s process of you know win or go home
23426s essentially right and I I still think
23428s overall in the tournament the the
23429s biggest surprise to me and you know at
23432s this point it's not surprising because
23432s we've seen two days in it but you know
23435s if you asked anyone what do you think
23437s the results are gonna be and then you
23438s showed them where Sweden was right now
23440s they would just look at that be like
23442s what do you mean this has to be wrong
23444s and you know it's a combination of the
23445s fact that like Sweden came out and they
23447s were you know less effective I think
23449s people thought and the other teams in
23450s the group are playing better but then on
23453s the same note we've also had other teams
23454s live up to the hype where you know you
23456s look at Great Britain in our last match
23457s they might have lost but they played as
23460s well as you would expect them to play
23461s they looked really really good you look
23463s at that match Yoko oh man a team is
23465s disappointed go no both Great Britain
23467s and Denmark are probably going to make
23470s it further into the tournament so yeah
23472s we've had our ups and downs uh you know
23473s some X expectations met some not met
23476s quite as well but it's been very
23478s entertaining to watch all around and for
23480s hex for you you know for me personally
23482s Saudi Arabia is the team that has come
23484s here stood out to me the most because
23486s not only do they have stacked players on
23488s their roster from Twisted Minds that
23490s have done amazing things in the
23491s contender series but they're also
23493s working so well on the fly with these
23495s compositions right uh incorporating
23497s yazan and really just doing a lot of
23500s work even against Heavy Hitters in this
23503s situation so what's been most surprising
23505s for you guys well I think the question
23507s with Saudi Arabia too is as can they
23509s continue to dominate now that like the
23510s the cats out of the bag so to speak like
23513s I think teams expected them to play like
23514s Fair Mercy or at least like feather it
23516s aim a little bit to their compositions
23517s but to not like the the go-to 100 comp
23520s so now your teams have some tape on it
23523s um I think tomorrow the really
23525s interesting thing especially starting
23526s off the day is in my opinion Group B is
23529s kind of a three-team race right now
23530s especially given where Sweden went
23532s um so Finland Norway and Saudi Arabia
23534s and they all have to kind of take care
23536s of business tomorrow and that that goes
23538s beyond just like beating the teams that
23539s they're expected to beat which would be
23541s like Germany Iceland Poland they're
23543s expected to beat them you can't be
23544s dropping Maps too because there's only
23546s two teams coming out of this and like
23547s map scores are gonna probably end up
23549s mattering so early on tomorrow the three
23551s favorites in my opinion of Group B are
23554s opening up and I expect them all to like
23556s take care of business and not not have
23558s anything surprise them this is a real
23561s reality we're gonna have to keep our
23562s eyes tuned to right who the map
23564s differential is going to come into play
23565s like you mentioned only two teams from
23567s Group B three teams from group a the
23569s action continues for two weeks straight
23570s of course same time same place tomorrow
23572s and on Sunday with that set though that
23575s wraps up our day two of the OverWatch
23577s World Cup online qualifiers for emec
23579s thank you so much for joining us hex uh
23581s zp it's been an absolute blast I'm sure
23583s I hope you guys in the chat enjoyed it
23585s as well make sure to tune back in
23587s tomorrow we'll be bringing you all that
23589s action all day long tala and CB will be
23592s joining us back again as well so with
23594s that said once again thank you so much
23595s for watching and we'll see y'all
23597s tomorrow
23601s thank you
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23744s let's go
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about 1 year ago - PlayOverwatch - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

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595s foreign
596s the best of Europe and the Middle East
598s have been duking that for two days
600s straight and today we enter day three
602s the 2023 OverWatch World Cup emec online
605s qualifiers are underway I'm your host
607s ambasco and of course I'm joined by zp
609s and hex the legendary casting Duo it's
611s been two days we're into day three that
614s some things are settling and some things
616s are still getting shaken up in a big way
618s zp leads the way here man how of the
620s first two days of competition been you
622s know again it's been the expected and
623s the unexpected on the expected yeah we
625s wrapped up yesterday with an incredible
627s series between Denmark and Great Britain
628s that lived up to the hype and then the
630s unexpected we've had storylines like
632s Finland coming in a little bit stronger
633s than we might have thought we've had
635s teams like Sweden underperform and you
638s know you have teams like Spain that no
639s one was really thinking a whole lot
641s about before the tournament that have
642s come in very strong so uh all in all a
645s lot of cool storylines been developing
646s and we're just getting started
649s absolutely acts of course like like he
651s mentioned right we just saw the chance
653s we just got the chance rather to see
654s both Denmark and Portugal play of course
656s Denmark coming in a big way right we
658s talked about that Great Britain team for
660s so long and the veterans of some of
662s those players on that roster just for
663s Denmark to come in and put on a master
666s class yesterday hey so how the first two
667s days the World Cup been for you yeah I
669s mean I think specifically in that match
671s how like Great Britain has bigger names
673s but Denmark still is at the same Talent
675s level so it's not super surprising I
677s think the big thing for the next couple
678s days is just someone's gonna have to
679s start doing math
680s um it's not going to be me uh because
683s you know there's there's a lot of weird
684s things that can happen as far as like
686s match losses go map losses and things
688s are going to start to get a little bit
689s clearer so as we go like through today
691s through tomorrow and then also you know
693s the four days next week there's going to
696s be Stakes on the line of like this is
697s mathematically eliminated or they have
699s to win this map or that map I think
701s today a lot of it is where we we have
703s expectations and we'll see if the
705s results match those expectations
706s absolutely and we want to mention that
708s the World Cup home away skin bundles are
710s now live you can hurry up and get them
712s before they leave the shop on June 27th
714s that is in three days so there are
716s actually three bundles of emec APAC and
718s the America bundles and the bundles
720s support the teams directly by
721s contributing to the World Cup prize pool
723s you can get both the Home and Away skins
725s for all the heroes in the bundles
727s themselves and you can shop now on
728s Battlenet or via the OverWatch 2 in game
731s shop and if you want to learn more head
732s over to
733s overwatchworldcup.com and you'll find
734s all the information you need there now
737s before we jump into the gameplay let's
738s talk about today's format right the emec
741s online qualifier challenge showcases two
743s groups competing in a round robin first
745s to two tournament is a single stage
747s tournament spanning two weeks we're on
749s day three of week one and now that we
751s know how we're playing today and for the
753s rest of the competition here let's take
755s a look at that schedule we just
756s mentioned day one and day two left us
758s with some great results some upsets some
761s you know some disappointments I want to
764s say but being so early on in this in
766s this uh two-week process really anything
768s is possible let's take a look look here
769s we're gonna be starting off the day
771s today with Germany versus Finland a
773s guaranteed Banger next up it'll be
776s Iceland versus Norway shortly after
778s Poland versus Saudi Arabia followed by
780s turkey versus Sweden Portugal versus
782s graper in Denmark versus Belgium and
784s will round out the day with the
785s Netherlands versus France but let's
788s start at the very top Germany and
790s Finland zp and hex I leave it to y'all
792s break it down for us of course we know
795s this Finnish Squad is stacked but
797s Germany are no slouch either hex lead
799s the way here
800s well I mean I think Germany you know has
802s had some interesting matches so far
804s they're 1-1 uh they they lost to Norway
806s which I think is expected they kind of
808s stomped Iceland which I think is
809s expected so this might be a nice
810s barometer nice like test in the middle
812s of that
813s um you know I I think they've got a
815s couple of good players I think they're
816s damaged fine especially can have some
818s good moments they've been playing pretty
819s much a solid you know Tracer Sombra you
822s know trying to really hone that style in
824s so we'll see if that ends up coming
826s through I think Finland you know there's
828s there's more pressure on them zp yeah I
831s think Finland uh you go into this
832s everything on paper says okay Finland
835s probably should take it but uh you know
838s again as we've seen over and over again
840s over the course of the sermon anything
841s can happen that said I do think across
843s the entire day uh today's kind of a day
845s where you know if there was ever uh a
848s time to root for paper in the sense of
849s like it'll probably get things right it
851s would be today a lot of the matches
852s today seem straightforward but again
853s that's why we play the games and we'll
855s see if it actually holds true and you
857s know at the end of the day what really
858s matters are those map points it's been
860s very close over these past two days and
863s you know for group a only three teams
865s are making it through for Group B only
867s two teams are making it through if we're
868s looking at group a currently we've got
870s France Spain and Denmark in the top
871s three there and in groupie we've got
873s Norway and Saudi Arabia of course we're
875s only two days into the competition we're
876s on day three that is subject of change
878s but man the stakes are high but for that
881s I don't know that we've said that rather
882s zp and hex I leave it so y'all have a
884s great first match and I'll see you on
885s the flip side
886s that's we're hanging to your first match
889s of the day here hexan yeah I mean I'm
891s just curious to see what happens on
893s control as we get into it just to you
895s know again get kind of a mechanical
896s barometer between the two teams because
898s you know I I do think this is actually
900s one of the stronger teams Germany has
902s had in the OverWatch World Cup where you
904s look at the history of Germany in the
905s OverWatch World Cup they have not
906s historically been a great performing
908s team yo people thought they would be
910s pretty good in 2016. it didn't quite pan
912s out and you know there's been missed
914s expectations but this team I do think
916s has more hope than a lot of previous
919s teams have had but you're still going up
920s against one of the most tenured teams in
922s OverWatch World Cup history in team
924s Finland
925s yeah I mean I would agree Germany's kind
927s of a strange team to get a grasp on
929s right because I think like you know
930s Iceland is kind of a weaker team this
932s this year so right now like they beat
934s Iceland pretty convincingly but then
936s what does that really say the
937s interesting thing is they were they
939s played pretty close
941s um against uh I believe it was Norway
944s when they played them on blizzard world
945s so like they're they're going to you
948s know have a chance so this one it could
950s be really interesting I think um QR has
953s been really good uh Phi has been really
956s good they've been kind of running you
957s know like I said Tracer Sombra and it's
959s worked out for the most part for them
961s um so you know some of the questions I
963s have is like rapid there was a couple
965s moments where they weren't running an
966s echo or Mercy or an echo or pharah and
969s uh rapid was still on Mercy I don't know
971s if they got caught in that not being
972s able to swap correctly but that's
973s something that you might want to watch
974s out for as far as like Comfort picks if
976s things are going wrong and they don't
978s need the mercy and they're still running
980s it it's kind of a question mark there
981s sucrax has also had moments so yeah this
984s is a team that instead I don't really
986s have a good grasp on as far as where
988s their talent level is yeah and I mean I
991s think today is just gonna be a very good
993s just again barometer of where they are
995s because going into Finland if they do
996s well against Finland they go okay this
997s is pretty much for real if Finland
999s Stomps them well now we have a much
1001s better idea and speaking of Team Finland
1002s got the roster on your screen right now
1005s and again uh finland's been impressive
1007s this tournament you know especially I
1009s look towards vestola I look towards Masa
1011s and uh sana's also had some moments as
1013s well
1014s yeah I mean so Finland is really
1016s interesting right now because as much as
1018s we talk about how good they are and how
1019s well they play they are one and one
1021s right they did lose to Saudi Arabia
1023s granted it was in a 2-1 matchup but I
1026s mean they did beat Sweden but I don't
1027s know where's Sweden at so the
1029s interesting thing I think about Finland
1030s is you know we talk uh I well I spoke a
1033s little bit about France and their tank
1034s line being so versatile
1036s but Finland has you know LH cloudy and
1039s vestola on their squad so they have a
1041s tank for every situation that they
1043s needed and you know like as like you
1045s said uh I think the damage line is
1046s absolutely sick sauna and Cloud have
1049s looked really really strong and you know
1051s Mickey's been solid on the Anna and we
1053s all know what Masa is masa's gonna he's
1055s gonna show up in the kill feed on one
1057s side or the other but he's gonna show up
1058s yeah I mean Masa you know we kind of
1061s talked a little bit yesterday about how
1062s uh FD God was a support where uh they're
1065s gonna show up at the kill feed one way
1066s or another Moss is Cut From the Same
1068s Cloth in terms of what to expect in the
1070s support play not a support you don't
1072s talk about uh in either case but hex I'm
1074s going back to Legion here today we did a
1076s lot Nepal yesterday looks like today
1078s might be a legion day
1080s yeah I mean it's it's probably my
1082s favorite I like all control Maps really
1084s you know that's that's the the kind of
1086s solo queue Tracer player I am let's give
1088s me a control map and let me play
1090s um so yeah lijong Tower is really good I
1093s think uh one of the reasons I like
1094s control Maps just from a spectator point
1096s of view or a broadcast point of view is
1098s that they they all play out pretty
1100s differently there's almost always one
1102s outlier stage in each control map that's
1104s like gonna be very different uh lijong
1107s Tower tends to be like Mecca base plays
1109s very different than everything else
1111s um but yeah this this stage um I think
1115s we're gonna load into Gardens we've seen
1117s Farah on it um we've seen but there's
1120s been a clash of styles where some teams
1122s will still play like symmetra and and
1125s rush to the point so I mean this could
1127s it's wide open anything right now
1130s all right so taking a look at both teams
1132s uh already we have a story for what the
1135s garden stage will be we got the pharah
1137s in the sky for Germany and Finland looks
1139s like they're just gonna be going to
1141s we're avoiding the pharah we're taking
1142s the point so uh pretty although is it
1145s really gonna be fire there's no mercy
1146s yeah okay never mind this this isn't
1148s adding up for Germany that's going on
1149s here so this is why you never trust
1151s teams before they run out of Spawn next
1154s uh no and you should have learned that
1156s like five years ago so I don't know we
1159s still get duped we still get excited you
1160s always want something to talk about so
1161s it looks pretty mirror matched up right
1163s now this crawl so really in the brawls I
1166s think the the big difference ends up
1167s being initiations is where's the wall
1169s coming who's going to get better value
1170s out of the maywall right now watching
1173s him on the May throwing in a few icicles
1175s back and forth Germany both teams just
1179s again uh looking for initiative right
1181s now Midland though more on the point of
1183s four stream to be a little bit more
1184s aggressive to test oh Finland you get
1186s first control even as both teams are
1187s full HP so pretty good position from
1190s Finland to kick things off but neither
1191s team committing here just yet Germany
1193s getting pretty close to building a quick
1195s hole here you look at Super x 98 and
1198s going probably immediately it does Cole
1200s coming up for Germany it's gonna be
1202s enough to get something done versus
1203s Finland Finland right now mostly
1205s disengaging doesn't care too much Nicole
1207s is gone Germany getting poked out a
1209s little bit more of a stall it goes down
1210s both teams down one 4v4 counter Cole
1213s coming up from Mickey here in Finland
1215s are they gonna drop the beat they do but
1216s it's not in time to save sauna
1218s I'm gonna be able to stay in this it's
1220s very very close between both teams
1221s Germany now getting a little bit more on
1223s the point
1224s and still on the point but the
1225s Blizzard's gonna come out from cloud as
1228s they die not ideal there so I think
1231s right now Finland might just throw some
1233s bodies at this try to keep some
1234s percentage up as viscola joins the fight
1236s again yeah that fight took so far
1238s without any foot falling is still going
1240s on hexa getting goats finds but Sada
1242s comes in a four death Blossom as one way
1246s to finish out a fight and uh put an end
1248s to a fight that was so long hex it was
1250s 55 for Finland on the point
1253s yeah I mean I mean it was so like there
1254s was just not the the finishing blow that
1256s happened there and that's gonna happen
1257s sometimes in these very sustainable
1259s compositions you know Reaper can get out
1261s make and get out uh you've got you've
1263s got really sustainable supports and so
1265s yeah that's kind of expected but I mean
1268s the downside is Germany even if they win
1270s this fight they have to be perfect the
1272s rest of the way we're in like final
1273s fight territory yeah I mean this is just
1275s because they gave up first control early
1277s in that very long fight look at QR right
1279s now death Blossom lost and loaded not
1281s really in a position to use it here just
1283s yet looking for a way in
1290s but still relatively healthy QR now on
1294s the hunt going for the death Blossom is
1295s anything gonna happen here it gets him
1296s quite low gets Cloud out of it the rest
1298s of Finland though able to stay alive
1299s Annihilation out from the stola
1303s decent spots still holding on 99 here x
1307s even if they lose the fight and again a
1310s very very long fight only one death here
1313s so far both teams struggling to get an
1315s elimination Alex finally punches the
1317s stolen down and that might be it because
1319s I think your Masa you've probably saved
1321s the beat here yeah I think if anyone's
1323s in position for Finland to get out now
1325s is the time to call the get out uh
1327s Mickey just happened to be there with uh
1329s Moira and baited in now there's no point
1331s of stalling any anymore 99 so I think
1333s right now like you just have Beats and
1335s you have death Blossom and you hope for
1336s the best Germany's gonna need very good
1338s reactionary supports here
1341s um I don't think they're gonna go
1342s aggressive on it based on what I've seen
1343s from them so far but they do have the
1345s reactionary supports both of them and uh
1348s the annihilation to work with too but
1350s really it's just about can Sonic get
1352s anything done and um yeah that death
1354s Blossom could close it out to me I'm
1356s just looking at the blizzard Cloud does
1358s have an advantage we can get closer off
1359s just a little bit early Masa hang on to
1362s the beat here in the back blizzard
1364s coming out from Finland
1366s I don't think it got a whole lot from
1368s the meanwhile Masa here in the back
1370s still hang on to the beat Mickey you
1371s gotta open up with the coal Beacon get
1373s dropped now from Finland QR getting very
1375s low Germany goes to the counter blizzard
1376s Finland able to get away from it as
1379s gestala picks up to Finland getting just
1382s a bit more here even as the annihilation
1384s from Alex fades
1386s this one very very close to being able
1389s to retake still at five way more numbers
1391s on the point pushing Germany back Sada
1394s finishes off Alex and hex you know
1397s they're slowly inching to it but this
1398s could be it
1401s yeah Phi has made a switch as well now
1403s they don't have a May on their squad to
1405s be able to get in and use these walls so
1408s now it's a Sombra on the point and now
1410s Finland just looking for the cleanup
1411s taking out his other number is Sana it
1414s does seem like all signs point to
1416s Finland finally taking this one
1425s goats but in terms of what it feels like
1429s this felt like comes to an extent of
1431s your head's just very long fights with
1433s no one dying just by virtue of the cops
1435s that both teams were playing
1437s yeah I mean I think the one small thing
1439s that was the difference there is both of
1441s those teams in the last fight ended up
1443s with both support ultimates but Germany
1444s completely overlapped their support
1446s ultimates with beat and coalescence
1448s coming out at the exact same time
1449s Finland was able to respond with their
1452s own coalescence and kind of just wait a
1454s second longer on the beat so just
1456s getting a little more value out of their
1458s support ultimates in the end it's a
1460s small thing but when these are mirror
1462s matches and the fights are so close then
1464s those you know 20 hp percentage points
1467s end up really mattering any think about
1470s why that took place it was a combination
1471s that you know both teams running Moira
1473s you have a lot of healing everyone's
1475s running Heroes that are pretty darn good
1477s at uh escaping as you pointed out and
1480s you know just leads to a scenario where
1482s where's your burst damage coming from
1484s it's basically all on the May the land a
1487s few icicles on the Lucio or something
1488s because other than that uh the fights
1490s are just gonna last a while
1492s yeah gonna take first position here with
1495s the symmetra on the point and I mean a
1497s couple of times where we've seen
1498s symmetra on the point yeah Bap is
1499s enormous too so uh sucre should have the
1503s advantage here like definitely it's a
1505s coalescence buyer and forget it scenario
1507s as soon as you get it yeah I mean
1508s Germany they're gonna have first support
1510s alt the question is they're gonna have
1512s all five people up at the very end
1513s Finland gets a little bit more offensive
1515s power with the five able to find Cloud
1518s early yeah the other mentioning Mazer
1519s main offensive power well that's it if
1521s you're making land an icicle tap early
1523s on you know you're at a huge huge
1526s advantage in Germany now complex
1527s advantage on the point Finland only at
1529s 11 right now soon to lose the rest of it
1532s as Jeremy gets the control right after
1535s yeah I mean it's not always just the
1537s icicle I mean I I'm you know may is your
1540s most important piece in a lot of
1541s situations just for offensively for the
1544s wall and defensively for the wall so
1545s that double shield it's the initiation
1547s like I mean I I say it all the time but
1550s I you know begs repeating like being
1553s able to edit the map is a really really
1555s strong ability sauna is going to switch
1557s onto the sojourn here as they try to
1561s reinitiate a little more arranged damage
1563s rather than the reaper or the Sim yeah I
1566s mean Finland has way more potential now
1567s than just burst someone down but Germany
1570s if the fight goes along at all they're
1571s gonna have a huge Advantage Miss hola
1573s opens things up during the annihilation
1574s moving forward just walking into Germany
1577s Gothic reference could be dropping the
1578s beat here does beat goes down right away
1580s blizzard infant dustola getting very
1583s very low taken down annihilating or not
1585s in Finland now down the tank they used
1587s window there at the same time hex it
1590s didn't really matter
1592s no not at all and they get some nice uh
1595s kills on the way out good Chase
1597s and so Germany 55 and counting up but I
1601s mean the bad thing for Finland is kind
1602s of a Barren cover of ultimates
1605s especially with that Annihilation gone
1607s now cloud with the blizzard incoming
1611s it's just going to be interesting to see
1612s how you can initiate with this blizzard
1614s where are you going to get it that can
1615s get some value into it you know
1617s truthfully if they've been tracking
1618s ultimates it might just initiate here we
1620s can eat uh of all things but okay clap a
1623s little bit of pressure being comes out
1624s for sauna hits the railgun shot gets QR
1627s out of the fight immediately huge amount
1629s of DPS loss now for Germany and yeah
1631s that's gonna be a very very quick fight
1633s to Finland but they had to pay for
1634s attacks at the same time
1637s yeah they did I mean initiating with B
1639s just kind of makes sense and and you you
1641s mentioned that if they're tracking right
1643s so like Masa did use beat but he's
1645s almost still gonna be you know only 30
1646s behind rapid uh so not too shabby there
1650s I really want to see what Sonic can get
1652s done with this
1653s uh the sojournals I think it's one of
1656s the most exciting alts in the game to
1657s watch but you're like Germany they they
1659s are gonna have a death Blossom too
1660s because QR got taken out so early in
1662s that last fight
1663s all eyes on Sana here overclock ready to
1667s go pops it immediately all right heads
1669s can be found looking and looking I saw
1671s Lucio for a second no find some more
1673s that's huge gets rid of a massive source
1675s of healing early into the fight exactly
1678s what Finland needed because you lose the
1679s lawyer in this comp you just crumpled
1682s yeah there's absolutely no sustain once
1684s you lose the more rep we've talked about
1686s it almost every time it doesn't matter
1687s who you're running with in these
1689s compositions like the Lucio simply can't
1690s keep up as far as the healing output
1692s needs to go and not only does that like
1694s mean you can't get healed but it also
1695s forces out cooldowns on on your side too
1697s like the mayesta ice block Reapers or
1700s wraith block uh your your RAM has to use
1702s block right so it just forces out all
1704s your cooldowns and your distance such a
1706s much worse position
1708s um Germany kind of now in a strange spot
1710s they could initiate with beat as like as
1712s Finland did in the last time and try to
1714s get in there and get positioned to get
1715s this blizzard to get some value but I
1717s like where Finland is setting up now
1719s we've got a couple people who are going
1721s to be able to dodge some of these alts
1722s he comes out early but still is going to
1724s be counting here with annihilation in
1725s just a second Annihilation comes out
1727s sauna finds V right after the
1730s annihilation Elizabeth goes down for
1731s good measure here from Finland it is
1733s final fight and three pickups for
1735s Finland that should be enough for them
1737s to wrap it up
1738s yeah just no value out of the ultimates
1740s there for Germany as they try to
1742s re-initiate it's not gonna happen uh you
1745s know if I switch into the Widow at the
1747s end maybe does it get a couple minutes
1748s on that and Finland takes the first map
1753s and uh yeah kind of an expected results
1755s I think Germany trying to run the mirror
1757s is is a little bit interesting and then
1758s finland's kind of puts their own little
1760s wrinkle on it
1761s um I think sauna's a talented enough
1763s player that they can play whatever they
1764s want but seeing the sojourn come in is
1766s really interesting it's it's another
1767s wrinkle that Germany had to account for
1769s and I don't think they were ready for it
1771s yeah I also think it was an interesting
1772s decision by Finland to swap up comps
1774s because you know look I very strongly go
1776s by the attitude if it's not broke you
1778s don't need to fix it they won the first
1780s round on the mirror they really did need
1781s the swap but that first round was also
1783s very tortured I mean it was probably one
1785s of the slowest rounds we've seen in
1787s terms of like anyone falling and I feel
1789s like internally Finland had to be like
1791s no we're not doing that again for
1792s another round like let's play something
1794s where fights go a little bit more
1795s traditionally
1796s yeah I mean I think like you know it's
1798s always easy to look at like the damage
1800s dealers being the difference
1802s um there were a couple moments where I
1803s thought the support line just were a
1804s little more efficient for Finland but
1806s really if you look at it like you know
1808s the the giant death Blossom of course
1810s from sauna was the difference in that
1811s one fight but also on the second stage
1813s uh both sauna and Cloud got opening
1817s headshots for the fight that switched
1818s around control on this right so they was
1820s sauna and Cloud getting headshots to
1822s start it off and I mean that's something
1824s that you can't really game plan against
1826s like you can't really just be like okay
1828s well our composition's gonna be
1829s different but the other team's just
1830s getting better shots you're in trouble
1832s yeah it's right there Sonic Cloud open
1834s up the fight with two two kills you're
1835s not gonna win that fight yeah and I mean
1838s overall Finland just a little bit
1840s mechanical superiority on all levels uh
1843s the second round a night market
1845s definitely took them a little bit to get
1847s going but once they did you saw the
1848s difference where you know Sada opening
1850s up with a railgun shot Cloud hitting
1852s headshots on the May before swapping
1854s almost
1859s but Germany has a plan for map too
1862s yeah and that's what's so exciting about
1864s this format I say it every day is that
1866s you know it is only you know first first
1868s to two but the loser of the first map
1870s gets to pick their second map you can
1872s tailor strategies you can pick to your
1874s strengths so we'll see what Germany
1876s wants to do
1877s um I've got a spreadsheet I have some
1879s ideas but I'm gonna wait till after the
1881s break all right well hex reviews the
1882s spreadsheet we are going to take a quick
1884s break when we come back we'll see if
1886s Germany has something cooking for the
1888s next map
1891s thank you
1893s [Music]
1907s foreign
1910s [Music]
1944s [Applause]
1945s [Music]
1953s [Applause]
1955s [Music]
1963s [Music]
1970s [Applause]
1979s [Applause]
1986s [Music]
1994s thank you
1998s [Music]
2032s [Applause]
2032s [Music]
2058s [Applause]
2066s foreign
2066s [Applause]
2075s [Applause]
2096s [Music]
2116s and we're back uh Finland versus Germany
2119s uh bring us back to 2018 for a moment
2122s hex uh with how slow round one went but
2125s uh Finland decided you know what we're
2126s pretty good on uh more hit skin Heroes
2128s like sojourn Let's uh mix it up a bit
2131s yeah I mean I think uh Sana is you know
2134s getting enough play time that people
2136s realize that a very very strong player
2138s just hasn't had the opportunity in the
2140s OverWatch League because it's on a very
2142s deep team that just happens sometimes
2144s um but I mean that's one of the reasons
2146s why World Cup is great like you do skip
2148s these players of like oh yeah I know of
2149s that person but wow they're actually a
2151s really really good player
2153s um so right now Finland up 1-0 this kind
2155s of needs to be a 2-0 for them like I
2157s mentioned they they as good as they are
2159s only two teams are coming out of this
2160s group and Finland does have a loss
2162s granted this to Saudi Arabia but you
2164s know Finland still wants to be in in the
2167s conversation with you know like the
2168s norways and Saudi Arabia when it when it
2171s comes down to it so trying to get a 2-0
2173s Germany will have the map Choice here uh
2176s previously when they lost to Norway they
2178s went to Blizzard World
2180s um they actually played Norway pretty
2181s close on blizzard world but the result
2183s was still a loss so we're gonna switch
2185s it up and go to watch Point Gibraltar
2187s instead one of your favorite Maps yeah I
2189s mean like I said I love Gibraltar
2191s especially just because you get to see a
2194s bunch of different styles usually how
2195s you play point a is not necessarily how
2197s you play point B which is not how you'll
2198s play point C and you know even yesterday
2200s in games like you know the Denmark Great
2202s Britain game you saw change UPS based on
2205s what point you're at so you know to me
2208s it's a great map it's a shame that we
2210s haven't seen as much of it in recent
2211s years but uh glad to be seeing it a lot
2213s more here in the OverWatch World Cup
2214s yeah I mean I hope Germany has like a
2217s good plan for this because it does seem
2218s that it does play into finland's
2220s strengths at least a little bit
2223s um mostly I think of like bestola's best
2225s hero being the diva and Diva being very
2227s good on watchpoint um or X yeah watch
2229s one Gibraltar because the the absolute
2232s necessity for your tanks to be able to
2234s take High grounds um not only point a
2236s but point B and then C you can get away
2238s a little bit with brawling but it's you
2240s know it's not bad to have a tank that
2242s can take High Ground
2244s um and also you know what we've seen out
2246s of sauna in their their hit scan ability
2248s so it's questionable but you know Jeremy
2251s I would imagine it has a plan and you
2254s know maybe they feel like they can
2256s um kind of hang with the long range hit
2258s scan on this yeah I mean you have to
2260s think they're confident in their long
2261s range of skin if you're going to bring
2262s it to Gibraltar because I mean look you
2264s want you want a full blueprint of how
2266s you can really do well in Gibraltar look
2268s at what Great Britain did yesterday
2270s where uh you know kai just set up his
2272s camper and uh was having fun on the
2275s Range to particularly on defense just
2277s you know sing back on the Ash and going
2279s to town but you know and the reason why
2281s we'll see Ash at times more than say
2283s widows just because of the recent Widow
2284s changes but I still think Widow is
2286s pretty viable here
2288s oh who knows for survival I mean Ash
2290s also just gives you the utility and also
2292s you know just a little better Escape
2294s ability sometimes
2296s um you know depending on where you're
2297s set up but yeah this is this is where
2299s Germany wants to go with yeah it's it's
2301s all on QR right now on the defensive
2303s Widow
2304s yeah I mean all eyes on QR early on and
2308s you know this is where you can make it
2310s work but your shots have to count you
2312s don't get a whole lot of you know
2313s chances to land them especially going
2315s into diva like pastola so we'll see
2317s where it goes an already in danger just
2320s heavily pressured just thanking uh
2323s everything that hack does not last as
2325s long as it used to there
2326s a hackies would just be a complete death
2329s sentence I think I think it just turned
2331s off your computer when you got hacked is
2332s my recollection of it uh so so far like
2335s villain just taking bionic taking like
2337s the free ground yeah Hattori right now
2340s the game plan for finland's pretty clear
2342s kill the Winston because both times
2345s Satori showed his face everyone in
2347s Finland just focused him well
2349s immediately yeah yeah because well
2351s someone's got to go down and touch and
2352s contest otherwise you're just getting
2353s like absolute free real estate here um
2356s and now vistola just kind of bullying
2358s out both supports and there's been no
2361s stop in this payload the stolen when he
2363s finds a moment is either gonna go after
2364s a tank or the Widow so far no shots have
2367s been hit from QR so it hasn't really
2369s been an issue yeah well one of those
2370s things when you're not talking about the
2371s Widow usually it's a pet bad thing like
2373s you want to be talking about
2376s it'll be early sucrox firing back but
2379s festola just dominating presence on the
2382s payload right now gets slept in the
2384s middle of it probably gonna be looking
2384s immediately back to tour that nope as I
2387s say that says I'm gonna go for the Widow
2388s instead I'm gonna fly back up here what
2389s are you gonna do about it and the answer
2391s is not a whole lot as Finland just
2394s continues their Relentless assault
2396s Germany though doing a decent job of
2398s delaying but all the Nano Diva this
2400s could get ugly
2402s I mean they they still have not been
2404s able to push this all the way through it
2407s as a heel has been sick yeah that was a
2412s little bit ridiculous that vestola ends
2414s up going down there everyone wondering
2415s how is this
2417s the back line on the other end
2420s I think Germany's gonna hold out of this
2422s they've just got enough kills and enough
2424s sustain on there like yeah I think a lot
2427s of it was vestola was getting you know
2429s he's trying to take down both supports
2431s but the sports were peeling really well
2432s for each other but he was getting no
2433s support from his own backline because
2435s well Moss is too far away generally but
2437s then hitori had done a really good job
2439s of jumping that back line so well done
2442s there was also an early kill on the
2444s cloud which made his Tori's life a lot
2445s easier yeah that was interesting oh you
2449s are just got dominated the somber in the
2451s back so a quick five before nothing
2454s Finland EMP ready to go EMP dropped hits
2457s three Sada deals the Anna and this is
2459s very clean for Finland so far still up
2462s all their players Wipeout Germany in
2463s full and this time around they will be
2465s getting Point people
2466s I was just looking for like you know
2468s comp players or solo qcom players
2470s watching a Sombra take down a widow is
2472s like watching two villains fight you're
2473s like I don't care who wins
2477s they've both ruined my games before well
2480s one thing that's worth doing here QR
2482s still doesn't have Recon sight it's been
2484s a tough game for QR yeah that's what QR
2486s says I'm done it goes to the Sombra the
2488s the Widow experiment not working out
2492s Germany right now just looking to win
2494s this all important point B fight
2497s Finland
2499s testing here on top Victoria can take it
2502s back both teams still pretty healthy
2504s this whole though really nice position
2505s gets over the side how are he gets
2507s hacked by the Yeah gets a nano right
2508s after
2509s might have expected that little Focus
2511s fire immediately but the Nano really
2513s good keeps him alive lots of takedown
2515s rapid and just domination into the
2517s shovel right now coming in from Finland
2519s really good Nano boost though to keep
2521s that alive yeah his Tori does do a
2523s counter jump here to try to alleviate
2525s some of the pressure knowing that he's
2526s not gonna do a whole lot up there in the
2528s shuttle trying to deal with pistola uh
2530s able to get a couple and we'll see I
2532s mean there's definitely better respawns
2534s here for Germany the EMP comes out that
2538s was hit a ton I mean there's an EMP
2540s going for one but it was still not
2543s really the most ideal situation Tori
2545s Gets Nano boost as Germany respawns come
2548s back into solo gonna get demect here
2550s drops the Bumble and still be able to
2552s get back in pressure comes in though oh
2554s the Remake kill
2562s uh Gypsy danger coming in hot gotta
2565s watch those Mech drops
2569s but I actually like that Germany is like
2571s going all in on these defensive points
2573s right that is like playing defensive
2575s that the spawns are better for us their
2577s spawns are closer you saw it work out
2579s for them on point a I mean if it works
2581s out on point B like you definitely have
2583s a better respawn advantage and you can
2585s get set up in a really decent spots so
2586s it tore down the strategy yeah Tory got
2590s hit with biode and sometimes you know
2592s the audit just decides I'm gonna go and
2594s finish this myself not letting this
2596s purple go to waste as uh Finland really
2599s really nice momentum here and all eyes
2600s got to be on cloud where this EMP could
2602s be the finisher goes to the back both
2604s supports in sight goes for the break
2606s immediately the fall through is just
2608s there the support line for Germany
2609s decimated and Finland this could be all
2613s they need now to just finish this one
2615s out
2616s half finish
2618s um yeah I mean the support oh sorry
2621s the supports were definitely the prime
2623s targets there I was going to try to set
2624s it up and say like graphic has to be
2627s aware that there's going to be an EMP on
2629s the clock and get that rally out and try
2632s to do something to slow it down but uh
2634s really good coordination from Finland
2636s not only does the EMP there but like the
2638s EMP is there and then the sports are
2640s dead immediately because vestola is
2642s right there I mean like vestola has
2644s played really well I don't think we've
2646s seen cloudy come in at all this
2647s tournaments at least in the Finland
2649s games that we have uh casted so yeah uh
2652s vestola being able to play the ramatra
2654s and the diva have have done really well
2656s for this squad Germany um I think had a
2659s plan and I actually actually like I
2661s liked their plan
2662s um to be completely honest play like
2664s really hard defense when you can but
2666s also just the map selection of like look
2668s we're not gonna beat these guys probably
2670s in a straight up fight let's see if we
2672s can just like if we can get a hot Widow
2674s game and we we've seen it from a couple
2676s teams like if you can get a widow with
2677s just a hot hand you could win fights
2679s um so I like the thought it's just not
2682s working out like super well and that's
2684s not Germany's fault it's that Finland is
2686s a very very strong team also obviously
2690s it's on the attack so it could change
2691s but I don't know if QR is willing to
2692s give up the Widow here just yet yeah
2693s that's always one of those interesting
2695s things with window where you know you
2696s could have a player that you know is
2697s good at Widow and you have a bad round
2699s and then people go oh don't play the
2700s Widow again but you know if you have
2702s faith in your Widow player you know 30
2703s minutes before the game or you gonna
2705s throw it all away because of one bad
2707s round you know it is variance is a thing
2709s right so Germany they're gonna go to the
2711s well one more time it looks like
2715s um yeah I mean at least to open
2717s um so the Sim is going to get them
2720s the opposing High Ground so yeah
2723s interesting nice little setup so I mean
2726s yeah it obviously does seem like they
2727s have a plan they've got wrinkles that
2728s they want to run here
2730s it's a very good spot it's very good
2732s spot for Widow but finland's doing that
2734s really annoying thing where they put the
2736s brag in front of the counter snipe
2739s I like it like that's not fair that's
2741s not fair another Shield what no not fair
2743s at all uh but you will get opportunities
2745s the question is will you be able to land
2747s them when they present themselves right
2748s now though QR is just hitting the brig
2751s Shield it's about all that's being
2752s offered the QR at the moment Hattori is
2755s purple
2756s yeah the tank Focus from Finland has
2759s been really really strong so far once
2761s you get around the tank you go you know
2762s that Widow perch you're on let's remove
2764s you from this and that might be the swap
2766s like if finland's able to get this in
2768s your face you do lose value on the ranch
2772s and scan but maybe QR will go for it one
2774s more time I mean speaking of value it's
2777s just it's going to be the the anti-heal
2779s nades from anas right like Mickey's
2781s gonna be able to get his and whereas
2782s vestola can just nom nom nom like it's
2788s you just look at it you know three two
2792s one probably not quite uh Tommy at that
2794s time but yeah I mean you look where
2796s Mickey's been throwing the nades it's
2797s been a Natori most of the time thus far
2800s and you know Finland playing this very
2803s very discipline here on top of the stall
2805s though gonna get slept Zoo cracks
2809s Tracer battle in the underpass
2812s Finland though in the hole you look at
2814s pretty healthy still contesting the
2816s payload for the most part the soul into
2818s singers like what make me move I Dare
2820s You has a self-destruct in reserve Nano
2823s also ready to go Vastola peeling back a
2826s bit here and I think someone's gonna
2827s engage the Nano here in this moment
2831s um yeah it's possible Finland I've just
2832s been pretty reactive with the Nano for
2834s the most Parts like if estola for
2836s whatever reason doesn't eat an anti-heal
2839s um and actually does turn purple then
2840s that's when they've been throwing the
2842s Nano in I think you see him going this
2843s aggro because he's expecting now but
2845s speaking of Satori Nano in the back gets
2848s rid of cloud immediately now diving to
2850s the back supports on the mine estola
2853s gets a nano in response Finland
2854s weathering most of the storm but icky I
2856s think he got knocked out position then
2857s finished by suit cracks so Germany now
2860s with the best opportunity they've had
2862s thus far to get point a
2865s you have really strong engagement there
2867s really smart and just a much better
2869s value out of their tank Nano uh vestola
2871s is going to have the self-destruct
2873s dragon's gonna come in and clear a bunch
2874s of space here I am worried though about
2877s QR like I still haven't seen the value
2880s really come through on this Widow yeah
2882s and Sana just went full session got QR
2884s then went to the rest of the back line
2886s got the break and Tori's out of there
2888s and yeah I don't know I feel like you're
2890s Germany one minute left maybe you ride
2892s the Widow to the end here because you're
2894s not gonna be able to get say an EMP in
2896s time but should they get point a I think
2898s you gotta swap the Widow because right
2900s now it certainly isn't working
2902s I mean I guess you can use infosights
2904s but yeah it just seems like the stall is
2906s just going so deep in in honor the Widow
2908s and then it's allowing Finland supports
2910s to stay really out of sight lines like I
2912s haven't really I haven't even seen more
2914s like the impact of you know it making
2917s Finland play differently all that much
2919s oh you gotta hit one of those though I
2922s mean it's a lot of body shots but the
2924s head yet
2925s found
2926s Vivo was able to get the quick pick on
2928s the sauna it gives Germany a little bit
2929s more room Finland oh two people mild
2932s altered not gonna be there just a QR
2934s right now just looking for a sight
2937s lineup to really anything
2939s but it's been tough
2941s 10 seconds left to go now I think he's
2943s an antide they got Mickey Tory able to
2946s chase it down looks big
2947s four seconds left here from Germany
2948s because they look to stay alive here and
2951s watch Point Gibraltar
2953s keep the map going to stola getting
2954s lower and lower but against Zoo cracks
2956s before dying somehow the skull is still
2958s alive that's the rally Masa comes in
2961s with the rally QR gets plowed you are on
2964s the board but Finland is way more
2966s numbers right now they just oh no they
2968s don't stay on them
2971s oh Finland could have kept contesting
2973s that but uh no people on the point means
2975s we go to point B
2977s yeah sucrox is putting in a lot of work
2980s on this Anna and I think the change has
2982s been
2983s um kind of saving the nade and just he's
2985s actually been needing Mickey on the
2987s other side of things he's been trying to
2989s nade the supports for the most part
2991s Cloud knows that that's a problem goes
2993s after him QR actually gets a nice shot
2995s onto the the Moira which Becky had
2996s switched to uh because Mickey is a
2998s stationary Target it's been kind of
2999s bullied out
3000s yeah I mean not a bad Chuck you are
3002s coming alive a little bit now the toy
3005s though goes a little bit deep gets
3006s caught and you know again the first
3008s fight here on point B is so important
3009s and Finland has the edge sauna just
3012s getting rid of the Widow with authority
3014s and again I kind of Wonder I have to
3015s sign that are we getting a CQR swap you
3017s got a minute 30 left it's enough to
3019s build on something else and no committed
3021s to the Widow here one way or another hey
3023s was Landing a few shots
3025s yeah I mean this is uh kind of a
3027s nightmare scenario of Gibraltar I was
3029s talking about yesterday and you know
3030s even though the maps changed a little
3032s bit trying to recontest point B on the
3035s offense is brutal it's like pick a door
3036s any door there's death uh behind each
3039s and every one of them so uh we'll see I
3041s mean QR if you can get like a little
3043s poke getting the infosight up would
3045s actually be toys
3050s just went in a little bit in Finland
3053s their pressure and focus fire on the
3055s Tory has been incredible so far it's
3058s just ruined so many fights for Germany
3060s where they lose their tank immediately
3061s Recon site is up right now best chance
3064s for QR to get an early pick
3067s but uh final 45 seconds Dragon into the
3070s corner here QR goes down and Germany is
3073s just stuck in what can be best be
3076s described as the stairs of death right
3077s now and finland's not really trying to
3079s let him get out for free
3081s no I mean cloud is maybe biting off a
3084s little too much I think he's got flikers
3086s on each side but now he's getting some
3087s help from his team Sana meanwhile in the
3090s background just uh takes you know takes
3091s on both supports no big deal
3093s and that should be it unless Germany has
3096s one of their Infamous rallies that we've
3097s seen so far but with Phi getting pushed
3099s this part back
3101s kind of tough 15 seconds they will be
3103s able to touch but you know probably not
3105s gonna be a good one I feel like QR might
3106s have saw the money the way I saw this
3108s during like the last three pulse bombs
3110s directly on the QR QR went to the Hanzo
3112s now swaps to the Sombra at the very end
3114s two seconds left for Germany to keep
3116s this alive here on watch Point Gibraltar
3118s let's see if they're able to grab a good
3120s hack open with the rally Nano and Natori
3122s gonna get Primal up soon so fight will
3125s last a while if nothing else if they
3126s could get the stolen be huge the d-mac
3128s is there then this could be there nice
3131s found a cloud and Bossa both turning
3132s purple they get Cloud Masa gang love
3134s with Masa turns the tables on two cracks
3138s meanwhile on the payload you see uh V
3141s just uh
3143s keep it going but it looks still really
3145s good spot awful they switch out on the
3147s QR the almost disrespectful just takes
3150s him out of the sky and that's gonna be
3151s Finland
3152s finishing it off again no no pun
3156s intended don't even say it now I just
3158s gonna sit here and smile at that you
3161s know I know it wasn't intended which
3162s almost makes it all that funnier
3165s um yeah so you know the value came a
3169s little bit late you know I I do I I
3171s respect the the strategy though you know
3173s like we're we're not going to be able to
3175s mirror it let's try to throw a wrinkle
3176s in there and maybe our Widow catches the
3177s hot hand
3179s um it also forces sauna to kind of just
3181s be on Widow Duty which is like you
3183s mentioned like you saw in a pulse bomb
3184s Widow three times well that's kind of
3186s your job yeah in that composition is
3187s Tracer like you can send your tank up to
3189s it but then it leaves your back line so
3191s so wide open to peel um and I I really
3194s like masa's Brig that was really
3196s aggressive really well-timed rallies uh
3199s Mickey had had some nice shots there I
3200s thought you know
3202s um The Players I expected for Germany to
3203s play really well kind of did uh you know
3206s Phi is a pretty solid uh Tracer player
3210s and then I thought suit cracks really
3211s was putting in some damage uh to the
3213s point where they started really
3214s targeting down suit cracks so there are
3216s some some spotlights for this German
3218s Squad
3219s but Finland is a team that is still
3222s buying to get out of groups uh they
3224s needed to go 2-0 after losing a match to
3227s Saudi Arabia so they are now uh I
3230s believe two in one so far in the
3232s standings two and one with a pretty good
3234s map record as well so yeah finland's
3238s still staying alive in it and again it's
3240s one of those teams that maybe not all
3242s the star power of your Saudi arabias or
3245s teams like that but they've they've got
3247s players they've got players who have
3249s been playing at the highest level I mean
3252s I think of Masa and pestola playing at
3253s the highest level for years and years so
3255s definitely some Talent on the squad that
3257s perhaps been overlooked yeah I couldn't
3259s agree more and I'll also uh you know you
3261s take a look at still a long way to go I
3263s think there are a few possibilities for
3264s Germany to stay alive in the tournament
3266s but uh it's gonna be tough meanwhile you
3268s know we talked about how good is Finland
3270s and hex finlazer turns out pretty good
3273s but everyone that is just the first
3275s match of the day we still have so much
3277s more left in store we'll be back after a
3280s short break
3282s [Music]
3294s foreign
3296s [Music]
3318s [Music]
3336s [Music]
3342s foreign
3344s [Music]
3368s foreign
3371s [Music]
3390s [Music]
3402s [Music]
3422s foreign
3431s [Music]
3444s thank you
3444s [Music]
3472s [Music]
3496s thank you
3500s performing like the Golden State
3501s Warriors in their Prime we just watched
3504s Finland dunk on Germany zp and hex that
3507s was a fantastic game for Finland and you
3509s mentioned very important right we're
3511s into day three of the OverWatch World
3513s Cup 2023 emec qualifiers and these teams
3516s need every map they can get with only
3518s three teams moving forward from group a
3520s and two teams moving forward from Group
3522s B zp talk to us about that game what do
3524s we just watch man yeah I mean
3525s particularly on Gibraltar I think what
3527s we saw here was uh one of the great
3529s things that we always talk about in
3530s OverWatch where you play Widow right
3532s it's not even about strategy it's about
3534s are you hitting your shots like people
3535s go if you hit your shots and Widow
3537s everyone goes like man that was great
3539s their Widow was Unstoppable if you miss
3540s your shots you get the reaction of oh
3543s why did they play Widow you're missing
3544s your shots it's literally the equivalent
3546s of like in the NBA where a team shoots a
3548s lot of three-pointers and if they miss
3550s you go I can't believe they do this it's
3552s the most just biased on the results uh
3555s reaction you could ever have in anything
3557s and you know it sucks Reggie bases
3559s sometimes hit him sometimes you don't
3562s yeah hex did it feel like to you Germany
3564s could have even done anything like
3566s Stefan clay combining that window and
3568s DPS Duo were really so oppressive what
3571s do you do in that situation I mean I I
3573s really like what Germany did I mean I've
3575s said that time and again I think if you
3576s look on paper and your roster just looks
3578s like look we're not gonna beat these
3580s guys toe-to-toe doing exactly what
3581s they're doing let's take it to a map
3583s let's try to run a hot ham let's do a
3585s strategy that might throw them off and I
3588s think like the strategy itself it was
3590s fine and I like their defensive strategy
3592s as well of like you know so we we
3594s usually talk about it like on defense
3596s after you've played offense of let's
3597s play against the clock let's stall off
3599s points let's throw everything we have at
3601s it now on point a and point B worked out
3603s on point a didn't work out on point B
3604s but they were throwing in alts into
3606s uneven fights just hoping like can we
3608s get a reset can we get people in here uh
3610s so I like the game plan a lot and so
3613s maybe the execution wasn't perfect but I
3616s mean I think we're talking about the map
3617s like like it wasn't
3618s super close and it wasn't like close
3620s close but it wasn't bad like it wasn't
3623s bad there were moments for Germany so I
3625s think you hit a couple of those shots
3626s and you get a couple different Dives but
3628s you know it's just it's a more talented
3630s team feeling some more talented team
3631s absolutely yeah and it kind of reminds
3633s me of yesterday too when we watched the
3635s Spanish team play and we watched hero
3637s just absolutely dominate out the gate
3639s you know what I mean when you have
3640s moments like that Peaks there are bound
3642s to be valleys on the other team so that
3644s said beautiful match uh that we just
3646s watched let's take a look at the
3648s schedule and see what we've got coming
3649s up for the rest of the day because that
3650s was just the first match we've got seven
3652s total for the day so the next one up
3654s will be Iceland versus Norway followed
3656s by Poland versus Saudi Arabia and a ton
3658s of other matches throughout the day
3659s we'll keep you posted with all of that
3661s of course we're following group
3664s a through the first part of this day or
3666s group b sorry through the first part of
3668s the state and the last three matches
3669s will be following group a so we'll
3671s update you on the standings as we go
3673s through everything as it currently
3675s stands though teams are still vying for
3677s competition this is a two week round
3679s robin
3681s and only the top three teams from group
3682s a top two teams from Group B will be
3684s moving forward that said hex and zp I
3686s leave it to y'all Iceland and Norway
3687s just around the corner and I'll see you
3688s guys on the other side yeah Hudson as we
3690s get in the Iceland V Norway this feels
3692s like uh on paper the uh it's Norway's to
3695s lose right where Norway has looked
3697s really really good Iceland I don't think
3699s has had quite the upside but uh you know
3701s again in a tournament like this versus
3703s two there's always the chance of just
3705s changing expectations yeah I mean
3708s Iceland kind of just needs small
3709s victories here if they could take a map
3711s I think they would be happy with it
3712s because they're first two like they
3713s played uh Germany and they played Saudi
3716s Arabia and the Germany game you know
3718s wasn't all that great Saudi Arabia
3719s yesterday just popped them like that I
3721s mean it's kind of to be expected but
3724s Iceland couldn't get anything done
3726s um obviously like Iceland you know hoffy
3728s cool and finzi are names that we know
3730s with a ton of experience but so far they
3732s just haven't looked strong and they're
3734s gonna have their hands full with a tough
3735s Norway team
3737s um and maybe they start running some
3739s different strategies I think yesterday
3740s hockey will try to uh Echo mirror um
3744s against uh against yazan and that didn't
3747s work out but this is a situation where
3749s you're 0-2 you haven't won a map that
3752s you just need small victories small
3754s victories and maybe start switching up
3756s strategies man you talk about a player
3759s that's been in OverWatch since the
3760s beginning ethical has been around down
3762s for a very very very long time you know
3765s a player with his uh highs and lows but
3768s always good to see uh veterans on the
3770s scene I feel like I don't even remember
3771s the full context but I feel like half
3773s the cool was the origin of the like you
3774s guys get paid mean which like an actual
3776s team got made of I don't remember what
3778s he said the Gaza Cabellas we go way back
3782s uh but now we look over to Norway and uh
3785s only God what can you say about Odie got
3788s here x cause to me also since the
3792s beginning and very consistent yeah I
3794s mean so obviously only God is a known
3797s commodity we've seen how well they play
3799s but I want to talk about like pretty
3801s much everyone else on this roster like
3803s psycho Isaac JP and mimio with like I
3807s don't know how it hasn't become a meme
3808s it's the best name ever uh mimeo they've
3811s all played really really well like
3813s specifically Isaac's tank has been
3815s really good to see JP has been able to
3817s duel out tracers that pressure them
3819s psycho has had moments of on the
3821s secondary DPS like I think you know we
3824s talk about onigot because it's the name
3825s that we know and it's been around
3827s forever but the the supporting Talent on
3830s this Norway team is really really strong
3833s um and yeah so it's it's really good
3837s team they're 2-0 they're 4-0 on maps
3840s they can't afford a slip up today and
3842s Norway has been running like some
3844s interesting stuff like a junkrat and a
3846s doomfist on ironically so they're a
3848s really fun team to watch yeah and uh
3850s ilios is where kicking things I don't
3852s think we'll start a match on ilios yet
3853s for the games we've cast
3855s don't think so it's been all Legion uh
3857s no no because I haven't said murder hole
3860s yet yeah that's right uh on the well
3862s stage uh I remember if you had so uh
3865s ilios a little bit of variety for us at
3868s the very least uh should be interested
3870s to see what both teams have in store
3875s all right so
3877s um yesterday uh Iceland did play on
3880s ilios they had the unfortunate draw of
3882s Saudi Arabia and uh they tried to run an
3885s echo into it to try to put some pressure
3887s onto yazan didn't necessarily work out
3890s but maybe that's just their strategy
3892s um Norway it's it's really hard to
3894s figure out what they're going to do like
3895s I said they they ran a junkrats and a
3898s doomfist yesterday on control
3900s um not even as a meme but like as a
3902s valuable Strat it worked out really well
3903s so Norway is is that fun Squad to watch
3906s that they could run out with anything
3907s and we'll see what these teams want to
3909s run uh psycho and the echo could be a
3910s good thing too psycho's echo's been
3912s pretty solid yeah I like the
3915s here especially on ruins I mean there's
3917s a lot of room to work with also you stop
3919s and think about right the fact that
3920s Widow has been toned down a bit beings
3922s that you can run things like pharah or
3924s Echo here on the stage a little bit more
3926s freely than you've been able to in the
3928s past because you don't have to worry
3929s about just dying from Spawn right like a
3933s little bit of an advantage
3936s okay well both teams gonna come out with
3938s the teleporter and yeah difference is
3941s going to be Ash versus echo in the sky
3946s yeah Bryce and the question is will they
3948s be able to ground the echo or will
3949s psycho just do whatever he wants
3954s you know
3955s both teams feeling each other out and
3957s I'm just curious where psycho is on the
3959s setup Iceland meanwhile looking trying
3962s to get the point Isaac though goes down
3963s the focus fire onto the tank of Norway
3966s very intense psycho nearly fall
3969s I'm in Iceland coming out pretty strong
3971s here first control and you know for
3973s Norway kind of just wait till your
3975s Jungle Queen gets back
3976s yeah I mean that is the issue with
3978s running the
3979s um Echo and mercy right your ground
3981s forces are going to be way lower but
3983s like I mentioned JP as a sniper on these
3985s Flex supports gets a nice kill on Orion
3987s JP not to be confused with j3 as I
3990s looked every time I look at this like
3992s nope different person
3994s in the back with psycho really well
3997s coordinated dive they get down food Park
3999s and uh I'll just rewind that back up to
4002s level ground
4007s you can tell JP's different because JP
4009s hits their shots sorry
4012s actually you know what I'm gonna call
4014s about like a couple of his fans DM me on
4016s Twitter they're like hey can you make
4017s fun of j3 in the next Castle
4020s I love Jay we've known him for a very
4023s very long time yeah
4025s uh JP is is one of those standouts that
4028s you know not only got on this roster so
4031s 22 and counting up
4033s um and yeah psycho with the duplicate
4035s ready and a bunch of a bevy of ultimates
4038s available for Norway
4041s hang on to pulse bombs
4044s moving over drops the bottoms again
4047s step back into that one but a nice easy
4051s release psycho finding crazy on the
4053s other end and Norway just mopping on up
4058s yeah the the user ultimate advantage to
4061s to Great Advantage there but end up
4063s burning out three ultimate well actually
4065s four different ultimates
4067s um so Iceland should in theory have the
4070s next fight Advantage um at least like I
4073s would probably wait for Bob here
4075s toss Bob on the point and give you some
4077s entrance
4079s yeah you would think that'd be the
4081s opener here or something Nano haptical
4082s getting pretty low early on I think
4084s right now only in half equal may have
4085s been uh trading blows somewhere on the
4088s map that looked like a trace of gold
4089s from delphar Happy cool getting super
4091s low again
4093s here we go Rampage in icing we're gonna
4097s stay alive
4098s second yeah Iceland they're burning
4101s quite a few Altier hex and it's working
4102s out as it should
4104s yeah he had to I mean you want to give
4106s krizzy some credit there too because
4107s that was a pretty nice Rampage coming in
4109s on them but you know suzu on cooldown
4112s I'm able to to cleanse that anti-heal
4114s off of them pretty nice there ice is
4115s going to take over Norway is a single
4117s fight away but no ultimates to speak of
4121s um so actually you know a pretty close
4123s match up here
4125s yeah definitely closer than perhaps
4127s anticipated for the first round Muffler
4130s going in today's ready nice pulse one
4133s from happy
4134s and yeah I mean again you lose your tank
4136s that early and nothing else has really
4137s happened
4139s really stay in the fight at least until
4140s you get back up Rampage gonna be used
4142s Iceland looking good here but uh
4145s more than they can chew taking on down
4148s ethical though finds only God in the
4150s chaos it's still not bad for Iceland
4153s yeah I mean hopi's actually taken the
4156s better parts of these Tracer duels in
4157s the last couple of minutes it was
4159s looking rough that to start off the
4160s match but looking pretty solid Isaac on
4162s the point alone
4164s psycho yeah psycho it was a little bit
4167s quiet for a bit but not quite at all now
4169s picks up a quick two-piece 84 to 84. and
4174s now it's coming down the final fight
4176s Iceland they're gonna have the Kitsune
4178s rush but not a whole lot else here hex
4180s yeah I actually like Norway's small
4182s adjustment here of kind of keeping the
4184s Echo and mercy close to their junker
4186s Queen because in the early fights when
4187s the junk raccoon is getting kind of uh
4189s sold out a little bit on the ground uh
4191s there just wasn't enough healing but now
4192s that's a big problem huge shot from
4194s Orion looking forward to connect no does
4197s not hit so pulse bomb out of the way
4199s mimeo out of the fight early for Norway
4201s losing her definitely gonna hurt just a
4204s bit as Iceland gets re-controlled Norway
4207s mostly disengage from that though hex it
4209s was smart they realize they have a
4210s little bit of point to give
4213s yeah um a little bit so I mean they're
4216s gonna have Rampage they just hit every
4218s queue ever right both support ultimates
4219s out
4222s come immediately quick pick off for
4225s Norway psycho though on that story cycle
4227s gonna live he does Isaac finds okay on
4230s the other side only got fishes off happy
4233s and 99.99 but looks like Norway has
4236s found the way just gotta deal with Bob
4238s for a little bit
4239s as a critical kill onto the Anna as you
4243s look Anna now has Nano 95 when Oni God
4247s got that kill that is a fight-changing
4250s ultimate out of it really good Target
4252s fire Iceland putting up a heck of a
4254s fight though pretty strong play is there
4257s um individual plays like Orion hitting a
4259s single shot onto the mercy was critical
4261s uh open it up for them hafi I thought
4263s was getting bullied pretty early on like
4265s the first 50 of that fight
4267s um but ended up starting to win those
4269s Tracer fights and hitting some sticks so
4270s uh just took him a second to warm up
4273s yeah and uh yeah I mean overall very
4276s competitive performance by Iceland where
4279s you know I think he mentioned it but
4280s half a cup was going blow for blow with
4282s only God for a lot of that and even when
4284s it wasn't huntscreen you'd see both
4285s odigon and half a cool their health bars
4287s just get low restore Get Low restore
4290s that was just only God and happy just
4292s dancing with each other with for half
4293s the map okay so Iceland's gonna have a
4296s faster rollout here as they do run the
4298s symmetra
4299s um so now we've got dueling ashes psycho
4302s staying on the echo I think it's it's
4304s it's good Echo can be very good on this
4306s map just a matter of uh if Orion
4311s never mind just tap down by Oni gives
4315s Norway a pretty large advantage in the
4318s first fight I mean both DPS down Iceland
4320s I'm not gonna be able to do a whole lot
4321s unless you know crazy just goes full DPS
4323s here we go but don't see that panning
4325s out that way
4327s local car I'm about to go down here in
4329s just a second and yeah Norway gonna get
4331s first control but a lot of that just off
4333s the early pick on happy yeah happy cool
4335s is going to switch to the Sombra now in
4337s this case
4340s um can be good against like the mercy
4341s Echo but it also can be very good on the
4343s ground to try to neutralize the diva
4348s all right psycho floating around right
4350s now Iceland getting pressured as they
4352s try and go through the side building
4354s Norway right now just playing very
4356s reactive to what Iceland is doing not
4358s going for a hard engage here just yet
4360s just poking his Iceland tries to come on
4363s in Isaac though gets if the bio has to
4365s back out for a moment okay now comes
4368s into the back a pretty nice blankets
4369s enough to sleep in return and while it's
4371s going on Uncle car was able to get
4373s psycho on the other end but it doesn't
4374s matter Isaac just mows down to the very
4377s assisted by his team
4379s yeah I mean it will take it but I mean
4382s it is one of the big benefits the Divas
4383s is just the the the mobility you have to
4386s be able to chase people down
4389s even Mobility
4391s trying to find this kiriko yeah
4394s Iceland prioritize the point so they did
4397s get control for a little bit but because
4398s they lost
4400s people pretty decisively those very easy
4402s cleanup from Norway on the other end so
4404s Nora's like uh that's fine you can have
4405s 13 we prefer the positioning and winning
4408s the fight yeah so with EMP up he's just
4410s got to figure out which Target he wants
4412s you're not going to get a five-man EMP
4413s against this type of composition they're
4415s just simply going to be too spread out
4417s uh so it's really about picking targets
4419s Isaac has been the hack Target for the
4421s most part trying to neutralize this diva
4425s the EMP is the next thing to look at if
4427s he comes in and breaks out psycho and uh
4430s psycho's okay psycho protected against
4433s the hack and Norway immediately
4435s punishing I mean I think Iceland went in
4438s pretty hard expecting the empty to be
4440s better than it was and it just wasn't
4444s yeah I mean you know you you know you're
4446s in a bad spot with a diva just stops
4448s moving
4452s great Norway looking much stronger here
4454s on round two 93 to 13 last opportunity
4458s coming up here for Iceland Nano in the
4460s bank at the very least so you gotta look
4463s towards the Japanese game here yeah see
4464s what these can get caught out too uh spy
4467s check yeah his translator got killed he
4469s thought he could get out and yeah he had
4470s to touch a point Rampage in hits Isaac
4473s let's hit the fault there's no Isaac
4475s doesn't want any part of it goes for the
4476s bomb gets suckered after is the falter
4478s gonna be there it is but meanwhile
4480s Iceland Stills again the point Norway
4481s still in a pretty good position you're
4484s gonna be able to get a little bit of
4485s delay here from the junker Queen on the
4487s point
4487s Echo getting pulled out of the duplicate
4489s Norway respawns coming in still in
4492s control point but not a bad last push
4494s here from icelips apart keeping it alive
4496s but for how long can they manage I get
4498s psycho
4499s uncle car they can be pretty decent here
4501s the resurrection though comes in the res
4503s does appear to be denied Norway gonna be
4505s back up to a full five here in a moment
4506s they did lose control of the point and
4508s psycho goes down again this time caught
4509s by Food Park
4511s it's Iceland holds on a really good last
4513s push hex
4515s yeah it's just the the incredible
4517s sustainability of a jumper Queen right
4518s there it takes like your entire Squad to
4520s be able to deal with the junker Queen
4522s um and mitigate some of that damage
4523s Orion it's a huge shot
4528s Brian good pressure here from the back
4530s from Iceland
4532s thirty seven percent
4534s they're on The High Ground
4536s but they didn't really go ends up when
4537s you're just dead meanwhile Isaac has had
4539s enough goes to pressure the ash all
4542s right though dealing with the pressure
4543s fairly well so far but not anymore it
4545s goes to the spot where four members of
4546s Norway are just able to jump
4548s Isaac
4553s still not bad from Iceland really
4555s holding on to rush just used Norway
4558s having to respect it back out just a
4560s little bit more
4562s and Norway I mean they're trying to get
4564s all five back up but right now it's just
4565s this long brawl where they're not
4567s getting the point yeah I mean the
4568s problem is this junker Queen is just
4570s still alive and they don't have enough
4572s first damage to deal with finally goes
4574s down that's huge The Joker Queen has a
4577s needs doorway can actually stand
4579s on the point you see the Nano going down
4581s on the Orion that's not gonna be enough
4583s to delay for too long over time ticking
4586s down can Iceland pull the Miracle again
4588s no they cannot even get back on the
4590s point Norway takes it in two rounds
4594s uh yeah another really strong fight
4596s though from Iceland looking pretty good
4598s there is some good individual efforts I
4599s thought the junker Queen pick worked out
4601s really well there were a couple times
4602s like I think they did a really good job
4604s in the second half of that stage of
4605s focusing down the diva because without
4607s the diva they were just losing fights
4609s and there was no one to really contest
4610s Orion the junk raccoon was staying alive
4612s consistently putting in damage uh
4615s because they just couldn't find the
4616s angle on her so Iceland with a much
4618s stronger showing than I was expecting
4619s based on their first two performances
4621s granted one was against Saudi Arabia not
4623s really fair but um you know like I said
4625s they're 0-2 coming into this I think
4627s like you know there's there's something
4628s to build on here they've got some small
4630s potential yeah I mean you think about
4632s highlights here right where we've talked
4634s a lot about owning God half the cool had
4635s moments in this match where half goal
4637s was pretty evenly matching only God at
4639s points I think uh Focus fire and Isaac
4641s also from Iceland not the worst even as
4644s Isaac was playing pretty well like
4646s Iceland had moments where the team
4648s coronation was there the individual play
4649s was there but it wasn't there enough to
4652s actually take around
4655s yeah and so yeah I think yeah I not
4660s casted Iceland yet so far in this
4662s tournament I'm I'm pretty impressed now
4663s I'm actually a little surprised that
4664s their map record uh is as poor as it is
4667s they seem to have at least a strategy
4669s here uh Orion with another couple of
4671s clutch shots uh towards the end and just
4674s yeah this just not quite able to put it
4677s together not quite able to win a map but
4679s I did mention like coming into this like
4681s you need small victories and they're
4683s they're very close to getting one of
4685s those small victories like these these
4687s were closer control Maps than I was
4689s expecting based on prior results
4691s yeah and I mean again that's the cool
4693s thing about this tournament is that and
4694s we've said it a lot right now it sort of
4696s Testament to that but a lot of these
4698s matches even with a favorite team have
4700s been way way closer than you might have
4702s thought but all that being said it is
4704s Norway up one to nothing over Iceland
4707s will Iceland be able to make the
4708s adjustments they need to even up the
4710s series stay tuned we'll find out soon
4714s [Music]
4731s foreign
4736s [Music]
4771s foreign
4775s [Music]
4808s [Music]
4822s thank you
4825s [Music]
4839s thank you
4842s [Music]
4849s let's go
4852s [Music]
4881s foreign
4887s [Music]
4931s Norway looking strong against Iceland in
4935s our first map of the series but
4936s icelandex definitely some bright points
4939s to be had
4940s yeah I mean um it's it's one thing you
4943s know seeing them and seeing the results
4944s and then casting them you kind of get a
4946s whole different thing it's it's kind of
4947s how this tournament has gone so far if
4949s you look at the results you're like 2020
4950s oh these teams are bad but it's like not
4953s really if you look at a lot of these
4955s there's been some really really close
4956s matches and
4958s um I don't think the the groups are as
4959s far apart as perhaps we think
4962s um I swim with a couple bad matchups you
4964s know Germany looks pretty solid in the
4966s last match but also you know Saudi
4968s Arabia was brutal
4970s um but you know the format is really
4972s cool we'll see where Iceland wants to go
4974s previously when they lost to Germany
4976s they went to blizz World
4978s um and yesterday when they lost
4980s initially to Saudi Arabia they went to
4983s this map Havana it did not go well for
4987s Iceland against
4989s um yeah against Saudi Arabia and Havana
4992s yeah I don't know why you would bring
4994s Saudi Arabia to Havana where yazan's
4997s just gonna look and I'd be like so you
4998s mean I get to play pharah on point a and
5002s points
5003s it kind of went down in a weird way and
5005s we will talk about this probably when we
5007s when we do Saudi Arabia next but
5010s um I think the plan was is that they
5012s were gonna run a Widowmaker and and also
5014s like on defense it forces on to run a
5017s sojourn so they're gonna run this Widow
5019s uh to maybe deal with it and what
5021s happened was courts went off on on
5024s Widowmaker like went nuts on Widow uh so
5027s like that was the issue that happened
5030s so I mean I think they had a plan and it
5033s just ended up being like Oh with this
5035s Widowmaker on the other team You know
5037s despite having to deal with yazan on
5039s sojourn and yazana yazan played Fair on
5042s the offense but on the defense you can't
5043s really play fire on this map
5045s um
5046s so yeah it just happened that like
5048s quartz went off for Saudi Arabia on
5050s Widow so maybe like Iceland has this
5052s plan to to maybe run a widow again
5055s um and then see if they can get it
5056s because like you know to be done
5057s honestly Orion has hit some shots like I
5060s feel like the the long range hit scan
5062s for Iceland is not initiated you know
5064s it's kind of fun we talked a lot about
5065s God playing a lot of May yesterday and
5068s having a lot of time on it half of cool
5069s is another player that uh well ethical's
5072s done a bit of everything and uh his
5074s OverWatch career I think he's had stints
5075s where he's done tank he's had stints on
5077s DPS but I I feel like I've seen half a
5079s cool on May a pretty sizable Hound over
5081s the years as well
5084s yeah for for whatever reason when I
5085s remember the name I remember tank play
5087s but you know it's been a long long time
5090s um since I've seen happy in a
5092s competitive environment no happy I'm
5094s like 90 sure is done both he's like one
5097s of those players that you know had a
5098s role change over time
5101s but either way we're getting into it
5103s it's Norway on the attack in Iceland
5106s being up close to personal that was a
5108s very short road signing and gone as soon
5112s as he's there oh my God okay well that's
5115s a wrap just two taps with Hanzo two down
5119s all right
5120s that's fair
5122s yeah I mean it just that's that's the
5124s way to break spawn right there
5126s um JP is gonna die by the way a lot of
5128s those heroes are just designed to break
5129s spawn like the road hockey if you get a
5131s hook right away it's great uh obviously
5133s Hanzo can be really good um we'll see if
5135s Isaac stays on this
5136s um
5137s the orisa it's not a terrible matchup
5139s and Isaac's played a lot of different
5141s things as far as tanks go so not super
5144s surprising and the erisa is going to
5146s break spawn too maybe just wants to
5148s stick with it I only got a pretty decent
5150s position here getting a lot of free
5152s shots on the Iceland from the flank now
5155s moving in a little bit up close and
5156s personal Chrissy merely down and does
5159s get taken down off the bio couldn't find
5161s any opportunity to heal immortality
5163s field Not Gonna Save It Norway in a very
5166s good spot only God finally goes down but
5168s the disruption has been huge Iceland's
5170s down their tank and oh both teams have a
5172s tank but again these trains have been
5174s very beneficial for Norway on the whole
5177s yeah onigo's position there really set
5179s up uh everything he's on that top Left
5182s Flank and meanwhile psycho he's got the
5184s pincer so it's just where are you going
5186s to find Solace if you're Iceland I think
5189s Oni gotta ended up just like running
5190s away and dropping down because he ended
5192s up getting killed by the tank uh so yeah
5194s it's the double sniper on offense worked
5196s out really well again this is Iceland's
5198s map pick uh maybe you know they're
5200s picking it for their own offense but so
5202s far it has been all Norway
5204s Dragon strike going right down the
5207s middle this is big isolation on the aqua
5209s car here where we'd be able to get out
5212s uh squash of the bowl super super low
5214s right now if we don't punishes psycho on
5216s the Widow but oh as I say that the
5218s result comes through slams out two and
5222s that is point a in a Flash for Norway
5224s and this is Zenyatta is getting so much
5226s value of those four kills in the kill
5228s feeds and yada had assisted on uh three
5232s of them and it's it's just brutal
5234s because you know yeah you guys can see
5237s ocular switch too because you're just
5239s getting bullied out on
5242s on the ramatra you get discorded and
5244s both snipers firing at you you're in
5246s really bad trouble so oh Orion nearly
5251s got picked off I think that was one of
5252s those shots where if her last patch of
5254s ripe would be dead uh just slightly out
5257s of the kill range of Widow right now is
5260s psycho
5261s reconcise active looking for anything in
5264s the crosshairs I hit that one looking
5265s for the Zen on the other side
5268s Norway though getting a lot of space
5270s here Iceland is giving up a lot of
5271s territory respect to the range that's
5273s going on psycho finds crazy
5275s sets up the 5v4 only God good
5278s positioning the pressure at this end now
5279s turns the attention to the diva Uncle
5281s car's gonna get demecked here and a
5282s flash of the EMP though comes out I just
5285s don't know if it's gonna be enough like
5286s yeah you get psycho right after it but
5287s the rest of the fight is so Norway
5289s favorites JP is the cleanup
5292s I mean this is just looking like one of
5294s those momentum based fights here because
5296s you need to be able to hold on B like
5298s it's such a good defender's Advantage if
5299s you get set up on B but Norway took it
5302s away immediately Norway really wants to
5305s get through this you see psycho is going
5307s to switch just to the Tracer that's
5315s it finishes off awesome car gets
5317s punished by Orion though the counter
5319s Hanzo buying a little bit of space in
5322s Neo though she finds Chrissy Isaac on
5324s the Orion and Norway very very close to
5328s taking this food props for instance but
5329s it's always a sad Transcendence right
5331s x-ray use transcends at the end of the
5333s fight you never feel good about it even
5335s if it's all right move well I think they
5337s know how critical this point is the
5338s dragon's gonna come across a clear off
5339s the card just for a second and that
5341s should end up being it as the tank will
5343s fall as well but yeah you just see the
5346s importance being laid on this point if
5349s you can hold on B it's you know reminds
5352s me a little bit of Gibraltar in that way
5353s that if defense can get set up on B it
5355s becomes a nightmare for the offense and
5357s both teams understand that that's why
5358s Norway you know even looking early on
5361s they throw in the offensive
5362s Transcendence they really really
5364s prioritize getting B also because it's a
5366s difficult map to finish yeah I mean look
5368s most of the time in Havana if you're
5369s able to get beat you've probably already
5371s won the map it is not easy to get
5373s through b only God now on the Widow
5376s where an interesting swap up by the way
5378s usually don't see a team swapped to two
5379s different Widow players within the same
5381s uh map that's rare
5384s yeah definitely not something you
5385s normally see
5387s um
5388s but I I think it's because psycho had to
5390s come back on the Tracer and now with
5391s pulse bomb and you know you don't want
5394s to give that up but also you definitely
5395s need a widow at this point
5397s JP starts it out finds food thark and
5400s that is just a roll everything going
5403s right for Norway fight over before it
5406s really even begins and you know Iceland
5408s even used window on their exit they're
5410s kind of drained going to a drain point I
5412s don't know psycho don't do it it's like
5413s I was looking for the Bap as the pulse
5415s bomb
5416s oh you got a big thing it goes for in
5418s here if nothing else to at least get rid
5420s of the immortality field
5422s and yeah mortality field was used that
5424s was a good pulse
5426s you tried that was a strange engagement
5428s I think psycho like thought they deseed
5430s and didn't want to engage right away it
5431s was just very odd no no I I refuse to
5434s believe there's that level of honor I
5435s think it was just I don't know I think
5437s it was just waiting for the right
5438s opportunity psycho though finds happy
5440s Oni finds food thark Norway quick to
5445s kill sets up the five on three and how
5448s long can a tank
5451s uh delay well not long at all doorway it
5455s cleans up the rest half he comes back as
5457s fun immediately gets thrown to the
5459s ground and this is looking like not only
5461s a pointy finish but that's a ridiculous
5463s time thing for Havana hex
5465s that's crazy it's about two minutes in
5468s the bank for Norway really very little
5471s resistance uh from Iceland you know I
5474s guess they went all in on on point B to
5477s try to really hold it off there which I
5478s think is the correct strategy
5480s um you know try to really hold off on
5482s point B because then you can hold there
5484s for the rest of the map but then they're
5485s they're a little behind on economy then
5488s only got onto the Widow ended up just
5490s getting the better end of those Widow
5491s trades and psycho's uh Tracer went off
5494s as well
5495s um like I said we talked so much about
5497s onigo but you know JP gets opening kills
5499s Isaac with the the non-conventional tank
5502s play that we've seen so far through this
5503s tournament I mean running junker Queen
5505s on maps that other teams aren't running
5506s junker Queen on like notably I think
5508s blizzard world was one of them
5510s um then running this erisa and just kind
5512s of making uh you know Iceland's tanks
5515s life's really really miserable
5517s yeah Norbert looks really strong here
5519s we'll see if Iceland has a different
5520s strategy here again this was their map
5522s pick and it did not look that way
5524s yeah I'm glad you brought that up
5526s because if you didn't I was gonna bring
5527s that up that was Iceland's map and you
5529s would think if you decide hey we want to
5532s play Havana you don't just get crushed
5535s on defense at hard but I think if
5537s there's a reason for it hexia the one
5539s thing you brought up really Rings true
5540s is the idea of momentum right where
5542s Norway just got really good momentum to
5544s the point that Iceland really couldn't
5545s even catch their breath on point B and
5548s you saw the evidence of that where
5549s Iceland was you know basically trying to
5551s throw everything haphazardly to save
5554s point B at the end and they couldn't and
5556s it just escalated from there
5558s yeah not even gonna be a full hold here
5562s from Norway they just want to set up and
5564s get the good sniper positions uh Sigma
5567s of course can be really good on this map
5568s to hold corners but
5570s it's really just about avoiding onigard
5572s right now
5574s he's here said then done is what I'll
5577s say that ethical though it gets JP early
5579s really nice start for Iceland then yeah
5581s you think about the time pink they're up
5582s against they need to win every fight
5585s they can early and just keep it rolling
5587s so uh you know for Iceland they need
5589s more
5591s yeah I mean Iceland's got a pretty
5592s decent counter to to some of the heroes
5594s that Norway is running obviously hoppy
5597s cool is going to be on both Widow and
5598s Zenyatta Duty
5601s haven't seen much from Orion yet I
5603s haven't even seen where Orion is
5605s a little tap there pressure on the aqua
5609s car and
5610s see how that's going to develop Norway
5613s right now playing around the payload
5614s Isaac able to find Orion it's pretty big
5617s is only God gets uncle car
5619s and Norway's poke really really strong
5622s right now cycling will finish off frizzy
5623s and you know if you're happy you're just
5625s like well I guess I might as well build
5627s some oh well you would be building
5629s altive JP didn't just kill you
5633s uh pretty rough stuff there I mean the
5635s kill on two Orion early on on the ash is
5638s is one of the reasons I've only got able
5639s to get that next kill like doesn't have
5641s to worry about sight lines able to step
5643s out and do whatever Orion gonna even the
5645s score
5646s yep little Widow be Widow there Ryan
5648s finishes off only God and with that oh
5652s psycho can't die like psycho got so
5654s close to dying there because Norway is
5656s probably gonna need the pulse bomb to
5657s make the sex fight work Isaac though
5659s goes for the early flux menial has to
5661s use the mortality field early and Uncle
5663s guard doesn't care just annihilates over
5666s Norway everything going their way here
5667s so far when he goes back to the fight
5670s but it would be real tough to turn this
5672s as Widow right now there's just no
5673s covering fire whatsoever oh no that he
5676s was just getting pebbled down by the
5677s ramatra stick uh so I've heard so many
5681s great terms for that like you know um
5683s aquarium gravel uh the little tortilla
5686s chips like this yeah
5691s it's almost my favorite thing that
5693s happens when a new hero is released is
5695s to hear what people are going to call
5696s the abilities because No One's Gonna
5698s Call It Whatever It Is
5700s the community gets to decide for some
5702s Heroes it's simple like Sigma just it's
5704s rock he throws a rock it's a rock like
5707s what do you want here it's not accretion
5710s yeah yeah between I mean don't get like
5713s I've said a creek Shot Gas plenty of
5714s times but rock is a little bit more
5716s visceral win
5718s well Iceland's setting up here and
5720s they're in a pretty good spot because
5720s they're going to have EMP but Norway um
5723s the advantage between their defense and
5725s Iceland's defense is that they didn't
5727s lose everybody immediately so this is
5729s what I'm talking about getting set up
5730s here is so important uh Norway should be
5733s able to have people on several different
5735s vertical axes
5737s for the EMP could be huge at the door
5740s right now just poking on the side EMP
5742s ready to go you have to think the EMP is
5745s coming soon Norway though position in a
5747s way that makes the EMP a little bit hard
5748s for happy right now not the easiest
5750s multi-impy targets but doesn't seem if
5752s your EMP just secures one kill
5754s oftentimes that is enough Isaac under
5757s enough pressure the Nano he gets used in
5760s it where's that the Transcendence really
5761s really early and Isaac is still able to
5763s get Orion Transcendence or no psycho
5765s finish off both Arc as soon as it's over
5767s and you know Norway they're spread
5770s defense does work out pretty well
5773s yeah happy cool I think Mrs translocator
5776s banked it off a wall knew it right away
5778s only got able to clean that up no one
5780s saw that I didn't see that clip it
5782s everyone clipped that
5784s um
5785s I think that's what happened there uh so
5787s really what you're seeing a lot of times
5789s and it ends up being a very base part of
5791s OverWatch but the aggressor wins most of
5794s the time so there's being very
5796s aggressive with the Nano onto uh the
5799s Devo which was somewhat reactionary but
5801s then it ended up forcing out so many
5802s different ultimates now there's 220 on
5805s the clock I think it still has their EMP
5808s they got the best
5810s and yeah even though the MP comes out I
5812s mean I feel bad for happy there because
5814s the fight was doomed from the beginning
5816s as uh yeah Uncle Carl just says please
5818s finish it but yeah I mean loser back
5821s that early on okay you EMP great you're
5824s still down your back it's probably
5825s cursed
5826s well any of that by the way with wall
5828s hacks like you know he was just in
5830s trouble like the summer was just dead no
5832s matter what
5833s um and I think there maybe we're gonna
5835s switch off anyway so that's why the EMP
5837s comes in regardless uh if if not then
5839s you just you take your medicine and you
5841s just eat it and come back with EMP again
5844s but uh now you know pretty close to
5847s mere DPS
5850s um
5850s oh Orion gets the better JP I wonder
5853s where JP was standing there that's huge
5854s doorway is baking on the transcend for
5856s this entire fight this is a massive
5858s opportunity as Ryan gets another Orion
5860s with two on the Widow might be the end
5863s of it with psycho right on top over here
5865s but no more peel is really really good
5867s psycho forced back and uh yeah the way
5870s Ryan's playing right now we definitely
5872s protect Orion he's the best part of your
5874s team
5876s and now they're going to be able to get
5877s this High Ground here like this is
5878s widow's like favorite spot on this map
5880s it'll be Widow
5886s Isaac comes in over the top as one way
5890s of dealing with the threat only God
5891s meanwhile finds uncle car and Norway
5894s just devastating off the dive from Isaac
5898s yeah really nice dive really good
5900s coordination and Nora's done a really
5901s good job of figuring out what the
5902s problem is
5904s um you know in their matchups like well
5905s we just can't let this Widow beat us and
5907s now they just get to set up on B again
5909s again it's what we talked about why
5911s momentum is so important on these uh
5914s escort Maps is
5916s once you get set up on BM defense
5919s Iceland's gonna need Monumental
5921s Advantage they have more alts they've
5923s got better alts and Nora's got back up a
5925s little bit here you have the Recon site
5927s I think they have room to give here
5929s Isaac corrupts self-destruct hoping for
5931s one gets one somehow gets the bath oh
5935s man I don't even think Chrissy thought
5936s he was in range of that and there's no
5938s way boothark goes down transcend's gonna
5941s pop into Norway this should be it
5944s everything going doorway his way here I
5946s accidentally dropped the annihilation
5947s but the post bomb just stronger overtime
5950s ticks down and that's gonna be Norway
5952s taking the series
5955s yeah Iceland will go down on their own
5957s map pick on Havana obviously you saw a
5961s little bit more of their strategy on
5962s Havana than you were able to see
5963s yesterday against uh Saudi Arabia but
5966s yeah it's just a stronger team psycho
5969s and Only God that the damage line is so
5971s good like I mentioned JP hold his own
5973s Isaac is is kind of this weird curveball
5975s that you never know what you're gonna
5976s get as far as tank play has played
5978s almost everything uh the versatility of
5980s the single tank has worked out really
5982s well for this spot so very good look
5985s here
5986s um from Norway and yeah I don't know if
5988s people really had Norway doing as well
5991s as they have so far in this tournament
5992s but they they are rolling through some
5995s teams here and uh you know it's been
5998s impressive
5999s um mostly I think a lot of people just
6001s didn't know about the support and cast
6003s around oniga like I think people knew
6005s about onigard been around so long that
6007s you're like expecting okay that's you
6009s know some some high level play from one
6011s God has been in the leagues been at the
6013s top of contenders but it is all the
6015s pieces around that continue to impress
6017s me yeah and I think you know only God's
6020s one of those players where you look at
6021s their overall career OverWatch they've
6023s always been good but because they never
6024s hit like the true absolute tough Peaks
6026s it's like a point that people tend to
6028s sleep on even though you guys
6030s performance is still excellent and look
6032s there's some people that make the
6033s argument saying like hey there's some
6034s teams in the league that should have him
6036s on their roster but either way very good
6039s performance from only God psycho also
6041s you talk about DPS pretty good
6043s supporting DPS uh at times with some
6045s very high highs especially on the echo
6047s absolutely I think oniga is one of those
6049s players that can Elevate people around
6050s them because uh the versatility just the
6053s absolute versatility and also like kind
6055s of just the the personality and the
6056s humility of it all like you know just
6058s just being able to go back and grind
6060s contenders every time that like maybe
6061s the league doesn't work out and just be
6063s coming back and like you know just
6064s always he's always he's a Gamers always
6067s ready to game but also the like I said
6069s the versatility is is fantastic I can't
6071s think of a hero on damage that only got
6073s can't play
6074s yeah and well that being said the series
6077s was pretty good definitely closer than
6079s expected Norway though takes it coming
6081s up next it's gonna be Poland taking on
6083s the favorite in Saudi Arabia
6086s foreign
6088s [Music]
6110s [Music]
6134s foreign
6138s [Music]
6164s foreign
6166s [Music]
6177s [Music]
6190s [Music]
6240s [Music]
6251s [Music]
6259s thank you
6261s thank you
6263s [Music]
6305s welcome back to the OverWatch World Cup
6308s emec online qualifiers for 2023 I'm your
6311s host ambasco joined by zp and hex and we
6313s just had a pretty dominant showing yet
6315s again from this no uh from this team
6317s from Norway only God the rest of the
6320s support Squad and the tank lineup really
6322s coming through in a big way of course
6324s that was match two we've got seven total
6327s for the day here let's go ahead and take
6328s a look at the schedule zp and hex and
6330s see we've got coming around the corner
6332s because I believe our next Marquee
6334s matchup will be Saudi Arabia versus
6336s Poland which is bound to be a good one
6339s right lots of hype riding on the Saudi
6341s Arabian team but before we proceed let's
6343s take a moment to just recap what
6344s happened in that Norway versus Iceland
6347s match CB yeah I mean Iceland versus
6349s Norway again there were points where
6350s Iceland was mechanically competing with
6352s Norway particularly when you go back to
6353s control half the cool having his moments
6355s for Sony God but on the whole Norway
6358s just operating on a higher level way
6360s better coordination on their team Dives
6362s and just again higher level play overall
6364s and you know a little bit disappointing
6366s for Iceland whether you go to Havana and
6368s then you just get steamrolled on your
6371s defense uh something clearly went wrong
6373s there
6374s yeah I I really like this Norway Squad I
6377s like the more I watch them the more I
6378s like them I think like Iris harp on it
6380s like the versatility I said like you
6382s know only guys versus kill the house but
6383s just watching Isaac play tank um you
6386s know watching uh you know psycho being
6389s able to run Tracer and Echo and all
6391s these other things like they can run any
6393s composition
6394s um both of their supports have shown
6396s very good versatility to run both uh
6398s like an honor and a mercy and then a Zen
6401s and a kiriko so like it's a team that
6403s you know they're undefeated so far have
6405s lost a map which may end up going coming
6407s into it but it's a team that I think
6409s everyone should be afraid of because
6411s there's not anything that they can't
6412s play yeah I think you made a really good
6415s point earlier guys and when you talked
6417s about only God being able to lift others
6419s around them right because uh noritic
6421s Norwegian Squad norwegianic Norwegian
6424s Squad that's not a word but the other
6426s one was but they've done a really good
6428s job in that Oni God himself will keep
6430s talking about him and his versatility
6431s but time and time again he was shut down
6434s by the enemy team right individually and
6436s we saw that in the kill feed but it was
6438s the team that really came through so
6440s overall like you mentioned hex
6443s functioning fantastically as a group can
6446s they keep it together can they keep that
6447s map score in check because like we
6449s mentioned groupie only two teams will be
6451s moving forward uh forward from Group B
6453s and three teams from group ing so with
6455s that said let's head on into our next
6457s match of course you've got a great one
6459s here with Saudi Arabia versus Poland hex
6460s and CP I leave it to y'all and as we
6463s head into this uh the
6466s story here hex because you know Poland
6468s evolved you know they've looked a little
6469s bit better than expected at some points
6471s uh Saudi Arabia is strong and in the
6474s areas we're strong in they are
6476s ridiculously strong so I feel like the
6478s number one homework here if you're
6480s pulling coming in here is you better
6481s have a plan to control the skies you
6483s don't have to be in the skies yourself
6485s but you better have some way of dealing
6487s with the far play that is heading
6489s directly at you well I mean there's
6490s there's a couple things to talk about
6492s there I think even if you do you're
6494s still in trouble because quartz is still
6495s yeah really good like so like yesterday
6499s um even when they they like uh when
6501s Iceland force giz on off of the pharah
6504s when they played Havana yazan played a
6506s sojourn and there were a couple moments
6508s where like lit up The Kill feed but it
6509s was always gonna be quartz courts had
6511s like three K's 4ks hurts is an ultra
6514s talented uh damage dealer in their own
6516s right I think the only map we've seen
6519s Saudi Arabia lose was on a lijong tower
6521s where they ran yubi as torbjorn which
6524s was just kind of an interesting little
6525s wrinkle I don't think we'll be seeing it
6527s again
6528s um so I mean I guess the thing is and
6530s this may be not for for Poland but I
6532s think Saudi Arabia is not unbeatable
6534s right they've lost a map let's keep that
6536s in mind they've lost a map against
6538s Finland Finland did take a map off of
6540s this team it was lijong and Finland did
6542s it by playing uh a lot of Cass and Diva
6546s so your cast doesn't have to beat the
6550s pharah mercy in fact I think it's
6552s unreasonable to expect one hero to beat
6554s two Heroes but that has to put them in
6556s check a little bit to make them a little
6558s bit afraid to do something like else so
6560s there is a blueprint ish of how to
6563s defeat uh the sky dominance of Saudi
6567s Arabia but it's gonna be difficult to
6570s replicate so yeah I just want to put it
6572s out there Saudi Arabia has lost a map
6575s beatable we've seen them bleed is what
6578s you're saying essentially is that we can
6580s see the bleed but this is of course the
6582s Poland roster where you've got uh not
6585s the real Jake not to be confused with
6586s the other Jake but the fake Jake which
6588s is one of the best names we've seen
6590s around I feel you know I didn't take a
6592s look back to look at chat because this
6594s is not something you do but I have to
6595s assume that just having Jake in your
6597s name means you're gonna get a lot of
6598s Jake Wells no matter what you do so
6602s I mean this is a team that went to map
6605s three against turkey in a pretty close
6607s match
6608s um and you know they they're not winless
6610s they've won map so far in the tournament
6612s I don't think there's great expectation
6614s for this team but I think that you know
6616s just having some small victories the one
6618s player I did think stood out a little
6620s bit amongst the others was Texel on the
6622s flex support a couple of really nice
6624s kills and a couple of nice streaks I
6627s think you know obviously they're going
6628s to be over match with Saudi Arabia which
6630s most teams would be
6633s um but you know if if icab is is best
6635s hero is Cass I'd like to see them at
6637s least try it but it's it's a really
6640s difficult ask for Poland here um against
6643s you know probably the favorite in group
6645s b right now yeah I mean look we have set
6648s this up uh you know last time we talked
6651s like this uh Sweden lost so there's
6653s always the possibility right but given
6656s that we've seen teams play a little bit
6657s more we've seen the actual active
6659s performance you know a bit more in our
6661s face uh I'm interested to see what
6663s Poland does here because it does feel
6664s like a very very uphill battle
6672s was short now we're back to Nepal and in
6675s fact uh we've done three matches today
6677s here hex we've actually fully swapped up
6678s we did lijong ilios now Nepal variety
6683s well that's what's the spice of life as
6685s they say
6686s um so far things have gone pretty much
6687s according to uh script as it were so I'd
6691s be really surprised if Saudi Arabia
6693s doesn't 2o this in pretty quick fashion
6696s um but
6697s yeah I I just I don't see a blueprints
6701s in which Poland can pull any of this off
6704s um
6705s yeah I mean I I guess mostly like all of
6707s my prep today was just thinking like
6709s Theory crafting how do you beat Saudi
6711s Arabia I watched all the tape and it was
6714s mostly like this like vestola harassing
6717s and then the Cass uh cast on the ground
6720s not necessarily getting kills but making
6723s them respect sight lines
6726s um and I think one thing that gets
6727s overlooked a little bit when we talk
6728s about yazoon is just how good uh the
6730s mercy player I think it's a Haku if I'm
6732s remembering correctly um is just good at
6734s hiding it's just really really good at
6736s staying out of sight lines because
6737s obviously you don't want to be shooting
6739s far you want to shoot the mercy then get
6741s to the par
6742s um but just the team overall is so good
6744s and like I said
6746s I think we've we've maybe overlooked
6748s like the rest of this squad which is the
6750s core of Twisted minds and watching some
6752s of the tape of of the Pro-Am of when
6754s Twisted Minds beat nyxl
6756s they they look like they could go
6758s toe-to-toe with literally anyone in the
6760s world yeah also there is like one hidden
6763s storyline on Saudi Arabia where the
6765s player only played for one map and I
6767s think it was the map they want I forget
6769s if they won a lost uh but I think it was
6770s what that they lost was uh we talk a lot
6774s about quartz and how courts is playing
6775s there was a brief period of time where
6777s they had a player called UB playing on
6779s the torp and then did he feel like torb
6781s on that was that was the the map they
6783s lost yeah yeah so so they played uh with
6787s the roster that they've been running
6788s ever since the map with UB they have not
6791s dropped the map uh since they brought in
6793s courts but there was like that period of
6794s time where they would go when we're
6795s playing on control or brain yubi who you
6798s know not playing a whole lot about I
6800s guess maybe a torb specialist but that
6802s was it
6805s um yeah I mean even even in real time I
6807s remember seeing the tour of and like
6808s trying to be like well maybe it's to
6809s make them look at different places well
6811s you soon shoots them down but I think
6813s quartz is just such a talented player
6815s that you don't really want to take them
6816s out of the roster I mean just even
6817s watching quartz play widow
6819s um yesterday on Havana was
6822s just astounding the the target
6824s acquisition time which is one of the
6826s things I always look at at widows is not
6828s necessarily like are you hitting every
6830s shot but like how quick are you
6831s switching from one target to another
6833s it's one of the reasons I I predicted
6835s that happy would be one of the best
6836s widows in the league when he entered you
6838s know you're not going to get an
6839s OverWatch cast with me without talking
6840s about happy
6841s um
6842s but it was just like being able to
6844s switch from one target to the other and
6846s then quartz also can play a really good
6848s cast courts can play a really good
6849s almost everything so I think it's it's
6851s such an interesting and difficult
6853s problem when you look at Saudi Arabia of
6855s okay we need to focus on killing the
6858s Farah and the mercy and even if you do
6860s that then you still have another problem
6862s on your hands right you still have an
6864s issue uh of dealing with it with the
6866s rest of the crew on the ground it would
6868s be interesting today to see if Saudi
6869s Arabia wants to try different things you
6871s know against a team that they're
6872s expected to be so in case you're
6874s wondering why we're just saying here
6875s tell
6876s talking and talking look it's not
6879s everything up right now we're waiting
6881s for the teams to load in I think uh you
6882s know what players had a good issue or
6884s one of those things so in the meantime
6885s we just get to sit here and Theory craft
6887s about Saudi Arabia what we've seen
6889s what's going on in the decisions behind
6891s it and not just layer one uh where you
6893s know there's multiple layers of what we
6895s could do the fill time and uh yeah we'll
6898s go through every single one of them if
6900s need be hex I whip it down some paths uh
6902s over the years
6903s well Saudi Arabia waiting to load in is
6905s is not Ultra surprising I think uh you
6908s know our our colleagues yesterday
6911s mentioned the only thing that can beat
6912s Saudi Arabia is Ping and pauses
6915s um so uh perhaps they you know Saudi
6918s Arabia versus the server might be a more
6920s interesting storyline
6922s um but yeah it's service winning right
6924s unless it turns
6926s there's a team that like came in with I
6928s don't want to say a lot of hype but like
6930s enough people knew about Twisted minds
6933s and looked at this roster and knew about
6934s uh yazan uh to be able to look at them
6937s and say ah well they could do it but now
6941s like after seeing the performance it's
6943s like well who's gonna stop them who who
6945s is going to stop this team all right
6947s well you know we're gonna stop we're
6948s gonna stop filling because we're gonna
6950s take a quick break while we get all the
6952s players in the lobby we will Corral them
6954s we will make them play but also we'll be
6956s right back
6958s [Music]
7036s thank you
7040s foreign
7043s [Music]
7049s [Music]
7094s thank you
7110s [Music]
7115s foreign
7119s [Music]
7152s foreign
7155s [Music]
7176s you know it took a little bit but we got
7178s the admins on the case we have found the
7179s players we have put them in the player
7181s boots as it were uh we got him Max
7187s all right uh let's make them fight I
7190s guess let's make them play play the game
7192s um it would be a tragedy of sounding
7195s very bad to like you know concede a
7197s match to Poland or something just throw
7198s throw everyone's bracket off but um you
7201s know speaking of brackets like today has
7203s been pretty much by the chalk uh I think
7205s some people maybe expected Germany to
7207s play a little bit better but it's a
7210s tough tough opponent so when you look at
7212s group b
7213s um pretty much I mentioned yesterday
7214s that like the teams that we're seeing
7216s today that we expected to win are like
7218s the the three that we expect going
7220s forward Norway Finland and Saudi Arabia
7223s so uh I think that's still how it's
7226s going to shake out unless Sweden catches
7227s on fire but Sweden's oh and two really
7230s tough I don't necessarily see I mean
7232s Iceland's Owen two like when you start
7234s going down 0-2 it gets brutal but you
7236s know as I mentioned there's three teams
7238s I think are at the top only two teams
7239s get up
7241s yeah I mean this is again a tournament
7243s where every map every match is of the
7247s utmost importance because you don't know
7249s if that'll be the Difference Maker
7250s between you being in or you being out
7253s right yeah sorry you did it I do wonder
7257s if we'll see UV play today
7259s I guess you know again the question is
7262s like do you swap out Court who's been
7264s playing so well especially yeah
7266s yesterday but for reference we are
7268s waiting on just one last player the uh
7270s the Difference Maker was is that so you
7273s have for tournaments right you have a
7274s schedule where you go this is the
7276s expected time a team will play but you
7279s know for the broadcast you go from match
7280s to match match as soon as one finishes
7282s and we're ahead of schedule so I guess
7285s what happens I teach Saudi Arabia
7286s thought oh we're starting on the actual
7288s time right it's like no no the other
7289s matches have started quicker we need you
7291s in here now so that's why we've just uh
7293s been waiting
7294s yeah I mean uh So speaking of you I mean
7298s UB is part of this core Twisted minds
7299s thing and we're not clowning on him at
7301s all it's just it is the one match and it
7303s was horrible I'm kind of I'm cloning
7304s more on tour than I am but you know
7306s thinking about it if they go to Nepal
7308s it's actually not terrible to run tour
7310s but a couple of those stages uh there
7313s there's definitely some spots you can do
7315s it in but it also might be a situation
7317s too where
7318s um you know I think the the expectation
7321s is is that they they dominate Poland and
7323s so it could be one of those of like
7324s let's try out different strategies today
7327s let's let's make sure that everyone gets
7328s play time that everyone can can get in
7330s and try out maybe this is the thing we
7333s want to do on this map let's let's just
7335s work on some stuff or it could be like
7337s oh we didn't know we had to play let's
7339s get this done in 10 minutes so it could
7340s be one of one of the two things yeah I'm
7342s not certain Mitch yeah I mean I feel
7344s like for OverWatch World Cup and nature
7346s of the tournament it's not quite the
7348s same as the OverWatch League where
7349s you'll definitely have some days where a
7351s team is clearly just trying stuff out
7353s because you know they have room in the
7355s you know the standings and you know
7357s there's a gap between the two teams like
7359s you know years past right like some of
7361s the really good shock teams you could
7362s tell when something was going on where
7364s Krusty was just going yeah I'm gonna try
7366s some stuff like just absolute Madness
7369s right I I don't know if you see that
7371s dynamic as much in the original cup
7373s again just because of a compressed
7375s schedule and also you don't have like
7377s the shock like way ahead you know
7379s standings wise and Krusty wanting to try
7381s stuff out so you know it just depends
7383s well it's awesome an issue of like you
7384s just really can't be dropping Maps here
7386s as well you know Saudi Arabia has
7388s already dropped a map so you know it's
7389s something to be concerned about as I
7391s mentioned how tight group b is gonna
7393s shake out to be
7395s um I mean the shock used to be one of my
7396s favorite teams because they didn't do
7397s that like the shock if they were going
7399s to beat a team big 3-0 and go home right
7401s they didn't mess around so like good
7403s thank you for wasting my time uh so I
7405s appreciate it most of the time there
7406s were a few like that just is like let me
7408s try well like violet McCree or Violet
7411s Cassidy rather so when was it that super
7413s was on Genji that was a thing hey I will
7416s I will hear no slander about Matthew
7419s like that was a why do we live in a
7421s universe where they just like that would
7423s be really good right now we're gonna put
7425s super on Genji like come on what how did
7428s that get approved he's a gamer he's just
7430s he's just a gamer
7432s um you know what the the funny thing is
7433s and this would be the last point on it
7435s I've seen worse Genji's in the OverWatch
7437s League than super scanji I 100 happy so
7441s um all right anyway let's talk about the
7443s map at hand the match at hand as well we
7446s have Poland going against Saudi Arabia
7449s Saudi Arabia of course one of the
7450s favorites in group b to go forward it
7453s looks like they will be running their
7455s standard lineup uh yazan and quartz will
7458s be in there KSA sir machete Haku uh fake
7462s Jake loading in icav Forever flipper and
7465s Tech soul for the side of Poland
7467s um so I mean the question is do they um
7470s yeah I mean do they go to the sky right
7473s now it's it's hard to tell uh probably I
7476s don't see Haku playing life Weaver yeah
7478s I was gonna say it's one of those things
7479s where it's like usually you look to
7480s sports because the sports are less
7481s likely to change up what they're doing
7483s but the wife life Weaver probably not
7486s accurate you see the mercy they're going
7488s to the sky
7490s uh National teleport out quick and get
7492s everyone else to the point and then to
7494s the sky so a lot of pressure going to be
7497s on uh forever and icap to see if they
7499s can do already gone that was fast and
7503s forever was trying to block that was the
7505s ridiculous part yazan just finds the
7508s opening and wow that that's quick
7512s yeah I mean what more can you say you
7514s had the diva trying to protect the hit
7516s scan and the rockets still hit their
7518s mark
7521s yeah not much you say uh there's gonna
7522s be a switch from the ash to the Cass um
7525s I do think Cass is a little bit better
7527s against the far mercy and perhaps if
7529s they you know fly a little too close to
7532s the ground you can use the new nade
7533s looking for it gets it
7536s no chill no fear either is what we're
7539s seeing here x
7543s yeah I didn't really know what else to
7546s say 90 already nearing The Barrage
7549s um Poland getting pushed back towards
7551s their spawn
7553s yeah and you see the diva pressure code
7554s yet but his hand just doesn't care
7556s there's absolutely I mean he might as
7560s well be invincible
7561s right now that's what we're seeing
7562s there's just no counter pressure coming
7564s in because the players are trying to
7566s pressure you Zan are just getting sent
7568s constantly back to spawn this is unreal
7571s oppression from the skies right now no
7574s if you get pushed back this far maybe
7575s you you start like just running a widow
7578s and an ash out of Spawn and just hoping
7580s for for a double shot maybe maybe you
7582s have to go Zen oh you're trying to help
7584s out with this oh he goes for it he gets
7588s to immediately get limbs
7590s what in the world
7595s I kind of just want to just just let
7596s people watch
7598s what do you want me to say here yeah
7601s yazan's hitting all the shots yeah can
7604s we get analysis of the pharah that's
7605s doing everything
7607s please
7609s I mean look so you know High noon's
7612s gonna be up momentarily get get a dead
7614s eye might force them to the ground uh
7616s you might have to go to something where
7617s you don't try to counter this where you
7619s just try to rush in and I think that was
7620s the idea there yeah they tried to Rush
7623s In And also got rocketed to
7628s be a very quick series if there is no
7630s answer to what yazan is doing right now
7632s because
7633s I mean
7634s this is brutal I we've seen one-sided
7637s OverWatch over time hex this is actually
7640s up there like this is cracking uh at
7643s least the top 15. yeah
7647s I mean it's it's kind of morale breaking
7650s for the most part too that that one's
7652s that one's rough quartz come on
7655s that's you know what usually I'm for
7658s trash talk I do not like that right now
7660s I
7661s they couldn't even get a spot like what
7664s are you doing
7666s uh I mean I guess it's a good time as
7668s ever to to re-educate people on C9 C9 is
7672s not when you don't touch the points C9
7673s is essentially an unforced air when you
7676s make a mistake that you didn't have to
7677s that you could have touched the point
7679s and you didn't I don't think there was
7681s really an opportunity there I guess
7684s flipper came close to getting to the
7686s point
7687s um but yeah I mean I guess if you're
7688s pulling like I would I would like the
7690s the symmetra rollouts and then you just
7693s try to to rush a point maybe run a more
7695s sustainable composition and try to pick
7697s off any of these ground targets yeah and
7700s you know sometimes be like ah just
7701s ignore the far I don't know how much of
7703s this you can ignore I mean you can't
7706s really but like when they tried to focus
7708s it it didn't work so yeah I know it just
7711s what do you do right now we're looking
7714s at Flipper's point of view but is on
7716s just curious what is on hey goes down
7720s all right you got rid of the lifeline
7721s but also seeing the zombie affects the
7723s view without the mercy at times
7724s we'll see though this is a pretty good
7726s opening not the best they can hope for
7727s can say though takes down icab he's on
7730s is still in the skies doesn't have to
7733s worry about the cast anymore
7735s Mercy I believe is back the diva out of
7738s it and Saudi Arabia still just piling on
7741s a little bit of finish there from Nissan
7743s and once again Saudi Arabia first
7745s capture
7746s yeah I mean it is part of the the recipe
7750s I guess to be able to deal with a fear
7751s of Mercy is I think having that diva is
7754s critical to to pressure down the the
7757s mercy
7758s um Mercy is so slippery though with the
7760s movement that even setting the fire at
7762s her like it's it can be very difficult
7765s and now this is kind of a reminiscent of
7767s last stage new grenade Planet Sports
7771s it helps he's off right now under a lot
7774s of pressure for the diva Diva forever is
7776s going out a little bit more aggressively
7777s so I think needs to be happening but
7779s here comes on the bras is ready drop the
7780s balls and back gets icav right away but
7783s this time it is a press Q to die
7785s straight out so it's not for the worst I
7787s don't know if hockey has res or not
7789s Valkyrie gonna be used fake Jake finds
7791s KSA
7794s comes in the threat is back once more
7798s this is Ann into the skies finds Texel
7802s and that's one of the things where you
7803s can't let the rest come in I think
7805s hockey did a great job of delaying and
7806s then finding the opportunity though yeah
7808s it's delaying popping Valk making sure
7810s that the you know ability to heal and
7812s the movement's there so really well
7814s played you know like I will give Poland
7817s credit though of like figuring out their
7820s best chance at dealing with it as I
7822s mentioned like in the in the pre uh
7824s preamble to this match
7826s yes
7829s when Saudi Arabia has lost it has been
7832s against a cast Diva composition so like
7834s this is the the comp to do it to be able
7837s to pressure
7838s um and obviously it's going better than
7839s the first stage yeah and I mean part of
7842s it the Dead Eye there was huge it got
7844s rid of Haku it got rid of Hisense head
7846s or uh Lifeline however he flips no one's
7850s got it yeah
7851s but Saudi Arabia has key members back
7854s onto points and a little bit indoors
7856s fire there for a second for whatever you
7858s know indoors you want to call the Bell
7859s fake Jake working on the mercy pressure
7861s it's pretty decent Mercy pressure but
7863s aku's gonna shake private now time kind
7866s of pressure onto the Tracer pulse bombs
7867s ready to go big dick we're gonna put it
7869s definitely looking for the tank here I
7870s think goes for the stick gets the stick
7871s but also doesn't really matter still
7875s plenty of Shield to work with quartz
7877s finds texol and Saudi Arabia the the
7881s mechanical difference here hex is kind
7882s of overwhelming in The Barrage
7884s successful
7886s yeah 90 Poland's gonna have a really
7889s tough time getting back into this one
7891s especially as flipper gets taken down
7893s fake Jake goes down
7895s um look uh improvement from one stage to
7899s the next
7900s it really shows what the first round was
7902s where you have 32 percent of the second
7903s round you're like you know what that's
7905s good that's that's better than what we
7906s saw before I mean
7908s you know there was a bit of resistance
7910s but man it was not much as the shed just
7913s takes off three at the end uh magenta's
7916s also pretty good support by the way I
7918s haven't had to talk about this yet a
7920s whole lot but uh
7921s oh that is actually disrespect the pulse
7925s bomb on another Tracer oh boy yeah
7928s that's uh that was a stick too I think
7930s yeah that was it was pretty mean
7933s sticking another Tracer is I mean this
7935s actually feels really good one of your
7936s trades yeah it
7940s absolutely
7942s and and we we all know that that happens
7944s and that we kind of expected that to
7946s happen what I do respect out of Poland
7948s though is like having done the homework
7950s and kind of figuring out like this is
7951s our best chance at it our best chance to
7954s be able to take down the the terror in
7956s the skies like
7958s the the debug works out I think the diva
7961s in in the cast so far from what we've
7963s seen have been the only things that are
7965s somewhat effective uh you can also you
7968s know ignore it and run ground and pound
7969s and try to go through it but that also
7971s it just seems like an inevitability when
7974s you do that of like even if you wipe out
7975s everyone on the ground it ends up being
7977s a problem Poland probably should have
7979s known that one was coming so the barrage
7982s um you know ignore that one but yeah so
7986s it's this is this is who this team is
7988s and it's a question of who is going to
7990s be able to find a successful answer to
7993s it I don't know if they're in this group
7995s or in this region necessarily
7998s it's tough I think even if everyone is
8000s playing at a super high level
8003s when you have a pharah that is playing
8005s at this level a lot of the common
8007s anti-farest strategies don't work I mean
8009s the most common anti-fart strategy ever
8011s since the beginning of the time is well
8012s ignore the pharah fight the team can't
8015s ignore a pharah that is playing this
8016s file it is not just something you could
8019s do and it does change a bit in terms of
8022s what your response has to be but either
8025s way that was map number one Saudi Arabia
8028s dominant doesn't even quite describe it
8030s we'll pull and be able to find something
8032s in the bank to counter the Unstoppable
8034s pharah we'll see in just a few minutes
8038s foreign
8044s [Music]
8066s [Music]
8077s thank you
8080s [Music]
8085s [Applause]
8086s [Music]
8103s [Music]
8113s [Music]
8124s foreign
8128s [Music]
8132s [Applause]
8132s [Music]
8152s hahaha
8166s [Music]
8178s [Music]
8180s thank you
8182s [Music]
8202s foreign
8207s [Music]
8222s [Laughter]
8229s [Music]
8258s thank you
8261s we said at the beginning I'll say it
8264s again when you go up against Saudi
8265s Arabia you have to have a plan to deal
8267s with the air and Poland hex they had a
8270s plan but it was not executed at all the
8272s only thing that was executed was a whole
8274s lot of rockets raining down upon their
8276s heads yeah I mean let me paraphrase one
8278s of my favorite quotes of all times
8279s everyone's got a plan until they get a
8281s rocket in the face
8282s um so I like I said like I think that
8285s Poland did their homework said like this
8286s is our best chance against it
8288s um and you know they saw it improve a
8290s little bit from stage one to stage two I
8293s think a lot of that is the the geometry
8294s of it like that is that very first stage
8297s um is one where ffara can just hang out
8300s over those rooftops you've nothing you
8301s can do about it you just get shredded so
8304s it is going to be Poland's map Choice
8306s next and so he's just sort of thinking
8308s of like where is Pharaoh like the least
8310s good
8311s um yeah maybe blizzard world so their
8313s their previous
8315s um map loss and map pick they went to
8317s Circuit Royale so this is a little bit
8319s different for Poland but
8320s pharah blizzard worlds I mean you might
8323s not see it I think it's more more of an
8325s echo that we've seen lately but uh again
8327s you know yassan's only part of the
8329s problem you still have to deal with like
8330s four other really good players on this
8333s team well it's kind of like layer one
8335s right you know it's you know if you
8337s think it back to like fighting game
8339s theory there's this idea that you know
8341s if someone can't get through some very
8342s basic stuff you're doing you don't have
8344s to show them what else you have in store
8346s right so it's like for Saudi Arabia if
8348s you can't show Saudi Arabia that you
8350s could deal with their pharah you know
8352s you don't get to see everything else
8354s like you don't have to worry about the
8355s fact that quartz is just ridiculous or
8357s anything like that because you're too
8358s busy dying to rockets and spawn you know
8361s they have to Poland has to get through
8362s stage one if they want to get the stage
8364s two
8366s yeah um I mean I don't really dislike
8368s the map pack it's kind of wide open
8370s you've got some sight lines I was gonna
8371s say actually before we went to break so
8373s I wonder how much the Widow changes
8375s really do hurt your counter against
8377s pharah uh because like it used to be a
8380s really strong counter just because of
8382s the distance you could almost pretty
8384s much Dodge rockets and still hit shots
8386s uh so I wonder like if that's really
8388s playing into it I don't have enough of
8390s the sample size to really think about it
8392s um but it might be part of it because
8395s you really want to be able to hit those
8397s shots from a really long range and take
8399s out the mercy and with that nerfed that
8402s might be part of why this is going so
8404s well
8404s but only only a part of it not not the
8407s the whole of it
8408s yeah I mean it's definitely very very
8410s helpful and yeah I mean I do feel like
8414s you know something that we haven't seen
8416s as much but you could see in response
8418s right is that if you can't run the Widow
8421s normally you know there's the idea that
8423s you could damage boost the Widow the you
8425s know put over the top for those sorts of
8427s shots like you could run like a mercy
8429s widow or like Mercy Ash and basically
8431s counter pocket we haven't seen a lot of
8433s that but you know in theory that is
8434s something you could do against a far
8437s that's giving you this degree of trouble
8439s and yeah we'll see what Saudi Arabia
8442s goes with here uh it's also the case too
8444s whenever you win map one that heavily
8445s the other team could mess around a bit
8447s but haku's going to the mercy and it is
8450s going to be the echo that comes on
8451s instead you called it okay yeah well
8453s Poland's also brought in uh phillian who
8455s was uh I think the only player holding
8457s over from their last World Cup team so
8459s the the only veteran returning uh will
8462s come in to replace icav uh yeah
8464s definitely a better Echo map here uh
8466s we've seen Echo from teams that aren't
8469s as vertically gifted as Saudi Arabia on
8472s this map so it makes sense
8474s meanwhile taking a look here at Saudi
8478s Arabia we got a quartz over here to the
8481s left on the ash pretty decent sight line
8483s right now just focusing on the diva
8485s gonna get the d-mac of course there's a
8487s group effort at the same time hey
8489s chickasail to get Quartz while we're on
8491s but the trade's still way way better for
8493s Saudi Arabia Zan over and on the point
8497s looking for the Tracer Philly on running
8499s for his life the resurrect comes in Hawk
8502s is so good at getting these late rez's
8503s after the camping of the body has failed
8505s that should be a dead map you're just
8508s completely surrounded and this is gonna
8510s be a very quick point for Saudi Arabia
8513s yeah I mean fake JK and Fillion were
8516s able to collapse on courts and take out
8518s some of that long range damage but
8521s yeah this this is gonna be difficult now
8524s oh that is so clean hey whether it be at
8529s the pharah or the echo yazan has just
8531s made his home in the air It's Just
8535s Deadly in terms of knowing when the
8537s Dives and finish people off the
8538s duplicate right now in reserve it might
8541s be used or something oh don't tell me
8543s that's unreal
8545s Texel out of the fight that's so brutal
8548s it's also one of the only people on
8550s Poland that can shoot up too so yeah uh
8554s yazan gotta be feeling pretty good now
8557s chasing down his Sombra
8561s like at some level like has this gone to
8564s bully is he look at our payload camera
8566s which is uh the picture picture has been
8568s used for Moses like no you don't get to
8570s have fun what's your purpose
8573s Owen needs to just not lose anybody for
8575s like 10 seconds and then try to get an
8577s EMP going and knock the duo out of the
8580s sky and then jump on it
8582s super early window goes down
8585s John's the time to go for the dupe goes
8587s for the Clone on the diva okay gets two
8590s even before the Duke does anything
8592s Poland doesn't disarray I don't know how
8595s else to describe it five and a half
8597s minute attacks from here to the very end
8601s getting close to like quickest
8604s theoretical time I think there's been a
8606s single kill it's been on quartz early on
8609s um and Poland really went all in on it
8610s Poland does have a chance now with with
8612s the EMP coming up like I said maybe
8614s knock this team out of the sky uh get
8617s something going but right now it's just
8618s they've just been losing too many people
8620s to commit to a fight
8621s that's awesome yeah that's big get rid
8624s of both DPS and bloodshot warts and uh
8627s yazan just standing close together and
8628s look that buys a breathing room might be
8631s the start of something well I mean you
8633s need one of those just to be able to
8634s like set up your next fight it seemed
8636s like they were unable to set up anything
8638s um and now the setup is there to get EMP
8640s in and maybe you you dive this
8642s afterwards there's EMP
8647s ress is so slippery get some though yeah
8649s how can still get away it's not in a bad
8651s EMP it's gonna slow the offense down at
8653s the very minimum self-destruct coming
8655s out here from forever I think the only
8656s downside is that the fights here even
8659s when you win his defense you're not
8660s gaining as much as you normally would
8662s just because you look at the spot it's
8664s right there right like Saudi Arabia is
8665s coming directly back in and now Poland
8668s has gone through a lot of the things
8671s look at this all the pressure on the
8672s back is gonna get Quartz gets real close
8674s to getting courts not bad pressure at
8676s all by Big Jake
8678s yeah I mean I like where the Summer's
8680s been able to get done
8681s um so far in the Summer's gonna be able
8684s to pressure The High Ground as well but
8687s yeah right now
8689s Saudi Arabia just took things back into
8691s their own hands uh forever had switched
8694s briefly to orisa then went back to Diva
8697s um might have just been a Re Max switch
8698s I think it was a remark and Haku just
8701s got caught so it's gonna slow the Zan
8703s down a little bit
8705s however the duplicate is ready to go for
8707s the next fight Saudi Arabia I don't
8708s think they're gonna go for a full
8709s Retreat here I think they're gonna look
8710s the counter engage and punish
8711s immortality field already used here by
8713s Poland they get the d-mac and yeah Saudi
8715s Arabia they're gonna go in take a look
8716s at how they approached this year where
8718s Haku is back in the fight billion goes
8720s down that was more cast than Joker could
8723s be took away a little bit of the chaos
8724s there as quartz starts to come alive has
8726s two here so far thanks a three shot
8728s after shot in Saudi Arabia three minutes
8732s left to go this is gonna be a very meaty
8736s time bank if this keeps up yeah to see
8739s if they can translocate out and get this
8740s EMP going on here uh they will be able
8742s to touch EMP comes off gets two no
8745s cleanup yet
8748s of his own ports meanwhile
8753s for a little more and with two minutes
8756s 52 seconds in the time bank Saudi Arabia
8760s caps it out one of the fastest times I
8762s have ever seen on blizzard world I mean
8764s you see what I was talking about though
8765s like you know with all the hype that
8767s we've given uh yazan is like when that
8770s starts getting quiet and like they were
8771s able to take down the mercy all of a
8773s sudden quartz is hitting like 70 head
8775s shots from range
8777s what is that
8779s credit to Poland they hit they hit stage
8781s two
8784s stage one you know everyone dies is and
8786s stage two everyone dies the court it's
8789s what it's hard to play like uh Souls
8791s games or anything because I think I won
8792s that all of a sudden Here Comes quartz
8797s uh or El a lot of times in those games
8799s uh there's just like a phase one it's
8801s like oh I got this uh boss pan down uh
8804s oh here comes phase two yeah phase two
8806s is is the killer right there his second
8808s health bar comes up and all of a sudden
8810s the music changes and it's quartz
8812s hitting hitting headshots on a Baptiste
8814s through a window
8815s uh man no no fear or respect either it's
8819s like
8823s care what you're doing but uh yeah for
8825s Poland needless to say
8827s very very tough road ahead of them not
8830s only do they need the set QuickTime of
8831s their own just to have a chance in extra
8833s rounds well you take a look here they
8835s have to get through quartz who's gonna
8837s have a defensive advantage on the Ash
8838s and yazan who as we've seen is very
8841s Adept at using the train at blizzard
8843s world uh to his advantage
8848s um I want to see what Poland is we're
8849s running here I think it looks like
8850s they're just gonna go for if they're
8851s tried and true uh you know somber Tracer
8854s this can't be the actual tank pick right
8856s it is all right all right I'm for it you
8860s know sometimes a guy gets silly with it
8862s there's no Heroes sillier at times then
8865s roadhog is quartz gives them
8867s compositional advice after seeing the
8869s Roadhouse like I can't do that I need to
8871s I need to assist them
8874s here we go you got you gotta watch The
8876s Hog here uh billion already down forever
8879s do you have that hook in you
8882s know what actually
8883s give pull an adventure bring back hook
8885s 1.0 just hook people through his face in
8887s time back in 2016. hey good damage on
8890s the junker Queen
8892s the hog not too bad here so far but he's
8894s gonna call the core too
8896s still
8897s kind of a raid boss
8899s yeah a little tough there and also of
8902s course you know I thought I heard the
8904s Resurrection come in maybe not
8906s Hey Jake gets quartz though yeah it's
8908s not the worse than proper still on the
8910s hog in fact loading about the hog in
8912s match chat that's just where we're at
8914s right now yazan
8916s on the top right now looking for some
8918s targets okay oh this one's good on the
8921s Texel not able to finish it
8922s still gang support all the while
8924s duplicates ready to go gets hacked and
8926s oh dupes the road on oh no the hug the
8930s hog 2023 it's happening I can't follow
8934s through but uh yeah that's something
8937s that just happened there's some
8938s Showmanship I need forever it gets
8941s another kill
8944s but uh
8946s in reserve not can be needed two minutes
8949s left for Poland but yeah we kind of saw
8952s hog bee hog for a split second yeah I
8954s mean they're piecing it together there's
8955s progress on the points I mean it's just
8957s really difficult to to get like excited
8960s at all for anything as Poland's doing
8961s just based on the offense that Saudi
8963s Arabia just put up
8965s um you know it's like you're already
8966s behind if you're Poland even if you have
8968s a theoretical like perfect next three
8970s fights
8971s sure like Saudi Arabia could take their
8973s hands off the keyboard and they would
8974s have a faster time that is absolutely
8976s accurate but
8978s we got fill in we got pulse bomb let's
8980s see if some magic can happen here it
8982s goes over against the sick that's a huge
8985s stick a second stick Pavilion that gets
8986s both DPS second time he's done it here
8989s today and uh yeah the resurrection might
8991s be there for quartz but what an opener
8993s KSA
8995s just gets whole hogged and because Saudi
8998s Arabia still holds here you got Bob to
8999s buy a little bit of time this roadhog is
9002s unironically doing really well
9005s it is it is kind of the the strangest
9008s pick I've seen and it's actually working
9010s out really well also it's it's such a
9012s nice threat to be able to like deny
9014s resurrections and things like that and
9016s Poland is gonna pull it off
9018s all right you got to give Philly on all
9020s the credit in the world though like the
9021s the last couple of like only good
9023s moments have come from the really sick
9025s pulse bombs yeah I mean as it turns
9027s outside
9029s and uh that's bad if you throw the extra
9032s stickiness of a pulse button to it but
9035s Hey Jake here on the back big drinks
9037s they've been having really good
9038s harassment for sports whether you know
9040s no matter what hero quartz has been on
9042s but certainly as Widow
9044s courts went for the jump shot I can grab
9047s it good pressure
9050s I think Poland's actually I'm pulling
9051s out some like pretty impressive stuff
9053s um
9055s like I think the the hog is throwing
9057s throwing Saudi Arabia off fake Jake is
9059s playing really really well as you
9062s mentioned on the harassment and you know
9063s early on if he could just keep playing
9065s God mode Tracer thinking something going
9067s yeah I mean it's honestly you know again
9070s they're gonna be behind in time no
9072s matter what but this is better the gang
9075s held at First yo the the silliness does
9078s have some actual tactical utility here
9080s even if the other team might be laughing
9082s really hard when they see the road hog
9083s come on in
9085s yeah but I mean roadhog got the mercy a
9088s couple of different times they need to
9089s get this mercy here
9091s duplicate onto the Tracer you can get
9094s really removed forever he was able to
9096s deal with the dupe right away KSA goes
9099s down and oh I'm keeping up the momentum
9101s here quartz on the Widow gets two no
9104s Sports really good sight line gets three
9107s chords just reminds people yeah I got a
9110s good Widow by the way
9113s yeah I mean if you didn't believe
9114s yesterday against uh Iceland on Havana
9117s then you will believe now again
9120s um sight lines also or infrasight is up
9124s forever will continue to live with a
9126s breather uh Poland a little under two
9128s minutes left and they have used their
9129s entire Bank
9130s seems like Saudi Arabia might have uh
9132s you know started to turn it on just a
9134s little bit
9135s they've decided play time is over kill
9138s the hog
9140s but here we go sports done a really good
9143s job of focusing down uh Haku here like
9145s it has been many many deaths probably
9148s leads Saudi Arabia in deaths they've
9150s done a really good job of isolating and
9153s being able to finish off Haku
9162s let's go into some very like dangerous
9164s areas for Mercy to follow like any time
9167s a mercy dies you really have to wonder
9169s is it the mercy or is it the person that
9171s the mercy is stuck having to follow and
9173s I feel like a lot of it is that his
9175s arm's just going deep in Aku has no
9176s choice but to be in these bad positions
9179s yeah fake Jake again with some more
9181s harassment onto courts that has worked
9183s out really well to be able to 1v1 that
9185s has been impressive
9186s forever goes down early in despite
9189s billion
9190s Jillian B the hero once again false
9192s bombs ready to go pulse bombs so far
9194s probably but huge
9195s this one though not so much KSA rise
9198s back up back to another very impactful
9200s Resurrection as his hand just rolls
9202s around on the character
9204s headshot on the person he cloned and now
9208s the payload stops moving 25 seconds left
9211s to go for Saudi Arabia to wrap this one
9214s up
9216s uh we'll pull in now with much in the
9218s bank maybe they can stick around long
9219s enough to get a beat and try to play out
9221s of the card it just seems like uh it is
9224s the inevitability coming through for
9226s Saudi Arabia
9228s one more good hook forever that's all
9230s I'm asking one more good hook we don't
9231s know when we'll see how it get played
9232s again you gotta enjoy it while it lasts
9235s but here we go Recon sight up from
9237s quartz quartz look at the shut this down
9238s before he begins overtime in progress
9240s Poland cannot leave the payload at this
9242s point Fillion down by the four for Saudi
9245s Arabia quartz pressuring from the top
9248s the beat is used pulling needs to make
9250s something happen off this the counter
9252s kitsuni rush though a little bit bigger
9254s fake Jake forever down Poland getting
9257s cleaned up on the payload but you know
9259s hex they made an attempt of it it's just
9261s not enough Saudi Arabia takes the match
9264s two to nothing yeah I mean it's exactly
9266s what we expected out of Saudi Arabia I
9268s will give Poland a ton of credit not
9270s only for like understanding
9271s understanding the homework at the very
9273s least on on on control of like this
9276s theoretically this is how you defeat the
9279s Pharaoh Mercy for Saudi Arabia
9280s theoretically and it got a little bit
9282s better obviously it went really poorly
9284s on the first stage um so a little bit
9286s credit there for understanding it I
9287s thought there were moments for Poland
9289s obviously you know we're we're trying
9291s our best to find him I thought like
9293s filion played really well
9295s um fake Jake towards the end the somber
9297s harassment annalize the Widowmaker was
9298s really good a good isolating the mercy
9301s they made some plays that I think some
9303s other teams could look at as part of the
9305s Playbook to deal with Saudi Arabia maybe
9307s not the hog but man I was entertained by
9309s it so hey I'm all for it at least they
9311s put on a show look whatever reasoning
9314s you want to give for it right and you
9315s can come up with various different
9318s reasons ideas the hog did work a point I
9321s actually feel like if pulling to come
9323s out on traditional comp they probably
9324s don't get pointed the way Saudi Arabia
9326s was playing but the hog was just one of
9327s those things of you kind of stun blocked
9331s the other team going like wait a second
9332s what's going on here and you also like
9335s get yazan to go I will hog mirror I must
9338s go hog mirror so I I don't know there's
9341s like a sort of zaniness when you go that
9343s off The Meta that sometimes it will be
9346s more effective than if you play things
9347s by the book
9349s yeah I mean it also allowed for
9352s um you know the healers to not really
9354s have to focus it and then allow the
9356s healers to harass a little bit more so
9359s um it was it was an interesting pick and
9361s you know I don't think it's it's the way
9363s to deal with it but
9366s I'm I'm all for it look we all knew this
9368s was going to be a pretty one-sided and
9370s extremely difficult matchup for Poland
9372s going forward but
9374s um you know they there were moments I
9377s don't know why Fillion comes out of this
9378s roster really I guess maybe we uh icab
9381s is allegedly they're better just like
9382s pure hit scan but a tracer looks pretty
9385s solid yeah I mean I think you hit the
9388s nail on the head right is that some
9389s players are better at you know pure hit
9391s scan uh other players you know more so
9393s on something like treasure so that that
9395s has to be the reason there but still
9396s really good performance from Fillion
9398s even though across the board Saudi
9400s Arabia was definitely working with a
9401s pretty sizable advantage
9404s yeah I mean you know just respect
9406s opheliana like I said the only hold over
9408s from the previous Poland World Cup
9409s roster they've had their ups and downs
9411s and were unable to secure funding to go
9413s to the last World Cup so uh nice to see
9415s some big moments there and like you know
9417s the World Cup is kind of about this like
9419s coming together of Nations and different
9421s people and different teams so it's nice
9422s to have uh nice to see people like
9424s having fun which I think Poland despite
9426s being rocked by Syria was having a
9428s little bit of fun it's nice to see these
9429s players that maybe don't get the
9430s attention that they deserve uh have
9432s moments to shine and like that highlight
9434s reel is probably gonna like be forever
9435s saved on Julian's hard drive and back it
9438s up too you know yeah and uh definitely
9440s gonna be the case but they'll do it for
9442s me and hex today coming up next it is
9445s going to be another slate of matches
9448s kicking off with turkey versus Sweden CB
9451s and epitomies will be casting that and
9453s we'll see you soon
9456s [Music]
9473s thank you
9482s [Music]
9485s foreign
9486s [Music]
9521s foreign
9523s [Music]
9544s thank you
9552s [Music]
9592s foreign
9609s [Music]
9616s foreign
9622s [Music]
9666s thank you
9668s [Music]
9671s man that intro music makes me hype every
9674s time welcome back to the OverWatch World
9676s Cup emec online qualifiers it's 2023 I'm
9678s Jim Basco that's epitomees and CB of
9681s course hexan zp brought us the first
9683s half of the day and now I'm privileged
9685s to bring them on for the second half of
9686s the day here but before we get into the
9688s schedule before we recap any of the
9690s matches that happened and before we look
9691s ahead let's talk about some of these
9693s World Cup Home and Away skin bundles
9694s because they're live and you can get
9696s them uh in the shop right now but they
9698s won't stay there for very long they're
9699s only staying there until June 27th so
9701s you have about three days to get in on
9703s that there are three bundles they come
9705s in the emec version the APAC version and
9708s the Americas version you get both the
9709s Home and Away skins for all the heroes
9711s in these bundles and they support the
9713s teams directly by actually contributing
9715s to the World Cup for high school you can
9716s shop now on battle net or via the
9718s OverWatch 2 in-game shop and of course
9719s learn more at
9721s overwatchworldcup.com all right back to
9723s the games now CB and epitomees before we
9726s jump back in let's talk about the format
9728s real quick right this online qualifier
9730s showcases two groups competing in a
9732s round robin format first to suit it's a
9735s single stage tournament that will last
9736s two weeks we're on day three right now
9739s and we just saw Saudi Arabia once again
9743s just Unstoppable Unstoppable versus
9746s Poland coming up though we've got turkey
9749s versus Sweden CB lead the conversation
9751s here what are your thoughts going into
9753s this match
9754s yeah so with the with lethal at the helm
9756s turkey looks pretty good you know they
9758s they're sitting at 1-0 right now but
9759s they're still kind of looking to be in
9761s like that middle of the pack at this uh
9762s you know this group that we keep calling
9764s an Uber competitive group because the
9766s you know the level of parity who know
9767s these teams is so close if they want to
9769s try and change that narrative and turn
9771s some more heads to them and maybe think
9772s hey maybe they're like upper middle of
9773s the pack maybe could be buying taking
9775s out a struggling Sweden team might
9777s actually be the play here so this is
9779s like their chance to like really take
9781s advantage of the situation try and come
9783s out ahead and make people believe in
9784s Turkey yeah absolutely epitomies with
9786s that let's go ahead and take a look at
9788s the rest of today's schedule and bring
9790s you the matches from that of course like
9792s I mentioned this is match four of the
9793s day SCP mentioned Group B continues with
9797s turkey versus Sweden afterwards we swap
9800s on over back to group a and we've got
9802s Portugal versus Great Britain Denmark
9804s versus Belgium and then the Netherlands
9806s versus France so epitome is going into
9809s this match with turkey versus Sweden
9810s yeah CB brought up a great Point here
9812s turkey currently forced into standings
9814s they're at 1-0 with a 2-0 map score the
9817s team above them Finland at two and one
9819s five to two in that map score and of
9822s course only the top two teams from
9824s groupie will be moving on Sweden
9826s currently at the bottom they could use a
9828s victory epitome is coming into this one
9831s obviously there's still a long road to
9834s go what team are you looking out for in
9837s this matchup
9838s well I definitely feel like Sweden
9840s they've been struggling they had pretty
9842s high expectations for themselves going
9844s into this matchup so I feel like being
9847s able to take out a team that's kind of
9849s middle of the pack right now turkey
9850s having a buy yesterday so they didn't
9853s get to games so they're only one and oh
9856s in the scorings right now so Sweden they
9858s could definitely use that type of win
9860s and it would move turkey down move
9862s themselves up give them a better chance
9863s at making it out of qualifiers for Group
9866s B so I mean I definitely feel like
9869s Sweden they they could really use a win
9872s like this one absolutely and the action
9873s will continue turkey versus Poland just
9875s around the corner I leave it to y'all
9877s have a great match and I'll see you on
9878s the flip side
9881s all right thank you so much Jim and like
9885s looking at the rosters for these two
9886s teams once again I mean on one side
9889s we've seen a lot of Sweden in the past
9892s two days you and me uh CB and I think we
9895s both thought that Sweden was going to do
9896s a lot better there were high
9897s expectations for this squad especially
9899s because of that DPS line yeah we've seen
9902s a lot of Sweden but we haven't really
9904s seen as much of Sweden as uh as we would
9906s have liked to if you catch my drift here
9908s let's go ahead and focus a little bit
9909s more on the Turkish team over here again
9912s like I said with lethal at the helm the
9914s London Spitfire DPS has been a pretty
9916s good a good piece for this team again we
9918s only saw them in that one match uh
9920s earlier on in the week against Poland
9922s where they performed very well as a
9924s collective and I do kind of want to see
9926s a little bit more attention being drawn
9928s onto this team and it's going to be kind
9929s of up to that DPS line to you know turn
9932s the head start to get the attention on
9933s this team and again Sweden is struggling
9936s right now and if you can take advantage
9938s of that situation you can kind of
9939s catapult yourself a little bit further
9940s up the standings just a little bit you
9942s can start to you know be perceived as a
9944s little bit more of a threat and slightly
9945s less of an afterthought and I would
9947s never want to like you know to spare
9948s these players consider them after
9949s thoughts because they are definitely
9951s talented they're worthy of the attention
9953s it's time to go out and take it
9956s yeah that is for sure and it's another
9959s thing about when you have that London
9961s spit that fire DPS of lethal on Turkey
9964s side and then on the other side you also
9966s have sparkers so I'm wondering if there
9968s is like some degree of counter-stratting
9971s when you know you're going up against a
9972s teammate when you know kind of what
9974s their play style is and like you can
9976s kind of get into each other's heads that
9978s way as well so I mean either of these
9980s teams could give themselves an advantage
9983s by kind of having uh some sort of
9985s Playbook of the way the other DPS is
9988s going to play yeah well interesting uh
9991s change of pace here you actually
9992s interesting that you brought up that you
9994s know that London Spitfire DPS versus DPS
9996s situation because sparker is uh is
9999s nowhere to be seen mod check sparker
10001s we've actually got skile swapping over
10003s to the DPS we're actually going to see
10004s the debut of melon in that back line
10007s there so like and I kind of did want to
10010s bring that up a little bit as well
10011s because you were talking about like
10012s those two players countering each other
10013s like knowing how each other plays uh
10015s again sparker and and uh and lethal but
10019s like sparker hasn't been playing the
10020s things that we've known sparker to play
10022s we've typically seen sparker on like the
10024s Hanzo on the sojour on some of these
10025s more longer range Heroes uh in this
10028s situation like he's been forced to play
10030s a lot of Sombra and I don't know if
10031s that's really like his cup of tea and
10034s with the Sweden roster I think like it's
10036s pretty much been down to the like Kev
10038s star hits a pulse bomb and we win the
10040s fight kevstrom does not hit a pulse bomb
10042s and everything just kind of collapses
10043s and crumbles and you can't always just
10045s have the weight of the world on your
10047s Tracer player's shoulders you know even
10049s kevster those that's a lot to try and
10051s have to carry so hopefully this like
10053s roll swap helps kind of fit some of
10055s these pieces together and make things
10056s click make things fire on all cylinders
10058s and kind of get some uh get some wind
10060s underneath their wings
10063s yeah and I mean skile is really
10066s interesting putting uh changing style
10068s over to the DPS so I'm wondering what's
10071s happening there internally and they know
10073s they need to make some changes they feel
10075s like they've been underwhelming in the
10076s last few uh in the last few performances
10079s but we're actually headed to ilios so
10081s actually I do want to bring up one thing
10082s as well skile is actually traditionally
10084s a DPS player but has actually swapped
10086s over uh to being more of that uh that
10089s support player for uh the Swedish team
10091s as of late and it might be that they
10093s have decided that this hasn't been
10094s working out so they're gonna try and
10096s bring style back over that DPS line and
10098s maybe that's the changeup that Sweden
10099s needs I I'm optimistic here actually I
10102s think this might be this might benefit
10103s them I it's something new it's a new
10105s look what they've had before hasn't been
10107s working so yeah absolutely show us
10110s something new like that gorgeous new uh
10112s junker Queen statue in the background
10113s there of ruins uh yeah ilios I'm curious
10117s to see what Sweden ends up coming out
10118s here with though because with Skiles
10120s hero pool we might not be seeing the
10123s same game as we have before with like
10124s that Sombra Tracer dive that we've been
10126s seeing out of Sweden that again hasn't
10129s bared all that much fruit
10132s yeah I mean lozish has been just playing
10134s a lot of Winston and they've kind of
10137s been like beating their heads against
10139s that wall of the Winston dive
10141s composition and lulz is going to take
10143s out that Winston once again but style
10145s actually transitioning onto sojourn is
10148s really interesting but obviously
10149s pre-round never trusts the teams in
10151s pre-round like we see lethal hovering
10153s the Genji and are we sure that that's
10155s going to come out
10157s I I mean it could realistically come out
10159s like I think lethal on the Genji is uh
10162s is definitely a possibility but I think
10163s that might be a little bit more a little
10165s bit more trolley but I would take a
10167s little bit more stock in turkey's
10168s composition as a whole because they are
10170s playing the junker Queen again still in
10174s a phenomenal place in The Meta right now
10175s but also really good at dealing with a
10177s Winston and looking over at Sweden yeah
10179s the sojourn is sticking so that's what
10181s style is going to be coming out here
10182s with so who's gonna Flinch first is Kyle
10184s gonna be able to find a pick off with a
10186s rail shot once it gets charged up here
10187s or is this junker Queen just gonna run
10190s right over Sweden's composition right
10192s now it feels like the ladder
10194s I mean there is that antinate that comes
10196s out very quickly and Sweden doesn't have
10199s that counter in the kiriko but that's a
10201s nice sleep once again Romani trying very
10204s hard to kind of uh Force as far Sweden
10208s Sweden as far as to their spawn as
10210s possible but it's not really looking too
10212s good with the joker Queen Sweden on the
10214s other hand they're trying to find a way
10215s in capster looking for some kind of
10217s flank oh runs right into nephron for a
10220s second but going to go and blink back
10222s towards the team why I love this is
10224s Winston is just hopping on over that
10227s entire building to try and get a dive
10229s onto the back line capster on the other
10231s hand 1v1 with the Sombra Sombra forced
10233s to go ahead and teleport back away while
10236s the Jungle Queen is taken down a lot of
10238s focus fire commanding Shout with you
10240s overhealth it's gonna save her for a
10241s second though and oh Romani finally
10244s getting a pick Style Trading it out onto
10246s nephron but it seems that finally kills
10248s are being swung in One Direction or the
10250s other Sweden looking to capture but
10252s forced off the point once again as
10253s hurting continue to contest that one
10257s pickup that runs to nephron might end up
10258s becoming a factor later on because that
10260s is going to kind of slow down the EMP
10261s chart but thus far like it's been very
10263s slow like it's been a lot of skirmishes
10265s here and there and a lot of 1v1s in
10267s turkey has actually been winning them
10268s out Romani hasn't been taken down
10270s lolcich has been punished a couple of
10272s times already and yeah Sweden like
10274s turkey's at 60 and Sweden hasn't really
10276s found their footing on the point yet
10277s here's a kebster pulse bomb in the past
10280s this has been what has kind of turned
10281s the favors then let's see if that
10282s happens again
10284s yeah it feels like the pacing of Sweden
10286s of both of these teams is pretty slow in
10288s general right now which is interesting
10290s since they do have that junker Queen now
10292s with the Kitsune rush out it's countered
10294s by hemphase Nano boost onto lullfish but
10298s it's not going to matter with the BPS
10299s lying down now it's only that Winston
10302s that they're being counted on to do the
10304s DPS but he's just going to have to jump
10306s away want to regroup with the team
10308s Jagged knife does come out from Romani
10311s and a lot of those ticks on the passive
10313s but other than that turkey still hold on
10315s to point yeah and it would have to be a
10317s fumbling of the bag of epic proportions
10318s for turkey not to win this round
10319s outright with five percent yeah LOL sis
10322s is dead before he's even given the
10323s chance to use the Primal Rage melon has
10325s the sound barrier but likely won't get a
10327s chance to be too effective with it
10328s actually does catch three but the blade
10330s from lethal is going to come out as that
10331s overhelp expires and just slice right
10333s through everybody and there's just not
10335s even like really a full fight for Sweden
10338s ever on this point
10340s yeah there really felt like there wasn't
10342s a single team fight there and now the
10344s Primal Rage does come out very late the
10346s overtime is active on the point but even
10349s then it feels like Sweden is kind of
10351s grasping for straws here lethal finding
10354s another pick up with the help of Romani
10356s and now the overclock to come out bro
10358s money actually going to go ahead and
10359s take out the doomfist as well to secure
10362s first point not a very traditional comp
10365s from Turkey but it's working really well
10367s and Sweden is just kind of losing their
10370s footing there was kind of a glimmer of
10372s hope there from lulsish from that Primal
10374s Rage you know I was able to contest for
10375s a long time and you started to see some
10377s of the reinforcements for Sweden come
10378s back into play but again like I said
10380s turkey had all the ultimates they had
10382s the positioning it was entirely up to
10384s Sweden to play into turkey's hand there
10386s and I said it would have to be a
10388s fumbling of the bag of proportions they
10390s kept that bag firmly in their grass but
10391s you know there's still time for Sweden
10393s to kind of turn things around skile it
10395s looks like is hovering the ash right now
10397s it still isn't the best at supporting
10399s the dive composition that the rest of
10401s Sweden are flashing right now and yeah
10403s sticking on the Winston also skile I
10406s think is going to be pocketed by the
10408s mercy from melon here so that's gonna be
10410s you know pretty much entirely unhappy to
10412s keep that look that monkey in the fight
10414s build up those Nanos and find some sort
10416s of value while he's likely going to be
10418s under a lot of pressure from both
10419s nephron and Romani at all times
10422s you have a switch for Sky along for DPS
10424s they definitely want to give him as much
10426s Advantage with that damage Boost from
10428s the mercy but lolzish is just under a
10430s lot of focus fire every single time he's
10433s tried to go for a dive especially with
10435s the fact that the sombres they're always
10436s hacking different building up to that
10438s EMP steadily and this time though Sweden
10442s is looking for that first touch first
10443s capture lethal however harassing away
10446s this long-range backline melon takes out
10449s the pistol and is actually able to
10450s secure the kill on the Genji and it
10452s seems like Sweden will be able to get
10454s first touch that was actually a really
10456s good Guardian Angel away there from Mel
10457s and he kind of left lethals confused
10459s looking like his ankles got broken there
10461s and Skyy with some good shots to try and
10462s clean that one up and yeah I mean it's
10465s also the early pickoff from uh Hampe
10466s onto nephron that ends up taking that
10468s for Sweden right because now they've
10469s lost both their DPS they don't really
10471s have much uh they can't really keep the
10473s pressure up and Sweden are actually able
10474s to run on over them but they've given up
10476s a lot of space and turkey are already
10477s back on the point gonna go ahead and go
10478s for a contest here Romani trying to burn
10481s down lil' fish with Port is currently
10483s there we'll see what ends up becoming of
10485s that kepster getting really low
10487s okay they are just giving up the point
10490s almost for free balls which does come in
10492s to contest at the last second and Romani
10495s not really much that muzo can do to save
10497s that tank even with the suzu coming in a
10499s second too late and kepster expanding
10501s the Paul's spawn to try and win the
10502s fight but turkey is still securing the
10504s picks back and forth melon falling gonna
10506s put style in a lot worse of a position
10508s and for Rook with a nice Boop onto Kev
10511s sir still being contested by lulzish
10513s though but now it's just a soul Winston
10515s on site with two dps's to contend with
10518s drops down the bubble tries to weave in
10519s and out it's the Primal Rage to have the
10522s sustained keep him in the fight and now
10524s trying to push Romani away from the rest
10526s of the squad once again the Sombra
10528s looking for the hacks looking for the
10529s damage but lulzish is just trying to
10532s dance back and forth even with the
10533s bubble this time team just isn't there
10535s for the support the back line of skylin
10538s melon is just they're sitting pretty far
10540s back and trying to get the damage away
10542s from far away cannot contend but melon
10545s does go for the good Resurrection with
10547s Valkyrie and now back in the fight is
10549s lulzish but still no cleanse from
10552s akiriko after that anti-health does come
10554s through with the Rampage and the fight
10557s once again turkey they seem to be coming
10559s out on top but Sweden is still holding
10561s on to the point
10562s yeah I mean there's been a lot of olds
10564s invested on every side the EMP from
10566s nephron actually didn't find a whole lot
10568s I think I would like to have that one
10569s back and maybe try and invest it now
10571s that we're getting into 99 this has been
10572s staggered up pretty much from like 50
10574s all the way up to 99 here because yeah
10576s in Sweden they just keep using olds to
10578s bail themselves out and turkey haven't
10580s been able to just get rid of them
10581s entirely it's mostly been lulsish that's
10583s just been hanging around constantly for
10585s like by hooker by crook like they just
10587s can't take this Winston out nephron
10589s deals with Kev sir but the res comes
10590s through half pays down though so this
10592s might be turkey's opportunity
10594s yeah melon is getting so many valuable
10596s resurrections just for free now an extra
10598s DPS in the field you can hear lethal
10601s trying to ring with the Widowmaker and
10603s it has to actually go for the touch
10605s instead of firing from long range with
10607s no one on Turkey left over but Sweden
10609s without much of a contest they've been
10611s able to get this one down but it was
10613s actually Scrappy despite what the 100-0
10616s score line seems like yeah Scrappy is is
10618s definitely a way to describe it that
10620s whole boy felt just like one long fight
10622s right like Sweden should have been done
10623s and dusted like halfway through that but
10626s like so happy invest the Nano to keep
10628s little fish alive in a period of time
10629s where it's just the two of them
10631s again like the last person alive invest
10633s the Primal Rage and gets criminally low
10636s but again it buys enough time for the
10638s rest of Sweden to keep the Stagger going
10640s for pretty much forever kebster comes in
10643s gets a couple kills no one's really able
10645s to dedicate their time to dealing with
10647s this ash Mercy in the back and so Skiles
10649s able to pump out damage uses the Bob to
10651s stall and like Sweden just kind of
10653s trickled their away all the way to 100
10655s and turkey just never really close it
10657s out here so I mean it's 1-1 and it looks
10660s kind of even but it's like you know both
10663s of these teams have to try and find a
10664s way to like definitively shut the other
10666s down because neither has really been
10668s able to do that thus far yeah I feel
10670s like we haven't seen that just a single
10672s team fight from like just a full five
10674s coordinated team fight for it to either
10676s of these teams it's just been trying to
10678s get the picks but lulzish that's a huge
10680s one onto nephron they're now missing
10682s that Ash and capster switching on to the
10685s echo so now we have this Echo Mercy DPS
10688s line as well in addition to that Ash so
10691s lots of control from these further
10693s distances kepster trying to burn down
10697s Romani and it does work out with the
10699s echo now it's just left up to the Lucio
10702s on the point to try and contest and stop
10704s the first touch from going over to
10705s Sweden once again melon getting uh
10708s lulzish back into the fight as well with
10710s the resurrection there is like a slight
10712s weakness with this composition that
10713s Sweden's running that is going to be
10714s melon on the mercy because now that you
10716s have two DPS that kind of really want to
10718s have a mercy pocket you can't pocket
10720s both of them and if you have to leave
10722s either of them to go for a res that's an
10724s opportunity for turkey to strike little
10725s sister's down and so is Kyle so if
10727s you're melon who do you go for and if
10729s you go for anyone at all is it gonna be
10730s worth it
10731s yeah it's going to be Sky a little bit
10734s of a safer position here in melon having
10736s to hide around because of that Dynamite
10738s being popped by nephron but Skiles still
10740s having good uh good overhead control
10743s unfortunately did not go for the touch
10745s surrendered over okay so like you have
10748s The High Ground but who has the point
10750s and it is not Sweden but with the pick
10753s from style that could turn things around
10755s however melon down without that Mercy is
10758s going to be tough to have style have
10760s that same kind of sustain and DPS does
10763s not matter if roof still goes down
10764s Dynamite's still ticking away and Sweden
10767s will recapture all right Sweden looked
10769s to be in the driver's seat at this point
10770s in time because they're gonna have the
10771s Bob the Nano they're gonna have
10772s essentially all the oils that they could
10773s use except for that uh that duplicate
10775s that kevstre used that pick off their
10776s onto Hampe it's gonna get rezzed up but
10778s that's now out of the fight so you've
10781s dwindled that resource and now they're
10782s pressuring the point here so turkey have
10783s a chance the katsune rush might be
10786s enough to get them over the edge there
10787s they're about to build an old Bank of
10788s their own and hopefully that's gonna
10789s help them build up to something more
10791s substantial oh using the Kitsune rushed
10794s in a shred down this Winston and like
10796s you mentioned before that rest was
10798s already used so they can't bring lozish
10800s back in any way shape or form there's
10802s the Rampage to come through there's no
10803s way to counter it from Sweden and melon
10806s tries to hold on to their life but it's
10808s the bleed that eventually does the mercy
10810s and now it's all left up to Kev sir
10812s campster does get the health back both
10814s the help from hempei and lozish is
10816s coming back into it now with an
10818s anti-nade onto Romani gets pretty low
10821s but the heel is back and the anti
10823s doesn't last Cherokee they're going to
10825s clean up Sweden on this fight and recap
10827s but this is still that same kind of
10829s story where like Sweden and or turkey on
10832s either side whoever doesn't have the
10833s point just kind of keeps trickling in I
10835s mean volsis dies before he gets the
10836s Primal Rage there for off of that
10838s Kitsune Rush from muzo a while back and
10840s like it keeps just kind of trickling out
10842s from there while Sweden don't have the
10844s point so like now turkey are up to 70
10846s Sweden have the olds to try and take a
10848s full fight here but turkey have an old
10850s bank as well so it's gonna be Scrappy
10851s either way and they've already been
10853s forced to invest the res so yes like
10856s Sweden they have a way in but they have
10858s to find a way in and like stay in and
10860s not be evicted from the point
10863s evicted is a good word for it but that
10866s Bob coming from nephron right as that
10868s Primal Rage comes through that point is
10870s hotly contested by the Bob but it's only
10873s going to be now from capster oh my God
10877s nephron nephron just completely
10879s uncontested allowed to fire away without
10882s consequence turkey they are unable to
10886s touch Sweden is simply going to be able
10889s to lose that 2-1 but still very very
10892s Scrappy I don't even know how I'm
10894s supposed to describe that CB I mean it's
10897s it's very much so the story of Sweden in
10900s this uh you know in this these
10901s qualifiers thus far it's still very much
10904s so looks like they haven't fit the
10905s pieces all together there's glimmers of
10907s Hope and there's promise with style on
10909s the DPS like yeah there's some shots
10911s there but I feel like composition wise
10913s like the mercies being pulled in too
10915s many different directions and once the
10917s res is forced out like turkey can just
10918s go in collapse on any one Target and
10921s like odds are they're not going to be
10923s getting enough support because you know
10924s they have to be playing in hand-pace Los
10926s there has to be uh you know there has to
10929s be something that like can keep LOL such
10931s alive and there's not always he's able
10933s to live by sheer force of Primal Rage
10935s when he has it but if he's taken down
10937s before he has it it's just if you know
10938s they don't really have a way in they
10940s don't really have a way to keep things
10941s going so you know Sweden kind of have
10944s their feet under them a little bit but
10946s they're still stumbling a little bit and
10947s you know turkey's able to stick their
10948s foot out and trip them over at the last
10950s hurdle there
10952s yeah I mean this it just felt like every
10955s single fight it was never really a
10957s proper 5v5 and Sweden was kind of
10959s getting a little bit lost and turned
10961s around and just like tripped over like
10963s you said especially on that very last
10965s team fight they waited a long time to
10968s try and regroup and it ends up being
10969s lulzish going in alone and because it is
10972s this map on ilios it is a bit more
10975s difficult for players like echo or
10977s pharah to kind of contest that point
10979s since you don't really want to be
10980s trapped in place with such a low ceiling
10982s and they were really looking for that
10983s High Ground Control didn't want to drop
10985s down to contest
10987s yeah it's it's looking it's looking
10989s pretty shaky overall for Sweden here I
10991s think you know there is still something
10992s that could be here
10994s you know with this guy on DPS I kind of
10996s hope they stick with it and I kind of
10998s hope that they continue along this
10999s trajectory but it's gonna be their map
11001s pick we'll see what they decide to do if
11002s they want to keep investing in the sky
11004s DPS or go back to Old unreliable uh
11007s which is the comps they've played in the
11008s past but don't go anywhere we'll be
11010s right back with Sweden's map pick right
11011s after this break
11014s [Music]
11021s foreign
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11029s foreign
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11042s [Music]
11049s [Music]
11112s thank you
11125s thank you
11129s [Music]
11146s foreign
11148s [Music]
11157s [Music]
11183s foreign
11187s [Music]
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11207s [Music]
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11219s foreign
11223s [Music]
11232s you have made it to day three of the
11235s OverWatch World Cup emec qualifiers I am
11238s epitome use joined by CB and we are here
11240s for map two of Sweden versus Turkey
11244s coming back from a little bit of a messy
11247s first map of Elios
11248s yeah uh if I could go ahead and uh read
11250s a tweet from the uh Team Sweden Twitter
11252s account really quick uh where they said
11254s don't worry guys ahead of today we've
11256s worked on our communication aim map
11258s awareness Crosshair placement alt
11260s management resetting Target Focus
11262s positioning Point control retake ability
11264s skill usage space control and getting
11265s kills
11267s I think that irons out most of Sweden's
11269s issues but I feel like there might still
11270s be a couple more uh underlying issues
11273s that they might need to address here
11274s because I get like resetting is an
11277s interesting one to put in there because
11278s they didn't ever really do that and sure
11281s yeah that won them ilios ruins but like
11283s it kind of lost them lighthouse in a way
11285s so there might still be a little bit of
11288s work to do uh at the team Sweden House I
11290s you know again the talent is there
11292s there's so much talent on this roster we
11294s came into this week thinking they were
11295s going to be potential Front Runners for
11297s one of the uh one of the playoff spots
11299s that are up for grabs but now it's
11300s looking like they might just be
11302s struggling to maintain middle of the
11303s pack and like on the other side turkey
11306s is stepping up just like I wanted them
11308s to you know I'm seeing a lot of good
11310s things out of turkey I've been very
11311s impressed by their backline muzo had
11313s some great plays there of course like
11315s you know their their DPS course also
11318s like they're frying right now and Sweden
11321s is just like they they look they look
11323s lost like they're somewhere in the
11324s forest and they don't they just don't
11326s know where they are someone please get
11327s the steam a map and like yeah yeah
11330s there's there's just something there's
11332s just something that they still need to
11333s fix I don't know what it is I I'm hoping
11335s their coaching staff can figure out what
11337s it is and I hope they figured out what
11338s it was over the break uh and factor that
11340s in to their map pick
11342s yeah and we will be seeing what they're
11345s going to it's going to be Bonnie okay I
11348s haven't seen a new Bonnie in a hot
11350s minute but I definitely am liking this
11353s pick and you know Sweden maybe some of
11356s the problem might be the fact that
11358s they're just not really sure how to play
11360s around Style just yet because it was
11362s like I assume that they've been doing
11364s most of their scrims and practices with
11367s the cabster spark our DPS line so maybe
11369s they're adjusting to different play
11371s Styles as well so it's just that like
11373s awkward period of adjustment it it might
11376s be this this map pick of numbani both
11378s kind of it makes sense to me given what
11380s we saw from them on ilios composition
11381s wise but it also kind of frightens me
11383s because again that composition didn't
11386s work like so I feel like as a defender
11389s or as an attacker you can try to run
11392s like the ash Mercy or you can try to run
11394s the echo Mercy on numbani and either of
11396s those could work out pretty well but
11398s like again like they ran on Lighthouse
11400s where they had the mercy with the Ash
11401s and the Echo and you know again that
11404s Mercy is getting pulled in like six
11405s different directions she doesn't know
11406s what to do she doesn't know where to go
11408s help like everyone's Creed HP and I can
11410s only help one of you at a time uh so
11413s like I feel like if they do that that's
11415s still a very exploitable weakness that
11417s turkey can capitalize on and the map
11420s picking and Bonnie kind of tells me they
11422s want to still go in that direction and
11424s it hasn't worked out yet I would however
11427s like to see a Kev star Genji I think
11428s that would be uh I think that would be a
11430s good change of pace if that's what they
11431s want to go with
11433s yeah I am honestly at this point kind of
11436s begging for any tank other than the
11438s Winston because I feel like Sweden just
11440s feels so uncoordinated when they're
11442s trying to push in with lol's dishes like
11445s with logic's Dives and it was like even
11448s maybe a little bit better when sparkar a
11451s sparker was playing like the Sombra but
11453s sparker has returned to us he is on the
11455s Hanzo and now Kev star I think might
11457s actually be sticking like this Genji I I
11461s like this though okay so that is like
11463s the Ash and the Hanzo are both Heroes
11465s that uh sparker is you know a little bit
11467s more known for in you know when we see
11469s what he's played in the OverWatch League
11470s like these are heroes that he has
11472s definitely excelled at far more than the
11474s Sombra pick so I definitely like this
11477s and this time when you have kevstrom on
11478s the Genji gonna be you know a little bit
11480s more likely to be healed by the Anna so
11482s you don't have melon being pulled in all
11484s those different directions can focus on
11485s pocketing sparker and sparker can start
11487s to pump in some damage and contest these
11489s high grounds and once lolcich goes in
11490s for the dive like yeah right there it's
11492s gonna start to paid dividends for Sweden
11495s oh and nicely done to eliminate the
11498s sleeping Target off of Kyle's sleep and
11500s now it's just lethal left harassing the
11502s back line and sparker oh okay Landing
11505s quite a few shots then obviously a very
11508s big Improvement immediately off that and
11511s so maybe Sweden has just been like over
11513s complicating things a little bit maybe
11514s the answer was as simple as put sparker
11516s on something that sparker is good at
11518s playing and that yeah like I said is
11519s kind of those longer range Heroes
11521s starker's a really good Ash player a
11522s really good sojourn player really good
11524s Hanzo player you put him on those Heroes
11526s he's more likely to pound and suddenly
11528s the weight of the world isn't on
11529s kevsters shoulders right now much like
11531s romani's head is not on romani's
11533s shoulders anymore
11534s oh that was some nasty shots from
11537s sparkart and also uh you know uh
11541s similarly decapitated
11543s um
11544s that was promised though this is what
11546s we've been wanting to see out of them
11548s like give me more of this Sweden please
11550s yeah this is like literally what we've
11553s been expecting this entire time but
11555s we've been seeing them stick to a lot of
11557s these really heavy dive compositions
11559s that maybe it just wasn't as comfortable
11561s and honestly this part just kind of goes
11563s to show how playing your comfort picks
11565s can sometimes just be better than
11567s playing what is meta however sparker
11569s finally manipulated and neutralized by
11571s nephron for the moment if melon can't
11574s get that good Resurrection in which it
11576s doesn't look like will be happening in
11577s this fight as lulzish is also getting
11579s focused down and trying to burn through
11582s by the echo with the focusing fire
11584s however they've been able to
11586s successfully disengage I mean Sweden
11588s were able to snowball that pretty far
11590s it's very unfortunate they weren't able
11591s to get like all the way to the end and
11593s try and force like a potential C9 sort
11594s of situation with like you know Kev sir
11596s maybe going for a back cap Force
11597s everyone to play on the point but
11599s sparker being able to take up nephron
11600s there that's gonna get them at least a
11601s little bit extra meter inches for what
11603s goes in for the res but it's gonna get
11604s naded by Skiles
11607s yeah the made from style to take down
11610s farook right after the res come through
11612s on nephron though so at least they do
11614s have that Ash who is neutralizing
11616s sparker once again it's the ash 1v1 of a
11619s lifetime nephron is just barely able to
11621s get that Bob right through before that
11624s fight ends but Bob second a corner
11626s doesn't really have any Targets to shoot
11627s so they're easily able to get the second
11629s checkpoint and they have over five
11631s minutes to cap here and like yeah oh the
11633s cart tends to stall out a lot of the
11635s time on nimbani here but if you stall
11636s out for five minutes then yeah you
11638s didn't deserve to cap in the first place
11639s at this rate Sweden is gonna have a
11641s pretty beefy time bank for a potential
11644s OT push if you know turkey's able to
11645s full cap on their attack here they have
11647s to try and slow things down burn as much
11649s of this off as possible
11651s oh the valkyrie is forced out because of
11654s the way that Lawless just decided to
11656s dive on the back line and the Bob also
11657s securing lethal the flying targets just
11660s basically shooting fish in a barrel for
11662s that ultimate but Romani does neutralize
11665s with that that uh Diagon knife however
11669s Valkyrie from melon could mean a
11671s potential Resurrection onto spargar it
11673s doesn't look like it though as capster
11675s continues to try and harass down their
11677s DPS Romani taken down with the Primal
11680s Rage and they're able to force more than
11682s halfway to the last checkpoint without
11684s as much of a struggle nephron though
11687s does sneak some shots onto Kev to take
11689s him down that's a great bubble there by
11690s losis though that makes that Reservoir
11692s Sweden back in full strength Sans the
11694s res but that's okay because there's not
11696s a whole lot on turkey's side that's
11697s going to make them need it safe for you
11699s know lethal hitting a potentially deadly
11701s headshot here he's looking for kevster
11702s but might not be able to find him kevs
11704s are going to be quite slippery indeed
11706s and Sweden are threatening to full cap
11708s here that cart is inching very close to
11710s the end of Point C here in Sweden like
11713s they're just kind of forcing turkey into
11715s the spawn door here it's really only
11717s Romani that can contest and everyone has
11719s to keep him alive but now they have to
11721s look at the Nano monkey
11722s okay lethal switching onto the
11724s Widowmaker now two people are trying to
11726s contest sparker's Ash but still Kev sir
11730s that gives him free reign to kind of
11731s harass since both of them are kind of
11733s swish squishy immobile backline
11735s Champions and this is just three minutes
11738s left in the time bank this was
11740s a speed run of nabani this was uh I mean
11745s again this is the Sweden that was
11746s promised and what we all thought we were
11748s gonna see when we were like yo kevsters
11750s sparker that's a sick DPS line and then
11753s it wasn't living up to expectations I
11755s like I want to see this I mean I
11757s honestly I don't even care if you're
11759s going to a map where the somber Tracer
11760s is more dependent from here on out like
11762s or sorry more favorite from here on out
11764s I want to see more of these like long
11766s range Heroes that sparker excels at that
11768s he's known for and that he absolutely
11770s pounded turkey into dust for the first
11773s like almost two-thirds of this map like
11776s give me more of that and I think Sweden
11778s has a shot at kind of turning their
11779s fortunes around a little bit because
11781s right now like we're looking at at Group
11783s B and we're thinking like okay Saudi
11785s Arabia is like the favorites now right
11787s and at this point it's like who's gonna
11789s take that number two spot up till this
11791s point it hasn't really looked like
11792s Sweden had a snowball's chance in hell
11794s of taking that but now
11796s like we're seeing glimmers of what could
11798s potentially be the start of that upswing
11800s back up to that Peak there they might
11802s like you know they they have to do this
11804s before they dig themselves into a hole
11805s that's too deep but this is a really
11807s nice shovel to start digging yourself
11809s out with
11810s yeah I mean now they're falling back on
11813s a little bit of that weakness that we
11815s saw over on Elios with the Echo and Ash
11818s kind of both of them wanting that Mercy
11821s pocket so you're kind of having them
11822s ripped in two different directions but
11824s we'll see how melon does with this and
11826s how it might be changed especially now
11828s that sparkers on that Comfort pick of
11831s the Ash and it might just go their way
11833s lethal however picking onto the Genji
11836s it's an interesting pick able to escape
11838s in just a matter of time with the help
11840s of Isuzu but still not able to get much
11843s engaged here past the choke and the
11845s other thing I want to bring up about the
11846s mercy composition by the way is that
11848s there is no one to realistically peel
11850s for style so that's gonna be a constant
11852s you know point of contention for Sweden
11854s like turkey can just jump on style
11856s wherever he's hiding and if they're able
11858s to get rid of that Anna again there's no
11860s one to keep little sister alive so it
11861s all kind of collapses from there so
11863s Skyla has to play very safe potentially
11865s close to sparker and hope that the peel
11867s comes through but they want they want
11868s that Anna
11870s yeah and they're going to get me on a
11872s lethal able to find it nephrine on to
11874s Kev stir as well and now we're looking
11877s at lullfish being eliminated just like
11879s you said it's all falling apart like a
11881s wet bread and style coming back into the
11885s fight but it's far too late far too
11887s little the point is captured in a matter
11890s of minutes the falling apart I would
11892s have gone for something a little bit
11893s more topical like I would have said
11894s falling apart like an Ikea desk that I
11896s put together because I'm not good at
11898s building Furniture looks like uh much
11900s like Sweden was not very good at
11901s mounting a defense there again it just
11903s kind of collapsed when skile got deleted
11905s and you know Turkey they identified that
11907s I think Sweden has as well and melon has
11910s swapped over to the brigitta but now you
11912s don't have the damage boost for sparker
11913s or for kevster and now kevster is a
11916s potential weak spot if he gets hacked
11917s like that never not able to close that
11919s one out but that's gonna be danger for
11921s kebster if he ever flies too close to
11922s the ground
11924s yeah I mean you definitely do kind of
11927s need the bagita to be able to defend on
11931s style here but on the other hand you
11933s have both of your GPS's that are just
11935s like missing out on that little extra
11936s bit of damage and like the benefits of
11939s the pocket now trying to get things done
11941s and starting to engage with the
11943s duplicate there's the second tank in the
11945s fight now with the jungler queen going
11947s to go ahead and look to take down muzo
11950s that does take out a little bit of their
11952s burst healing however the kitsuna brush
11954s has already gone through and is going to
11956s give turkey so much extra DPS which
11958s nephron is going to display alongside
11960s Romani taking down lulzish and style and
11963s Sweden without their support and their
11965s tank the DPSS are just gonna have to
11967s back all the way up I kind of like the
11969s swap from capster over onto the Genji so
11971s Sweden's still kind of slowly making a
11973s little bit of change here now you know
11975s without the mercy in play you don't
11976s really want to be playing Echo it's it's
11978s not going to be as feasible you can
11980s still get packs from a brigazza but not
11982s all the same here lol's just gonna go in
11983s for a touch but kevsters already dead
11985s and the blizzard comes out Sweden like
11987s what do you even do about this these
11989s switches are just so much good
11991s adaptation from turkey and there's a
11994s rampage to come through but the Primal
11996s Rage does come out for that Health sink
11998s and melon also has that rally available
12000s the Nano boost came out earlier as well
12003s to ensure that lullfish was able to
12005s stain through that fight and now they're
12007s going to fight around this deeper choke
12009s point make sure that they can't touch
12010s the payload that's really costly for
12012s Sweden though Nano Primal and Bob all
12014s had to be invested there and kevster
12016s like you said we just we just saw him
12018s swap so he's nowhere near the blade you
12019s have the rally to kind of you know
12021s weather the storm here but there's going
12022s to be another storm infaruxa sound
12025s barrier there so as soon as something is
12027s built up to by turkey it's gonna be like
12029s it's gonna be curtains for this point I
12030s think for Sweden
12032s yeah the sound barrier and rally both
12034s come out two big support ultimates
12036s expended now the icicles from lethal is
12038s threatening to do a lot of damage here
12040s building up that ultimate very quickly
12042s is nephron with the amp just a single
12045s percentage away and with the translocate
12047s away and the Kitsune Rush that EMP could
12050s be huge Romani is able to find one and
12052s the EMP does come out that tank just a
12055s thorn in the side of Sweden right in
12058s their faces farook able to secure the
12060s last pick there's the ice block and it's
12062s all left to skile who can't do much here
12065s on his own I'm I think Sweden might have
12068s done enough to set themselves the better
12070s time bank here but it is definitely
12072s looking like turkey has a shot to cap
12073s this thing can start to snowball things
12075s but yes Sweden they're coming up on a
12076s lot of those olds that you would have
12077s liked for them to have in the previous
12079s fight but now that they do they can try
12081s install things out here a little bit but
12082s again like turkey still have some big
12084s fight winners of their own coming up
12085s lethal's got the blizzard Baruch has
12087s almost got another beat you know he's
12089s two-thirds of the way there's ditto for
12091s uh Romania page so this isn't going to
12093s stall out forever Sweden have to cycle
12095s their olds out effectively in order to
12097s try invert as much time as possible
12099s now they've got three ultimates for
12101s themselves but money such a huge pick
12104s onto skylin sparker immediately goes
12107s down after throwing out the Bob now with
12110s the Primal Rage and blade available for
12112s Swede and they might be able to stall a
12114s little bit more but instead it's a
12116s retreat melon does goes down and then
12118s lulzish no sustained Skyla is just
12121s coming back out of Spawn and they've got
12122s that barrier from the may as well as the
12125s blizzard to keep them off the objective
12127s but the blade does come out capture with
12129s three that is huge in order to keep the
12132s capping that point now it's all just
12134s nephron and there's not much you can do
12136s when the Genji goes big like that he
12138s just did that was such a hero play from
12141s Kev store take nothing away from him or
12142s the rest of Team Sweden for helping to
12144s set that up but that was nearly disaster
12147s for Sweden they had all those olds and
12149s they died before they had the chance to
12150s use them turkey they damn near capped it
12153s and lethal put the blizzard down on
12154s point Sweden they couldn't even get in
12156s if kevster hadn't killed like three with
12158s that blade you know we might be be
12160s talking about turkey having capped here
12161s but now Sweden have a shot and kevstrom
12164s just handed it to them on a silver
12165s platter oh the EMP is so good as well as
12169s the sound barrier there is no shot that
12171s Sweden can get any picks down their way
12173s but Spar guard is somehow making it work
12175s melon with a huge impactful res and the
12178s Primal Rage to come through as well
12180s sparkar goes big it's going to be hero
12183s play after hero play from Sweden just
12185s fearlessly marching into the jaws of
12187s death and like even if it hadn't been
12189s for the hero place from Sparkle you
12191s still had the valkyrie and you saw the
12192s Primal Rage in play for Sweden at that
12194s point in time that's a lot of
12195s sustainability to keep the fight going
12197s as long as possible loss is now going to
12199s swap over onto the Eraser play something
12200s a little bit more Close Quarters because
12202s you can't really be risking jumping off
12204s of the point when the cart's that close
12205s but Sweden are doing a great job of
12207s stalling this out now kevster again gave
12210s them a chance and Sweden are taking it
12212s that's a great sleep and a pickup on to
12214s neverend never gets caught out turkey
12215s have to back up
12217s yeah scottyl is hitting these sleeps
12219s like his life literally depends on it
12221s and it does and instead they're going to
12223s go ahead and disengage turkey trying to
12226s dance around the corner spark are once
12228s again going huge and the Damage boost is
12230s looking nice as well since they've
12232s switched on to the Tracer which relies a
12235s lot less on the sustain from your
12237s supports and back line looking more for
12239s that harass yeah sparker's gonna have
12241s the Bob too so that's gonna be a lot
12243s more time blood out we're only down to a
12245s minute here Kitsune Rush online they're
12247s building up to the blizzard here but the
12249s Bob is going to stall things out throw a
12250s wrench in the equation
12252s and that's great anti-nate force out the
12254s suzu as well and they don't have as much
12256s of that first healing can't save much oh
12258s nephron goes down but it's a trade on to
12261s sparkers Bob not really too huge here um
12264s Romani is able to get that down and out
12267s of the way nephron now switching onto
12268s the Cassidy this is definitely
12270s interesting so now they don't have that
12272s ultimate in the back pocket the blizzard
12273s does come through onto the objective
12275s attempting to contest and Kev stir is
12277s trying to get a lot of damage down here
12279s but gets real low himself looking for
12281s Lethal lethal however has something in
12284s the back pocket lulzish with the Tara
12286s surge on the ejective is going to be
12288s what saves him Sweden despite Kev sir
12291s forcing that back line push
12293s I mean so it's those two pick-offs from
12295s nephron that came off early right it was
12297s that sleep Dart and then the next pick
12298s up onto him that came up he didn't have
12300s time to build up for that EMP has to
12302s make the swap to the Cassidy and he just
12303s doesn't have an Ultimate Turkey don't
12305s have anything to force us the rest of
12306s the way Sweden can just keep the bay
12308s forever and there's nothing turkey can
12310s do about it Sweden have taken a map
12313s we're going to a map three here that is
12316s again that's the Sweden that was
12318s promised that's what we wanted to see
12319s from them this whole week they're
12320s finally showing it and Kester you know
12323s with the hero plays as always but
12325s sparker on the ash is what this team
12327s needed that's the shot in the arm that
12330s needed the you know the wheels on the
12331s Swedish Struggle Bus to just stop fall
12333s right off you know it's just one map I
12336s don't want to put too much stock in it
12337s but I'm really excited because now it's
12339s like we have a game
12341s yeah we definitely have a game on our
12344s hands here and I just really love the
12346s adaptations that came out from Sweden
12348s and how they looked so much more
12350s confident as well on this map and on
12353s this match up sparker returned uh you
12355s know better than ever after a little
12358s stint off and vacation from Greece and
12361s now we're looking at such a nice play
12364s from smartgard it's just popping off the
12366s first two thirds and we thought for sure
12368s that this was going to go into overtime
12370s as well and Sweden would just have a
12373s slightly larger time bank and I just
12375s have to call out that play from Kev sir
12377s where you have him going and dashing
12380s into the enemy team wild May has
12383s blizzard down with the Dragon Blade it
12386s was absolutely insane and I have to say
12389s clutching them from the jaws of defeat
12391s the way that they did with this Dragon
12393s Blade just unimaginable look how low his
12397s HP was that whole time too that's the
12398s kind of thing that only a player like
12400s kevser can do to take these clutch
12402s situations where it feels like all hope
12404s is lost somehow kill like four people
12407s and then suddenly your team is able to
12409s full hold at the end of Point C there
12410s like what like before that was the only
12414s Lifeline that Sweden had but now they've
12416s got so much more in the tank I I want to
12419s see them I want to see what they do in
12421s this next map it's gonna be turkey's map
12423s pick so I mean turkey they've looked
12425s good as well nephron has been hitting a
12426s fair share of shots take nothing away
12428s from Turkey because they have looked
12429s good which is making Sweden's clutch
12431s look all the better but it still hasn't
12433s been perfect thus far they need to iron
12435s that last little bit out and
12438s have to do it on on turkey's terms here
12442s yeah it's going to be interesting what
12444s turkey is going to bring for that last
12446s push map and you know a push does play a
12448s little bit differently and considering
12450s that very first map of Elios we saw them
12452s having very very staggered resets and
12456s they were just unable to get some team
12457s fights in I'm really worried that might
12460s be befalling either of these teams in
12462s that last map as well that might make it
12464s just a little bit too Scrappy and too
12466s messy for either of them to really have
12468s a good foothold on the map all right
12470s well we've uh We've successfully gone
12472s from the Swedish Struggle Bus to the
12473s sparker show for Sweden we'll see if
12476s that Trend keeps up if this gets renewed
12477s for another season don't go anywhere we
12479s got map three of this coming up right
12481s after this break
12484s [Music]
12496s foreign foreign
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12536s [Music]
12547s thank you
12550s [Music]
12559s [Music]
12573s foreign
12594s [Music]
12620s foreign
12632s [Music]
12664s thank you
12667s [Music]
12677s thank you
12679s [Music]
12693s foreign
12696s [Music]
12702s hello everyone we are headed to map
12704s three of Sweden versus Turkey and you
12708s know Sweden has decided that they are
12711s going to uh they're going to go ahead
12713s and take out sparker on the ash sorry my
12715s cat is apparently very excited about
12717s this push map as I am I am Vietnamese
12720s joined by CB and you know CB's any
12722s thoughts on this next matchup I mean I
12724s would be excited too and I am quite
12726s excited because if I'm not mistaken I
12728s feel like this is Sweden's first map win
12729s so far and that's huge if I'm wrong
12733s it doesn't matter because I'm all I'm
12734s still excited about it all the same
12736s because this is a potential for Sweden
12737s to deliver as was promised you know
12740s again we saw the Kev star sparker DPS
12742s lineup in the roster announcement for
12744s this team coming into this week and we
12746s were like they're gonna be sick we just
12748s know it like this is a top Contender for
12750s one of those spots and historically
12751s Sweden has been pretty consistently a
12755s top contender in the uh you know in the
12757s emec region and it just kind of felt
12759s like it fell flat the first two days
12761s it's now anything but flat it's so
12764s flavorful so jubilant now as long as we
12766s get to see more of sparker's Ash popping
12769s off and it's you know kepster with the
12771s clutches as always the kind of things we
12773s expect to see out of this team as long
12775s as that Trend keeps up turkey might be
12777s in trouble
12779s yeah and turkey they did have some
12781s really good adaptations over by the end
12784s of the map you know they took out the
12786s may they knew that that Genji was coming
12787s and they wanted some way to look that
12791s lock hamster down and prevent that hero
12793s play but even through the blizzard they
12795s were able to get such huge value out of
12797s the Dragon Blade and we are headed to
12800s forgive me for how they say this is
12804s close enough I think
12808s so uh
12809s this is a map that I do kind of feel
12811s like they can still get away with the
12812s Ash and potentially the Hanzo as well
12814s because there's a lot of high ground to
12815s play around especially towards the
12816s center part of the map where the bot's
12819s going to start off and you know there's
12820s also some high ground on some of the
12822s streets on either side uh you know past
12824s checkpoints so this is a this might be a
12826s good pick uh both for turkey and for
12829s Sweden because again nephron has been
12830s showing up on the ash as well not quite
12833s matching sparker but getting close and
12835s at times you know putting in a ton of
12837s damage doing a ton of work and being the
12839s uh the linchpin for this Turkish Squad
12842s will it be another season of the sparker
12845s show or is it going to be a Turkish
12847s takeover we're gonna have to find out
12848s it's map three and I'm I'm pretty
12851s excited about this one
12853s yeah so am I and I mean with sparker
12855s back we also have that question of hmm
12857s do you think lethal's calling oh sparker
12860s is definitely going to be playing right
12861s here watch out for these angles etc etc
12864s or spark are doing vice versa against
12866s turkey and I know it's just like
12869s something that you to Food For Thought
12871s you know a little food for thought but
12873s it doesn't look like you know it doesn't
12875s look like turkey is uh showing any
12877s compositional things that might be
12879s trying to like hard counter or grease
12881s sparker right now like they're going
12882s back to the the May and the Sombra that
12885s they were showing towards the end of
12888s the end of our new body that they
12889s stalled out with they weren't able to
12891s get the full push there meanwhile Sweden
12892s yeah they're showing pretty much the
12894s same thing as what we saw before but now
12896s they have losis on the uh junker Queen
12898s and skile on the kiriko so they're gonna
12901s try and brawl out a little bit more so
12902s it's kind of up to sparker to get some
12905s damage in Sans a mercy pocket and upper
12907s campster to try and mop up some of this
12909s damage that volsis is going to be
12910s pumping out with the shotguns yeah I
12912s feel like the last map was literally the
12914s first time we saw loses play anything
12916s other than Winston when he pulled out
12918s that Arista so this junker Queen
12919s definitely a breath of fresh air uh
12922s Sweden going to take first cap here to
12924s try and push that robot a little further
12926s and turkey isn't really looking to
12927s Contest out in the open instead dancing
12929s around these corners and the great news
12932s for nafrin right now is that there isn't
12934s an Anna in the back line who can sleep
12936s in so sparker can turn around and double
12938s head shot him but now they have taken
12940s the control back of the robot to try and
12942s push it a little bit further but spark
12944s are going to initiate with that pink
12946s pick on the tank
12947s yeah I mean lethal invest the wall there
12949s not that one the one before you know
12951s when when turkey tried to go and take
12952s that fight legal invest the ice wall but
12954s it doesn't really catch anybody out
12955s Sweden are able to just like you know
12957s duck around it peek around it start to
12959s pump in the damage and they don't really
12960s get a whole lot of value out of that
12962s while I say that though lethal has 83
12964s percent of the blizzard so he definitely
12966s did a lot of work in that last fight and
12968s that's something that you know Sweden
12969s might not be aware of they might not
12971s know that blizzard is already just about
12973s online and turkey might be able to get a
12975s quick flip here if he's able to build up
12976s that last little bit and nearly dies but
12978s he has it now
12981s capster really trying to take control of
12983s this High Ground as well and that Susu
12985s has already been focused out but the
12987s blizzard comes through from turkey that
12990s was huge just even though it's just take
12992s out Love's dish and Cav store without
12994s the tank they don't want to be pushing
12995s any further then they possibly can so
12998s they're going to go ahead and disengage
12999s lethal however looking to push into
13001s their spawn actually turkey's entire
13003s team wanting to push all the way into
13005s their spawn while they have one person
13006s just sitting on the payload yeah I mean
13010s and like I said there was no way Sweden
13012s could have known that that blizzard was
13013s coming in and lethal just mops up with
13014s it but now some olds are coming online
13016s through Sweden but turkey did anticipate
13018s this they tried to go with the kasune
13019s rush it's met with a bob that's okay a
13021s trade for a trade because they still
13022s have control of the bot and Sweden have
13024s to invest their own Kitsune rush just to
13026s go in for a contest but turkey snag the
13027s lead
13028s the got the robot
13031s now turkey able to push a little bit
13033s further past they have two ultimates on
13035s Sweden's side but oh they're not even
13037s gonna need them capster style lulzish
13039s all finding takes pretty decisively
13042s turkey kind of falling apart not much of
13044s a contest in that fight and tests are
13047s looking to chase after nephron I don't
13049s even know if he knew he was a spot
13052s checking you know he was just fishing
13053s caught a sucker and then just chased
13055s nephron down and Nephron was getting
13056s close to that EMP that's actually gonna
13058s be a pretty big uh big pick off there
13060s because a turkey can't go in Sweden are
13062s able to tap the point now take the lead
13064s B they don't have to worry about the EMP
13066s stopping them from doing so they can
13068s take the initiative here if they so
13069s choose and just go in with a blade or
13071s with a rampage and take the checkpoint
13073s here
13075s yeah very close to the checkpoint but
13077s that EMP comes up just in time for
13080s turkey Romani able to take down canister
13082s and that's a dragon blade off the table
13084s and with the Rampage to come through
13086s lonefish waste the Rampage as well dying
13088s just in the nick of time before it can
13090s cast and now even with the sound barrier
13093s to come out before Sweden investing so
13095s much into this fight and it looks like
13097s it's a losing battle they're having to
13099s disengage now and allow turkey to once
13101s again take control of the robot before
13103s they're able to capture checkpoint yeah
13105s the window for for turkey to capitalize
13107s on that like sorry for Sweden to
13109s capitalize on uh nephron's death there
13111s it rapidly closed and you could tell
13114s that like Sweden they feel like they
13115s might have you know gone a little bit
13117s too slow not pulled the trigger when
13118s they had the chance to or it might have
13120s just been the contest from turkey that
13121s made them think twice about it but there
13122s wasn't enough time to think more than
13124s once and now here comes the Bob from
13126s Sweden they're trying to come back into
13127s this and not lose the point yeah lethal
13131s having an angle enough to stop them from
13133s completely focusing this Bob down and
13135s that just acts extra bit of suppressing
13137s fire from the Bob from behind has to
13139s force them around the corner and now
13141s kevsters able to isolate farook in a
13143s very hard position to escape out of
13145s while the rest of the team slowly falls
13147s apart without the help of their supports
13149s okay well now Sweden should definitely
13151s be able to get the checkpoint here
13152s initiate butt scratch mode for the bot
13154s there it's gonna buy them some time
13156s they're now firmly in the lead but they
13158s only have kevsters Dragon Blade farook
13160s invested the the uh the beat last uh you
13163s know in the last fight so turkey really
13165s only have either the Blizzard or the
13167s suzu to try and counter it out so I want
13168s to see how kevser decides to use this if
13170s he tries to wait until like both of
13172s those abilities are off the field or if
13174s he just wants to try and go in Kill muzo
13176s as quickly as possible and then just
13178s deal with the consequences from lethal
13179s after the fact
13184s only see if like they want to they want
13187s to just play together they don't want to
13189s go for something a little bit too
13190s aggressive or look for those flanks just
13192s yet especially with that wall to come
13194s through but the blade does come out and
13197s they have to disengage because of how
13199s quickly kebster was brought down low and
13201s it's the opening for the blizzard to
13203s come through as soon as that Genji backs
13205s off and it's actually just cabster left
13207s alive but it won't be for long they are
13210s all sent back to spawn a team Kill from
13212s Turkey to attempt to push further to
13214s that checkpoint so every ability that I
13217s called out to try and deal with that
13218s Dragon Blade did come out and then some
13220s and I feel like there's there's a chance
13222s that the call from Sweden might have
13223s been to use the blade to bait those out
13225s and then collapse on the team but if
13227s that's the case they tripped on their
13228s shoelaces during the collapse phase of
13230s that and uh yep turkey they've got
13232s control they're threatening to cap the
13233s checkpoint here so we didn't have time
13234s to take another fight but they only have
13237s the Kitsune rush and maybe the beat here
13239s soon to try and uh try and stop this
13242s now that EMP once again going to do
13245s quite a bit of disengage for Sweden once
13249s again and there is the Rampage from
13251s Romani that's going to get so much
13253s damage down especially onto Sweden's
13255s cps's and nothing skylin metlin can do
13257s is going to save them now with melon out
13260s of the fight lolzich doesn't have
13261s anywhere to run and skile and not
13263s looking too hot for him either a second
13265s fight in a row won by turkey to secure
13267s the checkpoint and a potential overtake
13270s on this push map so the pendulum swings
13273s back the other way and turkey have now
13274s taken the lead the Beat from melon in
13276s the last fight was really good but came
13278s in just a hair too late and kebster was
13281s down Sweden have a lot of Oats here but
13282s again like they have to try and stop
13284s this they can't let Turkey start to run
13286s away with this you know again we're
13288s looking at lethal with the blizzard
13289s coming up here real soon Sweden have to
13290s try and Scout that out and do something
13292s before it becomes a threat but now it's
13294s on the field
13295s lethal I think he's just filled up this
13297s blizzard so quickly and every single
13299s time it's been a huge threat and it
13301s doesn't seem like Sweden has found a way
13303s to counter this just yet they're
13305s sticking to their guns they're sticking
13306s to their comp even though this blizzard
13308s has scentedly and increasingly become
13310s more and more of a threat like voltage
13313s has the Rampage but I mean turkey have
13314s everything they could want to counter it
13316s right like they got the suzu they can
13317s just cleanse that and make it a complete
13318s non-factor and even if that gets faded
13320s out for Rook has the beat and you know
13322s Turkey they can just keep the pressure
13324s on and if nothing else bleed time out
13326s here like Sweden have to try and get an
13328s early pick off here or shut lethal down
13330s in order to stop this and like not just
13332s stop it but turn the bot back in their
13334s favor
13335s yeah now the Kitsune Rush from muzo is
13338s allowing turkey to just push so much
13339s further every single time every Ultimate
13342s that they've invested thus far into this
13344s map is so intentional and there's so
13347s much action that happens behind it while
13349s Sweden they've just been playing their
13351s comfort picks which is what it seems
13353s like they started off really strong and
13355s it seems like they're falling apart as
13356s soon as turkey got a rhythm yeah and
13358s again losis dies before he's even given
13360s a chance to use the Rampage so I think
13362s the window might have closed and Nephron
13363s wants to slam it shut that's a huge EMP
13366s and skile is taken down sparker soon to
13369s follow turkey you're just pushing Sweden
13371s all the way back into the spawn they
13372s might even full cap here and I mean
13374s Sweden they've got four olds but are
13376s they even gonna get a chance to use them
13377s or is turkey just going to shut this
13379s down right now yeah melon needs some way
13382s to get on to the point and does so with
13384s that sound barrier the overhealth is
13386s fading quickly though there's a Kitsune
13388s rush to come through they're investing
13389s everything they possibly can it's the
13391s Dragon Blade a possible hero play a
13394s second one forecaster with the blade and
13396s faruch still trying to contest around
13398s the point but there's not much that that
13399s Lucio can do and they do eliminate
13402s everyone but invests almost every single
13404s ultimate now the Rampage is all that
13406s they have left over from lulzish and
13409s Spark are a potential Bob in a few
13411s seconds but that was very expensive and
13415s it was exactly what they needed I mean
13417s it's exactly what they need but now they
13418s need to essentially run it back all the
13420s way through the entire map here like
13421s they got the first checkpoint but they
13423s have to get the bot there to get the
13424s forward spawns trigger the overtime
13426s spawns from Turkey they can't lose
13427s anybody here molesish can't yeah this
13430s has to be huge hit sword the suzu is
13432s good but it doesn't get the supports
13434s oh my gosh but it doesn't matter Romani
13436s immediately takes down lulzish without
13438s the threat of that zuzu's marker is also
13441s immediately eliminated as well and
13444s suddenly they're running back all the
13445s way towards Sweden and this is looking
13447s like definitely an overtime play if
13449s Sweden won any chance back into this map
13451s but otherwise they have to hold pretty
13453s far back turkey okay this might be a
13456s small thing that might not be most
13457s consequential but turkey might be making
13458s a mistake pushing the bot up right now
13460s at this stage of the game with 25
13461s seconds you want Sweden to have to have
13464s this brutal walk back to the bot this
13466s right here is where you want to take the
13468s fight and now it's where they're going
13469s to be able to they're just going to
13470s bring them all into the meat grinder
13472s toss in the uh the blizzard and lethal
13474s once again and that should be it for
13476s turkey if they're able to close this out
13477s but the Bob is huge
13479s the Kitsune rush to come through from
13481s turkey and then the blizzard as well but
13484s it actually doesn't find anything this
13486s time that blizzard was dropped on top of
13488s the Bob instead of any of the players of
13490s Sweden and Romani is the only one to
13492s find the Bob eventually but nephron
13495s coming in from behind with the sound
13496s barrier on the over health is huge and
13499s now capster left on his own but Farouk
13501s is going to neutralize that quickly it's
13503s up to melon to try and do something try
13506s and contest but it is not enough the
13508s overtime Fades away far too quickly and
13511s turkey they go 2-1 against Sweden to win
13514s this matchup now fool me wants shame on
13517s you fool me twice shame on me turkey do
13519s not get fooled twice by the spark or Ash
13521s they don't let it happen again they
13523s press their advantages they use their
13525s alts wisely and lethal building up to
13528s them so fast that like Sweden can't even
13530s track the blizzards from this guy like
13532s you know you need a meteorologist with
13534s the radar to see it coming and even then
13535s it would be too late no time to board up
13537s the doors lethal is just running wild on
13540s Sweden right there and yeah Turkish
13542s takeover Sweden The Struggle Bus
13544s continues we saw that flash of
13545s Brilliance on numbani but it just wasn't
13547s enough all the props in the world to
13550s sparker for showing up and you know
13551s turning that map into the sparker show
13553s but at Turkey they look they look pretty
13556s good here on Esperanza like once it
13559s switches in their favor like the
13560s pendulum goes back and forth for a while
13561s but once it starts going past that
13564s checkpoint into the street space for
13566s turkey it doesn't slow down until you
13567s get another hero play from kevster yeah
13570s but this time it's just too little too
13572s late
13573s yeah it it looked so good at the
13576s beginning but I think this exact fight
13578s that we're seeing in the replay is where
13580s things just immediately turned around
13581s because of what was invested here the
13583s blade went through from Kev sir and on
13585s the other hand they immediately were
13587s able to disengage and pick off the rest
13589s of the team leaving cavster alone in low
13591s health and then they suddenly are able
13593s to turn at things around winning fight
13595s after fight after fight the recycling of
13598s their ultimates was so incredibly
13599s thoughtful and intentional and they were
13602s able to capitalize every single time and
13604s there was almost never a time where they
13607s used an ultimate and were unable to get
13609s picks off of it and despite that slip up
13611s on map 2 turkey definitely looked like a
13614s team that we need to talk about so you
13616s know from here on out let's talk turkey
13617s they're gonna we're gonna have to start
13619s considering they're making tender here
13621s at some point in time at least towards
13623s that upper half of the pack in this
13625s group to potentially try and take down
13627s the giants that are Saudi Arabia and if
13629s not maybe you know just claim enough
13631s bodies to claim that number two spot
13632s it's not entirely out of the realm of
13634s possibility for turkey because they look
13637s pretty darn good today and I imagine
13639s that momentum is going to keep uh you
13641s know keep going in their favor as long
13643s as lethal keeps up this pace is able to
13644s build up these blizzards so quickly as
13646s long as you know everybody else is
13648s firing at all cylinders nephron hitting
13650s the headshots some big plays on the
13651s somber when he's not getting caught out
13653s there I was very impressed with farook's
13655s beat usage and muzo as well like the
13658s suzus and a lot of the play in the back
13660s line from Turkey was just phenomenal
13662s it's a team to watch out for absolutely
13664s I I feel
13667s I definitely think that turkey impressed
13669s us today they went above and beyond all
13671s expectations their last match against
13673s Poland yes they played incredibly well
13676s but I think we didn't expect as much out
13678s of Poland out of the get-go but in
13680s Sweden is a team that we've been looking
13682s at we've been talking about them for a
13684s long time we've been talking about the
13685s potential and the raw talent that they
13687s have and today they really showed us
13689s that turkey is a name that you need to
13691s be afraid of now we're still less than
13693s halfway through the qualifiers there's
13695s plenty more time for the rest uh for
13697s tomorrow and the rest of next week to
13698s talk about how good turkey looks right
13700s now but for now we have to transition a
13702s little bit over to our next matchup
13704s that's going to be Portugal versus Great
13706s Britain we're gonna throw it to another
13707s quick break we'll be right back with
13709s that one don't go anywhere
13712s [Music]
13727s thank you
13732s [Music]
13741s foreign
13748s [Music]
13794s thank you
13797s [Music]
13803s [Music]
13813s foreign
13815s [Music]
13841s foreign
13853s [Music]
13878s [Music]
13888s [Music]
13898s foreign
13900s [Music]
13929s four fantastic matches three more still
13932s to come I thought it was muted for a
13934s second but I'm not it's a false alarm
13935s I'm your host Jim Basco that's CB and
13937s epitome's we just had a an awesome game
13940s three matchup between turkey and Sweden
13942s stacked squads on both sides but turkey
13945s proving that they're here to play
13947s they're here to make a name for
13949s themselves and of course against a
13951s veteran Squad in Sweden they have
13953s definitely done exactly that match five
13956s though of the date it's gonna feature
13957s Portugal versus Great Britain a team
13959s which we saw play for the first time
13961s yesterday in Portugal um and of course
13963s Great Britain with tons of veterans on
13965s their side epitome talk to me about this
13967s matchup coming up today
13969s so uh Great Britain they actually did go
13972s down against Denmark yesterday so they
13974s are coming back fresh from a loss after
13976s being basically the top of their group
13979s uh losing to a team that had a buy
13981s during the first day and maybe a bit of
13983s a rude awakening for them but Portugal
13985s also yesterday uh when they played they
13987s did unfortunately go down O2 as well uh
13991s going up against France which is also
13993s one of the top teams in the entirety of
13996s group a thus far yeah absolutely CB you
13999s know watching Great Britain go up
14002s against Denmark was definitely tough
14004s because you have so much talent on these
14006s squads but with Great Britain now going
14007s up against Portugal
14010s of course a team that has a little bit
14012s more to prove right what are your
14013s thoughts on that one
14014s I mean Portugal's in kind of a rough
14017s spot schedule wise because you know they
14018s make their debut yesterday they go up
14020s against France and yeah like you know
14021s like tala said they're one of you know
14023s France is like one of the favorites in
14025s this group to try and take one of their
14026s playoff spots they're going up against
14028s Great Britain who's another potential
14030s front runner for that you know even with
14031s the loss to Denmark Great Britain they
14033s still looked really good and you're
14034s still kind of expecting them to be in
14035s that top three picture but you know it's
14038s starting to get a little tight there
14039s where there's three spots and there's
14040s maybe like five teams that could
14042s realistically take it and right now
14044s Portugal's not in that conversation yet
14046s if they're able to topple one of the
14048s tyrants of that uh of that you know five
14049s stack there they might have a shot of
14052s starting it but it's not looking too
14054s great right now like Great Britain
14055s they're still looking every bit as
14057s strong as they've as they have you know
14059s again slipping up a little bit against
14060s Denmark Denmark also is really really
14063s sick and potentially like the favorite
14065s so it's like you know pick your boys in
14067s here like like what do you do what do
14069s you do against this squad I I'm hoping
14071s to see something big out of Portugal but
14073s the eyes are mostly going to be on Great
14075s Britain to shine here today absolutely
14076s and with that said let's go ahead and
14078s take a look at the schedule CV but you
14080s mentioned it you know Great Britain they
14081s went down in their match against Denmark
14083s yesterday we're expecting them to do
14084s great things so Portugal almost has the
14087s pressure off of them right Great Britain
14089s almost expected to win this one is this
14091s the opportunity we see in opposite this
14093s is the moment if there was any and of
14095s course the action continues tomorrow and
14097s into next week we got two weeks of Round
14099s Robin action with the top three of group
14101s a moving on in the top two of Group B
14103s the next match we've got up is Portugal
14104s versus Great Britain followed by Denmark
14106s versus Belgium and we'll round out the
14108s day with the Netherlands versus France
14109s CB and epitomies I leave you all to this
14111s amazing matchup though and I'll see you
14113s guys on the flip side
14117s it was kind of hard to believe that we
14119s are only on that second match of the day
14122s so far you know
14125s yeah I think we were really surprised
14127s that we were confronted with like such a
14130s Scrappy and close game
14132s um just right out the gate for the two
14133s of us but Portugal versus Great Britain
14135s I'm definitely excited to see Great
14137s Britain again the last time we saw them
14139s there were some amazing Widowmaker plays
14142s um and it was it was just really
14144s entertaining to watch yeah I mean I
14146s wouldn't be upset if this was another
14147s Scrappy one like I don't even care if I
14149s blow my voice out at this point in time
14150s because it's like the EMC region has
14153s been like really competitive across the
14154s board like you know we've seen a couple
14156s of Stomps usually whenever Saudi Arabia
14157s is in the game there's a there's a high
14159s chance that their opponent is gonna go
14161s down pretty easily but you know barring
14164s that there's still like a lot of a lot
14166s of competition between a lot of these
14167s teams there's some really evenly matched
14169s teams there's a lot of parity between a
14170s lot of them and this is a chance where
14172s maybe Portugal can start to like change
14175s things in their favor maybe prove that
14176s they are also one of those Scrappy teams
14178s that we need to start looking at and
14179s having a look at their roster flamenzo
14182s is one of my favorite just names for a
14183s player because it's so fun to say so I'm
14185s really glad that I get to cast this team
14187s and uh I'll be saying I'll hopefully be
14189s saying a lot of flamenzo's name going
14191s forward I was also really impressed with
14193s uh karama's uh Tracer play for the most
14196s part on uh on on their performance
14198s yesterday
14200s yeah and I mean it's definitely a little
14202s bit more of the unknown names but they
14204s are going to attempt to make a name for
14206s themselves going against one of the
14208s teams with some a really uh talented
14211s individual player roster coming in on
14214s Great Britain's side we obviously have
14216s Kai huge name
14218s um in the scene backbone as well funny
14221s Astro there's just a lot of talent you
14223s know these names yeah and I also kind of
14226s know what these names in this particular
14228s order means to me at least so when we go
14230s here onto control backbone on DPS to me
14233s almost certainly says may Cronus is
14237s coming in typically as a Baptiste
14238s specialist for this team so I think
14240s they're going to try and go for
14241s something Rush Centric because every
14243s other time that you're seeing them play
14245s like a different comp like if you're
14246s seeing jakaru on the Winston you're
14248s typically gonna have the return of bone
14250s back in that support line there playing
14252s the Anna or playing the other Flex
14253s support Heroes which is actually really
14255s really good at surprise surprise like
14257s we've seen we've we've seen backbone as
14259s a support in the OverWatch League it's
14261s worked out well for London we've seen a
14263s mirror so far it's worked out pretty
14264s well for Great Britain so it can keep up
14267s uh that momentum but at least for map
14268s one backbone is likely to be on the May
14271s and of course I can't just gloss over
14273s Kai Kai has been absolutely astonishing
14275s uh pretty much nearly 100 of the time
14278s definitely someone else to keep your
14280s eyes on I just wanted to kind of
14281s highlight the uh the compositional swaps
14283s and the player roll swaps that Britain
14284s like to come at you with
14286s yeah and it's once again back to lijiang
14288s Tower like you said the backbone or bone
14291s back of whichever one we get but with
14293s the backbone Lee Jeong Tower typically
14295s starting out on the control center so we
14298s are likely going to see that may and a
14300s very brawl composition like you
14302s mentioned uh for Kai I feel like it's
14304s possible to see a Hanzo as well to kind
14306s of slot it into a possible ramatrame and
14310s like that's pretty much what I expect
14313s exactly like they might play like the
14315s Moira version of the romantra
14317s composition where they just want to get
14318s like right up in your face and that's
14320s something that I think Cronus could also
14321s do well but yeah I mean you're pretty
14324s much only bringing in backbone for the
14325s May because you've got Kai to cover like
14327s all of your hit scans we've seen maimon
14329s be phenomenal unlike the Genji and a lot
14331s of the other flexible sorry Flex DPS
14333s Heroes that he's come into play so like
14336s to me that's just what it feels like to
14337s me like backbone spells May and backbone
14340s is known as like one of the better maze
14341s across the entirety of the OverWatch
14343s league so it fits as we go on tonight
14346s Market here I'm kind of expecting yeah
14348s exactly what Great Britain is running
14350s right now with the uh the May Sim Cronus
14353s on the Baptiste they want to teleport to
14355s the point and they want to hold it tight
14357s with a death grip
14358s yeah I feel like Kai is even going to be
14360s sticking on to that symmetra which is a
14362s lot of what we see over here on Night
14364s Market
14365s um just setting up shop on the point
14367s don't let anyone get in but it really
14370s means that they need that first touch
14372s which is probably why that symmetra is
14374s there as well quick teleport over to
14376s that point and funny Astro of course
14378s with the uh with the speed boost here so
14381s you're gonna see Portugal go for the
14382s simtp out of Spawn Great Britain gonna
14384s be a little bit slower because yeah they
14385s want to TP on to the point and now
14387s they've got control and it looks like
14388s Portugal are actually going to give this
14390s up for free and make some compositional
14393s swaps yeah they're actually going to
14394s swap over onto a pharmacy comp and uh
14397s yeah coming in with Pharmacy dive
14399s that's interesting you know as soon as
14402s they see what Great Britain is running
14403s they're like we need to find something
14405s that can counter the amount of hold that
14408s they have and the splash damage from the
14409s rockets that pharah has oh really nicely
14412s done takes out a little bit of that Sim
14414s turret and now just trying to fire from
14416s above and with the mercy about karama's
14419s back they're not going to really need to
14420s regroup with the team as much but it
14423s still seems that they can't get that
14424s first touch off I mean Kai still might
14427s be able to get the back cap here yeah
14429s there's gonna be the first cap coming in
14430s for Great Britain but there's only two
14432s left standing of these Seven Lions Kai
14434s gonna fall jakaru not gonna be able to
14436s stick around for all that much longer
14438s and Portugal gonna be able to get a
14439s pretty quick flip here I like the read
14441s swapping over to the pharmacy you know
14443s being able to do a little bit of window
14444s shopping peeking Through the Windows
14446s blasting some Rockets but while Great
14447s Britain they move forward to try and
14450s rush and collapse on the rest of
14451s Portugal they just leave the point
14452s behind you know they have to go back to
14454s deal with the pharah and by the time
14456s they do everyone's just dead so Portugal
14459s gets the point for free
14460s yeah and look how quickly grama is also
14463s building up to the barrage as well so
14465s it's going to be a lot easier for these
14467s ultimates to come up with the pharmacy
14469s pocket and already The Barrage is up but
14471s jkro funny Astro you see the switch that
14474s comes through Karama is trying to
14476s counter the dive composition after
14478s taking down Dizzle and making it so
14479s there is a little bit less sustain
14481s needed here but jkru now finding rough
14484s roped I'm not sure how to pronounce that
14487s and it means that Karama goes down in
14489s quick succession I'm wondering if we're
14491s gonna see swaps from Portugal yeah it
14492s looks like we are Rod gonna go ahead and
14494s swap over to the Lucio and Karama over
14496s onto the Tracer so now we're in you know
14498s essentially that mirror but the
14500s difference is we have Cronus on the
14502s Moira and Dizzle who's been hitting some
14503s pretty big nades on the Anna who already
14505s has the Nano boost so this might be a
14507s good shot for Portugal to flip it back
14508s especially with flamenzo hovering over
14511s that EMP 1 HP he might not get a chance
14514s to use it but that translocates out to
14516s safety nope not the safety right into
14518s the backboard actually
14520s okay well Kai still does have that pulse
14523s bomb in the back pocket and since Great
14525s Britain they flipped this point over in
14527s their favor backbone being allowed to
14529s take down Karama who switched onto the
14531s Tracer it's going to be nice and easy
14533s for Great Britain thus far they've
14535s realized that they need something to
14538s kind of protect their back line a little
14540s bit more since they've switched onto the
14542s full dive and having the Anna it's a
14544s little bit of a sore spot flamenzo dead
14547s again with the EMP and like we're at 68
14549s going up to 70. Great Britain they have
14552s all five olds like Portugal the more if
14555s they keep losing flamenzo early and he's
14556s not able to get into position to hit a
14558s big EMP backbone can go right into their
14561s spawn and do quite literally just that
14562s get spy checked a little bit there but
14564s has the translocate but yeah flamenzo's
14567s EMP comes out and it's kind of blunt
14570s and the coalescence now from Great
14573s Britain's side the blunt empt like you
14575s mentioned not finding much instrumental
14577s was immediately eliminated after using
14579s the ultimate and now they're able to
14581s just Spam down everyone who's trying to
14583s get into the site as well Karama who
14585s might have been able to get in touch but
14587s with funny Astro down it's still not
14590s enough for Portugal they do get 30
14592s percent there was a really good
14593s adaptation at the beginning of the round
14595s but Great Britain at the end of the day
14597s they capped that point and hold on to it
14599s and like you know we were we were
14601s observing a little bit of the duel there
14603s between backbone and Karama at the time
14605s and that's honestly that duel is why the
14608s EMP from flamenzo looked so dull there
14611s like why it just didn't get anything
14612s it's because your Tracer just wasn't
14613s there to be able to clean up on all of
14616s the damage it's like I mean it sounds
14618s like the stupidest most simple thing in
14620s the world but if you're doing one thing
14622s you're not doing another so like he's
14624s too busy taking the duel with backbone
14625s he can't be there to follow up on the
14627s EMP damage and there's just not enough
14629s flamenzo Falls and you know they invest
14632s almost all of their eggs into that
14633s basket but with the one missing egg they
14635s can't make the Omelette and Great
14637s Britain it just holds strong there with
14639s their five volt combo
14642s now Great Britain they have switched
14644s back the backbone May into this
14647s composition and Jake and aru on the
14649s Reinhardt but okay we're on in a 1v1
14652s versus bunny Astro was able to actually
14654s take down that loose show early Corona
14656s still has quite a bit of burst healing
14658s in the back pocket but missing the speed
14659s boost from the rush composition means
14662s that they're going to have to back off
14663s this point a little bit and Portugal
14665s looking like they might be able to get
14666s first cap and they are after jk Are you
14669s just steps out of the point however now
14672s isolated by the May wall it's going to
14674s make it a lot easier to try and Shred
14676s down this Reinhardt especially since
14677s they take that roofer specifically but
14679s oh Kai from the side such a huge
14682s headshot on to the reaper we were just
14684s talking about now looking for Karama
14686s forcing the ice block out of the May and
14689s okay Cronus was able to okay what was
14692s that does Kai have like spidey sense or
14695s something like I know Reaper's teleport
14697s isn't quiet but the fact that Kai is
14699s able to just 180 double storm Arrow
14700s flamenzo into the Dome and delete the
14703s reaper is absolutely Bonkers but now the
14706s like Great Britain now they have the
14707s point they're in a position where they
14709s can hold it pretty effectively with
14710s their composition so flamenzo is on the
14712s reaper and the rest of Portugal's cop
14713s it's very fast it's very in your face
14715s very rushy Kion the Hanzo means Great
14717s Britain they want to play back a little
14719s bit so now they can play these angles
14720s try and like keep Portugal at Bay and
14723s let Kai keep hitting headshots
14726s yeah I mean Kai having that high ground
14729s on that overpass it just means so much
14732s control over this map in general now
14734s that amp Matrix going to come out pretty
14736s early allow Kai a really easy headshot
14738s as well just on this overpass and okay
14741s Karama fell off the map that is just
14744s about the most alt efficient fight you
14746s could possibly win they only use the amp
14748s Matrix and like Baptiste sneezes he gets
14750s another ant Matrix so like Cronus will
14752s have that back in no time Portugal like
14754s they're gonna have ultimates to try and
14756s recontest this but so are Great Britain
14758s because they haven't been forced to
14759s spend any of them yet look for backbone
14761s to likely be coming out here with a
14763s blizzard unless they want to go for like
14764s a big shatter just for like an ego play
14766s there uh pun intended ego is the tank on
14768s Portugal
14770s yep and now the Nemesis form does come
14773s through the sound barrier from funny
14776s Astro to counter the blizzard and right
14778s after that overhealth Fades away going
14780s to go ahead and try for the annihilation
14782s backbone's own blizzard does come out
14784s and the annihilation doesn't find
14786s anything here but still a few picks
14788s swung in Portugal's Direction but you
14791s know a trade of a DPS for a tank if I
14793s were Great Britain I would take that and
14795s they do still hold on to the point this
14799s is the second time the karamas fell off
14801s the map and I feel like they are just
14802s trying to that's that's yeah that's back
14805s yeah that's that's the reset to get the
14807s spawn you can even tell that Karama like
14808s knows that urgency is like it it is
14811s getting more urgent gonna swap over to
14812s the Tracer to be able to get a touch but
14814s Kai takes down Dizzle and ego is just
14816s walled off oh it is up to the Tracer to
14818s touch and they do get the touch but
14819s they've already lost like all of their
14821s healing and when the sound barrier
14822s bleeds out there's not gonna be a whole
14824s lot left of Portugal
14826s yeah and it seems like the Portugal is
14829s just being melted like they were in a
14831s microwave or a pressure cooker because
14834s grape and they were able to get that
14835s really easy and it's just the amount of
14837s resets that they had to go for and
14839s fights that they kind of had to give
14840s away because their back line was being
14842s picked off a little bit too early or
14844s they weren't cycling they're all well
14846s enough I felt like the reaper pick was
14848s also a little bit too weak even though
14850s they were against that Reinhardt trying
14852s to really shred that Shield up close and
14854s personal uh the death Blossom never
14856s really came through and it just didn't
14857s feel like it was enough on this first
14859s map and they just like they never let
14861s they never let flamenzo get close like
14863s they never let him get close enough to
14865s do the damage with the reaper that
14866s you're playing a Reaper to do and it
14868s just like completely negates one of the
14870s beefiest most damaging parts of that
14872s composition I do like a lot of the
14874s things that I'm seeing out of Portugal
14875s composition wise like it looks like
14877s these two teams are kind of playing
14878s chess with one another with the ways
14880s that they're kind of like counter
14881s picking and reading one another but like
14883s Great Britain are just coming so much
14884s further ahead in it because the cops
14886s that they're playing playing are able to
14887s effectively shut down
14889s in theory what would counter their comp
14891s having a look at this flick but from Kai
14893s here by the way just on to flamenzo for
14895s no reason yeah that was uh
14898s I need to deal with this Lucio hang on
14900s hold on let me get this Reaper okay good
14901s back to the Lucio like that's just
14903s insane like you can't strategize around
14905s that with a composition like you can't
14907s plan for Kai
14909s yeah you just have Kai kind of sitting
14911s there to buried inside of his headset
14914s sound all the way up and he's like
14916s turning around 180 to headshot that
14919s Reaper I mean it was just a good thought
14921s you know trying to get up close and
14922s personal with the more immobile Champs
14924s but it just didn't really work out that
14927s way
14928s it uh yeah it didn't quite work out I'm
14930s uh you know I I want to see what they
14931s come out here with though because maybe
14933s now like they have an opportunity to
14935s like it's playing chess but maybe they
14936s can like switch it up to Chinese
14937s checkers or something you know like
14939s change the game a little bit with their
14940s own map pick when they come out here and
14942s have like a game plan ready to go but uh
14945s I mean again you can't you can't really
14947s plan for Kai if he's just gonna hit 180
14949s headshots on your Reaper and your Reaper
14951s is just not allowed to play the game
14952s it's like that's uh not really all that
14955s much of an hello that's not really all
14957s that much of an option for you to be
14958s able to counter pick that so I mean
14961s we'll have to see what they do but it's
14964s yeah like what like what is the what is
14966s the answer here
14967s well as we complementate that
14969s contemplate from our cat cafes that we
14973s apparently live in
14974s um we will see what the nap they're
14976s going to bring us on to next with uh
14978s Portugal it being their map pick it
14980s definitely did feel like especially just
14983s right at the very beginning they had
14985s such a good read with the switch to the
14987s pharmacy after they saw the May uh
14989s symmetra comps that they were coming
14991s into and Karama was doing really really
14993s well on it and then all of a sudden they
14995s were countered because of the hard dive
14997s onto their back line yeah we'll uh we'll
14999s have to see what Portugal wants to do
15001s about it if they can plan it all if
15003s there's an effective strategy to be had
15005s it's their opportunity to find it it's
15007s gonna be their map pick we got map 2 for
15008s this series coming up right after the
15010s break stay tuned
15013s [Music]
15030s thank you
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15118s thank you
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15167s thank you
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15179s [Music]
15192s foreign
15210s [Music]
15232s and welcome back we are currently on map
15236s 2 of Great Britain versus Portugal and
15239s we are looking forward to potentially a
15242s really strong map out of Great Britain
15244s and the Portugal
15246s um with Portugal going on their map deck
15249s and Kai continues to be incalculably
15251s competent while Portugal's pre-planning
15254s does not quite pan out they're going to
15256s take us to numbani here for their map
15258s pick we'll see if uh if anything ends up
15261s coming their way here but this does kind
15263s of seem like the kind of place that
15265s Great Britain can still be quite strong
15267s on because they've shown to be really
15269s good at the dive compositions this might
15271s be you know uh the return of bone back
15273s here going to the flex support position
15274s to play Anna you know help support Jay
15277s Karu there that's kind of what I might
15279s be expecting to see out of Great Britain
15280s but meanwhile from Portugal like we
15282s still haven't seen a lot from them but
15284s we have seen there's a fair bit to like
15286s they're a very likable team I do enjoy
15288s you know these players and the way that
15290s they approach the game but you know I
15292s still need a little bit more data I want
15293s to see what they uh what they bring to
15295s the table here on nimbani like what's
15297s the Strat why are we here let's find out
15301s I mean nobody another one I'm not
15303s complaining I find new money to be a
15306s treat to watch especially after that
15308s last matchup that we had just seen so
15310s hopefully Great Britain and Portugal can
15312s also show us some of the magic that was
15314s happening
15315s um between between whatever was going on
15317s between Sweden and turkey yeah I mean
15320s whatever was going on was uh was Turkey
15322s definitely uh taking it to Sweden here
15325s but I mean it was a great map with uh
15326s with Sweden beating turkey I mean we
15329s might just get to see a little bit more
15330s of that here on nombani between Great
15332s Britain and Portugal here uh and yeah
15335s like as I predicted you do have uh you
15337s did you do have maimon coming back in
15339s for the uh the DPS lot of Great Britain
15342s there and then backbone moving over to
15344s the flex support so that's going to be a
15346s dive composition you got Sony Astro on
15347s the briguita this is you know a
15349s composition that they've been pretty
15350s competent on and again you have Kai on
15353s the Ash and like like an absolutely
15355s insane hit scan player like that shot on
15357s the reaper it might have just looked
15358s like one shot where like a guy was
15359s standing still but it was still like a
15361s 185 flick on him like you're not
15363s supposed to be able to just do that and
15365s get away with it and uh it looks like
15366s Portugal gonna mostly mirror here I mean
15369s they have the Sombra whereas uh you know
15370s Great Britain's sticking with the uh Kai
15372s Ash there but if flamenzo is able to get
15375s a good hack onto Chicago maybe get them
15376s caught out this might be enough to get
15378s their foot in the door
15379s yeah I'm hoping to see um a lot more of
15382s flamenzo in this matchup as well since
15384s we do have like a diveable back line for
15387s Portugal but for now it seems like Great
15390s Britain opting to play pretty far up and
15392s stop the first choke point rather than
15394s allowing them to fight over on the
15396s checkpoint yeah it's a it's just kind of
15399s like Portugal trying to look for a way
15400s in it looks like they want to try and
15401s pressure Kai from this back Alleyway
15403s there but flamenzo gets forced away ego
15405s gets booped off and now yeah just kind
15407s of stuck on the low ground with all the
15409s damage coming in gets the jump and has
15411s to go back out there and yeah everyone's
15413s just kind of caught out because that
15414s dive just doesn't go nearly as planned
15416s like everybody that tried to go in got
15417s forced away one by one it was like a
15419s Jackie Chan movie where like all the
15421s henchmen just come and attack one by one
15423s and just get
15428s coming out from Portugal and yeah Great
15430s Britain they can just keep sitting
15431s comfortably here
15433s see how they're gonna have to go and
15434s reset since they don't really have any
15436s other choice without Dizzle it's
15438s actually Rod switching over to the
15439s kiriko interesting choice here but they
15441s have that little bit of extra healing
15443s flamenzo trying to get a touch on to the
15445s point but is forced to translocate back
15447s to the team after Akai just turns around
15449s spots out the Sombra and they still have
15452s W maimon kind of playing around the
15454s objective as well instead of going for
15456s those hard flanks and now as soon as ego
15459s tries to go for a hard dive onto diesel
15461s is just an anti and quick follow-up from
15464s the pink and brigitta to just force them
15466s off yeah so ego is actually uh a I
15469s believe a flex DPS player that has
15471s swapped over onto uh play tank for the
15474s World Cup here and uh learning a hard
15476s lesson for tanks that if people just get
15479s really upset when they see a Winston
15481s dive like everybody wants to just pounce
15483s right on top of that monkey and take him
15484s down before he does any damage and yeah
15487s egos learned that lesson the hard way
15488s there is all of Great Britain just
15490s collapsed on top of them here and it's
15492s still Portugal like trying to go through
15494s this back plank route where they have
15496s like yeah they have that mini health
15497s pack hacked but yeah jakarta's got a
15499s Primal Rage I don't know what you're
15500s gonna do about that but uh if you're
15502s Karama clearly not much
15504s yeah I mean it was kind of a BM rival
15507s rage to just kind of get one person
15509s trapped in an already very small
15511s Corridor with a large monkey with a
15513s cannon
15514s um but they're going to go ahead and
15515s reset and it's pretty easy since they
15518s have build up to so many other ultimates
15520s on their squad it's not a huge sacrifice
15522s to go ahead and use that Primal Rage and
15524s secure the picks and force the reset and
15526s just Whittle down that timer and it's
15528s one that you can like cycle your
15530s ultimates very well with because yeah
15531s you're gonna have the rally as well you
15533s can bleed out more time with that jakaru
15534s actually gonna get deleted though by the
15536s EMP from flamenzo it's huge you know in
15538s Great Britain now they can't cycle the
15540s Old South they have to invest them just
15541s uh to hold the point here
15543s yeah but not even one check is done by
15546s Portugal after the EMP play even though
15549s they were able to eliminate JK aru but
15551s funny Astro goes ahead and tries to get
15554s that rally out diesel actually survives
15556s the pulse bomb but W maimon able to
15558s finish off the kill and now without the
15560s back line to sustain from Portugal has
15562s been completely melted W Ramon going
15565s crazy with these pulse pistols on the
15567s Tracer and going to look for a little
15568s something more onto Karama but Karama
15571s not going to want to force a stagger
15572s yeah maimon just on cleanup Duty there
15575s just pulls out the mop and bucket takes
15577s down pretty much everybody wins that
15579s Doula with Dizzle so it took a while
15580s Dizzle quite survivable but maybe unable
15583s to get the better of that one and we're
15585s already down to like 20 seconds for
15587s Portugal to try and get the cap here it
15588s felt it feels like the time is just
15590s breezed by but that's because in
15591s Portugal haven't accomplished all that
15593s much say for getting that one tick they
15595s have OLS to try and force this through
15597s and they finally taken that back out
15599s that back hallway they might be able to
15600s force Britain off The High Ground here
15602s but they've already lost a rama
15604s yeah they aren't getting the ticks
15606s though Great Britain is completely
15608s ignoring the point thus far they've been
15610s able to get a small contest and they
15612s keep touching from Portugal but however
15614s it's just weaving in and out from Great
15616s Britain they've dropped the bubble down
15617s now playing around the objective
15619s clemenza goes for the touch and now it's
15621s ego who has to try and get the overtime
15623s to continue but eliminated so quickly
15626s over time still active but now Dizzle
15629s being cornered by JK aru not much that
15632s Portugal can do not even one point taken
15635s by great by Portugal oh we take you know
15638s we highlight the great read from
15640s Portugal on Night Market back on Legion
15641s Tower to swap over that Pharmacy comp
15643s but this time it looks like they're the
15644s ones that get read like a book because
15646s they keep trying over and over again to
15649s take that back hallway like they did
15651s successfully do one time uh you know
15653s towards the end there the very end but
15655s the fact that they kept taking so long
15657s to try and take that approach and kept
15659s getting repelled over and over again by
15660s Great Britain means that by the time
15662s they actually successfully do it Great
15664s Britain have the old and they have the
15665s position and they have the ability to
15667s sustain it was also pretty smart from
15668s Portugal to try and take the fight not
15670s only off of The High Ground but off of
15671s the point entirely so that you can have
15673s people capping but that unfortunately
15675s means that there are going to be people
15677s just not participating in the fight So
15679s eventually you lose that fight the
15681s players that are still alive on Great
15683s Britain I'll just come back collapse on
15684s the people contesting the point and it
15686s all stalls out from there Portugal are
15688s able to get 83 percent to a cap off of
15690s that but you know that's uh that's not a
15692s lot you definitely want to have more
15694s than that to hang your hat on like this
15696s was your map pick you kind of want to
15698s have more more of a Lifeline than 83
15700s percent
15702s yeah I think that it's definitely not
15705s what Portugal was hoping for and Great
15707s Britain they have a lot of wiggle room
15709s to just get themselves take their time
15711s and now they've switched on to a
15713s potential mercy and I think they were
15715s attempting to pair that with an echo but
15717s Kai now switching onto the Hanzo which I
15719s definitely don't blame them for but now
15721s it's at Hanzo pocketed Mercy potentially
15724s no they switched off that and it was
15726s just going to be funny Astro switching
15728s back onto the pagita trying to protect
15730s Backbone in the back line you say Hanzo
15732s pocketed Mercy it's a little oh sorry a
15735s mercy pocketed Hanz oh my God
15738s the dynamic has totally shifted here
15741s okay they already have Kai on The High
15743s Ground and that's the benefit that the
15744s Hanzo wall climb gives you and like
15746s they're putting Kai under a lot of
15747s pressure but the feel is there and yeah
15749s too much pressure and uh yeah pressure
15752s makes diamonds and Kai a time and for
15756s sure takes down Dizzle as well I I got
15758s nothing like hitting a shot like that as
15760s you're about to fall asleep like he's
15762s hitting shots you just shouldn't hit and
15764s that should be enough for Great Britain
15765s to just take it I don't think anyone's
15767s alive for Portugal to get the cap here
15768s and uh that's gonna be
15771s not with a bang but with quite the
15772s whimper that uh that Portugal goes out
15774s and Great Britain uh takes this one to
15776s zero
15777s yeah I feel like that was definitely a
15780s little bit anticlimactic for the second
15782s map and Portugal there was just some
15784s glimmer of life that we needed to see
15786s and it just was not at all present
15788s especially on new Bonnie they were doing
15791s the same thing over and over again there
15793s wasn't as much adaptation as we would
15795s have liked to see but we know that
15796s they're capable of yeah sometimes the
15798s strategy isn't always to try and go for
15800s those like plays where you circumvent
15802s the point and try and take The High
15803s Ground from behind sometimes you take
15805s the more direct approach for you just
15806s climb right up The High Ground and kill
15808s things like you know Great Britain did
15809s there they set Kai up there they gave
15811s him the support they said you know gave
15813s him the peel they collapsed on top of
15816s everybody that tried to pressure Kai
15818s down and that just ended up being like a
15820s full full British kill feed there and
15822s and they just take the point like easy
15823s as that like there wasn't even really
15825s much of a fight coming up from Portugal
15827s just a couple Quick Picks and they
15828s collapsed
15830s yeah this is just basically I mean we
15833s definitely expected Britain to be the
15836s favorite going into this matchup when
15838s they were going to go and win it all
15840s between the two of them since they have
15842s that much individual talent and Portugal
15844s kind of surprises at the beginning with
15846s the pharmacy with the adaptations they
15848s were making and with how patient they
15849s were with first capture over on a night
15852s market in lijon Tower and we just never
15855s saw that again unfortunately and
15858s obviously Kai is a huge factor in the
15860s success as well so much peel for this
15863s Hanzo and the fact that he's just
15864s hitting insane shots that feel like
15866s maybe they shouldn't be entirely legal
15868s and like I said it's not even just Kai
15870s it's Britain's setting him up for
15871s Success there right like he's able to
15873s hit those shots but you could even see
15874s in that last clip there that you had
15876s jikaru and um
15878s uh funny Astro on the brigitta there I
15880s don't even know how oh no sorry that was
15882s I'm getting completely mixed up with uh
15884s who was up there though that was like
15885s all of all of Portugal but you did still
15887s have jaycaru there to try and support
15888s things you still had a lot of the
15890s healing coming through you still had
15891s people trying to make that space and let
15893s Kai take those shots granted he doesn't
15895s even need it because he just hitting
15896s Hanzo headshots at Point Blank but I get
15899s like again that just felt like such a
15901s non-fight there towards the end just
15903s like one scrap that Kai just simply
15906s kills two people the rest of Great
15907s Britain mop up the mess that he made and
15909s yet suddenly no more Portugal we didn't
15912s see like we saw not nothing from
15914s Portugal there is like glimmers of
15916s something more that could come to
15917s fruition later on in uh in this
15919s tournament cycle here but for now like
15921s that was just all Great Britain's map
15922s that was uh that was a good way to blow
15924s off some steam I think after the Denmark
15926s loss uh yesterday able to try and bounce
15928s back maybe uh Flex their egos a little
15930s bit get ready for some more of the
15932s troubles that may lie ahead uh as they
15934s try to stake their claim solidify their
15937s claim as a matter of fact as one of the
15939s top three teams in this group here
15942s yeah and this is definitely just what
15945s Great Britain needed unfortunately
15947s Portugal they are definitely off to
15949s weights
15950s um a softer start I would say than they
15953s actually expected to and since they are
15956s 0-2 now that does bring them to near to
15958s the bottom of group a but group a lucky
15961s for them they have those three spots
15963s that can qualify so they do have a
15965s little bit more wiggle room they still
15967s have a lot more days about five more
15969s days I would say to crawl their way back
15971s into the potential light and qualify to
15974s the playoffs yeah I'm I'm definitely
15977s looking forward to see more from this
15978s Portugal Squad there is uh there's
15979s there's definitely some fun to be had
15981s with this team in the lobby but we got
15983s some more fun coming out for you next
15985s matchup is going to be Denmark versus
15986s Belgium we're gonna bring uh Jim back
15989s for a quick little intro there and we'll
15990s be right back with that after the break
15991s don't go anywhere
15994s [Music]
16039s thank you
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16092s foreign
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16151s thank you
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16167s thank you
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16189s [Applause]
16193s [Music]
16211s foreign we are down to the final two
16214s matches of day three here at the
16217s OverWatch World Cup 2023 online
16219s qualifiers for the emec region I'm your
16221s host Jim Basco and of course I'm joined
16222s by epitives and CB epitome tala talk to
16226s me man Great Britain is a stacked region
16230s it feels like right now up against this
16231s Portugal Squad
16233s yeah I mean but speaking of Great
16235s Britain yesterday they were actually
16237s beaten despite how stacked they were by
16240s a team that we are going to be seeing
16241s very soon called team Denmark who were
16245s able to beat them 2-1 and I would say if
16247s you have a roster as stacked as team
16250s Great Britain and you still lost then I
16253s wonder who's playing for this Denmark
16254s Squad yeah it's a good question to be
16257s asking here and it's something to look
16258s forward to as well right is that Denmark
16260s and Belgium game like you mentioned we
16262s only have so much data for these newer
16264s teams in Denmark and Portugal to be
16265s going off of but Denmark did pretty well
16268s against Great Britain they definitely
16270s put up a fight there Belgium's got some
16272s star players on it CB talk us through
16274s that matchup I mean Denmark like you
16276s said has some star players and we got
16278s plenty of data on those uh on those
16280s Danish players a lot of stars you know
16282s we got we got Naga I feel like one of
16284s the most underrated DPS players you know
16286s for in a long time was pulling out some
16288s hero plays in the OverWatch league and
16290s is showing up for this Danish squads you
16292s still have shockwave the the young
16294s hitscan extraordinaire and and like
16296s everybody from Denmark is impressive
16298s like I also do want to highlight Doge as
16300s well I will admit I'm a Houston Outlaws
16302s fan I know pain I know he was picked up
16304s for Houston briefly and didn't see much
16305s play time because they were like you
16307s know all about Dante's leadership but
16309s they picked up Doge for a reason and
16311s it's because he's good and like you know
16313s the comms weren't there sometimes like
16315s team play Dynamics change and you need
16317s to you know change of pace for for your
16319s tank player but doge is stepping up and
16321s showing like what he's got right now I'm
16323s very impressed by Doge and the entire
16325s Dana Squad in that matchup with Great
16327s Britain there and on the other side you
16329s know we got Belgium who does also have a
16331s fair uh DPS line you know they got
16333s Logics in Ken they're capable of making
16335s Miracles but it's like Peaks and valleys
16337s with this team you know and definitely
16339s there ain't no mountain high enough and
16341s there ain't no valley low enough for
16342s Denmark not to just run right over you
16344s so they have to show a little bit more
16346s consistency as a whole I think if
16348s they're going to want to uh have a
16350s chance in this matchup yeah really aptly
16352s said you know let's take a look now at
16354s the schedule and look at the matches
16355s course we just have been talking about
16357s Denmark versus Belgium that's match
16358s number six of the day and the final one
16360s afterwards features the Netherlands
16362s versus France but just to recap what's
16364s been happening all day long here in day
16366s three Great Britain 2 over Portugal
16368s turkey 2-1 over Sweden Saudi Arabia
16370s dominant 2-0 over Poland Norway 2-0 over
16374s Iceland and the same score goes for
16375s Finland overturned over Germany sorry
16378s about that talking about standings real
16380s quick though currently when we're taking
16382s a look at group a group b three members
16384s at the top of group a will be moving on
16386s and currently it's comprised of France
16388s Spain and Denmark and at Group B only
16391s the top two move on and in the current
16393s say it's Norway and Saudi Arabia so with
16398s that being said of course map score is
16399s going to be something that we pay close
16400s attention to we've got two weeks of
16402s action underway here day three leads us
16406s 75 of the way through the first week of
16409s course we'll be back with more action
16410s tomorrow as well and then take a little
16413s break all the way back until Thursday
16415s Friday Saturday Sunday of next week
16417s where we'll be back with round two of
16419s the action here but tala epitomies and
16421s CB
16422s please take away the match Denmark
16424s versus Belgium I'll see you guys on the
16426s flip side
16427s all right thank you Jim so Denmark
16429s versus Belgium lots to talk about with
16431s Denmark specifically yesterday they did
16434s go to all three maps with Britain they
16436s did win 2-1 and it was watchpoint
16440s Gibraltar new Queen Street and Nepal
16442s that was their map Pool so I'm pretty
16444s excited to see where we'll be going
16445s today yeah I'm uh I'm pretty excited I
16448s mean I I'm gonna lift the curtain a
16450s little bit and say that uh you know
16452s production has already spoiled a
16453s surprise for us and we're gonna start
16454s things off on Nepal uh I I promised that
16457s I would pretend I didn't hear it but you
16459s know I you said where are we going so
16461s like I you said I I kind of had to we're
16463s gonna kick things off uh on Nepal for
16466s this uh Belgium versus Denmark matchup
16468s here and like like you said all the
16470s talent on Denmark they've really
16472s impressed in that Great Britain matchup
16474s you know again Doge I wanted to
16475s highlight this guy because he was he was
16477s a good he was a great player uh that
16480s didn't really get the fairest shot on
16482s Houston Outlaws but is showing why he
16484s was picked up in the first place he got
16486s Shockwave and Naga two very underrated
16488s DPS players from owl history that have
16490s been you know just popping off against
16493s against Great Britain in that in that
16495s matchup yesterday and then calyx and
16496s slay that's a really solid support line
16498s this is just a solid team with talents
16500s across the board that can just hurt you
16502s and like that's really all they need to
16504s do is they just need to hurt you
16507s yeah I mean like we were talking a lot
16509s about Saudi Arabia earlier in the day we
16512s were talking a lot about Saudi yesterday
16513s and calyx and slay are actually part of
16515s that Twisted mind score right so they
16518s have a lot of experience at a very high
16520s level and they have definitely fair
16522s their Fair extra experience with like
16524s winning especially in that EU contenders
16526s circuit so I definitely feel like
16529s Denmark is a team to watch out for but
16531s now looking over at the other side let's
16534s see what we can we have coming for us
16537s from Team Belgium and right off the bat
16540s obviously Logics is a huge name for
16543s Belgium he's popped off for them before
16545s and he's just a really solid DPS for
16547s this team yeah but like this team kind
16549s of as a whole it's like the story of
16551s Logics with those kind of Peaks and
16552s valleys where he's capable of absolute
16554s Miracles but he's also capable of kind
16556s of going quiet for a little bit and and
16558s Ken is kind of like the same way where
16559s you have some of these huge pop-off
16561s moments where Ken just like kills three
16563s or four people on the Hanzo just out of
16565s nowhere and it just like Belgium wins a
16567s fight that way but for every time that
16569s that's not happening they're losing
16570s fights and they're not able to make up
16572s the difference here so I want to see
16573s that consistency coming in across the
16575s board you know a little bit less of that
16577s streakiness that comes out from the DPS
16579s core I want to see their peaks more
16581s frequently and a lot fewer valleys
16583s coming out from Belgium here
16586s I would have to agree with you Belgium
16588s really needs that streak of consistency
16591s if they want to have a hope of beating
16594s Denmark especially since they've already
16596s gone down to Great Britain who lost to
16598s Denmark so it's definitely already an
16600s uphill battle once you see what you're
16602s up against if you are Belgium but
16604s hopefully going on to nabal they will be
16606s able to show us something good yeah and
16609s this is also an opportunity for Denmark
16610s to like make a statement to the rest of
16612s the group as well right because like
16613s you're looking at these three matches
16615s that were that we're going through in a
16616s row back at the schedule like we just
16618s saw Great Britain we're watching Denmark
16620s versus Belgium now and the next matchup
16621s is going to be Netherlands versus France
16623s Great Britain Denmark and France are all
16625s like the potential favorites to take
16627s those three playoff spots right now so
16628s they're all gonna kind of like even
16630s though they're not playing each other
16631s they're still kind of that subtle like
16633s maybe we can like one-up each other try
16634s and make sure we go up 2-0 as much as
16636s possible show the dominance that Great
16638s Britain showed against Portugal keep
16640s that consistency to try and keep the
16641s race close and by the way there's a
16644s couple other people on the outside of
16646s that bubble as well you know you've got
16647s Spain that turned a lot of heads you've
16649s got the Netherlands that still have the
16651s talent to potentially Make some noise so
16653s you know you definitely want to come
16655s correct here
16657s yeah I mean I think Spain not playing
16659s today so they don't really have the
16661s chance to make that statement here in
16662s group a but they have definitely showed
16664s themselves as a dark force in group a
16667s being able to beat out the Netherlands
16669s who a lot of people thought were going
16671s to be one of the favorites
16673s um going into this group and Netherlands
16675s obviously yesterday they were able to
16677s win a match and Netherlands going to
16679s play later today against France which is
16681s currently top of the group with a 4-0
16683s record so it's going to be a really
16686s tough last two matches for this group a
16689s all right the simtp from Shockwave
16692s that's it okay so it's not gonna be a
16694s swap they're actually going to TP and
16695s then speed boost to the point here but
16697s Ken is on the pharmacy so going to be
16699s doing some uh some damage from above
16701s just around the corners of this point
16702s here and it's kind of up to Doge to like
16704s mitigate that as best as possible uh
16707s Denmark should be able to get first
16708s control over the point here because
16709s Belgium can't really commit to it uh
16711s especially not if they lose their Anna
16713s like right out of the gates
16715s yeah that's super unlucky for Belgium
16718s there or just a really good shot from
16720s Denmark Squad but this Pharmacy
16722s composition can looking to get some work
16724s done destroy that shield on the Rind
16726s heart early but it seems like they can't
16728s really get a stay in edgewise over on
16731s this point Ken however now finding Naga
16733s means that they're able to push forward
16734s on logic sorry Tracer and that's just a
16737s lot of damage to go out over onto Doge
16740s so all of a sudden Denmark crumble and
16742s Belgium flip point and that's kind of
16744s like death by a Thousand Cuts there like
16746s you know they do take down slay and and
16748s like I always say about the Sim May
16750s composition especially on a village here
16752s it's great at holding the point it's not
16755s so great at capping the points so once
16757s it slips through Denmark's grasp yeah
16758s you can see they're making wholesale
16760s swaps like I think literally only calyx
16762s is the person like the only person on
16764s Denmark that didn't make a swap here so
16765s now we're on Diva with the somber Tracer
16767s and I think this is still something that
16769s Denmark can excel at they almost lost
16772s slay early there again they can't be
16773s doing that though
16775s yeah slay the source of basically all
16778s their verse healing Doge however antide
16780s is going to have to wait a second before
16782s that re-engage so that it's just the
16785s point it keeps ticking for Denmark as
16788s they've been able to flip it back over
16790s Belgium just letting it go basically for
16792s free pulse bomb though in the hands of
16794s Logics could do some serious damage but
16797s not if shockwave's going to go behind
16798s but Ken's there with the cover on the
16800s barrage now another DPS ultimate in the
16803s back pocket but Kelly
16808s the solo barrage gas Shockwave saying
16810s that's fan Behavior but like I mean you
16812s take that like the barrage is gone
16813s you've just taken out Logics now Denmark
16816s still have control of the point and like
16817s the trade-off was like they took out
16820s part of Nova really early and like yeah
16821s all killing Anna and then happily be
16824s solo barraged and then you know and a
16827s support out for free like you can trade
16829s your life for that like that's totally
16830s okay
16832s yeah I mean the barrage also was built
16835s up pretty quickly but over here on
16836s Belgium's side okay Naga just walked
16839s right into a rocket unfortunate but
16841s there's the valkyrie now coming out from
16843s Shabba seeing the opening that was left
16845s by naga's non-presence but Shockwave
16848s does have that EMP and the pulse bomb is
16850s still in the hands of both of these
16852s tracers however Belgium they do expand
16855s that Valkyrie the only ultimate they
16857s expended to flip that point back over
16859s not too expensive of a fight and
16861s honestly I would take that yeah and like
16864s Denmark's in a pretty good position you
16865s can tell like they don't invest any oats
16866s to try and hold that because they know
16868s they're like one fight territory and
16870s they have you know a full house right
16872s now like they can just royally flush
16873s this right down for them go in with an
16875s EMP try and catch maybe Ken get him out
16877s of the sky there it looks like that's
16879s what Shockwave kinda wants to do or
16881s maybe just go for on the point getting
16882s caught cat out on the point
16884s yeah that's an excellent EMP catch as so
16886s many of Belgium's players and they do go
16888s for the Nano boost over onto Ken and
16891s Ken's able to survive the onslaught for
16893s a few seconds because of it but Denmark
16895s still flips the point nonetheless and
16897s Ken doesn't have the mercy in the pocket
16899s anymore which means that spam from
16901s Doge's primary fire very easily takes
16904s down the pharah in the air now on side
16907s of Denmark two ultimates still available
16909s after that fight with Kitsune Russian
16911s sound barrier as well as EMP expended
16913s but they should be able to force Belgium
16915s back further and not even a touch to
16918s come through before Denmark finds that
16920s first point yet with like no Lucio and
16922s the only fast Hero on Belgium's side
16925s being Logics like yeah that was kind of
16927s your only opportunity to touch there and
16928s at Denmark just like completely shut
16930s that one down and like you said like
16931s they still had the pulse bomb and the
16933s self-destruct if they needed it and
16935s Belgium like they had the barrage that
16937s could have maybe won them a fight if Ken
16938s pulled out a miracle there but most of
16940s what Ken was doing was just like kind of
16942s systematically finding like a rocket
16944s here a rocket there that amounts into a
16946s kill and it's been phenomenal Fire play
16947s but it hasn't really been like enough
16950s you know at Denmark like they're wise to
16952s this you know they're too smart to keep
16955s falling for that and they're not gonna
16956s just let Ken get into a position where
16957s he can do more than solo barrage
16959s Shockwave so we're gonna see Denmark
16961s swapping back onto that Rush comp
16962s dishing the Reinhardt now going for the
16964s ramatra but Shockwave going back over
16966s onto that Sombra Ken on the echo still
16971s wants to take to the skies but wants to
16972s be something a little bit less Mercy
16974s dependent
16975s yeah so now we see the Denmark once
16978s again looking to take control of The
16980s High Ground rather than the point
16981s directly and Belgium seems to have the
16983s same idea as well a little bit of all
16986s charge on each side as they're able to
16988s trade a few shots back and forth but in
16990s general Denmark is should be able to
16992s capture that first point with first
16994s touch and forcing Shira back as well not
16997s looking like they are able to get a
16999s touch Denmark flipping it over to White
17001s and just sprawling with the Diva on the
17005s side I keep looking at these situations
17007s right now where like Denmark is just
17008s kind of taking the point and Belgium's
17010s not touching it to contest it I'm
17012s wondering where Logics is because like
17014s you could be using that Tracer to kind
17015s of try and like slow things down try and
17017s alleviate some of the pressure but I
17019s think he's trying to like take duels
17021s elsewhere and it's just not really
17022s panning out because no one from Denmark
17024s really seems to be going down like he's
17027s doing some damage yeah but he's not
17028s really catching anybody out Shockwave
17030s though gets caught up by a spy check
17032s there but is able to hack the mega
17033s before he translocates out that's gonna
17035s be if not nothing else pretty annoying
17037s for Belgium to not have that as a
17039s resource but nonetheless time for them
17041s to try and go in and uh get another
17043s another attempt at the point here see if
17047s Logix is able to come in and make some
17049s magic
17050s it's this time going to be that Nano
17052s boost onto Ken once again and I think
17054s that's what they're trying to do to make
17056s them less dependent on that Mercy but
17059s there's a stick to come through from
17060s Logics and they're trying to finish off
17062s this kill desperately Doge finally does
17064s go down to the boosters from Shira but
17067s the EMP from Shockwave might be able to
17070s delay however with the May wall it's not
17073s looking for a way back into the point
17074s now just a fight for survival as they're
17077s waiting for their supports to regroup
17079s with themselves the contest comes
17081s through with calyx but he does go down
17083s quickly from the focus fire and Belgium
17085s finally flips the point over going to
17087s have to surrender that
17089s from Denmark and like using that EMP in
17092s a losing fight there might seem kind of
17094s egregious if you're Denmark but like
17095s that's okay because you know this is
17097s Belgium's first time getting any
17098s percentage you have time to build up to
17100s another when you have time to like go
17102s back in once you have it in shockwave's
17103s already 40 to it did enough work in that
17105s fight to build up to it so if Denmark
17108s even need it that's still an option for
17110s later on down the line but they want to
17111s go in right now that's a huge Boop there
17113s from calyx
17114s okay calyx knocking off the most of the
17117s sustain of Belgium off the edge of a
17119s cliff it's going to have to be the
17120s duplicate forced out with the
17122s annihilation now on to the ramatra to
17125s try and get that little bit of extra
17127s sustain but Belgium Ken is just being
17129s melted there's a self-destruct shock
17131s wave is caught by it but Doge still
17134s surviving slay now switching over onto
17137s this uh Baptiste to try and get that
17139s little bit of extra ball for all
17141s potential as well Denmark coming out on
17143s top after expending
17146s I think it was two ultimates both that
17148s sound barrier and Annihilation yeah and
17150s like again going back to shockwave's EMP
17152s right now like now Denmark are 80 it's
17155s gonna be one fight and Shockwave should
17157s be able to get the EMP in the middle of
17159s it and even if he doesn't you have a
17160s blizzard you're gonna have an ant Matrix
17162s and if they find an early pick like
17163s there won't even be a chance to use it
17165s but Logics versus slay here keep a close
17167s eye on this one because calyx has
17168s already fallen actually
17171s and this is such a good fight from
17173s Belgium already Ken is so good on this
17176s Echo and finding a lot of value of that
17178s last duplicate wasn't enough to win the
17179s fight but already building up to one
17181s very quickly and flipping that point
17183s over Denmark in one fight territory of
17185s course EMP coming up very shortly from
17188s Shockwave and blizzard so much area
17190s control from Denmark they could
17192s potentially make a lethal combo with
17194s these two DPS ultimates and the amp
17196s Matrix to boot on the other side they
17199s only have that duplicate that could
17200s potentially contest both support
17202s ultimates being used now that anti-nade
17204s does stall out Denmark for a second but
17207s the amp maker comes through from slay
17208s and then the mecca is done and dusted
17212s however they are able to get that pick
17214s down onto Logics Denmark they're in such
17217s good territory right now now the
17219s annihilation from Ken though as they go
17221s through the duplicate but just melted
17223s but not before taking down Naga the
17225s sound barrier has to come out the
17227s overhealth and the shields onto Denmark
17229s Squad will keep them alive for a few
17231s moments longer logic spamming down onto
17234s Doge gotta transform into Nemesis 4 that
17236s survivability and slay has been able to
17238s boost jump onto the elephant and Escape
17240s some of the damage that Logics has been
17243s outputting however the touches from
17245s Logics are so good to keep Belgium in
17248s the game finally the blood blizzard does
17250s come through from Denmark Naga Force
17253s into the ice block the visit later
17254s doesn't do enough damage Logics brought
17257s down really low when the pulse bomb
17258s brought up through that fight but it's
17260s the annihilation that's going to finish
17262s things off for Denmark and finally the
17264s kales come through for Denmark to win
17267s map one two o that gets that point gets
17271s kind of uncomfortably close there for a
17273s little bit from Denmark so like I want
17274s to rewind like a little bit like I want
17276s to go to that fight where you know you
17278s saw that duel coming out between slay
17279s and Logics what happened there was like
17282s Denmark was all trying to cut the rest
17284s of Belgium off at the pass on The High
17286s Ground and slay stayed on the point so
17288s they were like split and then even
17290s though you don't see Logics like
17291s outright win that duel it's another case
17293s where it's like if you're doing one
17295s thing you're not doing another he's too
17296s busy being split off from the rest of
17298s the team taking that duel with Logics
17299s that the rest of the team just kind of
17301s collapsed and Belgium flipped the point
17303s and then like you know Naga dies before
17306s he gets the blizzard off in that early
17308s fight there and that's how Belgium's
17309s able to come up to 99 but then you know
17311s he comes back uses it zones everybody
17313s else off the point more and more Ultima
17315s Online and eventually Denmark are able
17317s to just kind of brute force it over the
17318s edge there but they almost got caught
17320s just that one little mistake there that
17322s you know splitting off leaving slay
17324s behind on the low ground there to try
17325s and take that duel with Logics uh that's
17328s the kind of thing that a team like
17329s Belgium can capitalize on and as you
17332s know as dominant as like a 2-0 on
17334s control looks it's still not perfect
17336s from Denmark and I don't want to
17338s highlight that one mistake too too much
17339s because you know Denmark's a much better
17341s team than that I don't think they're
17342s gonna keep making that kind of mistake
17343s but if they do they might want to watch
17347s out but nonetheless they take Nepal
17349s pretty handily and uh yes themselves up
17351s for success in the series
17353s there was a lot of scrappiness in that
17355s fight like you said down to 99.99 and I
17358s feel like a lot of it came from the
17360s impact that Ken was able to make on this
17362s Echo despite not having that pocket
17364s right with still able to get so much
17366s value uh from this bird since there
17368s wasn't really a lot of focus on taking
17370s out Ken and every chance that he got
17372s even though they saw like an occasional
17374s sojourn switch right at the beginning
17376s trying to get to the point faster
17377s whenever Ken popped that ultimate it was
17380s to duplicate a tank and bring that extra
17382s survivability to the team and the
17384s annihilation is so powerful no matter
17386s who it is on and again with like the the
17388s duplicate and the way it works like you
17389s build that up so fast like and it's such
17391s a high value ultimate that it's just
17393s like no one can touch me like if you
17395s come close to me you'll be taking
17396s constant damage so you have to like try
17397s and melt me down from like arm's length
17400s and that's just a ton of value
17401s especially when you already have like
17402s another tank on the field that's also
17404s like making space trying to push people
17405s away you can utilize that just to take
17407s the point repel the entire enemy force
17410s and like it works out well for Belgium
17412s there but just not not well enough
17414s because Denmark still feel like they're
17415s one step ahead of the game here but like
17418s I said there's a couple key slip UPS
17419s there that a team like Belgium or maybe
17421s even a better team somewhere else in
17423s this group could potentially take
17424s advantage of uh that uh Denmark might
17427s want to take a take a chance to iron out
17428s it's going to be Belgium's map pick
17430s though though for this next match up
17431s here so I will have to we'll have to see
17434s what Belgium wants to do about it if
17435s they're if they're able to find
17436s something that they can force a little
17438s bit more errors that they can capitalize
17439s on
17440s yeah Denmark definitely going to have to
17443s go back to the books do a little bit of
17445s homework review the vods but we're going
17447s to see what we can have out of Belgium
17450s on this next map it's going to be their
17451s map pick like you mentioned and we're
17453s going to see on the other side of this
17454s breaks you then don't go anywhere
17458s [Music]
17476s thank you
17479s [Music]
17493s right now
17495s [Music]
17496s [Applause]
17496s [Music]
17503s [Applause]
17504s [Music]
17555s [Music]
17572s thank you
17589s foreign
17598s [Music]
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17616s [Applause]
17619s [Music]
17655s thank you
17657s [Music]
17672s thank you
17676s we are nearing the end of the day of the
17679s today's OverWatch World Cup emec
17682s qualifiers I'm epitome is joined by CB
17685s and we are looking at map two of Denmark
17689s versus Belgium that was quite a banger
17693s matchup in that first map of Nepal and
17695s even though it was a 2-0 score line it
17697s was a lot closer than it looks to be
17698s especially there on Shrine and I want to
17701s highlight uh Ken I can't highlight Ken
17703s enough on this uh this Belgian Squad
17705s he's been a standout on this roster
17707s definitely a highlight for their team a
17708s standout from EU contenders and is
17710s showing up but it definitely feels like
17713s it's either can go kill or you know
17715s Logics with a hero play and if that
17718s doesn't happen Belgium hasn't have a
17719s tendency to kind of stall out like they
17721s don't always know where they're going
17723s what they're doing what their win
17724s condition is and how to execute that
17725s game plan and again that's something
17727s that needs to be ironed out they can
17729s capitalize on mistakes because players
17731s of this pedigree of course are not gonna
17733s just you know see a lonely Baptiste on
17735s the point and not pounce on on that but
17737s there needs to be a little bit more
17738s because that's not always going to
17740s happen if you're not forcing those
17741s errors like unforced errors you can
17743s capitalize on
17744s heck yeah you gotta force them though
17746s and then make Denmark Flinch and they
17748s didn't Flinch all that hard on Nepal
17751s Belgium where are you taking us to what
17754s uh what errors can you force out of them
17756s on what map it looks like we're going to
17758s go to nambani we've seen a lot of
17760s numbani today oh okay yeah I think we
17762s have seen quite our fair share of
17764s numbani today and it just seems like you
17766s know they're having they're having a lot
17768s of maybe it's a new Bonnie day
17771s maybe and so like to me I feel like this
17774s might be a case of where you want to try
17777s and put Ken on a Hanzo maybe an ash
17779s because he's been phenomenal on the
17781s Hanzo we're thinking back to some of the
17783s plays from like day one that he was
17784s hitting where again it was like 10 kills
17786s like three or four people with the storm
17787s arrows and like Belgium wins a fight
17789s just period off purely off of that and
17791s if they're able to keep that pace up
17793s like yeah absolutely like they can
17795s definitely make some Headway here but
17796s Denmark is you know a very strong team
17799s again one of the potential favorites
17801s from this group so I want to see what
17803s Denmark comes out here with you know you
17805s you gotta imagine like you know
17807s Shockwave might go to something hit
17808s scanny as well Shockwave on the Ash has
17811s been historically a pretty solid hero
17813s for him and then you know of course you
17815s also have Naga who has been phenomenal
17817s on a lot of the flex DPS you kind of
17818s associate him with may but is no
17820s stranger to playing like you know your
17822s Genji's or your your pharaohs or any of
17824s your other Heroes that you might see so
17827s yeah I I like this pick for Dev for
17830s Belgium for the potential there but I I
17832s also kind of am looking at Denmark and
17834s being like yeah this also kind of Suits
17836s them
17838s yeah I can definitely see it where
17840s Denmark can be strong on a map like new
17842s Bonnie like but Belgium also maybe we're
17845s going to see why this is their map pick
17847s as well logic's going to stick to the
17849s Tracer but like you kind of predicted
17851s the can goes Ken goes on to the ash
17854s while shyra going to pick that Diva
17857s um so it's kind of sticking to their
17858s guns a little bit but on the other hand
17861s Denmark Naga going on to the Echo and
17865s this is definitely a lot more air
17867s control than they previously put a lot
17870s of focus on yeah but like so with
17872s Belgium there's no mercy to pocket Ken
17874s so this Echo isn't going to be as under
17876s quite as much threat Chaba is usually
17878s mostly going to be using the whip shots
17880s to repel mulfig who's gonna try and like
17882s you know use the the rocket boosters to
17884s get up onto The High Ground Chavo wants
17885s to make sure that doesn't happen but as
17887s far as the Echo goes uh can't really do
17890s much of anything so like the pressure is
17893s on Ken who's not gonna have like that
17894s extra little bit of damage to get that
17896s bird out of the sky so like Denmark I
17899s think once they identify this they kind
17900s of have an in Shockwave gonna head go
17902s ahead and go to the Hanzo to try and
17903s pressure some of Ken's angles as well
17905s and uh yeah just gonna really make it
17908s difficult for Ken to get anything done
17910s yeah Ken is going to be absolutely
17912s looking in two different directions but
17913s as I say that logic's immediately taking
17916s down kellex makes Naga very very
17918s vulnerable here which can capitalizes on
17921s very obviously Shockwave going to have
17923s to back off as soon as logic is just
17926s going to go get a nice little three
17928s piece for himself while they eliminate
17931s that last tank mulfig going to go down
17934s and out into the baby Diva Mech now now
17936s I'm just gonna stagger out mulfig like
17938s let him go back and spawn or jump off
17940s the point there so that's gonna be a lot
17941s of time actually bled out uh for Belgium
17943s there that's a really great first fight
17945s and again like you said like taking out
17946s calyx taking out the mercy is everything
17948s there because it means that suddenly
17950s Naga is under a lot of pressure there's
17952s no more heals no more Lifeline you know
17954s slay has to be scoped in in like every
17956s different direction to try and keep
17957s everything up and that's just it all
17959s just kind of crumbles from there because
17960s you're really banking on Naga getting
17962s something done and if you just can't
17963s then you know there is nothing to be
17966s done Ken gives up The High Ground here
17968s though so not gonna go in with the Nano
17969s boost
17971s yeah the Nano boost now on to Ken trying
17974s to get a lot of damage down but instead
17976s of going for the picks always really
17977s done and pressure them to try and go
17980s away from the point Shira looking to
17982s re-engage having to self-destruct in the
17984s back pocket as well so it could
17985s potentially take a lot of damage without
17987s consequence but Naga now finding Chaba
17990s is going to leave Panda Nova very very
17991s vulnerable the self-destruct does come
17994s through and nothing found by it but does
17996s clear up a lot of space however tick
17998s goes in the way of Denmark anyway still
18001s contesting the objective relentlessly
18003s and now mothic or shyra out of the Mac
18006s baby Diva goes down as well Naga going
18009s huge especially with the mercy in the
18011s back pocket and now po de Nova is just
18014s left on his own a team kill for Denmark
18016s to start things off on nubani and start
18018s the payload and like Belgium getting
18020s forced off that High Ground means they
18022s have to invest the Nano the
18023s self-destruct and the pulse bomb all to
18024s try and hold the point and they don't
18027s they don't end up actually doing that
18029s and they were forced to make that
18030s investment and they were forced to make
18031s that error and Denmark you know they're
18033s able to hold on to two huge ultimates
18035s and build up to the valkyrie as well it
18036s only really costs them you know the Nano
18038s to initiate and the self-destruct to
18040s allow mulfic to remake there a little
18042s bit along the way so yeah like Denmark
18045s they just kind of out positioned Belgium
18046s and force a couple of those errors Bob
18048s now gonna come out to contest but that's
18050s only really gonna buy Belgium time
18052s killing calyx is going to buy them some
18054s space though
18056s yeah Naga is going to have to play a
18058s little bit safer play around the pillar
18060s instead the Glide away looking for the
18062s heels from slay as well and since mold
18065s fake is also brought down very low it
18067s seems like they're looking for a
18068s disengaged Ken however a nice few shots
18071s slay taking down Logics with the nades
18074s so both these teams slightly staggered
18076s playing a little bit more passively shy
18078s we're going to come back and defend for
18080s the back line as Denmark is regrouping I
18083s mean Denmark are still like they're
18085s sitting pretty like they still have a
18086s decent old bank with like you know
18088s nearly nearly three minutes and and some
18089s alts as well but this gives that Bob
18092s bought Belgium some time to build some
18094s more this rally is going to stall things
18095s out just a little bit this Dragon strike
18097s shouldn't kill anybody but it is gonna
18099s force a lot of positioning and Shabba
18101s actually gets caught out by that oh
18103s podenova dies to the dragon strike and
18105s it's just so much space that's gained by
18108s Denmark in a matter of seconds now
18110s Logics with the pulse bomb is still
18112s going to attempt to contest but slay
18115s does find the Tracer are and Naga as
18117s well finishing things off it's just a
18120s cleanup crew from Denmark after that
18122s Dragon strike was initiated and now
18124s they're almost all the way up to that
18126s self-destruct again and the Nano boost
18128s is ready for them as well on the other
18130s side Belgium has a support ultimate in
18133s the form of potentum sandovus it's just
18135s the mirror with the addition of the
18137s pulse pump yeah and because Chaba has
18138s now swapped off the brigitta and onto
18140s the mercy there and like I said like
18141s like Regita doesn't really do much of
18144s anything against an echo and I think
18146s Naga now knows that the skies aren't
18149s going to be you know quite as easy to
18150s access on this third point and you know
18152s now that you have Ken with the mercy
18154s like yeah switching to the the Tracer
18157s here is a good uh good heads up play
18159s there from Naga the cart keeps trudging
18161s forward Logics with the pulse bomb
18163s though
18166s yep slay goes down so fast and calyx is
18170s nowhere to be seen to help and defend
18172s now calyx isolated however they do have
18175s Naga trying to defend for it it's not
18177s going to work out logic's a huge flank
18180s to stall out Denmark for a few more
18182s minutes and the pulse bomb still in the
18184s back pocket not having to invest that
18185s ultimate just yet allowing Ken to build
18187s up to the Bob as well and that was kind
18189s of like another situation where they
18191s kind of just left slay a little bit too
18193s far behind and the peel didn't come
18194s through in time like you did see the you
18196s did see Mulford come back with the
18198s defense Matrix but by then like it was
18199s just to try and keep Shockwave alive and
18202s uh you know Denmark they just kind of
18203s crumble there Belgium they're doing a
18205s good job holding here and they've got a
18206s pretty decent old bank to keep it going
18208s I'm gonna try and like let Denmark come
18210s around this corner before they start to
18211s pull the trigger on anything though
18213s foreign
18214s this definitely looks like a lot more
18216s traditional dive comp out of Denmark the
18219s Bob does come through the sleeve onto
18221s the Bob though and they're going to just
18223s try and avoid hitting that ultimate
18225s altogether mol fake now eating all the
18228s damage possible with the defense Matrix
18230s and self-destruct in the back pocket to
18232s potentially clear out the space they are
18234s pushing very close and Belgium is unable
18237s to contest the point with Diva forcing
18239s them back into their spawn and a molting
18242s just cleaning everything up behind Naga
18244s shira's the only one who finds a pick
18246s and it's on display but without any
18249s support line to back them up it's the
18251s self-destruct that comes out baby Diva
18253s does fall though and with the shields
18255s there's nothing to be found from the
18256s self-destruct now they're going to have
18258s to pull out the sojourn but the EMP from
18262s Shockwave it could potentially turn the
18264s tide of this fight Denmark is finding a
18267s lot of value off the back of shockwave's
18269s ultimate and there's not much to be done
18271s by Belgium still able to contest shaira
18274s onto the doomfist now and attempting to
18276s bully kellex slay onto the Lucia wants
18279s to get back to the point quickly and get
18281s some sustained down for this squad but
18283s they're doing such a good job of doing
18284s it themselves the Tracer Sombra has such
18287s good survivability against this team and
18289s even Shabba having the rally now looking
18292s to contest but now it's going to leave
18294s pod denova on their own even on the
18297s kiriko no survivability the Susu comes
18299s through the pulse bomb comes through but
18301s there is still so much contention from
18303s Denmark to self-destruct finds Logics
18306s and I'm not sure what Belgium can do now
18309s with round one complete and three points
18311s for Denmark it does get really really
18314s Scrappy there and there's even that swap
18316s off over from slay onto the Lucio that
18318s almost kind of like you know like
18321s hinders Denmark's chances there because
18323s they don't really have the healing to
18324s keep sustaining and they have to play
18325s really carefully on the point try and
18327s let the passive cart heals along with
18329s the AOE heals from the brig and the
18331s Lucio uh come into play but then calyx
18333s dies on the break swaps to the Moira and
18335s then gets back to the fight and suddenly
18337s you have a little bit more and plus like
18339s as soon as Belgium comes out of the
18340s spawn there Shockwave has the EMP it
18343s just deletes uh I believe it was Ken on
18346s the sojourn who had the Nano boost so
18347s just takes that ultimate right out of
18349s the fight there even though he gives us
18351s life for that it's enough to like it's
18352s enough for Denmark to claw their way
18354s forward just a little bit there and they
18357s do cap with 40 seconds but that's under
18359s a minute and that's a really important
18361s uh a really important timetable there
18363s for for hybrid because this means if
18365s Belgium you know somehow sets like a
18368s rapid Pace like you know or sorry this
18370s means if uh sorry never mind I'm just
18373s gonna completely derail my train I've
18374s gone here oh I have no problem looking
18376s like a fool Denmark able to cap with
18377s time though it would have been nice to
18379s get a little bit more and they
18380s definitely have the potential to get a
18381s lot more there but yeah great stall out
18383s from Belgium and now I want to see what
18385s they have to offer on the attack here
18387s though
18389s seems like it is just going to be that
18391s same hump they were running on the
18393s defense they have decent power
18394s especially since Logics those Peaks and
18396s valleys that you mentioned they are very
18398s prominent especially in that last round
18401s gotting a lot of value in some fights
18403s and others they're just being bullied
18405s out of the objective mostly going to
18407s take early stances close to the choke
18410s and just get some early damage down and
18412s eating the damage with the defense
18414s Matrix as well however rest of the squad
18417s is still kind of sitting pretty back on
18419s the objective wouldn't be surprised to
18421s see Naga trying to fish for an early
18424s pick over onto the back line especially
18425s since brigitta not able to do much
18428s against the echo however already mulfig
18432s out of Mech means the baby Diva very
18434s vulnerable and Ken on their own the
18436s anti-nate is going to prevent and a
18439s death occasionally but mole fake loses
18442s the mech for it that might be
18444s problematic if Belgium can regroup
18445s quickly but I think it's going to it's
18448s still going be fine like Milford might
18450s not be in Prime position when he finally
18452s gets back to the point but he's still on
18453s the diva so he's gonna get back
18454s relatively quickly if Logics gets caught
18457s out here though that like kind of just
18458s throws everything down the well for
18460s Belgium and they're gonna have to take
18461s another fight here uh
18463s more pressure coming out of the back
18464s line shock wave gets really low there
18467s Denmark like they have to be careful
18468s here until mofik is uh back at full
18470s strength
18472s yeah they're just going to take the
18474s Brawl on The High Ground oh ken was
18476s completely caught out looking towards
18478s the other side of the balcony rather
18480s than shockwave's angle thought he was
18482s too busy fighting the diva knows exactly
18484s where that um Anna is as well lots of
18487s ticks going out on the dynamite and it's
18489s a little bit out of position logic's now
18491s running up onto shock away shockwave
18493s gets very low but the mercy does come in
18496s clutch once again and is able to heal
18498s all that damage right back up Logics
18501s gets caught out as well and it's all
18503s just the support line left over and they
18506s are in a sticky situation the Bob now
18509s thrown out and Shabba trying to eat up
18511s the damage with the shield and the
18513s shield bash however it's still hiding in
18516s that room not going to be a good
18518s situation
18524s so so that's what happens when you're in
18526s a small room with a diva I guess so so
18529s Shockwave is using all of his dynamites
18531s to try and pressure the back line from
18532s Bell
18533s can't really get much of anything done
18535s they finally built up to their ultimates
18537s but it's more than two minutes off the
18539s clock for Nano boost that's like one of
18541s the fastest charging ultimates there
18542s like Belgium I have all five now but
18544s Denmark are just not letting them ever
18546s set up comfortably they have to Rally
18548s just to get out of this room that's like
18550s right outside of their spawn and like
18552s but that's not a good return on
18554s investment there they still lose Potter
18555s Nova they're not getting anything for
18557s this fight they're just wasting time the
18559s whole thing is literally already in
18561s their spawn and it's just in and out
18563s with these boosters on the diva right
18565s Shockwave is in a pretty bad position
18567s though even the mercy might not be able
18568s to heal all this but there's somehow not
18571s enough Focus fire on the ash she does
18573s finally go down and the rest of the team
18575s is going to have to disengage without
18577s the damage from Shockwave being dished
18579s out up front and Logix is now going to
18582s run up and cap try to capitalize off of
18584s the mistake Denmark made but they're
18587s still unable to push past the joke
18588s because of all the harassment that Naga
18591s is putting on their back line finally
18592s they're on the point they're trying to
18594s capture calyx is in oh calyx is able to
18598s survive that actually but because of the
18600s Bob they don't want to get into the Los
18601s I'm going to go ahead and give a point
18604s calyx like tried to go in there with
18606s Mulford but nearly got caught out and
18607s they had to give up The High Ground
18608s because of it and in fact give up the
18610s point just to keep calyx alive and by
18612s the time come back Ken is just hitting
18614s all the shots right now the dynamite to
18616s prevent the Remake from mulfing the Bob
18618s being forced out from Shockwave it falls
18620s and Belgium capped the point Denmark got
18622s too aggressive and they paid for it
18625s yeah now Ken does Fall and Shockwave is
18628s able to trade out and the Nano boost was
18631s expended to keep the Ash and get that
18633s little bit of damage slay fighting logic
18635s so once again with the biotic nade but
18637s Denmark very expensive from them and
18640s they didn't even get the hold the point
18641s off of it because of well-placed Shield
18643s bash knocking that Bob off the point so
18646s they have to build up to everything once
18648s again only thing they have is that
18649s Valkyrie and it isn't even too valuable
18651s if you need that amount to sustain in
18653s terms of support ultimates while Chaba
18655s has a rally coming up and the
18656s self-destruct already available
18658s regardless like Denmark they still want
18660s to play really aggressive like mulfic is
18661s pushed up all the way to this corner
18663s they're gonna get the d-mac onto shyra
18664s and force that self-destruct right out
18666s of the gates there so there's an
18668s ultimate down the drain of forced error
18670s they're gonna try it they're not gonna
18671s let Logics just sit around for free and
18673s meanwhile Naga was lurking on The High
18675s Ground ready to pounce on a Target that
18676s never quite came but like Denmark
18678s doesn't care about the old Advantage
18680s right now they only care about making
18682s Belgium sweat
18684s yeah they just want to make sure Belgium
18686s does not get anywhere this is not
18688s something you typically see teams doing
18690s fighting so up close and personal on
18693s this checkpoint and not around a choke
18694s here but now with the rally coming
18696s through from Chaba they're looking to
18699s force them back into the room and
18700s Denmark does have to be forced to kite
18703s back and naga's gonna be lurking with a
18705s pulse bomb Kellogg's still holding on to
18707s that Valkyrie here but Belgium like
18708s they're coming up on their GPS holds
18710s soon but you kind of need more than that
18712s to force it through here because this is
18713s a point where like traditionally on
18715s numbani a lot of carts stall out and uh
18718s yeah you don't have a res for Ken
18719s because they're still on this uh this
18721s Brigitte so not gonna stick to pulse
18723s bomb right on his forehead calls it a
18725s day and that should be a dead push from
18727s Belgium even more so now that they've
18729s lost logic as well yeah everyone just
18731s forced back Naga wants to go for stagger
18733s though if they lose partner Nova here
18734s that's disastrous because that's even
18735s more time taken
18738s oh they're able to keep Ponda Nova and
18740s choppa's doing a great job of Defending
18743s defend Anna and they just have to go for
18745s and allow them to retreat at this point
18748s but
18749s they're in a good position to try and
18750s jump on them Naga really wants to try
18752s and sit in these rooms and also get the
18754s picks onto logic stop them from
18756s harassing their back line the valkyrie
18758s does come through with the anti-name was
18760s on the supports for a moment and the Bob
18762s comes through from Shockwave but
18764s Shockwave goes down almost immediately
18766s Valkyrie is still active arrest possible
18769s for Denmark but it doesn't seem like
18770s they're going to be using it Logics
18772s however wins the Tracer 1v1 with the
18774s help of a pulse bomb and Ken has now
18777s switched onto the Cassidy as well
18778s checkpoint is pushing a little bit
18780s further they're only three meters away
18782s from getting on and they are being hotly
18785s contested by Denmark for every single
18788s inch that they want to push forward Naga
18791s not going to let go of this deductive
18793s easily and pulse bomb stuck onto Chaba
18795s even through the shield that's going to
18797s do damage now Shira does get a remake
18799s through but the overtime is looking to
18802s swing towards Denmark's side they have
18805s so many players on the objective they
18807s have so much damage shyra has no sustain
18810s and now the baby Diva there is nothing
18812s to be done Denmark is able to take this
18815s series 2-0 that is just pure
18817s unadulterated aggression from Denmark
18819s across the board throughout that entire
18821s defensive phase like they like you said
18824s they wouldn't let Belgium have an inch
18825s and they made them sweat and fight for
18827s every single possible inch there were
18829s points in time where you have calyx on
18831s the mercy damage boosting Naga the
18833s Tracer like how often do you see a
18835s damage boosted Tracer but like that's
18837s just a level of aggression like that's
18839s how badly they wanted that kill at the
18840s potter Nova there looking back and yeah
18842s the great peel from Belgium but because
18844s all they can really do is try to peel
18846s for like all the aggressions coming out
18848s from Naga and like trying to duck and
18851s respect the angles that Shockwave is
18852s holding on the ash they can't ever like
18854s comfortably March forward they're
18856s constantly having to check their Corners
18858s they're constantly having to check
18859s behind them and they're constantly just
18861s under so so much pressure and like it's
18865s just yeah it's just so aggressive from
18867s Denmark like what do you even do like
18868s you have to try and like you know
18870s capitalize on a mistake make them get
18871s too aggressive and that's how Belgium
18874s were able to cap point a but it doesn't
18876s stop there like Denmark just doesn't let
18878s off the gas there they stumble at that
18879s hurdle sure but then they just continue
18882s to floor it the whole whole time
18884s yeah it felt like Ken was struggling a
18887s little bit on the ash pick as well just
18889s getting so contested by Shockwave at
18891s every single angle and not only that
18893s Naga for every second was trying to Mark
18896s Logics refusing to allow Logics to
18899s harass their backline and at the same
18901s time putting down a lot of pressure onto
18904s Belgium's back line and it just felt
18906s like they had to look this way in that
18908s direction at every single second and
18910s they just could not get a word in as was
18912s and it's like I'm glad you like uh
18915s brought up Ken as well because yeah he
18917s was kind of struggling on the ash pick
18919s whereas we kind of predicted he would be
18921s really good on the Ash and when he was
18922s actually given space to hit shots he was
18924s really good it was a couple of shots
18926s that ended up sealing the deal to let
18928s them cap point a on their attack there
18929s but for the rest of the time it was just
18931s morphic and Shockwave and Naga and calyx
18934s and slay and the kitchen sink in his
18936s face didn't give him an angle nobody
18939s from from Belgium except for maybe
18941s Logics was ever able to exist
18943s comfortably but it takes a village like
18946s you can't just have Logics on the Tracer
18947s do everything and like yeah the rest of
18950s Belgium wasn't allowed to do anything
18953s yeah I feel like a lot of that game felt
18956s like it was a weight on logic shoulders
18958s you can definitely tell he was trying so
18961s hard to make sure the Anna didn't get to
18963s play the game the mercy didn't get to
18965s play the game but he was being marked
18967s every single second both by mold Pig and
18970s by Naga and it was just so well played
18972s and they Protected Their backline
18973s incredibly well especially since that
18975s Anna was kind of left on her own for
18977s basically most of the game but still
18979s didn't absorb that much pressure because
18981s of the pure aggression coming out of
18983s Denmark yeah there are like I said
18985s there's a couple times where Denmark
18986s leaves slay behind and Belgium are able
18988s to capitalize on that because you know
18990s Logics is a very formidable Tracer
18992s player is going to come in and if he's
18994s not going to kill you which he usually
18995s just does he's still gonna take up too
18997s much of your time and kind of split you
18999s and divide you and you know kind of
19001s harass you but slay is still very
19003s survivable most of the time and is still
19005s able to do enough and even if they lose
19007s sleigh like calyx with the Valkyries was
19009s pretty pretty good there was a
19011s definitely enough sustain to keep the
19013s aggression up from Denmark and if they
19015s just make mince meat out of Belgium
19017s there on nambani that was a phenomenal
19020s defense there from Denmark definitely
19022s looked like they were angry at one point
19024s like angry that they even let Belgium
19026s have point a and they wanted to take it
19027s out on Ken
19029s yeah it literally just they were so up
19032s in their face every single second it's
19034s just like what kind of aggression is
19036s this because it's not even as if their
19038s entire comp was tailored specifically to
19041s dive they didn't have you know like a
19043s Lucio Brigitte and they didn't have you
19045s know the Sombra Tracer and maybe even a
19048s Winston throw in there but they were
19049s still so aggressive and even though I
19052s feel like the mercy even though she
19054s doesn't have as much sustain as maybe
19055s other supports do when you see her
19057s damage boosting the Tracer it's very
19059s likely she's just getting into the Valk
19061s damage boosting everyone on the team and
19063s enabling that kind of aggression because
19064s how are they going to out heal the
19066s entire team getting damage boosted
19069s you really can't and you could tell like
19072s there again like the peel was there for
19074s the back line there there was some great
19075s Brigitte to play uh coming up from Chaba
19077s but like it wasn't enough like it just
19079s wasn't enough to keep uh to keep
19081s podunova alive throughout the entirety
19083s of it so yeah the aggression from
19085s Denmark just wins out the day that's
19086s another 2-0 put the rest of the top dogs
19088s in group a on notice we've got two more
19091s potential top dogs ready to Duke it out
19093s here for our last matchup of the day
19094s that's gonna be the Netherlands versus
19097s France on the other side of this break
19098s we'll see you there
19101s [Music]
19116s thank you
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19149s good evening
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19165s laughs
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19218s thank you
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19276s thank you
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19436s the final match of day three of the
19439s OverWatch World Cup 2023 emec qualifiers
19442s is just around the corner I'm your host
19444s Jim Basco joined by epitomees and ceb
19447s before we proceed to talk about the
19449s Netherlands versus France let's take a
19450s moment to recap what just happened
19452s between Denmark and Belgium CB you lead
19454s the way here for anyone that might just
19455s be joining what just happened
19458s uh well if you're just joining us what
19460s we just witnessed was a murder of uh
19462s Belgium uh Denmark just went so insanely
19465s aggressive on numbani that they just
19467s grounded or grinded uh Belgium down into
19469s a fine powder uh they you know Ken has
19472s been a highlight for the Belgian squad
19473s for me but they didn't let him have any
19475s angles for free they were constantly
19477s harassing him and his entire support
19478s system and just being the most one of
19482s the most aggressive forces that I think
19483s we've seen in a good while and doing it
19485s with a mercy backline like the valks
19487s from calyx on point the plays from slay
19490s despite getting caught out a couple
19492s times also on point and yeah Denmark
19495s still look every bit as strong as
19497s advertised hey pitomies let's take a
19499s look at the schedule now and see the how
19502s the day has stacked up of course for in
19504s day three of competition here day four
19505s the last day of week one will be
19508s tomorrow okay and then we're back next
19510s week Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday for
19512s the last couple days of competition the
19514s top three from group a will move forward
19516s the top two from Group B will be moving
19518s forward and with Denmark taking a 2-0
19520s over Belgium the rest of the scores on
19522s your board right there we are down to
19525s match number seven our final match of
19527s the day the Netherlands versus France
19530s Now France a very stacked team at the
19532s Netherlands had been contenders in World
19534s Cups of years past but epitome is what
19537s are your thoughts before we head on into
19538s this match
19540s now we're looking at the Netherlands
19542s versus France France currently in that
19545s top spot you know they are an incredibly
19547s powerful incredibly strong team 2-0
19550s record have not dropped a single map
19551s just yet and and the Netherlands they
19555s are moving up in the ranks certainly on
19557s day one they did go down to Spain who
19559s have become somewhat of a dark horse as
19562s these matches continue but the
19564s Netherlands they are definitely on the
19565s up and up and I think they have
19566s something to prove absolutely and should
19568s the Netherlands win this set against
19570s France they'll actually be tied with
19572s France who was like you said currently
19574s at the top of that group so it'll come
19576s down to map differential at the end of
19577s the day but with so many games still to
19580s come the stakes are as high as ever with
19582s that said epitomies and CB I'm Gonna
19584s Leave it to you enjoy the national
19585s catchy guys on the flip side
19589s all right thank you so much Jim and
19592s looking at these two teams do you have
19595s any names that come to mind any kind of
19597s special compositions that you're looking
19599s at when you see these two teams I mean
19601s well like the the main player that I
19603s want to look at over on the side of the
19605s Netherlands is tap who I think has been
19607s the highlight of this squad I mean Don
19610s on the tank has also been wonderful to
19612s see but it's mostly been tap coming
19615s through with a lot of these big plays
19617s again you know one of the scourges of
19619s the the uh Collegiate scene over here in
19621s North America and also a very dominant
19623s force in N A contenders so like the
19626s talent oh sorry let me uh prepare myself
19628s for this I'm about to steal a line from
19630s every OverWatch League Caster ever the
19633s talent is there but can they put it all
19635s together like are they going to be able
19637s to live up to that and you know going up
19639s against France you're thinking like
19641s maybe but maybe not also you know it's
19645s it's kind of an interesting dynamic
19648s yeah and obviously looking at France's
19651s line you have been best you got Nico FD
19653s God very very prominent name for those
19656s who are very familiar with OverWatch
19658s League you know it is a very stacked
19661s roster and I think everyone fully
19664s expects for this team to make it out of
19666s groups so Netherlands kind of has the
19668s odds sacked against them in terms of you
19670s know General perception of what might be
19673s happening in this matchup and also the
19675s fact that they did go down a match
19677s against Spain during their first day
19679s yeah and so this match I think because
19682s of that matchup that happened with Spain
19684s in the Netherlands is going to have some
19686s pretty wild implications as to whatever
19688s the outcome of this match is throughout
19690s the rest of this group because okay so
19692s group a we got three playoff spots right
19694s if you ask me right now there's five
19696s potential candidates you know you've got
19698s Great Britain Denmark and France as
19700s potentially numbers one two and three
19702s but I've talked to some people who have
19704s said that you know maybe Spain overtakes
19706s France somehow like they can see that as
19708s being possible and and meanwhile the
19710s Netherlands is a towel is like a team
19712s that has the talent to also be
19714s competitive and like you said if they're
19716s able to beat France like that just
19718s throws everything out of whack right
19720s there's only room for three there's five
19722s potential candidates France has to win
19724s this in pretty strong fashion in order
19727s to silence the doubters and continue to
19730s keep their claim and I I also think that
19732s like of those like top three teams like
19734s Great Britain Denmark and France France
19736s is like potentially the most beatable
19738s which isn't saying much because they're
19741s all very formidable but like if you have
19742s a shot against any of those teams I
19744s would personally uh you know try my hand
19746s at France before I go barking up uh
19748s Denmark's door
19750s I mean Denmark definitely looks very
19752s scary especially after what we just saw
19754s but the Netherlands they you know they
19757s want to redeem themselves especially
19758s against a Powerhouse like France we're
19760s headed to Nepal for our first map and
19763s I'm interested is this going to be
19764s another brawl composition are they going
19767s to be looking at dive are they going to
19768s try something with the Mesa Metro
19771s I mean it's it's gonna kind of kind of
19773s depend here you know if we go to Nepal
19775s Village I definitely expect at least one
19776s of these teams to bust out uh the Mesa
19779s Metra composition here but like on
19781s Shrine and on sanctum which by the way
19782s we haven't seen a whole lot of sanctum
19784s like we're seeing a lot of two o's on
19786s these control points and it's usually
19787s like yeah it's usually it's usually
19789s Village than Shrine if we get to see
19791s sanctum it might be a little bit
19792s different but you know I'm still kind of
19794s open to suggestions as to what these
19796s teams are going to play the one thing I
19797s will say is that you know France is
19800s opening up here with Ben best they don't
19802s have Poco coming out yet so you can wipe
19805s Diva and I think most of the uh what we
19808s would call in the days gone by off Tanks
19811s off of the field and you're probably
19812s gonna go for something a little bit more
19814s Brawley you'll go for either the um you
19817s know you'll go for the ramatra
19819s potentially the Reinhardt or the Winston
19821s uh some of these things that you're more
19823s likely to see Ben best come out here
19824s with and of course you know Nico again
19827s in some circles definitely known for his
19830s May so play winning this Rush with like
19832s a May is definitely something that
19834s France can excel in and definitely
19836s something that's in their wheelhouse
19838s yeah and it I don't know if they're
19840s going to stick with this Metro but it
19842s definitely could be viable on the
19844s Netherlands side A10 we saw him on the
19846s reaper before we saw him on it in the
19848s magic in Spain he does play a lot of the
19850s reaper but I feel like he is more known
19852s for you know his zarya gameplay so the
19856s fact that he is playing the reaper here
19858s it could be a good counter to the
19860s Reinhardt but in team play environments
19862s it is a lot more difficult to get the
19864s jump yeah and so we're seeing another
19866s situation by the way where Netherlands
19867s are playing that really Zippy back line
19869s that just wants to get like right up in
19870s your face with the Lucio Moira and you
19872s know they're going right into a full
19874s charge beam here from pack and like
19876s France they're just gonna repel them
19877s like they can't comfortably play as
19878s close as they want to because France is
19880s just pumping out so much damage right
19882s now that Netherlands can't sit
19883s comfortably and France just take early
19885s capture percentage on the point without
19886s even finding a kill yet
19888s yeah the ice block is forced out of Nico
19891s but they are just not allowing
19893s Netherland to get a single toe onto this
19896s objective they're forcing them really
19897s far back obviously the Mesa Metra very
19899s very powerful and the fact that they are
19901s playing a romantra means a lot of the
19903s free being charged four pack as well now
19906s they're just trying to slow down Don
19908s right in the middle there's not a lot of
19909s places he can go excellent fire strike
19911s from Ben and obviously slow targets
19914s against reinhardt's Hammer what are you
19916s gonna do there the coalescence invested
19918s that's an interesting decision from
19920s buddy so early into the game only 34 and
19924s already a coalescence but it's expended
19926s so quickly I think Buddy thought that
19928s the rest of his team would still be
19930s alive by the time he was finished
19931s casting the coalescence but that just
19933s kind of wasn't the case and that
19934s ultimate kind of goes down the drain you
19936s know coalescence and Anime tricks are
19938s both like Lightning Fast ultimates that
19939s you get you know in no time flat but
19942s reviews just a little bit faster on the
19944s draw there in France paid they took
19947s advantage of the damage and buddy just
19948s kind of got caught out there
19950s take them up yeah France they're really
19952s stocking up the ultimates as well now
19953s Annihilation just now coming up for Don
19956s ball and there's the symmetrical wall to
19958s come through and the shatter as well Ben
19961s Bass looking for a good engage
19962s Annihilation to counter now the sound
19964s barrier from FD God looking to disengage
19967s and it does so perfectly blizzard
19969s however also expanded almost every
19971s single ultimate just to force
19973s Netherlands back but it is worth it for
19975s them they have so much all charge on the
19977s point reviews coming up with the amp
19979s Matrix and that can honestly be a
19981s game-winning ultimate and the
19983s Netherlands they are really looking to
19984s reset and regroup they also don't have
19986s too many ultimates in the bank that was
19989s such a good beat there from FD God doing
19990s a little bit of limit testing and able
19992s to keep France alive in the fight that's
19993s not gonna be available for collapsed
19995s blizzard do so be on the lookout for
19997s that one here as Don just takes review
19999s down so now you don't even have the uh
20001s their mortality feel for it
20003s yeah the immortality field going out is
20006s a little bit of a heart a sore spot for
20008s France here and now with the blizzard
20010s coming through FD God doesn't have the
20012s sound barrier reviews that has just
20014s started to come up and Netherlands
20015s they're able to flip the point they did
20017s have to use the coalescence and the
20019s blizzard in order to do it but they do
20021s hold on to the death Blossom from A-10
20023s and the way A-10 has been playing this
20025s Reaper kind of historically is he likes
20026s to lurk around corners and wait to
20028s pounce with the death Blossom we'll see
20030s if that's the way he decides to do it uh
20032s you know this time around uh it looks
20034s like yeah he is just kind of like up
20035s there on the ledge just waiting for
20037s France to walk in underneath them but
20039s they're gonna go ahead and take the main
20040s route there so I don't expect to see
20042s that death Blossom come out just yet but
20044s in the mid fight definitely look out for
20046s it
20046s yeah the M Matrix now going to come
20049s through we've seen a lot of really nice
20052s app Matrix fires strike combos but it's
20054s going to be an animatrix shatter combo
20057s here now it has to be the death Blossom
20059s to try and get something out of this but
20061s immediately FD got drops the sound drops
20064s the beat and A10 is just charged out of
20068s the way of the point there's no overtime
20070s to be found here from the Netherlands
20072s they try as they might there is nothing
20075s France do secure first point for France
20078s there it's just like a game show where
20079s it's like you know pick which door you
20081s want to go through and behind one of
20082s those doors is just a big fist that's
20083s Gonna Knock You Out they chose correctly
20086s because A10 was lurking behind a
20088s completely different door and had to
20090s entirely reposition and in France just
20091s you know they force positioning from the
20093s Netherlands with their ant Matrix and
20094s with their Earth shatter and by the time
20096s the death Blossom comes out for A10 it's
20098s like it has to be a hero play like it
20100s has to find pretty much a whole team
20102s kill on its own and there's nothing to
20105s support it nothing to keep them alive
20106s throughout the entire duration of that
20108s ultimate ability so uh yeah he chose a
20111s he chose an attack route chose wrong in
20113s France they just walk up to the point
20115s and uh say we'll be taking this now
20117s that's uh that's ours
20119s yeah not to mention kind of half of that
20121s death Blossom got unloaded into like Ben
20124s best Shield so he didn't even get the
20126s healing that Reaper would typically get
20128s if he was able to get more damage onto
20130s actual bodies instead of that like
20132s hundred thousand Health Shield that Ben
20134s Bess has so now this time we're headed
20137s to sanctum I feel like this is the one
20139s of the first times we've actually seen
20141s this map being played over here in Nepal
20144s because there are so many two o's in
20146s control point but it's definitely
20148s looking pretty interesting thus far we
20150s see a lot of those lucios coming out and
20153s that was a nice Boop from us time to get
20156s Nico okay both of these lucios are
20158s having a lot of fun with this two dps's
20160s off the board right before that control
20162s Point unlocks but hotly contested by
20165s both teams however with the help of tap
20168s they're able to isolate a lot of
20169s France's players reviews comes in quick
20171s with the immortality field and clutches
20173s them from the jaws of defeat but
20175s Netherlands is the one to get the first
20177s touch it's so bloody back and forth
20180s though it's looking like France might be
20181s able to flip it here but they're not
20182s able to like fully evict the Netherlands
20184s just yet you still have Moira and uh you
20186s know you got buddy on the Moira and A-10
20188s who finally does fall though and that
20189s should be France capping but FD gotta
20192s invests the sound barrier to do it and
20195s there wasn't really that much of a
20196s threat at that point in time like you
20199s only really saw the Moira and the reaper
20201s like you you have to know that those two
20203s players are gonna like they're gonna dip
20205s at the first line of trouble with the
20206s fade and with the The Wraith form and
20207s you can easily dispatch them once those
20209s are done so this might be an opportunity
20211s for the Netherlands if they can come up
20213s on the Blizzard or the annihilation
20214s really quick
20215s okay but they do have they eliminated
20218s packs so quickly even though the Sim
20221s turrets could have been such a threat
20222s they're trying to force positioning from
20223s this amp Matrix symmetro turrets are
20225s still doing quite a bit of damage but
20227s Ben Bethany has gotten nowhere to go so
20229s he's going to go ahead and have to go
20231s for a reset Wild reviews is left over FD
20235s got still attempting could uh contest
20238s and they're holding on to this point
20240s pack has come back in with a symmetrical
20242s wall of a lifetime but the Blizzard from
20244s Nico that's going to be the game breaker
20246s and the deal breaker now for fire
20249s strikes and the annihilation Puck has
20251s once again gone down to this a Bastion
20254s of Dan and A10 and now taking down
20257s reviews they're missing their burst
20258s healing they're missing their tank Frank
20260s it's France is just falling apart yeah
20262s like they invest really heavily in that
20265s fight even though they lose it but they
20266s don't get nothing for it they're able to
20267s cross that like 50 threshold but hey A10
20271s back up to your old tricks gonna lurk
20272s there's a 50 50 chance this time uh he
20275s might still be able to to catch them out
20276s even if they try and go the other way
20277s and you're also looking at tap with the
20279s blizzard here and FD God doesn't have
20281s the sound barrier yet oh my gosh that I
20284s was a huge Blossom that was so clean
20286s from A10 usually you don't really see
20289s that level of death Blossom hero play
20291s especially at this level but the fact
20293s that Dan was right there Nemesis swarm
20296s following it up corralling them into
20298s Reaper shotguns it was excellent and
20301s France they're forced for the reset and
20303s they hurt
20305s they chose the door with the fist that
20307s time and this time they're choosing a
20308s door with a blizzard behind it
20310s yeah this is the sound barrier that's
20312s gonna have to be invested from France
20314s after you got looking to keep them alive
20316s with the overheld but Ben best is taking
20318s so much focus by our reviews is able to
20321s get them back up with his heels but Nico
20324s forced into the ice block as well buddy
20327s actually going to be the first to find a
20328s pig with the KOA lessons and now missing
20331s so much of the burst healing once again
20333s a lot of the ultimates coming up for
20335s France as they go down but they're going
20337s to have to get back to this point
20338s quickly we're getting into the 90
20339s territory and like yeah France do have a
20342s lot of ultimates but so do the
20344s Netherlands like they have the beat and
20345s the annihilation and you're kind of
20346s counting on Ben best to get a big
20348s shatter here and there it goes but no
20350s he's actually he's not able to clean up
20352s down there Dan gonna go and pop the
20354s annihilation the beat comes out from A
20355s and J and Netherlands I mean they've
20357s lost they've lost Don but Ben Bess is
20360s also down Netherlands are holding on
20362s they need to find a way onto this point
20364s at the last second Park is able to
20366s contest it and activate that overtime
20368s once again Sim turrets onto the
20371s objective and they're trying to Corral
20372s them into this very thin Corridor at the
20375s end after he got sound barrier just in
20377s time lots of sustain for the squad and
20379s blizzard now from Nico could potentially
20382s be a game changer Nico however a
20384s neutralizing tap means that they should
20386s be able to flip the point here Don comes
20388s back in a blazing Glory with the Nemesis
20391s form but now the coalescence gone
20394s um buddy since I take them down a nice
20396s fight from France to eliminate most of
20399s the Netherlands and turn that point look
20402s what France has to do here now though
20403s they have to try and like back up they
20405s can't hold close because they don't have
20406s been best they have to try and like
20407s either taxi him back there meanwhile and
20410s Jake killed Ben best disengaged and now
20412s his taxing his whole team back into the
20414s fight and now it's gonna be kind of a
20416s ranged fight where it's like Francis
20417s comp wants to fight close but they don't
20419s have the opportunity to do the
20421s opportunity to do it so now the door's
20423s open for the Netherlands just swing out
20424s up over to the point where now the
20426s fight's gonna have to happen and vay10
20427s Pops this uh this death Blossom it might
20429s be over
20430s oh the death Blossom comes out in tandem
20433s with the blizzard that could be huge but
20435s it's actually the blizzard that's
20436s finding the pigs eaten actually holds on
20438s to the death Blossom until the last
20440s second extremely clean combination of
20443s ultimates France as soon as they were on
20445s the back foot there they couldn't keep
20446s Pace with their own ultimates and
20448s Netherlands they has had a combo charged
20450s up and ready they take it 1-1 and like I
20454s said when it's that close you need to
20455s try and find a pick-off to try and stall
20457s things out for the Netherlands but the
20460s fact that they lost Ben best at the tail
20462s end of that fight and a j was able to
20464s head for the hills as soon as the damage
20465s was done meant that like France couldn't
20467s play close enough to try and go for a
20469s play like that it was all or nothing on
20471s the point and you have two of the best
20473s area denial ultimate abilities on the
20475s field in the blizzard and the death
20477s Blossom that like if you're just caught
20479s out by those and they find like even one
20481s kill at that point there's not really
20483s much left for you to do and and not it
20486s not only that but I believe FD got had
20487s used the sound barrier in the fight
20489s prior so you don't even have that like
20490s flying and you know now we're on the
20493s third Point here Netherlands looking
20494s pretty formidable here we're going to
20497s Village and neither team is going to try
20498s and take that approach directly onto the
20500s point it looks like France will get
20501s there first but that's because
20503s Netherlands is lurking
20505s oh France they are taking a lot of this
20509s damage right out in the open a lot of
20511s the players bunched up very close
20513s together and that's just a shooting
20515s grounds for a 10 taking down Ben best
20518s and I feel like as soon as you have that
20519s Reinhardt isolated into both the briefer
20522s and the ramacha there is not much you
20524s can do team unprotected by the tank
20526s reviews Falls and without that sustained
20529s healing from reviews what do we see but
20531s France crumbling and like France I think
20534s they're playing this composition like
20536s slightly incorrectly like I don't want
20538s to like overcoach this team or try and
20540s like you know throw my own opinions at
20542s them here but like every other time
20543s we've seen this lineup of Heroes that
20545s France is coming out with they want to
20546s teleport to the point and hold on the
20548s point and force the Netherlands to play
20550s into them but the Netherlands is playing
20552s that fast comp where they want to just
20554s run right at you and France like they're
20557s not fighting on the point so they just
20558s let that happen and now they have to be
20560s the ones to engage
20562s and here is the symmetro wall to try and
20565s just dance in and out and get a lot of
20568s the damage down very quickly they have
20570s the amp Matrix so trying to force the
20572s positioning the immortality field does
20574s come through and the blizzard as well
20576s Sony ultimate sacked on top of one
20578s another Ben best so close to the shatter
20580s as well and they're forcing out the
20582s sound barrier from FD God as well both
20584s sound barriers do come through and the
20586s shatter stuns both on the objective
20589s they're able to flip it so decisively
20592s here and it's just all one person left
20595s on the point buddy has nowhere to go but
20598s France they still have a little bit of a
20600s fail battle that was a really good
20602s attempt there by tap I think he
20604s telegraphed that the shadow was coming
20605s but just was just like a millisecond too
20607s late and Ben Bess just hops over up
20609s above it and comes back down from the
20610s top rope with that shatter and that's
20613s what SEALs the fight here but now I want
20615s to see him take the fight on point a
20617s little bit more I want to see
20617s Netherlands get the heck out Nico's not
20619s gonna let them yeah they lose a 10 there
20621s the fight's already done and
20625s Dan Dan just sheepishly heading back and
20628s then this is well I'm like I'm not going
20630s over there you can't you can't make me
20632s I'm not taking this fight
20634s uh but at least at the very least
20636s Netherlands has more ultimates coming up
20639s than France does like reviews should be
20640s able to get the amp Matrix up very
20642s quickly but otherwise none of them are
20644s really on a good Pace to an ultimate for
20646s this next fight Ben best though going to
20649s do his best to soak up all the damage
20651s that he can and get as much charge as
20653s possible on the other hand they have the
20655s blizzard which is going to come through
20657s quickly Ben best charges out of its
20659s range but it does leave the objective
20661s relatively unprotective Nico able to
20665s take down Dan without the tank the
20666s coalescent does come through and once
20668s again it's a huge death Blossom it's
20671s actually other coalescence doing so much
20673s damage and reviews he really has nowhere
20675s to go what a fight from Netherlands once
20678s again the coordination of their
20679s ultimates is just insane back and forth
20682s back and forth we go buddy hosing
20684s everyone down with the coalescence and
20686s that's another huge death Blossom from
20687s A10 but that's another expensive fight
20689s for the Netherlands France have a lot
20691s that they can recontest here and but
20693s like it's still so back and fourth that
20695s like Netherlands will have a chance to
20696s recontest even if they lose it so it's
20698s the fight here I want to see how France
20700s expands their olds and I want to see the
20702s fight next to see what what ends up
20704s happening but yeah France they just took
20706s the point for free they just stepped
20708s right there was no contest at all
20710s because of that may barrier and on top
20712s of that as soon as they're coming into
20713s the objective they're like okay we have
20716s these Sim turrets everywhere and they
20718s are doing a good job of Defending so far
20720s but reviews has gone down they're once
20722s again missing that sustain from the back
20724s line but it's the sound barrier that's
20726s going to negate that then by swinging
20729s the hammer and
20730s okay buddy oh wait they're actually
20733s letting buddy Escape
20735s that's one of their fastest Heroes they
20737s only have five seconds to try and touch
20738s it's gonna be all up to a and j and they
20740s just wall him off France just stole that
20742s one from the Netherlands entirely
20745s that was insane I don't know buddy just
20749s kind of felt like he was standing there
20751s for a second and then he was out and
20752s then he wanted to come back in but he
20754s couldn't because he was being chased
20755s down by the entire Squad but that was a
20758s highway robbery in that last round yeah
20761s absolutely like okay so as I was like I
20764s was trying to say that like yeah
20765s Netherlands should be able to at least
20766s hold this point for a while make it
20768s Scrappy for some olds out of France but
20770s they just don't contest the point France
20772s just take it out from under them and
20773s then the fight happens that like yeah if
20775s France just invests everything they win
20777s it and they get it up to one fight
20778s territory and unfortunately like buddy
20781s gets staggered there so like it's
20782s twofold like they robbed them and then
20784s just like slash their tires on the way
20786s out like that was that was kind of
20788s insane like France should not have been
20790s able to get away with that Netherlands
20792s look a lot stronger than I think some
20794s people might have predicted going into
20795s this but like I I could tell like the
20797s talent is there but that one slip up
20800s there on Village just cost them
20801s everything it's the fact that they were
20804s able to get the point for free as well
20805s because they were so focused on holding
20808s that High Ground they just couldn't come
20810s back around and then the May well was
20811s there and it was just too late it was
20813s already flipped and then if they lose
20815s that fight it's all of a sudden done and
20818s dusted since they don't have anyone that
20820s can get back into the fight and I think
20822s this is also coming down to the A10
20824s effect as well right previously I feel
20826s like A10 didn't have as much of an
20828s impact since he does play majority just
20831s as Reaper but if you can get huge death
20833s blossoms like this consistently it's
20835s going to be Scrappy it's going to be a
20837s lot closer and that's really what they
20839s need they need that consistency from
20841s this DPS player and like sometimes like
20844s the Netherlands will sub out A10 and go
20846s with a different DPS line but whenever
20847s he's in like I keep calling it out
20849s that's how he wants to play Reaper he
20851s wants to build up to the death Blossom
20852s lurk around a corner and wait for you to
20855s come to him like we saw him trying to do
20857s that against Spain and Spain checked him
20859s for it like we would see Gala with that
20861s huge Boop that like like that was a huge
20862s play back then but France haven't
20864s identified that threat just yet and they
20867s haven't been able to adequately deal
20868s with it like there was the one time
20870s where they like walked right on through
20872s past him and and like it didn't really
20875s matter but like you know that's still an
20877s omni like an ever-present threat that
20879s they have to be on the lookout for and
20880s that's why it's kind of like a lot
20882s closer than I think uh some people
20884s thought this one might have been because
20885s that one was down to the wire and that's
20886s just map one Netherlands it's gonna be
20889s their map pick here I I want to know
20891s what they want to do here and more
20893s importantly like how's France gonna
20895s steal this one from him
20897s that is an excellent question France I
20901s mean they are literally just made out
20903s like thieves in the night with that last
20905s round like I it could not be any clearer
20908s that they were just they weren't even
20909s trying to be sneaky but Netherlands
20911s somehow they just weren't noticing the
20913s fact that oh they are under us capturing
20916s our point but you know who knows what
20918s Netherlands is going to bring for us on
20920s the next map which is going to be on
20922s their home turf since it's their map
20924s pick
20925s and we'll have that map for you and the
20927s rest of this series if we end up going
20928s to a map three I hope so but map 2 is
20931s going to be coming up right after this
20932s break don't go anywhere this is looking
20934s like the match of the day
20937s [Music]
20952s thank you
20958s [Music]
20998s foreign
20999s [Music]
21011s [Music]
21031s [Music]
21046s thank you
21066s [Music]
21071s foreign
21087s [Music]
21134s thank you
21135s [Music]
21150s thank you
21155s we are nearing the end of the day here
21159s in the OverWatch World Cup emec
21161s qualifiers I'm epitomies joined by CB
21164s and we just came back from Nepal with
21167s France versus the Netherlands in what
21170s was basically a highway robbery of a
21172s match yeah I mean France needs this win
21175s to be clean and the Netherlands need
21176s this win like at all in order to
21178s continue to be in the conversation for
21180s the top spots here in group a but France
21183s like I said they need to win it clean
21185s and they are willing to fight dirty and
21187s steal in order to take it again just
21189s snaking the point right out from under
21191s the Netherlands noses and locking them
21193s out of it staggering buddy on the Moira
21195s so that they can just get the full cap
21197s out right there if you're the
21199s Netherlands that has to sting like
21201s knowing you were that close and it just
21202s got snatched out from you on some
21203s chicanery so like you go you're gonna
21206s want to take us to somewhere where
21208s you're gonna have the home field
21209s advantage where you're gonna get to play
21210s your comp and where you're not gonna let
21212s Frank chance pull another fast one on
21214s you like that
21216s yeah well France was definitely cooking
21218s the Netherlands some Delicacies over on
21220s Nepal but here we're headed to Havana
21223s which is the Netherlands map pick and
21225s we've seen a little bit of Havana uh
21227s here in the OverWatch World Cup
21229s qualifiers already and I think a lot of
21232s these scenes tend to go towards either I
21235s mean I should say a lot of these teams I
21237s would say if you have a Farah player or
21240s an echo player you play the echo or
21241s pharah otherwise it's those sniper comps
21244s so Havana's kind of like an interesting
21246s one I think because like you typically
21249s go like when you're on the defender side
21251s you go for like the spawn hold Rush kind
21253s of comp something similar to what the
21255s Netherlands uh and France as well with
21257s the Baptiste have been playing and like
21259s you kind of try to break that a lot of
21261s the time with a similar composition
21263s you'll see a lot of Hanzo and sometimes
21265s some Widow once that's broken up or you
21267s know the Hanzo sometimes even to find a
21269s quick pick off to like completely break
21271s that hold
21272s so like this map kind of like it
21275s simultaneously favors those Rush
21276s compositions and it favors the long
21278s range hit scan kind of play so you might
21280s see some hanzos coming out from either
21282s side you might see you know Old Reliable
21285s you might still see the may I don't
21287s think we're gonna see as much of A10 on
21288s the reaper this time around because this
21290s isn't a great Reaper map and so you're
21292s not even gonna see A10 at all though
21294s yeah who is playing the Hanzo I feel so
21297s validated right now apparently he only
21299s plays very first so if you can't play
21301s Reaper on the map it's Pastor who's
21304s going to be playing
21305s um a little bit of that projectile DPS
21307s but otherwise a pretty Brawley comp from
21310s Netherlands side on the other hand I
21312s feel like I don't know if they're keep
21315s they definitely are keeping the symmetra
21317s but that's really interesting uh to
21319s start off yeah so they're going to want
21321s to like put turrets above the spawn
21322s doors or potentially on the cart just to
21324s kind of like make it so that the
21326s Netherlands are never fully comfortable
21328s trying to take an angle they're going to
21329s be taking that turret damage and have to
21331s kind of turn around and deal with that
21332s real quick and that might give Nico the
21334s opportunity to hit a quick like icicle
21336s to the Dome maybe a one-two but like
21338s it's mostly just for this like close
21341s range beam damage right that just melts
21343s Down A and J and yeah Netherlands
21345s already forced back in is he faster with
21347s the angle finds pack though that's not
21349s the most high value pick off but that's
21351s still pretty uh pretty impressive yeah
21354s at least they're going about uh able to
21356s get the symmetra out you know kind of a
21358s pain in the side okay pastor looking to
21361s try and break spawn with the occasional
21364s symmetra pick but it's not working just
21366s yet they still aren't able to push the
21367s payload hotly contested yeah these
21370s aren't really spawnbreaker Heroes right
21372s and if France the comp that they're
21374s running is so heavily defensive that
21376s it's really difficult for them to get
21378s out of the way of all of this damage
21380s that's being front loaded at them
21382s they're able to get this amplification
21385s Matrix out from reviews and that's going
21387s to force a lot of positioning but the
21389s annihilation because of all the damage
21390s that Dan's been taking it's the
21392s mortality field the only thing that's
21394s keeping Dan up and there is a lot of
21396s damage to come through from France's
21398s side but Dan they're actually able to
21400s take down so much because of that
21402s immortality field and because of the
21404s stain given by buddy I think that's a
21407s pretty effective hold uh both by France
21409s and an effective way to break the hold
21410s there from the Netherlands they just
21411s build up that Annihilation and just kind
21413s of walk forward with the Sim TP to also
21415s kind of let them get out of the spawn
21416s door a little bit more safely take a
21418s more favorable angle is is a pretty high
21420s value here but you're going to be
21422s looking at France to be able to take a
21423s fight at this first quarter here
21424s interesting that they're not approaching
21426s from The High Ground and they're
21427s actually going to take a wide angle and
21428s yeah buddy can just use an ant Matrix to
21430s stop them
21432s and the amp Matrix is looking to force
21435s the positioning but the symmetra Wall
21437s comes out to counter very very quickly
21439s so you are just able to kind of stand
21441s wherever they want to now the turret's
21443s going out onto the entrances trying to
21445s stop them from pushing any further
21447s they're still holding around the choke
21449s point but very broadly from both of
21451s these sides the shatter doesn't find
21453s anything and it's actually going to just
21455s be a sound barrier blizzard and dragon
21457s strike to try and force France back but
21460s it's not working too well they are able
21462s to find FD God and as soon as those
21465s ultimates end it's actually when they
21467s catch them all out of position and a
21469s second team Kill from the Netherlands so
21471s early on in that fight Nico ex he uses
21473s the blizzard right and like I said
21475s typically when we say the Recon tests
21477s come through on this point we see it
21478s from The High Ground and because they
21480s came from that long angle and got shut
21482s Away by that ant Matrix he didn't get a
21484s favorable chance to use it and no one
21486s was able to follow up on it and now like
21487s you know you see France using their amp
21489s major just to try and keep the
21490s Netherlands off the point the pickup of
21492s the AJ might actually be what SEALs the
21494s deal for them but Netherlands haven't
21496s gone away yet
21497s yeah France still is contesting the
21500s payload though and they've got a few
21502s players that are left dancing around
21504s this objective another Annihilation they
21506s need to be careful Ben Bess doing their
21508s best to just square away all this damage
21511s with the shield but the fire strike does
21513s Miss and there's not much that they can
21515s do with the app Matrix just like ticking
21517s through on buddy they could use it at
21520s any time just to shred all of the
21522s players from France they don't but still
21524s so much damage from Don and a and j
21527s there's not much to do here Netherlands
21529s find point a yeah it's not all doom and
21532s gloom for France they bleed a
21533s significant amount off the time bank but
21535s now Netherlands have three minutes to
21536s get through the Distillery phase and
21537s because they have the Hanzo pastors
21539s gonna want to try and play on top of
21540s these boilers and on top of this High
21541s ground and France don't really have a
21544s way to contest that aside from Nico with
21546s some icicles so he's gonna have a
21548s shooting gallery in France we're gonna
21549s have to try and like play around those
21551s arrows play around Ben best Shield but
21553s even still pack gets clipped
21556s oh nicely done to take out the amp
21559s Matrix and take down pack with the help
21561s of that am Matrix now tap does have the
21564s blizzard on the other hand both of those
21566s dps's have those ultimates out symmetra
21569s with the shield trying to get some good
21570s positioning in and dance back and forth
21572s through it Nico still has that blizzard
21575s ready but tap is the one to pull the
21576s trigger first on the blizzard the
21579s immortality field is expended and
21581s reviews capitalized right as it ends
21583s with the amp Matrix and it forces
21585s Netherlands back they know they don't
21586s want to push any further while that amp
21589s Matrix is active and this is where it's
21591s gonna get kind of difficult for the
21592s Netherlands because they don't have
21593s Pastor up on that High Ground anymore
21594s France can play really aggressive Pastor
21597s gonna have to use the dragon strike just
21598s to Stave off the aggression but you
21600s can't save off of Ben best Earth
21601s shattered quite so easily that's the
21603s kind of aggression that's gonna win
21605s France to fight and hello we're
21606s investing annihilation
21608s yeah I mean this feels like a little bit
21611s of a desperate pull of the trigger from
21614s Don they're getting so much damage going
21616s out onto them and Ben Bass is dishing
21618s out so much especially at close range
21621s besides can't just wait out that
21623s ultimate with the help of The Shield
21624s here so I mean France they do invest a
21628s lot into that fight it's very expensive
21629s but it's expensive for the Netherlands
21631s as well with an Annihilation sound
21633s barrier blizzard and dragon strike all
21636s invested at once and no swap coming out
21638s from Don he's staying on the ramatra and
21641s like France have like every Advantage
21643s they could ask for now we're approaching
21644s like a minute left Netherlands no longer
21646s have the positional Advantage nor the
21648s old Advantage they burned that all down
21649s the drain and now you've got pack on the
21651s Hanzo from the Raptors raining down
21654s death and Netherlands have to backpedal
21656s yeah Nico with a pick on to Pastor is
21659s huge as well they know that they don't
21661s have that range damage to contest um uh
21664s pack now and pack is doing a lot of work
21668s here on the Hanzo Don going into Nemesis
21671s form and looking for some good punches
21673s but reviews is able to shut that down
21675s pretty quickly now Netherlands looking
21677s to regroup once again as we head into 30
21680s seconds left over oh what a shot
21683s and forgive me Father for I have sinned
21686s I have killed a pastor of pack just
21687s gonna go ahead and take him right down
21689s and like look at the old bang for France
21691s if you're the Netherlands you have 30
21693s seconds to break through this like how
21694s do you even do it even if you come up on
21697s a big ultimate FD God has the the sound
21700s barrier oh my goodness with the shatter
21702s yeah France are more than happy to spend
21704s big here 10 seconds does the Netherlands
21706s even get a touch here it's definitely
21708s not if AJ dies
21710s yeah and Jay I think can make it towards
21713s payload but it's just going to be
21715s shredded immediately after getting there
21717s and that was basically a correct
21720s prediction there was a no overtime
21722s activated in round one I think I think
21724s it's corpse touch but it was just a hair
21726s too late there and uh yeah unfortunately
21728s that doesn't count like once you're no
21730s longer alive your body cannot contest
21732s the payload so a great read there from
21734s France to understand that like not only
21737s did a and j have to like try and stay
21740s alive but he also had to go and grab the
21741s mega health pack to do it you saw that
21744s Nico walled off one of the potential
21746s entrances to the point so everyone just
21748s knew that he had no choice but to try
21750s and come through the other and they just
21751s all say like hey that's the welcoming
21754s committee welcome to the point yeah one
21757s two three and then it's the firing squad
21759s and it's like hey welcome celebrations
21761s if you want to call that an honorable
21764s death it's quite the way to go out
21766s though but again like I go back to that
21768s Annihilation and I'm not going to say
21770s that the annual Nation would have won
21771s Netherlands the point there but like you
21774s would have liked to have that and at the
21776s point in time like towards the end with
21777s the benefit of hindsight like you're
21779s looking for something right like
21780s something that can just like make France
21782s get go away like make them not be up in
21785s your face like hitting you with shatters
21787s and Point Blank uh slows from the
21789s endothermic Blaster from Nico there like
21792s you want something just anything and
21794s they weren't able to build up to
21795s anything because they didn't have the
21796s time because France bled out so much of
21798s it on the first point they didn't have
21800s the olds because you know they used them
21802s a lot of them on that losing fight there
21804s and because they lost that fight again
21806s France had the positional advantage and
21807s it's really hard to break through so now
21810s Netherlands have to have a damn good
21812s spawn hold here and if France break it
21814s and Netherlands don't like recuperate
21816s with like a second or third contest on
21818s point a they are in trouble
21820s yeah this is a lot of damage that can
21823s dish out very very quickly but Nico
21826s finding Pastor early now those long high
21828s angles are not so hotly contested and oh
21831s what a charge onto Dan it's the stun and
21834s then very quickly Netherlands just falls
21836s apart that early pick from Nico was huge
21840s and now they have you know all the free
21842s reign to push up so much further yeah
21845s that that wasn't even a hold like that
21847s was just nothing it looks like
21848s Netherlands are also going to try and
21849s take that longer approach it seems which
21852s I so like I agree with because you have
21854s Pastor on the Hanzo but he has to like
21856s actually find something from this angle
21858s like once again the The Defenders aren't
21860s gonna like Drop in on top of the payload
21862s and try and get something done with the
21863s May they're trying to play the ranged
21865s game and like the Netherlands don't have
21867s a lot of space that they can afford to
21868s give now
21870s yeah and you can see them pinging this
21872s Han so Nico wants to put as much
21874s pressure as possible onto the Hanzo and
21877s some decent Damage Done by pastors the
21879s views is just like completely marking
21882s the Hanzo and there's not much to be
21884s done however they trade that out for a
21886s tank and there's not a lot of damage
21888s that can be absorbed now since Ben best
21891s is out of the fight forcing the ice
21893s block out of the May though tap only
21895s kept Alive by the immortality field pack
21897s playing around with the shield now this
21899s is going to allow for so much more
21900s sustain and Nico is somehow able to take
21903s down dap as well reviews now with a huge
21906s kill onto Dan there was an immortal an
21909s amp Matrix thrown in there as well a lot
21912s of damage they're going aggressive to
21914s try and deter the staggers like you can
21915s see that teleporter and like FD God was
21917s up there as well this is gonna be France
21919s just getting the cap like Netherlands
21920s can't go in and contest they're gonna
21921s have to try and play for that high
21923s ground but with four and a half minutes
21925s to get like only about halfway through
21927s the point here like this is looking like
21929s Francis map to win like as hard as
21931s Netherlands fumbled the bag on their
21933s attack France would have to do it twice
21935s as hard on theirs to not cap out here
21937s some Netherlands they need something and
21939s they need to stagger their alts out like
21940s flawlessly from here on out I Pastor
21943s still has not built up to a dragon
21944s strike they're gonna open with the ant
21946s Matrix that should force some
21947s positioning and buy them a couple
21949s seconds but you kind of need a little
21951s bit more buying power
21953s yeah now the amp Matrix does come out
21955s and it forces them to back up a little
21957s bit until the ultimate runs out so
21959s sometimes saved off the timer but it's
21962s still four minutes left over and the
21963s shatter comes through but it misses
21966s because of the shield and now the
21967s blizzard could potentially come in huge
21969s the annihilation is available and it
21972s comes out very quickly there's the
21974s symmetra turrets that's doing so much to
21976s understand though and the blizzard the
21978s blizzard freezes down completely but
21980s they're still able to get the picks and
21981s the sustain comes through because of the
21983s immortality field huge play from Buddy
21986s there to keep their tank in the game the
21987s annihilation ticking and the damage is
21990s done Netherlands they're forcing France
21992s back for another minute and Don's like
21994s his like toenail was still hanging over
21996s the edge of that blizzard there and got
21997s frozen up I feared for his life there
21999s but the rest of the Netherlands were
22000s able to clean up but it was very costly
22003s on both sides France have time to build
22005s up to something but like Netherlands
22008s can't allow them that time they have to
22009s stagger these uh these fights out with
22011s picks Pastor if you can find another
22012s shot there onto Nico to be massive but
22014s they're giving France a little bit of
22016s space here
22017s oh forcing them off of The High Ground
22019s with the dragon strike as well but that
22022s still allows them to contest the payload
22024s and pack doing a lot of damage to try
22026s and contest this High Ground as well
22028s with the switch onto the Han zone now
22030s and it is approaching just a few meters
22033s away from where Netherlands was able to
22036s push to however still staggering Ben
22040s means that the rest of the team looking
22041s to reset
22043s Pastor I mean the dragon strike forced a
22044s lot of positioning there and there was
22046s some great cleanup they were able to
22047s finally get that pick off onto Nico and
22049s then passed her for the head shot onto
22050s FD God slows things down but France
22052s again they still have time to build up
22055s to something substantial I like they're
22057s gonna come up on the ant Matrix and they
22058s might be able to make Netherlands sweat
22060s a little bit with it especially with the
22062s carts so close like they can force
22063s positioning and just make the
22064s Netherlands play from a sub-optimal
22065s position and just get the get the win
22067s like that
22069s oh Ben Bess getting down so low though
22072s need to stay out of the fight and
22074s Retreat a little bit before reviews can
22076s get him all the way back up but there's
22078s the am Matrix trying to force the
22079s positioning and there's the annihilation
22081s once again from down it's been built up
22084s it's just taking so much damage here and
22087s they're able to finally take down Dan
22088s though from pack at range and that is
22091s just going to be the game here for
22094s France they are able to take it to oh
22096s Netherlands failing in The Distillery
22099s segment of Havana that one was less of a
22102s highway robbery and more of a mugging
22104s from France there especially on the
22106s first point and I mean that closing play
22109s there where you saw the ant Matrix from
22111s Netherlands come out kind of early and
22113s France just kind of like kite around it
22115s and they don't face check it they they
22117s know they have enough time to work with
22118s to try and build up to something or take
22119s a more optimal fight so they go they
22121s take The High Ground once the animations
22123s has expired they pop their own somehow
22126s find a Pick Off onto I believe it was a
22127s j which is one of the worst people that
22129s could have died at that point in time
22130s because with you know the storm that was
22133s coming like you you wanted to be able to
22136s build up that sound barrier at some
22138s point in time taking out the Lucio means
22139s like that's completely off the table you
22141s can't really control the tempo of the
22143s fight anymore and France were able to
22144s just run right over what remains of uh
22147s of the Netherlands there there was also
22149s a good uh Annihilation that came out
22152s from Don there but again like too little
22154s too late too many soldiers had fallen
22156s and there was too much sustainability
22157s for France they didn't end up falling to
22159s it and like once Don's just been dealt
22161s with like it's GG that's that's the game
22163s over
22164s yeah I feel like Dawn had so much value
22167s on almost every single Annihilation
22169s except one and that Annihilation could
22172s potentially have just cost them that
22174s game because it felt like he was just
22175s pulling the trigger in panic because he
22179s wanted to stay in the fight and there
22180s wasn't a switch there either and that
22182s blizzard almost could have done France
22184s in as well because of the combination
22187s with the annihilation it was really well
22189s done there was a lot of good combos from
22191s the Netherlands but they just couldn't
22192s finish off the game I'm I'm like
22194s continually impressed by the Netherlands
22196s even in defeat because a lot of these
22198s mistakes that they're making uh like
22200s even looking back to their defeat
22201s against Spain like I think the reason
22204s that they lost that game against Spain
22205s was because they bluetooth support
22207s ultimates at the tail end of a losing
22209s fight and then you remember like hell
22211s just came back with that fire strike at
22212s Matrix combo and cleaned up and like
22214s this is kind of that same thing but a
22216s little bit earlier it's not quite like
22218s one for one but it is still like they're
22221s throwing ultimates into a losing
22222s situation where they just end up coming
22224s up like like no economy whatsoever no
22226s alt economy to work with and they spend
22228s so much time trying to build back up to
22230s it that like France doesn't care like
22232s they're happy to play around with that
22233s time that gives them time to work and
22235s gives them time to act as well but like
22238s whenever the Netherlands are able to
22239s play their game right like whenever you
22241s know whenever tap is hitting a big
22242s Blizzard or some icicles to the Dome
22244s it's great whenever pastors hitting
22245s headshots it's great a10's uh death
22248s blossoms they're great but like France
22251s they're a top Contender and if you like
22253s I said if you were gonna try and take
22254s down one of like the top contenders for
22257s this group France looked the most
22258s beatable and that was especially true uh
22261s on Nepal but yeah the bag was definitely
22263s fumbled there a couple times by the
22264s Netherlands
22265s yeah I mean the Netherlands I feel like
22268s when they get under that much pressure
22270s it is a real struggle for them to be
22272s able to get back into it their pacing
22274s gets a little bit messed up and all of a
22276s sudden they're throwing ultimates no
22278s matter what it is they want to win the
22279s fight no matter the cost and the cost is
22283s that for the next fight they're just not
22285s cycling the ultimates well enough well
22287s France uh they do make quick work of the
22290s Netherlands not going to move a snail's
22291s pace no escar go here they're just gonna
22293s go on to the next uh to the next day
22295s with their heads held high still looking
22297s like a top contender in this group and I
22300s mean they're definitely gonna be one to
22302s continue to watch out for but watch out
22304s for Jim gonna go ahead and come back and
22305s join us we're gonna throw it to a quick
22307s break we'll be right back we should have
22308s an interview lined up here shortly don't
22310s go anywhere
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22529s welcome back to the OverWatch World Cup
22531s 2023 we are wrapped up with day three
22535s here and of course we just watched an
22538s awesome match between the between France
22539s and the Netherlands that I always get
22541s caught up there CV and epitomies break
22543s it down for us you know that was
22545s a closer match than it may look on paper
22548s but that second map was definitely
22549s different than the first one right TV
22551s yeah like the second map was definitely
22553s like France being in the driver's seat
22555s for the most part like I said on Nepal
22557s like
22557s the Netherlands look really strong and
22559s really formidable at times and were able
22560s to take advantageous fights and even
22562s catch France making some mistakes that
22564s ended up costing them but it was just
22566s the opposite when we went to Havana it
22568s was the Netherlands that were making the
22569s mistakes that were making some of these
22571s like misplays and uh you know getting
22573s some of these errors forced out and it's
22574s just like not being able to hold France
22577s there when they're going for the spawn
22578s like the spawn hold there like that's
22581s just kind of disastrous France go into
22582s not even having to cap the second point
22584s with such a sizable time bank that it's
22586s such an easy task to do it it's a walk
22588s in the park and you know fair play to
22590s the Netherlands I'm still impressed by
22592s their showing thus far right but you
22594s know if they want to be in that top
22595s contention spot they have to show just a
22597s little bit more
22598s absolutely and when you're looking at
22599s the ways the groups have shaken out
22601s right some may even say that Francis had
22603s an easier ago than some of these other
22604s teams because they have quite a mountain
22606s still to climb but of course that is all
22608s conjecture right uh let's go ahead and
22610s take a look at the schedule so we can
22611s recap all the scores of the matches that
22612s happened today we had seven of them
22614s stacked up for today we've got seven of
22616s seven more of them stacked up for y'all
22618s tomorrow epitome is looking at the
22621s scoreboard for today what were some of
22623s your favorite moments some of your
22624s highlights from today's competition
22626s obviously I thought that the Denmark
22628s match especially when they were on
22630s numbani they were showing so much
22633s aggression and it was just insane how
22636s much they were able to do on the
22639s composition that they had like even
22640s pulling out like a mercy pocketing and
22643s Ash it was insane and they were so
22645s aggressive every second Belgium just
22647s didn't know what to do with everything
22649s that was being thrown in their face and
22651s that's got to be one of my favorite
22653s moments and I think Denmark is not a
22656s team that you can scoff at especially if
22658s they look you know a little bit angry
22660s right yeah angry is the right word to
22664s put it because man we are early on in
22666s this competition and you can tell the
22668s emotions are high there are teams trying
22670s to prove themselves on a global stage
22672s here so uh with that said let's go ahead
22674s and hop online with France we've got an
22676s interview with their team manager CB and
22679s epitomies I'll be back with you in a
22681s quick moment here
22683s all right
22685s yo okay so we're talking about amazed
22688s from a France man how's it feeling off
22691s that victory that first map was
22693s definitely close to the second map it
22694s feels like France found their form talk
22696s to me about it man so basically like uh
22699s first map was pretty tough because we we
22701s struggled about like uh oh well like um
22704s and ultimate value so I think we we did
22707s a lot of mistakes
22708s um on this point but then like we we
22711s have been able to talk about it and and
22712s fix those issues and we definitely did
22715s way better on the swim map
22717s absolutely you are currently at the top
22720s of the standings for group a not even
22722s dropping a map that's got to feel pretty
22724s good talk to me about some of that prep
22726s right we know your team is stacked with
22728s players who have so much experience but
22730s what are the weeks leading up to this
22732s event look like for you guys
22735s so basically we are doing like only one
22736s block a day
22738s um at the very beginning and lately
22740s because we are on break with OverWatch
22742s League
22743s um we have like way more time now so we
22745s are doing like two day I mean two blocks
22747s a day uh vote review out of like
22749s one-on-one coaching because uh like I
22752s mean you say like we have a lot of
22753s Overture players but we also have a lot
22754s of like uh players with no experience so
22757s we need to to reach the gap between them
22760s um by walking like way more with them
22761s and and yeah I think we're like all
22763s working very hard the players are
22764s working very hard uh the mergers are
22766s doing a really good job
22768s um and my coaches too so yeah I'm pretty
22771s happy
22772s absolutely man it shows in your
22775s performance you know everyone watching
22777s I'm sure the French fans tuning in from
22779s around the world are astounded at your
22781s performance so far but if we're looking
22782s ahead right at the schedule some of your
22784s toughest matches some would say are
22786s still to come right in Denmark Spain
22789s Great Britain so for your French fans
22791s tuning in around the world what's your
22793s message to them about France's
22794s appearance of the World Cup in 2023
22800s um I will say just like keep supporting
22801s us uh keep checking for us and we will
22803s try our best to to go as far as possible
22807s um and yeah I think we are definitely
22808s like a dark house because we have like
22811s no experienced players and we are like
22813s um having like very good results lately
22815s so we would just like um
22818s continue this way and hopefully go very
22821s far and qualify to L.A
22823s 4-0 on the week so far the final day of
22826s week one is tomorrow get amazed thank
22828s you so much for joining us here today
22829s tomorrow thank you very much thank you
22832s bye
22835s all right everybody yeah it's good to
22837s hear from France man 4-0 no Maps drop
22840s they're feeling good they got some new
22841s players some veteran experience CB how
22844s you feeling about how they're shaping up
22845s so far and their matches still to come I
22848s mean you know you can he said like
22850s essentially like it was the coaching
22852s staff as well that's coming in close to
22853s try and bridge the gap between some of
22854s these newer talents some of these
22855s veteran talents and it seems to be
22857s working I don't know if I agree with the
22859s statement that France is a dark horse
22860s because I still consider them to be one
22862s of the favorites like if that's a dark
22863s horse that's a horse you could ride all
22865s the way to the bank with that one like
22866s especially if the coaching keeps up this
22867s pace and especially if France is able to
22870s keep stacking these dubs right like you
22872s know getting all these two o's left and
22874s right meanwhile like you know Great
22875s Britain they dropped the whole series to
22877s Denmark and Denmark dropped the map in
22879s that Series so if France the only
22881s Flawless team thus far you know it's
22883s gonna get harder from here on out but if
22884s they keep this pace up they could
22886s definitely steal it yeah epitome he's
22888s talked to me about it too what are you
22889s feeling as we head into the last day of
22891s competition in week number one at the
22893s OverWatch World Cup qualifiers here I
22896s feel like the standings are I think this
22899s is mostly what we expected I think
22900s really the biggest Dark Horse in group a
22903s has to be Spain but France I feel like
22905s they're such a good Contender they're on
22907s such good Pace uh they're 4-0 today but
22910s tomorrow it's going to be 6-0 because
22911s they'll have updated those standings
22913s France still at the very tippy tippy top
22915s and almost nobody else has that same
22918s kind of record
22920s um of having six games in a row one no
22924s Maps dropped yeah that map is
22925s differential it's gonna come in clutch
22927s if you were wondering what the standings
22928s are currently in group a the top three
22930s will be moving forward so we're looking
22931s at France Denmark and Spain the United
22934s Kingdom's a close fourth there but
22936s they're not making the cut just yet and
22938s in group b the top two will be moving
22940s forward and so far we've got Norway and
22942s Saudi Arabia that about does it for us
22945s though seven matches down seven more to
22947s go in week one of the OverWatch World
22950s Cup emec qualifiers CB epitome it's been
22953s an absolute pleasure of having you on
22955s the show today I hope y'all in chat and
22957s watching from wherever you're watching
22959s enjoy the show and we'll be back
22960s tomorrow with some more OverWatch of
22962s World Cup action as for me I'm Jim Masco
22964s and I'll see you guys next time
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about 1 year ago - PlayOverwatch - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

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603s thank you
604s welcome to the 2023 OverWatch World Cup
607s online qualifiers for emec I'm Jim Basco
610s and later today I will be joined by hex
612s and zp to bring you that spicy group a
615s action but for now I'm joined by
616s epitomies as we look to tell the story
618s of Group B tala let's go ahead and take
621s a look at the schedule and do a bit of
623s recapping for the week overall right
624s it's been a spicy week to say the least
627s yeah for sure I mean week one I feel
630s like we got a lot of our expectations
632s measured you know over in group a we
636s have Spain who is currently in the top
639s three and positioned to make it out of
641s playoffs up here at the end of week one
643s though that could change today depending
645s on how group a performs but over in
648s group b we have a very competitive group
651s we've said it once we'll say it
653s um you know many many many times again
655s and you know Norway Saudi Arabia I think
658s we expected this from them but the fact
660s that there are only two spots just makes
662s it all the harder to let go some of
664s these other teams like we've been
666s talking a lot about Sweden Sweden seems
668s to always be a name that is in our mouth
670s and they've just consistently seemed to
673s just fall short of our expectations
674s Finland on the other hand a team that is
677s performing exactly as we expected but on
679s that very first day might have had the
681s odds sacked against them playing against
683s Saudi Arabia absolutely yeah when you're
685s talking about teams and Titans right
687s group is a stack
690s place to be there's eight teams fighting
692s for contention of two spots and like you
694s mentioned Finland Sweden all names that
697s we are expecting to do phenomenally at
700s the World Cup but if you look at the top
701s of the rupee like you mentioned you've
702s gotten Norway and Saudi Arabia not to
705s say that these teams aren't fantastic
707s this is definitely a bit different than
709s the norm looking at the teams though
711s when looking at their performances
712s throughout the week Norway and Saudi
714s Arabia have been nothing but jaw
716s dropping right Norway with a stacked
719s Squad featuring onigot as the point man
720s there just demolishing teams left and
723s right not even dropping a map here
725s epitome's Saudi Arabia on the other hand
727s I've gotta say my favorite team to watch
730s I love the Middle Eastern representation
732s you know what I mean the brown boys are
733s on the rise here but also just pulling
736s out these off meta compositions which
739s are obviously made possible by yazan
742s right when you have a character
743s specialist like himself you can just
746s pull out the absolutely most ridiculous
749s compositions and make them work when you
751s got a star-studded lineup of GPS tanks
754s and healers in quartz and the rest of
756s that Saudi Arabian Squad to make it
758s happen so epitome is you know today
760s we're starting off our match as you saw
762s in that schedule earlier with Saudi
764s Arabia versus Turkey followed by Norway
766s versus Finland and then we end off the
768s day with Holland versus Iceland and I
771s couldn't tell you a clear Victor for any
774s three of these first matches of enemies
777s it is going to be brutal
779s there definitely does seem to be a very
781s clear favorite of where this very first
783s match of at the very least Saudi Arabia
786s currently at the top of the group right
789s next to Norway but turkey yesterday
790s definitely surprised us again in their
793s match against Sweden you know we talk a
796s lot about Sweden once again and we think
798s that they have such a stacked roster you
801s know with the kebster sparker a DPS line
804s both very talented OverWatch League
806s experienced dps's and turkey came and
810s wasn't able to completely actually do so
812s much that we weren't expecting yeah and
815s I think that's the key I think this
817s Turkish team if you're looking at the
819s matches they've played so far right day
820s one favorite play versus Poland day
823s three they play versus Sweden and that
825s leaves them now here on day four up
827s against Saudi Arabia Sweden I gotta say
830s was definitely their hottest competition
833s yet because like you're saying they had
834s a stacked roster there but turkey
837s managed to pull it out two to one so so
839s with that said coming into this Saudi
841s Arabian match of
842s obviously in my heart I I'm rooting for
845s Saudi Arabia here but looking at the
847s statistics and looking at the schedule
848s turkey they may put up a great fight
852s here so of course talking about the
853s schedule once again that's followed up
855s by Norway versus Finland who are
858s obviously Norway's top of the group not
860s even dropped a map yet Finland stuck it
863s forth right now they're two in one so a
865s victory here for the Finish group could
867s be massive and Skyrocket them to the top
869s of their group
871s yeah I thought I think Finland is really
874s looking for this match against Norway
875s not only does it bring Norway down it
878s skyrockets Finland up and makes a
880s statement to the entirety of Group B
882s that they should not be underestimated
884s and that although they're in the middle
886s of the pack right now they don't intend
888s to stay there and obviously seeing
890s Norway being given some really good
891s competition as well will showcase their
894s abilities even further so I am looking
896s forward to that matchup for sure it's
898s gonna be a good time let's talk before
899s we head about before we head on into the
901s game and talk about gameplay let's talk
903s about format right because we mentioned
905s that today was the last day of week one
907s the emec online qualifier actually
909s showcases two groups competing in a
911s single round robin first two tournament
913s it's a single stage tournament and it
915s happens over two weeks so four days of
917s competition this week this being the
919s last day and then we're back next week
920s Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday to
922s finish it out and see how it all Stacks
924s up of course you want to make sure that
926s you grab those World Cup Pokemon away
927s skin bundles because they are now live
929s they will stay in the store until June
932s 27th you've got two more days to go
934s ahead and get those there are actually
935s three bundles here the emec APAC and
937s America bundles you can get both the
939s Home and Away skins for all the heroes
941s in these bundles and they support the
943s teams directly right they contribute to
945s the World Cup prize pool make sure you
947s can shop now on Battlenet or in game in
950s OverWatch too and of course you can
951s learn more at overwatchworldscup.com
955s all right so of course we talked about
958s the matches that are happening today we
960s gave you a bit of the story in a bit of
961s the context here
963s tala Saudi Arabia in this first matchup
967s let's focus in right turkey Saudi Arabia
969s a premier matchup of the day like you
972s mentioned a clear favorite just
974s determined by how Saudi Arabia has been
976s playing but turkey definitely a dark
978s horse in this one
980s turkey has proven themselves that they
982s can come into a match being The
984s Underdogs and still win it all out I
987s mean there are a few more unknown names
989s over on turkey's side but obviously you
992s do have lethal as that London Spitfire
994s DPS uh coming in to try to kind of
997s spearhead that Squad Romani another
1000s known name in the Collegiate OverWatch
1002s scene as a UCI player so turkey do have
1005s some really big names that could
1008s potentially help them make this match
1010s against Saudi Arabia very competitive
1011s and very close yeah let's get down into
1013s the details right let's go ahead and
1014s take a look at the rosters for both the
1016s star-studded squad we're talking about
1017s Saudi Arabia versus Turkey list own in
1020s on Saudi Arabia first of course we're
1021s talking about KSA yazan quartz surmajed
1025s and Haku right of course CB a huge fan
1029s of that Twisted Minds core which we've
1031s seen do so much work in the four days of
1034s competition so far epitome is when it
1037s comes to play making ability what do you
1040s looking for out of the Saudi Arabian
1042s team
1043s Saudi Arabia when you are looking at
1045s something very bad you are always
1046s talking about izan and that Haku Duo uh
1050s with the pharmacy calm transitions that
1052s come out and it doesn't really even
1054s matter what map that it comes out on
1055s because he is such a specialist on that
1058s pharah but quartz is kind of you do not
1062s want to underestimate courts because if
1064s you allow courts to get away with
1066s anything he will punish your team very
1068s heavily so do not let courts as a DPS
1072s get away with anything for free this
1074s entire Squad is just so stacked and they
1077s work incredibly well together from what
1079s we've seen so far and they do a good job
1081s of enabling each other to make bigger
1083s plays even if they themselves aren't
1085s going to be that hero that playmaker
1087s absolutely and I love the story lines
1088s that have been developing for Saudi
1090s Arabia as well of course we'll talk
1092s about those more in a second but let's
1093s own in on that turkey squad we're
1094s talking about Romani lethal nephron muzo
1098s and Farouk of course another stack Squad
1101s and you mentioned Romani earlier right a
1102s player from the US playing for UC Irvine
1105s has a lot of Collegiate Experience but
1107s is also uh is also from Turkey so was
1110s able to play for the World Cup team and
1112s it's awesome you know getting this
1114s representation from all different levels
1116s of skill here on this Turkish squatala
1120s and I'm really excited to see what the
1123s first map is going to be we've seen a
1126s lot of lijong tower but it's actually
1127s going to be ilios again and I'm really I
1131s really am enjoying the variety in map
1133s selections we've been seeing I feel like
1135s that first day it was just lijiang Tower
1137s over and over and over again so I think
1140s that they're expanding their map pool
1141s that's really good but this is also what
1144s feels like Saudi Arabia's home ground
1146s because Farah so viable on every single
1149s map that is exactly how I feel Elios
1152s when I think of Elios I think of getting
1154s boot unfortunately into the whole or off
1157s the map but if we get to ruins that is
1162s where I want to see Saudi Arabia shine
1164s right that Widowmaker pharah combo on
1167s ruins is Unstoppable it is so dirty you
1171s have so many long lines of sight that
1173s I'd love to see them execute on that of
1175s course we'll see what happens in this
1178s matchup but we've got Saudi Arabia
1179s versus Turkey just underway just around
1182s the corner day four of the OverWatch
1184s World Cup online qualifiers for emec
1186s about to start tala
1190s it not it looks like we are going to be
1194s starting on
1198s mark
1199s a very big question mark here but it
1201s looks like it is going to be Lighthouse
1203s for that first map and it seems that we
1206s are not actually seeing the Widowmaker
1209s first and instead it's going to be the
1212s ash from quartz but nephron is going to
1214s match that Ash and there are a lot of
1216s birds in the sky here with the Azan and
1218s lethal heading on to the Echo and pharah
1222s both of them having that Mercy in their
1224s back pocket as well yeah it's so
1226s interesting watching this Echo pick come
1228s out as people try to contend with
1230s yazan's pharah it has been so hard and
1233s Echo is a good alternative but you're
1235s seeing the problem she struggles with
1237s right at range she really can't do
1239s damage and that burst if she doesn't
1240s complete it all the way just gets
1242s sustained out by that Mercy now we're
1244s seeing yazan through the window here
1245s gets the first Blood of the map and
1247s traded back out
1249s they do take down that tank from Turkey
1252s though so it's going to be a little bit
1253s more difficult for them to engage on the
1255s point seeing Saudi Arabia get that first
1258s touch lethal does finish off quartz and
1260s there is a possibility for that
1262s Resurrection but it's used to bring back
1263s sir magette instead to have that extra
1266s sustain unfortunately it doesn't do its
1268s mouth oh okay muso knocks Musa uh gets
1272s knocked off the map though and KSA
1274s coming back in with a big pick onto
1276s nephron they're still able to hold on to
1278s the point and contest this pretty
1280s heavily the lethal dishing out so much
1282s GPS especially with farook behind him
1285s now turkey flipping Point yeah
1287s beautifully done by lethal it's not
1289s going to 1v1 against yazan is not a
1291s place you want to be and you saw some
1292s beautiful mid-air shouts coming out from
1294s your zomba projectile God but dominated
1297s by lethal there once he closed the Gap
1299s now lethal unfortunately oh actually why
1303s don't you do that goes for the res down
1304s onto Farooq now we got two mercies baby
1307s lethal going big there for turkey
1309s bringing back their support line and
1311s extending their stay in this match as
1313s they take up on the scoreboard towards
1315s 30 that is uh extremely funny but also
1318s so so valuable to have those two
1320s resurrections back in play and through
1322s coming back in as well but that Bob from
1324s quartz trying to contest that point and
1327s does so beautifully Romani and muzo both
1329s going down in his own looking for the
1331s mirror matchup as well switching over to
1334s that Echo instead of the far I'm wanting
1336s to match up to lethal and the sticky
1338s bombs are going to take down that turkey
1341s DPS line pretty easily Haku now bringing
1344s surmajet in the burst uh healing will be
1347s available for this fight and bizan does
1349s go ahead and use the duplicate doesn't
1352s get to get the ultimate from it but ooh
1354s the sticky bombs once again onto nephron
1356s it's still that Bob that might be able
1358s to contest this fight for a turkey
1359s though as Saudi Arabia is leaving Key
1362s essay a KSA on the site they have to go
1364s and use the valkyrie both support
1366s ultimates expended and the Rampage as
1368s well from Saudi Arabia in order to try
1371s and win this one out as the anti-health
1373s does fade away Romani still gets real
1376s low sermon jet is looking for that pick
1379s but it's still turkey that finds all the
1382s blood yeah great stuff from Saudi Arabia
1384s right they flip it off the back of yazan
1385s swap to Echo and there was a great
1387s couple of Trades back and forth but now
1389s yazana Echo courts on that Ash they're
1392s trying to take the fight to the point
1393s yazan's able to open it up with a great
1395s pick down onto lethal and I will have to
1397s see if Haku goes to the res here playing
1399s off the side of the map Romani connects
1401s for another equals it out
1403s Romani goes big
1406s and it looks like turkey is able to keep
1407s a hold of the point as they take up
1409s towards 65 here very back and forth
1412s first point on ilios
1414s now for this next fight Liesel looking
1417s like they have that duplicate in for the
1419s next fight The katsune Rush from muzo is
1422s coming back up as well Saudi Arabia they
1424s did invest a lot of ultimates into a
1427s fight that they didn't win the last time
1429s that they tried to defend this point it
1431s was on now coming back with the
1433s duplicate from lethal the junker Queen
1436s has come through and is doing so much
1438s damage onto KSA all of a sudden they're
1440s out of a tank from Saudi Arabia and it's
1443s going to be up to yazan to potentially
1444s make up that Gap with his own duplicate
1447s the Bob does come through to contest the
1449s point right as lethal's duplicate Fades
1451s away but yazan taking down lethal before
1454s the Bob can be even destroyed now the
1457s overtime has been activated with a touch
1459s from Haku and KSA or I should say yazan
1463s posing as KSA on the junker Queen the
1466s Rampage comes through quartz with the
1468s pick on to nephron and now quartz going
1470s big they were so focused on yazan being
1473s pocketed by Haku on the objective that
1476s they weren't looking at courts and that
1478s just enables courts to do so much for
1481s the squad turkey actually helping lethal
1483s switch over to the soldier yeah what a
1485s crazy opening and of course lethal
1486s swapped over to the soldier gets taken
1488s out and drops immediately back to the
1490s Echo and he's like I am not having that
1492s disrespect Saudi Arabia out at 92 turkey
1495s up at 99. you know lethal got the junker
1498s Queen but we saw in that alt he wasn't
1500s able to have a ton of value in it ended
1502s up going down as Romani their front line
1503s goes down muzo follows and Saudi Arabia
1506s secures point one
1508s in a very back and forth fashion tala
1510s yeah that was incredibly scary for
1513s turkeys since they had it already at 99
1516s and Saudi Arabia they barely nearly last
1519s fight if it weren't for yazan's
1520s duplicate into the junker Queen they
1522s wouldn't have had a tank into the fight
1524s and yazan was able to get the Rampage
1526s off as well but at the end of the day
1529s they were missing a lot and they were at
1531s a huge deficit it was a game-changing
1533s ultimate to be able to get the tank back
1535s in and some front line to absorb
1537s pressure for Saudi Arabia absolutely a
1541s fantastic focused effort from Saudi
1544s Arabia as we head on into ruins my
1547s favorite map man I gotta say and we're
1548s seeing the widows pop out from both
1550s sides quartz we've just seen him do
1552s amazing things on this character nephron
1554s up for a Goliath of a task ahead of them
1558s let's see how these two teams delve at
1560s it as both teams try to Vie for Middle
1562s control of the map now and it's going to
1564s be a question of I feel like this Widow
1566s is and we're going to be looking to deal
1568s with the echo Mercy rather than the
1570s other Widow but it's just up to the
1572s Target selection oh quartz that is just
1576s an excellent shot from Saudi Arabia's
1578s Widowmaker and yazan up ahead with the
1581s harass they don't have that hit scan
1583s anymore to try and deal with the echo up
1586s above and as nephron is coming back into
1588s the fight the entirety of turkey gets
1591s staggered going to have to regroup while
1593s Haku brings back yazan of course loyal
1596s pocket Mercy to have that Echo back in
1599s yeah loyal day one right there but of
1602s course courts just opening up with that
1604s take onto nephrine and of course yazan
1606s following it up that just puts Saudi
1608s Arabia straight on the point and taken
1610s up towards 15 now courts playing the
1613s point man here trying to isolate this
1616s Widow 1v1 while the rest of the team
1617s fights on that left bridge side quartz
1619s is going wide towards the right and is
1622s looking for some more action solo Romani
1624s trying to swing around this corner and
1626s get the damage off onto KSA both of them
1629s getting really low but this mirror
1631s composition a lot of her stealing here
1633s the focus for Saudi Arabia is trying to
1636s get muzo out since the Rook is very
1638s concentrated on keeping lethal up and
1641s being lethal to do that DPS for turkey
1644s and kind of be the playmaker here but
1646s the duplicate from the echo on Saudi
1649s Arabia side yazan transforming into a
1652s secondary junker Queen just as KSA takes
1655s down Romani this is just too much health
1657s for a turkey to shred through especially
1658s with lethal down and they have to
1661s regroup once again in their spawn man
1663s what an oppressive composition right
1665s talk about the speed boost that you're
1666s getting from serma Jed and you're
1668s getting from that junker Queen should
1669s Echo double up on the junker Queen too
1671s you got so much Gap closing potential
1674s and with courts dealing damage from afar
1676s yazan closing that gap on the echo going
1679s for the 1v1 once again epitome's quartz
1682s has just been able to shut it down this
1683s game so far
1684s Court's really trying to take down
1687s lethal and focus that fire on their
1689s dps's once again here's the valkyrie
1692s from Peru on Turkey side and that's
1694s basically one of the first ultimates
1695s they've been able to build up to now
1697s with three ultimates the fight and the
1700s next one however Saudi Arabia has three
1702s ultimates of their own and the valkyrie
1704s has been activated by Haku trying to get
1706s a lot of sustain down onto this team
1708s okay lethal has turned into a mercy who
1711s once again perhaps trying to make sure
1714s that the rest of the squad can stay up
1716s and a resurrection of potential muso
1719s does fall so I think that lethal might
1722s look for it but it's knocked out of it
1724s before they're able to even get a resin
1726s off that overtime has been activated but
1728s it's muso that's doing the contesting
1730s yazan goes big for a second third time
1734s on ruins and this is not surprising at
1737s all as Saudi Arabia locks in the win on
1739s ilios man I I want to say not surprising
1743s at all but after that first you know
1744s first half of the map I was like oh
1746s turkey's here to play Yo and then really
1748s it came down to courts and yazan putting
1750s on a show just shutting down every fight
1752s before he could even reach the boiling
1754s point like he pointed out tala
1756s the mercy Echo I don't know what's going
1759s on there but I don't know if the
1761s strategy is working just yet turkey
1763s gonna have some time to think about it
1765s before we head into the second map here
1766s but Saudi Arabia looking so dominant
1769s over this squad looking taking a look at
1771s some of these replays here on ilios
1773s right the first map Lighthouse and maybe
1775s this is something that we'll think about
1776s heading into the second uh map here when
1779s it's a more tight point it seems turkey
1782s has a bit more success if the lines of
1784s sight are long however yazan and quartz
1787s are just tearing them up would you agree
1788s epitomies I definitely do think that is
1790s the case and I want to com uh commend
1793s yazan on the switch onto the echo to try
1796s and counter lethal it's definitely a lot
1798s easier to hit a flying Target as Echo
1800s than it is as Farah and you know pharah
1803s and Echo they're not exactly the same
1805s but they do uh tout similar play Styles
1808s so I'm really glad that they were able
1810s to make that one work and it does show a
1812s little bit of Versatility on Saudi
1814s Arabia side because everyone's always
1815s saying oh yeah yazan is a pharah player
1818s but I guess he can play something other
1820s than the pharah we've seen him play the
1822s sojourn too and it was actually uh it
1825s was actually really good I was really
1827s not expecting how well he played that so
1830s uh Saudi Arabia taking that first map
1833s and we knew that ruins was probably
1835s going to be the nail in the coffin for
1838s turkey if they didn't lose if they
1840s didn't win that first round
1842s yeah absolutely I agree game two for
1845s Saudi Arabia versus Turkey just around
1847s the corner it'll be escort and we'll be
1849s back right after this break with all
1851s that action
1853s [Music]
1877s [Applause]
1882s oh
1885s [Applause]
1894s foreign
1906s [Music]
1916s [Music]
1923s [Music]
1990s thank you
1994s [Music]
2000s [Music]
2005s thank you
2009s [Music]
2020s foreign
2023s [Music]
2031s [Music]
2071s map two of the series between the
2073s Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and turkey
2075s continues now I'm your host Jim Basco
2078s and I'm joined by epitomies as we bring
2079s you all the action here today it is the
2081s final day of competition in week one and
2084s we just watched the Kingdom of Saudi
2086s Arabia
2087s put up a good fight against turkey in
2089s the first half of map one and then
2091s absolutely rolled him in the second as
2093s soon as we hit the ruins tala how are
2095s your feelings in that first map coming
2097s into map two what do you think they're
2098s gonna have to change
2099s turkey during that very first map of
2102s Lighthouse it just felt like they were
2103s doing so well it was it felt very strong
2106s from them and then as soon as they
2108s headed to ruins where Saudi Arabia was
2110s kind of on their home turf they kind of
2112s fell apart they weren't even able to get
2114s a single tick onto that objective and it
2117s felt so Saudi was so dominant in that
2120s fashion but now headed on to turkey's
2122s pick of King's Row haven't seen this one
2125s in a while definitely am very excited to
2127s see how this one plays out yeah when I
2129s think about King's Row man you know and
2132s maybe it's just because I'm a widow man
2133s myself but I think about Widowmaker
2136s King's throw has tons of verticality has
2138s tons of long lines of sight especially
2141s for that first point right what I'm
2143s expecting is we get a little bit of a
2145s standoff we get a little bit of duel
2146s between quartz and the respective DPS on
2148s the Turkish team and if that goes well
2151s for the Turkish team I think they'll be
2152s able to hold this point but man quartz
2155s is so dominant on that Widowmaker and
2157s that's not even talking about yazan and
2159s the pressure that he's putting on this
2160s Turkish Squad so for King's Roman
2162s I think you're right I think turkey this
2164s is their pick maybe they have a strategy
2166s here maybe they're gonna use the back
2167s rooms a bit more play a little bit more
2169s retake and get a bit more Brawley on the
2172s point but as we head on into the map
2173s looking at these comps tala how are you
2175s feeling okay well I never trust
2178s attackers that are sitting inside of
2180s their spawn jobs because I there's no
2183s way they bring out the doomfist unless
2184s when the life Weaver no I feel like this
2188s is definitely going to be maybe a more
2190s brawly comp the Hanzo is an actual
2192s possibility I think the life Weaver is
2195s really just there to kind of boost
2196s quartz onto that first shot and try and
2199s see if they're able to get some early
2200s pick-offs um the doomfist
2203s question mark bahaku If why uh yazan
2207s does uh does decide to go on to this
2209s para it's going to be a Haku Mercy just
2213s like we expected yeah absolutely Saudi
2215s Arabia opting for the classic Pharaoh
2217s Widow Mercy Sigma and baptism while
2220s turkey definitely has something more
2222s Brawley so we're gonna have to see how
2223s this one pans out at Vietnamese
2227s oh he is on taking down lethal early and
2229s may is really the brunt of all the
2232s stalling power for Saudi Arabia quartz
2234s able to get onto The High Ground closer
2236s to that point and KSA has just kind of
2238s brute forced himself through that
2241s entirety of that Chokehold didn't even
2243s put up a big fight from Turkey to get
2246s themselves onto this first point already
2247s First Take oh nice shot from quartz as
2250s well to take down Romani and muso now
2253s without a tank and down One support and
2256s it's going to be the flex support as
2258s well so it's going to be a lot more
2260s difficult for them to try and contest
2261s actually they're not even going to make
2263s an attempt they're still inside their
2264s spawn and quartz has a sight line
2266s straight into it they could potentially
2268s just get picked off while sitting inside
2271s of their spawn room but now that the
2274s spawn has moved back they're allowed
2276s inside that room now and yazan looking
2278s to bully a little bit further with the
2280s mercy right by its side but quartz is
2283s able to get that healed back up
2286s from when OverWatch was released this is
2289s the strategy you take those long lines
2291s of sight dominate the first point and
2292s then play advance and that's exactly
2294s what Saudi Arabia is doing leaving
2296s courts completely unanswered as yazan
2298s and courts both take up towards their
2300s ultimate abilities courts popping that
2302s in First Sight getting all the
2303s information in the world and just having
2305s a fantastic time playing skeet shooting
2307s Vines lethal there and you know off
2312s close range muzo does find him Saudi
2315s Arabia are just taking so much space
2316s Salah
2318s yeah it's not
2322s also the fact that turkey doesn't even
2325s have a way in to contest the point they
2327s are just forced all the way back every
2329s single time even though they do have now
2332s nephrine switching onto the Sombra since
2334s they're realizing they need some way to
2336s bully this Widowmaker and Farooq should
2339s be able to taxi them all the way to that
2342s point but they're able to get point B
2343s without even much of a contest and five
2345s minutes left over that is just such a
2348s large time bank to be going into and
2351s turkey it seems like the fight might
2353s have gone out into them after that ruins
2355s fight that they lost and
2358s nice uh nice knockback to get Romani out
2361s of the fight as well it's a brutal
2364s brutal situation to be in if you're
2365s jerky you've been getting staggered from
2367s the first point like you mentioned five
2369s minutes and Counting and the Stagger
2371s continues right quartz binds lethal they
2374s found Romani shortly before that they've
2376s always been down a player the circus
2378s Squad because Saudi Arabia excels at
2380s this range and if you can't do anything
2382s about it right you've got nephron on the
2384s Sombra to try and contest the Widow
2386s wherever she may be but quartz is having
2388s a great time he is just hanging out no
2390s one cares about him and he is finding
2392s kill after kill now on a 10 player kill
2395s streak make that 11. as he is just
2397s sitting up on this High Ground solo yeah
2400s they're forced to use that sound barrier
2402s but these ultimates are just kind of
2403s throwaways at this point from Turkey
2405s they do have lethal's duplicate they
2408s could potentially find something here
2410s and it's the stigma that comes in from
2412s lethal of course liaison uses a barrage
2415s but finds muzo they're out of all of
2417s their sustain for this fight Romani
2419s picks up on the doomfist but four
2422s minutes 30 seconds completely
2424s uncontested so dominant from Saudi
2426s Arabia King's Row has completed its
2429s first round and it's 3-0
2432s what
2434s you know
2436s when it comes to picking maps and I'm
2439s playing against Saudi Arabia I want to
2440s try to pick them up with the least
2441s amount of long sight lines King's Row
2443s was not the map for that and yazan and
2445s courts just put on a show there I gotta
2448s say though as a spectator as a viewer as
2450s a lover of the game that was just good
2451s to watch right this is how you play
2453s king's drove now on the defense I liked
2455s what turkey was doing on their defense
2457s right they tried to play a more broadly
2459s composition but they just got picked off
2460s too early they weren't respecting the
2463s domination that quartz Nissan could put
2465s out and we saw how that went now looking
2467s at the compositions here turkey looks
2470s like they're gonna opt for that Genji
2472s something a little bit quicker on the
2473s attack and obviously they've still got a
2475s little bit of time to change up on that
2477s end but Saudi Arabia sticking to what
2480s they know they've got yazan on the echo
2482s they've got quartz on Cassidy and
2484s they're working with KSA on Diva as well
2486s as Anna Mercy backline lethal playing
2489s with flex DPS now though onto the Genji
2491s instead I think fully expecting for that
2494s Widow to still be a huge problem but
2496s Sports is instead on the Cassidy so I
2499s don't think that they're going to be
2500s able to get as much value from the Genji
2502s but surmajed is probably a huge weak
2505s point in this composition with the mercy
2507s as a secondary support you are missing
2510s out on a lot of peel for that Anna so
2513s that lethal can still be a pain in Saudi
2516s Arabia's back by harassing that
2519s secondary support
2520s absolutely let's see how that Cassidy
2522s can do on the D on uh the job the task
2525s of protecting that Anna as yazan and
2528s quartz actually goes down as Romani
2530s closes that Gap finds two in a row man
2532s that Gap closes good from Turkey this
2534s time around they've got the Speedy
2535s closing potential and KSA finds himself
2538s hacked left without abilities here and
2541s bled out as Romani with those melees and
2544s the rest of turkey really just make
2546s quick work of Saudi Arabia maybe taking
2548s control of the tempo in that fight and
2550s turning it up a notch
2552s yeah that junker Queen really forced the
2555s tempo a lot more than Saudi Arabia
2557s expected now switching back on to the
2559s pharah yazan back to what he knows and
2562s we were talking about how dominant that
2564s first capture was from Saudi Arabia this
2566s was just as dominant five minutes and 30
2569s seconds to force their way over to point
2571s B and Nephron is really looking for a
2573s huge hack on KSA that Diva was made
2576s really vulnerable by nephron's first
2578s hack and really helped the team Fall
2580s Apart you got KSA swapping on over to
2582s the dunker Queen hopefully to deal with
2584s some of that aggression a little bit
2585s better you gotta respect that bleed it
2587s does a ton of damage and with it being
2589s available on so many of junker Queen
2591s skills you really want to keep that
2593s distance Leadville though and the rest
2595s of this Turkish Squad doing a great job
2596s playing on the point quartz Dives in the
2599s back line lethal tries to get to the
2600s mega and goes down yazan on this pharah
2603s pick is doing so much gold damage for
2605s the Saudi Arabian team tala and this is
2608s obviously what we've wanted to see from
2610s yazan and it shreds a junker Queen so
2613s quickly Haku does go down unfortunately
2615s but not before quartz Is Res brought
2618s back into the fight even though this
2620s Fara is hacked and without a mercy
2622s pocket the entirety of turkey looking to
2624s just regroup instead as that Mercy is
2627s able to join the team
2629s right join the team re-up regroup let's
2632s see if we can retake control of the
2634s point here Saudi Arabia using the
2636s verticality of this map right we talked
2637s about this early on Sarah Farah rather
2640s succeeds because she can play around the
2642s corners and the rooftops nephron with
2644s the hack I mean with the EMP close range
2646s it's gonna connect can they follow it up
2648s though turkey's struggling to find a
2650s finish as Romani with the ulti connects
2652s onto quartz color and they keep it up
2655s yeah this is a nice pick to take down
2657s quartz from the fight the Cassidy forced
2659s the play a little bit closer huge suzu
2662s there to take all of the anti-health off
2664s of some of the turkey's players but it's
2666s not going to be enough muzo
2668s unfortunately unable to keep farook in
2671s the fight they're missing that little
2672s bit of extra DPS and sustain that the
2674s Lucio would offer and once again sold
2677s out at this first choke point the
2679s payload however is pushed up very far
2681s but it's just slowly making their way
2684s back to where turkey has been stalled
2687s done for the circus team
2689s where they struggled on Elios for having
2691s a lot more success on the first point of
2693s King's Row however the Saudi Arabian
2695s team
2696s dominant attack lethal
2698s finds quartz in the back rooms here up
2700s top
2701s from the hallway down a dive onto
2704s sermajet gets deflected off by his arm
2706s beautifully done and epitome as they are
2707s going in yes
2709s two and Nephron returns with one of his
2712s own but the Saudi Arabian Squad saying
2714s hi in the sky just too much distance for
2717s the Turkish team to finish them all
2719s honestly even that barrage didn't even
2722s take out the both of them and the sound
2724s barrier just came out a little bit too
2726s late from farook and Farooq is going to
2728s pay for his sins by being sent back to
2731s the spawn room nephron however now
2733s taking out yazan's pocket Haku going
2736s down so nephron is really trying his
2738s best to just harass this DBS line and we
2741s actually saw that lethal is really going
2744s for courts as well they're getting
2746s really close to this checkpoint now and
2749s it seems like the quartz tired of being
2752s harassed on the Cassidy going to go back
2755s onto the Sombra instead oh huge EMP
2757s lethal follows up through it so quickly
2760s and without any hesitation now only KSA
2764s left over quartz goes down quickly after
2766s lethal what a nice combination of that
2770s those dashes and the EMP just so well
2773s done yeah beautifully set up great
2776s teamwork from the Turkish Squad that's
2778s what we need to see you know what I mean
2779s they're playing this close range
2780s composition you gotta work together you
2782s gotta stagger your abilities and a great
2785s EMP followed up by just good execution
2787s from the Turkish Squad is leading to
2788s muzo finding back-to-back kills here
2790s huge for huge for turkey rather this is
2793s a big point they're getting a lot of
2794s space right now they've got one player
2796s on the payload as they continue this
2797s pressure onto the spawn turkey
2800s backing up just a little bit now as
2802s Saudi Arabia regroups
2804s this Genji has become a huge sore spot
2806s for turkey and nephron's been left
2808s unchecked as well Saudi Arabia they're
2811s kind of focused on harassing these
2814s supports and it's a little bit hard to
2816s catch out the Genji as Barra and there's
2818s a blade that comes through yazan goes
2821s down with a helpful shot from muzo KSA
2824s is going to be able to trade back on to
2826s Romani and Haku has this Resurrection in
2829s the back pocket and that's just the
2830s power of the mercy even though yazan is
2833s brought back into the fight it wasn't
2834s strictly necessary with Saudi Arabia
2837s seeing Ming really dominant in that last
2839s one
2840s definitely yeah turkey realized they had
2842s to cut their losses they go for the
2843s reset there and are trying to regroup
2845s But You Gotta Give it to lethal right
2847s that was a great try a great attempt
2849s with that Dragon Blade to deal with
2851s these mosquitoes up in the sky however
2853s just two mobile too good and now we're
2855s seeing quartz back on the Widow as yazan
2857s has that barrage ready to rock epitomies
2859s yeah Court's going back on the
2861s Widowmaker I feel like it's going to be
2863s a lot more comfortable for Saudi Arabia
2866s but it's also very easy to get harassed
2868s by both the Genji and the pharah and
2871s they're really just trying to put so
2872s much pressure onto this Widowmaker yeah
2874s lethal coming in from behind the Rampage
2877s does come through from KSA but there's
2879s no follow-up from Saudi Arabia and just
2882s no time as the effect of that ultimate
2885s does wear away the Kitsune Rush from
2887s surmajed might be able to bring them
2889s back into the fight but it's an EMP to
2892s counter from nephron however nephron
2894s brought down by a resource and oh my
2897s gosh I've never seen a barrage find that
2900s much of value at this high level he's on
2903s able to find two and just clear out the
2906s rest of turkey whittling down the timer
2908s very low now despite that first
2910s checkpoint
2911s I love the way the Saudi Arabian team is
2915s playing on this third point it's hard to
2917s make Farah work because the enemy team
2920s the attacking team has tons of ways to
2921s get up to your high ground when you've
2923s got quartz and you've got pharah though
2925s you can split them up which is exactly
2926s what we saw and now the attacking team
2928s has to deal with opposition from
2930s completely different places turkey they
2932s wanted to I've bomb you and focus on one
2934s area if you make them split they'll fall
2936s apart and that's why you saw yazan find
2939s so much value on that barrage Saudi
2942s Arabia playing this excellently right
2943s now only 45 seconds left on this defense
2946s now quartz is doing his best to keep
2949s control of these losses as well and the
2953s card has already been pushed halfway
2954s back to the last checkpoint there's the
2956s Widowmaker ultimate keeping Vision on
2959s every single one of these players and
2961s especially neutralizing the Sombra that
2963s wants to get behind these players
2965s without much detection now for Rook with
2968s the sound barrier could potentially help
2970s as the Kitsune rush comes through but
2973s there's not many ultimates from Saudi
2975s Arabia that are available other than
2977s that barrage which is coming up and the
2979s valkyrie surmajet and quartz both
2981s falling could mean disaster for Saudi
2985s Arabia it seems like izan is going to
2987s try his best The Barrage now available
2989s the suzu forced out in order to save
2991s muzo's life but uzon has to be the one
2994s to touch and azafara you don't want to
2995s be too close to the ground The Barrage
2997s does come through and removes a turkey's
3000s tank as a factor however there's no one
3003s touching quartz as a Widowmaker doesn't
3005s want to touch KSA does switch
3012s what just happened
3015s no oh man that is so close Saudi Arabia
3020s they did a fantastic job right they
3022s recognized we just got rid of Romani all
3024s we have to do is regroup and then
3026s contest it at the last possible second
3028s they are not going to be able to stop us
3030s without their tank they get off for just
3032s a millisecond too long their epitomies
3035s oh man that is unfortunate Saudi Arabia
3040s giving up Point number three there to
3041s Turkey
3044s you know like it's just so it's so tough
3048s but now we're on the flip side right
3050s Saudi Arabia have four minutes and 32
3053s seconds to try and crap a point here so
3056s I think they uh
3058s you know they've got a little bit of
3059s time to make something happen let's just
3060s say that epidemics yeah how much time
3062s does turkey have zero no so I I mean
3066s Saudi Arabia
3068s that was a little bit of a troll I have
3072s to admit
3076s and you can see in chat they're they're
3078s trying to they're trying to convince
3079s turkey to 1v1 them on torp for the map
3084s by the way
3088s if you win okay
3091s what in the world they're throwing
3093s they're throwing their map
3097s they're throwing their map and yazana is
3099s actually on the tour but like he
3102s actually wants to do it look at them
3104s they're actually doing it
3107s no way they're actually going to torb
3110s 1v1 for the map yazan versus lethal
3113s place your bets in Chat Place them right
3115s now yeah who do you got right now
3118s get your points in ladies and gentlemen
3120s right now lethal versus yazan we've got
3122s a tour of 1v1 for the centuries here
3125s performing but perform our eyes
3127s epitomies is this allowed
3130s you know let the players play Baby I
3133s this is the World's Cup sometimes we see
3135s some often better compositions sometimes
3137s we see
3138s oh my God what is happening
3141s oh my God wait wait your son looks like
3144s okay
3146s almost goes down he's one one hit away
3149s from going down but comes out on top
3151s over lethal no E I did see them say that
3155s in the chat no everyone did use his e so
3159s you know
3161s I don't know what you want to say about
3162s that but it was a good game between
3163s these two squads Saudi Arabia taking it
3165s 2-0 over turkey here honestly you can't
3169s blame turkey they put up a fantastic
3171s effort against this squad but Saudi
3174s Arabia long sight lines dominant
3176s performances you can't beat it epitomies
3179s okay I'm just I'm just kind of taken
3182s aback by the fact they actually agreed
3184s to tour 1v1 for the map and they were
3188s like No E no e but they still took the
3190s point and they didn't wait for the
3191s respawn and I wasn't sure what was
3193s happening there and maybe turkey feels a
3195s little bit rubbed by that last one but
3197s Saudi Arabia they do take the series 2-0
3200s could have gone differently if you know
3202s yazan died in the tour 1v1 and they'd
3205s say true to their word and they're like
3207s yeah we'll AFK don't worry about it it
3210s really could have gone either way and
3212s you know the Turkish team they made it
3215s to that third point so there's something
3217s about them and they did take that first
3219s point very dominantly so there are
3221s glimpses of greatness in this Turkish
3224s Squad however the Saudi Arabian scene
3225s has just proved to be too much of a task
3227s to deal with and they win 2-0 enough
3231s with that I believe Saudi Arabia is in
3233s number one for standing in group b of
3236s course Norway has yet to play so we'll
3238s see how that all down but we are excuse
3241s me going to go to a quick break as we
3243s set up Norway versus Finland just around
3245s the corner we'll see you shortly
3264s foreign
3304s I don't know
3310s yeah cool great stuff overall yeah it's
3313s just amazing to watch man quartz pharah
3315s we talk about it all the time long lines
3316s of sight beautiful gameplay yeah just so
3318s good to watch when you talk about high
3320s skill cap Heroes Widow and far are the
3322s ones that come to mind that was really
3324s dominant by them with that said though
3326s like we said we are gonna get Norway and
3328s Finland set up for y'all just after this
3330s short break of course they're competing
3332s for the top spot in groupie so there is
3335s a lot at stake here with that said like
3337s we're gonna head to a quick break and
3339s we'll be back on the flip side see you
3340s soon
3340s [Music]
3358s thank you
3362s [Music]
3368s [Applause]
3380s [Music]
3392s [Music]
3399s [Music]
3418s thank you
3420s foreign
3436s [Music]
3452s [Music]
3485s foreign
3488s [Music]
3494s foreign
3495s [Music]
3522s [Music]
3530s thank you
3533s [Music]
3559s welcome back to day four of the
3561s OverWatch World Cup online quality
3563s online qualifiers for em EC I'm your
3565s host and Baskin of course I'm joined by
3567s epitomees we just watched the Kingdom of
3569s Saudi Arabia take turkey 2-0 in very
3572s dominant fashion
3574s um
3574s they went to ilios they went to King's
3576s Row and it was great on both Maps
3578s however now we've got match 2 lined up
3580s for y'all it's Norway versus Finland
3582s epitomies give me a bit of the context
3584s here before we hop into this one so
3587s Norway versus Finland I feel like this
3589s is definitely a very close matchup
3591s Norway at the top of their group right
3593s now Finland a little bit more in the
3595s middle of the pack they have only played
3597s two matches so far and did go down to
3601s Saudi Arabia in the very first day but
3604s they aren't coming back for the crown of
3607s Norway who is in position to get out of
3611s the groups and into the playoff stage so
3614s far as it stands at the end of week one
3616s both of these teams having a lot of
3619s Talent on the both of them I've heard
3621s some people jokingly call norwave Oni
3623s Oni God's retirement home because he has
3626s been part of the Norway World Cup team
3629s every single year that the World Cup has
3632s been played and he is just doing such a
3635s phenomenal job of playing just so far
3639s yeah you know it's hard to keep a legacy
3641s alive for so long especially in a game
3643s like OverWatch which has changed to so
3645s drastically in its lifetime however only
3648s God somehow maintains to stay on top
3651s let's take a look at the schedule right
3652s now so we can show you the match that's
3654s about that's around the corner and the
3655s match we've got for the rest of the day
3656s of course we started with Saudi Arabia
3658s versus Turkey 2-0 that first map was
3660s closed the second map not so much just
3663s around the corner we've got Norway
3664s versus Finland which tala queued you up
3666s on followed by Poland versus Iceland
3668s later today Great Britain versus the
3670s Netherlands of course that'll be when we
3671s swap to group a Belgium versus Portugal
3674s Spain versus Italy and then Denmark
3677s versus France which is also bound to be
3679s a fantastic game so you're going to want
3682s to make sure your state you stay tuned
3683s in for all of that with that said though
3686s let's talk Norway let's talk Finland
3688s let's take a look at the rosters and see
3690s what is going on for these teams because
3691s like you mentioned Norway man Oni God
3694s cooking with the rest of the squad here
3695s made up of Isaac psycho mimio and Jay P
3699s epitomies talk to me some more about the
3701s players on the squad
3703s psycho is definitely a super under
3706s the ass thus far only God obviously
3708s being talked about a lot a lot of really
3711s good projectile and hit scan play psycho
3715s on the Tracer has been a huge threat but
3718s yesterday or the day before I'm not sure
3720s which day it was we did see psycho take
3723s out an echo in combination with mimio's
3726s mercy and that was also really
3728s entertaining and just a really strong
3730s combination between the two a lot of EU
3733s contenders Talent on this team mimio
3736s also a veteran of the world's cup or
3738s having previous played alongside only
3741s God so this is a stacked roster
3744s sack roster to say the least they are
3746s the only team in group b to not have
3749s dropped a map and in group a the only
3751s team that mirrors a similar result is
3753s France at 6-0 as well so Norway are
3757s coming in with lots of proof but Finland
3759s like we mentioned currently they're not
3761s in the cut to make the top two of Group
3762s B they are currently third so Norway and
3765s Finland vying for a contendership in the
3769s main event right with vestola sauna
3771s Cloud Mickey and Masa I gotta say this
3775s Finnish Squad especially vestola have
3778s become some of my favorite players to
3780s watch they are just so damn good
3782s epitomies yeah they stole it on the DVD
3785s but it definitely feels like he's going
3788s to be quiet for like the majority of a
3791s game until all of a sudden it's just all
3793s vistola and that's the only name that
3796s you're seeing running up the kill feed
3797s and in your faces and this DPS line for
3801s Finland Squad is also incredibly
3803s talented uh Sana currently playing for
3806s Florida Mayhem obviously so much
3809s experience that can be brought into this
3811s roster and still Masa as well last
3815s playing for the Vancouver Titans once
3816s again another OverWatch League Talent
3819s yeah absolutely so much veteran
3822s experience on this squad but of course
3824s they're going up a team that is no
3826s slouches themselves with map number one
3828s though we are headed to Elio it's one of
3830s my favorite maps in the game lots of
3833s Versatility in terms of compositions we
3834s can see on this bad boy so
3837s honestly Norway versus Finland second
3840s and third vying for that top two spot
3842s like we mentioned earlier only two teams
3844s of groupie move on to the main event and
3847s three teams of group a so Stakes are
3850s high tensions are high as we are in the
3852s last day of week one match number two
3855s here map number one of Norway versus
3857s Finland just around the corner in tala
3860s ilios once again Norway and Finland I
3864s feel like these teams are so evenly
3866s matched it definitely did feel that
3868s Finland right we had they had the cards
3870s stacked against them in that very first
3872s day and even then they were able to make
3874s those matches really close against Saudi
3876s Arabia who we just saw and obviously
3878s they do have the talent the talent is
3880s there maybe a little bit of antics a
3882s little bit of C9 Antics a little bit of
3884s torp 1v1 Antics but it's a talent it's
3888s definitely there and you can see it so
3890s now we are looking at you know
3893s um Finland versus Norway I'm really
3896s excited to see what Norway brings out
3897s we've seen normally does a lot of VOD
3900s review a lot of studying up and homework
3902s on their opponents and because of that
3904s they bring out comps that maybe aren't
3906s their most comfortable or the most meta
3908s but definitely do counter the uh
3911s characters that the other team tends to
3912s pick
3913s yeah and something that I've been seeing
3915s teams do recently which we actually just
3917s saw turkey try to pull off in their set
3919s of matches against Saudi Arabia is that
3922s faster pace of more broadly composition
3924s right there are obviously a lot of
3926s options for the compositions you can
3927s pick here long range you can go with the
3929s pharah Widow make it work whatever your
3931s heart desires but Norway is specifically
3935s strives in those quicker engages closing
3938s the Gap getting in your face and
3939s fighting a very brawly style so with
3941s that said we're gonna head to a quick
3943s break as we get Norway and Finland ready
3944s for y'all so don't go anywhere it's
3946s gonna be a banger and we'll see you
3947s shortly
3949s [Music]
3977s thank you
3982s [Music]
4016s foreign
4019s [Music]
4027s [Music]
4033s [Music]
4068s foreign
4072s [Music]
4095s foreign
4104s [Music]
4144s foreign
4147s [Music]
4166s welcome back to the OverWatch World Cup
4169s 2023 online qualifiers for the emec
4171s region I'm champasco that's epitome is
4173s you know the deal baby we've got Norway
4175s versus Finland just around the corner of
4178s course we'll be heading to control for
4179s the first map but if you missed the
4181s context here this is the end of week one
4184s right today's the end of week one we're
4185s just in match two we've got seven for
4187s the day currently only two teams will be
4190s making it out of group b to go to the
4191s main event and only three teams will be
4193s making it out of group a Norway versus
4196s Finland in this match tala they'll be
4198s fighting for that top two spot which of
4200s course will be determined by the end of
4203s next week
4204s and they're always in good position or
4208s Finland is already in good position they
4210s might be middle of the pack now but that
4211s could change with just one match and
4215s Norway as well they are always at the
4218s top and they have done their homework or
4220s I'm hoping that they have because they
4222s have done it for every other matchup
4225s absolutely let's see if we can
4229s oh yes obviously we're going on to ilios
4232s I'm looking at the Lighthouse right
4233s there baby yeah we talked about this a
4235s little bit before right ilios gives you
4237s the opportunity to work with a Don a ton
4239s of different team comps and with 10
4240s seconds before both these squads load on
4243s and we're talking Norway we're talking
4245s Finland
4246s things to note things we've seen
4248s historically Norway likes playing a
4250s little bit more of a Brawley composition
4251s and that's exactly what we're seeing
4252s them lock in off the rip right Oni God
4255s on that oh so familiar Genji psycho
4258s flirting with a bit of echo we're seeing
4260s a little bit of erisa some mercy and
4264s some Mora as well that may however I
4267s wouldn't be surprised if they locked
4268s that in because it's been an oh so
4270s popular pick in this tournament
4273s I mean only God has been known for a lot
4276s of his main May gameplay so I would not
4279s be surprised that they take out that may
4281s meme psycho that's always a really good
4284s combination we've seen them be
4285s incredibly aggressive with it as well
4288s the other day JP excellent Flex support
4291s and can definitely keep this team healed
4294s up Isaac on the wrist a very interesting
4296s but I think their goal might be to get
4298s some really good knockbacks and take
4300s these people off the objective and it
4302s offers a little bit of extra appeal as
4305s well for that support psycho already
4307s with a pick onto Masa and you know we
4309s would expect for mimio to be pocketing
4312s Psycho but he didn't even have the
4313s pocket when that uh during that first
4318s fight although Finland they do get first
4320s turn Isaac taking down sauna and they're
4323s trying to get rid of these symmetra
4324s turrets that have been lined up around
4326s the objective they are beautifully done
4329s from this Norwegian team they have
4332s psycho in that back window oh it blended
4335s into the wall Isaac they're gonna flip
4338s the point Norway they let Finland get to
4340s 19 before taking it back but Norway just
4343s did such a good job they had cycle like
4345s you mentioned in the back destroying the
4347s back line and you're seeing Mickey and
4349s Masa both of them swapping off their
4351s support picks so working with obviously
4353s lower all charges here uh Norway is on
4357s the point right now they are holding and
4358s they're ready to catch this bush
4362s yeah and looking I really like their
4365s patience in that first bite from Norway
4367s the switches do come through sauna
4369s sitting on top of these Cassidy now and
4372s already the duplicate from psycho coming
4374s through though this Annihilation is
4376s gonna come up before the Sola even got
4379s their own annihilation of course there's
4381s the annihilation from psycho the
4383s blizzard on the site though cloud is
4385s able to take a lot of space here only
4387s God was the first to pull the trigger on
4389s that blizzard however and Finland they
4392s do take back objective and recap with
4394s the help of it however psycho is going
4396s to come back in with mimio at his back
4399s and it's going to make it all the easier
4400s for them to flip Point again
4403s yeah really really back and forth from
4405s Norway and Finland now 45 on the board
4408s from Norway 31 for Finland Norway
4411s getting a little bit aggressive here
4412s they're trying to play off the site buy
4414s themselves some more time buy them some
4416s more percentage points as Masa and
4418s Finland with a sound barrier ready to
4419s rock looking to create a play off the
4421s back of that initiation isolating onigot
4424s here in the corner could be huge though
4425s epitomies
4427s yeah only God going down early could
4430s change the tide of this fight okay Masa
4434s almost took down Oni God knocking him
4436s off the map but it's not even going to
4438s matter Isaac only catches the
4440s immortality field with the terrorist
4442s urge mimio immediately bringing psycho
4444s back though and able to escape the
4445s damage and they're still contesting this
4448s as well but Finland were very quickly
4450s going to turn this after Norway get to
4452s 80 especially with only God going down
4454s now psycho's still on The High Ground
4456s but if psycho's down it's not surprising
4459s that mimio is going to be quick to
4461s follow lots of ultimates to turn the
4463s tide of that fight though with both the
4465s annihilation and the amp Matrix yeah I'm
4467s surprised almost to see Isaac still on
4469s the Arisa of course when we're talking
4471s point control I Gotta Give the edge to
4473s vestola right in those Close Quarter
4475s situations that ramatra is just so damn
4478s strong Finland staying on those picks
4481s they've still got the sound barrier
4482s ready to work cloud and sauna they're
4484s taking up towards their ultimates onigod
4486s walls himself in for the contest here
4488s sends out the blizzard and sits on
4491s inside of it as vestola gets slowed down
4493s taking chunking damage the sound barrier
4495s is to Floyd epitomies and Finland able
4497s to find two in a row to start this fight
4499s yeah only God try really hard to turn up
4501s the tide of the fight with the blizzard
4503s but unfortunately it's not going to make
4506s it psycho just barely escaped with the
4509s help of a health pack there but Finland
4511s unable to are able to hold on to the
4513s point and Norway is unable to turn it
4515s however psycho turning into Cassidy
4518s interesting choice and but can't find
4520s any Targets just at really looking for
4522s that High Noon early the nade does get
4525s hacked but the high noon from Sana does
4528s come through first the immortality field
4530s from nikshi does come through as well as
4533s that amp Matrix getting a lot of damage
4535s down oh Finland with such a huge EMP on
4539s cloud to take down every single member
4541s of Norway and there's no way for them to
4543s contest this over time any further You
4546s Gotta Give it to Finland man they got
4548s all the ulti's they needed and they used
4550s them at the perfect times you saw sauna
4552s pop that Jedi get immortality fielded
4554s and was able to stall for so much time
4557s as soon as that time was up boom EMP and
4560s trying to take back a point with no
4563s abilities definitely sucks epitomies so
4565s Norway kind of handicapped there at the
4568s End by Finland beautifully done from
4570s that Squad went super back and forth but
4573s now we're on to ruins it's a totally
4575s different game if you want to play it
4577s that way Finland and Norway though
4579s opting to stay for the most part with
4582s pretty similar comps as the first part
4584s of this map
4585s yeah not surprising JP probably only
4589s going to stay on the Lucio for that
4591s quick speed boost at the beginning
4593s before heading on to the kirigo once
4595s again I think that finland's team
4598s competition is just doing so well Norway
4600s has to really be up close in their face
4602s and Sana now on the ash is going to make
4605s it a lot easier to deal with the psycho
4607s memio combo that Echo Mercy In The Sky a
4611s big threat for the Asher
4613s yeah absolutely it's like they're doing
4615s a good job of just oh oh connecting with
4618s all the sticky Globs from that far he
4620s was at the Statue and then dips on out
4623s of there with that shift ability sauna
4625s trying his best to put some pressure
4626s down from above but he is just getting
4628s suppressing fire throwing his way as
4631s Finland are able to get the first cap
4633s here Isaac is going wide on the point
4635s and getting close to the ramp to try and
4638s create some space for their squad
4639s epitome but it's not working out that
4640s great
4641s yeah Isaac still on the orisa trying to
4644s destroy a lot of the projectiles being
4646s thrown their way with the javelin spin
4649s but Mick she just has so much sustaining
4652s and healing here it's hard to get rid of
4654s any of these players and Isaac getting
4655s booped off the entirety of the map
4658s resetting to join the team yeah I really
4661s like the swap now from onigot I was
4663s about to say it doesn't look like Norway
4665s has a ton of consistent damage right
4666s Echo can find that damage consistently
4669s if you can hit your targets and if
4671s they're all hiding behind a ramatra it
4674s couldn't be tough you know what I mean
4675s so now Oni on the Hanzo taking some High
4678s Ground Control lots of elevation
4679s available to him epitome let's see how
4681s this one works out
4683s yeah they've still been unable to cap
4685s this point on Norway's side and Norway
4688s looking like they might have met their
4690s match uh psycho switching on to the
4693s ramatra though with the duplicate but
4695s already getting so low because of the
4697s dynamite and there's not much that they
4699s can do the mercy cannot out heal the
4701s damage and Noah Latin Annihilation is
4703s built up to because of it now just
4705s having to go back into the good old Echo
4708s form while both of the support ultimates
4710s come through the valkyrie and Kitsune
4713s Rush both coming out however the
4715s terrorist surge in the middle of the
4717s objective taken down Masa a little bit
4719s less sustained on the team of Finland
4722s after that sound barrier has already
4723s come out as well now the annihilation
4726s does come through but the healing from
4728s Norway might be too oppressive for this
4730s Annihilation to finish them off estola
4732s stays alive for a second but if the
4734s stola does go down then it would be a
4737s huge staggered spawn however the
4739s supports do come back into the fight
4740s just in time the javelin throw to try
4743s and suppress them closer to their spawn
4745s and allow Norway to build up some of the
4747s charge on site
4748s beautiful team for team fight for Norway
4751s that could have been the end of this map
4752s number one had it gone any other way
4754s pushing the stola even in the middle of
4757s that Annihilation off the point
4758s definitely hard to do but they get it
4760s done as the dragon strike comes in onto
4761s the side it's not gonna connect with
4762s much but it'll definitely Zone that
4764s finish Squad off the site Norway
4766s contesting doing their best as Finland
4769s got three on it they find two picks and
4771s they're ticking off towards 90 here yeah
4773s Finland their fights and their ultimate
4775s cycling it is just so oppressive and so
4779s well done and intentional while Norway
4781s they are building up to that Kitsune
4783s Rush very very quickly but the only
4785s person that touches is Isaac the
4787s overtime is going away too fast and too
4790s quickly and Norway they don't even have
4792s a way in this is the first map that
4795s Norway has dropped and they dropped it
4797s to Finland they dropped it's Finland
4799s pretty hard too man that was you gotta
4802s give it to the squad of Finland right
4804s they are so composed in those longer
4807s team fights where we saw Norway try to
4809s come in you see vestola in that boy just
4812s sustaining for days the maywall
4815s isolating players left and right
4816s epitomies it was just a master class of
4818s playing that brawl composition almost
4820s better than Norway did
4822s yeah that was just such a brutal map
4826s this first round was very close but the
4829s second time when they got to ruins it
4831s seems like they just weren't cracking
4833s the code against this finished swad they
4835s just couldn't do anything they had that
4838s erisa on ruins against the ramatra and
4841s psycho started things off really well
4843s with the duplicate into the annihilation
4845s to try and get Norway onto that point
4848s but they could only get a very small
4850s percentage and they invested almost
4852s everything into getting that little
4854s percentage the cycling and the
4856s composition from The Finnish Squad might
4860s have just been a little bit better
4861s because the fact that they have that
4863s sound barrier on their side alongside
4866s that amp Matrix there's a lot of damage
4869s that can be dished out by team Finland
4872s and they have nothing that can counter
4874s it the valkyrie doesn't have enough
4876s sustain certainly to heal up the entire
4880s Squad the way a sound barrier might and
4882s even though the Kitsune Rush might be on
4884s par with the amp Matrix the amp Matrix
4886s has just built up that much quicker yeah
4889s I have to agree with you know I think
4890s Finland did a fantastic job of playing a
4893s very similar comp and forcing Norway to
4895s go to the point and try to get them off
4897s but they also had their Ash and their
4899s back like you mentioned on that High
4900s Ground slightly out of the way so should
4902s Norway took the take the fight to the
4904s site they are get in damage dealt to
4907s them from afar ant Matrix Ash damage
4909s those nades and of course an inevitable
4911s an inevitable Bob here and there is hard
4914s as hell to deal with so Finland 1-0 in
4918s this matchup we will have map two after
4920s this short break don't go anywhere it
4922s was a great game and I'm sure it'll get
4923s even better
4927s foreign
4928s [Music]
4955s thank you
4956s [Music]
4971s [Music]
4989s [Music]
4996s thank you
4997s [Music]
5027s [Music]
5035s thank you
5038s [Music]
5058s [Music]
5071s [Music]
5121s [Music]
5139s thank you foreign
5145s World Cup 2023 online qualifiers for the
5148s emec region I'm your host in Basco and
5150s of course I am joined by epitomees and
5153s we just had map number one of Norway
5156s versus Finland epitome is break it down
5158s for the people that may just be joining
5159s us right now we were headed to Elios
5162s Justin just now and we just
5164s thought of good gameplay from both of
5167s these teams but it seems like at the end
5169s of the day Finland did come out on top
5170s they were playing a heavy brawl comp
5172s with Lucio Bap and they also had the
5175s romantra to come out as their front line
5178s but now our losers Norway the first map
5181s they've dropped in this entire
5183s tournament thus far by the way are
5185s headed over to King's Row and they're
5187s going to be taking us to the land of the
5190s widowmakers the hanzos and those are
5192s really long range angles
5194s absolutely we are headed to Great
5197s Britain Kings Row a familiar map for
5199s probably everyone that's ever played
5201s OverWatch so shout outs to y'all you
5204s made this possible but yeah man Finland
5207s taking a map off of Norway Norway prior
5209s to this match was 6-0 at the top of
5213s their group okay or rather price of this
5215s day started now that this day is in
5217s match 2 Saudi Arabia in the number one
5220s spot for Group B
5221s Norway in second right now
5224s at 3-0 Finland at third at two and one
5229s so with these map scores shifting
5231s Finland is making their way up and if
5233s they take this series they will be
5235s dethroning Norway out of that position
5237s and if you don't know the format here
5239s epitomies and the rest of y'all watching
5241s two from groupie three from group a move
5244s on to the main event so it is imperative
5247s that these teams win as many of these
5249s math points as they can
5252s yeah already we see that the Finland
5255s Squad is going to go ahead and pull out
5259s the Widowmaker and that Cassidy so two
5262s hit scans on the side but on the side of
5266s Sweden it seems like sorry why did I say
5269s Sweden Norway Norway is taking out
5271s psycho and mimio
5273s without the echo Mercy again yeah yeah
5276s really interesting double hit scan on
5279s the offense here I like this a lot
5281s better sauna on the ash does have a bit
5283s more range and utility for this map
5285s specifically especially that vertical
5287s jump Cloud trying to start things off
5289s with the Widow looking like he drops
5290s down and swaps onto the Sombra Sonic and
5292s be the main damage here Cloud gonna
5294s obviously try to get into that back line
5296s as Norway with their setup they've got
5298s more of a brawl comp going Isaac on the
5300s Ariza onigato on that may they want
5302s Finland to get on and then try to
5304s isolate them at 50. let's see how it
5305s breaks down yeah they're easily able to
5307s break that first choke and wrap around
5309s the statue already but it seems like
5312s they're also trying to aggress into this
5313s little room that Dynamite putting a lot
5316s of pressure on the supports as well
5317s mimio taking the brunt of the damage and
5320s Cloud now making Isaac fall with the
5322s help of a handy little heel without the
5324s front line now it's going to be a tough
5326s one meme you know it could have a res in
5328s the back pocket but it's right in front
5330s of the face of the enemy team instead
5332s going to go ahead and res JP who will be
5334s able to bring the team back to higher
5337s Health however they still aren't looking
5339s to contest this point just yet
5341s especially since cloud is just harassing
5343s the back line just a little bit more
5346s only God going down
5347s yeah beautifully done from Finland a
5349s Swift and simple take from them cloud
5352s and the rest of the squad create space
5354s by going into the back line vestola and
5357s sauna the ever-present moving forward
5359s front line for this finish team taking
5362s space around the first corner here
5364s imperative but of course Norway responds
5366s they flirt with The High Ground idea for
5369s a second Isaac trying to get the Spin to
5371s Win going defending that mega pack as
5373s sauna tries to figure out that High
5375s Ground Norway setting up on this first
5377s corner here with the maywall going up of
5379s course that amp Matrix is already ready
5380s they're trying to force the positioning
5382s out of Norway but they don't I don't
5385s think they know where psycho is psycho
5387s is literally just
5389s in their back line it's an echo flank
5392s Echo flank and with that ulti ability
5394s too he could go huge here psycho spotted
5396s out by the Sombra though diving in onto
5398s the site itself takes the fight up into
5400s the sky it is so hard to deal with an
5402s echo that's doing damage to your back
5404s line but psycho not able to find a ton
5406s wraps back connects with the team
5410s takes the ash
5412s that Ash is definitely a good pick
5415s building up to that Bob so quickly and
5417s even able to get a sixth player but just
5420s as it's about to come up it goes away
5422s the duplicate is knocked out of Norway
5424s the terrorist surge does come through
5426s for a second but Isaac doesn't find
5428s anything because of that sound barrier
5430s it's the blizzard to come through only
5431s God however taken down easily by that
5434s Annihilation vestola being able to kept
5437s up with it immortality field and the
5439s rest of the healing just comes through
5441s quickly the sleep does come through from
5443s JP but they're gonna have to back up
5446s since they cannot contest without their
5448s front line JP actually getting a lot of
5451s pressure being put onto him for this
5452s entirety of the match being that Soul
5454s Anna with a lot of heal but the onus of
5457s the healing is on JP
5460s absolutely mimio stuck on the job here
5463s psycho
5464s gonna be their ride or die as Finland
5467s forcing Norway down onto the vermontra
5469s as well this is a better composition but
5471s only got in Psycho running this Double
5473s Do List they're struggling to put up
5475s damage especially with Mickey running
5477s that ant Matrix but Oni finds it at
5479s range of beautiful headshot pressure
5480s down from Masa keeping him on his back
5483s foot finds all the supports as well and
5485s miles is like I'm gonna get out of here
5486s that was not a great spot to be yeah and
5489s psycho now finding the stola leaving
5492s their tank out of the fight they're
5494s going to want Finland to disengage kite
5496s on back psycho going up overhead with a
5499s Glide can see a lot into finland's spawn
5502s though so able to get some early damage
5503s down and potentially some suppression
5505s fire to ensure that they don't get too
5507s far psycho gets low but of course mimio
5510s right behind him with the heels
5512s Finland grouped up yet again five on
5516s five action Norway positioning himself
5518s on The High Ground of course psycho ulti
5520s in hand mimio res ready to rock as
5522s Finland and sauna specifically close to
5525s that Bob it looks like they're wrapping
5526s around the left side here epitomies will
5528s they be able to take this fight
5532s psycho having that duplicate get ready
5534s the Bob does come through potentially a
5536s Bob from uh psycho available especially
5539s as only God goes down they're going to
5541s want that sixth player in Psycho does
5544s find Mickey and without the burst
5546s healing from the Baptiste it's going to
5548s be harder to keep finland's team up Sana
5551s is still up though and firing away sound
5553s barrier comes up just in time and
5555s there's the ramatra to come through from
5557s psycho but the healing needs to be there
5559s they need to find some way to keep the
5562s annihilation on psycho coming through so
5565s they can have that extra ultimate in the
5567s back pocket ever it doesn't seem like
5569s they're going to need that Annihilation
5571s at all Finland successfully kiting away
5574s so at least they don't have to go and
5576s reset they keep and hold on to their
5578s lives
5579s what a disgusting game from Norway so
5583s far right Echo doubling up on the
5586s ramatra they Brute Force Finland off
5588s that side vestola and Cloud though on
5591s the Finish Squad were watching out for
5592s these two players both ultimates ready
5594s to rock only god about 70 of the way
5596s into that Tracer pulse bomb Finland has
5599s an opportunity right now of course both
5601s ramatro is going at it only God up in
5603s the sky trying to get some more
5604s percentage points and then we'll want to
5606s go for the stick Heroes Cloud finally
5607s builds up that blizzard as well yeah
5609s this blizzard could be a game changer
5611s they're still contesting very heavily
5613s and the blizzard just comes through
5615s Isaac is hiding behind the shield
5617s actually survives for a little bit
5619s longer and mimio what was that tried to
5622s go for really risky res right in the
5625s face of Finland and unfortunately Norway
5627s they're gonna fall one by one after that
5630s blizzard completely isolated Isaac
5633s yeah connections are found for the
5636s finished Squad is only god with the
5638s Widow swap on this third point I gotta
5640s say I like the idea but sauna at 99 to
5644s that Bob it is gonna be brutal both
5646s mimio and JP the support for the
5648s Norwegian Norwegian Squad have both
5650s their support ultimates ready this could
5652s go either way if enemies
5653s yeah and it's it's all about the power
5656s of those support ultimates you have the
5658s valkyrie being used after the Bob was
5661s thrown by Sana but it's trying to just
5663s go for the sustain of the entirety of
5666s this squad when you really want to be
5668s looking at that damage boost to try and
5669s deal as much damage as possible huge
5672s anti-nade from JP though to take down
5675s Masa and now psycho able to find visola
5679s at the end of the day Isaac does come
5681s back into the fight quickly with the
5682s help of that handy little Resurrection
5684s from mimio and Norway they are looking
5687s to be in a good position just need to
5689s shave off another minute to prevent
5691s Finland from the full cap honestly that
5693s was the best possible way that that
5695s fight could have gone for Norway and now
5697s they've set themselves up for a good
5699s three more fights with a minute left on
5700s the clock you got the echo Ulta you're
5702s about to get the romantra ultra you got
5704s the Nano if they stagger their alts
5707s properly they might be in for a
5710s fantastic defense here let's see how it
5711s pans out epitome as Finland takes the
5713s fight to them sound barrier is going
5715s picked up and that amp Matrix just
5717s around the corner as Isaac starts things
5718s off the annihilation the annihilation is
5721s so huge from Isaac even though the sound
5723s barrier was coming up like you called
5725s Masa I just couldn't build it fast
5727s enough and with the tank already out of
5728s the fight it wasn't even worth it to
5730s invest at the end of the day the
5732s entirety of Finland getting wiped and
5734s now 30 seconds left over if Norway is
5737s going to be able to hold this Finland is
5740s going to look for that overtime hold for
5742s the full cap
5747s 18 seconds on the board only got with
5750s the Swap and the echo being a nuisance
5753s has just been such a split pressure
5755s approach from Norway on the defense here
5758s with psycho holding that ulti both
5760s Mickey and Masa have their own investola
5762s the annihilation just around the corner
5764s with the second ticking down the
5766s overtime is into play here in the back
5768s line only God can't connect stuck in a
5770s weird sight line sauna closes the Gap
5773s hits it with the One Clip hits him with
5775s the melee finds the pick there on his
5776s Cloud shuts down that transformation and
5779s mimio gets the res and sauna returns
5782s with some more so back and forth right
5783s now enemies yeah only God coming back
5785s into the fight could potentially be huge
5787s but right after that Resurrection comes
5790s out Isaac goes down and now they're
5793s missing that tank Sana also having this
5795s pulse bomb in play and trying to harass
5798s the Widow out of the fight Oni God all
5800s were already falling prey to that
5802s harassment and touching the point as
5804s well on the Widowmaker somehow Staying
5806s Alive live but only God finally goes
5809s down and did they just C9 the point
5814s um you know again so
5819s yeah it was a really tough situation
5821s Norway really great on that defense we
5824s were talking about those Altis coming
5825s into play and that fight went way longer
5829s than I could have expected you know
5830s trading back and forth finding picks for
5832s both squads but Norway able to stop the
5835s Finish approach 57 meters on the board
5838s nor uh Norway it's their turn now
5840s epitome is can they make it happen
5843s well they better be able to make it
5845s happen they have I mean it's already
5848s down to or zero seconds Finland when
5850s they first took that first point they
5852s had five minutes left in the time bank
5854s so Norway's defense on point B and point
5857s C was incredibly strong in order to get
5860s all of that time shaved away now Norway
5864s looking at the composition that they're
5866s running only God not sure if we're going
5867s to be sticking on that Widowmaker but JP
5871s on the kiriko definitely feels like a
5873s better choice than what we saw for the
5876s Anna even though Anna does have a little
5878s bit higher of that healing output and
5880s those anti-nades can be huge Playmakers
5883s it just felt like Norway couldn't follow
5885s up well enough and they also didn't have
5886s enough peel for the back line
5891s a slew of issues for this Norwegian
5895s squad on the first couple points of
5897s Defense but they're able to stop the
5899s Finish approach on point number three
5901s Norway on the attack now only God not
5903s able to get an opening kill here on that
5905s Widow in an immediate swap over to the
5907s ash can't say I blame him as mimeo JP
5910s Isaac psycho onigod this Norwegian Squad
5912s go for an offensive composition here on
5915s point one epitomies and they're taking
5916s the fight straight to the Statue and
5918s straight to that High Ground yeah they
5920s need to find some way of dealing with
5921s this ash because sana's really been the
5924s person that's been shutting down Norway
5925s the most when switching on to the tracer
5928s was able to find huge value by harassing
5930s onigot's Widowmaker and those Moro
5932s mobile dps's while also being that hit
5936s scan that's able to take down psycho and
5938s mimio out of the air but JP now finding
5941s Sana and also psycho harassing Mickey
5944s getting that other support very very low
5947s they'll keep oh my God they somehow buy
5951s with the immortality field but psycho
5953s isn't going to let that one slide for
5956s long now three minutes left over as they
5958s cap that first point
5960s man the burst damage that comes out of
5962s psycho's echo is psycho it's sicko it's
5965s crazy and you know whenever I play Echo
5968s it doesn't look like that man you know
5970s what I mean it just does not have the
5972s same value psycho working so well with
5975s JP and the mobile damage dealers of the
5979s Norwegian Squad that they're able to
5980s shut it down first point five minutes
5982s still left to take it on into the second
5984s as they escort that payload out through
5987s this bridge and into the first couple
5988s set of turns here
5994s they're able to just push through this
5996s first choke but finland's already
5997s regrouped Norway didn't surge ahead to
6000s try and take that kind of space so they
6002s will have to fight their way through
6004s this choke since they can't suppress in
6005s the burner however they do have the
6008s Kitsune Rush Annihilation has been
6010s pulled out to counter on top of the
6012s amplification Matrix trying to force a
6014s little bit of the positioning and making
6016s sure that they can't get through the Bob
6019s from only God does come out but it
6021s doesn't find anything because mikshi
6023s quickly eliminates it because of his
6025s amplification Matrix now with the
6027s immortality field out to keep the
6029s supports alive once again Mickey just
6030s has such good survivability for Finland
6033s Squad and it's exactly what they need
6035s Norway being pushed back and Isaac now
6038s deciding that he's going to switch on to
6039s this Arisa
6041s the finished wall the defense is good
6044s playing Just Around the Corner they've
6045s got a little bit of High Ground approach
6047s as well with psycho in the back lines
6049s he's doing tons of damage he's not
6050s getting addressed as psycho and nemio
6052s both of them in this bridge epitome he's
6054s there just coming from the back and
6055s pinching this finished defense I'm just
6059s mostly looking at Oni God's junkrat
6061s right now psycho is being allowed to
6063s harass for free because Isaac hasn't
6065s been taking up so much space and soaking
6067s up the pressure as well while only God
6071s is able to fire a lot of those
6073s suppression bullets from junkrats rocket
6076s launcher so it's making it a lot easier
6079s for them to push through that first
6080s choke you really don't want to be
6082s trapped into an enclosed space alongside
6085s onigo's junk rat which we've seen played
6088s once before to counter a May composition
6094s [Music]
6097s that is his job do the damage so that
6099s psycho can find the finishes this
6102s composition I really like it and without
6103s a recent on the points you just kind of
6105s escort it all the way sauna opens up
6107s with a huge Dead Eye down on the psycho
6110s yeah only God also falling as well I
6113s think mimio wanted to go for the
6114s Resurrection on psycho immediately but
6117s because of the pressure that's being put
6118s down by Finland they're unable to two
6121s minutes and 40 seconds left over when
6123s they started off with around five this
6125s is going well for Finland thus far and
6127s they've already pushed the cart back as
6129s well that payload kind of heading
6131s towards Norway's spawn
6134s Finland on the defense could save Cloud
6136s he would have definitely gotten clapped
6138s there as the maywall isolates the stola
6140s for just a moment he's able to get
6141s around it and into safety F Matrix is
6144s deployed from the finished Squad psycho
6147s able to take for matra's form here and
6149s plays just around the corner helping
6151s Norway get this payload to the point
6154s yeah finding a second ramatra in the
6158s fight a second tank for Norway is
6161s amazing and they're able to activate the
6163s annihilation but only for a few seconds
6165s immediately knocked out of the duplicate
6167s as well but psycho will clean up just in
6169s echo's form and Cloud there was no way
6172s of surviving that now the onslaught has
6175s reached the second point three minutes
6177s to full cap
6180s beautifully done by Norway man it was a
6183s brawl but they brawled their way to two
6186s points and they are taking their way up
6188s towards that third they don't even have
6189s to cap the third but I need to get most
6191s of the way there Norway taking The High
6194s Ground now only God swapping on over to
6196s the Widow we see it on this third point
6198s a lot great spear there sends vistola
6200s into the wall can they keep it up from
6202s Vietnamese
6203s yeah erisa's heat gun is able to do a
6206s lot of damage to the solo really quickly
6208s but even though the solo was isolated
6211s there wasn't much they could do and now
6212s festola has decided just to go straight
6215s in with the annihilation in hand however
6217s the annihilation will not find the value
6220s that Norway wanted it to find Finland is
6224s still able to find a lot of picks though
6227s when Norway is being forced back very
6229s quickly the suzu coming out of JP to try
6232s and preserve some of Norway's lives and
6236s Only God now switching back onto the ash
6238s instead of that junkrat yeah this is
6241s gonna be a huge team fight coming up of
6243s course Finland working towards a couple
6244s ultimates on their side you got Mickey
6246s with the animatrix sauna with the Bob
6248s but Norway they've got a slew of ulti's
6250s on their own attack here let's see who's
6253s able to use it better obviously Finland
6255s with The High Ground Control here you
6257s can see them split up on the site and on
6260s top there to the right as Isaac charging
6262s on and deflecting all those projectiles
6264s pop the ulti for a ton of damage and
6265s they're trying to find the
6266s capitalization on top of that yeah the
6269s Bob does come out and Isaac's just going
6271s to focus it down while the rest of
6273s Norway swarms realizing the only
6275s ultimate that Finland had in their back
6277s pocket has been used and Isaac
6279s initiating with that Terra surge allows
6282s psycho to go ahead and duplicate the
6284s romantra once again no Annihilation
6286s possible for Norway unfortunately and
6289s Sana also winning that hit scan battle
6291s up against onigo but they have mimio on
6294s their side and mimio the guardian angel
6296s of Norway will bring back that secondary
6299s DPS just as psycho Falls Norway still in
6302s the fight and still prolonging but
6304s looking to kite a little bit further
6305s back now with one minute left in the
6308s time bank Finland once again staggers
6310s the main support of Norway
6313s beautifully done Finland
6315s sauna with the swap to Widow yet again
6318s you know just making it work doing some
6320s long range damage and now Norway has to
6322s obviously respect here this is critical
6325s that they don't get picked off and
6327s they're doing a good job of just toying
6328s and putting down some suppressing fire
6330s onto where Sana wants to Peak forced to
6332s reposition now Finland they've got two
6334s Altis vistolas about to get that
6336s Annihilation and Finland they play this
6338s right they're about to play some great
6339s defense Norway on the attack though Bob
6341s to start
6346s urge coming out fresh from Isaac once
6349s again and only God's Bob in such good
6351s position Cloud switching over to that
6354s Sombra looking to take down the support
6356s and JP does fall but Psycho still a
6360s threat alongside mimio in the skies and
6362s they haven't looked up just yet the Sola
6365s had the annihilation and is going to go
6367s ahead and pull it out only God can't do
6369s much against it switching on to that
6371s Soldier pick it's five seconds left over
6373s there needs to be some sort of touch
6375s Isaac comes in on the doomfist and is
6378s completely shredded the overtime has
6381s been activated but neither of them can
6384s find a grip or a foothold on this
6386s payload just wrapping around overtime
6388s taking down real quick need to touch
6390s there's mimio with the grudge and the
6393s mercy comes back out leaving psycho to
6396s defend himself inside the middle of the
6399s fight the duplicate allows for that
6400s secondary health bar and the mercy still
6403s somehow alive after that contest on the
6405s payload but Cloud when two and finally
6408s the mercy outer and Only God alongside
6411s it Kitsune Rush force from JPS Isaac
6414s looking to fight in a 1v1 on the
6416s doomfist against the annihilation but
6419s it's not going to be enough Finland they
6422s win a second map 2-0 against the top of
6426s Group D
6427s wow wow wow Finland going huge there are
6431s sound barriers coming out Cloud getting
6433s the picks that they need to in the end
6435s it really could have gone either way
6437s there tanks were on fire that was a
6440s fantastic match Finland taking it 2-0
6443s definitely uh the scorer does not tell
6445s the story of enemies
6447s that was an insane map on King's Row I
6451s think it was even funnier is the fact
6453s that Finland actually did C9 that point
6456s on their attacking side so they probably
6458s could have gotten it a little bit
6460s further if they didn't decide to just
6462s stop contesting the objective but I mean
6464s that was an insane fight at the end for
6467s Norway as well they could have
6470s definitely pushed it a little bit
6471s further unfortunately there was just
6473s only God who didn't seem to be able to
6476s find his pacing or footing on this map
6479s or even on the first one that may game
6481s play on the first map of ilios
6483s unfortunately did not come through as
6486s big as Cloud was able to and every
6489s single switch that he made on King's Row
6492s felt that it was being matched and they
6494s were kind of missing that pressure from
6496s onigod and it really prevented them from
6498s going as far as they wanted to in this
6500s map absolutely man I am such a huge fan
6503s of this Finnish team now I gotta say
6505s Norway were some of my favorite words to
6508s make it out of this group
6509s but Finland is here to play Man Cloud
6512s sauna this DPS Duo is fantastic vestola
6515s is one of my favorite tank players
6518s just ever you know I love the aggression
6521s I love the confidence with which they
6523s play and Mickey and Masa are a support
6526s Duo that are really just Unstoppable how
6528s many times do we see them create value
6530s and get out of situations that they
6532s should have been able to right so
6533s Finland I love how versatile they are I
6536s love their showing here and kings are
6538s was an amazing map that was just matched
6541s to of the day we've got five more in
6543s store for y'all so don't go anywhere
6545s we're gonna head to a short break while
6547s we get Poland versus Iceland ready for
6550s y'all on the other side so we'll see you
6552s soon
6554s [Music]
6569s thank you
6582s foreign
6587s [Music]
6593s [Music]
6612s [Music]
6632s foreign
6643s [Applause]
6644s [Music]
6647s [Applause]
6649s [Music]
6657s [Applause]
6661s [Music]
6673s [Music]
6680s [Music]
6687s thank you
6700s [Music]
6714s thank you
6719s [Music]
6726s thank you
6730s [Music]
6740s foreign
6748s [Music]
6770s foreign
6772s of the OverWatch World Cup online
6774s qualifiers for the emec region continue
6777s now I'm your host Jim Basco joined by
6780s epitomies we just watched Norway go up
6783s against Finland Finland take the set to
6786s zero let's go ahead and take a look at
6789s the schedule so we can show you what
6790s matches we've done already and what
6791s matches we still haven't yet to come up
6793s around the corner epitomies is Poland
6797s versus Iceland but let's take a moment
6799s now to recap Finland versus Norway for
6801s those who may just be joining us yeah
6803s Norway versus Finland was an absolutely
6806s Banger matchup first map of Elios it
6809s definitely felt like Norway had finally
6811s met their match top of the group 6-0 so
6815s far go against Finland and then all of a
6817s sudden they have met their Kryptonite
6820s Finland was able to take it 2-0 after
6823s their second match on King's Row and it
6826s was absolutely intense and amazing how
6828s well these teams played against each
6829s other but it definitely felt like
6831s Finland on the counter to every single
6833s thing that Norway wanted to pull out
6836s specifically only God who has been a
6838s staple of Norway's World Cup teams for a
6841s long time now and usually is able to
6843s bring that leadership into Norway's
6846s gameplay but just wasn't able to find
6848s the footage today
6849s just not able to find the footing today
6851s and if you're not familiar with the
6852s format right let's talk about it real
6854s quick this is a round robin format split
6856s across two weeks so the top three teams
6859s of group a top two of Group B will be
6861s moving on to the main event and if we're
6863s looking at standings real quick in group
6865s a we've got France Denmark and Spain in
6867s those top three positions and for Group
6868s B Saudi Arabia and a newly crowned
6871s Finland knocking Norway out of
6873s contention for that main event man so
6876s these storylines are going to continue
6878s to get deeper and deeper and will
6879s continue to flip as the action continues
6882s later on today and of course into next
6884s week we've got Thursday Friday Saturday
6886s and Sunday worth of action so that all
6889s said we've got Poland versus Iceland
6891s just around the corner let's go ahead
6893s and queue on into that and take a look
6895s at the rosters here right Poland first
6897s up forever 774 on the tank fake Jake and
6900s icab on DPS and flipper and Texel on the
6903s support epitomies give us the breakdown
6905s here
6906s so for this team of Poland we definitely
6910s see that there are some uh names that we
6912s might know but they've mostly made their
6916s name here in the World Cup they don't
6918s know a lot of them like fake Shake we
6920s know played in the open division for you
6923s and was previously has experience but
6927s Poland for the most part it's just a lot
6929s of unknown unknown names
6931s absolutely yeah in Poland just to give
6933s y'all a bit of context currently O2 in
6935s the standings right they went up against
6937s some tough tough tough opponents both in
6940s turkey and in Saudi Arabia so that being
6944s said players to watch out for in my
6946s opinion I am a huge fan of tech Soul
6948s I've been watching him play over the
6950s past couple of days and I gotta say the
6952s impact that this individual brings to
6954s this team is unimaginable and I can't
6957s wait to see what they do but like you
6958s said epitomies a lot of these players
6960s still forging their legacy let's flip on
6962s over and hop in with Iceland and check
6964s out their rosters because this team a
6968s little bit more experience you could say
6969s right
6971s yeah I mean we have half a cool who is
6974s really the leadership for the Icelandic
6976s Squad and he's played in the World Cup
6979s before he was joined very much later by
6983s finzi and those two are kind of the core
6986s of the Icelandic roster of course they
6990s all do play together
6992s um on a team called Beaumont course so
6994s they have experience and the Synergy
6996s with one another but both of these seams
6998s are kind of underdogs in terms of the
7000s group B standings neither of them have
7002s been able to get on top of a match so
7004s far so they are really looking to see
7007s who comes out on top make a statement to
7010s at least one another and bring
7011s themselves up in these standings
7013s on the world stage tensions are high
7017s stakes are high and the games are gonna
7019s be so good I can't wait to watch it
7021s Poland versus Iceland just around the
7022s corner here
7023s excuse him why first map of the day
7027s between these two will be Li Jiang Tower
7029s though a classic map it's been a minute
7032s since we've seen the epitomies give me
7034s your feelings on this one
7036s yeah lijong Tower when you get to the
7038s control center there's definitely a lot
7040s of the brawl comps that come through and
7043s you also do see a lot of these May
7044s symmetric comps when you switch over to
7046s Night Market as well it's really Gardens
7049s where you kind of see pharah comps or
7052s Mercy comms a lot of teams that want to
7054s take airspace but in any given one of
7056s these comps I feel like we haven't seen
7058s yet today is a proper dive comp there's
7061s been a lot of brawling and on lijong
7064s Tower especially Gardens is where you
7066s can get those dive comps started
7069s dive comps man they've come such a long
7073s way since we used to know them as goats
7075s back in the day but hey you know with
7077s five players on a team now obviously
7080s they've tweaked this setup a lot and
7082s we've seen a ton of different variations
7083s right but the core seems to be something
7086s like a kiriko Lucio a junker Queen if
7089s you've got those speed UPS if you've got
7092s aggressive DPS I can capitalize on it
7094s you can really make it work which we saw
7096s in that last match between Norway and
7099s Finland with that said though we are
7101s heading on to the first point of Lee
7102s Jong Tower with Iceland in the orange
7104s and Poland in the whites
7107s already looking at
7110s Baptiste a symmetra a may I mean this is
7115s what we predicted right we have this
7118s very good old-fashioned brawl up close
7121s personal comp it's night market they
7123s want the symmetra there they want the
7124s first touch onto that point and they
7126s want to be able to get set up and keep
7129s defending for the entirety of that round
7132s however Poland on the other hand they
7134s actually have icab on the sojourn this
7136s is really interesting I feel like we
7138s haven't seen a lot of sojourn thus far
7140s and she's got high Mobility she's got
7142s good shredding power but it feels like
7144s she just hasn't solidified herself in
7147s this meta or in Pro play and is just
7149s unable to find solid footing thus far
7151s Iceland actually going to take the TP
7154s into the site and the symmetra tour it's
7155s already set up this is exactly the type
7158s of composition that they wanted to see
7160s using the May barrier in order to
7162s continue to keep Iceland at Bay but
7164s Poland is doing so well and taking down
7167s Iceland's players and all of a sudden
7169s icaf shredding through crazy no more
7172s sustained leftover for Iceland and they
7174s all go down in a blazing glory for first
7177s touch now what an approach from Poland
7180s too like you mentioned Iceland
7181s immediately TP to the site they want to
7183s try and set up Poland are like bet I'm
7185s gonna play sojourn I'll just Farm some
7187s points while I'm shooting you from afar
7189s when I'm ready I'll hit you with the
7191s rail and that's exactly what happened
7192s forcing Orion off that symmetra onto the
7195s Ash and you can see Iceland trying to
7197s take a different angle of approach here
7198s they've got the ramatra closing the Gap
7200s as forever wow a great wall to isolate
7203s this for mantra and the Damage comes
7204s down as forever backs on up to provide
7206s some cover for his team Iceland doing a
7209s good job of trying to get through the
7211s Poland even better on this defense yeah
7213s Iceland is really taking a full frontal
7216s approach to this squad and with this amp
7218s matrix it's going to be a lot harder to
7220s force that approach through they're not
7222s really taking any side Lanes they just
7224s want to go in through the front doors
7225s there's no sneaking around with this
7227s Icelander roster it's just in your face
7230s all the time with the full brawl that
7231s they're running and Poland is going to
7233s come out on top with a team kill
7237s really great aggression and you can see
7239s Poland now getting even more aggressive
7241s they're holding that doorway as the rest
7242s of Iceland opts to take The High Ground
7244s here maybe they go for a little bit of a
7246s dunk with the ramacho shield deployed
7248s they drop down to the lower ground of
7250s course half equals leading the way here
7252s gonna try to take first Contact and
7254s isolate ramatra let's see how it goes
7256s the blizzard in hand
7258s well it seems like they're going to go
7260s ahead and use that sound barrier very
7262s early dropping the beat in response to
7265s the annihilation from both sides coming
7267s out for forever completely shredded by
7270s half a cool there is no chance of that
7272s Annihilation finding value in Finland
7274s are finally turning the fight around
7276s okay for the arkit just gonna take down
7279s Texel and once again missing that
7281s sustain from Poland Squad so they're
7283s going to go ahead and have to run away
7285s flipper gets so staggered though and
7287s that's going to buy some time for
7289s Iceland to build up some sagger onto
7292s that objective
7294s great stuff overall from Iceland to take
7298s that point back of course Poland you can
7299s see them just overextending a little
7301s getting into spots that they may not
7302s have wanted to be in Iceland taking
7304s advantage of that ticket up towards 25
7306s they've got a quarter of the score they
7308s need to win this map Point Iceland
7310s though taking a slower approach they
7312s don't necessarily want to fight directly
7313s on site but with the help of a blizzard
7314s that'll definitely be a good entry
7317s epitomies this is an excellent Blizzard
7319s from fake Jake it cleared up so much
7321s space on the objective that forced a lot
7324s of Iceland's players back but Poland
7325s actually have to disengage because of
7327s Fuller's pick onto forever and no big
7330s check oh okay I Kevin face Jake they
7333s really had nowhere to go there even with
7335s the ice block fake Jake gets taken down
7337s in Iceland they are finding a good
7339s Rhythm a good Tempo and forcing Poland
7342s to take things a little bit quicker than
7344s they might have expected yeah half the
7346s cool with the Beautiful May wall there
7348s just shutting it down for Poland forcing
7350s them to regroup and taking up most
7351s importantly on that scoreboard right
7353s we're up towards 65 of the score here
7356s Iceland forced back now as Poland on the
7358s aggressive push here speed boost in play
7360s Iceland ready to rock here and Matrix
7363s deployed How does it go down epitomies
7365s yeah finzy taking out the annihilation
7368s and with the isolation from the May wall
7371s it's looking so good just rounding out
7374s the back of the team and fake Jake where
7376s are you gonna go when the ramatra is
7378s right behind you
7380s um Poland falling once again in another
7382s consecutive fight as the percentile
7385s builds up they are going to need to go
7387s for an overtime fight if this continues
7392s happened 96 on the board Poland speed
7396s boost and all the way to the site
7398s they've got the sound barriers deployed
7399s as well as amp Matrix from Iceland is
7401s futar with the melee punches icap in the
7404s mouth forever gets rid of the
7406s immortality field and they're going back
7407s and forth this fight
7409s forever still alive but as the
7412s annihilation Runs Out out it's gonna
7414s make it a lot harder for Poland to come
7416s through but despite oh half a cool gets
7419s booped off the map by flipper what a
7421s flame but still contesting is only
7424s forever waiting for the rest of the team
7425s to come back in and they're actually
7427s able to flip the point fizzy however now
7429s switching on to the wrecking ball
7432s incredibly interesting pick on the
7435s hamster and the sound barrier forces the
7437s two of them through the entrance into
7438s the contest still the overtime fight
7440s active but full dark very quickly
7442s shredded krizzy brought down low and
7444s backing up a little bit further and they
7447s need a touch pulled and need to find
7449s some way back in Iceland needs to
7451s continue the overtime and it's still
7453s ticking I need the hamster back into the
7456s fight but finzi is just one HP Orion is
7459s the only one to find a pick but fake
7460s Jake comes back in with the Genji so
7463s quick to return to the objective that
7465s there is no way for Iceland to get a
7467s proper foothold oh my God almost a C9
7470s there and fincy goes down again oh half
7473s cool out of the fight even with the
7474s Tracer and there is no one fast enough
7476s to get back to the objective 100 to 99
7480s the first round by a hair's breath goes
7484s to Poland
7485s I cannot believe it fizzy on that ball
7488s actually bought Iceland so much time he
7493s got to the point and he stayed alive I
7495s just saw him rolling around on the edges
7497s of the screen for so long and he was
7500s able to touch time and time again so
7502s Iceland they were fighting in that one
7504s brawling it out till the very end but
7506s Poland Texel the rest of this squad just
7509s finding so many picks it wasn't just the
7511s DPS it was across the board for Poland
7513s so beautifully done they take the first
7516s part of this map but just barely
7526s troll Center they're pulling out the
7528s sojourn once again and once again the
7531s ramatra from Poland Iceland on the other
7534s hand they've actually switched on to the
7535s sojourn as well wanting a little bit of
7537s that range damage while still having
7539s power up close and then their face it
7541s seems like the tanks are isolated in a
7543s little bit of a cage fight because of
7545s both of the May walls but they're able
7547s to get out of it quickly regroup with
7549s the team but Orion is the first of all
7551s so aggressive from Flipper to take down
7554s the DPS so early in Poland have made
7556s enough space that they're going to have
7558s the first touch onto the objective very
7561s easily fake Shake binding three what in
7564s the world
7565s what in the world is right and you got
7567s to give it to the shot calling right for
7569s Poland to have the pin Point precision
7571s and the focus to know exactly who
7574s they're going after you can see the team
7576s couldn't uh just absolutely Converge on
7579s everyone that's being called out so you
7581s love it from Poland the focus is there
7583s and they're taking up towards 25 as
7585s Iceland now taking the hallway approach
7588s here they they're running that sojourn
7590s two to try and contest with icab but
7592s that may while proving to be so
7594s problematic as Iceland tries to get in
7597s Poland shutting them down in this close
7598s range oh and half pool falling early
7601s forever just having so much power up
7605s close and in their face and the
7606s annihilation in the back pocket if
7608s necessary but it's just the Nemesis and
7611s I have spamming down with the railgun in
7613s the back a consecutive fight one for
7615s Poland and much more percentage built up
7618s on the control center
7620s beautifully done from Poland 55 on the
7623s board they've got four ulti's to work
7625s with flipper building up that sound
7626s barrier
7627s and Iceland on the attack there they've
7629s got an ant Matrix the annihilation just
7631s around the corner
7633s and the amp Matrix from Poland on the
7635s defense here gets popped forcing Iceland
7637s even further back great stuff from
7639s Poland to not pop them all immediately I
7641s have now he's next up Annihilation pop
7643s next and Poland fighting in the hallway
7646s the wall isolating the players the sound
7648s barrier deployed but it may be too
7650s little too late epitomies oh this
7653s actually could turn the tide of the
7655s fight though they have this overclock in
7657s the back pocket and the sound barrier
7659s saved every single member of Iceland
7661s they're still contesting on the other
7662s side of the maywall though and trying to
7665s climb all over the control center
7666s objective Texel wants to kind of contest
7669s but half a cool will clean up the
7672s support and Poland waiting for a regroup
7674s after getting to 95 brutally close for
7678s Iceland
7679s brutally close is right this can go
7682s either way at this point if we're
7683s looking at Altis though Orion ready to
7686s rock with the sojourn ulti flipper and
7688s fake Jake ready with the blizzard and
7690s the Sound Mirror lots of CC on the side
7691s of Poland can they make it count coming
7694s off from the left side here fake Jake
7696s with that blizzard denies the area with
7698s the wall cuts it down and shuts it down
7700s for crazy as Poland starts strong here
7703s yeah oh nice shot with the icicle as
7706s well and here's the overclock from
7708s Orion's try and contest a little bit
7710s further Iceland is still grasping for
7712s straws though especially now with other
7714s going down the only player that could
7717s have possibly gone for a touch Poland
7719s winning this map 2-0
7723s beautifully done definitely a deserved
7725s Victory there Poland's just dominant you
7728s know there were moments where Iceland
7729s fought back it was pretty much a mirror
7731s composition especially on that last map
7733s there but just a little bit more
7736s composed Poland in those brawl
7737s compositions you can see them just
7739s isolating the targets better a little
7741s bit better focused fire you gotta give
7743s it to that opponent looking very solid
7744s in that first round
7745s yeah that was just a beautiful last
7748s fight over on control center they looked
7751s a lot more dominant once they were in
7752s those really enclosed quarters and
7754s Iceland never really seemed like they
7756s wanted to take a side path they didn't
7758s try to adapt their team comp around as
7760s much unless it was kind of a panic
7762s switch because they knew they needed to
7763s get back to the objective very quickly
7765s we saw very briefly the hamster ball as
7768s well so it was definitely a tough one
7771s for Iceland to crack yeah absolutely and
7774s I think
7775s I have respect the decision from Iceland
7778s to just make the choice to swap and try
7781s and get on the point because that's what
7782s they needed to do but overall they're
7784s gonna have to think a little bit harder
7786s about how they want to approach it right
7787s things that we've seen from other teams
7789s as they opt for a split composition like
7791s we see on ilios to try and diverge this
7794s Raleigh comp and try to split up where
7797s the attacking team is going but really
7799s the answer is difficult and Poland is
7803s giving uh this team so much to think
7806s about as we head on into map to all over
7808s map one though you gotta give it to
7810s Finland man they really
7812s are rather Iceland they're really trying
7814s a lot and they're finding so many of
7816s these opportunities that you can see
7818s glimpses of how good they could be
7820s full dark has definitely come into it
7822s with some really clutch B as well I
7825s really want to highlight that's those
7826s support players over on the side of
7828s Iceland they are forcing a lot of
7830s positioning with the amp Matrix and it
7831s makes them really easy even though if
7833s they lose their tank even if they're at
7835s a deficit to come back into the fight
7837s full force and even survive a little bit
7840s longer wait for the regroup while still
7842s having that prolonged battle over on the
7845s objective so now headed on to Iceland's
7847s own home ground Poland might have a
7849s little bit of struggle
7851s Poland may have a bit of struggle we're
7853s gonna have to see like you said we're
7855s heading into Iceland's map pick game
7857s number two just around the corner we are
7860s on the last day of week one of the
7861s OverWatch World Cup 2023 all my
7863s qualifiers and we'll see you shortly
7864s after this break
7869s [Music]
7886s thank you
7888s [Music]
7904s [Music]
7936s [Applause]
7950s thank you
7955s [Music]
7964s [Music]
7987s thank you
8020s thank you
8023s [Music]
8037s thank you
8056s [Music]
8060s foreign
8067s [Music]
8086s welcome back everybody to day four of
8089s the OverWatch World Cup all nine
8090s qualifiers for the emec region I am Jim
8093s Basco and of course I've been joined by
8095s epitome for the first half of the day
8096s it's been amazing bringing you this
8099s group b action we are into match number
8101s three we're heading into map number two
8103s of this set between Poland versus
8105s Iceland where Poland took the first game
8108s on Lee Jong Tower pretty handily and
8110s we're headed into watch Point Gibraltar
8113s baby epitomies how you feeling about
8115s this map as a change up from Lee Jong
8118s Tower here I feel like this is not
8122s watch point Gibraltar
8125s a map and they really heavily contest
8128s that hanger phase right that first phase
8131s isn't something that they're really
8132s playing too aggressive on and they do
8134s like to play long sight lines have that
8136s Ash have the Hanzo but when they get to
8139s that hanger face it's incredibly
8140s aggressive and competitive on that
8143s defensive side for Iceland but it
8145s depends on if Poland has decided that
8147s they want to start on the attack
8150s um if they do start on the defense
8152s however Iceland might be having a little
8155s bit of a struggle because they are
8156s historically not the most aggressive
8159s team yeah and we know hanger it's been
8161s redesigned but man it's kind of hard to
8163s get through that point especially if
8165s you've got a team with a game playing
8166s like Poland up against you on the
8168s defense we'll have to see how it decide
8169s selection Shake shakes down but like you
8173s mentioned man watch Point Gibraltar long
8175s lines of sight switches up completely
8178s when you get to hanger definitely way
8180s more skirmishing but a character like a
8182s Hanzo on that High Ground a BAP
8184s supporting him can do so oh so much work
8188s I am sorry but looking at the cops as we
8190s hop on into this looks like Iceland
8194s I'm liking what we're seeing so far
8196s right a little bit of Tracer action a
8197s little bit of Widow some Diva Anna and
8201s some uh of course of crazy on that
8204s character there beautifully done I'm
8206s just blanking totally but of course
8207s that's still determined I mean TBD as
8210s they are on the attack it looks like
8212s Poland opting to take the defense first
8214s here and they're going for a more brawl
8217s oriented composition that's for sure
8218s right they don't really have long sight
8220s line damage here
8222s yeah it definitely feels like
8226s attackers incoming they're really just
8228s trying to get up close and personal now
8231s it's definitely a change up but seeing
8233s finzi play that diva is not surprising
8236s they do really prefer oh oh my goodness
8241s um I was in the middle of just saying
8243s that you know they would prefer
8244s contesting The High Ground with the diva
8246s instead of that junker Queen who can
8248s only play low and then Orion gets
8250s shredded completely by fake Jake
8253s um and that's the problem with playing a
8254s Widowmaker into the Sombra Tracer
8257s there's so much DPS that it can dish out
8259s in a matter of seconds and damn Poland
8262s is feeding them these bullets
8266s Poland really well done just taking the
8268s fights where they can shut it down
8270s Iceland forced to go back to the drawing
8272s board Orion onto the ash now great for
8275s dealing with verticality because you can
8277s get up there and if you get Dove you can
8279s just boost them off of you so it gets up
8281s to the bridge once that Tracer commits
8283s to the dashes in Orion taking a ton of
8286s damage though and it's just getting
8287s attacked from every seemingly possible
8289s angle of enemies yeah now on the side of
8292s Iceland as well their support line is
8294s really looking at this full dark crazy
8296s combo with the Anna and the kiriko but
8300s finzi finding the back line of Poland
8302s with the diva excellent for those Dives
8305s and flipper should by all means been
8307s able to prevent that die from happening
8309s on the brigitta but there just wasn't
8311s enough support or healing and they were
8314s able to take out the support line now
8316s Poland they're having a little bit of
8318s trouble contesting and getting back to
8319s this checkpoint they're actually just
8321s not even touching so far and it seems
8323s like Iceland is going to get point a for
8325s free
8326s yeah with a little bit of a change to
8328s their composition and I think a little
8330s bit of a change to their game plan
8331s Iceland you can see them at the very
8332s beginning of the game opting to take
8334s High ground but instead Iceland took the
8336s fight to Poland they found their home
8338s they destroyed it and Iceland take the
8341s first point and they're getting pretty
8342s handily on towards this hanger stage
8347s trying to fight for The High Ground once
8349s again Poland is able to get themselves
8351s into the airplane Hangar and Iceland is
8353s just across the bridge but no one is
8356s contesting the payload there is no one
8358s on the payload except half a cool and he
8361s just got off the payload even though
8362s they could get the payload for free
8364s because everyone is too busy fighting in
8367s the airplane Hangar they use the pulse
8369s bomb half cool gets quite a bit of
8370s damage but no one is touching the
8373s objective fake Jake's finally got the uh
8375s got the memo and is contesting a little
8378s bit further but finzi with a huge
8380s self-destruct Tech Soul just gets
8382s shredded and without the extra sustain
8384s from the Anna in the fight it's more
8386s difficult for Iceland or Poland to stay
8388s inside only the burrito to rely on now
8391s of course and that Ash is forcing Poland
8394s to just split off so much of course the
8397s bomb that she tosses and blows up does
8399s damage initially and then damage over
8401s time that ticking damage can burn for so
8403s much as Bob is deployed from the side of
8406s Iceland Poland getting shoved out of
8408s this fight as they're getting attacked
8410s from really every angle and at this
8412s point finzi finds himself in a tough
8414s place but has created so much space for
8416s his team it might not even matter
8419s a good need from Texel but it's just
8422s immediately cleansed by crazy as well
8424s and finally forever seems to have gotten
8427s the idea that he needs to be contesting
8429s on this payload but it's just a baby
8431s Diva that's left over maybe we'll be
8433s able to get the Remake off but the dark
8435s is not going to allow that to happen and
8437s the tank is eliminated from the fight
8439s Poland really struggling now they were
8441s staggered once and they continue to be
8443s staggered for the rest of point B
8445s Iceland making it through hanger face
8447s with four minutes left to spare
8450s four minutes and 15 seconds left to
8454s spare that is a lot of time epitomies
8456s Iceland is cooking right now and with
8458s this High Ground Control coming out from
8460s Ash it needs to be answered and there it
8463s is we were just talking about it Fillion
8465s now on to the Hanzo takes The High
8467s Ground takes the fight with to the DPS
8469s and comes out on top as he DMX finzy as
8472s well it looks like Poland have figured
8474s out how to put a stop to this at least
8477s momentarily
8481s well Poland at least they are able to
8484s stop off the bleeding because for a
8486s second there they were definitely
8487s ex-sanguinating a little bit too hard
8489s Iceland they're going to regroup and
8491s come back in with half a cool on the
8494s Tracer looking for a big flank here and
8496s they don't have too much in the Bank of
8499s Juan Poland's side only that Nano boost
8501s that can be allowing them to get a
8503s little bit of extra stain on one of
8505s their players however they have Nano
8507s boost out for food Arc now and they're
8508s going to go ahead and boost up however
8511s immediately Orion taken down they're
8514s down a player already so dark is going
8516s to trade it right on out and even out
8518s this numbers advantage and half a cool
8520s now diving straight in Forever has an
8523s annihilation in the back pocket but with
8525s all of the support line dead from Poland
8527s there's not a good chance to use it and
8529s already they are approaching that Final
8532s Destination with two minutes left to
8535s spare almost three half a cool huge
8537s stick onto fake Shake right after coming
8539s out of the ice block and now we have a
8541s regeneration once again from the dragon
8544s strike the violation does come through
8546s it forces a lot of positioning but the
8548s anti-nate onto forever is so huge there
8551s is no way to sustain through and they
8553s get the full value of the annihilation
8555s the self-destruct does not hit anything
8557s but finzi doesn't need it just gonna go
8559s ahead and use the boosters take down
8561s Texel once again support line
8564s but just corralled away from the rest of
8567s the Poland Squad finzi however now
8569s Frozen because of the blizzard that fake
8571s Jake was finally able to charge up in
8573s this third stage but the fight is still
8575s so prolonged Iceland they're staying
8578s alive still with both of their support
8580s line up on The High Ground and now the
8582s Bob from Orion there is so much damage
8585s being dished out by Iceland's team that
8587s Poland cannot out heal this was so
8590s decisive from Iceland two minutes in the
8593s time bank for a full cap
8595s yeah that was great to watch Iceland
8598s finding a dominant streak once they swap
8602s over to that Ash all the way until that
8603s last Point Poland had a moment where
8606s they could have flipped it like you
8607s mentioned with that Annihilation with
8608s that Dragon strike but we saw both of
8610s those ultis used and really not a ton of
8613s value come out of it Iceland shortly
8615s after those go down the fight extends
8617s for a little bit longer but the you know
8619s the momentum is now in their favor once
8622s those game-changing oldies were just
8624s completely out of the question so
8625s Iceland two minutes on the clock man
8627s they have time to spare Poland up
8630s against a mountain of an opponent here
8633s in Iceland
8634s historically Poland have been doing
8636s pretty well and this is not the way I
8639s thought this game was gonna go but
8640s Poland there are in it in for a fight
8643s here now uh on the defense of course
8645s we're looking at Iceland staying with
8646s pretty much the same comp and I can't
8648s blame them epitomies
8650s Iceland they looked very dominant on the
8653s comp that they are running now Poland
8655s they had such a good sign of life right
8657s at the beginning when they were able to
8659s immediately shut down
8661s Orion and full stop the push that
8664s Iceland was doing at the very beginning
8666s but it felt like they put a little bit
8669s too much emphasis on on this High Ground
8672s because they have that Anna they have
8674s the diva who wants to be fighting for
8676s those long sight lines and just being
8678s very up close and personal especially
8680s with the boosters on The High Ground but
8682s they were kind of letting half a cool
8684s push all the way through hanger phase by
8686s himself no contest at all until the very
8689s end and then by then it was a little too
8690s little too late now Poland looking to
8692s turn things around and immediately it's
8695s going to start by focusing down that
8696s support line yeah beautifully done from
8699s forever to just take this space you know
8701s they're gonna be contesting this High
8702s Ground so why not just start the game up
8704s there out the bridge through the door
8706s the pressure is on and Iceland already
8708s forcing Poland to try and regroup uh or
8712s rather Poland doing a great job of
8714s forcing Iceland to try and get off that
8716s high ground and play somewhere else it's
8717s going back and forth they're able to get
8719s the payload move just a bit and under
8721s the bridge it goes at this point as
8723s Iceland makes their presence on the cart
8725s itself Poland trying to take the high
8727s ground and they're a little bit split in
8729s their efforts yeah they need to get this
8731s cart past the underpass if Poland wants
8734s a better chance of contesting past the
8736s choke and they are really fighting hard
8738s for The High Ground once again Orion
8740s though on the ash that's really the
8742s Queen of The High Ground in terms of the
8744s heroes that are in this sort of this
8746s matchup right now billion however
8748s meeting his match in half a cool and
8750s able to take down and neutralize the
8752s enemy Tracer spamming a lot of damage
8754s down onto the back line of crazy but
8756s with the support line still live finzi
8759s is doing a great job of staying alive
8760s forever on the other hand not so much
8763s but the baby Diva does persist and
8765s subsist at trying to get the remake
8768s okay
8769s yeah shuts it down there Iceland on the
8772s defense here
8774s being just so annoying half a cool with
8777s a great stick there down at the tech
8778s soul and filion stuck in a tough spot
8780s you know wants to create value but just
8782s can't seem to find an opening and
8784s instead of Ops it back on up Poland
8786s regrouping here and rendezvousing in
8789s this right side hallway let's try to
8790s take The High Ground yet again Iceland
8792s on slightly higher ground though in
8794s Orion connects down onto philion from
8796s across the map
8798s yeah not allowing the Tracer to get up
8800s close and personal it's going to allow
8802s Iceland a lot of wiggle room with Orion
8804s having the Bob in the back pocket as
8807s well half of it has been really good
8808s with the pulse bombs every single time
8810s finding a lot of value on the back line
8812s as well finzy spamming down flipper and
8815s then textile goes down quickly to follow
8817s there is not a lot you can do when
8820s you're being doved so heavily only the
8822s Kitsune Russian Nano boost use actually
8824s I shouldn't say only Nano boost Kitsune
8827s rush and Bob use to win that fight and
8829s Poland are stacking ultimates now with
8831s all five in the bank
8833s yeah that's scary fake Jake with EMP
8835s ready to rock too you're gonna see an
8836s initiation from that EMP followed up by
8839s hopefully a slew of kills for this
8841s polish side let's see how this one plays
8843s out epitome says they're taking The High
8844s Ground Poland ready to rock as the diva
8847s bomb is deployed from the Icelandic side
8849s it connects down eliminating that Nano
8852s yeah and I don't think that we're going
8855s to see the same value out of forever's
8857s uh Diva bombs so the self-destruct is
8859s out of the pockets now of Poland they
8862s still have these four ultimates left
8863s over 60 seconds left and yet to use it
8866s fake Shake could be huge with this EMP
8868s but they are just getting staggered so
8871s heavily need to find a way to regroup
8873s and it's going to be all the way back
8874s and spawn the time is ticking and the
8876s pressure is definitely on Iceland
8878s completed this incredibly fast
8882s okay regrouping now Chrissy you know
8886s a very Advanced spot Crouch walking here
8889s up the staircase trying to go for the
8890s execute down to phillion can't connect
8892s the katana just yet or rather connect
8896s the shuriken just yet but is pushed off
8898s and is back to a teammate back to safety
8901s that's some of the you know potential
8903s that you can have with kiriko right with
8905s so much damage coming out of that
8907s primary fire beautifully done Orion
8910s shuts down phillion and Big Jake finds
8912s crazy as they go back and forth here
8914s contesting The High Ground of enemies
8915s yeah with every single ultimate use from
8918s Poland it feels like they should be
8919s having a lot more impact than we're
8921s currently seeing but pushing the steva
8923s into the little room and isolating her
8926s from father act is going to make it a
8928s lot easier to try and eliminate the tank
8930s but they are not going for the touch
8931s once again there's a contest from finzi
8933s and still a lot of players here on The
8936s High Ground the Nano to heal up fizzy
8938s and make that so the damage and The
8940s Blasters hurts that much more half a
8942s cool is an unknown factor for Iceland
8944s though and they're just not noticing the
8946s Tracer shredding through the back line
8948s finzi also forces the Brigitte away now
8952s Iceland with a decisive Victory making
8955s the map score 1-1
8959s Iceland they had a little bit of trouble
8961s at the very beginning getting started
8963s against Poland they swap over to the Ash
8964s and they do not stop uh Poland just
8967s unable to answer you know this split
8970s aggression from the defensive side of
8972s Iceland was just so good to watch and
8974s you could see the Tracer struggle to
8976s make any value as he just got shredded
8978s from every possible way if enemies that
8980s was great
8981s yeah Iceland they came alive during that
8984s math and Poland it just looked like they
8986s didn't have any way to answer what
8988s Iceland was bringing and it felt like
8990s they were very very shaky on this watch
8992s Point Gibraltar map specifically so
8995s Iceland knew their enemy and they knew
8997s their own strengths and they played to
8999s that very very well
9002s my man it's glass
9006s oh no don't talk
9009s no you can't confuse all ninjas are you
9012s saying all ninjas sound the same hey man
9015s hey hey okay you never know
9018s but of course really an awesome showing
9022s from Iceland they're taking us to map 3
9024s for the first time today here so
9028s honestly they look like a different team
9030s than that first game of course Poland
9033s dominant on the first map Iceland not
9036s giving them room to breathe not even
9038s letting them cap that first point so
9041s I like this look from Iceland and map 3
9043s really will determine who wins here and
9046s of course these two teams are vying for
9048s top three in group b
9051s yeah this half a cool has had such good
9054s sticks especially on this attacking side
9057s and half a cool is really that player
9060s that we are talking about having lots of
9061s experience a veteran of Team Iceland and
9065s we are seeing that experience come
9067s through here with just like the
9068s positioning sometimes you don't see half
9070s cool always pop off mechanically but
9073s always an unknown factor when he does
9076s and when he is playing well it really
9078s elevates this team allows Orion a lot of
9081s openings to go for those Big Bobs and
9084s just have that High Ground Control all
9086s to himself since the rest of the team is
9088s too focused on half cool running around
9090s in their back line
9092s yeah Poland in Iceland currently both O2
9095s and O3 respectively in group b looking
9099s for their first Victory and of course
9101s that that's not the whole tale of the
9103s story here right because this is just
9105s day four of the competition we have four
9107s more days happening next week Thursday
9109s Friday Saturday and Sunday and that will
9110s determine who will be moving on to the
9113s main event that said though we're gonna
9114s head to a short break we've got map
9116s three between Poland and Iceland just
9118s around the corner see you soon
9120s [Music]
9129s foreign
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9157s [Music]
9168s foreign
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9198s [Music]
9208s thank you
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9213s [Laughter]
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9232s foreign
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9292s thank you
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9309s foreign
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9333s [Music]
9346s thank you
9348s foreign
9352s between Poland and Iceland I'm Jim Basco
9355s that is of course epitomees and we are
9357s bringing you the action live from the
9359s online qualifiers for the OverWatch
9361s World Cup in 2023 focus on the emec
9364s region uh that said though let's do a
9366s quick recap on those first two maps
9368s because they look like two very
9369s different sets of teams epitomies
9372s yeah I mean that first map oh it's
9374s Poland a 2-0 for them but that very very
9377s first night market game was very very
9380s close and when it came to watch Point
9382s Gibraltar you saw Iceland full cap
9385s without so much of a glimmer of life
9388s from Poland it seemed like they were
9390s just giving it up and a lot of the times
9391s they were giving it up it wasn't a lot
9393s of contention on top of the objective
9395s they were focused on The High Ground and
9397s Orion was doing a really good job of
9399s soaking up that kind of pressure by
9401s putting out a lot of damage and they
9403s were realizing they need to focus the
9404s ash but in in exchange for that half
9407s cool was just sitting on top with a
9409s payload like a little payload princess
9411s and nothing was going to stop them from
9413s getting that second cap
9415s payload princess I love that oh my God
9419s okay man I mean you heard it best from
9421s epitome's Poland versus Iceland they
9424s they really look like two different
9425s squads so heading into the third map
9427s here which is t b d it will be a push
9431s map but let's take a look it's gonna be
9433s a new Queen Street we're heading to
9435s Toronto
9436s man if you had to compare the styles of
9440s these two teams though right when it
9441s comes to push I almost wanna say lijiang
9445s Tower resembles more of what push does
9448s than Gibraltar right you have to get on
9450s the point you have to contest it and
9451s play a little bit more Brawley to keep
9453s control of the robot epitome is your
9455s thoughts on this matchup
9457s feel like new Queen Street is one of
9459s those matches where you can play this
9462s brawl sort of style you can play Dive
9464s compositions as well I don't think Diva
9466s does as well on new Queen Street you do
9468s see a lot of junker Queens come out here
9470s because it's not as important to contest
9472s that High Ground as it is to be playing
9474s around the robot but sometimes you do
9476s occasionally see a lot of flex dps's
9478s like the May or even a Genji
9480s occasionally but I do think that there
9483s is a need for some sort of long-range
9485s sight line
9487s um in this squad so I think the ash from
9489s Orion is definitely a viable pick
9491s it's a viable pick and both of these two
9494s teams you know they're vying for their
9496s first Victory here in group b we are at
9499s day four it's the end of week one Poland
9503s vs Iceland are tied currently one to one
9505s and we are heading into map number three
9507s of course the action will continue next
9510s week with Thursday Friday Saturday and
9512s Sunday determining who moves on from
9514s Group B and group a to the main event of
9516s the OverWatch World Cup Lots at stake
9519s here lots on the line both teams
9522s converging maybe to get their first win
9525s here today and like you're saying that
9526s junker Queen coming out on both sides
9529s yeah and the curriculu show I'm not too
9532s surprised to see I mean back when push
9535s first came out it was really a lot of
9537s that kirika Lu show at the beginnings of
9539s OverWatch 2 and it seems like that
9541s hasn't really changed sometimes you do
9543s see some Flex options over here on push
9545s Maps but I think the best option really
9547s is the two most mobile supports in terms
9551s of the Lucio but the wall ride kiriko
9553s with her Swift step and ability to wall
9555s climb makes it a lot easier but we're
9557s going to fight for the higher ground in
9559s the first fight so far on the left side
9561s bridge and both younger Queens looking
9564s for some kind of space that suzo being
9566s used really early is an interesting
9568s choice here and Orion on the ash is
9570s ringing out quite heavily icav on the
9574s other hand has been switched in to play
9575s The Ash for Poland and it's going to be
9577s interesting half cool already going down
9580s to icab the newcomer to Poland the new
9582s face in terms of this squad and this map
9585s is doing a lot of work thus far and
9588s should allow Poland to
9591s harass from fake Jake and the melee to
9595s get on out that was brutality Poland
9598s beautifully done three in a row on the
9599s board there and they are pushing that
9601s robot who is ever so happy to take that
9604s car around the corner beautifully done
9606s from Poland they open it up like you
9607s mentioned epitome is the fight going in
9609s favor of Iceland for a moment there and
9611s Poland just bringing it back I have fake
9614s Jake on fire here
9616s fake Jake once again able to harass
9619s Orion out of the fight he did it on
9621s Sombra already now doing it on the
9623s Tracer and it seems like there is a lot
9625s more Comfort now headed on to new Queen
9628s Street and this is Poland's map pick
9630s since they were the loser of the last
9632s matchup fake Jake able to get a bit of
9635s damage down but is actually Orion that
9637s eliminates flipper from the fight
9638s removing some of that speed boost
9640s capabilities but icav is going to clutch
9642s them from the jaws of defeat in just a
9644s matter of seconds with the Bob able to
9647s find so much value and while they were
9648s focused on the little man in the bowler
9651s hat fake Jake in the back line takes
9653s down Grizzy that hat is kind of nice
9655s though so I can I can understand the
9658s attention
9659s but uh there are some bigger things at
9661s play here Poland still moving that robot
9663s 57 meters on the board icad beautifully
9666s done down onto half a cool fake Jake
9668s armor in tow ready to rock with that
9670s pulse bomb finds one with the help of
9672s forever and is ready for more this team
9675s is absolutely slaying right now and
9677s crazy
9681s him back out he is down but not out
9684s without a fight beautifully done Poland
9686s continue on with this push up to 80
9689s meters now I think Poland lost a little
9692s bit too hard and watched Point Gibraltar
9694s and they are not letting it slide
9696s because it's seven minutes they've
9698s already passed the first checkpoint
9699s halfway to the second one and while they
9701s are backing off a little bit now and
9703s allowing Iceland to take control of this
9705s robot they are still getting a lot of
9708s damage through Orion has the above and
9710s finzy just has oh okay finzi just got
9714s the Rampage up but fake Jake with the
9717s pulse bomb taking down Orion and now
9718s that Bob is not a factor in this fight
9720s they're going to go ahead and use the
9722s sound barrier a little bit earlier but
9724s the Overfelt has already faded away and
9726s the Rampage from forever it hits two
9728s icab and fake Jake clean things up
9730s spotlessly and flawlessly finding the
9733s robot once again as crazy goes down to
9735s the jacket knife and they're gonna go
9737s push a little bit further while Iceland
9739s regroups this is a mirror composition
9742s and Poland are looking like they are
9745s dominating right now on Iceland like you
9747s mentioned six minutes and 30 30 seconds
9749s left on the clock and they are at 100
9751s meters just a bit left to go in Poland
9754s they're able to stack three on the site
9755s for Ryan with a bob in hand he's gonna
9757s try not to get one clipped by fake Jake
9760s this time around and Ops to take The
9762s High Ground for the bridge on the right
9763s side the Bob is okay Orion goes big and
9766s that's three in a row
9767s fake Shake does trade out for Orion but
9770s the bomb is still on the field they
9772s haven't found a way to deal with Bob
9774s just yet so Texel falling they're
9776s missing a lot of that sustained fake
9778s Jake gonna go ahead and get in a 1v1
9781s with half a goal I guess the Tracer uh
9783s that's dominant in this matchup has been
9786s established right then in their fake
9789s Jake not real Jake the fake one he's
9792s gonna come out on top I love the little
9794s interaction there too fake Jake's
9796s waiting for half a cool to try and get
9797s that small health pack fake chick Waits
9800s it out takes the pack and one Clips him
9802s it's beautifully done icab down to fincy
9805s fake Jake with another down onto Orion
9807s man It's gotta be annoying to play
9809s against this guy but I can't is on fire
9811s right now with Bob going huge for two
9814s more Poland ticking closer and closer at
9817s 110 meters where have they been high
9820s man like where what box did they pull
9824s him out of because this ash is
9826s absolutely dominating both of the
9828s Kitsune Russia is coming out at exactly
9831s the same time giving a lot of that
9832s attack speed oh but crazy finding icap
9835s that's value right there out of those
9837s Kunis from the support flipper is not
9840s gonna let it slide tries to find the
9841s Lucio and they're missing a little bit
9843s of that sustain and definitely that
9845s speed boost out of the Lucio forever
9847s however now removing the rest of
9850s Iceland's support line and forever still
9852s going even further does it sound barrier
9854s from Flipper is going to allow them just
9856s to do whatever they want half a cool
9858s although eliminating the Lucio is almost
9861s going to get stuck behind the pulse bomb
9863s of fake Jake's own design and still gets
9866s eliminated okay here's the wrecking ball
9868s every single time they want to touch
9870s that point quick it's a Wrecking Ball
9872s but the Rampage gets that anti-health
9874s over onto finzi and aerial real low is
9877s the ball they can't even get healed up
9879s by the Texel as they put him back in
9883s Crazy goes down a full cap on new Queen
9886s Street in a matter of minutes Poland
9889s take it 2-1
9890s a holy cow Poland forever oh that junker
9897s queen that man lived forever especially
9899s on that last Point man I don't know what
9902s the heck was happening but the kill feed
9903s was just full of forever over and over
9906s again and you can see him just focusing
9907s right he's kind of like an alligator
9909s once he clamped down those jaws he was
9911s not letting go of anyone that got into
9914s his side so beautifully done Poland
9917s they were just on fire everyone had
9918s exceptional moments I have fake Jake and
9921s all the rest man you gotta give it to
9923s them two to one there we'll talk about
9925s these two teams looking completely
9927s different map to map if enemies I feel
9929s like that was the same thing on this map
9931s yeah they just you know
9933s they put their eggs into an eye calf
9936s basket as well icab just came out the
9939s gate swinging hitting headshot after
9941s headshot finding value in The Bobs Orion
9944s was able to shine for a moment find a
9947s few moments of Brilliance as well but
9949s it's just nothing to the level of what
9951s icamp was able to do for this team and
9954s that of course enabled fake Jake to go
9956s crazy on the back line forever being
9958s healed since their the support line of
9961s Poland was just getting away with
9962s everything for free there was basically
9964s no pressure on flipper or Texel that
9967s they had to be peeled off of them
9969s because of the amount of value their DPS
9970s line was Finding and it was just so
9973s nicely done I am so impressed with what
9975s Poland was able to get done extremely
9978s impressive to say the least Poland 2-1
9981s over Iceland there getting their first
9984s victory in the group there is still a
9986s long way to go for both of these teams
9987s of course you're gonna want to be in the
9989s top two of Group B to make it to the
9991s main event well with that said we're
9992s gonna head to a short break epitome
9993s thank you so much for joining us for the
9995s first half of the day and uh it was an
9997s awesome
9998s it was awesome to cast with you and I'm
10000s happy we got to do it here but of course
10001s we'll be bringing on hex and zp shortly
10003s after this break to bring you all the
10005s good group a action so we'll see you
10007s shortly
10010s [Music]
10025s thank you
10031s [Music]
10044s [Music]
10049s thank you
10063s [Music]
10071s thank you
10073s [Music]
10092s thank you
10095s [Music]
10119s thank you
10130s [Music]
10139s foreign
10144s [Music]
10150s foreign
10152s [Music]
10178s foreign
10179s [Music]
10226s foreign
10228s welcome back to the OverWatch World Cup
10230s online qualifiers for the emec region
10232s I'm Jim Basco and I'm joined by hex NCP
10234s but before we proceed any further let's
10237s talk about some of these skin bundles
10238s man they are in the game right now
10240s they're gonna be there until the 27th
10242s the Home and Away skin bundles they are
10244s live ladies and gentlemen there are
10245s actually three of them that you can get
10247s the emec the Apec and the American
10250s version you get both the Home and Away
10251s skins for all the heroes in the bundles
10254s and they support the teams directly they
10256s contribute to the World Cup prize pool
10258s you can shop now on Battlenet or via the
10260s OverWatch 2 in-game clients and you can
10262s learn more at
10264s overwatchworldcup.com all right let's
10267s rate it back in Great Britain versus the
10269s Netherlands CP and hex how has Group B
10272s been treating you of course you've been
10273s able to spectate the first half of the
10274s day how you guys feeling zp let's start
10276s with you yeah I mean overall uh some
10278s interesting matches here so far
10280s obviously just got down Poland Iceland
10281s where Iceland again you know punching a
10283s little bit ahead of where we thought
10284s they might have been but uh you know all
10287s in all I'm really looking looking
10288s forward to the United Kingdom or sorry
10290s grape Britain another one's match here
10292s just because like it was gonna happen at
10294s least one time look I'm excited for it
10296s just because it's a consistency check on
10298s Great Britain to go we know they're good
10300s but can they perform against a team
10302s that's on paper at least is you know a
10304s little bit weaker
10305s yeah that's the real question hex let's
10307s take a look before we hop into more
10309s discussion of it at the schedule and
10311s let's talk about the format while we do
10312s exactly that of course it's a round
10314s robin it's first of two it is a single
10316s stage tournament and it's split over two
10318s weeks we're at the end of week one here
10321s day four and of course for the first
10323s half of the day we were we had the
10325s privilege of spectating these Group B
10326s matches with Saudi Arabia taking it 2-0
10329s over turkey Finland taking it to O over
10331s Norway and Poland in a close game 2-1
10334s over Iceland but as we shift to talk
10337s about group a now Great Britain Great
10339s Britain and the Netherlands are up next
10341s with Belgium Portugal not far ahead
10343s Spain and Italy and of course one more
10346s match to round of the day seven games
10347s total per day ZR hex let's talk about it
10351s now right Great Britain Great Britain
10352s and the Netherlands I'm gonna mess that
10354s up a couple more times I'm sure but like
10356s zp mentioned it is a little bit of a
10358s consistency check right this Great
10360s Britain squad has so many veteran
10362s players on their team yeah I mean if you
10364s look at the standings right now Great
10366s Britain is not making the cut and that's
10368s because Spain is 2-0 Great Britain
10370s obviously went down early to Denmark of
10372s Denmark I think not surprising people
10374s necessarily but like I think people
10375s expect a Great Britain to end up winning
10377s that one
10378s um but yeah so there it's kind of a
10381s critical game because Great Britain
10382s can't go down to two losses like two
10384s losses is almost death sentence in group
10385s a
10386s um obviously they have the talent to get
10388s out of it I would expect them to beat
10389s the Netherlands
10391s um in in Great Britain like hasn't
10392s really been tested that much yet outside
10394s of Denmark right because they beat I
10396s think uh Portugal and Belgium both those
10398s teams are kind of struggling but a loss
10400s to Denmark still a little rough for them
10402s uh going forward like the Netherlands
10404s they've lost to Spain and France um I
10406s think the loss of Spain was a little
10407s surprising not to France and they beat
10409s Italy so like zp said it is a
10412s consistency check you want to see if
10413s Great Britain is like on the right track
10415s here but you know like as the standings
10417s go right now they are on the outside
10420s looking in to qualify out of group a
10422s yeah that is a good point you bring up
10424s hacks group eight only the top three
10426s move on in the top three right now of
10428s course we're diving into those games now
10429s but France Denmark and Spain with UK and
10432s the Netherlands trailing behind Italy
10434s Portugal and Belgium closing out that
10435s group so with that said hex CP I leave
10437s you all to the match it's gonna be a
10438s banger and I'll see you guys on the flip
10440s side
10441s yeah and as we get into it here I fully
10443s expect Great Britain to bounce back I
10445s mean Denmark arguably you could look at
10448s them and be like hey they're the best
10449s team in the group they very well might
10450s be I I don't think United Kingdom is
10452s going to drop two matches in a row but
10454s it always comes down to the fact that
10455s even if you have a bunch of good players
10457s on your team you know how consistency
10459s plays out is very important like if you
10462s can't put it together over and over
10464s again at the same level you're gonna
10465s drop matches and you're gonna drop that
10467s tournament so that's why I need to see
10468s from United Kingdom right now is just
10470s can they continue to play at a high one
10471s well I mean they're too talented not to
10473s I mean they had a Get Right game against
10474s uh Portugal right so they they were able
10477s to get something done there
10478s um so maimon and uh jakaru I think had
10481s some of their better games uh yesterday
10483s I think jakaru was on on like unjustly
10488s um uh I don't know panned I guess up for
10490s the Denmark loss A lot of people are
10491s like oh feeding kind of a bad tag this
10494s or that's like it's the way tank play
10495s works is like if your team's not playing
10497s well you're gonna look the worst out of
10499s them like it's just always that case so
10502s that might have been a team issue I
10504s think it looked a lot better yesterday I
10506s think maimon is is kind of making a name
10508s for themselves too and obviously the the
10509s three Fellas on the right have already
10511s their names made for them Kai backbone
10513s funny Astro we all know how good they
10515s are funny Astro
10516s um I mean for the last couple years you
10518s could say probably the best Lucio player
10520s in all of OverWatch
10522s yeah I mean even if you want to say
10524s there's competitions there he's a funny
10526s Astros always in the competition and
10527s also just you know even among OverWatch
10529s league players just grinds the game more
10532s so than uh most of the players around uh
10534s just an absolute Terror you know whether
10536s it be in the OverWatch League or just in
10537s your ranked games but yeah I mean this
10540s is a team stacked of talent but you look
10542s to the other side here for the numbers
10543s right and you start thinking about what
10545s options do they have going forward tap
10548s really was impressive the last time we
10550s casted uh him hex where you think about
10552s what was being done on the May that's
10554s one of those things that yeah maybe it
10556s can act as a check towards Kai at times
10558s uh we'll see uh A10 you know no quantity
10562s in the scene that's been around for a
10563s while never quite made the OverWatch
10564s league but still very good Don of course
10566s did get to the OverWatch League strong
10567s tank I mean there's definitely big
10570s bright points on this Netherlands team
10572s is it enough to upset Great Britain here
10575s you know we'll have to see well I mean
10577s if you think about it like uh you know
10579s Netherlands says two losses already but
10581s Great Britain has one so if they pull
10583s the upset like they're they're going to
10585s be tied with Great Britain and grouping
10586s like that's how close it is um I think
10588s at the end of the day the standings
10589s aren't going to change as we go forward
10591s because um you know like I said Spain is
10593s 2-0 it's why uh Great Britain's on the
10595s outside looking in and Spain plays Italy
10597s later today and I I would tend to favor
10599s uh Spain in that matchup uh we'll get
10602s there when we get there but yeah I mean
10604s you're gonna have to have enormous
10605s performances and you know consistently
10608s enormous performances uh from the
10610s Netherlands to be able to beat Great
10612s Britain and it's the roster is just too
10614s strong from uh the British Squad here so
10617s we're gonna kick it off on ilios fun map
10620s um and yeah maybe it I guess it depends
10623s on the stage but we could see some uh
10626s some Lucio battles and being impact
10628s because A and J has had ups and downs on
10630s that Lucio for the Netherlands but it's
10631s ilios is definitely a map where Lucio
10633s can have their impact at all yeah that
10636s goes without saying and what I'm kind of
10638s curious on here too is you kind of
10640s mentioned earlier the idea is like ah
10641s people are being hard on zakara because
10642s Pro you know died early in some of the
10644s fights I think what people don't realize
10646s in that Denmark game is that Kai was
10648s sort of Public Enemy Number one right
10650s there was so much pressure going on Kai
10653s that I think the supports of Great
10654s Britain at least in the last matchup
10656s were spending a lot of their effort on
10658s Kai more so than the tank right like
10660s jakaru was more Expendable so long as
10662s Kai stayed alive if you don't come at
10665s Kai with that level of dive in this
10667s matchup I think you're gonna see the
10668s front line of Great Britain look a lot
10670s more solid
10672s yeah and also I mean it was against
10673s Denmark Denmark is a team that knows how
10675s to catch the dive really well so like
10677s they're saying he's feeding it's like
10679s well no Denmark turns around and kills
10681s the the Winstone when they jump in
10682s because they know how they do that like
10684s it's yeah it's reflex at this point for
10685s people who've been playing like Winston
10687s dive has been a staple since the beta in
10689s 2015. like it's been around forever if
10692s you don't know how to catch a dive at
10693s this point it's you know it's it's on
10695s you more than anyone else yeah I mean I
10697s could forgive players for being a little
10698s bit annoyed at like I'll always remember
10700s Clockwork uh the the uh old uh original
10703s FPS player uh just complaining to it was
10706s like me Nate and answer another member
10707s of blizzard and uh PAX East going like
10710s what do you do about Winston of this
10711s character I don't know I'm the Creator
10713s he did say McCree at the time but
10715s Cassidy now and he says I just shoot him
10717s and I die what happens is like well
10719s maybe don't stand next to the Winston
10721s like maybe learn how to deal at the time
10722s like I don't know but uh yeah it's been
10726s a consistent part with an OverWatch uh
10728s as you go back in time
10731s yeah so we'll see uh what these teams
10733s want to run we're both gonna have Sims
10734s coming out here for both sides I mean
10736s it's it's been fun to see that we're
10738s kind of like in this Echo meta
10740s um an echo without a mercy here for
10743s Great Britain we'll see what maimon can
10745s get done that's going to be a lot on
10746s backbone to keep him alive and then
10748s we've got a Reaper tracer on the other
10751s side of things and definitely an
10752s interesting tank match up with the queen
10754s already pretty bloody both teams ring up
10757s at the Netherlands have no supports
10758s already Baymont was able to get to the
10760s pack crab too and this fight over before
10763s it begins uh we were just on the
10765s overhead cam for a second and uh
10766s suddenly both teams Down Sports yeah I
10769s don't really know what happened I was
10770s just talking and then all of a sudden it
10771s was over
10772s um so yeah they do get maimon at the end
10774s but really nice dive to get in there and
10776s there's really not a whole lot to be
10777s able to deal with maimon here so even
10779s without a mercy
10780s um it was almost as though mimon was
10782s getting healed by the Lucio so an
10784s interesting dive that I did not predict
10786s was the the Lucio Echo combination but
10789s yeah I'm all for it here no switches
10792s from Netherlands um you know you kind of
10793s just chalk up that first fight to bad
10795s luck but you gotta deal with mavon in
10797s the backline no one's even looking
10799s yeah also bionic comes in pretty early
10801s uh puts another one's a tough spot
10803s maimon gets akirko in the back gets
10805s though yeah that was a freebie yeah the
10809s explosion just to have to Splash on over
10812s as Pac-Man says take a nap Avon though
10815s is just absolutely Auto roll now Finds A
10818s and J finish off Don's the eight of Kai
10820s uh it's been neymon's map we've just
10822s been living in it yeah I mean didn't
10824s really need to use the duplicate there
10825s had already done enough damage to win
10827s the fight but didn't want to die and
10828s then just for good measure he's like
10829s well I've actually got more kills on
10831s trucker Queen than you do now
10832s so yeah this is physically correct yeah
10836s this is a little bit nuts another one's
10838s still not gonna make a switch off of it
10840s just yet but you don't necessarily have
10842s to switch but what the Netherlands have
10843s been doing is going really far forward
10845s especially the reaper going in just like
10847s kind of uh you know teleporting in but
10849s then maeman has just harassed the back
10851s line they just need to pay attention to
10852s where this Echo is Netherlands biggest
10855s upside here would be you've tap can win
10856s the pulse bomb of course Kai can do the
10858s same in turn but we're looking at that
10859s so the back line gets the stick that's a
10861s nice start gets both maimon and the Anna
10864s maimon wrong place wrong time big play
10867s from tap makes it three before it's all
10868s said done but just walks into the post
10870s bomb at the end still uh Netherlands
10873s with a little bit more presence on the
10874s point here we'll see if they can turn it
10875s into a capture because I do think Kai's
10877s gonna stick around and delay Astros
10879s coming back in he could beat uh the
10881s point not capped here just yet okay I
10884s mean no need like you you can stall out
10886s but for what point you really always
10888s need to win one more anyway so stalling
10890s out and giving your life it's just gonna
10891s delay the inevitable they're gonna
10892s regroup anyway uh the initiation with
10894s the beat does come in everyone gets a
10896s bit of it
10897s Don tries to use the Rampage to switch
10900s the tempo a little bit in the fight but
10901s buddy went down super late maimon found
10903s him and Kai just working the back line
10906s jacaru super healthy on the point it's
10907s gonna be a quick re-flip here from Great
10909s Britain and Netherlands very much
10911s running out of time here 93 they're not
10914s gonna have gone back for the Recon test
10916s if anything happens
10918s yeah I mean like I would imagine this
10920s Winston could just play bouncer right
10921s now and pop the Primal if they so choose
10923s that's exactly what happens Ricardo does
10925s get the primal
10926s yeah and this is where they have to go
10928s with that tank to start things up Kai
10930s lands the pulse bomb onto the reaper
10932s just a little bit extra yeah this is
10935s really really good cleanup for Great
10937s Britain they started a huge Advantage
10938s Don gets back into the fight yeah I mean
10941s yeah the beat went down so like even
10944s though Netherlands was uh short-handed
10946s they did have the Health Advantage and
10948s Health Advantage on junker Queen pretty
10949s enormous
10951s and uh yeah stay tuned uh for next week
10955s when we finish off this map next episode
10957s uh to be continued as we have a pause
10960s here uh I didn't see anything in the
10962s chat you know requesting a pause so it
10965s might have been a DC which would be an
10967s automatic pause so unfortunate
10970s um yeah that one was still kind of up at
10971s the air like because towards the end
10973s like junker Queen already has so much
10974s sustain and then when they pop the beat
10976s in chunkergone's able to get a couple I
10978s think Rampage should just come out so uh
10980s yet to be determined on the point of
10982s course you know we'll see we'll see
10985s yeah I mean take a look at how a fight
10986s was panning out though I think Don just
10988s went down jakara was still like pretty
10990s healthy it's gonna be a rough go for
10993s Netherlands like even if there is a
10994s disconnect for Great Britain I you look
10997s at how that fight was developing great
10999s Brand's still in a really good spot uh
11001s no I guess we'll see what the disconnect
11003s was if there was a disconnect uh yeah I
11006s mean in a good spot but still down two
11007s players I mean you know Don did just
11009s kill two so only three up I don't know
11012s it's tough to see where that snapshot is
11014s and also it will kind of depend if
11015s someone dc'd and someone's like about to
11017s have ultimate or something like that but
11019s um yeah I mean so far like I guess
11021s overall through the tournaments maybe
11023s I'm not surprised but I'm like uh happy
11026s to see like how how much Echo is being
11028s played
11029s um I mean even without the mercy like
11031s because it's been really fun to watch
11033s it's a funny hero that feels like it's
11035s it's not like completely out of the meta
11037s as always but never been in meta like
11039s like Meta Meta hard meta I guess except
11042s for maybe like I guess two years ago in
11044s in Korean contenders there was a pretty
11046s hard Echo weather I think I'm
11048s remembering that right I think that's
11049s when Valentine was really really good
11052s um sorry I have a lot of OverWatch in my
11054s brain for seven years it's hard it's
11056s hard to flip through the Rolodex and
11058s really really remember those exact
11059s moments um but yeah it's a it's a fun
11061s hero to see but I'm actually really
11062s surprised at how much value maimon's
11065s been able to get off of this without
11066s like the hard support the hard pocket
11069s and just even previously in other
11070s matches like watching Psycho play Echo
11072s has been fantastic
11074s um so yeah it's been it's been a fun
11076s meta to watch evolve yeah and also you
11079s know it's good to see Echo play to a
11080s point where it's you look at it go yeah
11082s this is fair it's not quite uh early
11084s release Echo where you just look at it
11086s and go like yeah what's wrong with this
11088s like oh man it's like it was skilled but
11091s you know there's that sour taste in your
11093s mouth because the hero was a little bit
11094s over tuned but you know obviously echo's
11096s been out for many a year now has gone
11098s through the balancing stuff and now you
11099s can truly appreciate good Echo playing
11100s be like yeah that's honest well I mean
11102s it's where the phrase that I've used
11103s before the the balance sensing beam the
11106s balanced beam you know because early on
11108s like if you just saw an echo and that
11110s beam came out you were just you're dead
11111s I mean it was it was the Death Star
11113s laser really you're just evaporating
11115s people so
11116s um yeah but I think the balance got in
11118s into a good spot yeah there were now
11120s that I recall even in in the OverWatch
11122s there were a couple weeks of echo where
11124s it's just like oh I guess yeah
11126s um a lot of it I think I don't know what
11128s they exactly changed if it was damage
11129s numbers or something but I remember a
11131s try shot just shredding Shields just
11133s like going through Shields and the
11134s reload was so fast and like it was it
11136s was really nice but well the duplicate
11138s also used to be stronger too in terms of
11139s like Health retained and that sort of
11141s stuff but yeah we are gonna take a quick
11143s break as we sort out what's going on we
11145s don't even know what's going on on our
11146s end right now so it's a mystery to all
11148s but we'll find out soon and we'll get
11150s our conclusion to round one on ilios
11154s [Music]
11164s thank you
11165s [Music]
11181s [Music]
11198s thank you
11208s foreign
11212s [Music]
11226s [Music]
11232s [Music]
11239s [Music]
11255s thank you
11258s [Music]
11273s thank you
11285s [Music]
11330s thank you
11347s [Music]
11352s thank you
11355s under promise over deliver the timer
11357s said two minutes we're right back his
11359s Chicago immediately gets two after the
11362s pause so yeah I I think the great Brit
11365s was still in a good spot here was
11367s accurate over time starting the tick on
11369s down Netherlands though gonna be real
11371s tough to keep the delay going and round
11373s one for Great Britain yeah as expected
11376s as it plays out towards the end there
11378s was a you know a couple fight Backs from
11379s the Netherlands there but Great Britain
11381s just with the numbers so we're back into
11383s the match uh first stage videos goes to
11386s Great Britain sorry for the tech delay
11388s hopefully that will be you know everyone
11389s out there knock on wood uh or if you
11392s know plywood or plastic whatever your
11394s desk is made up knocking your desk uh so
11396s that we have good luck the rest of the
11397s day uh so we're gonna be going on to the
11400s lighthouse great novel by Virginia Woolf
11403s by the way and um yeah I think we're
11405s probably going to continue to see this
11406s Echo like it comes to a point for Great
11408s Britain where it's like well you know
11410s the beatings will continue until morale
11412s improves like we're gonna run the echo
11413s until some one shoots the echo wow yeah
11416s I mean also you look at what Netherlands
11418s read in the last uh round right there
11421s wasn't really uh appropriate counter to
11424s the echo they was sort of well just hope
11426s you'd kill the rest of the team before
11427s the echo gets you and uh maimon was on
11430s point uh which meant that didn't really
11432s have that opportunity so they have to
11434s have a better option for maimon this
11435s time around
11437s and again there's no one looking just
11439s just right over the top but yeah they do
11441s tell you out of the point which is nice
11443s no one dies to the echo looked uh meteor
11445s than it actually yeah
11449s right now poking back and forth Astro
11450s gets caught by the fire strike so down
11452s the break early on mixing's rough unless
11454s maimon catch one here the mortality
11456s Field's gone Kai was able to get the bat
11458s that's huge huge massive amounts of
11459s healing taken away maimon just three
11462s shots here from the flank and Great
11464s Britain he went backbone down making
11467s pretty good attempts at the point
11468s Chicago getting very very low and you
11470s have a swap here too hex uh Astro off
11473s onto the Mercer
11474s yeah I mean give maimon a little bit of
11476s help if you're going to continue to run
11477s this but I really like the strategy from
11478s the Netherlands of just get to the point
11480s and take shelter you know yeah Astra is
11482s able to get on the resume on
11485s run back Revenge now Netherlands did get
11487s control of the point gear in the interim
11490s right like they're running the Rhine
11491s they could be a little bit more on the
11492s point push Great Britain out the
11494s mortality field gone though and maimon
11496s was pretty decent shatter though from
11498s dawn
11499s bumper could be there real close again
11500s tomorrow goes for the pin no doesn't
11502s quite connect I don't mean well finds
11504s buddy and Great Britain just grinding
11506s down the point
11508s yeah I mean the duplications have been
11509s on point for maimon too just getting
11511s tanks every single time the value that
11513s you get from tank uh duplicate is so
11515s enormous now everyone's with a really
11516s good opening Strat though the question
11518s is now do you run the same Strat because
11520s you still have to try to get on the
11521s point with this
11522s um I think it works out better if they
11524s don't feel they can just straight up
11525s defeat the echo in the sky which has
11527s proven to be the case then you just
11529s continue to run this and get to the
11530s point as quick as possible everyone's
11532s come together Kai with the pulse bomb
11534s ready to go and the immortality Fields
11535s already used Kai's looking as chops here
11537s this could be big waiting waiting
11540s Chicago a little bit disruption here on
11542s the pile against the back Baymont finds
11544s a 10 and Kai just gets to hold on to the
11547s bomb here is jakaru slaps him around
11549s just juggling supports in the corner
11552s that is two kills for jakaru uh maybe
11555s taking some of those those Denmark
11557s um you know shots to Heart there that's
11560s not eating that's eating yeah Jakarta
11562s has eaten good by juggling supports on
11564s the corner now Great Britain will take
11566s the lead on this one still no changes
11568s for the Netherlands they're going to run
11569s this same Strat
11571s um
11572s yeah just trying to get to the point and
11574s but I mean Great Britain's got to read
11576s on this they know exactly what they're
11578s gonna try to do the bio's huge it's both
11580s Dawn and Buddy Don already low can I
11583s still hang on to pulse bomb could be a
11585s big up in there in a moment blizzard
11587s zones out and actually enough to catch
11588s my mind at the tail end but the
11590s resurrection gonna be there I'll spawn
11592s out from Kai gets done then sure they
11594s need jacarlo out of the fight some
11596s Netherlands still able to hang on they
11598s got the Point Flip which they're usually
11599s gonna get early in these fights no
11601s matter what heck of what they're running
11602s someone's in trouble really nice from
11605s tap find Skye tap really make it work
11608s here on the bay gets rid of duplicate
11610s and maimon even with the harassment on
11612s the outskirts they're the ones are still
11614s in control of the point
11616s yeah they are in control it's going to
11617s be interesting to see like who they they
11619s try to Target down because right now the
11620s Notre is a little bit spread out as the
11622s reinhardt's going to come back to point
11623s but funny Astro didn't see him coming
11625s from behind it gets hammered down by the
11627s Reinhardt Don goes down really nothing
11629s was around keeping alive tap still
11632s around on the point by lights happening
11634s just the gear for so long finally goes
11636s down
11639s good 94-61 they just need one more fight
11642s hex and they're gonna have some tools to
11644s do it yeah they're a single fight away
11646s um right now
11647s and I think like what you really have to
11650s look for is how this next uh bionade
11652s works and I think the reason backbone's
11654s getting such value out of is he knows
11655s exactly what's happening they're gonna
11656s they're gonna try to teleport out of the
11658s point and if you can time it perfectly
11660s you can you can Splash every single one
11662s of those players with a nade and that's
11664s what happened last time
11665s um tele shatter let's do it he's gonna
11668s say they can't lose buddy early buddy
11670s got real low there stayed alive big
11672s rotation coming up another one's final
11673s fight on the way opens up with the cold
11675s buddy drops the call looking for
11678s anything right now okay uh does it moves
11680s I'll call it
11687s [Music]
11689s and the beat comes out but it's a
11693s disaster the saddest song in the world
11695s yeah uh this will be Great Britain
11698s cleaning it up but a nice adjustment
11700s from the Netherlands a good strategy
11702s there I mean it caught Great Britain off
11704s guard at least for the very first fight
11706s um but Great Britain was able to adjust
11709s to it and jakaru at least three juggle
11712s kills on his supports there like a
11714s really nice just putting baby in the
11716s corner uh well played there and I mean
11718s it's kind of tragic that last fight just
11720s never got to set up correctly you saw
11722s the Netherlands try to go from one side
11724s and find an angle but it was cut off and
11726s then try to find another angle to get in
11727s with the teleporter it was cut off and
11729s they just uh they kind of got body
11732s blocked and body checked by Great
11734s Britain every time they're trying to use
11735s their strategy so a good adjustment by
11737s the Netherlands to run the Strat a good
11739s counter adjustment during the play by
11741s Great Britain to uh prevent them from
11744s really getting set up again after the
11745s the first Gambit
11747s I'll just go to the support ultimate
11749s usage at the very end there where I I
11751s get you're trying to stagger it look for
11753s max value But A and J dropping the peat
11756s after three are already dead clearly the
11759s point was a little bit earlier there and
11761s the timing was just uh all sorts of off
11763s and you know you make a mistake like
11765s that versus Great Britain you're
11766s probably not gonna win they're just too
11768s good
11768s yeah I mean that that comes down to it
11771s right when you're facing off against
11772s these these very talented rosters is
11774s that you as the opposing team has to
11777s play Perfect
11779s um whereas Great Britain can make a
11780s couple mistakes and then Kai will hit
11782s three your jakaru juggles three and you
11784s know it just kills people so
11785s um that is kind of the The Edge that the
11788s the teams the stronger rosters are
11789s playing with
11790s um so yeah Netherlands just kind of has
11792s to outstrap them which I liked in the
11794s second Point especially I thought that
11796s that was the right strategy to try to
11797s play and we'll see now the Netherlands
11799s gets to pick the next map so maybe they
11801s have another pocket pick another
11803s strategy they can try to employ to upset
11805s uh Great Britain Great Britain has to
11807s win this match it's critical they cannot
11808s drop two matches and expect to get out
11810s of your Bay well Great Britain they take
11812s map one but the Netherlands they're
11813s still showing a bit of Life we'll be
11815s will they be able to bring it back on
11817s map 2 and for some map three we'll see
11820s you soon
11823s foreign
11828s [Music]
11839s foreign
11842s [Music]
11862s [Applause]
11875s [Music]
11887s foreign
11894s [Music]
11911s foreign
11913s [Music]
11929s [Music]
11947s [Music]
11981s foreign
11984s [Music]
12017s [Music]
12036s thank you
12040s Great Britain looking real good to start
12042s off the day redemption on all ends
12044s especially for chikaru who might have
12046s heard some people talking him down
12047s because great primals across the board
12049s Netherlands though hex also some moments
12052s to be proud of yeah I mean like I said
12054s to start the show it's it's always the
12056s tanks to get all the blame right I mean
12058s it comes with it you get some of the
12059s blame you get some of the credits so
12061s it's just it's just how it goes if your
12062s team is losing your tanks you're gonna
12063s have bad numbers they're going to look
12064s bad it's it's really not as cut and dry
12068s as that usually
12070s um sometimes you can catch out a little
12072s mistake here and there but not very
12073s often um yeah no it's um you know good
12076s adaptation
12077s um I think that they're they're a smart
12078s team obviously they're like wow we can't
12080s just go Echo versus Echo we can't you
12082s know try to do anything about that so
12084s let's play on the point let's play a
12085s brawl style that goes towards our better
12087s play style and also the stage uh helps
12090s it out there to be able to shelter on
12092s the point so a good adaptation there uh
12094s now they're going to have map pick and I
12097s believe uh well I know we're going to
12099s Havana but I would have guessed it
12101s because uh they the last time they lost
12103s a map was against France and they went
12105s right to Havana as well so this seems to
12108s be their their map pick to go to a
12110s favorite Strat of theirs and yeah I mean
12114s I would find it difficult to want to go
12116s against Great Britain on Havana because
12118s Kai can play Widow and that's terrifying
12120s yeah I
12123s strength of Great Brain here but also on
12125s a completely non-matchup related note
12127s does it ever throw you when you look at
12129s the Savannah logo here like a night time
12132s uh like closed streets I look at this
12134s like is that King's Row it's like no
12135s it's not but uh you know with the
12138s nighttime preview definitely just messes
12140s with my head a little bit
12141s yeah I mean I like that there's been
12143s different uh night and days uh as we go
12146s through it so
12148s um yeah I mean Havana is is a really
12150s interesting map I mean just because it
12152s is so sniper focused
12154s um you would expect like at the very
12157s least an ash or a Hanzo on first point
12159s especially defense
12161s but the big question is too like um I
12164s mean the question you always have to ask
12165s yourself on defense is are we gonna
12166s spawn hold or not right because spawn
12169s holds it seems like the least costly of
12171s one of the maps to spawn hold on
12174s because if you do spawn hold you will
12175s still get a fight on a in a not terrible
12178s position on defense so I mean that's
12180s generally why you see it and then uh
12182s conversely on the other side like you as
12185s an offense you have to ask yourself if
12187s you're gonna have to bust out of a spawn
12188s hold
12189s you know a little bit of compositional
12192s questions here Carl said hey are you on
12194s Reaper you know as a Winston player I
12196s feel like that's a fair question to
12197s always ask right they're like are you
12199s gonna have to deal with the reaper and
12201s uh you know there's not gonna be uh I
12204s mean your answer here it's lore accurate
12206s it goes back to the very first cinematic
12208s you know Winston and Reaper do not get
12210s along very well
12212s um yeah so it is it looks like
12213s Netherlands do want to spawn hold here
12215s um Great Britain will probably have to
12216s make an adjustment or two to get out of
12218s Spawn unless they just hit a couple
12220s naughty Hanzo shots
12223s that could happen real fast let's take a
12226s look here one pipes has happened there
12228s to the reaper but no uh Kai holds on to
12230s the arrow Wall comes up and goes they'll
12233s never expect you to go right back
12234s through the wall again uh but they would
12236s Kai still looking for the shot shikaru
12239s jumping on in to the back line Don got
12241s slept after the jump the other team
12244s super wounded here just got second
12245s change in an instant with the Hanzo with
12248s the arrow but A10 takes down jakaru and
12250s yo this watch Carl asks those questions
12252s he gets his answer gets the answer if
12254s they're playing Reaper or not uh in the
12256s form of two Hellfire shotguns to the
12257s face that is the answer uh one pick
12260s though on the offense as they break out
12262s is usually going to be enough eventually
12265s um so we'll see and like Great Britain I
12267s think does not really want to make
12269s changes here because they'd rather just
12270s charge ultimates but they do lose their
12272s Sky combo yeah a10's been doing a great
12275s job on the reaper on the outskirts and
12276s again tap has probably gotten more Echo
12279s kills as May than you would expect but
12280s Chicago breaks out finds two Falls for
12283s it but as you're just saying hex those
12284s trade outs pretty decent on the whole
12286s kind jakar will be back up before the
12289s Defenders will be
12290s Don is committing I think it's been a
12293s pretty solid spawn hold though like you
12295s gotta be pretty happy with it um you
12297s know burn a computer a couple minutes
12298s off the clock there well done
12300s um and now like yeah the enemy Force out
12303s the echo duplicate too
12305s yeah I mean well played but but I mean
12307s the I think the reason like you're like
12309s creeper didn't make any huge adjustments
12310s was one what they were running was like
12312s not terrible
12313s um two now they still have four
12314s ultimates uh after breaking out a spawn
12317s yeah I mean you take a look at this and
12319s your Netherlands you're really happy
12321s with how that just went down but now as
12322s you go back out don't throw away that
12325s defensive momentum you built by getting
12326s picked off by Kai or maeman early on
12328s maimon pretty aggressive pressure here
12330s from the back to Carl moving in from the
12332s front gets Nano and Neymar gets caught
12334s the death Blossom huge mate 10. it
12337s wasn't on camera but hey said just
12338s dropped down right place right time and
12340s look at Netherlands here hex are they
12342s gonna go straight back to spot and they
12343s just might yeah absolutely
12346s um I mean you can see why this is their
12348s map pack it really plays well to their
12349s style they wanted to run Reaper on ilios
12351s and they obviously I think May is tap's
12354s best hero uh Don's best hero lately at
12357s least has been the ramatra and kind of
12359s the the composition really lends itself
12360s to a good spawn hold well this could be
12363s huge for another lens they get one more
12364s fight they could be a first point hold
12366s tap drops the wall blizzard in reserve
12370s right now just focusing on jakaru jakaro
12372s has to Primal here just to disrupt at a
12375s spawn a huge Advantage for Netherlands
12377s the that's burned they decide to burn
12378s the annihilation turn they get Kai and
12380s hex look at the time a minute 12 left
12383s could Great Britain get held here on
12385s point a that could sell the map
12388s small back cap happening here
12391s as the the remaining members of
12393s Netherlands do figure out that that's
12394s happening
12396s yeah
12398s A-10 gets caught by Astro that's but
12401s okay tap continuing to just land these
12404s icicles on the deadliest Maze and
12406s determined here so far blizzard good to
12408s go and it just goes straight for Astro
12410s saying let's take him out no more Zen
12412s picks at least for now 40 seconds left
12415s to go this is turning Scrappy and
12417s turning into a brawl and the Netherlands
12419s are looking real good I think they might
12421s have to back up just a little bit that's
12422s a huge pulse bomb and they will confirm
12424s the kill but two kills do come across on
12426s the other side uh this is about as
12429s Scrappy as it gets 20 seconds remain
12432s spawns are in favor of Great Britain
12434s though as they come out
12436s yeah buddy's got to pop this coal like
12439s the moment he feels any pressure can't
12440s die with it yeah I think you pop cold
12442s early hope to get a quick pick up
12448s I'll lose anyone here and Jay gets
12450s caught by jacaro big sets up the 5v3 now
12453s is A10 Astro the assassin on the Zen tap
12457s gets one but now Great Britain are they
12460s gonna be able to bring this back before
12461s the Recon test overtime spawns will slow
12463s down Netherlands a lot and getting back
12464s onto the point yeah buddy is just trying
12467s to fade away for their life right now I
12469s wonder if anyone's gonna be able to tie
12471s me buddy can touch and you can bait onto
12473s the card it's just not a great idea
12474s there's still death Blossom yeah
12476s eight-time wants it goes for the death
12478s Blossom but he catches Kai very winnable
12481s now from the Netherlands spawns are
12482s coming back out still overtime spawns
12483s but both supports down to Carl maimon
12486s assassinate the support backline of the
12488s Netherlands and now can tap before the
12490s impossible very close to a blizzard here
12492s getting low has to ice block 95 bomb
12495s comes out from Baymont takes down the
12497s tap gets Fame on right away can't stay
12500s alive to drop the blizzard and Great
12501s Britain they get point a but that was
12504s about as close As It Gets In being
12506s denied yeah there was a primal there
12508s anyway so they would have been uh fine
12509s to at least buy some time now the
12512s question is the momentum uh can they get
12514s enough momentum onto point B I mean
12516s Great Britain's not really running
12517s something to take like The High Ground
12519s so they're not really on the uh like the
12521s Hanzo or the Baptiste where you want to
12523s be on top of it but they will take some
12525s positioning here
12527s um EMP should be the next thing to come
12528s out and win a fight in their clumps Kai
12532s is loving what he's seeing right now
12533s it's three and a and j just hits the
12535s floor the EMP bionic combo just
12538s evaporates and and that that's about as
12540s clean of engages you're gonna get from
12542s Great Britain and exactly what you want
12544s to set this momentum here on point B
12546s yeah absolutely the momentum does ride
12548s through there um I mean it was just it
12551s was inevitable Kai was going to get that
12552s that EMP and then the follow-up is
12554s really smart there from Great Britain
12557s uh right now Netherlands will be able to
12559s come back here and fight one more time
12560s and you're gonna have blizzard and
12561s Annihilation if done properly those
12563s should be enough to turn this fight for
12565s them
12566s yeah I mean I think Step One is don't
12567s let anyone get picked early by Astro
12569s Astro has been turning some of the
12571s fights in the last uh two or three
12573s minutes just with early Zen fix another
12575s one though still to pull five and Jay
12577s drops the beat everyone hit by it and
12579s now we look towards Taft slowing down
12581s jakaru blizzard in reserve Kai finds A10
12584s so a lot does ride on the blizzard now
12586s Great Britain really spread out though
12587s there's no easy blizzard Target tap has
12590s to block here surrounded uh members
12593s Netherlands falling left right and
12595s center and Jay lucky to get away with
12596s his life meanwhile Kai is on the payload
12598s payload Netherlands payload anyone all
12602s right they're gonna get a little bacon
12603s does that a little bit too close for
12605s comfort Don finds Astro and again it's
12607s gang of looking Scrappy hex yeah I mean
12610s that death Blossom gets more than it
12612s really should have the bubble came down
12614s for a moment and wow the Netherlands are
12616s going to be able to hold on to this one
12618s ah lucky I mean they get some alts in
12621s but only 30 seconds left that blizzard
12623s is still up so I think Kai should be
12627s able to charge this up all right so you
12628s have Nano monkey to at least buy you
12630s time then you can get an EMP in a pulse
12632s bomb man this one's all about execution
12636s also in terms of X factors here you got
12639s to be looking at maimon the pulse bomb
12640s where the start of the fight tap though
12646s look just through the corner five
12648s seconds left and uh Great Britain's odds
12651s of turning this low though
12652s Astro Astro they don't get on to the
12656s point in time though so it doesn't
12657s matter
12660s what in the world well I mean
12664s you know chikaru calls it a C9 and you
12668s kind of have to agree if you're calling
12669s it on your own team right there uh just
12672s the brawl going on in the back lines uh
12674s as we're watching tap discard the cards
12677s uh there is going to be a blizzard on
12678s the card anyway but yeah it took them a
12680s little too long and uh Great Britain to
12682s finish off some of those low Health
12684s Targets on the Netherlands and after a
12686s very good spawn Camp uh near lindserna
12688s in a pretty decent spot here on the
12691s offense the one thing I would like to
12693s see from the Netherlands it came out
12694s like a couple fights ago
12696s is just kind of a Target acquisition so
12698s they they engage with a beat and then
12701s three people go different ways all
12702s trying to solo uh targets right so tap
12705s was trying to kill the Winston there's
12706s another a small battle going off in the
12708s side like if you're gonna engage with
12710s the beats and go into it like pick a
12711s Target like go coordinated like find
12713s somebody you can all kill and then move
12715s on to the next one I think it's it's a
12717s small thing that they could clean up
12718s which would make this team look stronger
12720s I couldn't agree more in you know one of
12722s the interesting things to me you know we
12723s talk about Comfort picks a lot in the
12725s OverWatch World Cup right and you know
12728s we've been following the story as it's
12729s going on and you know this is why you
12730s plant the seeds of a narrative where we
12732s saw tap do really well in May you don't
12734s usually see players play May as non-stop
12736s as tap has been playing here but Taps
12738s may have been incredible the amount of
12740s shutdowns tap was able to get and that
12742s one piped it up you see tap going the
12743s Tracer but I don't know the way Tabs are
12745s playing I'd almost stay on the bank
12748s yeah
12750s um they couldn't agree more I mean the
12751s name just seems so fitting those icicles
12754s just just tap it tap in the gray matter
12756s um so yeah no full hold here for Great
12759s Britain I do have to be a little careful
12760s of Kai who's gonna run soldier in here
12762s always a danger
12765s yeah and
12771s that can enter the door at any time and
12774s as I said that Kai finds A10 pretty
12776s early tap though counter firing climbs
12779s backbone pretty good to get rid of the
12780s healing from Great Britain earlier in a
12782s good Captain Astro here
12785s no by the way focusing down Dawn and
12789s again these fights really Scrappy but
12791s you're okay with this from other ones
12793s you've got a lot of Kayla pressure tap
12794s gets Astro at the very end not the worst
12796s of Trades
12798s no and the card has been moving this
12800s entire time so pretty solid there Astro
12803s will enter The Fray again but yeah tap
12805s is uh been a Difference Maker definitely
12807s for the Netherlands so far
12810s really good payload progress so far here
12812s from the Netherlands but here's where
12813s Great Britain needs to hold jakaru Dives
12816s on in gets a Reaper in his face has to
12818s be real careful puzz bomb from maimon
12820s comes out Dawn still surviving the worst
12822s of it all out from Buddy Netherlands
12824s looking pretty healthy and Jay gang poke
12826s down stays alive to Carl meanwhile going
12829s to the back uses Primal more delay and
12831s Kai finds Don and Kai on a rampage with
12833s two here thus far really good damage
12836s output by his Chicago just continues the
12838s juggle
12840s yeah and I think like Great Britain is
12843s always going to win when they're able to
12845s cut up the Netherlands when they're able
12846s to get the Netherlands into solo battles
12848s right so that's what you see a lot of
12850s times like jakaru's main goal is to jump
12853s into the middle of the Netherlands and
12855s make that half the team goes forward
12856s half of them go back because the team
12858s that goes forward has to go in a kai and
12860s you you expect Kai to be able to win you
12862s know 1v1s 2v2s for you consistently it's
12864s exactly what happens there that's why
12866s the Primal comes in to knock teams uh
12868s knock people around and then into Kai
12870s and it's it's just he did all that last
12872s round with our last fight without
12873s overclock this time he has Oracle
12875s Chicago yeah it's melted so if the over
12877s clock's gonna be big it has to happen
12878s soon no it doesn't even happen tab gets
12881s the pulse bump on the kai after coyote
12883s he's overclock Taps Wild
12886s that I mean that's just a great
12887s individual performance there four
12889s minutes now to get it to Second point
12891s and win the Swap one thing um we didn't
12893s mention we saw a little bit of it
12894s yesterday in the latter games too that I
12897s think we're gonna start seeing more of
12898s is the mercy without a pharah or Echo
12901s just for damage boost on your on your
12903s GPS uh so you see it with Ash you can
12905s see it was sojourn and it is so strong
12907s hey 10 the pile one death blossom in the
12910s back finds two three making the reaper
12913s work and then some payload moving all
12915s the while Netherlands three and a half
12918s minutes here hex and a ton of momentum
12920s on point B this could be leading us to a
12922s map three I think I'm just connecting
12924s the dots now but isn't A10 the
12926s designation for the warthog you know
12927s that plane with a giant cannon in the
12929s front so yeah the reaper goes well and
12932s the plane just got shot
12935s lands the railgun shot Great Britain
12937s looking to recover here in a hurry kylo
12940s take it down Dawn right over him and now
12945s see if gray brain can still hold on tap
12948s though gets the back line gets Astro
12950s that's massive
12954s I'm just getting bullied out of this
12956s corner and right now I mean look the
12958s Netherlands bank is empty so this Nano
12960s should be able to do a lot like
12962s a Great Britain should be able to get in
12964s here great body blocking though but like
12965s the Primal Nano needs to come in yeah
12968s you think uh Pro as Nano right now
12971s hanging on to the promo Primal A10 finds
12974s maimon and Great Britain they are just
12976s getting bullied into the dirt right now
12978s jakaru just trying the stall to a degree
12981s gonna wait to Primal to the last second
12982s but there might not be much of a team
12984s left here comes the Primal how long can
12986s Chicago delay Kai is back in the fight
12987s railgun finds buddy and now
12991s is it gonna be another great brand for
12993s response to come back in Chicago's not a
12994s great job gets the bubble down gonna
12996s fall finally the bomb on some name on
12999s from tab
13000s unreal kybo builds up the overclock
13003s that's A10 great print desperately try
13004s not to drop the spout Kai with two here
13006s so far one of the last ones remaining
13008s kagai get another top rolling around you
13012s see Kai on the point the last remaining
13015s and that's a Netherlands ripping a map
13018s away from Great Britain
13020s that was just impressive really really
13023s good comes I mean uh look I thought 810
13026s had moments um I thought you know Don's
13028s staying there was a lot of instances
13030s where Don got anti-healed and slept and
13032s everything like that so give the
13033s supports a ton of credit for keeping him
13035s alive during that and then you know tap
13037s just had a couple of hero moments like
13038s 4ks hitting pulse bombs on the opposing
13041s Tracer uh Kai tried to bring it back but
13043s wow what a performance from the
13045s Netherlands and this is like even if
13047s Great Britain goes on to win this this
13048s match they got to be worried about Maps
13051s now too like they keep dropping Maps
13052s here and there and it's it's not ideal
13055s and
13056s um yeah I mean I think like this is just
13058s really smarter than everyone's they have
13060s a strategy for this map that their
13062s composition works on this map on offense
13064s and defense without being without
13065s running a widow without even worrying
13067s about it
13068s um and yeah tap is really really having
13071s a standout performance not only on the
13073s May
13074s um but that that officer play was
13076s phenomenal to open things up and even uh
13078s the first fight which they didn't win
13079s comes in and kills both support it's
13081s like what more do you want for your
13082s Tracer like kill both Awards guys like
13084s what do you want more I mean across the
13086s board Netherlands was looking pretty
13087s good but Taft just another level the
13090s entire series along I mean think about
13092s this towards the end of this year break
13093s room was in a decent spot we hype up
13095s maimon bam right there just assassinated
13099s tap here to get point a I mean
13102s dominating
13104s yeah absolutely but I mean I want to
13106s give credit to everybody like
13107s um you know buddy with good ultimate
13110s timings you know you don't give Moira a
13112s ton of credit there's you know people
13113s have the reasons for it but I thought
13115s like using coal at the right times to
13117s enable his tanks to stay alive they're
13118s like I said there was a moment where Don
13120s got anti-heeled and slept and had just
13122s used block and then Nicole comes out
13124s just to save Don and like that's the
13126s right move keeping the Vermont drop so a
13128s good strategy to pick Havana obviously
13130s they have a Havana's like their their
13132s pick and they've gone to it a couple
13134s times gone to the well for it but really
13136s well played individual efforts and
13138s that's what it's gonna take it's going
13139s to take individual people playing at
13141s their very best to beat a roster that's
13143s you know allegedly better than you yeah
13145s well speaking of that you have to think
13147s that uh Great Britain is feeling all
13150s sorts of pressure just weighing them
13152s down now where they probably went in
13154s today expecting it to be you know not an
13157s absolute easy match but a comfortable
13159s win right a comfortable two out right
13160s now that is anything but will
13163s Netherlands be able but go forward here
13166s and rip the match away from great brand
13167s will Great Britain live up to their hype
13170s we'll see in a final map three in just a
13172s few moments
13173s [Music]
13192s foreign
13195s [Music]
13224s foreign
13226s [Music]
13248s [Music]
13260s thank you
13261s [Music]
13268s thank you
13278s [Music]
13303s thank you
13305s [Music]
13332s yes
13337s [Music]
13374s [Music]
13391s foreign the Netherlands looking
13394s incredibly strong against Great Britain
13396s winning map 2 forcing a map 3 hex and
13399s Great Britain one of the favorites
13400s coming into this tournament already in a
13402s bit of hot water
13404s I mean that's why you gotta love the
13405s tournament you think you look at teams
13407s like Great Britain you're like oh easy
13408s easy out of groups you look at Team
13409s sweet and easy easy out of groups I
13412s don't know man like you like one of
13413s these teams have strategies and then
13415s cohesion to run them and maybe more time
13418s to just grind out practices then you
13420s could be in a little bit of trouble
13421s coming into this matchup I said this is
13423s a must win for Great Britain like you
13425s can't go down O2 in groups maybe I mean
13428s because there's three people out of
13430s group a that it's possible I mean I
13432s think you like you look at France as
13433s almost like a lock out of group a but
13435s the Netherlands putting on a nice
13437s performance on Havana their map pick
13441s um and just a really great individual
13442s performances like tap and then all the
13444s way down the line I think everyone
13445s played one of their better games they
13447s have in this tournament
13448s So Great Britain I mean part of it now
13451s comes down to like are you feeling the
13453s pressure as we go on to Esperanza
13455s yep and uh push obviously you know a
13459s game mode where we could see one team
13461s take a huge Advantage much sooner rather
13464s than later and you have to feel like
13466s Great Britain you know a team that has
13468s shown resilience in the past years of
13470s OverWatch World Cup if there's our time
13472s to have a heroic speech and go hey we
13475s can't lose this now would be the time
13478s because yeah if you let push get out of
13481s hand early if Netherlands strikes first
13483s because tap just continues doing what
13485s tap has been doing all series long uh
13487s you might not be coming back not only in
13489s this match but also the tournament yeah
13491s it'll be interesting I'm not certain
13493s that Esperanza really favors the the
13496s brawl style that Netherlands has been
13498s trying to play
13499s um I mean yeah I mean it's Great
13501s Britain's map pick so there are some
13503s longer sight lines you can just expect
13505s to see Kai on a sojourn or something
13506s like that
13507s um I think you I think maybe coliseums
13509s also in the map Pool where sojourn used
13511s to like really be dominant too but
13512s people just dislike Palacio overall at
13515s the pro level at the very least so this
13517s makes sense as a pick so yeah we're
13519s gonna see definitely a clash of styles
13521s here it's going to be sojourn and Tracer
13523s and the dive of Great Britain versus
13525s Netherlands running um you know kind of
13527s the the more Brawley faster composition
13529s and tap is going to play the Tracer
13531s instead of the may I yeah I agree with
13533s that I don't think May has the great
13535s utility on this map yeah also as much as
13538s with praise Taps May uh after we saw
13540s what tap just did on Tracer I feel like
13542s tap could just play whatever tap wants
13544s to play uh there will be no criticism
13546s here not anymore
13550s that's the jumping comes in but really
13552s no one to find so far
13554s oh
13556s it just hunts Down A and J the help of
13559s Kai a really strong start here for Great
13562s Britain thus far tap gets Kai but it
13565s should be enough to flip things around
13566s as uh it's just methodical from break
13568s for him just one elimination after the
13570s other
13571s yeah it's it's when Netherlands gets
13574s split up that they end up having trouble
13575s I mean Great Britain's trying to split
13577s up the Netherlands that's what you want
13578s to do to this composition isolate and
13580s Destroy because the Netherlands are you
13582s know it's five fingers are weak but a
13584s fist is strong so they need to stay
13586s closer together in in just losing Lucio
13589s early and then everyone else is isolated
13591s we need to see it from jakaru's
13592s perspective it's just you know jump here
13594s jump here jump here okay three kills
13596s name on working towards the back seeing
13599s what's available Kai finds buddy a quick
13601s little railgun flick name on real close
13604s thing post pumps nothing could just be
13606s going straight to Dawn right after tap
13608s though gets rid of jakaru
13610s Great Britain still ahead in
13612s eliminations but will there be an answer
13614s to the tap here
13615s right now maimon versus
13618s TAPS in the middle of three people yeah
13620s yeah it wasn't quite fair you know yeah
13622s no
13624s um not necessarily the the fight that
13626s they wanted yet again uh Great Britain
13628s will move forward here this is going to
13630s be kind of a critical fight because if
13631s Great Britain wins it they will have
13632s forward spawns and that's very difficult
13634s to overcome and Jake gets caught again
13636s Chicago just continues the chase the
13639s Lucio and fight after fight Kai another
13642s railgun shot on the A10 finding the
13644s reaper a lot more consistently and yeah
13646s hex that uh the Dreadful scenario you
13649s just mentioned uh for the Netherlands
13650s it's happening as a great Brit they are
13652s pushing through without a care in the
13654s world well I mean I mentioned Great
13656s Britain might like this map because of
13657s sight lines Great Britain might like
13658s this map because of what's on your
13659s screen right now like it is so good for
13661s an Anna Anna can just sit like pretty
13664s much alone and get every shot in the
13666s world you saw a great anti-heal come
13668s down from backbone early on like what is
13670s going to mess with this Anna up here
13671s you're gonna have to send tap up to deal
13674s with it but you know even then it's
13676s gonna be difficult
13678s backbone just relaxing in the back
13680s getting ready the Nano jacaro and jacaro
13682s he's going was that up
13685s has the overclock looking in Nano is by
13688s the jakaru and Kai's damn not the best
13691s look at this
13693s jakaru finds a and j
13696s and yeah Great Britain uh holding on
13699s here but yeah they lose Kai early and
13701s Charles looking solid this round so far
13703s yeah coalescence comes out in
13705s desperation and then just gets
13706s absolutely bopped by the Winston the
13708s pulse bomb will come down onto Don and
13711s uh yeah forward spawns will remain seven
13713s minutes left
13715s right now I mean like the thing is about
13717s the Netherlands that like I don't think
13719s they have another card to play I think
13721s like this is their this is their card
13722s this is their play this is their comp
13725s um I don't think we're gonna see changes
13726s it's just it doesn't work as as well
13728s against what Great Britain's running
13729s around well the big change of the team
13731s is just the pressure on the A and J
13732s Great Britain has specifically been
13734s hunting the Lucio Play constantly over
13737s the course of this round to the point
13738s that's not coincidence anymore looking
13740s for chikaru uh Chicago it's a lot of
13743s support early on
13749s looks for a way to initiate Great
13751s Britain though they're just able to
13752s disengage the effect of the beat gone
13754s now Chicago says I'm ready to play I'm
13756s ready to rumble drops the Primal tap
13758s gets found a 10. stuck here in the
13761s underpass has a death positive but it
13763s was now the time to use it it's a little
13765s bit questionable looks forward sees guy
13766s says I'm spend but there's a lot of
13769s spinning and no winning is eight ten
13771s just falls to the railgun Kai's been on
13774s point well it's that nightmare scenario
13776s I said earlier too like when tap died
13777s earlier like he was trying to go after
13780s backbone up top but backbone and Astro
13782s were together and I don't care who you
13783s are I don't care like I don't care if
13785s you're you know
13786s like a proper you're not gonna kill
13789s backbone and funny Astro when they're
13790s together it's just not gonna happen up
13792s top so the peel was there for Great
13794s Britain and the The High Ground that
13796s they're taking there's no one on the
13798s Netherlands to be able to deal with it
13799s like at all and the reason they're going
13801s after AMJ is a rush comp is not good
13804s when you can't move fast yes sorry to
13807s break that down in simplistic terms
13809s anime comes out early forces A10 the
13811s shift jakaru hunts down bloody this time
13813s that dives onto the sports of Great
13815s Britain continue to be good if you look
13816s at tap against the bomb gets rid of
13818s backbone a sign of life is Kai just
13820s stops the out hits the shot on the tap
13823s and Kai's been deadly actual ice in the
13826s veins this entire round here so far yeah
13829s a little late on the PO for Great
13830s Britain there you saw everyone coming
13832s back but just a second too late
13834s um you know backbone
13836s half the time wins those anyway so you
13837s don't have to worry about it if there's
13838s not a pulse bomb backbone actually
13840s probably wins that 1v1 but now
13842s Netherlands does finally get a little
13844s bit of control here see about this 1v1
13848s tap working on the outskirts meanwhile
13851s Dawn Annihilation could be used early
13854s looking for backbone punch it away get
13856s slapped then bioed backbone though taken
13859s out tap was there and the fall through
13860s gets jakaru and tap making something
13862s happen up on The High Ground Netherlands
13865s desperately needed this to get a little
13867s bit more momentum on than their side
13869s Great Britain though uh that's a big
13871s lead they get to sit on here next I
13872s don't think they're feeling stressed at
13874s all I mean you at least want to get get
13876s Great Britain out of their forward
13878s spawns right so like that's that's step
13880s one to try to bring this map back to
13882s four minutes remaining
13884s um yeah I mean it's a great job like
13886s they realized what I said earlier is
13888s that you can't just let backbone chill
13889s up top like eat cans like even if you
13891s don't kill them there has to be
13892s harassment there has to be something to
13894s make Anna's life difficult done early
13897s here from a j
13898s and get to mild but still looking pretty
13900s healthy jakaru Under Fire right now had
13903s the Nano use the primal
13905s Primal Fades meanwhile Kai overclock any
13908s Targets in his sights right now he's
13910s looking and Jay finds backbone and Kai
13913s spending all this overclock with no
13914s targets to shoot at overclock Fades tap
13917s finds maimon and yeah Netherlands are
13919s gonna chase down the robot and likely
13921s dispatch uh Kai and jacaro here in short
13924s notice they should be able to bring it
13926s back it's just a matter of uh if Great
13928s Britain could take anyone with them they
13929s could not so the back cap does move the
13931s robot back a little bit which is
13933s somewhat of a big deal because they
13935s should be able to fight now again Great
13937s Britain before the forward spawns come
13939s in
13941s 10 looking for an ambush the stuff
13943s Blossom got value it would be huge you
13946s can't ultimate you can't always count to
13948s do well on
13950s here we go A-10 looking and waiting here
13952s on the top drop down not just yet Great
13955s Britain they're engaged a little bit
13957s split right now 810 in and around
13960s looking for the setup and has to shift
13963s pretty early here jacaro gets to Nano
13966s let's see looking for Jakarta right now
13968s Chicago already got a and j down early
13970s into the fight and you know if the
13972s stethos comes out it's not gonna do much
13973s now I can't be doing this I mean so I
13977s mean you just you see the problem though
13979s right away is like the Netherlands
13981s you're looking for the death Blossom
13983s there's no one on the ground there's no
13985s one on the ground for Great Britain
13986s they're just sitting up top and like
13988s it's Jakarta who will jump down and
13990s maybe touch the cart or the the robot
13992s rather I'm sorry anything that moves in
13994s any game is a cart to me
13996s um but there's there's no one to death
13998s Blossom there's no one on the ground
13999s they're just sitting up top because
14001s they've got the long range uh both
14003s damage and healing and it's no problem
14005s so it just ends up being a difficult
14008s composition
14009s well here we go Netherlands on the Recon
14012s test Great Britain pretty drained on
14015s Ultra to side the beat you have to
14016s imagine Astros going to use it early
14017s does beat comes out here from Astro Don
14020s responds Annihilation Cole 8-10 gets
14023s Chicago early into the fight not a bad
14024s start here from Netherlands top got low
14026s shook the pressure
14027s sitting here on the payload a little bit
14030s of pressure the other way his main mod
14032s just gets clotheslined by the reaper
14034s shotguns and a 10 pretty nice teleport
14037s not enough to get away but I appreciate
14039s the attempt as Netherlands is still just
14041s gonna stay at the robot yeah I mean you
14043s saw it again there the Netherlands were
14044s able to pull it off because jakara went
14046s down but then someone else had to go to
14047s the ground to touch
14049s um but it still is difficult like they
14051s they really need to deny the position
14053s where Great Britain wants to go from
14054s High Ground to High Ground to High
14056s Ground uh yeah and wow nice little
14059s burrito kill at the end there yeah a
14061s little bit shocked if Kai got away but
14063s it would have been just Kai things still
14065s though Kai can stack it out a bit blow
14067s up overclock when he comes back in but
14068s through Netherlands you want another
14070s pick off here you get your Karu that's a
14072s big pick off the start now for Great
14074s Britain they have to wait for jicarlo to
14075s get back in and another one still has a
14078s long way to go with 50 seconds this is
14080s still doable It's Great Britain makes a
14082s mistake
14083s yeah it's forward spawns it is one
14085s minute so the Netherlands has to be
14087s perfect through
14088s two fights at least I think
14091s um because the bot goes very very slow
14095s um pushing the payload well this is
14097s gonna be the hard point here what could
14099s decide the match great brand coming in
14101s with way more ultimate power and we look
14103s to Kai overclocked ready to go look into
14106s the back line no stop is coming forces
14108s the recall now still waiting on the
14110s overclock Chicago has already dove in
14112s he's getting the wall he's already used
14113s primal
14114s half HP maimon the text was the pulse
14117s bomb in reserve Nano still in the tank
14120s and Kai finds A10 railgun shot connects
14123s neymon throws at the post Bunch Carl
14124s finds AJ Netherlands down to three three
14127s seconds left remaining and another one
14130s don't really have anything left here x
14132s Don goes down it's just tap and Buddy
14134s and that very well could be it Great
14137s Britain they had the advantage and they
14139s don't let it slip away yeah that is
14141s going to be it even if they had people
14143s alive the problem with in that situation
14145s is that Netherlands has to stay on the
14147s payload too and so when they're staying
14150s on the bot it's gonna allow the Anna
14151s it's gonna allow the soldier to just sit
14153s back and shoot at them from a mile away
14154s so really well played Netherlands um
14157s taking a map off of Great Britain was
14159s you know pretty surprising I think that
14161s you know having that pocket pick up
14162s Havana worked out really well for them
14164s but Great Britain in the end you see the
14166s reason why they chose that map perhaps
14168s more than new Queen Street is The High
14170s Ground is less accessible to a brawl
14172s composition than new Queen Street ends
14174s up being and so they really abused it
14176s with backbone on The High Ground was so
14178s with uh Kai's sojourn on the high
14180s grounds and you saw it they would hop
14181s from window to win a fight then they
14183s would go up to the Middle High Ground
14184s win a fight go up to the secondary
14186s window High Ground win a fight
14189s um and then yeah Kai just got a little
14190s too big for his britches right there
14192s when he went in but for the most part
14194s this was Kai like you said ice water in
14196s his veins when it really counts Kai's
14197s hitting the shots and it was just very
14200s difficult for the Netherlands to ever
14201s dislodge the support line who were doing
14204s great jobs appealing for each other also
14206s in general huge cyber Leaf Great Britain
14208s fans uh no one had to see anyone fall to
14210s their knees in the middle of the Tesco's
14212s so yeah it avoids disaster which losing
14216s this map would have been I it very well
14218s could have knocked them out of the
14219s tournament to bang on how the seating
14220s went but you know now their map score
14222s still not the best but this is something
14224s Great Britain can work with if they win
14226s it right so yeah yeah disaster averted
14230s yeah they've dropped two maps but it is
14232s not the end of the world I mean it's it
14234s is going to come down to matches at the
14236s very end of the day so
14238s um you know while I expect them to still
14240s maybe be out of it because because of
14243s Denmark
14244s um doing so well so if like at the end
14246s of the day you look at a and it should
14248s be Denmark France and Great Britain is
14250s what it kind of should be
14252s um when you think about it but you know
14253s Spain is probably not going to drop
14254s their match today we're gonna have to
14256s wait till next week but yeah that is a
14257s huge side of relief dropping two matches
14259s would have been dicey like super super
14261s dicey you can deal with map score but
14263s matches are going to be the first one
14265s very much so but we still have a lot of
14267s OverWatch left to go here today in the
14269s OverWatch World Cup when we come back
14270s Belgium takes on Portugal
14274s [Music]
14281s foreign
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14333s just run away
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14347s [Music]
14353s information
14360s [Music]
14402s thank you
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14429s thank you
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14442s thank you
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14449s [Applause]
14461s [Music]
14487s thank you
14491s welcome back to day four of the
14493s OverWatch World Cup 2023 online
14496s qualifiers for the emec region on
14498s gymbasco that's hex that's CP and we
14500s just watched two teams duke it out Great
14504s Britain versus the Netherlands two to
14506s one in favor of Great Britain a
14508s surprising score for sure uh zp let's
14511s talk about this before we proceed here
14513s yeah I made that game yeah I mean what
14516s we saw here was it was like obviously
14518s Great Britain pulled together at the end
14520s and showed us why they are really good
14522s but for Netherlands we saw some
14523s expression of absolute Potential from
14525s their players I mean Don we know is
14528s really good but the standout to me was
14529s tap where you look at what went down on
14532s Havana for the Netherlands tap had
14534s himself a game and then some dominant on
14537s both may and Tracer and it was something
14539s that great bran really had to make
14540s adjustments for in the third map and
14543s they did and that's the thing about
14544s great brand right it's like even if they
14545s go down they have so much experience on
14547s the team that they are a resilient team
14549s that can bounce back even when things
14551s get bad that's the most important thing
14553s being adaptable in the face of adversity
14555s will get you really really far in Great
14557s Britain take that victory over their
14559s opponent here but of course we're
14561s talking about the top three teams from
14563s group a moving forward and the UK are a
14565s rather Great Britain has yet to break
14567s that as France Denmark and Spain are
14569s dominating all top of those three spots
14571s hex I know you're giggling because we're
14572s doing it all day but we're working at it
14575s let's go ahead and take a look at the
14577s schedule for today match five just
14579s around the corner it'll be Belgium
14581s versus Portugal and of course later
14583s today we've got Spain versus Italy and
14585s we round out the day with Denmark versus
14587s France definitely a couple heater uh
14591s heaters of games coming up still but
14593s Belgium versus Portugal up next let's
14595s talk about that hex what are your
14597s thoughts on this matchup before I toss
14598s it offer to you guys well something's
14601s got to give because neither of these
14602s teams have won a match nor a map so far
14605s in this tournament which I think is a
14607s little more surprising for Belgium than
14609s it is Portugal necessarily because
14610s there's a couple players that we know of
14612s on Belgium but
14614s um so like watching Portugal yesterday
14615s they tried to run fairer mercy and
14617s didn't have a ton of success for it uh
14619s flamenzo was running like Sombra and was
14622s getting EMP quick but then dying before
14623s using it so some struggles there but
14625s like something that can be easily
14626s corrected and cleaned up both of these
14629s teams I feel just overall struggle with
14631s their coordination their alts and using
14633s everything effectively to get to a fight
14635s like the neutral fights are kind of okay
14637s and decent but when it comes to like
14638s after the first minute when everyone's
14640s got ultimates engaging correctly using
14642s ultimates correctly cycling them
14644s correctly not not using double support
14646s ultimates like some of these small
14648s things that can be cleaned up I mean
14650s ah yeah Belgium has not been consistent
14654s at all like I don't know we can talk
14655s more about it when we get into it but
14657s they got Belgium got spawn camped
14658s yesterday on numbani and not second
14660s spawn offense first spawn offense there
14662s he couldn't leave their first spot on
14664s offense like that shouldn't be happening
14666s um yeah so the
14668s one of these teams is going to win
14670s that's all I got to say like but maybe
14672s they can ride that momentum going
14673s forward but so far it's been a goose egg
14676s on the board for both these squads
14677s definitely I I would even venture to say
14680s it's more important for Belgium than it
14681s is for Portugal in this match because
14682s Portugal skipped out on that first date
14684s you know what I mean they're all in two
14686s right now where Belgium's already oh and
14688s three so lots online for both of these
14689s teams and of course there are four more
14691s days of competition starting with next
14693s week Thursday Friday Saturday and Sunday
14694s that will tell the tale of the tape but
14697s yeah no if you can't go 04 in the first
14700s week and hope to make it out in the top
14701s three that being said hex and zp take it
14704s away with uh Portugal versus Belgium and
14706s I'll see you guys on the other side
14708s all right so we're heading into this and
14709s I need to just revive uh old saying my
14712s dad where you know I grew up with my dad
14713s watching traditional Sports anytime you
14715s had a match up like this whether it be
14717s you know in various different
14718s competitions uh my dad would always just
14720s say this no matter what someone has to
14723s win which is the you know it's an
14725s absolute fact right it's like you have
14726s two teams that have gone winless someone
14728s will win you know barring you know an
14731s act of God so we'll see which of these
14733s two teams is above the other but we know
14736s that the fortunes will change for one of
14738s these two teams it's just a matter of
14740s who yeah well in the OverWatch thing I
14742s think Matt Morello would call these an
14744s El Clasico uh would be something that he
14746s is uh favorite looking forward to so
14748s here's uh the roster for Belgium
14749s obviously Logics is the player that we
14751s talk about is somebody that we we know
14753s of and who has played in the OverWatch
14755s league and has played at a high level
14756s for a long time
14758s um you know when he shows up shows up
14759s big when he disappears disappears pretty
14761s strong the player I want to talk about a
14763s little bit is Ken
14764s um the last couple times I've watched
14766s them play like they've really tried to
14767s put can on the as Echo and the pharah
14770s and it's just not worked out there's not
14772s been the consistency there's times where
14774s Ken will come in and get a couple but
14776s then there's also times where I I watch
14778s ken on Echo try to you know dive in Anna
14781s solo and get slept and then the mercy
14783s dies so it's been something that they're
14785s going to have to clean up
14787s um on the other side of things so when I
14789s look at Belgium I think one of their big
14791s issues has been consistency from both of
14793s their damage dealers it's not just
14794s Logics yeah I I I think it's easy to
14798s view Logics and more negative light
14799s because you know we say this all the
14801s time but OverWatch is a team game and
14804s the reality is that if one DPS is
14806s outperforming the other teams will
14808s adjust to go well we just focus more on
14810s the DPS that we're worried about and you
14812s have seen a lot of pressure be going to
14814s Logics his way but on the same note that
14816s means Ken has more opportunities to
14818s succeed if Ken can just find that higher
14820s level here today but you look over
14821s towards the Portugal side here hex and
14824s you know again you have your story lines
14826s uh that are out here uh within reason I
14829s do feel like you know I think it was
14831s back on day one but I remember there
14833s were times where Karama definitely
14834s showed flashes of promise
14836s yeah I mean there there's been moments
14838s um we got some some more information
14839s about this Portugal Squad uh looking
14841s forward so uh ego one was actually a
14844s flex DPS so now he's playing tank for
14846s the OverWatch World Cup I guess there's
14847s just a dearth of tanks in Portugal uh
14850s who play it which which is fair you know
14851s playing tank can be can be brutal
14854s um then you've got you know Karama who
14856s has you know played in multiple
14857s contenders trials teams flamenzo you
14860s know it was uh in the played in the last
14862s Portuguese Championship uh Dizzle is you
14865s know he's played with uh Munich Esports
14868s um and then uh Rod FD or FD Rod as I
14871s call him uh is a rookie so he's not been
14873s on this team before and so that's that's
14875s the info we have I think flamenzo um
14878s maybe not like a natural somber player
14880s from what I saw the other day it is good
14883s at getting EMP it's just about the usage
14886s of EMP that's been troubling but that's
14887s been endemic like of this entire
14889s Portugal team it's not the the neutral
14892s fights that get them it's when when
14893s things start going into ultimate usage
14895s and economy uh that they've struggled a
14897s little bit
14898s yeah and honestly with these two teams
14901s matching up I don't really know what to
14903s expect because look the reality is that
14905s if you go windless as deep into the
14907s tournament as these teams are right now
14908s both teams do have some pretty critical
14911s flaws that other teams in the tournament
14913s have been more than willing to exploit
14914s but now that you put these two teams
14916s against each other and they've also had
14918s you know Maps under their belt to sort
14920s of improve and refine where they have
14922s been weak we'll see how it goes I mean I
14925s I honestly have no expectations going to
14927s ilios I just want to see where these
14929s teams stand yeah I mean I think we're
14931s going to learn a little bit about each
14933s of these squads like um you know oh
14935s we're gonna learn who's better I guess
14937s uh but there's there's plenty to to
14939s learn like if they've cleaned things up
14941s I mean mostly it's just been
14942s inconsistent play and kind of sloppy
14945s play on both sides but
14947s um you know like I said one of these
14949s teams has to win
14951s no matter which one comes out on top
14955s things off here on ilios we'll see what
14958s stage it is in just a moment this is
14960s just our pre-roll I think
14962s of it so far
14963s but it is going to be here and hexa
14967s you know here on the lighthouse I
14969s believe it could be inner no it's well
14970s as well yeah uh yeah and you actually
14973s said your iconic phrase here yet either
14974s because no I actually got knocked in not
14976s yet um I mean one thing to say about
14978s Portugal though like even though they're
14980s owing to go into in maps is like
14982s Portugal is faced off against France and
14984s Great Britain you know like that's not
14985s really fair also like you know Belgium's
14987s played Great Britain but Belgium also
14989s lost to Spain which is kind of weird too
14990s so I mean both these teams like the
14992s records are bad but Belgium lost to like
14994s Denmark and Great Britain Portugal lost
14996s to France and Great Britain like it's a
14998s tough draw yeah but uh both these teams
15002s definitely got uh you know rough
15004s matchups early on but now we'll see how
15006s they fight against each other
15009s can't here into the air and we'll be
15013s trying it yeah I mean pharah has been
15015s effective in the tournament overall at
15017s least for one team in particular but
15018s we'll see if Ken can channel that same
15021s energy so far been a little bit quiet as
15024s Portugal as I'm saying most of their
15026s time here just uh undercover not saying
15028s the far can't shoot us if there's no
15030s line of sight
15031s yeah I mean eventually the bubbles are
15033s gonna break and they're gonna have to go
15034s for this
15036s nice pressure though from the Tracer
15038s logic's got Karama on the ground though
15040s that's kind of a 1v1 you expect Logics
15042s to win yeah that's pretty big Belgium
15045s early on you get the man Advantage 5v4
15047s takes more pressure off Ken at the same
15049s time and also Portugal you're running
15050s the song run while we have seen some
15052s deadly sombres if you have to sombra's
15054s DPS you're not having the same pressure
15056s uh that you'd really want uh it does put
15060s a little bit more pressure on your
15061s Tracer and Belgium nothing too flashy or
15063s is just one Tracer pickup that they get
15065s the point
15066s yeah I mean it's just been the threat of
15068s the the far in the sky that's been you
15070s know the issue they're gonna be able to
15071s get a hack here
15073s and uh the dive does come in after it
15075s yeah it's bullied out though yeah Logix
15078s is getting hooked down a little bit
15079s don't think he went recall I think he
15080s got a health track instead Logics and
15081s can find both supports early on into the
15085s fight and that's gonna send Portugal
15086s back to spawn I mean even with Logics
15088s dying there you're not gonna be able to
15090s stick around with those supports guys
15091s just doesn't it no no too many uh people
15094s already gone down ego will fall late in
15096s this fight too
15098s so karama's gonna have to be careful I
15100s mean as you poke around now Portugal's
15102s gonna have ultimates coming up obviously
15103s the same for Belgium but really it's
15105s it's to me the litmus test early on is
15107s going to be does this EMP get anything
15109s like does this EMP connect to a it can
15112s connect on one but the team has to
15113s follow it up you have to get some value
15115s out of an EMP well an EMP is always a
15117s two-part equation right it's like is the
15118s EMP good and then also is the team
15120s follow-up good uh but here we go EMP
15122s comes out on another goes down
15124s immediately could be good enough Ken
15126s though counter barrage finds flamenzo
15129s after game carama now just says uh free
15131s Lucio Don't Mind If I Do
15135s uh that don't mind if I do always
15137s reminds me of Homer Simpson looking at
15139s Donuts I don't mind if I do oh that was
15142s about to save bubble of feeding that uh
15143s Ken was doing on the other team feasting
15146s if you were but 85 now and Portugal's
15149s gonna have to get something to get in
15150s there so you're gonna have a Primal Rage
15152s so they should be able to at least touch
15153s the point but like if you touch the
15154s point you're still gonna be just eating
15156s damage boosted Rockets right there
15160s One Tap feel strong here so far rocket
15163s after rocket this time gets both DPS
15165s logic is is down but Ken might be
15168s holding DPS Belgium needs right now
15171s as you see Portugal the struggling to
15173s delay they use the consume rush they use
15175s the beat for three how to beat for five
15178s Ken in the air looking for more and they
15181s flipping almost they only get Pub novas
15183s and this is starting to slip away from
15184s Belgium this went from containable to
15186s not so much at all as Portugal lays on
15189s three now soon to be four is Shia gets
15192s knocked out of Mech and Portugal Staying
15195s Alive yeah strong clean up there
15197s Portugal able to flip that one down the
15198s cleanup just not completely there for
15200s Belgium and a nice kill late as ego was
15202s able to take down Chaba I mean I think
15204s if if you're in that position if you're
15206s able to take down the mercy in this
15207s composition everything should fall right
15209s after it but they've also done a really
15210s good job of uh focusing down the Anna uh
15212s potanova so it's been really solid for
15215s them again right there yeah yeah as you
15218s said they're good at folks that popping
15219s off at the bomb sticks but oh speaking
15221s of bomb sticks the vertical pulse bond
15223s from Logics gets rid of Dizzle and the
15225s res is there so Belgium still at a full
15228s five Portugal down their kiriko healing
15230s gonna be a problem and you see that as
15233s Eco one is just getting chunk shyra
15235s finds Karama and Belgium is methodically
15238s picking Portugal apart
15241s yeah someone needs to get on this point
15242s and I don't think it needs to be the
15243s fire Mercy there should be a better
15245s presence on the point than that
15252s yeah I mean Belgium really didn't want
15254s to get on the point there they left all
15255s the Logics logic's actually gets
15257s punished for it Perez comes in EMP comes
15259s out however clemenzo punished
15261s immediately post EMP The Barrage
15263s finishes off ego one and surely this is
15266s the round for Belgium it is gonna be the
15269s round and don't call me Shirley
15271s um yeah absolutely clean it up and Ken
15273s is they've been trying to force this fur
15275s Mercy uh for the last couple of matches
15277s and it's just been kind of shut down but
15279s you know there's nothing against
15281s Portugal to really clean it up and it's
15283s also a really good uh a very solid map
15285s for fair Mercy because you've got that
15287s kind of mid-ground that you can take
15288s there's two high grounds and flanking
15290s you can triangulate where anyone wants
15292s to come from so really well done there
15295s um and yeah Ken was just I mean he can't
15296s say it enough like he's just hitting
15298s shots you can be damaged boost and
15300s pharaoh and Missy rockets and no one
15301s cares but he was just hitting directs um
15303s cleans that up well played for them
15305s yeah and you know you see Ken swapping
15308s off here to the Tracer it looks like
15309s where this is always one of those
15311s interesting things to me where you know
15313s you think about what players usually
15314s play right you would expect okay Logics
15316s will be on the Tracer but there's like a
15319s priority ranking system here right where
15321s if they're playing Sombra they decide
15323s well Logics have been the Sombra and Ken
15325s will be on the Tracer so uh yeah looking
15327s at how Belgium allocates the VPS very
15329s interesting to me
15331s yeah and the the big difference is going
15333s to come from the the tank and support
15335s lines so Belgium is going to play a
15337s little bit like closer with the Brigida
15340s early yeah
15342s packed taken on down flamenzo early
15345s d-mac should I be able to get away oh it
15348s doesn't even matter flamenzo finds Ken
15350s on the flank
15351s really solid DPS coming up from lenzo on
15354s the Sombra Karma Walsh is off Logics
15357s yeah should be a very quick take there
15359s for Portugal
15361s dive denied by the whip shots uh
15363s Portugal does have somebody on the point
15364s as they try to clean up the rest of this
15366s which is really smart jumps into the
15367s back line don't let them out for free
15368s for of course
15371s and they're just cleaning up stragglers
15373s right now it's nothing flashy they're
15375s just going well you're not at five we
15378s have five we're just gonna keep holding
15380s W and clean this up until you go for a
15382s full reset
15385s yeah any chases you get is just gonna
15387s stagger out the next fight and flamenzo
15389s obviously winning this somber battle 20
15390s ahead
15392s and you know those questions still
15394s remain are they going to get value out
15396s of the EMP ultimates
15398s right now we look at Karama holding on
15400s to the bomb from Enzo likely gonna open
15402s gets a shot first bomb over and in no
15405s not enough to finish anything off but
15406s the EVP was there right after taking
15409s down both supports for Belgium
15411s eliminated and what was two ultimates
15413s not a bad result for Portugal
15416s no absolutely yeah I mean as long as
15418s you're winning team fights with your
15419s ultimates the the results speak for
15421s themselves nice stagger there as pilot
15424s Diva will go into the drink now Belgium
15426s has to prove that they can coordinate
15428s their ultimates as EMP and Paul spotner
15429s up for them
15430s I think that's just the cycle we're
15432s gonna see yep and I mean this right here
15435s if you're Portugal and you loses fight
15437s and Belgium invests everything you're
15438s still pretty much okay with it you're
15440s way ahead you'll like the Spider-Man but
15442s they do use consume early in the trends
15444s at the tempo ego one though goes down
15445s ego one couldn't get the Primal off
15448s flamenzo though punishes logics
15450s jumping down a tank here is gonna be
15452s gonna be Rob they use
15455s they use gym though
15457s not in a bad spot at all Ken looking for
15459s value on the Tracer
15461s going after the other Tracer in turn
15462s gets hacked from Enzo forcing him to
15465s back off a bit ego one is gonna be back
15466s into this fight in just a moment here so
15468s Portugal has done a good job delaying
15470s ego One's Gonna jump in Primal
15472s immediately Jabba drops the Nano
15474s immediately in the shot right
15476s and Belgium on the back foot a big here
15479s as the bomb finds Shabba
15482s yeah and then a big EMP there towards
15484s the end a really good job by Portugal of
15485s just stalling that one out long enough
15487s to hold on to the point get to full
15489s forces not use ultimates before you were
15491s ready to fight because they had him
15493s coming up and what I was going to say is
15494s if I'm Portugal and I don't think I'm
15495s gonna win this fight just die with alts
15497s it's fine because you're only one fight
15498s away but they were able to delay long
15500s enough but without like throwing in a
15502s pulse bomb willy-nilly without throwing
15504s in an EMP before you're ready good
15506s patience there good coordination that's
15508s something they needed to clean up and
15509s well done there as we move on to the
15512s windmill phase
15514s of ilios
15516s you know one thing that seemed to be a
15518s difference there and you know I think
15519s back to Logics like Logics you know his
15521s best heroes were Tracer and also just
15524s like raw you know single shot hit scan
15527s right I feel like in the summer V Sombra
15529s sat there we saw fomento getting more
15531s value on the Sombra which is why like as
15533s we go here into the well I like to
15535s change it from Belgium here you're
15536s playing Canon Farah where Ken looked
15538s great on in the first round and you get
15540s Logics onto a comfort hero I think this
15542s is a very good swap up for Belgium
15545s yeah absolutely and I mean it's a pretty
15548s solid map for far we've seen a lot of
15549s teams run it uh far and Echo here can be
15551s very good and it's very similar to the
15553s the first stage right where you've got
15554s these three high points that you can
15556s kind of just rotate through and always
15557s catch people with uh Splash damage so it
15560s makes a ton of sense here logic's
15562s already hacked early but no cleanup
15565s object is able to get away and right now
15568s the question is what is the answer gonna
15570s be for Ken I mean I feel like if Ken is
15573s able to land shots it should be a
15575s winning matchup right now for Belgium
15576s but that is always the question here is
15578s Will Farah kill the team before the team
15580s around the pharah dies and you know it
15583s all depends on The lethality of the
15584s pharah and how evasive the other team is
15586s both teams in a little bit of a
15588s stalemate right now though shyra heavy
15590s dive coming on in if shyro dies here
15592s it's huge for Portugal
15594s they do get shyron also during that like
15597s they just put presents on the point so
15598s they're going to be accruing percentage
15600s as we go forward and so now Belgium
15602s doesn't really have to go fight like
15604s they can just chill nice cleanup on that
15606s pilot Diva though you don't want to
15607s allow a remake
15608s um and also like that ends being a huge
15609s stagger yeah so when we talk about the
15612s timer right where pharah is looking for
15614s kills Portugal was able to rope and hope
15616s there for long enough to get the point
15617s and get the tank pressure but now they
15619s give up a few kills pushing in deep Ken
15621s on the assault here once more nearly got
15624s the honor not quite
15626s but this is what you have to look at
15628s here yeah because safariant kills before
15629s the tank goes down I mean I just think
15631s it was kind of a mistake there like they
15633s lost flamenzo going in early like I said
15635s Portugal had the point it didn't have to
15637s go in they didn't have to be aggressive
15638s and then you know like ego had to jump
15641s in and he jumped in in between four and
15643s gave up their life for it too I think
15645s they could have played that a lot more
15647s passively and what we're seeing here is
15649s just all Cleanup kills and what was one
15651s very very long stagger so once more we
15655s see the dance does pharah get
15657s eliminations or does Portugal kill the
15659s front line while Belgium waits for their
15662s pharah that airplane is gonna be going
15664s in once more here yeah I just want to
15667s see the EMP dive work again and again it
15669s doesn't matter which Target you go for
15670s as long as long as you all focus on the
15672s one I think it's gonna be difficult to
15674s try to get anyone up top not that the
15675s EMP can't get there but the follow-up is
15677s gonna be rough bumper Grammer out not
15679s enough to get rid of the honest still
15680s pressuring Club Nova in dangerous any
15682s help coming from Anova Brahma gets
15684s pushed out after the bio
15691s I think Ken might have gone slept it's
15694s possible we were watching the the Anna
15696s versus uh Tracer battle so
15699s um yeah hard to tell but now Portugal
15701s will take control again
15704s sometimes you just go on and be like
15706s would you like to be our anti-fucker I
15709s mean it is yeah it's deviously effective
15712s sometimes good peel there but really
15715s into it yeah maybe the question is the
15718s father gonna be there like it got a lot
15720s of people but Grandma fell immediately
15722s ego one went for a little bit of rock of
15725s Saka that gets punished in turn Belgium
15727s likes those trades it takes two alts and
15730s they're just gonna res it like that's
15732s that's not the value you want that's not
15733s a good trade no and Belgium easily hang
15736s back over to the point there's a finds
15738s logic's really nice hot play there but
15740s can Terror from the skies grabs Dizzle
15742s immediately off the barrage looking for
15745s the Winston and Portugal you know this
15748s fight's gone on for a long time portable
15750s has been keeping control of the point
15751s even while losing yeah
15755s I mean but they have invested alts just
15757s to hold on to the point
15759s um which is a little bit concerning like
15760s the Nano Tracer at the end is probably
15762s the one you want back uh because I mean
15764s is there a big difference between like
15766s 81 and 89 to 99 not really you still
15770s need that one single fight but 99 now
15773s pulse bomb ready I think they would like
15775s to have the Nano back is the only one I
15777s would uh really really kind of harp on
15779s but yeah Portugal a single fight away
15782s from winning Elios
15783s Portugal it's been a little bit quiet
15785s for Karama no that's huge pananova
15789s still has the bomb Belgium down a whole
15791s lot of healing Chapa uses Valkyrie early
15793s on just as a result yeah can they deny
15796s the res
15797s cue see Logics and shyra they get the
15800s Portugal back line they just find the
15802s opportunity and Portugal has their
15804s opportunity to perhaps slip away maybe
15805s Karama uses the pulse bomb but you
15807s almost question why
15810s yeah I mean it is gonna Force out the
15812s res so I guess it takes away a single
15814s life we are in final fight territory the
15816s big the ultimates to watch here are
15818s going to be EMP and then on the other
15821s side of things there's going to be a
15823s nano for Belgium
15824s also this this barrage is going to come
15826s up to Nano barrage might be the only way
15828s Ken lives through it but definitely can
15830s be a shutout type of ultimate benzo
15832s doesn't have banana time running out
15834s Logics goes down early
15838s gets punished
15840s in Portugal looking pretty good as this
15842s fight kicks off EMP used by clemenzo
15844s Logics res back up Logics still the
15846s opportunity to be the healer or hero
15848s here
15849s it's lamento just general pressure right
15851s now on the Sombra diesel goes down
15854s let's let Logics against any momentum
15857s yeah it is very back and forth It's 99
15860s to 99. it is a mess but it's one that
15862s Portugal looks at a slight Edge on right
15864s now
15866s into this so we just C9 it we denied it
15869s Belgium wins yeah a little bit
15872s unexpected they're winning the fight but
15874s the point uh a bit elusive at the end as
15877s it turns out yeah I mean I really
15879s thought it was going to be over when the
15881s the nanoed can and Ken got hacked
15883s immediately and then had to like hop his
15885s way through uh through that room and
15887s then got killed immediately I'm like oh
15889s well that's that's it right because they
15891s got Ken down there's no way you can res
15892s that the Nano is already used and then
15894s it just got sloppy from there I couldn't
15896s even tell you what happened there was a
15897s kill here it's kill there everyone's low
15899s everyone's diving in on each other
15900s didn't really work so
15902s um yeah I mean the fair Mercy has worked
15905s better for uh Belgium this time than it
15907s has worked for them previously obviously
15909s but uh I think these teams are just very
15912s evenly matched like I said both teams
15913s came into this without any match wins or
15915s map Wins part of that was luck of the
15917s draw they face two of the best teams uh
15919s that have gone um that are in group a so
15922s not necessarily their fault I also
15923s thought flamenzo did a much better job
15925s than yesterday day of cleaning up some
15927s of these emps and getting a little more
15928s value it wasn't a hundred percent uh
15931s what comes to mind is the time that he
15933s hacked Anna didn't kill the Anna then
15935s EMP Donna and didn't kill the Anna and
15937s then they forced like a nano in to try
15938s to do it and they still lost it so part
15941s of that and look it's still not the
15943s cleanest play from either of these
15945s squads so but I have seen some small
15948s measure of improvement when it comes to
15950s all usage important yeah I I think you
15953s nail it in terms of to talk about some
15954s of the improvements we've seen but the
15956s reality is both teams definitely have
15958s their flaws and they definitely express
15960s some weird ways and how some of these
15962s team fights panned out and especially
15963s the very final fight here on ilios where
15966s it was chaotic it was messy and then it
15969s ends with uh you know the old Charlie
15971s Niner with multiple members of Portugal
15973s still alive because you know Portugal
15975s could just could have stayed on the
15976s point it very well could have been their
15979s match so it's also just kind of a
15981s testament to how close this has been
15983s even if not close in the most
15984s conventional of ways yeah
15987s yeah I mean so you see there's yeah that
15990s was that was weird I'd have to go I mean
15991s some of those some of the c9s are always
15992s like you have to go back and really look
15994s at it and examine what happened there
15996s was someone recalling with someone off
15997s the point and the way like the the the
15999s point checks presence is weird too
16001s sometimes you're on it but it's not
16002s counting the tick you know there's
16004s there's coding that happens there but
16007s um overall like interesting map I still
16009s think that these teams are too uh evenly
16012s matched and just you know I'd like to
16014s see some some cleaner coordination out
16015s about these squads if if they have any
16017s hopes of maybe upsetting uh some of
16019s these teams later on
16021s yeah I mean this is kind of one of the
16023s things too where you want to talk about
16024s team morale right where you don't have
16027s any wins yet in the tournament and
16029s you're up against another team that also
16031s doesn't have any wins nothing is more
16033s devastating than real than losing that
16034s match right like so a lot on the line
16037s here for both of these teams and for
16038s nothing else just you know national
16040s pride alone but that is map one in the
16043s bag Belgium versus Portugal looking very
16046s evenly matched here so far well that
16048s remained the case join us after the
16050s break
16052s oh
16053s [Music]
16069s foreign
16076s [Music]
16104s wow
16108s [Music]
16137s thank you
16140s foreign
16141s [Music]
16175s [Music]
16250s thank you
16251s [Music]
16266s thank you
16271s you know you can win the fight sometimes
16273s but staying on the fight that can be
16275s elusive hex as Portugal just found out
16277s and map one versus Belgium both teams
16280s playing each other very very closely in
16283s a series where both teams are looking to
16284s pick up their first win
16298s ah yeah if you if you read lips then
16301s what I said was I my apologies I
16304s completely forgot
16305s um so it's nothing these are bad teams
16307s necessarily it's just that they had to
16308s play the best teams in the group so far
16310s so
16311s um interesting stuff from both of them I
16312s like I said it's an opportunity to clean
16314s some things up Belgium now at least has
16316s a map win in the tournament it's their
16318s first one uh both these teams are over
16320s coming through and yeah I mean so what's
16324s interesting is Portugal gets the next
16325s map and in their two previous losses
16327s Portugal has gone to both blizz world
16329s and
16330s um numbani now I don't know if you want
16332s to take Belgium to nambani because they
16334s do seem like they they prefer running a
16336s sky version like whether that be echo or
16339s pharah and that can be better on numbani
16340s than it is on Bliss world so we'll see
16342s we'll see where where uh where Portugal
16344s wants to go for their chance to pick up
16346s their first map of the tournament
16348s I feel like if you're Portugal yeah plus
16350s the world makes sense I mean yeah you
16352s can run afar here but you know
16354s oftentimes if teams are aerial incline
16356s they'll go Echo instead and I I feel
16358s like for uh Portugal you know the best
16361s look coming out from Belgium was the
16363s fire right so you try to go to a map
16365s where maybe that's not the absolute best
16367s pick you could do you know Force Ken
16369s onto a different hero and see where it
16371s goes
16373s yeah you know I I mean I think it works
16374s out I think that you know
16377s um you know for Portugal they seem to
16379s really want to run like Sombra Tracer
16381s seems like that's that's their bread and
16383s butter summer Tracer and then also ego
16385s on the the Winston
16386s um ego being a former Flex DPS player
16389s like I think Winston translates really
16391s well to people who are newish on tank a
16394s lot of it is just about like initiation
16397s um some of the higher level mechanics
16398s obviously of like you know bubble
16400s juggling and uh Primal juggling can can
16402s be more difficult to grasp but as far as
16405s just like knowing when to go and who to
16407s go on I think Flex DPS can pick that up
16409s a little quicker so I think that that's
16411s the composition that they're gonna
16412s prefer going forward and this map is
16414s just better for it than
16417s all right again in the blizzard World
16419s we'll see what Portugal has in store for
16422s their map
16424s definitely think everything we just
16425s talked about will play a role at least
16427s in terms of you know
16429s you know ifara get the value that we saw
16431s back on ilios because you stop and think
16433s about hex the non-far maps or rather
16436s than what not far around singular was
16439s what where uh Portugal just dominated it
16441s wasn't close it was a 100 zero on the
16444s Rune stage of ilios so yeah you see
16446s Portugal coming on yeah as you're
16448s talking about a lot of tracers Sombra
16449s dive inclination here and
16452s well Belgium well we'll see what they're
16454s actually playing when they go out of the
16455s gates believe nothing of what you see
16457s right now you mean we're not gonna see
16459s life Weaver actually you know what we
16461s are going to see life Weaver we're gonna
16462s see it on offense we're gonna see life
16464s Weaver put the
16466s um the lift up and Ken's gonna take a
16468s shot from it I mean it's it's the
16470s opening Gambit here it's like it's kind
16471s of like you know uh roadhog on Gibraltar
16474s you try the hook right away kind of
16475s thing this is this is the opening that
16477s happens all the time on Wizard World now
16480s it's the only reason you see uh life
16482s Weaver played at all
16484s yeah well
16485s well yeah life Weaver get played if a
16486s team really disrespects the other team
16488s right now where I think both the South
16491s Korea and USA have played it uh yeah
16493s unironically but it was also it matches
16495s well I mean it is clearly ironically
16497s it's not unironically at all actually
16498s yeah it was actually
16501s yeah well we're getting into it we got
16503s Cassidy Tracer for Belgium okay
16506s interesting some Cass
16508s um it seems like Canon Logics have like
16509s a very similar hero pool like when it
16511s comes to the ground Heroes at least
16514s um because Cass is also one of logics's
16516s best heroes
16519s a little spy check
16520s not only that but yeah just when in
16522s doubt fan hammer what's the worst that
16524s could happen as an under very heavy
16527s pressure he only died after bionic came
16529s on in yeah the only reason I I didn't
16532s love the name changes because I liked
16533s saying make right click you know make
16535s right click with a valid play style
16538s no that that is gone forever but we see
16541s Belgium you know quick early tank pick
16543s really gives him the Hedge here I think
16545s Portugal have a chance for Rika test but
16547s it already puts them in a pretty big
16549s hole here thus far yeah pretty easy
16552s Kimura actually caught in by Logic says
16554s he tries to recontest they are gonna
16555s throw bodies on at this point though so
16556s Portugal wants to come back in
16558s Portugal stand the point challenge right
16560s now they cannot leave the point for any
16562s reason they do get the reasons
16563s you see logic stands around looking for
16565s flamenzo Hall spawn built up finds
16568s flamenzo in the back as Portugal is
16570s looking beaten down right now
16573s at the bomb just as a finisher and
16576s that's a very quick point a for Belgium
16579s yeah I'm not I'm not certain I saw it
16580s right but I think logic's just kind of
16582s knew where that translocator was going
16583s to be so when flamenzo left logic was
16585s like waiting for him like that's the
16586s spot where they're gonna translocate
16587s because you usually you want to hunt
16589s near packs and translocate in your packs
16591s so obviously the good read on it there
16593s Belgium with a very very easy First Take
16598s Portugal they're gonna have some things
16600s look forward to here particularly on the
16602s ultimate side of things Karama can start
16604s things off here with the bomb EMP very
16607s close to being active
16608s right now we're looking at Ken's Cassidy
16610s here in the back line but for me it's
16613s all about the Portugal engage bomb from
16615s Karama strikes gets potted over you go
16617s right there on the can and for benzo use
16620s the MP in the back still gets caught by
16621s Shabba yeah
16623s you know even though they'd like to have
16625s the MP back the rest of that went pretty
16626s well for Portugal I mean that's that's a
16628s one fight I didn't see the exact timings
16630s of use it after the two kills and that's
16632s like just tragic uh to use it and then
16634s still die to the the Anna right in your
16635s face but very nice and this allows for
16638s Portugal to set up where they want to
16639s set up like kind of near this point hold
16641s this corner
16643s yeah I mean the problem that we're gonna
16644s run into here is that Belgium definitely
16646s has more Cults to just throw down but
16649s Nano coming up early here from Dizzle
16651s can punishes momentum immediately got
16654s caught ego though just walking forward
16656s off the Nano just lows down two and not
16658s just A2 the full support line gone so
16661s Portugal you gotta like how that worked
16664s out you're a fan yeah being able to give
16666s the supports then also like the
16667s wherewithal from ego right there to just
16669s block out the diva to keep his own
16671s supports alive
16672s a late Primal here but sure why not
16676s yeah I mean I think for Portugal it's
16678s just he Belgium back try and maintain
16680s defensive posture Belgium though is
16682s gonna be back up to a full five shortly
16684s and yeah we've been seeing pulse bomb
16686s set the momentum early in these fights I
16688s just gotta Wonder all right Logics is it
16690s your time to shine got a good pulse bomb
16692s back on point a
16694s well dizzle's all alone right now like
16696s it has to drop down because there's no
16698s peel there the field has come up late
16700s yeah Winston was uh off the break
16703s hindered
16704s Logics no Bob was used but still I'm not
16708s able to finish it
16710s um can I hear from Ken looking for
16711s anything any happy little skulls I could
16714s be available
16717s and yeah not it's kind of a sad uh done
16721s but you can't always expect to get value
16722s from it either I don't think you can
16724s ever expect to get value I think you're
16725s always surprised when you get value out
16727s of Jedi yeah
16729s space control more than anything else I
16732s mean zoning data used to be a joke but
16734s it's now actually like the best use of
16736s it
16738s oh Portugal's done a really good job of
16740s just making this into like a very very
16742s long like sometimes back and forth fight
16744s but Belgium essentially has been stuck
16747s after getting point a they have not been
16749s able to get any consistent momentum
16750s going and next fight I'm not sure it's
16753s really gonna change things we got to
16754s push through katsune
16757s yeah we'll see I mean Portugal's uh done
16759s a pretty good job like just kind of
16760s playing all over the place there's
16761s always somebody somewhere and a lot of
16763s that is like the Tracer and Winston have
16765s been on a kind of a hammer and Anvil
16767s kind of uh axis here where the tracer's
16769s behind on one side they turn around now
16771s the Winston's there then the Tracer
16772s comes back and it's been really decent
16774s coordination between ego and Karama
16775s flamenzo really is going same for the MP
16778s here Belgium all together EMP comes in
16781s hits three and part of Nova is instantly
16783s removed from the fight a very clean
16786s follow-up of that EMP by Portugal yeah a
16789s long wait to get to that EMP
16791s um it's been a while it's been a rough
16793s couple of minutes for flamenzo but it
16794s does come to fruition there and now
16796s we're gonna be about like a buck 10 left
16798s by the time that Belgium is able to push
16800s again get scouting information for
16802s flamenzo
16804s yeah not really a lot of time left for
16806s Belgium to get things going it's been a
16809s sluggish they're gonna they're gonna
16810s both support ultimates though they
16811s should win this next fight
16814s the issue for Belgium is that they're
16815s likely gonna need two bomb comes out
16817s Noble Nation off that logic still has
16819s his reservemento goes down Belgium's
16822s trying this off very clear the job gets
16824s caught Karama got to the back line you
16826s go one out Ken looking for a little bit
16829s more but Karama still the threats in the
16831s back the upside for Belgium though the
16833s ego one down they are going to get
16834s significant payload progresses Logics
16836s gets both supports that's massive that's
16839s the one they needed because Belgium just
16840s ended up using both of their support
16842s ultimates they had to Nano the brig just
16844s to keep brick alive and then Brig got
16845s the rally so Belgium with a good
16847s fighting Power there but it was going to
16849s be a Recon test if not for that pulse
16851s bomb now I think like maybe you dance
16853s around and hopefully because the spawns
16855s are so close from Portugal that
16857s everyone's back alive I mean if Portugal
16859s could stay on the point there is a
16860s potential Dwayne
16862s really early on Deadeye comes out
16866s Portugal keep this delayed it's gonna be
16868s hard they needed some pickup they almost
16870s got logics you look towards Karma right
16873s now 95 close to pulse ball this could be
16875s a massive pulse bomb coming up if the
16877s rest reports are gonna delayed Karama
16878s pulse bomb ready to go looks for it no
16880s doesn't get anything ego one down
16883s in Belgium gonna get point B
16886s yeah the cleanup there um everyone will
16888s go down eventually so I mean it does
16891s come back that logic's bomb right so to
16893s be able to clean that up then it really
16895s put Portugal on the back foot not to be
16896s in position to uh recontest properly not
16900s the way they wanted they had to kind of
16901s piecemeal it out with their spawns and
16902s then once the fight was over you know
16904s they just got bad spawn so I ended up
16905s having to get cleaned up there
16908s um so yeah Belgium with only a minute
16910s left gonna have to be Flawless if they
16911s want to finish up the map
16913s yeah I mean one minute left for blizzard
16915s World Point scene not the greatest also
16917s not great when you lose your Cassidy
16919s that early into the fight
16921s Belgium
16922s now ideally just wants to get a quick
16924s disengage not really lose anyone else
16926s Portugal meanwhile looking for staggers
16928s just moving forward pretty nice Retreat
16931s though from Belgium here because they
16932s don't lose anyone else they got Ken back
16933s into the frame they still got 38 seconds
16935s to work with yeah way to get back there
16937s I mean that was really important it
16939s looked like there was gonna be a
16941s but a nice sleep against everyone yeah
16944s that EMP fall through is super clean
16946s they get two off of it right away
16949s but it's almost two Kleenex like it's
16952s one of those like weird conductors
16953s OverWatch where you win a fight so
16955s cleanly that the other team well does it
16957s get staggered and they do get to come
16959s back in as five before time is up and so
16960s I mean so far for this matchup it's the
16962s first like clean fight we've seen so I
16964s think that's what you're just surprised
16965s by it oh that's also true that stuff
16968s takes down Ken early on Belgium stuck
16972s with the 4v5 as we go into overtime
16975s shyra just gets melted on the cards as
16978s we see Portugal trying to be methodical
16980s here bomb up from Karama looks for it
16982s gets it onto Shabba Logics gets fizzled
16986s but I don't know if much more is around
16988s as the Nano guys
16990s there but the rest of his team just
16993s falling all around him logic now Nano is
16995s gone gets flamenzo yeah I think I think
16997s they're fine yeah they can responds are
16999s gonna come back in a moment here too
17000s logic's surely not another looking
17003s forward backs off really nice stuff from
17006s Logix there uh back against the wall
17008s yeah I mean at the very least it's gonna
17010s get more progress and every inch can be
17012s precious here Ken is going to go to the
17013s soldier and what a great spot for the
17014s soldier in here actually
17018s let's see if we'll take The High Ground
17019s pretty quick build to the overclock at
17022s the same time and though here on the top
17024s looking to build a railgun shot sooner
17027s rather than later drama pressuring the
17029s back logic's super close to bomb here
17032s gets lamento builds the bomb sends the
17034s bomb gets fizzled a huge play by Logics
17037s the old one two got the alt build got
17040s the stick but Karama got to the back
17042s line got rid of Shabba Shira eats the
17045s pulse bomb for Belgium a huge play by
17047s Shire at the end overtime ticks down as
17050s Belgium getting gets it in that's huge
17053s flamenzo had the EMP to like I don't
17057s know for as good as a couple of these
17058s emps were this was another one of those
17060s rounds for flamenzo they didn't like
17062s flemen's bro like dude it died so often
17065s and then dying it inopportune times
17067s there was just I mean the the the
17069s inconsistency from this Sombra has been
17071s absolutely brutal you see like when they
17074s are coordinating with these emps like
17076s there's been like on point B e and point
17079s um C they were really clean EMP
17082s engagements like super clean it was
17084s surprisingly clean hex it's been it's
17086s been an age-old story of when it's good
17088s it's good when it's bad it's bad and I
17090s mean that's applied to a lot of things
17091s where you know I think of what we saw
17093s from Logics over the course of the map
17095s normally when a tracer is playing at a
17097s really high level it's just a consistent
17099s High burn of you know pick-offs pressure
17101s bomb right it felt like Logics would
17105s have moments of just absolute domination
17107s and then would disappear for a while
17109s then absolute domination and disappear
17111s but definitely ended the map on a very
17114s high point with the build kill into bomb
17117s I mean you can't expect anything better
17119s yeah I mean I think if I'm Portugal like
17122s maybe I stopped looking for big emps and
17124s like it just it's Gotta almost be like a
17126s Moira play like if you get EMP dude just
17128s fire it just tell us where you are and
17129s fire it like trying to wait for these
17131s setups has cost Portugal a couple of
17133s fights because flamenzo ends up getting
17135s caught out I mean give Belgium some
17136s credit they're doing good job spy
17137s checking like especially diva is like a
17139s great spy check tank um so flamenzo
17141s hasn't felt comfortable setting up but I
17144s mean there's the amount of times dying
17146s with EMP it simply can't happen it just
17148s can't
17149s well we got Portugal on the attack now
17151s Belgium can feel pretty confident
17153s completing blizzard world is not the
17155s easiest
17157s to see the long Sombra set up here where
17159s you know people do check for sombres
17161s back here it's not as free as it used
17162s Logics is checking yeah logic is
17164s checking main pack room Logics is also
17167s getting captive pressured here by both
17168s the pressure of the Sombra but solid
17170s pressure coming was able to get away
17172s from a meanwhile still looking for
17174s Logics right now the the two for one
17176s here in the back still pressuring Logics
17178s meanwhile
17179s we have pressure coming in from the
17181s front ego versus Chiron as both teams
17184s are about to consolidate right here on
17186s the point Portugal looking push the
17188s issue nice bionade on the both Ken and
17190s Shabba
17191s project Stone finds Karama and Belgium
17193s just holds fast
17195s so yeah I mean I'm gonna say something
17197s that you wouldn't expect I really like
17198s the tour pick here actually
17201s um because like you know the the players
17203s from Portugal that have had the biggest
17204s impact have been like Karama and then
17206s obviously it makes flamenzo's job even
17208s that much more difficult right to try to
17210s get hacks going without taking too much
17212s damage it also like kind of points out
17214s where the the somber is so it's it's
17216s just another layer of junk that Karama
17219s and flamenzo have to deal with as they
17221s go through so like I like it also you
17224s can protect it with the brig Shield I
17226s mean essentially it adds another
17227s obstacle to the chorus that you have to
17229s worry about right Ken yeah it attacked
17230s early on a nice little rivet till the
17233s head of flamenzo that's always a risk
17235s too you know you associate that more
17236s with pain but uh you know if the ice has
17238s some bite so does the fire as it just
17241s comes in from the back making torb look
17244s nice right now yeah I mean if you can
17247s play it like 100 accuracy if you could
17249s pick any hero with like main gun to pick
17250s 100 accuracy tort might be up there like
17252s the the amount of damage that headshots
17254s do it's just that they're such a weird
17256s projectile as far as like travel speed
17258s and Arc then it's really hard to master
17261s but if you end up playing against a torb
17263s who's good with their primary fire
17264s especially like secondary fire is good
17266s it's a little roadhog gun
17268s um but primary fire can absolutely ruin
17270s your day yeah I mean it's one of those
17272s Heroes that at times can be sneaky good
17274s you just don't see as much of it as
17277s you'd expect but Belgium good the gun
17280s the next fight let's say that bomb from
17281s Karama takes on Shabba and can
17283s immediately get a molten core make an
17285s even bigger obstacle course here the
17287s floor is lava yeah Ken though Falls
17290s flamenzo two arrows
17294s it's a good swap in general here from
17296s Portugal and Belgium is in a rough start
17299s and really it comes down to that bombful
17300s crumb to kick things off you lose your
17302s armor that early and makes things so
17304s difficult but Belgium they are gonna
17305s recontest here they open with the rally
17307s bomb comes out from Logics no
17309s elimination
17310s Portugal still does not have this point
17313s with a minute left to go
17319s massive
17321s that throws Portugal back Belgium just
17324s one team fight away from getting their
17327s first match win here in the OverWatch
17330s World Cup
17331s yeah I mean wow I I guess it landed kind
17334s of on the top of the Hut there uh throws
17337s people off I thought it was almost like
17339s too high you know I didn't think it was
17341s going to get much there but remix yeah I
17343s gotta well yeah can switch to the legs
17345s after his last death uh on torb mostly
17348s to get back to the fight I think there's
17349s probably a hero that they'd prefer but
17351s I'm always down to see Soldier but
17353s Menzel's gonna have dragon momentarily
17355s you can you could definitely you need to
17357s stay alive so you can clear off top with
17358s dragon right now I look towards Belgium
17361s has it in reserved Shabba or is it gonna
17363s go on logic he's already down as Karama
17365s gets the stick banana went off on the
17367s Ken beforehand but this is gonna be so
17369s tough for Belgium to hold on to poda
17371s Nova is down everything going right for
17374s Portugal when it needs to three seconds
17376s left to go they get point a and they get
17378s to live for an attempt on point B
17380s yeah I mean the Hanzo is so good on this
17383s map um especially point a is really good
17385s and the dragon can be good but also just
17387s check a tracer like Tracer does not feel
17390s good to play against the Hanzo
17391s especially with storm Arrow like it gets
17393s brutal picture in picture of the same
17395s thing so let's check it out twice
17396s actually we get back to the cart
17398s um we called up the winds cams by the
17400s way you go back forward up in time it's
17402s the official winscan that's all you
17404s gotta know yeah but uh well benzo here
17408s with a little bit of poking on the top
17412s Portugal I want you to keep in mind them
17414s they get Logics down early it's a big
17416s start more pressure on the can to get
17418s something untizzled though up by shot
17420s around 4v4
17422s minute 45 left here for Portugal and
17424s they just need to keep the payload
17426s moving the entire time here x they have
17428s no room to just go for the fight only
17431s instrumental caught by Belgium that
17433s could be big
17436s yeah I mean it's actually pretty
17438s enormous no one is on the payload at the
17440s moment either
17441s I kind of need every little free bit you
17443s can take
17446s and Belgium's gonna have self-destruct
17447s uh again so let's see if shark can land
17450s another Shara has another sneaky Diva
17452s bomb set up both teams 5v5 Kitsune
17455s opening up here from Portugal as they
17456s look to stay alive I don't know about
17458s getting pressured really heavily Belgium
17460s in general not healthy at all right now
17462s but they are able to disengage give a
17464s little bit more help in them and Under
17465s Pressure goes down the Kunis and the
17468s arrows finish him on off Belgium still
17470s some options here four left bomb up from
17473s shyra will be big once more the
17475s explosion no
17479s as Logics takes him down
17483s Belgium the fight on back here
17485s Logics moving on in gets dizzled the end
17487s of part of Nova now looking for the
17489s Lucio gets the melee and Belgium hanging
17492s on Portugal gonna have one fight left
17496s yeah I want to fight gonna have to
17497s completely reset only 30 seconds left
17499s they are going to be able to come in
17500s with Annihilation if they want to play
17501s around the the payload so Annihilation
17504s and beat obviously they have a pretty
17506s strong ultimate Advantage here as
17507s Belgium blew everything that they had
17509s can is gonna be ambitious maybe Hideaway
17513s and hope for a dead eye kill
17515s I mean that I could get value here where
17518s mantra's not the best at deflecting it
17520s yeah I mean it's not the worst option
17522s Deadeye comes up
17525s thinking and looking just
17527s one get popped here at the very least I
17528s have to stay back
17529s Jedi Fades Portugal
17532s looking to keep the series alive moves
17534s forward they open with the beat yeah
17537s early beat coming on out rolling forward
17540s Belgium though still pretty healthy
17541s Logics close to a post bomb again and
17543s could be the game winner 98 drama pulse
17546s bomb comes out first gets pumped into
17547s all the Logics do you have a response
17549s post on that from Logix no no
17551s elimination off that
17553s as Portugal desperately hanging on
17555s flamenzo at like what HP Portugal still
17558s healthy flamenzo finds Logics at the
17561s cost of his life drama though counters
17563s Portugal Kitsune in overtime still X but
17567s it looks like they might be forcing
17569s Point c yeah they will have it and they
17572s will pull it off at the end I think like
17573s it was it was smart from Ken to try to
17575s get the zone out there but eventually I
17577s mean Portugal was actually about a nano
17580s second away from not touching the
17581s payloading overtime very very very close
17584s but they're able to pull it off 114.
17587s again we talked about it when Belgium
17589s was pushing point C uh Portugal is going
17591s to have to be pretty perfect here and
17593s that is not the beginning of perfect
17596s however the payload will continue to
17598s push
17599s it was a nice angle on the PA well
17601s picture in picture one thing that uh
17603s Belgium doesn't have to worry about if
17604s Portugal does complete the map they will
17606s get an attack of their own Portugal will
17608s not be doing this with a time bank over
17609s one minute if they do it at all
17612s Ken in the back looking for Arrow shyra
17615s finds flamenzo
17617s huge pickoffs here for Belgium as they
17619s just need the delay for 40 more seconds
17621s shyra just push it Forward yeah well
17625s shot is here now that's what matters
17627s I absolutely and like to be able to hold
17630s on to the self-destruct you're going to
17631s be able to like completely negate any
17633s push on the car you almost want to hold
17635s it till the very end and the only thing
17637s that can stop it would be ego using um
17639s one of the Shields and then everyone may
17640s be backing out with ellucio but Portugal
17642s does have a lot in their kit if they can
17644s just sustain uh the dragon may be to
17646s open things up if they feel like they
17648s need to get Space onto the payload
17650s um and then I they're gonna have an
17652s Annihilation too if they play it right
17654s don't die
17661s Portugal Belgium or up flamenzo gets
17665s caught by Shira Shira continues to lay
17667s it on
17669s charo's off the Nano here how's the bomb
17671s in reserve gets Ron FD with the eight of
17675s head shyra the rock that cannot be moved
17677s right now bomb up to the point
17680s by Annihilation Portugal not done just
17682s yet overtime push underway as Belgium
17686s does get pushed back eventually here so
17688s it's all coming down to this final fight
17690s I got news free hex Logics has the bomb
17692s yeah it's the only ultimate on the field
17694s they're gonna have to fight it in the
17696s neutral but Portugal is about to have
17697s Kitsune Rush which it can be a great
17699s closeout alt right down this straight
17700s pathway towards the box of Victory
17702s Logics can you do it again you did it
17704s last round has the bomb going in from
17707s the back the Kitsune about to go out
17708s bomb out no does not connect Portugal
17711s still in the katsune looking for the
17714s all-born first kill Ken finds Karama
17716s Karama Dizzle both down Portugal losing
17720s two members early and Belgium might just
17723s hold this off they get the last few they
17726s take the map and they take the series
17728s yeah just barely Ken comes in clutch
17730s there towards the end a lot of
17732s interesting plays there I mean I I we I
17734s don't think we said shira's name at all
17736s in the last couple of times that I you
17738s know we've seen team Portugal but really
17740s turned it on at the end end there on the
17741s diva getting a lot of boosts
17743s um Karama had this great play where he's
17745s pressuring down the Anna and misses the
17747s pulse bomb but like oh like oh that's
17749s bad then all of a sudden he kills Logics
17751s in the kill feed like uh like how did
17753s that happen immediately so I mean there
17754s are still some good bright spots from
17756s Team Portugal unfortunately the results
17758s are just not there for them they haven't
17760s been able to clean it up there are a few
17762s things that they need to work on still
17764s like I said like the Sombra play has
17765s been inconsistent when it's good it's
17768s almost perfect when it's bad it's
17769s brutally bad uh but team Belgium getting
17771s on the board two map wins and a match
17773s win for them they knock the goose eggs
17775s off the board yeah and I think if you're
17777s a team Portugal your biggest regret of
17779s the entire series is the ending the
17781s ilios right where you had four people
17783s still alive yet none of them could find
17785s the point because you were in a winning
17787s fight like Portugal could have won that
17789s map that movie going the map three but
17790s hey you know that's an if it wasn't to
17793s be in Belgium they get two maps and
17795s their first win on the board and yeah
17798s it was a Karama Paul highlight from
17801s Ken's POV that's beautiful I love that
17804s um yeah so I mean these two teams pretty
17806s evenly matched I think there was just a
17808s little bit of a consistent like as
17810s inconsistent as Belgium's damage dealers
17813s have been it was almost like a little
17814s bit even worse for for Portugal uh so
17817s yeah like Canon Logics had bigger you
17820s know enormous moments and then it still
17822s really need to clean up the the uh the
17825s somber play like it's like you see right
17827s here
17828s this should be a defense for Portugal
17830s but they lose their summer
17832s yeah I mean I
17835s could find both these teams the varying
17836s degrees is just you know the
17838s inconsistency right it's not that
17840s it's a good plays you did see good plays
17841s from both teams on various different
17843s points it just you didn't see it all the
17846s time in the way that our very top teams
17848s have determined so far generally put out
17853s yeah I mean a pretty fun match though uh
17855s definitely evenly matched and good to
17858s see from both squads to put on
17860s a better performance against a more
17863s evenly matched opponent like I said
17864s coming into this when I was mentioning
17866s the records of like 0-2013
17869s it's because they've been facing off
17870s against the best teams in the group
17872s um so
17873s very unlikely that either of these teams
17875s makes it out a group but I think like
17877s based on the the Peaks and valleys we've
17879s seen like this these could be squads
17882s that like take a map off somebody make
17883s somebody nervous here and there like
17885s there there is that potential like if
17887s this Portugal team cleans up like if
17890s they get EMP fights like we've seen them
17892s get consistently they could beat a team
17894s and they could upset somebody uh Belgium
17896s has the the damage talent to beat a team
17898s and upset somebody right so I think both
17901s of these teams looking forward probably
17902s not coming out of group but they could
17904s ruin some people's days which I would
17906s like to see it well that's a fun thing
17907s right uh in any sort of sporting
17909s entertainment is that uh even if you get
17911s to a point where it's like okay it's not
17912s likely that we're going to advance in
17914s the tournament you can still have all
17916s the fun and joy of just tanking someone
17918s else's chances by playing well on a
17919s given day so uh there's always something
17921s to play for regardless of where your
17923s standings may be
17926s yeah absolutely uh fun stuff and I think
17929s how many more matches do we have today
17930s two we got we got two more and in fact
17932s you won't have to wait long because
17933s coming up next it's gonna be Spain
17935s taking on Italy
17940s [Music]
17956s foreign
17962s [Music]
17967s [Music]
17986s [Music]
18015s [Music]
18035s [Music]
18036s thank you
18038s [Applause]
18043s [Music]
18051s thank you
18054s [Music]
18068s [Music]
18095s [Music]
18107s thank you
18110s foreign
18113s [Applause]
18114s [Music]
18131s [Music]
18155s laughs
18157s welcome back to the 2023 OverWatch World
18160s Cup online qualifiers I'm your host Jim
18161s Basco and of course I'm joined by zpn
18163s hex host a tumultuous match between
18166s Belgium and Portugal zp walk us through
18168s the recap of what just happened there
18169s while the recap of what just happened is
18171s that you look at the first map and you
18173s get the Stark reminder of the objective
18175s matters a lot in OverWatch it's
18177s something that Portugal will be uh
18179s regretting for a while I think as math
18180s one kind of slipped away from them uh in
18183s the truest form of a Charlie Niner but
18185s overall in the course of the series both
18187s teams had their strengths and weaknesses
18189s and we saw the return of reasons why you
18191s should thank Mr Logics from Belgium
18193s particularly on blizzard world where you
18196s know it wasn't constant throughout the
18198s map but when Belgium needed a hero
18200s Tracer play most Logics was there brings
18203s a tear to my eye when the world needed a
18205s hero Logics was there thank you Mr
18208s Logics indeed all right let's take a
18210s look at the schedule real quick and take
18211s a look ahead of the matches that we've
18213s got still for you today in day four it's
18215s the end of the first week and we've got
18217s Spain versus Italy still to come rounded
18219s out by Denmark versus France of course
18223s one of these matches is not like the
18226s other in my books here hex you want to
18229s talk to us about why that maybe
18232s well I mean Denmark France is going to
18233s be like the Marquee matchup of the day
18235s right so it's it's the one we're looking
18237s forward to both these teams are expected
18239s to come out of the group
18241s um and yeah so stick around make sure
18243s you set an alarm tune in for that one if
18245s we got plenty to say about that France
18246s so far undefeated Denmark beat uh Great
18249s Britain earlier so that is the one to
18251s really set up the top of group a uh
18253s going forward into Spain and Italy I'm
18255s actually really looking forward to what
18256s Spain can do because like Spain is
18257s undefeated so far Spain Spain is 2-0 uh
18260s they recently beat Belgium
18262s um and yeah maybe that was an upset
18264s maybe it wasn't but like what I like
18266s about Spain and watching their the
18267s previous mattresses they look really
18269s coordinated even even in the small stuff
18271s like that the hacks into pulse bombs
18273s like there's just a lot of small things
18275s that they do and they look really
18276s coordinated they show some personality
18278s on that Squad with hell
18280s um you know kind of typing a little bit
18281s kind of doing a little tactical
18283s crouching here and there
18285s um so yeah it could be a good matchup I
18287s would expect Spain based on what I've
18289s seen to be able to pull it off Italy
18291s hasn't won a map so far but they had to
18292s play France and Netherlands like I think
18294s it's really important to give context
18295s when we talk about these teams not
18296s wanting a match or a map it's like who
18298s have you played
18299s um so they they have a couple players
18301s who will run interesting things like
18302s Andrew Wolverine interesting tanks so it
18305s could be a good matchup but it's a
18306s matchup that I expect Spain to win and
18308s continue to be undefeated in groups
18310s actually at 3-0 yeah we're gonna have to
18312s see how this one shakes out as we
18313s mentioned before this is a two week long
18315s event and if we are at the end of week
18318s one here with just two matches ahead of
18319s us that being said we'll be back next
18322s week Thursday Friday Saturday and Sunday
18323s to find out the top three of group a the
18326s top two of Group B those five will be
18327s moving on to the main event so with a
18330s lot at stake here hex CP I leave you all
18332s to it and I'll see you guys on the other
18333s side
18334s alrighty well now we head on in here hex
18338s and yeah I mean going in here this on
18341s paper feels like Spain's match to lose
18343s Spain has come out way more impressive
18346s than expected and you know if there was
18348s a dark horse in this group probably
18350s would be Spain also well while it's on
18352s my mind and it just it always throws me
18355s anytime you say Andrew we're talking
18357s about the player like I just think back
18359s to like deep conversations with had over
18361s the years that if you're making a really
18362s like big Point uh you know off broadcast
18364s you'll usually with like Andrew like you
18367s know it's kind of those things where
18368s it's like let me use the formal name
18369s here so every time you say Andrew's like
18371s wait what's going on yeah when you say
18373s the full first name or the first and
18375s middle name you know that yeah you're in
18376s trouble so here here's this uh the Spain
18379s Squad
18380s um like I said Health has just shown up
18382s really really big it's been like a
18385s really fun tank to watch it seems like
18386s they want to run mostly the Reinhardt
18388s Elven Reinhardt has been Ultra
18390s aggressive and super fun to watch uh
18392s Lauren is display I think hero was the
18394s one who ended up playing Widow for this
18395s squad and then just like a three piece
18397s out of spawn
18399s um on circuit Royale uh against Belgium
18402s I believe and just looking really solid
18404s so some good players but overall it's
18406s kind of like what I what I said in our
18408s first match like the the some of the
18409s parts
18410s um is is greater as a so it's it's been
18414s really really good to watch them as a
18416s team the coordination has been there
18418s it's it's been a good squad to watch
18419s yeah and I mean a name that I look at
18422s here it's like not just the attitude
18423s hell is shown but Kira has also been
18425s very very impressive DPS wise like I
18428s look at here and go all right uh I see
18430s why Spain is doing so well but now to
18432s the other side we look at Italy and
18435s you know again it's been a little bit
18437s rough uh for Italy to say the least and
18439s I don't know if today makes it
18442s particularly better but you know I feel
18444s like we've said that for other teams and
18446s we've been surprised so Italy I simply
18448s say surprise me yeah I mean so like
18451s because Micon just got added to the team
18454s um at the very beginning of the
18455s tournament I think it was at like after
18457s day one of the tournaments of trying to
18458s integrate a new support player uh for
18461s this squad uh you you can know I think
18463s if I recall correctly had a moment or
18465s two that I really liked and then the
18467s question with Italy is which tank are
18468s they gonna play they've got two
18469s different tanks uh Rajan I think will
18471s play like the Reinhardt on the ground
18473s kind of one of those um types and then
18475s the last I saw Andrew was playing I want
18477s to say it all in orisa maybe the diva so
18480s they do have some versatility on tank if
18482s they want to go with it but this is
18483s going to be the lineup they start with
18485s and you know I I think back to I think
18488s it was Italy that was doing uh some
18490s Shenanigans right with uh teleporting
18492s from Ryan with uh rajyan going to the
18494s back going for a shatter that sort of
18495s stuff so you know yeah also Spain yeah
18498s yeah actually both teams and they go
18500s into that well uh you know no pun
18502s intended as we go to ilios so
18504s yeah so I mean again we'll learn more
18506s about these teams as we go forward Spain
18508s like
18509s you know you can only beat the teams in
18511s front of you so I I think it's it's been
18514s pretty impressive what they've done
18516s um as they beat the Netherlands 2-1
18519s um they beat Belgium two to zero so I
18523s don't think many people had like Spain
18524s going undefeated in the first three
18526s matches on their bingo card but you know
18528s they're beating the teams in front of
18530s them I think like you know if you looked
18532s at it before you saw this team play you
18534s would say both of those are upsets
18537s all right well we get to see what both
18540s these teams are made of here
18542s Spain versus Italy and if you're on the
18545s Spain hype train right now you're
18547s looking at this and the biggest
18548s Benchmark of a team being good is your
18550s ability to unrelentingly crush a weaker
18553s team like that is one of the key things
18554s we've seen in OverWatch and honestly in
18556s most games right is that you know if you
18559s struggle against a weaker team you may
18561s not have the consistency you need
18562s against a top level team but if Spain
18564s comes in here and demolishes Italy it
18567s builds the narrative for Spain to place
18569s spoiler to some of the other teams in
18571s the group that we see is quite strong
18572s right now yeah I mean I think when I
18575s look at these teams and going back to
18576s last match now this match I'm really
18578s just trying to gauge like coordination
18580s because I think coordination can beat
18581s out
18582s um almost anything else like even if
18584s you're overpowered maybe just pure
18586s mechanic talent wise if your
18587s coordination is good then you're solid
18589s so I want to see it especially both
18591s teams running a somewhat mirrored dive
18593s different support lines though
18595s all right let's take a look at Hell's
18597s Point of View we kick things off here
18599s for Spain era working the back on tracer
18603s both teams fill each other out a lot of
18605s poke going on the razion early on you
18607s see Italy just the health bar is going
18609s down they say that's Spain being pretty
18611s low Gala and Canal looked low for just a
18613s moment neither team down a player here
18616s just yet the point is unlocked though
18618s you see the hack and the pressure coming
18620s Fast and Furious for help he's just
18622s barely able to LEAP away but while that
18624s goes on Italy gets first control from
18627s that tank pressure yeah it does seem
18629s like not the right comms there as like
18631s the the point opened up and help is like
18633s I'm gonna go get the points and then use
18635s the only one who went there
18637s um in Italy just uh collapsed upon them
18639s but nice cleanup now as uh Spain will
18642s draw First Blood
18648s in particular it's really hard to go
18651s into contest like you look at how small
18652s the point is relative to say like well
18654s you don't have a lot of ways of being
18656s sneaky and staying on and you just kind
18658s of yeah you give it up but not the worst
18660s opening for it at least still 27 on the
18661s point yeah yeah I mean you take those uh
18663s not too bad I mean a couple of late
18665s deaths though so it's going to be a
18666s second before Italy is at full fighting
18668s force yet again
18670s um very even somber battle so far uh so
18673s this is going to be a really interesting
18674s EMP timing I'd like when teams are
18677s aggressive with it like the faster you
18678s use it the faster you can get another
18679s EMP so it's gonna be interesting between
18682s Lauren and yukino you can know very low
18684s yukino is super super low right now and
18688s Chimera gets caught the pulse bomb on
18690s another Tracer here with no respect or
18693s chill whatsoever the kick things off
18696s hell mind spray at the end and Italy
18699s gonna go back to the drawing board as
18701s Spain adds on to their lead back to the
18704s drawing board too and Spain's able to
18706s win that fight very cleanly a couple of
18707s late kills from hero hero is like the
18710s the big carry damage player I want to
18712s say for Spain based on the few matches
18714s I've seen from them so if looking very
18715s strong again we are still into which
18717s somber gets better value here
18720s yeah I mean the EMP for CMP is huge in
18723s the next fight I mean Spain is working
18725s with a little bit of a buffer but Lauren
18727s drops the EMP Under Pressure here
18729s follows through gets Mike and grazion
18732s down right away and this combination
18735s between Lauren and hero we called it out
18737s last time for being really strong and
18739s today it continues to be strong strong
18741s it's just really good reinforcements
18743s because it looked like Lauren was forced
18744s into that like got caught out and
18746s necessarily wasn't the spot but to just
18749s be like I'm using and then everyone's
18750s there to back it up like it's really
18752s back up each other's play and I said
18754s that when we first talked Spain like you
18756s can almost see the comms working for
18758s this game like that's how coordinated
18759s some of the stuff is also this is a free
18761s fight for Spain if you're Spain I don't
18762s think they need to spend anything here
18763s if you lose it so be it you know the
18765s other team is coming in to spend their
18767s entire alt bank and EMP pulse bomb used
18769s the the only thing about that though
18771s Italy didn't have to use that much they
18773s got held so early into the fight they
18775s were able to hold katsuna and beat
18776s that's actually massive economy-wise
18779s yeah they're gonna have actually a
18780s little bit better going forward as both
18783s the supports but the X Factor could be
18785s heroes Hero's been a tear-on of the back
18787s line and nearing a pulse bomb so while
18789s they have both support ultimates now
18790s maybe one of them gets forced out maybe
18792s one of them dies with arms I think one
18794s of them could be the situation as your
18796s elbow opens up with the Primal
18798s disruption of the way hack onto phrase
18800s Frank gonna die before katsune no Frey
18803s gets away drops a consume B oh no the
18806s beat came out but no one heard the music
18807s X
18809s singing to the fishes as Mike and drops
18813s the beat but gets primals off of The
18815s Edge the biggest Ajax Of All Times up
18819s over the top uh rumor rumor is he's
18822s still falling to this day the long
18824s goodbye Ajax Edition
18829s I'm sorry to laugh but that's you know
18832s OverWatch is a great game when stuff
18834s like that happens you hear the beat drop
18836s and then Lucio's locked in that beat
18838s animation and then just
18841s [Music]
18843s plunk into the water
18845s ah pretty good
18847s pretty good yeah you know there's losing
18850s and there's losing with comedy and you
18853s know what I respect that from Italy as
18856s uh both teams being good sports about in
18858s the chat uh that's fun but here we go
18861s hex we're in to the well no one's been I
18864s don't know if anyone's really been
18865s pushed into the well today at least we
18867s haven't I've not seen it yet now trust
18869s me I will tell you when I see them
18871s I know it is a favorite but here we go
18873s space
18875s over Sombra Tracer the somber Tracer uh
18879s key Point difference though in uh kiriko
18881s one side break on the other
18884s Persona
18887s opening hacks here
18890s right right on solo region is just
18893s melted that was that was ridiculous here
18897s and Lauren just laid into the Winston
18899s and never stopped after the hack and
18902s again losing a tank early tough you can
18904s delay a little bit better here on well
18906s without a tank but that early you just
18908s let it go yeah just it's just brutal
18910s when you see Spain just take inches and
18912s inches after that uh moving right
18914s forward and the other team just doesn't
18915s have the bodies to contest it
18919s all right so Spain first control you
18922s Kino the dive massive
18925s Kira help and Lauren just assassinated
18929s yukino super quickly there kibera though
18932s trying to make Health pay for it really
18933s good Tracer damage to the back whole
18935s spawn built up you gotta think it's
18936s going to be on a break Chimera knows
18938s both are there but here comes the
18940s support and uh Carey goes please kill
18942s back where's the health pack what do I
18944s do who took it oh no yeah and just like
18947s the comms to call out where somebody is
18949s too I mean it's small but that that Emma
18952s was alone for a second then Brig comes
18954s in to help then the somber comes in to
18955s help and then they they bully the Tracer
18957s out Chris is looking for pack and the
18958s other Teresa goes get it like it's just
18960s these small things that Spain does I
18962s mean it's it's the reason they're gonna
18963s defeated so far your uh pulse Bob stick
18965s a boom
18967s Kino in the back you know my look at
18970s that shift down or just decided not
18971s worth it in any case hell going in for a
18975s little bit extra stacker here of finds
18977s rajion and this might be getting worse
18979s before it gets better as Spain is
18981s feeling their groove
18984s there's an execution onto the reaper
18986s again lore accurate based on the first
18989s cinematic
18990s um
18991s yeah I mean Italy's in a really rough
18993s spot right now a big nade comes into on
18995s the other side of things so Italy's
18996s gonna have to burn some ultimates here
18997s they're into their their last chance on
18999s this map so at the very least maybe you
19001s got a Kitsune to open up you need your
19002s tank to live long enough to get Primal
19004s buy some time buy some time and some
19006s space to get some kills but Spain could
19008s end this right now with a good EMP you
19009s need a restraining order against here is
19011s what you need like you invoke the legal
19012s system
19016s oh the follow through the coordination
19019s from Spain continues to be unreal and
19022s that's just gonna sweep them to a quick
19024s Victory here on ilios really strong
19027s cleanup yeah it looks very very good
19029s very coordinated Out For Blood not
19032s giving any quarter to this Italy team
19035s sad Winston delay continues I mean it
19038s will buy a little bit of time for Italy
19039s to come back in but lives through it too
19041s so I mean it's not quite over yet
19044s yukino though gets caught Hira goes down
19047s small possibility president is able to
19050s stay alive the delay is actually gone
19052s longer than expected at 99-0 but how
19056s much could possibly be in the tank here
19060s Spain it's still looking good Akira back
19062s into the fight in just a second and over
19064s time dearly took down Italy just barely
19068s tried to keep us going
19070s so a long way to go yeah we're in a full
19072s 5v5 now like
19074s legit yeah bombs are gonna be up Pulse
19077s bombs could change the the complexion of
19079s this fight yukino went for the
19080s teleporting got slapped in the back is
19082s what just happened there plus one come
19083s here it comes down gets Gala what in the
19086s world no way that this is happening go
19089s back to spawn Spain Spain just lost both
19091s their supports
19093s yeah he's not able to clean the I mean I
19095s want to give uh John some credit like oh
19098s yeah there was time it got antide uh was
19101s in a really bad spot able to bubble and
19103s jump away and keeping that tank alive
19104s was critical in being able to keep this
19106s keep this map alive now right now
19108s Spain's gonna have an EMP and a pulse
19110s bomb in a prime hole from their you know
19111s three of their star players so it's
19113s gonna be tough to live through this one
19116s follow through is there held has already
19118s taken down Miken and hell so yeah the
19123s follow through from Spain super Pearl
19125s corn and that is an entertaining Primal
19127s medicine this time it should truly be on
19131s the over end we'll see if they only can
19132s pull a miracle delay once more but I
19134s don't know if I'd Bank on it here as if
19137s I can just uh Falls over to the stream
19139s of electricity
19142s well played that's uh Spain taking Elios
19145s in rather clean fashion and uh again
19147s it's it's just the the really small
19149s things I like I love I just love that
19151s really small sequence of
19153s so they're Winston and their round is
19154s getting pressured down Spain's right and
19156s then the Winston gets healed up goes
19158s away then the Tracer tries to pressure
19159s down the Anna and you think like okay
19160s this can be a match Amazon or almost got
19163s pulse bomb then the Briggs there and
19164s you're like okay well that does he go
19166s with like a Brig and a Nana there that's
19167s a lot and then more reinforcements come
19169s to help like this Tracer harassment as
19171s sombra's there and then tracer's got to
19173s bail out it almost gets hacked goes to
19175s the pack and then the Tracer for Spain
19177s goes and hunts them down like I just I
19179s mentioned this before but sometimes it
19181s feels like you see the comms from Spain
19183s you see the coordination and it's it's
19185s just really fun to watch and I mean like
19188s we talked about Lauren and Hira and Hell
19190s obviously they're the ones in the kill
19191s feed doing well but like you know I'm a
19194s broken record again but if you aren't
19196s saying the support's name good job
19197s supports right they're doing just fine
19200s I mean I think the key thing you see out
19202s of Spain is that a lot of these
19203s highlights while you could go
19204s individually wow great individual play
19206s the coordination has been crisp it has
19209s been clean it's exactly what you expect
19212s when things are going well it's like oh
19215s and EMP goes out what do you want
19217s immediately your Tracer and Winston in
19219s there well it happens in a Flash like
19221s within about you know 1.5 to 2 seconds
19223s you know alts go out players go down it
19226s it is just that simple when you're
19229s playing as coordinated as Spain is right
19231s now well and it does put them I think
19233s like at the very least right now A Cut
19235s Above the the teams that we just saw
19237s anyway of like Belgium and Portugal
19239s things like that so it's Spain can be a
19242s scary team
19243s um like I said it definitely upset
19245s potential I I think if if they you know
19248s dominate the way that we expect them to
19250s dominate like a good team should beat a
19251s worse team in the next map then you
19254s really have to start taking this team
19255s more seriously than I think anyone did
19257s coming into the tournament uh just as
19259s far as their potential because they will
19260s be undefeated and having you know beaten
19263s everyone below them then it's just a
19264s matter of like how do you how do you
19266s rank with the big boys you know you're
19267s you're France is your denmarks and your
19269s great britons because they would have
19271s beaten everybody else well Spain is
19273s looking Unstoppable right now a great
19276s performance against Italy for map one
19278s join us in just a few if we see if Spain
19280s has more in store
19283s [Music]
19298s all right
19303s [Music]
19316s thank you
19318s [Music]
19359s foreign
19375s [Music]
19388s foreign
19390s [Music]
19416s foreign
19420s [Music]
19428s foreign
19432s [Music]
19464s [Music]
19472s [Music]
19480s thank you
19482s [Music]
19499s foreign
19501s continuing to be one of the most
19503s entertaining and scary teams in the
19505s OverWatch World Cup the coordination on
19508s their dive is exquisite and thus far hex
19511s Italy has not had an answer
19513s uh no they haven't and I don't I don't
19515s think it's necessarily Italy's fault I
19516s think where you just may be underrated
19517s Spain for the most part like I I really
19519s cannot speak highly enough about this
19521s team
19522s um maybe it's just because some of the
19523s lower end teams just have not been able
19525s to coordinate
19527s that's it that's bottom line so
19530s it's something that like it can end up
19532s being
19533s very dangerous as you said I think going
19536s forward
19537s I mean maybe it's a result of schedule
19539s right because they would have faced all
19541s the teams that are not like Denmark
19542s France and Great Britain but going into
19544s like now they have the confidence all
19546s right so the schedule like works out for
19548s Spain that you're able to get three in a
19550s row now you're starting to feel like oh
19552s we could beat anybody and now the teams
19554s that you have to play in those those big
19555s three I mentioned in the group like now
19558s they're a little bit worried like they
19559s they kind of have to be scary so there's
19561s always a thing in sports of like a team
19563s that gets hot at the right time or a
19565s team that's like they may not be the
19566s best team but they're scary I don't want
19568s to play them I'm afraid of playing them
19570s in the playoffs and when things are on
19572s the line so I can't speak highly enough
19574s about the Spain team Italy I'm I'm
19576s hoping that they can you know put
19577s something together and pick a map uh
19579s their map choices previously when they
19581s lost I have
19583s um Havana and Gibraltar when they lost
19585s to France they went to Gibraltar that
19587s did not work out well for them if I
19589s recall correctly well they're gonna give
19590s it another shot yeah we're going back to
19592s Gibraltar again and again I'm happy for
19593s that I will take all the Gibraltar I can
19595s get because again you look at the
19597s OverWatch League over the past few years
19598s really has not been a map that's been
19599s the rotation all that often so uh happy
19603s to see a little bit more jib will that
19606s help them against Spain probably not for
19609s what was I feel like if any team can
19611s benefit from well coordinated Dives uh
19614s it would be Spain on Gibraltar because
19615s it is a map where you actually do have
19618s to make everything you know very timing
19620s precise to get a defense off The High
19622s Ground right like it's a map where even
19624s being a second off can be a big
19626s difference and Spain has been bang on
19628s for most of their engages yeah I mean we
19631s have seen it though it can be difficult
19632s even with like a Winston that if the
19634s other team is set up properly on a high
19635s ground especially like the The High
19637s Ground that directly overlooks first
19638s point that it's it's it is a little bit
19641s tough to run up there and do it so it's
19643s like two
19644s um to like get your Tracer up there is
19646s it can be tough
19647s um and get your summer up there can be a
19649s little bit tough too so maybe Italy has
19651s a specific plan a specific comp that
19653s they want to run here I'm looking
19655s forward to seeing it it is a fun and
19657s interesting map I think as far as like
19659s momentum goes and stuff like that and
19661s yeah this doesn't surprise me that Italy
19663s wants to run an ash here uh yukino
19665s probably uh very good at the the long
19667s range hit scan the Widow is their
19669s favorite hero getting an ash here makes
19672s a lot of sense so I like it I also like
19675s um if Spain stays on this from Gala I
19678s like that a lot to go with this kind of
19680s dive to be able to get your support up
19682s with the dive so the Winston goes in and
19684s then you teleport to the Winston and
19685s you're right there with them
19687s and you know as I look at this here the
19690s the pharah is an interesting choice here
19692s from I don't think we're gonna see it
19694s you don't think it's gonna yeah because
19695s you look at the sports there's no mercy
19697s that's to tell well I mean we've seen
19699s like pharah in an echo without like a
19701s mercy but yeah I just didn't expect it
19703s there probably Tracer from here oh early
19705s bionic but that's one of those bionades
19707s where it hits a spawn door but there's
19708s never gonna be the fall
19710s yeah but you take the percentage I guess
19712s take your eight percent call it a day oh
19714s it's not worth doing for sure
19716s quick hack here pack attempt out from
19718s Warren it's kind of gutsy for Lauren to
19720s de-cloke right there like right below
19722s all the damage look Hira and Lauren want
19725s the blood of Tanks that's all you have
19727s to know or in this case tank singular
19729s the blood of region is uh perhaps what
19733s is being questioned for treasury Tracer
19734s here in the underpass Kira if he is
19736s recall it says the Tracer dual bores me
19739s because shoot Winston again on the
19740s payload now look at the other Tracer a
19742s little bit of back and forth going in on
19744s the top and look at Warren and here now
19746s the double team looking for Chimera
19750s chimer's able to get away meanwhile both
19752s supports of Spain go down however you
19755s kind of look how spam was playing there
19756s there was still split just to get the
19758s payload moving
19760s yeah I mean they also didn't necessarily
19763s like commit on that Tracer it was It was
19764s kind of weird what they did and then
19765s they just they did leave their supports
19767s out to dry like not even thinking about
19769s turning around there uh so a little bit
19772s rough right now yukino's just pumping in
19774s damage hasn't been like a huge Factor
19775s thus far but hasn't died maybe you know
19778s getting up there it's it's still a
19779s problem you're gonna have to deal with
19782s yukino right now not feeling too
19784s pressured gets free shop attempts here
19786s at War and Warren though just the old
19788s 8080s
19790s you can't hit me
19799s at least mitigate some of this here
19801s still not the worst opening for Spain
19804s all it goes down but not before Hira
19805s gets spray both supports down for Italy
19808s and this is where Hira can really feast
19811s yeah again the back line for Spain does
19814s go down too but it is all for knots I
19816s don't know what happened to Ken maybe
19818s Primal off or Canal maybe Primal off the
19820s map
19822s oh this is a rough situation Reggie on
19824s the end just getting up on the point
19826s Helm Primal up here we go I think
19829s enemy's gonna hold this okay they're a
19831s pulse bomb connects
19833s yeah because Italy was able to use the
19835s rally and get everybody up and healthy
19836s on that and then obviously like the the
19838s cherry on top is the pulse bomb there so
19840s very nice Spain
19842s um you know they do have this EMP but
19845s who are you going to Target because
19847s everyone's going to be kind of separate
19849s are you just gonna try to pull off under
19851s the ash
19852s um the Anna's also up top too but this
19854s is gonna be the test coordination also
19856s the Spy check break up top is a nice
19858s addition I just swing the mace around
19860s see if you find a Sombra
19864s in The Invisible Waters but
19867s you can see Lauren head out for a moment
19869s but EMP definitely
19872s they're just waiting to set this up I
19873s think they're going to set it up for to
19875s dive up top they've been biting their
19876s time there it is like what they do and
19878s Viking is limiting
19883s is the coordination we are seeing out of
19886s Spain right now you love to see I think
19888s Helm has already been leap before the
19890s EMP even went out it's great yeah and
19893s like Health was up top with uh Canal
19896s like just kind of poking and poking and
19898s they were just charging uh Nano they
19900s were just waiting right if you're Italy
19902s you kind of had this sense of impending
19904s doom of like why aren't they going in
19905s why aren't they going in it's a little
19906s too quiet and then all of a sudden I
19909s mean you can see it a mile away EMP
19910s comes in on both and then the Nano
19912s Winston with the the Stop and just as
19914s clean as convenient I mean it's one of
19916s the six Hecks where if they're a horror
19917s movie would be the point where the music
19919s just stops and that's never good for any
19922s of the protagonist level it's like uh-oh
19924s like someone's gonna break down the door
19927s yeah got Tracer pushing the cart on the
19929s bottom there so the most mobile hero
19931s able to reinforce at a moment's notice
19933s but help is it going to take the top of
19935s the shuttle it's so important that's
19937s pretty gutsy going in but with Primal
19939s you can take those risks here I got
19941s Chimera back on the Paleo build Tracer
19943s 1v1 meanwhile hell taken down uh got the
19947s Primal got bursted
19949s payload though right now gets decently
19952s far bomb from here it connects gets
19955s Viking and Hira just continues to be a
19958s force of nature for Spain even down
19961s their tank Chimera can go blow for blow
19964s here goes for the pulse bomb on the
19965s floor no it doesn't quite getting his
19967s hero finds another in yukino
19973s yeah the Winston's up top he's clearing
19975s up up top all High Ground has been kind
19976s of mitigated already by Spain jumping in
19979s there is going to be a rally though for
19980s Miken so should be able to hold on to
19983s this point but the question is like when
19985s they hold on to this point can they
19986s regain The High Ground The High Ground
19987s is so important taking the shuttle is so
19989s important if region doesn't die here
19991s they're good they got held like hell I
19993s think overextended a little bit and once
19995s you lose your tank it's hard to stay up
19996s here as you know half HP needs to get
19998s out not quite in the moment where you
20000s know the next dive would be an instant
20001s primal
20003s Lauren though it's gonna be about EMP
20005s here again here yeah I feel like I
20007s wonder if you wait long enough for this
20008s for it to charge up passively or you
20011s just like get a little bit of damage
20012s that EMP right off of it
20015s so translocare is set up so Warren is on
20017s top of shuttle go back up well this
20019s slept
20021s good sleep to kick things off Canal down
20023s Warren though comes in from the back
20025s gets Chimera Spain's already gone two no
20028s EMP invested might not even be needed
20030s and where is Hira but back on the
20032s payload just melting tag teaming with
20035s Lauren and you see the Primal coming off
20037s here from region has to come out to
20040s delay but Spain likes the moon they have
20042s here because even if Italy gets back in
20044s the emps got shut down Bob from Warren
20047s or hero out gets razion
20050s EMP here hex didn't like to save it yeah
20053s well I mean I guess you know might as
20055s well make sure you get it I suppose
20057s because losing it right here is brutal
20059s it's one of the worst spots in the game
20061s to lose the point like akin to King's
20063s ropey it's the worst point in the game
20065s to like lose right there so might as
20067s well pump it in Lauren is holding it for
20068s a really long time I mean I didn't even
20070s notice the yukino switch on the cast
20072s like because it hasn't really done
20073s anything but like that is the ultimate
20075s compliment as a tracer you make them
20077s switch to Cass
20079s um it used to be much harder like a much
20080s harder counter of course when there was
20082s uh the flashbang
20084s um Tracer eraser kind of thing but even
20087s though I mean I think it's to deal with
20088s both Hira and Lauren because also not
20091s getting a Super Value out of Ash either
20093s so mikino have been very quiet this game
20096s sleep on the health health though isn't
20099s bursted down is able to get the Primal
20101s out before dying meanwhile and said
20104s backline Under Pressure gonna have to
20106s try and leap away hell nearly got first
20108s to down Primal or no both teams at full
20112s strength here thus far
20114s ley's faded for Spain here I look close
20117s to another bomb and if you've been
20118s watching you know how impactful that
20120s could be 98 bomb ready where's it gonna
20124s go throws it oh they just tried to style
20126s the other Tracer I respect the attempt
20129s but good Lord as uh pause looking for a
20131s pause I'm not certain why but we'll
20134s probably find out momentarily
20137s um as Spain continues to push here
20140s they've only got 50 seconds left oh hell
20142s disconnected yeah that's kind of a
20144s important part in OverWatch 2 to have
20146s your tank on your team
20148s um so yeah minor disconnection error
20151s hell will be coming back and yeah the
20153s Spain team looks really good I mean
20155s you know
20157s you put them in a really tough spots
20159s like so this is Italy's map pick right
20161s and they wanted to run Ash anyone's got
20163s like no value out of Ash I can't
20164s remember like even a Bob getting out or
20166s doing anything not a big Dynamite like
20168s almost nothing going off that and then
20170s switch to the cast and the cast like
20172s flashbang was better but like the new
20174s nade is pretty good like the hinderance
20176s and whatnot but still I didn't even
20178s notice that they'd switched until like a
20180s sock cowboy on them until I saw a dead
20182s eye so it's it's kind of like the I mean
20185s I guess it's something I used to like
20187s call like a velociraptor comp but that's
20189s when he used to have like a couple
20190s tracers but it's like you're looking at
20191s the Tracer then all of a sudden you
20193s could go by the somber that you didn't
20194s even see coming right so it's always
20196s like this one side and another and
20197s having a single cast try to deal with it
20199s is almost impossible so I mean I I feel
20202s for yukino right now because the way
20204s Lord and hero are playing it's it just
20206s feels like overwhelming at all all
20208s points in time I mean Heroes feel like
20209s so good where if you were to go back and
20211s look at that last pulse bomb attempt it
20212s looked like oh you postponed nothing but
20214s like a second after the pulse bomb went
20216s out you saw Chimera go where the pulse
20218s bomb was so here was like one second off
20221s from getting the Tracer speed Tracer
20222s puzzle spot that that read is actually
20224s unreal even though it didn't work here
20226s we go Spain dive on in
20230s immediately but Hira dies of the Dead we
20233s connect so that's a good exchange for
20235s Italy where by the way I think Health
20236s did get his uh halt reset there yeah he
20240s was back down to two percent so yeah
20241s helping a little bit of trouble I held
20244s besides it's time to Ryan and this is a
20245s point that you can actually definitely
20246s you can definitely grind on here um but
20249s it's probably just to get back to the
20251s point of charging quick enough that
20252s Canal's gonna switch as well to be able
20254s to teleport to it yeah I mean overtime
20256s is in progress here so Spain could try
20258s and do everything possible to keep this
20260s going uh hail going down though that's
20263s huge from Chimera yukino yeah it's gonna
20267s get held here but still pretty good
20269s attack from Spain but a nice Rally from
20271s Italy at the end and something that
20272s easily could have just run away from
20274s them yeah they did a nice job they got
20276s some Dead Eye value as well towards
20277s towards the end so I mean as long as you
20280s stop like you you give yourself a chance
20282s to to stay in this and you know given
20284s the composition that Spain wants to run
20286s it's not like an ideal composition to
20288s play on a defense of Gibraltar right
20290s like Sombra Tracer dive I think they'll
20292s probably force it it's like Spain has
20294s what they want to play and like they're
20296s just gonna perfect it
20298s um Sombra Tracer Winston is not terrible
20300s enough on any map to really go away from
20302s it and you know so Spain's got their
20304s their cards and I think they're they're
20306s probably gonna stick with it if I recall
20308s back to the other matches we've done of
20309s Spain they
20311s I mean I guess they ran something
20312s different on circuit Royale right they
20314s ran a Reinhardt and a couple of
20316s different things so they do have other
20317s things in their pocket
20319s yeah and
20322s why the time kind of worked out the way
20325s it did there the one thing Italy did do
20326s really well in the last map is that they
20328s did buy a lot of time on point a I mean
20330s it took a while to evict the ash from
20333s The High Ground to get a decisive dive
20335s and yeah yeah when Spain did get that
20336s dive it looked great it was picture
20339s perfect but the thing that might have
20341s gotten lost in that you know when
20342s telling that story is that it still took
20344s Spain a long time to do that which was
20346s you know a big benefit to Italy yeah I
20348s mean they were able to spot the Sombra I
20350s think at least once and then spotting
20351s the samba makes them reset up so once
20354s that somber hits the low ground the the
20356s translocator is to come out and then
20358s it's a long walk up those stairs again
20359s and then no waiting for the perfect
20361s timing so
20363s um yeah absolutely I mean it's it's a
20364s decent defense by by Italy and they give
20366s themselves a puncher's chance you finish
20368s up this map and we go to map three
20370s all right Widow bold Choice here from
20373s Italy you know Widow in first point has
20376s not been the most successful on the
20378s average here in Gibraltar in this
20379s tournament but yeah all it takes is
20381s landing a few shots to change that
20382s calculus quickly as uh Spain see held
20385s get pretty low with recall coming out
20387s here from Hiram Italy well I mean yeah I
20391s think there's a lot of pressure on you
20392s Kino because I think like that's the
20393s reason you picked this map right so you
20396s know can play Ash and you can play Widow
20398s so definitely feeling the pressure and
20400s has a moment to think about it and spawn
20402s is another beautifully executed dive
20404s from Spain yeah
20411s dive onto the supporter that's actually
20413s a little bit of a better trade for Italy
20415s it's like how when you're really excited
20417s and you say nice noise
20421s uh the old syllables blending it
20424s together what happens it's it's been uh
20427s you know three three days full of
20429s matches you can't expect the mouth to
20430s work 100 of the time it's true but Italy
20433s they've gotten this payload here in
20435s record speed nice Bonnet in both era and
20437s health the bomb though ready for Hira is
20440s Spain about to explode once again help
20441s woken up first half very close to dying
20443s not close to Primal bomb from
20444s chimericans Canal both supports down for
20447s Spain and Italy looking strong on their
20450s map Choice here thus far I like the
20452s switch from yukino like the Widow's not
20454s working out for you and the reaper can
20456s do such havoc on the dive that Spain
20459s wants to pull off right it's good for
20461s offense it's also one of those weird
20462s like it doesn't feel like a vertical
20464s hero but you can definitely take shuttle
20466s you can definitely take easy High Ground
20468s at the reaper uh so really like the play
20470s I love the forward push here from Italy
20472s hell got slept early on I'd have been
20475s greedy there I'd have tried to Primal
20476s them off this Cliff well that's why
20479s you're not playing in this tournament
20480s that's exactly why
20482s Lauren
20484s get the mail
20485s traded out in turn not the worst trade
20488s here from Italy they decide to invest a
20490s rally here they want to keep momentum
20491s going they don't want to give Spain any
20493s room to recover here if possible Spain
20496s getting poke down a bit Gala is getting
20498s really really low and going down
20502s gets the finish at the very end Lauren
20505s though says enough drops the EMP
20509s the falter is going to be there between
20510s Kira and Canal
20513s and you see Health also usually Primal I
20515s mean Spain invested a lot here and
20517s Italy's still not gone from the point
20520s now and they're they're gonna be able to
20521s push off uh the Sombra so they're gonna
20523s have some time here it's still only
20525s three on the point oh a huge purple
20527s comes down to anti-heal you Kino down
20530s region does live but there's not enough
20533s damage to keep this push up
20535s and this is a little bit frustrating for
20537s Italy where you might look at like
20538s they've gotten here in a lot of time
20540s they have but now Spain
20543s gets their breather they get a chance to
20545s set back up and if this death Blossom
20547s coming up isn't huge
20549s Spain really gets the dig in so Italy
20553s see what they got here they have first
20554s things first don't get bombed by Hero
20556s they do the first step they don't get
20558s by Hira yukino teleports up to
20560s top gets covered by razion pretty decent
20563s coordination death Blossom good to go
20565s towards this issue the Sleep came out so
20568s you can force this
20571s good spread though from Spain like
20573s they're all over the place
20576s afraid I was able to get held that's
20577s huge Spain down a tank Italy now on the
20581s approach Nano on terracion in progress
20584s they get point B Spain continues to
20587s struggle to find their footing and they
20589s go for the reset uh as I mentioned she
20591s helps Gibraltar will eat you alive that
20594s just happens there's really no good
20596s place to fight if you spawn in that
20598s second spot already and you've already
20600s come out like you might as well just not
20601s give them all charge uh so Lauren's
20603s gonna switch to a Reaper of their own at
20605s the moment yeah also Spain cannot play
20608s this way you normally play javalka last
20609s because of how they didn't get
20612s the pale attack like this is not the
20614s Defenders Advantage you usually have on
20615s point C yukino playing in the damage
20618s Hera finds rajion though as Spain I
20621s think yeah they just get to walk forward
20622s here and just comes back and goes by the
20625s way I am still good at Tracer just a
20627s heads up
20629s it looks like they're gonna go for the
20631s camp here too it's one of the weird
20633s points that actually can be camped
20635s pretty successfully
20637s um but the problem is if you camp it out
20639s here on the defense and you lose
20640s somebody you probably lose the map at
20641s this point yeah I mean Spain this is a
20644s long time to defend this particular area
20647s of Gibraltar sea it's where they're
20648s really happy they have to be regretting
20649s they didn't get further but here comes
20651s Sierra on the Ambush with the pulse bomb
20653s looking for the brig no does not get it
20656s the Chimera pressured him forced the
20659s postbun to come out a little bit early
20660s good Tracy Tracer from Chimera but we'll
20663s come here be able to live here on the
20664s assault you're also welcome same time
20666s Chimera punishes Hira and yukino goes
20670s forward plays damage in the health the
20671s Primal are not nearly dead taken on down
20674s but here comes Lauren dumb Broad Street
20676s death Blossom gets two and Spain is
20680s hanging on oh yukino came out of wraith
20683s early and tried to Blossom their own
20687s I didn't like that maybe I saw something
20690s or maybe yukino saw something I didn't
20692s or vice versa but there was a nano death
20695s Blossom and it was not even close to
20697s finishing
20699s yeah and and yukino came out of their
20701s own race for him to try to Blossom I
20704s don't know I'd have to look back at it
20705s but it for the moment it looks like a
20706s very strange decision also as soon as
20710s they see they command Reaper Spain goes
20712s back to the Sombra they were only
20714s playing Reaper versus Reaper
20716s so a very quick swap coming out here
20718s from Spain you know under pressure from
20720s Kira and elf finishes the deal Tracer
20723s poke in the Winston slam
20726s too they do they can add on a little bit
20729s of extra stagger going for the pilot
20731s Diva and hex Italy had so much time to
20735s start things off here now down to a
20736s minute 40. Spain has rallied and more
20739s and yukino went back to the reaper this
20742s this hero chess is going on
20745s well I mean that was it was a pretty
20747s um unceremonious Ash life it was just uh
20750s pretty tough to run Azure against a team
20752s that's got their their Winston and
20753s tracer on such the same wavelength
20755s and now like because of that like Italy
20758s is nothing to work with this might just
20759s have to be a junk Rush where you go in
20761s and hopefully build alts and force Spain
20763s to use alts well ideally they get the
20764s Nano up here right rajyon ganglo if Ray
20767s can get the Nano it'd be great for Italy
20769s meanwhile for Spain
20771s they got the EMP Lauren's waiting goes
20775s with a quick hack waiting and waiting
20777s here on the EMP finally drops it hits
20779s three is Chimera gonna live maybe hell
20782s people get slapped and punished
20785s 4v4 after the EMP not the worst result
20787s here for Italy bione though comes out
20789s this pressure gonna be there in bikino
20791s and region the healing is there the
20794s rally is out Italy would like to put
20796s this away here and now hellfo has built
20798s up the Primal it's gonna be good delay
20800s you know give Kira time for the bomb
20803s a nice uh purple there and the death
20805s Blossom will get one
20807s effectively gets two yeah here's round
20811s here it gets you Kino has the ball gets
20813s the stick Kira coming in with hell of
20816s the keep Spade above water 20 seconds
20819s left to go
20821s and Italy they get one more attempt
20823s Spain has nearly weathered the storm
20825s yeah the win condition of the the Nano
20827s was burned by Italy and they were able
20829s to get supports but not able to clean it
20831s up couple switches coming from Spain
20833s late as they didn't have anything on the
20834s board anyway it's gonna be a junker
20836s queen and a Reaper just gets the sustain
20838s onto the payload
20840s hear it to the back line just one clip
20842s spray takes Frey out and not to dinner
20845s as you see Italy just hanging on trying
20849s to say the fight takes down here has
20851s dealt with the raid boss elbow Nano
20853s boosted junker Queen yukino doesn't care
20855s finds Gala in the back both teams
20858s trading two and fro hell though very
20861s tanky on the point the May has come out
20863s for Italy Italy has more bodies on the
20865s point hell is just staying alive they
20867s don't have it just yet held down Hira
20869s back in finds yukino surely they don't
20871s delay in this situation but Hira has
20873s done the impossible before but this may
20875s be next level if somehow they're able to
20878s stay on the payload Italy desperately
20880s destroyed the push at the last point
20882s four three meters here it goes down it
20884s is that gonna be it is it gonna be that
20885s three it is
20888s well played from Italy I want to give
20891s yukino a little bit of credit for at
20893s least recognizing what wasn't working a
20895s couple of times like I said early in
20897s that map like I feel like there's a lot
20899s of pressure on you Kino because I think
20900s like that's the map pick because
20902s yukino's like I can play Widow I can
20904s play Ash those Heroes got almost nothing
20906s done for Italy but the switch to the
20908s reaper worked out really well it put a
20910s lot of pressure into health and not only
20912s is Reaper a gray like Winston counter
20914s but it does kind of mess with Tracer and
20916s Sombra because one Aaron like shotgun
20918s blast to the Dome and that's it like you
20920s can't get close to the team you can't
20921s harass the way you want to so really
20924s good for yukino to switch
20926s um yeah I mean some of the some of these
20927s executions from Spain were just
20929s brilliant But You Gotta Give Italy a ton
20931s of credit for the the stick-to-itiveness
20933s of the of their play
20935s um and the swaps at the end uh really
20938s well played and you know I'm just
20940s overall happy for Italy hey they got a
20943s map on the board I don't like seeing
20945s anybody with a zero in that column so
20946s good for them and you know that's uh I
20949s believe that might be Spain no it's
20951s Spain's second map loss but I mean this
20954s could go either way now because it seems
20955s like you know it can get a little wonky
20958s when we go to our third map yeah I mean
20960s anything can happen in map three but
20963s Italy showing surprising strength and
20965s again hex I'm just gonna go back to
20966s their defense here on point a you think
20968s about the difference in both teams
20969s attacks this pointy defense from Italy
20971s was good and yeah well Spain broke it
20974s with style it still took them a really
20975s long time and the reaper swap you know I
20978s think that is the key story here right
20980s the fact that yukino on the reaper
20982s created an advantageous matchup for
20985s Italy to the point that you saw Spain
20987s went Reaper of their own to deal with it
20989s then when Reaper stops getting played
20991s they get off Reaper immediately so
20992s clearly even when you look at the logic
20994s of the swaps that was going on Spain saw
20997s the reaper as a threat and they made
20998s swaps but overall Italy wins a game of
21001s hero chess and overall Hicks into it
21004s they Thrive they thrived in the chaos at
21006s the end too I mean this switch to the
21007s Moira it kept them alive there was like
21009s an orb that went the entire distance of
21011s the map a healing orb to keep the Italy
21013s offense in it the May to keep the
21015s sustain on the car there's a couple
21017s really interesting things no I'm just
21018s always happy when a team like gets
21020s something done like get your map on the
21022s board and now you know who knows
21023s OverWatch is a game of chaos and I think
21026s we're gonna head to push and regardless
21028s of which push map you get to play like I
21030s can't think of a bad push map for Reaper
21032s so maybe it's something that Italy
21034s sticks with but we'll we'll have to see
21035s a little bit surprising of a result
21037s given how dominant that uh Spain had
21039s looked against teams but yeah Italy made
21042s um correct calls throughout so they they
21044s made the correct strategy calls and got
21046s rewarded with a map
21048s well it is one the one Spain versus
21050s Italy when we come back the thrilling
21053s conclusion
21055s [Music]
21077s [Music]
21089s foreign
21096s [Applause]
21105s [Applause]
21112s [Music]
21165s thank you
21167s [Music]
21176s [Music]
21183s [Applause]
21192s [Applause]
21201s [Applause]
21221s [Music]
21231s [Music]
21238s thank you
21239s [Music]
21246s foreign
21248s [Music]
21273s Italy showing tremendous resilience
21275s against a well-coordinated Spain team on
21277s watchpoint Gibraltar bringing us to yet
21279s another map 3 here today hex where
21282s anything can happen
21284s yeah I don't believe checking my you
21287s know Exquisite notes here that Spain has
21290s had to pick a map 3 just yet so I don't
21293s really have the inside track for you
21296s um but I will guess it's gonna be
21297s Esperanza and that's not because I saw
21299s it come on screen it's just because I'm
21300s that smart but yeah Esperanza will be
21303s the flavor of the day uh for Spain's
21306s pick onto push
21309s um yeah kind of makes sense I mean it's
21311s it's a little wide open let's Trace her
21312s run wild I think that you know Spain has
21315s to believe that they have the overall
21317s better Tracer uh Chimera has had moments
21319s but like Hira has been just really
21321s really strong and every time we've seen
21323s Spain played also can be really good
21325s like just for their their just
21327s coordinated Dives work really well on
21329s Esperanza so it is going to be their map
21331s pick yeah I mean Hero has been a force
21333s of nature let's be entirely clear over
21335s the course of the game anytime you think
21337s man Spain would do well they had a big
21340s play from here to here usually here is
21342s gonna connect on it but that has been
21343s how reliable consistent Kira has been
21346s over the course of the series uh easily
21348s the number one threat that Italy needs
21350s to contain but they did contain it a bit
21352s towards the end just because you run you
21354s know a composition that focuses more on
21357s just grounding out the other team with
21359s something like a Reaper you can make it
21360s work and I think right now in terms of
21362s compositions I would not be surprised at
21364s all to see Italy come out here with the
21366s reaper once again
21368s yeah I mean that's the question I mean I
21370s pretty much know what Spain's gonna run
21371s right like I'd be surprised if it's not
21374s you know they they've switched up their
21376s support line like a little bit here and
21377s there like uh Gala went to the kiriko
21380s for a little bit instead of Brig like
21381s those have been some changes with
21383s Canal's mostly been playing the uh the
21385s Anna for the most part I think Anna can
21387s be so so good on this map I mentioned it
21389s in our previous matchups
21392s um I don't expect Hira to stay on this
21394s may either uh so yeah it looks like
21397s we're gonna run a mirror match a hundred
21399s percent
21400s in this case I would favor Spain just
21402s because they've shown me so much more on
21404s this composition than Italy has yeah I
21407s mean I still think you favor Spain in
21408s general from how I've seen both teams
21410s play and the fact that Italy's Edge did
21412s come from defense on watch Point
21414s Gibraltar which is hard to replicate on
21416s other Maps also the fact that it came
21418s off running a lot of Reaper which right
21420s now is absent Tracer Sombra V Tracer
21423s Sombra
21424s we'll see how it pans out hell under a
21427s bit of pressure here early on
21429s yeah I mean I think the goal for both of
21431s these compositions is to to get to that
21433s honest spot yeah you see right there
21435s trying to jump into Yana but whip shot
21436s away and help goes down
21438s yeah quick punish on the help courtesy
21441s of a bionade at the very end wasn't even
21443s the anti-healing that caused it just
21445s mostly the damage
21448s it's just Playbook like from both of
21449s these spots like we we saw like we
21451s highlighted that on a spot in the Great
21452s Britain game where backbone was up there
21454s like it's a perfect spot on this map to
21456s play Ana and then like both winstons are
21458s gonna try to go up there both Winston's
21460s got whip-shotted but hell got
21461s anti-healed uh during his attempt so
21464s that was the reason that that dive
21465s didn't work maybe he's gonna take it
21467s early
21468s Spain right now struggling a little bit
21470s early on I mean part of it is just the
21471s fact that hell got bursted down early
21473s rajyan going to the back Health chasing
21476s hell gets piled at no HP is the fault
21478s they're gonna be there hell is that what
21479s HP health is healed what in the world
21482s Italy was able to fish it off and that
21484s fragian and Freya are overextended and
21486s in a rough spot X out with the world
21490s that helps survive
21492s ah it's one of the great Mysteries of
21494s the world you will never never quite
21496s understand it
21498s um another you know extremely important
21501s Turning Point perhaps in this next plate
21504s is going to be EMP value both of these
21506s teams are I mean they're almost dead
21508s even 96 of 96 yeah yeah so this one is
21512s 100 execution Spain has shown themselves
21514s to be the more aggressive team so
21515s imagine smashing cues as soon as they
21517s get them but across the board all alts
21519s are even
21520s all right EMP versus EMP
21523s coming on out both teams Chimera is able
21526s to punish hell first after the EMP trade
21528s he's good for Italy here Italy's still
21530s at a full five Spain loses the bet for
21532s their EMP here uh looking for a heel and
21536s this is gonna be Italy just zoom in
21537s right back still with overall progress
21539s Advantage yeah definitely overall
21541s progress advantage to just say a better
21542s cleanup for Italy Spain got three in the
21545s EMP uh Italy mostly just marked Health
21547s but like as long as you're getting the
21549s target you EMP then it's a better EMP no
21552s one's counting help no one's
21553s scoreboarding like how many people can
21555s he impede hell with super low opens this
21557s fight with the Nano has the problem
21558s Reserve region also waiting to use LINE
21562s oh no meanwhile you you can't do that
21564s Spain just gives that up for free on the
21566s checkpoint that's tough I mean bolting
21569s focus in the fight both teams have used
21571s primal
21576s uses the Primal and just a little bit of
21580s juggling over here hell out of the fight
21581s rajan's still going to town Italy
21584s keeping up the pressure and then some
21587s well and so the Primal maybe looks like
21590s it doesn't get anything but it keeps
21591s both supports occupied meanwhile the
21593s rest of the team's able to take down
21594s health because Health has no support
21598s Italy oh that's a big pile Knight on the
21600s supports Canal just crushed Frey and
21603s Mike and and the fall through was there
21605s that was a meaty bionade that really
21609s relieves some pressure on Spain because
21611s Italy has been playing out of their mind
21612s at the start
21617s I mean it's one of those things that it
21619s could be an upset it can be a weird map
21621s especially with forward spawns now like
21623s if you lose one or two fights that like
21625s we talk about momentum in so many of
21626s these game modes talk about it in escort
21628s a lot uh because it holds sway there too
21631s but push is the one where momentum
21633s matters so much EMP bomb here though
21636s this is where here it could go bomb out
21637s products
21640s early on
21642s that's honestly the Venus thing Spain
21645s could expect and it goes back to that
21647s Mantra when they need a hero play they
21648s look to Hera and they got it
21651s uh I mean it's just it's just holding on
21653s to that spot like I've called it the
21655s Anna spot before but they just make sure
21657s that they can't get there that's you
21659s think that these fights are happening
21660s near the point but they're not they're
21662s happening over these corners and they
21663s devolve into the points comes in emps
21666s out and here are they're on the fall
21668s through once more Lauren sets it up here
21671s and knocks it down in Italy they didn't
21672s EMP at the same time got nothing out of
21675s it so that is a horrific trade for Italy
21678s as Hera continues to eat well yeah
21681s yukino really thought that like oh I
21683s didn't get emped so I can counter EMP
21685s this it doesn't matter yeah yukino uh
21688s has to go back to the reaper it's maybe
21691s the right choice it's worked out for
21692s Italy in the past Italy still is winning
21695s this you would love to be able to fight
21697s before Spain can take this one back but
21699s you can't go in before your team and
21701s lose someone early
21702s I want to see if Lauren swaps over to
21704s the reaper next opportunity in response
21706s to this just to see if that you know
21708s carry over from Gibraltar goes for it
21710s but we've got help jumping in off the
21712s Nano close to Primal builds it up mid
21714s fights hacking around just crunches Frey
21717s on the side a lot of heavy damage coming
21720s to Hell while hell does this right on
21722s the other end builds the Primal takes
21724s down it's a bad day for Anna's getting
21726s beaten up by uh Winston to say the least
21730s but now hell
21732s able to get back out I was able to live
21734s but Spain's not able to take that point
21737s away yeah and they're almost still in
21739s trouble yeah Spain is still behind the
21741s progress still a lot of time left to go
21742s though four and a half minutes but Italy
21745s can make this you know two fights get
21747s back to that point if they play their
21749s cards right
21755s here we go Italy right here in the back
21758s you see the focus Fire coming in onto
21760s hell has she on the on the other end
21762s dies the Hera as hell okay gets shot out
21765s of the sky both teams down to Winston so
21768s tankless fight here yukino gets Canal
21770s before dime but Warren goes wild into
21772s the back
21776s also hex are you still there yeah no
21778s sorry I'm just trying to process
21780s something
21783s yeah Lauren is going to have this EMP
21785s for the next fight it's going to be
21786s really really important but I mean Italy
21789s can play this defensively right now they
21790s don't have to play the offense push is
21792s such a weird dynamic where there's times
21794s where you don't necessarily want to
21795s fight especially if you're winning so
21797s make Spain be the aggressors take this
21799s push if you can but it's not the end-all
21801s be-all so not over committing to this
21804s fight is going to be really important
21805s for Italy
21807s all right Spain meanwhile
21809s if they are able to win this fight they
21812s should take the progress lead here and
21813s push it all in point fight for Spain
21816s we're looking at Lauren here on the
21818s setup going over to The High Ground
21819s Chimera gets the pulse bomb before Spain
21822s can complete the setup
21824s massive for it
21826s it'll Tempo in their favor
21830s yukino has done a really good job of
21833s pushing Health back I mean even the
21835s primals here Health Justice never feel
21837s safe
21838s yeah you just push them back enough no
21840s need to follow no need to be super
21842s aggressive and this will be a forward
21844s spawns taken again for Italy he's had
21847s plenty of time a little bit ago not
21849s really true anymore it's time to go away
21851s yukino though that's big though melted
21853s down by Lauren it is 55 HP bione went on
21857s the Spain they're able to withstand here
21858s a pulse bomb set up
21861s Asian takes down Gala I think you might
21863s see the post one command this fight here
21864s would have liked to have saved it
21865s possible but right now Spain is just
21868s fighting to stay with the momentum here
21872s not get pushed back further they can't
21873s really be too conservative early Heck on
21876s the Radion but not long enough to get
21878s the Primal out so or Primal suppressed
21881s as rajyan goes to the back
21883s slapping around here on the promo got
21885s can nailed really nice play by rajion
21887s and all of this is draining the clock
21890s away from Spain yeah there's only two
21892s minutes left I mean the one thing here
21893s for Italy is that they had to push
21895s forward to try to help out uh rajayan
21898s and so they've given up like the really
21900s really fishy High Ground
21902s it's no good trades though
21905s if you're Italy you are happy with these
21907s trades it's keeping things on the side
21910s of the map on the whole I'm gonna be
21911s back up to full strength in a moment
21913s pulse bomb Advantage where chimerican
21915s again delay Spain and I mean on that
21917s note for Spain number one objective here
21919s don't get hit by a postponed by Chimera
21921s you can't afford it anymore hell takes
21923s the initiative gets the Nano goes up and
21925s over looking for the supports a Reaper
21927s gonna be greeting him on The High Ground
21929s as Gallup falls on the other end frazion
21931s had a way more effective dive and again
21933s Spain is just getting bled out there's
21936s just brilliant peel there too I mean we
21938s haven't said it enough but like Mike and
21940s has hit pretty much every whip shot uh
21942s to deny the the jump ins from hell and
21944s then hell is going to try to get back up
21945s there but the antis and then the reaper
21947s is pushing them back we're under a
21949s minute Spain has to win like three
21950s fights in a row cleanly and I don't see
21952s it happening so far based on how this
21954s map is gone
21956s through again the Lauren Hera
21959s combination but they need to do that
21961s multiple times in a row they're not
21962s going to have multiple emps yukino
21964s meanwhile just stay and Alive here being
21966s such a menace on the reaper even in a
21969s fight where they're gonna lose you look
21971s at the time drawn off again you gotta
21974s like where Italy is especially when you
21975s look at the old Bank yeah we'll see if
21977s they spawn too and they get forwards
21979s um it might just happen but yeah the old
21982s bank has been is really strong I mean
21984s you might as well call it five check
21985s marks unless yukino or radian make huge
21988s mistakes I hero is gonna have to be a
21990s hero you need this pulse bomb to find
21992s Pay Dirt here
21994s oh here we go
21995s both teams setting up once more Health
21998s had to jump back for a moment Nano ready
22001s and waiting here for free bionades
22003s already been used pulse bomb comes up
22005s from here it does not connect and the
22007s Nano goes onto the reaper all faith into
22010s yukino on the Reaper walking forward
22012s they get canal in the back Chimera
22014s strikes once more in overtime that's it
22018s Italy takes the map they take the match
22022s and what a rally from Italy given how
22026s this started back on control
22028s yeah two things one um when your team
22031s tells you hey switch Reaper to deal with
22032s Winston just point to this match just
22034s like good evidence of why that works
22036s like a hundred percent of the time uh
22038s two like you know France Great Britain
22041s Denmark have to be thrilled with Italy
22043s right now uh Spain getting getting a
22045s loss down there is is really tough but I
22048s mean all credit to them it's just the
22049s the one switch
22051s um and that switch was everything it
22053s made everything works so well I also
22056s think like they denied the dive like on
22058s the on the map so well to hold the the
22060s really important High Ground corner you
22062s put both your supports up there and then
22064s the whip shots come through uh this back
22067s cap was really big like we talked about
22069s heroes so much but Chimera not the
22072s biggest plays in the world towards the
22073s end ahead of 2K but also just really
22076s smart of taking progress pushing
22078s progress at the chance so
22080s really smart adjustment um yukino who
22083s you know a couple moments uh especially
22086s on Gibraltar
22088s questioning why are they playing what
22090s they're playing but the Reaper
22092s the reaper switch was would redefine the
22094s entire match yeah I mean that's exactly
22096s my point that I was going to get to is
22097s that it might not be the flashiest way
22099s to play the game but when you look at
22102s how both teams are playing and who is
22104s winning the key difference between both
22106s teams especially on the final map was
22109s The Reaper swamp once Reaper came onto
22111s the field for Italy Spain just sputtered
22113s out hell had a massively difficult time
22117s dealing with it the pressure in terms of
22120s the tanks V supports just completely
22122s tilted the other way and all the hero
22124s plays in the world from Hera were not
22126s enough to turn that deficit I also
22128s really like the way yukino played the
22130s reaper in a lot of situations it wasn't
22131s this all-out aggression super forward
22133s flanks going to the back line it really
22135s helped his supports like catch the dive
22137s if you notice like if they missed a whip
22140s shot or if they missed an anti-heal it
22142s was fine because yukino was still right
22143s there pumping damage into hell and
22145s making hell of uncomfortable so you try
22147s to dive the the support line which is
22149s going to be a brigging and Anna on this
22151s map most of the time time the whip shot
22153s comes in maybe maybe you go back up but
22155s there was a Reaper there and you can't
22157s say the same for the the Spain
22159s composition because there was you notice
22161s that the Spain backline they got Dove
22163s more often Canal is getting rocked by
22165s the reaper like pretty off or by the
22167s Winston pretty often so it really was as
22169s simple as that one hero switch and Spain
22171s was unable to adjust to it
22173s well Italy shocking the tournament
22176s definitely making things interesting but
22178s you know what we got more interest more
22180s Intrigue left in the day our Marquee
22183s match of the day the very hotly
22185s anticipated match of Denmark versus
22188s France it's coming at you in just a few
22191s minutes
22193s [Music]
22210s hello
22225s [Music]
22250s foreign
22257s [Music]
22280s [Music]
22293s [Music]
22326s thank you
22333s [Music]
22341s thank you
22354s [Music]
22366s [Music]
22373s [Music]
22376s foreign
22392s [Music]
22410s we just watched Italy take it to three
22413s versus Spain in their first victory in
22416s the OverWatch World Cup 2023 online
22418s qualifiers for the emec region and now
22421s we've got the match we've been waiting
22423s for all day long it's Denmark versus
22426s France the top of group a France
22429s currently 3-0 Denmark at 2-0 first and
22433s third respectively and we're talking
22434s about this specifically because you need
22436s to be in the top three of group a to
22438s move on the top two of Group B this is
22440s the end of week one that we've got here
22443s and of course hex and zp are joining me
22445s quickly you know Italy managed to turn
22449s it around in a big way after losing the
22451s Spain in round one zp break it down for
22454s us real quick yeah I mean always
22458s it sort of met the expectations right we
22461s rated Spain a lot highly uh relative to
22464s Italy going in and everything like fit
22467s the script there where Spain just rolled
22468s over Italy and then you get the
22470s Gibraltar and Italy has a really good
22472s deep defense on point a and they
22475s followed up with Reaper at the end which
22477s you know Spain didn't really have a good
22478s uh counter for then you get to the final
22481s map and it's more of the same where
22483s initially Spain starts out pretty darn
22486s well and then Italy they just swapped to
22489s Reaper and you look at the composition
22491s of the tank game it changes entirely and
22494s Italy takes it over Spain in a way that
22497s people really didn't expect coming in
22499s absolutely hex now it's time to talk
22502s about the marquee matchup of the day you
22503s know you named it as such Denmark versus
22506s France why are we so excited for this
22510s match explain it for anyone who may just
22511s be joining us right well I mean I think
22513s we expected like you know France to get
22515s out of groups and uh Great Britain I
22517s mean I think but it loses a little bit
22519s of scheme because I expected like maybe
22520s Spain could be this upset of being one
22522s of the one of the three teams to get out
22523s but I mean in the driver's seat is
22525s France at 3-0 but the question with
22527s France is like how good are they have
22529s they really been tested they they beat
22530s like Netherlands Portugal Italy like are
22534s these teams that are really testing
22535s France so far given like how I've seen
22537s France play against these teams no not
22539s really uh Denmark is 2-0 they've beaten
22542s Belgium not the greatest test but they
22544s beat Great Britain right so like they
22546s did they rightfully deserve to be in the
22547s top three
22549s um I think it's safe to say like whoever
22550s wins this match is in the driver's seat
22552s moving forward like especially if
22553s Denmark beats France it's like you've
22555s beaten the two best teams like you
22556s should have no problem going forward
22559s um so it's going to be really
22560s interesting it sets up Denmark to maybe
22562s win the group especially having gone
22565s head to head and beaten the the other
22566s two teams that you expect out of group
22568s story lines are abounding in this group
22571s let's take a quick look at the schedule
22572s so we can recap what's happened today we
22574s are in the final match of the day of
22575s course we started with Saudi Arabia 2-0
22578s over turkey Finland 2-0 over Norway
22580s Poland in a close match 2-1 versus
22583s Iceland Great Britain of victory over
22585s the Netherlands Belgium over Portugal
22588s Italy we just saw bring it all the way
22590s back versus Spain and to wrap out day
22593s four it's a wrap out week one at large
22595s Denmark versus France we will be back
22597s next week with the second week of
22599s matches that'll really settle the score
22601s here but to make up uh I guess make a
22605s statement here Denmark versus France a
22607s hex brought out some great points has
22609s Denmark been having an easier time will
22612s France live up to the expectations hex
22614s and zp I leave it to y'all and I'll
22616s catch you guys on the other side
22617s yeah and you know look at this I think
22620s hex you nailed it when you said is that
22621s this means the most for 10 park right
22624s now because if they win here who else is
22626s going to beat him who else is left to
22628s beat Denmark right now they have the
22630s hard part of the schedule early and if
22632s they're able to take down France here
22634s and now well should be smooth sailing
22637s from then on out
22638s um you would expect as long as they
22639s don't like sleep on anyone you know like
22641s you can Overlook a team and be
22643s overconfident thinking that you're gonna
22644s get out of groups but yeah I mean it'd
22646s be hugely important France has beaten
22647s everyone on their schedule so you can't
22649s really like begrudge their 3-0 like yeah
22651s they're 3-0 they beat everyone like like
22652s there's and also Francis beating
22654s everyone like decisively they've beaten
22656s the portugals and the Italy's like
22657s quickly and pretty easily
22660s um both these teams are really good I
22661s think most recently when we saw France
22663s like we had a Ben best sighting and you
22666s know I talk about France of like
22667s probably the best tank line as far as
22669s versatility Ben Bustin Poco what do you
22671s want they're two OverWatch League tanks
22673s like as good as it gets
22675s um Nico we know
22676s known for seven to eight years now
22678s playing OverWatch
22680s um but I I still think like as far as
22682s overall Squad
22684s um Denmark's really good the one thing I
22686s did want to note though is um of the
22687s players who are not like you know the
22689s Ben best and FD Gods uh watching reviews
22691s play in the most recent matchup the
22694s Batiste from reviews was really really
22696s strong
22697s um getting Windows really quickly which
22699s means he's efficient on both healing and
22701s damage and then using those windows well
22703s so if you want to look at a player that
22705s maybe you don't know super well going
22707s forward for France watch reviews Flex
22708s support
22709s I also just love the Z at the end it's
22712s very uh 90s what's going on there's like
22714s how do you make something cooler well
22715s you add a z on me yeah it's like
22720s yeah I mean and yeah to the point well
22722s as well like maybe you don't know who
22724s pack is but Pax Hanzo also crushes like
22726s there's there's a lot of um you know
22728s there's always going to be focus on
22730s these teams of like the players that you
22731s know but the World Cup is also a great
22733s opportunity to like see new players and
22736s see how well they're jiving with their
22737s team
22738s and then the other hand when you look at
22741s Denmark another team stacked with Talent
22744s can't say enough good things about the
22746s coordination between Shockwave and Naga
22748s last time we saw them play where we
22750s talked about the Spain coronation on DPS
22751s Denmark was also on another level Doge
22755s remarkably solid calyx where you know
22758s it's weird for Kellogg's where I feel
22759s like kellex almost in a way is a
22761s contender's OverWatch World Cup
22763s specialist where I mean calyx is always
22764s good but it almost feels like there's
22766s another gear to calyx that comes out
22768s specifically competitions like these
22770s yeah I think Helix is always a good one
22772s like he doesn't have to play mercy I
22774s think like the calyx Mercy I feel like I
22776s can see him getting bored
22778s um and like there's a lot of times when
22779s calyx will get picked off on the mercy I
22781s don't think it's his best hero but
22782s sometimes forced to play it especially
22784s when Naga wants to play the echo also
22787s slay has been extremely good for this
22789s team um one of the better players in
22791s contenders overall too so uh this team
22793s is about as good as it gets good depth
22796s good versatility I mean when you think
22798s about Shockwave like they they can play
22800s a lot of different Heroes that DPS line
22802s is really strong whereas like you look
22804s at the Sweden DPS line
22805s um that was so highly vaunted and now
22807s like such questions they've got a couple
22809s of good Heroes but they can only play
22811s those Heroes kind of where I feel like
22812s Shockwave and Naga may not have the
22814s Peaks on single Heroes but have a wider
22817s pool to draw from oh Shockwave is
22819s incredibly versatile and in fact you
22821s know there are a few signature Heroes
22823s Shockwave has had over the years at
22824s different points there is you know a
22826s particular point in the game where yeah
22827s the hero was new but Shockwave had one
22829s the deadliest Echoes ever like for a
22832s brief period of time but also very good
22835s on hit scan just a versatile player that
22837s again I kind of look at shockwave's time
22840s the OverWatch league and feel like this
22841s is a player where I don't know if their
22842s potential was fully expressed because
22844s Peak Shockwave is really really good at
22847s the game as it turns out
22849s foreign
22850s yeah I mean I'm just really excited to
22853s see how this one plays out it should be
22854s some high level clean OverWatch
22857s um we're gonna kick it off on Nepal and
22859s I mean you know I just need to see what
22861s stage we go to first I wouldn't be
22863s surprised to see really any composition
22866s from any of these teams um it really
22869s depends what stage we're going to the
22870s the Naga may could be really good
22873s depending on where we go maybe on this
22876s map yeah
22877s given the fact that you're running Ben
22879s duster I feel like otherwise it'd run
22881s Poco but yeah well you see the rock it's
22883s like if the best is playing I feel like
22885s that does tip France's hand a bit in
22888s terms of what they want to play just
22891s from the onset so the the tank matchup
22893s should be interesting because ramatra
22895s should like generally be getting the
22897s better of the Rhine but I was watching
22898s Ben best play Ryan against ramatra uh in
22901s the most recent matchups and actually
22903s kind of crushed it so like you know when
22906s you're that good it's definitely
22907s possible again Watch reviews Batiste
22910s here as well can be very good but
22913s different uh different DPS lines and
22916s France just wants to play point I mean
22918s with a Reinhardt it makes sense France
22920s wants to play Denmark wants to go
22921s fishing courtesy of Han Solo as naka's
22924s just like you know I think I know where
22926s those uh turrets are I'm gonna take
22927s those out right away pretty nice icicle
22930s pressure coming in from Naga at the same
22932s time meanwhile I'm just interested in
22935s Shockwave where is Shockwave looking for
22937s those arrows right now because otherwise
22939s France does have an advantage on the
22940s point Denmark you know they are reliant
22942s on the Hanzo getting value Doge goes in
22944s immortality field forced out early
22946s not a bad start here from France with
22948s shockwave he was going fishing in that
22950s time he found FD God pulled him on up
22953s sets up Denmark but gets punished by
22956s Nico in turn not quite the 5v4 Denmark
22959s was hoping for after that Alexa on to
22962s Nico and Denmark starts grinding it down
22964s a little bit here hexan a very Scrappy
22966s fight yeah but France is going to get
22968s these trades I mean they've been in
22970s control of the point the whole time
22971s dropping that Shield there is actually
22972s just like here you go pack have some
22974s charge uh gets to beam down these walls
22977s and this symmetra play is really
22979s difficult to deal with Denmark is going
22981s to be able to come back in yeah but they
22982s have to wait for Doge the blizzard might
22984s be able to clear some things up for him
22986s but France in full control compositional
22988s win here for the point yeah I mean I
22991s think France's composition is way more
22992s consistent Denmark is pretty much
22995s entirely reliant on Shockwave Landing a
22998s pickup whereas France they just need to
23000s play well and coordinate around the
23002s point also the shatter could be big for
23004s Ben best
23005s Metro Shield going on down defend best
23007s playing your own Corner tries to charge
23009s your way into a wall and ends up getting
23011s caught no shatter for Ben Fest the wall
23014s from Naga just shuts down any hope of
23017s Escape oh that's funny again like the
23019s mate comes in throws down the blizzard
23021s and Ben was like well I'm out of here
23022s and he's like I already thought of that
23024s I am already thought of where you want
23026s to go and you cannot go there a little
23028s bit of a comical exchange there as
23030s Denmark takes the point back and really
23032s only costs it like the blizzard and
23034s maybe the window but windows were
23035s exchanged so not too shabby uh friends
23038s can be able to fight quickly with the
23039s teleporter backup yeah I mean the upside
23041s for France is a show whereas for Denmark
23043s I mean they're happy to be on the
23044s defense against Shockwave more time to
23047s maybe pick up reviews maybe pick up FD
23049s God Bend best though this is not a
23051s Reinhardt any chill left in the system
23052s going forward oh the Revenge can't quite
23056s finish it though the ice block comes out
23057s after meanwhile France is playing
23059s without a tank on the point and this has
23062s worked out pretty well from Denmark
23063s Heroes Ben Fest kind again impressive
23066s bit here in the back
23067s pack will come and get his back as Naga
23070s does a troll out Ben best
23073s and best tries to take the teleporter
23075s through the charge and is met with uh an
23078s unwelcoming committee but yeah Naga and
23080s Ben best having a fun little micro
23082s battle here yeah it's like we're looking
23084s at all that's like but wait what what
23086s about a tank on the point remember it's
23088s like yeah one of those doesn't exist
23089s right now for you France
23092s foreign
23093s as close as it can be so far Denmark is
23096s now in control of the point and they
23098s will just happily invite someone in
23101s um I mean it can be really hard to block
23103s a shatter with a vermontra shield but it
23105s is possible Nico don't
23107s you go this game sucked in the mouth two
23111s already down for France and you know
23112s Francis rich but they don't want to
23114s spend anything right now the the climate
23116s is not right for investment when you
23117s lose two people that early and that's
23119s gonna bring us the final fight here in
23121s just a moment Yeah final fights and I
23125s mean you can set up a wall to like get a
23127s good initiation like wall up and then
23128s teleport behind it to keep yourself
23130s alive and then I think this all comes
23132s down to like can you get shattered it's
23134s something like Naga and Doge to be able
23136s to block some shatter value because
23137s against a ram it should be kind of free
23138s here we go shatter from Ben best no it's
23141s off
23146s Blizzard from Nico tries to slow it down
23147s FD got invest the beat Denmark beat for
23150s Beats Nico though takes down the
23151s counterpart both days down both
23153s blizzards used get to the point
23156s uh 99 France has to stand the point
23159s Shockwave female finds the bath hanzo's
23161s love when fights break down like this
23163s towards the end and it's slayed with two
23166s as Denmark hang on and they take the
23169s round
23170s yeah the shattered is not finding the
23172s value I thought I saw someone hit the
23174s ground but the Wall came up and it's
23175s always going to deny the follow-up so uh
23178s very very close between these two teams
23180s a really fun Clash of styles hex I think
23182s it was nearly I'd have to go back and
23184s look but that felt like a wall perfect
23185s or a frame perfect wall denial where I
23189s think the wall was still in the process
23191s of coming up but as far as the game was
23193s concerned it was up in time to block the
23195s shatter because it looked like the
23196s shower went down before the wall was up
23198s but it was just that very pinpoint
23201s timing by Naga that came out to say that
23204s if you're Ben best you're fuming at how
23206s that played out if you're Ben Bess uh
23209s May is not your favorite Hero at this
23211s point in time given everything that
23213s happened prior to that as well uh so
23216s yeah we praise naga's May throughout the
23219s tournament and there is a big reason why
23221s uh looks like compositions are going to
23223s stay the same for both squads
23232s punches down Ben best Naga trying out
23235s both teams trading out in general where
23238s pack has been oddly deadly in this too I
23240s have to say like especially as fights
23243s seem to break down later pack is charged
23246s up and mixing this one
23253s Lucio and now we see pressure onto those
23256s Doge super low a wall behind them the
23258s healing
23259s healing gonna be keeping Doge alive
23261s France nearly with the capture not quite
23263s yet empty God living on Danger's door
23265s right now but hey stays alive bentest
23267s though gets caught Denmark tank
23269s Advantage now pushing it to the point
23271s France didn't get that first control and
23273s as a result you see Denmark coming back
23275s up right now
23276s up the rest of France very close right
23280s yeah after you guys gonna try to get in
23282s here I mean this one's not over because
23283s it's been pretty bloodless so far
23288s yeah it finally gets Nico and that
23290s should do it what's really impressed
23291s though is uh and we saw it earlier and
23292s it's also happening in the previous
23294s stage is doge is getting these kills
23296s like in the neutral on Ezra Matra he's
23299s getting
23300s um he got Nico previously just just
23302s straight up punching like it's kind of
23304s crazy you expect like vermontra to live
23306s and sustain and maybe annihilations come
23308s through but I think showing up on the
23310s kill feed
23311s window Hanzo always scary needs to be
23314s respected Naga goes down and this puts a
23316s lot on Shockwave and does to keep this
23318s going maybe Doge uses the annihilation
23321s here but yeah okay Doge goes for it
23323s Denmark knocking it up with that pipe
23325s pressure gonna be coming on the Doge in
23326s turn
23327s Annihilation down sound barriers still
23330s in reserve France Got control while this
23332s went on so the wave is going down yeah I
23334s think you let the rest go here save the
23335s barrier for the next fight
23337s yeah absolutely got to know and hold him
23339s no one to fold them Doge will take a
23340s trip into the pit and see uh Denmark in
23344s a decent spot to be able to recontest
23346s here like it dragon is not always
23348s perfect as far as winning fights for you
23350s but it does get you through doorways
23352s that can be tough and if France wants to
23354s hold right here
23355s um then shockwaves dragons gonna be able
23357s to clear it out and then maybe play on
23359s the points and let naga's blizzard uh
23362s hold up yeah I mean the best use of
23364s dragon is it's a force movement
23367s Denmark is able to get in through the
23369s first area here relatively for free no
23372s dragon needs to use Wall comes down and
23373s oh they're trying to go for the
23374s isolation on the back they're looking
23376s for shotgun but
23378s Mark is way more devastating as Doge he
23381s just continued to see the bicep Flex the
23383s kill feed
23385s Ed just baited by that like Hanzo still
23389s didn't die but yeah it looks really bad
23391s like Shockwave I was like a little
23392s worried on my hero kind of in no man's
23394s Landing
23395s friends hard commits onto Shockwave in a
23399s really good response by the rest of
23401s Denmark to get over there and completely
23403s punish that
23405s meanwhile calyx win to drop the beat
23408s pushing all thoughts and Ajax out of his
23411s mind as every Lucio does before you hit
23413s the button
23415s s low and down this time not gonna get
23419s away and it's such an uncontested tank
23421s kill that
23422s Denmark what do you want to do here
23424s you've already used window you're down
23426s your tank France can basically walk up
23429s to play I think he hopes Shockwave Gets
23431s a pick but okay you're done calyx now
23433s it's time to go I mean it was dueling
23434s Windows early on and as I mentioned in
23436s our preview like reviews has been
23438s quietly a very very strong path and gets
23441s another kill towards the end France is
23443s going to go for this and stagger Out
23445s reviews shows up in the kill feed again
23447s taking down his counterpart reviews with
23449s another kill like I would love to see
23451s more reviews POV or maybe um you know
23454s replay viewer blizzard please
23456s um watching some of this Baptiste and
23457s just because I feel like the the damage
23460s aim has to be so high I cursed them
23462s that's 100 The Scouting arrow that also
23466s is bloodthirsty no Bap for France France
23469s is gonna have to empty this think the
23470s make this even they start with the
23472s blizzard the buy time Nico hoping for
23475s help empty God uses the beats and yeah I
23478s mean Francis burning everything here but
23480s they're just getting burped by
23481s Annihilation it turns Doge walks forward
23484s Shockwave might be gone but there is no
23487s stopping Doge on the follow through
23489s 67 to 99 France paid a lot for whatever
23493s delay they got there
23495s yeah less than ideal
23497s um from France and now we are like uh
23500s we're nearing final fight
23503s and you know coincidence would have it
23505s it's probably going to come down to a
23506s shatter again
23508s well Nico's out of the fight so the
23509s shatter is gonna
23514s Doge low HP is Doge Gonna Get Out Alive
23516s Doge just holding up the arms for dear
23519s life stays alive Shockwave bow Under
23521s Pressure caught by reviews the damage
23523s Bap himself
23525s Denmark though that recaptured the point
23527s it's 99 to 99 Doge under pressure for
23530s both ends pack beaming on one side and
23532s doge is gonna fall as Nico comes in for
23535s the fall through off the beam France
23537s desperately lying the force round three
23539s Here and Now Denmark getting poked down
23541s calix gone slay out and France rallies
23545s when they need it most and is round
23548s three in the cards I don't even know who
23550s in Denmark can get back in and touch and
23552s the answer is no one yeah just reviews
23554s goes up top kids another two piece you
23556s know I'm always happy to be proven right
23558s doesn't happen very often but uh I mean
23561s it's been such a such a clutch part of
23563s this team for France you know it's not
23565s always the names that you know it's
23567s sometimes the the players that you you
23568s learn about during World Cup that are
23571s really the the difference Changers but
23572s man this has lived up to everything just
23575s given this stage though
23577s ah I think we're gonna see mirrors
23580s mostly because you know Village is where
23583s May does the best work right so it's
23585s it's Naga versus Nico Ben best vs Doge
23588s and getting the Sims on the point too
23590s it's gonna be just a laser light show on
23592s the point
23593s I will say you know there's an old adage
23596s uh both an OverWatch and Just Sports in
23597s general but you have to try and just
23599s mirror and copy what the other team is
23601s doing usually a team that does this the
23603s most is going to win France I feel like
23606s has an edge from the beginning because
23607s this is what they've run the entire time
23609s whereas Denmark is the are the ones that
23611s have to flex a bit here that best gets
23613s to welcome Doge into his world no more
23615s RAM to speak of
23621s takes him for a ride
23623s however that immortality field comes
23626s down and best very very low and yet pack
23629s burns down Doge France is able to
23630s disengage and stay alive even when
23632s Denmark nearly had him on the ropes that
23634s was the biggest value immortality field
23636s I think I've ever seen like four people
23638s down to the absolute threshold of the
23641s emo field really well played and best
23644s gonna look for a little bit more out
23645s here don't want to over commit
23647s teleporter will go down but yeah France
23650s in strong control
23652s already has a window up for reviews
23653s slay's gonna match them too so really
23656s just getting like the question about how
23658s does Denmark re-engage
23660s do you try to teleport in
23663s you try to just rush in do you speed
23665s boost in
23666s well I think they teleport in in the Sim
23668s alt immediately is probably what's going
23670s to happen there but if you're France you
23672s really like this yeah that's exactly
23673s what happens like teleport Sim Alton
23675s what Nico just got caught at a super
23679s beginning of the fight huge benefit to
23682s Denmark at the rest stay alive shatter
23685s gonna be up here for both rides then
23687s best first goes the old Ryan versus Ryan
23689s battle What's it gonna be
23691s holding and waiting Doge goes from Slam
23694s in the back but Ben Fest goes for the
23695s shatter knocks down two and pack there
23698s on the cleanup the damage from pack
23700s unreal after Ben best sets the table
23703s yeah I mean this is the the microwave
23706s gun I've always said like my favorite
23708s skin would be a beekeeper where pack is
23710s like symmetra's just shooting Hornets
23712s out of the gun and his angry swarm
23715s um
23732s so Denmark trying to get back in here
23734s they're going to take The High Ground in
23735s oops blizzard over top
23738s so it's off I hope it's gonna be the
23739s most effective we'll see Shockwave goes
23742s down immediately after God just comes
23745s off in off the side I get back pack is
23747s Mr consistent right now constant damage
23749s coming up for France of course dies as
23751s soon as I say that but empty got more
23752s than whistling to pick up the scraps 85
23755s to 70 Denmark running out of time here
23758s on map one as France is looking
23760s remarkably solid yeah they're gonna get
23762s back in but I don't think it's gonna be
23764s perfect necessarily I think they use
23766s teleporter just to get to this point
23768s okay they're gonna try up top again they
23770s need somehow to get like really really
23772s good value like the best window value
23774s ever window comes down blizzard
23777s still being built as we see the wall out
23779s from back and the wall just gives France
23782s a huge Edge in the fight is pack
23784s continues beaming it down yeah a nice
23786s beat there too and then they away they
23788s go to the back line and take out slay
23789s that's like all of the healing and most
23791s importantly the the immortality feel the
23793s utility of that France with Ben best on
23797s the ground winning the Rhine games on a
23800s village when it has to go down to Ryan
23802s when they have to mirror each other I
23803s think you're right like France just has
23805s the heads up in that you know and you're
23807s you're right it does go like every sport
23809s of like do we play a three-point
23811s shooting game that's not really our
23813s style and you try to mirror and you're
23814s just not as good at it so it kind of
23816s comes down to the stage there too
23819s because that is just the best comp to
23820s play on that stage period which it just
23823s is I think it's Undisputed that's the
23825s best commentary well that's why Denmark
23827s ran to it right like Denmark had a
23829s preference for other compositions on the
23831s other two rounds but you get to the
23833s Village stage it kind of forces your
23835s hand it's like uh oh we have to play the
23837s comp position that France has been
23839s running the entire map so far that's not
23841s good it wasn't good in France
23843s flagstaffed with their superiority in
23846s that particular composition
23848s yeah I mean this is this is living up to
23851s the hype I mean I I'm just really happy
23854s we talked about reviews and pack before
23856s we got into this because uh they both
23858s played really really well like almost
23861s almost Flawless games for the most part
23863s like Shockwave symmetra I don't think we
23865s we said his name once in in the village
23868s phase it was just pack beaming people
23871s down and packed like just playing it to
23873s the edge there were so many times we're
23874s on Pax POV and it's like 10 HP somehow
23878s is able to play it the immortality
23880s fields for me views were getting so much
23882s value uh the first immortality field in
23885s the very first fight like everybody was
23887s down to the threshold like that's how
23889s important it was and really really close
23892s matchups here I I actually obviously I
23895s wouldn't be surprised if this goes to
23897s three because next map pick is going to
23899s be Denmark's yeah this is everything we
23902s hoped for the the this is the top
23904s Echelon of the group
23906s yeah I this was a super entertaining
23908s match I mean the first two rounds 99 to
23910s 99 the last round not as good but look
23913s we already laid out the reasons for why
23914s that was you know Denmark essentially
23916s had to play in enemy territory there but
23918s look Denmark is a team that has anything
23920s far from done but this France team is
23924s looking incredible is Denmark gonna be
23927s able to play better on their map Choice
23929s stay tuned we'll see you soon
23932s [Music]
23945s thank you
23946s [Music]
23969s thank you
23970s [Music]
24006s foreign
24009s [Music]
24015s [Music]
24047s foreign
24064s [Music]
24091s foreign
24100s [Music]
24147s foreign
24150s Denmark and France giving us a show on
24153s map number one back to back 99-99 with
24157s France exerting a little bit more
24159s dominance as we went to the Village
24160s because frankly it played to their team
24162s it's the best comp on that like it's
24164s just it's just how you win it so pretty
24166s much Denmark needed to win before he
24167s went to Village they kind of got the RNG
24169s that that Village was gonna be last
24171s right
24172s um but just didn't work out for them
24173s packs symmetra was Superior in that case
24176s I thought review's Bap was a little bit
24177s Superior too just the value out of the
24179s um the immortality Fields so now Denmark
24182s gets to pick a map but they've never
24183s lost the first map before so I don't
24185s know what map they're gonna go to next
24186s it wouldn't so this is actually a guess
24189s and I don't know yet but it wouldn't
24190s surprise me to see okay I was gonna say
24192s numbani because I think that uh that
24194s Denmark probably is the better Echo
24196s players and Echo has been really strong
24197s on new Bonnie lately but blizzard worlds
24200s uh we've seen people run echo in
24201s blizzard World 2 when shock me also a
24204s good Hanzo map so and uh an interesting
24206s pick from Denmark we'll kind of see what
24208s compositions are run out also I kind of
24210s curious to see if there's any
24211s substitutions on either side as both
24213s these teams have solid depth yeah I mean
24216s when you say substitutions let me uh
24217s translate that for you you want to see
24219s if Ben Bess is getting subbed out for
24220s Poco that's the actual substitution you
24222s care about here specifically yeah is
24224s what you're looking at I think in the
24225s previous matches though like once they
24227s run
24228s um one or the other I don't think
24229s they've subbed out mid match before I
24231s could be wrong but I think like if
24233s poco's in there they're running with
24234s poco and if Ben Bess is in they're
24236s running with Ben best
24237s um I'd have to really go back and review
24238s there's been three matches in in well
24240s even theory is shattered okay well you
24243s know maybe you know
24245s dude these been long days
24246s [Laughter]
24248s I'm also covering two groups you know
24250s it's like 14 teams to keep track of uh
24252s so oh yeah but I think that's been the
24254s case but yeah running Poco here makes a
24256s ton of sense it's not a very good
24257s Reinhardt map overall there's just too
24259s many like not high high grounds but like
24261s medium high grounds especially first
24263s point you need the diva to be able to
24265s hold first point and to shuffle people
24266s off of first point so that is very
24269s likely the reason also Avo is coming in
24271s for France too
24274s yeah I mean I think that makes sense
24276s getting that Avo uh definitely is pretty
24278s good with rain scan uh type play
24281s and the fact is like as we head in here
24283s it is definitely fair the long well and
24285s yeah it's also in terms of yeah
24288s the Tracer God himself yeah shax is a
24292s play on Valiant a couple years back I
24294s made a video on it you can probably look
24295s it up one of the best Tracer lives I've
24297s ever seen in my life
24299s um and mulfig now in two or Doge so yeah
24303s they take out the ground tanks are out
24305s we're in a diva territory
24307s on paper Nico vershacks is a tracer
24310s mismatch I feel like Shaq's highs on
24312s Tracer historically are so much higher
24314s than Nico's on the cro that Nico's gonna
24317s have a tough job we'll see if Nico Rises
24319s the occasion but this is something you
24321s have to look at Denmark and be
24325s so far just poking around no kills just
24328s yet no even real permanent damage yet
24330s Shaq's getting checked
24332s all right Shacks for snico here on the
24335s corner
24336s both tracers fighting it out you go and
24339s go back to the side leave my whole pack
24340s later
24342s now come back over both teams throwing
24344s each other out right now no hard commits
24346s just yet Shockwave getting low has a TP
24349s out mostly worried about building EP now
24351s a little bit of pressure on Nico Nika
24353s returning favor here come Shacks
24357s it is the Duel of DPS down here as Eco
24360s under heavy fired getting sport by empty
24362s God all the while no evil meanwhile
24365s Becca was able to get slay yeah
24366s meanwhile I'm so uh fishing successful
24371s so Avo on here and getting Anna just
24374s gives France so much more presence
24377s because Denmark has to back out you
24378s don't want to be too aggressive while
24379s you're down your Anna no I mean you just
24382s don't have the healing especially the
24383s ranged healing so you can't go in for a
24385s dive and expect to get heals uh the
24386s packs from the brig only last for so
24389s long
24389s so gonna use this opportunity to try to
24392s get two ticks onto the point at the very
24394s least
24396s all right can you go sign up or to use
24398s bomb knock it much meanwhile bomb out
24400s from Shacks also not getting much as
24403s wolf just moves down to finds the
24406s opening off the Nano
24408s and that's guns away France here I mean
24410s France got some progress on the point
24411s but Denmark is healthy enough that it's
24413s just timed back out nanodiva is like
24416s deceptively bursty like with the rockets
24418s and then uh the jump Jets like
24421s yeah perfect we'll we'll take another on
24423s the way out Nico will barely stay alive
24426s that's a full reset from France and you
24428s know blizzard world is so deceptive on
24431s the offense that you think like oh
24432s things are going fine there's 90 seconds
24433s left there's only 90 seconds left for
24435s friends like they have to pull this off
24436s and it's like it's because it's such a
24438s long setup it feels like you have to win
24440s two fights to be able to win first point
24442s yeah I mean also there's a lot of poking
24444s the other team was hard committing so
24445s it's just like a long flight without a
24447s true winner I mean the thing that gave
24449s France their progress was just one pick
24450s but it wasn't a full team life in
24452s Shockwave 25 HP just barely gets out
24455s Poco going for a nap at the meanwhile
24457s this EMP though could be the Difference
24459s Maker
24460s as Denmark sets up there's still gonna
24462s be two fights even if this is quick in
24464s all likelihood but for now all Intrigue
24467s on Shockwave
24470s waiting and waiting it's a long long set
24473s up here X's both teams feel each other
24474s out but you know that emps are coming
24477s the question is when there it goes the
24480s bionade right after album Poco a little
24482s bit of trouble empty God got super low
24484s but stays alive not for long though
24486s Shaq's fish is off bomb from Shacks on
24488s the Nico establishing dominance with 40
24492s seconds remaining yeah Shack's got FD
24494s got during the rally they would have
24496s loved to keep that alive unable to do so
24499s Denmark does empty the bank here on
24501s their defense so use pretty much
24503s everything the self-destruct the rally
24504s it all came out they will have a nano
24507s here but France
24509s um nanow of their own very likely from
24511s Poco like yeah it's France will have
24513s more ultimates but they're not
24514s necessarily better it's pretty much just
24516s gonna be Nano versus Nano
24519s all right
24521s Avo here Dead Eye good to go France
24525s looking for any way in five seconds left
24526s they have to touch the point meanwhile
24527s as that bionade looks thick in the back
24530s and the follow through from Shacks
24532s unbelievable
24535s meanwhile back on the point What
24537s miracles could be in store for France it
24539s is looking Grim over time ticks down and
24543s that is a first point hold coming out
24545s from Denmark yeah some progress on the
24547s point for France but I mean I think you
24549s called it earlier and I could not agree
24551s more that shax's Peaks on Tracer have
24554s just been enormous
24555s um you know I I do think about a couple
24557s years back on the Valiant was one of the
24559s one of the huge highlights for that team
24561s when tracer was super meta I mean it's
24565s he can just take over games and you saw
24568s it from Shaq's mofik also like getting
24570s subbed in being fresh like that was a
24572s solid Divo play there overall Denmark
24575s seems to know exactly what they're doing
24577s here on blizzard World
24579s um and just need 71 percent to force us
24582s to a map three
24584s yeah I mean it would be absolutely wild
24587s to see the Fuller hold come out here
24588s from France I mean I would love to see
24590s it it is hard to do and also you know
24592s I'll send the trailer stuff I thought
24595s Nico put up a commendable performance I
24597s still think especially earlier between
24598s the two yeah but like Nico didn't get
24600s blown out in the Tracer V Tracer battle
24602s like we've seen pretty bad Tracer diffs
24604s uh over the course of OverWatch that
24606s wasn't one of them so kudos to Nico
24608s hanging in there yeah and with you know
24610s historically it being you know
24612s potentially a rough match it wasn't
24613s necessarily that Jax was like rocking
24615s Nico it was that Shaq was cleaning up
24616s everybody else like shax was killed on
24618s an FD got during the rally was probably
24619s the biggest kill of the game open things
24622s up for him I've yet to see this work but
24625s I'm open to it Denmark can't go for this
24627s Widow shot
24629s hey you'd think you want to run like a
24631s mercy with this too to boost it but
24634s here we go
24636s on it looking and done awesome
24640s it's gonna work one time out of a
24643s million and maybe I guess it's worth it
24645s so
24646s okay that we just have to hold out hope
24649s for that one time and make all the setup
24651s worth it but we got them today Sombra
24654s kind of a interest except it's kind of
24656s makes sense though for Denmark here hex
24658s where remember they only need point a
24660s and they don't even need all of it so
24661s you can run something that's a little
24663s bit slower and you'll hope to just get
24665s that one consistent bite it's a rush
24667s sustain so they're gonna rotate around
24668s and just try to like Bully onto this
24670s High Ground rather than like dive onto
24672s it or launch logs from a distance
24674s um you see also the sound we're setting
24675s up on behind so like when they do get a
24677s hack they might boost into this gonna
24679s wait out this anti-name though
24681s yeah the fall too is not going to be
24683s there also the fact that they get EMP
24684s eventually I feel like Denmark is just
24686s set up for the long game here not to say
24689s that they couldn't win this first fight
24690s outright with poco in real trouble get
24692s loose to back isn't able to get out in
24695s time however already 50 to repack Poco
24698s deadly on the pilot Diva however with no
24700s tank in play Avo goes down FD God gets
24703s caught and Denmark says yeah the long
24705s game is all good but uh have you heard
24708s about winning first fights
24710s it was just it's a really nice setup you
24712s can tell it's a set play the big
24714s rotation of the right side and then the
24715s waiting it out they got antide a couple
24718s times it didn't really matter they
24719s waited out then they speed into the top
24721s and speeding in with a May and a ramatra
24724s just able to take over the top they
24726s catch Poco out and with no tank there
24728s and then it's just easy cleanup for the
24729s sound bro
24731s so just a beautiful set play you see
24733s exactly why they chose that map
24735s defensive difference but also like the
24737s offensive set play perfectly there two
24739s different compositions on offense and
24741s defense and Denmark played it perfectly
24742s like that it was a great map from them
24745s she did midcast and obviously they
24747s didn't need a longer fight but you stop
24749s and think about how the ult play would
24750s have played out in that I don't think
24752s that would have gotten a whole lot
24754s better for France because they would
24755s have had to survive in EMP blizzard
24757s fight at some point and I don't know
24759s like holding on to 70 the entire time it
24761s was gonna be tough and it didn't even
24763s get to that point
24764s yeah I mean it was just perfectly set up
24767s I think they might have gotten the hack
24768s onto Poco there before they rushed in I
24770s mean because the summer was behind and
24772s just harassing getting hacked so really
24774s good setup obviously Shaq's on the
24777s defensive tracer was really really
24778s strong here but I I it does really seem
24782s you know sometimes when the team gets to
24784s pick a map that I think they just pick
24785s it like willy-nilly and they're like
24786s whatever it's good for our comp but this
24788s seemed like a very strategic choice of
24790s we know what our offense is going to
24792s look like at the very least and the
24794s defense look very solid and as expected
24796s we will go to a map three
24799s um you know for the top spot in this
24801s group really
24807s you could ever do auto blizzard world
24809s one team full hole together but Denmark
24811s they Strike Back even up the series one
24815s to one Denmark and France they're taking
24818s it to the Limit we'll see the finale
24820s right after this
24823s [Music]
24840s foreign
24843s [Music]
24862s [Music]
24865s [Applause]
24873s [Music]
24889s foreign
24893s [Music]
24906s [Music]
24946s thank you
24949s [Music]
24956s [Music]
24967s [Music]
24977s thank you
24979s [Music]
25002s [Music]
25022s [Music]
25037s thank you
25038s thank you
25041s Denmark versus France bringing us to
25044s three Maps as expected second map blink
25047s and you might have missed it Denmark
25048s putting up a thrilling defense that
25050s France did not have the answer to and
25052s hex I'm gonna bring it back one more
25054s time is that with France's propensity to
25056s run a decent Ave Tracer if you're
25058s Denmark do you leave Shacks in
25061s yes I mean is that a trick question no
25064s no I'll just take you up to look smart
25065s because there's I mean it's basically a
25067s rhetorical question the answer is yeah
25069s you should be leaving surely you know
25070s they signed me up to look down if I'm
25071s like no Shady shacksaw who knows we'll
25074s both look foolish
25076s um I think it's it's just a thing of
25077s like it's weird looking at a I have to
25079s process a little bit more but like if
25081s you're gonna lose a map losing map one
25082s is good because I think like the
25083s difference between all the escort Maps
25085s is so much greater than the difference
25087s between the push Maps right so like
25089s having your choice of map 2 is enormous
25092s whereas we saw like Denmark just looked
25095s dominant on that map and it's because
25096s like that was their pick and they had a
25098s strat and they ran it to Perfection so
25100s getting the third map choice not ideal
25103s because I just don't see an enormous
25105s difference I think this might be the
25107s first time this tournament we've seen
25108s Colosseo though
25110s um it's definitely a rarity that we seek
25112s no never mind we've seen it a little bit
25114s the match seven on my screen says we've
25116s seen coliseo
25117s um yeah it's it's definitely not one of
25119s the most favored of the um
25122s you push Maps but uh yeah I think they
25126s took Shacks out so we're both wrong
25127s crazy well yeah but I think the
25129s reasoning here is that this is a map
25131s that you oftentimes want to run May it's
25134s up close and personal it makes sense
25136s because you're not gonna put Shacks on
25138s to may you would have to do something
25139s weird when you put like Shockwave on the
25141s May yeah Naga is the best May player for
25144s Denmark and the fact that we go to this
25145s map in particular that has so many good
25147s spots for May makes sense mean while you
25149s look at what France is running they
25151s brought Ben best back in again up close
25153s and personal map where May is good that
25155s means Ryan is good so these swaps make
25158s sense let me eat all my words and be
25159s like yeah this actually does totally
25161s make sense for France because it is the
25163s the most closed in of all of the the
25165s push Maps like you think Esperanza is
25167s wide open this is the exact hours
25169s especially this hallway
25171s um
25174s it is also a map where you like high
25176s ground and long range hitscan can come
25178s into play so Shockwave on the ash is
25180s gonna be interesting but it is less
25182s consistent value but yeah I'm completely
25184s wrong because it's been a long day but
25186s this is this makes perfect sense for
25187s France and France's play style
25189s also that was the the two for their pack
25192s and Nico just combined for the super
25195s quick pickup on Naga gave France the
25198s initiative here to start things off you
25200s know got a little Hanzo versus Ash on
25202s the outskirts payload moving forward
25204s Denmark ball already down I like how
25208s France is playing this year so far
25209s Denmark though they're gonna pick a
25211s moment and just dive in although as I
25213s said that what about France picks the
25214s moment it goes on in his bed Fest
25216s catches shock wave it was with the help
25219s of may from Nico and it's not the
25224s flashiest engage but it's enough to set
25226s the tone and they get Naga huge from
25229s France another kill on the way out is
25231s they should be able to clean up Doge
25233s here and uh pack will escort him out
25235s with an arrow and this might end up just
25238s being forward spawns right away just
25240s based on how staggered those kills ended
25242s up being
25243s yeah and I mean this is where you don't
25245s want to be for Denmark you don't want to
25246s be this far behind I mean they brought
25247s it back yesterday you stop and think
25249s they've already done one big push cut
25251s back in the tournament but France is
25253s playing so clean right now it might have
25254s to be two if Denmark wants to stay
25256s undefeated as France is already at 62
25260s meters Denmark just looking for a way in
25263s yet the swap the shock wave over to the
25265s Hanzo so Hanzo be Hanzo here and pack
25269s finds Shockwave early once more gets
25272s where the immortality field and Denmark
25274s is hurting window or no France looking
25277s healthy Ben best drops a shatter don't
25279s even think it was eaten and this is the
25281s pack show right now I mean just really
25283s good ultimate staggers out from from
25285s France they dropped the window early on
25287s as Denmark sitting on The High Ground
25288s just daring them to come down like
25290s putting in a ton of damage so that
25292s Denmark has to hide away eventually
25293s Denmark has to drop down onto the
25295s payload but it's just a couple of people
25297s so they get cleaned up unceremoniously
25299s the dragon comes out and Yeah France
25301s just dominant at this moment
25305s well Denmark has a blizzard and an
25308s Annihilation so if they lose this next
25309s fight that's just horrendous well
25311s they've already used the annihilation
25313s and France was able to mostly disengage
25315s from it beat is a reserved Naga nearly
25317s Falls France is looking incredible right
25321s now the blizzard comes out here from
25323s Naga defend best gets Frozen and its
25325s Shockwave catches Nico empty God still
25327s use the beat and pack here on the flank
25330s no way Pax hurts this fight as well
25332s right like look at this here at the side
25334s I don't think that's gonna happen but
25336s there is the possibility beat has gone
25339s out already from kellex reviews find
25340s slay
25341s France holding in there pack is finally
25344s hunted down and takes the veteran calyx
25346s to finally do it and that was a must-win
25349s fight from Denmark you know essentially
25351s over if they had lost yeah they had to
25353s and they're not even going to get a
25354s percentage point back as France is going
25356s to get right back in here reviews has a
25358s window up yet again
25360s um I mean it's it's the players that are
25362s kind of newcomers that are not the
25364s OverWatch league players that have been
25365s carrying France through a lot of these
25367s these fight wins
25369s window for reviews good to go Shockwave
25373s right now looking for anything it does
25376s not care Eco find slay Dragon though
25379s from Shockwave comes out gets one but
25380s that's all it's gonna get is pack
25382s immediately punishes
25383s pack is so impressive it is unreal what
25387s pack is doing right now for France and
25389s that robot's gonna take a jog in the
25391s wrong direction for Denmark yeah and if
25394s you've been watching any of France so
25395s far this is they should not surprise you
25397s at Pax Hanzo is not only does it get
25399s like the The Kills immediately but it's
25402s always in clumps two and three kills
25404s like the consistency of this Hanzo is
25406s what separates it oh he's still got a
25410s trade on that play of all things
25412s uh shatter in from Ben Fest it's looking
25415s for those who's mid Annihilation and
25417s mortality field comes up Doge Under
25420s Pressure still somehow Staying Alive
25421s here really good deals for does but that
25423s comes to an end Doge balls fenfest ft
25427s God power it on through Nico still
25430s looking healthy looking propellex drop
25431s some wall Shockwave was able to get one
25433s as empty God went out of his way the
25436s hunt down his counterpart and look at
25438s where we are now friends is dominating
25443s it's about as good as it gets zero
25445s percent for Denmark and it has just been
25447s trying to avoid pack I mean even when
25449s they get trades it doesn't matter FD got
25452s like I think would turn the last fight
25453s absolutely is Nico's blizzard too he's
25455s been kind of quiet as Pack's been the
25457s one lighting up The Kill feed but
25458s Denmark has almost nothing to stop this
25461s it's they might have to just wait and
25463s hopefully they get a blizzard but the
25464s annihilation value hasn't been there
25466s that's shockwave gets picked on epigogs
25469s do you start but when you're down to fap
25470s it doesn't feel as good
25473s window here prop reviews this is a
25475s pretty accurate window on the plank
25477s Bento speedwild catches Naga
25480s paxo they got rid of the monster but
25484s France is still in a way better position
25486s well the glass on this map has been a
25488s point of contention for a lot of people
25490s but reviews uses it to his benefit right
25492s there hopping in and out of the map and
25495s gets a kill for his trouble and best has
25498s a shatter shatter against this
25500s composition
25502s pretty good it's gonna be like if you
25504s don't wall it and you don't have the
25506s perfect bromatra ball
25508s should get some value that best has had
25511s pretty darn good shatters the series if
25514s Naga hasn't stopped them and as I say
25516s that that mess just gets focused on down
25518s doesn't have the opportunity to drop the
25520s shatter probably the best look Denmark
25522s has had all map long and now you gotta
25525s Think Public Enemy Number One Kill pack
25527s don't let him flip it please deal with
25530s pack his nose goes I got this treats him
25532s to the well-toned bicep
25535s and we got Denmark back in at their
25538s first points on the board here hex with
25541s only three and a half minutes left to go
25542s and a long way to go yeah First Progress
25545s on the board for Denmark as you
25547s mentioned three and a half minutes but
25548s it has been all France so far still
25550s holding on a shatter still gonna have a
25552s blizzard coming in next and
25555s um really it's just it's just been a
25557s giant difference between the hanzo's and
25558s shotgun's not a bad Hanzo speaking of
25560s gets it's the old stuff he got shot it
25563s all comes out right in front of Ben dust
25564s there
25565s and Naga again dropping walls in front
25568s of Ben France still a winnable fight if
25571s they drop the beat but they lose Nico no
25573s it's not quite as simple packed up by
25576s Shockwave still a fight very much a
25579s Denmark's favor an empty God just
25580s hanging onto the beat all the while
25584s alive their blizzard would have been
25586s really good as they had already forced
25588s out support ultimates from Denmark
25592s so now some finally some some good
25595s progress going on
25597s that has not gotten any value out of
25598s this Annihilation you're gonna have to
25600s change that wall comes up
25601s all comes out early and Denmark they
25605s have a lot to go through here I mean
25606s France can slow play this and play the
25608s drain time off the clock and win like
25610s Denmark
25611s has to be to be perfect
25613s Beyond just winning fights like the alt
25616s economy also has to be magnificent and
25618s they can't have anyone get picked off by
25620s Packard
25622s no not at all and you see this from
25624s France they know they they don't push
25625s four they don't be the aggressive
25627s they're just chilling right now it's
25628s it's completely okay it's like we'll do
25630s this all day like but here we go
25632s initiation Doge on the way in opens with
25635s Annihilation France was standing a lot
25637s of it empty God still hanging onto the
25638s beat blizzard comes out from Nico
25641s gives his life for it Shockwave finds
25643s previews pack though still a threat is
25645s found one and it's packed again keeping
25648s France in the fight with free a minute
25651s 42 left to go and Denmark is in trouble
25656s and you take those trades too early on
25658s Nico gave his life trying to get the
25660s blizzard off to mitigate some of uh
25662s dojo's Annihilation Doge does get uh
25664s Nico in turn for it but France is the
25667s perfect composition to just kind of play
25669s that defensively right you just wait you
25671s have to run into a hail of arrows you
25672s have to run into a May and a Rhine not
25675s ideal so taking the lead early on in
25678s Coliseum is so important especially for
25680s this composition and France is going to
25682s be fine to just chill and we're nearing
25684s just a minute left on the clock CP while
25686s the key is don't chill too much as Naga
25688s comes in here at the blizzard the one
25689s thing Denmark needs to be big into the
25692s next fight pack under pressure low HP
25694s poked on back and speaking of Blizzard
25697s it's caught that best he didn't bring
25698s the jacket Denmark exactly what they
25701s needed here the exact appropriate amount
25703s of investment just the blizzard a clean
25706s team fight with 45 seconds could Denmark
25709s do the comeback on push two days in a
25712s row they've given themselves the best
25714s shot yeah it's gonna be tough um I mean
25717s it's always as tough to come back on
25718s push right but this one is looking like
25720s two at least maybe three perfect fights
25723s whereas France is just banking ultimates
25725s I want to see if reviews can be the
25727s clutch got again on the Batiste the
25729s window is ready you can't lose Ben best
25731s hero though he's a little bit caught out
25732s the dragon's gonna free him up dueling
25735s dragons bent best low after the shatter
25736s very very low stays alive immortality
25739s field down calyx drops the beat any
25743s follow through to be found here they get
25745s the checkpoint but that's not what
25746s matters they need a team fight win then
25749s best going for the charge looking for
25751s calyx booped away Ben best under a lot
25753s of heavy pressure here can Denmark
25754s completed can they get rid of bed Fest
25756s Here and Now Ben best thing live is
25758s packed finds Doge stays alive for long
25761s enough calcium chocolate drangoff and
25763s the robot is not kept in progress
25767s friends
25768s they take the map they take the series
25771s yeah I mean they got it to the
25772s checkpoint right but then the robot
25774s Retreats as they're not touching it so
25776s he's backing up and France puts pressure
25778s so the robots actually under the car
25780s wash Archway and they don't necessarily
25782s realize it can't get there an
25784s anti-climactic end but yeah just smart
25787s map picks from both of these teams I
25789s imagine like this this was the the
25792s OverWatch that we expected a beautiful
25794s map pick from Denmark to on blizzard
25796s world was the fastest map that we saw
25799s all series and then you know I learned
25802s something new about push today just like
25804s it makes sense thinking about it that
25805s this is the map for a push team to play
25808s on because of these tight hallways
25810s because may can be so good here and
25812s really
25813s um I mean you know as long as I was
25815s about some things today I was right that
25817s it is the players on France that you're
25819s you're meeting maybe now for the first
25821s time in the world cup and reviews and
25822s pack who I thought uh played just out of
25826s their minds today reviews especially the
25828s Baptiste in map one which France won and
25830s then packed today just shows you the
25832s power of the Hanzo it's it's not just
25834s the one kill it's the two kills it's the
25836s three kill that we see right now
25842s in this map to give France the lead they
25845s were able to sit on for the rest of the
25848s match not just the nature push yeah I
25851s mean you saw at the very end in our
25853s replays there you saw like the pockets
25855s the checkpoints and you hear the noise
25856s and you feel pretty good but then all of
25858s a sudden since Denmark is a little bit
25861s over here France is holding the point
25863s the bot starts creeping away from it and
25865s it's the robot you have to stick with
25866s not the the little block he's pushing
25868s there so you saw desperately at the end
25871s uh Naga tried to get to the robot but a
25873s little too far away about as close as it
25875s gets the these are the cream of the crop
25878s but France remains undefeated
25881s um on
25882s on the tournament so far they did drop a
25885s map but not a match yet 4-0 well France
25888s showing us why they are one of the
25890s favorites in all of the OverWatch World
25893s Cup but we're not done quite yet today
25895s we're gonna take a quick break and when
25896s we come back we should have an interview
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26118s of the OverWatch World Cup 2023 online
26121s qualifiers for the emec region is over
26124s I'm Jim Basco that's CP and that's hex
26126s let's take a look at the schedule and we
26129s can talk about some of the matches there
26130s let's recap what just happened in our
26132s last one we just had Denmark go down to
26135s France France extremely dominant in that
26138s last one Italy over Spain Portugal and
26142s Belgium went head to head but Belgium
26143s came out on top and of course the rest
26145s of the scores throughout the day are on
26147s your screen there we will of course be
26150s back on Thursday with week two of the
26151s action but hex zp talk to me what
26154s happened in this France versus Denmark
26156s match that made it look so close until
26158s it just really wasn't anymore I mean I
26160s think you see the value of the format
26162s with the map picks like it really did
26164s Shine through today like that blizzard
26166s world like the shortest possible
26167s blizzard world because it just Denmark
26169s just had it figured out
26171s um also like just the kind of map RNG in
26174s the first stage like really favored end
26175s up being like Rush towards the end to
26178s play a village like we knew immediately
26179s like playing playing this brawl Rush
26181s style is gonna favor them and also
26183s you're gonna call a CEO where me and zp
26185s were just so enamored with checks
26187s because he's great but like you know a
26189s tracer can be good on Esperanza even on
26191s new Queen Street not so much on coliseo
26193s where it is kind of enclosed and you you
26195s do want the May and you do want a brawl
26197s a little bit so definitely you saw the
26199s the interesting part of the format and
26201s like how map picks especially at these
26203s these high ends when teams are that
26204s evenly matched are really going to come
26206s into play
26207s yeah yeah
26209s I just want to say on top of all that
26211s for throughout the day bad day for two
26212s OverWatch uh good day though for Greek
26214s OverWatch today has been yes awesome and
26217s uh Denmark and France uh get them to put
26218s on the show The close things out
26221s yeah really fantastic this was a stacked
26224s day of mattress and like I said it's a
26225s two-week event right so this is the end
26227s of week one we'll be back Thursday
26228s Friday Saturday and Sunday with four
26230s more days of straight matches and that
26234s will be determining who moves on to the
26236s main event the top three from group a
26237s the top two from Group B so
26240s congratulations to France man currently
26242s in the standings they are three uh or
26245s rather 4-0 so far and have won all uh I
26248s have lost only one map in that entire
26251s time so they are dominating group a at
26253s the moment followed by the United
26254s Kingdom Denmark drops down within the
26257s rankings and should still be around that
26259s third place as well if not tied with
26261s Spain that's what the top four looks
26263s like on group a and if you're looking at
26264s Group B you've got Saudi Arabia and
26266s Finland in the top two spots looking to
26268s make it out with Norway in a close third
26270s so stacked for sure across this across
26273s both sides zp you know from the day
26276s overall what was your favorite moment
26278s and favorite match I think favorite
26280s moment just has to be what we saw in
26282s Spain versus Italy because it was just
26284s completely off the script right and it's
26286s also one of those very rare times in
26288s OverWatch that you actually saw a team
26290s that got pummeled ruthlessly in the
26293s first map a team that was not favored at
26295s all come back and win the series I'll
26298s tell you I've casted a lot of OverWatch
26300s in the last seven almost eight years you
26302s don't see that very often that was a
26305s rarity and it was really fun to watch
26307s yeah hacks are the same for you man what
26309s was your favorite moment of the day I
26310s mean I do like this tournament because
26312s you you do see like um you know players
26314s that you don't necessarily know and you
26315s get to like re-familiar or get familiar
26318s with and so like when we start the
26320s tournament we do we know like the
26321s players that we know right so we know we
26323s know you're Ben best so we know Nico we
26325s know the players on France that we know
26326s but you know as I mentioned going into
26328s it like watching some of the tape coming
26330s into today for France like if you don't
26332s know pack yet now you do if you don't
26333s know reviews yet now you do like they
26335s are critical parts of their team and
26337s dare us a like they were probably the
26339s best parts of their team today like
26340s really enabling everything so it's
26342s really cool to find new players that
26344s maybe aren't household names but this is
26346s a tournament that creates household
26348s names
26349s yeah and that's the reality of it right
26351s if you don't know their names now you do
26353s pack formally I want to say has made an
26356s appearance on shoes Money crew right if
26358s I'm remembering correctly and that's
26359s where we first were introduced to the
26361s talent that scouting ability from you
26365s know smaller tier two and smaller tier
26366s three teams that's really the story here
26369s right that path to Pro is being
26371s completed before our very eyes and he's
26373s making a name for themselves on the
26375s global stage so it's always good to
26377s watch of course like we mentioned uh
26379s teams some teams living up to the high
26381s expectations we have for them and some
26383s teams disappointing Spain was
26385s interesting in this matchup though I
26386s gotta you know like like you mentioned
26388s zp a little uh
26390s different from what we had imagined
26392s entering into this matchup right Spain
26394s on fire in the past couple of days
26395s taking it over Netherlands taking it
26397s over Belgium and in their interviews
26399s looking super energized but that Italy
26401s match like you mentioned doesn't happen
26403s so frequently yeah definitely not and uh
26406s again it just comes down to the fact
26407s that I think it was a match-up thing and
26409s you know maybe on some level uh Spain
26412s went in there it's like ah this will be
26413s an easy day not so much nothing is ever
26416s uh something you should take for granted
26418s especially the tournament where every
26420s match matters as much as the OverWatch
26422s World Cups well it means two sides of a
26424s coin right because at one point like you
26426s love a team that can like nail a
26427s composition and just like do it
26428s perfectly and that's what Spain had done
26430s so far is a tracer Sombra Winston but
26432s they were just crushing it with them
26433s however when a team counters you and you
26436s don't have the versatility to switch off
26438s of it and it figures out something else
26439s that works and like you just get hard
26441s countered by like the reaper guy like
26443s you just got hard countered by Reaper
26445s guy and so they kind of try to switch it
26447s up like they do have a really good comp
26449s and it works really well until it
26452s doesn't right and so like that's why I
26454s think you see the top teams have the
26455s versatility where we're going into
26457s matches where like oh they made three
26458s substitutions they made this they
26460s they're running a different comp on
26461s offense than they are on defense so for
26463s those mid-level teams like Spain like
26465s yeah it's good that you're really good
26466s at this one thing but the top teams who
26468s are getting out of group are teams that
26469s are gonna be good at a lot of things
26470s that's where versatility and OverWatch
26472s go hand in hand yeah and naturally the
26474s conversation when you're talking about
26475s adapting and versatility leads you to
26477s Saudi Arabia right dominating Group B
26479s right now we've seen yazan on pharah but
26483s also pull out the sojourn and the echo
26484s shouldn't need be so you know in terms
26487s of The Meta Meta settling in a place
26489s that maybe is you know
26492s leads us to one meta composition that is
26495s has been really hard to determine over
26497s the course of this tournament right
26498s we've seen teams find success with so
26501s many different compositions here zp so
26503s in your opinion where do you think we're
26504s gonna Land once this whole thing shakes
26506s out I mean we're gonna land everywhere
26508s and anywhere right because as we've
26509s talked about a lot on broadcast it's
26511s that OverWatch World Cup is kind of a
26513s mix of some teams will be playing meta
26515s but you don't always have the biggest
26518s depth of players to choose from at an
26520s elite level for your team so the idea of
26522s comfort picks really comes into its own
26525s in any tournament like this and when you
26527s have players like you're matching Saudi
26528s Arabia players like is on that are
26530s really really good on pharah you know
26532s it's that's a comfort pick you're gonna
26534s try and lean into that a little bit more
26536s and there's multiple examples of that
26538s across the various teams I've seen in
26540s terms of things that teams are a little
26542s bit comfortable on to the point that
26543s they will prefer it over other more meta
26546s options and that's just one of the
26547s unique flavors of the OverWatch World
26549s Cup that you don't usually see in the
26551s more refined confidence editions like
26552s contenders or the OverWatch League
26556s agree honestly and looking at the
26558s standings as well for group a and Group
26559s B I don't think any of the teams here
26562s are not able to make it but if I'm not
26565s mistaken Iceland in group b with an 04
26568s record on their name
26570s officially takes them out of contention
26572s for making it
26575s even next week you know should all the
26577s matches go their way I I don't think
26579s they'll they're
26580s mathematically able to sit at the top of
26583s this range should everything go there I
26586s mean Iceland it's possible Jimmy but uh
26588s you know I've been doing this long
26589s enough to know I don't do math that is
26590s for other people on air to tell me they
26592s are eliminated they are not eliminated
26594s everyone's in it until I'm told
26596s otherwise this is true you know and that
26598s that's just my hunch at this point but
26599s of course things are shaking out in
26601s pretty much the way we've expected right
26603s there's been so many veteran players and
26604s like you said CPA it's just so awesome
26606s the World Cup offers us a format where
26608s we can see players that may not just get
26609s the shine that they deserve to uh get a
26612s global a global stage really at that so
26614s with that said we are efforting to make
26617s sure that interview with the French
26618s player is happening and should it not of
26620s course be heard from get amazed
26621s yesterday so it was awesome to hear
26623s about their boot camp in preparation
26624s leading up to these weeks of competition
26627s so looking at next week just briefly you
26629s know day five leads us with tons of
26631s competition we'll start that first half
26633s of the day with a couple of group a
26635s matches without namely three of them and
26638s end the day with four more Group B
26640s matches Norway and Saudi Arabia being
26642s one that I'm looking at will be a banger
26645s for sure and it looks like we've got
26646s that interview ready so zp hex I'll join
26649s you back in just a second but we've got
26651s Ben best from the French team let's hop
26652s on with them
26659s you'll be there I'm sure you'll be there
26662s there he is yeah welcome back how you
26665s doing man
26669s all good how are you feeling after that
26671s match that was a close one you know what
26673s I mean uh two to one in that match
26675s against Denmark they are a strong
26677s opponent talk to me about it
26678s yeah it was pretty we are pretty a few
26681s minutes and it was we we all know that
26684s word that would be the most difficult
26685s match in the in the cool stage and we
26688s play Pirates a lot during the the
26690s screams and during the warm-up so yeah
26694s we we expected to be that that hour that
26698s we managed to do it so we have been
26700s yeah that's awesome man talk to me about
26702s the format right and how the map
26703s selection may have helped you in your
26705s preparation here did that come into play
26707s like how did it feel going from
26709s obviously different mode to different
26710s mode and what is your team's country
26712s here
26713s [Music]
26714s I think format format is is okay for us
26718s like the only thing was out was um we
26722s played Nepal I think three times
26724s he said this group and I think enemy
26727s teams can prepare a lot against us so it
26730s was pretty helpful but I like the format
26731s uh
26732s the BO2 is really is really tough and
26736s you can't be surprised by by any team so
26738s you need to adapt a lot of the
26740s composition
26741s so yeah
26743s yeah obviously coming up you're facing
26745s off against Belgium you're facing off
26747s against Spain and you're facing off
26748s against Great Britain so out of the
26750s three for your team specifically how are
26752s you feeling coming into those matches
26753s and who are you expecting to give you
26756s the best fight I think Great Britain for
26759s sure like that's the best team uh
26762s that's the best thing we we didn't play
26765s against so it would be the the most
26768s difficult match I think Spain is kinda
26771s difficult as well I think we we don't
26774s have to underestimate them so we have to
26776s clip out well as well because we know
26778s they play Dive so much pressure so it
26781s can be tough against our composition but
26782s really we need to PayPal and we have
26784s time for it and we will be ready to
26786s the day
26788s absolutely okay you're ending week one
26791s at the top of group a man that's gonna
26793s feel good so for your French fans what
26795s is your message you can obviously say it
26797s in French
26815s awesome thank you so much ben obviously
26817s best of luck in the next week and we'll
26818s hop hopefully hop on with you then as
26819s well thank you thank you all right
26823s all right TP and hacks you heard the man
26826s himself this team is prepared and
26827s they're not gonna give anyone even Spain
26829s even teams that may seem lesser they're
26832s got to be prepared for all of those all
26834s the way right CP yeah I mean you can
26836s play is a killer in this term in
26839s particular it's just not a tournament
26840s that gives you a lot of room for errors
26842s so uh France definitely kill the game
26844s with the right mindset although I have
26845s to say I love the classic player moment
26847s where you right just cut to interview
26849s it's like and here's bed best his chair
26851s you know that that's weird now but gamer
26854s chair I love it yeah it's always a good
26856s time hex I I mean honestly the French
26858s squad has looked so good their
26860s competition coming up do you agree that
26862s Great Britain is the biggest threat that
26863s they face in this next week well I mean
26865s absolutely and I think that it is the
26867s right mindset too of like making sure
26868s that you take all your games seriously
26869s because like losing is infectious uh
26872s just like winning can be so like
26873s dropping Maps against teams that you
26875s necessarily should not drop Maps against
26876s can be bad but obviously their greatest
26878s test is going to be Great Britain I
26879s think you know there's been a couple
26881s small upsets here and there in both
26882s groups but at the end of week one I
26884s think everyone's about where we expected
26886s them to be uh mine is Sweden kind of
26888s still as stunned about that one um but
26889s yeah I mean the top three and a and then
26892s um I think you know watching Group B
26894s play out the way it has has been it's
26896s kind of all held chalk so
26898s um yeah France versus Great Britain is
26900s going to be the one to watch for uh
26902s should be a good one but I mean this
26903s friend's team like like I mentioned just
26905s I just love the versatility it's just a
26907s deep roster too and just being able to
26909s have
26910s um Ben best and Poco like there's no map
26912s that you're gonna be able to like take
26914s France to that they they're ill-equipped
26916s to play on right what a stacked tank
26918s lineup but that about does it for week
26920s one of the OverWatch World Cup emec
26922s online qualifiers we will be back on
26924s Thursday with week two going Thursday
26926s Friday Saturday and Sunday seven games a
26928s day 14 teams five teams will move on to
26932s the main event with that said heck CP
26934s it's been an absolute pleasure and to
26936s all of you in the audience thank you so
26937s much for watching
26939s that that about does it for us we'll see
26941s you all next week thank you so much and
26942s we'll see you next time
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12 months ago - PlayOverwatch - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

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608s World Cup emec online qualifiers I'm
611s your host Jim Basco that's epitome is
613s and of course CB it is like I said week
615s number two it's day number five this is
618s where history gets made of course the
620s top three teams from group a and the top
622s two teams from Group B will be moving on
624s to the main event CB and epitomeans
626s though you know it's a week later how
627s are y'all feeling if it means let's
629s start with you
630s later we've
638s we've put more chances to get your way
640s to that top of the group and you know if
642s you're at the bottom maybe things are
644s looking a little bit dire and you're
645s just kind of praying to the OverWatch
647s gods that those at the top of your group
649s are going to fall short somehow and fall
651s off but I definitely think it's going to
654s be a week of interesting
657s yeah CB scene for you man I it's been
660s one week of course like you said there's
661s a ton on uh on the line here right high
665s stakes and of course just four days to
667s prove you are some of the best players
670s in the world CB what do you are you hype
672s coming into this week oh I'm extremely
674s hyped I mean the first week we were kind
676s of feeling things out we got you know
677s some of the some of the stakes set up
679s but now the stakes are much much higher
681s like you said you know there's only
682s three spots in group a two for Group B
684s and all of these teams vying to make
686s their last chance their last ditch
689s efforts at taking one of those top spots
690s a couple teams look like shoe-ins but
692s could still fumble the bag and maybe
695s we've even seen a turnaround from some
696s teams that underperformed last week and
698s they can still realistically make a shot
700s at that second or third place in their
702s group and uh you know you never know you
705s know anything can happen when uh when
706s the stakes are this high and I'm just
707s looking forward to seeing what happens
709s this is the truth four days of
711s competition separate these squads from
713s the main event four days for them to
715s prove their medal against the best of
718s the best in the world let's take a look
720s at the schedule for today so we can walk
723s you through the action of what's been
725s going on and what's happening of course
727s we ended last week you know four days
729s straight of matches um and and those
732s standings are gonna be something that
733s we're gonna be keeping an eye on
734s throughout the day because as we
736s progress through these matches we'll
737s actually be figuring out who gets to
739s make it onto the main event of course
740s with the first match of the day we're
742s starting with Team Norway versus Saudi
744s Arabia at 6 a.m Pacific then we moved to
747s turkey versus Germany Sweden versus
749s Poland Finland versus Iceland Portugal
752s versus Italy Spain versus Denmark and
755s then France versus Belgium of course the
757s first half of the day here will be
759s focusing on Group B halfway through the
761s day we're swapping out with zp and x and
763s and hex rather and we'll get them on for
766s group a matches of course into day five
768s here let's take a look at the standings
770s and I'll walk you through them as I'm
772s looking through them here
774s um of course right now at the top of the
776s boat teams for group a we're looking at
778s France the UK Denmark and of course for
780s Group B the top two teams to make it
782s through right now are Saudi Arabia and
784s Finland so with a stacked list of
787s matches still to come around just just
789s around the corner here we start the day
791s off with Norway and Saudi Arabia so
793s epitomies let's start with you right
794s just top level thoughts before we head
797s into this match well obviously I feel
799s that Saudi Arabia and Norway they are
802s two of the top groups in group b other
805s than Finland and Norway really need this
808s win against Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia
810s only going down one map so far and
812s otherwise winning every single matchup
815s but you know when you're comparing the
818s top the second group uh second teams in
821s these Group which has Finland and Norway
822s Finland kind of had a rough go of things
824s right at the very beginning and they
826s went against Saudi Arabia first up they
828s had their biggest challenge right in
830s their face but Norway hasn't really
832s faced that challenge yet yet has the
833s same map score line because they went
835s down against Finland last week so it's
837s definitely going to be really
838s challenging and a chance for Norway to
840s prove themselves yeah CB talk to us
842s right Norway just on the cuspier they're
844s in third place in group b with a three
846s in one standings Finland is three and
848s one as well but their map score just
849s slightly better CB bots on this matchup
851s I mean this match is going to be
853s extremely important for determining like
854s who gets to go to you know who gets to
856s go to land for the group the uh you know
858s the group b qualifiers here because like
860s Saudi Arabia has ran through pretty much
862s everybody they have three games left to
864s play including this one the only other
865s two they have are against Germany and
867s against Sweden we know how shaky Sweden
871s has looked and you know Germany like
873s realistically could put up a pretty
874s decent fight but I think you still favor
876s Saudi Arabia in that matchup so like
878s this is the last real chance for someone
881s in group b to get a win get a dub over
884s Saudi Arabia and put just like a little
885s bit of Doubt into their playoff chances
887s but I mean they're still they still kind
889s of have to be looking like the favorites
891s just by like you know what epitome said
893s where it's like well yeah they beat
894s Finland Finland beat Norway on like the
897s hierarchy like the hierarchy of like
899s standings here like that puts Norway
900s like way down but there's still a strong
902s team only God's been very impressive
904s psycho's been very impressive they have
906s a shot here if they do it's gonna you
909s know it's gonna throw a whole bunch of
910s things out of whack but I want to see
911s that
912s yeah it's interesting that you mentioned
915s the dichotomy between these three teams
917s right because that's something that
918s we're going to be watching closely but
919s also something to note there's been a
921s week of I'm sure meticulous VOD review
924s going on for all of these teams right so
926s you showed maybe all your cards in that
927s first week you got a lot of points but
929s can you make it count the second week
931s that's what we're gonna be be keeping an
932s eye on CB if enemies I leave y'all with
934s a match it's an amazing one and I'll see
936s you guys on the other side thank you so
938s much Jim and I am incredibly excited for
940s this matchup I'm sure we both are and
942s we've been talking about it before as
944s well I think one of the biggest
946s match-ups in this entire group aside
948s from Finland but now that we've kind of
950s cemented it I feel like the stakes are
951s so much higher 100 like I said I don't
954s know that there is another team left
956s that can realistically put a stop to
958s Saudi Arabia Supremacy they have been
960s you know every bit as advertised and
963s then some we came into last week
964s thinking like you know Saudi Arabia
966s maybe they're a dark horse maybe we need
967s to keep our eyes on them we haven't been
969s able to take our eyes off of them
971s because they have just been so so
973s dominant but this squad has also turned
975s a little bit of heads of their own
977s onigarden psycho on that DPS line have
980s worked wonders for this team I mean
982s we've seen Oni God perform Miracles over
985s the course of these uh these qualifiers
987s if that pace keeps up Norway have a shot
990s yeah Norway definitely do have some sort
994s of similar play style to KSA as well
998s with psycho and mimio often going on to
1001s those two birds the mercy and the echo
1004s sometimes the pharah but it is more
1006s often that we see the echo out of this
1008s Norway Squad and is there potential for
1010s that to be able to counter what we've
1013s seen yazan do with Haku at his back but
1015s the problem with like Saudi Arabia right
1017s is it's not just yazan and Haku so like
1020s yeah if you take down Nissan you have to
1022s take down Haku as well but even if
1024s you're able to somehow stop the res you
1027s have to do it while quartz is performing
1029s long-range lobotomies with that sniper
1030s scope there it's like you just can't win
1033s like there's there's no easy way to
1036s topple this team because they're so
1037s flexible as well like we've even seen
1039s like times where yazan has been forced
1041s off of the pharah or off of the echo
1043s even and you know quartz is still just
1046s pounding and you can't really plan for
1048s just that level of dominance so I mean
1050s it's not an easy feat I still believe
1052s Norway has a chance but Saudi Arabia
1054s have shown like I said to be every bit
1056s as dominant as advertised and if you're
1060s not keeping your eye on yazan you have
1062s to know where quartz is what angles are
1064s Safe Keep Your Head low because he'll
1066s take it off
1068s yeah warts is definitely a huge factor
1071s that can sometimes be a sleeper but
1073s after the last week you've definitely
1075s realized that both of the dps's of Saudi
1078s Arabia are a huge threat and there is
1081s not really a good way to counter them
1083s because they cover each other's
1084s weaknesses so well now headed on to
1087s Legion Tower I'm not really surprised
1089s here we are definitely going to see a
1092s lot of that far a play I'm not sure
1094s about what the hit scans are going to be
1096s taken out
1097s um potential Cassidy there was a recent
1100s patch but we are still going to be
1102s playing on the older patch so maybe we
1106s are going to see some of that Cassidy
1107s the ash come out especially on control
1110s center the comps do tend to favor more
1113s of that role play style yeah absolutely
1116s and something coordinated like a brawl
1118s might end up being what uh you know
1119s Norway need to pull out some something
1121s where they can win the ground game and
1122s they don't have to worry so much about
1124s taking down yazan and then taking down
1126s Haku I know that sounds like sacrilege
1129s to be like just don't worry about yazan
1131s because you should always be worried
1132s about yazan especially with Haku at his
1134s back there but like if you can just
1136s overpower the other three members
1138s somehow some way there's still a way
1141s forward you just have to have that level
1143s of coordination and we haven't really
1145s seen a team successfully ever since I
1148s think Finland early on do that but they
1151s weren't able to do it consistently
1152s enough so I'm looking at Norway right
1155s now coming out with a Sombra Echo
1157s composition mimio gonna swap over onto
1159s the mercy to try and pocket psycho here
1161s so it's looking like it is gonna be a
1164s little bit of a dog fight with the
1165s Echoes up in the sky to kick things off
1168s and down on the ground though that Diva
1171s versus junker Queen match up definitely
1173s going to be an interesting one on Saudi
1175s Arabia side but okay yazan already going
1178s to try and show that dominance on Saudi
1180s Arabia on to Norway sitting down psycho
1182s and mimio immediately and now going
1185s after Norway's Diva Isaac going down
1188s very quickly on surmajed actually going
1191s to land quite a few headshots with
1193s kunai's Saudi Arabia already frying and
1196s you saw how quickly all of them
1198s collapsed on top of the corpse to make
1200s sure that mimio couldn't get the res
1201s there like Saudi Arabia is also a very
1203s coordinated Squad and that's what makes
1205s it hard to play around like they knew of
1207s course the mercy was going to try and go
1208s for that they didn't want to let that
1210s happen they want to make sure they keep
1211s the man Advantage they get it that's
1212s going to get them the early cap
1215s already up to 15 and they are fighting
1218s very aggressive taking control of that
1221s bridge is on just firing from up above
1223s Haku right beside him only God is trying
1225s to take control of all of these health
1227s facts around the map and go for a little
1229s John has more of that I play but okay
1232s that that is just an insane pace for the
1235s duplicate mimio actually does get the
1237s res off onto Isaac to bring that tank
1239s back into the fight but yazan switching
1241s on to the Sombra getting a good hack off
1243s not able to get enough damage to secure
1246s the pick but KSA they are doing so well
1249s for themselves Isaac already going down
1251s as well after switching on to the Jungle
1253s Queen to attempt to go for that mirror
1254s matchup Saudi Arabia I mean yazan got
1257s that first duplicate so fast lit it up
1259s ended up making it so that Norway could
1261s not uh you know try and capitalize on
1262s being able to get that res mimio Falls
1264s and outside of your Abe have four
1266s ultimates I mean Norway they're building
1268s up to something but the pace is slow
1269s they have to try and pick something up
1271s and they can't be losing their uh their
1273s main healer their JP to a bunch of bombs
1276s the res is going to come through but
1277s that's one tool out of the toolbox
1279s already
1280s yeah that damage boost is just so
1282s oppressive on his own especially with
1284s those sticky bombs now with the Rampage
1287s from KSA and
1289s um you can soon Rush alongside it's
1291s going to make it very hard for Norway to
1293s get a foot onto this objective Saudi
1295s Arabia actually going to be forced to
1297s back up though after both the valkyrie
1299s and Kitsune Rush from Norway side Saudi
1302s Arabia's own Valkyrie does come out a
1304s little bit later surmajed though looking
1306s for that pick onto one God forcing them
1309s back into spawn I mean Saudi Arabia may
1311s have just made a crucial mistake they
1312s just used four ultimates I mean they're
1314s gonna find the pick up there into psycho
1315s but I think the res should be able to
1316s come through there okay no with the
1318s pickup on the JP Saudi Arabia should be
1320s able to recap here but they have to do
1321s it cleanly they only have yazan's
1323s duplicate right now to try and force it
1324s through
1326s and there's that hack damage a damage
1328s boost combo as well from quartz and
1331s yazan Saudi Arabia they're doing so much
1333s damage in just a matter of seconds and
1335s Norway doesn't really have that kind of
1337s burst healing to keep their teammates up
1340s especially since their own DPSS aren't
1342s performing to the same level that Saudi
1344s Arabia's is now 99 they do get the touch
1347s mimio gets the touch but the Susu comes
1350s out very early and only got in Psycho
1352s both go down no dps's the Rampage is a
1355s little too late and there's just nothing
1357s to be done on this first map I I call
1360s out the over investment from Saudi
1361s Arabia and it turns out they don't
1363s actually need the ultimates if they just
1364s make it so that they take down one
1366s member of Norway at random every time
1368s they try to come anywhere near the point
1370s and yeah they're just gonna be able to
1371s win off the man Advantage 100 times out
1373s of a hundred Norway looking a little
1375s shaky to start things off there's little
1377s glimmers of the kinds of things I want
1379s to see little glimmers of like the
1380s coordination but there's always just
1382s like one small thing that doesn't even
1385s feel like a mistake in the moment but
1387s ends up being one once Saudi Arabia just
1389s collapses on top of that Mercy going for
1391s the res or on top of onigod trying to go
1394s for you know a flank where he uncloaks
1396s himself and suddenly he's uh you know
1398s susceptible to all the damage that Saudi
1399s Arabia is pumping out it's they have to
1402s try and get in safely hold the point and
1405s just not just not lose people they're
1407s just losing people they're bleeding a
1409s person like every couple seconds here in
1411s these fights they might oh okay sermon
1414s jet almost Falls there
1415s that was really close for Norway to get
1418s that opening pick but yazan's going to
1420s once again be the one to open things up
1423s for Saudi Arabia with their only God
1425s down they're looking at one less DPS
1428s less damage when yazan is already
1429s performing at the top of this game and
1431s now looking to collapse on psycho as
1433s well mimio is actually going to be the
1435s first to fall without the pocket of the
1437s mercy behind the echo of Norway they're
1439s looking to retreat and disengage from
1442s this fight Saudi Arabia once again
1443s getting first cap and Norway playing
1446s this mirror composition into Saudi
1447s Arabia when we know how strong Saudi
1450s Arabia is means they're just playing on
1452s Saudi Arabia's Turf they are not in
1454s control of this Tempo at all and Norway
1457s is a team that we've known to play Ed
1459s sheer comps in an attempt to try and uh
1462s counter what we see other teams bringing
1464s out I mean they've decided that the
1465s sombra's not going to work so when you
1467s guys gonna swap over onto the Tracer
1468s which I kind of like they can just play
1469s a little bit more towards the point try
1471s and force a little bit more positioning
1473s but I mean yazad has just been deleting
1474s people at will with the sticky bombs and
1476s there goes mimeo Isaac gonna fall not
1478s too long after yazan has the duplicate
1480s to bail himself out of a sticky
1481s situation here probably didn't even need
1484s it but gonna go ahead and invest it
1485s anyway and still Norway just can't find
1488s anything
1490s and JP also falling Norway their picks
1494s are also very staggered mimio just got
1496s back into the fight and all of a sudden
1497s they've lost their other support as well
1500s JP does come back up with the help of
1501s the res but once again tools in the
1503s toolbox they're just not in control of
1506s the pace of this round of the pace of
1508s this map so far and it doesn't seem like
1511s there's anything to be done from Norway
1513s finally the Kitsune Rush does come
1514s through but it's two ultimates the
1516s counter from Saudi Arabia's side Rampage
1518s and Kitsune Rush from Sir Majed to force
1522s this Tempo want far more into their
1524s favor once again only God does finally
1526s take down Saudi Arabia's tank with the
1529s pulse bomb but it shouldn't look like
1530s they're going to be able to cap only God
1532s just shredded by Quartz with a damage
1534s boost and Haku it able to bring back
1536s their tank in a matter of seconds the
1538s Rampage from KSA there was just massive
1540s I mean the the suzu from JP came out but
1543s it didn't catch Isaac and they just
1544s burned down Isaac identifying that he
1546s just didn't have you know he was
1547s anti-healed he couldn't get in now
1549s Norway they only really have one more
1551s shot at this and the EMP is gonna make
1553s it so yeah Isaac doesn't even make it to
1554s the point they're only gonna have psycho
1555s with duplicate to try and get the uh get
1557s anything here they flip the point
1558s miraculously but they're still losing
1560s bodies
1561s yeah that was off mostly just a mistake
1564s from Saudi Arabia as well not touching
1567s that point as they worked on my end
1568s psycho duplicating the junker Queen
1570s though and the Rampage does come through
1572s that little bit of healing onto KSA
1574s keeps psycho alive but now forced out of
1576s the duplicate and having to retreat very
1578s quickly the recap is going to come
1580s through for Saudi Arabia now a rampage
1583s just out of desperation to get some kind
1586s of overtime started on this site but
1588s it's not much to be done with the
1590s duplicate now from yazan they can't get
1592s the touch through just force them back
1594s with the duplicate of junker Queen Saudi
1597s Arabia take first map there's just
1600s there's just no weaknesses with the
1601s squad there's just nothing you can
1603s really exploit like you can't like I
1605s said you can't just try and focus on
1607s yazan because quartz is always going to
1608s be there and always going to be a threat
1609s you just can't focus on the back line
1611s because surmajed is extremely survivable
1613s and is just hitting kunai headshots left
1615s and right only God is finding that out
1617s the hard way you're not able to just
1619s like beat yazan in the sky game with
1621s this Mercy comp so something from Norway
1624s is just not working and when all else
1626s fails you just hit a big Rampage if
1628s you're KSA and you just run right
1630s through it that's it like I know I said
1632s Norway had a chance but it did not look
1634s like it on Legion Tower there
1637s but one of our some of our best maps
1641s that we've seen out of Norway are maps
1643s where they're not technically playing
1645s The Meta you can tell they've done the
1647s bod review and you're they're saying
1649s this is what counters these specific
1651s Heroes and we're not going to be playing
1653s to their strengths or our strengths
1656s we're going to play playing to counter
1657s them and that was kind of missing here
1660s they were playing on Saudi Arabia's home
1662s turf they couldn't control the tempo
1665s even though it was meta they might not
1667s have been on their comfort picks and
1669s they just weren't as good as playing
1671s this composition as Saudi Arabia was
1673s it's it's also Legion Tower and they did
1676s get the two like the two best maps for
1679s uh for the Echo and pharah type play
1682s style like you know night market and
1683s Gardens back to back that's a little bit
1685s rough maybe there would have been a
1686s chance on control center but even still
1687s like you have to win at least one of
1689s these and aside from like that little
1691s glimmer where on Gardens they did end up
1693s capping the point it really felt like
1695s Norway didn't get their foot put in the
1698s door and keep it in the door for any
1699s extended period of time Saudi Arabia
1702s more than happy to just continuously
1703s slam that door shut in their face over
1705s and over again it's going to be Norway's
1707s map pick so I I'm hoping that they can
1710s try and play something that goes a
1711s little bit more in favor of the kind of
1713s compositions that we've seen from them
1715s in the past maybe uh go and bringing
1717s back out the May that we were seeing
1718s from them before that was paying off
1720s very well doing a lot of uh a lot of
1722s good work for them but so far this like
1725s Sombra Echo mirror is not netting them
1728s all that much success maybe it was a map
1731s thing maybe it was a comp thing maybe it
1733s is just a team Gap we'll have to find
1735s out
1737s yeah and I mean psycho has been doing
1739s very well on the echo against other
1741s teams uh but even against Finland you
1744s saw that Echo kind of fall short and
1746s you're seeing it against again against
1748s Saudi Arabia and I think they do rely a
1751s little bit on the mechanical Gap that
1752s you see between Norway and some of the
1754s other teams in Group B that has been
1756s allowed them to look so dominant thus
1758s far
1759s yeah well Norway I I don't know after
1763s that map I don't know if they still have
1765s a chance if they do it's definitely
1767s dwindling I like what map do you take
1770s Saudi Arabia to here if you're if you're
1772s Norway like what is your map pick if you
1774s if you have to try and shut this down
1776s are you gonna try like Havana because
1777s that seems to be what everyone else has
1780s tried thus far
1781s I mean when you look at Havana and
1783s you're like okay yeah Havana is one of
1785s these sniper Maps we can play two hit
1787s scan DBS as we can make sure that Echo
1789s isn't a factor then you have quartz and
1791s you're like can you be better Widow than
1794s the quartz on Saudi Arabia's side it is
1796s really a big struggle and it's hard to
1799s say you just need to find that map that
1802s has really favors these brawl comps and
1805s force them into Close Quarters I'm glad
1807s you brought of course and you were
1808s following my exact train of thought
1810s that's why I like made me bring himself
1811s like you have to think twice before you
1814s bring them to Havana but Norway will
1816s have at least a couple minutes to make
1817s that thought you know run through their
1819s brains a couple times because uh we're
1820s gonna throw it to a quick break before
1821s we come back with map two don't go
1823s anywhere we'll be right back
1826s [Music]
1850s [Music]
1862s foreign
1864s [Music]
1881s [Music]
1888s [Music]
1895s [Applause]
1895s [Music]
1908s [Applause]
1908s [Music]
1919s [Music]
1928s foreign
1931s [Music]
1964s [Applause]
1965s [Music]
1973s [Applause]
1974s [Music]
1983s [Music]
1990s [Applause]
1999s [Applause]
2006s [Music]
2014s thank you
2018s [Music]
2045s welcome back we are on map two of one of
2048s the most anticipated matches in group b
2051s of week two of OverWatch World Cup emec
2054s online qualifiers I am epitomies joined
2056s by CB and we are so excited to see
2058s what's going to happen between these two
2060s teams yeah we were talking through the
2062s whole break like what map like do you do
2064s you pick and like I was kind of thinking
2067s through it a little bit myself before
2068s the beforehand that I was thinking like
2069s okay if you're Norway and you want to
2071s win this series right you gotta win on
2073s control force them to where they have to
2075s swap yazan out and bring in yubi and
2078s then try and capitalize off of that
2079s because that's the only real time that
2082s Saudi Arabia have dropped a map we are
2084s going to be going to King's Row which is
2085s an interesting choice I think this might
2087s be where the May comes out from Norway
2089s but anyway going back to what I was
2091s saying a second ago where like one of
2093s the only Maps I can remember uh Saudi
2095s Arabia dropping was when they had ubn
2097s which is not to say that UB is a bad
2098s player UB is phenomenal but it kind of
2100s throws a wrench into the equation where
2102s Saudi Arabia have to fall back to a plan
2104s B where they can't just try and rely on
2106s you know courses hit scan prowess and
2109s yazan's uh you know Sky Supremacy you
2112s have to try and go like back to
2114s something a little bit more meta Saudi
2115s Arabia is flexible and can still win on
2117s that sort of composition but you have to
2119s at least get them out of their comfort
2120s zone because right now they are they are
2122s thriving and King's Row they've looked
2125s quite comfortable here in the past so
2127s again the only thing I can think of that
2129s nor makes this a solid choice for Norway
2131s is the fact that they want to play May
2133s we'll see if that ends up coming to
2134s fruition but if not you know this might
2138s be uh this might be where Norway's hopes
2140s go to die
2142s well yeah this might be where they need
2145s to lay to rest their Ambitions of
2148s getting out of group b but I mean Group
2150s B also did draw the short end of the
2152s stick as well just being the greatest
2156s yeah I mean that too yeah it it's the
2159s agreeing in the group with Saudi Arabia
2160s but if you they were in group a if this
2163s group was group a they would probably be
2165s chilling because Norway Finland Saudi
2167s Arabia they would all be getting out of
2169s it since they have those three spots
2171s into playoffs but no this is Group B and
2173s they're going to make the top two teams
2175s duke it out and that's just what makes
2178s it so much more competitive but what
2179s we've seen so far it doesn't look
2181s incredibly competitive here honestly
2183s like I don't even think you can chill
2185s because remember turkey is also a
2186s Potential Threat here speaking of
2188s threats quartz is absolutely one on the
2190s Widowmaker and now that's gonna be
2192s something that Norway is gonna have to
2193s be aware of we got only God on the ash
2195s hopefully to try and keep uh keep courts
2198s in check with some dynamite and some
2199s mid-range shots there but Norway's in
2202s danger of losing their back line early
2203s here JP Falls like that's just gonna be
2206s it from Norway
2207s yeah Isaac is trying to find a way in
2210s Aunt of course but that that was a shot
2212s onto one God it was certainly one mimio
2215s does bring back onigon very quickly as
2217s it goes for the dive onto chords getting
2219s real low oh sir Michelle does come in
2221s with the suzu to save chords but only
2223s God will finish him off with the
2224s dynamite they're able to get a bit of
2225s the caps on the point though and Norway
2227s doesn't have any way to contest it's
2229s just a baby Diva can't touch the point
2230s momentarily but once again the focus on
2233s chords has left yazan to go on a rampage
2236s they cap that point in a matter of
2237s seconds that's all just systematic
2239s though right so like force finds that
2241s opening shot unto Oni God Nemo has to
2243s peel off from protecting JP to try and
2246s get that res off and while she's going
2247s for that res JP gets hard focused down
2249s by yazan and the rest of the crew and
2251s suddenly you've lost your main source of
2253s healing for this composition you have no
2255s legs to stand on anymore in Saudi Arabia
2257s can just run right over you that's one
2258s of the reasons why you see Saudi Arabia
2260s they have surmajed on the kiriko it's a
2263s lot more survivable than an Anna in this
2265s sort of situation you have the Swift
2266s step to get out of Dodge you have the
2268s suzu to try and keep yourself alive you
2270s also have the threat of like one or two
2271s well-placed kunai just putting the whole
2273s fight to bed there she's a lot better at
2275s dueling but JP had anything but a duel
2278s there that definitely felt like a
2279s mugging
2280s Norway was pretty acutely aware that
2282s they didn't have the healing output to
2284s contest with the damage that Saudi
2286s Arabia was outputting in that last map
2287s though and I thought might be the
2289s reasons
2290s yeah but JP the honor trying to contest
2294s with the Widowmaker and just absolutely
2296s shredded eyes that goes into the baby
2298s Diva form but is on still going forward
2300s and now duplicating the ash already
2303s having the ultimate on the line in Saudi
2305s Arabia's quickly on Pace with the rest
2308s of the ultimates as well Bob coming
2310s through very quickly and there's just
2312s nothing that Norway can do that's all
2315s that she wrote
2316s yeah and like you use the sights and you
2319s use the duplicate but like you kind of
2321s just throw those away at the pace that
2322s yazan's building up that duplicate and
2324s sites just to kind of make it just like
2326s that much easy for him here what's the
2328s time man gonna be like here 5 30 to
2329s capture Point C that's uh that's just
2332s absolutely insane and they've already
2333s taken down the echo Mercy combo they can
2335s just keep trudging right forward Norway
2337s have to invest in order to stop the
2338s bleeding here here comes the Bob but
2340s Haku I can just go for the res there and
2342s even if they don't get the res off I
2344s mean they've already like I said 5 30
2346s and they've got the forward spawns the
2348s pressure's only gonna stop for a couple
2349s seconds and then Saudi Arabia are gonna
2352s put it right back on
2353s yeah quartz is able to get out of the
2356s dive that Isaac was trying to pull as
2358s well the self-destruct comes through
2359s Norway with four ultimates that they can
2361s expand to try and stall out this last
2363s Point Saudi Arabia looking to force with
2365s the valkyrie and Kitsune Rush psycho
2368s gets very low using the duplicate but
2370s it's the Widow Maker and the ultimate
2372s from the Widowmaker isn't going to have
2373s a huge effect here and he also has to be
2376s hitting these shots which we're just
2378s seeing Saudi Arabia hide around oh
2380s you're a nice shot on the court so the
2382s Widowmaker 1v1 that we've dreamed of
2384s might come through but it's only that
2387s one shot to be spoken of before the
2388s duplicate comes away the Rampage gets so
2392s much onto all of Norway and they don't
2394s have that curriculum to cleanse the
2395s damage or the anti-heal away and it's
2398s just Saudi Arabia all in the kill feed
2401s all the way baby Diva all that's left
2403s eyes that goes down in a very quick
2406s fashion yeah and Norway like look how
2409s much they had to expend just to not hold
2411s there like Saudi Arabia they're gonna
2412s have the duplicate in the gun I have the
2414s sights again sites you don't really
2415s worry about but it's gonna make it a
2416s little bit difficult to come out of the
2418s spawn at all you're gonna have to try
2420s and overcome this duplicate from yazan
2421s burning down KSA will be a good start
2423s but yeah the peel is there only God's
2425s already dead this is looking more and
2427s more dire as time goes on
2430s your son and now looking to just spawn
2433s Camp mimio not going to allow this Anna
2436s out of the spawn room then that's so
2438s much burst healing that they just don't
2440s have access to and it's only got in JP
2442s do they have that way to contest after
2445s Isaac is brought out of the mech and
2447s just has to hop off however they do have
2449s psycho on that Tracer that can dance
2450s around the objective a little bit more
2452s but the duplicate to come through from
2454s yazan how is he so good at hitting these
2457s precise shots JP brought down to one HP
2460s as well JP able to take down the tank
2462s for Saudi Arabia but Haku is still there
2465s with the res in the back pocket they are
2466s contesting but they have to do so for
2468s three more minutes if they want to stop
2470s the full cap from Saudi Arabia with a
2473s decent time bank left to spare mimio
2475s going down once again just not having
2478s that same survivability as on the mercy
2480s but they needed the healing and that's
2481s what they wanted here the Bob from
2483s Norway is going to stall on the
2485s objective as well yazan does finally go
2488s down and Haku doesn't have the Reds to
2489s speak of yet but quartz goes insane once
2492s again after liaison is taken down round
2496s one with two and almost three minutes
2499s left to spare for Saudi Arabia the
2501s pressure from Saudi Arabia just doesn't
2503s stop like again like earlier on I was
2506s like yeah they have to invest in order
2507s to try and stop the pleading but it only
2509s stops for a couple minutes before
2511s another potentially fatal cut is dealt
2513s and it just keeps coming over and over
2515s again they don't really know what to go
2518s like where to go what to deal with they
2520s managed to bleed off like nearly half
2521s the time bank they get us down to under
2523s three minutes which is astounding and
2526s still like you know doable that's
2528s something that you as Norway can uh can
2530s try and hope for try and match that try
2532s and make your make sure that you stay
2534s above a minute yourself or try and make
2536s sure that you do finish with time so you
2537s have a chance at winning this but that
2539s still just looked like Saudi Arabia was
2541s in the driver's seat the whole time and
2544s all Norway could really do is kick and
2546s scream in the back seat to try and slow
2547s it down
2549s Saudi Arabia every single time without
2552s fail the tempo is in their control and
2554s the only time when we saw that stop was
2557s when they were against Finland and they
2559s did have to switch out the DPSS as well
2561s momentarily and Norway now looking at a
2565s different kind of composition with mimeo
2567s and JP we saw this momentarily on their
2570s defensive side and it allowed them to
2572s have a little bit of that survivability
2575s but I still feel that the Anna is just
2578s so immobile and once they're being
2580s focused down by both of the dps's I feel
2583s like every single time the honor will
2585s get out early they they realize that
2587s like they weren't going to be able to
2588s win with the echo Mercy comp and that
2591s you know having KSA charging up that
2593s Rampage that's just a ticking Time Bomb
2594s if you don't have Isuzu or any like real
2597s defensive ultimate to counter it then
2598s like yeah that's going to just be a
2600s one-team fight if he's able to hit two
2602s even three even if he's able to just hit
2604s one and then Focus down that Target so I
2606s like the kidico swap here I also like
2608s challenging ports here on the Widow uh
2611s I'm sorry I like onigon challenging the
2613s courts on the Widow JP that's not your
2615s fight my guy that's not the one that you
2616s want to be taking oh okay oh well JB I I
2621s think the kiriko can just Spam some
2623s Kunis at where that Widow is peeking and
2625s it can stop the Peaks for maybe a second
2627s there but it definitely isn't too
2630s favorable for JP and quartz is still
2633s allowed a lot of free reign just because
2635s of how oppressive yazan and Haku are
2637s being they're pushing past the point and
2639s that healing and the Damage boost it
2641s just does so much for Saudi Arabia it's
2645s like daring Norway like go on hit your
2647s shots you know you have to like get the
2649s shot on quartz and then again you know
2650s they still have the the resident like
2652s they still have Haku on the mercy the
2654s Reds can always come through ports can
2655s get a second wind here now Norway they
2657s can't they're they have they don't have
2659s a second win they barely have any wind
2661s in their sails at this point the way
2662s serma Jed keeps hitting kunai like
2664s everybody on Saudi Arabia is just
2667s hitting headshots
2670s once again yeah that's I feel like the
2673s only name that we've been saying for a
2675s lot of these matches is yazan quartz
2678s that's thrown in their KSA gets thrown
2681s in there serma Jed Haku it's all there
2683s but yazan definitely feels like he wants
2686s to be the star of the show and going to
2688s do so first to pop that ultimate on the
2690s duplicate and this is also the first
2692s full-on fight that we've seen Norway be
2695s in and it's right outside their spawn
2697s room yazan getting brought real low I
2699s don't think there's a okay there it
2701s comes such a big heel from the rest of
2704s the squad and the Rampage does come
2706s through but obviously not allowed in the
2708s spawn room
2710s oh okay they taken that Haku okay so now
2712s Norway I actually do have a chance you
2714s know they've they got reports and then
2715s they punish the res they have to try and
2717s weather the storm while they have a man
2718s Advantage but I mean Saudi Arabia they
2720s still have an old Advantage they're
2721s gonna invest the Kitsune Rush summer jet
2723s Falls they're gonna be able to take down
2724s Isaac though and Saudi Arabia they're
2726s holding on with the power of that
2728s consume Rush
2729s yeah and it feels like Saudi Arabia know
2732s their limits very well but KSA had that
2734s Rampage in the back pocket for so long
2736s never decides to use it despite the
2738s amount of healing that it could
2740s potentially provide and Norway actually
2742s might get a cap here there's that little
2744s bit of a cap from yazan but it's not
2748s going to last for long and the Kitsune
2750s Rush is just going to try to hold Saudi
2752s Arabia at a bay as they run back to the
2755s site courts now on the Tracer dancing in
2757s and out of the objective mimio switched
2759s onto that Lucio though and I like the
2761s switch over it gives them that little
2763s bit of extra movement to dodge the shots
2765s and Saudi Arabia realizing that they're
2767s trying to adapt now has switched onto
2769s the far as well Isaac good shot on Haku
2772s once again taking out the rez focused
2774s down that mercy first get the supports
2775s out and then Norway have a better chance
2778s I mean Norway have a little bit of
2780s momentum too they force quartz to swap
2781s onto the tray so to go for the stall so
2783s you don't have to worry about the
2784s Widowmaker anymore and like Norway
2786s they've got a very survivable backline
2787s with the kiduko Lucio now they've got at
2789s the EMP as well they can start to
2791s snowball this and maybe get a point c
2793s cap here if they're able to deal with
2795s this Rampage from KSA
2798s only God really looking for that Mercy
2801s once again you can see how high he's
2803s just checking for it and now the EMP to
2805s come through the Rampage to counter from
2807s Saudi Arabia lots of members of Norway
2809s anti-yield but it's just Isaac left in
2811s this room not being focused down at all
2813s that Rampage onto KSA is going to make
2816s it so much easier even the suzu cannot
2819s save him and now quartz is the only one
2821s from Saudi Arabia to find a pick JP
2824s taking down the Tracer though and mimio
2826s switching on to the Moira seeing a lot
2829s of these supports which is not allowing
2831s that ultimate to really build up from
2834s normally but they're really looking for
2835s that burst healing back line they didn't
2837s get that pick off onto yazan at the end
2840s if they had gotten that last little exit
2841s kill there they could have maybe slowed
2843s things down a little bit or at least
2844s forced out the res but yeah now Saudi
2846s Arabia they're gonna be able to come
2847s back full strength and go for the
2849s contest here and I mean Norway they have
2851s to win this fight off the back of just a
2852s pulse bomb maybe you could soon a rush
2854s if fight goes long but yazan has a
2856s barrage you can just delete JP it will
2858s right here
2859s yeah there was really nothing JP was
2861s going to be able to do against that
2863s especially since that kirika was so
2865s isolated I mean perhaps a Swift step but
2868s still the damage output was just so
2870s oppressive psycho going to trade quartz
2872s out for the pick that yazan did get
2874s though but they Rez comes through very
2876s very quickly once again Haku is just
2879s such a factor that Norway doesn't always
2881s take into consideration that's why they
2883s have such a dive heavy backline to look
2885s for the supports but they're just not
2888s doing that in this fight now Force back
2890s from the objective sir magenta spamming
2892s away at the as the pulse bomb
2893s opening things up though quartz goes
2895s down again and the valkyrie comes
2897s through from Haku giving a little bit of
2899s that extra damage and sustain to this
2901s team as well as the kitsuni rushboo
2904s support ultimates expended from Norway
2906s side but the Coba lessons from mimio
2908s does quite a sizable amount of damage
2910s isolating now sermajed looking for the
2912s objective oh my God okay actually going
2915s to find Isaac and survive the fight as
2918s well Court still come fantastic
2920s objective they're two meters away from
2922s getting the touch and the second capture
2924s and they've got 40 seconds left over
2926s Saudi Arabia really looking to sell
2927s quartz dancing around once again but
2930s mimio were able to find so much value
2933s from the biotic orb and JP is also going
2935s to force out quartz pulse bomb does find
2938s the other support and there's a little
2940s bit of that hack to come through on one
2942s God but otherwise Norway are able to
2944s press forward they shouldn't have had to
2947s use that Kitsune Rush there but because
2948s surmajed gets that absolutely Bonkers
2951s kill there on to Isaac they have to in
2953s order to try and force at home you
2954s should have just had that that uh gender
2956s Queen there to try and push home that is
2958s a huge EMP oh my God but everyone is too
2960s high up for anyone to get to them they
2962s just have they just have safety in play
2964s in The High Ground there
2966s yeah eyes like also taking quite a bit
2968s of damage and forced to disengage around
2970s the corner as a well before regrouping
2973s with the rest of the squad but Saudi
2975s Arabia they are taking control of the
2977s point only God is really looking for
2979s whenever these players try and touch
2980s that ground Haku is taking a lot of
2983s damage every time he tries and goes onto
2985s that low ground however Saudi Arabia
2987s they once again have this ultimate
2989s Advantage JP though huge pick onto
2991s quartz after switching back onto the
2993s Widow getting punished for it but Haku
2996s comes in with the res very quickly yazan
2998s comes back and even after they did so
3000s much work to find the hot pick now
3003s psycho going to be the one to contestant
3005s with the stick onto the tank case that
3007s gets brought down very low but still
3009s brought back by the back line and now
3011s psycho no longer the factor to be spoken
3014s of sermajed land and kunai's left and
3016s right guess they does have a hack on
3018s their tank but the damage isn't enough
3021s from only God not before yazan finds
3023s that pick Isaac actually going to go for
3025s a race set and switch onto maybe a
3028s different tank other than the hamster
3029s ball it's it has to be a lot cleaner
3032s than this Norway have to finish with
3033s time they only have 30 seconds but it's
3035s just been too Scrappy every time they're
3037s able to find a pick in that exchange
3038s they can't punish the res Haku comes
3040s through with it Saudi Arabia is back to
3043s full strength or even if they manage to
3044s find a trade where they can't res it
3046s they still don't have enough people to
3047s press the advantage and now it's gone at
3049s this point in time yeah now Norway they
3051s simply cannot win this map they can only
3053s try and hope for a draw they have to go
3055s all in but Saudi Arabia have every old
3057s they could possibly want to shut this
3059s right down
3061s Saudi Arabia they have four ultimates in
3064s the bank and Only God looking for their
3066s tank trying to get them out of the game
3068s early but yazan is doing so much damage
3071s in just one hit both of the support
3073s ultimate the Kitsune Rush don't come
3075s through and there is that Valkyrie as
3077s well from Haku however still more
3079s ultimate that can be expended from Saudi
3081s Arabia and the barrage is pressed two
3084s picks three from yazan on to Isaac as
3086s well now without the tank that over time
3089s just goes away too quickly to speak of
3091s in a matter of seconds Saudi Arabia have
3095s gone from maybe this looking like a very
3097s competitive match to complete domination
3100s I mean we said it was going to be a
3102s competitive match when we started but it
3103s wasn't like other than like potentially
3106s some spots on King's Row it just didn't
3108s feel all that competitive and now
3111s looking at you know looking at who all's
3113s left like everyone that Saudi Arabia has
3114s run through if not Norway if not Finland
3117s then who there's only they only have two
3120s more games left to play this one one
3121s they might be looking to put up a golden
3123s stage here unless Germany or Sweden have
3125s anything to say about it Sweden would
3127s have to have an incredible reversal of
3129s Fortunes Germany would have to pull off
3132s an insane upset here and I mean yeah
3135s this was really like the last hope for
3136s Group B so I mean if I'm if I'm the team
3139s manager for the Saudi Arabian team like
3141s I'm I'm we're I'm buying tickets to the
3144s playoffs you know start shopping for
3146s airfare here because it's pretty much
3148s all over but the crying yeah start
3151s stacking up those Arrow plan points or
3153s something because Saudi Arabia they look
3156s so good and perhaps they might get
3158s contested with some teams from group a
3161s like France who has the same map and win
3164s record that Saudi Arabia does have so
3167s far but it's not going to happen here in
3169s qualifiers where they're only up against
3171s players that are in their own group this
3174s is just so dominant so good
3177s yeah I mean Saudi Arabia like like I
3180s said you know we were supposed to be
3182s keeping our eyes on them we thought
3183s early on that they might be a dark horse
3184s but no like I said we can't take our
3186s eyes off of them they have been too
3188s dominant they have been really the only
3190s horse in this race for a very long time
3192s now and like I said yeah I think they
3194s can start you know planning air air
3197s travel you know book some accommodations
3199s surely yazan gets some frequent flyer
3201s miles miles for all the time he spends
3202s in the sky there Saudi Arabia like
3205s there's there are two teams left that
3207s can potentially stop them we're gonna be
3209s seeing uh you know we're gonna be seeing
3211s both of those teams later on today but
3213s the best of luck buddies like this squad
3216s at this point nigh unbeatable
3219s yeah I mean Sweden did put out this
3222s tweet earlier like oh well if Saudi
3225s Arabia loses to Germany and also Finland
3227s and Norway both lose and also uh like
3231s Belgium wins or something then maybe we
3233s can make it to playoffs so it's going to
3235s definitely be a tough one if this uh if
3239s anyone other than what is looking like
3240s in the standings right now if someone
3242s from the bottom of that group wants to
3244s make it to the top they're looking for
3246s you know Saudi Arabia to throw another
3248s tour of 1v1 and then all of a sudden
3250s they lose this time yeah Sweden is on
3252s that full Pepe Silva Arc and Saudi
3255s Arabia seem to be uh heading in nothing
3257s but an upward trajectory that's uh
3260s that's gonna be it for this matchup here
3261s I mean over a lot quicker than I think a
3264s lot of us thought it would be we thought
3265s there would be a little bit more of a
3266s fight but Saudi Arabia they didn't come
3268s to play they didn't come to fight they
3269s came to win and they did just that so
3272s we'll be right back with Jim to break
3273s that down and bring it into the next
3275s match right after this quick break don't
3276s go anywhere
3279s [Music]
3294s thank you
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3325s thank you
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3346s thank you
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3379s thank you
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3404s foreign
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3489s thank you
3490s [Music]
3496s welcome back everyone at day five of the
3499s OverWatch World Cup 2023 emec online
3502s qualifiers I'm your host Jim Basco that
3504s is epitomies and that is of course CB we
3507s just watched domination across two maps
3509s to put it lightly CB walk us through the
3512s action
3513s I mean walking is really all that Norway
3515s did they never really got themselves up
3517s to run it was I mean look go we were
3519s talking a little bit in the break as
3520s well where we're like I thought for sure
3522s if they were gonna pick King's Row that
3523s they were gonna try and play the May
3524s rush and just win the ground game just
3527s run it KSA run it quartz but they didn't
3530s even try to do that so the King's Row
3533s pick now like kind of has me scratching
3535s my head like what what why why do you do
3539s that yeah you could have gone to Havana
3541s you could have gone to like uh you know
3543s like circuit Royale or like anything
3545s else but something where like yazan is
3548s just in his Zone absolutely and if it
3550s means you had mentioned it as well right
3551s there are options that they could have
3553s chosen to make their kings roll a little
3554s bit more feasible
3557s um against a composition like Widow and
3559s pharah right where it's that long range
3560s domination talk to us about that and
3562s like what what we would have liked to
3564s seen but of course what ended up
3565s happening as well
3567s I definitely feel like there was just
3569s that glimmer of hope there when they
3570s were switching up that back line you
3572s know mimio started out the attack on the
3574s Anna and we were like that is not going
3576s to survive especially since you have so
3578s much air control and there's really no
3580s way to defend from that as a squishy and
3582s mobile support with basically no
3584s movement and then you are also we saw
3586s them switch on to the Moira as well and
3588s that was what they ended the match off
3590s with but I feel like that loose show
3592s pick that they picked up and when their
3593s team was that full dive comp with the
3595s diva as the tank the Tracer Sombra they
3598s were probably able to have really good
3600s Target selection as long as they were
3602s able to coordinate well they could have
3604s made something happen there and as well
3605s as the fact that with Lucio on your
3607s squad yeah the kiriko support ultimate
3609s doesn't really have the same effect that
3612s can cleanse and save the team as Lucio
3614s can with the sound barrier giving your
3616s team so much overhealth and just get
3618s yourself out of a sticky situation like
3620s if yazan decides to go for the barrage
3622s if they decide to go for the Rampage I
3625s feel like there were a lot
3635s it becomes so difficult when you're
3637s going up against a widow and a fart that
3639s is so
3640s oppressive but then you have a tank like
3642s KSA as well just aggressively
3645s positioning so it's so hard to set up of
3647s course that's why we see you know
3648s obviously this uh Norwegian team a
3651s fantastic group of players but the Saudi
3653s Arabian team really just pulling it out
3655s over them so let's move ahead let's talk
3657s about the schedule let's take a look and
3659s pull up that graphic and get you the run
3661s down here of course we're on day five
3662s it's week two we have four more days of
3664s action to determine who's gonna make it
3666s through to the main event of course we
3667s just watched Saudi Arabia over Norway
3669s next up we've got turkey versus Germany
3672s which is bound to be a close match after
3674s that we've got Sweden versus Poland
3676s Finland versus Iceland Portugal versus
3678s Italy Spain versus Denmark and we round
3681s out our day with France versus Belgium
3684s okay turkey in Germany give me the quick
3688s two cents descriptor of this match
3690s before I toss you away if it means what
3692s are your thoughts here because from what
3694s I'm seeing this could be really close
3698s I definitely feel like turkey really
3700s surprised us last week with how well
3702s they were able to perform
3705s um they definitely had a lot of really
3707s good moments especially in their match
3710s against Sweden where they made things a
3712s lot more uh competitive than I think we
3714s initially expected but here when we're
3717s looking at this matchup it definitely
3720s feels like it's going to be close
3722s yeah that's something that we're going
3723s to be watching closely like you
3725s mentioned turkey two in one over Sweden
3727s they lost 2-0 to Saudi Arabia but you
3730s can't blame him and of course on day one
3732s they were the premier match kicking off
3734s this entire thing they went 2-0 turkey
3736s I'm talking about over Poland so while
3739s they're you know they're streak they've
3741s gone against some of the best and some
3743s of the other opponents in their group
3745s they are definitely bound to meet their
3747s match here with Germany today so CB
3749s epitome I'll see you guys on the flip
3751s side have a great magical talk to you
3753s guys later
3754s thank you so much Jim and now looking at
3757s turkey versus Germany I think that this
3760s is probably going to be a lot closer
3762s than the last match that we saw but I
3765s mean that's not really a big brain a
3768s groundbreaking prediction but looking at
3770s turkey's Squad now
3772s um I think we definitely do need to keep
3774s our eyes on this CPS line and their tank
3777s I I think we need to keep our eyes on
3779s the whole team really realistically
3780s because like turkey is one of those
3782s quads that still has a realistic chance
3784s at qualifying here especially with you
3787s know Norway now going down they've
3788s dropped two series now if that downward
3790s trajectory continues for them and turkey
3792s stonks go up this squad might be uh
3794s might be joining the Saudis when we go
3796s to the playoffs here so they have a shot
3798s here if they are able to beat Germany
3800s here we definitely have to keep our eyes
3802s on them lethal and Nephron have had some
3805s phenomenal play but you know we look at
3807s Romani we look at Farouk we look at muzo
3809s the whole Squad they have all come
3810s together to form a pretty solid
3812s Collective that has kind of emerged to
3814s be group B's version of the Dark Horse
3816s you know kind of uh where we were
3818s expecting Saudi Arabia to be before they
3820s just ended up you know stomping on
3822s everyone with steel-toed boots
3824s yeah I definitely think turkey uh they
3827s have some big names that view but you
3830s definitely didn't expect the entire
3832s Squad to be doing maybe the top of the
3834s group but they are the middle of the
3835s pack right now Norway going down
3837s currently holding that number four spot
3839s so they have grounds to overtake
3842s potentially uh overtake into the top two
3845s now we're looking at Germany's Squad and
3847s they definitely have given us some
3850s interesting maps in the past yeah hex
3853s and zp were saying it before but that
3855s this looks like one of the strongest
3856s squads that Germany has ever brought to
3857s the World Cup and I mean there's still
3860s another Squad that has dropped two
3861s Series so it's not looking as likely
3863s that they'll qualify but they're still
3865s you know there's still a chance if
3866s Sweden can still qualify Germany still
3869s has a chance as long as a lot of things
3871s go right and beating turkey here would
3873s not only entirely sabotage turkey's
3875s chances and throw that into the same you
3878s know that same Pepe Silva Arc that
3880s Sweden's currently on but would also
3881s Elevate their own chances of being in
3883s that conversation trying to force source
3884s of tie between some of the other teams
3886s trying to you know bring their uh bring
3889s themselves up a little bit further this
3890s is definitely a squad that is capable of
3892s doing just that we'll have to see but
3895s regardless like these are two middle of
3896s the pack teams right now and it's going
3898s to be close yeah number four and number
3901s five in group b thus far headed on to
3904s lijiang Tower and now going on to
3907s lijiang Tower these two teams are not
3910s really ones that you have at the top of
3913s your mind when you're thinking yeah they
3914s like to play lots of control in the sky
3917s lots of those frequent flyer types comps
3920s they are definitely a lot more dive and
3922s Rush oriented
3924s absolutely I I do want to see what they
3927s end up coming out here with though again
3929s we're going back to Old Reliable lijiang
3931s tower that we've seen a thousand times
3932s every time I blink IC control center in
3934s my sleep at this point in time but you
3937s know it does again bring out a lot of
3939s those different styles where you can see
3941s some of the rush compositions that these
3942s teams like to go for you can see you
3944s know again like we saw in the previous
3946s series a lot of the frequent flyers you
3948s know the echo the the pharah
3950s these two teams haven't really lent them
3954s or uh leaned too far into that
3956s particular direction so I'm expecting
3958s something a little bit more rush-esque
3961s here lethal maybe making me second
3964s second guess things here maybe uh might
3967s actually be thinking it is uh it's time
3969s to take to the sky
3970s always remember to never ever trust
3973s teams at the beginning of a match though
3975s because we see Farooq switching on to
3978s the life Weaver but if lethal does end
3980s up sticking to the pharah then I'm
3983s expecting that they're going to add that
3986s Mercy into this composition but it
3988s doesn't look like it there yeah okay
3990s never mind it was just
3992s going to slow through all the heroes so
3994s landed on the one that uh that he was
3996s inevitably going to be stuck on here so
3998s this is going to be the Germany what
3999s they're going to want to do to try and
4000s counter this is uh well hey kill lethal
4002s that's a great way to start but secondly
4004s they want to make sure that they can
4005s pull the point and try and force lethal
4006s in through one of the doorways I and
4009s taking down lethal enforcing that res is
4011s going to force at least enough
4012s positioning and killing Romani basically
4014s means they can just have the whole map
4015s for free here so now they can just go
4017s ahead and take shelter on point and it's
4018s gonna be you know Turkey you're gonna
4020s have to try and peek their way around
4021s corners to try and get in here yeah
4023s Red's already clutched from uh faruch's
4025s purse so you don't really have that to
4027s bring back the tank and Germany they're
4029s doing really well with that first touch
4031s I think this Cassidy is such a huge pick
4033s even though they didn't know that lethal
4035s was going to be playing the pharah but
4037s nephron taking down the Cassidy going to
4039s give a lot more free reign to this bar
4041s to be able to just control the skies
4044s stylistically though Germany they are
4047s able to still Force themselves forward
4048s even though nephron gets a pick lethal
4050s on the other end though now trying to
4052s get rid of their uh support line the
4055s immortality field has been forced how
4057s Alex Goes Down Sue cracks nothing to be
4059s done for the Baptiste does have the
4061s amplification Matrix isn't going to use
4063s it turkey as soon as Romani hits that
4065s field once again they're looking for the
4067s point capture and they are able to get
4069s it now the res to come through onto
4072s lethal with the barrage online I mean
4074s that kind of took a while though and
4076s like Jeremy was able to build up to 40
4078s like I mean turkey realistically should
4080s have had that one like 10 15 ago but
4082s getting up to 40 is going to be massive
4084s if Germany are able to flip the point in
4086s here they're only going to have the ant
4086s may just try and do it turkey they're
4088s about to have an ultimate nuke if they
4091s uh if they keep this pace up here so
4093s they have the potential to stagger this
4095s out even further than the 40 hopefully
4097s Take the Lead here unless they fumble
4098s the bag somehow uh but I'm looking at
4100s never to try and go in with this EMP and
4102s kick things off here
4103s can both DPS ultimates for turkey
4106s available and it's only that
4107s amplification Matrix they're able to
4109s force a little bit of that positioning
4110s but nephron gets a lot of damage down
4112s lethal once again pressing the barrage
4114s doesn't find anything off of it farook
4116s is forced to Res and now Germany they
4119s are finding their picks however turkey
4121s nephron is doing so much for the squad
4123s with the hack EMP still in the back
4125s pocket as well hasn't been forced to
4127s expand the ultimate lethal just making
4128s the way around the point but he's just
4130s not survivable enough even with Baruch
4133s in the pocket now the amp from Turkey is
4136s going to try and allow them to hold on
4137s to the point but the May barrier is
4139s going to force them off muzo doesn't
4141s really have a lot of places to go just
4143s gonna hop off that map and use that
4145s Swift step to escape instead of tanking
4147s that damage but oh Romani has been
4150s forced and isolated not a lot to be done
4152s after the blizzard comes through from
4154s Phi and qrxu finishing things off okay
4157s farook that is a risky res but Swift
4161s step from the kiriko to come back and
4163s frug and Romani are both going to escape
4165s for a second rapid just gonna Boop
4167s Romani right back off the map nothing to
4170s be done from the junker Queen but
4172s otherwise turkey going to cap the point
4174s I was I said turkey had to Fumble the
4176s bag and I would definitely consider it
4177s fumbled but they definitely like tossed
4179s it around tried to kick it away for a
4181s little bit like kept it at least off the
4183s ground entirely for a very long time but
4185s Germany they builds up to 80 percent
4186s nephron invested the EMP into like a
4189s losing fight earlier on there I didn't
4190s know that the maywell was behind him hey
4193s turkey have positioning on the point now
4194s but another maywall from Phi can just
4196s put things to bed thankfully like people
4198s are still able to play around it the
4199s Wall comes out and doesn't find much of
4201s anything if lethal hits something with
4203s big with this barrage turkey are still
4204s in this
4205s yeah legal have been able to build up to
4207s the barrage pretty uh consistently but
4210s the fact is that he's been taken down so
4212s quickly so many times in a row that he
4214s hasn't been able to find the value that
4216s he needs but there is the value that
4218s they've been talking about the barrage
4219s onto both the tank and Phi now looking
4222s at rapid to try and stall out but two
4225s good shots from the rocket launcher is
4227s going to save them now Sue crack's going
4228s to come in with the immortality field
4230s and QRS you finding both the mercy as
4233s well as far now muzo does attempt for a
4237s touch with the Swift step but can't do
4239s much here even with the translocator
4240s from nephron and finding the pick on
4242s suit cracks nothing to be done turkey
4245s they had such a good fight such glimmers
4247s of Hope but they definitely fumbled the
4249s bag like you said yeah it was it was
4252s that one fight where they had like all
4253s of the ultimates they use the they use
4256s the rocket barrage they didn't find
4257s anything because lethal dies mid-cast
4259s there they use the uh they use the
4262s Rampage but there's not really anyone
4264s alive to follow up on the damage so
4266s Germany is able to just weather the
4267s storm with the immortality field and you
4269s know once that comes off you know the uh
4271s the regen burst and all of the passive
4273s healing from Lucio They Don't Really
4275s ever find something to definitively put
4278s Germany away there Germany ended up
4280s flipping the point turkey then invests
4281s the EMP for some reason there again I
4284s think the ice wall never didn't realize
4287s it was behind him so that like muzo
4289s couldn't go in to try and help clean
4290s that one up but they just threw
4292s everything and just let Germany have the
4294s point as we go here on to Night Market
4295s interesting that no one's going for a
4297s simtp strat here uh turkey instead gonna
4300s go with the Genji Germany sticking with
4302s that Cassidy May
4304s turkey oh they've already lost lethal
4306s Germany I'm just gonna run right over
4307s this point now
4308s yeah macaron is going to look for a
4311s weigh-in onto the back line but qrxu is
4313s not allowing that to happen to their
4316s back line Romani does find Rapid but
4318s they still have muzo and that's the
4319s source most of their first healing here
4322s um the sustainability from Germany is
4324s just too powerful against a lone Romani
4327s getting healed from the back line but
4329s they're a little bit ways away and the
4331s brawl from the ramacha is very
4333s oppressive here now they're gonna have
4335s to back off nephron looking for that
4336s touch on to the point muso right at his
4338s back getting real low going to have to
4339s translocate away amp Matrix to force the
4341s positioning as well from Germany but
4344s Musa is going to find two there's a
4346s hitting three with the Kunis this kiriko
4348s is going crazy and now they have that
4350s Kitsune rush in the back pocket looking
4352s for some re-entry with qrx you but oh my
4356s God what did you do to them
4359s 5K for muzo all of the headshots all of
4363s the kunai on point now turkey is back in
4366s this fight that looks like it was going
4367s to be another scent like another tiger
4369s City where Germany just bring this like
4370s all the way up past 40 maybe 50 muzo
4373s puts a stop to it has the Kitsune rush
4375s now hack comes out onto Alex they can
4377s just melt this for mantra right down and
4380s now Genji looking at this Dragon Blade
4383s as well not going to need it after the
4385s katsune rush comes through of course all
4387s of turkey having just so much more
4388s damage output because of a single
4390s ultimate expended four ultimates left in
4393s the back pocket they're only up to 30
4394s but they have all the resources to fully
4397s capture it's going to be kind of up to
4399s Rapid to try and build the sound barrier
4401s and and then it's like okay what do I
4402s counter this like yeah they've got the
4405s the EMP that's gonna come out right now
4406s even if they managed to get the sound
4408s barrier off they slapped the deal with
4410s the Dragon Blade and potentially the
4411s Rampage Rampage is coming through now
4413s there's the sound barrier does lethal
4416s wait here and now there's lethal waiting
4419s for that sound barrier overhealth to
4421s fade away and the health of Farouk with
4423s the sound barrier of their own to try
4425s and get that little bit of extra
4426s survivability but the Dragon Blade is
4428s just for not Phi comes back in had the
4431s blizzard in the back pocket muzo could
4433s potentially save this once again lethal
4435s going to dash in and try to save the
4437s kiriko as well but no way to capture on
4439s the point as Alex switches into the
4441s Nemesis form into the brawls full on in
4444s the faces of turkey and it was it was
4446s the sound barrier from Rapid plus a Boop
4449s and the annihilation that kept lethal at
4450s Bay so he couldn't find any follow-up
4452s even once the overhealth had expired and
4454s now at turkey's Advantage has expired
4456s they have to make wholesale composition
4457s swaps now they're gonna mirror this but
4459s QR has a death Blossom you can just go
4461s ahead and you know snuff out this whole
4463s push here from Germany five's gonna go
4465s in with the blizzard turn this into an
4466s ice box and turkey have to disengage
4469s yeah they're just going to have to back
4470s off for a little bit longer in terms of
4472s percentages they are still very similar
4474s but this death Blossom is a huge factor
4477s for Germany and they don't really want
4479s to be headed into enclosed rooms
4481s alongside that Reaper however they do
4484s have a little bit of that extra
4486s survivability but now that the kiriko is
4488s gone instead it's the Moira they're
4490s looking for a lot more up in your face
4492s backline dive comps now they're still
4495s building up to that coalescence and it's
4497s popped immediately as soon as it comes
4499s through and that allows turkey to get a
4502s lot of these finishers on the rest of
4503s Germany squad with them being brought
4505s real low Alex the only player left and
4508s without the ms4 Nemesis former Matra
4510s just looking like paper now with the
4512s turn on to the point 70 for turkey I
4515s mean turkey essentially just made it to
4517s where they didn't even have to worry
4518s about qrxtu with the sound uh with the
4519s death Blossom anymore they just forced
4521s the fight to happen on the point where
4522s they know like all right that's where
4524s the reaper is he's not lurking he's not
4525s going to come around and hit us with a
4526s 4K around the corner and then just an
4528s early pick up under rapid so they can
4530s control the tempo now turkey they have
4532s an old bank to match here here comes the
4534s death Blossom it finds farook and muzo
4536s this is true for Germany both of the
4538s supports now out and Alex has that
4540s annihilation in the back pocket as well
4542s but they're doing so much damage without
4544s it rapid has to pop the sound barrier or
4547s it doesn't have to but is going to to
4548s force the point and Deutschland or
4551s Germany going to find the first map in a
4553s 2o fashion that was that was so winnable
4556s for turkey all they needed to do was not
4559s have farook die with the beat there
4560s because
4562s you need to be able to counter all
4563s that's going to be coming in you know
4565s Germany came in there with a sound Bay
4567s of their own ready on Deck they had all
4569s the other ultimates it was pretty much a
4570s mirror old Bank there you needed to keep
4572s your one major defensive tool available
4575s for Rook dies with the beat muzo goes
4577s down as well and everything just kind of
4579s uh just kind of ends there turkey I mean
4582s we're still again seeing flat of what
4585s has made turkey successful thus far but
4587s again they have a tendency to Fumble the
4590s bag just a little bit some of these key
4592s mistakes that end up being
4594s bigger than they should be but it's just
4597s costing the maps here
4599s yeah turkey they have this tendency
4601s especially with the DPS ultimates we've
4603s seen it twice in a row with nephron's
4606s EMP and they're just not really
4607s coordinating and even though they seem
4610s like they don't want to be using all of
4612s their ultimates at once they want to be
4613s able to cycle them so they have
4615s something left in the bank at the end of
4617s the day uh it feels like without the
4620s fact they didn't use the EMP and dragon
4621s blade in tandem on this map of Night
4625s Market and they didn't use the barrage
4628s on EMP in tandem on Gardens so I feel
4631s like that lost on both of those Maps
4633s because they just completely fumbled it
4635s it's it's not the most stable both like
4638s old investment wise old comboing wise
4641s but I mean again there are still flashes
4643s of these really great things that we're
4645s seeing from turkey again just negating
4647s the death Blossom just by sheer forcing
4649s positioning so that they have to take
4650s the fight on the point there that was a
4652s great play very well coordinated I don't
4654s even like whether they meant to do that
4655s or not that ended up being very
4657s beneficial for them they had to know qrx
4659s it was working with uh with the death
4661s Blossom they just didn't expect it to
4662s come so quickly so suddenly in the fight
4665s that immediately followed it but uh I
4668s mean a little bit less suddenly we're
4669s gonna be going to another map here it's
4671s going to be turkey's map but we have at
4673s least a little bit of a break before
4675s that just in case there's any rapers
4677s lurking around in your house with a
4678s death Blossom you've got time to deal
4679s with that situation before we come back
4681s don't go anywhere
4683s foreign
4684s [Music]
4714s thank you
4719s [Music]
4732s [Music]
4766s [Music]
4777s thank you
4780s foreign
4788s [Music]
4806s [Music]
4823s foreign
4826s [Music]
4838s [Music]
4860s [Music]
4874s [Music]
4875s [Applause]
4879s [Music]
4887s thank you foreign
4892s [Music]
4901s went by in a blink of an eye and a
4905s turkey versus Germany turkey needs to
4907s find something on the second map on
4909s their own map pick that is going to
4911s clutch them from the jaws of defeat I am
4913s epitomies joined by CB and we are here
4915s in week two day one of the OverWatch
4918s World Cup emec qualifiers and I'm
4921s wondering what do you think we're going
4923s to see next I mean
4925s this matchup is one that is going to be
4927s very important for Group B going forward
4929s because these are two middle of the pack
4930s teams that both obviously still have
4932s aspirations of taking that number two
4933s spot I mean Germany like I said it's
4936s going to be difficult but they can still
4937s do it for turkey they have a better shot
4940s and they just need to not fumble the bag
4943s because when they do Germany is a team
4945s that will take that bag and run off with
4947s it faster than you can catch up so
4949s they're gonna take us here to King's Row
4951s that's gonna be turkey's map pick here
4952s this is where they want to try and uh
4954s try and stop the bleeding try and Chase
4957s down the Bandit that made off with their
4958s purse here and I honestly don't really
4961s know what we're gonna see out of turkey
4963s here like why they've decided to go uh
4965s to King's Row maybe they do want to have
4967s lethal on the echo or on the pharah like
4969s we did see on Gardens there where you
4971s saw how well that worked out for yazan
4973s quite well indeed uh or maybe they do
4976s want to try and stick with a May rush
4978s but Germany has shown to be quite
4980s competent on that composition as well so
4983s if that's the case like if that's what
4985s we're gonna see and that's the mirror
4986s match up it might be a little bit of a
4987s stalemate here I mean turkey they
4989s they're just gonna have to like find the
4991s picks find uh find the openings and not
4994s fumble not fumble it
4996s don't fumble the bag turkey you heard
4999s you heard Stevie you heard her you
5002s better not be passing the you know
5005s passing the basketball
5007s I don't know if that was a that was a
5009s poignant Point poignant
5013s I'll let you let you stew on that one
5016s first yeah you know what I'm okay with
5018s looking like a fool yeah I'll just like
5020s I will look back on this broadcast and
5022s be upset about it so one thing I do kind
5025s of want to highlight here is going to be
5026s nephron on the Hanzo you know you're
5027s gonna see obviously you're gonna see QR
5029s over here on the Widow whether or not he
5031s stays on that it looks like it's gonna
5032s be a no uh we're gonna have mirror
5034s hanzo's here so whoever's arrow is able
5036s to find an early pickoff might just end
5038s up dictating how this entire first point
5040s operates uh I either that or it's going
5043s to be the maywall separation I mean you
5045s play the Hanzo because you want that one
5047s shot potential there uh but it's gonna
5049s take more than just one shot to take
5050s down Sue cracks and they have enough to
5052s do it so Germany their push already
5054s stifled
5055s yeah so correct going down early rapid
5058s going to have to back up and that just
5060s leaves Alex on his Lonesome to be taken
5063s down and shredded by the rest of turkey
5064s squad first point defense not going as
5068s badly as they as they might have
5070s initially thought seeing as how
5073s the control went but they are they are
5076s looking good so far there was a small
5078s part where that like kind of looked a
5079s little bit dangerous for Armani because
5080s the ice wall was uh was behind him but
5082s able to stay alive you also have qrxu on
5084s this angle up here that's trying to
5086s catch Romani out and burst out with the
5088s storm arrows there's the wall Romani is
5090s locked in a corner right now and might
5091s actually get melted down home yep Romani
5094s nowhere to go except just hold up the
5096s block and hope that it's going to be
5098s enough as that wall goes down but Alex
5100s is being able to force forward and force
5103s lethal back into this corner as well so
5105s turkey's dps's are a little bit split
5108s lethal going to have to use that wall in
5110s order to try and get across and contest
5112s on this little corner of the point ice
5114s block does have to come through and fly
5116s taken down nephron so now lethal once
5118s again isolated on the other side of this
5120s may while Romani comes in at the last
5121s second though for the contest and has to
5124s switch into the Nemesis mode but is
5125s being forced off by Alex and just
5128s shredded right on through vermontra down
5130s no more tank for turkey and Germany is
5133s allowed to sell start that push on the
5134s payload Romani falls for the classic B
5137s too far up and be killable trap they
5140s just wall him off everyone's just at the
5142s angle to try and melt down that romantra
5144s leave the might get staggered out here
5145s actually never great it's a great pickup
5147s onto rapid that's actually going to slow
5149s things down for Germany a lot with that
5150s pickup now turkey can regroup and try
5153s and take a fight at the archway because
5154s the cart's not gonna be that much
5156s farther past it rapid's gonna have an
5158s early spawn is going to regroup with the
5159s team but turkey have at least bought
5161s themselves some space to work with here
5162s as they push up they got the dragon
5163s strike they can even maybe snuff out
5165s this ant Matrix
5167s okay that Dragon strike takes down muzo
5170s excuse me and now they're just around
5173s that they're down to support the
5174s annihilation comes through from Germany
5176s and it's just going to shred through the
5178s rest of them without the sustain not
5180s even the sound barrier to come through
5181s from farook as well they just don't have
5184s it up early enough rapid on the other
5186s hand does have that sound barrier
5188s um and they also have that blizzard to
5190s boot as well speaking of blizzards
5192s lethal used his and Romani followed it
5195s up with the annihilation I think that
5196s might have just been the wrong call for
5198s the old combination they tried to go for
5199s in that fight because they still had to
5201s face check all of the damage coming
5202s through for the amp Matrix and they had
5204s already lost I believe it was they lost
5207s muzo from trxu's Dragon strike so now
5209s they're only gonna have a dragon strike
5210s and an image except their own but like
5211s Germany can just wait this out and then
5214s come right back in with their Ulta their
5215s own like you said that blizzard and even
5217s that beat if things start to go south
5219s yeah they also they just lost their
5221s support so early in that last fight and
5224s Nephron taking down qrxtu this time now
5226s the blizzard to come through or
5228s attempted to come through but it doesn't
5229s look like it is with both of those
5231s immortality Fields now forced out from
5233s the Baptiste they already use the amp
5235s Matrix early in that fights attempting
5237s to force some positioning but okay
5239s they're going to go ahead and use the
5241s Blizzard from five of five goes down
5243s immediately and there's just so much
5244s sustain from turkey's Squad with both
5247s the sound barrier Phi had no business
5249s pushing that far forward with the
5251s blizzard when they had already used that
5253s sound barrier and the overhealth was
5254s still there so turkey they are allowed
5257s to just hold on to the point for a
5259s little bit longer Force Germany to
5260s regroup I'm not actually sure which came
5262s first the sound barrier or the blizzard
5264s but regardless they both kind of felt
5266s egregious because that was like a reset
5267s fight turkey that aggression though
5269s still buys them time so they end up
5270s coming out ahead it doesn't end up being
5272s like that egregious for them but if
5274s you're five you definitely want that
5275s blizzard back because now would be a
5277s great time to use it because guess what
5279s no more sound barrier lethal's coming up
5281s on a blizzard of his own refit doesn't
5283s have a sound barrier turkey can stall
5285s this out it's you really only want to
5287s have killer XU with a dragon strike and
5288s again that amp Matrix coming through
5290s which you want to fight off of before
5291s but you have to be able to consistently
5293s hit those all right a little bit funny
5296s that lethal puts the wall there and then
5298s after muzo immediately goes for the amp
5301s nature kind of giving them a lot of room
5303s to work around and not actually having
5305s to move out of the way of this amp
5306s Matrix however it's not going to be the
5308s case for Sue croax's they're going to go
5310s ahead and use the blizzard though from
5312s lethal most of turkey is able to back
5314s off and not going to be picked from it
5316s but Alex's blizzard is going to attempt
5318s to counter romani's own both of the
5321s annihilations out from Germany and
5323s turkey but it's going to be Romani the
5325s first to fall not enough sustain from
5327s the back line here immortality field
5329s does come through on Germany's side to
5331s keep Alex alive though and Sue cracks
5333s finishes off the mirror matchup of the
5335s Baptist that look like the best chance
5337s Germany had there for a second was a
5339s stalemate but it's the pickoff from
5340s Redford on to nephron that turns it in
5342s their favor gives them the man Advantage
5344s so when the the uh the dueling the
5346s dueling annihilations come out towards
5348s the tail end of it Germany have the man
5350s advantage to keep pumping in the damage
5351s end up getting the better of that one so
5353s a great just great play there from Rapid
5356s specifically who now has the sound
5358s barrier to keep this one going Germany
5360s they're looking like they should be able
5361s to finish here unless this Dragon strike
5363s from nephron is huge but the uh singular
5366s Arrow from qrxtu was just a little bit
5368s more huge
5370s and now they are just they don't really
5372s have a lot of defensive tools left in
5375s the bank the blizzard is still being
5376s built up but they're allowed to use that
5378s may wall and they're able to force them
5379s into the corner now the sound barrier
5381s for Germany in case things go south
5383s going to be used after qrxu gets picked
5386s by nephron those spawns are so close by
5388s for turkey now but they have a sound
5391s barrier of their own Farooq takes it out
5392s and five picks off lethal Now by having
5395s that blizzard in the back pocket in case
5397s they need a little bit something more to
5399s force them forward romani's able to get
5401s out of the AOE of the blizzard and has
5403s to use that Nemesis form in order to
5405s stay alive but it's the icicle that
5407s takes down the tank of turkey and now
5409s without that tank they're looking for
5411s the Hanzo to be the one to contest that
5413s ice block is a little bit too far off
5415s but Farooq has a little bit of Swift
5418s step to get back onto the objective
5419s there's nothing else to be done after
5421s those supports go down following the May
5424s and it's Germany with a full capture on
5426s point round one I think the ice block
5429s was just like actually like right at the
5431s very edge of the contest Zone there so
5432s was able to contest but I mean once that
5435s ice block expires like you had to know
5437s lethals lethal's life was on a timer
5439s there Germany are doing a great job of
5441s understanding when it is safe for them
5443s to invest alts to press their advantage
5445s when they find a single pick off that
5448s gives them the man advantage that makes
5449s it more more advantageous for them to go
5452s ahead and invest the blizzard like they
5454s did towards the tail and they're with
5455s fives that just keeps pressing the
5457s advantages that they find here turkey
5459s again like they're showing some
5462s instances of the same thing I'm looking
5463s back to farook's sound barrier in the
5465s middle of Point C there or sorry middle
5467s of a point B Street space but overall it
5470s feels like Germany are just winning in
5472s the fights or as turkey are relying on
5475s their ultimates
5477s it does feel a little bit more uh
5480s responsive from Turkey rather than being
5483s proactive so it feels that they do lose
5486s out a lot more when they invest these
5488s ultimates in response to what Germany is
5490s doing with a lot more intention now
5492s switching the comp up a little bit they
5494s have lethal on the Genji once again but
5496s of course this could be just for that
5498s very first little capture point and
5501s Nephron switching on to the Sombra so a
5503s lot more dive Potential from Turkey
5505s rather than matching the brush
5507s composition where they were falling a
5509s little bit more short honestly I like to
5511s see it looks like lethal does at least
5513s for now want to stay on this so I I like
5515s it you know if they can get a hack onto
5517s Phi or qrxu and just go for the dash
5519s they can just go ahead and get a free
5521s pick off that way I like that idea it's
5523s not gonna be the most sustainable and
5525s also if lethal Falls here a little bit
5527s uh yeah where can't get healed does end
5529s up getting healed there if lethal Falls
5530s or gets too aggressive then that might
5533s be it the immortality from Germany is
5535s forced out early commanding shout out
5536s some turkey is going to come out to cap
5537s lies off that yeah the commanding shout
5540s allows them to Surge forward and they're
5542s just picks left and right from turkey's
5544s side the lethal switch on to the Genji
5547s is really a really good one and it
5550s allows them to take a lot more space
5552s even without Romani being at their side
5554s Germany they really don't have any way
5556s back into the point and it's a full
5557s capture in a matter of seconds with the
5560s help of the commanding shout and the
5561s force the use of that immortality field
5564s and it actually is going to make sue
5566s crack switch onto the Moira here this
5569s might Force swaps out from Turkey Romani
5571s is in a lot of trouble right now should
5572s be able to Stave off the pressure here
5574s if I very low ice Block Force lethal
5577s still a little bit stuck has to dash out
5579s there I mean again this this might Force
5582s some swaps from Turkey everyone's able
5583s to sustain so far no life lost fives
5586s looking to be on life support though the
5588s Moira swap from suit cracks is
5590s definitely gonna be something to keep an
5591s eye on but here comes the Kitsune
5592s Russian turkey
5593s yeah katsune Rush forces a lot of
5596s positioning from Germany oh that Rampage
5598s hits all five it is huge there is
5601s nothing to be done from Germany that was
5603s the cleanest fight from Turkey thus far
5606s the cleanest investment and combination
5608s of ultimates that we had seen from them
5610s and Sue Craigs doesn't have anything
5612s left in the Bank Rapid doesn't have
5614s anything left in the bank there's no
5616s sound barrier no suzu nothing no Germany
5619s that was a nail in the coffin sucrox has
5623s the coalescence but that could honestly
5624s just be canceled with an EMP or with a
5626s hack from nephron so I think nephron
5628s wants to be aggressive with this EMP is
5630s actually gonna get spy checks that's
5632s gonna give turkey or sorry gonna give
5633s Germany a little bit of a chance to go
5635s in now they go in with the coalescence
5637s and the blizzard and turn the air force
5638s to back out yeah they do get out of the
5641s AOE of the blizzard it's unfortunate
5643s that they don't find the picks but
5645s nephron is also able to survive as well
5647s Hack That health pack and look for a
5649s little bit something on that back line
5650s okay qrx you getting very aggressive
5653s with the brave form and the EMP does
5655s come through now turkey looking to
5656s capitalize but Alex immediately takes
5658s down nephron and the sound barrier from
5661s Germany keeps them all alive
5662s Annihilation now locking them into this
5664s battle of attrition and turkey is forced
5667s to disengage Annihilation Fades away and
5669s lethal will also Dash to safety lethal
5672s has the blade though in Germany are all
5673s out of abilities to counter it so here
5675s we go and it's gonna find foul
5677s immediately with a through suplex to
5679s stay alive but Alex is still under so
5681s much pressure from the blade and the
5682s rest of turkey the rest of turkey just
5684s run them over here and now lethal can
5686s even clean up qrxu out here in this duel
5689s there nice deflect headshot turkey
5691s they're able to make it work again like
5693s in that fight prior I think Germany
5695s overreacted with their olds where they
5698s use the blizzard the annihilation and
5700s the Beat all at once so there's just
5701s nothing to stop lethal from pulling that
5704s blade and then it's just like oh no what
5705s do we do now I guess we just die
5708s yeah turkey has really kicked Germany
5711s out of the driver's seat with the switch
5712s up in compositions this really heavy
5715s dive here and the junker Queen has
5717s forced the tempo so far forward Germany
5719s can't really keep up with the ramatra
5721s the coalescence does come through but
5722s there's the Rampage once again hitting
5724s three members including both of the
5726s supports and there's not a lot to be
5728s done but qrx you looking to turn the
5730s tide a huge death Blossom to take down
5732s three both the sports and the tank now
5734s the two GPS is looking to find some
5736s sustain somehow but Sucrets comes back
5739s just in time takes sound lethal and
5741s turkey they are left to regroup at the
5744s objective you said there was nothing to
5746s be done about it I think there was one
5747s thing that could have been done about
5748s that yeah
5752s that's a very aggressive translocator
5754s position that Fern definitely wants to
5756s go for an EMP this fight that's the only
5758s Advantage they have he's gonna pop it is
5760s the follow-up there your two is able to
5762s race out
5764s yeah they're just not much follow-up
5766s from Turkey after that they weren't far
5768s enough enough and Sue crack's going to
5770s take down nephron now I'm missing a DPS
5772s but muzo that's not a big deal since
5774s he's on the kiriko now and the kiriko is
5777s basically a DPS in the hands of muzo
5779s lethal also getting a good shark and
5782s headshot on to qrxu now without both
5784s dps's at the hands of lethal and a blade
5788s also with the Genji going to force a lot
5790s of the positioning Sue cracks there was
5792s no Escape for the Moira not you know if
5794s they probably would have saved them but
5796s the sound barrier does come through from
5798s turkey and Germany however with less
5800s members of Germany up that overhelp
5802s doesn't find as much value and Nephron
5804s with a hack onto their tank means not a
5807s meat shield for them to stand behind
5809s they're just going to have throw bodies
5810s at the subjective the coalescence so
5812s it's keeping them alive but the Hat
5814s cancels it nephron is able to take Sue
5816s cracks out with the sustain but still
5818s able to survive a little bit longer as
5821s fi switches on to the Sombra and gets a
5823s good hack onto the back line of turkey
5825s now turkey going to fall after they're
5828s missing that little bit of extra sustain
5830s from the Lucio and Romani looking to
5832s regroup with a rampage in hand in the
5834s spawn room
5836s yeah nephron is threatening the back cap
5838s refin knows it Germany have to play at
5840s least a little bit far back or if not
5842s split nephron also knows where phi's
5844s translocator is if Phi tries to go for
5846s an EMP here nephron can punish that but
5849s like turkey they might even have to
5850s investigatsune rush to try and make
5852s anything out of it translocated gone EMP
5854s out but Germany just ran right over
5856s turkey
5857s yeah nephron was looking for the back
5859s cap as well the EMP did go out and
5861s taking out the translocates that are
5863s allowed by to go down from lethal but
5865s turkey still isn't able to cap and has
5868s to just hang back around this corner
5870s since they were missing that extra DBS
5872s and Nephron is still looking for the
5874s back cap here I I think the back cap
5876s might be off the table I think Germany
5878s might be a little too woke to that you
5879s do want to try and go for an aggressive
5881s EMP here though especially try and hit
5883s qrxu to stop this uh death Blossom from
5886s coming through but he's lurking he wants
5887s to go for it look how aggressive he is
5888s muso punishes it though oh muzo takes
5892s sound qrxtu and there's the Rampage as
5894s well as the Kitsune Rush it's just all
5896s ultimates invested from turkey and qrxu
5900s unfortunately goes down couldn't be too
5903s sensible enough to get that Sombra out
5905s of the fight now turkey very quickly
5908s they do complete round two but this love
5910s a time bank then Germany did because of
5912s that stall on the third point so that I
5915s mean that's just all muzo at the end
5916s there yeah okay so Germany knew that
5918s nephron was lurking so the hack wouldn't
5920s come through to cancel the death Blossom
5922s so qrxu thought he could go for a big
5924s play try and hit a big death Blossom but
5927s it gets punished just with a swift kunai
5929s to the Dome takes that threat off the
5931s field and turkeys say it's time to go
5933s they just slam all the Q Keys down hit
5935s the Rampage at the Kitsune Rush at the
5937s EMP run over Germany and there was just
5940s no time for them to recover very similar
5943s time banks in both directions here
5945s Germany has a little bit of an advantage
5947s so turkey's gonna be first up but I kind
5949s of like turkey Chances with the
5951s composition they're playing and how
5952s quickly they cap the point to begin with
5955s I think they have a real shot at setting
5957s themselves up for Success here as we go
5958s into Extra Innings yeah sucre is going
5961s to stick onto the Moira though so there
5963s isn't really that signal of immortality
5965s field use let's go but there still is
5967s okay they've used the biotic orb or
5970s they've used uh The Wraith form they've
5972s used the ice block they don't have any
5974s sustained left we can still go for this
5976s and muzo switching onto that kiriko as
5978s well kind of been a sleeper for most of
5980s this map but as soon as you got to the
5982s latter end of that attack he was able to
5985s push so far under the payload and really
5986s showcasing maximum value kiriko who can
5990s otherwise otherwise be kind of
5991s overwhelming if you're not always
5992s hitting those headshots like muzo is so
5995s far and and so like also like I want to
5997s call out Sue cracks on the Moira again
5999s while you know they're all under
6000s pressure here at the Statue area they've
6002s swapped off from the Baptiste
6004s composition they don't have a cutico so
6006s they aren't going to have a team-wide
6009s cleanse or any way to defend themselves
6011s against a rampage that Romani can come
6013s through that's just a team Fight Win
6014s whenever that Ulta's online unless refit
6017s has the beat but you still want to use
6019s that to counter either the EMP or the
6021s the Dragon Blade so like it's a it's
6024s just kind of this parody right now
6025s between rapid and Romani sucrax can't
6027s really have anything to say about it
6028s yeah sucrax has the fade uh the qrsu has
6032s The Wraith form and Phi has the ice
6033s block but that's three cooldowns to
6035s cleanse yourself from the Rampage
6037s for the price of one ultimate ability
6040s you take that so be on the lookout for
6042s how quickly Romani is able to build up
6043s to this Rampage because that might be
6045s able to just Brute Force this home for
6048s turkey Sue cracks is going to have a
6049s coalescence very early though so I mean
6052s they might be able to just snuff out
6053s this attack for for Germany yeah nephron
6056s did get a little bit of a touch on the
6057s Sombra there's a couple lessons that you
6059s were calling and it's just shredding
6061s through the health of turkey farook was
6063s looking for the touch there but the
6065s coalescence is going to stop that so
6068s maybe in this short of a time bank this
6071s Moira is such a huge Factor since that
6073s Rampage just can't be built up as
6075s quickly and there's actually contests to
6077s come through to activate the overtime
6078s and there's the Doom fist to come in and
6081s try and get on the point now the power
6083s block absorbing a lot of the damage here
6085s sucrex in a 1v1 with nephron and Nephron
6089s actually forcing to translocate away
6091s there's a dragon blade as well Germany
6093s doesn't have that ultimate to any
6095s encounters but it's still going to force
6097s lethal off the point with the brawl that
6099s is coming through from the rumatra now a
6101s sound barrier from Germany's side Peru
6104s also has a sound barrier of their own
6105s Romani comes back in on the doomfist
6108s once again but the annihilation to come
6110s through is going to put them at a
6112s standstill there's nowhere for turkey to
6114s go and not even a thing single tick on
6116s this overtime so while I was busy
6119s calling out all the things wrong with
6120s running the Moira instead of the Baptist
6121s or the kid it goes through cracks goes
6123s ahead and shows us the one thing that
6125s Moira has that they don't and that is a
6127s potential fight-winning ultimate that
6128s you can charge at will charges it so
6131s fast and Just Hoses down turkey as
6133s they're going into that one engage with
6135s like 30 seconds left it was just too
6137s staggered they had just blown like too
6139s much time trying to reset off the first
6142s and then the second fight that the third
6143s one just ended up being like pure
6145s desperation the doomfist swap the dragon
6147s blade from lethal just to zone out the
6149s rest of Germany and Germany like they
6151s don't really care all that much about
6152s that like they can just buy their time
6154s not give any ticks and then just go
6156s right back in and I mean Germany now
6158s they've set themselves up for a win
6159s condition turkey have to get just as
6161s strong of a full hold here in order to
6163s stay alive in this series we might see
6166s our first draw of the group stage here
6168s but like it's gonna be tight like
6170s Germany one headshot from qrxu it could
6173s just put it all to bed or even maybe
6174s another coalescent some soup racks if
6176s they uh if they just let that alt charge
6178s up like Germany can just take it but
6181s look at the adaptation from Turkey as
6183s well they're putting lethal and Rook
6185s here I don't know what qrxu is going to
6187s stick onto the Widow but if he does then
6190s his attention is going to be fully
6192s occupied by those two birds in the sky
6193s and trying to take them down otherwise
6195s maybe targeting muzo but muzu was likely
6198s going to be playing a lot of these safer
6200s positions here I actually was going to
6201s switch on to the uh Reaper so they
6204s really don't really have anything to be
6206s dealing with the pharah mercy I mean
6209s they're gonna go ahead and Scout that
6210s out they do a quick little bit of spy
6211s checking for nephron and then go back to
6213s rxu is now swapping over onto the
6215s Cassidy so there's going to be at least
6216s a little bit of pressure onto lethal and
6218s I mean there's always a chance that Rafa
6220s could just go ahead and call out musa's
6222s positioning you know go for the the
6223s speed amp and just everyone collapse on
6225s that Anna that's only really gonna have
6227s Romani to try and help and romani's
6229s already down Germany can just go in now
6231s they pretty much have this one
6233s yeah that was excellent isolation from
6235s Germany and Target selection to just
6237s focus down that tank and farook doesn't
6239s want to go for that Resurrection it's
6241s right out in the open how can you go for
6243s it and now for Rook down lethal does
6246s find a few picks here and there but
6247s still has to contest and without the
6249s mercy pocket Bara is basically like
6251s paper here if I does find a little bit
6254s of value Romani comes back in on the
6255s doomfist once again to attempt for the
6258s contest but the pressure that's being
6260s absorbed is just not enough and the
6262s spawns from Turkey are that much farther
6264s away for rook and Romani just both
6266s shredded in a matter of seconds Germany
6268s they get that singular tick and in a 2-0
6271s fashion they do take this map but that
6275s was such a close one there was I mean I
6278s I said Germany had that pretty much one
6279s lethal tried to snatch away Victory from
6282s the jaws of defeat there briefly with
6283s some heroics on the pharah but there's
6285s only so much you can do when you only
6287s have 200 hp and there's no one left
6289s alive to heal you he does find a couple
6291s big pickoffs there but using Farooq in
6293s the process and there being no one else
6296s left alive and that was another kind of
6298s situation for how like turkey ended up
6300s losing on the defense it was just Romani
6303s got caught out and punished and with no
6305s tank no ability to control space there
6308s is nothing to stop Germany from just
6310s running right over the rest of your team
6312s yeah and that's really the strength that
6315s we see in Germany's composition the
6318s brush composition with the May being
6320s able to completely cut off the tank from
6322s the rest of the squad and not a single
6324s one of those supports is going to be
6325s able to heal through walls the mercy
6327s could potentially go in from above but
6329s even then there's just not enough burst
6332s healing from that hero to be able to
6334s save anybody now turkey once again a
6337s little bit of a fumbled bag from them
6339s especially on that second attack when
6341s they were able to open out so strongly
6343s the first time in a matter of seconds
6345s but Germany this is a good win for them
6348s they were able to beat someone who is
6350s right on top of them in the middle of
6352s the pack and their are moving up through
6353s the ranks I mean we talk a lot about you
6356s know Turkey fumbling the bag here but we
6358s also have to give credit to Germany for
6360s being the ones to snatch it up to
6361s capitalize on those mistakes make some
6363s of those heads up plays the Moira made
6366s all the difference in the world and the
6367s one way that you really needed it to and
6369s that coalescence on their overtime
6371s defense from Germany and the way that
6374s they played to even set themselves up
6375s with that advantageous time bank to
6377s begin with was just everything so it was
6380s great plays from both sides this
6382s especially here on King's Row this
6384s matchup was about as close as it was
6387s promised to be but I mean Germany's in
6389s the end at the end of the day are still
6392s able to take it 2-0 and I mean hats off
6395s it's a turkey for a lot of the things
6396s they showed us here but Germany they
6399s they're still looking strong their hopes
6401s of potentially making the playoffs if
6403s things start to go in their favor if
6405s they keep this momentum up and you know
6407s a few other teams lose a few more maps
6409s we'll have to break out the cork board
6410s for this one but Germany they still have
6413s a shot as well
6414s yeah and that was a great match out of
6418s Germany and next up we are going to see
6420s an interesting match maybe a more
6423s anticipated match as well of Sweden
6425s versus Poland the great news for Sweden
6428s is that Germany needed to beat turkey if
6431s they wanted a chance of making it into
6433s that three-way tie so we're going to see
6435s what's going to happen if Sweden is
6437s going to be able to have their Twitter
6439s predictions come true of their dreams
6441s after this break see you then
6446s [Music]
6462s thank you
6466s foreign
6467s [Music]
6506s [Music]
6514s [Applause]
6526s [Music]
6538s [Music]
6547s [Music]
6551s thank you
6554s foreign
6564s [Music]
6581s [Music]
6599s [Music]
6613s [Music]
6635s thank you
6639s [Music]
6652s thank you
6656s [Music]
6663s welcome back to the OverWatch World Cup
6665s online qualifiers for the empc region
6668s I'm jamasco's that it's that's epitomies
6670s and CB I call myself Jim vasco's that
6672s was interesting but we just watched
6674s turkey go up against a Germany Germany
6677s taking it in 2-0 fashion in no small
6680s part
6681s um due to I mean turkey really put up a
6683s fight especially in that last map it
6684s took them a little bit longer to crack
6686s the code but Jeremy was able to put up a
6688s defense epitome's talk us through that
6690s one
6691s Germany's defense on that over time was
6694s definitely really well done and they
6697s were able to isolate just so well when
6699s they were going onto their attack as
6701s well and it seemed like they had cracked
6703s the code on turkey's comp that they were
6705s running they were realizing that they
6707s didn't have a lot of time left so we're
6709s going to switch on to this Moira and on
6711s the Moira we have the power of charging
6713s a coalescence in a minute and able to
6716s pop that for the last 30 seconds force
6718s them to switch on to the Panic picks of
6721s you know doomfist and the Tracer and
6723s trying to get that touchdown and it's
6724s just not going to work out for them yeah
6726s CB that's exactly what we saw and of
6728s course you know we talked about King
6731s zero and the viability of that may
6732s composition right you talked about
6733s Romani in the positioning and how
6735s important that may is in that
6737s composition let's talk about that one
6739s more time to set up some more context
6740s before we head into match their year
6742s yeah of course I mean the way that you
6743s play the main mirror is you want to set
6745s up a wall behind that tank and just
6746s isolate them and hard focus them down
6748s and Romani fell into that trap time and
6750s time again and again you know I was
6752s calling out about how when Romani was on
6754s the the junker Queen how that rampaged
6756s the ticking Time Bomb well I mean
6757s building up that coalescence so fast and
6759s snuffing out the attacks from Turkey
6761s made that meant that you never had to
6763s wait for the clock to strike zero on
6764s that one you had all the time in the
6765s world it never ended up coming to
6767s fruition again Romani had to just swap
6769s right off of that and time and time
6771s again Romani getting caught out like
6773s that ended up being in my opinion the
6775s thing that cost turkey uh it cost them
6777s their defense initially it cost them
6779s their offense and it cost them again
6780s their overtime defense where you had to
6782s rely entirely on heroic plays from
6784s lethal and it just wasn't enough I mean
6787s again hats off to lethal for try and
6789s ever finding the picks he did but again
6791s without a tank and without a Healer
6792s there's only so much you can do my guy
6794s only so much you can do in that second
6796s map was definitely closer but no cigar
6798s it's going to be Germany moving forward
6800s with the wind there so let's go ahead
6802s and take a look at the schedule now so
6804s we can see what matches are just around
6805s the corner here we've got Sweden versus
6807s Poland in just a few minutes Finland
6810s versus Iceland to follow Portugal versus
6812s Italy shortly afterwards then we've got
6814s Spain versus Denmark and we round out
6816s our day with France versus Belgium all
6818s right
6819s CB epitomies or socks Sweden and Poland
6822s right there are lots of expectations I
6826s would say on this Swedish team to
6829s perform at a caliber that um maybe we're
6831s not seeing this time around let's start
6834s there right give us the context who is
6836s this Swedish team who is the Polish team
6838s and what are we looking at here
6845s if everybody was looking at coming into
6846s with sparker and kevster who have at
6849s times been phenomenal players like they
6851s were promised but it's been too few and
6853s far between and the rest of the pieces
6855s just have yet to come together for this
6857s Swedish Squad so the Sorrows just
6859s continue and continue and week one was
6862s really really rough for them they
6864s weren't playing like they they haven't
6866s gone against Saudi Arabia yet like that
6868s hasn't even been like something they've
6869s had to deal with so unless they've seen
6872s a major turnaround this week I mean it's
6875s just gonna keep going down that same
6876s train of thought right gonna keep going
6878s down that same path they have to try and
6879s beat Poland here who I mean you wouldn't
6882s know it by looking at them but Poland is
6883s actually currently above Sweden in the
6886s rankings so you know just by one but
6887s Poland have a win under their belt
6889s Sweden have yet to be so lucky an
6891s important game to be sure epitome's CB I
6894s leave it to y'all I'll see you guys on
6895s the flip side and have a great time
6897s yeah thank you so much Jim and looking
6900s at this squad against Sweden we talked
6902s about that DPS line that you were
6904s mentioning hamster sparkar definitely a
6907s lot of potential there that we just
6909s haven't been able to see but Poland
6911s definitely did surprise us last week as
6913s well I mean they were against Iceland
6915s but they were able to come out on top of
6917s that pretty uh definitively as soon as
6920s they got to that map of New Queen Street
6922s now looking at the Swedish Squad we have
6924s cavisters marker that we were talking
6926s about we actually did momentarily last
6929s week see skile get on the DPS roll as
6932s well which was really interesting too
6934s and skile by the way is a DPS player who
6937s is currently flexing over to the flex
6939s support position right now so that's
6941s kind of why they made that swap but I
6943s think having sparker and kevstr if
6944s they're able to come alive and fire on
6946s all cylinders is the best shot for the
6948s Swedish Squad a couple other things I
6950s want to highlight by the way we don't
6952s have losis coming in this time around
6953s theomatic is going to be their starting
6955s tank for control and we have melon as
6958s opposed to Hampe coming in uh again a
6961s new a newer face we have seen like a
6962s couple of times but haven't seen this is
6965s going to be kind of a debut for
6966s theomatic but I I don't know we'll have
6969s to see like I like that we're seeing
6971s these changes there's a lot to kind of
6972s think through and a lot to kind of work
6974s through with how does this team win
6976s here's how we can still do it hopefully
6978s these are steps in the right direction
6980s we'll have to find out but Poland again
6983s has a win under their belt a team that
6985s has potential and I mean Sweden has to
6988s beat them but can they like like I'm
6993s practically pleading like can they
6994s please like yeah then they please is
6998s probably
6999s um what we're asking for here on
7002s Poland's side we have fake shake and
7003s Fillion on the DPS line uh flipper and
7006s textile and forever as they're starting
7009s for control I mean last week though we
7012s did see the not so much a debut but that
7016s slotting in of icab and icab I think was
7020s a huge name for this polish Squad
7023s because he was able to play the hit
7025s scans so well for this team and on maps
7028s where you need those longer sight lines
7029s I definitely feel like icap should be
7032s slotted into the roster yeah but I was
7034s also really impressed with Philly and on
7036s the Tracer when uh whenever he came in
7037s to slot in for that role I think it
7039s worked out quite well I've also been
7040s impressed with fake Jake and I think
7042s forever might just be one of my new
7044s favorite tank players just sheerly
7045s because he busted out the roadhog
7047s against Saudi Arabia and it kind of
7049s worked not really but it's still like
7051s got got a couple big hooks there so for
7053s that you have my heart
7055s um but you're going to need more than my
7058s heart in order to stay alive in the
7060s group stages here Poland if you're able
7062s to beat Sweden they might still be able
7064s to reverse their fortunes a little bit
7065s uh get themselves climbing up the
7068s rankings just a little bit but like
7070s Sweden Sweden like this one needs to be
7073s all you all eyes are on the sweet the
7075s Swedish Squad right now as we start
7077s things off on lijiang Tower
7079s yeah I mean Poland the one thing that
7083s they have to their name is that they
7084s have more wins than Sweden does so
7087s they're already you know they're already
7089s on top of the team that they are
7091s currently facing so they technically
7092s should be the favorite going into this
7095s matchup but it's just the fact that
7097s everyone has been looking for this
7099s Sweden that was promised look at the
7101s roster look at how cracked they are why
7104s are they not performing well and they're
7106s just trying to crack the code they're
7107s moving things around field Matic
7109s starting out on the Swedish Squad is
7111s also really interesting because lulzish
7113s was mostly just playing that Winston
7115s every single time that they played
7117s Sweden and thematic right out of the
7119s gate you see them switching on to that
7121s Rissa of course we don't know if it's
7122s going to stay but I feel like it is a
7125s good change of pace
7127s I do hope that these are like I said
7129s steps in the right direction like you
7130s said a good change of pace and if this
7132s this all kind of works out for Sweden
7134s because if if not this is just going to
7136s look like this team is just trying to
7138s like desperately find an answer like and
7142s the question just keeps on changing
7143s going up against Poland they're gonna
7145s have a Sombra pharah comp to go up
7147s against here Sweden it looks like
7148s they're actually going to match that uh
7150s smart crash is going to switch over to
7152s the Hanzo which isn't something we
7154s typically see on Night Market but the
7156s pick potential is there and can still
7158s potentially uh pressure out Fillion on
7160s the pharah here and can also maybe try
7162s and uh scout out fake Jake with some of
7164s the Sonic arrows so not a terrible pick
7166s and also one that we know sparker can
7168s play very well I like what I'm seeing
7170s from Sweden so far uh fake Jake doesn't
7173s like it very much and is going to
7174s quickly dispatch Parker so Poland might
7177s be uh might be on the upswing here yeah
7179s Sweden looking like they are going to be
7181s able to get that first little bit of the
7183s path as well but kevster taking down
7186s flipper missing a little bit of that
7189s back line for kevster now they don't
7192s really have that uh they don't really
7194s have the back lines or Philly I'm sorry
7196s and fake Shake will be able to define
7198s the tank of Sweden as well so now Sweden
7201s even though they initially got the first
7203s touch onto the point Poland is going to
7205s be able to flip it right over yeah I
7207s mean the Cavs are finding that pickup on
7209s The Flipper is huge but without the
7210s damage there without you know sparker
7212s also be in there and caps are just not
7215s able to hit the direct impact rockets
7216s for the maximum damage they just can't
7218s close that out and Poland are going to
7219s be able to get the cap here kevster is
7222s still an ever-present threat as is
7224s Fillion who's pumping in a lot of damage
7226s and themomatic just can't quite get
7228s through the door safely
7230s now pinging out campster trying to get
7233s into the point from above fake Shake
7235s going to find theomatic this erisa not
7237s being able to absorb as much damage as
7239s they initially hoped especially here
7241s with the pharah as well melon however
7243s going for the res onto the Ematic Sweden
7245s going to be able to get back into fight
7247s a little bit quicker than the man I've
7249s wanted but style going down to an EMP
7251s was that basically a solo ulti onto
7254s Sweden's backline of kiriko missing that
7256s burst healing now canister does the fall
7259s after the hack comes through Texel
7261s finding the pig but fake Jake in no
7263s small part is doing so much for that
7266s fight now theo-matic backing off and
7268s melon looking to regroup with the rest
7269s of the squad Caster instead looking for
7271s the echo now trying to find a little bit
7274s of extra damage but Philly and still on
7275s the pharah and spamming from above at
7278s this erisa if that was a solo EMP and it
7281s was intentional it was definitely a
7282s great heads up play because Kyle was the
7284s only member of Sweden that had an
7285s ultimate could have popped the katsune
7287s rush but taking that out of place also
7288s taking out most of the healing because
7290s melon's gonna be at catch at the hip to
7291s Hipster there's the EMP now from sparker
7294s and they've taken down forever so Sweden
7296s might be able to get the flip here and
7297s with those pick-offs from style they
7299s should definitely be able to take it
7301s yeah the ultimates both support
7303s ultimates Valkyrie as well has come
7305s through from melon and it gives them a
7306s little bit of that extra damage in the
7308s fight as well theomatic doing very well
7310s on the orisa after a little bit of a
7312s rough start to this round and Poland
7314s going to regroup with that same
7316s composition but this time of Raj and a
7319s rampage in the back pocket with forever
7322s looking for a little bit of that extra
7324s damage however cabster and melon still a
7326s threat from above and capster
7328s neutralizes fake Jinx and takes the EMP
7330s down with it spark art switching onto
7332s the ash both of these DPS is loving that
7335s uh deep uh loving the pocket from the
7338s mercy and Sweden being able to force
7339s them back a little bit further into
7340s spawn again I like I like sparker switch
7343s onto the ash here I think if as long as
7345s he's able to hold High Ground he can
7346s keep the pressure off the rest of his
7348s team by continuing to be the pressure on
7350s the Fillion and flipper there it's still
7352s kind of gonna be a difficult task
7354s because yeah sparker's not gonna have
7356s the mercy pocket because melon is going
7358s to want to stay with Kev sir for the
7359s most part but if you know melon can ever
7362s spare a second to come give a little bit
7363s of a little bit of a blue beam to
7365s sparker it might end up paying dividends
7367s but again is that opportunity ever going
7369s to come uh the the Valkyries already
7372s been forced out from Flipper here Poland
7373s haven't been able to really get in there
7375s a good EMP to cancel out the terror
7378s surgeon the EMP
7379s all right and uh the barrage comes
7381s through
7382s yeah the barrage taken down cabster
7383s could potentially be huge but melon
7385s immediately goes for the resurrection
7386s however sparkler forced back and melon
7389s also taken down by a little bit of a
7392s pistol Mercy now thematic looking to
7394s fight and caps are duplicating the extra
7396s tank for the sustain in this battle of
7398s attrition without their supports
7400s anywhere nearby style does regroup on
7403s the objective and there's another
7404s Kitsune Rush from Tech Soul style does
7407s have a skitsune rush of their own but
7409s will not be able to use it looking to
7411s regroup in the spawn room and help
7413s Holden flip over once again with the
7415s percent advantage on this capture
7417s Kitsune Rush does come through
7419s there is there yeah there is that touch
7421s there and it looks like Sweden just want
7423s to charge through but Poland just gives
7424s space and they take sparker on the way
7426s in
7427s and that is just so unfortunate sparker
7430s being the first one in but once again
7431s the resurrection from melon picking back
7434s up the Ash and fake Shake trying to get
7436s cornered but there's both the Tracer and
7438s the Sombra have so much survivability
7440s however Philly and does go down fake
7443s chick escapes for the time being and is
7445s going to have a little bit more time to
7446s build up to the EMP as well but now it's
7449s an overtime fight for both of these
7452s teams whoever gets that first capture is
7454s going to be able to win now forever
7456s coming in on the Diva coming in hot as
7459s well but it means that no self-destruct
7461s is possibly going to be available the
7463s pulse bomb is here for Philly and he
7465s gets stuck onto but it's actually they
7469s get saved by the suzu from Style Style
7471s does go down very quickly afterwards
7473s because of a dive from forever but that
7475s was an excellent overtime play from
7477s Sweden's thus far now with a
7479s Resurrection on to scale the overtime
7481s Fades away Poland go down 99 to 100.
7485s that is all because sweet Eden were able
7488s to force fake Jake out after the contest
7490s came through before fake Jake was able
7492s to build up to that EMP and they took
7494s flipper out before fake Jake could
7496s safely come back in to use the EMP so by
7499s the time fake Jake even gets there to
7500s use that potential fight-winning
7501s ultimate Poland are already at a
7503s disadvantage and the bodies just keep
7505s dropping one by one that's a great play
7507s from Sweden great play to be able to
7509s call that out that you can't just let
7510s that Sombra sit there and build up that
7512s old charge you have to try and put the
7513s pressure on her they do just that Sweden
7516s able to take Night Market they're off to
7518s a pretty good start I'm liking some of
7520s the things I'm seeing from them but I
7522s mean they still have a ways to go here
7526s I mean in Sweden going into this they
7529s knew that they were the bottom of their
7530s group basically and going up against
7533s Poland who actually has won a map
7535s already it feels like it's a little bit
7537s daunting when there's so much pressure
7539s on them to perform fake Shake looking
7541s for that Mercy in the back line already
7543s or Spar guard here without the mercy
7545s pocket the cleanse comes through
7546s immediately and sparkar will escape off
7549s that initial engage Parker really just
7551s trying to put pressure onto Fillion who
7553s has now switched onto the echo as a well
7555s and a long side campster I mean you
7558s remember I nearly like blew up my vocal
7560s cords praising sparkers Ash on nimbani
7562s like last week I mean yeah Ash play is
7565s phenomenal the shots he's able to hit
7566s but also his ability to survive he's not
7569s under that much pressure right now but
7571s every time it comes through the peels
7572s there the coach gun escapes are
7574s phenomenal and the rest of the pressure
7576s from the rest of Sweden comes through
7577s Sweden should be able to get first cap
7579s here
7581s flipper going to go ahead and regroup
7583s with the rest of the squad as well text
7584s a little bit of a staggered pick here
7587s and fake Shake looking like he might
7589s suffer the same fate as well caps are
7591s still looking to go very very aggressive
7593s and since melon is right there at his
7595s back it makes it a lot easier and a lot
7597s more confident to get that damage down
7599s Sweden finding that first capture as
7601s well and Spark are still putting so much
7603s pressure onto Fillion that fake Shake
7605s can't really match
7606s I mean the Sparky's gonna have the Bob
7608s as well and that's a great ultimate
7610s ability to stire things out nope bleed
7612s off more time help build up a percentage
7614s Sweden only at 25 so only a quarter of
7616s the way home so far but Poland coming up
7618s threatening that EMP might be looking to
7621s make something happen could soon rush to
7622s kick things off
7624s now the kitsuna rush has countered by
7626s Sweden's own Kitsune Russia and the
7627s duplicate onto the junker queen as well
7629s getting an extra tank especially since
7631s theomatic goes down melon goes for the
7633s resurrection but it's immediately
7634s staggered by forever and Flipper's own
7636s Valkyrie does come through both the four
7638s ultimates from Poland's side but the
7640s Rampage from kevistor is huge they have
7643s to look to cleanse it somehow and
7645s Fillion is actually going to immediately
7646s be neutralized by sparker after going
7649s for that duplicate that is insane now
7651s Poland all of their players are down
7653s Sweden does get that recap in Poland
7656s doesn't even get a little bit of
7657s percentage but that's just a great play
7659s from kevstrom to punish the over
7660s commitment from pole and they use both
7661s of their support ultimates they use the
7663s duplicate from Philly in there and they
7665s get nothing for it and when it's all
7667s said and done you know you just go in
7668s with a duplicate of your own the Bob
7669s from sparker to buy time the shots from
7672s sparker to pump in damage and capster
7674s just come through with that duplicated
7675s uh Rampage and they just roll right
7677s through it fake Jake now with the EMP
7678s but there's not enough follow-up with
7680s melons Valkyrie oh yeah there is just is
7683s nothing to be done their fake Shake did
7685s get that initial damage down now looking
7687s for Style once again but melon
7689s immediately goes there to peel and then
7690s cancer is all of a sudden on fake Jake's
7693s back flipper and forever however while
7695s they're focused on protecting the
7696s backline melon going for the
7697s Resurrection on Caster are focusing down
7699s that tank and thematic now out of the
7702s fight melon using the Resurrection on
7704s the DPS means that they can't really
7706s contest in this in your face type of way
7709s instead of going to have to back off and
7710s disengage off that fight kiting back to
7713s the rest of the team and Poland are able
7715s to sneak the point out I believe
7717s everybody from Sweden went to go try and
7718s cover the res from that early pickoff
7720s onto kempster and they do yeah get the
7722s res but they get up so much positioning
7723s that Poland take the point they find
7725s more body Sweden have to back out they
7727s can go back in now that everyone's at
7728s full strength and they haven't really
7729s picked off here but Poland got
7731s themselves on the board
7733s pull in there at least get this little
7735s bit of percentage and looking to hold on
7737s they have that Kitsune Rush In And goes
7739s out from style first and Texel just
7741s cannot respond but Theo Matic in his
7743s face and the duplicate from cabster
7745s doing so much to flip that point back
7747s over in Sweden's favor as well Poland
7749s this might be looking like a 2-0 on this
7751s control map thus far with no way back in
7754s they've switched flipper over on a swift
7757s flipper almost has that sound barrier
7759s ready as well and it's going to be both
7761s support ultimates that could potentially
7763s be used here the pulse one from Fillion
7765s doesn't find anything the coach gonna
7766s escape from sparker is immaculate and
7769s now having the mercy pocket as well to
7771s try and keep the ash alive the Bob comes
7773s through onto the point and does so much
7775s damage onto that tank forever has
7777s nowhere to go and sparker also going to
7779s find flipper despite the sound barrier
7781s being used now spark her back back in
7783s with the resurrection and capster taking
7785s down Fillion it's still going to be a
7787s little bit of a touch here from Texel
7789s but there's nothing else to be found by
7792s Poland Sweden finally taking another
7795s Victory their second map one in this
7797s entire event thus far you love to see it
7800s I mean like towards the end there it
7802s felt like Poland wanted sparker Dead
7804s more than they wanted the point so they
7806s all just kind of like went right on top
7808s of that Ash and yeah they do finally get
7810s him before he's able to pop the Bob
7812s which ends up killing two on the point
7814s so it's like all that you did to try and
7816s punish Parker's positioning there ended
7818s up biting you all the all the abilities
7820s all the cooldowns you know you saw like
7822s forever on the diva like flying like
7824s right at his face there and just getting
7826s absolutely demolished for it the just
7828s getting melted down like butter
7831s yeah a bit of an over over investment
7833s there I think they probably should have
7835s focused their efforts on the point a
7836s little bit more but it was gonna be an
7838s uphill battle regardless sparker had the
7840s Bob they had both support ultimates they
7842s could have tried to like weather the
7843s storm there but there would have been a
7845s storm regardless and I don't know if
7848s Poland had an umbrella big enough
7850s yeah I mean this support line from
7853s Sweden as well has been coming up so
7855s huge especially in this match where
7857s forever is playing the junker Queen and
7859s style has been so good on the heels I've
7861s never seen Sweden thus far in this match
7863s be punished heavily for a use of that
7866s junker Queen ultimate and style has also
7868s had some really great cleanses to save
7870s their squishier targets from being
7873s killed by a pulse bomb or an EMP the
7875s peel has been very good from melon as
7878s well and even though they don't have as
7879s good survivability because it's a mercy
7881s kiriko backline they're still being able
7883s to peel for each other I'm glad you call
7886s out Style by the way as well like I said
7887s a DPS player flexing over to flex
7889s support but if you let him play it like
7891s a DPS you might have something there so
7894s very well played there from style and
7896s again sparker kevster are just coming up
7898s as promised in this series so far we'll
7901s see if that Trend continues because
7903s again we've seen this before where they
7905s both or one or the other you know
7907s something comes alive and then it dies
7909s in the very next map it's got a stay
7911s alive if Sweden wants to keep their
7912s hopes alive of going to the playoffs
7915s here they're very long shot hair brain
7917s scheme that's got several steps on it
7919s step two is beating Poland it's gonna be
7921s Poland's map pick when we come right
7923s back don't go anywhere
7926s [Music]
7942s thank you
7945s [Music]
7969s foreign
7972s [Music]
7980s [Music]
7990s [Music]
7996s laughs
8032s [Music]
8039s laughs
8041s [Music]
8073s [Music]
8083s thank you
8086s [Music]
8088s [Laughter]
8095s [Music]
8107s foreign
8109s [Music]
8120s [Music]
8141s thank you
8143s welcome back we are looking at another
8146s map too but this time something
8148s unprecedented has happened and it is
8151s that Sweden has won the control map we
8154s are back for Sweden versus Poland it is
8157s day one of week two OverWatch World Cup
8159s emec qualifiers and I am so excited for
8163s this next map CV how sweet it would be
8166s if Sweden could finally get a win under
8167s the belt get a little bit of momentum in
8169s their favor before today it felt like
8172s that was living at a fantasy land but
8173s that very well might be the world we
8176s live in hopium copium all of the EMS
8179s that I can muster we're taking it to
8181s King's Row that's gonna be Poland's map
8183s pick here and yeah if Sweden win this
8184s map they will finally have something in
8187s the W column it's a you know it starts
8190s again though they're long shot their
8192s absolute long shot they tweeted about
8194s earlier today about how they can still
8197s make playoffs it's it's it's getting
8200s ever closer again like I said step one
8202s was you know Norway not beating Saudi
8205s Arabia step two was Germany beating uh
8208s beating turkey step three here is now to
8211s beat Poland if they're able to do that
8213s that's a dub they have to be pretty much
8215s perfect the rest of the way forward but
8217s I mean a w Now is better than nothing
8220s yeah I mean they've really pulled out
8222s the cork board got all of the red
8224s strings for this one to try and figure
8226s this out but headed on to King's Row I
8229s think we are definitely going to see
8230s spargar headed back on to that hit scan
8233s DPS the ash was on point that last game
8236s and gave them a lot of value and also
8238s apparently pissed Poland off enough for
8240s them to focus the ash rather than the
8242s objective
8243s we are seeing icav come in and like you
8246s said icabs hit scan play has been pretty
8248s solid for Poland in the past so it looks
8250s like they do want to actually mirror
8252s that Ash there it looks like gonna be a
8254s pulled it on the defense they're playing
8255s that may Rush comp with the Ash and it's
8258s also the slower version with the
8259s Baptiste no Moira so I mean if I'm gonna
8262s have to see what Sweden ends up coming
8264s out here with honestly I wouldn't be
8265s surprised if this is literally what they
8267s stick to Sparkle on the Bastion just to
8268s completely grief the enemy tank but I
8271s think a Widowmaker might make just like
8272s a little bit more sense we'll have to
8274s see if they go with this interesting
8276s that sparker is the one on the pharah
8278s and kevsters on the Widow I don't expect
8280s that to stay okay I'd be surprised but
8283s that might actually be what they're
8285s coming out with are they they're serious
8287s okay all right okay okay that at least
8291s makes a little bit more sense you can
8293s play double hits game with this comp and
8294s now you can maybe swap Kevin over the
8296s echo okay all right yeah this one yeah
8297s yeah we were like never trust the teams
8301s in pre-round
8303s I mean even in the middle of the round I
8305s shouldn't trust America they're going
8306s for like the the five head double swap
8309s there I swallowed to block off the
8311s Ematic he's a little bit isolated there
8313s but doesn't look like the follow through
8314s is going to be there Sweden able to hold
8316s for now but polyn Browning through Hotel
8318s trying to come in from the backside
8321s campster putting down a lot of damage
8323s here that ramatra does pull them down
8325s with his abilities a little bit but
8327s forcing the switch on to the Nemesis and
8329s trying to just shred down the rest of
8331s the health as they're forced off the
8333s point and theomatic surges forward with
8334s the help of the javelin spin canister
8336s now in the back line textile nowhere to
8338s really go on the Baptist here and
8340s sparkar finishing off the kill while
8342s kepster will focus down icab and take
8344s out sparkar's Nemesis mirror in that Ash
8347s that's gonna be a really quick cap for
8349s Sweden they're a great play again from
8350s the DPS Court everyone from Sweden
8352s really you know giving it their all now
8354s you're seeing a lot coming through from
8355s both sparker and kepster but thematic is
8357s playing a lot safer than we saw Romani
8359s play in the previous series able to stay
8361s alive able to not get caught out by the
8363s May walls and you know style and melon
8365s are also there to bail him out there in
8367s Sweden they've got a little bit of
8369s forward momentum there they
8370s I'm just a bit of a stun on the forever
8372s I saw I saw the I saw the Stars around
8374s Diva's hand on the portrait there I was
8375s like there's no way they got the d-mac
8377s right but the health was full I nearly
8379s fooled myself there but Sweden like I
8381s said they have a lot of tools they have
8382s a lot of momentum they're about to have
8383s five ultimates they should be able to
8385s just Brute Force this through Street
8386s space unless Poland are able to make
8388s some magic with the sound once they
8390s build up to it
8392s yeah I mean the sound barrier uh I'm not
8395s sure how much can be done here with
8397s Sweden's four ultimates now Kev sir okay
8399s already a self-destruct in the books for
8402s this duplicated Diva and it's going to
8403s force a lot of positioning off as well
8405s Poland only had that amplification
8407s Matrix they used it and Sweden they did
8410s back off a little bit more but they
8411s still just had to back off to the
8413s objective and not any further theomatic
8415s reason so well at making space as well
8418s the hack does come through from fake
8420s Shake but the katsune brush is going to
8422s help the back line sustain up that tank
8424s and allow him to keep searching forward
8425s Javelin Spin and Terra surge gets half
8428s health and there's the EMP from fake
8430s shake to finally neutralize thematic
8432s smart card also goes down with the help
8434s of the Bob from icab melon however very
8437s quick to bring back thematic just as
8439s that Valkyrie Fades away and stick close
8441s onto the objective suite and still
8443s somehow sustaining through this fight
8444s despite all that was used by Poland
8447s including those three ultimates now
8448s forever still hasn't built up to the
8450s very first self-destruct but we going to
8453s come back in very quickly and look for
8455s that ultimate I mean it's gonna have to
8457s just be the stall right like yeah it's
8459s gonna get forced out there and there it
8460s goes Sweden they just have the
8462s positioning they can just back up they
8463s don't have to face check that now Poland
8465s are pretty much out of options they have
8467s to try and either get a pick up here or
8469s use just the amp Matrix but you know
8471s kevsters already at another duplicate
8472s he's gonna go ahead and go for it take
8474s The High Ground now you got two ashes on
8476s the field you have kevenster and sparker
8478s who do you try and take the duel with
8479s looks like neither of the animatrix just
8481s to buy themselves a hair of space but
8484s that's only gonna last so long and
8486s Sweden's aggression it feels like has
8487s lasted much much longer
8490s yeah the duplicate at least does go down
8492s style is doing a really good job of
8495s keeping theobatic up and I feel like the
8496s theomatic style Duo has been forcing so
8499s much positioning and aggression towards
8501s Poland's side now that they do have that
8503s hack on the back line but it's just a
8505s Swift step from style as well as Isuzu
8507s to keep theomatic in the fight and just
8509s completely Stave off the pressure from
8511s fake Jake in the back line
8513s I mean speaking of pressure Sweden are
8514s just applying so much of it they're
8516s playing so well right now like they're
8518s constantly applying pressure and then
8519s disengaging whenever Poland has
8521s something that can counter them like the
8522s am Matrix like the sound barrier even
8524s the Bob or the EMP they're able to just
8526s back up play safe with the storm and
8528s then clap Poland with every Ultimate in
8531s the book or at least just hang around
8532s and build up to one of their own and
8534s just get more value out of it you just
8536s can't quite get rid of this squad even
8538s thematic was getting like kind of melted
8540s down there turns around with a javelin
8542s able to stay alive he's still alive in
8544s here in like no man's land
8547s also using the terror search should
8549s bring down a lot of the health but
8551s Poland is finally going to get that pick
8553s now the valkyrie comes out from melon
8555s and I'm expecting they're gonna get that
8556s res off onto Caster very low is forever
8560s stuck in this little room with Kev sir
8562s and melon but they're still trying to
8564s force them back further sparkler is
8566s playing like in close range Ash melee
8570s but that's self-destruct does come
8572s through forces them to dance around the
8573s objective a little bit more trying to
8575s stall but the Bob comes through and even
8577s though they're all trapped in that
8578s little corner they're just gonna have to
8579s back off even further make sure they're
8581s out of the sight lines of this Bob the
8583s Kitsune Rush rum Sweden comes through
8586s skile takes down forever with the
8588s headshot out of the mech and there's
8590s just not much to be done from Poland not
8592s even a little bit of a touch here
8594s it's equal parts aggression and
8596s resilience from Sweden they're pushing
8598s so far up and Poland are trying to
8600s punish it like thematic was in that room
8602s for far too long and they invent like
8605s Poland invested I think three ultimates
8606s to try and dislodge him or punish the
8609s split play but it just never came
8611s through the healing was there the the
8613s use of the cooldowns of the javelin Spin
8615s and of the fortify to help keep that
8617s health bar as topped up as it could
8619s possibly be and Sweden like even towards
8622s the end Poland invests the amp Matrix to
8624s try and dislodge him and it just doesn't
8625s work out and then Sweden they just clap
8628s back they come back again with all their
8629s ultimates like I said they come back
8631s with with the Bob they come back with
8633s the terror surge of their own they come
8634s back with all of these ultimates and
8636s they just
8637s keep up the aggression and I mean like
8640s bullet are trying to be proactive but
8642s it's like not working out
8644s yeah the kiting from uh Sweden thus far
8647s has just been immaculate and now headed
8649s on to the defensive side not many
8651s changes to the comp just kevster
8653s switching over onto the Sombra instead
8655s Poland going to try to match the echo
8658s that Sweden had on attack with flipper
8660s back onto the mercy actually never mind
8662s fake chick switching onto the Hanzo I'm
8665s not sure if they're gonna keep any of
8666s this though I have we've seen him pop
8669s off in the past but it doesn't seem like
8672s it's happening in the face of spark
8674s arcadster DPS line and the theo-matic
8676s switch is just performing really well
8679s for Sweden thus far as well it's not
8681s just the Thematic switch either it's
8683s like the whole change of pace in the way
8684s that Sweden is playing like this feels
8686s like they really did go back to the
8687s drawing board coach themselves up you
8690s know decided that if we play this way
8691s and we play this style and we coordinate
8693s in this way we can just end up winning
8696s fights that we have no business winning
8697s one of my biggest complaints was that it
8699s just felt like the pieces weren't coming
8701s together for Sweden but if they keep
8702s playing with this a Russian ability to
8705s disengage come back in stronger kind of
8707s tempo that they're playing at like throw
8709s that all out the window the pieces will
8711s have finally come together and they will
8712s be only on the upwards trajectory from
8714s here on out
8715s yeah the erotic is taking a lot of
8718s pressure absorbing so much damage as
8720s well but somehow just able to stay alive
8722s sustained through all of it forever
8724s getting a few touches and switching on
8726s to that Arisa to try and contest as well
8728s the resurrection does come through and
8730s style goes down now without the burst
8733s healing of Sweden's backline they're
8735s going to struggle a lot more and melon
8737s has to dislodge himself from the DPS
8738s line both of them do go down and melon
8741s doesn't have a resurrection in the books
8743s for sparker so now Theo Matic going to
8746s fall as well after melon gets dislodged
8748s and Sweden they do have to fight for the
8751s street space now yeah it's it's that
8753s that Hanzo Ash if you just let them have
8755s the angles eventually they will strike
8757s gold and taken down I mean once melon
8760s Falls there it's pretty much over I
8761s think even before that it was kind of
8763s over for Sweden Poland doing a great job
8765s to cap quick they got five minutes to
8766s try and work this through streets phase
8768s and they're about to have a similar old
8769s bang to what Sweden had on their attacks
8772s so we're at a little bit of an even
8773s footing right now Sweden have to try and
8776s make up the difference kevster on the
8777s Widowmaker and he's able to find
8779s something that could be huge that might
8781s actually be exactly what Sweden needs
8783s but is Poland even going to give him the
8785s angle and especially with all the
8786s pressure that's going to come through
8787s from both icab and fake Jake like how's
8789s it uh how's it gonna find anything
8793s okay well they have that Bob to come
8795s through from sparker's side I kept
8797s matches with the Bob of his own but the
8799s dragon strike does force a lot of
8801s positioning out of Sweden the Kitsune
8802s Rush is going to do much more for this
8805s Swedish Squad and allow them to push
8806s very far into the defensive side of
8809s Poland and force them back into their
8811s spawn capster actually finding something
8813s on the Widowmaker as well but sparker
8815s with this pocket is a menace getting
8818s lots of damage down very very early
8820s that's not even just the pocket that's
8822s the pocket plus the katsune rush that's
8824s a ton of damage coming through a ton of
8826s just ability to go for that second shot
8828s the fire rate and sparker just puts out
8830s so much damage there and yeah kempster
8832s even finding one on the exit to try and
8834s throw a spanner in the works Poland
8835s still have a lot to work with now but
8837s now Sweden are gonna have favorable
8839s angles to work with they have to keep
8840s coming through the Arches there that's a
8842s great way to start the res is gonna be
8844s there Poland still to be kind of careful
8846s going through this Archway but with the
8847s res off the field they can be a little
8849s bit more aggro here
8852s pull inside they've already had that
8854s Valkyrie come out very very early the
8856s Terrace surge does come through quickly
8857s but doesn't find anything no one is even
8859s caught inside and caps are finding a hit
8861s scan of Poland going to make it a lot
8863s harder to neutralize Melon now thematic
8866s on a rampage with the javelin's been
8868s blocking off the damage and since they
8870s had icav out of the fight it was a lot
8874s harder for fake Jake to contest those
8875s angles speaking of icav is now going to
8878s go ahead and try and contest kevstr fake
8880s Jake swapping over to the sojourn that's
8882s an interesting one I mean Poland are
8884s gonna have to Kitsune Rush here so they
8885s should be able to play at least a little
8887s bit aggressive but now like you don't
8889s really have someone aside from Forever
8892s that's going to make the strong use of
8894s that Kitsune Rush the Bob from sparker
8896s is gonna make it hard to even play
8897s inside the consuming rush and they've
8898s already taken down fake Jake
8900s oh yeah fake Shake going down early and
8903s there's no Resurrection from Flipper
8905s either now they're just so struggling to
8907s get through this point melon even went
8909s in with a pistol there occasionally just
8911s to get that little bit of extra damage
8913s through while thematic finishes off that
8915s kill Kitsune Rush already charged up for
8917s style once again and Poland they just
8919s used
8920s right now and no one is pushing him he
8922s doesn't even no he doesn't even have
8923s loss of either support that whole time
8925s and just walked in killed two and walked
8927s out for free like what like you're just
8930s gonna let him get away with that Poland
8931s like come on now me personally I
8934s wouldn't take that
8936s but you know I don't have much choice to
8938s I mean okay so they find the kill onto
8940s capster it's rest Poland they don't
8942s really have an oak to get their way in
8944s just yet they don't have a big fight
8945s winning ultimate like icab has to hit
8948s something or fake Jake has to build with
8949s this uh this overclock and hit
8951s everything otherwise Poland they lose
8953s forever they're just playing until they
8955s have that container rush so they can
8956s finally bust oh my But like everyone
8959s from Sweden is firing at all cylinders
8961s right now yeah style that was absolutely
8964s dirty climbing up onto the Widow and
8967s taking down iCal they do have these
8969s three ultimates now that's the overclock
8971s the valkyrie as well as the Recon but
8974s the ray gun does come through from icav
8976s so now they're avoiding these angles but
8978s they're just really struggling with
8981s getting through this choke point and
8982s somehow sparker is still able to take
8984s down Texel despite them having Vision
8986s fake shake with the power slide does
8988s come through with the overclock as well
8990s spotted out melon but it's really
8992s looking to focus down style and that
8994s seems to be his mistake as Parker turns
8996s right around neutralizes that sojourn
8998s very quickly and the Resurrection comes
9000s through onto Kev sir somehow Sweden they
9002s have all five still up still holding
9004s this choke point while Poland is
9006s grasping for straws they've even
9007s switched over to the zarya as well
9010s looking for that little bit of extra
9011s damage on their side I mean and that's
9014s really just to pressure out thematic
9015s they have to try and dislodge the horse
9017s from the card if they want to do
9018s anything but sparker's got a an angle
9020s here that's going to be uh equally
9021s difficult to dislodge a hack from fake
9023s Jake might finally get him down from
9024s there but at Poland they're looking kind
9027s of rough they're looking like they've
9027s been sipping on the Grimace shaking
9029s between the break there there's another
9030s fake Jake Falls and like what do you
9033s even do Poland's like how do you deal
9036s with this oh okay Texel is gonna that's
9039s okay
9040s and the mercy that's how you deal with
9042s this thank you for the answer uh they
9044s still have to try and dislodge kebster
9046s and the rest of the gang here and get
9047s the cart moving but I mean that's a
9049s start and that's better than that's
9051s better than where we've been for the
9052s past like four minutes yeah Texel just
9054s pulled a little bit of a style there
9056s taking a page out of the Swedish
9059s kiriko's book and gonna climb up on the
9061s dps's on The High Ground go ahead spam a
9063s few kunai's and the Swift step out of
9065s there but even then 10 seconds left over
9067s it has to be an overtime push if they
9069s want to get this and it's a dynamite
9071s that takes sound fake shake they need to
9072s get this Resurrection in somehow but
9074s they haven't come through yet and the
9076s Bob is still there they have that
9078s gravity well though from the Swedish
9080s side Poland does find so much off the
9083s back of that they're able to absorb a
9085s lot of pressure using the gravity and
9088s now with so much damage coming from the
9090s zarya theomatic just does not have to
9092s sustain despite being such a good
9094s sustainable uh tank in the Battle of
9097s attrition even at this point though
9099s Sweden have pretty much all but
9100s guaranteed themselves a map win or a
9102s draw Poland have to finish with time in
9105s order to even get an overtime push and
9106s it's not looking like that's going to be
9108s the case they're in OT right now trying
9110s to capture Street's face they don't have
9112s any ultimates they're going to have the
9113s overclock but like you look at the side
9115s of Sweden style is gonna have the
9117s katsune rush with the aggression that
9118s Sweden's been pumping out they might
9120s just be able to completely wipe them off
9121s the point right now because cine rush
9123s comes out as does the overclock who is
9125s going to find more value right now in
9127s this pivotal moment
9128s yeah this is also a switch on to the
9130s Winston as well trying to harass that
9132s back line especially Tech soul out of
9134s the fight oh my God nasty shot onto eye
9137s Kevin after that it was just ggs they
9141s cannot get on to that point or objective
9143s again and Sweden they won a series they
9147s are no longer the bottom of the pack oh
9149s and four now one and four
9153s I mean like this is this is the start of
9156s something I think for Sweden like the
9157s the way it's not just the fact that they
9159s that they won the game and they won it
9161s in dominant fashion too oh it's the way
9162s that they did it like I said constantly
9165s just having that understanding of uh you
9167s know we can go in really really
9169s aggressive Force out all of these plays
9171s Force Poland to try and be like
9172s reactively proactive if that makes any
9174s sense like trying to punish some of the
9177s over extensions from themomatic but
9178s being able to be resilient whether the
9181s storm keep the erisa alive and then kite
9184s back when the big olds come out and then
9186s go right back in once everything is done
9188s and just keep pushing pulling pushing
9191s and pulling and every time you push you
9193s push two steps further and they're able
9196s to just keep that up the whole time and
9198s Poland on their attack they stalled out
9200s for so long like we saw a five minute
9202s time bank get whittled down to literally
9205s nothing to overtime by that pace alone
9207s this is a great start for Sweden if we
9209s see more of this I mean it's it's still
9212s a very long shot the hailst of Hail
9215s Mary's but there's still a glimmer of
9218s hope as long as this is the Sweden we
9220s see from here on out
9222s yeah Sweden was just on fire both
9225s literally and figuratively for this
9228s entire match the theobatic switch
9231s definitely changed the pace for Sweden a
9233s lot as well it felt a lot more
9235s aggressive it felt it worked with their
9237s comps better as well they weren't
9239s shoehorned into these dive compositions
9241s that they usually were when they had
9243s that Winston pick up all the time or the
9245s diva they didn't have to die they could
9247s go for this more brawl they could go for
9249s poke and it just felt a lot more diverse
9251s and versatile
9253s is this uh is this what they need is
9255s this what's going to bring them all the
9257s way to playoffs can this composition can
9259s this look from Sweden potentially
9260s Dethrone Saudi Arabia you'll have to
9263s stay tuned to the Sweden show to find
9264s out they've got a couple more games to
9266s play this week but that is going to be
9268s it for myself and for epitomies we got
9271s zp and hex who will be coming back after
9273s the break to help kind of break that mat
9275s that uh that match up down carry you on
9277s into the next one thank you guys for
9278s having us we'll see you guys after the
9280s break bye-bye
9284s [Music]
9299s thank you foreign
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9344s thank you
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9396s thank you
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9440s thank you
9444s foreign
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9499s thank you
9501s week two of the OverWatch World Cup
9503s online qualifiers for the emec region
9505s are underway I'm your host Jim Basco and
9507s now I'm joined by zp and hex zp let's
9510s start with you the day so far has been
9512s great with three matches in and Sweden
9514s finally has a dub under their belt how
9516s are you feeling so far yeah I mean I'm
9518s happy for Sweden here we're at the very
9520s beginning of the last batch looked a
9522s little bit rough where uh we have Sweden
9524s where the go down oh and four I I don't
9526s know uh I mean right now obviously
9528s Sweden's in a tough spot uh
9530s standings-wise relative to where people
9531s thought they'd be coming in at but it is
9533s good for all the Swedish fans out there
9535s to see Sweden finally uh get a dub on
9537s the board
9539s tax same question to you man how's it
9541s been you know approaching week two this
9544s is the week where we'll finally find out
9545s which teams are gonna make it through
9547s how are you feeling heading into uh the
9549s second half of day five over here yeah I
9552s mean uh I'm gonna have rely on people
9553s smarter than me to tell me who is in and
9555s who is out you know and all these maths
9556s and numbers and things like that I think
9558s there's a couple teams that are probably
9559s mathematically eliminated but as Sweden
9561s showed us with their kind of a cork
9563s board on the wall figuring out all the
9565s scenarios and everything like you know
9566s it's not over till it's over so uh it's
9569s gonna be a really fun week you know even
9570s teams that are eliminated there's always
9571s something about the World Cup of like it
9573s doesn't matter if we're out we want to
9575s make sure that you don't get to win you
9577s know there's always that sense of Pride
9578s on the line so it's going to be a good
9580s week regardless if teams are going to
9581s qualify or not
9583s um so yeah I mean four more matches
9584s today and then I don't know three more
9586s days another 21 match 26 you know a
9588s bunch more matches up to go yeah we
9591s leave the maths the Professionals for a
9593s reason but before we jump jump actually
9595s back into the action here's a quick
9596s refresher on today's format right the
9598s amec online qualifier challenge
9599s showcases two groups competing in a
9602s single round robin tournament it's a
9603s first to two it's a single stage as well
9605s it's split over two weeks we're done
9607s with week one and the standings
9608s currently we're up talking about the top
9610s three of group a moving forward to the
9612s main event in the top two of group group
9614s b currently at the top of group a we've
9616s got France the United Kingdom or Great
9618s Britain rather and we've got Denmark and
9620s in group b we've got Saudi Arabia and
9623s Finland with that said however let's
9625s take a look at the schedule so we can
9626s see which Maps we've already finished
9628s for the day and which we've got still to
9630s come of course we started off the day
9632s it's a day Saudi Arabia with a quick 2-0
9634s over Norway Germany 2-0 over turkey and
9637s Sweden 2-0 over Poland now we've got one
9640s more match in group b before we flip on
9642s over to group a in Finland versus
9644s Iceland following that we've got
9646s Portugal versus Italy Spain versus
9648s Denmark and we round out our day with
9650s France versus Belgium but with that said
9653s hex and zp I leave y'all with Finland
9655s versus Iceland a hot one for sure and
9657s I'll see you guys on the other side
9659s alrighty uh heading into it here hex
9662s this is gonna be interesting because for
9663s me this is again a kind of a consistency
9665s check match coming up here where we know
9667s Finland is good and Finland is easily
9670s one of the favorites to get out of group
9671s space and how they've played here so far
9673s Iceland though has shown flashes of you
9675s know having good confidence at various
9677s different points I just haven't really
9678s been able to put together over an entire
9680s match and on paper this is something a
9682s team like Finland maybe should crush but
9685s if Finland has troubles you know that's
9687s a little bit worrisome for Finland going
9688s forward
9689s yeah I mean I I don't think they will
9691s mostly like Finland is three in one but
9693s the one is against
9694s um Saudi Arabia and that was actually a
9696s match they I think it was one of the
9697s very first matches that we did in the
9699s tournament
9700s um and they ended up taking a map off of
9702s Saudi Arabia which is a feat in and of
9703s itself with uh you know the Cassidy and
9706s Diva combination uh then the two old
9708s Sweden the two Old Germany they too owed
9710s Norway so I mean this game is as solid
9713s as it gets I think like you know
9714s consistency check I'm not super worried
9716s about it going against a team which has
9718s yet to uh win a match in Iceland so I
9722s mean this roster has just been solid
9724s across the board the stole has been
9725s great we all know what Sana can do the
9727s support line has been absolutely sick
9729s with Mickey and Masa um cloud has done
9732s really well and then they still have
9733s cloudy uh to bring in if they want to do
9735s kind of more brawlish comps yeah I I
9738s almost think till later in the
9739s tournament uh in a situation where they
9741s can play each other if you get a France
9743s versus Finland uh it's like who can we
9744s rely on to go against Ben dust and
9746s suddenly you know LH cloudy just rises
9748s from the grave essentially is like I'm
9750s still on this team but that's Finland
9752s now we look over to the Iceland side
9754s Iceland uh hex again there are some
9757s brightspoint or bright points here uh
9759s you know again we've talked a lot about
9761s half the cool just you know being the
9762s veteran of veterans uh on this team but
9765s you know for Iceland it's been difficult
9767s difficult for them to put together a
9769s full complete set of OverWatch over
9771s every map well I mean it's been tough
9773s sledding for Iceland just straight up
9775s they're 0-4 they've only taken a single
9777s map I mean their schedule wasn't super
9779s easy they had two matches in the middle
9780s against Saudi Arabia and Norway uh they
9782s did recently get their first map win on
9785s the board against Poland they won on
9786s Gibraltar
9787s um for me like Orion is the biggest
9789s puzzle piece I think that was part of
9790s the Gibraltar victory for them long
9792s range hit scan Widow and Ash
9794s um I mean those characters in and of
9796s themselves can be streaky uh just the
9799s nature of the heroes right so Widow and
9801s Ash and Orion kind of embodies that has
9804s been streaky themselves trying to play
9806s that they're gonna have to rely on the
9808s veterans uh Happy cool and fincy just
9810s rally the troops get a map win get a
9812s match win you know just kind of uh pick
9815s it up and keep the morale up really when
9817s you're owing for you there's a tendency
9819s to kind of um you know phone it in maybe
9822s get boomed but I think with the veteran
9823s presence they have on this team they can
9825s they can maybe come out and uh maybe
9827s maybe surprise Finland take a map and
9829s then who knows you know we've seen we've
9831s seen greater upsets but yeah but it
9833s comes to surprises I mean think to the
9834s last game we casted uh in Spain versus
9837s Italy right we're out of nowhere uh
9839s what's our last day we cast rather where
9841s Italy just surprised Spain where Spain
9843s looked like the overwhelming favorites
9844s all the way through map one and then map
9846s two and map three come across and all of
9848s a sudden uh you know a lot of Spain's uh
9850s hope kind of got tempered a bit but
9852s we're heading to ilios here first Texan
9854s it's gonna be interesting to see what
9856s comes out here uh you know I do like the
9859s map Friday again first we've gotten uh
9860s quite a bit
9862s yeah I'm happy with any control map I I
9865s just really like controls going forward
9866s of course it gets a little bit
9867s interesting a small refresher it is
9869s first of two loser picks Maps so like
9872s when we get the results of this one the
9874s loser picked the next map and it's been
9875s interesting to see what teams favor uh
9877s definitely some Trends going on uh teams
9879s are just picking like their best map not
9881s necessarily counter picking what the
9883s other team wants to run uh so it really
9885s depends on what stage we go to to ilios
9887s like you know you can see brawl a lot of
9889s the times on Lighthouse especially
9892s um and then like a lot of echo on on
9894s this map uh in particular the murder
9896s hole so we will see what teams want to
9899s run I would like to see Sana stay on
9901s this uh Cass
9903s um and if Iceland does end up running
9905s the pharah mercy or just a pharah
9907s finland's been one of the teams that
9908s have been able to shut down the the sky
9910s compositions really well largely because
9912s asana's Cass
9914s um vestola usually runs the Devo with
9915s this but son is gonna have to go solo on
9917s it
9918s yeah and again uh I would like to see
9920s more anti-air success here it feels like
9922s pharah has had a really good run of it
9924s here and he made that to watching too
9925s much of Saudi Arabia in the group stage
9927s but uh you know Cassidy can contest the
9930s fire up pretty well and this might be
9931s one of those opportunities where that
9932s happens
9935s uh yeah we'll see yeah bestola does make
9937s the switch to Diva too so again this is
9939s you know the one map they took against
9941s Saudi Arabia this was the composition
9942s they did it with uh the diva getting
9944s some pressure onto the the bird in the
9947s sky and then sauna being able to plink
9949s away you know with the defense Matrix
9951s keeping them safe in the back line
9954s hard to make too much here although
9956s Finley gets first control Iceland was
9957s around and they just kind of gave up
9960s first control there so that's a little
9961s bit problematic puts way more pressure
9963s on habitable to find an early pick up on
9966s the far because if you're Finland now
9967s you can just hold back eeo you're not
9969s under pressure to take the point anymore
9971s well I mean it's gonna be hard to get
9972s control when you have a fair Mercy you
9974s know without any picks early on you just
9976s don't have the the presence on the
9977s ground to be able to contest when they
9978s receive the stola already pressuring up
9980s and of course Masa why not Lucio trying
9983s to be the anti-ferror I mean it was more
9985s the hit diversity of their food got down
9987s to like no HP Vincy though can get
9989s demacked and now Finland now you have to
9992s worry about a tank you see Mickey just
9994s bouncing up and down gets a pick off
9995s there and yeah I mean it wasn't a huge
9998s fight here x it was just Finland way way
10001s better in the Poke battle and you know
10003s at the end of it for you'd run afara
10005s you'd find picks sooner rather than
10006s later that's what happens yeah and the
10009s Baptiste is going to help out a lot
10010s there too in that poke battle dude maybe
10012s do the the final couple of damage points
10014s that you need on Affair of Mercy I'm
10016s really gonna try this off angle here
10018s come around back at least so these uh
10020s Vestal is gonna have to hunt him down
10022s meanwhile the soul is just going deep
10025s just ignored the far one for the ash on
10027s the other hand instead Chrissy uh under
10029s some pressure forces fizzy the come on
10033s back but Finland right now I mean again
10035s it's been a quiet game
10037s yeah just getting ultimates online
10047s meanwhile holding on to the barrage
10049s ready I'm waiting coming in from the
10051s flanker Ryan nearly went down again it
10053s might have been stolen to die I'm not
10054s sure but half a cool close and it comes
10056s down even use the barrage that's liking
10059s you missed it I think literally just
10061s died before any Rockets came out of that
10064s barrage I mean usually you die about
10065s halfway through the voice line but I
10067s don't even think the voice line queued
10068s up there
10070s no I I don't think it did 99 and he's
10073s like am I gonna touch no
10075s that had to be the slowest round of
10076s OverWatch I think we've seen in a very
10078s long time that was a little bit odd as
10080s you know I'm all like over caffeinated
10082s I've been sitting here watching the
10083s games getting hyped and ready and then
10084s that just that was very strange super
10087s slow uh I don't think hafikul got a
10089s single kill on that fair mercy and
10092s Finland just played around it they
10093s played defensively grabbed the point and
10095s never relinquished yeah I mean it also
10098s just felt like there wasn't a true team
10101s fight throughout most of that and it
10102s just sort of you know Iceland would poke
10104s a little bit they'd lose someone they'd
10106s back out and go from there but you know
10109s there weren't full engages it's just the
10110s waiting game for Ken arthara get a pick
10113s and the answer to that was no
10115s yeah it is kind of a pick composition I
10119s guess even with Orion on the ash so uh
10121s Orion on the ash sauna going to match it
10124s here it's a good map for the ash they're
10125s gonna stick on the Pharaoh mercy and I
10128s guess they're all in on this comp
10132s for Finland right now I like what
10134s they're playing here they really didn't
10136s have too much trouble contesting half a
10138s cool I'd say the number one thing to
10140s change up if you're Iceland is don't
10141s give up the first point for free I mean
10143s Finland got 30 40 before really any
10146s fight was decided in the last game just
10148s because they stood on the point first
10151s and maybe the Pharaoh can get a little
10152s more value here without a diva on the
10154s field bestola has gone over to the Matra
10156s now fighting finzi on the point
10159s still under a little bit pressure way
10162s more pressure though as Orion gets
10164s punched in the face both the Ash and
10165s deep
10166s Iceland and
10169s for healthier ethical goes to the ground
10171s gets picked off by Tank and Lucio play
10174s at some point for wrestling you have to
10176s wonder is the fire working if the answer
10177s is no you might want to swap
10180s I think they're committed I think
10182s they're just pot committed at this point
10184s um you know 60 even not a ton of all
10187s charge another very slow match up here
10190s pretty much it was just a lot of poke
10191s coming out then the store just walked in
10194s got the support from his team he's able
10196s to pick some people off
10197s 30 and counting up as Finland has
10199s control
10203s here in the back of the ash looking for
10205s anything right now seeing a whole lot of
10207s nothing not the best sight line for
10209s where finland's position oh though
10211s counter poke comes in that was sauna on
10213s to Orion half the cool gets sniped out
10215s of the sky cloud brings him the ground
10219s and Finland again looking super super
10221s healthy here Iceland and you're down
10223s you're far early
10224s I guess it wasn't really in a resident
10225s position as president come out
10228s CNA desperate comes out yeah that was
10231s more of a we want to stay in the fight
10232s consuming not uh we're gonna make
10234s something big happen ing Valkyrie going
10237s to be invested so Iceland they're
10238s throwing everything on the table here
10239s and you know Finland they're in a spot
10241s where they can just kind of backstop but
10242s oh as they say that cool comes in from
10244s the top barrage
10246s one pick up here from Iceland get rid of
10248s the bay get the res up on the half the
10250s goal but new love is still annihilating
10251s finds crazy finds food just gets boom
10254s supports as RAM here in the back and
10258s he's not stopping Finland holds control
10263s a bob on the field I've been very
10265s impressive vestola this entire
10266s tournament I mean we know how good
10268s vestola is on the diva and they've shown
10270s it in the OverWatch League level but the
10272s vermontra play just picking engagements
10274s and and you know using the utility has
10277s been really impressive romantra is one
10278s of those I think forget about my skill
10280s tanks
10281s it is just barely Iceland trying to stay
10285s in here this would be the round and the
10287s map sauna meanwhile three shots
10289s off but that's why Mickey's there in the
10292s back Masa takes down his counterpart and
10295s Finland for the most part just easy
10296s cleanup final blizzard coming out here
10298s that should be enough for Finland to set
10301s this one to bed and well there's a very
10303s dominant setup here so far gone from
10305s finzy at the end gets one but
10308s finland's still working it's a pretty
10309s overwhelming Advantage here on the
10311s points yeah I'm gonna come back on
10313s doomfist just to make sure it all goes
10315s swimmingly for them investing late
10317s ultimates they should still be finland's
10320s pretty easily sana's gonna come back on
10321s Widow some late swaps here kind of some
10323s flexing on them
10325s hafi finally gets off the ferry he's
10327s been on the Tracer but all for naught is
10330s Finland with a dominant performance on
10332s Helios yeah that was a like again that
10336s was probably one of the weirder maps of
10338s OverWatch I feel like I've ever casted
10340s where it was super super slow but it was
10343s also very dominant from one team and I
10346s mean usually that happens when one team
10347s they don't they're looking for some sort
10349s of condition to their engagement and the
10351s condition for Iceland was we get a pick
10353s on the far it just didn't happen right
10356s um I mean I want to shout out to like
10358s Mickey too I thought that the back line
10359s performed really well the Baptist
10361s putting in some shots to finish off some
10362s Heroes and also there was a couple times
10364s Sonic got Dove and down to like 20 and
10366s really good saves uh using Baptiste to
10368s keep him alive this was just tragic if
10371s you've ever played Farah you've had
10373s those moments before
10374s um it just happens and kind of brutal
10377s and yeah it was just complete dominance
10380s since you know Javi just never got the
10383s value out of these ultimates bestola you
10386s know I mentioned you know ramatra is a
10387s high skill tank and you wouldn't know it
10389s by looking at the ultimate but I think a
10391s lot of people don't really necessarily
10392s you know at the non-pro level understand
10395s the cooldown management as well as some
10397s of these great tanks using block when to
10399s transform when the shield needs to come
10401s out there's a lot of things that need to
10403s be done in the correct order at the
10404s correct times to get good value out of
10406s ramatra and vestola has been kind of
10408s putting on a clinic on his ROM recently
10411s yeah the store looked solid all the way
10414s through the match but in general that
10416s was all Finland Finland came in with a
10418s better game plan far better execution
10419s and Iceland uh they gotta find something
10422s soon here this could be one of the
10424s quickest two OverWatch games we have
10426s seen here thus far but will Iceland be
10428s able to find that answer we'll see after
10430s the break
10433s [Music]
10449s laughs
10454s [Music]
10472s [Music]
10486s [Music]
10496s foreign
10498s [Music]
10533s foreign
10537s [Music]
10544s [Music]
10589s thank you
10596s [Music]
10609s thank you
10614s [Music]
10620s thank you
10624s [Music]
10646s thank you
10650s Finland keeping the skies clear against
10652s the attempt from Far coming in from
10653s Iceland and hex it was a slow match but
10656s it was a very dominant match coming in
10658s from Finland yeah I guess you could say
10659s there were Cloudy Skies ah that was a
10661s reach anyway so
10664s um it is going to be yeah I'm sorry I
10667s apologize to myself and and anyone who
10669s had to hear that
10670s um so Iceland's gonna have the map pick
10672s and they've picked uh you know several
10674s different Maps here they've gone to
10675s blizz World they've gone to Havana but
10676s most recently they went to Gibraltar
10678s against Poland and that's when they had
10681s their best luck so yes they will choose
10683s Gibraltar again
10685s um so this is I believe it's Iceland's
10687s only map win of the tournament so far
10689s has been on Gibraltar and I think a lot
10692s of this comes down to what I was saying
10694s in the pregame
10695s um that Orion is kind of like the the
10698s focus on Gibraltar here running a
10701s Widowmaker running an ash I would
10703s actually prefer to see the ash generally
10705s just more value more consistency uh the
10707s Widow has those big moments and big
10709s opportunities but as much streakier to
10711s play the Widow so this makes a ton of
10713s sense for Iceland to pick this map uh
10716s you know it's the only map they've won
10718s so they gotta feel good on it they've
10719s got to plan on it and I would expect
10721s that Orion will be running either widow
10723s or Ash at least at the start we'll see I
10727s feel like you have all this good
10727s supporting info but you really do just
10729s distill down when you go why'd they pick
10731s this map it's the only map of one what
10733s what more do you truly need uh on top of
10736s that fair enough but definitely though
10739s uh this is a map where Iceland needs to
10742s do essentially everything better I don't
10745s think we're gonna be seeing the pharah
10746s come out again so that's probably step
10748s one just because the bar just yeah look
10750s sometimes you have your good days and
10752s bad days on a hero and you know Iceland
10754s on the pharah they came out uh very very
10757s cold on it oh yeah is not great on
10760s Gibraltar to begin with the sight lines
10761s are just really really long
10763s um so
10764s yeah I would be stunned if I saw it so
10768s do not expect to see it I am not stunned
10770s to see Orion queuing up on the
10772s Widowmaker so far
10775s and defensively it looks like Finland is
10777s gonna run a Hanzo and a tracer
10780s three this will be interesting to see
10783s the matchup of cloud versus Orion here
10785s and also I mean again Widow still can be
10788s pretty high value but the risk is higher
10791s than it's ever been you know especially
10792s because you do have to get a little bit
10793s closer if you want to try and get any
10795s form of one shot nowadays yeah the
10797s teleporter is going to come out to this
10798s top left side that's going to open the
10800s path for Widow Widow and this window is
10802s kind of the spot on Gibraltar
10805s you see the counter poke already there
10807s in case Orion does uh Pika just uh
10810s bullets whizzing right by well I mean
10812s just like the counter blink you saw like
10814s sauna blink twice and then Orion's
10816s already like uh-oh uh oh is Tracer
10818s coming
10819s Ryan is under pressure let's take a look
10822s at the health bars on top of your screen
10824s coming on down Orion finds Cloud good
10827s start for Iceland here at the very least
10828s it's gonna give them free Passage
10829s through the underpass
10832s yeah that's exactly what you want to see
10834s it's exactly why Iceland chose this map
10836s it is kind of Orion's map to play around
10840s and now yeah as you mentioned gonna get
10842s free push under it uh cloud is off of
10845s the Hanzo after that pick I'm gonna go
10847s to the Sombra instead Sombra Tracer can
10849s be very good against what Iceland as
10852s well I also think it's a little bit more
10854s consistent with Finland and Finland
10855s given the skill Gap we've seen so far
10857s just run something consistent you know
10859s he you know the highs and lows I think
10862s this makes all the sense of the world
10863s here we go on the payload pushing up
10866s Finland and it'll boost ready to go much
10869s quicker Nano build it's immediately
10870s gonna go on the vestola
10872s the store just pushing in Cloud able to
10875s get food dark with me yeah that was a
10877s big pick on the right people have the
10878s cool is just like I'm gonna push this
10879s payload more of a pull there if you look
10881s at where the Tracer Works
10883s uh all in all Finland holding strong I
10886s mean Iceland definitely not gonna be
10887s able to keep momentum uh the losses they
10889s had earlier yeah icing does have all the
10891s ultimates coming up right now though so
10893s it's gonna be really important pulse
10894s bomb value is going to be critical
10895s between sauna and hoppy cool and then
10898s Orion will have sites which is going to
10900s negate Cloud's advantage on the Sombra
10916s might be the stick Target here in the
10918s boat goes for the stick no quite a ways
10920s off you know though pistol tracks down
10922s Orion so it's still a very successful
10924s team fight for Finland here so far as
10927s you know we haven't been seeing a lot on
10928s camera but vistola is just feasting off
10931s on the other end of the map as uh finsey
10935s going distances here hex yeah they
10937s switch off of the Widow and going to go
10940s to the cash
10941s um you know a slight difference there at
10942s least allows some Escape ability from
10944s the diva more utility with the dynamite
10946s pistola continue why is this happening
10948s back here what is going on because you
10951s can
10952s uh yeah the payload's back over here we
10956s were you know beyond the next Point uh
10960s oh boy
10962s well one minute left here for Iceland to
10964s get something going a few ultimate
10966s Reserve to make it happen but what a
10969s strange match the spark yeah uh EMP is
10972s ready as well and both support ultimates
10975s are available for Finland so it's gonna
10977s be one fight here Iceland I don't know
10980s the best opportunity is hit a pulse bomb
10981s it's also a decent map to get a surprise
10983s uh self-destruct over the top the
10985s architecture lends itself well to that
10987s but I think you probably Nano finzy try
10989s to create some chaos and maybe catch it
10991s up but oh Masa gets hockey yeah it's a
10995s huge huge start here for Finland and
10997s again it's just it's a little it looks
10999s quiet but it's not Sonic it's two in the
11001s back and then there's 20 seconds left
11004s like yeah Iceland isn't gonna have time
11007s really for a full five here they're
11008s gonna have to kind of stagger on to
11010s payload hope for the best and
11011s self-destructed spawn yeah man it just
11014s gets worse before it gets better well
11016s speaking of full five I mean Finland
11017s just had five ultimates the pulse bomb
11019s went out to make that point a little bit
11021s null and void at the end
11022s Finland is or excuse me Finland is still
11025s holding on to everything like the EMP
11027s can come out at any point in time we're
11028s already in overtime yeah we're in
11030s overtime so boss is gonna open up the
11031s rally Cloud hang on to the EMP Finland
11033s everything in reserve Iceland with
11035s nothing maybe a Kitsune a little bit
11037s later but the MP drops hits both
11039s supports food thark down and Finland
11042s cleaning up on all levels and this was a
11045s destruction hex it's a it's a
11048s shellacking a destruction an
11050s obliteration however you want to say it
11052s this was completely one-sided Iceland I
11055s suppose a couple of nice opening Widow
11058s kills but the stolen then just started
11061s running wild making sure to be all up in
11063s Orion's Grill and got nothing done after
11065s that
11066s um and Finland just just won it in the
11068s neutral like several times it wasn't
11070s like ultimate fights it wasn't team
11071s engages it was 1V ones it was two v3s
11074s that they were winning the very last
11076s fight Finland just altered in in the
11079s back line with the EMP and it was just a
11081s cloud and they just cleaned up three and
11084s that was it that was the fight so
11085s completely one-sided yeah and I think
11088s you hit the nail in the head when you
11090s talk about the neutral game here because
11091s usually even in games we look as like oh
11094s one team's playing Super well you'll
11095s have a big team fight and it'll be a
11097s decisive team fight white Iceland in a
11099s lot of ways didn't even get to play the
11102s game here I mean you just you know it'd
11104s be in the neutral uh someone would get
11106s picked and then it would just be a whole
11108s lot of nothing that someone get picked
11109s and then you have this like very just
11112s fever dream-esque moment where finzi is
11114s behind point B for some reason yeah like
11117s what in the world or in Hopi is having a
11120s no-good very bad terrible day um he gets
11123s one be going by the Tracer I think he
11124s got slapped and killed was it got picked
11127s off by Masa just it's one of those times
11129s on Tracer where you know those are just
11131s bad days when those happen everything's
11133s going wrong and you just can't figure it
11135s out
11137s well Finland doesn't have a whole lot to
11140s figure out for their attack here where
11141s they don't need to bring the payload
11143s very far at all they got four minutes to
11145s do it Iceland's gonna need a magnificent
11147s defense here to keep things going see if
11151s they have it in them but so far it has
11153s been tough going Sana well they're
11155s poking onto the Kirito here on top
11156s Finland just keeping things going a
11159s little bit Dynamite poke
11160s but the real test begins now here it is
11163s nearly gone it is
11166s finishes it off and that again is a
11169s tough start for Iceland maybe with a
11171s solo kill onto Orion because he gets the
11173s nade and then finishes them off
11174s themselves very well played there and
11177s should be through what was colloquially
11180s referred to as the car wash I think that
11182s spray is still in the game right with
11183s the symmetra turrets and it says car
11185s wash or something yeah I think so
11187s we got Finland moving on Ford Ryan is
11191s gonna be back into The Fray but momentum
11193s on the side of Finland here once more
11195s half cool Under Pressure ruthart got
11197s hacked was low in the back biod his food
11199s are gonna fall before Nano
11201s I don't know if the father is there
11202s Mason gets caught not bad stabilization
11205s for Iceland here the Nano is ready to go
11207s he's immediately used on finzi even
11209s after the pick I don't know if they need
11211s the Nano here
11213s well they went for it anyway uh fins
11215s he's able to dodge the sleeve now just
11217s uh the stolen bring me going back to
11219s back Javi finally gets something going
11220s he's able to take down sauna so
11222s finland's as much as they think they can
11224s probably win this 4v5 would be you know
11226s better off probably just resetting going
11228s next and you're gonna have a I mean you
11230s can Nano blade emps like they have
11233s everything coming up tons of win
11235s conditions coming online for Finland no
11237s one thing I've noticed that if Iceland
11238s is able to somehow win the next fight
11240s time could get away from Finland in a
11242s hurry like this this map can get away
11244s from you far quicker than you might
11246s anticipate so Finland has to play this
11248s next team fight pretty much by the book
11251s and he mentioned that's where we're
11252s going yeah
11254s immediately chops down Orion looking for
11257s the honor he gets him at the sleep
11258s pretty good sleep
11259s damage was done though with the one DPS
11261s pick finland's still able to keep things
11262s going Masa investing the rally
11265s Iceland though if this bomb gets anyone
11267s could be huge gets Mickey not a bad pick
11270s Chrissy though Falls at the same time
11272s minute 43 left now for Iceland as they
11274s try and hold on Happy gets caught a
11277s little bit of sleep on the vestola this
11279s booth Arc Valiant few plays here for
11282s Iceland and you know Iceland will see
11284s how long they can play they gotta get
11285s back and touch the cart .81 left to go
11288s boothar pressure down not gonna get away
11290s from this one as Finland looks to push
11292s this in how long can Iceland delay
11295s they've done a good job of getting some
11298s picks and neutralizing things so it's
11299s not been a clean fight from Finland
11301s sana's gonna come back on the Widow and
11302s put some pressure from this high ground
11303s and if they're able to demac finzi which
11305s they do then there's nothing to contest
11307s it's gone on the back
11309s and Finland just get the payload in at
11313s the end and again what was a very quick
11315s and decisive game a little bit of signs
11317s of Life there at the very very end uh
11319s like we saw from Blue Clark on the Anna
11321s but uh in a way too little too late in
11324s terms of your place coming out from isil
11325s yeah I mean I mentioned this I think
11327s when we we uh cast France seems like a
11330s year ago um but I like you know some of
11332s the players that aren't the the
11334s household names you know your vestola
11336s and sauna but I thought Mickey had a
11337s really nice game there and just really
11339s being aggressive on the Anna uh not
11341s dying very often so it's nice to see the
11343s the uh the you know players you don't
11344s necessarily know very well step up so we
11346s talk Masa we talk sauna we talk in
11348s avastola but I thought Mickey had a
11351s really nice out of there hitting really
11352s good bio value so
11354s um you know just a nice day's work from
11356s this squad in Finland and then they take
11358s care of business in really short fashion
11361s um so
11362s Iceland coming off of their one map win
11364s will continue to stay on a one map win
11366s and you know I they still have matches
11369s going forward and this is one that you
11370s don't even bod review you kind of just
11372s forget it today didn't happen you move
11374s on
11375s yeah I mean the other thing too is that
11377s the mistakes Iceland make it we're
11378s making were you know essentially so
11380s Elementary right it's just if you
11382s continually get picked in the neutral
11383s and you don't have a real team fight
11385s what is your takeaway there in a way it
11387s is just uh well I guess you better play
11389s better but speaking of playing better
11391s coming up next it's gonna be Portugal
11393s taking on Italy if you didn't see Italy
11396s Italy's time it'll
11398s it'll looking way better well to be able
11400s to do it again here today well we got
11402s that match coming at you right after the
11403s break
11407s [Music]
11416s thank you
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11453s foreign
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11573s thank you
11576s thank you
11592s [Music]
11605s [Music]
11622s welcome back to week two of the
11624s OverWatch World Cup online qualifiers
11626s for the emec region I'm Jim Basco and
11628s I'm joined by hex NCP we just got done
11631s watching Finland go up against Iceland
11633s and Finland in dominant vanish fashion
11635s finished out that match of course let's
11637s go ahead and take a look at the schedule
11638s so we can recap some of the matches that
11640s have happened so far and some of the
11642s matches we've still got coming up of
11643s course we are about halfway through the
11645s day here we just finished up with Group
11647s B we just watched Finland versus Iceland
11649s and we'll be flipping up to group a to
11651s get Portugal versus Italy Spain versus
11652s Denmark and France versus Belgium to
11655s round out day number five hex zp let's
11658s start with you hex thoughts on this
11660s matchup of course it was quick for
11662s Finland but Iceland seemed to have been
11665s missing a gear this time around yeah I
11667s mean it was actually I think one of the
11669s the more sluggish or lethargic
11671s performances from Iceland I mean
11673s essentially sticking on that bar as much
11675s as they did when it clearly wasn't
11676s working on ilios was a little bit of a
11679s misstep
11680s um and then you know coffee cool even on
11682s the Tracer on Gibraltar just ran into
11685s like three really bad lives in a row
11687s because it just boom kind of like you
11688s know slept getting killed by a Brig you
11691s know that it used to be standard you
11693s know Brig was the Tracer eraser but you
11695s know not So Much Anymore and there were
11697s just a couple of missteps there so I I
11699s know they went to Gibraltar because
11701s there was the map that they won and
11702s Orion can have some some value on that
11704s but just all in all outclassed and just
11707s kind of a performance you want to forget
11708s if you're Iceland yeah I mean that's one
11710s of those things were blaking and missing
11712s here where it was a little bit rough to
11714s say the least for Iceland uh I mean
11716s that's actually understating it it was a
11718s complete mismatch where Finland just did
11721s everything right and you know in many
11722s cases there Iceland just didn't get to
11724s play the game it was hex you brought up
11726s which is very true it's just the neutral
11728s part there where if you start losing
11730s players just from generic poke damage
11732s before you get to a team fight well you
11734s don't really get many team fights and
11735s you certainly don't get far in any of
11737s your rounds or your attack it was just
11740s very tough from Iceland top the ball
11742s yeah let's go ahead and out now we've
11744s actually got an interview lined up with
11746s Masa from Finland so hex CP I'll be back
11748s with you guys shortly but let's hop in
11749s to that interview with Masa
11754s hey Masa so glad to have you here
11756s congrats on your Victory versus Iceland
11757s man how are you feeling
11759s I'm Feeling Good Feeling Good
11762s I believe you are muted I'm not sure
11766s oh God all gutted
11769s uh we're good we're good all good all
11771s right let me start let's start that one
11772s over how are you feeling after that
11774s victory
11775s I'm Feeling Good Feeling Good
11778s okay man awesome uh you know coming into
11780s this match against Iceland how did you
11781s guys prepare right obviously you've had
11783s some
11784s tough tough matches but you are one of
11786s the only teams to take a map off of that
11788s Saudi Arabian Squad which is sitting at
11789s the top of Group B right now so what did
11791s you have to do to prepare for Iceland
11793s here
11793s well not really much fun like we've been
11795s saying it
11796s um we've been seeing them in like
11798s Battlenet that they've been naming
11799s playing more like Diablo 4 than or
11801s watched recently so like they know they
11803s can't really like qualify anymore so
11805s just playing for fun at this point so we
11806s just kind of like yes that they're gonna
11808s play like weird Combs try to like uh get
11810s our mental wrong
11811s and we just played our game and played
11813s better
11814s yeah absolutely I mean this year the
11816s Finnish team is looking like a strong
11817s Contender to make it out of group b of
11819s course only the top two make it out and
11821s of course right now you're in that
11822s second spot Norway is hot on your tail
11825s and of course coming back looking at
11826s your matches ahead Poland and turkey so
11829s with all those variables in mind how are
11832s you feeling to make it out of group b
11833s with two more days of matches still
11834s ahead of you
11835s uh really confident like we're gonna
11837s make it through not the only thing is
11839s like if there's a miracle happening we
11840s might be able to get the seed one but
11842s it's the code looking at a rough for us
11843s so we'll exceed too
11846s absolutely and of course just the team
11848s overall The Finnish team has looked so
11851s dominant this year what do you think
11853s changed or do you think it's just the
11855s time for your country to be on top of
11857s the world stage
11859s yeah I think it's like we have a really
11860s good team uh a lot of the times we
11862s usually had like uh roster problems that
11864s like we didn't have DPS players and
11866s stuff like that but this year we have
11867s like insanely talented like DPS players
11869s tanks and we gotta like Flex to so many
11871s different like comps nowadays
11874s yeah absolutely that's something that
11875s we've noted for sure in the broadcast as
11877s well I mean if you've got a message for
11879s the finished fan base let them know
11881s what's your message to your supporters
11889s I mean maybe that's it like GG easy but
11891s I love the confidence that you guys have
11892s coming into this one honestly uh amasa
11895s thank you so much you guys have been
11896s absolutely killing it on that support
11897s line and it's been a pleasure to watch
11899s so thank you so much for hopping on with
11900s us today yeah
11903s foreign
11905s good to hear man they are confident as
11907s ever that finished Squad definitely a
11909s favor to make it out of group b zp you
11911s know of course looking at their matches
11913s coming ahead turkey in Poland definitely
11916s they're kind of uh variables right we
11918s saw with that match specifically
11921s um earlier today that Poland they've got
11924s some things to work on but up against
11925s Finland they might be in for a uh
11928s mountain of a climb with that said
11929s though let's look ahead we've got
11931s Portugal versus Italy map one just
11934s around the corner
11936s I couldn't tell you how that one was
11937s gonna go zp lead the conversation here
11939s what are your thoughts on that matchup
11940s uh the one we just saw the one we're
11942s going into because what we just saw that
11943s was uh yeah that was fast but the one
11946s we're going into this one is a little
11948s bit interesting obviously in terms of
11950s hype for Portugal and Italy uh you know
11953s on paper people didn't expect these
11954s people to do a ton but it only did just
11956s play spoiler and the last match we saw
11957s from them against Spain which you know
11960s showed a lot about Italy's potential to
11962s improve and uh you know maybe it's a
11964s little bit about Spain's ability to
11965s adapt but going into this pretty bullish
11967s on Italy
11968s yeah hex same question to you man and I
11971s think zp brought up a great Point Spain
11972s I mean Italy upsetting Spain if you want
11974s to call it an upset that was a pretty
11976s big deal Spain had a lot of momentum
11977s behind them well it gives them a lot of
11979s confidence too to be able to come out
11980s and get that zero off the board is
11981s really important now Italy thinks that
11983s you know we can beat some teams that we
11985s should beat on paper I'm gonna straight
11987s up say it I'm running for Portugal and
11989s the reason why is because they haven't
11990s won a map yet and I hate seeing a team
11992s not win a map this has been like kind of
11993s my ethos since like the beginning of
11995s competitive OverWatch that I've been
11997s doing tournaments just get a map win I
11999s just don't like seeing team get all
12000s completely zeroed um but Portugal's got
12002s a lot to work on
12004s um and I you know on paper I would
12006s expect Italy to maybe pull this off but
12008s I think it actually might be closer than
12009s we think I think so too and of course
12011s we're gonna have to wait until we are
12012s back from this short break to bring you
12014s all the action that said though grab a
12016s drink we'll be back just momentarily
12020s [Music]
12032s thank you
12034s [Music]
12050s foreign
12060s [Music]
12106s [Music]
12110s foreign
12115s [Music]
12122s let's go
12124s [Music]
12154s [Music]
12164s foreign
12168s [Music]
12198s foreign
12201s [Music]
12234s laughs
12236s welcome back to the 2023 OverWatch World
12239s Cup online qualifiers for the emec
12241s region option Basco that is of course zp
12243s and hex uh we are back from the break
12246s we've got the match ready to rock for
12247s y'all Portugal versus Italy just around
12249s the corner hex we just left off on that
12251s conversation giving a little bit of
12252s context to the viewers here this is
12254s probably going to be closer than most
12256s are thinking right this might just be a
12258s great matchup that we've got before our
12260s hands it might it might not I don't know
12262s I guess it's kind of hard to gauge where
12263s Italy is like you know Portugal has
12265s obviously struggled uh the one thing I
12266s will say about Portugal is there are
12268s moments where it's like they it looks
12270s like they figured it out like it
12271s generally like they'll win a fight off
12272s an EMP but then there's like times where
12274s the Selma will get picked off like twice
12276s in a row after that so it's like the EPS
12278s are few and far in between they just
12280s need some more consistency in figuring
12282s out like when to execute
12284s um but I I don't think they're gonna
12285s switch up their compositions a lot it's
12286s been a lot of Tracer Sombra
12288s NCP if you had to choose right coming
12290s into this one who do you think is gonna
12292s pull it out I mean I'd go for Italy just
12294s because Italy has shown us a higher high
12296s in what they were able to do against
12297s Spain and how they're in a rally I would
12299s say though the question is with Italy is
12301s that how much is it Italy being you know
12303s pretty good across the board versus how
12305s much is it hey Reaper was a good hero
12307s against what Spain was running and Spain
12309s just refused to mirror it for the most
12311s part yeah our line is Italy on running a
12314s Reaper comp then having that be good
12315s right so yeah I don't know we'll have to
12317s see you like they might be more on the
12319s one trip Camp right now for me yeah that
12321s unanswered Reaper definitely did work
12323s but how far will it get you can they
12325s adapt can they make it work Portugal
12326s versus Italy just around the corner hex
12328s and CP have a great time and I'll catch
12329s you guys on the other side of this match
12332s ever heading on in and yeah I mean I I
12334s feel like if your Portugal going in here
12336s you kind of look and go how in the world
12338s did Italy beat Spain what went on there
12340s oh the reaper man like that's pretty
12344s much the answer right so you kind of
12346s have to go in here and be like okay we
12347s should have a plan for their Reaper play
12350s either we should be confident being able
12352s to take it out with picks or we run a
12354s mirror of our own either way you would
12357s think it would be something that they
12358s should be prepared for coming in but see
12359s the Portugal roster on your screen here
12362s heck so they're having some bright
12363s response
12365s oh yeah I mean there's been some moments
12367s uh for you know most of these players
12369s but you know it
12371s it comes down to the thing where you
12373s kind of have to start just like small
12374s victories that's when a team fight let's
12376s win a map kind of something like that
12377s you know like I mentioned they are 0-3
12379s yet to win a map but you know some
12381s context here they've played France Great
12382s Britain and Belgium like that's a pretty
12384s tough draw uh to start off in
12386s tournaments they look like a team that's
12388s still figuring out like this some of
12389s their coordination is it's on the cusp
12391s of being good right they're nearing
12393s being good and nearing figuring it out
12395s they just need to put it together for a
12397s whole map to pull off a victory
12399s um obviously Rod FD FD Rod as I call him
12403s um is the rookie on this squad I believe
12405s ego is still trying to figure out this
12407s tank position as they switched from Flex
12409s DPS to tank uh so something to look out
12412s for there and Karama and Cohen you know
12415s been okay-ish but uh probably need to
12418s limit some of the the early deaths that
12420s really kind of uh kneecap Portugal in
12422s some of these engagements meanwhile
12424s looking over at the Italian Squad here
12427s you know I look to the players in
12429s particular like Chimera right where
12430s Chimera wasn't the flashiest DPS the
12433s last time we saw him play uh you know
12436s versus Spain but it was very very solid
12439s play right where you know it was on the
12441s reaper just finding good moments and it
12443s was solid uh across the board yeah
12445s that's actually really funny that's what
12447s I have in my notes written down so I
12448s don't know if you're in my Google doc
12450s um
12451s like they're they're Playmakers have
12453s kind of been their tanks and um and
12455s Miken on support So Andrew will play
12457s tank here play some ball plays uh I
12459s believe orisa as well also Rajan will
12461s come in and they've been The Playmakers
12463s and then I have uh yukino and Chimera
12465s have been steady-ish you know they've
12467s been kind of just fine and solid in the
12469s gameplay so Italy is one and two the
12471s riding high off that victory over Spain
12473s obviously previously they lost to the
12475s Netherlands and France so tough draw
12477s early on um but I mean you gotta ride
12479s the momentum like if they can pull this
12481s one off then you're two and two records
12483s starting to look pretty respectable here
12485s so uh Italy you know you kind of just
12487s want to keep this momentum going and uh
12490s take care of business against Portugal
12492s yeah I mean this is kind of one of those
12494s moments where getting the win against
12495s Spain goes so you're telling me there's
12498s a chance uh because in this group I
12500s believe it's three teams advancing right
12502s so you know there is more of a chance
12505s here than some of the teams that are
12506s deeper in the hole you know in uh Group
12509s B for example where it's you know pretty
12510s tough to come back but we're hanging the
12512s lijiang tower and we'll see if Italy's
12514s Resurgence is going to be something we
12517s see here or if Portugal just shuts it
12519s all down here and now yeah I mean I
12522s think if you're Italy like obviously
12523s you're riding High you had a victory
12524s over Spain you can't really look at the
12526s standings
12527s um because this would be a matchup that
12529s you can't look past right you can't be
12531s looking to your matchups tomorrow or the
12533s day after like you have to take care of
12535s business of the team in front of you and
12537s let everything else fall as it will you
12539s know keep your focus on on the squad
12541s that you have to play and you know with
12543s Portugal having not won a map yet so far
12545s it'd be very easy to overlook them and
12546s phone it in and that can be dangerous so
12548s Italy's not like good enough to kind of
12551s look past Portugal
12553s um so I I expect to see some focus and
12555s if Italy is going to be I don't know a
12557s contender but like a team that should be
12559s scary and upset I would expect them to
12561s you know uh kind of dominate like beat
12563s the teams that you should beat is
12566s Portugal a team that should be I mean
12567s maybe we're over hyping Italy off of a
12569s single Victory but Spain has been a good
12571s squad so to take a the victory off of
12573s them kind of does say a lot about Italy
12576s yeah I mean to me it was just unexpected
12578s right because Italy looked miserable on
12581s control versus Spain and then they just
12584s swap up their composition and they get a
12587s pretty gritty map to win into a pretty
12589s decisive win on push right so we are
12592s still waiting for uh both teams to get
12594s ready I usually go on the map select
12596s it's like oh we're about to go in but in
12597s uh you know the teams are still you know
12600s getting thrown into the lobby I'm sure
12602s they're being corralled as we speak your
12603s ex but hey you know anytime you hold the
12605s tournament uh online every now and then
12607s there's gonna be a little bumps in the
12609s road but we're way ahead of schedule
12610s today anyways yeah I mean give a props
12613s to uh comp Ops competitive operations to
12616s Corral teams many of you might not know
12619s this but way back in the day when zp9
12621s used to just run our own tournaments
12622s when zp did all the production and
12624s camera and casting as well I was left
12627s with the work of organizing teams and
12629s getting teams in the game and setting up
12630s lobbies and it is a thankless job
12633s um you make one mistake and no one will
12635s let you forget it corralling teams um
12638s you know the expression herding cats is
12640s often used but that sounds easier than
12642s getting teams uh ready and in lobby and
12644s everyone there on time so uh Big Ups big
12647s respect to the administrators and comp
12649s Ops for trying to get the teams in the
12652s lobby and ready to go so I've been there
12653s I've been there and uh you have my
12655s respect every you know errors you make
12658s there though can eventually be forgiven
12659s you know I did talk to Kai Kai a while
12661s back you have been forgiven for whatever
12663s mistake you made in that old Cloud9
12665s patch I don't even know I forgot to put
12667s on a competitive rule set on Gibraltar I
12669s I believe that's a stick in my head
12671s forever and I remember Kai Kai being
12673s very mad and holding a grudge I don't
12675s think it affected them at all because I
12677s think Fallout 9 was just crushing that
12678s might have been the time where we didn't
12680s have hero limits yet and they were just
12681s running double Winston and it was just
12683s unfair
12684s um yeah but yeah so I'm glad that after
12686s six ish years that guy has forgiven me
12689s for forgetting a Lobby setting the one
12692s mistake I made after how many
12694s tournaments how many games I don't even
12695s know but yeah obviously it stuck with me
12697s I can tell you the map I could tell you
12698s who it was and I can tell you exactly
12700s yeah I mean the fact that you can
12702s remember all the great details you know
12704s that was the thing but mostly because
12706s you got it right uh for the most part
12708s back in the day so you just remember
12709s that one time where you did it uh really
12711s yeah but no I mean it's it's one of
12714s those things where the the time anytime
12715s you do something wrong that's the one
12717s thing that'll keep you up in bed at
12718s night right everyone's just like
12719s everyone's got those moments the whole
12721s uh you know slideshow of oh remember
12723s that one awkward time oh remember when I
12725s clapped when no one else clapped or just
12727s like any of those little things and you
12729s know cool as the human brain is it's
12731s just like hey um we're gonna keep these
12733s forever you know where these are your
12735s core memories now these Define you as a
12737s person unlike the player who is in the
12739s lobby and then mysteriously vanished is
12741s uh where we're at right now where I
12743s guess one of the teams was uh good to go
12744s and a player just uh vanished Into The
12747s Ether so yeah right now benefited out it
12749s might be network issues who knows yeah
12751s right now we're living on the edge of uh
12753s life and death on the broadcast where
12755s it's are we about ready to go or are you
12757s about ready to go in the break uh is
12760s kind of where we're living at the moment
12761s but that call is going to be very
12763s shortly so either be into game or it'll
12765s be into a three minute break you know
12766s hex either way yeah I mean I wait on you
12769s to do this that's why I like working
12770s with you because I'm like no zpo handle
12772s all the traffic he'll do intros he'll do
12774s outros I'll just pop up and just kind of
12776s chat for a little bit
12777s bring in
12779s seconds away from gameplay in fact uh
12781s the exact word
12783s no break screen just Li Zhang Tower here
12787s and now and we'll see if Italy can build
12790s on the momentum they built last time we
12792s saw them play when they upset Spain or
12795s if Portugal will be the ones just break
12798s that streak and bring them down the
12800s Earth
12801s Italy What's it gonna be and uh right
12803s now obviously it can change here hex
12806s given that the gates haven't opened but
12808s I would believe this from Italy
12811s uh yeah I'm buying the compositions from
12813s both sides actually
12815s um so yeah Andrew was known for
12818s um not off tank in the traditional sense
12820s but uh off meta tanks for the most hard
12822s ball and erisa uh we saw a little bit of
12824s erisa earlier today worked a great
12826s effect
12827s um so yeah uh we'll see the rollouts
12830s here Portugal obviously running Tracer
12831s Sombra I think Portugal's like this is
12833s this is their go-to this is their trick
12835s and um they just need some more
12837s consistency I think mostly out of the
12838s somber play drama almost died
12840s immediately
12843s pretty big place to have Karama here
12845s also because Italy is the far stronger
12847s composition for just getting on point
12849s and being tanky right like they're way
12852s more likely to get first control it
12853s doesn't mean they'll win first fight but
12855s the onus is on Portugal to find a good
12858s way to engage here because Italy just
12860s controls space better with the
12861s composition they're running is go ahead
12863s very lucky enough to follow the field
12864s though forced out very early here not
12867s worse but caraba gets caught yukino
12869s finds a shotgun blast early that's big
12871s britally well the engage is going to be
12873s absolutely brutal it's the most
12875s satisfying ability in the game like when
12877s they added that right the javelin is
12879s feels so good
12881s um yeah Portugal's gonna have to switch
12883s some things up the engage for ego is
12885s just going to be brutal what are you
12886s going to do dive in against a narissa
12888s Reaper as Winston like you were just
12890s going to lose that fight like 100 of the
12892s time so they're gonna switch over to the
12894s pharah and wow paying off right away
12896s yeah immediately quick pick up here from
12899s Brahma on the pharah
12901s they can add just a bit more but if you
12904s like that opening problem again go down
12906s that goes down spot how visible is this
12908s well if they go for the resin get it
12910s they have more dominance on the point so
12911s yeah it makes sense as the early pick
12914s just snowballs Portugal immediately gets
12916s onto a point but if you're Italy you're
12918s still okay with this I mean you're at 44
12920s you're adding extra delay not a bad
12921s opening for Italy yeah it was a nice
12923s hack on Andrew to open it up and so
12925s they're gonna be able to grab that is
12927s Portugal Portugal's move on to this
12929s pharah is actually two-fold strategy
12931s wise
12932s um the picks are really nice and it's
12933s obviously a very good stage for pharah
12935s anyway but it makes yukino get off that
12938s Reaper and that's gonna enable the
12939s Winston play as well so yukino has to go
12941s to the cast to try to do something in
12943s the sky I maybe would have given it
12945s another fight or two and stuck on that
12955s but the barrage just finishes things off
12959s Karama looking very good in the far so
12961s far as Portugal already up to 32 after a
12964s rough start yeah I just think that the
12966s switching of the strategy is so quick
12967s from yukino is is almost just I think
12969s it's premature you know wait for to see
12971s if Portugal can actually get something
12973s done with their composition uh rather
12975s than switching off what has been Italy's
12976s really you know go-to card in the Reaper
12980s and pizza that hits three immediately
12982s and mortality fuel comes down after but
12984s yukino is just immediately assassinated
12986s clear skies for Karama finds Frey right
12988s after and this compositional swap for
12991s Portugal has been fantastic so far and I
12994s couldn't agree more hex on your point
12995s when it comes to the Cassidy right is
12997s that you know I don't know if you need
12999s to swap that up there early in Italy you
13000s look really good in the reaper you know
13002s played up for a few fights yeah I mean
13004s it's just reflexive right of like oh
13006s they're doing this so we have to do this
13008s you know it's it's kind of a you know
13010s paint by numbers approach or flowchart
13012s approach where I just don't think it's
13014s necessary correct Italy gonna make
13015s another swap now Echo Tracer ball why
13018s not yeah I mean this is about as massive
13021s as a swap as you're getting OverWatch
13022s see if it pans out but it's a very
13024s different style than we've seen Italy be
13025s successful as Karama catches again with
13027s the right side of a rocket Andrew
13029s well let's go ahead or before and
13033s foreign
13043s not able to land as many shots still 99
13046s to Portugal Italy has to stay on the
13049s point they can't move Chimera gets
13051s caught as karaba gets the quick Revenge
13053s barrage comes in Italy though still in
13055s and around they got the Point Flip
13057s yeah Mike and with uh the nice Kill from
13059s the you know the Lucio killing the fire
13061s of course it happens actually on this
13062s map it happens more often than not
13064s especially if the Pharaoh goes inside
13065s because Lucio has the same vertical
13067s Advantage there
13069s um so yeah Portugal now off of the
13072s Pharaoh to try to get back into this
13074s they only need one fight so I think that
13076s they should make sure they don't lose
13078s anybody then you can you can uh EMP this
13081s and Nana Winston it's your win condition
13084s yeah and I think if there's longer in
13086s the round Italy would go right back to
13088s the reaper after pulse wildmut is uh how
13090s we've seen the play but 83-99 very
13092s likely last fight coming up here pulse
13094s bomb coming out EMP used Italy in danger
13097s it's a big three-man EMP Mike and goes
13100s down first to Kino whoa Cohen able to
13102s finish it off and the EMP from Cohen
13105s sets the table and he finishes it
13107s himself three from coed at the very end
13109s and Portugal bring this back and then
13111s some yeah EMP Nano Tracer comes in
13114s afterwards for the cleanup now let's see
13117s where the touches come in miken's there
13119s we'll stay alive
13122s oh big purple
13124s gets both supports right down as a
13127s result Karama lands a stick here for
13129s Portugal gets two
13131s both teams flying neck and neck here
13133s Italy doing a good job just to make this
13135s contestable at the end Chimera rival
13138s rage off the duplicate gonna buy even
13140s more time for Italy here
13141s do not want to go down without a fight
13143s and something that's turned into a butt
13145s scrap yard carama gone
13148s and is Italy gonna be able to bring this
13150s back Henry and the back off from one
13152s Italy still see the entire way through
13154s yeah
13156s hits everyone on Italy and Portugal
13159s might have let this one just slip
13161s through their fingers
13162s uh absolutely I mentioned that Mike and
13164s could be the playmaker there and Chimera
13167s was almost dead the beat and there's
13169s there's no better beating gig extremely
13171s efficient gets all five and Henley pulls
13174s it back at the end uh wow just really
13177s nice play there from Italy but you know
13180s I mentioned this one might end up being
13181s close a little bit of a rock paper
13183s scissors we'll see you know which uh
13185s which Implement either team wants to
13187s come out here uh Kurama obviously going
13189s to start off on the Sim both teams
13191s starting off with the SIM we'll see if
13193s they both try to go window and there's
13194s just a brawl that happens on the point
13196s I'd love to see it
13197s uh might end up being the case Italy
13200s meanwhile I I do like you know you can't
13202s mention it's like yeah Andrew just
13203s playing all the uh off meta tanks uh
13206s yeah
13208s you don't see a ton of ball or erisa you
13211s know a little bit here and there but
13212s when I see Andrew in the game I'm like
13213s we're gonna see both both of those a
13215s player uh you know I think players might
13217s have thoughts about uh having in their
13219s ranked games but hey when you make it
13221s work you make it work
13223s s so we see Italy right now
13225s around the point both teams feeling each
13226s other out when walking eight seconds
13231s nothing too big I'm here but quick hack
13233s on the dizzles if all through gonna be
13235s there not quite the peel from Rod keep
13238s your Dizzle in the fight but as it
13239s happens Ray catches Karama quick little
13242s pick from Italy except the tone yeah
13244s Mike and has been really good on this
13245s Lucio and he just ends up being such a
13247s slippery Target it's one of their later
13250s pickups I believe got added after the
13252s first day of the tournament or the day
13253s of the tournament so it's been a great
13256s pickup and as the more play time they
13258s get with Italy the better it looks
13259s counterpart goes down
13262s Ray with the first two pickups here from
13264s Italy on the carico first control
13266s nothing too ridiculous here ego one is
13269s also been getting pressured a lot pulled
13271s by while the rest of the team Dizzle
13272s Bound by yukino early and you just see
13275s Portugal getting pushed back enormous
13277s pressure on Eagle one though has really
13278s let Italy kind of set the terms of these
13280s engagements it's a critical pick too
13282s because Cohen is really outpacing yukino
13284s on the Sombra if Portugal was able to
13286s keep five alive uh the engagement would
13288s have come out and they could have
13289s probably brought that one back EMP
13290s online for Cohen right now
13296s all right we'll see come on foreign
13307s can stay alive Dizzle nearly down again
13310s he's barely able to go away though
13312s punish the spray and Italy starting to
13314s bleed is Portugal very close to getting
13317s on top it's a 5v3 they should be able to
13319s pick this up I don't know if there's
13320s even going to be any stall or contest
13322s coming in at the end
13324s of course Paul will stall
13326s and ball will immediately be dispatched
13329s but you could clean up from Portugal but
13331s again a Very Good Start From Italy where
13333s Portugal finds themselves in this
13335s position where they have to fight from
13337s behind yeah on the back foot and again
13338s like that EMP can be such a critical
13340s ultimate Italy's got theirs online ready
13342s to go and you're using mines at the end
13345s is a little bit interesting but I think
13346s they're just trying to bleed off as much
13348s of the point progress as they could nice
13351s speed coming up from Rod immediately
13352s after the EP keeping everyone alive
13353s Dizzle dropping the Kitsune now you're
13356s kind of committed if you're Portugal to
13358s dive in make the most of this but Italy
13360s they just disengage after the katsune
13362s grandma and Mike and both going down
13363s both teams at four
13367s so right now
13369s working here under pressure just going
13371s up like please get off of me
13374s Andrew getting healed back up Portugal
13376s pretty good pressure here hex to keep
13379s Italy back uh making up a lot of the
13381s deficit
13382s yeah yukino's in trouble right now and
13384s if he knows gonna be out of the fight
13385s not a factor until they get healed up
13386s but a nice 1v1
13390s right this is a little early into the
13392s fight in Italy back in full strength
13393s it's gonna use phrase Frank gonna be
13395s able to get away both supports for Italy
13396s so low here x and
13401s from Portugal punished as Andrew and
13404s Chimera clean up
13406s finally able to flip it back in Italy
13407s will now take the
13409s lead on the stage and also with the lead
13413s on the map Portugal uh just the bank is
13416s absolutely empty for them right now
13418s Italy doesn't have anything online but
13420s they are close to three very important
13422s ultimates especially EMP and mines can
13424s be brutal on this point they cover
13425s pretty much the entire point
13429s mines dropped early here from Andrew
13431s Portugal trying to work around it look
13433s at the pressure on the eagle one here
13434s Eagle One can't get away that was
13436s pressure for both ball and Tracer just
13438s melting ego one
13440s and again you lose a tank that early
13442s it's super difficult to pressure the
13444s point Italy 90 Portugal on the back foot
13447s and now you just wonder for Portugal are
13450s they gonna be able to contest in any
13452s significant way here you go one is a far
13454s cry away from Primal 98 99
13457s where's the touch gonna be no they don't
13459s get there in time
13462s all right so I looked a little more
13464s comfortable for Italy in that one uh
13467s that stage specifically uh what I like
13469s about Italy like as Oppo in this
13470s matchups particularly
13472s um what they're doing a little bit
13473s better than Portugal is cleaning up
13475s fights and getting stragglers so when
13477s they win a fight and they get one or two
13478s it seems like Portugal is kind of
13479s hanging back regrouping making sure
13481s everyone's healed up ready in position
13483s for the next fight whereas Italy is like
13484s okay we got two let's go get the other
13486s three and you saw it and then that very
13488s last bite chasing through uh chasing
13490s down the kiriko at the end and making
13492s sure that when they do like staggering
13494s those kills is really important it just
13496s buys you time and time is the most
13497s important thing on control when you're
13499s in control every second you're getting
13501s percentage so a nice strategy there from
13503s Italy
13504s um yeah so kind of went as we expected
13507s but there's there were some decent
13509s moments I love this switch up early on
13511s from Portugal it's been really really
13513s threw a wrench in Italy's plans
13516s yeah and I think generally speaking play
13520s against Italy this was the right move
13521s right is that even with their changeups
13524s that we saw that worked it only seems
13526s disproportionately strong when they can
13528s comfortably run a Reaper composition
13530s riding the far here I don't even know if
13533s that really forced them to swap off it
13535s but Italy thought they were forced to
13537s swamp yeah and that's good enough right
13539s so yeah I think strategically this is a
13542s really good move for Portugal they just
13543s fell apart in the end of the round and
13545s then as we get to round two they never
13547s really could find their footing against
13548s the ball comp that came out from Italy
13550s no and ball is just really annoying to
13553s play against it also forces your Sombra
13555s to maybe try to prioritize the ball
13556s which means the other targets aren't
13557s getting prioritized uh I mean your
13559s somber wants to be with Tracer and just
13562s kind of you know taking targets down
13563s right part of the dive and the ball
13565s forces you to focus ball which means
13568s you're not going to be as aggressive so
13569s it takes the aggression out of the dive
13571s composition which really wants to work
13573s out with the Winston um and it forces
13575s you to play passively which is maybe why
13577s Portugal wasn't able to chase down kills
13579s and get maybe five kill team fight wins
13586s feeling continuing to ride the High that
13588s we saw in their last matchup will Italy
13591s be able to add another W on the board
13593s we'll see after the break
13596s [Music]
13611s thank you
13616s [Music]
13632s thank you
13633s [Music]
13646s [Music]
13661s foreign
13674s [Music]
13680s [Music]
13681s no no no no no no no
13683s no
13684s no no
13686s no no no
13694s no no
13697s ah
13701s foreign
13720s [Music]
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13790s breakfast
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13892s foreign
13894s [Music]
13915s [Music]
13929s foreign
13934s Italy able to maintain its momentum two
13937s days in a row here heck starting out
13938s strong against Portugal even though
13940s Portugal might have found the key to
13943s putting Italy in a tough spot just good
13945s hero swaps making for a closer match
13947s than expected but Italy very resilient
13950s nonetheless yeah I mean as we work on
13952s building the lobby and trying to figure
13953s out what's going to go on next uh maybe
13956s it's time to try to figure out like what
13957s map might be best suited for uh Portugal
13960s going forward still have not won a map
13962s which means they have selected Maps
13963s several times so far their map picks
13966s have been blizzard World Blizzard world
13968s and numbani now I think I think they
13972s might have had like a small Advantage
13974s running the Pharaoh Mercy which kind of
13976s leads me to believe like maybe a new
13978s Bonnie would be in order
13980s um it's not necessarily a pharaoh map
13981s but it's an echo map so you can
13983s definitely run the echo there so maybe
13986s that's the play but also going back to
13988s it sorry to harp on it Portugal fans
13990s haven't won a map yet so maybe neither
13992s of those maybe maybe
13994s if something else a whirl
13997s yeah I mean for Portugal just you know
13999s find something that works right like
14000s what do you have to lose right now where
14002s so far you've lost everything you know
14004s it sounds harsher than uh it actually
14006s like should sound but yeah I mean just
14008s try something find something that works
14010s get a win on the board you might be
14012s wondering casters why you no start the
14014s game well right now the teams are uh you
14017s know they're talking with cop-box
14018s there's a sub form of argument or
14021s disagreement on something going on until
14022s that gets resolved uh we won't be able
14024s to go directly into that but it does
14026s give us more time to speculate on what
14028s we might see as we go into that map so
14031s you know a little bit of a longer wait
14032s but we do get to kind of wonder what
14034s will the next map bring well I mean I
14036s think a lot of what Portugal has to do
14038s and maybe work around is probably the
14042s fact that like they do have kind of as
14044s someone who's new on tank right so uh
14047s you know ego is generally a flex DPS
14049s player Portugal couldn't find a
14051s dedicated tank player so ego moved over
14053s to the flight or moved over to the tank
14054s I think so far my memory is not going
14057s perfect on this we have done a lot of
14058s game covering what 16 teams here I
14062s believe that portugals mostly run the
14064s Winston on it which I think is always a
14065s good pick for a flex DPS because a lot
14067s of it is just about initiation you know
14069s some of that the tech isn't going to be
14071s there necessarily oh you know bubble
14073s jumping and things like that but
14075s um so far I've just seen the Winston so
14076s you kind of have to pick Maps based
14078s around that I believe which I think is a
14080s lot of the reason we've seen Portugal
14081s mostly go for this song retrace or
14083s Winston
14084s um you know when you're working someone
14086s into a new role trying to limit like
14088s what what the expectations are I think
14090s are important but there was success
14093s um with with the the the fairer mercy so
14095s I wonder if they try to piggyback off of
14096s that or if they just still keep trying
14098s to run the composition that is so far
14100s yielded no results
14102s well all that being said the
14105s anticipation is high but right now the
14107s teams they got the rule books out and
14109s they're talking with each other we'll
14110s see what the result is after this break
14116s [Music]
14145s thank you
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14600s thank you
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14648s thank you
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14672s foreign
14674s [Music]
14695s [Music]
14727s foreign
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14754s foreign
14760s [Music]
14799s foreign
14807s [Music]
14837s thank you
14841s [Music]
14852s thank you
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14863s [Music]
14870s foreign
14876s thank you
14876s [Music]
14900s [Music]
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14921s foreign
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14979s foreign
14980s [Music]
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15010s foreign
15012s [Music]
15033s thank you
15035s [Music]
15040s welcome back everyone Italy versus
15042s Portugal back underway you know a little
15045s bit of issues on the back end players
15047s comp Ops accounts that sort of thing but
15050s sounds like we got everything ironed out
15051s here hex and now we can focus on the
15053s task at hand which is going to be
15054s blizzard world yeah blizzard world is
15057s going to be the map pick going forward
15060s um like I've mentioned it's it's been a
15061s map previously selected uh so you know
15065s makes sense it's we've seen a lot of
15066s Blizzard World here
15069s a lot of different things on we've seen
15071s a ton of variety on this map as far as
15072s compositions go uh you know from Echo
15075s comps to of course somber Tracer dive
15077s comps Hanzo gets thrown in here
15079s defensively teams like to run an ash for
15082s the long sight lines so really anyone's
15085s guess what it could be again I would
15087s imagine that Portugal is going to try to
15088s go to their bread and butter which is
15090s that dive composition uh largely you
15092s know to try to make sure that their
15094s their tank is comfortable playing uh
15096s whichever tank roll they so choose but
15098s so far it's been a lot of Winston Tracer
15100s Sombra for that Squad is Portugal still
15103s tries to get while just a bevy of zeros
15105s off the board zero map win zero match
15107s wins so maybe this will be the the time
15110s it turns around
15112s yeah I mean look uh it can only go up
15114s here is I think the best way of looking
15116s at it yeah yeah I mean yeah worst case
15120s scenario you're where you started best
15122s case you get a w on the board you know
15124s just how it goes but
15126s both teams should be ready to go here in
15129s just a moment
15130s there's a fly through finishes up
15133s we'll see what is gonna be on the menu
15136s for both of these teams
15142s yeah as we try to boot in
15150s uh just trying to get some clarification
15152s on what what was happening talking to
15154s comp Ops just a little bit here so we
15156s can let you guys know uh why you had a
15158s little bit of an extended break we can
15160s bring you the action back here so
15163s um yeah so here's the issue very briefly
15165s uh Micon is not playing the accounts got
15168s a little bit confused and mixed up
15170s that's actually Italy's other support
15172s player in katakone so
15175s um any praise or not so praise that's
15179s gonna go to Micah and it's actually
15180s catacombi playing on that um and it's
15182s been like this since map one it
15184s continues to be so so some small account
15186s issues but uh that's a visual bug
15188s catacombi is playing for Italy and not
15190s Mike but for the purposes of cast we
15193s will be saying bike in because if you
15194s just tune in and you go in there and we
15195s say katakame well you're not getting
15197s over talking about so for casting
15199s purposes it's like an all the way
15201s through
15201s but here we go here hex it's gonna be
15203s Portugal on the attack ego one on the
15206s Winston once more and you think back to
15208s the last map Eagle one was getting
15210s focused out a whole lot early in these
15212s fights uh between Chimera and Andrew
15213s well I mean and that's just the smart
15215s strategy to do if you're Italy is you
15218s know take somebody who's maybe not as
15220s experienced on the roll and try to try
15222s to punish that say it's it's all fair
15225s Portugal looking to wrap around here the
15228s kick things off kind of a slow wrap
15229s around here though already 45 seconds
15231s off the clock
15232s gotta think ego one is going to be going
15234s in soon and there it is the dive in
15236s immediately but also to focus fire turn
15238s just gets hit by the bio gets hit with
15240s the kitchen sink on top of it
15242s immediately destroyed and that's what we
15245s saw in the last uh map as well where ego
15247s one was just getting focused down very
15250s hard by Italy every time there was a
15252s jump in yeah I mean Italy knows that
15255s Portugal wants to run this dive so
15257s you're just saving cooldowns you're
15258s saving whip shot you're saving sleep
15260s you're saving anti-heal everything and
15262s then even if all of that Mrs Andrew can
15264s just kind of knock uh ego away as well
15267s so I mean you don't see the defensive
15269s ball very often but here we are
15272s look at Eagle one's Health part right
15274s now where we're not looking directly in
15275s Eco one but you just see the focus Fire
15278s coming on in Gohan meanwhile
15281s here for Portugal gotta be careful
15282s checking
15284s it's not a uh necessarily safe area for
15287s a selfie
15289s I mean I mean even the Tracer is playing
15291s close to the team like to respect this
15292s dive and also just kind of spraying
15294s around false pistols are really good at
15296s spy checking
15297s pressure going on the eagle one again
15299s and the bionane just look at either
15302s one's health bar it is just getting
15303s decimated maybe Eagle one gets out but
15306s you know the rest of Italy just gets to
15308s hold strong here the Portugal is having
15310s real trouble building pressure either
15312s one goes for the jumping still low HP
15316s really nice hat you have to marry down
15319s caraba and the post ball gets free as
15321s Portugal might have finally cracked the
15323s code here very very close to getting in
15326s yeah so so it's a 5v3 right now they
15329s have to be able to clean the rest of
15330s this up and it will be Karama on the
15332s cleanup
15334s Brig is still really good I guess
15336s Brigg's still good against Tracer I
15338s thought it was going to be a little
15339s Revenge there
15340s um you know when the changes happen to
15342s brigitta tracers around the world
15343s rejoiced and I think like it still holds
15346s over now I know when I play Tracer I
15347s will just Target Briggs now it's not
15349s your fault personally but that's I still
15351s uh in my heart you know gotta take the
15354s trains out just trying to even The
15355s Ledger from back but uh
15358s Portugal decent amount of time on the
15361s clock here for point B not like the
15362s quickest point a attack but not the
15363s slowest either but Cohen here can really
15366s add some metalum here with a good EMP
15370s athy for now holding a little bit
15371s further back but here comes Andrew
15372s coming in over the top
15374s maybe coming in here just a normal good
15378s hack Chimera though gets the back gets
15380s Dizzle that's huge for Italy and
15382s solidifying here on the defense yeah
15384s really nice I mean I'm just trying to
15385s figure out what a good EMP looks like
15386s because on the defense here the team's
15388s gonna be pretty spread out maybe you try
15390s to get up on the high ground and deal
15392s with the the Anna but if you look at
15394s where Italy's position they're all over
15396s the place
15397s complete Primal it's like to save ego's
15400s life
15401s yeah I'm not in love with the Primal at
15405s this point I mean a lot of time kind of
15407s going away here Portugal still can't go
15408s in Andrew goes in drops the mines more
15411s area than denial than anything else but
15413s you Kino Gang words to the top you can
15415s say one turn the ash nearly gets the two
15417s tap
15419s meanwhile if you go on jumping in on the
15421s other side go ahead combined in the back
15422s line they get both supports a massive
15425s pick-off play is spread out as
15427s everything has been Karama still even
15428s has the pulse bomb in reserve well I
15430s asked what a good EMP looks like and
15431s that's the answer right there your
15433s Tracer is right there to help you clean
15434s up both supports uh able to take that
15436s down so really well played there
15441s Andrew
15442s wild give me waiting for the rest of
15444s Italy to recover Italy will still be
15446s able to have a good defense here before
15448s the end point being Portugal one more
15450s fight left to go both support almost up
15452s to do it pulse bomb out from Chimera for
15454s Italy
15455s no doesn't get anything from that like
15457s it meanwhile on the top rally ready to
15459s go
15461s ready to go here's the Nano Winston what
15463s a beautiful sleep right off the bat
15464s woken unfortunately
15466s yes welcome right back up gets a chance
15468s to go up finish off Mike and and Mike
15470s and I'd already invested the rally on
15473s top of it so not a bad pickup but the
15474s biode hitting three I don't think the
15477s ball through is gonna be there though
15480s you go on jumping up a little bit of
15482s pressure back and forth freylo finds
15483s Cole and as Chimera Falls both teams
15486s training
15487s Kino right now on the Cassidy just
15489s completely mowed down on top and Italy
15491s starting to look really thin and players
15494s left to give me the old ball classic
15496s spin around the payload and hope your
15498s team gets there in time and buys a lot
15500s of time as the respawns are really close
15502s a meter away and Andrew's still alive
15504s the survivability has been huge
15507s still alive enough time for Chimera to
15510s get back and get two that was incredible
15512s stall from Andrew even if it looked like
15514s you know the most basic ball stall
15516s you've seen in your life it did the job
15518s well without a somber on that side like
15520s there's almost nothing to stop right and
15522s then you know you get the health boost
15523s the shield boost yukino's gonna switch
15525s again has gone from Ash to Cass to now
15528s Widow
15530s yeah I mean the Widow could be kind of a
15533s backbreaker here Portugal isn't
15534s expecting it you can get close enough to
15536s get one shots and you know yeah ideally
15539s team should be just you know looking at
15540s the hero list Etc but you know sometimes
15542s it takes time to get in the group deal
15544s with Widow but okay way more pressure on
15546s yukino now Chimera down Widow the only
15548s DPS a tracer in yukino's face
15552s is the big shot gonna be here Paul spawn
15554s comes out able to avoid that now yukino
15556s do or die looking for anything right now
15558s under pressure
15560s 20 hp in a dream still somehow alive
15562s Chimera back into the fight
15564s but yukino Widow things are a little bit
15566s tortured someone comes out for Chimera
15568s in Italy
15569s this might be enough to hold oh it's
15570s absolutely enough to hold the rally
15572s comes in late too the the pulse bomb
15573s absolutely critical Italy will hold and
15576s up I wasn't even looking at the clock
15578s but that's uh that's defense right there
15580s time got away for me time got away from
15582s Portugal and Italy stabilizes
15585s um despite not getting a ton of value
15586s out of yukino's picks the value ended up
15589s coming being like priority targets they
15591s almost dictated where the dive had to go
15593s they were squatted up on this High
15595s ground with a Brig and uh both supports
15599s uh both supports being the brig and then
15601s and also the DPS up there so the dive
15603s always came into the same spots and
15605s Italy uh reacted to it very well but
15608s really it was the other two on the
15609s ground it was it was uh Chimera and
15612s Andrew on the ground making uh the push
15614s almost impossible that uh payload was
15617s only a meter away at one point and it
15619s was the good old ball stall on the cart
15621s swing around and hope for the best and
15623s Italy is able to pull that off now in a
15625s really good position to win this series
15627s yeah and you know if you're Portugal you
15628s look at that West fight and you wonder
15629s how it got away from you because they
15631s got the early Chimera pick I'd say part
15633s of the issue there hex is that we were
15635s looking at yukino's point of view and
15636s yeah yukino didn't get a pick off but
15638s yukino lived for a long period of time
15640s there was long enough for Chimera to get
15644s back into the fight for the rest of the
15645s team to find Advantage so you know when
15648s you dive on the Widow you gotta be
15650s decisive and right you know finish the
15651s elimination early you can't let it
15653s linger that long well it is one of the
15655s small differences you see between the
15656s best teams um in in groups and in the
15659s teams that aren't pulling off wins is it
15661s ends up just being as simple as Focus
15662s fire right just just really finishing
15664s kills when you have to if you allow
15666s someone to live a second longer than
15667s they should that means that your next
15669s Target is alive longer they're in a
15671s better position so just finishing off
15673s kills that you absolutely have to that
15675s should be free kills has been a
15676s difference for some of these squads
15679s swap here not the somber though this
15681s time really gonna be the Hanzo so yeah
15684s Hanzo is so good like they want to take
15686s this spot right here
15688s um
15690s next time next time they want to take
15692s that spot right there but that's where
15693s we see hanzo's up there and it's because
15695s it allows them a decent sight line on
15696s the opposing High Ground of just lobbing
15698s in arrows
15700s yeah I mean for Portugal
15702s you know the brings us back surely right
15705s now at the very least you're hoping okay
15707s no one get hit by the Hanzo Arrow also
15710s just good counter poke onto the Hans at
15713s the same point and so far doing just
15715s that you know very lucky to get away
15716s with his life but either one again just
15719s getting heavily pressured but life for
15721s being a tank of Portugal right now has
15723s not been cut at all bionate on the
15725s Dizzle in the back Dizzle goes down
15726s Andrew finishes it off quick pick off
15729s here from Italy 5v4 to start things off
15732s and yukino finds Rod this is completely
15734s snowballing away from Portugal yeah
15737s Andrew might be in a little bit of
15738s trouble but he's ball his ball he's out
15740s uh Miken does go down and yukino goes
15742s down so Portugal absolutely pulls this
15744s one back
15745s yeah they found the moment to just dive
15747s into the back line just when you think
15748s it's going the other way but okay as we
15750s say that think about where respawns are
15752s chimer and Andrew just you know the
15754s terrific Duo here yeah but neither team
15756s with good respawns though like offensive
15758s respawns are a mile away defensive
15760s respawns like I don't know kilometer and
15762s a half Scrappy though on the offense
15764s like this is gonna let Andrew and
15765s Chimera be a little bit more aggro here
15767s they don't have to wait for everyone to
15768s get back Paul spawn nearly right from
15770s Chimera this is not gonna be here Karama
15772s looking for the stick on the other end
15773s lobs it over meanwhile Chimera connects
15776s gets dizzle it's a tracer of Italy
15779s that's just more effective a tale of two
15781s pulse bombs yeah now it's 5v3 ego's not
15784s living without the other simple as that
15786s not with the amount of pressure that's
15787s been going on to Ego here thus far
15791s ama's gonna try to put some pressure on
15793s and try to stall things out a little bit
15795s gets Mega maybe waiting for his team I
15797s think there's definitely a possibility
15798s to touch and contest this it's just that
15800s Portugal doesn't have anything in the
15801s bank ego's got to get to his Primal and
15804s not even gonna go
15807s you're right they could have contested
15809s but that part of contesting is touching
15811s the point which did not happen
15813s oh an opportunity lost here for Portugal
15816s and Italy four minutes to go here hexen
15819s not that far to go yeah I mean we've hit
15822s this point a lot but you know ego's not
15823s a natural tank player and it's just
15825s knowing that timing just a little bit
15827s off because if Primal I had Nano there
15830s was plenty of chance to not only contest
15833s that point but to bring that point back
15835s look at the ultimate Advantage those
15836s could have all been thrown in on the
15838s last fight on first point
15840s yeah I mean all that needed to happen
15842s was that they needed the stall for long
15844s enough the ego one to get on there build
15845s Primal go from there use Nano I mean
15848s there was a lot of opportunity but again
15849s Step One is touching the point didn't
15851s happen you go on caught by the Widow
15853s Andrew diving deep to the back and
15856s what's important here is you look at
15858s Italy they've been keeping the payload
15859s going for the most part even as Andrew
15861s just uh acts as an Absolute Pest to the
15865s Portugal Frontline uh Dizzle down now
15867s too and that's brutal it's gonna be very
15869s difficult for the defense like you
15870s mentioned with Dizzle down you can't
15871s dive in I mean there was just not really
15874s enough healing from the brig unless
15875s you're just throwing all the packs there
15877s another kill for yukino uncontested Keno
15880s has been adding them on here gets
15882s another
15883s oh man the Widow power here unreal
15886s Cameron got Nano and had a sequencer
15889s that was off camera something happened
15891s but ego one getting poked down has to
15895s use Primal Under Pressure yeah it's a
15898s big win for Italy have you gotten the
15899s Primal out and now you're one fight away
15901s with only two and a half or with over
15903s two and a half minutes left to go
15905s very good ego went in he got slept tries
15908s to get out and gets uh nuked on the way
15911s out a nice kill though from Karama is
15913s gonna kill uh Mike and AKA katakone but
15917s Mike
15918s um
15919s yeah it says Italy now two minutes needs
15922s to win one fight decisively another
15925s Widow pick I mean yeah this time it's
15927s answered but gang were the break early
15929s still pretty big Italy if I'm Italy I
15932s just leave right now just leave Bob's on
15934s the point Nano's out it doesn't matter
15936s you got every single one of their
15937s ultimates out yeah and they just bail on
15939s it well they're gonna re-engage soon
15940s because they got the ash after the Bob
15942s came out it dizzle's in danger look at
15944s the double team here underneath fizzle
15946s gets caught and taken out that was a
15948s great double Attack From Italy and now
15951s it's momentum might be too much to go
15954s ego one immediately poked on down as
15956s Italy just about has everything they
15958s need to wrap this one
15960s and there it is Italy takes it 2-0 over
15963s Portugal they continue their winning
15965s streak here in the OverWatch World Cup
15967s yeah it'll be gaining some confidence
15968s now and you see like you know some
15970s really nice individual damage plays we
15972s came into this match and we're like
15974s Italy's damage has been fine it's been
15975s okay kind of stepped it up today like
15977s really big play as we expect the plays
15979s out of Andrew
15981s um and like obviously the ball is
15982s throwing a lot of teams for a loop and I
15984s think it's something that could end up
15985s you know against a team that maybe
15988s should be better on paper it should
15989s scare them like how do we prep for this
15991s ball play because it's always so
15992s different all players are a different
15993s breed uh well played there but yukino
15996s with really nice shots Some solid Tracer
15998s play throughout decent support play
16000s throughout so really um anticipating the
16002s dive from Portugal most of the times and
16005s just had all the answers to it sleeps
16007s anti-heels whip shots anything you
16010s needed well played from Italy and now
16012s Italy is uh I think they're 2-2 on a
16014s two-game win streak good for them yeah
16016s no Italy's finding uh accommodations
16018s that work for them and they did it here
16020s without a whole lot of Reaper so Italy
16022s perhaps a little bit more versatile than
16024s expected coming on in yeah Portugal they
16027s had the Romans I looked towards players
16029s like Karama and Cohen sometimes like
16031s good emps followed up by just good
16034s Tracer fall through but it just wasn't
16036s there all the time and more than
16038s anything else they had difficulty
16039s keeping ego One Alive you think about
16041s how many fights for Portugal where a
16043s Winston would go in and just immediately
16045s be thrown out either outright killed or
16048s at least forced back to where in many
16050s ways same effect well I mean it's one of
16053s the dominoes too of ego trying to be
16055s aggressive on the Winston and really
16056s trying to get stuff done is it puts
16059s Dizzle a little bit out of position to
16061s try to make sure that those heels are
16063s coming into ego and then when dizzle's
16065s out of position gets sniped twice in a
16067s row I mean that was the story of the
16068s defense there was I think there was like
16069s three deaths in a row from Dizzle um
16071s where yukino is sniping them and that's
16073s not necessarily dizzle's fault it's I
16074s have to make sure I can heal my Winston
16076s I got figure out these sight lines and
16078s when you don't necessarily have the
16079s ultra experience on the Winston and Anna
16081s combination then maybe Winston is two
16083s steps to the left and now Anna's got to
16085s go two steps to the left and now you
16087s know headshot boom you're over so Dizzle
16089s spent more time in spawn on the last two
16091s minutes of Defense than out of the
16092s playing field a little bit rough there
16094s so Portugal back to the drawing board
16096s still looking for the first map win but
16097s Italy you know riding some momentum and
16099s they're starting to look like a scary
16101s team because they're not just like
16103s running standard stuff and they've they
16105s showed us more versatility today which
16107s is a step in the right direction well
16109s Italy is rising taking down Portugal but
16112s coming up next it's going to be the Dark
16114s Horse in Spain against the favorite of
16117s Denmark you won't want to miss it
16121s [Music]
16130s thank you
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16238s thank you
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16300s thank you foreign
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16318s [Music]
16320s for months competitors from all over the
16324s world have battled through trials to
16326s prove themselves as the best of the best
16330s now the teams have assembled ready to
16332s fight for the title of OverWatch World
16334s Cup champion
16337s it wouldn't be the OverWatch World Cup
16339s without an epic in-person conclusion at
16343s the place where it all began
16348s which team will emerge Victorious and
16351s become the first World Cup champions of
16353s OverWatch 2 tune in to find out
16356s learn more at overwatchworldcup.com
16362s you heard it here the World Cup finals
16363s will be at BlizzCon 2023 of first
16365s tickets will be going on sale soon so
16367s make sure you keep an eye out on their
16369s Twitter and social media so you can get
16371s on it as soon as possible details are
16373s actually live at overwatchworldcup.com
16375s hex CP we're going back to BlizzCon baby
16378s after a long Hiatus so happy to bring it
16380s back to land I think you know finally
16382s getting to see all this competition in
16384s one spot is gonna be awesome but first
16386s they've got to make it through these
16388s qualifiers right only the top three of
16389s group a which we're focusing on right
16391s now and only the top two of Group B
16393s we'll be moving forward of course we
16395s just got done with the matchup between
16397s Portugal and Italy zp give us the
16399s rundown how did that one just break uh
16401s break down
16402s I mean on the whole it was just Italy
16404s was playing far better right like even
16406s when Italy was forced out of their
16408s comfort zone which was a good shout from
16409s Portugal it didn't really matter and the
16412s thing I will continue to go back to is
16414s the fact how many times you saw Italy
16416s just win fights because they would focus
16418s down the opposing tank way more
16420s efficiently but also the amount of times
16422s they were able to get picks onto the
16423s back line I mean take your metric here
16425s on the whole Italy just played better
16427s OverWatch in Portugal yeah hex before we
16430s hop further into that one let's pull up
16431s the schedule actually and give you a
16433s recap the match that have happened so
16435s far and what we've got left hex if you
16437s want to talk about it some more Italy
16438s and Portugal you agree with zp on what
16440s happened there yes everything you said I
16442s completely agree
16444s uh yeah I mean obviously we had a long
16446s break in there but um it was kind of one
16448s as expected for for Italy and I think
16450s you know it's nice for them to show us
16452s what they what they can bring to the
16454s table as far as compositions go where
16455s Portugal's kind of still running that
16457s one trick um obviously Spain and Denmark
16459s coming up is going to be a big one both
16461s those teams coming off of losses and
16462s then France and Belgium later today
16464s France uh you know every bit the
16466s PowerHouse we expected absolutely I you
16469s know you hit it right on the head Spain
16470s and Denmark that matchup coming up right
16472s around the corner here it's two to one
16474s they're tied in the standings and
16475s they're actually tied for map score as
16477s well five wins to three losses so this
16480s this is a full-on tie and they're
16482s fighting for that third place spot
16484s currently Denmark is in that seat but
16486s really this match will determine who's
16488s gonna um make it into that top three and
16490s then the rest of the days will determine
16492s who actually makes that with that said
16494s hex and zp Denmark versus Spain just
16496s around the corner I leave it to y'all
16497s and I'll catch you guys on the other
16498s side of this match
16500s all right as we said before earlier in
16502s the day here but to me this is a
16504s consistency check coming out here for
16506s Denmark where you know Denmark obviously
16509s uh not unbrused and determined so far
16511s picking up their first loss against a
16513s very very strong team in France but now
16516s you go against Spain you know Spain has
16517s a style play that can be very effective
16519s if you don't get them off of it is
16522s Denmark going to be able to play up to
16524s their potential and beat that or will
16525s Spain surprise them because if a team
16527s could shake things up here in this group
16529s it would be spam yeah Spain just really
16531s needs to rebound they just came off a
16533s tough loss to Italy which I believe went
16535s to map three
16536s um Spain had come hot out of the gates
16538s with victories over uh you know I think
16540s the Netherlands and also Belgium kind of
16542s both seem like upsets because we didn't
16544s know much about this Spain team but the
16546s Spain team is it's hell and Hera who are
16548s players that we call out a lot how of
16550s with unfettered aggression hero being
16553s the hero in a lot of different games too
16555s and I'd imagine we'll continue to call
16556s out those names
16558s um the back line has been solid you know
16560s Canal's been okay Lauren's been you know
16562s a fine and it's been a nice wrinkle for
16564s Lorna able to play different Heroes and
16565s gal has been absolutely solid too but I
16567s think uh when you take like you know the
16570s the tone Setter for this team is
16572s definitely Health on the tank we saw the
16574s personality come out earlier in some
16576s matches and then hira's just been able
16577s to really carry some of these fights on
16580s their back
16581s yeah I mean I think to the coronation
16583s scene between like held and Hera and
16584s getting into the back line it's been
16586s great but you talk about coordination
16587s you look over here at Denmark where
16591s Shockwave Naga devastating wolf has been
16595s very very consistent uh when playing and
16598s look uh kellix something about these
16602s sorts of tournaments and contenders the
16603s OverWatch World Cup bring out the best
16605s in Galax in a way which you know almost
16608s sounds like a complex sulfur is like
16610s yeah well you did the zero rocks league
16611s but I don't know there's something about
16612s National tournaments where you see the
16614s very best of Calyx uh what more can I
16616s say yeah absolutely I mean Kellogg's and
16618s slay you know part of Twisted Minds one
16620s of the best uh contenders teams in the
16621s in the world have been a rock solid
16623s backline
16625s um I mean this is not a team I want to
16626s play that's coming off of a loss such a
16628s close loss to France too which is like
16630s it almost just came down to map picks
16632s really uh Denmark got outrushed a little
16634s bit interesting to see mulfig in the
16636s lineup has been largely uh Doge has been
16638s playing but I mean you think of this
16639s Denmark team and we talk about know what
16641s I talk about a lot France's versatility
16643s I mean this DPS rotation Shockwave Naga
16645s and Shacks like that might be the best
16647s three uh person DPS line in the entire
16650s tournament so uh it's gonna be a tough
16653s team to beat it's a big ask from Spain
16655s here but Spain's got potential upset
16657s them and I think Spain like maybe you
16659s just try to rush this team down maybe
16661s ilios is not the perfect map for it but
16663s if you end up being able to choose Maps
16664s later like obviously Health could play
16666s some rush and and that's how France beat
16668s them really they played a really
16670s aggressive push Rush style and uh you
16673s know it showed us small vulnerability
16675s for Denmark
16677s I mean on the same note I also feel like
16680s even though I don't think Denmark has to
16682s go to this and you know they're I would
16684s say the two teams definitely more
16685s versatile you kind of look at uh where
16687s Spain had troubles you kind of Wonder is
16689s like but what if we also play The Reaper
16692s man going in here because because it
16694s just seemed to just there was something
16695s about playing Reaper that just
16698s completely shut Spade down uh when we
16700s saw them last play right so even if it's
16703s not your go-to it's like well if they
16704s have trouble versus why not give this a
16706s whirl right I would be thinking about
16707s Denmark but also knowing the players on
16710s Denmark in the attitude I don't think
16711s they're gonna adapt their game play
16712s around Spain whatsoever I think they're
16713s gonna play what they would normally play
16715s yeah I mean I think um I mean the one
16718s thing I would say for Denmark maybe like
16719s if they get a lead and they feel
16720s comfortable on the next map is maybe
16722s practicing some of the rush compositions
16724s um just because it's you know it's the
16726s one thing that they they ended up losing
16727s to to France so maybe get some work in
16729s outside of scrims
16731s um but I don't know if Spain's really a
16732s team that you can just start you know
16734s using as practice either so we will kick
16737s it off here at the Lighthouse and it's
16740s gonna be
16741s yeah Echo Ash versus the very
16744s traditional
16745s um dive composition from Spain
16748s yeah and if you're Spain you kind of
16749s have a timer on you here right is you
16751s need to do damage before Echo just does
16754s something crucial to your backline so
16757s you have to expect Spain to be playing
16759s this incredibly quickly looking for slay
16761s in the back or shot those are gonna be
16763s the dive targets meanwhile Naga coming
16765s in from the back and the damage on the
16767s gala and immediately making his presence
16771s known
16772s that's rough uh you lose a break that
16774s early into a fight probably gonna lose
16777s first control the point if you're a
16778s Spain they're gonna try and delay a
16780s little bit but all you're doing is
16781s feeding Naga yeah they just had
16783s absolutely no idea that Naga was there
16786s dropping down over the top it's a steady
16787s that's a what third fourth kill for Naga
16790s right there the echo is a problem for
16793s this composition to deal with nothing
16794s really shoots up I guess you can try to
16797s play the point against it but I don't
16799s see it I mean hope dove in really early
16801s without like no real strong Targets on
16804s the point then had to backtrack to try
16806s to get back to their team so so far
16808s Denmark in full control not only of the
16811s the map but the skies
16814s trying to go to the point just
16816s immediately shut down my Shockwave both
16819s goes down and usually losing a tank
16820s would mean Spain could push in but right
16823s now okay that's actually really big
16825s getting calyx not like Alex fly away
16826s this Naga goes right out of the tank I
16829s will be Winston to buy us some time as a
16832s tank actually a really good duplicate
16834s here hex to buy time yeah it totally
16836s works for me
16837s um I wonder if anyone's gonna be back
16839s there that taxi calyx back into this
16842s fight
16843s it seems like naga's moving that way
16845s right now
16847s Spain not wasting any time getting onto
16850s the point get the quick flip and bolt
16852s down again let's start here
16856s Naga meanwhile got calyx back in his
16860s wings
16863s to the back here gets the hack
16865s hell moving forward off the Nano and
16868s Shockwave just can't get away one of the
16870s worst feelings of the hit scan DPS just
16872s a nanoed Winston right at your heels not
16874s much you can do
16876s Resurrection though is gonna come in so
16878s Denmark should be able to apply pressure
16879s sooner than you might think yeah he'd
16881s like to get Denmark back into this Spain
16883s has taken the point they're 30 and
16884s counting up but Spain does have stall
16886s potential here wow Shockwave dead again
16890s yeah that's exactly what you want here
16891s you want your combo the dive and get
16894s kills before Naga is able to find
16896s anything in the Echo you're on a timer
16898s and Shockwave is one of the key targets
16900s you want to go after Lord meanwhile
16902s holding on to the EMP can strip the
16903s flight at any point
16905s you gotta think of Warren is thinking
16907s about here the question is who's the
16908s fall through gonna be on All Eyes On
16910s kellix from Lauren as we speak gets the
16913s raw hack s skelton's gonna stay alive
16916s kellix super low slave gets caught
16918s meanwhile he comes in no position to
16920s really heal people at the moment finds
16923s canal
16924s floor and then Denmark still has the
16927s ability to get back in on the point his
16928s knockout Goes Wild on the back Helix
16931s living is so critical there got hacked
16933s really early in the fight and no one was
16935s able to follow it up I'm a little bit
16937s surprised that helve wasn't there to get
16938s the dive in on that hack because calyx
16941s was 10 HP hiding behind the little fence
16944s there yeah
16946s they would have been able to get that
16948s kill and also denies uh the resurrection
16950s that came in on sleigh it's a completely
16952s different fight and right now Denmark's
16954s Gonna Take the Lead
16958s EMP out from Denmark but here was down
16961s before there's any opportunity wolf just
16964s gonna drop the self-destruct for good
16965s measure
16966s and yeah Denmark buying a lot of time in
16970s Spain in fact they had to lose EMP there
16972s the early pick wave or pick from
16974s Shockwave just completely ruined their
16976s plan yeah the EMP came after that pick
16978s too so it's you know you kind of
16979s questioned who's gonna follow up that
16980s damage but it doesn't oh
16982s well trade out there I don't think you
16984s can raise that you can't yeah I was
16986s gonna say you still secure the kill like
16988s I would expect Kelly to go for an
16989s attempt here
16990s if they're not camping yet right now
16992s though no rest attempts is going to come
16994s in now I got back to spawn Spain on to
16996s the point Denmark
16999s I feel like you're in Denmark you just
17000s let this go right now okay Kelly's gonna
17002s say with the bomb that's definitely
17004s going to go 100 let this go uh wolf is
17007s gonna have to reset and it's gonna be a
17009s final fight but your final fight is
17011s looking pretty solid if you're Denmark
17013s uh mostly you're gonna have Nano ready
17015s so you can definitely Nano uh molt in
17017s that rally comes in to take Shockwave I
17020s don't know shockwave's still doing there
17022s yeah so it should have been out of there
17024s earlier though not a clean reset at all
17027s I also at this point I feel like I don't
17030s know they couldn't handle both but they
17031s also might just throw it on the knife
17032s the Nano went somewhere's in danger yeah
17035s yeah Denmark is kind of playing this
17037s sloppy what in the world is going on
17039s right now Naga getting caught wolf in a
17042s rough spot early everything falling
17044s apart from Denmark here they get the res
17046s on the Naga as they have the dupe but
17048s it's gonna be real hard to get something
17050s going here wolf somehow Staying Alive
17052s duplicate comes in onto the brig
17055s Denmark though desperately needing
17057s anything to go their way I think he's
17058s just getting knocked off oh he's knocked
17060s to the other side as hell goes I'm still
17062s chasing this I'm still chasing this I
17063s don't care if it's five miles off the
17066s point Tierra finds calyx in the interim
17069s and Spain taking round one
17073s I'd have to go back and really look at
17075s it like Moment by moment but it really
17077s felt like Denmark was going to be fine
17078s there when Spain was about 80 percent
17080s and counting up it seemed like they had
17082s a chance for one more fight and we were
17085s trying to call for the reset then all of
17087s a sudden I see Shockwave died and even
17088s know they were near the point they were
17089s able to chase someone else down and then
17091s slay ends up investing the Nano which I
17093s thought was going to be what came in
17095s next just it felt sloppier by Denmark
17098s that a win by Spain if that makes sense
17100s of course you know watching in real time
17102s I could be mixing up calls but that just
17104s seems strange to me
17106s there's a lot stranger I mean the number
17108s one thing is I'd love to you know go
17110s back and do a point by point of how did
17111s Shockwave get stuck there long after the
17114s time you have thought everyone would
17115s have reset right like because that ended
17117s up like draining the Nano I guess an
17119s attempt to save yeah it was it was a
17122s comedy of errors there but Spain played
17125s really well to make that opportunity
17126s happen
17128s yeah all you can do is take advantage of
17129s the opportunities you have and Spain did
17131s play really really well there Spain is
17132s now going to switch compositions here
17134s hell on the Reinhardt is always fun to
17136s see a delight Kira on the Widow the
17139s widower's ash is is gonna be an
17141s interesting match up here but I don't
17142s they might not even end up seeing each
17143s other because they're both going to be
17145s in this spot on the map
17146s good sideline from Harry here so far
17148s opportunities to get on to Lucio but
17152s not taking the gear thus far going to
17153s the side has an opportunity for the May
17156s still has to find the head something
17158s elusive for Hira here thus far Denmark
17160s reasonably healthy but all getting poked
17163s down and then some
17165s is both gonna stay alive immortality
17166s field comes out just barely
17169s but you look at the Poke battle right
17170s now Denmark's been trouble Shockwave
17172s though find Scala it's a good way to
17173s stabilize but they lose
17175s us okay I'll get my counterpart down
17178s still not too shabby nice shot from Hira
17181s catches shock wave yeah it's not going
17183s to be enough unfortunately yeah it's not
17186s there's not enough people alive at this
17187s point yeah a little rough
17189s um Health went super aggressive
17192s uh towards the the end they're like
17194s trying trying to get into the bottom
17195s corner of the points and it's just
17197s really difficult to do against the may
17198s like it's just not gonna have a
17201s the impact that you want not only do
17202s walls come up you're also going to get
17204s slowed so Shockwave actually gonna go to
17206s the Sombra now
17207s instead of the ash
17210s yeah I think it's reasonable especially
17212s where like a widow is kind of limiting
17214s how aggro you'd like to play on the
17216s ashes yeah
17217s elbow move forward shattered good to go
17220s down to both Lindsay with the window
17222s Shadow coming down and he's taking the
17224s pay for a ride right off the point
17227s cancels the charge really nice stuff
17229s from hell
17230s I love elves Reinhardt there's the
17234s downside here though is that Spain lost
17236s control as the fight started so their
17239s benefit to winning that fight is a lot
17241s less than it could have been yeah
17245s um okay so yeah I just I think there's
17247s one reason why like no one ever
17249s complains about a Reinhardt ever in the
17251s meta or anything it's just a fun hero to
17252s watch and a good hero of character so
17254s everyone's like yeah right here it's
17255s fine no need to fix them no Nerfs no
17257s Buffs whatever reinhardt's great
17259s um so Spain is gonna have the blizzard
17260s now on the defensive side of things
17262s which should buy them enough time the
17265s big question is like Reinhardt should be
17266s kind of uh beaten by the Vermont again
17270s Annihilation should just walk right
17271s through
17272s everything's doing the walking
17274s Annihilation though still being held in
17276s reserved beat comes down earlier from
17279s Spain blizzard out from Lauren both
17280s under pressure Annihilation now used
17283s looking for help or do you use here by
17285s Spain and Hell there's just no getting
17287s away slave getting the kills in the kill
17289s feed but a lot of that was the
17291s annihilation setting it out yeah a
17293s really nice beat from calyx 2 hits
17294s everybody gets everybody nice and
17296s healthy so able to use uh you know a
17298s couple ultimates to win that fight well
17300s played there and yeah Hero's gonna come
17301s on the switch now it's going to go to
17303s the Hanzo instead uh instead of the
17305s Widow
17306s and Denmark is now in the lead but
17309s remember they are down a stage you know
17311s just just to remind everybody because it
17312s was a little bit surprising that Spain
17314s if they win the stage they go up a map
17315s on Denmark who should be the heavy
17317s favorites they weren't getting decent
17319s appeal here in Denmark taking the fight
17321s to Spain super quick engage
17323s striking first and this is big for
17326s Denmark they needed a little bit of
17327s extra buffer here they just got it it
17329s puts Spain into final fight and you know
17332s you kind of look at this next fight
17333s Spain isn't coming in with a lot not
17335s that Denmark has a lot in turn but uh
17338s you know the biggest thing is can help
17339s land a shatter no no I think that's why
17341s Denmark's gonna play a little bit
17342s forward to make sure that this is sloppy
17344s and Spain can't set up like a really
17345s nice shadow now they're gonna fall back
17347s and give a little bit of ground because
17348s uh slay can just sit back and drop a
17350s window as well but really the shatter
17352s might be the decider here there's no
17354s drop darling from Denmark is only put
17356s away help under a lot of pressure drops
17358s the shatter under that pressure puts him
17360s off on the ground as Walter gonna be
17361s there hell just trying to stay alive
17366s pressure on him hell moving forward
17368s swing the hammer 140 HP in such danger
17371s Shockwave blows him the kingdom come
17374s and Denmark now still at a full five
17376s tank down for Spain it's looking like
17378s Denmark will force around three
17381s yeah I mean when Spain has to fight in
17383s that quadrant which is kind of where
17385s Denmark baited them into those are just
17387s perfect sight lines for the ash right
17388s because they're on that high ledge and
17391s just be able to drop in the dynamite
17392s drop in the corner
17394s um I mean if you fight anywhere else on
17395s the point it gets a little bit tricky
17397s from that angle to get value out of the
17399s ash but Denmark falling back well enough
17401s it was a nice wall to start off the
17403s fight too that separated hell from the
17405s rest of the team so it's a focus fire
17406s onto helve and Denmark baits them back
17409s and allows Shockwave to just Reign from
17411s above on the ash Denmark cleans it up
17413s and will tie up the map
17416s all right so one to one Spain continuing
17419s to live up to its Dark Horse status
17420s where yeah you kind of look at and go
17422s people got a little bit deflated on the
17424s Spain hype because the loss to Italy but
17426s yeah it was just one of those weird
17428s match-up things right like Italy played
17430s above par Spain got thrown by a comp
17432s that they probably hadn't played against
17434s as much Spain still their Highs are
17437s still very very high and as a result
17439s like Denmark has to take this seriously
17442s yeah I mean Spain going toe-to-toe
17444s Denmark tells you pretty much everything
17445s you need to know about them like very
17447s very uh solid Squad so
17450s um yeah it's it's still anybody's game
17452s here
17453s um Spain is going to go to the Tracer
17455s Sombra dive as normal Denmark no not yet
17460s but heck real close to sealing both
17463s Spades
17465s both teams feeling each other out no big
17468s adventure just had long gonna get hit by
17470s the bottom it should be in the giveaway
17471s meanwhile foundate on the wolf but
17474s doesn't matter Shockwave and wolf
17476s immediately cleanups so big start here
17478s from Denmark quick capture good Oak
17481s building at the same time and it's it's
17484s really nice to be in control with an
17485s echo comp too I mean you saw Spain just
17488s kind of trying to dodge away from Naga
17490s here and there and what Echo can do is
17492s essentially hurt a team where uh the
17495s teammates can come in and secure those
17497s kills what happened at that last bite so
17499s now Spain gonna have a hard time getting
17501s Ann in the huge anti-heel takes down
17504s hell taking down health is so big you
17507s can see Denmark just going more
17509s aggressive as a result Canal couldn't
17511s fully retreat in time and look at the
17514s progress being set by Denmark now as
17516s they come online 40 to zero and this
17519s almost puts Spain into muscle and
17521s territory sooner than they would like
17523s here you don't want to get further
17524s behind than this
17526s no not not at all in Denmark's been just
17529s really well positioned it now I like it
17530s you know different from the last or from
17533s the very first stage Denmark's been more
17534s aggressive these last two stages trying
17537s to take fights before they get to the
17538s point trying to get to the back line to
17540s be more aggressive oh The Shield oh the
17543s good reaction from the brick there
17545s really nice stuff to deny Shockwave so
17547s Spain gets through one hurdle but as it
17549s happens Canal goes down Shockwave might
17551s be out of it but taking down the honor
17553s early just ruins this push for Spade the
17556s healing's not there for help or Gala and
17558s Maga is gonna feast
17560s yeah I mean what a quick uh duplicate
17563s there to save naga's life because there
17565s was really nice peel coming in that
17566s would had naga in trouble on the echo so
17569s just gonna take that get out of jail
17570s free card and turn into Tracer real
17572s quick doesn't get the pulse bomb doesn't
17574s matter that was not supposed to
17576s um
17577s it's supposed to be a huge value
17578s ultimate that was saved my life ultimate
17580s and really good reaction times and now
17582s like you said it might have been last
17584s fight for Spain it is last fight now
17585s this EMP has to come in Nano has come in
17587s everything's gonna come well the MP's
17589s huge break immediately removed from the
17591s fight slay in danger the dive from Spain
17594s when it's good X it's real good as Spain
17597s does that about as cleanly as you can
17599s hope with the EMP the problem is is that
17602s now they need nothing short of
17603s perfection and two to three stumbles
17606s from Denmark if they want to bring this
17608s map back into their column yeah Spain is
17610s is got good stall ultimates too um you
17613s know but obviously you don't you don't
17615s want to end up having to stall but with
17616s Primal and rally up yet so Denmark is
17620s just gonna try to find a decent way to
17622s initiate without really good initiation
17624s alts here
17625s um we'll see maybe just wait and see if
17628s Naga can get a pick but there's not a
17630s ton of great targets Naga might be super
17632s aggressive trying to get to the back
17633s line it's been really prioritizing
17634s getting canal
17636s Under Pressure early Denmark return
17639s favor both got hacked pressure though
17641s off not gonna endangered knock it down
17643s to 5 HP
17645s meanwhile that looks just swinging the
17649s mace here hell getting caught and
17651s getting held down where he wasn't able
17653s to Primal is so big but here pulse ball
17656s comes out finds two Denmark still in a
17659s good spot and they get to control the
17662s point Spain though he's gonna be able to
17663s come back out here hell's gonna be back
17664s in a moment might Primal this earlier
17666s rather than later but it doesn't have to
17668s here it was Scrappy enough the bomb from
17670s here sets It tone enough that this
17672s family's able to go in okay I say that
17674s helps they'll use the Primal to just
17675s aggressively make sure molt gets out of
17678s the fight
17679s Shockwave goes into the pit no recall
17681s either so Spain should be able to flip
17683s this back Denmark only needs a single
17686s fight going forward though but Spain I
17688s mean if they can pull off this dive
17689s again so that's kind of been the
17691s question with Spain like when they end
17692s up losing matches and and Maps it's when
17695s the the EMP dive doesn't work but we
17697s have seen how well it can work
17699s um so that's kind of the win condition
17701s here at 70 can Spain get value out of
17705s this EMP that's it
17707s here we go EMP dropped and the Nano and
17710s the calyx and respond it's a really nice
17712s Nano from slay senses the pressure
17714s coming in the punish onto hell right
17717s after that Nano really really good keeps
17721s Denmark in a canal Falls and Spain it
17725s was a great effort but it might be
17727s coming to an end here duplicate coming
17729s out here from Naga on the hunt era gets
17731s caught over time in progress and that's
17733s gonna be Denmark here likely about to
17736s take it versus Spain hell gone
17739s really nice reaction though from the
17741s Denmark sports that died yeah I mean one
17744s thing that I really like about this
17745s Denmark Squad that maybe we haven't
17746s talked enough is like just how good the
17748s support line is
17749s um so I mean we we give credit to the
17751s tanks and then obviously the the damage
17753s line looks so good on paper but the
17756s support line has just been so so strong
17759s I mean slay and calyx and you saw a
17761s couple examples of it there too to keep
17763s each other alive in those critical
17764s situations I mean Denmark might be like
17766s the most complete team it's really hard
17769s to find a hole in this roster so very
17771s well played and also the other thing I
17773s learned is that if you want to know
17774s where the echo is for Denmark just look
17776s behind Canal because that's where that
17779s is where Naga was the entire time from
17781s the very first opening Salvo of the very
17783s first stage and just behind behind Iana
17786s behind the Anna every time every time we
17788s got on cam behind the Anna and that was
17791s just critical
17792s um you don't think of echo as like a
17793s dive hero or a flank hero necessarily
17796s I'm actually more flanky like setting up
17798s good blanks is super important but just
17800s always putting pressure on the back line
17803s super strong play there and after a
17805s little bit of a scare Denmark does pull
17807s out map one
17808s and you know one of the things too is
17810s that you think about the Ripple effects
17812s right if you get the on a pick off early
17813s is like well guess what hell you know a
17816s pretty aggressive tank in his own right
17817s the wind gets knocked out of the sails
17820s entirely right it's one of the worst
17821s things that can happen to you as a
17823s Winston player that have you know a key
17825s support just removed and it's like oh
17827s who's got healing not a lot but Denmark
17830s definitely showing high points
17832s throughout the tire map every round
17834s pretty darn close and even the final
17837s round where things started out really
17838s tough for Denmark they had a great EMP
17840s play to get themselves back into it and
17844s you know it took a hero support play
17845s from Denmark to finish it out
17847s yeah I mean Spain does have those those
17849s big EMP plays that we that's kind of
17851s been their MO
17852s um you know ever since we very first
17854s started seeing them uh I mean the
17856s question does remain though is you know
17858s Spain needs to have another trick in
17861s their bag perhaps you know because when
17862s you when we saw it earlier today in some
17864s matches when you're only running like
17866s the dive composition for the most part
17868s like you're gonna be in a little bit of
17869s trouble so Spain has gonna mix it up a
17872s little bit with the the Reinhardt and
17873s that's worked out uh somewhat but when
17875s Spain has had their big Peaks it's like
17877s this Reinhardt and then also hero like
17879s playing Widow and some off things so a
17881s little bit interesting there but Denmark
17883s can breathe a little bit of a sigh of
17884s relief after they they pull that one
17886s back but next will be Spain's map choice
17890s well Denmark vs Spain it's looking close
17892s it's some of the most entertaining
17893s OverWatch we've had all day will Spain
17895s be able to turn the tide on their own
17897s map we'll see in just a bit
17901s [Music]
17922s [Music]
17926s thank you
17929s [Music]
17940s [Music]
17954s [Music]
17967s [Music]
17984s thank you
17986s [Music]
18001s thank you
18014s [Music]
18023s [Music]
18025s foreign
18028s [Music]
18058s thank you
18063s [Music]
18090s thank you
18092s [Music]
18115s thank you
18119s Spain continuing to challenge the upper
18121s echelons here in the OverWatch World Cup
18123s not quite getting the job done on map
18125s one but hex they definitely made Denmark
18128s sweat
18129s yeah definitely and it will be now
18131s Spain's map Choice uh previously I think
18133s they went to King's Row and won that map
18137s in their their previous map selection
18138s but today we will be going to Havana
18142s Havana whatever
18144s um we're having a discussion about that
18146s over the break I think it could be both
18147s doesn't really matter uh we'll be going
18149s to Havana no I mean it's kind of curious
18151s I think it might be a map that they want
18153s to run because it allows uh hell to not
18156s play Winston I mean not that they are
18157s bad wins necessarily but it is generally
18159s more of a ramatra or Reinhardt map and I
18162s think that hell would prefer to play the
18163s Reinhardt also opens things up for Hira
18166s uh to play long-range hit scan as we've
18168s seen Heroes Widow be really really nice
18171s um and then obviously you know if the
18172s window's not working you can go to Ash
18173s as well we've seen more Ash than Widow
18175s generally on Havana
18177s um just a little more consistent damage
18179s so perhaps that is the reasoning here as
18182s Spain tries to even up the set against
18184s Denmark
18185s I'd say in general we've just seen more
18187s Ash period uh than Widow post uh change
18189s just because yeah you pointed out before
18191s right is that you still get really good
18193s hit scan pressure from the ash but it's
18195s more consistent and a little bit less
18197s dangerous more consistent I'm aiming the
18199s dive is a little bit better or the the
18201s anti-dive's a little bit better with the
18202s coach gun
18204s um so yeah I mean not only does the
18206s coach gonna allow you to escape but if
18207s you're with your team and you get Dove
18209s then you can actually push the Winston
18210s back rather than just like grapple away
18212s of like see a nerd somehow
18216s alrighty soap teams setting up here and
18219s Doge will come in for mulfig yeah so
18221s Doge infomorphic makes sense uh Doge's
18224s ramatra has actually been very very
18226s strong um dosha's a player that like I
18229s don't think got rated super highly when
18231s they played in the OverWatch league for
18233s Houston it was It was kind of I think it
18234s was a mid-season pickup was kind of late
18237s um but he was like okay it wasn't like
18238s in bad it wasn't like great but I think
18240s so far for Denmark dojo's ramatra has
18243s actually been super super strong
18245s I feel like mid-season pickups it has to
18247s be one of the most dangerous things for
18249s a player to do for their career because
18250s it's like usually a team that's doing
18252s that it's like oh the team's struggling
18253s and if you don't come in and immediately
18255s the team uh does 180 uh it's not the
18259s best okay but
18260s here we go Spain on the defense Hira
18264s looking for arrows looking for heads see
18267s if Spain can find a few to delay Denmark
18269s here right next to the spawn yeah I mean
18272s the spawn hold is kind of uh the
18276s the thing in fashion right now for
18278s Havana and has been for quite a while
18280s and there's a ton of different reasons
18281s for it but it just it just makes perfect
18283s sense uh so generally also like you're
18286s gonna mirror what the spawn Camp is with
18288s like a May and a Hanzo to try to get out
18289s of Spawn really kill on the sleigh tough
18294s not bad at all Spain though having the
18295s Burnley mortality as hell is uh under
18298s all sorts of pressure here but should be
18300s able to get healed back up in time
18302s before Denmark goes out got the last
18303s pick onto the May so already one minute
18306s burned off the clock from Spain so
18308s Shockwave is gonna get desperate and
18309s just try to get everybody out with the
18311s teleporter Works they get out at least
18313s you guys still win the fight though well
18316s they also have to go back to the payload
18317s at some point too because the other
18318s problems like we got out the payload
18320s though still there still needs to be
18323s moved as it turns out Shockwave looking
18325s for heads on the Hanzo Spain for now
18328s looking more like the attackers than the
18329s Defenders uh as the team's trade sides
18332s oh she goes down
18334s oh yeah those gets picked super super
18336s early Health really close to the shatter
18338s and if you're Spain and you try and do
18340s this as economically as possible you
18342s already use the window you get Shockwave
18344s down and now hell you have the setup
18346s shatter for the next fight fly two
18348s minutes almost burned off the clock yeah
18349s I think we figured out why they chose
18351s this map like their their spawn Camp
18353s looks really well orchestrated
18355s um hell knows how to play the Reinhardt
18357s right to the Limit keep his team alive
18359s Denmark's probably gonna have to use
18361s ultimates to break this they might have
18362s to Blizzard to get out well right now
18364s number one thing don't hit by shatter
18365s help on the top rope jumps down looking
18368s for Doge now trying to get position King
18371s Frozen all the while taking on down
18373s those punches him right after so not
18376s quite the shadow engage held was looking
18377s for blizzard comes out here from Lauren
18379s though and Spain still slowing this down
18381s the Blizzard from Warren a lot bigger
18383s than nagas yeah Naga had to use all
18385s there but I think right now Spain knows
18387s that they don't necessarily have the
18388s numbers to re-fight this one uh mostly
18390s because they lost their tank too but
18392s what a phenomenal spawn camp hold well
18394s 90 seconds left on the clock and the
18396s cart just starts moving now yeah and the
18398s next fight is very very winnable for
18400s Spain here in fact next fight gonna be
18402s crucial Warren Gets Shockwave early
18404s massive pickoff for Spain held still
18408s hanging on to the shatter
18410s the window gonna be down here soon a
18412s great opportunity for Spain to engage
18414s now Spain hold five mortality field he's
18417s a little bit early here comes the
18418s shatter attempt
18420s s up or set the beat yeah it's not the
18422s bad but Doge use Annihilation response
18425s gets Canal hell is gonna fall and the
18428s counter engage from Denmark really
18430s really good here
18432s yeah I think Spain went a little too big
18434s they're trying to take that really weird
18435s off angle for an aggressive shatter
18437s rather than just like kind of holding it
18438s and playing Corner
18440s um so they were unable to get any sort
18442s of follow-up on that shatter Spain ended
18443s up using a ton of ultimates during that
18446s fight and they get nothing for it they
18447s should touch it yeah I don't even talks
18450s to use window here early
18451s if Denmark can avoid heavy heavy
18453s pressure on the Doge immortality field
18455s or to use for Denmark Canal finds Naga
18457s Spain looking healthy Doge looking
18459s anything fun as Lauren finishes him off
18462s really nice window engage here from
18465s Spain they had just enough time here hex
18467s only 25 seconds left for Denmark their
18469s final attempt for point a coming up
18471s let's give some credit to Canal because
18473s it seems like hell of is hell-bent on uh
18475s charging out of immortality Fields it's
18477s like the second time he's done that but
18478s all good um yeah Spain can play like a
18481s little bit passively then they're gonna
18482s have blizzard up first it's kind of
18484s enormous here Naga is five percent
18486s behind Lauren those are the next
18488s ultimates to come online so it's gonna
18489s be a neutral fight until the blizzards
18491s come online and it could be decided by
18493s the maze shotgun needs to find a head
18495s here it's desperately what Denmark needs
18497s if not that Jose finds the head
18500s Shockwave exactly as needed Lauren
18503s though counterposer comes on the kids
18504s down
18505s Lauren got Naga before Naga could get
18507s blizzard out and what did end up coming
18509s down to the Maze hanzo's Look all good
18510s but the area of effect ultimate freezing
18513s everybody up and what a defense from
18516s Spain that's sick Denmark gonna have to
18519s go for the the legendary Infamous Fuller
18521s hold
18523s not impossible to do in Havana but also
18526s you know you think where Havana attacks
18528s get stopped more than anything else it's
18530s point B point a holds are difficult yeah
18534s though more doable than some of the
18535s other maps in the pool so uh Tim Hart
18538s they got their work cut out for them and
18539s I think you look back to the last round
18541s HEX number one was Spain's aggression
18544s and getting picks at spawn but number
18546s two is that I do feel like it was a
18548s little bit of a quiet round for
18549s Shockwave at the same time like
18551s Shockwave you know he got the pick at
18553s the very end but it just wasn't enough
18556s and you know that's kind of something
18557s when you're playing Heroes like Hanzo
18559s right even if you're really good it can
18561s be streaky and sometimes you end up on
18563s the wrong end of RNG yeah feast or
18565s famine I mean it's why like we always
18567s highly you know Hanzo is either like
18569s zero kills or like three kills in the
18570s kill feed kind of the nature of the hero
18573s um I mean there was there was some okay
18575s moments but yeah you're right for the
18576s most part pretty quiet but most of
18578s Denmark was pretty quiet I can't tell
18579s you anyone who had like a great round
18581s there from Denmark meanwhile Spain I
18585s mean Lord like I said like whoever got
18587s that blizzard first and got value out of
18588s it was was going to be the winners there
18590s Lauren got it down before Naga Naga
18591s considered one of the best maze in this
18593s entire tournament as well so uh very
18595s good there I don't see where the defense
18597s is set up yeah it's got to be a spawn
18599s hold right yeah I mean you gotta
18601s counterfeitually when your offense
18603s didn't do a whole lot like even if you
18605s didn't want to do this you're doing it
18606s now it's the only choice you have
18609s both teams right now turning out poker
18611s early on here I was looking for Hanzo
18612s picks on the point still doing that on
18614s the other side
18615s playing opposite of where helve is held
18618s going for the pin Canal is able to find
18619s slay early immortality I mean that's so
18623s hard just swinging away no the perfect
18626s spot to be in not only gets Naga not
18629s only puts Spain ahead but also gets a
18632s lot of alt build at the same time so
18634s this is for Spain about the best opening
18637s they can hope for three minutes and 15
18638s seconds left to go it's an interesting
18640s dynamic because in a lot of situations
18641s the ramatra is a better uh tank to play
18645s than the Reinhardt right because I mean
18646s just 1v1 can shoot through Shields just
18648s a lot more utility in these specific
18650s situations the reinhardt's way better
18652s because the shield is up constantly and
18654s that's how Spain's winning the Poke
18655s battle that's how um hell is getting all
18657s this damage or a canal rather is getting
18659s all this damage hero is getting all this
18661s damage is because they're safe and that
18662s allows them to just take these shots and
18664s do hope Denmark's engagement is good the
18667s drop down from the iron male wasn't able
18668s to rotate away in time
18670s and it just brutal the snowball
18673s escalates very rapidly and that's pretty
18676s much a counter engage that Denmark
18678s needed there after how the first fight
18680s went yeah that was absolutely critical
18682s and again it's so important to take out
18685s these these main supports with Canal
18687s going down first but Canal has done a
18689s lot of work has window up already
18691s uh window in and fire strike could be a
18693s nice little combo if you can set it up
18695s but also building towards the shatter
18698s I mean they're gonna look to window
18699s immediate media the question is what is
18701s the follow through gonna be Spain
18703s before the time is not a Shockwave open
18705s up the dragon look in the disrupt Spain
18708s though hasn't invested anything yet so
18709s the dragon is gone window is out is
18711s gonna be there immortality field down
18713s Doge getting very very low Hira come
18715s next on the shock wave and I don't know
18717s if those can get out no Doge caught and
18719s Spain does not have far to go here team
18722s wipe there's the horn
18724s um
18724s God it's gonna be really difficult for
18726s them to get back yeah Denmark the
18728s question is can Denmark touch this is on
18730s a knife's edge I think you see calyx
18732s coming on over is it going to be in time
18735s yeah yeah they got the touch but now can
18737s they say like Alex can sniped down 94
18740s can't get to beat was in a tough spot
18743s because of delay now Doge comes out
18745s annihilation in play and blizzard
18748s Denmark doing anything right now to slow
18750s this down only 0.24 away of Spain from
18753s forcing about three Doge pounding away
18755s finds Lauren Denmark holds on for now
18759s Spain's so close yet so far hex and now
18762s a minute 10 left to go it only gets one
18765s more crack at this
18767s yeah I mean Shockwave just barely
18768s getting on at the end as he he blinked
18771s in as Tracer allows calyx to get in
18773s there and then I mean so I mentioned
18775s that there's situations where
18776s reinhardt's better than the remotra well
18777s that's situation the Vermont was better
18779s than the Reinhardt you see it just able
18781s to go in completely annihilates and gets
18783s uh you know the kill onto the opposing
18785s tank and alien truck goes down
18788s the build pulse Canelo Falls right after
18790s Naga finishes
18793s much better trade for Denmark however
18796s it's so quick that Spain is going to get
18798s one more attempt to your house yeah
18799s they're able to come back but there's
18801s really nothing on the board as far as
18803s ultimates go for them actually both
18804s sides really so unless it's a long drawn
18806s out fight this is gonna have to be one
18807s in the neutral shock wave could end
18809s things before they start though
18811s yeah I mean it's all about Shockwave
18813s here can Shockwave just make this a near
18815s unusable fight for Denmark shock was
18818s able to build the pulse bomb towards the
18820s beginning last fight 12 seconds left to
18822s go Spain needs to try to discriminating
18823s and moving forward now I think they're
18825s waiting to get window up they got it but
18827s they have to watch out for Shockwave
18829s here we go Shockwave on the side Dives
18831s in from downtown post bomb comes out but
18833s no no elimination from it mortality
18836s field is out Hira gets Shockwave in
18839s return 5v4 for Spain as they went to
18841s force map three very close to what they
18844s need blizzard coming out from Naga beat
18846s out from Gala in return shattered down
18848s from hell don't think the shutter hit
18849s anything but Heroes certainly is gets
18851s Naga Spain alive with momentum Doge's
18855s Annihilation though finds Hira
18857s Spain with four still on the point
18858s Denmark with respawn Shockwave coming
18860s back on in both teams looking fairly
18863s healthy immortality is real forced out
18866s What's it gonna be yeah Lauren's very
18867s very close to blows the blizzard could
18869s be the finish here calyx is down
18870s blizzard out for more and on to the
18871s point Doge goes down Spain very very
18874s close though they just need a little bit
18876s more three meters left to go Slade
18878s trying the delay stuck against the wall
18880s Spade pushing Denmark to the Limit it's
18883s gonna be map three
18886s oh Denmark pulls it out in the end what
18888s a back and forth uh match between these
18891s two teams I mean like it is those very
18894s small things it's not like the most
18895s enormous like uh skill based play but I
18898s mean so the pulse bomb comes in from
18900s Shockwave we're hyping it up and he sees
18902s a big Clump and it's three people and he
18904s blinks and he drops it down it's a
18905s beautiful pulse bomb many mortality
18907s Fields you know the ultimate on cooldown
18909s essentially it's a really really good
18910s ability but to get it out on time and to
18912s have saved it already for Canal really
18914s well played there he's been a priority
18916s Target
18917s um from the first two maps Canal's been
18919s getting picked on but he's extracting
18920s their own pound of Flesh and the defense
18923s from uh Spain was just phenomenal it set
18926s them up in that good position for the
18928s offense and while there were a couple of
18929s giant plays that came out especially you
18931s know Doge pulling it back in the the
18933s penultimate fight here very well played
18936s and then Spain to be able to brawl it
18937s out and sustain long enough you got to
18939s give the supports credit for how long
18940s they're able to sustain because I think
18942s Lauren entered that fight at like 50 on
18944s the blizzard and that blizzard was the
18946s blows out ultimate really well played
18948s what a match map three coming up
18951s and to me all credit where credit is due
18953s it was this defense coming out from
18955s Spain that was a true MVP here they made
18957s it so their offense didn't have to go
18959s very far Denmark quite nearly matched it
18961s but it is hard to match a defense that
18964s good we saw exactly why
18967s you gotta give credit to Spain playing
18969s their game playing with their
18970s comfortable on this was their map pick
18972s and you're the one that called X going
18974s like yeah I see why this is their fat
18975s pick everything that Spain wanted to do
18978s they could do here in Hamada yeah I mean
18980s it allows uh hell to play Reinhardt
18982s which of course is great and I mean the
18985s play from hero was so great but I like
18986s the guts of the hero play it came a
18989s couple moments ago and on this replay
18990s but pretty much just climbs the wall in
18992s uh 1v1 Shockwave does I dare you like
18995s what's Hanzo be Hanzo right like what
18997s the better Bowman win and wins it then
18999s picks up another couple of kills that
19001s sets them up in a good position to close
19003s out the map and close out the fight man
19005s I mean it goes from like day one where I
19007s think Spain beat Belgium and I was like
19009s oh well that's a bit of an upset a
19010s little surprising there and every time
19012s I've seen Spain since it's just like
19014s this is a team that no one should want
19016s to play
19017s um obviously taking Denver to the lit or
19019s Denver sorry Denmark to the Limit here
19023s um
19024s just amazing amazing stuff from Spain
19026s and I'm I'm stoked we get another map
19028s yeah I mean they brought it to the very
19032s edge one to one Denmark versus Spain
19035s which team is gonna take it the finale
19037s comes at you right after this
19041s [Music]
19056s thank you
19068s [Music]
19071s thank you
19084s [Music]
19086s [Applause]
19086s [Music]
19092s [Applause]
19094s [Music]
19126s foreign
19130s [Music]
19144s [Music]
19181s [Music]
19187s thank you
19204s foreign
19206s [Music]
19216s [Music]
19258s Spain coming back strong on Havana to
19262s force a map 3 versus Denmark and as good
19265s as Denmark is hex we knew going into
19267s this that it might not be that easy
19269s no I ain't in Spain didn't make it easy
19271s I think it was you know the the matchup
19273s against Italy was definitely a hiccup an
19275s outlier but other than that uh but you
19277s know
19279s yeah I mean this Denmark team you you
19281s expect them to you know get out of
19283s groups to be one of the tops I've just
19285s gushed over this roster constantly and
19286s like I said there's not really a hole on
19288s this roster so for Spain to be able to
19290s play as close as they have has been
19292s really really impressive and now of
19295s course with uh Denmark losing prior map
19298s on Havana they will be able to choose
19300s our next map of the push game mode and
19303s it is going to be
19304s Esperanza yeah a map that did not go
19308s super well for Spain last time they
19310s played it where they ran into a brick
19312s wall known as Reaper I don't know if
19314s Denmark's gonna play that though so it
19316s could be a very different game but I do
19318s feel like there is an element here where
19319s as much as you might want to play what
19321s you're comfortable on man if Denmark can
19324s just pull up the reaper here I would
19325s because you just saw how much trouble
19329s gave Spain against uh thus far a weaker
19331s team in Italy right from what we've seen
19333s yeah so far not that Italy was an
19335s impressive earlier today but just yeah I
19338s mean the meta on this map has it's kind
19339s of been a lot of dive because like there
19342s is some high ground that you have to
19343s control like the Winston and Anna like
19345s Anna wants to get on this corner up top
19347s and then it's like the Winston counter
19349s diving and Diving also we've seen some
19350s sojourn come out on this map too to help
19352s control some of the high ground but a
19354s lot of it has been Anna uh Brig and
19356s Winston um and then also with like the
19358s obviously the samba Tracer Italy cycled
19360s in the reaper uh which worked out really
19362s really well too so we shall see but this
19365s Denmark's map pick and I mean
19368s you'd have to call it an upset if
19370s Denmark doesn't pull this series off
19372s right like this is this is a team that
19373s should be out of groups without a
19375s problem
19376s yeah it would be an upset and then some
19378s I mean it definitely adds to Spain's
19380s Dark Horse status overall it also just
19382s puts Spain in like a very strange spot
19384s where they're definitely very much back
19386s in it should they beat Denmark uh here
19389s today but also you just wonder is like
19391s what is the performance spread for Spain
19394s in terms of their highs and their lows I
19395s mean you talk about a team that uh you
19398s know very low floor very high ceiling it
19400s would probably be Spain yeah well it'd
19403s be Denmark's second loss as well so
19406s um yeah and really tough to recover from
19409s those see what these teams want to run
19410s it looks like Spain is going to go for
19412s their dive composition and Denmark is
19415s going to run something a little bit
19416s different put Shockwave on the ash kind
19419s of a more Rush comp for Denmark
19422s yeah and I mean the ash isn't bad if
19425s Shockwave is saying shots there's part
19426s of me that would like to see them run
19428s Reaper with what they're doing they
19429s definitely still could with the rest of
19431s the composition
19433s as teams begin the all-important first
19436s fight here on push where momentum is
19439s everything
19440s Shockwave right now looking for any open
19443s opportunities for now just shooting the
19445s brick
19446s yeah you take it I mean you see exactly
19448s that's where the Anna wants to live on
19450s either side of Center Point Deanna wants
19452s to live up on this bridge here
19454s um and just be able to pump in the
19456s Winston full of healing
19460s icicle on the outskirts and you know
19463s again it's simple plays like that just a
19466s quick pick off that leads to more
19469s escalates and gets you a big advantage
19471s on push early on the first kill on push
19473s at times could be the most impactful in
19475s the entire game
19476s I mean it's such a momentum based uh
19479s game mode you know and and obviously
19481s like if you win this first fight you're
19483s in a good position are you in the second
19484s fight it is enormous because then you
19486s get full respawns
19489s 38 meters here for Denmark keeping it
19491s rolling Spain under heavy pressure to
19494s make this next fight work still a ways
19496s away from the EMP though Lauren's been
19497s building quickly
19498s held under pressure Warren forced back
19502s Denmark fairly healthy just getting hit
19504s by the bio Lauren finds sleigh
19507s now this is gonna be tough for Denmark
19508s and they're healing really hurt from the
19510s early pickup from Lauren Spain yeah just
19512s gonna be able to go forward and you see
19513s immediately in the progress too Denmark
19515s knows it they just back out
19517s yeah they just bailed out and Doge with
19518s like a sixth sense right there he saw
19520s like he was getting a little bit pushed
19521s by the Winston and backed out and then
19523s there was the Tracer in Sombra he was
19524s definitely getting inserted and kind of
19526s uh felt it just before it happened able
19529s to escape with his life there EMP up for
19533s Lauren and it's gonna be EMP versus
19535s blizzard here more than anything else
19537s all eyes gotta be on board here in the
19539s setup goes for the empty in the back
19540s hits three Four's not immortality field
19542s immediately Shockwave though still alive
19544s naga's still alive
19545s Bob and blizzard should be coming out
19547s here soon Nana went on the held and
19548s primal
19550s Spain investing a lot for this fight but
19552s Denmark looking very healthy in turn
19553s they did drop the blizzard
19555s to allay some of the pressure here held
19557s getting very very low primals gone
19559s Nano's gone Bob out here from Shockwave
19561s is Denmark still looking very healthy
19564s Health needs help but he's not gonna
19565s find it as Denmark weathers the storm
19568s why there's a storm Doge able to clean
19570s up up top really nice play there
19572s um and just Denmark does a really good
19573s job of responding to the EMP like the
19576s three people got hit but there was a
19577s really nice peel there able to come back
19579s and then even the Primal from hellf late
19581s got absolutely no value got pushed out
19583s in forward spawns critical yeah Lauren
19586s did get a late pick onto slay and slaves
19588s actually had enough slave goes to the
19590s Moira I don't mind it it's it's much
19593s better Escape ability it helps you deal
19595s with the Sombra a little bit too
19597s yeah it looks under pressure hanging on
19599s to the beat hell isolated and taken down
19601s in no small part due to naga's ice wall
19605s and again yeah they're gonna add on even
19608s more to their lead here hooks adding a
19610s wall to the map ends up being really
19612s really good
19613s um so Spain has just gotten no momentum
19615s going here it's been very difficult they
19617s want to be able to play uh High grounds
19619s and enable jumps but so far Denmark has
19621s been taking it away Shockwave has been
19623s putting pressure on The High Ground from
19624s distance and for the most part like Doge
19627s has just gone you know unharassed
19628s there's really not much that hell can do
19630s against the ramatra on the point
19632s um here's the Beat from calyx it's too
19634s late for Shockwave yeah it's not in time
19636s to save Shockwave so Spain gets one away
19639s there still the progress still adding up
19641s for Denmark even a fight where they're
19643s down Shockwave early Spain like the name
19646s of the game has to be not just win the
19647s fight but get good cleanup here if
19649s possible Denmark's still rolling with
19650s four the Shockwave is gonna be back very
19653s shortly and he goes for a swap now onto
19655s the song Run uh Denmark's disengages
19656s have been absolutely phenomenal and it's
19658s a really good way to play this map mode
19660s like once you get it to where you need
19661s to be there's no reason to stick around
19663s like if you're not gonna win that fight
19665s and you're not gonna get more progress
19666s like stalling the bot doesn't do a ton
19668s for you the bot is moving moves pretty
19671s quick but make sure that you're in good
19672s position to fight next because the last
19674s thing you want to happen on push is get
19675s snowballed
19676s the emergency use Annihilation didn't
19677s really get much for it Spain gets a
19680s comeback in in power drops the EMP Naga
19683s immediately gone I hope the caught right
19686s after not as beneficial to Spain as they
19688s would have liked here are nearly getting
19689s chunked down by Shockwave Here Comes
19692s raid boss Nano on the gala yeah but I
19694s mean like yeah they're burning out the
19696s Spain economy right now they will end up
19698s losing three so the disengagement
19700s doesn't really happen for uh Denmark
19702s this time around but that was a big
19704s investment uh from Spain they ended up
19707s using three ultimates that fight
19708s although Denmark has emptied their own
19710s bank too so pretty nice from Spain as
19711s they try to push this one back but still
19713s the progress is so so enormous right now
19717s for Denmark
19718s also burning out the economy just sounds
19720s like way more dire of a phrase than
19722s anything I mean it hits close to home as
19725s an American moving on
19727s holding Godzilla Bob
19729s locked and ready to go Spain early
19731s Primal they catch calyx good start here
19734s for Spain as they try and bridge the gap
19737s while spawn came up here has been
19739s connected those though in a really
19740s really rough spot taken on down
19744s I think they're requesting a pause
19745s they're not getting it
19747s oh there it is I think it was hell of a
19750s requested at first maybe I'm not sure I
19752s didn't see exactly
19754s um but we are going to go into a pause
19756s with Denmark leading at about 80 Spain
19759s trying to get the comeback here uh two
19761s down for each side so it's gonna be kind
19764s of a scrappy brawl when we get back
19766s we'll figure out what the pause is all
19767s about
19768s um wasn't a disconnect because I think
19770s disconnects are Auto pauses so it might
19772s have been well or like at least one that
19774s didn't take them out again because helve
19776s like said chat IDC
19778s yeah so maybe maybe a lag out something
19781s like that but we shall see it as the
19783s nature of online gaming you know just
19785s just happens in in our remote World
19787s um yeah
19789s Tech has progressed a lot remember in
19790s our old online tournament uh way before
19793s any of the organized setup so someone
19795s disconnected you know teams just had to
19797s eat that uh like you should come back uh
19800s with all the ability you have nowadays I
19803s mean we could pause I guess but that was
19805s about yeah no I mean I was responsible
19806s for pausing but there were times where
19808s like you know someone would call for a
19809s pause but it's like the dead middle of a
19810s fight and I'm like I kind of have to
19812s wait a second here like yeah it's it's a
19814s it's a I mean look it has been a
19818s difficult day for her for comp Ops and
19820s Edmunds and uh I respect you I love you
19822s I appreciate you because uh yeah it's
19824s been it's been a tough one figuring out
19825s rules getting pauses in uh you know
19828s hurting teams into the server so
19829s appreciate all the all the work for the
19832s people behind the scenes I think what's
19833s that's what people don't realize about
19835s like a lot of online tournaments of
19836s course you and I did a lot of the
19838s gorilla stuff back in the days but right
19840s now whenever you see a tournament
19841s there's about 30 people working but like
19844s there's a lot that goes into making sure
19846s that everything goes uh as smoothly as
19848s possible and even with that you know
19850s sometimes uh technology is just you know
19853s there's there's always that fault Point
19854s yeah the most support we got back in the
19856s day was a guy that would order us Pizza
19857s on occasion it was really one occasion
19859s but yeah well he also paid us
19861s um
19862s that was that was the support I cared
19864s about you know you know if I could
19866s either have a pizza party or more pay
19868s you know I think everyone would agree I
19870s would I would prefer to get paid more
19871s well the one magic month we had both but
19874s in case you're wondering we do have a
19875s pause that's why we're staying here
19876s filling and you know it is a little bit
19878s unfortunate for Spain if it was on their
19880s end if it was on hell if that impacted
19882s anything in any way because Spain
19884s actually has some decent momentum going
19885s right now the best they've had all map
19888s long and you know anything along those
19889s lines to disrupt that uh definitely not
19892s ideal timing well I mean I guess we'll
19894s figure it out too if it's a soft
19895s disconnect or a hard disconnect based on
19897s uh the ultimate charge and we're getting
19899s right back into it health at one percent
19901s but uh still in position
19906s don't know what happened doesn't really
19908s matter uh this one's Scrappy as all get
19911s out but it does seem like Spain does
19912s have the bodies and the numbers here to
19914s be able to get some progress
19917s all right Spain keeping the robot moving
19920s forward canelo's just picked off should
19922s be back before the next fight really
19924s takes place and I mean Spain did have to
19926s back up a little bit because that late
19927s pick on the canal
19931s yeah they'll set up the EMP for the next
19934s fight
19937s you see Lauren right now just setting up
19940s waiting for the right opportunity
19942s everything for Spain thank you London's
19944s EMP goes to the back hits three just
19946s thought they're gonna be there knocking
19947s those still alive
19949s they got really low but the fall tree
19951s from Spain not there so Denmark
19954s able to weather the storm not get taken
19956s out by that now spanking after invest
19958s more rally should be coming in here in a
19960s moment Doge
19961s they're playing damage on the ram gets
19964s slapped in the middle fight animately
19965s woke it up here I was able to find Naga
19968s mid fight pulse bomb out for a little
19970s bit extra here uh cracks It Wide Open
19972s with a quick two now three enormous
19975s plays from Huron just grab another
19977s that's what we expect to see from herea
19980s hero the hero those plays on Tracer have
19983s become commonplace from here absolutely
19986s enormous switch around Spain again
19989s though still behind there will be a
19991s Recon test from Denmark at some point
19993s Spain would love to get these forward
19994s spawns it looks like they will oh naga's
19997s gonna come and contest
19999s yeah Denmark I feel like you're Spain
20002s you have to be prepared for a very quick
20003s to Signature you have to know your beat
20006s in terms of ultimates unless you get a
20007s quick pick off here
20009s like you have to know this is going back
20011s the other way
20012s and that guy goes up to check that spot
20014s where the supports usually are but they
20015s have vacated the area a b comes in from
20017s Denmark as they try to engage
20020s Blossom doing it down Broad Street
20022s doesn't get much and Mark spent a lot
20025s here for not much to show for an EMP up
20028s here soon Shockwave though solo I don't
20030s think chocolate feels good about
20031s dropping it Spain is weathered the storm
20033s and then some now they get their EMP out
20035s is the fault they're going to be there
20036s Denmark's looking real low across the
20038s board but no pickups yet Doge
20040s annihilating calyx finally getting
20042s caught and Spain weathers some very
20045s difficult circumstances keeps things
20047s going 53 meters and on the verge of
20051s evening it up
20052s well Denmark's now are just investing
20054s late into this too Slade used
20056s coalescence trying to get some more done
20057s maybe they can spin this back in two
20059s late kills from Denmark and Denmark's
20061s got Shockwave to come back with EMP
20064s eror brutal yeah Spain was in a really
20067s good spot I think just over Dove a bit
20069s there
20069s and you think about the mechanics of
20071s push I mean this buys Denmark one if not
20074s two fights he's Fame was one fight away
20077s yeah that is a brutal momentum shift
20079s easy too and if I'm Denmark I'm looking
20081s for the first decent EMP I can get solo
20084s person two people whatever no standards
20086s EMP I'll take anything yeah what you're
20089s looking for right now from uh Shockwave
20091s then well chuckling might not even get
20093s that uh
20095s has to back out early so he's gonna be
20097s delayed
20099s Mark still looking strong so you're
20101s looking for their way in Nano upheld
20103s gonna dive in shock waves up to the MP
20105s is quickly gonna fade as Hira finds
20107s slate early into the fight and Shockwave
20109s still uses the EMP he is it gonna be
20112s enough no I think it's too off of it
20113s it's not the worst
20116s hero though gets the bomb on the Doge
20118s Spain looking a bit healthier here thus
20119s far they're gonna get the robot moving
20121s the other way
20123s they will I mean it's been actually some
20125s pretty decent stall there uh calyx tries
20127s to you know push back the team going to
20129s that there is a double Blossom death
20131s Blossom is up Health where is helvin why
20133s is he so low
20135s uh help is probably kept out at a health
20138s pack waiting for canal and golly to get
20140s back to the fight
20143s okay so Denmark
20145s um needs to win one more defense that's
20147s it that's fight I mean yeah this this
20149s does seem like it's coming down to last
20151s fight EMP for Spain death Blossom for
20154s Denmark I think if Denmark can stall
20155s this one out just a tiny bit use beat
20158s and then get to Annihilation and get to
20160s coalescence that you should be able to
20161s win this fight they have the advantage
20163s primal's good to go spanned with options
20165s of their own particularly the EMP shot
20167s wave gets him catch your Shockwave when
20170s he's low drops in the back get slay
20172s calyx down an incredible engage from
20175s Spain and that could be it Denmark now
20179s in overtime spawns gonna have to rush
20181s the touch of robots they'll have Beats
20183s but that is the most brutal engage
20185s imaginable and Spain so close to the
20188s upsets
20189s if they can touch they still have three
20191s in the bank it is so close the beat
20194s comes out
20195s beef comes out Denmark Kellogg's got
20198s bionic's gonna win cowlicks with one HP
20200s barely gets wave but Shockwave picked
20202s first once more slay Shockwave calyx all
20205s gone it's just Doge annihilating on the
20208s point but he's been hit with the purple
20209s gets hit with the bomb and Spain just a
20212s little bit further than they will take
20214s it they do Spade upsets Denmark in a
20219s three map Thriller
20222s I am somewhat speechless not that it's
20225s like the biggest upset ever because
20227s we've seen Spain play really close to
20229s everybody but there are just so many
20231s strange moments there and even still
20233s Denmark almost pulled it back at the end
20235s I just there there ended up being so
20238s many times where the EMP comes in and
20241s Spain's able to capitalize and also it
20243s just felt like Denmark was taking so
20245s much damage there were so many times I
20247s look up it and all five of their bars
20249s are below half and they just can't put
20251s out enough healing and with the the
20253s Moira you would you would kind of be
20255s surprised at that and then I think it
20256s does come down to Shockwave just
20259s kind of an unlockers right there you
20261s know like he's low trying to get out and
20264s then the somber sees the low health and
20266s that initial pickoff onto Shockwave
20268s Sombra absolutely killer for them at the
20271s end about as close of a series as you
20274s can imagine and Spain pulls it off and I
20278s believe they're now ahead of Denmark in
20280s the standings also you know to that play
20282s I would just go to the fight before too
20284s right where you know Denmark was able to
20287s make it fairly even with a late EMP but
20289s the reality is that shockwave's EMP was
20292s late it came out after they were already
20293s down one player and you know the
20297s engagement difference between the two
20299s teams really showed in the last few
20300s fights where Denmark was slow to get
20303s their ideal fight condition and a lot of
20305s it was that Spain was just playing aggro
20307s enough to not let them find it yeah hero
20310s with just some enormous moments too we
20311s saw the pulse bomb and the 3ks but also
20313s like one of those penultimate fights is
20315s able to solo slay on the Moira which is
20317s never an easy feat as Trey her to try to
20320s kill a Moira 1v1 able to get that done
20322s so hero comes in huge exactly when we
20325s expected we we mentioned their name at
20327s the top of the match as somebody who can
20328s carry fight single-handedly not
20330s necessarily what happened but I mean I
20332s think back like very first very first
20334s stages and a couple of these maps and
20336s there were just some some small mistakes
20339s from Denmark that Spain was always in a
20341s position to capitalize on Denmark did
20343s not play perfectly at all today
20345s um but Spain you know was it was there
20347s to take advantage of it and what a
20349s tournament it's been so far for Spain
20351s and I think they continue to impress
20353s they continue to surprise and they could
20355s beat anyone now and I wouldn't be
20356s surprised I mean they'd just be Denmark
20358s and Denmark I think is I mean I can't
20361s speak highly enough about Denmark so
20362s Spain I mean I can't believe they lost
20365s to Italy now thinking about it
20368s look you have your high highs and your
20370s low lows but that makes this tournament
20372s so much fun that was Spain versus
20374s Denmark but I got news for you got one
20377s more match and left here today coming up
20379s soon it's gonna be friends versus
20380s Belgium
20382s [Music]
20398s thank you
20404s [Music]
20412s foreign
20414s [Music]
20434s [Music]
20463s thank you
20466s [Music]
20482s foreign
20482s [Music]
20524s thank you
20530s [Music]
20556s thank you
20563s [Music]
20600s welcome back to the 2023 OverWatch World
20603s Cup online qualifiers for the emec
20605s region I'm Jim Basco that's CP that's
20607s hex and we just watched Spain upset
20610s Denmark zp give it to us for those who
20612s might just be tuning in what they just
20614s miss out on
20615s I mean they missed out on Spain playing
20618s up to a high level once again and
20620s showing why people you know were really
20621s impressed to Spain at the beginning of
20622s the tournament maybe a little bit down
20624s after the loss to Italy but right back
20626s up again and look I mean they did it in
20629s part because they're particularly their
20631s DPS able to dive were just so incredibly
20634s good the coordination between Lauren and
20635s Hira the consistency particularly when
20638s they use the MP I mean look I'll compare
20640s the two teams directly the EMP plays for
20642s Spain were far better than the emps like
20645s Denmark was getting and to me with both
20646s teams running a similar composition that
20648s was probably the biggest Difference
20649s Maker between the two teams on our last
20651s map it was a some some
20654s uncharacteristically sloppy play from
20655s Denmark and you think about like even
20657s back to the first stage of control where
20659s we're like we're like oh they just reset
20660s now and they come back in right and they
20662s didn't reset and they got caught it
20664s almost felt like you know even if they
20666s would lose something critical in a set
20667s play for a fight they would still go for
20669s it anyway and thinking like we're just
20671s better than these players which probably
20673s to a man they are but didn't really
20676s matter I mean you think about like that
20677s last EMP that came in a little bit late
20679s and you think about like Shockwave not
20681s resetting on stage one of ilios like
20684s those little things that came back
20685s thinking like well I know it's 3v4 or
20688s it's 3v5 but we can still do this
20691s that confidence can work out for you
20692s sometimes but that confidence got
20694s punished today yeah man after that map
20696s too as well I'm sure both teams were
20698s shaking and ready to roll Spain just
20700s keeping it the composure for that much
20702s longer and getting the victory there
20704s we've actually got an interview with
20706s team manager of Team Spain so hex CP
20708s I'll hop back right with you in just a
20710s second but we've got Ness from Team
20711s Spain
20714s [Music]
20716s yo happy to see you again
20720s I think you're muted
20722s yes
20724s he's working on that right now of course
20726s if you guys don't know we hopped on last
20727s week with an S and he was talking about
20729s how proud he was to represent Spain here
20731s we are in the second week of course so
20733s as soon as that sorted we'll get you
20735s guys there he is
20738s congratulations on the victory man how
20740s are you feeling I yeah talk to us uh uh
20744s I don't know how I'm feeling I I don't
20747s know if to laugh I don't know if the
20749s screen I don't know if to cry I'm so
20751s emotional I feel so good I was there
20753s with the with the guys when they were in
20756s the last fight oh my God we knew what it
20760s was coming we knew what it was coming
20762s but like not like this my hair can't
20765s handle this
20767s yeah I don't know you know we're just
20769s watching of course I can't imagine what
20770s it must feel like to be you but of
20772s course even map 2 into map 3 both such
20776s tight Maps talk to us about it right
20778s after you win map one or after the the
20781s Lawson map one how did it feel for you
20784s guys going in through that series and
20785s then bringing it all the way back so we
20788s felt actually since map one was really
20790s close we felt confident and we were like
20793s uh let's let's keep playing like this we
20795s play well there were some mistakes that
20798s of course uh we can actually uh recover
20801s from but like uh Health the captain told
20805s me okay I have a vision we are gonna
20808s play Havana we play Havana a lot in
20810s screams and we feel super confident
20812s about it uh but oh my God the the map
20816s was so close then we won we were with a
20819s boost of confidence but we were chilling
20821s because we know that
20822s we have a really hard uh composition to
20827s play against and we know that they were
20829s gonna play ramatter they were gonna try
20831s to uh counter the the monkey of health
20835s so we say okay our game is live let's
20838s play Dive and if we win we die we win we
20841s die if we lose we die we lost we died
20843s but this is a this is the tick attack of
20845s Spain this is our game
20847s yeah I mean if you have a vision you got
20849s to stick to it and when you have a
20850s motivated leader like Health which we
20852s can even see through his gameplay alone
20854s just exudes confidence right talk to us
20856s about that what is the team structure
20858s like what is the dynamic like these are
20860s players who have never played in a World
20861s Cup before but are now competing against
20863s some of the most veteran players in
20865s OverWatch so it's funny because I think
20868s the the most new are the most still uh
20872s sometimes where we when we are playing
20873s Galan Canal at a back Lane that you have
20876s uh behind you and you know that you are
20879s not gonna die that's why Health uh it's
20882s super confident into the thing and he's
20883s super confident when we are engaged with
20885s with a family like this we can help with
20887s the passion
20888s era is the brain and uh the back Lane a
20893s lot of the pilots of all the team oh and
20897s oh my God I feel so emotional right now
20899s I'm sorry if I'm like shaking or saying
20902s no sense
20903s you're trying and I completely
20905s understand man we've been watching your
20906s journey the entire time and with that
20908s Victory you are now in the top three of
20910s group a debunking Denmark from that but
20913s of course you know let's take a moment
20914s to look ahead in the schedule too right
20916s upcoming you've got France you've got
20918s Great Britain you've got Portugal
20920s there's so much to come but you guys
20923s have made it so far what's your message
20925s to your fans watching you in the last
20927s couple of days of competition here so so
20930s uh we are gonna play the win we are
20932s gonna play our game we know that our
20935s next rival is one of the strongest one
20936s of Europe right now but we're gonna keep
20939s like this we're gonna keep playing and
20941s we're gonna keep believing that's it
20943s you better believe it nasty entire team
20946s out here is cheering for you and I'm
20947s sure everyone in the audience feels your
20949s energy and your passion so honestly
20951s thank you so much for sitting down here
20952s with me today it's been an honor to be
20954s able to watch you and we can't wait to
20956s see you play again tomorrow
20957s thank you so much
20961s all right hackson CP man the energy is
20964s just contagious you can feel it in the
20966s air I feel so many emotions for the
20968s Spanish team zp man they've got a
20970s mountain to climb still but boy was
20972s their Road not easy to get where they
20974s are now yeah I mean I think the main
20976s thing going forward right is that any of
20979s the other teams that have yet to play
20981s Spain that are considered contenders
20983s they have to be watching out and going
20985s okay this is not going to be an easy
20986s match you need to prep for Spain as you
20988s would any other top tier team in the
20991s group the winner of Denmark definitely
20993s shows that they're for real and yeah
20994s even though they've had some lows their
20996s Highs are something that can absolutely
20998s knock your tournament prospects to a
21001s very different place so you'll love to
21003s see it and definitely one of the coolest
21004s stories so far here in the OverWatch
21005s World Cup
21007s yeah so let's take a look let's take a
21009s look before a hex before we talk about
21011s this some more let's take a look at the
21012s schedule let's bring that back up
21013s because there's only one more match left
21014s in the day
21016s but yeah hex go ahead you know we're
21017s talking about Spain versus Denmark here
21019s two to one uh they're prospects for the
21021s future yeah I mean it's it's a scary
21023s team but also like that's just what the
21025s World Cup's all about it's so cool to
21027s see that interview and just how happy
21029s they are I mean Spain should probably be
21032s undefeated and Zippy I think you bring
21034s up a great Point like not only do teams
21036s have to be afraid of them and and
21038s prepare for them but also just think
21040s what this Victory does for Spain's
21041s confidence you know they get a couple of
21043s early wins and then like that helps them
21045s out but to beat Denmark and to beat them
21047s like you know pretty well like not super
21050s decisively but to pull it out and to
21052s clutch out some of the fights they did
21053s they have to have the confidence that
21055s they can beat absolutely anybody right I
21057s mean
21058s um so like you've got Great Britain and
21060s like you've got teams but if you do like
21062s the transitive properties like they
21064s could absolutely they beat a team that
21066s could beat a team right so yeah this is
21068s a team that I don't think anyone had
21069s coming out of groups when we looked at
21071s it and now like it is it's firmly in the
21074s realm of possibility yeah the world stop
21076s producing storylines that even we could
21078s think of honestly so I you love to see
21080s it you love to see these dark horse
21081s stories come to fruition and we're
21083s hoping we're wishing them the best of
21084s luck throughout the rest of the week
21085s with that said though we're ready to hop
21087s into match seven no breaks no more ads
21089s we are hopping straight into the action
21091s hexes EP enjoy the ride and I'll see you
21093s guys on the flip side
21095s all right get into it and you know hex
21097s this is gonna be another match where we
21099s have an overwhelming favorite we haven't
21100s quite seen the upset Potential from a
21103s team like Belgium but you talk about
21104s teams that Spain you know could take to
21106s the limit uh France they went to three
21109s against Denmark and if Denmark went to
21111s three against Spain yeah what does that
21112s mean when these two teams meet uh
21114s definitely something uh to be looking
21116s forward to but the France roster we've
21118s talked a lot about it but let's talk
21119s about not the old here hex but the new
21121s reviews and pack definitely the
21124s standouts here even amongst all this
21126s veteran Talent yeah and we started even
21128s going into the last match against
21129s Denmark that these were the guys to look
21131s out for like we we know what everyone
21132s else is but I think we started to really
21134s understand the value that reviews and
21137s pack bring to this team you know so far
21138s France is undefeated they just took down
21140s Denmark but that was a very close series
21142s I think what we've seen from France that
21143s they clearly favor of Rush style because
21145s that allows Nico to play May that best
21148s to play like a brawler tank FD got into
21150s play Lucio like these are their best
21151s heroes obviously
21153s um but then you know pack on Hanzo
21155s reviews Batiste has been sick and the
21157s Anna play has been really good a to
21160s stack team from top to bottom and I
21162s think you know the questions that you
21164s had about this roster were of the the
21166s newer faces you know the people that we
21168s don't know from the OverWatch League
21169s necessarily obviously with competitive
21171s play experience but uh packing reviews
21173s were every bit uh as good as the rest of
21177s the team if not the biggest parts of
21179s their last victory over Denmark
21181s yeah and that to me is the most exciting
21183s part of Team friends here but shifting
21186s gears taking a look at Belgium you know
21188s a team that's definitely had ups and
21190s downs you know I think the you know you
21192s look at a player like Ken right on dpsn
21194s we've seen rounds where Candace played
21197s something like afara and Ben lights out
21199s and then we've had other rounds where
21201s Ken is on different DPS and is simply
21203s out you know non-existent uh right you
21206s know Logics is just kind of flailing on
21207s his own so you know it's a very
21210s inconsistent Belgium team that so far
21212s has kind of struggled because of that
21214s fact well I mean here's the thing too
21216s like would to add some context to
21217s Belgium though because it looks like you
21219s know we're kind of giving them a bad rap
21220s they got their first Victory last week
21221s against uh you know uh Portugal uh which
21224s brings them to a record of one and three
21225s they hadn't won before that but here's
21227s why they face Great Britain they face
21229s Spain and they face Denmark right and
21231s when they lost to Spain we're like oh
21232s well that seems like a bit of an upset
21234s on paper clearly it wasn't now like this
21236s history now
21238s um I mean today is not the schedule's
21240s not any kinder to them as as they go
21241s against France and you know we
21243s constantly say it's about consistency
21245s and that narrative hasn't changed I mean
21247s it's not just the DPS players and Logics
21249s and can have to be more consistent
21250s they're they're the ones that it's it's
21252s most visible on because they're playing
21253s damage but the whole squad has to just
21255s make better decisions get better value
21257s out of their ultimates they're one in
21259s three but God that schedule is a tough
21262s schedule for him so that is it is still
21264s a you know I still am not certain that
21267s this Belgium team is not good but
21269s they're definitely The Underdogs going
21270s against France
21271s yeah they definitely won the hardest
21273s schedule award especially give fact we
21275s just talked about all the tough matches
21276s have had it's like oh yeah they're gonna
21278s play against France today yeah Great
21280s Britain Spain Denmark like that's how
21283s that's how you start the tournament
21284s that's tough
21285s well if nothing else have had good comp
21289s practice against and and one thing I've
21291s seen here in this tournament is that you
21293s can't take anything for granted and if
21295s France went into this match you know
21297s sleepwalking Belgium could certainly
21299s punish them but we'll see what France
21301s has in store as they roll out here they
21304s did have uh Ben Dustin as us yes right
21307s so yeah expect for it
21311s um yeah I mean definitely a tank that's
21313s going to you know a main tank as it were
21317s um some tank with it with a shield very
21319s likely
21320s um but we'll see I mean Ben best could
21321s play a lot of different things but you
21323s know France does have I I don't think so
21325s here's here's my my wild out of the box
21327s Theory they're not gonna play Diva
21329s that's that's the one thing I know
21332s poco's not in the lineup they're not
21334s going to play Diva but yeah it seems
21336s like France definitely prefers the the
21338s more brawl compositions like I mentioned
21340s it allows their players to play their
21342s best heroes uh for the most part so no
21345s surprise there I don't think they'll
21347s really switch it up it doesn't seem like
21348s they need to try to throw in some
21349s practice uh Belgium against the brawl
21352s looks like they might run this um
21355s pharah but there's no mercy there's the
21358s mercy okay speed boost out of Spawn
21360s switch immerse makes sense
21362s yeah and if there's any team that can
21363s play The Working ignore the pharah and
21365s stay on the point and do it well it's a
21367s spread Squad like I actually have full
21369s faith in their ability to not die the
21371s Rockets not enough said that watch
21372s someone fly off the map to a concussive
21374s blast because that's just how the Caster
21376s curse Works in situations like this
21379s yeah I mean they've already got the the
21381s Sim set up on the point too so
21383s definitely just gonna kind of stay as a
21385s squad Nico gets antied but just gonna
21387s run to the point and be fine
21389s um decent flank here for the pharah
21391s though getting some good hits
21393s and it's decent hits but France
21397s it's reviews the nice little direct had
21400s the cat predict that they didn't have
21401s full line of sight on the bat the entire
21403s time but that is the way you make a team
21406s pay for trying to ignore the pharah and
21409s the barrage super quickly built really
21411s nice stuff from Ken and yeah killing the
21414s Bap that early great stuff okay
21416s yeah I mean not only is it all the
21418s healing but it's also like the the the
21420s the uh counter play to the barrage would
21423s be an immortality field to at least keep
21424s you alive but also like it's pretty much
21426s the only hero they have that shoots up
21428s really well so the Batiste is an
21430s enormous pick there France complete
21433s swaps across the board except FD guy can
21435s stay on the Lucio everyone else swapping
21436s over to the Winston Tracer Sombra died
21438s they've gone to the audience which is uh
21440s we're gonna kill your entire team except
21442s the farmers with a super hard dive
21457s how much has been best for it but France
21460s definitely looking decent here on the
21462s dive they got control the point water
21464s logic songs
21466s gets to clean up kills in the interim
21469s just rolling around now looking for
21470s empty goddess Belgium
21472s be able to flip this back pretty quickly
21474s but France again going to be
21476s prioritizing the point here more than
21478s anything else it's Point presence dive
21479s on the non-far targets what can do
21482s whatever he wants how's the game plan
21483s for France that mess is really low he's
21486s gonna escape with his life he'll go back
21488s to his team but hit Anton yeah
21490s again logic's just good easy cleanup on
21492s the outskirts looking for reviews gets
21494s it and the strategy France is playing
21496s right now is making Logics look like
21497s someone you want to thank
21499s well they still have to control the
21501s point though I mean Francis done a
21502s really good job of Staggering people in
21504s and out and while Belgium is clearly
21506s winning this fight they are not winning
21507s the points uh it's been counting up
21509s they've gotten at least 20 off this
21511s yeah I mean it's kind of battle versus
21513s War mentality going on here logic
21516s explicitor plus one pack already has it
21517s packed though shot on down 69-39
21523s you wouldn't feel it though from uh how
21525s these fights being played out no the
21527s last minute or two I've been in Belgium
21529s absolutely winning it but you know it's
21531s it's not about who it's uh this isn't
21533s Team Deathmatch unfortunately it is a
21536s control point and Grant's spinning huge
21538s control of the point and they've got all
21539s the alts there's even oh
21541s that was an assassination
21547s which means it's gonna be really hard
21549s for Shire of the state in and around the
21550s point right now like shyra basically has
21553s to wait
21554s support he only come in logics gang
21555s super super low can under pressure and
21557s down falls to his own rocket at the end
21560s [Music]
21561s Nico don't think it's gonna be enough
21563s France also got the reflip very quickly
21565s here x even as the fight is still going
21567s on they prioritize the point Shira out
21569s of it Ben best still very healthy sexy
21572s god drops beat Ken Mirage in the top
21574s immediately finding his wings clipped
21577s and this is looking good for France now
21579s one fight away yeah nice kill there from
21582s FD God it would be it wouldn't be a map
21584s without FD God getting a boob kill
21587s gonna chill off on the edge
21596s make something come of it though
21601s 4v4 France at 99 Belgium has to stay on
21605s the point while fighting here and shyra
21607s about to get demacked France had a
21609s massive HP Advantage here and also a
21612s numerical Advantage take advantage
21613s whatever Advantage you want to throw
21614s into it Belgium just hoping for anything
21616s to break their way is Logics gets run
21618s over France it's gonna take round one
21621s yeah it's uh all over but the cry in
21623s here is packed we'll clean up with a
21625s couple of melee confirms at the end and
21627s really there's just a tale of two
21629s compositions there France obviously got
21630s bullied out a little bit when they're
21632s running the Reinhardt and trying the
21633s more static composition of playing on
21635s point
21636s um you know a couple of nice early kills
21637s from Ken Logics looked solid at points
21640s in time but France prioritized playing
21642s the point
21643s and the the EMP from Nico was enormous I
21646s think it got five I couldn't really tell
21647s because potanova got killed immediately
21650s um so I'm pretty sure that was a
21652s five-person EMP the great follow-up
21655s there and I mean we talk about France's
21657s versatility and we you know I always
21658s talk about just like you know the tank
21660s lines that they can sub in poco but also
21662s they can play different comps and a lot
21664s of that goes to Nico's versatility as
21665s well and Nico as far back as I can
21668s remember remember Nico plays like
21670s everything and plays it all really well
21671s maybe not everything but like all the
21672s kind of off stuff right like not yeah
21675s yeah it's not like a widower McCree
21677s special or a Cassidy specialist but like
21679s every hero that's not that's a little
21681s bit weird like Nico's good about who
21683s Nico used to play with though team wise
21685s like that was a team full of very strong
21686s personalities and Nico just got forced
21688s to flex there's a lot of like I'm not
21690s playing the hero you play that hero like
21692s that Hero's beneath me and he goes just
21694s like okay I guess I'll play it with the
21698s the old uh akm windstein but either way
21701s uh
21702s still gym right now more progress on the
21704s point pananova though it's caught early
21707s you're gonna see France come in and
21709s force here where this is gonna be about
21710s the quickest retake you can get five
21712s percent from Belgium and see if they can
21714s delay along but you know down they're
21716s honest so early it's kind of a losing
21718s fight yeah they will eventually flip it
21721s back and this is exactly where France
21722s wants to be playing on this point you
21723s know the Sim is not just for the
21725s teleporters here they're gonna get set
21726s up and be able to have the the turrets
21729s in here and I mean this is a composition
21732s that is worked out on this point since
21734s well this map was introduced it just
21736s works out really well for Sim to be able
21738s to guard all the doors also if a team
21740s looks like they want to take the front
21741s door Nico's able to clean it off but
21743s Nico goes down a rocket
21745s this little rocket from Ken sets up the
21747s barrage to the back it's a big one gets
21749s two
21749s and Belgium immediately hitting Pay Dirt
21752s with the pharah sometimes you just can't
21754s ignore it
21756s and we'll see how quickly Belgium
21757s reflips here should be fast as close to
21759s France is back in spawn I just love that
21761s Kevin can have an enormous play and like
21763s hit all these rockets and get a barrage
21765s and then the kill feed is him dying to a
21767s Sim turret so yeah
21769s this really doesn't feel lower accurate
21771s right there suffering prayer with us I
21774s don't know how to know that yeah
21776s well I will tell you though the result
21778s of that happening is Belgium's about to
21780s lose his point losing the honor of that
21782s early is tough unless again Miracle
21784s picked again Valkyrie early to try and
21786s compensate but it's not ideal Ken needs
21789s to get picked off
21792s well and best out of the fight it's big
21794s from Logics Belgium could hold on here
21797s Logics goes down though
21798s beat can be dropped France can't commit
21800s France does not feel like retreating
21802s here just yet refuse finishing off Shira
21805s I got packed pulse bomb good to go do
21807s you use it gear do you say I would like
21809s to say it but gonna use it get rid of
21810s the honor get rid of the problem make
21812s sure there's no healing that's a pack
21814s says yeah kid picks up a nice little
21816s three piece yeah very very nice play
21819s there I mean Paul spawn's not something
21820s that you'd like think about holding on
21822s to right it charged us up pretty quick
21824s and if you have both supports in there
21826s you know go for the stick and absolutely
21828s eliminate it make sure that Belgium
21830s can't come crawling back into this
21832s France will finally Take the Lead uh on
21835s this stage as they lead in the map and
21837s see if Nico can get another big EMP
21839s Belgium's in a weird spot right now
21841s necessarily so I don't know if you'd go
21843s for this EMP is how you set the momentum
21845s here well yeah you just kind of just
21847s wait they're not they're not you don't
21849s have to go for it now but now yeah as
21851s soon as they group up and the fall
21853s through on the Logics just immediately
21855s evaporated as textbook it was the MPS
21858s you're gonna get now 75 for France one
21861s more one fight from France and the map
21863s will be theirs
21865s I mean they've just done a really good
21867s job of the moment that Belgium splits
21870s off into two squads which is almost
21871s almost always going to happen Mercy
21876s that mugged before I could even consider
21878s the point you didn't even get the name
21880s or the license plate of that bus as it
21882s came on over self-destruct on the put
21884s from shyra just trying to buy time
21886s immediately punished and yeah that's one
21889s way to win a map just you know that
21890s final fight why have a final fight just
21893s mug Logics before he gets to the point
21896s yeah and I mean I think that is you know
21898s the mark of like a great team and I'm
21900s I've always been a fan of like just be
21902s aggressive being aggressive it almost
21903s always works out better in OverWatch
21905s being proactive rather than reactive and
21908s so like when you see those opportunities
21909s and the top level teams and the top
21911s level players do is like I see this and
21913s I'm pretty sure I can win this 1v1
21915s going up one person especially now in
21918s 5v5 OverWatch 2 enormous so it kind of
21921s wins you entire fights and especially
21923s towards the end of rounds when teams are
21924s kind of scrambling and trying to get
21926s back to the point you will often find a
21928s stray like you know off of the herd it's
21931s where Lions hunt the the people who are
21933s straggling behind the pack and that's
21934s exactly what happened there well in that
21937s case there's more like Logics was in
21938s front of the pack they they just went to
21940s the Scout in that case you know logic's
21943s gonna have to hold the overclock later I
21945s suppose but uh yeah definitely a tough
21948s round for Belgium points still had one
21950s of the most stylish pulse bombs I think
21951s I've ever seen with Logics he got off
21954s the edge that was you know what's good
21956s right here then you just laughed you
21958s just had just gotten the kill onto the
21960s Anna almost got the mercy and then
21963s oh man that I mean I we saw empty God's
21967s point we empty that I was like wait
21968s what's he doing what's he doing here oh
21970s crap like that that was probably the
21972s line of thought going through empty
21974s gunners
21975s but uh yeah I mean Belgium had their
21978s points but France way more consistent
21980s and you just saw the show superiority at
21982s the end where they just go look uh No
21984s One's Gonna really guess that we're
21986s gonna send three people to just murder
21988s Logics before last fight
21990s also the composition from Belgium makes
21993s sense like you're not first of all
21994s you're not gonna beat France at rush
21996s like it's probably not gonna happen it's
21997s a great comp for them second of all I
22000s don't think Belgium has played rush at
22002s all like that composition that we just
22003s saw from Belgium is pretty much what
22004s they've been playing the entire
22005s tournament uh where Ken will take an
22007s echo or a pharah Sometimes some other
22009s things maybe they'll go like Sombra uh
22011s Tracer uh Winston you know spy dive as
22013s everyone calls it
22014s um everyone
22016s but uh
22017s but yeah I mean I think that they had to
22019s go for that composition they got a
22021s couple of kills but really you know
22022s France
22023s um you know got pretty lucky on on the
22025s stage RNG to be able to play Russian in
22027s the good situations and we'll see where
22029s Belgium wants to take them next it will
22031s be Belgium's map pick but kind of you
22032s know going according to plan so far
22035s well France they are looking good here
22037s against Belgium coming up next map two
22040s we'll see if Belgium can turn it around
22043s [Music]
22059s thank you foreign
22064s [Music]
22081s [Music]
22088s [Applause]
22089s [Music]
22099s let's see
22108s [Music]
22125s thank you
22126s [Music]
22146s [Music]
22157s [Music]
22164s [Music]
22205s all right
22206s [Music]
22227s thank you foreign
22242s [Music]
22258s foreign
22262s France looking overwhelmingly strong in
22264s our first map against Belgium Belgium
22266s having a few bright spots but still
22268s struggling to put all together just have
22269s Logics do more absolutely ridiculous
22271s pulse bombs that defy imagination just
22274s you know a good five or more of those
22276s hexa per match and it might be close
22278s yeah two of the more stylish players in
22280s all of OverWatch Logics and FD God uh
22282s meet each other there like empty God had
22284s just made an enormous play and almost
22285s got a second enormous play and then
22287s that's when he gets picked off with a
22288s one of the funnier pulse bombs I have
22290s ever seen so Belgium is down 0-1 though
22293s which means that they will be choosing
22295s our next map um early on in the
22297s tournament they went to Circuit Royale
22299s okay we will go back to Circle rail
22301s later they have she chose numbani so a
22304s lot of this comes down to like who do
22306s you want to have their better Hero on
22308s because Circa Royale allows Logics to
22310s play long-range hitscan
22312s um whereas numbani was allowing Ken to
22314s play in Echo so it seems like they're
22316s going to go back to Circuit Royale
22317s they've gone to this map a couple of
22319s different times really opens up long
22321s range sight lines for this squad so
22324s maybe Logics is feeling it today
22326s probably some Widow probably some ash or
22328s early on also it's not terrible for um
22330s you know the widow or the uh Sombra
22332s Tracer but I would expect at least an
22335s attempt at some long range hits yeah and
22338s it's one of those things where you know
22340s you go into it and it's not uh we're
22342s doing it for a huge Advantage because
22343s you know what's coming on the France
22345s side you know particularly for players
22346s like pack is that you're gonna be
22348s contested every part of the way but you
22350s know there just comes a point where you
22352s got to play what you feel strong at what
22353s you feel good at and Belgium definitely
22356s has to be in that mindset by this point
22358s okay a couple of substitutions actually
22361s um Avo will come in for Nico Avo would
22363s be their uh scan Ace so it makes sense
22366s Poco will come in um because Poco plays
22368s more of the off tanks uh Diva but also
22371s the sigma and you know this map um
22374s regardless of patches and everything
22376s that's happened this map has almost
22377s always been Sigma Widow map right like
22379s pretty much you could always run a sigma
22381s and a Widow on this map and feel fine
22383s even thinking about like maybe last year
22384s or the year before no just last year
22386s that's when the map came in
22388s um but like this would have mapped me
22389s that like space would come in and play
22391s right this was always a map that your
22392s Sigma specialist comes in so no surprise
22395s here for France
22397s um I haven't seen a ton of reviews on
22398s Zen that I can recall and I've been so
22400s impressed with their play on both
22402s Baptiste and Anna that I'm looking
22404s forward to seeing that
22405s yeah oh
22408s and that's a pretty quick start from
22410s Logics just uh Avo uh immediately
22414s getting sent back to spawn some vintage
22417s Logics action there and uh something
22418s that's gonna be forcing friends back
22420s while they wait for their own Widow to
22422s come back in a lot of easy point game
22424s though
22426s yeah
22428s um that just pretty much gets you to the
22430s corner there's nothing else there's
22431s nothing else to say about it you don't
22433s really have to worry about much uh gonna
22434s be able to play this corner here so
22437s score one zero Logics for Savo
22447s keep track of it here we go other to the
22449s top looking to even it up looking fonzo
22452s oh not just yet still looking
22454s okay
22455s so so far you know the the damage
22458s dealers for Belgium are uh winning this
22461s it's only been two kills so far in the
22463s map but almost a checkpoint like if they
22464s can Rush down Poco they're gonna get
22466s this point yeah Belgium's been winning
22467s the DPS mirror pretty handily right now
22469s it's been fairly quiet for both Avo and
22471s packed as far as preview is just like I
22473s can't wait for the DPS anymore it will
22474s be me however it comes at a cost reviews
22477s immediately punishes the sun aggression
22479s but you get the tank out of it you're
22481s kind of happy right now if you're
22483s Francis
22485s yeah it was a really nice play to just
22488s like get rid of that immortality field
22489s immediately and then still be able to
22491s track uh Java although tracking is Zen
22493s like yeah I'm a terrible widows I don't
22495s like listen to this but Zen is pretty
22496s easy to track kind of just floats you
22498s know one of the one of the easier
22500s targets to track in the game but still a
22502s nice shot nonetheless Belgium will have
22504s now stabilized as Francis pushed back it
22506s looked like Francis gonna pull it off
22507s but really nice coat from
22509s um reviews to take down Shira before and
22512s now uh looks like they're taking some
22514s space
22515s yeah well I mean pack was able to kill
22517s his opposing number there so you have
22519s the DPS of France starting to warm up
22521s and Belgium has been making negative
22523s progress here hex over the last uh
22525s minute and a half or so after a very
22527s very strong start you know it goes to
22529s show you how your fortunes can swiftly
22530s change when you have this DPS conference
22532s this DPS come yeah I mean it's just all
22535s about pick potential right I mean double
22536s sniper has kind of always been this way
22538s where you know it's once you lose one it
22541s just gets brutal I mean it really does
22543s come down to pretty much individual play
22545s individual mechanics I mean more than
22548s any other style of composition this is
22550s DPS versus DPS although shyra gets uh
22552s the worst end of avo's Widow again
22555s I feel like France has been mixing in a
22557s lot more tank pressure than Belgium is
22558s because that's the second time we've
22559s seen shyra just go down to pressure
22561s whereas Poco
22563s on the whole you know aside from that
22564s shot there has been pretty healthy the
22566s entire way through like France has just
22568s been doing a better job at spreading out
22570s their pressure between DPS and tank
22571s whereas Belgium is all just hey they'd
22574s like to kill your DPS has happened a
22576s while Abba going for the Recon site
22577s going for the hook shot up over the top
22580s yeah that was gonna be a hook shot but I
22581s didn't turn into a get away from the
22583s Dragon
22586s Transcendence for Transcendence right
22588s now both teams praying neither team down
22591s just yet what a bigger match
22595s both Transcendence like it's just
22598s everything's coming out at the exact
22600s same time
22601s the thing is uh France you're a lot
22603s happier about because Belgium's just
22605s been stuck in
22606s stuck in three minutes now this has been
22608s fantastic for the defense and nowhere
22611s near as good for the offense thus far
22612s sight lines crossing once more Avo a
22616s little bit low
22619s pack firing back the other ways can get
22621s slow there's 20 seconds left and we're
22623s back in the neutral I don't think
22624s anyone's Really Gonna Get ultimate uh
22625s anytime soon it's gonna be very close if
22627s that's enormous yeah reviews picking up
22630s his counterpart Poco finding Ken and
22632s with 10 seconds left I mean Belgium
22634s doesn't even get a full five the
22636s contests they just have to stand the
22637s point but I don't think shiver is going
22639s to be living long here this is a really
22640s tough spot to be in for France has an
22642s overwhelming numerical Advantage Poco
22644s lands the point blank rock shyra gone in
22648s the payload it's just stopping right
22649s here
22651s yeah I mean blows were traded back and
22653s forth with the DPS
22654s um pretty consistently it was one for
22656s one two for one Etc the once the
22658s difference that I saw and it was reviews
22660s is Zenyatta I mean going after people
22662s also the pressure that the Discord was
22664s able to put on the opposing tank towards
22666s the end a couple of nice kills from
22668s reviews on the Zen it was something I
22669s wanted to look at coming into this match
22671s because I've been so impressed with
22672s their play on other uh support Heroes
22674s but I think that ended up being like the
22676s small difference I mean the the DPS kind
22679s of went you know pretty close I think
22681s France edged it out in the end but you
22683s know Poco stayed strong Poco I don't
22686s think died at all just stunning card got
22688s nice healing and reviews was able to
22690s pick up the slack
22692s um as far as putting out the extra bit
22694s of damage in this composition and I mean
22696s Zen is a damage dealer he just he heals
22698s accidentally sometimes
22700s well the other thing too is I point out
22702s is that you know even though the Belgium
22704s DPS looked good at the very beginning
22705s with the early pickoffs it did really
22707s feel like they were mostly focused on
22710s killing their DPS counterparts where you
22713s know Avo and pack spread it around a lot
22715s more which is why I think you saw like
22717s shyra you know getting picked off more
22719s and you know anytime especially when
22721s you're running with double sniper if you
22723s lose your tank I mean you're basically
22726s just gotta leave yeah you can't do
22727s anything
22729s so yeah a pretty big difference overall
22731s Belgium not able to keep the minimum on
22733s and now to stay alive in the match they
22735s need to have a phenomenal defense
22739s yeah only 92 meters to go for France to
22741s continue their undefeated streak
22745s in the group
22751s look at Brandon it's like where am I
22753s gonna hook up to here today I think
22756s maybe he was thinking that Logics might
22758s go for that shot I'm not sure if you can
22759s grapple up over that I try not to play
22761s Widow because I like not throwing games
22765s yeah you know good for the rating and
22767s all that but France right now not doing
22770s anything special just trading up poke
22772s getting a decent amount of free payload
22774s progress here nice angle from pack
22776s nearly get Shabba
22778s yeah one way or away from confirming
22781s that kill
22784s s must be off cooldown reuse a little
22787s bit of Zen pressure here from the back
22789s charging up
22790s open and praying doesn't find anything
22792s there
22794s France just keeping the payload pressure
22796s on Something's Gotta Give soon here for
22798s the Belgium defense or France is just
22800s gonna push the payload directly to where
22803s it needs to go now they've got a
22804s secondary corner now too this is good
22806s angles for them
22809s getting up for a moment reviews I'm
22811s looking
22812s low immortality field forced out early
22814s France can be aggressive now once this
22816s goes away
22817s immortality field is down France Got
22819s push the issue
22820s I could Shabba but Belgium there and the
22822s punish get two of their own because and
22825s the nice little flank point blank arrow
22828s to the Dome
22829s it's gonna be Belgium holding it off for
22831s at least this first push I mean it
22833s really does ends up coming down to math
22835s at a lot of points and times like did
22836s this team get more kills than the other
22837s like it's it's such a slow paced map and
22840s these compositions like you're really
22842s just waiting for that one moment where
22843s you know I I think they there was a nice
22846s moment you pointed out where the
22847s immortality field went down that France
22848s maybe could have pushed a little
22849s stronger but like what are you pushing
22850s with you know it's like your tank is
22852s gonna end up being a little bit exposed
22854s if you try to push too hard you really
22856s are just waiting for
22857s um your DPS to to out DPS the other spot
22866s we have no intention of really poking
22870s this at all now the window is down they
22871s have a window of their own so yeah which
22873s is weird so you think Belgium maybe
22875s would have wanted to use that
22876s defensively at some point I mean what
22879s did you expect for us to do to hang out
22880s in the middle I don't know maybe there
22881s was a shot that they they thought they
22882s were gonna get but did not try again
22888s Belgium now also going oh they don't
22890s respect enough Logics gets caught Logics
22893s was the only person from Belgium in the
22895s line of Scythe through the window FD God
22896s does not miss those
22899s and now it just snowballs out of control
22901s France sees the signal to go they do
22904s just that and France take it in a
22907s dominant two
22908s reviews with another three piece at the
22910s end
22911s um looking really strong like this it
22913s was Belgium's map pick and I think it
22915s was you know we're gonna ride or die
22917s with our DPS and I think that's been
22919s their strategy throughout the entire
22920s tournament either Logics and Ken are
22922s gonna crush or they aren't like that's
22924s it I mean you know 50 50 chance either
22927s they are or they aren't I guess um
22929s we've been rejoined by Jimmy who is here
22932s not after the break but right now yeah I
22934s know I saw him just agreeing with me as
22936s I say completely valid and correct
22937s points all the time appreciate you Jimmy
22939s yeah I mean it's kind of what we
22940s expected from France but like that pick
22942s from Belgium was just like hopefully our
22943s DPS cannot play him um they didn't and
22945s then reviews Zenyatta looked really good
22947s and he kind of forced the issue the more
22949s aggressive Zen at points in time and
22951s I mean that that's all she wrote Belgium
22953s goes down again France continues to stay
22955s undefeated yeah France just looks like
22957s such a strong Squad and of course when
22959s you're swapping out tanks and your
22961s options are Ben best and Poco they
22964s they're just measured they are they have
22966s patience they know how they want to
22968s fight even around this corner they were
22969s happy to wait for Belgium to overextend
22972s just around they don't want to give them
22974s any Windows of opportunity and FD God
22977s even when there wasn't a window of
22979s opportunity you found it onto Logics not
22980s giving him the respect that he was due
22982s in those last couple of moments of the
22984s fight but with that said that pretty
22985s much wraps up the day of matches for
22987s today we're on day five of this two week
22989s ordeal and we'll be back with more
22991s action Friday Saturday and Sunday and
22993s those three teen those three days rather
22995s will determine which teams move forward
22997s to the main event that said let's take a
22999s look at the schedule so we can recap
23000s everything that happened all throughout
23002s the day we had some amazing matches some
23004s great upsets some great story lines
23006s beginning to Blossom of course we
23008s started out the day with Saudi Arabia
23010s two opening Norway then we went to
23012s Germany we were also to hold turkey
23014s Sweden made quick work of Poland and
23016s Finland did the same to Iceland Italy
23019s much of the same versus Portugal 2-0
23021s there the match of the day I want to say
23024s Spain versus Denmark a story being
23027s written and of course we'll follow it as
23029s the week progresses and France
23031s progresses past Belgium when we're
23033s taking a look at standings as well let
23036s me refresh this little page over here
23038s group a we've got France at 4-0 Great
23041s Britain at three in one and Spain at 3-1
23044s comprising the top three spots of group
23046s a and for groupie Saudi Arabia and
23049s Finland lead the way with Norway in a
23051s close third there uh zp man we're back
23055s in with action of course we've got so
23057s many matches throughout the rest of the
23059s week honestly if we're looking forward
23061s there are plenty of mountains to climb
23064s for many of these teams out of today
23066s though what was your favorite match an
23068s inferent match had to be the match of
23070s Spain versus Denmark right where we knew
23071s it had upset potential and it lived up
23073s to that potential I'd say a small favor
23076s match was just seeing Sweden finally get
23078s a win on the board and had to happen
23080s sometime and seeing Sweden just go
23082s winless just wouldn't have felt right so
23084s for me those were the two things I liked
23086s or on the game but you know on the whole
23087s you can't really compete with Spain
23089s versus Denmark as Not only was it a
23091s great match I'd Vivint upset it was also
23093s the only match that went the distance uh
23095s the entire day oh yeah hexes up the
23097s standings
23098s um yeah the standings get kind of uh
23100s skewed there in that group as well
23103s um but Spain does have really tough
23105s opponents coming up so let's think about
23106s that but definitely a big confidence
23108s booster and I look at like Group B and
23110s it just seems like you know uh Saudi
23112s Arabia and Finland are just going to run
23114s away for with it like they just look a
23116s notch uh above everyone else that
23118s they're playing and when they played
23120s each other it went to three and it was
23121s close so um I don't think I don't think
23123s we get to see them play again
23124s necessarily but it seems like Group B
23126s like it kind of looks wrapped up whereas
23128s group a anyone's game so far I mean I I
23131s think you know you hit the nail on the
23133s head Spain has been like one of the best
23134s stories in this world cup so far are
23136s able to come in and just seeing the the
23138s excitement from Nas and just like how
23140s those those players have to be feeling
23142s um that was definitely the best matchup
23143s in Denmark you got to be worried Denmark
23145s kind of has to like sweep it out from
23146s now on I think they might need a little
23148s bit help I think you know what Spain has
23150s played Great Britain still uh so there's
23152s definitely some matches coming up yeah
23153s yeah it's definitely a stacked list that
23156s Spain has if you guys were curious we're
23158s looking at Spain tomorrow Place France
23160s the current number one seed right the
23162s day after they played Great Britain and
23165s then the day after they played Portugal
23166s so you know two of the strongest matches
23169s that they could have expected in their
23170s group still to come that said though
23172s it's been an awesome day five the action
23174s continues same time same place tomorrow
23176s I'm Jim Basco that's CP that's hex we
23178s have an absolute pleasure bringing you
23180s the matches today but make sure you tune
23181s in tomorrow it continues and we'll
23184s figure out which teams make it to the
23185s main event that said though it's been an
23187s awesome day thank you so much for tuning
23188s in and we'll catch you all tomorrow
23190s junk
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12 months ago - PlayOverwatch - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

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602s classic classic there we go everyone
604s welcome to day six of the OverWatch
606s World Cup 2023 online qualifiers for the
609s emec region I'm your host Jim Vasco
610s that's CP and of course I'm joined by
612s hex as well gentlemen it is uh
615s tumultuous day there will be lots of
618s stories decided today lots of stories
620s decided yesterday and for the rest of
622s the time obviously this two-week
624s tournament ends this week all the fates
627s will be decided with that said let's
629s take a quick look at the schedule if we
632s can and let's recap some of the action
634s that's been taking place throughout the
635s week hex let's start with you here of
638s course
639s um obviously we've got a couple of
641s Marquee matches today right we're
642s starting off with Germany versus Sweden
644s Finland versus Poland we're going to
646s Iceland versus Turkey later on in the
648s day we've got Portugal versus Denmark
649s Netherlands versus Belgium Italy versus
652s Great Britain and then France versus
654s Spain taking a quick look at the
655s schedule for today hex what is your
658s matchup that you're looking to most uh
660s the single one I'm looking forward to
661s most is actually the the end of the day
662s we're gonna kick it off of course means
664s EP in the first three but I'm sticking
666s around to watch France versus Spain I
668s mean obviously France would be the the
670s favorite coming into that matchup but
671s Spain has opened so many eyes and
673s they're they're such a frightening team
674s to play uh that if France wants to go
677s undefeated they really have to bring
678s their a game absolutely zp and the same
680s question to you man yeah I mean it's
681s also going to be pretty much the same
683s answer we're Spain right now overall for
685s emec is the story right it is the team
689s that kind of came out of nowhere it's a
690s team that's getting consistent upsets
692s the team that also has like low lows and
694s high highs you actually do not know what
697s you're going to get from the Spain uh
699s matchup regardless of who they're
700s playing right so Spain right now is
702s probably the most exciting team to watch
705s in all the OverWatch World Cup yeah
708s before we actually proceed with the
710s matches and talking about the games that
711s are still to come let's give you a bit
713s of context as to how this whole damn
714s thing actually works so the online
716s qualifier challenge showcases two groups
718s group a and Group B competing in a round
720s robin first to two tournament it's a
722s single stage tournament that's been
723s taking place over two weeks we are into
725s the second week now we're on day six of
727s the tournament and that means we only
728s have two or rather three days of
730s competition today tomorrow and the day
733s after to see how it all settles down and
735s of course the top three of group a will
737s be moving on in the top top two of Group
739s B will be moving on if we're taking a
741s look at the standings right now at the
742s top of group a we've got France Great
745s Britain and Spain who just dethroned
747s Denmark yesterday and in group b we've
750s got Saudi Arabia and in second we've got
753s Finland so with tons of matches today
754s and of course our first match of the day
757s being Germany versus Sweden hex and zp I
760s leave it to y'all and I'll catch you
761s guys on the other side of this match
764s yeah getting into this one this is a
766s interesting one where you know you look
767s at the stats overall I don't know if
769s there's really uh many mathematical ways
771s between to get into in Germany still
773s very much alive and you know you kind of
775s get to a point here for Sweden here hex
777s where are you we're talking about off
778s broadcast but it's one of those okay hey
781s yo you kind of play for Pride if nothing
783s else here right where Sweden came in as
786s kind of an overwhelming favorite didn't
787s quite live up to that but you know there
789s comes a point where it's like look just
791s stop the losing right like you know put
793s some W's up on the board uh regardless
795s of what else may be left
797s well I mean yeah I mean these These are
799s competitors these are players first and
801s foremost like you don't want to lose
803s they just kind of got bopped and boomed
805s early in in the tournament and it was a
806s little bit rough so I looked at the
808s standings and I think Sweden's um you
810s know a kind of conspiracy theory-esque
812s uh way of getting in has been um
814s eliminated I think Sweden is officially
816s out uh as far as I know Germany so
819s you're saying there's a chance they're
821s two and two uh they pretty much have to
823s run the table throughout to be able to
826s qualify of course only two teams come
827s out of group b
829s um so it's it's gonna be a rough ride
830s for them here is the lineup hitori uh uh
834s Phi qrxu refit and Sue cracks uh qrxu I
838s think is kind of the standout player to
840s me has been really solid on the hit scan
843s and might end up having to match
844s Sweden's hitscan because Sparkle's been
846s playing a ton of Ash
848s um and then sue cracks has been a pretty
850s nice Flex support too I made some
852s strange changes yesterday like going to
854s a Moira when they had to and then the
855s Moira worked out like I know people
857s don't want to hear it but Moira was
858s really good in that situation so uh yeah
861s this Germany team they have to run the
863s table at sitting at two and two
865s um you know if they get to five and two
868s there's there's a shot there there's a
871s chance yeah but it's definitely the full
874s you're telling me there's a chance but
875s you take a look here at the Swedish
877s roster it does look like thematic is
878s gonna be in for launchers again I know
881s that's a topic you want to touch on but
883s also you know before we get to that you
884s kind of look at this team and I do feel
887s like part of the difference at least for
888s a player like kemster is that you look
890s at how aggressive Kev star you know
892s plays in the OverWatch League I do feel
894s like kevstner has had trouble adjusting
896s to the fact that you know he's not
898s necessarily playing with complete
899s All-Star level supports in the same way
902s that you did the OverWatch League well
903s not the tile and melon are bad but you
905s know there is a little bit of a skill
907s Gap relative to some of the players that
908s kevstrom usually plays with I do wonder
910s if that has like impacted the level of
913s play we've seen from people here so far
915s well I think part of it too is you know
917s the best meta for a tracer right now is
920s the Sombra Tracer and I just don't think
922s sparker's really comfortable on the
923s Sombra
924s um so like when Sweden has had their
926s best success sparker's been playing Ash
927s and kevsters kind of been picking up
929s everything else like playing a little
930s bit of echo even as well obviously Kev
932s star is a world tier talent and can play
935s anything really well but I think Kev
936s Stern I think of Tracer the interesting
938s switch was yesterday in their first
940s victory theo-matic was playing tank over
942s lulsish uh theomatic I believe played
944s mostly orisa and so they were running
946s like erisa ash Echo and it looked pretty
948s solid so I think the best chance for
951s Sweden going forward is mostly just like
953s let sparker play hitscan like ash for
956s the most part um Hanzo is really good
958s for sparker as well but like putting
959s sparker on Sombra and you know things
962s that aren't right in the real house has
964s has not been ideal so I'd imagine we'll
967s see more of those compositions today
968s yeah it was also think OverWatch in
970s general has had kind of a history of if
972s someone isn't a Sombra player you can't
974s just throw them on Sombra and be like oh
976s this will work out I I can name endless
979s amounts of players where they're really
982s good on most scan Heroes but you put
983s them in Sombra and it's not a good look
985s and you know with sparker that just
987s might be one of those cases right where
988s you know really good player in general
990s but not quite feeling it on Sombra and
993s you know at that point it's better off
995s not playing the Sombra totally agree
997s yeah I mean you're spending too much
998s time not shooting right so you're taking
1000s away the the best ability and I think
1003s like at the highest levels too it's just
1004s there's such a mechanical and like game
1008s sense difference of playing somber
1010s versus almost any other hero where you
1012s can be where translocators need to be
1014s when the EMP timing is who the EMP is
1016s gonna hit like those kind of things and
1018s I think we've even seen it at the
1020s OverWatch League level there's like one
1021s or two good good sombres and the rest
1024s are like fine yeah it's kind of those
1027s things where when you know you're
1028s watching a great Sombra you know but we
1030s got Sweden gonna be rolling out of the
1033s gates here in 20 seconds and you know
1035s assuming they're not going to swap it up
1036s too much uh DPS wise I don't know if I
1039s believe the Kev stir on I mean it could
1041s but uh the spark on ash is something I
1043s definitely believe
1045s um yeah I think well especially if this
1047s ends up being the stage that we go to on
1048s ilios ash is really good here Kessler
1050s could stay on the Genji or run into the
1052s echo I believe would probably be an echo
1054s coming out based on the the main support
1056s that we see there yeah
1058s um so the big difference is going to be
1060s the support line where we've got a
1062s kiriko versus an Anna um but yeah other
1065s than that pretty much mirrored
1068s qrx already under pressure from spark I
1070s think just took one to the Head super
1072s early on but right now both teams are
1074s trading out early poke and yeah I mean
1076s in this early stage here you look a lot
1078s to the ash you look a lot to The Echoes
1080s as they you know just look for early
1082s Opus as they say that qrx gets
1084s goddamatic just feasting off a quick
1087s dive and that's between in a really nice
1089s spot for this first fight but as I say
1091s that atmosphere gets caught so I'll even
1094s foreign
1098s gets melon looking for the res theomedic
1102s gets a second one too it's all diva all
1104s the time on ilios Theo Matic is Out For
1106s Blood right now for Sweden a huge game
1109s changer here thus far
1112s not gonna say hey Lucius was the problem
1114s but Sweden does look scarier with
1116s theomatic in the lineup
1118s I think you know it's not necessarily
1119s about being a prominent maybe it's just
1121s you just need a change right I mean
1122s obviously something wasn't working maybe
1124s that's not one player or anything it's
1126s just how the compositions are working or
1128s maybe who's calling it but you know
1130s obviously it's something had to give for
1132s Sweden you know you don't want to go
1134s through the the World Cup where you were
1136s probably you know a group favorite and
1138s not get any wins but yeah yeah sky
1140s battle kepster takes it and the mercy
1143s yeah that was the old double team
1144s sparker in the back kempster in the
1146s front where it comes through them
1147s sparker but still kevenster just rolls
1149s right in and looking a little bit more
1151s like the kebster of uh you're here
1155s yeah it has been all Sweden so far
1158s Germany is going to have to find
1160s something here I mean they will have a
1162s smaller like you know Advantage as far
1164s as uh individual outplays because
1168s they're going to have a nano boost so
1169s it's gonna be interesting to see who the
1170s Nano goes on usually it's going to be a
1172s diva uh just for that that dive ability
1174s so we'll see if they end up using that
1176s either or Echo are usually the two
1179s Targets you'd expect here comes through
1180s they'll come in for the back and
1182s assassinates too can't drop a nano when
1184s you're dead and so far this has been
1188s incredibly one-sided and much more like
1190s the Sweden we kind of expected to see
1191s from day one
1193s yeah definitely Uh Kevin Pearson really
1196s going to town here um just kind of
1197s dropping it in the back line there and
1199s it's kind of the angle that we've seen
1201s these Echoes take and I think it's why
1202s you see echo on this map a lot there's
1204s this angle up top where the supports and
1207s even the long-range hits can want to set
1208s up that Echo can drop in on we saw a
1210s bunch yesterday as well
1213s all right Germany go in front of low
1215s temperatures still have the Nano Reserve
1216s did not get a chance to use it in the
1218s last fight and it goes on to the echo so
1220s it goes on uh by early early on here
1222s that one comes down just
1224s accepts bait and falling over but
1227s devsker gets qrx in Sweden still has
1230s options to maybe pull this back against
1233s her still in duplicate right now Sweden
1236s 97 they're gonna push us to 99 at the
1238s very least even if they do lose this
1239s fight
1240s against Arena killing the chemistry I
1243s guess that's one way beside chemster
1245s back to spawn but very dominant sniping
1247s Sweden
1248s yeah I mean Phi is is getting some real
1251s good work done on this Echo though with
1252s style points most of the work got done
1254s on the duplicate from the ash uh and
1256s really well played but still not flipped
1258s over yet yeah that's the ridiculous part
1261s here is that sparker comes back in and
1262s gets qrx sparker on the suit cracks and
1265s Germany's just getting picked off you
1267s know I thought they would at least get
1268s the flip here extended a bit but no
1270s Sweden's having no part of that 100 to
1272s zero incredibly dominant start here on
1275s ilios yeah and when we can look at the
1277s DPS uh all we want but the one
1279s difference between these compositions
1280s was the Anna versus the kiriko and you
1283s saw Sue cracks get uh kind of bopped a
1285s couple of times in a row and once that
1287s that Flex support is down I mean your
1290s mercy either has to decide to heal the
1292s entire group or to stay in the sky and
1295s it puts a lot of pressure on whereas on
1297s the other side uh they were running a
1299s kiriko and kiriko just has that escape
1300s ability so you get Dove on by the echo
1303s where you're taking uh damage from an
1304s ash from a bad sight line then you can
1306s you can just teleport out in your line
1309s the Escape ability is so much higher
1310s there so I think that was the big
1312s difference is that Sue cracks was
1314s getting kind of picked off being a
1315s stationary Target and just not the
1317s healing throughput that Germany needed
1320s all right so we go over to the runes
1322s Kevin are going to be swapping off onto
1323s the Tracer Tracer Sombra versus Ash
1326s Tracer again I like the fact that we
1328s talked on the Preamble keeping spark on
1329s the ash probably the right move here
1331s given everything that we've seen thus
1334s far sparker should we talk about I'm
1336s fine Lucio earlier that's gonna be a
1338s quick pause
1340s uh yeah nice nice little pause there
1343s coming in now of course
1344s um you know you and I kind of cursed
1346s with the pauses but yeah I mean also I
1349s think maybe the map Pool is helping out
1351s uh Sweden a little bit in these these
1354s later matches because ilios is so good
1356s for ash uh for the most part I mean
1358s you've seen these stages for the first
1360s stage obviously is a very very good Ash
1361s map this one as well um because this map
1364s can is often thought of as a widow map
1366s you know Ash Widow similar enough you
1369s can play it but I think it just came
1370s down to Sweden being like let's just
1371s play our best players for the most part
1374s um you know or at least let sparker play
1376s their best heroes uh and then kevster
1379s has has the versatility to pick up
1381s whatever else so I think they just
1383s realized that the composition wasn't
1385s working and maybe now they're just
1386s feeling a little looser too like being
1388s kind of eliminated now you just get to
1389s play you show up hang out with your
1391s friends you're representing your country
1393s and maybe the looser play style allows
1395s them to be a little more aggressive and
1397s just you know not not as tight and make
1399s sure that you hit those shots it is a
1400s funny any concept that transcends the
1402s barriers of sport though right like
1404s whether it be Esports traditional Sports
1406s any anything like that right the idea of
1408s like well now that you
1410s you know the pressure is off what can
1412s you do when you do see teams suddenly
1414s play a whole lot better you know
1416s relishing the fact that they can play
1417s spoiler and uh you know what's the worst
1420s that can happen right like there is that
1422s Dynamic that sometimes happens and to an
1424s extent I think Sweden is benefiting from
1426s that obviously I think some of the
1428s changes that may have been beneficial
1429s the fact that they're not running the
1431s Sombra as much you know the main tank
1433s change here so far has worked out really
1435s well also just mechanically it feels
1438s like kevster is a little bit more
1439s comfortable than he was at day one I
1442s don't know everything seems to be
1443s working through Sweden right now and you
1445s know you can kind of speculate as to why
1447s and all the reasons you speculate it
1449s could be a mix of all the above right
1451s yeah and I think you know it was kind of
1454s a square peg round whole thing early on
1456s of like why are you taking these players
1458s and trying to make them fit a meta where
1459s you could probably just out muscle uh
1462s everyone else like based on based on the
1464s damage line that that they have like I
1466s mean these are top tier world-class
1468s damage players and just let them let
1470s them do their work and you know I think
1471s maybe the map Pool does have something
1473s involved with that I think it's just a
1474s ton of different factors like you said
1476s playing with house money is always much
1478s more fun you know there's nothing really
1480s on the line
1481s um I mean obviously you want to win you
1483s want to represent your country um so
1484s also I think like Sweden it's a big deal
1487s to get that first Victory too because
1489s now there's even less pressure it's like
1490s you're not getting goose egg you're not
1492s going over uh so yeah I mean Sweden's
1495s overall looking strong and I think it's
1496s it's a variety of factors there on the
1499s flip side of that you know like I said
1500s Germany does still have a chance
1503s um to come out of this group but they
1504s have to win everything so the pressure
1506s is even higher on Germany so maybe that
1509s is playing a factor too so two uh
1511s opposite sides yeah that'll determine is
1514s long enough for this to be a thing but
1515s man that just reminds me of stories of
1517s teams when they're going up against uh
1519s you know Season One Shanghai dragons in
1521s the OverWatch League where teams would
1523s actually prep way harder against the
1525s dragons because like well we don't want
1527s to be their first win like we don't want
1529s that to be a thing and uh it actually
1531s made things even harder for the dragons
1533s where you know overall that team well
1535s you know clearly not very good probably
1537s wasn't a zero win team in actuality
1540s until the point where every team brought
1542s their a game and then some in a way that
1544s you know they didn't against a team like
1545s the Mayhem that was really bad that year
1547s but not zero win pass right season one
1551s it was 40 matches can you imagine 40
1554s matches and then every every match went
1557s to four regardless
1559s um yeah there's some tough metaphors I
1561s remember season one uh you're trying to
1564s sell the audience like it totally still
1565s matters technically it did I guess for
1568s for the numbers at the end of the day
1569s but yeah no you're absolutely right I
1571s remember talking to some players and
1572s managers that like we don't want to be
1575s the ones to to be the first loss to
1577s Shanghai who ended up being in the first
1578s law I can't recall uh it was in season
1581s too and I was in Atlanta I I don't I
1584s don't remember that sounds right yeah
1587s feels right in my head but I don't
1589s remember exactly yeah I mean you know
1592s time flies and that was years ago season
1596s was 2018 and you know uh everything
1599s that's happened in the world it seems
1601s like we lost a couple years in there but
1602s it is a millennia ago so we'll try to
1605s figure out why the pause is happening
1607s now usually it's just somebody drops
1608s from the server or something going on
1610s you never know maybe a mouse
1611s disconnected battery low something like
1613s that who knows
1615s uh looking here uh I just went to go how
1617s was my memory correct it was not uh even
1620s though that would be fitting for some
1621s years in Atlanta it was Boston which is
1624s probably more fitting for Austin at the
1626s time okay yeah thanks uh CB for the
1628s assist
1629s um and it was on Horizon lunar Colony oh
1631s what another blast from the past I guess
1634s I brought uh I guess they brought lunar
1636s Colony back for some Quest mode I don't
1639s know
1642s that was the thing at one point back uh
1645s you know in good old assault as we had
1648s to call it on broadcast no longer a game
1650s mode but uh
1651s yeah either way I ended up I ended up
1654s calling it 2cp mostly because like I you
1656s know we stole so many terminologies from
1658s Team Fortress 2. so yeah it's even why
1662s we call checking for Sombra spy checking
1664s like that's absolutely 100 term from
1666s Team Fortress 2. all right now in case
1668s you're wondering what is going on we're
1670s just feeling because we have a player
1671s disconnect and that's sometimes what you
1673s got to do but uh we're getting very
1675s close to the maybe it's time to take a
1676s break maybe not but you know we're on
1678s the edge right where baby the player's
1680s about to get back in so that's why I
1682s kind of go down memory lane on some of
1683s these things because hey it just kind of
1685s where it took us
1687s it's
1688s been playing pretty well today
1691s yeah I mean this is actually you know
1693s given the results yesterday this is
1695s actually a matchup that I expected
1696s Sweden to win just because I think like
1698s they've made the right changes
1700s um and yeah so far looking really strong
1702s I think they you know the 100 of it on
1705s on the first stage of ilio so looking
1707s good for Sweden thus far today
1709s yep and also it is one thing I was gonna
1713s mention is that yeah we talked about
1714s sparker gank for skills looking good in
1716s the ass you know what given the fact
1718s that it was the Lucio player that
1719s disconnected you know you gotta get the
1721s sparker doesn't miss shots on players
1723s that aren't moving so
1725s get on Smart yeah yeah maybe that was
1727s the reason why so we're still waiting um
1730s a you know for one of the players to get
1732s back into server but I think I think
1734s we're ready to maybe uh toss to it we
1736s are take a little break here zp we are
1738s gonna take a break and when we come back
1740s we will see if both teams can get back
1742s up to five uh likely gonna be the case
1747s [Music]
1763s thank you
1773s foreign
1774s [Music]
1832s [Music]
1841s foreign
1842s [Music]
1845s [Applause]
1846s [Music]
1870s [Music]
1891s foreign
1895s [Music]
1915s [Applause]
1916s [Music]
1934s [Music]
1941s [Applause]
1948s [Music]
1963s foreign
1965s we are back from our trip down memory
1968s lane and ready to get back into some
1970s OverWatch here at the OverWatch World
1972s Cup it sounds like the players are back
1974s in so be shortly that we'll be heading
1976s back in but in case you're wondering
1978s what you might have missed here so far
1979s Sweden looked really really good in
1981s round one they've made some changes hex
1983s and so far the changes seem to be
1984s effective
1986s yeah it looks really good I mean for
1987s Germany perhaps this ends up being a
1989s blessing in disguise like take a minute
1990s and reboot because like the very first
1992s stage videos did not go well at all
1995s um obviously like we're just getting
1996s kicked off in stage two but this might
1998s be a second where like you know it uh a
2001s serendipitous time out like let's
2003s regroup what's happening what's the
2005s problem like you know maybe it's one of
2007s those things that ends up helping out
2008s because you know Germany still has stuff
2010s to play for
2012s um obviously the the top of the group
2013s looks really strong and groupie and only
2015s two uh teams get out but you know if
2017s you're in it you're still in it so like
2019s you know Jeremy if they can run the
2020s table has a shot there's a chance and
2023s then also you know everything we talked
2025s about Sweden earlier too like you still
2026s just want to win like at the end of the
2028s day as we go through there's going to be
2030s teams uh in the next couple of days that
2032s are straight up eliminated in that that
2033s doesn't really take any of the fire out
2034s of the competitive nature of them no I
2036s mean it was like Sue like when you uh
2039s sign up for the OverWatch World Cup as a
2040s tournament right you are committed to
2042s play every single match out uh you know
2044s or else I don't know what the actual
2045s penalty is of a team just dipped but
2047s it'd probably be bad right so if you're
2049s stuck playing anyways you might as well
2051s play your best try and play spoiler
2054s because well look I don't think a whole
2056s lot of people go into this like you know
2057s what I'm gonna go play and lose right
2059s like I don't I feel like that's just not
2061s the mindset of most people that are
2063s competing at a high enough level to be
2064s in the tournament in the first place so
2066s even if you're out of it you still want
2068s to play hard see if you can add a few
2070s extra W's onto the board
2072s yeah that coveted trip to California
2074s lovely Anaheim Convention Center
2076s plenty of memories in that area too so
2079s uh yeah still let's play for a legacy
2081s Jeremy two and two uh they've lost some
2083s some really strong teams they've beaten
2085s so some you know like when I was doing
2088s prep doing the write-up it just feels
2089s like Germany's like firmly mid-tier
2091s they're beating the teams they should
2092s beat and they're losing to teams that
2094s they should lose to I guess I mean I
2096s don't know if there's a better way to
2097s say that but yeah I mean they're beating
2099s turkey I think they lost to say Finland
2102s and Norway
2103s but uh yeah so like I said two and two
2107s their best record uh coming out I think
2109s we we placed seven matches each would be
2111s five and two uh and right now they need
2114s some help above them I think Saudi
2115s Arabia is five and zero right now so
2117s they'd have to drop two matches don't
2119s see that one happening
2120s um but I think you know right below them
2122s uh Finland it has one loss so Germany
2126s still plenty to play for
2127s um you know and hopefully they get that
2129s memo and jump into the server as soon as
2131s possible yeah you know one thing that's
2133s kind of funny about this uh matchup too
2135s is that you kind of get to see ideas
2137s that there is always an element of RNG
2138s of when you play a team in a tournament
2140s right like again this is one thing that
2142s goes both Esports and traditional Sports
2145s sometimes it's just better to play a
2147s team earlier rather than later and I
2149s feel like Germany would be looking a lot
2150s better in this matchup if this is back
2152s on like day one or day two versus Sweden
2155s as opposed to now where like Sweden has
2156s made some very beneficial changes where
2158s you know it's kind of those things where
2160s ah man schedule we just got in Sweden
2162s earlier rather than later it might be
2165s one of the reflection points here for
2167s Germany if this match does end up going
2169s the way of Sweden
2170s yeah and I think it it generally helps
2172s out teams that are you know on paper a
2174s little less competitive playing a good
2176s team early because you can throw some
2178s curveballs like right now it feels like
2180s we're seeing the meta kind of solidify
2182s especially as we go to different Maps
2184s like you can kind of guess like oh
2185s they're gonna run this they're going to
2186s run this this is their fire map this is
2188s their Rush map things like that but
2190s early on you didn't really know I mean
2191s early on we saw some tour about it out
2194s of Saudi Arabia like we saw we saw a lot
2195s of like different things and I mean
2198s we've seen doomfist
2199s um you know a junkrat comes out so but
2202s yeah definitely early on it's a lot
2204s easier but now everything's a little
2205s more stabilized so we saw Ubi I think
2208s for exactly one map all in all uh where
2211s it was also the one map that Saudi
2213s Arabia lost where they just came out the
2215s tour but it's like hmm that did work I
2217s guess we're gonna be playing quartz for
2219s every other map from here on out
2222s so yeah we're checking one more thing
2224s just while you're wondering why you have
2226s to look at us just kind of talking and
2227s really just blather on at this point
2230s um trying to get the player in the
2231s server maybe something happened I don't
2233s know
2234s just kind of chilling so we we are just
2237s we're working on it I I'm not I'm just
2239s sitting here talking but smarter people
2241s than I are working on it I mean look
2244s we're gonna have to go deep into The
2246s Well of additional stories uh if need be
2248s I mean realistically we're probably
2249s gonna throw to the break so we're not
2251s gonna do that here just yet but uh you
2253s know when it comes down to it we can't
2255s build for a very very long time but just
2257s you know ideally hex we shouldn't have
2259s to in this case because you know
2260s connections should be restored
2263s yeah I mean I'm keeping in the back
2264s pocket like you know we we talk about
2266s the World Cup and we can talk about like
2267s our BlizzCon you know when we went to
2269s World Cup in 2017
2272s um so we'll save that in case we have to
2274s come back in and feel a little later
2276s because obviously the internet is uh
2277s being a little cruel to us you know the
2279s fight part about this year this is the
2280s first year I've actually repeated a
2281s partner I had a real like defense
2283s against the dark arts thing going on
2285s where you know this is 2016 I casted
2287s with uh Matt 2017 I casted with you 2018
2291s I cast him with Jake 2019 I casted with
2294s a vest and now we're just we're going
2297s full circle again we're just uh looping
2298s around is uh
2300s bringing back the old hits as it were
2303s but that said we are gonna throw the
2305s break when we come back the players will
2308s truly be ready I hope
2310s yeah
2312s [Music]
2326s thank you
2334s [Music]
2346s thank you
2347s [Music]
2381s foreign
2384s foreign
2387s [Music]
2418s [Music]
2430s [Music]
2474s foreign
2481s [Music]
2504s [Music]
2547s [Music]
2572s thank you
2587s [Music]
2602s [Music]
2609s [Music]
2629s thank you
2643s thank you
2653s all right and we're back yeah there we
2656s go all right we're back on in and uh for
2659s those wondering what happened you know
2660s what I'll save the story for the
2662s inter-round break either way
2664s well it doesn't matter we're in game
2666s Sweden's got five percent they are up
2668s one stage in our very first map of the
2670s day uh thanks for joining us thanks for
2672s sticking with us here
2674s um and so far it has been all Sweden
2676s over Germany Germany trying to keep
2677s their hopes alive have to run the table
2679s for the most part for the rest of the
2681s tournament
2683s Sweden winning first fight in no small
2685s part due to the quick hit on the rapid
2687s who did get disconnected
2690s but now it's up to Germany the try and
2693s get back in on the point qrx Under
2695s Pressure early sparker shooting away
2700s tracer on the side here versus time
2705s yeah not necessarily the the Tracer 1v1
2707s you want to take but if you're five if
2709s you win that Tracer 1v1 it's that thing
2710s of Legends put that on your highlight
2711s reel yeah also the Tori just got cleaved
2714s heading in so much damage on the Tory
2716s and not the most successful dive for
2718s Germany where I feel like Germany has to
2720s be feeling a little bit discombobulated
2721s after you know the disconnect Parker
2724s takes down two cracks and right now this
2726s is just nothing but Sweden
2729s yeah absolutely a hundred percent uh
2731s Germany is gonna finally get some
2733s ultimates online so really this is about
2735s dive execution uh the target you'd have
2737s to imagine it is going to be somewhere
2739s in the back line you maybe I mean
2740s there's just not good targets for this
2742s dive like do you try to get to sparker
2744s who's got coach gone and gonna have PO
2745s for them
2746s um you know skile you dive kiriko and
2749s then just gone so it's gonna be
2751s interesting to see what they target
2752s spark on the low ground
2759s with the spear cast around the rapid and
2762s yeah nothing Germany's doing right now
2764s is hitting mean file Sweden is heavily
2766s dominating in the neutral yeah
2771s oh that's it's most effective given the
2774s fact that you know a bunch of Germany
2775s just failed it might give him a little
2777s bit momentum onto the point but you know
2779s at this point they have no choice 99 got
2781s to make something happen and losing a
2783s Toria there makes a lot less likely
2786s something's gonna happen
2787s yeah tough there I mean finally chemster
2790s goes down so maybe a small window where
2792s you don't worry about the Tracer Terror
2795s Parker again spark has been here gets
2798s both supports and yeah I don't think
2800s there's much left to bring the sword
2802s time double 100 to zero for Sweden I've
2806s taken a little bit longer than expected
2807s with the connection issues but uh can't
2810s argue with the results
2812s I think Germany you know like you said
2813s discombobulated uh would be the way to
2815s say it you know come back and that
2817s you've got connection issues uh you know
2819s you finally get a player in it's like 20
2821s minutes between like the last time you
2823s fired a shot or not so you kind of just
2824s chalk that one up to like let's forget
2826s about it move on like let you know
2827s that's the the match starts now let's
2830s really get in there and the match is
2831s going to start with Germany with their
2832s map pick as well so
2835s um yeah rough going for Sweden like or
2837s for Germany rather like in the game and
2839s out of the game just a pretty you know
2842s bad hour to start the OverWatch
2844s tournament for them but uh they still
2847s have a shot they still will get map pick
2848s but Sweden looks so much improved I mean
2851s I really think it's almost as simple as
2853s just let's let sparker play Ash like
2856s making Heroes this was a cool play
2858s though from five I did really good on
2860s this Echo and that might have been the
2862s main highlight for Germany in the match
2864s because overall again very one-sided and
2867s yeah part of it in that first round too
2868s is theomatic theo-matic who's playing
2870s out of his mind
2877s all in all Sweden just looking
2880s completely revamped and reinvigorated
2882s but with all that being said it is
2885s Sweden up one to nothing now over
2887s Germany will Germany bounce back and
2889s keep their hopes alive we'll see after a
2892s short break
2894s [Music]
2907s thank you
2908s [Music]
2919s [Music]
2948s [Music]
2956s [Music]
2969s [Music]
2974s foreign
3000s [Music]
3011s foreign
3023s [Music]
3044s thank you
3046s [Music]
3049s foreign
3056s [Music]
3090s thank you
3092s [Music]
3111s don't let the length of map one fool you
3113s it was actually a very one-sided map in
3115s favor of Sweden over Germany there's
3117s just a you know next factor that may
3119s take a little bit longer hex
3121s yeah a little bit um so we talked about
3124s you know maybe Germany just forgets that
3126s map happen I'm pretty getting the map
3127s happen the series starts now right let's
3129s get back into it um completely one-sided
3132s though I think you know uh Jeremy had
3134s one kill on the second stage of ilios it
3135s was just it was it was a weird map
3136s rhythm-wise kind of momentum wise it was
3139s strange but if you look back at the very
3141s first stage it was pretty obvious that
3142s Sweden had the upper hand regardless so
3144s uh due to our formats it means that the
3147s loser gets to pick the next map in
3149s previous matches that they've lost
3150s Germany against Finland and Norway they
3152s picked blizzard world and Gibraltar and
3155s lost both of those so they're gonna try
3156s something a little bit different circuit
3159s Royale an interesting pick here yeah
3161s circuit Royale I mean you know
3164s particularly bringing Sweden here where
3166s I feel like there's a lot like if you're
3168s sparker and Kester you love circuit
3170s right now like I feel like it plays to a
3172s lot of their strengths particularly and
3174s you know being good at longer ranges but
3177s uh look you know you can get into it all
3180s the time on map picks is like the play
3181s to your strength where do you play the
3183s your opponent's strength and a lot of
3184s times uh you kind of want to do what you
3186s want to do but rather than uh try to
3188s counter pick the opponent right I mean
3190s obviously it didn't work out on the
3191s other Maps too but I like I don't know
3193s Gibraltar also kind of the same scenario
3195s like do you want to leave sparker on on
3197s Ash and Gibraltar like blizz world is
3199s almost even the same so you know the map
3202s picks aren't ideal so maybe Germany has
3205s a strategy here as we go into circuit
3208s Royale again Germany needs to be perfect
3209s the rest of the tournament to try to get
3211s out of group b Sweden mathematically out
3215s of it um they had a an interesting
3217s scenario and a tweet the other day uh
3219s didn't quite come to fruition but now
3221s kind of you know showing their full
3223s power it's almost uh tragic that we you
3225s know
3226s it's taken this long to see Sweden
3228s unlock their their correct compositions
3231s how are Germany gonna be setting up here
3233s on the defense first and well this is a
3237s little bit interesting nothing too uh
3240s unconventional but uh I guess one thing
3242s that's worth noting here it's gonna be a
3244s spawn hold right yeah I was gonna say
3245s they're not doing the longer range stuff
3247s where usually for teams on the defense
3249s to seeing them go for more longer range
3251s whereas Germany decides we want to fight
3253s up close and personal
3255s yeah early on we saw a few teams do this
3258s spawn hold
3259s um so I mean yeah I can it kind of makes
3261s sense you know for Germany like if this
3263s is a map that you feel you you can hold
3265s on to like don't let Sweden set up don't
3267s let them get in the sight lines just
3268s keep them in spawn and see what you can
3270s get done
3272s all right so I'll get caught early
3276s Alex all the land the old one two and
3279s yeah I mean for Germany just get time
3281s off the clock I definitely I think for
3283s what they're good at I I think this may
3285s be the strategy billboard here so far
3290s really good pressure from Germany thus
3293s far just so long as they don't lose
3295s anyone early but you take a look at them
3297s he's even getting lower oh let's say
3299s let's do cracks against God that's all
3300s sparker needs just comes out from the
3302s side two arrows down and you lose your
3305s back that early this is just gonna be
3306s about how long can you hold now because
3308s the result is fairly inevitable
3311s yeah absolutely I mean it's kind of it's
3313s similar to Havana how you break a Havana
3315s holds uh you just end up getting a Kill
3317s from your Han so you need that to pick
3319s potential spark or ghost nuts you know I
3321s mentioned it earlier like uh why um
3325s uh White Sweden's been playing better
3327s and it's it's not just the ash like
3328s sparkers Hanzo is one of the things of
3330s Legends and you know Skiles got the same
3332s question we do like why no snipers but I
3335s think like you don't really want to play
3336s into Sweden's game like you don't want
3338s to go double sniper against Sweden I
3340s just think that's a bad idea so that's
3342s why Skye
3344s makes a lot of sense to me but yeah when
3346s sparkers Hanzo is hitting uh it's
3347s definitely hitting hard uh Hanzo in
3350s general like kind of a streaky hero but
3352s now sparker has absolutely taken over
3354s games on the Hanzo
3356s and now we just see Sweden pushing
3359s forward kevsker quick duplicate coming
3361s on out the old double tank in playing
3364s for as long as duplicate last year Ram
3366s going forward Kevin
3368s coming soon to speed and just keeps
3371s moving forward you got the Arisa
3372s ultimate it's a big one it's all Germany
3375s close together and that is gonna be a
3378s very clean team wife coming in for
3380s Sweden yeah just absolutely bullying
3382s Germany off of the points and like you
3384s know it's it's a bully moment when you
3386s see the immortality field and no one's
3388s in it and everyone's running away it was
3390s like the saddest lamp in the world uh a
3392s spotlight shining on no one right there
3394s and Sweden continues to just bully
3396s through push through right now
3399s um right now Germany's got no answer for
3401s this
3410s exactly what they needed to regain a
3412s little bit of footing here on the second
3414s point
3416s yeah in uh QR has been really solid on
3420s these hit scan Heroes I think you know
3422s uh able to play I think Cass is probably
3425s their best hero too so come in uh
3427s committing beats I I like it you know so
3429s Germany like you can't just they just
3431s got bullied off first point you can't
3433s just play reactive against Sweden I
3435s think if you really have to start
3436s putting pressure on him especially in
3438s these Hanzo compositions you can't just
3440s let
3441s um sparkers sit back their fire logs and
3443s wait like well the thing is the key when
3446s you have a team play something like Han
3447s so you can't give them time because when
3449s you give them time stuff like this
3450s happens right
3452s tank just I mean the tank was a little
3454s bit low from other sources but then you
3456s know you lose your cast right after you
3458s cannot give a Hanzo or Widowmaker time
3461s you need to push the issue because
3463s otherwise eventually they're gonna find
3465s ahead
3466s Skiles uh pretty chatty today
3469s talking more about like be careful of
3471s the snipers it's a sniper map like
3474s it's got a lot to say well also be
3476s careful as it turns out because
3478s sometimes you do have to still respected
3480s sparker gets caught Germany looking to
3482s hold here on point beads Kevin they'll
3485s use the duplicate EO and kempster just
3487s dive on in hamster though pays for it
3490s with his life doesn't get the map off
3491s the guy then Germany stands out pretty
3494s well there
3495s yeah gonna stabilize here
3497s um nice play for from Alex that
3499s theomatic tried to bring it back there
3500s with the late Arisa OLS but stabilizing
3503s here is really important I think on most
3504s Maps like if you can hold right before
3506s the second Point you're in a good spot
3508s just because the the long salty run back
3510s from a is gonna buy you a lot of time
3513s um so yeah uh so he comes here in the
3516s Echo I think you'll probably see uh
3519s Kitsune here from skile and Sweden is
3523s going to try to just pull the in as much
3524s as possible Alex needs to stay alive at
3526s half health because you need
3528s Annihilation to try to deal with this
3529s defensively yeah you see the pressure
3531s coming in on Alex but here comes the
3532s Kitsune and I gotta tell you the
3534s pressure's probably going directly back
3535s on the Alex but annihilation's good to
3537s go of course how the field has to come
3539s up to save Alex's Alex yeah robs the
3541s annihilation Under Pressure yeah I mean
3543s good Annihilation Alex able to stay
3545s alive but if you saw the game plan from
3548s Sweden trying to go for the tank it just
3549s doesn't work out is Katherine sparker
3551s both get caught
3552s really good uh healing there to keep
3554s Alex up down to a half Health quarter
3556s Health a couple of different times in
3558s Germany again like another fight where
3561s they just uh they bury your engage off
3564s of it and get to Chase and clean up all
3566s of these kills and while it looks so
3567s good for Sweden coming out the stall on
3571s point a um the spawn hold was really
3573s nice and now we're down to just about a
3576s minute CP yeah I mean Sweden has found
3578s all their time just slipping away that I
3581s come out from QR could be delaying it
3582s even more
3583s anything in the site no not yet if
3586s you're Germany you don't want to go too
3587s far out here you still want to defend a
3589s little bit further back they have to get
3590s mortality field early that's big for
3591s Sweden just getting the immortality
3593s field out and you know if your Sweden
3595s Well normally you want a little bit of
3596s time for the Hanzo I think you go a
3598s little bit more aggressively here you
3599s have this moment in time where you don't
3601s have to worry about the immortality
3602s field you know Germany doesn't have too
3604s much in store you just can't get caught
3606s by a big blizzard here as I say be gonna
3609s drop the blizzard eats it yeah five
3611s drops it yeah that's not a drop yeah he
3614s just does a Hail Mary
3616s theobatic gets caught
3619s find QR connecting Sweden now down there
3622s last 30 seconds X
3624s and it does not look like it's going to
3626s come through there I mean they're
3628s they're getting both of the supports and
3630s you know looking back at that blizzard
3632s it kind of just cut the team in half
3633s that's why Theo ended up in front of the
3636s team like throwing it to the back line
3637s where sparker wants to be it caused the
3639s rest of retreat uh
3642s you are just Snipes kepster out of
3651s goes for the delay if they delay long
3653s enough against her might get back a
3654s steal though just gets burned on down
3656s it's Parker flying rapid but this is a
3659s long road back from Sweden but as far
3661s this road starts to spark up sparker can
3663s find any heads here temperatures back on
3666s in gets the duplicate off
3668s you are though finds the Lucio and this
3671s is just looking dominant from Germany on
3673s the point and the annihilation that's
3674s gonna finish it out
3676s absolutely in Germany with their
3678s counterbeat engagements like really took
3681s it to Sweden a couple of different times
3683s really nice but you have to just give up
3684s some individual plays for QR like it was
3687s it's in all the the tape I've watched of
3690s Germany and some of their their live
3691s matches as well has always been kind of
3693s the standout damage dealer for this team
3696s um being able to pick up 2ks 3ks and on
3698s that cast especially uh so yeah really
3702s well played I thought like the blizzard
3704s looked a little bit funny but it was
3705s really good to cut off theo-matic from
3707s the rest of the team
3708s um to be able to put some pressure on
3710s the back line without having to dive the
3711s back line just send in snowball all the
3714s way back really cut the team off and
3716s that was another fight a counter beat
3718s engage so Germany playing really well
3720s picking their moments of when to bend
3723s but not break and then push back and
3725s there were a couple times where Alex got
3727s really low but you got to give Germany
3729s support some credit especially Sue
3731s cracks uh keep it keeping them alive
3732s with immortality fields and making sure
3734s that the tank doesn't go down in some of
3736s these counter pushes yeah also I just
3738s kind of go back to the part where Sweden
3739s I think had an edge in terms of
3741s ultimates and got really over again
3743s pushing to the point the QR lands a dead
3746s eye on sparker and kevstrom Theo as a
3748s result don't have the backup they need
3749s when they go really really deep and that
3752s was where Germany like after they won
3753s that fight they didn't lose another they
3755s just held firm the entire time so even
3757s when Sweden had momentum you know in
3760s this tournament it's very possible to
3762s overplay your hand and just find
3763s yourself in a hole what
3765s yeah absolutely uh Sweden is not going
3768s to go for this straight up spawn camp
3769s but they do have double sniper here got
3772s to be a little bit careful
3775s how dare you apparently just Germany
3778s just comes flying out of the gate
3780s yeah Germany uh says don't forget to be
3783s held in spawn but spark her just finds
3786s Alex early Dempster on the fall through
3788s and you had to know this is coming uh
3791s from the Germany side that you would be
3794s facing this sort of double sniper
3796s composition uh from Sweden and you know
3799s it's one of the risks they took bringing
3801s them here because this particular area
3803s you know sparker and Kevin start their
3804s Landing their shots are gonna be very
3806s much in their elements
3808s absolutely speaking of sparker gets Alex
3811s for the second life in a row uh Flex
3814s supports trade out though or supports
3816s trade out rather
3818s just looking and waiting uh thematic
3821s being down though makes us a little bit
3822s more complicated it's dark against her
3824s aren't gonna have the cover they would
3826s like
3827s Dragon coming up soon there though in
3829s Sweden I mean they can't just back up
3830s for a moment and re-engage like they're
3833s gonna have a full you don't yeah you
3835s don't necessarily expect to be able to
3836s hold that the long sight line on before
3838s the first Bend this is generally where
3840s you feel a little bit better on the
3842s defense
3843s window coming up in Germany during
3845s trying to take advantage comes through
3846s though finds Alex first again sparker
3849s gets undefeating
3851s double Venom mine it might have been
3854s there's also just a lot gemster in the
3857s kill feed in general and okay one thing
3859s that is continually happened to Germany
3861s that needs to stop here hex Alex is
3863s dying first
3865s uh yeah three times in a row uh it has
3867s been a little bit rough for them and now
3869s Sweden is able to take uh take the
3871s ground back that they lost and now we're
3873s right back to spawn only two minutes
3875s left uh right now Germany No ultimates
3878s to speak of I think it's it's this is an
3880s enormous ask for our for QR on this map
3883s like trying to place sojourn into Hanzo
3886s Widow that doesn't seem fair no uh well
3889s particularly when your main tank is just
3891s falling first early in these fights
3893s there's not a lot of cover remaining for
3895s QR either in the situation Recon site up
3898s from Kevin Stern sparker again looking
3900s for picks but really mostly just
3902s shooting at Alex right now Shield
3903s already down and look at the pressure on
3905s the Alex Alex is nearly falling early
3908s and you know this is how I think Alex's
3910s Fallen first deal the last three fights
3913s it's just been sparker with a little bit
3915s of kevenster just going hey we're gonna
3916s shoot the tank
3918s yeah we saw it yesterday too with uh you
3920s know on this map particularly that
3922s snipers who do uh take the time to put
3925s in damage on tanks really are more
3927s valuable to your team
3929s Dragon strike comes out nothing too much
3931s from it Sweden though hanging on to a
3934s lot of ultimate power in reserve right
3936s now Theo could open up with the flux at
3938s any moment yeah I think you saved flux
3941s for annihilation right you would think
3943s in this case but it was also pretty
3945s aggressive rapid gets caught by sparker
3947s and now just look at Sweden move forward
3949s Germany having to give space and time is
3953s just continually ticking away here also
3955s 50 seconds left Germany not much time
3958s left to try and get control of this
3960s match back yeah it's tough too because
3962s all the fights that Germany has won thus
3964s far in this matchup have been mostly off
3966s of uh the sound barriers and with
3968s Bradford going down they have to wait
3970s one more fight to be able to get in here
3972s here we go Alex gonna be with the pop
3974s Annihilation early diving on in
3978s congratulations here just yet uses it
3980s just barely nearly Falls before getting
3981s it off meanwhile QR off the overclock
3984s gets kevster gets the Bap however Theo
3987s and sparker firing back at some very
3989s close between twozies it's just Alex
3992s here on the payload swinging away the
3995s lore Bell between RAM and Zen on the
3997s point but Alex the last one standing
4000s this time around Tracer yeah yeah he's
4003s stalling this out oh he gets it Alex for
4006s all of his Rock'em sock'em omnics
4008s Shenanigans at the end capster comes
4011s back and puts an end to it so Jeremy
4013s picks circuit Royale knowing full well
4015s what they're going into what they're
4017s gonna have to fight against oh I guess
4018s the sun came out sorry about that
4020s um but yeah just really tough to to make
4023s that map choice and and try to get it
4026s done but Germany now with three losses
4028s it's gonna be I I don't know if they're
4030s actually eliminated but that's a tough
4031s one meanwhile Sweden looks uh you know
4033s revitalized yeah a very different look
4035s from Sweden a look that you know again
4037s people thought this would be the Sweden
4039s would be seeing back in you know day one
4041s didn't quite happen but always good to
4043s see the adjustments hop on in and uh
4046s yeah I mean Germany high points here on
4049s circuit Royale at the very least
4050s especially their hold on point B just
4052s their attack short
4056s yeah I mean like like I said the fight's
4058s Germany won where they were able to
4059s pretty much use beat was for the most
4061s part here then um you know the May ended
4064s up working out pretty well but at a
4066s certain points like you know you're
4069s gonna
4070s you can't give spark your time or space
4072s to get anything done and you know as far
4074s as QRS you know heroics they just
4077s weren't able to come through at the end
4079s and really the defense was just Alex you
4083s know just getting kind of kind of
4084s focused down in box and we saw it
4086s yesterday on this map that you know even
4088s if a sniper for Sniper battle like
4091s having your Hanzo and your Widow take
4093s the time and take the the energy to
4095s throw some shots into the tank and make
4096s the tank uncomfortable can be the
4098s enormous difference in this map and then
4100s at the end Alex had taken down two but
4102s Kev star with a really intelligent
4104s switch to come back on Tracer and yeah
4106s cavisters Tracer is going to 1v1 most
4108s people in the world yeah also I love it
4110s in the the Highlight there you see the
4112s ball coming at the very end where even
4113s if Alex had the you know ability to take
4116s down kempster there it wasn't going to
4118s be good because the ball was just there
4119s the clean up anything that was left so
4122s tough tough roll there for Germany at
4125s the end you know I will say though the
4127s the hidden MVP for Germany was Refuge
4129s friend right the fact that Ruff had like
4131s got disconnected and just sprinted over
4133s to a friend's house downloaded the
4135s client in there at the same time but I
4137s just imagined the you know banging on
4139s the door playing let me in I got
4140s OverWatch to play
4143s yeah I mean there was long pause but
4146s we've we've moved past it
4148s um yeah I mean it
4150s I just wish we had like a revisionist
4152s history of where Sweden has this figured
4154s out earlier in in the groups right
4156s because I really think you looked at the
4157s roster and like how is this team not
4159s gonna make it out of groups and you know
4161s it could have could have been a much
4162s more competitive Group B but as it
4164s stands Sweden um has has found their
4167s composition now just a little bit too
4170s little too late but I think you know for
4172s for the other teams uh you know Sweden's
4174s just gonna just try to play spoiler on
4176s it well you know it's not too late it's
4178s not too late for more OverWatch today we
4180s still have a whole lot of to go six more
4183s matches in this broadcast alone coming
4185s up next it's gonna be Finland taking on
4187s Poland
4189s [Music]
4205s thank you
4210s [Music]
4217s foreign
4229s [Music]
4242s [Music]
4243s [Applause]
4247s [Music]
4252s [Applause]
4261s all right
4264s [Music]
4286s foreign
4289s [Music]
4306s [Music]
4313s [Applause]
4313s [Music]
4328s thank you
4334s [Music]
4364s thank you
4371s [Music]
4382s thank you
4388s [Music]
4405s foreign
4407s welcome back to the OverWatch World Cup
4409s I'm Jim Basco joined by zp and hex and
4411s we just watched Sweden take it over
4413s Germany in pretty dominant fashion zp
4416s break it down for us yeah I mean what we
4418s saw here is that Sweden has
4419s reinvigorated their game that made key
4421s changes uh changing their tank player
4423s getting Theo Maddox in and you see
4426s sparker and kemster just playing Comfort
4428s Heroes and you know being a little bit
4430s more free with things and it's a Sweden
4432s that if they had showed up like this
4434s back on day one I think it would be a
4436s very very different situation in this
4438s group at this point between playing for
4440s pride but Sweden at the very least
4442s looking good towards the end
4446s yeah hex absolutely I I you know I
4448s couldn't agree more I think Sweden they
4450s had a lot of potential coming into the
4452s World Cup this year and a lot of us had
4453s really high expectations for the team
4455s and it's not to say that they didn't
4457s meet them they definitely met them today
4458s hex give us the give us your Lowdown on
4461s what happened
4462s yeah I mean it is just kind of a what if
4464s scenario uh you know what if this was
4466s the team that Came Out Swinging you know
4468s in the early days because we really
4469s thought that like at this group it would
4472s at least be like a three uh three team
4474s group you know maybe even before but
4476s like right now it's just been Saudi
4478s Arabia and Finland and Sweden's just
4480s been non-competitive because of just
4482s early missteps and early mistakes but
4484s you see the potential of this team
4487s unfortunately it is unrealized potential
4489s uh going forward but yeah it's it's kind
4492s of a sad story you see the great talent
4495s on this squad and they should have been
4497s up there competing to get out of the
4498s groups and it just didn't fall their way
4500s yeah a fantastic team of course living
4503s up to every one of our expectations
4504s today but perhaps not in the past but
4506s we've actually got an interview with
4507s someone from Team Sweden it's gonna be
4509s theo-matic maybe he can give us some
4510s more insight as to what was going on and
4512s we can talk to him about his victory so
4514s cpnx I'll be back with you guys in just
4515s a second here as we have hop on with
4518s biomatic
4520s foreign
4523s Victory how you feeling after that one
4525s man I'm feeling good
4528s um
4528s I mean we had a lot of time between last
4531s week and this week so you know I talked
4533s to the coach about you know wanting to
4535s put me in for trying some new stuff and
4537s it's been going really well so far
4539s yeah man I mean talk to us about it
4541s right like last week you guys seemed to
4543s be missing a bit of that aggressive gear
4544s which we know comes out of Sweden year
4546s after year this week you guys looking
4548s invigorating like you said that VOD
4550s review is really helping but what else
4551s really clicked into the team do you
4552s think
4553s I mean I obviously am like a long time
4556s fan of erisa and you actually can place
4559s her pretty well into the current meta I
4560s mean she does a lot of stuff like just
4563s because you can't die it doesn't mean
4564s she can't pressure back line so that's
4565s what I'd be doing a lot in those games
4567s um and then letting the rest of my team
4569s sort of handle the the damage and the
4571s the focus fire well I sort of managed
4572s the stuff marking anyone that needs you
4574s know to be marked like Somers tracers or
4576s your backline
4578s it's been working well
4579s yeah I mean that pressure you guys are
4581s exerting is phenomenal it'll look so
4583s clean today against Germany so talk to
4585s us about the road to the World Cup right
4586s what was the what were the weeks like
4588s leading up in terms of preparation in
4590s terms of really you know obviously
4591s getting ready for the world stage
4594s it was uh it was a bit rough at the
4596s start obviously you know our DPS Lions
4598s Park episode they're in La
4600s um so they had a lot of commitments what
4602s up to mid-season Madness so they
4604s couldn't scream with us there was a lot
4605s of times where we were screaming with
4606s ringers for like a solid week
4608s and because of that we also weren't
4609s screaming that much uh at one point we
4610s were screaming like every Sunday but uh
4612s coming closer to the the actual match
4614s times we started to really ramp up
4616s um and we actually got a lot of success
4618s which you can actually see finally
4619s coming into fruition
4620s rough start but yeah we're getting there
4622s okay you're getting there you know and
4624s that that's what matters you're putting
4626s on a show on the world stage and you
4627s know it's not the most competitive
4629s scenario but it's awesome to compete on
4631s the global stage against you know
4632s Veterans of the game so what does it
4634s feel like for you to be representing
4636s Sweden on a world stage in front of all
4637s these people
4638s it's really nice I mean the the biggest
4640s thing is obviously getting to play with
4641s like really good players like spark and
4643s capster and then like working together
4644s with them and getting better it's a
4646s situation where I have to like rise up
4647s to like you know not fail them in a way
4650s but um it's been really good I mean it's
4652s it's not really any like weird Dynamics
4655s in the team everyone's just working
4656s together it's just clean get in there
4658s and win
4659s all right that's the best feeling that's
4660s really all you can ask for of course
4662s looking forward at your last two days of
4663s competition here you've still got
4664s Iceland and you've still got Saudi
4666s Arabia just around the corner how are
4667s you feeling about those upcoming matches
4669s I mean we were first of all
4672s um Germany I was a bit worried about
4674s because it could be good but we actually
4677s rolled over them really easily
4679s um yeah so I'm thinking looking at
4681s Iceland that should be also really good
4682s with the way we're going so far I mean
4683s German even tried to prepare a little
4685s bit but we I think we have the read in
4687s the end we'll see what Iceland wants to
4688s do but it should be it should be an easy
4690s game as well
4691s um funny to say after he obviously lost
4693s like every game in the first week but I
4695s think I could definitely say it's going
4696s to be easy Saudi Arabia we'll do our
4698s best you know and I think we can we can
4699s get a map if we really go hard
4702s yeah man I mean best of luck we're gonna
4703s be watching closely of course throughout
4705s the week do you have a message for your
4706s Swedish supporters around the world
4708s wherever they may be tuning in from
4710s yeah I mean
4713s it is so great to be representing Sweden
4715s I am so happy to be here
4717s um we didn't have a British performance
4718s but I'm glad that I can at least show up
4720s now
4721s I love that from you guys of course
4723s we'll be watching closely best of luck
4724s moving forward and you know maybe we'll
4726s get the chance to speak again if not
4728s best of luck and uh we can't wait to see
4729s you guys succeed
4731s dread
4732s all right zp hex yeah optimistic Outlook
4736s from the Swedish team you gotta love it
4738s you know what I mean they did the uh
4739s research they they prepared and it
4741s definitely showed this week with their
4743s match against Germany can they keep it
4744s up against Iceland and Saudi Arabia
4746s though that's going to be the question
4748s of course with that said though let's go
4750s ahead and take a look at the schedule
4754s for today if we can and there you go so
4757s we just watched Germany versus Sweden
4759s Sweden dominant fashion over Germany
4761s next up we've got Finland versus Poland
4763s around the corner from that Iceland
4764s versus Turkey later on in the day
4766s Portugal versus Denmark followed by
4769s Netherlands versus Belgium Italy versus
4771s Great Britain and we end our day on a
4774s banger of a match that will decide the
4776s story of the emec region France versus
4779s Spain that said zp hacks I leave you
4783s with Finland versus Poland I'll see you
4785s guys on the other side of it have a
4786s great match
4788s all right Finland versus Poland coming
4790s on up and this is one I feel like we've
4793s seen the Finish team hex and just get
4795s stronger and stronger as these matches
4797s have gone forward and teams have gotten
4799s a little bit more comfortable what
4800s appears to be the meta for the current
4801s patch we're on so you know going into
4803s this I feel like this is gonna be
4804s incredibly difficult for Poland you know
4807s not impossible to make a few waves but
4809s you know the Finland we saw play
4811s yesterday was absolutely lights out
4814s well I mean Finland hasn't dropped a map
4816s since day one against Saudi Arabia right
4818s so like and they're one of the only
4820s teams to take a map off Saudi Arabia if
4821s not the only team
4823s um they swept Sweden they swept Germany
4824s they swept Norway they swept Iceland
4826s like what more do you want from this
4827s wait wait wait wait wait
4829s look yeah you just cloudy's in yeah I
4831s know it's it's in my notes uh they've
4834s looked solid through and through
4836s um and and the actually I'd literally
4837s have it in my notes here's the question
4839s quote have we seen LH cloudy play at all
4842s um it has been the Vastola show thus far
4844s uh both on the diva and then also on the
4847s ramatra so getting cloudy and getting
4849s some play time I think is is a smart
4851s move like you know
4853s um kind of like you know this everyone
4854s should get to play also cloudy's a
4857s phenomenal tank so it's not like just a
4859s Pity move to bring cloudy in but I think
4860s maybe try out a different style here
4862s against a team that um you know you
4865s generally believe that you should win
4866s over you don't want to look past any
4868s opponent but Poland has been struggling
4870s a little bit uh yeah finland's only only
4873s got the one loss and it's just the one
4875s team ahead of them in group b to Saudi
4876s Arabia so Finland can look to pretty
4878s much uh lock up the group if they can
4881s they can pull off a victory today yeah
4883s well also we activate Caster hard mode
4885s here uh cloudy and Cloud playing at the
4887s exact same time it's actually though
4889s it's not as bad as the you know profit
4892s profit situation uh as people try to do
4894s even though you you're really supposed
4896s to announce both as a profit but either
4898s way uh going to the roster of Poland
4900s here you take a look there have been
4902s some high points so Fillion has
4904s definitely looked really good depending
4906s on the match uh Texel all also uh on the
4909s support like there's moments for you for
4910s pulling where you go hey that's pretty
4912s darn good however I do think they're
4915s they've kind of met their match here
4916s today
4918s yeah I mean for Poland um I mean they
4920s have a victory over Iceland but they are
4922s winless otherwise the thing to watch I
4924s think that is uh interesting about
4926s Poland is this uh damage rotation
4928s between icafilian and fake Jake so icap
4931s played uh all of yesterday I don't think
4933s Philly came in at all uh but philian has
4936s had like enormous moments on Tracer
4939s um you know so we'll see if that ends up
4941s being the case for them today but that
4942s has been the rotation so icav comes in
4944s to play the hit scan
4946s um then fillian uh will come into play
4948s some of the different off-roles too but
4950s didn't get to play Yesterday gonna get
4952s subbed in today
4953s yeah and you know the one thing here
4955s though and we've said it a lot and it's
4957s still always worth saying again as we
4959s head into Nepal even though one team is
4962s heavily favored you still don't know
4964s what happens until we get into the game
4967s I mean I think nothing illustrates that
4969s more than some of the Spain matches
4971s right where Spain is upset team scene is
4973s way above them but then they also
4974s dropped a match to Italy which came in
4977s you know seemingly a lot weaker right so
4979s even in this match here you look and go
4981s yeah Finland should be okay but are they
4983s we just have to see
4985s yeah I mean that's why they play the
4987s game right uh so we gotta get into it uh
4990s gonna go to Nepal so yeah I mean look
4992s Finland has just looked all the way good
4995s with cloudy in you'd expect mostly to
4997s see Reinhardt I'd imagine
4999s um unless it's just you know giving uh
5001s vestola a day off maybe some ramatra too
5003s but cloudy uh generally known for those
5005s those ground tanks not generally the
5007s huge mobile tanks so we'll see what they
5009s want to run but other than that you know
5011s you can just expect sauna to to kind of
5013s crush and then a the support line for
5016s Finland is really really good so if
5019s Finland wins they go to five and one
5021s five victories is almost the magic
5023s number now to get out of groupie uh so
5026s they're looking to mostly solidify it I
5029s don't want to say for certain because
5030s well I studied English not mathematics
5033s so looking at numbers always confuses
5034s yeah you get to I feel like this group
5037s stage isn't too bad an understanding it
5039s but there's definitely been group stages
5040s in OverWatch World Cup history where you
5042s know as a Caster you just look at it and
5044s go all right production I'm gonna need
5046s some help here what in the world is
5048s going on you know luckily I think things
5051s have been a little bit more kind of dry
5052s but here we go we are ready to go and uh
5056s you know even the players are looking at
5059s the going wait cloudy is in all right
5061s let's do this thing
5064s absolutely and um I think we're kicking
5067s it off here on Shrine
5071s um yeah we definitely can run a
5072s Reinhardt on this map it's not as good
5074s as Village necessarily for his
5076s compositions uh phillian's gonna come in
5077s and yeah I mean it's so when we show you
5080s the rosters uh they're the hero that you
5083s see on the screen is their favorite hero
5084s and philion looks like they're gonna
5087s come out on their favorite hero play a
5088s little bit of the pharah here so
5090s definitely a clash of Styles as
5092s finland's gonna rush to the point
5095s um and play you know just kind of Ground
5097s Control Finland
5099s reminds me of the you know what you see
5101s with France where you know France is
5103s running Ben best you can kind of expect
5104s the right and I feel like it's the same
5105s with Finland right they run cloudy
5107s probably can expect the Ryan in many
5110s cases but then Linda's already onto the
5112s point it's gonna be Orion B Rhine battle
5114s big bio-date on the Finland though it's
5116s three fall through not necessarily gonna
5118s be there cloudy swinging away looking
5120s for forever takes them down it's a
5123s Cloudy cloud combo
5125s yeah
5126s I think you should just say cloud like
5129s really hard hit the hit that W really
5131s hard That's How we'll differentiate them
5134s um yeah so exactly kind of what we
5136s expect from Finland they come out they
5138s grab the point so I'm just gonna drop
5139s some turrets drop that teleporter and
5141s this is all good so Poland kind of has
5144s to play this like slowly a little bit
5145s and maybe just try to get some some
5147s damage from the far in the sky trying to
5149s get to these back lines so
5155s rotation there was fast like Finland
5157s went so deep for a moment there
5160s and now uh Alien just punishing on the
5163s far run one pick off after another I
5166s don't know if that ice is gonna be
5167s saving May in the end this feeling goes
5169s I'm gonna be a ground Bar for a moment
5171s gets the assist with fake Jake and it
5174s should be a quick recap here from Poland
5176s but I think it's already put 42 on the
5178s boys Lobby's already back in and
5180s cloudy's already back out
5182s I like that from cloudy though because
5184s if he tries to retreat he's dead anyway
5185s so just get on the point and I at the
5187s very least you're gonna get a couple of
5188s ticks on percentage-wise but also like
5190s you're kind of fading out that barrage
5192s right which absolutely did uh it's worth
5195s worth in that case I think you call
5198s defensive barrage off the table Finland
5200s not wasting too much time just go we're
5203s gonna go into Play Cloudy goes around on
5205s the floor Frank and catches the Auto one
5209s way around
5211s super aggro Reinhardt play pays off why
5214s be the shield for your team and you can
5215s be the hammer
5217s oh the Valk is going to come out as they
5219s try to get some uh time on this point I
5221s think there was a
5223s an idea of maybe going for the res not
5225s gonna happen Cloud will put the icicles
5229s into Mercy on the way out Finland
5231s regains control of the map 50 and five
5234s check marks on the board for Finland
5237s yeah Finland is stacked going into the
5240s next fight and you know for pulling this
5242s guy means next fight they almost have to
5244s right off and then either coming
5246s strongly after unless they get an early
5247s pick off
5249s early window here from Nikki though
5250s Finland
5251s they look for anything forever hanging
5255s on to the shatter it's gonna be shatter
5256s V shatter here forever walking forward
5259s just jumping for the mark of Ryan
5261s confidence
5263s it's gonna be enough though no team's
5265s down one pick the other fight so it's
5266s fake Jake
5268s swinging away looking for cloudy puts
5270s him on the ground
5272s tries to go for the charge right after
5273s Midland a little bit of a tough spot the
5276s body got fired still low HP taking on
5278s down even as the blizzard ranges for
5280s Finland and fill in doesn't quite care
5283s picks up too really really good fight
5285s for Poland when the odds were stacked
5287s against them yeah very nice and now
5289s Finland has has burned a lot of their
5291s ultimates there uh actually you know
5293s four out of five ended up using it and
5295s MTD has been called for those relatively
5299s new to maybe some of the nomenclature
5301s that means main tank difference a little
5303s bit of uh Bad Manners really to call in
5305s the middle of a match a little bit of
5307s spice spiciness forever yeah I mean not
5310s necessarily agreeing with the assessment
5312s but well I mean when you shatter the
5314s other Ryan you get to call it once I
5315s think that's that's fine but now you
5317s know cloudy's got their own shatter
5318s we'll see if he can pull the MTV back
5320s plus we got the sky shattering barrage
5322s comes on down and oh that was prosecute
5324s the respawn immortality field prevents
5326s the worst of its Sana with the punish
5328s and now LH cloudy coming on in has the
5331s oh it's hacked that was a really timely
5334s hack actually prevents the shatter right
5336s away and still throws it in there for
5338s one reason or another it's about sending
5341s a message
5343s wow yeah there's been some really like
5346s um when forever has gone after cloudy
5349s like cloudy is getting a lot of help
5350s from his team with like hacks and stuns
5353s and stalls right so there's been a
5354s couple of moments but a fun little rhyme
5357s games battle on the points Finland will
5359s take that first round though uh but I
5361s like Poland strategy and Philly and got
5363s a lot done on that horror
5365s yeah I mean Philly and it's kind of when
5368s looking at pharaohs here we've seen like
5370s all flavors right we've seen far as that
5372s get nothing done we've seen pharah's
5374s that simply annihilate the other team uh
5377s like what we see with Saudi Arabia and
5379s you know feeling right now I feel like
5381s is the happy medium where philian's
5382s getting good value not necessarily
5384s annihilating the other team but also not
5386s being invisible
5390s absolutely and uh yeah it looks like
5393s we're gonna run it back again with the
5395s Pharaoh Mercy in the sky and Finland
5397s gonna rush to the point on Village uh
5400s it's one of the best comps for Village
5402s always has been
5407s Mr Jake coming in here from the back
5410s we'll hack on the health pack a little
5411s bit of pressure
5413s Poland it just looks for a good way to
5416s engage
5417s Nikki gets caught it's filling again one
5420s of the best early pickups you can get
5421s gets rid of the bat a lot of healing off
5423s the table here and finally
5426s survival though Masa says I'll take that
5429s battle over Sombra doesn't quite matter
5430s meanwhile though summer if Moss is out
5432s here doing damage who's healing with
5434s Mickey out of the fight biode comes in
5436s Cloudy and Cloud both pretty darn low
5439s and yet finland's still in control the
5441s fight despite how this started
5443s yeah they're just going to take shelter
5445s right now and I I don't know if there's
5447s going to be enough damage just from the
5450s sky combo a big anti-nade but no follow
5452s through onto the point
5456s in finland's happy to just just kind of
5458s let billion sit up here really yeah I
5460s mean for finland's point of view they
5461s have control the
5463s points all over the place right now Jake
5467s runs a foul over to Turret in the middle
5470s of this body low barrage in from Philly
5471s and finds Mickey
5473s really it's just been beating up on
5475s Mickey the entire round but you know Bap
5478s or nope app Finland hasn't really cared
5480s 47 to zero just really playing the
5483s objective intelligently yeah and they've
5486s spread some people out the teleporter's
5488s gonna get aggro now
5495s finally goes down the billion here but
5498s again Evelyn's still in control of the
5500s point even if they lose this fight
5501s they're still stalling they drop the
5503s symmetra alt just for more stall cloud
5505s is still alive and again you look at the
5508s percentage here it isn't like Poland's
5510s been getting team white but they're not
5511s getting the point ever right now
5514s yeah I mean it's a really nice use of
5516s the Sim alt and obviously it's going to
5518s be very difficult for pharaoh to get
5519s damage onto the point with a maywall and
5521s the Sim all just walls and shields all
5523s up in the face and now Poland is to the
5526s point where I mean you've got to get
5527s kills but you have to touch the point
5529s they have to touch into a blizzard it's
5531s gonna be brutal yeah I mean the key
5532s thing here it's been kind of a rough
5534s round for Jake the minimum they need a
5537s good EMP coming up from Jake have we
5539s seen Indian empty yet yeah shatter comes
5542s on down forever
5547s this is off forever and yeah Finland
5550s swarming on to avoid Poland really not
5552s with much left that can touch or contest
5554s it's always rough when uh you got a
5556s mercy there at the very end just
5558s desperately trying to find time but
5560s Finland very strong performance here on
5563s map one cloudy a Resurgence and you know
5567s tough times for Poland
5569s yeah I mean nice play it's nice to see
5571s cloudy in there that Nepal obviously is
5573s is a good uh map for that they got the
5575s good stages for a Reinhardt as well on
5577s Nepal uh so nice RNG I like Poland's
5581s strategy the idea of running the the
5583s fairer Mercy it can run over a game you
5585s saw glimpses of it especially on the
5587s first stage uh it looked good but it's
5589s also a difficult ask because Finland is
5591s the one team that was able to counter
5593s Saudi Arabia's uh Pharaoh Mercy
5595s combination
5596s um obviously that was with the stole on
5598s the diva but you still have uh sauna on
5600s the ground with it with the the Cassidy
5602s that makes things very very difficult so
5605s Poland you know so some some nice
5607s moments uh to call a an MTD which is
5611s always good for but yeah I think you hit
5613s the nail on the head that like they just
5615s made uh fake Jake's life very very
5617s difficult and to have the EMP come out
5619s at like 99 already on the board a little
5622s bit rough there
5624s um but this this stage is very difficult
5626s to play against a Reinhardt uh May
5628s composition and I think they made the
5630s right choice by not trying to mirror it
5631s it's not what their style is so they
5633s went for something a little bit
5634s different but in the end 100 to zero
5637s also also I think you
5639s know that I'm not sure
5640s I'm confronting the Sombra Farah there
5642s because you stop and think about that
5644s Sombra doesn't really like getting onto
5646s a point or playing in and around the
5647s point in the same way like say a tracer
5649s would and pharah really doesn't like
5651s hang on the point either so there's very
5653s few options for uh Poland to actually
5655s have Point presence and you know it's
5657s not too surprising that they're lacking
5659s on that last point yeah but I I do think
5662s that you you don't really want to go and
5664s run a mirror against Finland either
5666s right so like you know what are your
5667s options at that point you hope that you
5669s get damage boost and you hope that maybe
5671s your RNG doesn't bring you to um uh a
5674s village right because Village is
5675s definitely better you saw like you know
5676s on Shrine they definitely got some more
5678s work done because it's more open and the
5680s fair had more room to work but yeah I
5682s just I don't think you can try to just
5684s run a straight up mirror um against it
5686s you know it's maybe it's something they
5687s haven't even practiced so well
5689s regardless Finland continuing their map
5692s win streak here looking strong versus
5693s Poland does Poland have anything left in
5696s the tank left for map two we'll see
5698s after the break
5699s [Music]
5716s thank you foreign
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5762s thank you
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5811s thank you
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5834s thank you
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5861s [Music]
5868s foreign
5871s [Music]
5879s [Music]
5915s thank you
5916s Finland looking great on map one with
5919s the re-emergence of Cloudy continuing
5921s their map streak here in the OverWatch
5923s World Cup and hexa Poland a little bit
5926s tough going versus this Finland Squad
5930s yeah I mean it's it's it's tough I mean
5933s finland's just a team that's just really
5935s strong through and through we expect
5937s them to get out of groups of course they
5939s I think Norway is still hot on their
5940s tail too so Finland with everything to
5942s play for uh still as they try to lock it
5944s up of course we saw an interview I
5946s believe yesterday with Masa
5947s um looking ahead and still very
5949s confident that they can come out of
5950s groups here which would be enormous for
5952s this squad Pullman does get map Choice
5955s going forward and they've picked almost
5957s everything uh previously I mean they
5959s picked blizz World
5961s um they pick Kings so we'll see what
5964s they want to run here
5965s um probably don't want to go to
5967s something with a with a rush option
5969s um but yeah it's going to be plays world
5971s makes sense yeah I'm not too surprised
5973s to see this probably also means from
5975s Finland we'll see vestola back in uh I'd
5977s be a little bit surprised to see cloudy
5979s come in on blizzard world but you never
5981s know it could be one of those things
5982s with Finland where they're just like hey
5983s let's just give cloudy play time
5984s regardless but given what they have to
5987s play for and given the relative
5989s strengths of the tanks I would be
5990s shocked if we did not see vistola back
5992s in here for Finland yeah I mean the
5995s question also is is does icav come in um
5997s previously Poland on this map did not
5999s run I can't they kept filling in it was
6001s actually fillions uh one of their better
6003s games too and these kind of went wild on
6005s tracer on second point so
6007s um gonna be interesting to see what the
6009s you know if there's any swaps
6011s um you know Finland might just keep
6013s cloudy in and just see how that goes but
6015s you know obviously the
6017s the intuitive and logical play would
6019s bring vestola in Diva's so good on this
6022s first point especially like this first
6024s point it's it's kind of interesting
6026s because it doesn't seem like a map
6027s that's like all about high ground
6029s because it's not the highest of grounds
6031s right it's kind of steps to us uh you
6033s know there's that very first ledge that
6035s you take and then you try to kind of
6036s bomb out the other high grounds um but
6038s yeah the the little step over the top
6040s for the Defenders is so critical and
6042s we've seen divas and winstons I have to
6044s get up there and try to clear things out
6046s yeah which is usually why you'll see
6048s mobile tanks and all right well the
6050s mystery which wasn't too much of a
6051s mystery is revealed it is gonna be
6053s vestola in cloudy out but you know very
6057s much as expected for how blizzard World
6059s plays also for Poland Fillion is staying
6062s in and also playing with icab this time
6064s around
6065s okay
6066s um sure so I mean that kind of shows me
6069s that they don't want to run the Sombra
6070s summer didn't work out for them great
6071s last time
6073s um but yeah I mean the fake Jake has
6075s been the one to play the Sombra for them
6077s so they're going to get off of its
6078s Tracer Ash the
6081s flavor of the day
6083s um yeah we'll see what they actually run
6084s out here on offense I mean the signal
6087s would be an interesting thing I don't
6088s think we've seen a ton of Sigma
6090s um but yeah
6092s I mean the hog was it was a great pick
6096s man I loved it uh it was good to see it
6099s actually got some work done surprisingly
6100s because I think it just kind of threw
6102s their opponent for a loop so
6104s um yeah Finland set up in this very
6106s first spot uh yeah it's offensively
6109s vestola will be on the vermontra
6111s okay feeling gonna make the change over
6114s yeah ram versus RAM and then yeah echo
6117s echo makes sense too
6118s yeah I I like the setup here for Poland
6121s that makes sense to me but also for what
6123s finland's running also makes sense on
6125s both ends I feel like though given that
6127s they're riding the echo this puts a lot
6128s of pressure on the sauna right like Sana
6130s has to be the ones to just check the
6133s Echo and the rest of it you know ground
6135s game for Finland probably can be a
6137s little bit more aggressive
6140s yeah you would think
6142s um but yeah I mean Sonic is definitely
6144s up to the task uh one of the better hit
6146s scans in the tournament
6148s so far just kind of poking back the Ryan
6150s bed oh forever gets very low
6153s I mean the ram pressure on both sides is
6155s actually a little bit unreal both the
6156s Stila and forever getting very very low
6158s awesome though gets around finds icab
6162s and that's just gonna let Finland be so
6165s much more aggressive in setting the tone
6166s here and you see that vestola just
6168s walking up they go for the wall the wall
6170s probably gonna cause forever to die it
6173s does really good opening here from
6175s Finland off that early pick from Masa
6178s yeah I mean Poland is probably going to
6180s give it another life and another go on
6182s this Echo Mercy but it's really tough
6183s because the the back line
6186s the the backline can is consists of uh
6190s sauna but also Mickey's there too with
6192s the Batiste and it's a surprising amount
6194s of damage that the batis can put down
6195s for for a while there was the joke in
6198s the in the Pro community that he was
6199s just better Soldier uh
6201s so like you are facing double hits
6203s getting in the back line it's just gonna
6204s be really hard to find a good angle but
6205s I think you you play it out until you
6207s get duplicate and see if you can get
6208s anything going there
6216s super scary you don't want to really
6218s challenge him right yet flipper got shot
6221s at the sky really early into the fight
6223s and yeah I mean it's not much of that in
6225s the end it's a full shellacking from
6228s Finland on the Poland
6229s yeah I mean that's what I was talking
6231s about too so it was Mickey who ends up
6233s taking down flipper not necessarily
6234s Philly on it and the tragic part about
6236s that is like Poland didn't even get to
6238s use the ultimates from that combination
6240s that you know kind of would have
6241s dictated if they're gonna stick to it or
6242s not now I think you see those check
6244s marks and it's really hard to try to get
6246s away from it uh to try to ditch out on
6248s ultimates Finland did have to commit two
6250s alts still have a nice three in their
6252s Bank
6254s um yeah I mean Poland's Maybe
6256s I don't know Bob initiation isn't the
6258s worst stuff but icab goes very low yeah
6261s I've got extremely long forever pushing
6264s into the back I feel like pistol is
6265s going to annihilate really really into
6267s this fight if it's required the
6269s mortality field already gone forever
6270s getting poked down heavily and then some
6272s is cloud throws out the blizzard Texel
6274s gets copped over near the blizzards
6276s Cloud picks up two
6279s yeah I mean like Poland went really
6282s really aggressive on that dive they kind
6284s of sold all out to get someone in the
6286s back and oh this is tough
6288s this forever realizes uh oh this isn't
6292s going oh no
6294s they're like we're still not gonna
6296s remove you from here you gotta go to the
6298s waterfront oh this is oh this is what
6302s you hate to see as a diva player you
6304s know this could always happen but you're
6306s not a fan
6307s probably shouldn't have remepped that
6309s was the moment I knew they messed up
6312s um
6313s yeah
6315s it's just mean
6318s um tough going here 30 seconds left
6320s Poland will have one good shot at this
6322s and let's just let's get the duplicate
6324s off at the very least oh the Widow I was
6326s gonna go to the Widow high risk High
6328s reward I mean look when you need
6330s something to happen I I don't hate it
6334s but do you like it do you love it no I
6337s mean it's
6338s there's a sliding scale we'll see I love
6340s it
6341s the actual pick comes here but
6343s we'll see finally Duke comes off oh my
6346s God that Duke goes away yeah
6349s crunches the dupe immediately yeah
6352s foreign
6356s holds on blizzard World from Finland
6360s uh zero percentage on the point
6363s full on the fullest of holds you might
6366s even the fullest of holds yes
6368s chock full of holdiness
6371s um yeah that's rough I mean
6373s just feel feel bad for the diva
6376s yeah I mean there's Steven staggers and
6378s then there's Diva staggers I mean that
6380s didn't have any like reinhardt's
6382s charging you away from the end of the
6383s map and canceling charge type
6385s Shenanigans but that was still I know
6388s I'd give that a seven out of ten you
6390s know historically still pretty good
6393s yeah I mean it's hard to do better
6395s though I mean the Ryan charge is
6396s probably the 10 out of 10. you know you
6398s charge and then allow them to live
6400s through the charge uh I think we used to
6402s see the best diva staggers on Temple of
6405s Anubis always comes to mind uh great
6407s staggers because no resets really like
6411s no place to jump off the map
6414s um yeah so finland's only needs 33
6416s Poland
6417s up against it pretty rough I mean I
6419s think they knew coming into it they had
6421s their hands full with finlands and then
6423s you know this was their map Choice
6424s unable to get anything done in a lot of
6426s it was like that Echo Mercy just never
6428s got any value even though they sold out
6431s they tried to dive Finland too good on
6432s the peel too good at the supports maybe
6435s Finland will be the first team to pull
6437s off the pedal shots
6439s that we've seen so many teams go for
6441s look it's got to work sometime it
6444s doesn't no no no no like at some point
6447s it has to work hey there's an
6449s opportunity there is a very like slim
6451s opportunity
6453s but yeah uh slim being the operative
6456s work definitely not
6458s also bash guaranteed
6462s if this works out for Finland as they go
6464s forward not really waiting a whole lot
6466s for perfect engage just going you know
6468s we're running a Bastion let's just go to
6470s the point
6471s spin it up let's see what happens right
6473s now forever under pressure on the junker
6475s Queen getting real low immortality field
6477s already out ikev lucky to live asphalia
6479s gets all pulling in general just living
6481s a death store but not fully taken out
6484s here just yet in fact the pressure turns
6485s the other way forever able to find Cloud
6487s Finland now working down one Vastola
6489s gets forever and here goes the Bastion
6492s just revving it up this Sonic gets two
6495s and that
6497s should be the end of it and it is
6499s Finland takes it in a dominant two to
6502s nothing
6503s uh yeah I mean not not the most
6506s surprising of results though the way it
6508s all went down on blizzard world is
6509s probably the most surprising part of it
6510s but I think
6512s I it was just about you know trying
6513s trying some of these Niche Heroes I it
6516s was it was mostly a value game right for
6518s for Poland not able to get value off the
6519s Sombra in in the first map not able to
6522s get value off the echo in the second map
6524s and look Finland is just a great Squad
6526s their record will go to five and one I
6529s believe now uh so they're in a really
6531s good spot I think Norway is is at three
6534s and two so I'm not sure again not sure
6536s how the scenarios work out I'll try to
6538s have someone else figure that out for
6539s you but uh Finland has taken care of the
6541s business in front of them
6543s um and done all they could to put
6544s themselves in a great spot and also I
6547s mean you know we're not talking about
6548s Finland as dominant as we are about like
6550s France maybe or Saudi Arabia finland's
6552s only loss to Saudi Arabia they have
6554s dominated everybody else yeah I think
6556s it's just the nature of how it goes down
6558s like Finland I mean look they were very
6560s clean and you know by the Numbers about
6562s as dominant as you can get but I feel
6564s like there's a little bit of a
6565s difference in terms of like when you see
6567s the teams play like you know seeing how
6569s Saudi Arabia has beaten a lot of their
6571s opponents right more visceral where you
6573s just see a pharah racking up four to
6575s five k's like over and over again even
6577s though Finland has been super effective
6579s it was it
6582s you know going like wow that other team
6583s got crushed even though Paula did in
6586s fact get crushed
6588s yeah I mean it's not as flashy right
6591s yeah so that's kind of ends up being the
6594s case there
6595s um but yeah and also I think like it
6597s maybe it's just like the star power
6599s right so like you know like you saw no
6601s good player Cloud good player but it's
6603s not like oh it's Kev star and sparker
6605s it's you know it's it's the you know the
6607s players from uh France that come to mind
6609s or some of the players on Great Britain
6611s it doesn't like shout out at you and
6612s it's not you know um a yazan on the
6616s other side so kind of you know it does
6618s seem
6619s not that I know a great deal about
6621s Finnish culture but it does seem fitting
6622s that there's kind of this Quiet Storm
6624s methodical play Taking Care of Business
6626s quiet beating everyone in front of you
6628s running their own style not the
6630s flashiest not not the biggest names but
6632s they're getting it done and the team
6634s just looks really really well-rounded
6636s um and it's also like I think it does
6639s work really well for them when I you
6641s know I talk about France and having the
6642s the tank line that they have I mean
6644s being able to have a great Reinhardt
6646s specialist to come in for some of these
6648s Maps too is is really working out well
6650s for Finland well Finland they continue
6652s their streak of dominance but we still
6653s got more OverWatch yet to come coming up
6656s next it's gonna be Iceland taking on
6658s Turkey
6661s [Music]
6675s thank you
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6693s [Applause]
6694s [Music]
6719s thank you
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6756s [Music]
6770s thank you
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6791s [Music]
6817s thank you
6820s foreign
6824s [Music]
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6829s [Music]
6833s [Applause]
6833s [Music]
6851s [Music]
6876s welcome back to the OverWatch World Cup
6879s online qualifiers for the emec region
6881s Basco that's CP that's hex and we've had
6884s an amazing day of matches so far let's
6886s actually go ahead and pull up the
6887s schedule the schedule if you will and
6889s take a look at the matches that have
6891s happened of course we just got off of
6893s the match between Finland and Poland zp
6895s I'm going to you give us a recap of what
6897s just happened I mean the recap is
6899s Finland is really good and can win with
6901s multiple different setups and they even
6903s showed shades of France in regards to
6904s being able to swap up tanks where we
6906s finally saw cloudy get some action looks
6908s good on the Reinhardt and look across
6911s the board Finland might not be as flashy
6913s as some of the other teams in the
6914s OverWatch World Cup but they are deadly
6916s efficient and they just continue their
6918s winning streak what more can you ask for
6920s yeah hex before we go to you with the
6922s lowdown on Iceland versus Turkey a quick
6925s update on your standings here we're
6927s looking at Group B and in the top right
6929s now we've got Saudi Arabia and Finland
6932s coming up next so we've got Iceland
6934s versus Turkey hex what are your thoughts
6937s on that one
6938s uh I mean both of these teams have
6941s struggled just a little bit I mean
6942s Iceland's looking for their first win
6944s turkey started off really strong they
6946s they ended up beating Poland and Sweden
6947s but they've dropped two straight since
6949s so really this is what about like trying
6951s to get right for both squads you know
6953s just trying to get something going on
6954s Iceland you know like I said looking for
6956s their first win you kind of have to root
6957s for that just a little bit so that they
6959s can get something on the board um but
6961s yeah I mean there's there's some good
6963s players on both of these squads just
6964s haven't been able to put it together uh
6967s neither with really great aspirations I
6969s don't think one of them I think like
6970s turkey is technically still in it with
6972s only two bosses but they'd have to run
6974s the table the rest of the way to get out
6976s of group B I think that's kind of off of
6977s the table so to speak
6979s um so both these teams now just playing
6980s for the fun and the glory of World Cup
6983s Pride well with a great match just
6984s around the corner zp and hex I leave you
6986s all too and of course have a great time
6987s and I'll catch you guys on the other
6988s side
6989s thank you so much Jimmy and yeah I mean
6991s as we head in here hex it's uh you know
6994s this is kind of an interesting matchup
6995s because it's really hard to tell what's
6997s going to happen right these are both
6999s teams that have their flaws I think if
7001s you pushed me to say he was favored here
7003s I'd probably go with turkey based on
7005s performance yeah and the fact that
7006s Iceland definitely looked very out of it
7009s yesterday like you know they had their
7011s ups and downs in week one you know even
7013s though you know obviously in terms of
7014s getting W's on the board it's been tough
7016s but they looked very rough yesterday and
7019s I feel like if Turkey can play up to the
7022s Peaks we've seen from them you know it
7023s might be a 2-0 for turkey
7025s yeah I mean I I would tend to agree with
7028s that uh Iceland yesterday I think you
7030s hit the nail on the head it's just it
7032s was A Series of Unfortunate Events like
7034s it just it seemed like one thing after
7035s another really stopped their momentum
7037s they never got anything going just you
7039s know stalled in neutral for the most
7041s part
7042s um they got beat in the neutral I mean
7043s because it's never put it in a drive so
7045s really rough obviously looking for their
7047s first win turkey would be an opponent
7048s that they they have a good chance
7049s against you know uh Huffy cool finzy
7053s like I said the veteran Talent of this
7054s team has to Rally the rally uh the squad
7057s and gets to get some morale going but
7058s Javi had a rough day yesterday that you
7061s just want to forget and you don't think
7062s about it
7063s um and they've kind of relied on uh
7065s Orion to to be this long-range hitskin
7067s and pull them through some of these
7068s fights so we'll see if they can get
7070s anything going to day against you know a
7072s pretty solid turkey squad yeah I'd say
7074s also the one bright spot for iPhone
7076s yesterday that I remember is that
7077s futhark had pretty good sleep Arc had
7080s pretty good moments of just shaking
7081s pressure keeping people alive but you
7084s know the way OverWatch plays special in
7085s OverWatch too uh any weak links at all
7088s or one player having a bad day can
7090s really just change the fortunes of your
7091s team but taking a look over at turkey
7093s and who they have playing there are some
7095s stories here that have developed over
7097s time you know we talked a little bit uh
7099s on day one in fact about ramani and
7101s lethal right where you know romani's
7103s unique circumstances how Romani is
7105s playing you know lethal obviously a
7107s known quantity that overall like has had
7109s some pretty solid games so far the
7111s OverWatch World Cup yeah I mean like I
7114s said they started off really strong they
7115s beat Poland and Sweden this team started
7117s 2-0 out the gates but they've dropped
7118s two cents of course against Saudi Arabia
7120s that's to be expected but they also lost
7122s to Germany I think obviously the carry
7124s player on this team is lethal
7126s um lethal playing Genji has been some of
7128s their best looks for this team uh has
7130s really been able to bust out the blade
7132s and be an enormous Difference Maker I
7134s think it's a good Shout by you to call
7135s out Romani romani's uh junker Queen has
7138s been fantastic uh nephron will be the
7140s the damage player that pulls up like
7142s everything else kind of uh lethal picks
7144s what lethal wants to pick and then
7146s nephron's like you know kind of a Sombra
7148s or you know they'll run some different
7150s stuff and also they've been running
7151s recently Affair of Mercy with lethal on
7153s the pharah so we'll see if they bust
7155s that out when we head over to control
7158s um but yeah and you know the support
7159s line uh muzo is has been really good on
7162s the kiriko as far as just damage output
7164s and checking the Dives on them so the
7167s the support Line's been good overall
7169s it's it's a it's a solid team and there
7171s is you know like I said Kerry potential
7173s is lethal is is that player for them all
7176s right we're gonna be hitting in the Lisa
7177s again I have to say like now that we're
7178s throwing the overall score onto the
7181s screen it does feel a little bit you
7182s know tough as we get in the week two and
7184s you see Iceland just the oh and five
7186s staring you right in the face uh it's
7188s been a tough time for Iceland turkey two
7190s and two you know ups and downs has been
7192s saying yeah I feel like you look at
7194s Iceland I don't there's partly it feels
7196s like nah they're not oh and five are
7197s they and I suppose they are
7200s yeah I mean they started off with a
7202s really really difficult schedule and
7204s just were never able to gain momentum
7205s over that so now as as they get into
7207s their last couple of games you know you
7210s want to get that zero off the board I
7211s mentioned it yesterday I don't like ever
7212s seeing a team with a zero on the board
7214s but try not to root for anyone in
7216s particular but I mean it's a little bit
7218s surprising I mean I don't know happy
7219s cool finzy yeah they're veterans but I
7222s don't know just maybe not that the
7224s talent level of some of the other teams
7225s so I'd like to see Iceland pull off a
7227s map win at the very least but we'll see
7229s how it all shakes out I am confident in
7231s saying that Iceland will not make it out
7232s of groups that is one call I want yeah
7234s see I don't think you need any
7236s particular math expertise at this point
7238s to make that call with the only two
7240s teams getting out of that uh you know
7241s the math is a little bit overwhelming at
7243s that point but you know still play for
7244s pride and all the rest but here we go
7246s gates are opening up we got lethal here
7249s on the Genji so yeah a little bit of
7251s Genji play that should be exciting
7252s Iceland yeah I mean
7254s yeah turkey's gone to comfort Heroes
7256s like you know junker Queen and Genji
7258s come to mind this is what they've been
7259s running a lot
7261s early pressure of the finzi a heck of a
7263s lot of pressure on the finsia that going
7265s on 25 Romani gang pressure in turn but
7268s finzy's one who falls can't stay alive
7270s as lethal just Dives on in with nephron
7273s ties to have to cool but the rest of
7275s turkey just flood over Iceland
7278s okay really really nice play overall
7282s from from Turkey getting onto the points
7284s lethal is going to put some pressure on
7285s them ends up paying uh with his life for
7288s it but no problems turkey takes first
7290s point rather easily now switches from
7293s Iceland so
7294s yeah just kind of run it back see what
7296s happens again but that's a pretty pretty
7298s conclusive team fight there I mean oh
7300s and again Food Park just gets caught
7303s kidnapped early on into the fight
7305s nephron onto Orion and again the fight
7308s is over nearly before it begins Iceland
7311s just comes in and gets their clocks
7313s clean that was decisive
7316s yeah that was rough
7319s um
7320s I mean I don't think I've seen 10 deaths
7322s that quick uh in in any game that I've
7325s I've watched in quite a while right
7326s there so yeah in romani's junker Queen
7329s is has been difficult to deal with and
7332s then just all the follow-through comes
7335s through
7336s Iceland's I don't know he's got you
7338s gotta get out here maybe he just
7339s coalescence just to get some oh the bio
7341s or no the Rampage is massive as Iceland
7345s just goes in
7347s and out
7348s my goodness turkey just not giving them
7351s any room to set up Romani with a massive
7353s Rampage to set that up unreal is it 15
7356s to 1 right now as far as eliminations
7359s I think the only death so far for turkey
7361s was Lethal in that first fight right
7363s yeah I I believe so yeah so I mean
7367s Iceland I mean you just have to get some
7369s pressure out here coalescence to open
7370s also this is a really good vantage point
7373s for a blade Leaf will even gonna use it
7375s right now Cole's out lethal just goes up
7376s I don't feel like it half the cool cut
7378s taken by Rabbani super early into the
7381s fight
7382s Sprint sentence already used and this is
7384s where lethal you gotta be like ah just
7386s waiting Dragon Blade out find smoother
7389s anyone else yes goes for the Moira makes
7392s it a twofer 95 to zero and this has not
7396s been close hex
7401s okay there's something comical about the
7403s swap back onto the point like we know no
7406s one's on the point that just
7408s Forever Alone
7410s yeah that that was absolute domination
7414s um I mean we we've seen some one-sided
7416s Maps but that one might just take the
7419s cake
7420s um so Iceland got wiped in the first
7422s couple of maps and that always puts you
7424s behind as far as ultimates goes they end
7426s up having to use coalescence just to get
7428s out of point but then by that point
7430s turkeys banked all their ultimates they
7432s haven't had to use anything and so
7434s extremely simple Iceland has never found
7436s a good engage and the moment that
7438s Iceland started like losing one I do
7440s like the turkey just threw on the
7442s aggression aggression almost always wins
7443s an OverWatch and they threw on the
7445s switch we're able to chase down and uh
7448s yeah just really solid play from Turkey
7450s ice and just kind of back to the drawing
7452s board shaking your head it's kind of a
7454s repeat of yesterday in the fact that
7455s Iceland's neutral game has been tough
7457s you've been seeing finzi get focused
7459s down early or support get picked off
7461s essentially every fight even before you
7463s start considering ultimates that friend
7465s here for turkey I'm the Hanzo on the
7467s plank looking for anything right now any
7469s head would be
7479s turkey goes for a little bit of rotation
7482s more bodies on the point as Iceland
7484s and they can be able to get on to put
7486s before the Caps doesn't look like an
7487s Orion goes down
7489s happy out of it and that is a quick
7491s capture for turkey and a one team fight
7493s at that
7495s well you see the first two kills they
7496s they go to Romani in the kill feed but
7498s the assist is definitely on nephron who
7500s has been unchecked up top uh just
7502s putting in a head shot after headshot
7504s from this hanza you see already 89
7505s towards the Dragon and also finishes the
7509s fight with another shot too so Iceland
7511s is behind it again I would like to see
7513s them just like open with coalescence and
7515s put some pressure on because it's a fast
7517s charging ultimate I think they held it
7518s for one fight in the in the last stage
7520s and it's just you gotta get something
7522s going there it is yeah they open with
7528s Bonnie gets the annihilation off but
7530s doesn't matter the focus fire is there
7532s Orion just lays in the shotgun shots
7535s best start for Iceland here so far as
7538s long as they can't bleed anyone else out
7540s here finzi under pressure real close to
7542s building annihilation of his own
7544s people down in Iceland looking like
7547s their first fight win of the map here
7550s thus far and you kind of called it they
7552s need to go with the cold and they did
7554s yeah I mean you have to like they I
7556s think in the previous stage who thought
7558s with a four piece by the way I'm just
7560s let everyone know
7562s um in in the previous match like they
7564s had coalescence and they didn't use it
7565s to open up and they ended up just losing
7567s another team fight I think at this point
7568s for Iceland you're in desperation time
7570s you have to be using these things and
7571s also given the amount of damage the
7573s license taking like coalescence is back
7575s up for the most part they're at 80 that
7576s charges super fast so uh you you have to
7579s be using these ultimates even if they're
7580s not ideal situations all right since he
7583s opens up the annihilation answered by a
7585s barrier on the other side who's the low
7586s gang very very low turkey definitely try
7589s to stay alive people are dropping the
7590s blizzard to make some room it's a pretty
7592s good blizzard forces out the Beat from
7593s Iceland on the outside half the cool
7595s getting really really low oh
7598s Orion though dive on in and the death
7601s wasn't for Ryan doing the work and I
7602s have to say impressed with both boots
7604s and Orion here both Booth Arc in general
7607s for Iceland but also I think the reefer
7609s change here has been good it's been
7611s giving turkey fits yes yeah I I think uh
7614s you know futhark is probably leading his
7616s team in eliminations right now it's been
7618s a couple of great fights and so Iceland
7620s I think what they have to realize is
7621s like you're you you can't really be
7624s you're not in a position to save economy
7626s and worry about it right that's why
7627s they're tossing everything in like you
7628s have to win fight no matter what because
7630s the neutral game's been so rough for
7631s them um so you're gonna be end up losing
7633s out on an economy but
7635s you have to win fights regardless and
7637s then you can kind of build economy back
7638s up by you know turning it around here
7640s well the main thing I'm seeing here is
7642s that nephron isn't Landing as many shots
7645s and Orion is
7646s Ryan insistent Iceland can just walk in
7649s the turkey right now and have an
7650s advantage between the two teams so you
7653s know we saw a little bit of this in the
7654s Italy V Spain game but yeah it might not
7657s be the hero people love playing at times
7658s so the reaper is still really good
7660s especially in close-up situations like
7663s this
7664s my favorite hero is the reaper Guy come
7665s on don't you know that's how it goes uh
7668s yeah he's in a decent spot coalescence
7670s should be able to come out here yeah
7671s right away fire and forget it and
7673s they're gonna have Annihilation going as
7674s well annihilation in from Turkey as they
7676s look to change their fortunes lethal
7678s though low caught by Vince he was also
7680s annihilating and again a big difference
7683s in damage with boothar caught by the
7685s annihilation turkey's barrier letting
7687s them be a little bit more sustained here
7689s however Izzy it's Romani Iceland's still
7693s in it as the barrier Fades Lindsay
7696s hanging in there under pressure still
7697s alive happy on that store so close to a
7700s blizzard but they're not gonna need it
7702s here and he's gonna have it they don't
7704s need it all
7705s yeah Iceland just finally found I found
7707s the aggression button there and I think
7708s it really did end up starting with like
7710s that opening coalescence you can't be
7712s saving ultimates you're not in the
7713s position as Iceland to save ultimates
7715s but the thing is like if you open up
7718s with say say two ultimates that you know
7720s you don't want to use necessarily but
7722s then if you win the fight you saw them
7724s starting building ultimates on the chase
7725s down so it allows everyone else to start
7728s building up as well I think they've been
7729s playing too conservatively throughout
7731s the tournaments and we mentioned
7733s yesterday and I know people are going to
7734s get tired of hearing the term neutral
7735s but they're now winning neutral fights
7737s like those you know without ultimates
7739s and without an overwhelming Advantage
7741s they're losing fights you saw it in the
7743s very first stage like they just kind of
7745s get popped without uh you know using
7748s those and so an adjustment was made for
7750s Iceland they pull it back and now uh I
7752s mean after the first stage I wouldn't
7754s have expected to get to stage three but
7755s here we are well I I think the key
7757s difference here is that Iceland is not
7758s going to be able to run the reaper
7760s they're going to rely more on Orion
7761s Landing shots onto lethal in the sky and
7764s lethal tends to live up to his name on
7766s the far as nothing gets Orion early
7769s that was a lethal for the summer yeah
7775s well that allows lethal to just play
7777s wherever they want really I only have to
7779s worry about these but yeah however
7781s lethal got set back like deals with the
7783s bath really good
7785s part here and what is turning into a
7787s much more complicated fight the
7788s resurrection gets allowed that's huge
7790s for turkey now lethal Landing good shots
7792s from the window Romani able to come back
7794s in through the front door icel might
7796s have got first capture but it's turkey
7798s that's gonna get first fight
7800s yeah in a cleanup from Lethal lethal and
7802s Nephron just kind of going ham on this
7804s squad allowing the res is a little bit
7806s brutal too like what romani's got such
7808s good sustain now that they have the
7810s points
7811s um so yeah it's going to be difficult
7812s for Iceland to find a way in here no
7814s ultimates to speak of and we've already
7816s spoken at length about how difficult
7817s that can be for this team you have to
7820s rotate through I think white room that's
7823s not awesome to play against afar either
7824s I mean Orion on the castle a lot of
7827s pressure is lethal just lands the
7829s Rockets gets amazing early pick don't
7831s see that as often good counter though
7833s from Orion on to the Neff
7835s I still know you know you're stuck with
7837s four in the white room this isn't the
7839s most ideal area you have to use your
7840s immortality field early nothing about
7843s this engage right now feels that great
7844s for ice turkey again oh lethal comes in
7849s The Barrage gets three it might have
7851s been good if they got Romani but they're
7852s so focused on Romani they didn't look
7854s and bump their heads
7855s yeah I didn't see that one come in so
7858s obviously Iceland didn't either a really
7861s nice play from lethal to get the barrage
7863s value and now you can kind of cycle
7865s these damage ultimates as well you can
7867s have EMP for the next fight uh Romani uh
7870s from what I've seen of their junker
7871s Queen is kind of a fire and forget it
7874s um Rampage you know the moment they see
7876s a couple of good targets so turkey
7878s coming back really good that's so hard
7880s to answer on this map also the EMP is
7883s devastating from that friend now you see
7886s them now you don't
7888s brutal EMP follow through here from
7890s Turkey 72 to 13 and Iceland once more on
7895s the brink they're gonna have some
7896s options here for the next team fight hex
7898s but all in all a long way to go if they
7900s want to bring this map back into
7902s contention that's what we must talk
7904s about when we talk about value with
7905s Sombra just the one ultimate gets a
7907s full-on team fight turkey able to save
7909s their support and tank ultimates Iceland
7912s well now's your time if you use them if
7915s you got them I got them tied to use them
7917s as it were Annihilation up early the
7919s Jedi catches the kiriko pretty nice
7921s start here for Iceland Rampage comes in
7923s but Armani gets immediately punished
7926s after they get the cap reasonably
7928s healthy Hereafter don't worry about the
7930s para in the skies but lethals oh he got
7933s happy that's big
7935s there's too much meat on the ground now
7937s you're not gonna be able to chew through
7939s this as a far it's time to well
7940s nephron's back in I thought it was time
7943s for a recess no I I think turkey they
7945s won't be a little bit Scrappy here and
7946s getting Ryan out of the fight definitely
7948s allows him to scrap her body's back on
7949s in so even though Iceland's in control
7951s they can't really rest at all fencing
7953s gets first and lethal able to find it at
7957s the end comes back in Russo on the booth
7959s Arc and again this is a fight Iceland
7961s cannot lose so the map is over as turkey
7963s gets all the cleanup they need that's
7965s gonna be it turkey takes it here on
7969s lijon Iceland did kind of take it to him
7972s by grabbing around but you know hex the
7974s more we see it and I'll keep throwing
7976s back to Italy versus Spain game I feel
7978s like right now if you are getting
7980s outskilled in traditional meta in this
7984s patch you go to Reaper I feel like
7986s Reaper right now is the great equalizer
7988s and we've seen teams that are otherwise
7989s getting outmatched and now played when
7991s they go to the reaper Suddenly It's a
7994s different ball game I look at this as
7995s Iceland if I don't know if Iceland has a
7998s decade coach enough if they do you just
8000s look at this and go play The Reaper man
8001s doesn't matter just play Reaper I mean
8004s it works at some ranks on ladder so I
8007s went to work in uh OverWatch World Cup
8009s um absolutely I mean I think yeah you
8012s know so it was it was about like not
8013s getting ultimates on the very first
8015s stage and then Iceland adjusted and kind
8018s of uh was getting really good value out
8019s of ultimate second stage and then the
8021s third stage uh turkey turned it around
8024s and we're getting extreme value on an
8026s ultimate let's take a three-person
8027s barrage is one thing and then follow it
8029s up with a five-person EMP to clean it up
8032s on the second so uh also turkey's a fair
8035s composition was just really difficult to
8037s deal with I mean Orion is shown that
8039s they're a good hit scan player but it's
8041s just a lot to ask for one person to be
8044s able to deal with that no answer for it
8046s and uh turkey's able to clean that one
8048s up with people in the sky
8050s um I'm just glad that Iceland showed up
8052s a little bit because that first stage
8054s wasn't
8060s yeah in general for Iceland eat some of
8062s their games that they've had where you
8063s know it's been very one-sided
8065s who thoughts he used to impress me I
8067s feel like Booth Arc even when everything
8069s is going wrong still finds ways of
8071s making plays definitely one of the
8072s brightest spots on this team you know
8075s even when like I said everything else
8076s has been going pretty poorly uh you can
8078s count a group Mark to have some good
8080s moments
8081s I had about eight eliminations in two
8083s minutes on on control center here
8086s um yeah and then just I mean where else
8088s are you gonna push from like you have to
8090s push from white room because otherwise
8092s you're on the bridge and that's not
8093s ideal uh so they try to push through
8095s there but get lethal gets aggressive
8097s then this was the follow-up ultimate too
8099s and this is like where their their
8101s economy got really strong uh the
8103s following fight from is actually you
8105s know Turkey ended up using three
8106s ultimates not getting it but they were
8107s able to scrap it out here at the end
8109s another EMP and just uh some really good
8113s uh value I mean I think that when I keep
8115s using this word but I think that the
8117s damage value especially from their
8119s ultimates were a bigger deal because we
8121s didn't see like how few of the Blizzard
8123s or anything like like a big Dead Eye
8125s dead eyes really hurt ultimately get
8127s value out of anyway so just getting the
8129s barrage value and the Sombra EMP value
8131s was probably the the big difference in
8133s stage three all right so
8136s Iceland versus Turkey Turkey comes out
8139s strong on map one Iceland though showing
8141s that at least if they run the reaper
8143s comp they can take the fight right back
8145s will Iceland be changing things up as we
8147s head the map too join us and find out
8152s [Music]
8169s foreign
8172s [Music]
8190s [Music]
8203s thank you
8204s [Music]
8231s [Music]
8245s [Music]
8253s thank you
8257s [Music]
8289s thank you
8304s [Music]
8310s [Music]
8315s thank you
8318s [Music]
8349s thank you
8350s [Music]
8367s thank you
8369s turkey looking real good against Iceland
8371s but Iceland hex showing them a little
8373s bit of fight of their own was up close
8374s and personal with the Reaper
8377s yeah I mean you've been
8379s um talking about how good Reaper is
8381s during the break
8382s um you know I mean so I we talked about
8386s it just a little bit theoretically like
8387s when everything's going kind of wrong
8388s it's it's just one of the most
8390s consistent Heroes like you're going to
8391s get damage done for the most part uh you
8393s get damage done and also like The Wraith
8395s walk is so good of like avoiding utility
8397s so if you get antide or or anything like
8399s that then you're able to get out of it
8401s so we've seen teams rely on it a couple
8403s of different times and it's it's worked
8405s out pretty well
8407s um and yeah I think it is just something
8409s like you're getting consistent damage
8411s it's almost the opposite of a Hanzo
8412s right where like yes you have a higher
8414s potential but if you're missing shots
8416s like you're doing absolutely nothing so
8419s um definitely if you're plat or below
8421s and you find yourself struggling against
8422s a team pick up that Reaper man it also
8424s works at some of the highest levels
8425s we've seen metas in the OverWatch League
8428s metas all throughout the years like
8429s Reaper is never gone for too long now
8432s gone but not forgotten for the most part
8433s it's always been a nice pick and
8435s especially now and you mentioned it too
8437s and over two with one tank like if you
8439s can just deal with that Winston right
8441s away like your team is in a huge
8443s Advantage oh yeah but out here we're
8445s heading to the next map where it is
8446s going to be watch Point Gibraltar uh
8448s this is a map that Iceland has liked
8450s going to a lot here hex they have one on
8453s it previously uh one of the maps that
8455s they have gone to W on but uh you know
8458s is it going to be the choice here
8460s against turkey is the question
8463s yeah well I mean yeah they beat Poland
8465s on it as you mentioned they've so the
8467s last two losses that they've had that
8469s they've been able to pick this map or
8470s they've been able to pick Maps they've
8472s picked Gibraltar they also picked it
8473s against finland's uh results were not
8475s ideal there uh so yeah
8479s um
8480s I mean it's now that I think about it
8483s this was what we saw yesterday on
8484s Gibraltar right when they lost to
8486s Finland and it was just a very very very
8488s bad day for Iceland uh so obviously
8492s looking for a little bit of redemption
8493s this does seem to be the map they favor
8494s and and yeah now thinking about it it's
8496s they like to to put a Orion on an ash or
8499s a widow and try to go with something
8501s like that for the most part if hafi is
8503s going to be on this Tracer again like
8505s you have to have a better performance
8506s than yesterday it was it was one of the
8508s and not even to say anything about
8510s hockey's play or anything I didn't see
8511s the first person POV but it's just one
8513s of those rough days as Tracer we've all
8515s had them where it doesn't matter like
8517s your head is just attracting bullets
8519s you're getting hit by every sleep around
8521s corners it's just one of those days as
8524s Tracer and Hafiz looking to redeem
8525s himself
8526s interesting swap here from Turkey Romani
8528s out Revenant coming on in
8531s and other than that
8533s you take a look at Iceland uh Iceland
8536s not going to be changing anything up but
8539s they are going to be running with Happy
8540s on the Tracer again so we'll see if it
8541s is a better day as it were
8545s yeah
8546s um so interesting here that they're not
8548s opening up yet they usually open up with
8549s a teleporter and try to get everybody
8551s across
8553s um onto the left side
8555s this is also the most you know European
8559s conversation that's going on in chat I
8560s don't think we could repeat what's going
8561s on there but no man
8565s don't see that as much uh here in the
8567s states
8568s Orion okay right now on the Widow
8571s looking for yeah usually
8573s usually you want to hold that window
8575s there but so far I mean turkey is just
8577s kind of giving up the points
8579s um revenue is gonna kind of play bouncer
8582s here and make sure that the Widow
8583s doesn't get too comfortable
8586s and the Widow battle could be fun after
8588s their own
8591s it'll be Widow pretty quiet here thus
8593s far happy getting a little bit low just
8595s poke in the underpass it looks like one
8598s of those days ago like you're on tracer
8599s on the cart and you get body shot on
8601s your chin from from across the map
8604s underneath the cart like oh gee is happy
8606s I hope I hope that the days in Gibraltar
8609s get better for the Tracer no kidding
8611s Widow here nephron Force back you're
8614s going back in looking for the shot
8616s both teams still at a full five but the
8618s Poke battle has been a little bit severe
8620s on both sides here thus far
8624s turkey healed back up but right now the
8626s payload hasn't been stopping for Iceland
8627s turkey needs to put
8630s bodies on the point sooner rather than
8632s later
8633s lethal's in trouble see if they can
8635s actually confirm the kill no the Peel's
8637s there yeah people get to support he
8638s needs come off dash into it bro
8641s unfortunately recall looking for Happy
8643s on the other end 72 sports player Ryan
8645s was able to find nephron though that
8647s should open up angles on the fight this
8650s is big for Iceland I said show him
8652s perhaps why they like this map right now
8653s as turkey is losing member after member
8656s they have a blade soon and point B but
8658s losing point a that quickly is a huge
8660s Boon to Iceland
8662s yeah and now they're gonna try to take
8663s this High Ground too I mean winning the
8665s Widow battle there is so important
8667s because there's really no one else that
8668s can test so it opens up angles for Orion
8670s he's able to play center from server
8672s room fins you with a great uh stagger
8674s kill and now we're gonna be able to take
8676s The High Ground it's so important to be
8678s able to ride this momentum all the way
8679s through point B
8682s insy just staying on top of the shovel
8684s now and I mean that's part of keeping
8685s momentum right you get to the shuttle
8687s early you pressure the defense don't
8689s give them early entry but uh Revenant
8691s doesn't care whether they're just gonna
8692s dive on in still a bit away from the
8694s primal
8696s Buckley as close as they're like but the
8698s Nano blade has to be on the menu here
8700s for turkey there's Nano there's a blade
8701s lethal gets boothark immediately what
8703s else is gonna be for lethal people
8705s looking around
8708s Big Shot coming in from Orion as Iceland
8711s keeps up the pressure there nearly
8713s through point B and the Nano blade hex
8716s is tragic
8718s it's just been it's been pretty good so
8720s far we'll see like hold on this fight's
8722s still going
8723s Riley Pops in late yeah
8727s yeah I mean pretty good rally here from
8729s Turkey in the sense of well both the
8731s rally and also just the rallying the
8733s concept of just getting back in
8737s I mean yeah it stabilizes them because
8740s it looks all bad but they're getting the
8741s the Winston back in too and now you see
8743s Iceland being pushed all the way back
8745s yeah I mean one of the downsides of
8746s running the Widow on the attack too is
8748s if you lose half you lose a lot of your
8750s pressure on the point and you're asking
8753s a lot of the Widow at all times and with
8754s Orion getting you know a few key pickups
8757s so Iceland can on a full reset here but
8760s they did get the payload pretty far that
8762s if they win the next team fight they'll
8763s get the point quick Nano coming on to
8765s finzy Lindsay just mows down nephron
8768s early nice early pick here from Iceland
8770s opens up Orion to have way more room
8772s they lose both dark though to the
8773s counter dive
8775s and plus they win this quickly they're
8776s probably gonna go in all but they get
8777s rid of boozo big picture from Iceland
8779s still alive
8781s yeah it's kind of a low Health kind of
8783s uh situation now with the both of the
8785s the honest mix NZ has been really
8788s getting the better of this tank duel so
8790s far and now with Reverend down he's able
8792s to just dive wherever there's gonna be
8794s no feel for the back line
8797s looking healthy on the point two big
8799s pickups here so far Chrissy able to find
8801s Barrack
8802s Iceland keeping up the pressure here on
8805s the point Orion's been blaming shots in
8806s Zach and if not getting credits
8809s I cried for that one it's lethal pulse
8811s bomb out and Iceland looking so composed
8814s right now they get through point B three
8816s and a half minutes left of C
8818s very competent offense coming out here
8820s for Iceland well they've been able to
8822s capitalize on their first kills and what
8825s it means for the shape of the fight so
8827s early on we saw that when nephron went
8829s down Orion was able to take a more
8831s aggressive angle on the Widow and when
8833s Revenant goes down um finzi is able to
8835s dive the back line and not worry about
8837s leaving his own backline because there's
8839s no counter dive gonna be able to come in
8840s they've responded to how their how their
8843s pills are shaping the battlefield and
8845s they've adjusted accordingly
8848s though still reasonably healthy
8852s Turkey right now looking for any life to
8854s their defense and a boost on the
8856s Revenant that's gonna be jumping on in
8858s likely building promo sleep after
8860s Remnant really ruins a lot of the push
8862s in here from Turkey Iceland able to
8864s disengage after a great sleepwise Booth
8867s Arc and the troubles for turkey just
8869s continue here hex
8871s yeah still no push on the payload though
8875s um as yeah icelands are struggling to
8877s get around the corner
8879s knife goes up this might be ill-advised
8881s but nice healing comes down
8884s didn't build the Primal in time was just
8886s a little bit away fizzy meanwhile picks
8888s up two drops the Bomb happy gets caught
8891s by muso though that's gonna take the
8892s wind out of the sails of the offense
8893s here
8896s yeah I mean just not having the entire
8898s full force to try to push this oh wow
8901s finzi was really close to picking up a
8903s two-piece there but nice peel for each
8905s other from the sports
8906s is going to be a little bit careful it's
8909s been getting caught out a lot by finzy
8910s like the the diva is just better than
8912s the Winston if you end up in a 1v1
8915s well this time around Reverend Revenant
8917s has the Primal opens in the Primal line
8919s it doesn't matter remnant's already dead
8921s just got absolutely crunched as Iceland
8926s now gets an opportunity happy with the
8928s bomb on the ferric as Iceland picks up
8930s elimination after elimination finsey
8932s leading the way
8934s all right a little bit of clean up here
8936s not too many alive on the point price on
8938s there could be enough Revenant back in
8939s run that though is about to be back out
8941s perhaps what HP here's the Winston
8943s staying alive but not for long the Bob
8945s deals with the rest really nice pop for
8948s the ride right place right time for the
8951s sixth player and that is Iceland
8954s finishing with over a minute left on
8956s Gibraltar not an easy feat
8958s Orion got into the Checkmate spot there
8960s on Gibraltar uh especially pushing last
8963s when he gets up on the bridge whether
8965s that's widow or whether that's Ash and
8967s then the you know
8968s just a great use of the ultimate there
8970s you get up on the bridge and then Bob
8972s goes down into the center and you're
8973s you're both hammer and Anvil and you saw
8976s all the kills come through for Orion uh
8978s we theorized before that like they
8979s picked this map because Orion is so
8982s comfortable on long range hitscan it's
8983s the first time we've seen it be like
8985s Ultra effective though uh being able to
8987s get the the win the Widow battle 1v1s
8989s hafi started to get some value out of
8991s the Tracer a little bit late there were
8992s a couple of like you know interesting
8994s missteps there from hoffy but not the
8996s biggest deal but for me the the big
8998s thing is is finzi uh really timing the
9000s Dives taking out the the tank often and
9004s then finzy really prioritizing taking
9006s out whatever was going to counter Orion
9007s whether that be the the dive tank or
9009s whether that be the counter Widow and it
9012s Orion had more space this game on both
9015s Widow and Ash than he's at in any
9017s previous Gibraltar that Iceland's played
9019s well a huge reason for that space was
9020s just the difference we saw between finzy
9022s and Revenant I mean look I don't like
9024s trying to go Ultra simplistic it'd be
9027s haha main tank difference but I don't
9029s know that that round was pretty darn
9031s close because we saw finzy crushing
9034s getting multiple eliminations at the
9036s right point right time meanwhile the
9038s focus fire on the remnant just saw
9039s revden and spawn more than making a
9042s difference for turkey and that was
9043s probably the biggest difference between
9045s this map and the previous map when
9047s Romani was in instead so you know maybe
9049s it's just coming in on the second map
9051s trying to warm up but it was a really
9054s tough round for rugby but also
9057s yeah well finzy was being patient he was
9059s waiting for Revenant and then they would
9061s deal with it and then that's when pinsy
9062s would go finzi never left his backline
9064s really exposed because uh was making
9066s sure that Revenant was dead before finzi
9069s went and dealt damage to their own
9070s backline so he saw things getting
9071s aggressive but it's because the threats
9073s had already been neutralized Revenant
9075s slept
9076s Revenant slept Revenant behind farook
9078s was already down it's really gonna get
9080s away you think so this early but you
9083s know happy can still Chase it down Chris
9084s he finds that friend up close and
9087s personal
9088s and yeah Iceland it's never a good look
9092s for your offense when you're getting
9093s warped in the neutral this hard this
9095s early into the map that said muzo finds
9097s Chrissy Chrissy perhaps a little bit too
9099s far up Lindsay and Orion looking low you
9101s know if you're Iceland you've gotten a
9102s lot of delay here already a minute off
9104s the clock you can go back to the area
9106s you really want to hold on Gibraltar
9108s which is like past the car wash
9110s yeah music actually doing some work
9112s there was able to get the Sleep onto the
9114s Widow and then the follow-up nade uh get
9115s get some kills too so uh it has been a
9118s Difference Maker in some of turkey's
9119s matches haven't called their name very
9121s often here but donated and tied oh
9123s futhark I think went to finish the
9125s bio-date on the boozo and caught a widow
9127s shot to the dome for it however one good
9130s elimination causes another Orion
9132s punishes Nephron
9133s 4v4 but being on the Anna is tough
9136s especially when it's Food Park that had
9137s the Nano and the wings lethal trying to
9140s make something happen here Tracer kiriko
9142s down in the bottom happy coming in for
9144s the assist finishes off lethal the call
9146s for help successful
9150s yeah and right now it's only a minute
9152s left and Iceland or no excuse me two
9155s minutes left Iceland on the defense has
9157s everything at their disposal just a bit
9160s outside yeah I think happy that was uh
9163s you know thinking they're getting sick
9164s when they ended up attacking type of mom
9166s which made the pulse bomb look way more
9168s often probably should have been Revenant
9170s though goes up has the Nano chasing on
9172s down trying to get the kiriko here and
9175s uh right now not quite working out
9178s food's hard to stealing goes for the
9180s Sleep forces out the Primal in the back
9182s they get Orion but meanwhile Iceland I
9185s think is doing way better on the actual
9186s payload as Revenant was sent back a
9189s toyed with it
9191s yeah the pulse is going to come down but
9193s they do finish fizzy before the remake
9196s um yeah I just sorry I took uh amusement
9199s at the phrase trying to get the kiriko I
9201s think that that's just
9202s how it always works to get his character
9204s yeah you know it's all there's an
9206s attempt today and uh speaking of
9207s attempts we got lethal pulse bomb set up
9210s good to go is he gonna find the Anna
9213s that's Cool's down already so a lot of
9215s pressure on Orion to make something
9217s happen here for Iceland or finzy tunay
9220s Rush fading Orion down lethal being
9224s consistent into the back line finishes
9225s off boothark it's a solid Tracer play
9228s for lethal should get turkey in the
9229s point B
9231s yeah they should have he's gonna come
9232s out and maybe try to stall a little bit
9234s crazy
9235s I mean this turkey
9237s excuse me this Iceland back line is uh
9239s you know really quite lethal um so now
9242s the question is uh how uh well is turkey
9245s able to set up on point B Revenant is
9247s going to be up top uh you will see fizzy
9249s momentarily fight for this High Ground
9251s in it the battle over the shuttle is so
9254s critical because you need to be able to
9256s get your Widow up in decent spots too to
9258s be able to counter their Widow and
9259s that's a fight where right now reubman
9261s doesn't really want to play and wants to
9263s wait for everyone to get on over and now
9265s because it payload has to be having
9267s nightmares about cuthark though on the
9269s other side as happy finds lethal Iceland
9272s in the neutral you know we talked about
9274s a lot I've been playing way better in
9276s this game you know whether it be tank
9278s difference or not it just looks better
9280s across the board we've seen happy come
9282s out into play a lot more often and you
9284s know tough approach right now from
9285s Nephron
9286s yeah this isn't just winning 1v1s
9288s whether it be uh either of their damage
9290s dealers the widow or the Tracer or like
9291s some of the tank duels that have
9293s happened too so I don't know if that's
9295s not I mean maybe it's it's Iceland's
9296s support line that's giving Superior
9298s support but it definitely have looked so
9300s much better in these individual battles
9302s in the kill
9303s feeds again there's the tank kill yeah
9306s and also it wasn't too complicated and
9309s 50 just gets a walk for it and hold down
9312s Mouse one for a time there heavy
9314s pressure coming in gonna reposition up
9315s to The High Ground nice sleep
9319s right taking a quick snooze finzi finds
9321s nephron and yeah I mean finzy has just
9323s been playing so so well on this map and
9326s again I'm not sure if it's because babe
9328s the Winston is the best idea here you
9330s know Rob think you probably hold on to
9332s the Primal even means dying at this one
9334s you have so many dead you have to get
9336s pressured using the Primal would be kind
9338s of rough but turkey needs healing is the
9340s other thing
9342s and 90 seconds left and and turkey's
9345s gonna have to try to find a way in this
9346s is where we talk about momentum on this
9348s stage particularly uh Revenant is going
9350s to take The High Ground here but I'd
9351s imagine fins is just going to come back
9353s and try to bully them off as well yeah I
9355s mean the goal here is force Brown is the
9357s bomb in the back puts Iceland up 5v4
9360s Orion under a bit pressure Primal
9362s already out Remnant get tip of the bio
9364s nice little finish there for turkey and
9367s it's been lethal keeping turkey alive
9369s it's some rough fights and rougher
9371s engages picks up two rotates back around
9375s fizzy gets muzo but Iceland is
9377s definitely working from behind here half
9378s the coolvo gets on the carico
9381s enough for enough to respawn I'm happy
9383s now things getting a little bit Scrappy
9385s as respawns get involved there's nephron
9386s though starts to heat up here hex
9389s yeah it's a nice two-piece it was a
9391s little bit uh interesting because what
9392s happened in that last night where
9393s Reverend went nuts uh it was just like
9396s diverse counter dive you saw in the
9397s stairway it was where the fracas was
9399s going on on the other side of things but
9400s turkey was able to finish up the
9402s eliminations much cleaner in large part
9404s thanks to lethal's follow through
9406s whereas Iceland was unable to finish out
9408s their counter dive but still Iceland in
9410s a good spot 20 seconds last fight here
9412s yeah Iceland an even better spot with
9415s how that opens up crazy and food Park
9417s connecting and here's Revenant on a
9419s little bit of punished Remnant is super
9420s low should be finished off here in a
9422s moment finzi drops the bomb that's one
9424s way to take down your tank counterpart
9427s five seconds left to go and yeah turkey
9430s even keep this one in contest it's not
9432s looking great and no it is Finland or
9435s Iceland coming back in
9437s they forced map three another another
9440s map win for Iceland on Gibraltar I think
9443s like you know if you ask them why do you
9445s pick Gibraltar like that's what they had
9446s in mind like that's what goes through
9448s their head is oh we're gonna get our
9449s Widow set up we're gonna have that going
9451s our tank is gonna dive and counter dive
9453s and do really well finzy's uh probably
9455s the the best uh best match I've seen him
9458s play so far in the World Cup
9460s um definitely some big highlight moments
9461s the only misstep was like when they
9463s tried to counter dive the support line
9466s of uh turkey was able to keep each other
9468s alive a little bit better but that was
9469s because of lethal so Iceland good for
9472s them they finally pick up a map and
9473s Iceland has a chance to uh pull off a
9475s match I think it could put a one on the
9478s board yeah and I mean you know we talked
9480s about the storyline here you don't want
9481s to see any team lead with nothing but
9483s zeros however I still think you have to
9486s really focus on the tank set up in this
9488s game here where yes fizzy had an
9490s incredible game I don't think even with
9492s the Winston maybe Diva matchup it was a
9494s great game for Revenant I feel like the
9497s difference between Revenant being in and
9498s Romani being in was so massive here for
9501s turkey and it makes me feel like
9503s regardless of what strategy is being
9505s planned into the next match I feel like
9507s you're gonna see Armani come back in
9508s just because everything just kind of
9511s flowed from the tank plate in this game
9513s when you look at how things changed and
9515s Iceland played with a remarkable Mass
9517s SpaceX and I just I feel like turkey's
9519s gonna make a change after this map I
9521s really do
9523s um you would think so and also I mean
9525s going into push uh as the game mode
9527s there's definitely maps that deliver a
9529s jumper Queen which we've seen is
9531s probably romani's like favorite hero uh
9533s best hero you can you can definitely
9535s take it to
9537s um I mean espera I mean almost any of
9539s the ones in the pools new Queen Street
9541s Esperanza and Colosseo all you could
9543s also you could run a JQ on all of them
9545s uh previously they've gone to Esperanza
9547s uh when they've had the push map choice
9549s so that that might be something they're
9551s looking forward to but yeah I mean
9554s it's a tough matchup 1v1 anyway you have
9556s to play a mobile tank to play high
9558s ground so you really your only options
9560s are to play either Winston or Diva but I
9563s think Reverend found themselves in 1v1s
9566s versus Diva which not good to begin with
9568s and then 1v2s often as well and was it
9571s was dying a little bit early uh too
9573s often and when Revenant died early finzy
9576s just hit the boosters like literally and
9578s metaphorically just went in and found
9579s the back line there was nothing to worry
9581s about because didn't have to didn't have
9582s to worry about uh his support line so a
9586s really interesting play there and yeah
9587s good for Iceland you know they've tried
9590s and tried again on Gibraltar I think
9591s they're they're like two and one on
9592s Gibraltar now yeah so like this is
9594s definitely their map well Iceland they
9597s bring it back on Gibraltar they put the
9599s series in contention can they finish it
9601s out get the map 3 Victory here in their
9604s first W on the board we'll see as the
9607s finale continues after this break
9611s [Music]
9627s thank you
9630s [Music]
9650s all right
9653s [Music]
9674s [Music]
9694s thank you
9710s [Music]
9727s foreign
9736s [Music]
9746s [Music]
9804s [Music]
9824s thank you
9827s Iceland finding their groove versus
9829s Turkey on watchpoint Gibraltar really
9831s solid tank play coming out from finzi
9833s dictating the entire pace of the map
9836s forcing the map 3 hex where As We Know
9838s Anything Can Happen
9841s yeah absolutely
9842s um I'm not certain I wanna I wish I
9845s would have fact checked this before okay
9846s yeah I'm wondering who Iceland's last
9848s match is because I think this might be
9849s their best chance to get the one on the
9851s board
9852s um obviously you know going to three
9853s Gibraltar finally went the way that they
9855s they wanted it to
9857s um and obviously they beat Poland on it
9859s but that was a little more decisive on
9860s Gibraltar Turkey
9862s um
9863s has previously chosen Esperanza as their
9866s their map of choice to go to when when
9868s they get to decide the push map so that
9870s makes sense a you and I both believe
9871s that they'll probably be bringing in
9873s Romani right so maybe on JQ I I think
9876s that's the most likely situation just
9878s given the difference where yeah I mean
9880s Gibraltar is very different from lijong
9881s Tower and how it plays out but given the
9884s Stark difference in how tank play
9886s dictated the matchup I feel like they're
9888s gonna go to a comfort pick here they're
9890s gonna bring Romani back in and play that
9894s here on Esperanza because it's something
9895s you can do on this map I would be
9897s shocked if they didn't make that change
9898s I mean you never know all teams have a
9900s plan sometimes they want to stick with
9901s it regardless of results and yeah
9903s romani's back in this makes all the
9905s sense in the world to me especially
9907s given what just happened on Gibraltar
9910s uh yeah not the best showing for Winston
9912s but also I mean Romani has just been one
9914s of the strengths of this team overall
9916s the junker queen and the sustainability
9918s has been so solid uh for turkey and how
9921s they want to run so I wouldn't be
9923s stunned even to see like a lethal Genji
9926s at least for a life or two yeah maybe
9928s not that the greatest map for in the
9930s world was not the worst so maybe just
9931s Comfort Heroes getting on that we'll see
9933s what they want to run nephron might end
9934s up running the somber here
9936s I like this a lot I was gonna say it's a
9940s Reaper no but we saw Italy run this to
9942s great effect against Spain even when
9944s Spain had them outdone mechanically back
9946s in the first map right Reaper is the
9949s great equalizer I think if you're a fan
9951s of turkey and you're looking at this
9952s initial setup you should be a little bit
9954s nervous right now because this is the
9957s perfect situation for Iceland to take
9959s the series away from Turkey if they
9961s stick to this composition I fully
9963s believe that yeah full-on Reaper Rush uh
9966s even the Moira coming into the mix too
9968s so a huge Clash of styles turkey is
9971s going to try to get some initiations
9973s um you know with the JQ but they kind of
9975s have to play a little bit patient here
9977s hope for hacks and hope for something
9978s like that
9980s hope for maybe an early pick on some
9982s Juarez Chrissy is uh eating the uh bad
9985s end of all that poke but Iceland deals
9988s it right back up and look at the
9989s pressure on the Romani
9991s it's a power that's what we use right
9992s away chunking in early and we're Bonnie
9995s still under heavy pressure goes down
9997s Iceland came in with the game plan of
10000s kill the tank and they do just that
10003s yeah I mean right now Isis playing as a
10006s huge Clump so maybe uh maybe I switch to
10009s an Anna might might be helpful to get
10011s some anti-healers going on but right now
10012s this is just death ball it's deathball
10014s comp yeah
10016s I mean look there's nothing more
10018s classical European OverWatch than just
10020s getting your entire team together and
10022s running at them in something that's
10024s really Healy kind of tanky and hard to
10026s get pick-offs on yeah wasn't it that the
10029s Nordic countries who kind of came up
10030s with 3-3 very early on yeah the old uh
10033s nip Squad yeah that's right
10036s so definitely
10038s um a European style of sustain tanks big
10042s BP damage yep all comes out
10045s this happens when you run boy early and
10047s look at the pressure on their body here
10049s Armani had the swap to the ram
10052s keep Romani alive a lot of collateral
10054s damage coming on in and Iceland gets to
10057s play a style here that they really like
10059s and I mean turkey they're in danger here
10061s hex this is push you can't lose fights
10064s in a row like this on push and expect to
10066s come back
10067s yeah forward spawn turkey does make the
10069s switch at least pretty early on lethal's
10070s gonna stick onto this hoping for an
10072s equalizing blade but other than that
10073s they have mirrored it out uh beat up for
10076s Earth might want to use this to engage
10078s you really can't let them sit with Ford
10080s spawns this long no I mean turkey they
10082s need to make something happen the blade
10083s comes out the blade goes away lethal
10085s immediately punished after the blade
10087s comes in however the rest of the engage
10089s for turkey going pretty darn well
10091s because guess what they are on the
10093s reaper now as well making it happen
10096s nephron with four on the cleanup
10098s yeah the beat engaged but another
10100s interesting wrinkle turkey uh lethal
10103s just doesn't want to play May apparently
10105s so lethals off of the Genji is going to
10107s go to the Sombra instead can be really
10109s good as far as if you're running a
10111s mirror to swing the economy back in your
10113s way also to be able to hack like a
10115s critical Target maybe hacking a Lucio to
10118s maybe get him out of beat
10120s um you know there's there's plenty of
10122s decent targets we'll see the big
10124s difference like I think going forward is
10126s going to be hoffy versus lethal and who
10128s is getting more out of their hero yeah I
10130s think that compositional difference is
10132s huge am I looking at that awesome good
10135s to go both Reapers ready to start
10136s spinning
10140s so this is kind of a catch-up death
10142s Blossom pushed away Iceland dwell time
10145s beat from futhar keeps everyone alive
10147s and gavrimani you have to concede some
10150s room here if you're turkey
10153s yeah I mean they didn't losing their
10155s Lucio so they're not going to be able to
10156s rush in but they've gotten better picks
10158s so far happy with a really good value
10160s out of the blizzard so now I mean I'm
10162s just keeping track of the compositional
10164s difference lethal's gonna have to win
10166s the next fight with EMP to keep it even
10168s here lethal said goodbye
10170s well the very least yeah no it's it's
10173s been ticking up pretty quickly but do
10174s remember like Iceland came out in this
10175s composition whereas turkey had to switch
10177s into it so Iceland has the lead here
10180s Cole coming out here from frizzy opening
10182s up the fight Romani gonna answer with
10183s Annihilation Orion getting really really
10185s low one for the death boss in the back
10186s no elimination off of it and there's the
10189s EMP built up by lethal hits four but
10191s romani's down the fall through isn't
10193s there Iceland just sustains through it
10195s so the EMP knocking the value that
10198s turkey wants and instead Iceland just
10200s gets to walk forward and they're gonna
10202s add to their leap here hex
10204s yeah I mean it was you don't often hear
10207s this but it was a really beautiful
10209s coalescence about Chrissy uh because
10211s Orion was in a really weird spot you
10213s could barely see the health bar peeking
10215s out right and it was in a brutal
10217s position but able to keep Orion alive
10219s during that and I mean you can't
10221s overstate like how valuable the reapers
10223s are in these compositions if you lose
10225s your Reaper you just don't have enough
10226s damage to push early Annihilation forces
10228s out the Beat from Turkey as fizzy just
10231s goes in Annihilation gonna be fading
10233s here soon beat long gone Romani very
10236s very low between the two tanks now
10238s getting killed back up Iceland meanwhile
10240s healthy it's gonna be cold versus Cole
10242s here Cole early on Turkey coal answered
10245s here from Iceland happy has built up the
10248s blizzard we'll get the blizzard before
10249s the EMT those are gonna be dropped here
10251s happy goes low gets oh stays alive sets
10254s up fizzy for the kill on the nephron and
10255s the blizzard lets Iceland move forward
10259s enormous value and uh lethal is nearing
10262s an EMP of their own but have to pull
10263s back right now like you look at push and
10266s Iceland's doing really well and this
10268s comes back to like almost the first
10269s stage of like just win fights who cares
10271s what it costs you know like I know it
10273s sounds like simple but a lot of teams
10275s are like well let's not use this let's
10276s not use this Iceland's just let's just
10278s win fights we're already in the lead
10280s yeah can't ask for a bigger EMP than
10283s that and this time unlike before the
10285s follow through was there Benzene might
10287s be throwing out a few right hooks on the
10289s robot but this is gonna get pushed the
10292s other way still
10293s 113-26 turkey is in real danger right
10296s now hex
10299s well I mean it's push so there's four
10301s minutes left there's plenty of time to
10304s get something going here but Iceland's
10306s done a really good job of like taking
10307s fights and stalling things out if I'm
10309s Iceland in this next fight I just gotta
10310s throw an Annihilation throwing death
10311s Blossom and hope like that that's how
10313s they've won fights going all the way
10315s back to map one is not worrying about
10317s what it costs or not worrying about the
10319s follow-up and especially when you have
10320s you know a 90 meter lead in push I think
10323s that's the Strat yeah I mean isolate
10325s could just make this very slow futhark
10327s though gets caught lethal with the
10329s icicles now is fizzy still gonna
10331s annihilate here
10333s Ryan goes for the death Blossom death
10335s Blossom Annihilation Iceland decides to
10336s commit this is high risk would be high
10339s reward but getting it down players early
10341s Vinci gets two
10343s still doable here for Iceland they've
10345s made something had nothing here
10347s all right hanging on however the coal in
10350s from muso might be the finisher here to
10353s an extent some response coming in but I
10356s don't know about the old commitment
10357s there from Iceland after losing Food
10358s Park so early
10359s yeah that one's a little bit tough um I
10362s mean they did get some value out of it
10363s but really it's uh just a later
10365s coalescence from muso pulls it back you
10367s know Laden into that fight now you know
10370s obviously lethal has made the switch off
10372s of the Sombra I mean you get a five-man
10373s EMP
10375s um and now blizzard is gonna be ready
10376s turkey's in a good look at this
10378s difference just comes up to the back no
10380s one checked that corner and it was more
10382s of an entire
10385s Time Unreal
10387s oh nephru please uh gets it done easy
10392s easy kill there turkey will now have
10395s forward spawns they've won two fights in
10397s a row it's starting to snowball out of
10398s control Iceland might be in a position
10400s now where you have to play a little bit
10401s slower hope to get a blizzard but
10403s speaking of blizzards lethal's got his
10405s locked and loaded Iceland is still
10406s behind on alts too but despite how these
10409s fights went because of the fight where
10410s they you know threw good money after bad
10412s essentially now we'll see lethal where's
10414s this blizzard gonna go Iceland blizzard
10417s of their own also locked and loaded it's
10420s gonna be a tale of blizzards left to
10422s right frizzy getting very very low I
10425s think it was Lethal nearly picking
10427s Chrissy off
10428s but here we go half he drops the
10429s blizzard gets caught
10430s dropping the blizzard
10432s his faults are gonna be there no Chris
10433s he's down turkey moves through and
10436s Iceland when they do use alt right now
10438s hex they are getting nothing for it
10442s I mean
10443s I mean I I've been imploring Iceland to
10446s use Alta as soon as they can it's the
10447s only way they're winning fights but now
10448s turkey is just getting better value out
10450s of it and that was a picture perfect
10451s right there two blizzards go down lethal
10454s is the one who gets people in it and
10455s they're able to clean it up much better
10457s and now lethal's uh alive longer so able
10460s to build a lot quicker turkey King beat
10461s engage they've won fights off of it
10463s before yeah meanwhile present I think
10465s they're just gonna pop Annihilation
10466s super early here they have beat and
10468s pulled so everything happened
10470s everything's gonna go down Iceland burns
10473s the bank plus the result gonna be here
10474s fincy gang focused down heavily never
10476s goes down big pick off by finzi with the
10479s annihilation Iceland at five Under
10481s Pressure really really low you look at
10483s the health belt between both teams
10484s isolated everyone down they recover
10486s though crazy under a lot of pressure
10488s happy much the same Romani though if
10492s Romani can stay alive here muzo goes
10494s down and Iceland finds a way through
10497s yeah that one was kind of in the books
10499s the moment that nephron went down like
10501s as long as Iceland was able to sustain a
10503s little bit and played patient the damage
10505s output is just so lessened without your
10507s Reaper and conversely Iceland uh with
10510s their own Reaper up with just an
10512s enormous push so Iceland's still 20
10514s meters ahead will take the robot back
10517s and you know wow that four minutes flew
10520s by we're at 30 seconds Iceland needs one
10522s more fight yeah turkey gonna need like I
10525s think you play patient yeah wait for
10527s blizzard
10528s opposite a one percent you can
10530s definitely delay this a bit
10533s right now Reapers could be deciding the
10535s force of the game nothing Orion lock and
10537s loaded ready to go Death monster death
10538s threat to the back grabs Chrissy as
10541s turkey not quite done yet two quick
10544s pick-offs
10546s and turkey they're gonna get it because
10548s nothing Burns yeah yeah nothing burned
10550s turkey also though does a really
10552s economic win there I mean the flank on
10555s the back line food heart got the Boop in
10557s but it was just a little bit too late uh
10559s so Iceland so this one's pretty much
10562s final fight like I I think whoever wins
10564s this one will win the map
10567s is it gonna be a blizzard battle again
10569s right here the same spot was to be
10572s blizzard it's also the annihilation of
10573s the annihilation everything is coming on
10575s up the conclusion is here Chrissy
10578s opening with the coal happy early
10580s blizzard lethal meanwhile waiting Romani
10583s Frozen ramani down Iceland starts off
10586s with the pick beat drops death Blossom
10589s used lethal finds futhark and here we go
10592s Annihilation out here from Quincy finzi
10594s walking on Ford it's still a pretty
10595s decent Edge something fizzy gets caught
10597s Iceland couldn't get one from it turkey
10600s Staying Alive Orion out of it turkey has
10602s turned to fight despite the tough
10605s beginning Happy on the point how long
10608s can happy delay half he goes down
10610s the robot keep you pushing forward finzy
10612s onto the emergency ball it's Ball B do
10616s here at the very end 103.
10618s turkey keeping going forward not over
10620s not over at all nephron does have a
10624s blossom though could close it out
10626s the ball is in nephron holding on to
10629s death Blossom looking to get to the back
10631s starts spinning where's the winning
10633s Iceland able to back out from a lot of
10635s it happy still alive fizzy getting low
10637s fins he gets one before fine but you got
10639s the more around the tunes
10640s can Iceland capitalize here boothark on
10642s the Romani both teams down tanks nephron
10645s and Orion setting the pace right now
10647s both Reapers in The Fray O'Brien gets
10650s enough friend as Iceland they look to
10653s hold on Turkey losing member after
10655s member will this be Iceland's first win
10657s it is they take it over turkey in three
10662s ah
10665s I'm so happy I love a deep getting their
10667s first win good for Iceland they will
10669s pick up their first one
10671s um and just really Scrappy at the end
10673s there I mean the penultimate fight it
10675s was much better Lucio wallet the beat
10677s comes out a little bit later
10678s um and you know prevents that
10680s Annihilation from getting anything and
10681s that's when Romani drops the switch from
10684s finzi like onto ball like you know
10687s obviously like you felt like you had to
10689s do it and it's a really good stall
10690s mechanic especially like with their
10692s spawns are gonna be a little bit closer
10693s but the trade for Moira is enormous we
10696s talk about like when anas go down in
10698s some of these compositions like how much
10700s healing that is motorists all the
10702s healing here and just critical so every
10705s single one of these fights a lot of them
10706s were like mirrored up as far as
10708s ultimates went and a lot of it was just
10710s ended up being value like who gets a
10712s better Blossom who gets a better
10713s blizzard uh and things like that so
10715s Iceland pulls it off in the end they win
10718s Gibraltar which is their home map and
10720s then are running out this composition
10721s and you think about it it comes down to
10723s they picked the right first so they had
10726s a huge Leaf going into it and that's
10728s just how push works out sometimes and
10729s you know you see game like this and you
10731s just wonder if Reaper is underplayed
10733s especially on maps like this because you
10734s know
10736s Spain Italy game this is the second time
10737s we've seen you know one team seemingly
10740s outmatched a little bit you play The
10742s Reaper and then the other team feels
10743s compelled that they also have to play
10745s Reaper like the reaper sets the tone and
10747s you know I'm not trying to overhype this
10749s because I don't even necessarily think
10750s it's the absolute best uh hero pick but
10754s I think it's one of those things that
10755s it's easier to play consistently and
10758s frustrating to the other team when that
10760s happens and it just you know the first
10762s scene that plays Reaper can kind of
10763s force a Reaper battle especially at Maps
10765s like Esperanza I mean it's it's very I
10768s mean not very but it is somewhat goats
10771s like right so it's it's because you know
10773s the May has such great sustain with ice
10775s block and in uh the wall and everything
10778s like that the map control it it's very
10781s much like well may should be a tank kind
10783s of thing and what is a little bit of a
10784s tank Reaper's got a nice Health pool and
10786s he's got sustain it's it's a sustained
10788s composition where you push through and
10790s do a ton of damage uh and that's why the
10793s Moira works well into it and also Lucio
10795s of course like you know healing's fine
10796s but it's all about that speed and the
10798s beat as well I think it's it's a good
10800s comp I mean I think you really have to
10802s outplay it if you're gonna run like a
10804s tracer Sombra uh I mean and Winston into
10806s that is brutal so yeah so I mean I think
10809s it's a really good composition that
10811s we've seen work extremely well and just
10814s straight up congrats Iceland you know
10815s get that one on the board that's that's
10817s so important happy for them
10819s um you never want a team to come into
10820s the World Cup and get absolutely zeroed
10822s so good for them and uh you know happy
10825s happy for for those guys yeah really
10827s good to see Iceland get the W on the
10829s board but guess what we still got plenty
10831s of OverWatch left in the tank here today
10834s coming up next it's gonna be Portugal
10836s versus Denmark with epitomies and CB on
10839s the cast
10841s [Music]
10856s thank you
10862s [Music]
10887s [Music]
10910s [Music]
10918s thank you
10921s foreign
10924s [Music]
10941s [Music]
10986s [Music]
10996s foreign
10998s [Music]
11034s thank you
11036s [Music]
11057s foreign
11059s welcome back to the OverWatch World Cup
11061s for 2023 I'm Jim Basco and now I'm
11063s joined by epitomees and CB y'all it's
11065s been a fantastic day of matches so far
11067s epitomies let's start with you I how you
11070s doing how you doing coming into week
11071s number two as you watch all these teams
11074s settle in for the standings it was
11076s definitely a very exciting top of
11078s mourning especially the last match that
11080s we just watched with Iceland gaining
11082s their first win over turkey and turkey
11085s you know solidly middle of the pack here
11087s in group b so Iceland being right at the
11089s bottom for almost every single day right
11092s up until almost the very end that was
11095s definitely very exciting yeah and the
11097s same question to you CB how are you
11098s doing of course it's been a minute since
11099s we've been on broadcast but I'm happy to
11101s have you back how you feeling I'm
11103s feeling pretty good I mean I'm looking
11104s back to week one and I'm thinking like
11106s wow we were thinking that group b was
11108s gonna be so hyper competitive but it
11109s kind of feels like it's now just been
11111s like the Saudi Arabia Show featuring
11113s Finland at certain points you know Saudi
11116s Arabia is pretty much like a lock to go
11117s Finland still has like chance it's
11119s flipping up and you know falling out of
11121s favor but they look like the favorites
11122s it's actually group a that a lot of
11124s people are talking about today and I'm
11125s really excited to get to come out here
11126s today and talk to you guys and bring you
11128s some group a action because who boy it
11131s heated up over the first week and it's
11133s only gotten more hot as time's gone on
11135s absolutely let's talk about it right
11137s let's pull up that schedule and we'll
11138s talk about the format let's talk some
11140s standings let's give you the lowdown on
11141s what's exactly been going on of course
11143s we started out our day with 2-0 for
11145s Sweden over Germany Finland 2 O's Poland
11148s Iceland takes it two to one over turkey
11150s in a very close game that's the one we
11152s just came off of and now just around the
11154s corner we've got Denmark versus Portugal
11156s afterwards Netherlands versus Belgium
11158s Italy versus Great Britain and my
11160s Marquee match of the day France versus
11162s Spain to close out day number six of
11165s course if we're taking a look at the
11166s standings and all the updated rankings
11168s right now at the top of group a which is
11169s where we're focusing our attention right
11171s now we've got France the United Kingdom
11173s Great Britain or and the number three
11176s Spain and for the top of Group B we're
11178s talking Saudi Arabia and Finland as CV
11181s mentioned with that said though I leave
11182s you all to the match Portugal versus
11184s Denmark just around the corner enjoy it
11186s and I'll see you guys on the other side
11188s thank you so much Jim and Portugal in
11192s group a is also the only other winless
11194s team up until now with Iceland being the
11197s one from Group B with the same record so
11200s Portugal head off against Denmark it's
11203s gonna be a tough opponent and I'm not
11205s sure do you think that they can break
11206s the winless record I mean looking at
11209s this matchup right now I I can't say for
11211s sure because uh well I I can't say for
11213s sure that they will I think Denmark is
11215s uh heavily favorite in this match up
11217s here Denmark is another Squad that what
11219s we were looking at to be kind of towards
11221s the top whereas Portugal like you said
11222s still winless we are seeing some good
11225s stuff out of this squad but not enough
11227s to net them their first win so we're
11229s looking at the DPS line Kurama and Cohen
11232s who have you know they've had little
11234s bits of uh of moments but do also kind
11236s of have a tendency to die first so we
11239s want to see some of these issues get
11240s ironed out we want to see this team kind
11241s of uh fix some of the problems that have
11244s plagued them thus far because yeah again
11246s they're the only real winless team in
11249s group a
11251s yeah and over on the other side of
11254s Denmark we are talking a lot about that
11256s Squad earlier but yesterday they did go
11259s down to Spain so they were
11262s um at some point tied with Great Britain
11265s to be in the top three spots and make it
11267s out the playoffs but now because of that
11268s loss yesterday it's a little it hurts a
11271s little bit for them and they are now no
11274s longer in the top three of group a but
11276s obviously this squad has a lot of really
11279s powerful names you know calyx and Shacks
11282s both on the Twisted Vines roster
11285s um at a lot of contenders uh hang on
11287s Shaq's on the support that's uh I don't
11289s know if that's been something that I've
11290s seen before but that's definitely news
11292s to me Shaq's traditionally a DPS player
11295s haven't seen a whole lot of him on
11297s support there I don't know if it's just
11299s like yeah you're completely right I just
11302s like I just noticed that and I was like
11303s hey wait what uh that's uh not on the
11308s top 10 list of things that I thought I
11309s was going to see today but I think if
11311s you're going to to try this kind of look
11313s like we have seen DPS players Flex over
11315s to the support rule especially you know
11316s going alongside calyx will be in the
11318s flex support role most likely we've seen
11320s that work out well I think a backbone
11321s from Great Britain has done a phenomenal
11323s job in that kind of role and we've also
11325s seen a lot of DPS players transitioning
11327s to that Flex support role full time I
11329s think in names like Teru uh recently
11331s pineapple who got announced for the
11333s Hangzhou spark still don't know about
11335s that one still still don't know what
11336s that's going to look like but you know
11338s it's happened it's not unprecedented uh
11341s we're gonna be going to ilios for the
11342s first match up here so this will be an
11344s interesting place for Shaq to try and uh
11346s show us what this uh what this all is if
11348s this is just kind of like a fill or if
11349s there's a specific comp that they're
11351s trying to bring this in for if uh if I
11354s had if I was a gambling gal I'd probably
11356s say that it is to fill but you never
11359s quite know
11362s yeah and they okay headed on to ilios as
11365s well ilios is a map where you can get a
11368s lot of that air control as well
11370s um and it's not as much brawl comp
11373s favored though you do see the May a lot
11375s especially on lighthouse
11378s yeah absolutely and there's a lot of
11380s different things that you'll see on
11381s Lighthouse uh we'll cross that bridge
11383s when we come to it we're going to start
11384s things off here on ruins yeah and and I
11388s do kind of want to highlight this match
11389s and all of the group a matches going
11391s forward because there's kind of like
11393s this vortex in the middle that's sucking
11395s in a lot of the teams you know you've
11396s got France at the top Portugal and
11398s Belgium at the bottom and in between
11399s that is just a Vortex that's pulling
11401s every other team in Denmark still sits
11404s kind of towards the top of that but it's
11406s all because of that previous loss to
11407s Spain so I mean Denmark like if they go
11410s down in this match up here that would be
11413s catastrophic that would put them down
11414s towards that lower end where they're you
11416s know at they're gonna be under threat of
11419s potentially getting locked out
11420s completely this should be an easy dub
11421s for them here but it like they need to
11424s mix make sure that it is make win this
11426s as dominantly as possible so we're going
11429s to see them come out here on that
11431s ramatra rush we got Shacks on the
11433s Baptiste and Shockwave is going to go
11435s over to the ash so this is uh this is
11438s looking to play to a a lot of different
11439s strengths here again eyes are going to
11440s be on shacks and how he performs in that
11442s Flex support role uh meanwhile Portugal
11444s dive comp with Anna Brig backline and an
11448s ash of their own and karama's dead first
11451s yeah that was one of the problems that
11453s you mentioned earlier for Portugal
11455s chroma going down early unable to harass
11457s that back line anymore and they just
11458s have so much free range Shacks here
11460s being one of them and you know they're
11463s going to take that point pretty early
11465s because of that early pickoff and just
11467s going to wait for the next fight as well
11469s yeah the next fight should kick off as
11471s soon as karama's right back in the fold
11472s there because Portugal didn't lose
11473s anybody they're about to lose ego though
11475s if they're not careful in a mortality
11476s field comes out to save more fig and
11478s guess who's dead first again it would be
11480s Karama that's uh twice right off the bat
11482s I really don't want this to be the case
11484s because I want to see more out of this
11485s Portugal Squad there's a lot of Talent
11487s on this team but I mean you can't just
11490s keep uh you know going in getting caught
11491s out like that something has to change
11493s yeah Denmark and you can tell that they
11495s are very confident going into this
11497s matchup as well kind of harassing them
11499s back towards their spawn Karama is back
11502s once again but very isolated here so
11504s this okay that was just a shot from you
11507s but bye I guess he's not allowed to play
11511s the game this time around and just going
11513s to uh play spawn room simulator while
11516s they isolate ego and take down the
11518s Winston as well hex was talking about it
11520s earlier and it's just like you sometimes
11522s you just have one of those days on
11524s Tracer where just nothing's going your
11525s way except for bullets they're all going
11527s your way right towards the skull at
11529s Denmark pretty much at the touch the
11531s spawn door challenge there's another
11532s icicle to the Dome uh Karama can't catch
11535s a break as like no one from Portugal can
11538s catch a break really like Denmark just
11540s gonna be merciful and back off to give
11542s them space just to make this interesting
11543s but I mean so far it's been anything but
11547s yeah I mean Karama kind of trying to be
11549s the tip of the spear and be that
11550s initiator for Portugal to get themselves
11553s into the objective but just every single
11556s high school magnetically attracted to
11559s his head you know like what we just saw
11562s and the rest of the squad didn't even
11564s really need Shockwave you know you have
11566s one of the dps's solo contesting the
11568s Tracer and uh I feel like that matchup
11572s should typically go in uh go in karama's
11576s favor but it just does not I don't want
11578s to believe
11580s it's a Primal Rage just a contest there
11583s coming out from ego and Karama actually
11585s does find a pickup onto mulfic here so
11586s Portugal might actually be able to find
11588s something if they uh just press forward
11590s with this rally
11592s the Bob does come through to help
11594s contest for our Denmark and very quickly
11596s ego goes down they're trying to come
11598s through with the rally as well the touch
11600s does come friend from Rod but it goes
11603s down very quickly afterwards and the
11605s Beat from calex is going to just make it
11607s impossible for Dizzle to shred the rest
11610s of Denmark's team grandma can't go for a
11612s touch too busy with a hands full on Naga
11615s and first round going to Denmark Denmark
11619s I mean so far they're playing like
11620s they're angry about that loss to Spain
11622s like they're just trying to blow off
11623s some steam and Portugal is their
11625s punching bag right now I I really have
11628s to feel bad for the way that first round
11629s went but it's only one round of control
11631s you know you can there's still plenty of
11633s time to shake it off come back with
11634s something a little bit better we did see
11636s uh one kill come out for Portugal that
11639s was Karama killing mulfig so mulfig uh
11641s you know gonna be the big disappointment
11642s of the team having one death uh very
11645s unfortunate situation I'm sure I'm sure
11647s everyone's gonna be bullying him in the
11648s voice comms for that but overall like
11650s Denmark they look pretty clean and it's
11653s another one of the situations where it
11654s almost feels like again they're angry
11656s they want to step up and they want to
11657s show just how dominant they can be over
11659s over a team that has not really had much
11664s of any success in the group stages so
11665s far
11667s yeah I think Denmark now that they are
11669s the middle of the pack they really feel
11671s like they have something a little bit
11673s more to prove than they did when they
11674s wore the favorites and they fully
11677s believed that they would be making it
11678s out of groups into these playoffs uh
11680s before losing to Spain now Denmark
11682s switching on to a pharmacy composition
11684s Rod actually picking off Shacks though
11686s and that's just the majority of the
11687s healing for Denmark without the honor
11689s mulvik however finding Dizzle so they're
11692s trading some of that burst healing for
11693s the kiriko as well and the rest of
11695s Denmark Squad they do clean up quite
11697s well however no one's touched the point
11699s they're just busy contesting the joke
11701s yeah let's go ahead and cap the point
11702s here real quick like Portugal have a
11704s slight man advantage that's going to
11705s disappear rapidly multig going in
11708s doesn't quite get the touch I thought he
11709s was actually gonna go for the contest
11710s there just to be like extra griefy but
11713s didn't quite get there in time Denmark
11715s is back to full strength and they're now
11717s contesting the point though so I mean we
11719s might start to see things go back in
11720s Denmark's favor but hey Portugal they're
11722s on the board
11723s if Denmark is a pretty split so far
11727s especially since calyx and Naga are
11729s really looking to try and get that early
11731s harassment down calyx duck goes low but
11733s Naga will finish off Rod take out a bit
11736s of the speed boost and the healing a
11737s good stick from Karama though they're
11739s trading the supports in the back line
11741s and Shaq's going down there's no burst
11743s healing once again and I feel like he is
11745s getting picked very easily in these
11747s fights thus far because of the Winston
11748s however Resurrection to come through to
11750s bring back Shacks into the fight and get
11752s the healing down onto mulfig who is
11754s taking a lot of damage on the objective
11756s going to have to back off but the
11758s barrage will come and clutch to try and
11759s clear out some space this will survives
11761s on the point but not for long I mean
11763s there was a little bit of a glimmer of
11765s something brilliant coming out here from
11767s Portugal it's not this by the way ego
11769s getting ego getting chased down there by
11771s Shockwave that's not at all what I was
11772s gonna call out but so shax is kind of a
11775s weak Link in this composition from
11776s Denmark not because of you know his lack
11778s of experience on the flex support or his
11779s ability but again because in the
11781s pharmacy comp the pharah is going to
11783s have full custody of the mercy there's
11785s not going to be anybody really alive or
11787s available to peel for Shacks like multig
11790s would have to try and come all the way
11791s back in order to do so EMP is going to
11793s come out from kohen but uh yeah not
11795s gonna collapse right back that ends up
11797s amounting in pretty much nothing in
11799s Portugal I have uh folded here in this
11801s fight
11802s yeah they're just basically crumbled and
11805s now Denmark they are just going to take
11807s that point for a lot more of the
11810s percentage but for Portugal they've
11812s gotten quite a decent percentage right
11813s at the beginning they were really good
11815s at harassing out that back line of
11817s Denmark Shacks you know being pretty
11819s isolated having to play the long angles
11821s play far back and not a lot of Peel here
11823s but Naga is going to do the best to just
11826s face tank all of that damage the EMP
11828s from shock wave though they're like
11830s going to hit a lot that suzu does come
11832s through to take a bit of the damage down
11834s but with the kiriko and they could soon
11837s a rush to come through from Portugal
11838s they might be able to contest a little
11840s bit further however most picks are
11842s swinging towards Denmark's Direction ego
11844s comes in just in time and the sleep does
11846s come through onto ego and with the anti
11848s on the biotic nade there's not a lot
11850s that can be done so the Primal Rage does
11852s have to come through with Rod putting
11854s the sound barrier down as well the B
11856s comes through and as the overhaus Fades
11858s away how is ego just harassing shacks
11861s and getting so much damage put down with
11863s the anti-name once again but Karama will
11866s come in in the nick of time and the
11867s pulse bomb will take down Shacks yet
11870s when Karama is able to stay alive long
11871s enough eventually he will strike gold he
11873s is capable of coming up with these big
11874s pulse bombs and these big kills here but
11876s it's taken so long for them to find much
11878s of anything and Naga is still raining
11880s down Death from Above there's one for
11882s Cohen there and despite that little bit
11884s of uh that little glimmer of hope that
11887s Karama gave Portugal there it feels like
11888s it's all been snuffed out this rocket
11890s barrage is just academic at this point
11892s in time that should uh should be Denmark
11894s capping this one too oh
11897s Naga a huge sore spot for the Portugal
11899s Squad as well on the first map
11901s especially here on Lighthouse since they
11903s don't really have anyone that can deal
11904s with the pharmacy composition they had
11906s the Tracer and the Sombra and they were
11908s really kind of focusing down on Shacks
11910s getting all the healing out so they
11911s could then Focus mofig but otherwise the
11914s pharmacy was kind of just left unchecked
11915s for most of that they were able to get
11917s rid of it for a while sometimes they
11919s were able to focus down Naga with the
11921s world placed hack but otherwise it was
11924s really difficult to contend with all the
11926s damage being put out and they were
11927s really just looking to harass the sports
11929s it it did also kind of feel again like
11932s they were trying to put too many eggs in
11933s their like brief Naga basket towards
11935s their towards the end their own
11936s Lighthouse like I mean like I said shaqs
11938s is kind of the weak leak in that
11939s composition because playing the Anna you
11941s don't have the support unless kellix has
11943s the valkyrie and that was really like
11945s one of the only times that I saw them
11947s trying to pressure out the Anna there
11949s was while calyx had the valkyrie hey we
11951s can sustain everybody I've got chain
11952s heals for all they can't really you know
11955s get that out of the way they can't deal
11957s with the honor so you can't really take
11959s out Mulford because the healing's
11960s constantly coming through you're
11962s spending all of your time trying to take
11963s down Naga and this Farmer State and
11965s you're not like successfully
11966s definitively doing it so I mean like the
11969s only time Portugal is really able to
11971s find much of anything is when they can
11972s force Shacks to the low ground and hit a
11974s pulse bomb on him or you know Karama
11976s gets a pulse bomb and sticks it to
11978s somebody else but like that's not
11979s reliable you can't be trying to win or
11982s die like your whole like live or die
11984s situation based on just a pulse bomb
11985s it's like one of the least reliable
11987s ultimates for fight wins in the game
11989s it's not like you have to have something
11990s a little bit better than that
11992s yeah they just really stylistically
11994s didn't have anything to counter the air
11996s control that Denmark had in this first
11998s map and it was just a real struggle with
12000s the Tracer having the on the Bruins I
12003s mean that was just Karama really really
12005s unlucky round but to start off it is
12007s going to be their map pick over on the
12009s next one Denmark have a statement to
12012s make they have some frustrations to vent
12014s from that lost uh to Spain that has just
12017s thrown group a into complete disarray
12019s Denmark looking to write some of those
12021s wrongs it's going to be Portugal's map
12023s pick for map two right after the break
12025s don't go anywhere we'll be right back
12028s [Music]
12044s thank you
12053s [Music]
12065s [Music]
12092s foreign
12097s [Music]
12106s [Music]
12116s thank you
12120s [Music]
12140s thank you
12142s [Music]
12172s thank you
12175s [Music]
12186s foreign
12191s [Music]
12242s foreign
12246s it was a rough round one and map one for
12249s Portugal unfortunately but they are
12252s headed to their own map pick and their
12254s home ground this time Denmark of 1-0 so
12257s far I'm epitome is joined by CD and we
12259s are so excited to bring you the second
12261s map of this group a matchup not nearly
12265s as uh sorry not nearly as excited as
12267s Denmark are to uh to just run right
12269s through this match up here they're
12270s making it abundantly clear that they
12272s don't get paid by the hour they are
12274s going to just try and ground Portugal
12276s into a fine powder and move about with
12278s their day and like looking at ilios it
12281s was like not like it was not close at
12283s all like it's just entirely Denmark just
12285s running away with things Portugal you
12287s know they got to play the game on
12289s Lighthouse they didn't really get too
12290s unruined so that's you know that's
12291s something that's Improvement at this
12293s rate they might be able to cap the point
12294s uh here on their map pick for nimbani so
12298s uh I'm expecting to see a little bit of
12300s Diva come out from both sides we've seen
12301s a lot of Diva and a lot of dive
12303s compositions especially on point a of
12305s this we might might also be seeing a
12307s little bit of that Echo uh rear in his
12309s head once again that we've seen quite a
12311s bit of during this tournament cycle so
12313s numbani's an interesting pick here I
12315s don't know uh I feel like it's been at
12316s least a good few days since we've seen
12318s nimbani on the cast here
12320s yeah I feel like a lot of these teams
12322s have been picking into the Havana as
12325s well we saw like a little bit of
12327s Blizzard world as well but numani is
12330s definitely going to be probably a map
12332s where those pharahs and Echoes are going
12335s to come out and here on nubani Portugal
12338s it depends on what side they start on
12341s here but I feel like they might want to
12343s be making some changes in their DPS line
12345s as well if they do spot that echo or
12348s pharah again I mean Denmark they they do
12351s have to make this dominant I did say it
12353s needed to be dominant and I mean what
12355s would be more dominant than a swift 2-0
12357s here they kind of need that in order to
12359s stay safe with how treacherous the
12360s middle of the pack and group a is going
12362s to be so you have to like you know sorry
12364s Portugal you caught Denmark on a day
12366s that they have to vent some of these
12367s frustrations I like you have to go up
12369s against the team that we were touting is
12371s potentially one of the best in the group
12372s that has had a couple of a couple of
12374s times tripping over their own shoelaces
12376s and getting caught out by teams that
12377s maybe shouldn't have beat them but I
12380s mean one lost to Great Britain like okay
12382s you kind of expect they're gonna be
12383s another one but the loss to Spain like
12385s kind of hurts and you have to try and
12388s take some of that hurt out on uh on
12389s Portugal now unfortunately we are gonna
12391s see Denmark hovering over a pharmacy
12394s composition but Portugal has Cohen on
12396s the ash so there's gonna be at least a
12398s little bit of pressure out on tanaga
12400s there we'll see what Shockwave comes out
12401s with how that's gonna dictate the pace
12403s here and and Karama on the Tracer once
12406s again we called out Kurama getting
12407s caught out a lot but I guess it's not
12409s even really his fault like Shockwave has
12411s just been like hitting the shots and
12413s like Shacks on the support the the bone
12415s Shacks if you will has been uh has been
12418s pretty good as well like definitely
12420s definitely holding pretty strong holding
12422s his own in the back line there Denmark
12423s though
12425s one one key swap Naga actually gonna go
12427s for the echo instead of the far right
12429s interesting
12431s yeah I mean a little bit more accuracy
12434s even a trade-off for just a little bit
12436s less damage outfit per second but it's
12439s still going to be a pretty similar
12440s composition to what Denmark was running
12442s before Portugal on the other hand still
12444s with that um Winston so I'm looking to
12447s see if they're going to try to dive
12448s Shacks onto this honor once again they
12450s need to deal with that support backline
12452s somehow but they're actually just being
12453s harassed Away by Denmark's DBS line
12456s they're able to just coach gun off The
12458s High Ground and take a little bit of
12459s control that way but Shockwave still has
12462s a lot of rain and power over these
12464s angles and keeping them off this
12466s objective so far but multi could go for
12468s the cap if he wanted to I definitely
12471s could but I think losing shacks and
12473s Shockwave there is gonna mean probably
12474s don't like calyx is back with the res
12476s onto Shacks but you still kind of want
12477s Shockwave to have a little bit of
12479s presence on the point here they can go
12481s in without Shockwave and just let him
12483s set up late on one of the high grounds
12484s especially since Portugal aren't really
12486s contesting The High Ground right now
12488s Denmark have just kind of had this one
12489s for free and Portugal they're gonna to
12491s like try and go in that like they pretty
12493s much just given Denmark a tick for free
12496s yeah the way that they're playing makes
12497s them look a little bit afraid of Denmark
12500s almost and Naga I guess that's
12502s rightfully so since Naga just shredded
12504s down their like thousand HP tank and
12507s Karama going to have to use the recall
12508s as well looking to harass Naga once
12511s again and does escape the damage from
12513s the sticky bombs but not able to contest
12515s the objective at all the payload is
12517s basically just starting the escort for
12519s free yeah I mean The High Ground that
12521s surrounds point a is what makes it so
12523s hard to attack point a new body
12524s sometimes but if you just give it up for
12526s free like you just let Denmark have it
12527s like Portugal did there then yeah
12529s they're just gonna rain down punishment
12531s like Karama was the only one
12532s realistically that was contesting that
12534s the whole time and was just a duel with
12536s shockwave meanwhile the rest of Denmark
12538s they just yeah cap the point they don't
12539s have to worry about all that Death from
12541s Above and and now they did it without
12543s having to expend any ultimates they now
12545s have five of them that they can use to
12546s push through streets phase which is
12548s great because this is another you know
12549s difficult point where things can stall
12551s out but Denmark if they just all smash Q
12553s they can realistically just get the
12555s snowball here I think do it more
12557s efficiently than that if they really
12558s wanted to but like you know
12561s worst case scenario that is still an
12563s option
12564s yeah and I mean we have ego switching
12567s onto the diva as well so there's not
12569s going to be the ultimate there now the
12570s rally does come through from Portugal
12572s trying to sustain all the damage but
12574s Naga still finds Dizzle and they're
12576s missing that burst on the Anna once
12578s again but great very decently can proc
12581s that Inspire and keep the teammates up
12583s but on The High Ground and they just
12585s count the card look how far back that
12587s fight even like the cart got before that
12589s fight even started and it's not even
12590s halfway done before Denmark just capped
12592s the point that's like I think like the
12594s kills come towards the tail end there
12596s Denmark didn't even really need to do
12598s all that much it's like you said like
12600s Portugal look like they're just scared
12602s yeah it's like they're kind of hiding in
12605s these Corners like you have a break on
12607s or you had a break and realistically I
12610s feel like you could have the Brookie
12612s playing upwards with the tank instead of
12614s only trying to protect the Ana because
12616s Denmark hasn't really been heavy on the
12618s dive thus far but instead they're
12620s switching on to the currico this time
12622s around the duplicate does come through
12623s it's a junker Queen duplicate onto Naga
12626s and the commanding shout helps protect a
12628s lot of Denmark as they're trying to be
12630s dope but Dizzle finding Shockwave is a
12632s huge pick to make them have less rain
12635s over those long ranges but that Naga
12638s also forced out of the duplicate before
12640s using the Rampage so Denmark does have
12643s to disengage for a second here and
12645s Portugal will have a bit more control
12646s over objective Karama looking for a
12650s damage on the back line and going to
12652s have to use the recall but nope Jax
12654s turns around just one shot with the
12656s primary fire no damage fall off and
12658s immediately with the trace of fault what
12660s is Rod doing Rod I don't know
12666s a little bit difficult to deal with
12668s towards the back there but not able to
12670s get out completely multi gonna go in to
12673s hunt down the fox girl and I like again
12675s Portugal they're playing just so
12676s scattered so scared and so like all over
12679s the place that Denmark are just running
12680s right over this we're looking at a
12682s potential three minute time bank here
12684s yeah I feel like this is basically one
12686s of the only times we've seen them
12687s contest objective at all and ego
12690s immediately goes down because of the
12691s lack of support from the rest of the
12693s team and Karama look at where Kurama is
12695s they're so far back and I know it was to
12698s harass the back line but it's just
12699s there's no value that can be found
12701s because of how well they're appealing
12703s for one another back there and it it
12705s just feels like not a good day for
12708s Portugal thus far if Denmark or sorry if
12711s Portugal manages to full cap this and
12714s with enough time to force Extra Innings
12716s for both sides Denmark will have more
12718s time in their time bank on over time
12720s than they started with you start with
12722s four minutes they finish with 315 that
12724s extra minute boost they would get that
12726s would that would just put them over the
12727s edge right like that would put them to
12729s where they have more time to try and get
12732s a cap than they than they even could
12734s have possibly needed to get it the first
12736s time around so like Denmark I've pretty
12738s they've made it pretty quick they again
12740s don't get paid by the hour Portugal are
12743s constantly holding down the S key not a
12746s whole lot of w Keys being pressed here
12747s save for Karama and you know again like
12750s Karama has actually been a bright spot
12752s for this team but we keep calling him
12754s calling him out for getting uh you know
12755s getting picked or getting uh picked off
12757s first but that's because he's the only
12759s one who's realistically going in to try
12762s and make anything happen like everyone
12763s else is like constantly on the back foot
12765s they're like nah I'm scared like hold me
12767s please yeah I'm not I'm not going in
12769s there you're on your own Karama it's
12772s easy to be the first one picked when
12774s you're the only one poking your head out
12775s like sooner or later the rest of
12776s Portugal is going to have to kind of
12778s Step Up and you know follow suit try and
12780s make something happen you know karama's
12781s gonna have to have a little bit of
12782s support with these Dives so he stops
12784s getting caught out because we've seen
12785s again he can hit big pulse bombs he can
12787s hit big one Clips when we go to his POV
12789s his tracking looks really really good
12791s it's all solid but where's like where is
12793s the rest of the team
12795s yeah it does feel like he is very
12797s isolated in a lot of these fights and
12799s Tracer not really looking to rely on the
12802s sports but it's still a sore spot okay
12805s nice job from kohen though going on to
12808s the Sombra harassing out that mercy and
12810s immediately taking the pocket away from
12812s Naga now going to have to take a long
12814s walk back from Spawn naga's going to
12815s make up for lost time and trade out the
12817s Sombra though just a little bit of
12819s Revenge for the mercy and they're still
12821s not really able to cap the point just
12823s yet backing off and disengaging just
12825s slightly but Karama is still having a
12827s lot of control over here over on this
12829s High Ground Bridge looking to harass all
12831s the support once again Shacks does go
12833s down as the falling and with the recall
12835s back onto the high ground and looking to
12837s also harass out Shockwave now without
12839s the DPS line and play Grandma's just
12843s going crazy over here on the Tracer one
12845s clipping both dbs's it's more fake still
12848s to contest someone's going to force the
12849s Tracer all the way back does collect the
12851s health pack but with a recall is going
12853s to get out once again calyx switching
12855s onto the break interesting choice here
12857s to protect the Anna but multi getting
12859s down very low so they find calyx on the
12862s mercy very early there but because he
12863s swaps over the brig and is dead and
12865s can't quite get up to The High Ground
12866s they were able to find Jacks and that
12867s might have been Portugal's best
12868s opportunity having both supports down
12870s but everyone's back now the emp's out
12872s they do find calyx again but they lose
12874s Dizzle in the process they might have
12876s another chance here but it's still kind
12878s of Scrappy
12879s yeah they do have that little bit of
12881s confidence back now not a duplicating
12884s here go very interesting choice here the
12886s Swift staff does come through but
12888s they're forced out of the duplicate
12889s pretty early Shockwave trains it for ego
12892s though that ultimate for the tank player
12894s is trade that I would take however now
12896s with the translocator out Shockwave does
12898s have to move off the objective but
12900s Portugal is not capping the objective
12903s either out to the rest of the team of
12905s Denmark does come back to join them
12907s oh it's a good sleep there from Dizzle
12909s and a pulse bomb there onto Shacks I
12911s think Portugal they've done enough they
12912s might be able to close this out they
12914s just have to keep Shockwave at Bay and
12915s not let multhic at the touch they do
12917s find the cap they've made it through
12918s point a it's time to start streak space
12921s and now they're just really looking for
12923s ground control as well switching Naga
12926s over to that Tracer and looking for the
12928s backline harass going in through the
12930s Dives along with the diva the defense
12932s Matrix comes out to Stave off some of
12933s that pressure and damage and Naga was
12936s really looking for something early there
12938s but is going to have to back off in
12940s terms of ultimates Denmark it's just
12941s keeping such a good Pace though even
12943s though Portugal happened on these picks
12944s for longer they've been cycling through
12946s the ultimates and Denmark because I've
12948s been holding on to theirs I mean the EMP
12950s though that Shockwave has I think this
12951s means Denmark are going to want to try
12952s and go aggressive you can even see
12953s Shockwave right now like looking for an
12955s opportunity and you better believe
12957s they're gonna pounce on it they've even
12958s found Cohen's translocator I mean
12960s Cohen's gonna find Naga but that's still
12962s punishable without that translocator in
12963s play but I think it might mean that
12965s Denmark yeah change of plans Shockwave
12968s not gonna pull the EMP there no longer
12970s worth it without the DPS to follow up
12974s and now the Nano coming out from Shacks
12976s on to kellex a really interesting choice
12979s for the break as the Nano at Target but
12981s now the Kitsune Rush from Portugal's
12983s side will force them through the rally
12985s comes out to defend against the push
12987s that Portugal has here and the EMP
12989s finally from Shockwave is forced through
12991s and it's going to allow so much of space
12993s for Denmark to just take free reign over
12996s this road now with the side of Rod last
13001s player standing here the Swift step
13003s comes through unfortunately goes down
13005s huh not able to get out alive but that
13007s was another situation where Portugal are
13009s playing very kind of scared kind of
13010s reactive you saw Shaq's infested the
13012s Nano Dizzle and Rod both invest their
13014s support ultimates at the same time great
13016s stick there from Naga not gonna find
13018s much of anything that'll get healed up
13019s but a statement pulse bomb uh but
13021s regardless like once the Nano is off the
13023s field you don't really have anything
13025s defensive to try and counteract the EMP
13026s from Shockwave so he just goes in before
13029s Cohen can go in with his Cohen though
13031s has a pretty good angle and there's an
13032s EMP onto Shacks but no one can get to
13035s him up there like ego doesn't go for the
13037s jump they on a Shockwave but Jax is
13040s still able to live through the EMP
13042s and the leap onto ego as well and is
13045s going to be followed up by an anti-very
13047s decisively ego does survive but rod goes
13050s down so we didn't actually see the suzu
13052s come through to try and cleanse that out
13053s now calex is looking for Cohen as well
13056s with the shield bash and mulfig is
13058s allowed once again harass further push
13060s them past that payload and they have not
13062s capped that second object uh second
13064s checkpoint just yet but they're so close
13066s yeah there seems to be a little bit of a
13068s comms issue there for for Portugal If
13070s You're gonna go in with an EMP on a high
13071s ground support like that your Winston
13073s has to be ready to go in and pounce on
13075s top of that either that or your Tracer
13077s has to also be there to burst them down
13078s despite the defense Matrix peel coming
13080s out from mulpix here comes a nano from
13082s Shacks onto calyx here to try and repel
13084s the guy from Vigo
13085s yeah okay calyx is going to stay alive
13088s for a second but unfortunately Kurama
13090s was also putting so much pressure onto
13092s calyx as well so that rig is going to
13095s come out very quickly Shaq's still alive
13097s for that sustain heal and self-destruct
13099s is forced through from mopig but no
13100s re-mac allowed because of how much
13102s pressure go in and damage he was
13104s outputting onto that baby but now with
13106s the two dps's the only ones really
13108s contesting this payload against a tank
13111s is going to be a tough one especially
13113s since they have Rod right by the side
13115s getting a lot of healing down but so
13117s much damage being done by Shockwave is
13119s going to make ego fall back having sent
13122s back to spawn how does how does your
13125s Tracer kill both supports at the start
13127s of that fight and you don't cap the
13128s point off of that like that's just
13129s bananas like Denmark had no healing they
13132s had a tracer and a Sombra and then the
13134s diva came back like later on into the
13136s fight they just couldn't dislodge two of
13138s the like flimsiest DPS heroes in the
13140s game yeah sure they're slippery you
13143s can't always catch up to them but they
13144s have low HP bars sooner or later you're
13146s gonna take them down but it just takes
13148s them too long now they've killed Dizzle
13149s you have 20 seconds left you're gonna
13151s have to wait for that it's gonna have to
13153s be like a last second touch probably
13154s from Cohen maybe Karama but I mean
13157s karama's already getting checked so his
13159s uh his way in is gonna be heavily
13160s guarded is even gonna be able to touch
13162s should we have 10 seconds only one fight
13165s for Portugal to try and cap here
13167s okay we do see Karama trying to go for
13170s the touch but nobody is actually on the
13172s objective just yet they've made it
13174s though and the EMP does come through and
13175s forces mulfig out of the mech and karoma
13178s ego both finding so much value here off
13181s of this dive and the hacks from Cohen
13183s are making this so much easier these
13185s players are like paper to Portugal thus
13187s far and a last-ditch effort to touch
13190s this payload and get it to the objective
13192s is going to come through for Portugal
13194s Karama finishing off that last support
13196s and giving them another minute and a
13198s half in the time bank that was that was
13200s the EMP that they needed that they
13202s needed about a minute ago it comes us a
13204s little bit too late but they're still
13205s able to cap they still have a little bit
13206s of time uh but it's not looking like at
13209s this rate if Denmark comes out here and
13210s wins like even one fight with shockwaves
13212s EMP that Portugal likely won't be uh
13215s won't be finishing with time in the bank
13217s here there's the EMP the back lines just
13218s deleted and yeah back to the drawing
13221s board Portugal
13222s oh yep Denmark is just the only thing
13226s they had to invest there was the EMP
13227s from Shockwave and immediately Denmark
13230s will crumble now with two ultimates in
13232s the bank with both the uh with both the
13235s Nano as well as the pulse bomb they
13237s should be able to find some pick on the
13240s back line if harama lands one of those
13242s good pulse bombs that he has been
13243s hitting but now Milford looking to take
13245s control of The High Ground and keeping
13247s harama off of the back line of kellex
13249s and shags but caroma is going to land
13252s that big pulse bomb we were talking
13253s about now a DPS and support off the line
13256s and I mean not having calyx means Shaq's
13259s life is going to be on a timer if uh if
13261s you know ego tries to go in for a dive
13263s there if Karama decides that it's going
13265s to be so Karama once again coming up
13267s huge for the squad but they're not quite
13268s done 15 seconds they only have a nano
13271s and a primal to work with here they have
13273s to find something
13274s yeah the Nano does come through that
13277s Primal being built up very quickly
13278s Kurama looking to harass calyx out of
13280s the fight however with that hack ego is
13283s able to find something onto calyx and
13285s now shax doesn't have any of that
13287s defense but with the Nano out and the
13290s Primal Rage from ego going to take down
13292s mulfig in the self-destruct doesn't find
13293s anything no touch on the objective as
13296s they head into overtime and with zero
13298s seconds left we'll cap to certain point
13300s if you're uh if you're a member of the
13302s Denmark team rather annoyingly Portugal
13304s do cap the point but with no time left
13306s in the bank they cannot win this map
13308s they can only hope to draw it I mean
13311s we're seeing a lot of good plays coming
13312s out from them but it feels like they're
13314s waiting until they hit that one big
13316s ultimate it's either a Karama pulse bomb
13317s or a Cohen EMP where all the pieces just
13320s fall into place there and again you
13323s can't at this level you can't just be
13325s playing for ultimates like you have to
13326s be able to find your kills in the
13328s neutral you have to be able to take
13329s advantageous fights take space and not
13331s just give up space for free which is
13334s what we saw Portugal do on their defense
13336s early on so I still feel like this is
13339s academic there's a chance that Portugal
13341s can get the full hold here but they have
13343s to change a lot of things they can't
13344s play scared they have to make sure they
13346s maintain control of this High Ground
13347s don't let Denmark just have it don't
13350s give up any ticks for free
13352s like play near perfect from here on out
13354s and Karama as long as he doesn't get
13357s caught out and he keeps pounding
13358s Portugal have a shot
13362s yeah Portugal they are really looking to
13364s take control of that high ground this
13366s time around uh Cohen switching on to
13369s that Ash but we've also got Naga back on
13371s the echo as well looking for The High
13373s Ground Control Shacks is just going to
13376s be uh one of the sword points of
13378s Denmark's Squad not really having that
13381s break for the peel and mulfig will have
13383s to come back if anything happens or
13385s calex will have to be dislodged from the
13387s Echo and being pulled in two different
13389s directions as the mercy could be
13391s disastrous War Denmark but they've been
13393s playing very well thus far and they're
13395s able to whittle down Portugal the time
13396s thanks to nothing all they need is a
13398s single tip here it's kind of gonna be up
13400s to Karama to be the one to press her
13401s Shacks out on the low ground here
13402s because you know ego is gonna have to
13403s try and jockey for position here can't
13405s just give up The High Ground for free
13406s and Karama is that like that's gonna
13409s cost you a lot of damage like Denmark
13410s can still get up here they don't have
13412s control just yet but I mean they have a
13415s way in if they just pressure Dizzle down
13417s getting Dizzle off The High Ground is
13418s actually pretty massive oh Shockwave
13420s being pressured out by the dynamite as
13422s well and calyx going down very quickly
13424s naga in quick succession morphing the
13427s only one to find anything but it's just
13428s Cohen and very quickly afterwards Shaq's
13431s going down mulfig doesn't have any kind
13433s of sustain goes for the reset and with
13435s two minutes of leftover Portugal have
13437s already saved off a minute that's a
13439s really good start for Portugal you're
13441s already a third of the way home and
13442s again like if Co if Karama keeps the
13445s pressure on you can see how much damage
13446s he's pumping out he's nearly got the
13447s pulse bomb like no one else in the lobby
13449s is even close to an ultimate right now
13451s sure it's a fast charging one but like
13453s still you're pumping out the damage
13454s you're doing your job as long as Karama
13456s keeps this up Poland can stay in this
13458s Jax is gonna have to have a tough time
13460s there on the low ground it looks like
13462s Karama and ego are actually going to go
13464s in together that pull spot might be
13465s massive it does take down Shockwave but
13468s they trade ego
13470s the excellent possible pulse mom from
13473s Karama but trading out the tank isn't a
13475s good look for Portugal thus far kurama's
13477s still putting a lot of pressure on to
13479s Naga who switched onto the Tracer and
13480s calyx back onto the bridge as well
13482s Karama the only one contesting here and
13485s going to have to recall as the rest of
13486s Portugal Squad kind of comes back ego
13489s now back into the fight and it's a high
13490s ground fight on the tanks black ego is
13492s forced to drop down mole fake still
13494s having a lot of control up top the
13497s anti-nade however will make it so much
13499s harder to defend mulfing so the Nano
13501s does come through the self-destruct in
13503s the back pocket for mulfig as well but
13505s the Nano should allow wolfing to take
13507s down Shockwave Rod should be quick to
13509s follow as while the Swift had come
13511s through ego taking down Shacks now
13513s without the sustain from the back line
13515s of Denmark they are backing off and
13517s disengaging Shockwave power very quickly
13519s to answer on to Dizzle and without the
13522s Anna Once Again ego looking to go down
13524s Naga finishing it off with the pulse
13526s pistols and Rod doesn't have any place
13528s to go that first tick comes through
13530s Denmark in a nick of time to win Bonnie
13534s and pour one out for the homie Karama
13536s they are trying so hard like they lose
13538s ego early on in that fight Karama on the
13541s Tracer has to like peacock a bit make
13542s himself look a little bit bigger than he
13544s actually is to try and contest the point
13545s is able to do it and Portugal get back
13548s to full strength but then you know
13549s Karama again tries to have to go like
13551s has to try and go for that big play
13552s trying to take down Shacks in the back
13554s line again gets punished for that and
13556s suddenly it all just comes crumbling
13558s down from there Portugal I mean that was
13560s a pretty okay hold like that wasn't
13562s terrible it was pretty good overall but
13565s I get like they put themselves in a
13566s situation where they needed more than
13568s just good enough they needed something
13569s uh something spectacular they needed
13571s kind of a miracle there and that's kind
13573s of where they are overall I think with
13575s this loss they have pretty much
13577s solidified and locked themselves out of
13580s uh of making playoffs I mean it was
13581s already statistically very unlikely but
13583s I think now no matter how that like
13585s vortex in the middle of the pack shakes
13587s out I think Portugal are now out of the
13589s conversation so hey maybe we'll actually
13591s see a little bit of a turnaround from
13592s the squad kinda you know a la Sweden
13594s where we have some more uh more bright
13596s spots in this team going forward as they
13598s don't have that pressure any longer but
13600s I mean pressure makes diamonds and
13602s Karama definitely is a diamond in this
13604s rough Squad
13605s yeah it definitely felt like there was
13607s moments of Brilliance that Portugal had
13609s but as a squad Karama was really just
13612s like the son of Portugal's team and
13615s Cohen was sometimes was there to meet
13617s with them ego was there to meet
13619s sometimes with the dive and the back
13620s line was there for sustain but as a team
13623s it didn't feel as cohesive what Denmark
13625s was doing it felt like there was a lot
13627s more communication the even just the
13629s ultimate cycling from Denmark felt that
13632s much better they were able to follow up
13634s every single time with these ultimates
13636s or nearly every single time unless
13638s Portugal had something in their Bank to
13640s counter them it's it's the aggression
13642s that we've seen from Denmark that's kind
13644s of been like their trademark since uh
13645s since they you know made their debut on
13647s day two of this tournament cycle they've
13649s been very aggressive they've been
13650s dictating the pace of a lot of these
13652s fights and yeah a couple teams are
13653s capable of playing up to that but when
13655s Denmark is in the driver's seat it looks
13657s like no one is capable of kicking them
13660s out of it it's just one of those
13661s situations where it's like yeah you do
13662s kind of have to get them out from behind
13664s the wheel and try and snake something
13665s out underneath them but I mean it was
13668s not Portugal's day to be able to do that
13670s it was all Denmark and this was the win
13671s that they needed they needed it to be
13673s decisive they needed it to be 2-0 make
13675s sure to keep that map differential up
13676s because the rest of the pack is still
13678s looking mighty scary and not even just
13681s scary but unpredictable like this can go
13683s in about a thousand different ways again
13685s the fact that Spain beat Denmark is like
13687s it threw everything into disarray where
13689s again there's like five teams that could
13691s realistically qualify for the second and
13693s third position France looks to be kind
13695s of the favorites we'll see them later on
13696s today but everyone else they still have
13699s to fight they still have to sweat this
13700s left to stress and uh Denmark they
13703s needed this one
13705s for sure and now that we see the middle
13708s of the pack kind of shaping out here in
13710s group a we are going to see another
13711s middle of the pack team up next the
13715s Netherlands which we kind of thought
13716s would have that brilliant shine to them
13718s over here in group a we knew that they
13721s were some big names in that team and
13723s they are going to be playing next up
13725s against Belgium yeah I am I'm going to
13727s be looking forward to that one that's
13729s going to be another one that's going to
13730s have some massive implications on that
13732s middle of the pack kinda that that like
13735s sucks sandwich that we've got right
13736s there in the middle as everyone's trying
13737s to break free from that Netherlands a
13739s team that still has the potential to do
13740s so we'll see if they're able to do that
13743s on the other side of this break don't go
13744s anywhere we'll be right back
13747s [Music]
13760s thank you
13762s [Music]
13775s what's up
13781s [Music]
13782s [Applause]
13782s [Music]
13789s everybody
13803s [Music]
13812s foreign
13813s [Music]
13825s thank you
13827s [Music]
13840s [Music]
13850s [Music]
13858s [Music]
13875s foreign
13884s [Music]
13926s foreign
13935s [Music]
13947s four months competitors from all over
13950s the world have battled through trials to
13952s prove themselves
13954s as the best of the best
13956s now the teams have assembled ready to
13959s fight for the title of OverWatch World
13961s Cup champion
13964s it wouldn't be the OverWatch World Cup
13966s without an epic in-person conclusion at
13969s a place where it all began fullest cut
13974s which team will emerge Victorious and
13977s become the first World Cup champions of
13979s OverWatch 2 tune in to find out
13982s learn more at overwatchworldcup.com
13988s you heard it here the World Cup finals
13990s on land at BlizzCon 2023 tickets will be
13993s going on sale very soon so make sure you
13994s keep your eyes posted on all forms of
13997s social media should you want one and
13998s details are live at
14000s overwatchworldcup.com welcome back to
14002s the OverWatch World Cup it's day six of
14003s the action there are only a couple more
14005s matches and then two days remaining to
14007s see who will make it out to the main
14009s event I'm Jim Basco that's epitome's
14011s that's CV we just watched Denmark go up
14014s against Portugal epidemis break it down
14016s for us what do we just watch
14017s so Denmark versus Portugal on that very
14020s first map was a rough watch especially
14022s round one of ilios on Bruins it was just
14026s felt like there was no way that Portugal
14028s would have any way to contest what
14030s Denmark was doing to them they were
14031s literally in their spawn room for 95 of
14035s that round and then on the second one
14036s they were able to cap to 40 but still it
14039s felt like Denmark in the driver's seat
14041s all the way definitely this is kind of
14043s what we expected out of them right
14044s Denmark's such a veteran Squad it was
14046s amazing to watch Spain beat them but
14048s definitely not par for the chorus for
14050s what we expected out of that team so
14051s with that said let's take a look at the
14053s schedule so we can recap some of the
14054s matches that we've gone through today
14055s take a look at some of the ones that are
14057s coming up of course we started the day
14058s with Sweden a quick 2-0 over Germany
14061s Finland the same score over Poland
14062s Iceland 2-1 over turkey Portugal losing
14066s it out to Denmark next up we've got
14069s Netherlands versus Belgium Italy versus
14071s Great Britain and we close out the day
14072s with France versus Spain of course
14075s before we head into this one CB just
14077s give us a little bit of context on this
14079s matchup between the Netherlands and
14081s Belgium here well going back like 5
14084s person uh Vortex I keep talking about
14086s where you got Great Britain Spain
14088s Denmark Italy and the Netherlands the
14090s Netherlands or towards are towards the
14091s bottom end of that you got Belgium who
14094s had like they are pretty unlikely to
14096s qualify at this point with a 1-4 record
14098s but they can definitely drag the
14100s Netherlands down to their level you know
14101s ruin their chances of qualifying like
14103s Netherlands or another Squad that has a
14105s lot of talent and has potential and
14107s could actually go pretty far if they
14108s made it to a playoff situation but will
14111s they get the chance Belgium can just
14113s take it right away from them right now
14114s they can play ultimate spoilers to a
14116s team that is very very vulnerable in the
14118s standings right now yeah and that's
14120s something that we're gonna have to keep
14121s an eye out for right Group B mostly
14123s settled I want to say group a definitely
14125s a lot more volatile a lot of stuff can
14127s happen here the only team that's pretty
14129s much confirmed to be out is
14130s unfortunately Portugal
14133s I hate you know
14135s just looking at the math here I could be
14136s wrong but that just the math is speaking
14139s at this point so group a still anything
14140s is possible with that said I'm Gonna
14142s Leave y'all to the match the Netherlands
14144s versus Belgium just around the corners
14145s epitomies and CB have a great time
14147s all right thank you Jim so I mean we
14150s know that group a has that one extra
14152s playoff spot and that just makes
14153s everything in group a so much more
14156s contentious because there is that one
14158s extra spot and you don't need to be as
14161s dominant in order to make it in group a
14163s but Netherlands and Belgium they are one
14165s and three and one and four respectively
14167s so we don't know what's going to happen
14169s here yeah I mean volatile that Jim said
14172s was a great way to phrase it it's a very
14174s volatile situation and again
14177s the Spain beating Denmark just set off a
14179s chain of events that have led us to this
14181s situation now where every team has to be
14183s on their p's and q's especially the
14185s Netherlands because of that five pack
14187s they are the most likely to be
14189s eliminated and Belgium again I think
14191s after this might also be mathematically
14193s entirely out of the picture we'll have
14196s to see I think it's extremely unlikely
14198s but they can again drag the never the
14200s Netherlands down to their level that
14202s fourth loss on the Netherlands record
14204s would be absolutely that would be a
14207s lethal blow there so I mean we're seeing
14209s uh nothing two two out of the ordinary
14211s here from their squad we got A10 and
14212s we've got tap we've got Don on the main
14214s tank there they've been a really solid
14216s Squad the talent has definitely been
14218s there tap has been phenomenal on like
14220s the May a lot of the time we've seen it
14222s A10 playing a lot of the reaper you know
14224s zp and hex were saying like sometimes if
14227s you need to win just play Reaper
14228s forehead like A10 has taken up to heart
14231s and has done a pretty solid job on the
14233s reaper when he's been able to play it
14234s we've uh you know called him out lurking
14236s in the shadows around Corners waiting
14238s for big death blossoms a lot so you know
14240s a lot of talent and a lot of potential
14242s on this squad they have to meet up to
14244s all of their Potential from here on out
14246s run the table if they want to even hope
14247s of taking like the number three spot
14250s and going on to the other team it's
14253s Belgium we see that they have shyra you
14257s know on okay I feel like Shira is shyra
14261s was a tag player this is yeah I was like
14263s this is this is a little bit funky but
14266s we have shy reflexing onto the DPS today
14268s this I'm curious to see what this ends
14272s up looking like right away I'm scared
14274s though because I'm not seeing Ken in the
14277s lineup here and Ken has been a bright
14278s spot for the squad pretty much for all
14280s of their all their matches even when
14282s they're losing matches Ken is still
14284s putting on dominant performances so just
14285s by sheer force of not having Ken in the
14287s lineup right now I'm a little bit
14289s worried Shira is gonna have some big
14291s shoes to fill if they want to keep
14292s Belgium alive uh you know in this series
14295s in this whole group stage situation here
14298s a lot more pressure is now likely going
14300s to fall onto Logics if Shira is not able
14302s to keep up that end of the bargain and
14305s it's gonna also be all the more
14306s difficult for the the uh the back line
14308s here so Belgium and this is a little
14310s worrying I'm hoping that uh I'm gonna be
14313s pleasantly surprised here and that there
14314s is something cooking that I'm just not
14316s quite smelling yet
14318s and I'm wondering what kind of Heroes
14320s we're going to see shyra flexing onto
14322s because Logics we've seen him play you
14324s know the Tracer we've seen him play the
14325s Widowmaker possibly even a Sombra could
14327s come out here
14328s um Shira may be playing more of those
14330s brawl Heroes like the may possibly if we
14334s see Netherlands take out Reaper on A10
14337s then Shira will be the one who's going
14339s to have to meet and fill those shoes
14341s yeah it's uh it's not looking too too
14345s ideal for Belgium I mean I mean you know
14348s we're gonna give Shire the benefit of
14350s the doubt maybe there's like again
14351s something cooking that we're not quite
14352s smelling yet maybe there's a little bit
14354s of a little bit of a strategy a reason
14356s for all of this and I do hope that we uh
14358s we get to see that coming out here but
14360s again like Ken has been just so good for
14363s this squad not seeing Ken in the lineup
14364s does make me kind of frightened
14366s especially going up against a team like
14368s the Netherlands that's you know kind of
14370s at that same level where Belgium I
14372s realistically could have could take take
14375s the series against the Netherlands here
14376s like I If they like kept up with like
14378s that consistency and just ironed out a
14381s little bit of the valleys and kept the
14382s Peaks they could definitely you know
14384s they could definitely go over the
14386s Netherlands here so we'll have to see
14387s we're gonna kick things off on Old
14389s Reliable lujang Tower uh I gotta imagine
14392s that we're going to see a little bit of
14393s birds in the sky today so ornithologist
14395s gets your binoculars out
14398s yeah we definitely do love bird watching
14401s over here on the Asian Tower especially
14403s in the gardens where they seem to thrive
14406s um over it really I'm really curious who
14409s is going to be the one who's going to be
14411s a bird of Belgium do decide to take it
14412s out is it going to be Shira who we're
14414s going to see maybe on the Farah Echo
14416s because I have to imagine that Logics
14418s will want to stick to the Tracer more of
14421s those hit scan Heroes it's starting to
14423s look like that might be the case and I
14425s was gonna say like maybe that is what it
14426s is you know we haven't really seen Ken
14428s on the pharah and maybe they're seeing
14430s like all the success that all these
14431s teams are having with the pharah and the
14433s Echo and maybe shyra just had a sick
14434s pharah in the back pocket here so it
14436s could end up being a trump card as far
14438s as the Netherlands I'm not surprised to
14440s see them running this comp at all even
14442s on Gardens playing this a very
14444s aggressive remotra Rush where you can
14446s have A10 on the reaper and tap hitting
14448s some of those icicles on the May I think
14450s that's uh that's what's gotten them as
14452s far as they've gone so this is nothing
14455s surprising so I guess eyes are going to
14456s be on Chira see uh if uh Belgium have a
14459s surprise cooking for us
14461s yeah I mean they don't really have a
14463s good way to deal with Shire as of right
14466s now we saw a tap oh buddy buddy oh wait
14469s oh question mark hold on okay well
14472s there's a sleep here onto the tank of
14474s the Netherlands and Shira is going to be
14477s able to take down Don pretty reliably
14478s tap goes down very quickly after and I
14481s feel like some of this will be owed to
14483s the fact that they do not have any
14485s sustain since their Moira went down very
14488s early yeah I'm not quite sure what
14490s happened right there if that was just
14491s like a kill feed bug and Buddy went off
14492s the map or something it did look like
14494s you know it was under a lot of fire yeah
14496s like it looked like buddy blew up from
14498s at least our point of view but I'm not
14500s I'm not entirely certain regardless not
14502s having that Moira is definitely going to
14504s temper things down a little bit Don's
14505s gonna swap over onto the diva so they
14507s can hopefully try and keep Shira in
14509s check but shyra almost has a rocket
14511s barrage already
14512s yeah and not to mention they still don't
14515s really have anything to deal with Shira
14517s thus far if Shira is forced to play
14519s inside of the tower it's going to
14521s enclose the space a little bit more and
14522s allow them to get more value on the
14524s Tracer and the reaper but the barrage
14526s goes through very quickly Mercy not
14528s connected so no picks from The Barrage
14531s and A10 will take down Shira there's no
14533s Resurrection just yet either Sky tour
14535s with the javelin's been trying to zone
14537s out the rest of Netherlands players A10
14540s goes down because of it Don's still
14541s contesting alongside AJ just riding the
14544s walls and getting that little bit of
14545s speed boost but Chaba uses the
14547s resurrection brings back podunova so
14549s they can have that little bit of extra
14551s sustain Logics trying to spam down the
14553s back line from Netherlands but they are
14555s staying alive as buddy takes out the
14557s coalescence Logics will finish off the
14559s kill on the Moira that he failed to
14561s finish before and shyra after returning
14563s to the fight will help get all the
14565s damage out and done out of the mech as
14567s well but the self-destruct zones for its
14570s second still Netherlands even after all
14572s that are not able to cap point I am in
14574s Belgium and like they use every single
14576s ultimate Under the Sun there they're
14578s gonna get up to another pulse bomb here
14579s soon because again pulse bomb you charge
14581s pretty quickly but I mean Netherlands
14582s they have a chance here they have a way
14584s in they have an ult advantage tapkin
14586s just go in with a pulse bomb here put
14587s this all to rest if you find anybody
14589s it's gonna find Potter Nova but they
14591s trade out a j so no sound barrier up for
14593s the Netherlands a bit of a trade there I
14595s think taking out skytor gives them
14597s enough
14598s yeah Don with a really good one we went
14601s on to Sky tour but the tank comes back
14603s in very quickly they don't have photo
14605s Nova to keep them up as reliably though
14607s it's only that Mercy who uh Shira just
14610s has custody over so they're just going
14612s to back off regroup with the team as the
14614s point flips over but 98 Belgium just
14616s really needs one fight yeah and like 98
14619s only needing one fight you can take your
14621s time to build up to that fight right
14623s like they won the fight where they
14624s invested five ultimates just like why
14625s not run it back why not do it again
14627s you've got time you've pretty much
14629s already got two of them just you know
14630s Farm up a nano take a little bit of
14632s damage from up a valkyrie as well maybe
14634s going with a Terra surge if you need
14636s that and they could just take the win
14637s right here on Garden so the far a pick
14639s from shyra already paying dividends
14641s we'll see if they decide to use anything
14643s early to try and go for early flip well
14645s they actually definitely can though they
14646s take down tap yeah they should they they
14648s go in on this
14649s yeah and the barrage as well should be
14652s able to reliably take down backline or
14654s at least Zone but A10 Falls they do
14656s trade shyra very quickly there but logic
14659s goes in with the pulse bomb and Sky door
14661s is going to be able to find the baby
14662s Diva out of Mech very quickly they also
14665s read shyra so there is not much to be
14667s said for that fight from Belgium they
14670s just all press q and there is no touch
14673s possible that was so good from logic to
14676s dig down dab and there's the death
14678s Blossom as well A10 was looking for the
14680s damage but it's just not there skytor is
14682s basically full health however the
14684s coalescence from Buddy will shred
14686s logic's health and Jabba will go down as
14689s well the terrorist search will fortify
14690s for a second but Sky tour still Falls
14693s what a last second tap from A and J
14696s allows them to flip that point back over
14698s and Jay looking to go down though Shiro
14701s will not let all that slide down however
14703s trades I mean it's so close I mean I
14706s don't even know how the Netherlands were
14708s able to claw back into that one there
14709s was a nano that came out onto Shira and
14711s a bunch of damage did come through from
14712s that finding a and j there uh towards
14715s the end did help out a little bit but
14718s despite all of that the Netherlands are
14720s able to flip but losing down there and
14722s for and forcing the self-destruct I mean
14724s they trade out sky tour so it's not the
14725s end of the world but it's not looking
14727s good
14728s yeah shyra is on fire right now and we
14731s were at first thinking what are they
14733s cooking but we should definitely be
14734s letting shaira cook here with the Rocket
14736s Blasters A10 taking a lot of damage
14738s forcing out the race form as the heel
14740s comes back through Don in through the
14742s window with the blasters but now they're
14744s looking to focus down a and j instead
14746s tap however still looking to harass this
14748s back Lane the pulse bomb comes through
14750s it doesn't find any six and shabba's
14752s able to escape with the guardian angel
14753s and now Dawn out of the mech there's not
14756s much else that Belgium can do using
14759s almost everything in their Bank in
14760s Netherlands they have nothing the last
14762s time NJ was able to touch with the help
14764s of the sound barrier still to lose show
14766s riding on the walls outside and in the
14768s tower and A-10 weaving in and out with
14770s The Wraith form A10 Goes Down And A J
14773s will follow in quick succession but Don
14776s once again they've solved enough time
14777s now the Diva's still outside the turret
14780s but is able to get in with the blasters
14781s but with no sustain there's no Battle of
14784s attrition for Don and 99 to 99 but that
14787s definitely felt like I mean it was
14789s Belgium's to win for a long time because
14791s of building up that 99 or that 98 early
14794s somehow they fumbled it in Netherlands
14796s ended up taking it and flipped the point
14798s back in their favor but like that's just
14800s it feels really
14802s like like not clean like sloppy but also
14805s kind of clutch from both sides in
14807s various ways like I like I I'm not even
14810s entirely sure what I'm seeing but I do
14811s like the shyra pick uh for the pharah
14814s now you have like we asked what they're
14815s cooking whatever they're cooking they're
14816s cooking with rocket fuel right now and
14819s we're going to Night Market I think if
14821s you're Netherlands and you wanted to
14822s play this Rush composition you were
14824s hoping for control center but RNG has
14826s frowned upon thee on this day so we're
14828s going to the other pharah map
14830s Netherlands gonna go for the TP play
14832s onto the point here
14833s where shira's gonna be just trying to
14835s look and peek and get some rocket damage
14836s into the windows hopefully Netherlands
14838s are able to sustain otherwise Belgium
14840s are going to take an early lead in this
14841s series
14843s yeah they are all going to TP on to that
14845s point they have this Reinhardt now they
14847s should be able to just shred that Shield
14849s so quickly though so strayra shouldn't
14852s have much trouble with this but they do
14854s are looking like they're a postured to
14856s have that first capture it definitely
14858s looks like it but it hasn't quite
14859s unlocked yet and there's still some
14861s presents where skytor can try and go in
14862s and maybe go for a contest he'd be alone
14864s but could do it they are actually gonna
14867s give it up Netherlands take the first
14868s cap here but Logix wants to go in a
14870s couple of health bars the Netherlands
14871s getting low uh Belgium can flip this
14874s okay the Belgium can flip that very
14877s decisively as well the rest of the team
14879s very preoccupied with what's happening
14881s outside of this little city center and
14884s logic's now going to dash after cashing
14886s a point and blink towards the rest of
14888s the squad is able to find one before
14890s going down and when Don is going to
14892s trade that out but now it's just the
14893s reined heart here on the objective
14896s looking to contend with all the damage
14898s being outputted by the rest of the squad
14900s and the rest of the team is nowhere to
14902s be seen just the Lucio was not enough
14904s sustain for Netherlands to say that on
14906s that point when I said Belgium can flip
14908s this I had assumed that there would be
14909s someone coming back to contest Logics
14911s and there would be a fight not that he
14912s would just take it because Netherlands
14914s decided to take a fight in entirely
14916s different hemisphere then come back lose
14918s their Baptiste and just suddenly like
14920s you said have no sustain and now they're
14922s on the outside looking in this
14923s composition is great for capping the
14925s plug but not so great at holding it
14926s shyra with a 4K oh my goodness that's
14930s precisely why the Netherlands tried to
14933s go for a TP play that's all they really
14934s have have up their sleeve with this
14936s composition they have to teleport onto
14937s the point and that's just like like
14939s literally telegraphing where your entire
14941s team is going to be you just put a
14942s barrage down on top of that teleporter
14944s bye bye team you know Belgium's already
14946s up to 60 Netherlands have to try and
14948s find a way in here they're gonna have
14950s olts but again like you have to have an
14952s opening to use them yeah I mean Belgium
14955s they are on such a good Pace with their
14957s ultimates here the sound barrier comes
14958s through from a j and there's the amp
14960s Matrix looking to force the positioning
14961s but when you're above like Shira is
14963s getting rid of the immortality field
14965s there is nothing to be done for Buddy
14967s immediately the Baptiste going down
14969s looking to rely on the Lucio now oh it's
14972s stick from the pulse bomb onto tap now
14974s missing the May and the potential
14976s blizzard that could have come through
14977s but they're able to flip the point not a
14979s lot of contention here from Belgium thus
14981s far shyra just hovering above the
14983s objective and looking to get that damage
14985s down that way the key there is that they
14988s only use their support ultimates there
14989s so they still have the Sim wall and they
14990s still have the May wall they've lost
14992s buddy though so yeah they have to invest
14994s best to try and maintain that Advantage
14996s here comes the maywall A10 is going to
14998s fall though Netherlands they might have
15000s to invest even more just to hold on
15002s yeah the valkyrie comes through from
15004s Choppa they have that little bit of
15005s extra sustain here because of the mercy
15007s and Pluto Nova is brought back
15009s decisively from Chaba now with both
15011s support ultimates up or no both supports
15014s up for Belgium they're able to cap that
15016s point very reliably that's 20 to go and
15018s again like shyra's gonna have that
15020s rocket barrage you might even see the
15022s same thing happen again a10's gonna have
15024s to swap over onto the Sombra that's a
15025s good play I think Don also gonna swap
15027s over onto the diva but now we're in like
15029s full on Scramble to the point mode if
15031s you're the Netherlands this fight's
15033s gonna be Scrappy and shyra can just stop
15035s it at will
15036s yeah Don now switching over onto the D
15038s that doesn't slot into the composition
15040s as well but shyra is doesn't find
15042s anything with the uh barrage however but
15045s he is getting very low because of the
15048s harassment that Shira is putting in onto
15050s that support now relying on the Lucia
15051s once again buddy getting picked has been
15053s the sore spot of every single fight from
15055s the Netherlands thus far Jabba bringing
15057s down poda Nova and they just don't have
15059s that same kind of contention no
15061s Resurrection for the Netherlands and it
15063s every time their support gets picked
15064s they are just in a struggle to get back
15067s to that point tap looking to contest but
15069s logic harassing them off no touch from
15071s the Netherlands the Belgium taking first
15074s map good go we're not going into like
15076s aphara meta are we like that's gonna be
15079s a dark day for a lot of like the gold
15080s players like oh no people I'll have
15083s people in the rank ladder don't know how
15085s to deal with the pharah but at least
15086s here on the World Cup stage in the Emmy
15088s series and we're seeing a lot of teams
15089s uh follow yazan's lead pull out the
15092s pharah pull out the echo anything that
15093s flies get it up in the sky and we just
15096s off it off of it I mean we were
15098s questioning the swap from uh from
15100s Belgium there to put shyra on to the DPS
15103s but if your pharah is that sick and
15105s you're able to get 4ks like that it
15107s makes sense right like suddenly it
15109s doesn't it doesn't seem so far-fetched
15111s it doesn't seem so silly to have this
15113s tank player who just so happens to have
15114s a sick pharah in the back pocket come
15117s out to play it on a far a map no less
15120s yeah I don't know whoever was in the
15122s kitchen for Belgium but they were just
15123s like who can play pharah and then they
15125s brought it out here on Lee Jeong Tower
15127s and it was very entertaining to watch as
15130s well to see shyra be able to flex so
15132s well and the fact that they played
15134s around the swap from Sky tour onto the
15137s tank and shyra onto the DPS it was
15139s really impressive from the nether uh
15140s from Belgium as well and not only that
15142s but like on the side of the Netherlands
15144s a10's best looks have always been on the
15146s reaper but playing the pharmacy
15147s composition just kind of nullifies the
15150s reaper all together like the only person
15152s on the side of Belgium that
15154s realistically could have fallen under
15155s threat of the reaper was Sky tour but
15157s Arisa is very bulky very tanky she can
15160s sit there and absorb a lot of damage
15161s with a javelin spin with the fortify
15163s it's hard for a Reaper to even burst
15165s that horse down so I mean like you've
15168s just entirely nullified a10's best look
15170s he's has kind of a shaky performance
15173s there on the uh on the symmetra there
15175s towards the end and it just doesn't it
15177s just doesn't add up there for the
15178s Netherlands so Belgium a get looking to
15181s drag the Netherlands down pull them out
15183s of the vortex but in the wrong direction
15185s Netherlands don't want to be going south
15187s right now they have to win and also not
15189s being able to get a 2-0 that map
15190s differential is gonna hurt them later so
15193s the numbers don't lie and if you're the
15196s Netherlands I would be uh I'd be you
15198s know running all the numbers trying to
15200s figure out the math if there's still a
15201s chance but it's uh it's running thin
15204s yeah it definitely feels that Belgium is
15207s saying if we go down then we go down
15209s together you are not making it into this
15211s playoff spot but Belgium it was really
15213s impressive and I wish that we had seen
15216s this side of their squad a little bit
15217s earlier because I feel like right from
15219s the very beginning we knew that there
15221s was something there for Belgium in their
15223s first match against Great Britain we
15225s knew that they had What it Took but it
15227s just felt like they were failing falling
15229s short time after time and I'm hoping
15230s that we see more of this Belgium that we
15232s saw today in the next map yeah in the
15234s next map we might even see a little bit
15236s more of Shira or are Netherlands going
15239s to counter pick this and uh you know
15240s Force shyra back onto the tank or the
15242s bench as you as it would be whichever
15245s it's going to be they have the entire
15247s like they have all the options in the
15248s world that they can do as long as it's
15250s not a far a map we'll see how they end
15252s up tackling this one when we come back
15253s don't go anywhere we'll be right back
15258s [Music]
15273s thank you
15275s foreign
15278s [Music]
15333s thank you
15336s foreign
15341s [Music]
15406s thank you
15409s [Music]
15420s thank you
15422s [Music]
15431s [Music]
15438s foreign
15443s [Music]
15471s foreign
15475s map two of Belgium versus the
15478s Netherlands is shaping up to the really
15480s interesting after a switch from shyra on
15483s to the DPS in the last map of lijiang
15486s tower Belgium taking them 1-0 it is
15489s definitely going to be interesting what
15491s happens next yeah the Netherlands
15493s chances of making it to BlizzCon are
15495s currently on life support and Belgium
15496s has an opportunity right now to pull the
15498s plug it's Netherlands map pick and it
15500s looks like they're going to take us to
15502s Havana
15503s so I mean I think this is kind of a
15505s smart pick because again you're going to
15506s see a lot more of that double sniper
15508s kind of thing where you're going to have
15509s more hit scan more ranged Heroes you can
15511s still theoretically pull out the pharah
15514s or the echo on point a but it's not the
15517s best it's not it's definitely not going
15520s to be the best for for The Distillery
15521s phase I I think this might mean we seek
15524s the return of Ken I'm thinking because
15527s uh you know having the Hanzo Ken has
15528s been phenomenal on the Han so I think
15529s having him back in the lineup would be
15531s phenomenal here uh Shira has has served
15534s the purpose with that pharah composition
15537s so we'll see what Belgium uh ends up
15539s doing here the Netherlands though I
15541s think this is a pretty good pick
15543s yeah this is definitely one of those
15545s picks that we see a lot of teams go to
15547s when they realize they're getting
15548s counted very hard by Farah compositions
15551s the Netherlands mostly playing
15553s preferring to play the brawl
15554s compositions especially with A10 on the
15556s DPS you want to be playing up close and
15558s personal you want to force them into a
15561s way where you have to be playing into a
15563s Reaper as well since that really is like
15565s where he shines the brightest
15567s yep especially he's also going to hold
15570s or sorry also going to shine pretty
15572s bright in a spawn hold here which you
15574s can tell that's composition wise is
15577s going to be the best bet for the
15578s Netherlands here to try and go for that
15579s spawn hold but they have buddy on the
15581s Moira so it's weird like you don't have
15582s the immortality field to go for that
15585s spawn hold they're crouching so they
15587s definitely want to go for it but it
15589s makes it just like that much more flimsy
15591s like you have to play together a lot
15593s more and when you play that clumped up
15595s like you do kind of risk there just
15596s being a stray arrow that comes through
15598s from a Hanzo or a stray shot that just
15600s Clips somebody
15601s uh by the way Belgium did not swap in
15603s Ken we are seeing Shira stay in on the
15606s DPS which I mean Fair like I said I
15608s wanted to see Ken but like having shyra
15611s in worked out if it's if it works stick
15613s with it yeah if it ain't broke don't fix
15615s it I guess and shyra is going to be
15618s playing Bastion before the start off of
15621s Belgium on to Havana which is going to
15624s be interesting as well but this is a
15627s very heavy brawl from the Netherlands
15629s and they're just allowed to harass
15631s straight into Belgium swad thus far
15633s however symmetra doing a lot of damage
15636s Logics able to take down A10 in a matter
15638s of seconds wraith form not even gonna
15640s save that and Don goes down in quick
15642s succession Belgium very dominant start
15645s from them yeah great TP play from Logics
15647s there just kind of flips the script on
15648s and pulls out the Uno reverse card says
15650s now you're the Defenders and we're just
15652s gonna go ahead and take this card
15653s bye-bye uh and now logic's gonna go and
15655s swap over onto the soldier and we got
15658s shyra over here on the may now so we
15659s have a little bit more of a matching
15660s rush but Belgium is going to play this a
15662s little bit more slow and methodical you
15664s can see Netherlands they want to do that
15666s thing right now where they just drop in
15667s on The High Ground with this really fast
15668s composition and it does Net them shyra
15671s yeah shyra going down early and now they
15674s have to contend with uh A10 who was just
15677s in the face of logic nothing to be done
15679s there however very quickly Nemesis form
15681s does come through skytor observing a
15683s little bit of more damage with it but
15685s since the tank is gone back line gone
15687s nothing to be done from Belgium but they
15689s push it pretty far in the first push but
15692s this is like again you know even losing
15694s that spawn hold so quickly this is why
15696s because you can just go in quick and go
15698s for that hole here at the corner here
15699s and it's going to be essentially where
15701s you would have held regardless so it's
15702s entirely for free and the Netherlands
15704s comp they're designed to move fast do
15707s damage get in fight like find some kills
15710s and then get out and they're really
15712s really good at that and with that
15713s coordination they can keep it going a
15715s while the section off done as he goes in
15717s there though it's looking a little bit
15718s back and forth here
15720s okay buddy though with the coalescence
15723s now the blizzard to come through Belgium
15724s really only countering with the amp
15726s Matrix and now the annihilation as well
15728s but that Fades away very quickly and
15731s they're not really able to force the
15732s type of positioning that they were
15734s hoping to with poda Nova's amp Matrix
15736s some Belgium they're back to the drawing
15738s board once again in the spawn room I
15740s mean the good news is you got the
15742s blizzard out but you still have a lot
15743s worrying about or a lot to worry about
15745s a10's coming up on that uh that death
15747s Blossom you gotta believe he's gonna
15748s look be looking for a nice corner to
15749s Nestle himself into until Belgium fails
15752s to check it then hit with that big death
15753s Blossom uh don still holding on to that
15756s Annihilation and of course the sound
15758s barrier Netherlands have a lot of alts
15760s that they can use to bleed out time here
15761s Belgium like it's gonna be kind of at
15764s the logic to hit some big head shots in
15765s order to try and break this
15767s the thing about this comp as well is
15769s that when we first headed to Havana we
15771s are thinking they want to be able to
15773s counter Safara but okay logic able to
15776s take it down the railgun as well with
15778s the overclock now looking to find Dawn
15780s before this Annihilation comes into full
15783s fruition the sound barrier as well from
15785s Jabba dropping that beat to save the
15788s rest of Belgium Squad and now it's just
15790s up to tap who is going to be shredded
15793s like I said it was all up to logic to
15794s hit the shots and hit the shots he did
15796s and in fact onto a j one of the most
15798s important picks you can find in that
15800s situation taking down someone who has
15802s that long defensive stall ultimate the
15803s sound barrier Netherlands still have it
15805s though and they're also going to have a
15807s blizzard coalescence and death Blossom
15809s so they might just come in here and hit
15811s like a Mack truck with all these
15813s ultimates Belgium has to try and find a
15814s way to navigate this yeah Belgium
15816s immediately getting blizzarded by the
15820s shyra but A10 going to counter with that
15822s death Blossom very quickly tap still has
15824s that blizzard in the back pocket I'm not
15826s gonna need it though A10 going
15828s completely insane with the shotguns at
15830s close range now it's just Logics Left
15832s Alive power slides away able to survive
15834s for a second longer but now it's 15
15837s seconds left over to recap on this point
15840s and get to that first objective it's
15843s Taps blizzard versus Sky tours
15845s Annihilation who's gonna find more value
15847s and more importantly is someone going to
15848s find a pick that's just going to put
15850s this whole offense or defense to bed
15852s before the fight even starts there is
15853s the touch coming out from Belgium Here
15856s Comes Elizabeth A10 is already down
15858s yeah the blizzard does come through and
15860s the annihilation still taking away but
15862s the immortality field saves uh Sky tour
15866s for a second longer and Logics at the
15867s beginning of that fight already taking
15869s down A10 who was such a key player in
15871s that defense before it's going to allow
15874s Belgium in overtime to touch first point
15877s Mr Logix does it again when you need him
15880s most he's going to find the kill that's
15882s going to keep you alive Belgium able to
15884s cap at the Nick in the nick of time just
15886s because of that headshot on to A10 there
15888s and then the follow-up there I believe
15890s it was on to Don that ended up falling
15891s next and skytor being able to hold on
15893s whether the storm that was the blizzard
15895s Belgium they're in a great spot here
15897s they're trying to take this forward
15898s position on The High Ground so that they
15900s don't just let the Netherlands have it
15901s for free but I mean like they also have
15903s to push the cart there wasn't a real
15905s stagger there in OT so we're gonna see
15907s this fight kind of kick off here on The
15908s High Ground for Supremacy if Belgium win
15910s this one they might be able to keep the
15912s card going but it looks like Netherlands
15913s have an early positional advantage
15915s yeah Belgium is really looking to keep
15917s their momentum especially in Distillery
15919s District but it's the out overclock from
15922s Logix finding A10 once again who was
15924s just kind of hanging around in the
15926s corner trying to get the jump on the
15927s back line and Netherlands are going to
15929s disengage off of it but very quickly
15931s with the coalescence re-engaging sound
15933s barrier also in the back pocket oh
15936s with the railgun from Logics still
15940s lessons completely out of the picture
15942s now with the sound barrier could still
15943s potentially come through but with Dawn
15945s down it's looking unlikely tap look for
15948s a stall but there's nothing to be found
15950s Logics is starting to come alive here
15952s and this is momentum you can't let
15954s Belgium have you have to try and snuff
15955s this out you don't want to let them cap
15957s Distillery phase because we do see a lot
15959s of cart stall out here like if we even
15961s get to the end there shyra shyra looking
15964s for a little bit of an A10 actually
15965s going for that little sneaky death
15967s Blossom play as soon as deadlines drop
15968s out shyra's gonna pop this
15971s yeah he already gave away your position
15973s for a second there but the race board
15975s comes through is immediately sound
15977s barrier to come out but shyra still gets
15979s one tap goes down and immediately
15981s teleporting after a and j looking for
15983s that support once again buddy goes down
15985s to the annihilation from Sky tour and
15987s the annihilation from Dan isn't going to
15989s find the value that it needed to
15991s Distillery District completed in about a
15994s minute I think the shyra DPS experiment
15996s has been a resounding success thus far
15998s that was a great death Blossom and again
16000s both teams invested the the sound
16002s barrier so it was a lot of Health to
16004s chunk through but because Netherlands
16005s were banking everything on that sound
16007s barrier eventually tap does fall like we
16010s have the blizzard and the death Blossom
16011s for Netherlands to stall out time here
16012s but they keep losing some Logics just
16014s keeps finding heads where there
16015s shouldn't be heads
16017s yeah Logix is able to get so much free
16020s reign and with the brawl composition the
16022s rush they're not able to get on top of
16024s the sojourn especially since he's just
16026s got the power slide can get away so
16028s quickly and they have so much free reign
16030s once again now looking to get a up close
16033s and personal first hold is Shira as well
16036s just hiding inside of this little room
16039s looking to build up that death Blossom
16041s while the overclock is already online
16043s for Logics and and he can get away with
16045s it right because if anyone spends like
16047s more than two seconds to try and check
16048s for him logic's just gonna clean their
16049s clock with another quick rail shots of
16051s the Dome he's got the overclock too if
16053s he stays alive like this and keeps this
16055s momentum up like Belgium or look in the
16057s cap here Netherlands have an old
16059s Advantage but they haven't been given a
16060s chance to use a single one they have to
16062s try and invest something be proactive
16064s shut Logics down
16066s yeah they're forcing themselves forwards
16069s with the coalescence and the blizzard
16071s however they've actually pushed them
16072s outside of the blizzard they're able to
16075s take down Sky tour though and with the
16077s combination of ultimate both buddy and
16079s tap extending them they net themselves a
16082s team kill oh they're gonna go for a
16084s spawn hold here I like this but I also
16086s don't love it like I mean if Belgium
16090s like makes a play to try and go like
16091s maybe Chavo can even try and go for a
16093s back cap here but I mean they just want
16094s to bleed as much time off they want to
16096s hold them right here and amp major
16097s starts to try and get out of the spawn
16098s Netherlands are finding everything they
16100s need
16102s this is so good for the Netherlands they
16104s are forced to use the sound barrier
16106s while still in spawn and A10 in close
16108s quarters is where he thrives now logic
16111s switching onto the Tracer looking for
16113s the tap on the objective oh my God but
16115s it's Chaba Chava has got the touch and
16117s the contest over here and now they're
16119s going to be joined by Shira logic
16122s switching onto the Widowmaker very
16124s interesting pick but is able to take
16125s down tap and now make it easier time for
16128s skycor who's attempting to contest on
16130s the Panic doomfist A10 however should be
16132s able to shred quite a bit at this close
16134s range and the rest of the squad is being
16137s protected by the sound barrier from A
16139s and J still the contention is there from
16142s Shabba just dancing around and Sky tour
16144s as well they are refusing to let this
16146s objective go down without a fight
16148s Nemesis form forced out of Dan but the
16150s hack comes through onto the tank of
16152s Netherlands it's going to be the
16154s coalescence that saves the rest of the
16156s squad and the contention is no longer
16158s there after taking down podinova
16160s Netherlands in a time they do not
16163s allow Belgium to full cap the
16165s Netherlands tried to go for the spawn
16166s hold keep both spawn doors under lock
16168s and key but the slippery Lucio gets back
16171s and forces everyone to try and take a
16173s fight on the point but again like
16174s Netherlands they just had every
16175s Advantage they could have asked for it
16176s was entirely scramble mode for Belgium
16178s but that's still a pretty good whole or
16181s a pretty good push for Belgium
16183s considering they had to go into ot to
16185s even cap point a they you know they made
16187s we almost entirely forget about the uh
16190s The Distillery phase you know blinking
16191s you might have missed it they just
16192s breezed right through that very little
16194s resistance there they've set themselves
16197s up with a pretty solid win condition and
16198s if their spawn hold is a little bit
16200s better than the Netherlands and they're
16201s able to snowball that into a good point
16203s a hold
16204s Belgium like they're sitting pretty here
16206s they might be able to take this one 2-0
16208s look at their composition they're gonna
16210s go for exactly that they got Logics on
16212s the Hanzo and all The Usual Suspects you
16215s know the rimatra the May the Baptiste so
16217s you have a little bit more
16217s sustainability with that immortality
16219s field you can linger a little bit more
16221s Netherlands I mean that
16224s they're showing their usual comp they
16226s might have to switch to some cheese to
16227s try and break this hold but if these two
16229s just slam into each other over and over
16232s again eventually it's gonna break but
16233s how much time is that going to take you
16235s for the Netherlands
16237s yeah and they also have that little bit
16239s of extra long range contention even just
16243s with potanova and logic's buddy but on
16245s the Moira looking to be a little bit
16247s more up close and personal it has a well
16248s but it still will give them lots and
16251s lots of sustain here skytor and shyra a
16253s little bit of a Cheesy hold up top and
16256s it seems like they're going for a
16257s Teleport play into the room behind
16259s instead of just going straight up to
16261s contest from Spawn they're going to use
16263s the symmetra to go around and once again
16265s it's a reversal of these positions we
16267s have the attackers looking like
16269s Defenders and tap finding potanova once
16272s again it's that burst healing that we
16274s are always talking about in these Lucho
16276s compositions and the brush compositions
16278s and it is completely gone tap is going
16280s to get shredded but
16282s yep top shredding sorry skytorb and
16285s Jabba going down last I really like the
16288s maywall play there to cover the the
16290s teleporter so it doesn't get collapsed
16291s on it's a very cheeky play there from
16293s tap and it does indeed clap Belgium's
16295s cheeks Netherlands have gotten
16296s themselves out of the spawn they're
16298s starting that forward momentum Belgium
16299s again they can still go for that early
16301s hold at the corner they're gonna try and
16303s collapse on top of the Netherlands right
16305s now but they didn't really do enough to
16307s build up to a tool that they can use to
16309s shut this down so it's gonna be another
16310s fairly neutral fight
16313s the no ultimate the up yet for either
16316s Squad either but Dan takes down Logics
16318s right as the trade on the Hanzo comes
16321s through and now Belgium they're looking
16323s to find something more and wrap around
16326s this objective while A10 has that death
16328s blossom in the back pocket already and
16331s how could they potentially go for it to
16333s try and take out the support yep it does
16335s so immediately but shyra will trade and
16338s now the annihilation from Sky tour is so
16341s chaotic but allows for so much space to
16343s be made there's nowhere the buddy is
16345s going with the tank in the face and the
16347s team kill comes through what
16349s um I believe there might have been a
16351s disconnect maybe don was calling for a
16353s pause there but I think they're uh they
16355s were just gonna let that team fight play
16356s out they didn't want to pause in the
16357s middle of the fight there so uh
16359s unfortunate timing they did have to play
16360s that one out but yeah we uh do go to a
16363s pause there but that is Belgium
16365s essentially doing the same thing that
16366s the Netherlands did on their defense
16368s they went for the spawn hold it got
16369s broken they go for again that uh that
16372s quick play onto the the corner there on
16375s the cart just dropping in from The High
16376s Ground And it Nets them success albeit
16378s potentially because there was some
16380s chicanery going on on the side of the
16381s Netherlands someone might have dc'd you
16383s know a paying Spike these things kind of
16385s happen in these kind of online
16386s situations it really really sucks to see
16389s but I mean
16391s we're still kind of at pretty even
16393s ground overall I think once we get back
16395s into this the Netherlands still have a
16396s realistic chance at uh at coming back
16399s here but a great start for uh for
16400s Belgium on the defense
16402s yeah Belgium definitely did look like
16404s they were a little bit slower to get
16406s back to that point than Netherlands did
16407s when they were on their defense they had
16409s already pushed past the corner and
16410s Netherlands was trying to go for a
16412s little bit more aggressive positioning
16413s around that second Corner rather than
16416s sticking alongside that payload just
16417s allowing one of their supports to sit
16419s there be their payload princess but we
16421s will know exactly how that's going to
16423s play out uh sooner rather than later
16425s hopefully
16427s um not really sure if they were going to
16428s look to replay that fight or just going
16430s to continue after the pause it is
16432s something that I'm finding a little bit
16433s uh odd about Havana and the way that
16434s it's kind of played out is like
16436s historically you've looked at Havana and
16437s thought that it was one of those like
16438s those very sniper favorite Maps where
16440s you see a lot of widowmakers come out
16442s you see a lot of hanzo's come out you'll
16444s still see a bit of Hanzo but a lot more
16446s teams are just opting to stick for The
16448s Rush not just for the spawn hold but
16450s throughout like the entirety of it
16451s especially with the you know ramatra and
16453s the way that he can kind of play is this
16455s like hybrid Reinhardt kind of off-tanky
16458s sort of situation where he's jack of all
16460s trades you can play him in that
16461s situation you can play ass comp you can
16463s play them defensively I think the way
16465s the meta's shaken out has uh has
16467s definitely made like the May Hanzo the
16469s go-to for uh for Havana
16472s yeah and it is really interesting
16474s because you can play pharah on the first
16476s point like it's not impossible and they
16478s were really looking to counter that with
16480s a Havana pick because there's so many
16481s long-range snipers but they're stuck to
16483s the brawl composition so I wouldn't be
16485s surprised if Belgium would maybe switch
16488s back to that if things start going south
16489s I mean everything's going uh going north
16492s for Belgium right now though two minutes
16494s blood off the clock they've got a hold
16495s here they've got a lot of ultimates
16496s Netherlands building up to some of their
16498s own I think Don's Annihilation might
16500s make the difference if that comes in
16501s towards the tail end of this fight be on
16503s the lookout for that one but Belgium
16505s again logic can just find a pick and
16507s shut this whole fight down as he's been
16508s doing this whole time
16510s yeah that may wall immediately blocking
16513s off the amp Matrix so they don't really
16515s get the damage that they were looking
16516s for especially Logics in photonova but
16519s now as the amp Matrix Fades the way
16521s Netherlands feeling a lot safer to go in
16523s with the coalescence now both of the
16525s sounds barriers are being dropped the
16528s Beats giving them so much overheld but
16529s it's Annihilation from dawn that has it
16532s in the back pocket now Jabba where are
16534s you going to go dancing around the
16536s objective for a second and now Logix and
16539s podinova are looking to be the only ones
16540s that can contest but they don't even
16542s find one logic finding tap but other
16545s than that it's just Netherlands in the
16548s kill feed all the way excellent timing
16550s there from Don I mean Annihilation is
16551s another one of those abilities that much
16553s like the death Blossom you want to wait
16554s until all the resources have been
16556s expended on the other side the
16557s immortality gone and Matrix gone the
16560s sound barrier bleeding away nothing that
16562s can possibly stop it you just go in mop
16564s up the health bars but speaking of death
16565s Blossom shyra's got one
16568s shira's death Blossom is able to net
16570s them both of the supports on the
16572s Netherlands side it's a battle of
16573s attrition now from the Netherlands but
16575s they're still able to find Sky tour and
16577s potenova now it's a DPS plus support
16580s fight and tap is going insane to take
16582s down Shabba Logics does come in quickly
16585s with the Sombra on the back and we'll
16587s find tap and they're able to stall out
16589s the objective for a second here but
16591s because of the lack of bodies over
16594s outside of this door it's going to be
16596s hard for Gyra to get in good position
16597s right as skytor runs up with the death
16600s Blossom from A10 they do take down
16602s Logics despite the immortality field
16604s thrown by podinova Sky tour's
16606s Annihilation is going to finish off the
16608s low Health Reaper but otherwise they
16611s don't have anything else they don't have
16613s photo nodo to keep this tank up and
16615s allow the annihilation to take away then
16617s find the value that it needs now with 60
16619s seconds remaining they cap the first
16621s point and have two and a half minutes to
16623s make it through Distillery I mean the
16625s last one to fall there is Chaba and
16626s losing the Lucio does mean that
16628s Netherlands yeah they can take this High
16629s ground it's gonna be in minute before
16631s Belgium can get everybody back to full
16632s strength and try and get themselves a
16634s favorable angle you can even kind of see
16635s the Silhouettes through the wall they're
16637s still at that at those stairs in the
16638s back there shyra poking and prodding a
16641s little bit trying to Jackie her position
16642s because they want to take this left-hand
16643s side Logics with the EMP lurking could
16647s uh could kick this fight off properly
16648s though emps the coalescence buddy is
16650s done
16651s yeah buddy almost got finished off but
16654s instead it's A10 that's going to take
16656s the brunt of the damage now logic's fine
16659s of Dan finding something with the
16661s annihilation taking down Shira and the
16664s rest of the squad is fumbling to
16666s get in good position Netherlands still
16669s dancing around the corner with Dawn at
16670s the Forefront looking for the power
16672s blocks as the rest of the squad
16673s regrouped but he's still here with a lot
16676s of bursts healing in the back pocket but
16677s now the sound barrier gonna force them
16679s and get aggressive on both sides and now
16682s with shyra looking to TP in with a death
16684s Blossom a good one at that finding Dawn
16688s at Larry leads the tank going down and
16690s the rest of the squad is going to follow
16692s in quick succession Shire as Farah it
16696s looked good the reaper is looking just
16698s as good if not better these death
16700s blossoms are great that's a good one
16701s that starts off on The High Ground where
16703s Donna's still taking damage below the
16705s death Blossom and so when shyra drops
16707s down to finish the job all the power
16709s block all the health bars all gone and
16712s that fight even kicks off with logix's
16713s EMP there that Sombra was a desperation
16716s like stagger out the point swap you
16718s weren't expecting that alt to come out
16719s buddy surely wasn't loses the
16721s coalescence for it has to try and build
16723s to another one Netherlands they need
16725s something to try and break this hole
16728s still trying to take control of The High
16730s Ground Logics getting a good hack down
16733s but Pota Nova just no way to survive in
16736s no peel as well from the rest of Belgium
16738s Squad just always immediately focusing
16741s down the sports making sure that there
16742s is no way they have the amount of
16745s sustain for the damage that Netherlands
16746s is outputting now 30 seconds left over
16749s Belgium still have one more fight left
16751s in them especially with the Lucho at the
16753s side to go for the touch gear but it's
16756s definitely going to be a tough one
16757s Belgium have two ultimates and
16759s Netherlands have two of their own to
16760s counter with that Annihilation also
16762s building up very quickly coalescence
16764s following it
16766s they can use the ravenous Vortex there
16768s but Logics with the EMP and it's massive
16770s shyra and Sky tour with all the
16772s following the annihilation just mops the
16774s floor with everyone on the Netherlands
16776s and it is done pack it up Belgium have
16779s brought the Netherlands down
16781s 2-0
16783s yeah that was a decisive win from
16787s Belgium especially from a team that was
16789s one in four while the Netherlands was
16791s one and three there was a chance a very
16793s small chance but it was there for the
16795s Netherlands and the bells Belgium has
16797s just snuffed out that hope completely
16799s yeah I let's hope snuffed out that's I
16802s mean that's the whole story you just
16804s summed it up entirely right there that
16805s was Netherlands last little bit of
16807s potential playoff hopes being snuffed
16810s out the plug pulled by Belgium coming
16811s out with a new look that we weren't
16813s expecting we weren't expecting to see
16815s the shyro to DPS swap but that
16817s experiment like I said resounding
16820s success I I really liked what I saw at a
16822s shyra on both the pharah and on the
16824s reaper especially the reaper there on
16826s Havana and overall like the strategies
16829s that these two teams were coming out
16830s with matching each other trying to
16831s counter pick use the Sim TPS to break
16833s these spawns May walls to try and block
16836s it off to protect there was a lot of
16837s back and forth but when it came down to
16839s it Belgium just had the better play the
16842s better plan and the better result
16845s yeah Belgium definitely felt like they
16848s were so coordinated and I want to know
16851s who the cooks in the kitchen are for
16853s Belgium because that shyro picked it was
16856s a resounding success like you said it
16858s was an experimental uh switch onto the
16860s DPS but it worked out so well in their
16863s favor maybe here on Havana Shira wasn't
16866s able to find the same amount of value
16868s that he did on the pharah over on lijon
16870s Tower but was still able to get a lot of
16873s very valuable death blossoms on the
16875s reaper on Habana and it wasn't even just
16877s Shira too like we're talking a lot about
16879s Chira but Logics as well if you put
16881s logix's back up against the wall that's
16883s when he is the most dangerous the most
16885s deadly that sojourn swap was phenomenal
16888s being able to build with that surprise
16890s EMP on the Sombra made all the
16892s difference what it looked like
16893s Netherlands were trying to keep their
16894s momentum going Logics snuffed it right
16897s out time and time again so I mean
16899s there's more depth to this Belgian DPS
16901s core than we initially thought we
16903s thought it was logic and Ken and that
16904s was it shaira adds a lot of depth to the
16907s squad I love to see it it's really
16910s unfortunate that both of these teams
16911s have very slim to no chances of going to
16914s land now but Belgium I mean they're
16917s definitely gonna go down swinging
16919s yeah I mean this was such versatility
16922s that we saw from the switches over on
16925s Belgium's side and obviously every
16927s single time that you have a Belgium
16929s match you see logic's name in The Kill
16931s feed quite a bit and as always thank you
16933s Mr Logix right at the very end but it
16935s seems like we might actually get a
16937s chance to talk to one of the cooks in
16939s the kitchen for Belgium because we are
16941s going to be coming in with an interview
16942s yeah we'll be uh right back with that
16944s Jim's gonna have the interview for us
16946s Jim be sure to give my compliments to
16947s the chef we'll see you guys all after
16949s the break don't go anywhere we got the
16950s interview on the other side of this
16951s break
16951s [Music]
16969s thank you
16974s [Music]
16995s foreign
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17065s thank you
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17081s [Applause]
17081s [Music]
17087s thank you
17090s [Music]
17096s foreign
17099s [Music]
17141s foreign
17145s [Music]
17164s thank you
17165s [Music]
17170s welcome back to the OverWatch World Cup
17172s for 2023 the online qualifiers are
17175s underway we're covering the emec region
17177s I'm Jim Basco that's epitome that's CB
17179s we just watched Belgium take it over
17181s Netherlands in pretty dominant fashion
17184s and of course let's go ahead and take a
17186s look at the schedule CB break down what
17188s we just watched before this break I mean
17190s we just watched a pretty pivotal match
17192s especially if you're a fan of the
17194s Netherlands Belgium taking the 2-0 over
17196s the Netherlands pretty much I mean
17198s they're not fully locked out yet but I
17200s mean the records now with both teams
17202s having four losses on the books means
17204s that
17205s statistically speaking now neither team
17207s can make it to the playoffs there so
17209s Belgium I mean they came out with a
17211s great look you know with Shira on the
17213s DPS definitely showed up made some great
17215s plays for this squad Logics came alive
17217s at the right times we're seeing glimmers
17219s of why we thought this Belgian Squad
17220s could be a formidable threat and it was
17222s too much of a threat for the Netherlands
17224s to conquer on this day I mean a great
17227s showing from both teams but I mean we
17229s only got a couple more showings before
17231s we were gonna have to say farewell to
17232s these two squads absolutely and with
17234s that said let's actually hop on with
17236s Chaba from Team Belgium themselves so CB
17239s and epitome I'll be back with you
17240s shortly we've got an interview ready for
17242s y'all so let's hop on it
17245s [Applause]
17246s Jabba yo congrats man congrats on the
17248s victory how are you feeling hello thank
17250s you I'm feeling really good winning
17252s against the Netherlands like always a
17255s bit of a rivalry rivalry between us so
17258s it feels good to win this
17260s yeah that's awesome man and of course
17261s you know uh y'all have been doing pretty
17264s well your uh results have been mixed
17267s throughout but you guys are doing uh a
17270s two and four record right now you're
17271s still in the running it's still possible
17273s to make it through in group a it you
17275s know um so what are your thoughts and
17277s Prospects you were halfway into week two
17279s how are you feeling this deep into the
17281s Run
17283s um I think being two and four is going
17285s to be really hard to uh advance to to
17288s land and to the next stage uh it was
17290s never really our goal to
17293s um like go further in this tournament it
17296s was more like let's see how good we will
17298s do
17298s and let's uh take as many Maps as we can
17301s so we're happy to win this match uh I'm
17304s really happy
17305s yeah man I mean like you mentioned right
17307s it's not always the end goal but it's
17309s the journey there right with the people
17311s along the way so talk to us about that
17313s Dynamic on the team right what's it like
17315s playing on team Belgium how are the
17316s communications how are the people like
17318s on that team
17319s well so team Belgium in Belgium we speak
17322s two languages French and Dutch so since
17324s we're a mix of those two languages we
17326s speak English which is a pretty weird
17329s for uh having other languages
17332s um but it's I'm gonna say fun playing
17334s with really good players like Logics and
17336s and Ken and then meeting me having no
17339s like uh experiences it's really good
17342s experience like it's really fun
17344s yeah absolutely and you know that's the
17346s biggest thing right experience against
17348s veteran players and with veteran players
17349s on a world stage man you've got a whole
17351s audience watching uh and you're
17352s representing a whole country so that's
17354s gotta feel pretty great what's your
17355s message to your fans in Belgium that may
17357s be watching right now
17359s foreign
17369s absolutely man thank you so much for
17370s hopping on with us today best of luck in
17373s your upcoming games of course you've got
17374s some strong opponents still on the way
17376s but you know we'll be cheering you on
17377s from afar
17378s thank you thank you bye-bye guys
17382s all right if enemies and CB you hear her
17384s heard it there you know good for them
17385s I'm happy that there was a little bit of
17387s rivalry between these two squads and I'm
17388s happy the Belgium uh Squad was able to
17390s pull it out they seem very happy about
17392s it in consent with the results
17393s um let's look ahead though right we've
17395s got we got more matches for the day
17396s Match six is just around the corner if
17399s you forgot what that was which I did for
17401s just a moment it's Italy versus Great
17402s Britain that one's bound to be a banger
17404s epitome's lay us out some context here
17407s what do we need to watch out for going
17408s into this match
17410s currently Great Britain is in position
17412s to get into the playoffs they are in the
17415s top three right now their record is
17417s pretty outstanding three and one
17421s um I believe the only time they lost was
17424s if I recall correctly
17428s did they lose am I am I
17430s oh they did lose they did lose to
17432s Denmark I'm so sorry my brain cells just
17434s kind of it was done marketing for a
17436s second yeah so they did lose a Denmark
17437s which we just saw and Denmark is an
17439s outstanding Squad and going up against
17441s Italy I feel like Italy do have a lot to
17444s be afraid of they are solidly middle of
17446s the pack in that kind of middle of the
17448s pack void Vortex right now yeah it's a
17450s good point to bring up too but it's
17451s interesting that you bring up that Great
17453s Britain lost to Denmark because now I'm
17455s thinking about Spain beating Denmark
17457s that means like Spain could potentially
17459s be Great Britain meaning that you know
17461s there's a lot of uh potentials but it
17463s but Italy beats Spain so maybe yeah like
17466s a potentially that's the that's the
17467s vortex at work that's the circle of suck
17469s I was talking about that it's got a
17471s little bit smaller the Netherlands might
17473s have dropped out of it but Italy can
17475s like if we just look at the hierarchy
17477s right Italy theoretically could like
17479s live it all back around and beat Great
17481s Britain and that would be wild but I
17483s mean they'd be they beat Spain and Spain
17486s beat Denmark and Denmark it never ends
17489s it just never ends sensitive property
17491s over the associative whatever you call
17493s it I failed math a couple years in a row
17494s it was fine
17495s um but you know that's the reality
17497s anything is still possible in this group
17499s and of course like we mentioned the top
17501s three of this group will be moving
17502s forward the top two of Group B moving
17504s forward so with that said epitome is in
17505s CB the context is laid Italy versus uh
17508s or rather Italy versus grapefruit and
17511s just around the corner have an amazing
17512s time and I'll catch you guys on the flip
17513s side
17514s all right thank you so much Jim and I'm
17518s really excited for this next match uh
17520s mostly because I do like seeing Great
17522s Britain play and Italy having beat Spain
17525s and already Spain a big Dark Horse in
17528s group a they already beat Denmark which
17531s was terrifying but Denmark did lose to
17535s or did Beat Great Britain and we can do
17537s this all day we can do this
17541s so okay well so we call spade a dark
17543s horse but Italy are looking like a
17545s slightly darker horse if you will like
17548s they like we were looking at this squad
17551s too heavily when we came in they get a
17553s couple big wins now suddenly they've
17554s turned some heads we're looking pretty
17555s heavily at the squad now they have a lot
17558s of potential I mean you still kind of
17560s favor Great Britain overall but you
17562s can't count Italy out completely and
17564s that's what I think makes this match
17566s interesting it's one that the you that
17568s uh that Great Britain have to win in
17570s order to try and stay in that top three
17572s spot that they currently have if they
17574s lose it they just fall down they get
17576s sucked just a little bit further down
17577s into that Vortex that they need to stare
17580s steer clear of and I mean Italy this is
17583s quite the vortex I mean Chimera has done
17585s some phenomenal things here we're not
17586s seeing uh mekan coming in a friend of
17589s mine I mean seeing uh we're seeing Kid
17591s Comey coming in here instead so a little
17593s bit of change up in the back line we'll
17595s see how this ends up shaking up for
17596s Italy but again like this isn't a squad
17599s that you can just count out
17601s yeah I mean Italy they also did lose to
17605s the Netherlands who we just saw playing
17606s you know we're just talking The Vortex
17609s again and Great Britain beat the
17610s Netherlands so Italy have the cards
17612s stacked against them and they're
17613s definitely up against a very formidable
17615s force in the roster of Great Britain so
17619s looking at Great Britain's side they
17621s have backbone in the support role this
17624s time around maimona and Kai as that DPS
17627s line uh my favorite support hero May
17630s OverWatch I love it yes so pride month
17633s might be coming to an end but these
17635s Seven Lions still have a lot to be proud
17636s of right here jaycaru on the tank has
17639s proven to be like one of the best tanks
17641s in this conference you know in this
17643s entire region right now definitely
17645s someone that has turned a lot of heads
17646s gotten them uh in their Direction and
17648s speaking of heads Kai takes them off
17651s with ease all the time I I this squad is
17654s is as good as advertised barring that
17657s slip up against Denmark they still look
17660s to be the favorites but I mean Italy
17662s they've thrown one one wrench into the
17664s equation how many wrenches you got
17667s yeah you know maybe they want to turn
17669s themselves into some mechanics here
17672s um headed into this match against Great
17673s Britain and we'll see what map they
17675s decide to take us to but we know that
17678s Great Britain has a lot of these strong
17680s individual players and it's actually
17681s Nepal
17683s interesting that we're going to Nepal so
17686s okay this is interesting to me because
17688s of uh the the way that Great Britain
17690s plays their subs out typically they'll
17692s have backbone come into play the May on
17694s DPS and otherwise put him on the flex
17696s support because they have Cronus who
17698s typically plays the Bap this tells me
17701s they're not going to go for that or if
17703s they are they're you know maybe lacking
17705s a piece maybe Coronas can't come in
17706s maybe there's something going on but
17709s they're they might not be going for that
17710s may Rush that we see a lot of teams go
17712s for on uh on village where they just
17714s hold down the fort on the point with
17716s maywalls and Sim turrets and all of that
17718s to just lock everyone else out
17720s they might be going for something a
17722s little bit different here so I'm curious
17724s to see what composition Great Britain
17726s come out with
17727s uh maybe they're going for the Norway
17730s where they know that the enemy team
17732s works for symmetra and May so they're
17735s like let's play junkrat that would be
17738s absolutely wild I mean they could
17739s definitely get away with it uh if this I
17741s mean I again like we always say never
17743s trust the attack or spawn never trust
17745s the spawn doors on control but if what
17747s Great Britain is showing now is any
17749s indicator I kind of like it you know
17751s maybe we're gonna have a maimon swap
17753s over to like a Genji and we're just
17754s gonna play like a full dive composition
17756s here we'll have to see I don't think the
17759s Bastion from Italy is going to stick but
17760s this would just be an awful composition
17762s for Chicago to try and play a Winston
17764s into a Bastion Reaper the quick play
17766s nightmare every like so-called free
17769s thinkers when there's a Winston now
17770s they're actually going to swap it over
17771s to the May Rush that I would have
17772s expected to see from Great Britain
17775s yeah no mate Rush from Great Britain's
17778s side and Kai already trying to dish out
17780s the DPS onto the Reinhardt and the
17783s Reinhardt also an interesting pick here
17784s as well absorbing a lot of that damage
17787s up front especially here from the uh
17790s from the railgun that Kai is using but
17792s now looking like first point might be
17795s turning over towards Italy's side most
17797s of their players just all corralled on
17799s this bridge while Great Britain is a
17800s little bit more split I mean they're not
17802s really giving Kai an angle to find much
17804s of anything so far which is great
17806s because if he clicks ahead this fight's
17807s just over not really able to find freyu
17810s there Italy take the first cap I mean a
17812s Great Britain are still poking and
17813s prodding from all angles but they
17814s haven't found like a death poke yet
17816s something that can just take a life
17819s yeah this is like very poke how they're
17821s playing their team comp so far as well
17823s they have Jay Karu who could go in for a
17826s very coordinated dive alongside me bone
17828s but instead is kind of just dancing
17830s around the edges now with the uh amp
17833s Matrix from for you that should do
17835s enough no May moan unfortunately only
17837s takes down the immortality field Italy
17840s staying alive for a second longer but a
17842s big biotic made from backbone is going
17845s to allow maimon to capitalize so heavily
17847s and take down the back line of Italy now
17850s with only kid Comey left over going to
17853s have to go down it's a very slow burn
17855s but eventually the burns do start to
17857s come through and Great Britain will flip
17858s it but 42 percent I mean and that was
17861s just like one kind of elongated fight
17862s with like staggers pushing and pulling
17864s nobody really finding much of anything a
17866s pulse bomb for an immortality field you
17868s know you take that if you're Italy they
17870s really only have to get like one good
17872s fight here and then they can bring this
17873s up into the 90s potentially and I'm
17875s looking at yukino with that uh with that
17877s death Blossom that's gonna be coming up
17879s to try and be the Difference Maker if
17880s they can lead out the resources from
17881s Great Britain get a good death Blossom
17883s they might be able to flip it back the
17885s immortality field came out so early
17888s because of that anti-name that backbone
17890s landed now the Nano coming through okay
17892s they're just going to both fall off the
17894s map if we go down we go down together
17896s once again but Great Britain they hold
17898s on to that point Jakarta with a little
17900s wave goodbye in mid Primal great stuff
17903s there but I mean okay you got the Nano
17905s and the Primal out that's a great hole
17906s from Great Britain though Kai's got the
17908s the power slides gonna be back fast
17909s Italy want to try and go in before that
17911s window closes they have a lot of holes
17913s to do it once again yukino has the death
17915s Blossom is there going to be a good
17917s opportunity for it
17919s Kino always getting the being the target
17922s of these anti-nates but they're going to
17924s go ahead go ahead drop that beat and the
17927s death Blossom does come through but the
17929s Beat from funny Astro is dropped very
17931s quickly as well jaycaru taking quite a
17934s bit of damage however on the other side
17936s and separated from backbone for a second
17939s but going to go ahead to get that healed
17940s up yukino still on objective looking to
17943s back out into that amp Matrix get that
17945s little bit of extra damage down but
17947s maimon is able to avoid so much of it
17949s that amp Matrix finds the value that it
17951s needed though finds the tank and now
17953s without Jay Karu they don't have that
17955s Health sync that they can put a lot of
17957s that damage through point is flipped
17958s over to Italy's side but funny Astro is
17961s still wanting more and finding both
17963s kaimura and freyu now you Kino also
17966s falling to Kai's Hanzo is going to flip
17969s that point right back so early on yukino
17972s uses that death Blossom just to solo
17973s Blossom Kai Kai dies on the sojour and
17975s comes back on the Hanzo just finds a
17977s storm Arrow pick onto the enemy
17979s Reinhardt and sudden there's no
17980s sustainability for Italy the rest of
17982s Great Britain could just come in
17983s collapse flip the point back five
17985s percent left to go is there going to be
17987s a touch here Italy do get the overtime
17989s but they oh chimera's ice block forced
17991s early
17992s yeah ice block now out very quickly and
17995s it's stuck by memo nothing for Chimera
17998s to do and they go down with the blizzard
17999s in hand the only ultimate that Italy had
18002s at their disposal now Jay Karu copping
18004s onto Kate Comey and the rest of the
18006s squad falling to Kai's hanza once again
18008s Primal Rage does come out from JK aru to
18011s finish that fight but a hundred percent
18013s blizzard in Hand of chimera and I feel
18017s like that was just really the nail in
18018s the coffin that pick from my Memon with
18021s a pulse bomb yeah I mean like I said the
18023s ice block getting forced early once the
18024s pulse bomb comes out you don't have
18026s anything to defend against it it's just
18027s all the pressure that Italy has to
18029s withstand just to even get to the point
18030s in that overtime situation and Great
18032s Britain know it I mean it was kind of
18034s the way that maimon was playing the
18036s whole time was just trying to go in for
18037s those pokes and prods until finally an
18039s opportunity strikes and then you strike
18041s hard right on top of it that's exactly
18042s what he does takes down Chimera Chimera
18045s had the blizzard by the way so I mean
18047s that ended up being the most valuable
18048s pick they could have gotten because
18049s having that blizzard on point definitely
18051s was Zone things out a little bit better
18053s made it a little bit more favorable for
18055s Italy but with that off the table they
18056s just have uh they just have nothing
18057s they're gonna stick with the May Rush
18060s here they're swapping over to the Moira
18061s variant of it though so uh they're gonna
18063s try and play a little bit more fast
18065s paced here try and take some fights on
18066s the point which is just as well because
18068s Great Britain are gonna jump on top of
18069s them onto the point once the chance
18071s comes
18072s are you going to go look for that first
18075s touch while uh Italy drops down into the
18078s little room uh looking for that early
18080s touch once again while Great Britain is
18082s spread out around the objective instead
18085s maimon getting a little bit of damage
18087s from far away now the wall going to Zone
18090s off the long angle that Hai is trying to
18092s play across from objective however Rajon
18095s getting down very very low they still
18097s have that Moira in the room with them
18099s and the fade gives a little bit of extra
18101s survivability they didn't have with the
18103s bath but there's no immortality field
18105s here if anything goes sideways Kai now
18108s finding yukino and Chimera also falling
18110s as well once again the DPS line from
18113s Italy it's in Infamous Italian spaghetti
18116s drop here happening from first capture
18118s fish meat Barrel fish meat pie Kai
18121s shoots them all in the barrel there and
18123s us like you know Italy they're playing
18125s from in there they don't have the
18126s Baptiste with the immortality field so
18128s they can't really like poke themselves
18129s out too far to contest the point Kai can
18131s just rein and damage from where ever to
18133s mop up on all the cleave damage jaycarus
18135s got going on you got backbone that can
18137s keep poking and prodding from afar with
18138s the with the rifle there and now
18140s suddenly Great Britain have all the olds
18142s they can possibly want to hold this out
18144s Italy are gonna have a shatter but
18145s realistically you're gonna have like
18147s solo shatter a backliner here
18149s oh yeah there's the stick once again
18152s onto Camira and come here I cannot
18153s Escape what if anyone is bringing to the
18156s table here but now the coalescence okay
18159s they just let go of that point for free
18161s yukino with the teleport on to the point
18163s and that there was just nothing to be
18165s done Jake Arrow tried to come back and
18167s contest but Primal Rage has already gone
18169s out from Great Britain's side and
18171s they're just going to allow this coin to
18173s go over still contesting however and
18175s backbone now with a huge pick once again
18177s that bionade doing so much for Great
18179s Britain's side I feel like backbone is
18181s bringing so much value with the amount
18183s of cooldowns that they're forcing out
18185s both The Wraith and the ice block using
18187s that one piece of utility at that 19
18189s that Italy got there though that's not
18191s the most substantial but it's definitely
18193s going to be annoying for Great Britain I
18195s mean they still have both support
18195s ultimate so they can try and make
18197s something huge nade from backbone I
18199s don't think the follow-up's gonna be
18200s there though Italy going for a shatter
18202s play onto I think that was just onto Kai
18204s okay
18209s got it he got it he got it eventually
18211s because it would have been incredibly
18213s depressing
18215s I would have said the same thing
18220s but I got solo shattered and then chased
18222s down by a Reinhardt with the Kate Comey
18225s right next to it with the speed boost
18226s it's like where are you going but yukimo
18229s is going to pay for the sins of his take
18231s and Rajon eventually will have payback
18234s from Jay Karu for the play that they
18237s just made against the Han so now OT
18239s being activated by kamira who is
18241s Switched onto the Tracer but it is so
18244s unfortunate that pic had to come out
18246s because you didn't even see Chimera
18247s build up to one blizzard that entire
18250s game Great Britain very very dominant in
18252s the driver's seat all the way I mean
18255s despite some some silliness coming out
18257s from Italy that play on the kai was
18258s something that I mean that's definitely
18261s going at a compilation somewhere you're
18263s going to be seeing that one somewhere
18264s like a solo Shadow onto a Hanzo a speed
18266s boost just a taxi the whole team in to
18268s try and get that kill you do get the
18270s kill sure but I mean like all the
18272s resources you dedicate to get that I
18275s like you just give up the point I think
18276s at this point they're just like let's
18277s just grief like it was like he's like I
18281s don't know if we I don't know if we're
18282s getting back in this one Chief let's
18283s just go in and grief Kai it'll be really
18285s funny everybody on board let's go this
18288s is my favorite saying sometimes it's not
18291s the player that you're ganking but
18293s they're mental I I mean that very well
18296s might have been the case but then like
18298s but then Kai just comes back and hits a
18300s storm Arrow headshot yeah I think it was
18302s yukito on the Tracer for the contest
18304s there and it's like Well yeah if Kai's
18306s gonna hit shots like that that's why you
18307s have to go all in to try and grief him
18309s like you can't just let him be hitting
18310s that stuff all the time you got to put a
18312s shot to that even if it takes everything
18314s you have
18315s yeah kamira was also just being harassed
18318s at an entire game by Mamon could not
18320s match the pressure that my mom was
18322s putting on the back line with the Tracer
18324s and every single time you would have
18326s backbone throwing those anti-nades onto
18328s the both dps's and then it would be race
18330s ice block and then all of a sudden Myron
18332s is there waiting for you to come out and
18334s he's like have a present and it's just
18336s the pulse bomb
18337s that's uh not the gift I want to receive
18339s under my Christmas tree this year uh no
18341s pulse bombs please I Italy
18344s is an interesting team well to say the
18346s least especially with the way that they
18347s are currently playing I do uh I do hope
18350s to see something a little bit more
18351s game-winning coming out from them but at
18353s least they're going to give us a show
18354s regardless it's going to be their map
18356s pick here we're gonna go to a quick
18358s break we'll see what else Italy has in
18360s store right after this
18364s [Music]
18381s thank you
18384s [Music]
18391s thank you
18397s [Music]
18435s thank you
18438s foreign
18454s [Music]
18468s foreign
18470s [Music]
18502s foreign
18508s foreign
18511s [Music]
18544s [Music]
18551s [Music]
18562s [Music]
18577s thank you
18579s foreign
18582s the first battle between Italy and Great
18585s Britain it turned out with Britain
18588s coming out on top but the war is not
18590s over yet still headed to map 2 and we
18593s are greeted by our cats as we are
18596s looking to observe this second match
18598s yeah the Seven Lions from Great Britain
18600s are out in full force and we even got
18602s our own little lions coming out to
18603s support them as they look to defeat
18606s Italy they did it pretty handily in the
18608s first map there Nepal barring against
18610s some uh Italian silliness that came
18613s through there uh Kai getting uh getting
18615s the mental grief just a little bit there
18617s but overall you know Great Britain's
18619s still looking as advertised still
18621s looking as dominant as we kind of
18622s expected them to be in this series Italy
18625s still has some chances to kind of throw
18627s another spanner into the works we're
18629s gonna take it to watch Point Gibraltar
18630s so uh I'm expecting I'm expecting a
18633s little bit of dive coming out from both
18635s sides
18636s yeah watch Point Gibraltar definitely
18638s does favor these dive comps perhaps a
18640s lot of the Divas and the winstons and I
18643s mean when it comes to dive comps what we
18645s saw from Great Britain during that last
18647s map I feel like it has to go towards
18649s their favor because maimon was
18651s absolutely frying on that Tracer he just
18654s made fried pasta out of every single
18656s member of the Italian team including
18659s their magicals yeah yeah absolutely
18661s especially their mentals they're forcing
18663s them to go for those plays on takai
18665s there uh speaking of Kai I do expect to
18667s see more long-range hit scan out of him
18668s uh maimon might try and pull out
18671s something like a Genji here I might be
18673s uh looking to see that unless we have
18675s any sort of swaps and they're gonna
18676s throw another curveball at me put
18678s backbone back in the DPS line because
18680s why uh why not why why not at this point
18684s just you know go in all in on the
18687s silliness here uh so it's looking like
18688s we are gonna see maimon sticking on to
18691s the Tracer Kai on the Hanzo this is all
18694s kind of what I expected I mean I might
18695s have expected to see Kai on the Widow
18697s but he's just as deadly on the Hanzo
18699s take your pick there pick your poison
18700s either way it's not gonna be good for
18702s Italy here
18704s yeah it definitely uh isn't looking too
18707s favorable for Italy obviously never
18709s trust the attackers in attack or spawn
18712s um and they switch over onto the break
18714s on uh just like basically what we
18716s expected but I'm not sure if yukino will
18718s be staying with this Echo because Echo
18721s without the mercy pocket playable but it
18723s definitely is more difficult especially
18725s since you have Kai not technically a hit
18727s scan so it's not as hard of a counter
18730s but if Kai does decide to switch onto an
18733s ash or Widow it could be more difficult
18735s as well I like that early nade play
18737s there from backbone because I go for the
18738s same play literally every time I play
18739s this map if anyone runs into rank you
18741s you've already got me scouted just watch
18743s how backbone plays it's pretty much that
18745s trust me they they shut down the early
18747s teleport Play From Italy and now Italy
18750s you have to try and find a way in
18751s they're just gonna go for a good raw
18752s dive there great damage there on the
18754s backbone though backbone going down
18756s pretty early and it's just gonna be a
18759s long walk back from Spawn for this Anna
18762s and they're not contesting the objective
18763s as much either just to kind of allowing
18766s them a free path into underpass thus far
18769s mostly contesting this High Ground
18771s I they they have to try and contest The
18773s High Ground here Great Britain they're
18774s gonna be on the back foot just a little
18776s bit while they wait for backbone to come
18777s back Jakarta doesn't have enough Health
18779s to really be all that competitive right
18781s now but Memon does and is going to
18783s contest Chimera quite effectively and
18786s suddenly yeah graper and they can just
18788s walk right back up to this more forward
18789s High ground and pressure Italy back yeah
18791s Chimera really can't catch a break at
18794s all from maimon specifically just always
18797s at their back and finding some way to
18799s harass them out of the fight make them
18801s Retreat or just completely send them
18803s back to the spawn room Waymon already
18804s building up to a pulse bomb Chimera only
18806s at 60 so it's definitely a huge gap
18810s between these tracers that we see right
18811s now and looking for the stick onto the
18813s honor there's nothing to be done okay
18815s Comey looking to go down as well almost
18817s dies for it but it's a melee to finish
18819s things off while the rest of the squad
18821s is very focused on this tank that is
18824s just jumping onto them Rajon does go
18827s down and Jay Karu is able to protect the
18829s rest of the squad and their back line
18831s and very effectively Great Britain
18834s stopping and stalling out this push
18835s again if katakomi hadn't had the shield
18838s up that would have been a two for pulse
18839s bomb there from memo and that's a
18841s phenomenal play that's the best you can
18842s do like going for both supports like
18844s that and being able to inevitably get
18846s them both that's all you can really ask
18847s of a tracer he wants more going into
18849s Italy spawn to try and find another pick
18851s but it's not going to show itself it's a
18854s very scrappy fight in both directions
18855s but Italy have the opportunity to open
18857s up with a big Nano boost play here and a
18859s couple more holes to try and force this
18861s rest the way through Defender spawn
18862s Advantage is in full effect with about
18864s where the cart is right now so they have
18867s to try and make this Swift Primal for
18869s both of these winstons but the DPS
18871s ultimates just aren't present now with
18873s the rally and Nano boost onto Rajon it's
18876s going to allow Italy to try and go a
18879s little bit further forward but now JK
18881s aru is getting so harassed by this
18884s nanode Winston nothing to be done there
18886s as the tank goes down and Great
18888s Britain's Squad they are struggling to
18890s find something else something more the
18893s old supports left over on the objective
18895s looking to contest kaigo down the shield
18897s will keep funny Astro alive for a few
18899s more seconds but backbone it cannot
18902s escape the Primal Rage I mean jaycaru
18905s has a Primal Rage now what came within
18908s like an inch of trying to use it in the
18909s last fight but fell a little bit too
18911s short you know flew too close to the Sun
18912s Rajon finding another pickup on to
18914s maimon Italy is not out of this they
18916s might be able to force this through they
18918s just have to melt the health bar down to
18919s jaycaru but I that's pretty much it I
18922s mean the supports are back actually the
18923s Bob comes out Great Britain they get off
18925s the point oh today's C9 that point just
18929s slightly and now we have another okay
18931s another three minutes for them to get
18933s over this the DPS do come and clean up
18936s and hold this point right at the
18938s objective but it's not going to allow
18940s them to get any further the spirit of
18942s the London Spitfire lives on through
18944s this team that's another scene shout out
18946s to their parent or
18948s they're gonna hold forward because they
18950s can but I mean like you definitely
18953s didn't want that you wanted to try and
18954s bleed off some more time before we went
18955s into the hangar phase here they also
18957s lost Kai so they're not gonna be able to
18959s hold as much pressure Italy gonna take
18960s down jakaru now they can take the
18963s shuttle and pressure grape written back
18964s off The High Ground they're starting to
18966s threaten to build up that snowball that
18968s can get them all the way through Hangar
18970s phase here
18972s yeah Italy is already in very good
18974s position have lots of control over this
18976s High ground and it's just this very
18977s small door that they can use to try and
18980s contest this it seems like maimon has
18982s broken through though the pulse bomb
18984s goes through freyu goes down and Bunny
18986s Astro is traded for it a support for his
18988s support and the rally now from Kate
18990s Comey to keep them alive in the absence
18992s of their Anna it's going to allow for
18995s that sustain for Great Britain and it's
18997s going to hold Great Britain at Bay for a
18999s second there but now jaycaru dropping
19001s down while Rajon harasses the dps's it's
19004s gonna be funny Astro being the tip of
19006s the sphere while the Primal Rage is
19008s popped from Rajon looking for all of the
19010s damage and all of the control the Sleep
19012s momentarily slows down the Winston but
19015s it's going to be the blizzard that
19016s completely stops them in their tracks
19018s funny Astro doesn't really have a lot of
19020s places to go yukino going to finish
19022s things off with an icicle to the Dome of
19025s the jaycaru kai being the only one to
19027s find a pick before falling and like
19030s everything for Great Britain right now
19031s is just thrown into desperation Italy is
19033s just pushing the advantage like I said
19035s once they control that High Ground they
19036s can just keep building up the snowball
19038s and it does push them through the
19039s treacherous hanger phase now they're
19041s they're golden like if they can get the
19043s cart and get a full cap here that would
19045s be all the better but they're still in a
19047s situation where they can realistically
19049s win this once we split the script here
19050s they're gonna have to bleed a couple
19052s ults out of Great Britain in this fight
19053s it's gonna have to be an Eco push for
19055s Italy but I mean you have enough time
19058s two and a half minutes you can bleed a
19059s couple out fill it to one big one take
19061s like one really good fight send it home
19066s Italy once again looking to take control
19068s of The High Ground they have these two
19070s four ultimates for Great Britain all
19072s five ultimates they could all just smash
19074s Q here Jay Karu though getting the jump
19077s on yukino without that may to slow down
19079s the dive it's going to be difficult they
19081s also have an anti-health already on Kate
19083s Comey and keikomi's getting shredded
19085s there is nothing to be done by the
19087s Brigitte and the rest of the squad is
19089s going to have to back off into their
19091s spawn room Great Britain they've been
19093s able to stall off of basically a little
19095s bit of a minute
19096s I did say Italy needed to bleed a few
19098s olds out of Great Britain but Great
19100s Britain had the tourniquet they're not
19101s bleeding whatsoever Italy's blood though
19103s all over the floor being spilled
19106s constantly in the neutral fight just by
19107s the shots coming out from Kai from
19109s maimon in the back line constantly being
19111s a threat and I mean now it's getting to
19113s a point where like
19115s Italy have to force an investment from
19116s Great Britain somehow they're gonna go
19118s ahead and invest the Nano to try and
19119s force it out the rally does come out as
19121s does the pulse bump but Great Britain
19123s they're still alive Italy hasn't really
19125s gotten a whole lot to their money yet
19126s I'll pray you just alive in a nick of
19129s time the anti-health was there Kai
19131s looking for The High Ground now has the
19133s Bob in the back pocket the rally coming
19135s through and get Comey rounding the
19137s corner jaycaru looking to dive the
19139s supports heavily but they're able to
19140s disengage and hide back so quickly and
19143s effectively Kai now would have locked
19145s into the 1v1 Ash with yukino but just
19148s having that Bob in the back pocket and
19150s the Nano from backbone is available as
19153s well maimon is looking for some way to
19155s get onto their back line but Rajon is
19157s just marking the Tracer making sure that
19160s there is no way for maimon to harass
19161s their back line Kai also getting a bit
19163s of damage on with the dynamite and the
19167s primary fire spotting Chimera as well
19169s realizing that that Tracer might be
19171s looking for the dive yukino is going to
19174s knock funny ass drove off The High
19176s Ground And it leaves backbone pretty
19177s much defenseless backbone has to hop
19179s back down regroup with the team but on
19181s the other side the Primal Rage has been
19183s popped by Rajon and is just shredding
19186s this DPS and support line wait Rajon
19189s finds two with that Primal Rage I don't
19191s know how but he just does Chimera gonna
19193s clean up jakaru and Italy despite all
19195s the odds being against him in that fight
19197s have flipped it they're threatening to
19198s cap here and Great Britain like they
19200s don't have any olds to stall this out
19201s anymore maimon's gonna come up on a
19203s pulse bomb and that is it Italy can
19205s maybe force this through if they build
19206s for the Nano but they need to keep Rajon
19208s alive
19209s ah oh okay okay they also need to stay
19212s on the card I
19214s C9 again
19216s karma that's all right yeah it's about
19218s the best way that you can possibly put
19220s it a C9 for a C9
19222s Italy had a chance to keep pushing that
19224s forward like I said if they had kept
19226s region alive they could have you know
19228s built into that Nano boost you put the
19230s Nano once of the Winston force that
19232s through maybe tried to build up to some
19233s more ultimates using all the space that
19235s gets created off of that if they take
19237s down funny Astro before he's able to
19238s build up to a rally like you're you're
19240s good you're golden but I mean
19243s you also have to contest the payload and
19245s that's a really difficult concept for
19247s even the top level players to graph
19249s sometimes you know you need your payload
19250s princess and Italy's payload princess
19252s was in another Castle this time around
19254s so that's where the card stops that's
19256s still a pretty solid push a very
19258s realistic win condition for them as long
19260s as they're able to continue that kind of
19262s momentum uh you know a lot of the big
19263s plays that came out from rajion and uh
19266s from Chimera that were enabling that
19268s snowball to keep on going
19271s yeah they were really good at forcing
19273s the tempo especially in the hanger phase
19275s towards The High Ground and they just
19277s kept on pushing forward with the
19278s momentum that they had already built for
19281s use you know struggling a little bit to
19283s get on top of this background which is
19285s just a little bit of music to watch in
19286s the pregame you know but he got there
19288s and Great Britain on the other hand
19290s they're sticking to their guns they're
19291s sticking to this comp
19293s s it takes a couple jumps you know I've
19295s I've been there for you I understand
19296s that sometimes I jump for the honor not
19298s the most favorable you gotta hit it just
19300s right Great Britain they're not gonna go
19302s for this oh they are going to go for
19303s this MTP play actually I just saw my mom
19305s make the swap there another early nade
19308s Kai doesn't really have the angle quite
19311s yet they're trying to dislodge Italy
19313s jump goes there from jakaru forcing
19315s Italy back just a little bit now Kai has
19316s the angle he wants
19318s yeah Kai spots Chimera knows that they
19321s at least don't have the Tracer on the
19323s back line just yet and yukino also just
19325s hiding behind storm arrow is expended
19328s and the cooldown gone but not able to
19330s find to take either way funny Astro
19332s however does get the anti-nade the
19334s biotic out of the way and is able to
19337s survive without much of a hitch jakaru
19340s however is realizing that he's watching
19342s Rajon go for the dive on the back line
19344s on the DPS and while he is just in the
19347s thick of it in the middle of Italy scene
19349s Italy's still holding strong here
19351s despite losing yukino there they're
19353s going to be able to you know fortify
19355s yukino's gonna be able to come back and
19356s hold that farther back High Ground where
19358s once the cart kind of rounds the corner
19360s past Car Wash can be more of a threat as
19362s well but you can't leave Kai unchecked
19364s on The High Ground sooner or later those
19366s Hanzo logs are going to find ahead and
19368s like there we go there's yukino gonna go
19371s and fall again courtesy of Kai they have
19373s to try and contest him yeah Kaya is just
19377s giving free reign over these top angles
19379s and now with the anti-hull there is
19381s nowhere for Rajon to go immediately
19383s though okay that was a huge Nano from
19386s freyu to keep Rajon up and JKR who gets
19389s shredded by the Tesla Cannon uh nowhere
19391s for unfunny Astro to go either but will
19394s be forced to jump back after the
19395s anti-health is gone through maimon going
19398s to regroup with the rest of the squad
19400s taking a lot of damage in with the pulse
19402s bomb in his pocket and Nano and cereal
19405s not a second too late but I probably
19407s could have used another bail out there
19408s Kai gonna go ahead and melt the monkey
19410s down and suddenly Italy they have to
19412s play a little bit further back they have
19414s some room to work with with the spawn
19415s Advantage but if they lose anybody else
19416s this should be Great Britain capping oh
19419s jaikaru and Backbone in tandem they're
19421s able to take down both of the dps's and
19424s now without the damage that Italy can
19426s dish out Jay garu getting very low but
19430s getting healed very quickly Primal Rage
19432s also available here the anti-health does
19434s come through nothing to cleanse it away
19436s but Kai is still pressing forward to get
19439s Rajon down jaycaru looking for the
19441s hangar phase and The High Ground to keep
19444s that momentum going and with the Tesla
19446s Cannon is going to try to keep them at
19448s Bay in this door and not allow them
19450s through the choke point
19451s and now you can see the Precision
19453s backbone wants to take where you can hit
19454s big nades on the people coming in on
19455s through there's another there's one
19457s everyone kind of backed off there the
19459s jump wasn't quite there Big Sleep from
19461s freyu backbones
19464s yeah but backbone no capitalization off
19466s of that sleep the Primal Rage from Rajon
19468s is going to come through both of the
19470s rallies on the Brigitte are looking to
19473s sustain this squad with the giant Shield
19475s as well and both Nanos now available
19478s jaycaru however still has that Primal
19480s Rage the Nano comes on to Rajon looking
19483s for that to harass onto the back line
19484s funny Astro is going to get a nano
19487s Justin ordered to stay alive and the
19489s anti-health on to jaygar who does so
19491s much damage and Rajon goes down backbone
19494s with the finisher now looking for The
19496s High Ground once again they've
19497s momentarily lost control because of
19499s their focus on the Winston Baymon though
19502s doing so much with that pulse bomb once
19504s again a huge stick on to Kate Comey and
19506s Chimera will fall quickly after Kai
19509s switches on to the Widow seeing that
19511s yukino has already swapped the Hanzo
19514s uh Rajan trying to go in for the contest
19516s there isn't alive long enough to build
19517s the Primal Rage and that's gonna mean
19519s Great Britain have the cap here a pick
19521s to my moan might slow things down a
19523s little bit but I mean you know this is
19526s still starting to spiral out of control
19527s for Italy they have to dig their heels
19529s in draw a line in the sand and just
19531s definitively stop Great Britain uh the
19534s snowball was in full effect once again
19535s Great Britain four minutes left after
19538s going through Hangar phase that is an
19540s eternity in watchpoint Gibraltar years a
19542s Great Britain same thing as Italy like
19544s they have time to just build up to a big
19545s old fight take it with an advantage and
19547s just you know brute force it the rest of
19549s the way in
19550s yukido really trying to clear away Kai
19553s as well who cannot be given free range
19555s over that High Ground uh camera looking
19559s for something with the pulse bomb was
19560s went fishing came up empty so instead
19563s going to have to back off oh it's a
19565s combination of the break Anna just
19567s cannot Escape now without the Tracer in
19570s play it's going to be easier for this
19572s back line and backbone also can focus
19574s more on getting yukino off of this High
19577s Ground funny Astro follows up on the
19579s information given in Kai with a Recon
19581s he's just going to be able to fire
19583s freely the rally allows them to move
19586s forward though okay Comey is looking not
19588s that far forward okay
19591s Comey is alone for a second but is
19594s quickly joined by Rajon and the bubble
19596s to protect
19597s I mean a very lucky bubble yeah region
19601s ex machina just came in down there to
19603s save katakumi I like yeah you said the
19605s rally makes you move forward you don't
19606s want to move that far forward by
19607s yourself
19609s but excellent excellent peel and it
19612s actually does help Italy build up to
19614s that Dragon strike as well they have the
19615s Nano they have the Primal they can bleed
19616s some time out but Great Britain have a
19618s lot Nano goes out onto funny Astro who
19620s has the rally available as well yeah
19623s region you don't want to take that fight
19624s yeah funny Astro dishing out the DPS
19627s right now has the rally it's just in
19629s case things go south but isn't going to
19632s need to use it still three ultimates
19633s with Jay Karu down though they're
19635s looking to disengage and try and kind
19637s away cannot do so with backbone now
19639s missing this is a huge sagger Play From
19642s Italy and it's gonna bleed that time off
19643s the clock once again down to almost two
19645s minutes
19646s the Nano into funny Astro does do a good
19648s job at like deterring the dive but like
19650s Great Britain they have to be the ones
19651s to make the early dive so like they just
19653s gave Italy time there I think I would
19655s have preferred to see the Nana go out
19657s onto jakaru who probably needed a little
19659s bit more ended up falling is forced to
19661s pop the Primal now just knocks the
19663s sports off The High Ground here Greg
19665s Burton have a way in
19666s yeah the rally now coming out from funny
19668s Astro as well it's going to be the
19671s dragon strike to counter and force the
19672s positioning away but may moan finding
19675s yukino Chimera also at the mercy of
19678s Great Britain's Tracer and it's going to
19680s be Rajon the next Target the bubble does
19682s go down and he stays alive for a second
19684s longer but the Tesla Cannon follows with
19687s the little bit of electricity even
19688s though spawn rooms are so close they
19691s have backbone on the payload like a
19693s little princess and Great Britain
19695s they're taking watch Point Gibraltar as
19697s well
19698s now the uh the quest to escape the
19700s vortex so far going quite well for Great
19702s Britain they're able to take a 2-0 over
19704s Italy who is he at times very tumultuous
19707s very annoying team to go up against they
19709s definitely can surprise you with some
19711s things that you weren't expecting to
19712s have happen there's a lot of Talent on
19714s the team but on this day the talent on
19717s the side of Great Britain was just a
19719s little bit too much to overcome I mean
19721s we know the names we know backbone we
19723s know kai we know funny Astro but jakaru
19726s and maimon two players that from
19728s contenders have uh they're making a
19730s little bit of noise there but not
19731s everyone might be familiar with they
19733s need to familiarize themselves with
19734s these players again jaycaru looking like
19736s one of the strongest tank players coming
19738s out of the groups here maimon on all of
19740s the flanker Heroes that he's been
19741s playing the the Tracer and the Genji has
19744s been a phenomenal linchpin for this team
19746s I like Great Britain they still look
19749s strong they still look like the
19750s favorites to advance barring some more
19752s chicanery you never know what's gonna
19753s happen but they've definitely given
19755s themselves a little bit more breathing
19756s room where they don't have to worry so
19757s much about Spain usurping them so much
19760s as Whoever has The Misfortune of Being
19762s in Spain's path going forward
19764s yeah well Great Britain they are looking
19767s like a strong Contender for that top
19770s three spot and I mean this team has done
19773s a good job of enabling us with each
19775s other at every turn Italy they had these
19777s moments of Brilliance especially on this
19779s attack here but it was just that C9 at
19782s the very end the c94 C9 in the first
19784s round and it was unfortunate I feel like
19787s they could have made it a little bit
19788s further because they had that tool in
19791s the toolbox but at the end of the day it
19793s felt that the DPS line from Great
19795s Britain was incredibly oppressive and it
19797s allowed them and enabled the team to
19799s Greatness
19801s a C9 for a C9 despite all of the hero
19804s plays coming out from every player in
19805s the game right now it turns out that the
19806s player of the match was Karma that ended
19809s up costing Italy towards the end there I
19811s mean a little we're joking about that a
19813s little bit but I feel like even
19814s realistically the way that last fight
19815s was going even if Italy had full caps
19817s we'd probably just be going into Extra
19818s Innings I think Britain we're definitely
19820s about to get the full cap there as well
19822s but hey they could have given themselves
19824s an extra chance if not for that C9 you
19825s live and you learn you go forth you uh
19827s be a uh fly in someone else's soup going
19830s forward Italy can continue to be a
19831s spoiler continue to be a team that if
19833s you take lightly a speed bump that can
19836s take some wheels off of the bus but the
19838s suspension of Great Britain still
19840s looking pretty good well it's still not
19843s over yet Italy two and three record two
19847s wins three losses they could
19848s statistically potentially make it to
19850s that top three as well they live to solo
19854s alt a DPS another day
19858s that's Solo solo gank like a five-person
19861s soul and then just run up on them yeah
19864s another day another DPS hey you know who
19868s else who else does Italy play going
19869s forward let's see who's uh who's got a
19871s solo Shadow with their name on it
19872s Denmark Naga watch out this one's coming
19875s for you next uh but I mean another a
19878s good win for Great Britain you love to
19880s see it again heavy favorites to go on to
19882s BlizzCon we've got another heavy
19884s favorite potentially the heavy favor in
19886s France coming up next playing against
19888s Spain this is the match that we've all
19891s been waiting for looking forward and
19892s it's coming up next we'll see you on the
19894s other side of this break don't go
19895s anywhere
19898s [Music]
19922s [Applause]
19922s [Music]
19945s foreign
19947s [Music]
19992s [Applause]
19992s [Music]
20018s [Applause]
20027s [Applause]
20028s foreign
20034s [Music]
20096s [Music]
20099s foreign
20102s [Music]
20115s World Cup emec qualifiers I'm Jim Basco
20119s that's epitomees and that's CB and we
20121s just watched graper and take it 2-0 over
20124s Italy and I gotta say it was a bit
20125s closer than I thought it was going to be
20127s right Italy really showing signs of Life
20129s throughout that match CB lead the
20131s conversation on that I mean Italy
20133s definitely showed some signs of life and
20135s they also showed us some things we've
20136s never seen before like an entire team
20138s just rushing down mid to try and kill
20140s Kai uh eventually getting him yeah with
20142s some heavy Investments but you know
20144s definitely a team to watch again like
20146s with their win over Spain they kind of
20148s like threw a wrench in the equation for
20150s Spain we'd be talking about Spain as
20151s being one of the top dogs if not for
20153s that one little that one little hair in
20154s the soup for them like Italy is still a
20157s dangerous team but Great Britain all
20160s that much more dangerous Kai as
20161s dangerous as ever maimon phenomenal and
20164s again Jake Haru one of the best tanks
20166s that have come out of the groups here
20167s absolutely just impressive on that
20169s Winston let's go ahead and pull up that
20171s schedule so we can recap some of the
20172s matches that we we've been through
20173s already we are on the final match of the
20176s day everybody it's Germany versus Sweden
20179s at 2-0 to start our day Finland versus
20181s Poland at 2-0 after that one Iceland
20184s versus Turkey 2-1 Denmark versus
20186s Portugal 2-0 Belgium versus the
20188s Netherlands 2-0 as well and we just
20190s finished off with great Burton versus
20192s Italy now we are at France versus Spain
20196s there is so much riding on this match
20199s epitome's break it down for us and I'm
20201s wondering if this is going
20203s OverWatch right because we have France
20205s who is such a great team and they've
20208s been incredibly dominant I don't believe
20210s they have lost a single match so far
20212s their record is a 5-0 it is spotless
20216s right they've only also lost one map
20218s total so it is definitely really really
20222s strong Contender but Spain on the other
20224s hand their three in one record they are
20226s they haven't played one day they had a
20228s Buy Round
20229s um I believe in the third day so they
20232s are missing a little bit of that extra
20234s oomph under the score line and they also
20236s have a 7-4 map record so they definitely
20239s are The Underdogs when it comes to this
20241s matchup but we have seen them beat a lot
20243s of teams that we thought they would not
20245s be able to contend with we've seen them
20247s beat Denmark we have seen them beat the
20249s Netherlands when we initially thought
20250s the Netherlands was going to be very
20252s strong so I don't I never know what to
20254s expect this thing yeah with such
20257s star-studded squads on both sides of
20259s this equation right France is coming
20260s into this with people like Nico with
20262s pack with Ben best Poco FD God reviews
20265s these are all names that we were getting
20266s so familiar with if you weren't already
20268s throughout the broadcast just because
20270s they've been demolishing like epitome
20272s said five and oh the Spanish team a lot
20275s of newcomers we haven't heard of really
20277s any of these players but man are we now
20279s familiar with hero Are We Now familiar
20281s with health and Canal and you know there
20284s is so much play making opportunity for
20286s these squads so that said I'm Gonna
20287s Leave You All to the match epitome CB I
20289s can't wait to watch this one and I'll
20291s catch you guys on the other side
20294s thank you so much Jim and going into
20297s this I don't know if you have any of
20299s predictions going into this what we
20301s might see what we might not see the maps
20305s it's just all up in the air right now
20307s Stevie
20308s I don't I don't I don't even really want
20309s to predict I just want to be surprised
20311s uh you know we've seen plus like Spain
20314s as a team has been a very pleasant
20316s surprise and they have shown us some
20318s great things they're a dark horse a
20319s contender that we're looking at now as
20321s potentially being one of the top three
20322s but here are the Undisputed top dogs in
20325s group a right now France Ben best Nico
20328s pack reviews FD God this squad has been
20331s making so much noise as they've just
20334s constantly snuffed out anybody that's
20336s tried to step up to take them down I
20338s think Spain has the potential to but
20340s it's not going to be easy pack has been
20342s kind of a standout at certain times you
20344s know on like symmetra I'm thinking back
20346s seeing some like 4K beams coming out
20348s from this team France like every bit is
20351s advertised almost certainly going to be
20353s seeing more of them at BlizzCon at this
20355s point it's going to be about securing
20356s that spot locking down the first seed
20359s locking down uh you know your airfare
20361s your travel into Anaheim and make sure
20363s that you get there and make a statement
20365s on the way out
20367s yeah I mean even if they go down and
20369s lose every single match after this
20371s they're still up 5-3 they're still
20373s probably going to be at the top you know
20375s so France is all about that domination
20377s now for Spain on the other hand they're
20380s a little bit shakier they are three and
20383s one record thus far if they lose every
20385s single match it is not a good look and
20388s it's not likely that they make it to the
20390s playoff section but once again three
20393s playoff spots in group a so they have a
20395s little bit more of that wiggle room and
20396s it's made Spain a lot more of a favorite
20398s in this group as well because initially
20401s if it was only two groups and you would
20403s look at probably squads like Great
20404s Britain and France and be like we think
20406s that these are going to be the ones to
20408s make it but Spain they've come in
20410s they've swept everyone else under the
20412s rug and they've really become the
20414s spotlight of group a in the Dark Horse
20417s and I think a big difference maker for
20419s that is one player that you know Jim
20421s didn't highlight earlier and that's Gala
20423s on the back line there as we go to ilios
20425s whether Gala is going to be on the Lucio
20427s or on the brigitta gala has shown to be
20430s a very very survivable support player a
20432s great peeler uh for canal in the back
20435s line there so it's making Spain's
20436s backline very formidable not very
20438s diveable and that just having that
20441s sustainability being able to have that
20443s much faith in your backlines ability to
20444s stay alive lets you play a little bit
20446s more Scrappy lets you play a little bit
20448s more aggressive lets you play a little
20449s just you know a little bit at your own
20451s pace here so hopefully that's what we
20453s are going to see out of Spain we're
20455s going to get to see them play their game
20456s here as long as Gala is firing in all
20459s cylinders but I mean again the Spain
20461s Squad as great as they've been as
20463s surprising as they've been they haven't
20465s been infallible they've slipped up a
20467s couple times they need to they need to
20470s slip up a few less times going forward
20472s if at all if they want to maintain their
20475s chances taken on the top dogs would be a
20477s huge statement
20478s yeah going into ilios as well I'm
20481s expecting we'll see some of those birds
20483s Nico does like to play the echo uh
20486s specifically on ruins that is going to
20489s favor those birds in the sky on the side
20492s of Spain not sure if they're going to go
20493s ahead and match it though I think Lauren
20495s and Hira really prefer more of that
20497s ground play pulling them down to the
20499s ground but if Lauren does I feel like
20501s this is unlikely
20503s Lauren's switching onto the echo unless
20506s I mean it's it's controlled it could
20509s really it could really go anywhere I
20511s don't trust it I mean France's
20512s composition looks pretty coherent and
20514s having reviews there on the never mind I
20516s was gonna say on the mercy does kind of
20518s telegraph that may composition or sorry
20520s the echo composition but France what are
20523s you there we go there we go there we go
20526s the change there from Ben best seals at
20528s all all right so actually a bit of a
20529s rush V Rush here here on the sojourn
20531s we'll see what pack goes with I don't
20533s know if he's gonna stick on the symmetra
20535s actually looks like he is all right so
20536s symmetra on ruins is uh an interesting
20539s look but if hey if anyone can pull it
20541s off I believe France can pull it off
20542s yeah friends they're definitely a very
20545s strong Contender and it seems like they
20547s know what they're doing they're forcing
20548s Spain back for a far past it does get
20551s brought real low because of Hero's right
20553s click but otherwise they are holding
20556s strong and trying to force them off that
20558s Higher Ground Now setting up shop over
20560s here on ruins with the symmetra turrets
20563s and that brings so much damage onto hell
20565s they're forced to use that immortality
20567s field in order to get that little bit of
20569s extra damage down pack with a fully
20572s charged beam is what Spain is going to
20574s be charging into but it does not matter
20576s they're able to get so much damage
20577s however hell going down they still have
20580s this back line that's active with and
20582s best being sent back to spawn Lauren
20584s looking for the icicle it does connect
20586s on both of the dps's and it's Spain for
20589s first or second capture flipping that
20591s point
20592s and so that cap all comes through
20594s because hell gets low there and Ben best
20596s as handsome as he is gets just a little
20597s bit too greedy tries to go in to secure
20600s that kill gets punished for it and
20601s suddenly France don't have much of a
20603s front line you know Nico finds a couple
20605s picks towards the tail end there but not
20607s quite enough to stop Spain who have now
20608s taken the lead here and they're gonna go
20610s ahead and force some positioning with
20611s this ant Matrix France get his loss it
20613s but the fire strike finds reviews Spain
20616s might have already won this fight yeah
20617s Spain is really famous for these amp
20620s Matrix fire strike combinations at least
20622s from what we've seen in the world cup
20624s and it has worked almost every single
20627s time the fire Strike App Matrix it is
20630s just it just holds strong for the squad
20633s and being able to win that fight with
20635s just the image which is everything
20636s because look at what they have now
20637s they've got pretty much every old you
20639s can ask for enough to match France's old
20641s Bank they're gonna go in with an AM
20642s Matrix but the shatter comes back
20643s through from hell hell that was huge
20646s shatter and Lord now with the blizzard
20647s to make the zone and area control of
20650s Spain that much more oppressive Baka is
20653s going to have to go for the reset it's a
20654s team kill for Spain and they are picked
20658s up all the way to 63 it's two ultimates
20661s used in that fight but they still have
20663s Galla's sound barrier in case things go
20665s south and hura is coming up on the
20667s overclock very quickly and I highlight a
20669s Gala I love what I've seen from Gala in
20671s the in the past I think this sound
20673s barrier might be pivotal it's going to
20674s get Spain up to I think 90 if this fight
20677s goes well but you do have to watch out
20679s for Nico's blizzard if the timing is
20681s right they might be able to Flip Flip
20683s This can France
20684s yeah there's a sound barrier on the side
20686s of France but it's very quickly
20688s countered by gala's own sound barrier
20690s now the overclock from here are looking
20692s to shred through the immortality field
20694s does come down and it's been forced out
20696s early from reviews but on the other hand
20698s the shatter from Ben Bess it's still
20701s possible Health goes down and there's so
20703s much going on for France and they're
20706s able to Zone off they use that blizzard
20708s in the last fight as well the damage
20709s went through everything went right
20711s France with the team kill to flip the
20713s point not only that but they flipped the
20715s point while the fight was happening off
20717s of the point so they get an extra like
20718s 10 20 for their money there and now
20720s they're starting to look pretty
20722s competitive as far as the capture
20723s percentage goes Spain are in one fight
20725s territory but they have to flip the
20727s point in their favor first and they only
20729s have an ant Matrix to do it and that's
20731s not the best Ultimate when you're trying
20732s to work your way in yeah but they do
20735s need to watch out for the fire strike
20737s amp Matrix that they have on the Spain
20739s side they're able to block it off very
20741s quickly with the maywall and they're
20743s trying to force the positioning the fire
20744s strike does come through the amp Matrix
20746s once again but it only connects with Ben
20748s Bess oh what a charge on DeLorean both
20751s the DPS is now out of Spain and there's
20753s just not the sustained therefore held
20756s either without the backup of the dps's
20758s canal is going to have to try and run
20760s away but goes for the reset instead now
20763s they're both in the 80 territory Spain
20765s looking to regroup for this next fight
20767s with France having three ultimates
20770s yeah you would have liked to bleed one
20771s of those out from France before you take
20773s this fight but it's not gonna be an
20775s option you're also gonna have ft got
20776s with the sound barrier you really only
20777s have health shatter potentially Lauren's
20781s uh lizard the shatter comes out nothing
20783s to follow
20784s now that the dragon strike was so good
20787s alongside the shatter they were able or
20790s wait it wasn't even the shatter from
20792s France's side it was Spain who used
20795s Hell's shatter and they still weren't
20796s able to find anything off of it because
20798s they were able to block it so
20799s effectively with Ben best's own Shield
20801s Ben Bess never even had to invest the
20804s Shadows throughout the entire round
20806s I mean had he invested it though it
20808s definitely would have been uh hammering
20810s in the death nail there for Spain's push
20812s there but only one map Spain's still
20814s looking very competitive you know France
20816s we we talk about how dominant they've
20817s been Spain they're keeping up with them
20820s I mean it's just France being able to
20822s get that extra little bit win those
20824s fights just a little bit more
20825s efficiently without investing ultimates
20826s just find the kills at the right time so
20829s that you maintain the advantage so when
20831s it counts you can just invest what you
20833s need to and come up Aces Spain I mean
20836s we're seeing both sides swap over here
20837s to a dive composition Gala switching
20840s over to the brigitta as is FD God here
20842s so a little something a little bit more
20844s uh well adjacent here something we see
20847s on ilios well a little bit more we'll
20849s see if this makes the difference for
20850s Spain
20852s both of them looking to take control of
20855s that right side building but Pock
20858s actually looking for a little bit of a
20860s flank onto the supports rounding around
20863s but not checking for Lauren who
20865s immediately comes out of stealth goes
20867s for the hack and gets real low but pop
20870s comes back in with a Revenge with a
20871s recall and now without already a DPS or
20875s Spain's side it is a bit of a struggle
20877s to try and take control of this first
20879s capture point now shredding out Health
20882s there is nothing to be done for Spain
20884s they have to back off and regroup now
20887s the translocator for Lauren there was
20889s either too aggressive or non-existent
20891s because the yeah as soon as that Sombra
20892s gets sussed out like all the punish
20894s comes in the collapse goes in Lauren
20896s can't get out and Spain aren't able to
20898s get the cap here France get the early
20900s percentage Here and Now Lauren has to
20902s try and find a way to build that EMP to
20904s try and make something happen a hack
20906s under reviews but the follow-up isn't
20908s quite there they're all diving on top of
20909s the back line Spain have pushed forward
20911s oh hell did get very low because of the
20914s biotic nade that reviews have thrown to
20916s try and save off that pressure but Hira
20918s now looking to go on to the back line
20920s the recall has to be used because of the
20923s sleep and now they the pressure that
20925s they could have gotten onto these two
20927s supports for France's side is just
20929s completely non-existent POG has to look
20931s for a way to re-entry they are
20932s contesting the point but the percentage
20935s is still ticking for France without a
20937s decisive turnover now the dive comes
20939s through and the Nano on to Ben best
20941s immediately the Nano comes through but
20944s it also has a Primal Rage up Pock with
20946s it's the big pulse bomb onto Canal now
20949s we're looking at a lot less burst
20951s healing from Spain even though hell is
20954s able to jump back to the rest of the
20955s team Gala simply did not have this
20957s healing and the rally is available but
20959s with the whole team down it's just not
20961s worth investing
20963s Nico's been kind of slow to build up
20964s this EMP is only just now coming up on
20966s it Lauren has his there so we might see
20969s an EMP for an EMP with the rallies just
20971s trying to be the counter on either side
20972s that's the stalemate that we're
20974s currently sitting at and the longer that
20975s that takes to play out the closer France
20977s is going to get to one fight territory
20979s they pull the trigger first and they
20981s take down hell yeah that was a huge
20983s biotic name from reviews once again to
20987s just get so much anti-health onto Spain
20990s and then they're also another biotic
20992s name from reviews and it just delays
20994s them so often Lauren however looking to
20997s get onto the objective with an EMP
20999s allows Canal to take down FD got at the
21002s very least and Nico is forced to go
21005s ahead and translocate back to the rest
21007s of the team now the point has been
21008s flipped over but it is still one fight
21010s territory for France and they can take
21013s their time building back up to these
21014s ultimates Gala and health however are
21017s going to force the rest of Francis Squad
21019s back they were a little bit staggered
21021s and it's going to continue to stagger if
21023s FD got dance taken down just misses from
21026s hura but a little bit of breathing room
21028s now for Spain I mean it's because Ben
21030s best finds a pickup onto Canal that uh
21032s France seem to think that they have a
21034s little bit more a little bit more say in
21035s this fight so they try to invest a
21037s little bit more and it does end up being
21038s staggered that's getting spaying up to
21040s 30 percent they're a third of the way
21041s there
21043s still trying to match France they only
21045s really have the Primal Rage and maybe a
21047s pulse bomb here but it's something and
21049s it's definitely better than nothing
21050s which is what they had about a minute
21052s ago
21053s the nanoboost goes on to Ben Bess once
21055s again looking for the back line the
21057s brigitta comes in but it's just a focus
21059s on Canal once again just trying to get
21062s that that back line out and now it's a
21065s little bit of a pause looking like there
21067s might be a disconnect on either one of
21069s these sides or or just Nico was muted
21073s all right uh sometimes you just have to
21075s make sure that you uh hit the the mute
21077s or unmute button there I think we're
21080s ready that is get Amazed by the way the
21082s head coach for Team France who's uh
21084s going oh okay the headset's dead not
21087s muted he's just like can't hear
21089s yeah that is get amazed the head coach
21091s for for Team France calling for that
21092s pause there you gotta believe with all
21094s the coaching staff that France brought
21095s to the Ball Game this time that the
21097s coaches are going to be on top of these
21098s kinds of things they're not gonna like
21099s let the slightest thing fly everyone's
21103s flashing R so we should be getting back
21105s into the game here shortly but I mean
21107s Spain have lost Canal Nico is down I
21111s think this favors France
21113s oh Ben best is getting shredded from
21116s behind though Nico getting a lot of good
21118s damage down on the other side however
21120s Lauren doing the same to Ben best now
21123s park is still fishing for this pulse
21125s bomb stick Lauren does have to go ahead
21127s and translocate but it's towards that
21130s point once again Spain looking to
21132s regroup now and it seems that Lauren
21134s will be able to get the health back and
21136s go ahead and try and harass that back
21138s line once again the go-ahead is there
21140s with the Nano boost headed on to help
21142s and now looking for that back line the
21145s rally comes through from FD got such
21147s good protection and peel for the
21149s sackline but the EMP from Lauren it
21151s could have been huge but the follow-up
21152s it just isn't there they turned that
21154s point over the overtime is activated can
21157s there be a touch from Spain there cannot
21159s a 2-0 on Elios for France's first map
21163s against Spain that EMP from Lauren was
21166s just a fraction of a second too later
21168s that'd come in again like a fraction of
21170s a second earlier that could have been
21171s Spain flipping it but two people fell
21173s before before the animation was over and
21175s it's just too little too late uh again
21177s Spain isn't quite going away they're not
21181s going down quietly they're keeping
21182s themselves alive they're being
21184s competitive here I still have faith that
21186s they can potentially take this but it's
21189s it's still looking like France's game to
21191s lose here
21192s yeah Spain they are looking at getting
21195s themselves back onto their own territory
21198s for that next map since they are the
21200s losers that get to choose and I'm
21202s wondering where they will take us
21204s because it seemed that they were trying
21206s to match France's of kind of brush
21208s compositions and they were just slightly
21210s worse at executing it then France was so
21213s they need to find something that they
21215s are more comfortable on and take
21216s themselves into their own territory
21218s there's also a lot of times where
21220s conniel is getting caught out first
21221s especially when Spain is playing the
21223s Anna which kind of also might be a
21226s difficulty with their dive composition
21227s if they're trying to stick with that on
21228s a composition you're not really seeing
21231s reviews fall the same you know as often
21234s as you're saying Canal I was thinking
21235s back to like early on when you had Hira
21238s going in and almost took down FD God and
21241s reviews came through with a sleep dart
21242s at the last possible second FD God would
21245s have been dead and buried had that sleep
21247s Dart not came through the exact second
21249s that it did so the back line for France
21251s is sustaining just a little bit better I
21253s touted how well the back line for Spain
21256s is typically able to survive but it's
21258s not coming to fruition this time that's
21261s gonna be one Kink that they're going to
21262s need to iron out if they want to stay
21264s alive in this series it's going to be
21265s Spain's map pick we're gonna go to a
21267s quick break with map two of the series
21268s don't go anywhere we'll be right back
21272s [Music]
21285s thank you
21286s [Music]
21302s [Music]
21315s thank you
21317s [Music]
21342s [Music]
21353s foreign
21357s [Music]
21364s [Music]
21467s thank you
21469s foreign
21472s [Music]
21490s welcome back we are on map two of
21493s today's possibly most anticipated match
21496s with Spain the Dark Horse of group a
21498s going up against France the kingdoms of
21501s this group so with France taking ilios
21504s one two in a 2-0 fashion we are looking
21508s at Italy or Spain's map pick yeah I mean
21512s remember what like after like when we
21514s casted France game uh day one and we had
21516s the interview with getting amazed and he
21517s came in and said yeah I think France is
21519s a dark horse like I don't know I I think
21521s get amazed that I need to have a
21522s conversation about what a dark horse is
21524s because a team that just comes through
21525s and dominates everybody else that's not
21527s a dark horse that's a favorite and like
21529s Spain Spain are very much so a dark
21531s horse they're gonna take us to Blizzard
21533s World here which has historically been a
21535s pretty solid map pick for them so we'll
21537s hope to see some more of that
21538s consistency coming out of them uh
21540s hopefully they've ironed out the
21541s problems that are going on with their
21543s backline falling early in some of these
21545s fights but you know again like we were
21546s looking at the standings during the
21548s break there for Group B it's pretty much
21549s locked up right Saudi Arabia and Finland
21551s are pretty much guaranteed to go in
21553s group a it's anything but I mean you
21556s know Belgium the Netherlands they're
21558s kind of out of the conversation now
21559s France pretty much secured but as far as
21562s who two and three are gonna be Great
21563s Britain Spain Denmark Italy's not quite
21566s out of the conversation yet if Spain
21568s wants to have a little bit more safety a
21569s little bit more say in the matter they
21571s have have to do what no one else has
21572s been able to do thus far and that's beat
21574s France and now they have to reverse
21576s sweep France just to do that
21579s yeah this is going to be a tough one for
21583s Spain to say the least but now headed on
21585s to Blizzard world you can kind of have
21587s these really long range compositions
21590s potentially some
21592s um Farah or Echo competitions as well
21594s and I'm not sure if they're going to be
21596s trying to stick to the dive and the
21599s brush comps that we saw on Elios because
21601s they were always being matched by France
21603s and it felt like they were always being
21605s outpaced when they were playing the
21606s mirror compositions uh well uh on the
21609s side of France we have seen one of the
21610s most handsome tanks in the game being
21613s subbed out for one of the most handsome
21614s tanks in the game Ben best is out for
21616s Poco I mean again maybe it's just the
21619s sheer handsomeness factor that is uh
21621s that is bringing France this far maybe
21622s no one else has just you know got the
21624s the whole like male model look going for
21627s their front line there that's carrying
21628s them this far I mean Spain like you said
21631s I mean oh sorry they were flashing the
21634s echo there for a second I was like oh
21635s like you said they're gonna go Echo but
21636s I fell for my own trap yet again uh how
21638s many times I never trust the attack
21640s response they're not going for the uh
21642s life Weaver pedal platform or a widow
21644s shot here they're going for a Sombra
21646s Tracer dive Lauren has been outpacing
21648s Nico with the the EMP charges they uh
21651s just did the Spider-Man meme really
21652s quick there to each other uh hack onto
21655s Nico that might actually be punished the
21657s translocator comes through Nico's alive
21658s but getting forced out that early means
21661s again Lauren should be able to outpace
21663s Nico and old charge
21664s yeah a lot of free space taken by Spain
21667s up to the point Poco kind of having to
21669s play around the objective and uh Nico
21671s creating a lot of pressure placed down
21673s by Hira in the back line using the
21675s blinks and the pulse pistols and now
21678s going to back off and regroup with help
21680s looking for Nico once again lots of
21683s damage getting down but able to escape
21685s however translocator now out Nico
21689s chasing down here in this back line
21690s there's a recall to try and regroup with
21693s the rest of the squad once again but it
21694s seems like they should be able to find
21696s this objective basically for free with
21698s the amount of pressure that Hira is
21700s absorbing yeah it's because Hira finds
21702s that translocator Nico's on life support
21704s needs a Wall Street bailout the whole
21706s team has to come back to try and keep
21707s him alive they do but they've given a
21709s positioning not enough to give up a tick
21711s though they're able to come back but
21712s Spain they've got their foot in the door
21714s time to kick it open
21715s yeah Avo is trying very hard to get that
21719s same amount of pressure that Hira is but
21721s it simply isn't the same here and the
21723s EMP from Nico are ready to come through
21725s onto hell get a little bit of extra
21727s damage from France since they do seem
21730s that to to have that little bit of
21732s advantage on the EMP charge but Lauren
21734s now having their own PNP and also the
21736s rally Nano boost onto Spain's Squad lots
21739s of ultimates being expended in attempt
21741s to get this single tick onto the
21744s objective but they're still being
21745s contested so heavily the rally does come
21747s out from FD God and Nico is the one to
21750s finish off the kill on the gala now
21751s Canal missing a lot of that peel that
21753s the break had for this back line and
21756s they're simply going to be forced off
21757s the objective despite everything used
21759s Primal Rage is going to come out a
21761s little bit after the fact looking for to
21763s force the back line out FD God does get
21766s taken down and Nico could potentially be
21768s taken down if not careful as well but
21770s finally The Tick does come through off
21772s the back of the Winston that is so
21774s Scrappy it's gonna be too for Spain but
21776s Sprints still have time to go in for a
21778s Recon test here plus poco's got the
21779s self-destruct to try and stall it out is
21781s going to invest it here Spain going to
21783s vacate the point but they're gonna jump
21785s right back in Avo likely gonna have to
21787s be uh forced to recall out of the
21789s pressure comes through hell I think went
21790s a little bit too deep there in the EMP
21791s from Nico punishes it
21794s uh the EMP is going to allow so much
21797s damage for France to be put on it's once
21800s again that kiting back that disengage
21802s time and time again just being forced
21805s back to the Statue unable to actually
21807s find the value the dive is good the
21809s pressure that Hira and Lauren put on to
21812s the back line is good but they are just
21813s never able to complete and finish off
21815s these kills okay and avos such a good
21819s pulse bomb onto Gala that is just
21821s disgusting from this new DPS that France
21824s has introduced in this game it is the
21827s the it's the bionade that comes out from
21829s reviews and auto just going in to clean
21831s it up and then with the pulse bomb even
21833s though it finds just a bunch of shield
21834s for Gala still able to find the kill
21836s Gala actually gonna swap over onto the
21838s kiriko interesting choice here uh okay
21842s all right dealing with that Tracer is
21843s definitely one way to keep your back
21844s line safe the EMP to engage might be
21846s another
21848s and hack onto Poco as well forcing them
21852s to use the thrusters to try and get off
21854s the objective this should be a cap oh a
21857s contest of the last second from Poco but
21859s still so much damage being done and
21861s there's the EMP as well now out of the
21863s mech Poco goes down definitively FD God
21866s is soon to follow and Lauren looking for
21869s a hack onto the rest of the DPS and
21871s support Lino reviews nowhere to go
21873s translocator back to payload and Spain
21876s they do cap with 2 minutes and 30
21877s seconds for second objective and and
21879s that's like all worst case scenario for
21881s France I mean yeah they held on to the
21883s uh the ultimates that they had they
21884s didn't invest anything I mean they don't
21886s really have much of anything didn't
21887s really have anything to expand but
21888s because they all die so late after the
21890s cap comes through and the Stagger kills
21892s onto reviews and everything else that
21894s transpired like the cart's gonna get a
21896s lot more progress than it would have if
21898s France had taken a reset here in Spain
21900s they're already trying to control The
21901s High Ground so they can keep the
21903s snowball going get more progress France
21905s have to try and find something uh the
21907s jump from Hell goes a little bit short
21910s Nico with a big hack onto hell gets a
21913s lot of damage but the Primal Rage
21914s immediately gives that 1 000 health
21916s health pool and FD God gets brought so
21918s low by Hira and finished it off this
21921s time around the hack also coming through
21922s the self-destruct and close quarters
21924s could spell death for the Spanish Squad
21927s but instead they're able to retreat and
21929s disengage regroup back on the payload
21931s push it forward towards that objective
21934s still have Avo in the back line trying
21936s to harass Canela and Gala but on the
21938s other hand Poco is looking to just
21941s contest held in a 1v1 situation both of
21944s these tanks I mean I'm looking at Nico
21946s with the EMP now lurking on The High
21948s Ground likely gonna try and cut Spain's
21950s next attack short here but I mean Spain
21952s they're at that point now where the
21953s spawn advantages heavily favor France
21955s they have to be near perfect here it
21957s almost feels like good old 2cp assault
21959s as it was once known if Nico hits this
21962s big I mean this yeah it's gonna be a
21964s dead push for Spain
21966s yeah the EMP is just a game winning
21970s oh the hero pulse bomb though onto
21973s reviews they're missing so much sustain
21975s now and the stick also comes through
21977s from Avo but it's on to the tank instead
21979s and that just gets healed right away
21981s even though there was that Nano bomb or
21984s Nano boost of Rob McNiel onto help it
21986s didn't do much except push them back now
21988s Lauren's own EMP is going to take so
21991s much value for the squad so much extra
21994s damage and Poco immediately taken down
21996s at when they're out of the mech now the
21999s spawn Advantage no longer gonna be there
22001s I'm not sure if they get forced back
22002s pretty sure they're kind of stuck in
22004s there for a second unless they regroup
22006s around the inside I mean again that's
22008s the worst case scenario for France Poco
22010s gets forced out of the mech has to try
22011s and use the self-destruct doesn't find
22013s anything with it ends up falling I mean
22015s the postman's reviews Spain take this
22018s they have a Time Bank too they can keep
22019s pushing this the the full cap is looking
22022s like a possibility here once they look
22024s at this Kitsune rush and they built this
22026s Prime they can try and force at home and
22028s they have a window because France have
22029s nothing right now
22031s yeah the kituna rush is so effective at
22034s boosting DPS as well which is something
22036s that the rally just doesn't have Poco
22038s also getting very very low up on that
22040s High Ground as well and Gala having a
22043s little bit of extra DPS on the kiriko
22044s Now The kitsuni Rush 4 seeing the
22046s objective forward so much damage onto
22049s the tank and now looking for the back
22051s line and almost finding them but Hira is
22053s the one to finish off with the pulse
22055s bomb now only for views going to be the
22058s one that has to keep this team sustained
22060s 60 seconds left over just a minute to
22063s full capture and now they have a sleep
22065s on to Nico Nico goes down without the
22068s EMP charged as well Lauren is going to
22070s be able to outpace using this uh using
22074s the machine gun and now it's a nano
22076s boost onto hell who has the Primal Rage
22078s in the back pocket EMP charged Nico
22081s should be able to get his own amp
22083s charged as a well but the self-destruct
22085s finds nothing they force it out and now
22087s the rematch but both of the emps come
22090s through Health however and here are our
22093s first to strike and they're able to find
22094s one hell of takes out the Primal Rage in
22097s response to a stick with the pulse bomb
22098s and Poco just immediately shredded after
22101s being out of the mech and d-mac Canal
22103s finishes off Avo and now reviews want to
22106s go for the touch but cannot it is a full
22109s cap for Spain on blizzard world the
22112s Sleep dart on to Nico stalled it out
22114s just long enough to where he was just a
22117s couple percent behind in the EMP charge
22119s Lauren has the EMP strikes first and the
22123s follow through is there even though Nico
22124s strikes second and you would think that
22127s you know snuffing out all the abilities
22128s that the other team's using and being
22130s the second one to strike with the EMP
22131s would be massive but when the damage is
22133s already done it's just too little too
22136s late it's that little margin right there
22138s that goes back to again that sleep Dart
22141s one single sleep Dart from Canal onto
22143s Nico and Spain are still in this and
22146s they finish with time so they're
22148s guaranteed Extra Innings and great play
22150s from Spain towards the and their no
22152s notes phenomenal stuff this is why this
22154s team is vying for one of the top spots
22157s in group a still and even in this match
22159s are still in it and I'm not sure if
22162s round differential is going to factor in
22164s at the end of the day to these
22165s tiebreakers but Spain is just making
22168s this so incredibly close that if it does
22170s come down to the round differential I
22172s feel like they should be able to make it
22175s and cinch that spot into playoffs France
22177s right now ironically they should are
22179s probably in Spain without the S with how
22183s that last round went for them
22185s absolutely I mean and they're gonna have
22187s to try and take some of that Spain
22188s without the S off trying to alleviate
22190s him just a little bit here they're gonna
22192s go for that pedal platform Widow play
22194s Let's see if Avo finds much of anything
22198s trying to spy check a little bit here we
22200s go
22201s and nothing all right well good good try
22204s it was a good attempt it never gets old
22206s seeing the attempts that just don't ever
22208s bear any fruit but I mean it's still
22211s very much so enjoyable both teams going
22213s back to what has brought them so much
22214s success again Gala on the kiriko is a
22217s little bit different from FD God being
22219s on the brig there so that's gonna be a
22221s difference to pay attention to is Gala
22222s under some pressure oh Nico goes down
22225s really quickly but the Kirito pig is
22227s actually something that I like since
22229s reviews has been Landing a lot of really
22231s crucial sleeps and biotic needs for the
22234s anti-health so being able to cleanse
22236s that all away should net Spain a little
22238s bit of that extra survivability even
22240s though Breg would be able to peel better
22242s for canal
22244s yeah I mean the brick would be a little
22245s bit better but you know what else is
22247s great just the kunai to the Dome to shut
22248s down a tracer I mean that's the threat
22250s that Gala has and with how aggressively
22252s gal has been playing is definitely a
22254s possibility that's a great sleep you
22255s call that out by the way the sleep some
22257s reviews on to Lauren and then the nade
22259s and then the follow-up that's huge
22261s France has a way in now they don't have
22262s to worry about their back line or their
22264s tank being hacked on the way in
22266s yeah they still do have a lot of sustain
22269s from Spain in the form of Gala and Canal
22272s but they're looking for a canal they're
22274s fishing for it Nico has a hack onto
22276s Canal it gets a lot of damage down but
22277s immediately gets healed up after still
22279s the contention is very very high now
22282s with a nano onto the brigitta to try and
22286s take down the back line with a few
22287s well-placed Shield dashes they're able
22289s to get one tick before the contention
22290s comes back in from Spain it's still
22293s traveling and there's that postponent of
22295s reviews though now without the backline
22297s foods is the one that has to be their
22299s main burst healer and they're looking to
22300s harass the FD got out of it and we go
22303s back to that sleep kill onto Lauren
22305s earlier despite that he is still beating
22307s Nico in that EMP charge that's the
22309s crucial thing in these Sombra mirrors
22311s like this is very like this is kind of
22313s like the mirror or the the mirror meta
22315s that we saw during mid-season Madness
22316s with teams like Houston Outlaws and
22318s Atlanta rain playing it's who ends up
22320s getting the better emps and more emps
22323s that dictate the pace and right now
22325s that's Lauren getting the better of Nico
22327s again if Lauren strikes first just like
22329s we saw the tail end of the attack there
22331s this could just be another like minute
22333s blood off the clock for France and
22334s suddenly their backs are up against the
22336s wall
22337s yeah Lauren is really fishing for the
22339s back line once again Poco up on The High
22342s Ground now having to self-destruct three
22344s ultimates in France's Bank Spain has
22347s four though and also the EMP the Kitsune
22349s Rush goes out but it's just before Gala
22351s goes down now it's on Canal to keep this
22354s team up now with the Nano boost coming
22357s out onto hell hell takes out the Primal
22359s Rage the hack is there the anti is there
22361s and Gala isn't so they can't cleanse it
22363s away Health has to disengage but goes
22365s right back in as soon as those healers
22367s are back in the fight still an EMP for
22370s Nico though Lauren already used theirs
22372s and not much follow-up okay Canal
22374s falling to a pulse bomb and it should be
22376s a capture for France there's still that
22378s contention from hell but it is just not
22381s much that she can write here the
22383s contention from the kiriko shredded
22386s immediately payload comes out I called
22388s out the the EMP charge for Lauren but it
22391s came too little too late once you lose
22392s dollar like that who just got completely
22394s bursted down there by Poco like you
22396s don't really have a good opportunity to
22398s use that EMP Nico though has a
22400s phenomenal opportunity to use an EMP
22402s here because there's not going to be a
22403s responding one from Spain nor will there
22405s will there be anything to sustain them
22407s so this could be huge France can
22409s definitely get the momentum going in
22411s their favor if Nico strikes blood with
22412s this
22415s Nico once again fishing for the back
22417s line kind of dancing around
22420s oh okay Avo made a mistake by trying to
22424s challenge Gala there and now missing
22426s that DPS go ahead for hell to try and
22429s get so much damage down onto Pokemon
22431s let's stick onto reviews that is huge
22433s from Hira here are so good with the
22436s pulse bomb so far and that is just not
22438s coming to a stop there's no signs of
22441s slowing down for this tracer on Spain
22443s still trying to look for a little bit
22445s something extra onto FD God but we'll
22448s have to back off I mean like I said Gala
22450s is like the guy I'm looking at for Spain
22452s right now he's the Difference Maker here
22453s has also been phenomenal and continues
22455s to be the pulse bomb was massive nearly
22457s finds the One Clip if not for the peel
22459s they're on to reviews and suddenly the
22461s window for Nico to use this EMP is
22463s closing Lauren is up to 86 percent the
22466s hat comes through one to Nico Lauren's
22468s going to match the EMP now that window
22470s completely gone thanks to Gala and Hira
22473s yeah that was just amazing from Spain
22476s and now here's the EMP though Nico does
22478s find Gala and Kira Lauren has this the
22481s uh EMP now in the back pocket but
22483s there's not a good opportunity once
22485s again they don't have the follow-up
22486s especially now with held down and it
22489s gives them free reign to push this
22490s payload just a little bit further still
22492s a minute and a half to get that capture
22494s onto the second checkpoint but that
22497s fight was very far forward Lawrenceville
22499s has the EMP hell's gonna have the Primal
22500s Rage and Spain has the spawn advantage
22502s and The High Ground Now France didn't
22505s push far enough far up enough now yeah
22506s Spain they have The High Ground they can
22508s contest this they can bleed even more
22510s time out here it's gonna be under a
22512s minute that's a huge pick off there from
22513s Nico though
22514s yeah Lauren going down now without the
22516s EMP has to wait for the regroup from
22518s Spain and it is looking very very dicey
22522s for France thus far they still have
22524s these three ultimates available no EMP
22526s though Nico so huge on to Gala now
22529s without Gala and the Kitsune Rush coming
22531s up for Spain it's going to be a lot
22533s harder to hold on to this 50 seconds
22535s left over there are bleeding time away
22537s 40 seconds left and now all five members
22541s of Spain up with the Primal Rage being
22543s caught for hell to try and force these
22545s players away from the objective look at
22547s the flank from franzo Nico and Ava both
22550s in the back line Lauren is going to
22552s punish them for being grouped up the
22554s bubble does come down and Hira is able
22556s to take down Poco outside of the mech
22558s there is no tank now for France in this
22560s fight and they're being punished so
22561s heavily the student Rush also came out
22563s earlier and even though they had that
22566s Nano boost and the self-destructed try
22568s and Zone off some space it just didn't
22570s work out in their favor friends they
22572s lost everything in that fight and they
22574s have 10 seconds left try and recapture
22576s and touch this point hell isn't going to
22578s allow it to happen with this dive onto
22580s the diva Poco can't get a word in
22582s edgewise Spain it's looking like they
22584s might be able to win this one out and
22586s there is the touch there from Nico and
22588s Poco now on to the objective but it has
22591s to go in booster away there's the rally
22593s as well as reviews switching on to the
22595s Lucio but this is going to be tough Nico
22596s with the EMP onto three reviews has
22598s finishes off Lauren and Hira gets very
22600s low but is able to escape with some
22602s health left over it is all for not
22604s though Nico with a huge EMP here to just
22607s finish off this fight and allow them for
22609s the capture that was on the razor's Edge
22611s there Nico with the EMP had to be the
22613s one to touch and if not for FD God's
22616s rally France would not have lived long
22617s enough for him to come back in and use
22619s it but because of that rally because
22621s they stay alive niggle can pull the
22623s trigger finally push that cart home but
22625s they have to cap and they're on already
22627s looking at it being under a minute 13
22629s seconds on the clock for Spain can
22630s France finish at all can they finish
22633s with time they might burn down hell here
22635s and that's a great start the Nano boost
22638s onto hell though gives a lot of that
22640s extra help and also just the damage
22642s reduction onto the Winston allows them
22644s to push them off the objective make sure
22646s that they can't go any further than they
22648s already have Avo still has this pulse
22650s bomb in the back pocket that so does
22652s Hira and empty God goes down that is
22654s insane and now they have free reign over
22656s their backline Nico Falls to Canal after
22659s trying to get an unsuccessful hack over
22661s here on Spain's supports and even though
22662s hell gets anti there isn't enough
22664s follow-up with one of their dps's
22666s missing as well as FD God so now this is
22670s just such a dire situation for France
22673s Gala is spotting out marking that Tracer
22675s has the Kitsune rush in the back pocket
22677s as well just spamming down realizing
22679s that he's going to get hacked and is
22681s just trying to escape with the suzu suzu
22684s now out of the picture but still the
22685s Kitsune Rush Gala is still alive so much
22687s protection here from Spain Squad as well
22689s making sure that this kiriko stays up
22692s for this final fight with the Kitsune
22694s Rush and has to switch stuff away but
22695s there's a Kitsune rush to come out
22697s alongside the EMP Euros trying to stay
22700s alive and gets reviews down without the
22702s without the back line from both of these
22704s scenes it's a battle of attrition and
22705s they have that rally there the kiriko
22707s also falls for Spain and France is able
22709s to push even just a little bit further
22711s it is three players down and they have
22713s to go for the touch once again Lauren
22715s and Hira both online but they're looking
22716s for the regroup oh look at Lauren on the
22718s flank Nico is also fishing for something
22720s big with the EMP here France could
22722s potentially full cap but they are doing
22724s it with no time left over help
22726s immediately taken down because of that
22728s EMP now with only the support line here
22730s on the objective is going to be a tough
22732s a tough ask for them to cap but Lauren
22735s is looking around dancing around the
22737s objective not for long though gala's
22739s switching on to the Zenyatta trying
22741s again
22743s oh my God it's going huge hell comes in
22747s at just the right time Spain they are
22749s able to take blizzard World off a huge
22752s play from Gala and support line that is
22755s insane what a way to finish that one out
22759s I okay I thought for sure Nico coming in
22761s with the EMP there was going to be what
22763s sealed it to brought us into Extra
22764s Innings there but the Nano at the
22766s Midnight Hour on tagala when Poco had
22768s lost the mech there's no Matrix to stop
22770s the damage no beefy tank to absorb it
22772s all he comes through he finds too just
22775s in time for health to come back and
22777s Spain by the Skin of Their Teeth hang on
22780s tight we're going to a map number three
22784s and Spain the dark horses Dark Horse
22787s thing they're just Galloping through the
22789s ranks of France and there is just
22791s nothing more that can be said about that
22794s match except Spain they are so good at
22797s the Midnight Hour in those really clutch
22799s moments they always come through big and
22801s I mean that's the port line from Spain
22803s how can we not say gala's name after
22805s what just happened yes there was the
22807s Nano there yes there was a lot of
22808s support and help came back right on time
22810s but Gala what in the world was that
22813s that's the top well when you get the
22814s Nano yeah you know there was some
22816s support there was the Nana but when you
22817s get that Nano in that situation you
22819s gotta hit those shots and Gala hit those
22822s shots and I mean what else can you
22824s really say it's just the clutch factor
22826s it's the fact that Gala has the ability
22829s to be that clutch to hit those shots in
22831s those moments the fact that connile
22832s managed to get that Nano off in time the
22835s fact that hell was able to come through
22837s the fact that Lauren is able to be
22838s clutched with these emps Spain is a very
22841s clutch team they are capable of pulling
22843s off on Miracles and we might be on the
22846s precipice of one they're only the second
22849s team to take France to a map number
22851s three you know the other team that did
22852s that was Denmark and Spain beat them
22856s yeah and Spain against Denmark that was
22858s such a close game as well Spain is just
22862s scraping by every single fight they are
22864s the Diamonds in the Rough here and in
22867s the rough of it in the thick of it they
22869s always come out on top at this point I'm
22871s I'm All Aboard the Spain train
22874s I want to see this team I want to see
22876s this team Go the Distance I want to see
22877s them at land I want to see them at
22879s BlizzCon and I want to tell them to
22880s their face just how amazing these plays
22883s from Gala from Hira from the whole team
22885s are if they want to secure that spot
22888s though uh taking down France would be a
22890s great way to do it it's a tall task it's
22894s not quite over yet but they've got a
22896s shot
22897s yeah this is such a good squad and I
22902s have never seen anything so solid just
22905s right at the very last second I mean
22907s Gala you have to give props a Gala once
22910s again it's not even the first time that
22912s Gala has made this type of clutch play
22914s if you've done it in the match against
22915s the Netherlands in the match against
22917s Denmark it is just that support line so
22920s strong but the way that they come
22921s together how cohesive they are is also
22923s incredibly impressive I I mean I I was
22927s getting a little bit uh you know on map
22928s one getting a little bit tired of seeing
22930s Gala and Canal being first in the kill
22932s feed on the opposite end of it they flip
22934s it and end up being the ones causing the
22936s Fatal blows rather than suffering from
22937s them and that makes all the difference
22939s for Spain in those crucial moments we're
22941s going to go to a map three it's Francis
22943s map pick can Spain do what no one else
22946s has done find out on the other side of
22948s this break we'll be right back
22954s thank you
22960s [Music]
22982s [Music]
22997s thank you
23000s foreign
23001s [Music]
23015s [Music]
23028s [Music]
23042s hahaha
23057s [Music]
23062s [Music]
23076s foreign
23084s [Music]
23098s [Music]
23117s foreign
23120s [Music]
23134s [Music]
23157s [Music]
23174s thank you
23178s things are ramping up here in the France
23181s versus Spain match two of the contenders
23184s for those top three spots in group a to
23187s make it to playoffs and it is getting
23190s interesting only one other team has
23193s pushed France this far to a map three
23195s and Spain is a team that does not stop
23197s pushing and a win here would push them
23199s all the way to BlizzCon I mean it's it
23203s doesn't get any closer than this we're
23204s going to coliseo this is where they
23206s pulled out that first upset game that
23208s put them on the map that turned the eyes
23209s towards them this is where they beat the
23211s Netherlands this is where they can do it
23213s it's this is where their hopes are all
23215s going to ride here France versus Spain I
23218s can't wait this is uh this is one of the
23220s best matches so far
23222s and Spain they've been on Coliseum
23224s before they've been in this situation
23226s before map three and in that situation
23229s they won it all in a reverse sweep so
23232s Spain I definitely have to say they have
23236s impressed me they have gone beyond all
23238s expectations that anyone had for this
23240s squad being a squad made up with mostly
23243s unknowns as well and and again if not
23246s for their law Italy we would be singing
23248s a different tune we would be talking
23249s about like well now Spain is just trying
23250s to secure their spot not having to fight
23252s for it but because we're in the
23254s situation it makes it honestly all the
23256s sweeter that Spain are able to pull this
23258s off like getting us this far if they're
23260s able to beat France it would just be all
23262s the more massive so I mean all eyes on
23265s Spain right now now that they've got
23266s everyone's attention
23268s there's a little bit more pressure there
23269s but I feel like this team thrives Under
23271s Pressure the clutch factor that all of
23274s their players keep showing time and time
23275s again yeah this is a team that thrives
23278s Under Pressure yeah I feel like Spain
23281s basically have cemented themselves in
23283s that top three thought they cemented
23285s themselves as a top contender in group a
23288s and right now beating friends would just
23290s be the icing on the cake and it is going
23293s to be a tough match especially coliseo
23296s getting started right at the very
23297s beginning is very tough
23300s definitely going to be tough it's
23302s looking like France wants to go for a
23304s rush composition here they're showing
23306s Ben best so you know we're not going to
23307s be seeing a whole lot of the diva that's
23309s what Poco comes in for Ben best on the
23311s Reinhardt Spain yeah they're going to
23314s match it so Rush versus Rush this is
23316s what we tend to see on coliseo we've got
23318s France the self-proclaimed Dark Horse
23320s versus the real dark horse in Spain
23322s which team rules the stable let's find
23325s out
23326s I love to see helven Ben best just
23329s zooming over to that objective trying to
23331s be the first one their prop shield and
23333s get in good position for the squad
23337s I held trying to go for a little bit of
23339s early positioning here Nico with the
23341s icicles to pressure the rest of Spain
23342s back Ben best I mean both these
23345s reinhards are just trying to jockey for
23346s position right so you can get first real
23347s control of the bot give a little bit of
23349s space for the Hanzo Arrow to try and
23351s find a head maybe a couple to tap with
23353s the icicles I mean pretty even thus far
23356s as far as DPS and as far as pretty much
23358s all the alts across the board who's
23360s doing what neither team really wants to
23362s be the first to Flinch here yeah they
23364s don't really want to bite this bullet
23366s right at the very beginning it could
23368s potentially mean because every team that
23370s loses on push feels like they have to
23372s work so much harder to be able to get
23374s back into a winning position but it's
23377s going to be Spain just edging that robot
23379s over towards their own side it seems
23382s like they might be able to take back
23384s control over on France's side but it's
23387s really these early picks that we need
23388s and that's the bonus of that is on Hira
23391s and pack and and we haven't seen any
23393s picks come out that's a big one though
23394s pack with the pickup on the hero the two
23396s that you called out there and yep you
23398s can see France they're gonna start
23399s marching forward as Spain turns right
23401s around goes right on back they don't
23403s want to try and stagger this out here
23404s now though Spain has the ability to play
23407s this High Ground that they're setting up
23408s for pack knows it gonna Scout it out
23410s with a Sonic arrow and doesn't want to
23412s let them have it for free wants to try
23413s and find somewhat of an angle where he
23415s can hit some storm arrows or maybe find
23417s a headshot of someone that walks a
23419s little bit too far forward here
23421s yeah Hira now back regrouping with the
23425s team so they're going to be able to get
23426s a little bit of that long distance
23427s damage once again before these two teams
23430s that are running for all comps there is
23432s not a whole lot of brawling going on
23433s hell kind of dancing around the
23435s objective but now that it's been pushed
23437s one way or another they're going to have
23439s to find a way to retake and recapture
23442s and it looks like France they don't want
23444s to commit too too heavily here they're
23446s happy to just buy their time with their
23448s Advantage Health wants to go in here
23449s canal with the am Matrix Ben best is
23451s down yeah that was so immediate onto
23455s benvest and even though there was that
23457s immortality field from the side of
23460s reviews they immediately took that down
23462s with the help of the fire strike Gala
23464s does fall but over on the other side FD
23466s God had to drop that b in order to try
23468s and sustain Nico despite it all is still
23471s going to go down for France and they
23473s should be able to get this a little bit
23475s further been best charging in however
23477s and that's going to stop it in its
23479s tracks I don't know about that sound
23481s bear from empty God I mean it kept him
23482s alive and kept pack alive but they were
23484s both disengaging anyway you would like
23486s to have that right now to match gala's
23487s France they have to be a little bit
23489s cautious here Spain they want to get
23491s aggressive hell is looking for a shatter
23493s and there's so much more to follow if
23494s that shatter lands yeah Ben best has his
23497s own shatter as well the stun onto Ben
23500s best is so good and health just a
23503s shatter onto Nico as well the Blizzard
23505s from Nico does go through but there's
23507s not enough follow-up from Spain's Squad
23509s immediately Spain crumbled France and
23512s just bend them over so they can get this
23514s robot past the line that I mean Spain
23517s are going to take the lead here but that
23518s still ends up being a pretty okay fight
23520s for France because they only really
23522s invest the blizzard there and Spain had
23524s to throw the kitchen sink at that just
23525s to stay alive they're gonna have the ant
23527s Matrix they're gonna have to try and use
23528s that to buy as much time and little
23531s scant few inches that they can perhaps
23533s they want to take a fight in a more
23535s neutral place they can get some value
23536s out of it so just gonna back up give
23537s France control the bot for now
23540s yeah so long as they've already taken
23543s the lead here over on over on their side
23546s so they have no problem allowing them a
23548s little bit of that extra space to push
23550s so they can have that cover from these
23552s archways instead of just having to fight
23554s down a really long Corridor where Hira
23556s and pack just have to do all the work
23558s but now Ben best going to go ahead and
23560s charge in that amp Matrix is out but Ben
23563s Bess is out of the way the positioning
23564s is good for France and immediately
23566s they've flipped this one already over to
23569s their side with the help of a shatter
23571s and amp Matrix of their own and the
23573s pendulum swings right back in France's
23575s favor as they're gonna take the lead
23577s here that's a great shatter a great
23578s aggressive play there from Ben best a
23581s rookie tank player once you got the pin
23583s onto Gala might have tried to go for the
23584s full slam but decides to let it go Let
23587s the Frog free for just a second and then
23589s hit the big slam that takes everyone
23590s down the ant Matrix follows it up France
23593s they have the lead and same thing that
23594s Spain did they're gonna back up and try
23596s and play where they have a little bit
23597s more of a positional advantage and Spain
23600s has to play into their hands somehow in
23602s order to try and break through this
23606s Spain still looking to push that
23610s objective a little bit further back but
23612s they still have control of the bot there
23614s is just not a lot that Spain can do
23617s after that Dragon strike it looked like
23619s did I hear a dragon strike am I yeah the
23623s dragon strike did come through for Pac
23625s there and it was a lot of pressure onto
23626s hell that even with the the immortality
23628s and all the heal that came through by
23630s the tail end of that Dragon strike like
23631s there was nothing they can really do to
23632s sustain Health there's a great pick up
23634s there from Hira but pack is also finding
23636s the headshots back and forth France oh
23639s okay hero with another headshot and you
23640s can see France yeah that's all they can
23642s get they're gonna get a little bit of
23643s extra meterage and they don't want any
23645s more not one here is hitting those
23647s all right a little bit of technical
23649s issues on my side but we are completely
23651s back here and now headed back towards
23654s Spain's own side to push that barrier
23656s and contest France's own push Kira with
23660s the dragon strike as well looking for
23662s something after FD God that is so good
23665s and it's with the sound barrier on FD
23667s God as well so now Gala has their own
23670s sound barrier active FD God has to go
23672s back to spawn make the long walk back
23674s and they're pushing that barrier the
23676s pendulum as you said swinging towards
23678s Spain again and it's looking like there
23680s won't be any contestions just yet until
23682s this team can regroup and it was such
23684s good placement from the dragons right
23685s there from here a Spain Gonna Take the
23686s Lead again Ben best was under so much
23688s pressure ant Matrix gonna come out from
23690s reviews Spain no better than to face
23692s check this Ben best is once again kind
23694s of left alone the rest of France is
23696s going to go ahead and come on out ant
23698s Matrix there Francis running away with
23700s the bot right now
23701s yeah and Spain isn't really contesting
23704s it here they're trying to spam down
23705s shots and get that damage through hell
23707s is the first to really confront but that
23709s stun onto held is so good and takes them
23712s down immediately Ben best as well with
23714s the dragon strike on to Hero the DPS for
23717s Spain missing from the fight and it's
23718s really Gala who's left there to maybe
23720s try and contest a little bit but just
23722s Spam a few shots while waddle writing
23724s passed I mean there's still an
23725s opportunity to contest here for Spain
23727s back at near full strength they have
23728s some presence and it's enough to scare
23731s France off neither team really wants to
23733s push past this High ground unless they
23735s know they have the ability to that's how
23737s oppressive it is here on coliseo France
23739s despite having a man Advantage don't
23741s want to take it because that high ground
23742s it's just too much they have an old
23744s Advantage here as well pack can open up
23746s with a dragon Strike Force and
23747s positioning is there gonna be a
23749s follow-up
23750s there's a it forces algala uh beat so
23753s they have to drop that the sound barrier
23755s now expended and the overhealth fading
23757s away the dragon strike from hero will be
23759s there to counter the sun onto Ben best
23762s that was so good from Hell of the
23764s follow-up on that Dragon strike now the
23766s blizzard to come through for or no
23768s blizzard but the immortality field to
23769s try and save them okay the amp Matrix is
23772s gonna swing everything in the wrong way
23774s for France and it's going to allow Spain
23777s to just go all the way down France
23779s pushing back towards Spain's side I mean
23781s this should be enough for France to get
23782s the lead here are they gonna have enough
23784s time to get the checkpoint it looks like
23785s they they're gonna play a little bit
23787s safe so they can get Ben best back they
23788s do get the lead hell is there to contest
23791s so no checkpoint France not in any
23793s position to fight this they have to let
23795s Spain drop in on top of them and now
23796s they're just kind of corralled here
23799s oh it's going to be a shatter from hell
23802s and Ben Bess on both sides but hell
23805s takes down reviews while Ben best finds
23807s Lauren it's really that support pick
23809s that we're looking at missing a lot of
23811s the sustain in the back line but it
23813s doesn't matter for Spain they're still
23815s able to Surge forward push ahead towards
23817s that checkpoint and now going back
23820s towards their own side it is just a few
23822s meters shy of getting that second
23824s checkpoint for France I mean I don't
23827s even know if this could even be more
23828s close and again neither team has
23830s successfully got the checkpoint no
23831s forward spawns I mean France are still
23833s going to be able to get a reasonably
23835s close defense here like about where the
23837s bot is now and they have the OLS to try
23839s and push this through but I've seen
23841s bigger things from Spain than it would
23843s be for them to win this fight here ant
23844s Matrix fire strike combo comes out
23846s France kite it and there's a dragon
23848s strike
23849s yeah they kite the dragon strike as well
23851s on Spain's side and take down Nico with
23854s a blizzard in the back pocket Lauren has
23856s their own blizzard and should be able to
23858s find something more but instead the rest
23860s of France is left to disengage 60
23863s seconds left over only a minute this
23865s match is so close and Spain just barely
23867s Take the Lead as well as that checkpoint
23869s for the forward spawn Spain as of now
23872s have the advantage they have the alt
23874s Advantage as well France they only have
23876s two ultimates and it's going to be
23877s Nico's blizzard that is going to be a
23879s huge factor and but I mean there's only
23882s a short window to use it and Hira wants
23883s to shut that window with the dragon
23885s strike here comes the Blizzard from both
23886s sides but FD God Falls first and Hira
23889s with the shots onto Nico
23891s you're a such a good storm Arrow onto
23893s Nico there's no follow-up from the May
23895s once again Nico has been consistently
23897s shut down by Spain Squad hell now
23900s finding Ben best and there's just isn't
23902s the sustain from reviews oh the fire
23904s strike to finish off the Baptiste it's
23907s looking like Spain is going to have
23909s everything in their back pocket they
23912s have the every Advantage going into this
23914s next fight in under five seconds now as
23917s the timer takes down there's a shot
23919s Hellfest shatter does better and is able
23922s to charge away Ben best from the rest of
23924s the squad peels so well for the back
23927s line and there is no touch to come
23928s through from France Spain Against All
23931s Odds take 2-1 against France Spain have
23935s just done what no one else in this group
23937s has been able to do they dethroned the
23940s Kings they dethroned France who had
23942s beaten everyone taken on all comers they
23945s beat Denmark they beat the UK but Spain
23948s come through and they get the dub they
23951s topple the tyrants and they may very
23953s well have just got themselves a ticket
23955s to BlizzCon here oh my goodness Spain
23958s one of the most clutch teams the real
23960s darkest of dark horses that come through
23963s at the right moments at the Midnight
23965s Hour with the right plays at the right
23967s time hell was phenomenal with these
23970s shatters with these plays Hira finding
23972s the headshots he needs to at just the
23973s right time we talked ad nauseum about
23976s Gala and Canal the back line from Spain
23978s this team is so much fun to watch if you
23982s do not know hell's Name by now you
23984s definitely should because Ben best I
23986s mean we talked a lot about you know
23988s handsomest tanks in the in the East or
23991s the West I'm not sure depending on where
23993s you are but Health has been able to
23996s match Ben best beat for beat shatter for
23999s Shatter charge for charge and sometimes
24001s even doing better and it's a combination
24003s utility as well from the rest of the
24005s squad the communication between these
24008s teams the blizzard knowing that there's
24010s going to be a shatter from Ben best
24011s charging them away the May wall to
24013s section off the rest of the squad it is
24015s just so good from Spain every single
24017s time and you want to know what the best
24019s part is there's a significant chance
24022s that both of these teams will get to go
24025s to the playoffs here which means we
24026s might even get to see this match up
24028s again and for how close it was
24030s especially here on coliseo and
24032s especially on blizzard world I would
24034s love to see these two teams run it back
24037s but today Spain wins out the day they
24040s reign supreme they topple the tyrants
24042s that were the French and what a what a
24045s statement what a statement to make
24048s yeah and it's just I don't know how it
24051s can get any better than this of course I
24053s would love to see this on a bigger stage
24055s and with a little bit of a rivalry that
24057s is forming between these two teams both
24059s Dark Horses French self-proclaimed Spain
24062s more literal but it is definitely going
24064s to be a good one and welcome back Jim
24066s how did you feel about that yo oh my God
24070s okay game two the ending Nano Zen to
24073s save the day I can imagine you already
24075s know the emotion running through that
24077s Spanish team for any one of these
24079s matches that they've had before we had
24080s the pleasure of interviewing them before
24082s they must have been popping off after
24085s game two into game three epitomies like
24088s you mentioned yo those combos towards
24090s the end there was a dragon to Zone the
24092s blizzard in the space that was left
24094s there was this Dragon then the the
24096s charge afterwards these combos that
24098s they're setting up and what we're seeing
24099s more and more come out of the Spanish
24101s team and what their manager even said is
24103s that we play Dive that's our game and
24105s that's where we do best when it's hectic
24107s when it's fast they push it to the Limit
24110s and they deliver Spain toppling the
24113s Giants of France I can't believe it
24115s giving them their first loss man that
24117s was the best match we've had yet
24119s absolutely and I mean okay they play
24122s Dive and that's that's silly to me
24123s because their Rush looks so good right
24125s the may play was phenomenal the
24126s blizzards were on point here is Dragon
24128s strikes to Zone off were always exactly
24131s where they needed to be to keep the
24132s pressure on Ben best and everyone
24134s followed through the focus fire was
24136s there they looked so clean on this may
24138s Hanzo rush like
24140s ain't no way this is just a dive team
24142s ain't no way I'm not buying it just just
24145s their Split Second decision making you
24147s know what I mean that's what separated
24148s them to realize okay I got the Nano what
24151s can we do none of our other people are
24153s up yet switch to the Zen you have to
24156s have so much confidence to do that and
24159s pull it off I cannot believe it let's
24162s take a look at the schedule let's recap
24163s some of the scores from day six there
24165s are only two more days of action before
24167s we lock in all the competitors they're
24169s gonna make that are gonna make it to the
24170s main event so let's pull up that
24171s scoreboard and we'll be able to show you
24173s or rather that schedule and the
24175s scoreboard that comes with it and we'll
24177s be able to show you everything that
24178s happened today we started off the day
24179s with Germany losing 2-0 to Sweden
24181s Finland taking it 2-0 over Poland
24183s Iceland in a close 2-1 versus Turkey
24185s Denmark 2-0 over Portugal Belgium 2-0
24188s over the Netherlands Great Britain 2-0
24191s over Italy in some you know it was a
24192s good match anyways and Spain taking it
24195s two to one over France giving France
24197s their first loss in this tournament and
24200s we're looking at the group standings and
24202s how it's all shaking out of course in
24204s that top three for group a it's
24206s currently France Great Britain and
24208s spanning in the top two for Group B
24209s we've got Saudi Arabia and Finland
24212s epitomies we are at the end of day six
24216s oh any final words any final thoughts
24218s the adrenaline is pumping through my
24220s heart right now but man zai
24227s the roster that they have is so strong
24229s they work so well together and I really
24231s hope that they go so much further in the
24234s World Cup as well and I mean it's not
24236s over for Spain yet they have solidified
24239s themselves at the top of your way but
24240s tomorrow they have probably another
24242s really huge matchup against Great
24244s Britain and we just saw Great Britain
24246s play they're incredibly strong very
24248s clean and work very well together as
24250s well so it's going to be a struggle
24251s today and tomorrow and I'm really
24254s excited to see how it hashes up yeah CB
24257s same question to you feelings at the end
24259s of day six here
24260s I mean I'm a little bit exhausted from
24262s that last game there that was a real
24264s exciting one we we got two more days of
24266s this and I mean it doesn't get easier
24267s for Spain but One Milan Miracle deserves
24270s another maybe they can do it we'll have
24271s to see as they go against Great Britain
24273s group a is still it's still so up in the
24276s air like anyone can can take it France's
24278s top spot for like first seed even that's
24280s in doubt now yeah that's on that's the
24283s honest truth and if we're looking at the
24284s matches for tomorrow you know same time
24286s same place same people some of the top
24288s matches I'm looking at for tomorrow man
24290s Spain versus Great Britain is at the top
24292s of that list for me and I gotta say
24294s honestly that's the Marquee matchup that
24296s I'm looking at tomorrow a kitty cat you
24299s know there's cat running around my house
24300s too that I should grab at some point but
24301s he's a very loud Kitty so you got it you
24303s gotta you gotta get in on it
24306s cats sure desk a Catster desk oh my God
24309s I love it oh no oh well you know that
24312s about does it for us out here thank you
24314s so much for tuning in today and watching
24316s of course the OverWatch World Cup 2023
24318s emec online qualifiers continue to are
24320s same place same time we'll see you then
24323s and you know with that said it's been an
24324s absolute blast and we can't wait to see
24326s you tomorrow peace
24329s thank you
24334s [Music]
24365s Break Free
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24395s [Applause]
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24404s Everyone Falls
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24461s thank you
24480s foreign
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24546s foreign
24549s [Music]
12 months ago - PlayOverwatch - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

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605s thank you
609s hello and welcome to day 7 of the
612s OverWatch World Cup 2023 emec online
614s qualifiers I'm Jim Basco that's
616s epitomies and that's CB and we are
618s privileged to bring you all of the
619s action today of course for the later
621s half of the day I'll be joined by zp and
623s hex but we're starting the day off
625s strong with the star Squad epitome CB
627s how are y'all feeling coming into day
628s seven here
634s foreign
638s muted inside of vmix but yesterday we
641s had so many good matchups it was a
643s really exciting day and a lot of really
646s good back and forth as well but I think
648s there was also just a really big match
650s right at the end and it could throw
651s everything out of balance over in group
654s a
655s yeah CB let's go ahead and take a look
657s at the schedule and recap some of the
658s matches that uh took place yesterday and
660s take a look forward at some of the
662s matches that are taking place today of
663s course yesterday we finished off with a
665s banger of a match between Spain and
667s France or Spain definitely upset France
669s at the top of their group two to one but
671s today we're starting things off with
673s Saudi Arabia versus Germany Poland
675s versus Norway turkey versus Finland and
677s then after we've got Sweden versus
679s Iceland followed by my favorite match of
682s the day Spain versus Great Britain then
685s we've got Netherlands versus Portugal
686s and we close out the day with Italy
688s versus Denmark so CB obviously looking
691s at the day today your favorite matches
693s your favorite moments what are you
694s looking forward to I mean Spain versus
695s Great Britain like that has to be the
697s one that everyone's looking at after
698s Spain's upset over France yesterday that
700s match is going to determine a lot of
702s things going forward and also I would
704s probably keep an eye on Italy versus
705s Denmark later on because those two teams
707s are still also potentially in the
709s conversation for making it to playoffs
711s here so I mean whatever happens in those
713s two matches is going to shape it know
715s set the stage for tomorrow where we're
716s going to have that grand Crescendo at
718s the end of tomorrow with a Great Britain
720s versus France that's what I'm mostly
721s looking forward to but today oh we got a
724s lot of work to do to get there we've got
726s a lot to do to get there and of course
727s before we hop into the gameplay it's
729s selfless make sure we talk about the
730s format right the emec all nine qualifier
732s challenge showcases two groups competing
735s in a round robin first to two tournament
737s it's a single Sage tournament split over
739s two weeks we are into week two we've got
741s two days of action left it all ends
744s today or tomorrow okay with that said
747s there is so much action just around the
749s corner and CB you said it best right for
752s Group B it's pretty much shaken out
754s we've got the top two a groupie moving
755s on to the main event that's Saudi Arabia
757s in Finland it's pretty hard for any
759s other team to make that cut but at the
762s top of group a the top three will be
764s moving forward to the main event and
765s currently it's France Great Britain and
768s Spain in those top three spots however
770s Denmark and Italy like you mentioned are
773s still in the running here they have
775s enough matches they can still make it
778s happen so that Denmark versus Italy
779s match gonna be very important that's
781s Spain versus Great Britain match gonna
783s be very important just tons of important
785s matches just around the corner with that
787s said though CB and epitomees I leave
789s y'all to it we're starting things off
791s with Saudi Arabia versus Germany have a
793s fantastic match and I'll catch you guys
795s on the other side all right thank you so
798s much Jim and like he said starting
799s things off with Saudi Arabia versus
801s Germany Saudi Arabia pretty much a
803s favorite to win and also going to
806s probably make that playoff spot which a
808s really good record so far in a group b
811s 5-0 only dropping one Map Total to the
814s number two in group b Finland yeah and
817s uh Finland definitely also I mean so
820s Group B is pretty much locked up I think
821s it's pretty much determined that it is
823s going to be Saudi Arabia and Finland but
824s there is still one matter to discuss and
826s that's the matter of seeding because
828s there still does exist a world where
830s Finland can overtake Saudi Arabia for
832s that number one seed in order for that
833s to happen someone has to beat Saudi
836s Arabia and Finland has to try and win
838s off of map differential Saudi Arabia
840s still have two matches to play that
842s being this one against Germany and
843s tomorrow they're going to be facing off
844s against Sweden so we're gonna keep a
847s close eye on those matchups but I get
849s like we I keep saying we haven't been
851s able to take our eyes off of the Saudi
852s Arabian Squad they've been just so
854s Supreme ruling over Group B with an iron
856s they've got that claw grip on the number
859s one seed Finland wants it Saudi Arabia
861s has to do all they can here to protect
862s it
863s yeah and Sweden is just an unknown
866s factor at this point right at the
868s beginning right out the gate they didn't
870s come out so hot but they've started
872s performing very well Saudi Arabia of
875s course always been performing at the top
877s of their game every time we look at this
879s squad there is not a single one of their
881s names that is not in our mouths because
883s every single one of them performs so
885s well and it comes together very
886s cohesively and I I'm gonna give some
889s love to surmajed specifically because
890s the fact that they're running that
891s Pharmacy comp you want your Flex support
892s to be both lethal like sermajed is and
895s survivable like sermajed also is gonna
898s have a gonna have a tough time dealing
901s with Phi and QR who have been a very
903s formidable uh front line here for
905s Germany on that DPS line there we're
907s also seeing the debut here of Pandy
909s coming in for Germany that's a little
911s bit of a new Wrinkle In things pandian
913s superax I think this might spell some
915s double Flex support Shenanigans coming
916s out for Germany unless there's other
918s circumstances that are leading to that
920s sub but it is nice to see a new face
922s here hopefully that means that Germany
923s has cooked up something that can uh that
926s can take a shot at the Kings here yet
928s everyone has tried to take a shot at
930s them but no one else has been quite in
932s Saudi Arabia's caliber let's see if
934s Germany has what it takes with this
936s lineup
937s I think this is definitely one of the
940s best shots that they have it seems like
941s they are cooking in that kitchen we're
943s headed to Nepal which can be like we
946s know very well one of those Maps where
949s you can play the pharah play The Echo
950s and also play those long-range hitscan
953s dps's that course also favors but the
955s thing about Saudi Arabia now is that
958s there is so much footage of the way they
960s play and there's so much knowledge that
962s they are just the top of their group and
964s everyone is going to want to have a
966s chance to topple them make a statement
968s and if they was ever a chance to do it
970s it's going to be today or tomorrow
972s Germany has a pretty good shot with all
975s the VOD review sometimes Vaude review is
977s not enough but being able to
979s counter-strat and force them off of
981s their comfort picks could be a very
983s viable way to make Saudi Arabia play
985s into your hands and and Germany has at
988s times shown to be a very intelligent
990s team the way they've been able to
991s counter uh counter some of these strats
993s here uh all right it looks like we're
996s probably gonna go for a little bit
997s uh I was looking at Saudi Arabia and I
999s was like none of this makes sense Haku
1001s on the pharah that's backwards that's
1002s not gonna I don't think that's gonna
1004s stay unless Saudi Arabia are just like
1005s so confident the fact that they're going
1007s to playoffs that they don't really feel
1008s the need to try anymore maybe they can
1010s switch it up but without KSA uh we're
1013s going nowhere fast uh like I was saying
1015s though
1016s Germany they they have a Time shown to
1019s be a very intelligent team with some of
1020s the strategies if they're able to employ
1021s some of the ways that they're able to
1022s coordinate as a team in order to
1024s accomplish one common Mission the
1026s mission again like you stated is to try
1028s and force Saudi Arabia off of their
1031s comfort pick maybe try and force a map
1032s where they bring in UV and try and play
1034s something a little bit more resembling
1035s meta you can't keep letting them get
1037s away with having the pharah echo you
1039s know having yazan in the sky unchecked
1041s you have to try and do something about
1042s that while also worrying about quartz
1045s it's not an easy task but Germany might
1048s just be up to it we'll have to find out
1049s when we go into the map here and Nepal
1053s not a great place to start I mean
1056s especially like you think Village you're
1058s definitely going to want to see some of
1059s those flyers come out that's a very
1060s popular Farm app Shrine you can also get
1063s away with it I think sanctum is going to
1066s be Germany's best uh best chance at
1068s getting ahead here
1069s yeah and you know how we have that Meme
1072s about so-called free thinkers when they
1074s see a Winston I feel like after emac
1076s qualifiers are over there should be a
1078s so-called free thinkers when they see a
1080s pharah because there is very viable ways
1083s of dealing with it you know taking out
1085s Ash taking out the Cassidy very viable
1088s ways to stylistically counter that far a
1091s play style but he is on is really just
1094s so good on those birds and then Saudi
1097s Arabia is a really good at appealing the
1099s pressure off of their flyer and even
1102s when you do leave uh when you are able
1104s to take care of that far of the echo you
1107s have courts who is just that unknown
1109s factor yeah putting pressure on the far
1111s or the echo like that's only one part of
1113s the assignment like it's it's a flow
1115s chart like you have to be able to deal
1116s with the pharah you have to be able to
1118s deal with the mercy coming through for
1120s the res and you have to avoid quartz's
1122s wrath from onfar hitting all those
1124s deadly headshots it's a lesser team
1126s would would you know you would just kill
1128s the pharah and suddenly you just win
1130s because the ground game wouldn't be
1131s there but Saudi Arabia is not a lesser
1133s team they are the Undisputed Kings of
1135s this uh this group so far and no one has
1137s been able to successfully take any shots
1139s at them the only team that has taken a
1141s map off of them is Finland and they're
1143s in second place so again that race
1145s between Finland and Saudi Arabia we have
1147s to see if someone else is capable of
1149s stepping up I think maybe the reformed
1151s Sweden might have a chance I wish it
1153s mattered at this point because I would
1154s love to see this Sweden go on to
1156s playoffs
1157s um but I mean that's just not in the
1159s cards with how abysmal their first week
1161s was Germany though is still a team that
1164s we can't take too lightly they are one
1167s that is a threat where you still kind of
1169s favor Saudi Arabia overall Germany is
1172s not one that you can just you know you
1174s can't sleep on them
1176s yeah Germany is solidly middle of the
1178s pack as well right alongside Sweden with
1181s just one more map there and Germany is a
1184s very smart adaptable Squad we've seen
1186s them uh adapt in the past very well and
1189s I think that they do have a shot of
1191s maybe taking a few of maybe a single map
1194s off of Saudi Arabia but even a single
1197s map would be huge for that round
1199s differential and could make the group a
1202s little bit more competitive as well
1204s okay this is an interesting strategy
1205s here they're gonna have Pandy on the
1208s Zenyatta I imagine the Strat here is to
1210s put the Discord orb onto yazan and make
1212s it so that QR can have fewer shots to
1215s try and pressure you guys on put a
1216s little bit more punishment down there
1217s and if need be swap it over to KSA try
1220s and win a little bit more pressure on
1221s the tank battle uh the Zenyatta gives
1223s options we haven't seen a lot of our
1225s little omnic friend and we're not going
1226s to be seeing much more of him uh if
1228s quartz has anything to say about it but
1229s it's at least a solid thought process it
1232s just doesn't pan out in this first fight
1234s yeah immediately yazan also knocking
1237s Alex off of that map Phi not able to
1240s find too much here right at the
1242s beginning and that Cassidy being taken
1244s out by Quartz to attempt to uh counter a
1247s little bit of that buy so izon can kind
1249s of worry about raining down damage on
1251s the ground and it's like everything that
1254s Germany is playing right now is kind of
1256s to counter yazan when you really take a
1257s look at it like you have the hit scan
1258s Soldier you have an echo to kind of duel
1260s her out you've got the Discord orb
1262s you've got Baptiste with the hit scan to
1264s pump in the damage they kind of just
1266s want to grief yazan here but if they're
1269s not able to find anything for their
1270s money there then they're just kind of
1271s wasting time QR nearly falling to a
1274s little bit of a duel there from yazan
1275s but still able to you know still kicking
1278s still sticking around meanwhile Alex
1279s trying to find a way in on the point
1281s nearly gets melted out of the mech there
1283s I mean Germany's still trying to find
1285s the footing
1287s yeah now immortality peeled cooldown has
1289s been forced out by Saudi Arabia so crass
1292s going to be the first to get an ultimate
1293s on this board other than the valkyrie
1295s here and immediately that Reds comes
1298s through from Haku mid-air before ezan
1300s even touches the floor but Sue Craig's
1302s still taking down Haku now with zafara
1304s without a pocket on the objective and
1307s also ksh is dancing around for the
1310s contention however yazan still able to
1313s find so much without the pocket in hand
1315s now the diva no tank for Germany side
1317s and Phi look into duel but of course not
1320s going to let them have it so sucrax did
1322s step one and two pretty successfully
1324s there but wasn't able to fully deny the
1326s res so yeah yazan does come back to
1327s fight another day and Germany are gonna
1329s have a lot of Oats here and they manage
1331s to take down quartz so it's going to be
1332s a little bit more safe especially if
1333s they can deny the res again for them to
1335s go back in try and put the pressure on
1336s yazan and hopefully flip the point here
1338s they're gonna invest the tack visor to
1340s try and get in Haku is down Germany have
1342s a shot
1343s yeah able to take down both of the birds
1346s no Resurrection possible here and point
1348s just lips just like that and they did
1350s put everything into their grief yazan
1353s and Haku basket but in this case it did
1355s work out for them Saudi Arabia
1356s disengaging off the back of it that two
1359s birds meet Stone here we go Germany now
1362s they have to try and keep it going here
1363s they have the Transcendence which should
1364s be able to buy them time as should the
1366s duplicate but they do have to try and
1367s win out a lot of fights here Saudi
1369s Arabia at 95 Haku nearly lives with a
1373s sliver of HP yazan takes down Phi and
1376s flips Saudi Arabia flip the point time
1378s for Germany running out there was just
1380s no contention from Germany there either
1382s they were really looking to take down
1384s Haku and then yazan in succession and
1387s then once that failed it seemed that
1389s they really needed to back off after
1390s that barrage comes through and the
1392s defense Matrix goes out QR is able to
1395s take down yazan though Haku goes for the
1397s res Pandy findsaku but yazan is back in
1399s the sky oh Pandy can't do much against
1402s that is on right up in the face with a
1404s rocket Blaster now over time being
1406s activated by fire dancing around the
1409s point immortality field comes through to
1411s save by and give them a little bit of
1413s extra HP quartz comes in on the Tracer
1415s though looking for the fight the point
1417s does flip over to Germany's side but QR
1419s is being thoroughly harassed by Quartz
1422s by however after taking up the Tracer
1425s has been able to find the tank of Saudi
1427s Arabia Germany still holding on to that
1429s point for a few seconds longer and QR
1431s managed to successfully get away from
1433s quartz's harassment he is on however is
1435s going to have some revenge for his
1437s teammate after being chased and now it
1440s will find both a DPS and a support not a
1443s lot of bird sealing for Germany here and
1445s it's an emergency ball for Alex to try
1448s and come and contest this point a little
1449s bit longer
1450s hey I mean everybody from Germany's on
1452s stall Heroes now I mean thighs on the
1454s Hanzo to try and help pressure out yazan
1455s but you know you have the ball you have
1457s Pandy swapping over to the Lucio with
1459s trying to just stay in the fight here 56
1461s 56 for Germany that's a great Boop onto
1464s Sue cracks off the side there and that's
1466s going to be Saudi Arabia taking Shrine
1468s Germany put up a pretty solid fight here
1471s though I still think if we go to sanctum
1473s that's going to help benefit Germany
1475s heavily I think they can get a lot more
1476s value out of the Zenyatta pick there
1478s Village though I don't really like uh
1482s Germany's chances they have to win both
1484s of them now in order to try and win this
1486s map but I mean here we go we're going to
1488s sanctum this is where Germany in theory
1490s should be able to get the job done
1492s they're gonna swap over to that ramatra
1495s Rush composition here uh I think this
1498s might be a good look actually you know
1499s just trying to run over KSA everyone
1502s else from Saudi Arabia is going to be
1503s Mighty oiled up and slippery so hard to
1505s try and just collapse on top of but you
1507s can still control a lot of space with
1508s the ramatra you can still get a lot of
1510s work done I mean swapping from the Lucio
1512s to the or sorry swapping from the
1514s Zenyatta to Lucio gives you a better
1516s ultimate to deal with the Rampage from
1518s KSA you know you can't transcend through
1520s the anti-heels but you can sound barrier
1522s through it so it's a it's a good look
1524s for Germany so far
1526s yeah Germany looking to get that first
1528s touch on the point as well quartz
1530s however is going to be harassing Danny's
1532s backline putting down a lot of damage
1534s onto this loose show they're able to
1536s survive for a second but Pandy or he's
1538s on getting a lot of damage down from
1540s above and they haven't even considered
1542s it just yet yazan already finding the
1545s ramatra tank down from Germany no chance
1548s of a touch and it's already a regroup
1550s Germany however they've shown a lot more
1552s adaptability than we've seen from a lot
1554s of other squads thus far when going up
1556s against Saudi Arabia who usually just
1559s tend to stick with those meta picks I
1561s and the the adaptability is something
1563s that I really like from Germany but
1565s sometimes like at some point it has to
1566s actually like come up in their favor and
1568s it just hasn't so far they've lost Alex
1570s again very early on yazana is still able
1572s to fly here and as much as I do like
1575s Germany's comp in theory in practice it
1577s might not be so good because they're
1578s gonna be trying to close distance and
1580s play up close but I mean you're not
1582s really making use of the long sight
1583s lines over the pit here that's a great
1585s way to start things out taking down
1587s yazan but QR goes way too deep to do
1590s that the res is going to be there they
1591s they aren't making a great use of the
1593s longer sight lines to try and punish
1595s yazan they're getting punished every
1597s time they try to go in with courts
1598s harassing their back line and gazan
1600s constantly pumping in Rockets from above
1601s that's gonna be five getting cleaned up
1603s as well and in Germany yeah they're not
1605s able to execute the mission statement of
1607s this composition
1609s Germany they really should be abusing
1612s those long angles but it feels like
1614s Saudi Arabia realizes this trying really
1616s hard to get into their face as well
1618s Saudi Arabia already up to 60 thus far
1621s on the objective and Germany hasn't been
1623s able to flip Point yet just once they've
1626s really been corralled into these corners
1628s and yazan is still able to find one on
1631s the way down Sue cracks going out no
1633s burst healing now for Germany QR does
1636s fall soon after Alex uses the Nemesis
1638s form to save off some of the damage and
1640s give a little bit of help and yeah that
1642s sounded like res from Haku but I don't
1644s believe that he got it off the valkyrie
1647s has been fought for a little bit of
1648s extra sustain for Saudi Arabia but they
1650s actually do disengage off the back of it
1652s at least until yazan comes back now the
1655s annihilation from Alex is save off a
1658s little bit of the pressure and try and
1660s get the area control but quartz huge
1662s okay Aunt Alex okay QR that was a little
1666s bit scary and they're able to flip the
1667s point at least manage to get a bit of
1669s percentage and give them some breathing
1671s room but it's still not looking too good
1673s the consuming brush from surma did and
1675s the rest of Saudi Arabia all getting
1677s picks as well by using the blizzard
1679s prematurely and there just wasn't really
1681s anyone to get Frozen on the objective
1683s KSA about to go down but Haku comes in
1686s with thermajet in the resurrection and
1688s now that burst healing is back on the
1690s table capturing from Saudi Arabia and
1694s already taking the diva out of the mech
1695s it is a meltdown of Germany's capture
1698s and there might not even be time for
1700s Germany to get a cap here KSA is just
1702s going to go in with a rampage QR does
1703s take down sermajet and there is a
1705s contest on the point QR actually kills
1706s two there's actually gonna be Germany
1708s flipping it
1709s they use the Rampage into Germany spawn
1712s but Saudi Arabia they were just not
1714s paying attention to what was happening
1715s on the point QR scenes fast everyone
1717s finds to but they're going to come back
1719s quickly five finds the Islam with the
1721s storm arrow and once again the flip is
1723s over it's the emergency ball once again
1725s for Alex a lot of stall Heroes on
1728s Germany's side but they're now taking
1730s trying to find two players that can kind
1733s of greet yazan out of the sky fight
1735s switching on to the Widowmaker you are
1738s doing pretty well against the on the
1740s Cassidy it took a bit to get warmed up
1742s but eventually they were able to start
1744s dealing with aphara I mean the swap from
1747s five yeah over to the Widowmaker means
1749s five is gonna be pulled in two
1750s directions because quartz has the
1751s Widowmaker as well finds the early pick
1753s on the QR is on with the 2K barrage I
1755s think this might just be Saudi Arabia
1757s taking it they flipped the point Germany
1758s didn't know where to be seen over time
1760s Wick's gonna burn and Saudi Arabia will
1763s take Nepal
1765s thank you
1766s well I think we did expect Saudi Arabia
1769s to be able to win this one out we were
1771s really kind of giving Germany a little
1773s bit of hopium because we wanted to see
1775s someone who was able to contend with
1777s what Saudi Arabia was bringing to this
1779s group but they just weren't able to and
1781s when it comes to you're putting all your
1783s eggs into a grief one player basket it
1785s could also mean that you're not playing
1787s on the heroes that are that are just
1790s comfortable to you so in exchange for
1793s wanting them to play into your hands
1794s then you are also playing into their
1796s hands in a sort of roundabout way if
1800s you're not playing what you're
1801s comfortable on if you're not playing
1802s what you're good at if that's the meta I
1805s you can put all your eggs into whatever
1806s basket you want Saudi Arabia has a lot
1808s more baskets than meets the eye you'll
1810s turn into a basket case trying to grief
1811s yazan and forgetting about quartz and
1814s just getting the head shots coming in
1815s when you're not looking or trying to
1816s take a duel with quartz and suddenly he
1819s takes your head off and yazan just kills
1820s two with a rocket barrage like you can't
1822s you you have to be able to win out on
1825s all fronts here because if even one is
1827s able to overpower you Saudi Arabia still
1829s have a way to fight back in and despite
1830s some heroic plays from Germany and some
1833s really interesting counter picking some
1835s some strategizing going on from Team
1837s Germany it just doesn't pan out and so
1839s far they're still not able to get their
1841s foot in the door yeah first map is gonna
1844s go to Saudi Arabia we're gonna have
1845s another map and it will be Germany's map
1847s pick so they can try and counter pick a
1849s little bit more try and go back to the
1850s drawing board and pick up something that
1852s might give them the win here but like
1854s Saudi Arabia is just such a strong team
1858s yeah Saudi Arabia time and time again
1860s we've been impressed by what they've
1862s been able to show us and they are just
1865s incredibly strong no team has really
1867s been able to contend with anything that
1869s they've shown and even then it's just
1872s you don't really scrim against the far
1874s as you don't really scream against
1876s someone who only picks pharah and then
1879s the other dps's on the widow or the
1881s Tracer and you're like what is happening
1883s here and it is definitely very
1885s impressive and someone eventually will
1888s learn how to counter the pharah I am a
1891s believer but that day is not today I
1894s mean someone eventually probably will
1896s but we're running out of time because
1897s Saudi Arabia only have two more games to
1899s play they've got this one and then
1900s they've got Sweden and the best part for
1903s them is that they don't even have to
1904s worry like they have no pressure they
1906s are pretty much a lock to be going to
1907s playoffs they're only really playing
1909s proceeding so they don't have that much
1910s pressure on them they can just play
1912s their game they don't have to get inside
1913s their own heads the pressure however is
1916s on for Germany if they want to be the
1917s ones to he throwing the Kings we're
1919s gonna go to a quick break and we'll be
1920s right back with Germany's map pick don't
1922s go anywhere
1925s [Music]
1942s foreign
1944s [Music]
1984s [Music]
1992s [Music]
1997s [Music]
2004s can you see me
2011s [Music]
2053s thank you
2055s [Music]
2072s [Music]
2084s thank you
2086s foreign
2100s [Music]
2120s thank you
2124s [Music]
2144s welcome back everyone we just came from
2146s back from a tantalizing Nepal from Saudi
2150s Arabia to take Maple one of this matchup
2152s in Saudi Arabia versus Germany and we're
2155s headed over to wherever we can see
2157s Germany potentially winning this one out
2159s on their map pick you coming to Kings
2161s you best not miss and Germany grazed
2163s Saudi Arabia at best on map one wasn't
2166s able to take it from them going to take
2168s us to Blizzard world and I think I mean
2170s correct me if I'm wrong but I think this
2172s has been a pretty consistent pick for
2174s Germany I think whatever it's been their
2176s map pick they've gone to Blizzard world
2177s I just feel like I've seen a lot of
2179s Germany and blizzard world in the same
2181s breath so this feels familiar this feels
2182s like something that they can that they
2184s can work with try and maybe utilize the
2186s long sight lines to produce on who is
2189s most certainly going to want to try and
2190s play the echo here but again like you
2194s can't just punish gazan like we already
2196s learned that quartz is like almost like
2199s the real threat here like even if you're
2201s able to deal with yazan who's going to
2202s be harassing you and being annoying all
2203s the time constantly popping up in the
2205s kill feed if you leave them unchecked
2207s quartz is gonna be the one that is
2208s really really making you sweat because
2210s anytime you're looking up you're not
2213s looking straight ahead and that's where
2215s he is with his scope got you in his
2217s crosshairs gonna hit the shot it's it's
2220s just so hard it's so hard to deal with
2222s the Saudi Arabian Squad and none of the
2224s teams in this group have been able to do
2225s it and
2227s I get I cannot stress this enough like
2229s they have nearly run the entire table
2230s Germany and Sweden are all that's left
2232s if Germany can't do it today it falls on
2234s Sweden and I mean it would be really
2236s cool to see Sweden be the ones to do it
2238s but again it wouldn't really matter for
2240s either team at that point like you
2242s wouldn't be taking Saudi Arabia out of
2245s uh yeah out of the playoff contentions
2247s and by any stretch of the imagination
2248s Sweden is already like long since locked
2251s out of it ever since I think uh you know
2253s the first day of this week where they
2256s had that really long hair brain scheme
2258s the cork board where they're like here's
2259s how we can still qualify well part of
2261s that was that Iceland needed to beat
2264s Finland and that was just yeah
2266s that was true like the second that match
2268s was up on our screen we were like oh
2270s it's so so over for Sweden so it's
2273s like we can't do it we don't want to
2275s look too far ahead for that match up
2277s here Germany is still sticking to their
2278s double Flex support Shenanigans I still
2280s like this yazan is on the echo again
2283s quartz on the Sombra though this is a
2285s slight change of pace from what we might
2287s be used to be uh used to what we like
2289s mentally associate courts with we'll see
2291s how this ends up playing out but Sue
2293s Craig's immortality field forced early
2295s and they find QR
2296s yeah and the thing about the double Flex
2298s support as well when you're playing
2300s flanking Heroes alike quartz on the
2302s Sombra it's going to be really really
2304s tough to get them off your backs oh
2306s they're already a single tick and it was
2308s a very last second contest for the
2310s second one yazan obviously with the
2312s pocket finding Alex actually Alex just
2314s kind of fell off the map there and then
2316s now we have just one little person left
2319s and it's QR with a very staggered pick
2321s all the way back to spawn they are sent
2323s the Discord orb onto the echo is a
2326s pretty solid strategy in theory but it
2328s falls apart if there's no one alive to
2329s shoot at the Discord or Echo and uh so
2333s without QR being alive like you just
2335s can't put the pressure on it ends up
2337s being all for naught and everybody from
2338s Germany just corralled in that really
2339s small space taking all the damage from
2341s the sticky bombs yazan's nearly got the
2343s uh nearly got the Disney reports already
2345s nearly has the EMP that's a lightning
2348s fast charge for the EMP there uh is
2351s Saudi Arabia I mean again this should be
2352s like a quick easy fight here Pandy's
2354s gonna be on uh definitely on the
2356s shopping block as soon as quartz gets
2358s that EMP online
2360s yeah and the duplicate also there for a
2362s lot of follow-up as well the rest of
2365s Saudi Arabia looking to be on good pace
2367s for ultimate they have the valkyrie
2369s alongside Haku so a little bit of extra
2371s sustain to follow in the dps's if they
2374s decide to go engage and here is quartz
2376s just uh hanging around behind I think he
2379s might be waiting for Alex to head
2380s somewhere else before going and trying
2383s to hack on to five but no they've
2386s they've noticed work warts is and Phi
2388s goes down either way he was a little bit
2390s focused on turning around and trying to
2392s get rid of quartz but in the meantime
2395s yazan has gone and duplicated the
2397s Cassidy been able to find an ultimate
2399s off of that and get a pick although
2401s yazan does eventually go down to that
2404s Sicky nade he is likely going to be
2406s brought back very quickly if Haku does
2408s have that Resurrection available
2410s 540 through point B we see a lot of
2413s cards stall out there because the spawn
2414s Advantage but Saudi Arabia they're even
2417s Flinch and quartz gets to hold on to the
2418s EMP everyone was trying to look for that
2420s ability to come out I think uh quartz
2422s was even detected there and ended up
2424s having to hold on to it but meanwhile
2425s gizan just duplicated the Cassidy hit to
2428s hit a 2K with that and suddenly
2430s everything just fell apart here comes uh
2432s the EMP Pandy is yeah going to just drop
2434s and Sue crack's gonna follow uh this
2437s card's not stopping anytime soon
2439s yeah Saudi Arabia they are running over
2442s Germany with an 18-wheeler truck right
2446s now it feels like Germany just have
2448s nothing they can say or do and there's
2450s so much stagger that's coming through
2452s from these picks if you ignore either
2454s one of the DPS lines they are both just
2457s a bigger threat and they are doing a
2459s really good job of distracting the enemy
2461s team from one another so that when they
2463s need to make those big plays they do
2465s like yazan is really annoying but then
2467s they realize quartz has the EMP though
2471s they're able to take down Courts for now
2473s and they're able to slow down the pacing
2475s of the EMP they still have both support
2477s ultimates they have the duplicate coming
2478s up from Saudi Arabia as well Germany on
2481s the other hand they also have both
2482s support ultimates but the pacing of
2484s their tank because of that switch and
2486s also the DBS ultimates is just not as
2488s good the Kitsune rush comes through and
2491s it's just shredding through by they're
2493s missing that one DPS now duplicates
2496s Zenyatta an interesting choice but job
2499s is done little bit of a Discord orb and
2501s they're able to get a lot of Health Down
2503s and Out QR targets why yazan but Haku
2506s brings them back so quickly that and
2508s Alex has nothing that can really be said
2511s when surrounded by all the members of
2513s Saudi Arabia in this fight they're able
2515s to sell out the car for a few seconds
2517s but once again it is a moving forward at
2520s a very fast pace towards the third point
2523s and is there a touch there is Alex comes
2526s in with the doomfist the Rampage does go
2528s through KSA finds Pandy in the back line
2531s they still have Sue cracks alive to try
2533s and sustain for a little longer Alex's
2535s Health gets very low momentarily but
2537s quartz switching onto this Widow finding
2539s thigh now the immortality field will
2541s allow Sue cracks to go for a peek and
2543s try to just suss out this Widowmaker but
2547s still even though the doomfist is on top
2549s of this DPS line they still have to go
2551s back and touch they are too far forward
2553s with too much time left for Saudi Arabia
2556s to be aggressing too far I I want to
2559s give all the props in the world cracks
2560s who seems to be the one who is finding
2562s the opening pick outs for Germany time
2563s and time again which is something you
2565s really really need out of your back line
2567s if you're gonna have any chance against
2568s the squad like like Saudi Arabia because
2571s like Germany's DPS have been phenomenal
2572s I say his QR just takes a kunai to the
2574s Dome from surmajed but like you still
2576s need something to try and make up that
2578s difference sucrax has been that but is
2580s it gonna be enough certainly not of
2582s course gets a shot off on him he's not
2584s gonna take down Pandey Sue cracks balls
2585s as well and it's all academic from here
2589s yeah it doesn't look like there's going
2591s to be a touch at all from Germany I mean
2593s QR would have to do it and he's still on
2595s the Cassidy so Saudi Arabia completing
2598s round one with two and a half minutes
2599s left in the time bank it was just so
2602s quick on the first capture and the phase
2605s through the theme park was just nothing
2607s there was no resistance at all from
2610s Germany they were staggered that entire
2611s time and they allowed Saudi Arabia's
2614s tank to just sit on that payload for the
2616s entirety of the phase there was a little
2618s bit of contention over here on the third
2620s checkpoint but other than that it just
2622s felt like Saudi Arabia was in the
2624s driver's seat a 238 time bank though
2627s that's not insurmountable that's still a
2629s pretty respectable pretty beefy time
2631s bank if Germany's able to force Extra
2633s Innings here make sure they finish with
2634s uh with some time in the bank they still
2636s have a chance at this one but it's going
2639s to be quite the uphill Trek I hope they
2641s uh I hope they brought their climbing
2643s boots because they're gonna need it they
2644s have been they've been dug into quite
2646s the hole here I still like the the
2649s double Flex support backline for Germany
2651s but it feels like overall as a team
2653s they're kind of playing really scattered
2654s really scared and really reactive and
2657s there's a lot of times where like the
2658s DPS players are getting caught out early
2660s like fi on the Widow a couple times was
2662s just way too far forward and ended up
2664s just getting melted down by yazan in
2667s like the middle of the fight and and
2670s like suddenly there's just no one there
2672s to pressure he is on there's no one
2673s there to put any any pressure uh on the
2676s enemy Widowmaker quartz just has a
2677s shooting gallery and you know we just
2680s kind of
2681s continue as we've been going on this
2683s whole series there quartz trying to go
2684s for a cheeky grapple shot fine nearly
2686s punishes it but not to be Germany
2689s showing a wrecking ball look here I I'm
2692s not sure how effective this is going to
2694s be but I'm here for it I mean it's
2697s definitely interesting and you know what
2699s they were doing what do you know what
2702s they were doing was broke so they're
2704s trying to fix it and they tried to fix
2706s it it didn't work so it's broke again
2708s fix it again it seems like the wrecking
2711s ball is going to stay for now Pandy on
2713s that Zenyatta getting absolutely domed
2715s by Quartz and quartz with another shot
2717s on to buy just on a rampage once again
2720s sermajed even going really far forward
2723s trying to get that pick onto QR Haku
2726s does go down but with serma dead in play
2728s it's going to be really hard to shred
2730s any of the members of Saudi Arabia not
2732s to mention most of Germany is still just
2735s hiding behind the choke point it turns
2738s out that uh wrecking ball is a fighting
2739s type super super a week two flying type
2742s moves that would be pretty much gazan's
2744s entire move set just entirely melts
2746s there and like Alex can still roll
2747s around in the back line cause a little
2749s bit of problems make everybody turn
2750s their heads towards them but like look
2752s at his health bar right now like he's on
2754s death's door has to try and roll away to
2755s get a health pack there's not enough
2757s pressure on too much of anything right
2760s now QR Falls once again gazan taking
2762s down Alex maybe it's time for a new type
2764s match up here it's Sue cracks finding
2766s the opening pick again but this is just
2768s too scattered all over the place
2771s yeah it feels like yazan is kind of
2773s allowed to have free reign whenever
2774s they're trying to focus down courts or
2776s even the back line because Haku is just
2779s attached to yuzan at the hip and there
2781s is not really much that Germany is doing
2783s against it they're running that same
2784s composition theoretically their
2786s composition should be able to counter
2789s the flying type that is yazan getting a
2791s bunch of frequent in the Flyer points
2794s but okay QR able to find yazan after he
2797s gets a little bit too cocky and quartz
2799s also peeking into the scope in Widow a
2801s few mistakes that's steps one two and
2804s three yep should allow them to go all
2806s the way up towards that point Alex is
2809s still pressuring the back line making a
2811s lot of space here it seems like KSA
2813s wants to go for the contention but isn't
2815s really too heavy on it they do use the
2818s Kitsune Rush as soon as the do PS come
2821s back in and you saw duplicates the
2822s Baptiste the Rampage also canceled that
2825s well and immediately Germany taking down
2828s that Saudi Arabian tank means that Saudi
2831s Arabia has to back off they're able to
2832s get that contestant and with three
2834s minutes left to spare that you're able
2836s to get that payload out and down into
2840s theme park they used every alt there
2842s like they didn't have the valkyrie but I
2844s mean they used that in the previous
2845s fight but they used the Kitsune Rush the
2846s Rampage the sights and the duplicate and
2848s they got nothing for it in fact they
2850s lost the point and like it looked like
2852s they were about to full hold Germany
2853s there the way that was going but a
2854s couple early picks a couple you know a
2857s couple people on the point to try and
2859s take up the percentage and suddenly a
2860s bunch of blown ultimates Germany are
2862s still in this
2864s yeah it really felt like there was a
2866s miss the communication there of whether
2868s or not they wanted to go for the touch
2869s yazan also duplicated a Baptiste as well
2872s and now Alex going to keep that old
2874s momentum going taken down courts and
2876s allows five to reposition a little bit
2878s more forward now the Haku coming in with
2881s a resurrection onto quartz but
2883s immediately after that five finds is on
2885s and the minds from Alex are gonna find
2887s sermajed so now they only have that
2890s Valkyrie Mercy to rely on for the
2892s sustain and that's not enough to keep up
2894s KSA and what was that name
2896s okay okay
2900s that is not I'm just okay that is
2904s interesting
2905s I don't know this is this is still old
2907s patched guys by the way this is this is
2909s not the newly balanced uh Cassidy
2912s Cassidy magnetic nade which is still
2915s kind of as bad but not as egregious as
2918s what we just saw that ability is
2920s anything but balance but I do okay the
2922s wrecking ball pick is actually starting
2923s to Bear quite a bit of fruit I think
2925s they've decided that griefing yazan is
2927s not the way forward you have to grieve
2928s quartz so they go for the wrecking ball
2930s Alex is gonna go and try and pester
2932s courts you can even see it on your
2934s screen right now trying to harass the
2935s Widowmaker quartz can't get an angle is
2937s gonna die and now Germany can keep
2939s pressing forward they don't have to
2941s worry about those headshots coming
2942s through they are losing in the neutral
2944s here over in this Mega health pack room
2946s but this is a good pattern that they can
2948s keep repeating and try and find
2949s something with it
2951s from KSA for seeing a lot of Germany
2954s back Alex does come back to regroup with
2957s the squad and try and get that little
2958s bit of pressure off of the back line and
2960s that Widowmaker and it does so but do
2963s lose the control of the objective in the
2966s process Court switching over to the
2967s Tracer a little bit tired of being
2969s pressured out by the tank and now it's
2972s the Kitsune rush and off the back of it
2974s a lot of picks swinging towards Saudi
2976s Arabia's side Pandy however able to find
2978s one but quartz that trick on a swap onto
2981s Tracer definitely a huge decision from
2984s Saudi Arabia no longer having to be
2986s pressured out on those long angles
2988s because of the tank but yazan this is
2991s this is a very cheeky flank that we have
2993s here that sticky bombs immediately go
2995s out however with the Kitsune Rush coming
2997s through or the Susu coming through it's
2999s going to allow a little bit of that
3000s extra sustain however so much pressure
3002s being put onto the backline suit racks
3004s does fall they still have Pandy to fall
3006s back on but Saudi Arabia's picks are
3009s poignant enough that it allows them to
3011s push Germany away Pandy however on the
3013s flank and going to Swift stuff a way to
3015s regroup with the rest of the squad yazan
3017s still surviving from that little cheeky
3020s Corner Cam that he did earlier that I
3022s mean it ends up being a flashy play but
3024s it is like he has to invest the
3025s duplicate just to stay alive there and
3027s now look at the old economy of Saudi
3028s Arabia it's in shambles everyone is
3030s falling now they only have a pulse bomb
3032s when they come back Germany still have a
3034s Way Forward here they've managed to get
3036s a team wipe sir majad the only one still
3038s alive still in spawn yeah Germany are in
3041s this they're still alive they're about
3043s to come up on an ant Matrix a bob and
3044s they have the Dead Eye they can try and
3046s zone out here quartz by the way got
3048s forced off the Widowmaker a long time
3050s ago gonna switch back onto it so now
3052s Saudi Arabia don't even have the pulse
3053s bomb now they have soup cracks though
3055s they killed him okay well that's a good
3058s start they still have the double Flex
3060s supports though right and they have a
3061s lot of the sin burst healing I mean
3063s Saudi Arabia they are getting a little
3065s bit confident a little bit cocky as well
3067s and making a lot of mistakes because of
3069s it but they are still in the driver's
3071s seat thus far Jeremy has been able to
3073s force the tempo with this wrecking ball
3075s though and it's forcing quartz to just
3078s get into very bad positions and unable
3080s to escape as well even though yazan was
3082s taken down the resurrection from Haku
3084s once again coming in they forgot the
3086s step three of take down Haku as well
3088s make sure that Resurrection does not
3090s come through but Germany they still have
3092s a minute left over to potentially full
3094s cap they are very close to the end and
3096s cords continually getting pressured
3098s however oh not this time around quartz
3101s just ignoring Alex there with Haku at
3104s his side to kind of sustain out and
3105s going to take out the back line instead
3107s it's crunch time now under a minute now
3110s for Germany to try and get the get the
3111s cap here I mean they have the Oles to
3113s try and do it but QR is going to swap
3115s over onto the Sombra I don't know if
3117s there's going to be enough time to go up
3118s to an EMP especially if they have to
3120s play Slow now because they just lost
3121s Pandy they can't go in without that kid
3122s to go they need to try and build like at
3124s sune rush as well it's I don't know if
3126s Germany's gonna be able to finish with
3127s time here if they finish at all this
3129s might be only a drawable situation
3131s another stat tiger though on to fight
3133s this is disaster they they need to
3134s stabilize they can't keep letting this
3136s happen if they lose Pantheon again no no
3138s it's over it's over Germany cannot
3140s finish with time now and they also use
3143s the amp Matrix there and it's just no
3145s ultimates into this next fight even if
3147s they're able to touch I mean the
3149s wrecking ball should be able to focus
3151s down and get a little bit of that touch
3153s and contention there but the wrecking
3155s ball is nowhere to be seen we have the
3157s Kitsune rush to come through as well
3159s Alex does find quartz in the back line
3161s but has not gone for the touch it's
3164s looking like a really shaky overtime
3167s it's going to be a dicey situation for
3169s Germany they are able to continually
3171s touch with the Wrecking Ball but now the
3172s duplication does come through yazan is
3175s sticking on to that onto the Baptiste
3179s actually but the self-destruct does come
3181s through from KSA it does a little bit of
3183s zoning forcing that Wrecking Ball away
3185s Alex doesn't have a lot of support here
3187s they have Pandy to come in Hammer too
3190s but okay
3191s that is it was just a really messy fight
3195s at the end there they're trying to
3196s contest they're trying to keep Alex
3198s alive and Saudi Arabia they don't really
3200s feel the pressure they're kind of there
3202s they're kind of also trolling a little
3204s bit they're like hmm why don't I switch
3205s on the door before not the end a Court's
3208s just you know running through all the
3209s chaos swinging the hammer just trying to
3210s find a kill is like that just kind of
3212s sets the tempo for like how that whole
3214s and uh ending sequence went there I mean
3217s Germany had a realistic shot but like I
3219s said a couple of those staggers just
3220s went a little bit to they were too
3223s egregious like you weren't able to
3224s capitalize off of it losing Pandy like
3226s twice in a row there losing Phi in the
3228s middle of that like just so much
3230s pressure from Saudi Arabia and of course
3232s they knew that like if they got those
3233s staggers there was no shot that Germany
3235s was going to be able to take the clean
3236s fight where they had the Ulta bands that
3238s they had everything they could have
3239s possibly wanted to try and get the you
3241s know Force the cart through in OT where
3244s even if they had Saudi Arabia still
3246s would have had two and a half minutes
3247s just to get a tick and still got the win
3249s there so
3251s it's a it's a Saudi Arabia 2-0 a pretty
3254s solid look from Germany but still just
3256s not enough to even take a map off the
3258s Kings
3259s it did feel like they were getting a
3262s kind of getting warmed up here you know
3264s right at the beginning towards the end
3266s they started having their comp come
3267s together and everything was looking a
3270s lot more cohesive than it was at the
3272s beginning and it seemed like they were
3273s putting the pieces together and the kind
3275s of we could see the bigger picture the
3277s puzzle was all fitting and then it
3279s wasn't because of these really really
3281s cheeky plays but at the same time Saudi
3283s Arabia they weren't really playing all
3286s that seriously I mean the pressure is
3288s off like you said they're pretty much
3289s guaranteeing themselves at playoff spot
3291s they're basically playing for seating
3293s and since Germany isn't really In
3295s Contention I don't think they're too
3297s worried about this squad at all and and
3299s I even said it the other day when we
3301s were casting the squad I don't even
3302s think you know Saudi Arabia needs to buy
3304s a ticket to to land there I think
3306s yazan's got enough frequent flyer miles
3308s to get the whole team to BlizzCon for
3309s free there so another great look for
3312s Saudi Arabia they look as strong as
3314s dominant as ever their iron claw grip on
3317s the number one seed deepens a little bit
3320s more it still might be in contention
3322s though if Finland has anything to say
3323s about it and there is still one more
3326s team that could potentially pull off the
3328s upset all of the hopes and prayers of
3331s everyone else in group b will lie now
3333s atop Sweden's shoulders tomorrow
3336s definitely be on the lookout for that
3337s one that one should be a good one with
3339s this new reformed Sweden but for now we
3342s have to look to uh we have to look to
3344s our next game today which is let me
3346s double check uh I believe it is
3350s um where what is the the next game I'm
3351s drawing a blank here
3353s Poland versus Norway is going to be our
3355s next game all right we're gonna go ahead
3357s and get that one set up for you we'll be
3358s right back after the break don't go
3360s anywhere
3361s [Music]
3380s thank you
3384s [Music]
3408s thank you
3417s [Music]
3462s thank you
3472s [Music]
3482s [Music]
3483s thank you
3485s [Music]
3507s thank you
3511s foreign
3513s [Music]
3554s foreign
3557s [Music]
3579s it's the penultimate day of competition
3582s here at the OverWatch World Cup 2023
3584s emec online qualifiers I'm your host Jim
3587s Basco that's epitomies that's for cat
3589s and that's CB and of course we just
3591s watched Saudi Arabia take it really
3593s dominantly 2-0 over Germany if they meet
3596s layouts out some context for the viewers
3598s who may just be joining what do they
3599s miss
3605s actually knocked the Kings off their
3607s Throne I mean they're the only ones that
3609s really have a chance other than Sweden
3611s since they don't really too many chances
3613s left on day seven out of eight and now
3617s Germany Unfortunately they could not do
3620s too much against Saudi Arabia they
3622s definitely did their Vaude reviews they
3624s definitely knew what comps they wanted
3625s to run in order to just try and grief
3628s these Saudi Arabian players and it
3630s didn't work out too well until they went
3633s ball at the very end and they were able
3635s to not allow courts to play the game for
3637s maybe 20 of that last checkpoint but uh
3640s Unfortunately they were not able to win
3642s it out at the very end yeah it's tough
3644s when you're going up against the top of
3645s your group but let's go ahead and take a
3647s look at the schedule of course we're
3648s just one match down we've got six more
3650s to go next up we've got Poland versus
3653s Norway which is bound to be great turkey
3655s versus Finland follows and then we've
3657s got Sweden versus Iceland then the
3659s Marquee matchup of the day in our book
3661s Spain versus Great Britain followed by
3663s Netherlands versus Portugal and we rap
3665s out our day with Italy versus Denmark CB
3668s let's talk about Poland versus Norway
3670s right set some context here for the
3671s viewers what are we looking at well I
3674s mean both of these teams are essentially
3675s locked out because again it is the Saudi
3678s Arabia Show featuring Finland and those
3680s are pretty much the two teams from this
3682s group that are going to be going on to
3683s the playoffs Poland and Norway two
3685s squads that are are going to be on the
3688s outside looking in Norway has put on a
3690s phenomenal show thus far and they want
3692s to continue that they want to make sure
3693s that they are giving their fans
3694s something to be proud of something to
3696s remember so that you know when they come
3698s back next year we'll be like this
3699s Norwegian Squad they were ones to watch
3702s they've got this Legacy they want to try
3704s and build that Legacy give give us a
3706s show you know get play a little bit for
3708s Pride here unfortunately that is all
3709s that is really on the line but that's
3712s not nothing that's still worth quite a
3714s bit going forward it is and it's the
3716s World Cup man you know at the end of the
3717s day you've represented your country on
3718s the world stage in front of thousands of
3720s people all across the globe so that's
3722s got to be pretty cool so with that said
3723s if enemies and CB enjoy the match Poland
3726s versus Norway just around the corner and
3728s I'll catch you guys on the other side
3729s and thank you so much Jim so on this
3733s Poland versus uh Norway matchup some
3736s context for Norway who are third in the
3738s group currently the only way that they
3740s make it to playoffs is if Finland lose
3743s to their next opponents which I believe
3746s is turkey and Turkey right now it's not
3749s looking too hot for them in group b they
3751s are number six with the two and three
3753s record same as Germany and if what are
3756s match against with Saudi Arabia against
3758s Germany told us anything then it's not
3761s the greatest of odds for Norway making
3764s it into these playoffs yeah Finland
3766s versus Turkey is going to be our next
3767s matchup after this one once we uh once
3769s we have this one all squared away we'll
3771s be taking a look at that one and that is
3772s definitely one to keep an eye on here
3775s and you know going back to what I was
3776s saying before where these teams are for
3777s the most part playing uh playing for
3780s pride and trying to go down swing and
3782s give a show both of these teams have
3783s been pretty good representation for
3785s their Nations I I've seen a lot of
3788s really good things out of this polar
3789s Squad fake Jake has impressed me I've
3791s been impressed essentially by this
3793s entire team it just hasn't really come
3795s together they uh they you know did fall
3797s victim to the group that had only two
3799s playoff spots and Saudi Arabia in it so
3802s there was not really ever going to be
3804s room for this team but they've still put
3806s on a great show a very memorable team
3808s definitely some names to keep an eye on
3809s going forward Poland you know has a long
3813s history in Esports a very proud Nation
3815s when it comes to Esports and I think
3817s this team has done them proud
3820s I feel like Finn uh Poland has just had
3824s a really good run of things thus far
3826s um but Norway is one of these squads
3829s that have a lot of veterans see on it as
3831s well only God represented Norway in
3834s every single World Cup thus far very
3837s long history in Esports and they've also
3840s done a lot of you can tell that they've
3842s done a lot of research they've done a
3844s lot of cooking when it comes to playing
3846s against these squads and I feel like
3847s there are so many moments of Brilliance
3849s that we saw from Norway it's just they
3851s once again also fell victim to that
3854s group with only two playoff spots and I
3856s feel like if there was that one more if
3858s they were like group a Norway could have
3860s definitely made the cake maybe I mean
3863s group a is still very contentious
3864s there's a lot you know a lot of turmoil
3866s going on over there and maybe someone
3867s likes only God who has those hero
3869s moments who has that clutch factor in
3872s him could potentially help Elevate
3874s Norway to Greatness there but uh you
3877s know it just was not in the cards thus
3878s far again falling victim to being in
3881s Saudi Arabia's group we're gonna be
3882s taking things to ilios to kick things
3885s off here as Poland looks to try and uh
3888s get that win loss record up a little bit
3890s try and make the teams make a sorry make
3893s the fans back home just a little bit
3894s more proud and Norway continues to plead
3897s their case for a while there probably
3898s should have been a third slot if you ask
3900s them to try and uh get us uh get them to
3904s that playoff spot they didn't it's very
3907s unlikely that they're going to take it
3909s but hey you know
3911s going down swinging here giving a good
3913s show uh it would be a great way to make
3915s the fans remember you yeah it's it's
3918s unfortunate for Norway because the only
3920s way they can make it is if is something
3923s out of their control you know if Finland
3925s loses to Turkey and otherwise even if
3927s they went perfect in the next two
3929s matches they would still be 5-2 and
3931s Finland would likely if they don't lose
3933s the turkey b6-1 so Norway losing to both
3936s Finland and Saudi Arabia losing to one
3938s and two I mean that's a lot to be proud
3940s of still
3941s yeah a solid third place Podium finish I
3944s think yeah like mathematically speaking
3946s even with the map differential I think
3948s Norway is is unfortunately locked out I
3950s mean well I I'm no math magician so I
3954s don't really know the crazier things
3955s have happened I would just put my money
3957s on it being Saudi Arabia and Finland and
3958s be but even if that is the case if I'm
3960s Norway I still want to be I still want
3963s to be dominant I still want to come out
3965s here and give a good showing I still
3966s want to come out here and get a big dub
3969s not drop a map you know make it as close
3971s as it possibly can be pulling gonna go
3975s ahead and come out of the gates with
3976s that junker Queen composition very
3978s jotes-esque we're seeing in the Cassidy
3980s with those U-turn grenades that we saw
3982s in the last series and psycho on the
3984s echo for the side of Norway Isaac on the
3987s road hog is not something that was on my
3989s bingo card for today but if it was on
3991s yours go ahead and Mark that one you
3993s might be the only person on the bingo
3994s hall walking home with a prize today
3997s icav might not be walking away at all
3999s though
3999s it's giving the OverWatch one Vibes
4002s where they would just try to hook people
4003s into the well on this map but I mean now
4007s Norway they're already contesting after
4010s that point on lost but psycho is really
4012s looking for that back line it's actually
4013s Poland that are going to find the first
4015s pick so I have being brought out here
4017s icap is a player that I like to
4019s highlight a lot especially on the DPS
4021s hero mostly known more in the World Cup
4024s here for his Ash but now taking out the
4027s Cassidy and it's stylistically very
4029s great counter to Norway psycho memio
4032s combo with the echo Mercy
4035s and Norway is uh is done playing around
4037s no more hog gonna actually switch it
4038s over to the horse uh looking a little
4040s more hoarse than my voice now psycho
4043s gonna fall early Norway as yeah you can
4046s see Isaac's just going like what was
4047s that like now I have to wait for my now
4050s I gotta wait for my team oh now Poland's
4052s Gonna Keep ticking up the percentage
4053s here they're gonna surpass uh the 30
4055s threshold about a third of the way home
4057s so I'm Poland looking okay thus far
4060s we'll see if Norway is able to find a
4061s way in here
4064s fake Jake looking for the back line once
4066s again just fishing for that little bit
4069s of damage that he can get off onto JP
4071s which is onus of the healing is really
4073s on for Norway's Squad with psycho and
4076s mimeo together the echo having custody
4078s of the mercy but now pulse bomb already
4080s charged for Jake Jake could mean
4082s disaster for a low HP erisa no face Jake
4085s is actually the one to fall JP able to
4087s get all the health back up on the tank
4089s and the valkyrie coming through it's a
4091s Kitsune Rush from pole inside and now a
4094s high noon from icap to attempts to find
4096s something and swing it any other
4098s direction okay that Kitsune rush just
4100s Powers up Cassidy's primary fire so much
4102s it's going to be Psycho who duplicates a
4105s junker Queen trying to get a tank and
4106s that little bit of extra Health pool
4108s into the fight it's not gonna work out
4109s forever shreds out psycho and now Norway
4113s they're left grasping for the straws of
4115s that last bite they still have one
4117s ultimate left over but it's not looking
4119s too good I mean I don't know if anyone
4121s in the chat is gonna remember but like a
4122s while back there was that patch where
4124s capacity's fire rate got buffed way up
4126s and they called it Tommy Gun Cassidy
4128s like there and I mean not quite as fast
4132s now but I can't still got the Tommy Gun
4133s going gonna follow that up oh Tsum Tzu
4136s from JP there was so clutch that was
4138s excuse Rampage from forever but I mean
4141s everyone's able to survive at Norway
4143s they might actually be able to flip this
4144s so they can finally melt down forever is
4146s clinging on with just a scrap of HP
4148s yeah forever was so out of position for
4151s so long there but it's actually psycho
4152s Who falls mimio could potentially go for
4154s the resurrection here but fake Jake is
4157s allowed to get a lot of damage off and
4158s now the Blizzard from Oni God to do a
4160s bit of zoning Isaac's still getting
4162s shredded very low but the valkyrie from
4164s mimio comes in just in time still Isaac
4166s goes down Resurrection possible mimio
4169s goes for it and brings the tank back
4170s they could flip Point here still being
4172s contested by the loose show or just wide
4174s riding along the walls flipper doing a
4176s very good job at making sure that they
4178s can try and get some more players on but
4180s oh Tech Soul a little bit late to the
4182s party and just walking out onto the
4184s point Poland waiting for the reset from
4187s their supports now all right I mean 99
4188s it's time for Norway to get a little bit
4191s more serious here and their composition
4192s is still looking a little bit more
4194s serious but they do have to expend a lot
4196s to try and get that flip pulling holding
4198s on to both DPS holds neither old is that
4200s particularly huge one though you do want
4202s to try and like at least get some zoning
4203s get some space out of using the Dead Eye
4205s if nothing else I Norway if they can
4207s find some picks here and think it's sune
4209s Rush they're gonna have to watch out for
4210s the return of Tommy Gun Cassidy but they
4212s might be able to weather this storm here
4214s yeah now the Dead Eye from icap doesn't
4217s find anything but flipper is able to get
4219s a lot of damage down onto the tank and
4221s now without the tank they have to use
4223s that duplicate once again on psycho
4225s looking for the junker Queen doesn't get
4226s the Rampage off but it gives enough time
4228s for mimio to resurrect Isaac now they
4231s have the consumers of their own that JP
4232s had already used and it forced Poland
4235s back enough and a loud psycho to just
4237s shred down some of that back line
4240s at Norway I mean that's a successful
4242s first hold there either above the 50
4244s threshold they can keep this one going
4246s and now they have the old Advantage
4247s because Poland like expended pretty
4249s heavily in that one you know no more
4251s Kitsune Rush no more Deadeye they're
4253s gonna have to work up to another pulse
4254s bomb it's really only forever's rampage
4257s that Norway has to worry about if they
4258s can snuff that out early potentially
4260s even just kill forever outright right
4262s here boom with the blizzard they might
4264s be able to hold here
4266s oh the Blizzard from Oni God is good but
4268s only God gets so low and can't really
4271s finish off any of the kills Isaac will
4273s be able to though a lot bigger of a
4274s health sink that you can put into the
4276s horse of the orisa and you have the
4278s terror surge Now searching spin okay
4280s that's a great Javelin on to icab and
4284s now psycho brought back into the fight
4285s lots of space being created by this tank
4288s and just allowing for the mercy to bring
4290s back so many key resurrections as well
4293s okay that Rampage was a little bit of a
4295s bust from forever and maybe a little bit
4298s too panicked as well Tara surge onto
4300s flippers just going to take down the
4302s Lucio and there's not a lot to be done
4304s here mimio even takes out the pistol for
4306s a second while ikeb switches on to the
4309s echo it actually takes down psycho
4311s there's a Kitsune Rush from Texel but
4313s immediately after that Kitsune Rush does
4316s go down because the kiriko and okay
4318s they're trying to wave them away once
4320s again with just that little bit of a
4322s hook but the ball comes back in Forever
4325s on the emergency ball as we so often see
4327s at near the end and unfortunately not
4329s able to touch from Flipper or Texel
4332s hey look down the well here there's a
4335s fish there goes Poland's hopes and
4336s dreams uh Norway gonna go ahead and take
4338s ilios well running it back 99 to 100.
4341s it's very close but it ends up just kind
4343s of being the aggression from Norway
4344s towards the tail end there that ends up
4346s winning out the day they identify
4348s isolated targets they just you know all
4350s hold W inch right on top of them make it
4353s so that Poland are never really able to
4354s take an advantageous fight again and
4356s Norway are able to you know run the
4358s table all the way back as long as they
4360s stay serious Isaac I said stay serious
4362s go back to the horse as long as they
4364s stay serious they should be able to just
4366s close this one out here on Lighthouse
4367s Poland now actually going to bring out a
4370s horse of their own we'll see who rules
4371s the stable yet again uh eyes okay that's
4374s a little bit more serious the hot from
4376s the hog over on to the diva this is
4378s gonna be an interesting look here from
4379s Norway also be on lookout for onigod
4381s with that Ash to be putting a lot of the
4383s pressure on to fake Jake from here on
4385s high
4386s yeah fake Shake switching onto the echo
4389s it's pretty much a mirror composition
4390s except for that horse versus the diva
4394s which is really going to be looking for
4395s that back line a lot more and textile is
4398s going to have to be isolated there only
4399s God already finding a high ground on top
4401s of the objective but after the objective
4404s opens Isaac finding icav and psycho very
4407s easily finding the back Line Of Texel as
4410s well flipper looking to go for some kind
4412s of Resurrection fake Jake actually able
4414s to find only God but the first point
4416s should go over to Norway's side mimio
4419s able to get the res off onto onigod and
4422s with that Norway have gotten that first
4424s capture Poland actually gonna go and
4426s make the swap so now we're in a full on
4427s mirror composition here so mimio it's
4431s giving players okay yeah a little bit of
4434s swagger jacking from Poland onto Norway
4436s here they do take down mimio while she's
4438s busy typing there so a slight mistake
4441s shouldn't have had the chat open there
4443s Poland might be able to capitalize
4445s without the fear of the res coming
4446s online but Norway still have the tools
4449s that they need to try install this out
4450s Isaac is going to be coming up on that
4452s self-destruct and can use that to buy a
4453s little bit more time
4454s yeah that suzu already came out from
4457s Poland as well to try and save fake Jake
4459s they are able to take Isaac out of the
4461s mech but the self-destruct is forced to
4463s be used and the Remake is very uh very
4466s quick now psycho Finding Forever his own
4469s Mech and taken down forever in the
4472s process Isaac just diving on to Texel
4475s and there's not really much that
4476s technical can do doesn't have any
4478s teammates to Swift step to and forever
4480s it's kind of left drifting around in the
4482s Suites streets waiting for the rest of
4484s Poland to come back
4485s I mean there was just a very high value
4488s self-destruct there I mean they're able
4489s to get the d-mac onto forever before the
4491s bomb actually goes off ends up killing
4493s the baby Diva Isaac's able to get the
4495s Remake and just chase down the last
4496s couple stragglers very clean from Norway
4498s they did it with a pen like they did
4501s that hold with potentially their most
4502s Expendable ultimate ability and now
4504s Poland is gonna have a lot to try and
4506s chunk through if they want to get that
4507s but chunking through onigod and JP yeah
4510s that's how you start
4512s he had JP already going down with the
4514s Kitsune rush in hand as well mimio
4516s brings back Oni God who almost has that
4519s Bob ready and they're looking to use it
4521s to try and contest a little bit further
4523s fake Shake does duplicate onto the diva
4525s but go tell the mech very quickly and oh
4527s my God find a textile in the back line
4529s as well it's going to allow Norway to go
4532s up to 90 percent a good pick onto fake
4535s Jake and a little bit of stagger pick as
4536s well Isaac does fall off the map though
4539s so they're going to have to find a way
4540s to get that tank back in not going to
4542s matter actually there's not even a touch
4544s from Poland to activate that overtime
4546s and it's going to be Norway for that
4549s first map of ilios a little bit of funny
4551s little trolling with the roadhog at the
4553s beginning but they got serious we we do
4555s a little trolling but yeah once they get
4557s serious they do you know they do take it
4559s pretty decisively I mean Norway coming
4562s into this though we talked about how how
4564s proud both uh both teams should be of
4566s what they've done and how they've
4567s represented their country but Norway on
4569s paper is just like the stronger team
4571s across the board like they have the
4573s talent they have Oni God they have
4574s psycho who has been a very consistent
4577s piece for this team memio with with both
4579s the trash talk and the uh the and the
4582s rest and all the the Stellar Mercy play
4585s that's come out from her I love that for
4586s her but oh like overall like this
4588s Norwegian Squad if there was a third
4591s slot for playoffs in group b this would
4593s be the pick for it right like there
4595s would be no one else that would even
4596s realistically come close to this team
4598s Poland is uh you know they were they
4601s were locked out I think as of even
4602s yesterday so Norway just looked to be
4606s the stronger Squad and they just show it
4608s here across the board didn't even really
4610s feel like the most serious of games but
4611s once they took it seriously they they
4614s showed us why
4615s yeah Forever at the beginning of the
4617s game said good luck have fun and then
4619s they really took that to heart and
4621s picked roadhog right at the beginning
4622s there so I mean Norway they are a
4625s veteran Squad especially only got here
4628s looking to lead the charge with the rest
4630s of the team but there's still a lot of
4631s contenders on as well mimio also being a
4634s veteran of the Norway World Cup squad so
4637s I'm not really surprised that we do get
4638s this result on the first map but for the
4640s next one it will be Poland's map pick
4642s and they might be getting a little bit
4644s more serious instead of their haha good
4646s luck have fun attitude but at the same
4649s time they have been locked out of
4650s playoffs because of their map score and
4653s just the amount of losses that they have
4655s in matches so I'm not sure maybe we are
4657s going to get a little bit more of that
4658s trolling from both of these teams
4660s good luck have fun don't mind if I do
4663s I'm definitely having fun over here that
4665s was a lot of fun to watch getting to see
4666s The Return of the hog coming out I mean
4668s the only other tank player I think
4669s that's busted that out was forever so
4671s you know I mean maybe unintentional but
4673s also just like a little bit of extra
4674s layers onto the trolling here maybe I'm
4677s digging a little bit more for analysis
4678s because there wasn't a whole lot to
4681s break down there that was just kind of
4682s you know both teams going in playing
4684s some OverWatch having fun and that's how
4686s you want to go out when you're on this
4687s stage when playoff seems like a fever
4689s dream something that you are now
4692s effectively locked out of you want to go
4693s down swing and you want to give a show
4694s you want to have fun that's what these
4696s two teams are here to do we got another
4698s map of that coming up potentially a
4700s third if Poland's able to take it it's
4701s gonna be their map pick don't go
4703s anywhere we'll be right back with that
4704s after this break
4707s [Music]
4745s all right
4746s [Music]
4779s thank you
4786s [Music]
4788s thank you
4790s [Music]
4806s foreign
4811s [Music]
4830s [Music]
4838s [Music]
4844s thank you
4863s [Music]
4876s foreign
4882s [Music]
4890s [Music]
4905s [Music]
4918s thank you
4920s [Music]
4925s although these tombs might be locked out
4928s of playoffs they're still ready to play
4930s for map 2 of Poland versus Norway we saw
4933s Norway take it 1-0 over on ilios and we
4938s will be headed to Poland's map pick now
4940s yeah I mean both these teams just coming
4942s out like I said for Pride gonna go down
4944s swing and make sure to give everyone a
4946s show and the stage where this show will
4948s go into its second potentially final Act
4950s is going to be circuit Royale uh so
4954s expect to see a lot of hit scan play
4955s coming out a lot of long range uh Heroes
4958s your hanzos your widows you might still
4960s see some teams trying to lean in towards
4962s the echo to take advantage of some of
4964s the Wide Open Sky Box but for the most
4967s part this is where the long range hit
4968s scan Heroes reign supreme uh you
4972s probably see some Sigma we've also seen
4973s some teams try and play variants of Rush
4975s on this comp on this map which is also
4978s another interesting look that I always
4979s do you know look forward to seeing you
4981s know Rush is like
4982s it's it's always good like it's just
4984s always fun it's always fun to watch it's
4986s always fun to cast it's always fun to
4988s play and at this point these teams are
4990s pretty much just looking to have a
4991s little bit of fun with each other
4993s I definitely agree there and it seems
4996s like circuit Royale you can have a lot
4998s of those long-range titscan dps's and we
5000s saw icav last map on the Cassidy doing a
5003s lot of good work for Poland and I expect
5006s to see that again I have once again
5008s really impressive on the ash fake Shake
5011s likely going to pick into that Tracer if
5014s we don't see anything else coming out
5016s more of a dive oriented comp but I'm
5019s definitely interested in what Poland has
5021s cooking headed over onto Circa Royale uh
5024s by the way I do kind of want to talk a
5025s little bit about the map geometry for a
5027s second so I can you know some people
5029s might be wondering like it might even
5031s seem obvious but they might be wondering
5032s like you know why does everybody play uh
5035s you know long-range hit scan Heroes why
5037s doesn't people why don't people
5038s typically try and lean too much into the
5039s Tracer on point a it's because there's
5041s really no flank routes it's kind of just
5044s that one straight shot like you just
5046s have to push the cart forward there's no
5048s real way that you can get behind uh
5050s anywhere that the enemy is going to be
5051s holding so you will see a lot more
5053s people trying to play those Lanes uh put
5055s some spam down with the Hanzo that's why
5057s we also see uh the Zenyatta typically
5060s come out for a little bit that extra
5061s spam uh getting some value out of that
5063s Discord orb you'll sometimes see the
5065s Genji because he's able to kind of
5067s utilize the deflect and the dash to get
5069s in people's face but not to the same
5071s extent that you would see like a Sombra
5073s or a tracer so that's just kind of how
5075s circuit Royale typically ends up playing
5077s out and you can tell by Poland's comp
5078s this is very much what we expect to be
5081s the meta on circuit Royale every time we
5083s load into this map Norway on the other
5084s hand this is not at all what we expect
5086s to see pretty much ever also has anyone
5089s seen onigo where is he okay we found him
5092s Norway was uh playing a ranked game team
5094s composition for a second there they're
5096s able to hold on to that payload Poland
5098s is holding pretty far back around that
5100s first Corner in choke point rather than
5102s trying to go for a spawn hold and Norway
5104s switched to a pretty typical brush Mop
5106s as well and Norway was playing a
5108s composition that I uh very lovingly like
5111s to call the seven day avoid where I'm
5112s gonna avoid the roadhog I'm gonna avoid
5114s the Moira and uh get a q Dodge so I
5117s don't play into them ever again
5119s exactly just like go into Widow headshot
5123s for like five minutes make sure that you
5125s don't see them again Sigma on Poland's
5127s side is doing pretty well they've
5128s already taken out the immortality field
5130s though to try and save some of that
5132s backline especially flipper but I have
5134s here just getting so much value off of
5137s this angle taking down psycho who's
5139s really in their face trying to harass
5140s this back line out since they have that
5142s squishy Zenyatta and really easy like
5145s flankable forever now finding Isaac the
5147s tank down for Norway they're gonna have
5148s to back off only God gets caught in the
5151s crossfire the Norway's back Line's still
5153s alive but they're going to stay that way
5155s by hiding around that corner yeah and so
5157s like Poland playing this long-range poke
5159s composition like it's designed to try
5161s and keep Norway at arm's distance and
5163s the comp that Norway was playing before
5165s they have now swapped onto a double
5166s sniper was all about trying to close
5168s distance and trying to get close it
5170s falls flat if you just can't get close
5172s which is why now Norway are gonna be uh
5174s playing Poland's game here a little bit
5175s with some slight variations they still
5177s have the romantra they still have the
5178s Anna I think Matra does a great job of
5181s dueling out the sigma so they can put a
5183s little bit of forward pressure here and
5185s uh give only God the space to hit some
5187s shots
5189s only God looking for the head of one of
5193s the back line here of Poland now going
5195s to go ahead with the Nano boosted
5197s Annihilation they're able to only find
5200s the immortality field though Poland
5202s managing to save so much of the squad
5204s with only one cooldown they didn't use
5206s that amp matrix's giant shred a little
5209s bit further but fake Shake also with the
5211s dragon strike finds the back line of
5214s Norway they've also switched mimeo onto
5216s the Zenyatta and it hasn't really netted
5218s the much here just yet I have completely
5221s in control of those long angles with the
5223s Widowmaker and Only God not really able
5225s to find the same value just yet it was a
5227s great play from Isaac there to just walk
5228s through the ant Matrix and try to block
5230s off all the damage but the Zenyatta
5231s Discord orb from Flipper and all the
5233s pressure that was just being just all
5236s the pressure being applied to Isaac just
5238s makes it feel like he's crumbling under
5239s the weight of the world there there's
5241s not enough healing to bail him out and
5242s he does end up falling and suddenly
5243s there's no space for anyone else to play
5245s the dragon strike just mops up and now
5247s Norway they don't have a whole lot of
5249s ability to try and Brute Force this pull
5250s and still have the gravitic flux that
5252s could be a Fight Win of their own they
5253s still have the Transcendence to try and
5255s negate whatever Norway's play here is
5257s they're gonna open with the gravitic
5259s flux
5260s Hawaii cab once again spamming down that
5263s long angle psycho going down because of
5265s it and Texel is only able to eliminate
5268s that immortality field without that cool
5271s down it's a lot harder to force Norway
5273s forward and they've only just switched
5275s onto that Sigma as well so they don't
5277s have the same ultimate pressure now with
5279s fake Jake binding only God not even the
5281s little bit of Recon information that can
5283s be found from one God's ultimate can be
5286s used here the Transcendence is there
5287s from mimio but fake chick once again
5289s such a good shot onto the Zenyatta and
5292s it seems like Poland they are just so
5294s much more comfortable on these
5296s long-range poke comps while Norway
5297s really prefers that kind of brawl yeah
5300s and now that they're playing the mirror
5301s comps that's Norway that's giving
5302s plagiarism Noah no shade to mimio there
5304s I don't know how to spell plagiarism
5306s either I'm very dumb but I I mean you
5309s got 20 seconds left for Norway they have
5311s to try and get a touch here and they
5312s have to also try and get some kills with
5313s this Lodge pull and you still have
5314s transcendances on either side so this
5316s fight can go quite a long time Isaac has
5320s to try and build up to that acrobatic
5322s flux but forever has nearly matched it
5323s and this nearly has another one yeah and
5326s the gravitic flux is so close from
5329s Poland as well they have the Recon
5330s they've used that amp Matrix to force a
5332s lot of positioning nemio uses
5334s Transcendence if just to try and push
5336s themselves forward amp Matrix from JP
5338s will force Poland back around that
5340s corner but they still have a little bit
5341s ways to go and it's overtime and
5344s forever's already found one psycho
5346s finally does get a little bit of value
5347s out of this Hanzo but fake Jake is just
5350s telling him that he is the king of this
5352s Hanzo and the hero plays aren't there
5354s for Norway this time around Poland
5356s completing round one without even a push
5359s onto first checkpoint yeah the
5361s Transcendence from mimio gets forced out
5363s there really really early so once that
5365s expires it's like Isaac's life is on the
5367s clock and once he falls there's no one
5369s to really hold the space again your
5370s snipers can't take angles if there's not
5372s a tank pushing forward with the shield
5374s uh you know applying pressure with those
5376s orbs and those accretions to try and
5378s push everyone else back that sign duel
5380s is very important the Widow duel is very
5382s important but if uh not if if your Widow
5385s can't get a favorable shot can't get a
5387s favorable angle then you're never going
5388s to be able to break through so in Norway
5391s they just kind of stall out there again
5393s that Transcendence getting forced early
5394s kind of spells disaster for them because
5396s Poland can just hang on to theirs and
5398s you know weather the storm whatever
5400s whatever Norway comes through whether
5402s it's the gravity flux or whether it's
5404s storm arrows or even even an amp Matrix
5406s play they can just use the Transcendence
5408s hold everybody strong stay alive and
5410s hold on the point and that's a pretty
5412s solid hold for pull and they have a
5414s realistic shot at uh at winning this map
5417s out right here now Norway are gonna have
5419s to hold them even stronger likely even
5421s closer where they can take potentially
5423s two fights here uh we'll have to see how
5425s far up they want to hold if they go too
5428s far up they do kind of risk not giving
5430s favorable angles for their snipers and
5432s Poland can just bully them out with the
5433s spawn Advantage so looks like they're
5436s gonna go for that first Corner that we
5437s do typically see a lot of teams go for
5439s very smart very wise take the fight on
5442s the cart but well you still have a
5444s favorable angle
5446s yeah psycho really looking to have to
5450s contest icav and fake Jake here only God
5453s has been doing a little bit of work on
5455s the on the Hanzo but unable to find as
5459s much as Poland has been able to with
5461s fake Jake's own Hanzo and even with the
5464s ultimate pacing that you're seeing here
5465s fake Jake is just building it up that
5467s much quicker same with icav their long
5469s range poke compositions just have so
5471s much more to be said and have a lot more
5473s layers that Norway who are simply just
5476s matching what Poland is bringing now
5478s Norway is also backing up a lot they're
5480s giving a lot of space here where they're
5481s only realistically gonna have one fight
5483s that they can take and a little bit of a
5485s sniper trade their icab for onigod
5487s losing only God's not gonna be great
5489s he'll have the ability to play The High
5491s Ground when he comes back but you need
5493s to make sure that you don't lose psycho
5494s here
5495s yeah and Isaac is playing really far up
5497s to try and contest the card and ensure
5499s that they don't push back this corner
5501s because Poland is already approaching
5503s the Final Destination here and they are
5505s very close by and Norway is just dancing
5507s around this corner not a lot to be done
5509s Isaac does have to back off just a
5512s little bit and try and dance inside of
5514s this room instead of contesting back and
5517s forth and psycho is trying to take this
5519s Sigma down but there is just so much
5521s health and you really need to have that
5523s coordinated damage otherwise it's just
5525s gonna all get healed back and fake Jake
5527s with the picks onto the back line on to
5529s Psycho is just so much promise for
5532s Poland to be able to win this one
5533s outright Norway takes out the
5535s amplification Matrix but Poland has that
5538s a mortality feel now with the gravitic
5541s flux from Isaac it gives them a little
5543s bit of space made but the dragon strike
5545s also forces the positioning and textile
5547s able to find Isaac now Transcendence is
5549s a little bit too late from JP to save
5551s the team and it's just going to be two
5554s supports in the back backline trying to
5556s find something cannot contest I mean
5558s it's it's Zenyatta and a Hanzo I kind of
5561s expected this one if their tank ever
5563s went down but Poland uh very very good
5566s first hold and able to just push that
5568s cart in very quickly as well now they
5571s look very confident on the on the Poke
5573s compositions we're seeing their DPS
5574s getting the opening pick-offs more often
5576s than norways were I mean forever on the
5579s sigma looks really really good I mean
5581s you did still see Isaac looking pretty
5583s confident at times there but forever was
5585s like matching or sometimes even lapping
5587s the gravitic flux charge which just
5588s speaks to how much he's doing there on
5590s that front line and overall that
5592s definitely feels like a comfort pick for
5594s Poland like something that they are very
5596s competent at and Norway you know they
5598s try to plagiarize it it didn't go their
5600s way they you know too little too late
5603s weren't able to get as much on their
5604s attack as they potentially should have
5605s to make it competitive and Poland just
5607s kind of run away with this one
5609s yeah and it was really difficult for
5611s them to play into Poland's Comfort picks
5614s you could see that fake Jake and I have
5616s were really in the zone at this point
5618s fake chick finding a lot of value off of
5621s the Hanzo and I have a player that I've
5623s been talking about a lot because I've
5625s been really impressed by his hitscan
5627s play
5628s um just like I mean he was given the
5630s space to do work right but it's fake
5632s shake that really shown here getting
5633s that early pick off onto psycho is what
5636s really started the momentum to allow
5638s them to push past the spinal point and
5640s you can even tell like by the
5641s composition that uh that Norway came out
5643s with that they do like to play more
5645s close range I do like to play more of
5646s the brawl composition and they weren't
5648s able to get away with that this time
5649s around so great map pick actually from
5651s Bloom where they can play into their
5653s comfort picks and completely make Norway
5655s as uncomfortable as possible and end up
5658s taking a map so we're going to map three
5660s here not great for Norway because you
5663s know if you wanted to have even a
5665s snowball's chance and Hell of making it
5667s to land at this point you need to make
5668s sure that you didn't drop us single map
5669s because now there's like no way the map
5671s differential is going to work out in
5672s their favor I mean I think they were
5674s already mathematically locked out but
5676s even more so after dropping that one so
5678s maybe don't drop the whole series go
5681s ahead and uh we'll go ahead and uh cut
5683s to a quick hit little break here it's
5684s going to be Norway's map pick when we
5685s get back hopefully they're able to stay
5687s in this one this one's getting
5688s interesting we'll see you in a bit
5692s [Music]
5707s thank you
5719s [Music]
5729s foreign
5731s [Music]
5733s [Applause]
5733s [Music]
5758s [Music]
5772s foreign
5774s [Music]
5803s [Applause]
5803s [Music]
5821s [Music]
5829s [Applause]
5838s [Applause]
5845s [Music]
5856s thank you
5861s [Music]
5905s thank you
5910s welcome back circuit Royale turned out
5913s to be a challenge for Norway the number
5915s three seed currently in group b and
5919s looking at a chance at playoffs Poland
5922s might have just been able to lock them
5924s out with that map win now headed on to
5926s Norway's map pick of a push map it's
5928s going to be interesting to see if
5930s they're going to be able to close this
5931s one out or if Poland will head to a
5934s reverse sweep on Coliseum it's entirely
5938s possible if Norway didn't leave their
5939s trolling at the door they certainly
5941s didn't leave it back at ilios well where
5943s it belonged and they brought it with
5945s them in their backpacks to Circuit
5946s Royale weighed them down pretty heavily
5948s they couldn't pull off the rush comp
5950s that they wanted to play fell victim to
5952s the Pokey Poland and now they gotta try
5955s and win out on coliseo this I think
5957s though does kind of favor the rush a
5959s little bit more it's a pretty solid pick
5960s as far as the push maps go so Norway you
5964s know good map pick I think this does
5966s favor them you still will have to watch
5968s out for some of the long-range hit scans
5970s what have to watch out for some of the
5971s hanzos icab can still definitely be
5973s lethal there from far away if you give
5976s them a little bit too much space there
5977s but overall pretty solid map pick uh you
5980s know you just have to play this game
5981s like you want to win
5983s yeah but I mean Poland that last game
5985s they definitely looked very
5987s uncomfortable on the Pokemon position
5988s but it also felt like they weren't
5990s really making the adaptations that they
5991s could have been when Norway is as we
5994s know a very very adaptable Squad they've
5996s been able to take out a lot of really
5999s um non-meta picks that have ended up
6001s working out because they know how their
6003s opponents like to play I'm a little bit
6005s surprised we didn't see them come out
6007s with a more dive composition even though
6009s they don't have those flank routes still
6012s could have potentially worked out with
6013s them if they were able to get the jump
6014s on either fake Jake or icav but now
6017s headed on to coliseo like you said it
6019s favors those Rush compositions yeah so
6022s I'm expecting to see a ramatram mirror
6024s coming out from both teams I'm not sure
6025s if that's what we're going to get we
6026s might see some surprises because hey
6028s these teams have given us a couple of
6030s surprises already Norway looking like
6032s they're still full of surprises over
6033s there it's attack response there's still
6035s time to do the right thing Norway switch
6037s to that romantic uh I think you know
6040s Poland's also a little bit off the goop
6042s right now uh but yeah like Norway
6045s Norway's chances of of making land have
6047s essentially gone up in smoke so now they
6050s are just playing for pride here but I
6053s mean they realistically they should have
6055s won this whole series but they haven't
6056s quite been able to polish off the Polish
6059s this is their last chance to do so here
6060s on coliseo we are seeing the rush but
6063s it's the return of the orisa coming out
6066s from Isaac and Poland sticking with the
6068s poke
6069s yeah they do have a certain amount of
6072s control over the air with a psycho and
6076s mimio switching back to that Echo so
6078s icav is really going to be the one
6079s that's going to have to deal with that
6081s while fake Jake is looking at trying to
6083s get the rest of the team down however
6085s Norway they are pretty durable in the
6087s sense that they have a lot of healing
6089s and fake Jake and eye cabin or do damage
6092s they're really looking for those
6093s One-Shot potentials so in order to get
6095s onigot and psycho out of the fight and
6097s that should open everything up I feel
6100s like Poland's composition is going to be
6101s a little bit better suited to The High
6103s Ground once they give up a little bit of
6104s space here but they don't seem to want
6106s to do that and you can see Norway just
6108s inching closer and closer the maywall
6110s from owning God comes up that's going to
6111s help them March a little bit further a
6114s little bit closer to the bot and they're
6115s pushing Poland back just with the sheer
6117s presence that the series is giving them
6119s they're still also kind of stuck in that
6121s little corner there they're gonna turn
6122s around and try and take care of the echo
6124s Mercy behind them but I mean you know
6127s they're now fighting a war on two fronts
6129s yeah it feels like they are getting a
6132s little bit split up and now Isaac
6133s finding fake Jake because of that
6135s momentary loss of attention on the front
6137s line there and psycho should be able to
6139s get icab out of the fight icaf survives
6141s for a second longer but flipper doesn't
6143s Isaac will also be able to finish off
6145s icab and Texel survives with the help of
6148s the immortality field but it will not be
6150s for long actually a little bit staggered
6153s as well from Texel here and Poland is
6156s going to have to switch off the
6157s composition they've been so comfortable
6159s on with icab switching over to the
6163s um to the ash instead of the Widow
6164s losing Texel that late there means that
6166s they're not going to be able to get the
6167s the chance to set up on The High Ground
6168s so it's good that they're making some of
6170s these swaps I think the ash is a good
6171s pick flipper gonna swap over to the
6174s Lucio so a little bit more speed but
6176s this cop now feels at least a little bit
6178s disjointed an early ant major contextual
6180s might give them something uh and
6182s actually it does they take down two
6185s yeah that M Patrick's able to find both
6187s mimio and Only God psycho now without
6189s that pocket that he so loves and now
6192s we're going to have that Echo having to
6195s retreat back but not even allowed to
6196s fake Shake taking down after the after
6199s the duplicate has already been suspended
6201s and now there's not a lot of healing
6204s that can be done when JP is being
6206s cornered inside of that room as it goes
6208s down JP to follow and they should be
6210s able to push to at least that Arch
6213s yeah but now here's the problem because
6215s Norway can just play their High ground
6217s and Poland's composition isn't going to
6219s be as great at shooting uphill like that
6221s they're not going to be able to get as
6222s many Hanzo headshots they kind of have
6224s to rely on you know fake Jake just you
6227s know a broken clock being ripe twice a
6229s day and they just kind of have to put
6230s all of their eggs in that basket only
6232s God's gonna go ahead and pop the
6233s blizzard pole and have to scatter
6235s yeah the blizzard is going to allow so
6237s much area control for Norway and it kind
6240s of Corrals all of Poland towards Isaac
6242s just firing away with a heat gun flipper
6245s is still alive and fake Shake is looking
6247s to kind of defend his support but
6248s flipper actually just goes and runs away
6250s fake Jake unfortunately down and they
6253s should March that robot straight back to
6255s their own barrier and push it Forward at
6257s least a little bit closer to that
6258s checkpoint only God looking to play the
6260s close-up game and try and Zone them out
6263s from the low ground
6264s I have gonna fall late there forever
6266s swapped over onto the zarya and I do
6268s kind of like this as a way to deal with
6270s the orisa but the problem is it's still
6272s going to be really difficult to try and
6274s maintain space for your uh for your DPS
6276s you have long range hit scan you have
6278s Ash you have Hanzo you're not really
6280s going to be bubbling them a whole lot
6282s you got a dragon strike coming out
6283s though that does a lot of damage to
6284s Isaac
6285s yeah Isaac does get very low JP comes in
6288s in a nick of time but because of that
6290s Swift step towards the tank here the
6292s terrorist search does get a bit of
6293s damage down but the sound barrier from
6295s Flipper is huge it allows them to get so
6298s much more space taken psycho has to go
6300s ahead and duplicate the zarya trying to
6301s make a little bit of that extra space
6303s and that extra damage down but forever
6305s just shreds Isaac and psycho isn't going
6307s to be able to get that graviton in time
6310s so unfortunately Norway does fall in
6313s this fight mimio even using the res but
6315s dies for their sins and Isaac going down
6318s late now a pause coming through possibly
6321s a DC from either of these sides okay
6323s mimio just straight up left the game so
6326s that might explain why uh why she died
6328s there you know maybe a little bit of a
6330s disconnect there regardless though
6332s Norway still spent heavily in that fight
6334s they used essentially every old Sans the
6337s blizzard which they did not have I mean
6339s thank God they didn't have it because
6340s you know only God might have tossed out
6342s on the ground too and then we would have
6343s been you know 5-0 there with uh with
6345s bolts for kills able to stay pulling
6349s able to stabilize able to stay alive
6350s again potentially because of that DC
6353s that might be working in their favor
6354s there but they also spend a lot in that
6357s fight as well it could realistically go
6359s either way when we come back into the
6361s map it's definitely going to be Poland
6362s in control but they're still kind of
6365s struggling to find a composition that's
6366s going to break them through that High
6368s Ground once the tide kind of turns the
6369s other way and I mean I think I'd have to
6372s double check but I think Norway almost
6374s if not did indeed get the checkpoint
6376s there towards the end if they did that's
6377s massive if they even got close that's
6380s still pretty big because the bot will be
6381s able to push right under The High Ground
6383s and that Advantage is like not entirely
6386s null and void but it's so much more
6387s neutered than it would have been
6389s and it also gives them that little bit
6391s of Spawn Advantage if they do have that
6393s checkpoint as well so even if Poland
6396s does take control of the robot and walks
6398s it back towards their own barrier is
6399s going to be a little bit tougher for
6401s them to get it towards the same spot
6402s that a Norway was able to because
6405s they're once again not going to have The
6406s High Ground Advantage standing around
6408s the Arches and if they do then they
6411s still have pull in the OR Norway going
6412s to come back a lot quicker than they are
6414s and it's not only a spawn Advantage one
6416s thing that uh you might have heard a
6417s little terminology that we like to talk
6419s about on push Maps is the butt scratch
6420s that's where when you get the checkpoint
6422s the bot has to stop and you know give
6424s himself a little itch there scratch the
6426s itch on his behind takes a couple
6427s seconds for that animation to play
6429s through and the the checkpoint uh like
6432s the barricade just stays at the
6433s checkpoint for the duration of that like
6435s 10 second animation
6436s not having to do that though once you've
6438s unlocked the checkpoint means that when
6440s you go back around the second time you
6442s can just push right past the checkpoint
6443s you don't have to worry about that it's
6445s the thing that can stall out teams and
6447s we've even seen you know c9s or teams
6449s just like completely losing because of
6451s that animation so that's another huge
6452s benefit to getting the checkpoint early
6454s on you don't have to worry about sitting
6456s there waiting just whittling your thumbs
6458s waiting for the bot to keep going later
6459s on down the line you can take your fight
6461s take your space and continue to press uh
6464s whatever Advantage you might have
6467s yeah not sure if Norway is going to be
6470s coming back quite quickly but even then
6472s it seems like they are in a good
6474s position Poland will be in control of
6476s the fight and the tempo but once they
6478s come back and everyone from Norway has
6480s been able to respawn regroup then they
6483s should be able to swing that back in
6485s their favor however without the
6486s ultimates in the back pocket it is going
6489s to be a lot more difficult to hold on
6491s and consecutively win those fights that
6493s they're going to need it does also feel
6495s like Norway understand how to play this
6496s map just a little bit better it's why
6498s they picked that's why they picked
6499s coliseo much to much to your Chagrin
6501s they did not pick uh they did not pick
6503s new Queen Street you were telling me how
6505s you wanted to say you know happy Canada
6506s Day you wanted to at least see the
6508s Canada map okay hopefully I mean there's
6510s still one more series we might see it in
6512s our next one but not today uh
6513s unfortunately we are staying in in Italy
6516s right now with uh with coliseo but it
6519s does seem to be Norway's Norway's home
6521s turf right now we are going to be
6523s starting things back up here in a second
6524s it looks like you know PC malfunctions
6526s for mimio have been sorted out she's
6527s back in the lobby we're unpausing here
6529s and Norway are uh done and dusted Poland
6533s are in control of the bot going to push
6535s back towards that barricade and work
6537s their way through the arches
6540s fake Shake in a pretty good position to
6543s be spamming up onto that High Ground
6544s kind of making sure that they don't take
6546s care uh take control of that right side
6549s a good dink from far away but it is not
6552s going to net them much since it is on
6554s Isaac they could uh potentially stalled
6556s that out if it was on one of the
6557s supports instead but now they're just
6560s actually being allowed to push down into
6562s that High Ground into the underpass with
6564s the amplification Matrix from Poland
6566s they should be able to force a bit of
6568s positioning only God used as a blizzard
6570s and actually doesn't hit anything so not
6572s without a single ultimate in Norway's
6574s possession Poland should have the
6576s go-ahead to go forward and especially
6578s now that forever has charged up this
6580s ultimate looking to suck in the Wilson
6582s Squad but actually misses that's a huge
6585s whiff on a really valuable ultimate that
6587s could have netted them a lot more than
6588s it did and in return spawn psycho it's
6591s just going to take down icap in the back
6593s line they're missing a little bit of
6594s that long range damage now and the
6596s immortality field was the only thing
6597s that kept forever up for a second there
6599s now being forced back by Isaac's Javelin
6602s and forever does go down I mean we've
6605s heard of Ajax sound barriers you also
6606s heard of c9s as another Insider term you
6609s might not have heard of which is the
6610s Nene grab and that's what we just saw
6612s right there coming out from Forever
6613s who's actually gonna swap over in shame
6615s to the junker Queen something that might
6617s also duel against the uh against the
6620s orisa pretty well but the javelins can
6623s just constantly push her away she wants
6624s to play at close range you can even just
6626s launch her into the sky like Team Rocket
6628s with that one there who can Isaac I
6630s egregiously claimed that Norway might
6632s have got the checkpoint they haven't yet
6633s but they are inching ever closer to it
6635s in a one fight here will nothing the
6637s checkpoint Tara serves to you going
6638s forever off The High Ground
6640s yeah God Forever at least into the fight
6643s for a second there but they're going to
6645s try and regroup with the rest of the
6646s squad surrounding this tank a lot of
6649s damage being done the immortality field
6651s forced out in order to try and save
6652s forever's life and it's going to work
6654s out the Rampage from psycho on the
6656s duplicated junker Queen though is going
6658s to find so much anti-health onto Poland
6660s and it allows psycho to just delete the
6663s rest of the team even though there is a
6665s Zuzu from JP unfortunately Poland don't
6668s have that kind of cleanse in their
6669s Arsenal the Bob from icab won't do much
6672s and they can't even contest won't get a
6674s pick and that's just another ultimate
6676s expended bipole inside I kept going to
6679s switch over to the Cassidy now instead
6681s of the ash there's the checkpoint
6683s there's the butt scratch and now the the
6685s bot is pushing past the checkpoint gonna
6687s start to round this corner and head up
6689s the hill here and this is where it's
6690s gonna get so so much more difficult for
6693s polo to try and flip things even if they
6694s get control of the bot it's going to be
6696s really hard to match this amp Matrix to
6698s kick things off though but they've
6699s already lost fake Jake it's even
6701s yeah fake Jake going down but Isaac
6703s still has the tank having not that extra
6706s little bit of space that can be made
6708s right at the beginning only God is going
6710s to make up for lost time did have to use
6712s the blizzard in the earlier fight and
6714s didn't really net them too much here but
6716s at least stalled out for a little bit
6717s while while they trying to get Isaac
6719s back into the fight only God's still
6721s playing around trying to be a pseudo
6722s tank for the Norway Squad and it's just
6725s the rest of Norway going to look to
6727s regroup instead of fight up close and
6729s personal as psycho's even like spending
6732s some time to grief pulling a little bit
6734s do a little bit more damage build up to
6735s the old and also slow down their
6737s approach and you can see normally
6739s they're already ready to take a fight
6740s here at the middle of the point where we
6742s started back off but fake Jake Falls
6744s early courtesy only God the res comes
6746s out but I mean you've already expanded
6749s that tool cool and you have to be
6750s perfect here
6751s at the Resurrection coming in as well
6754s Isaac taking down icap early they're
6756s trying to use the Dead Eye but I can't
6758s is immediately punished for just
6760s standing still in one place a terror
6762s Surge from Isaac does come through and
6763s there's JP with that little bit of Zuzu
6766s Health but unfortunately Isaac does go
6768s down still psycho is able to clean up
6771s the rest of the squad the power slide
6772s from fake Jake isn't going to allow them
6774s to escape and mimio might be able to get
6776s a resurrection onto the tank and bring
6778s them back a little bit faster but not in
6780s the cards Isaac comes back instead and
6782s the duplicate now in psycho's hands on
6784s the other side Poland does have a
6786s rampage and a valkyrie to their Arsenal
6789s and fake Jake should have the overclock
6790s for the sex bite and the res has been
6793s forced out of Poland early again as has
6796s the valkyr they're gonna try and use
6797s that to get aggressive but with how far
6799s forward the bot is Poland have to be the
6801s aggressors they're going to go in with
6802s the overclock hopefully they're able to
6803s find something here
6805s almost got only god with that overclock
6807s but it doesn't happen now fake Shake is
6810s just out of position in the back and
6811s psycho's taking a lot of damage here is
6814s it going to come back in for the
6815s contention forever and Isaac's just
6817s dancing around the corners while psycho
6819s from above is looking to get that damage
6821s into the back Lane immortality field has
6823s already been forced out and the Rampage
6825s Only Hits Isaac the rest of the team
6827s isn't there to follow up either psycho
6828s goes for the duplicate and looking for
6830s that anti-health in return but doesn't
6832s find anything hindered by the Cascade
6834s and they're able to get a little bit of
6837s delay taking that robot back towards our
6839s side Psycho still looking for some kind
6841s of flank app Matrix comes through Texel
6843s has previously got a lot of value with
6845s it and forever is actually going to be
6846s able to take down Isaac because of it
6849s now though they're still having that
6851s Resurrection onto the tank and it just
6853s is so much value from Norway out of a
6856s single ability now a tank back in the
6858s game and forever goes down immediately
6859s there's only 15 seconds left there's
6862s gonna have to be a touch from Poland but
6863s forever took the bot further away way so
6865s I don't know if anyone's even gonna be
6867s able to touch now I think yeah no that's
6869s just gonna be Norway uh Norway taking it
6870s I mean even if the bot had been where it
6872s was before I don't know that there would
6874s have been anyone from Poland alive and
6876s in position to come in and try and get
6877s the touch there but uh regardless that
6880s just ends up being Norway in that tail
6882s fight just taking it you know they they
6884s find the early pickup on Tech Soul they
6885s lose Isaac but the res comes back
6887s through all the picks come in favor of
6889s Norway and even if again even if Poland
6892s had won that fight too there still would
6894s have been that insurmountable amount of
6896s meters that they would have had to try
6897s and overcome all that they had had to do
6900s all the time that it had taken to try
6902s and dispatch Poland to get rid of them
6904s there would have been time if they just
6905s didn't have we've seen like a last-ditch
6907s overtime push which isn't unheard of on
6910s push but is still not always likely
6912s because you have to be entirely perfect
6914s from there on out and Poland's just
6916s didn't have that room to operate Norwood
6918s did a great job snuffing it out once
6920s they had that checkpoint they held on
6922s with an iron grip and never let go
6925s yeah and it felt like the uh Poland's
6928s composition was also a little bit of a
6930s hybrid between what they were trying to
6931s do with the brawl versus brawl
6934s composition but they still had fake Jake
6936s on the Hanzo and icab for a long time
6938s was on the ash as well and it just
6941s couldn't contest with the close range as
6943s well psycho also in having the air
6945s control either they switched over to the
6947s two hit scans they still weren't able to
6949s dispatch with psycho as effectively as
6952s they would have liked here Norway both
6954s of these maps from Norway and Poland
6956s felt very dominant in one way or the
6959s other when Poland was on their map Pig
6960s they were very comfortable when Norway
6962s was on their map pick they were very
6963s comfortable as well and the push bought
6966s didn't really get very far on Poland's
6968s barrier side we did learn though that
6970s Poland has a very strong poke
6972s composition I think that is still
6973s something to be proud of this whole
6975s squad has a lot to be proud of I think
6977s they might even still have one more game
6978s uh that they have to play yeah they play
6980s against Germany tomorrow as well so
6982s that's gonna be you know another chance
6984s for Poland to show us what they God but
6986s you know both these teams out of
6988s contention for playoffs but still very
6989s much so in contention for our hearts and
6991s they showed us a lot to love today we'll
6993s be right back after a quick break we're
6995s gonna bring uh one of the members of
6996s Team Norway along for a quick little
6998s interview with Jim don't go anywhere
7000s we'll be right back after the break with
7001s that we'll see you soon
7004s [Music]
7013s thank you
7015s [Music]
7041s thank you
7048s [Music]
7071s [Music]
7090s foreign
7114s [Music]
7154s [Music]
7156s thank you
7160s [Music]
7165s foreign
7169s [Music]
7176s [Music]
7222s welcome back from the break everyone
7224s it's the OverWatch World Cup 2023 emec
7227s online qualifiers I'm Jim Basco that's
7228s epitomies that's CB and we just watched
7231s uh sorry Norway taking over Poland in a
7234s close game two to one you know um if
7236s Vietnamese break it down first what do
7237s we just watch for the viewers that might
7238s just be returning so on that very first
7241s match we had Norway take it at first but
7244s then at second map Poland went to their
7247s map pick a circuit Royale showed their
7249s absolute prowess on those poke
7250s compositions and they were able to take
7252s that map in a very dominant fashion as
7255s well but when it came back to push
7256s Norway was on their home turf they were
7258s able to play the brawl compositions that
7260s they prefer and they were able to end it
7262s with two one as a match score
7265s yeah Norway did a fantastic job and I
7268s think Poland taking a map there was a
7269s little surprising right CBA came pretty
7271s dominantly as well yeah I mean Poland
7273s they did show themselves to have a
7274s really strong poke composition you know
7276s they are a team that knows how to play
7277s to their strengths so I think that's why
7279s they went to Circuit Royale but when
7281s they're not given an opportunity to flex
7282s those strengths they do kind of just get
7284s bullied a little bit and that's kind of
7285s what we saw on both ilios and coliseo so
7288s still a pretty good showing for Poland
7290s overall especially considering the
7292s talent that we associate with this
7294s Norwegian Squad but Norway does win the
7296s day as was expected but not quite in the
7299s dominant fashion that a lot of Norwegian
7301s fans might have hoped for still though a
7303s great showing and a dub is a dub that's
7306s the thing you know a great showing still
7308s a dub is a dub and of course Group B
7310s like we were talking about has mostly
7312s settled in so with that said we've
7314s actually got an interview with JP the
7315s support line from Norway so epitome
7317s Stevie I'll be right back as we hop on
7319s with JP here
7322s yo how you doing man congratulations on
7325s the victory versus Poland how are you
7327s feeling
7328s thank you I'm feeling really good it was
7330s uh
7332s we kind of didn't have the best start
7334s but we we cut it up we did well after so
7337s yeah talk to me about your feelings
7339s throughout the series right you took map
7340s one you lost pretty shockingly in map
7343s two but then map three looked really
7344s good yet again so talk to me about your
7346s feelings throughout
7347s I think I think we had enough day I'm
7350s gonna be read I think we didn't really
7352s do that well on
7354s um the sniper map I forgot the name of
7357s it as we speak now but
7359s yeah first map we we had a slow start
7362s we had an even slower map one second and
7365s then we did really well in the third one
7366s but uh people stepped it up I stopped
7369s anything as well so it was good
7371s it's okay man I think you guys are doing
7373s well for having so much pressure on your
7375s soldiers right you're representing your
7377s country on the global stage and you guys
7379s have had a pretty great showing you know
7380s like it's been up it's been down it's
7382s been all over the place but overall
7383s Norway right now third in the standings
7385s that's pretty damn good so how are you
7387s guys feeling overall about your run of
7389s the World Cup this year
7390s considering everyone thought that we
7392s were going to be a really bad team at
7394s the start no one expected us to do well
7395s so I'm really happy that we are
7397s currently in third sitting and we have a
7399s good chance of keeping the third seating
7400s I think all hopes is lost to get the
7403s second one but um
7404s at least we if we get if you finish top
7406s three that's that's that's good for us
7408s we're happy with that
7409s people have been performing throughout
7411s the series so yeah
7413s that's how I feel too right I think you
7415s guys had a lot to prove as a team as
7417s well and you guys definitely did that
7418s against some of the best squads in the
7420s world right so for you personally man
7422s what does it feel like to represent
7423s Norway be on the official team for the
7426s OverWatch World Cup
7428s well I don't have a history in anything
7430s I have never been in contenders or open
7432s division or any of that so I'm here on
7435s you I'm very fresh so for me this is a
7437s really big moment or
7441s it's it's very big for me but I think
7443s it's even bigger for some of the people
7445s on our team like psycho this is his best
7447s shot to get in continue his journey like
7450s he's doing really well the contenders
7451s now same with Isaac
7453s so I think if we finish strong they will
7457s they will probably go on we finish even
7459s stronger after this so throughout I
7461s think I think it's a positive experience
7463s for everyone
7464s absolutely man and throughout that
7466s series too Isaac you know like you
7467s mentioned had so many Fantastic plays it
7470s was just so good to watch of course what
7472s does the future hold you know not just
7473s uh not just for team Norway but for you
7475s as well right like you mentioned you're
7476s a newer face to This Global competition
7478s Series so what does the future hold for
7480s you
7482s I need to see it I I have I have a
7485s full-time job on the side that I have to
7486s sort of Juggle between gaming and
7489s working and I need to see if I want to
7491s pursue this Esports thing
7494s after this
7495s uh I'm very unsure about that it has
7498s been probably one of the best best
7500s experiences in my life though the last
7502s three to four months with screaming and
7504s team environments and the fact that we
7507s are doing well on the side that's that's
7508s also really good
7510s really good experience in general so
7513s yeah that makes a lot of sense man it's
7516s commendable what you're able to do
7517s juggling a full-time job on the side and
7519s still competing on the global stage so
7521s JP thank you so much for sitting down
7522s here with me today after your victory
7523s over Poland
7525s thank you for having me on
7529s all right epitome Stevie you heard it
7531s from the man himself you know that's
7533s really hard to do man working full time
7536s and competing on a global stage
7539s representing your country that is a lot
7541s of pressure CB I couldn't imagine being
7543s him but they had definitely performed
7545s and they performed pretty well right
7546s third in group b is no slouch of a
7548s result
7551s sports player like you're juggling two
7553s things at once I know that I know the
7554s struggle I'm a full-time student and I
7557s do all the casting I was also you know
7559s trying to play for my Collegiate team
7560s for a while I didn't have the time for
7562s it nearly failed half my class is trying
7563s to balance both those things so I know
7565s how hard it can be and like it's still
7567s even if it's not something that JP ends
7570s up pursuing it's still something to be
7571s proud of that you came this far you
7573s represented your country on such a grand
7575s stage you got to come out here show the
7576s world what you're capable of show your
7578s talent represent again represent your
7580s country that's gotta feel good and I'm
7582s really glad that someone like JP gets to
7584s have that opportunity yeah epitome is I
7586s feel the very much the same way you know
7588s like you're looking at it and it's like
7589s yes the World Cup is not the best of the
7592s best OverWatch league players from every
7593s region but it is an opportunity for
7596s players that may not get the Limelight
7597s right so it's such a good feeling to
7599s watch these stories blossom
7601s yeah I think it's definitely so exciting
7604s being able to represent your country in
7607s any way and on the global scale you know
7609s on such a high level as well there are
7611s definitely some really high level
7612s players that are coming into this and
7614s then you get to face off against them
7615s you get to say yeah I went toe-to-toe
7618s with you know like I went to toe-to-do
7620s with the Saudi Arabian team I went
7622s toe-to-do with Finland and it was like
7624s it went horribly but we did it and we
7627s have that experience now yeah it's an
7629s experience that not many people on this
7632s planet get to have so to all the heroes
7634s joining us in the World Cup of course
7636s shout outs to y'all and thank you so
7637s much for participating that said though
7638s let's look ahead right just around the
7640s corner we've got Finland versus Turkey
7642s which is bound to be a banger of a match
7645s epitomies and CBI leave y'all to it
7647s enjoy the match and I'll see you guys on
7648s the other side
7650s [Music]
7652s but thank you so much Jim and we are
7655s headed into that next matchup and it is
7657s going to be pretty exciting here I mean
7659s Finland already kind of solidifying
7661s themselves in those top spots but there
7664s is still maybe a little bit of ways to
7667s fall if they do loose turkey turkey at
7669s the bottom of the pack so they do have a
7671s lot to prove themselves yeah you
7674s definitely don't want to lose the turkey
7675s here in Turkey is a very dangerous Squad
7677s to go up against as your uh as your last
7679s match this is fit the last time we're
7682s going to see the finished Squad come
7683s through here so they have to make sure
7685s that they're giving themselves a great
7686s showing to go out on because after this
7688s it's gonna be kind of out of their hands
7690s I've seen a lot of great stuff from this
7692s Turkish Squad we're not seeing lethal
7694s today we're actually seeing him a track
7695s coming in nephron though we have seen a
7697s lot of great things from Romani is a
7699s phenomenal tank player occasionally you
7702s know has uh has made all the difference
7704s for this team
7706s yeah I'm wondering what they are cooking
7709s if lethal just wasn't making it today or
7712s if it's just a switch up to go up
7714s against Finland who has played a lot of
7717s matches they haven't had a break I
7719s believe up until now they have played
7722s every single day you have all the VOD
7724s review this is their last match of this
7726s eight day event qualifier so it's
7730s definitely finland's going to want to go
7732s out with the bang and turkey they have a
7734s tall task ahead of them if you're a
7736s squad like turkey like it can't hurt to
7738s try and get some of these other players
7739s up on the stage there get them a little
7741s bit of experience under the big under
7742s the bright lights uh show them what
7744s they're capable of especially when you
7745s don't have the pressure on because again
7747s Group B is pretty much sealed up in a
7750s Ziploc bag but one thing is still not
7753s quite for certain and that is seating we
7756s might still see Finland overtake Saudi
7758s Arabia a lot of things would have to go
7760s in their favor but one thing that they
7762s cannot do is drop maps to Turkey here
7764s because the more they drop turkey if
7767s they even lose the turkey it kind of
7769s becomes out of their hands Saudi Arabia
7770s they get the gold and no one's left that
7773s can really take it from them so yeah
7775s Finland they want to come as correct as
7777s possible here they can't miss a step
7779s they gotta go out with the bang and make
7781s sure that they have the best possible
7783s shot here they're going to BlizzCon
7785s either way I think but
7787s first seed second seed it can make all
7789s the difference here and speaking of
7791s difference one uh one big difference
7793s here we're not seeing Mickey we are
7794s seeing Ollie coming in alongside masa
7797s for the back line there so a slightly
7799s different look from the fins here
7802s yeah and for Finland when you think that
7804s they came out of wild card Group B they
7807s have already come such a long way and
7809s they're ending Out close to the top of
7812s Group B only losing once and that was to
7815s Saudi Arabia who are basically the kings
7818s of this group possibly the kings of this
7820s event the way that they've been so
7821s dominant all throughout so Finland
7823s they've got a lot to be proud of so far
7825s and potentially they could close out
7827s very strong with one of the best records
7830s we've seen I think if finland's 2o's
7833s here and
7834s Sweden beats Saudi Arabia there is a
7837s chance that Finland overtake them I I
7840s think that's the best possible shot so
7841s again I want to see Perfection from
7844s Finland here and that's a tall ass
7845s against a team like turkey they have at
7847s times looked very very formidable they
7849s have surprised us a number of times made
7851s some matches a lot closer in retrospect
7854s than we thought they might have been you
7855s know even looking back against like
7857s Saudi Arabia they looked a lot stronger
7859s than we would have thought going up
7861s against them I mean we go all the way
7863s back a little bit further they beat
7864s Sweden and like a three-map banger even
7866s when Sweden looked to be at like their
7868s Peak I mean we can say this one that
7870s Sweden has a new Peak but at the time
7872s you know with the way Sweden was playing
7874s turkey still beat them you know so this
7876s isn't a squad that you can sleep on this
7878s isn't a squad you can take lightly this
7880s is a squad that Finland have to take
7881s very very seriously if they want that
7884s first seed if not they can still you
7886s know come in do a little bit of that
7887s Norwegian trolling you know maybe walk
7889s out with a roadhog it looks like they're
7891s not gonna do that but okay it is it is
7893s an option uh you know they they can
7895s throw that first seed in the trash and
7896s just you know take the silver and be
7898s happy with that that's totally cool too
7900s but I just think it's so much more
7901s interesting if you're you know if you're
7903s gonna try if you want to run over the
7905s Turks here and you want to just go all
7906s in get the best chance you possibly can
7909s at that first seed
7910s yeah and wondering if like Finland going
7913s up against turkey if they aren't able to
7916s 2-0 they go over to Sweden and they're
7917s like you have to beat them you have to
7919s we want the first seed so badly now they
7922s we see both of these teams playing a
7924s pretty
7926s roadhog I was I was about to say two
7928s years
7930s like Romani and I was like what what is
7933s that yeah you know you were gonna say
7935s typical and then you saw the roadhog
7936s that threw a wrench in the equation and
7938s it might throw one in the equation for
7939s Finland as well if they're not careful
7941s if uh you know Romani lands a big hook
7943s here but roadoff not in the best of
7946s States right now the stole a very low HP
7949s has to get the Nemesis form post out
7950s early I mean this is already looking
7952s pretty okay for turkey
7954s yeah real Mommy gets a lot of heal from
7957s the takea Breather as well getting a
7959s little bit of more Health at the
7960s beginning too okay forcing out the ice
7962s block from cloud though and now finding
7965s the immortality field another cooldown
7967s for Finland to expend but oh Romani just
7969s gets shredded by Sana at the back and
7972s there's not much that you can do against
7973s that despite Landing two pretty good
7975s hooks just a lack of One-Shot ability
7978s from Romani on that roadhog it's a
7981s little bit of a struggle yeah sometimes
7982s you go fishing and you don't really
7984s catch anything sometimes you do catch
7985s something and it's a May with an ice
7987s block and you can't really shoot through
7988s that Romani gets potentially the worst
7990s hook you possibly can in that situation
7992s and Finland capped the point even before
7994s he got that hook so now they're gonna
7996s have to try and get this hog close
7998s enough to land a hook Masa is just being
8000s a terror in the back line so they're not
8003s even going to be able to get through
8003s this Archway safely I mean Finland are
8006s looking really strong so far
8007s yeah Finland already up to 40 they have
8010s a good alt filled up Ollie almost at the
8012s amp Matrix and they already just used a
8015s dead eye but it's a lot of going down
8016s that's a great shot from the track using
8018s the icicle and young with the Kitsune
8020s Russian Force them forward onto that
8022s point if they're able to get another
8024s ultimate up this could be huge from a
8026s truck still taking control of The High
8028s Ground they're using the amp Matrix to
8030s force a bit of that positioning and now
8031s using the beat in order to try and get
8034s that overheld up Cloud however now with
8036s the blizzard it doesn't really find
8038s anyone inside the vicinity of the
8040s ultimate instead going to use the ice
8041s block and now try and isolate using that
8044s uh by that ice wall the Romani still
8047s alive still kicking and how going to
8050s have to use the hog ultimate going Whole
8052s Hog in order to force them off of that
8054s point the contention is no longer there
8056s but the annihilation comes through just
8057s in a nick of time this Sola getting a
8060s lot of damage off and sauna now finding
8061s that back line Romani doesn't have any
8064s of that burst healing left over Farooq
8066s gets very very low survives second
8068s longer but vistola is really looking to
8071s still get that back line out and make
8072s sure it takes longer for them to regroup
8074s 95 now for Finland the annihilation from
8078s Festival there was so well timed there
8079s is actually going to be a contest that
8080s comes out from farook and a desperation
8082s doomfist swap from Romani but Finland
8084s are very much so in the driver's seat as
8086s long as they can navigate the blizzard
8087s that comes out from the track
8089s we have this solo still getting a lot of
8091s damage down onto Romani and Romani just
8094s doesn't really have that survivability
8095s still being contested though muzo is
8098s able to just climb up and down here
8100s using that Zuzu to try and contest a
8102s little bit longer is the touch going to
8104s be there from Turkey it looks like it
8106s will not Finland take it 100 to zero on
8109s first round
8110s I mean and that's just Finland just
8112s playing the composition to near
8113s Perfection there I was trying to call
8114s out how the uh the annihilation from
8116s vestola was perfectly timed because
8118s turkey with that roadhog they have a
8120s reasonable counter to that ability if
8122s you just Whole Hog the annihilating or
8125s Mantra away from everybody the
8126s annihilation will eventually expire you
8128s won't get a whole lot for it but vesola
8130s pops it when there's only about a second
8132s left in the whole hog ultimate so that
8134s pretty much just becomes null and void
8136s he can just walk forward no threat just
8138s dealing all the damage forcing everybody
8140s from Turkey back and able to take the
8142s point there repel all Commerce the uh
8145s the Blizzard from a truck there was
8146s actually a pretty solid way in for
8148s turkey towards the end but it just
8150s didn't get them enough too little too
8151s late 100-0 for Finland speaking of uh
8154s Finland we're seeing sauna making a very
8156s interesting swap here on to the Bastion
8158s I feel like Romani is about to have a
8160s bad time
8161s yeah I mean Romani only thing that he
8165s really has on the table here is health
8167s and damage and it's not going to be a
8170s good look if Sana is able to just get
8172s into configure into the artillery form
8175s and spam down that hog now Asana looking
8178s to get all of the health off they're
8180s able to get a little bit of the pressure
8182s off of their tank by using the maywall
8185s but once again another cool down that
8186s they've had to expend nephron looking to
8189s spam away from far but the stool
8191s actually goes down after being isolated
8193s for too long without the health by his
8195s side all the unable to keep the tank up
8198s and down with the hook onto Masa that's
8200s an excellent one to take first touch
8202s onto this point although Finland has
8204s gotten a little bit of percentage onto
8206s it this is a very quick turnover I mean
8208s a turkey are gonna take this but Romani
8210s does fall towards the tail and they're
8211s white I saw several really good May
8214s walls coming out from matrock to help
8215s keep her money alive but once it gets
8217s split in Finland have too much pressure
8219s they can just go ahead and charge right
8220s through melt everyone and down like
8222s butter with this Bastion flip the point
8224s right back and turkey is only going to
8226s walk away with a scant 12 percent to
8228s finland's 15 and Counting great hook
8231s there from Romani and it does clear out
8233s sauna so Finland they might have to back
8235s up a little bit and Sana did have an
8238s ultimate on board as well that could
8240s have zoned them a little bit further
8241s into this choke not allowed them to
8243s actually get inside and get on the
8245s objective it seems like they might be
8247s letting this one go without much of a
8248s fight and they use the amp Matrix in
8250s order to force a little bit of
8252s positioning but immediately matrock with
8253s the wall but again in Romani with a good
8256s uh with a good pick onto Masa and now
8259s they're looking at the Kitsune rush to
8260s force them award once again muzo
8263s allowing them to make so much space the
8264s whole hog actually finding so much more
8267s value than you would have ever expected
8269s here from that roadhog and now sauna
8271s going down once again after using the
8273s ultimate and not finding anything with
8275s it yeah just whole hogging vestola into
8277s a corner there and all the focus fire
8279s that came out onto him as a result was
8281s enough the hook ah hits the wall there
8283s doesn't quite find much of anything has
8285s to back up a little bit here but they're
8286s gonna go right into matroxy blizzard
8288s here cloud has to try and get the better
8290s one but matrock strikes first
8292s yeah both of the maze ice block Romani
8295s does get Frozen muzo comes in with a
8297s huge suzu and also pick onto sauna
8299s Farooq however finding Ali so they're
8302s trading out these healers and they're
8304s trying to trade the supports Finland is
8306s on the back foot however missing out all
8308s we missing out on that burst healing and
8310s matrock late pick onto Cloud so they're
8312s actually going to get a bit more of that
8314s percentage as Finland take the time to
8316s breathe and regroup this is a great
8318s showing from matrock so far despite
8319s dropping the first map the may play from
8321s a truck has looked phenomenal especially
8323s here on uh on sanctum they need to keep
8326s this up though 70 and Counting for
8328s turkey Finland have the annihilation and
8330s they have the sound barrier turkey no
8332s tools to speak of coming up on a sound
8334s barrier of their own farook has to be
8336s good here and Romani cannot fall
8339s the apparuk drops that beat but so does
8342s Masa still the annihilation on the board
8344s visola is waiting for a good time to use
8346s it in sauna soak it in the back line
8348s Romani haven't been hacked can't really
8350s take the Breather here and take so much
8352s more damage and now Sana just shredding
8354s out that tank turkey not really much
8356s should be done here except for matrox
8358s sitting on the point with the ice block
8360s and that's going to be all for not a
8362s late pick onto muzo as well now going to
8365s have to regroup with the kiriko katsune
8367s rush is almost available however for
8369s turkey but that's going to be the only
8370s ultimate they have for the next fight I
8372s do like the sauna swap off of the
8374s Bastion over onto the Sombra now you can
8376s try and navigate through the choke a lot
8377s easier grief the team a little bit
8379s better just hack the road hog and focus
8380s him down they were having some trouble
8382s getting the Bastion into position but
8383s they don't have to worry about that now
8385s turkey does have to worry about sana's
8387s EMP he's not really in a great position
8389s to use it actually no he might be once
8392s uh the rest of the feeling can get the
8393s follow-up actually nephron just gets
8394s bursted down by vestola yeah you can
8396s just go if you want to just everyone hit
8398s W and there's the em peace yeah EMP
8401s Annihilation that's bound to be a deadly
8404s combination but oh my God the whole hog
8406s it's so well timed from Moana you
8408s totally pushes away and neutralizes that
8410s Annihilation and instead it gets three
8412s Romani has gone huge on the whole hog
8415s and that is just not what we expected we
8418s look at hog we think okay that is a
8420s troll pick but they switch over and now
8422s the overtime has been activated it
8424s doesn't look like there's going to be a
8425s touch but Sonic comes in in just the
8427s nick of time reactivates the overtime
8429s and now Masa isolated on the point going
8431s to dance around the walls and the May is
8433s going to try and Stave off the pressure
8435s off the support masa boops for Rook off
8437s of the map and Ro money is just taking a
8439s breather Wright investola's face now
8441s with the Blizzard from Matra they should
8443s be able to get a lot of damage down onto
8445s finland's Squad but they're able to take
8447s down the Bob and matron also just booped
8450s off the back by Masa two big boobs in a
8453s row from this blue show from Finland and
8454s now it's farook that's left over looking
8456s to try and touch but they've already
8458s flipped that point over now Farooq is
8460s coming back and that is probably their
8462s speediest character romani's trying to
8463s get in through the top but the tick
8465s percentage is just going out so fast and
8468s there's no touch from turkey with moss
8470s with farook down Finland is able to take
8473s the win on Nepal
8475s gun to my head I could not tell you how
8477s Finland were able to claw themselves
8478s back in on sanctum there that definitely
8480s looked like after that whole hog from
8482s Romani it was turkey's map to win like
8484s they had it all done and dusted but in
8486s Finland they scratched they claw they
8488s just dig their nails in and just claw
8491s back into it a couple of key boops there
8493s and uh kills from Masa I think the one
8495s onto matrock might have been the one
8497s that ended up sealing the deal and and
8499s it came so late that there was just
8500s never a chance for turkey to get back in
8502s and get the touch overtime ticks away I
8505s mean actually there wasn't even overtime
8506s we just ticked up all the way up to 100
8507s and then at Clock Struck midnight turkey
8510s ended up falling it's still a really
8512s good look from Turkey though there's
8513s still gonna be a dangerous Squad going
8515s forward but this is what Finland needs
8517s to do they need to be clean they need to
8519s win they can't drop a map and I mean
8521s they nearly dropped a point there we
8524s would have still gone to Village had we
8525s lost sanctum there but they just they
8527s need to keep this Tempo up they need to
8529s keep up the big plays coming up from
8530s cloud off of May the clutch
8532s annihilations from best solo and all the
8534s great things that we've seen out of this
8536s finished Squad that they got to keep it
8538s up yeah visola's timings have been
8540s really good so far but Romani has
8542s started to read into the annihilation
8544s time he's take the whole hog and so much
8546s Focus fire onto vesola even in the
8548s Nemesis form it's just going to let them
8550s shred that tank away and that was really
8553s nicely done from Turkey I have to give
8555s them props especially for Romani on the
8559s um on the hog and matrock on the May I
8561s mean in combination they were able to
8563s isolate a lot of targets very very well
8565s and just allow them to completely burn
8567s all of that Health pool and how
8569s metrontha switch on to the May um
8572s matrock in this game I feel like he's
8574s really the May specialist for this team
8576s from what we've seen they've been using
8578s their util incredibly well if matrock is
8581s a May specialist he's definitely a damn
8582s good one for this team I know some fans
8584s are probably going to be saying like
8585s where's lethal where's lethal because
8587s he's been you know at times looked at as
8589s the carry for the Turkish Squad but I
8591s mean you've got my truck man looking
8593s this good you don't always miss
8595s necessarily need that hard carry coming
8597s out sometimes you just have a good play
8599s but it wasn't quite good enough to
8602s finish off the fins there on Nepal we're
8604s gonna go to another map here it's going
8606s to be turkey's map pick we'll see if
8608s they're able to play into matrock's
8610s hands here maybe a little bit more of a
8612s roadhog friendly map so Romani can keep
8614s up the hooks I'm interested to see how
8618s the roadhog to counter the ramatra ends
8620s up playing out because it looks like
8621s doable here I think in the big picture
8623s it's not going to be the most effective
8625s counter but hey maybe maybe it's
8627s something maybe it's a read it could be
8629s the start of something who knows You're
8631s Gonna Wanna you're definitely gonna
8632s wanna stay tuned to this one this one
8633s has a lot of implications for Group B
8635s we'll uh we'll be right back with map
8636s two after this break don't go anywhere
8640s [Music]
8655s thank you
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8670s foreign
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8805s thank you
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8820s [Music]
8836s [Music]
8855s thank you
8857s welcome back we just saw a tantalizing
8861s map from map none on Nepal and turkey
8864s has taken out some strategies that we
8866s have never seen before so we not gotta
8869s know what they're cooking up for map to
8871s and what kind of strategies that are
8873s going to add the flavor to this matchup
8876s regardless of what they're cooking I do
8878s hope Finland has a good plan for it
8879s because again Finland is playing for
8882s seating here they have a chance if a lot
8884s of things go their way to overtake Saudi
8886s Arabia for the number one seed here in
8888s group b and if they want to do it they
8890s can't drop a map to Turkey here they got
8892s to give themselves all the breathing
8894s room they possibly can turkey has the
8896s chance to throw that into turmoil with
8898s their map pick here they're taking us to
8900s King's Row
8901s okay King's Row is interesting because
8904s from what we've seen so far they have
8906s been playing closer range compositions
8908s but I think that lethal might be coming
8911s back for the turkey squad since matrock
8913s has been playing such that heavy May
8915s hasn't really switched and I feel like
8916s that should be the niche for the DPS
8919s line on Turkey when they put in the
8921s truck however nephron has been known to
8924s play The Ash occasionally and has been
8926s able to execute it well
8929s um at times but I think nephron on
8931s King's Row also does tend to play the
8933s Sombra as well so lethal might be that
8935s Old Reliable for the ash instead I do
8939s want to see more of matrock though it
8940s looks like we are actually going to see
8942s in the truck and Nephron stay in and I
8944s mean matrak is a name that I hadn't
8945s heard before but if this may performance
8948s keeps up or even if he's able to show us
8949s a different look that is also really
8951s strong is definitely going to be someone
8953s to pay attention to going forward you
8954s know uh one of those players that could
8956s potentially use these last couple of
8957s days to really you know make a name for
8959s himself here so I'm looking forward to
8961s seeing that turkey is showing us some
8963s great stuff here I mean they're not
8965s showing us great stuff in the attacker
8967s spawn room uh I mean roadhog was one
8970s thing life Weaver isn't entirely
8972s different yeah okay that's much better
8973s okay so we're actually gonna get to see
8975s how matrox Ornithology uh plays out here
8978s as he's gonna be taken to the sky with
8981s the pharah Finland sticking on to that
8983s romantro Rush with Sana on the Sombra
8987s here
8988s okay before it's definitely interesting
8990s especially since Finland definitely
8992s didn't expect this coming in they have a
8995s Sombra and a end of May so they can't
8998s really contend with the sky control that
9002s we see turkey having thus far but
9004s romani's already made their way around
9005s the statue muscles looking to try and
9007s contest oh that hook was close but Sana
9009s does end up taking down the truck after
9011s a hack for Rook is going to come in with
9014s a good Resurrection onto the pharah but
9016s fruit Goes Down And Trades the life
9018s where Emma truck isn't going to even be
9020s able to find the value off of that now
9022s looking for the back line of turkey as
9025s they head in through the choke point
9026s yeah I mean matrak gonna go ahead and
9028s swap to a different bird not looks like
9030s Twitter's not the only bird down right
9032s now turkey they're still looking for
9034s something I mean muzos almost got that
9036s uh Kitsune rush they might be able to
9038s play in with that but Ollie if he's able
9040s to live through it can pop the image
9042s Sierra is gonna do just that and Romani
9044s can't stick around for that
9045s yeah the amp Matrix they're going to
9047s have to go ahead and disengage and kite
9050s a little bit further back for roof going
9052s down right after Mach does not a lot of
9054s places to go okay Ollie able to find
9056s nephron but they trade their tank for
9058s that Romani however without the DPS line
9061s can't really push forward so he's going
9063s to go ahead and back off a little bit
9065s more as well we talk about matrock let's
9068s talk about ali a little bit because
9069s again this is another name from Finland
9071s that we haven't seen all that much of
9072s they've been going forward with Mickey
9073s for most of the time and you know maybe
9076s uh Mickey is their go-to Flex support
9078s but they're getting another guy in here
9080s and Ollie is showing to be pretty
9081s confident that Baptiste play was solid
9083s Sonic going to go ahead and come in here
9084s with the EMP muzo just gets deleted see
9087s ya bye Romani pops the whole hog and
9090s doesn't get much for that yeah they were
9093s completely isolated there from the rest
9096s of the team because of Cloud's wall and
9098s there's just was no healing that could
9099s be done from Turkey now Farouk instead
9102s is switching back over to Lucio while
9104s matrock finds the May a lot more
9106s standard brawl comp with the addition of
9108s that hog Finland have a lot that turkey
9111s is gonna have to play into here they
9112s already use the Kitsune rush and they
9114s don't have the whole hog they can't just
9115s Whole Hog vestola away if he pops the
9117s annihilation they don't really have much
9119s aside from the suzu for muzo to try and
9121s counteract Cloud's blizzard so I mean
9123s they have to try and take an Eco push
9124s here see if they can bleed some of these
9126s ultimates out otherwise I mean this
9128s might just be it nephron Nephron
9132s nothing actually able to escape the
9134s damage that Sana was able to put down
9136s okay sauna is chasing going to go ahead
9138s and translocate since muso's also right
9141s there to just keep uh nephron heels all
9143s the way up and romani's actually taken a
9146s high ground approach here looking for a
9148s little bit of a flank onto this back
9149s line but they're actually not there
9151s instead there's the uh a big hack from
9154s Sana and the EMP from Masa as well lots
9157s of ultimate that are being bled by
9159s Finland now as the Kitsune rush comes
9161s out the Bob didn't net anything for
9163s nephron though and Nephron is going to
9165s go down for the sojour and switches over
9167s and with a minute left over they are
9169s still fighting for the choke point
9170s unfortunately Romani nothing to be done
9172s goes down in a nick of time and now
9175s they're gonna have to wait for the tank
9176s to regroup in 30 seconds that's another
9179s great small micro play there at the tail
9181s end by vestola to go in for the power
9182s block to stop the The Hook from finding
9185s any pager even though he did hook I
9186s believe Masa I have to double check but
9189s you know whoever it was they didn't die
9191s because vestola's face check all of that
9193s now sauna with the EMP looking to put
9195s this all to bed
9197s but muzo was able to cleanse the EMP off
9199s of himself but otherwise the rest of the
9201s squad is just kind of corralled in one
9204s corner they've been really trying to
9205s force this High Ground approach romani's
9207s been forced off of the roadhog instead
9210s into the junker Queen to try and counter
9212s this ramatra pick however they're still
9215s looking for some kind of touch it
9216s doesn't look like it's going to be there
9218s nephrine yanking down early is going to
9220s be a promise of that turkey not even
9222s with a first touch onto Kings Road their
9224s own map pick I I I I don't think the
9228s roadhog pick is really working out for
9230s turkey all that well anymore I mean it
9232s was a good look for sanctum uh it but it
9235s didn't do them all that well on Shrine
9237s back on Nepal and it's definitely not
9239s doing them any favors here on first
9241s point Kings Row and Romani is uh just
9244s constantly being isolated hacked up by
9246s sauna freezed up by Cloud taking all of
9248s the damage I mean Ollie can just charge
9250s animators who's just off of pure damage
9252s just pumping it into roadhog
9256s 1v1 no okay no no e no not this again I
9259s I'm sorry match don't do it
9264s don't fall for it matron wants to go for
9267s it turkey now that was that was against
9269s literally that was against turkey too
9270s right the Saudi would be one it was
9272s against turkey and lethal was in the
9274s game
9275s I did see by the way that uh yazan and
9277s that technically didn't lie he he has
9280s his uh he has his abilities bound to
9282s different keys so he didn't hit evil but
9284s he still popped the uh he still popped
9286s the overload there uh Finland I don't
9289s know if Finland are gonna go for this
9290s but it does look like they want to take
9291s the no it would be one guys
9295s I mean I guess since Finland are up a
9297s map they're like do we really have that
9299s much to lose can we really count on
9301s Sweden beating Saudi Arabia aren't they
9304s actually going to do it I feel like
9305s Finland well they don't have the torb
9307s they have they have a hog okay
9311s on this one not falling for that one
9313s again they're gonna go for the hog 1v1
9315s but yeah Finland are not coming out here
9317s with the torb and they're just gonna
9318s like I guess go for the hog 1v1 or even
9321s that no there's gonna okay no honor
9323s they're just gonna go ahead and take
9324s down Romani teleport first what what the
9327s heck rude that's crazy I just wait they
9331s actually take out the life Weaver though
9333s I'm just like I'm just so lost what is
9335s happening right now I mean we are seeing
9338s life Weaver I mean he's not really much
9340s of a factor right now uh great great
9343s hook there from vestola to close this
9346s one out here what uh what a way to send
9348s that one off Finland in uh and dominant
9351s and not very honorable fashion do take
9354s it home they're gonna go ahead and put
9355s down turkey that's uh that's uh that's
9358s the note that Finland is gonna go out on
9359s that's their last match of the group
9361s stage here and I mean what a what a way
9364s to to have them Remember You by by just
9366s going all in no honor no tour 1v1 just
9369s delete for money walk forward
9371s uncontested take the point kick your
9374s feet up on the kitchen table like it's
9375s yours and that's uh that's your lot
9378s folks that's uh that's gonna be Finland
9380s going up 2-0 over turkey
9382s I mean technically it was um you know it
9387s was
9388s I don't know if Finland is
9389s misremembering but they were like not
9392s falling for that one again and I'm not
9394s sure if they thought that it was turkey
9395s that was the one who pressed e or
9397s whatever but you know they just went
9399s with the Bastion knowing that there
9401s would be a hog and you know that's what
9404s Finland go out on Turkey I mean they
9406s have had some memorable moments they
9408s definitely had some moments of
9410s Brilliance especially over on sanctum
9412s with the hog being able to get them up
9415s to 99 against the second Squad in the uh
9420s Second Place Squad so far in the group
9422s stages and Finland that you wanted
9425s Perfection from them you wanted
9426s dominance they were like okay we'll
9429s dominate them but not in the way that
9431s you want us to
9432s poor turkey they just want to take a
9435s gentleman's duel but they are not
9436s finding anything gentlemanly about any
9438s of their opponents this stage I mean
9440s they still have a one more matchup to
9442s play tomorrow so I think we'll still be
9444s seeing more of turkey maybe they'll get
9446s that that gentleman's duel that actually
9448s goes their way in uh in the third
9450s attempt third time's the charm uh but uh
9453s no honor among Thieves Finland do steal
9455s this one away from them with no honor to
9457s be seen but they did set themselves up
9459s for Success Finland still have a chance
9461s at taking uh overtaking Saudi Arabia
9464s taking that first seed we're gonna have
9465s to keep a close eye tomorrow on that
9467s Saudi Arabia versus Sweden matchup there
9469s and uh I mean that's pretty much what's
9472s gonna seal it up for Group B at this
9473s point though Saudi Arabia and Finland
9475s are almost definitely going to be uh
9477s your Duo that's going to be representing
9479s the emec group b region we still have
9482s some group a action to come today that
9485s group again as contentious as it is
9486s still all over the place we still have
9488s to see the story of Spain unfold Italy
9491s and Denmark can also be a banger with a
9494s lot of implications going forward if
9495s Italy's able to pull off an upset we'll
9497s have to see all of that in more zp and
9499s hex we'll be back here after the break
9501s to walk you through all of that and more
9503s right after this break thank you for
9505s having us we'll see you guys all
9506s tomorrow
9508s foreign
9511s [Music]
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9554s thank you
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9649s [Music]
9656s things
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9681s [Music]
9690s foreign
9691s [Music]
9704s [Music]
9726s welcome back to the 2023 OverWatch World
9728s Cup emec qualifiers I'm Jim Basco I'm
9731s joined Now by zp and hex we just watched
9734s Finland take it over turkey and an
9736s unfortunate ending to that match left us
9738s all in shambles but that's of course
9740s okay we are on day seven of the
9743s competition here we're into week number
9745s two before anything let's pull up that
9748s schedule and talk about the matches that
9749s already happened in the matches that are
9751s still to come zp highlights of the day
9753s so far for you
9755s well highlights of the day I just enjoy
9757s seeing Finland continue to go and be
9760s dominant like both Saudi Arabia and
9762s Finland this is the one area in this
9763s group where obviously we have our two uh
9766s teams that are going forward but you
9768s know they've been consistent all
9769s tournament long and just good to see
9771s them continue to hold that line for me
9773s it's like I appreciate excellence and we
9775s definitely got that from both of those
9776s teams yeah absolutely before we jump
9778s back into actual conversation about the
9780s matches that are still to come a quick
9782s refresher on today's format right the
9784s emec qualifiers showcases two groups
9787s competing in a round robin first to two
9789s tournament it's a single stage but it's
9791s split over two weeks now we're in the
9793s second week we're in the second to last
9796s day of competition and things are really
9798s starting to settle obviously in group b
9800s they've settled One Way group a still a
9802s different question this next match up
9804s though Sweden versus Iceland will be the
9806s last match of Group B for today hex
9808s before we hop into it give us some
9810s context and on what we should be looking
9812s forward to here
9813s well I mean Iceland has uh you know had
9815s a rough go of it they had a really uh
9817s tough early schedule and you know
9819s finally pulling off some wins there and
9821s I guess that always the thing is like
9823s what could have been from Sweden like
9825s this should have been a much more
9826s competitive group but they came out
9828s really really you know slow and it was
9831s kind of rough but so like now Sweden has
9833s picked it up and I think if you're
9835s Sweden like you don't want to be the
9837s team that like ends up losing to Iceland
9839s so like they've gotten some momentum
9841s going forward
9842s um Iceland has picked up something going
9843s too as well but like you know there's
9846s some matches as we get to the end of of
9848s things that aren't gonna matter as much
9850s but they matter to these teams they
9852s matter to these players
9853s um so I I would imagine that Sweden's
9855s gonna come out and give it the best yeah
9856s absolutely something that I loved out of
9858s yesterday that we got from the Belgium
9860s versus the Netherlands match too is that
9861s even though we knew those matches didn't
9863s really amount for much the Rivalry
9865s between the two teams was awesome to
9866s watch and I love the trash talking
9868s afterwards so it's always good and of
9870s course we're playing all the world stage
9871s here so experience to be garnered for
9873s all the player years to say the least zp
9875s and hack so I leave y'all with the match
9876s Sweden versus Iceland just around the
9878s corner enjoy it and I'll catch you guys
9879s on the other side yeah and you know Kaz
9882s mentioned here hex we we've now hit the
9884s point of the tournament at least for
9885s these two teams that you know you're not
9887s playing to qualify deeper like your
9889s tournament run is going to end here but
9891s there's something about Pride
9892s particularly for Sweden where you know
9894s you kind of want to smooth things out
9895s for history here and you look back and
9896s you go oh well okay they didn't lose
9898s that much did they they went forward
9901s three four and three looks uh you know
9903s better than what it had like Sweden lost
9905s their first three matches right they had
9907s played Norway Finland and then Turkey
9909s um but they're on a two game win streak
9911s and they they beat Poland they'd be
9912s Germany uh I mean largely a lot of it is
9915s because a few Matic has come in and
9917s played tank for this team instead of
9919s also it's been a lot of Orissa for
9921s thematic
9922s um and also it's pretty much just been a
9923s switch to like let the DPS carry let
9925s sparker play ash a lot of kevster echo
9929s has been really good too so like they've
9931s kind of retooled things and that's why
9934s their streak is going the way it is so
9936s uh a bad start for them a bad start a
9939s tough schedule early on and you know now
9942s they're just kind of letting it Fly and
9943s being being a little loose with it and
9944s they've been playing better yeah I think
9946s also part of it you know I don't think
9948s it's entirely just a tank swap though
9950s that is certainly a big part of it I
9952s also just think there is definitely a
9953s learning curve at least for kebster and
9955s okay you're not playing with the normal
9958s owl level supports that you usually have
9960s behind you your sport line is a little
9961s bit more inexperienced and as a DPS that
9964s means you have to reign in just how
9965s aggressive you go because you're not
9966s going to be getting the instant healing
9968s that you do at the OverWatch League
9970s level uh necessarily with the squad but
9972s you know the adjustments have been made
9973s in Sweden's look looked a lot better but
9975s you shift gears here you look at Iceland
9977s and the players that they've had going
9979s you know they do have a bright spot in
9981s the sense that they did finally get a w
9982s on the board not going fully without
9984s wins in the tournament but uh you know
9987s something tells me Sweden might be
9988s taking map one here x and then we'll be
9990s going right back to watch Point
9991s Gibraltar
9992s well I mean Iceland uh you know finally
9994s got their zero off the board against
9996s turkey yesterday like after starting oh
9998s and five which is just like brutal for
10000s your mental right uh so finzi played
10002s their best match yesterday I thought
10003s like on Gibraltar like finzy really
10005s really took control of that map uh so
10008s you know let's highlight some players
10010s who like aren't household names though
10012s like I thought has been yeah you got it
10016s right before me like Luther's been
10017s playing so well lately on the flex
10019s support is it's been really great to see
10021s so uh a lot of talent uh on this squad
10024s that maybe goes unrecognized you know we
10026s we talk so much about finzi and Javi
10029s cool
10030s um and it's it's really been like why
10032s they go to Gibraltars usually for Orion
10034s and and holding their own but you know
10036s futhark and krizzy um let's give some
10038s depth to them yeah and looking at that
10041s futhark has been consistently impressive
10044s even in some of the worst losses that
10047s Iceland has had in this group futhark
10049s has usually looked good like bootharg is
10051s the one player on Iceland where no
10053s matter what is going on you can kind of
10055s rely on futhark to have several good
10058s plays and you know obviously OverWatch
10060s is a team game and you know Iceland has
10062s had troubles on the whole but it's
10064s always good when you can look at a team
10065s be like okay well we know that this one
10066s player is always going to contribute but
10068s now we look towards Nepal
10070s Sweden versus Iceland we'll see how this
10073s one pans out you know sometimes hex
10075s teams will get silly when you've gotten
10077s to this point in the tournament they go
10078s oh we could play whatever we're not
10080s advancing some tells me Sweden you know
10082s based on the Theo Maddox interview
10083s yesterday they're going to be bringing
10085s their all to Bear here just again even
10087s up the score line a little bit for the
10089s history books yeah you want liquipedia
10091s to look good at the end of the day right
10092s you don't want you don't want it to look
10094s like a you know on six or whatever so uh
10098s Theo's generally been playing a lot of
10100s erisa uh you know it's okay-ish on this
10104s map totally fine like you know you
10106s generally want to like play uh in the
10108s point
10109s um but uh you know we'll see what they
10112s run here
10113s sparker on the Sim kevster on the pharah
10117s and it looks like they're gonna roll
10119s with that too so Iceland is playing like
10121s pure rush and Sweden is going to
10124s um rock something a little bit different
10126s also I feel like one thing that's
10129s happened is teams have got this point
10131s the teams have got a whole lot chat here
10133s everywhere yeah a lot of text chat yeah
10137s I I feel like that's a part of the teams
10139s playing a little bit looser because hey
10140s like the pressure off and to get
10142s pressure Kev start playing a whole lot
10144s of it from the air coming in on the
10145s pharah
10146s be looking here to the side a little bit
10149s more rock it's nice and find themselves
10150s really pinned and crazy gang very very
10152s low early and Ryan copy thematic
10155s chemster just gotta clean up the rest
10156s from the back that's a really cool angle
10159s a lot of times you see like Ferris just
10161s chill out and like hang out on uh the
10163s ledge over top of Village but like
10166s coming out on the back side and being
10168s the hammer to the Anvil that theomatic
10170s was on the on the point is so cool yeah
10173s I'd also say rotation wise that's
10175s probably why you don't see a lot of
10176s teams go to where Iceland went there and
10179s will usually go straight to the point
10180s because it's just dangerous especially
10183s if the pharah just comes around from the
10184s other side but Iceland now we have to
10187s find a way in and they have to run the
10189s far obstacle course here x yeah well
10192s they're gonna make a switch too Orion's
10193s gonna go to the McCree or excuse me this
10196s one uh Cassidy uh Caskey here and it's
10201s just not worked out for teams regardless
10203s capster does go down but not if I'm
10205s taking his Pawn to flesh yeah and also
10207s it's clean enough that the rose is gonna
10209s be contested on top of it and yeah I
10212s mean and again to me this just comes
10213s down to the far obstacle course right
10215s where the best part about playing pharah
10216s on this stage is what kempster gets to
10218s do right now where Iceland just has to
10220s run and duck for cover to even contest
10223s on the point with the comp that you know
10225s can't really fight the far as well even
10226s with the Cassidy
10228s we haven't seen really good anti-para
10231s comps really come out like your best bet
10234s is really to try to win it on the ground
10236s and try to do your best there but so far
10238s like if you really want to fight the
10240s pharah you have to run like a diva and a
10243s cast at the same time and really focus
10246s it down and then you have to deny res
10250s Iceland does get to the point and get a
10252s quick recap they lost a ride so early
10254s though that you know this is Sweden's
10255s fight to lose at this point thematic
10257s roll around here on the Arisa could use
10260s the ultimate again but I feel like it's
10262s been playing this a little bit too loose
10263s here that results we could have went on
10265s way earlier instead Sweden ends up down
10267s a few players kevster back into it finds
10269s Orion Transcendence or rather
10271s Annihilation out for Iceland
10274s and yeah I mean Sweden they could have
10277s burned house a little bit earlier there
10278s but they felt we don't need to as it
10280s turns out hex they needed to but who
10282s thought goes down and Sweden they get to
10284s apply pressure a little bit quicker here
10286s temperatures still holding on to the
10287s barrage and you have to think Kessler's
10289s gonna go the other way drop the barrage
10290s barrage comes in
10292s get the ice block out looking for fenzie
10293s needs a little bit more
10295s thematica fish out and it's not super
10297s quick but Sweden should retake the point
10299s yeah I mean it kind of is one of the the
10302s differences between like uh good teams
10304s and not so good teams like mediocre
10306s teams I think you should have been dead
10307s there like a minute ago Theo was like
10309s 1v4 and they never chased them down uh
10312s and so they Sweden is able to buy their
10315s time get back and regroup but they had
10317s the tank like alone and scared they
10320s should have had Theo right there uh but
10323s they didn't they didn't chase it down so
10324s Iceland just it never has like the
10326s aggressive push that you need to do to
10328s us to win Maps
10330s Ryan come out here with the Jedi looking
10333s for anything gonna get hacked and Melvin
10335s and
10336s Russia nearly going down in turn I also
10339s know prioritizing gang on the point very
10340s close to the recapture Orion Under
10342s Pressure this time Falls thematic right
10344s on top of it Sweden up 5v4 Arisa alt
10349s comes on in deals with tooth Arc
10351s and that should be the round here for
10353s Sweden
10355s yeah skile picks up a two-piece at the
10357s end on the kiriko and easy peasy uh a
10361s lot of it is just you know we've looked
10363s at this and it's Target calling shot
10365s calling like you know you have to pick
10367s the the the tank there in that situation
10370s uh they had it in in Iceland just um I
10373s think the lack of aggression for Iceland
10375s is why you see the one in five record
10377s yeah
10378s well also for Iceland too I just it's
10381s not just aggression I also think that
10382s you know we talk about the neutral a lot
10384s when talking about Iceland where there's
10385s a lot of uh matches that have been in
10388s where they simply just lose people
10390s before you even get to the real Team
10392s fight stage right it's the point where
10393s like teams are feeling each other out
10395s Iceland will just have people drop to
10396s the ground and that just you know puts
10398s you in a Perpetual situation where
10400s you're not even able to fight cleanly
10402s they've been doing you're not getting
10403s good 5v5s you're not getting good 5v5s
10406s with ultimates and using them the
10407s correct way but um you know Iceland's
10409s got the Band-Aid on now it's it's the
10411s reaper Reaper fixes a lot of issues
10414s Reaper fixes everything you know
10419s getting very low early on in mortality
10421s field forced out and offensive can't get
10423s away Kevin chases it down now again you
10426s have Sweden working on the 5v4 pretty
10428s early this is where a tracer just gets
10430s to run around and do whatever they want
10432s on cleanup should be a quick first point
10435s capture for Sweden and keptester no
10437s chill comster just continues to hold w
10441s Anna put that pressure on like you know
10443s that's that's the high-end OverWatch
10445s like just put pressure on as long as
10448s you're not dying and you're putting
10449s pressure on you're making people look a
10451s different way and then somebody else can
10452s come in for a flank
10454s all right next one underway style gets
10456s caught early sparker though again the
10459s pressure on the finzy unreal Iceland is
10461s losing finsey early most he finds his
10463s kempster chases down half he says now
10465s friends don't care not gonna say who
10466s throws that the bomb gets the stick and
10468s kempster continues to crush the back
10471s line of Iceland well this is the the the
10474s best damage line that you can have for
10476s Sweden right like Caster like on Tracer
10478s is Godlike sparker on ash is the best
10481s but what it does is that capster is
10483s putting on pressure and then people
10484s chase Kevin to try to finish off this
10486s Tracer and they walk into sparker sight
10488s lines like it just works so well
10489s together
10490s and right now if you're Iceland any
10492s tweak the be had right now has to be
10494s along the lines of keep things alive
10496s don't let fizzy get bursted down early
10498s on the ram that has been the number one
10500s issue for Iceland in starting these
10502s fights and again look at Fizzy's help
10504s fizzy going low chrizzy has to use the
10506s call behind Fenty keep him alive style
10509s this time gets caught Matthew is able to
10510s get on it and a much better engage here
10513s for Iceland and the key difference finzi
10515s stayed alive
10518s yeah rocking also like coalescence
10521s opening up is always going to be a good
10522s thing they they tried to Sweden did uh
10525s hold down the forts with an immortality
10527s field it's just simply not enough I
10530s think Sweden's pretty happy with this
10531s though at 67 coming in Iceland can
10534s really win this next fight but it's all
10536s about aggression it's all about timing
10537s can hoffy goal hit a good EMP they need
10539s to get siled down and part with the EMP
10541s before the Transcendence comes out to me
10543s that's the main win condition here look
10545s at child look at where happy is on the
10547s EMP so step number one here's the EMP
10549s how's it gonna be set up happy under a
10551s little bit of pressure crazy nearly
10552s Falls that would have been huge and
10555s because he does fall because he still
10557s can't get away now food truck has to
10558s drop the beat Under Pressure
10559s Transcendence comes out as EMP comes out
10562s this is a really good engage with Sweden
10564s but as I say that Lindsey not by the
10567s annihilation isn't gonna be enough now
10568s the fight breaking down getting a little
10570s bit Scrappy all right and finzy out of
10572s the fight though I mean Sweden can just
10574s kind of be tanky on the point what's
10575s gonna kill Theo here
10577s uh maybe a boot but Theo is going to be
10580s smarter than that uh so a little lucy
10582s will just kind of yeah full supports out
10584s here you just look at them
10590s uh 72 to 51 final attempt perhaps coming
10593s up here for Iceland now
10595s you know I think you had a gender rights
10597s like uh you know getting getting the Zen
10599s there in that fight before it happened
10601s it was gonna be so important and it used
10602s to be the case where a Sombra would just
10604s hunt down Zen and even solo EMP that
10606s because then so much Shields that it's
10609s such an easy kill uh too too slow to
10613s find that Zen to find the right fight
10614s and that's why Iceland is now one fight
10617s away from losing this first image what's
10619s up with one here they have to get on to
10620s the point they're gonna open with the
10622s coal let's go engage my Peril boothark
10623s under a whole lot of pressure booster
10625s goes down sparker finishes off with the
10627s dynamite and they can't stay on the
10630s point rough round for Iceland but
10632s dominant for Sweden as they take map one
10636s they're just able to play their their
10638s best heroes right now I mean you get
10640s captured on Tracer you get you get
10642s sparker on Ash and it just it just looks
10644s better right and there's so much
10646s pressure that that Kessler can put on
10648s and I think covers playing like in an
10650s interesting way where
10652s it's not necessarily about like getting
10654s kills it's just about being annoying and
10656s like if it has a tracer like that's your
10658s job is to be annoying like I think a lot
10660s of people think this Tracer is like oh I
10661s gotta kill I gotta trade in the back
10663s line no just stay alive just stay alive
10665s and be the constant gnats in somebody's
10667s earrings yeah I mean being alive far
10670s better than doing a little bit more
10671s damage and dying in most cases like
10673s sometimes you get a good trade it's
10674s worth but nothing better than actually
10677s just surviving in many cases and you
10680s know there was a point here isil was
10681s able to get onto the point and Sweden
10683s might have held on to their also the too
10685s long around one but on the whole there's
10687s a mechanical difference throughout and
10689s the second round to me was just really
10691s dictated by the fact that Vincy was
10694s falling really early in these fights the
10695s support line wasn't keeping alive there
10697s was really good Focus fire from Sweden
10698s and then you lose your tank and Kessler
10700s just kind of goes to the back and does
10702s whatever he wants
10703s Sweden's undefeated with the umatic on
10705s this Arisa like they really really enjoy
10708s playing around it it's been super
10710s interesting not to cast any shade on low
10712s such at all but like generally just like
10714s a switch has has made this Swedish team
10717s look very different they are undefeated
10718s so far with Theo medic on on tank yeah
10721s and you know to be fair you look at
10723s strength of schedule and all the rest
10724s it's not entirely one to one to put it
10727s mildly but yeah you cannot deny the
10729s Improvement in Sweden's gameplay they
10731s look good here to start out their day
10733s one to nothing over Iceland will Iceland
10736s find a way through to make this match a
10738s little bit more competitive oral Sweden
10740s continue to exert dominance we'll see in
10742s just a few
10745s [Music]
10748s foreign
10751s [Music]
10780s [Music]
10792s thank you foreign
10808s [Music]
10849s [Music]
10857s thank you
10859s [Music]
10868s [Applause]
10869s [Music]
10877s foreign
10886s [Music]
10893s [Music]
10925s [Applause]
10930s [Music]
10957s thank you
10962s Sweden continuing their Resurgence
10964s against Iceland here in the OverWatch
10966s World Cup again leaving many Swedish
10968s fans to wonder where was the Sweden back
10970s on day one but you know what hex better
10972s late than never
10974s is it though I mean it would have been
10977s better earlier than than later I guess
10979s uh so Eisen will have map pack here
10982s they've generally gone to maps that have
10984s like long range uh hit scan yeah that
10987s that makes a ton of sense so the the
10990s last time they had a map pick was to
10992s Gibraltar
10994s um and they were able to pull it off
10995s against uh turkey I believe uh so yeah
10998s this has been their map choice this was
11000s like actually the first map Wayne was
11002s Gibraltar so ice and going to Gibraltar
11004s makes a ton of sense uh gonna be you
11006s know a little bit difficult against the
11008s likes of Sweden's damaged line but this
11010s is where they feel comfortable and um
11013s yeah maybe maybe they can pull one off
11015s here
11016s yeah I mean Iceland did look much better
11018s on Gibraltar than any other map although
11021s you think about the match we saw
11022s yesterday uh with how turkey decided to
11025s play it they definitely I feel like the
11028s tank difference between uh Revenant and
11031s finzi was something that probably won't
11034s appear here uh In The Swim I have more
11036s faith than thematics as a tank that it's
11039s gonna be a closer Tanki tank matchup I
11041s don't think we're gonna be seeing fizzy
11043s just you know run around and get three
11045s kills every team fight because there's
11046s not a lot I'll speak a little bit out of
11049s school you were not thrilled with
11051s revenance Winston play
11054s it did not work out greats and I think
11056s if you watch the match that you would
11058s agree with uh with zp right there
11062s um yeah so
11063s yeah running the Winston into the the
11066s devil was was a strange Choice we'll see
11068s what Iceland wants to run on the defense
11069s like honestly like this was this was
11071s fincy's best map like finzy looked the
11073s best fins he's looked in the entire
11075s tournament uh yesterday on this map on
11078s Diva uh so yeah Theo running the Winston
11081s well we kind of get a rematch with a
11083s with a different fighter
11085s yeah I'll be uh interesting to see how
11088s sweet in places I think Sweden though
11089s you know you look at their overall
11091s roster at least on the DPS end and the
11094s tank end it's going to be challenging
11095s Iceland a lot more effectively you know
11097s you kind of talk about half a Cool's bad
11099s luck on this map right I'm just you know
11101s being magnetic to everything hitting
11103s happy well I feel like you're gonna get
11105s more of that here with you know sparker
11108s leg gunshots on the ash yeah so so
11110s Iceland picks this map a lot because
11111s they they really trust in Orion's
11114s long-range hit scan so Orion vs sparker
11116s is also a little like macro matchup to
11118s watch you know I like this from Sweden
11121s running the mercy with the ash I think
11123s boosted Ash or boosted Widow is
11125s something that's really really good
11126s right now and you don't see it as much I
11129s think this makes a lot of sense when
11130s you're trying to go for long range and
11131s what do you do is you're a Ryan right
11133s now for sparker like this is horrible if
11136s you're a ride trying to do this matchup
11137s anyone that's been the situation they
11139s don't like it however that being said
11141s just hit the head as it turns out after
11144s Theo's just immediately dies uh
11147s yeah Mercy is a damage amplifier but
11149s also hitting headshots is a damage
11151s amplifier and Orion gets the best of it
11154s right there a really good opening Salvo
11156s for Iceland he's able to just kind of
11159s sit out here and chill and yeah I agree
11161s with you I I think we we've seen uh too
11164s little of the the mercy damage boost on
11166s on his scan um but now putting it back
11168s yeah and I mean with widows damage
11171s getting uh kids I think you're gonna see
11173s it more it's Parker just like binds
11176s Chrissy where again damage boosted Ash
11178s is no joke despite what happened to the
11180s first fight I stand by everything I said
11181s I think that this is gonna be a really
11183s tough batch of this oh boy you talk
11185s about Kathy's bad luck hex uh exhibit
11188s hey dude to take that volley from Genji
11192s from the long term like I hate so much
11193s of Genji's kit like the dash and the
11195s deflects but to just get like a long
11197s range shuriken volley is also an extra
11200s brutal sparker takes down his
11202s counterpart and Orion and Sweden pushing
11205s forward
11206s and now sparker is hitting the groove
11209s here Landing good shots again the mercy
11211s at his back pretty much the entire time
11213s makes difficult gets away from the bomb
11215s but oh man the mercy wasn't able to get
11217s away from Mom doesn't matter though
11218s chemistry got to the back hits three
11221s just dashing back and forth and uh don't
11224s need Mercy for that as Sweden gets point
11227s a relatively quickly yeah I mean Genji
11230s is a hero that can just take over
11232s matches and kevsters got such a good
11234s Genji I think it used to be his uh
11237s his portraits like even even in the
11239s OverWatch League before before Kester
11241s had a picture yeah yeah you should just
11244s be a Genji portrait so obviously playing
11247s to the hero but it's such a snowbally
11250s hero such momentum going to and also
11252s like it's really good at trying to take
11254s this High Ground all right well
11255s nanoblade is certainly gonna be in the
11257s cards here sparker finds Orion early and
11259s you know not for Sweden they have enough
11261s oh wow with two yeah I was gonna say
11265s Nano blades in the cards but you get
11266s both DPS down like that you know do you
11269s really need to right now the answer is
11271s no you can wait
11273s now Valkyries pop to keep everyone alive
11275s valkyrie's not like that the greatest of
11277s ultimates anyway so not a huge deal and
11279s you know it's been just pushing forward
11281s out ultimates you might get trouble also
11284s sparkers just continually punishing
11286s Orion with the beam at his back the
11289s entire way through the neck down here
11291s though means capsu's gonna go in Nano
11293s blade active on the prowl gets futhark
11295s looking for more still has time two
11298s seconds left one more slash two more
11299s slashes maybe nope but it goes in for
11301s Fins he's still heavy heavy pressure on
11303s the fins a year kempster at the back
11304s sparker at the front he has been eating
11307s a little bit of healing 40 HP in the
11309s dream gets healed right back up and you
11311s got the headache on the ball swap here
11313s just for the extra pressure
11316s I said it has ball on the point so it's
11318s not completely terrible kevstroke is
11320s very very low they might just hold
11322s they're gonna hold us I think they're
11324s gonna hold this yeah momentum kind of
11327s swung away there the blade didn't get as
11329s much as I think Sweden would have liked
11330s the fact that dinzi was able to stay
11332s alive for a while definitely made it
11334s tough
11335s and this is a really tough spot to like
11338s have to re-engage as the offense
11342s um obviously the humanik is doing
11344s something different he's way in the back
11345s they're probably gonna make a call on
11347s that because trying to get to the the
11349s shuttle is always a thing you need to
11351s take shuttle control otherwise you're
11353s just gonna get damaged rained upon you
11355s also a swap style goes over to the
11358s kiriko mercy gone dematic though was in
11361s the back long enough
11364s bark now
11367s real close to another blade bomb comes
11369s out bomb doesn't hit anything the deal
11371s Max is gonna go over again Happy Lucky
11374s to live 7 HP in a dream Kev start coming
11376s in over the top
11378s this could be enough I think came back
11380s in finishes off Theo and Iceland being
11383s surprisingly durable here hex like
11385s Sweden's lost enough that it's reset
11387s time yeah they have to go back you can't
11389s fight this with three uh you know as far
11391s as like happy like completely whipping
11393s that pulse bomb earlier but he does come
11395s back and gets the ball uh at the end of
11397s the day so I think Sweden is probably
11400s just taking this a little bit slower you
11402s don't want to lose anyone early
11403s obviously too man I can come in and
11405s harass cause ball has such great
11406s survivability but you're you're banking
11408s on uh Nano plate yeah it's all about
11411s Nano blade part two here Sweden the alts
11413s all come online now you gotta look
11415s towards kempster here kempster has the
11417s Nano here comes the blade slices through
11418s finds Orion they lose odd at the same
11420s time though so it needs to be big
11422s hamster with two it's gonna be three
11423s gets three is not gonna be enough for
11426s Sweden here they're down one so far
11428s finzi still alive on point drops the
11431s bomb Obama's gonna get anything and that
11433s is enough Sweden should do it gets point
11435s B two and a half minutes left to go not
11437s the worst amount of time
11439s I mean if you're Iceland you know like
11441s that the clock is just ticking there
11443s right like they've been they have an
11445s Anna they have a Genji like it doesn't
11446s take a a genius to figure out what is
11448s gonna happen for their next fight so
11450s they figure that one out it's also
11452s sparker is getting a lot of value here
11454s uh maybe a bobbin so they can take this
11457s corner the corner is so crucial in this
11459s last push
11461s sparker though having to play this at
11463s least on an even level you haven't seen
11464s sparker just filling up The Kill feed
11466s since the swamp off the mercy but you
11468s know the rest of Sweden benefit from
11469s Kirko being there and uh Orion gets
11472s sparker says nope that's a fair fight
11474s how does it feel no res available no
11476s Beam at your back so
11479s good exchange there from Orion a minute
11480s 50 left to go and Sweden has to slow
11482s play this a bit here x maybe kebster
11484s finds something but
11486s no kepsker only finds a spawning that's
11488s what that's their passengers right there
11491s yeah Sweden has to back up here I
11494s I agree with your sentiment that they
11496s they should be slow playing
11498s um largely because like I think like
11499s your next fight should again be a nano
11502s blade so kind of take it a little bit
11503s more passively there's not a great
11505s engagement otherwise I mean Bob can
11507s engage maybe but your best play is
11510s nanoblade that's what you're playing
11512s yeah it's nanoblade or sparker gets a
11515s pick and then you just go aggressive
11516s because like those are the two things
11518s you're looking for here in Sweden
11520s ethical though while spawn ready
11521s pressure into the back takes down
11523s sparker with the eight of finzy gets
11525s slapped but you know even if happy dies
11526s here job was done Sweden's push is
11528s ruined right
11530s I mean so what you really want
11533s a couple of pullbacks right there like
11535s this is kind of still Scrappy they're
11536s still in it yeah I mean one of those is
11538s happy
11539s he's probably gonna go down from the
11540s sleeve and we'll be back here soon
11541s Lindsay though can't go down oh
11544s emac on the finzy now gives Sweden the
11547s up to go through that's the one person
11548s that couldn't have that happen baby fins
11550s will get back in the back but this is
11552s gonna be tough yeah so katsune's got to
11554s go dead center they send Bob right in
11555s and now you wait in the closing ultimate
11558s should be this Nano blade but sparker
11559s goes down yeah that was pilot Diva
11562s coming on in
11563s Sweden though trying to make the most of
11565s it kimster got two Nano blade gonna be
11567s in the wings soon-ish but honestly get
11569s back to the spot five seconds left 20
11571s seconds yeah this is gonna be one of
11573s those things where Sweden won't have the
11575s best positioning they're gonna throw in
11577s kev's turn and go hey go use the
11580s nanoblade and you know with how good
11582s food dark has been that's not guaranteed
11584s the Sleep could ruin everything here for
11586s Sweden
11588s fight one micro battle
11590s It's gotta happen now
11592s here we go the Nano's on the kepster
11593s kevinster pulls out the blade where's
11595s the sleep no does that connects are
11597s going to back and tip of the
11600s one they needed more from that though
11602s Iceland keeps it even thematic about to
11605s get demacked on the point
11607s drops self-destruction might be able to
11608s get back in frizzy down capster out of
11611s the fight Iceland trading up fairly
11613s evenly here still didn't see though
11616s Under Pressure Sweden more presence on
11620s the point even as spawns come back in
11621s here for Iceland 15 desperately trying
11623s to get back in the back not gonna happen
11624s as Sweden keeps up the pressure on point
11628s Orion's back over can Orion find
11630s anything no and that's gonna be an
11632s overtime cap here for Sweden
11635s a little bit longer than they would have
11637s liked they had they had a really nice
11639s window there where I thought like you
11640s could have thrown some stuff in and what
11642s you really want in that last Point push
11644s is to get your Ash on the high grounds
11647s like that's the Checkmate spot the
11649s little Bridge right there that you see
11651s on your screen uh then you throw in the
11652s Bob like on the back and then like no
11654s one can do anything and then if you end
11656s up throwing in the Nano blade uh on top
11658s of that it gets ridiculous but
11661s I don't know am I wrong and thinking
11664s like that's good for diceland like that
11666s was a pretty good defense yeah I mean
11668s all in all I mean I'd say a good defense
11671s for Gibraltar is probably holding before
11673s last because you're not guaranteed but
11675s given the amount of time Sweden had in
11677s getting there it was still pretty decent
11679s from Iceland I also think the way the
11681s composition Sweden was playing Just
11684s inherently made it that they got less
11685s quality fights because you know the
11687s reality is when you're running again g a
11689s lot of Genji's power as a hero is baked
11692s into the fact that dragonblade is good
11694s when paired with other ultimates like
11696s Nano right like so you're running a
11698s Genji
11699s if you don't get an early pick off from
11701s sparker you're basically Hostage to the
11704s fact that you don't get a good team
11705s fight until nanoblade is active
11707s uh it's a good cleanup hero like we saw
11710s earlier like 3K in a row like you know
11712s Dash and dash resets are good but yeah
11714s essentially you're right like it's it's
11716s bladebot 5000 like they're waiting for
11718s the blade like that is the big value for
11720s that hero uh Sweden on the defense
11723s they're back on the boosting sparker
11725s again
11727s so Orion's got their work cut out for
11729s them I also like Mercy in situations
11732s where the team is running a pick hero
11734s just because you really lumped the
11735s effectiveness and just you know it feels
11737s bad as a widow or Hanzo where you get a
11739s pick and then you just see the rez come
11740s back up after right like I think that I
11743s think seeing a res always feels bad I
11745s always feel bad when I love Rez quick
11748s pick up on the field though Theo didn't
11749s get the heals they needed and uh yeah
11752s that's gonna put Sweden back I think
11754s it's fine the fact that Theo might be
11755s able to get back in the mech but there's
11757s a window here for ice and the bee just
11758s more aggressive than you know add on to
11761s their you know short-term lead I mean
11764s that's been the one fault though with
11766s Iceland is that they've not been able to
11768s be aggressive they don't have a high
11769s switch
11771s how are the suzu is right there it's
11772s like big bio meet suzu uh because just
11776s erase all that spark right here in the
11779s back looking for heads the omatic
11780s kepster both down so it really does come
11782s down the sparker to find something
11783s really in the next moment to equalize or
11785s this point will go directly Iceland
11787s futhark big pick for sparker now though
11789s you gotta touch a point you gotta hit
11791s the point doesn't happen either sparker
11794s nor the mercy able to get down to the
11796s point and uh that's a very quick point a
11799s tank here for Iceland finsey with a
11801s really good job of isolating the duo
11803s that was still up top they were the only
11804s threat still left able to pull that off
11807s and then hobby cool will push the cart
11809s to fruition
11811s kind of a scrappy fight like this is the
11813s most important fight yeah I mean the
11815s upside here for Sweden is that they lost
11816s boy hey so decisively that they get to
11819s be fully set up here at the beginning
11820s point B Iceland gets no freebies into
11823s point B
11824s but for Sweden you know a little bit a
11826s little bit cold here you need sparker to
11828s hit something or kevster to win the bomb
11831s either way something needs to happen
11833s this marker gets crazy but balls in turn
11835s Rez is going to be there though he got
11836s to kill sparker twice and that's the
11838s benefit to what Sweden's running
11841s yeah yeah that's true They're bringing
11843s sparker back and this should be a Sweden
11846s hold right here
11847s um and now I really has to figure out
11849s like what they want to do on their next
11851s approach uh sites are gonna come out
11855s dumpster got caught really early so
11858s that's step one step two deal Sparkle
11860s the bomb comes out gets rid of Mercy
11861s nearly was a 2K but sparker involved big
11864s bomb from happy sparker though doesn't
11867s get the chance to drop Bob just gets
11870s mowed over by finzy as Iceman now they
11872s find their groove finzi loves this map
11875s finzi has played his best on this map
11877s for sure uh it has looked really good
11879s and Iceland really just capitalizing on
11881s all their check marks like every
11882s Ultimate that they've used has gotten
11884s huge value
11886s [Music]
11887s up in style as Sweden tries to get a
11890s Rika test going on B spark or just as
11893s fits in his face yeah uh buying your
11895s theory here fizzy goes in with the Nano
11897s Silo gets caught and fizzy still chases
11900s down the support line as Iceland nearly
11903s gets here on point B they're gonna get
11905s it five minutes essentially left on the
11909s clock this is a speed run for Sweden
11912s well you think of the the the four
11914s matches before that we casted yesterday
11916s of Iceland
11918s um didn't say finzy's name at all like
11920s we know finzy like you know a long-term
11922s player like you know of that but
11925s yesterday was like finzy highlight reel
11927s like this does seem like a map that
11929s really really fizzy has figured out on
11931s Diva it has been good so far also you do
11934s have the swap of Sweden no more Mercy
11936s now Style on to the kiriko sparker again
11940s gonna have to play on an equal playing
11941s field happy under heavy pressure going
11943s for Sparco sparker super low is Happy
11945s able to finish it happy gets it and
11947s forces out the Panic Bob at the same
11949s time two down for Sweden as Iceland
11953s keeps the pressure up really strong
11956s stuff thematic gonna remake here and
11958s Sweden is looking trained on all tier X
11961s there's no light at the end of the
11962s tunnel it's nothing but Iceland just
11963s dominating ah totally correct they just
11966s burned through all of their economy
11967s right there and even making some
11969s switches they got no value out of their
11970s ultimates they tried to bust everything
11972s that is a huge pick though Style with
11976s just the kill onto finzi enormous oh
11980s my goodness that is momentum and that's
11983s a however Dempster dashing around the
11986s resets giving a little bit of stability
11988s for Sweden at the end that uh that's
11992s tough though Iceland only needs one more
11994s fight three and a half minutes left to
11996s go they can play the slow and do a
11999s little bit of banking here hex and still
12000s win
12001s relatively even trades but those trades
12003s are always going to be in favor of the
12004s defense just based on the spawn
12007s yeah so you Nano finzi here and try to
12010s bank up because you have no DPS alts
12014s all right coming on to finzi and uh
12017s probably one of the most terrifying
12019s things that can happen right now from
12021s what we've seen in this round but
12022s overall it's a fairly you know low-key
12025s Nano not much happens to it Orion gets
12027s caught thematic a good dive into the
12030s back line gets hit the bio but no follow
12032s through it's gonna be there it's all
12034s close to the Kitsune and Iceland I'm not
12036s freaking as coordinated to this push
12038s Booth art down and yeah that's gonna be
12039s a full reset yeah and just good on Theo
12042s getting some value in the back well I
12044s mean the thing is when you when you Nano
12045s your tank like finzy right there like
12047s it's kind of signaling to the team that
12049s that tank is going in they have to so
12052s you can counter dive really easily so it
12054s ends up coming down to which support
12056s line can peel better for each other and
12058s stay stay alive through the dive and
12061s pretty much Sweden just like went in
12062s they're like well fincy's coming in he's
12064s Nano so uh obviously theogistic backline
12066s and Theo just made it work better
12069s this might be uh the naked blade as you
12071s call it here no Nano up kevster hang on
12073s to Blade would be a long hold to wait
12075s for them doesn't need it here to go down
12078s immediately so yeah uh it's worth noting
12082s here Iceland had a ton of time getting
12084s into this point like nearly five minutes
12085s they've burned through most of two yeah
12089s it was still two minutes though I'm
12090s still pretty solved that's how good
12092s their offense is
12093s told a lot here on point C and oh this
12096s is could be very aggressive here from
12097s Sweden look at sparker
12100s look at all the spy checking going on
12102s it's marketing like any of that just
12104s like yeah I'm gonna go back uh be bad if
12106s I get caught here
12108s yeah I think Sweden actually in the in
12110s this point is it's kind of a defensive
12112s EMP uh you just wait uh it's it's one of
12115s the very few times I would recommend
12117s teams
12118s immediately there no blade required
12122s through and that's huge
12125s huge economical fight coming in from
12127s Sweden now only a minute left to go and
12130s they're gonna have Nano blade hex for
12131s that all important fights
12133s it's one of the small combos you don't
12135s think about but like I I'm pretty sure
12136s they hit a big anti before capster went
12138s in and like if you're anti-yield and
12141s then Genji is getting Dash resets you're
12143s in trouble uh so it's one of those small
12145s things of like not necessarily an
12147s ultimate combo but just using ability
12149s combos together it works so well
12152s here we go 45 seconds left happy gets
12155s gets caught Theo on the punish
12162s yo katsune is out from Sweden
12164s you know oh and all priceland I don't
12167s think they've burned anything there
12169s there's a world where you're okay with
12170s that Exchange
12172s no it's not terrible um I think you know
12174s while finzy just used I think I think
12177s just you self-destruct what you would
12178s like to do is get a spot on on the ledge
12183s to get Orion set up so that Orion can
12185s get the bobbin and you can handleblade
12188s capture goes in just cuts him on up
12191s three for kempster before you can even
12193s blink
12194s and that might have been the death now
12195s five seconds left here for Iceland I
12198s don't know what they're gonna have to do
12199s to delay here but it's gonna require a
12201s miracle over time in progress Sweden
12204s looking very strong bomb comes out Kevin
12206s just jumps away
12209s EMP out the Finish is there and Sweden
12213s gonna hold Iceland here on their map
12215s pick a massive hold for five minutes but
12218s Sweden gets it done and they win it in
12220s two
12221s Genji can be so difficult to deal with
12224s uh do you switch out to something do you
12227s start running a more you already start
12228s running a Sombra like something to deal
12230s with a Genji uh that just gets so much
12232s value and I think Sweden in the last
12234s couple of of matches that we've seen has
12237s just flexed like oh we are just better
12239s at this game than people like they they
12242s just have like people who are better at
12244s the game than most people sparker and
12246s kevster like Kevin person crazy on that
12248s Genji crazy good
12251s um but like it's very difficult to deal
12253s with you don't really have necessarily
12255s like obviously there's not uh CC anymore
12257s but you do you put somebody on on
12261s Cassidy you don't want to take Orion off
12262s like it just gets really difficult and
12265s yeah man I I mean I've been thinking
12268s about like how good Sweden like it would
12270s have been so good to see Sweden
12271s truthfully I feel like the weakness of
12274s Genji to extend is that the fact that
12276s Genji still like relies on with the big
12278s quiz I feel like the counter at least
12280s the soft counter is that you just Force
12282s more fights like the more fights you
12284s force the more fights it's gonna be with
12285s Genji with no Nano blame right whereas
12288s with how slow Iceland was playing
12291s you were able to see Sweden use blade in
12293s a higher percentage of fights I think
12294s you'd normally get with Genji versus
12296s most teams
12298s yeah I think Iceland always waits for
12300s like the perfect fight where Sweden kind
12302s of scrapped it out right and so
12305s also it's like a really good counter to
12307s like the reason Iceland picks these Maps
12309s is for Orion to play like widow or Ash
12312s and Genji it's such a good counter to
12315s those Heroes uh and unless the other
12318s team is gonna run a Winston which is a
12320s bad idea or a Moira probably a bad idea
12323s you're gonna have free reign you're
12324s gonna get in you're gonna get out so
12326s really well played uh I mean the Swedish
12329s team
12330s good good on the record uh you know
12332s maybe next year maybe next year
12335s yeah I mean again at the very least when
12338s people go back and they look at the
12339s history of Sweden and the OverWatch
12341s World Cup Sweden does have the potential
12342s now to end four and three be like oh it
12344s wasn't that bad of the Year this is four
12346s and three like yeah just hope that
12347s people you know don't have the memory
12349s and remember how week one went where all
12351s the dreams got dashed for going forward
12353s but hey look yo all in all you still try
12356s and put W's on the board and Sweden has
12358s looked good I just think it leaves uh
12360s Swedish fans wanting and going if only
12363s this happened a little bit sooner but
12365s either way that is Sweden versus Iceland
12367s coming up next a match a whole lot of
12370s people have eyes on it's gonna be Spain
12372s taking on Great Britain at a match where
12374s everything matters
12377s [Music]
12392s thank you
12408s [Music]
12446s foreign
12475s thank you
12482s thank you
12496s [Music]
12522s [Music]
12541s foreign
12553s [Applause]
12553s [Music]
12557s [Applause]
12558s [Music]
12563s [Applause]
12571s [Music]
12583s months competitors from all over the
12586s world have battled through trials to
12588s prove themselves
12590s as the best of the best
12592s now the teens have assembled ready to
12595s fight for the title of OverWatch World
12597s Cup champion
12600s it wouldn't be the OverWatch World Cup
12602s without an epic in-person conclusion at
12605s a place where it all began bulliscon
12611s which team will emerge Victorious and
12613s become the first World Cup champions of
12615s OverWatch 2 tune in to find out
12618s learn more at overwatchworldcup.com
12623s you heard it here first ladies and
12626s gentlemen the World Cup finals will be
12627s on land at BlizzCon 2023 of course the
12630s tickets will be on sale soon keep an eye
12632s on those social media channels Pages
12634s whatever you want to call them because
12635s that's where you're going to get your
12636s information there are more specific
12637s details live at overwatchworldcup.com
12640s but you're not gonna want to miss it of
12642s course we are back with day 7 of the
12645s 2023 OverWatch World Cup the emec
12647s qualifiers I'm Jim Basco that's zp and
12650s that's hex and we just watched Sweden
12652s take it over Iceland hex lay it out for
12655s us that Swedish team looks so different
12658s this week
12660s I mean they're a good team there's a lot
12662s of Talent on that team like uh you you
12665s have chemistry of Sparkle like you the
12667s overwhelming mechanical difference
12670s um but also like the the tank switch has
12672s been really really interesting for that
12673s Squad it's undefeated with uh Theo so
12677s yeah but yeah it's just really difficult
12679s to play against kepster I I don't know
12681s what else to tell you Jimmy I wish I
12682s wish I had something deeper for you yeah
12684s that was just a really really good
12685s player that nanoblade is insane getting
12688s three kills in the blink of an eye let's
12689s go ahead and take a look at the schedule
12691s so you can cover some of the matches
12693s that have already happened and take a
12694s look ahead of course we started our day
12696s today with Saudi Arabia and the quick
12697s 2-0 over Germany Norway close to one
12700s over Poland Finland 2-0 over turkey and
12703s we just finished off with Sweden 2-0
12705s over Iceland now though we are flipping
12707s back on up to group a where there is
12710s still a lot to be decided there are
12713s three spots at the top of group a that
12715s will determine who will make it Forward
12717s Spain right now edges on the border of
12719s that with Great Britain in second France
12722s sitting on top France the only team that
12724s taken down was Spain and now we've got
12727s them up against Great Britain both these
12729s seams are tied right now four to one in
12732s their game scores so this map is going
12734s to be extremely important zp lay out
12736s some context here before we hop into the
12738s game yeah I think the context you have
12740s to understand is that regardless of
12741s which region of the OverWatch World Cup
12743s you've been watching thus far Spain is
12745s the most interesting story across every
12749s single region right now it is a team
12750s that no one really expected to be
12752s playing anywhere near as good as they
12754s have been coming in they've gotten
12756s several major upsets and they've been
12758s part of an upset of against them where
12760s they lost to a team that people saw is
12762s weaker in Italy so they've had really
12764s high highs really low lows but as a
12767s result they have introduced nothing but
12769s pure chaos into this group and have set
12772s the stage for a bunch of very very
12774s interesting matches as we round up the
12777s rest of the week and this is step one
12779s here right Spain versus Great Britain is
12781s going to be a massive match in terms of
12784s impact on the standings and seeing who
12786s can get to BlizzCon later in the year
12788s yeah with the tone set the tension
12789s palpable I leave y'all to it zp and hex
12792s Spain and graper in just around the
12794s corner and I'll catch you guys on the
12795s flip side
12797s all right so we're heading into it hex
12800s and you know what more can you say I'd
12801s be repeating myself if I just talked
12803s about it again but I mean this is the
12805s match this is
12808s the you're absolutely right you and I
12811s were talking offline about this you know
12812s zp and I are friends
12814s um you know uh but like the story has
12817s been Spain this Spain squad has been
12820s amazing and just watching like you know
12822s Nas talk about his team and that they're
12824s gonna they're stunned the world it's
12825s been it's been phenomenal like this
12828s group has been so good in in Spain like
12831s they beat France 2-1 yesterday they beat
12833s France on Coliseum like I thought France
12835s was going to be unbeatable on Coliseum
12837s and they were not like it was an insane
12840s game
12841s um I mean they should be undefeated this
12842s Fame team should be undefeated but they
12844s lost to Italy where they got out
12845s reapered which is another conversation
12847s you and I have had yeah I mean I I feel
12850s like right now if you're Christopher and
12852s you're looking at this and you're
12853s thinking how can I just bring out some
12855s real coaching and some real EU action to
12858s Spain you just bring up the reaper man
12860s because clearly that is the one hero
12862s that Spain like has troubles playing and
12865s has troubles playing against based on
12867s their match versus Italy because if you
12869s play the Spain team on The Meta they are
12871s really really good at The Meta
12873s particularly with their DPS coordination
12875s between Lauren and Hira
12877s it's actually really important for us
12878s but obviously it's really important for
12880s Spain to win this map but like they've
12881s dropped in maps so they're map
12883s differentials not great and also Denmark
12885s is still like lurking in the background
12887s Denmark's gonna play in our last match
12888s of the day uh so like Denmark is there
12890s like there's been a lot of two ones for
12893s Spain so their map differential is not
12895s great
12896s um but yeah I mean this is this is the
12898s story this is the team one when we first
12900s watched this team player like we watch
12901s hell of like uh tactically crouch on
12904s teams the way we watched uh Hira play
12907s like sick Widowmaker the support Line's
12909s so good Lauren has put up so much good
12911s work
12912s I mean yeah this is the story
12915s um I kind of want to buy a Spain Jersey
12917s I think this is the TV look at it you
12920s know they kind of capture the energy for
12921s me hex of uh previous oh wwc like uh
12925s sweethearts right like Thailand in 2016
12927s right it's like I just love watching
12929s this team play but you look at the
12931s competition they're up against here
12932s Great Britain is a strong team Kai came
12936s in and has lived up to the hype and then
12938s some where you know players like
12939s kevstrom my vessel start guy really
12941s hasn't Kai has been lights out you have
12943s known quantities like Astro maimon has
12947s looked really good in jakaru you know
12949s feaster famine but uh oftentimes just
12952s making Winston look incredible this team
12954s has been stacked
12956s it's going to be uh you know the the
12959s talent test today for Spain oh yeah I
12961s think it's their biggest talent test
12963s Great Britain is a rock solid Squad they
12966s can run anything they have versatility
12968s and then you know on occasion you're
12971s just gonna get wrecked by funny Astro
12972s somehow the Lucio's gonna kill you so
12974s yeah it's I'm so stoked for this matchup
12978s um I think you made a good point about
12979s uh jacaru like just
12982s I I don't think they deserved the the
12985s ire that that was thrown their way like
12987s in the map of the the Great Britain lost
12989s I don't think that was a tank fault
12991s right there but also maimon like making
12994s a name making a name for sure I mean to
12997s me I feel like you talk about matchups
12999s within matchups here I'm very curious to
13001s see just the maimon versus Hera matchup
13004s that's gonna be going on where Hira has
13005s been Dynamic has been lights out has
13008s been very very good on Tracer but no
13010s matter how good you are on a hero like
13012s Tracer one of the best counters in the
13014s game is another Tracer playing at that
13016s level also the fact that funny Astro
13018s really is a pretty aggro support in
13020s these situations right like you're gonna
13022s be at times where it's like oh it's
13023s Tracy V Tracer and whoa where'd that
13024s Lucio just come from I'm dead like
13026s there's multiple threats on this Great
13028s Britain team to challenge just how
13031s aggressive Spain can be
13033s yeah it's something no one really talks
13035s about but a good Lucio was a nightmare
13037s for a tracer absolutely nightmare can't
13040s shoot them they keep healing and like
13042s surprisingly uh large damage output
13045s we're gonna kick it off on lijiang Tower
13047s I'm interested to see if either of these
13050s teams wants to start running a fair of
13052s Mercy the one thing the the one knock I
13054s will put on uh Spain is
13057s they they pretty much only run the same
13060s cop they don't run a lot of different
13061s stuff I I think that is their Achilles
13064s seal here is that the one thing about
13066s Spain is to say I don't think they're a
13067s very adaptable team from what we've seen
13069s so far given the fact that you know they
13071s run what they're good at and wow they're
13073s incredible and then you just drag them
13075s down to the depths and you go no we're
13077s gonna turn this into a Reaper game and
13078s it just feels like Spades head explodes
13081s and they that they lose like control of
13083s what they're trying to do so we'll see
13086s how Great Britain wants to play this and
13088s what is in their back pocket but you
13091s know I I Feel Like the Way great brand
13092s is good approaches they're still gonna
13094s play their game which means Spain will
13095s get to play what they're comfortable on
13097s and uh should make for a fun game
13100s well Spain right now
13102s let's see we'll see if they end up
13103s switching I wouldn't mind the junkrat I
13105s really wouldn't especially like this
13106s stage is really good for it we've seen
13108s like Norway run uh junkrat too no gonna
13111s be some switches here so it looks like
13113s spans are gonna go full Rush on
13116s all right here we go and you talk about
13118s things that a great brain used to run to
13120s the Past uh you know you run this a few
13122s years back there's not a chance they're
13123s not running a Reinhardt here but times
13125s do change it's gonna be Ryan V Winston
13127s Kai fishing for some early picks here on
13130s the Hanzo Spain has to respect this
13136s yeah it's gonna be slow going overall as
13138s Great Britain is going to take the top
13140s spot as well so the moment Spain uh goes
13143s on they're gonna get jumped on
13146s Point unlocked Spain goes in Kai under a
13149s bit of pressure and you have to look at
13149s your car here I feel like if you're
13151s Spain you you focus Chicago down early
13153s that's guy that's you know Finding
13155s himself on the end of the pressure here
13156s so far now going for more shots in Hanzo
13159s nothing Landing here just yet bionade on
13162s Tahira jacaro heavy focus in Chicago
13164s gonna get away he does just barely but
13167s that's gonna be the story and all the
13168s time on the kai teleporter says hello
13170s okay nice little evasive move there use
13173s the wall climb but just gets knocked on
13175s out the teleporter to get rid of the
13177s problem and while all this has been
13179s going on Spain got first control the
13180s points
13181s what a rope-a-dope like they're just
13184s chilling they're just like oh we're just
13185s hanging out we're gonna try to take uh
13187s we try to take Center here no big deal
13189s no problem and all of a sudden
13190s teleporter across the map and they clean
13193s it up guy just looks like the team I
13196s really do I really love this Fame team I
13198s feel like Kai just looked at this like
13199s that ain't right
13201s oh this is a problem yeah well actually
13204s it's more of a Ralph Wiggum I'm in
13206s danger
13208s go banana uh Spain's gonna have shatter
13211s as well coming in so I think like you
13215s know with the composition Great
13216s Britain's running they're they're
13217s looking for picks so you have to look
13219s for like Kai day hidden Arrow or also
13220s Paul sponsor yeah I think right now you
13222s look towards maimon jacaro leaps in off
13225s the net on the focus by the gigaharu is
13227s hard but the bomb comes into the back it
13229s gets rid of canal the and I think
13231s there's a good Focus mark on the
13232s immortality field right before it came
13234s in as well so really good stuff from
13236s great brand they knew their win
13237s condition but you know that's kind of
13239s expected because Spain didn't use
13241s anything the alt economy for Spain is so
13244s good on the counter engage and they have
13245s the progress lead you like Spain's
13248s position here
13249s yeah I mean it's just different
13250s compositions right so Great Britain's
13252s just waiting for those ultimates to come
13253s up and to get value out of them but yeah
13255s as you said Spain is in such a decent
13258s spot to be able to take this one back uh
13260s one of the issues is just gonna be
13261s engaging what angle do you come in so
13263s that you're not eating dragons you're
13265s not eating don't get picked by Hanzo
13266s that's the only win condition for Spain
13268s here if Spain doesn't get picked by
13269s Hanzo they win the fight they're gonna
13272s open here with the symbol though already
13273s making things difficult for Kai hell
13275s holding on to the Shadows Chicago maybe
13278s I don't want to hit the floor here just
13279s yet
13279s beat comes out Spain investing Great
13282s Britain right now just trying to play
13284s the sides not get caught funny Astro
13285s real low maimon got Canal beat gang
13288s brought by Astro hits three and Spain
13291s turning into absolute pain on the other
13293s end as the bio just finishes off the
13296s rest great brand played that about as
13298s well as you could expect and you know
13300s Hector said the other day I'll save for
13301s you this time the Spain economy is in
13303s shambles after that fight yeah I mean
13306s the investment looking like my crypto
13308s stocks like it's it's pretty brutal
13310s right there they put everything in Spain
13312s really really needed to win that fight
13315s they had everything that they pushed on
13316s a couple of switches here again though
13319s Spain had such good control of the map
13322s that they're at 73 we're nearing the
13323s last fight and really this is like
13325s blizzard boost oil if they can dodge
13327s pulse bomb it's huge bomb comes in from
13329s Amon doesn't connect Warren though
13331s getting pretty low
13343s Spain's Kryptonite now something they
13347s break out when things are dire
13349s in Great Britain gonna be pushed back
13351s but next fight looking kind of bright
13353s for them hex well I mean spin's taking
13356s control of this though like that's the
13358s important point so like Great Britain
13359s has to win this fight uh I mean is
13362s Dragon a good alt no but like Nano
13364s monkey would be really nice guys
13366s backbone can't get the Nano off huge
13369s pick off by Mira and Great Britain is in
13371s danger the Primal can be faint wait
13373s jacaro got May that's huge
13376s even though Japan was trying to get out
13377s alive no hell doesn't let the Winston
13380s Escape pulsebump comes out now helps in
13381s danger Dragon nearly eats him alive 50
13384s HP maimon finishes off the rest
13386s as Gala has to just beat its Lucio
13389s Reaper on the point and gets Spade still
13391s in control this is a low numbers fight
13393s because most of both teams is Dead kaivo
13396s comes back in lands the arrow Hira needs
13399s to get away can't make it happen
13401s 99-98 and all right Hail Mary here from
13404s Spain to know they cannot get back to
13406s the point
13408s what a close match maimon put in so much
13412s work too and and Spain just never really
13415s had a solid answer for the Tracer uh EP
13418s Tracer is always tough to deal with but
13419s uh
13421s really really solid play there from both
13424s squads
13425s and I think we're just gonna I think
13427s we're gonna see a clash of styles
13428s throughout this entire series I I think
13430s Spain is going to play different stuff
13431s and Great Britain is just going to rely
13433s on you know kai and maimon going nuts
13436s yeah like Great Britain should not have
13438s won the last fight like backbone getting
13440s killed there was brutal that should not
13442s have happened and then they were still
13444s labeled well I think the big
13446s robbery from great brand there Grace
13448s robbery was the fight that Spain came in
13450s with all the else in the world Great
13451s Britain was drained and Spain still
13453s didn't win and it wasn't even a Hanzo
13455s pick uh that just everything went wrong
13457s for them from that point forward and
13459s that's really where Great Britain won
13460s the round but we are in round two
13462s looking at here uh under a bit of
13465s pressure jakar who just go ahead but you
13467s know Chicago has to be careful here
13468s Spain has been very keen on just laying
13470s into the Winston early and uh oh Astro
13472s goes aggressive gets punished for it 5v4
13475s here for Spain Spain overall looking
13477s pretty healthy everything they need for
13479s a quick first capture and they're not
13481s stopping yeah
13482s well Spain on the reaper man too like
13484s also like what are you gonna do with
13486s zuccharo like you can't really dive this
13488s composition with a Reaper like who you
13489s who are you even diving who's your
13491s target to dive on Spain yeah
13493s uh one of the supports that can leave
13496s like you just don't really have a good
13498s Target uh jakarta's gonna stick on the
13500s Winston it's it's gonna be tough to find
13502s something here my eyes are on Kai's
13505s Soldier
13506s sojourn is such a feast of famine Hero
13509s Let's see if you can get anything going
13511s yeah I mean Kai also is pretty darn good
13514s at just popping Reapers right where
13516s Reaper is the Public Enemy Number One
13517s because Spain clearly is laid out the
13520s ground rules here if the ground rules
13522s are we're killing Jakarta doesn't matter
13523s now
13525s I can find the railgun shot on the
13527s Lauren well Chicago's probably not gonna
13528s die so that's why I'm looking here at
13530s Chicago though Under Pressure early
13532s Lauren laying in shots as Kai charges in
13535s the back
13536s very very low able to get away
13539s Spain though looking healthier Spain's
13541s still in control of the point and here
13543s comes the leaping from the back Health
13544s forcing the issue Kai looking bomb
13547s connects on the hill
13549s and Nano on the jacaru gets him healthy
13551s again big Advantage here from Great
13552s Britain as they get to just walk onto
13554s the points
13555s yeah and really decent economy there too
13558s just to be able to use the Nano and go
13560s in like you you could see them timing it
13562s out they were they were really waiting
13564s for that Nano in the back of charge so
13566s quickly
13567s um I think spring is doing a nice job of
13569s you know taking it out here a little bit
13571s though like get your percentage while
13572s you can yeah I mean 69 it's a super good
13576s start
13578s low hanging fruit but then I know
13582s I wasn't happy about it yeah no I mean
13585s it's easy it's like ah you know I just
13587s had to but
13589s ah the fight's fade needs to go for the
13592s full reset but I mean look at Spain
13594s they're at a great spot for the next
13596s fight we'll see if Great Brain can just
13598s again hold strong after a tough start
13602s well I think Spain like waits for the
13604s initial like you open with coal right we
13606s we say open with coal so often because
13607s it just works out really well you just
13609s have to get some space for your team
13611s that you don't want to fight into
13612s coalescence there's cool yeah also look
13614s at your car's Health jakaru Public Enemy
13616s Number One gets low gets Gala before
13618s ending up uh flying away from the fight
13621s big for Spain or rather big for Great
13623s Britain as now they don't have the beat
13625s they have to get something on the other
13627s end that boss from Warren Gets Kai
13639s think of a great brain you'd like to
13641s save it
13643s I mean there's no no reason to use it at
13646s all right now so great brim's gonna take
13648s control of this
13649s it's very rarely that you say safe false
13652s bomb like pulse bomb is one of those I
13654s also thought I just saw an opportunity
13656s he could pop that one in right there um
13658s yeah but Great Britain really nice
13659s catching the dive that has happened
13662s Spain just wants the initiative they
13664s beat they go in I mean pile has the Nano
13667s overclocked and it is a disaster as Kai
13671s just crushes
13673s incredible execution off the overclock
13676s and now Great Britain one fight away
13678s from taking map one yeah my favorite
13680s hero is that Kai guy
13682s you know it's three right there that you
13685s can't replace mechanical skill
13688s um you know sojourn's not necessarily
13689s like Meta Meta but solid enough where
13691s you can have those kind of Peaks Spain's
13693s gonna put it in here right now but
13695s they've got nothing in the back yeah I
13697s mean they're hoping for a mistake
13698s they're hoping jacaru stays in too long
13699s but here comes the rallying great brand
13701s is gonna say get off our Point Kai on
13704s the goal at the head of the whip shots
13708s right now like we're looking at the mace
13710s but truly it's Kai cleaning up at the
13713s end the rally too much to overcome and
13716s Great Britain once more coming back from
13718s the abyss on a control round and they're
13721s gonna take map one over Spain
13725s I mean that's what uh you know 300 hours
13728s in kovac's AIM trainer does for you
13731s uh Kai just absolutely crushing it and
13733s like yeah this is what we expected from
13735s Great Britain Spain is a really really
13737s good team
13738s um and they're able to win based off of
13741s economy and fight sequences but then you
13744s throw like the wrench in there of
13746s somebody who does just have that great
13748s mechanical skill like Kai and all of it
13751s goes out the window like it's not like
13752s picking a fight where you can have an
13755s ALT advantage and we're gonna do this
13756s and this and this like it's not
13757s flowchart OverWatch anymore because you
13760s just got three people shot in the head
13761s yeah I I love uh you know me and the
13763s boys all go to mug Guy Moment here from
13766s Spain
13767s oh that was brutal teleporter again I'm
13770s gonna go back to this I feel like the
13772s number one thing that haunts Spain if
13774s they end up losing this match because
13776s this map it's the moment on round one
13778s where they had all the alts in the world
13780s and they like great Brit and win the
13782s fight it just that's the one thing that
13784s they you can't yeah extra chances of the
13787s team like Raper in like that they won't
13788s let you back in the game so oh I thought
13790s you're gonna take a larger view from it
13792s I thought you were going to say Italy
13793s again like every time you'd message me
13795s on Discord it's like ah can you believe
13796s they lost to Italy
13799s that but also
13801s Reaper through Spain for quite a loop
13804s although it's kind of funny in taking
13805s attributes from those that have uh
13808s caught you off guard Spain ran Reaper of
13810s their own and it was a good strategy but
13812s you have to confront the jakaru for just
13814s realizing hey everyone's going for me
13816s I'm gonna play more conservative and
13818s Chicago did a great job of avoiding
13819s First Steps especially on the second
13821s round yeah so when someone picks your
13823s hard counter you don't necessarily have
13825s to switch but you do have to switch how
13827s you play it right so like you know if
13829s you're playing uh Diva and someone picks
13832s zarya you don't have to switch you just
13833s have to switch like how you're gonna
13836s play so when someone picks Reaper and
13838s you're playing Winston you just kind of
13840s avoid it and you played differently and
13842s I I think that that's a great Point like
13845s jakaru played around that Reaper not
13847s jumping into it
13848s um it's not necessarily like I have to
13850s switch because this person picked you
13852s know paper while I have Rock like I I
13855s will just play Rock differently and it's
13858s a phenomenal uh play and I think Denmark
13861s is looking at this match of like yeah
13863s very very strong interest yeah Denmark a
13867s very big interest in Spain not winning
13869s as it turns out but you know Spain this
13871s is a team we have seen bounce back over
13873s and over again Great Britain though a
13876s strong showing the kick off the match
13877s does Spain have what it takes to make
13880s this another three map series we're all
13882s great brand established dominance join
13884s us in just a few as we find out
13888s [Music]
13905s thank you
13909s [Music]
13911s [Applause]
13911s [Music]
13917s [Applause]
13919s [Music]
13969s [Music]
13987s thank you
13990s thank you
14006s [Music]
14032s [Music]
14044s foreign
14045s [Music]
14103s foreign
14106s taking the first map over Spain and hex
14109s I can think back to Old political
14111s statements here and describing what
14113s happened to Spain and for me it's the
14115s economy stupid where you look at what
14117s happened and Spain they were winning in
14120s the neutral in most fights when it came
14121s to using alts and managing alt economy
14123s it was not good I was so worried like
14127s you're talking about old political
14128s statements when thinking about Great
14129s Britain and Spain and I'm like no no
14131s we're not going down like it's a lot you
14134s can you can do political hearing aids
14136s yeah not too far the best
14139s um no ABS absolutely like the the Spain
14141s team is is really good when they get the
14143s fight that they want and then when they
14145s when they can figure it out and like hey
14146s uh their coordination has been so good
14149s but yeah you're absolutely right to
14151s point out that that one single fight
14153s where they they do four ultimates I
14155s believe into it and got nothing out of
14157s it but a lot of that is like just really
14159s good uh disengage from Great Britain too
14161s and also Great Britain just also has I
14164s mean it's not even a wild card it's like
14165s the ace that you know you're going
14166s against like Kai's just gonna shoot me
14168s in the head like you don't see a ton of
14170s Soaker a lot like in in most of these
14173s games and then the sojourn Carrie from
14175s Kai it's gonna be brutal um and then
14178s also we looked at some of those replays
14179s and Spain's uh idea was just like hey
14182s let's just jump Kai and cooperating
14184s wasn't happening yeah and I mean you
14187s kind of saw a little bit about how Spain
14188s approached it I think really they had
14190s two objectives uh especially neutral
14192s fights step one pressure jakaru and if
14195s they couldn't get jakaru they went for
14196s Kai those are clearly the two people
14198s that Spain has identified as the main
14202s threats and also the main people that if
14204s they take out they win the fight I also
14206s think that's a pretty accurate
14207s assessment I think those are the targets
14209s you go for on Great Britain maybe a
14211s little bit of funny Astro if you know
14212s Astros playing a little bit over aggro
14214s but other than that uh you know I think
14216s Spain had a very good game plan it's
14218s just execution and managing their alt
14220s economy really bit him but as we go to
14223s Havana which is their map pick we'll see
14224s if things smooth out a little bit
14227s yeah spring has picked this map before I
14230s don't love this pick I think like it's
14232s not necessarily something that they're
14234s picking like against Great Britain or
14235s thinking about Great Britain as far as a
14237s team running on Havana I think it's just
14239s a map that Spain likes but um I don't
14242s want to play Kai on Havana do you
14245s uh you know I think the problem is is
14248s like where do you really want to play
14249s against Kai you know is there is there a
14252s good is there a good map maybe like fair
14254s enough it's like ah yeah Kai's just
14256s gonna be like awful on this man like I
14258s don't know I feel like is the player
14261s well-rounded and good enough that uh
14263s you're gonna be facing some danger no
14265s matter where you play so you might as
14266s well play something you feel good yeah
14268s so I think Spain like took this because
14269s I think they're gonna spawn Camp right
14270s so like we we've seen this from teams
14272s before that you you definitely just try
14274s to get the spawn Camp going and you buy
14276s yourself a minute maybe two minutes
14278s depending on how successful Your Spawn
14280s Camp uh is
14282s and I think the the wait here for a
14284s moment but they will be at the front
14286s door in a second
14287s yeah I think uh Spain their goal here is
14291s the goal of any Ivana spawn Camp right
14292s you want to drain like ideally about a
14295s minute and a half off the clock and if
14296s you get beyond that wow you are enjoying
14299s your time Great Britain meanwhile uh
14302s you know well when they see this they
14303s should probably switch some stuff like
14306s maybe a Hanzo maybe a May
14308s you would think Kai though meanwhile
14310s going you know what I like what I'm
14312s seeing with the sanso here I'm awake I'm
14313s a hack I'ma go for it pressure on Tahira
14317s you see it coming from the back I don't
14318s know if anything is coming from the
14319s front
14320s but hack is going to fade here in a
14322s moment hell that was under so much
14323s pressure as Ryan Canal keeping help
14326s alive but the bio forces out the
14328s immortality nade and it's too much Elvis
14330s down a great file by backbone to really
14333s seal the deal
14334s I don't think I've seen a team break a
14337s spawn Camp without the heroes I've
14338s mentioned right like they broke this
14340s with uh you know spy dive that's crazy I
14344s thought they're gonna wait like just
14345s like Kai like really charge up the
14347s ultimate and wait for an EMP but what a
14349s great Break by Great Britain I've I've
14351s never seen that I've never seen that
14353s composition break a spawn Camp yeah and
14355s this is really bad for Spain not only do
14357s they not get the time they were looking
14358s for but the alt economy side of things
14360s gets really really tough Great Britain's
14362s gonna have a really big PowerPoint here
14364s sooner rather than later the best thing
14366s that could happen from Spain is Hira
14368s just finds it out any head will do
14370s ideally on the sports but yes maimon
14373s that's big step number one for Spain
14375s Warren though down very winnable here
14377s for Great Britain but you look at your
14378s car running can't outrun the arrow and
14381s Hira coming in big for Spain when they
14383s need it most
14385s still not quite over just yet they're
14388s going to clean up backbone though so
14389s that should be over and now this is
14392s where you want to fight you want to
14393s fight in the corner I don't know
14398s I think is that the most disrespectful
14400s melee in the game the Palm strike it's
14403s pretty up there yeah either way though
14406s Hira just gave Spain a breath of fresh
14409s air they burn another minute off the
14411s clock they're able to get a little bit
14413s more equal on ultimates there's gonna be
14414s a moment here a great brand is just got
14416s a nano jakaru and go to town right and
14417s hope Kai builds EMP but if spanking
14419s withstand that they have a great chance
14421s of a point a
14423s well yeah there's all about the the
14425s withstanding and so maybe Gala uh has to
14428s play a little bit passive and try to get
14429s to the B because that's going to be a
14431s really important ultimate
14433s I think Kai gets punished Kai got caught
14436s by hell if there won't be any EMP and
14438s great Prince and dust still alive here
14440s Primal and Nano jacaru just gets
14442s crunched oh that is an enormous play for
14446s Spain
14448s yeah Gala actually picks up a meme on
14451s too who might have been uh one of the
14453s best gasps there too now in Spain I mean
14456s we talk about their economy and now it's
14457s thriving you know SMP is up right now
14459s for Spain
14461s um I don't think that happens in Spain
14462s anyway but four ultimates ready to go I
14465s thought they were gonna have to commit B
14466s just to make sure that they won that
14468s last fight but now they have Beats here
14470s they've got like such good defensive
14472s ultimates like Dragon not a great
14474s ultimate but it's a decent defensive
14475s ultimate
14476s um and blizzard and beat so solid as
14479s long as they don't get EMP yeah they
14480s need right now don't give Kai an insta
14483s kill off the EMP that's really the only
14485s way Great Britain wins this next fight
14488s dragon out early backbone gets caught by
14491s the shatter Helm seizes the opportunity
14494s the MP though comes in from the back but
14496s Kai immediately goes down and I think
14499s we're gonna see a swap from Kai here
14502s that would be my destination like we're
14504s 30 seconds and the great thing Spain did
14506s was hold on to this blizzard like now
14508s they still have another defensive Vault
14509s for the last fight of the game
14511s so is what I expected Astro gets here
14513s and that's massive now the blizzard is
14516s gonna be oh God can we stall until Hira
14518s is back
14519s huge huge pickoff from Astro on the
14522s kiriko and now you look at Warren here
14523s what is the delay going to be they have
14525s the window up to Carl has the respect to
14527s carry
14529s poke to the other side but a lot of
14531s healing came back in and Lauren on a
14533s support hunting spree drops the blizzard
14535s back here forces the disengage but
14538s helvin gala are down and hex it all
14541s comes down to that pick on here
14543s to put Spain in a bad spot I mean the
14546s pick on hero was enormous and they they
14549s should have played it slow so I don't
14551s love Lauren just going to that one side
14553s and trying to pick off too because
14554s everyone's gonna react to that it's not
14556s just 1v2 it's eventually gonna be like
14558s 1v5 everyone's gonna come back and deal
14560s with you so that blizzard absolutely no
14563s value kind of a waste of the economy and
14565s now you we talk about economy and Great
14567s Britain they're gonna have four
14569s ultimates coming up
14571s yeah I mean the tides have turned
14573s bionade on the gallon Warren early he's
14576s gonna be there now alter is decent
14578s immortality field forced out early as
14580s maimon lands the bomb dicaro just
14582s juggling people in and around it as a
14585s full team wipe Sound the Horn and this
14587s is where things get ugly on Havana that
14590s decisive of a wipe means Spain could be
14592s stuck dealing with the point C defense
14596s yeah not ideal Great Britain throws in
14599s exactly as much as they need it but
14601s they're still holding on to a couple
14602s Spain's best hope is in the hands of the
14605s hammer right now maybe you get a decent
14607s chatter yeah
14609s I don't even chatter what if Lauren and
14613s Hira just get two kills simultaneously
14615s in the neutral off screen what about
14617s that did you consider that as a
14619s possibility it's a better what-if series
14621s than Marvel put out so I'll say that
14623s much uh really well played by speeding
14626s now again let's look at the clock I
14628s always forget the clock um on these Maps
14630s when everything's going nuts but it's
14631s only a minute Spain has to win one more
14634s fight
14634s yeah also because of the neutral picks
14637s they get to save the shatter hell gets
14638s to go for it in a way better position on
14640s top of that now a true threat to Great
14643s Britain as they look for a way in 45
14645s seconds left to go back phone gets
14647s caught oh man the rotation from Spain
14650s they just speed boosted in get rid of
14652s backbone
14654s big
14656s and when I grow up I want to have gala's
14658s Lucio aim there's been so many decent
14660s picks here uh also Hero's gonna have the
14663s dragon
14664s um oh God
14668s that uh yeah you just hyped it up but
14671s honestly it was a decent trade-off no
14674s they still totally celebrated right now
14675s and also with the dragon coming up they
14677s can shut off one access uh of aggression
14680s too
14681s oh the Dragon
14683s good dragon from Kai merely yeah I mean
14686s Force the immortality out essentially
14687s that is how on point it was but Canal
14690s dropping the window here in the back and
14692s L's been laser accurate half the
14694s window's been dropped look at the
14695s pressure
14697s lucky to live pressure on the back line
14700s pulse bomb stick connects Fame on on the
14703s canal Great Britain in overtime but a
14705s really really good start to fight beat
14707s out here from Spain Lauren with the
14709s blizzard Chicago might be dead because
14711s of it Chicago super low cotton Helm
14714s swings the hammer on the point gets to
14716s clean up great brand they have to keep
14717s going into the hammer it's overtime
14718s who's next who will be the sacrifice and
14722s that's it the payload held here you
14725s don't often see a nano kiriko but uh
14727s knock that one off uh here was calling a
14730s C9 I would disagree with that one I
14732s think that term is widely misused and
14735s terribly misused
14737s um they were trying to get to the cart
14738s couldn't get to the cart rough stuff uh
14741s they didn't make a you know unforced
14742s mistake which is what a C9 is predicated
14744s upon please write that down uh yeah nice
14747s from Spain to be able to to bounce back
14750s on that second point and just kind of
14752s really good rotation of the ultimate so
14753s it seemed like there was always a fight
14755s where Spain had an advantage as far as a
14758s defensive ultimates were coming up
14759s whereas blizzard was a dragon was it
14762s shatter and you can't help but love
14765s Health everyone loves a good Reinhardt I
14767s think that's Universal for the last
14769s seven years we've been doing you know
14771s OverWatch everyone loves a good
14773s Reinhardt and Hell of is uh living up to
14775s the villain
14777s and
14778s what's the way Spain plays it was just
14780s like a hint of attitude and everything
14782s they're doing where you know we talk
14784s about alt economy but to me you know the
14786s impressive thing about how the back of
14788s that worked is that they were just
14790s getting kills in the neutral I mean the
14792s tag team between Hira and Lauren where
14794s they just got two kills back to back
14796s when they're wondering how's the shadow
14797s gonna work it just bought the time and
14799s positioning Spain is deadly and they
14802s don't need all to do it it'd be good for
14804s them if they had better play when they
14806s had an old Advantage but I just feel
14808s like they're unpredictable with how
14810s streaky and bursty they tend to be but
14812s here we go hex they're on the offense
14814s still very winnable here for Great
14816s Britain getting that deep on Havana is
14818s not a given yeah no spawn Camp either
14820s coming out for Great Britain
14823s um so Spain like this is this is their
14825s bread and butter like they this is their
14826s comp that they love they love uh you
14829s know somber Tracer Winston
14833s go teams right now feeling each other
14835s out Spain getting a good amount of
14836s payload progress here something that
14838s Great Britain is giving up because
14839s they're not going through the spawn Camp
14841s early on gets a little bit of a heck
14843s Gala getting real low guy try to seize
14846s the opportunity
14847s now looking the other way if the
14849s pressure from the back 35 HP Hira
14852s nearly grabbing it instead here it takes
14854s Astro Astro had to get down Mr President
14856s moment did not live to tell the tale and
14859s Lauren gets Kai from the back of Spain
14861s again having a great neutral fight yeah
14864s I mean I don't think we've we've talked
14867s enough about Lauren because we're like
14868s we're so in love with Hiro but which we
14870s should be because it's Tracer and it's
14871s great play uh Lauren has got so much
14874s value out of the Sombra every time they
14877s play it it has been Insanity uh I mean
14879s Spain every one of these players is
14882s making a case but the somber Tracer dog
14885s does not work if your sombra's not good
14886s enough
14887s Lauren goes down big play by backbone
14890s Lauren not gonna be up here for this
14891s fight five people for breaker in on the
14893s Recon test here though looking for the
14894s stickers again connect no all right be
14896s able to get away from it now here under
14898s pressure and you know for Spain that
14901s pick on the Warren yeah really really
14903s hurt them and it backbone made it happen
14908s so I think they they chill a little bit
14910s let Lauren get in position where they
14911s want to be and then you Nano monkey and
14914s and then see if you can uh thrive in the
14915s chaos
14916s oh not you lose your honor away if it
14919s was Nano the Nano didn't get applied oh
14922s my goodness oh are they still pulling it
14925s off though two kills they're still
14926s playing it off you have the Ajax Nano
14928s Edition what in the world but okay not
14930s for much longer that
14932s oh
14934s that is one of the most painful turn of
14937s events yeah I've seen
14939s how often do you see a nano get canceled
14942s I'm crying in Spanish right now like
14944s that I I don't think I've ever seen a
14946s nano against that that was Insanity
14950s um so they had the right idea like
14952s Winston
14955s um
14956s and yeah now now you're waiting for EMP
14958s EMP comes in and then maybe Kitsune on
14962s the cards but like EMP is is the first
14964s important well oh my God that was a
14968s mugging back him just got crunched in
14971s the back the coordination between here
14973s and Warren unreal and that is how you
14975s get back into the game hex after a bad
14978s series of ultimates my word I'm pretty
14981s sure hero and Lauren are the same person
14982s this is like this is like a cho-gall
14985s situation happening right now there like
14987s crazy
14989s crazy coordination
14992s that was just I mean that was like
14994s something out of the Mighty Ducks for
14995s the bash Brothers just you know put you
14997s against the ice oh dear
15001s three minutes ago yeah three minutes
15004s um you know plenty of meters to go
15006s uh Spain is looking pretty solid right
15009s now this is kind of a fire and forget it
15010s pulse bomb
15011s um find anything and go for it you can
15014s find anything maybe forget it Hira most
15017s fun ready to go and uh might just be
15018s going to win some of the Nano's done
15020s Nano about to fade Hira looking for that
15023s Winston season at the back
15026s you gotta turn around is it going for
15027s the Winston yeah Vienna up top looks
15029s better but yeah there is a brief moment
15032s but still not bad for Spain able to
15034s disengage from the Nano
15038s hits canal
15040s both teams down one but the healing for
15042s Spain is gonna be rough if they can't
15044s get another kill soon you're gonna see
15046s the impact of it Ray Brandon glow
15048s jakaro's trying to think it probably
15049s before dying here 99 looking like it and
15052s probably gets to save it as well yeah
15055s uh you gotta reset that but like the
15057s nice thing for Spain is that they will
15059s have Nano coming up but I mean Great
15061s Britain I you know as enthralled as I am
15063s with Spain which I am not lying uh great
15066s Brynn has like banked up so many
15067s ultimates right now their defense is
15069s actually looking pretty solid and I love
15071s funny Astro going on to this Brig like
15074s Brig is so much better against Tracer
15077s Sombra than like a Lucio is so it's a
15079s really smart pick I think we're losing
15081s variability for the equation sometimes
15083s Astro gets a little bit too aggro on
15084s Lucille you can't do that as much with
15086s the break along he's a danger on the
15087s break right now goes down the file made
15089s into the jump uh sorry Astro for the
15092s curves
15093s Dragon strike over and out grape right
15096s now in danger and kylo evens the odds
15098s Falls to hell but that's big to get Hira
15101s out of the fight makes it way more
15102s winnable for backbone and maimon and
15105s Great Britain avoids the worst of it
15107s okay so 90 seconds remaining
15110s Spain has everything they want online
15112s like the core of their composition the
15114s core of their gameplay the core of their
15115s story is somber Tracer Winston and
15118s they're gonna have all three ultimates
15119s online
15120s um now it's just execution execution and
15122s and Great Britain has to know this they
15124s must have they they have to be spread
15126s out they're gonna go for the
15127s assassination back about again that is
15129s the play here for Spain they want to EMP
15130s get backbone out early EMP comes out is
15132s backbone gonna live Astro they're on the
15134s peel lives enough to Nano Astro as
15137s maimon gets Gala they were prepared for
15140s the dive on the backbone they had the
15141s answer one minute left for Spain and
15144s this fight so far looking very good for
15146s Great Britain yeah just really
15148s intelligent play you called it out like
15150s they know they're coming for backbone
15152s um immediately it's the best Target to
15154s go for in that dive in the peel is there
15157s a hundred percent and you know the brig
15160s pickup has been so critical
15162s Spain's last best hopes actually rest on
15165s this pulse box the Russian spot might
15167s have to burn proud no not just yet but
15169s they've looked ahira when Spain is in
15171s trouble they look
15174s they look low living on life and death
15176s as Kai gets Canal 23 seconds left no
15179s honor for Spain this might be the worst
15182s timeline for them finishing out the map
15184s you can't really go in without the honor
15186s right now and all that pressure on
15187s jakara Matson not a whole lot is Astro
15190s goes for the rally great friends going
15191s for the Stagger they get gawa smart
15193s rally smart decision Spain now in the
15197s position of looking for the miracle to
15200s get the win over Great Britain Kai
15202s punishes Health Denmark is cheering
15204s right now here x as Kira goes down Great
15207s Britain holding strong sleep on the
15210s jacarlo at the end the counter C9 call
15212s from Great Britain as they take Havana
15214s and the series yeah a lot of it is so
15218s much of just like a kind of a game sense
15220s and understanding like understanding
15221s like this is the one target they're
15223s gonna go for this is what they do in
15225s their dive who is our one dive Target
15227s you know we look at it all the time
15228s we're like who are you gonna die like
15230s who's that it's gonna be the Anna of
15232s course so the pullback the switch to the
15235s Brigida was it was pretty nice there uh
15237s Great Britain like we talked about Spain
15239s which we should have like they're the
15241s story it's an amazing story with Spanish
15243s below but Great Britain just you know
15245s stiff up her lip quietly pulls it off
15247s 2-0 uh kind of made it look easy like
15249s there's so much talent on this Great
15251s Britain Squad that it's easy to overlook
15253s any one person obviously Kai is gonna be
15256s a big story uh May mom make it a name
15258s make it a name in the world cup also
15260s backbone I thought was very consistent
15263s points really at most I think to the
15265s point where Spain was on the verge of
15266s gang momentum that easily could have
15268s carried them through the rest of the map
15269s yeah and what do they do the calm it
15271s down lands a key sleep on the Warren
15273s makes Spain fight a 4v5 and delays him
15275s for an extra minute and a half on the
15277s first point we actually just play there
15278s was impressive we actually just saw the
15280s moment like I really didn't like from
15282s Spain from Lauren like going aggressive
15284s with the blizzard when I thought they
15285s could have just chilled out on it like
15287s that that kind of flipped the momentum
15289s that uh needed to happen for Spain
15292s but yeah I mean
15293s in this Great Britain Squad is uh as
15296s good as can be I think they'd be
15298s undefeated if they hadn't lost to
15299s Denmark earlier so you know Denmark's
15302s still in it uh Denmark will be at the
15304s end of the day uh the Spain team having
15307s lost to Italy is now looking more brutal
15310s and brutal like this revisionist history
15312s that we have to do with the World Cup is
15313s tough yeah because I I think I don't
15316s know if this puts Spain out I have to
15318s look at math but certainly if they
15319s didn't lose the Italy Spain could have
15320s absorbed this one and they would be fine
15322s but that loss to Italy is the thing
15324s that's going to come back and just live
15326s rent free in the minds of the Spanish
15328s fan base yeah well three come out of a
15330s so you'd expect like France Great
15332s Britain and now like uh in my mind
15334s anyways some mathematician institution
15336s will figure this out more than I will
15338s but it's like Denmark and Spain uh for
15340s that last spot is what I think
15342s yeah which makes the Italy versus
15344s Denmark match later today important
15346s because even though you think ah you
15347s know Denmark will probably win Italy has
15349s already shown upset potential right uh
15351s as Spade has very well alerted nothing
15354s comes free here the OverWatch World Cup
15355s but that was Spain versus Great Britain
15358s coming up next it's Netherlands taking
15360s on Portugal
15363s [Music]
15381s foreign
15384s [Music]
15392s [Music]
15415s [Music]
15424s thank you
15436s [Music]
15453s let's go
15456s [Music]
15462s foreign
15465s [Music]
15491s [Music]
15522s thank you
15530s foreign
15539s [Music]
15554s [Music]
15577s foreign
15581s welcome back to the 2023 OverWatch World
15584s Cup I'm Jim Basco that's CP and that's
15586s hex and we're bringing you the emec
15588s qualifiers we just watched Great Britain
15591s honestly make pretty light work out of
15593s Spain that second map definitely looked
15595s closer than the first though zp talk to
15597s us lay out some context here yeah I mean
15600s look you cannot deny Spain's power in
15601s the neutral and their power of the
15603s surprise teams but there were unforced
15605s errors from Spain at times in alt
15606s economy and also at times just taking
15608s risks they did not need the take when
15610s they were at the advantage but also
15612s sometimes you get that with good
15614s aggressive teams right like because
15615s they're being aggressive all the time
15617s you really praise it when it works but
15619s sometimes you have some plays where you
15620s go oh man I wish we could have that one
15622s back to me it was still a very
15624s entertaining series but Great Britain
15626s really did Flex their experience and
15628s pedigree at the end yeah that high risk
15631s High reward style that you talk about
15632s creates for an emotional watch and
15636s definitely there were moments throughout
15637s that second map where we were all
15639s feeling it for the Spanish team but with
15641s that said let's take a look at the
15642s schedule let's recap some of the matches
15644s that have happened throughout the day
15645s and let's take a look ahead of course we
15647s started out the day with Saudi Arabia
15648s two weeks 2-0 in Germany Norway 2-1 over
15651s Poland Finland 2-0 over turkey Sweden to
15654s over Iceland and now graper in 2-0 over
15657s Spain we are wrapping up group a here
15660s for the day with Netherlands versus
15661s Portugal up next and then Italy versus
15665s Denmark but there are some implications
15667s in these coming up matches that we'll
15670s need to cover when they come up you know
15672s the points are still not settled for
15674s group a we talk about the top three
15676s making it out from group a in the top
15678s two making it making it out from Group B
15681s currently in the top of group a we've
15682s got France we've got Great Britain and
15685s we have Spain but with Denmark and Italy
15688s facing off later in the day that is all
15691s up for crap so zp and hacks Netherlands
15693s and Portugal just around the corner
15694s enjoy the match I'll see you guys
15696s afterwards
15697s now Netherlands be Portugal hex this
15699s again brings us to another one of those
15700s matches where it's kind of about
15702s national pride at this point right where
15704s you know the standings have kind of left
15706s both of these teams in the dust but it's
15710s still a point of look have a good
15711s showing you know look good for the last
15714s little bit of the OverWatch World Cup
15716s and that's kind of what the teams are
15717s playing for at this point right I mean
15719s like Netherlands is on like a three-game
15721s losing streak you know but those losses
15723s are against Great Britain France and
15724s Belgium like that's not the saddest
15726s three-game losing streak I've ever seen
15728s uh they've had solid tank playing like I
15730s think you know you and I both like how
15731s tap played the may like tap was tapping
15734s some heads with those icicles and
15736s absolutely a game uh changer carrying
15739s fights
15740s um I think their best composition is
15741s when they put Donna on on the ramatra
15744s and then they get tap on the main so I
15745s had to expect like more of a rush
15747s composition as opposed to like a Sombra
15749s Tracer dive composition of course uh the
15751s roster comes up and tells me that A10
15753s and tap both wanna play Tracer that
15755s ain't gonna happen
15758s classic matchups uh you know double
15761s Tracer double Winston double Lucio let's
15763s really throw it back oh the the twinston
15765s 2co Trey tray uh yeah we had we had a
15768s lot of names for it back in the day
15770s um but yeah I mean you know the number
15772s one's obviously like obviously this this
15774s this match is not for implications of
15776s who's going to move on but you always
15778s want to put that better number on the
15779s board as far as like archives go first
15781s the history of everything goes and these
15784s guys are competitors they want to win
15785s matches
15786s um uh
15787s you know buddies played well there's
15790s been moments from this squad that have
15792s looked decent I would expect Don to like
15794s play play like I really expect ramatra
15797s and may to come out for another wins
15800s that they want to pull well again I feel
15802s like from what I've seen from tap uh tap
15804s were the only just play May and that's
15806s it I would support that decision based
15808s on the level they've seen but yeah
15810s looking towards the Portugal side of
15812s things and things to talk about here for
15814s Portugal you know there's a few things
15817s that bring up a bright spots I mean I
15819s think there's been moments where Karama
15820s has looked pretty decent on the hit scan
15822s you have dizzle's had moments on the
15824s support it's been you know I think the
15825s tough part for Portugal it's just
15827s inconsistent right like they you don't
15829s see Portugal put together for a full map
15831s of OverWatch there's just you know brief
15832s flashes of that was good followed by ah
15836s man they're just not in sync well
15837s Portugal is still looking to put a
15839s crooked number on the board which is a
15841s baseball term but they they have all
15842s zeros on the board they've yet to win a
15844s map so let's at least start there I I
15847s mean they were working with like a flex
15849s a DPS on tank but hkey3 uh hkey
15853s hk3 is going to come on and play tank
15856s now instead of ego one
15858s um and I I guess the best part of
15860s Portugal so far actually has been their
15862s support lines really like Dizzle and Rod
15864s have had like the biggest moments
15866s they've been their best Playmakers
15867s perhaps it will continue uh flamenzo on
15870s the Sombra has been inconsistent when
15873s they do get it right they get it really
15875s right and when they get it wrong they
15876s get it really wrong
15878s and you know as we've been saying here
15880s in the OverWatch World Cup uh yeah you
15882s never like to see a team go out with
15884s nothing on the board so you know there's
15886s a mild running interest here and being
15887s like it'd be cool to see Portugal get a
15889s win here but I do think it's gonna be
15891s tough against another one Squad which
15892s you know while not playing at quite the
15894s level of some of the other teams we've
15895s seen in this group still having their
15899s moments and can be a force
15903s we're gonna kick it off on ilios um I
15906s wonder if the the tank difference is
15907s gonna you know uh be a different hero
15911s for Portugal like I said they've been
15914s running like ego one who was a flex DPS
15916s playing tank and now they're they're
15918s finally bringing in a different player
15921s to play the tank for them
15924s a little bit of a swap up I mean hey
15926s tank swaps uh definitely did Sweden a
15928s whole world of good right where
15929s sometimes you know it's not about like
15931s is this player bad is the player good
15933s you know the change of scenery yeah just
15935s change things up can uh make wonders if
15937s things are just well I mean it's also at
15939s the point of the tournament too where
15940s it's like you're on the team you should
15942s play yeah that is also get some play
15948s it's like uh old Celtics games back in
15950s the day where uh you knew it was uh you
15953s know a time where you didn't have as
15954s much to play for when Scout breed he
15956s entered the games you know it references
15958s Maybe five people got a chat but I'll
15960s make maybe five people because like I'm
15962s into sports and I have no idea what you
15964s just said like I really have no idea oh
15967s man uh I'm not that into basketball
15970s that that happens if you made an NFL
15972s reference I'd probably get it not
15975s necessarily basketball
15976s well right now we are waiting on two
15978s players from the Netherlands that's why
15980s we're back here as opposed to going in
15981s game and we were on rossman's for all
15983s but you know what that is all good uh
15985s sometimes it happens in scheduling where
15987s it just takes a little bit to crowd the
15989s players the fact that it's as seamless
15991s as it is most of the time is just a
15992s testament to how good compops is again
15995s players in love
15996s yeah you wouldn't think it'd be well
15999s actually it should have gotten easier
16000s with OverWatch too only only 10 people
16002s instead of 12. I should go a little a
16005s little bit easier but um still you know
16007s Gathering these Gamers um I think I also
16010s like just the time zones and stuff it
16011s gets really wonky as well do you
16014s remember
16014s um you know while we're filling I have a
16016s good fill story I remember when we had
16018s to go to I think the Brazil servers when
16021s we did a Korea versus Europe match or
16024s something oh yeah it's like luxury watch
16026s red versus
16029s um
16029s black dragons I think right yeah yeah
16033s yeah yeah because there was a member at
16035s blizzard uh T4 the title it was like
16037s really just hyping up the potential of
16039s uh OverWatch in Brazil right and that
16042s team looked really really good at the
16043s time and it was back in the stone ages
16045s yeah it was back in the stone ages where
16047s like a lot of players like press allies
16050s in the west were saying like well Korea
16052s dominate this game I don't think so like
16054s oh man some of those takes really age
16060s at the time was just going like dude
16063s European players are the absolute best
16065s like there's no way they're gonna lose
16067s the career in the next three years like
16068s maybe they'll catch up then later that
16070s year where you know talk about OverWatch
16072s World Cup setting Trends what South
16074s Korea did in 2016. it's like oh yeah
16077s this Bureau guy is pretty good uh never
16079s quite made it to the combine you know
16081s but still uh
16082s how time flies yeah I mean that's a
16085s Counter-Strike bias I had my own team
16087s Fortress bias I'm like well clearly
16089s clockwork's gonna be the best racer ever
16091s in the game uh did not work out
16093s necessarily we are into Helios
16096s um didn't even get to finish my Phil
16097s story but you know that's why we keep
16099s them we keep them in the back pockets
16101s that's right they got some in reserve
16103s you know if you ever have a position
16105s where you need to you know half of a
16106s fill story
16108s uh we'll get there at the end uh yeah
16111s Elios here between the Netherlands and
16115s Portugal
16116s um you know I've said it before like I
16118s always root for a team to you know at
16119s least get a map on the board so slightly
16121s rooting for Portugal uh Netherlands has
16123s had it had a rough go of things like
16125s they had a rough schedule early on and
16127s that can just be demoralizing
16130s um and we'll see if they can they can
16131s pull one out here against a winless
16133s Portugal Squad
16136s and Portugal you know again I think the
16138s upside here too is uh truly in the mode
16141s of the pressure is off now right like
16143s you want to get the win but you don't
16145s have to worry about extra things of will
16147s we go deeper in the tournament or
16148s anything like that no it's just play
16150s whatever you want played you're
16151s comfortable on and see if you surprise
16152s the other team
16154s that's what we're here on as we just
16157s look at the various sites of ilios
16158s should be seeing the players in just a
16160s second
16162s yeah Lighthouse beautiful statue
16165s beautiful I think that's a new edition
16167s of the game right they just put the
16168s junker Queen statue out there used to be
16170s different statue yeah well I was gonna
16171s say it would have to be unless people
16173s would just be like hmm what junker
16175s Queen's been here forever and homage to
16177s the Colossus of the roads I believe yeah
16180s I think it was just a generic like
16182s Greek statue or thereabouts yeah
16185s something like that or is that like
16188s Trojan armor type of deal yeah or like
16190s maybe the the Titan of braavos right if
16193s you want to get Game of Thrones
16195s somewhere out there like as we're being
16197s uncultured on these issues uh you know
16199s but he might not be watching I feel like
16201s Monty is just like you know there's a
16203s tingling like people are getting the
16205s history wrong one of those few people
16208s who've read a book let us know let us
16210s know that you've read a book and that
16212s we're wrong
16213s um but I'm pretty sure that that statue
16215s doesn't exist actually and there's no
16217s joke this isn't the Colossus of roads
16220s like one of the seven like wonders of
16222s the world uh that sounds right I'll go
16225s with that and uh if it's wrong I'll just
16227s you know ignore I had any feedback on it
16229s at all but in case you're wondering we
16231s are waiting for the players to load in
16232s there we go the fly end is over the
16235s match can officially yeah begin here as
16239s much as I love ilios I almost got sick
16242s of ilios there but here here we go
16244s we're about to get in
16247s um yeah and we'll see what either of
16250s these teams looks just off the bat like
16253s very different compositions I mean it's
16255s it's a map that a lot of teams have felt
16257s very comfortable running afire on
16259s yeah and for good reason I mean pharah
16261s has always been in Vogue on this map
16262s again even in metas where you'd go well
16265s why would you ever run afara it's just
16267s one of those Eternal picks in OverWatch
16269s where the hero will get played on this
16271s point doesn't really matter what else is
16274s going on in the game it just shows up
16275s it's like May on Nepal yeah
16279s so we're going to load into the murder
16280s hole both teams are going to sim out
16282s we'll see who takes a little bit better
16284s a position I I actually kind of love
16286s this ball versus erisa tank matchup
16290s I'm just I don't think they're gonna
16291s play against each other very often
16294s um but it is it's an interesting
16295s confidence
16297s quick hack come out here from A10 and
16299s the boy is rolling up on this will just
16302s immediately teleports out of there I did
16304s not like how that was uh starting at all
16306s A10 almost gets punished but gets to go
16308s forward here
16310s Portugal already getting pressured quite
16313s a bit Don gets a hack and that's gonna
16315s be Don's Nemesis the entire way through
16317s his flamenzo looking for X with lenzo
16318s might be looking for spawn point here
16320s soon heavy pressure on both TPS Portugal
16321s tap getting low in turn both teams
16324s looking for the all important first
16325s picked on a little bit of
16328s swinging around here good pressure onto
16330s the back line looking for the brig
16332s brought a fee gang low hk3 able to get
16335s buddy though and Netherlands down two
16336s odds winning this fight quickly slipping
16339s away as Portugal just stays consistent
16341s well I mean Netherlands is running kind
16343s of this like pit composition and you saw
16345s them go for it early of like trying to
16346s dive on somebody and get a kill and win
16348s the fight and then sit on the point
16350s Portugal's running like more of a sit on
16352s the point conversation mostly because
16353s like the universal just gets to like
16355s chill there and and be the horse on the
16357s point and be fine nice 1v1
16360s um so yeah Portugal like the longer that
16361s went on without a Kill from the
16363s Netherlands they were going to be fine
16365s just taking percentage and sitting on
16366s the point drama on fire not only chases
16370s down tap gets the Stagger gets the last
16372s little bit of build and gets the bomb on
16374s the Buddy Karama starting off on fire
16377s right now for Portugal
16380s very nice play from them and also now
16382s they have the EMP it's going to be EMP
16384s versus EMP here too right and I know we
16386s say it a lot but it really is like the
16388s critical matter of ultimates going
16390s forward yeah I mean it's one of the
16392s biggest flash points of any game where
16395s you're running Sombra view Sombra and
16396s they both have alt up at the same time
16398s omenzo goes for the MP first hits three
16401s rally though in turn from A and J and
16403s Netherlands they weather it and then
16405s some really good rally to set it up and
16407s Netherlands they get to save EMP for the
16409s next fight about the best Netherlands
16411s could hope for
16413s sixty percent for Portugal still on the
16415s board and I think they'll get most
16416s people out alive but yeah definitely saw
16419s like being able to save like uh the EMP
16421s is is critical there in that fight
16424s um and now like you're just taking off
16427s taking up and Ticking up and chill and
16429s uh the junker Queen switch is great it's
16431s gonna give you more uh points I I prefer
16434s to the ball especially when going up
16435s against the Russo
16437s I I think the junker Queen makes more
16439s sense here A10
16442s waiting for the EMP opportunity
16444s taking a while to go through nice hack
16447s on the flamenzo nearly results in the
16449s pickoff but for menzo far off the point
16451s pretty low HP I'm off we're gonna be
16454s here we'll see Netherlands decided to go
16456s in the tuna rush out tap finds Rod FD
16460s contend that's fading here for the
16462s Netherlands Portugal and opportunity
16464s perhaps turn but they're down one so
16466s it's just hard but lenzo finds buddy
16469s that's first part
16471s very back and forth then you know hex
16473s Netherlands is okay with back and forth
16474s right now because they still have the
16475s point yeah still holding on to it I mean
16478s it's been very Scrappy
16480s uh I mean they they could commit to like
16483s ultimate Savannah but Portugal sneaks
16485s the point in oh
16487s tap goes for the old pulse Pawn Tracer V
16490s Tracer you know again it makes sense but
16492s also historically a bit of a disrespect
16494s move when you're just like yeah those
16496s are uninstalled moments when you get
16497s pulse bombed by the other Tracer those
16499s those are those are they're questioning
16501s your life kind of moments existential
16503s crisis moment
16504s okay ready here for A10
16507s waiting uh
16511s three he's still investing in P here
16513s it's all the questionable Dawn down now
16515s you probably save it
16517s so Netherlands really just has one last
16519s fight like it's been like super Scrappy
16521s in the last bit but it's been Portugal
16523s like charging it up so 95. Netherlands
16526s uh I mean
16528s we gotta put somebody on the point right
16530s now and then wait for EMP
16533s eror they're gonna get on the point I
16534s think they're gonna have most everyone
16535s back up and ready here Karama had a
16537s chance to maybe stagger at the pulse
16539s bomb it didn't connect now you look
16541s towards A10 Netherlands back in full
16543s strength in overtime a fight they must
16545s win EMP comes out Rod FD immediately
16547s hits the ground it's a great EMP and a
16550s better fall through for the Netherlands
16551s should be fine uh then they will take
16554s off the points and now we will go into
16556s probably a final fight as this one will
16559s take forward uh not much on the board
16561s for either it's it's kind of funny
16563s because Portugal saw it coming they saw
16565s the rotation but they were just a second
16567s too late you saw them like rotate into
16569s uh into the lighthouse there like okay
16572s watch that out here
16574s Top's gonna get bombed this is what
16576s Netherlands needs to really force a good
16578s final fight just a quick bomb pickup to
16580s lay it
16582s tap throws up Pulse bomb no doesn't get
16584s what he's looking for got stunned I
16586s think on the approach Dizzle finds NJ
16588s another one's getting pushed back there
16590s that's brutal but he was so close to
16592s Transcendence wasn't able to build it up
16595s and this time around I don't know if
16596s there's gonna be a miracle comeback from
16598s the Netherlands is Portugal looking much
16600s stronger back can control the point over
16602s time ticking down you might see the sad
16604s Transcendence come in but I don't think
16606s he's gonna get there in time the sad
16608s sentence yeah
16611s uh doesn't come in Portugal able to pull
16613s that one back at the last seconds and
16616s well played for this squad now they got
16618s a map on the board that's step one you
16620s get a map on the board that you get a
16622s match on the board yeah you know round
16624s one uh not too shabby and yeah I mean
16627s for Portugal yeah this could be you know
16628s Iceland Redux right where you know
16631s they're they're looking a little bit
16632s tough uh no wins on the board but you
16635s know before it's all said and done they
16637s get at least one because they're playing
16638s Netherlands very evenly here so far
16640s however
16641s okay tap to swap does tap on the Cassie
16644s I would love to see the menu here for
16646s tap like I feel like this stage is
16648s pretty good for May and Taps may feel so
16651s much stronger than the other Heroes
16652s attacks hold that I don't know I guess a
16656s lot of worries some over the pharah it's
16658s a weird uh to to pick it blind cast like
16661s to not know what you're running against
16662s but also tap is going to go to uh the
16664s Tracer so uh we have a fair Mercy
16667s composition versus the
16674s picks up two super early but the far is
16677s on point gets rid the bad Karama evens
16679s it up
16680s drama currently a problem here from the
16682s Netherlands if anything that was
16683s probably why Netherlands might have
16684s showed Cassie at the beginning they
16686s probably thought there could be a pharah
16688s they decide against it look at tap here
16689s see if tap swaps cast
16691s officers it would have been better to
16693s run Cass out the gate yeah good call
16697s trusted the gun I feel like it's the
16700s actual conclusion there's caraba
16702s continues laying the Rockets I mean
16703s Khan's been a problem though Dodd's
16705s controlled up space Netherlands really
16706s hasn't lost presence on the point they
16708s got first control so you know all the
16710s picks in the world don't matter if you
16711s don't have people on the point even as
16713s prama continues to put in work on this
16715s fire one rocket after another trying to
16717s chop down the mountain that is done a
16721s little bit like uh get out of here
16724s eventually able to cut through like
16726s there's been so much damage put out from
16729s this pharah
16731s um not going to use the The Barrage
16732s because well it's a death set it's
16735s really well played from Portugal uh I
16737s mean Netherlands actually like you're
16739s not unhappy with that like you kind of
16742s got counter picked and then still pulled
16744s off 25
16746s yeah I I just imagine tap like always
16749s like ah should I go knew it no I knew it
16751s yeah that was I knew it moment for sure
16753s we're just like uh
16757s see if tap can suppress the bar on the
16760s Cassidy
16761s cash shots can be as fearsome as the day
16764s I suppose as tap gets Karama and they
16767s deny the res though res waiting in the
16769s wings Don meanwhile onto that point
16770s swings away hack on the rod after I
16773s think Rod was going for the res so
16775s neither as the Dead Eye gets value and
16778s Netherlands right back in it write that
16781s down in your journals everybody dead I
16782s got value uh was able to pull off one
16785s right there it's an ultimate that
16787s doesn't really pull things off very
16788s often but it's really good against the
16790s Pharaoh Mercy um at least to make them
16791s stay away not necessarily getting kills
16794s um right there but yeah Netherlands with
16796s a nice switch and just holding on to
16798s this Portugal's got a ton of malts
16801s yeah and they immediately capitalize on
16803s it EMP into fight over by the way
16808s that's super solid though if it's only
16810s the damage alts like if it's just EMP
16812s and barrage you're thrilled with that
16814s fight rewind though is Don swapping or
16817s like what's going on I need to see a
16819s swapper done okay good I was gonna say
16820s maybe Diva the deal at the far good
16822s because that chatter would have made me
16824s sad otherwise
16827s I it's tough to play Reinhard against uh
16829s right you're just sitting there either
16832s taking damage under Shield or just
16834s eating it from your team
16837s all right buddy
16838s down it was like here's buddies quite a
16841s few and here's the rocket from above
16844s very quick pick here for Portugal
16845s Portugal still will control the point
16847s and you know losing your boy were that
16848s early that's tough X it's hard to come
16851s back from that one you're just down far
16853s too much healing against Safar that has
16855s been way too accurate uh Portugal's been
16857s like very aggressive and it's looked
16859s really nice there's not a lot of teams
16861s who go past like kind of this Center
16863s Point on pharah but Portugal's been
16864s chasing down kills it has looked solid
16867s for them
16868s um and it just staggers out these fights
16869s now Portugal is in a one defense win the
16872s map situation
16874s yeah you gotta love where Portugal
16875s stands right now and you know the answer
16878s for Carlos up and have found flamenzo
16880s gets rid of tap socrabble once more the
16883s skies are his
16885s oh DMP comes out here from a 10 to fall
16887s through not gonna be there Karma got low
16889s for a split second for Portugal still in
16891s control of the point Netherlands at 96
16892s need to get over there they're trying to
16894s take down hk3 super low A J chases it
16898s down they get the recap
16900s in Portugal they might just wait till
16902s hk3 is back they don't have to force
16904s anything here no you you chill here you
16907s you just sit you wait for EMP you wait
16909s for mines you wait for barrage like
16911s you've got everything going for you
16912s there's only gonna be one fight anyway
16913s do you want to take the fight now or do
16914s you want to take the fight in a good
16916s position so you you wait about six
16918s seconds here um and you wait for
16919s fullmenzo to call it like that's got to
16921s be the initiator
16924s clemento calls it the EMP is out
16928s she goes down it was a press Q to die
16931s moment the execution not there when
16933s needed most in Netherlands now in a
16936s great spot to take the round Force round
16939s three
16941s and Portugal just could not get the
16943s coordination on that final setup yeah I
16947s mean the EMP came on excuse me in uh
16950s flamenzo died immediately The Barrage
16952s came out fire died immediately like this
16955s uh I mean tap was
16958s proving that it's not just icicles that
16960s they can tap into the heads like the
16962s very decent cast came out and wrecked a
16965s lot of the plans of Portugal there I
16967s mean they had it all going for him just
16968s not executed correctly
16972s alrighty so going to round three
16975s Netherlands finding their moment for
16977s Portugal Portugal though was looking
16979s fearsome pretty much throughout until
16982s the very end and I don't think crime
16984s will be swapping for the fire here
16986s although it's interesting from
16987s Netherlands where you know you look at
16989s this you should expect the fire but
16991s instead they're going to much more of a
16993s we're gonna ignore the pharah win the
16995s Ground Battle which means look at hk3
16997s carefully here hex oh I gotta say
17000s uh I mean it's kind of a sky fights like
17004s when you run an echo versus zofaro
17005s that's like slightly a counter
17007s um but like yeah the the idea would be
17009s to like definitely with the grounds like
17012s run the grounds
17014s um but then I mean it's it's a 3v3 and a
17016s 2v2 right like that's how these
17018s compositions are set up
17019s Don under a lot of pressure early on
17022s able to get healed back up another one's
17025s better presence on the point here so far
17026s tap though gets hacked tap in danger you
17028s gotta think Rockets are heading for tap
17030s in a hurry
17031s tap though able to shake a lot of the
17033s pressure still good
17035s that's the other one's going the other
17036s way and it gets broad tap got low gotta
17040s reset goes in it crumb is off the map I
17044s wonder if promise I wonder if there'll
17045s be a swap up here yeah that's kind of
17047s what's taking Rod going to Lucio and
17049s onto the Tracer you go
17051s well I mean it's kind of the the
17052s double-edged sword right there like as
17054s good as Mercy is as critical as uh Mercy
17057s can be through team compositions if you
17059s kill the mercy they lose like that's the
17062s end of the fight
17064s NJ speaking of killing the Mercies
17069s super that quick Revenge tap now gonna
17072s fly without the safety blanket that is
17073s the mercy
17075s Portugal really good open to steam fight
17077s here now the pressure on the dot and Tom
17079s just backing up after that could please
17081s anyone save me that works saving is
17085s there swap up for NJ tap probably the
17088s last life here on the echo get a place
17092s it's Enzo pushing a little bit forward
17094s but like they should be holding
17096s ultimates right now
17101s this is just the swan song for the echo
17105s here's a try and swaps momentum I mean
17108s they have a full five here Portugal does
17109s need to disengage a bit
17113s rush out tap still stuck on the echo
17116s with no swap buddy gets hk3 down still
17119s very winnable here for the Netherlands
17120s Bob comes out from Karama and that is
17123s the end to the fight that's huge from
17125s Karama I mean a lot of times you see
17128s sticks that are like accidental and just
17130s throw it in hole but like that was a
17132s beautifully orchestrated stick uh waited
17135s for some of the utility to be down from
17137s the supports and ends up just clutching
17139s out to what a play put that in the
17142s Highlight Reel Karama yeah and uh no
17145s surprise of the swap here you saw Taft
17147s is stuck up that Echo for the longest
17149s time it's like oh there's no mercy I
17151s guess I use duplicate but uh finally
17153s swap comes in
17154s Portugal though nursing a pretty decent
17158s lead
17158s here so far A10 death Blossom good to go
17161s looking for the opportunity Don finds
17163s one
17164s five before for Netherlands is A10 just
17166s gets the walk forward might go spin the
17168s win here would be a decent opportunity
17170s Gonna Save it instead 86 HP
17172s under pressure from hk3 gonna turn it
17174s back onto the diva in just a second
17176s another one's really bringing this on to
17178s the point
17180s Portugal weathering a lot of it
17182s able to stay on point control does flip
17185s here hex but you look at hk3 hk3 so
17187s close to gang DMX DMACC comes in that
17191s could be the turning point now for
17192s Netherlands as they get Rod FD yeah I
17194s was pretty certain that they were just
17195s waiting for
17196s um
17197s just stalling out right like they're
17199s just gonna stall out the point and wait
17201s to come back and then they ended up
17202s losing flamenzo which is a little bit
17204s rough but I thought they were just gonna
17206s buy their time because at 86 you're one
17208s fight away and you know that point still
17210s stands one fight away this one I mean
17213s when you're running these compositions
17215s with sambar v somber it's like who gets
17217s better MP like that's that's gonna
17218s decide this map right now yeah and the
17220s emps are good to go so
17223s map on the line flamenzo MP's first tap
17226s EMP second and it might be a little bit
17229s better for another one because it's
17230s super super close but Netherlands gets
17231s two pick-offs off the EMP A10 Staying
17234s Alive here on the point gets the d-mac
17238s and it's enough for Netherlands they get
17240s the better of it in the EMP Showdown and
17242s Portugal
17243s you have one final attempt to delay they
17246s might get back to a point in time but
17247s really they're just hoping for chaos off
17249s the Karama bomb 95 who's gonna touch I
17253s mean you have to have Tracer touch right
17255s like it's not gonna be ideal and then
17257s rewind right away
17258s um maybe you get this
17260s it sucks when you use your rewinding all
17262s your plans you try to stick a false Bob
17264s like there's no good way to do it hk3
17266s gets one on the dawn Portugal's still
17268s alive bomb still reserved here for prama
17269s gets a health pack heals back up waiting
17272s for the stick gonna go for it waiting
17274s waiting walking into the point it goes
17276s doesn't get a 10 because flamenzo got it
17278s first flamenzo back in on the skies as
17281s Portugal looks to pick up this map win
17284s they get the control point back and now
17286s Netherlands they'll have enough time for
17288s their last gas push here next
17293s right away
17297s here we go back on it 810 nearly Falls
17301s barely stays alive Rampage out hits hk3
17303s pressure onto the tank another ones that
17306s get Karama
17307s it's gonna be enough he comes out from
17308s Rod FD really well time but still not
17311s enough to save hk3 as Netherlands fully
17314s regroup only resettle on the point and
17317s this time hex I don't think Portugal is
17318s coming back as the Netherlands bring
17321s back the map they take map one over
17325s Portugal here but it was about as close
17327s as you can get
17329s I mean that's that's one thing that we
17330s should always keep in mind too when you
17332s start looking at these scores and
17333s looking at these numbers like if you
17335s don't watch the match you don't really
17336s get it right like Portugal is not this
17339s o4 absolutely getting dunked on Squad
17341s they are so close to beating so many
17343s teams and and every time they play it
17345s there's been very few matches overall in
17348s the in the world cup that the team's
17349s just like well yeah
17353s um like that's not happened very often
17354s so ah Portugal is so close to pulling it
17358s off the very nice touch at the end from
17359s the Tracer to Blink in and bring it back
17362s a little bit to buy some time but as it
17365s stands Portugal yet to win a map
17369s that always anytime you got ta tracerbie
17373s Tracer stick
17374s just hurts to watch but yeah I mean this
17377s is one of those games where it kind of
17379s got away from Portugal Portugal was in
17382s winning positions multiple times but
17384s when it came due to just cash the final
17386s check uh it bounced
17389s yeah I mean
17392s it's not even like execution it ends up
17394s just coming down to like all timing that
17396s the other team was like four olds when
17398s you have three
17399s um it's not necessarily like bad player
17402s bad communication there's not really um
17404s anything to look at individually as
17406s Portugal it just seems like it's just
17408s not come together in the the way that it
17410s needs to they I guess like if I were to
17414s say something about Portugal like they
17415s need to coordinate like their Dives a
17417s little bit better especially when you're
17419s running a summer Tracer but we've seen
17421s teams be able to do it like within an
17423s instant and that's the one thing I
17424s looked at like Portugal before is is
17426s flamenzo's uh Sombra is is so
17430s streaky and we use that term a lot but
17433s it's either very good and you get EMP
17435s and that's a team wipe or you're dead
17437s and you're not charging or something
17438s like that so that's the one thing I'd
17439s look at at Portugal If I'm gonna run
17441s this uh Tracer somber dive consistency
17444s I'm curious to see where Portugal brings
17446s us the next map because I do feel like
17448s they have something going with trauma on
17450s the Farah I don't think you know tap on
17452s the Cassie was you know kind of Hit and
17454s Miss but I feel like you look at how
17456s that played out you run it again I feel
17458s like you challenge that if you can but
17461s uh we'll just have to see when that map
17463s Choice comes out one of the longer
17465s control Maps I've had though hex just as
17467s evidenced by the fact that there was a
17468s lot of highlights relative to what we've
17470s done today well I was Consulting my
17472s spreadsheet
17473s um you know I have a spreadsheet I'm a
17475s big deal uh it's it's either gonna be
17477s blizz world or numbani like this so
17480s they've had like four math loss picks um
17482s maybe more maybe my spreadsheet's not
17484s perfect but uh most of the time they go
17485s to Blizzard World organ Bonnie
17488s um on their their second uh map pick so
17490s probably one of those or you know maybe
17493s it'll be be surprised but it would make
17495s a little bit of sense you know kind of
17497s works out from Portugal that way well so
17499s far it has been close between
17501s Netherlands and Portugal what is in
17504s store round two coming at you next
17509s [Music]
17523s all right
17535s [Music]
17544s thank you
17549s [Music]
17567s [Music]
17590s [Music]
17594s trucks
17603s [Music]
17604s [Applause]
17608s [Music]
17613s [Applause]
17621s [Applause]
17625s thank you
17627s [Music]
17656s foreign
17658s [Music]
17667s [Music]
17673s [Music]
17674s [Applause]
17674s [Music]
17694s [Music]
17705s thank you
17708s [Music]
17732s foreign
17734s [Music]
17743s [Music]
17750s [Music]
17813s thank you
17814s foreign
17820s [Music]
17839s we are back in at Netherlands versus
17841s Portugal first map Going the Distance X
17844s both teams with high points and low
17846s points and for Portugal again the
17848s question has to be asked can they put it
17850s together for a full map because they're
17853s so close and yet so far I mean I'm
17857s rooting for him I'm really rooting for
17859s them to get that zero off the board uh
17861s pretty evenly matched uh both of these
17863s squads and I mean if you think about it
17865s like
17866s I mean Netherlands was a team that we
17868s thought can do well they've struggled a
17870s little bit but like this is really just
17872s about like
17873s is it reductive to say it's about
17875s getting Portugal a win on the board
17877s um should that be the most important
17880s thing going forward
17881s um
17882s yeah
17883s the the troubling thing is about like
17885s watching some of these teams that have
17886s struggled so far and have not have map
17888s wins is it looks so close they're like
17890s so close to pulling it off of like just
17892s this one execution this one fight this
17895s one kill here or there so when you look
17897s at like the you know the map scores and
17900s the the actual achievements of these
17902s teams it doesn't tell the whole story
17904s and Portugal is is not a terrible team
17906s they're so close to winning some of
17908s these Maps
17909s yeah and again it's one of those things
17912s where it reminds me of what happened
17913s with Iceland where Iceland did have like
17915s a few maps and I can spend one we ignore
17918s the Finland match but you know some of
17919s the other matches they had where we knew
17921s they were good enough to get a win
17923s somewhere we just didn't know where I
17925s feel like Portugal can't turn this I
17927s mean there's nothing that we've seen
17928s between these two teams that says that
17930s Portugal can't bring this one back but
17932s Netherlands is good enough that Portugal
17934s is gonna have to find a level of
17936s consistency that they haven't been able
17938s to show so far you know Play the full
17940s duration of the OverWatch game not just
17942s you know the 80 of it they're doing
17944s right now where they fall off at the
17946s final 20. yeah so Portugal's gonna pick
17949s um Gibraltar here which is a little bit
17951s interesting because mostly Portugal has
17954s picked uh blizz world and numbani so you
17957s know I kind of dig it because it's like
17959s well obviously we picked those and they
17961s didn't work
17962s let's pick something else and Gibraltar
17966s has been a map where like kind of like
17967s you see some underdogs pull this off
17970s mostly just based on like the snowball
17971s potential and the momentum this map
17973s offers
17976s alrighty so both teams getting ready
17980s for this first round we'll see what
17983s heroes are coming out if there's any
17984s changeups I feel like it's going to be
17986s pretty standard of what we're seeing I
17988s mean the biggest change up that would be
17989s a little bit non-standard would be
17991s seeing if you know tap tries to run a
17993s May where you don't always see May here
17995s early but I don't think that's gonna be
17996s the case Meanwhile we're gonna get the
17998s hog I thought we're gonna get the road
18000s hog
18001s if any team was gonna do it it might be
18003s Portugal but no no roadhog for Portugal
18006s as they will come out
18008s unfortunate I mean hog will have his I
18011s feel like hog is one of those like very
18012s divisive Heroes though it's one of those
18014s things where when hog isn't played you
18015s have a contingent people going like I
18017s wish hog was playable and then
18019s especially with one tank when hog is
18021s playable you have a bunch of people
18022s going like please save us from the hog
18024s it's a hero where I don't think anyone
18027s will ever be happy with uh it's either
18029s you know what there's always discontent
18031s regardless of the state of Park it's
18033s kind of a funny thing where like when
18034s you talk to Pro Gamers about meta and
18036s this is like uh you know like uh
18038s Hearthstone here is the storm Starcraft
18041s uh programmers just like accept what the
18043s meta is without trying things out so
18045s like hog might actually be really good
18047s just no one's trying them right so like
18049s Marauders are really good in Starcraft
18050s but no one is trying it like no one
18052s everyone's kind of blindly accepts when
18055s they see the numbers Nerfs that it's
18056s over without like trying it out I want
18059s hog to be mad again I love the red hog
18060s as a character there it is we found
18063s which side of the fence uh hex is on
18065s when it comes to the lovehawk hate hog
18067s debate but right now both teams try not
18070s blows at the beginning and Karama gets
18072s caught by A10
18073s pretty good payload push coming in for
18075s the Netherlands also Portugal really
18077s hasn't tried the contest and he owes her
18079s as hell we've gone through the car wash
18080s with very little Fanfare here at the
18083s spark Portugal though finally gonna be
18085s taking the fight over ak3 under pressure
18087s gets bio'd the other one's just swarming
18090s over and in hk3 and we'll stay alive for
18092s a moment but you look at the kill team
18094s right now and it's a real tough spot for
18096s Portugal hk3 gonna get demacked and it's
18099s just a wave from the Netherlands rushing
18101s on through well the idea on the defense
18104s is it's not necessarily car wash anymore
18105s like it's kind of a tough spot to hold
18107s so you like try to maybe get some poke
18109s in on the on your first hold but like
18111s then you hold server room because it's a
18113s really nice place to stall out the cart
18114s but also the offense knows that so you
18117s just kind of get bum rushed by the
18119s Netherlands right there they roll right
18120s through silver room uh Portugal's never
18122s able to set up correctly and that's why
18125s we're in second Point here is
18127s Netherlands keeps pushing forward
18130s Netherlands incredibly quick start
18132s Portugal looking to find their footing
18135s the Portugal loses next fight they're
18137s gonna be critically behind in Ultimate
18139s Samuel Venom Karama though finding tap
18141s early huge forgiving time to set up here
18144s on this point B defense
18148s I mean just one of those kills is
18150s critical uh for you to be able to set up
18152s on your B like like you said uh now the
18156s door is closed there's only one like
18158s four doors that are all tiny and they're
18160s all bad to push into
18164s taking the initiative onto payload
18166s Portugal gonna play High Ground a little
18168s bit longer crime but pulse while I'm
18169s ready to go looking for the sports does
18171s not connect
18172s Netherlands now you have to go a little
18174s bit forward without as much fear pulse
18176s bomb from tap comes out
18178s and it's gonna get hk3 out of the mech
18180s that is good enough for the Netherlands
18182s and now Portugal they have to contest
18184s this down their Diva unless hk3 can
18187s rematch but there's still a period of
18188s time where there's just no effective
18190s Diva on the board buddy gonna come up
18192s Nano ready to go here for the
18194s Netherlands likely gonna go on to the
18196s Winston
18197s waiting waiting Winston jumps in Nano
18200s comes out
18200s KRON going in a little bit deep looking
18203s braving here tap gets hk3 in the
18205s meanwhile and it is again the
18207s Netherlands looking Untouchable on this
18210s dive very methodical
18212s yeah methodical and it's all like very
18215s orchestrated but it's all readable too
18217s but Portugal doesn't have an answer to
18219s it like I think you saw Portugal in that
18221s stairway and they kind of knew like they
18223s were just gonna get Nana Winston like
18224s right there like you could almost see it
18226s on the characters faces there's nothing
18228s to do about it Netherlands is just
18230s painting by numbers right now this is
18232s exactly how it goes you get Nano and
18234s Winston Nano he push through it here's
18236s the Sombra uh Portugal has got no
18238s answers they're gonna they're gonna try
18240s to run their same composition they've
18241s always run but is not looking good
18244s no it isn't and I mean I think a lot of
18247s that just went downhill where hk3 got
18248s demacked and it was one of those things
18250s where you know Diva could be a little
18252s bit of a curse if you're not able to
18253s remake it you're just stuck trying the
18255s Remake hoping the you know fix it it
18258s just I don't know it was a long time
18259s without a main tank presence and that
18261s could be lethal in OverWatch 2
18262s especially
18266s yeah they continue to push but now we're
18269s just waiting for the the EMP setup
18273s May 10 Karama feeling of it quick one up
18277s here for the Netherlands Portugal down
18279s one
18280s they have a rally in reserve Bob gonna
18282s go away here in a second but again this
18284s is surgical from Netherlands they're
18286s just doing exactly what they need to do
18288s they're not giving up any picks and
18289s Portugal is finding it difficult to
18291s punish here thus far I'll swap I'm in
18294s from Karama to get connected no and cron
18296s goes down doesn't get the Primal off
18299s Under Pressure that is really a big
18301s break here for Portugal I think KRON
18303s would have liked to have this Primal
18304s doesn't happen and now you see Portugal
18307s turning the tide use the file name
18308s bionate onto the back there's just not
18310s enough pressure when you lose the
18311s Winston early
18314s yeah I mean I'm looking back at that
18316s last fight over a word they impede but
18318s then like they got stalled out by a bob
18320s like how is no one there to hack or
18322s sleep the Bob and get some pressure on
18324s it like you use EMP and you actually get
18326s like zero push out of it another one's
18328s making something happen at nothing here
18330s they basically stayed in the fight with
18331s three kept delaying tap picked off two
18334s and Portugal is that with a really
18337s really tough spot
18342s FD and tap is just uncontested right now
18345s for the last like 30 second stretch pick
18347s off after pickup KRON bouncing around
18349s tap with another it just continually tap
18352s on cleanup duty all around the outskirts
18355s and that's gonna be enough for
18357s Netherlands to finish out the attack
18359s ground two and a half minutes on
18361s Gibraltar that is fast
18364s yeah solid especially when it's your
18366s opponent's map pick as well
18369s um yeah a lot of like kind of
18370s interesting play which is you know my
18373s code word for kind of sloppy weird play
18375s uh that happened there in that last
18377s match but you know uh Netherlands you
18380s know able to pull it off at the end just
18383s I I don't know if Portugal has another
18385s card to play that's that's the question
18387s I'm asking you know as a team that's not
18389s won a map do you have anything that you
18392s can just bust out that maybe throw
18393s somebody off because running
18396s um mirror comps and metacomps has not
18398s worked out well I mean their biggest
18400s wild card that they had that was
18401s effective was the pharah it it literally
18404s was the pharah and Gibraltar you know
18407s overall historically not really the best
18409s Farah map I mean sometimes you could use
18411s it on third but you know it's hard it's
18415s absolutely terrible yeah look I'm
18417s looking for a bright side here anyway
18419s they can do it next okay like I know
18421s it's a terrible fire map but uh yeah I
18424s think Portugal you know unfortunately
18426s for them they have to play this more by
18428s the books and Netherlands has just been
18432s way more solid and consistent I mean
18433s nothing was like super flashy there just
18435s no they they use their ultimates well
18437s and they took advantage they got good
18439s focus on the hk3 and after getting main
18441s tank Advantage they just pushed in it
18443s was
18444s about as standard as it gets it's always
18446s the thing I look for in in kind of these
18448s matchups between teams that like not
18450s much to play for in the in the lower end
18452s of the bracket uh how's your focus going
18454s right and usually the team with a better
18456s focus fire is going to be the team that
18458s wins the match
18460s and you know Focus fire on the tanks in
18462s particular has been so big and a lot of
18464s the matchups we've been seeing it's not
18465s even plural tanker yeah well tanks isn't
18468s isn't like both teams
18474s but that continues to just get high
18477s quality neutral kills on the back end
18480s not hasn't really been checked uh at the
18484s same time so
18486s Portugal though getting decent progress
18488s at the beginning yeah
18495s either like hold really hard first and
18498s then like really hard on on back ledge
18500s like car wash is not really a place that
18502s you're gonna see a ton of fights lately
18507s looking for pick-offs around the bottom
18509s hk3 under a bit of pressure right now in
18512s the server room 200 hp heads back a bit
18516s well he getting really really low
18519s pick up the Portugal doesn't quite
18520s happen it's good it'll back up more for
18523s the server room continues bionade though
18525s connects another one's looking real
18527s alone looking buddy and AJ super super
18529s low after file the support does not come
18532s in and Portugal finds their moment of
18534s opportunity KRON is going to go down not
18536s anywhere close to Primal at least not in
18539s time and hk3 just gets the dive on over
18542s gonna be difficult here for another one
18544s to keep this in contest not impossible
18546s but not the ideal spot and tap goes down
18548s massive pickup for Karama really nice
18551s Chase there yeah you're gonna see most
18552s of the fights actually centered around
18554s like server room
18555s um it's kind of like the second fight
18556s spot that you're gonna see under
18558s Gibraltar uh for the most part third
18560s fight spot being uh actually on the cart
18562s and that is Portugal pulling it through
18564s on the cards and also really really good
18567s setup as far as their ultimates go
18569s Netherlands as well so you know we talk
18571s so much about execution this is all
18573s about execution
18574s well yeah
18576s yeah I mean quick pick up on the brick
18579s that's all you need there now yeah
18581s always knocking me up it would have been
18582s up and Netherland just goes hey we get
18585s to get full control we got your break
18586s for free five on four you know consider
18589s a different way in and that's tough when
18591s you break a team's momentum here on the
18593s in Gibraltar particularly uh yeah I mean
18596s the question is now like uh looking at
18597s the somber ultimate like do you just let
18600s them in a little bit and try to try to
18602s bait them that way to try to be
18603s aggressive with it I I think they're
18604s going e10's in a weird spot cron goes in
18607s off the Nano A10 I think was trying the
18610s 70mp it doesn't really happen so
18612s Netherlands kind of beef the engager a
18614s little bit on the sports again buddy and
18616s AJ in trouble this time though NJ gets
18619s the rally off they're still alive A10
18621s wall whoa not dead and they change the
18624s focus bar on the hk3 hk3 tried the dive
18626s the bionade the fall through wasn't
18629s there for the rest of the team and
18630s Netherlands just barely sneak away from
18632s that one
18634s able to hold it out there too yeah I
18637s mean it's just such an interesting
18638s situation as a Sombra right here like
18640s there's not really a great way to like
18642s engage a composition you kind of have to
18644s sit and chill and that's why I think
18645s we're seeing A10 kind of struggle a
18647s little bit with it but I think like
18649s maybe you're here yeah yeah well that is
18652s devastating EMP goes off in the fall
18654s through right there and I think you
18656s talked about earlier is that you know
18657s EMP right as a bionade comes in is
18660s scarily effective and that was yeah the
18662s Perfection between A10 and buddy I mean
18665s there's a lot of abilities in the game
18666s that I would consider ultimates and like
18668s bionade kind of comes to mind uh
18670s immortality field amongst them like yeah
18672s it supports them some pretty good
18674s utility let's just say that Sports I'm
18676s good good stuff
18678s uh that's putting it mildly KRON though
18681s a little bit jump up jump down as a
18683s Netherlands look they're top of the
18685s stick Dizzle goes down and probably one
18687s of the biggest picks to get not just
18688s because it's an Anna but Dizzle has just
18691s had you know an absolute grudge against
18693s the sports in the Netherlands with
18694s really good bionades and can't throw a
18696s bionade when you're dead next
18699s uh yeah it is more difficult I mean this
18701s is kind of like morality like or yeah
18705s this hurts your morale like to be pushed
18707s back to your spawn like this I'm
18708s Gibraltar and with some of the changes
18710s on Gibraltar it's actually much easier
18712s for the defense to really really push
18715s back on the the offensive second spawn
18717s Corona is in some danger he was getting
18720s close from both ends still was able to
18722s shake the pressure bomb up Portugal
18724s desperately trying to go in hk3 going in
18727s run gang takedown immediately bomb out
18729s for Karama no doesn't hit trying to
18731s fight buddy buddies just give him the
18733s old 8080 right now get support the other
18736s way just gets flattened by the brig
18739s and that keeps Netherlands in the fight
18742s holding just a vice grip-like hold here
18745s on B ever since they won that first
18747s fight on me
18749s I mean I think what you have to do
18751s it's tough because you don't communicate
18753s right now either but like you kind of
18754s just have to like Nano Your Divine great
18757s the bionic's so big ah this one aj3 all
18761s turned purple Nano comes out here from
18763s Portugal as they try and flip it so
18765s there's a nano onto the diva like you
18766s were just saying but the opportunity
18768s isn't huge I mean promised still able to
18770s get to the back finds Yana both teams
18772s may be down and Anna but Netherlands
18774s we're gonna have respawns coming in soon
18776s if KRON lives I think you're okay with
18778s this as Netherlands
18780s uh for for the moment you are yeah
18783s absolutely but we are getting to the
18784s point where like both the sombras are
18786s equaling up as attack goes down tap
18788s tried to go down get fancy I think was
18790s looking for a bomb didn't see it Karama
18792s immediately finishes it and now Portugal
18794s with an opportunity hk3 bomb in reserve
18798s A10
18799s right now you've got to go for the empty
18801s here A10 looking it has to Tele locate
18804s back that is not great but tap comes
18807s back in lands the bomb on Ziana both
18810s teams have a key part Dizzle gone KRON
18812s gone but it's tap just cleaning things
18815s up going around the outskirts tapped in
18818s this last round doing it here three
18820s before tap is all said and done
18824s little uh somber be somber action on the
18827s cart but as it gets really really dicey
18829s this is when Tracer excels 10 seconds
18832s left I don't know if anyone's gonna be
18834s able to touch you this is gonna be uh if
18836s they touch it's gonna be a sad touches
18837s where okay yeah yeah also you can EMP as
18842s well oh
18844s who's next is anyone next no Netherlands
18847s they take Portugal's map away from them
18849s and Portugal does not break the Lost
18852s streak here just yet but you gotta give
18854s credit to Netherland tax that was a very
18857s clean Gibraltar both on attack and
18859s defense doesn't really get more
18861s methodical than that no not with a bang
18863s but with a whimper uh Portugal is not
18864s able to pull that off they had EMP in
18866s the bank and it didn't clutch it out at
18869s the end but yeah I mean another one says
18871s you know they've got good players that
18872s are pretty strong and always it's just
18874s about execution we always line up these
18876s ultimates of like they have this they
18877s have this uh whichever one is better is
18880s going to win and I know that's reductive
18882s but that's how it is that's kind of how
18885s it has gone
18886s um really well played I think A10 has
18888s maybe not got enough credit as much as
18890s we like tap like A10 it's got really
18892s good emps and mostly like not even the
18894s emps but just look at this right now
18896s like actually just getting like tracking
18897s damage done I think it's an overlooked
18899s part of sombra's kid of like well you
18901s hack a new EMP but also like if didn't
18904s actually hit shots of Sombra it's a
18907s really decent gun
18912s an interesting
18916s map by Massive Euro plays I mean I guess
18917s you could argue tap was just like
18919s scarily consistent but a lot of that
18921s wasn't even first pick-off plays for
18923s Tracer that you kind of see in a tracer
18925s is really taking over a game it was just
18927s when a fight was starting to Trend
18929s towards over tap made sure it was over
18931s like tap was just super consistent when
18935s it was needed most for the Netherlands
18936s well it's also like the map too like you
18939s mentioned like oh huge bionate it's it's
18941s because like there's four small doors
18943s like they're gonna come through one of
18945s those doors unless unless they Diva like
18947s the the bionade everyone's gonna get
18950s purple like it's gonna be an enormous
18952s day that's why like we talk so much
18953s about momentum on that map because you
18955s know trying to push a five-man squad
18958s through those tiny doors when the other
18960s team knows you're coming has high ground
18962s has like excellent High Ground It's just
18965s tough Gibraltar B is tough once you get
18967s stalled out well that was the
18970s Netherlands versus Portugal but coming
18972s up next a must win match for Denmark as
18975s they play against the team that would
18976s look to play spoiler in Italy
18980s [Music]
19026s thank you
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19057s foreign
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19111s thank you
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19143s all right
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19176s thank you
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19196s welcome back to the OverWatch World Cup
19199s it's the online qualifiers for the emec
19201s region Basco I'm joined by zp and hex
19203s and we just watched the Netherlands take
19205s Portugal to oh zp lay out some context
19208s for the people that may just be joining
19210s yeah and the context is that Portugal
19213s looked really good when they can play a
19214s little bit off meta with things like
19216s pharah but Portugal was still plagued by
19218s the same problems that they've had all
19220s tournament long which is that they look
19222s good in short periods of time but they
19224s have difficult putting together over a
19226s full match and the Netherlands is
19228s special and watch Point Gibraltar played
19230s about some of the cleanest OverWatch you
19231s can see it wasn't flashy you didn't see
19233s a ton of hero plays but they played alt
19235s economy to Perfection and they had plays
19238s when they needed it most so on the whole
19240s really good showing from the Netherlands
19242s and the troubles just continued for
19244s Portugal yeah they continued and I I
19246s think with that their standings are as
19248s such that they're at the bottom of group
19250s a right now and may not be able to
19251s proceed of course only the top three of
19254s group a will be moving on to the main
19255s event so with that said let's pull up
19257s the schedule and give you a recap of the
19259s day so far of course we're on the last
19261s match of the day here and there are a
19263s lot of implications that I'm going to go
19264s to hex for in just a second but let's
19266s cover some of the matches and some of
19268s the highlights from today of course
19269s Saudi Arabia 2o me to start the day
19271s Norway with a quick 2-1 over Poland
19273s Finland and Sweden with very similar
19276s scores here over their respective
19277s opponents Spain versus Great Britain was
19280s a match that had a lot of hype right
19281s riding behind it but of course we were
19283s shown the layers and the levels of
19285s OverWatch that there are at the World
19287s Cup Great Britain making some simple
19289s work out of Spain and then we just came
19291s out of Netherlands versus Portugal and
19293s now finally Italy versus Denmark there's
19296s a bit of a fiasco going on in Group a
19297s right now and that third spark that
19300s rather that third spot is still
19303s at large here hacks give us the
19306s background here talk to us about what's
19307s happening well I mean so for France and
19310s Great Britain you expect to get out of
19311s group right and but there was a third
19313s spot in group a and that's uh you know
19315s Spain surprising everybody like kind of
19318s taking taking the lead there and then
19320s Denmark is still uh looking for it right
19322s there there's a couple matches left it's
19323s not over yet it's not locked in it's not
19326s solid yet right now Spain has the lead
19328s but Denmark has to win they have to win
19331s and then hope for other stuff to happen
19332s they have to keep winning that's your
19334s only goal uh I believe if Denmark wins
19336s they're still below Spain like there's
19338s map differentials there's massive you
19340s know me and math I'm not about it at all
19343s um but like the bottom line is for
19345s Denmark just win just keep winning just
19347s keep winning and then then hope uh what
19350s comes out uh comes out so those are the
19352s implications because of the implication
19355s um and and that's
19356s yeah that's it Jimmy yeah I mean man
19359s there's two days of competition left
19360s this is the one spot that's still
19362s undecided who will take that third spot
19365s in group a and so I'll leave it to y'all
19367s of course Italy versus Denmark just
19369s around the corner enjoy it and I'll be
19370s back after the match
19372s and heading into this here hex uh you
19375s gotta look at this and remember Italy is
19377s the team that stung Spade right like
19380s they they are the team that like they do
19382s have fangs like and those fangs come in
19385s uh the reaper man as it comes as it
19387s comes out and you know this is something
19388s we're going into this Denmark has to be
19391s prepared to play against that style of
19393s play and you know yeah in the Spain
19397s versus Italy match the control map just
19399s went so outrageously in favor of Spain
19403s but Italy adapted and found something
19405s that worked and you think of reasons
19407s that was the case part of it was that
19408s Chimera was also very solid maybe not as
19412s flashy as um Hera but still very very
19416s good and yukino on the reaper also
19419s incredibly solid they actually swap
19422s between Chimera and yukinas and who was
19423s on it but Italy found a style that works
19425s and it shouldn't be underestimated oh
19427s for sure like Italy's pulled off a
19429s couple of wins and beating Spain just
19431s looks better and better by the day like
19433s the DPS line is absolutely solid uh the
19436s question is always like who will play
19437s tank is it going to be Andrew or Rajan
19439s we've seen a shuffle in the support line
19441s lately uh with a catacome playing for my
19445s con but not necessarily but I think this
19447s is the first time actually we've seen
19448s katakomi and Micon in the same support
19450s line uh for me the X Factor for this
19453s Italy Squad is uh uh yukino like the the
19456s long range hitscan has been like hot and
19458s cold so we'll see what they can pull off
19460s as well but yeah I mean Italy's Shuffle
19464s the roster a lot but you know this is
19466s not a team that's like winless again I
19469s look back like they beat Spain and if
19472s you want to like devalue it based on the
19473s fact like they played reaper in like the
19475s final match they they had to win a map
19477s before that to get to the final match so
19479s this is a decent Squad that has uh
19482s played well with the best of them
19484s yeah and to me it makes it exciting but
19487s looking at the Denmark side of things
19489s obviously Denmark not a team you can
19491s ever sleep on it okay I was actually
19493s about to bring this up I wondered
19496s I like this change up here because look
19499s I think Shockwave is a very talented
19501s player I also think that as good as
19504s Shockwave is at times there are limits
19506s particularly the shock wave on the
19507s Sombra which looked a little bit rough
19509s last time Denmark was up and also Shacks
19512s is really good at the video okay as it
19515s turns out like for how good Shacks is
19517s and how often we see teams playing
19518s Tracer I do feel like one criticism you
19521s can make of this Denmark team is that
19523s why is Shaq's not been playing as much I
19526s get the logic behind it but I still
19528s think with how good Tracer is right now
19529s when you look at the top teams shaqs
19531s probably should have been getting more
19532s game time yeah yeah and I think we look
19535s at this Denmark team as like a team that
19537s is kind of like the root of all the
19539s chaos in group a like them beating Great
19541s Britain early on kind of started started
19544s the cycle of things going a little bit
19547s odd but like in the meantime they've
19549s dropped two matches against Spain
19551s they've dropped against France I think
19552s we had Shacks playing support yesterday
19554s because maybe someone didn't show up to
19556s a bad review
19558s um but like yeah there there were some
19559s interesting stuff it's a supremely
19561s talented team and we know that about
19563s Denmark but it's just like are you going
19565s to play up to your talent or are you
19568s going to get out reapered by Italy
19570s yeah and you best believe Italy is going
19573s to be bringing the reaper here on lijong
19575s at the very least on control center
19577s you know if we're able here at the
19579s Catholic side things then look at this
19580s and be like wow you started winning when
19582s you played reaper certainly that fact is
19584s not lost to the team that is actually
19585s playing it right so uh yeah it's gonna
19589s be interesting to see how it pans out
19590s but
19591s I feel like for Denmark this change in
19593s at least running checks here I think
19595s it's a good one I just feel there's very
19598s little things that in the game that can
19599s compare to a tracer that is playing at a
19603s high high and you think about where
19605s shax's career has been over time shax
19607s has had some of the highest highs on
19609s Tracer that we've ever seen shaxxas
19611s Tracer Peaks are amongst the best of all
19614s time like yeah it's easy to say and easy
19616s to back up with like video evidence yeah
19619s that's not what it says like Caster why
19621s you say that it's like no and who's
19623s gonna come out here and say shax is bad
19625s I dare you I'll fight you like
19628s but yeah we're into it uh Italy versus
19630s Denmark
19632s Denmark can be opening up here at the
19633s teleport but uh other than that I mean
19635s Denmark's comp about as expected uh
19638s quite the same for Italy I think the
19640s difference though might be you could see
19641s Shacks on Tracer and yukino onto the
19643s Reaper
19655s we go into the menu for a split second
19657s and it just it was actually censorship
19660s over what we just saw it's like oh we
19662s can't we can't show that on camera what
19664s just happened because uh yeah that was a
19666s blink and you miss it yeah that was not
19668s PG
19669s no
19670s um immediately some changes gonna come
19672s up daily uh gonna
19676s change some tank
19679s so it's really tough to push back into
19681s this too like at this point specifically
19684s this stage specifically like once you
19686s get a May and a Sim set up on point ah
19689s it's brutal it's so hard to push back in
19693s you know you'll be saying the tone here
19695s we know sojourn can end it with one shot
19698s looks over there and Lucio doesn't get
19700s it
19702s evenly right now okay a little bit more
19704s charge up coming up from yukino next
19705s railgun attempt
19707s gonna be on the way Doge under a little
19708s bit of pressure
19709s as rajian just starts pounding away here
19713s gotta call me get Shacks that's the
19715s start Italy one here so far immortality
19718s field really nicely timed here from
19720s Italy and Miken keeps it alive Naga
19723s comes in over and gets a really nice
19725s blizzard and that just gives Denmark the
19728s advantage they need I mean talk about
19730s playing it to the bleeding edge look at
19732s that look at that progress meter it was
19735s so darn close but Denmark knows exactly
19738s where the ratios are and they like pull
19740s back just for a second they ended up
19742s losing somebody because they're playing
19743s back on like that I think it's like an
19745s air conditioner back there
19747s um and they lose one and then but like
19749s the the blizzard recontest is enormous
19751s and now again it's so hard to push it as
19754s Italy you're kind of waiting for yukino
19756s to get something done but they might
19757s blizzard engage well they open with the
19759s window and they look for those they
19761s nearly get those at that now chimera's
19763s gonna chase us down Blizzard's gonna
19764s come out here in just a second they lose
19765s katakomi okay Chimera where's the
19768s blizzard I don't think Italy has enough
19770s time to go for a full reset here so yeah
19771s blizzard comes out doge look at the
19774s getaway it gets Frozen on down yukino
19776s with the Finish exactly what Italy
19778s needed yukino one after another there no
19781s overclock acquired Denmark though still
19783s gonna translate this they use this
19785s symmetra alt they have the May on point
19786s they can at least bring this to 99 if
19789s not an outright win if Italy isn't
19791s careful at the very least get something
19792s else to Italy maybe get the beat out of
19794s Italy if they can Jax goes down
19796s immortality filled in Oh The Shadow out
19798s as Doge comes back in is it gonna be
19800s enough you dump them
19803s right off the point
19806s oh boy Denmark doesn't give it up
19809s without a fight they get back in after
19811s 15 kaipera sad Hanzo recontest
19816s well I mean you said like uh you know
19818s they're trying to stall out for for
19820s points I'm like well you know it's like
19821s 87 you're not really stalling out for
19823s like tick and progress there they really
19825s thought that they could bring it back in
19827s and absolutely they could bring it back
19829s in is like the blizzard came out but
19831s like that shatter was beautiful I love
19834s great radar play and uh you know I love
19837s someone getting dumped off the edge it's
19839s been really good uh you know but for
19842s Denmark right so like we we talk about
19844s Shaq so much and also we've given credit
19846s to the the Twisted Minds um uh support
19849s line of Calyx and slay obviously great I
19852s cannot believe how well Doge has been
19854s playing like since we first watched them
19856s like I did not rate Doge very highly
19859s when I watched him play in the OverWatch
19860s League I just did not but it has been an
19863s amazing tank play from Denmark
19865s particular on RAM I feel like Dozier
19867s arguably had the most impressive brand
19868s we've seen in terms of just it's been
19871s sick yeah like I like this comp from
19873s Denmark too they were expecting Reaper
19875s Italy actually is even running it
19877s Denmark running something that's super
19879s consistent here and it's gonna be hard
19881s for Italy to find their way through as
19883s yukino just gets chunks by Naga finished
19885s off by calyx already a massive Advantage
19888s Doge though getting really reload how
19889s does those live Doge got so close to
19892s dying somehow gets healed back up now
19894s Shacks low Italy staying in it
19896s reasonably well but rajyan look at all
19898s the pressure on the Razia on here nice
19899s wall wall really shed some of the
19902s pressure on the razion Italy hanging in
19904s there bet you Kino
19905s he's calyx Miken along on the other end
19908s still pretty even Italy's fell off the
19910s beat and oh no drops the beat right as
19912s rajyan Falls it's a little bit slow
19915s Italy still trying to make something off
19917s of it but haga has been Mr consistent
19919s here in the outskirts did that blizzard
19921s come out from Chimera what was that that
19924s got absolutely nothing that's tough
19927s um yeah overall just better value from
19930s Naga because well now I still get a
19932s check mark but mostly like not just like
19933s ice blocking coming out of ice blocks
19935s like any ketchups
19938s the beat was just a little bit late if
19940s it hit rajyan it's probably a different
19942s fight but here we go Italy recontesting
19944s this is gonna be difficult because doge
19946s is just gonna say suffer and run right
19948s into the annihilation oh the shatter
19951s can't annihilate when you're on the
19952s floor massive Shadow from razion and
19956s that completely turns the fight for
19958s Italy should be an absolute reset Lucy
19961s was going to get a couple ticks onto the
19963s point there but yeah that's that's
19965s that's a shatter that ends you back in
19967s spawn 50 for Denmark as they come back
19970s out
19972s um I don't know if Italy really has
19973s enough to sustain the storm that is
19976s coming to them because they're gonna
19977s like blizzard Annihilation death Blossom
19981s those are all terrifying I mean they
19982s need you Kino to just get a railgun okay
19987s the time has probably passed the doge is
19989s saying it's time to suffer walks on Ford
19992s fists The Swinging Rajan goes for the
19994s pin not gonna hit it swinging away Under
19996s Pressure Russian gonna live the wall was
19999s good but still not enough to save
20000s Denmark emptying the bank cashing out
20003s and Italy ends up paying the bill
20007s yeah I mean those those kind of walls
20009s are just brutal for a tank like what do
20011s you even do like you're you're two feet
20013s ahead of your team and you get bisected
20015s then you're 1v5 like the May walls just
20019s make you a 1v5 and you can't do anything
20021s about it
20022s right there your mortality field came
20024s out might say it actually might save on
20027s lives I mean it still gets immortality
20029s filled out but
20031s good immortality field timing good heals
20033s Cole comes out not time to save naga in
20036s Italy they use the beat to engage they
20038s get two here so far make it three
20040s Denmark caught off guard and you know
20042s that's about as cheap as a flight AS
20044s Italy needed here to keep this somewhat
20046s in reach they're still really far behind
20049s but now hex you go to yukino and you go
20051s what what are you gonna do with the
20053s overclock I mean they did use the
20055s blizzard I don't I'd rather have a
20057s blizzard than than an over over clock
20059s here
20060s um so yeah Italy I think like their
20062s defense going forward they have to win
20063s two fights in a row like cleanly
20066s you you kind of maybe hope for a shatter
20068s like shatter's gotta be the big one
20070s shatter and then maybe buy time for the
20072s next bite that blizzard those those are
20074s like the good defense alts I think
20076s Shadows Pro one if nothing happens
20077s you're gonna see yukino immediately drop
20079s the overclock here we go reggian shatter
20081s ready to go oh the fire Sprite catches
20085s slay
20086s oh you take those the freebie look at
20090s how much extra progress Italy is gonna
20092s get here yeah
20093s oh wow well you can't do anything
20096s without your mortar in this composition
20097s like that's all you're healing that's
20099s all of your hit
20101s oh man Italy gets a free fight shatter's
20104s still in the bank and once more where as
20106s you had still the story for setting this
20108s up shatter baby attempt here goes for
20111s that drop the shatter no nothing gonna
20113s be big there yukino immediately drops
20114s overclocked Doge on the annihilation
20116s Chimera down early and yeah you know
20120s gets one off the overclock it's kind of
20122s a big pick but Shaq's did so much damage
20124s it's still gonna be tough to turn around
20127s those just taking presents on the point
20129s here Celtics sends yukino off the map 99
20133s for Denmark and Italy looking for a
20136s miracle to bring this back this is a
20138s tough freaking test under the best of
20139s circumstances region goes down Denmark
20142s swarms the point and they take map one
20146s oh come on C9 is called not sure if it
20149s wasn't C9 again egregiously overused
20153s that term C9
20155s um yeah I mean a lot of it is is just
20157s the the tank play I mean doge is so good
20159s at the tank and especially like if
20162s you're not gonna mirror the Vermont Rod
20164s you're kind of behind unless you pick
20166s like the really good counter picks for
20168s for a mantra but like matcha's gonna
20170s beat us uh
20171s a Reinhardt like nine times out of ten
20174s yeah I mean Rajon had some good moments
20176s there I mean the fire strike if there
20179s could have been a good chatter after
20180s there was real potential for Italy to
20182s take that round but uh they just got
20185s into the hole and it was difficult to
20187s get out of it really uh when it was all
20188s said and done and some of these fights
20190s here also for uh Denmark were just
20193s disgustingly decisive like the way that
20196s this point started out was just yeah we
20198s had the screen up for a moment and we
20200s could make a censorship joke because
20201s that's how fast it went away well it's
20204s also like kind of making me bitter like
20206s you and I have talked about like why
20207s would you run a soldier and like you
20208s have to hit shots why wouldn't you just
20210s run like a mirror Reaper like there's
20212s there's an argument to be made about
20214s like super consistent DPS versus like
20218s hanzos and sojourns and Ashes right
20220s where you like have to uh mechanically
20223s outplay the other team and hope that
20226s they don't dive on you whereas the other
20228s Squad like Reaper May you're gonna get
20232s yours it doesn't matter what the other
20233s team's doing you're going to get yours
20236s so like the argument is being made in
20237s the OverWatch World Cup that like hey uh
20240s hitting shots is overrated
20241s yeah unless you're Kai in which case you
20244s know just keep doing what you're doing
20245s but yeah I mean just be like you know
20247s one of the point zero zero one percent
20248s of people who can hit every single shot
20250s like just do that otherwise um play
20253s Reaper I guess
20254s yeah well it's interesting from Italy
20255s given the fact that yeah Reaper was
20257s their key to taking away from Spain they
20259s go for the sojourn it comes up short but
20262s hey we saw Italy make a big comeback
20264s against Spain and Maps two and three do
20267s they have a little bit more of that in
20269s stock versus Denmark as a series
20271s continues join us right after the break
20275s [Music]
20278s good
20281s [Music]
20323s just run away
20331s [Music]
20337s [Music]
20350s [Music]
20354s thank you
20355s [Music]
20378s location
20380s [Music]
20394s s
20395s [Music]
20412s [Music]
20423s thank you
20440s [Music]
20444s foreign
20448s [Music]
20454s foreign
20458s [Music]
20470s [Applause]
20472s [Music]
20488s thank you
20492s Denmark doing what they need to do to
20495s stay alive here in this very very
20497s competitive group in the OverWatch World
20499s Cup Italy though they've played spoiler
20501s before they're looking to do it again
20503s and hex when you look at Denmark's Road
20505s here they still might not get in because
20507s of the head the head of Spain even if
20508s they win here today but they're
20510s definitely not getting in if they lose
20511s so uh it has to be all W's from here for
20514s Denmark if they want to make it deeper
20516s into the tournament yeah and that has to
20518s be your mentality too right like just
20520s take care of your business can't can't
20522s deal with anything else whatever's in
20524s front of you you win that map you win
20526s that match you take care of your
20527s business and then whatever happens
20528s happens that's okay you can't worry
20531s about needing help from other teams or
20533s need another team to lose doesn't matter
20534s if if they lose yeah that's it so you
20537s know take care of what's in front of you
20538s uh so Italy is going to have the map
20540s Choice here previously they've gone to
20542s Gibraltar they've gone to Havana they've
20544s gone to Havana uh then let's see what
20547s else uh yeah I think that's it like
20549s gibraltario Havana is pretty much uh
20551s mostly where we're gonna see Italy go to
20552s to as far as maps go but yeah if you're
20555s Denmark like you know you could look
20558s back and be be mad at the maps you lost
20560s but also done you know upset Great
20562s Britain to even be in this position so
20564s just take her business in front of you
20565s and I hope it all shakes out your way
20566s yeah pretty much and I mean it does mean
20569s that everything matters down to the
20571s final day which you know you love to see
20573s uh in groups you know sometimes you get
20576s situations like the other group where
20577s yeah it's all said and done before the
20579s final day but it is a little bit more
20581s exciting when you need all the matches
20583s to figure out who's truly going forward
20585s yeah yeah so match 56 of the OverWatch
20589s World Cup qualifiers according to my
20591s spreadsheet is Great Britain versus
20592s France so that might end up just being
20595s proceeding but there's a lot to play for
20597s tomorrow another seven matches tomorrow
20599s these have been some some long days of
20602s matches
20603s but definitely have but we'll get to see
20605s what Italy has in store for the offense
20607s I don't trust anything they're showing
20608s right now because they're on the attack
20610s but Denmark I feel like I feel like they
20612s did their prep here and they're just
20614s like well Italy looks best on Reaper so
20616s what if we just mirror and make sure
20618s that there's no way they even get an
20620s edge with that strategy is shacks and
20622s this is a change up for Denmark no
20624s Shockwave again the Shacks back in on
20626s the lineup
20629s um yeah I mean it looks like kind of a
20631s spawn campy style composition from
20634s Denmark honestly like this is this is
20636s not generally a defense that you see on
20638s uh Gibraltar first for the most part so
20640s yeah they're gonna play very far forward
20643s might be a support swap here in a moment
20645s too with yukino going on see I go can't
20647s imagine we're gonna do Echo with
20649s wouldn't be the first time we've seen it
20651s just not Ultra conventional and they're
20654s going with the Tracer Echo Brig Auto
20657s right now interesting setup here from
20659s Italy Denmark just looking to play
20661s ground pound right now where this
20663s particular part of the map not the
20664s absolute best for the comp that gets
20666s better as they get deeper but Doge finds
20669s yukino early on the jungle
20671s have they are returning fire Italy
20673s decent trade-outs here you like the
20674s trade-outs more on attack at this point
20676s and Denmark kind of at the point here x
20678s where they should just start back
20681s yeah I mean if they even get the luxury
20684s to do so I don't think they will and
20685s getting absolutely cleaned up and yeah
20688s you mentioned like the echo without a
20689s mercy but I think it's kind of
20691s interesting to run on that first point
20693s like when you're just trying to break
20694s something right like it's not
20696s necessarily something you're going to
20697s run the entire map maybe they will but
20699s like just to break something when
20701s they're running that that whole ground
20702s composition yeah throw in some stickies
20705s throw in some beams well they're gonna
20706s stand for a while just because they're
20707s weird like we almost have support adults
20709s you don't want to throw it away right
20711s just wait get out of the ice mate drops
20713s the bomb does it connect no looking for
20716s Doge chimera
20717s staying here on the underpass Denmark
20719s looking pretty wounded after the file
20721s name Italy trying to press the issue
20723s calyx though whoa is getting away cow
20725s looks under pressure no can't get away
20726s rajion finishes off off the Nano and
20730s Italy keeping the pressure going and the
20732s co very static ground comp from Denmark
20735s is not working out at all I mean that's
20738s why they've already swapped off the
20739s Reaper
20741s yeah I mean swapping off the reaper
20743s though against a Winston
20745s yeah I don't know if it was right boom
20747s but I mean clearly Denmark wanted to
20749s change things up a bit yeah I'm trying
20752s to make heads or tails of this Denmark
20754s conversation it is really just like kind
20756s of grounded pound and then hope for it
20758s um I mean the big thing is it's going to
20759s be if Doge gets a really nice uh
20762s ultimate here like Rampage could be
20764s critical but the weird thing is about
20765s Italy is like you're not gonna find more
20767s than one person on the ground at a time
20775s oh the junker Queen clone comes out
20778s Rampage in for Denmark is probably gonna
20780s be there as young looking low yukino
20781s popped out of the Clone but haga went
20783s down and all that Italy kept her in
20785s alive even rajyan well not for long
20786s checks chases it down back onto the
20789s point though both teams out of tank
20790s checks Paul spawn trying to put this
20792s away gets the stick
20793s as Denmark desperately tries to hold on
20796s here on point a yukino gang gets sniped
20799s out of the sky and Shacks Mr reliable
20802s for Denmark when they need it most
20804s Tracer is just so good it took all of my
20807s being to say it like not say eat it Brig
20809s when he hit that stick
20811s um and I guess I just said it now so
20813s like there it is uh so yeah I mean
20815s Chuck's on the Tracer we all know how
20817s great that can be and as bad as it
20819s looked for Denmark in the early phases
20821s of this defense they're only 40 seconds
20824s left 40 seconds left and Italy has to
20826s push into a blizzard Italy did swap up
20828s by the way finally uh you know has a
20830s mercy I can find some heels inside yeah
20833s he's not playing uh echo on Ultra hard
20835s mode
20836s just hanging on to Blizzard and you look
20839s at Denmark this is old school hold on
20841s Gibraltar it always reminds me of goats
20843s Style holding where you just uh you know
20844s touch a payload and use terrain to your
20847s advantage
20848s Chimera meanwhile though holding on to
20850s the pulse bomb Mike and I was already
20852s out Michael's down pulse bomb in from
20854s Chimera though gets calyx as Italy gets
20858s very beneficial trades here is it gonna
20860s be enough to get this through it should
20862s be I mean Naga dying with blizzard still
20864s in hand is like kind of kind of the
20866s Difference Maker right there a little
20867s bit brutal um and now Denmark just has
20870s to figure out like where they can
20871s actually hold on the second Point
20874s um naga's gonna switch off of the May
20876s with blizzard in hand I get it it makes
20879s sense for this map but man it's hard to
20882s give up lizard yeah I think the idea
20884s here is that hack is pretty strong
20887s against Echo especially on this map or
20889s like there's really no place the echo
20890s can go that isn't a hack Target or no no
20893s trust me like I agree this is the right
20895s Play It's just oh Blizzard's so good
20898s it's such a good ultimate I guess part
20901s of the two of those it's hard to land a
20902s high value blizzard points on this yeah
20904s like the vertical especially like what
20906s Italy's playing like you know who's on
20908s the card really it's like one person so
20910s who's got demacked early this is very
20912s very winnable yukino getting nice value
20914s off the duplicate the old uh you play
20917s Diva I play Diva now
20925s yeah that's huge yeah because look at
20928s religion's Health now
20930s or die
20931s Primal when they don't want to use
20933s Primal either way your life without the
20935s on it gets a lot harder as catacombie
20937s caught and chased down by Shacks yukino
20941s Under Pressure here from those looking
20942s for the run back going I can't believe
20945s you did that to me Diva and yukino's got
20948s back on be like yeah they're gonna back
20956s yukino's going all the way back to spawn
20958s might be Sombra from yakino
20961s you would think nope going may all right
20964s one team goes Bay and the other team
20966s uh what team gives up the other team
20968s games that I suppose I mean you do need
20970s to be able to like find your path in to
20973s get to these fights that's why like
20974s defensive advantage on Hunger ball to be
20976s especially is is kind of brutal so like
20979s maybe drop a wall just to get into pack
20981s room and then drop a wall just get in
20982s your shuttle like I kind of get it Nano
20986s on the razyan Italy immediate value find
20989s slay and Shacks Chimera and razion a
20992s brutal dive on to Denmark exactly what's
20996s needed the crack point B and I don't
20997s think Denmark is a second chance here
20999s this is way too decisive X
21001s and calyx is in trouble too like is
21003s getting nothing done no value out of the
21005s the coalescence like there's just a
21007s tracer and yeah somewhere on the point
21010s as good as Shaq says
21012s ambitious that is so ambitious to burn
21015s EMP there I mean it gives time for Doge
21019s to come back in but I do that I don't
21023s know about that one hex I just don't
21024s know about that one maybe it saves them
21026s from the terrible spawns that are on
21028s Gibraltar but I thought that was fixed
21030s uh I don't know um but I do appreciate
21032s your use of the word ambitious which we
21035s all know what that means yeah
21039s you're a vision
21041s I really know
21043s nothing oh boy that uh
21046s well Italy rolling through but only a
21048s minute so like they really have to win
21050s two fights in a row here it's a Long
21052s Point to push slightly better point
21054s though for the blizzard to specialize
21055s the payload goes up
21057s Italy looking reasonably healthy here
21060s Shacks could end that in a moment with
21062s the pulse bomb we look at Shacks
21063s pressure onto the bay looking and
21065s waiting
21078s getting slay in the back uh Denmark gets
21081s a fight pretty cleanly off the pulse
21083s bomb there and yeah the subtext there
21085s false ice block was gone it was a good
21087s false mod but it's just funny comedic
21089s timing this is why Shaq's a good tracer
21092s I mean you really have to pick your
21094s targets like the game used to be like
21096s you could pulse bomb anyone and they
21097s died and it was awesome and it was like
21098s that was tracer's Heyday nowadays you
21100s have to figure out like oh they have
21101s abilities and stuff yeah but nice play
21105s there Italy last go here you kind of
21107s just have to yeed in this blizzard and
21109s pray for the best because no one else is
21110s here also Russians oh my goodness
21117s finally 5v4 setup for Italy blizzard
21121s still in the tank region healed back up
21123s Denmark double support all in reserve
21125s they pop one on the Doge but the
21127s Blizzard's gonna slow it way down
21128s pressure got hit with the bio brows you
21130s on super low finished off by Naga but
21132s you Kino the Executioner grabs another
21135s Shack still got to the back lands a
21137s pulse bomb and I think this payload has
21139s gone about as far as it's gonna go
21141s heroic efforts by yukino but not quite
21144s enough
21146s and some of those shots were insane
21149s um but yeah the wind is taken out of our
21150s sails a little bit when we've realized
21152s everyone else is dying
21154s um during those shots I if I'm you know
21158s offense I'm pretty happy with that one
21160s like it is it's a tough map to push
21163s where the carts is right now where the
21165s payload is is kind of a weird spot
21168s because like if you get that corner you
21171s should be able to push it a little
21172s further than that we shall see how it
21175s goes but it'll leave us some nice like a
21177s nice swaps going on there
21180s um some swaps that I did not expect and
21182s then I thought I told you to be before
21183s the match like yukinoa could be like an
21186s X Factor and it definitely definitely
21188s was there well it's kind of funny how
21190s you going is like Denmark abandons the
21193s man Italy's like but wait we want to
21195s play Meg uh
21196s uh also Italy again you know thinking
21198s back to their match with Spain is so
21200s weird how they are just like we love the
21201s reaper man and played it well and
21203s they've yet to play here today even now
21205s on defense uh Chimera on the Tracer
21207s yukino on ash although I think they
21209s didn't go to Reaper until point B last
21210s time it kind of makes sense like the
21212s long range Power of Ash on this very
21214s first point is a little bit hard to deny
21218s yeah whatever Italy switches to would
21220s not surprise me like offensive Gibraltar
21222s may be sure why not it's not something
21225s you'd generally see
21227s um Denmark coming out with a Reaper and
21229s a Sombra gonna make uh rajan's life very
21233s very difficult which I think is is the
21235s right play
21236s I'm sorry Raja
21239s alrighty Italy now on the defense
21245s see what is in store here if yukino can
21248s get value on the ash Denmark meanwhile
21251s playing for consistency on the reaper
21253s quick hack and dispatch on the razion
21255s blinking you miss it you just saw the
21256s hacker go on and then the life bar just
21258s gone
21265s Jack's now just a little bit of cleaning
21267s out here on the point uh Italy I mean
21269s the upside they will be able to
21270s recontest pretty soon here but very soon
21273s yeah I mean there's not much you can do
21275s when you you lose your tank first on
21277s defense you kind of have just waiting
21280s it's like a cop
21281s for the combo region
21285s head moments uh Denmark getting run over
21288s at the end there so good recontest here
21291s by Italy definitely keeping things a lot
21294s more even than many would have thought
21295s coming into this match
21297s yeah I mean I think if you're going for
21298s this grounded pounds like I I get that
21300s calyx wants to run this Lucio early but
21302s like maybe early until you get to like a
21305s more open area where it makes sense like
21306s maybe you run a more Rod just to get
21309s some more uh healing going on because
21311s like they lost slay and like that's it
21313s now your healing's out and also like
21314s kiriko's not like the greatest like
21316s full-on healer either
21320s a little bit tickling from the top and
21322s jumps on in good damage off the bionade
21325s shocks and Kellogg's getting very low
21327s fall through wasn't there I don't think
21328s yukino had the angle but guess what
21330s Sixth Man now ready to go here for Italy
21333s the Bob charged up good to go Denmark
21337s looking stalled a little bit here hex
21339s like this is a long moment of Denmark
21342s just trying to figure out how to
21342s approach Dynamite comes in for the top
21344s round getting really really low again is
21346s the fault for gonna be there region on
21348s Death Storm actually living what in the
21352s world meanwhile Bob coming out pressure
21353s going on the yukino in turn and Bob will
21355s cool down the pressure that nearly took
21357s down the main tank of Italy
21359s that was Insanity I have no idea how was
21363s some of the people in Italy lived uh
21366s just absolutely nuts now trying to get
21369s something done
21371s yeah knock has got EMP I just gotta jump
21373s in on this Nano this is the most obvious
21375s Nana Winston ever yeah he just jumps on
21377s in and it's gonna be high value you see
21379s Denmark super committed to the point
21381s Rajan pulls him back will chain into a
21384s final here does not as cowlings gets
21386s cops Alex couldn't drop the Beats
21388s Chimera just stops him and you know I
21391s think there's a mump there's a loose
21392s area just like I've entered the Ajax
21394s zone I'm gonna hold it you know
21396s uh yeah Denmark has not gotten value out
21401s of their ultimates at all like they have
21403s to set it up for an EMP going forward
21405s next
21406s um but yeah there's been there's been
21408s times for Denmark because in a decent
21409s position and then they just lose one or
21411s two uh Chimera with probably his best
21414s Tracer map I've seen in a bit
21416s Italy in general especially the main
21419s tank plan I think this is the best map
21420s I've seen from rajion uh ever in this
21422s tournament so far we're getting out with
21423s like a Razor's hedge too like just
21425s playing it to the bleeding edge the
21427s timing on the dive's been good I'll
21429s press on the right hand again that comes
21431s in Primal in reserve I'll get in danger
21433s just barely gets away won't be able to
21435s drop an EMP just yet now because of how
21437s far away he is from the fight meanwhile
21439s Italy you know it was going for more of
21441s engage and cools down a bit last option
21444s for Denmark here on point a Shaq's going
21446s to the back line yukino already down
21447s Denmark finally finds a good engage and
21450s you know rajyan can thrash upon the
21452s point all he wants this time around uh
21454s not gonna be enough in fact he does go
21456s to the point he just goes uh I'm out
21457s yeah EMP beat uh that that's gonna be
21460s enough sustain and enough push through
21463s for Denmark to take the point uh the
21466s real question now is where do they set
21467s up uh because junker Queen is like not
21470s not Winston not Diva so like it's very
21472s difficult to get on the point
21474s um it has to do some yeah I think this
21476s is the last score to get up there unless
21478s Doge uses ultimate and then gets another
21479s one real quick this is probably oh my
21481s goodness the Rampage hits four was all
21485s through there I don't know if the rest
21486s of Denmark was ready dose just dies
21488s instead oh man I mean you probably
21490s should wait for the team on some level
21492s that's where those things where you go
21493s team at some level at some level of sick
21497s Rampage is a cigarette page but yeah
21499s you're right absolutely no
21501s follow-through like everyone goes purple
21502s everyone goes to 25 and no kills no
21506s kills yeah I I feel like this is a
21509s moment where you would swap I would have
21510s expected a swap but yeah those still on
21513s the junker Queen all right they stand
21514s the junker Queen for this point
21516s and yeah everyone else so here's the
21520s thing though like for Denmark like even
21521s if you try to like jump to shuttle right
21523s now you're you're not getting the
21525s shuttle there's there's coach gone
21526s there's there's one shot like you're
21528s never Landing shot
21530s well Denmark is in a pickle a long way
21533s to go and only a minute 30 left to do it
21536s calyx gets caught oh you take that trade
21538s all day if you're Italy because the
21540s healing is just not there now for it uh
21542s for Denmark
21544s yeah you can absolutely have my Tracer
21546s if you can have it I don't want this
21549s anymore
21550s gianno down Shaq spines at the table's
21553s new tournament Nano yukino I don't know
21555s if that was the intentional it might
21557s have been trying to go for uh Rajan
21559s instead but hey you chemo making good
21561s use of it nonetheless
21563s it's like those moments where like you
21566s shouldn't have been nanned over you're
21566s like I guess and then he'd try your best
21568s right like right
21570s [Laughter]
21574s still uh yet this uh tournament oh it's
21577s been a bit maybe you uh maybe you willed
21579s it into existence okay so Denmark uh
21581s trying to set back up like it's it's
21582s really about the MP again trying to get
21584s everyone on NBA Italy is running a
21586s composition that like not everyone's
21588s always uh near each other but I think
21590s what you're trying to do is get like One
21591s support in the tank it should be like a
21593s shuttle EMP maybe you even like
21595s aggressively translocate but they're
21597s gonna see it coming yeah this squad
21598s right here this one this is the
21600s Viewpoint
21601s of a tank to dive on this kind of call
21604s me down immediately shax was there you
21607s keynote just gets gunned down the clip
21609s from Naga poetry in motion you love to
21613s see it and Denmark very strong engage
21616s off the EMP the follow through is there
21619s and with five seconds left to go Denmark
21621s still has the opportunity to end this in
21623s two Italy's gonna stall this they they
21625s have Primal you definitely stall this
21627s you stall it for Primal you stall it for
21629s uh rally
21630s here they go stall comes out
21632s The Kino needs to live yakino needs to
21634s live region needs a primal you know
21637s still alive Primal comes out here's the
21638s rally Italy almost back up to full
21639s strength
21641s Alex real close to the coal needs to get
21643s it soon as Doge gets taken on down Italy
21646s wants the map three and they're so close
21648s to forcing it Chimera bombre the go Cole
21651s gets one counter bomb gets to stick the
21654s fade oh Kellogg's Staying Alive kept the
21657s Fate in reserve denies the bomb value
21660s but Italy still around on the point
21662s Rajon and yukino just stubbornly alive
21666s [Music]
21668s HP for five hours what is going on
21673s Italy holding on respawn Advantage now
21676s rearing its head good delay by Doge but
21679s how much longer can it last down goes
21682s Doge down goes Denmark map three is in
21685s the cars
21686s down goes Frasier uh down goes Denmark I
21690s mean
21691s to say it again if you've not watched
21694s every single one of these matchups you
21696s look at like these these teams records
21697s and be like oh well clearly clearly
21699s they're bad no not at all like this
21701s Italy Squad is so good really good stall
21704s out at the end there
21706s um and you knew it was coming like
21708s primal's on the books
21710s rallies on the books like you're you're
21712s not gonna give up point B uh Italy
21715s pushing Denmark to the break Denmark has
21718s to win this map they have to win this
21720s match like it is so critical for Denmark
21722s to try to get out of group a so group a
21725s like let's look at the top France United
21728s Kingdom Spain Denmark one of those teams
21730s does not get to go one of these teams
21733s does not get to go and that's a tragedy
21735s Italy actually mathematically still
21737s technically alive as well so just just
21740s to put that in there Italy's still
21742s fighting for their lives also I feel
21743s like Denmark's struggling this much with
21745s Italy I feel like Spain is just watching
21748s this with popcorn and it's kind of like
21749s Loki and uh Ragnarok the movie where
21752s he's like yeah that's how it feels it's
21755s like oh boy yeah first time first time
21757s yeah
21759s uh no one expects Italy to just come in
21762s and ruin your day but you know we talk
21764s about spay being an X Factor I gotta put
21766s some rest done Italy's name here forcing
21769s about three where anything can happen
21773s absolutely I mean this has been super
21775s fun to watch
21776s um I mean like Denmark by
21779s um talents and like mechanics and and
21782s pedigree should be the favorites in this
21784s but then all of a sudden you just get
21786s like you you Kino hitting shots that are
21789s insane Chimera
21791s um I said it before but I'll say it
21792s again like probably their best Tracer
21794s map but I've seen them play on recently
21796s and I think you hit the nail on that
21798s like the tank play has been exceptional
21800s today yeah I mean rajyan has been living
21804s in situations where quite frankly Rajon
21806s should have died and when rajyan decided
21809s good engages they have been great
21811s engages uh huge step up in tank play I
21815s feel like for Italy and you know if
21816s you're a fan of Denmark you are watching
21818s this right now and you are sweating
21822s well I mean give credit to Italy's like
21824s newly revamped like support line too
21826s like this is the first time we've seen
21827s katakomi and Mike and play together uh
21830s generally they they were running like
21831s fry you uh on supports and nothing gets
21834s fry you but like katakoma came in
21836s yesterday well actually yeah katakone
21837s played with fry you yesterday because I
21839s don't know there was somewhere to count
21840s stuff anyway so this is like the first
21842s time that we've seen the names katakomi
21845s and Mike can show up and for Italy and
21847s you know I think the tank play being as
21849s good as it has that's always a
21851s reflection of the support play
21853s all right well you love to see it map
21857s three in the cards Italy vs Denmark well
21860s Denmark keep their hopes alive or will
21862s their tournament hopes be as broken as
21864s Twitter we're gonna find out in just a
21866s few moments
21868s [Music]
21891s [Music]
21922s thank you
21925s [Music]
21931s [Music]
21942s [Music]
21944s thank you
21947s [Music]
21953s foreign
21959s foreign
21960s [Music]
21978s [Music]
22016s foreign
22029s foreign
22066s foreign
22070s [Music]
22089s with one goal mess up everyone's bracket
22093s bring some games because that's what we
22095s got here as Denmark is sweating map
22098s three in the cards once more is Italy
22100s once again pushes the limit and remember
22103s if they win here Denmark is out Denmark
22106s is quite literally fighting for their
22108s life in the tournament right yeah I mean
22110s Denmark's early win over Great Britain
22112s was was an astounding thing it's
22114s throwing everything into chaos but
22116s I mean it really Italy is the Chaos
22118s Agent they they are the agent of chaos
22120s uh so I mean the question is it's like
22122s where does uh okay okay that that
22126s question answered where does Denmark
22127s bring us was my question uh new Queen
22129s Street because we saw Italy Rock Spain
22132s on Esperanza
22133s um and also I think Colosseo actually
22135s plays into their their Vibe as well so
22137s Denmark's gonna take us to new Queen
22139s streets
22141s and probably yeah
22144s I mean this is well not Esperanza like I
22147s feel like Esperanto had been the worst
22148s because we saw Italy absolutely win
22150s there and we saw Denmark just the reason
22152s why Denmark is in this is because they
22154s couldn't like finish out strong light as
22156s process so yeah I feel like for Denmark
22158s that's a no-go Zone they're like no
22160s we're not going there yeah I mean it
22161s took me a second to think about it but
22163s like also Denmark really likes playing
22164s like junker Queen and like kind of
22166s ground and pounds and this is the best
22168s map for it as far as like the push maps
22170s that are in the pool
22171s um jumper Queen is better on this map
22173s than anywhere else because there's not a
22175s ton of high ground to be able to contest
22177s um so maybe that's the the thinking
22179s going into this I'll have to wait and
22181s see on the on the compositions
22184s um that would make the most sense to me
22185s because even in situations where they
22187s shouldn't have run JQ they they ended up
22190s running
22191s yeah and look at the rosters here see if
22194s there's any late subs and uh oh there is
22197s interesting decision here so waves in
22200s yeah I mean don't be around Shockwave is
22202s really good I just think that the last
22203s time we saw Shockwave on push it was a
22205s little bit underwhelming I think in part
22207s because I don't think Sombra at times is
22209s shockwave's most comfortable hero well I
22211s mean it's just a question if you want to
22213s run like ash or Tracer like that's it
22216s yeah that's the question that's how you
22218s decide between Shockwave and Shacks
22221s I just worry here is that you know again
22223s there's always that element of
22225s I never really like the swapping someone
22227s in only for the final map there's that
22229s element of your coming in like warming
22231s up yeah yeah I mean it has worked
22233s sometimes but overall in OverWatch
22235s history it's been more of a negative
22236s Omen than a good open yeah it really is
22238s I'll I'll give you a huge throwback time
22240s you used to like complain to me
22242s constantly about getting subbed in he
22244s hated it he hated it
22246s so your taibu also complained about a
22248s lot of things but that particular
22250s Shockwave says what are you talking
22252s about gets Chimera immediately no
22255s complaints there just performance
22257s exactly what Denmark needs to come out
22260s strong here on push
22263s yeah huge opening there Denmark should
22266s be able to take it right now and also
22268s it's so clutch for like the composition
22269s they're running to because I love
22270s Shockwave to like pick whatever he wants
22272s to play from angle wise
22274s um also like I generally just thought
22276s this was going to be a good map for
22277s Denmark just like seeing Doge on
22278s gramatra like Rajan has been a solid
22282s tank it's been fine for Italy
22284s um but I if I'm going for a macho versus
22286s Mantra I take Doge 11 times out of 10. I
22290s think super good point in terms of tank
22292s matchups last tank matchup was in
22294s rajian's favor Doge's Ram has been from
22297s steep for most of this tournament so
22299s yeah I like the tank match with Denmark
22301s Shockwave though caught this time yukino
22304s on the Ambush Shockwave did not see it
22307s coming and Italy a little bit of Revenge
22310s here on the Denmark this could go pretty
22312s fast the other way around getting poke
22313s down a bit Doge under heavy pressure
22315s from all sides Mike and has Nicole
22317s probably gonna drop it here early you
22320s would think as Denmark just in continual
22322s Retreat not even as a robot game Pusher
22324s the robot's just standing on his uh
22325s Lonesome here
22327s I mean like it looks cowardly but like
22329s that's a beautiful disengage like they
22331s give everyone alive
22333s um everyone alive everyone gets all
22335s charge like Denmark's disengaged there
22337s was absolutely sick Chimera Lowe beat in
22340s from katakoma
22341s doesn't hit you Kino yukino's still
22343s might fall here one person not hit Italy
22345s though still pretty healthy Denmark
22347s right turn blizzard out here from Naga
22349s and yeah rajyan wasn't able to escape it
22352s good enough from nothing against Chimera
22355s to add on to it good blizzard good ball
22357s through Denmark about to add on to their
22359s lead
22361s walled blizzarded you're not gonna
22363s survive that if you're the enemy tank of
22366s all I mean the nice thing is I was just
22368s looking at like uh right John like oh
22370s he's got alts but Doge has saved
22372s assaults dosha's been chilling on home
22374s for a while
22375s um so I I think the the big thing that
22377s we're looking for for Italy is that they
22379s want to try to pull this back is like
22380s yukino's gotta go nuts you know and yeah
22383s like it is that thing it's like hit
22386s shots it's a gamble you got overclocked
22388s time to use it uh overclock comes out
22390s the keynote that's it that's nice Saga
22393s exactly what was needed here for Italy
22397s now even if they don't get any more nog
22398s has been offering so much
22400s girlfriendsian goes down that little bit
22402s of extra DPS from calyx enough to push
22404s it over the edge
22405s but Doge Falls in turn Italy's still
22408s gonna keep momentum here on the fight
22410s but really good effort by Denmark to
22412s maybe turn that up yet yeah well it's
22415s also important though too like you know
22416s Denmark does not get uh or responds I
22419s don't think he got it
22421s um yeah it's it's gonna be all about
22423s like yukino like you you know trying to
22425s get something going on here
22429s nothing's gonna happen here just you
22431s know the last little Reach Out And Touch
22433s chocolate yeah that's the weird thing
22435s about coalescence is like you don't
22437s think it's that that uh damaging but
22439s then you're dead and you're like it's
22441s like I guess it was I guess the
22442s Ghostbusters being like just really
22444s strong
22446s all right Italy gang themselves back
22448s into it Denmark looking drained on this
22449s fight gonna need the Dodge the cold and
22451s where's some headphones block out the
22453s music
22454s tough fight for Denmark though a beat
22458s almost up on their own it only wants to
22459s engage out they want to engage before
22460s Denmark is fully ready immortality field
22462s forced out early slay in danger
22465s get a counter here with the widow or
22466s window trying to punish and turn Italy
22469s still rushing forward Chimera drops a
22471s blizzard super low
22473s Chimera going to live heels coming in
22476s just in time Denmark had to drop the
22477s beat to stay in it both teams using a
22479s lot of resources blizzard out here from
22481s now from Denmark and it freezes rajyan
22483s right out of the fight
22489s just just know exactly when to heal and
22493s when to shoot uh rotating them like
22495s absolutely perfectly
22498s I mean there's times where like you feel
22500s like you should be pumping in your tanks
22502s with heels but at the highest level like
22504s they can deal with one you take one heal
22506s I'm busy I'm shooting other people and
22508s just one One V one of you chemo and like
22510s not that he killed yukino but he put the
22512s Kino back enough and like put the the
22514s fear of God on them we'll see if yukino
22517s can do it again last overclock for you
22518s Kino was good found Naga immediately
22520s yukino on the setup here overclock ready
22523s to go and you look at Italy's Bank it is
22525s what they're gonna be clutching on here
22526s katakone getting low yukino still look
22528s at the opportunity the bomb comes out
22529s and everything goes wrong for Italy
22532s before yukino can fire a shot
22536s in spawn with a check mark is not the
22539s place you necessarily want to be a
22541s little bit brutal and now Denmark taking
22543s a super hard Advantage here
22547s I mean this one like so I guess like
22550s mathematically Italy has to win like
22552s four fights in a row yeah and I mean
22555s Step One is the overclock yeah like
22559s but they're in a tough spot they have to
22560s come from behind in the last match too
22561s never forget so
22563s here we go Italy on the approach
22567s 90 pressure on camera down the burst off
22571s the back window you know the overclock
22574s says I got some burst in my home in
22576s Italy despite the rough start the
22578s countering cage
22579s really good even though they have to use
22582s both overclock and cold four and uh
22584s better they use it and win than use it
22585s and lose I suppose no it's brilliant
22588s like there's two things you can do in
22589s that scenario like you you lose Chimera
22591s like oh well I guess we fall back and
22592s play basketball like you know what we
22594s gotta win right now we gotta go 97
22596s meters you can't fall back at that point
22597s like exactly right uh so we're boned
22600s otherwise so we might as well throw it
22601s down and yukino hitting the shots
22604s um
22605s what a great play and yeah now they're
22609s in decent position start getting cart
22611s push but Denmark is going to uh just
22613s pull the butt right back
22616s both teams down their ranged hits can so
22619s uh it's all about May blizzards on both
22622s ends Naga Bruce Chimera who's gonna come
22625s out on top here Naga blizzard first time
22628s Aaron down once again it's slay no
22631s window required finds it region turns
22635s into a popsicle and Denmark maintains
22637s the pressure is only three minutes
22638s remain for Italy and a big big gap to
22641s overcome
22642s uh it's gonna be may as always it turns
22646s out in Denmark now both support
22647s ultimates too like actually the sport
22650s ultimates look great but like one of the
22652s closeout ultimates here if they can turn
22653s the corner is getting Bob like right
22656s around the corner it ends up being so
22657s brutal to bite into so yeah like right
22660s here if they can turn like four more
22662s meters the Bob's a closeout alt
22666s Chimera meanwhile onto the Hanzo
22668s sometimes you go fishing hope you land a
22671s few logs
22675s oh you know I just know your limits is
22678s what I'll say here
22680s Italy yukino ganglo super early Chimera
22684s still looking Doge on the point you Kino
22688s able to finish off Doge a lot of damage
22690s coalesce on the Doge real fast
22693s Italy though the loser Kino a little bit
22695s wounded across the board Rajon needs to
22697s stay alive Rajon dies it's all sorts of
22699s bad you see the pressure coming in beat
22701s comes out from Italy they know how they
22703s have to hold here they drop the beat but
22705s can they get a kill they can't slam
22708s Shockwave finish off those in the front
22710s Shockwave now looking for the back Hanzo
22713s in his sights Denmark it's a clean sweep
22716s a hundred meters and this is looking
22718s Grim for Italy
22720s there will be one more fight but it's
22722s not gonna be a pretty one and then even
22724s if Italy wins this fight they have to be
22726s Flawless the rest of the map based on
22728s the Mirage also Annihilation blizzard
22730s those are not things
22733s doesn't use window in fact that was just
22735s raw fine Shockwave nice little pick off
22738s by yukino makes this fight a lot less
22741s stressful than it could be but yeah yeah
22743s it's I think Denmark like didn't really
22745s care about losing that fight no I mean
22747s Italy's at the foot of Mount Everest
22749s right now uh yeah can't really claim
22751s you've climbed it at this point uh very
22754s long way to go and it's gonna be arduous
22756s uh realistically Denmark needs to make
22759s multiple mistakes and Italy needs to
22760s play out of their minds as we enter the
22762s final minute yeah I mean it's a really
22765s interesting thing about like how this
22766s map plays out to like just be like oh
22768s yeah just lose the fight don't give up
22770s anything so really important here yeah
22773s looking fading yukino under pressure in
22776s turn Doge goes for the annihilation and
22778s wasn't really near a bunch of people
22780s either Annihilation Fades early Doge now
22782s under very heavy pressure
22785s if you know we're gonna charge you in
22787s the back where Asian still has his
22788s Annihilation getting super low Raja
22790s needs to land the mortality field comes
22792s out
22793s go for the annihilation here they're
22794s down katakone
22796s immortality field gone Italy 28 seconds
22799s holding on and yeah Annihilation Into
22801s The Fray yukino goes down though Denmark
22803s is winning this on the fringes region
22806s Falls 18 seconds left for Italy and time
22809s running out
22811s Denmark's doing a really good job of
22813s segmenting off like parts of the squad
22816s so like
22818s a ramatra and a Lucio and a bath they
22821s kind of all want to play together in in
22823s Denmark does a really good job like
22824s calyx takes the one if you wanted for
22826s Lucio gotta coming down again yeah the
22828s cataclyn went down for the contest four
22830s left for Italy emergency Reinhardt swap
22833s if you got it they have to work around
22835s the Bob Italy the worst situational
22838s imaginable they dropped the window
22840s miking down immediately kellix Dives it
22843s like he just don't care in Denmark
22845s they're gonna take it they stay alive
22848s here in the OverWatch World Cup they
22850s don't let Italy succeed in the snipe
22854s still alive Denmark wins and yeah like
22857s when they're running kind of a mirror
22860s match
22861s um and we we've mentioned this several
22862s times before it's like it's the focus
22863s fire and like kind of figuring out one
22865s person to kill and what Denmark did so
22868s well is they they took the segmented
22870s parts of the team and the Lucio would go
22872s one view on the Lucio you're out of the
22874s fight you're out of the fight here's a
22875s wall here's the tank like they were just
22877s really good at picking apart parts of
22880s the squad that Italy was bringing to
22882s them
22882s um very good for them Denmark stays
22884s alive yeah and we say that in a somewhat
22888s liberal sense because I think you you
22889s take a look at the standings because of
22891s the head-to-head Denmark you know it's
22893s one of those things they did what they
22894s needed to do here today but they still
22896s need help and that help is uh they need
22898s Spain to lose I believe so you know it's
22900s gonna be a tense day tomorrow for
22903s OverWatch uh for Denmark as they you
22906s know their fate is no longer in their
22907s own hands but it would have been brutal
22910s if they lost this here because then of
22911s course there's no speculation they're
22913s just done so
22914s Denmark they do what they need to do but
22916s uh Italy didn't make it easy on them
22918s here hex
22919s well yeah no as far as Stakes go at
22922s least there's something to play for
22923s tomorrow now which is good for us you
22925s know I don't care about anybody else
22926s it's good for us no it's a good product
22928s it's good entertainment to watch
22931s um yeah I mean this different team
22935s I feel they could beat almost anybody
22937s above them in group a like and we've
22939s seen them beats like some of the best
22940s teams agreements in Great Britain like
22942s this is a squad that like if they don't
22945s make it it's going to be tragic but also
22946s if Spain doesn't make it it's going to
22948s be tragic so there's some really
22950s interesting stuff happening in group a
22952s and a lot of players playing really well
22954s and
22955s I don't know I know I know I've said it
22957s but like Doge's tank has has been the
22959s best I've seen him play today yeah I
22962s mean salon's doge is uh on the ramp I
22964s feel like Gibraltar was probably not the
22966s best example of play coming in from Doge
22968s but on the whole uh Denmark stay alive
22971s still a lot of bright spots for this
22973s team they don't let Italy eliminate them
22975s here just yet but you know what hex it's
22977s not over here just yet that might be the
22979s last match of the day but we're gonna
22980s take a break and when we come back and
22982s interview the breakdown that action just
22984s a little bit more
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23204s welcome back to the OverWatch World Cup
23206s emec online qualifiers I'm Jim Basco of
23208s course that's CP and that's hex and we
23210s just watched Denmark take it over Italy
23213s but not without a fight zp breakdown for
23215s us yeah I mean Italy is scary especially
23218s when other teams need the win to stay in
23220s the tournament their ability the snipe
23221s and just cause chaos in the group still
23225s unmatched and for me the standout for
23227s Italy was mapped to the tank play coming
23229s out from razion was incredible Italy
23232s really made a difference in engaging
23234s disengaging and the when they were able
23237s to play Winston on that level it really
23239s did throw Denmark for for Loop they
23241s weren't able to quite do as well in the
23243s ram mirror on the map 3 but still a
23246s valiant effort nonetheless
23247s yeah absolutely hex you know when we
23250s looked at the Italian Squad we would
23252s think initially that Denmark might just
23253s have this in the bag but really they
23255s come up They Came Out Swinging Denmark
23257s though secured it in three thoughts on
23258s that matchup well I mean like the
23260s Italian teams it's it's not a team that
23262s has like zero wins right like right
23264s they've beaten subscribers so I was
23267s readjusting my rankings yesterday like
23269s well Italy beat Spain and that Victory
23271s looks better and better and better every
23273s time that Spain plays so uh it's it's a
23276s tough team to beat so Denmark able to
23278s pull it off in the end and Denmark you
23280s know is still keeping their hopes alive
23281s remember got a rough draw as far as
23284s groups go like there's just a lot of
23286s solid solid teams and I don't think
23287s anyone expected Spain to be what they
23289s are I think everyone expected Denmark to
23291s be so oh it's solidified in this three
23294s spot but they're still working for it
23295s yeah the possibility is still there we
23298s can't rule them out just yet but with
23300s that said we actually have an interview
23301s with Fisher from Team Denmark so zp and
23304s X I'll be back with you in just a moment
23309s yo Fisher congrats on the victory over
23312s Italy how you feeling man
23314s thank you thank you yeah I feel good we
23316s still look a bit shaky and officials
23317s unfortunately but I'm I'm happy we got
23319s the dub
23321s um we're just we're gonna keep on
23322s focusing on the wins from now on we'll
23324s have one more match to go so uh all the
23326s focus is on tomorrow
23328s absolutely you know you that third place
23330s spot is still very possible only the top
23333s three make it out of group a so man talk
23334s about the journey right to make it to
23337s this point what were the past couple of
23338s months like the past couple of weeks
23339s leading up to the World Cup
23342s yeah I mean World Cup has always been
23343s super fun as a I mean I've been on the
23346s team for for three years before I you
23348s know retired before I started coaching
23349s and I think World Cup has always been
23351s this magical sort of event that makes
23352s OverWatch really special
23354s um so we obviously want to do well so
23356s you start screaming pretty early you
23357s start like
23358s um Talking To The Players about like you
23359s know when do you want to start screaming
23360s how much do you actually want to scrim
23362s how much like motivation do you have to
23363s do this stuff and the general consensus
23366s every time is that they want to do
23367s really really well every time you know
23369s every player has their own respective
23370s team you know some players are no roots
23372s League some are in contenders and
23373s whatever so scheduling can be difficult
23375s from time to time but
23377s um the general consensus like I said is
23379s that they always want to do well
23380s um and I think I think Denmark has a
23382s special camaraderie that also makes that
23383s like that process really fun
23386s um so it's been it's been an enjoyable
23387s couple of months uh obviously some tough
23389s losses here and there we're still
23391s shaking officials unfortunately but uh
23393s hopefully something we can look to work
23396s on if we qualify hopefully we do
23399s yeah fingers crossed man everyone for
23402s you guys I'm sure but talk to me about
23405s that Dynamic on the team right you guys
23406s have mentioned Denmark has a uh you guys
23409s have a history in the World Cup y'all
23411s are no slouches year after year you know
23413s what I mean you guys always put up an
23414s amazing roster and always do well so
23417s what's the dynamic like on the team
23418s what's it like to play What's the team
23420s like in the intense moments of those
23421s matches
23423s yeah like in the intense moments it
23425s unfortunately gets a little bit hectic I
23427s think everyone starts overcoming a
23428s little bit they start getting too
23429s excited they make mistakes that they
23431s wouldn't do in scrims which is really
23433s unfortunate and a really hard to deal
23435s with as a coach because if it doesn't
23436s happen in scrims it's hard to work on
23439s like already but I think right uh I
23442s think we've I think Denmark has had a
23443s past of like being the sort of Dark
23444s Horse in in OverWatch World Cup where I
23447s think most people might underestimate us
23449s you know for the initial sort of thing
23450s and then they actually see us play and
23451s then they think differently and I I kind
23454s of think that we like that sort of like
23456s ideology about the team
23458s um I think everyone kind of resonates
23459s with that
23460s um so it's that's that's the sort of
23462s like Vibe we're going for at least
23464s absolutely man I mean talk to us about
23467s what it's been like competing on the
23469s world stage representing Denmark of
23471s course like you said you were on the
23472s team yourself for a couple years in a
23474s row before stepping into the coaching
23475s role what does it mean to you to
23476s represent the country on a global stage
23478s in front of tens of thousands of people
23480s watching all over the world
23482s yeah it's it's absolutely awesome like
23484s when I think back of you know the events
23486s that when we were in World Cup in China
23487s for example in 2017 I think it was and
23489s in 18 in Thailand then 2019 in in Los
23493s Angeles like every time you're on stage
23495s for these events the the atmosphere is
23497s just electric and everyone is just there
23499s to like represent your teams and cheer
23501s for your teams and every viewer whether
23503s it's casual or you know competitive
23505s player it doesn't really matter like
23506s people are tuning in to just watch their
23509s team play and I think that's super
23511s special I think that's one of the
23513s greatest feelings I've ever had is like
23514s sitting on stage at these events and
23516s just like feeling the electric vibe from
23517s the from the audience
23519s um you know you can literally feel the
23521s stage rumbling when you're sitting there
23522s it's it's absolutely amazing it's one of
23524s the best feelings ever
23525s what a crazy feeling man and you know
23528s I'm sure the fans watching like you're
23530s saying right they've got to be feeling
23532s that Spirit right Denmark is here to
23534s play y'all are not out yet everyone's
23536s crossing your fingers for you so what's
23537s your message to the Danish fan base then
23540s that's watching at home right now
23543s um honestly
23544s I I really apologize for the poor
23546s performances we had versus France and
23547s Spain I think the like the France one
23550s was a good wake-up call I still don't
23551s think we should have lost I think we
23552s made silly mistakes the Spain loss was
23554s absolutely embarrassing I think they
23556s were they have great players in the team
23557s but I don't think we should ever lose
23558s them so I just want to apologize to the
23560s Danish fans
23562s um but hopefully they'll keep cheering
23563s for us we need to make sure that UK
23565s loses a match they are playing versus
23567s France tomorrow so we have to we have to
23569s cheer on our French friends tomorrow and
23573s make sure that UK loses so we can
23574s qualify
23576s oh man you know we are crossing our
23578s fingers for you man I appreciate you
23580s sitting down here with me today and best
23582s of luck in the next couple matches
23583s thank you so much
23585s thanks man
23587s zp hacks man I mean I I love this energy
23591s in that right uh you gotta give it to
23593s them I love the positivity that they're
23594s bringing into it but like they said they
23595s have one match remaining they're gonna
23598s give it their best but their fate is a
23600s little bit out of their own hands hex
23602s need a little help you know that that
23604s happens in every kind of sport every
23606s time kind of competition you do what you
23608s can you do it what's in front of you and
23610s maybe need a little help you know you
23612s can't worry about anything else like
23613s that so
23614s um you know I totally agree with that
23616s like you know I think it's totally
23618s legitimate that you know maybe Great
23620s Britain loses it's possible so you see
23622s and there's a chance there's a chance
23624s you know why don't we go ahead and take
23625s a look at the schedule and recap some of
23627s the matches that happen today and then
23629s we'll take a moment here to discuss what
23631s we're looking forward at of course we
23633s started our day today with the Saudi
23634s Arabia 2-0 over Germany Norway then two
23637s ones Poland followed by Finland going to
23639s over turkey as well Sweden then
23641s continued that with 2-0 over Iceland
23643s Great Britain in a 2-0 over Spain the
23646s Netherlands 2-0 Portugal and we just
23649s came out of the match Denmark 2-1 over
23651s Italy coming into tomorrow though that
23655s is where this third spot will get
23657s decided zp all the tensions will be
23660s riding on it uh how are you feeling
23662s coming into day eight the final day of
23665s the eme emec qualifiers oh I'm excited
23668s just to see what happens it's also funny
23670s to see this new era of diplomacy going
23672s out here where you know we're just
23673s improving enforcing international
23674s relations by teams you need to win or
23677s lose where all of a sudden marks is like
23678s look we love France like France is like
23681s yes like please you know uh we also
23684s don't like uh you know the UK uh Great
23686s Britain uh nearly as much here in this
23688s case you know actually uh yeah not not a
23690s fan at least for one day right as they
23692s go right so it definitely seeing the
23695s rooting interests like change depending
23697s on what end result you want to happen is
23700s pretty fun and uh yeah I mean the tough
23703s thing for Denmark of course is that they
23705s do not control their own destiny anymore
23706s they have to be passengers on a train
23708s that they do not control but it is going
23711s to be fun to watch nonetheless
23714s sorry go ahead X there's a lot of
23716s matches that like mean something
23717s tomorrow and then there's some teams
23719s that are in there's some teams that are
23720s out the weather in one of those matches
23723s the teams are in and out that I want to
23725s really watch uh Sweden versus Saudi
23727s Arabia I really really want to see it
23729s Sweden's out Saudi Ray was in group B's
23731s locked up but I would love to see Sweden
23734s like actually put a beaten and figure
23736s out like how to how to put down uh the
23738s fairer Mercy nothing against Saudi
23740s Arabia but I think if anyone is going to
23742s show you how you can knock the pharah or
23745s the echo out of the sky it is going to
23747s be the sweetest God so like I love it
23749s they have nothing to play for either
23751s Squad really
23752s um uh that's the one I'm looking forward
23753s to with no Stakes at all Sweden Saudi
23756s Arabia match two looking forward yeah
23758s and hex real quick on that my quick
23760s add-on to that is that there's a term
23762s for that in sports whether it be Esports
23763s traditional sportswear me that's putting
23765s down the blueprints where like Sweden
23766s might be out of it but they can throw
23768s down the blueprint of how to beat Saudi
23770s Arabia tomorrow is you know kind of the
23772s party gift to the heard of it perhaps so
23774s you know that if nothing else that's
23775s something you can take pride in if
23777s Sweden is able to pull it off yeah
23779s that's the reality right Saudi Arabia
23781s set the stage for making that far just
23783s an absolute Abomination to deal with
23785s people try to and people try to
23786s replicating the pharah gameplay as well
23788s they did not go nearly as well for those
23790s teams as it did for Saudi Arabia that
23792s said though day seven in the books one
23795s day remains to figure out which five
23797s teams will advance to the main event the
23799s OverWatch World Cup 2023 continues
23802s tomorrow same time same place same
23804s people we'll see you then thanks so much
23806s for tuning in
23814s yesterday
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24070s let's go
12 months ago - PlayOverwatch - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

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604s the Day of Reckoning for teams gathered
607s from around the globe is finally here
610s the final day of the OverWatch World Cup
611s emec qualifiers starts now I'm Jim Basco
615s joined by none other than zp and hex to
618s bring you all the latest action of
620s course there are 14 teams between two
624s groups that have been competing in two
626s weeks of non-stop action five teams will
628s move forward to the main event zp and
631s hex man it's been an adventurous two
634s weeks there have been so many story
635s lines zp how are you feeling heading
638s into the final day of competition here I
639s mean final deck competition still very
641s interesting which you can't always say
643s after a group stage I've done a lot of
645s OverWatch uh World Cup group stages and
647s let me tell you the final day sometimes
649s is a very uh you know low-key Affair you
652s already know everyone that's advancing
654s not the case today where there's still
655s story lines to follow especially as we
657s get later in the day it's been great to
659s watch and hopefully today delivers
662s yeah same question to you man how are
664s you feeling coming into this last day
665s there are so many storylines for us to
667s follow and of course we'll get into them
668s in just a second here yeah I mean the
671s date gets more interesting as we go
672s forward like uh the the last couple of
674s matches are really really gonna you know
677s put a stamp on how this match or how
680s this uh group went uh early on like you
683s know Group B is pretty much locked up uh
685s well we'll see though but like you know
687s Germany pull in like they're playing for
690s pride right now so
691s yeah it's it's gonna be interesting
694s going forward I'm really looking forward
696s to match three Sweden versus Saudi
698s Arabia I like I think that one actually
700s could be super hype even though the
701s stakes aren't really high right yeah
703s with that said let's go ahead and take a
704s look at the schedule let's talk about
705s the format and talk about how we got to
708s where we are today of course uh every
710s team here has been competing over the
712s course of two weeks it's a round robin
714s tournament and it's first to two so
716s being being a single stage these two
718s weeks have been non-stop action of
720s course today we'll talk about the
722s standings in just a second but the match
723s is just around the corner we've got
725s Germany versus Poland to start off your
727s day then following is turkey turkey
729s versus Norway Sweden versus Saudi Arabia
732s which you mentioned will be great
734s Denmark versus the Netherlands later on
736s in the day and then we've got Belgium
739s versus Italy followed by Spain versus
741s Portugal followed by Great Britain
744s versus France all three of those matches
747s with giant implications hex you know
750s walk us through a little a bit of what
752s we're expecting with that second half of
753s the day you mentioned that group b
755s pretty much settled group a though
757s definitely very different here it all
759s starts with a match four right like
761s Denmark has to take care of business
763s against the Netherlands and then we'll
764s see how it goes on like later in the day
766s and then like Great Britain versus
768s France is the match that we all wanted
770s to see like I think you know good job
772s schedule makers putting that as the last
774s match of the tournament uh could have
777s huge implications only three teams get
779s out of group a uh and and you know Spain
782s has been the this kind of Great Dark
784s Horse Wild Card upset potential we'll
786s see if they get out it's like Spain vs
789s Denmark really who's gonna take that
790s third Spot Great Britain in France kind
792s of have it locked up yeah talking about
794s group a right you mentioned the top
795s three a group a will be moving forward
796s the top two of Group B for looking at
798s the standings for group a right now like
800s you said it's France at the very top
801s Great Britain tied actually
804s with friends with the exact same game
806s score and map score really impressive
808s and we're not surprised because
809s obviously very strong teams and then
810s that third place spot which is gonna be
813s the one that will make sure you get to
814s the main event Denmark's sitting in it
816s currently but Spain is licking at their
818s heels they share the same game score and
820s that map differential is the only thing
822s carrying Denmark right now and of course
824s in group b we've got Saudi Arabia in
826s Finland in the top two spots so those
828s two teams will be moving forward to the
830s main event that said though zp and hex
832s have an amazing first match and I'll
834s catch you guys on the other side of it
836s all right getting into it once more here
838s hex another matchup where the teams are
840s playing for pride you know neither of
842s these teams can advance but you still
845s see teams go out of their way the make a
847s showing uh at the end uh it's pretty
849s rare that team will go like nah I'm done
850s you know if anything you'll see teams be
852s a little bit more experimental in a
854s match like this
855s well I mean for a lot of these players
856s as well it's like their last uh really
859s important match like a match that like
861s you know it has viewers has things on
864s the line so uh definitely it's still
866s gonna get the best effort out of both uh
868s Germany and Poland Germany had had a
871s tough matchup they just got beat really
873s bad by by Saudi Arabia they're two and
875s four they've beaten Iceland they've
877s beaten turkey but losses to Finland
879s Norway Sweden Saudi Arabia which are
881s like almost kind of to be expected those
882s are just better teams uh when I when I
885s look at the squad I look at uh QX and I
887s look at Sue cracks as their best players
890s um they're they're on a team called
891s sheer cold in contenders and I expect
894s them to kind of carry it through so
897s yeah I mean the Distributing team has
899s been interesting Phi has also had really
902s really big moments and we'll see if they
905s can pull it off against Poland but like
907s yeah they're looking for uh you know a
909s big record on their marker to try to get
910s to three and four I believe also Germany
912s in general has a great support staff and
914s structure around it where you know that
916s when a player like Rutherford can have
918s their internet go out and then they can
920s just immediately rush over to a friend's
921s house and re-download the game plan and
924s play within 20 minutes you know that
926s there's true friendship going on that's
928s a good friend yeah but uh that's Germany
931s looking over to Poland and we see here
933s there have been bright spots too right
935s Philly in on the pharah I have at points
938s uh particularly Texel and you know it
939s hasn't really equated much in the way of
941s wins but you know this is not a team
944s that you can completely count out
945s especially in a matchup like this
947s well not at all because this is a team
949s that actually you know won a map against
951s Norway which is one of the better teams
953s in the group too they put up a solid
954s fight they ended up losing the the match
956s one to two but they're trying to put
958s down a good marker here after not being
960s able to play in the last World Cup uh
962s they they really want to put a stamp on
965s it and you know
966s solidify what Poland is on the world
969s stage yeah so it'll be interesting to
971s see what they have here and also I mean
973s you know while in this uh match as we go
976s to illus might not matter as much you
977s know taking a map actually overall in
980s the World Cup does uh tend the matter
981s right where uh you think about later
983s today right Denmark essentially out into
986s lost scenarios they lose even one map to
988s Netherlands but if they had lost less
990s earlier in the tournament they wouldn't
991s be in that situation but regardless yeah
993s they'd be yeah better off if you lose
995s less
996s than very reductive just don't lose
1000s but we're heading to ilios we'll see
1002s what the teams have for us I do love
1004s ilios as a first uh control map just
1006s because you do get to see different
1007s styles uh how you play ruins isn't
1009s necessarily how you play well and
1012s Lighthouse also tends to be a little bit
1014s different yeah for sure I mean it's kind
1017s of interesting that they're running
1018s Philly on here it's that's always been
1020s the question with uh this Poland spot is
1022s it are they gonna run icab or Philly I
1023s mean it kind of uh dictates are they
1026s gonna run hit scan or are they going to
1027s run phillions Tracer has been really
1030s really good but I think they had Philly
1033s on like you know maybe we'll see fully
1034s on on pharah
1036s um but philian's Tracer has been the
1038s bright spot or when uh they play yeah I
1041s mean I think what we're gonna see here I
1043s do think it'll be filling in on pharah
1044s and then ikev on the you know something
1046s that's a little bit more ranged hit scan
1049s maybe an ash maybe a Cassidy
1052s uh qrx just leaking strats before things
1055s begin gonna put the diva bomb in the
1057s doorway guys there you go
1059s I don't even know what that means yeah
1061s I'm not entirely sure either I'm not
1063s yeah look at this is there a hidden
1065s meeting here that I'm not kidding but uh
1067s yeah that's the other interesting thing
1069s in the last few days teams have gone far
1071s chattier hex and very chatty very very
1074s chatty Kathy is in the in the in the
1075s chats uh so yeah Philly and we'll uh
1078s play it looks like
1080s um not fair necessarily but Echo so
1083s going to the sky on this matchup versus
1085s Germany you notice that uh you know if a
1087s player plays Farah they also tend to
1089s play that guns the sky's specialization
1091s as it turns out
1094s there we go yep
1097s still in right now on the echo looking
1100s for some early poke Echo V Echo
1103s Germany right now uh there is a
1106s difference between Stylistics where one
1107s team is running the Ash and the other on
1108s the Tracer and both teams
1111s yeah that's definitely the huge
1113s difference is excuse me the aggression
1116s so maybe Poland is gonna try to dive the
1117s back line with their Tracer
1120s um and Jeremy is going to be a little
1122s more reactive that's an active moment
1124s though that is a very hectic alien just
1127s gets sniped out of the sky also
1129s Germany's running the mercy Poland isn't
1131s here so there's no second life for Dylan
1132s but filkin goes down billions dead so
1135s pretty big Advantage here for Germany on
1137s the first fight QR finds flipper and
1141s first control goes over to Germany and
1143s also when you're running the ash I mean
1144s obviously winning first control is good
1146s period but also when you're running a
1148s range hit scan the ability to set up on
1150s a more defensive setup cannot be
1152s understated
1154s yeah really nice it's also going to be
1155s interesting for Germany like you
1157s mentioned Mercy but is the mercy gonna
1158s sit with the echo or are you going to
1160s damage boost the ash like a damage
1162s boosted long-range hit scan is
1164s absolutely brutal to play against too uh
1166s Poland is gonna make a switch Philly is
1167s going to go back to their comfort hero
1169s and Tracer yeah this makes sense here
1171s especially given the fact that the ashes
1173s in play like it's it's a lot as Echo
1175s they have to worry about a mercy boosted
1177s Echo and an ash that's uh too much hard
1180s mode there especially when you don't
1181s have a mercy of your own so
1183s meanwhile going on set point a little
1185s bit of pressure right now on hitori and
1187s a boost been on the buy as this is going
1190s on and if I got slapped oh that was
1192s going on textile lands asleep on the Fly
1194s gets taken down and he was nanoed so
1197s Poland now the real opportunity to swap
1199s this one around
1201s to see Fillion
1203s getting the health pack working back
1204s around hitori getting very very low here
1206s Ruffin pop the valkyrie to try to eat
1209s things up Bob came on the field but
1210s Poland still is in a better spot Bob is
1213s out of there forever again very very low
1215s heeled back up this advantage of Poland
1218s heso is gonna fade soon because five
1219s just got back into the fight God I can't
1221s the qrx gets one and Poland had a huge
1224s window of opportunity after designing
1226s the Nano hex it just didn't happen yeah
1228s I think we just saw Depot bombing the
1229s doorway though like the code's been
1232s cracked they did put the diva in the
1234s corner
1235s um and yeah absolutely nice eat there
1237s too on phillion to make sure that that
1239s Tracer pulse bomb does not hit
1241s and Germany looking
1243s very dominant so far in this first stage
1248s all righty Germany 77 to 15.
1252s getting very close to the point where
1254s one more team fight will do it for them
1255s one opens up with the Bob
1258s don't think the Bob has done too too
1260s much here man it's definitely Zone
1262s Germany back a little bit but right now
1265s you just look at icab looking for
1266s anything and oh taking down counterpoke
1269s from qrx just a little bit better
1274s Owen's just bleeding even when they get
1277s the d-macx they're not able to get
1278s enough follow through and yeah Hattori
1280s might be down but Germany still is far
1283s more on the point
1284s yeah I mean the echo's a problem and
1287s they haven't been able to deal with it
1288s they've been able to deal with like any
1290s problems here and I'm like straight up
1292s they just got Ash diff like
1295s the dynamite I think hit the wall and
1298s came back into icam space there and then
1301s he got dynamited themselves so kind of
1304s rough a little bit of a late switch but
1306s Germany will take stage one against
1309s Poland
1311s as we go into ruins I wonder if we'll
1314s see some uh Widow here I believe that's
1317s probably gonna be in the cards as you
1319s look at qrx uh Widow being shown early
1322s here for Germany obviously it can change
1325s by the time all the players head on out
1327s of the spawn door but look the way qrx
1329s has been hitting shots in the ash I'd go
1331s with the Widow see if it works Widow is
1333s still like one of the more effective
1334s Heroes here on ruins just because the
1336s nature of like when you engage on people
1338s still makes Widow reasonably effective
1340s quick swap onto the Sim but is the swap
1343s gonna go back to whatever it is so we
1344s will see a little bit of Widow here from
1346s Germany
1348s and also I want to I want to really kind
1350s of try to focus this junker Queen match
1352s up too like it's such an important 1v1
1355s to work with like they're like pretty
1357s much most of these compositions right
1358s now that we're seeing are just based on
1360s one view once that's an enormous pick
1362s what if your anti-air was just your
1364s character
1366s that was that was a resident that was
1368s 100 of residence that just got denied by
1370s Philly Philly just went to the body and
1372s says no you're not getting this back up
1374s qrx though finds the Quick Pick onto the
1377s ash now Poland is also running Mercy
1379s this time around so I think orez is
1381s probably gonna come up here yeah ikev
1382s comes back up but not a bad early pick
1384s oh I had an opportunity for the mercy
1386s and
1387s your ex uh just hold on to it
1391s really nice opening here for Poland as
1394s they have 15 and counting up but that
1396s might be the Difference Maker Now
1398s there's nothing to pressure icat or uh
1400s qrx
1401s yeah and qrx uh not a good player to
1403s leave with no pressure as it turns out
1405s just lands those immediately
1409s let me get fire back too
1412s always like seeing the uh on fire
1413s animation
1416s uh definitely it was it was it was
1417s missed when it was gone for sure how
1420s else do people know I'm really good yeah
1422s if I'm not on fire they just have to
1424s believe me when I say them all goals
1426s [Laughter]
1428s uh the qrx
1431s good position towards here from back the
1433s lane gets caught by Sue crack so both
1434s here it goes
1436s getting some decent work done here and
1438s thus far
1440s yeah I didn't see it but like trying to
1442s go on akirko 1v1 as Tracer it is it's
1445s just a bad idea for the most part like
1446s you know the the support lines being
1449s able to one God Tracer
1451s um I have opinions on it but like you
1453s see it right there yeah I mean it's one
1455s of those things where uh it doesn't feel
1456s good when it happens but right now a
1458s kind of a sleepy round here so far
1460s really hasn't been a lot of engagements
1462s but a lot of posturing a little bit
1464s poking but now we have Poland trying to
1465s move on in forever getting poke down
1467s pretty heavily early on tonight runs
1469s from Texas on the way out your ex
1471s meanwhile sniping in on the Widow Recon
1474s sight out of duplicate is on for Germany
1476s double junker Queen
1478s hold on though they get down to Tory
1480s early
1481s surviving pretty well the Kitsune doing
1483s a lot for Poland off the engage and
1486s forever just trying to make room on the
1487s point looking for five five getting low
1489s five gets the burn down
1491s the support in the back keeping fire
1493s alive all the while Germany's still in
1496s control of the point even though they're
1497s down members but for how long are they
1499s gonna be down numbers as five grabs the
1500s Widow and just as the one person they
1503s can't get rid of here hex
1505s I I mean I think that Tori went any
1507s thinking they were going to get Rampage
1508s and and win that fight based off of that
1510s but now they're gonna have Rampage
1512s coming back into it this is a really
1514s nice stall for Poland though like
1516s Poland's able to pull it back and you
1518s know Jeremy it looked like they had won
1520s the fight but Holland's gun enough to
1522s keep control of the points and you know
1525s now Germany's to back up yeah Jerry has
1527s to back up and the funniest part about
1528s all that is that you know Poland had
1529s respawns come back in they retook but if
1532s I didn't die that entire time still The
1535s Immortal Echo for now until I can't
1537s believe
1542s that is a brutal pick yeah I'm losing
1545s rough in that early you know the one
1546s person can't rest the mercy herself as
1550s uh forever comes in finds Phi that's one
1553s way yeah they committed Rampage
1559s yeah Poland has this they're in a really
1561s decent spot right now it's Germany like
1563s you know they lost their Mercy early and
1565s then still went in with the jumper Queen
1568s now Poland has their own Rampage and
1570s their own beat yeah I mean the only way
1572s Germany wins this next fight and if we
1574s don't go to round three is if qrx lands
1576s an early pick or the duplicate from 50
1578s one of those two things has to happen
1581s Queen immediately
1584s I got Texas Down super early so this is
1587s a good start but I can't win this Widow
1589s matchup five though the duplicate still
1591s doing really good work and Tori down but
1594s I will not be stopped on the point the
1596s duplicate for five exactly what Germany
1599s needed to stay in the fight get control
1602s and now Poland though is really well
1605s geared hex for this Recon test yeah the
1608s dearly killing text only is absolutely
1610s enormous however Poland does have
1612s everything in their bank and you should
1614s be seeing them smash all their cues
1616s right now uh trying to set up ikev onto
1618s the Genji an interesting pick late here
1621s to to swap it up but maybe like you you
1624s beat engage and then you ramble it right
1626s yeah it's speed engage then I can't
1627s Dodge qrx oh billion is already there
1629s Germany down one early on in Poland's
1632s about to press Q on everyone bomb comes
1634s in Pavilion gets it Tori in Poland
1637s rushing on to the point 99 to 99 Jeremy
1641s okay you still have pie around but how
1643s long can you possibly you can test here
1645s on the echo this is gonna require a
1647s miracle or a major beef Phi goes down
1650s resident might come in but that is the
1652s least safe for us ever rapid Falls and
1655s Poland looking real good here the force
1659s around three Victoria down and yeah
1662s that's gonna be it round three here we
1663s go
1664s I really like that late like we you know
1666s the Valkyries coming out for mercy and
1669s then they just decide to not shoot at
1670s the mercy because Mercy's so slippery if
1673s you've ever tried to shoot at a mercy
1675s um in Valk mode especially you know that
1678s you're just never killing it so they
1680s take down the uh pocket of the mercy
1683s instead and make Mercy have a decision
1686s of go res and then we'll kill you
1688s otherwise so really well played by
1690s Poland they pull it back there you know
1693s filion's been such a good player for
1695s this squad and I think like denying the
1697s rezas has been so crucial and that's
1699s your job as Tracer like almost number
1701s one job if your team is able to take out
1703s the sky and you don't deny the res
1705s that's on you and philion's been really
1708s good at the Tracer denying rezies yeah I
1710s mean we saw it multiple times even when
1711s it was off screen it's like hey wait if
1713s I died early and two seconds later hey
1715s Mercy died to a tracer gee I wonder what
1717s happened you don't need a visual of that
1719s to understand exactly how that plays let
1722s me letting in team res is just
1723s demoralizing too it's like we killed
1726s somebody oh but I guess we didn't
1728s oh I have for a little bit of pressure
1731s here
1731s both teams trading out poke the ash
1734s First cast match up right now five
1737s though still the one you really have to
1739s watch out for here in Germany for more
1740s Scene so far fine get it going fight
1742s down come not by the cast grenade the
1745s res though gonna be there and forever
1746s gets taken down so overall not a bad set
1750s of Trades here for Germany though qrx is
1752s so low this barely stays alive still
1756s Germany with first control
1759s this control and then they will clean up
1761s the rest of it as well this ash is gonna
1764s be a pain to deal with because if you
1766s look at Poland's composition they don't
1767s want anyone who really gets high ground
1769s like what are you doing here
1771s um
1772s you still have the mercy but there's no
1775s Sky character so Mercy's gonna just be
1777s damage boosting people on the ground
1779s it's an interesting combat like if
1781s you're Germany you just set up your
1782s flash on high ground and choose the rest
1784s of the cast here you go it does help in
1786s that situation I mean boosting the cast
1788s versus the echo it's not the worst idea
1790s in the world but it does rely a lot on I
1793s can't think shots there's a heavy
1794s investment there Dylan a little bit of
1796s pressure in the back of Tory caught body
1797s blocked down I don't know if that body
1800s block is intentional but if either way
1802s it was great puts Germany in a tough
1804s spot Fillion now working pressuring the
1807s mercy trying to get rid of the lifeline
1809s the five five duplicates down now before
1811s getting icab though so Germany's still
1814s with tools to contest they do lose
1816s control of the point probably gonna back
1818s up and wait for five
1819s yeah you wait a little bit here and then
1822s you probably wait for Bob uh the bobbing
1825s gauge could be really nice to hold on
1826s onto the point
1828s and yeah also Germany is going to have a
1830s valkyrie too so that Valk Echo could be
1833s an enormous thing
1835s all right into the fight we go
1837s two night out early here for Poland
1840s Valkyrie in from Rapid
1842s both teams pretty well healed pretty
1844s well supported Bob coming in late for
1846s qrx in the light bulb kind of a gamble
1848s but also something that can really hurt
1850s as the fight goes icab goes for the Dead
1852s Eye gets nothing
1855s one fight with no pickups here just yet
1857s but something's gonna break Sue cracks
1859s Kitsune Rush the rush into Poland and
1862s this time they can't get away last
1863s Kitsune wins
1866s well Bob's so good just like just as a
1868s point control too you don't have to
1870s fight you just put Bob there and then
1871s they have to deal with it and that's how
1873s Germany's able to uh switch that one
1875s around now Poland back against the wall
1878s they need to win this next fight but
1879s they're going to go into a Germany squad
1881s that has Rampage ready
1884s for this team
1885s um yeah Rampage tours Rampage you know
1888s we talked so much about like you know uh
1891s opposing alts and this one's all about
1893s value rapid gets caught the boosted cast
1897s coming in big for Poland and mercy
1900s getting picked early probably the most
1902s important pickup you can get here for
1904s pulling but qrx grabs too it's not
1906s entirely over here just yeah that Tori
1908s Gets A textile and Poland just collapses
1911s after what should have been a good fight
1913s they weren't able to stabilize in
1915s Germany now on the verge of taking the
1918s round taking the map they get the
1919s cleanup they need and that is brutal for
1922s a fight you would have thought Poland
1924s would win
1925s you know we set it up or I set it up as
1927s like uh you know junker Queen vs Joker
1930s Queen who's gonna get value out of that
1931s ultimate and
1933s can't get value out of the ultimate if
1935s you don't use it so it went back to went
1937s back to spawn with the checkpoint so
1939s it's one of those ultimates that has a
1941s lingering effect the anti-heel and then
1944s like they just ended up getting cleaned
1946s up and we thought we think about like
1949s qrx is like one of the better players on
1950s Germany absolutely comes through really
1953s really strong performance on ash you
1955s know I will say I do like that we're
1957s seeing teams across the board like not
1959s just in this matchup experiment a little
1961s bit more with going hmm what if we Mercy
1963s boost our Ash or our cast I feel like
1966s it's good especially the fact that you
1969s think about it you just had the Nerf
1970s Widow because Widow was way too good at
1973s range and like super powerful with one
1975s shots right well you can get right
1977s vaguely up to that level of power just
1979s by Mercy boosting like so if you think
1981s it's such a strong thing that you had
1983s the Nerf you know
1985s people can explore with getting back up
1987s to that level of power and they are
1989s starting to we'll see how long it takes
1991s to percolate though it's oddly one of
1993s those conversations that comes and goes
1995s in the community about like how broken
1997s damage boost is and then people forget
2000s about it for a little bit
2002s damage boosting hit scan is insanely
2005s good it's so strong especially if the
2008s other team is not damage boosting theirs
2009s like that's just how you win those
2011s matchups
2012s um yeah maybe I'm biased because I lost
2014s like three matches last night to get
2016s some damage was a dash it was pretty
2018s rough but yeah it's really really strong
2021s and I think if you're gonna run a mercy
2022s anyway on those things to be able to
2024s toggle from your pharah or your Echo to
2027s like maybe throw over to your Ash or
2030s your Widow those are crazy pick
2032s potential uh Heroes and you saw it right
2035s there crazy good yeah all in all though
2038s Germany coming in stronghold and having
2041s their moments but in both teams final
2043s match here in the OverWatch World Cup
2045s Germany just a little bit ahead does
2047s Poland have anything left to contest
2049s Germany or will it be a 2-0 we'll see
2052s after the break
2054s [Applause]
2055s [Music]
2111s foreign
2140s [Music]
2144s foreign
2166s [Music]
2185s foreign
2197s [Applause]
2197s [Music]
2200s [Applause]
2202s [Music]
2211s [Applause]
2215s [Music]
2227s [Music]
2234s [Music]
2255s [Music]
2270s thank you
2273s Germany looking super strong against
2275s Poland and map one whether it be on the
2278s hit scan on the ground or the echo in
2280s the skies Germany so far has had it
2282s covered hex
2285s yeah absolutely and I think like
2287s you know we we spoke in break about how
2291s powerful that damage boosted hit scan
2294s can be like I think a lot of people have
2296s forgotten about it necessarily
2299s um but you you saw the power of it there
2301s now it's going to be Poland's map pick
2303s they've gone to Circuit a couple of
2305s times
2306s um and circuit would be an interesting
2308s map to go to especially like how the
2310s yeah we're gonna go to Circuit again uh
2313s how the hitscans have played out do you
2315s really think that you have a better
2316s chance against the hitscan of of Germany
2320s with the damage boost but I I think we
2321s might see the the damage boosted Ash or
2324s Widow play out here on circuit yeah I
2326s mean look it seems we're rolling the
2328s Triad in the last match or last map
2330s rather and hey give it a shot here it's
2333s longer range why not at the very least
2334s Poland went to the well once they might
2337s go to it again uh you know again
2339s experiment a little bit see what you
2341s have in the tank and uh what works and
2344s you know for Poland here at this point
2345s there truly is nothing left to lose
2347s right it could be your last map in the
2349s tournament you know regardless of
2351s performance it's your last match you'll
2352s have some fun with it right
2354s well I mean even even if there's not
2356s Stakes to win a group or get out of
2359s group like you're always putting down
2361s game tape you're always putting down
2363s like this is what I am as a player you
2366s never know if that's a contender Squad
2367s and OverWatch League squad or even next
2369s year's National teams so you always want
2371s to put down good tape that's why these
2372s teams are always going to compete as
2374s hard as they possibly can
2376s um yeah Poland going to circuit is you
2379s know makes sense they've done it several
2381s times before so this one ends up being
2384s like icab versus QR and who gets the
2387s better of it but we're gonna see sigmas
2389s across the board
2391s alrighty Poland yeah
2396s well it's it's such a strange map
2398s because it's always this composition you
2400s don't see this composition on any other
2402s map it's like Sigma Widow and like this
2405s map is the only map you see Sigma Widow
2407s on yeah Sigma also yeah kind of fill out
2409s a favor on Havana also where you know I
2411s think earlier the casting this year uh
2413s anytime we went to sing or Havana we saw
2415s the sigma door frame battle right and uh
2418s you know Sigma in many ways is uh at
2422s least in this OverWatch one kind of
2424s feels like it's been a little bit of a
2426s circuit Royale specialist hero yeah even
2429s Rialto like used to be a sigma map but
2432s now you kind of run Diva on it to push
2434s people off of High Ground early on icab
2436s gets the better of it yeah a quick
2438s little pick here for my Kev no mercies
2440s inside either side Zen's on both sides
2442s though so a lot of support pickoff
2444s potential I'll pick up potential in
2446s general really when you're running
2447s double sniper uh zenbap everyone could
2451s get kills here
2452s equal opportunity
2454s yeah this is a map where you just look
2456s at the top left and be like who got
2458s kills okay they're winning like it's
2459s just a pick-off map
2461s I mean a fight can be even until it's
2464s not Hanzo looking for Widow Widow
2467s looking for Hanzo
2469s right now it's all about that all
2471s important first pick Zen's can pop off
2474s at any time forever though getting a
2476s little bit low here pulling under
2477s pressure from Germany
2479s looking back here the icav gets the pick
2482s nice little shot on the qrx
2485s probably an ill-advised jump there
2487s towards the end I kept saw the jump and
2489s uh went right on it
2491s it's it's one of those things when
2493s you're playing Sniper in pretty much any
2495s game jumping is good because it throws
2498s your putting off but bad because it lets
2500s your opponent predict where you're going
2501s to land uh so you see it right there and
2505s it's just that like that's all it takes
2507s to win a fight yep
2510s Germany pushed back a little bit from
2512s that pickoff from minute 30 burned off
2514s the clock and again this is like one of
2517s those matchups where it's slow until
2520s it's passed and we got the window down
2522s now
2524s answered by another window so you talk
2526s about lethality on both sides surely
2528s someone's gonna fall the flux though is
2531s huge
2532s some flux from Forever picks everyone up
2534s slams them down can't ask for more than
2537s that
2540s yeah
2542s it's such a good flux there on the
2545s defense so solid so on the offense like
2547s you're pretty much trying to check these
2549s boxes of I want to take first Corner
2551s then second Corner then checkpoints like
2553s there's three things you need to do on
2555s offense you have to kind of win three
2557s fights to do them uh Germany we'll see
2559s if they can get their their same value
2561s out of their ultimate too as Alex has
2563s flux ready yeah I mean all eyes have to
2566s be on Alex and the flux that's coming up
2568s there that is the key ultimate in the
2571s next fight and Alex is moving forward
2573s also meanwhile you gotta look at Forever
2575s who should be holding Rock like ideally
2577s you hold Rock here just waiting for the
2580s flux to come out
2581s I also taking a long time to pull the
2584s trigger here I mean it's a couple of
2585s things where you don't want to hold it
2586s forever but at some point you gotta go
2590s well yeah I mean the value you're gonna
2592s get out of rock that's not uh an ALT
2594s counselor is different all right it's
2597s the old it's nowhere near as good of a
2599s fox that grabs the sigma nothing else
2602s and billion just feasts drops the dragon
2604s the cover forever and Lance three
2607s pick-offs as a result massive dragon
2609s from Fillion and Germany running out of
2612s options here Poland's defense has looked
2614s impeccable here in circuit Royale the
2617s alt itself wasn't that great but the
2619s follow-up was absolutely clutch we've
2621s talked about Philly on being one of the
2623s only uh carryovers from the previous
2625s polling team I think 2017 2018 they
2628s couldn't get the funds to to field a
2631s World Cup team
2632s um now back at it again and gets a nice
2635s three piece however Germany both sniper
2638s ultimates off I think more importantly
2640s than that Germany is just going to try
2641s and reinforce us here use the
2642s Transcendence of Handy just rush over
2644s and in they get icav and quickly a fall
2648s through the dragon from five
2650s and those two pick-offs plus the Dragon
2652s that should be enough for Germany maybe
2654s not to get the point but certainly to
2656s push for it it's gonna be close the
2658s payload's like in that in between Zone
2660s where baby pulling gets out for a good
2662s contest but it's gonna be down to the
2664s wire
2665s should be able to get the point but also
2667s like the great thing for Germany there
2668s is they they say both support ultimately
2670s both of these enormously for their
2673s support lines but it doesn't matter
2676s uh yeah the two things where it's like
2678s you wonder do you can test or not and it
2681s leans more towards not because now
2683s there's another moment here of Germany
2684s just having a 5v4
2687s yeah I'm gonna try to take some space
2689s here this is a point of the map where it
2691s gets kind of odd for your offensive
2693s snipers right like
2695s there's not a great like high ground or
2697s sight line like where are you gonna push
2699s from Phi is doing the the Hanzo dance of
2703s walking up the wall and shooting blind
2704s arrows
2706s shoot the arrows and sometimes you hit
2708s but also sometimes the Widow has ended
2711s turn
2713s for one for one pain
2715s finds I can
2717s have first Zen blood
2719s coming on in this end's been a little
2721s bit quiet today yeah should we call this
2723s a triple sniper comp because Zen kind of
2725s has that sniper ability I mean bath with
2727s Windows also pretty deadly but here we
2729s go forever with the flux Corso
2731s Transcendence from Pandy
2733s Germany not looking to give up any
2735s ground here whatsoever Fillion close to
2738s a dragon probably gonna let it go
2739s immediately after getting it so Dragon
2742s set up now you look Dragon immediately
2744s going down Broad Street Eats fire right
2746s up really nice dragon from Philly and
2748s you look at the rest of Poland now just
2751s diving on in Texel taking down his
2753s counterpart all set up by the dragon
2755s Alex flexing there was a decision
2760s uh you took the words right out of my
2762s mouth that was an interesting spot to
2764s flux in maybe try to turn it around but
2767s you're looking for a miracle I think um
2769s you know we've talked about the ZB the
2771s word is ambitious ambitious flux also
2774s you say something is a decision it's
2776s usually uh you know there's some
2778s connotations and it's like
2781s I don't know about that one however qrx
2784s was able to get a late pick
2785s there so Poland despite the last team
2788s Fight Win is gonna have to give up a
2789s little bit of ground as Germany comes
2791s back up waiting for a full five big
2793s difference in ultimates here just the
2795s fact that Poland has Transcendence
2797s Germany doesn't
2800s flip a mic flipper doesn't even have to
2802s save it for Flex because Alex used flux
2804s in the latter end of the last fight
2808s they're gonna use sights here that's not
2811s a very good ultimate at this point again
2813s offensively to run snipers here Dragon
2816s uphill but that's a big dragon yeah it
2818s got Texel that's about as big as you can
2820s hope for flipper now you have to drop
2822s the Transcendence Under Pressure flux
2824s here from Forever how big is gonna be
2825s sets up Philly oh they're not able to
2828s stay off the point that's really nice
2830s flux to just uh a forced C9 as it were
2834s it's it's one of those
2836s um things that you forget about with
2839s flux like how good it can possibly be
2841s just just to pull people off point like
2843s it is so you know you think of like EMP
2846s and like these are things that are fight
2848s winning ultimates that's a fight-winning
2850s ultimate that you don't even have to
2851s kill people there's yeah they're awfully
2853s objective
2855s uh it's hard to touch a point when
2857s gravity has stopped working uh for a
2859s limited period of time you know
2861s yeah also straight up Sigma like the
2863s best written character in the entire
2865s game really good lore
2867s appreciate you guys yep also all that
2871s and still can't find his way to a pair
2873s of shoes just you know I guess don't
2874s need shins when you don't touch the
2875s ground I suppose
2878s yeah there is a definitely alternative
2881s lore about Sig minus no no we don't need
2885s Alternative Floor there I'm just
2888s Library I don't need
2890s but uh
2892s all right get swapping into it very very
2895s good defense from Poland now the
2898s question is can they match it with an
2901s equally good attack and force a map 3 to
2904s start the day
2905s and you know you think about what we saw
2907s in the last uh setup here hex the
2909s biggest difference to me is that I feel
2911s like there's a big Sigma difference
2912s between forever and Alex forever got far
2915s more out of the fluxes
2917s yeah definitely a better signal here and
2919s the strong first hold I love this I love
2922s spawn camping
2925s you know Brad rajani might be out of the
2927s league but it's like everyone's gonna
2928s say like it goes back to the selfless
2930s days I love that I love against spawn
2932s Camp it's disrespectful oh I can have
2935s gets caught immediately and uh yeah I
2937s mean yo spawn Camp here too it's not
2939s even disrespectful it's just it's smart
2941s to burn off time especially if you don't
2943s want to play the long-range poke game
2945s which yep given what we saw in the last
2947s round I think it makes sense for Jeremy
2948s to swap things up
2951s foreign
2956s ends up being really good to break
2959s spawns you see it on uh Havana all the
2961s time
2963s yeah Fillion on the far landing's pretty
2966s good damage here qrx getting low but
2969s Germany also getting hit up Super X
2970s doing a great job on healing they fine
2972s forever not only heels but also attacks
2976s and Germany right now looking very solid
2979s on the spot hold half the damage is
2981s coming in from suit cracks here
2988s goes down
2990s it gets to the points when you're
2992s getting spawn camp like this uh of are
2994s you gonna wait for an ultimate and try
2996s to get like a nice Alta to figure it out
2998s usually it ends up being like a Hanzo
3000s alt or may Alt
3003s um but so far like neither of us
3007s just like please I
3009s uh Germany getting pushed back a little
3012s bit your ex that's the symmetra ultimate
3014s Zoo cracks gets forever and I know a lot
3017s of this is a team it's not just suit
3018s cracks doing the damage but suit cracks
3020s is definitely stealing the killing blows
3022s and then some right now it's rare that
3025s you'll hear this but that was a really
3026s sickness yeah almost three people there
3030s who are very low life uh nice wall to
3033s put up to keep them alive
3035s Roland still sucking spawn only two
3037s minutes left to go immortality forced
3039s out early Alex Under Pressure don't
3041s Annihilation die Annihilation if you're
3043s getting annihilated so far the
3045s annihilation looking decent taking out
3047s inanimate objects and Bob but enough to
3050s get Alex out of the danger zone and
3053s Germany lives to another and now they
3055s have beaten for the next fight
3056s barrage in from the top oh that I mean
3059s it gets qrx and a train yeah it's not
3063s you know kind of worth
3065s it's the first one that they've gotten
3067s but it's not gonna slow down this spawn
3069s Camp they have to Rampage hand the
3071s Rampage Only Hits Zoo cracks and as much
3073s of the problem the Sue cracks has been
3075s and you need a little bit more than that
3076s forever comes down and pulling they just
3079s kick it out of spot
3083s I mean yeah you have to switch some
3085s Heroes here right now like the the
3086s pharaoh to get on the spawn is kind of
3088s okay they needed to go made much earlier
3090s you need this wall to give yourself a
3092s position to be able to break spawn camps
3094s uh but now the May goes to a Honda unit
3097s of me and a Hanzo like and we learn we
3099s learn nothing from Havana
3101s you know we might not have uh Alex
3103s ganglo immortality field forced out here
3105s comes window from Sue cracks where suit
3107s cracks truly becomes a DPS and yeah I
3110s mean Poland they need the weight out the
3111s window but he waiting and burning time
3114s is not a luxury they have Alex so can't
3116s get away Philly and finds the shots and
3118s down the ram is good finally what Poland
3121s needs to get out of the spawn
3123s they will take out the tank finally able
3126s to break it but zp we're below 30
3128s seconds yeah 30 seconds and also the
3131s rest of they know they're getting
3131s staggered they just burn a little bit
3133s more time off oh boy Poland has to be
3136s perfect from here on out and you know
3140s really and getting to the next point you
3142s gotta look towards Philly and icav they
3144s need to land early picks in this next
3146s fight or it might just be over for
3148s Poland
3150s yeah Germany resetting here I think
3152s they're probably gonna try to push with
3153s Annihilation and just stall out a little
3156s bit more
3157s we're going for it Germany on the way in
3161s hi Kevin fill in looking for a crucial
3163s pick-offs here
3165s both teams still at Heights
3167s Dylan gets qrx exactly what Poland
3171s needed the one player that had to step
3173s up they get the pick off and this should
3176s give them more time hex a bit of
3178s breathing room
3179s yeah Germany's not gonna fight this well
3182s never mind never mind they come back in
3184s and violation ready yeah they're gonna
3186s dial in and go in be more dead eyes
3187s after I come I can't have you found any
3189s skulls here mortality field is down I
3191s can't stand I get Sue cracks the Dead
3194s Eye connects and you have the counter
3196s annihilation in from Forever froze low
3198s flipper with the beat the beat's huge
3199s forever is about to die but now everyone
3202s lives everyone in Germany is out Poland
3205s Staying Alive two minutes left and they
3208s don't really have that farther go hex
3210s no not really that it's probably like
3212s one fight or uh Poland to pull through
3216s they did end up using a ton of stuff
3218s though I'd like to see text hole just
3220s drop this window like in in the the long
3224s Corridor here mostly just to see Germany
3227s right now I'm worried about the baps
3230s you've got windows on both ends windows
3232s are out who which team is gonna
3233s capitalize on the window here
3235s immortality field down on both sides
3237s five winning for the blizzard knowing
3240s forever has to Round the Corner blizzard
3242s could be the key influx Point here
3245s by just waiting looking for the
3247s opportunity both teams looking back off
3248s Germany can drop the beat at any time
3250s but actually when the blizzard comes out
3252s now the blizzard goes in they're looking
3253s for forever
3255s gonna get caught here forever Frozen on
3257s the point all the damage in onto the
3259s tank and forever goes down that's all
3261s you needed from that blizzard hex
3264s a really good hero you put up the wall
3267s behind no one can even help forever it's
3269s not even an option for them uh map
3271s editing and
3273s if you don't get a kill on blizzard
3276s you're doing something wrong yeah being
3278s able to isolate the tank right there
3281s a solo Waltz and then pull up the wall
3283s behind them so there's nothing left one
3286s minute for Poland on their offense they
3288s are nearing all of their DPS alts and
3290s also a tank ultimate here too so Poland
3293s uh plenty in the Bank located a little
3295s bit slow yeah play it slow wait for
3298s Dragon villains dragons have been oddly
3299s effective here that's the pressure on
3301s the Alex is huge they just use the
3303s annihilate Dead Eye speed boost moves on
3305s in meanwhile Germany's giving the brown
3308s that they can't really give up too much
3309s Zoo cracks another window already built
3312s but it has to be done a little bit deep
3314s the window here from Poland could be a
3315s little bit better and all they can't get
3316s to the payload in time
3319s oh Poland forcing a map three you love
3323s to see it
3325s I love to see it in the in the text to
3328s um just uh guys come on I I've written
3331s those words especially uh when my team
3334s c9s or when I see nine yeah it happens
3338s um guys guys
3339s come on
3341s uh really well played there like and it
3344s like you know it's their map pick right
3345s so so they know exactly how they want to
3348s play it really solids uh stuff from the
3351s tanks selling stuff from the supports
3353s it's really interesting like these
3354s compositions
3356s um and even going forward like most
3357s compositions
3359s it's either you kill the tank but also I
3361s think the most valuable Target always
3363s ends up being the flex support if a team
3364s is running
3366s um a non-main Healer like a Zen or Lucio
3369s if you can kill the Bap that's a fight
3371s win that's a fight one immediately
3373s interesting too on the bath note I feel
3376s like for as good as succrax is playing
3378s given where the payload was I feel like
3381s the Sue cracks window was the nail in
3383s the coffin at the very end of the match
3385s because you think about it right Sue
3386s cracks put the window back in the
3388s doorway inherently everyone's gonna be
3390s like okay get behind the window boost
3392s your damage but by everyone playing her
3393s on the window no one was playing far
3395s forward enough for the payload because
3397s uh one of those almost get played
3400s yourself moments uh that you realize
3402s after the fact is like oh wait a second
3404s I see why this happened
3406s I I'm almost kind of thinking of it now
3408s as I know it's a bad term but like maybe
3411s Windows a zoning alt it does make the
3414s team like Go away You're not always
3416s going to get enormous value out of it
3418s unless you you put it in like a really
3419s tricky spot so like putting window down
3422s is go away team like you have to go away
3426s it's a better zoning all than Dead Eye
3428s at least well yeah I mean dead eyes like
3430s you might die if you don't get away in
3432s time window is you will die if you stay
3434s in range of the window especially you
3437s know with Heroes like Hanzo on the board
3438s but you know gotta give credit to pull
3441s in here gritting it out after
3443s just a truly atrocious starts at the
3446s beginning Germany just held them and
3447s spawned for an incredible amount of time
3449s but Poland they didn't give up didn't
3452s surrender feline landed an incredible
3454s pick off at right after they broke the
3457s spawn Camp to give them the next point
3459s and as a result map three now in the
3462s cards coming up next Germany versus
3465s Poland the final map
3469s [Music]
3484s thank you foreign
3490s [Music]
3517s [Music]
3539s thank you
3542s foreign
3547s [Music]
3578s thank you
3585s [Music]
3608s thank you
3612s [Music]
3641s thank you
3645s foreign
3649s [Music]
3686s Poland rebounding after a brutal spawn
3689s camp on circuit Royale to bring the map
3692s back and force a map number three here
3696s in the OverWatch World Cup versus
3697s Germany and hex all in all pretty
3700s interesting matchup and you have to say
3702s sometimes the most important thing in
3704s the game is getting on the point to
3705s remembering to get on the point
3708s yeah um objective play objective
3710s everybody I I guess that that's the
3712s point of it but yeah really interesting
3714s stuff uh coming up for both squads a
3716s really nice pick from Poland to to play
3718s to their strengths to go to circuits and
3720s really rely on their Baptist and their
3723s long-range hit scan which came out
3725s strong they're a very close map we're
3727s gonna go to Esperanza here zp what do
3730s you think about this one I think about
3732s this one is there's a lot of things we
3735s could see here I feel like with both
3737s these teams one surprise if we did see
3739s something like the reaper come out
3740s because a lot of teams have liked
3741s running it on Esperanza on the other
3744s hand I feel like you could get away
3746s especially with running stuff like Echo
3747s and Echo worked out really well for
3749s Germany back on ilio so I think if I had
3752s to like guess what Germany's running out
3754s here I would guess that they come out
3755s here with Phi on the echo like hard
3758s supported by Mercy but there's a lot of
3760s different ways of playing this map
3761s especially as we've seen over the course
3763s of the tournament so uh anything is on
3765s the table
3766s it's a map that favors in Anna if you
3769s can get uh Anna in a good position
3772s um but both of these teams have
3773s definitely favored the Batiste uh not a
3776s terrible spot to put a Baptiste in place
3778s of an Anna so yeah I'm actually just
3781s really interested in what we're gonna
3782s see actually I think like Poland with
3784s icavin
3786s hmm I mean cyber Tracer would work out
3789s well with Philly on on
3791s the Tracer but icaf doesn't really play
3793s Sabra yeah I'm just waiting for it I'm
3796s waiting for it I have no idea yeah this
3798s is uh give us some illumination here on
3799s what's gonna be played
3802s and yeah you know okay
3804s interesting uh look at Germany No Sky
3807s comp really being favored here instead
3809s Phi on the Tracer which also makes sense
3811s five is that a good Tracer right Killian
3813s on Tracer that also makes sense
3816s we'll also also both of these tanks like
3818s really like junk so no we're gonna get
3822s junker Queen on on both sides it makes
3825s sense uh forever in hitori really favor
3828s the junker Queen compositions so the
3830s biggest difference is this sojourn
3832s versus this ash I will say every time
3834s I've seen sojourn versus Ash the Ash has
3837s done better with one exception if the
3839s sojourn is Kai then the sojourn has done
3841s better but other than that ashes
3843s generally had the superiority in most of
3846s the games I've seen here in this one
3848s light exception yeah well one exception
3850s if your name is Kai you break all the
3853s rules like you do the rules no longer
3855s apply to you you do it do whatever you
3856s want
3859s here we go both teams spreading out both
3861s tracers the dance of death here to the
3864s side recall forced out
3867s both teams looking for all important
3868s first pick here actually have a little
3870s bit of a damage Advantage with the
3871s dynamite
3873s icap Under Pressure goes down and qrx
3875s Strikes first
3877s there's a nice knife onto forever that
3879s brought off forever into killing ranks
3881s they had to back up and that made their
3883s whole team back up
3885s perhaps why Germany has the advantage
3888s it's a gutsy flank that's not bad but
3891s you have the advantage already why not
3893s go for it and it pays off in multiple
3895s eliminations go in Germany's way and now
3898s you look at it that's the all-important
3900s first fight on push here hex where now
3902s the pressure is on Poland where you know
3904s losing first fight you could recover
3906s from but the problem is is like it sets
3908s you up to lose two fights in a row and
3909s that is remarkably bad if you lose
3912s second point you lose spawns and
3914s everything goes all the way bad for you
3916s we've seen teams pull it back on push uh
3919s from like 80 80 meters all the way back
3922s um and bring it to their favor of right
3925s now Germany they mean enormously
3929s Tori under a little bit of pressure I
3930s kept nearly going down
3932s and also note I have didn't like the
3934s sojourn after one cup went to the ash
3936s still gets picked off but the swap kind
3940s of making sense here for Poland Sue
3943s cracks and on the top continue to get
3945s the Rex finds Fillion massive pickup and
3948s Germany is just crushing in the neutral
3951s hex
3953s damage is uh a lot I have more things to
3957s say about that but like it's a very very
3960s strong support hero if you can hit
3962s headshots the multiplier is so good uh
3965s Germany continues to push forward
3967s Germany is going to get full response
3968s they're getting for it spawns they have
3970s an advantage in ultimates right now
3972s Poland's right now the only thing that
3974s could really save them from their fate
3975s is Philly and landing at Pulse bomb you
3977s need a Tempo breaking pulse bomb right
3980s now just to put this uh a different
3983s thing's gone the tempo breaking post
3985s bomb is not happening as Germany gets to
3988s just roll for it off the Rampage off the
3990s beat kitsuna is emptying their alts here
3994s and I don't think it's a bad idea hex
3996s because this is where you just make your
3998s lead nearly insurmountable if you win
4000s that fight absolutely like
4002s insurmountable is the correct term for
4005s sure they throw everything in it's such
4007s a beautiful uh Rampage it got four that
4010s forces out the Beats at the very least
4012s but then Germany just sits back and gets
4015s all of the damage you can throw Bob in
4017s here throw Bob into the hill and you
4019s still get another 10 meters doesn't
4020s connect the bomb not quite close
4024s Bob comes on out now for Germany buy
4026s catches forever and this could be a push
4029s completion in the cards right now with
4032s how strong Germany is playing
4035s maybe Poland does have Rampage in their
4038s own Bob but look Germany's playing it
4040s really well taking all of the the free
4043s meterage that they're getting I would
4045s imagine that this is Poland's best bike
4047s half of them as well Victoria's already
4049s low fine nearly gets picked off Ruffin
4051s gets here with the purple goes down
4053s phillian finishes it
4055s Poland desperately trying to make
4057s something happen here icav on the qrx
4060s fly gets forever but the German push
4063s here finally getting stalled out maybe a
4066s little bit but even at the end uh
4069s Germany gets a few pick-offs just to
4071s make their recontesta you know a little
4073s bit smoother
4075s at the end of the day we're 119 to zero
4077s yeah so hey 119 to 0.57 put some respect
4081s on the day
4082s 119.69 yeah I'm gonna say it well it's
4085s gonna be there well it was for a split
4087s second I saw it
4090s uh yeah Poland trying to pull this one
4093s back they had to use everything in the
4095s last fight now if if you're pulling you
4097s have to be really economically conscious
4099s maybe uh try to win a fight off tsune
4102s which is their next all coming
4105s I mean Poland needs to be economical
4106s five minutes you know you think oh it's
4109s a lot of time to come back well Paul
4110s needs a completely reverse Tempo it's a
4112s good tuna the tune comes out in Germany
4115s mostly getting the disengage now they
4116s could continue their own they counter
4118s Kitsune is the father gonna be there two
4120s cracks still couldn't get away consume
4121s or no hitori goes down and Germany just
4124s threw their Fox into the abyss
4128s not the best counter I've ever seen
4130s Poland will continue to push forward and
4133s so again you're trying to win fights off
4135s of single ultimates next time you beat
4138s engage you have flipper coming up after
4140s that perhaps you have your junker Queen
4142s ultimate so it really comes down to we
4145s need to win fights on one single
4148s ultimate every single even better
4150s getting close to a Ford spawn even
4151s better they need some fights on zero
4153s let's need icab together like if icap
4155s can get something here that'd be huge
4158s for economy but Germany already engaging
4160s Rampage waiting in the wings here for
4163s hitori
4173s please find someone beat comes out here
4176s from Flipper both teams dropping to beat
4179s hatori waiting for the Rampage
4180s opportunity here in the back a little
4183s bit of Jungle Queen for strucker Queen
4184s Philly was only at two cracks I can't
4186s connect to the qrx goes down but the
4188s damage may be done Germany though
4190s rallying even down two a very scrappy
4193s fight just a flipper in Texel left here
4196s for Poland the two supports
4198s support battle in general here's Texas
4199s able to take down hittori oh it's a 2v2
4202s yeah let's go fight go fight backline
4204s battles yeah this is
4208s mostly just Lucio's and uh kirikos
4212s putting on the point and the card is not
4214s moving I think that um Poland would have
4217s rather like saved that beat for a
4219s responsive they say about war though in
4221s general like you look at the scenario in
4223s terms of comeback potential you're okay
4226s with this for Poland like you're in a
4228s great spot for this fight unless by
4230s Lands the bomb forever meanwhile ready
4232s the Rampage Fillion bomb queued up hope
4236s to the Tracer Speed The X Factor five
4238s getting low gets away Gillian five and
4240s dance on the other side here but forever
4242s waiting is Rampage coming in could be
4245s the opportunity there's the Bell moves
4247s on hits two
4248s remember those in a really bad spot that
4251s is a difficult area
4253s textile goes down five bomb comes out
4255s doesn't connect and again a scrappy
4257s fight here both teams down too
4261s and crappy points are gonna favor
4263s Germany though yes Germany's up 119
4265s still they're they're fine fighting Here
4267s to
4269s Eternity Germany there's two words they
4271s love right now hex status quo
4273s right now just that this stays uh about
4276s where it is that's fine we only have to
4278s do this for two and a half more minutes
4279s so the pressure is far more important to
4281s go and given that they had alt Advantage
4282s going in that's a win for Germany
4286s you know a little bit of aggression but
4289s you see it like they're not Ultra
4291s aggressive on the consume because they
4292s don't need to win fights no just getting
4294s icab there is fine get icab and chill
4296s like don't need hero plays you just need
4300s to burn the clock that's it is that the
4303s is that the new like Netflix marketing
4305s campaign get icav and chill yeah I guess
4309s hey for Germany Germany's
4311s Germany has an aggressive ultimate if
4314s they want to in hitari's Rampage and
4316s they also have a responsive ultimate
4318s there's no reason to try to finish this
4320s map
4322s Germany you just be reactive here you
4325s you like you slow this thing down as
4327s much as possible you know three in a
4329s cloud of dust OverWatch Edition is what
4331s you're looking for here because qrx gets
4334s still in on the early pickoff and Tori
4336s falling in turn I mean overall not the
4339s worst trade before but again Poland
4341s needs decisive fights here you can't
4342s have these trade-off fights you're not
4344s gonna win at this point with trade outs
4346s but with flipper going down you might
4348s not be winning at all
4349s it's almost at the point like Poland
4351s needs to bank ultimates because it is
4353s just like these trades and these trades
4355s don't matter they have to win decisively
4358s like you said they have to win a you
4359s know wipe out a team you have to get the
4361s the team kill horn going on now they
4364s will finally pick up a fight but it's
4366s just not been enough really for them is
4369s foreign
4376s yeah the 45 seconds left here for Poland
4379s last opportunity in the map coming up
4381s that is a long long way to go
4385s Germany needs to fully collapse here but
4388s Colton have a chance but step one of
4389s that collapse would be billion on the
4390s pulse bomb looking moving might not need
4392s the post bomb nope drops Under Pressure
4394s anyways connects gets rough it record
4396s wasn't even the target but hey you take
4398s that collateral damage
4399s [Laughter]
4401s yeah icav goes in lands the nade still
4405s though you know the training is not good
4409s for Poland here they need decisiveness
4412s it's enough to like keep it alive and
4415s keep pushing but they're down players
4417s Germany's gonna come in hot
4421s so it's going to be about the follow-up
4423s for these next Rampages both Poland and
4426s Germany have their Rampage ready on
4428s their jumper Queens who can follow up
4430s who like it's pretty much
4432s it looks like a junker Queen matchup but
4435s this is a tracer matchup who can follow
4437s up on the course
4440s here Rampage coming on out hits threes
4442s are gonna be there supex drops the
4444s katsune both teams looking for the first
4446s pick Sue cracks gets fill in the bomb
4448s out from five and that's looking like
4451s the finisher here Germany cleaning up
4454s over the robot a dominant performance
4457s here on push 120 of the 64 say good
4460s night Germany takes it 2-1 ggs and a
4463s heart and it was never really in
4466s question it seemed like they you know
4468s Germany had pulled it off from the very
4470s beginning and then played it so smart
4472s like it's such an interesting map that
4475s you have to play it differently it's not
4476s about pushing or not about like getting
4479s kills or progress where where is the
4482s carts and where do we have the cars and
4484s and they were able to just really rely
4487s on the fact that they could take trades
4488s and fights and not really matter uh 119
4491s was their first push and you just sat on
4493s it suddenly morals yeah I mean again
4496s it's you know you think about
4497s traditional Sports the idea of clock
4499s killing if you get up to 120 to zero you
4503s don't really care about winning outright
4505s you just want to play the slowest you
4508s can make the other team make every
4510s difficult move and see them stumble
4512s because that is the privilege you earn
4515s from getting that big of a lead
4517s well you're three yards in a cloud of
4519s dust reference maybe hit like five
4521s people but I got it I I totally yeah
4523s I understand what you meant you just
4525s you're just burning clock yeah it's it's
4528s such an interesting game mode in push
4530s where you're not fighting the other team
4532s a lot of the times once you have a lead
4534s you're fighting the clock you're just
4537s making sure that seconds are ticking
4539s down where you're not at the
4540s disadvantage and ah they come through uh
4543s clutch and able to pull it off a nice
4547s marker there for Jeremy at the end yeah
4550s and look just smart OverWatch from
4552s Germany get the lead protect the lead
4554s and it put pull into a position where
4557s you know we tried to call it on the
4559s middle of fights right the only night
4560s poem was coming back into that is
4562s dillian or icav you need to have
4564s multiple fights where effectively they
4567s had pick-offs that were either Ultra
4569s neutral to at least just only one alt
4572s invested right you put a lot of pressure
4573s on your Playmakers to make plays because
4576s that is the only way way you make a
4579s difference in push and get away from
4581s that level of deficit
4583s glad to have Poland back in the World
4585s Cup though uh some interesting matches
4587s they've upset a couple of teams good to
4590s see them play phillian and icav you know
4592s playing on the DPS line looked really
4594s solid Germany puts another notch in
4596s their belt I think they ended up at like
4598s three and four three three and five
4600s something like that it's a decent
4602s showing from them those are two squads
4604s that are not going to be advancing out
4606s of the group but still looked really
4608s good and you know uh showed up good for
4611s their country very much so but that was
4614s Germany versus Poland coming up next
4616s it's gonna be turkey taking on Norway
4622s [Music]
4624s all right
4628s [Music]
4643s [Music]
4664s [Music]
4675s foreign
4677s [Music]
4732s [Music]
4740s [Music]
4746s [Applause]
4746s [Music]
4753s foreign
4754s [Music]
4759s [Applause]
4759s [Music]
4770s [Music]
4835s thank you
4838s welcome back to the OverWatch World Cup
4840s we're watching the emec qualifiers it's
4842s the last day for these teams to get a
4844s shot at the main event I'm Jim Basco
4847s joined of course by zp and hex and we
4848s just watched Germany take it over Poland
4850s in a close two to one series hex break
4853s it down for us
4855s um yeah the better team won a little bit
4857s but I was not expecting to break it down
4860s uh really good like ultimate charges
4862s there too and also just a really good
4864s concept of how push is played push is
4866s played in a different way than a lot of
4868s other Maps so they really understood
4869s once you get the lead it doesn't matter
4872s if you push forward or you win more
4873s victories it's really just fighting the
4875s clock and they played it really well
4877s yeah Germany looked on point today let's
4879s go ahead and take a look at the schedule
4880s so we can tee up the next match and show
4883s you all the action that's in store of
4885s course we just had Germany go up against
4886s Poland next up we've got turkey versus
4888s Norway then afterwards we've got Sweden
4891s versus Saudi Arabia Denmark versus the
4893s Netherlands then we flip up on into
4895s group a where things are still yet to be
4897s decided Belgium versus Italy Spain
4899s versus Portugal and Great Britain versus
4902s France okay zp coming into torque turkey
4905s versus Norway why I've struggled with
4907s that a couple times already
4909s um what are you keeping an eye out for
4911s because both these teams have performed
4914s I want to say a little bit better than
4915s we've expected
4917s and have upset some teams that we
4919s weren't expecting them to beat so when
4921s you stack these two head to head who do
4923s you have coming out on top I think the
4925s eye test here I probably give a little
4926s bit of an edge to Norway over turkey but
4928s the reality is that these teams in the
4931s overall performance all that we've seen
4932s in the OverWatch World Cup so far
4933s they're close enough that really
4935s anything could happen I mean look you
4937s look at the last series right I gave
4939s Germany a little bit of an edge to her
4940s poem I was like Hey Poland can take a
4941s map Poland took a map I think that this
4944s is another one of those Series where the
4946s potential for a 2-1 is very very high
4950s yeah I feel the same way honestly coming
4952s into this one hex if you had to put your
4954s money on it right zp is is leaving it at
4956s a 50 50. what are your thoughts on this
4958s outcome here I think Norway is
4961s definitely the the favorite here Norway
4964s was close to maybe contesting for groups
4967s right to get out of groups they came out
4969s so strong uh they had victories over
4972s Sweden Germany and Iceland and that's
4974s how they started it but they've lost a
4976s couple in a row to Saudi Arabia and
4978s Finland who are going to be the teams
4979s who get out of groups but I think
4980s Norway's is a solid Squad they've run
4983s some different stuff like we've seen
4985s junkrat out of this team which I'd love
4987s to see somehow
4988s um and yeah turkey is gonna have to rely
4991s on lethal playing like a really good
4993s Genji I would not be stunned if either
4996s uh picks King's Row for their second map
4998s that's my prediction yeah as Genji would
5001s be great from both sides of course
5002s you've got lethal running that onigot on
5004s the other hand for Norway you know what
5006s I mean uh just names that are almost
5009s synonymous with high tier Genji play so
5011s I'm excited for it I can't wait to watch
5013s it of course CB and hex the match is
5015s just around the corner enjoy it and I'll
5016s catch you guys after this one
5018s alrighty getting on into it and yeah I
5020s mean you look at these two teams I
5022s definitely have Norway over turkey but
5024s you know you look at overall performance
5027s I just feel like this was things where
5028s we'll see how the matchup goes like you
5031s don't hear this as much in OverWatch as
5033s uh some other Forza competition but you
5035s know I almost look at this was like
5036s what's the style difference gonna be
5038s because I feel like right at this level
5040s of play with this overall level of
5042s performance this is where like style
5044s matchups really do become a thing in
5046s terms of you know players giving other
5047s players trouble or certain compositions
5049s being I don't know how to deal with that
5051s type of deal I don't know it'll be
5053s exciting
5054s I mean the funny thing is is turkey kind
5057s of shaped the entire tournament by
5058s coming out and beating Sweden yeah match
5060s one like that that kind of changed uh
5063s the the entire idea uh they beat Sweden
5066s they beat Poland but they're on a four
5067s game losing streak right now and they'd
5069s love to end the tournament with a win uh
5071s lethal is always solid nephron is really
5074s good especially like on the Sombra when
5075s they they're able to play that Revenant
5077s needs a better game than the last one
5080s that we saw it was not a great look for
5083s Revenant on Gibraltar uh when they
5085s played tank but instead tank is going to
5088s be played by Romani on the junker Queen
5090s yeah I mean based on what we saw before
5092s and just how turkey plays even if they
5095s go on to the Gibraltar again I tend to
5097s feel like they'll stick with Romani I
5099s don't know they just turkey definitely
5101s looks like a much stronger team with
5103s Romani in the lineup and you know maybe
5106s that's just you know tank difference or
5108s just team difference in terms of what
5110s tanks they are that are playing with
5111s either way if I'm turkey I don't deviate
5114s a whole lot from the lineup you see in
5116s front of you right now
5118s uh probably not so it seems like their
5120s best lineup here is Norway's lineup and
5123s they came out of the gates like really
5125s strong with three wins they beat Sweden
5127s they beat Germany they beat Iceland
5129s they've dropped two in a row so far but
5131s that's to the group winners Saudi Arabia
5133s and Finland uh their sister countries
5136s Brewing up there uh so they're on a
5138s three-game streak and they they look
5142s like an entirely different team and
5143s compositionally they're running thematic
5145s on tank well sorry I'm reading the wrong
5148s notes
5149s um my apologies uh no psycho and and
5152s psycho's been like the Revelation for
5154s the squad psycho and Isaac from Norway
5156s have been crazy good uh JP you can't
5159s look over as well so we talked so much
5161s about Like Only God and also like mimio
5164s has been solid on the mercy but it's
5167s really been like the the tale of Isaac
5169s and psycho kind of going nuts and making
5172s names for themselves yeah and on top of
5174s that too I mean onigot is just Mr
5176s consistent right where I feel like
5177s throughout only God's crew it's hard to
5179s look at oh my God I'm like only God's
5180s playing bad only God doesn't always take
5182s over a match but it's it's a piece of
5185s okay you know to expect a solid
5189s performance out of this player
5190s regardless they don't usually have bad
5192s days or like the opposite of you know
5194s some players of your where I think back
5196s to Old overwatching players like too
5197s easy right it's like well they could be
5199s the best player in the server it could
5200s be the worst player in the server and
5202s you know we're gonna leave it up to God
5203s to find out which one it is right so
5206s either way Brandon Nepal and we'll see
5210s just what these teams have in store and
5212s yeah you even look on paper for record
5213s right you know Norway favored but it's
5216s within the realm of being uh contested
5221s yeah only God is one of those players
5224s who's consistent on everything too which
5227s is kind of crazy that you see only God
5228s play
5230s pharah you see him play junkrats Metra I
5234s like everything he has the the flex of
5236s the flexes is owning God's Style
5239s and Norway I mean that foreign too God
5242s it's so close to being able to get out
5244s of groups it just they ended up in a
5246s tough group with only two people getting
5247s out
5249s alrighty so
5251s hopping in to Nepal we'll get a quick
5254s little peek at what both teams are
5256s playing at you'll get what Norway has
5258s been doing overall and their tendency
5259s for Mercy play probably expecting pharah
5262s or Echo coming out here just usually
5266s what you see when uh you're playing
5268s Mercy a lot but you know always the
5270s option to throw up behind head skin
5273s this stage in particular I would imagine
5276s we'll see something in the sky and then
5278s something to try to counter it
5280s a shrine can be very very good for a
5283s pharaoh
5285s and obviously when we go to Village
5287s um actually maybe we're on Village it's
5289s always hard to tell with this uh all
5291s right but both teams are too silly for
5293s me to analyze right now we're gonna wait
5295s till we get a little bit closer to the
5296s gates opening because I just refuse I
5298s refuse to like this like yeah I know
5299s it's gonna be uh jug krat versus torb I
5302s mean the junkrat actually could be
5303s something gets played but
5305s uh I trust you not teams experiences
5308s taught me otherwise
5311s I mean if we're Village definitely
5313s junkrat tour viable yeah we're Village
5316s wait wait a second
5318s junkrat vs torb Genji it's not
5322s surprising they've run this before yeah
5324s nope
5326s all right we'll see if only God's able
5328s to make the old Jay silly work as a lot
5331s of pro players tend to call it and
5333s Nephron finds Isaac early makes it a
5335s little bit difficult
5338s to the mind oh boy we got one on our
5341s hands here x round one
5343s yeah both tanks down now it's just gonna
5345s be Scrappy as all get out here so is the
5349s chunk better or is the tour better a
5352s question I did not think I was gonna be
5353s asking myself it's not even Team USA
5355s playing right now it's like
5357s deals oh my God under a little bit of
5361s pressure right now don't run scarily
5363s powerful close-up something that people
5365s tend to forget until you get a mind in
5366s your face and ODI God finds Farooq
5369s dancing around on the junk making it
5372s work
5374s either team and control the point here
5375s just happened Norway racking up The Kill
5377s psycho Goes Down Still Scrappy
5381s very very Scrappy both teams rang out
5383s Isaac though planting here on the point
5385s turkey is there gonna be any contest on
5387s the way
5389s we have to see here a little bit of
5390s Lucio skating on the walls going please
5392s Doom don't punch me stay away stay away
5395s here comes only gone on the cleanup a
5397s mind just scrape him off the wall
5400s it's head Northwest
5402s I think so if you would Nano junk right
5405s on your bingo card
5407s um weird or like you shouldn't have that
5408s thing again
5411s like that's what I would expect
5414s well I mean what are the small
5416s differences though is like Norway and
5418s turkey bump lost their tanks early but
5420s since Norway is running they get back
5423s onto the point here we go
5426s dance round and round where's it gonna
5427s stop goes in finds farook oh my God it's
5431s just kind of bullying Farooq so far it's
5433s a lot of uh junkrat V Lucio
5436s Romani and lethal though get clean up
5438s and uh tire no Norway's gonna find
5440s themselves losing control the point
5445s well I'm a fan of these kind of screened
5448s compositions okay I grow Rampage
5452s and it pays off they get JP off it Libo
5455s had the back out
5458s turkey taking the initiative
5462s once we got legs junkrat is gone we are
5465s now Sombra legs are a body goes deep uh
5467s what is happening I don't know I just
5470s know psycho could Sprint fast enough
5476s this is just a yeah a hodgepodge of very
5480s different Heroes all the time yeah you
5482s know
5483s yeah no that very typical of recess
5486s Sombra Soldier come you know you see it
5488s everywhere yeah why not Transcendence
5491s forced out here by JP
5495s not the most adorable Transcendence but
5497s now lethal says I'm gonna Dragon Blade
5499s it's an opportunity Dives in slashes
5501s away gets mimeo
5503s lethal 20 hp gives his life for it I
5506s mean kenyana isn't the worst also
5508s deference been holding on to this
5509s multicore for a while
5512s well it's you know no one's pushed the
5514s points now you put it on
5517s I don't even know if multicore needed to
5518s be like down there there's not that much
5520s pressure over there I don't know what's
5523s going on right now hex this is
5525s this is a the game has devolved into
5527s fever dream state EMP comes out a little
5530s bit weird I'll give you that a little
5532s bit odd Armani goes down for the EMP but
5534s again it's not like a full team fight or
5536s anything
5539s all right enough for an Under Pressure
5541s here bring out the true power toward the
5543s torb soldier matchup entirely
5545s traditional here on top
5548s never gets hit with a little bit of a
5549s hack back
5550s JP the Zen punishing Genji I don't think
5555s I woke up this morning
5557s all right so Norway pulls it back turkey
5560s does need to win one more fight they
5562s will have a decent Advantage they
5564s Kitsune rush comes out in a losing
5567s effort but I think I would not have seen
5570s that Rampage come out that's not the
5572s greatest idea I think that's your your
5574s recon test
5576s yeah the Rampage was decent I mean it
5579s hit enough people the
5581s just set it up there for turkey 93 to
5584s 62.
5587s all right Norway in the last contester
5588s yeah bring up ball bring up ball like
5590s fighting to run this in the beginning
5593s as we're bringing out every silly hero
5596s available
5599s we'll see psycho takes down peruke
5604s okay suck down right away
5606s turkey just looking to maintain control
5608s the point is Norway goes for a little
5609s bit of stall
5610s Transcendence in from JP the whole I'm
5613s gonna transcended you have to look at me
5614s till I finish praying lethal though gets
5618s another two three on the soldier and
5621s that was around OverWatch that got
5623s played
5624s I I've had games that made more sense on
5627s my gold account like that that was a
5629s very odd game back and forth
5633s um some Heroes that we didn't
5634s necessarily expect to see
5636s but turkey is the one to pull off the
5639s first stage against Norway I think maybe
5642s this just happens in the late stages of
5645s you know qualifiers or both teams
5648s neither of these teams are getting out
5649s of groups right so it's just uh kind of
5652s let's play for funsies let's play for
5654s fun
5655s well
5657s look at the next round what do we got we
5660s got the Classico comp we got the hog
5663s tourb Widow
5670s when you're GM games
5672s oh here we go
5676s that's all I got hex here we go
5679s I'm for it
5682s turkey knows where they're at the
5684s tournament and by the way turkey is
5686s winning too we had Norway favorite
5688s coming in here
5690s even though both teams went a little bit
5692s silly Rob body lands the hook gets
5694s psycho early OG is back baby
5698s Rez comes in now so still gonna be a
5701s fight Norway can move in on
5704s almost reminding lands another hook
5706s Wall comes out though and that is some
5708s frozen bacon and yet still alive lands
5712s another hook his father gonna be there I
5713s second danger Isaac goes down is the
5715s life Weaver
5717s into the action
5720s from on high on the pedal Romani gets
5723s another don't wake up first control of
5724s the point here though Max uh worth
5727s noting so still scrapping it out just a
5730s little bit
5731s um yeah turkey is getting all the kills
5733s they should turn and they're like
5734s eventually nice duplicate hug the hog
5737s but one hog rain Supreme
5741s so while we're watching this craziness I
5744s actually have a question because I've
5745s been thinking about the last couple of
5746s days since we've seen it I don't think
5749s hog is like an f-tier hero I think it's
5753s viable in certain situations it's
5755s probably underplayed relative to its
5757s overall power but you know how meta
5759s inertia is like even if there are good
5761s points like someone's gonna have to
5762s prove it reliably and not necessarily a
5764s game like this
5766s I don't think hog is as bad as people
5769s are saying another hook for Romani
5772s catches only God
5773s Can't Stop
5777s can't stop Bonnie with three kills
5779s uh bacon back on the menu here it's
5783s sizzle right exactly like I said hog is
5786s meta ever should be playing on clearly
5788s clearly
5791s well
5793s oh another look okay well that that was
5797s a kill two months ago yeah true
5803s all right next flight underway early
5806s Kitsune here from JP Puzo gets the kill
5809s early trade outs here but that's a much
5812s better trade for turkey muso goes down
5814s psycho uh doing a little bit of
5816s dissection at the moment this time I
5818s don't think the hog lives this time no
5820s oh my God on the quick finishing power
5823s here is Norway on the retake and you
5826s know memes are not
5828s this cop from Turkey is like one and a
5831s half team fights really away from taking
5833s this first map away I don't think we
5835s could uh ignore that fact
5838s well we we value so much to pick
5840s compositions of like widows and hanzos
5844s and if you can get a pick
5848s if the team helps look at that he just
5851s one with the gas and he's back up to
5854s full HP
5855s come on
5858s all right turkey gang great for the
5861s re-engage whatever that may look like
5862s probably starting with the hook if one
5864s should be landed and yeah Focus roadhog
5866s has suddenly become a strategy here muzo
5868s goes down just burned out ramani looking
5872s low Whole Hog ready to go and once more
5874s hog versus Kirkland brand hog coming in
5877s from psycho
5878s lethal though lethal got two in the back
5881s line it's 5v3 right now it's not bad
5883s Whole Hog in for more money
5886s real life actually doing some decent
5888s healing here keep stuff for it alive
5892s and turkey gets the retake 72 to 83 and
5895s uh that was a fight category but really
5898s as you say lethal did the heavy lifting
5901s well they got torbalt too like you
5903s can put down molten core on the points
5905s like hercues in a really decent spot to
5908s be able to defend this
5910s yeah not an awful spot at all for turkey
5913s the molten Quarry the gun also I mean
5915s you know memes aside one Hook is all
5918s takes to make this a very tough fight
5920s for Norway
5922s dog is a good hero multi-core out early
5926s make sakitsune path a lot more dangerous
5928s thread buso though again gets picked
5930s early
5931s Under Pressure Norway
5934s pretty good opening here so far A little
5936s bit of a grip gonna there torb there are
5939s no grip for Romani Romani caught res
5941s comes in from Norway so Norway takes the
5943s fight small opportunity for a recontest
5945s maybe this is where the hog turns into
5948s the ball
5949s that's why I would guess here you need
5950s some of the nephron's got to be looking
5952s back and then nephron so close to
5954s finishing off that fight there's so many
5956s low HP Heroes that never know is unable
5958s to capitalize on a little bit rough
5961s there uh as you said last fight incoming
5964s but psycho and Oni God are gonna have
5966s their ultimates and that is going to be
5968s that for Norway they pick up the stage
5974s yeah so
5975s that that was a compositional setup that
5979s was played by both teams
5982s uh definitely not I really enjoyed it
5984s non-traditional gameplay flow or team
5987s fight flow
5988s I think even on the observable it's like
5990s I just imagined our production Observer
5992s just going like who do I watch I mean
5995s truthfully in that position
5997s maybe just leave it on the hall like you
5999s know
6000s you look at the hog live the hog
6003s I eat you just third person on the point
6006s like this just whatever chaos is going
6009s on down there that that's what's going
6010s on one thing I do find funny though is
6012s that um there is going to mirror this is
6015s Nori gonna mirror the
6017s Hogs you know what this is the most
6019s stressful for anyone that's seriously
6020s BET channel points on Twitch for this
6023s because those are people is like oh God
6024s what's going on what's gonna happen here
6027s uh when the batches get the silly uh you
6031s know virtual points are at stake what do
6034s you what do you mean so like you know a
6035s Hogs Soldier business hog Soldier dorm
6039s life levers not not standard no
6041s ramadi right now look at me Top Hog
6044s Norway a little bit of dangerous turkey
6047s pushing forward muzo goes down and you
6049s know the sub story here of the Hogs is
6051s uh psycho's just been murdering boozo
6054s over and over again early in most of
6056s these fights you know you put throw all
6057s your support on the hog what about your
6059s carico that just pleading for a crumb of
6062s support versus The Echo
6064s it's also a tough map to like play
6066s against the echo nephron doesn't really
6069s get to set up with that Corp turret
6071s which you would like in in the corner to
6073s maybe deny psycho some space but
6075s psycho's not been denied anything
6079s and psycho already like psycho's gonna
6082s be building duplicate fast with hog and
6083s play well can't duplicate when you just
6087s have a soldier to get all the classic no
6089s not clay nearly the hook into the pit he
6091s used to see hog here all the time for
6093s the purpose
6094s again hog Supremacy going to Romani oh
6099s man this brings me back uh I think one
6101s of the first times we ever saw Jake uh V
6103s Jake OverWatch was he was playing hog on
6106s this map name all him caps throwing
6108s people into the pit the good old days
6112s thank you
6113s I I'm not certainly what I'm seeing but
6116s I'm enjoying every second of it yeah I
6118s know sometimes you just need a little
6121s bit of silliness uh psycho we're seeing
6123s legitimate life yeah
6127s um on the point only God good Dragon
6130s finds boost up our body do you like the
6132s duplicate Isaac the Revenge gets a hook
6135s on the Romani I think who's from Maya
6137s just went to the pit chop down that tree
6139s Isaac Nature's not working here
6146s that should be Norway taking the points
6148s uh rather easily I do want to see
6151s nephron end up using the uh torb
6153s ultimate here
6155s throw it on the point uh they've got
6157s nothing else to work with Norway despite
6159s meme comps whatever it might be Norway's
6163s in a hugely advantageous position yeah
6165s and I mean again for turkey so still or
6168s not
6168s someone helped Musa please snooze us
6171s desperate for help I mean I guess yeah
6174s likely was an interesting coach Sports
6176s to be running with here we go Isaac
6178s going on in a little bit of Whole Hog
6183s not quite yet meanwhile lethal gets JP
6186s Isaac in danger
6188s Perez comes on in and molten core let's
6190s make it hot on the point Romani
6193s meanwhile on the prowl
6195s the hog V hog Fight Continues Romani
6198s again gets the advantage 58 to 68 turkey
6202s on the verge of getting the Recon test
6203s or here on the point
6206s yeah
6208s mimio's down so Norway has to back up uh
6213s nor we can come back in with a duplicate
6216s um against turkey which has very little
6220s um Whole Hog legitimately really good on
6222s this point if you're playing Point grip
6224s the hog back Hog's in danger grip him
6226s back
6229s hmm
6230s all right pedal up and oh farruko's
6234s looking for the tree and caught nothing
6236s but no tree no life Romani though goes
6241s on in with the whole hog and turns down
6243s JP like he's butter and her body
6246s continues to assault here on the hog
6248s turkey 92 the 74 Northway on the verge
6251s of losing map one
6253s I feel like that that last life should
6255s be the trailers
6257s [Laughter]
6260s all right turkey
6264s OverWatch we've ever seen
6266s totally normal stuff we we see that uh
6269s often you know a double hog uh life
6271s Weaver
6272s you know it's the thing of the day
6275s unironically I think roadhog is actually
6277s really good on that point specifically
6279s not only just like the hooks to drop
6281s people into the the pit but also the
6284s ultimate is really good at throwing
6285s people off I don't think we'll see it
6287s like meta wines going forward unless
6289s there's some changes to what happens but
6291s man I'm so happy to see some change-ups
6294s there that was super fun uh well played
6298s by both sides yeah that was
6301s uh that was that was an experience you
6304s know that's what we call things nowadays
6306s you're like Rocky says like how do we
6307s Market this news like well it's an
6309s experience everyone just had an
6311s experience watching this match uh oh boy
6315s and I mean look credit requests do you
6317s know again it's easy to kind of meme
6318s when you see something this uh you know
6320s off shelf but there were really good
6323s hooks for Hawaii I mean that was solid
6325s roadhog play you can't really deny that
6327s aspect of it I mean I'm gonna go out
6330s there and say it I don't think roadhog
6332s is as bad as people think roadhog is
6334s especially when you're in 55 you're in
6337s pick compositions if you get a single
6339s kill you you win a fight and you know at
6342s the highest levels of competitive play
6344s your team should be following up on
6346s those hooks I don't think roadhogs as
6348s bad as people think
6351s um I'm not saying he's good yeah it sort
6354s of tastes like you know it's the back
6356s end of confidence like look I'm not
6358s saying it's good but it's not bad
6361s there's I think there there is a place
6364s legitimately for Road hogging
6366s competitive OverWatch right now and I'm
6369s sure like Jake will make a video and
6371s tell me I'm totally wrong and he's
6372s probably right
6373s um I I I totally yeah it was interesting
6376s to see
6377s um you know uh hook getting kind of
6379s nerfed and not being able to get the the
6381s one shot kill I don't think it matters
6382s at the highest of levels like you call
6384s hook and then everyone should be able to
6386s collapse on that person so it is a nice
6389s addition to a pick composition and uh
6391s really really fun to watch from open
6393s spots all right well turkey uh final day
6396s they bring out the silly does Norway
6399s have an answer or will we just be going
6401s and leaving it all to the pigs we'll see
6404s right after the break
6408s [Music]
6423s thank you
6436s [Music]
6461s [Music]
6476s [Music]
6483s thank you
6487s foreign
6491s [Music]
6498s [Music]
6601s thank you
6603s [Music]
6620s thank you
6624s it's a great day for pork at least if
6627s you like roadhog turkey coming on in
6629s Hook after Hook from Amani and Norway
6632s they tried to go silly for silly but
6635s turkey just made it a little bit sillier
6637s even brought in the life we were to go
6639s like our hogs in danger we'll pull them
6641s back support the hog the hog is life
6643s whatever you want to say here hexa
6646s turkey up what up yeah I I will say I
6648s was not expecting great day for pork to
6650s be the opening line but I'm for it I'm
6653s here for it
6654s yeah neither of these teams can improve
6658s their standings as far as groups go as
6660s far as world cup goes so you're seeing a
6662s little bit of silliness come out it's
6663s not necessarily a completely completely
6666s off meta but it's kind of off Mara
6669s um if I just saw Hogs I'd be okay with
6671s it but seeing like life Weaver is a
6673s little bit odd too like and torb viable
6675s hero to play yeah they're they're just
6678s some weird stuff coming out but um this
6680s is this is you know it's the last day of
6682s stages and it's kind of Goof Troop comes
6685s out and it's been fun it's been fun I
6687s guess yeah no I mean look it is
6689s entertaining I guess to me this is a
6691s more value brand of entertaining than
6693s whatever the heck Team USA is doing
6695s where uh you know tbsa was more of a
6698s we're just better we're gonna run this
6700s you know in terms of skill level this is
6702s like more even between the teams so it
6704s feels more legitimate to me to see
6706s turkey doing this that you know USA just
6709s doing what they've been it's not like
6710s bullying or flexing on people like this
6712s is just like kind of a gentleman's
6714s agreement on like hey Deeds want to run
6716s Hogs
6718s this is a much more like pure expression
6721s of fun I think we're seeing the turkey
6723s right now because you know again they
6725s weren't even favored coming into this
6726s match
6728s Well Kings makes a ton of sense I didn't
6730s even consult my spreadsheet but I know
6731s that Norway and turkey both go to Kings
6733s every single time that they lose a
6736s single map so going to Kings makes a
6739s world of sense also a decent hog map
6742s um Norway probably I kind of want to see
6745s Norway run they jump right here that's
6748s that's kind of been their their go-to
6750s from only God running junk on Kings see
6753s if it plays out
6756s I mean can we just swap The Meta
6758s eventually to just hitting full
6760s Australia cop where oh I guess you can't
6762s go full Australia because you can't it's
6764s a real problem the fact that you can't
6766s run roadhog and jungle quit at the same
6768s time tragic but you can run uh yeah
6771s either way yeah if you don't queue up in
6773s you know competitive you can you can run
6775s tanks
6777s true
6779s but we're getting into it what we're
6781s getting into uh who knows uh you
6784s shouldn't expect analysis at this point
6785s because uh we've gone off the script in
6788s fact like it's not just we've gone off
6789s the script when it remains of the script
6791s and went into a shredder it got burned
6793s and we scattered the ashes at the bottom
6795s of the ocean you know that's kind of
6797s where we're at right now
6799s yeah so I've been making kind of like
6801s wild predictions I think when Norway
6804s runs offense they'll do uh junkrats
6808s that's that's my one prediction for this
6810s map going forward otherwise uh we see
6813s Norway kind of
6815s defensive Echo hmm
6818s all right
6820s I mean again it makes it often it does
6822s make sense all right like bbo really
6824s likes playing a lot of Mercy you know
6826s it's one of her very best heroes so yeah
6828s I mean we know Norway likes running Echo
6830s particular psycho who's good at it or
6832s pharah when they can just because it's
6835s natural Synergy with what your support
6837s likes playing yeah it's just the the map
6839s architecture doesn't necessarily support
6841s a defensive flyer well we got the pharah
6846s torb roadhog life Weaver Let's Get It On
6851s Romani what Hooks you have to show us
6853s here today
6855s all different stuff so we'll see if the
6859s hook comes in towards the end of the
6860s fight but Norway good opening pick hook
6863s into the window no doesn't connect
6866s life Weaver off on the pedal we will
6869s find JP that's actually a massive pick
6871s get through the Anna but you've lost
6872s your hog
6874s and losing your tank in general
6877s not a great spot lethal is deep here a
6879s little bit too deep uh psycho there on
6882s the immediate punch also I think it's
6883s worth noting this is the pharah No Mercy
6886s uh change up
6888s Isaac gets caught though
6892s yeah Isaac went wow in a really weird
6894s push like 1v4 there maybe trying to
6897s rotate towards the pack but it was never
6899s gonna help them at all so it does seem
6902s like the offense is in a really solid
6904s spot never barely lives yeah nothing
6906s just got pulled out of the fire there
6908s not literally I don't think he got life
6909s but uh lethal hard mode far engaged I
6913s Don't Need No Mercy but okay baby
6916s gets a kill it's a trade out though
6919s turkey
6920s on the point
6922s about halfway this one should be fine
6924s here like Bob's there should be okay you
6926s think nephron a little bit low needs
6929s help katsuna gonna be out here soon
6930s Armani still on the lookout for any
6933s hooks possible gets caught Isaac brings
6936s down the spear
6939s [Music]
6950s a fun position to be in this Isaac just
6953s rolls forward
6958s I'm hex I need deep analysis here come
6960s on no I'm gonna be honest with you I
6962s have no idea what I'm saying yeah
6963s absolutely no idea
6965s what so you'll see this every day I mean
6969s the funny thing is I do see this every
6972s day because like I play in the platform
6974s I I see it happen but I don't understand
6977s the Netter either well Armani gets a
6979s hook on the psycho slaps it the whole
6981s hog finds Vivio Ruth may be down but
6984s this is a really good start to the fight
6986s here's robot he makes the whole hog work
6989s the hog explosion
6992s bacon everywhere yeah it's a turkey
6995s finally gets on the point a uh slower
6997s attack in the point a but we've seen
6999s worse
7000s yeah making bacon as it were uh Norway
7003s does look like they're transitioning to
7005s it
7007s a normal composition
7009s the the Nano boost coming out uh up
7012s front so turkey it doesn't surprise me
7014s from Turkey actually they run weird
7016s stuff before but also has Norway so the
7020s two teams to run the weirdest stuff
7022s turkey Norway would be get your hog to
7025s the window first class service elevator
7028s roll them on up let's hit the hook uh
7031s connects next I'm cool down right now
7033s and yeah
7037s just being able to send your hog
7039s wherever how people not run this before
7043s look at this the elevator is ready get
7046s started when pigs fly yeah
7049s I mean think about you know hog is not
7052s the lightest individual so that pedal I
7054s mean I could support somebody here
7058s uh only God as somebody who has won junk
7061s rats and formed on this map decides to
7064s shut down the opposing team on their Ash
7067s of their own Norway does seem to be
7068s solidifying a little bit a little bit of
7071s Spawn camp at least throwing a javelin
7072s in Norway's in a decent spot defensively
7075s as they have five ultimates available
7077s turkey also with a ton of alts as well
7081s is less valuable almost
7085s all right Norway completely stacked for
7089s the next fight
7091s Nano in reserve lethal connects gets the
7094s head shop on the JP and that is huge for
7097s turkey lethal finding the shots
7099s different with the follow through
7102s hog still here on the point maybe uh
7105s just dancing around two minutes left
7107s here from turkey and
7110s yeah luckily uh turkey didn't have to
7113s use the critical alt of tree of life you
7115s know that that game-changing ultimate
7117s that comes out in the lifebooger uh so
7119s yeah turkey able to push it through
7121s Norway again I mentioned this like
7123s before the last fight I can't believe
7124s they lost the last fight they have a ton
7127s of alts to be able to fight this back
7129s but 90 seconds left onto these offers
7132s all right Romani bullhog ready to go
7137s here
7139s on the payload
7141s and psycho finds enough for an early
7143s pickoff here from Norway
7145s but the bio need to sealing the deal
7148s bionade always the Eternal Nemesis of
7151s hog here is something that you know
7153s forbidden knowledge but still
7155s very much Stone case I I love that Anna
7158s has been so good for so long and just
7161s runs under the radar no one ever talks
7163s about nerfing Anna uh but bionade right
7166s there like as soon as somebody goes
7168s purple you're like oh they're gonna die
7169s they clearly have to die right and
7171s you're surprised when they don't uh so
7173s really nice play there comes out on the
7175s defense and now 40 seconds left ish it
7180s is going to be down to last fight for
7182s the offense
7186s turkey going a little bit more standard
7188s here as we get out of the silly Zone
7190s we'll see if this one works out people
7193s having to just play dodge the Arisa
7195s really well timed alternate here from
7197s Isaac turkey horseback
7200s Norway I'm a bit pressure we flail to
7202s find JP early big pick off for turkey
7204s psycho though returns continues The
7206s Bullying of muzo in the back line both
7209s teams trading out evenly Norway though
7211s on the edge here this Farm
7216s very back and forth not the ninth not in
7219s time the night res Isaac back up one of
7222s the biggest resist you can get in the
7224s moment psycho continuing to clean up on
7226s supports
7227s a little bit payload push still left as
7229s we get into overtime here hex but turkey
7232s trying to keep it going
7234s an enormous Health pool to bring back
7236s you're right that's the perfect
7237s Resurrection the knife a little bit too
7239s late and not enough damage but now
7241s everybody is kind of on the field and
7243s turkey is bringing this back turkey can
7245s fight this until EMP turkey can pull
7247s this kill ramadi please her eyes on 2 Hp
7250s people though dancing around Nephron in
7252s ramadi gets the heels he was looking for
7254s EMP good to go now for turkey and they
7256s might not need to use it here and what
7258s was a scrappy fight that went the other
7261s way in Turkey showing hey we could play
7262s a little bit more standard when we need
7264s to
7265s as back into more of a normal game
7269s yeah I mean it has been slowly evolving
7272s into a normal game which is odd enough
7274s uh so yeah turkey really good fight
7277s there they they have the EMP ready to go
7279s if they needed it but now EMP is
7281s clutched and ready to go the question is
7283s do you go on the flyers or do you go on
7285s the ground here who's your focus
7288s well right now the focus more on the
7290s Isaac EMP on the way out hits both
7292s psycho and mimioso definitely onto the
7295s Flyers more than anything else Isaac
7297s though burned on down Boozled gets
7298s caught by one God
7301s JP on the Farooq both supports down here
7303s for turkey 50 seconds left to go I only
7306s want to get out at this point but the
7308s support line hit it yeah he'll again the
7310s psycho duplicate
7312s 's been really really crushed that
7313s defense yeah the psycho duplicate like
7316s going on to to be a second junker Queen
7318s is so much sustained and so much damage
7322s that they can't do anything about it
7323s yeah I mean the thing is like whatever's
7326s been used here luzo has been on the
7328s receiving end it has been a rough series
7330s of maps here for them so even when
7332s turkey's been doing well but here we go
7333s lethal blade good to go immediately get
7335s only gone off the dash now looking JP in
7339s the sights uh just immediately gonna
7340s teleport out that one but hey bring the
7342s blade over the Isaac Resurrection
7344s attempt from bbo the res on the Isaac
7346s works but it comes at a cost
7348s bibio gives her life for it I second
7350s danger goes for the Altier
7353s on the point turkey drops a barrier in
7355s return more pressure on the isec Isaac
7357s how long can Isaac live here Twirls the
7360s spear
7361s Norway on the back foot equal on the JP
7363s turkey still assaulting they get Isaac
7366s down finally and the cleanup looks to
7368s beat there is Romani Goes Wild on the
7370s junker Queen
7372s really nice blade that comes in EMP is
7375s up but it doesn't need to really even go
7377s off uh that's a kind of a showy EMP at
7379s the end really well played by lethal and
7381s you don't expect a Genji to get that
7383s much value without a nano there's no
7386s Anna on the field but lethal just pulls
7388s it off and you know in this format where
7391s it's 5v5 if you get one kill you get two
7394s kills amazing stuff from lethal uh
7397s lethal was the player that we thought
7399s was going to be the hard carry for his
7401s Squad but I have to say if I look at
7404s turkey and I think of like their best
7405s players maybe I can save her money maybe
7407s I can say nephron their support line has
7409s been so underrated like Farouk and muzo
7412s have uh not only stayed alive but gotten
7415s kills on so many different people I
7418s think yesterday Farooq had like a 3K
7421s Lucio life
7422s um don't run the life Weaver and make
7424s this point non-valid for but all muso
7427s has been hitting shots as kiriko this
7429s turkey team is not just carried by their
7432s damage dealers which we would have
7433s expected this turkey team is actually
7435s pretty well-rounded yeah I mean the only
7437s thing I said buso is that while muzos
7438s had high peaks as you kind of allude to
7440s here muzo is also a bit like Target
7442s number one for like psycho and odigon in
7444s a lot of these fights I mean the amount
7445s of first pick-offs from muzos the first
7447s to die in turkey has been pretty darn
7449s high on the hole but well yeah so Musa
7453s is like kind of like a surmajed kind of
7455s person to me where they they hit every
7457s shot and they're mechanically gifted but
7459s also die when they shouldn't
7462s turkey they shifted off the silly when
7464s they need to but they're bringing it
7466s back here on the beginning of King's Row
7470s see how effective it is
7472s using the pedal looking for a hook I
7475s love what we're seeing there is very
7477s entertaining thus far
7480s except for an Under Pressure V full much
7482s the same Oni God finishes off lethal
7485s Fred's gonna come in here for psycho is
7486s a question only God gets boozo really
7489s good Widow Precision here from onigon oh
7492s there's nothing to contest the winner
7493s right now
7495s and this was eggs where turkey's going
7498s to have to give up some progress here on
7501s the point like there's no way around it
7502s maybe Romani hits a hook I think they
7505s come back I think they're gonna come
7507s back in touch no no they will they will
7508s it was like early enough that they'll
7509s have a Recon test for a body gets JP how
7512s in the world judges the kiriko
7515s turkey now very good chance of rain is
7517s back however res is in not denied
7521s and Only God still being a real threat
7523s on the side's hook in again for Romani
7526s clip psycho's Wings Tree of Life comes
7528s out
7529s and that's gonna be something we're for
7530s Norway you just kind of have to
7531s disengage a little bit it's not worth
7533s staying in down one with the tree down
7535s lethal even gets only God as pigs fly
7538s through the sky at the highest level
7540s Hook is a one shot right you take
7543s somebody out of the position and you put
7544s them into the Hornet's Nest that should
7547s be your team so it completely works out
7549s huge anti gets two yeah Isaac on the
7553s Rampage but the thing is is that the
7555s trails are still far more in favor of
7557s turkey
7558s uh actually very significant pickoff
7561s there for money God
7562s res comes in Norway is going to be able
7564s to go back on the point and get better
7566s positioning and ramadi they're off the
7568s hog here on to the junker Queen so
7570s turkey's shifting gears again back more
7573s to a normal comp for them as that friend
7575s gets a hit on the onigod
7578s not gonna be enough to recontest
7581s yeah they will take it back
7584s ing up a little bit also just take the
7586s pedal there does Hanzo need I feel like
7588s that's the one here that doesn't need to
7590s take the pedal up to the window
7597s turkey low
7600s turkey's Just A Sign we don't need to
7601s wait for the archway we're just gonna
7603s hop in earlier
7605s Dragon strike down Broad Street gets rid
7607s of psycho kills the duplicate and the
7609s echo one Fell Swoop Resurrection in from
7613s mimio
7615s more pressure coming in from Norway
7621s it's an interesting decision to go fight
7623s in forward of the archway but it has
7626s worked out so it's hard to argue against
7628s it generally you want to play passively
7630s and sit behind the archway because the
7632s defender's Advantage is enormous there
7634s uh but turkey does take their advantage
7638s and run it forward
7640s I wonder if it'll do it again because
7641s Romani has got Rampage coming up which
7644s would be a perfect way to go fight again
7647s lethal got caught so already a tough
7650s start here from Turkey gonna grip Romani
7653s out of Harm's Way
7655s Mommy here in the background it's gonna
7657s go psycho just Death from Above bombing
7660s in yeah
7661s good stuff from psycho Norway one thing
7664s that can't be forgotten here we're
7664s always working with a decent amount of
7666s time on the clock still three minutes
7667s left through second if they can get
7670s second on this next push it definitely
7672s leads the scenario where turkey uh may
7675s not get an attack of Their Own
7676s [Music]
7678s yeah psycho uh free reign of the Skies
7680s once uh the the opposing Widow is down
7684s in Lethal um
7686s you know Hanzo can put some arrows on
7688s you but it's not as frightening so
7690s psycho just feels very very comfortable
7692s psycho nearing ultimate now lethal down
7695s again now psycho you have to feel like
7697s you have to control the battlefield yeah
7699s I mean you no longer have to worry about
7700s the Widow you have the player Advantage
7702s General psycho free reign as Isaac just
7706s goes deeper catches boozo again another
7708s one of those pickups on the buso where
7710s Monty can't get out and Norway really
7713s hitting the groove now as we've turned
7715s into something a little bit more
7716s traditional farook still on the life
7718s Weaver I think farook would like to swap
7719s but it's like oh you got the tree use
7721s the tree for one fight but
7723s you know they've lost what they were
7725s going for with the hog so I do wonder
7726s how long the Weaver stays
7729s yeah it is it is a questionable pick
7733s um heavy pressure stuff it's pretty good
7737s three words down again three comes out
7739s three came out and this is the save
7742s Romani here in the moment
7745s you got the Rampage ready to go here
7746s from Armani turkey waiting in the back
7749s tree just about out of duration here
7752s between Spears
7753s you see Isaac going in deeper look at
7755s the putters at EMP from odigon very big
7758s hits four
7760s not there though turkey just hugging
7762s spawn going please get off of us they
7765s get Isaac down that is gonna let them
7766s push out again
7770s it's more progress going to be made for
7771s Norway on the carpet they do have to
7773s back out and wait for Isaac as you
7775s mentioned I think Isaac is coming in
7778s with the Rampage and you can also use
7781s the the two name
7786s normally you just back out of this right
7788s well you'd think but they also just use
7789s Kitsune so they bought this on
7791s opportunity I think it was right they
7792s used Kitsune right as the pit came out
7794s Rez is there but the opt-in for katsune
7797s gone
7800s under a heavy heavy pressure right now
7805s meanwhile though Isaac low psycho gets
7808s Nephron
7809s decent pickup from psycho Norway still
7811s able to stay Pony gun finally gets
7813s picked
7815s 4v4 between both teams right now
7819s it's not a critical loss for Norway I
7821s think you can still push if you want to
7823s but they're going to back up anyway it's
7826s really hard to have pressure on the
7827s point with the damage killings that they
7829s have they have an echo in the Widowmaker
7831s none of which are gonna put like
7833s consistent pressure on the point
7835s the one thing here dragging in from that
7839s from here just to clear the way from
7840s Turkey Norway side stepping the psycho
7842s double junker Queen in play off the
7844s duplicate he almost got the valkyrie
7846s only God finds Farooq big early pick off
7848s two down here from turkey and Norway is
7851s still above that crucial one minute
7852s Point here just a little bit more and
7855s they'll get an attack uncontested no one
7858s left for turkey and an excellent attack
7861s here from Norway
7863s I think the story of Norway has actually
7865s been mostly like psycho and Isaac these
7869s players have played so well on several
7871s different Heroes
7872s um but when you let Isaac play the
7874s junker Queen especially looks so so
7877s strong and and psycho playing mostly the
7879s Flyers but the Echoes psycho's Echo has
7882s been crushing teams
7885s um been looking really good four and two
7887s for Norway it could have been different
7889s or we could have gotten out of groups um
7892s I suppose on the last day of the
7893s tournament you're always gonna like
7895s reminisce about what could have happened
7896s uh especially we'll see Sweden next what
7898s could have happened but Norway was a
7901s team that I thought was gonna you know
7902s contest looking really really solid
7905s you're you're getting the best out of
7907s some of these players and I wouldn't be
7908s surprised to see some of these players
7910s show up
7911s um in competitive tournaments the next
7912s year oh definitely I mean also that's
7914s the best part about this tournament
7915s right is that it is kind of the
7917s spotlight on hey hidden talent because
7919s you know the reality is is that
7921s OverWatch World Cup is a program does
7922s get a lot lot more attention on it than
7924s contenders I mean it has been the best
7926s Star maker in OverWatch history when you
7929s look at uh you know performance and
7931s OverWatch World Cup to are you in the
7934s OverWatch League
7935s regardless Norway pretty easy path here
7937s the Victory and forcing a map three
7939s minute 25 of uncontested attack but
7943s there is potential for a draw which we
7945s have yet to get at least in the games we
7946s have casted here so far
7949s little rivets through the window
7953s oh nice manner
7957s you just get shot it's happening
7960s only God under pressure from Hollands
7962s it's not the long range tour if it's a
7964s Sombra in the face
7967s pressure looking for the pick psycho
7970s finds muso early
7972s both teams down one
7974s if you're Norway's only one team's down
7975s their tank yeah main support versus tank
7978s I I feel like they should still push
7980s this yeah I mean part of it too is that
7982s for the attack you like trades like that
7984s early Isaac comes back a lot earlier
7986s than muzo does
7988s only God again Under Pressure gonna work
7991s the shift again pocket all the while
7992s psycho don't leave though super early
7995s psycho was just playing bodyguard like
7997s anyone who shoots it only God gets
7999s killed by psycho yeah essentially yeah
8003s psycho continuing the pressure on top
8005s Isaac
8006s fitted psycho starts nephron out of the
8008s fight Norway real close to finishing
8011s this attack and psycho continues to rip
8014s them apart and that's all that's needed
8015s the force map 3 Norway brings it on back
8019s I have a really solid squad for this
8021s Norway team like I said I thought they
8023s might have a chance to get out of groups
8024s it's just a stacked group that that
8027s they're in like you're not gonna beat
8028s Saudi Arabia and Finland it's just kind
8030s of rough have uh gotten a really good
8032s showing though really really good
8034s showing for this team for this country
8036s in the world cup uh looking really
8039s really solid and the yeah the names that
8043s you know I consider myself like pretty
8045s abreast to to good OverWatch information
8047s and knowing most of the players but
8049s learning about like psycho and Isaac
8051s these are great players that people need
8054s to learn about yeah I mean look you know
8057s through the veil of silliness there was
8059s good play to be had here especially when
8061s you know Turkey is like all right let's
8064s go to our normal bread and butter yeah
8066s the veil of selenius came up and went
8068s down pretty quickly and you know it was
8070s fun for a bit but like they did actually
8072s play legitimate conversations like
8074s because both these teams love King's Row
8075s like but these scenes always go to games
8077s so they're like when we go to Kings
8079s we'll play serious at least
8081s I think there's also a point where like
8083s you can get away with it a little bit
8084s more in control just by the you know
8086s more TDM nature of it because you just
8088s got more opportunities if you're playing
8089s to like hog to go in and you know find
8091s hooks whereas it is more limited here
8094s where ifropani as good individually as
8097s he was on Hogs said yeah they were
8099s playing silly but we're also kind of
8100s playing the win at the same time I'm
8101s gonna go back to Joker Queen
8103s make this a lot closer
8107s yeah so I think we saw hog is
8110s quasi-viable I'm still on the fence as
8112s far as like life Weaver being viable
8115s viable
8116s um I don't think the alts is very good
8117s uh so at least we're seeing some some
8121s play testing you know um we're seeing
8123s the PTR live action in the OverWatch
8126s World Cup yeah you know there is a
8128s there's a point OverWatch history though
8130s where it's like it's silly until it
8132s works type of Deal or I remember uh it
8134s was me and Jason Kaplan who casted the
8136s very first tournament that goats won uh
8139s it was a beat Invitational back in the
8141s day and we were me and Jason were just
8144s like flabbergasted what we were seeing
8146s is like okay this is like ridiculous but
8148s it's working it's not just working
8150s they're dominating and little did we
8152s know uh from that team called goats uh
8154s it would literally Define The Meta for
8156s the next uh year and a half so yeah what
8158s starts out is silly or seems uh off you
8161s know it only stays in that way so long
8163s as it's a novelty if it starts getting
8165s played and used all the time and it's
8167s super effective well then it becomes the
8170s truth but either way that was map two
8174s when we come back this battle between
8177s turkey and Norway is gonna hit its
8179s conclusion who will end up on top
8183s [Music]
8199s laughs
8203s [Music]
8210s [Applause]
8212s [Music]
8225s [Music]
8236s thank you
8238s [Music]
8245s thank you
8267s [Music]
8272s [Music]
8283s [Music]
8294s [Music]
8298s thank you
8312s foreign
8313s [Music]
8344s [Music]
8351s foreign
8367s [Music]
8381s [Music]
8390s foreign
8392s [Music]
8400s things getting a little bit more serious
8402s between turkey and Norway at the end of
8405s King's Row both teams going to more
8407s traditional compositions and it's Norway
8409s hex that comes up on top but it was very
8412s close to the point that we were
8413s wondering hey you know what happens in a
8416s draw like what's going on here because
8417s we haven't had one yet but we didn't
8419s have one there and might not have one
8421s all tournament long either way it was
8423s fun
8424s yeah how dare you jinx us perhaps we'll
8427s have a draw and push now like zero
8429s through zero uh something like that
8430s happens but yeah yeah draws were kind of
8432s a thing of the past mostly for assault
8436s Maps two CP Maps whatever you want to
8438s call it but we're gonna go to Esperanza
8440s Esperanza I think it's actually the
8442s right way to say
8443s um like I said I'm from the Midwest I
8445s don't know how to say words I just have
8446s hard vowels and consonants but Esperanza
8449s will be the flavor of the day that is
8452s the pick
8454s um is this end up being a Reaper map do
8457s you see torb again from some silliness
8459s maybe is there some sojourn zp what do
8461s you think I don't know I I feel like
8463s there's part of me that looks at this
8464s ago turkey will play this uh more
8466s traditionally just because it is a
8469s pretty good map to run junker Queen and
8471s Romani is a very good junker Queen and
8473s yeah turkey can end it with their
8475s strongest shot or they could come out
8477s into more hog life Weaver I I don't know
8480s what to expect from Turkey I think
8481s anyone who goes into this and says yeah
8483s I know what turkey is gonna run uh you
8486s know that's confidence that is not uh
8488s well-founded is what I'll say I think we
8490s see JQ on both sides like both Isaac and
8493s Romani uh tend to favor junker Queen uh
8496s pretty often uh I mean Isaac might run
8498s like an Orissa maybe but
8501s Joker Queen makes a ton of sense here
8503s I'm always looking at like what onigot
8506s is gonna run because onigard runs to
8507s such different Heroes like in different
8510s like strange times I'd expect psycho to
8514s um maybe even like an echo maybe you run
8516s Echo here yeah yeah this is a lot more
8520s as expected so turkey is coming out with
8522s you know for lack of their term their
8524s real composition this is what we've seen
8525s turkey play throughout the tournament
8527s the variants on this a whole lot right
8529s muzo not really leading the carico
8531s Farooq right Lucio Romani on you know
8534s the very favorite joke nephron's best
8536s heroes also the Sombra so that makes
8538s sense yeah all this this is we've left
8541s the realm of silliness we've entered
8543s real OverWatch here from seriously
8545s serious time yeah serious time
8549s but here we go turkey versus Norway last
8553s match of the tournament for both of
8554s these teams playing for pride you get
8556s another W on the board who's it gonna be
8558s only God I'm out here on the Tracer
8565s yeah it's a it's a tough map for Tracer
8567s like on this very initial point because
8569s you want to get to the back line but
8571s you're gonna get pushed out by
8572s everything's in front of you that friend
8574s punishes I suck early Isaac over Dives
8576s just a little bit turkey that should be
8578s fighting yeah it absolutely is I mean in
8580s a junker Queen for stronger Queen
8581s matchup you lose your junker Queen early
8583s well you're gonna be giving up points
8585s now it's already Norway under heavy
8587s pressure you don't want to be the team
8588s that loses two fights in push in a row
8591s it just puts you too deep into the hole
8595s yeah they're gonna have to wait back oh
8597s moonso getting pulled down by his
8599s opposite number big from JP I mean we
8602s talk about psycho but JP on the carico
8604s finding some great moments and Norway he
8608s dies but yeah takes down two really well
8611s played yeah we haven't spoken enough
8613s about JP because I think we need like
8614s the j3 joke about how JP actually hit
8617s shots
8618s um but it's it's been a really really
8620s nice spot for Norway mostly it's been
8623s like kiriko JP like plays other Heroes
8626s and it's fine but JB's kiriko gets shots
8630s and the Damage amplifier on these kiriko
8632s shots has been amazing and that will be
8635s Norway taking a lead bombing a Sombra
8638s again not quite the level of Trace would
8639s be Tracer bombs but still not something
8642s you generally see
8644s as turkey struggles now to find way back
8647s in Wizard though could be that wall
8649s comes up this is usually where the
8651s blizzard comes down waiting waiting
8653s drops it what I feel like this is
8656s something Norway can get away from here
8658s Norway still looking pretty healthy
8660s psycho punishes Romanian yeah that
8661s blizzard I think it was a little bit
8663s forced by lethal and now Norway can get
8666s a lot more progress on the points it was
8669s an okay wall but this map doesn't really
8671s allow for you to get like killer walls
8673s the the lock-in blizzard kind of thing
8676s you saw the the other the opponent team
8678s was able to back out and able to skirt
8681s the wall not perfect for the May here on
8683s Esperanza and that might be why it's the
8685s map pick yeah and lethal now swapping
8688s over to the soldier and you know
8691s soldiers was things where it's solid but
8693s we haven't really seen Soldier beat
8695s absolutely spectacular thus far in the
8697s awards will come fairly underplayed
8698s maybe lethal will change that EMP is
8701s ready to go here for nephron Romani low
8704s it down resting if he comes out the
8706s focus fire on the ramani massive Isaac
8709s drop in the spear
8712s here on the Arisa it's been reasonably
8714s healthy on point just firing into lethal
8717s and Norway continues well I say that now
8721s we're seeing luzo yeah pick on the edge
8724s it's still saying where Norway I think
8726s can hold on but it's a lot more Scrappy
8728s Isaac finally Falls but it's only God
8730s just dancing around good cleanup on the
8732s point respawns are gonna be coming back
8733s in for Norway so it ends up Scrappy but
8737s you know the next fight isn't gonna be
8738s as advantageous as turkey would like
8741s I'm kind of in this position though as
8743s as we were in the last matchup too where
8745s they're not fighting against the other
8747s team they're fighting the map so they're
8749s they're kind of stalling it out and
8750s waiting it out
8752s um you know a couple of ultimates didn't
8753s get exactly what they should have but
8755s Norway should be fine to come back in
8757s here I'm my eyes are in Psycho psycho's
8760s duplicate uh could be well it's psycho
8762s and oh my God here I only got super
8763s close to bomb look at the damage on the
8765s faroof nearly gets a One Clip drops the
8766s bomb doesn't connect no
8768s meanwhile psycho in the air if you're
8770s looking at only God you might not be
8772s looking at The Echo
8775s I just want to say oh you got life I'm
8776s like I I've lived that life so many
8778s times like I might be dead here's a
8780s here's a pulse really good stuff by
8782s psycho doesn't even have to use the
8784s duplicate turkey down two again
8787s robot might be running away in favor of
8789s turkey but that won't be the case
8793s I mean turkey is Win position next time
8796s is probably uh EMP and then
8800s I mean Soldier alts I'm sorry it took me
8803s a second because I don't see Soldier all
8804s very often but yeah it should be visor
8807s coming out after that
8809s uh so far turkey has just not gotten any
8812s decent value out of any of their
8814s ultimates well it has to switch right
8816s now he's down early right as visor comes
8818s out Romania's got picked off the nicest
8821s turkey and basalts they use the EMP
8823s oh boy this is an ALT Fiesta and not the
8827s good type of fiesta for turkey that
8830s that's brutal you can't lose your main
8833s tank right as you invest massively from
8836s Norway though what more can you say yeah
8839s you just can't lose your tank like that
8840s like there's there's two Heroes that you
8843s can't lose to begin a fight it's your
8844s main support and your tank you cannot
8847s lose either of those otherwise that
8848s fight's essentially over unless you get
8850s a giant clutch play
8852s um psycho a little bit too far gets shot
8855s around the corner uh again not the
8857s biggest of deals like Norway is just
8859s fighting clock well right now they're
8861s also just adding on to lead like every
8863s meter you get here is back breaking
8866s two night out here from Norway Norway
8868s wants to add on they're looking for
8869s nephron and Romani both under pressure
8871s Brooks you have to drop the beat soon
8872s Romani super low where is the support
8875s for her body reminding to tell finally
8877s the beat gets dropped the pressure gets
8880s turned on the Isaac Isaac Lord HP not
8882s gonna get to the health pack
8884s turkey having to use whatever they have
8887s left here the stem the bleeding but 120
8889s meters from Norway no matter how the
8891s rest of this pans out Norway is happy
8895s yeah with four minutes you're gonna be
8897s pretty thrilled about this you kind of
8899s just regroup it resets a nice shot from
8902s Norway like both the the supports were
8904s appealing for each other uh kept it
8906s alive pretty long turkey had to invest a
8908s lot although if Turkey really really
8912s Nails her the ultimates
8914s Annihilation is coming up Bob's coming
8917s up duplicates coming up turkey could win
8919s the next two fights yeah pick up JP is
8921s massive this is huge for turkey now they
8923s don't necessarily have to use anything
8925s in the fight lethal finishes off vbo I
8928s think bibio was likely going for the res
8929s there so
8931s big pick off big follow through and most
8934s importantly alt efficient fight for
8936s turkey yeah great economics there from
8939s Turkey they they have nothing to lose
8941s going forward
8943s the duplicates and the Bob are going to
8945s be ready for uh turkey
8948s Norway hasn't and it's no defensive
8951s ultimate they have no support ultimates
8954s all right people duplicate good to go
8955s heavy damage on the Isaac early on only
8957s God went to the back got forced out
8962s immortality field gone courtesy of the
8965s pulse bomb as lethal goes for the
8967s duplicate here it's the duped character
8969s you're gonna see a double katune here
8972s maybe
8974s see the icicle in the middle gone turkey
8977s Staying Alive Annihilation on Romani
8980s you can get anything from though psycho
8981s finds nephron on the outskirts lethal
8983s though going point for Point Romani back
8986s in decent HP punches Isaac out of there
8989s and it's turkey with a little bit more
8991s position on the point the president on
8993s the JP huge from mimio
8995s very Scrappy mimio can't get away lethal
8998s and Romani connect
9000s is that gonna be enough only God's
9002s skirting off to the back of him the only
9003s God's gonna get anything here
9005s both teams fighting tooth and nail
9007s turkey though getting more products to
9008s payload only God on his mission was able
9010s to find muzo gets lead full as well only
9012s God keeping Norway in the fight
9017s uh there will be forward spawns but yes
9020s you mentioned only got absolutely
9021s crushing it there there was an instance
9023s there I'm not certain that the duplicate
9025s was the correct Target uh you kind of
9028s want to always Target the tanks nephron
9030s comes back with a two-piece and this is
9033s getting really weird yeah I mean this is
9035s uh the rules are gone it's just a street
9038s problem right now between both teams but
9041s it's one where Norway is fine with this
9044s just being gummed up here for a while
9046s they're not the ones Under Pressure it's
9048s on Turkey to make up the difference
9050s Nephron in the back drops the dynamite
9052s the mortality field already out here
9054s from Turkey they dropped the beat
9055s looking for anything only God looking to
9057s put it away pulse bomb in the back Dives
9059s over the psycho gets a rook the double
9062s combo between Odie God and psycho
9064s continues as the bomb hits
9068s foreign
9083s Tracer is killing somebody in the sky
9085s because they don't expect you they
9087s expect they expect a cast they expect a
9089s soldier but like when you put on that
9090s damage to the sky I think a lot of
9092s people Overlook the fact that Tracer
9094s siskin is that good uh Norway continues
9097s to push down
9099s Isaac just got bursted
9103s so he I mean you're still you're okay if
9107s this is Norway hacks right like you're
9108s up by 70. it's not the worst but it is
9112s like you talk about the steps to victory
9114s but that is step one there right is that
9117s you you know four turkeys so
9120s Norway though well Norway has to look at
9121s the clock and look at one more fight we
9123s need one more fight how do we get the
9125s best fight possible I guess you're
9126s relying on um Isaac to Zone Isaac's low
9132s very very dangerous there
9135s and now we're into the next fight Bob
9137s out early here from Turkey
9140s nephron looking for Apex Romani finds JP
9143s big Germany against both supports with
9146s his fists
9147s Norway's gotta regroup it resets and
9150s recalibrate right here uh yeah this is
9153s where the push comeback potential it's
9155s getting Dodge it just got real it just
9157s got real it's got real real
9160s uh only God maybe uh winning for his
9163s team you know only God in Norway or
9165s synonymous maybe get this pulse bomb and
9168s also like like I said Isaac can can
9170s stall out at the very least with
9171s Annihilation yeah but this this has to
9173s pulse bomb can end this before it begins
9175s oh we have the opportunity goes for the
9177s pulse doesn't hit no does not connect
9180s turkey gets away from the pulse bomb
9182s threat Annihilation the annihilation on
9184s the card ceremony getting low Isaac
9186s trying to finish up for money both Rams
9188s going for annihilation farook gets
9190s caught couldn't get away from Isaac and
9193s now turkey endanger Armani out of it two
9195s pickups here from Norway does turkey
9198s have anything left to bring it back they
9200s have the duplicate on the lethal but
9201s they are down in numbers including
9204s support including tank and nah it's
9206s psycho puts it away Norway staves off
9211s turkey in the end they win the map they
9214s take the match and what a way to end it
9217s here in the OverWatch World Cup
9220s they were going Ram B Ram at the end but
9222s one of the Rams had a mercy which is
9224s just like unfair but you look up at the
9226s sky you're like well that's that's not
9227s cool that that can't be the way
9230s um really well played both both squads I
9232s think turkey actually surprised um well
9234s I'll save this for myself turkey
9235s surprised me as well as they played uh
9237s lethal uh Isaac's psycho like they're
9240s really good players
9242s um but yeah Norway you kind of expect
9243s them like Norway you know only God and
9246s really really solid Squad uh Romani on
9250s the other team like there's there's good
9252s players on both sides and this is how
9255s they end up their World Cup tournaments
9257s really solid I'm glad that we went to
9259s silliness sometimes we got away from the
9261s city yeah I mean we you know the silly
9264s kind of went on for about a math and a
9265s half is uh if I was at the clock it you
9268s know the control was just zaniness
9270s King's Row was kind of a mix but we got
9273s good honest OverWatch here on push and
9275s credit look credit where credit is due
9277s for turkey even with the tough start
9279s they may the end uh exciting it they
9282s brought it to the point of one fight
9284s mattering and you know if Farooq was
9286s just able to get out of the Splash Zone
9289s as it were of Isaac's Annihilation might
9291s have been a very different fight
9293s I think across the board I've been
9295s really surprised with a lot of these
9297s OverWatch World Cup teams because
9298s there's a lot of teams I looked at like
9300s doing prep and just figuring out like uh
9302s who is this who is that there's a lot of
9304s teams I thought were like not going to
9305s win a map not gonna go on stage and and
9307s there there's been such a hyper
9309s competitiveness uh to be a team that's
9312s able to pull off victories and map wins
9314s against Like Only God
9316s I mean that's craziness
9318s it's been very close amongst all these
9321s teams and even with nothing to play for
9323s to get out of groups it's been really
9325s fun to watch these guys
9326s very much has but that is our match of
9329s turkey versus Norway in the books coming
9332s up next the revamped reinvigorated
9335s Sweden taking on the best team of the
9338s group so far in Saudi Arabia will Sweden
9341s find the blueprints we're gonna find out
9345s [Music]
9362s thank you
9367s [Music]
9378s thank you
9394s [Music]
9454s thank you
9457s [Music]
9460s foreign
9469s [Music]
9478s [Music]
9497s [Music]
9509s foreign
9513s [Music]
9530s foreign
9534s [Music]
9560s foreign
9562s welcome back to the OverWatch World Cup
9564s emec qualifiers It's the final day of
9566s competition I'm jabasco that's CP and
9569s that's hex and we just watched Norway
9571s take it two to one over turkey zp recap
9574s that action for us you're gonna ask me
9577s that recap that action uh where to start
9579s uh I suppose the easiest way of saying
9582s it is that it was ridiculous but it was
9585s fun it was entertaining and as
9587s ridiculous as the beginning was the
9589s ending was serious and it was good
9591s OverWatch so there was a lot of highs
9593s and lows uh from various different
9595s angles over the course of that series
9597s but hey we got a three map series and if
9599s nothing else it was entertaining it was
9602s a great match honestly we saw so much
9603s life out of turkey Norway obviously
9605s taking it they have a better score
9606s they're a little bit stronger but it
9608s honestly could have gone either way all
9609s right let's go ahead and take a look at
9610s the schedule see what Maps we've done
9612s already see which what's around the
9614s corner I know hex has been dying for
9616s this match Sweden versus Saudi Arabia is
9619s next up of course you can see how the
9621s rest of the day stacked up before your
9622s eyes and of course once we flip up on
9624s over to group a for the last three
9626s matches of the day our last four matches
9628s of the day rather there will be tons of
9630s story there but hex let's start with
9632s Sweden and Saudi Arabia tell us why you
9634s are so excited yeah yeah so there's a
9636s ton of stuff that's going to happen in
9638s group a about like who makes and who
9639s doesn't Group B is kind of set but like
9641s I love this matchup between Sweden and
9644s Saudi Arabia like Sweden's out Saudi
9646s Arabia's in they're gonna get through
9648s groups between like could have had this
9651s great Glory go up and watching them
9654s against Saudi Arabia who who's gonna run
9657s Flyers they're gonna run flyers in the
9659s sky and Sweden has the hit scan on the
9661s ground to be able to deal with it
9662s sparker on ash you've got cavster who
9665s could run whatever like this is kind of
9667s Sweden's Redemption game if Sweden's the
9669s one team that is able to beat Saudi
9672s Arabia that kind of redeems their
9674s tournament for them as as bad as they
9676s were in it as like as as rough as it
9678s wasn't they didn't come out of groups
9679s this could be your Swan Song and I love
9682s it I think they have a shot yeah I'm
9684s looking forward man this week Sweden has
9686s looked so different they've definitely
9688s done a 180 and they've mentioned it on
9690s their social media Pages as well you
9691s know if we combine thematic and you've
9694s got that Genji as well well the diva
9696s Genji combo that could shut down a
9698s pharah like that you know so with a lot
9700s of tensions Riding High of course Lots
9702s riding on this game is not so much for
9704s the placements not so much for the main
9705s event but for pride and for to be able
9707s to say that you knocked out the kings of
9709s this torment it's got to feel pretty
9710s good so let's see it zp and hex we've
9712s got the match just around the corner and
9713s I'll catch you guys on the flip side you
9715s know I think you hit on one really
9717s really good point there hex which is
9719s that this one thank you yeah well
9720s there's multiple but like there's one
9722s that spoke out to me okay uh you know
9724s not taking the other points are bad I
9725s mean maybe they were who knows but uh
9727s what we can do is the idea that you know
9730s teams struggle in Saudi Arabia because
9732s it's kind of uh you know you go to
9734s amusement park it goes You Must Be This
9735s Tall to get on this ride right well when
9738s it comes to dealing with these ones
9740s Farah there's kind of a you must be this
9741s good at hitscan to stand a chance versus
9744s otherwise you are just dead Sweden is
9747s one of the few teams in the tournament
9748s that at least in theory has the hit scan
9751s talent to actually deal with the pharah
9754s and make izan like play it a little bit
9757s more honestly
9760s only lost one map and that was against
9762s Finland right and so Finland ran Cass
9764s and Diva and that was the the the the
9767s fix to figure out how to beat Saudi
9769s Arabia I think if anyone's got the
9771s talent to be able to take down this uh
9774s Flyers Squad which is Saudi Arabia it is
9778s the Sweden's team and also Sweden like
9782s be looking for some mode of redemption
9785s right Sweden was supposed to get out of
9786s his group Sweden should not have been
9788s where they are uh right now but you
9791s you've got the talents also thematic
9793s coming back in on the tank has worked
9795s really well for them we'll see thematics
9797s mostly around like erisa and Winston
9799s um I don't know if they can run a diva
9801s against the the Saudi Arabia Squad maybe
9803s that would be a different challenge for
9805s them but like sparker kevster also the
9807s support line solid yeah I mean the only
9809s thing it's kind of a cold comfort here
9811s for the Swedish fans because if comes
9813s out and and they play to your ideal
9816s dream scenario here x where you have
9818s this idea of the reinvigorated Sweden
9819s that builds the blueprint of how to play
9821s against Saudi Arabia
9830s one but also you know why have you done
9832s this to me but well I'm
9835s the blueprint was like Finland beat them
9837s it was it was vestola on Diva right and
9840s sauna on on Cass and it was enough
9843s pressure to make sure that the Flyers
9846s weren't feeling really good so I think
9847s that's like kind of the blueprint
9850s um maybe
9851s another idea is you run a zanning you
9854s start like discording
9856s um part of the part of the flyer Duo I
9858s think Diva cast is the only way to
9861s really really effectively deal with a
9863s flyer comp well speaking of flyer comps
9865s speaking of Saudi Arabia this is a squad
9867s in front of you and it is incredibly
9870s talented I mean we could talk for days
9872s about yazan KSA is a massive threat as a
9876s tank and what about quartz where you
9878s know coming into this maybe not as much
9880s talk about Courts for those that weren't
9882s familiar but they're in terms of hi I'm
9885s going to take over the game moments I
9887s feel like quartz has been at the very
9889s upper echelon of play across all regions
9892s in this tournament because when quartz
9893s is on the entire other team they're just
9895s turned off
9896s yeah I totally agree uh courts on Havana
9899s a couple of maps like everyone's looking
9901s at yinza uh or yazam rather
9905s um and the quartz Just Hits three
9906s headshots in a row I think the the one
9908s person I think has been overlooked has
9910s been KSA on on tank the junker Queen
9914s when when teams try to ignore the pharah
9917s uh composition and the flyer composition
9919s they try to go to the points and then
9921s KSA just Rampages and kills everybody
9924s it's it's been kind of ridiculous uh
9927s been looking over so this team is not
9930s just about yazan and the flyer comps and
9933s courts and and picking up the hit scan
9935s it is everybody and you have to give a
9938s ton of credit also to to the sports who
9941s are keeping yazen alive it's been a
9944s really well-rounded Squad and they will
9946s make it through the groups
9948s alrighty so the fates of both of these
9951s teams have been set but Sweden right now
9953s playing for pride and at least they
9955s could be well we were still the team
9957s that beat the team uh in the back pocket
9960s meanwhile Saudi Arabia I just feel like
9962s they play with a chip on their shoulder
9963s in the hey you know we're gonna be
9966s dominant look at us dominate uh not a
9968s team I expect to you know Go full Team
9970s USA and go silly I think they are just
9973s on the No Mercy train uh yeah I'd agree
9976s that this feels like a team that wants a
9978s 7-0 right no mercy in the you know the
9981s the turn of phrase not actually that
9983s they won't play mercy they play mercy a
9985s lot of course they're gonna play mercy
9990s okay so flyer V flyer
9992s Echo and not Ash to try to take down
9996s Saudi Arabia this is kind of what I
9997s expected kevster is a shutdown Echo and
10000s Echo can give far a fits at time so
10004s you're gonna see a zombie have to play a
10006s little bit more carefully here even like
10008s going indoors on Farah for a split
10010s second but now okay goes for Kessler
10012s says yeah I don't care about how this
10014s door boy goes I'll fight the echo it
10017s doesn't matter to me so kepster Under
10019s Pressure
10020s takes it Oh Boy Throw Your Logic out the
10024s window
10025s press though res though
10029s get Style
10030s Saudi Arabia really good opening star
10033s and again off the back of the fire play
10038s can I take back my prediction no
10042s I clearly cannot I really thought Sweden
10045s was gonna have a a much better shot at
10048s putting uh Saudi Arabia well uh down in
10051s their flyer concert first fight
10053s I know but like no one's had a shot on
10055s on lasagna that is also true uh I mean
10060s it didn't really seem like sparker had
10062s tubsters back there as it were but this
10064s time around they take down the thrust
10066s there it is yeah that's why you don't be
10068s a first fight Andy you know things uh
10069s they can't shift uh right you're right
10072s Rez comes in for you is on though and
10074s Dempster goes down so you know yazan
10077s goes ah you got your helper I got mine
10078s quartz and Spark are incredibly
10081s important to the setup and the mercy
10083s punishes there kempster went up the
10085s quartz makes it painful barrage from
10087s yazan in over the top
10095s not quite enough to finish quartz has
10097s been the true carry here another two for
10100s courts looking for more and Saudi Arabia
10103s still holding strong
10105s so I think like over the first three
10107s matches we talked about how the courts
10110s has been overlooked and courts might
10112s actually be the best DPS on this team if
10116s you look at the footage and look at the
10117s video uh yazan of course will always get
10121s the Highlights always you know streamer
10123s cred Etc but courts actually just hits
10126s every shot that you need to hit and now
10128s 80 Sweden has to win this fight it has
10131s to win you must win fight for the round
10133s thematic
10134s going in early big pressure on the KSA
10138s you may not have to save Bob in there
10140s this geomatic goes to the side deals
10142s with courts and for once the Ground
10144s Battle the star of the show really nice
10147s engage from Sweden get the rest up on
10149s the sparker at the end
10153s we'll pull up ten percent
10157s um
10158s and the Swedish team has looked
10160s different since they've had Theo in on
10163s tank you know no shade to lulsage at all
10165s but Sweden's winning more with Theo uh
10168s Theo's gonna be on the erisa coming back
10170s it's gonna be hard to get value out of
10172s this ultimate but we'll see if they can
10173s pull it off
10175s pressure coming in towards look at the
10179s Oco getting pretty low here this is
10181s tough for Theo sparker gets caught by
10183s his own in the fall through on the
10185s thematic is there or it's just
10187s mercilessly rips kebster out of the sky
10191s and even if that res coming in uh not
10194s particularly looking good here for
10196s Sweden
10197s you know the kill onto quartz
10200s moral Victory if nothing else when
10203s you're facing a flyer comp like if you
10205s get down to adhb 100 HP you're just dead
10209s that flyer is gonna hit you with Splash
10211s it doesn't matter uh so so if you come
10215s in and maybe try to to resurrect some
10218s some things and keep it close on the
10220s corners but you just know eventually
10223s you're gonna get hit by a rocket see if
10226s somebody makes some adjustments let's do
10229s it let's do it let's do it
10231s yeah we saw what turkey was doing in the
10233s last game we we want some of that I I
10236s don't know I'm not convinced till
10238s they roll out of the gate with that but
10241s uh I mean look in terms of what we saw
10242s in the last round
10244s it's really that you have to have
10246s precise coordination between your hit
10248s scan and your flyer as you uh and it
10251s comes to like putting pressure not only
10253s on the opposing hit scan but especially
10255s on the other flyer and Theo coming out
10258s here on the hog turkey what have you
10260s started
10262s let's go
10263s look not connecting early on yeah
10267s and back on out take a breather
10271s now looking again second hook
10273s unsuccessful KSA you're looking to think
10275s it's a big body but uh surprisingly
10277s evasive as he's on takes down Kevin
10281s you lost your Echo mercy and now you're
10283s uh that's gonna be pointed out
10285s completely it uh Saudi Arabia will take
10288s the points and take control I don't hate
10291s the the hog coming in I think it's
10294s actually okay like what is
10296s what is an Orissa gonna do against this
10297s composition which is what Theo medic
10299s generally plays so I think the hog is
10302s actually a different ceiling kind of
10304s hero the hog the hog may just be being
10307s used on though is the other problem here
10308s look at all the damage going on the
10310s thematic a very different approach here
10312s from Saudi Arabia than what we saw from
10314s the doorway where they're really just
10315s saying we don't have tolerance for
10317s silliness get this hero out of the game
10319s thus far well there was the thought that
10321s Hogs an ALT battery but like it's not a
10323s worse old battery than erisa
10332s I see bacon
10334s I'm gonna get in on that ghost with the
10336s Ematic hog versus Hog KSA demect early
10338s in the whole hog from theomatic cleans
10341s house
10343s how dare you
10346s fog is really good at actually
10348s positional control
10350s um especially when you're when you're
10351s facing a graph uh against these flyers
10353s where your Tank's not going to be able
10355s to do much either you're running like
10356s Diva and really try to run into the
10358s flyers or you ignore them I think the
10361s ignoring uh comp is actually better for
10364s hog than an orisa at least you have a a
10367s composition and and pick potential
10370s all right Saudi Arabia on the recontest
10373s here Sweden with a lot of tools going
10374s into this uh katsune duplicate in
10377s particular Dead Eye
10381s that gets a res out but pretty big stuff
10384s and look at the Ematic just getting
10385s focused iron on here oh they put him on
10389s the spit roast uh wow Theo shouldn't
10392s have been there
10394s one way to cook a pig
10395s [Music]
10399s ster Under Pressure quartz getting the
10402s pocket just immediately
10404s specs it's the duplicate gets rid of it
10407s shot after shot after shot quartz
10411s my goodness
10413s yeah we're finally seeing um the the
10415s Court's value that we've we've spoken
10417s about and maybe it was not always on
10419s camera like we think about the The
10421s Havana Maps where courts crushed as
10423s Widow but
10425s yeah this is the problem if if you want
10427s to focus on yazan go ahead quartz is
10431s probably a better player than he is I'm
10433s just straight up
10435s anytime theobatic just peeks out you
10438s just see the health bar go look oh
10442s yeah it's Insanity like you think about
10444s the Saudi Arabia team and their identity
10447s is always going to be Flyers but
10450s quartz is so good yeah uh had several
10454s many heart attacks sparker though lands
10456s the counter hit on the courts president
10458s involved Theo down the rest of the fight
10461s going border with Saudi Arabia Hawk
10463s around the fight but uh it's just courts
10465s got back up and courts knocking back
10467s down yeah
10470s yeah
10472s easy peasy um Saudi Arabia wins
10476s I expected a little bit of uh more
10478s contention but I you know maybe it's me
10481s I I forgot about chords I forgot about
10482s helper of courses maybe Sweden can pull
10485s off this this hit scan and dealing with
10487s the Flyers but the thing is when you
10490s fight against Saudi Arabia like not only
10491s do you have to deal with Flyers like you
10493s have to
10495s quite quartz after and then you have to
10497s fight the supports after and then like
10499s KSA is still like an amazing tank you
10501s have to deal with all of these things
10503s there's no good check marks yeah I mean
10505s what we saw here is like the second
10506s layer of why Saudi Arabia is really good
10508s is that in theory the composition swim
10510s was running did challenges on and there
10513s were points where it did but if izon
10516s isn't gonna be the star of the show this
10518s guy right here on screen is quartz this
10520s was super precise super clean Cassidy
10524s play and this part right here where Theo
10527s just gets hit on all ends it is uh
10530s brutal
10532s uh definitely turned hog into more of a
10535s rotisserie item than anything else
10538s well I mean they do say hog is an ALT
10540s battery and then that is kind of the
10542s case you just get to shoot hog and and
10545s whatnot so
10546s yeah it's taking advantage of bats
10549s I thought Sweden was gonna have a better
10551s showing we'll see that it's gonna be the
10553s remap Choice next so we we get to at
10555s least see that I would like to see a
10557s squad um you know put a loss onto Saudi
10560s Arabia but also Saudi Arabia like it has
10563s the I the the opposite idea they want to
10566s go undefeated they want to be the team
10568s to go through and so far they're they're
10570s showing it really strong like how how do
10573s you beat these flyers how do you get the
10575s squad well coming up next it is going to
10578s be Saudi Arabia versus Sweden on map two
10581s Saudi Arabia they are locked in Sweden
10584s do you have it in you
10587s [Music]
10604s thank you
10607s [Music]
10635s foreign
10644s [Music]
10678s [Music]
10684s thank you
10692s [Music]
10708s foreign
10709s [Music]
10728s [Music]
10739s [Music]
10749s foreign
10753s [Music]
10757s [Applause]
10777s foreign
10785s [Music]
10804s Ty OverWatch World Cup we are back Saudi
10807s Arabia looking incredible versus Sweden
10810s and I have to say just as a talking
10812s point here when you are a team at the
10814s top of your group and you have immense
10816s amount of skill I respect what we've
10818s seen now Saudi Arabia more than what
10820s we've seen of other teams in the same
10821s position I think going in being ruthless
10824s and just going we're not only going to
10827s win this we're going to eject you out of
10829s the server in record time that's what I
10831s want to see for my top contending team
10832s not a bunch of silly Heroes
10834s you don't want to see torb and all those
10836s things like yeah get out of my server
10838s it's kind of the thing I've always
10840s thought of like the best teams are
10842s always like yeah I'm just better just
10844s leave why are you even here
10846s um however we are going to go to
10848s Sweden's map pick and we'll figure out
10850s how that works but I think a lot of it
10852s is like you know starting graping
10853s definitely wants to go undefeated I I
10855s think they don't want that that Dash
10857s mark uh to look like a one in the the
10860s set of losses I think Saudi Arabia
10862s really wants to put it on Sweden's map
10864s pick is circuit Royale which makes sense
10867s because I think they want sparker to be
10868s able to play long range hits again
10870s and you know look I think Sweden came at
10873s the right approach the problem is that I
10876s mean Saudi Arabia is just really really
10879s consistent as it turns out I mean you
10881s you take a look what's in there you know
10883s if you give yazan a free shot right
10885s yazan's gonna land it if you don't
10887s pressure courts enough quartz is going
10889s to rip you apart and the problem is it's
10892s pretty difficult to handle both yazan
10894s and quartz at the same time and also
10897s that's the problem yeah this problem is
10899s solving multiple problems yeah the other
10901s element of that too is that I think in
10902s terms of support play Haku has also been
10905s doing an incredible job on Mercy just
10907s flexing back and forth depending where
10909s the pressure is where you know normally
10911s if a team has a good Fara you'll see the
10913s mercy just kind of AFK behind the far a
10915s lot of the time the ability for Haku to
10919s just go back and forth between his on
10921s and quartz when needed like give courts
10924s a support when necessary the damage
10925s boost when necessary it's been super
10928s super clean coming in from Saudi Arabia
10930s so I don't know I mean it's not a
10933s difficult or rather it's not difficult
10935s or it is a difficult problem to solve
10937s for Sweden I know I kept one second well
10939s I completely agree I don't think we've
10940s give uh we've given Haku enough credit
10943s of of course the the Pharaoh is going to
10945s look better in those compositions but
10947s the fact that the pharah is alive in
10949s getting damage boosted and constantly
10951s doing work you have to give credit to
10954s the mercy in those situations which has
10955s been Haku um also it's kind of crazy
10958s that we haven't looked at like surmajet
10960s like being really really good on support
10962s this team is so deep the Saudi Arabia
10964s Squad uh that it's really actually just
10967s difficult to give everybody the the do
10969s that they deserve
10971s wow that happened
10972s haku's is like all right get up try
10975s again you know
10976s uh that nice opening shot here from
10979s coaster though so Sweden opening up with
10980s the double sniper
10982s which can be effective as quartz finds
10985s an arrow in the shimad of ishimata
10988s and it is a question if Saudi Arabia can
10991s run against double sniper it's why it's
10994s such a good map pick because it it
10996s really plays into the Wheelhouse of
10997s sparker and capster they're both really
11000s good at Hanzo and Widow and I don't know
11003s that courts in uh yazan are as good at
11007s those Cycles quartz is fine but I'm not
11010s sure he is on can play like Hanzo
11012s yeah I mean it's definitely not what you
11015s would expect to see Saudi Arabia might
11017s be a weakness overall if they ever do
11019s find themselves you know stuck in that
11020s situation but you know overall they've
11022s been comfortable enough running flying
11024s compositions that it hasn't been too big
11026s of an issue for them here so far because
11028s we didn't just staying around the corner
11030s trying to give as much time as possible
11031s for kevster and sparker to find their
11034s groove
11037s and that's what it's all about right now
11038s I'm just just buying time chilling on
11041s the corners and you are relying on your
11043s your damage areas like Circle Royale is
11045s pretty much just who gets the pick which
11047s which one of these snipers did not find
11049s a job
11050s it works right now looking for that
11052s all-important shot Sweden I think
11054s overall you look at the Poke battle it
11055s is going a little bit in favor of Saudi
11056s Arabia right now like you look where the
11058s payload is you look at how Theo has had
11060s to take more and more protected
11061s positions Sweden is just desperately
11064s hoping that sparker kebster finds
11067s something soon
11068s a little bit of trouble
11070s gonna drop the dragon reduce the
11072s pressure a little bit and it just eats
11074s is on right up good dragon from sparker
11078s what's uh Sweden you look at the
11080s positioning here they just immediately
11081s get to go back out
11084s yeah they have to and now somebody's
11086s gonna be able to hold front corner which
11088s is decent and also they can cycle these
11090s ultimates so that style is going to have
11093s Transcendence in the next fight too so
11096s Saudi Arabia
11097s um they're kind of waiting for a pick
11099s and then waiting to send yazan in to to
11101s be the damage here all right the window
11105s coming out here
11112s super super low here transcends is faded
11116s but theomatic decent help towards
11118s getting low
11119s is on duplicate down
11121s walks in here from Sweden gets KSA and
11124s Sweden holding firm here thus far
11128s it's enough to get the opposing tank in
11130s in your flux uh no one else really has
11134s the ability to be presents on the point
11136s and that's what we see thematic
11138s exploding that there's nothing that's a
11141s huge pick that's all the healing yeah
11143s once you get the Bap you're gonna see
11145s thematic Go full reverse here right like
11146s throw Max did a great job with some
11147s space but
11149s yeah you could question the line of
11151s sight but look at this at this point
11153s this is where he is on is trying to pile
11155s on here good damage on the theobatic
11157s thematic needs help fast not gonna
11160s happen gets taken down by KSA and this
11163s is starting to snowball out of control
11165s against Sweden it's dominoes and and The
11169s Dominoes always happen on this map
11171s specifically once you lose that first
11173s point once you lose the u-bend it's over
11176s you're gonna get pushed out uh so now we
11179s have to see Sweden figure out where
11180s they're gonna hold on this defense here
11183s and I yeah I once again I don't think
11186s they can hold out far forward
11189s but here we go quartz
11192s over the top looking for the shot
11194s pressuring
11201s decent push out here from Sweden not to
11203s get pinned back
11206s Nano goes for the sigma dupe got sparker
11210s down already
11213s a little bit of transabotones Capstone
11215s looking for the shots still can't find
11217s the head
11218s s being elusive for kebster here thus
11221s far KSA though getting low Haku and the
11223s valkyrie and theomatic doesn't let it
11225s happen gets rid of KSA no save involved
11228s and that opens the way for Sweden to
11230s continue to hold on Resurrection it's
11234s been back and forth it should be the go
11235s it should be the go on the defense
11238s comes in it's still you know it puts
11240s guess in a tough spot unless so low
11244s they're fine yeah
11250s so yeah they will hold on point B which
11252s is you know clearly one of the better
11254s points to hold here
11256s and now just 90 seconds left for the
11260s offense
11263s the really solid defense between here
11264s theomatic has been playing pristine on
11267s the sigma thus far quartz going for the
11270s shot oh that could have been a massive
11273s pick onto style wasn't able to connect
11277s and we got Sweden we played slow yeah
11280s play around it's gonna be a tail flux
11282s this year also walks in from thematic
11286s and it's not good meanwhile courts find
11288s sparker it's a double punish from Saudi
11291s Arabia the flux doesn't work but quartz
11294s and sniper rifle sure does
11296s well that's extra good for Saudi Arabia
11300s too because they barely had to use
11301s anything they were just able to pay you
11303s back off of a failed flux yeah that's
11306s fine sparker whatever good shot
11308s um but Saudi gravy is able to get this
11310s point and they're holding on to all
11311s these odds they have plus next
11313s yeah I mean everything was going well
11316s for Sweden until it wasn't and now the
11318s staggers coming off your quartz and
11321s yazan are just punishing anyone even
11324s mildly out of position you know the
11327s verticality here theomatic can't Shield
11328s at all
11330s these sites
11335s walks of transcended save I mean pretty
11337s typical but
11339s definitely worthwhile here for the
11341s offense
11342s let's go
11345s watch out there comes on in nice
11347s steelmatic sets it up sparker there with
11350s the fall through and you know as soon as
11352s sigma's had a bad spot you really see on
11354s both sides the DPS just feasting
11360s yeah offensively 90 seconds left
11363s they have to dodge a dragon which is not
11366s too hard but Saudi Arabia has
11368s duplicates and Nano
11371s Belk you have to imagine that like a
11375s nano comes in early maybe you dupe it
11377s yeah I think you're Nano KSA right uh
11380s they Natalie is on I was gonna say I
11381s think they'll name that's what they've
11382s really been favoring yazan goes in goes
11385s down
11390s that is one way to take a window out of
11393s their sales
11394s as Sweden immediately stop what could
11397s have been the winning key point for
11399s Saudi Arabia
11400s yeah she's such a squishy hero that it's
11402s it's an interesting uh Choice his son is
11405s actually gonna go to fire out yeah they
11407s get rocked yeah that's it you know it's
11409s a good flux that you see three or four
11410s people just immediately go up into the
11412s skies so theo-matic a little bit of
11414s redemption for the last Point final 30
11416s seconds out for Saudi Arabia but with
11419s quartz on the field nothing is ever
11421s assured
11422s it's actually not terrible for Saudi
11424s Arabia like I think you initialize like
11425s Belk valve goes in Belk should be able
11428s to get Anna up to uh Nano and then you
11431s Nano KSA get KSA up to uh you know
11435s self-destruct don't let's all get plenty
11437s of dominoes that's the number one thing
11438s Sil can not get picked before using
11441s Transcendence of quartz is able to find
11442s that one pick on the style it would be
11444s game breaking right now for Sweden
11448s gets the Bap Transcendence has to come
11451s out the early pick is all you need a
11452s barrage in from the Azan gets two
11455s effectively
11457s and now the cleanup is there the early
11459s pick before the Transcendence sets the
11462s tone and even with it coming out
11464s using the bath early hurts Saudi Arabia
11467s on the way to get this in overtime
11470s still self-destruct still uh still Valk
11473s on the board too
11475s and it's plenty to work with spawns an
11479s advantage of Sweden though
11481s nothing though see how long Sweden can
11484s delay Lucio already out of the fight is
11486s on uncontested I'm just getting peppered
11492s Saudi Arabia clutching it out at the end
11495s overtime push required
11498s kind of with the whimper at the end you
11500s know the the big climax is a few moments
11502s before but you know tough area to come
11505s back and make it to Sweden particularly
11507s with these on just uh in that
11509s positioning well if you looked at like
11512s Saudi Arabia's old percentages you could
11514s see the dominoes coming in like this is
11516s gonna happen this is gonna happen then
11518s they'll get this then look at this they
11519s were like 20 away from everything that
11521s really mattered and they were able to
11523s roll it in really well uh of here's
11526s here's the support here's the barrage
11529s everything came in and then while while
11532s this is going on now I have for my 80 to
11535s 100 and they were able to pull it off so
11537s sort of gave you a really really smart
11540s um economically able to pull that one
11542s off and now Sweden has to get a better
11545s map otherwise it's an O2 yeah I mean the
11549s the problem here for Sweden is that uh
11551s you know they have to do go for the full
11552s completion you don't generally see that
11555s happen a whole lot on this map you know
11557s we've had a few times where it's gone in
11559s the extra rounds but it isn't the norm
11561s to it's tough yeah defensive spawns are
11564s really good
11566s also I think the way Saudi Arabia plays
11569s they're gonna have a little bit of an
11570s edge here on the defense because yazan
11572s is going to have way more sneakier
11573s engages with the echo it's not going to
11577s be as easy to predict as when you're on
11579s the defense so you know I think we're
11581s gonna see more from yazan here on the
11582s defenses quartz against Parker early
11586s what's up
11588s that's quartz with a with a mercy assist
11591s where you talked about it Mercy's really
11593s good all right it hits game boosting
11595s also in terms of the hitscan battle
11598s kebster doesn't get extra life like
11600s quartz does work you know he's like
11601s didn't I just kill you yeah well he's up
11604s again and who nearly was able to get Zen
11610s all that happening Sweden's still
11612s pushing you're still gonna get your
11613s first edge here
11617s Sweden but it's around this corner of
11620s Saudi Arabia is going to be able to use
11622s the advantages of their composition
11624s quartz for a little bit sneakiness here
11627s off the map on the map looking for Hanzo
11630s through the stairs
11632s and the thing is you can't always worry
11633s about cards because you just have yazan
11635s being such a pest here although sparkly
11637s goes enough of that also yeah look at
11640s where he is on die that's not really
11641s resident even for Haku
11643s cameras this absolutely should be a
11645s first point take a little Sweden um with
11648s ports down too yeah I mean this this
11650s one's over 100 gonna be a first point
11652s take and Sweden
11654s really good momentum as they move on in
11657s sparker looking kevinster finds his on
11659s the pressure keeps on building here
11661s Saudi Arabia getting a taste of their
11663s own staggered medicine sparker feeling
11666s it looking and looking deal hackens
11669s Parker Saudi Arabia just can't regroup
11671s massive stagger from Sweden gonna give
11674s them a lot of progress here on point B
11676s just makes so much sense for the map
11678s pack you bring Ester and sparker to this
11681s map and you let them play Hanzo and
11683s Widow You're Gonna Lose You're Gonna
11686s Lose unless you have the best game of
11687s your life and no one's having the best
11689s game of their life
11690s and even quartz dropping the nice shot
11693s uh you know game respected game here as
11696s it were
11697s four and a half minutes left to go for
11699s Sweden this is the best Sweden I think
11702s has looked all tournament long
11706s please write in the real house they're
11709s ready to play this
11710s all right window comes out
11712s biomatic
11714s shooting through the window and not the
11716s highest value window but they're using
11717s it more it's a zoning window as we've
11719s said before but here we go walks coming
11722s on out KSA trying to turn the tides here
11723s Valkyrie Nano Saudi Arabia emptying the
11726s bank on the fight the automatic going
11728s for the counter flux it's gonna get
11730s Hopkins had a fight early big pick here
11732s from Sweden style working here on the
11734s sides looking for the echo has he is on
11736s maybe Thunder insta oh yazan turns it
11740s and that is enormous 1v1 yeah that would
11744s have switched the tides of the fight
11746s right there
11748s um unable to pull off the 1v1 and now
11752s Saudi Arabia on the defense really
11754s looking solid and decent most of these
11757s ultimates are in like the single digits
11759s what do we win the teens like 13-14 yeah
11762s what's going on I can't get good honest
11763s fight aside from the Recon site you know
11765s swimming might be wall hacking a little
11767s bit here for a brief period of time but
11769s other than that a good honest neutral
11770s fight incoming yeah fight in the neutral
11773s and Sweden's been good on the neutral
11774s here thus far kempster looking for the
11777s early pickoff quartz has been a little
11779s bit quiet uh on early pickups but as I
11782s say that there it is I just wheeled it
11784s into existence find sparker
11787s feel it
11789s Sports is really good at the game he's a
11792s very good video game player um obviously
11794s going to come in and pick up three and
11795s everyone's gonna notice that but like
11797s Court's taking out the opposing number
11800s it changes the dynamic of the
11802s battlefield when you don't have to worry
11803s about a widow and everyone else can play
11806s differently because of that now 240 on
11810s the clock or Sweden's offense still
11812s gonna be an honest fight here you take a
11814s look at it uh you know maybe KSA gets a
11817s flux if it goes really long thematic
11819s though working at HP deficits we need to
11821s slow it down while uh some bat healing
11823s comes to play is on nearly getting
11827s temperature there
11829s duplicate though now up Lux up honest
11832s OverWatch Zorba quartz got picked Reds
11835s might be there
11836s walks in from KSA and that is enough
11841s oh it's close they lost their Widow you
11844s could try to scrap this out but
11845s generally The Defenders are gonna have
11847s the advantage your Zone will take out
11849s the tank and that should be it
11851s that's another fight and now follow two
11854s minutes CP yeah Sweden started off
11858s lightning fast but Saudi Arabia has
11860s found their footing and more yeah we're
11863s talking about honest neutral fights well
11865s now we're in the realm of what's gonna
11867s happen oh wiser there's gonna be a flux
11869s v no flux moment coming up here to me
11871s the question is where does this Nano go
11874s for Majed in the next fight probably
11876s goes over to yazan we have Kevin Under
11880s Pressure bombs in still alive looking
11883s for that shot
11885s Sweden moving up window U sparker
11888s looking pressure onto the mercy here
11891s but quartz finds campster the counter
11893s Sweden now can you use Transcendence
11895s later in the fight down Kev star they
11897s invest the flux flux is good get but
11900s that's a massive res KSA brought back
11903s into the fight quartz continues to get
11905s pick-offs Saudi Arabia weathering the
11908s tide
11910s you cannot overvalue what Haku has done
11914s in most of Saudi Arabia's wins the rezas
11917s have been insanity
11919s you're you're five people and then all
11922s of a sudden now you're sexy like your
11924s kills don't matter the rezas have been
11926s absolutely insane KSA on the ground has
11930s been so good last fight for Sweden last
11933s fight for Sweden's tournament hopes
11935s they're not gonna get it but like Beats
11937s Audio review would be great I don't see
11939s it I don't see it happening they need a
11941s neutral win here they need kevster is
11944s what they need yeah because John is
11946s saying up here on the duplicate but
11947s kevster needs the needs to find that
11948s shot that is the main thing they need
11950s but instead it's quartz quartz finds the
11952s shot and turns away to play fights too
11954s and quartz says I'm the Widow hero here
11958s as Saudi Arabia just about is done
11961s enough to put this away seven seconds
11963s left Sweden even being able to touch
11965s again likely you know a near
11968s impossibility style gets taken out GG is
11971s called Saudi Arabia wins it in two that
11975s is a clean 7-0 over the group stages
11977s quartz what a Madman if your Widow kills
11981s are Zen and Tracer that's a Madman kind
11984s of Widow style play uh yeah Zen fine
11988s floats easy but small hitbox to kill a
11991s tracer also on a widow just to open up
11992s those fights so yes everyone's talking
11995s about uh Saudi Arabia yazan and
11997s everything is going on and it's great
11999s quartz is a a Nutter it's it's Insanity
12003s uh the support lines but good KSA has
12006s not been talked about enough and it
12007s sounded very bad yeah we'll turn it out
12010s to be undefeated in their group safety
12012s yeah and look there was a moment here in
12015s this map where Sweden looked really good
12017s the start of their attack everything
12018s went right but the bottom line is to
12021s beat Saudi Arabia you have to be playing
12024s maximum throttle OverWatch from start to
12026s finish any moment of weakness and you
12029s will be eaten alive by the hit scan
12032s consistency of quartz and the
12034s opportunities that is on fines and also
12036s even when you do get picks on the Saudi
12038s Arabia if you don't cover it super well
12041s you can bet that Hawkins gonna come in
12043s and get the res the amount of clutch res
12045s is we saw Haku find was Unreal
12049s how good this team is in its we barely
12053s talked about Sir Michelle OverWatch
12055s League level player and what we barely
12057s spoken about the Anna play from sir
12060s majade and it's been really really good
12062s this is a team that can be
12065s absolutely anyone going forward
12067s um
12068s and I I do respect that they did not
12071s want to give up a single map or match
12073s and and go undefeated in the groups yeah
12076s and I mean Saudi Arabia what more can
12077s you say they came in with Killer
12079s Instinct they took every match seriously
12082s regardless of where the competition was
12085s or where they thought they were they
12087s just played their game plan methodically
12089s robotically and it is brutal for the
12093s opposition
12095s it it comes down like it's so difficult
12098s we look back maybe you know Finland was
12101s the one team that want to map against
12102s them it's the only map they've dropped
12104s it's the only map Saudi Arabia is
12106s dropping is this entire tournament uh
12108s Finland was able to take it off but
12109s maybe that's because the architecture
12111s what's a Lee Jong Tower you get the
12113s flyers in a weird spot and maybe
12116s um but
12117s no one has an answer to this I thought
12119s Sweden might have an answer to this
12121s um it looks like why just kill the
12123s Pharaoh just kill the mercy not not as
12126s simple as it sounds no it is not simple
12129s at all but that is gonna wrap it up for
12131s me and hex here today coming up next
12134s Denmark versus Netherlands and a match
12136s where Denmark must be perfect they can't
12139s drop a map it's gonna be CV in a
12141s pitifies on the cast we'll see you then
12145s [Music]
12148s thank you
12152s [Music]
12177s foreign
12183s [Music]
12212s foreign
12215s [Applause]
12221s [Music]
12251s laughs
12256s [Music]
12286s [Music]
12293s [Applause]
12294s [Music]
12297s [Applause]
12298s [Music]
12310s thank you
12316s thank you
12317s [Music]
12343s thank you
12344s [Music]
12359s thank you
12362s welcome back to the OverWatch World Cup
12364s emec qualifiers I'm Jim Basco and now
12367s I'm joined by epitomees and CB to bring
12369s you the rest of today's Action Group a
12372s is still to be decided in these next
12376s four matches will tell the tale of who
12378s gets to get gets to move on to the main
12381s event will go to the OverWatch World Cup
12383s on land at BlizzCon epitomies and CB I'm
12386s so happy to have you here epitomies
12388s let's start with you how are you feeling
12389s hopping into group a the last four
12392s matches of two weeks of non-stop World
12394s Cup action
12395s group a is definitely infinitely more
12398s complicated than Group B in terms of
12401s who's going to make it to playoffs
12402s because everything is still pretty much
12404s up in the air because Denmark Spain
12407s Great Britain and France all have a
12409s chance at these playoff spots but there
12411s are only three of them so one of these
12413s teams have to go home today absolutely
12415s CB let's take a look at the schedule
12416s let's recap some of the matches that
12418s have happened already and then I'll go
12419s to you to talk about what's coming up
12421s next of course we started out our day
12423s today 6 a.m Pacific Germany versus
12425s Poland they took it two to one Norway
12428s Then followed taking it 2-1 over turkey
12430s Saudi Arabia then demolished Sweden and
12434s now as we head on into group AC just
12436s around the corner here we've got the
12438s Danish versus the Dutch it's Denmark
12440s versus versus the Netherlands lay out
12443s some context for us here because if
12444s you're looking at this match from the
12446s outside you may assume that Denmark has
12449s this in the bag but that isn't really
12451s that that's not the story here right
12453s now what a tangled web we have woven
12456s here in group a and it's one that has
12458s found Denmark in quite the sticky
12459s situation where they essentially have to
12462s be perfect they have the weight of the
12463s world on their shoulders that all the
12465s pressure is entirely on Denmark they
12467s still have a chance at making it duh to
12470s the playoffs but in order to do that
12471s they cannot drop a single map against
12474s the Netherlands here I mean you know if
12477s they win and Spain loses later on
12478s Denmark you know they get in and that's
12480s totally cool but you know Denmark they
12482s have only this last little bit of say in
12484s their own destiny so they have to make
12486s sure that they take full advantage of it
12488s right here right now and the Netherlands
12490s is a team that has historically been
12491s quite competent very capable of taking
12493s it to some of these stronger teams the
12495s record might not show it but they have
12497s shown flashes of Brilliance if Denmark
12499s don't come correct and they have been
12501s sloppy at times if they don't come
12503s correct and the Netherlands take even a
12505s map Denmark they're going nowhere and
12508s may we remind you right looking at group
12510s eight Denmark is in that third place
12511s spot Spain just behind it for us the
12514s Netherlands is two and four they're at
12516s fifth okay but the Netherlands prior to
12518s this match have beaten Spain Spain then
12522s beat Denmark
12524s okay so there is there's a real reality
12528s that we're gonna see uh
12530s something something important is about
12532s to happen in these next four matches
12534s you're not going to want to miss it up
12536s until yesterday the the I think it was
12538s the Belgium versus uh the Netherlands
12539s match like even the Netherlands was
12541s still like in the conversation like up
12543s until very very recently once uh once
12545s Belgium best of the Netherlands they
12546s came out of the conversation but yeah we
12548s were talking about the Netherlands as
12549s being another potential candidate to go
12551s to land for a while now unfortunately
12552s that's uh no longer the timeline that we
12555s live in but they can still play spoilers
12557s to the Danish absolutely and it has
12560s implications you know what I mean it's a
12561s big deal not only are they playing for
12563s pride but they can be playing to kind of
12565s play sides here right if if the
12567s Netherlands win Spain makes it through
12569s if they don't and Denmark takes it
12571s flawlessly
12573s the Danish will be moving on with that
12575s said though epitomies and CB there's a
12576s you know a ball of a match just around
12579s the corner enjoy it I can't wait to
12581s watch and I'll see you guys afterwards
12583s I can't wait to watch this one either I
12585s mean in the Netherlands they've had such
12587s moments of Brilliance they took a map
12588s off Spain and their only fifth place
12591s they're the they don't make it towards
12593s the playoffs they don't qualify but they
12596s are still in the place where they have
12598s performed very well in gurbate thus far
12600s safety and that's something that Denmark
12602s have to be very wary of because again if
12604s the Netherlands you know pull a fast one
12606s suddenly your chances of going to land
12608s go up in flames and you have no more say
12610s over your own destiny what really sucks
12613s for Denmark too is even if they do this
12614s perfectly it still comes down to okay
12616s well does Spain beat Portugal yes or no
12618s and then we go into who wins in terms of
12621s Great Britain and France at the end of
12623s the day and that could you know decide
12625s the whole the fate of everything so
12627s Denmark is going to be like clenched the
12629s whole time I mean and with a squad like
12631s this you would expect them to be at the
12632s top of the conversation potentially a
12634s little bit higher but because they
12636s fumbled the bag against Spain and
12638s because they've also struggled against
12639s some of these other teams they still
12641s have to fight for their right to go to
12643s BlizzCon and if I got people like if I
12646s got people like Shacks like Naga like
12648s Doge in my corner I'm I'm ready to fight
12650s because these are definitely some Fair
12652s Fighters
12654s yeah this is going to be a tough match
12657s for Denmark since on the other hand you
12659s have Netherlands Squad they are
12661s definitely of an experienced Squad and
12664s very competent they've had some really
12666s moments of Brilliance as well you've
12668s seen them play The Reaper which is
12670s something that isn't that common so far
12672s in the OverWatch World Cup but when the
12674s Netherlands do play The Reaper you need
12675s to be very aware of it and they kind of
12677s do drag everyone to that Reaper level
12680s because a10's Reaper is just such a huge
12682s threat they do really like to play that
12684s fast variation of the ramachar rush with
12686s the Reaper with the Lucio with the Moira
12688s where they're just running at you
12689s causing Havoc sectioning you off with
12691s the May and then just full force right
12693s in your face and that's something that
12695s can catch some teams off guard and that
12697s some teams can just kind of get bullied
12699s out of uh you know just get bullied when
12702s they when they have to play against that
12703s so if that's what the Netherlands come
12705s out here with then you know Denmark have
12706s to have an answer for that if the
12708s Netherlands throw a total curveball here
12710s Denmark also have to be ready for that
12712s they have to be ready for really
12714s anything because if anything if there's
12717s even a blemish on their record going
12719s forward they're out
12720s yeah and against the Netherlands it is a
12723s tough ask of Denmark now headed to
12725s lijiang Tower in Denmark they could
12729s potentially play the flyer compositions
12731s um Netherlands on the other hand they
12733s really do favor the rush especially if
12735s we do start on Control Center and the
12738s RNG gods are not on Denmark's side it's
12741s going to be tough to match the kind of
12743s Rush composition that Netherlands bring
12744s yeah I think I think Russia is
12747s definitely going to be what Netherlands
12748s wants to come out here with I think
12749s we've seen it even on control set or not
12751s on control center we have seen it on a
12752s control center definitely but even on
12753s Gardens uh a map that you know a lot of
12756s teams will try and play some of the
12757s flyers or they'll try and play something
12759s more dive Centric that even on that map
12761s Netherlands have had Success With The
12763s Rush composition it's their bread it's
12765s their butter it's their peanut butter
12766s their jam it's what they're going to go
12767s to every time it works and if it doesn't
12771s work I mean that's great for for Denmark
12773s but I mean it's still at least bare
12775s minimum what you have to be prepared for
12777s it looks like we are going to start
12778s things off on control center so I would
12780s not expect anything too silly out of the
12783s Netherlands here so uh yeah Denmark this
12785s is the perfect neutral ground to kind of
12787s feel out how they're going to be able to
12788s deal with this Dutch composition over
12790s here you know like I said exactly the
12792s composition I called out they're a
12794s mantra Rush with that may Reaper and the
12796s Moya recipe as fast as possible and
12798s Denmark are actually going to mirror it
12801s yeah the mirror is not really what I was
12804s expecting here maybe instead of the
12806s reaper we would see a Hanzo come out of
12808s shocks but definitely knew that the May
12811s would be a part of it however the back
12812s line as well the Moira Lucio lost the
12815s survivability lots of Mobility but
12817s doesn't really offer too much other than
12819s health to this squad but but I do kind
12821s of like this though because Shacks is
12823s kind of known for his Tracer and Reaper
12824s plays kind of similarly to Tracer where
12826s you kind of go for that like pounce uh
12828s that lurk around a corner pounce on a
12829s Target play style it's not quite as
12831s Nimble not quite as mobile but there is
12833s some overlap there and Naga has also at
12835s times been a phenomenal May so this is
12836s still playing to Denmark's strengths
12838s here
12839s Naga using the ice block early as the
12842s fight starts onto the objective however
12844s Don getting very low forcing out the
12847s Nemesis and is still getting that Health
12849s shredded going to use the wall to save
12851s off some of that pressure and it's just
12853s hot contention from the both sides those
12855s a lot healthier than the Netherlands
12858s Squad thus far though tap getting low as
12860s well but Dawn actually getting the first
12862s pick onto Naga after peeking around that
12865s may was already a coalescence from slay
12868s however Denmark having an Health
12869s Advantage and Buddy still charging up
12871s the coalescence there is also a blizzard
12874s that was thrown out by tap and
12876s Netherlands they do secure the point but
12878s maybe a little bit Overkill tap built
12880s that blizzard so fast look at Nando's
12882s Old charge 55 and tap got that blizzard
12884s and threw it down and yeah like that's
12885s the only Ulta the Netherlands expand but
12887s when you build it all like that that
12889s fast yeah you throw that down you win
12891s the fight and you go from there and now
12892s Netherlands have everything else they
12894s could possibly want Naga has to play
12896s catch up here
12898s yeah I mean tap also needing to build up
12900s the blizzard once again but Netherlands
12902s have this coalescence and they're just
12904s using it to force them back into the
12906s hallway and the beat actually comes down
12908s from A and J but not before A10 goes
12910s down to Shacks Shacks on the other side
12913s is building up to the death Blossom A10
12915s already dead with it Annihilation from
12917s Doge will be able to force the
12919s Netherlands back and using the main wall
12921s they're going to force them into back
12923s towards their own spawn side the Nemesis
12925s form from Don absorbs a little bit more
12927s of that damage from Denmark but still
12930s Shaq's having this Reaper that's lost
12933s them that 810 already used to take down
12935s calex shax is going to use to take down
12937s Don and they still have a coalescence
12939s now from Denmark slay once again
12941s building up that ultimate so quickly
12943s Shaq's doing a lot of work with the
12946s secondary death Blossom and Buddy going
12948s go for the reset once again that was
12950s such good timing from Shaq's there there
12951s was no more cooldowns I could have saved
12952s anybody Sans The Shield from Don but it
12954s wasn't enough he ends up falling and
12956s that is Denmark flipping the Point
12958s maintaining control you can feel the way
12961s these two teams are playing that Denmark
12962s knows exactly how much pressure they're
12964s under they're trying to be correct they
12966s invest so much in that fight they don't
12967s have anything buddy has a coalescence
12969s and tap nearly has another blizzard
12972s yeah the Blizzard from tap is going to
12975s be huge they're just waiting for some of
12977s the cooldowns to come out as the ice box
12979s comes through but Doge just punches tap
12981s out and even though a lot of Denmark are
12983s frozen A-10 able to find one a second
12986s from A10 and calyx trades it out but for
12989s Denmark's side they only have the
12990s supports and the tank up Doge need to
12992s take as much space as possible so goes
12994s ahead and uses the Nemesis form it's
12996s very close for the annihilation on
12998s Netherlands though and they could
13000s potentially use this to Stave Dove off
13002s of the point however Denmark's DPSS are
13005s now regrouping top coming in from the
13007s Netherlands side Shakedown Doge and
13009s without their tank they are going to
13011s have to back off and let that point flip
13013s over but up to 70 percent is already a
13015s very good start yeah that's that's
13017s pretty good if they didn't have 70 I
13019s think they might have tried to go for a
13020s play where they use calyx's beat go in
13022s for a little bit more stagger but at 70
13023s you're safe to just go in with this Mack
13026s truck of ultimates that you're about to
13027s have shacks and Naga a little bit behind
13029s but should have their old soon they're
13030s gonna open up with the coalescence
13033s yeah Netherlands don't really have too
13035s much in order to able to counter this
13036s they still have that beat that they
13038s could use but Denmark has one of their
13040s own and now Don using the annihilation
13043s to finally try and take down Denmark but
13045s it's the Beat from kellex dropping so
13047s much overhealth and also the blizzard as
13049s well however Naga goes down can't
13052s capitalize off the blizzard but the rest
13054s of Denmark's Squad is just falling apart
13056s as the Netherlands regroups on this side
13059s shaxx is going to come in with the death
13060s Blossom takedown A and J but still
13063s looking for that tank Don's still up as
13066s the coalescence does come through from
13067s Buddy getting so much healing down A-10
13070s however down very low racing off of this
13072s point and buddies going to back off as
13074s well Denmark gonna flip that back over
13076s as Netherlands in one fight territory
13079s tap is building these blizzards up so
13081s fast but he's dying every single time he
13083s goes to cast it so he's never able to be
13085s the one to capitalize on it and that
13086s time it cost the Netherlands dearly
13088s Denmark was able to weather the storm
13090s they flip it back they're going to have
13091s the coalescence WHERE one fight
13093s territory Don cannot die here the wall
13095s to section him off A-10 has to try and
13097s go in with his death Blossom here yeah
13099s that death Blossom is huge cats goes
13101s down to don't display both of the
13103s supports from Denmark's side just fall
13105s and Taps is able to take down shacks and
13107s that's one DPS down as that death
13109s Blossom is building as well the thing
13111s that could have potentially saved them
13112s and flipped that point Naga has no
13114s choice except to contest for this
13116s overtime and Doge goes down so quickly
13118s Telex comes in as quickly as possible
13121s but the rest of Denmark's Squad they are
13123s struggling to contest this point calyx
13126s is getting very low Health as well and
13128s it's the death Blossom from Shacks that
13129s could potentially save it all but it is
13131s all for not with the coalescence to come
13134s through the health is too oppressive and
13136s Netherlands taking first capture
13138s the pressure that Denmark needs that
13141s they're under right now they have to be
13142s feeling it they are already behind the
13145s eight ball they I mean 99 to 99 that was
13147s close right we look at the score lines
13149s of these teams and we expect Denmark to
13150s come out clean just stop all over the
13153s Netherlands and walk away with this one
13154s but they're not doing that even though
13157s they dearly dearly need to they can't
13159s let the Netherlands win another Point
13160s here if they would take lijiang Tower
13162s Denmark are done and then it doesn't
13165s even really matter what happens with
13166s Spain and Portugal doesn't really matter
13167s what happens with France and Great
13169s Britain later on tonight Denmark have to
13170s be the masters of their own destiny
13172s right now and they're going to bank
13174s everything they have right now on Shacks
13176s on the symmetra Naga once again on that
13178s may they're going to try and bunker down
13180s on the point like we've seen so so often
13182s but the Netherlands are mirroring it
13184s again so who's going to get first
13186s control and set the pace here full team
13188s CP right on top of each other yeah but
13190s they are still contesting for that point
13192s I'm not able to oh that is a huge fires
13195s charge from Don to take down shacks and
13197s they can't really set up shop without
13199s the symmetra Naga is going to get a
13201s little bit of value here off the icicles
13203s but other than that the Netherlands they
13205s just have every card in their hand they
13209s are on the point they take that first
13210s capture as it unlocks and they are on
13213s Pace for good ultimate charge as well
13214s especially A10 here and every time we
13217s see this composition I say it this comp
13218s is great at holding the point not so
13220s great at taking it so Denmark are gonna
13222s have an uphill battle against the clock
13224s to try and flip it back Don nearly Falls
13226s with the immortality is there to save
13227s him Doge going to fall the charge from
13231s Dawn and then wall to section them off
13232s it's just so strong in the fire strike
13235s as well Cal likes going down they have
13237s her missing that little bit of extra
13239s sustain and okay Don is just going crazy
13242s going all the way in and there's the
13245s support there as well from the back line
13247s and there's just nothing to be said Don
13249s is on fire and already has a shatter
13252s ready Denmark are just crumbling they
13254s have to pick up the pieces before the
13256s shadow comes out they only realistically
13257s have an amp tricks right now to try and
13260s make something happen they still have
13261s time but there's a big shot
13263s that was a huge shatter and Doge can't
13266s save off the pressure at all try to
13268s charge Dawn instead got tap and even
13270s though there's that pick going for
13271s Denmark's side there is just nothing
13274s that Doge can do without the support in
13276s the back and Dawn is just so good they
13280s are holding very very well with only a
13283s singular ultimate expended yeah a one
13285s old one fight and look at everything
13286s else the Netherlands has they have
13288s everything they could possibly want sure
13289s Denmark are coming up on all that too
13291s but that means this fight is going to be
13293s bloody it's going to be expensive and
13295s Denmark have to win it if they aren't
13297s efficient and if they don't win this
13299s fight it might just be over they won't
13301s have another shot at this
13302s oh and now they have Matrix from Doge a
13305s fire strike does take down a and j and
13307s that's a sound barrier off the board as
13310s well calyx however doesn't have the
13311s sound barrier of their own nanjay can
13313s get back to point very quickly
13314s especially with the teleport but now
13317s Doge try to head in with the shatter
13319s it's a blizzard from Denmark and Naga
13321s should be able to freeze much but
13323s there's a lot of so much to say with the
13326s speed from AMJ and also the Blizzard
13328s from topside as well Doge unable to use
13331s the shatter it's already up to 90 they
13333s have to find some way to contest and
13334s it's going to be with the symmetra
13336s ultimate that they're trying to dance in
13337s and out of ice blocks now for Naga going
13340s to heal up a little bit but just gonna
13341s get shredded calex also just in a battle
13344s with the with the two much returns but
13346s the shatter gets everyone but he can't
13348s get in he can't touch oh my God the wall
13352s from tap and just sections up Doge the
13355s Netherlands they locked they locked Doge
13358s out of the point and they just locked
13360s Denmark out of the playoffs completely
13361s that hope is gone it's over it's going
13365s to be Spain that will be going to the
13368s playoffs here Denmark I oh the pressure
13372s there was just too much pressure and
13374s they just couldn't get it done they
13376s couldn't get control over the point they
13378s couldn't hold on tight the Netherlands
13380s with their iron claw grip just never let
13383s them have an inch
13385s yeah and Netherlands just going to gate
13387s keep Denmark from going to playoffs I
13389s mean it was a slim shot it was a bit of
13392s a shot in the dark from the beginning
13394s and Denmark knew that Denmark knew the
13396s pressure was on here and they did a lot
13398s of good things there was a lot of
13400s Brilliance over here on control center
13402s where they were able to trade ultimates
13404s back and forth and there was a good flow
13406s going but Netherlands just had that
13407s extra advantage of being on the first
13409s capture now on the second point on the
13412s other hand as soon as Don switched over
13414s to the Reinhardt instead of the ramatra
13416s there was so much dominance shown in
13418s that Reinhardt gameplay the I mean okay
13421s I do want to correct something because
13422s yeah Jim in the chat here did bring up a
13424s good point so there is still like one
13427s slipper of Hope for Denmark if they win
13431s this series and Spain loses to Portugal
13433s then there's still a chance but that is
13436s the thinnest of thin margins I mean when
13438s you look at how well Spain has been
13439s playing and how you know Portugal's our
13441s bottom of the pack team here in uh in
13444s group a little like it should be a
13446s freebie for Spain but you know like
13448s that's that's not something you can hang
13450s your hat on Denmark like they are still
13452s no longer the masters of their own
13453s destiny it they have to rely entirely on
13456s that like that's their only remaining
13458s Lifeline this was their only opportunity
13460s to stay in the conversation and they
13462s might just get locked out of it courtesy
13464s of that one may wall from tap that just
13467s locked Doge out
13469s yeah it was such a good shatter but tap
13472s was able to defend the team so well
13474s defend the point incredibly well and I
13476s mean Don you're talking about huge
13478s shatters this one was definitely a huge
13480s one it just stops Denmark from being
13482s able to build up any ultimate charge
13484s stops them being able to get in the
13486s point and it allowed them to get up to
13488s that 97 where the team was basically
13491s scrambling and Doge didn't want to
13493s switch on to you know the emergency ball
13495s the emergency doomfist with that shatter
13497s in hand so it was definitely a really
13499s tough one for Denmark and now the cards
13502s are not as much in their hands as they
13504s want it to be I mean Portugal winning
13506s over Spain could be a chance for them
13508s but Portugal not the best record in
13511s Spain playing so well so I don't know if
13514s Denmark will be able to make it but they
13515s sure are going to try it it looks so
13518s dire I do apologize for calling that a
13520s little bit early while there is still a
13521s sliver of Health but looking at it
13523s realistically I mean that's not that's
13526s not something that you can that you can
13527s really take to the bank without like
13528s Portugal hasn't been able to win a match
13531s so far it seems unlikely that they'll be
13533s able to do it against the favorites but
13534s hey uh you know bigger things have
13537s happened but here's a here's another
13539s kind of wrench in the equation that if
13540s Denmark loses this series it doesn't
13542s even matter if Spain loses to Portugal
13544s because they'll still come ahead of
13546s Denmark in the head-to-head and continue
13547s to advance so Spain like they pretty
13551s much got it there's just that one last
13553s hair in the soup that they need to get
13554s rid of and that is the Portuguese match
13556s and Denmark I mean they have to be
13558s shaken after this one it's gonna be
13560s their map pick we'll see if they're able
13562s to come back pick up the pieces and give
13564s themselves a tiny tiny sliver of Hope or
13567s if the Netherlands have snuffed it out
13568s in its entirety we'll be right back with
13571s Denmark's map pick don't go anywhere
13574s [Music]
13591s thank you
13596s [Music]
13630s thank you
13634s thank you
13636s [Music]
13662s foreign
13664s [Music]
13683s thank you
13686s [Music]
13699s foreign
13703s [Music]
13730s foreign
13735s [Music]
13751s thank you
13758s [Music]
13791s hello everyone welcome back we are about
13794s to find out who goes into the qualifiers
13797s and eight teams in group b are or group
13799s a are only about to become three so
13802s cutting off more than half here in
13805s Denmark is about to see if they make the
13807s cut and they just might not have a say
13809s in the matter anymore because I I cannot
13812s stress this enough now I mean even if
13814s they if they lose this series they're
13815s just out out if they win this series two
13817s to one well then the only way that they
13820s make it is if Spain lose to Portugal and
13823s I think even then there's like kind of
13824s the question of map differential I for
13826s sure in terms of uh in terms of win loss
13829s record they would overtake Spain there
13831s but anything else and there is no way
13833s forward even if France 2-0 Great Britain
13836s at the tail end of our show tonight they
13838s will still fall short because of the
13840s head-to-head because Spain beat Denmark
13842s in their matchup that's going to mean
13844s that Spain advance and Denmark Falls
13846s that's how the tie breaks work here and
13848s that is uh going to be the death nail
13851s for Denmark if they don't come all the
13853s way back against the Netherlands running
13855s back blizzard world is where they're
13857s gonna choose to take us let's see if
13858s that is uh if that's a great place to
13861s make your final stand
13862s foreign
13864s yeah this is going to be a really tough
13867s one I mean if there's still chances you
13870s know even if this is a 2-1 win for
13873s Denmark then you know France will need
13876s to drop a map to Great Britain but it is
13880s really really tough here it is just
13883s everything on the line for Denmark and
13886s after that last performance on night on
13889s Night Market it is going to be tough
13893s all right well so we're gonna go to a
13894s quick little pause here I'm not sure if
13896s it's actually going to be quick you
13897s never never really know but you know we
13900s do have the opportunity to call out a
13901s couple things here really quick Denmark
13902s made a couple of swaps they've brought
13904s in Shockwave for the DPS and they
13906s brought in mulfig Shockwave looking like
13908s he's going to be hovering over the
13910s Sombra which I think you know I I
13912s haven't seen a whole lot of Shockwave on
13914s the Sombra I do see Shockwave and I
13916s immediately think like long range hit
13917s scan I know Shockwave has had some
13919s phenomenal performances uh on the echo
13921s in the past Shockwave is a phenomenal
13923s player I do think that this can work out
13925s for them pretty well but again like this
13929s is where all all hope is either gained
13931s or lost I mean even all hope is like it
13934s is thin like it it's again it's just a
13936s little bit of a hair to hang on to like
13938s let's let's turn back the clock to
13940s yesterday when we saw we actually saw
13941s the Netherlands go up against Portugal
13943s and the Netherlands looks so much more
13944s dominant in that fight than Portugal
13946s Portugal just kind of like you know they
13947s put up a little bit of a fight but at
13949s the end of the day just kind of rolled
13950s over and I like you look at a team like
13953s Spain that's been so much more
13955s consistent and so much you know had such
13957s better a better team play as a whole you
13959s got to think that they're gonna be able
13960s to just take advantage and roll right
13962s over a team like Portugal so even if you
13964s win this match you have hope but if you
13966s lose this match and you're Denmark you
13968s have nothing you have to rely entirely
13971s on Mulford and Shockwave coming in here
13974s Off the Bench this does allow Shacks to
13976s play the Tracer that I did say he's
13978s known for he's had some phenomenal
13979s Tracer play in the past we'll see if
13981s that keeps up uh additionally the
13983s Netherlands have brought in Pastor to
13986s play DPS on their side so we'll see how
13988s that all shakes up as we get into
13990s blizzard World here
13993s is very much a Reaper Specialist or a
13996s very at very least the close range for
13999s all Specialists and if you go to a map
14000s like blizzard world where you do have to
14003s play a bit more of the long range game
14005s then they do bring in pastor at least
14007s from what we've seen in the world cup so
14009s Netherlands now taking out their hit
14012s scan hit scan player on the ash Pastor
14015s while Denmark they're looking at Wolf
14018s egg and Shockwave like you called yeah
14021s we're gonna be swapping things up here
14022s for the Netherlands tap actually gonna
14023s go over to the Echo and this is a pretty
14025s good uh a pretty good look because yeah
14027s Denmark even though they have shockwave
14029s in they are not playing any sort of hit
14031s scan looks like uh neither is passed are
14033s we gonna see more swaps okay
14035s torbjorn was not what I was expecting to
14037s come out here in such a situation for
14039s the Netherlands but this is also an
14040s interesting pick because you can just
14042s lay down the turret and kind of uh repel
14044s Shockwave and Shacks from trying to be
14046s knocking at your back door with the
14047s hacks and with some of those pulse
14049s pistol shots it's not foolproof
14051s especially on the attack but it is
14053s definitely a strategy to be employed
14054s here so there's at least a little bit of
14056s logic behind this swap regardless though
14058s Denmark have already given up a lot of
14060s space to the Netherlands here
14062s yeah they're backing up quite a bit
14064s Slade does neutralize that turret for
14066s the time and it seems that Shockwave is
14068s really trying to get something onto that
14070s back line but tapple with that magnetic
14072s nade is going to repel the Sombra away
14074s and now Denmark it looks like they're
14076s actually just giving it up mulfic is
14078s backed up all the way behind this
14080s building going to go in once again from
14082s overhead but they've already gotten a
14083s tick now the contest comes in in the
14085s middle of that second tick but once
14087s again they're backing off calyx was
14088s looking for some kind of touch there to
14090s stop them but it's just coming over and
14093s over again this was like a total they
14096s just gave it up they kept like pushing
14099s and pulling and backing up and coming in
14100s and they gave up a tick every time they
14102s did it sure mulvik is gonna clean up
14103s right now and make they can maybe get a
14105s spawn Camp here but they've already
14107s given they've already given the given
14109s the Netherlands a win condition
14111s yeah they just gifted them that point it
14114s was tied up with a bow and it was given
14116s on a silver platter at this point but
14119s now looking for the spawn Camp potential
14121s especially with shacks and Shockwave a
14123s lot of that Mobility here looking for
14125s that back line shockwave's just kind of
14127s hanging around waiting for the back line
14129s to peek its head looking for a support
14132s might go for the tap here when the EMP
14134s comes out people gonna start feeling
14136s quite rate limited there's one for Don
14138s right there who's gonna fall but they
14139s lose shacks and Shockwave is gonna be
14141s forced to translocate out I Denmark I
14144s mean their hold is already looking a
14145s little bit shaky a lot of that backline
14147s pressure just then you know as soon as
14149s you take out Shacks has been alleviated
14150s he'll be back fast so the window will
14152s close quickly but the Netherlands I mean
14155s they have a Way Forward here
14157s yeah the Netherlands already having the
14159s payload out especially with four minutes
14161s left over even though it doesn't seem
14163s like a lot it is a huge time bank the
14166s rally from calex will save him from
14168s certain death but there's a dead eye as
14170s well good sleep on to tap to prevent
14172s that from happening and Don does go down
14174s with the Rampage in the pocket the spawn
14176s is so close by though Denmark if they
14178s even lose a player it's going to be
14180s really tough to keep this spawn hold
14182s yeah I mean unless that player is Shacks
14184s because like I said he does come back
14185s quite quickly and he came back and made
14187s quite the impression with that pulse
14188s bomb to finish off Don there who gets
14190s anti by slay Don is just under a lot of
14193s pressure and as the tank he has to be
14195s the one to try and make the space try
14196s and make it safe for his team to you
14198s know come on out of their little hidey
14200s hole the Beat from A and J might be uh
14202s might be enough to push them out
14204s the EMP as well from Shockwave to try
14207s and just save them
14209s works out calyx is finding so much value
14211s especially with the Nano boost onto the
14214s Brigitte here just trying to stop that
14216s plank and the dive onto the back line
14218s slay stays alive through it all and so
14220s does calyx mulfig getting healed up
14222s after getting a lot of pressure
14223s initially and Shockwave really wants
14225s that stagger kill onto Pastor as well I
14228s mean like it was a huge Rampage for it
14231s came out from Don there but there was no
14232s one that really could access The High
14233s Ground with him there to follow up on it
14235s so everyone just stays safe up there
14236s specifically kellex and slay and once
14239s the anti-heel wears off yeah they're
14241s they're good and they can just bring
14242s everybody back up to full strength
14243s Denmark haven't been dislodged from the
14245s spawn hold thus far
14247s they're gonna put down that turret on
14249s the low ground to just prevent them from
14251s dropping down and there's a molten core
14253s as well lots of zoning lots of area
14255s control but it's all on the low ground
14256s and right now Netherlands is trying to
14259s fight for the access to the high now
14261s starts looking at buddy once again just
14263s trying to harass this back line out and
14265s they don't have the Brigitte anywhere
14267s nearby Patterson comes in and tries to
14270s help them but it's a stick onto pasture
14272s taking out both the turret and the torb
14274s and that is a good fight from Denmark
14277s investing two ultimates but the EMP So
14280s Close by that's such a great play from
14282s shaqs he's not your buddy friend he just
14284s goes ahead takes down the Anna the stick
14286s onto the torp takes him down and the
14288s turret and the Netherlands are still
14289s stuck here and yeah we're under two
14291s minutes and the Netherlands haven't
14292s gotten a whole lot for their money they
14294s have an EMP of their own now does tap
14296s but I mean they're gonna have to use
14298s this just to break free of this
14299s oppressive spawn hole that Denmark have
14301s fled like three minutes off the clock
14302s with
14303s Shockwave with the big EMP here onto a
14306s lot of players mulfate finds Dawn and
14308s now without a tank Netherlands do have
14310s to back off a little bit more tap has an
14312s EMP of his own though and he's really
14314s fishing for that High Ground Play has a
14317s translocator in place behind this little
14319s building and it just wants to find some
14321s way to get rid of these supports but
14323s calyx has been sticking so close by to
14326s slay that it's been really really tough
14327s to get that Anna out of this game
14330s another dive from Don no follow-up from
14333s the rest of the squad they're none of
14334s them really able to get onto The High
14335s Ground tap on a flank and looking like
14338s you might try to isolate kellus no Nano
14341s came through it's gonna come out now
14342s onto a and j but Don forced to use the
14345s Primal by himself finds shacks and I
14347s mean a hack there does help uh seal up
14350s the deal and shot like yeah Netherlands
14352s they're still not in this here comes the
14354s EMP Denmark are still holding though
14356s they found the d-mac onto mulfic that's
14357s huge yeah Kellogg's still with the rally
14361s for a second longer though and it allows
14362s them to be a little bit tankier get that
14364s sustained and Don now looking for a big
14366s flank orb dive onto calyx and does it
14369s successful this time and slay is still
14372s up but a and j is just trying her
14374s rashacked away from that back line
14376s there's a self-destruct from multig
14377s looking for that little bit of oh okay
14379s fine stop actually tap how does he die
14382s but mulfing finding that DPS can get a
14385s little bit of pressure off still only 10
14387s seconds left over for a full capture all
14389s the way to point B I mean and if your
14391s Denmark mission accomplished you've
14393s whittled what was a seemingly
14394s insurmountable time bank down to
14396s literally like nothing we're in OT now
14398s and you're gonna have spawn Advantage
14399s the whole times
14401s OT spawns might mean that the
14402s Netherlands can snowball this but they
14403s have to be perfect here they only really
14405s realistically have the molten core for
14407s passer to win this fight Shockwave has
14409s an EMP but he dies buddy with the nade
14411s oh that's such a good nade onto
14414s Shockwave and now that EMP can't be you
14416s Shockwave should be able to get back
14417s quickly but it gives an opening for the
14419s rest of the Netherlands Squad to dive
14421s onto this back line once again Shaq's
14423s still looking for the harass though but
14424s no one is contesting that payload making
14427s sure that they have someone staying on
14428s in the overtime make sure that they
14430s don't see nine this time around but Don
14431s goes down shredding out that tank the
14433s molten core does happen on the payload
14435s so they do have to back off for a second
14437s longer a little bit of that area control
14439s allowing them to push further forward
14441s forward faster staying on top the
14443s payload and the rally now going to come
14445s through for a and j but Wolfie comes in
14447s from behind the big Shield calex does
14449s fall to the molten core but pastors
14451s still needs some way to sustain and if
14453s it's a stick from stack such a huge
14455s pulse bomb a huge play to whittle down
14457s four minutes from Denmark into zero so
14461s that fight win for Denmark was
14462s inevitable because Shockwave was holding
14464s onto that EMP as soon as he had the
14465s chance to use it that would have been
14466s done but because buddy finds that nade
14469s onto him early on like Netherlands kind
14471s of snowballed the cart almost all the
14473s way to the end checkpoint it's not a lot
14476s but it's still holdable and again I
14479s can't stress this enough Denmark like
14480s they just gave point a up for free
14482s essentially and the spawn hold was
14485s phenomenal bled that time bank down to
14487s essentially nothing that's why you know
14488s that's about as far as Netherlands were
14490s able to get but that still feels like a
14493s lot more than they should have when you
14494s look at where we were when the overtime
14496s Wick started burning for it to be all
14498s the way towards the end there I think
14500s that's something I think that's uh I
14502s think that's something Netherlands still
14503s have a shot to just completely lock
14505s Denmark out a hundred percent from
14507s playoffs here has Denmark done enough to
14511s set themselves up for success
14513s I think maybe but there's still always
14516s the potential of a full hold here the
14517s torbjorn is going to be a lot more
14519s oppressive on on the defensive side and
14522s you can see Denmark like Shacks at least
14524s right now isn't flashing that Tracer
14526s might swap over to it but if they do the
14529s tour the turret is going to be an
14530s ever-present threat that he's gonna have
14532s to worry about he's gonna pepper him
14533s like you know five shots from a turret
14535s if you're not looking at it might be
14537s enough to just take a tracer down so you
14539s always have to be wary of where it's
14540s placed make sure all your entrance
14541s routes are locked down you're checking
14543s your Corners making sure you're not
14544s about to just get bursted down
14547s jack's looking to go over to the reaper
14549s actually
14551s no her full composition swaps there we
14554s go back to the dive yep and Netherlands
14556s on the other hand though tap switching
14558s over onto the echo is really interesting
14561s as well trying to get that High Ground
14563s Control which they previously weren't
14565s able to do on the defense and they're
14567s going to have a and j in the pocket as
14569s well buddy having to now switch over to
14570s the kiriko without that little bit of
14572s extra appeal that they had
14574s um with the Brigitte
14576s yeah I mean with the tour with the torp
14578s turret and kiriko's general
14579s survivability buddy should be okay but
14582s it's still going to be the primary
14583s target actually they're gonna go for
14585s pastor the Hat combo there almost comes
14587s through but passers able to survive
14590s donating a lot of damage though Shacks
14593s on the trace are just uh dishes out so
14596s much DPS that it's so difficult to
14598s escape from this and that's a really
14599s good nade pastor actually doesn't get
14602s hit by the suzu but they're able to
14604s cleanse it off a buddy at the very least
14606s now looking for The High Ground Control
14608s as I take this point day they're doing a
14610s great job of taking down pastors turrets
14612s and also oh hello okay also almost of
14615s taking down Pastor several times Shacks
14617s though low HP gonna try and play for
14619s that hacked Mega Pastor has been able to
14622s weather the storm so far but he's
14623s definitely got a Target on his back but
14625s so does calyx calyx going down first
14628s from tap that is an excellent pick but
14630s Shockwave is going to just trade that
14632s right back however without calyx the
14634s back line is left undefended the Nano
14636s goes out at the last second onto mulping
14638s to give them that survivability and
14639s sustain through this fight keep
14641s positioning up front but the duplication
14643s from tap is just so powerful there's the
14647s struck and multi goes out a little bit
14649s of a cheeky wave from as well to see him
14652s out the door I mean I'm looking right
14654s now at shockwaves or sorry at the
14656s shockwaves EMP but also Shaq's pulse
14658s bomb either of those if Shaq sits
14659s another big pulse bomb can break this
14661s defense shockwaves EMP could also just
14664s bust the door wide open but I mean if
14666s the Netherlands are able to weather the
14667s storm we only got two minutes here
14669s Denmark they're not gonna have another
14670s realistically good fight at this this is
14672s their best shot right now
14676s Netherlands they can't go in they cannot
14679s go in oh but there's EMP from Shockwave
14683s and he just has to go translocate right
14685s out after using it that is just no value
14687s found from the EMP even though it hits
14689s so many of them just flushed right down
14691s the loo because I mean that was yeah you
14694s cannot use that up there you lose slice
14695s so early there's all of your burst
14697s healing everything gone and now they
14699s don't have that ultimate they have 90
14700s seconds to maybe build up to another one
14702s they have to win this entirely based off
14704s of Just shax's pulse bomb here and the
14706s Netherlands have nearly a full arsenal
14709s of alts tap you can even build it with
14711s this duplicate lickety-split if the
14713s damage moves from A and J comes through
14714s yeah just spy checking for Shockwave as
14717s well making sure that they can't get on
14719s top of the back line Shaq's has been
14720s good with the pulse bombs before
14721s Shockwave with a hack onto pastor but
14724s there's the peel there from and Jay and
14725s now the valley as well the Rampage onto
14728s calex Galax goes down and so does a slay
14730s a stick on to Don but still the healing
14733s from the valkyrie it's still there
14734s there's so much sustain and still it can
14736s so many rush in the bank as well
14738s Shockwave falling to pastor and now a
14740s fight in this room calyx stands to go
14742s down next to mole think they're forcing
14744s out the rally the rally used now just to
14746s keep them in the fight as the rest of
14748s the team is trying to regroup with them
14750s but now they don't have the rally for
14752s the next one while the Kitsune Rush is
14754s still available they still have ones too
14755s uh one ultimate on Netherlands yeah
14758s Denmark are in Dire Straits right now
14760s that armor that kellix and all that over
14761s Health that the rally comes through with
14763s it's all gonna burn Away by the time the
14764s fight kicks off properly they only have
14766s the self-destruct slay has to build up
14769s to a nano boost but if he gets picked
14770s off again it's it's just over you have
14772s to rely on a big diva pulse bomb here or
14774s sorry uh self-destruct Kitsune rush
14776s comes out the Netherlands they smell
14778s blood and they are going in like sharks
14779s in the water oh and the molten core as
14782s well it's just so much area control it's
14784s going so hard to get onto this point
14786s looking at how much space there is on
14788s the floor the floor is literally lava
14790s now tap duplicating the self-destruct
14792s and there still is a contention from
14794s molting just standing on top of order
14796s making sure to avoid that little bit of
14799s damage from the molten cord the
14800s self-destructure oh and Jay gets killed
14803s by the Remake but they need some way to
14805s touch once again Mulford get on that
14807s point and does the defense Matrix will
14809s save off a little bit of pressure but
14810s now out of the Mac the baby Diva on the
14813s point shots comes through but buddy
14815s takes down Shacks with the kunai now
14817s calyx has to be the one to get something
14819s done for Denmark and the rest of the
14821s squad is still coming in slay got
14822s switched on to the Moira but there is
14824s nothing that Denmark can do even though
14827s they save off four minutes after giving
14829s point a for free they just couldn't cap
14831s point a themselves
14833s it's over Denmark like they that was
14837s such a great defense there again you
14839s know they they see nine they gave up
14840s point a but then they spawn old for so
14842s long that's so so good and then they get
14844s the whole they don't let Netherlands
14846s have point B but Netherlands one up stem
14849s doesn't let them have even a tick on
14851s point a I go back to that EMP from
14853s Shockwave and and also the fact that
14855s like slay was to Public Enemy Number One
14858s like tap was going deep finding sleigh
14860s every time and then that EMP from
14862s Shockwave just comes out and there's
14864s just no one around to benefit from it if
14867s an EMP goes off and no one is able to
14869s capitalize did it go off at all you
14871s wouldn't know it but Shockwave
14872s definitely busted it out and it didn't
14874s come up with anything and the
14876s Netherlands defeat Denmark 2-0 and dash
14880s their hopes of going to BlizzCon it's
14882s gonna be joy for the Spanish Squad they
14885s don't have the weight of the world on
14886s their shoulders anymore they can even
14887s they can throw the game against Portugal
14890s but because they beat Denmark before
14892s they'll still winning the head-to-head
14894s they're going to BlizzCon and Denmark I
14897s it really it really hurts when you look
14900s at the talent on this Danish Squad you
14902s know you think Shockwave and shaqs and
14904s mulfig and and Doge and all of these
14906s really high tier players veterans like
14908s calyx and up and comers from slay like
14911s it's it it really is a shame to see them
14914s not going to BlizzCon here but you had
14917s to be correct today and the Netherlands
14919s they wanted to be the spoilers they
14921s wanted to take out some of their own
14922s frustrations for being pulled out of the
14924s conversation so forcefully they wanted
14926s to take it out on somebody else in
14927s Denmark where the Poor Unfortunate Souls
14930s that strolled into their back alley on
14931s this day
14932s the Netherlands if anything proved that
14935s they also had a shot at making that
14937s playoff spot and I think that's what
14939s really it was playing for pride on the
14941s very last day of the emec qualifiers
14944s even if they are locked out of playoffs
14946s they wanted to prove they could be a
14948s team that would have made it to playoffs
14950s if it weren't for them and they are the
14951s spoilers they are The Gatekeepers
14953s duplicon like I said if an offer that
14956s lost to Belgium the Netherlands might
14958s still be in the conversation and I think
14960s you know they're showing us why they're
14961s showing us why they were still along you
14963s know in that top five conversation just
14965s a little bit ago they're saying hey
14966s y'all forgot about us you shouldn't have
14969s forgot let us remind you who the heck we
14971s are and Denmark forgot and uh I mean
14974s they got a hard lesson today and it's
14976s unfortunately a lesson that is going to
14978s cost them their playoff hopes so I mean
14980s we look forward to some of the the later
14982s games today you know we still gonna see
14984s Spain versus Portugal there's not quite
14985s as much weight on that one we still have
14987s uh Great Britain versus France playing
14990s for pride later on in the day but we'll
14992s be right back back after a quick break
14994s here with the team that actually uh
14997s ruins the Netherlands hopes sorry
14999s Belgium going up against the team that
15001s nearly ruins Spain's Italy that should
15004s be another fun one to watch we'll be
15005s right back on the other side of this
15006s break don't go anywhere
15009s foreign
15011s [Music]
15030s [Music]
15037s thank you
15038s [Music]
15050s [Music]
15058s [Music]
15064s [Applause]
15064s [Music]
15078s foreign
15088s [Music]
15134s [Applause]
15134s [Music]
15160s [Applause]
15162s foreign
15168s [Applause]
15176s [Music]
15203s thank you
15204s [Music]
15226s the Dutch defeat the Danish in a
15229s dominant display of skills potentially
15231s destroying their dreams of entering
15233s World Cup Glory I'm Jim Basco that's
15235s epitomees and that's CB CB there's no
15238s other way to put it right that that
15239s blizzard world hold was just brutal
15243s uh absolutely I mean and and that's back
15245s breaking you said probably no it's
15248s definitely like there is no way forward
15249s for Denmark anymore after that again
15251s like I go back to that EMP from
15253s Shockwave that came out at just the
15255s wrong time the wrong moment it was the
15257s one misstep that they could not have
15259s possibly afforded and it came and I
15262s that's your lot that's all that's all
15264s the hope for Denmark now done and dusted
15267s and again we were looking at like the
15269s whole day and we were talking about we
15271s were just assuming that like Denmark was
15272s gonna win this match and that was going
15273s to set the pace for the rest of the
15274s matches going forward then it was gonna
15275s be like okay well now Spain has all this
15278s pressure to perform and then they both
15279s win and suddenly it's like okay well
15281s Great Britain and France whoever wins is
15282s going to determine who gets to join them
15284s BlizzCon but like no it it just wasn't
15286s to be Netherlands just showed up just
15288s kicked the door in and said you forgot
15290s about us right the orange wave is there
15293s their present and they were just
15295s absolutely dominant let's go take a look
15297s at at the schedule real quick so we can
15299s recap some of the matches that have
15300s happened epitomies we're looking forward
15302s as well well right we just came off of
15304s that Dutch and danish matchup 2-0 for
15306s the Netherlands there Saudi Arabia
15308s earlier 2-0 over Sweden and then we had
15310s closer matches in the first part of the
15312s day but as we proceed here we've got
15314s Belgium versus Italy up next followed by
15317s Spain versus Portugal and Great Britain
15319s versus France those are the top two
15321s teams at uh the top of group a um for
15324s the end of the day epitomies as we head
15326s on into Belgium versus Italy talk to us
15329s about what you're keeping an eye out for
15330s in this next one so Italy is a little
15333s bit of an outlier in group a because
15335s they don't have the greatest record here
15338s but they
15340s Spain and are also one of the only teams
15343s to do so and it was really interesting
15346s because it changed the dynamic of group
15348s a completely because Spain this team
15350s that we thought was going to be very
15351s dominant they were playing very well and
15353s all of a sudden it's just spaghetti drop
15355s everywhere and then Italy comes out and
15357s goes um goes to oh against them yeah it
15361s was just such a
15363s crazy moment honestly that it had us
15365s questioning things for the rest of the
15367s week we were like wait but if Italy beat
15369s them this could happen and that could
15371s happen and you know a lot of things
15373s happened that we weren't prepared for
15374s but what we are sure is that next up
15376s we've got Belgium versus Italy epitomies
15378s and CB I leave you all to it it'll be
15379s great and I'll see you guys on the other
15381s side
15383s thank you so much Jim and now headed
15386s into this next one Italy versus Belgium
15388s I mean Belgium is a team that was able
15391s to beat the Netherlands and after what
15394s we just saw that is definitely an
15396s achievement that they can tell yeah like
15398s like I said Belgium were the ones that
15400s you know pulled the Netherlands out of
15402s the conversation uh you know Italy damn
15404s near pulled spade out of the
15405s conversation as well and also even
15407s almost upset Denmark yesterday these two
15410s teams were nothing short of Agents of
15411s chaos and these two Asians have one
15413s final mission today that is go out with
15416s a bang and make your home country proud
15419s yeah and they they're definitely going
15421s to try to do just that both of these
15423s teams mostly playing for pride Belgium
15426s definitely a squad that you should keep
15428s your eye on that they have a lot of
15429s talent here
15431s um Shira we saw this yesterday with
15433s shyra flexing onto the DPS it worked out
15435s incredibly well and a lot better than we
15438s would have expected the tank player
15440s playing the pharah and the May
15441s compositions while Logics is kind of
15444s allowed to go on a tear on the other
15445s side Sky tour now on the tank as well
15447s and a really strong backlight to boot
15449s yeah your eyes do not deceive you it is
15452s not the DPS Diva Shira came in and we
15454s did see those flyers shyra means that
15457s this team wants to fly Like a G6 so
15459s we're definitely going to be looking to
15461s the skies Allah as Saudi Arabia match
15463s not you know quite as dominant as yazan
15465s but is there another pharah in the world
15467s cup that can matches on I'm not sure
15469s shyra makes a pretty strong case though
15471s and Logics with the clutch factor is
15473s always something to behold as is this
15477s Italian squad over here shout out
15479s Mike hands as a vast stream uh
15483s repeatedly called him said he was better
15485s than Twilight also shout out to a
15486s vastream I had a great time uh chilling
15488s and chat with you guys yesterday but I
15490s mean my can was even flexing onto the
15493s Anna yesterday and playing a phenomenal
15495s honor despite this team not having you
15498s know practiced it at all the fact that
15499s uh katakomi is in here also I think
15501s that's probably also what we're going to
15503s continue to see and like Italy is a team
15505s that can just do damage they might not
15507s make it to playoffs but they'll blow
15509s through you like a tornado and just
15510s cause property damage and Chaos in their
15512s wake
15513s yeah camera was also really impressive
15516s when we watched Italy the other day
15517s hitting a lot of really good shots on
15520s the Hanzo as well and I just feel like
15522s it cannot be understated the strength of
15525s this Italian team
15526s and you definitely don't want to
15528s understate it because you might make the
15530s same mistake that Spain did because
15531s Belgium I mean obviously we're only
15534s playing for pride at this point but you
15535s still don't want to get caught off guard
15536s by some of the silly things that Italian
15538s that Italy can come at you with like
15540s some of the crazy looks the weird just
15543s what the heck just happened moments that
15545s we that we see from them time and time
15547s again again you know uh mecon flexing
15549s over to flex support having a phenomenal
15552s honor game yesterday against Denmark uh
15555s you know Rajon and chimero both also
15557s being high spots for this team Italy is
15560s again that you can't take them lightly
15562s or you might just lose your trailer park
15565s you lose the trailer park indeed headed
15568s on to Elios now starting on ruins here
15571s this is definitely going to be grounds
15573s for Belgium to take shyra onto the um
15576s onto the Farah unless we see another
15578s tour because like we said they are just
15580s playing for pride so maybe we might see
15583s some antics
15584s I I maybe I mean again we've seen a fair
15587s share of torb today both in serious
15589s compositions and very unserious
15591s compositions so you know in a situation
15594s like this where two teams with even
15595s records relatively even footing are
15597s playing for pride it could realistically
15600s go either way it doesn't look like
15602s shyra's swapping so yeah maybe we are
15604s getting a little bit of antics here
15606s meanwhile Italy uh looking to go with a
15609s yeah a dive composition with a mercy
15612s pocketed Soldier
15613s yeah this is I mean it's interesting on
15616s both sides what we're seeing so far
15618s definitely not a very typical ruins
15620s composition
15621s um I mean the mercy pocketed sojourn can
15623s do quite a bit of damage to the orisa
15626s over on Belgium's side and I'm I'm just
15629s curious if this torbjorn is like them
15631s being serious or them being funny now
15633s the only thing in Ruins right now is
15635s about to be my predictions for this
15636s match because I'm predicting Italy might
15638s go forward here but Rajon already being
15640s forced back there's a lot of anti-tank
15642s abilities on the side of Belgium mostly
15644s just Shira with the right clicks there
15646s but logic taking down Chimera and a huge
15649s return shot there from yukino yeah
15651s yukino finding poda Nova lots of burst
15654s healing now staved away from Belgian
15656s Squad but they still have a lot of
15658s control over this point getting that
15660s first capture and already flipping it
15662s over as soon as the point unlocked and
15664s now they're kind of letting the sky tour
15666s kind of dance around that Far Side
15669s around the pillar and the turret is also
15671s going to allow them to get a lot of
15672s extra damage down as well a big Nate
15674s from meconer and I mean that's gonna be
15676s Italy's uh opportunity to try and go in
15678s here but a javelin gonna go and make it
15680s a little difficult for rajyan logic's
15682s going to fall another rail shot from
15684s yukino
15685s that was a huge anti onto Sky tour
15688s though and yukino is just going to help
15690s finish things off with Chimera at the
15692s side lots of picks swinging into Italy's
15695s Direction a full wipe nearly and Belgium
15697s going to go ahead and regroup now Italy
15700s have ultimates online though potanova
15703s has not been really keeping Pace with
15704s mikan's ultimate build up there is a
15707s really strong support ultimate lineup in
15711s Italy right now well I mean that old
15712s percentage might be because there was
15714s some wholesale swaps on the side of
15715s Belgium Potter Nova over on the Anna and
15717s gets deleted Mika oh my goodness you
15721s know avastream was saying he was better
15722s than Twilight I don't know if I would go
15724s that far but definitely making a case
15726s for showing that he's pretty damn good
15728s yeah this was a incredibly dominant
15732s fight from Italy obviously Belgium not
15734s having the alt charge and Italy didn't
15736s really expend much in that fight either
15738s just Nikon going for the Nano but other
15740s than that it still felt very very
15743s dominant Chimera going to stick Jabba
15745s take down that fragita and the rest of
15748s the back line from Belgium is done for
15750s after the Brigade goes down there's not
15752s a lot to be done shot up spamming a
15754s future question marks in chat probably
15756s wondering how that that hit him
15759s and Belgium I like they don't really
15761s have a realistic way in here they're
15762s gonna have the Bob from Logix but that's
15764s not really the best ability like you can
15766s try and force positioning with it put it
15767s on point and threaten the Bobcat you can
15769s also force a lot of positioning by just
15771s doing damage and jumping up on top of
15772s the high ground with the cleave but
15774s that's not gonna be quite enough as
15776s Italy scatter and they weather the storm
15777s so far
15779s they also have that Valkyrie up which is
15781s going to give them that little bit of
15783s extra chain healing however Belgium will
15785s fit flip Point okay there was no contest
15788s there and Shire is actually able to flip
15790s it over the anti-health onto shy we're
15792s going to make it a little bit more
15793s difficult but the Bob comes through from
15795s Belgium Logics finding a lot of value
15797s with that Bob Rajon not having anywhere
15800s to go nowhere to hide from the man in
15802s the bowler hat yeah I wasn't expecting
15804s Shira to actually like force the point
15806s and then the Bob kills things to be what
15808s actually happened there I guess that's
15809s that makes more sense than Bob being the
15811s one to flip the point but and regardless
15813s I mean Belgium were able to do it only
15814s investing in the Bob so they have quite
15816s the old bank to try and match uh Italy's
15818s percentage here
15819s Italy looking good with the Nano boosts
15822s onto Sky core now looking for the dive
15824s onto me can me can be not being that uh
15827s strong of a back line since keikomi is
15829s going to be attached to some other
15831s players but kekomi comes in with the res
15833s for yukino after they put through a lot
15836s of work to take down the sojourn though
15837s the overclock does come through but
15839s yukino still being contested heavily Sky
15841s tour finally taking down yukino once
15843s again and now going for Nikon the best
15845s of the back line is in Dire Straits Sky
15848s tour already pushing into their own
15850s spawn Primal Rage in hand as well a
15853s great Nano to start things off for poda
15855s Nova 90 Belgium they know if they stay
15857s aggressive here it's going to be so
15858s difficult for Italy to even get to the
15860s point Region's probably just gonna have
15861s to go ahead and make a Hail Mary leap
15863s for it but the back lines under so much
15864s pressure he might not be able to do it
15866s safely and he doesn't do it at all
15868s actually no one touches and Belgium just
15871s walk away with ruins interesting
15874s okay well I mean Belgium they definitely
15877s had that first touch and first capture
15879s and there was no contention from Italy
15881s but as soon as they flipped that point
15883s over they were looking very very strong
15885s in the way that they were cycling their
15886s ultimates and getting very good
15888s aggressive positioning as well but then
15891s they just weren't able to touch after
15892s Belgium flipped the point by sneaking
15894s past them with the Tracer and now headed
15896s on to the next map though Shira we're
15898s going to see that coveted horror
15900s gameplay and something else I do kind of
15902s want to point out by the way is Belgium
15904s part of the reason that shyra is in is
15906s because their other DPS player Ken is
15907s not currently available to play so shyra
15910s does have to come in here and we've seen
15912s Shira mostly feel confident and
15914s comfortable on the uh on the Faro we
15916s didn't see it on ruins because there's
15918s too much threat of hit scan so you can't
15919s really get away with the pharah quite as
15921s easily as you could on a map like say
15923s Lighthouse so that's why we're gonna see
15925s Belgium making the swaps to that here a
15927s little bit more of a comfort pick and
15929s similarly that's why we're gonna see
15930s yukino on the ash to try and put that
15932s pressure on and not let shyra exist for
15935s free
15936s yummy Ash is definitely a good counter
15939s to the forest stylistically Sky tour
15941s going down early though there's no way
15943s they're going to be able to get that
15944s first capture Nikon finding skytor with
15947s the help of a good antinade and Italy
15950s taking first cap this time and hopefully
15951s they'll be able to hold on to it from
15953s what we've seen from their defensive
15954s holds so far I I can't stress this
15956s enough Mikan is a main support player
15959s he's known for Lucio you know you saw
15961s Lucio in the graphic Italy are coming
15963s out here with two lucios they have been
15965s flexing over to flex support and he's
15966s looking like a really really solid Ana
15969s especially for like this middle of the
15971s pack kind of area definitely feels like
15973s he's getting the better of potanova
15974s getting bigger nades being in better
15976s positions big sleep there on to Sky tour
15979s but there's just a lot of follow-up can
15981s they find the kill oh Logics tried to
15984s find something there is able to get
15985s yukino before going down but shyra's
15987s just gonna clean things up kind of been
15989s a sleeper for the first part of this map
15991s and not really paying too much attention
15992s to the pharah didn't really realize the
15994s threat of it at the beginning from Italy
15996s until we came in big and wiped with the
15999s mercy it looked like everybody was
16000s trying to focus on bursting down Sky
16002s tour that they all just turned to try
16003s and help me can there that they just
16005s kind of forgot about Shira in the sky
16007s pumping in damage Through the Windows
16008s and it's like hey I'm here too like deal
16011s with me please contest me but they just
16014s don't so uh Belgium able to flip the
16015s point they're only 35 for Italy which is
16018s not nothing but when you look at
16019s Belgium's old Bank you gotta expect that
16021s uh you kind of wish you had a little
16023s more yeah it looks like they should be
16025s able to hold this with the way that
16027s they're building up these ultimates me
16028s again is going to be the first with the
16030s Nano boost here but oh there's a huge
16033s stick there from Logics but Italy just
16035s they just flipped it wait what was
16037s Belgium doing while Logics was occupied
16039s with what was happening in Italy's back
16041s line now taking down both the supports
16043s but yukino just trace it right on back
16045s switching onto the echo as well Sky tour
16047s resetting to join up with the rest of
16049s the squad but Logix is actually still
16050s fighting for this point taking down
16052s yukino
16053s like Italy I don't know how they snake
16056s it down there I think it's Chimera that
16057s ends up taking it but I mean Belgium you
16059s have to be kicking yourself because you
16060s had all these olds and you don't even
16061s get the chance to use them in a
16063s favorable fight they still have you know
16065s a passive volt economy they can come
16067s back in here with but they're gonna run
16068s out of time to use it they might be able
16070s to find this film to Rajon and then
16072s they'll be they'll be good but they need
16073s to be they need to find it yeah the
16076s rally from Kate Comey does come through
16077s a lot of that extra overhealth and huge
16080s Shields to try and just Stave off
16082s skytorch backlight oh that's such a good
16084s anti on to Sky tour and Nikon is going
16087s to finish it off where Chimera is rather
16089s but still chasing after now the pulse
16091s bomb and play me kind of doing so good
16093s taking down Shabba solo and now without
16096s the pocket for Shira Shira is so
16098s vulnerable now with the stick on
16100s toponova as well Italy is coming
16102s together big for Lighthouse netlogix is
16105s attempting to contest and having to dash
16106s around the point with the blinks but
16108s can't do much here Chaba does go for the
16110s Resurrection on Dakota Nova now the back
16112s line both available to keep sky up as he
16114s goes for the contest in the overtime but
16116s this is still so dire with the Primal
16118s Rage coming through and the valkyrie now
16120s expanded and fading away for Shabba
16122s skytor once again anti-nated and Mika is
16125s just so good with these nades finally
16127s they find nikken and skydor does find
16130s that back line but it's still so tough
16132s from Italy's side they managed to turn
16135s the point off of a huge fight where lots
16137s of ultimates were expended but Italy
16139s they are still building up and so
16141s healthy look at how expensive that was
16143s for Belgium they literally had to throw
16144s everything in the kitchen sink at that
16146s and Italy like look at their old bank
16148s they have nearly everything including
16149s the kitchen sink they don't have the
16150s rally but you probably don't even need
16152s it because like what big damage is going
16154s to come through that you need to try on
16155s weather the storm with some of that
16156s armor some of that overhealth not much
16159s really like maybe the reaper gets a
16161s little too close when you pop it but
16162s other than that like okay they lose
16164s Rajon all right that's disaster back out
16166s take another fight while you still have
16168s the advantage but uh the clock is now no
16170s longer on Italy's side
16172s you know taking very very quickly up to
16175s that 90 there is a nano Boost from nikan
16178s to try and do a last step dish effort
16180s and safe if it does come to that but
16182s they can still kind of weather this out
16184s a little bit a longer wait for reason to
16186s rejoin them they have four ultimate the
16188s Nano boost does go on to Rajon as he
16191s goes and Dives that back line holding up
16193s at taking a lot of shots but because of
16195s shyra in that room it's going to be a
16197s little bit tougher has to go to a pet
16198s and pop the final rage okay that is a
16201s huge pick onto both the tank and the
16203s shyra DPS now a child by using the
16205s valkyrie uh doesn't have the valkyrie
16207s can't fly out of that it just has to
16209s fall off the map the overtime slowly
16211s Fades away as Italy turns that point
16213s over I mean with that that Primal Rage
16216s Rajan just stomping on Belgium turning
16218s in some Belgian waffles there that was a
16219s great play there it kind of felt like
16221s Rajan was like in a little bit too deep
16223s and was getting punished by the reaper
16225s there but he said no no I've got the uh
16227s the magic cylinder all damaged done to
16229s me directly to your life points and just
16232s stops them them all out plays a little
16233s bit of gatekeeper so Chaba can't get
16235s back up uh to the high back up onto the
16238s point it's gonna fall off and I mean
16240s we're at 1-1 here on the here on ilios
16242s we're going to ilios well so I imagine
16245s we're going to see shyra fall back to
16248s the Flyers but it's also entirely
16250s possible that the somber comes out if
16252s everybody could stop swapping Heroes for
16253s like one second so we could try and
16256s figure out what's going on give me like
16258s just a second to break this down all
16260s right okay Shira is indeed going back to
16262s the flyer yukino going to match it so we
16265s got an echo for an Echo but yukino
16266s doesn't have a mercy pocket we still
16268s have mecan on the Anna
16271s yeah and Kate comia switched on to Lucio
16273s this time around a little bit less peel
16276s for the back line but Belgium is kind of
16277s matching that with the mercy um Anna so
16280s you have that little less skill for the
16282s back line once again except in a
16283s different way but shyra is going to have
16285s that extra damage and shyra because of
16287s it takes down yukino now logic's going
16290s to look at to shred into Rajon who's
16292s taking quite a bit of damage no
16294s anti-name yet so that healing is going
16296s to come in clutch from Italy but they're
16298s not going to be able to get first touch
16299s still the contention okay what a sleep
16302s from logic from weekend but still Shira
16305s will finish off with the help of Shabba
16308s by their side Mikan unfortunately unable
16310s to stay alive no peel there 4K Comey
16312s like if Kate Comey was there on the brig
16314s then Nikon probably would have been able
16316s to survive that but unfortunately was
16317s not able to this time around I mean
16319s maybe but I mean you did have both
16321s Logics and Shira trying to burst down
16322s and it was like Shire that came through
16324s the sleep is huge but ultimately doesn't
16326s amount to a whole lot other than you
16328s know potentially a cool clip uh but
16330s Belgium they've got more than a cool
16331s clip they've got the point they've got
16333s 23 they don't have a mercy though mekan
16335s strikes back I'm gonna go ahead and not
16337s that's gonna that's gonna clip shiver's
16339s Wings just a little bit without that
16340s Mercy hitting up in the sky out of
16342s pocket yeah and Cake Comey has switched
16344s over to the mercy as well fiddling up to
16346s the valkyrie very steadily uh however
16348s Mikan goes down that is so huge from
16350s Logix once again finding Chimera as well
16353s mikon going down with the Nano boost in
16356s hand as well they can't contest here
16359s without Nikon in the play because
16361s keikomi just doesn't have that same kind
16362s of sustain they're able to get a bit of
16364s extra damage down but Belgium already up
16366s to 50 now yeah and there's a lot of
16368s focus on to me can and again that's kind
16369s of the nature of this composition when
16370s you have a mercy pocketed or a Lucio
16372s just you know jumping around uh you have
16375s a mercy pocketing a DPS you don't have
16376s the peel you can see they're finally
16378s doing the same to Potter Nova and they
16379s find something but yeah same thing Mika
16381s is getting focused down
16382s yeah and yukino on the other hand
16385s finally finding that value on the echo
16387s with the mercy pocket already having
16389s photo Nova out now Chaba goes down in
16391s quick secession skytor uses the Primal
16393s to try and contest for a little longer
16394s but the point flips over uh the only
16397s thing that skytory can do now is survive
16399s does so with the leap and the heels do
16400s come in very quickly as that Primal Rage
16403s Fades away and Belgium in position now
16405s to try and retake for a contest Italy
16408s does that for free too they don't expend
16409s an ultimate and they build up to all of
16410s there so now they can stall this out
16412s rotate the ultimates efficiently and
16413s they should be home free on this map but
16416s it's quite an uphill battle 74 taken
16418s down Shire though that's a great way to
16419s start yeah shyra going down because of
16422s the pulse bomb and now Rajon looking to
16424s harass podunova out of the fight Chaba
16426s does come in for a little bit of that
16428s extra appeal and there's just not enough
16429s damage from Rajon alone timer on the
16432s other side still shyra not allowed to
16434s play the game since the mercy focused on
16436s trying to get the Winston off of their
16439s of the support and it doesn't even work
16441s Hoda Nova still goes down as soon as
16443s Rajon refocuses on to Sky tour and
16445s Shabba goes in alongside and shaira
16447s hasn't been allowed to play the game for
16449s quite some time now Italy building up a
16451s good percentage almost up to 50 as well
16453s yeah but it's still a pretty good fight
16454s for Belgium because Italy expanded four
16456s out of their five ultimates they're only
16457s gonna have the duplicate for this next
16458s fight and logic is going to have a pulse
16460s bomb I mean even if you lose this fight
16462s realistically if you bleed out the
16463s duplicate you're golden you just have to
16466s try and find something with this pulse
16467s bomb and if you're able to find me
16468s account with the pulse bomb honestly you
16470s can just flip it right now
16472s yeah mekan already getting very low from
16475s Logics as well Sky tour hopping up onto
16477s The High Ground yukino is going to trade
16479s it for Belgium's own main support though
16482s our Flex support on that Anna but it's
16485s going to have to be Mercy who has to
16487s keep the team up but Chava goes down
16488s because of Rajon and yukino as well
16491s using the duplicate they bled out the
16493s ultimates from Italy however in Belgium
16495s that's good economy for them yukino does
16498s go down as skytor comes back into the
16500s fight as well shyra duplicating a
16501s Winston on their own and also able to
16504s get a little bit of extra damage before
16505s being forced out by Italy's tank however
16508s the disengage is there if you want to
16510s know who's going to win a fight at any
16511s given moment just pay attention to which
16513s Anna dies first because that seems to be
16514s the priority that everyone's looking at
16516s if Potter Nova goes down it's typically
16518s going to be Belgium Falls but if mikon
16520s follows not long after or goes down
16522s first and Italy like they don't really
16524s have much of a Lifeline that's a great
16526s sleep Sky tour gets punished yeah that
16529s was a sleep nade combo onto Sky tour and
16531s now they're missing their Winston who
16532s has the Primal Rage and hands still not
16534s the contest from Italy just yet but both
16536s of these teams are potentially in one
16538s fight territory here the contention is
16540s there from Italy now and it seems like
16542s they're giving it the point has been
16543s flipped Shira however still getting
16545s staggered here and now the rest of the
16547s squad has to go in without one of their
16549s dps's Chaba has already switched on to
16551s the fleet for Gita to try and defend
16553s podunova from all the dive that's been
16555s happening okay comey's still on the
16556s valkyrie though on Mercy now logic's
16559s finding Rajon they're missing that tank
16560s they're trying to get the resurrection
16562s through and it does go kit Comey is able
16564s to get the resurrection off and the
16565s logic falls into the well off of that
16568s big leap and the Primal Rage from Rajon
16570s that is insane and now the Primal Rage
16573s has already done its Duty yukino has
16575s switched on to the far of the duplicate
16577s from shaira is there to try and get the
16578s extra tank in but is immediately forced
16580s out by the Primal Rage and now getting
16582s so low no mercy pocket here and they're
16584s trying to throw the nade up to try and
16586s defend the echo but there is just no way
16589s of healing with the Shabba and bowdenova
16591s on Deluge show and Anna it is nothing to
16594s be done from Belgium they're forced off
16596s by the Primal Rage and the boops from
16598s Italy and it is just too oppressive and
16602s that was such a messy fight with Logics
16605s going into the loud but Italy does it
16607s they get it done I was I was about to
16609s say there's there's no shot that Italy
16611s come back and win this one like so
16612s there's that moment where it feels like
16614s all hope is lost but katakomi gets the
16616s res onto Rajan who is like two percent
16618s away from the Primal Rage and he jumps
16620s in logics blinks falls in the well and
16623s then pops the Primal and gets a kill
16625s with it and suddenly it looks like Italy
16626s is Gonna Take It
16627s and then they just don't like like Sky
16630s tour like comes back ends up going huge
16633s Logics comes back ends up finding kills
16635s and like like Italy nearly snatched that
16638s out of nothing that's just the danger
16639s that this Italian Squad brings to the
16641s table where it feels like they have no
16643s right to be doing the things that they
16644s do but they just do them anyway because
16646s they don't care about what you think is
16647s possible I mean Belgium like they
16649s narrowly escape with the map win there
16651s they're gonna have to be a little bit
16653s more clean otherwise and like Italy's
16655s Just Gonna Keep nipping at their heels
16656s yeah this was definitely very very messy
16659s and it felt very much like we cannot let
16662s the Anna on either side play the game at
16665s one point keikomi was playing Brig and
16667s then at one point Chaba was playing
16670s break and it just went back and forth
16672s between are we going to focus on
16673s defending the honor or are we going to
16675s try to get our DPS to have as much
16677s damage as possible and then the Anna was
16679s just alone not allowed to play the game
16680s and that was basically the story of that
16683s entire third round but uh halfway
16685s through Lighthouse it was kind of how it
16687s was going for for both sides as well
16688s yeah it's uh it's it's a lot to unpack
16692s here again I I do kind of agree that it
16694s did feel very much so like both anas had
16696s Targets on their back and whichever Ana
16698s died first did typically dictate the
16699s pace of how the fight was going to go
16701s especially on the latter two maps ruins
16703s I think uh I think Italy still had a
16706s shot at maybe taking that one they
16707s definitely had a chance on well that
16709s they they just shouldn't have like this
16711s this fight that you're watching right
16712s now I guess none of that should have
16714s happened yeah I I should have been are
16716s we
16716s I don't know what was happening like
16719s logic's going into the well has to be
16721s like the cherry on the cake for that
16723s last fight
16724s I mean well I'm not entirely sure what
16727s it is that we're watching between these
16729s two teams I'm sure it's OverWatch but
16731s outside of that your guess is as good as
16733s mine but whatever it is we will have
16735s another map of it it's going to be
16736s Italy's map pick on the other side of
16738s this break don't go anywhere we'll be
16739s right back
16742s [Music]
16758s foreign
16765s [Music]
16805s [Music]
16816s thank you
16819s [Music]
16841s [Music]
16850s thank you
16858s [Music]
16865s [Music]
16927s thank you
16938s thank you
16941s [Music]
16955s thank you
16959s and that was quite a map one from
16963s Belgium and Italy over there on ilios
16965s now headed on to Italy's map pick
16967s hopefully we find something that is a
16969s little bit less uh chaotic at all times
16972s I did say that both of these teams were
16975s agents of chaos that was their role in
16977s this group and they definitely sewed
16979s some chaos and now they're like
16981s Beyblades just slamming against each
16982s other and playing like tossing each
16984s other all over the round hey two more
16986s one more map potentially two more of
16988s this I say let it rip watch Point
16990s Gibraltar is going to be the next Arena
16993s that we take these tops to and uh I mean
16995s I I think this checks out because both
16998s teams you know did show very confident
17000s Dives they did show they like to play
17001s the Dives this does also uh also give
17004s you quite a quite a lot of sight lines
17006s for someone like uh for someone like
17008s Chimera or yukino to hit some of those
17010s big shots we've seen a lot of great Ash
17011s play coming out from I believe both of
17014s them if not just yukino I know yukino
17016s was on on yesterday I definitely had
17018s some big moments especially on this map
17020s this actually by the way is the map
17021s where Italy did beat Denmark yesterday
17024s so it feels like a favorite for them
17027s yeah so now we're looking at watch Point
17030s Gibraltar you definitely are supposed to
17032s see okay Ken's actually returning here
17035s uh with people oh my gosh so I was maybe
17038s not unavailable and I was misinformed
17041s okay we're wanting to play uh the pharah
17044s and Belgium looking like they are headed
17047s on to the Ken Ash pick logic's likely
17050s going to pick that Tracer once again and
17052s on the other side Italy sicking with the
17055s good old uh Winston Anna Brigitte
17060s apologies to Ken me when I spread
17062s misinformation on the internet but uh
17064s Ken is still a phenomenal player and was
17066s always you know throughout most of this
17067s group stage one of the highlights of
17069s this team so I'm glad to see him back in
17071s the lineup I know his uh his Hanzo has
17073s been phenomenal I expect the ash play
17075s will be just as phenomenal it will need
17077s to be in order to match up against
17079s yukino here teleport play to get
17081s everybody else on The High Ground
17083s opposite that bridge so they can charge
17084s at Italy head on sky so we're gonna go
17087s ahead and jump in I think that whip shot
17088s away
17092s already having control of The High
17094s Ground that symmetra teleport going to
17096s help them out with that and now just
17097s fighting low ground you don't usually
17099s see a lot of contention here until
17102s you're at the underpass but Sky 4 is
17104s fighting very hard for that on Belgium's
17107s side Ken going down to nikan's nade
17109s though and now with good sleep as well
17111s from Nick and already very on point with
17113s the utility from the Anna here I I'm an
17116s honor one trick I appreciate good on a
17118s play and me Ken I listen you've got a
17120s promising future as an honor player
17122s buddy I think uh I think one tricking
17124s this hero might be the way forward for
17125s you because you've got some you're
17127s having quite an impact here constantly
17128s finding big plays with those nades
17130s speaking of which there's another big
17131s one from Chaba onto the back line of
17133s Italy but there's not going to be any
17134s follow-up Sky tour can't get there yet
17136s but it is going to go in now
17139s still fighting for The High Ground
17141s Logics is really kind of just escorting
17143s this uh this payload and there's not a
17146s lot of contention Chimera does try but
17148s it's the Tracer 1v1 and Logics is
17150s looking mighty strong in that regards
17152s how are the rest of he is a Belgium
17154s Squad now going to drop down and attempt
17157s to contest alongside their teammate
17159s Chimera goes down Logics in the back
17161s line just harassing out kid Comey now
17163s meek and left undefended but there's not
17165s much to be said here for Italy's back
17168s line as soon as Rajon fell no tank for
17170s the contention and point a without much
17172s of a hitch I mean we always talk about
17174s how clutch Logics is and you know to be
17177s clutch you have to be an opportunist and
17178s damn if Logics isn't the ultimate
17180s opportunist anytime a health bar gets
17183s low that's an opportunity for a tracer
17184s to strike go in get the cleanup damage
17187s and you know be the one to get the final
17188s blow to show up in the kill feed and
17189s that's what Logics excels at if enough
17191s damage enough cleave comes through from
17193s Sky tour fresh away now enough damage
17195s comes through expect logic to just come
17197s in the back door and pump in some more
17199s damage
17200s now the rally does come out from Italy's
17203s side they're trying to Stave off the
17205s damage but Rajon has gone for the Primal
17207s Rage and camera as well with the pulse
17210s bomb when their tank is just preoccupied
17212s with trying to harass their own backline
17214s Italy they take that opportunity to just
17217s harass the other teams but Logics once
17219s again opportunity to study is her just
17221s escort the payload a little bit further
17223s before dashing off and it's quite the
17225s opportunity to get out a Dodge with your
17228s life there Italy though I mean Belgium
17230s used both support ultimates in Italy
17231s were able to weather the storm and now
17233s Mikan has a nano boost so they can
17234s definitely get this going and more
17236s importantly than that they've got yukino
17237s up on The High Ground this very very
17240s oppressive High Ground that has been
17242s just so difficult to break through
17243s despite the map changes it's still no
17246s easy feat as an attacker to go through
17247s these choke points especially when
17249s there's an ash just constantly being a
17251s threat from on high oh Sky tour though
17254s with the Primal Rage just knocking
17256s yukino and Nikon out of the equation the
17258s nanoboost does go out at the last second
17260s but it's Fades away without finding much
17262s value skytor on the other hand finding
17264s all the value in the world the back line
17266s of Italy just shredded by the Tesla
17268s Cannon and now in control of The High
17270s Ground in the airplane hangar it has
17273s this beautiful I don't know if a contest
17275s is going to come out it does yeah
17276s Chimera is able to go out and touch the
17278s cart up Bob to go on Bob on either side
17280s one of them taking a nap but that's okay
17282s they're both still contesting the cart
17283s Sky tour being forced back here if Italy
17286s stabilized they can retake the high
17288s ground and dig their heels in just a
17290s little bit I mean but I mean that also
17292s looks like a juicy dive Target for for
17294s Sky tour there
17295s Jan Ken also falling the dive comes in
17299s from Sky tour both of Italy's supports
17301s are now down and logic just spamming
17303s through logic's doing so well to
17306s capitalize off of those low Health
17307s targets and dishing out the DPS now
17309s Chimera and Logics though they are on
17311s Pace for the pulse bomb at the same time
17313s on the other hand though Belgium 10 is
17315s building up to the to the Bob a little
17318s bit faster yeah just a little bit but I
17321s mean that might not be the biggest uh
17323s the biggest thing in the world typically
17324s you want to use the Bob at like the
17325s right opportunity you're not going to
17327s want to like throw it out like all
17328s willy-nilly like it's one of those
17330s ultimates that gets this max value at
17332s the right time so I mean Ken having it
17334s at the right time is gonna be massive
17336s but if they might not even need it they
17338s might just win off the Nano here yeah
17340s that Nano onto Sky tour going to allow
17342s them to get so much damage once again
17344s they are so focused on Sky tour getting
17346s out of the back line however the shots
17348s from the Anna alongside the anti-force
17350s is the disengage not with sleep on to
17352s Rajon though right after Primal Rage
17354s comes out and that's gonna going to be
17356s good and allow Belgium some breathing
17358s room kymer is still getting focused down
17360s from logic but Logics has to retreat a
17362s little bit further Sky tour having the
17364s Primal Rage now with the anti-through
17366s the Sleep goes on to the Winston however
17368s still disengaging to try and defend the
17370s back line as the Nano onto Rajon allows
17373s them to harass uh all them harass the
17376s backline of Belgium keikomi did use the
17379s rally to try and force himself forwards
17380s a little bit further but Ken is able to
17383s take that down and out
17384s I mean and now you're looking at yukino
17386s who has actually matched up to Ken's Bob
17388s charge as being the only real thing that
17390s Italy still has that was a very bloody
17392s fight I mean only a couple people died
17394s but it was expensive overall I think
17396s this Bob is the only real Lifeline for
17397s Italy right now it has to be massive and
17399s Belgium they have time to build up to
17401s more than just Ken's Bob
17403s yeah Belgium they have three a two and a
17406s half minutes left over and nearly three
17408s minutes and the Bob does come through a
17410s great place for Belgium side that is
17412s really good placement though from yukino
17414s and now both of the Bobs now out of the
17418s equation you he knows Bob not finding
17419s too much yukino however finding can't
17422s chimera
17423s I mean logic finds nearly everything he
17426s needs to sleep Dart onto Sky tour just
17428s goes a little bit wide from me CAM there
17430s Jabba's very low might fall but is
17432s actually able to hold on Italy they need
17434s to find something yukino is the only
17435s real threat right now Rajon cat uh
17438s contesting the points so Belgium aren't
17439s home free but it's not looking great for
17441s Italy yeah Rayshawn finds childba in
17444s exchange for that DPS on Italy's side
17446s and now the prime will rage from Rajon
17448s does come through Belgium on the other
17450s hand they're using that rally to try and
17451s Stave off a little bit of extra pressure
17453s and Ken's actually switched on to the
17455s soldier instead Logics and Sky tour in
17457s tandem just diving onto that back line
17459s Nikon trying to get that little bit of
17461s extra survivability on the kiriko comes
17463s in with the Swift step and the suzu to
17464s keep that team alive yukino onto the
17466s reaper as a well a lot of the panic
17468s switches from Italy's side the Primal
17470s Rage expires without finding too much of
17473s anything there's also the Reinhardt now
17475s for Rajon saving off that pressure from
17477s the soldier but it's not going to do
17478s enough with skytor wrapping around the
17481s shields using the Tesla Cannon and
17482s podenova right in their faces as well
17484s with a little bit of extra CC round one
17487s completing with a full capture and one
17489s minute to boot for Belgium I mean Italy
17491s did a pretty okay job of bleeding time
17493s off the time bank there but at the end
17495s of the day a minute and 12 to finish
17496s about watch Point Gibraltar is still
17498s it's still pretty good uh Belgium are
17500s definitely gonna be happy with that
17501s especially with how that kind of just
17503s snowballed in their favor pretty much
17505s for forever like there was a little bit
17507s of a stall out in the in Hangar phase
17509s but not nearly enough of one as you
17511s expect to see on this map and again like
17513s a little bit of a Slowdown on the on the
17516s end there but not enough to really like
17519s throw the wheels off the bus for Belgium
17521s it just keeps rolling forward just a
17522s little you know a couple little speed
17524s bumps you don't really got to worry
17525s about it Logics is definitely being the
17528s opportunist that we're making him out to
17529s be he's you know finding all these low
17531s HP targets especially the back line
17534s being an ever-present threat being a
17535s pest being something that Mikan and uh
17537s katakomi have to be worried about at all
17539s times and again if skytor just like goes
17543s in and hit a lot of cleave damage or
17544s Chaba lands a big nade you better
17546s believe Logix is not going to be far
17549s behind and that's something that Italy
17550s have to always be aware of their head
17552s needs to be on a swivel or logic will
17554s take it off
17555s yeah Logics is also just so mobile
17558s around the entirety of the map and the
17560s objectives they he one second he is on
17563s the back line of Italy and then next
17564s second he's just contexting the cart and
17567s pushing it forward and Italy is like
17569s where did the where did the Tracer go
17571s and it turns out he's just contesting
17572s objective and now he just runs away with
17574s his life because of the blinks of the
17576s Tracer and it's good they're going to go
17577s ahead use the symmetra to get onto The
17579s High Ground guino switching on to the
17582s echo is going to be interesting Ken is
17583s really going to have to look for it and
17585s put a lot of pressure onto this Echo
17587s especially since yukino doesn't have
17589s that Mercy pocket really making sure
17591s that Mika Mikan stays up with the
17593s brickita thing I mean it's gonna be
17595s interesting we're definitely going to
17595s want to keep an eye on the Ken versus
17597s yukino battle but skytor also getting
17599s really low so you definitely have to pay
17601s attention to that as well because Mikan
17603s is always hitting these big nades a lot
17605s of them might be defensive but I mean
17607s sometimes that's enough if you can just
17609s keep the monkey off your back you've and
17611s survive you've done enough Chimera
17613s though can't keep Logics off his back
17615s does not survive five in Italy their way
17617s forward just got a lot more treacherous
17618s oh rage on trying to regroup with the
17621s supports but there's just too much
17623s pressure from Sky tour and Logics up
17625s front and once again Belgium they stall
17627s out this cart they even test that high
17629s ground and then Belgium are going to put
17631s up to find another way to just force
17633s them back into their spawn while Italy
17635s is looking for The High Ground Control
17636s once again and they're gonna have a real
17639s tough time with an unpocketed echo to
17641s try and gain that High Ground Control
17642s because even if Ken isn't hitting
17644s headshots and fighting The Kills even
17646s just a little bit of damage is gonna
17647s Force yukino to have to try and play a
17649s little bit slow you know look for
17650s catechomi to get like one of those uh
17652s those armor pack cookies there or maybe
17654s for me can to get an angle but that's
17656s not as reliable as just having a mercy
17659s yeah you're really going to have to fall
17661s back on the biscuits from Kate Comey to
17664s keep up and miken's really focused on
17666s trying to keep up the rest of the ground
17667s DPS and the tank as well Logics looking
17670s to contest a little bit more they've
17672s made it past the underpass at the very
17673s least and there was a little bit of that
17675s anti onto Italy's backline Miken does
17678s eventually go down with a follow-up from
17680s Sky tour and Shabba using only the Nano
17683s in order to get it done a very
17685s inexpensive fight from Belgium's side
17687s and whenever McCann's health bar gets
17689s low it's not even just Logics like
17691s jackals the hounds they all collapse on
17693s top of them and as an honor there's only
17695s so much you can do you only have one
17697s nade and you only have one sleep Dart
17699s and once those are out of play you are
17701s dead meat and I mean Belgium the
17703s carnivores just constantly going after
17705s it and like even with katakomi on the
17708s brig they can't really protect him from
17710s all that pressure and at some point you
17712s kind of have to look and think that like
17713s okay the DPS kind of maybe need to do a
17715s little bit more to peel some of that
17717s pressure back put a little bit more
17718s pressure on Belgium back line but Shabba
17721s up until now has been safe as houses
17723s yeah it feels like Shabba hasn't been
17726s feeling that pressure that Italy has and
17728s Megan is definitely Public Enemy Number
17731s One now the Bob out from Ken Sky tour
17733s taking down new Kino and the rally as
17735s well a lot more ultimates extended and
17738s they are bleeding a bit more but Italy
17740s on the other side they don't really have
17742s too much to use they have this Primal
17743s Rage now from Rajon looking to get a
17746s little bit of that extra damage and
17747s Logics has expended and invested the
17749s pulse bomb to find a pick onto Rajon and
17752s however skytor now taking out the Primal
17754s Rage looking to harass out the back line
17756s the rally from take homey comes through
17757s trying to keep them alive trying to keep
17759s them up there's a lot of damage from the
17761s primary fire on weekend but just not
17763s enough the Widow switch from yukino to
17765s try and get something more and skytor
17767s finally does fall after getting a little
17769s bit too deep into Italy's backline but
17772s it's still so much value from Belgium on
17775s the other side though this is a very
17777s expensive fight for ultimates yeah but
17780s like I mean Belgium have the spawn
17782s Advantage I got like you know that that
17784s Rally from catechomi that was just not
17786s it Chief you kind of needed to hold on
17787s to that you can't really use that
17788s without no big beefy help or to kind of
17791s like amplify with that that overhealth
17793s and without that on the field Java has a
17795s nano Chimera has a pulse bomb there's
17797s nothing else the bull bomb goes wide the
17799s Nano comes out this might be the the end
17801s for Italy time here does find the Logics
17804s at the very least a little bit of
17805s pressure off of their back line from
17807s that Tracer but Sky tour finding nikan
17809s once again meken is probably like off
17811s the charts with the amount of deaths
17813s that he's had in this game thus far
17815s because of all the harassment from Sky
17817s tour alone but without watches on his
17819s side he's not able to stay above the
17820s damage from you Kino yukino actually
17822s finding an excellent shot onto Chaba as
17824s well they're gonna have to fall back on
17826s potanova's Inspire and the little
17828s biscuits for that sustained but because
17830s it's only just Rajon who's contesting
17832s the objective there goes they get the go
17834s ahead use that rally over time Fades
17836s away and Belgium they're able to take it
17838s 2-0 yeah I mean that looks really really
17841s strong from Belgium I mean Once Upon a
17843s Time you know we were talking about them
17844s even maybe potentially also being up
17846s there with the Netherlands especially if
17848s we had like seen them beat the
17849s Netherlands early on we probably would
17851s have had a different narrative maybe we
17852s would have been saying like hey Belgium
17853s we got to keep an eye on this team they
17855s can be potentially dangerous and Italy I
17858s mean they found out just how dangerous
17859s Belgium can be with Logics constantly
17861s peppering you from behind coming in from
17863s behind and finding the shots he needs to
17865s find at the right time with I mean with
17868s skytor always being putting so much
17870s forward pressure onto the back line of
17872s Italy and just not enough support being
17874s there in retrospect I feel like a lot of
17876s the kills that Mikan was getting were
17877s just like desperation survival Ones
17879s Still you love having those of you and
17882s Anna you love seeing the Anna coming up
17883s on the kill feed there was also some
17884s aggressive kills there but again there's
17886s only so much that you can do when you're
17888s under that much pressure at all times
17890s and it's just not being returned so
17892s maybe we have to kind of take a look at
17893s Belgium's back line as well and say hey
17895s they did a great job of uh being more
17897s survivable regardless of the condition
17899s that led to it they did not die they
17901s stayed alive and we cannot say the same
17903s for catechomy and me can there and that
17905s ends up being the Difference Maker where
17906s Italy just can't seem to find their
17909s footing on their map pick watch Point
17911s Gibraltar Belgium take it to nothing
17914s it felt like jaimeer was definitely
17916s putting a lot more pressure on the tank
17918s rather than the back line when Logics
17920s was really looking for that low Health
17922s Advantage onto the tank and going in for
17926s the dive when they were trying to get
17928s onto the tanks like Sky tour every time
17930s he was there Logix was also just right
17932s there with him and when they were going
17934s in onto the back line of Belgium which
17937s was actually a lot rarer than how often
17940s we saw it come out from Sky toward the
17942s amount of aggression that Belgium had
17943s especially towards that honor it just um
17947s it just didn't swing in the direction of
17949s Italy yeah I mean I I at the at the
17952s beginning I did say that these two teams
17954s fighting were just like you know a like
17956s doing two Beyblades at each other
17957s eventually one of those two Beyblades
17959s did indeed spin out and on this day it
17961s was Italy so Belgium a rain Supreme
17964s again getting the two over Italy that's
17966s a really good dub playing for pride a
17967s little bit playing for seating you get a
17969s little bit of both of those and it's
17971s definitely well deserved there's a lot
17972s of upside to this Belgian Squad there's
17975s also a lot of upside to Italy I think
17976s they came and they turned a lot of heads
17978s in this tournament they definitely made
17980s a names for themselves you know across
17983s the board there's a ton of talent in
17985s this entire group some that might have
17986s gone overlooked in the beginning but
17988s we're all looking at it now and it's
17990s been a fantastic thing to see but coming
17993s up we've got a match that we thought was
17994s gonna have a little bit more Stakes
17996s going into it but I mean Denmark kind of
17998s dropping the bag earlier took a lot of
17999s the wind out of the sails but there's
18001s still a lot of Pride on the line
18003s Portugal gonna go up against Spain to
18006s try and get their first match win of the
18008s group stage here we'll be right back
18010s with that one after the break don't go
18011s anywhere
18013s [Music]
18029s thank you
18033s [Music]
18051s [Music]
18054s foreign
18059s [Music]
18097s thank you
18099s foreign
18102s [Music]
18113s [Music]
18148s thank you
18151s [Music]
18173s thank you
18174s [Music]
18185s thank you
18187s [Music]
18212s [Music]
18229s laughs welcome back to the OverWatch
18232s World Cup I'm of course Jim Basco that's
18234s epitome isn't that CD but we wanted to
18235s shout out our special guest joining us
18237s for the past two weeks both epitomies
18239s and Seabees cats epitome I mean CB let's
18241s go to you you got your cat hostage
18243s what's your cat's name uh her name is
18247s Echo she's not actually named after the
18249s OverWatch hero I was like on a break
18251s from OverWatch when I when I grabbed her
18253s is like I mean Echo just always sounded
18256s like such a cute pretty name for a girl
18258s cat so as soon as I got her I was like
18259s Echo it is and uh then I came back to
18262s OverWatch and now she gets confused
18263s whenever I'm in ranked matches and I'm
18265s screaming her name at the top of my
18266s lungs okay it works both ways right Tada
18269s yay if Vietnamese tala so you have
18272s multiple kitties what's going on
18274s this is this is lose okay l-u-z and he
18278s is a very silly big kitty but I have
18279s another cat uh who is a girl and her
18282s name is sucker like sugar with a K and
18285s she is uh she is a menace so since
18289s that's great awesome names thank you for
18292s the introduction we hope y'all on Twitch
18293s chat are enjoying it and of course can
18294s now officially say hello to the kitties
18296s for me that said though we just finished
18298s off an amazing match between Belgium and
18300s Italy let's tee up the schedule so we
18302s can look at the match that we've covered
18304s up so far and focus on what's coming on
18306s ahead of course we started off our day
18307s with Germany 2-1 over Poland Norway the
18310s same over turkey then two o's for both
18312s Netherlands and Saudi Arabia we just
18315s came hot out of Belgium versus Italy
18317s where we saw a 2-0 as well and now we're
18320s into Spain versus Portugal Spain eking
18322s it out just sneaking into that third
18324s third place qualifying spot so I'm
18327s excited to see an invigorated Spain into
18329s this Portuguese matchup and then
18331s afterwards we'll get the two Titans of
18333s group a Great Britain in France who I
18335s believe are tied in both game score and
18339s map score that's five to one for a game
18340s game score and 11-3 in map score that
18344s will be an amazing set of matches back
18345s to back uh epitome's breakdown span and
18348s Portugal before we head on in here
18350s I mean Portugal they are still they have
18354s still yet to get their very first match
18356s win they are oh and six for the
18359s qualifiers thus far so it's definitely
18361s not going to be the greatest map so
18363s we're going into this and Spain
18365s obviously they are now in position to
18367s head into the playoffs bracket they are
18369s in really good hands and especially
18371s since they are against Portugal and
18373s Denmark lost their match it feels like
18375s there isn't a lot of pressure on them
18377s right now well you heard it from her
18379s first epitome CB take it away with the
18381s match have an amazing one and I'll watch
18383s I'll catch you guys on the other side
18386s and this is going to be pretty exciting
18388s I mean I love watching Spain play every
18390s single time they feel like a very
18392s coordinated team and I feel like that is
18394s owed to the fact that they have a lot of
18395s experience together
18397s um a lot of the ataraxia players coming
18399s out for Spain and they just look so
18401s coordinated and so good yeah I mean like
18404s we were highlighting them and part of
18405s the reason that we were talking about
18406s them being a dark horse pick was because
18408s that ataraxia core was not successful in
18411s their most recent contenders run but
18412s they have definitely turned things
18413s around they look coordinated they always
18415s look to be on the same page here and you
18417s know even in some of those unfortunate
18419s slip-ups like against Italy they're
18421s always showing us some of their best
18423s that they have to offer and a lot of
18425s these players I think have made pretty
18427s pretty solid names themselves you know
18429s Hira has had such such incredible
18431s moments time and time again hell another
18433s veteran player still has it and I've
18436s been nothing short of impressed with
18438s Gala and some of the clutch moments that
18440s he's been able to come out with on the
18441s back line there I like to highlight
18442s support players when I can and Gala is a
18445s walking highlight reel
18447s yeah I definitely this just is such a
18450s good roster all together I think here we
18452s talk about Hira a lot and it allows
18454s Lauren to kind of fly under the radar
18456s and Lauren is like a Sombra player as
18459s well plays a Sombra plays a sojourn and
18462s when you have Lauren on like Reaper
18464s Sombra sojourn and just kind of firing
18467s away in the back line and you don't
18468s really notice because you're so focused
18470s on what Hira is doing I think it really
18472s elevates the level of play that you can
18474s get from this DPS line yeah and Lauren
18477s Sombra is phenomenal like we talked
18479s about it in the French match that Lauren
18481s was constantly outpacing Nico in terms
18483s of EMP charts just getting them up so
18484s much faster and so being so much more
18486s lethal with it when he did have them so
18488s I mean that's part of the clutch factor
18490s from the squad is the fact that they're
18491s able to set themselves up for those uh
18493s positions of success meanwhile we've got
18496s Portugal who have actually shown us
18498s quite uh quite a mixed bag they've shown
18500s us some flashes of Brilliance some some
18502s great team play but it hasn't always
18504s amounted to the same level of success S
18507s I mean it would really suck to uh to go
18509s down 0-7 be introduced to Owen there
18512s getting their first one on the board
18513s over a team like Spain would be a great
18515s way to go out and I do kind of want to
18517s see this Portuguese Squad pull it off
18519s it's definitely something that can be
18521s done we have seen you know Spain trip
18523s over their own shoelaces once or twice
18525s can Portugal be the ones to stick their
18527s foot out and uh trip them all the way
18529s here
18530s yeah it's going I mean it's definitely
18532s tough going into this
18535s um Portugal kind of being introduced to
18537s Owen verwatch right now and headed on to
18540s the next map of Nepal I think Spain this
18543s is really their bread and butter as well
18544s they say they like playing dive and they
18546s also have a very very strong Rush
18549s looking comp especially with help on
18551s that Reinhardt when they're playing a
18553s Reinhardt Rush that is just a chef's
18556s kiss every single time I'll have to dust
18559s off my notes I have cat hair all over my
18561s desk now thank you very much Echo I love
18563s her so much but she even when she's like
18565s sleepy and just passively existing she's
18567s still like you know causing causing some
18569s problems yeah just shedding all over the
18571s place there I I do love it I mean I was
18574s looking forward to this match heavily
18575s because I thought that there would be
18577s more Stakes you know I was looking at uh
18579s at again Denmark taking the two over the
18581s Netherlands that's what we all thought
18582s was going to happen but it just was not
18583s in the cards it wasn't to be the
18585s Netherlands took that match and now it's
18587s really just Pride that's on the line for
18589s this match we do actually get to see for
18592s once at least a match where Spain isn't
18594s The Underdogs where they're kind of
18595s expected to win because of how they
18597s perform so we get to see how they
18599s perform when they are in that driver's
18601s seat when they are the favorites to win
18602s this matchup and I like like I said that
18605s match that they had with Italy where you
18607s know you will probably would have looked
18608s at that under the same lens and they
18609s fumbled the bag there it is entirely
18611s possible that Portugal do the same thing
18613s it won't really matter all that much
18615s Spain are still going to BlizzCon
18616s regardless but it still is possible and
18619s would feel just so so nice for Portugal
18621s to be able to pull that one out there
18623s yeah I think the most unfortunate part
18626s about Portugal thus far is the fact that
18628s they haven't even won like a map they've
18630s maybe won a round in total in the
18633s entirety of this uh an entirety of this
18635s tournament thus far so there really is a
18638s lot on the line in terms of Pride for
18639s Portugal at the very least coming out of
18642s this map out of the tournament with at
18644s least one map under their belts and we
18647s did talk about it but a lot of the maps
18648s that were close that Portugal almost
18650s were because of the things that Karama
18652s was Finding but it's feaster famine with
18653s Karama if right now I mean everyone's
18655s feasting on gala gala able to get out
18657s just barely Karama there we go famine
18660s yeah held taken down Karama early not a
18663s good look for the very start of the map
18665s they should be able to get that first
18667s pick first capture very easily on its
18669s main side while Portugal's tank kind of
18672s has to sit back uh being hacked and on
18674s The High Ground not having too much
18676s support here from the back line Portugal
18678s they are playing the uh Kurama with Echo
18681s mercy so they should be a little bit
18683s more support for Karama allowing him to
18685s Beast a bit more but right now we aren't
18688s really seeing much of that I mean you're
18690s seeing flamenzo get feasted on there
18691s hero with the duel just takes lomenzo
18693s down that's gonna really slow down the
18695s EMP charts they take down a rod as well
18697s and yeah with the mercy down Karama is
18699s going to follow and it's all just kind
18701s of falling apart here for Portugal Spain
18703s they look to be on their p's and q's
18704s though so far not even you know dropping
18707s up body yet and we're at 30 and Ticking
18710s they're gonna start to have olds here
18711s that Portugal's gonna have to work
18712s themselves into digital managed to build
18714s up to a nano so you can maybe make
18717s something out of that but that's
18718s realistically your only tool so far
18722s yeah it seems like Spain's knows like
18725s step one two three of making sure that
18727s Karama doesn't really get to play the
18728s game Focus Mercy Focus Karama and hell's
18731s just diving onto flamenzo as well and
18733s immediately going down in Europe taking
18735s quite a bit of damage from Dizzle though
18737s who already has that Nano boost as well
18739s so at the very least they have an
18741s ultimate to fall back on once they're
18743s able to actually fully regroup instead
18745s of getting staggered wholeheartedly by
18748s this team and you look at a composition
18750s that Portugal's playing and then you
18751s look at a team like Saudi Arabia if
18752s Saudi Arabia were playing this
18754s composition they would you know they
18756s would have flamenzo on like a hit scan
18758s to try and deny the res Allah quartz but
18760s we're not seeing that and he's not
18761s really like there to hack to try and
18764s like help make sure that that res goes
18766s off Karama though with a big pick off
18767s there onto Canal no res available for
18769s either side Rod Falls though so I mean
18772s it's just as quickly his Advantage comes
18774s it goes
18775s here are taking down the back line of
18778s Portugal single-handedly you have the
18780s duplicate from Karama to get onto the
18782s Winston and little bit of extra help
18784s since HK has been brought down real low
18785s and kind of needs to wait for the
18787s supports they force the self-destruct
18789s here it doesn't really find anything at
18791s all for Portugal and the EMP now out
18793s from Lauren allowing hell to take down
18795s Rod once again and Ron just basically
18797s just got back from Spawn now there is
18800s contention on the point at the 99
18802s percentage with hk3 on the point but
18805s getting shredded very very quickly
18806s especially since held is going to rejoin
18809s now it's just a baby Diva and there is
18811s not going to be a lot that is written
18813s for Portugal here however flamenza with
18815s the touch of the Sleep comes through and
18817s there's just yep that's all she wrote
18820s influenza with the touch Karama is going
18822s to come in here with a touch as well but
18823s I mean yeah I mean there was not really
18826s a whole lot of Hope especially once that
18828s sleep Dart came in I do want to
18829s highlight uh both flamenzo and Lauren
18832s here because going into that last fight
18834s both of the sombres had EMP but it's
18836s because Lauren struck first and there
18838s was follow-up Spain were in position to
18840s capitalize on top of that that you know
18843s Portugal just kind of fumbled yeah
18844s flamenzo gets another good EMP and is
18846s able to win out the duel with Hira but
18848s where's the rest of the team oh well
18849s they're too busy dealing with Lauren's
18850s EMP right they're still too busy trying
18852s to deal with all the all the backlash
18854s from that everything that's going to
18855s come of that and that's kind of what
18857s separates a good Sombra and a good
18859s Sombra team from a not so great Sombra
18863s team where it's like you want to make
18865s sure that you have the follow-up there
18866s like if you have a tracer player or if
18867s you have an echo player you want to make
18869s sure that when that EMP goes off they're
18871s there to mop up the the damaged health
18873s bars they want to get that last little
18874s bit be the ones to get the final blows
18876s that's why you know Atlanta Reign lip
18878s and stalker are such a good Duo because
18879s lip gets the emps and stalker is right
18882s there every time
18884s oh Lauren trying to get that early
18886s little hack onto the Reinhardt it seems
18889s like with the symmetra they should be
18890s able to actually set up shop here on the
18892s point so Portugal going for a bit more
18894s of that Rush composition while Spain is
18896s still sticking to a good old dive Canal
18899s however finding Rod now both the back
18901s line down after Dizzle Falls as well so
18903s Karama actually finding Canal but still
18906s with Gala in play it's going to be tough
18908s to thread down held especially now
18911s inside the bubble here are right behind
18913s first capture going to Spain I'm curious
18916s to see if Portugal is going to swap
18917s because if I've said it once I've said
18918s it a thousand times that composition is
18920s great for capping the point or sorry
18921s great for holding the point not so good
18923s for capping the point and with Spain on
18925s the dive composition I mean yeah
18927s Portugal teleport to the point and try
18929s and like force an engagement there but
18930s it's gonna take time for all that to
18932s play out and they don't have the clock
18934s on their side Spain I mean especially if
18936s they just find flamenzo outright I mean
18938s like they just run away with this
18939s yeah I mean going into this little room
18942s with HK is a little bit risky but Primal
18944s Rage now out for help just trying to
18947s shred down the brine heart now does so
18949s very easily and Portugal once again left
18951s grasping for straws now how looking like
18954s he might actually want to look for a
18956s little something extra but it was just a
18958s little flashy jump from the Primal Rage
18959s I mean the way this match is shaken out
18961s so far I'm almost kind of glad that
18963s there aren't there's not really stakes
18964s and that there's not really all that
18965s much pressure on Spain to perform
18967s because then we just kind of get to see
18969s them like running away with this right
18970s like Portugal haven't really been able
18972s to find anything substantial to get
18974s themselves in thus far a pulse bomb to
18976s just take down flamenzo that wasn't even
18977s meant for him he just dies yeah
18980s apparently standing next to the sport is
18982s a uh it's just a crime punishable by
18985s death and a team kill now headed for
18987s Spain's side they switched Gala onto the
18990s Zenyatta as well and I think Gala is
18992s really just looking to have a little fun
18993s right now we've seen kala shred on the
18995s Zenyatta before and now knowing that the
18998s stakes aren't really too high and it's
18999s going to be a pretty simple match now
19001s the EMP coming through a nano boost as
19004s well from stay inside on to Gala once
19006s again we've seen this once but that was
19008s a little bit more of a tense situation
19010s the last time they decided to Nana boost
19012s the second support they're still going
19014s to be able to find out despite the
19016s support backline being down and it
19018s translocate back towards that point once
19020s again Lauren Sombra is just just so good
19022s I mean the Nano onto Gala there's really
19024s just a distraction and Portugal take the
19026s bait hook line and sinker that big EMP
19028s comes through and then Lauren just
19030s casually finds I think that was Karama
19031s there I mean I blinked and I missed so I
19034s don't even realize like remember who it
19035s was flamenzo oh okay flamenzo on a
19038s sliver of HP here yep found you yeah
19041s flamenzo didn't really have any place to
19043s go especially without the back line
19045s there Dizzle tried to go for a touch
19047s very very late Spain takes that in a 2-0
19050s hook line Sinker like you just said and
19053s it is going to be a pretty easy first
19055s map for Spain yeah and I mean I I don't
19058s really think I like the somber look out
19061s of Portugal all that much like I keep
19062s saying like even if flamenzo is like
19064s God's gift to Sombra you still have to
19066s have the follow-up there you still have
19067s to have the coordination to capitalize
19068s on the hack targets to be there to mop
19071s up on all the EMP damage you still have
19072s to have everybody on the same page and
19074s just so often feels like Portugal are
19076s not on the same page so even if flamenzo
19079s does find something substantial there's
19081s not gonna be like anybody there like you
19082s really have to be a true hero in order
19085s to try and go for it and again that's
19087s also kind of why we keep calling out
19088s Karama because Karama is either finding
19091s some of these first picks or being the
19092s first to die and it's again because
19094s Portugal are so like disjointed half the
19097s time that there's not really anyone
19099s there to help Karama so whoever either
19101s comes up with like a Nat 20 or rolls
19103s snake eyes and there's just no in
19105s between and there's no one to help bail
19107s him out if it's the latter and it really
19109s feels like there isn't a lot of peel for
19111s this back line even when they are in the
19114s same room together like that Reinhardt
19116s was right there HK was right next to
19117s Diesel and Rod but then you just have
19119s hell go in with a Primal Rage and
19121s there's so much follow-up as well since
19123s this is a dive composition and Spain has
19125s said that is their bread and butter and
19127s peanut butter and jelly and jam and
19129s whatever else you can put into a
19130s sandwich but they would love playing
19132s dive and the rush also looks really good
19134s they are strong on so many friends that
19136s is really hard to find a counter towards
19137s this team the entire schedule today
19140s looked like a high pressure situation
19141s for all of our top four but I think even
19143s if Denmark hadn't uh hadn't hadn't
19146s dropped to the belt and hadn't dropped
19148s the ball there against the Netherlands
19148s earlier today I don't think Spain would
19150s be sweating I don't see a drop of sweat
19152s on their brow currently they are playing
19154s with house money they don't I mean
19155s they're just running away with this one
19157s well it's gonna be Portugal's map pick
19158s they still have a chance to come back in
19159s this and make some noise get their first
19161s map one on the board potentially get
19163s their first match win but Spain don't
19165s look to be giving them even an inch to
19167s play with so far we'll see on the other
19169s side of this break don't go anywhere
19170s we'll be right back
19172s [Music]
19190s foreign
19193s [Music]
19203s [Music]
19211s [Music]
19226s foreign
19229s [Music]
19242s [Music]
19268s foreign
19269s [Music]
19311s foreign
19317s [Music]
19339s foreign
19348s [Music]
19370s thank you
19371s [Music]
19390s after a dominant match one from Spain
19393s over on Nepal I think the players would
19396s agree that they are all evolving from
19399s the little eggs that they used to be at
19400s the beginning of this match towards the
19402s Giants that they are now and now headed
19404s to map two CB I'm excited to see what
19407s Portugal can bring to the table but I
19409s don't know if Spain is going to let them
19412s have one and they definitely feel like
19413s Giants and David versus Goliath this is
19416s not it uh it it could be but I still see
19419s like too many inconsistencies and too
19421s much disjointedness in in the way
19423s Portugal tends to play their
19424s compositions that definitely need to be
19426s ironed out and they need to be ironed
19427s out yesterday if they want to beat Spain
19429s today it is going to be their map pick
19431s we'll see where they are taking us to
19433s here but I still kind of feel like okay
19436s you're taking us to numbani that's a
19438s that's a dive map you might have just
19439s signed your own uh your own last will
19441s and testament with that map pick uh best
19444s of luck on this one Portugal uh and uh
19446s good luck in the playoffs Spain
19448s have fun
19451s I I mean like Spain already like you
19453s know is already going so this isn't like
19455s a high pressure situation that joke
19456s probably would have been a little bit
19457s more funny if there were stakes in this
19459s one but yeah it it's starting to feel
19461s like there never really were like like
19463s looking at it now and looking at how one
19465s side of Nepal was it doesn't really feel
19466s like there was ever a moment where Spain
19468s was not in the driver's seat it doesn't
19470s really feel like there was ever remote
19471s where Portugal really had a way forward
19473s a way in a way to try and best uh the
19476s dark horse that is gonna be go in the
19479s distance here so we're still seeing a
19481s lot of good stuff out of Spain though
19482s because I think the main takeaway is
19484s that we're getting to get a Showcase of
19486s just how strong the dive composition is
19488s we're gonna give you a Showcase of just
19489s how good of a Sombra player Lauren is
19491s specifically we're still getting more
19493s highlight reels for Hira I mean I I keep
19496s highlighting Gala but Gala hasn't really
19498s had to do a whole lot because there's
19499s not a whole lot of pressure on the back
19501s line of Spain like really ever so you
19504s don't ever really have to be the one to
19506s make those plays under those
19507s circumstances and I'm wondering if Spain
19509s is going to like you know take out a
19511s little little bit of the haha funny
19512s compositions because they're in playoffs
19514s anyway
19516s um and you know they don't really stand
19518s to have much to lose even if they win
19520s this I don't think there's any possible
19522s scenario in which they get higher
19523s seating than Great Britain and France
19524s because so many of their series were two
19526s ones and France and Great Britain have
19528s just been a lot cleaner generally about
19530s having 2-0 matchups yeah I think like
19533s maybe Spain could get the second seed if
19535s it comes to like a a a win-loss uh like
19539s like if Great Britain beat France and
19540s then it goes to Spain and France have
19542s similar records because Spain beat
19544s France the head-to-head might mean that
19545s Spain gets second seed there I'll I'll
19547s have to have a mathematician smarter
19549s than I be the ones to work that one out
19551s but I mean that is a real possibility
19553s but I mean again like all three are like
19555s sealed up in a Ziploc bag like they're
19557s going to land here this is just a
19559s Victory lap for Spain
19562s yeah Lauren now on to the echo I don't
19566s believe we've seen this before and
19568s they're also having Gala Canal as that
19570s back line still helvin Hira well Hira
19572s switching on to the Sombra it's
19574s definitely a little bit haha funny I
19576s feel like this might be them just like
19578s giggling and he he ha haing their way to
19581s Victory and now we have that dive
19583s getting started trying to get that first
19585s capture already we have ego having to
19587s retreat off The High Ground and Lauren
19589s taking down Dizzle they're missing a
19591s little bit of that extra burst healing
19592s now and Lauren is just actually capping
19595s that point
19596s um not not really any reason to get off
19598s of it but they are being a little bit
19600s more merciful trying to chase after them
19602s and now the health is emoting health is
19604s emoting on The High Ground ladies and
19606s gentlemen that's about where we are with
19607s this one hell of uh I mean
19609s we are qualified in chat it's I mean
19613s it's true they were qualified even
19614s before this matchup started but hey you
19616s know if you're only just now tuning in
19618s yeah you're going to land Health you
19619s know take your Victory lap do your
19621s emoting I mean they just take the
19622s highway run from Portugal there bully
19624s them off of it and you know it's that's
19625s your lot if unless Portugal find a
19627s miracle kill there there was no chance
19628s they were gonna be back into that one
19630s the payload is gonna start pushing Spain
19632s going to also push along with it
19635s Portugal how much pushback is there
19637s realistically going to be a pickup on
19639s the gala is pretty big but is it enough
19640s yeah now they find Cohen right on the
19643s low ground and this is something we
19645s actually haven't called out yet as this
19647s Primal Rage comes through from Health
19648s looking to harass Rod right out of the
19651s fight actually survives I think hell for
19653s a second thought he might have knocked
19654s him off of the map but he does go down
19656s eventually but Cohen has been switched
19658s in um rather than flamenzo and he's
19661s actually going to be playing that Sombra
19663s now occasionally was playing the ash but
19665s I think they've decided the Sombra pick
19667s was better which is exactly was flamenzo
19669s was playing earlier Lauren the fun
19672s police just pushing hell Off The High
19673s Ground saying hey we still got a game to
19675s play like don't don't fun too hard here
19677s about to be the fun police with this EMP
19679s gonna come in and rate limit everybody
19681s once again uh Nano going out onto ego
19684s but the sleep and the EMP and ego is uh
19687s I think still in range to contest the
19688s cart but not doing a whole lot else
19691s until he's woken up there yeah I think
19693s they already just uh yeah no they kept
19695s it yeah they kept it so even though
19697s there was that contention there
19698s occasionally from ego it just didn't
19700s really mean anything Health actually
19701s does go down in what might have been a
19703s little bit of a troll play but Kira with
19705s how fast these emps are being built up
19708s repeatedly and all the hacks that are
19710s coming through looking for that back uh
19712s back line as well Karama making sure
19714s that they don't dive onto Gala and
19716s Camille now the Nano Boost from a canal
19719s onto Helm but it's actually ego who is
19722s going to find that back line of for
19724s Spain and we're missing the canal now
19726s they're backing off a little bit more
19728s and trying to disengage this health also
19730s having that antinate onto him is going
19732s to make it a lot harder to go for these
19733s aggressive dies to cleanse does come
19735s through on gala's side and consuming
19737s rush in the back pocket going to come
19739s through to maybe push them even further
19741s back another anti-nate onto Lauren who
19744s has been duplicated into the Winston is
19746s going to force them out of that ultimate
19748s but they still do push that card and it
19750s looking like they might have a full
19751s capture in their hand I mean potentially
19754s especially with Dizzle going down there
19755s Cohen gonna go in going with the EMP and
19757s there is actually follow-up this time
19758s from caraba so that's a great a great
19760s tandem play there from the DPS duo in
19762s Portugal I think might have snuffed this
19764s out at least for now we still have four
19766s minutes for Spain to cap here but I mean
19768s if they if Spain stopped trolling they
19770s should be able to camp this with time
19772s but if they don't I'm Portugal they've
19774s they've finally dug their heels and
19775s they've got something here
19777s yeah they've definitely got a little bit
19779s of a had a steadier defense and they're
19781s looking like they might be able to
19782s stabilize especially now Dizzle having
19784s that Nano boost coming up into play
19786s Karama building up to the pulse bomb
19787s steadily but on the other hand Spain
19789s having that EMP Hereafter looking to
19791s make like Elon Musk with the braid limit
19793s and now coming down onto ego immediately
19796s shredding that tank and it's just all of
19798s a sudden Winston out of the fight
19800s allowing help the free reign onto the
19802s back line held with the Primal Rage to
19804s come through the Sleep comes through as
19805s well but immediately woken up very
19807s quickly and Lauren's shredding through
19809s Rod now Dizzle not having any of that
19812s defense Karama trying to round back
19813s towards their supports and defend them a
19815s little bit harder but hell is not going
19817s to allow that to happen go in looking
19819s for the touch and now they have that
19821s whole spawn thrown onto the payload but
19823s it just doesn't do anything for Portugal
19825s they get that full capture and not even
19827s ego can have that touch it's a three
19830s minute 20 time bank for Spain there so
19832s Portugal uh you know good luck matching
19835s that one that's gonna feel like a Mount
19836s Everest to climb they're not not going
19839s to be easy by any stretch of the
19840s imagination I do want to highlight one
19842s pretty good play a small micro play that
19844s came out from Portugal uh we've seen a
19847s lot of this like somber Tracer dive
19848s especially throughout the mid-season
19850s Madness on previous patches of OverWatch
19852s and at the top levels you saw the Nano
19855s boost going on to brigittas a lot of the
19857s time to try and Stave off the pressure
19858s that would come in from an EMP you're
19860s kind of using it as a defensive counter
19862s to make sure that your your Brig is able
19864s to stay alive uh Therefore your Brig is
19866s able to keep you alive and everything
19868s kind of works out from there and that
19871s does like exactly that happens for
19873s Portugal Dizzle gets the uh the Nano
19875s onto Rod to protect rod from the EMP
19876s that came out from herea but
19879s unfortunately they weren't really even
19881s going for the pack line at that time
19883s yeah they just melted down ego instead
19885s and was like oh there's supports here
19886s all right I guess we'll I guess we'll
19888s deal with you now uh yeah 320 time bank
19892s for Spain like this is like they they
19894s don't even have to like sweat a little
19896s like at all Portugal haven't really even
19898s made them sweat outside of like a couple
19901s times where they stop the progress from
19902s Spain it's it's just been it's just been
19904s all Spain again it's a Victory lap for
19906s them yeah and even when they have
19908s stopped Spain's push on a few uh
19910s different occasions they still just have
19912s so much time that they're not even
19914s worried about what to do like now
19916s they're running a tour if you're an on
19917s hero right so this is definitely
19920s definitely their Victory lap there's
19922s definitely celebrating here and help is
19924s also switching on to the erisa so this
19926s is a not a lot less of a dive comp than
19929s we are used to seeing from the Spain
19931s Spanish Squad but they are doing very
19933s well with it so far uh you're able to
19935s take down Rod but Cohen is just going to
19938s capitalize off of the destruction of
19940s Hera and they're still not destroying
19942s the turret correct the turret is kind of
19945s just there
19946s I hope to sleep whips Karama I mean
19948s still gets spooked by it gonna go ahead
19950s and back out I mean Gala was there so
19952s you know that'd be a 2V1 not the most uh
19954s beneficial fight for his Tracer to be
19956s taking especially when the threat of the
19957s kunai there could definitely just clean
19959s your clock if you just let it but I mean
19961s uh Portugal we've used up almost a
19964s minute and haven't really gotten much of
19965s anything for it and again that turret
19968s from Hira no one dealt with it at all
19970s Karama just opted to ignore it and try
19971s and go for the back line still doing
19973s just that but hasn't been able to find
19975s anything with it yeah the turret is kind
19977s of still just there
19979s um and now the hop onto The High Ground
19981s from ego but is immediately forced down
19983s because of the anti and now ego just
19985s shredded Cohen finally dealing with the
19987s turret but now they know it's sort of
19989s the whereabouts of where this Sombra is
19991s Lauren goes down Cohen that's a really
19993s good hacking shot on to Lauren now hell
19996s however finding Dizzle they're missing a
19998s lot of that back line the cleanse from
20000s Rod to get the anti-help out but the
20002s purple has done its job Rod does Fall
20005s and it's a stagger kill onto the support
20006s go in as well has ego used a Primal Rage
20010s already this fight or does he only have
20011s 42 almost two minutes into it because
20014s if it was shredded immediately if yeah
20017s if he used it he was shredded
20018s immediately and if he hasn't gotten one
20020s yet then that's an even bigger problem
20022s he's just not doing much of anything
20023s he's getting anti uh Cohen also gonna
20026s fall and gonna get spun by hell there uh
20029s Cohen living in Spain without uh without
20032s the a
20034s uh-huh and there's the terrorist search
20036s as well Lauren finding the last few
20038s picks
20039s um well hell is able to just walk right
20042s into them with the help of the javelin
20044s Spin and now Spain building up to a lot
20045s of good ultimates they used three in the
20047s last fight even though they probably
20049s didn't need to the Terra surge was
20050s charged for like half a second before it
20052s was used and Lauren probably could have
20054s killed them either way but Portugal they
20057s now have two ultimates in their bank
20058s they have the Nano boost they have the
20060s EMP and the EMP is probably just the
20062s biggest one for Portugal here that can
20065s turn the tide of these fights you say
20067s that Spain used three ultimates in that
20068s fight but that's as many as Portugal
20070s have had at their disposal pretty much
20071s this entire match up here like ego and
20073s Rod have either just not had their
20075s ultimate abilities or they've thrown
20077s them down the drain much like where
20078s Dizzle now is courtesy of Lauren and
20081s they don't even really get a chance to
20082s use I mean digital Dives with a nano
20083s they can't use that and they also
20085s definitely don't want to pop the EMP
20086s without their honor there but now they
20089s have the Kitsune rush so a little bit of
20091s an extra ultimate here for Portugal hell
20094s still sustaining all of the damage that
20096s ego is doing and okay that was a slept
20100s Tracer kunai to the head why not Canal
20103s got the sleeve Gala picked up the phone
20105s and the call said yeah give me one sec
20107s I'll be right there and just
20109s done with that I promise but you got to
20111s Echo
20112s yeah I I don't blame you after that one
20114s but it's not gonna get any easier
20115s because as the echo you still gonna have
20117s to worry about the turret I mean Hira
20118s acting like a turret right now standing
20120s pretty much still just pumping out the
20121s rivets uh you still have to worry about
20123s Canal hitting the shots from from above
20126s still you know have a hit scan there
20127s Dizzle almost dies again there's the EMP
20129s from Cohen but where is the follow-up
20131s yeah Lauren just uh he just duplicates
20135s into the Sombra as well so they might
20137s have an EMP of their own pretty soon but
20140s since most of Portugal is just uh
20142s dropping like flies it's gonna be really
20144s hard to build up that charge for Lauren
20146s before the pit runs out now the
20148s terrorist surge once again for help but
20150s immediately taken out because of the
20152s Primal Rage this is actually a really
20153s good fight for Portugal and it was
20155s unexpected it came out of nowhere and
20157s now they are looking to invest the
20159s Kitsune Rush from Spain's side into
20161s trying to get a few picks gala's still
20163s alive but it's going to fall very quick
20165s okay okay the switch from Karama on to
20167s Echo actually netted them a lot of
20169s success here it's a full capture onto
20171s point a and they're able to just push
20173s that payload now with two and a half
20174s extra minutes now the echo swap does
20177s actually pay off dividends as well as
20179s the Primal rates that ego managed to
20180s build up to I mean it would have been
20182s nice to have that a lot sooner but
20183s Portugal now gonna swap into a full on
20186s counter Winston comp they've decided
20188s that helv is going to have a no-good
20190s Terrible Very Bad Day uh you know great
20192s on his parade after qualifying for land
20194s you know the the junker Queen and you
20197s got the reaper and then you've got two
20198s very survivable supports hell I mean I
20201s don't doubt his ability but he's gonna
20202s have a tough time really going in on
20204s much of anything here a hat goes out
20206s onto Rod though Health could dive on
20208s that uh but there's gonna be a little
20209s bit too much pressure gonna think twice
20210s yeah I think they've decided that hell
20212s was Finding way too much value onto that
20214s Winston so it's anti-winston all the way
20217s with the reaper and the junker queen and
20220s the you know just so much to do but you
20223s know
20224s one person that isn't anti-winson and
20228s it's Karama so Karama going down Goomba
20231s Stomps and Echo you know not supposed to
20233s do that that's like stepping on a bird
20237s he clapped her like a fly and and it
20241s seems like Spain is doing a lot more
20243s Pest Control around this objective now
20245s Lauren finding a lot of damage and here
20247s are going to go ahead and finish it off
20249s Lauren and Hira just like switching
20251s Heroes now because I think they realize
20252s they need to be a little bit more
20254s serious than they have been since
20256s Portugal was able to capitalize off the
20258s fact that they were playing around a
20259s little bit more but with the anti-nate
20261s and the pulse bomb that's definitely a
20263s kill and the rest of Portugal just go
20266s down I mean it and it looks so
20268s effortless from Spain but there's still
20269s like that coordination there like the
20271s immortality from Rod came out but it
20272s ended up getting broken by a hero who
20274s focused that down so that Rod could fall
20276s to the pulse bomb and it entirely
20278s negates Portugal's whole defensive
20280s Advantage they're actually going to go
20281s ahead and swap comps again but they're
20282s gonna get emped in their spawn so it
20284s doesn't really matter
20285s okay well the EMP coming through and
20288s also it feels like Karama switching on
20291s to the Genji this is good though and
20293s they're looking to get that touch onto
20295s the objective once again Cohen is still
20297s dancing pretty far back around the
20299s corner and not yet headed on to the
20302s objective and is still being pushed back
20303s towards Portugal they had to use the
20305s immortality field as well because of the
20307s hack onto the back line that hero would
20309s have gotten and it's two support
20311s ultimates that could potentially counter
20313s everything that Spain has in their bank
20314s but the anti-auto diesel now just
20317s shredding out the Baptist they got the
20318s window out before but now it's also the
20321s death Blossom that's invested from Cohen
20323s they have the Kitsune rush to come
20325s through from Spain side both of the
20327s supports on staying down but banana
20329s boost got out right before and they were
20331s able to get a lot of value off of it
20332s Lauren going down very quickly to Cohen
20335s and it seems like Spain they're still
20338s getting so much value despite all of the
20340s ultimates that were just invested by
20342s Portugal wait wait yeah Portugal
20344s actually come ahead
20351s melts out the last little bit of health
20353s and ego just comes at the last second to
20355s start pushing the point I think hero is
20357s also there and fell I think to an orb
20359s they came out from Dizzle but I mean
20361s miraculously Portugal aren't quite done
20363s yet
20365s and now with the pulse bomb onto ego it
20367s doesn't quite stick it but okay
20370s they just C9 to the point it's it's okay
20373s it happens to the best of us I suppose
20376s but Portugal they actually had a lot
20379s more fight in them that we saw from map
20381s one there were some moments of
20382s Brilliance they were able to coordinate
20384s they were able to change around the team
20385s comps and make adaptations specifically
20388s because they didn't want hell to be able
20389s to play the game he was being a little
20391s bit too joyful in their Lobby so they
20394s wanted to just smash that joy and
20396s Portugal unfortunately could not win out
20399s the map despite everything I mean this
20401s map again like it was just Spain
20403s dominance it was like all right have you
20405s ever seen like a like a dog like biting
20407s onto a chew toy and just growling and
20409s like you try to pull the toy away and it
20411s just growls at you and shakes its head
20412s and keeps playing with it it was like
20413s that uh for most of it and I mean a C9
20416s from Portugal is really the only fitting
20419s way for all of this to come to a close I
20421s I mean like
20422s I props to Portugal for being able to
20425s get that first point a because it
20426s definitely didn't look like they were
20428s going to be able to some hero plays
20429s coming out from ego and Karama at the
20431s Midnight Hour but I mean you didn't
20434s really have all that much time to make
20435s up again there was like a three plus
20437s minute time bang for Spain I I mean like
20439s Portugal it was really about going out
20441s making a statement and you know there
20443s was a couple statements made but the
20445s statements made by Spain will ring all
20448s the louder and we will be able to hear
20449s more statements from them at BlizzCon
20452s live at land I can't wait to see what
20455s this squad does when the lights are on
20457s even brighter
20459s yeah and Spain up against the teams from
20462s other regions as well I'm really excited
20465s to see how emac is going to do against
20467s them because both of these groups have
20469s been incredibly competitive all the way
20471s through group B I mean you have the
20473s Giants of Group B in Saudi Arabia and
20475s Finland coming in a close second group a
20477s incredibly competitive all the way
20479s through Denmark still had a chance of
20481s making it right until the very very last
20483s day so I definitely feel like they are
20486s going to be stepping up in terms of the
20488s level of competition they've already
20489s seen and more often than not like zp and
20492s hex were talking about it like at the
20493s top of the show they were talking about
20495s how like more often than not in a group
20497s stage kind of situation like this you
20498s always get Stakes that high you don't
20500s always get like that much pressure that
20501s much entry coming into the final day
20503s it's usually you know matches like this
20505s where everything's like the dust is
20506s settled and everyone's just trying to
20507s play to try and boost their records get
20509s a better win loss play with a little bit
20511s of Pride on the line I mean but you know
20513s the fact that group a has been this
20514s competitive this far has been you know
20517s phenomenal to watch I do still wish in
20519s my heart of hearts that Denmark had two
20521s owed so we could have had a very
20522s interesting situation going into our
20524s last matchup of the day but it's the one
20526s that everyone's eyes were already going
20528s to be on regardless because it's France
20530s and it's Great Britain two teams that
20533s have been the titans of group a with the
20535s exact same win loss the exact same in a
20537s map differential everything they could
20539s not be more evenly matched and we get to
20541s close it out with a bang and we'll be
20544s right back to kick that bang off after
20546s this break actually wait first no we
20548s have an interview with Team Spain on the
20549s other side of this break we got that and
20551s then we'll get to the uh the other match
20553s up here but I do want to hear from Team
20555s Spain as well I I hope you do as well so
20557s we'll see you on the other side of that
20559s break
20561s [Music]
20578s foreign
20585s [Music]
20655s thank you
20658s foreign
20663s [Music]
20728s thank you
20732s [Music]
20741s thank you
20745s [Music]
20745s [Applause]
20753s [Music]
20777s thank you welcome back to the OverWatch
20779s World Cup emec qualifiers I'm Jim Basco
20782s joined by epitomees and CB let's go
20784s ahead and take a look at the schedule
20785s while we discuss what just happened and
20787s what's still left on the day this is the
20789s last day of competition two weeks
20791s culminate in this of course what a stack
20794s day of competition we've had today
20795s epitome give me your highlight of the
20798s day so far
20799s I definitely feel like we saw a lot of
20803s Hope out of Denmark and the Netherlands
20807s um the Netherlands was so strong earlier
20809s but I feel like my highlight of the day
20811s would actually have to be the turkey
20813s versus Norway match because we saw so
20815s much roadhog being played and I found it
20818s incredibly entertaining at the same time
20820s very Troll and just that little bit of
20822s silliness on the last day that you kind
20824s of expect to see
20825s um but it was really fun CB same
20828s question to you
20829s I mean you said that it was a stack day
20831s of OverWatch but it was stacked very
20833s much in the way that a Jenga Tower is
20835s stacked and the bullies the Netherlands
20836s just came over and kicked the tower
20838s entirely over and just threw everything
20840s we had into disarray so I mean that's
20843s got to be my highlight I mean like
20844s emotionally as a team like I I was
20847s rooting for Denmark to be able to make
20848s it I was really hoping they would be
20850s able to it it hurts to see them get it
20853s taken away from them like that but
20854s that's still gonna be the highlight for
20855s me so far like nothing else has had that
20858s much emotion in it so far yeah what a
20861s way to give up that spot but of course
20863s they gave it up to this Spanish team
20865s which we just saw in a dominant
20866s performance over Portugal have been
20868s having a ball of a time and historically
20870s this is the best that Spain has done at
20872s the World Cup so with that said we've
20874s actually got an interview lined up with
20875s ness the team manager for team Spain so
20877s epitomies and CV I'll be right back
20878s while we hop on
20881s foreign
20887s man how are you feeling
20889s oh my God can you guys hear me right
20892s yes okay perfect uh well we felt really
20897s good but we we were already like feeling
20900s really good because we were like already
20901s qualified because of uh because of
20904s Netherlands Victory yesterday I mean I
20907s couldn't sleep I I sleep like around one
20910s hour because all the nervous all all the
20913s all the situations happening in my mind
20915s I was feeling like uh watching the
20917s future
20918s uh on uh to be honest this is this was
20924s the the possibility that I thought the
20926s less because it for me it wasn't like
20929s the the less possible to be honest talk
20933s to us right like even coming into the
20934s match between Denmark and the
20936s Netherlands a lot of people thought
20937s Denmark was going to win that match so
20939s when you and the team were watching that
20941s match talk to me how are you guys
20942s feeling
20943s we were like just screaming we were like
20945s watching uh
20947s uh the official streaming we were
20949s watching also one of the players of uh
20951s of Netherlands that was also doing the
20954s streaming and also I was talking with
20955s the social leader of Netherlands uh
20958s that's it she actually told me uh
20961s yesterday uh that they they were gonna
20963s win today so it was right
20965s wow yeah a lot of confidence from that
20968s Dutch Squad of course you saw them do
20969s very well but let's talk about your team
20971s man you made it to the World Cup you're
20973s going to land you're going to BlizzCon
20975s you had told me when we first spoke to
20977s you NES that this was the year for Spain
20979s to make it talk to me how talk to me
20981s about how important it is that the
20982s Spanish team with all your young Talent
20984s going to land talk to me about what that
20986s means for you guys uh it means
20988s everything it was a really car travel
20992s like we have a lot of problems we have a
20995s lot of drama we have a lot of everything
20996s that always happen every World Cup in
20998s every country it's normal and and I have
21001s this I call this morning with one of the
21003s players I'm not gonna say uh who but he
21006s has he started crying another low and I
21009s I feel him so much because like we were
21012s also so far I'm so close at the same
21014s time so for me it's it was amazing it's
21018s a it's an amazing opportunity uh what
21022s you guys doing here it's giving a second
21024s opportunity to to to OverWatch it's it's
21027s a it's a uh crazy uh I'm so happy for
21032s for what you guys are doing and for my
21034s team for all the the casting that you
21037s guys are doing that is amazing I'm
21038s really happy and I'm enjoying it uh for
21040s all the admins so please and I'm also
21042s really happy for the work with with us
21043s all the teams that help us screaming
21045s everyone like it I don't know I'm so
21047s emotional right now I just want to say
21049s thank you to everyone I'm so proud of my
21051s kids they are my kids I'm like a pro
21053s father right now I feel like a real
21055s father like uh it's it's it's it's
21057s amazing
21058s I can totally understand man the emotion
21061s must be overwhelming and now you know
21062s I'll give you a moment to be able to
21064s talk to your audience and your fans the
21065s Spanish fans tuning in from all over the
21067s world Ness what is your message to them
21069s in Spanish
21071s of course of course
21074s foreign
21091s let's go I would love to see y'all at
21093s BlizzCon it's gonna be an amazing time
21095s Ness we can't wait to see more of this
21098s Spanish team thank you so much for
21099s sitting down with us post your Victory
21100s with Portugal thank you so much for your
21102s work guys you are amazing
21104s YouTube man ah wow that's so heart
21107s touching man I can't get enough of it uh
21109s I you know I love to like I saw on the
21112s Spanish socials uh on the Spanish team
21114s social Pages actually they had even
21116s there was a meme uh about them beating
21119s team Denmark right team Denmark with all
21120s these owl players yada yada yada and
21122s then the Spanish team right two young
21124s players two bottom of the contenders
21126s league players and one veteran and with
21129s that Squad they were able to take down
21130s the opponent's climb a mountain is what
21132s seems like happened really CB yeah
21135s absolutely and I mean you know Ness
21138s saying that he you know wasn't able to
21139s sleep because of that kind of pressure I
21140s I got a feel for him I know what that
21142s feels like that matchup against Poland
21144s was Spain's Victory lap now Ness can go
21146s ahead and take his victory nap but don't
21148s sleep on this team when they go to land
21150s because they are definitely going to be
21151s dark horses once again and every bit is
21154s fun to watch as they have been but I
21156s mean give my man some sleep yeah they
21159s definitely deserve that they're going to
21161s BlizzCon but epitome is man it is time
21163s Great Britain and France the top two
21166s teams of group a tied for dominance they
21171s are tied for that number one spot
21173s epitome's lay out some more context here
21175s for the viewers what are we getting
21177s ourselves into for this final match of
21179s the OverWatch World Cup emec qualifiers
21181s the one thing that great Britain has
21183s that France does not is that they beat
21186s Spain and from what we saw from Spain
21188s they are incredibly dominant they are
21191s just such a delight to watch and from
21193s what it seems like their squad is just
21196s so incredibly invested and passionate in
21198s what they're doing and now France and
21200s the United Kingdom they are locked in
21202s for the playoffs after today Spain is as
21204s well and you know this is really just a
21207s seating matchup for France and and Great
21209s Britain to see which one of them is
21212s going to be that top spot both of them
21214s 5-1 both of them 11-3 in map record both
21217s of them plus eight so it's all about who
21220s beats the other now what an absolute
21222s privilege we've had to be able to bring
21224s you guys these matches live and now we
21227s head into the last match of the emec
21229s qualifiers France versus Great Britain
21231s just around the corner epitomus and CB
21233s take it away and I'll see you guys
21234s afterwards and French versus Great
21236s Britain I don't know if there's history
21238s between these two teams but it
21239s definitely does feel like there is with
21241s the amount of tumultuous with a build up
21244s to this very very last game of the
21247s entirety of the OverWatch World Cup emec
21250s qualifiers I mean it's tumultuous
21252s buildup is just the way to put it I had
21253s this whole Spiel planned out I was
21255s rehearsing it before we came on about
21257s how you know these two teams are
21258s gambling with other people's money here
21260s they're playing for seating and they're
21261s playing for pride but you know they also
21263s hold the fates of Denmark and Spain and
21265s their hands but then the Netherlands
21266s came through and just you know just
21268s wrecked all of that and now now we still
21271s have the matter of Pride we still have
21272s the matter of seating we still have the
21273s matter of Supremacy again these two
21276s teams could not be more evenly matched
21278s with all the coaching staff and all the
21279s talent that France brought to the table
21280s and all of the big names that Great
21282s Britain have brought to the fold here
21285s and the records that they've posed the
21287s just sheer like they couldn't be more
21290s evenly matched I can't stress it enough
21292s the squad has made names out of maimon
21295s and Jay Karu and you know reminded us
21298s why names like Kai are always at the tip
21300s of our tongues when we're watching him
21302s in the OverWatch League showing us what
21304s backbone is capable of what backward is
21307s capable of as a flex support player and
21308s again funny Astro being every bit as
21311s aggressive at every bit as a powerhouse
21313s on the Lucio as he has always been
21315s chef's kiss no notes love this team yeah
21318s the entire Squad is incredibly stacked
21321s every single piece seems to be fitting
21323s together for Great Britain while they
21325s don't have that experience that maybe
21327s Spain might have they have the players
21328s always playing together they just have
21330s so such good Synergy despite the fact
21333s that they don't have that record
21335s together and it just speaks the amount
21338s of skill and talent that we have on
21339s Great Britain now over on the France
21342s side they have a roster that is just as
21344s stacked I mean Nico Pac reviews FD gone
21348s Ben best all of these just such good
21350s household names yeah Ben best and also
21353s we have Poco on the bench I keep
21355s stressing it the world's most handsome
21356s tank Duo uh unfortunately you know you
21358s can't really be a tank duo in OverWatch
21360s 2 but I digress this team has been every
21363s bit as good as advertised and again
21365s players like Ben best and FD God who are
21368s still you know OverWatch League caliber
21369s Talent people like Nico who have been
21371s there in the past and up and comers that
21373s we weren't quite as aware of but now we
21376s absolutely are in pack and reviews uh in
21379s the squad they've done what they set out
21381s to do they made it to land essentially
21384s uncontested the only team that was able
21386s to beat them was Spain and you know that
21389s that Victory pretty much sealed the deal
21391s for Spain looking back on things so
21394s being able to topple the Giants that's
21396s one great way to get yourself in here
21397s but can they hold on to that number one
21400s seed
21402s yeah France I mean it is just going to
21406s be a banger of a match up here starting
21408s out on Elios and now I'm wondering what
21412s are these teams bringing out we've seen
21413s a lot of brawl from these teams we've
21415s seen those long range hitscan plays as
21417s well we've seen dive we've seen these
21420s seems to be very very adaptable
21422s yeah I mean Great Britain especially has
21424s been very adaptable they've played a
21426s really just a great dive across the
21428s board jaycarus Winston has been
21430s phenomenal again one of the best tank
21431s players in this entire group potentially
21433s in this entire Conference of emec we've
21437s seen you know highlights from maimon on
21439s both the flanker Heroes you know Genji
21441s and on Tracer both coming back to mind
21443s we've seen Kai just hitting shots that
21446s he has no business hitting and bringing
21448s Great Britain back into the fight when
21450s they have no business being in the fight
21451s and we've seen France with these
21454s coordinated plays once again these two
21457s teams so evenly matched across the board
21459s same map win score same win loss same
21461s map differential everything that there
21463s is they're now playing for the number
21465s one seed and they're playing for Country
21468s Pride this is what the OverWatch World
21470s Cup is all about the world is watching
21472s let's see what they bring to the table
21476s headed into Lighthouse now on Elios it
21480s seems like we might be getting maimon
21482s over on one of the Flyers on France's
21484s side not sure what Pock is going to be
21486s pulling out just yet I assume the
21488s symmetra is just going to be for the
21489s beginning but actually looking at their
21491s comp they might be looking to teleport
21493s to that point early and try to get the
21495s first hold rather than only using the
21497s symmetra for that early teleport like
21500s Great Britain does Kai now onto the
21502s Tracer maimon alone not with the mercy
21504s pocket over on the overhead
21507s interesting they're trying to play this
21508s Lighthouse like it's ilios Village a big
21510s name from backbone almost throws a
21512s wrench in that equation but France are
21513s able to set up and now Great Britain are
21515s going to be on the outside looking in
21517s and yeah we're kind of looking at that
21518s that night market slash ilios Village
21520s kind of situation or sorry Nepal Village
21522s yeah pop getting a fully charged beam
21524s down but it's Kai that's going to forget
21526s the first pick onto FD God now taking
21529s out that main healer for at France's
21532s side and Jay Karu of course coming in
21534s onto Ben best and taking down the tank
21536s Pock however having so many turrets
21538s online is going to shred through the
21540s giant Health pool of the Winston and
21542s they still have to deal with a lot of
21544s these turrets now it's just a support
21545s battle on top of the point maimon comes
21548s in for the pick onto FD God and Great
21550s Britain should be able to get that first
21552s capture it comes down to mostly just the
21554s supports versus the supports but the
21555s difference there was that maimon was
21557s lurking and waiting in the wings to just
21559s strike at the most opportune moment and
21560s it does flip the point for Great Britain
21562s it still looks very back and forth
21564s France with 18 Great Britain going to
21566s surpass that and they have the duplicate
21568s to keep it going plus Kai swapping over
21571s to the junk rat I didn't see that one
21572s happen but I mean we're definitely
21574s seeing it now yeah I definitely did not
21576s see that one coming and I think the onus
21578s of this is really just a try and counter
21581s everything that Ben best has as with
21584s that huge uh huge Shield that he can
21586s have up at any time there's still a
21588s little bit of contention on the point
21589s the coalescence was used by reviews and
21591s now it's a different support ultimate
21593s that Rally from Great Britain's side to
21595s take it out now the Primal Rage as well
21597s has the blizzard however that was just
21601s from maimon's duplicate to get a lot of
21603s control over on this point despite that
21605s France are able to flip it over and now
21607s a blizzard of Nico's own is going to be
21609s used but no one's hit by it everyone is
21612s out of the range that jaycaru comes in
21614s very quickly with funny Astro at his
21616s side to just kick that may off the point
21618s but pop with the ultimate is going to
21620s allow his team to dance in and out of
21622s the shield and FD God is going to try
21623s and support this funny Astro with a
21626s little bit of a Boop now the Nano on to
21628s jaycar who should keep them up but it is
21630s not enough backbone just doesn't have
21632s the healing to support Great Britain and
21634s they're able to hold on to the point
21636s Against All Odds France now having a
21638s shatter in their bank I like it okay so
21641s I like the junkrat pick from Kai because
21642s we saw this out of Norway against
21644s Germany and again earlier today against
21646s uh against turkey I mean the junk rat
21648s makes it so hard for this composition to
21650s sit so comfortably they're actually
21651s going to teleport off the point as the
21652s rip tire comes through so it's not going
21654s to find anything it's only going to
21655s realistically be to like guard the gate
21657s there but it's gonna fight anything it
21658s finds pack
21659s he's just waiting behind of thinking
21662s making them think that the rip Tire had
21663s already gone through and then pot comes
21665s in and all of a sudden it just explodes
21667s in his face Ben Bess not having the
21668s support after charging on still having
21670s that shatter in the old thing but the
21672s coalescence was invested by reviews for
21674s them not to turn the point Great Britain
21676s that was a huge ultimate from Kai to
21678s make that space and make sure that they
21680s had to respect it it's like so much area
21682s locked down in just that one and Kai
21685s okay find him no respect don't go into
21688s that room yeah I mean just lobbing those
21691s junk rat pipes down there like
21693s eventually you're gonna find something
21694s FD God chose the wrong door gonna go
21696s back to spawn and that's gonna be
21698s another like what 10 maybe for Great
21700s Britain gonna surpass France's 72
21702s percent Great Britain now in the
21704s driver's seat in both uh cap percentage
21706s and old economy yeah now they're
21708s actually switching funny Astro onto the
21711s mercy as well giving a little bit of
21713s extra support okay Kai gonna find Pock
21715s again why are they going into that room
21717s he's just lobbing them down there and
21719s they're going to dope head destroy the
21721s maywall as well uh maimon already
21723s duplicating the May and has that
21725s blizzard in hand looking for a little
21727s bit of that extra control maimon takes
21728s down Nico and there is just not much
21731s that the DPS lineup France can do to get
21733s through this little room with all the
21735s stocks that are being spammed down pack
21737s tries to go but there is just nowhere
21740s that they can run Great Britain they are
21742s able to take first round so Kai on the
21745s junk rat on that High Ground is
21747s essentially a hard counter for France
21748s both while France have control of the
21750s point and while they're trying to find a
21751s way in they want to go for that
21753s teleporter play from pack but they have
21755s to go through either that hallway that
21756s is just the hallway of death or they
21758s have to go through the hot tub room and
21760s Kai has access to spam both of those
21762s chokes and the only other real option is
21764s that they have to try and go around
21765s through the Gazebo area and just come in
21767s like straight ahead but then they're
21769s still susceptible to the spam as well as
21771s everything else that Great Britain have
21773s to offer and it's quite a lot so it's a
21776s great read from Great Britain they take
21777s a page out of Norway's Playbook and they
21779s completely shut down that bunker
21780s composition uh but looks like France
21782s wants to try it again likely all again
21785s gonna be trying to play from that gazebo
21787s area and you know make shikaru have a
21789s bad time yeah well now it is no more of
21793s the May symmetra kind of cringe
21795s composition that they were running to
21797s hold the inside of that room it's
21798s different now going on to pack who is
21801s this is just responsible for taking down
21803s memo and spamming those shots from above
21805s and there's no more junkrat either
21807s feeling the need to Stage the
21808s compositions as well control points
21810s still not unlocked but Ben best is going
21813s to just force them away with a little
21814s bit of that fire strike it seems Great
21816s Britain fine with giving up that first
21818s touch and it's kind of one of the
21819s situations where when you're on the
21820s Winston who do you dive on this French
21822s comp you know I mean the back line is
21824s really slippery Ben best is probably
21826s your best option maybe pack but wolf
21828s pack and Nico have a ton of abilities
21830s and a ton of burst damage to burst suit
21831s down but Nico Fallen courtesy of Kai now
21834s jakaru can go in without so much as a
21836s worry
21837s yeah with Nico out of the equation it's
21839s a lot easier to get onto that back line
21841s and Puck as well trying to get as much
21844s damage as possible but Kai is going to
21846s be the first to build up the ultimate
21847s that pulse bomb basically just a
21849s throwaway but could be able to get a
21851s huge pick onto that backline reviews
21852s goes down as backbone comes in with the
21855s back up and now funny Astro alongside it
21858s should be able to take down pack lots of
21860s kills for Great Britain's side and
21862s France there are looking a little
21864s staggered as well with pot going down
21866s late I mean Great Britain are playing
21868s this dive composition so smart and so
21870s like just at the perfect Pace that
21872s they're able to bully back France who's
21874s playing a composition that's designed to
21876s bully them they're the ones stuffing
21877s France in the locker right now again
21879s they're gonna surpass Francis uh
21881s percentage there they're trying to keep
21882s Kai in check there I mean Kai's gonna go
21885s in with a pulse bomb here this could be
21886s massive Jakarta with the Nano going in
21889s yeah C is Nico now the that beat has
21892s been dropped by FD God though gives them
21893s lots of extra overhealth as the Nano
21896s comes through the pulse bomb from Kai
21897s finds nothing maimon however with the
21900s death blossom in the duplicated Reaper
21902s will take down FD God and reviews is
21904s left to try and heal up the damage that
21906s this team is taking funny Astros still
21908s had that rally in the back pocket if
21910s needed but things don't look very hairy
21912s for Great Britain so far nothing has
21914s gone South it's in fact all up for this
21916s squad up to 56 I mean maybe one thing
21919s has gone South Chicago we're gonna go
21921s over and swap over onto the hamster on
21923s the wrecking ball but they used
21924s essentially every alt except for funny
21925s Astros rally they don't really have a
21927s lot of presence on the point and France
21929s have nearly just stolen it they take Kai
21931s down and that might be the start of it
21933s okay it's still contested by the hamster
21936s J car route switching on to that is a
21938s little bit interesting because it didn't
21939s feel like there was too much of a need
21942s to have that hamster or it wouldn't slot
21944s in as well with that composition but
21945s they are making changes Kai on the Hanzo
21947s like you mentioned is going to be
21949s definitely a swap and trying to contest
21951s the long ranges now
21953s I but that would be a lot better if you
21955s were you know had control of the point
21957s you can play the back of the point where
21958s you have a lot of sight lines but
21959s instead they have to play this High
21960s Ground where they only really have the
21962s one angle and you can see Ben best
21963s rotating the entire team behind him back
21965s towards that gazebo where you're not
21967s really gonna get as good of a shot now
21969s Deadeye coming out from pack No One's
21971s Gonna poke their head out for this one
21972s France just gonna Zone off and uh take
21974s up that percentage a lot of Health done
21977s on to Jay Karu though however Kai with a
21980s pick on to Nico that is really good for
21983s Great Britain and France still haven't
21984s gotten enough to match the percentage of
21986s Great Britain just yet it seems funny
21988s Astro is looking to force the issue with
21990s this rally oh my God FD God what a Boop
21994s what a Boop to get funny Astro with the
21996s rally inside the well and there's no way
21998s through out of that for the Brigitte
22000s they have to use the duplicate but even
22001s then Nico is just going to force the
22003s duplicate out so quickly reviews looking
22005s for the contention and it goes down
22007s immediately after but still and they got
22009s rid of the rally and basically did
22011s nothing for Great Britain how but
22014s they're still able to flip that point
22015s yeah someday I will die and I still will
22018s not know how Kai killed Nico there how
22020s Nico like if he just poked his head out
22022s and Kai caught him off guard there but
22024s regardless for answer okay questionable
22026s sticky bums in one fight territory if
22028s they're able to flip it and they have an
22029s ult advantage Great Britain can build up
22032s to a competitive one but it's gonna take
22033s time they have to play this perfectly
22035s the Nano an early kill into FD God
22037s that's exactly what they need yeah he
22039s goes down with the uh with the beat the
22041s code does come through but they don't
22043s touch there's no touch there and France
22046s they go down O2 to Great Britain on the
22048s very first map of Elios and Great
22050s Britain we knew they were a strong Squad
22052s but France was also incredibly powerful
22054s and we didn't expect that kind of
22056s dominance East round was closer than it
22058s shows on the scoreline but at the very
22060s end to Fumble like that is just such a
22063s huge mistake from a squad like France
22065s Great Britain looked like a very strong
22067s Squad but also a smart Squad you know
22069s the counter picks that we saw on ilios
22071s well and their ability to play the dive
22072s comp at just just the right Tempo
22074s they're not going too fast they're not
22076s going too aggressive they're being
22078s exactly as aggressive as they need to be
22080s to just bully the counter dive comp that
22083s France came out with back and I mean you
22085s know that it's kind of a C9 but it's
22087s also not like because Great Britain
22090s weren't gonna let France touch like
22091s there there had to be an overtime touch
22093s and it didn't come through because Great
22095s Britain were still just bullying them
22096s back I I feel like there was still a
22100s chance because France had the old
22101s advantage had there been a touch they
22103s might have been able to flip it and then
22104s you know held on for one more fight but
22106s it was getting kind of tight there
22108s backbone popped the Nano I believe on to
22110s jakaru jakaru I think was going to build
22112s for the Primal there it would have been
22114s it would have been difficult
22115s but I mean a Great Britain taking a map
22118s off of France once again I mean this
22119s would have been the death nail for
22121s Denmark had uh had the cards shaken out
22123s earlier today so uh it wasn't a great
22126s day to be a Danish fan maybe not the
22128s best to be a French fan but maybe a good
22130s one to be a British fan we still have a
22132s couple more maps to decide if though
22133s we're not quite done yet
22136s and now headed on to the next map it is
22139s going to be France's map pick maybe
22140s they're going to feel a little bit more
22142s at home but the adaptations that they
22144s were being made by Great Britain time
22146s and time again it just felt so powerful
22148s especially that junkrat pack it was
22150s definitely very unexpected but for the
22152s kind of comp that they were trying to
22153s run with the rush uh brawl and the
22156s symmetra May that they were kind of
22158s trying to duplicate on Lighthouse what
22160s can be done on Night Market of lijong
22163s tower
22164s um but it didn't go in there in their
22166s favor so France hopefully they have
22168s something better to show for it on that
22170s next map I will die on the hill that
22173s there was a method to Norway's Madness
22175s with the junkrat pick that we saw
22176s earlier today I I mean zp and hex don't
22179s agree with me I still think that it's
22180s great and I think Kai just showed us why
22182s because you can lock down all the choke
22184s points with that junk rat you can you
22186s know turn the point into a bouncy house
22188s with just balls of death bouncing all
22190s over the place you can essentially shut
22192s down that bunker cop wholesale make it
22194s so they never have a chance to set that
22195s bunker back up and it it pays dividends
22198s and then the dive composition again
22200s played to near Perfection from Great
22202s Britain and they're able to win ilios
22204s well 2-0 but they were both very close
22207s the French Squad they were Titans for a
22209s long time for a reason and they have
22211s another opportunity to show us that
22213s reason it's going to be Francis map pick
22215s when we go into map number two here on
22216s the other side of this break don't go
22218s anywhere you don't want to miss this
22219s we'll be right back
22222s foreign
22229s [Music]
22235s yeah why not
22239s vindication
22258s [Music]
22282s thank you
22289s [Applause]
22290s [Music]
22293s foreign
22294s [Music]
22303s [Applause]
22307s [Music]
22320s [Music]
22329s [Music]
22360s thank you
22366s foreign
22367s [Music]
22376s [Music]
22387s [Music]
22394s [Music]
22408s foreign
22421s [Music]
22445s [Music]
22460s thank you
22464s we knew that these teams were strong we
22467s knew that they were powerful and we knew
22469s that they would come out on top of group
22471s a they are in the top two spots
22473s qualifying for playoffs of the OverWatch
22475s World Cup emec qualifiers in group a but
22479s who is the better of the two of them and
22481s we are about to find out with Great
22482s Britain taking one off of France who is
22486s the better of the two of them that is
22487s the question these two Titans do can get
22490s out and it seems fitting that we would
22492s close as we uh you know as we came into
22494s this group we expected France and Great
22496s Britain to be the Titans to be the ones
22498s to lead the charge here and they are the
22500s only real teams that have consistently
22501s delivered since you know a Danish slip
22504s up for the British and a Spanish one for
22506s the French they still come in here
22508s evenly matched nearly perfect and
22511s showing each other why what makes them
22513s so strong what makes them so formidable
22515s I mean thankfully the entire future of
22518s Europe isn't on the line uh but at this
22521s point in time it might I feel like it is
22523s to some of these teams to some of these
22525s players they definitely want to be the
22527s ones to reign supreme and like you said
22529s Great Britain took map one and I gotta
22532s say like Kai on that junk rat was pretty
22534s much you know what sealed the deal on
22536s Lighthouse well was a lot closer than it
22538s should have been as well
22540s it's France's map pick we'll have to see
22541s where they take us uh they need to try
22544s and battle their way back into this one
22546s circuit Royale I mean this is a little
22548s bit of a risky pick right because France
22552s they do have that ability to play the
22554s long-range poke compositions but have
22557s you seen what Kai is able to do on a
22560s Widowmaker what maimon I mean maimon
22562s sometimes plays again Royale but they
22565s can they also have another DPS in their
22567s back pocket that they can switch in for
22569s the Hanzo Widow yeah like that's totally
22572s like on the field there I mean
22574s interesting map pick from France I I'm
22577s gonna be scratching my head about this
22578s one for a little bit I do want to see
22580s what they're cooking here those are
22581s those renowned French chefs there but I
22584s mean speaking of cooking Great Britain
22586s has been cooking up some comps that
22587s would make Paul Hollywood blush I watch
22589s Great British bait making sure that's
22590s the extent of of my British culture I've
22593s also watched the in-betweeners so I know
22594s at least two uh British shows but
22597s um but like I I do it like yeah I kind
22601s of want to know why because Kai's hit
22602s scan is has been lights out and maimon's
22605s Genji has definitely made up for you
22608s know the lack of not having that second
22610s long-range hit scan there not having the
22612s ash or the Hanzo there you don't really
22614s need it because maimon's been doing just
22616s enough getting in your face finding
22617s values out of the Dragon blades finding
22619s the dash resets Great Britain they can
22621s still play the heroes that they love to
22623s play they can still be dominant here
22625s it's looking like France are going to
22627s utilize uh the third DPS in their back
22629s pocket Nico is out Avo is in so Abu and
22632s pack are going to have to be what takes
22635s uh what takes it home fear for France
22637s brings us to a map three additionally
22638s Poco is in that's also to be expected
22641s Poco more of a world-renowned off tank
22643s player known for the Divas the sigmas
22646s and uh the zaryas heroes of that nature
22649s so this makes sense now that I'm kind of
22651s seeing it now that it's all kind of
22652s coming together here but is Great
22654s Britain gonna be able to break through
22655s this with a dive
22658s it's also reviews right with the Discord
22660s orb you get that little bit I love extra
22663s DPS over onto that back line
22666s um but looking at jkro the dive comp or
22669s it's slightly dive you have Winston who
22672s can come back onto the back line and
22674s funny Astro of course very very
22676s aggressive on the Lucio so can follow up
22678s but it is going to be tough here I think
22681s shikaru for the most part is going to be
22682s playing like a Frontline wisdom just
22684s trying to bully Poco back with some of
22685s that cleave damage uh and then you know
22688s maybe go for an opportunity if one
22689s presents himself dive alongside maimon
22691s here but again like it's the same thing
22693s that we saw on ilios where they just
22695s want to bully France back jacaru doesn't
22697s want to linger too long that's a great
22698s pick off on a funny Astro and now
22700s they're gonna have to linger for a
22701s little bit and if that discorder goes on
22703s to Jay Karu then his days are numbered
22705s okay Kai trading out Avo still going to
22708s have to wait for funny Astro to regroup
22710s on Great Britain's side but that Lucio
22711s with the speed boost will come back
22713s quickly oh that is a good shot on to
22715s maimon though already doing a lot
22718s for the squad and these poke
22720s compositions are really all about that
22722s the able the ability to get that first
22725s pick and park has been a pleasant
22727s surprise a real standout for this French
22728s Squad right like not a name that we knew
22731s a whole lot but definitely one that we
22732s know now and coming up with a lot of the
22734s clutch plays and a lot of the big
22735s multi-kills that we expect right there
22737s it's just a log to maimon's dome that
22739s seals the deal but the nanoboost from
22740s backward onto jakaru is gonna kick the
22742s fight off of Britain oh jk Are we trying
22745s to find the back line up the God
22747s immediately taking that one out of the
22749s equation especially with the Discord orb
22751s on it and reviews now finding May moan
22754s the little bit of dive compositions that
22756s Great Britain have isn't really working
22758s out in their favor thus far that
22760s coordinated dive even with the Nano they
22762s couldn't really peek their heads out
22764s um on the side of backbone because as
22766s soon as they do Pock is going to be
22768s right there gonna take it right off and
22770s they can't heal and sustain
22772s um the dive on the back line after that
22773s and this is kind of looking a little
22775s dicey for Great Britain Maymont has
22777s taken too long to build the dragonblade
22778s that now you have the Transcendence and
22779s the gravitic flux and the immortality
22781s field chakaru pops the Primal Rage and
22783s just gets melted yeah that Discord orb
22786s also just like adds so much damage to
22788s this squad and Evo taking down Kai as
22791s well didn't even need to be a headshot
22793s because of this Zenyatta reviews is
22795s doing really well at just neutralizing
22797s so much of the damage that Great Britain
22799s can do in these Dives and so now my mom
22802s has the Dragon Blade but again you still
22804s have the the Transcendence you still
22806s have the immortality field like you're
22808s not really going to be able to burst
22809s that down especially not without the
22811s Nano you can maybe capitalize off the
22813s Antion to Poco but not for very long I'm
22816s gonna go and pop the sights now Great
22818s Britain they don't want to Peak this Kai
22820s might wait a couple seconds and then
22822s mirror it and then try to get an
22823s advantageous Widow duel there what it
22826s looks like for now Great Britain are
22827s just gonna wait it out
22829s foreign
22843s mortality field but maimon's still able
22846s to get the value with the Dragon Blade
22848s despite it and now all they have to
22849s worry about is poco lots of space made
22852s with just one ultimate and that early
22854s pick off from Kai and that's really what
22856s we are relying on in these compositions
22858s that wasn't just a Kill from Kai that
22860s was the Kill from Kai taking out that
22862s Transcendence is everything it's still
22863s gonna be on the field to contest here if
22866s he's able to get there no Park forced to
22867s recall and Great Britain do cap the
22869s first point here so the hardest part is
22871s pretty much done but it doesn't get all
22873s that much easier as it's going to be an
22875s uphill battle trying to get around this
22877s you bend where France will almost
22878s certainly have The High Ground Advantage
22880s the entire time and you kind of have to
22883s wait for my mom to build another Dragon
22884s Blade right
22885s yeah my mom's Dragon Blade was really
22888s what swung the tide but also they still
22890s have that Transcendence in the back
22891s pocket and reviews still even though
22893s maimon is trying to go for the dive
22896s reviews is just getting so much burst
22898s damage onto the Genji that there's not
22900s much that way maimon can be can do and
22903s at the same time the Dragon Blade just
22905s builds up that much slower when they
22907s only have two minutes realistically to
22909s get around this U-turn whenever it gets
22911s quiet Kai strikes that's two he finds
22913s Avo and he finds reviews again the
22915s Transcendence is again off the field you
22916s can go in with the Nano Winston here
22918s they burn down put they burn down Poco
22921s Like Pat kills them it doesn't even
22923s matter
22924s yeah pot gets saved by the immortality
22926s field for a second but funny Astro after
22928s neutralizing immortality field pot goes
22931s down in quick succession and they should
22933s be able to get around the U-turn get
22934s themselves a little bit more of that
22936s favorable High ground and Kai is really
22938s just strikes when everything is quiet
22941s like you said it's just everything Quiet
22943s on the Western Front and then Kai comes
22945s in with two huge kills yeah and like the
22948s hugest he win he wins the Widow duel and
22950s again takes the Transcendence off the
22951s field someone needs to get reviews head
22953s down uh funny Astro probably you too
22955s Abba with a quick pick off there and
22956s that's another twofer
22958s yeah and that has to be owed to the
22960s window as well from FD God it was really
22963s good to get that shot under and backbone
22965s goes down Nano also did come out
22970s it was a nano and the Primal yeah
22972s melted down yeah the the Discord orb and
22976s the storm Arrow was just too much jakaru
22977s melts and frame Britain don't have
22979s anything in the old bank now I again
22981s they're gonna have to rely on Kai to go
22983s for a big play or hope that maimon
22985s builds up to a dragon blade like
22986s yesterday but you still have the sticky
22988s situation of reviews with that
22990s Transcendence that he hasn't been
22991s allowed to use but you know maybe that's
22993s a good thing because he still has it for
22995s when he's gonna need it
22996s yeah at the maimon very very slow to
22999s build up the Dragon Blade has been shut
23001s down every single time he's gone for
23003s some kind of dive on this back line
23004s despite them being pretty squishy it's
23007s just a combination of the Discord orb
23009s and Effie God getting a lot of damage
23011s and sustain with the immortality field
23013s that is putting a lot of pressure onto
23016s maimon every single time he tries to go
23018s for the back line at the same time Kai
23021s still hasn't really gotten the huge pick
23022s that they need now the guruvitic flux
23024s from Poco is going to take down backbone
23027s mid-air uh getting a lot of damage on
23030s Kai's side using the Recon and the wall
23032s oh that is a huge one once again no
23035s Transcendence and that's just the go
23036s button for this entire Squad maymon's
23038s still not having the Dragon Blade but
23040s will soon and it's going to use it
23042s immediately in order to shred through
23044s this tank Poco goes down and the back
23046s line they're not going to want to get in
23049s anywhere near the sight lines of that
23051s Genji they're still very close to their
23053s spawn spawn Advantage going to France's
23055s side though and they should be able to
23057s get a good touch here as soon as it gets
23059s closer to that point B maimon's still
23061s trying to contest and there's an early
23063s sound barrier from funny Astro but it's
23066s not gonna matter Park what a huge pick
23068s onto funny Astro with the help of the
23070s Discord now the Nano once again trying
23072s to find something with Jay Karu going in
23074s onto the back line not a primal just yet
23077s but sizable damage that we use once
23080s again even though the Transcendence was
23082s used this time around now the Primal
23084s comes in and Poco just cannot out
23086s sustain it they are able to get and
23088s touch point B in overtime I cannot
23091s stress enough how close to disaster that
23093s was for Great Britain maimon goes in
23095s with the Dragon Blade but they lost
23097s backbone early in that fight and then
23099s the dragon strike claimed funny Astro
23101s maimon nearly died had to go in grab a
23103s health pack so he couldn't find kills
23105s with the Dragon Blade and it pretty much
23107s is just on him and Kai to contest the
23110s payload and nothing else until funny
23112s Astro comes back with the beat jikaru
23114s comes back with the Nano built up to the
23116s Primal and ends up bringing it home but
23118s now you only have a minute to try and
23120s get through Point C of of circuit Royale
23123s here France they still have an ult
23124s advantage they've got they swapped over
23126s onto the soldier and gonna play a more
23128s close range game here and Poco nearly
23130s has a ravidic flux
23132s yeah the grid of it clucks from Poco
23134s should be huge but the anti gets them
23136s down very very low Health here
23139s Transcendence it doesn't look like
23140s they're gonna have one for the next
23142s fight the only ultimate here that they
23144s might have oh my God but reviews goes
23146s down because of maimon and jaycarus
23148s coordinated dive and that is just so
23151s huge once again there's no Discord orb
23153s Avo doesn't have anywhere to go no
23155s sustain Poco all alone as well just
23158s stuck into a corner they're approaching
23160s Point C very quickly still 20 seconds
23163s left over friends should have a touch
23165s here but jaycaru and maimon are getting
23167s such good value out of every single dive
23170s and they're not they don't really have
23172s access into the back line from France's
23174s side it's going to be a struggle to take
23176s down backbone and funny Astro and all
23179s the sustain that comes with it Kai knows
23181s exactly where this Hanzo is Hawk however
23183s finding jaycar who all of a sudden no
23185s tank and there isn't a touch to come in
23187s from great friend just yet maimon at the
23189s last second takes that overtime back up
23191s for the rest of Great Britain's scene
23193s doesn't have that type of Mobility it is
23196s going to be two and almost the third
23198s point for Great Britain's first push
23200s yeah it's nearly a full cap there but
23202s Great Britain had no business even
23204s getting that far with how close point B
23206s was and and like with the advantage is
23209s The High Ground Advantage the old
23210s advantage that France had as Great
23212s Britain was going into Point C there
23214s France should have been able to just
23215s snuff that push out like back at the
23217s beginning of Point C like maybe under
23219s that first little high ground Archway
23221s that they have to go through but Great
23223s Britain nearly get the cap and circuit
23225s Royale you don't often see a lot of full
23227s caps unless a team is entirely dominant
23229s so this is winnable if this is holdable
23231s for Great Britain but it's also a win
23234s condition for France their defense is
23236s specially on points A and B were Stellar
23239s it was so difficult for Great Britain to
23241s break through they're relying on Miracle
23243s plays from Kai just sheer survivability
23245s coming out of maimon and with only those
23248s like two real factors Great Britain are
23251s able to claw themselves back into this
23253s one it's not over yet France still have
23255s a realistic shot at bringing this to a
23256s map three but good Lord is that dicey
23260s yeah I mean Great Britain definitely
23261s have to feel good about that one getting
23264s so far on circuit Royale especially
23266s after they were stalled out so long on
23268s first and second point they were able to
23270s have some hero plays from Kai and I
23272s think backbone's definitely feeling a
23274s little chatty today and definitely
23276s happening to feel good saying that one's
23278s for this incident and that one every
23280s single time they're able to France on
23282s the other hand they're going back to the
23284s good old Widow Hanzo and reviews
23286s hopefully won't get picked as often
23288s every single time he has a Transcendence
23290s in the back pocket I I mean and that's
23293s also a great heads up play for Great
23294s Britain to be able to identify that
23295s that's a threat and you know whether Kai
23297s is meaning to find the shot on reviews
23299s or not or whether reviews is poking his
23301s head out when he shouldn't or not the
23303s bottom line is Kai is finding the shot
23305s that he needs to find on reviews time
23307s and time again so maimon has a clear way
23309s forward to capitalize on that Dragon
23311s Blade when he gets it this time around
23313s it's going to be on the Sombra Great
23315s Britain's still playing a defensive dive
23317s here France sticking to the Poke but
23319s this might actually favor Great Britain
23321s as long as they play around the Discord
23323s orb and jikaru doesn't just get melted
23325s down
23326s yeah they also have funny Astro being
23328s switched on to here trying to protect
23330s backbone a little bit better my mom
23332s getting a hack down onto the Widow but
23334s going to have to just turn away since
23336s there's so much defense from the rest of
23338s France's SWAT a good thing Quantum Poco
23341s but Kai still not enough to take down
23343s that tank however jaycar who's trying to
23345s follow up there is a little bit of
23347s healing and sustain for Boko but
23349s otherwise he is being shredded pretty
23351s steadily by the Tesla Cannon until he's
23353s able to get out of the corner oh oh it's
23356s huge that's a huge pickoff from Kai but
23358s maimon also got caught out there gonna
23360s be a little bit slow to charge the EMP
23361s and with where the cart is now you
23363s definitely definitely need it they're
23365s only gonna have the Nano Boost from
23366s backbone gotta be going on to jaycaru
23368s are they about to just let them cap for
23371s free the Nano goes out jaycaru trying to
23373s dive that back line still getting a lot
23375s of sustain down but the Discord orb it
23378s is just so strong shredded 500 health in
23381s a matter of seconds and just going to
23383s have to back off and disengage instead
23385s fighting the pay load at this first
23387s U-turn and that forces out the Primal
23389s Rage that's another great stall tool
23390s that Great Britain had that's now off
23392s the table France have the Transcendence
23394s they're going to have the gravitic flux
23395s they just need to watch out for Kai
23397s because Kai has been finding all the
23399s headshots he needs to find he's looking
23400s for a grapple shot he finds
23403s although going down now missing a DPS
23405s and that long-range sight line FD got
23407s however with the help uh is a of a
23410s Discord orb able to find jaycar who once
23413s again funny Astro falling victim to the
23415s dragon strike and now first cap gotten
23418s by France that point a was so quick in
23421s terms of in comparison to what Great
23423s Britain was able to do and talk that was
23426s a really good shot onto maimon and a
23428s stagger as well I'm not in love with him
23430s with the somber pick from maimon there
23432s he's got the he's got the EMP and I mean
23434s it's a sunken cost you don't want to
23435s like just swap off of that uh Team
23437s France calling for a pause I you know
23440s looking at the screen there I feel like
23443s that might have been uh FD got no it's
23445s actually reviews with the DC okay
23448s um motivational speech time
23451s um okay so maimon like he he has the EMP
23455s and you don't want to just throw that
23456s out the window by going for a swap so
23459s you want to stick with this but and now
23460s you need to find value with it but he's
23462s been getting caught out a lot we did see
23464s it twice there and that's kind of slowed
23466s down the charge to get up to that EMP in
23469s the first place and you don't even get
23471s the chance to use it to hold on uh on
23472s point a so like point B is where Britain
23475s has to really like come correct they
23477s have to make sure that they're perfect
23478s here because Point C was they didn't cap
23481s they they only have so far back that
23483s they can let France push before they're
23485s literally up against the wall fighting
23486s for every last breath and you know
23488s they're up in the series of course so
23490s they still have the advantage but you
23493s you want to make sure that you firmly
23494s have the advantage be on the lookout for
23496s maimon to strike with the EMP and watch
23498s reviews Transcendence it might be a game
23500s of cat and mouse between those two
23502s yeah it definitely feels that Great
23504s Britain are playing a little too passive
23507s for the comps that they're running
23510s through and the Transcendence from
23512s reviews is just going to sustain out but
23514s not before FD God goes down so they're
23516s going to have to rely on reviews for the
23519s type of sustain that they want and it
23521s seems like they're wanting to disengage
23523s off of it and wait for FD God to come
23525s back instead jaycaru is going to take
23528s advantage of the fact that they are
23529s missing that extra support but spotting
23532s out ft got heading back to the rest of
23533s the team wants to disengage now
23535s and it's just pure Focus fire even
23538s through the Transcendence to be able to
23539s burst down FD God like that Kai with a
23541s little bit of focus fire as well FD God
23543s once again burst it down funny Astro
23545s Falls France it's an even fight a
23547s support first support oh the Nano comes
23550s through as well pop going down and
23552s reviews very very quickly after without
23554s that Baptiste at the Zenyatta side
23556s there's not much to be done in poco
23558s isolated uses the accretion to stun but
23561s it's not going to be enough Great
23563s Britain they're able to stall once again
23564s and that card is backing up towards
23567s France's side once again but it's still
23570s very dicey with two and a half minutes
23572s left it's great stuff from the Brits so
23575s far they only really have the Primal
23576s Rage in the rally but they can
23577s definitely bleed a lot of time off with
23579s those ultimates pocos ravidic flux is
23581s going to make all the difference if
23583s refuse gets caught out there though okay
23584s able to stabilize get the healing from
23586s FD God force me on away losing reviews
23588s there would have been uh pretty rough I
23591s mean friends still have a lot of time to
23592s build up to something more substantial
23593s but you can't keep like you know
23595s bleeding Breeze sources losing supports
23597s on the Ingress and that's exactly what
23598s Kai is gonna keep looking for here
23600s especially with the sights up wants to
23601s try and catch either Abba or reviews out
23603s yet again but we'll settle for pack
23607s just these grapple kills from Kai are so
23610s powerful every single time they've gone
23612s FD God twice in a row now and it is not
23616s look good look to have that burst
23618s feeling always offline they at least
23619s have the amp Matrix should be able to
23621s force a little bit of positioning with
23622s that and along with the Discord orb
23624s shred very quickly anyone that tries to
23626s jump on top of them so Great Britain
23628s definitely has to play it a little bit
23629s more safe especially since jaycaru even
23631s with that Primal Rage will definitely
23633s get melted down if he goes in on that
23635s back line it looks like it's about to
23637s kick off your jakaru really low maimon
23640s looking to go in with the EMP the dive
23641s is there they hack reviews and they
23643s followed up with the EMP so no
23645s Transcendence but the healing is there
23647s he survives but they lose pack the
23649s gravity flux comes out but the rally
23650s from FD God keeps everybody alive the
23652s Primal from Jay Karu Poco getting
23655s focused down reviews is done France they
23658s have to back out
23659s yeah the only thing that they have to
23661s show for this is Avo really trying to
23663s focus down the dps's here but Evo Falls
23666s for trying his crimes and the rest of
23669s Great Britain they are regrouping really
23671s well it's only a minute they've already
23673s bleeded down so much time three minutes
23675s in a row and France they only have the
23678s strike and strike to contest Avo
23679s switching onto the sojourn to give them
23681s a little bit more of that forward
23683s pushing power so they can get up close
23685s and personal but maimon's having to back
23687s away with the translocator is not going
23689s to matter they have that Nano boost out
23691s onto jakaru the Discord comes through
23693s though jaycar who gets a health pack and
23695s is able to sustain a little bit longer
23697s but after a disjointed purse pushed and
23699s backbone going down early as well it's
23701s going to be a struggle to hold on to
23703s this point B
23704s I mean jakaru dies before he's able to
23706s get the Primal and backbone dies
23708s immediately after casting the Nano
23709s that's France's opening they can maybe
23711s get this one done with the support
23712s ultimates at their back door here and
23714s there's not really anything offensive
23716s they have to worry about they can melt
23717s akaru and they're fine they've done it
23719s yeah and it's just funny Astro left on
23722s the point but even though the break does
23724s have a little bit of that Shield it's
23726s not enough and now backbone is in the
23728s thick of it not in a great position here
23730s Poco going to go ahead and melee that
23732s one out of existence Kai however still
23735s finding Puck but Kai even with the picks
23738s that we see him getting over and over
23739s again sometimes with the amount of
23742s damage that France has just pure damage
23744s every single time jaycaru goes for a
23746s dive it's not enough France is swapping
23748s off onto something a little bit more
23749s Nimble swapping onto the sojourn trace
23751s or they want to try and be able to
23752s navigate through all these flank Roots
23754s all these high grounds and try and find
23756s something but they only have a scant
23759s minute to try and find it jaycar who has
23761s the Primal now maimon has the EMP that
23764s could be another death nail reviews I
23767s mean he has to use this this
23768s Transcendence perfectly if it gets
23770s forced out France might be done
23773s yeah name on still having that EMP still
23777s looking for that backline fishing for
23779s some kind of valuable ultimate they have
23781s control of The High Ground on France's
23783s side maimon watsko for the jump they're
23785s letting it go around the corner so
23787s maimon can get down and just jump on
23789s that EMP they know exactly what they
23792s want to do he's focusing after oh God
23796s reviews does not want to get caught by
23798s the CMP he's playing so scared he knows
23799s it's coming in reviews don't get caught
23801s but the the Transcendence is too late
23803s the Transcendence comes through but
23805s they're still able to find both dps's on
23807s France's side now the Primal Rage to
23809s come through and the immortality field
23811s cooldown forced out the rally from funny
23813s Astro is just going to shred the back
23816s line of France and now with the second
23818s left on her there's no touch Great
23821s Britain they take it home they don't
23823s allow the touch from France at the last
23825s second they shred down four minutes on
23827s point B and then they're able to take
23828s 2-0 against France Great Britain
23830s installing themselves as the kings of
23833s group a
23834s Lads it's coming home Great Britain are
23837s going to playoffs as I mean we already
23839s knew that much but they're going to
23840s playoffs in the first seed they topple
23843s the French monarchs that ruled for so
23845s long over this group and what a what a
23848s show I mean it's just such a clutch play
23851s that tiniest of details you know you
23854s could see the way that they were all
23855s playing towards the end there with
23856s maimon's EMP they wanted to try and
23858s bring France into their trap before they
23860s sprung it on them reviews understood
23863s fully that that was what was coming and
23866s tried to play far enough back so he
23867s wouldn't get hit by it but he was too
23869s far back and even though the
23871s Transcendence came through two members
23873s of the French Squad got bursted down
23875s before the healing could come through
23876s and Great Britain walk away with it at
23879s the last possible second despite how
23882s close and despite how dicey it looked on
23884s Great Britain's attack and at times on
23887s their defense as well Great Britain are
23889s able to hold 2-0 over the French Titans
23893s yeah the impact that my mom had during
23896s this matchup cannot be understated but
23899s the fact that Great Britain were so
23900s coordinated in every single fight
23903s sometimes they were a little bit
23904s disjointed they had a plan and then once
23906s they started it it was just unfortunate
23908s pick your back Line's gone and then all
23910s of a sudden jaycaru gets shredded but
23912s they were starting to understand what
23914s made Francis comp so good and how it
23917s countered jaycaru's intentions in many
23919s ways and of course there was also so
23921s many solo plays that were really
23924s brilliant especially in this DPS line
23926s from Great Britain and it feels like
23927s with every single match they are just
23929s getting more coordinated more cohesive
23931s and better with every single map that we
23935s see them play and and not only that okay
23937s let me I just use a double check here I
23939s think uh I believe that because of the
23942s way that this all shakes out with the uh
23944s with Great Britain taking it 2-0 I think
23947s Spain might actually Advance with the
23949s number two seed rather than the third
23952s because of the uh the map the the win
23955s loss between them and France and also
23957s the head-to-head because they beat
23958s France so again that coming back to bite
23960s the French Squad I'm gonna need
23961s confirmation on that so don't take it my
23964s word for it just yet but regardless I
23966s mean those are the three squads that are
23969s going to be going forward right Great
23970s Britain France and Spain three of a kind
23972s and they all have one up on each other
23974s when you look at it Great Britain beats
23976s France here actually no never mind they
23978s both beat France they don't have one up
23981s on each other France just lost to both
23982s of them
23983s yeah I mean France in these last few
23986s days they might have it's on themselves
23988s falling apart a little bit especially to
23991s Spain because Spain was always the
23993s underdog but I think now Spain if they
23995s do secure that number two seed they are
23997s going to become a formidable Force they
23999s went from the David to the Goliath
24002s yeah all these teams are very formidable
24003s for us I mean that's how we what we
24006s realized over the course of uh of these
24007s past two weeks like we came in again
24009s thinking like Man Group D looks so
24011s stacked you've got the swedes you've got
24013s the Saudis you've got Norway you've got
24014s Finland that's going to be the group to
24016s watch but group a all these teams that
24018s we weren't keeping a close eye on they
24021s lit it up I mean France and Great
24023s Britain they delivered as was expected
24024s but the story of Spain was the narrative
24027s that drove us through Italy the the
24029s solar so in the seeds of chaos
24032s throughout all of it the other teams
24033s like Denmark and the Netherlands that
24035s had a realistic shot but it got stolen
24037s from them at the last possible second uh
24040s I do also have confirmation from
24042s blizzard it is going to be the first
24043s seed Great Britain obviously number two
24046s is going to be Spain and number three is
24049s going to be France at the end of the day
24052s France Falls from number one to number
24054s three they still get to go to BlizzCon
24055s but UK stole their Glory
24059s that was a great match from the UK they
24062s knew exactly what they needed to by the
24064s end and now we are going to get to have
24066s an interview with the cooks in the
24068s kitchen of Great Britain to see exactly
24071s what made their recipe work and we'll be
24075s right back on the other side of this
24076s we'll bring Jim back get that interview
24078s up and running for you what a great
24080s match to close things out on thank you
24082s for having us we'll see you on the other
24083s side of this break don't go anywhere
24088s [Music]
24102s all right
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24305s welcome back to the OverWatch World Cup
24308s Great Britain topples France at the top
24311s of the group sending them plummeting
24313s actually down to third place I'm Jim
24316s Basco that's epitomees that's CB CB talk
24318s to us what the heck just happened and
24320s what happened with the standings I mean
24322s the very first thing that I said when
24324s this Great British team came across my
24326s screen was that these Seven Lions are
24327s fighting for more than just their pride
24329s in this tournament but they have a lot
24331s to be proud of especially after toppling
24334s the French tyrants that ruled over this
24336s group for so long I mean Spain did it
24338s first but still it feels pretty good to
24341s get the 2-0 and establish just un
24343s Undisputed Supremacy over the French in
24346s this one and you know to bring Spain
24348s along for the ride bring them up to the
24349s number two seed it's a really
24351s interesting way that it that it All
24353s Shook out regardless of some you know uh
24355s some Dutch interference earlier on in
24357s the day it still ended up being quite
24359s the interesting finish and what a
24361s showing from this squad they are every
24362s bit as strong as advertised they have
24365s every right to be at the number one seed
24367s there and you know well deserved hats
24370s off Lads yeah honestly just what a great
24372s performance epitome is you know talk to
24374s us about it it seemed like such an even
24376s matchup going into it but my did it
24379s looked different by the end of that
24380s second map I feel like maybe France
24383s getting a little bit nervous to work
24386s by the fact that
24389s today when Spain going into it has
24392s always felt like they were maybe a
24393s little bit underrated a little bit more
24395s of a Dark Horse and now Spain they have
24398s or France have called themselves the
24400s Dark Horse before going into blizzard
24402s BlizzCon they might actually be the dark
24404s horses this time around going in third
24406s seed maybe now yeah yeah maybe now right
24409s maybe this time around but with that
24411s said we've got an interview with
24413s Christopher the coach from new uh not
24416s for New England for a team England let's
24419s hop on with him if enemies and CB thank
24420s you so much we'll be right back
24423s thank you
24425s Chris congratulations on the victory
24428s ending at number one how are you feeling
24430s man
24431s yeah good good I think we've uh we got
24434s the job done in the end I think that was
24435s kind of our goal like
24437s like our feeling is that we probably
24438s have the best roster out of any of the
24440s European teams but we also had like
24442s slightly challenging circumstances in
24444s terms that we have like three players
24445s playing from La ping which is like 160.
24447s we had probably less Grim time than
24449s every other team so for us we just
24451s thought if we can scrape through to
24453s BlizzCon and then we could really show
24454s how good we are
24456s um but seriously yeah
24460s yeah it's really nice they I mean
24462s obviously hardships are one thing you
24465s guys face the adversity and not only did
24466s you face it you came out on top so going
24469s into that match against France right you
24471s were even on map score even on game
24472s score even all the way out this is for
24474s seating really because you've all
24476s qualified for the World Cup on land
24477s which obviously congrats on that but how
24480s did you feel coming into this one and
24481s what are that preparation process really
24482s look like
24484s well I think
24485s we prepped really hard for this one
24487s because we thought it was the best way
24489s to eliminate Denmark from the World Cup
24490s so first seed was whatever but that was
24492s like my my priority was to make sure
24494s that uh that super team with all their
24496s boot camps and stuff didn't qualify
24499s um but obviously they helped us out with
24500s that themselves so we ended up just kind
24502s of prepping for fun
24505s hey man I I mean that's very athlete but
24508s you definitely the preparation
24509s definitely showed through it like you
24511s talked about right the the road to the
24514s wall the qualifiers here was not really
24515s easy you were dealing with ping
24517s differences you're dealing with time
24518s differences and really finding the time
24519s to even scrim so what did it look like
24522s in game itself how how did the players
24525s you know mesh together what did it feel
24527s like when you guys were actually playing
24529s oh scrums even the
24532s we had with like they weren't that good
24534s because I think we didn't necessarily
24535s like approach it with uh
24538s the greatest mindset in terms of we
24539s didn't like fully try hard and so what
24542s ended up happening was a lot of our
24543s officials we ended up kind of like
24545s locking in and like playing at our best
24548s um we just kind of developed an idea
24550s that just let's just play everyone on
24551s their best heroes I think the conf that
24552s we are best at is actually super viable
24555s in OverWatch at the moment anyway and
24558s while we didn't maybe get time to flesh
24560s out like a reasonable solution for maps
24563s like circuit Royale like we just kind of
24564s hoped that we could
24566s actually get it done
24569s yeah you did get it done you're dead you
24572s definitely ended at the top of that
24573s group so congrats on that and you know
24575s looking forward you guys are going to
24577s land you're going to BlizzCon what
24579s country are you most looking forward to
24582s playing because you're going to be up
24583s against the best and the best the best
24585s of the best in the world
24590s really really strong team so I think a
24592s priority where we can is to to beat them
24595s up to BlizzCon
24598s yeah I mean I honestly I don't I don't
24600s think Denmark are making it to BlizzCon
24603s the top three if I'm looking at the
24604s standings it's gonna be Great Britain
24606s Spain and France so
24609s um
24610s I'm sure them are gonna get there I
24613s think
24614s they're pretty good I think they'll get
24616s that
24617s I they are pretty good but I I think
24620s this you know we'll have to actually get
24622s the confirmation on everything that's
24623s been happening but you know with that
24625s said South Korea is also always a great
24627s Contender you know they've been top of
24628s the world a couple of times and it's
24629s been it's been hard to deal with that
24631s but Christopher thank you so much for
24633s the interview thank you for sitting down
24634s with me and congratulations on
24635s qualifying to BlizzCon and ending at the
24637s top of your group thank you very much
24642s epitome CB you heard it from the man
24644s himself
24645s they were slacking off in screams but
24648s they really locked in when it was time
24650s to perform and man did they perform
24652s ending it at the top of their groups you
24653s couldn't have asked for a better finish
24654s the pitomies
24655s yeah I definitely feel like it's a um
24658s even if they didn't went into it and
24660s they were like this is going to be rough
24662s you know we have players that are
24663s disconnecting all the time because
24665s they're literally in Los Angeles and if
24667s like if you were going to be in the
24670s United States of America couldn't you at
24672s least be in the east coast where it's
24674s closer to like Europe just a little bit
24676s marginally but they were instead on the
24678s all the way the other side of the
24679s country which was a little bit
24681s unfortunate but at the end of the day
24682s things were shook out well for them yeah
24686s ended really well CPS give us your
24688s highlight of the day before you head out
24690s here I mean that that kind of has to be
24692s the highlight of the day there I mean
24693s the match-up but also kind of like you
24695s know Christopher rubbing salt in the
24697s wound of of Denmark like I mean pour one
24700s out for the Danish fans they had a hard
24702s hard day and Christopher just gonna kick
24704s them while they're down like that good
24705s Lord I mean but like you know Great
24708s Britain they overcame a lot of adversity
24709s and then they became the adversity that
24712s neither France nor Spain were able to
24713s topple especially not France today and
24716s you know they'll all have another shot
24718s at each other uh when they all go to
24720s land though they have not seen the last
24722s of one another I'm looking forward to
24723s that but a great match to close things
24725s out with I'm so thankful that I was able
24727s to get to to cast Great Britain versus
24729s France what a match what a match what a
24732s two weeks it's been it's been an amazing
24734s time the emec qualifiers are officially
24737s wrapped and if we're looking at both the
24739s groups let me give you the final
24741s standings here it's gonna be France
24742s Great Britain and Spain from group a
24744s moving forward Saudi Arabia in Finland
24746s from Group B those five teams moving on
24749s to land going to BlizzCon
24751s ladies and gentlemen you're going to
24753s want to make sure to stay tuned though
24754s right America's group a still to be
24757s determined that third seed just around
24760s the corner don't go anywhere that stream
24762s starts soon my name is Jim Basco that's
24764s epitome's that's CB it's been a
24766s fantastic two weeks it's been our
24768s absolute pleasure to bring you this show
24770s and of course shout outs to production
24771s for making this possible shout out to
24772s the audience for making it possible and
24773s shout outs to all the players who
24775s competed from all around the globe we
24777s appreciate it and um it's all the heroes
24779s worldwide we'll see you later thanks so
24781s much
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