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Transcript (by Youtube)

1s [Music]
4s um
18s [Music]
25s [Music]
38s [Music]
45s um
48s [Music]
92s welcome back to the overwatch league
93s here for the summer showdown finals it
97s is the final match of the entire stage
99s junker queen it's our final time seeing
101s her as well and this is the shanghai
103s dragons taking on the seoul dynasty el
107s clasico number 25 tread 25 times that
110s these two teams will be matching up
112s against each other and listen to me this
114s is still an exciting match up an
116s exciting rivalry look it's been very
118s shanghai favored in the last two games
121s but if there's anything left from seoul
122s after that last match they got to bring
124s it now
126s yeah think of the mental recovery it
128s needs to go on and about 20 minutes
130s worth of break we had need to have a
131s full reset we need to get the game plan
133s in effect and they're going to take down
135s the opponent they've had historical
136s difficulty at least recently trying to
139s deal with particularly in this stage but
140s thankful for everyone else where's the
142s day of celebration it's the finals it's
143s the end of the stage regardless we're
145s gonna have a reason to celebrate but we
146s can also have a little bit of a funeral
148s for jokes hopefully that's gonna change
149s and we've heard there's changes coming
150s in no more junk queen defined meta
153s moving on to the rest of the year so i'm
155s sure that'll make a lot of people at
156s home happy as well
158s yeah it's that or i'm going to uh
159s request that we have a hero port where
161s only jungle queen's removed so you know
163s one way or the other
165s you know i'm either sending an email
167s we're going to nerf her to where she
168s needs to be before now i'm enjoying what
170s we have left let's enjoy it together it
172s is grand finals time it is the two top
175s teams that we have had in the region
176s their third time actually playing
178s against each other now over the course
179s of the last week or so uh and it took us
181s a while to get here because over the
183s course of the entire qualifier fixture
185s teams have been neck and neck five and
187s zero having only dropped a couple maps
189s each seoul had dropped two maps to
191s fusion shanghai had dropped one map to
193s fusion they were still looking pretty
194s neck and neck we did not get a very
196s clear look at who was a front-runner
198s until seoul and shanghai played against
200s each other since then shanghai have been
203s sold twice both of them three zeros but
206s seoul do look improved today
208s yes particularly stalker as well and i
210s think a little highlight that match up
211s first is that the problem we're playing
213s against such a strong uh junker queen
215s led meta is it's enabling who are you to
217s play their best hero uh which is of
219s course genji and stalker the leading
222s unit if you would do the seoul dynasty
224s lineup today where they've seen the most
225s improvement i think now has to stare
227s down one of if not d-bed skenji in the
230s world so that's the challenge that faces
232s the dynasty their sharpest tool might be
234s blunted by the opponents immediately i'm
237s smiling because all i can think about is
238s an absolute unit and uh maybe stalk is
240s going to have to need to be that today
242s versus
243s the there it is
244s versus uh the shanghai dragons like it's
247s not been pretty for seoul for a while
249s now like they they really need to step
251s up today because for some time they were
253s looking like they were the best team in
255s this particular matter for you know the
256s first four matches they played the
257s qualifiers 12-0 didn't drop a single map
260s well you know what team now has the most
262s insane map record it is shanghai dragons
264s are 24 and one so combination of every
266s single game they play in the qualifier
268s and every single game they play so fun
269s the tournament they've still only
271s dropped one map that was to the fusion
272s in the regular season 24 maps one a
275s single map loss but wasn't for that one
277s that was and they'd be completely
278s flawless
280s we'd be looking down the barrel of the
281s golden stage so to speak right now uh
284s absolutely no defeats of course like i
286s said fusion have to be a little bit of a
289s disturber in that front take the one map
290s but doesn't mean the maximum possible
292s record or the most successful record
294s they can walk away from this series
295s avril is 28 and one because it's the
299s first the fourth map series to close it
300s out so they will have the additional run
302s but they could end the stage with a 28
304s and one map record i don't think it
307s necessarily is going to go like that
308s today i think if this is the day that
309s seoul's probably going to take a map off
311s them if they ever will in this
313s particular matter um but just think
315s about that like how impressive with that
317s record look running into playoffs and
319s grand finals down the line
320s and i think we maybe would have seen
322s that yesterday in dorado we all remember
324s the very infamous dorado clutch coming
325s through from the shanghai dragons that
326s secured that map if it wasn't for that
329s could have been a different story
330s entirely uh because
332s seoul they pushed past b without it
334s looking too difficult given that b was a
336s bit of a wash for the dragons defense so
338s that would have been a map when
339s let's take a look at some of the
340s highlights from yesterday's game as well
342s in terms of you know seoul shanghai et
344s cetera because you know now we have so
346s much footage and so much tape between
348s these two teams played in fact you know
349s over the history they are watching it's
351s really a lot of soul versus shanghai
353s again 25
355s total matches played now this is number
356s 25 that's how long the rivalry has gone
359s it is still the longest standing rivalry
361s in the entire overwatch league between
362s any two teams in terms of matches played
365s in the seoul dynasty you have to pick up
367s one of these maps in the last two
370s matches play but before that tread i do
373s want to say
374s seoul won against the seoul assault one
376s against the shanghai dragons twice so
378s the record so far this year is let me
379s count it really quick four and two
381s shanghai got the first two seoul got the
383s next two including one in the kickoff
385s clash tournament and then shanghai got
387s the the last through the most recent two
388s that we've seen now
392s let's take these titles we might
393s actually catch that dorado we mentioned
394s about actually the ridiculous clutch
396s that came in at the end
398s uh but no i think hollywood this was i
399s think you're praising this one this the
401s tracking through the ball shot to try
403s and not fit down at the end there's
404s seeing that live bang something else
406s seeing him collect through the ball live
408s was really incredible just tracking like
410s you said tracking fits through the ball
412s itself and knowing the exact location
414s and that's what gives lift the edge
415s right lip has been the most impressive
416s soldier i think next to mn3 and with mn3
419s gone now fits its lip rather sits alone
422s on top of that hill and even then you
424s know i would have really liked to have
425s seen mn3 versus lip i'll give him in
427s three the flashy points right he's got
428s all the style points for not making any
430s splash on his way down with the dive
432s but his lip that has the consistent
434s valley lip has the consistent impact and
436s this is now the footage of that we just
438s saw that clutch from the shanghai
440s dragons absolutely back breaking and for
442s the seoul dynasty would have been their
444s dorado would have been their map win had
446s it not been such an incredible clutch
447s from the shanghai dragons
450s unbelievable when you see a doomfist get
452s picked uh in those clutch moments you're
454s not expecting uh the actual progress we
456s made you're expecting a stall to come
457s out buy some more time but you know goes
460s onto the field removes profit off the
462s car and i believe it was lipped it was
464s getting some clearance from afar just to
465s be able to help them turn that around
467s it's still uh ridiculous because we
469s pretty much called it at that point
470s there's no way they win they're just
471s stalling out the times i think everyone
472s called it um yeah
474s suddenly turns around at the end and
475s shanghai dragons has come up with this
476s insane clutch to be able to get dorado
478s and basically i think that was the big
480s like mental boom for dynasty at that
482s point you're probably looking at that
483s gun we've won this map like what are you
485s gonna do
486s and now this is a recovery time for the
488s soul dynasty you know i'm expecting more
490s than four maps here we talk about the
492s shanghai dragons being such a dominant
493s force i don't want to count out the soul
495s dynasty i think dragons are very heavily
497s favored to win i think if you had a 4-0
499s on your pickings for this finals you are
501s likely to get six points here but you
503s know seoul i want to see the level up
505s they've had 24 hours to take a look at
506s what they did wrong yesterday they've
508s lost the dragons twice down so many
509s lessons learned and and some of the the
512s hope that you see is the fact that they
514s got a much cleaner victory versus the
516s philly fusion which to this stage had
518s been kind of plagued with that was a bit
519s of a monkey on their shoulder in terms
520s of not being able to get a clean win
522s ever uh always gonna map five so seoul
525s to me look improved the question will be
526s do they look improved enough to do
528s anything against dragons
530s i think one of the things i love most
531s about seoul dynasty yesterday was
533s actually going to be um
535s the the aggression and the tempo plays
537s that were coming out particularly on map
538s two and three what we saw from the last
540s series there where you know we had uh
542s circuit royale and uh colosseum we had
544s vendaine just playing very aggressively
546s with these sound barriers i don't know
548s if they're gonna be able to get away
549s with the same aggression when it comes
551s against the shanghai dragons but i did
552s like that was some of the confidence and
554s improvements from the dynasty coming
555s ahead in that matchup it really helped
557s them uh put fusion back in their place
559s effectively without further ado here
561s let's go ahead and take the opening
562s rosters the starting lineups here for
563s both teams starting with the shanghai
565s dragons should be no surprises here who
567s are you leading the way next to lippin i
570s expect the rest to be all the same as
571s well with void lee jae gone
573s and of course uh izugaki on the brink
576s who actually has been pretty phenomenal
577s on the brink as well there's a another
579s clip yesterday on dorado some more
580s excellent plays on dorado where you know
582s i think live during the cars we were
584s both surprised like how the stalker just
585s could delete the how the saw could die
587s yeah it was a lift body shot of the rail
589s followed up within one second by the way
590s yes
591s i think within even half a second isiaki
593s lands a whip shot at the same time
595s basically and stalkers hundred to zero
598s so
598s shanghai dragons their coordination
601s they've downloaded all their opponents
603s the shang ai has been booted up and
605s everybody is on the level that they need
608s to be every single person on this roster
610s now looks like maybe the best player on
613s that particular role for this matter in
615s this region
616s and that's gonna be a question for me
619s today avril is you mentioned the shang
620s ai how long does it take for him to get
622s the patch
624s the patch from yesterday the download of
626s the seoul dynasty today are they gonna
628s have a soft start like they did in map
629s number one or are they just gonna come
631s out the gate swinging take control of
632s the series and close it out fast because
634s it seems as though once shanghai have
636s that read that's why they're the
637s shanghai they don't really lose control
639s of the series i'm just wondering how
641s much damage can soul dynasty inflict on
643s them before that happens and can they do
646s what they fail through this stage
648s wrestle back control once the series
650s goes the favor of dragons let's take a
652s look at the soul dynasty opening line up
653s here it is exactly the same as what we
654s expected stalker just walks away with a
657s mvp a player the match from our lower
660s bracket final and now he'll be looking
662s towards doing the same damage if you can
664s versus the likes of who you've already
666s kind of teed up the matchups here right
668s fitz has been kind of playing second
670s place second fiddle to lip almost his
671s entire career i mean this stretches back
673s for multiple years now last year
675s especially 2021 lip had i think the
677s greatest year that left has ever played
680s fitz he was kind of behind that now it
682s seems like fitz is behind left again he
683s is forever chasing the tail lit but will
685s he ever catch up they did actually beat
687s the shanghai dragons to kick off clash
689s to win that tournament but now we're in
690s the summer showdown it seems like
691s shanghai dragons are ahead once again
694s stalker versus who are you the other
696s very important matchup here stalker
698s might very well be the best genji if who
701s are you didn't exist
705s that is the that's the bane i'm sure of
707s his existence he's just missing out on
708s the accolade because of who are you
710s really annoyed we can't see the player
711s camps we don't know if we got the clip
713s bonus i'm going to assume the clips are
714s in he's in sport mode today and uh he's
717s going to need it as well for this final
718s still vindang's got the clip so i'm
720s assuming i have to assume here you've
721s got him in the blue hair
725s super saiyan blue mode void is available
727s for us to use as
729s going further beyond well for the
730s dragons
731s he's going further beyond he's draining
733s so much power that all the cameras are
734s going off don't worry about i'm sure
735s we'll get that back soon i want to bring
737s up something really quickly as we're
738s about to head into map set by the way
739s let me go over the previous six maps
741s that have been played between these two
742s teams in week 18 we started out lee
745s zhang tower shanghai two and one to win
748s that two and one then on midtown as map
751s number two followed by third and final
753s map here gibraltar that was the
754s contentious one that's the one that
755s everyone remembers from that final week
757s 18 match six and five that one went the
759s full distance and then some when we got
761s to the time bank a second full cap
763s shanghai finished gibraltar twice within
766s a single sitting
767s and then we had our actual tournament
770s match upper bracket final here between
771s shanghai and solids again opening that
773s oasis two and one in favor of the
776s shanghai dragons then hollywood map
777s number two three and two saw some
779s brilliant highlights there including the
781s rail shot collette through the ball from
783s smurf onto then fits and then we have
785s the verado map up which we talked
786s extensively about now three and two was
788s the scoreline there for dragon so what
790s we can gather out of this is they've
791s capped every single map they've really
793s not really failed uh they didn't have to
795s finish midtown so maybe that's a
797s bit of a caveat but didn't require that
799s it's a two-on-one victory you take those
801s one other thing to take away is all
803s these opening controls have at least
805s been a single round drop by the dragon
807s so it's not clean it's not two zeros and
809s if i'm not mistaken as well yesterday
810s specifically when we looked at that
812s oasis the first round actually went the
815s way of the seoul dynasty so it might
817s take a little bit of time to warm up i
818s did catch the void post match interview
820s on billy billy and he did say that they
822s needed to warm up first and that's why
823s they lost the opening round
826s well you probably hear the music in the
828s background it was seoul dynasty's choice
830s as virtue of being the number one seed
831s in tournament and making it to the grand
833s finals through the winners bracket not
834s going down into the lower they get to
836s choose our starting location
839s shanghai yes they will be able to pick
841s the oasis to kick things off and of
843s course reminder this is a first to four
845s series so do not expect any free map
847s sweeps coming in here there is always
849s the extra lifeline of going to a push
852s even if the dragons free owe the initial
854s free maps well here we go once again
857s it's oasis like you said it's the same
858s map that we had in yesterday's upper
860s bracket final we're going to run it back
862s we'll see if they run back the rest of
864s the map pull here as well here are my
865s expectations also if seoul do lose this
868s map i'm expecting that they should be
870s taking us to a map like part of izo next
872s we had hollywood chosen by seoul
874s yesterday i'm not sure that would be the
876s correct choice once again they played
877s very well in part either versus fusion i
879s would like to see them repeat that
880s without further ado tread gates are open
882s the finals are ready map number one on
886s oasis gardens
889s they'll be running themselves out onto
890s the point as expected
892s high grounds being secured by both the
893s guitars forward units there smurf and
895s void facing each other down stalker and
897s who are you starting that clash already
899s over the edge shouts around to swap the
901s shot splits the fight
903s seoul dynasty are retreating already who
905s are you gets themselves into the back
906s line and soul are completely off the
908s point they've just respected them so
910s much to smurf one down they've lost
911s their front line
912s good punish stalker will get the better
914s of who are you but i feel like the map
916s capture still is going to go the way of
917s shanghai dragons i think they've done
918s enough smurfs might not get them back in
920s time and now lip's taking that profit as
922s well constantly playing at a 4v5
924s shanghai advantage yeah stalker tried
926s it's best here but for sol dynasty if
927s you don't have your tank alive yet you
928s do need to rely on other players like
930s the dps's maybe your brigade from
932s prophet as well to go for the next touch
933s to be that pseudo tank for the team
936s avoid being alive makes such a big
937s difference for the shanghai dragons it
938s took a while for dragons to get the cap
940s was a one for one trade there but when
942s the dust settles dragons get the 20 lead
944s now and they have a slight lead in terms
946s of the ultimates here as well a little
947s bit on the supports between lee jaegon
949s and vin dame and definitely between lip
951s and fitz
954s managed to find their way to the corner
955s up the stairs to the high ground now
958s play around the terrain stalker claim
960s space who are you low
962s void even lower
964s shout out i have to go at this point
966s here stalker still chase them gets
967s behind him cuts off the roots of the
969s mega and fits is the one to clear it off
970s with the rail gun stalkers looking for
972s one more finds lee gone and goes back to
974s the point not relinquished control just
977s yet but dynasty advantage they should be
979s able to get the flip
980s profit now getting the kills as well
982s stalker capitalized on the fact that he
983s chases down void has a cloak of
985s invisibility it seems like dragons we're
987s not able to do anything against stalker
989s gets into the back line dashes through
991s it's actually fits that collects the
992s kills the alley there stalker sets up
994s the dunk and fitz will get the two
996s points and now for the seoul dynasty
998s they get the cap backwards 52
1001s in the lead for shanghai dragons and
1002s soul trying to catch up no ultimate
1004s spence so what little that shanghai
1006s dragons had in terms of adult charge
1008s lead is now matched by the soul dynasty
1015s you see the focus there's a rally from
1016s profit early on into the fight using it
1018s on tempo
1020s there's the overclock from lip
1022s pushed off to the side smurfs still
1023s exposed to these shots can't find the
1024s connection blade pulled by stalker
1027s he's going to get into the fight as the
1028s beats have been thrown out
1030s of the only victim so far is the yaki
1032s the unkillable at this point gets
1034s himself back to safety who are you takes
1036s them now shanghai dragons whether the
1038s storm of ultimates thrown at them on
1040s tempo and will get the flip back at 52
1042s to get themselves even more progress
1044s yeah that's just the difference of the
1045s support ultimates really making it hard
1047s for stalker i mean both support
1048s ultimates on both sides got expended
1050s there who are you didn't even have to
1051s pull blade that's really big i think
1053s prophet dies early there due to shanghai
1055s dragons the focus fire coming through i
1057s mean despite the sound barrier from
1058s vinday saka failing to kill easy it was
1060s the one kill that saul dynasty wanted
1062s and it's the one that got away from them
1063s as well shanghai dragons leading by 72
1066s it could be final fight territory coming
1067s online blade and rampage and no support
1070s ultimates whatsoever
1073s it says the railgun with the overclock
1074s rampage from void cuts through to find
1076s three fits under pressure has to close
1078s down these sight lines who are you
1079s playing this big both supports
1082s make it stalker as well 4k
1084s and he's not gonna get the fifth they
1086s want the fast reset for one last chance
1088s but it's too little too late i believe
1089s avril yep spawn camp time now who are
1092s you with the 4k fitz will go into the
1093s drink and the round is likely over we
1096s talk about the fact that maybe shanghai
1098s take a while to warm up the regular flow
1100s from izuyaki just to send vindham away
1102s no touch for you sir 100 to 48 and the
1106s shanghai dragons take the first round
1108s not fully comfortably a little bit of
1110s contention there with the 48 from salt
1112s dynasty but otherwise shanghai look
1113s fantastic at the end there the blade to
1116s take it home hawaii is still the champ
1120s i think they managed to find time to
1122s warm up before the series this time
1123s avril that looked like a pretty warmed
1125s up shanghai dragons
1126s not dropping that first round we move
1128s over to city center as our next
1129s destination
1131s don't expect any compositional changes
1132s on this one you're just seeing the fit
1134s symmetra obviously for the early tp to
1135s try and get some advantage lip will
1136s match but then they will go back to the
1138s sojourns i imagine to play out this
1140s round seems like the tacos are
1142s pre-heated that's right i'm bringing
1143s that one back from coliseum
1145s shanghai dragons here's what we prepared
1147s earlier as we head over to city center
1150s now again
1151s previous matches are not just oasis but
1153s on control maps in general dictate their
1156s soul typically do take one round
1157s somewhere shanghai dragons they want to
1159s get the 2-0 this time around they have
1161s profit full
1162s jump pad control and with that they walk
1164s forward drop it down
1166s that was that coordination from the
1167s shanghai dragons again but who are you
1169s and lip applying so much pressure to
1171s profit just takes them out the fight
1172s immediately
1174s gives them the first capture gives them
1176s the advantage and the old charge to play
1178s with
1178s when you see soul dynasty come back to
1180s try and do a retake
1182s this might be the last time we're seeing
1184s prophet play brig as well in an
1186s overwatch league series for the year i
1187s doubt there'll be another real meta
1189s where prophet is required to play the
1191s support so we'll make this one last
1193s got active on the kill feed in our
1195s previous series in the previous round as
1196s well we need a lot more of that stalker
1198s does lead on the play that's the one
1200s area success for seoul so far over the
1202s course of two rounds stalker has had
1204s that over why are you easy low
1207s isayaki keeps getting away with murder
1209s quite literally here because he was able
1210s to get away from the dashroom from
1212s stalker i think he was like sub 10 hp 20
1214s something though like that
1216s still stays up keeps the fight
1217s competitive for dragons who are you in
1219s the face of profit gives create some
1221s space goes back to the point profits out
1223s this fight right now it's effectively a
1224s 5v4 armor pack's been thrown back in so
1226s he can get back into the fight
1229s getting closer to that blade
1231s also
1232s tempo could be big here lee gone but his
1234s profit goes down first five before
1235s advantage smurf takes out who are you
1237s stalker with the hedgehog on the lip
1239s beat commanded by dj gone game as well
1241s they're throwing ultimates into this one
1243s so have to pull this one out and they've
1244s got a man advantage to do it but it's
1246s still messy and not clean if they are
1248s the unkillable finally gets dropped the
1250s void should surely follow
1253s expensive fight for seoul dynasty but
1254s they will get the flip and they didn't
1256s use the blade either so that was very
1257s important for the soul dynasty because
1258s if the fight extends even longer the
1260s dragons have the respawners coming on in
1262s i think they will force that blade look
1263s at the percentage by 65 now on ball for
1266s dragons they lead by quite a
1267s considerable margin
1269s sol dynasty desperate to win that fight
1270s thankfully they will be able to get the
1272s important members down and lip and who
1274s are you that by the way with slips first
1275s death of the entire map so far including
1277s goddess lip hasn't died yet except for
1279s that one death that we just saw who are
1280s you now about to get the blade there as
1282s well three versus four i believe
1283s leeching on pop speed that's slightly
1285s bit of a soul now because uh well
1287s actually it's not because they also use
1288s pink so i guess both teams using sound
1290s barriers now the dragon blades should be
1292s free to burn not so bad
1294s gonna be looking towards these rallies
1297s some kind of mitigation play from who
1298s are you popping across the rally
1300s immediate shutdown on izuyaki
1302s that's two for fitz
1304s he's been playing in the shadow of lip
1306s he's about to cast one of his own we can
1308s just secure that final kill he's done
1309s enough already but that's the cherry on
1311s top
1312s dominant fight from fitz and the seoul
1314s dynasty retain control it's exactly the
1316s type of performance you need to see how
1317s to fetch to get the better on lip and
1319s also who are you in the series today 4k
1322s three from the rails on the overclock
1324s soul dynasty catching up less than 10
1326s away now from equalizing on percentage
1328s points for the cap itself stalker blade
1330s still available easy out with the only
1331s round of the honest support ultimate on
1333s board for the shanghai dragons how long
1335s does he hold this one for is it going to
1336s be a pre-rally and if so he'll need to
1338s burn it about now
1343s up on high good platform to set up this
1345s blade from
1347s who are you doesn't have the power to
1348s match we're looking towards lips
1349s overclock he's got it online
1352s removed
1353s stalker attempting to shut him down
1354s space clear but stalker is in pursuit
1356s there's a line of bodies in front of him
1358s and it gives lip the breathing room he
1359s needs to shut him down
1361s rally from izuyaki as well doing work
1364s this is the shutdown for shanghai
1365s dragons 90 they should be able to get
1367s the flip and they have rampages to trade
1370s on the next offensive and that's the
1372s problem for the seoul dynasty you have
1373s the stalker blade it should be
1375s successful you go on top of the lip he's
1376s the target he's got the overclock you're
1378s gonna get the slip player down get a
1379s sergeant away from the shanghai dragons
1381s but lip just delete stalker who by the
1383s way tries to take some pot shots on the
1385s widowmaker maybe you get a pick maybe
1387s you don't 94 for the soul dynasty the
1389s winner is so close on this round but
1391s it's still yet so far away double
1393s rampages online for both teams sound
1395s barriers yet to come online vin dame
1397s nine percent away super important
1399s three-man catch by boyd
1401s goes first smurf wants to try and heal
1403s up they still turn around how do you get
1404s three members but the term still comes
1406s in for the dynasty they have the
1408s advantage in this fight they don't even
1410s have to use their ultimates yet they're
1411s gonna get control in overtime and avril
1414s sprinting back from the point will be
1415s the shanghai dragon set to go with the
1417s beat and a rampage they're going to take
1418s the fight to them though they don't want
1419s them anywhere near this point no they
1421s don't even thank you the voice trying to
1422s come back to the gym but i don't know if
1423s you can't leave jake on dead as well
1425s three players alive boy barely there the
1427s shanghai dragons do not look like
1429s they'll take this round unless you can
1431s find the blade he's being healed up he's
1433s still alive
1434s no he's managed to find one kill get
1436s away boyd we need to see the impact we
1438s had on dorado with you my friend anthony
1440s hill who are you he's the only target
1441s goes down dies at three percent of the
1443s blaze that would have been the
1445s difference maker in this fight maybe the
1446s tool they needed to turn it around it's
1448s still gonna be tough for the shanghai
1449s dragons
1451s but they're keeping up if they keep
1452s losing bodies and not getting picks
1453s there's no answer for them overclock
1455s online for now void you can't defend
1457s against that one seoul take us to a
1459s third round and that's the thing
1462s so we'll get their blood they will get
1464s their tax money here they do get one
1466s round
1467s on control as expected as we've seen in
1469s the past as well it does happen
1471s the shanghai dragons
1473s they got so damn close to maybe closing
1475s this one out two and zero and we saw
1478s what happened as well right the void
1480s rampage catching three seoul dynasty
1482s we're not to lose in that scenario
1485s and here's the other thing as well when
1486s we talk about which round shanghai
1488s actually lost versus seoul dynasty in
1490s the meeting they had yesterday in the
1492s upper bracket final for oasis it was
1494s still city center seoul now have taken
1497s city center again back to back but can
1499s they get universal because this is when
1502s things fell apart for seoul yesterday
1507s here's the roll out again
1510s conveying over the mini right now all
1512s these early engagements just massively
1514s off the point environmental risk here
1516s vin dame and lee jay gone playing
1518s around void very low as well i think
1520s he's gone down with
1523s floyd eventually the rest of team will
1524s get back to the point
1526s we've got a forward unit like a god and
1528s who are you trying to shut down fitz
1530s we all managed to get back
1532s units
1534s they want none of that neutral they were
1535s trying to fight for the high ground on
1536s towards the mini pack they originally
1538s had a bit of positioning but take a bit
1539s of extra damage easy has to fall off to
1541s the low ground onto the point itself and
1543s dragons take a bit of a breather
1545s mega being taken by stalker down below
1547s and still no cap to come through solo
1548s frag to come through
1550s yeah this is the most extended neutral
1553s fight we've seen from
1554s the round so
1555s far
1556s yeah i don't know if i don't know if
1558s shanghai had to do that but they're
1559s playing it safe they're playing it
1560s passively they're waiting for their
1561s moment to strike who i use low
1563s needs to get some healing can't drop him
1565s otherwise you pretty much call this one
1566s off you might see an ultimate here we
1567s might be able to get a single fight here
1569s with an ultimate comes online before a
1571s pick does come on through
1572s and we don't have a timer so i don't
1574s know if this is gonna be the washington
1575s justice versus shock two-minute stall
1578s it's only twenty percent and shanghaine
1579s need to be the ones to push on four they
1580s have a health advantage that's very low
1582s is this gonna be the kill because we do
1584s see an ultimate before kills come
1586s through
1587s yeah lee jones beat securing it i think
1589s for the shanghai dragons there fast
1591s accumulation that sets up who are you
1593s and is they are key to just run riot in
1594s their front line take them all out
1597s and tempo beats coming into play there
1599s elongated fight with zero picks and this
1601s is what happens afro the ultimate's
1603s decided
1605s another blade coming online next
1606s shanghai dragons don't allow the
1608s soldiers to get too far away 29 just shy
1610s of 30.
1612s but the rallies online here as well
1614s respect the tempo beat coming on through
1615s the good news is sold despite losing
1617s that one they'll remove the beat
1620s they will have a free fight in front of
1621s them given that they did have the lead
1622s here comes the lead now going the way of
1624s shanghai double rallies waiting for dps
1626s although to play now out
1628s the way he's going to pop it a second
1630s later stalker takes down his ayaki at
1631s the end tries to get a reset and turns
1633s the attention around
1635s who are you comes in for clean up on the
1636s end of it
1638s fitz with the overclock just catches who
1640s are you as well no decisive clap back
1643s and dynasty got the point in the chaos
1645s lip holding there as well didn't quite
1647s have it in time you saw lip at 99 for
1649s the longest time while fitz was going
1650s for the overclock now it's lipstick
1652s teammates good shot of the sperm smith
1654s then they got deleted vin dave saves the
1656s beat
1657s yeah has to come in there re-english
1658s begins to get the fights gets back onto
1660s the point shanghai did get the flip in
1662s that time
1663s he's in control legion needs to get out
1665s of there so close to going down boy does
1666s the arky get cut by stalker
1668s he's hunting right now he tastes blood
1671s in the water
1672s and lip has to put the beast down
1675s flip goes in for dynasty this is so back
1676s and forth in comparison to what we
1678s usually see lip surviving at one in
1680s there as well that could have been a
1681s staggered death that would have been
1682s time cost for the shanghai dragons but
1684s we are about 56 and 56 both teams
1687s training their places at the top of the
1688s podium as far as getting the lead here
1690s in this race for our third and final
1692s round they decided to take home map
1693s number one
1695s they're
1706s still keeping the fight competitive
1707s despite that but ultimately dynasty of
1710s control when you look at the map
1711s percentage we're getting into the 80s
1712s now shanghai can't play lucy goosey with
1714s that fight come back with the final
1716s fight unit rally behind the void rampage
1718s you've got lee guns beat should be able
1720s to win this fight out on economy alone
1722s this is where you expect that profit
1724s will be to be able to get the rally
1725s which is very much required to at least
1727s slow down prevent the void rampage from
1729s getting value we've already seen
1731s on city center boyd rampage even hitting
1734s three might not be enough he's got it
1735s dead on 99.
1737s no rally to come in boy could just hold
1739s on to his ultimate now i think he will
1741s doesn't have to use it he gets the flip
1743s it allows them to defend with the
1744s economy instead that's brilliant from
1746s the dragons well i don't know if that
1748s was just an incredible read from the
1749s dragons maybe it was they must have
1751s known that profit held on to rally it's
1753s still available so they're trying to
1754s pressure him down and well they get the
1756s kill and sin that's even better than the
1757s pressure because seoul dynasty they just
1759s have to advocate the point four man
1763s profits rally comes in just as you'd
1765s expect legion is there as well who are
1767s you get stalkered
1768s profits gonna find another as well this
1770s is dynasty cleaning up
1773s 24 and one's about to become 24 and two
1776s avril
1778s 99 the ot kicks in dragons it's just
1780s slipping there so far who else can touch
1782s the answer is no easy argument
1785s it's gonna have to get saved for our
1786s second map and seoul dynasty have broken
1789s the streak in six previous maps they
1792s have not been able to take one over the
1794s dragons number seven is their lucky
1796s number
1798s [Music]
1801s i was not expecting that start to our
1802s series but back and forth particularly
1805s on university you said this was the map
1807s they needed to do differently from the
1809s previous match-ups
1811s and they're able to secure it
1812s come out with the win draw first blood
1814s in our first to four series
1817s and if fusion didn't take the map
1818s earlier on in the season they would have
1820s just denied the golden stage for the
1822s shanghai dragons
1824s we're gonna go to a break when we come
1826s back it is shanghai's pick as we head
1828s over to a hybrid
1839s [Music]
1847s me
1851s over here
1853s [Music]
1866s [Music]
1898s [Music]
1910s [Music]
1936s oh
1938s [Music]
1952s [Music]
1962s [Music]
1979s um
1980s [Music]
1996s so
2017s [Music]
2024s [Music]
2026s do
2028s [Music]
2048s [Music]
2077s [Music]
2080s in all likelihood avraham we've been
2082s denied the for overwatch today which
2084s booms my thread a little bit but it's
2086s good to see if you're a dynasty fan they
2088s won oasis took that away from shanghai
2090s dragons we now move on to a hybrid pick
2092s which will be shanghai's choice we'll
2095s update you with that in a moment but it
2097s looks like the seoul dynasty is still
2098s keeping that momentum and the power they
2100s showed in the series against the fusion
2102s and they need gonna need more of it
2104s we're in for the long haul i feel here
2106s now what's their soul dynasty up 1-0
2108s versus dragon stop the count we can
2109s finish the series now
2111s says every soul fan i'm pretty sure as
2113s uh look this is definitely not what we
2114s were expecting well maybe we did i think
2116s that was bound we were due for a soul
2118s dynasty map when at some stage and like
2120s four zeros aside maybe if we could get a
2122s 4-0 it would have to be seoul getting a
2124s clean sweep versus dragons and that
2126s would be i mean a shoe eating moment
2128s where i just can't see it happening but
2130s uh crazier things can and will happen
2132s let's see how things go now in future
2135s maps i said a little bit earlier a map
2137s choice that i would like to see the
2139s seoul dynasty pickup will be part of
2140s ezra they just had a great party versus
2142s the philadelphia fusion however they're
2145s going to change it up for us a little
2146s bit here we're going to go to they being
2148s the shanghai dragon is not going to
2149s allow the soul nicely to go their
2151s dragons are going to choose midtown so
2153s denying any sort of hollywood potter
2156s either any sort of positioning where
2158s fitz might get a good look at the ash
2160s they want to take that off the table
2161s entirely don't want to deal with any
2163s sort of shenanigans at all midtown was
2165s previously played by these two maps in
2167s our regular season week 18 game that was
2169s two to one for the shanghai dragon so
2171s shanghai dragons prevented soul dynasty
2173s from even capping b they themselves kept
2176s out beat
2180s it will be sold out to go on the offense
2181s first and
2183s i think everyone at home is hoping that
2184s our graphics operator doesn't have to
2186s switch from the five map graphic to the
2187s seven map graphic
2188s i mean if you're a dragon's fan or a
2190s soul fan you're probably hoping that you
2191s just turn the table right now and make
2192s this a five map series
2196s but i think a lot of us also want to see
2197s it go the distance if they keep being as
2199s competitive as they were on oasis
2202s dynasty they said they're on the offense
2203s shanghai will set up first
2206s no surprises on the compositional pick
2207s here
2208s so let's see how fast i'll get
2211s this reminder soul did not get past b
2214s last time
2215s that's gotta be the target
2217s otherwise they're gonna have to get a
2218s very monstrous hold versus the shanghai
2220s dragons which
2222s are playing against the shanghai dragons
2223s however that being said stalker on that
2225s last map on oasis was lights out so damn
2228s good carrying on as you mentioned the
2230s momentum from earlier a couple of
2232s hot shots from sol dynasty including a
2234s sleeped up from vindam just to see if
2236s anybody is peaking a little bit too far
2238s a single pick here from seoul dynasty
2240s could set the stage can they rotate past
2243s this alleyway into the fire station
2246s that's the next question the shanghai
2247s dragons are great at intercepting these
2248s pushes
2251s playing around terrain beautifully right
2252s now they didn't get overwhelmed inside
2254s that building
2256s here's the start of the rotation
2259s into the firehouse i think one person
2261s comes through at the moment
2263s yep four one split
2264s yeah just stopped again follow up
2268s railgun shot will miss stalker going low
2271s dash is in for a health pack
2273s by the way he nearly got railed by fitz
2276s yep
2277s here's the fight flash in the center
2278s trapped in the bus stop boyd needs to
2279s move that's not where you want to be but
2280s it's stalker and fits
2282s going back to the sport move first smurf
2285s now under spire
2287s it's easy to pick up where's the yaki
2288s and the boys that's sold back first
2290s deflection successful for the shanghai
2292s dragons one minute burns
2294s prophet the only person that survives
2295s here so not a five-man cleanup with
2297s shanghai dragons we'll take it all
2298s nonetheless
2300s talk about stalker getting better blade
2302s timings and all charge then who are you
2304s on our previous map not the case now who
2306s are you leads 69 to 36 and now 70 on
2309s board for who are you as the shanghai
2310s dragons
2311s really get to hit an alt charge the only
2313s person that is going to have a pretty
2314s reasonable lead is vin dame over legion
2316s gone so you do need to see that if
2317s before you get this blade if it's dead
2319s should we reset or clean up hey
2322s you could touch the point so i don't
2324s know if you can keep it at this point
2326s there's lots of staggered members here
2328s this could be lethal if they can get
2329s control of the situation they can
2330s definitely go for some kind of stagger
2333s they're going to clear them all out yeah
2334s i think the staggering fits was enough
2336s yeah shanghai they've gone from uh look
2338s but do not touch to touch but can't take
2340s home at this stage there's still no
2342s ticks to come on through for the seoul
2344s dynasty and now the blade is online so
2347s look at the rest of the ultimates here
2348s as well lip will be next fits is very
2350s much trailing it's still dragon's
2352s territory for all of the resources less
2355s than two minutes left
2360s so i was honestly just going in the
2361s underpass all the time not following to
2362s try and take the train away at all
2365s will emerge into the open arena double
2368s damage ultimates online rally and beat
2370s about to be there vinday has the sound
2372s barrier to answer any aggression that
2374s comes in from the seoul dynasty
2377s he's low rally from isiaki that's the
2379s first one pop findings gonna answer back
2380s with the beat no damage available
2384s quick little pause there all right well
2386s let's let's survey what we have on board
2388s here it is a tempo beat from vending
2390s machine is still holding for now he's
2393s respecting the fact that stalker could
2394s have blade lip and who are you still
2397s have ultimates available
2399s the way this fight should really go
2400s through now is we have shanghai dragons
2403s they might even pull back and allow one
2404s tick to come through from seoul that
2406s would probably be the safest place for
2407s them to make otherwise if we're gonna be
2409s forced to pop a beat really early
2412s who are you is going to laid out this
2413s sound barrier from vindem 100 and then
2415s paul blade and there won't be any
2417s further support ultimates or anything to
2419s stop who are you once that happens
2420s prophet's only 88 now he's probably
2422s going to even be the primary target for
2424s who are you i think that would be wise
2425s for him to go for and then once stalker
2427s responds with his own blade legion is
2429s going to use the sound barrier assuming
2431s he didn't count a tempo beat and if he
2433s is killing tempo he's going to do it as
2434s soon as we come back from the break so
2436s that's true
2438s disengage give a tick come back with a
2440s blade or play your own tempo beat play
2441s the blade anyway
2443s i'm trying to work out from the model
2444s whether lee jaegon is trying to beat
2446s right now or looks like it like i'm
2448s looking at the pose he's in on the
2449s screen and honestly that could be him
2452s it's hard to say he could be leaping off
2453s a surface or he could actually be just
2455s tell you what the animation based on the
2457s positioning of shanghai so just to paint
2458s a picture for everybody while we wait in
2460s this pause it's sold dynasty with about
2462s four players on point shanghai dragons
2464s have now swapped positioning they now
2466s look like the attacking team they're on
2468s the opposite side of the fire truck and
2470s they have the the sort of subway train
2472s car control the slight high ground there
2474s as well so shanghai dragons kind of
2476s disengaging from vindam's beat it's very
2478s easy console dynasty don't actually want
2479s to chase they want to stay on point and
2480s cap um so for them to chase dragons they
2484s can't cap and they're very they're very
2485s much going to value the point here so i
2486s think if you are dragons this is the
2488s right opportunity to just give away your
2489s tick it takes about to come through now
2491s anyway and then just play for the blade
2493s win condition because even if you give
2494s up the tick here you probably can win
2496s this fight with an altered advantage
2497s bring the timer down just below one
2499s minute and that one tick shouldn't make
2500s a difference if you get a full hold
2502s anyway
2503s so here's the problem you're talking
2504s about positioning four players on the
2505s point the one player that's not on the
2506s point is stalker where they are is right
2508s in the face of lip off screen
2510s lip is going to be under so much
2511s pressure when we go from this point
2515s lip exactly drop down incredible glow
2517s got support from the rest of the team
2518s probably got some rally assistance
2519s stalker is going to go down though they
2520s were able to punish that aggression who
2522s are you going to separation from the
2523s rest of the team
2524s how do you use ultimates here avril yep
2526s they probably will just hold ultimates
2527s well it depends because seoul dynasty
2529s are in a pretty defensible position they
2530s have five station two ticks under
2532s control here's all depending on when
2534s shanghai dragons decide to go for this
2536s cleanup
2537s time is going to get really low here
2538s stalkers respawning now as well really
2540s coming on in shanghai now need to make
2542s decisions it's just time for the blade
2544s we're going to pull it out shanghai use
2546s the blade and beat at the same time
2547s against the profits rally vinday doesn't
2549s get the option there it's just a cut
2550s through a decimation
2552s of the dynasty and they still have the
2554s overclocking the rampage for what should
2556s be the final offensive of the seoul
2557s dynasty yup um it could be enough sulcus
2560s blade will be pretty dangerous so you do
2562s notice that legion went for a tempo b
2563s anyway then stalk it down so i don't
2565s think any real threat of a counter
2566s damage once uh you goes in but he wanted
2569s to keep who are you alive he wanted to
2570s make sure no one in shanghai dragons was
2571s going to go down and that was successful
2574s does cost you an extra sound barrier the
2576s chance for seoul dynasty still cap i
2577s would have to say is high three
2579s ultimates to two
2580s but even if soul cap
2582s they spend all four minutes on eight so
2584s can they finish the map after that
2586s unlikely
2588s it's got the overclock he can make this
2589s fight five before
2591s smurf has to take cover in the building
2592s can't hide behind his allies
2594s watch void dragon charge you heard it
2596s once smurfed stalker still on point
2600s they told shut down no blade for stalker
2603s smurf goes in with the rampage they've
2604s already lost two members the
2605s anti-healer's not enough no one's on
2607s point
2608s and that's a full hole for the shanghai
2609s dragons no way capture coming through my
2612s goodness lip just put seoul dynasty
2614s right up against the wall
2616s stalker down first that was the most
2617s important kill yet sulker gone no more
2619s blade he's been the linchpin for seoul
2621s dynasty this entire day from the lower
2623s bracket final versus fusion to the oasis
2626s that soldiers won against the shanghai
2627s dragon stalker no opportunity to pull
2629s blade smurf low hp as well can't go for
2631s the rampage doesn't want to die midcast
2634s and that's it
2636s lip shuts it down void rampage is sold
2638s dynasty no response they get two ticks
2640s 81.1
2642s and this is what i'm saying for the
2643s shanghai dragons as well acceptable
2644s losses well within margins of what they
2646s can accept or lose and
2649s you'll still win the map you'll still
2650s get the full hole you'll still get the
2653s gold accomplisher going 101 even if you
2655s give away 81.1
2662s this truly is surmountable for the
2663s shanghai dragons on their offense
2667s i might just reset the series here and
2669s it's like playing a first of three all
2670s over again
2674s by the way this is now officially
2677s worst territory for the sole dynasty
2678s than where they were before because
2680s previously it'll remind the audience
2682s that
2682s seoul at least kept a and got onto b
2684s they failed the cat b versus shanghai
2686s dragons two matches ago now in midtown
2689s this time they won't even get a so not
2691s even a single point sadly
2693s shanghai dragons look to bounce back
2695s with a vengeance this is shanghai's map
2697s pick
2698s to be short
2703s there's the rollout
2705s they can control the green room then
2706s dame's gonna have to vacate
2709s not hard committing into that area as
2711s much as seoul dynasty did they're still
2712s playing a little bit under underpass for
2714s the time being they still want to get
2715s control of firehouse like you said it's
2717s a really defensible position
2719s it's a target they should get if they
2720s can't get onto the point naturally they
2721s might be able to do it without them
2723s it looks like they're going to skip the
2724s fire station just go straight past the
2726s fire truck itself
2728s damage there
2730s okay who are you out the sky
2732s nice railgun combination with the flail
2734s whip on to back on the stalkers it's
2736s still a four before boyd will go down as
2737s well i think that's gonna decide if it's
2739s may drop
2740s they're always trading one for one but
2742s they're not equal trades i would say
2744s vinday
2745s able to just finish off and that's going
2746s to be a full retreat from the dragons
2750s and not enough frags and not in the
2752s right order for dragons to actually take
2754s advantage of any sort of respawn
2755s differences here now it'll be another
2757s five versus five coming through so
2760s first goal on the checklist for the
2761s seoul dynasty accomplished that's when
2763s the opening neutral campaign now snow of
2765s awesome ultimates further on this
2767s defense they're going to have to go for
2769s a fuller hold and unlike the dragons
2771s soul can't afford to give away ticks at
2773s least not too much again that's a
2775s disgusting opening shot five before
2780s it's the arcs in the face of stalker
2782s forced them back to the team
2783s souls off the point prop prophet as
2785s rally he's gonna have to use this and
2787s reinitiate they don't have time to play
2788s around with this one not that much just
2790s smurfs down training lip for it tiny
2792s overwatch in the firehouse boyd finds
2794s the second kill who are you
2796s breaches outside four be three team
2798s calls stalker
2800s it's not looking good for him fitz tries
2801s a railgun shot but he can't get through
2803s any of this lineup of dragons
2805s vin dame's gonna try and touch here's
2807s who i use blade no one's in range for
2809s the overtime and that's clean from the
2811s dragons as they're able to level up the
2812s series and what a push as well we have a
2815s full hold into two attempts for the
2818s shanghai dragons and it's enough it was
2820s so beautiful that one rail is enough to
2823s get the cap to give dragons a fire
2825s before seoul can only do so much despite
2827s the profit rally it's not gonna be
2829s enough hp there shanghai dragons they
2831s get the cap and they take us to a third
2833s map one and one in the series so far
2836s it's not going to be 4-0 not from
2838s shanghai dragons and not from the salt
2839s dynasty
2841s oasis was a little bit of qa testing on
2843s the patch i feel like midtown is then
2845s fully installing the final product
2847s shang ai is online
2849s and let's say equal series tied one a
2852s piece at present
2854s we're looking towards map number three
2855s it's gonna be seoul dynasty's pick and
2857s of course it's going to be an escort so
2858s make sure you join us after the break
2867s [Music]
2878s [Music]
2912s [Music]
2929s [Music]
2940s [Music]
2967s [Music]
3003s [Music]
3019s [Music]
3032s so
3035s [Music]
3041s [Music]
3055s [Music]
3090s [Music]
3093s welcome back to the summer showdown
3094s finals tight series shanghai dragons
3097s have a dominant performance on midtown
3098s to reset the series tied one a piece in
3100s this first to four clash it is now seoul
3103s dynasty's pick and it's an export type
3105s for them to choose from i'm looking at
3107s the map i've got an idea of what it's
3109s gonna be i'll spoil it for you we're
3110s going to dorado as our next map choice
3113s and i don't mind it because i feel like
3114s seoul dynasty have some feelings about
3116s it given that they were so close to
3118s beating the dragon the dragons yesterday
3120s why not why not try and rewrite history
3122s run it back play it again this time they
3124s actually get to you know hold b
3127s uh and win the map you know that that
3128s was what it was it just comes down to
3129s the shanghai dragons clutch factor and
3132s the clutch factor just seems to be
3134s always ever present for the shanghai
3135s dragons maybe not on oasis but on future
3137s maps certainly the case and i got a fun
3139s uh little fact for you here in terms of
3141s a stat line from our previous map of
3143s midtown free trade on the shanghai
3145s dragons defense for midtown a they
3148s didn't die a single time zero deaths
3152s that's rough
3153s that's rough for the dynasty
3157s yeah that's a bit of a mental boom not
3158s finding a single final blow it's kind of
3161s kind of painful
3163s and then when they came back for the
3164s attack they obviously lost the initial
3165s push right that's when they got wiped uh
3167s that was the first death for everybody
3168s so everyone's gonna sing nobody nobody
3170s was deathless on the dragon so at least
3172s uh seoul don't have to be contending
3174s with that they at least got one kill on
3175s each member of the dragons but they
3177s still unfortunately were not able to
3178s hold on to midtown at all so a brilliant
3180s map choice for the shanghai dragons now
3181s requires a brilliant map choice in
3183s response you better hope that if you
3185s assaulted dorado is gonna be enough
3186s certainly this is gonna go back towards
3189s ash territory and in some ways you know
3191s i think if you can force lip on the ash
3193s who by the way is no slouch in the ash
3195s it is still beneficial for salt because
3197s you're taking him off the sojourn i
3199s firmly believe that lip is the better
3200s soldier between the two plays between
3202s lip and fits but on the ash things get
3204s more a little bit more competitive and
3206s that's what seoul dynasty need a little
3207s bit of an edge
3210s hopefully the edge is enough for them to
3211s get their lead in this series then
3213s shanghai dragons will have the benefit
3214s of being able to push uh to choose the
3216s push map if dynasty were to be able to
3218s come out here with the victory of course
3220s it's a bit of a tall order i think
3221s expectations coming into this series was
3223s for the shanghai dragons to walk away
3224s the victor some were predicting a 4-0
3226s score live we know that's not going to
3228s be the case anymore does leave the 4-1
3230s open which is still dominance if played
3232s correctly i'm gonna harp them back to
3234s their previous matchup though you've
3235s already touched on it a bit avril
3237s dorado nearly sold dynasties i mean why
3239s wouldn't you go to this location like
3241s you said you've got the fits option
3242s being on the ash all makes sense when
3244s you look at it on paper
3246s but now so dynasty have upgraded have
3249s dragons looked at that match yes thing
3251s on okay like we kind of flipped our way
3252s through that with an incredible clutch
3254s on point b where are the improvements
3256s that we need to make on that map so we
3257s don't have to rely on an insane clutch
3262s so dorado we go
3265s seven maps potentially to play through
3266s here shanghai dragons trying to keep
3268s that as lean as possible seoul dynasty
3270s wants to extend it further
3272s i'm just gonna get the lead now two to
3274s one
3277s i feel good about this one for the seoul
3278s dynasty
3280s check out dragons though that last
3282s midtown really
3284s does also make me feel some type of way
3286s about how
3287s good they are
3288s and how big the gap is when they are
3291s truly online in the soul dynasty are not
3292s their match take a look at opening
3294s compositions here first and foremost
3296s you do see fits coming through on the
3298s ash as expected check out dragons we'll
3301s see the responses lip start on the
3302s sojourn does he start in the ash i think
3304s previously yesterday he did start with
3306s the air show on a but he swapped a
3307s little bit later on
3309s okay going over to the
3311s pharah okay no he's going to stay on the
3313s ash
3315s i wouldn't even mind if he actually
3317s stops
3317s for just a little bit goes for a pot
3319s shot in the water maker then calls it
3321s another thing to look out for here is
3322s that dragons do not have symmetras
3323s they're not going to go for an early tp
3325s play just going to walk through the
3326s opening gate
3328s clear it
3329s look for courtyard control let's see if
3330s they can take the courtyard because that
3332s would indicate they're going to go for a
3334s high ground play but currently just
3336s chilling on the low ground
3340s dynamite ticks nice shot there finds who
3342s are you
3343s fitz opens up with first blood
3345s shanghai dragon scatter into the
3347s buildings and try and wait for time
3349s so you need to see this is why you play
3351s dorado while you get put on the ash
3354s very comfortable on this here this is
3355s definitely one of his signatures
3358s one area where maybe he can get the
3359s better of lip who currently does
3361s actually lead on charge so lip is doing
3362s the damage takes a bit of a shot in
3363s response i just thought we've got to be
3365s careful he fits in trouble potentially
3367s that coach gun that coach gun saved his
3370s life absolutely the quick movement shuts
3372s down stalker then go finds who are you
3374s lead your guns were removed as well
3375s dynasty have control dorado
3378s present fantastic defense from the
3380s damage lineup and there's one more
3381s player thing on the side there yeah void
3383s calls it drops off the map yep not going
3384s to feel in the old charge there thought
3386s he may have been able to just stay alive
3388s and i'll get caught but i've watched
3390s prop hunt will be won by the sold
3392s dynasty here reasonable hold so 5 minute
3394s 10 expended and we're not quite in the
3396s archway as far as the payload is
3397s concerned so this one's going to go
3399s towards ultimate flipping fit so far
3401s leading the charge we do expect ash to
3403s get quick ultimates
3405s two bombs online very soon lip gets a
3406s bit of fence that's brilliant as the
3408s first one
3411s they need stalker also not too healthy
3413s right now
3414s coach got to create space and get them
3415s up on the high ground multi-use ability
3418s oh nice shot down to vintage playful
3420s attacks thorpe is going to die to the
3421s dart smurfs under pressure as well
3423s clean up from shanghai dragons as they
3425s get into market yes i mean lip is
3427s currently doing 39 of his entire team's
3429s damage right so this is a 5-5 game and
3431s he's doing two players worth of damage
3433s on his own currently so nearly on the
3435s bob already gone being annoying in the
3436s front lines extra bit of time he might
3438s take to just help lip along he's even
3440s taking the aggressive high ground solo
3442s player pushing on here soul dynasty can
3444s still go for a final contest i think lip
3446s is going to have to pull bob here to win
3450s one of the way places this one wants to
3452s get good just against the wall yeah
3454s yeah on the gate that's it
3456s legit has gone down so they have
3457s punished the frog
3463s and takes him out whilst he's descending
3465s through the sky
3467s stork has the blade as well but ash is
3469s playing second fiddle to the performance
3471s fitch just gave us does mute the
3473s dragon's response they are going to clap
3475s back quite easily there's three members
3476s still alive on the payload they'll keep
3477s the pressure on and wait for those
3479s reinforcements to come in
3482s no time don't blade he's gonna play oh
3485s here he comes legion gone beat vindang
3487s beat they'll cut through the seoul
3489s dynasty capture point a they don't have
3491s an answer for this
3493s they will take out the froggy and move
3494s on to point b a couple of extra
3496s ultimates that need to come through
3497s there lip now swallow me back over
3498s towards the ash
3500s didn't even lose any old charge there i
3501s think it was something like 40 percent
3502s tracer all charged translates to 24
3505s towards the ash and now we're moving
3507s towards the next bomb vet's still
3508s holding on to that one
3510s the two support ultimates being burned
3511s by the sole dynasty just the one from
3513s shanghai dragons for the extra bob and
3515s the blade so also called blade
3518s high ground being
3519s taken by lip first and foremost as we're
3522s double pushing so far on the bottom side
3524s respecting the dynamite shanghai fault
3528s you're at that high ground to the soul
3529s dynasty sending dj gone
3532s and who are you up there lip also has a
3533s high ground position to help contend
3535s from afar
3536s does mean they can't push up as much as
3538s they usually like to with the high
3539s ground
3541s buying shanghai extra space to be able
3542s to push it under
3544s dynamite's right on top of void they're
3545s going to give some dot just for the mic
3547s onto the healing resources when shanghai
3549s dragons go for the push again you should
3550s see fits pull through the bob
3553s there it is now they're going to just go
3554s for the 45v5
3556s we've lost profit
3559s and they've got the rally from izayaki
3560s there's a huge brick advantage in effect
3562s and they're going to press the advantage
3564s bob
3565s just in the garden not going to have the
3567s impact they were looking for deflect
3568s nice deflect there on defense it's a
3570s huge shutdown and that payload's on the
3572s final corner already shanghai dragons
3574s not under the same pressure they were
3576s yesterday on dorado and this is where
3578s the rampages should come through next
3579s four ultimate slips already got a second
3581s bar by the way before a single ram page
3584s has come through a second bob's already
3585s available gets the push up that's a
3587s reasonable position for the ball
3588s rampage coming on through devoid miss no
3591s way
3594s smurf missed because smurf got delayed
3595s he got knocked up and he had a little
3597s bit of ascension with the bob the bob
3598s just interrupted that still went forward
3601s still charged through but that slight
3603s delay that slight discord didn't make it
3606s easy for him he ended up whipping i
3608s think that's like the third one today
3609s that smoke has not been able to find
3611s anyone yeah two in the philly fusion
3613s series now one here as well this one i
3615s think we can say was a bit more not
3617s quite his fault right he did get burped
3619s he didn't get interrupted by the bob but
3621s so tragic nonetheless still doesn't mean
3622s that salt once again cannot hold that b
3624s point shanghai dragons they will cap it
3627s through we swap sides here shanghai and
3629s now on the defender side and seoul as
3631s the defenders have payload control from
3633s the attacking side vin dame on half hp
3638s keeping an eye on him
3639s dinking the profit put the shield up
3641s stalker
3642s now the next target
3644s beat from really dig on it's the answer
3646s for the who are you playing to
3647s reinvigorate him here's stalker going
3649s back with one of his own they found boyd
3651s everyone else should start to fall after
3653s that one stalker can't find a target but
3655s he's done enough as it is he'll now go
3657s on the hunt without the blade for lit
3658s takes them out in the sky fits for the
3660s final blow see extra rally i mean
3662s prophet didn't get forced to pop the
3663s rally right you saw the dink from lip on
3665s to prophet prophet feeling like his life
3667s is in danger doesn't want to die there
3669s falls through the rally vin dame pops in
3671s that extra sound bear when poor you
3672s pulls blade the double support
3674s ultimate's being laid in the extra green
3676s hp too hard for who are you he even got
3678s multi slashers there i'm sure who will
3680s use damage for that fight was high but
3681s it did not translate to any kills
3683s because it's just too much green hp to
3684s get through
3686s barbara on the field it's fit let's go
3688s on to back with one of them
3689s knocks bob up goes into the conflict lip
3691s will then destroy
3693s fits with the bob
3695s still got his up but it's holding space
3696s it does mean that they can't press
3698s forward soul dynasty can't go into the
3699s backgrounds of shanghai dragons that's
3700s now spied lip finds fits again with a
3702s beautiful head shot
3704s this is supposed to be phipps signature
3706s hero lip is the one having the impact
3708s right now profits isolated that's a good
3710s takedown stalker tries to delay the
3712s damage
3713s only throws himself onto the fire as
3715s well
3716s 20 left final corner
3719s and you know what lip even left in that
3721s entire situation as well stalker tried
3722s to hunt him down but appeal from the
3724s rest of the dragons including lip's own
3726s people on the coach gun too powerful
3728s and now the shanghai dragons on the
3730s victory path they've got a minute and 10
3732s remaining but they're so close to the
3733s finish line now no ultimates are online
3735s for either team this one is a complete
3738s neutral both ways
3741s stalker has to return back to the
3742s payload to touch it can't send himself
3744s up there to go and find lip
3748s boot back who are you giving them to the
3749s hp shout in stalkers cut
3752s profit khan hides lips got all the sight
3755s lines he needs to perform
3757s they're gonna have to break them down
3758s here they can't do it fitz found one
3760s gonna need a little bit more than that
3762s to be able to find anything that's the
3764s cap coming through 40 seconds remaining
3767s shanghai dragons have leveled up their
3769s dorado between yeah and yesterday yeah
3771s and it looks like despite seoul winning
3773s oasis and that looked like a level up
3775s from seoul themselves
3776s midtown was a far more one-sided midtown
3779s from shanghai compared to where we saw
3780s that one two matches ago dorado already
3783s looking better than the gerard that we
3784s saw
3785s take a look at the replay now this would
3786s be the bomb that interrupts the rampage
3789s boom like you said pushes smurf up that
3792s much further and despite smurf still
3794s going forward everyone from the shanghai
3797s dragons have the extra moment it might
3800s have only been one second there tread
3801s but one second is enough to just spread
3804s yourselves out remove yourself from the
3806s rampage aoe and smurf doesn't hit a damn
3809s person
3812s okay so that's the that is the excusable
3814s whiff as you were saying
3816s but now shanghai dragons go on to the
3818s defense seoul dynasty on the offense now
3821s i think shanghai dragons
3823s should be able to put up a good defense
3824s seoul dynasty it's their map pick you're
3826s hoping they can get some serious
3827s progress we might be able to do dorado
3829s all over again do you have a mountain to
3831s climb here though shanghai dragons are
3832s looking lethal today lip yep at the
3834s moment rolling out on the sojourn not
3836s gonna contest on the ash for the time
3838s being and that's well that's because
3840s it's mostly soul strategy to play the
3841s ash right i mean lip will play the ash
3843s on the offense here but typically
3844s speaking when we saw the defense
3846s yesterday for the shanghai dragons on
3847s dorado it was sojin you know another
3850s very famous clip of lip and ziaki with
3852s the one two alley-oop with the rail into
3854s the web shot and now
3856s as you sort of call it the i think was a
3857s rail and flail this is going to be the
3859s teleport play from seoul dynasty onto
3861s high ground roof and should be sold
3863s dynasty rotating towards courtyard on
3866s the right side you look at dragon's
3868s positioning they're ready for it
3870s they think that control
3871s dashing
3872s they want stalker
3876s good reposition back to the rest of his
3877s team
3878s they get control of the objective
3879s binding the tiny overwatch room and
3881s that's what we're going to be rewarded
3882s with who are you goes for a huge dash
3884s through lee take comes the one fine in
3885s the final blows the two for two trade
3887s they're right outside the dynasty spawn
3889s room though i know who gets the
3890s advantage out of this one but who are
3892s you still alive on the hunt for fix he
3893s finds one more kill gonna be cut down
3895s there as they trade out range dps
3898s style fight but dying who are you was
3901s the only one surviving there but you did
3902s see easy and legit gone full it was very
3904s close if those two players were at least
3906s even one survive shredders could have
3908s held in the 3v3 scenario but no support
3910s sold honestly do have supports they have
3912s support they have the respawn advantage
3913s as well too much for drags to deal with
3915s who are you gets one extra kill that
3916s fits on his way through
3918s and it's enough
3919s why are you low now has to make sure he
3921s doesn't go down he is very far ahead of
3922s stalk in terms of blade charge look it's
3924s the first one again
3926s he can't just keep getting away with
3927s this sample
3928s can't do this left finals of the summer
3930s showdown
3932s dynamite will burn through it's enough
3933s to help him then get the kill on is the
3935s yaki they trade out smurf though fist
3937s goes down again lij gone on the hunt
3939s right now
3940s stalker and who are you going to trade
3942s blows once more
3943s another like fight it's very messy no
3946s one's getting anything clean from this
3947s one avril it's so costly on either side
3949s regardless of who has the numbers
3951s advantage i think that's at least a
3952s little bit refreshing compared to what
3954s happened on midtown right a single rail
3955s headshot into a full team right now but
3957s he's getting a little bit more back and
3958s forth well he does find the plate has to
3960s stay alive 40 or so hp
3963s but the players are back now there was a
3964s very late death on the stalker that
3966s allows the shanghai dragons to all their
3967s responses back through ball now coming
3969s into play
3971s bob just gives lip an acceleration to
3973s the top of beats are being traded
3976s play from who are you oh finds prophet
3978s fitz's gun
3979s for iv free
3980s bob you're gonna depart as well looks
3983s upward finds stalker wants to get that
3985s kill does not give him any extra charge
3988s he has the blade anyway he doesn't get a
3990s kill 145 team kill no one from the
3992s dragons dried in that last engagement
3994s time is a factor now because we still
3996s have to see saul finish this map 40
3998s second time bank here with the shanghai
3999s dragon the solo yet to get through a i
4001s mean by this time already dragons were
4003s on b pushing on through so seoul dynasty
4005s are behind part
4007s they're behind the pacing that they
4008s require
4009s they've also spotted out the trends the
4011s rotation rather
4013s assault dynasty pushing through the
4015s underside
4018s let's allow sol dynasty to at least get
4020s into position to go through the archway
4022s soon but you know they are kind of
4023s wasting time we've gone from 140 to
4025s about 110 30 seconds gone just on
4026s rotation
4028s we've gone from two engagements to one
4029s stalker put down a half xp pulls the
4031s blade out so low there should be a pick
4032s up for them profit finds
4035s goes for the shot fitz finds who are you
4038s the railgun was not enough finds profit
4041s it's only one
4042s but that's a decisive fight with the
4043s soul dynasty something they were lacking
4045s so far in this round they will get point
4046s a in a time bank extension yeah we saw
4049s it from lips pov there as well really
4050s trying to get his best done he tried to
4052s get some shots in i think he might have
4054s even got one rail head shot there but it
4055s did not result in a kill stalker himself
4058s was super tanky and it was lip's primary
4060s target by the way lip is now going to be
4062s on this ocean for b so this is a change
4064s from yesterday yesterday let's still
4066s play this ocean i'll be now he's gonna
4068s swap over
4069s and stalk his blade being successful
4071s seoul dynasty are on the move but less
4073s than three minutes to get past b and
4074s then they saw to finish the map on
4076s scenes if it's likely to be alive
4081s it's away by the skin of his teeth
4084s stalker and vinday challenging high
4086s ground fits not taking that angle that
4088s uh you saw from lip on the last time
4091s does give him a little bit more freedom
4094s yeah okay it's not with rampage but it's
4096s still a whiffed ability uncharacteristic
4097s for lift i would say
4099s rampage for void we've all done it smurf
4101s can answer back as well good dynamite up
4103s there get some extra take damage
4106s no one's pushing them off though it's
4108s going to be shanghai they might have to
4109s drop at some point yeah they're going to
4111s have to it'll be rampaged or remember
4112s there's a bit of a better rampage
4113s situation for void here because seoul
4116s they can't really rampage uphill so boy
4118s can drop and ramp a smurf can't really
4120s do anything unless dragons drop down to
4122s meet him so we'll depend on when dragons
4124s want to do that you notice who i use the
4125s one actually touching payload it's
4126s pretty safe to do so with bob coming
4129s through shanghai dragons need to start
4130s thinking about their move
4132s they're under pressure here comes it
4134s just finds vin damon stalker both get
4136s themselves out of the fight vinday's not
4138s fast enough unfortunately smurf comes in
4139s with a counter fights free beat from
4140s legion going to stem the bleeding is the
4142s arc he's going to rally up in for five
4143s seconds boyd needs to stay alive who are
4145s you finding two
4148s lip follows up onto a third good shut
4150s down from the dragons dynasty we'll
4151s return we're beating a blade and vin
4153s dame didn't get to use the sound barrier
4154s there as well i think he was one of the
4155s ones caught by the rampage he didn't
4157s want to take that risk and
4159s sold
4160s they're gonna end up losing that fight
4161s voight gets the better rampage as
4163s expected shanghai dragons waiting for
4165s the moment to drop and the patience
4166s being shown is so brilliant to see i
4168s mean they they were not going to be
4170s pressured out to make a mistake they're
4171s no unforced errors
4173s the shanghai dragon still hold on to
4174s three important ultimates that's two
4175s more than the seoul dynasty have and
4176s we're still waiting for the stalker
4178s blade eighty nine percent now ninety ten
4180s away
4181s is the only body only person that can
4183s actually counter that one through so
4184s it's gonna have to be a very important
4186s rally less than one minute now for
4187s salting at the cap
4192s i think the bob yeah overshot
4195s [Laughter]
4197s just sprinting past the church
4199s i mean baby
4200s in a weird way it still does its job
4202s because seoul they're kind of trapped in
4204s the courtroom now
4205s they can't push forward and they could
4207s choose to push forward past the bomb but
4208s they just gotta wait up the bob so in
4210s some weird way dragons they prevent soul
4212s from pushing now the play from who are
4214s you
4221s who are you doesn't find anything they
4223s did draw the attention dynasty
4228s it's 5v3 lips uncontested in the high
4230s ground right now smurf's going to get
4231s broke down by the shield bash 10 seconds
4234s remaining no one's in a position to
4235s touch
4236s where's the frog that'll be it this is
4239s it map's over
4240s five seconds go for it push back
4247s there you have it shanghai dragons 2-1
4250s scoreline they take dorado
4252s and it wasn't meant to be for the seoul
4253s dynasty we're looking towards a push map
4256s as our next stop
4257s just far too much distance gained by
4259s shanghai dragons this time not even
4261s gonna get caught up on b and no clutch
4263s required they finished the map 40
4265s seconds to spare soul dynasty do not get
4268s past b it's them who cannot get this cap
4271s on b it's almost like the opposite of
4272s what we saw yesterday the shanghai
4274s dragons two maps in a row now looking
4276s very dominant midtown was a full hold
4278s into two attempts this one was at least
4280s a little bit more competitive we saw a c
4281s point we saw much of the b point still
4284s not enough for the salt dynasty they
4285s have the next map pick
4288s we're into a quick break when we come
4289s back it's push and we got one step
4291s closer to get into that match point
4293s we'll see you in a bit
4303s [Music]
4320s so
4322s [Music]
4354s [Music]
4364s so
4365s [Music]
4385s [Music]
4406s [Music]
4425s [Music]
4441s [Music]
4466s hmm
4471s hey
4479s [Music]
4530s welcome back to the summer showdown
4531s finals shanghai dragons leading the
4533s series after taking down dynasty on
4535s dorado it's now the seoul dynasties map
4538s pick and they're gonna have to choose a
4540s push type i'm looking ahead towards what
4542s they've chosen here april they're gonna
4543s be locking in colosseum as the next
4546s destination for this match
4548s and i think that's pretty predictable as
4550s well because when you look across our
4551s previous series right that was the
4553s winning map versus the philadelphia
4554s fusion uh and by quite some margin as
4557s well it was 111 meters to 58. now
4560s obviously the shanghai dragons are not
4561s the philadelphia fusion in fact they
4562s should be much better they are much
4564s better given that sort of a two one lead
4566s how is this going to look though for
4568s dragons because we haven't really seen a
4570s fourth map i mean they played only a
4572s single map four over the course of the
4575s entire qualifier stage and i mean what
4577s what even was the scoreline let me have
4578s a look it was a colosseum as well
4581s uh they did beat the philadelphia fusion
4585s and if i'm not mistaken just looking at
4586s score lines i don't think it was
4588s particularly close the score line was
4590s 138 to 49 so if you want to kind of like
4593s get a bit of apples to apples comparison
4596s we just saw salt beat the filler fusion
4598s on colosseum and it didn't seem that
4599s close shanghai beat the philly fusion on
4601s coliseum in an even more commanding way
4606s well if you want the results based
4607s analysis is not a good omen for the
4609s seoul dynasty we know the form the
4611s dragons are in right now they're pretty
4613s terrifying who are you clips in vin dame
4616s clips in colosseo is our next location
4619s for this showdown
4620s the dragons climb one place closer to
4624s getting to match point
4625s and a finals victory in the summer
4627s showdown
4631s and they haven't been to a single final
4633s so far this yet kickoff clash
4636s they lost to the seoul dynasty in a very
4638s very close game
4641s we looked at mid-season madness
4643s dropped down to the losers bracket
4647s no dice there
4650s now finally the third tournament our
4652s third stage
4654s summer showdown the shanghai dragons 2-1
4657s up in the finals looking for match point
4660s very briefly now i think a lot of
4662s commenters would have said 4-0 shanghai
4663s dragons that's no longer possible for
4666s one now is the current target unless the
4669s seoul dynasty can get this map underway
4672s can win this map
4673s as we did actually have a
4676s map choice from seoul dynasty going
4677s towards dorado that went to a ride this
4679s is the map choice again coliseum we just
4681s saw this trip we just saw them win here
4686s let's keep an eye on how these work
4691s once again most of the team playing on
4693s the outside of the tunnel
4695s don't see that a lot but they will
4696s rotate back
4699s often actually they're all outside for
4700s the time being hoping to overwhelm and a
4702s 5v1 usually just send one member out
4704s here for a little bit of poke now gonna
4706s rotate round side to switch before the
4708s point unlocks
4710s the case we are gonna be waiting for
4713s our opening rail shot with the side
4714s swipe what uh swap rather by the way
4717s shanghai dragons gonna take the early
4719s robot control and they have a couple
4721s meters already on board with seoul
4722s dynasty forced to walk up
4726s vendang boots them back into the fight
4728s keeping it compact
4730s blajon's paying some attention over the
4732s profit
4736s fits so close to going down who i used
4738s to be the first victim though good
4740s follow up from the soul dynasty to five
4741s three make that four decide to fight win
4744s progress is there five
4746s ben but not break there for the salt
4747s dynasty literally
4749s rail fits down to one hp
4752s fitz should not have survived that he
4753s did he did not go down was not cleaned
4755s up by anybody from the dragon side and
4757s then solved dynasty they get the frags
4759s they get all five and all five alive as
4760s well to push on for they don't need to
4762s wait for any respawners
4764s probably not going to get more than 30
4766s meters here 30 will be about the limit
4768s shanghai dragons might even decide to
4769s push him before that we'll see or the
4771s decision for the dragons it by the way
4772s lip and stalker both on 70 percent
4778s still be in that battle for now
4781s spray down for each other realize it's
4782s not worth it i didn't have the bite to
4783s actually win that jaw on the rail gun
4786s just drop the shot reflective back makes
4788s things a little bit awkward but not
4789s insurmountable
4793s flip comes in flow do i use load
4796s boyd's also feeling the hurt right now
4798s as well we'll go down to smurf
4801s again shanghai on the back foot in these
4802s fights
4804s shang i should push texas
4806s they're down they gotta go in and the
4807s reason they have to go in is because if
4808s they get any trade soul can't really
4810s make even distance flip's not going to
4812s pull through the overclock so the fight
4813s before doesn't count for anything now
4816s they have to back off they're respecting
4818s the damage too much
4819s one left in the chamber stalker takes
4821s him down
4822s who are you still a little as a damage
4824s option for them the fitz finds lee jay
4826s gone another fight win coming in for
4828s seoul dynasty
4829s they're dealing with the dragons so well
4831s now avril consecutive fight wins are
4833s really creating a lead for them on push
4835s and and without dying as well seoul
4837s dynasty is still on zero deaths every
4839s single member
4841s five alive pushing on through 50 meters
4843s gained four ultimates as well as a
4845s overclock for a rally in the previous
4847s fight shanghai dragon still waiting for
4849s void and who are you those the two
4850s outputs missing why are you only five
4852s percent away
4853s threatening the camp now four meters
4855s away shanghai dragons to touch
4858s into progress back only three minutes
4860s gone so fast
4861s there's gonna be something they can
4862s achieve store finds one fits with their
4864s overclock can't find a connection he's
4866s got two melee damage dealers in his face
4869s void trader for fits if the archie's
4871s rally wasn't enough to save him
4873s the fight will continue on the point
4875s numbers advantage in favor of the soul
4876s dynasty at present poor versus free
4878s stalker
4880s back to the point plays with his lineup
4883s high ground
4884s so strong for the dragons but they have
4886s to drop down the contest legion goes in
4887s to try and force these people
4889s got through how does he live there finds
4891s profit without dying himself but stalker
4893s changed the attention over the lip smurf
4896s they want to try and lock him down
4897s eardrums blown out by lee jay gone and
4899s they finally clear the dynasty often are
4901s able to move them forward
4904s shanghai dragons finally getting a fight
4905s when that's the first time the soul have
4906s actually been wiped the first time any
4908s of their members have actually died so
4909s far on this map alone 63 meters but
4912s failure to get the cap that's the most
4913s important thing here shanghai dragons do
4915s not allow seoul dynasty to get a
4916s checkpoint so
4918s everything's all within contention great
4920s lead for salt this is a very very nice
4922s lead indeed four minutes
4923s that's what you want
4927s rampaging floyd finds someone fits
4931s carnage after the fact layering the
4932s damage on is lee jake going to find fit
4935s they lose the arky
4937s smurf goes down as well
4940s payload's been pushed back dragons have
4942s control of the fight at the moment they
4944s want to try and seal the deal here
4946s profits gone stalker gone vin dame in
4948s the spawn room as well
4949s we're not gonna be able to match the
4951s progress yet they're gonna need another
4952s fight to make that happen
4954s okay a couple fights maybe
4956s again first checkpoint here super
4957s important lip kneeling on the overclock
4959s lee jay gone looking towards the sound
4960s barrier i don't know if he can tempo
4962s this one just yet depends on if their
4964s read on stalkers blade is accurate or
4966s not will be a very contentious fight
4968s nonetheless
4969s profit to force the his own rally to
4971s come on through regardless
4978s playing around the high ground and
4980s there's that overclock you're talking
4982s about rally from profit that's the go
4983s button
4985s overclock triggered takes one shot beat
4988s from legit gone smurf goes down
4990s doesn't need the head shots to bodies
4997s it's sweet music to our ears that's the
5000s fight when they need they're gonna take
5001s control of the map he knows exactly
5003s where i like to get kissed straight on
5004s the lips right there 4k coming in
5006s through overclock getting it done and
5008s now we're threatening the cap the cap
5010s has been found
5011s just now there it is
5013s the shanghai dragons
5015s very much in the league so important
5017s that they get that cap the checkpoint
5018s achieved
5019s forward hold for spawn
5022s see how much further they can get now
5023s seoul fantasy yet to
5026s actually contest and we continue pushing
5029s 80 meters might even be 90 by the time
5031s the soul goes they need to play again
5033s who are you going to shut down no more
5034s shot down
5036s fizz wants to ask the back he's seen lip
5038s in the highlight reel he wants one of
5039s his own
5040s the dragons are far more respectful to
5042s allow that to happen blade comes in from
5044s stalker you've got the rally from
5046s izayaki but he's the primary target boyd
5048s goes down as well this is it they're
5050s crumbling lip finds one on the exit for
5053s the taxation
5055s league
5059s yep but here's the pushback there is
5061s quite a lot of distance to go though so
5063s need more than that they've got alts in
5064s the back though so i have the tools to
5066s be able to go
5067s a robot's feet stomping on the ground so
5069s hard you saw smurf's chair just rocking
5071s in the background
5073s 88 meters though
5075s seoul dynasty have the resources to
5077s catch up but they need to win
5079s i would say two fights in a row here at
5081s least
5082s and cleanly as well if they can here
5083s comes fits with the overclock looking
5084s for some damage and jig onto the shot
5087s yeah so fitz has taken damage a lot of
5089s it
5090s boyd finds two
5092s beat from vinday smurf when an acting
5093s heel goes he might want to answer back
5095s with one of his own i don't even need it
5096s they found is the yaki one back on the
5098s stalker like gone down as well define
5100s who are you decisive fight win they can
5102s keep the rampage and the rally for the
5104s next fight and try and get the
5106s consecutive ones
5107s just being a nuisance but will
5109s ultimately go down okay there is a bit
5111s of a delayed kill there so i mean the
5113s time is becoming effect but at the same
5115s time it will be
5116s a delay to get void back and let's take
5117s a look at the replay now from fitz's pov
5119s boom shuts down who are you disgustingly
5121s good shot of me listen lip gets the 4ks
5124s but in that particular fight you don't
5126s need four from fitz just the one
5128s required then sulking when a fight he
5129s comes up again though it's overclocked
5131s time once more
5133s and he won an entire fight on his own
5135s last time if lip pulls through with
5136s another overclock soledad
5138s oh my god look at him just charge into
5140s the back line take the alternative
5141s through
5142s becomes that from legit gone there's the
5144s rampage stalkers low haven't converted
5147s the kills but stalker will go down
5149s dragons whether those two ultimates and
5151s slow down the fight
5155s four meters some options available
5157s dragons cannot allow salt to cap here
5159s very important the dragons stop the push
5160s now they have the player advantage they
5162s lose lee jaegon
5166s the fight slows down once more waiting
5168s for the cooldowns waiting for the
5169s healing they jacob's respawning
5171s they stole the payload they stole the
5172s butt
5174s oh my god how they got away with that
5175s one they were in full pursuit to try and
5176s grab it is the arc will finally be shut
5178s down
5179s this does buy them extra time even if
5180s they lose the fight here they'll have
5182s chances to reinforce and deny it
5184s you have to be careful
5186s if seoul wins this fight cleanly they
5188s can still get this cap because the
5190s robot's pushing very quickly now
5191s shanghai dragons don't have void alive
5193s they're gonna have to touch without void
5194s otherwise to give up the cap
5197s we lost the idiot now they'll gather
5198s crap to the checkpoint but they've not
5200s lost the map progress overall i believe
5202s it's the checkpoint with a sword
5203s advantage is very powerful
5205s a minute 15 left i think this has to be
5206s the push if saul dynasty do not win off
5209s this push and gain the lead
5211s i think they're going to lose this map
5212s there's just not a lot of time left this
5214s has got to be the push this is their
5216s best opportunity now
5220s [Music]
5221s twice in a row from fitz who are you has
5223s not been able to put the blade you
5225s wanted to win the fight fitz heard you
5227s avril fitz knows the win condition
5229s dodges the head shot doesn't go for the
5230s shot he's done enough they can push this
5233s to victory
5234s dragons need to run in the lines right
5236s there no one can contest shanghai
5237s dragons have been put on the back foot
5239s with 40 seconds remaining yep this is
5241s going to be mantras push from shanghai
5242s dragons at 100 meters online for salt
5245s dynasty in just a half second now
5248s fitz has absolutely put the team on his
5250s back here in shanghai dragons are
5252s feeling the pain can shanghai even do
5255s anything in the last 30 seconds they
5256s have to win this fight and many more
5258s fritz goes down
5259s is the arc is taken out as well
5260s equalized they shut down lip in the back
5262s they've got no long-range damage he has
5264s to return to the fight though
5267s it's looking pretty dire is there so
5269s dynasty are able to find more of the
5270s dragons who are you
5272s needs to stay alive still pushing
5273s everything
5274s to touch and trigger the overtime
5276s every second they leave it just gets
5278s more distance for them to push back if
5279s they want to win this map
5282s they check on slope they're dead soccer
5284s gets them there's another five before
5285s that's the beat god that was the only
5286s option
5289s oh the anti-hill on the front line lip
5291s has to pull out the overclock he's under
5293s pressure they find profit nice carnage
5295s on top of them locks him in the corner
5297s lip will find the kills shanghai dragons
5299s take control
5301s but look how far they have to push this
5302s payload if they want to get the map and
5304s they still cost them an ultimate so the
5306s shanghai dragons are lacking resources
5307s now so despite winning they can't build
5309s up enough of an old bank so they have to
5311s win i would say three fights here
5312s considering that there's gonna be
5313s another fight in the neutral as the
5315s payload comes on through we're gonna get
5316s a fight in the concourse here there's a
5318s bunch of ford respawners so shanghai
5320s dragons unfortunately couldn't even deny
5321s the respawn wave
5323s and if dragons win this fight
5325s they sought to push something like 30
5327s odd meters
5331s boy can't go down here b comes down from
5332s legion gone rampage finds bits and
5334s binding 5v3
5336s expensive they take them expensive
5338s they're clearing them it's two ultimates
5342s now what's available in seoul dynasty
5343s though until probably the next fight
5344s after this one that's the thing your
5346s consecutives to win so still have two
5348s fights still still have enough fights
5349s remaining that they can build an old
5351s bank the comeback is on now this will be
5354s one of the greatest colosseum comebacks
5356s you've ever seen if the shanghai dragons
5359s can complete the heist again
5361s how clutch
5363s we saw them underrated clutching it
5365s through and now the opportunity has
5366s opened yet again on coliseum 17 meters
5369s one final fight in the ot
5372s who are you has to find this blade apple
5374s he cannot get shut down by fitz again
5377s then
5385s he's still alive at the moment uses the
5386s beat to reinvigorate the fight no one's
5388s gone down despite who are you having the
5389s blade
5390s ultimates
5392s gets the rally there's the overlap for
5393s dynasty
5395s droids downwards
5397s they're in the fight they're keeping him
5398s alive for the time being
5400s they found him stalk is taking them out
5402s by v4 dynasty up against the wall still
5405s standing strong
5407s can't find him lit behind the cover
5409s who's touching right now he says the
5410s shot is the jockey and who are you a gun
5412s seoul dynasty weren't allowed they were
5415s not going to let that happen to them
5417s seoul dynasty hold strong on their map
5419s pick equalize the series at two apiece
5422s but boy avril the dragons came close to
5425s having an unbelievable comeback at the
5427s end right there i would like to decree
5430s that the series is officially on two
5433s maps apiece
5434s this is the furthest that the shanghai
5436s dragons have been pushed this entire
5439s tournament stage last two matches
5441s between shanghai and seoul three zero
5443s sweeps the only map lost by shanghai one
5446s versus fusion now two maps lost in a
5448s single series and we've still got three
5450s maps left to play we still have not even
5452s found our match point yet that is a
5454s minimum of six maps in this grand finals
5457s this is how our finals is made to be
5458s played
5460s surprising everyone the dynasty are
5462s coming out strong no four over watch to
5464s be found today
5466s we're about to take a break when we come
5468s back we will have a control map waiting
5470s for you it's dragon's pick for the
5472s second time this series
5480s oh
5487s [Music]
5509s [Music]
5514s [Music]
5519s [Applause]
5526s [Music]
5547s [Applause]
5548s [Music]
5579s [Music]
5615s [Music]
5634s [Music]
5690s [Music]
5692s so
5694s [Music]
5705s well apple we've crossed the red line
5706s and we're now in the new world our log
5708s poses are no longer set for the islands
5710s we're gonna have to chart a new course
5712s we have no idea where we're going with
5713s this one we did there before the series
5715s would go this far we stand at two apiece
5718s shanghai dragons versus the seoul
5719s dynasty it is shanghai dragon's pick as
5722s we head over to map number five a
5724s control map to see who can go to match
5726s points i just think it's so uncanny trip
5728s that you know kickoff clash finals
5730s philly versus seoul dynasty i'm like boy
5732s this is going to be a close one this is
5733s going to be a banger that was a 4-0 and
5735s now we get to summer showdown i'm like
5737s probably going to be 4-0 and this one is
5739s truly a banger we have waited so long i
5741s think three of the last
5743s matches between these two teams have
5744s ended in three zeros
5746s and i've been i you know i've been
5747s hyping up this match up this rivalry for
5750s so long i feel like we've had some
5751s plentiful of good matches especially
5753s kickoff clash right that we had multiple
5754s map fives now we are finally getting
5756s another map five if this was a standard
5758s first of three this would be an
5759s incredible this would be a series for
5760s the ages still will be i think going
5762s into the final three maps because it has
5764s to be six maps minimum
5766s but trade for el clasico number 25 it
5769s really is delivering now this rivalry is
5771s really delivering now
5774s i mean we call it a bunch in uh
5777s colosseum i don't think we have the
5779s result we're seeing right now on the
5780s screen if fitz didn't have an incredible
5783s clutch potential against who are you not
5785s once but twice in a row immediately
5787s shutting down his blades and i'm not
5788s allowing him to play the game of
5790s overwatch um i think we might have seen
5792s a different result there so more credit
5794s to fitz because we did say they were
5795s kind of trailing the damage lineup kind
5796s of struggles a little bit head-to-head
5798s against the shanghai dragons they're
5800s really making a case that that is not
5802s true at all
5804s that's what we need to see out of fetch
5805s because you know part of the storyline
5807s for this rivalry is that lip has had
5809s fitz's number almost their entire
5811s careers in the overwatch league we
5813s really haven't seen fitz get the better
5814s at lap and now
5816s fitz and lip fighting much closer neck
5817s and neck and fitz is certainly being
5819s able to shut down key important members
5821s like who are you like we talk about him
5822s like the best genji in the world i
5824s really do think he still is but when
5825s fitz shuts them down twice like that the
5827s shanghai dragons can do very little in
5829s response and now
5830s we go to the map that will finally
5832s decide who gets match point it is busan
5835s this is also uncharted territory the
5837s last two matchups neither of these teams
5839s went to a busan we had oasis we had lee
5842s jung
5843s a bit slow
5845s yeah manages to jump just to the right
5847s time to get out the sidelines of lip
5849s keep himself alive in this fight
5851s doesn't want to create a fight before
5852s this early on before the point even
5854s unlocks
5855s playing around the health facts is
5856s advantageous for dynasty
5858s this dragon is the b line profit down to
5860s a headshot
5861s railgun removes them from the field boyd
5863s then finds the carnage on vinday
5866s stalker gets one back for prosperity
5869s he will lose his life first cap going
5871s over to the dragons a little bit of a
5872s delayed death by stalker there is one
5874s not too sure if deflect was really the
5876s right call but very small margins here
5878s probably won't end up making a
5880s difference stalker and who are you neck
5882s and neck for the blade 45 to 43 who are
5884s you leading by just the two percent here
5886s lip and fits as well only three percent
5888s separating those two it's the supports
5890s that are strangely lagging behind here
5891s minus izyaki who's probably gonna get
5893s the rally first that could be a
5894s temporary as well point on half hp
5899s the sustain
5902s beautiful to send it back to lift
5905s proper then gets is a yaki
5907s boy's gonna be the next target who are
5909s you getting taken out as well
5911s you should do how does what
5913s okay that's why he's held it as one of
5914s the best games in the world very evasive
5916s but it doesn't change the outcome
5917s there's gonna be a flip here for the
5919s dynasty they'll take control golf
5921s downtown that's the young challenger and
5923s stalker right play the match in our last
5925s series the lower breaker finals versus
5926s the philadelphia fusion and now a header
5928s who are you in the blade will find it
5930s gets a deflate kill versus lift to start
5932s off the fight 10 percent and counting
5933s for sol's actual cap percentage tempo
5935s feet from legion will wait this out now
5940s gonna have an answer as well who are you
5941s finally gets his online
5943s both the rallies are gonna expire before
5945s that happens i feel
5947s this stalker's blade who are you can
5949s answer if he wants to but he's holding
5950s on to it for a second longer if the aft
5952s is already gone
5953s there's no answer here stalker finds two
5956s turns to the attention to lee jay gone
5958s it's smurf to pick up the final blow and
5960s that's dragons falling to the wayside
5962s who are you holding on to the blade
5965s for now lip will have the overclock when
5967s they return as well well he's waiting
5968s out the vin dame sound barrier right
5970s that was an early deterrent vin dame
5971s didn't want to take any chances wanted
5973s to give stalker the extra hp to play
5976s through for his own blade knight was
5977s going to be uncounted at least they got
5978s the extra rally out of his yaki well now
5981s vending was not going to have the sambar
5983s versus who are you who are you paul's
5984s immediately can this be successful
5986s no cece locked up he went straight into
5989s the wall of meat that is the junker
5990s queen and brigitte
5992s no answer there carnage takes them out
5994s voids an easy pick up dynasty have
5997s control of busan they have control of
5999s downtown let's look at they're cleaning
6001s up the dragons and we're getting into
6002s the final sections of this round avril
6005s yeah
6006s and like seoul dynasty they've been good
6008s on control today they actually
6009s took their first map on control away
6011s from the shanghai dragons that's one of
6013s their two map wins so far in this series
6015s and currently they lead by a reasonable
6016s margin 81 to 35 on the cap itself both
6019s rampage is about to come online lip
6021s still has the overclock available that
6022s should come through for this particular
6024s fight expect the dragons are going to
6025s burn double ultimates how many does
6027s smurf get in the rampage to smithfield
6030s 45
6032s names down this is what the dragons need
6034s they're at 99 by the time they get this
6036s flip they're gonna be playing from
6037s overtime all the way up
6039s rampage cuts through the times free
6042s immediate answer to convert lip
6044s is the archie lee gone surely you're
6046s gonna follow shortly after
6048s removing following sojourn this is great
6050s recovery from the dragons smurf and fitz
6052s have already lost their lives
6054s profit isolation
6056s down
6057s he's turning out to israel i think he's
6059s going to try and put the team on his
6060s back but i don't think this was it chief
6062s looks
6063s to make an impact
6064s and the dragons are gonna get the flip
6066s here turn it all back and start their
6069s assault against the 99.
6070s stalker tried to be the hero they were
6072s the hero play but who are you is the
6073s protagonist don't forget
6075s shanghai dragons will easily get the
6076s cleanup there they survived against the
6079s smurf rampage
6080s void look at his own rampage through
6082s stalker like we were talking about two
6084s versus how many should be four was it
6086s 2v5 circuit pulls a blade
6088s uncharacteristically tries to save the
6091s day and that is just going to be a
6092s wasted ultimate
6094s look at the temper which dynasty get
6096s onto the point
6098s rally from israeli smurf down low
6100s stalker next target he's down there's
6102s smurf as well
6104s one alt
6105s one fight 66 and climbing they have this
6109s segregated defensive
6111s this is so winnable for dragons
6114s fists is going to fall off the map gets
6115s booped off so the kill credit even the
6117s legion on that is
6118s that is critical uh it's just a tragic
6121s way for fitz to go down and a lot of
6122s time but we're already into last fight
6124s church me that one fight for dragons
6127s pulls us above 85 percent with a super
6130s late death on defense
6132s vending will get the beat but she can't
6134s already got it and we talked about the
6135s blade from stalker well guess what who
6137s are you here's a blade and stalker is no
6138s in here
6140s you're using the pressure though he
6141s can't pull the blade out when he's that
6142s low gets the raw
6144s here's the blade
6145s he's in the face of the junker queen and
6147s brigitte once again
6149s oh c9
6152s hello
6154s tragic deer
6155s real tragic
6157s c9
6158s legitimate c9
6164s oh dear soul dynasty you're so focused
6167s on the fight happening in front of you
6168s you didn't pay attention to the
6169s objective you saw stork could go for the
6171s dash right at the end there just a
6172s second too late to trigger the overtime
6174s hunchback over to the shanghai dragons
6177s that would have been hard to take anyway
6179s based on how the fight was going i feel
6181s but to lose it like that
6183s oh that's a mental break i think that
6185s was pretty wonderful for seoul who are
6186s you was not getting the kills on the
6187s blade both the sound barriers coming on
6189s through and who are you is just flashing
6190s green hp
6192s seoul surviving that one brings it back
6194s to a five versus five neutral i think
6195s that was very winnable for salt but no
6197s touch no contest
6199s no point no round
6202s that could be you know we could get to
6203s the end of series and think look back at
6204s that and think okay we'll assault what
6206s if they won that round but they did it
6207s and outfits going down five people from
6209s dragons dragon's gonna get first cap
6212s and dame they're not interested in the
6213s frog they might return attention to
6215s smurf they know he's gonna come back
6216s round anyway profit shield bashing to
6218s get back to safety railgun shot not
6220s gonna connect they can't find the extra
6221s kills on the out but they will get first
6223s cap
6226s clean as you like it
6228s with lips hitting shots he's getting the
6230s opening frags you know it's gonna go
6231s poorly for the seoul dynasty no real
6233s responses there so
6235s how is this going to look now for the
6237s rest of the round need to go looking for
6239s a boot won't find it
6244s yes who are you playing so far away from
6246s the team we're coming from the back line
6250s boyd's down low
6251s profit getting focused down who are you
6253s just a stalker ironically so on the back
6256s line taking out the support
6258s is the arkies removed from vendaying
6259s stalking their deals with them training
6261s two for two
6263s still got void alive for now but vin
6264s dank it's the melee kill an aggressive
6267s lucio is what we'd love to see
6270s stalker able to slice through and steal
6272s that one away guarantees the kill flip
6274s coming in for the dynasty
6276s that's really unfortunate because
6277s actually survives that then they have
6279s numbers shanghai dragons will have four
6281s up versus four stalker and lipstick
6283s making their way back tempo rally can't
6284s be responded to you by seoul shanghai
6286s hold the cap look at that still 50
6287s percent
6289s dynasty should have gone away with that
6290s that should have been there's the claim
6293s we're gonna drop the beat for this one
6294s legion has an answer for it
6297s but what will answer comments are coming
6299s online
6300s his lips well gun overclocking the vin
6302s dave two shots one kill turned into
6305s profit
6306s finding him on the slide
6308s sends the dynasty back to the spawn room
6312s and dragons have control as we get into
6313s the final sections of this round and
6316s what could be this map
6317s oh profit you've got to be careful
6319s lipstill has rail charge he's looking
6320s for another opening pick all the way in
6322s seoul dynasty spawn if he gets it
6325s that'll be final fight church in fact
6326s it's already final fight territory seoul
6328s can't afford to lose anybody here he's
6329s just hunting
6331s do you dare peak
6332s underpass now salt dance to get straight
6334s to point rally in hand who are you when
6336s to blame
6339s stalker also has his
6342s cuts through he's on board straight away
6344s blade from who are you doesn't find
6346s anyone fast enough
6347s because the arky will get fits
6349s kept left stalkers dealt damage gets one
6351s good flip they needed that one
6354s any c9s won't cost them that much
6357s saw cuts
6358s about to follow him stalker doing the
6360s work trying to redeem himself for that
6362s blade on downtown
6364s they got a fight up against 99 percent
6366s thankfully they kept the overclock
6367s thankfully they kept the rampage
6370s they have the tools to start the long
6371s cline up to one hundo yeah it'll be the
6374s extra overclock that fence didn't use
6375s earlier while lip dead white still
6377s trying to catch up on the rampage by the
6379s time the rampages are online lip gets to
6381s kill the stalker that is so brutal i was
6384s gonna say the ultimates on the support
6385s line will come up but maybe it won't
6386s matter shanghai dragons are the player
6387s advantage fitz is desperately trying to
6389s match
6392s rally
6393s rampage finds free good answer boyd's
6394s about to get theirs online smurfs
6396s again
6399s someone stop this man he's getting away
6401s with murder cap
6403s they've lost it over time takes in
6405s stalker in his face cut down by who are
6407s you vin dane comes in to try and
6408s challenge trigger the overtime fitz's
6409s low whoa you can take him out in a
6410s second no one's gonna be able to touch
6412s and survive
6413s dragons do it they claim the rounds
6416s this is a dragon special to bring out
6418s the doomfist smurf
6420s can't get away with it profit comes back
6421s dragons claim the map
6423s and they go to match points
6426s to go to the sixth one to potentially
6428s seal the deal and now you're gonna look
6430s back on the c9 on downwards yeah
6433s downtown downtown wow
6435s what could have been we could have gone
6437s sanctuary we could have turned the map
6438s around seoul could have still clutched
6440s on through mecca base you'll give that
6441s one to the dragons fairly earned
6444s but you look over towards city you look
6446s over towards downtown and they're just
6447s so regretful the stalker blade
6451s unfortunate timing there why would you
6452s even go for it
6454s the c9 no touch dragons heading to 100
6458s it is just tragedy on this particular
6460s map for the salt dynasty unfortunately
6462s they have no one to blame but themselves
6463s and other dragons
6465s take pole position three and two in the
6467s series it does not feel good for salt
6469s but i still believe in the maps even
6471s possibility we still have further
6472s chances available
6476s we're gonna go to a break when we come
6478s back it's a hybrid map
6481s match point shanghai dragons on
6483s dynasty's pick
6485s [Music]
6491s [Music]
6503s oh
6507s [Music]
6514s so
6518s [Music]
6529s [Music]
6538s [Music]
6550s [Music]
6561s [Music]
6566s foreign
6569s [Music]
6582s [Music]
6584s we're clear for takeoff
6587s [Music]
6605s [Music]
6613s [Music]
6616s me
6618s [Music]
6629s [Music]
6644s [Music]
6658s [Music]
6723s this is the last time we might get to do
6725s this avril in the eastern region because
6726s it's the last time we might see jokes in
6729s our match point i thought we'd hold a
6730s little candlelight vigil for this meta i
6733s would say we hardly knew ye but i think
6734s the problem was we knew you a little too
6736s too much have you got any final words
6738s for the meta before we send them off
6740s thank god
6742s goodbye
6743s no it's uh you know what i i came to
6745s maybe i got a little bit stockholm
6746s syndrome in there i i came to level a
6748s little bit there were there are still
6750s some exciting moments i mean we got some
6751s exciting moments in this final unloading
6753s we've had back and forth game play
6756s guaranteed six maps here really what
6757s more could you wish for and you know if
6759s anything despite how things have been
6761s across junker queen and this particular
6763s meta this has been the best finals that
6765s we've had uh in in the eastern region
6767s because kickoff clash did not deliver
6769s this well and and i think now between
6771s shanghai and seoul this is the finals
6773s we've been waiting for these the two
6774s best teams in the region going through
6776s almost maximum distance you can wish for
6778s more
6780s it's a fantastic way i'm sure the fans
6782s are loving it at home seoul dynasty need
6784s to win this map though they want to stay
6785s alive in the series force out map number
6786s seven which would be a hybrid type of
6789s course that would be dragon's
6790s pick if we go that far what we can tell
6793s you though avril escort is up next map
6795s number six
6796s circuit royale by seoul dynasty's choice
6800s a map they are no stranger to
6803s we did just see this map being played as
6805s well in a lower bracket final sol
6807s dynasty got one over the philadelphia
6809s fusion previously
6812s seoul had not been able to beat philly
6813s on this map
6815s this was philly's best map and now we
6816s have a 4-3 victory there seoul dynasty
6818s have looked so damn good
6820s and so dynasty
6822s they need this badly to get back into
6825s their own match point contention take us
6827s to a seventh
6830s see how it goes
6834s looking for the rollouts
6837s dynasty on the defense first no surprise
6839s on the composition this isn't these are
6841s teams that have very
6842s added much variation outside of the ash
6845s shouldn't be expecting many surprises
6846s here
6848s i wonder if there's a lip tp that we
6850s could use to break the spawn hole there
6851s are many teams trying that strategy to
6853s break through when teams go close
6854s because we know dynasty had a
6856s a high likelihood of doing it against
6858s the fusion and a high success rate
6859s against doing them have shanghai spotted
6861s that and god okay we're just gonna tp
6862s beyond you we're not gonna play your
6863s game i mean that's one option right you
6865s can tp behind
6867s but at the same time you can just sort
6869s of brute force your way out of the spawn
6870s as well the tv can be tricky because you
6872s actually see seoul set up they have one
6873s person checking every single position
6877s and the tp is going to come through
6878s stalker didn't check the tp but he
6879s backed out straight away didn't want to
6880s be part of that one and now the bastion
6882s from spawn will also come through
6884s legitimate real bastion in the overwatch
6886s summer showdown finals
6888s [Laughter]
6889s i mean it works is enough deterrence
6891s you've got the safety to be able to play
6892s around the spawn you're just railing
6894s damage into the lineup
6896s and it breaks the close hole but they
6897s now got the first corner to get around
6899s yeah oh flip took a shot there
6901s fits with the warning
6908s yeah i think lips probably put it
6909s straight into the spam inbox though
6911s not really too bothered by at the moment
6913s unfailing
6913s goes down lands the shot of the legion
6915s gone
6916s supposed to be cleared out they lose who
6918s are you doesn't matter if he's right
6919s around the corner goes forward he
6921s goes aggressive gets is the yaki while
6922s he's in the sky
6924s it's a consolation prize yeah the
6926s dragons will push the pay wood forward
6928s well dragons will still be able to have
6930s all five in time as fitz goes down about
6932s the same time izuki's already coming
6933s back from spawn
6935s lit by the way starting on the bastion
6938s got some charge sebastian swaps on to
6940s the sojourn a little bit later compared
6942s with starting on sochi already has more
6944s alt charge then fitch we saw that rail
6946s headshot by the way onto smurf that put
6948s smurf into the dirt and if that didn't
6950s happen smith would have had a lot more
6951s hp to play through
6953s really hard for salt denis to to exist
6955s in that sort of environment and lip
6956s again he's going to go and lip has been
6958s unbelievable this final
6960s stork was put in such a difficult
6962s position there he had to use the dash
6964s just to survive he got booped off the
6965s map
6966s by lee gone the only way he survives is
6968s by using that cooldown he lines up
6969s straight and perfect for lips again
6972s doesn't miss
6973s he doesn't miss
6975s smurf has been removed point a captured
6978s and they are locking them on a split
6980s spawn fitz can just stay there he's
6982s locked in the tiny overwatch room
6984s gets taken out
6985s and shanghai dragons on fire right now
6988s avril now fitz has been a naughty boy
6990s he's been sent to the timeout room and
6992s it's going to be a light death in the
6994s shanghai dragons this is another
6996s situation where we're like are they
6997s pushing b or c because they are so far
7000s up currently lip already has an ultimate
7002s legion has beat well it had been dane by
7004s the way and lip just because of the kill
7005s this man can't stop
7009s one shot one kill rail guns coming in
7011s from lip
7014s look at them they're just playing around
7015s point c they're nowhere near the point
7016s she's been walked in blake comes out
7018s from stalker look at the disengagement
7020s he can't go forward
7023s b comes out
7024s and that was expended who are you has
7026s played lip has an overclock he's been
7028s lethal doing these nasty now he's about
7030s to pump the juice
7033s the deflex is about to go the defense
7034s actually came on through lip nearly
7035s killed himself there but we're ready for
7037s the rails once more who's going to be
7039s the target here you have to be so
7040s careful who are you on the blade hunting
7042s for a kill and dynasty don't have the
7045s luxury of the time fits fine pj gone a
7047s sigh of relief from the soul dynasty if
7048s they're able to breathe a little bit
7051s fitz following up onto the second
7052s support shanghai dragon
7054s not having any healing produced his void
7056s would be taken down
7057s at the end of the day this is how the
7058s maps laid out avril that's the fight you
7060s have to win because that's the one on
7062s the cusp of the objective being taken
7063s absolutely and with who are you not able
7066s to get too much done there izyaki pulled
7068s through the rally and sul dynasty will
7070s survive the shanghai dragons often set
7072s with a couple meters to spare now as the
7074s payload moves backwards that meter ridge
7076s does increase ever so slightly we're
7078s about to head into rampage territory
7079s once again smurf needs a good one he has
7082s had some really unfortunate rampages so
7084s far over the course of both of our
7086s series lower bracket and also the final
7088s here void
7089s let's have better success in that region
7091s and those will be the only two ultimates
7092s available
7096s fitz keeps it live so is lip hunter
7098s charging each one in the chamber
7101s slide won't find it to drop the shot
7103s into the fight
7104s two men hit raw comes in looks at
7106s stalker wants to move to the rest of his
7107s team smurf and fits are going to be
7109s removed here boys rampage coming in
7111s faster coming in clutch
7113s profit gets one back flip takes up in
7115s dave this isn't all fight win for the
7116s dragons though stalker can't get much
7118s here they'll walk it in point c unlocked
7121s and ready for the taking and i just
7123s respect the olympus operation on the
7124s overclock right not the overclock but he
7126s is also but the railgun in particular he
7127s is no rush to fire those off into the
7131s abyss
7132s waiting for the right targets the right
7134s opportunities
7136s he's about to get this overclock in
7138s short order hunting on the size for any
7140s old charge that he can find void carried
7143s that last fight rampage finds enough
7145s smurfs holds has a rampage now for the
7147s sea defense three minutes 20 on board
7149s for the shanghai dragon still plenty of
7151s ground to push through before we get to
7153s the end of the map
7157s shanghai dragons are up in the rafters
7159s right now
7160s they have the high ground advantage
7162s drops down to push the payload sucker
7164s blade as well
7166s no support on dragons both results
7169s should clear
7171s tag smurf it's big
7173s to stay needed but they're going to use
7174s that as the go button to walk forward
7176s rally comes out from profit
7179s lifts about to get the overclock line
7181s he's taken out smurf how's the rampage
7184s ready to go they're not going to need it
7185s this is the fight win be economic kid
7188s dynasty you don't need to throw anything
7189s into the fire
7190s hold on to that plane i swear to god
7192s store could remove the q key don't do it
7195s he's going to go down there is kind of
7196s wasting his own time so he won't give
7198s the kill over to stalker but he's going
7200s to delay his own death there so we'll
7202s see if that time is going to be a factor
7204s is shanghai dragons down to 225 now but
7206s a minute gone since we last checked in
7209s in a very economical fight only the
7210s rally being put in by frankfurt it comes
7212s talking alone
7214s he does
7216s straight into the carnage there was an
7217s ax swing waiting for him as he got set
7219s up
7220s then the rampage comes through legion's
7222s beat's gonna try and deter that from
7224s smurf
7225s overtalk available for lip he doesn't
7226s need it pumps wanting to fit looks
7228s towards fin dame
7230s the rest of his team's going to clean
7231s this one up
7232s outside the spawn room
7233s got a bit of to go home straight final 2
7235s minutes left vin games beat against
7237s three dragons ultimates and void will
7240s get this rampage up online as well so
7242s the fight will go the distance
7244s and this one beat this one is a
7246s load-bearing sound barrier from vending
7249s damon if it doesn't work the whole house
7252s will fall
7253s seoul dynasty also have fits on the
7255s overclock as well fitz has been pretty
7256s important this matchup so far he can
7258s still get an opening pick that really
7260s changes things so there's one point of
7261s save today for salt dynasty i am looking
7263s to fits
7266s done it a couple times this series
7267s particularly on coliseum
7270s needs to be given the breathing room use
7271s the overclock
7273s good sight lines to abuse shanghai
7275s wedding dragons have the luxury of time
7277s they have time they don't need to one in
7279s the chamber oh the knight tags lit but
7281s it's not a kill
7285s we're going to reinitiate ends
7288s down one beat
7290s still alive but who i use on cleanup
7292s pulls the blade runs back to the team
7294s sound barrier used aggressively
7297s and who are used to taking challenges
7299s from boyd comes in
7301s no one can stop it stalker's alive fitz
7303s can grapple hook himself into another
7305s death if he wants to but the shanghai
7307s dragons complete with 47 seconds left in
7310s the time bank and that's the sort of
7312s one-two punch play from lip and who are
7314s you right lip doesn't have to get the
7315s final blow tags fits with the rail shop
7318s puts them onto one hp and who are you
7320s will get the dunk
7322s and that's enough for the shanghai
7323s dragons to get a player lead void with a
7325s three-man rampage and guess what that's
7327s still 100 of the sold dynasty members
7329s alive three out of three no one could do
7331s a damn thing on the defense and the
7332s shanghai dragons with 47 seconds left
7334s left on board
7335s get themselves a cap
7337s and i got a fun fact for you tread we
7339s talked about this man a lot already let
7341s me drive home another statistic that
7343s will really blow your mind over the
7345s course of that entire offense for the
7347s shanghai dragons capping all three
7349s points with 47 seconds left to spare
7357s check his pc and his mouse and his brand
7359s of underwear
7362s i want to know how this man plays
7363s overwatch i don't know how he gets away
7365s with being this darn good at the game
7368s we'll get more evidence
7370s overwatch is bugatti he just wears the
7372s entire vehicle around his
7374s coin
7374s [Laughter]
7377s the whole car is his underwear
7382s dragons defense they're going to go for
7384s a close hold are you surprised i wonder
7387s if the seoul dynasty will try and go for
7388s the bastion taxes to break through
7390s they're hovering the symmetra might go
7392s for the tp instead we'll see what the
7393s options are go back to the sojourn
7396s we're going to try and do it natty
7399s are you happy to see me or is it an 8
7401s liter w16 engine i don't know let's find
7403s out
7404s it is a vehicle map that is a racing map
7406s circuit royale out on board
7409s is down
7410s yep he's
7411s lit he just doesn't stop he doesn't stop
7414s that's what happens we've got eight
7415s gears
7417s well he's shut down profit
7420s is the arc is also off the field boyd
7423s takes stalker
7424s the whole still effective they're back
7426s in the sport room they've done enough to
7427s keep it going
7429s fast spawns mean that they should be
7430s able to fight back quite easily void low
7432s smurf just as low
7434s there's the cut through from who are you
7435s to get back to safety
7438s this is on the cross cusp of just being
7440s removed right now
7441s there you go full hole broken they will
7444s start getting the payload in motion okay
7446s important now sold dynasty
7449s only lost not even quite one minute
7451s there so that's pretty important
7454s looking at rail gun oil charge for the
7455s overclock as well lip on 54 fits on 32
7458s here's another fun fact for the average
7460s time for an ultimate earn for lip is a
7463s minute 53
7464s the average all time for fitz to earn
7466s the same overclock three minutes 10.
7470s laughing about a minute
7472s 15 gap there
7475s again that's the bugatti veyron in his
7477s pants doing the work neutralized
7481s spits finding that shawn to legit gone
7484s it's kind of huge actually dynasty
7486s should be able to get point a off the
7487s back of that league
7489s they find another pick
7490s he's got the respawn he's a lucio and
7492s he's got the result there is another
7493s fight here still so fitz has done a
7494s really good job to deter the shanghai
7496s dragons
7497s but with legion gone back in now this is
7499s where the real fight begins watch the
7500s blades coming through who are you and
7502s stalker both very close talking leads by
7504s a fair margin they check on a video
7505s nearly on beats
7508s boyd under pressure
7510s may comes up who are you stalker pulls
7512s it beats an answer
7513s who i use on the junker queen he takes
7516s out smurf boy goes down to smurf in that
7518s engagement as well doesn't look like
7520s stalker found any kills might have
7522s exerted a lot of pressure onto the
7523s dragons though still even four apiece no
7525s tanks online goes to the overclocked
7526s shot instead won't find it lip
7529s trying to find profit puts up the shield
7531s legion takes out stalker
7532s fitz uses their overclock now they
7534s caught up just in time
7536s immediately gets sent back round the
7538s corner because prophet had sorry because
7540s lip had one in the chamber to send him
7542s back 130 denies the ultimate who are you
7546s who are you got it 130 from claiming the
7549s finals victory that's the thing right
7551s dragons have match point they're looking
7553s for the full hold now it's all dynasty
7554s they have to finish the nap it just
7556s feels like
7558s the path to victory to go to a map seven
7559s is so far away for the soul dynasty they
7561s need ultimates they need something smurf
7563s and void about to get the ram pages
7564s online but it's easy that has the rally
7566s no other supports have any ultimates no
7568s other dps have any ultimates they had
7570s legit gone down via fitz's railgun
7572s before to actually get a 5v4 but they
7574s couldn't win a fight off that because
7575s shanghai still had the respawns now fitz
7577s it's gonna have to pull that through
7579s again he needs another pick he's got the
7581s rail doesn't get the kill
7584s step out the shadow find the pick
7587s make it winnable void finds profit with
7588s the carnage smurfs down low as well
7591s they've got time for another fight apple
7592s but they need to make this fast
7595s oh it's getting so tight
7597s void of the ram pay smith on 89 we are
7599s not seeing any profit or van dame
7601s ultimates coming online soon enough in
7602s shanghai dragons got to push even
7604s further forward who are you once
7606s displayed he wants it badly stalker he's
7608s so far away compared to who are you
7610s speaking of wanting and shanghai dragons
7611s have been waiting for this victory for
7614s so long they want the championship
7620s 15 seconds
7622s get the charge fits
7624s you can make this a 4v5 if your aim is
7626s true
7627s don't let lip give you a kiss on the
7629s mouth
7630s smurfs there they should go on vindaya
7634s close each other as well right now look
7635s at the place jacob smith coming through
7637s catches only two
7639s there's another back though he's gonna
7641s go for it it's huge he finds four
7642s instead goes for the clutch back
7644s everyone's low dynasty have been deleted
7647s the dragons will wait no more
7649s they continue to stand as kings of this
7651s meta they will take circuit royale and
7654s claim themselves a stage final
7657s that's gonna be it as the last vestiges
7659s of the seoul dynasty fall
7662s all challenges of the throne have been
7663s abated and the house of the dragons
7666s reigns supreme the shanghai dragons are
7668s your 2022 summer showdown champions
7674s [Music]
7678s another day in the office for the
7680s dragons it appears they're all up on
7681s their seats giving each other rounds of
7684s hugs
7685s celebrating this victory you said avril
7687s they've waited so long for it they
7688s finally claim it in the final stage
7691s tournament of the year
7694s three hundred dynasty they were so close
7696s 350 days trade since the drag since the
7699s shanghai dragons won the 2021 playoffs
7703s it's been that long
7704s and they haven't even been to a final
7706s since then missed out on kickoff clash
7708s missed out on mid-season madness a slow
7710s start to the year
7713s they were bogged down by
7715s visas and quarantines and entry into
7717s shanghai
7719s they had internet issues they couldn't
7720s get scrims going they were late to
7721s pre-season
7723s kickoff clash still was a reasonable
7725s stage for the mid-season madness they
7726s were entirely missing who are you comes
7728s back in for the genji meta of all genji
7730s matters in jokes four stage during
7732s summer showdown and finally 350 days
7735s later from beating the atlanta reign we
7738s have another championship online for the
7740s shanghai dragons another title under
7741s their belt
7744s the shanghai dragons they played
7745s phenomenally like you said you've given
7746s some praise over the who are you coming
7748s into the genji meta but for us there was
7749s only one player of the match it's lip it
7752s had to be lip taking control of this
7754s series and so many occasions creating so
7757s many 4v5s with the overclock 4k in the
7760s fight he's got an aim like nothing else
7763s making a stake to be a candidate for mvp
7767s sojourn has been a fantastic hero for
7769s him to really show us his shots and
7771s that's the thing about lip as well the
7773s improvement was actually slow he wasn't
7774s amazing on sojourn to start with he
7777s didn't really get to play it earlier on
7778s they played the soldier meta and kickoff
7780s clashmates he's a madness started to
7782s catch up but it is a summer showdown
7784s that lip proved that he is still top of
7786s the line top shelf talent
7789s elite tier mvp he was literally grand
7791s finals mvp last year and in everyone's
7794s minds
7796s was also the runner-up for the mvp race
7798s behind leave
7799s now we're going to give him the finals
7801s mvp for summer showdown the first title
7804s for shanghai dragons since the 2021
7805s playoffs finals
7807s and left in my mind currently
7810s for my money's worth is the best soldier
7812s because the value he brings to the table
7814s does he have the shinier stats doesn't
7816s have the greatest
7818s of the accuracy stats we've seen
7821s i don't know compared to the damage and
7823s the overclock kills et cetera i don't
7824s know if he's number one there i think we
7826s actually saw from the billy billy
7827s broadcast when they brought up the uh
7828s the sojourn stats for
7830s summer showdown only lip was actually
7832s number one in a lot of categories but
7833s when you talk about impact this is the
7835s eye test tread that i'm going to talk
7836s about here this is something that you
7837s can't write down statistically how many
7840s first floors does lip get
7842s how many opening frags how many just
7843s impact frags does he get to shut down
7845s key specific members in the time that he
7847s gets those to enable 5v4s to give his
7850s team the ability to win these fights
7852s even if he doesn't get the kill even if
7854s it's not his name on the kill feed who
7856s are you has to early up he gets the dunk
7858s off the layup from lip to find that kill
7860s so lips
7861s railgun value is still there even if
7863s it's not him getting the kill that's why
7865s lip is in my mind the best
7869s and again it's not just profit as well
7870s we saw on dorado he coordinates uh
7872s coordinates with izayaki as well for a
7874s fast flail
7875s unbelievable coordination with his team
7877s you've sung his praises couldn't have
7879s done it better myself
7880s lip takes player of the match for the
7882s finals shanghai dragons claim their
7884s first stage finals as well and that puts
7886s a close to the tournament the final
7888s stage if you will we're looking ahead
7890s towards playoffs next and it raises some
7892s questions we know there are changes that
7894s are going to come into the meta jokes
7896s supposedly no longer going to be a thing
7898s as we look towards grand finals shanghai
7900s dragons found success with this
7901s composition the dragons fans at home
7903s have got to be sat there longing and
7904s going okay whatever comes next we need
7906s to keep the same power that we have
7908s right now stay consistent in the power
7910s rankings and make a good run for grand
7912s finals next round the corner and really
7913s all it comes down to is the fact that
7915s you have to peak at the right times it
7917s doesn't matter that you got a slow start
7918s early on it doesn't matter that some of
7920s these teams had a poor mid-season
7921s madness that were way on their minds
7923s heavily i'm sure that's something they
7924s want to get over in the first step to
7926s getting over it is to do well in the
7927s summer showdown when if you can and by
7929s the way shanghai dragons undefeated they
7931s finally did drop maps they dropped a
7932s total of
7934s three maps tread two today get one
7936s versus fully back in the regular season
7939s still got there how many is it now 28
7941s maps
7942s they sold one how many is it now six
7944s zero in the qualifier
7947s three zero here
7949s um nine zero what what more do you want
7952s you know that's nine zero total they
7953s haven't lost a single match
7954s at all they are without the kings of the
7957s eastern region and as we move forward to
7959s the countdown couple future meadows i
7961s look forward to seeing how far the
7963s dragons can go into playoffs can they
7965s get to another championship stage for a
7967s final can they go back-to-back just like
7969s the shark the right time to peak is
7971s right now and that's where dragons are
7973s at
7974s and they need to put the question to bed
7976s once and for all who's stronger east or
7978s west right now
7980s all the arguments are saying the west is
7981s strong after mid-season madness i think
7983s they want to come
7984s back when it gets to the grand finals
7985s i've enjoyed this benevole thanks so
7987s much for joining us we're going to
7988s disappear for now but you can come back
7990s later live from toronto to see the
7992s finals of the summer showdown for the
7993s western region
7995s [Music]
8002s let's play
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8020s bye
8027s [Music]
8036s [Music]
8062s me
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8090s oh
8093s [Music]
8155s so
8156s [Music]
8168s [Music]
8170s so
8185s [Music]
8191s [Music]
8202s [Music]
8223s so
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8279s [Music]
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8365s [Music]
8394s so
8401s [Music]
8471s [Music]
8505s so
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8591s [Music]
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8606s [Music]
8619s so
8621s [Music]
8631s so
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8727s [Music]
8736s [Music]
8753s [Music]
8770s [Music]
8787s so
8789s [Music]
8802s [Music]
8804s hmm
8805s [Music]
8815s so
8857s [Music]
8876s [Music]
8885s [Music]
8900s hmm
8907s [Music]
8926s so
8929s [Music]
8949s [Music]
8970s do
8971s [Music]
9003s [Music]
9012s [Music]
9021s [Music]
9027s [Music]
9043s as soon as they're low the reaction time
9045s on sparkle is insane the blade
9047s generation is gonna be cracked he's
9049s killed four is sparkle getting the ace
9053s oh
9053s oh
9054s that's a big one but although he's
9056s leading the charge and he has a blade
9057s here so although brings the building
9059s down reinforcements are going to be on
9061s the way trying to dodge what a kid want
9063s to kill along the spire that is
9064s absolutely ridiculous
9074s played for proper nice d flag look at
9076s him go like five kills just like that a
9079s blink of an eye quick team kill as mira
9081s is tossing in the front line a four-man
9083s ante vancouver titans are gonna wipe
9087s them off the map comes oh my god that is
9090s ungodly
9092s absolutely demolished
9101s ladies and gentlemen the overwatch
9103s league summer showdown continues right
9105s now welcome back to watchpoint chris
9107s puckett alongside my tuxedo amigos we
9110s have the great custa johnny reinforced
9112s i'm too great
9114s and we're all here we're all great it's
9115s a party once again the final day uh and
9118s custo we're we're ready to crown some
9120s champions oh yeah we just crowned one in
9122s the east that was exciting we'll talk
9124s about that in just a second but in the
9125s west i honestly i'm just sleeping
9127s nervous i slept nervous i turned i was
9129s talking you're gonna have chunks
9131s for this maple syrup bottle that is just
9133s looking at me it's staring into my soul
9136s for anyone who missed the first three
9137s days you missed a lot but the big
9139s takeaways we've got a bottle of syrup on
9141s the line if dallas wins johnny's not
9143s drinking it this guy is if shock wins
9145s johnny's chugging the log cabin a lot to
9148s get into so let's start right now as we
9151s jump in with the east here fellas
9153s because for anyone who couldn't stay up
9155s late last night they missed a heck of a
9157s series two of them in fact we had the
9159s east showdown between seoul and
9162s philadelphia and this was the third time
9164s we saw these teams battle in just eight
9167s days
9168s problem for me here guys we're getting
9170s the same result each time it was seoul
9172s winning this matchup and moving on to
9174s the grand finals it's like we just keep
9177s seeing this over and over again was
9178s there anything different about this
9180s matchup though no
9182s no no
9183s no i i wish i wish i could tell you oh
9185s my god the philadelphia fusion it was no
9188s it was the philadelphia fusion actually
9189s did come out strong in this first map uh
9192s they were playing the right tempo they
9194s were getting the right ultimate cycling
9195s and honestly seoul dynasty came out of
9197s the gates a little slow but after this
9200s first map the powerhouse of the seoul
9202s dynasty players really came to show and
9204s i think stalker had a really good match
9207s in this series but really i think the
9209s philadelphia fusion sort of got in their
9211s own head a little bit especially with
9212s their support ultimates i think they
9213s really struggled to understand how they
9215s were playing around it they kept trying
9216s to go for these tempo beat type of plays
9219s and what happened is they weren't
9220s getting the value from them and that was
9222s opening the door for the ultimates of
9223s the seoul dynasty to be able to kick it
9226s down especially with that stalker blade
9228s so philadelphia fusion fans as much as
9230s it was a good result that yeah and third
9231s considering where they came from in the
9233s regular um
9235s sorry the qualifiers for this stage
9237s it didn't feel like the philadelphia
9239s fusion fans should be that disappointed
9241s they were good seoul dynasty was the
9242s favorite setting you told us philly was
9244s the dangerous team in the bracket but
9247s the favorites were clearly shanghai and
9249s seoul dynasty i felt like this was a big
9251s win for the dynasty because now you're
9252s coming off this 3-1 with some confidence
9255s in your rematch against shanghai johnny
9258s when you're looking at the dynasty
9259s though i want to give a shout out to the
9260s lucio always setting up stalker a player
9263s you highlighted two days ago as one of
9265s the better genjis in the east absolutely
9268s stalkers had one heck of a tournament i
9270s mean this is a rookie who came into this
9273s the league this year alongside fitz and
9275s profit that's one of the most stacked
9276s damaged euros in the entire league but
9278s stalker he's made a name for himself not
9281s only playing the soldier and earlier in
9282s the year this time around it was the
9284s genji and it was one of the most pivotal
9286s heroes in the entire composition his
9288s aggression his ability to find value
9290s from these dragon blades he's really
9292s making a name for himself and he's now a
9294s mainstay in the obor's league he's
9295s guaranteed to stay around for a long
9297s long time that's how good he's been this
9299s entire day so very impressed with
9300s stalker's performance on the soul
9302s dynasty shout out to my man big ben on
9304s the lucio the boobs to finish the series
9307s as they were able to take push
9310s dynasty coming in with the number two
9312s seed and they are able to power through
9314s that lower bracket onto the overwatch
9316s east region summer showdown grand finals
9319s though fellas this was the rematch we
9322s were promised right we came into the
9323s winners bracket finals it was seoul it
9326s was shanghai it was a fast 3-0 this time
9329s around though the rematch johnny it's
9331s the best of seven and we went the
9333s distance here almost almost went the
9336s distance here shanghai dragons they had
9338s only they only dropped three maps in
9340s total this entire stage that's how good
9343s it is and so the two of those were in
9345s this very finals match up so you have to
9347s give credit to the seoul dynasty taking
9349s two maps in the finals against a very
9350s dominant shanghai dragon team that's a
9352s feat in and of itself in custody they
9354s came in and they won this first game
9355s that's what i thought was one of the
9357s most important parts you get three owed
9358s by shanghai in the winners bracket now
9360s you're starting the finals with a
9361s control win yeah and they just came out
9363s warm you could tell that they were ready
9365s on the back of this proper brig that
9367s johnny's been yelling about this whole
9368s time there is absolute validity here
9371s they were playing so up tempo they were
9372s playing very fast and they were able to
9374s catch the dragons a little bit
9375s flat-footed but the dragons started to
9377s bounce back as it went on yeah
9378s absolutely i mean seoul dynasty they
9380s came out guns are blazing and seoul
9381s played some of the best overwatch they
9383s have but then midtown or second map in
9385s the series a full hold from the shanghai
9388s dragons you can give praise to the seoul
9390s dynasty all you want them coming up
9392s looking alive stalking these
9393s performances but shanghai dragons
9395s they're just the better team like
9397s overall
9398s honestly though seoul dynasty they
9400s prefer to sit back you know find their
9402s moments shanghai dragons they're always
9404s in your face they have superior
9405s positioning they poke you down they
9407s force commanding shout out of smurf
9409s repeatedly and lip's ability to find
9411s picks on this soldier they go up two one
9413s in the series we head over to colosseo
9415s now this was one of the best colosseum
9417s maps i have ever seen it was so close
9419s seoul dynasty here in the lead 63 meters
9422s well i'll tell you what we're going into
9423s overtime and so they get over a hundred
9426s meters before shanghai dragons they try
9428s to get it back in their own time fitz
9431s here shutting down who are you twice
9433s consecutively and his dragon blades do
9435s it again just the ridiculous stuff from
9438s fitz on the soul dynasty so we even have
9440s the series where two and two heading
9442s into busan and soul here they're looking
9444s good but they see nine in a very crucial
9446s round here in our fifth map and after
9449s that honestly it was all
9451s dragons
9452s they looked boomed the shanghai dragons
9454s just coasting through circuit royale
9456s here and they ended up winning the
9458s finals full holding the seoul dynasty
9461s here on circuit real so shanghai dragons
9463s one of the most dominant runs in in
9466s honestly like league history throughout
9468s the states only dropping three maps and
9469s i got i gotta say it look shanghai
9472s dragons they are the best team in the
9474s league right now one of the best dance
9476s no the best damage you in the entire
9478s league is their ability to play this
9480s meta i was massively impressed shanghai
9482s dragons the rightful winners of our
9484s eastern region look how fired up they
9486s are cussed at the bottom of the screen
9487s these guys are going crazy
9489s calm down a bit we got a double fist
9491s pump there from lee jay gone okay guys
9492s let's just pump the brakes and you can
9494s tell this is a championship caliber team
9496s they don't care about winning this stage
9497s they have their eyes on the prize
9499s they're happy
9500s they're a little happy but they're not
9501s like some teams you know you've seen the
9503s gladiators how much they popped off when
9505s they won those two stages the shanghai
9507s dragons they're looking at the end of
9508s season if you're the teams in the west
9510s you beat the east in the mid-season
9512s tournament but the shanghai dragons they
9514s look like they're back in a big way and
9515s i'm really excited to see the next meta
9518s that we're going to enter into because
9519s if shanghai dragons look comfortable in
9521s that meta i think they are one of the
9523s favorites heading into the future at
9524s playoffs i'm just kind of bummed that
9526s humans do need to like sleep and
9527s recharge because the dragons are popping
9530s off at night and i'm only seeing the
9532s highlights in the morning gentlemen
9534s though we gotta talk a little bit about
9535s the players because johnny you've been
9537s hyping up who are you his genji play we
9540s talked about the supports we talked
9542s about void on the tank but when you're
9544s looking at the dragons there was one
9546s name and one man standing taller than
9548s the rest mr lip the six foot eight
9551s warlord
9553s spotlight
9554s i mean me and costa we have agreed
9555s throughout the weekend this is the best
9557s hit scan player in the league and the
9560s lip was a massive contributor to this
9562s finals win of the shanghai dragons his
9565s accuracy with this railgun is honestly
9568s insane like he's able to one shot fit
9570s across the entire map look at this stuff
9573s it's unbelievable the stuff that lip is
9576s able to do on the soldier and it helped
9578s the shanghai dragons across that finish
9579s line they have the best genji in the
9581s league on who are you and they have the
9583s best hitscan in the league on lift this
9585s this damns you is unstoppable number one
9588s in the league that's saying a lot custom
9590s we're talking east and west
9592s well here's the thing parker we've said
9593s this a lot throughout this season and
9594s said it about different players but
9596s here's the thing i actually agree with
9597s johnny he is undisputed the number one
9599s in the league right now because we saw
9601s shy in the mid-season madness hit this
9603s ridiculous high but the thing that makes
9605s lift great is he does it consistently at
9607s the highest level putting on those
9609s performances all the time this was his
9611s stats from the finals just today and you
9613s know 9.3 final boys to only 3.8 deaths
9616s he is just doing so much for this roster
9619s and ever since he joined them he has
9620s just been at a completely different
9622s level than anyone expected him to be he
9624s was the runner-up in 2021 for the mvp
9627s according to most people and if shanghai
9630s dragons were better this season as a
9631s whole and they didn't start throwing the
9633s kickoff clash he would be right up there
9634s once again shanghai dragons coming alive
9636s at the right time in this event they're
9639s gonna be our stage three champions the
9641s summer showdown champions and they're
9643s looking pretty prime for the future
9645s let's take a look here guys at our
9647s bigger bracket and kind of a larger
9650s picture of the shanghai dragon squad
9652s because you mentioned it a slow start
9654s but they cruised through this tournament
9656s three map losses total that's ridiculous
9659s it's just a completely
9661s upgraded dragons team as i said they
9664s struggled earlier in the kickoff clash
9665s due to not having enough practice
9666s heading into it but we always knew the
9669s caliber of players were there the talent
9670s was there as matt loves to say and
9672s they've hit back into this first uh this
9674s first level and now they're already high
9677s seeded they have been winning matches in
9678s the regular season so it's not like they
9680s have to play for that savings they're
9681s going to be right there and i actually
9683s think that they are favorite over seoul
9684s dynasty and i prefer them moving forward
9686s okay take a look at the standings
9687s they're currently ahead of seoul are
9689s they the team to beat to close out the
9692s year here johnny this is how we're
9693s shaping up in the east we don't know
9694s where we're going next with our meta but
9696s looking at the roster overall i mean you
9698s have so many fantastic players on this
9700s team void as your tank player you have
9702s faith on the bench and if you look at
9704s the standings there are one regular
9705s season match win over the seoul dynasty
9708s those league points are added up of
9710s course and shanghai dragons are number
9711s one but you can also see the middle of
9713s the pack there hangzhou and philly
9715s they're tied in league points for that
9717s third and final playoffs both going into
9719s our final stage here of the 2022 season
9722s every match is going to matter well
9724s custody just told me before the show
9725s look out for the valiant they're on the
9727s come-up pocket it's never too late the
9729s valiant team of all time it's all 2019
9732s anymore gentlemen the east is in the
9734s books but the west bracket is ready to
9736s go with two more matches to play but
9739s before we get to that we wanted to give
9740s adapt to the defeated some appreciation
9743s to the eliminated we're handing out
9744s consolation prizes when we return
9766s oh
9774s hey
9779s [Music]
9786s [Music]
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9815s [Music]
9835s [Applause]
9837s so
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9914s [Music]
9925s [Music]
9942s [Music]
9958s welcome back to watchpoint it's pocket
9960s alongside the ambiguously denim duo we
9962s got custo we got reinforced and three
9965s teams remain here in the western summer
9968s showdown tournament they're all looking
9969s to capture that ultimate prize gentlemen
9971s being crowned are summer showdown
9973s champions taking home the big money and
9975s also the tournament points but five
9978s teams have already been sent home the
9980s good news is they're not all leaving
9982s empty-handed some of them are about to
9985s catch a silver lining as we huff and
9987s puff some opium in our consolation
9989s prizes participation awards yes
9994s consolation time in the east it seemed
9997s it was going to come down to seoul
9999s versus shanghai since the beginning of
10001s that stage but there is a team who made
10004s some waves in the qualifier that could
10006s set themselves up to salvage a season
10009s tell me a little bit about the guangzhou
10011s charts and i don't want custa to tell me
10013s about them today it's your turn johnny
10015s okay johnny you've talked enough about
10017s jimmy all right no more jimmy talk
10020s there are other players on this
10022s franchise and i want to highlight them
10024s all right because they're pretty damn
10026s good themselves quantum charts going
10028s into this stage of course they had
10029s struggled so much
10038s jimmy of course he said he's been gun to
10040s blazing so far at this stage and look
10042s they had a prieta coming into this stage
10044s who coming into this year was like oh
10046s our printer's going to be one of the hit
10047s best hitscan rookies so jimmy's ability
10049s to straight up replace a freitas spot in
10052s the lineup it's a testament to how well
10055s jimmy has performed but besides jimmy
10057s there are other great players on this
10058s team for example cerneus formerly known
10060s as ivanka was for the chain of hunters
10062s last years when they qualified for this
10063s with the playoffs krong i mean this guy
10066s is a staged champion in 2020 mind you
10069s and it's been a long time coming for him
10070s to really get things going here again
10072s choice one one of my favorite rookies
10074s going into last year where he really
10076s excelled at the genji on in contenders
10078s and now this is the first genji meta
10080s we've had where choice one has had the
10082s ability to really showcase what he's all
10084s about so guanxiao charts this team is
10086s finally coming together as you can see
10088s the first couple of stages they started
10089s this season one and eleven and it was
10093s known until the summer showdown where
10094s they qualified four and two which is a
10096s really good record and competing with la
10098s valiant in the lower
10100s part of our eastern standings the
10102s guantanamo charts are now setting
10103s themselves up for that final playing
10106s spot in the eastern region and as we
10107s take a look at some of the standings
10109s here the charge very much still in the
10111s running they hold that six spot are they
10114s safe there custom oh the valet valiant
10116s is the definition of a dark horse team
10118s they could be very good and they could
10120s go 6-0 in the next stage it's very
10121s unlikely if you're the charge it's just
10123s about getting a couple of match wins
10124s stay above that red line because
10126s as you can see four to six they're all
10128s going to be playing for one spot you
10129s need to be there if you want to be in
10130s the running i love these bubble teams
10132s and the charger can be looking to ride
10134s that momentum into the final stage this
10136s season over in the east but i want to
10138s show some love to a west squad they go
10140s by the name of the florida mayhem they
10142s wear pink and the mayhem were causing
10144s chaos with the eight seed they came in
10147s they didn't play the normal flexes they
10150s got a little bit weird here in the
10151s summer showdown and now at the end of it
10153s you have to think the mayhem are
10156s stronger team leaving toronto than they
10158s were when they flew in yeah and i think
10160s that they started to believe in
10161s themselves and buy into the system a
10163s little bit at the start of the stage
10165s they were playing a lot of wacky things
10167s they weren't really sort of content with
10168s trying to take the upfront meta and i
10170s think as time went on they just started
10172s to believe themselves a little bit
10174s pulling hydron in over exe on that hit
10176s scan on the sojourn hydron said when we
10178s play as a unit when we're more
10181s trying to play as a cohesive group
10183s rather than just sit back and shoot he
10184s likes to be the one to play that style
10186s and he really stepped up in this
10187s tournament and i talked about it a
10189s little bit yesterday checkmate has been
10191s having live game after life game as he
10192s has continued to impress us on that flex
10194s dps role people were surprised when the
10197s mayhem decided to retain him but he is
10200s just proving time and time again that he
10202s deserves to be in this league do people
10203s who don't watch black chat know what
10204s life game is no uh if you don't know
10206s your life it's imperative
10212s johnny we got to talk a little bit about
10214s the guy who he played zenyatta in the
10216s qualifiers this weekend we see a lot
10218s less zen and a whole lot more of lucio
10221s how has surmajed been transferring to
10223s this new hero i mean he's improved
10225s massively and yes the hero damage and
10226s the healing done is slightly higher than
10228s in the qualifiers the big stat here
10230s though is the amount of deaths he has
10232s per 10 minutes he has massively improved
10235s the way he's able to stay alive for this
10236s team and no surprise if you stay alive
10238s longer you're able to heal your
10239s teammates more and you're able to
10241s provide more sound barriers no but
10242s really though so much he was not
10244s supposed to play lucio in this matter at
10246s all in florida mayhem they have animo on
10248s the roster who's spending the league for
10250s so many years now so sir majed coming in
10252s and replacing animal in that lucio roll
10254s and improving massively that was a big
10256s boon for the frodo miam that allowed
10258s them to go from number eight seed going
10260s into the tournament to gaining that top
10262s four spot so therma did i gotta give you
10264s all the props he's improved really well
10265s i don't know if it was his play-in game
10267s or the fact that he was actually joining
10269s them on stage but definitely a stronger
10272s team once thermojed was there with the
10274s whole squad on the stage florida making
10276s some big moves in this tournament and
10278s they earn themselves a bonus league
10281s point these league points pretty
10283s serious business here custa because they
10286s need them if they want to make a run
10287s going into the countdown cup yeah and
10289s every point matters
10290s these teams especially at the bottom end
10292s we're looking at them time and time
10293s again other teams like that as well
10295s vancouver titans another team that need
10297s these league points and another team
10298s that i want to give a consolation prize
10300s to as well vancouver titans are in your
10302s consolation
10303s i did not see this one coming the train
10306s yeah
10306s the train is here somewhere no
10309s i think it's falling off august 14th
10311s this train has gone a long way ever
10313s since august 14th they ended up three
10315s and three with a 15 win rate in this
10318s stage and that doesn't seem that
10319s impressive but if you look at the
10320s kickoff clash you look at the mid-season
10322s madness they've come a really long way
10324s and i want to give massive props to the
10326s team and the roster for me making the
10328s right changes last season they almost
10331s went winless throughout it and they
10332s didn't make changes they were just sort
10334s of hoping it would turn around this
10336s season is different they added mirror
10338s back in may and then in june they
10339s dropped psycho they dropped flubby and
10341s pew recognizing that what they were
10343s doing was not working and then with the
10345s addition of dp he's brought a lot of
10347s cohesiveness to this roster and a lot of
10349s people question him when he did make
10350s this shockwave drop saying he is one of
10352s the most talented players on your roster
10354s he didn't agree with that he signed king
10356s a rookie player not many people were
10358s planning on looking at and king has
10360s performed very well in this tournament
10362s and throughout this entire stage and the
10363s vancouver titans on the up and up you
10365s ready for the hot seat oh i do it to
10367s people what was a bigger change swapping
10369s out your players in the starting lineup
10371s or swapping out your coaches i think the
10373s coaches it has been the biggest
10374s influence because it's not just how the
10376s players of mechanical skill he had mira
10379s a player that didn't really know how to
10380s fit him in he put him on that junker
10382s queen role dp recognized the strengths
10384s of him as a player and has done a great
10386s job of just pulling this unit back to a
10388s winnable scenario and bringing bully
10390s back into this team well we gotta take a
10392s look at our yearly standings now for
10394s vancouver because yeah as you mentioned
10396s it stage one to two oh and sixes not so
10399s pretty now you got three wins and that's
10402s surprisingly good enough for 11th place
10404s on this graphic tell me about the future
10406s of vancouver here custom and that's the
10408s thing this is before the league point
10410s has been uh added for this stage because
10411s we have not finished this stage just yet
10413s so vancouver is actually going to be at
10415s four league points only two behind the
10417s boston uprising a team that just lost
10419s their head coach as well so they are
10421s running them down but then you also look
10423s at five to eight they're all trying to
10425s get into lock-in play in uh playoff
10428s spots sorry there's two spots for four
10430s teams everything to play for every match
10432s matters and as you can see on that left
10434s side we still have our number one our
10436s number three and our number six seed
10439s still in the tournament gunning for that
10441s top spot in the bonus league points that
10444s is still to come with toronto taking the
10446s stage in just a moment the fans are
10448s happy inside and you're about to get
10450s even happier because i'm hooking you up
10452s with some fresh skins happy genji is now
10455s on sale that's right ladies and
10457s gentlemen if you want to pull out a
10458s blade with no shirt on simply rock the
10460s happy genji for 200 league tokens the
10463s summer showdown legendary skin is sure
10465s to put a smile on everybody's face
10468s look at me i i want to look like that
10470s then i can feed on genji with my shuttle
10472s those muscles
10473s i'm doing it tonight guys all right we
10474s gotta go to a quick commercial break we
10476s come back we're breaking down everything
10479s that remains in the west kicking off
10481s with san francisco shock in toronto
10483s after the break
10487s [Music]
10495s [Music]
10501s [Music]
10532s [Music]
10537s so
10539s [Music]
10560s [Music]
10576s [Applause]
10579s [Music]
10584s hey
10588s [Music]
10627s um
10638s [Music]
10677s [Music]
10696s welcome back to watchpoint it's the
10698s final day of the summer showdown live
10700s from toronto chris puckett alongside the
10702s denim duo of custa and reinforced
10705s gentlemen
10706s two matches remain and it's the shock
10709s who have to battle from the lower
10711s bracket after losing to the dallas fuel
10713s meanwhile we got toronto yeah that
10716s toronto defied with their career highest
10719s placement
10720s gunning for their first ever finals
10722s appearance all right come on you know
10723s san francisco shock look at me okay you
10726s lost the dallas yesterday and i went
10727s through a heart attack it was stressful
10729s i cannot chug this maple syrup okay i
10731s have to do this twice let's get this
10732s clean 3-0 right out of the way okay so
10734s who is going to be the key to keeping
10735s the diabetes out of your body how do you
10737s avoid this syrup today custom okay
10740s colluge i need this okay i understand
10742s yesterday you had a hard match you know
10744s you are a great player i've talked about
10746s him improving in this tournament look in
10747s day one and two he's putting up great
10749s numbers but yesterday against the dallas
10751s fuel they isolated him they punished him
10753s for being in that front line he needs to
10755s find a way to adapt not just for this
10757s toronto match but going into the match
10759s against dallas dallas have his number he
10761s needs to go back to the drawing board
10762s and find a way to sort of help his team
10764s get the win yeah we were saying earlier
10766s that dallas railgunned the shock here
10769s with the 3-0 johnny but when we look at
10771s the shock they did have one player who
10772s was consistently throwing up numbers we
10774s talked about him about 42 times on this
10777s weekend i think we should do it at 43rd
10779s time oh yeah
10781s here we go you know make your notes here
10783s here's the the usual proper point we
10784s always talk about proper of course you
10786s know i really do think that sometimes
10788s the services go shock there are social
10789s experiments seeing how much one single
10791s player can carry a team because cropper
10793s he just lights out repeatedly and look
10795s i'm not flaming the rest of the team
10796s here but come on proper property is
10798s doing his job just look at the stats on
10800s genji unleashing tower yesterday against
10802s the dallas fuel 20 final blows in one
10804s map only six deaths that's about three
10806s final bows per one so this is the only
10808s shock player with more than eight final
10810s blows on that map as well so he you know
10813s look at this guy he's doing his job
10815s costa it's not even just that you think
10817s oh that's great on lee shanghai then we
10818s went over to hollywood another map that
10820s they lost and he went 26 final blows
10823s with only eight deaths only shock player
10825s with more than nine final blows propper
10827s is doing his job we always talk about
10829s how he is the integral player but the
10830s other players on the team need to step
10832s up as well question is it the shock
10835s doing what someone on reddit said last
10837s night and giving proper too much of the
10840s team's resources and maybe not helping
10842s out the other three or other four i
10845s think that's a completely valid argument
10846s of maybe i just highlighted kalush maybe
10848s they're putting too many brick packs
10850s into into proper to help him pop off and
10853s not giving enough support to collude
10854s absolutely they need to go back to the
10856s drawing board and not just go proper go
10858s kill five here's all of our resources
10860s all right that's one of my favorite
10861s excuses yeah give me the resources guys
10864s come on now i need some armor packs feed
10867s me i didn't get the heels it's not my
10868s fault all right it's always the tank's
10870s fault sorry caloosh we got to talk a
10872s little bit about the other side of this
10873s because the shock yes you're coming in
10876s angry you got three owed by dallas fuel
10878s toronto they're ecstatic to be here on a
10881s championship sunday and i want to know
10883s what gives you more of an edge here
10885s custom playing angry or playing with the
10887s crowd and positive energy playing with
10889s the positive energy having that raw
10891s every time you do anything just
10893s electrifies you it sends you to that
10894s next level and they played off of that
10896s yes they need to do it again today the
10897s guy fired up at the end of their wins
10899s was twilight john the veteran is showing
10902s up in a big way for this canadian lineup
10904s what are your expectations today i'm
10906s expecting great things from twilight
10908s look people don't give thrown to the
10909s fine credit they're like well they've
10910s never really done anything twilight is
10912s an overwatch league champion so what are
10914s we doing here twilight can definitely
10916s come into this lobby if you look at his
10918s team history he was part of the
10919s legendary vancouver tennis lineup in
10922s 2019 and then he went over to the san
10924s francisco shock won a league title with
10926s that san francisco shock team so you
10928s know joining the toronto defiant going
10930s into this year maybe there's a bit of a
10932s revenge match up there for twilight he's
10934s looking forward to beat his old team he
10936s is a world star caliber effects support
10938s player so i'm just reading great things
10940s from twilight in this matchup especially
10942s going up against finn costa i know you
10944s love the brigitte johnny so i wanted to
10946s get some brigitte highlights for you i
10948s also have some numbers here because
10949s today it's twilight versus spin a little
10952s rivalry going down yeah and finn is a
10954s player that we've been very hot and cold
10956s on you know he's a very talented player
10958s but having over to that brig roll he's
10960s just his numbers don't cut the mustang
10961s he is just a little bit too much depths
10963s he's not really offering as much in the
10965s damage department and you can see
10967s twilight has the edge for finn if you're
10970s taking that personally you know you're
10971s taking twilight's role right here you
10973s got to step up to prove that you deserve
10974s this spot so if there is a weakness in
10977s the shocks game the numbers will tell
10979s you it comes to that brigitte roll and
10981s maybe the tanks just you know setting
10983s the table up here for a long series
10985s ladies and gentlemen we gotta wrap
10988s things up here pretty soon on watch
10989s point but a lot more games to play and
10992s we need to get the official predictions
10994s before we get into it so first match of
10996s the day you know where i'm going
10998s [Applause]
11000s to buy it let's go
11002s i love it that is ridiculous what is
11004s there any hard-hitting analysis or is it
11006s just that bringing it home for the boys
11008s up north did you see how good looking
11009s twilight was last night at the end of
11011s that win there was not an ounce of sweat
11013s on the man he looked powdered and ready
11016s to go for another 24 hours the veteran
11019s leads the youngsters to a title in
11021s toronto it happens right now this is
11023s watchpoint enjoy the summer showdown
11025s proper come on
11036s busted as soon as they're low the
11038s reaction time on sparkle is insane the
11041s blade generation is gonna be cracked
11043s he's killed four is sparkle getting the
11046s ace
11047s oh
11048s that's a big one but although he's
11050s leading the charge and he has a blade
11051s here so although brings the building
11053s down
11054s reinforcements are going to be on the
11055s way trying to dodge what a kid want to
11057s kill a lot of spy that is absolutely
11059s ridiculous
11071s like five kills just like that a blink
11073s of an eye quick team kill oh samira is
11075s tossing in the front line a four-man
11077s ante vancouver titans are gonna wipe
11081s them off the map comes full
11084s that is ungodly the other one absolutely
11090s we demolished
11103s [Music]
11106s what's up toronto make some noise
11110s [Applause]
11114s we are coming to you live from matami
11116s athletic center for the final day of
11118s summer showdown and we are in store for
11121s an epic finale we started this weekend
11124s with eight teams but now only three
11127s remain
11128s the number one seed dallas fuel have
11131s been on fire all stage coming off a 3-0
11133s sweep against the san francisco shop and
11136s they now wait to see who they will face
11139s off against later tonight
11142s which brings us to our first match of
11144s the day
11145s the san francisco shock versus
11148s toronto defiant
11150s [Applause]
11153s will the shock conquer canada and take
11156s down the hometown heroes
11160s we'll defiant rise together
11163s yeah no
11165s and defend toronto
11168s all those answers will be all those
11170s questions will be answered right now
11172s which means are you guys ready to get
11174s this show started or what
11176s [Applause]
11180s toronto i'm gonna be honest i know you
11182s guys could do better than that one more
11184s time i said r u ready
11189s thank you guys very much let's send
11191s things over to our casters ladies and
11194s gentlemen give it up for jaws and necro
11199s thank you very much danny a big warm
11202s welcome
11203s championship sunday has finally arrived
11206s toronto looking to complete that lower
11208s bracket run only one more win stands in
11210s their way of making it to the next game
11212s and the dallas fuel are waiting for them
11214s but they have to conquer the shock first
11217s which is no mean feat most of the time
11219s can the san francisco shock redeem
11221s themselves against the dallas fuel a
11222s little later on well like danny said
11224s those questions will have answers in
11226s just a moment
11227s toronto defiant have an incredible lower
11229s bracket run so far they have beaten two
11232s incredibly strong opponents they do have
11234s that one more in the way in shock
11236s yesterday their match versus the fuel
11238s while it was a 3-0 it was still pretty
11241s close and we've seen how san francisco
11244s shock have this ability to bounce back
11246s but is a second loss versus the fuel i
11249s mean they snapped their winning streak
11251s where's their mental right now the crowd
11253s is behind toronto defiant
11256s so that could be the buff that the
11257s defiant need to take down this behemoth
11260s of a team
11261s the crowd certainly thinks so that is
11262s for sure look the shock had a pretty
11264s easy run okay their schedule looked uh
11266s pretty easy coming into this was it a
11267s surprise that the dallas fuel took them
11269s down and will toronto define do the same
11271s thing i mean shotgun beating 3-0
11272s yesterday like come on now that's true
11275s toronto defiant did have some slug
11277s festive games like they almost almost
11280s lost it at the final hurdle but hang on
11282s though hang on it was it was fan service
11285s okay that was all fan service right
11287s there toronto to find out
11288s yeah get get some extra maps in there
11290s just to make sure that the fans are
11291s having a good time here in the arena
11293s yeah okay i could believe that they want
11295s to put on a show that's for sure i mean
11297s look the toronto would find yeah they
11298s got the home uh like the home advantage
11300s right the home crowd bath but at the san
11302s francisco show you can't really
11303s underestimate them there's still the
11305s shot for crying out loud like collusion
11307s proper we saw from the the highlights
11309s earlier on even if the rest of the
11311s shocker maybe
11313s pushed by the wayside a little bit by
11314s the dallas fuel prop is still coming up
11316s with some crazy clips and some uh crazy
11318s um
11319s carry performances too
11321s can although match him in the genji 1v1
11324s that is going to be the big question i
11326s think on our lips yeah i think we better
11327s bring them on stage though you know you
11329s love them it's the san francisco shock
11334s [Applause]
11341s all right
11343s maybe
11344s not as much love there
11346s for the san francisco shot of course
11347s kaloush fam still in the audience so
11349s it's all good
11351s chat still likes them
11353s that's true and they got both sides the
11355s equation here for sure but it is a
11357s little bit tough as the away team is the
11360s home team in this case but the away team
11362s the visiting team when you've got such
11364s an incredible crowd in the arena you
11366s know you've got to make sure that you've
11368s got that mental there and i feel like
11370s shock they're the type of team that
11372s actually kind of revel in those moments
11374s they do relish that that energy that is
11376s kind of against them and they they will
11378s fight back
11379s get it's about stepping up to the
11381s toronto define look proper is kind of
11384s crazy right but can you take down the
11385s back line of the tarantula fine charon
11387s and twilight looking pretty clean too
11389s they had a hell of a performance
11390s yesterday i mean all those hitting
11392s people with the ajaxes like that guy's
11394s blades are insane like proper maybe mvp
11397s level but although wants to challenge
11399s him there
11400s i think we better bring him out though
11401s the crowd wants to see him please
11403s welcome the toronto defiance
11407s [Applause]
11412s [Music]
11419s [Music]
11424s [Applause]
11428s [Music]
11444s there's one more opponent standing in
11446s their way
11447s give it up for the toronto defiant
11449s they take down the shot
11451s they advance
11452s to the finals here at the summer
11455s showdown
11456s it's gonna be tough
11458s the crowds got their back though and a
11460s lot of people have two at home i can
11461s imagine i think they're definitely a
11463s team that's had an unbelievable rebound
11465s from seasons previous we've got so many
11469s superstar players on the roster and a
11471s lot of players too that have come up
11473s like choron for example
11475s his main support player has been sublime
11477s came from o2 blast where a lot of
11479s crazy players have come from recently
11481s proper exam for for a good example
11484s but i mean you've got veterans you've
11485s got rookies
11486s and this is the moment they've really
11488s all been waiting for they came in as the
11490s fourth seed they now go against the
11492s second in the shock and maybe even the
11494s first
11495s the dallas fuel later on
11497s i remember seeing some talk on social
11499s media from some of the quotes from these
11501s players that they love
11503s the fan energy it's been giving them so
11506s much confidence going into these matches
11508s and so you know they're gonna be hearing
11510s it today they're gonna be seeing the
11512s cheers in the crowd for every big play
11514s that they make and they've had some big
11515s ones jack looking at the lower finals
11518s yesterday uh that we've been able to see
11520s just their run so far is that you know
11523s twilight getting a huge pick on to merit
11526s that big surprise versus the houston
11527s outlaws but then kisu and although
11529s having some of the best matches of their
11533s life and of course you can't forget
11535s hopfa 2 that has had some huge rampages
11539s just right down the middle of teams
11542s who couldn't be a fan of hotbar wouldn't
11544s be me that is for sure you have a hop
11546s effect for us i don't i should have
11547s prepared one really
11549s maybe i'll give one to mitch for the
11550s finals there you go yeah all right the
11552s players have taken to the stage they're
11554s getting set up they're already warmed up
11556s that is for sure and it's going to get
11558s pretty hot in here too
11560s crowd's giving them the energy already
11562s look the san francisco shot kilo and
11564s proper have been just powerhouses uh for
11568s the shock over the course of the season
11570s proper and although and he sue versus
11572s hilo two very different play styles too
11575s in the way kilo players youtube plays a
11576s little bit more uh passive kilo sorry
11578s passive p sue um wants to play the ash
11581s all the way at the back but his
11582s ability to peel for himself is just
11584s extraordinary which allows charon and
11585s twilight to just go well would you go to
11587s the back line it's all good like chong's
11589s bragging ability on the lucio is just
11593s incredible yeah chorong has had an
11595s incredibly aggressive style of lucio
11598s being able to get up and personal in the
11600s faces of their opponents and so you'll
11602s see that his damage stats are actually
11604s very high for lucio's that we have seen
11606s in this stage of the tournament but you
11608s know it's gonna be a tough one when
11610s you've also got violet on the other side
11611s [Applause]
11616s [Music]
11619s map number one
11621s we're jumping into the game right now we
11624s don't want to wait any longer
11626s it is nepal
11628s toronto to find versus the san francisco
11631s shock it's first to three
11633s for a place
11635s in the finals later on today
11641s coming up as our first match of the
11644s series and this is actually the first
11645s time that we're going to see nepal in
11648s our series in the west we actually just
11650s saw it this morning in the apac summer
11653s showdown but it's all time to see what's
11656s going to happen this was san francisco
11658s shock's pick so maybe they've got some
11660s spice
11661s that they have been working on to be
11663s able to play this match because as it
11665s stands both of these teams have actually
11667s only played nepal once in this stage and
11670s has as it has re-entered into the map
11673s pool san francisco shock actually taking
11675s a loss with toronto defiant getting a
11678s win on this map but still not a large
11681s sample size to really go off of
11683s especially when we know that san
11684s francisco shock really like to go for
11685s the symmetra teleporter strat with kilo
11688s and then have him switch back over to
11689s some type of hit scan
11691s we're gonna have to see them in the
11692s middle
11694s all right round one that one
11697s let's get it
11698s yep he's sue and kilo
11700s very different picks gotta watch out
11702s though like you said rose chorong's
11704s ability to get aggressive is something
11706s that any kilo or any of the san
11707s francisco shock should fear
11710s taking a taking a aggressive angle here
11712s if you're the toronto defined is good
11714s he's to get so much more space on the
11715s ash the dynamites on this map are pretty
11717s devastating because there's not many
11720s places you can kind of hold that uh
11721s behind cover the point is so so open as
11724s you see it's unlocked and although it's
11726s the one-two contest they all know
11728s fringes hits hobo with a whip shot to
11731s start off the fight
11732s look like finn was just hiding around
11734s the corner then waiting for hopper to
11735s make a move and they do just that and
11736s charon also falls
11738s toronto defiant end up losing their tank
11741s and the lucio player is the shock cap
11743s first
11744s try to fight i'm playing a little bit
11745s split up there but especially when
11747s you've got heisu that can play as an
11749s individual unit you can really allow him
11752s to play a little bit more in solitude as
11755s you look at how the shock are going to
11756s approach this point you will start to
11758s see them split up and that's really
11760s where toronto defiant can take advantage
11762s as they start isolating targets as well
11764s but he still has to be careful because
11765s that deflect on the side of proper could
11767s send a lot of these shots back to him
11770s but not that one
11772s can't heal that can't heal that either
11775s although and he soon finding a couple of
11777s kills there it is
11779s that's what the crowd want to see
11780s toronto
11782s a little team kill there on the shop and
11785s a point flip for toronto to fire
11787s shock did walk away with 30 but definer
11789s gonna be able to match that pretty
11791s easily and look how much value he has
11793s been getting so far with those dynamites
11795s no matter how the shock decide to
11797s approach this point they are going to be
11799s running into some type of dynamite some
11801s type of big damage when although also
11803s just kind of looking to deflect hopa's
11805s already there charong has already taken
11806s one down kilo dead shock a little bit in
11809s shambles
11811s there's typhoons he's to find the skull
11813s of violet
11815s the san francisco shock
11817s pushed all the way back to spawn
11819s he's too right now doubling the damage
11822s output and then some of his opposite in
11825s kilo
11826s same with although double the damage
11827s currently you can see in the old charge
11829s rows bob and blade up for defiant
11832s exactly but it's not only just that too
11834s they've got the sustainability chong and
11836s twilight are going to have those support
11837s ultimates online too papa once again
11840s javian they're trying to set up for the
11842s same type of play that they made before
11843s our shot gonna fall bit of a split push
11846s there from the san francisco shark is
11847s met with a blade of all low although
11849s shock do ends up using that to beat
11852s has now defined warner push a little bit
11855s a little bit quicker
11856s as they use that rally the san francisco
11858s shock don't really have a ton of time
11860s it's 70 percent of the borders although
11861s he's trying to find an angle where he
11863s can get behind the san francisco shock a
11865s good amount of dynamite damages he's who
11867s holds on to that bob he lets it loose
11869s bob's charging straight to the back load
11871s of san francisco shot as sean finds the
11874s boot kill on tequila they search forward
11876s with that beat and the shock don't know
11878s what hit him
11879s the toronto defiant now putting shock in
11882s final fight territory a rampage a
11884s desperation one of that from kaluge it
11886s hits three but toronto is standing to
11889s find on this first round and even spawn
11891s camping now they know the shock have to
11893s touch yeah and they don't really have
11895s the sustainability for the rampage
11897s rampage from hopper sending shock
11899s reeling all the way back to spawn and no
11901s one can touch
11902s [Applause]
11904s toronto to find taking round number one
11907s look at that even the spawn door is
11909s closing on the shock right there no one
11911s else could be able to come out of that
11912s one but defiant with a nice clean round
11915s number one
11917s i love the examples that you can see too
11918s of chorong's aggressiveness where he is
11920s going to be wall riding trying to get
11922s behind the shield of finn and getting
11924s those head shots from behind him can't
11927s really uh move the shield up to be able
11929s to protect you that way but we've got to
11930s take a look at this replay because look
11932s at how far charling is up in the sky box
11934s and gets a massive boop on to kilo just
11937s completely removing that damage from the
11939s side of the shock
11942s highlighted him earlier standout main
11945s support in this meta
11947s you've got to know when to be aggressive
11948s when to be defensive help twilight out
11951s maturong with almost a perfect mix of
11953s both is something that violet's been
11954s doing pretty well on the lucio 2 mind
11956s you give shock a little props there
11959s all right
11961s next round
11962s very different starts from both defiant
11965s and the shock they do end up on opposite
11967s sides of the map rather than clashing
11969s head to head
11971s well that's a magic teleporter was able
11972s to get the shock to the point first but
11974s the rotation that defiant took to go to
11976s the high ground you're gonna be able to
11977s save a lot of those important cooldowns
11979s for this first fight healer going pretty
11980s low already he takes a headshot from
11982s he's too again
11983s he's winning this 1v1
11985s handily
11987s the san francisco shock
11989s just white
11990s an unbelievably quick team kill from
11993s defiant that's exactly how round one
11995s started out they're gonna continue this
11997s i mean now they get to play a little bit
11998s more aggressive too look at the sight
12001s lines that he was able to get onto the
12003s shock
12004s you can shock's gonna have to take this
12006s route through the building to try to
12008s negate some of the damage that will be
12010s coming their way but the rotation from
12011s the defiant means that they're going to
12013s have this space to work with so they can
12015s just shoot at the shock
12019s nice little uh knife there for pogba
12021s a little bit of chunk damage didn't pull
12023s anybody in
12024s as the san francisco shot
12026s trying to make their second push
12028s although he's been farming this blade
12030s something crazy he's on 80 percent
12032s already probably's pretty low in fact in
12033s the back he's got a dash and no reflect
12035s he does dash back to the rest of his
12036s team as finn is there to save him with a
12038s whip shot and a pack
12040s although also pretty low still farming
12041s that blade he is
12043s 50 percent ahead of proper right now in
12045s terms of play charging charon has the
12047s beat online two ultimates for the
12048s toronto defined just against the
12050s singular for the san francisco shock
12052s there's both beats coming out as
12053s although just hangs on to that blade he
12055s she didn't receive any of that b but it
12056s might not need it although pops are
12058s played dash is straight towards spin as
12060s harper finishes him off although gets a
12061s reset and goes straight
12064s for colluge
12065s he's so low
12066s but all the meanwhile this is actually
12068s turning out to be a trade he's when
12069s hopper are dead
12071s shock might be able to come back into
12072s this one with kilo finding a couple of
12074s kills off into the side
12076s although and hopper tried to make a play
12078s ball though he's still holding down the
12079s fort the early rally from twilight
12082s he's gonna keep
12084s them on the point in control as the san
12086s francisco shock struggle to make any
12089s space all those plays were flashy but
12091s i've got to give that credit to twilight
12093s right there and this is what the defiant
12095s are known for you can look back to their
12097s matches in the summer showdown they love
12099s playing when their backs are against the
12101s wall with members down and still winning
12104s those team fights
12105s there's the rally from finn the bob's
12107s gonna come out trying to chunk some of
12108s that over health away at disruptive
12110s shots doing a fair bit of damage to the
12112s toronto defiant but
12114s they should be good as they down move
12115s forward try and make an opening prop is
12117s going pretty low he's got some damage
12118s down but no kills just yet you see
12121s although they're standing in front of
12122s his teammate trying to get the
12123s deflection so proper can't get any
12125s damage done over time is here is the
12126s swan toe to find try and just hold on to
12128s this point a rampage from hot burner 4v5
12132s an equally good rampage though from
12133s collusi it hits although hopper and
12135s charon as they are bleeding to death but
12137s gilo's been taken out toronto to find
12140s still standing firm on the point but the
12141s shock do manage to find the flip
12144s they were just inching closer chunking
12146s out hopper is going to be the name of
12148s the game right now but finn actually
12149s ends up going down
12151s toronto to fine are keeping themselves
12153s in this fight the shock are going to do
12154s the same thing by using that beat
12156s oh so scrappy violet goes down where was
12158s the beat nope violence beat just
12161s disappearing he sue takes care of two
12163s although he can go proper 99 for the
12166s toronto defense they keep themselves in
12168s this fight somehow someway
12171s and they take the first map
12173s from the shock
12175s toronto defiance
12178s what an unbelievable start
12181s so quick so decisive
12183s the shock only controlled the point for
12185s mere moments
12187s and toronto always willing to fly those
12189s four on fives three on fives
12192s what a fantastic start was shock's
12194s choice
12196s but it looked like it was a bit of a
12197s mistake toronto of course with that win
12199s earlier on in
12201s the summer showdown qualifiers really
12203s came with the experience today to play
12205s this out
12207s they're one map up toronto
12209s only a couple more to go
12212s san francisco shot we'll see how they
12214s want to come back it's their map choice
12216s after this
12231s [Music]
12239s [Music]
12245s [Music]
12254s [Music]
12270s [Music]
12285s [Music]
12321s [Music]
12328s do
12330s [Music]
12340s [Music]
12351s [Music]
12359s do
12363s [Music]
12392s [Music]
12416s [Music]
12438s getting the win is everything it's going
12440s to be a banger of a series one of these
12442s teams is going to be taking the first
12445s loss for ash genji for genji reagan
12448s lucio for greg and lucio and of course
12450s jonker queen for jungkook
12454s it catches almost every single member of
12456s the team
12458s that was a massacre ft goddard
12465s and then it's a shooting gallery for
12467s shockwave being able to try and find
12469s that bar none of us now comes who
12471s doesn't even need
12473s mercy midair what can't this mean dude
12475s x-rays is going off right now but he
12477s gets left again for macroth once again
12479s moxie definitely a star and a player in
12481s contenders
12484s shockwave finds dolla shockwave finds
12486s sauna so that's re2 on the graphic as
12488s well three make it four why not
12491s shockwaves show how good you are buddy
12493s can't find him then he gets killed by
12495s psycho that's popping a blade yoko is
12498s going to go down to the jagged blade of
12500s twelves these twisted mines aren't ready
12502s for but they still pop the rally i think
12504s they're gonna win this fight yoko
12506s of course he hit this with the e mode as
12507s well
12512s we're here live in toronto for the
12514s losers finals toronto to find the san
12516s francisco shock
12518s winner here goes on to the
12520s finals later on today to face the dallas
12522s fuel
12523s what a quick first map that was rose
12526s nepal 2-0 for the toronto define and it
12529s wasn't close that wasn't close at all
12532s toronto are you ready for this
12534s toronto crush the shock 28 kills to nine
12538s final blows on nepal and
12540s almost 8.6 damage difference over them
12544s too huge testament to how fast toronto
12547s defiant were playing really weren't
12548s giving san francisco shock a chance to
12550s set up either because you could see the
12552s aggression how close to spawn they
12554s really were pushing for these fights
12556s yeah eight eight and a half thousand
12558s damage differences
12560s unbelievable
12562s yeah he's just finding a lot of value
12563s same with although right now
12565s shocks can still come back though don't
12567s forget this is their map choice so we're
12568s going to hollywood
12570s um to be fair which is a good map for uh
12573s we'll see if uh san francisco shop want
12574s to kind of stray that way or they're
12576s happy with just kilo on the sojourn
12578s we've seen what twilight can do on this
12579s map we saw the highlights earlier on
12581s today him just camping in the uh like
12584s the security cam room on first oh yeah
12586s and then flanking the entire team and
12588s killing the ash it's not
12590s that's not normally really let's be real
12592s with ourselves here you don't normally
12594s see bricks just flanking getting solid
12595s kills like that i think it will happen
12597s to the shock i mean let's be real with
12598s ourselves
12599s violet uh violet and twilight um going
12602s in that head-to-head like viola's gonna
12604s be at the back rather fast just boop and
12605s twilight away no funny business here you
12608s can't any slip up can cost you a whole
12610s bunch especially on a um on a hybrid map
12612s too we've seen a couple of first holds
12614s throughout the qualifiers hollywood i
12617s think is rather a fickle one
12620s we've seen both of these teams though
12621s take a little bit of an interesting
12622s approach when it comes to what you're
12624s going to do on that hit scan it looks
12626s like san francisco shock feel very
12628s comfortable on hybrid defense actually
12632s going with
12633s the sojourn pick here and yeah look at
12636s that
12637s at the bottom crazy the shock have never
12639s lost to defiant 8-0
12642s in matches against toronto of all time
12644s so this could be toronto's first ever
12645s win
12646s as a franchise against the san francisco
12649s shock
12650s yeah i mean i think a lot of this is
12652s going to depend on how toronto define
12655s decide to play along these longer sight
12658s lines that kilo is going to be able to
12660s get
12661s kilo especially when the defined are
12663s playing as
12664s aggressive as they are will have time to
12667s build up those railgun shots
12669s but when toronto defiant are looking to
12670s play this aggressive game they're going
12672s to be rushing out of the doors with that
12674s speed boost from chorong
12676s that commanding shout
12677s from hapa and heisu of course looking to
12680s make quick work of the backline with
12682s although
12683s san francisco shock already running for
12685s the hills a little bit having to back up
12686s and give some space over to the defiance
12689s yeah they've actually given up cafe
12690s control completely hoppers on the point
12692s securing
12693s hopefully that 33
12695s san francisco shock yet to make a move
12696s okay they
12698s doing it pushing on to not give away a
12700s free tick
12702s although ends up going down imagine that
12703s was killed near cafe rob was just
12707s teasing him a little bit he was on the
12709s the low ground for a brief moment
12711s but a very quick disengage from the
12713s defense not wasting too much time
12714s yeah and it can't because it's already
12716s going to take a lot of time viewable to
12718s actually get to
12720s the first objective and try to capture
12721s it and so when you notice that you only
12723s have three minutes left the time is
12725s against you but you've got to go fast
12727s that's exactly what toronto vine are
12728s doing right now
12730s like an f1 car
12732s zipping through these streets
12734s trying to find just throw out a big
12735s dynamite don't find any initial kill so
12738s another re-entry just from the front of
12740s the point now oh kilo takes a body shot
12742s and then a headshot from heesu takes him
12744s out of the equation and by this pretty
12746s low behind that dumpster over there
12747s maybe belongs in it looks like he wants
12750s to give it to him
12751s that dynamite doing a ton of work from
12754s his already
12755s and he built up to talk so quickly he is
12758s 66
12760s towards that bob and if stronger to
12762s fight they get the cap here they're able
12764s to push out quickly if they take the
12765s high ground is going to have free reign
12768s over the shock but shock look they're
12769s playing all the way close they're
12771s actually just trying to push the payload
12772s from cafe well i mean they might even
12773s get the sound barrier in line to keep it
12775s up but proper is gonna get really low
12777s here yeah i don't think he was expecting
12779s although to be there sub 40 hp he's
12782s trying to look he's trying to stop
12784s history from rejoining the rest of his
12785s team he's who's isolated right now is
12787s the san francisco shock use the beat to
12789s try and again capitalize on the split
12791s members of toronto and they do so with
12794s ease
12795s violet claiming two kills toronto barely
12797s got that car through the doors
12799s but hyper aggression from the san
12801s francisco shock will win them that fight
12804s i mean shaw can't push up to the spawn
12805s room doors now it might force his use
12807s the bob a little bit earlier than he
12809s wants to just to be able to get out of
12811s spawn but once you use the bob you can
12813s use that as a zoning oh actually they're
12814s just going to wrap around the shock a
12816s little flip
12818s little flip of sides maybe
12819s double rally
12821s hopper trying to set up bob's coming
12823s through proper dead hopper with a huge
12825s carnage
12826s that rampage might not even be needed to
12828s be fair kalush is super low and twilight
12831s knocks him for six
12833s and the rest of shock are gonna follow
12836s there's the win for the defiant now they
12838s can take that high ground rose they only
12840s use the bob and the rally
12842s three ultimates they got blade and
12844s rampage up right now and they got both
12846s of the support ultimates out of the
12848s shock already you saw the sound barrier
12849s used by violet for a shock to get
12851s aggressive and finn responding to the
12853s bob with the rally so neither of those
12856s are going to be able to save them from
12857s all those blade they're already taking
12859s the high ground property
12861s look at the defense coming out from
12863s twilight he's just running towards
12865s proper
12866s he does not care that you have a blade
12869s finn very much should care all those got
12871s one though
12872s the toronto defiance with that support
12875s advantage like you were saying rose are
12876s just pushing violet all the way back to
12879s their second spawn
12880s this is gonna be huge too because with
12882s hapa having the rampage online first you
12884s can hold very aggressive on these stairs
12887s and shock that's their easiest route of
12889s ingress to be able to get back to the
12891s point to be able to contest it oh taking
12893s this dynamite damage too
12895s look it look at look over hop
12897s out look at the meters three meters to
12899s go the rampage hits two he sue ends up
12902s going down first but if they can clean
12904s up violet and collusion the toronto
12906s define might be in a good spot
12908s no more ultimates from toronto however
12910s so they might not be able to finish this
12912s fight
12913s and the shark are more than happy with
12915s this the payload's going to inch back
12916s but toronto is still playing far up
12918s they are and they should probably take
12921s an eco push here i mean twilight is
12923s pretty close to the rally but that's not
12925s going to be enough to save them from the
12927s rampage that khalou just built up to
12929s violet as well with that sound barrier
12931s does have that sustainability advantage
12933s but when defined can play so close they
12934s can get both of those ultimates out and
12936s then go in with the dps also going to
12938s build up here all right
12941s he's playing sheriff right now on top of
12943s that jail
12944s as collusion is hugging this corner
12946s carnage comes out there's the rally from
12948s toronto to find collusion now backing up
12950s after using that shout b comes in his
12952s chance to go he's still shooting him in
12954s the back and no one from the san
12956s francisco shock right now can get to his
12958s for the toronto divine once again kind
12960s of isolate themselves around these
12961s corners
12963s and the shock were able to clean up
12965s but look at that you got two high value
12967s ultimates out of the shock you will have
12968s to contest with proper dragonblade and
12970s finn's rally
12972s but oh look at this
12974s all right a big stagger here trong is
12976s playing lucio so he will be able to taxi
12978s everybody back from the defiant heisu
12981s does have the bob
12982s it's bob versus the rally right now
12984s maybe propper gets that dragon blade too
12986s but toronto defiant are starting to run
12988s out of a little bit of time here it's
12990s gonna be the last minute of this second
12992s objective and they're contesting for
12994s high ground
12996s yeah shocker done a really good job of
12997s burning that time bank down payload is
12998s still pretty close it's one fight
13000s territory realistically for the toronto
13002s to find if they find a nice wipe
13005s finn with the rally proper with the
13006s blade versus the bob and potentially the
13008s blade from all though
13011s ultimate advantage right now in favor of
13012s the shock with 40 seconds to go if they
13014s can stall that for a little bit longer
13016s make this final fight bob's already out
13019s it's kind of laying waste of shock but
13020s they end up backing off into the bar but
13022s look at the payload the toronto defense
13024s make use of that space and put
13025s themselves on it what a pull from
13026s colluge the knife is he see when he
13028s pulls him straight into him but all
13030s those take down collusion they actually
13032s make a play into the bar proper pulls
13034s the blade there's no support ultimates
13036s available for them to find now as they
13038s used to be earlier on in that fight
13039s improper to splashes with both the
13042s backliners of the toronto defiance with
13044s 10 seconds to go the san francisco shock
13046s holding just before this second point
13049s might not even be anybody from defying
13051s to be able to get there so this could be
13053s where the cart stops finn also holding
13055s the door but there it is that is where
13057s the cart will stop for round number one
13064s pretty decent push
13066s crowds still behind them
13070s still like the little colluge heads
13074s they look so funny
13076s see little clue sheds every now and then
13077s popping up in the crowd i like it
13081s all right
13082s the shock know exactly how far they need
13084s to get
13085s trying to define upset the pace car
13088s winton really do do that he jumped he's
13091s up yo nap
13094s [Applause]
13097s not gonna see the the winton in uh this
13099s match-up
13100s probably i know yeah we might see the
13102s twilight anna though that would be
13104s pretty clutch that's for sure but
13106s toronto to find do get to go on the
13107s defense now we've seen how oppressive
13110s the ash can be when it comes to playing
13112s on
13113s the cafe ledge maybe over on the other
13116s building on the high ground just to be
13117s able to get those long sight lines and
13120s he's been able to get some big first
13122s picks
13123s as well
13124s but can proper go in there maybe bait
13127s out
13128s a huge shot go in with the deflect send
13130s it right back
13133s you know where that card is and where
13135s they've got to get it to so shock
13136s they're definitely going to be looking
13138s at getting over that benchmark and hey
13140s that means we get more maps too true
13142s that is very true
13144s sometimes it's important to have that
13145s goal in mind and if you defend first you
13147s know exactly where
13149s you really need to play and how far you
13150s need to play for
13152s and in a way you can judge your ultimate
13154s economy and how you want to end up
13155s pushing through the second point if you
13157s know it's just before that twilight
13158s twilight
13160s by security
13167s although takes a bit of damage gets a
13169s free cookie there
13171s from twilight
13173s you can slide over this roof still
13175s that's still a possibility
13176s prop is going pretty low so has to fight
13178s but look at this they're pushing from
13180s the san francisco shock they've managed
13181s to isolate hot but obvious fighting his
13183s way out and in fact juana and charles
13185s with a perfect peel
13186s pogba does not die to those and the
13188s shots now have lost their tank so
13190s defying could just basically run them
13191s down a nice little boupon to violet he's
13193s trapping the doorway he doesn't manage
13195s to get out in time but these stacked
13196s kills could be quite big rose
13199s oh kilo yeah
13200s no way near finn and violet he ended up
13202s getting pooped away there's so much uh
13204s displacement in this matter
13207s as issue finds another exit kill onto
13209s violet well it's very smart how toronto
13211s defiantly played that too hoppa
13212s basically played as bait to be able to
13214s go into that corridor where all of that
13216s backstage is and then toronto defiant
13219s wrapped around to be able to isolate
13221s that pick onto kaluge
13224s and then the stackers as well
13225s look at this two and a half minutes
13227s toronto to fight going in fast
13229s a little speed boost morning shout out
13233s he's still getting a fair bit of damage
13234s done with the dynamite he's leaving the
13235s server right now in terms of damage just
13237s over 7k
13240s that high ground is pretty nice to play
13242s from but it's a very easy dagger spot so
13244s you can throw gracie up there good
13246s disengage from he sue but he's not
13247s enough proper chase him down a quick
13248s shuriken head shot and now twilight
13250s alone he is going to be able to bash
13252s away but not after proper can follow
13254s enough with a reset on his own dash
13257s although he does find finn and in fact
13258s look at this trying to define still
13259s fighting a two-man beats the blade has
13261s been pulled although his low use the
13263s deflect trying to find a tiger gets a
13265s big slash but it's not enough damage him
13268s and charon were the only people left on
13270s that point to try
13271s finish off the shock but it wasn't to be
13276s the shock they have a couple of volts
13277s toronto defined unable to touch and
13280s they'll get that payload going
13282s big thing here for defiant is that they
13284s did get out that sound barrier from
13286s violet but also when you look at the
13289s fact that proper has the blade
13292s trong does not have the sound barrier
13293s anymore to be able to contest with that
13295s but it is four minutes on the clock so
13297s toronto defiantly do know what they have
13299s to play for here and where that
13300s benchmark has been set he's who can also
13303s just send the bob into the back line of
13304s the shock
13305s and maybe force out the rally there
13308s so that hapa can go in with that rampage
13311s you've really got to get that bob in a
13313s good position where he could shoot on
13314s the back line but there's so many
13315s cubbies little hiding holes you can run
13317s into especially with the lucio is pretty
13319s easy with the speed so
13321s yeah
13322s well bob is a pretty damn good ability
13324s and a pretty handsome gentleman it's
13325s sometimes hard to get value on this
13327s point in the map
13330s you have to be fair if you get a knock
13331s up on the support as well that's uh a
13333s death sentence more often than not
13334s speaking above nice little boop from
13336s finn but actually bob's in a nice little
13338s position
13339s been into finishing him off but a
13341s three-man rampage from hopper who's
13344s going pretty low he is swinging away as
13346s akilu takes a body shot from his u
13349s but training your tank for a dps i think
13352s shock are going to be happy with that
13353s one as you can see them right now
13354s pushing forwards
13355s they're going to be backing up as well
13357s because defiant can't get anybody here
13358s they actually have to force the rally
13360s now yeah
13361s going in for that play though he finds
13362s one reset a second one although there's
13364s no deflect left rob with a 3k dragon
13366s blade toronto to fight on their last
13368s legs twilight's rally completely negated
13372s another define have to come back in with
13374s no alts they go against a rampage and a
13376s beat
13377s they can't explain they kind of have to
13379s split up here or else collusion's gonna
13380s be able to get everything look how
13382s they're gonna try to split through the
13383s back of the face should be able to touch
13384s but they actually get moved away
13385s although gets the final touch with the
13387s dash but the beast been used by the san
13389s francisco shock the toronto defend need
13391s to be able to survive but the carnage
13393s from colluge is gonna be too
13395s much damage not enough healing for
13398s toronto as the san francisco shock tie
13401s up the series
13410s crowd doesn't seem happy about that one
13411s but that does tie up the series so shock
13414s fans
13415s might be feeling themselves a little bit
13417s here as that was shock's map choice
13420s and despite the fact that that is a
13422s great map for ash
13424s san francisco shock were able to
13426s overcome that difference and get that
13428s map win but now the cards go back over
13431s to the defiant they get a chance to
13433s choose the next one
13434s they do indeed
13436s blistering pace on the first map toronto
13438s not quite the same for hollywood as san
13439s francisco take
13441s it on their mat pick toronto defiance
13443s turn to jews
13445s going to a escort map we'll see you in a
13448s second
13454s [Music]
13460s [Laughter]
13477s [Music]
13491s [Music]
13500s [Music]
13505s do
13525s [Music]
13539s [Music]
13586s [Music]
13619s [Music]
13633s [Music]
13674s whoever said lightning doesn't strike
13676s twice has never met the san francisco
13680s this is the depth of talent on their
13682s roster that can't be denied some of the
13684s most hardcore carry performances that
13686s i've ever seen this is going to be a
13688s wild ride
13690s somehow
13693s [Music]
13712s san francisco the greatest team in
13715s overwatch
13719s we're more than halfway through the
13720s season and it's time to keep collecting
13722s those owl tokens for the upcoming team
13725s mix legendary skins yeah you know those
13728s skins have been releasing through the
13729s season yeah we'll get some team mix ones
13731s from the winners of the tournaments
13732s pretty exciting stuff
13734s sign up for the owl newsletter as well
13736s on the website for some extra tokens
13738s offer expires pretty soon so uh yeah
13740s make sure you go and do that
13742s but back to the game at hand
13744s toronto defined and the san francisco
13746s shock both won a piece right now after
13748s that hollywood game was taken by the
13750s shot toronto get their choice for the
13753s map we are going to dorado rose as our
13756s next one dorado seems like a very smart
13759s pick as well for the toronto defiant
13760s because the ash can get really nice
13762s value playing off of the high ground but
13764s not only that remember how we mentioned
13766s that san francisco shock and toronto
13768s defiant have played already this season
13771s while the shock may have won 3-1 the one
13775s map toronto were able to take off of
13777s them was dorado
13780s so maybe this is where they're able to
13781s get another win here today and it's also
13783s one of their best maps too they've had
13785s they've played it eight times sitting at
13787s five and three record and so the toronto
13789s defense definitely feel comfortable
13791s going on to dorado
13794s it gives heats to a nice little sight
13795s line too
13796s exactly for the ash
13799s yeah you can imagine a lot of the maps
13800s are going to be centered around how well
13802s uh you can play that i like that they
13803s have been mixing up a little bit with
13805s with the sojourn too but
13807s now
13808s the shock refusing to go down without a
13810s fight it is crazy to think that the
13811s shock were almost undefeated coming into
13813s the qualifiers of course beaten by the
13815s dallas fuel for their first loss um in a
13818s long time
13819s right it was a 17 match win streak that
13821s they snapped which was it was even more
13823s than that too if you look at how they
13825s played at the tail end of the regular
13827s season for 2021 as well
13829s so no they're shocked they're tried
13831s they're tested
13832s are they true when you look at how
13834s they're able to tie up the series as
13835s well
13839s it's all about that momentum as soon as
13841s you get that on stage you build up that
13842s confidence
13844s they're definitely used to it at this
13845s point and remember how the shot
13847s performed in a kickoff clash just not
13849s living up to people's expectations
13850s whatsoever they were undefeated at that
13852s point coming into the tournament and
13853s then they just got dominated and you're
13855s like wow really on land shock and after
13858s these performances from proper and kilo
13860s at the beginning of the year very
13862s surprising stuff it was surprising but i
13864s think when you look at how young san
13865s francisco shocks roster is and maybe uh
13868s you know how a lot of them are rookies
13870s coming into this season they haven't
13872s really had that overwatch league land
13874s experience before
13876s but they're hungry for it i mean you've
13878s heard how they have adjusted and adapted
13881s since then their mental reset looking at
13884s how they want to approach this
13885s particular tournament so they're
13887s definitely hungry to prove that they can
13889s go a little bit further than that fourth
13890s place finish on land but unless toronto
13893s defiant have something to say about it
13894s take a look at this actually
13896s toronto on the defense they're going to
13899s go ahead and use the ash but whoa yeah
13901s although we're still interested okay
13904s does know he's there
13907s proper now has to play gatekeeper but
13909s although base has infinite health he can
13911s just back up and get a hp from the spawn
13914s room nice little dynamite kilo already
13915s use that coach gun and this is exactly
13917s what steroids define wanting to force
13918s out that coach god is such a key ability
13920s for the ash to keeping herself safe and
13922s the rest of their team too
13923s got to be careful though boops could be
13925s deadly on this portion of the map i
13927s don't think i've ever seen a fight here
13929s and toronto to fight i'm not gonna make
13931s it last long at all
13934s it's really big because chorong was able
13935s to actually get out of spawn really
13937s quickly go over to the high ground of
13939s these buildings and then use a wrap
13941s around onto the shock to actually force
13943s them in a position where they had to
13944s play that close to spawn san francisco
13947s shock did get a nice close hold so they
13950s will be able to have an easy time coming
13952s back into this one to contest but
13954s although walked away with almost double
13956s the damage as proper in that first fight
13959s so that dragon blade could be coming
13960s online very quickly proper actually
13962s takes a huge head shot there another
13964s headshot oh
13966s this guy only headshots people
13969s nothing else
13971s fire takes a double headshot from he
13972s soon the san francisco shock health bars
13975s looking a rather slim
13978s oh yes that's drawn to the fine
13981s they're gonna claim point a
13983s four minutes and 50 seconds
13986s dominant first push
13988s notice as well that the defiant are
13989s doing a lot of focus fire on to kilo and
13992s proper on san francisco shock whether
13995s it's sending chorong after proper
13997s or just kind of keeping kilo in check
14000s kylo has been on the ash for this map to
14002s play it on the defense just to be able
14004s to contest with hisu and also take
14006s advantage of the defense but he's gonna
14008s have the bob uh four ultimates online
14010s here for the defiance they just have to
14012s take this high ground presence away from
14015s the shock
14016s see child on there trying to get that
14018s poop you know finn look at him you can
14020s see that shield tilting upwards yeah
14022s it's wrong rather cheeky but it does
14024s stop actually shock playing right next
14025s to that edge getting some free damage
14027s down
14028s uh to be fair
14029s so it's not all for naught
14031s okay although looking like he wants to
14032s communicate a blade here
14035s he'd be chatting quite quickly
14037s five ultimates online for the defiant
14039s pretty much he's thinking importantly
14041s shock here have two support ultimates
14043s they see although moving into the bank
14045s now onto the high ground and this is
14046s shocks time to go the bob issues the
14048s blade from although he's been pulled oh
14050s proper he can't get away for the time
14052s being but he can't get away from kilo
14055s you know shot him in the back of the
14056s head
14057s although try to make a uh executive play
14059s there to take care of papa who has the
14061s blade online
14063s they do end up trading a couple of uh
14065s dps
14066s kilo for although
14068s but still high ground control for
14069s toronto to find a lot of ultimates used
14072s it was an expensive fight to not get too
14073s much distance
14076s shock only had to use the sound barrier
14077s too but look at twilight going in with
14079s the rampage
14080s with the blade a huge rampage coming out
14083s from hopper hits proper destroying his
14086s blade
14087s the san francisco shot can still rely on
14089s that rally though finn has been using it
14091s for quite some time as the overhealth
14092s was building but the damage coming out
14094s from his who might be a little bit too
14095s much a return rampage from columbus does
14098s hit three members of the toronto to
14100s fight but they're able to heal up
14102s over aggression from the shock is
14104s rewarded with a kill on to twilight and
14106s charon
14107s he's who can't win this 1v1 maybe takes
14109s another person with him as hopper still
14110s in this fight with although dying and no
14112s support for the toronto defense don't
14114s look like they're gonna be nope stop
14116s just in time oh give it to him oh
14120s look at that
14122s crowd down up you that one i can tell
14124s you that right now you can't hear that
14125s at home
14127s yeah that's just kalush trying to give
14129s it to hapa right now i don't think hapa
14131s is going to take that too kindly though
14132s on the comeback here as defiant make
14135s another approach it's two minutes
14136s remaining here to be able to capture
14138s point b and it's a bit of an even fight
14141s right now remember you noted how
14143s expensive one of those fights was to be
14145s able to make it to the midpoint of the
14147s mac until shock stopped them but because
14149s of where the card is toronto defiant can
14151s actually take this wrap around to just
14153s play around the cart
14155s he doesn't really have as much
14156s protection as kilo does now all violet
14159s ends up taking a whip shot twilight
14160s again comes up big his whip shops
14163s unbelievably accurate and now prop is in
14165s trouble has to use deflecting the dash
14167s to get away and remember toronto fighter
14169s on the attack by the way it may look
14171s like they're on the defense twilight
14172s comes up with another kill kilo forced
14174s all the way back a non factor in this
14176s fight is that ash from the shock
14179s as the toronto to fire push forward
14181s they're gonna cap c or b even
14185s yeah there might be a sea cap as well i
14187s mean look at that trunk twilight now
14189s having double support ultimates ready
14191s and that last pick on to violet
14194s does deny shock from being able to come
14196s in and get this aggressive hold look at
14198s all though too trying to get some poke
14200s damage get this blade online and then
14201s maybe take a flank to be able to go in
14204s after shocks backline it really is a
14206s race against finn and violet getting
14208s those support ultimates
14210s yeah they are pretty close the rally
14211s will definitely be online although we'll
14212s have to do something rather freakish to
14214s get that blade before violet gets his uh
14215s beat violet as well he's also been a
14217s lucio that builds beats so quickly in
14219s first fights he's sometimes the person
14221s with the ultima up first which is insane
14224s when you really think about it one of
14225s the slower ultimate uh building
14227s abilities in the game
14229s oh
14230s wow
14231s you can't build or use all if you're
14232s dead
14233s they do end up trading as the rally is
14235s popped from the shop they want to keep
14237s themselves in this fight and they're
14238s going to
14239s they can almost guarantee it with that
14241s killer to chorus but with wider alive
14243s and a rally coming out toronto to find
14245s no they have to battle only against that
14246s lucio healing from the shock but the
14248s spawn poises spawn points are pretty
14250s close
14251s two minutes to go is the toronto fight
14253s push onto high ground look charong is
14255s actually going to be taxiing his back to
14257s this fight as well as defiant take
14259s control of the high ground coming back
14261s into this one with three ultimates
14262s they're looking to try to get that sound
14264s barrier out of violet there's the shout
14266s and the blade pulled oh a thousand hp
14268s although always he's pretty easy to get
14269s kills now properly selected himself he's
14271s one hp one shuriken would do it although
14273s turns his attention to the rest of his
14275s team as the san francisco shock almost
14277s get bowled over by hopper that rampage
14279s is pretty decent and here come the kills
14281s although gets one and he still with
14283s another
14284s violet getting back to proper to heal
14286s him up and also escort him out but again
14288s they've split up
14289s the trio team from the toronto defined
14292s although charong and he's earned
14293s twilight
14295s are just handily dealing with proper
14297s flanks
14298s it's all about that support toronto
14300s defiance putting so many resources into
14302s all though to make sure that he stays up
14304s and going into the back line but colluge
14306s look how low he's getting so far hamba
14308s really wants to contest with this one
14309s but knows he has to back up to make sure
14312s that they stay alive because it's less
14314s than a minute remaining and toronto want
14317s to push this all the way to the end it
14319s was rather similar to hollywood rose or
14321s in a second ago and carnage only hitting
14323s one rampage comes out collusion hits
14325s hopper though can the san francisco
14327s shock target in the can the bleed
14329s finishes him off 30 seconds to go right
14331s now is the toronto defiant find the
14333s opening pick they need on to proper
14335s violet also follows twilight keeping his
14337s team alive with that rally the toronto
14339s defiance tank is spawning in just a
14341s moment and we'll make it back to the
14343s point in a couple of seconds at most
14346s 18 seconds to go is collusion focused
14348s down
14349s toronto a couple of meters before they
14351s get that point look at that it hoppa
14353s came back on the doofus too just to be
14354s able to get back faster finn is gonna
14356s chase them away a little bit with the
14358s rally but they're gonna wait for that
14360s over hell to expire before going back in
14361s again defiant want to get this sound
14363s bearer online
14364s all right point contested hopper is in
14366s there to get that touch that defensive
14368s fist has already been used and keogh
14369s takes care of him that seismic slab hit
14372s the roof so he didn't get
14373s the aerial velocity he needed to get
14375s back to the rest of his team
14377s 4b5 joe to find i think the beat just
14379s got interrupted by the punch
14382s columbus comes up big with a doomfist
14383s punch on chaturang
14386s sound barrier interrupted the san
14387s francisco shot in good spots
14391s to stop the defiance
14393s just before that third point
14396s i have to get a replay of that one real
14397s fast but i'm
14399s 99 sure collusion interrupted chorong's
14401s beat with a punch
14404s the clutch factor though that shock have
14406s with the doomfist i mean every time you
14409s see colluge have to make that kind of
14410s panic switch to get back to the doomfist
14414s more often than not it does result in a
14416s team fight win but defiant did make it
14419s almost to the end of the map
14422s and so
14423s 77.44 meters that's it that's it that's
14426s all they need to be able to defend from
14427s to be able to take this map
14435s the hollywood
14438s was shocked map choice this is defiance
14441s you'd expect them to do pretty well on
14442s the defense especially with houston on
14443s the uh
14444s on the ash like i mentioned at that
14446s starting point this guy's only hitting
14448s headshots his aim has always been
14450s extremely good
14451s it's
14452s felt like only a matter of time before
14454s he reached uh peak potential peak
14456s performance again
14461s crowds still very much behind toronto
14465s right now
14468s got to look at the hisa kilo
14469s head-to-head though on the ash you know
14471s shock they've been playing mostly the
14473s sojourn but kilo will go over to the ash
14476s in certain circumstances and
14479s dorado so far has been one of those
14481s shock did play the ash on the defense
14484s kilo is going to use it again on the
14486s offense let's see how much he can get
14488s done right now he sue is going to be
14490s leading in eliminations 19 to 3
14493s and then also kilo kind of having half
14495s that s7
14499s so he seems like he's kind of winning
14500s out that stat war right now
14503s but it's about the team play
14505s yeah shock taking a very different
14506s approach too they don't go for this uh
14507s wrap around with the uh teleporter oh
14510s that's a big dynamite although once
14512s again playing in the back line of uh the
14514s san francisco shock or any tv faces
14516s against
14517s very confident in his team to back him
14519s up if he really needs it hopper ends up
14520s getting booped out of the way
14522s and taking care of oh what a quick push
14524s from the shock
14526s this is important too uh to run at first
14528s we've seen a lot of crazy things on
14529s dorado first to be fair like a lot of
14531s full holds
14533s quite a punishing point
14535s you kind of expect that you'll at least
14536s be able to get past the the car wash
14538s though right and so
14540s again with that closer hold defiant can
14542s come back into this one to recontest
14544s with the high ground that they can take
14546s to look at chorong although twilight
14549s trying to lead the charge here too heal
14550s is on an off angle but all those sniffed
14552s that out
14554s you can get uh some nice damage down if
14556s you're able to poke around that second
14557s doorway but yeah
14559s although with a heads up play a couple
14561s of shots kilo gets knifed in
14563s like gracie pulling him back but he's
14565s got the coach gun one of the best
14567s abilities ready for ash to disengage
14568s from
14569s gracie gotta wait uh gotta wait for you
14571s to actually get push pulled in before
14573s you end up pushing yourself away there
14575s is the beat very early one from violet
14578s to try and cap this point popper has to
14580s be on there to touch although takes uh
14582s takes down violet but the the b and the
14584s rally the shock have just got so many
14586s support ultimates finally toronto the
14588s fight end up using theirs but finn takes
14590s care of twilight before
14592s that over health can be built up it's
14594s bob on bob
14596s but kilo standing all the way in the
14597s back just wasn't hindered he used the
14599s space that violet created for the shock
14602s using that beat martian ford with the uh
14604s speed boost
14605s to then get three shots on the front
14606s line in toronto exactly and you know it
14609s looked really dicey for shock as well
14611s the violet actually got isolated of way
14613s hop up pulling them into the rest of the
14616s defiant as they wrapped back around
14618s behind that first point but hapa
14620s eventually had to go in alone because
14621s they were leaving the cart
14623s uncontested
14625s but toronto do get to take the high
14627s ground here but what is going on over on
14630s the other side finn and kilo
14633s kind of like walking along this ledge
14635s okay finn falls off a little bit so they
14636s can't really go for that flank
14638s completely but proper is gonna be trying
14640s to get set up here for this blade
14642s and it seems like hoppa has been the
14644s primary target for the shock as well
14646s trying to take out that front line
14647s yeah removing the ability to commanding
14649s shot the rest of your team is pretty big
14651s speed boost extra hp right
14653s you can see how much
14654s attention proper is paying to him
14658s blaze being pulled by although oh
14660s they're in a small room
14661s look at this a lot of damage done
14664s again
14665s this is all charon and although just
14668s pushing as a pair using that speed boost
14670s with the blade you can even have heels
14672s in the middle of using the amp speed to
14674s give you some additional sustainability
14676s while using that the san francisco shock
14678s they take the the small loss there but
14680s they will go again they've got a blade
14681s of that road
14682s and the blade there's not really a great
14684s answer from defying unless you're going
14685s to go in just kind of
14687s bare bones with
14689s the twilight shield bash tourong being
14692s able to kite away from that damage
14695s but also hapa and colluge they both have
14697s the rampage online right now oh wow
14700s pogba just jumped down behind him hit a
14701s three-man rampage kilo's the whole heap
14704s of her you can see although instantly
14705s jumping on top of him they know that's a
14707s lot of damage now missing from the san
14709s francisco shock
14710s and now the high ground is toronto's
14712s once again
14713s two minutes and 30 seconds it's going to
14716s remain for the shock
14718s hop as well just with those rampages is
14721s going to be doing a bit more damage than
14722s kalush right now but colluge we've seen
14724s how good those rampages can be maybe
14727s five man four-man rampage
14729s but defiant they're up on the high
14731s ground it's going to be more difficult
14732s for colluge to be able to approach and
14734s get that done unless the defiant drop
14736s down finn actually got pulled in with
14738s gracie
14739s although ignores that completely just
14740s kills kilo once again shaun alvo always
14743s in the back line blaze has been pulled
14744s by proper goes full on anime mode in the
14746s mid-air kills he sue as he was coach
14748s gunning away
14749s the toronto to fight lose their main
14751s source of damage now as although he is
14753s staying alive but not for long
14755s he's cut to smithereens
14757s san francisco shock
14759s are going to unlock
14761s the last stretch
14763s of this map
14764s this was toronto to find map choice as
14767s they chase twilight all the way back to
14769s uh their third spawn three minutes to go
14772s that golden box of victory just around
14774s that corner shock almost got turong too
14776s as he was running away with like a
14777s quarter of hp left
14779s but they get to come back out as a full
14781s team of five
14782s the double support ultimates feel really
14784s good as well especially when shock they
14787s might
14788s go in with this rally
14790s just to engage make sure they have that
14792s over health
14793s bob on bob again though they might have
14795s another showdown on the map
14798s i mean bob's pretty good at this point
14801s he's lining up for it too he is yeah
14803s again knock up you can maybe follow up
14805s with the dash from uh although if it
14806s hits dps or a support
14809s big ultimate fight coming up though
14810s there's the bob
14812s dynamite over the top good luck support
14814s you can see bob holding down the four
14816s but
14817s san francisco shock use that
14819s shout and the speed boost to get out of
14821s the way
14823s just waiting for that bob to expire
14825s and then kelo can go in with a bob of
14827s their own
14828s look at that angle that kiel is going to
14830s be able to get on it rally though first
14832s yep riley used first there's the match
14834s he won the beat from the toronto to
14835s fight they got a whole lot more health
14836s for bob he's going to start airing out
14838s in just a moment although paul's with
14840s the blame with the help of charring in
14841s the back he's got a lot of speed but not
14842s a lot of health he does dip around the
14844s corner there but meets a bob and in fact
14846s kaloush was just having a little
14848s gentleman still with hopper on the side
14850s and ends up winning it out although
14851s splay didn't get all of anything it's
14852s now the late beat from the san francisco
14854s shot might just do it although he's got
14856s nothing left the toronto defiant forced
14859s all the way back to their spawn the san
14860s francisco shock now one map away
14864s from getting that rematch against the
14865s dallas fuel
14869s on toronto defines matt choice
14873s college standing up
14876s that's what you love to see
14879s how are toronto fight rose gonna come
14880s back into this
14883s it's going to be another map choice for
14884s them so hopefully they're going to be
14885s able to take shock too i'm not that's
14888s going to give them an advantage
14890s colosseo has been really good for
14892s toronto defiant this stage especially
14895s when you're able to play that ash on
14897s those flanks but you know kilo
14899s definitely bringing out that ash pick
14901s two and that's two maps in a row now
14903s where the
14904s san francisco shock have been able to
14906s get the jump on the ash advantage
14910s all right
14911s san francisco shock they got to deal
14913s with another map pick from toronto to
14914s fight we'll see where we want to go
14916s after this break
14932s [Music]
14957s [Music]
14970s [Music]
15025s [Music]
15061s [Music]
15066s [Music]
15076s [Music]
15086s [Music]
15091s do
15096s [Music]
15110s huh
15126s [Music]
15128s so
15142s [Music]
15162s that thing kind of crazy
15163s [Music]
15168s see violet now getting taken out by the
15170s dash here pelican though tried his best
15173s but it's not gonna be enough finn is
15175s feeling himself look at him pop off
15178s they're gonna find backbone oh and no
15180s block maybe either a beautiful nade from
15183s finn if what's rt forced it goes down so
15185s does landon
15187s and the san francisco shop just like
15189s that they find backbone once again in a
15192s situation he doesn't want to be in oh
15194s give it to him
15196s you see that little spark on his face
15198s dude
15199s your player of the match is of course
15202s finn sleep after sleep biography after
15205s bio grenade
15207s [Music]
15214s san francisco shock
15217s set themselves up to be the villains
15218s here on the stage versus the toronto to
15220s find the hometown heroes
15223s toronto's map choice now as we go to
15224s push
15226s rose we are going to coliseum
15228s as our fourth and potential
15231s final map shock won that rematch right
15233s against the fuel
15235s who knocked them down to the lower
15236s bracket finals
15238s yesterday
15239s toronto defiant want to keep that win
15241s streak going they want to exit the lower
15242s bracket get to the finals take down the
15245s fuel in front of their home crowd
15247s we were in a similar situation yesterday
15249s for the toronto defiant versus the
15251s florida mayhem
15252s where toronto did win the first map and
15255s then florida took the two after that but
15257s we are going to where the comeback
15259s started for the defiant it is coliseum
15262s they've won two of these maps in a row
15264s here at the summer showdown
15266s so this is the place where they can
15270s come back into the series and get that
15272s two versus two toronto we're gonna need
15274s you to hype them up a little bit because
15275s you were the reason they made it do that
15278s fourth map in that fifth map
15281s so give them your energy now
15283s because this is gonna be a 10 minute
15284s banger
15288s all right
15291s 200 just getting the heads in the game
15293s it's a very different atmosphere of
15294s course playing on stage but you know
15296s using that energy and the power from the
15297s crowd
15298s every single time they gain kills you
15300s hear them erupt when they win maps it's
15302s even louder and they're in series it's
15304s the loudest
15306s [Music]
15307s they need two more maps here it's not
15309s quite the reverse sweep of course as
15310s toronto did find map number one like you
15313s said rose colosseum this is where it
15314s started before can they do it again
15318s san francisco shock know this map all
15319s too well
15321s i think a lot of teams do at this point
15323s there's a lot of famous moments
15332s hear the boom sticks that's exactly what
15333s you want i mean it's like rumbling the
15336s arena right now
15337s but it's another tale of the two dps
15340s players on both teams you know aldo and
15342s prop are going to be coming out of the
15343s gates with the genji
15345s and you know yesterday versus the dallas
15348s fuel san francisco shock had some really
15350s nice genji stats from proper
15352s just the team as a whole needed to be
15354s able to come together a little bit more
15356s but toronto defined coming back out with
15358s their signature ash pick on hisu looking
15361s to get those long sight lines but it's
15362s going to be a jockeying for position
15363s here in the middle waiting for that
15365s first pick to come through
15367s it's a lot easier to do on the surgeon
15369s with the right clicks
15370s of course you already know
15373s that shocker in that two-minute plus
15376s stalemate
15378s what a legendary map that was
15380s two and a half minutes just absolutely
15382s nothing happening right now but they're
15384s looking for it all is going to get a
15385s little low here as kilo and proper put
15387s on the pressure from the sidelines but
15389s finn is there to back them up too
15391s as you can also see although peeking
15393s over the wall just getting that poke
15394s damage with kisu
15397s because if it goes on long enough it
15399s really could come down to getting
15400s ultimates online first you want to try
15402s to win that race a little bit
15405s it's even heisu kind of like peeking
15406s around the wall there see if all those
15408s they're just spamming shurikens you get
15409s a dynamite you get a quick body shot
15411s that could be the end here
15414s oh all those seem proper probably use
15416s that dash to get away dynamite does a
15418s fair bit of damage in these small
15419s corridors
15421s so you could imagine isu's going to
15423s build up the bob a little bit quicker
15424s than kilo with his rail gun oh he hits
15427s him in the head gets taken down by the
15428s whip shot what another amazing
15431s shift by twilight
15433s the accuracy with the whip shot is kind
15435s of nutty
15437s oh
15438s proper with a couple of shurikens maybe
15440s even some reflection damage
15443s to send his pack insane with although
15445s define overstepping their mark
15447s twilight maps opened this wood up with
15449s the helper he sue but collusion is
15450s putting them to bed
15453s all right define gonna walk away with a
15455s little bit of percentage right now as
15457s toulouse
15458s things up on the push spot
15461s and so shock will be able to match the
15463s meterage of defiant and start to take
15467s the lead
15468s proper arty with the genji blade too
15470s just outpacing although right now
15473s doubled to one
15475s does the fine need to get back into this
15477s one's going to be on the back of isu and
15479s although once again trying to get this
15480s opening pick to really allow hapa
15482s chorong and twilight to get in there and
15484s get their hands dirty look at how
15486s they're wrapping around as well they
15487s want to try to take these flanks
15490s trying to get behind collusion
15491s collisions i try to define aware that
15493s proprietary well they're definitely
15495s aware now he's using the coach gun to
15496s get away but look at proper health bar
15498s is so low the dynamite to
15500s force him back once again but three
15503s members of the fight were so preoccupied
15505s with that blade they forgot the front
15507s line as kalooz takes over this game
15510s there is the carnage kill on to his as
15513s toronto to find forced all the way back
15514s into their spawn
15516s collusion the booze earlier and now he's
15518s angry
15519s toronto and fiann need all of those
15521s cheers right now he's at least gets to
15523s be able to come back with a bob to fight
15524s right now actually have a full slate of
15526s ultimates
15527s and they're gonna try to deny shock the
15529s checkpoint here as finn pops the rally
15531s first
15532s yep double rally on a corner that's been
15534s come quite famous with sojourn plays
15538s although started off pretty nicely with
15539s a head shot not all though almost gets
15541s moved off the map there but power slides
15543s away but isn't controller onto the fire
15545s right now is that bob kind of just
15547s holding the four
15548s he's still being pushed
15550s however with the bomb it was uh unable
15551s to get capped as the bomb disappears it
15553s looks like drawn to the fight want to
15554s invest more in this fight john finds the
15556s boot kill on to proper as although holds
15558s on to the blades finn didn't stand a
15560s chance
15561s and neither does kilo he's just diving
15563s onto the bar trying to just make sure
15565s they get a little bit extra meterage if
15566s possible
15567s but toronto now getting the bop moving
15569s in their direction
15571s pretty expensive fight from both sides
15573s you saw the double rallies come out
15575s violet's still working up to another
15577s sound bear he has been building these
15579s relatively quickly but it's not going to
15581s be online for when aldo wants to go for
15583s the blade the overclock though from kilo
15586s can keep toronto defiant from moving
15588s past the middle point but although he's
15590s already trying to get into a position
15592s looking for that opening to go in behind
15595s the team to get that blade he's going up
15596s to the high ground right now with
15597s toronto
15599s he's trying to get yeah he's trying to
15600s but look like prop was able to hold it
15602s down a little bit double rampage a two
15604s man for collusion three man for
15607s oh
15609s somehow although gets away with it he
15612s takes care of popper
15614s the toronto defines
15616s brad patient infinitely more than shocks
15618s collusion set himself up on a nice angle
15621s but the follow-up just wasn't there
15622s colluge actually got boofed up by
15624s twilight too that flail able to push
15627s kaluge farther away from the team so he
15629s was isolated and not able to hold down
15632s that front line but shocker back they're
15634s going to take a little bit of control
15635s now but that's because defiant need to
15637s be respectful
15639s of
15639s the damage that shock can really put
15641s into this one
15643s and twilight also trying to build it to
15644s the rally so they've got some type of
15646s sustainability to go in and contest with
15648s a violent sound barrier
15650s five minutes down five to go
15652s shock in the lead by about 30 meters or
15654s so
15656s yeah just to back to another little bit
15657s of a stale mate
15659s violet with the beach or wrong halfway
15660s there like the ultimates right now
15662s especially on the support side of things
15663s a little bit off-kilter
15667s got to be careful though probably only
15669s ten percent towards that blade is the
15670s bot just continually pushing in favor of
15673s the shock right now you can see the
15674s pressure is kind of mounting toronto to
15676s find all the health bars falling
15677s exceptionally low this poke damage
15679s coming out from shock right now a little
15681s bit too immense do they know that proper
15683s blade is online if twilight is going to
15685s be proactive about this you'll see the
15687s rally get popped
15689s so that they have that over health
15691s available for when proper decides to go
15693s in and get aggressive little by little
15694s though defiant are starting to take
15696s control of it but there's the rally yep
15698s there's the rally probably probably
15700s wants to wait now until uh that overhaul
15701s fades away but we'll see what they want
15703s to do is the shock also use a rally of
15704s their own hopper goes pretty low as
15706s proper pulls the blade charon's already
15708s dead
15709s not even attempted getting a beat now
15711s for the toronto defiant proper holding
15713s up that deflect to stop a lot of that
15715s damage getting onto him and the rest of
15717s his team as he spots all those resets
15718s onto hopper
15720s what a fantastic series of events there
15722s from proper
15724s defiance lucio chorong went down super
15727s early in that fight means they couldn't
15729s get beat online to turn that one and
15731s shock looking to get in that checkpoint
15733s yeah we're gonna go ahead and grab that
15735s checkpoint for the shock not only that
15737s for charon too going down you don't have
15740s the same disengage tools when that lucio
15742s speed boost isn't available as shop
15744s around this corner though they don't
15746s have anything
15747s to be able to push this over the edge
15749s except for that raw damage and they're
15751s also playing around this corner where
15752s things can get a little bit risky
15754s proper getting low
15756s prop has taken some risks there
15757s squaring up to hot but that dynamite is
15759s pretty big but no look at that nimble
15761s footwork akilo they're getting out of
15763s the way off hopper
15765s hopper just running at the shock though
15768s just unrelenting in his pursuit to take
15771s down those dps
15772s the shocks still have that checkpoint
15775s and with three minutes to go toronto
15777s defined need to win a couple of
15778s back-to-back fights now rose to gain
15780s that lead well hapa has the rampage up
15783s and if you actually take a look at how
15784s he's been doing with those blades his 30
15787s percent accuracy right now which has
15789s been giving him a lot of bleed and also
15792s a lot of that adrenaline rush to make
15793s sure that he is staying healthy and
15796s being kept alive
15798s on the straightaway as well hoppa can
15800s find a really nice advantage to go in
15803s with the rampage they do interesting
15805s straight for the supports
15807s the rampage comes out from hot bush
15810s pretty big but is it big enough twilight
15812s and hopper end up falling over kalushi's
15814s rampage is just decimating the toronto
15817s defiance
15818s as a quick and decisive team kill
15821s that shock the lead once again there's
15824s two ultimates even three with proper
15826s blade coming up to fight need to clutch
15828s this one out but they've got so little
15829s gas in the tank but they clutched it out
15831s yesterday versus the florida mayhem that
15834s really did start the comeback and it was
15836s at this two-minute mark where toronto
15837s finally just kept winning these team
15839s fights wow he sue just grounds kilo
15842s there into a pulp the form of the
15844s dynamite he's absolutely massive the
15846s shocker just burning alive the
15847s overhealth from finn's rally is keeping
15849s them competitive in this one though
15852s but look how long finn's staying up
15854s oh the pog's good enough
15856s bob dynamite combo is a pretty insane
15858s amount of damage or face full of pellets
15860s there
15862s proper falls but again the shock i think
15864s they're more than happy losing these
15866s fights on these corners because
15867s toronto defines still need to win
15869s multiple to put themselves in the lead
15871s i know but twilight can go ahead and use
15873s the rally here you're going to have to
15874s win out on proper blade
15876s here's the overclock robert does go
15878s pretty low is now keyless hunting for
15880s heads to adorn his mantle piece
15884s can't quite find all too much with that
15885s rail gun he does find a body shot on
15887s although but instantly activates the
15888s deflection he doesn't end up going down
15890s blade for papa available as the one
15892s minute mark approaches the b from the
15893s san francisco shock and the blade is
15895s false robert jumps to the back the
15897s toronto definitely just caught up they
15899s can't move robert just taken over the
15901s front line that's why that last member
15903s left standing can't do it
15906s it's a team kill for the shock there's
15908s 45 seconds to go is the toronto fight
15910s try and come back
15912s they've got the sound barrier although
15913s can at least
15915s keep alive
15917s get that dragonblade online when the
15919s sound bear is given over to him but
15920s nobody can lose here shocker one team
15922s fight away from winning this series for
15925s that rematch against dallas fuel but can
15927s define come back they want to go to the
15929s finals they want to go right now
15930s defender trying to put up
15932s a fight with that beat the san francisco
15935s shock take that in stride there was
15936s enough backing off insurance speed
15937s doesn't really get them all of anything
15938s apart from positioning and now kilo is
15941s the target of the toronto fire but the
15943s san francisco shock just standing in
15944s their way no longer a toronto defiant as
15947s the shock activate that rally
15949s over time is approaching and collusion
15951s earning himself an alts and in front of
15954s a home crowd the shock truly become the
15956s villains as they take down the hometown
15958s heroes
15960s and secure a rematch against the fuel in
15963s the finals
15967s [Applause]
15970s i know that it's disappointing you can
15973s hear the booze in the arena
15976s but toronto defiant
15978s they have still done an incredible job
15981s this tournament securing that third
15983s place
15984s it was all thanks to the fans that
15987s really helped to push them over the edge
15989s for an incredible lower bracket run give
15993s them your love toronto it's your team
15995s right
15995s [Applause]
16004s a here impressive run through that lower
16006s brackets
16007s they went down on day number one
16011s and they made it all the way to the
16012s final day to championship sunday
16015s they take a map off the shotgun what a
16017s map it was nepal was just a sweep for
16020s the toronto to fight but it's still the
16022s san francisco shot
16025s just a a dominant team for so long
16026s across so many seasons across so many
16028s rosters
16030s yeah absolutely and shock you know like
16033s they want to get back to the grand
16034s finals it was
16036s a 3-0 against the dallas fuel yesterday
16039s dallas fuel also snapped their win
16040s streak but now shocker warmed up
16042s toronto's a tough opponent right there
16045s so shock you know that they've got the
16047s skills they got the tools to go up into
16049s the grand finals later today
16053s i think we best chuck it down to danny
16054s over on the stage though looks like he's
16057s got
16058s one of the key players from the san
16060s francisco shock standing by his side
16062s take it away danny
16064s johnson necker thank you very much yes i
16066s do have the key player from san
16067s francisco shocking that is none other
16069s than proper
16071s with me on the floor for the postmaster
16072s over here great job today i mean 3-1
16075s victory for the san francisco shock and
16077s you guys are going to the finals how'd
16080s you guys get it done today against
16081s toronto to find out some days
16087s [Music]
16098s i knew that it was going to be an easy
16099s win so i didn't put too much thought
16100s into it we were just really focused on
16103s dallas
16104s so i had my all my my energy saved up
16107s for that match but i mean given that you
16110s know you said that you you know you
16111s didn't put that much thought into it but
16113s toronto has definitely uh put up a good
16115s fight because they did beat you guys on
16117s the first map so how did you guys lose
16119s the first man
16120s [Music]
16129s what
16147s you know given the fact that we are
16149s internal and there are a lot of fans
16151s here uh cheering on toronto i just felt
16153s like we had to give them a map uh you
16156s know
16157s because they're in the venue so it was i
16160s we actually gave toronto a map and then
16162s we got the win all right let's move on
16164s final question you guys are now going
16166s into the finals against dallas fuel a
16168s team that have beaten you guys twice
16171s and you guys are going going up against
16173s them again so what can you guys what can
16175s san francisco shock do differently to
16177s get the win tonight
16193s [Music]
16204s uh i think the
16206s match against dallas fuel yesterday we
16207s weren't cautious enough uh that i think
16210s that was the biggest uh problem that we
16211s had so definitely for today's match for
16214s the finals for summer showdown we are
16216s going to definitely give our 100 focus
16218s up and we're going to definitely beat
16220s the dallas fuel all right proper that is
16221s it for the interview thank you so much
16223s everybody give it up for proper one more
16224s time
16226s that is all i have down here jaws and
16228s necro back to you
16232s thank you very much danny wow fighting
16234s words from proper you love to see it i
16235s like a little bit of smack talk up on
16236s the stage i'm going to be real i'm going
16237s to be real like proper kind of you know
16239s stand up saying out of the crowd i have
16242s to take them down in front of their own
16243s crowd you know at the end of the day
16245s toronto made a fantastic run but now the
16248s san francisco shock do get to face the
16250s fuel in yet another showdown they've
16253s been beaten twice by the fuel at this
16255s point
16257s are they gonna be able to rebound
16259s i don't know i guess there's only one
16261s way to find out that's gonna be seeing
16262s what happens in the grand finals right
16264s but yeah what gentlemen for the gentiles
16267s yeah
16268s gentleman sweep there giving them a
16270s single map
16271s let's have a look at the player of the
16272s match though for this series i think a
16275s few people in the audience will be uh
16276s happy with this one it's going to be
16278s colluge
16282s i mean his junk queen has just been so
16284s good it did look against the dallas fuel
16286s the other day and yeah maybe you know
16288s proper kind of speaking of the truth
16289s there right maybe they weren't as
16290s cautious as they needed to be but
16292s collusion's rampages did match uh
16295s hoppers and then some especially on this
16297s last map felt like they really just
16299s found their group at the end of it and
16300s coolest got better and better as the
16302s series went on especially being a bit
16303s more aggressive to take that aggression
16305s away from the toronto defiant i mean
16308s look at that that was a 4k right there
16310s almost a full team wipe there from
16312s college alone to be able to get that ace
16315s but i mean just over the course of the
16318s series
16319s i think it's it's really key to see how
16321s kalush has also gotten better over the
16324s stage too with the junker queen it was a
16326s little bit slower of a start for this
16327s player to be able to kind of get into
16330s the groove of the meta but deaths have
16332s gone down pretty significantly for 10.
16335s it's that family buff right there yeah i
16337s think it's the family buffer family well
16338s from columbus there's still a ton of
16340s shock fans in the audience you saw them
16342s holding up the fight uh up the uh little
16344s signs look kilo pounds yeah
16347s there are a lot of good signs out here
16348s today that's for that's for sure of
16350s course we are going to take a little
16352s break
16353s we are going to the finals a little bit
16356s later the shock need to rest for just a
16358s moment the dallas fuel is going to be
16359s their opponent will they remain the
16361s villains are the toronto fans going to
16363s shift their allegiance towards the
16364s dallas fuel we'll have to wait and find
16366s out we've got a few more bits and pieces
16368s in that break too maybe a little
16369s overwatch action by the way there's a
16371s little hint for you but uh that's it
16372s from us for now we're gonna jump to a
16374s quick break love you all and we'll see
16376s you in a bite
16392s nice
16396s the on watchig is brought to you by
16398s upper deck the official trading card of
16400s the overwatch league
16402s and by teamspeak the official voice
16405s supplier of the overwatch league
16434s [Music]
16441s [Music]
16506s [Music]
16517s [Music]
16531s [Music]
16540s so
16546s [Music]
16552s [Music]
16562s me
16569s [Music]
16620s it's the watchpoint crew and we are back
16623s to break down everything we just saw in
16625s our first match sadly i am finally wrong
16628s in predictions fellas my toronto defiant
16631s eliminated by custis san francisco shock
16634s johnny i'm devastated i'm devastated too
16637s they had a good run in the tournament
16639s after all they got third but it'll be
16641s all right you got your therapy beaver if
16642s you guys are right at home don't worry a
16644s few staff members will be passing them
16646s out at the end of the show but custo we
16648s got to revisit this series because
16651s you were sweating bullets in that game
16653s number one i was like custy you ready to
16655s chug this syrup and he said i might have
16657s to i was having flashbacks to yesterday
16659s when i was watching dallas take down the
16661s shark and i was like i can't go through
16663s this again not to toronto it's going to
16664s happen again no no no it's not i believe
16667s in the san francisco shock they've got
16668s their reps in but they looked a lot
16670s better in this match as you said came
16672s out a little slow in that first map it
16674s felt like toronto had the edge but as
16675s they were able to slow down collusion
16677s was able to get a little bit more
16678s comfortable and it felt like the shock
16680s had a really interesting game plan and
16682s johnny you can speak to this a little
16683s bit better than i can but
16685s at first the san francisco shock were
16686s just getting outpaced and then as time
16688s went on they're just isolating hopper in
16690s the same way that the dallas field did
16691s yeah they're beating up on my boy hopper
16694s yeah yeah yeah the same thing happened
16696s in the san francisco shock yesterday
16698s targeted on the drunken queen and they
16699s were like hey uh guys this is a pretty
16701s good strategy what if we do it to hotbar
16703s on the toronto defiance so they came in
16704s today delayed in all the damage on
16706s hotspot and you know hot was a fantastic
16708s player so it's a pretty good strategy it
16710s worked out for them i darcy and with the
16711s junker clean out we saw the shock able
16714s to roll up on a lot of the team fights i
16716s think hollywood their hold on the second
16718s point was pretty impressive for me
16720s who was shining from the shock today
16722s because before this event even kicked
16723s off you said this was the team to beat
16725s in the west yeah and i i think it really
16728s started to come together especially for
16730s proper on proper wood i think we need to
16732s name a proper wood from now on just
16734s because it works because it's hollywood
16735s as well without props and that kind of
16736s stuff
16738s it's multi-leveled but proper just seems
16740s to always pop off on that map so far in
16742s this tournament and that really kicks
16744s out at everything we headed over to the
16746s dorado and the shock just looked so
16748s strong on the back of kilo's ash really
16750s starting to come alive from time to time
16752s the bob stared out yeah
16754s there was the the san francisco shock
16756s won the bob off and that's really all
16758s that matters in this match
16760s if you got the bigger bob you're gonna
16762s win the fight as we close this one out
16764s johnny you kind of nailed it you said
16766s they gotta keep their tank up
16769s the shock able to do it with colluge on
16771s the other side hapa again yeah and the
16773s supports immediately targeted and taken
16776s out it all kind of fell apart here on
16778s colosseum for the toronto defiant i mean
16780s we've been praising their team as a
16782s whole all tournament long for sticking
16785s together and playing well but the
16786s ultimate value wasn't there for them
16788s although with a couple of unfortunate
16790s blades but as we compared the two junker
16792s queens we can see that hot butt did have
16795s so much hero damage per 10 minutes and
16797s that gigabyte accuracy but kaloush he
16799s had more final blows he had
16801s one more rampage kills for 10 minutes
16803s that is massive that just goes to show
16805s the teamwork of the san francisco show
16807s so san francisco they acknowledged that
16809s hotbar was a fantastic player they shot
16811s him down and that makes a big difference
16813s in the match because it's time to win
16814s over a few canadian fans if you don't
16816s have them already let's give
16818s the team some hopium moving forward you
16820s just finished top three your franchise
16823s high here at the summer showdown this is
16825s the best performance we've ever seen
16826s from the toronto defiant they look to be
16828s fulfilling the promise of their roster
16830s when we first saw these guys on paper we
16831s were like they have a great roster they
16834s have a
16834s twilight a championship winner and he
16836s has led this backline to success for the
16838s first time and it really comes down to
16840s how much further can they keep going
16842s with this how much higher can they go so
16844s all i'm saying now if you're a toronto
16846s fan you know what the best thing about
16847s luke getting knocked out by a team is
16849s cheering on that team to win it all
16851s because then
16852s he came second so let's go toronto fans
16855s come over to the shop
16857s we're gonna give the shock a few moments
16859s to wash their hands eat a little bit of
16860s lunch and get ready for that grand
16862s finals but while we're waiting on the
16864s match to kick off we sat down with our
16866s buddy jaws for a little session that we
16868s like to call noverwatch
16872s [Music]
16877s welcome everybody this is a very special
16881s edition of the no watch trivia show as
16884s you can see my get up looking rather
16886s swab right now i grew this myself
16890s we are currently testing not only the
16893s analytical knowledge of the desk talent
16894s but also their artistic skills they have
16897s to draw a prompt that i'm unaware of on
16899s a whiteboard that we hand delivered to
16901s them i know crazy i'm aware of
16903s everything normally that's going on
16905s boss not rising
16907s crush your nightmare crush it oh no
16908s crushing it
16910s freaking freaks blue no it was rogue it
16912s was me i beat
16914s 63 120 not even close starcraft 2.
16919s you seem like an o not even close 1458
16923s not even close 15 66 is it 120 25 twenty
16928s cariff it is not korean what
16932s that's probably wow
16934s each contestant gets 30 seconds to draw
16938s their prompt but the catch is they can
16941s wager their points if they wager for
16943s example two points
16945s and i get those one correct then they
16947s get four if i get it wrong well
16950s they lose all their points isn't that
16952s quite sadistic after we've tested their
16954s artistic knowledge the community this
16956s time around are going to test their
16958s analytical knowledge with
16960s the bonus community question some of the
16962s questions were good some of them were
16963s bad some of them did make sense but
16964s that's okay let's take a quick look at
16966s the scoreboard danny unfortunately
16967s sitting in last place with five points
16969s zoe and custer are tied for six points
16973s johnny reinforced larson somehow blitzed
16975s through the competition and there's a
16977s total of 12 points oh let's get into
16978s this
16979s rose welcome uh we you are standing in
16982s place of zoe currently who's away
16985s looking after the litter one
16986s congratulations zoe once again rose how
16989s are you feeling i know big shoes to fill
16992s nervous i feel very lucky if i could get
16994s one question right today well that's
16996s what's funny the viewers know but you
16998s don't we have delivered you a secret
17001s package if you would like to take it out
17004s and reveal the contents
17007s ta-da
17008s oh my god are we drawing we are this is
17011s the special edition episode of nova
17014s watch the drawing edition because you're
17016s taking the place of zoe currently we're
17019s going to give you five points to use
17021s completely risk-free so it's not going
17023s to hurt zoe's score your time starts
17026s now
17027s [Music]
17039s okay a blue a blue frosty kingdom
17043s [Music]
17044s what is that a boulder that killed the
17046s dinosaurs maybe
17050s a small head
17052s wait
17053s blizzard
17055s no
17058s ice block ice maze ice block maze ice
17060s block
17062s round of applause for rose everybody oh
17065s thank you thank you but we do have a
17068s secret bonus community question what
17071s team has the most
17073s charlie niners in the mid-season madness
17077s houston outlaws correct
17080s and for a total of 11 adding on to so
17082s he's already six so 17 total points
17085s currently for team zoe slash
17088s rose you should be exceptionally proud
17089s of yourself thank you so much by the way
17091s for standing in yeah thank you
17093s johnny jonathan larson welcome you're in
17096s the lead
17097s i got a little flak in the comments
17098s again about giving johnny easy questions
17100s it just looks easy because i'm that good
17102s all right so
17103s youtube comments
17104s chill out all right oh my god okay
17107s attacking the fans already episode three
17108s no overwatch maybe this is johnny's
17109s downfall we'll see maybe we will
17111s subtitle this no watch episode three
17113s reinforces downfall we got a special
17115s episode today you received a special
17117s gift can you guess what the special
17119s edition of no watch is oh no
17121s oh no
17126s oh yes you are 30 seconds johnny but
17128s first how many points do you wage it i
17131s weighed your two johnny your 30 seconds
17134s to create
17135s the next mona lisa starts now
17140s okay circle i like that good start very
17143s very basic shape
17144s circle downwards arrow
17146s flying down
17148s meteor strike
17151s circle inside of a circle
17154s okay rubbing out of lines
17158s going down
17159s accretion
17161s it's wrecking ball it's pile driver
17163s surely
17164s [Music]
17165s johnny you're an artistic genius
17168s i i can't believe that you got it right
17170s we're not done there is a secret
17173s question from our community what k-pop
17176s group performed at blizzcon
17178s last year mamamoo how is this possible
17183s that you get the most ridiculous
17185s questions correct even ones that
17188s the community ask okay maybe a formal
17191s investigation is required a cute swedish
17193s boy that knows all the things
17195s cute swedish boy that is something i'd
17198s never described yes johnny you're a
17199s snake you're a snake in the grass of
17201s what you are a snake in the grass
17204s to be quite honest with you i've had
17205s enough it's not happening
17213s welcome back everybody danny lim here
17214s joined by sean miller head of overwatch
17216s league and we have two very special
17219s guests we have bird and lucas from the
17221s overwatch dev team how are you guys
17223s doing you're doing great
17225s awesome awesome all right can you guys
17227s give us give us a quick introduction of
17229s what like what you guys do
17232s uh yeah so i'm a senior environment
17233s artist on the overwatch team uh
17235s partially responsible for the new queen
17237s street map uh
17239s yeah toronto yeah
17242s let's go yeah um so yeah pretty much
17245s when you look at the game uh anything
17247s that isn't like a character or visual
17248s effect or ui element like all this stuff
17251s in the environment that's kind of what
17252s i'm responsible for that's incredible
17254s how about you really awesome and and
17256s yeah so i'm bird and i'm the lead
17258s character art outsourcing supervisor uh
17261s i've been responsible for a lot of the
17262s skins that you guys have probably played
17264s with
17265s and most recently i was lucky enough to
17268s get to build the new character the first
17270s canadian hero sojourn
17272s [Applause]
17274s all right you guys have done so many
17276s great stuff but we're gonna focus on
17278s sojourn and new queen street so i'm sure
17281s there's a lot of questions uh sean why
17283s don't you why don't you start us off
17284s yeah thank you guys again so much for
17285s coming so lucas i want to throw one at
17287s you
17288s what inspired you to create the toronto
17290s map like what were the things that led
17292s up to it
17293s uh yeah so when i joined the team i
17294s found out that toronto was one of the
17296s potential maps that we were going to
17298s make
17298s and having lived in toronto for five
17300s years i was really stoked on it uh you
17303s know to show up on the team and and be
17305s able to uh bring bring some of my own
17307s personal experience to it to to take a
17309s city that i knew very very well and kind
17312s of overwatch it by it was was super
17314s awesome uh so you know when we have
17316s ideas for maps not all of them come to
17319s fruition so part of what i did was i
17322s just got everyone stoked on it i was
17323s it's like hey what are the cool things
17325s we can do what are the big landmarks
17327s right uh and then what are the personal
17329s touches that we can add and and make it
17331s an authentic experience
17333s and that's actually how i met byrd here
17334s was uh you know just asking around on
17336s the team uh who's canadian or who has
17339s spent time in canada and there were
17341s there were a lot of us there were a lot
17342s of people who toronto was very important
17344s to them uh and and we really just wanted
17347s to do a good job of representing the
17349s city in a way that was really cool right
17353s got a lot of those landmarks in but some
17355s of those subtle details as well while
17357s not making it feel too much like a theme
17359s park you know
17360s right i mean and also talking about the
17362s map so i heard that you know the
17364s original concept of new queen street was
17367s sort of drastically different from what
17369s it is currently right now uh i heard
17371s that it was a lot sort of darker and
17373s also was more cyberpunk-esque so how did
17376s that happen and also how did why did you
17378s guys decide to pivot away from that yeah
17380s so when working on maps we kind of go in
17383s a lot of different directions early on
17385s in the concept phase uh and one of those
17387s directions was cyber temp more cyberpunk
17389s and dark and you know more metals and
17392s you know we were looking at it and and
17394s we just kept thinking like is is this
17397s how we want to represent the city is
17398s this what we actually want in the game
17400s um and we pivoted away mainly because it
17403s just didn't really represent the bright
17405s optimistic future of overwatch in the
17408s way that we wanted to right um you know
17410s looking around we we really wanted to
17412s get more kind of traditional
17414s architecture melded in with like some
17416s more of the larger glass structures um
17418s you know kind of have more of what
17420s toronto is now just kind of leveled up
17423s in different ways
17424s i mean that makes a ton of sense because
17425s i think what so many of us love about
17427s overwatch is the bright hopeful
17429s optimistic future that it portrays so
17432s were there things though that you wanted
17433s to put in the map that necessarily
17436s didn't make it
17437s yeah so one of one of the big things
17438s that we tried about halfway through was
17440s at some point there was a giant
17442s futuristic glass dome over the center of
17444s the map and that just didn't really work
17447s out very well so you know after
17448s experimenting with that a lot in both 2d
17451s and 3d
17452s we decided to just kind of double down
17453s on the elements that we really
17455s knew would work and would fit the city
17458s we we really wanted to represent you
17460s know the the different cultures and
17462s diversity uh that is within toronto and
17465s one of the big ways we did that was
17467s through all of the different restaurants
17468s right like food brings people together
17470s um so that was really cool we got in a
17472s bunch of other smaller details you know
17475s if you're in the uh if you're in the
17476s subway spawn room if you listen closely
17479s you'll actually hear the sound of the
17481s subway doors closing in that same time
17483s right the little things along with the
17485s big things you know um i i think my
17488s favorite uh or one of my favorites is
17490s the curling rink you know that that just
17492s happened we were like oh what would be a
17494s cool spawn room and we just started
17496s riffing on that got the curling rink in
17498s there the toronto raccoons right um and
17500s then i think one of my smallest favorite
17502s details is the trash cans right like
17506s you know it's it's such a small thing
17508s but that is true they they're very
17510s representative of different cities the
17511s trash cans the the
17513s across all the maps too i feel like all
17515s the trash trashcans are so unique yeah
17516s they're they're really important and
17517s this these are the things you think
17518s about as an environment artist you're
17520s looking around at the smaller details as
17522s as well as the very large things um and
17525s i'm also really uh
17527s you know stoked on the prosthetic shop
17529s in the map it really ties in to you know
17532s our heroes and uh you know that
17535s you know in in this future uh these
17537s prosthetics are available to not just
17540s people who need them but also people who
17542s can use them to upgrade their lives in
17544s different ways
17545s so i think bird can talk a little bit
17547s more about that yeah bert uh can you
17548s give us more insight on how sojourn ties
17550s into the map talking about prosthetics
17552s and everything
17554s yeah so
17555s i mean sojourn
17557s as a concept had existed for a long time
17559s we've had these sketches you know and
17562s and again she was canadian right from
17565s the get-go you know i mean you can see
17567s like in that original sketch like she
17569s has
17570s she's got the the canadian flag on the
17572s side um
17574s but it was one of those things where it
17575s was almost kind of serendipitous we knew
17577s she had a lot of backstory we knew that
17579s we wanted to go to toronto there's a lot
17581s of upcoming content there's a lot of
17584s cool stuff that we're gonna see in the
17586s near future as we learn a lot more about
17587s sojourn but uh you know to sojourn
17591s herself you know she's one of those
17592s characters who she's embraced the the
17595s fact that she can be enhanced you know
17598s she's very much highly cybernetic you
17601s know and you can see that in the fact
17603s that you know the way she's built
17606s that's awesome and i think one of the
17607s things that we see with amongst those
17609s prosthetics their cybernetics must have
17610s been very challenging for you guys to
17613s really pull that off to make it real so
17615s i mean what was that like what were
17616s other challenges that you dealt with as
17618s you
17619s brought her to life
17620s yeah you know
17621s as a character you know every one of our
17624s heroes kind of uh has its own challenges
17627s you know and for her for myself you know
17630s as as i'm working on trying to figure
17632s out this how to put all these pieces in
17634s here if you look close you can see right
17636s she's got jets in her calves she's got
17638s jets in her knees her elbows uh
17641s that arm i i can't tell you what a
17644s challenge it is to you know we want her
17646s to look strong and feminine
17649s but she also has to pack a whole lot of
17651s gun inside that forearm and trying to
17654s get all that stuff in there there's a
17655s little bit of
17657s magic to try to get it all in there uh
17660s but again you know the end result you
17662s know as you guys have kind of seen over
17664s the last couple days i think it's pretty
17666s cool
17667s it definitely is cool and you know i
17668s also think uh sojourn is her alt is one
17672s of like my favorite things about sojourn
17674s and i heard that soju is all sort of
17676s changed uh while in development it
17679s wasn't the overclock that we know right
17680s now so can you tell us a little bit
17683s about that process
17684s yeah so it's always really fun like in
17687s the early stages of coming up with with
17689s heroes and the way they play well one of
17691s the things we do is we block these
17692s characters out and we build kind of a
17694s rough version that the designers can go
17696s in and try a bunch of stuff and at the
17699s same time we've got concepts coming in
17701s and doing these cool drawings right so
17703s we have we had these really awesome
17706s drawings where she is standing she's you
17708s know she's planted in the ground and
17710s she's and she's firing off this huge
17712s blast right and we were like okay
17714s wouldn't that be awesome you know to
17716s have this huge laser shot and it's going
17719s to go through everything right like
17720s that's that was the fantasy and
17723s what ended up happening was you had
17725s somebody who would park it right on the
17727s other side of the map
17729s and
17730s they would let loose this thing and
17732s you'd be standing on the other side of
17733s the map you can't see anybody you can't
17735s engage with anybody and you just get
17738s blown away
17739s it was not the fun that we had hoped you
17743s know that we set out to do
17744s and you know and it made us kind of take
17746s a step back and we said you know what
17748s like
17749s we were really trying to fulfill that
17750s idea of that real character right that
17752s that you know real style gameplay and
17754s we're like you know and we've given it a
17756s little bit of twist already and the way
17758s you know like it would build up to
17760s the rail shop and then we're like well
17761s what if you know she powers up and then
17764s you know you let loose and you're like
17766s um headshot headshot headshot you know
17768s and that became really satisfying i
17770s don't know if you saw a couple i think a
17772s stage ago a houston outlaws uh there's a
17774s player named merritt uh with the soldier
17776s and he got a 3k collateral yep yeah i
17779s think that was three straight circus
17780s movement
17782s that was crazy i mean it's so satisfying
17785s but i think the most important question
17786s that we have to ask you guys today
17788s is uh
17789s is it true that sojourn has a pet corgi
17793s uh
17795s yes that is a that is a fact i will
17797s confirm it right here she has she has a
17800s pet corgi named murphy who has who has a
17803s corgi lovers anybody
17805s she has a she has a a penchant for uh
17808s for croissants uh and maybe uh enhanced
17811s in his own ways uh enhancing his own
17813s ways so yes yes okay uh i have an even
17817s more important question
17819s does could we could we play that corgi
17822s as is he a playable character here we go
17824s here we go
17826s in the future i mean we have we have a
17828s hamster
17829s in a machine
17830s that rolls around
17832s like you get you can't put me on the
17833s spot like that i won't
17835s deny anything
17837s i'm i'm gonna say it's highly unlikely
17840s i'm sorry highly unlikely but it's not
17841s it's there's it's not a zero percent
17843s chance so there's always a chance
17845s there's always always a chance
17847s all right uh before i let you guys know
17849s i do have one more question so how does
17852s it feel to sort of see all of your
17854s creations come to life and you know pro
17856s players uh being up on the stage playing
17858s in toronto map and using sojourn and
17861s also seeing all these beautiful people
17862s here enjoying you know your creation
17865s uh it is absolutely surreal uh i mean
17868s the past couple of years have been uh
17870s kind of isolating uh and you know game
17872s development even during uh normal times
17876s you you're very close to your chest
17877s you're very you know closed in isolated
17880s right and especially yeah the last two
17882s years were were crazy right um so to to
17885s come here to see the map and the heroes
17888s on the big screen all these people here
17890s enjoying it you know toronto fans in
17893s toronto watching the toronto team on the
17896s toronto map like yeah the toronto
17898s character let's go right it is it's it's
17901s it's amazing uh yeah and i'm i'm just
17903s super happy to be here
17906s yeah yeah and i just want to echo it you
17908s know that that
17909s like you say surreal is probably the
17911s best way to put it um you know again we
17914s you know we toil away and you forget
17917s the the number of people that you impact
17919s with with these things that you do and
17921s uh and it's been super exciting like
17924s again sojourn was
17926s we were so closely involved in this
17928s character for so long and to get it get
17931s to see it
17932s see the light come out here get to
17934s celebrate that with the toronto fans
17937s uh see what the fans are or what the you
17939s know what the players are able to do
17941s with these things again things that i
17943s will never be able to do in the way they
17945s play these characters uh
17947s yeah absolutely surreal so i want to say
17949s thank you to you guys
17950s i want to say thank you to the fans
17952s thank you to everybody here for having
17953s us up um
17956s so appreciate it thank you guys let's
17958s give it up for lucas and bird one more
17960s time
17961s thank you guys so much for everything
17962s that you guys do and of course sean
17964s thank you for joining me that's all we
17965s have down here so let's send things back
17967s to puckett
17970s thank you so much danny awesome talking
17973s to the devs as always and of course sean
17975s at the helm live on site with the fans
17978s in toronto we got to talk about this
17980s canadian hero she just played on the
17982s canadian map there in toronto and now we
17984s get to see one of these teams returning
17987s the shock taking on the dallas fuel we
17989s got kilo versus big eddie johnny how's
17992s this one breaking down uh this is going
17994s to be a very even matchup actually here
17996s because that is an assassin struggles on
17997s ash so maybe favor the soldier in this
17999s time around maybe you get like home
18000s crowd sojourn home country buff yeah
18008s is better than not in toronto that's
18009s true let's talk about this series
18011s because it's a rematch of our upper
18013s bracket finals the game that you guys
18015s called before this tournament even
18016s kicked off and we're going seven games
18019s right here in the finals we have to we
18021s have to and these guys have been going
18023s back and forth since the beginning of
18024s time it feels like they both have very
18026s successful franchises over the last
18028s couple of years and you know i think
18029s this is it's about time the san
18031s francisco shock get a win that's two
18032s dallas fuel back-to-backs you know san
18034s francisco shocker got to break this
18035s streak and they can break this streak
18037s right we all watched the match yesterday
18039s it was a 3-0 for the dallas fuel but
18041s that was those first two maps could have
18043s gone either way and really came off of
18045s heroic plays from the dallas fuel the
18047s shot can shut that down they're in with
18048s a good chance johnny do you believe in
18050s patterns
18051s no no i believe i believe it i believe
18053s in dallas fuel simplicity here um no
18057s there's there's no way that chuck's
18058s gonna just win because of a pattern like
18060s what what is this analysis customer come
18061s on now you're a former player yeah
18063s i can do better than that right now
18065s johnny we have been hyping up these
18067s teams all week long i don't think we
18069s need to do it anymore but we do need to
18071s get our official predictions before we
18073s move forward because one of you is
18075s chugging a bottle of maple syrup at the
18078s end of this series the loser oh no it's
18080s some fantastic deliciousness from our
18083s friends up north
18085s confident are we in this i am so
18087s confident look i have never been more
18089s confident about my prediction in my
18091s entire career as an analyst this is
18093s going to be the easiest win of dallas
18095s fuels entire franchise history costa
18098s you're about to chuck some maple syrup
18099s it's going to be amazing you know clip
18101s this i'm so ready to see you just down
18104s this ball of maybe someone take a
18105s screenshot with custis smiling and then
18107s frowning real quick because he's going
18109s to be doing one of those at the end of
18111s this series come on chuck scott we've
18113s got fuel it's your west finals here at
18116s the summer showdown coming up after the
18117s break
18128s [Music]
18141s [Music]
18177s [Music]
18186s [Music]
18194s [Music]
18213s [Music]
18245s [Music]
18258s [Music]
18302s [Music]
18309s [Music]
18332s the summer showdown tournament is
18334s rapidly drawing to its conclusion and
18336s here in the jewel of the north the best
18338s in the west renew their rivalry
18341s once more welcome back everybody to
18345s toronto we have two teams left here in
18347s the summer showdown it will be the
18349s dallas fuel and the san francisco shock
18351s again going at it vying for supremacy 75
18355s 000. three league points and the title
18358s of summer showdown champion
18360s what
18361s a day for it ladies and gentlemen
18363s championship sunday always a little
18365s magic
18366s and i'm mitch leslie here with matthew
18367s morello it's our pleasure to take you
18369s through it once more in the one word you
18371s use there during the open that i'm not
18373s too sure about his rivalry because
18375s usually a rivalry is one team beats the
18377s other the other team beats the other
18379s this has been all dallas fuel lately uh
18382s they have looked really good against the
18384s shock as of late right they give shot
18386s that loss during the tournament they
18388s beat them here once um how does shaq
18391s kind of get over that hump right like
18393s because dallas has had their number yeah
18394s the owners is absolutely on the
18396s challenger team here to find something
18398s new something a little special san
18400s francisco shock got to chat to him a
18402s little bit last night they're a very
18403s superstitious team when it comes to
18405s important matches they'll eat a certain
18407s kind of food they'll wear a certain
18409s t-shirt it might even be worn backwards
18411s that might be a little bit of a part of
18412s that as well krusty and this team have
18414s been really big on you're building a
18415s culture and uh they create these
18418s superstitions these traditions for the
18419s rest of the team to believe in i don't
18420s know what the mix of those has been
18422s today but you better believe they'll be
18424s drawing on everything they've got and
18426s they need to do more than just put up a
18427s fight here against the fuel and i think
18429s the series here for the shock i think
18431s you look at kilo really like if kilo can
18434s play the hit scan at the type of level
18436s we've seen from him in the past right
18438s and we know he can play it he's been a
18440s little bit up and down you know compared
18442s to some of the others i think like he
18443s sue how we've seen him have big games
18444s same with edison if kilo can play that
18447s level like you're going to get good
18448s games from proper and pretty much
18449s everybody else you need him to be firing
18452s on all cylinders here in this match to
18454s hang with the dallas fuel that's right
18455s everybody so it's time to make some
18457s noise let the earth shake make him feel
18459s at home it's your challenges from the
18460s golden state it is the sand
18463s francisco
18465s shock
18475s having just played
18476s i i kind of find that as a little bit of
18478s advantage just going into some of these
18480s series sometimes
18481s uh you know i know like coaching teams
18483s and playing like being able to just kind
18485s of get that back to back actually feels
18486s really good as opposed to being the team
18488s that's kind of sitting around waiting uh
18490s so i think that could actually benefit
18492s the shock in a series like this right
18493s you weren't the team sitting around
18495s waiting you've already kind of gotten
18496s like game mode yet uh so to speak today
18499s uh where i think that can be beneficial
18501s here especially in map number one
18504s eyes are on kilo oh eyes are on finn in
18507s this matchup two players that are being
18509s compared unfavorably to their opposite
18510s numbers in a couple of these top-end
18512s match-ups
18513s dallas
18515s not a lot of weaknesses across that team
18516s however some of those those few
18518s witnesses have been exposed at times
18520s during this tournament namely up against
18523s the justice that was a game where the
18525s justice again they get in your face they
18526s make it really hard to play your kind of
18528s game it was a close matchup most of them
18530s were expecting so san francisco know
18532s that their opponents are fallible they
18534s can bleed
18536s but but can they actually get it done
18537s like at tournament time uh it's
18539s something we've been talking about
18541s throughout the season with this team
18542s right they have one loss in the regular
18544s season
18545s no tournament wins to show for it and
18547s you thought without the gladiators
18549s without the rain like this is gonna be
18550s their time right they have that stumbled
18553s to the dallas fuel you're like all right
18554s they just gotta get by dallas
18556s uh here it is
18557s i mean this is their opportunity to put
18560s themselves in the running because i i
18562s actually think winning here would be
18563s huge for the shock because
18565s if not you imagine they're pretty gonna
18567s have a pretty good countdown cup there's
18569s going to be so much pressure on this
18571s team going into the season playoffs
18572s right
18573s getting a big result now is going to
18574s make a huge difference it's time to take
18577s it to another level but their opponents
18579s are looking indomitable they're looking
18581s like the goliath in this particular
18582s matchup ladies and gentlemen burn blue
18584s burn bright for
18586s the dallas
18587s fuel
18589s [Applause]
18598s there's no gladiators out here no to
18600s give them hell matt yeah i mean even we
18603s were walking up here we saw tasman in
18605s the back and even he's got this like
18606s he's like i know how good they are kind
18608s of feel but he doesn't want to say it
18609s yet because like
18611s uh you never know here as we get to a
18612s final but this team in this meta has
18615s been so good i think when you have
18617s honvin playing the way he is you know on
18619s the junker queen and then sparkle we
18621s know what he does on genji
18624s uh edison has looked pretty good on the
18626s ash at times we cast that one game where
18628s decay really kind of popped off the
18629s first two maps and gave them some
18631s trouble but you know whether it's on the
18632s sojourn or the ash he's been pretty rock
18635s solid like not like unbelievable
18637s performances but playing pretty
18638s consistently all throughout
18640s ponbin
18641s the orchestrator of arguably the
18643s greatest clutch
18645s in league history happened over the
18647s course of this tournament at 2v5 that he
18650s is able to turn around this team in
18653s their totality but also in their
18655s individuals
18657s have shown us some moments that we could
18658s never have expected over the course of
18660s this tournament yes not always been
18662s squeaky clean but when it's really
18664s counted dallas have taken it up a notch
18665s that's something for the shock that
18667s everyone is expecting we need to see
18668s from them if they're gonna make this
18670s series competitive matthew and we know
18672s how san francisco how their woes tend to
18675s continue uh you know on those control
18677s maps they are like 12 and 12 on control
18679s maps but in map fives when it comes to
18681s control they are 11-0
18684s it's tough though i think for a team
18686s like the shock right to play against a
18688s team like dallas you battle through this
18690s tournament you kind of know what the
18691s results have been against this team
18694s i think this map one is enormous right
18695s because if you can win this you can
18697s everybody on the stage there for the
18698s shock look at each other like hey we can
18699s do this right like you know we've we've
18701s had some close series with them they've
18702s gone back and forth we take this first
18704s one we start moving in the right
18706s direction
18707s the scary part is is you know if the
18709s dallas you'll take it you're kind of
18710s sitting around on stage like is it this
18712s is happening again
18715s [Laughter]
18719s i don't know what they say mickey mouse
18720s wins hey you know they root for three
18722s teams in one day why not
18726s all right ladies and gentlemen pick your
18728s poison san francisco dallas going head
18731s to head it's a first to four series top
18734s seed makes the first map selection
18736s san francisco
18738s dodgy in their first maps on those
18740s control maps until it gets to map five
18742s apparently
18743s bear that in mind here is the dallas
18745s fuel expect them to come out swinging
18748s han bin
18749s probably the best junk queen in the
18751s world hard to say
18753s there's a lot of talent over in the east
18754s as well but so far in the west he has
18756s been head and shoulders above his
18758s competition
18759s and sparkle is the type of genji player
18762s who can match the output of proper uh
18764s when you think of genji you think of
18766s sparkle right they kind of uh
18768s go hand in hand
18770s i think i think where dallas can have
18772s the advantage here really big is with
18774s edison if edison can kind of play that
18776s hit scan role at a top level i think he
18778s can really push this team over the top
18780s in this series and even though we've
18782s seen these two teams match up before and
18784s dallas has gotten the better of him uh i
18786s think he can send the dallas fuel to
18788s even another level right
18790s 3-0 win for the fuel in that upper
18792s bracket final
18794s historically in the overwatch league
18796s grand finals pretty one-sided in a lot
18798s of big games often the upper bracket
18800s finals where most of the competition is
18801s so perhaps things will be trying to
18803s reverse jinxes here yes absolutely
18806s y'all ain't gonna know what hit you
18809s night market here of course is where
18810s we're gonna
18811s commence
18812s this series
18814s again edison v kilo is a key match up
18817s everybody make some noise out the gates
18818s here they come
18820s the dallas fuel and the san francisco
18822s shock it's a first to four grand final
18824s here in toronto
18826s and both teams to play the sojourn here
18828s at the start it's the symmetra tp for
18829s the dallas fuel to kick things off as
18832s the rotate to the back of the point and
18833s play from this position it's going to
18835s force the shock to be the more
18836s aggressive team
18840s looking for a one-way ticket to value
18842s town from this position
18844s wants to try and maintain that rail gun
18845s just a bit of damage we'll keep that
18847s charge so we'll go to 100 pretty soon
18849s kalooz takes a licking force to back up
18851s there
18852s dashing through came proper he's not
18854s able to find any purchase so far
18855s commanding shots from both sides colu's
18858s threatening knife thrown trying to push
18860s the sparkle down to the neutral but it's
18861s kilo down first edison draws first blood
18864s here
18865s geo avoiding the knife plunged into his
18867s back there and the dallas fuels start
18870s from a position of strength
18874s and edison is a player he's had like a
18875s really uh interesting overwatch league
18877s career right comes in like
18880s tons of hype and
18881s plays pretty well and then kind of gets
18883s like lost like i mean we have so many
18885s new players somebody hiked up rookies
18887s coming every single year it's easy to
18888s kind of get lost and finds his way here
18890s on the dallas fuel where you were
18892s looking at like uh they've got guerrilla
18894s in the roster right doha you're like
18895s where is edison going to fit in and in
18897s this meta he has taken over that
18899s starting slot and he has held onto it
18901s it's just perfect yeah i mean putting up
18902s sick performances
18904s dallas always wanted for uh a strong
18906s hitscan yes
18908s ever since the xc project didn't quite
18909s work out he has answered the call
18912s just dropped a shot thrown here edison
18913s reluctant to give up any ground to the
18915s back of the point but cheo's been taken
18916s down san francisco now they've come
18918s alive
18920s some pressure on han bin here and he's
18921s just trying to stall
18923s san francisco assert themselves and gain
18925s control at 42-3
18928s you know edison got two picks in that
18929s first fight
18930s but really the the shock were able to
18932s back the dallas fuel into those corners
18935s and play off of that and when you get in
18936s that close quarter area and you have
18938s proper coming at you and colluge playing
18940s that aggressive and with how good
18942s violet's been like offensively as lucio
18944s you think that they can win some of
18945s those fights so the first fight doesn't
18947s exactly go their way because the edison
18949s picks but they get the same type of
18951s action they forced in the corner again
18952s it works out the second time double
18953s rallies keep an eye on those sound
18955s barriers here she'll bash forward by
18956s finish playing aggressively but sparkle
18958s has the blade tries to chase down vital
18960s but that's a double sound barrier in
18961s play now here's the overclock from
18963s medicine field is down popper eventually
18965s i'm going to cut through that overshield
18966s and who's the next target edison's on a
18968s platter
18969s kilo takes care of him now
18971s with two players down the rampage from
18973s harvard can he save this three players
18975s he put that one prop was forced to have
18976s scone for a time and finn's been removed
18978s in his absence here come the fuel killer
18981s was down to you eventually has to give
18982s up his life and the shock still have
18984s point control now they're in the lead
18986s knife under colludes he's drawn to his
18988s death hardwood gives him the bear hug
18990s he'd sooner forget and off the point
18992s will violet be pushed now
18994s dallas back in the hot seat honda is so
18997s sick on the junker queen being able to
18998s go in there and hit a rampage is uh finn
19001s takes out sparkle on the way out hold on
19003s here you're gonna be able to fight this
19005s if you're the shock is oh no kilo gets
19007s backed into a corner taken out but pogba
19009s hits that rampage able to get back to
19011s the point the knife on the colluse the
19013s carnage to finish him off the thing
19015s that's so impressive about han bin and
19018s but really i think about college as well
19020s just the ability to avoid that uh you
19022s know useless damage right you know where
19024s they're just kind of taking damage going
19025s in and being able to survive so long on
19028s their own collusion's looking for
19029s something here
19032s kilo overclock a lot of damage sparkle
19035s there but they're able to keep him
19036s topped up oh not bad at all off the
19038s rampage and it's edison the first to
19039s fall as a result geo bleeds he goes low
19042s he's able to get a transfusion and get
19044s back into the fight but violence his
19045s field of careening over the edge
19047s harmony is in trouble as well and this
19049s one is back and forth
19051s this is a shock about right on in
19054s take it back from the dallas fuel so
19056s they'll get up to about even i think in
19058s terms of percentage when this next fight
19060s kicks off and and the shock able to
19062s build up these support ultimates way
19063s faster right we already saw one round of
19065s everybody kind of having them now violet
19067s and finn already back with these
19069s ultimates which is massive because
19070s you're gonna be able to negate the
19072s effects of sparkles blade most likely
19074s sparkle looking positive some free
19076s damage early on decent pressure on
19078s collude blades out forced to deflect
19080s down at 28 drops on top of the mega not
19082s too bad we have a trade here kilo is
19084s down
19086s and that's the sound barrier coming out
19087s now wasn't needed for sparkles blade
19089s with the shock or a player down hunting
19091s losing out in the front line it's a good
19093s side for san francisco they're a 97
19095s accounting and proper he's looking to
19096s seal the deal over time for dallas
19099s but they've been dashed aside now as all
19101s fielder can do can try and get there
19103s not close enough
19105s hey if the shot can buck the trend of
19107s being weak in map one man that's a good
19109s start
19110s and i think it's a little bit of uh you
19112s know being able to play a series earlier
19114s in the day right it's a more grueling
19115s longer day for the team that comes out
19117s of losers but to be able to get
19119s i know up to game speed right getting
19121s the flow of action at the start i think
19123s it's massive is
19124s i i thought having those supports there
19126s at the end was huge because right finn
19128s is forced to actually rally early there
19129s to save colluge because they're taking a
19131s lot of damage and sparkle ends up using
19133s the blade at that time but violet with
19134s the sound barrier
19136s not not able to get anything with it as
19138s that's a nice boot there my new violet
19141s is like
19142s a flex support player right his entire
19144s career who's playing lucio now and
19146s playing some of the best lucio we've
19148s seen like of anybody uh just
19150s the amount of skill needed uh and also
19153s the stuff we don't see right the amount
19154s of time he's had to put in to get to
19156s this level on the lucio that's really
19158s impressive
19159s hanbin leads his team in every metric
19161s right now what is this sparkle hey on
19164s the architect of life here okay
19166s playing inside the dojo turrets being
19169s thrown out there they are being removed
19170s pretty quickly but to lose taking a fair
19172s bit of damage up front is this the
19173s secret tech the fuel we're working on
19176s edison
19177s his bulb gets burst
19179s and the fuel is struggling here
19181s do you need secret tech to be the team
19183s you've already beat twice uh you know
19185s you come out on the symmetra symmetra
19188s gets you there a little bit faster maybe
19190s you feel like it's just a one fight
19191s strat right where if you tp you get to
19194s that hot faster you can set up the uh
19196s turrets in there and you can you know
19198s start to just mow players down as you
19200s rank up your beam and just damage output
19203s uh it does not work though and that's a
19205s fast switch back over to the genji
19207s i mean playing without a shield tank in
19209s the front line is pretty ballsy matthew
19212s dallas i think better of it now proper
19214s only has eyes for edison
19216s good pressure on the sojourn here and
19218s they still need to come forward the fuel
19219s they get finn though the railgun
19221s connection what a crucial kill harpin's
19223s found his second in the front line
19224s between the two of them it's a full
19226s house of kills
19228s dallas only left the shotgun about 35
19230s before reasserting themselves
19232s you see from propper's pov right just
19234s trying to put down some damage maybe get
19235s deflected onto edison and the dallas
19238s fuel do something we don't really see a
19240s lot of teams do they just kind of like
19241s ignore proper right they just speed
19243s boost right on bastion with the rest of
19244s the squad and they find players in the
19246s backline
19251s shock testing the point here
19254s just with proper
19255s who's played
19256s maybe the difference make you here
19260s a lot of pressure on collusion but look
19261s at he's so healthy while i'm gonna come
19263s up with the sound barrier and edison
19264s forced to peer in from the periphery
19268s and get the kill there is big
19270s oh san francisco get a bunch of free
19272s percentage from capping before a winning
19274s fight
19275s fantastic sequence from the shock
19278s yeah look at this han bin they're trying
19279s to keep him alive as long as possible
19281s but they put the point early and they
19283s gain about like 10 extra percent off of
19285s that that's quite massive is you know
19287s everybody for each team kind of throws
19289s their support off to now except for
19290s vineyard they'll hold under a rally so
19292s when sparkle goes in with that blade
19294s look for the rally to come out and see
19295s how finn's able to protect hilo
19298s dallas running on fumes right now
19303s i played from sparkle
19305s doesn't seem like a whole lot up against
19306s these
19307s support sparkle looking very low already
19309s in the back line that's the deflector
19311s railgun by the looks of things chow was
19313s inside of a disrupt the shot for a time
19315s can he find some purchase with the play
19316s the answer is no
19318s transaction decline edison wrapping
19320s around the left-hand side but chilo's
19321s coming looking for him as well it's
19323s gonna be a duel at sunset on the bridge
19325s here oh dear kilo joined off the end
19327s apparently by harmon's knife
19329s dallas have to point flip back in their
19331s favor proper unwilling to heal but
19333s eventually that choice will be taken
19335s away from him so still not a bad
19337s scenario here for san francisco 87 on
19340s the point you're looking at like two
19342s fights here you're gonna have a blade
19344s and a rampage for one and then look at
19346s violet already with that sound barrier
19348s he said he builds you so fast man where
19350s you have a distinct advantage coming
19352s into the next two fights in terms of
19355s alts one minute 40 to two minutes and
19357s six in terms of the sound barrier
19358s generation time
19360s big difference here
19362s violet amping that heel
19366s a little bit of pokemon collusion here
19367s he's happy to play around the middle
19369s part of the map a rampage could seal the
19371s deal right here right now for the shock
19373s here we go fielder is connected with
19375s cluj holds himself on the edge takes
19377s ring returning now to the fray field
19379s against the railing can he get the fuel
19381s back to full health it doesn't look like
19382s an edison's already fallen to kilo the
19384s railgun finds its mark and proper is
19386s relentless
19387s the shock
19389s only see red right now
19391s and the dallas seating grey scale and
19393s you're gonna have one more fight here
19394s for the dallas fuel tracer yeah you're
19397s gonna have to get uh some fast heroes to
19399s get back to the point in touch
19403s it's all about the touch here 98 and
19404s county edison he gets there over time
19407s secured
19409s now to fight your time for a good
19410s opportunity it's going to be a sound
19411s barrier preemptively here from chio
19413s dallas looking for an advantage early
19415s playing aggressive looking for kilo they
19416s get that first kill now the five before
19418s i'm
19420s doesn't want to step off the point he
19421s needs to solid flip here but they've
19422s lost fielder oh this could be dangerous
19424s for dallas sparkle she goes so low finn
19426s is down hardman gets the punch what a
19428s crucial kill can he keep his team in it
19431s seismic slam backwards to get topped up
19433s sparkle will be returning with the blade
19434s but she has been taken down proper can
19437s he continue to even the others the bite
19438s from sparkle gets rid of the queen i
19440s might get two
19442s all right so you flip the point but now
19444s you switched over to this composition
19446s that's uh not ideal when you don't have
19448s this sound barrier to be playing with
19450s can you win one more fight with this
19451s obviously not an opportunity to switch
19453s colludes gonna have to go over to the
19454s doom just to get a touch
19456s 98 and counting doom versus doom i
19458s cannot believe my eyes edison has a
19460s pulse bomb and he
19463s [Applause]
19467s oh we have ourselves a map now ladies
19469s and gentlemen
19474s it's dallas makes those late switches
19477s just to get to the point it's really
19479s chio sound barrier that allows them to
19481s win that fight uh and then towards the
19483s end the shock are forced into the team
19484s same type of situation where they have
19486s to go over to the doomfist try and get a
19488s touch perfect pulse bomb opportunity
19490s there for edison you get the tank out of
19492s the way
19493s and dallas really steal that round
19495s we're throwing back to uh kickoff clash
19498s here this is just sublime
19500s yanks him over the edge
19504s kill him like pound
19506s that's brutal
19508s there's nothing you could do about that
19509s just a knife nice knife there from han
19512s vin is
19513s both teams will be running the same
19514s composition this time and no late round
19517s heroics needed here no symmetra
19520s uh for the dallas fuel after i think
19522s just kind of a little bit of a pocket
19523s strategy there early
19526s turn up the heat early
19527s see chio they're just bounding around
19528s the outside oh my proper had nowhere to
19531s go there i've been he gets a sniff of it
19534s he's hungry
19538s they are so fast and when they have a
19541s player weak
19542s they are so fast to collapse onto that
19545s player and take them out and violet was
19548s you know he was on your honda screen
19550s like it looked like a half a second you
19551s can kind of see like the i know health
19554s icons show up and he's dead in seconds
19556s uh just their ability to focus fire is
19559s so good
19561s again here it is it's the same plate
19562s coming around the outside of that
19563s control center chio leads the charge
19565s that speed boost stacks with the
19566s commanding shower keep that in mind
19568s killers managed to wrap yourself around
19569s the back but problems are oh what is
19571s that
19573s violet straight into the crosshair for a
19575s little bit too long and kilo is able to
19576s get the better of medicine here will it
19578s be enough finn charges through kilo is
19580s so low and eventually dallas turn their
19582s attention towards him
19584s and it's interesting because the shock
19585s they don't want to move directly to the
19586s point they actually move up their
19588s staircase and try and play for that mid
19589s stairs and dallas instead of chasing
19591s just pushes forward takes players out
19593s but it ends up working out in the long
19595s run here for the shot
19596s dallas hop to give up control the point
19598s although they don't look like
19600s they intend to allow this status quo to
19602s persist
19604s kilo low very low still wants to have a
19607s poke at it though hanbin jordan have a
19609s look at him but no it's gonna be sparkle
19611s that actually sent a couple of shurikens
19612s his way now he'll wrap around he sees
19614s proper but he's looking at finn
19615s everybody collapses on the brigitte
19618s and now it's a matter of finishing a
19620s meal
19621s and you just see when we
19623s see from sparkle's point of view how
19625s fast they are right he's on a target
19627s that targets also taking fire from
19629s others you know he dashes to the next
19630s one everybody's so focused there
19633s for the dallas fuel as
19635s now this rounds feel quite long because
19637s there's been a few long fights but i
19639s know only 50 percent here for the dallas
19641s fuel so
19642s not out of it violent
19645s down a minute 43 per beat that's very
19647s quickly finn's going to open this one up
19648s at the rally though
19652s harmon look where harmonies he's got
19653s always behind to lose they're looking
19654s for finn here geo pops the sound barrier
19656s now and by that eventually he's gonna
19658s respond proper deflect fielder
19661s desiccated
19664s has his head parted from his torso
19667s this will be the shot coming out on top
19669s here this is a fight in which dallas try
19671s and start with that beat
19673s and i think the way that the shock have
19674s been kind of trying to work their way
19676s back to the point has forced dallas to
19678s be a little bit passive because dallas
19680s it ends up working out one time when
19682s they push on through when they take that
19683s mid staircase and they're able to take
19685s out a few players but the next time it
19687s doesn't work out that way and it forced
19688s them to play a little bit further back
19690s but that's a huge headshot kill there oh
19692s it's going to be one you wish she had
19693s back but killer
19695s flesh as well
19696s geo's out of the picture now
19698s no amp healing no speed boost available
19700s you have to do it the old-fashioned way
19702s sparkles in the back line down amongst
19704s the pigeons to kilo falls by the wayside
19707s deflect still available for sparkle but
19708s he needs some support here with humping
19710s out of the pitcher where's your pressure
19711s gonna come from edison gets rid of
19713s proper though genji's
19715s make a big impact here and sparkle still
19717s stands but the point not flipped yet for
19719s dallas it's a skeleton crew for the
19720s shock they're trying to hold on but this
19722s can't go well deluge eventually gets
19724s brought down
19725s dallas are gonna be back in control yeah
19727s there's just nothing left to be able to
19729s keep collusion alive and i was gonna say
19732s you know we talked so much about proper
19734s and how kilo you know maybe needs to
19736s like play at a higher level in this game
19738s like colluge finn and violet have been
19741s so essential for the shock success like
19743s that time able to stay alive so long and
19744s flip the point they just have no other
19746s help as hanbin with a rampage looking to
19749s seal this first map
19751s can he line this one up i've been
19753s waiting for an opportunity here pushing
19755s up commanding shot going to be in play
19756s there's a rally here for fielder there
19758s it is four players rampage and heartbeat
19761s is far from done with the pillaging
19765s kilo impaled
19767s the knife from downtown but that's fine
19769s it was flare for the dallas fuel
19772s firing up here in map one and that's a
19773s smile on harpin's face
19778s uh round one the shocks look great
19781s maybe just dallas you're taking a little
19783s bit of time to warm up as
19785s they they don't play a series earlier
19787s today and they come out they fire on all
19789s cylinders the second half yeah we know
19792s we know we know who you is
19795s 49 final blows place 46
19799s in every way it was an absolute slugfest
19801s to start the series off and at least san
19802s francisco showed that they're here to
19804s play
19805s do they have what it takes to unseat the
19807s juggernaut that is the fuel only one way
19809s to find out that is by staying where you
19811s are i will be back with mac 2
19813s right after this
19820s [Music]
19854s um
19873s [Music]
19930s um
19932s [Music]
19952s you
19979s [Music]
19989s [Applause]
19994s [Music]
20029s [Applause]
20030s [Music]
20049s [Music]
20053s themselves
20057s [Music]
20073s that is
20078s [Music]
20086s okay san francisco fans we got that one
20088s out of the way quickly
20090s control goes the way of the dallas fuel
20093s but it was anything but one side of that
20095s very hotly contested legion tower
20097s expedition
20099s really close uh for the overall series
20102s right i know they're on lijiang tower
20105s that was really the doubles you'll turn
20107s it up at the end i think they started
20108s gaining a ton of momentum when they went
20109s to like the doom composition there and
20111s flip that point back pull that round
20113s down i think it really i know stung the
20115s shock of it
20117s there's actually a map in which
20120s colluge didn't have the opportunity to
20121s secure that many final blows that his
20123s dps are really firing up this time
20125s sometimes we see when someone like
20126s kilo's having a quieter game collude is
20128s playing their frontline more in securing
20130s more kills with carnage not so much this
20131s time around hamburno
20133s still able to work his signature brand
20135s of magic on that junker queen
20137s he is so nasty we talked a little bit
20139s about it they're
20141s in map number one but
20143s you're able to keep cluj finn and violet
20144s alive for so long it just doesn't matter
20146s i mean the aggression the output from
20148s han bin is just too much eventually
20151s to deal with so the shock end up picking
20153s map number two obviously dropping map
20156s number one uh we will go to hollywood
20158s which is uh quite an interesting
20160s selection because this is one where they
20162s would probably want to see some more
20163s like ash play right that's kind of what
20165s we see on hollywood quite often uh you
20167s also do have the ability like right i
20169s mean not play the ash and we've seen
20172s proper sick performances in this map
20174s right really just destroying high ground
20176s setups from team basically on his own
20178s but
20180s this is where
20181s san francisco had some problems against
20184s the houston outlaws
20186s that was the map in that series where
20187s they definitely fell behind a little bit
20188s where pelican
20190s made fools of them
20192s so they're very much hoping for a bounce
20193s back but this is a volatile map matthew
20196s very difficult to defend point eight
20198s so quite often we see much of the map in
20200s general and we even go to sort of extra
20202s innings
20203s as it turns out finishing the map itself
20205s is
20206s quite accessible to top teams at this
20208s level
20209s a lot of back and forth fighting
20211s and staggers and spawn cams can be very
20213s punishing here i think one
20216s you know one good fight for defenders
20218s here can really make a huge difference
20220s last thing you want to see is your team
20221s getting blown out on point a straight
20222s away as they defend it yeah it's not
20224s particularly uncommon either point a has
20226s really been brutal for teams to hold
20229s teams have not been able to hold point a
20231s it's really just been about setting up
20233s that high ground defense
20235s on point b that's right i think teams
20237s have success on the defensive side of
20239s things be the dallas fuel on defense
20241s first uh edison will come out on the
20243s sojourn so do not want to play the ash
20245s here so this will allow them to play a
20246s little bit more close quarters to the
20248s point a little bit more brawly i also
20249s think there's less resources that have
20252s to be um you know invested into edison
20254s to be able to live right because there's
20256s so much mobility on the soldier and just
20258s a better ability to fight close range
20260s it's really easy to get left behind when
20261s you're playing ash your team amp speed
20263s boost and commanding shouts forward you
20265s get left behind whereas sojourn is quite
20267s happy to run up with them and then be
20268s able to slide out and then retake a high
20270s ground position midway through a fight
20271s and all you have is the ability to you
20274s know coach gun away on ash right on
20277s sojourn you have the
20278s slide and also people use that disrupter
20280s shot in a defensive way now right where
20282s you kind of put it down at your feet
20284s it's very difficult to go through
20286s yeah so
20287s a little bit more defensive capabilities
20289s on the soldier
20291s dallas actually playing pretty close to
20292s the choke early here many teams have
20294s folded back by this point but you can
20295s see them really trying to stamp their
20297s authority
20298s there's a wrap around oh dallas they're
20300s going for the push are the shock ready
20302s for this oh proper gets absolutely
20304s hammered and kilo
20305s nowhere to go
20307s violence having to trade out now as the
20308s shot try and dig their heels in a little
20310s bit more but the dallas are here on mass
20313s nicely done by collusion this will make
20315s it costly for dallas but still they
20317s catch the shock off guard and what i
20319s find interesting in that is that when
20320s they wrap around edison's not there
20322s edison actually goes to the high ground
20324s so they want to try and funnel players
20326s through this choke and he could have hit
20327s like a big disrupter shot some big
20328s damage going down in which case they
20330s would have just sped right back around
20331s and taking the fight on the point a
20333s really interesting strat there from the
20335s fuel and they got five players back in
20336s position now lovely little variation on
20338s a more proactive defense setup in
20340s hollywood
20342s i don't know how many times we've got to
20343s get away with that repeating it though
20345s how is violet farming these
20347s i i don't know it's so bad it's absurd
20349s one minute and 15. that's how long it
20351s took him to get this beat that is just
20352s insane
20353s harm is going to be forced away there's
20355s no one to help him now on violet make
20357s sure that kill is secured
20359s geo the only one i want to stand up for
20361s the fuel here but
20362s man just raw efficiency from pilot how
20364s does he squeeze so much value out of
20366s this lucio it went from
20368s you know i do not want to see viola play
20370s lucio at times last year right wherever
20372s they were trying to do it uh to this
20373s time it's like hey he's like up there
20375s with some of the best lucio's in the
20376s league is the fuel they come in they
20378s want to contest here for a bit but they
20379s could just get bullied off the point
20382s here come the fuel kalushi's down what a
20384s blow to strike sparkle trying to deflect
20386s there but finn cuts his life short
20388s a checkpoint having already been
20389s achieved though means that the fuel
20390s probably
20392s need to make a sheepish retreat here
20394s for context chio takes one minute 51 to
20397s build his beat that's pretty good but
20399s it's one minute 25 on average provided
20401s at the moment and being able to get it
20403s early gives them the point right uh it's
20406s something that the dallas you'll
20407s probably don't expect i mean
20409s who the hell is sound barrier that fast
20410s right he just runs in and you're able to
20412s just drop it and you can use them a
20414s little bit more freely because he's able
20415s to get them so fast
20418s a peak in their support old economy
20421s come on and shout there rallies also in
20423s play
20424s finn run down
20427s yeah this whole time dallas are a little
20429s bit out of position now they're going to
20430s the high ground okay elevated music
20432s plays they eventually need to get
20433s involved here kilos here with a knife
20434s and harvard okay that was wild
20437s not quite what he was looking for in the
20438s rampage there dallas status fight a
20440s little
20442s here but there's still good pressure on
20443s proper he's inside the saloon what a
20445s knife i don't know how he hits those
20447s edison still falls to the blade though
20450s they're they're still moving this
20451s payload though they're able to keep
20453s proper alive somehow through all of that
20455s chio ends up beating to kind of i know
20457s keep players alive through that dragon
20459s blade but look at this they've set
20461s themselves up the shock here in a really
20463s odd scenario just one fight dallas need
20465s to put these to a stop and they need to
20466s do it quickly finn again is gonna be the
20468s first one on the menu and sparkle he's
20470s hungry
20473s proper dunks on him
20475s i think dallas still get what they
20476s wanted here
20478s now let this get a little out of hand
20479s though
20481s it just became so
20483s dirty like that there weren't really
20485s that many like
20486s fights as everybody the cart was moving
20488s for a period of time the shocker able to
20490s keep things going and extend that fight
20492s and player down scenario and they got
20495s the car in a really good spot with 245
20497s here on the clock
20500s proper gonna snap the mega up doesn't
20502s really need it but doesn't want the fuel
20503s to have access to it for the next couple
20505s moments
20506s a lot of damage deflected there and prop
20508s is able to stay alive the shock want to
20509s bait something inside this saloon
20512s probably gets caught though looks like
20513s field came in from the top rope there
20515s inside the saloon
20516s oh my violet gets that sound bearer off
20518s here the field has gone down
20521s who's looking to pressure into the back
20522s line here but he's finding that fuel
20524s quite hard to catch in he goes the brute
20526s force approach gets to sparkle with that
20528s rampage chio still bleeding out
20531s he will just stay alive here somehow
20533s harmony is able to extract a kill but
20534s that's really all he's gonna get three
20536s meters until that checkpoint comes up
20538s here the shock will happen this is so
20541s chaotic
20542s and i like that rampage use there from
20544s colluge we see a lot of times players
20546s trying to line up these big rampages you
20548s know at that point
20550s you just need like another kill or two
20551s to get over the line and get that
20553s checkpoint for your team sees two
20555s players they are just lines above and
20556s takes them out right you're right and
20557s even snare at that point you're able to
20559s anti two other players and give yourself
20561s healing uh it's just such a huge
20563s advantage now you don't need these like
20565s four player rampages but look at this
20567s dallas just gets right into it neither
20568s team wants to give the other an
20570s opportunity to rest and field and now
20571s it's going to raise the flag
20573s i mean the shock just dispersed from the
20575s card they're a little bit split though
20576s that's kind of the issue most of them
20577s are able to disengage to a degree
20579s sparkle though wants to pressure this as
20580s much as he can and it's carnage in front
20582s of the spawn door
20583s the shock limp away
20586s sparkle heads upstairs and the fuel want
20587s a bit of a spawn camp here it feels like
20589s the first stop in action since the
20591s beginning of the map right
20594s even that second portion of the map just
20596s went so long in terms of like kills
20599s being traded out
20601s here it is speed boost to the point finn
20603s rally the shock want to force the fuel
20605s to stand on the point and fight
20607s sparkle isn't standing at all
20609s harmon has a rampage he want a knife
20611s connection that's scary stuff is forced
20612s into a deflect gets a repair pack and
20614s there's chio going down dallas are now
20616s running out of options they're out of
20617s position they're down to three players
20618s the cat's moving this whole time what
20620s have they been forced to i mean the
20622s shocker on offense and you've got the
20624s dallas fuel now on the offensive side
20625s having to run back play coming in here
20627s from a spark always been enough no food
20628s or edison already cut down they went for
20630s a disruptive shot on the point of the
20631s dallas fuel are losing control of this
20633s defense
20634s the shock constantly pressuring and it's
20636s ungodly connection there with that
20638s rampage and hard been somehow
20641s he's come up with the goods again
20642s [Applause]
20647s in like player down scenarios
20650s loves to go for that rampage and really
20652s turn the tides i mean that's when like
20653s if you're the shock right you probably
20654s don't invest like a support into that
20656s right but when the rampage comes
20658s uh he's able to just keep that going
20660s it's really just him and sparkle
20662s the relentless march continues
20665s both sojourns going for those overclocks
20667s kilo's pretty limited in terms of his
20668s sight lines he's actually looking for
20669s edison across the map
20671s gracie whizzes past his ear but he's
20673s unperturbed
20675s shocked now we'll try and approach once
20676s more bluetooth close harmonies he wants
20678s to get up and to lose his face he gets
20679s broke though he's the commanding chef
20680s but everyone's so low on the dallas fuel
20682s already in chio what opportunities are
20683s gonna have to use the sound barrier here
20685s he might want to go for it anyway here
20686s comes proper with the blade but chio is
20688s cut short
20690s that's three
20693s as they want to get those players out of
20694s there as fast as possible get this car
20697s to a scenario where it is one fight chio
20700s smart not to use that sound barrier
20701s you're already at lost sparkle edison
20703s was deep behind enemy lines and he gets
20704s taken out fast
20706s 46 seconds left now here it comes
20708s commanding shot for lose falls back a
20710s little bit knife was in there just
20712s dropped the shots everywhere
20714s comes in with that melee attack and yeah
20715s double sound barriers are going to be
20717s happening fielder he's going to be the
20718s first catch and even harping's ever to
20719s respond here pressuring on the card
20721s proper trying to deflect them back with
20723s the dallas fuel have the numbers here
20725s proper can you find edison sparkles
20727s already going to work in the back line
20728s though and proper realizes that's an
20730s exit frag nothing more
20732s just the movement to be able to get out
20734s with his life up to the high ground is
20736s 17 seconds left he's probably going to
20738s be the one that's going to have to touch
20741s god sliding back came so close a rampage
20744s for colluge
20746s that could seal the deal here
20748s can he line this up here he comes moving
20751s forward the fuel are gonna have to touch
20753s he's a rare page catches two not too
20755s shabby but field against the rally in
20756s play right now to lose flailing about
20758s himself whoever he can hit he's happy
20760s with it finn trying to keep him alive
20761s but he takes too much damage up front
20763s sparkles in his face violets in deep
20765s trouble as well the dallas you'll have
20767s this one on lock the blue tide surges
20770s over the cards and dallas
20772s hold strong
20775s it's still a pretty good offense though
20777s from san francisco
20779s get the cart all the way basically to
20781s the different
20782s uh the end is it's gonna be just the
20784s fuel with an opportunity to win the map
20786s by completing it
20788s towards the end there man uh you know
20789s should take so much damage after that
20791s the rally's just not enough like that's
20793s where you need the sound barrier right
20794s where the difference of the sound
20795s barrier were coming in right away as
20797s opposed to the the rally
20800s hanbin has
20802s 12 of his team's 33 final blows right
20805s now and edison have seven and four
20807s respectively
20808s uh big big carry performance
20811s right now
20817s do you try anything different if you're
20818s the shark here on defense i was gonna
20820s ask that do you think you'd maybe see
20821s like uh
20822s i haven't seen kilo on ashley that much
20824s right but
20825s maybe just something a little bit to
20827s throw dallas's timing off the pace of
20829s the game is too fast
20830s neither of these teams are willing to
20832s give
20833s backliners
20840s just look at the bleed and think about
20842s how much healing carbon is getting over
20843s the course of that
20845s an absurd amount
20847s and the damage with the jungle queen
20848s shotgun is so large as well you don't
20850s really realize it until you gonna get in
20852s the game and play it but
20854s she's able to just
20856s blow players up with that shotgun is uh
20858s sparkle here with a
20859s widow swamp they just fire off a shot
20862s and switch back watch out for the deflex
20868s all right enough of that apparently
20870s so just finish the map the the shock
20872s playing way further back than the fuel
20874s were they're playing in the back corner
20875s kind of allowing dallas in to take a
20877s fight on the point
20880s very different to dallas's approach here
20882s yeah
20884s so now for dallas they have a bit of
20885s space to work with the risk is that the
20887s shock sort of speed into the midway
20889s through their setup they're able to drop
20891s to the ground um yeah pretty decent
20893s amount of damage on him already
20896s 38 jagged blade accuracy to collusion's
20898s 20
20901s significant difference it's interesting
20903s they've taken this position in the cafe
20905s now
20906s allows them to heal up a little violent
20909s that is so
20910s quick
20911s harvey went fishing and he come up with
20912s the big one
20914s still in two for two collusion is doing
20915s well to give an account of himself on
20916s the point here pumping just sort of in
20919s kilos direction zero fear
20922s oh
20923s dear and those knives are big for the
20925s damage but it's also the displacement
20927s right we kind of ran the uh the replay
20928s of kilo getting off the side on the
20930s zhang tower but right there being able
20932s to get with violet and then take him out
20934s is let's see it from hauntman's pov
20938s you don't have the chance to juke that
20940s to outrage and disengage from that no
20942s and it's a little bit of damage and then
20944s the night pull and then a shot from the
20946s jungle queen and the bleed right that's
20948s all it is to take out a hero as squishy
20950s as lucio
20952s looks like dallas are thriving at this
20953s pace of game but the san francisco shock
20955s are getting a little bit haggard it's
20956s starting to get away from the matthew
20958s white knuckle grip on the reins for san
20960s francisco and they still unable to hold
20961s on
20963s they try a spawn camp it's cute but
20965s you're gonna have to get up early in the
20966s morning to do that to the fuel
20969s the shocked and not able to really kind
20971s of get a a spawn hole there fast as they
20974s would have been able to make some time
20975s up and look at this you've given high
20977s ground here
20979s to the dallas fuel a pick off from here
20981s right this stops even like a point b
20984s defense and
20985s then you're looking really good if
20987s you're the dallas fuel to finish the map
20990s this is where we need to see what's in
20991s reserve for san francisco this is not
20993s enough right now
20994s [Music]
20995s field a rally kilo down already sparkle
20998s gets the job done edison searching ahead
21000s knows that proper is in his periphery
21002s but isn't afraid of him because he's
21004s being protected by his back line so
21005s effectively and probably just straight
21007s up loses the gentleman still on the high
21008s ground
21010s if anything that's emblematic of the
21012s shocks struggles right now
21014s there's nothing the defense here
21017s for the san francisco shock and look at
21019s this even though you're a player down
21020s and it's in coming back i think you
21022s still fight this if you're the fuel you
21024s have this the sound barrier and you have
21025s sparkles blade
21027s i get there sparkles coming out violet
21029s tried to poop him but it was too early
21030s is to have the dash to close the gap
21034s he sparkles
21035s brutally effective
21037s you see that is so bad that is so cheeky
21040s he's actually not trying to send those
21042s bullets right back at kilo because he
21044s doesn't want to finish him off straight
21045s away
21046s he wants to just block them and send him
21048s in a corner so you just leave him alive
21050s for a little bit longer
21052s sparkle's having an unreal performance
21055s 15 final blows six deaths right now
21060s big genji energy
21064s i mean that's not surprising if you were
21066s to ask the dallas fuel no hey there's
21068s gonna be a meta that includes some heavy
21070s genji play how do you think you're gonna
21071s do uh you think you're going to be one
21073s of the best teams in the league just by
21074s having him on that hero all the time
21077s rampage catches two callers gonna go for
21079s one of his own here but he's only able
21080s to get towards ceo that just may not be
21082s enough rob is able to finish the job at
21083s the very least but edison the head shot
21086s on collusion is perfect
21088s proper now weighing up his options he
21090s has the blade here the shock need to
21091s send the bleed and kilo it's awful close
21094s to being picked up
21096s but he and proper finally come alive
21100s and that's a huge fight win you need to
21102s burn significant clock here if you're
21105s the san francisco shock you have a sound
21107s barrier you have a blade coming up next
21109s you need to play closer you cannot allow
21111s this cart to progress around that corner
21113s and get to that home stretch because
21115s with the amount of time the dallas
21116s you'll have they'll just play this
21117s ultimate game right where you're forced
21119s to use things and eventually they'll get
21120s a huge advantage
21122s okay commanding shot first budget sound
21124s barrier viola might have to go for it
21126s properly in a second problem with the
21129s blade gets rid of sparkle okay that's
21131s probably enough for now as long as
21132s popper can stay alive for disengage in
21133s some manner yes here come the rest of
21134s the shock
21136s now they're starting to put it together
21138s they don't spend the sound barrier
21139s crucially yeah it's massive right you
21142s get a a pretty clean fight there you've
21144s got minute off the clock just from that
21146s let's see you come back you can sound
21148s better get aggressive here you know that
21150s sparkle's gonna have this blade soon
21151s though
21154s that's fielder's rally violence still
21156s holding the beat still clutching into
21157s his breast
21159s san francisco doing pretty well to stave
21161s off the damage but colludes is now
21162s getting a bit more attention than he'd
21163s like peace forces our violent sound
21165s barrier sparkles blade he actually gets
21167s rid of properties could be dangerous now
21169s the shocker down to four
21172s violet dancing around you see finn
21173s they're just trying to keep away from
21174s sparkling when the man is hungry killer
21176s shuts him down though
21179s eyes won't open he's very very much
21181s involved in this one
21183s two minutes 38 in here come the fuel
21186s this is the last chance for the shock
21188s man and it's not good for the shock
21189s you're gonna have a rally but coming out
21191s of spawn you're gonna go directly into
21193s that sound barrier and the overclock
21195s gonna be so much survivability here for
21197s the fuel on the cart
21200s running from finn
21201s could be a big helper who's there trying
21202s to defend the chia's going to come out
21204s with a sound barrier first edison wants
21205s to wrap around this fight just a little
21206s bit but finn's taking a lot of pressure
21208s right now edison has space to work with
21210s with some scrutiny he actually takes a
21211s jagged blade there and the pressure is
21213s too much killer gets right in his face
21215s it's a trade to lose set up on the card
21217s chico takes a big switch strike there
21218s and here comes the disruptive shot
21220s thrown down by the shock
21221s they're able to hold off
21223s this helms deep level stuff though matt
21225s are they i mean here's a kill from han
21227s bin i imagine they they they wait a
21229s second they make sure they have the
21230s armor repair packs you have a rally and
21232s i think they come right back in
21234s rampage here we go han bins gets caught
21236s by it just him though field israeli
21238s can't come soon enough but harmon
21239s eventually is going to get brought down
21241s raid boss has been removed
21244s that's a huge connection because if you
21246s don't connect with hanbin
21247s you go aggressive there you invest that
21249s rally you probably have a rampage of
21250s your own and you got edison coming off
21252s the spawn with the overclock shooting
21254s right down the alley and that looks like
21256s an opportunity that dallas fuel will
21257s have to finish it this map
21259s it's a big rampage there from collusion
21261s go away all right that's devastating
21265s how do you come back from near san
21266s francisco rob's gonna go for the blade
21269s it's a desperate gambit but it's all
21270s he's got left and albert's gonna bring
21272s him down
21273s that card lays the gentleman that card
21275s is getting home one way or another
21277s prophet comes in over the top he's done
21281s and that's that
21283s [Applause]
21287s with one minute left in the round dallas
21289s get to the end of the map
21291s proper tribe with that blade matthew
21293s tries he might 17 and 11 from him
21296s superstar performance but you're trying
21298s to hold back sparkling hanuman while
21300s they're frothing at the mouth for these
21301s kills it's a tough ask and you just see
21304s when we go to these shots of the players
21306s on stage how happy comfortable relaxed
21309s the players on the fuel are
21311s they they got to feel like they have the
21313s shark's number like hey you guys pick
21315s whichever maps you want to go to it
21316s don't matter
21318s san francisco definitely look a little
21320s shaky in that
21321s map in dallas they'd love to play fast
21324s they'd love to play messi
21327s there needs to be an answer from the
21328s shock and it needs to be happening real
21330s quick it's 2-0 in this first of four
21332s don't go too far everybody the shock
21334s they're gonna have to go back to the
21335s drawing board
21353s [Music]
21363s [Music]
21370s [Music]
21406s [Music]
21438s [Music]
21447s [Music]
21456s [Music]
21468s [Music]
21516s [Music]
21553s [Music]
21555s some of the most generally rough and
21557s tumble overwatch i think i've seen in a
21559s little while matthew i know this matter
21560s caters to it but these moments here for
21562s a sparkle
21563s i mean this is a game winner right here
21566s i mean like if you do not have any
21568s defensives up you know in terms of
21570s support
21572s for sparkles blade i mean you are in
21575s trouble they also be like so cheeky
21578s and he's such a an exciting player you
21580s see that's on your screen uh that when
21582s he kind of gets confident he's able to
21584s play kind of how you see his emotions
21586s are on stage
21588s he is a difficult player to slow down uh
21591s you know we talk about propers being
21592s such a tremendous rookie player and
21595s uh how good he's been throughout the
21597s regular season thus far
21599s the sparkle is
21600s able to match those performances on this
21603s hero remember the last time this team
21604s won a stage final
21607s dallas yep
21610s you know how was griffin even born
21613s uh just yeah he's very little i was
21616s gonna say i was like
21617s it's a long time yeah
21619s dallas despite having been so strong you
21622s look a little patchy in some meadows i
21623s think like mint caesar manus didn't suit
21625s them particularly well yeah i saw a lot
21627s of fearless there and i think dallas was
21629s searching for their identity but it is
21630s astonishing how quickly they will be
21631s able to establish that
21633s uh here in the summer showdown it's just
21635s wild how things change in the league
21638s depending on the meta in like kind of
21640s like how your rosters are constructed
21642s and who you have on your bench table to
21644s come in right i mean we're seeing a lot
21646s of like uh guerrilla the widowmaker
21648s early on here and he's like the hitscan
21650s you know player for this dallas team
21652s then you kind of be able to bring edison
21654s in because these heroes fit his pool
21655s pretty well you know all of a sudden
21657s like you're like hey do we have to play
21659s doha what's the meta and sparkle now it
21661s falls into genji like
21663s uh and then you see teams that go the
21665s other way right you maybe not pick up
21666s the meta as fast and
21668s uh it's one thing about our season it's
21670s really long grueling and then also it
21672s fluctuates you have to be pretty even
21675s killed pretty consistent on everything
21676s as dorado will be the map pick here for
21679s the shock yet again as we move into
21680s escort
21682s san francisco now really searching
21684s themselves for some answers up against
21686s the dallas fuel team that seems
21687s fundamentally to be on another level
21690s yeah
21691s they need a map when in the worst way
21695s and what's scary is like
21698s dorado you can probably see the dallas
21700s you'll play that aggressive spawn campy
21702s style play here around that first corner
21706s you know all it takes is one lackluster
21708s push
21709s to find you down 3-0 in this series
21712s without a lot of momentum or confidence
21715s i mean it it's uh this is a scary one
21718s especially because we've seen teams get
21720s held here pretty often it's not like
21722s it's something that is rare
21725s dorado a map where obviously as a
21728s defender you have the chance to slow
21730s down the pace a little bit or
21732s play that you know high ground-based
21734s spawn camp in that first part of the map
21736s we talked about you know whether ash
21738s would be viable on hollywood i think at
21740s the speed of play with the amount of
21741s times we saw teams using commanding
21743s shouts sort of proactively to actually
21744s close the gap stack that with a speed
21746s boost it would just be very very hard to
21748s thrive on that pick
21750s edison
21751s on the sojourn once more here so dallas
21753s really want to play fast and loose with
21754s it
21755s san francisco i guess it's an option
21757s here but again they're probably going to
21758s have to break a very obnoxious spawn
21760s hold and we see kilo hovering the ash
21763s right now
21766s see if they decide to play maybe try a
21768s little bit something different here
21772s dynamite is quite helpful in this
21774s situation right sparkle's pretty canny
21776s kind of hard to catch him out with that
21777s one look at fielder chilling up on that
21779s high ground by the way
21780s he and chio will drop down when they
21782s have to and yup there it is
21784s edison
21785s selects the switch i was gonna say the
21788s ash on the high ground here can be a
21790s really good selection
21791s but like uh you mentioned uh i think
21796s pretty pretty good eye of the game here
21797s that it's going real fast and
21800s they haven't done a great job of like
21801s being able to keep you know kilo alive
21804s even when he's on the sojourn right he's
21805s been we just saw the clip right spargle
21807s hunts him down
21808s uh how do you keep him alive now playing
21811s the ash he's an even easier dive target
21813s so
21814s there's something twilight was very good
21816s at doing setting his you up and keeping
21818s him alive under all sorts of pressure
21819s you've got to be absolutely perfect
21821s though to do that and sparkle
21824s getting his sushi chef on
21827s well it's i think it's also easier when
21829s you watch a team like toronto do it
21831s because they're playing around he sue
21833s the entire time like you wouldn't
21835s necessarily see the shock play around
21837s kilo all right they play really around
21839s like i talked to rapper and talk to
21841s shock players uh yeah um
21843s some of their bench players last night
21844s and they said yeah like you know all the
21846s resources on this team tend to go in
21847s proper direction
21849s it's really the centerpiece
21851s so you have to be low economist kilo you
21852s can't be as aggressive but also
21854s you can't be too passive because if you
21855s get caught out by a genji no one's
21857s coming to help you now the switch here
21858s to sojourn and this is way safer here
21860s for the shock and they finally get the
21861s cart moving
21864s edison's more than happy to give some
21866s ground here is san francisco
21868s coming out after hibernation tentatively
21871s peeking out to the turtles make it to
21873s the water that's the question good stuff
21874s for proper getting rid of sparkle edison
21877s is forced to throw that just from the
21878s shot down to the ground can they catch
21880s colluge he's able to slip away
21883s more like big mclarge huge
21887s the rally's still going for the fuel
21889s soundbar for violent here the shocker
21891s investing
21894s geopop tears as well probably gonna go
21895s for the plane it's layers and layers of
21897s investment here and stocks are good for
21899s san francisco
21901s proper does his thing
21903s and this may be an opening here for the
21905s shock honvin ends up using the rampage
21908s during that we talked a little bit on
21909s the last map how using these rampages
21911s and fights where they're a player or two
21913s down and being able to turn them that
21915s time the fight was basically already
21917s done he's trying to use the rampage so
21919s could be a bit of a window of
21920s opportunity here for san francisco
21924s the duality of a junker queen that's
21926s called to carry a team out of
21928s dangerous situations sometimes it's just
21930s a wasted ultimate
21932s although it's rare for hanbin
21936s kilo's really far on this right-hand
21938s flank here keeping fin between him and
21941s the fuel setup here they come though
21942s kilo very quickly trying to reposition
21944s but finn is going to be the target of
21945s scrutiny right now and he crumbles
21947s the shock down to four what can they do
21949s colludes goes for the rampage this cool
21951s edison a four versus four now
21954s and you're gonna have rally coming off a
21956s spawn here for the shock so you may just
21957s want to like try and hold this position
21960s uh not able to do so you lose violet
21962s that's a few times i think so far in the
21964s series we've seen violet lose first but
21966s that's gonna be fit with the rally they
21967s still want to go steeler coming back
21968s here with the overclock sparkler
21970s deflects some of it but eventually he'll
21971s have to get away
21973s kilo he's hungry
21975s but the pantry seems empty at the moment
21978s and now he's pretty far
21981s forward trying to find a head here any
21984s anyone will do
21986s commanding shouting a move here on the
21987s high ground from the fuel spark is on
21989s the low ground here
21990s he's forced to deflect right now he's
21992s gonna have to get away pretty quickly
21993s edison's overclock here to create a bit
21995s of space it splits the shock in half did
21997s that look more like a tactical retreat
21999s for san francisco they've got good push
22001s here on the cart or 2 30 in the round
22003s they got good push commanding shout was
22005s out they overclocked they decided to
22007s split now they reorganize and they'll
22009s come back
22011s you're gonna be able to have proper farm
22013s up display that's probably what you're
22014s working on you see proper put down the
22016s damage from the high ground getting very
22017s close
22019s only the rally to answer it here this
22021s could be scary timing
22022s thought proper might go for it there he
22024s said they lost finn
22026s kilo so
22027s so far back and still being pressured
22029s down by sparkle it's a trade in the end
22031s proper might be caught on here even the
22032s odds there's going to be a rally whip
22033s shot backwards
22035s robert thinks twice about it
22037s a lot of oats even throughout the
22039s weekend invested in fights where you are
22042s players down is
22044s the rally going you had already lost the
22045s player or two proper i think you may get
22047s like a little bit excited right being
22048s able to get that dash through and get
22050s one you get another player weak but
22052s fielder's got the rally going as he's
22054s swinging into him gets knocked back
22056s nothing he can do there
22057s uh and you kind of you waited a little
22059s bit to get that blade right and to try
22062s and take advantage of it
22063s and it does not work out kilo has no
22066s final blows yet this round
22068s it's been iron man to have much of an
22069s impact edison however has five
22072s san francisco need to set up kilo for
22074s success proper cannot do it all
22077s he gets a pack there
22080s pressuring harm in the way some poke
22082s damage harmon takes the next swing
22083s disrupts the shot throw down he sees
22084s proppers a little bit low comes in with
22085s the axe sound barrier for san francisco
22087s they have to convert this into a fight
22089s win but cheo has one of his own colours
22091s gets caught in the front line and hanvin
22093s pops him one in the kisser
22095s promise done he's in deep trouble here
22098s yeah and i mean the rampage available
22100s for hanbin if need be but
22102s it is not needed as
22104s they chase down kilo so
22106s 45 seconds left here
22110s for the shock on offense you're not
22112s gonna get a blade
22114s not gonna get a beat out of this
22116s and look at this sparkle with a blade
22118s and han bin with the rampage man would
22120s you love to have that blade back from
22122s proper at this point
22125s you might sell your soul for it
22129s dallas are in a very scary position
22131s they're gonna go for it here sparkles
22133s into the blade and finn disintegrates
22135s sheo's the one that comes out with that
22136s one but sparkle cleans kilo off still
22139s zero final blows for kilo in this round
22141s completely shut out of the game
22144s cause there's no support here oh the
22146s truth looked like it was good but harmon
22147s still gets caught by that ridiculous
22149s hitbox but with two seconds left in the
22151s round san francisco they've run out of
22153s gas
22154s [Applause]
22158s so rampage not even needed there at the
22160s end
22161s so i think if you're the shock now
22163s you're really looking at we have to have
22165s a good point a defense a good close
22168s spawn type hold here what's his name
22172s that's right
22180s is four and two this round
22183s edison actually having a really nice run
22185s of it here eight final blows
22188s and the shock suffering from their
22189s particular uh specific melody of proper
22192s getting all the work done and no one
22194s else really being able to back him up
22195s proper has nine of his team's 12 final
22198s blows after that round and the thing uh
22200s we kind of overlook it with the queen at
22202s times is like
22204s the jagged blade being able to throw it
22206s right
22207s you think about like a roadhog hook
22208s right where you can't really time it
22210s after we'll take a look here to replay
22211s this from chios
22213s that is so clean man
22216s what a worthwhile trade but you will
22218s take that uh
22219s no like a roadhog hook right it's it's
22222s instant it's a pull towards the blade
22225s there's such
22226s like large team play aspect to it in the
22229s sense that you can time when you're
22230s gonna yank that player to you and it's
22232s like around the wall right so you can
22233s land one you can kind of communicate it
22235s you can get it a countdown right
22238s speed boost into it like there's so much
22241s uh death bearer in terms of like how you
22243s can play with that i think dallas
22245s probably the best team we've seen being
22247s able to really utilize it to get some
22249s picks oh look at this where's the
22250s respect dallas they do not care they're
22253s hunting san francisco over to reposition
22254s them when harmon is the loose end
22257s he's picked apart
22261s dallas may be
22263s misreading the situation a little bit
22265s san francisco
22267s great adaptation good reposition there
22269s for them i think they just feel that if
22271s they get around the corner they're able
22273s to get one pick they're going to just
22275s with the close to spawn here on offense
22278s you're just going to slowly wilt them
22279s down right so getting around that corner
22281s getting those first picks
22283s kind of means more than just about
22284s anything even if you're trading now
22286s lives oh wow
22288s he just dropped into the middle of the
22289s entirety of the fuel got out with the
22291s deflecting dash but now he lacks
22293s mobility you see that's why he's sitting
22294s in the periphery of the fight he's not
22295s involved right now
22297s big hit on edison prop is back
22299s great pressure but look again this is a
22302s one-man effort but like you can't go in
22304s that deep i mean what is his team
22306s supposed to do at that point
22308s he kind of knows he's dead he just
22310s stands there and just waits to die
22314s this is starting to turn into a bit of a
22316s brutal situation for san francisco
22319s it's starting to
22320s i mean i i would say it started a bit
22322s ago i mean they're down to oh
22325s uh and and these maps have now looked
22327s pretty for the shock as
22330s they they definitely expect to play much
22332s better than this i think in this series
22334s thus far as
22336s if sparkles about double here in the
22338s terms of blade
22339s if you need it here you can use it but
22341s it may not even be necessary
22343s again proper the one serving himself up
22345s first to lose getting plenty of
22347s attention though
22350s violet has a sound barrier online here
22352s gonna have to ready that for sparkles
22354s play because here it comes
22355s big early damage on the spark it looks
22356s like he's taking a bit of bleeding
22358s collusion is able to finish him off here
22359s finally wants to hold on to the sound
22361s barrier for as long as he can the shock
22362s have a chance here it's a four before
22364s but edison's here to dash their dreams
22367s toulouse is alive and healthy but it
22368s doesn't matter big axe swing is he gonna
22371s go for this rampage here he's gonna be
22373s thinking about it can he salvage the
22375s situation there's no way
22377s it's not looking good when you trade out
22379s your genjis
22381s and if your sojourn is able to get a
22383s pick
22384s if it feels like a lot of the time right
22386s it feels like a lot of when when the
22387s genji started the equation it feels like
22388s edison is always the one who comes up
22390s with a pick versus like chi akilo on the
22392s other side uh you're able to have that
22395s extra damage from the sojourn in these
22397s fights it doesn't matter if you have
22399s your queen and both support alts because
22401s you have that just inherent damage
22403s advantage
22406s a whopping time bank here for dallas
22408s and they are in their comfort zone
22411s profits neutralized at the start of the
22413s fight
22414s big damage on sparkle for the commanding
22416s shot there is gonna give enough time for
22417s the healing to come in it's gonna be two
22418s places for the rampage with edison he's
22420s pushing forward he's relentless
22423s he'll find one at the trade super
22425s aggressive stuff from the fuel it's been
22427s kind of the
22428s way this whole series is gone
22431s but again they run themselves a little
22432s too ragged this time
22436s three players caught with that rampage
22437s here profits have to bring him down
22443s san francisco just hanging on
22445s and just
22447s you're going to get the payload moving
22448s here for the fuel but
22451s sometimes you use those rampages there's
22453s so many players down man like uh they
22455s have edison i think chio coming off the
22457s spawn at that point uh but they're
22459s nowhere close to han bin and maybe he
22461s thinks he can live long enough for them
22462s to come back but
22464s even with they're using the rampage and
22466s forcing them to back up you still gain a
22468s lot of progress here so maybe not the
22470s worst
22472s hunting he's trying to find that as soon
22474s as gone so aggressive into the back line
22476s unreal hubris from edison he thought he
22478s could end the round right there
22481s the rest of dallas nowhere to be seen
22482s maybe miscommunication they're caught in
22484s the fight now
22486s player advantage for the shocks being
22487s converted into a fight win
22490s dallas may be lacking some of that
22491s composure they come into the round with
22493s here
22494s i'm unable to find a kill but there's no
22496s surprises there the cleanup is good
22499s kilo has a final blow yeah so they they
22501s get a hole there they end up actually
22503s wrapping the dallas fuel over towards
22504s the defensive side which gives shock
22506s this high ground which are totally good
22508s playing against and when they see edison
22510s a little bit further out with that
22511s overclock that's improper strikes with
22513s that blade
22517s sliding forward such aggressive
22519s positioning
22520s yeah they just want to play this from
22521s the opposing high ground
22523s which is interesting the kart's going to
22524s keep moving backwards here it's going to
22526s be a little bit advantageous for the
22527s shock but you take this fight on the
22529s high ground you end up winning it if
22530s you're the dallas fuel this map is over
22532s yeah
22533s sparkle blade
22535s it's on the cards
22536s kalu's taking a lot of damage
22538s proper also pretty low and sparkle he
22540s gets rid of proper here comes the blade
22544s and the endless waltz of the dallas fuel
22546s now
22547s as that checkpoint is within spinning
22549s distance and kilo is wiped off of the
22552s map dorado as the two maps prior will go
22556s to the fuel
22559s and they say hey go pick another one
22561s we don't mind
22563s they take a commanding
22566s 3-0 lead
22568s in this series as there has been zero
22571s answer
22572s for hanbin and just his domination on
22574s the junker queen
22576s proper is 15 of his team's 29 final
22580s blows
22582s normally we'd be celebrating that as a
22584s deadlift but in a situation like this
22586s where his other dps has one final blow
22587s you can do it against a lot of teams not
22590s a team like the dallas fuel and not a
22592s team like some of the best in apac like
22593s the shanghai dragon seoul dynasty
22595s to beat those type of level of
22597s competition if you're the shock
22599s you're gonna need more from
22600s everybody else staring into the abyss
22603s the san francisco shock have one
22606s more chance
22608s to stay alive in this series it'll have
22610s to be a reverse sweep though it's
22612s looking unlikely but see how deep they
22614s can dig
22616s stick around everybody map number four
22618s it's around the corner
22622s [Music]
22631s [Music]
22658s so
22661s [Music]
22702s [Music]
22703s so
22716s [Music]
22728s so
22730s [Music]
22735s [Applause]
22736s [Music]
22746s [Music]
22761s [Music]
22770s [Music]
22778s [Music]
22783s [Music]
22831s [Music]
22840s [Music]
22854s [Music]
22865s so many hype moments so many great best
22867s surprises the best problem we've had at
22868s least in my memory all prophet sees is
22871s fear and dead men this is the battle of
22875s the giant this is the place where mn3
22878s stuck his flag this is where legends are
22880s born man and then three went through bob
22883s said off the map but that's the pulse to
22885s end the ball the philadelphia fusion
22887s have done it in overtime they will
22888s advance in the mid-season madness
22891s tournaments gonna look to make it happen
22893s and there it is probably can he get the
22895s ac absolutely can
22897s absolute god in the flex dps fantastic
22899s from albany he dodges the pulse bomb
22901s using the eye frames from the duke he
22902s has milliseconds of time to react to
22904s that with the highest rail gun accuracy
22906s you've ever seen tries on eight and five
22909s we have as we often say a series on our
22912s hand paddy pants dances through cuts
22914s down bernard he's gonna get shy he gets
22916s absolutely everybody shy is a one-man
22920s army that's nice on this man shy is
22922s banana honestly dallas fuel hung joe
22926s spark they could not stop philadelphia
22929s fusion the crown of apac belongs to them
22932s few or die for both of these teams san
22934s francisco shop see themselves in the
22937s mid-season madness finals
22939s lobby for trying to get this thing oh my
22941s goodness master denied atlanta reign
22943s will take down the champions of the east
22946s last chance for the dragon the sacred
22948s timeline has been profaned
22951s the atlanta raid knock out a third
22954s eastern team unreal on the tracer
22957s gladiators too strong and the rain is
22960s just out of their grasp
22963s this one's for all the marbles six days
22966s to get here 12 teams from across the
22967s world and we finally reached the top two
22970s final rematch here for both of our
22972s squads san francisco shock back on top
22974s of the world ely gladius looking to
22976s defend their title
22978s map number one going to be elios it has
22980s begun the gladiators narrowly edged out
22984s the shot brian snipes them right out of
22986s the sky completely flawless
22988s running diva here a shock specialty
22991s makes me major oh
22993s the best hit scan player in the world
22995s needs to get back into that form right
22996s here regain the name the anton sniper
22998s once again
23000s proper doing incredible work here for
23002s the side of the shot what's actual call
23004s from sam in the grand finals the second
23006s act they're firing up they gotta end
23008s this now shots have no answer there's
23011s still a chance shu nails him with the
23013s ante they have to go now we talk about
23015s eyes did we come online now he is
23017s certainly here kilo continues he
23019s delivers once more the next pick could
23021s decide everything san francisco shaw
23023s can't touch this one he's not gonna
23024s touch i can't do it
23026s not like this unbelievable
23034s a timely reminder of san francisco's
23036s trials and tribulations across this
23038s season so far and namely
23040s the mid-season madness
23042s falling tantalisingly short
23044s against the gladiators as they were in
23046s the process of conducting a reverse
23048s sweep
23050s it's gonna have to happen here as well
23052s and it needs to start on push
23055s the question remains
23057s what can these five players do
23060s against the raging
23061s inferno
23063s that is the dallas fuel i think you just
23065s see the dallas fuel just playing such a
23067s solid team play
23069s it's where when we talk about like 5v5
23072s and you know
23073s obviously the transition to that versus
23076s six on six and obviously more individual
23079s skill kind of matters right in that type
23080s of world in this type of medic kind of
23083s hardens back to like some of the meadows
23085s we had you know during the six on six
23087s era where it's uh a lot of cooldown
23089s management playing as a unit right and i
23092s think that's where the dallas fuel
23093s you're seeing them succeed
23095s this is the last opportunity the shock
23096s have to select a map
23099s in this series
23100s and it will be colosseo for push their
23103s final opportunity
23105s to stake their claim to this series
23108s and risk of being washed away
23112s by the fuel i mean this would be a
23114s legendary run back right with the way
23116s things have gone between these two teams
23118s when they matched up as of late to find
23121s yourselves in this type of scenario to
23123s battle back
23125s that would be a pretty historic run and
23128s you know they have the talent to be able
23129s to do it it starts here
23132s and i think it really starts on this
23134s first push like attempt
23136s whoever gets control of that bot first i
23138s think if you're the dallas fuel and that
23139s happens
23141s you will start to see this snowball i
23142s think the momentum just becomes too
23144s strong
23147s whether it's
23148s smelling salts a slap in the face
23151s or a wake-up call of any other variety
23153s kilo needs to get into this game
23158s struggling to deal with the aggression
23159s of the dallas fuel in that last map one
23162s final blow to his name where proper went
23164s on to deadlift some more parity between
23166s the dps is going to be the bare minimum
23168s required
23170s for san francisco to give the dallas
23171s fuel as good as they can and maybe it's
23173s not about you know putting all your
23175s resources into one or two players like
23176s you can do that when we had those metas
23178s that were a little bit more free and
23180s open and uh the individual skill could
23182s really kind of carry a game i think
23184s you've seen for the shock it's you're
23186s capable to do that
23187s up until a point
23189s uh and i think you've hit that point
23191s when you play against the dallas fuel
23193s that you have to have that strong team
23195s play to fall back on
23198s and here we have one more question for
23199s san francisco shock and their fans
23202s do you believe
23204s in magic
23206s it's time to find out does coliseum may
23208s well be our final battleground in this
23211s series unless the shock
23213s have it in them to turn the tides this
23215s first fight is so important i mean it
23218s always is on push but to find yourselves
23221s down 3-0 all the momentum on the dallas
23224s fuel side to see them get significant
23226s barrier progress here off the rip
23229s that's tough
23233s a tentative neutral to start this map
23236s everybody knows how important this is
23238s right
23241s suffocating mistakes can sometimes be
23245s there's a little bit of
23247s contact on that left-hand side here as
23248s harvard and sparkle are starting to
23250s think about advancing having a junkie
23252s queen now he's quite threatening
23253s posturing to be fair
23256s on the move san francisco make the first
23258s play towards the objective
23260s healer's pretty deep in enemy territory
23261s here
23262s needs to forget about the last couple of
23264s maps but edison's picking up where he
23266s left off yeah and he gets a first pick
23268s on the violet there's while just trying
23270s to play aggressive form of those sound
23272s barriers this
23274s property will get one and a little bit
23275s of an exit but look at this they're so
23276s split here for the shock
23282s dallas very quickly assert themselves
23283s here once more
23286s up to 20 meters now
23289s violet playing awful close to them here
23291s you feel like there's some risk
23292s associated with this positioning and
23293s proper also is extremely low there's no
23295s healers on the map right now
23296s kilo kilo's in deep trouble
23299s what is he doing here what are you doing
23301s yeah i mean this is uh
23303s i mean he is really deep behind as uh
23306s maybe players going back to be able to
23307s pick him up allows you to hold a little
23309s bit but now you're not gonna have your
23310s sojourn for this fight
23313s proper
23315s almost getting caught there himself
23318s dallas are on the march they're more
23319s than happy to play from this low ground
23320s here they didn't disengage to play back
23322s in the neutral because they knew that
23324s finn
23324s or other kilo was a long way away from
23326s the rest of his team
23328s here it is though great response okay
23330s and it's not in a great spot to
23331s intervene in that fight collusion is
23333s able to get rid of han bin it's such an
23334s important match up here
23336s a good start
23338s for the towering giant in the shocks
23340s front line
23341s and you see the barrier start to move
23343s the other way now in favor of the shock
23346s so you got your blade you got your sound
23348s barrier already you invested into this
23350s fight
23351s if you want to really try and make a
23352s push for that checkpoint
23359s become the shock able to turn that
23360s around
23362s a key couple of kills to set themselves
23363s up
23364s it has to be an investment here there
23366s has to be some risk taken by san
23367s francisco if they want to make the first
23369s move
23373s medicine always dangerous
23375s always probing
23379s big damage on dallas fuel though they
23380s take a licking in the front line so it's
23382s going to be a rally from fiora here's
23383s sparkles blade cold steel drawn trying
23386s to find the back line here and he gets
23387s rid of kalooz
23389s that sound barry was there but perhaps
23390s just not enough
23392s and in the fight the san francisco shock
23394s cannot find an equalizer
23396s they're getting blown out
23399s and that's massive the sound barrier
23401s comes down you still find the junker
23403s queen on the other side if collusion is
23404s able to live through that
23406s with all that survivability you think
23408s he's going to be able to get a rampage
23409s and look at this the shock invests so
23411s much into that fight you come back you
23413s got rampage in overclock here for the
23415s fuel you may be able to get this first
23416s checkpoint
23419s heading out of the bridge we go rampage
23420s there from harmony he's yelling at his
23422s team he caught violent and proper with
23423s that one
23424s both of them seem to have to back away
23426s then anti-kill has expired
23429s but the block lumbers on
23431s here we go another fight inside small
23432s room last time it looked good for the
23434s shock this time not too shabby either
23435s proper finds three
23438s play around the bot he'll dare sparkle
23439s to challenge him
23441s the ladder thinks better of it hanbin's
23443s still alive as well
23445s nice long range there six and one hon
23448s been able to make it back to his team
23451s it's a little bit more progress there
23453s from the uh the fuel but not a lot as
23456s you know look at this you can't even
23457s fight this to be the shock you got to
23458s back up because the rest of the team
23460s still coming off spot they maybe don't
23462s realize that spark was not there
23464s san francisco choose to disengage even
23465s though the dallas fuel they posture
23466s aggressively with just four players
23468s maybe implying the presence of sparkle
23470s but he was still coming off spawn
23473s here's the slide in oh they want some of
23474s this
23475s collusion harmon 50 cups in the front
23478s line but collusion's only got eyes for
23479s the objective right now
23481s but they lead kilo on an island again
23483s he's neutralized
23486s predictive back swing no connection
23488s there
23488s grim look on the face of collusion he
23490s knows he's going to take more than that
23491s to win this fight again it's going to be
23493s proper coming alive but how much can one
23494s player do
23497s nice axe swing there that's really gonna
23499s hurt fielder he's forced it back right
23500s on up
23502s every inch fought four with blood by the
23505s shock but they're yet to equalize in
23506s distance it's another one from proper
23508s he's eight and one eight of nine final
23510s blows on his team that's astonishing
23514s but it's not enough
23516s you just cannot get it done that way in
23518s this type of meta you just cannot leave
23520s kayla out on island no help and let him
23523s just get taken out by the opposing
23525s team's genji giving you a you know a
23527s player advantage like every single fight
23528s it's just not gonna work out that way as
23531s the shock get close to matching the push
23533s of the fuel but
23536s good enough as
23537s sparkle with a blade here
23540s seen he's been so good with them
23541s throughout the series
23543s last time he was able to find collusion
23545s with him even through the sound barrier
23547s oh no proper
23550s that is bad
23551s the chase is on look at the violet here
23553s he has a sound barrier i think the fuel
23554s of track that ultimate as well
23556s did proper expect like either the rally
23558s or the barrier to come in to keep him
23560s alive because like just playing so far
23563s up with nothing to use there is uh it's
23567s starting to fall apart here for san
23569s francisco this is going to be the
23571s checkpoint for the fuel
23577s 66 meters plays 37
23580s what was a fair fight is now
23582s blowing out
23583s into a full scale extinction event
23587s is there anything left for the shock
23589s now's the time to show it violet's down
23591s to the front line there no chance for a
23593s beat again it's all falling apart
23595s proper removed by sparkle and it's all
23597s dallas all the time always was
23601s 325 to play with the shock of being
23603s evicted
23604s and when do you have a good time to use
23606s these support ultimates if you're the
23607s shock you're fighting at a player down
23609s all of the time it feels like that time
23611s they get aggressive they get right in
23612s the supports face and they're not able
23614s to keep them alive and there's you used
23617s to blade and it doesn't even come up
23618s with anything i mean the remnants of a
23620s sound barrier are there doesn't matter
23622s huge damage it's unreal how much damage
23624s the shock just took in the front line
23625s then desperately trying to punch him up
23627s now with a rally but when that
23628s overshield expires it could be dangerous
23630s somehow san francisco
23632s are able to get three kills why have you
23634s lost most of the hp in the first few
23636s seconds
23637s it took everything to keep them alive
23638s there though everything yeah two minutes
23640s 46 seconds on the clock you're looking
23642s at
23643s three fights in a row specifically
23645s because they need that checkpoint they
23647s don't have the checkpoint like the
23649s dallas fuel do the thing that's brutal
23651s about these types of scenarios and push
23653s is that if the shock loses one of these
23654s fights the robot moves pretty fast
23656s towards the barrier of the dallas fuel
23658s and it's so deep in shock territory that
23661s you're never really making any progress
23664s you have to win consecutive fights here
23666s for the shock they're struggling to put
23667s even single ones together here that's a
23669s fantastic rampage catching hard in all
23671s that damage it's good for keyword filter
23673s is still there even when they start the
23675s fight in ideal circumstances the shot
23677s can't finish them kalooz realizes he is
23679s all on his own
23680s no rampage
23682s yeah that's gonna be
23683s that has to be so frustrating for kaluge
23686s because
23687s he plays that fight you know just about
23690s as good as you can and you know he hits
23692s a good rampage he's able to put some big
23694s damage down on a few players he turns
23696s around the rest of his team's dead uh no
23698s thing he can do in that type of scenario
23700s look at this you're moving the bot all
23701s the way back from your territory back to
23703s the same spot we just fought that last
23705s fight so the shot not really gaining
23706s much of anything here
23709s running for fielder dallas looks like
23710s they're done playing with their food
23712s that's right
23713s kilo chewed up spat out boot off stage
23716s then the rest of the fuel just continue
23718s to roll
23721s the barrier is pretty darn far forward
23723s here front spawn has been achieved
23725s edison riddling the shock with holes
23732s and how do you even fight this man
23734s because we talk about how many fights
23736s they need to win in a row you can't use
23738s all of your ultimates i mean don't have
23739s any but you can't use them if you did to
23742s get out of this point of the map
23747s it's almost like the fuel are baiting
23748s them in right they want them to come in
23750s they want them to use some of these
23751s halts you have this chio sound barrier
23753s to use
23755s yeah here it comes
23757s and here the dallas still don't want to
23758s spend too much more ultimate wise he
23759s there no they don't have to
23761s oh this is out of hand 112 meters and
23763s counting
23765s the san francisco shock
23766s beaten batted bruised
23770s 35 seconds left here the shock would
23772s have to win this fight
23774s and every single one after that
23778s and this one's not a given
23780s this ends now
23782s he's the overclock for medicine
23784s trying to put the final nail in the
23785s coffin but proper wants to keep his team
23786s alive it has to be a brilliant moment
23789s from that man
23790s one kill is enough
23792s but the shark have much more work to do
23795s you are
23796s this is the largest mountain to climb
23799s you have not gotten the checkpoint thus
23801s far you need to win every single fight
23804s from here on out
23806s you're behind by almost 100 meters
23809s this is gonna be hard
23811s finn with the rally
23812s sparkle goes in the blade could be the
23814s end of here violet is down and we're in
23816s overtime four players left for the san
23818s francisco shock and then dropping like
23819s flies sparkles blade fights perches and
23822s harping cleans off kalooz here in the
23825s frigid north gets all covers the dallas
23827s fuel extinguished the competition
23829s take your bell your summer showdown
23833s champions
23839s just dominance here
23841s from the dallas fuel
23844s we thought this go around with them
23845s versus the shock maybe we get you know a
23848s closer series
23849s he actually had the opposite
23851s it is all dallas fuel all series
23857s long contributing factors man to name a
23860s few
23861s sparkle having an incredible series from
23863s start to finish
23864s and hard bin
23866s i mean he is made for the junker queen
23869s and the fuel are made
23871s for
23872s [Music]
23876s and what stops this team i mean they
23878s have looked so good in this meta
23881s han bin on the junker queen right you're
23883s able to consistently play that hero
23885s no sparkle
23887s playing the
23888s genji we know he's so good at i thought
23890s the supports definitely leveled up in
23892s this series specifically i thought they
23894s had a great game
23896s i know this is a team that is peaking at
23897s the right part of the season
23901s honestly a long time coming for this
23903s dallas fuel team to kind of
23904s you know come tantalizingly close you
23906s think in front of the home ground crowd
23908s in in texas that they can really go all
23910s the way but the metagame is just not
23912s quite white for them right not quite
23914s clicking in the way they needed to it
23916s was the flexibility of the gladiators
23917s that overcame them
23919s tough tournament for them to fight
23920s through could say the same about the
23921s mid-season madness as well took them a
23923s while to find their identity dallas
23925s clicked instantly i mean hanbin straight
23927s away we knew a front runner as a junker
23929s queen player sparkle got to come back on
23931s the genji
23932s we experimented a bit was it gurio was
23935s it edison that would be that hit scan
23937s presence on this team and trying to
23938s convince tasman to grab the trophy at
23940s this point
23942s yeah you know you have such a big roster
23945s though here with lots of talent you
23947s think this is uh something that you can
23949s use this confidence the rest of the way
23951s right but this could be something that
23953s you go into the countdown cup you go
23955s into the postseason
23957s this type of meta gets closer you know
23960s you have something even similar and you
23962s love your chances if you're the dallas
23964s fuel i win in the league
23966s one thing's for sure the west is in a
23967s pretty healthy state when we start
23968s looking towards international playoffs
23972s dallas have been there right they've
23974s been in the room they've had a seat at
23975s the table
23977s but they've only got eyes now for that
23978s crown yeah they get originally
23981s we still have a run-up of course in
23983s those finals but before we even start
23984s thinking about the next tournament the
23986s next stage
23987s let's get some words here for the
23988s victorious team let's head down to the
23990s stage with danny lim
23992s mr man thank you very much i am here
23994s currently with our summer showdown
23997s champions of dallas fuel
23999s but
23999s [Applause]
24002s but before we hear from them we also
24004s have sean miller the head of overwatch
24006s league here to congratulate our winning
24008s team thanks danny let's give it up for
24010s the dallas fuel toronto
24015s congratulations
24018s before we give them the trophy i just
24020s want to take one minute and thank the
24022s toronto defiant team they are such
24024s incredible partners and all of you fans
24026s putting this event on i mean everything
24028s around us
24029s the partners the activate like just such
24032s an amazing job so thank you toronto
24034s defiant team for putting this on for all
24036s of you for showing up and making it
24037s happen thank you
24040s so now your 2022 summer showdown
24043s champions the dallas fuel hon bin
24046s awesome awesome job let's hear it again
24060s [Music]
24066s what's happening to kiss the trophy so
24068s yes how many you could
24070s please go ahead do the honor yes come on
24072s do it let's go
24073s [Applause]
24079s i mean this was the first tournament
24082s that uh dallas fuel have won this whole
24084s season so i'm pretty sure that is that
24086s that that makes this uh you know winning
24088s this tournament even more special for
24090s the dallas fuel and for you humber so
24091s how does this make you feel
24094s tournament
24103s um
24115s all right i'm definitely super happy
24117s because uh this is the first uh i guess
24121s tournament win that we have as a team
24123s dallas fuel and also because in kickoff
24125s class we could have won but we didn't so
24127s i really wanted that win and it
24129s definitely feels great to get my first
24131s win of the season all right homie thank
24133s you let's move on to
24135s head coach rush may i speak to you
24137s really quickly yeah rush
24142s so you know
24144s this whole stage you guys have been so
24146s dominant and you guys have been looking
24147s really really good what makes you guys
24149s so good this stage do you think it's
24151s sort of
24173s [Music]
24183s uh definitely i do think that you know
24185s this sort of play style the the stages
24187s play style definitely fits our style um
24189s we also really like these sort of play
24192s styles that we have to do not only me as
24194s a as a coach but all of our players were
24196s really liking this whole jungle queen uh
24198s play style so i think that really helped
24200s not only that we also tried our best
24202s gave it our all
24204s on all of the matches that we played so
24205s definitely that is how we got how we got
24207s so successful for this tournament all
24210s right uh last question
24213s we have sparkle
24214s come up to the stage
24216s [Applause]
24219s not really a question i mean you guys
24221s all i mean sparkle you too you have been
24224s such a important part of the dallas fuel
24226s team do you have any message for all the
24229s dallas fuel fans who are watching
24247s [Music]
24259s [Applause]
24262s we kept running for this tournament
24264s trophy uh we're definitely going to do
24266s keep on doing that we are the dallas
24268s fuel we are going to keep on running for
24270s even for the season tournament and
24273s winning it all for the season as well
24275s all right sparkle thank you so much
24277s ladies and gentlemen give it up for your
24279s summer showdown champions dallas fuel
24281s everybody
24285s thank you guys so much let's send things
24286s back to mitchell matt take it away
24290s well thank you very much danny yeah the
24291s junker queen man i may not be live for
24293s much longer but i think it's pretty
24295s undisputable the dallas fuel were the
24297s true masters of this particular metagame
24299s and we don't know what to expect on the
24301s other side of this tournament and how
24302s the game will change but we know right
24303s now they're the best in the west there's
24305s no doubt and they have their eyes set on
24307s that overall season trophy right i think
24309s this is a good win for them uh obviously
24312s momentum with the overall team headed in
24314s the right direction
24316s but at this point for the dallas fuel
24318s team organization like that is that goal
24321s they need to get there and they have the
24323s team this year to do it no doubt about
24324s it they've got those reserves as well
24326s they've got people like fearless waiting
24328s they've got a lot of redundancy in
24330s matters like this and then in many
24332s changes they have plenty of options
24333s let's talk about your player to the
24335s match here the undisputed king in the
24336s west the junker king himself
24339s it was hanbin and it can be no doubt
24341s how could you not i mean just dominance
24344s all series long i thought sparkle was
24347s fantastic as well and i think like when
24349s you looked in terms of the soldier play
24351s like edison with a huge gap between him
24353s and kilo but really it all starts up
24356s front for the dallas fuel
24358s han bin being able to land these knives
24360s the rampages were great all series long
24363s and if he's able to continue playing
24365s this hero into the next stage and we see
24368s even some other heroes coming to the mix
24369s we know he's good at so many different
24371s tanks
24372s i mean you gotta start talking about him
24374s that mvp conversation right we talked so
24376s much about proper on the other side i
24377s think hongbin is definitely putting
24378s himself in that talk and we saw a pitch
24380s battle between a team that has an
24382s incredible spread of ability across the
24383s roster and their opponents who really
24385s relied on one player and that you know
24387s wasn't enough so mvp conversation or not
24389s for proper han been here uh
24392s at some point throughout the season just
24393s completely blew our minds i think the
24395s 2v5 again that he really started off uh
24398s during this tournament was just
24399s mind-blowing he's taken it's incredible
24402s how far he's managed to take this hero
24404s in such a short space of time right
24405s teams always so to say you know when
24407s meta changes come in we have to adapt
24409s fast we have to work really hard and we
24411s have to iterate very quickly on finding
24413s the best conference now we knew that
24415s jokes would be the comp to play
24417s but it's crazy to see someone like
24418s harmon and how far he was able to take
24420s it
24421s deep breath here as dallas soak the
24423s moment in we'll take our opportunity to
24425s do so too
24426s it's been a magical weekend everybody
24428s an absolute pleasure to have you here
24429s and to be here in your presence toronto
24432s you've been fantastic hosts we won't
24433s forget this weekend
24435s in quite some time we hope to be back
24436s very very soon for now that we're going
24438s to get a head over the truck and bid you
24440s a font farewell from the mattamy
24441s athletic center good night we'll see you
24443s next time
24457s [Music]
24466s [Applause]
24472s for the road
24476s [Music]
24478s the own watching is brought to you by
24480s upper deck the official trading card of
24482s the overwatch league
24484s and by teamspeak the official voice
24486s supplier of the overwatch league
24529s [Music]
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24546s [Music]
24557s [Music]
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24617s [Music]
24638s [Music]
24651s [Music]
24681s [Music]
24689s [Music]
24696s [Music]
24704s [Music]
24705s do
24732s congratulations to the dallas fuel our
24735s west summer showdown champions here at
24737s the overwatch league it's pocket it's
24739s reinforced the checkmate pose and a very
24743s sad tiny australian here in the middle
24745s what's going on customer
24747s man
24748s that was not close
24749s [Laughter]
24753s joining us custom made the bold
24755s prediction before the weekend kicked off
24756s that the san francisco shock was going
24758s to take the summer showdown and when
24760s asked he said
24762s there's something in the air
24763s [Laughter]
24765s i wonder what that was because it wasn't
24767s a shock win i don't know what it was
24769s though
24770s it was a shock 4-0 yeah but backwards in
24773s a mirror let's take a look at how it
24774s went down as we kick things off here
24777s with game number one
24778s fellas this was the rematch from our
24780s winners bracket finals we got a preview
24783s of this a day ago now we get to rematch
24786s with a very similar score all these
24788s games relatively close at times and then
24792s at other times it looks like dallas is
24793s ready to just send everyone packing home
24795s that round when han bin came back on the
24797s doomfist edison switched to the tracer
24799s and then somehow they turned it around
24801s and won that fight that's when i was
24803s having deja vu
24804s it's gonna happen again the the
24806s difference in this match was that after
24808s it started getting away from them in the
24810s first couple of maps they seemed almost
24812s like they felt dejected they weren't
24814s playing with that same level of
24815s confidence and it just started falling
24816s apart from them killer really struggled
24818s on this sojourn to find a lot of value
24820s especially in the later maps but all the
24822s credit doesn't need to go to the shock
24823s the dallas fuel was just the better team
24825s today and in this entire stage i was
24828s loving watching this dallas fuel lineup
24831s we highlighted for sparkle and what he
24833s can do on the genji edison on the
24835s sojourn though was the dps player that
24837s we wanted to keep eyes on johnny and
24839s well here's just a few of his highlights
24840s with the railgun yeah i mean edison was
24843s gone to blazing this entire finals i i
24845s just gotta say like the bravery of this
24847s guy he's just like yeah i'm a soldier
24850s and i'm gonna dive in into the enemy
24851s backline because i know i'll get healed
24852s from my brig and the lucio they're like
24854s tracer sometimes yeah player question
24856s like how many other hit scans in the
24857s league just like just like dive in with
24860s the rest of the team i think that goes
24861s to show how much this team is about
24863s teamwork it's about everyone popping off
24865s the way they support each other the
24867s opposite from the shock where they just
24869s invested in proper and tried to have him
24870s pop off this is a dallas fuel team that
24873s wants everyone to contribute equally and
24875s they trust in each other's abilities
24876s dallas finishes it with the perfect
24880s 4-0 to close out the stage they are
24884s walking away as our summer showdown
24886s champions and are banking a bonus 75
24888s thousand dollars in some tournament
24889s points for doing so
24891s but we have custa
24897s it's it's time you know i i'm a man of
24899s my word johnny except for the fact that
24901s uh the other bottle went missing so i'm
24903s just gonna have to do this one though i
24905s i gotta say though
24907s it's kind of diminutive
24909s but this this is like bowling with bumps
24911s it's customizable you got a custom size
24913s here what do you mean i just i don't
24915s want to get it honestly i'm fine with
24916s getting it all over me i just don't want
24918s to get it on the set do you have any
24919s final words to the throne to the fine
24921s fans and the shock fans the dallas fuel
24923s fans maybe just the shock just the shock
24925s yeah san francisco shock you guys are
24928s pretty good
24929s not good enough to beat the dallas fuel
24931s maybe in the playoffs you guys will
24932s finally get that grand trophy at the end
24934s of the tunnel but this stage was not in
24936s i tried i believed and i was wrong
24939s on behalf of myself reinforced danny
24942s sowie the pickham group online i believe
24944s it was 60 percent of the world agreed it
24946s was dallas field winning this morning
24948s always enjoy your syrup
24952s oh that's pretty that's pretty easy he's
24953s pretty good at this the viscosity ladies
24955s and gentlemen look at him go
24957s oh my goodness whoa
24960s oh it's leaking down inside the hole
24963s that's it's powerful
24965s better or worse than a shoei uh that was
24968s actually pretty good
24970s get the big one get the big one
24973s well shout out to cussa for being a man
24976s of his word or living up to our syrup
24978s bet shout out to johnny though for the
24980s perfect predictions on the week johnny
24983s anything to say during your victory lap
24985s with the rest of your dallas fuel
24986s friends uh that was the easiest
24987s prediction of my life i don't know why
24990s because i would go for the san francisco
24992s shock in the first place and i can't
24994s wait hopefully we get to go back to
24995s toronto so we can do it all over again
24997s next year and we get to see kelsa chug
24999s even more maple syrup come on now
25001s yeah i i gotta give a big shout out
25003s thank you zoe for having a baby and for
25005s giving me an opportunity to sit in your
25007s seat temporarily this was so awesome
25009s rejoining
25011s and the overwatch league crew much love
25013s though specifically to the people who
25015s came out to see the action live everyone
25018s that was in the stadium in toronto i
25020s thought that was absolutely sick this
25022s weekend to see the overwatch fans get
25024s loud and proud once again that's the way
25026s we need to end this year it's been
25027s awesome having you on the desk here
25028s pocket i used to watch you from the
25030s stage i was like man i want to work with
25032s that guy and now i've done it i'll miss
25034s you yeah i'm gonna miss your syrup well
25035s that's gonna do it for tonight's show
25037s shout out to the watchpoint crew and
25039s everyone behind the scenes thank you for
25040s watching the summer showdown we'll see
25042s you in september 22nd when the league
25045s returns
25053s [Music]
25056s so
25062s [Music]
25071s so
25075s [Music]
25081s [Applause]
25082s [Music]
25084s so
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25133s 17
25145s [Applause]
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25200s you