about 1 year ago - PlayOverwatch - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s I've got reservations at a fantastic
2s restaurant but I'm not too sure who to
4s invite I know a guy is he by any chance
7s a dashing ex mercenary from the
9s Caribbean
10s he might just be what do you miss most
13s about the academy Satya you're snoring
16s would help me sleep you're so
18s old-fashioned Reinhardt a hammer how
20s marvelous I suppose you think I should
23s have a giant laser gun no lean into it
26s get Lynn home to go to one of his big
28s robotic horses I love the warmth in your
30s music your newest album is like
32s listening to a sunrise wow thanks you
35s should tell that to my critics critics
37s you no I won't stand for it are you in
40s roadhog together do you ever see us
43s apart no I mean are you a couple yes a
47s couple of Dashing rides not sure what
50s you're missing here