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3s [Music]
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284s thank you
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321s foreign
325s welcome back everybody to the OverWatch
327s World Cup online qualifiers for the
329s Americas conference again I'm Ash your
332s host here for this weekend and it's been
335s an incredible past two days here for
338s owwc but we're gonna wrap up week one
341s today and to do so I've got to introduce
344s the first set of casters we'll be seeing
346s that being uh Phil and big or oh my God
350s I was gonna
352s I started thinking about big hungry Phil
355s like your first or your full name and
357s then I was like Billy at the same time
359s but it's a lot it's a lot it's been a
361s lot today uh Billy how are you doing
362s doing good doing good it's match day
365s number three uh and we're gonna start to
367s really shape up how these groups are
370s heading into the final weekend of our
371s qualifications
373s I'm uh I'm not gonna hold it against you
375s Ash uh there's a there's a being Big
377s Field there's a b in Billy I can
379s understand smashing them together but uh
381s super super excited to be here might
383s only be four today but rest assured I am
386s gonna make the most of it
388s absolutely love to hear The Vibes here
390s and I guess if we did make you guys like
392s a little a Duo's name it really wouldn't
394s be too different from either of your
396s current names we really think about it
398s but we do have to focus back on towards
400s owwc right now we're gonna check out
403s group a and when it comes down to the
406s standings Phil I want you to walk me
408s through what this means for some of
409s these teams well I think looking at this
412s generally we maybe see uh something we
415s could have predicted before this group
417s stage had even started which is USA at
419s top the thing that is surprising really
421s is that Canada are currently one map
423s down and so they are sat at the bottom
425s of the table so what that really means
427s is given that Canada have only got that
429s one game under the belt it is still wide
431s open for them and in fact really for
434s anybody in this sort of middle four
436s portion of the table right Puerto Rico
438s Mexico Costa Rica Canada they all still
440s have room to play with it is looking a
443s little harder for Guatemala to start to
445s bridge the gap here not impossible but a
448s little bit tricky so that is for sure
450s and while we're taking a look at group a
451s as well I want to talk about one of the
453s MVPs that we were looking towards from
455s day two that being Aspire there Billy he
459s had a standout performance on this
461s Tracer I mean just world class and the
464s fact that they put Aspire in over hydron
467s on the Tracer because we know Tracer is
470s one hydrogen's top three Heroes the fact
473s that Aspire did so well and just
475s basically over performed uh in my
478s estimation uh really uh putting the team
481s on his back when there was a little bit
483s of trolling going on during numbani uh
486s Aspire took it seriously and made sure
488s well I mean you did the best they could
490s they ended up losing the map to Mexico
492s so uh map differential might come into
495s play maybe not for the USA but for
498s Mexico that actually that extra map win
501s that they've got might have some serious
503s consequences down the line
505s I think just to move back to
507s specifically talking about Aspire uh
509s this was maybe another's foregone
511s conclusions in the way that we expect
513s America to be at the top of the group we
515s kind of expect aspire to be a big part
518s of that whilst he's not always been
519s given the respect he deserves at
521s OverWatch League I think if you watch
523s his consistency over the past couple
524s years there's a really strong argument
526s for him to be one of the standout DPS in
529s the entire group absolutely and we did
532s just glaze over Group B there as well I
534s want to give a shout out over towards
536s RAM for chile and then Ludwig for Brazil
539s give them that respect but before we
541s Touch Too Much on those two players we
543s also have to take a look over towards
545s the schedule for today and when it comes
548s down to the matches that we're seeing
549s here Phil I just want to know like we
552s know that specifically Costa Rica in
554s Canada and then Peru versus Argentina
557s are going to be pretty big matches to
559s look out for on top of the USA versus
561s Puerto Rico
562s yeah they really are I think and with a
565s lot of implications for the standings we
567s didn't really get a chance to talk uh
570s specifically on Group B standings
571s because we were busy singing aspires
573s praises and but this is another group
575s where there is a lot of room to move in
578s the middle
579s um Argentina and Peru currently stand at
581s zero one and zero two a piece here so
584s this is the chance for both of them to
586s get on the board and for Peru it's it's
588s kind of do or die here if there isn't a
591s match for them a match win for them here
593s that slightly puts paid to their
595s progress through the group stages
597s that's a that's a really Big Show and
599s something important to consider and
601s that's also the story also for the
603s Guatemalan side there Chef Billy yeah I
606s mean they're they're looking to bounce
607s back uh they've had a bit of a rough go
610s uh here in the early part of group a and
613s Guatemala I mean you know they're a
615s young team and they're looking to get
616s into the American Collegiate scene so uh
619s I think that for them uh proving
621s themselves getting this International
622s competitive experience uh is going to do
625s them worlds of good it goes great on a
627s resume too if you're trying to get into
628s a college student to try out for a team
630s that doesn't hurt at all
632s um so we'll see uh how this is actually
634s gonna play for them uh and you know and
636s talking about Group B I mean there's
638s only two teams that will qualify through
640s from Group B and you've got Ecuador and
643s you've got rajiel that are both 2-0 so I
646s mean with three games to play for both
648s of them uh that's gonna be difficult
650s that's gonna be difficult to unseat them
652s especially with how both those teams
654s have been playing
655s no absolutely when it comes down to this
658s particular matchup I think that it's no
662s contest really that Ecuador are going to
665s be The Underdogs going into this match
666s versus Brazil their film absolutely
670s um unfortunately what Ecuador have here
673s is a little bit of a time capsule I was
675s struck by this looking at the Brazil
676s roster it's been now a few years since
679s we had a tier 2 scene in any official
682s capacity in the South America region but
685s if you look at who's on Brazil it's like
687s we froze those players in time players
690s from uh War Pigs and they say and I
693s believe the last player that isn't for
695s me that those teams is from uh dignity
697s and we just froze them in 2020 defrosted
701s them here now for the OverWatch World
702s Cup and from what we've seen so far they
704s have not missed the steps so Ecuador are
707s really going to have to step up if they
709s want to put another point on the board
711s all really great shouts there overall
713s it's going to be really interesting
714s seeing what this roster is able to do
717s and especially up against such a monster
719s like this Brazilian squad but overall
722s yesterday we did see Ecuador go head to
725s head versus Colombia their chef Billy
728s out can you walk me through how that
730s matchup went I was pretty one-sided to
732s be quite honest Colombia just had their
735s way uh with the ecuadorians uh there was
738s a bit of uh uh a disenfranchised look to
743s them they just didn't seem to have the
745s cohesion that you were looking for from
747s the top two teams in this group and I
749s think that it's just once again it's
751s younger players uh and not only younger
753s players but also less time together less
756s Synergy that they you know they've been
757s playing in their regions together sure
759s they're probably playing in their local
760s leagues uh they're in Ecuador but for
763s the most part they don't have that same
765s years-long history of playing together
767s and being able to read their plays just
769s based upon where the position at on up
772s so for sure and then now also looking
774s into this map selection here a lijiang
776s tower being the first pick up in this
778s Festival 3 Series overall Phil like Chef
782s Billy was just talking about it was very
783s individualistic play coming out from
786s this Ecuadorian Squad so what would you
789s say that you're looking for them to pull
791s out on this control point
794s in terms of composition we've seen a few
797s things across the matches across the
798s different regions
800s um Lee Jong Tower in particular I think
801s is very well suited for the kind of Rush
804s style of gameplay that we've seen
805s specifically control center I believe
808s for the most part in this region we've
810s seen the rematch of variant of that
813s um and that puts a lot of pressure on
816s DPS because whilst over a period of time
819s the remotra can output a lot of
821s consistent damage really it's down to
824s what you pair with that whether it's a
825s tracer a Sombra a Hanzo a May whatever
827s to find the frags around that remotra
830s and then capitalize on that to build
833s early alts and start to snowball those
835s fights but we're not gonna have to wait
837s too much longer to see what both Ecuador
839s and Brazil have to go and take into
842s Legion Tower Phil Billy take it away
846s more van happy two starting on Legion
849s and Billy this feels like uh old ground
851s for us it feels very much like we've
852s every seldom get a game a match where we
855s don't see Lee Jiang Tower as the
857s starting map here so what are we
860s expecting do we think we spoke about the
862s uh the brawl here it was supposed to be
864s the real retrovert you may be a little
865s bit more familiar with these teams and
867s what they're running than I am do we
868s think that's true to form
870s uh I I mean it's I I think that the
873s remote Rush right now is Keen uh and I
875s think for good reason because you have
877s so much sustain you have the damage
879s Mitigation Of The Nemesis form we saw
881s yesterday a couple of times where death
884s Blossom went in behind the Nemesis form
886s and basically was unkillable so uh but I
889s still here is going to come out with
891s that remote rush and I mean once you get
893s the symmetra teleport out of the way
894s swenko gonna go back over to the Reaper
897s yeah should be able to get back in nice
898s and quickly with the mobility Tech that
900s the reaper has for ecwid oh okay this is
902s interesting Ecuador have come out of the
904s gates with something unusual but I still
906s have seen this and are going back for a
908s wholesale swap here okay the diva Sombra
911s and Tracer very interesting Billy yep I
915s mean they're looking at an aerial threat
916s so to say that they need to go a little
918s bit more uh receptive and a bit more
920s damage mitigation than dalka uh
923s yesterday uh and the first day it had
925s fantastic performances on this Diva uh
928s this mentally fret this is huge coming
930s out from Brazil oh that's really
932s unfortunate very early that's what the
934s hack in the Sombra can do it completely
935s shuts down the doomfist jorel falls at
938s the hands of Ludwig already on fire and
941s really now this is just clean up for
943s Brazil uh Ecuador uh may have come out
945s with something that threw Brazil for a
947s loop initially but boy they adapted fast
949s it really did I mean nobody they'll just
951s go down and quit feeding over all
953s charges accept your death uh on the
956s streets below but I mean the immediate
959s response from Brazil they don't care uh
962s they're gonna play to win they're gonna
964s go with what best counters the
966s opposition that are coming into them so
967s now you're looking at a pulse bomb into
969s this next fight for Brazil nothing other
972s than a Susie to protect them oh and of
974s course you've got the Tracer pack with
975s the song but that means they're looking
977s for the shutdown there on can go the
979s pulse bomb found emiliox Cannon will
981s eventually go down here and a tank and
983s the support out of the way and that's
985s Echo back to spawn to uh maybe give this
987s another thing
989s uh XL was actually something that we had
991s targeted as an MVP candidate uh for this
995s Brazilian team and I mean
997s you light here and unless Ecuador can
1000s get something done inside the next 10
1002s seconds that's going to be uh like
1004s Market done and Dustin EMP out
1007s already down here libido is able to find
1010s a kill here look weak down I just don't
1012s think it's gonna be enough Billy no it's
1014s not I mean they've got in touch with the
1016s meteor Striker emiliox is on the point
1018s but that's gonna do it right there uh
1020s summerstruck's gonna come out and uh if
1021s anybody try to get there it was gonna be
1024s pretty uh null and voidville an
1027s unfortunate case Billy of having the
1028s touch but not having the power a very
1031s clean round there for Brazil yeah I mean
1034s it was comprehensive uh you know I
1037s mentioned once I mentioned it again uh
1039s if you see something that you don't like
1040s with the composition you've got go back
1042s and swap and that's exactly what they
1043s did now as we all head into the brawl
1046s Brawley map here of uh control center we
1051s might see svenko actually stay uh on the
1053s symmetra here we did see it happen
1055s during day one but Ecuador they're going
1057s in with a May and a Sombra so I mean a
1061s little bit extra utility here or Ecuador
1063s uh we'll see if they're able to comp or
1066s or finish on the back of these manual
1067s hacks coming out of novito
1069s yeah interesting that we've swapped
1071s roles as well as it was uh jorel coming
1073s through in on the uh sorry on the Sombra
1076s last time but Brazil the TP been able to
1078s get in early and really start to gum up
1080s the works quit turning that and Ludwig
1082s finds no veto and now it's time to just
1084s move on up
1086s throw with the hand down the choke and
1089s push Ecuador down Brazil with a very
1092s convincing early fight when the point is
1094s not even unlocked yet Billy I mean
1096s that's just the power of this ramasha
1098s Rush uh you can get in there you can use
1100s the the Nemesis form with the speed
1102s boost just to walk on top of Ecuador and
1105s that's exactly what happened Nobita now
1107s over to a Cassidy so they're looking for
1110s to use the hindrance of the the newly uh
1113s reworked magnetic grenade or the the
1116s flashback that's a grenade uh you can
1119s just eat it and get some value out of it
1121s you can so look out for nabito with the
1124s nogito instead Ecuador make the rotation
1126s up through the upper part of the light
1128s hole here ice wall splits them off
1131s nicely but stalker is still in the
1134s Nemesis form and Bullies Ecuador back
1136s towards the Brazilian side of the map
1139s here looking for initial kills haven't
1141s got much so far it's just the mortality
1143s field down for now but Brazil now that
1145s they have some cooldowns back start to
1146s press the issue a little bit further
1149s here and out comes the riptide they also
1152s get the wall out so a little bit safer
1153s now for the riptide a little bit
1154s delicate to uh navigate this way around
1156s the point it's low and slow but in comes
1159s the finishing blow the main taken out of
1161s the equation here for Ecuador and
1163s another clean Fight Win with Team kill
1165s gong for Brazil uh kind of uh kind of
1168s expensive though I mean you do put your
1170s Photon barrier and the rip tire out so I
1173s mean they wanted to make sure they
1175s secured the way they're gonna go in with
1176s the coalescence on the back side wow
1178s okay uh flank Warrior of best Mario it
1181s turns out and that is two easy breezy
1183s kills out for Brazil we are uh just
1186s North of 60 here on the point for
1188s capture for Brazil and they are not
1190s living Ecuador anywhere near that point
1192s I mean this is this is dirty this is
1195s dirty play problem I'm giving them a
1198s yellow card for that flight more recall
1200s lessons but now you've got the
1202s annihilation and the sound barriers
1203s you're Crossing 85 percent
1205s needs to do something that's gonna have
1207s to start with this grocery it's going to
1209s be a massive blizzard hit that's the
1211s start you want to pick the Brazil vote
1213s the annihilation comes out in opito
1215s tamano down we've had one punch back
1218s from Ecuador but it's just not winning
1220s okay that's too much damage coming out
1222s of that ramatra 99 no touches and that
1226s is Brazil with a quick 2-0 on lijiang
1229s Tower wow wow wow that was 200-0 uh and
1233s very fast indeed and it's on the back of
1236s the support plate I mean Karen gorm
1239s X-File X-File just getting so much work
1243s done with the Moira I mean the burst
1245s potential of this healer you saw it a
1247s very fastly charged coalescence and they
1249s used it aggressively Brazil is feeling
1252s very aggressive and when they are
1253s feeling aggressive that is when teams
1255s need to take stock of this team
1257s I think we can talk a little bit about
1259s the kind of composition that um we first
1262s saw coming out from Ecuador right with
1264s the the doomfist the Sombra the pharah
1266s it is a thing that Harkens back a little
1268s bit to kind of your your change your
1270s Hunters your sort of General Chinese
1272s OverWatch right of it's very Punchy it's
1275s very flashy but everybody in that
1277s composition needs to be absolutely at
1279s the top of their game to really make
1281s that work and it is a less efficient
1283s strategy than running something like the
1286s ramatra rush and I wonder if we're
1288s seeing him Ecuador here just a little
1290s bit of not setting themselves up for
1292s Success properly right not running an
1294s optimal composition maybe it's time for
1297s picks I mean they're on the big stage uh
1300s here uh maybe they're just leading into
1302s what what makes them feel more
1303s comfortable but I mean if they would
1306s have been able to uh to work with this
1308s uh flying punch as I call the the
1311s composition with the with the bearer
1313s coming in with the doomfist I think that
1315s they get the work done but the fact that
1317s you see uh uh sprinkle go over to the
1321s summer which they have had very good
1322s success with uh here uh in the first
1325s couple of days uh it just completely
1327s negates the doomfist pick and that and
1329s at that point you need to be switching
1330s uh and there was there was too much
1332s rigidity here uh from the ecuadorians
1336s yeah I I think when you are playing an
1338s opponent that can look at your comp on
1340s paper and go oh yeah okay I see what
1342s they're trying to do here so let's just
1344s take two seconds go back swap our comp
1346s and then shut you down that has to be a
1349s signal to
1350s Flex what you're doing right come come
1352s for Pixel one thing but you've got to
1354s really think at this level of play on
1356s this kind of stage about efficiency of
1359s composition about appropriateness of
1361s composition and it's great that we saw
1362s as we came over onto control center that
1365s kind of pickup right you know we saw the
1367s rematch a rush in a couple of different
1368s styles so clearly they have this in
1371s their wheelhouse uh hopefully we can see
1373s them start to perfect this over the
1376s course of the next week of the OverWatch
1378s World Cup I mean day one MVP is already
1381s putting their name down on the script to
1384s come out with another MVP for Brazil but
1387s I think that Excel Excel keeping
1389s everybody alive I keep them super sturdy
1392s I mean the aggressive coalescence aside
1395s uh the fact that that they and uh Nile
1398s uh on the uh on the main support really
1402s did get the work done and the burst
1403s healing was just too darn good for
1405s Brazil that's where I think that if
1407s Ecuador's gonna have any kind of success
1409s they've got to be targeting the backline
1411s they've got to get X-File off the pitch
1414s again down to the the conversation about
1417s what is a comfort pick because you know
1418s classic ways to shut down specifically
1421s the value a Moira brings rather than the
1423s Moira themselves is to run the Anna and
1426s be liberal with those anti-healing
1428s grenades the biotic grenades right uh
1430s because other than survivability and
1432s unfortunately ability to get into the
1434s backline and find uh unwary supports and
1437s generate kills that is what the Moira
1439s brings to the table if you can shut that
1441s down you pretty much force your opponent
1444s to swap off the Moira because other than
1446s that what are you going to do when your
1448s bulk healing is gone what you saw you on
1450s the Moira I mean Expo has a pretty dirty
1453s honor uh themselves uh we saw it on we
1456s saw it on ilios especially Lighthouse
1458s Harkens back to me the long distance uh
1461s scoped in shots to make sure that darker
1463s was alive also being able to take care
1465s of themselves that's why XFL is so good
1467s because they are able to take care of
1469s themselves he'll reveal myself uh healer
1471s frag out too and that's what Expo was
1473s doing on on day one one so really I
1476s think that lubric dalka svenko I mean
1479s any one of these players could be an MVP
1481s of the day I just think X-File has that
1484s X Factor that gets the work done okay so
1487s we know where your vote lies we'll uh
1489s keep an eye on performance for Expo over
1491s the remaining map because of course
1493s remember in terms of format this is just
1495s a first or two best of three however you
1497s want to square that math so for Ecuador
1500s they need to put a point on the board in
1503s this next map which will be their map
1504s choice if they want to stay in the
1507s series and
1508s um put a uh give themselves a chance of
1511s getting a another point on the overall
1513s standings for the group
1515s I mean they need to get the goose egg
1517s gone I think that's the first I think
1519s first order of business because they did
1521s they didn't play day uh match day one so
1523s yesterday was their introduction into a
1525s group b and now today they're going up
1528s against another Powerhouse I mean they
1529s get their heart
1532s right out the things
1536s I think that you know what uh
1538s even based upon what I saw yesterday to
1540s today uh when they played against
1542s Colombia yesterday it was like marbles
1544s everywhere today there's a lot more
1547s cohesion from this Ecuadorian Squad so
1549s they're they're learning on the Fly and
1551s it's a constant learning process for
1552s them super proud of them
1554s yeah and this comes back a little bit to
1556s the conversation we were having at the
1558s top of the show about the fact that
1560s there hasn't been an official South
1563s America tier 2 region now for uh I
1566s believe it's three years 2020 I think
1567s was the last time we had contenders in
1569s that region uh we were actually lucky
1571s enough to sit down with some of the
1573s managers and coaches from a couple of
1575s different South American teams so we
1577s know that there are like local Regional
1580s tournaments that are running so people
1581s can kind of keep their hand in but the
1583s level of competitive play isn't there
1585s and so that our entire countries and
1588s regions here that for one reason or
1590s another
1591s um just haven't had the chance to get
1593s that like focused grind and coaching and
1597s practice that comes of uh being in a
1600s contenders region right so if it
1603s occasionally sounds like we're talking
1604s down about these players it's not it's
1606s acknowledging that there hasn't been the
1608s opportunity for them here's hoping that
1610s this is the start for them and on to our
1613s second map of the day Billy it's going
1615s to be circuit Royale oh boy this is a
1619s difficult matchup now I I think what
1621s they're trying to call out here is uh
1624s does dalka have the sigma in their hero
1628s pool and what kind of snipers uh will we
1631s see out of svenko and Ludwig uh we'll
1633s see that coming up uh I'm looking for
1636s nobito Nobita was showing that they do
1638s like the hit scan uh so I would expect
1640s them probably to pull out uh the
1643s Widowmaker here uh and see what uh what
1646s their compatriot can do either on Hanzo
1648s or a sojourn uh just depending on what
1651s kind of comfort they have I think the
1653s Hanzo is the better pick for shield
1654s break potential and also of course with
1656s the Sonic Arrow you get the vision
1657s you're able to see the uh the approach
1659s coming from your opposition
1663s underrated combo uh generally on the
1666s ladder rather than at higher levels but
1667s the combo that uh Hanzo Sonic arrow with
1671s any big One-Shot ability gives you
1674s cannot be overrated it does look like we
1677s might not be getting anything like that
1680s here it's from Brazil I believe we have
1682s Ecuador on the defense to start with and
1684s uh Brazil currently running something uh
1687s hmm a little wonky
1697s the colors confuse me by the way love
1700s the Aesthetics of the World Cup getting
1702s their own identity uh apart from uh the
1706s owl League skins and also from
1708s contenders uh the green and the white so
1710s uh Brazil looking to catch aggression uh
1714s from the Han High uh Ludwick will be
1716s looking for that work on the top of the
1718s up they're already on this guy well
1720s Ludwig's gonna go down yeah that was a
1723s little bit of a misstep there from
1724s Ludwig so early opening fear for Ecuador
1727s as I start to move forward and Brazil
1729s realized that they kind of maybe need
1731s everybody there with them to make this
1733s work and so they are back pedaling here
1736s we saw uh Mao use the grasp there to
1739s bring dalka back into range pack comes
1741s through dark able to step nicely to the
1743s side but currently there's nobody really
1745s checking nobito here so nabito has a lot
1748s of ground that they can cover and that
1750s is a lot of damage going the way of
1751s Delta
1752s again back out of damage range Ludwig's
1755s back and that is Emilio out of the fight
1757s now and we see what happens once the
1760s sigma disappears from proceedings well I
1763s mean Direct's coming through hard and
1764s heavy here from novito Arden two thirds
1766s of the way towards barrage uh they're
1769s gonna have to deal with the turret at
1771s some point I don't know if they've
1772s actually seen Franco's turret yet uh but
1775s Ludwig is just really peppering in well
1778s yeah nobody to finally gets that ever
1780s out so I mean now it's the grow button
1782s for them now they need to press forward
1783s on top of this and they're just not
1785s gonna get the chance so Emilia has made
1786s the swap onto the jump let me try and
1788s close the gap but that down already can
1791s go as well and so far this defensive set
1794s of Thrones as interesting as we might
1796s euphemistically call it has really paid
1799s dividends for them I mean they're just
1801s going in on the back of dalke and Ludwig
1803s I mean they've closed the Gap they're
1805s they're claiming all the space that they
1807s care to take uh going over to the Sombra
1811s now and Karen born is out on the uh out
1815s on the Zenyatta so Discord orb uh gonna
1817s play a heavy Factor here uh and really
1819s it's going to make dalco's life that
1821s much harder it is but that's also the
1824s good thing you can get from the Zenyatta
1825s is early opening pranks so they now find
1828s themselves without a torque Building
1830s without a torbjorn's turret and Ludwig
1832s gets hacked out of the defect has to
1833s continue to back pedal here holding
1836s around this corner for now will allow
1838s them to just buy a little bit of time
1840s wait for spenko to get back in and
1842s bolster the conversation oh this might
1845s be difficult here for Emilio dalka does
1847s have the ultimate throws it in right
1849s into the back line does have the
1850s commanding shout so it can start to
1851s close the gasket finds one can go down
1853s already eyes on the second support and
1855s down they go and this is a house of
1857s dominoes now tumbling for Ecuador here
1859s so Brazil may have lost the player at
1861s the start of that but it just did not
1863s matter I mean can you can you be serious
1867s right now that is a two-person Rampage
1869s and a three player kill and they got it
1873s done uh on the back of just that one
1875s ultimate I guess they put the tree out
1877s as well from Nile uh in the background
1879s to make sure everybody was nice and
1880s sturdy there but now you're looking at
1881s blade right out the gate
1884s and uh sadly can go I'm not quite far
1886s enough along the road to generate that
1888s ultimate but out comes the Rampage and
1890s down goes Ludwig another fight kick
1891s where Ecuador start now to play it but
1893s take out an enemy support jorel now down
1895s here for Ecuador as we approach the
1897s Waterman and past the one minute Mark
1898s here and this could be a long slow
1900s stagger onto Emilio 50 seconds left on
1904s the clock for Ecuador I mean they empty
1906s their their old thing so that's the good
1908s part here for Ecuador they're gonna have
1910s the Transcendence that are also going to
1912s have the EMP coming into this fight I
1915s would like to I would like see a little
1917s bit of change from dovito they're gonna
1918s bring the echo out so burst damage from
1919s the stickies and the ability to focus
1921s down with the beam no yeah Brazil
1924s playing right against the spawn doors
1926s here come on who's able to find Ken gone
1928s bring them back into the fight they and
1929s now have the Transcendence online it
1931s might need to be used for an aggressive
1933s push but it's too late no I'm wrong
1935s Emilio finds stalker here this is a
1937s phenomenal opening and now they can
1939s start to move forward they finally have
1941s the wind in their sail Brazil look to
1943s slow things down here they pop in the
1945s tree moment's already slawring Ecuador
1946s as they push through but they are
1947s continuing to find strappy kills here
1950s for Ecuador the payload in danger of
1952s making some serious progress now but we
1954s are in overtime now Billy and Ecuador
1957s need to make something happen they have
1958s support alts and that is all they have
1960s for now I mean you're coming up close to
1962s the Rampage and the molten core so I
1964s mean if they can stay nice and alive
1965s right now Karen gorham's gonna be forced
1967s to use the Transcendence then it's going
1969s to be game over for Ecuador so I'm going
1971s to start things off here with the
1973s valkyrie should make things a little bit
1975s easier what I brought around this corner
1977s we will see the mountain Court kind of
1979s counted here about the Transcendence not
1980s classical interactions here
1983s 's here Ecuador to start to move forward
1985s a little bit Ludwig Ansel and Frank will
1988s all find kills in the fight they move
1989s Ecuador off the cut and that is as far
1992s as circuit Royale as we will be going
1994s here today Billy I mean compositional
1996s differences I mean there is opening
1998s picks but it was always answered by
1999s Brazil uh in the neutral and that's what
2002s you want to see when you're down a
2004s player uh sometimes the individual
2006s player has to come out and make a play
2008s and I mean Ludwig you know even though
2012s they seem to go down first and a lot of
2014s these uh defensive fights for Brazil
2016s gets back and gets the value with the
2019s deflect uh the mobility was something
2021s that Ecuador could not deal with
2023s so I think you're going into their
2026s defensive stand I mean only 80 meters
2029s was gained uh by Ecuador so that's you
2031s know a fight and a half especially with
2034s this pace that Brazil is showing us
2036s right now uh I would highly expect to
2039s see Ludwig go up high and look for a
2041s shot with a Widowmaker they are going to
2043s go ahead and opt into this sniper uh
2046s look here coming out on their offense
2047s nobito uh was getting the work done uh
2051s after the echo swap but they didn't have
2053s the opportunity to get in on top of the
2055s players with the focusing beam once they
2057s drop below that 50 Health uh and really
2059s focus them down I hate to say it but I
2062s mean they playing the life Weaver and
2064s the pedals the platforms taking their
2066s teammates out of danger I've never seen
2069s it in competitive play honestly other
2071s than you know some some trolling that
2073s was actually very well played from Nile
2075s what
2076s it was and I I think Brazil did not play
2080s this perfectly I don't think they were
2082s trying to play this perfectly so Ecuador
2084s do have some openings here and what I'd
2086s like to see from them is capitalizing on
2089s those openings I think we we kind of
2090s have to admit this is a difficult
2092s situation for Ecuador but this is
2094s exactly what I'm talking about Brazil
2095s are playing in a very laissez-faire
2098s style here and that will allow Ecuador
2100s to find kills and slow things down here
2103s for Brazil I mean let's say fair
2106s Brazilians in this economy yeah of
2109s course I mean all I can think of is
2110s Ipanema right now and just that laid
2112s back Beach culture I mean they're
2114s looking for Hornell on the back line has
2116s to translocate out I mean this is gonna
2118s start the beginning of what I think is
2120s the end here for Ecuador yeah difficult
2122s to hang a Bastion does not come out of
2124s that turret form when the hat comes
2126s through and a lot of damage really gets
2128s you out of the fight pretty quickly that
2130s okay able to find the double here one
2131s with the roll through one with the power
2133s driver one with the primary fire for
2135s good measure and uh horrell down here I
2138s believe we've still got Emilio with a
2139s bit of overhealth on the grass here but
2141s they may find themselves staggered out
2143s here as the car hits 70 meters now can
2147s make
2149s presence the forward positioning here is
2152s just too much for Ecuador to deal with
2155s it's a Brazil sweep Billy I mean Excel
2159s pulled the Glock out by the way in
2161s defense of the uh defensive dalka there
2164s along the chicane corner oh man I mean
2167s Brazil are feeling it right now they go
2170s to three and O uh on the week this is
2174s exactly what they were looking for and
2175s now uh they're gonna have a nice rest I
2178s mean they'll come back on Friday uh with
2181s a 3-0 uh uh well gosh they're standings
2186s right now 3-0 I mean you that there's
2187s nothing better you could do and we're
2189s gonna bring Ash back in to see what she
2191s thinks of how we got uh to where we're
2193s at right now
2195s okay I
2197s just about that matchup is Brazil coming
2199s in with the Innovation pulling out the
2201s life Weaver something that we really
2203s haven't been seeing here in co uh
2205s competitive OverWatch their film
2207s it is and I think uh I I have to be
2211s measured in my response and not sound
2213s like I'm talking down to players here
2215s Innovation is a very nice way of playing
2218s that
2220s um really what this is is Brazil being
2222s so confident that they are the better
2225s team in the lobby that they can kind of
2227s run whatever they like yes life waiver
2229s did just receive a whole Suite of
2231s changes but the life Weaver play style I
2234s think is either not understood or just
2236s doesn't have a place in competitive play
2239s what this was is Brazil putting on a bit
2241s of an exhibition as to what they can
2244s play what's in their roster
2246s it's making them look like a very very
2248s scary team to be here within their group
2252s there Billy and at least for the
2254s Ecuadorian Squad that means that they're
2256s gonna have a tougher run going in tweet
2258s number two
2259s uh I feel bad for them but I I think
2262s there's a lot of positives that you can
2263s take away from this from this matchup
2265s against uh Brazil I think you know the
2267s cohesion and the Synergy working a lot
2269s better they were moving in on targets
2271s they were able to you know deal with
2273s some of these ultimate combos that came
2275s through uh I think Karen gorm has a very
2277s good Zenyatta and that should be
2279s something they look at as they move
2281s forward
2282s now for sure and the other thing that we
2285s have to think about as well is at least
2287s for Brazil looking at the fact that they
2289s are now 3-0 within their standings Group
2292s B only has two spots available there
2295s Phil and right now Brazil Colombia both
2298s looking like those top contenders for
2300s them uh unfortunately that's the case uh
2302s 2-0 after three days of play and of
2305s course uh Colombia and I think Colombia
2308s with three games left to play Brazil
2309s yeah Brazil also with another two after
2312s today
2314s um these are the top two teams the group
2315s we're really only going to see upset
2317s potential and that's in air quotes when
2319s we see that eventual uh Brazil uh
2322s Colombia matchup on day six so you are
2325s gonna have to wait quite a while before
2327s we get that matchup up until then it is
2330s really a battle for third place here for
2332s the rest of the group
2334s yeah it's gonna be scary scary things
2337s for sure but dalka coming in as the MVP
2341s here for both the maps that we just saw
2344s earlier on that was over on the ramatra
2347s now hitting that junker Queen there
2348s Billy
2349s I mean it was perfect that's a 4K that
2353s comes out from the tank player on the on
2355s the back of a two-person Rampage uh then
2358s you get the ax swing through and you
2360s pull the uh you pull the fair out of the
2362s sky towards you you get another ax swing
2364s I mean the combos I mean the tech is too
2367s good from DACA I mean not only main tank
2369s uh play but also now I mean the off
2372s tanks seem to be the Forte of dalka
2374s we've seen Sigma we've seen junker Queen
2376s who I I guess you can call a bane tank
2378s but the diva is extremely good I think
2382s that's their signature hero so I mean
2383s definitely one of those what we would
2385s call back at OverWatch one a flex tank
2387s uh able to play both roles extremely
2389s well
2390s yeah Phil you're talking about how this
2392s really zillion Squad looked Frozen in
2395s Time as far as pulling them into 2023
2398s with the history that they have together
2400s and so far throughout this past weekend
2403s very least I know you're just joining us
2405s here today it doesn't look like they
2407s have slowed their role whatsoever
2409s however guys we do have some more
2411s matches to look out for here for the
2414s remainder of the OverWatch World Cup for
2416s week number one so we're gonna throw to
2418s a quick little break and right
2419s afterwards we'll be back with Argentina
2421s versus Peru
2429s [Music]
2437s foreign
2439s [Music]
2452s [Music]
2459s [Music]
2474s thank you
2481s [Music]
2508s foreign
2510s [Music]
2521s [Music]
2537s [Music]
2538s [Applause]
2541s [Music]
2543s [Applause]
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2549s [Applause]
2552s [Music]
2554s [Applause]
2555s [Music]
2559s [Applause]
2562s foreign
2565s [Music]
2575s [Music]
2593s thank you
2600s [Music]
2621s [Music]
2632s [Music]
2667s foreign
2675s [Music]
2725s [Music]
2745s thank you
2751s the unshakable Brazil just took a 2-0
2754s over Ecuador and now that means we're
2757s heading over to our second match of the
2759s day it's going to be Argentina versus
2761s Peru and yesterday actually we did see
2764s Argentina face up against this Brazilian
2767s squad they kept parts of that match up
2770s close there Chef Billy but unfortunately
2772s just looked a little too disconnected I
2776s don't know is it the Brazil effect I can
2780s we call that a thing now because Brazil
2781s just seems to make teams scatter uh
2784s their aggression their cohesion their
2786s Synergy really does put teams into
2789s disarray so maybe today as we see
2792s Argentina go up against their routine um
2795s Peru is coming off of a match that they
2798s should have won Ash I mean based upon
2801s how they played on Match day one against
2803s Brazil
2805s um you know they took Maps off of or
2807s they they took multiple parts of maps
2810s off of crucial so uh then they get
2813s scummed by Chile and Ram uh that's uh
2816s that's really what I'm gonna be looking
2818s at today is how does Peru bounce back
2820s from the second day disaster
2822s yeah I mean well you got to give it to
2824s the fact that RAM for that Chilean Squad
2827s went absolutely crazy right so it kind
2830s of makes it a little bit to answer in
2832s return but looking at this head is head
2835s between
2836s between teams right now of course
2837s Argentina they did have one of the days
2839s off which is why we're only seeing them
2841s on one day two was actually their first
2844s day participating in owwwc all my
2847s qualifiers so a little bit less known
2850s about this team there Phil
2853s yeah um having a slightly more relaxed
2856s schedule hopefully means that Argentina
2857s have been able to sit back and watch
2860s what their opponents are doing they've
2861s obviously had two Peru maps to look
2863s through and see what kind of
2864s compositions they like to run who the
2866s big threats are uh Peru obviously don't
2869s have quite that level of game footage we
2872s do know because uh Billy and I are I
2875s would say friends with we are familiar
2876s with we have gotten to speak to you on a
2877s couple of occasions Reddit who's the
2879s head coach for uh Team Peru like we know
2882s how excited they are for this
2884s opportunity and just how much prep work
2886s has gone into preparing the team and
2888s preparing the region generally for this
2890s big competition so for Peru we are
2893s really looking forward to that first
2894s point on the board and show us what the
2897s fruits of that labor has been and
2899s introducing the Argentinian Squad if you
2901s guys missed it yesterday here we did see
2904s I know we talked about it a little bit
2905s already how they kind of fell apart up
2907s against Brazil there were some glimmers
2910s of Hope in that situation but when it
2912s comes down to it Billy we're really
2913s looking at this team to kind of start
2916s playing a lot more together overall
2919s especially up against Peru who did put a
2922s really good fight up against Brazil I
2924s mean Peg uh what was there was their
2927s main support yesterday and
2929s um kind of got ran over uh Byram uh in
2934s in particular I guess man it was pretty
2938s rough out there for uh Fort Peru
2940s Baskerville uh just seemed to not have
2942s the right tank picks up against the
2944s compositions that Chile were running so
2946s uh with uh with with Gatsby uh playing
2949s in the tank role here for Argentina
2952s um we saw the erisa come out yesterday I
2956s heard it while I was while I was making
2957s my dinner and I had to look over see my
2959s beautiful girl there on the World Cup
2961s stage made me extremely happy uh but for
2965s uh for Peru uh this is time for
2967s Redemption their own two right now they
2970s need to get a map with or a match win
2972s right now in match day three otherwise
2974s I'm gonna have to really relegate them
2976s down to the bottom of the table and hope
2977s that you know something happens ahead of
2980s them because like we said Colombia
2982s fragile they pretty much have the locks
2984s on the transfer positions into the main
2986s event in Fall it's going to take some
2988s kind of a collapse for those two teams
2990s to knock uh get the rest of this this
2992s group any kind of chance
2994s that really is the scarier part here
2996s especially as we head over into ilios is
2999s the fact that for Peru this is the
3001s bigger matchup for them it's the
3003s dictator of if they managed to go two to
3006s one within their group or if they end up
3008s being the first team going oh and three
3010s their Phil
3012s yeah again the the stakes here for Peru
3015s are
3016s you don't want to say Do or Die it's not
3018s quite as dramatic as that but you want
3020s to show that you have this competitive
3023s fire that the players representing your
3025s region have what it takes to go Toe to
3028s Toe with the rest of this broader
3031s America's region right
3034s um and you know uh we've seen a couple
3037s of different looks from Peru over the
3039s couple of maps we've seen and we
3040s actually saw them play in ilios
3042s yesterday running variably the the
3044s Winston dive the jumper Queen raw and it
3047s just seemed a little bit discombobulated
3048s so if they have re-combobulated
3050s themselves they're in for a really good
3052s time here absolutely so a lot of weight
3055s on the Peruvian team meanwhile for
3057s Argentina it's not quite as scary but of
3059s course every single match counts so as
3061s we head into ilios now I'm gonna let you
3064s both take it away and enjoy this game
3066s very kind if you actually we are on the
3068s sunny shores of the ocean the b-roll
3072s here getting ready to go in so Billy you
3073s were I believe you actually covered the
3075s Peru game yesterday and this looks like
3078s a little bit of a repeat of what we saw
3080s at the very least from Peru coming out
3081s with the Jungle Queen
3083s yeah I mean we're starting out on ruins
3085s so this is expected uh we'll see how
3088s this actually goes uh oh yeah I mean
3090s Baskerville has some pretty darn good
3092s remotra as well but uh Gatsby has
3095s actually really flashing us this junk
3097s Queen and based upon what I saw
3099s yesterday they're very willing to go
3101s into these engagements and get right up
3102s in the face with their opponents I guess
3105s we'll see what happens when the rubber
3105s meets the road when the ax meets The
3107s Waiting shield and Nemesis form of
3109s Baskerville here on the ramatra
3113s initially starting out here on board
3115s with water slamming in some damage how
3117s Persona there on the Ash has a good line
3120s of sight here onto water but very
3122s difficult to burst down an echo when
3123s they have that Mercy pocket so for now
3126s Persona momentarily switches targets eat
3128s a couple of stickies here so whilst they
3130s may have turned targets Walter has they
3132s know that if they can take Persona out
3134s of the equation here life gets a lot
3136s easier for them so for now both teams
3138s jockey into a position but it's
3139s adamantina they're half the point
3140s presence and get the early cap and Focus
3143s going towards Persona here and there's
3145s no chance they let Rodrigo get that res
3147s I mean they had to disappear out of the
3149s sign there and then gives a who gives a
3152s Rodrigo a little bit of a chance to get
3153s that res off but nope they are they get
3155s out with their lives but look at pink
3158s right now uh for Peru there are already
3160s two-thirds of the way towards uh their
3162s their Nano uh oh complete swap up here
3166s from Pedro so they're taking some pages
3168s and they're taking some notes that I
3169s threw out there yesterday uh recognizing
3171s when they're up against the superior
3172s comp they just need to throw the
3174s ultimates away if they can and build
3176s back up again and at 30 that's a great
3178s call a hold over note from the last
3180s match sometimes swapping even at the
3181s cost of ultimates is absolutely the play
3184s here so Peru have made some swaps and
3186s they get the opening crack here akuno
3187s now out of the fight Persona was very
3189s low there for a second but is back in
3191s now and Chucky receiving a lot of
3193s pressure here Argentina starts to clap
3195s backwards we go down but this is getting
3197s very checkability over here on the right
3198s hand side here Argentina are still in
3200s control of the point are starting to
3203s make significant inroads as fast gets
3207s the double the triple the knife kill to
3209s take Chucky out of the fight and Peru
3211s are back in control smart decision
3214s making there from Team Peru and now I
3217s mean look hey uh having almost had that
3221s Nano up we'll have katsuna rush into
3223s this fight so I mean you're gonna have
3224s the cleans ability as well when we see
3227s Gatsby get this uh get this Rampage up
3230s and actually Baskerville has passed uh
3232s Gatsby in that old generation and that
3234s was two fights and an even more
3237s impressively pink has actually surpassed
3240s Jackie having made the swap a good 40
3241s into Jackie's out charge a little bit
3243s wider on the pulse from oracosa one two
3246s off the board here but they are gonna
3248s now start a really really pressure
3250s Baskerville Jasper actually gets the alt
3253s out first Baskerville finds the kill
3254s with a knife before the ultimate can
3256s really do too much damage here this is
3258s huge for Peru they get this with a
3261s couple of bullets invested but okuna
3263s wasn't dealt with that okuno actually
3264s gets in brings Gatsby back into the
3266s fight basketball pops it out of the road
3268s takes back be down Oracle down here as
3270s well huge stuff from Peru a little ropey
3273s for a second but they really grasp that
3275s point I mean rope-a-dope here from Peru
3279s and they get the full value of that team
3281s fight they invest we're ultimates into
3283s it but they get the job done and now
3285s they're gonna have sound barrier Phil so
3287s I mean what are you looking at here I
3289s mean the duplicate got nothing uh the
3291s Rampage really wasn't nicely positioned
3294s and poke was able to clean it up with
3297s one Susan completely devaluing the value
3300s of that ultimate so now it's back into
3302s the boat game yeah and it's too
3305s effectively playing with a couple of
3306s second Lifesavers currently nothing to
3307s oh we are just going all in on securing
3310s this fight Rodrigo in early with the
3312s sound barrier and that's gonna secure
3314s some certainty for pedals to start to
3316s get the chase but Baskerville was caught
3318s out of line there and pressured out of
3320s it so now for Peru they've got to start
3322s to equalize it's a good start here from
3324s where did he go on The High Ground now
3326s has okuno in their sights knows this
3328s kill is vital because it absolutely
3330s shuts down any chance of the race here
3332s really wants this kill akuno is stuck it
3335s and Diving they go into the winning arms
3337s of gaspin who survives and gets the
3339s punish onto Rodrigo Argentina secure the
3342s flip at 99. enemy the sound barrier
3344s engagement yeah it gets you to 99 so
3346s final fight territories Persona is about
3348s 30 off from EMP that's gonna be the
3351s kicker here uh for this next engagement
3354s as we close in on the last fight
3355s duplicate and pulse bomb ready to go for
3359s Argentina so we're gonna see how who
3362s gets there first Oracle with a beautiful
3364s uh stick there might change it to dope
3366s they just whip it a little bit
3368s predictive that they assumed that people
3369s were coming through that room and it
3371s just didn't happen so the duplicate is
3373s now out from Argentina sensible Choice
3375s here picks up the Joker Queen gives a
3377s huge amount of sustain and that ottoman
3378s is so good here but for now Peru make
3381s themselves scarce they don't give wolves
3383s the chance to get in and find the
3385s duplicate and it's down now to Oracle to
3387s start a really ramp for the pressure
3388s takes Diego out of the fight for now
3390s we're looking for some follow-ups here
3392s with the EMP comes through Persona gets
3394s in with a massive EMP it takes out water
3396s gasping's still in this desperately
3398s scrambling for knife connects and it
3400s just doesn't happen instead it's Persona
3403s basketball and Rodrigo don't come in
3405s here to start to turn this around get
3406s the flip at 99 there's no chance ever
3409s touch it from Argentina I mean
3412s wow they flipped that on its head and I
3416s mean it was the change at 30 percent
3419s capture for Argentina that they get the
3422s job done Phil and I mean wow fast
3426s ultimate generation great Target Focus
3428s back scribble going ham this is day one
3431s uh Peru that we're seeing now uh that
3434s gave Brazil a lot of of headaches there
3437s across a zero two defeat but man I mean
3440s Peter who played a whole lot better uh
3442s on day one than they did yesterday they
3444s are out for Redemption here my friend
3445s they really are and I really want to
3447s focus in on uh particularly because the
3450s swap at uh 75 towards the Nano back down
3454s to 25 for the consumer rush and then
3456s lapping Jackie is a huge performance it
3460s shows what you can do when you are not
3461s being bothered by a tracer of rem's
3464s tenacity so on to well here and we're
3468s seeing Diego currently split from the
3470s rest of our hintina as he wraps around
3471s the side goes now Toe to Toe with Diego
3473s who had a similar idea so for now they
3476s give each other a little bit of space
3478s and go back to you know doing Tracer
3479s things which sometimes includes going
3481s for the jewel over here on the left-hand
3483s side who's gonna be forced to burn The
3484s Recoil first I believe that was Oracle
3486s first and in the confusion away from the
3489s Tracer 1v1 Persona finds a massive drag
3491s yes he taken out of the fight here oh
3494s but it's just not been enough Argentina
3496s the DPS in particular get two massive
3498s kills no supports on the table now for
3500s Peru and Argentina standing very good
3502s chance here of winning out the slow roll
3505s of this fight I mean Diego has has
3508s really got the train of those machine
3510s pistols down and ready to go uh chunking
3513s players Down super low yep there we go
3515s get her Sona getting it done and we
3518s still haven't captured the point yet
3519s yeah this is very tenacious stuff from
3521s everybody on the field currently but
3524s it's finally Peru with the sufficient
3526s forward pressure to move Argentina away
3528s from the point and it's up into the
3530s cleanup phase Jackie just at the last
3532s second tp's out of Dodge and it's Peru
3535s starting to rack up that control
3537s allspomb and EMP ready to go in this
3540s fight and Argentina are going to have a
3542s very difficult time getting on the point
3543s other than Walter maybe being able to go
3546s on an aerial flanking but Diego in your
3548s back line you don't know it's coming the
3549s pulse bomb could be huge and we've also
3552s got the uh EMP available from Persona
3555s and there's nothing currently on the
3556s table to deal with that Horseman again
3558s goes a little bit wide here for Diego
3560s not a huge uh impact of horse bombs so
3563s far in this matchup duplicate is gonna
3565s go over to the Tracer and we're on board
3567s now briefly with Diego back oh oh no
3570s that's unfortunate so does to find the
3572s kill here with the pulse bomb but take
3573s themselves out so it's up to Walter on a
3576s tracer of their own to start to bridge
3577s the gap lands the stick the teleport is
3580s there to take Persona out of that one
3582s and find no kills on the back of it but
3584s Argentina get it done here a lot of spit
3588s and metal and grit thrown at this one by
3590s Argentina to secure the flip at 60
3593s percent uh what is that done yet I mean
3595s we received hook coming in here just to
3597s get the last few seconds as well I mean
3600s that's tenacity and that's a Never Say
3602s Die attitude in Peru uh really showing
3605s some heart right now they're gonna have
3606s to tune a rush and another EMP into this
3610s upcoming fight and the other one I want
3612s to look at the outside real quick uh
3613s Walter just use the duplicate onto
3616s Diego's Tracer already over 50 towards
3619s the next duplicate and bear in mind that
3622s there was actually some changes made
3623s through the charge rate of that ultimate
3626s in the the patch before last so things
3628s get a little bit harder for an Echo
3629s generally to get those ornaments wow
3631s what a response from Rodrigo a massive
3634s uh uh Rampage out from Gaston completely
3637s negated by Rodrigo here with the sound
3639s barrier and on the back of that they
3642s just tear and you know into pieces and
3644s they get the Kitsune rush out as well so
3647s I mean the well is going to be a little
3648s bit dry here now the DPS have really
3651s been putting in the work here for
3652s Argentina but Pedro I mean if Diego
3655s lands a pulse bomb here with any kind of
3658s success I think we're looking at final
3660s fight territory there's the stick I
3662s believe the suzu or TP cleansed that one
3664s so again a postponed with not a lot to
3666s show for it in the confusion however
3668s Rodrigo gets in and finds Gatsby okuno
3670s out here as well and this is 90 and
3673s climbing here for Peru this is
3674s absolutely last fight territory
3676s Argentina are starting to have to make
3678s swamps and there's gonna be water people
3680s in the duplicate for a fraction of a
3681s second they were junker Queen but that
3684s is all that they got did find
3686s Baskerville on the way out and now
3688s Argentina are starting to come back in
3690s and keep this contested we've seen the
3692s tenacity from this team in fights
3694s already on this map they've really got
3696s to dig deep and find the Reserves to
3698s grind this one out if they don't want
3700s this to be A2 and O they get on uh on uh
3703s ilios well folks they would find Oracle
3705s here so Peru really starting to open
3707s things up now as the Final Fight
3709s Continues it's only 33 for Peru and gas
3712s we just able to avoid going into the
3714s well here Billy this is real real gritty
3717s stuff from both sides absolutely if
3720s nobody wants to go down in Persona takes
3721s down the tank that should signal at the
3723s beginning of the end yep there it is too
3725s much pressure they forced Jackie off the
3728s point they didn't have a tank to keep
3729s that going but boy if the last round was
3732s a heavyweight against a Welterweight
3734s boxer this one is two evenly matched
3737s Grapplers going Toe to Toe Billy
3739s absolutely and I think Persona uh really
3742s showing up from yesterday uh didn't have
3745s that much impact on the match uh versus
3748s Chile and I tell you what uh Team
3751s Argentina they're gonna have their work
3753s cut out for them but I think that I
3755s don't think that we're going 2-0 here
3757s um just based upon as well has anything
3759s to say about what we just saw we we
3762s might be looking at finally our first
3763s here in the Americas our first three map
3765s series
3766s and to add Credence that of course it is
3769s the uh the The Pick of the team that
3771s didn't win so Argentina now get to pick
3773s a map that plays into their particular
3776s sensibilities and from what we've seen
3778s so far I don't think that's anything
3780s particularly prescriptive it's not one
3781s of those cases where you know we have a
3783s a Reinhardt player or a wrecking ball
3785s player so we can kind of make a guess as
3786s to where the map is it's going to be
3788s down to what Argentina think that their
3791s DPS tank supports can do better than
3793s Peru have
3795s I mean Gatsby had a couple of Rampages
3798s that were completely negated by Isuzu uh
3802s coming out from Peru so I I mean Rodrigo
3805s has really been putting the work in it
3806s and poke uh with the sound barrier I
3809s mean that sound barrier absolutely saves
3812s the entire round for Pedro otherwise
3814s they're all going down there because
3816s there's just that one Mini pack that
3817s they were in that small room with uh and
3819s Gracie and and the dragon ax yeah I mean
3822s they should have gone down but Rodrigo
3824s gets everybody with that sound bear and
3826s they're like see you later yeah it's uh
3829s it's real MVP level performance kind of
3832s stuff here from Rodrigo in particular
3834s but I think it's very hard to find fault
3837s with anybody uh in this law in this
3839s service so far right it's not like
3842s somebody had a particularly poor showing
3844s there wasn't any like critical missteps
3845s it's been very close and it's just kind
3847s of down to small differences at crucial
3850s moments in things like Target focus and
3852s cooldown use that are really currently
3854s separating these two teams but the
3856s nature of control is that those mistakes
3859s and missteps get Amplified and if they
3861s get Amplified at the wrong time then it
3865s leads to uh you getting flipped at 99 to
3867s 99 and unfortunately losing the points
3871s I mean Oracle was getting some work done
3873s too I I I should say they're Tracer
3875s they're they're tracking with machine
3876s pistols was on fire I just don't think
3878s that they had the reserves and the
3879s resources to keep them up and yeah as a
3881s tracer you should be looking for those
3883s mini packs but uh they were trying to
3885s get a little bit too much done I think
3886s that a little bit more discipline and
3888s going back into the the loving arms of
3890s your support staff or finding you know
3892s Omega or a mini when they're you know in
3894s critical Health range I think that'll
3896s withstand them in a little bit better
3897s stead so you know Argentina really is
3900s showing us that they are a team to be
3902s reckoned with I just think that little
3904s micro decisions here and there uh will
3906s get them to where they want to be
3908s I will say I really enjoyed at the start
3910s of ilios well that sort of 30 second
3912s Skirmish between Diego and Oracle over
3915s control of that right hand side of the
3917s map as it was from our perspective there
3919s it's always a really interesting uh
3921s skill based matchup the Tracer V Tracer
3923s in those situations uh ultimately it
3926s kind of didn't matter because the fight
3927s was decided elsewhere but I've really
3929s enjoyed seeing these two go head to head
3932s and I hope that whatever we end up going
3933s next we get to see a little more of that
3937s I mean potatoes is what I live for I
3940s love the chest matches and that's what
3942s they say about your building
3944s I mean here's the Rampage uh here's the
3947s Rampage coming up right now I guess they
3948s had already used the Rampage at that
3949s point but I mean the fact that Rodrigo
3952s and and Pope can swap between the two uh
3956s the the uh I guess the swap between the
3958s Anna and the uh the kiriko there
3961s um it's not an easy transition
3964s um and I love the fact that they are
3966s flexible enough in their play uh to be
3968s able to take care of this stuff and I
3969s like I said persona really showing up
3972s big here on their Sombra just getting it
3974s done
3975s yeah sombra's one of these characters
3977s where if you aren't finding value you
3980s may as well not be in the lobby and
3981s maybe that sounds a little bit redundant
3983s if you don't find Value you might as
3985s well not be in the lobby is basically
3987s true of of anybody right but you really
3990s miss the targeted hacks if they're not
3991s in the right place you sure as heck
3993s missed the emps if they're not again in
3996s just the right place so it's a lot of
3998s pressure and a lot of responsibility on
4001s the back of the Sombra player to really
4004s open up and enable what the rest of your
4006s team is looking to do and so we've got a
4008s little MVP tag here for persona for that
4010s round at very very strong performance I
4013s suspect we'll probably see some more of
4015s this Sombra play as we move into our
4017s next map as and when we get to that one
4019s so yeah real Kudos here at the persona I
4023s mean based upon what happened versus
4024s Chile yesterday uh and being completely
4027s countered by a Hanzo player uh from uh
4031s from Chile uh this is a great Redemption
4034s for them today uh very very proud of the
4037s progress and being able to put that
4038s performance out of your mind and going
4041s into this full-hearted yeah absolutely
4043s perfect coming out from that I mean
4045s about yesterday just made their life
4048s hell with the uh with the with the Hanzo
4050s the Sonic arrows catching the rotations
4052s all the time and well next map is up
4055s Phil and we're going to uh well some
4057s places familiar to all of us but uh it's
4059s gonna be King's Row uh you know Billy is
4062s it really even a broadcast day of
4064s OverWatch if we don't get to go to
4067s King's Row for our hybrid map it's just
4069s not the same it's like not seeing Lee
4071s Jiang Tango right you've got to do it at
4073s some point through the day I think this
4075s is a very smart move um we kind of talk
4078s in in cast the language of
4080s um how solved a map is as in how nailed
4084s down uh everybody's uh sense of how to
4087s play a specific map is
4089s King's Row is the living definition of
4092s solved like everybody knows matter to
4094s meta how you play this one it's just a
4097s case of figuring out which Heroes feel
4099s which niche in that particular setup
4101s right yep yep I I completely agree with
4104s it and you know what this is the funny
4105s funny fact here uh Phil at least for
4108s myself and godpers and now you this is
4110s the first time that I'm gonna see King's
4111s Row uh here in my in my broadcast so I
4114s this is actually a breath of fresher
4116s we've gone uh a lot of Gibraltar uh here
4119s for the for the hybrid map so uh this is
4122s a this is a treat for me I I'm happy to
4125s see this quite honestly uh the brawl
4127s should come out here now is it going to
4129s be rawatra or is it going to be junker
4131s Queen because we've seen both teams play
4133s those two Heroes uh and I I think that
4136s both have a good place here I think
4138s damage mitigation is probably going to
4140s win out here Phil
4142s yeah I was gonna say if you're leading
4144s into that I don't have a good feel for
4147s where in the ever evolving rock paper
4149s scissors lizard Spock tank rotation that
4152s we have here the specific rematcher
4154s junker Queen matchup feel uh Falls I
4157s feel like
4158s um in a little bit of the same way that
4160s the Reinhardt rematcher matchup is kind
4163s of down to the individual skill of the
4165s player I think that's a little bit true
4167s here of the matchup with the junker
4169s Queen so if you have a better Jungle
4171s Queen then your opponent has a remotra
4173s you should win out there like it's a
4174s it's a relatively even matchup yeah I I
4178s yep completely agree with you there my
4181s friend and well oh yeah there it is
4186s he's gonna be insufferable ladies and
4188s gentlemen insufferable time coming in
4190s there is my girl coming out on the
4194s defense here
4195s yeah so I mean you're looking at damage
4198s mitigation you're looking to be able to
4199s close the gap and then push people away
4201s uh with the javelin Terra surge kind of
4205s a throwaway ultimate still
4207s but uh I mean I'm just happy I'm just
4210s happy to be here that Gatsby is bringing
4213s out my girl orisa I've really enjoyed
4216s Persona and Diego just playing uh hero
4218s Roulette in spawn here
4220s uh this is a really interesting this is
4222s not the matchup I was expecting I think
4225s Peru might just run over Argentina here
4227s unless they really play their positions
4230s absolutely verbally for now it's Persona
4232s on the handle on the high round really
4233s starting to erode that erisa they have
4236s to back away and give over a world of
4238s space they've burnt some defensive
4239s cooldowns which has allowed Peru to
4241s start to transition nicely into the
4244s position they really want to be
4245s defending for the attacking from with
4246s Hanzo on The High Ground here making
4248s life borderline impossible here by
4250s Argentina uh they need to find kills and
4253s applying them now because for now as
4255s Peru Star as Argentina starts about
4257s defensive cooldowns at Peru they Bend
4259s backwards they don't break and they just
4261s resume the push on in one tick already
4263s secured now as their own defensive
4265s cooldown starts to come into play
4268s Argentina need to start to move in they
4270s do have the amplification Matrix okuna
4272s generated that at lightning speed and
4275s they use it to good effect down goes pay
4277s and that should be the push put paid two
4280s four Peru look at those health bars down
4282s they go for two ticks gained for one
4285s push so they allow a lot of damage to go
4289s in on the gas pain yes you're getting
4290s over old charge but you're also giving
4291s over healing old charge to okuno and I
4294s mean that amp Matrix Saves the Day for
4297s them now you're going into an
4298s Annihilation and an amp Matrix this is
4301s scary business here for team Argentina
4303s they've got to get their own opens up
4305s they've got a blizzard to stop the
4306s aggression yeah this is a big one of
4308s course there's no protective ultimates
4310s here to stop the blizzard so Walter
4312s throws that one out early and I believe
4314s that caught Baskerville yet they were
4316s frozen and now they're down but
4317s Argentina continue to throw ultimas into
4319s this one that was the 10 research out
4321s from cancer Gatsby didn't find too much
4324s here but it has started to disassemble
4326s Peru but Peru only spent the amp Matrix
4329s into that one but we might see a stagger
4332s here this could be very unfortunate
4334s Billy oh there's the Stagger Jack like
4336s you were calling it but I mean they're
4337s still looking at a four ultimate fight
4339s here for Russo for Argentina uh if you
4343s can keep okuno and chalky safe as you're
4347s absorbing the damage coming in from this
4350s or from this Rush that Peru is very
4353s insistent upon bringing uh you've got
4355s the dragon strike to kind of quarter
4357s them up here it comes Oracle is going to
4359s do something pretty massive here standby
4361s out from Rodrigo again beautifully time
4364s keeps the wrestling team over and it's a
4366s loud Basketville to close the distance
4367s pop the oats and Scatter Argentina to
4372s the four corners of the earth there's
4374s the cap and it's on into the street
4376s trains but they did take two and a half
4378s minutes off the clock so I I think that
4381s for for Argentina I think that's a
4383s that's a win for them uh now can they
4386s catch the aggression that Baskerville
4389s and Company
4392s Rodrigo fan right there's a lot of style
4395s with this guy
4396s I mean the South American teams have
4398s always had a lot of moxie about them
4399s right
4402s I I should never have said that I blame
4405s you uh but I mean they've got the I
4408s think they start with consumer rusher
4409s yeah
4416s baits out the defensive ability but
4418s there's the Collision I don't know that
4420s they saw Diego and that blizzard really
4423s starts to set things up for Peru but
4425s it's not being perfect Chucky throws in
4427s the consumerous and uses that additional
4429s speed to find two Franks that shut down
4432s the Peruvian push I mean now we're sub
4434s three minutes and they're gonna be able
4436s to hold it Archway here having stopped
4437s the payload at bookstore so I mean
4440s that's a great turn there from chalky I
4443s told you the consuming wretch was gonna
4444s weigh heavily here in the fight well it
4446s does absolutely and now they've got the
4448s app Matrix but Gatsby is Gordon off that
4452s was beautiful from Walter pops his head
4453s around beside there Pops in their own
4455s defensive May wall keeps Gatsby in the
4458s fight and then in comes the amp Matrix
4460s from ukuna it's slugs Peru right the way
4462s down and Argentina do that with one
4464s ultimate they've got some great options
4466s to as Peru starts to push through oh no
4472s looks like we got the Terra surgeon over
4473s the top won't fine too much here but
4475s basketball teams oh basketball got
4478s frozen and punished Javelin to the face
4480s and down they go and Peru continue to
4483s spend into this that was the dragon
4484s strike and the amp Matrix Four no
4487s progress
4488s well Oracle gets their uh gets their
4491s dragon hello
4493s yeah
4494s ouch oh that that's a that's a fight
4496s stop right there that's a at least
4498s another 15 seconds to wait for uh Pope
4501s to get back into it and they're gonna
4502s bring out the Anna now so you're still
4506s going into a into a kitty coat so you've
4509s got that to worry about that was a great
4511s Dragon you can hear the tick of the
4513s damage there but one more time it's
4515s Rodrigo with the save the sound barrier
4517s comes in and buys a little bit of time
4520s for Baskerville to get this all
4521s important romantro online and now it
4526s comes immediately finds wall to Oracle
4528s Falls to their opposite number and
4530s that's just what Peru were waiting for
4532s enabled once again by Rodrigo but at
4536s least they have time for a Recon test uh
4538s Diego's gonna have to put up a wall to
4540s make sure that Argentina don't get back
4542s and Chucky I mean with a couple of uh
4545s kudai to the face oh Peru uh we'll get
4548s this kid city Russian that's gonna be
4550s all she wrote they might get in touch at
4551s 1.8 meters they do get it in but it
4554s costs all of their defensive abilities
4556s here and it also cost them the
4558s immortality field so Gatsby's still a
4560s little bit vulnerable but at the last
4562s second Jackie comes in with mad kid
4564s sooner Rush that's gonna allow Gatsby
4565s and akunu to finally get that last
4567s little bit of tick to get that alt
4568s online
4570s Diego as they look to make the retreat
4573s here and they lose Persona water from
4575s across the map
4578s delicious fabulous and lethal uh three
4583s words I love to talk about when I will
4585s talk about a DPS player and that's
4586s exactly what Walter just brought to that
4588s fight I told you that if Chucky got the
4590s they got the kunai to the heads they're
4593s gonna have that Kitsune rush they get it
4595s now now they've got Terror Surge and the
4597s Ant Matrix to stop aggression coming in
4598s from Hitler they have to be cognizant
4600s though they know that Diego has his
4601s blizzard and Matrix and Matrix throws
4604s things right down blizzarding over the
4606s top of the type of search of course
4608s doesn't freeze the erisa and it's for
4611s soldiers down first there is so much
4614s punching
4619s it's just not enough and now there's a
4622s line in the sand here for Argentina I
4626s mean yeah I mean Gatsby doing their best
4628s Gandalf in fresh uh impression spitting
4631s the staff over their head I know it's a
4633s javelin but still just go with me with
4635s the lotr stuff there uh I mean you shall
4637s not pass I'm what a great turnaround
4640s from Argentina I mean they bird two and
4642s a half minutes off the time bank just on
4645s point a uh they lose a pretty convincing
4648s fight uh and then they set their feet in
4651s the ground and the ultimate rotations
4652s that we saw coming from them was just
4655s too darn good and I I mean can you run
4658s the erosion on the attacker I don't know
4659s if I necessarily would but why not uh
4662s considering how well Gatsby did they're
4664s on uh on the defense yeah I mean you
4667s burn through their defensive cooldowns
4669s and you know you were really hoping that
4673s oguno and Chucky could keep you alive
4675s through it the immortality barriers were
4677s perfect out of akuno jockey with the
4679s healing Akita and the sues who's making
4681s sure that Gatsby stays alive long enough
4683s to get the Recon test I mean 15 seconds
4686s before Argentina comes out here Persona
4688s is showing us the Hanzo Diego's going to
4693s bring out the NAT that is Tracer poke I
4696s think is going to be the big kicker here
4698s Landing these anti-nates has to be a 0.1
4701s and you got to be watching for the
4703s javelin spin of Gatsby before you let
4705s loose with it I mean the big interaction
4706s here right is uh suzu versus biotic
4709s grenade can Jackie keep themselves uh
4711s abreast of when those abilities are
4713s online and vice versa because those are
4715s big big fight changing unwinning
4718s ultimates for now for Argentina it's a
4720s rotation up the right hand stairs and
4722s given their composition this will give
4723s them a big advantage
4726s Advantage but the Crasher there was
4729s phenomenal almost took Baskerville out
4731s here and again being forced to burn
4732s defensive cooldowns that already the
4734s block use already The Shield used and we
4737s are just Toe to Toe here it is erisa
4740s brawling right up against the ramatra of
4743s Baskerville but for now oh oh that's
4745s huge big ante will force Gatsby back
4748s momentarily and Peru get a little bit
4750s more control of the point they have
4753s however lost Diego here and that is
4754s going to make their defense that little
4756s bit harder beautiful wall from Walter
4759s forces basketball into the corner that
4761s door is locked no exit for you and
4764s Argentina with a quick quick cap onto a
4768s I mean and look at the ultimate Traders
4770s okuna once again leading the way with
4773s the main heels uh I am just putting a
4776s really good performance on the Baptiste
4777s here I think that Oracle uh Landing the
4780s shots when they need it but providing
4782s the vision has been so much more of what
4783s oracle's been doing here uh for team
4786s Argentina they know the rotations as
4788s they come around I Baskerville and
4790s Peterson have got to get something done
4791s five
4794s that it's a scary amount of time and of
4796s course Peru not in his position to
4797s actually come here and contest this
4798s because okuno has the amplification
4800s Matrix up Oracle has found it and the
4804s storm arrows will just nail them to the
4806s wall here they might not even need to
4808s use this amplification Matrix Oracle now
4811s knows exactly where to find Rodrigo as
4814s well now on the kiriko we do have alts
4817s for Peru they need to be perfectionist
4821s okay it's Oracle with that all out early
4823s goes a nice way down that long choke
4826s past this corner doesn't catch anybody
4827s but will momentarily slow the roll here
4831s basketball does have the old running but
4833s they are a long way from healthy here
4835s they may have just straight through this
4837s fight the Nano keeping them potent
4839s powerful and at Peak Performance for
4842s Peru there's the hole but it's still
4843s four minutes in the Bank building I mean
4846s it cost them three ultimates too the
4848s dragon strike had to come out and answer
4850s to uh oracle's dragon strike so three
4853s ultimates down whole spawn ready to go
4855s you've got the immortality barrier for
4857s okuno so they've got the tools here I
4859s think with a well-placed chalky Kitsune
4862s rush you rush on top of this battery
4863s team and you take the fight to them
4866s yeah but I think this rotation is clever
4868s here from Argentina they know that they
4870s don't really want to push in so what
4871s they're doing is wrapping they're
4872s rotating they want to take your foot is
4874s effectively the defensive position on
4877s this map the favorite position push Peru
4879s almost back foot use the consumerous and
4883s just run Peru over Diego the first to
4886s fall here in the fight basket though not
4888s long after an Oracle and okuda really
4891s cracked this wide open there's a chance
4894s here with a Recon test but uh three
4896s minutes in the time Bank Peru really
4898s need to find another level here I think
4900s that you wait for Oracle to build up
4901s dragon strike uh really you've got to be
4905s very cognizant uh do you throw the
4907s immortality barrier out for this
4908s upcoming pulse bomb or do you try to
4910s title with the suzu and save uh the
4913s immortality barrier for wind Gatsby goes
4915s into uh the terror surge animation
4918s whatever it is you've got to do that now
4920s we are less than 10 meters away from the
4923s close of the map from The Equalizer onto
4924s the series we have a post bomb on award
4927s here for Diego it needs to find a key
4930s Target here to research out from Gatsby
4932s that's gonna Force Peru to give over a
4934s bit of respect and some space poor spawn
4936s connect but the immortality field is
4939s there to prevent the kill and it's
4941s basket Builders down the erisa slipped
4944s through the punishment and puts them in
4946s a tank circuit here for the side of
4948s Argentina Dragon strike out Oracle only
4951s just able to get out of the way of that
4952s one for HP and a literal dream here but
4955s Argentina's just keep up the pressure
4957s and it's one a piece we get a third map
4960s today Billy
4962s I've told you I told you it was gonna
4965s happen and this is where it happens and
4967s man oh man my beloved erisa getting it
4971s done insufferable yes I'm gonna be
4973s absolutely Inseparable for the next week
4975s Phil our server is going to be full of
4978s erisa emotes and muffin's gonna be very
4980s happy too just to shop them out oh gosh
4985s yes you are and I mean for good reason
4987s what a what a smart play uh from Team
4989s Argentina now uh we're all tied up so
4992s this is good for both teams okay
4994s somebody's gonna come out a winner after
4996s our next match but the good thing is
4997s that they get a map positive into their
5000s map differential
5002s yeah I think it's maybe a little bit too
5004s early to be looking at Consolation
5005s prices but that is certainly one uh
5008s there's a world where that does play
5009s into at the very least final standings
5011s for what we see once we close out the
5014s group b for the Americas region excuse
5017s me
5017s um but we just saw uh Argentina play
5020s that mapic right and I don't think
5022s anybody is like particularly bothered
5025s that we're going to King's Row it's not
5026s anybody's um like worst map it's a lot
5030s of people's best maps so it's not like
5031s it was a specific counterpick map but
5034s now Peru at Match Point have an option
5037s to actually pick a map that they think
5039s they can play significantly better than
5041s Argentina and so like this could be what
5045s decides this map for them this match for
5047s them I mean look uh I I think that you
5051s know yes this does play uh into into
5054s Argentina's hands but you still have to
5056s get the work done at the end of the day
5058s everybody knows how to play king's robe
5059s I mean they call it Scrib's Row for a
5061s reason and this is exactly why I mean
5063s and and Oracle getting the work done
5066s with the Archer yeah so good so yeah I
5069s think we
5070s we should be a little bit careful
5071s because you because you see themselves
5073s in the kill feed you can start to talk
5074s maybe a little bit too much about DPS
5077s players uh but Ulrich really did put on
5079s the performance I think the uh the uh
5082s calm and collected response under
5085s pressure of being 4 HP are not going
5087s well I better go and get that Mega
5089s Health fact that's down in the subway
5090s and just calmly lining up the shot and
5092s launching the dragon strike splitting
5094s Peru in half I think was very very
5096s clever stuff here from Oracle so I think
5099s for Peru if you are looking for
5102s um chinks in the armor here it's what
5104s can we do to stop Oracle doing Oracle
5107s things sure you've still then got to
5108s worry about water who had some also
5110s standout moments here but like let's
5113s take the strongest brick out of the wall
5115s and see what we can make happen first
5118s I I think that we really do have to talk
5121s about uh chalky there uh on the on the
5123s on the Kirito I think that's the real
5125s MVP yeah the DPS are flashy yeah they
5128s come out with the price but Chucky
5129s actually got a 2K uh with the uh with
5132s the with the kunai coming out in their
5134s uh B defense with 1.08 meters left and
5139s they get that Kitsune Rush up and
5140s completely devalue the the attack coming
5144s in from Peru or so I mean Argentina they
5147s did it they did exactly what they needed
5149s to do they gave themselves a chance uh
5152s in a spot in this conversation
5154s yeah uh and and we were talking about
5157s um Peru maybe not what in fact
5159s definitely not having as much gameplay
5161s footage
5163s um for their matchup here as airport as
5166s Argentina did against Peru
5168s um and this is maybe one of the things
5170s that we're starting to see coming to
5171s play here like being less familiar with
5174s your opponent not knowing what their
5175s threats are what it is you've got to
5177s counter can be a real shot in the army
5179s of course we don't know exactly what the
5181s scrim situation is like who's against
5183s who here in this region
5185s um but yeah this is I I still think all
5188s to play for like we're talking about you
5190s know oh well here's what they've got to
5191s do in this situation here's what they've
5193s got to do to win out this next map both
5196s teams have been fighting really really
5197s hard and not just over on um ilios but
5201s also here on King's Road with Norway so
5203s uh we still have big opportunities for
5206s both teams to come out with their first
5208s win well not open the first one the
5209s first win for Peru the first win for
5211s Argentina but we're going to Esperanza
5213s for our next man yeah erisa plays well
5216s here
5220s it's a ground-based uh payload and I
5224s mean you can use the javelin to really
5226s send somebody flying uh down these long
5229s corridors and avenidas here in Portugal
5231s so
5233s um we'll see what they actually decide
5235s to bring out here Hanzo is a good bet
5237s here the the the the echo really plays
5240s well here
5242s um I wouldn't be surprised if we see
5243s Peru bring out
5245s um a Moira look here uh to keep to keep
5248s Baskerville up uh the ability to fade
5251s into safety into cover uh is going to be
5254s something huge for the back line for
5256s both teams so
5260s um I mean this is the basically their
5262s tournament lives on the line they don't
5263s want to go 0-3 uh after match day three
5266s and Argentina they want to go they want
5269s to go to the 500 Mark and be one of one
5271s as they look towards next Friday
5273s yeah I think the other thing to consider
5275s is that you know we've had matches here
5278s for our teams against Colombia against
5281s Brazil so for in fact that's that's one
5284s piece Colombia and Brazil in day one and
5286s day two for uh Peru and Argentina
5288s respectively like that is half of their
5290s hardest matches out of the way already
5292s and so we are looking for things to be
5295s significantly more competitive between
5297s the remaining four teams in our groups
5300s here so we are hoping to see big things
5302s here from through big things here from
5304s Argentina
5305s um and and show again that these are
5307s competitive regions that are worthy of
5309s eyes on this region and opportunities
5312s for the players there
5315s it's all going to be settled in in
5316s Portugal
5318s it's all going to be settled here and I
5322s mean this is where heart comes in uh you
5324s have the mechanical skill we know this
5326s uh we've seen it from both sides now it
5329s comes down to the cerebral aspect of the
5332s game where you're able to out think your
5335s opponent and for Peru I mean a wind here
5339s will do them a world of good and I mean
5342s if not only for them as a team but for
5344s also them as an OverWatch Nation I I I
5347s love them I love all these players you
5349s know how I am I love all the players I
5351s don't want anybody to lose I want
5353s everybody to win but this is gonna be uh
5356s I think this is going to be the best map
5357s of the day for us I think this is going
5359s to be a knock down drag them out you're
5362s going with me buddy and we'll see who
5364s comes out on the end of it Baskerville
5366s if they have another uh ramatra uh
5370s performance like we saw previously on
5372s day one and today you know even though
5374s they did lose King's rope the
5376s annihilations were absolutely stunning
5378s out of that game or so I mean if they
5381s get on a roll uh I think I Argentina
5384s might be in a bit of a bit of a worry
5387s here but if Gatsby in the company get it
5390s done and okuno gets it done this could
5394s be so good for Argentina
5397s okay this is what I was worried about
5399s here for uh speaking as a Peru Advocate
5402s as if you would is they seem to struggle
5406s specifically with answers to the Orissa
5408s uh one of the things Larissa can do is
5410s kidnap your tank you know I throw them
5412s the javelin throw them the um the
5415s javelin Spin and separate them from the
5417s team and Argentina are doing this again
5420s here Peru uh making some adaptations but
5423s it's whether or not this is the answer
5425s that remains to be seen so out the gates
5427s here and we are bound to see the rubber
5429s meet the road here at Matt's point for
5431s Argentina against Peru for now through a
5434s little bit absent for the fight and
5435s that's going to give Argentina time to
5436s set up here I see we're looking inside
5438s of a flank here we've got Persona and
5440s Diego currently looking for Target
5441s there's the hack maybe not the ideal
5443s Target here non-modern Hanzo gets shut
5445s down with that hand coming through and
5448s for now Peru have opted not to contest
5450s the payload and it's Argentina with some
5452s early progress here and I believe
5453s basketball may have been somewhat
5455s separated upon The High Ground waiting
5457s through the initiation and it's just not
5459s been quick enough here Baskerville was
5461s punished and it's only cost Argentina
5464s chappie here this is heavily favored
5466s Argentina it is heavily favorite but you
5468s lose the speed element here for Gatsby
5471s and I think that you know with the
5472s commanding shout well I say that as
5474s Vasco goes over to the Winston so monkey
5476s OverWatch over being uh deployed here
5482s I love it I love it and this will be
5484s Peru with a good Advantage here
5485s particularly this portion of the map to
5487s take High Ground Control away from
5489s Argentina and Rodrigo opens things up
5491s again here Chucky down another big
5493s opening now if they can start to close
5494s the gap they've got to be careful
5495s there's a lot that can punish our
5496s Winston here uh particularly the
5499s coalescence that's a lot of unblockable
5500s damage and in over the top of that um
5502s blockable damage comes Gaffney with a
5504s pick on to Baskerville water down as
5507s well here so whilst Peru has slowed
5509s things down a little bit here they have
5510s a long way from winning out this fight
5512s they need to do a little bit more
5513s grinding and Rodrigo gets up close and
5516s personal with Oracle bosses them into
5517s poke and this will be Peru saving things
5520s here 30 meters is all we get here and I
5523s think that after this Terror surge I
5525s think that you're gonna see a change
5526s come out from Gatsby I think that you
5528s bring out the diva here to counter out
5530s the Baskerville Winston but I mean sound
5533s barrier ready to go uh we see Chucky
5535s going on to the get it go we saw how
5538s well uh they played the kiniko they're
5540s in Hughes row GPS
5543s and it's ready into this fight for
5544s Argentina continue rush and the sound
5547s barrier to answer from Patel where it
5550s goes I could see okay in it goes we're
5553s going to move forward into Argentina as
5555s they try and rotate up these stairs the
5557s wall will momentarily split Peru from
5558s their intended targets and they force
5560s gaspee away for now they take The High
5562s Ground position we see the terror surge
5564s come through
5565s I don't believe that that is
5567s particularly much effective basketball
5569s has generated a Primal Rage and almost
5571s had a big collection of the Primal range
5574s but it's only I could have it was really
5576s in the way but basketball really keeps
5577s chasing finds it could have published
5579s them into the dirt and down they go this
5582s looks to be a big lead opportunity here
5584s for Peru they're already in the lead and
5587s they have that scratch moment in their
5589s sights they do and we're already seeing
5591s the changes come out I mean gas we are
5593s still on the areas I think this Now's
5595s the Time to change the diva or even
5597s Azaria here would be great but they got
5599s the blizzard out of Walter trying to
5603s turn the hero fight there and Oracle
5605s over to the Cassidy yeah you're looking
5607s for singular targets here uh from the
5609s castle with the peashooter and now
5610s Chucky is gonna have to
5613s I mean it just got a little bit harder
5615s for Baskerville to really dive on in but
5618s Oracle is down that hinder is no longer
5621s in play and Peru just explode on the
5624s back of an EMP and demolish Argentina
5627s they're going to start to push into the
5629s second portion of the map here Billy
5630s poke is lighting it up poke is putting
5634s Peru on their backs uh to multi-frag
5639s fights there for the kiriko and I mean
5642s didn't even give Truckee a chance to
5643s build up that Kitsune rush and now poke
5647s is 75 to their own considered Rush this
5650s is going to be a very Dynamic fight
5651s coming up we have Diego on the corner
5654s here with both bomb ready to go native
5656s slightly put away the position no it
5658s seems like they are currently uh unaware
5659s no Diego makes themselves well known
5661s here Rodrigo oh what a stick Diego takes
5665s a Kuda with no face out of the fight
5667s entirely this has cost them basketball
5669s it has cost them Persona is this gonna
5671s be a Nookie from Peru I don't think
5673s they've got the numbers to make this
5674s work they have found Jackie now at the
5677s very least they can slow this down they
5679s can make it costly for Argentina but the
5681s support line for Peru continues to do
5685s the work here Argentina really on the
5687s back foot oh my God Diego you Beast
5691s letting them have it with the machine
5693s pistols the stick almost Kobe like as
5697s they go in and now they have their
5698s consumers they actually weathered the
5700s akudo consumer or the chocolate City you
5702s see Chucky going over to the more right
5704s now on to their favorite uh on their
5707s favorite it's gonna go and now the
5709s blizzard is gonna be the only stopping
5711s hitter uh from getting to this
5717s give that a bit of respect and back out
5720s of the way we do get the blizzard out of
5721s them here nice TP out from poke and
5723s again it's custom basketball it's
5725s costing persona but we know from the
5727s last fight that is not necessarily it
5729s here from Peru Argentina start to close
5733s the vice grip start to tighten the
5735s screws and finally win out on the fight
5737s but this Billy is a big deficit to have
5740s to come back from uh it is just under 80
5743s meters that Argentina have to close here
5746s in their fight and Oracle that's a good
5748s early pick there is going to send Diego
5750s back to spawn they're gonna have their
5752s own uh pulse bomb coming up to this
5754s fight also
5755s they might miss the forward they do miss
5757s the four board spawn as well they are
5759s split from the team oh hello looks like
5761s we found a Sombra here in the back line
5763s Persona gets most of the way to the EMP
5765s before teleporting out again so as
5767s things start to slow down a little bit
5769s expect Matt to be the next big engage
5771s tool from February
5774s hello Goodbye Oh Persona pops the EMP
5778s only finds water and water punishes
5781s Persona this is now a big opportunity
5783s for Argentina to start to close the gap
5786s oh only finds basketball here does take
5788s them out and I think things might start
5790s to swing in the favor of Argentina
5792s particularly as Rodriguez gets taken out
5794s with the knife pole and Argentina starts
5797s to move forward and gain progress
5799s uh one another and I fall there from
5801s Gatsby and yeah they're on the end of it
5803s uh Walter is gonna go closer so we're
5805s gonna get the scratcher over here for
5807s Argentina you're gonna have Blossom and
5809s coalescence and to their next fight so
5812s they're starting to build up their own
5814s uh Bevy of ultimates here in the South
5816s Bay Area is gonna have to be huge from
5818s Rodrigo and positioning is gonna have to
5821s be huge as well because it's very
5822s difficult to beat into the death Blossom
5825s here but maybe we can get this done with
5827s primary fire here as Jackie and Walter
5829s are already down and crucially this
5832s interrupts in the push progress for
5834s Argentina occurs before that first point
5836s is unlocked and now Peru gets to move it
5839s right the way back into their own
5841s territory so you put out rush into this
5843s next fight for poke uh to help build up
5846s not only the EMP but also the sound
5848s barrier uh and you you give yourself a
5851s little bit more staying power up against
5853s this this coalescence in death Blossom
5855s the big one for me though Phil is as if
5858s Oracle can get the Pokemon but they've
5860s kind of whipped the last two that they
5862s thrown out Wilson needs to be a little
5864s bit careful here I think they've given
5865s away that position they've got to know
5867s that this old woman is online there it
5869s goes into the back line and
5871s Isuzu was just not enough but this has
5874s only resulted in a trade okay there we
5876s go things finally starting to solidify
5877s for Argentina as Baskerville goes down
5880s great stuff here from Walter it may only
5883s have been some battering and bruising
5885s onto the Peruvian side but that's what
5887s allowed Argentina to crack them I mean
5890s you do investaco lessons there but it
5891s keeps Walter up through uh all the
5893s aggression going on to them I mean once
5895s you hear the die die die everybody's
5897s head swings around says kill the reaper
5899s well they did not do that Simon well uh
5902s Diego's gonna have the first of Salvo
5905s out of this next defense with the pulse
5907s bottom
5909s 75 to in the sound barrier here and I
5913s believe that suzu just not quite enough
5915s there to help Diego Rodrigo down as well
5918s here and Argentina now have that first
5922s point capture in their sights
5925s oh and they're gonna get Persona here
5926s too uh Oracle yeah they have to spend
5928s the recall they might allow them to get
5930s back into invisibility but I don't think
5931s no the Nightfall persona
5933s okay this is massive he's difficult to
5936s come back from plus 100 meters but this
5938s is how he starts to do it 70 seconds on
5941s the clock here for Argentina to push
5943s this another 50 meters I mean the
5946s Rampage and the casino West is going to
5948s be pretty darn impossible
5956s Rampage into Rampage and so far it's two
5960s on the cars for Peru for now the
5963s consumerous make things too hard for
5964s Peru to push back into Argentina start
5967s to leverage these ultimates into their
5970s favor and whilst it might be a little
5972s bit back and forth here it looks like
5974s Aaron wait wait no that killed Minnesota
5976s out of the fight Chucky might get back
5978s here but this again on the brink of a
5981s catastrophic collapse of a room they
5983s turn it back in their favor yeah but
5985s they're gonna have the I mean they have
5987s three ultimates coming into this fight
5989s up against an EMP and a sound barrier so
5993s how do you pull out the sound barrier to
5995s get value out of this death Blossom
5997s that's gonna be the real chess match
5999s here that comes between Peter and look
6000s at uh Pedro is just backing off the
6002s point yeah no they don't have to think
6003s about this is so smart from them yeah
6005s this is very clever stuff but it has
6007s allowed Argentina to get themselves into
6009s a position to start to uh actually
6011s defend this spot and yeah you'll find
6013s the first opener Chucky's down
6016s no chance for Argentina to generate
6018s ultimate and Peru with an explosion of
6021s power put their first point on the board
6024s for Group B I mean
6030s what a damn good performance coming out
6033s of them that's some heart I mean
6037s wow so good coming out from Peru they
6040s knew their win condition they allow
6042s Argentina to take the point and then
6045s they just drop the hammer on top of that
6048s that Persona EMP was everything that you
6051s could have wanted
6052s very disappointing to not be in a first
6054s to three scenario here would I think
6057s this is another one that could really
6058s could have gone the distance
6059s unfortunately first of two and that is
6062s Peru again putting their first point on
6064s the board and hey to talk us through the
6065s back half of that map let's bring Ash
6068s back in
6073s okay wow guys what a match uh one of the
6077s few to go all the way to map number
6080s three here within the OverWatch World
6082s Cup America's online qualifiers and both
6086s teams came with fire lit under them but
6089s again we talked about the weight on
6092s Peru's shoulders considering they're
6094s down oh and two today was a must-need
6096s win for them Billy
6098s okay and now that I have captured my
6101s breath back and and got myself calm I
6103s mean this is exactly what they needed
6104s and now they can finish the rest of
6106s their campaign with heads held high and
6108s I think that going into their last uh
6111s last two matches now uh they're gonna
6113s have a day to rest either it's gonna be
6115s Friday or Saturday uh that they get a
6117s chance to rest but I mean from the
6119s get-go uh the changes the adaptations
6122s that they you know the compositions that
6124s they were facing they were willing to
6125s make those changes today and that's
6127s really what got it done Baskerville uh
6130s for me is the uh is the MVP of this uh
6133s of this map here personally because they
6136s were willing to go head-to-head against
6138s Gatsby uh and get the work done and make
6141s the changes as they need to the Winston
6143s was Bloody great I mean the Fantastic
6146s Winston out of out of Baskerville so I
6149s mean more of that please I know
6150s everybody in chat's probably you know
6151s monkey and Winston Zapp and Winton
6153s Winton sleep and Winston bubble Winston
6156s protect all that good stuff the copy
6157s past has got to be strong right now
6159s yeah and it was absolutely insane but
6161s you also got to give kudos over to those
6163s Peruvian support players we saw just the
6167s cycling coming out from pokesirico and
6170s then on top of that also it Rodrigo's
6172s Lucio as well there Phil
6174s yeah I I think if you've been paying
6176s attention you might come to the
6178s conclusion I've come out of this as a
6179s Rodrigo fan uh some absolutely clutch
6182s moments some beautiful sound barriers
6184s like as somebody who plays a bit of
6185s Lucio myself like the timing on that is
6188s uh truly something I aspire to uh in
6192s difficult situations as well and like at
6194s the start of the day we were talking
6195s before the broadcast how uh poke had a
6197s really difficult time in their game
6199s yesterday specifically because they were
6201s being shut down so often by Ram I think
6203s this has been a real Redemption day for
6205s poke like just a truly truly standout
6207s performance here from them seems like
6209s they've really put in the work to uh
6211s learn maybe what the mistakes were
6212s yesterday and come back better for it
6215s absolutely and then I also still want to
6218s talk over the Argentinian Squad as well
6220s right there keeping this really really
6223s competitive they look different than
6225s what we saw yesterday where they were
6227s playing a lot more disconnected today
6229s really tightened things up there Billy I
6231s mean nerves are a horrible thing I mean
6233s OverWatch is just as much of a mental
6236s game as it is about a mechanical game uh
6239s and strategies can be thrown out the
6241s door if your brain's just not in it and
6243s I think today they came in with a full
6245s head of steam I think they took uh they
6248s took their licks against uh Brazil
6250s yesterday and they get it done here
6252s today I mean yeah they go down one and
6255s two but it's one and two and it's still
6257s a positive momentum from what they did
6258s yesterday
6260s absolutely and then we got the little
6262s MVP coming out here in Persona who I
6266s mean gave the star studied performances
6269s honestly throughout the last several
6271s days of the OverWatch World Cup online
6273s qualifiers and of course he showed his
6276s stuff here right now within this last
6279s matchup as well Phil
6281s and I think uh
6283s if you pay attention to community
6284s sentiment Sombra is one of these Heroes
6287s that is a little bit maligned because
6289s you know who likes having their
6290s abilities taken away on a 10 second
6292s cooldown right it's it's not fun you
6295s know it's um uh it's very unfun to play
6298s against but you can see the impact that
6300s a Sombra of personas caliber can have on
6303s a map like this on a match like this
6305s um in particular let's talk about that
6307s complete lights out EMP uh the last
6310s fight of
6312s um of uh Esperanza sorry my brain is
6314s going a mile a minute and sometimes
6316s things get left by the wayside like so
6318s close to Ultimate for Argentina and it
6321s just didn't happen for them because they
6322s were shut down by that EMP
6324s yeah something you definitely gotta look
6326s out for and when it comes down to it we
6329s also have to actually look out for you
6331s guys and Say Goodbye it was a pleasure
6333s having both of you on the desk with me
6335s for the first half of the last day of
6338s week number one Billy let me give you
6340s your final thoughts first bill you can
6341s follow up afterwards I mean South
6343s America is back baby that's all that's
6347s all I gotta say I mean the just the just
6349s the the flare uh and and the passion you
6352s can see it on the screen this is a
6354s region that you know got left behind and
6356s now we're getting a chance to see them
6358s on the world stage again my heart is
6360s full
6363s all I can do is add to that so you know
6366s South America was there at the Inception
6368s of the tier 2 system of the path to Pro
6370s system and for various reasons they're a
6373s region that got left behind my fondest
6376s hope for OverWatch World Cup you know
6377s even as somebody who is nominally
6379s rooting for the UK as their home team
6382s I actually care less about how team UK
6384s do and more about getting eyes on this
6387s region and getting opportunities again
6389s for these players so fingers crossed for
6392s all involved well that's the amazing
6394s part of the OverWatch World Cup giving
6395s that opportunity back over towards South
6397s America and for you guys again thank you
6399s so much for being on the desk with me it
6401s has been an absolute pleasure but as we
6404s wrap up this first half of the day we're
6406s gonna throw a quick little break and we
6407s should be back afterwards with an
6410s interview from one of the players from
6411s Peru
6418s [Music]
6421s foreign
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6550s good enough
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6642s foreign
6665s [Music]
6715s [Music]
6728s thank you
6730s [Music]
6741s welcome back everybody we have an
6742s interview from Persona here part of the
6745s Peruvian Squad that just took that two
6747s to one W up against Argentina and
6750s Persona Gigi's congratulations how are
6753s you feeling uh hello can you hear me
6758s hello muted on Discord for me hello can
6761s you answer me hello I can hear you now
6763s yes
6765s oh yes thank you
6767s so how are you feeling after the win now
6770s just taking that two to one it was a
6771s pretty close matchup up against
6772s Argentina
6774s um I think the first losses that we got
6776s hit us very hard
6778s uh thankfully they didn't manage to
6780s recover uh we felt pretty good after
6782s after the first map we knew they were
6785s gonna pick in control and Russia that's
6788s wrong but once we got to the push map we
6791s are very very confident in our super
6792s Tracer so we knew we were gonna win
6794s okay I love to hear that I absolutely
6797s love to hear that and I was actually
6798s looking a little bit into your history I
6800s know that you previously played on some
6802s South American contenders teams a while
6805s back with some really great results and
6807s whatnot so what have you been up to
6809s between then and now going into the
6812s OverWatch World Cup
6814s um
6818s long break uh then I came back
6822s and I I I was still in contact with
6826s people like Pokemon so we we were still
6828s playing together
6829s and it was just pretty much grinding
6830s calm uh playing playing in so many teams
6833s you know just getting the practice done
6835s and that was that's pretty much it
6837s okay cool how did the so you said that
6840s you knew Baskerville and poke from
6841s beforehand how did you guys make the
6844s rest of the roster here for Purdue uh it
6846s wasn't really us we made the roster for
6849s the tryouts yeah uh it was just like a
6851s bunch of friends that we know we used to
6853s play everybody so it wasn't really that
6854s hard to get us together
6856s and
6858s well the rest history right uh yeah
6863s well I love to hear that I love to hear
6865s that I just was curious about that that
6867s Journey about how you guys end up
6868s forming your trial team and whatnot
6870s right but
6871s um overall as well I we love to know
6874s what does this mean to you and your team
6876s being from an underrepresented region
6878s right now in OverWatch to have this
6880s opportunity again to prove what you're
6883s worth
6883s uh I think it's pretty great I think
6886s there's some really good tolerance in
6887s South America
6890s probably this you know
6895s like some good competitions back so I
6898s really hope that Uber gets to go to work
6900s up you know that's a good showing
6903s and represents our region the way it's
6906s supposed to be
6907s absolutely I love to hear that and I'm
6910s also curious is there a particular maybe
6913s player out there that you either look up
6915s to or style your play style afterwards
6918s as a cracked Sombra player
6921s uh no ego but I think I'm the best
6923s Sombra uh okay so so it's all you it's
6927s all you over there then but yeah but I
6929s look up a lot I like to sleep from to
6933s the rain I think he's you know the best
6935s Sombra uh so I look a lot of words from
6938s him I learn a lot when I watch him
6941s well that's really really cool to hear
6943s and I love hearing the confidence as
6945s well that's how you kind of got a
6946s spearhead your way into the Esports
6949s scene right you gotta you gotta hold
6951s your head up high in that kind of sense
6953s but um one more question I guess you
6956s would say from me looking at Group B
6959s right now within Americas it it's the
6962s fact that there's only two spots right
6964s for Group B which makes it a little bit
6967s more difficult I know you guys already
6968s faced up against Brazil but Colombia is
6971s the other top Contender I would say
6974s within that group how are you feeling
6975s going into that match in week two oh uh
6978s wait we play Colombia already we're
6980s gonna play Brazil wait
6982s did I I messed up my notes okay no I
6985s messed up my notes I messed up my sticky
6987s notes my bad but okay I guess looking at
6989s the possibility of playing Brazil then
6991s how are you feeling about that um I
6993s think Brazil is a very very strong team
6995s I think they have a lot of good team
6996s coordination obviously they've been
6998s playing together for years right so it
7000s also adds up
7001s but I like like I said I feel like this
7004s win yeah
7005s and we're gonna go work hard you know
7008s there might be some surprises next week
7010s [Music]
7011s okay well I'm looking forward to seeing
7013s what you guys are able to do you already
7015s pulled out some really great adaptations
7018s between the first two days into day
7020s three here in week one so my last thing
7022s for you now is I want to give you the
7024s opportunity to say any thank yous or
7026s shout outs before we wrap up yeah thank
7027s you very much I would like to say thank
7029s you uh to our staff who have been
7032s working very very hard for us also to
7034s the UTD Voice who basically gave us warm
7036s up every day uh and also like the people
7039s who support us right
7042s it really really means a lot for us
7045s um and obviously my close friends that
7047s are with me through every step of the
7049s way so yeah thank you very much
7051s that's very very sweet thank you so much
7054s persona for taking the time to do this
7056s interview with me as well and just
7057s sharing a little bit about your journey
7059s and what your goals are
7063s well now that the interview is all
7064s wrapped up everyone we're gonna throw it
7066s away another quick break and when we're
7069s back we're gonna have the USA versus
7071s Puerto Rico
7078s [Music]
7084s thank you
7086s foreign
7089s [Music]
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7121s foreign
7128s [Music]
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7228s foreign
7230s [Music]
7250s [Music]
7281s welcome back everyone to the OverWatch
7283s World Cup America's online qualifiers
7286s and I've got a set of new slash old
7289s fresh faces on the desk here with me got
7292s Moxie and Dustin will be taking us
7294s throughout the rest of the day Dustin
7296s how are you feeling I'm doing great Ash
7298s looking forward to the rest of the day
7300s obviously the first two the last game in
7302s particular was super exciting to watch
7303s from the outside so I mean if that's
7305s anything to tell for these last three
7306s matches of the day I'm pretty pumped
7309s definitely hoping to keep things close
7310s there right Moxie yeah I mean I'm
7313s honestly just anticipating this first
7315s match are we going to see Team USA
7317s versus Puerto Rico have super overall
7319s again or are we going to be seeing
7321s something a little bit differently if
7323s you've been looking at social media
7324s we're getting a little bit of a
7326s different overall softies to come
7329s through but I don't know if USA will
7331s actually go with it this time given the
7334s fact that they lost a map to Mexico
7336s because they went for those off rods
7338s yeah you do a little bit of trolling you
7340s do a little bming and you're gonna pay
7342s the price at the end of the day for that
7345s right but in this head-to-head Puerto
7347s Rico they did have a day off so that
7349s means that they're only one and all at
7352s the moment
7353s um due to that but for the USA Dustin
7355s this could be an opportunity for them to
7357s really take that lead yeah for sure I
7359s think for USA it would be obviously
7361s great to get the win maybe they could do
7363s it in you know as interesting and fun
7366s fashion as they did previously versus
7368s Mexico I mean I would be surprised if
7370s they had something you know in that in
7372s the works there especially versus a team
7373s like Puerto Rico who have really only
7376s faced one of the I mean they they're
7378s obviously they won their first game like
7380s you mentioned and had that day off but
7381s they've only faced was it Guatemala
7383s earlier on so going into this one I I
7385s think that obviously it's going to be
7387s quite the challenge for the side of
7389s Puerto Rico but for USA I mean obviously
7392s you know we might we might see a little
7394s bit of trolling but I think at the start
7395s obvi they want to you know put their
7397s best foot forward
7398s yeah we'll definitely have to see we'll
7400s have to see even what comp or not comp
7402s the roster they come into this one with
7404s right Moxie Shore we're seeing the
7406s starting lineup here for the United
7407s States but yesterday they ended up
7409s subbing out collage and sugar-free
7411s having super anhydrate instead yeah no
7414s sugar-free either to start off this time
7416s so it feels like they're going to be
7418s moving away from that Echo playing what
7421s USA do just like to go incredibly
7422s aggressive and just try and control The
7424s Temper the second that they can on
7425s control Puerto Rico on the other hand
7428s have really impressed I actually had the
7430s opportunity to be able to sit in a
7431s couple of their scrims and talking to
7434s their staff as well they were saying
7435s that they didn't really anticipate being
7437s a dive team and definitely when Paw
7440s Patrol wants to play who wants to play
7441s towards the Reinhardt but their dive
7443s coordination is actually incredibly on
7446s point and they are starting off all guns
7449s are blazing because Luffy is their
7451s specialist heat scan he is the star
7453s player on this roster and he's going to
7456s be Fielding into map number one right
7458s off of the bat to try to get a feel
7460s matching up against these owl players
7463s it'll be super interesting to see how
7465s this matchup does pan out and really
7469s curious to see how both these teams do
7471s Fair here Justin and overall I guess
7473s what are the expectations now that we
7476s know that we're going over to Elios well
7478s I think expectations are obviously you
7480s know overall USA probably favored in the
7483s matchup overall especially on ilios when
7485s they can run a lot of those dive comps
7487s with collusional lineup they could do
7488s pretty much anything play a lot of those
7490s off tanks like junker Queen can even
7491s Flex over the diva and at times Winston
7494s I mean he's Winston mechanics I'm
7495s getting better as time goes on but for
7497s the side of Puerto Rico I think the I
7499s think a big story line that really
7500s hasn't been touched on enough just yet
7501s is just the fact that there's been a lot
7503s of players that have transitioned from
7505s console over to PC to mouse and keyboard
7507s that transition in itself is incredibly
7509s hard right wasn't Papa Joe one of those
7511s players that was a console player I
7513s believe before uh and then now coming
7515s into mouse and keyboard on PC that's
7516s been such a change I noticed there's
7517s been like a trend in World Cup in
7519s general with a lot of these different
7521s countries obviously a lot of players
7522s making that swap from console to PC
7524s because that's no easy challenge or
7526s there's no easy uh task to do I mean
7528s it's difficult to change from a
7530s controller over to M and K so the fact
7532s that a lot of these players have been
7533s doing it is super exciting and I'm
7535s really I'm really looking forward to
7536s watching Puerto Rico play day absolutely
7539s well we won't have to wait any longer
7541s we're about to head straight into ilio
7544s so Moxie Dustin you guys take it away
7547s thank you Ash and ilios reverse map of
7549s the day Moxie uh well first map of the
7552s midday I guess for us huh coming in
7553s Midway through and uh USA obviously want
7557s to start off uh with their normal lineup
7559s first why do you think they've been kind
7561s of leading towards Aspire we kind of
7562s touched on it before but why do you
7564s think they're leaning towards more of a
7565s Spire rather than Lenny on AKA
7567s sugar-free I mean Aspire is just an
7570s incredibly flexible play
7574s off-roles that's why I'm literally
7576s almost single-handedly one USA nambani
7579s just of what he was able to do on that
7581s Tracer and when you look at a map like
7583s ileos it really does become just so many
7585s flanks available so that you can play
7588s towards that Tracer and even though
7589s sugar-free tends to be one of the echo
7591s players hydrogen can Flex over to it as
7594s well so USA have a lot of different
7596s compositions that they can potentially
7597s go towards Puerto Rico on the other hand
7600s really looking forward to seeing what
7602s composition they decide to go for it
7604s does seem like they're trying to push
7605s towards this dive very traditional
7608s current dive at the moment you've still
7609s got that Anna to keep the Winston alive
7611s but you swap the Zen over for
7613s sustainability that body guard that
7615s little bit of extra shielding to protect
7617s the Anna when the county dive comes
7619s through uh you talked about all the
7620s different things colors could play one
7622s we didn't touch on was roadhog and
7624s that's what USA are rocking yeah the hog
7627s I mean to have him on ilio as well it's
7629s traditional in that sense for sure but
7631s you know as if Whitehawk hasn't really
7632s been played though with the changes
7634s right doesn't even get more healing
7635s after using his regenerative bursts or
7637s rather his e in this in the low ground I
7639s mean that's been a big change that has
7641s come through but hydrant connects with
7642s those sticky grenades early on a zolex
7644s and no opportunity to react there just
7647s kind of AFK temporarily already down
7649s there and now a lot of that healing Dot
7651s and light wolf also falls to ultraviolet
7652s Hydra goes a little far obviously but
7655s Puerto Rico has to back up to regroup
7657s yeah as far doing a very good job as
7659s well just pushing walking into Puerto
7662s Rico not allowing them to get a full
7663s regroup as package are straight away off
7667s of the Winston onto the diva to try to
7669s eat through some of this cloak spam
7671s damage coming out from USA now that
7672s they're in control of homes and the
7674s choke and Puerto Rico has to run
7676s straight into him
7677s group on the left in the cage signed
7679s with kalush waiting biting their time
7681s for Puerto Rico to drop and that's
7683s really when they'll probably strike well
7685s they're still giving them that rotation
7687s as this fire sets up in that flank
7689s looking towards the inside of cage
7690s already taking a lot of damage as white
7692s wolf to his fire on the Tracer now Luffy
7695s comes to deal with him on that back side
7697s but the point still going into favor of
7698s USA nearing that 50 percent on the board
7701s as Puerto Rico makes those rotations
7702s they're getting poked out loopy all the
7704s way down to one HP desperately needs
7706s those heels but they managed to find
7708s Hydra in the sky with the diva Papa Joe
7710s requiring his fire to go with the force
7712s bomb that connects flash under swords on
7714s that back so it's a one for one trait as
7716s they lost high jump the spawns are
7718s closed set for Hydra to get back into
7719s this as well as he has that fly ability
7721s so should be back quicker Papa Joe also
7723s lost the mech that was enough with that
7725s cop he tries the tries to continue with
7728s this fight for them they've managed to
7729s find Clues off the back of it forcing
7731s that coalescence from ruthful it's
7732s hydrant connects in a white wolf also on
7734s to Papa Joe aspires drooling with that
7736s copy Tracer eventually will get out of
7738s that copy Thorn and ball behind USA get
7741s that percentage up now to 80 yeah I
7744s imagine in this next fight we're going
7745s to be seeing Puerto Rico use that Nana
7746s boost onto light will for that rally to
7749s try to have the Suns who connects up
7751s those kills for Tasman loopy to be able
7753s to finish off the problem is that you
7755s say are going to have that katuni Rush
7756s that's going to give them that extra
7758s little bit of speed to be able to
7759s disengage this rally pretty easily
7762s terrifying to deal with that Ultra
7764s product instead goes to that flank so
7765s they kind of give up a little
7766s positioning but Ford Rickles hits in
7767s Maine not really moving it with that
7769s rally in the Nano now they use it open
7771s the Papa Joe but he gets hooked into the
7773s pit however still has the fly ability so
7774s it's able to get out Cluj pops the
7776s ultimate is well towards that point Diva
7778s bomb did tried his Zone but
7779s unfortunately not in a great position to
7781s find and he goes in particular but a
7783s nice Boop off the map with the whole hog
7785s from coluge also pops out take a
7787s breather now runs back into light wolf
7789s who's getting that peel but didn't
7791s really deal with a lot of the melee out
7793s of glue however he's still getting
7794s someone that's the same looping Talisman
7796s are able to find Hydra in the back and
7797s Rupal ultralix straight into the back
7799s though and blue keeps trying to go for
7801s that kill but Papa Joe is there with the
7803s peel every second conclusions going for
7805s that damage down all the way to 28 feet
7806s but man is to jump out of that health
7808s pack eventually Papa Joe finds him in
7810s baby Diva for him but it's far too late
7812s USA has already claimed the objective
7814s 100-0 on round one I can see why they
7817s decided to Nano Papa Joe really
7819s prioritizing keeping that Diva Mac up
7822s because I know the whole Hog's going to
7823s be coming through and over time if you
7825s can't touch that point because of a road
7826s dog ultimate well you're not going to be
7828s fighting much of the map anymore but
7829s unfortunately it just leaves their
7831s backlines so vulnerable and USA can just
7834s get aggressive it's the fact that we're
7836s seeing them not even use something I
7837s could say in a rush to be able to just
7839s disengage and rub a band back they
7841s literally throw it in to deal with
7843s Puerto Rico's rallies so that they don't
7845s have the opportunity for that armor to
7847s be able to board it just gets ripped off
7849s of all of those members before they can
7851s even gain any advantage of that ultimate
7854s as we now head towards that second map
7856s of Alias no way no way does he do it we
7860s store it now we're seeing it in
7863s conference RuPaul is going on the life
7865s Weaver once again but moment we're born
7869s in life like I said also having that
7870s curriculum for ultraviolet luge on the
7872s wrecking ball not a hero he's
7874s necessarily known for either so a lot of
7876s swabs coming already through for USA to
7878s maybe mix things up try some things out
7881s as well as both the slam early kaluz
7883s does on to White Wolf but he's able to
7885s back towards the rest of his team though
7886s Aspire is there in that mini health pack
7889s side able to find like a little
7891s bashed away Puerto Rico's backing up
7893s already they don't want to lose any more
7895s members and give it that point early
7896s yeah so this is buff Liker his hitbox is
7899s a lot smaller in terms of those finals
7902s on its back but there should still be an
7904s opportunity for Luffy on the Stormer to
7905s be able to disable just so much of the
7907s kit the problem is that USA because once
7910s again they're in control of this point
7911s they're in control of the space they can
7913s spy check where the Stormer can be and
7915s put the life Weaver Out Of Reach Loopy's
7917s battle trellit early on in this fine as
7919s well so Ripple has to jump off that High
7921s Ground play this mini health pack side
7922s also grips on to Hydra to bring it back
7925s towards his team now goes in with the
7928s flower pedals want to get
7930s immediately after doing so though on the
7933s logo on hydron Papa Joe's Mech yet again
7935s not enough Dylan to keep him live down
7936s to one HP but there Aspire is able to
7938s find him
7939s early picks yet again for USA after
7941s losing a member they now just look to
7944s continue that pressure onto Puerto Rico
7945s building up to that 50 I mean the
7947s Unchained was perfect onto Ripple the
7948s problem is that Papa Joe is the only one
7950s who can really chase after and he was
7951s missing his smack at the time so that
7953s wife leave a guess to stay alive and
7954s recover on Puerto Rico once again just
7957s taking so much poke pressure trying to
7959s actually approach this point and USA
7961s controlling all of these Avenues with
7963s all these mobile heroes just making it
7965s incredibly difficult for them to moving
7966s in I mean what do you do though when it
7968s when inspires in the lobby it's just so
7970s tough to really get anything done let's
7972s go and Tracer just shredding your back
7973s line RuPaul is finally Dove on by Puerto
7975s Rico deciding to go for that aggressive
7977s dive that's great for them Divine Ripple
7979s there early now at the 70 USA is also
7981s building towards those little Titan got
7982s the copy earlier on on to the end it was
7985s dubbing towards the Nano is able to pop
7987s it off actually before the copy
7988s eventually runs out as blue finds Papa
7989s Joe's Mech yet again will follow up on a
7992s Talisman and his fire towards that point
7994s the body block it as well into Papa Joe
7996s building up to 85 this is looking rough
7998s now for Puerto Rico yeah they were able
8000s to take down hydrant at least for
8002s hydron's one of those members of USA
8004s lacking an ultimate as we head towards
8005s that overtime Puerto Rico do have lots
8007s of their own but do like to get
8008s staggered out late you're going to have
8010s to essentially just use ride to be able
8011s to step onto that point and there goes
8013s all of your sustainability
8014s 98.99 the new touch Paw Patrol there
8017s with that point they also have some
8019s ultimates to come back but this buyer
8020s can't use the health pack but it doesn't
8021s matter he hits you with a pull spawn
8023s great stick from him on the light wolf
8025s who surely thought he had it down to 50
8028s HP was this fire no health pack either
8029s Papa Joe commits that Diva bomb towards
8032s the point RuPaul is kind of zoning
8033s towards the outside
8034s this typical life Weaver gameplay here
8036s as zulich traded back a Spire it might
8039s not be enough they've lost Papa Joe the
8041s knock as well on the zolax collusion
8043s style multiple and Team USA will take
8046s map number one very convincingly yeah
8048s Puerto Rico want to save as many
8050s ultimates as they can they know that if
8052s they even win that fight that they're
8054s currently in they have to have something
8056s in the tank for the fight afterwards and
8057s it means that they're just a little bit
8059s too reserved with those ultimates really
8061s would have loved to see just a group up
8063s and go with that rally so that you can
8065s at least bunker through the rotation
8067s have that extra shielding Force you were
8069s saying cyberprogram in a couple of
8070s ultimate so just allowing you the space
8072s to be able to control and hide from all
8074s of that spam poke that comes through on
8076s every single rotation that they make
8077s towards that point because that's where
8079s the composition that USA finds at
8081s strength right you just control so many
8083s of the Avenues so many different angles
8085s every single time we flip through USA's
8087s povs I felt like we were just going
8089s through a TV channel seeing all of those
8091s different genres but every single time
8094s you so it just has absolute 100 Monopoly
8097s of the board yeah it's it's tough I mean
8099s what do you do when USA is capitalism
8101s you know it's too it's too tough to deal
8102s with at the moment right unfortunately
8104s for Puerto Rico they haven't been able
8105s to find really anything to stop them and
8108s I mean you touched on it just feels like
8109s USA is just totally in control they can
8111s kind of run whatever they want I mean
8112s heck they ran life we were there in
8114s roadhog they ran collage on the wrecking
8116s ball
8117s um and they can kind of do whatever I
8118s mean this is how we talked about it
8119s before I I know it at points Aspire
8121s yesterday you know we were on his POV
8123s sometimes when you know Rupal got some
8125s good kills and stuff so it was tough to
8126s say that it's obviously not just the
8128s Spire but I mean his game plan Tracer so
8131s far really Hayes been standing out for
8133s Team USA uh and it feels like it kind of
8136s affords USA a little bit more
8138s flexibility in terms of the wrestler
8140s composition because they have that
8141s backbone of aspire just doing whatever
8143s the heck he wants on that Tracer yeah
8145s like going back to that life Weaver pick
8147s it works for USA in that context because
8150s they're in control of the space and they
8152s make it so hard for anyone from Puerto
8154s Rico to actually be able to punish how
8157s vulnerable a moving life quiver is
8159s because he's never moving he's always
8161s set up the pedal platform's already gone
8162s through he's already up in The High
8164s Ground he doesn't have to Lug his way
8166s through with just that one tiny Dash
8168s that makes it so easy for a tracer or
8170s Sombra to be able to catch up to him
8171s he's out of the way out of the fight and
8174s for Puerto Rico they're never trying to
8177s go for the life Weaver first because
8178s they have so many other pressing issues
8180s directly in front of them first it's
8183s fire hydron collude even ultraviolet at
8185s points would literally throw themselves
8187s into that front line of fire to make
8190s sure that the life Weaver is the one not
8191s taking any heat
8193s okay I'm gonna ask kind of a hard
8194s question not it's it's kind of just the
8196s overall conversation potentially for
8198s Puerto Rico okay what is the overall
8201s like uh where where where's the light at
8203s the end of the tunnel here who's like
8204s their best player at the moment it kind
8206s of feels like overall they're being
8207s crushed by USA I mean like what what
8210s what do they have going for them at the
8212s moment Moxie is there anything in
8213s particular that's standing out for
8214s Puerto Rico or is it just too tough for
8216s them at the moment this is what's
8217s unfortunately really punishing about
8220s these teams that come up against USA a
8222s lot of what you want to be able to turn
8224s these Maps around with is for your DPS
8226s to be able to start finding these shots
8228s be able to just Zone USA back force them
8231s to actually respect the rotation so they
8234s don't just continue piling on you every
8237s single time you walk out of those
8238s respawns but because you're sort of
8241s limited with some of these players to
8243s just hit scan right something like
8245s Cassidy something like Widowmaker maybe
8247s even a hands over points incredibly easy
8249s to be able to just be overrun there's a
8251s reason that we didn't see the Widowmaker
8253s there's a reason we didn't see the
8254s Cassidy even though nade can do so much
8256s of dismantling the mobility of one
8258s particular hero if USA coordinate and
8261s they send three people after you you're
8263s not going to be able to have any chance
8265s to be able to buy yourself that bubble
8266s of space so what Puerto Rico tried to go
8269s for was the exact same thing as USA
8271s split themselves into as many different
8274s pockets of fights that's possible so
8276s that the rest of their team had less
8278s players hounding down that backline but
8281s they just weren't able to win the
8282s individual 1D once yeah it's it's so
8285s tough man at the moment Puerto Rico
8287s maybe a map like Route 66 which is gonna
8289s have to go in with uh could give them
8291s some sort of uh you know semblance of uh
8295s positioning or or even a team comp they
8297s can play that potentially could counter
8299s Team USA I mean it seems like they're
8301s kind of running whatever right running
8303s that hog running a lot of uh wrecking
8304s ball uh you know maybe if the likes of
8307s Puerto Rico want to lock towards more of
8309s that Reinhardt that I know um you know
8311s Billy was talking about earlier just
8313s like that more you know Reinhardt
8314s composition focused on Papa Joe maybe
8316s that could be something for Puerto Rico
8319s especially since Team USA are more than
8320s likely going to be kind of you know
8322s testing some compositions per se right
8324s the Ryan's hard though on Route 66
8327s Ryan's biggest weakness is always going
8329s to be on that so there's just a lot of
8332s focus on High Ground you can get away
8334s with it on point a especially if you're
8336s like just trying to attack and look out
8338s of your spawn without just taking so
8340s many poke shots coming through from like
8342s snipers balls up from afar on that high
8344s ground but the second that you move
8347s towards Big Earls and the Defenders have
8349s just that High Ground to hold above your
8351s head and make sure that the payload is
8352s just eternally sold and then we move in
8354s to point B you really need to swap
8358s towards something like the Winston or
8359s the diva who can go with your backline
8361s who can make sure that they've got that
8363s peel but they can also chunk those
8365s targets low enough that your DPS can
8367s just Dash through and finish them off
8369s let's see if they run something
8370s different here on Route which is still
8372s coming up obviously and uh for Team USA
8375s side Moxie I mean from what we've seen
8376s so far since we've already seen pretty
8378s much now two and a half games out of
8380s Team USA do you think that this roster
8382s overall and its construction and at the
8385s moment in terms of its team Synergy is
8387s this looking like a world beater do they
8388s are they looking like a potential World
8391s Cup champion again
8393s it feels like it right with just how
8395s dominant that being and I think that's
8397s actually a game plan behind why we're
8399s seeing all of these really strange
8401s compositions coming through from USA
8402s they know that they're under a
8403s microscope right they're not just
8405s playing for this conference they're
8408s going to soon be playing against all of
8409s the other teams so if you just continue
8411s to show all of these different
8412s compositions no one is going to have any
8415s clue what you're actually going to be
8417s coming out with you know when you look
8419s at this lineup so many of these players
8422s have just massive overlaps in terms of
8424s their hero pool in fact when they picked
8426s up some of those players closer to the
8428s times everyone was like but why what do
8432s they bring to the table that isn't
8433s already there on the players that USA
8436s already have having something like
8438s ultraviolet and ripple they have a lot
8441s of crossover in terms of their support
8444s lineup right we were sort of thinking
8446s well how is this going to work they
8447s don't really have a designated Lucio
8450s player at the moment and it works out
8452s fine for them so far and this is the
8455s thing all of the other teams were
8457s watching these boards and trying to
8458s think what USA are actually going to
8460s bring they
8463s 've got nothing on them at the moment
8465s USA in fact okay man they're putting
8468s hydrant on the Reinhardt now and
8469s colluder's gonna be on the reaper we'll
8470s see if it works out for them this is
8472s going to be happy
8475s it's gonna be very
8476s very happy I'm pretty sure he actually
8478s engineered this okay all right man hides
8481s you're on the on the Ryan collage on
8483s that
8484s a Reaper yet again and uh maybe that's
8486s like maybe maybe okay they're going for
8488s the spawn Camp too sitting in that time
8489s cloudy right Reaper Reaper is just
8492s running hot with shotguns oh yeah exact
8495s same game plan get close and shoot
8498s instead of Swing true true no May with
8501s it though that's kind of interesting to
8503s keep a spire on the case but you know
8504s obviously at this point they might as
8506s well do what they want first team like
8508s Puerto Rico with that may Cassidy
8511s looking for that rotation Puerto Rico
8513s goes towards the middle that train
8514s obviously carton I'm pushing during this
8517s rotation they take that High Ground USA
8519s well aware that Puerto Rico is the ones
8520s that have to drop towards that cart so
8522s they do so first waiting still towards
8524s that top just giving us fire folks face
8526s to work with
8528s looking for those picks fade early used
8530s by collusion still hitting those body
8532s shots under the may have been thinking
8533s of a hero causing Luffy to actually find
8536s ultraviolet early but Aspire has traded
8538s it back I can also gets the charge on
8540s the Papa Joe immortality Phil couldn't
8542s even save in this fire just over the top
8544s there's just absolutely pounding into
8546s Puerto Rico's side nothing else they
8548s could do that's a 3K for him and the
8550s team white foreign
8555s of that Matrix just playing on the
8558s opposing Higher Grounds of training
8560s carriages we're going to be seeing that
8561s app Matrix come for any second now if
8563s they even need a fire strike connection
8565s to the election Puerto Rico gonna be
8568s sent back to spawn once again
8570s two minutes and 50 seconds is left now
8572s to go and maybe Puerto Rico
8575s and uh escape the torturous spawn doors
8578s at the moment they have no ultimates
8580s here against that amplification Matrix
8582s over the top and Firefly to try to
8584s counter something there from Papa Joe is
8585s deleted by kaluge and the rest of USA
8587s who will drop now a high noon flank over
8589s to the left and that's a 2K looking like
8591s OverWatch one in 2016 with those high
8594s heels
8595s they took down the Rhine they know that
8597s they don't even have to shatter the
8599s shield for the Delight to be able to
8600s pick up those targets really good Target
8603s Focus coming through from USA like I
8605s said does method in their Madness they
8607s are playing smart even if they're
8609s off-rolling
8610s thing on the top you were saying still
8612s ready to go Puerto Rico hands some
8613s ultimates now to work with building
8614s towards that blizzard would be a good
8616s one as well for them but Hydra with the
8617s shatter pushes forward aggressive damage
8620s to the top from the sign of portico's
8622s backline also the chatter dead Blossom
8624s from kalluge is tossing in ultimates at
8626s will
8628s sent back again Eric covers the back of
8631s that shadow right if USA lose this
8633s Reinhardt Puerto Rico with these faster
8635s respawns are finally going to be able to
8637s break out of Spawn as ultraviolet
8639s think that they're gonna come on that
8641s way
8642s oh my God no oh that did not just work
8645s oh my God Talisman goodbye portfoli hits
8648s the Boop off the map one minute and 30
8650s seconds left and Ultra ballast going
8652s back to the Sky Box looking like funny
8655s this is the thing now that's one door
8657s that Puerto Rico just cannot come
8659s through and it really limits the space
8662s that they have available space that's
8664s already so small with USA's Monopoly
8666s once again
8667s this is rough this is bullying at this
8669s point image it's over the top able to
8671s find light wolf I mean we've seen it
8672s time and time again Puerto Rico just
8674s gets picked off early even with
8675s ultimates we'll see if they decide to
8677s commit anything here I kind of doubt the
8679s news it looks actually has to walk out a
8681s spawn versus his fire manage Cliff
8682s hiding over the top not even in cover
8684s beat drop his ball to open to layer over
8686s top and his fire just keeps hitting
8688s those shots with 50 seconds left to go
8690s this is the most brutal dominant game
8693s we've seen so far in the World Cup
8694s qualifiers I just don't have the space
8696s to
8703s wait to harass and actually pull USA's
8705s Focus oh wait good afternoon but that's
8707s just no follow for is everyone from
8709s Puerto Rico is just having to play to
8712s USA's tempo
8713s have no ultimates maybe Puerto Rico
8715s could do something here with the High
8716s Noon nope aspire's already found one
8717s loopy has found Ultra Valley who is
8719s sitting at the Sky Box luckily that's
8720s something connects with the nade as well
8722s he does get traded by Luffy Luffy on the
8724s cast and he has been not you know
8726s completely terrible for Puerto Rico but
8728s unfortunately for him he's missing his
8729s team at the moment USA are still
8731s regrouped four 10 seconds left before
8733s Rico touched the cart so they want this
8734s to keep going on Talisman eventually
8737s recalls out we'll see if Puerto Rico
8738s even want to go for the touch here last
8740s second they do so so we are going to go
8742s into overtime with cart not even getting
8744s much space 16.25 meters against the ant
8746s Matrix charged into charge Papa Joe gets
8748s the nade though keep his team healthy
8750s glues Fades back as well gets those
8752s heels from Rupal hoods decided to play
8754s DPS back he stands down Lucio against
8757s the death Blossom does sustain Hill way
8760s but eventually there's gonna be too much
8762s damage to deal with and Buddy old buddy
8765s that was
8766s that was pretty that was pretty brutal
8767s Moxie yeah that was pretty brutal I
8772s think you say have I
8778s have I two of them
8780s swap so they've still got two supports
8782s that can keep everyone up and alive and
8784s ripple I mean like you said he goes to
8786s the DPS Baptist he gets the opportunity
8789s to go for the DPS Baptist method in the
8791s madness hydrant goes for that charge
8793s forces Papa Joe to be in that concussed
8795s State stuck on the ground entirely
8797s vulnerable to just RuPaul drilling
8800s through that amplification Matrix and
8802s shredding that Reinhardt essentially
8804s just putting your main tank in a blender
8806s in hitting play as Puerto Rico
8810s unfortunately hit a total pause
8813s yeah this is uh this is looking a lot
8816s like uh-uh I don't know Moxie I mean
8819s this is one of those games if you're
8820s Team USA you're just looking to put them
8822s out of their misery you know what I mean
8823s it's like not even one of those games we
8825s want to toy around with the Enemy a
8826s little bit she's like okay it's a
8828s statement piece right it's a statement
8830s piece after that showing up against
8831s Mexico yesterday
8833s Mexico's at least like uh like a bit
8835s like a decently high level team you know
8837s I'm saying like Puerto Rico Sr wise I
8839s don't even know if they compare to the
8841s likes of Team USA now 13 seconds left
8844s now they're playing a more defensive
8846s comp again with that Reinhardt see if it
8848s works out for them this time loss oh
8850s ultraviolet on that life we could very
8853s much just be using that platform or
8855s aspire to get a bird's eye view as
8857s Puerto Rico
8859s salute Pixel Perfect Defense if they
8862s want to have any chance of continuing in
8864s this way they're having a rain off
8866s they're having a rhino hydron versus
8868s Papa Joe down below fire strikes enabled
8870s no healing either we'll see who comes
8872s out on top both fire strikes hit
8873s charging to each other back and forth
8876s hydrant down almost loses that armor
8878s Papa Joe though has to run away and
8881s hydrant comes out on top the rest of
8883s Puerto Rico now look to try to maybe
8886s come back after losing the Reinhardt in
8888s such a incredibly difficult fashion USA
8891s now will capture out just this Baptiste
8893s left to go and uh Team USA will get the
8897s two over Puerto Rico I can't say that
8898s was unexpected but USA obviously you
8901s said a bit of a statement when not even
8902s a statement win just uh just a 2-0 win
8904s honestly for Team USA Moxie I mean what
8908s can we say about that man it's just this
8909s is what happens to World Cup right yeah
8912s the the LifeWay that wasn't to give a
8914s better angle for the Widow it was to
8915s make sure that they got a better vantage
8917s point of that Ryan 1v1 you USA just
8920s looking absolutely dominant once again
8922s truly the strongest group in the current
8924s region let's bring back Ash uh welcome
8927s back our lovely host it's good to speak
8929s to you again
8930s you too guys but uh I don't know I I
8934s don't even have words to say I don't
8935s even think that there really are words
8937s that you can say about that last matchup
8939s overall like when it comes down to it
8941s this is something that we've known from
8942s the very beginning here of the America's
8945s online qualifiers Moxie the fact that
8948s Team USA is likely to outclass the
8951s majority of their Apartments
8953s and I think they know it too like I said
8955s that playing their cards incredibly
8957s close to their chest there is method in
8960s the madness in terms of the overall
8962s decisions that they make how they use
8964s everything we didn't really get to talk
8966s fully in depth because ultraviolet we
8969s get his POV and he just comes in from
8971s downtown right up above pretty much just
8974s playing WWE
8978s the thing and as they come out of the
8980s right door but even when hydron goes for
8981s things like that shatter and then we see
8984s College throwing in the death Blossom
8985s it's to guarantee that no one from
8987s Puerto Rico was able to take that
8988s Reinhardt down when he's in that
8989s vulnerable state because if you lose
8991s that tank you're going to have to give
8993s up that super aggressive hold right next
8995s to the spawn and that's when Puerto Rico
8997s are going to be able to breathe and
8998s start to make any sort of comeback you
9000s as they just stop it in its tracks right
9003s before it can happen every single time
9006s yeah and Dustin when it comes down to
9008s Team USA as well you were talking a lot
9011s about how they were putting a Target on
9012s their backs after some of the stunts
9014s they were pulling yesterday it seems
9016s like this might be a bit of a response
9018s to that in the kind of sense where okay
9021s we might have the Target on our backs
9023s but are you gonna hit it
9026s kind of uh yeah a little bit of a it's a
9029s bit of response but I don't know if
9031s Puerto Rico is the team to do it just
9032s simply in terms of rank comparisons I I
9035s doubt they're on the same level I think
9036s loopy seemed like their best player if I
9038s had to guess I don't know what the
9039s actual ranks are of Puerto Rico but he
9041s seemed like he had you know some smart
9043s plays at time hit some shots you know
9045s timely but you know obviously against a
9047s team like USA like you said they painted
9049s a Target on their back but in these kind
9051s of matches obviously in the World Cup
9053s qualifiers we're looking to show you
9054s know the audience pretty much every game
9056s right and it's the it's the the good
9058s part of overwatching the bad part of
9060s OverWatch I think that obviously in this
9062s case you're gonna have just a team
9063s that's so much like greater in terms of
9065s skill level it'll be that dominant right
9067s and you know that's kind of the price to
9069s pay when we want to show you guys every
9071s single World Cup match from all of the
9073s teams across the world
9075s that's for sure and at the very least
9076s Moxie we can spin this into a learning
9078s experience variants for the Puerto Rican
9080s Squad right that opportunity to kind of
9082s get these reps under their belt face up
9084s against just top tier players coming out
9086s from Team USA and just try to take that
9089s into the future of their uh well I guess
9092s week two as well but in the future of
9094s their Esports careers yeah I think it
9096s definitely puts a significant question
9097s the one who that third team is
9100s potentially going to be to be able to
9102s make it out of group a I know a lot of
9104s people were sort of thinking okay is it
9107s gonna be Puerto Rico is it going to be
9110s Mexico and obviously with Mexico being
9111s able to win one map of nambani against
9115s Team USA when they were off-rolling
9117s Mexico getting that chance to be able to
9120s be that food group the chances of it
9122s obviously do start to be elevated when
9125s you do compare the two performances
9127s however no surprises at the MVP is once
9130s again going to be a spy his Tracer is
9132s just absolutely insane the second that
9134s we got to see it coming through on that
9136s first map of illus we knew it would be a
9139s very tough time for anyone to be able to
9141s rotate safely onto that point no
9143s absolutely and when it comes down to it
9145s as well there's still opportunities for
9147s Puerto Rico to try and get those points
9149s under their belt but TM USA right now
9151s very much so in the lead for those
9153s standings within group a but we do have
9156s some more OverWatch action to come you
9158s guys so stay tuned we're going to be
9160s right back and afterwards we're gonna
9161s have Miko versus Guatemala
9169s foreign
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9492s welcome back everybody to the OverWatch
9494s World Cup but another event is also
9497s going on today Moxie it's your birthday
9500s happy birthday and congratulations on
9502s the big two five Esports I get to
9506s celebrate it in style it's definitely
9508s going to be memorable I I don't think a
9510s lot of people can say that when they hit
9511s 25 yeah they got to say hydro's
9513s Reinhardt which is something no one
9516s expects you to see it coming for at
9518s least of all me I I genuinely didn't
9520s think that they would actually commit to
9522s it but uh USA they they that's they're
9525s spicy they're spicy they definitely are
9527s we saw we saw those tweets going out
9529s there but uh what a gift to actually
9532s welcome you into that quarter of your
9534s lifetime and now
9536s heading over to this next match up we've
9538s got Mexico versus Guatemala there Dustin
9541s oh yeah I think this is going to be an
9543s important win uh matchup for Mexico
9545s obviously no wait obviously they haven't
9547s done the match just yet but obviously
9549s between these two teams you know at the
9552s moment Guatemala sitting at the bottom
9553s of that group stages obviously they're
9556s going to want to get that win themselves
9557s but for Mexico if they can get this win
9559s today that puts them up to a you know
9561s obviously positive win rate and that'll
9564s be really good moving forward because
9566s especially since they're really fighting
9567s for that third or even second place spot
9569s with Canada
9571s no that is for sure that's the really
9573s scary part right now here at the very
9575s least so into group a you do have that
9577s extra Lifeline that group b doesn't have
9580s in that extra third spot to secure but
9583s Mexico is looking like one of the
9585s contenders to actually take that third
9587s one boxing yeah again it has to be a
9590s statement for this team right yes they
9591s were able to take one map off of Team
9593s USA and survive the off-road BM but now
9597s that we're moving into the next
9599s quote-unquote serious match we have to
9601s see this team perform it cannot be close
9605s for this team if they want to be able to
9607s make it out of groups like Dustin said
9609s they are vying now for that second spot
9611s alongside Canada and if they're not able
9615s to make it pretty easy against Guatemala
9618s or a team that are currently zero and
9620s two then we're going to have a lot of
9621s diets over whether or not they're going
9623s to be able to overcome that second spot
9626s yeah and when it comes down to the
9628s matches that we saw yesterday as well
9630s even for the Guatemalan Squad it was
9632s definitely a bit more of a rough run I
9634s know that they are a bit of a fan
9636s favorite right now of course
9637s representing their nation and everything
9638s like that but it's a very tall task that
9642s they'll have to be facing up against
9643s Mexico Dustin oh yeah for sure I mean I
9646s mean I guess Mexico Maggie was really
9647s good at those you know hard dive
9649s compositions you know whenever they put
9651s Roblox onto that uh Samba or on Hell
9653s onto the Tracer it's been working out
9655s for them incredibly well and on the flip
9657s side for Guatemala Guatemala is very
9659s good at those more Pokey you know just
9661s have Richie carry us on the Widowmaker
9663s type compositions and you know at times
9666s if that's not really the meta at the
9668s moment right that's not how the game is
9669s played in OverWatch because it's just
9671s far too slow
9673s um especially when you have that
9674s Widowmaker place or style which Richie
9676s has which is a kind of stationary statue
9678s type Widowmaker right a lot of that back
9680s of the map just kind of bodyguarding the
9683s angles and not really taking those
9684s aggressive flanks that you probably
9685s should be so I think Guatemala's
9688s playstyle could enable that enabled
9690s Richie but uh you know I don't know it
9692s might be tough against a team like
9693s Mexico
9694s think it's even tougher as well given
9696s the fact that his specific hero that he
9698s carries on is the Widowmaker something
9700s that's just incredibly easy to be able
9702s to overcome with 25 less Health than a
9705s lot of those uh DPS players and a 12
9707s second grapple window cooldown makes it
9710s really easy for players like just a
9713s Reaper or a tracer the likes of which
9715s we've seen from Angel villado just
9717s carrying Mexico through so many
9719s different flights being able to get up
9721s close and punish the wood of me because
9722s when we did see that swap from Richie
9725s onto the Tracer towards the tail end of
9726s circuit Royale it wasn't pretty
9729s and another thing that I want to talk
9730s about right now as we look at the Nike
9732s roster it's the fact that within the
9734s supports at the very least between Maps
9737s they do tap that tendency to swap
9738s between Paulette and sofa so what do you
9741s think that really means here for the
9742s squad Dustin uh it's a lot of Lucio and
9744s bringing to swaps right obviously back
9746s and forth I think was a palette playing
9747s more of that uh brigitta and then sober
9750s playing that Lucio on the other side I
9751s mean it just seems like it it's map
9753s dependent obviously but they want to
9755s stick around with palette on the
9756s brigitta and have that Mainstay
9758s obviously with Momo on the end and
9759s pretty much the whole time just have
9761s that consistent healing have those
9762s consistent anti-grenades at times and
9765s really overall very very good uh Anna
9767s gameplay in general out of uh the flex
9770s support in in Momo
9771s yeah so really big things to kind of
9774s look at there in Guatemala we'll have to
9776s obviously take that into consideration
9778s the anticipation for what sports they
9781s might have to be dealing with into that
9783s back line when they're looking to poke
9785s through their moxie yeah I'm just
9787s looking forward to seeing whether or not
9789s we're going to see Guatemala have that
9791s Improvement that a lot of some of these
9793s teams have made especially with Elias
9796s one of the big problems that Guatemala
9798s faced was on the specific map well we
9800s saw them attempt to go dive but it
9802s became pretty obvious that their tank
9805s player not really that versed in the
9808s Winston so I'm hoping that maybe we're
9811s going to be seeing a different approach
9813s coming through but from Mexico sport
9815s lineup like Dustin said I think they're
9817s anticipating that dive that's why we're
9819s seeing that Brigida from Paulette rather
9821s than the Lucio from sofa well I'm
9823s looking forward to seeing if Guatemala
9825s can pull these improvements through or
9827s if we're going to be seeing the heco
9829s just continuing to roll forward we're
9831s heading over towards ilios and I'll let
9833s you guys just take it into the server
9836s fashioned obviously going into ilios
9838s here we maybe see some competitions
9841s favoring Guatemala sign potentially no
9844s obviously like a team like mejio is
9845s super good at those Dives like you said
9847s Mark see they're really intelligent with
9849s those placements with those Dives in
9851s particular and then also just setting up
9852s on hell to really do whatever he wants
9854s seems to be the game plan I I hope that
9856s we're going to see Guatemala and not try
9858s to mirror it like we talked about
9859s yesterday right bend it didn't really
9861s feel like a Winston player wasn't really
9864s folding up on the space and created by
9865s either Richard or Aaron us and looking
9867s at the composition that that's showing
9869s it feels like they've identified that
9871s themselves too that that Winston just
9872s wasn't working out for them and instead
9874s they're just going to try and count up
9876s well Mexico is going to throw at them
9878s with this ramatra being able to just
9880s Zone a lot of the movement abilities
9882s that Mexico are going to be relying on
9884s using in fact on the opposite side
9886s doorbell is going to be on that Tracer
9888s as well
9889s to kind of create that space on Hell
9891s over the top just looking for that back
9893s line with dynamites but it has a lot of
9894s pressure already from bending onto that
9896s rematch or playing a little bit more of
9897s those toes for those off tank Heroes
9899s like you said
9900s favoring their matcha favorite the
9901s Jungle Queen already early so if you've
9903s chunked down by the side of Mexico
9905s Castle to jump in but now has to back up
9907s bend it walks forward towards that
9909s statue side and he's poking down on Hell
9911s over the top working out for them quite
9913s well as they've rotated towards that
9914s point aren't really in a whole lot of
9916s danger although you're taking a lot of
9918s pulls directly Vermont Health Goods
9920s movement from benzi to avoid that damage
9922s in fact Guatemala are the ones to take
9924s the point first yeah because they've got
9926s bandit in a really good position with
9928s that primary from the run you can't just
9929s keep spamming the angle that this act is
9931s trying to take however Mexico with
9932s really good pins up are able to take
9934s down Richie and that is one of the
9936s stopping Powers keeping Mexico up in
9938s other than they just remove they can get
9940s mobile and jump into the back line
9942s the rest of
9944s Guatemala Falls just more Leo back in
9947s Mexico will reclaing that point at 26 a
9951s lot of stall potential as well they're
9953s coming up on the Nano boost the Primal
9955s and then that's gonna buy themselves the
9957s timetable to cycle towards the Bob okay
9959s now we're going to be seeing Richie go
9960s on to that sombra's keep an eye on
9963s Showbox however he is just sneaking
9965s forward they don't really have a way of
9968s being able to contest them on The High
9969s Ground so when this passport attaches
9970s onto someone they're going to have to
9972s try and use the Susie to be able to
9973s cleanse her yeah already entering into
9975s fancy as well early on
9978s but what's now looking for that loose
9979s he'll get some incredibly low and
9981s actually finds him as well Castle does
9983s narrowed me on the background there's
9984s the full spots connect as well
9986s into Bandit the rest of Guatemala side
9989s also has fallen on Hell over the top and
9991s Momo as well so Mexico continues the
9994s reign of the point yeah Mexico are doing
9996s a very good job of just forcing Bender
9998s into using that Nemesis film so that he
10001s doesn't have the ability to be able to
10002s Shield some of that ploke coming through
10003s from Angela who can just go through
10005s those squishies now we're going to be
10007s seeing Guatemala just playing mystery
10009s Heroes at the moment this is the sign of
10011s a team in panic a team that doesn't
10012s really know how to count what they're up
10014s against when you literally play one hero
10016s for one life and then swap back to the
10018s next
10018s gonna go in now have that sooner Rush
10021s ready to go bend that looking for the
10022s dime doing a good job using cover to
10024s avoid a lot of the damage coming in but
10026s with the heat up on The High Ground of
10027s the rest of Mexico peeling it's hard to
10029s do much as well as Bob towards that
10030s point the beat comes out too late to
10032s save Richie Arena also falls to on Hell
10035s over the top with a dynamite who also
10037s then switches to bendett now able to
10039s kill marleo as well and they're already
10042s up to 80 last fight territory now
10044s there's just no way to shut down the
10045s bulb no Anna no Sombra you'd already
10047s swapped over towards the Genji so you
10049s can't just hack it and disable it that
10051s way in Mexico and cats just keep control
10054s of that point and just shred Guatemala
10057s as hell but before the dive can properly
10058s come from connect onto any of these
10060s squishies and in this final fight Mexico
10062s they've got the Primal they're going to
10064s have the rally they have so much
10065s sustainability penetration against you
10068s you just don't have to mean some
10069s bursting for all the helpful and marlio
10071s just walks towards that point Gets
10072s Zapped to death buying hassled in the
10075s rest of guatemologist Falls immediately
10077s afterwards Mexico with a statement round
10079s known for them take round number one on
10081s ilios over Guatemala
10084s unfortunately like Guatemala had a game
10085s plan that game plan didn't really work
10088s and we just sort of saw all of these
10090s different voices trying to throw out
10093s different solutions because they would
10095s just go through compositions shedding
10099s those compositions every single time it
10100s didn't work out once and that's not
10102s really the way that you want to play it
10104s when you swap to something there's a
10106s reason for it and a lot of the time it
10108s revolves around building up into an
10109s ultimate if you just keep resetting the
10111s Heroes that you use get to a certain
10113s point in over to you do somewhat regain
10116s a little bit of ultimate charge but you
10118s can't go past 30 Dustin so Mexico were
10120s always in control just about ultimate
10121s economy alone yeah and they just totally
10124s controlled that round now Guatemala you
10126s know that what is there that was the
10128s round as well too to potentially swap
10129s Rich over to Widowmaker but obviously
10131s they've got the game plan on uh on
10133s control just to have Richie maybe Flex
10135s towards that may a lot of those more
10138s for all the compositions or even dive at
10141s points for them taking that cage side
10143s though with the brawl have on us onto
10145s that reefer but taking a ton of poke
10147s early bended is incredibly low already
10148s to Joe blast gets those heels though
10150s from Mario on the backside notice that
10152s the Echoes here actually poke him out a
10154s little bit but he's able to fly into the
10155s sky avoid all that damage he castled is
10157s there as they focus onto the Echo and
10159s moves binsyman fight trying to now
10161s regroup without their Lucio a lot of
10163s that healing removed Mexico's just
10165s surrounding the pellet does get poked
10166s low but with angel villado on this mini
10169s side he can follow up onto the mate he
10170s was left but the ice block eventually
10172s came through it took a little bit of
10173s poke games beforehand another I support
10174s into the side of that Tracer but it's
10176s the rest of Mexico collapses on the
10179s Guatemala both Richie Bandit marlio
10181s Arenas all fall eventually Lindsay does
10184s well giving Mexico the first point so
10186s when you lose the Luso it's not the
10187s healing that you're going to be liking
10188s you've got tomorrow you have more than
10190s enough sustainability it's the speed
10192s boost it's the ability to be able to
10193s reposition and Mexico they understand
10195s that so well they all just pile on
10198s Guatemala who are just stuck in position
10200s and can do absolutely nothing as again
10202s we're going to see the console come from
10203s malayo onto that kiriko for
10205s survivability when that dive hits being
10207s able to use the suzu as well depends a
10209s lot of that poke damage coming out from
10211s these stickies from trouble watches
10213s Aaron us on the knee with the cast
10216s it's ready to go it's that copy early on
10218s on Hal still has the pulse of him to use
10220s it because the rest of the team has
10221s already taken down Guatemala Progressive
10223s and play for Momo Mexico collapses on
10225s them fast team fight for them really
10228s fast and just not allowing Guatemala to
10230s be able to build up these old charges
10232s this is how you approach a team that is
10234s continuing to run through all of these
10235s different compositions use one ultimate
10238s finish the fight as quickly as possible
10240s so that the 30 that they've managed to
10242s just keep a hold of when this comp swap
10244s is just not going to be able to get past
10246s anything close to what you already have
10249s on how looking at dueling Richie pokes
10251s him out the mini though used by Richie
10252s to get healthy as well as Guatemala then
10254s walks in but they're against the nervous
10255s to Winston
10257s that's already a good start to hit
10258s somebody instantly but eventually Castle
10260s will find out so you know really able to
10262s find that kill into the enrich also
10264s falls marlio does find shovel looks off
10266s the back side but half the Swoozie for
10267s himself Swift step back to the main side
10269s but in the 80 grenade now connect with
10271s no cleanse here after marlea went so
10273s aggressive Guatemala though does escape
10275s with the wife they're backing up now 80
10277s percent of the board they've regrouped
10278s but a nice sleep Dart from Momo again
10280s now Castle sitting with that Primal Rage
10283s ready to zone out the back line if he
10284s needs two Annihilation from bendum the
10285s opposite goes aggressive against
10286s Paulette with that rally meanwhile
10288s Castle just goally starring us on the
10290s inside of the mini make sure he can't
10292s leave that side they can regroup with
10293s the rest of his team who's gooseneck can
10294s tune a rug looking out for the rest of
10296s his damage potential group in the pit as
10298s well but they're up a man here in this
10300s fight Guatemala uses that beat to
10301s sustain 97 98 of the board Guatemala
10304s tries to get that flip unfortunately
10305s Castle was still here on the point
10307s jumping into the air able to get those
10309s skills from the main side gets poked a
10311s little bit but has that cooldown of The
10313s Shield to also avoid that full thumb
10314s that has came out from Richie also given
10316s that none of his opposite side on health
10317s takes a ton of damn damage from r on us
10319s but it's too late Ben did actually just
10321s what falls off the map there doesn't
10323s even commits the the jump off the map
10325s and have a high like what was he doing
10326s there but you know at the same time
10328s Mexico has come back through this point
10329s maybe to avoid a lot of damage just had
10331s to jump into the middle of the pit next
10333s he'll get that flip there's just this
10334s this tariko left on the point marlio and
10336s Tracer they're gonna do So eventually
10338s marlio does fall just the Tracer now if
10340s Richie gets that mini health pack
10341s they're trying to continue this overtime
10343s but it gets deleted by a brigitta and a
10346s very dominant win for Mexico on ilios
10348s it's just the ultimate economy it works
10351s against Guatemala time and time again
10353s like I said when you reset those
10355s compositions so many different times
10358s you're never going to be in control of
10360s the ultimates and if you're not in
10361s control of the point you need ultimates
10363s to be able to force them off of it so
10365s that you can Zone and find the flips
10367s that even if you don't win the fight
10368s itself you're at least building up point
10370s percentage and that never really happens
10373s and we just see Mexico they don't have
10375s to have any respect the Zone in
10377s Guatemala away they literally just wait
10379s for that Ram to walk fast and instantly
10381s Bill Winston on every single squishy
10384s left behind in that Ram's wake yeah and
10386s this is exactly why we talk about Mexico
10388s being that top three potentially even
10390s top two teams in this group because they
10392s are you know kind of it seems like Head
10394s and Shoulders Above the Rest of the
10395s teams in this group potentially right it
10397s feels like they're the only team to
10398s really take a map off of Team USA
10400s obviously it was very dependent on the
10402s circumstance but regardless you know the
10404s same thing just happened previously like
10405s we just saw that last game uh between
10407s USA and obviously and uh Puerto Rico
10410s obviously went you know very very fast
10412s and for the opposite of Mexico they were
10415s able to take that map in a very very
10416s cheesy situation for USA and now over
10419s Guatemala they're looking like that kind
10421s of dominant team kind of in USA fashion
10423s over them to get that first map win yeah
10425s looking like a small team that that's
10427s the big difference to me we saw two
10430s different uh forms of tempo come through
10432s from them when you look at how they
10434s played that map one of ruins a lot of
10437s slow players a lot of relying on
10439s unhealth to be able to hit things like
10441s the dynamites to be able to just allow
10443s Castle to go in very very quickly buying
10446s those kills and then jump back to the
10448s rest of his team baiting out a lot of
10449s the utilities to make sure that you're
10451s not punished when they initially started
10453s out with Richie on that Cassidy and then
10455s on that second map they identified that
10458s okay we're just gonna keep pushing and
10460s there's no way that they can really
10461s recover and they get incredibly
10463s aggressive and Incredibly Speedy a team
10465s that's able to just do both at such a
10468s high level so decisively and so
10470s coordinated is absolutely the reason why
10473s like you said they are honestly a
10475s contender to go up against Alexa Canada
10476s yeah I'm really looking forward to that
10478s game and uh for Microsoft side obviously
10481s they still need to get the victory here
10482s in a 2-0 fashion would be great for them
10484s continue having those that decent map
10487s differential with that plus one over USA
10490s you know that could be huge for them
10492s getting this 2-0 today and then
10493s potentially having a close-up Canada
10494s could really make this group spicy
10497s um you know and on the office side maybe
10500s for Guatemala's uh T Moxie I mean we
10504s talked about it before really they're
10505s saving grace just having Richie on the
10506s Widow right
10508s yeah but unfortunately we also discussed
10511s this before if you have a carry
10513s Widowmaker it's very easy for a team to
10517s still be able to take that one and make
10518s it down just because of how long the
10520s shots take if you coordinate we don't
10522s have collaterals in OverWatch right
10524s bullets can't go through all the heroes
10526s to connect so you can sacrifice one of
10528s your players but still guarantee that
10530s you take the Widowmaker down and then
10532s once the widowmakers lost the angle it's
10534s incredibly easy to be able to capture
10535s every single time she comes out of that
10537s sponsor
10538s boom and uh you know maybe to touch on
10540s something as well you know maybe people
10542s are wondering if they're Guatemalan fans
10543s or if they're just OverWatch fans in
10545s general they're maybe wondering okay
10546s like why is you know Guatemala not
10549s playing to their strengths why are they
10550s not putting Richie on that Widow but you
10552s know a lot of it's meta-dependent right
10553s Moxie it feels like a lot of these teams
10554s you know even even depending on whatever
10556s their strengths are they tend to to
10558s favor running the meta because of what
10560s they practice right because of all those
10562s sort of things is that what do you think
10565s that reason is is it just because of the
10566s fact that it's really all meta dependent
10568s for a lot of these teams why they uh opt
10571s to not play towards some of their you
10573s know shrinks like having Richie on the
10575s Widow well I mean again weather gets
10577s counted by a vast majority of what
10579s Mexico were running on that first map
10582s right when you have a Winston and you
10584s have a Widowmaker 12 second cooldown
10587s compared to a Winston jump cooldown the
10589s Winston's always going to have more
10591s Mobility he can literally beat that
10592s Grapple out and then still be able to
10595s just chase him with the jump and he's
10597s going to be able to get on top of you
10598s before that cooldown comes back into
10600s play you're right 100 next map is going
10603s to be King's Row it may be too elaborate
10605s a little bit further as well on that
10607s same note when we talk about like uh
10609s like teams you know like you said I mean
10611s there's just too many cooldowns to deal
10613s with there and also you know like
10615s they've been practicing a lot of these
10616s more broadly compositions to potentially
10618s counter that yes Richie on Widow is like
10619s their only play but also you know even
10622s like you said if they have original
10623s they'll just get shut out and you know a
10625s lot of that comes down to just like if
10628s Mexico
10629s or if Mexico was just the great team
10631s which we think they are obviously
10632s they're winning this game so far going
10634s into Kings were up one you know when
10637s you're that team that's in a little bit
10638s of a lesser position you obviously want
10639s to try to potentially run counter uh or
10642s sorry run the same meta to just continue
10645s that maybe uh mere match up on both
10647s sides and you know a lot of times it can
10650s feel a bit hopeless I feel like I've
10651s heard a lot of these like lower tier
10652s teams I feel like you know it's very
10654s easy to get in a situation where as a
10656s fan you're like why don't they just do
10657s this why don't you do this but it's like
10658s even if they did that you explained it
10659s perfectly Moxie even if they did play
10661s that Widowmaker they'd probably get shut
10663s out in some way I just know fans like to
10665s like come back and they say you know
10667s okay this is obviously going to happen
10669s you know obviously Guatemala maybe
10671s should block the Widowmaker to next mix
10673s things them up think some things up but
10675s you know a lot of times it might just
10677s not be there for you as a team
10679s regardless of what the meta is it
10682s potentially just might be a kind of
10683s hopeless situation for you especially
10685s against a team like Mexico which just is
10687s seemingly so dominant at the moment but
10689s harsh reality is that in where we are at
10692s the moment for current OverWatch matter
10693s we are out of when DPS one solo DPS
10698s could carry an entire team to Victory
10699s we've seen so many different Heroes come
10702s through and all of these different roles
10703s that just make it so easy for them to be
10706s able to verse up against that DPR so
10707s just make that dps's life and absolutely
10709s not in that right you look at rematry
10711s his primary he can literally just keep
10712s spamming the angles out it was something
10714s that Guatemala actually did to try to
10716s deal with that Ash on ruins they just
10718s sent bender on that romantic to just try
10720s and use those fears to just continue to
10723s Zone that Ash off of the angle well
10726s that's something that Mexico can do if
10727s right she runs out on the Widowmaker
10729s same for something like a kirika you can
10731s play incredibly aggressive and guess
10732s what could I do a whole bunch of damage
10734s 140 for every single headshot so that's
10737s one headshot and a body shot and one
10739s dead Widow
10740s just not really that viable in the
10741s current meta but you know what it is
10742s having that Hanzo and instead of having
10745s earn us on to that uh Hanzo this time
10748s they're often with Richie kind of like
10750s that swap through four Guatemala
10751s potentially could work out for them as
10752s well as Vendetta goes incredibly low
10754s four sees that immortality field early
10756s though Mexico's still not having to use
10757s theirs giving up a lot of that space for
10759s Richie still is giving that time to look
10760s for the one shot but same is on health
10762s over that top looking for the shots does
10765s use that Sonic under the back line but
10766s does get a body shot from the back and
10767s let you sound droplets great straight
10769s for him but they've lost bend it they've
10771s lost their tank player Momo's found two
10772s already in this fight with that kind of
10774s Baptiste aggressive play style that
10777s mobo's afforded that space for gets a
10779s little 3K in that fight too in Mexico
10780s take that point in immediate swap as
10783s well bend it onto that remotra
10785s understanding that okay if there's a run
10788s on the other side we're not going to be
10790s able to run if everyone tries to be able
10791s to play off of this base that that Ryan
10793s creates that safety that the Rhine
10795s Shield should alive Richie in that one
10797s versus one duel against Dan Hall they're
10799s going to go down to the Cleveland coming
10801s through from his Terror so Guatemala
10803s forced off of the composition that they
10805s wanted to play incredible early on this
10808s is what makes ghost being so good at
10809s making all of these other teams play to
10811s their own Tempo and by the way hysteria
10813s in the lineup too on to that romantra
10815s could enable them that have been more
10817s like you said and that Hanzo shot comes
10818s in Irwin from Richie no kill though onto
10820s Momo even though it looked like it was
10822s through the ant Matrix still lived
10823s through it now the ant Matrix is on both
10825s sides eventually fall no ultimate just
10827s yet either
10828s Richie desperately trying to build that
10830s Dragon strike Mexico trying to go
10831s forward as well uses their maywall
10833s aggressively no kills just out on either
10834s side in fact the first Annihilation dope
10836s first area both they're so fast Lindsay
10839s gets caught out they're not ready to do
10840s some games they try to drag a strike
10841s disengage and use the immortality build
10843s here but Mexico is far too aware of it
10845s everness also falls on Guatemala's side
10848s so that's down two and they opt to just
10850s run away and reset Aaron Guatemala had
10852s to sacrifice the dragon strike to be
10855s able to guarantee that they only lost
10856s finsey in that one and look at the angle
10858s that angel villado is going to be taking
10859s he's on an off angle Sonic's gonna come
10862s through immediately they're going to
10863s know when Guatemala are trying to make
10865s this Recon test if they even attempt it
10867s as that payload nears checkpoint be and
10869s he's just sitting on the dragon strike
10870s waiting for them to move forward next
10872s we're kind of just wetting them back
10873s into this Vincent gets poked out and
10875s dies yet again another blizzard here in
10877s this fight gives on hell that 2K now
10880s they look forward to continue pushing
10881s this card in so far they've not been
10883s stopped by Guatemala they move it into
10885s third now and that's saving the dragons
10888s are as well they literally throw in the
10890s blizzard and they know that all of those
10892s players Frozen that they have so much
10893s trust and unhealth a lot of on that off
10894s angle being uncontested being able to
10896s land those headshots that they've got
10898s the dragon strikes to be able to peel
10899s when Aaron F tries to use this blizzard
10901s from Guatemala to slow things down
10904s I know magical's like winning pretty
10906s hard at the moment I would like to see
10907s them play a bit more aggressive and
10909s forward versus Team like Guatemala
10910s they'd use dragon fight to defensive uh
10912s as a defensive play versus that blizzard
10914s now they're not able to find any tolls
10916s from that blizzard because of him he
10917s goes incredibly low so pellet commits
10919s that beat drop and a matrix in this
10921s fight to stop that push from bend it he
10923s did get a beat drop as well in this
10926s fight so they have the net Matrix
10927s available versus Mexico have no
10929s ultimates but now they go push forward
10930s or at least Paulette does they don't
10931s want to push past the at Matrix even
10933s though they potentially could have off
10934s Paulette pal like it's almost caught out
10936s there but narrowly avoids some of those
10938s shots in terms of that or in terms of
10940s amplification Matrix on hell off the
10941s back also has found marleo maywall
10944s perfectly placed allows them to pick off
10946s bend it in this fight give him that 2K
10948s make it a three and now fourth Asteria
10951s in this fight he pulling out of those
10953s ultimates as well Mexico is trying to
10954s get this last cap with a lot of time on
10955s the clock new MEI and RAM just have such
10958s good Synergy without new slows Guatemala
10960s I'm going to be putting finzy on stats
10962s and just trying to go for the gloss
10964s Cannon the damage to chungfu Mexico
10966s without the ultimates because they just
10968s need to stall for Richie to build into
10970s the dragon strikes but they're just not
10971s getting past spawned no they're not they
10973s try to walk out but there is there there
10975s everybody else on that payload Mexico's
10977s trying to get one of the fastest times
10978s we've seen so far in these qualifiers
10980s three minutes 57 seconds over Guatemala
10983s they cap out on King's Row again this
10986s team is just incredibly small but you
10988s see okay Guatemala want to run this
10989s reinhop we're gonna Force you off at the
10991s Reinhardt Reinhardt versus Raw matcha
10993s it's it's always a really rough one for
10996s the Reinhardt right he's got a shield
10998s just like you but hey look he has
11002s constant ranged poke as opposed to you
11004s who have two fire strikes on a pretty
11007s chunky cooldown so you are just forced
11009s to immediately bend the knee and that
11011s awesome off was just a big sign of
11015s Guatemala not really understanding how
11018s to play the composition not getting the
11020s timing either to be able to set the
11022s composition up for its wind conditions
11024s because right from Street space Mexico
11026s just continue to keep hounding and
11028s pressuring and sitting on an ultimate so
11031s that they always have something to be
11033s able to derail Guatemala's plan
11036s it's it's so tough for Guatemala at the
11038s moment and let me know if you agreement
11039s here Moxie I feel like with Mexico
11040s obviously they're stomping pretty hard
11042s at the moment over Guatemala but you
11044s know for their sign a big takeaway at
11045s least from a coaching perspective I feel
11047s like I would like to see them play even
11048s more aggressive make sure Guatemala
11050s doesn't have time to set up because
11051s they're kind of getting Guatemala a lot
11052s of five versus fives when I'm sure
11054s you've noticed democracy whenever
11056s they're up five versus three they could
11057s extend even further right to pick off
11059s those those players yeah absolutely I
11061s think a lot of it was actually down to
11063s just respecting King's RC it can be
11065s become really easy for an attacking team
11067s to just get a little blinded by that
11070s aggression and very quickly lose control
11072s of your time bank as a Guatemala now on
11075s the attack you're gonna have Richie on
11076s that Widowmaker for a matter of seconds
11077s before he's going to be forced to swap
11079s onto a vaccine yeah
11083s give him the platform lift him up put
11086s him on the Statue of the top hat please
11089s I mean that little Canada I guess a
11091s little counter the maywe wall right to
11092s some degree but on hell
11094s as they walk in Bend dead also falls
11097s Richie without that front line and
11099s Deanna Falls immediately as well and
11101s there we go Mexico coming for that spawn
11103s Camp walls it off as well
11107s when you have a symmetra because then
11109s you can TP off on top of the statue and
11112s you have full vantage point of the
11114s Defenders because you avoid getting for
11116s a choke and Guatemala unfortunately not
11119s running that same have to deal with
11121s choke have to deal with Angel
11122s controlling Cinema and I like this so
11125s far from Mexico they're fighting sort of
11126s aren't starting to understand like they
11127s could play incredibly aggressive if they
11129s want to just at that to a point setting
11131s up angel on the left side looking for
11132s those one shots not able to find it just
11134s yet
11135s on to that Hanzo maybe not one of his
11137s you know best characters considering it
11139s so good at the Tracer and what time they
11141s filled to sustain versus that Vortex
11143s from vendett Guatemala is flying to walk
11145s in now build towards that life of Chris
11147s on that main side as well but they're
11149s not afforded that's facing they haven't
11151s gotten past that joke yet Angie grenade
11152s from marleel onto the May means that can
11156s cleanse it with just that ice block form
11158s now they have to deal with Annihilation
11159s as well into the face of that fashion
11162s Anna in that back line can't do much
11164s against it they use the light they use
11166s the Tree of Life there Moxie but
11168s obviously that did actually Air versus
11170s Mexico's push so much fuel coming
11173s through from Mexico the second anyone
11175s goes potentially low May well
11177s Annihilation just to make sure that all
11178s of these members are alive and kicking
11181s and able just continue to hold Guatemala
11183s in this truck for as long as possible
11185s zone right on the spawn door as well
11189s there's no way he goes for the dragon
11192s striking to spawn right now he's holding
11194s on to that ultimate Mexico like I said
11195s they're aggressive but they're smart
11197s about their aggression they hold on to
11199s the ultimates and use them not
11200s necessarily but every single time that
11203s they want to use that Dragon strike it's
11204s mostly to count to guatemalas or not oh
11207s guys Bastion zolton whatever shall we do
11209s wait you gotta kill what the heck
11212s he got picked okay they Nano the Genji
11215s they got the blade and it actually
11216s dashes up to on Hell troublex also falls
11219s last second Guatemala will take
11221s advantage of Mexico coming towards that
11224s point now they look to grab one tick
11226s Mexico making some quick swaps they want
11228s to Ricket test here we'll have that
11229s amplification Matrix ready to go there
11231s against Jason bend it this is all on you
11233s buddy you gotta stop this push Right
11235s Here and Now Pops that Annihilation
11237s breaks the immortality field big kill
11238s hysteria but Robles has found Richie
11241s they need to find some more I would like
11242s to see then they get a little bit more
11244s he just he hasn't popped the
11245s annihilation until now now gets one on
11248s to another at make that a three they
11250s actually get more the back line though
11251s Paulette and Job Lots are trading during
11253s this fight luckily Bandit is there with
11255s the pumble and Guatemala have done it
11257s they take point a
11258s now good use of annihilation bend it
11261s holds on to it until he sees that that
11263s Matrix from Momo knows that he has to
11265s force that Baptist away from being able
11267s to just heal everybody from Mexico's
11269s side on point looking to dive in to that
11271s back line and take them down to the
11273s Romantic without those supports would go
11275s down so fast but he's able to take down
11278s the backline as a result of the Ramel
11280s and we're going to see Guatemala finally
11282s get towards streets but yet again
11284s there's a melvato Mexico to take
11287s advantage of yeah and this aggression is
11289s working so for them nice life
11291s save that back line but you know they've
11293s already lost Richie Ben dead also falls
11295s and uh here comes the Mexico spawn Camp
11298s yet again Richie on to the ash to
11301s accommodate if you try and group up
11303s towards that spawn they're going to be
11304s hit by a lot of this dynamite AOE damage
11306s should buy themselves a little bit of
11308s room to be able to break out the problem
11310s is that uh trouble blocks is going to be
11312s sitting on that blade doesn't have an
11313s Anna however but Guatemala don't really
11315s have the means of being able to deal
11316s with it
11319s no one two three
11322s and uh on hotels one now Mario sees him
11325s but it's not after on hell is found two
11326s and now can also dive onto Vincy getting
11329s rid of him just have that Anna and that
11332s front line of the ramacha but not able
11334s to find that kill either gives Mexico
11336s the capability of just finding bended
11338s eventually and keeping that spawn Camp
11340s up
11343s Malaya was nowhere near bender and as a
11346s result Mexico with that spawn Camp just
11348s get to continue draining this time bank
11351s Darren and Darren Darren investing a
11354s single ultimate
11355s makes you're still sitting above the
11357s point woman in 40 seconds left to go or
11359s above the payload Runner Blade's still
11361s ready to go as well if they want to use
11362s it in this fight also the annihilation
11363s still everybody got the choking now
11366s decides to pop it against that line tree
11367s from Lindsay
11370s goes out of the lobby back into their
11374s spawn
11375s as uh they have to continue to back up
11377s from that Annihilation it looks like
11379s they finally are going to regain as they
11380s respawn
11381s on the inside plate comes through Nana
11383s boost as well on to Richie so it doesn't
11385s actually connect onto Arnaz who is
11387s popping that blade they've got the
11388s immortality field troubles goes deep but
11390s it's a nice sleep from Mario on the job
11392s one but they don't have to follow
11393s through damage because it's just an Anna
11394s and life Weaver so it looks like he
11396s potentially could live on the icon in
11398s fact he does and he dashes back into our
11400s innocently also follows the palettes and
11403s unfortunately for Guatemala they go to
11405s that payload but they've forgotten
11406s they're getting spawn Camp you can't
11407s just leave for that objective you got
11410s some members of Mexico in Your Spawn to
11412s deal with Bendix desperately trying to
11413s back up hit some of those heels and
11415s finally Guatemala's looking like they're
11417s gonna regroup Yeah by going towards that
11419s pillar however they have forced Mexico
11420s away from the spawn doors and allowed
11422s the space to be clear for Bandit to come
11424s in with Annihilation good Zone to be
11426s able to collapse on to parallel solution
11428s doesn't match to disengage as that
11430s deflect is going to be running out in a
11432s matter of moments but Bandit just can't
11433s afford to push they lose Richie trying
11436s to just push into Angel villado and
11439s Guatemala aren't going to be able to
11441s find the picks if they want working to
11442s Fargo Mexico down further I mean this
11444s game marks this is how you can tell the
11445s difference between you know some of the
11447s top teams like USA stomping in a team
11449s like Mexico stopping it just looks
11450s completely different Mexico at times
11451s will lose team fights where it feels
11454s like you would say wouldn't on the
11455s opposite side Aunt Majors now for Momo
11457s down below Guatemala trying to sustain
11459s build up towards that Nana boost on
11461s marleo's side actually looking for that
11463s pick they don't have any ultimates yet
11464s either on Hell looking for that Hanzo
11467s shot throwing this fight potentially
11469s could get that one shot but in fact
11470s built the dragon strike instead which
11471s will cut off bend it from his back line
11473s but he got those heels man it was the
11475s Genji on Dawn hell but he's gotta find
11477s that kill luckily Rich Gina has combined
11479s for those two blocks are gonna go for
11481s that trade to build the plate also there
11483s is popping the ultimate so it could work
11484s out for them but Topix Falls while
11486s playing against just hysteria against
11487s the rest of Guatemala could he do it
11489s potentially now out of one versus two
11491s has that humble form that Nemesis form
11493s that he could get into Banda uses early
11495s to chase him down but hysteria has his
11497s back up he can grab the health pack but
11498s he doesn't grab it actually gets zoned
11500s away down to 110 HP waiting for his team
11502s to regroup here but can't even touch the
11503s payloads it's gonna be on the Lucio
11505s three minutes and 30 seconds left they
11506s do touch it Justin on the point going
11509s for the secure and no beat in time from
11511s Benzie Outlets there with his own beat
11513s drop saving the beat
11515s for the for the plane ride home looks
11517s like uh Mexico stopped Guatemala in the
11520s second phase and take that 3-0 or two
11522s not really voluntarily saving the beat
11525s for that one Dustin he is Target focused
11528s Iron by everyone on Mexico they are
11531s fully understanding of how close Quincy
11533s as the Simon Baron he literally goes
11535s down as it comes up for a second I
11538s thought it might actually have been
11539s canceled mid-def animation but what a
11543s stand what a king's throw defense and
11546s that Mexico are able to post they did
11548s fall towards the spawn although we did
11550s get to see a little bit more of streets
11552s but the turnaround the fact that they
11554s can just rub a band back in with that
11555s Ram even the swap onto the kiriko as
11558s well a true staple for these teams
11559s understanding if you want to regroup
11561s fast and the support who can cross those
11563s distances in the blink of an eye let's
11565s bring back Ash to kind of break down
11567s what just happened there between Mexico
11569s and Guatemala welcome back ash good uh
11571s good to see you again in just a second
11573s hopefully we'll have you remember this
11578s breakdown
11579s the birthday girl
11583s overall I feel like that's tough for
11586s Guatemala now they're looking at that
11588s last clay spot here within the Americas
11590s group a so the only team currently oh in
11593s three of course a couple of the teams do
11595s get that by day that we had yesterday
11597s but maybe go I mean
11601s you said it honestly perfectly Dustin I
11604s think just the fact that they are able
11606s to stomp it seem like Guatemala but it's
11608s not the same as when you see someone
11610s like those states do it Mexico looks
11613s really good I I do want to preface it by
11614s saying that okay I'm not trying to take
11616s anything away from from Mexico when I
11617s say that it's just a matter of from the
11620s outside I feel like you can kind of tell
11622s between certain two o's and other two
11624s o's right it seems like Mexico is still
11625s dominant over a team like Guatemala but
11628s it isn't to that level just yet where
11629s you're seeing a lot of those incredibly
11631s aggressive plays a lot of that forward
11633s positioning to get those pick-offs
11634s potentially a lot of really tight spot
11636s camps with the whole team at times we
11638s saw hysteria go to the spawn Doors by
11640s himself but then we saw a lot of payload
11642s pushers we saw pretty much Lucio the DPS
11644s is pushing that payload and not a lot of
11646s getting those objective kills and stuff
11648s they did get a lot of the time bank I
11649s mean obviously it was a really fast time
11651s on King's Row but I just would like to
11653s see a bit more aggression out of them
11656s um as a team because they have the skill
11658s to do it and then on top of that too
11661s like I want to touch back over on ilios
11663s there Moxie you were talking about how
11665s it was the mystery Heroes were a big
11668s issue there for Guatemala the fact that
11670s they were continuously resetting those
11672s ultimates kind of just
11674s picking anything that they possibly
11676s could to counter but not building off of
11678s it yeah we start again on King's Row as
11681s well right there's a lot of heroism
11683s OverWatch it can be really hard to be
11685s able to just be incredibly flexible
11687s especially on DPS just how many there
11690s are and it was the same thing in King's
11692s world where they had the Bastion but we
11695s didn't really get to see the Bastion
11697s being used in the way that fasting
11699s against this composition should a lot of
11701s the time Mexico wouldn't actually forced
11703s to bait out the wheels on the Bastion it
11706s wasn't being used to shred the maywall
11708s either to be able to break a lot of the
11710s choke control that Mexico had that was
11713s holding Guatemala for so long they
11714s didn't run it alongside a Sim 2 which
11717s was my biggest pet peeve when you're
11718s running that fast in why would you run
11721s it alongside a Genji Genji Works
11723s incredibly well things like oh Winston
11725s or retracer where you have DPS that are
11728s able to group up and go after one
11730s specific Target at a time Bastion ribs
11732s everything up but has to have the
11736s vantage point in space to be able to do
11737s so that's why Houston is incredibly well
11739s symmetra who can't put him in these
11741s spots where he's incredibly hard to
11743s reach as opposed to literally just being
11744s ground floor of king throw an incredibly
11746s easy to jump on I I 100 agree mocks here
11749s as well and with the symmetric pick
11751s could potentially show something for
11752s them there and you know despite
11754s potential composition changes they could
11756s make I think on top of Richie Rock in
11758s the Bastion it just seems like they
11760s either threw bended or something they
11762s just couldn't keep their their front
11763s line alive Ben dead at times would just
11765s kind of die trying to create some space
11767s or just falter in general maybe leaving
11770s his team behind
11772s um you know I think that's another
11773s reason as well with the fact the
11775s competition wasn't ideal necessarily for
11777s Guatemala's side I would like to see
11779s bend it maybe help his team a little bit
11781s more or just generally maybe improve a
11784s bit more on those tank rules to allow
11786s Richie some of that space
11787s no for sure and then okay I want to do
11790s some like fun comparing and contrasting
11792s here on Moxie we saw Lindsay pulling out
11795s the life Weaver and then we also saw
11796s Ruble doing it for the side of TM USA in
11800s the match before up against Puerto Rico
11801s and I would just want to like get your
11803s thoughts on like the way that these two
11806s support players played the life Weaver
11809s hero considering we don't get to see it
11811s yeah so Ripple played the life Weaver
11814s Hero 2 won't be able to just poke
11815s squishies as they came through from
11817s those different jokes to be able to
11819s funnel them towards the rest of his team
11820s AKA you know collage on that wrecking
11823s ball or just Aspire on the Tracer
11825s hydrant on the echo when we saw the life
11827s we were being used here it was mostly to
11830s try to navigate around the choke because
11833s I'm in that's why you get a lot of your
11836s power on King's Row it's always about
11838s holding onto that high ground for as
11840s long as possible and getting through
11841s some of those really tight spaces the
11844s first opening show come to a and then
11845s that second gate around B where a lot of
11848s times teams in the defense literally
11849s give up the point prioritize holding
11851s down that particular space so that they
11853s can burn off more time Bank in the
11855s future
11856s well really interesting points to be
11858s made and I guess something we can look
11859s towards to see if life mover does ever
11861s make it into that meta into the future
11863s and whatnot and see what kinds of
11865s innovation will be able to be pulled out
11866s by players going forward as well but
11869s before we wrap up here on to this
11872s matchup that we just saw between Mexico
11874s and the side of Guatemala I just want to
11876s get your final thoughts here Dustin on
11879s what you think this really means for
11880s Guatemala going forward
11882s I I think for Guatemala this means
11884s they're probably going to be that Bottom
11885s seed I hate to say it it just seems like
11886s at the end of the day Guatemala really
11888s uh I'm glad to see them it's always nice
11890s to see representation across the world
11892s so it's good to see them but I think at
11893s the end of the day kind of every other
11895s team it seems like in this group is a
11896s little bit ahead at the moment
11898s well we'll see how they're able to do
11900s and again it's a learning experience for
11902s a lot of these teams especially with the
11904s fact that South American contenders just
11906s hasn't been around for a couple years
11908s now so opportunity to kind of put their
11910s faces back out there get that experience
11912s under their belts but we do have one
11914s last matchup for today so you guys stay
11917s tuned for Costa Rica versus Canada right
11920s on the other side of this break
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11933s thank you
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12249s it's time for the final match of week
12252s one of the OverWatch con or OverWatch
12254s World Cup we're just talking about
12256s contenders in the green room and I
12257s almost said that off the top of my
12259s tongue but uh when it comes down to it
12262s this is the end of week one and we're
12264s wrapping up with Costa Rica versus
12266s Canada and Canada Moxie yesterday they
12269s did get that by day that day off to not
12273s quite relaxed because I think they had
12275s some things to work on after facing off
12276s against USA yeah and I think that's
12279s gonna be the big talking point for this
12281s team are they going to be able to stomp
12285s Costa Rica or are we going to be
12286s scratching our heads about why Canada
12288s could potentially be play soon because
12290s we just saw Mexico too pretty darn well
12293s and if Canada is not able to complete
12296s this win in a dominant and determined
12298s fashion Mexico is going to start sliding
12301s up in terms of my predictions for where
12303s these groups are going to finish off
12305s yeah it's gonna be it's kind of scary
12307s because for Costa Rica it's an
12309s opportunity to even get further ahead
12311s right hit that two and one mean fall for
12315s Canada it would be equalizing there in
12317s that score line Dustin but yeah exactly
12319s I think that this is a very important
12321s game uh you know obviously for Canada
12324s it's a rough game to start out with
12325s right I think that's not talked about
12327s enough here obviously Canada not really
12329s a a five you know number five as they
12331s are in the current group settings at the
12333s moment you know under Costa Rica so
12335s obviously they want to get that win now
12337s but that's a rough start obviously
12338s against uh USA which are a fantastic
12341s team in their own right so you know it's
12344s got to be you know this is the game that
12345s they gotta get that 2-0 similarly
12347s fashion that uh USA got it done
12349s and yesterday we saw Costa Rica face
12353s against
12355s the team Guatemala where
12359s where in fashion overall and I just want
12361s to hear a little bit about what your
12363s expectations are for this squad now just
12366s after seeing yesterday's performance
12368s boxing I mean they improved this is the
12370s thing they they came across on day one
12373s as just incredibly stubborn not wanting
12375s to swap some of those Heroes sacrificing
12377s a lot of ultimate charges because of it
12379s and then when we saw them on that second
12380s day it was pretty much just a different
12382s team entirely really good coordination
12384s really good collets coming through from
12386s them fantastic usages of ultimate as
12389s well not holding on to them for so long
12391s swapping as well when the situation
12393s called for it this is a Costa Rica who
12396s looked at that performance on day one
12397s and saw that they needed to make
12398s improvements and that's the exact
12400s position that Canada are finding
12402s themselves in now we just have to see if
12405s they're making that same Journey
12407s yeah at the very least Dustin they did
12409s get that opportunity to kind of sit back
12411s watch the game yesterday as well as
12413s probably put some practice in all things
12415s considered because that match again
12417s versus Team USA wasn't nearly as close
12421s as we were expecting so Canada with this
12424s particular roster lineup as well have
12427s some things to prove they do they do for
12429s sure I mean I've seen a lot of people
12431s say you know where's the juicer where's
12432s xqc on Team Canada like obviously you
12435s know he's a old player now obviously
12437s really not a OverWatch professional
12439s player anymore but you know obviously
12441s that's why you have false in the lab I
12442s think people like people some people say
12443s that jokingly obviously some people say
12445s it's serious like it's legitimately
12446s people think xqc is still a good player
12448s like I think at times he was solid I
12451s don't think he was ever top tier you
12453s know at least when I played obviously I
12454s was never topped here either so I mean I
12456s could say that from my perspective and I
12458s think that in this lineup as it stands
12460s Team Canada is still a really good
12461s roster they just can't kind of have to
12463s shape things together maybe get a little
12464s bit more experience with Falls maybe get
12466s Maybe ball no doing his typical stuff
12469s have Crimson kale on that Flex support
12471s kind of roll and then also just really
12473s enable an oxygen Seeker to kind of learn
12475s how to flex maybe understand what
12477s compositions work for them best and
12479s that'll really lead candidates to
12481s success in the World Cup
12483s and just knowing these two teams here
12485s Moxie knowing now that we're also
12486s heading towards lijiang Tower first what
12488s are the expectations set the stakes for
12491s us as what you think we're going to be
12492s seeing coming out on this map a lot of
12495s flexibility to be honest there isn't one
12497s staple meta for Legion there are so many
12499s different ones depending on what
12501s specific map that you get sometimes dive
12504s is stronger sometimes Russia's strongest
12505s a lot of the time we actually see some
12507s teams really try and come out of that
12508s romantra versus Rhine and they sometimes
12510s get the call on what the other team is
12513s going to do wrong and have to give up
12514s the first fight as a result so it really
12516s is going to come down to the
12518s intelligence of both of these sides
12520s while anticipating what the other is
12522s going to come out with to give them a
12524s better start
12525s well I'm looking forward to seeing map
12527s and number one here onto liaison tower
12529s for the last matchup of today's
12531s OverWatch World Cup America's online
12534s qualifiers for week number one Dustin
12536s Moxie take it away
12538s last game guys of the day and of the
12541s first week Moxie is brought to you by
12543s Ash there and obviously on legang Tower
12545s is going to be our first one here Max
12547s did you think that this is going to be
12549s yet again another 2-0 or is is this team
12552s is uh Puerto Rico going to put up a bit
12555s of a challenge versus Canada I mean I
12557s think for Canada it has to be a tour
12559s right this is the first match after that
12562s matchup against the US they need to make
12565s that statement piece that they are the
12568s second best team in this region that the
12570s USA match was a fluke it was either just
12572s starting nerves or trying to find that
12574s Synergy and gel together as a team
12576s because like you said that startup these
12578s players do not traditionally fall under
12580s the same umbrella of a team that brought
12583s from all of these different places
12584s something ow some from contenders but
12586s even from contenders they play against
12588s each other not with each other
12590s see if it works out this time obviously
12592s having noxious locked towards that
12593s Tracer needs a lot of experience right
12595s more reps that he can get on the Tracer
12597s should enable him obviously a very
12599s talented scam player in his own right
12601s meanwhile Seeker as well like I said
12603s talk about them in a very similar vein
12605s so obviously the devil's gonna be taking
12607s that duel in the sky with zigger looking
12609s for that fight but gets shut down
12610s immediately with some Anna shots from
12612s primzo and the follow-up is there for
12614s now speaker so Benji can't get that res
12615s gets rid of him too so bold that Mercy
12618s in the Pharaoh gone Crimson also the
12619s deal with that back line as noxious is
12621s able to take out winter Team Canada win
12623s the first fight has that experience
12625s pansy tried to go for that or as you see
12628s a little bit too early wasn't able to
12630s find it and asozo did not have the shift
12633s on cooldown to be able to escape the
12636s guard dog that will see courage
12638s immediately going to be swapping off of
12640s the far onto the echo trying to push
12641s onto magic Maple who's not playing the
12643s lose he was playing that Mercy pocket to
12645s keep take it topped up and allowing him
12647s to find these two tabs and Canada has
12649s sustainability
12655s relying on health facts and yellow's
12658s already found this racer obnoxious so
12660s that's a great opening pick almost
12661s hitting that point too contested by
12664s false though towards that point I mean I
12666s like what Costa Rica trying to do with
12667s that swap from yadelo over to that Echo
12670s they were up a man but now Knox is back
12672s in this fight as well towards the
12674s coastal side Noah tries to go but winter
12676s goes down to noxious Crimson was able to
12677s pop off the Nano on to noxus who is on
12679s that Tracer maybe he was going for that
12681s pharah instead but noxious you know it
12683s can't really do much of that trace and
12685s then it was already Runs Out baru's down
12686s Crimson on towards that point Canada
12688s still have that control for the down
12690s Crimson noxious gets duped through the
12692s air does not have that recall Seeker is
12693s able to find yodello and you're kind of
12695s sitting noxious on that Tracer obviously
12698s maybe or getting some Glock from the
12699s from the side too didn't use the recall
12701s that'd be a little overconfident but
12702s they get that Point Flip too obviously
12704s Canada they're just giving up that point
12705s they're not ideal secret though able to
12706s find Benji towards that goal to side
12708s still has that broads where to go suzu
12709s used now able to go for that plus one
12711s Whatever obnoxious wants looking for
12713s winter to get that we can test and they
12714s do so Canada takes that point back
12716s though wrecking boltzman seems on
12718s committed but it's into a barrage now
12720s from Seeker who's able to find some
12722s value of false's grenades or ultimates
12725s on winter and Redtube able to hold on to
12727s that point is Canada yeah they tried to
12729s stall with powers minds but Costa Rica
12731s unfortunately let the flip come through
12733s first so Canada Russell won so even with
12735s both hammers using that ultimate find
12738s far more value and are now going to find
12740s far more value with this Pharmacy
12741s composition being able to just Spam all
12743s of these entrances that Costa Rica are
12745s going to just have to walk through to be
12747s able to tap onto this point before we
12748s hit overtime borrow always taking a lot
12750s of poke forces who supports the backup
12752s get those heels leaving maybe this DPS
12755s is alone towards that point recall from
12756s Winter early can now be chased down by
12758s candles and he just does so now overtime
12760s ticks down 99 on the board coach down on
12763s the trace to play if baru comes to touch
12764s do Force out Knox who does not have that
12766s record just toss the force them out gets
12768s to that mini slam eventually comes
12770s through but Ben she's there with the
12771s valkyrie Costa Rica have rotated towards
12773s that point winter should be back in time
12775s balls tries to go to this uh Perico tour
12777s the outside of the point but yadelo's
12779s the one able to find Crimson earlier and
12780s so wrecking ball fine happened towards
12782s the point Knox is able to find Webster
12784s who gets Resurrected
12786s rolling away is false as Costa Rica
12788s regroup towards that point they get the
12789s cap they have
12790s and even fight now going towards that
12792s main side they're looking to fight
12793s Canada who actually Adela finds Seeker
12796s again I mean he's been so impactful on
12797s this Echo so far able to find these
12800s opening kills for team Costa Rica who
12802s has desperately been needing them
12804s Canada's still setting up these flanks
12805s on the outside as they regroup they've
12807s got the Nana boost however Seeker is
12809s going to go into the Echo and this is
12810s when it gets a little bit concerning
12812s because Falls like he has the hammer
12814s mines too if everyone has to deal with
12815s sea Canada boosted they're gonna run the
12817s flip come through and the Hammond ones
12818s can just absolutely like kind of full
12820s control so he found those two like you
12822s said balls rolling around the low ground
12824s able to find some space but Seeker yet
12826s again off screen kills three by himself
12828s with that Nana boost able to open things
12830s for Team Canada and they cap that point
12832s back 4K for Seeker as well now wrecking
12835s ball POV over time now taking down
12836s Tracer Lucia coming to touch but Canada
12838s shut that down take round number one the
12841s anticipation of the Lucio swap the
12844s interception with the echo stickies and
12847s just the absolute solution of that loser
12851s so you could cast a center group and it
12853s was a not 20. as Canada they had a game
12856s plan the second that they had that Nano
12858s boost where the secret was on fire or
12860s whether he was on Echo the exact same
12862s plan would have been put into motion
12863s send him in be that distraction pull
12865s Costa Rica's entire focus into dealing
12867s with that one DP as having to peel for
12870s that team and Alive both of the
12872s Hammond's full control of the point full
12874s control of the flip and Kansas so close
12876s in point percentage easily able to
12878s translate it into a win on Night Market
12880s as we head towards Control Center and
12882s this is where it's so important that
12884s you're able read out what your opponent
12885s runs
12886s walk through towards that inside
12890s words then outside though Canada is
12892s going towards the point
12893s rotating around that Central warrant
12895s secret on that Bastion
12897s we work for him to set up towards the
12899s back end Lucille still here has that
12901s poop as well false with the slam secret
12902s with the foul opens perfect execution
12905s from Canada as they baited Costa Rica
12907s towards that point with the TP play and
12908s that's a fast team white before the
12910s point has even unlocked kinkelsa from
12912s Boston too it's so hard for Costa Rica
12915s to try to steal it because if they're
12916s all coming out from that symmetris TP
12918s they're all clumped up they're all going
12920s to take the damage look at zika's
12921s awesome at charge he's already 44
12923s percent of the next utility striking now
12925s Costa Rica losing their first fight are
12927s the ones that have to swap the
12929s composition symmetra is gone and so it's
12930s gonna be a may try to just survive the
12933s barrage of pain that kinda have of the
12935s fashion going forward the fast and able
12937s to get a lot of spam damage is false and
12939s primzo combined yet again in too much
12941s pressure too much damage at the moment
12943s it seems like for Costa Rica to deal
12944s with
12945s this is the problem as well by running
12947s this Lucio alongside this composition
12949s for Canada they have the means of
12951s navigating that mail and yodella's wall
12954s against just so much damage the secret I
12956s can I put such a fast fashion as well is
12959s not going to stand up it's not for long
12961s so Costa Rica are going to have to be
12963s incredibly careful that they don't lose
12965s anyone in rotation that's why we're
12967s seeing them having to go all the way
12968s through generator
12969s got the ant Matrix wall used early
12971s doesn't cut off the inside but now that
12973s passion ultimate into the Hanzo nice
12974s double jump away though winter gets that
12976s off as Canada doesn't find any kills
12978s with the ultimate but it's still forced
12980s Costa Rica back to have built that
12981s coalescence to re-engage with but
12983s against that may wall could get split
12984s off here Vortex May while they do get
12986s split like we mentioned before it's
12988s allowing Seeker to find the follow-up
12989s damage with no heels that's a 2K for him
12991s and it'll close out now 70 of the board
12994s nearly for them entering last fight
12996s territory fight one one ultimate use
12998s from Canada Prince and repeat balls
13001s knife setting on Annihilation Knox is
13003s gonna have that blizzard and Costa Rica
13005s yet again just as we saw in Night Market
13007s having absolutely no choice but to walk
13009s straight into it and they need to
13010s survive for these elephants to come
13011s through
13013s now they had that blizzard oh they're
13015s able to actually get that kill on the
13016s Seeker on the opening engage but they
13018s can't sustain through all the damage via
13021s that blizzard trying to Juke through
13023s that Nemesis form but it's too hard to
13024s 90 percent and I'm sure we're about to
13027s see a bit of a spawn camp now in Costa
13029s Rica they go to touch that spawn door 95
13031s have that beat running into the spawn
13033s white don't shoot Dragon strike as well
13035s nobody else could touch when the point
13037s gets to about 90 percent for Team Canada
13040s and that's a very very clean first map
13042s for them over Costa Rica now not
13045s overstepping as well from Canada that's
13047s really impressive like if we do see
13048s something like a tracer or a Sombra Swap
13050s come through from Costa Rica's side
13051s where they just send one person to go
13053s tap onto that point and Paul kind of
13055s just focus away from the trokin author
13056s regrouping members of Costa ricas they
13059s come through those really dangerous
13060s spaces that is when we could have seen
13062s Canada get broken up and split apart but
13065s they all make sure that they just play
13067s as one well-oiled unit and when you're
13069s running a Bastion composition at the
13071s start of the match and you get to finish
13073s the match with the Bastion that goes to
13076s show how dominant you have been at a
13078s holding down one control point for just
13080s one entire go great work from Team
13082s Canada obviously getting that first map
13085s now we go to that second Moxie and
13087s obviously it seems like this situation
13088s Canada can kind of do what they want
13090s kind of warm up together kind of figure
13091s things out does it look like Canon is
13094s kind of becoming a bit more you know uh
13096s fast uh they look a bit more coordinated
13098s right they've been looking more
13099s synergistical together after a bit as
13101s time has passed right yeah I think like
13103s you said time has been something that
13105s this roster has needed either to just
13107s settle into the Synergy or settle into
13109s the communication structure because now
13110s we are seeing that communication come
13112s through in full force they are all so
13115s confident when you're going for a
13117s pharmacy we talk about it time and time
13119s again you sacrifice one of your supports
13122s and if you're running the Anna as that
13125s second support granted it's probably
13126s crimson's best hero it's still a whole
13129s lot of vulnerability especially when
13130s you're playing up against an echo or
13132s Tracer and a Hammond all of them have
13134s the means of being able to collapse on
13135s top of you and bring you down before the
13138s pharah or the echo can turn around and
13139s fuel for you it then becomes about
13141s whether or not you can pull the res off
13142s and again comes back it's just trustful
13144s exercises with your team yeah overall I
13147s think for Canada moving forward you know
13150s get that to a Victor right here and
13151s especially if they do it in a similar
13153s fashion right this we talked about the
13154s kind of so so far for the actual
13156s rankings between these teams right
13158s obviously we got Team USA looking like
13160s that number one seed Canada are looking
13162s to make that final push to claim that
13165s second seed while Mexico's obviously
13167s trying to catch up to them if Team
13169s Canada can look a little bit more
13170s dominant versus a team like Costa Rica
13172s today that must vote well for that
13174s moving forward especially to lock down
13176s that second seed right yeah and they're
13178s also showing a lot of different
13179s compositions too so very similar to USA
13182s they're making it incredibly hard to be
13184s able to count strong because they were
13185s essentially saying look at how flexible
13187s I can be if you push me off one
13189s composition that I start off with I'm
13191s just a strong if not stronger on the
13193s composition that you force me into and
13195s we've seen how effective Mexico can be
13197s at forcing all of the teams they run up
13199s against into playing compositions that
13201s they're not comfortable with that's what
13203s that team preys on that's where they
13205s find the most significant Advantage if
13207s Canada can curtain all that then in that
13210s matchup of Canada versus Mexico things
13212s are going to be a lot more Canadian
13213s favored Canadian favorite indeed today
13217s oh let's see if and keep going forward I
13219s mean I I love to see Team Canada do good
13220s Moxie I think you're in a similar boat
13222s where we obviously want to see him uh
13224s most teams of World Cup have a a good
13227s performance and for Team Canada's side
13229s versus USA it was rough right but coming
13231s today in the Latin the rest of the
13233s matches they should have an easier
13235s bracket uh or easier around Robin stage
13238s to go now that they've gotten their
13240s hardest match out of the way yeah
13242s they've done honestly in this first map
13244s what they needed to do which is show us
13247s that they were not unsettled by that
13249s match against USA that they would not be
13251s split nor separated they needed to show
13253s us a united front and that has been what
13256s they have shown so far so Canada
13258s definitely performing in a way that's
13260s going to continue to give confidence in
13263s this roster moving forward through the
13264s rest of the stages of the conference
13266s oh Team Canada's side we'll have to wait
13269s and see what the next map is it's up to
13271s the team to choose that and you know at
13273s times it looked like your Della was kind
13275s of popping off too right Moxie onto that
13276s Echo and you know the rest of the team
13278s is playing around obviously on that uh
13279s on the control center it was not really
13281s possible to play that Echo but you
13283s talked about earlier giving that chance
13284s to some of these teams some of these
13286s players we talk about behind the scenes
13287s a bit right that uh that potential to
13289s pop off on Heroes when you're giving
13290s that space right yeah and I love love as
13293s well the fact that they just immediately
13294s swap towards that Echo because they
13296s understood okay if they're going to be
13297s running the fire and they have control
13299s of that space we have to have a way of
13301s being able to collapse onto the mercy
13302s and they did try it was more just that
13303s magic Maple was able to use that
13305s movement and keep himself very far away
13308s because they tried they went after
13309s Crimson they did what you're supposed to
13311s go after the Anna bait the rest then
13313s catch onto the mercy but it didn't quite
13315s work out because of the fuel available
13316s for Canada and honestly if Costa Rica
13319s wants to be able to continue in this
13320s series they're going to have to rely on
13322s your Jello a whole lot more given that
13325s they've decided to take his tune on
13326s Barney where Echo as a DPS it's just for
13329s on and Center in her role yep I mean we
13332s saw yesterday with sugar-free on Team
13335s USA or sorry two days ago with sugar
13336s free on Team USA who was able to find
13338s you know that copy and get the slam down
13341s on the back line with the Anna grenade
13343s as well I mean a lot of great plays can
13344s be done by Echo players on this map like
13346s you said
13347s and uh you know maybe they could run it
13349s again obviously we don't know what this
13351s team has prepared for a map like new
13353s Bonnie the only time will tell yeah I'm
13356s on I'm unconfident Costa Rica like we
13358s said when we saw them yesterday had
13359s really good synergies with their diet I
13361s think if they have the ability to be
13363s able to group up and go after some of
13364s these targets especially on nambani a
13366s where you're playing a lot closer
13368s towards the echo in comparison to
13370s someone like Night Market where when we
13372s were seeing yodello go toad so against
13374s zika a lot of the time it was literally
13377s just him and his pocket versus zika and
13379s his pocket as opposed to Barrow being
13382s able to to show up and lend a hand
13385s on this side it looks like they're
13386s actually locked towards that Genji today
13388s Moxie instead of the Echo and have that
13391s defensive backline of Brigitte Diana
13393s yeah same sort of play style though
13396s yodello's gonna pray off of the targets
13398s that Barrow chunks down low he can use
13400s that kill to then get the dash reset so
13403s be able to regroup with the rest of his
13406s team as winter on the ash is just
13408s basically trying to just remove space
13410s from USA as they walk towards that point
13412s Dynamite Harbor gonna be pretty hard to
13415s find value given that force in the deep
13416s house defense Matrix and Cal of this ozu
13418s can cleanse them they walk forward
13421s towards this point Seeker looking
13422s towards that left side in case there's
13423s any flankers Costa Rica sitting kind of
13426s split towards first Point new Bonnie
13428s instead of having you know that
13430s potential to drop off that main they're
13432s instead looking to back into the Halls
13433s when that dive comes through from
13435s Canada's side winter waiting for that to
13437s happen TiVo works out for them it's an
13439s Ash versus Ash as well as to Hanzo in
13441s the game so we're seeing a lot of
13442s comfort picks happening as well for
13443s Canada's side having Seeker onto that
13445s Hanzo and noxious onto that Ash's law of
13448s nice to enter down the false though slow
13449s them down temporarily Tinker looks for
13452s those shots on the left side of the
13453s Winston as well now they go for the
13455s Dodge series dashed on by Adela who has
13457s that follow-up of baru and they've
13459s already killed Crimson secret for
13460s basically free and now they can just
13462s walks onto noxus who can't go to the
13463s health pack great engage lafaru and
13466s yidello false Falls as well that's
13467s already a minute off the clock that's
13469s the Synergy that we were talking about
13471s right the Genji and the Winston playing
13473s together off of those low Health targets
13476s whoever comes in with the kill it
13477s doesn't matter as long as you're able to
13479s confirm it and right off of the back
13481s Canada was seeing that the composition
13483s that they had rolling hands all
13484s alongside the ash is not going to be
13486s enough they need that extra pressure
13488s from a different angle to make sure that
13490s Costa Rica cannot stay United in this
13493s Synergy is going to be Seeker on to the
13495s Tracer try and pull Focus away exactly
13497s perfect and going back into these holes
13499s just dropped that back line also a
13501s fantastic grenade from Crimson is the
13504s follow-up there though from false so you
13506s get body blocked to the doorway actually
13507s but can jump away can just phase through
13509s and use the jump button Cal went for
13511s that point now Benji by the way
13513s fantastic shot from the support player
13515s of Canada able to find the opening pick
13517s Seekers there with the follow-up as well
13519s as nauseous the devil does trade back
13520s noxious but it might not be enough
13522s because baru slept Italo Falls and
13525s eventually after two minutes are off the
13526s clock Canada looked like they're gonna
13528s take point a flip Focus played
13530s absolutely perfectly so you could just
13532s goes in pushes Costa Rica into not being
13534s able to sit up at that shock on Main
13536s pushes everyone in the backline to
13539s continue to win you turn around to make
13541s sure that Tracer isn't flanking them uh
13543s we're gonna see more of the exact same
13545s oh that could have been absolutely
13547s brutal with how small that space was
13549s somehow Costa Rica have all of their
13552s squishies survive that pulse drop you're
13554s Dylan winterfall you know kind of low
13556s there in that fight too far he's able to
13557s find Cal or like to see a bit after
13559s healing on Costa Rica's sign on the ball
13560s idello in winter
13563s it's slow to reach them at the moment
13565s utilo sitting back with that play but
13566s another devastating entry date from
13569s primzo with the Nana boost over the top
13570s you know it's trying to counter with an
13572s end of play gets one slick Dart misses
13573s from Crimson make that to yadelo trying
13575s to put this team on his back but he just
13577s can't he gets shut down and Canada just
13580s have to deal with baru at the moment
13582s great work from them now to keep pushing
13584s that payload forward
13587s from calendar and response live with us
13589s still going to have it to be able to
13591s chunk through Costa Rica's Health pools
13593s when it comes to being able to send this
13595s Bob to try and contest the card barrows
13598s Primal as well Costa Rican I have to
13600s make a decision do they hold an attempt
13601s to regroup around caught or do they
13603s allow counter the point and regroup
13605s around to see whether more defensively
13606s favored devil finds Cal I mean this guy
13608s has been insane for Costa Rica at the
13611s moment giving them some sort of Life Bob
13613s comes down a burn eventually onto winter
13615s bar rules down Crimson though so they
13617s are up in this fight bar who has to use
13619s that Primal Rage to exist on the inside
13621s angles obnoxious to get stove down by
13623s yadelo but he finds him again solo
13625s basically has no support because baru
13627s slept who Crimson earlier balls just
13630s continues to go forward with his own
13631s Primal Rage and eventually we'll chase
13633s down yadelo because the zap of the
13634s Winston is too hard of a counter Genji
13637s on the inside Angle now baru is able to
13639s shut down this point for a bit slow down
13641s the push from Canada but a full spawn
13642s secret to Zone Knight Dodge in baru to
13645s avoid a little more damage from him and
13646s intermediate lands out of the tracers
13648s but a nice indeed again boom Crimson
13650s onto wedge Jimmy winter so they can't
13651s peek and help baru for an incredibly
13653s long time here his bubble gets shredded
13655s the katsune rush is here and it's far
13657s too much damage from Seeker on the
13659s Tracer who ends up getting three in that
13661s fight in Canada will continue to push
13662s forward on the third now this is where
13664s it gets dangerous because Canada didn't
13666s have great ultimate economy compared to
13668s Costa Rica before the Kitchener but with
13671s kitson Eros count no
13675s I mean they probably don't know about
13677s the spot right so I'm just gonna walk
13678s right past and Girl's gonna be able to
13680s tap them with the kunai yeah if they go
13682s to that Coastal side I mean looks like
13684s he is I mean he's going to keep holding
13685s it as well but don't get pumped out they
13687s actually check it because there was a
13688s fellow player there I think that was
13690s Seeker on the left side so kind of gave
13692s away his position huh
13693s yeah Crystal Rick you do have that Nana
13695s boost to try and sustain through but you
13697s know a little bit too far away from the
13698s place to be able to use it just yeah the
13700s sticker has all of the opportunity to be
13702s able to land this pulse right behind the
13704s bridge Shield is he trying to survive
13706s it's the back line of the cows now in
13708s you know it is fine he does find knocks
13709s on the other side so it's a one for one
13710s however needs those heels while he
13712s supports being Dove on in the back Italo
13714s does get Cal towards that mini side
13716s who's trying to play hyper aggressive
13717s onto that kariko and Costa Rica will
13721s stop Canada on this third point for now
13723s no not a blade however Nano was invested
13726s so that Costa Rica would be able to hold
13729s off Canada just getting aggressive and
13730s trying to force those fights into the
13731s 1v1s splitting apart the defense's focus
13734s yet again the way we've seen on a and
13736s straights so it's going to be the
13738s surprise element that this Genji is
13739s going to be relying on but he has to do
13741s it soon horses going to have the problem
13742s he could just juggle him around with the
13744s blade could easily like you said on the
13746s inside so the yellow Ops to leave that
13748s inside angle false ready to go for the
13750s dive now looking at yellow maybe force
13752s that Dash away as well nice dainty next
13754s one to false but it's just false he has
13756s that from Ridge still available now the
13757s blade comes through from the yellow but
13759s the peel comes now though can't survive
13761s even with the coach gun noctis is chased
13763s down by you know perfect engine
13764s mechanics but false is there with the
13766s Winston defying Tim borrow did activate
13768s that PrimeWay earlier because not a lot
13770s of value just yet though he comes back
13772s for the peel on the false who now
13773s activates Zone Prime away borrow has to
13775s go aggressive but gets pushed on by
13776s primzo in the back plan of Canada then
13778s seeker comes back for that peel the
13780s rally now from Benji just to sustain can
13783s avoid not force bomb but he's already
13784s lost web tube and varu the DPS in the
13787s Brigitte here alone nice play out and
13789s slam from Benji but he's immediately
13790s counted by an anti and the dynamite from
13793s Knox is just winter trying to survive on
13795s the point set up that flight but not
13796s just as well aware of it 2K from him in
13798s that fight crosses the Bob out as well
13800s ain't young to borrow who's trying to
13802s delay Nano Genji just alive who had no
13804s plate to be found he is shut out by the
13806s rallying cow and the rest of Canada look
13809s to shut out Costa Rica and cap shroud
13811s with one minute and 21 seconds yeah that
13814s Primal unfortunately just a little bit
13816s too early I think they used to try to
13818s peel for yodello when he was vulnerable
13821s after that blade had ended but as a
13824s result Costa Rica didn't have Primal to
13826s be able to stall that clone and allow
13828s them to be able to find the full regroup
13830s and gather themselves and as a result
13832s Canada just kept splitting that Focus
13834s again and again and again one ultimate
13837s would come through from Costa Rica
13838s something like the rally but all of
13840s their other players would be nowhere
13842s near the Briggs AOE range wouldn't
13844s receive the over armor and as a result
13846s Canada would just deal with them first
13848s and then dispatch the brag after
13851s uh you you talked about earlier Moxie
13853s with the experience levels in this game
13855s and you could tell even at points just
13857s individual povs you know noxious looking
13859s back for that Tracer who surely is going
13861s to flank there I mean that's hours of
13862s OverWatch played to make sure he could
13864s do that you know on the office on Costa
13866s Rica side looks like yellow is kind of
13867s doing the same thing yeah like they are
13870s seeing it coming right the fact that
13872s they're able to figure out that seeker
13874s and Cal are both trying to play that
13875s right side of spawn on C the problem is
13878s that Canada is just playing the game
13880s better because when you know that zika
13883s or Cal are around that point on C you're
13886s still turning around and sacrificing
13888s that momentum that you have on the front
13890s line so all I can't just have far more
13892s ground and once you've been able to walk
13893s through the choke that is the opening of
13895s C it becomes infinitely easier for the
13897s attackers to be able to loop around the
13898s defense
13901s I'm now on their attacking side Costa
13903s Rica will walk out with that Genji like
13905s I mentioned earlier baru on that Winston
13907s as well
13909s finally go for that Dynamite early
13910s noxious is trying to slow down Costa
13912s Rica temporary or build up some old
13913s charge rather
13915s is hello and borrow trying to take some
13917s High Ground space as well ready to go
13918s for that dive set up winter now towards
13920s that right flank towards the mini but
13921s he's matched by Seeker you can tell his
13923s help pool's already going down that's
13924s why on that right side he does also
13926s Force back on the main so is Costa Rica
13928s they take a lot of pills Seeger wins
13930s that duel on the coast as well they
13932s needed to see a winter to set up on that
13934s flank but now their push is stopped as
13936s they wait for him to get back from Spawn
13938s yeah cause high Crimson gets to Reaper
13939s with the team I've been waiting for the
13941s Genji to dash in and then land the
13943s antenid and the sleeve cheese Crimson
13945s nice sleep in answer you need this water
13947s Force backyardella who was you know
13949s doing a little bit of aggressive play
13950s he's lucky to get with his life there
13951s actually great maneuvering from him but
13953s Anthony again behind the bus if Canada
13955s wants to go for this they could but it's
13956s a bit too far of an engage not a lot of
13958s follow-up there three minutes left to go
13960s winter tries to touch the point has to
13962s recall early a lot of Costa Rica goes
13964s incredibly low the ATM baru does not
13966s help them at all Canada now fully
13969s healthy can decide to go even more
13970s forward but they don't want to push past
13972s this bus until maybe they set up Seeker
13975s it's really hard with that with that
13976s joke Point particular I mean this this
13978s is starting to Winter right he's trying
13980s but he just keeps being spotted up by
13982s Canada he needs to pull crimson's Focus
13985s away from not just his team but from
13987s Landing these anti-needs on to anyone
13989s from Costa Rica that challenges says
13991s because if Fiona has utility he's gonna
13993s hit it but there's just no help on the
13995s borrow at the moment he's trying to take
13996s all the space by himself now and they're
13998s just pushed all the way back two minutes
13999s and 20 seconds left now Moxie I need a
14002s diva the Winston is not working the art
14004s can break the bubble too quickly
14006s Canada can just move past it and if you
14008s have the TV you can at least defense
14010s Matrix the Anna utility but we're just
14012s not seeing the Swap come through well
14014s came through early on the Adela but he's
14016s any dog that actually last second
14018s options over the top left holding onto
14020s that Bob ready to go baru jumps to The
14022s High Ground four sees the bubble again
14023s Canada knowing that waiting for that
14024s bubble Corona to be gone waiting for
14026s that dive as well for yadel to pop in
14027s using the coach gun early before the
14029s dash and actually they'll get that kill
14031s but the brig flail and not just there to
14034s take down yadel even with that Nando is
14035s now false in Canada want to go
14037s aggressive towards that fun side force
14040s them back Seeker goes incredible winter
14041s goes pretty low but now they push
14043s forward yep also gonna look towards baru
14045s who's trying to desperately live towards
14047s the right side bubbled off from his team
14048s so he can't get in the healing there as
14050s well in Canada they're in the driver's
14052s seat to the fullest degree at the moment
14053s they're going all the way towards Costa
14055s Rica's spawn but the 18 stops them for
14057s now they had one good fight for Costa
14060s Rica and that was the Nano blade and
14061s they could just be no follow-up because
14063s noxious he Coach Guns the blade but the
14066s more impactful play is he sends the
14067s bobbin so no one from Costa Rica can
14070s play off of the distraction that the
14071s amount of blade is creating because now
14073s we're going to see the div as well but
14074s Canada they're just gonna intercept the
14076s strugglers they're going for the rally
14077s Play Crimson called for Cal want to go
14079s do something aggressive in the low
14080s ground Costa Rica's not aware of this
14082s they're like why is there a rallying
14083s Brig in my back line at the moment who
14085s came from under me Crimson as well as
14086s here looking for the Nate and he hit it
14087s on Benji and the rants the Costa Rica
14089s Falls with 50 seconds left I mean what
14092s uh what what place do you got for us
14094s Canada what are we gonna see next
14095s dominant fashion it needed to be
14097s dominant fashion it absolutely is chica
14102s where are we going on this Magical
14105s Mystery tournament Bonnie we're gonna go
14107s right over the high grounds oh no no
14110s back out of the spawn doors he goes Cal
14111s get picked though by borrow Costa Rico
14114s on that engage the diva like you
14115s mentioned it's working out for Costa
14116s Rica at the moment secret trying to
14117s trade up here even if they take even if
14119s they die here they'll have those spawns
14121s to recontest Crimson goes down but I'll
14122s have to kill Web Two false also kills
14124s yanello yet though nobody's camping
14127s right 13 seconds left here Winter's the
14129s one that is going to be able to touch or
14131s baru meanwhile Tracer 1v1 with the
14133s Brigitte secret grabs that health pack
14135s as well but the deals are there for
14136s Redtube secret knowing that has to back
14138s up the touch did come through towards
14140s that point it's just baru there alone on
14142s the point goes incredibly low has that
14144s pulse bomb a secret comes from the
14145s coastal side to take him out of the mech
14147s during it surely hippo to fly baby form
14149s nope remix immediately not enough damage
14151s there on the inside yadelo has found
14153s noxious though on that tournament that's
14155s a great opening pick for Seeker also
14156s booting towards that pulse bomb sleeps
14158s are came through from wedge to stop
14159s falls on that push the rally from
14161s Bradley from Benji to keep his team
14162s sustained overtime continuing his bar
14164s who's desperately trying to continue
14165s that time going but now in baby Diva for
14168s me just gets jumped on by the Primal
14170s raging false and now without that tank
14172s they don't have a lot of that point
14173s pressure full Spawn from Seeker but
14174s nobody else can touch from Costa Rica's
14176s side Canada win 2-0 for Costa Rica yeah
14180s one step forward for Costa Rica
14182s yesterday and then unfortunately today
14184s it did feel like two steps backwards
14186s towards that day one state they needed
14188s that Diva swap to come through you can
14190s have the Tracer if the Winston is
14192s working you need the Tracer to be able
14194s to work you need to be able to pull that
14195s on as Focus if the Anna is alive just
14197s continue hitting those utilities and
14200s antonid not even defensively but
14201s aggressively then you need the diva to
14204s be able to deny that utility hitting and
14207s actually set your team in motion
14209s otherwise you're just going to be
14210s trapped on that first floor corner and
14213s let's bring Ash back to kind of discover
14214s everything welcome back Ash it's good to
14217s see you again after that matchup between
14218s Costa Rica and Canada
14220s my team my my team I mean
14223s it was rough up against uh Team USA
14226s right but of course they come back and
14228s they show that they arrested up and it
14230s didn't shake them like you guys were
14231s talking about and overall just the
14234s Synergy was really nice it seems like
14237s Team Canada finally did find that
14239s footing in that kind of situation and
14241s for Costa Rica I mean Moxie my question
14244s is we did see a bit of rigidity within
14246s those team compositions we're not really
14248s looking to flex around and it seemed
14250s like that was a downfall as well yeah
14252s again like you get so much into your
14253s head of this is what we need to work for
14256s this is our one win condition even when
14258s some of those neutral fights are just
14259s not working just like no we're going to
14262s have the nanoblade coming up the problem
14264s is that it just took so long for that
14266s Nano blade to come through because the
14269s rest of the team when those Dives are
14270s occurring can't help it's only really
14273s your yellow on that Genji who can follow
14275s up onto Barry when he's with the Winston
14277s and if they get picked immediately
14279s because of the utility Landing from
14281s crimson disabling any help from the rest
14283s of the team even if they make it back it
14285s takes too long to build that Wing
14287s condition up
14288s and then on top of that we also saw a
14290s lot of flexibility coming out from
14291s Seeker especially on Legion Tower he's
14293s walked around like four or five Heroes
14297s total there Dustin
14298s yeah there was a lot of swamps coming
14300s through uh for you know team USC or Team
14303s Canada's side sorry confusing them with
14304s the other dominant team in this group
14305s huh they really honestly just overall
14309s have that overall team communication and
14310s it's just a good team right team Ken has
14312s a great team and they know you know
14314s obviously like you mentioned yesterday
14314s you're still recovering from Team
14315s Canada's loss but I'm sure Team Canada
14317s knows that uh even with all the banter
14319s via social media and stuff like that I
14321s talked to Cal yesterday for one of the
14323s players for Team Canada came to my
14324s twitch chat he was talking about how you
14325s know I was like hey man how you doing
14327s after all that you know Twitter drama
14329s and stuff people mentioning how you know
14330s team Kennedy got rolled and smoked by uh
14333s you Team USA but he said he knows like
14335s obviously you know via scrims a lot of
14337s these teams practice against each other
14338s they know that Team USA is a good team
14341s so there's not a lot of like uh ego
14343s there when you really use scrim Team USA
14345s a lot and I'm sure team us are doing
14346s well against Team Canada and scrims even
14348s it's really nice to see that that didn't
14350s hurt them too hard and that they were
14352s able to kind of just like take that in
14354s stride in that kind of sense overall but
14356s now we have to consider the overall
14358s standings here at Moxie within the
14360s Americas group a considering the fact
14362s that okay with this when Canada they
14365s equalize and are able to find that once
14368s one I believe against Puerto Rico who is
14371s currently sitting at the one to one
14372s right now as well so opportunity to
14376s start slowly climbing up a little bit
14378s different considering they did have the
14380s day off yesterday but making those moves
14382s yeah I mean again what can I keep saying
14385s none of these teams are taking down
14386s Flash
14388s I gotta go up against each other in
14390s these groups but they are watching those
14392s thoughts like an absolute Hawk so that
14395s they can figure out if like they took a
14398s loss where they took a loss why they
14400s took a loss where they can make some of
14401s those changes and improvements and if
14403s they're going off against teams in the
14405s future how they're going to be able to
14406s take advantage and talking about teams
14408s that they're going up against in the
14409s future Canada versus Mexico I think is
14412s the the ability to become a real Bond
14414s burner I still think counter is going to
14416s be able to take it purely because like
14417s we said it needed to be a dominant win
14419s here and we saw a much more dominant win
14422s here from Canada than we did from Mexico
14425s in that game earlier
14427s you definitely did and of course when I
14430s said day off I met worse day off from
14431s the actual official matches he didn't
14434s even play we haven't had broken MVP what
14437s the heck oh my God we have an MVP he did
14439s a great job handing them water bottles
14441s that's what he did yeah
14443s some cushions a couple of those like
14446s hand warmers as well I better cheering
14449s on in the background yeah everybody's a
14451s perfect bench player
14453s you can talk to Super and get a couple
14455s of tips
14456s [Laughter]
14461s okay well we're just gonna move on from
14464s that Team MVP screen though overall I
14467s mean considering the fact that that
14469s didn't quite work out I want to ask
14471s Dustin and then Moxie you'd follow up
14473s afterwards who your MVPs would have been
14476s here within this matchup
14477s uh you know it's it's tough to say it's
14480s probably crims though I think uh for a
14481s lot of people crimzo has been a Mainstay
14484s obviously people talk about Seeker I'll
14485s talk about Seeker a lot too like he's a
14487s really good hit scan player he's had to
14489s flex a bit more having noxious in the
14490s lineup too really kind of deciding who
14492s that Tracer player is
14493s um in false a great player too Cal I
14495s mean Canada is a really good team but I
14497s think crims are really kind of stains
14499s above most of them except maybe Seeker
14501s at the moment I think he's just a
14502s fantastic and a player I've competed
14505s against him a lot he's just so good
14514s yes I I love playing Anna and those anti
14517s needs and sleeps with Pixel Perfect but
14519s honestly there was one condition for
14520s Costa Rica's attack and it hinged on the
14522s nanoblade and it was knock shirts who
14523s was able to disengage that and make sure
14525s that it did not allow Costa Rica to pick
14528s up momentum and take a boat with the
14529s coach gun and then with the Bop coming
14531s through to peel the effect
14532s well I love all the show edits that
14534s we're given here over towards Team
14535s Canada but we actually have an interview
14537s pending from chromezo so we're gonna
14539s swing to a quick break just take a
14541s breather everybody at home we'll be back
14542s soon
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14993s welcome back everybody we have got
14995s Crimson on the line here from Team
14998s Canada and the Vancouver Titans in
15000s OverWatch League Crimson GG's on this
15002s matchup how are you feeling
15005s I'm feeling pretty good it was a pretty
15007s decisive 2-0 so I'm happy about that
15011s here it's and overall I was just usually
15013s curious about how it was I guess
15015s transitioning into Team Canada I know
15018s that you've represented Canada before
15020s you're currently playing within the
15021s OverWatch League under a Canadian Banner
15023s as well
15025s um but there's a lot of personalities
15026s coming in across this roster from a
15029s variety of different owl and contenders
15031s teams how is that like affected
15033s communication for you guys and how you
15035s kind of transitioned throughout the
15037s event
15039s um I think it's pretty different from
15041s like you know like Titans and Owl which
15043s I it's uh kind of like
15045s gonna be this is gonna happen because
15047s you know we're just a bunch of new
15049s players coming together and stuff like
15050s that but I think that the team I think
15054s we have a lot of players who want to
15056s like prove themselves and like have that
15057s hunger and desire to win and like a lot
15060s of passion
15061s um so for me I mostly kind of just like
15064s make sure that we're like staying on
15066s track
15068s um and just staying focused on my own
15069s role and everybody is really good about
15072s like communicating and stuff so
15074s nice love to hear and speaking of your
15076s own role as well
15079s um one specific question actually about
15080s the anti-nay change that happened a
15083s patch ago have you found that it has
15086s affected your honor play style or
15088s whatnot
15090s um well personally I think it kind of
15092s sucks as an auto player
15094s um I haven't it hasn't really changed
15096s too much it's just the fact that you
15098s know that you're a little bit weaker now
15099s but
15101s um it's just it is it is what it is
15104s and speaking of your honor as well you
15107s are one of the longest standing on us
15109s within the OverWatch Esports scene one
15112s of the top ones if not the best so how
15115s have you kind of just maintained this
15117s performance with such longevity
15122s um I don't know I just I've been playing
15123s the game for a long time and I think
15126s Anna is such like a complete hero that
15129s like even though I have like years and
15130s years of experience on it I think I can
15133s like always find a way to kind of like
15134s have fun and like keep it fresh
15137s um so I think that's probably like one
15139s of my strongest uh
15141s things about you know getting to play
15143s Anna
15144s um but yeah just you know kind of just
15146s enjoy the game enjoy the hero and just
15148s having fun
15149s awesome and um another question that I
15152s have for you just talks a bit more about
15154s the America's region and this group in
15158s general being group a how are you
15161s feeling about how the rest of the group
15163s is kind of shaping out right now do you
15165s have any predictions as far as who might
15166s be in that top three
15168s uh definitely seems like Mexico is
15170s probably like a team to be careful of
15174s um I think that they have some players
15176s there that you know can play really well
15178s I think most likely like in my opinion
15181s they're probably going to be the third
15182s team to come out of the the region
15185s um I think we'll beat them pretty
15186s handily uh but they are very strong team
15190s and I think we'll definitely see them uh
15192s qualify
15194s and knowing that we are anticipating
15196s Team Canada to be one of the top teams
15197s to actually make it all the way to that
15199s land there within the rest of the
15203s regions of the OverWatch World Cup right
15205s now what teams do you specifically have
15207s your eye on whether it's you
15209s specifically or Team Canada as a whole
15211s that you're looking to play
15213s again
15214s um we've been scrimming a couple of the
15215s World Cup teams before the the matches
15218s started
15219s um and I'd say that like Denmark is
15221s really strong I think UK is pretty
15223s strong
15224s um there's actually like a lot of really
15225s good teams uh out there and honestly
15229s like I don't really care to like face
15230s any specific one
15232s um I just you know it's just World Cup
15234s is so much fun and I just enjoy you know
15236s getting to represent my country and take
15238s part in all this
15239s no it's really awesome that you're able
15241s to you know come back again represent
15242s Team Canada after you know a long Hiatus
15245s that we've had for the OverWatch World
15247s Cup but before you do go I want to give
15249s you the platform to give any shout outs
15251s or thank yous to anybody at home who
15253s might be watching
15255s um I don't got much to say just thank
15257s you guys for watching thank you for
15258s supporting us we're trying our best and
15260s uh yeah hope you guys stick around
15262s awesome thank you so much for your time
15264s and taking the the time to do this
15266s um I said opportunity because you you
15268s know it's been a long three days for me
15270s my brain cells are definitely melting at
15272s the moment but I just yeah big thank you
15274s to you for taking the time to do this
15276s interview I really appreciate it there
15278s comes out yep thanks
15281s well Gigi's and good luck to the rest of
15284s Team Canada going forward into the
15287s OverWatch World Cup but we've also got
15288s to say hello once again to the casters
15290s that we've had on the desk uh Dustin
15293s Moxie I gotta get your thoughts on that
15295s interview just really briefly dust and
15296s kick itself oh yeah I mean Crimson is a
15299s really great competitor I feel like he's
15301s you know truly been one of the top anus
15303s for so long a lot of people consider him
15305s one of the Best Western uh Flex Sports
15308s of all time if not the best you know it
15311s truly is a standout player overall and
15314s it's always awesome hearing from him
15316s he's always a pleasure to talk to you
15318s know
15319s it's always very humble too like
15321s incredibly humble incredibly chill also
15323s super happy that I'm not the only anime
15325s who absolutely detests the anti-nage
15328s change I I get why it happened but
15331s please don't make me rely on my team to
15333s peel in quick play
15336s Anna's such a fun hero man it is one of
15338s the most fun heroes in the game and
15340s that's why you know obviously Crimson
15341s mentioned it it's just it is unfortunate
15343s internet is incredibly strong though
15345s you're right Moxie yeah like it does
15347s make sense when you when you look at it
15349s but I mean Susie is that
15354s anything today are going to have a
15357s little bit of a better understanding
15358s going forward that you really do need
15361s one and honors hitting those utilities
15362s to swap the composition up pretty
15364s quickly or just kill the armor
15367s or yeah or just kill Diana you know just
15370s poke into that back line try to take
15372s them down because if you don't have
15373s supports you very rarely have a team at
15376s the end of the day if they're not
15377s keeping you up and alive but I also want
15380s to take a look over towards the match
15381s results from today overall we'll talk
15384s about that as soon as this graphic does
15386s come up but we can still chat while
15388s we're waiting for that to happen uh
15390s Dustin how are you feeling about how
15392s Group B has shaped out since we just saw
15394s grouping uh I think group a is shaping
15396s out to be pretty good at the moment it
15397s seems like Brazil and Colombia are those
15399s two top teams you know obviously with
15401s the likes of uh Peru and Chile kind of
15404s coming through uh we could always see
15406s some contests towards that spot but
15408s Colombia seems to have that Firepower
15411s um and it doesn't seem like it's coming
15412s alone it's not just eqo obviously in
15414s that team that's been doing well
15416s um so it's it's really interesting to
15417s see Columbia take that second spot
15419s potentially as Brazil looks to close out
15421s of the number one
15422s absolutely and Moxie I just want to hear
15425s your thoughts on the earlier matches
15427s that we saw today as well coming out
15429s from Group B in particular I know that
15431s you guys were watching a bit from the
15432s sidelines but as far as the score lines
15434s goes is what you're anticipating
15435s I mean I think the surprise definitely
15438s has to be that second match Argentina
15440s two Peru one that's the sort of big
15443s question mark for Group B right because
15445s like Justin pointed out they already
15446s have Brazil and Colombia being two
15448s incredibly strong teams and their own
15451s right and when you look at some of these
15452s other teams that are towards the middle
15454s of the leaderboard the fact that they do
15456s win their matches but it's in such a
15458s close fashion when they go up against
15460s likes of Brazil or Colombia you don't
15462s expect it to be Incredibly Close simply
15465s with how dominant the team has been
15466s already
15468s all right well now as we're wrapping up
15471s today and just taking a look at these
15472s results I also want to remind everyone
15474s that the World Cup Home and Away skin
15476s bundles are live so you guys haven't got
15478s to hurry and get them in that shop on
15481s June or before they leave the shop I
15483s should say June 27th so you guys have to
15485s check out the three bundles for the Mec
15486s aipac and Americas got those Home and
15489s Away skins and support these teams that
15491s we saw competing all throughout week
15493s number one but we are going to be
15496s heading into week number two in just a
15499s few days overall it'll be a goodbye for
15501s me so it's been a big thank you for
15504s having me on to the stream but Moxie
15506s Dustin I also want to grab your final
15508s words coming out from you guys
15510s well first of all don't take off this
15512s you use these days productively right we
15516s have a couple more days for some of
15517s these teams to be able to look back at
15519s the boards and see where they could made
15521s mistakes where they could have maybe
15522s made a couple of different decisions we
15524s still don't have everything sorted we
15525s still don't really know who all of the
15527s groups are going to be whether or not
15529s it's the team that takes that third spot
15530s in group a or the team that takes
15532s personal second in Group B it's all
15534s still to play for so Improvement
15535s absolutely on the board for all these
15537s teams 100 monkeys right and I think that
15540s what we saw in terms of week one was so
15542s much fun I mean we had that team us
15543s Savers Canada matchup we also got to see
15546s USA versus Mexico too I mean it's been
15548s an exciting first week and then
15550s obviously next week Ash is going to be
15552s some of those Banger series that you're
15554s not the one gonna miss out on obviously
15556s I mean I'm looking forward to week
15557s number two
15565s throat week one and of course having you
15569s both on the desk with me as well Gotta
15571s Give a big shout out also over towards
15573s Phil and Billy as well as Gompers who
15576s joined us throughout week one and of
15578s course Liga AC sports for being able to
15580s help us put on this amazing production
15582s here for the first week of the OverWatch
15585s World Cup online qualifiers for America
15587s so again guys you guys we're gonna have
15590s to say goodbye for now but stay tuned
15592s for week two should be on all around the
15595s same time here for those streams so
15597s watch out for those
15601s you've got the annihilation and the
15603s sound barriers are crossing 85 Ecuador
15606s needs to do something that's going to
15607s have to start with this booster it's
15609s going to be a massive blizzard hit
15611s that's the start you wanted
15613s the annihilation comes out no Pito
15616s tomato down we've had one punch back
15618s from Ecuador but it's just not within
15621s okay that's too much damage coming out
15623s of that ramatra 99 wait for spenko to
15626s get back in and bolster the conversation
15628s oh this might be difficult here for
15630s Emilio dalca does have the ultimate
15632s throws it in right into the back line
15634s does have the command to shout so it can
15636s start to close the gasket finds one can
15638s go down already eyes on the second
15639s support down they go and this is a house
15642s of dominoes now tumbling for Ecuador
15644s here so Brussels made of
15659s and focus going towards Persona here and
15662s there's no chance they let Rodrigo get
15663s that res I mean the heavy disappear out
15665s of the sign there and they give them
15667s you'll be able to get this all important
15669s of all
15671s of how it comes immediately finds wall
15674s to Oracle Falls to their opposite number
15676s and that's just what her room were
15679s waiting for fun stuff but it has allowed
15681s Adam to get themselves into a position
15683s to start to uh actually defend the spot
15685s and yeah you'll find the first opener
15687s Chucky's down here on top no chance for
15691s Argentina to generate ultimas and her
15693s room with an explosion of power put
15698s building up to 85 this is looking rough
15701s now for Puerto Rico yeah they were able
15704s to take down hydron at least for
15705s hydron's one of those members of USA
15707s lacking an ultimate as we head towards
15709s that overtime Puerto Rico do you have
15710s lots of their own Brazil let's get
15711s started out late you go into afterwards
15714s since you just use looking for those
15715s click space really used by collusion
15717s still hitting those body shots under the
15719s mayor of 15 given hero causing loopy to
15722s actually find ultraviolet early but
15723s Aspire has traded it back I can also get
15725s the charge on the Papa Joe immortality
15728s Phil couldn't even save and misfire just
15730s over the top is just absolutely pounding
15733s into Puerto Rico's side now they're
15735s going to be able to break idle spawn as
15736s ultraviolet do you think that they're
15739s gonna come on
15752s charging to each other back and forth
15754s hydrant down almost loses that armor
15757s Papa Joe though has to run away and
15759s hydrant comes out on top the rights to
15762s Puerto Rico now looks to try to maybe
15764s come back after losing stuff on The High
15767s Ground of the rest of Mexico peeling
15768s it's hard to do much as we'll stop
15770s towards that point the beat comes out
15771s too late to save Richie for it everness
15774s also falls to on Hell over the top with
15776s sideline who also then switches to
15777s bendett now able to kill Mario is well
15781s and they're already up to 80 last fight
15783s territory now that's that payload news
15785s checkpoint B and he's just sitting on
15786s the dragon strike waiting for them to
15787s move forward I'm actually kind of just
15789s wetting them back into the strings he
15790s gets poked out and dies yet again
15792s another blizzard here in this fight
15794s gives on hell that 2K now they look
15796s forward to continue pushing this card in
15798s so far they've not been stopped by
15800s Guatemala though Canada is going towards
15803s the point
15804s rotating around that Central Point
15806s Seeker on that Bastion they work from
15808s him to set up towards the back end
15810s Lucille until here has that poop as well
15812s balls with the slam secret with the foul
15814s opens perfect execution from Canada as
15816s they painted Costa Rica towards that
15818s point with the TP playing that's a fast
15819s team white fourth Point has even
15821s unlocked
15829s [Music]
15838s you've got
15843s [Music]
15857s laughs
15860s [Music]
15863s [Applause]