over 1 year ago - PlayOverwatch - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s OverWatch 2 might be a team-based
2s free-to-play shooter but there's more to
3s it than meets the eye there are a ton of
5s different play styles that don't require
7s you to be an Aimbot to make an impact
8s look at Reinhardt big guy big hammer big
11s reach just get close to the enemy and
12s swing away and you'll watch them turn
14s into a pile of mush before your eyes
15s then you have torbjorn everyone's
17s favorite short key put his turret up in
18s a good spot and just watch the damage
20s pile up and if the enemy gets too close
21s well that's what your rivet gun is for
22s or let's be honest torb's main weapon
24s his hammer then there's May cute small
26s and ice cold use her ice walls and not
28s just protect yourself and your team but
30s even trap an enemy in the room with you
31s remember you're not trapped with them
32s they're trapped with you but if support
34s is more your game you can play as Mercy
35s fly to your teammates as their guardian
37s angel with their cadacious stats you can
39s heal your teammates boost Heroes so they
40s do more damage revive Fallen allies or
42s if cornered or feeling feisty pull out
43s her secondary pistol and go crazy and
46s that's why