10 months ago - PlayOverwatch - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

6s The United Nations created Overwatch,
9s and we won some victories.
13s We thought the tide had turned.
17s Unfortunately, it did not quite work out that way.
24s But life had to go on.
44s Any battle that we won,
47s the Anubis program was learning from its defeat.
52s We could never beat it the same way twice.
60s Annihilation,
62s or victory,
63s depending on your point of view,
66s seemed inevitable.
68s And I know I had no choice in the matter.
71s I was under the control of the Anubis program.
75s But it haunts me.
78s All the omnics had their major subroutines overridden
81s and controlled by a lone God program.
87s All except one.
89s Aurora.
95s Her sentience meant that she was immune to the Anubis directives.
99s But if the AI could interface with all these omnics...
104s maybe Aurora could, too.
112s She was one of a kind,
115s but we had found a way to replicate her,
119s to transmit her.
124s But the cost would be so incredibly high.
145s Whatever Aurora was looking for on her journey to Shambali,
148s in that moment...
150s she had found it.
155s We were pretty confident we knew what the results would be...
160s but I will never fully understand what really happened in there.
183s Aurora gave us a chance.
203s Something... everything, changed.
207s It was the strangest thing I ever saw.
216s That moment...
218s would be known as the Awakening.
221s For the first time in our existence,
224s we were suddenly given a choice.
232s Some chose to lay down their weapons.
235s Some continued to fight the humans.
240s But some of us chose to turn against the AI that had held us captive.
246s We had a choice.
249s Overwatch seized the moment.
252s They started a counteroffensive.
254s It would take some time,
256s but it was the start of us winning the war.
260s The strikes and counterstrikes eventually drove the enemy forces to collapse.
267s By some small miracle,
269s we infiltrated and quarantined Anubis in Cairo.
273s Months later, the war was over.
276s We had won.
281s I got to know some of them.
283s They are like... us.
286s Reflections of us.
289s Some are no good.
292s Some I would trust with my life.
296s I suppose we all had an "Awakening".
299s The Awakening?
301s Of course I remember.
304s For one brief moment, we were all connected and aware.
310s What I remember more than anything else is her message.
315s "My friends, when I was born..."
318s ...I was overwhelmed.
321s Overwhelmed by the sudden rush of senses,
325s emotions,
327s choices.
330s I was excited...
333s alive.
334s It was...
336s frightening.
338s But I found in facing fear there is freedom.
343s And through freedom, you can find your own path.
349s I have chosen to share the discovery with you.
356s A new beginning.
360s I wish I could stay.
365s You have this one life.
370s Choose well.
374s "You have this one life."
377s "Choose well."
379s "Choose well."