over 5 years ago - JoshuaNoh-1358 - Direct link

This bug fix can have a significant impact for both Zarya and Symmetra beam damage and to a lesser extent Winston and Moira. It will make damage feel more consistent but does not increase their maximum damage.

The issue was that if you were tracking a target with a beam and then lost it (within about a 0.15 sec window) it could end up dealing a partial damage value instead of the full amount.

The odd part of this fix is that the damage increase scales inversely with tracking accuracy. The more accurate a player’s tracking is, the less noticeable the change will be, with professional players likely being the least affected.

We’ll be keeping a close on eye on Zarya and Symmetra in particular this patch.

over 5 years ago - JoshuaNoh-1358 - Direct link

The turret slow does stack with itself, so 2 turrets will slow an enemy more than 1 turret will, unless that enemy is already slowing themself by a higher value. The new stacking rules are for splitting out friendly (ie. self slows) and enemy slows and taking which is greater.

So if Reinhardt has his shield out and is slowing himself by 50%, then you won’t notice him moving even slower until an enemy slows him by a value greater than that 50% (such as 3 Sym turrets hitting him).

The new rules were to help prevent heroes that slow themselves from effectively being rooted when affected by an enemy snare as well.