about 1 year ago - PlayOverwatch - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

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2094s good evening Fruit Loops and corn flakes
2096s welcome back to day two of week two of
2101s the OverWatch World Cup APAC Group B
2105s qualifiers there we go we got it all
2106s online online qualifiers
2109s my name is Matt pixie Carol joining me
2111s right here is Kevin ever Walker and
2112s joining me over there is Domino how are
2114s we doing today guys
2116s yeah good I'm a little sad actually
2118s because it's the second last day which
2119s means it's almost over and so I'm sad
2121s about that well I have some good news
2123s for you after this there's actually even
2125s more World Cup because wow we can go
2128s ahead and take a look at how that shakes
2129s out actually we are in that a patent
2130s Rigby as mentioned two of these six
2132s teams will qualify into those groups
2134s they just they will go up against the
2136s qualifiers of all of those other regions
2138s both A's and B's and all those will be
2141s scrambled up as well so we will have
2143s countries playing against countries that
2145s they have not yet come across in their
2147s starting groups during the online
2148s qualifiers very exciting stuff and of
2150s course we still have yet to determine
2152s who our two winning teams are going to
2154s be uh it's looking like a bit of a
2156s three-horse race right now and I think
2158s after today is probably when we're going
2160s to start seeing that shake out a little
2161s bit uh especially after yesterday we had
2163s some pretty serious deciders uh that
2166s really kind of delineated who is exactly
2168s where this was the big title bout of the
2170s lot India versus Australia and uh well
2172s I'm going to give this one to our
2173s resident Australian to talk about
2176s oh that's me isn't it okay I had some
2179s mind-blank for a second uh yeah so
2181s Australia did take the win here we saw
2183s Nanda play a lot of pharaoh which India
2186s could just not contest with we did I
2188s think expect this to be a bit closer in
2190s matches but Australia seemed to just
2191s sort of snowball against India there
2194s um and look color hex coming out with
2196s the fire as well and I think I'll hand
2197s over to Avril for this one that first
2199s game was uh that's you actually your
2202s resident fake British person and you're
2204s covering the wrong broadcast because
2205s that's an emec but
2207s that first game Australia India was our
2209s closest one to swiping a 2-0 it was the
2211s most competitive match the other two
2212s games after that unfortunately were a
2214s little bit more one-sided quite a bit
2215s more one-sided in some cases and uh
2218s pretty simple play through for New
2220s Zealand and also Thailand we expect them
2222s to do well there maybe there were some
2224s questions about whether New Zealand
2225s would look clean versus Malaysia they
2227s ended deed they were definitely A Step
2229s Above Malaysia and currently still
2231s keeping their heads above water is New
2233s Zealand and they're going to need to
2234s continue doing that because they are the
2236s fourth team on that list of four that
2238s could still make it through Singapore or
2240s eliminated with Malaysia losing that
2241s game to New Zealand officially they've
2243s been eliminate it as well in Thailand
2244s sitting pretty comfortably in a position
2246s where if they can beat India today they
2248s have a very strong chance of making it
2250s and so yeah where stanzas we've
2253s eliminated the bottom two teams of
2254s Singapore and Malaysia and the top four
2256s teams we still have yet to find out
2257s which two are going to make it through
2258s and you can see it writ large there of
2260s course Australia uh leading the pack
2263s right now but have played one less game
2265s than Thailand Thailand the last games
2267s and it's a very do or die one if they
2269s lose it then they are essentially their
2271s fate is out of their hands they're
2273s relying on winning on a tiebreaker
2275s speaking of which New Zealand's only
2277s hope to get it and as well relies on
2279s them winning today uh relies on Thailand
2281s losing and relies on again a series of
2283s tiebreakers to fall in their favor so
2286s it's a bit of a shaky path out for some
2288s teams Australia looking very likely to
2290s make it out if Thailand pick up a win
2291s today they're essentially guaranteed to
2293s make it out so there's still quite a lot
2294s to play for between all these teams
2296s let's go ahead and take a look at what
2298s matches we have on the cards today as I
2300s mentioned really important one there on
2301s the second one between India and
2302s Thailand but we actually kick things off
2304s with Australia versus Malaysia which by
2305s the way is also somewhat important to
2307s Team New Zealand winning the wings
2308s because if you saw where the standings
2309s were every team is sitting on currently
2311s three wins if you make it a full wins
2313s you're basically guaranteed through the
2315s only way New Zealand can sort of hope is
2317s to rely on 3-2 tie Breakers with teams
2319s are sitting at a score of three and two
2320s in order for that to happen one of the
2322s pathways actually is for team Australia
2324s who are not currently guaranteed if they
2326s lose to Malaysia then lose to New
2328s Zealand which is a must win for New
2329s Zealand then both those teams will be in
2331s a 3-2 there's enough teams on a 3-2 I
2333s think you need at least three teams on a
2334s three and two tiebreaker then New
2335s Zealand has a shot they'll be the only
2336s shot so one pathway on the Australian
2339s side exists where they would need to
2340s lose Malaysia if Australia does beat
2342s Malaysia which is expected that pathway
2343s closes and then New Zealand needs um I
2346s believe uh India to beat Thailand in the
2348s India to lose to Singapore tomorrow so
2350s that would be the other pathway yeah
2352s beyond that what you mentioned between
2353s India India and Thailand that is a very
2356s important game between those two and
2357s probably the more pressing sort of
2359s result they were looking for because the
2360s one of that likely takes one of our two
2362s spots going forward yeah that's the
2364s really interesting thing obviously after
2365s yesterday both India and Thailand have
2367s taken a loss against Australia who are
2369s still looking like the team to beat
2370s let's be completely clear about that as
2372s much as we're talking about how they
2373s would need to lose to Malaysia and whole
2375s bunch of other things that New Zealand
2376s would have a shot in their head to head
2377s against them tomorrow uh the more likely
2379s outcome actually is that Australia can
2380s guarantee themselves qualifying in off
2382s the back of today if they can win at
2383s this very first match of the day and
2385s indeed we might have even established
2386s what two if Thailand go ahead and pick
2388s up a win thereafter but Australia's
2390s roster Domino talk us through this
2393s yeah so as you guys have mentioned I
2395s think Australia will win this as well to
2396s be honest I think Australia is going to
2397s go undefeated through the qualifiers and
2400s they've got such a strong lineup here we
2401s can see kapha is going to be starting
2403s off today uh instead of punk which is
2405s what we've actually seen a lot
2406s throughout this online qualifiers is
2408s covered doing the control maps and then
2410s getting subbed in later for other Maps
2413s where they've really needed the secret
2414s play or the revital play and kapha kind
2416s of taking one of those dive roles here
2418s and so not surprised by the starting
2419s lineup and nanza again I'm guessing
2421s we're going to see some Pharaoh
2423s um on the control as well from Nanda we
2425s actually caught up with copper yesterday
2426s and he mentioned very specifically with
2427s regards to punk that uh that they're
2429s using him for very particular hero picks
2431s generally speaking if they want to run
2432s Winston they're bringing a kapha and
2434s punk a lot of the rest of their hero
2436s pools so again it kind of speaks to what
2438s we're likely to see uh speaking of what
2439s we're likely to see let's go ahead now
2440s and take a look at Team Malaysia now
2442s this team uh did struggle quite hard
2444s versus New Zealand yesterday and one of
2446s the key matchups they struggled in was
2447s versus color hexes for it and I think
2449s they're going to be struck a little bit
2450s more today versus now because he's an
2452s even better fire player in this pool in
2454s this matchup compared to what color hex
2456s was who again is still working through
2457s some role swapping teething issues some
2460s hurdles there but Nanda is deadly in the
2462s skies that dude is going to be really
2464s rough to play against and jw3 tried to
2467s go on the echo yesterday didn't work out
2469s too well game pro dude brought a bit of
2471s Cassie at one point j03 also brought
2473s that out as well not amazing
2475s um unfortunately you know four Malaysia
2478s trying to take down the other fight on
2479s the first control map it's gonna be a
2481s struggle however they can still take us
2482s to Circle Royale which I expect to be
2484s our second map not just because everyone
2486s tips anywhere but specifically for
2487s Malaysia that's where they Thrive Jacobs
2489s play the Widowmaker fantasy goes to the
2491s sigma it's really the only shot I didn't
2493s think they did Super well on it
2494s yesterday I'd like to see them improve
2495s on that performance from circuit into
2497s today's game yeah absolutely actually
2499s funnily enough
2500s that is uh yesterday was the second time
2503s we had uh map 2 not go to Circuit we
2506s went to nambani once and then we went to
2508s shambali Monastery yesterday uh between
2510s India and Australia uh so every other
2512s time it's been circuit Royale so yeah
2513s quite likely that we'll end up going
2514s there strange it's also strategically
2516s beneficial for Malaysia to go there so
2517s it is absolutely it is and with that uh
2519s of course kick things off speaking of
2521s maps on ilios uh today that is pre-set
2525s uh then loser will pick the subsequent
2526s map we go into uh choice of either
2528s escort or hybrids followed by push and
2531s if we do have uh we've got a hybrid we
2532s get a draw and we're all the way there
2534s at three and three with a draw and yada
2536s yada and we go to control again has not
2538s yet happened no I'd like you to
2542s it's not going to happen yeah I think
2545s Australia's Got This one in the bag
2547s um and I I wouldn't be surprised um I
2551s would like to see something other than
2552s circuit Royale but as avril's pointed
2554s out it's probably what they're going to
2555s pick it's the safe pick
2556s um but I'd love to see a different map
2558s but I doubt it
2559s quite possibly at any rate I do believe
2562s we are ready to get stuck into our first
2564s of two matches of the day an important
2566s one the one that could lock in the
2569s qualification from Australia any final
2571s thoughts of support for the boys before
2573s they get into game Domino
2576s no nothing specific I am expecting Nanda
2579s to maybe play the pharah or the echo
2581s here and just to control those skies and
2582s to control those high points especially
2584s here on the opening well
2590s there is still can't
2592s I still don't know where the string plug
2594s is
2597s there it is I just heard it I don't know
2600s [Music]
2601s unfortunately the Mad pool is not going
2603s to end up at least for the first night
2604s favoring team Malaysia with Lee jungle
2606s ileoste Paul all three pretty far
2609s friendly in fact on Eliot specifically
2611s it's an echo favorite map as well so I
2613s think they should just roll out on the
2614s echo straight away don't even bother
2615s with anything else if you roll on the
2617s echo you're already off to a pretty good
2619s start if that then goes far you have a
2621s good shot of at least yeah something
2622s there to dissuade him but unfortunately
2624s we don't have anything like a Busan or
2626s an Antarctic peninsula in here which
2628s would be less favorable for the cars and
2630s 40 Malaysia as well this is also their
2634s last game so a couple teams will be
2636s finishing out their World Cup right at
2638s least for the online qualifiers here
2639s today with Malaysia and Thailand
2642s Thailand and if Australia does win they
2644s will be the first team on four points
2646s and four points is the cutoff in my
2649s belief to actually have a guaranteed
2651s spot so uh yeah you're not going to get
2653s too many teams with four wins or more so
2655s yeah in fact with the head-to-head
2657s between Thailand and India I don't
2658s believe it is possible to have three
2660s team
2670s teams in
2673s tomorrow's games are just for fun I love
2676s a full fun game matches get the
2679s translation for fun bout
2682s it'd be nice to see Australia win
2684s something
2687s um I don't know if everyone knows about
2688s that
2689s they probably don't
2692s it's their loss so Jay's gonna start on
2694s the haircut that's expected I think
2696s that's what you should be done
2698s NADA could actually also just play the
2699s echo I think there's a better Echo map
2701s than this before it does require you to
2702s Rob boat lock on the mercy here as well
2704s and typically this would be enough
2705s typically one Echo versus a
2707s pharmaceutical should be enough
2715s in the first fight yeah already has his
2717s number one of the other things we noted
2719s is obviously fantasy quite limited on
2720s the tank pool here we've been playing a
2722s lot of the Jungle Queen that hasn't
2724s helped them a whole lot either game pro
2726s dude a little bit under Fire here we'll
2728s be able to recall the safety but yeah
2729s fantasy is taking so much pressure
2730s lately to go down here completely
2731s surroundings it's the first point going
2733s over to Australia with three unanswered
2735s kills very cleanly collected we'll uh
2738s see what the score line of Katies are
2740s for in Australia here
2742s the first kills come on through it might
2744s be a struggle fantasy going to Diva this
2745s is a new Hero Of War Fantasy A brand
2747s spanking you here that we haven't seen
2749s fantasy play yet
2751s if it is uh pretty decent in this
2753s particular matchup does well against
2754s Anna does well against the Winston does
2756s well obviously against the fire as well
2758s but a lot of work need to be done here
2760s for Malaysia already very easy on the
2763s back foot numerals if you caught the
2764s second rocket would have gone down there
2765s as well
2768s and just continuing the brawl that log
2772s comfortably staying in the pocket of
2773s Nanda numenos
2775s trying to do a similar thing to jw3 but
2777s uh again still uh just taking a lot of a
2780s beating contesting the point at least is
2782s Malaysia and they've got that extra help
2783s from the diva but there we go solo Rock
2785s The Barrage just to do a jw3 keeps the
2787s Rockets firing on the body as well just
2789s so that uh numerals can't come in
2790s immediately to try and go for a raise
2791s and abdominals attention pulled
2793s elsewhere I'm gonna go down nand to sit
2795s in that one out and uh okay fantasy off
2798s the map yeah uh in the drink in the well
2800s I assume there's water at the bottom of
2802s it and that would be painful yeah
2805s well has anyone in Australia died yet
2807s not to my knowledge no so not yet
2810s waiting 100 to zero with no death would
2813s be very impressive the Flawless one
2816s exactly Flawless correct
2820s the goal they'd be the goal for
2821s Australia
2823s another kill with the jw3 Newman I was
2825s trying to go for a race but just can't
2826s afford to commit to it popping the
2829s valkyrie as well now taking a lot of
2831s heat a lot of pressure from the ground
2832s and just that one-man Advantage is
2834s really keeping Malaysia muscled off look
2836s at this now there's still keeping on top
2837s of numerals meanwhile copper diving on
2839s the ground we'll fight Gemini gamepro
2841s dude as well losing in the deal to Quinn
2843s and you can see in the supports there in
2846s the uh kill assist rather just how much
2847s impact Bert log is having just because
2849s it's sort of timing out uh really well
2851s to sort of Pop from here to Hero uh
2853s throw down the extra bit of oh oh nope
2856s out of range of the self-destruct it's
2857s gonna say Throw Down the damage boost uh
2859s it was that's it that was yeah no deaths
2862s none whatsoever that's why I was waiting
2864s to see if Nanda was in range of the
2865s self-destruct because he was channeling
2866s The Rocker Horizon and would have not
2868s been able to avoid dying but was out of
2870s range of it impressive stuff
2873s I mean the bigger challenge would be can
2874s you do a whole map can you do it twice
2878s because I'd love to see it
2879s I don't know if it was Flawless but I do
2881s know in yesterday's game in APAC a
2885s between Korea and Philippines
2887s Korea I Believe full held the payload
2890s right I was born a circuit and my
2892s circular another map actually that's
2893s impressive what circuit and then just
2895s touch the payload in one like 0.01 touch
2898s it in one so that's insane that's really
2901s cool I I don't think we've even seen a
2904s single 200 to zero this tournament in
2907s APAC B I don't remember we've had a
2910s couple of we've had a couple of lockouts
2911s had a couple hundred zeros but we
2912s haven't had a team actually do it back
2914s to back on control usually there's been
2917s you know it'll be like a fight that uh
2919s the winning team still wins but the
2921s other team gets like a cat part way
2922s through for like 10 or something came
2924s pretty down early numerals as well
2927s gets picked off fantasy in the counter
2929s Dave there and I mean that's to be
2932s expected it could be a little bit hard
2933s to keep yourself alive against Winston
2934s diving in when you are button
2936s speaking of which though fantasy is
2938s going to be dispatched off by Nanda and
2940s once again the opening Point caps go the
2942s way of Australia May yet get the 200-0
2944s lockout
2947s still waiting for their first pick to
2949s come to the result they've got a
2950s sacrifice now away from the echo moved
2953s over towards the Ash and said a little
2954s in the long range it's going to see if
2955s that will be effective versus Nanda
2958s I bet it won't
2959s the uh it's normally it would be
2962s somewhat effective but at the moment
2963s game producer is unable to get any
2965s angles and yeah now let's just mark them
2966s out that's kind of what you need to do
2967s Mark out the Ash OH
2969s actually I don't have any sort of
2971s ability to work with you at all could
2973s could be that the kill feed isn't going
2974s to show it upright but that looked like
2975s an unassisted kill that Aki was able to
2978s pull off on the jw3 wouldn't be
2979s surprised if it was the old uh sleep
2981s dark nade body shot Quick Melee combo
2985s Australia is still collecting all the
2987s kills and again for one for that one
2988s death on Accu they'd actually still be
2990s on a perfect record right now he did die
2992s unlucky yeah I'm lucky
2995s he's paying for the meal afterwards yeah
2998s happening there
3000s first round on Aki
3003s very clean two quick pickups did get
3006s slept but otherwise
3008s embarrassing well Cafe's getting second
3011s round
3013s coming online from Malaysia should be
3016s soon
3017s and I believe game producer is still
3019s working on the first barbec 40 as quiet
3021s as far behind that's yeah I mean he's
3023s barely been able to fire our shots he's
3025s throwing dynamites that's about what
3027s he's been able to do he's not had sight
3028s lines to play through and that's really
3030s telling that goes to show just how
3032s dominating Nanda is right now that he is
3034s winning the sightline battle against an
3036s ash on the ground numenos down Nanda
3038s once again just so comfortable cut for
3040s getting aggressive gamepro dude barely
3042s able to play the game collected eight
3044s percent of old charge in the entire
3046s Exchange
3047s now with the 85 to sell the map
3050s so you want to see a 200-0 I think it's
3052s about to come through looking very
3053s likely with those extra debts and Quinn
3055s even fighting jw3 getting as well not an
3058s easy one to pull off in the Tracer duel
3060s barely anyone alive for Malaysia Game
3061s Pro 2 I mean struggling to even get near
3064s Nanda just keeping on top of him had the
3066s Nano boost not even touching the points
3068s like three players absolutely yeah
3070s absolutely devastating start for
3072s Australia well devastating of the good
3074s way devastating unfortunately for
3076s Malaysia everyone devastated but exactly
3078s what you'd expect in terms of the
3080s prowess of Australia coming into the
3081s series
3084s so two players either cut for a knacky
3087s and that was it right
3088s yeah
3090s three players went flawless
3093s impressive really impressive
3097s how impressed are you dominant are you
3099s as impressed as the two of us
3105s knew Nanda was gonna
3106s run Farrah Nanda probably has hundreds
3108s if not thousands of hours on a pharaoh
3110s as played as Farah he's also being
3112s pocketed by Bert log on Mercy he clearly
3114s did not care about any hit scans any
3116s Divas anything that was going to be
3118s challenging him so he he just controlled
3121s the entire Sky of the map and um so well
3124s done to them Nanda knows how to play
3126s that hero and how to play it very very
3127s well
3128s um and Malaysia again didn't have an
3130s answer unfortunately to that play
3133s and I mean a lot of people haven't had
3135s an answer to and his Pharaoh as because
3138s it's probably not going to happen this
3139s tournament do you have an answer I would
3141s love to see if if and when Australia get
3143s through because there's only one math
3144s now separating Australia yeah or zero
3147s scoreline that would get them through
3148s the next stage if they could end up at
3150s some point facing in Saudi Arabia I want
3152s to see the USANA versus nanduel
3157s that's the ultimate Faro 1v1 matchup
3159s that we're waiting for so we'll have to
3161s see why that would be cool let's see if
3162s that ends up coming to fruition but as
3164s you rightly mentioned only one map now
3165s standing between Australia and being the
3167s first team to officially qualify out of
3170s this group in terms of the pure
3171s mathematical possibilities we'll have to
3173s see if they can confirm that one right
3175s after this break
3177s [Music]
3188s you asked we listen the mcfeast is back
3191s in all its beefy salady Saucy Glory
3194s value means more at macca's I grab a
3197s mcface lunch deal now for only 5.95
3200s [Music]
3209s [Applause]
3209s [Music]
3221s foreign
3224s [Music]
3264s [Music]
3268s thank you
3269s [Music]
3290s [Music]
3292s foreign
3310s [Music]
3316s [Music]
3332s [Applause]
3334s [Music]
3353s [Music]
3363s foreign
3391s [Music]
3395s [Applause]
3398s [Music]
3406s [Music]
3425s [Music]
3445s thank you
3451s foreign
3458s [Music]
3467s thanks for sticking with us for that
3469s break we are back we are halfway through
3471s our Australia versus Malaysia game and
3474s yes I'm saying halfway through we're at
3475s one and zero and I fully expect that we
3478s will be punching the two and zero ticket
3479s once again tonight and doing so as we
3482s were just saying before we went to break
3483s would actually see Australia officially
3485s qualifying out of this group we wouldn't
3488s know if it's in first place or second
3489s place just yet but it is all but
3492s guaranteed just one map now standing
3494s between them and a guaranteed spot in
3497s the group stages
3498s looking hot looking good it's about what
3501s we expected from Australia coming into
3502s this event highlighted as potentially
3504s the number one favorite team the
3506s expected team to not only take one of
3508s the two seeds but likely in the first
3510s spot as well that's looking more and
3512s more true the more we watch them
3515s and we're also saying that we are quite
3516s possibly going to be using another
3517s Circle Royale of course since Malaysia's
3519s map pick once again losing team always
3521s picks the maps we've seen mostly circuit
3524s Royale yep
3525s there's no way time is a flat circuit
3528s Royale yeah there's there's no way Nanda
3530s runs the Pharaoh in circuit Royale but I
3531s kind of want to see it but now you're
3532s going to face an Army on the water
3533s makers
3537s I believe Nana should actually be subbed
3538s up for Queen we'll probably see
3540s dominance as well you would see punk as
3542s well correct
3543s um anything else we're expecting to see
3545s Domino
3546s no well other than Australia winning
3550s how much how much will they win by how
3553s many meters is Malaysia gonna get
3556s are they gonna get a cafe at all uh I
3559s think if Malaysia gets the first point
3561s Australia made a mistake
3562s wow all right all right yes
3568s I can't believe you'd say that about
3570s this team I mean you don't need to be
3571s that harsh in Malaysia you know they're
3573s no Singapore uh actually they beat
3575s Singapore so we know for a fact that
3577s that's true
3581s I think it's also just Australia maybe
3583s um their players that just maybe the
3585s mechanics are a bit more refined there
3586s within the players you know they're just
3588s a bit more just that level up of skill
3590s and so I don't think that it's saying
3592s Malaysia are not doing well I think it's
3595s just oh Malaysia you're not doing well I
3596s can't believe you say that that's so
3598s offensive it's unbelievable ridiculous
3601s um but it does look like we are all set
3603s and primed we need to go into game and I
3604s do think you're raising a good party
3605s that really the other thing that's
3606s happening here is that Australia is
3607s going from strength to strength so thank
3608s you very much Domino we will catch you
3610s on the other side and speaking of catch
3612s quick shout out to macca's here of
3614s course the Beast is back in all it's
3617s beefy Sally Saucy Glory value means more
3620s at macca's
3622s [Music]
3626s yes
3628s it's more accurate that is Mac is
3631s in Monte Carlo
3633s is that
3635s I would feel like if there's like any
3637s place in the world that there is in the
3638s McDonald's it would be like I don't
3640s microstate like Monaco I like the
3642s Vatican there's probably no matter
3643s Vatican I think there is you think
3646s there's a Vatican City McDonald's think
3648s there should be if there isn't one
3650s interesting so
3652s we have uh more substitutions I didn't
3655s name just yet this is kind of
3657s interesting actually all right Nanda
3660s didn't get subbed out he's actually
3661s going to be playing support
3662s oh so Nanda sting and he's going to be
3666s playing a little bit about it's going to
3667s give birth log a break actually this
3668s this seems like a
3672s fantasy just said something available
3676s back on the train I thought I was trying
3678s to get there this seems slightly beam
3681s but on the scene on the same note though
3684s they don't have I don't believe team
3685s Australia has to flex supports because
3687s they've gone for three DPS on the team
3689s yeah and two tanks
3691s so this isn't like the weirdest thing in
3693s the world because otherwise burlog would
3695s have to fight code but putting Nanda on
3697s a flexible here is not completely wacky
3699s because shmiko is also coming in for
3701s Malaysia so uh that will maybe change
3704s some things it comes an over game pro
3706s dude
3707s I mean I've seen jw3 look decent on
3710s Widowmaker at times
3713s Nami is still a daunting Prospect though
3716s especially with army defending first
3718s you'd prefer to be the defensive Widow
3719s absolutely
3722s and Australia have a chance here because
3724s they're defending first to really just
3725s kind of punch the ticket if they prevent
3727s a cap if they prevent the point they cap
3729s and get a full hold it makes it that
3731s much easier for them to win first kill
3732s coming across actually Punk collecting
3734s one on Gemini
3737s no more immortality field that has now
3739s expired
3740s just having a hang back here Malaysia
3742s waiting for that respawn
3747s I've got a little bit of movement just a
3750s tiny smidge of the payload movement to
3751s begin with
3753s from the straight notice that
3755s Australia's playing this playing quite
3756s aggressively a lot of teams will choose
3758s the whole back all the way back to the
3760s hairpin
3761s Australia fairly pushed up Jay could
3763s have actually died there because he
3764s worked in the service right yeah so Nami
3766s was able to just get that shot in and
3769s put him into death looks like we're not
3771s quite this time just basically playing
3773s the Four Corners
3775s we know the toys from new Menards in
3777s Australia they know it to back out and
3779s it's a long way back out I'm just kind
3781s of hanging out in the ocean here we go
3783s really killing it too with the same
3786s storm Arrow channel that opens things
3788s right up for Malaysia this uh this will
3790s give them a lot of ground especially
3792s nicely done May yet be able to run down
3794s Nanda and finish him off yep and back
3796s collect the whole set here goes quick as
3798s well now let's get a very nice stuff for
3800s Malaysia more kills than they got on the
3802s entirety of Elias just in that one fight
3805s in fact it's more than double the number
3807s of kills that's wild that's the same
3809s that's a lot
3810s so
3812s huge coming through kashmiko the sub in
3815s gets a double kill there off the back of
3817s the window from numerals Australia
3819s obviously they're disrespected the
3821s window they just play directly into it
3822s public didn't quite have the flux in it
3824s he was probably 94. if you get the flux
3825s straight away they could have easier
3827s played for something he was kind of
3829s hiding he needed to wait for that flux
3831s in the rest of Australia
3832s just played into the window as well and
3834s sniped out by arrows that was the danger
3836s of playing so far forwards
3839s long retreat Nice kill at the fantasy
3842s Nami with a lot of help there connects
3844s one
3845s and it's going to stop Malaysia up they
3847s were approaching the cap still needed
3848s another favorable fight to actually
3850s confirm it
3852s yeah so they still happen and that's
3854s kind of the relief you get the insurance
3856s policy for Australia because they play
3857s quite forward in the initial a defense
3859s even after getting the entire team white
3861s for payload I think it moves far enough
3863s to reach the actual Hampton but
3865s Australia can still defend it
3869s hanging tight with that Dragon strike
3871s here
3873s it was kicksmico getting two picks
3876s early in the last uh last bounce they're
3880s gonna be pushing up here they're really
3881s just taking their time too much time in
3884s fact there's fantasy just outside of the
3885s immortality field as they were waiting
3887s out the window from Nanda and now punk
3890s getting aggressive that is two fluxes to
3893s fantasies non-naturally fantasies get to
3896s use that one pug kind of whiffing his in
3898s the previous Fight Before Dying and then
3900s able to charge up a whole set of clubs
3905s and there's 30 seconds left everything
3907s is starting to unravel Malaysia have all
3909s the ultimates here but no willpower to
3911s use them yeah okay A little bit of
3912s respect being shown and that's the thing
3914s right because Village does have
3915s ultimates and you this is the fight with
3917s it all the ultimates are gonna get
3918s thrown in good chance still even with
3921s that one death Malaysian toss in the
3923s rest of the four ultimate to hold for
3924s something big I was going to say though
3925s all it would take is for one critical
3927s kill for example if they found something
3928s like Gemini who is going to publish
3929s Transcendence just to answer that Dragon
3931s strike so nice trade deck when happy to
3933s force that one out now flux is going to
3934s be used only catching Nando's the land
3937s down in the Transcendent so he's just
3938s fine they didn't even use the
3939s immortality field that a lot of
3941s confidence from Nanda and there we go
3943s now has the immortality field down in
3945s place to handle the dragon strike it's
3947s now no ultimates left for Malaysia just
3950s that window that is about to run out and
3952s there we go keep some code going down
3953s not looking good for Malaysia in this
3955s final fight every single ultimate was
3957s bounded by Australia's usage very nicely
3960s on their limited abilities between the
3962s Transcendence and the immortality field
3964s they avoided everything the leader threw
3967s at them and they completely shut them
3969s out of a point
3971s 90.51 meters away from qualifying into
3974s the group stage now for team Australia
3977s it's writings on the wall I'm afraid I
3980s think we all expected that coming on in
3982s and teams probably expected that as well
3983s full hold
3985s reasonable amount of distance
3987s critical Critters do Malaysia did winify
3989s then they got the payload all the way to
3991s the end of a but
3993s not enough stability to be able to
3994s finish all the way through and now for
3996s Australia
3998s we're interesting to see how much time
3999s they take here four full minutes to get
4001s 90 meters
4003s plenty of time indeed one successful
4006s fight
4007s could be enough for it and we saw
4009s Malaysia really kind of struggling to
4011s keep their heads above water just very
4013s uncertain unwilling to commit even when
4017s they had significant ultimate advantage
4019s and no this isn't going to be a real oh
4021s it's gonna be a real Reinhardt though
4025s what they know what they need to I
4027s respect that they understand they can't
4029s win the mirror and they're going to try
4030s something wacky and what is likely to be
4032s their last showing in the World Cup this
4034s year in for Malaysia pull through
4036s something different fantasies shown more
4039s Heroes today than I think the for the
4041s entirety rest of the event so sort of
4043s Diva today saw the wine coming through
4045s now no idea what the Ryan's going to
4046s look like so you don't want to show it
4048s too early I think they are potentially
4049s showing the rain too early now this is
4052s Australian know what's up
4054s they probably understand the TP I mean
4056s Nami can confirm that straight away with
4058s an arrow so it looks exactly they've
4059s already seen the rotation
4062s okay there we go I've been completely
4064s spotted out in Australia can just rotate
4065s out the side here Nando's got to be on
4068s the mercy on the other end wow
4071s that's a that's a proper role reversal
4073s you got to respect that
4076s and I mean look at that they're having
4079s to charge just to get into places in
4081s trouble right on the ground already
4083s rotated onto the car yeah punk just go
4085s straight for the payload they keep
4087s Malaysia busy on the side ground
4088s Malaysia even when that set up even with
4090s this particular cop it gets scouted out
4091s and they just don't have any
4092s productivity about it late deaths coming
4094s through now Gemini the cut already
4096s underway we'll have to see if Malaysia
4098s changed things up for this final
4099s potential defense okay things are
4101s changing yep double hitch scan who knows
4104s whatever towards the Zen fantasy
4105s sticking on the rain
4118s at this stage
4120s just try every Tank Hero see what
4122s happens
4126s oh that's a good one for Zacky uh one of
4130s the only people to die actually on the
4131s previous map and there we go fantasy
4133s fighting another one on NAMI that's
4134s decent does go down
4136s once again though Nader and Quinn the
4138s only one slept battle Mercy
4141s you can it does the DPS instant kick
4144s again it's gonna be a long slow death
4146s here still two and a half minutes on the
4147s clock for Australia you know what Punk
4149s is like all right now he's going back
4151s over to the cigarette yeah I think he
4152s actually deleted his ultimate there I
4154s think he did because Punk was about to
4155s be on flux but not mistaken instead he's
4158s on Flex he goes I don't even need the
4159s ultimate you know what he's uh they're
4161s gonna play the quote-unquote real cult
4162s now and
4164s or it won't take too much to get past
4165s very easy by the way to just throw storm
4168s arrows in where there's no Shield
4169s blocking you now
4172s as long as I only gets hot this is yeah
4175s Australia running it down setting it out
4177s all it's going to take us one particular
4179s pick uh and to heal out of sleep that as
4181s he's done four numerals even going down
4182s so Quinn with the overclock running
4184s fights kicks me coach jw3 and not even
4186s confirming the final kill before they
4189s get the car past the lane fantastic from
4192s Australia
4193s and they've done it first thing to
4195s qualify through yep
4196s and I think it's three of them yeah I
4198s think Australia should be really proud
4199s of us by the way and we haven't really
4200s talked about it much but we've mentioned
4202s that Australia has generally been one of
4205s the better performing teams at World
4207s Cups in previous years but we didn't
4210s really talk about the fact that that
4211s means there's a legacy that this
4213s particular Incarnation has had to live
4214s up to and they have absolutely done that
4216s fantastic in this entire group of teams
4219s Australia the only one that have ever
4220s met a top eight in World Cup yeah so
4229s I'm well on track as I said to uh maybe
4232s approach those same lofty Heights indeed
4233s perhaps surpass the results of roster's
4236s past uh again largely expect the result
4238s but it's got to feel good right Domino
4241s yeah definitely and I hope we do see
4244s them all the way to the end again of the
4246s OverWatch World Cup they definitely have
4247s some big shoes to fill we had some
4249s really big players back in the day but
4250s well done to them and look as I said I
4253s felt like the only way they were going
4255s to give that first point to Malaysia was
4256s if they made a mistake and look they
4257s almost did make a mistake they did push
4259s a bit too far forward they might have
4260s gotten a bit too aggressive but they
4261s brought it back and they quickly picked
4263s things back up and played it a bit more
4265s seriously held the team back and so well
4267s done to Australia making sure Malaysia
4269s did not get that first point and look
4271s Malaysia tried some fun things for their
4273s final uh map here you know they did a
4276s bit of the India trick there they tried
4277s to do the really hold close one did it
4279s work no we've seen it hasn't worked but
4281s hey good on them for trying and maybe
4283s having some fun on their last match up
4285s today
4287s certainly as much as one can have and
4289s even Australia having uh let's be honest
4290s having a wee bit of fun there with the
4292s roll swap on Nanda having him play the
4294s mercy I think was uh just a nice uh
4298s sweet addition to the whole thing a bit
4299s of a cherry on top thematic touch really
4301s yeah
4303s it goes to show that you know the man
4304s really can do it all has the humility to
4306s be the pocket Mercy
4308s and I do believe speaking of we're
4310s actually gonna have a chance to catch up
4311s with Nanda I know what I'm gonna ask him
4314s hi Ananda how you doing
4316s I'm good how did it feel to have to play
4321s the pocket Mercy when you were used to
4323s having the mercy in the pocket bit of a
4325s role reversal didn't come naturally to
4327s you did you realize that you've been
4329s mistreating your mercies all these years
4331s how was that
4333s it's a bit tougher than I thought just a
4335s bit of a flaw of Mercy I am yeah by the
4338s way because you've just made Mercy means
4340s days with saying that
4344s how is
4346s how I was feeling was there like a shout
4347s [Music]
4349s you guys just realized you're in you're
4351s in to the next stages pretty much like I
4354s don't think like I think now you're
4356s going to be top one or top two like you
4358s made it how's everyone feeling we're all
4360s pretty excited we're just praying that
4361s we don't get a South Korea now bracket
4363s but uh
4364s don't worry about them again be stuck in
4367s it's good to see you all on another
4369s broadcast now I feel like we do this
4370s often
4371s um I would like to see a particular team
4373s though might not South Korea I'd like to
4375s see you guys grow up against Saudi
4376s Arabia how how do you reckon you go up
4378s against sir yazan in a fire deal
4380s no I don't know I use the foreign
4389s well I guess I've got a final thing just
4390s to sort of round things off and uh
4392s without wanting to dampen the spirit of
4394s Victory uh too much obviously we were
4396s just talking about this uh Team
4397s Australia in previous World Cups has
4399s tended to perform quite well uh we were
4401s just saying top eight is the farthest
4403s that they've got before before getting
4404s reverse swept by Canada that was back in
4406s 2018. uh so there's quite a bit I would
4409s say for this team to live up to are you
4410s guys feeling any of that pressure now
4412s that you've got to move forward into the
4413s group stage is there any sense of
4415s needing to measure up to a certain point
4417s or even outdo uh Australia's best result
4420s in the past
4422s I mean we're all hoping to like yes top
4424s a and get as far as we can but I think
4426s all our main goals was making land and
4428s we're pretty happy with that but we're
4430s going to go all the way and see how we
4431s can go
4432s well I think congratulations are still
4434s in order for you and the gents obviously
4436s you still have one match tomorrow the
4437s trans-tasman Rivalry against New Zealand
4439s uh which I think is at this point gonna
4441s be just a little bit of a laugh but hey
4443s we all know how to joke around between
4444s us don't we uh we still wanted the rugby
4446s I don't really mind uh thanks very much
4448s for joining us Nanda uh best of luck in
4449s your final series congratulations again
4451s for qualifying
4452s thanks guys
4455s I've got a last note to add real quick
4458s is just the slight correction there was
4459s 2017 the reverse review 2018 was when
4462s they faced up against Korea first which
4463s is
4464s classic classic 903 so it was uh they
4467s got top eight twice 2017 2018 but both
4469s times they probably could have should
4471s have beaten Canada career was just
4472s unlucky draw tough beat tough pull no
4475s matter what happens we'll have to see
4476s who they end up coming up against in the
4478s group stages and see if they can't make
4479s it to round of eight beyond that but
4480s we've actually still got the rest of our
4482s qualifier to go through first we have
4484s locked in Australia and we may yet be
4485s locking in another team shortly Thailand
4488s versus India is coming up next a
4490s Thailand win they follow Australia
4492s through the qualifier to qualify to the
4494s group stages and it's their last match
4495s make sure you catch it don't go anywhere
4497s and we'll be right back
4499s [Music]
4511s you asked we listen the macbeast is back
4514s in all its beefy salady Saucy Glory
4517s value means more at macca's so grab a
4520s mcfeast lunch deal now for only 5.95
4523s [Music]
4536s thank you
4543s [Music]
4551s [Music]
4575s thank you
4579s [Music]
4593s [Music]
4610s foreign
4613s [Music]
4621s [Music]
4636s [Music]
4643s [Music]
4659s [Music]
4678s [Music]
4689s [Music]
4705s thank you
4706s [Music]
4713s [Music]
4737s foreign
4738s [Music]
4765s foreign
4769s [Music]
4771s [Applause]
4773s [Music]
4792s [Music]
4807s [Music]
4813s thank you
4831s [Applause]
4849s [Music]
4857s thank you
4870s [Music]
4887s foreign
4918s thank you
4954s [Music]
4976s foreign
4984s [Music]
4986s [Applause]
4996s foreign
5004s [Music]
5014s [Music]
5030s [Music]
5054s [Music]
5058s foreign
5059s [Music]
5069s foreign
5077s [Music]
5119s [Music]
5152s thank you
5154s welcome back ladies and gentlemen uh we
5157s have already dusted off one match today
5160s and we still have another one yet to
5161s come up we have sent one team officially
5163s mathematically through to the World Cup
5165s group stage that team was Australia
5167s having to speed up Malaysia and in our
5169s next match we have a chance of sending
5171s another one through next up on the cards
5173s is uh India versus Thailand what are we
5176s feeling about this very important game
5178s extremely important game a lot of
5179s implications here likely the game that
5181s sends our second team through to the
5184s group stage in terms of qualifying them
5186s in if Thailand when they finish with a
5188s four in one score line this is also by
5190s the way Thailand's last game of the
5192s online qualifiers yeah if they lose
5193s they're not completely out but the game
5195s is fishing out their hands India would
5197s go uh three and one title would finish
5199s three and two and then if India beats
5200s Singapore tomorrow which is likely they
5202s finish four and one so India likely then
5204s gets to if they win against lion today
5207s so essentially the winner of this game
5208s gets the second essentially yeah this is
5211s the one this is the the most important
5212s one and we said we've talked about it
5214s there is Tech technically still a
5216s pathway for New Zealand to get through
5217s but it's increasingly sketchy it
5219s requires India to win then lose to
5221s Singapore then New Zealand to pick up a
5223s win against Australia and then for it to
5224s all shake out in tiebreakers if Thailand
5226s won't win the tiebreaker if they lose
5228s this and they're relying on tiebreakers
5229s they also need India to lose the
5230s Singapore so yeah so so this is a pretty
5232s dual day one indeed for both of these
5234s teams if India lose it that's it there's
5236s no more Pathway to get in Thailand and
5238s Australia we'll have taken up those
5239s slots and if Thailand lose it they're
5240s pretty much losing out to India that's
5242s sort of the rub so with that in mind
5244s let's go ahead and uh take a look at
5246s what we've got between these two teams
5250s first up here as you can see now um if
5253s we take a look at some of the matches
5255s that we've seen India play previously we
5256s do know that India lost to Australia but
5258s when Thailand Thailand sorry versus
5260s Australia they actually did take a map
5262s off Australia so I think Australia sorry
5264s that Thailand might be the stronger of
5266s the matchup here but we can see India's
5268s lineup we know they're going to put up a
5269s fight they've got some very strong
5270s players here so I think they're ready
5273s for this and I know that they they
5274s definitely will want to win I presume
5276s they're still boot camping as well
5280s um so they're putting a lot into it but
5282s I I think
5283s Thailand may just be that little bit
5286s better feel stronger right there on the
5288s eye test I don't feel like they've had a
5290s better run so far India's performance
5292s yesterday was also a little bit rough
5294s yeah I think we expected a little bit
5295s more so yeah we actually caught up with
5298s uh a poodle uh on the Thai team
5300s yesterday after that win as well and uh
5302s he sort of talks about how right now
5304s they're bigger weaknesses their
5305s communication and when they're
5306s communicating well uh they're pretty
5307s confident that they can beat all comers
5309s so I feel like that means All Things
5311s Considered there's a little bit of an
5312s element of uh just the on the day
5314s gameplay between these two teams if
5316s India come in a little bit harder than
5317s they did yesterday if Thailand come in
5319s uh maybe not as slick and clean on the
5321s communication front then we actually
5323s could see a situation where Thailand
5325s despite on the eyeball test being the
5328s better team could actually still walk
5330s away with lose with the loss it was so
5331s much on the line yeah this is absolutely
5333s that door dime over so this is when
5334s you'll also see how the teams behave
5335s under pressure by the way while we've
5337s got this roster up a particular matchup
5338s I do want to highlight is Ace uh Ace and
5341s pummy uh sort of pummy's been the real
5342s standout GPS on the India side and Ace
5344s has been that for Thailand as well the
5346s thing about Thailand is communication
5347s aside they've always got the very strong
5350s star power on the DPS line to pull them
5352s through mechanically Thailand has been
5353s solid So speaking of the history of the
5355s two teams a little bit as well this is
5356s India's first real run in a World Cup
5359s they've not really had a World Cup
5360s before I believe they've had that one
5362s team in the past but um
5364s yeah it was 2019 preliminaries and um I
5367s would say at that stage India was maybe
5370s a little bit underdeveloped they hadn't
5372s had the level of contenders talent that
5373s they do have now across internet EU for
5376s Thailand they played in plenty of like
5377s you know qualifying stages they even had
5379s about qualify station which we were out
5381s and they played in which I put it was at
5382s as well on that team but time has never
5384s made a main event outside of 2016 which
5386s is a little bit of a different world cup
5387s look from 2017 onwards which is what the
5390s modernized World Cup is Thailand's never
5392s made it to the actual BlizzCon stage
5394s yeah so this might be the first time if
5395s they win today we'll have to see and uh
5397s well with that we've got the first map
5399s all locked in and ready to go it is
5402s going to be lijiang Tower once again
5404s first map is control is preset loser
5407s will pick the subsequent map their
5408s choice between either escort or hybrids
5410s and it is the first of two so if we are
5412s split one to one we have a draw in that
5414s second map then we will go to push for
5415s the third map and if we somehow have a
5417s split result with a tie in the middle
5418s there then we go all the way back to
5420s control and loser will pick the whole
5422s way through
5424s I'm expecting a very close game I'm
5426s expecting very close game very close
5428s fights I don't think we'll be seeing any
5430s pharaohs I think we'll be seeing very
5432s textbook
5433s you know obvious matters maybe some
5435s sojourns and things to take off angles
5437s but I think this is going to be very
5439s close and very what we expect from both
5442s teams so I don't think any surprises
5443s here I'm hoping for a close match I'll
5446s say that much I would hate to see one of
5448s these teams lose out in in a an O2 loss
5452s like what we've seen so often across
5454s this tournament and well on the other
5456s side of this we will catch up with you
5457s again Domino Lee Jung Towers where it's
5460s all going to start for the both of these
5462s teams or say that even in yesterday's O2
5464s lost Australia from India it was still
5466s fairly compared I think one wanted them
5468s to four rounds they capped through a
5469s decent chunk of shambali Monastery as
5471s well
5472s and to Domino's point no pharah in this
5476s matchup I think Thailand not really well
5478s known for it India didn't do well versus
5480s that as far as yesterday and they'll
5481s probably be thankful that it's unlikely
5483s to be shown in this particular matchup
5485s I said though they'll have to face up
5486s against Ace the Widowmaker is going to
5488s be potentially a problem a little bit
5489s later on if we go into automaker map
5492s so here see how that selection goes but
5493s uh you know what Aces hovering the fire
5495s he's like yeah he's he's like hang on a
5497s second India
5499s maybe I pull this through does he maybe
5502s have it in the pocket it could be a risk
5504s I don't know how practice Thailand is I
5506s don't think you can just throw a random
5508s Fire out there and just expect to win
5510s either so I do question how practice
5511s Thailand are on this uh so it's not just
5514s about running the one here your whole
5515s composition has to make sense they're
5516s not supposed to be playing the the
5518s Jungle Queen version as well
5520s High Vision moving onto a soldiers maybe
5522s a little bit more standard
5523s I can respect this
5525s and I'm excited to see how well it'll
5526s actually perform a quick rotation onto
5528s the point from India's Ace trying to go
5530s into the side finds palmy early it's all
5532s coming back to the the flashbacks there
5535s from yesterday Ace does take a bit of a
5536s hit but it's gonna be just fine still is
5538s the mercy in the pump to try to keep the
5539s pressure on Iron Man it does still yeah
5542s you do still have India on the point
5543s itself Plumbing has gone over to a
5545s Sombra but here we go having to rotate
5547s off try to force the fighter Cash go for
5548s they do fight Calvin this is allowing
5550s Thailand to back cap with Ace in a puto
5553s in the pocket we'll have to see how
5554s India respond their attention is getting
5556s a little bit split now as they pull back
5557s towards the point they do find Pally so
5559s two up now as Ace is forced away for the
5561s point still has a poodle in the pocket
5562s but that draws a poodle away from the
5564s point as well now High Vision down means
5565s India will be able to actually grab the
5568s point nice hat to bring Ace to grow to
5569s cash not quite able to get on top of him
5571s well they're not able to deal with Ace
5573s until they kill finally Iron Man finds
5575s the shot onto eggs and he was already on
5576s low HP but the razor's gonna come on
5578s through and what I wanted to say was
5580s they're not really looking too hard at
5582s age they mainly focus on the ground
5584s gaming there's some
5586s get rid of that Jewel we'll have to see
5588s if Tyler want to make a bit of a swap
5589s because as I mentioned it's not enough
5591s to just simply go far India they
5594s respected the fire coming through
5596s they lost a player to it and said what
5598s we can do with this competition is try
5600s and run down the 4v3 on the actual floor
5603s so around the Calvin took him down and
5605s just played the player Advantage from
5606s there going in for it with a rocket
5607s barrage though wants to at least get
5609s some others out of this ultimate
5610s isolating ABS looking to go in for it
5611s nope immortality field is down here it's
5613s gonna be just fine and not easily able
5615s to deal with that when Vitality field is
5616s Acer not getting much by the Judd of
5618s that as India rounding the bed now with
5620s 50 and starting to feel like the power
5622s pick has not paid off oh great damage on
5625s our cash able to convert the whole kill
5627s there and without that immortality field
5629s to keep him alive because absentee is on
5630s himself there it's much easier able to
5632s confirm the kill much easier still
5634s getting aggressive on the point now as
5635s Captain crash goes down nice hacks
5638s across from pumping will dispatch for
5639s puto but not enough to recover the fight
5642s even with Iron Man going down there
5644s there we go Thailand's comfortably ahead
5646s I was going to say you would want to
5648s wait for the immortality field to be
5649s baited up before you go for the barrage
5650s but uh one thing you do actually get out
5652s of that is with the barrage being used
5654s can't usually save a cash a little bit
5655s later on he then be comes a tiger
5657s full-time and you can work that tank
5659s Kilt into a team fight with a flying
5661s title will capture the point EMP now is
5663s available so where does Planet want to
5666s play this you can look for the back line
5668s you can look for the supports you can
5669s look for the pharmacy combo as well but
5671s he's actually just got a translocate
5672s away yeah
5673s um
5674s well that's the thing is they don't have
5676s to fly into pali's alt they'll just
5677s allow all to come through the background
5679s and I really like that just waited it
5681s out going in for a poodle now pummy
5682s doesn't quite have the damage but
5683s Captain crash can follow it up and a
5685s cash fighting a charger to Calvin very
5687s clean start here setting that up around
5688s the side from coming High Vision with
5690s the overclock running here we go
5691s immortality field just to make sure they
5693s don't lose anyone late too their
5694s ultimate very nicely done very lean
5696s fight there from India all told just the
5698s two ultimates enforcing a couple out of
5700s Thailand I think there's some issues
5701s with running the Jungle Queen here
5702s because it just doesn't support the
5703s pharmacy Duo at all and the rest of the
5705s team finds it typical to support the
5707s Jungle Queen as well it's not like
5708s you're going to be really pocketing but
5710s totally worth it very aggressive and I
5712s really like that out of a cash going for
5714s the solo Earth shout out to guarantee a
5715s kill on Calvin that Rampage would have
5717s been on the table this has got a force
5718s final fate now as India pull ahead to 90
5721s yeah and there's blizzard there as well
5723s so it's going to be difficult to touch
5724s very difficult to play that final fight
5726s these two ultimates you know I think the
5729s Rampage could find some value but
5731s there's still a lot of healing there
5732s didn't come out yeah directly on top of
5735s Captain crash absolutely I think and now
5738s with the immortality field down ABS
5739s strike keep himself alive but super low
5741s iron man pops the blizzard but again
5743s with members low and otherwise dead they
5746s don't get much value out of it Thailand
5747s able to convert off the ultimates they
5750s had at their disposal ABS was just too
5752s far away from Captain crash we saw ABS
5753s push all the way up the remain into the
5756s choke and
5757s so far away from the rest of the team
5759s like you have to be prepared to be able
5760s to help people if you're ready for that
5762s rocket barrage India make yourself swaps
5764s now the Moira comes through the diva
5765s comes through they've completely swept
5767s off the brawl composition now on to
5769s basically a dive note all puts play
5770s through is a little rough and time can
5773s make it all the way to 99. I certainly
5775s can Thailand don't have a whole lot of
5776s ultimates their own though they're gonna
5778s have the valkyrie available but you'll
5779s also see puppy actually get an EMP
5780s fairly quickly here can't charge that
5782s one up quite handily
5784s I do like going in for the diva here
5786s that's a very low ABS will get finished
5788s off Pally aggressively forward but
5789s otherwise fine sort of stuck in a bit of
5791s an unhappy brawl against Calvin now he's
5793s a cash Iron Man in trouble may yet go
5795s down and this is not a situation where
5797s India can afford to lose anyone 95 for
5800s Thailand India they're gonna get one
5802s last shot of this as we're gonna go
5803s 99-99 yep and we're still waiting for
5806s Iron Man pany's only down below HP high
5810s Vision absolutely fantastic work and now
5813s has a pole spot that he can use a cash
5815s ads low already goes down high Vision on
5819s a tear rocker barrage wants to get onto
5821s caps and crash no immortality field this
5823s time without the bat in play Thailand
5825s able to get that last one and those hero
5827s swaps for India not paying off not
5830s because they failed to shut down Ace but
5832s because High Vision just picked and
5834s dominated I mean it's hard to rotate
5836s back onto Point you'd have to think on
5838s the brawl especially up against a fire
5839s now looking at just so much damage on
5842s rotation it's it's once again
5843s unfortunately 14 min India
5846s this hurdle of the fire is just one that
5848s they continually stumble over it's been
5850s difficult for them to do too much about
5851s it I would say the RNG goes bad for them
5853s because we're onto Gardens now but they
5855s are down zero and one in this map they
5857s would have to win Gardens and control
5858s center both even if we play control
5860s center first and they won that still
5861s gonna get past guidance at this stage
5863s you've got to expect that Ace probably
5864s runs out on the fire again if India
5866s can't pull through probably Iron Man on
5868s the echo I would say their chance of
5869s winning this a very low plot they're
5872s gonna try and make the same Winston
5873s composition work again this is the
5875s composition they swap to that felt like
5877s a Lake swap this time they start on the
5878s composition so they won't be far behind
5880s did have the Diva on that as well yeah
5883s I do like going in with the Winston I
5885s feel like it delivers a lot more options
5886s for possibly getting on top of the likes
5889s of Halle and high Vision Calvin manually
5892s hacked out
5893s just firing rockets in on the side here
5895s is a I think this is a good match of a
5897s Calvin though you know John queen versus
5898s Winston's always positive for the jump
5899s Queen so that's a good point four time
5901s to work through ah just taking so much
5904s extra harassment from those Rockets is
5906s making it so much easier for the likes
5908s of high Vision to collect kills as soon
5910s as they've been taken low and weakened a
5912s little bit and this time it was Calvin I
5914s would have confirmed that initial kill
5916s now a cash low trying to run for the
5918s hills not going to be able to make it
5919s back to a health pack and that's a late
5921s death here given that Thailand already
5922s have control of the point a lot of
5924s staggers extra staggers coming on
5925s through now probably more to be expected
5927s abs
5928s a little bit in the middle of nowhere
5929s from Ace will secure that as well
5932s kashner on the Aristo will there be more
5934s swaps because now we're looking at more
5935s of a brawl again
5937s very slow character I would actually
5938s prefer the diva over this
5940s seems like they want to maintain the
5941s Lucio Mora which gives you some options
5943s to sort of play a fast composition
5945s whether that's with the Winston dive or
5947s something more like a ram but the issue
5950s is they just can't do too much against
5951s Ace abs
5953s just isolated cut off in that rotation
5956s backwards separate from his team that
5959s leaves a cash out in the cold cats and
5960s fresh as well a poodle does go down
5963s but it's probably not gonna be enough to
5964s start rescuing this fight here Iron Man
5966s would have to really pop off but it's
5967s just too difficult right now Ace low
5969s doesn't have a poodle in the pocket but
5970s it's still fine Bally topping him off
5972s bit by bit I'm in MIB Stark just use a
5974s recall
5976s low HP as well
5978s instantly Falls to face that's one wrong
5980s cooldown gone please in a bit of trouble
5982s and La tp's forward so
5984s that was nearly an opportunity to get
5986s put her down and they're gonna get a cap
5988s just about Thailand forced on to the
5990s point now ABS is low but he's been able
5991s to rotate around with the team and here
5992s we go the fight breaking out in Earnest
5993s hack off to the side there has to back
5996s away though translocate to safety Aces
5997s there betrayed the captain crashing pump
5999s is only just re-entering the fight EMP
6000s now catches two the spare Rush already
6002s committed opuno low will get dusted off
6005s as well Calvin gonna go ahead use the
6007s Rampage anyway I think that was a bit
6009s unnecessary they don't really have the
6010s Manpower here to convert on a cash but
6011s as they say that they find ABS a cash
6014s low no support to heal him up it's just
6016s yeah there we go we'll be able to find
6018s him but the extra kills come in the way
6020s of India very dicey fight there super
6022s sloppy for Thailand though because they
6024s actually had Ace of the split up and the
6025s reason why Ace got picked first and
6027s actually died is because the poodle was
6028s in a weird situation versus Plumbing had
6030s to get saved by Pally I don't know how
6032s Pluto end up being caught out possibly
6033s could have been hacked Ace wasn't there
6035s to you know push pummy away and
6038s you see the ace just kind of leaving a
6041s poodle left to drive there or who
6042s they're not being able to catch up but
6043s either way you can't have those two
6044s separated at all
6045s Akash has been really struggling here
6048s and often they're finding themselves One
6050s support down in these fights super low
6052s having to go in for it anyway popping
6054s the ultimate not getting a whole lot out
6056s of it now sound Barry committed trying
6057s to get on top of Calvin but even with
6059s all of that they're not able to get on
6061s top of them jaws and smegro while the
6063s cash is out in the open for just far too
6065s long with those Rockets coming across
6067s Tyler getting the cap across 90 already
6069s India still losing members now ABS goes
6071s down they do find A's nice catch there
6073s Iron Man making the swap over to Cassidy
6075s there we go another kill coming across
6077s the department India are just
6078s floundering right now getting members
6080s back on this point a cash coming in try
6081s to find a Pluto nope it's too much of a
6083s Sitting Duck tunnel vision while high
6085s Vision takes him from the back and there
6088s we go hundreds of 40 looking like it'll
6090s be the final score there was 99-99 on
6093s the previous one but India barely able
6095s to muster a reasonable answer to Ace on
6098s the power and the flashbacks to their
6101s match against Australia the lows
6103s continue unfortunately the EMP to come
6104s on through does catch forward time is
6106s the silly data conscious off the map and
6108s it's all over I think it was fairly over
6109s despite the final efforts anyway we'll
6112s see the cap come through the OT took up
6114s Thailand in position
6116s they still LED on Lee Zhang Tao anywhere
6117s now they leave the series one map away
6119s from qualifying through to the group
6121s stage and for Team India the Russia I
6124s wasn't feeling not really the right
6127s choice in my mind and I was also saying
6128s for Thailand earlier on I didn't expect
6130s them to play the fire on this map
6131s because yeah we haven't really seen that
6132s out of Team finally this doesn't seem
6134s like really their style but don't macro
6135s their style they said that they they
6137s looked at
6138s how rough India looked versus nandy
6140s yesterday and they took advantage
6142s just they're going well if they don't
6143s have an answer to it we'll see if we can
6145s get away with it as well the answer was
6146s they could and as you rightly point out
6148s now one map away from qualifying in but
6150s I'd say uh the scary side of that is of
6151s course for India one map away from
6153s losing their shot at qualifying all
6155s together and they still have no answer
6157s to the fact this would also blow New
6159s Zealand's chances out as also two teams
6161s would be sent out basically their chance
6163s to be done in dusted Elder so we would
6165s lock in Thailand and we would lock out
6167s India and New Zealand if time and take
6170s the next map
6171s hmm
6172s I I think it was very risky uh pulling
6174s out the Pharaoh there on the first map
6176s like Night Market while yes you can play
6178s the Pharaoh you can control that Coast
6179s it it doesn't always work and I think
6181s there was a bit of a struggle at first
6182s for Thailand they weren't able to get on
6184s the point their team was quite split you
6186s know you had a tracer running around you
6187s got a pharaoh running around and then
6189s you had India who's kind of a bit of a
6191s death ball altogether playing so that I
6192s think that was very risky but it did pay
6194s off for them in the end very close 100
6195s to 100 and then obviously Gardens is
6198s just a much better Farah map Choice like
6200s pharah has so much free rein there in
6202s the sky and as we saw India again uh yep
6204s not able to respond to the pharah and as
6207s you pointed out Avril that seems to be
6209s quite common uh we're seeing here this
6211s weekend well the good news is it's
6213s India's map pick next they can try and
6215s take us to somewhere where we could
6216s avoid the Pharaoh may want to opt into
6218s the sniper dealer Circle real as we've
6220s seen so many times I wonder if they
6221s maybe try and go to shambali Monastery
6223s again I think Ace will be too strong I
6225s think is a choice yeah and then we're
6227s they're sort of in that same boat as
6228s they were again against Australia
6230s yesterday where they weren't able to
6231s take action Valley Monastery either one
6232s ultimately close to Fair we're gonna
6234s have to see what they go ahead and lock
6235s in for the backpack though right after
6236s this break so don't go anywhere
6239s [Music]
6250s you asked we listened the mcfeast is
6253s back in all its beefy salady Saucy Glory
6256s value means more at macca's so grab a
6259s mcfeast lunch deal now for only 5.95.
6262s [Music]
6283s thank you
6285s [Music]
6292s [Music]
6319s thank you
6321s foreign
6322s [Music]
6335s [Music]
6360s [Music]
6379s [Music]
6384s foreign
6400s foreign
6410s [Music]
6438s [Music]
6458s [Music]
6467s welcome back thank you for sticking with
6469s us through that break and uh if you're
6471s an India fan I hope you uh went outside
6473s had a deep breath maybe took a quick
6475s relaxing walk before getting back into
6478s your chair because this could be a
6479s little bit of a stressful one a little
6480s bit of a nail biter dropping that first
6482s map against
6483s um again Australia against Thailand but
6486s no it would be Deja Vu because they
6488s dropped the first map against Australia
6489s yesterday as well as your tournament
6491s life on the line and yeah that Pharaoh
6493s we talked at Great length about
6496s yeah pharaohs across the board it seems
6498s to be the struggle here for everyone as
6501s Avril pointed out is that they're
6502s watching Australia and New Zealand
6504s playing the Pharaoh and realizing other
6505s teams don't know how to answer to it or
6507s is it just actually it might just be
6510s strong in this group stage I don't know
6511s if any of the other group stages have
6513s had as much fairer play as we've seen
6514s over this weekend but Ace wanted to show
6516s everyone that they know how to play the
6518s pharah as well and they did a great job
6519s on Lee Jung here against India today
6523s we'll have to see now we were talking
6525s about it just before the break what
6526s India actually choose as their next map
6529s pick could well be their last they need
6531s to choose widely they want to try and
6533s avoid the Pharaoh once again they still
6534s just don't have an answer to it no real
6536s capacity to maybe opt into an echo
6538s haven't been able to shut it down with
6540s the hit scans with the uh you know so we
6542s have a really deep yeah they haven't had
6544s a lot of great answers to it overall uh
6547s so it's still at the back of Thailand's
6549s mind as well that maybe they could just
6550s go to pharaoh and try and push it
6553s through that way it might even be worth
6554s taking a shot anyway there's not really
6556s enough fire Maps left in India because I
6558s lost first they're gonna they're gonna
6560s pick a map that avoids it here shambali
6563s was chosen yesterday I think that's a
6564s reasonable choice to move forward I
6565s think they want to force like a ram type
6568s situation which I think is better for
6570s this matchup for India I still think
6571s India can pull through and at least make
6573s the three Maps I don't know who wins if
6575s we've got a push that could be anyone's
6576s game we've only seen I think the one
6578s push not being a lot of push yeah and it
6579s was Thailand actually against Australia
6581s Australian Australia and Singapore
6582s Malaysia circuit Royale opting into a
6584s sniper battle and that is already a
6586s dangerous game to play against the ace
6587s as well as we were talking about this is
6589s where they want to go they want to play
6591s the sigmas uh I think this could still
6593s work out for India again they are no
6595s starches for their own DPS lineup it's
6597s been that sort of it's been a bit of a
6598s question right is how does the
6599s head-to-head actually look between these
6601s two DPS lineups what we're going to get
6602s a pretty resounding answer on Circle
6603s real
6604s well I think we've seen Ace and high
6606s Vision do very well in the sniper lineup
6609s playing the uh Hanzo and the Widowmaker
6612s they performed greatly we saw them
6614s yesterday so I I think this is still
6617s going to be a Thailand win I would like
6618s to see an India win because I'd like to
6619s go to that third map I'd like to see a
6621s really close game we did talk about that
6623s but I think I'm not surprised they
6625s picked circuit Royale but also I think
6627s this is gonna be a really rough one for
6629s them Ace has been performing amazingly
6631s this weekend uh credit to him for that
6633s and we'll find out in just the hot
6636s second how that all plays out thank you
6638s very much Domino after this we may yet
6640s have crowned another qualifier we'll
6643s have to see it with how circuit Royale
6644s goes it's especially rough given that
6646s India's history on this map is they
6648s don't play pummy Iron Man or Matrix on
6651s that automaker they opt for specifically
6653s the Hanzo surgeon combination it does
6656s mean that even with the water nerves
6657s you'll likely get outranged here and
6659s you're not just up against any automaker
6660s I think you're because we've seen in
6663s this group as well in Ace so it will be
6666s one thing to try and test the waters
6668s in that long range battle versus another
6671s team certainly another ticket up against
6672s Ace test the waters of Portsmouth
6675s kitties
6677s the tepid Mediterranean Coast Plumbing's
6680s highlighted the Widow second about it
6683s does he truly have it in the pocket
6685s though so he hadn't uh I mean absolutely
6687s you wouldn't expect it for a hit scan
6688s player the thing is we hadn't seen it so
6690s far
6691s so this is coming out fresh it's coming
6693s out new for this particular game
6696s Captain fresh hovering a life Weaver I
6698s don't think we're going to see it we saw
6699s one yesterday on Circle real
6701s stuff that's a complete joke correct
6704s yeah and it was it was funny I laughed
6714s this has to be something they're
6716s prepared uh this is their map pick they
6719s have this is surely
6722s oh okay
6725s that works out very nicely Ace does find
6728s pomido they're still able to march down
6731s onto Calvin a cash dying though Captain
6732s Price as well and they were tunneling a
6735s little bit on Calvin trying to dust him
6736s off to not have the rain shield up and
6738s pummy just took a shot directly in the
6740s brain well car just kind of just dive
6742s straight in how's that charge gets a
6744s single pin killed but uh
6746s the rest of India was out in the open
6748s for Ace in the rest of Thailand to be
6750s able to snipe down and you're just going
6751s to lose the long range damage Thailand
6753s have plenty of room to pull back on the
6755s sidelines on this opening line are super
6756s long as well and once Akasha Shield goes
6759s down you're just going to be out in the
6760s Yorkshire nice to take you down
6762s going for it again now rotation around
6764s this time of the Telly what do they find
6765s Ace early Iron Man getting a nice click
6767s on that
6768s bit of a lucky break for them and now
6770s with the man Advantage they can maybe
6771s start barreling down this mid lane but
6773s more they have to wait for the card to
6774s catch up to them though extra swap okay
6776s they want some Shield break this is
6777s actually not bad from Ace yeah because
6779s otherwise you do have to kind of wait
6780s for the shield from a car stop here you
6782s can be more active and helping drop that
6784s shield in the first place and allowing
6786s High Vision as well to get in on that
6788s action still very effective on the Range
6789s and you can defend yourself up against
6790s any sort of aggression by sliding away
6792s so I respect that from Ace this is one
6794s of those things that you do get in World
6796s Cups as well as you get teams who have a
6797s little bit of a pocket pick a niche
6799s composition that they pull out India
6801s with this rain Cod they do lose Captain
6803s crash by the way he will be able to get
6804s back to the team quite quickly though as
6806s the one upside reasonably close spawn
6808s and on the Lucio Windows available well
6810s teams
6811s Iron Man
6813s having to go ice cube about it a little
6816s bit low palmy oh high Vision just makes
6818s the final shot through ACE does go down
6820s to a fire strike but High Vision
6821s fighting Iron Man as well so no DPS is
6824s available or cash can have the
6825s chargebacks trying to get into the team
6826s and nope gets shot in the back on the
6828s way we'll not be able to regroup two
6829s minutes now elapsed only two minutes
6831s remaining for India we do have Photon
6834s barrier available for plumbing I think
6835s the Sim is an interesting choice in this
6837s and yeah you do need some rotation you
6839s do need to be able to kind of TP in fine
6841s off not necessarily off angles but just
6843s an angle m to the stack of Thailand
6845s generally take a little bit of Higher
6847s Ground there but uh beyond that you
6849s struggle this matchup because who are
6851s you really shooting if you're Plumbing
6852s you're just spamming right clicks
6854s the one Calvin again Calvin looks like
6855s you've got pin there isolated there we
6857s go for my man will do it and yeah as you
6859s said catch the ultimate that's a great
6861s start now Ace as well nice light wall
6863s boats on barrier will allow the cat to
6866s come across so India finally getting a
6867s little bit of movement finally getting a
6869s little bit of progress and now seeing if
6871s they can fish for more a cash going deep
6873s in oh the fire strike didn't quite catch
6876s yeah mortality field deployed by a
6878s poodle they weren't able to finish it
6880s off in time optimistic indeed does still
6882s get the charge kill they're just trying
6884s to create the sword space they don't
6885s want to have to play all those angles
6886s around B Calvin's now swapped over
6888s towards the ram so a little bit more
6891s ability in the front lanes and you know
6892s this is time and change their game
6894s playing quite significantly to adapt to
6896s what India is doing who are currently
6897s solo pushing along I respect the
6900s ultimate coming through from coming
6901s early as well because it's actually cut
6902s off vision and loss from the healers of
6905s Thailand
6906s hey it's just uh eliminating the car
6908s wash beams there
6910s try to get shots across on the pumpiest
6914s now it's gone Ace going deep in for abs
6917s might have overextended oh and Akash
6920s does turn tail and fight him back Calvin
6922s on the front side of the fight has been
6924s able to take out both dps's now a cash
6927s just hanging back with Captain crash and
6929s they've got to play these angles once
6930s again this is exactly what they were
6931s trying to avoid a couple of wayward
6933s shots coming through from Acer and uh
6934s the extra time a lot of cars to just
6936s jump in and get the pin and with that
6938s Akash also goes to the low ground and
6939s gets away but however India lose their
6941s fight a bit of expenditure coming
6942s through from Thailand to enable the play
6946s blizzard time from Iron Man
6949s could work out but you'd have to safely
6951s rotate into Thailand here and that's the
6953s tough part because
6955s you've got Ace in the high Vision just
6957s pummeling you the whole way up here just
6960s makes it a little bit more difficult our
6961s cash has been very bold with these
6963s charges though it could yet find
6964s something
6965s Calvin nearly ready with an Annihilation
6967s a cash super low they have to work
6969s double time to chop them off here we go
6970s again with a sound barrier and they've
6972s got a very nice blizzard they find
6975s Calvin as well with it and that's going
6977s to open the door for them a Cash Finder
6979s going down but far too late in the day
6981s two minutes on the clock as the cap
6983s comes across and now as we come into the
6985s final section I actually think this is
6986s where the Reinhardt might really start
6988s to shine yeah possibly you'll you'll
6990s still have to do some rotations up and
6991s down this is where I think maybe keeping
6993s the Sim 4C makes a bit more sense
6996s some symmetra On A and B struggle a
6998s little bit more but symmetron C I think
6999s starts to get much better than swapping
7001s the composition significantly both DPS
7003s swapping
7004s to swap in as well holy Calvin already
7007s had the RAM for a little bit earlier on
7010s what a play from India to be able to
7012s drop that blows it in catch two
7015s car stays alive they've bursted up the
7016s trance earlier album aggressive with the
7018s annihilation but he eats an earth
7020s shatter and a charging is down an
7022s ultimate for an ultimate the photon
7023s barrier also committed here they need to
7025s see if they can pick another kill there
7026s we go they found Ace no more immortality
7029s field of course for Thailand by the way
7030s so much easier to confirm some of these
7033s picks High Vision drilled down India
7035s starting to really pick up some momentum
7037s yeah they're doing great now India are
7038s making up for a lot of time
7041s they struggle a little bit on a but
7043s after that it's been quite a bit more
7045s comfortable
7046s there's a full tp's now they can also
7048s reset the TP and work that over towards
7050s the pull side as well through the window
7052s but at this stage timing is so far
7053s behind that India don't have to worry
7055s about that High Ground they can continue
7056s playing Logan play for the 5v5 brawl
7059s here
7060s it's exactly where India are comfortable
7061s in this composition I imagine nearly on
7063s another blizzard uh ABS did commit the
7065s window and has now lost it high Vision
7067s By the way speaking of business also has
7068s one of his own about to be available if
7070s they can get a pick now rotation through
7072s to try and pinch it in with the
7074s telephone but it just leaves Captain
7075s fresh out in the cold
7077s so now the team a little bit split up
7079s and not on the card not quite the play
7080s that India were looking for so I saw
7082s four together here as you can see one
7084s plate with silhouettes trying to respawn
7088s leave the team again I believe that's
7089s crash right so yeah I have to wait for
7091s the five and that's what we're trying to
7093s start again as you say high Vision
7094s looking towards the blizzard against it
7096s now and the rest of time is slowly
7098s getting towards his ultimate's
7098s coalitions up Ace nearly on death Watson
7100s he's walking size of the map now Captain
7103s crash because he died not able to get
7104s that sound barrier available ABS
7106s immortality field dealt with it's going
7107s to be double blizzard but Tyler
7109s definitely getting a better end of the
7110s deal kept the pressure on he just has
7111s the ice barrier now obviously too late
7113s to see the likes of a cash but they do
7115s find Ace as Thailand and India have
7117s effectively swapped positions around
7119s this card votes on barrier now to split
7121s the fight in two forces Thailand to do a
7123s bit of an awkward position can they dust
7125s off Calvin no that's the critical kill
7126s as the catch comes back in around the
7128s side returning the respawn and they dust
7131s off Thailand now the final push in can
7135s they keep cap on these respawners they
7137s have an earth shatter and this is why
7139s the photon Baron symmetra is so much
7140s better on C that was deadly tired
7142s couldn't get around and they have to go
7143s for the touchdown Ace has confirmed that
7145s doesn't have a ship left and they go in
7147s for a shatter nicely found Calvin
7149s charged in can they finish him off yes
7151s they can now just dealing with the
7153s Squishies and it's so hard to go up
7154s against the Cassius hammer in that
7156s situation it pays off in the end 36
7158s seconds on the clock not the most
7160s comfortable time in the world but a
7162s completed cap nonetheless and if they
7164s can pull off a defense somewhere India
7166s keep the series alive that was a real
7167s blue collar offense coming through from
7169s India they got their work done the hands
7170s are dirty it was a hard sweat brawl to
7173s make it through a was difficult C
7175s started to get a little bit more
7176s difficult once in Thailand also matched
7179s with their Ram ball
7180s but India a full capture 36 seconds look
7183s if they can just hold at some point on
7185s the map 36 will be all they need if this
7187s goes into a time back
7188s let's get a little bit trickier because
7190s I don't know that they can comfortably
7191s repeat the rhyme brawl once more on a
7194s couple things on that one given that
7196s they've already shown the composition so
7197s Thailand to prepare for it but two 36
7200s seconds is just not enough time given
7201s how long it took them to get through a
7203s so I think for India they really need to
7205s sort out this defense to make sure that
7206s time back is not going to be a factor
7208s and they're not gonna even it look at
7211s the rhyme Brawl for this defense and I
7212s think that's expected the other
7213s unfortunate thing here is because they
7215s capped with under a minute left
7217s obviously one of those uh little
7219s mechanics there there's no draws on this
7221s there is no drawers exactly well
7222s moreover if Thailand's cap out in the
7225s overtime they still get some time added
7227s to the board if India had capped with
7229s more than a minute left Thailand if they
7230s catch in the overtime would only be
7232s defending
7237s because this is escort not hybrid I know
7240s how this game works that's what I'm
7242s saying thanks appreciate that yep no tie
7245s Breakers five Thai players
7250s Sigma coming on through
7253s a should not be on the fire here
7256s not really the map for it
7258s and he understands that is exactly how
7261s it is I'm maybe a little surprised to
7263s not up into what I understand that
7264s offensive whatever does have less angles
7266s but the outrange factor is pretty
7268s significant yeah
7271s especially when you know India are not
7272s going to play the water at all the kind
7273s of plan into what India want to do pummy
7275s though
7277s has to
7278s change his trousers after that shot is
7281s otherwise fine it's the cart just
7283s continuing to March forwards no pills
7285s either way
7286s Iron Man taking a bit of punishment
7288s behind the statue but we'll stay alive
7289s for now what happened
7291s honey oh out in the open high Vision has
7294s this number now keeping marked keeping
7296s Iron Man marked rather really bad
7299s situation for cash to be has the
7302s immortality field there to bail him out
7303s but he's totally split up from his team
7304s definitely going to go down here just a
7306s really sloppy bit of positioning from
7309s Team India letting themselves get that
7310s split up yeah nakash now the last one
7312s I've actually left and they said look a
7314s castle on The High Ground behind us we
7316s can move forward and just take down the
7317s support leave a cast from us and that's
7319s smart because even if there's a respawn
7320s wave give it a cash size last you can't
7322s retake that so Thailand they swiftly I
7326s want to say take them around that's a
7328s very quick cap of a
7329s was about a minute and a half on the
7331s clock for India when they got that cat
7332s through so five minutes now on the B for
7336s Thailand look at the high Visions damage
7337s versus Iron Man Iron Man's not quite at
7339s 50 High Vision got so much damage and
7341s kills in that fight it's up to the
7343s dragon strike already and high Vision
7344s was the one that catches pumping out at
7346s the beginning as well and India only
7348s just actually coming back to the spot
7350s they've been respawned for a while they
7351s step out and Thailand is set up they're
7354s immediately ready for it very little
7355s proactivity here from India it feels
7357s like the wheels are starting to come off
7359s this is not quite a cactus yet but
7361s they're really threatening and now it
7362s depends how many staggered kills they
7364s get from Crash they're gonna try and
7366s slow that one down as much as they can
7367s they do slow it significantly Iron Man
7369s are swiping over towards the Genji
7372s instead
7373s we saw the lamp come through from
7375s precious all but it came through at a
7376s weird angle I think he was hiding behind
7378s inside the C Point itself didn't have
7381s good Vision on to car show Kash didn't
7383s quite walk within the lamps range and
7386s dies essentially to the dragon strike as
7388s a cab
7389s they knew that really late and again
7391s they've let Thailand have Max and time
7393s to set up here flux used to cash taking
7395s an absolute pummeling they had to commit
7397s the immortality build and the
7398s Transcendence now it's the catch one
7399s turn he's super low here they found out
7402s the cap slips through under their noses
7406s and cash was lifted up off it while
7409s channeling the Romantic plugs now goes
7411s down unmitigated disaster unforced error
7414s at India twice in a row now they've had
7417s all members respawn they've been really
7418s slow to come to the play and let
7421s Thailand have all the pro activities man
7423s they had that point the defense was good
7425s I mean you get 135 left that's pretty
7427s tight in terms of margins but they were
7429s there they contested they should have
7430s been able to hold that's really
7432s upsetting from Thailand they'll
7434s eventually be able to clean up that
7436s team fight big defense ahead of India
7439s now time has a huge Factor cautious for
7441s potentially in trouble Calvin's knocked
7443s off The High Ground though so that's
7444s good for India they have full High
7446s Ground Control yeah very much going to
7448s be forced to play Coast side now I don't
7449s think they can
7450s wait they are going to push well where's
7451s India they need to be expanding Through
7453s the Windows I I feel like whiz India has
7455s been a recurring theme now they're
7456s waiting to the last possible minute here
7458s and it's just unnecessary they've
7459s already lost Iron Man both overclocks
7462s running here Pally is low probably will
7463s find that out of Pudo there we go
7465s probably putting the team on his fat
7467s when it matters most Ace love out in the
7469s cold here immortality feel deployed to
7470s keep himself alive there Captain crash
7472s and in that time they will be able to
7474s play the ace fighting Calvin as well
7475s High vision and this is in a weird way
7478s this is a little bit good for defense
7479s just they have the spawn Gates right
7481s there this should be defendable but it's
7483s long and it's tough and there is no
7485s margin forever that's the problem is
7486s they can't make another mistake
7487s otherwise the Caps down we talk about
7488s the time banking 36 it felt good with
7492s India got it but Tyler is threatening
7493s like a three minute timer which would
7495s then get pushed up where India what game
7497s 24 24 seconds trying to get whatever
7499s Plus then 24. so rough spot and as I was
7503s saying earlier in India they forced a
7505s Calvin off the Hank and they had full
7506s Window Control out of this poor side and
7508s they didn't play it at all they didn't
7509s stand through the actual winner they
7511s didn't spam through their their vision
7513s and sideline Advantage they just kind of
7514s allowed planet to push the payload to
7516s the end
7518s all right man holding on to this Dragon
7520s Blade is Dragon B Dragon Here We Go
7522s fights
7523s stuns up Iron Man and completely stops
7525s him short one for one though ultimates
7527s and dps's Ace a little bit low having to
7530s play Coy around the side Calvin try to
7532s get aggressive has four members back to
7533s the base ABS super low nearly heads
7535s Transcendence but not quite back and the
7537s play just yet coming in trouble at Pluto
7539s though does get picked off puppy still
7541s low but he has the team in his back now
7543s with that Transcendence running from ABS
7544s has to commit it no choice but to and
7547s this is a window thrown in from India as
7549s well they're putting a lot into this I
7551s don't know how necessary it was but they
7553s do complete another defense necessary
7556s when Thailand we're really threatening
7557s for character and it wasn't guaranteed
7558s that India were going to win the fight
7559s so
7561s I think throw it in there have the
7562s comfort knowing that you'll at least
7565s shave another minute here I think it's
7566s very likely that Thailand finished this
7568s map the question will be with how much
7569s time and that's the biggest problem for
7571s India they need to burn down this time
7572s as much as possible and probably play
7574s inevitably for that final time back
7576s the time I saw so many ultimates coming
7578s off yeah this could be the push now the
7580s time insecure this is the one that India
7581s really have to watch out for they
7582s probably actually need a pick to open
7584s things off and then get a good flux I
7587s think if they don't get both of those
7588s pieces
7590s okay or a good right click from ABS but
7593s seems like such a low chance exactly
7598s but strange things have happened a
7599s poodle going in early with the when
7602s they've already found Captain the flux
7604s not really fighting much forced out the
7606s Transcendence ABS already picked up as
7608s well in India up a tree without a ladder
7610s about nalaputo immortality field he's
7612s still low though could not go down
7613s is this the beginning of the recovery of
7616s cash no he's down the only kill they've
7618s got so far is zapuda won this defense
7620s here India respawn is coming up puppy
7622s does find high Vision Iron Man though is
7623s down Captain crash may be the one who
7625s has to jump out to contest an art second
7626s here bucks from Calvin to keep people
7628s off the cart so many kills coming
7630s through Rez on Iron Man ABS trades his
7632s own life for it and Iron Man just out in
7634s the cold here stuck up against Calvin
7636s there's no way for him to deal with that
7638s member a cash coming out with a wrecking
7639s ball just for the stall potential at
7641s this point the game of the game is to
7643s burn down the clock to try and make that
7645s time back as even as possible who else
7649s can die for it ABS not gonna be able to
7651s touch at this rate Tommy barely getting
7652s out there for a second Iron Man can not
7654s they at least run down the clock or
7656s reasonable amount with the extra time at
7658s it it's 138 to one minute but India that
7661s could have been defeated bendable they
7663s just don't seem to have the gumption
7664s they managed to be able to at least just
7667s take that Advantage down to about a 50
7669s ish Advantage but a little bit more than
7671s that that's workable because it was
7673s looking disastrous if time gets like a
7675s three minute time back or dare I say
7677s anything above two you're looking at
7678s double the amount of time but yeah it's
7680s you know a 38 second extra time window
7683s for Thailand is not impossible for India
7686s to turn a background I mean it allows
7689s time to play through one extra fight
7691s essentially one fight and a reset
7694s so India just have to be able to survive
7696s that maximum distance required here
7698s they're going to go through for the Ryan
7699s cop again I did say that if they were to
7702s choose to do this
7703s Thailand would this time be very aware
7705s of it yeah so and part of the reason
7707s that you can see is Ace is already on
7709s the surgeon that's the exact thing that
7711s we were speaking about before when we
7713s were talking about the potential for a
7714s Time Bank India have very few options
7717s for what they run this composition only
7719s really started to come into its own on
7721s the C point they're not going to be able
7724s to get that far with only a minute
7726s I think they snowballed effectively on B
7728s but that requires you to Cafe a was the
7731s most difficult part for India I think
7733s keep in mind they lost the fight on B as
7735s well and on this one by the time they
7736s get to that midpoint and B if they lose
7737s a fight that'll be it they won't have
7739s any more time don't be surprised if they
7740s got to be I think if you can get through
7741s a that's good enough because
7744s capping a means you have that amount to
7746s work with foreign I do actually like
7748s this from Tommy going on to the
7750s Widowmaker it does give them the better
7751s Lane against Ace they're recognizing
7754s that Ace probably preempts the right Peg
7756s nope swapping back it doesn't need
7759s Mobility this rain can't just can't move
7761s without a SIM without something to help
7762s it forward
7763s here we go and despite the fact that the
7765s Sim doesn't offer a lot outside the TP
7767s you can try and run at people with the
7768s left click but you're completely
7770s outrange here the TP is really what this
7772s is about it's a lot of time wastage as
7773s well by the way they're not fighting on
7775s the card as they go for this so they had
7776s to get a quick Fight Win here and then
7778s rotate back to the cart
7779s they have to pull back and that means
7782s they're playing into the sight lines in
7784s high Vision this is it
7786s OT is about to hit normal mistakes just
7789s 10 seconds left there's a cash taking a
7790s bit of a beating
7792s and they're really struggling here very
7793s little Peak potential very few options
7795s Iron Man could maybe sneak something
7796s through with the right click they're not
7797s in a good position abroad and they can't
7798s teleport off the cart anymore now that
7800s the overtime Wick is in play
7802s trying to rotate around the side short
7803s range teleports to get a cashier on the
7805s back he's low though needs to be careful
7806s no immortality your puppy puppy is the
7809s first one to go down and that could be
7811s the beginning of the ends for India
7813s unless they could get something back
7814s they've got a nice amplification Matrix
7817s for Iron Man and Akash to play through
7818s Aces low but a cash is load two Ace
7821s getting chopped off Ace does go down
7822s Iron Man fights one a cash low they're
7825s trying desperately to keep them topped
7827s off both healers working overtime are
7830s able to do it but with that flux that
7832s could just pull everyone off the cards
7833s and they can't stop it either the flex
7835s will come through nothing can really
7836s stop it three minutes
7839s yeah
7840s you have to see that play coming through
7841s that is a win condition you and have a
7844s prophetic flux C9 it's possible yeah so
7847s whoever is not picked up by the flux has
7848s to meanly die for the payload you have
7850s to know that's on the cards and they had
7853s the immortality field in play if they
7854s were able to get back down in time but
7856s that overtime Wick Burns very short when
7860s you're in a Time Bank situation like
7862s that and as you rightly said you gotta
7864s read the play you've got to have someone
7865s ready for it Captain crash could have
7868s been a little bit further back from his
7869s team so that he could speed in and keep
7872s the cut touched that would have been a
7874s recoverable situation in the absence of
7876s that
7878s 67.7 meters one minute 38 for Thailand
7882s to confirm their spot in the group
7885s stages of the World Cup India had to
7887s play this one very close I think they
7888s even had to hold the first corner here
7889s the problem with that push is it didn't
7892s clearly happen it's Midway through the
7893s hair in fact not even really that
7895s because you'd have to be on pedestrian
7896s Crossing for the Midway point and it's
7898s not it's built behind that which is a
7900s huge issue for this defense now I think
7902s the most winnable position for India is
7903s first and foremost capping a but
7905s without capping a you still have to I
7907s think get the payload to the end of a
7909s because that allows you a little bit
7910s more flexibility in terms of okay if we
7912s lose a fight go for final contest yeah
7914s their final contest is now very
7916s difficult if the payload gets that
7917s position and it's very very I think
7919s common for the panel to be able to get
7921s there
7922s Thailand or test the waters out they're
7923s thinking about a firefestyle by the way
7925s I mentioned India have to play close I
7927s didn't expect them to spawn cap I
7928s thought the first one this is a lot
7929s closer than I expect really going in for
7931s it they've lost ABS early and you just
7933s can't afford that with a spawn cap
7934s situation that being said if they lose a
7936s fight here they do still have enough
7937s time to respawn and defend at the uh
7940s sort of just before the mid-coil that
7941s happened they've actually found Aces as
7942s well the Cash Finder going down so
7943s exacting a bit of a toll not enough of a
7946s toll here exactly they needed to force a
7948s full reset from Thailand they don't and
7950s they're going to stay on this I think
7951s they'll stay on the con at this point
7952s you're already committed you already
7953s started building some ultimates some of
7956s them it's not that much I mean you're 37
7958s on Iron Man but still first ultimates
7960s coming online is super important Ace is
7962s going to stay on the fire that's
7962s interesting but at the same time India
7964s don't have a lot of range
7966s so they'll they'll just send it through
7968s I mean they won with the fire on that
7970s one they'll win it on map two as well as
7972s required fire has been Crypt tonight for
7973s Team India pummy already just taking
7975s such a beating and he's pretty much the
7977s only bit of answer they have if he can
7979s maybe get a rail shot up onto the
7980s Pharaoh Iron Man Low Ace just has free
7984s reign right now and they have to defend
7985s out in the open as well
7988s here it comes that's final five four
7990s meters left to go 30 seconds do you want
7991s to die for both teams it goes either way
7993s here this is where India really needs to
7995s pull it out and they keep it alive a
7998s cash low barrage right behind them no
8000s probably spelled to him such a critical
8003s beat of timing he was a little bit too
8005s low a little bit too early didn't have
8007s it just yet and now 12 seconds on the
8010s clock if then you can get another one
8011s they find Calvin and with the ice
8013s swapped out if they could pick up a few
8015s more they could just lock Thailand off
8018s this car going for the touch he doesn't
8020s get there in time nobody's there Ace
8022s goes in with a barrage finds out the
8024s Brash and we'll train his own life for
8026s it I don't believe it India they had to
8028s pull it out they managed to pull out a
8031s very frauds defense and that keeps the
8035s series alive well Thailand took a risk
8037s on that Farah and it does not pay off
8039s this is the reason why you don't really
8041s play far on Circle Royale but as you
8043s sort of rightly mentioned that Ace drop
8045s down way too early he didn't have the
8047s battleship he thought he had but he
8049s needed a little bit more damage and he
8050s spent a bunch of time playing Ground
8051s fire like a good second or second Harbor
8053s that's enough to get the kill you need
8055s to be able to drop down in mid drop get
8057s the barrage going even if you trade your
8059s life for a cautious totally worth a far
8061s death for a tank death your team still
8063s wins the 4v4 but yeah if you just die
8065s nothing happens the game's over there's
8067s no time left to reset yeah this close
8070s this close it is an absolute game of
8074s tiny tiny margins right now and I mean
8077s that's exactly it right if that play had
8080s gone slightly differently if the barrage
8081s comes out if the cash goes down even
8084s there's a world where Ace actually lives
8085s in the end but those slight tiny little
8088s bits have such a huge impact and I gotta
8091s tell you if we go to push and India pick
8094s up the win and Thailand know that they
8096s could have had it yeah they will
8097s absolutely be kicking themselves Domino
8099s that was a fantastic map what are your
8102s thoughts
8103s I'm shocked by the level of
8105s experimentation of compositions that we
8108s have just seen uh I do not like I think
8110s it was very risky I do applaud India for
8113s playing the composition with the
8115s symmetra and the teepees and that but oh
8117s man this is not the time to be
8118s experimenting this is not the time to be
8120s pulling out pharah's when you know you
8121s should be doing them this is not yeah I
8124s I'm very shocked
8125s um I agree with you guys I think
8126s Thailand's going to be kicking
8127s themselves like I'm not surprised I'm
8129s not sure why they didn't just play the
8130s sojour on Hanzo or the Hanzo Widow like
8132s play what is safe play what you know to
8134s get you across that line so I'm shocked
8137s um yeah I'm interested to see what
8139s happens in push now yeah and uh well can
8142s be no ties in push unless I suppose
8144s nobody touches the robot at all but
8145s that's not gonna happen which means we
8147s are definitely crowning a winner after
8149s this and as we've already kind of said
8150s effectively whoever wins this is going
8153s to qualify Thailand have a guaranteed
8154s qualify India uh they just need to I
8157s believe pick up one last win after this
8159s against Singapore so it's all to play
8162s for someone's got to walk away with it
8163s they've done the groundwork to keep it
8165s competitive here India can they confirm
8167s find out after the break
8170s [Music]
8181s you asked we listened the mcfeast is
8184s back in all its beefy salady Saucy Glory
8187s value means more at macca's so grab a
8190s mcfeast lunch deal now for only 5.95
8193s [Music]
8201s [Music]
8218s [Music]
8225s [Music]
8240s thank you
8245s foreign
8248s [Music]
8271s [Music]
8298s hey guys
8301s [Music]
8317s what happened
8329s [Music]
8351s [Music]
8366s thank you
8386s [Music]
8402s foreign
8430s [Music]
8437s thank you
8444s [Music]
8448s I uh I hope you bought your running
8450s shoes because we're in for an absolute
8451s Marathon here this is one of the few
8453s games I've actually had that has gone
8456s all the way to a map three all the way
8458s to a push it is of course Thailand
8459s versus India and the winner really takes
8461s it all here the winner will qualify
8463s almost guaranteed it is guaranteed for
8466s Thailand to India they just need to get
8467s one more over the line against Singapore
8468s which is a pretty achievable win for
8470s them to be perfectly honest
8472s and it's one to one what an absolute
8474s Banger of the match to finish off day
8476s two I thought we were going to get a a
8478s third Mappy I felt it in my Bowser the
8480s third map was possible I started to not
8481s believe that once I saw what was
8483s happening in the final couple of OT
8485s pushes you know the OT phase of the game
8487s was very Thailand favored and a critical
8490s mistake from Ace towards the end on the
8492s far end uh you know time did take a bit
8494s of a risk with the fire but it was still
8497s well enough calculator that you can win
8499s with hard there it was just a simple Mis
8501s execution and that caused the map and
8503s actually might even cost in the series
8505s quite possible
8507s I'm really glad to see we're going to
8509s the third map I thought Thailand might
8511s have had it in the bag which would have
8512s been a bit disappointing because this is
8513s I thought this was going to be such a
8515s much closer and Tighter map so it's
8516s really nice to see India pull it back
8518s together even with this experimental
8519s composition that they had with the May
8521s and the symmetra it was really
8523s interesting to see it played as well
8524s where they'd use the symmetra to TP
8526s across and then a wall to you know split
8528s the team up so well done to them for
8530s trying something new and making it pay
8532s off this time and we were sort of
8534s talking about this a little bit over the
8536s break but this is such an important
8537s match for both of these teams this would
8539s represent a pretty significant step
8541s forward uh India we've sort of mentioned
8543s in the past hasn't hasn't had a lot of
8545s presence at as the various World Cups
8547s over the years and Thailand has always
8549s sort of been a little bit on the
8550s precipice they've had some flashy
8552s showings but never really gone anywhere
8554s in terms of overall progress which is a
8556s little bit of a shame including several
8557s years ago at the home stage in Bangkok
8559s where they made an appearance they
8560s really uh they did impress quite a bit
8562s but weren't actually able to qualify out
8564s of that group so obviously the group
8565s stages that same level of the tournament
8567s is still ahead of us but this is the
8571s first step along towards that you you
8573s hate that you have to send one of these
8575s teams home
8580s because New Zealand also require that
8583s India win here so New Zealand are quite
8585s late you know they're they're happy
8586s right now they've got to fish in the air
8588s but um look this and I think I think
8590s anything can happen now map three is
8592s trying to open
8594s um we haven't seen a lot of push we
8595s don't really have I think we saw tired
8597s on Colosso and that was one of the first
8599s few moments we saw except absolutely pop
8601s off and it's going to be called sale
8602s again so I'm expecting Ace to be back on
8604s surgeon that is of course Thailand's
8606s Matt pick and I'm trying to Rack my
8608s brains when they played against
8609s Australia they obviously went to
8610s Coliseum as well I can't remember if
8611s that was their pick or Australia's but
8613s either way they did lose that particular
8615s map
8616s and that was where they lost their
8617s Series against Australia
8618s [Music]
8627s playing the sojourn and getting some
8629s really good kills in its time also
8630s expecting that I'm not too sure what
8632s else to expect in this map I don't know
8634s if we're going to see the more the rush
8635s compositions or sort of some Dives I'm
8637s feeling fresh this year but maybe Avril
8639s has a bit better Insight than me on what
8641s we might see on coliseo there's a lot of
8644s ram mirrors
8646s energy the play May sojin composition
8650s Lucio Bap or Lucio Mora both acceptable
8653s here
8654s well all things being acceptable and all
8657s things being equal we are tied up one to
8659s one and we are ready to get into this
8661s map the final appearance potentially is
8664s technically possible to tie on push but
8666s highly unlikely and highly unusual all
8670s to play for
8672s and I've got to say I am thrilled
8679s yeah this is seriously an open game now
8682s I think you can at this stage
8684s forget about the last two maps I think
8686s the the positioning for both teams are
8689s reset
8690s a situation where look is it possible to
8693s bring the fire out again yeah but I
8695s would not expect it on this map
8697s I think you need to really now get back
8699s to the zone of
8700s what you're really good at what got you
8702s here in the tournament
8704s what your team is comfortable playing
8707s and we're going to be into what is
8709s likely going to be a compositional
8710s mirror which I think is uh what India
8712s would far more prefer to play against
8714s than a lot of stuff that Thailand Sports
8715s at the table so far
8717s yeah it's actually one thing that's
8718s worth noting is we haven't had a whole
8720s lot of mirrors so far across this series
8722s we haven't had a whole lot of straight
8724s up and down fights where we just kind of
8727s measure the players directly one against
8729s the other indeed we are going to be
8731s seeing a mirror in fact full mirror
8733s including the support Lines by the books
8735s are only difference so a little
8738s surprised that Aces I'm going to match
8739s the surgeon given that that was here
8741s that he popped off on before but cool
8743s for the reaper a lot of more front
8745s focused
8746s damage output I think a lot coming down
8748s to like pure Lucha Moira rushing into
8749s each other
8750s the reaper gives you a lot more
8752s especially on that front line
8754s but uh opportunity to have the real
8757s potential pop off that will be puppy's
8759s hands yeah
8761s those rail shots
8763s so devastating so useful and pummy has
8765s performed very well on sojourn some of
8768s the early appearances we saw from India
8770s in this tournament we were seeing pummy
8772s especially with the overclock getting
8774s massive kill streaks
8776s and now robot active in the uh Thailand
8780s do have a slightly better starting
8781s position around it and you're just
8783s taking the time angling in looking for
8785s picks
8786s who's shopping it's a good opportunity
8788s still waiting for the right click but
8790s Reserve holding it looking for the right
8792s player doesn't want to burn on a 250 HP
8794s hero looking for someone in the banks
8796s there we go and not able to slip away
8799s with that Ray form was ace high Vision
8800s also still very low Calvin taking a lot
8802s of heat and just getting full pressure
8804s on now charge them up and dropping the
8806s right clicks wherever plausible wherever
8808s possible collecting The Kills first
8810s fight will go the way of India first
8812s little bit of progress 4K if I mean
8815s looking for the five now there we go a
8817s cash has it they've got to get rid of it
8818s quick as otherwise the Buddha's kind of
8820s delaying the actual capture here
8822s so India take away our first flight and
8826s they are going to take a massive
8827s advantage on alts as well look at that
8828s basically across the board I think okay
8830s penalties want to get the call lessons
8831s first
8832s cash reasonable lead over Calvin and
8835s Ironman and plumbing just running away
8836s with the answer as well
8838s this is exactly what Indian need they
8840s put in the hard yards to keep their
8841s tournament hopes alive across circuit
8843s Royale and this is the kind of start
8845s they're looking for double coalescence
8847s abs and palli both carbon getting
8849s aggressive with the annihilation but at
8851s Iron Man throwing down the blizzard to
8853s slow things out sound barrier first from
8854s Captain crash now Pluto choosing to
8856s match in the cash his own Annihilation
8857s but he's low he's gonna go down here
8859s High Vision holding on to his blizzard
8862s as they collect up hubby and catch and
8864s crash Thailand didn't find much with
8866s their ultimates but India didn't really
8868s find much with theirs either while both
8870s teams used the sound barriers there so
8871s we had a lot of old resetting the x-roll
8874s that came through in Miami should have
8875s been securing it for India I eventually
8877s even held on to the Blizzard but
8878s Thailand quarter car shakash annihilated
8880s War comes through high Vision completely
8883s locks him out for the rest of the team
8884s and that was the ultimate effect the
8886s snowball Tight Age ability to win the
8887s fighter now in a much better position oh
8891s the shots across the overclock running
8893s pummy I mean Akash is getting the kill
8895s credits here but it's pummy who's laying
8897s the damage down that was a very
8899s important turnaround India leveraging
8902s the one tool they still had at their
8903s disposal and high Vision was the one
8905s tool that Thailand needed to be able to
8906s use as well but was the first dead in
8908s that fight and it's kind of want to talk
8909s about the power overclock the power
8910s playing soldier and Plumbing on their
8912s soldier in particular
8913s has the ability to pop off
8915s the teams fate into his own hands and
8918s I'll tell him he's gonna have to use a
8919s blizzard off a defensively rather than
8921s offensively
8923s options options
8928s defense a little bit here babe hold us
8931s back to neutral space so they want to
8932s take the final low ground once again a
8935s little bit caught Ace try to get it
8936s around the side has a death Blossom
8937s looking for it high vision gets picked
8939s off and that's the blizzard down doesn't
8942s find anything with the death boss and
8943s now Ace a little bit out in the colder
8944s cash does finally go down it took a long
8946s time to find that and the coalescence
8948s helping it out but Ace dead Iron Man big
8950s trades coming through why can India pull
8952s out here they have a coalescence if they
8953s want to commit further in they fight a
8954s poodle but they lose abs and no
8956s coordinates and suction now it's really
8957s just been pummy but with him getting
8959s marked out by Calvin will go down and
8961s that was potentially winnable for India
8963s I think ABS wanted to hold on to an
8965s ultimate they could have simply chosen
8966s to commit dying there early again just
8969s being locked out by walls High Vision
8970s doing a great job
8972s the blizzard certainly is able to help
8974s that
8975s Calvin having no opposition on the other
8978s end is one tank versus zero I don't have
8979s a huge advantage
8981s deep again huge ultimate for India here
8984s having to use the sound barrier to
8985s rescue rescue a cash rather Calvin with
8988s the annihilation does go down three
8990s ultimates expended to make that happen
8991s Ace low can they get it yep there we go
8994s another one collected looking for high
8995s Vision now they're just slowing down the
8997s robot as much as possible this though
9000s India is their opportunity to maybe
9002s start pulling your heads a little bit
9004s more earnestly Thailand will have the
9006s full level response here to contest so
9007s that won't happen until the next flame
9009s but not to mention that Pluto actually
9011s didn't have sound better than the last
9012s one he dies while he
9014s when the Calvin diesel put us on about
9016s 97 so that's a little unfortunate timing
9019s wise is keeping Calvin up would have
9021s been a major win condition they had the
9022s annihilation up as well oh Pluto dies to
9025s the overclock the rail shot from pummy
9027s and I was about to say pummy with that
9028s overclock has been such a force to be
9030s reckoned with Calvin and Ace both
9032s finished off as well with super low and
9034s that's the one that India really need
9035s they did the groundwork in the previous
9037s fight they confirm it in the next one
9039s even though they didn't get that much
9041s value
9042s nice stall there from high vision
9045s they will get a little bit more progress
9046s now because you know the sort of
9047s situation where Thailand can actually
9048s play this 4v5 and even then High
9050s is not that far up from respawning the
9052s cap is unlikely coming through yeah the
9053s contestant already this is great from
9054s Playland display losing the fight and
9056s the sound barrier available nothing
9058s really here yet for India coalescences
9060s near India they've actually taken
9061s control of the robots yeah India backing
9063s way out long rotation it back into a
9066s neutral fight he didn't want to they
9067s should have stayed in just a force
9068s ultimate I think India should have
9069s played the fight yeah give the two
9070s support ultimates out even though if you
9072s lose that fight you force resources
9074s and then Tyler would have to re-push the
9076s distance anyway so they've basically
9077s done exactly what would have happened
9079s but time had two extra alternates maybe
9081s conservative and not in a good way and
9082s there we go double coalescence for Iron
9084s Man the first to go down not enough
9086s health
9088s no counter picks just yet India nearly
9090s had themselves a sound barrier as well
9091s potentially Machop poodle but pummy is
9093s super low will go shot out of the sky
9094s there and that's a really tough one
9096s losing that in the neutral means tight
9097s end will be able to even up could have a
9099s late death here if they don't rotate out
9101s in time
9101s tell you what they're the ultimates of
9103s far better for Thailand and this is
9104s where things get really good they got to
9106s save ultimates against gain payload
9108s control they only use coalitions to
9110s start pushing and now Thailand can win
9112s with this three outs plus the extra
9114s Annihilation coming online thank you the
9115s cat
9116s this could really be the moment where
9118s Thailand starts to pull ahead
9120s it's going to be a very close one early
9122s sound barrier from a poodle then locked
9123s out by the ice wall so they are nothing
9125s out of the first ultimate the death boss
9127s are nicely done now it's high Visions
9128s turn but there is a sound barrier
9129s Captain crash nope attacks the first to
9131s go down and cash was getting low nearly
9133s has the annihilation but just not quite
9134s the back away they're still trying to
9137s contest to cash is still alive has a
9139s little bit topped off there and as an
9141s Annihilation they've lost Iron Man they
9142s find high Vision losing Captain Price
9144s It's All Over the show of puto low
9146s they've still got pump in the mix with
9147s an overclock no goes down Calvert has
9149s that sorted Ace back in the fight as
9151s well and a Cassius not getting much out
9154s of this Annihilation the cap about to
9156s come across that's Thailand only three
9157s minutes on the clock pulling ahead and
9159s India selection waiting for respawns to
9161s force Thailand off and Tyler Mike's back
9163s out here they've done enough they don't
9164s have to play this any longer they know
9165s they're full spot and that's going to be
9167s the call Thailand they're going to exit
9169s they got the camp that was a minimum
9170s viable product for them and they achieve
9172s it the Indian man they did a great job
9175s keeping a Cash alive maybe a little bit
9176s of bumble by time not to get the kill
9178s yeah stop the cap that's a good start
9181s though for India on what is a long
9183s recovery but losing Iron Man and not a
9185s great angle here for pummy Locked Out by
9187s that ice wall and those ultimates
9189s available for Thailand India just
9191s starting to run out of steam more and
9193s more in these fights they're starting to
9195s get too desperate they're starting to
9196s get so aggressive in Thailand and just
9198s playing Ring Around the Rosie with them
9200s payload is contested from the bridge and
9202s now it is seeking movement again once
9204s India fully respawn here tying can once
9207s again just leave the payload they're
9207s just going to sneak a few meters out
9209s look for the 75 plus maybe threaten the
9211s 80 and then back out yeah there we go
9213s here's the rotation away and it's just
9216s running down the clock it's starting to
9218s get dire for India two minutes is just
9220s enough to do it but they have to
9221s basically win every single fight from
9223s here on out to pull back ahead in
9225s progress
9228s it's going to get expensive for India
9230s everything's probably going to happen
9231s here and it's exactly what India should
9233s have done a few fights ago as you
9234s pointed out they could have forced
9236s ultimates out of Thailand instead they
9237s pull back to a neutral by the way oh
9239s they're really committing in because
9240s they found the kill on Iron Man they
9242s were lower Pluto when I got an ultimate
9243s we could stay in this they found palmy
9245s though they've lost a couple of members
9247s High Vision look to go down here a
9249s stayed earlier I don't think he's going
9251s to rejoin but again they're running out
9252s the clock they're burning as much time
9255s as possible I think that's actually kind
9256s of worth on my Pluto they really start
9258s to turn the fight around there's a good
9259s chance they actually win that fight
9262s Now Thailand as you sort of mentioned
9263s all the timer back a little bit more 120
9266s left to go the 30 meters to catch up as
9268s possible by India but they're going to
9270s win several fights to get there and it's
9272s been difficult to be for Indy to be able
9274s to get those through the good news for
9275s India is they didn't have to pull
9276s through the extra blizzard that's going
9278s to be too India's benefit
9280s and he's hiding here reveals positioning
9284s okay it does force out the Ice Cube
9286s they're just getting on top of Iron Man
9287s look at that already drilled down
9289s Nemesis uh sorry uh Annihilation rather
9291s running from a cache Captain fresh we're
9293s using the sound barrier and they're just
9294s making no Headway here not enough damage
9297s out
9298s Iron Man being dead that's twice in a
9300s row he's not been able to commit a
9302s blizzard less than 45 seconds on the
9304s clock and not enough progress for India
9306s we've recept of the neutral with
9307s Thailand back in control time we'll
9309s throw this payload all the way back into
9310s I think even the bridge area yeah
9312s India's going to go over towards a doom
9314s this is very touching guy on me oats
9317s desperation if I've ever seen it
9319s time's gonna forego the payload so they
9321s could probably pushed that slightly
9322s further but they'll just leave it out in
9323s the open there play the final fight in
9326s The Concourse
9327s hiding a lot of Poker they're not really
9329s hard but they are sort of playing around
9330s the glass area
9332s yeah
9333s big frags they've got to get two in a
9336s row ice fall down again it's just such
9338s an easy Mark there still getting the
9340s shots across hasn't quite found enough
9342s damage though High Vision does go down
9344s Mr blizzard already committed as well
9345s Ace having to go wraith form here to
9347s reposition is in trouble a puto low
9350s India looking a little bit scattered but
9352s there's a lot of low members on Thailand
9353s that they can get pickings on a Pluto
9355s low iron man just hold on to this
9357s blizzard and that's looking to pay off
9359s for them now as they collect up a poodle
9361s looking to fake Calvin look in the fight
9363s Pally they've got the overtime running
9364s which means they have a chance they have
9367s to win the next fight and possibly
9368s another after that which Kelvin does
9370s self stagger slightly and
9373s OT respawn times being as long as they
9375s are means the time's gonna have to spend
9376s a little bit time regrouping
9378s cold listens battle to come through
9380s and they're about to threaten the cab
9381s this will be the fight to threaten the
9383s cap and it will be possibly one more
9384s fight after this so India within two
9386s flight territory here
9387s all to play for oh Tommy gets an early
9390s kill into high Vision but Bruno host
9392s down from the backside a sneaky play
9394s from ABS with the coalescence in it
9395s being battle against Pally has three
9397s positions stays alive now in the main
9399s trunk of the fight what's the medial
9400s Striker to do it's just coming back here
9402s we go they found Ace they could do it
9404s last little bit of push four to catch
9406s the weddings will be top top ABS had to
9407s go the long way around here we go what
9410s can they get still waiting for Ace to
9411s regroup onto the blizzard it's blizzard
9414s For the Win Again three meters by the
9415s way they have the contest hey he's going
9417s in for the third High Vision again Ace
9419s in with the dead Blossom with the sound
9421s barrier to answer they're all in the
9423s blizzard oh my goodness Ace still finds
9425s farming get the pressure Iron Man Down
9427s and the blues are just not enough look
9429s at that three meters is in it down all
9433s the way to the last Thailand surely
9436s tested India not quite enough
9439s congratulations to Thailand will be
9442s tested but they won't be bested here
9444s their main mistakes on circuit Royale
9446s they make up for all mad show it ended
9449s up being their map choice they didn't
9451s put Ace on the surgeon they believed in
9452s the reefer they believed in the pure
9454s team play aspect of it
9456s and it was a final fight with three
9459s meters between winning and losing and
9461s final will just be able to get it done
9463s what a series what a final map to end it
9465s on
9467s good grief
9469s I was gonna say exact same thing ever
9471s what a final match for the day I was on
9474s the edge of my seat there I thought
9476s Thailand had it in the bag and then
9477s India swung back around and I thought oh
9480s my goodness that India's actually going
9481s to win this I'm so impressed um I also
9485s yeah I want to comment the fact that
9486s they had the reaper instead of the
9487s sojourn which at the first I thought
9489s that wasn't looking too strong for them
9490s as so John was taking some really good
9491s off angles and getting a lot of the
9492s picks but then they had the may like
9495s high Vision just kept shutting down
9496s puppy whenever they could they either
9497s had really well placed walls there was
9499s headshots the sojourn just didn't end up
9501s getting uh the value I guess that they
9504s wanted and the reaper having that really
9506s front
9507s um presence to put that pressure on a
9509s cache was really helping them out but
9511s what a close match I can't believe how
9513s close it was to have it genuinely come
9516s down to that final fight all on the
9519s table there it's not often we see that
9521s in such a high-stake situation one fight
9524s the difference between qualifying and
9526s not for both of these teams and no
9528s matter who was going to lose that they
9530s were always going to be kicking
9531s themselves even more so now with how
9532s close that came India will look at that
9534s fight look at this game over and over
9536s again to try and figure out what they
9537s could have done different what they
9538s could have done better I think mostly
9539s for India what it comes down to is I
9541s would look at the first name because
9542s that was the open control had been the
9545s biggest problem versus Australia it was
9546s the biggest problem I think in the
9547s series as well if you really want to
9548s identify between the three Maps which
9551s one went the poorest for India and had
9552s to be Lee Jong Tower they eventually won
9554s Circle route a little bit of luck
9555s involved there from Ace miss playing but
9557s then Colosseo was a very tight map also
9560s winnable but a good performance from
9562s India it was just the legion that was
9564s seems like an ally to me in terms of
9566s India's performance
9567s really I mean you can only say it so
9569s many times but just a an incredibly
9571s close series uh but I think a
9573s well-deserved win by Thailand uh not an
9576s easy one to get it over the line but
9577s this is also the team that is the only
9579s team to have taken a map off Australia
9581s so I think very fitting that they are
9583s also looking to qualify and in Australia
9585s could well go undefeated in this group
9587s still depends on how they go tomorrow
9588s against New Zealand could collect the
9589s five and zero so five and zero then four
9591s to one with your only loss being against
9592s Australia team that everyone else has
9594s lost to and having the best results
9595s against Australia is I think the best
9598s those are the best standing you can be
9600s on going into that qualify the group
9603s stages here after this aside from just
9605s outright going undefeated in your group
9606s I gotta say like map differential ways
9608s time in Australia are still fighting for
9609s first place so they both qualifying
9611s congratulations to them but we haven't
9612s secured number one number two here
9614s because Australia is still here to play
9615s the final game and uh final map
9618s differential there could uh decide first
9619s to second seat which might have some
9621s impact going possibly very big win there
9623s for Thailand in their final game their
9624s final match of this qualifier and we
9627s have uh Pluto once again to catch up
9629s with the naputo oh look at that you're
9631s in the style you've got the cat and
9632s everything you look over the moon you
9635s guys have officially qualified into the
9636s group stages of the World Cup we've
9639s tried we've talked to you a few times
9640s over the last two weeks aputo how are
9642s you all feeling after that win
9644s oh you're feeling so great like everyone
9647s is crying right now except me
9650s you've got sunglasses on you can be
9652s crying under there
9655s look up team before but this is the
9657s first time that Thailand have made it
9659s through to the actual group stage so
9661s that's just saying I'll leave that for
9663s maybe don't know but what I want to ask
9664s you specifically is about circuit Royale
9666s so you guys nearly won the map you have
9668s the far at the end and then in the final
9670s moments you lost the last fight on
9672s Circle rail so what happened for you on
9674s Circle Royale
9675s I think we we forget to communication
9679s because uh the that on on that timing uh
9683s is decide to play without like tell the
9686s team
9687s and he feel pressure I think
9690s yeah that had been a bit of a recurring
9693s theme the last time we chatted as well
9694s the communication is sort of the real uh
9697s the real big issue for this team still
9699s so when something came off is the real
9701s issue for us
9703s I I have to ask a really important
9706s question that I don't know if anyone
9707s else wants to know but gosh I really
9708s want to know what's your cat's name uh
9711s pharaoh
9713s yeah oh your cat is gorgeous and I know
9717s that had nothing to do with OverWatch
9718s but you can't have your cat there and
9719s not tell us it's so gorgeous um but
9721s everyone was asking about the group
9723s stages how are you feeling going into
9725s them now uh are there any teams you
9727s really do not want to come up against as
9729s well how's everyone feeling
9731s uh we just ex we just want to go Bitcoin
9735s that's it
9737s we didn't think anything else yeah we
9740s just think about that I want to play in
9742s Bitcoin I think this is maybe my first
9746s time I think yeah because it is horrify
9748s every single time yep
9751s well hopefully you guys are able to make
9753s it there we'll have to see uh what group
9756s you end up being drafted into but you
9757s are confirmed through along with
9759s Australia for your final match it's a
9762s really fantastic showing from you guys
9763s and you've had a great tournament run so
9765s far congratulations once again to you
9767s maputo and the rest of the team go and
9770s have a well-earned celebration and
9772s hopefully we'll get to see you at
9773s BlizzCon
9775s thank you bye-bye
9777s sorry regardless of whether they've got
9779s a BlizzCon or not they will be heading
9780s to the land stage they'll be heading to
9782s American indication the uh the group
9784s stage will be I believe taking place
9786s before the BlizzCon so they'll be there
9787s anyway they'll whether put a plays in
9790s front of a crowd of BlizzCon still offer
9792s debate in terms of who gets it out of
9793s the actual group's supper they're going
9795s to be there they're in America they can
9796s pretend BlizzCon but the goal for them
9799s would be uh nice if they could also get
9800s to play be in the stage rather than in
9802s the audience and uh wow what an absolute
9805s outcome and what a banger of a day we've
9806s had as well two teams qualifying out
9809s today that's exactly what you want to
9811s see and with that you see Australia four
9813s and zero mathematically they are
9814s guaranteed through only one match to go
9816s for them against New Zealand uh even if
9819s they lose that they're still through the
9820s only thing that could change is
9821s potentially whether they are first seed
9823s or second seed against Thailand there
9825s who themselves four and one have played
9826s all of their matches they're the only
9828s team so far to have played all of their
9829s matches and they are also through the
9831s real Heartbreaker for that is that match
9832s eliminated not only India but also New
9835s Zealand obviously Malaysia and Singapore
9836s were already math directly eliminated at
9838s the start of the day now there's only a
9841s plus one map differential here from
9842s Australia so obviously if Australia win
9845s 5-0 of their first seed but if they lose
9847s to New Zealand it could get a little bit
9849s tricky understanding so there's a real
9850s chance of Thailand sneak away with the
9852s first seed so despite losing to
9854s Australia earlier on the map
9855s differential is close enough for
9856s Thailand to still be first in the group
9857s well there we go and uh well this is
9859s gonna be a really tough one uh it's time
9861s for the macca's player of the day there
9862s were a lot of great plays today so let's
9864s take a look at which one it is
9867s and here we go it's a cash going in late
9869s this is on the final bit of push for
9872s India to cap on circuit Royale and
9874s they're attacking half and this was
9876s really solid finally getting it over the
9877s line to the point where this team Comet
9879s really started coming through its own uh
9881s they ended up winning that Circle real
9882s map as we as we just saw very close
9885s Affair and then also going quite close
9887s all the way on coliseo as well I have to
9889s say all things considered India should
9891s be extremely proud of their performance
9893s not just in that match but across this
9895s entire group stage and it's not quite
9897s done either as much as we're not playing
9899s for keeps we're just playing for Japes
9901s let's go ahead and take a look at what
9902s we got in the docket for tomorrow India
9904s versus Singapore they'll get one last
9906s hurray to maybe have a win a little bit
9908s of a pat on the back feel-good moment to
9910s close things out after failings
9911s qualified today and then the classic
9913s trans Tasman rivalry there is absolutely
9916s no stakes in this one it's all just for
9918s fun between Australia and New Zealand as
9920s it is for Singapore and India it's a
9922s full fun day of all we've qualified and
9924s eliminate everyone but we've still got
9925s the two matches to play on through for a
9927s little bit of extra rivalry and some I
9930s think respect in there so those guys as
9932s well always fun to see and uh well could
9935s still see a trans Tasman upset between
9936s New Zealand and Australia and as we
9938s mentioned it is actually technically
9939s possible for our map differential
9940s Australia to lose that match and
9942s actually end up the second seed out of
9944s this group any final thoughts of the day
9945s from you Domino
9946s no I think you guys have said everything
9948s that needs to be said and I think it's
9949s going to be a really fun chilled day and
9951s so I'm looking forward to it as well I
9953s too am quite looking forward to it as
9954s well I'm going to wear my Hawaiian shirt
9956s I'm gonna have a coconut with a straw in
9958s it I might even get a nice little
9960s umbrella it's going to be an absolute
9961s blast and it has been an absolute blast
9963s today as well that's going to do it for
9965s us for tonight thank you very much for
9966s tuning in thank you very much again to
9968s maccas and we'll see you tomorrow
9972s [Music]
9996s thank you
10000s foreign
about 1 year ago - PlayOverwatch - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s foreign
5s [Music]
12s [Music]
35s [Music]
42s run run run
46s [Music]
70s come on come on
75s [Music]
84s come on
106s [Music]
120s foreign
124s [Music]
150s [Music]
154s [Applause]
155s foreign
163s [Music]
191s foreign
198s [Music]
206s [Music]
223s [Music]
225s foreign
230s [Music]
276s thank you
280s [Music]
310s thank you
314s [Music]
356s thank you
358s foreign
366s [Music]
368s foreign
368s [Music]
383s [Music]
392s [Music]
399s what's up
402s [Music]
410s into the underpass here and gives over
413s control of the point to prepare for me
416s now on The High Ground from the right
418s hand side here Seeker throws in the
420s dragonfly and Panda wasn't able to TP
422s out of that one and Canada have the
424s flips
426s I mean what a smart chance
430s I mean just was able to put no value
433s whatever they can't wait for him in that
436s flight but you know he's able to get
437s value from it before meanwhile
438s aggressive ultimate from the fraction
440s brand is still there with the follow-up
442s devout is there with Force bomb two
444s Reigns Chile or absolutely the driver's
447s seat at the moment it's not number one
449s over regular
451s again they've tried to play the pharmacy
453s composition before I like the fact that
456s they're making swaps here but they've
457s got to move real quick if they want out
459s of Spawn ninth position you've got a
461s beautiful wall out actually protect
463s Costa Rica from a lot of the incoming
464s damage has the Rampage might not even
467s need it here is 18. four percent and
471s climbing for Team USA Costa Rica
476s see what the result does here taking
478s poke down incredible though death
480s blossom into the back line no kills from
481s it directly but everybody chipped down
483s so incredibly low the human resources
485s are not going to keep Peru alive and
487s that's the fastest team fight for Brazil
488s which is
491s steadily after pokes coalescence as well
493s may walk committed from Walter but with
496s none of the choke point though so it
497s doesn't get a lot of value meanwhile
498s immortality field has to be used because
500s of Colombia's aggression the rest of our
503s team goes so low against this
505s Annihilation no support ultimate to deal
507s with it either after the immortality
509s healed was used in Columbia's already up
511s to 50 percent
512s quotations so but it was getting more
515s than one kill per exchange but they have
517s done a much better job of slowing the
519s payload down here than either through a
520s or through b but in comes the super
523s blade receives the anti to play big
526s around the Roses lands to slap goes Toe
528s to Toe with baru who is able to jump
530s around the side and they will find the
532s pick onto superhero but Costa Rica are
535s significantly down in Play account and
538s continue to bleed out I am familiar to
540s trade it back and forth the Widow
541s unfortunate about missing a few shops
544s leaving everything in terms of damage
546s onto frackside Papo is there as well so
548s they do find a million x tapaloo will go
550s down tracing Out Just a Touch One tick
553s maybe make another final lead about hits
555s a few shots gets rid of Lucio removes
557s that Moira too and just the Tracer to
560s touch the point
576s oh my goodness I mean the pursuit was
579s just too damn good from Canada I mean
581s they'll take that progress all day long
582s in order to get the kills and they take
585s care of business here and I wanted to
587s see more filming that blizzard here
589s towards the cartoon Super Gomez slots
591s towards that Nemesis form looks to close
593s out here blizzard committed Ford drama
595s aside to try to donate the payload to
597s anybody else here touch here now
598s Annihilation committed from Super Gomez
600s ikyo has also found jockeyan coming back
602s towards the spawn Gatsby has been able
604s to find him but it's not after the rest
607s of Colombia shut out Argentina and
609s capped her out on King's Earl with 51
611s seconds left
613s for literally one HP the Nana boots
615s commit on to their amount to the front
617s line but Diego's already down the rally
619s and Nano were just on the Baskerville
620s who doesn't even have an ultimate ready
621s to go for the Nemesis form now commits
624s into it as well but he's eventually
625s going to be tracked down with a Discord
627s orb in Brazil
629s Ben don't break I mean they close out of
631s the Peru now get that 2-0 Victory what a
634s win from them over Peru at times
639s [Music]
666s thank you
670s [Music]
698s thank you
702s [Music]
712s thank you
714s [Music]
753s thank you
756s [Music]
770s [Music]
776s [Music]
781s [Music]
787s [Music]
791s foreign
793s [Music]
810s [Music]
821s come on
823s [Music]
845s come on
848s [Music]
881s [Music]
890s [Music]
913s foreign
916s welcome to the OverWatch World Cup this
919s is the America's conference it's day
921s number five and it is all coming down to
923s the wire only a few spots are available
926s for these teams to punch their ticket
929s into BlizzCon that'll be taking place
931s later on this year I'm Jet Set Jamerson
935s and joining me at the beginning of this
937s broadcast I've got Phil and Billy to
939s break down Group B we've got two matches
942s on deck and two amazing casters to do it
945s Bill Billy how are you guys doing today
948s doing good things looking forward to
949s bringing you the penultimate day of
951s games uh some really impactful stuff
953s happening today as we round that final
955s hurdle on the Americas region yeah
957s that's right here uh Billy I mean we
959s have an amazing match to start off the
961s day honestly there are so many huge
962s implications
963s um both in group a and Group B but there
965s are big matches that are going to be
967s taking place today and uh one of them I
969s really want to talk about is gonna be
970s Colombia versus Chile which will be our
972s second match of the day that one is
974s going to be amazing
976s I mean upset alert right now the way
979s that Chile's been playing uh playing up
981s above their weight class and really
983s rising to the occasion of this World Cup
986s that alert is definitely on the cards
987s here I mean ROM has been just playing
989s their mind out Frack on the on the tank
992s as we take a look at group a here I mean
994s USA has already punched their ticket
996s three uh two through four there uh
999s everything else is up in the air uh and
1001s I mean we're gonna have uh Canada versus
1003s Mexico tonight that is going to be
1005s really what sets the trend for this
1008s group a uh does Canada LeapFrog over
1011s Mexico or do we see
1013s um Mexico take it from Canada I mean
1016s there's so many different story lines
1018s here uh for these two for these three
1021s teams in the middle of group a that it's
1023s still all to play for and tomorrow we
1025s will have uh the the finality of the
1028s groups here in the Americas and three
1030s people from this group are going I think
1033s the way that they're setting right now I
1034s think that's the way that we head out of
1036s the groups
1037s big question mark there can Mexico
1039s finish it out secure that second spot
1040s not have to worry about their final game
1043s but Group B there's only two spots
1046s available Phil and Brazil were able to
1048s clinch it up yesterday with their fourth
1050s victory
1051s so for Brazil it's uh easy street from
1053s now on they still have Columbia to play
1055s and so we at least get a little bit more
1057s info as to the relative strength of the
1059s current two at the top of the group but
1061s much like with group a it's the battle
1064s for second and third here that I think
1065s is super interesting and we are seeing
1067s that today uh Colombian Chile is our
1069s second game of the day and if Chile can
1072s pull out this upset they've got a
1074s relatively easy day tomorrow playing
1076s Argentina whilst Colombia have their
1079s hardest match of the Season uh in fight
1081s facing Brazil and if they can't win that
1084s out Colombia found themselves moving off
1086s that second place out of contention for
1089s moving into the land phase at the end of
1091s October so this is all real up in the
1094s air stuff right now for the Americas
1095s region and these are the matches that we
1098s have on the docket we're going to be
1099s starting it off with Argentina versus
1101s Ecuador in group b and let every
1104s important match like Phil said Colombia
1106s versus Chile is the one that we're going
1108s to be really keeping an eye on there
1109s because there are huge implications
1111s remember oh only two spots available in
1113s group b but in group a it looks like
1116s United States it's their last victim
1118s essentially on The Chopping Block there
1121s Guatemala USA currently is four and zero
1123s Guatemala yet to take a win I believe uh
1126s in this group stages we'll see if they
1128s got something to pull out for us and
1129s then we've got Puerto Rico versus Costa
1131s Rica again still important matches
1133s because of what could happen there
1135s between Canada and Mexico in the end
1138s like you guys said that is going to be a
1140s super important match even though we do
1142s have the three slots available it's not
1144s all set in stone right Billy no it's not
1147s certain stone at all and I mean Puerto
1150s Rico has to win out the kind of like a
1152s Denmark more kind of like a Denmark
1154s situation right now uh in the enec they
1157s have to win out and they have to get
1159s some help uh from either Canada or
1161s Mexico above them you know some kind of
1164s a stumble and come out from them for
1165s them to you know claim that third spot
1167s so I mean they've got to play up to
1169s their level they've got a 2-0 completely
1171s the rest of the way out I then hope uh
1174s hope and pray that something good
1175s happens for them because as it stands
1178s you know they're going to be on that
1180s last plot looking in and that's going to
1182s be a horrible place to be in that's
1184s right whenever it comes to these group
1186s stages in any kind of competition really
1188s there's two uh two different uh Tales
1190s right teams that absolutely secure their
1192s Victory they're gonna go ahead and move
1194s on and other teams that have to rely
1196s upon the performances of other squads to
1199s see uh if they'll make it through and
1200s you never want to be put in that
1202s position but we do have that storyline
1204s going for us there in both of these
1206s groups right now but let's go ahead and
1208s break down some of the matches that we
1209s got to see already this is week number
1211s two of the OverWatch World Cup
1214s um uh conference in America and we had
1216s some great matches I mean we were seeing
1218s Colombia having some great standout
1220s performances
1222s yeah we absolutely didn't and Colombia
1224s are one of the two favorites in the
1226s region for a reason obviously they've
1228s got eqo on the lineup That was always
1230s going to be a bright spot for them
1232s having X OverWatch League Talent uh the
1235s rising star here for Colombia really has
1238s been drama and you actually got to speak
1239s to drama yesterday on the back of that
1242s win uh really really down to earth guy a
1245s lot of really interesting insight into
1246s how Team Colombia works and particularly
1249s working alongside eqo um so a really
1252s good performance from them and drama
1254s definitely a player to be keeping an eye
1256s on yeah I love this uh so far especially
1258s when it comes to the OverWatch world uh
1260s World Cup because of course a lot of
1262s pride is on the line as well but
1263s individually for a lot of these players
1265s this is an opportunity to really uh Flex
1267s their stuff and uh getting that camera
1269s time is gonna be so important and of
1271s course if you want more camera time you
1272s need a win and need to move on to the
1274s next stage Colombia are on the verge of
1276s that right now one more Victory here
1278s we'll secure that spot for them that'll
1279s allow players like super Gomez drummer
1281s everyone else from that Columbia Squad
1283s to continue to show up and uh prove that
1286s you know they've got this stuff and they
1287s can hang with the team like Brazil who
1288s are looking absolutely Stellar but we
1290s had a lot of other matches so let's go
1292s ahead and take a look at some of those
1293s right now that was our um that was
1296s Columbia I believe taking their Victory
1298s up against Argentina yesterday but again
1301s there were still some important matches
1302s uh this was Brazil on the other side of
1305s things this is the other kind of uh
1308s extremely strong force coming out from
1310s Group B Phil
1312s yeah this is uh I hesitate to use the
1315s word super roster but this is a point
1317s that we've touched on previously
1319s um this is a time capsule roster from
1321s the time where there was a tier 2 scene
1324s in South America and they have defrosted
1327s these players and they have come out
1328s absolutely swinging so when we talk
1330s about like getting eyes on players ready
1332s for you know bigger and better things
1335s here Brazil is absolutely one of these
1337s themes that we should be keeping a
1339s reasonable amount of focus on I'm on the
1341s other side of things on group a we were
1343s seeing of course that kind of splits
1345s amongst the middle of the pack teams I
1347s would say I mean you have USA of course
1349s right now dominating on top but in the
1351s middle of the pack in the those four
1353s right underneath Canada Puerto Rico that
1354s was an important match that we got to
1356s take uh that we got to see yesterday
1357s because there were a lot of questions
1360s right Billy about the strength of Canada
1363s going into World Cup and of course they
1365s had to face off against the USA in the
1367s first week but I feel like they are
1369s really getting into form
1370s um across the last few days of play
1372s I mean they they've shut me up they've
1375s maybe walk back my statements and I'm
1377s okay with that bone fat uh to Canada
1379s happy Canada Day by the way July the
1381s first uh so yeah I mean Team Canada they
1384s look like they're on that upward Trend
1386s right now and we'll see you know how
1388s they uh how they progress through the
1390s last of their schedule here uh in group
1392s a because they really do hold their own
1394s destiny in their own hands yeah you also
1397s got to see their um see the astronauts
1399s Peck that you really wanted yesterday so
1402s I'm so glad that we were able to fulfill
1404s that we're going to take a look at one
1406s last uh replay though this is of course
1408s gonna come from the way of Chile and
1410s Billy I mean the stocks were chili I
1413s feel like are going higher and higher
1414s right now we saw Ram really popping off
1416s on Tracer last week but he ended up
1418s fulfilling the Genji roll for them
1420s yesterday yeah I mean sometimes you need
1422s that close engage sometimes you need to
1423s have just that upfront lethality uh and
1426s the ability to turn a fight and pull the
1428s focus off of the front line and allow
1430s things like the Frat jumper Queen to
1432s come through uh in Spades and that's
1434s exactly what happened yesterday uh
1437s really uh looking at Rob getting the job
1439s done and about the bout has been a very
1441s silent third as far as like the the
1443s prong of the spear here uh you've got
1446s Robin and Frack that are just fragging
1448s out and then you've got to bow on the
1450s other side play more of a utility role
1452s and I think that they are just played so
1454s well together they've come into their
1456s own oh gosh this is why I'm on upset
1459s alert right now this is why I think that
1461s that Colombia has to play at the very
1463s top of their game otherwise they're
1465s going to get upset in a hurry yeah I
1466s mean sometimes especially when you're
1468s playing a DPS that's just looking to
1470s burst and uh provide that initial bit of
1473s damage right your tanks are able to
1474s finish a lot of things off and sometimes
1476s you don't get
1477s um the right kind of recognition so I'm
1479s glad that you were able to really point
1480s out what devout was able to do when he
1482s was pulling out that Ash on points it
1484s looked absolutely fantastic he was
1485s getting some great initial frags as well
1487s it's not always about just getting that
1488s right that one uh hanza one shot and
1491s then opening up the fight like that
1493s devout is consistently there putting
1495s down pressure putting down damage so uh
1497s great to see you coming out from them
1499s but at this point we are going to go
1501s ahead and take a short break as we get
1503s our first match ready it is going to be
1506s once again like I said Argentina versus
1508s Ecuador on the other side of this break
1510s and you're not going to want to miss
1511s that so don't go anywhere guys we'll be
1512s right back after this
1519s [Music]
1527s foreign
1530s [Music]
1542s [Music]
1543s foreign
1550s [Music]
1577s foreign
1580s [Music]
1600s [Music]
1611s [Music]
1615s foreign
1628s [Music]
1631s [Applause]
1632s [Music]
1634s [Applause]
1637s [Music]
1639s [Applause]
1643s [Music]
1645s [Applause]
1645s [Music]
1649s [Applause]
1650s whatever
1653s [Music]
1664s [Music]
1677s it is
1688s foreign
1690s [Music]
1711s [Music]
1722s [Music]
1763s foreign
1766s [Music]
1815s [Music]
1841s all right welcome back to the OverWatch
1843s World Cup now for that break we were
1845s just waiting for our first match of the
1847s day it's gonna be Argentina versus
1849s Ecuador and we have Billy and Phil here
1852s to break it down now in this matchup
1854s Billy I mean while neither of these
1857s teams are going to be able to move on in
1859s the World Cup they still have two
1861s matches each to play and so there is
1863s still some importance in these matches
1865s for them
1866s setting yourself up for the next World
1868s Cup cycle I think that's the biggest
1869s thing right now is getting your feet wet
1871s getting the comfort and getting the
1874s stability of being a playing on the
1875s world stage I think that's the biggest
1877s thing for these two teams uh moving
1879s forward and you know you wanna you wanna
1881s get as close to 500 as you can so I
1884s think that you know both these teams are
1885s sitting on an over so uh I mean I I
1888s think on paper I think Argentina should
1891s take this uh but we'll see what Ecuador
1894s uh has coming out the uh the gate I mean
1898s it's too old for teams so somebody's
1900s gonna win I think we go three Maps I
1902s think this is actually going to be a
1903s really fun match uh as far as as far as
1907s entertainment value
1908s um and you know somebody's gonna
1910s somebody's gonna win and I'm sincerely
1913s sincerely because of the aristotic uh
1916s because everybody knows that I am the
1917s world's biggest erisa stand other than
1919s maybe Rich rad
1921s I think that uh I I think that you know
1924s Gatsby playing the the race it just
1926s warms my heart so I have a little bit of
1928s a bias there just because of the erisa
1930s yeah that's right so Argentina Ecuador
1932s both sitting at zero and three but the
1934s map differential does go in the favor of
1936s Argentina who were able to take a map
1938s win over Peru so that that's about the
1940s minus five while Ecuador sits on the
1942s minus six speaking of Ecuador this is
1944s our lineup today and we've been seeing
1946s Phil a lot of far Mercy out of them
1948s prompting Emilio to really pick up that
1951s doomfist
1952s yeah and for me it's the doomfist in
1955s this lineup that I uh struggle with
1958s understanding we've typically seen it
1961s more on control Maps I'm thinking
1963s specifically back to seeing um Nepal
1966s Village and I think the other sub map
1968s was maybe uh sanctum like the pharah
1971s mercy is a pretty standard pick in that
1974s position the doomfist is the wrinkle
1976s right because there is
1978s so much you have to get absolutely Pixel
1981s Perfect with the doomfist to the point
1983s where it is easier to perform the same
1986s actions on a diva on a on a Winston like
1988s other things that provide the same level
1990s of value and so it feels a little bit to
1992s me like Ecuador not really setting
1994s themselves up for Success there on the
1997s other side we've got team Argentina
1999s represented by Oracle Walter gassy
2001s Jackie and okuno and here Billy I mean
2005s like you had mentioned even though it
2006s shows uh Diva they're for Gatsby it's
2009s been primarily the orisa play and that
2012s kind of forces the team to kind of build
2014s around it right yeah that really does
2016s and I think that uh for for Walter today
2020s um has really been a standout and the
2022s DPS role for Argentina so uh we'll we'll
2025s see how they're able to to work this
2028s because they did give Colombia some
2030s issues on King's Row with that Arista
2033s composition as they went through the
2034s streets
2035s um forced a lot of Play account play out
2039s of Colombia so I mean RJ Dina can really
2042s play uh they're just I think they
2044s they're they're a young team uh and this
2047s is providing like I said that glow up
2049s that stability and and the preparation
2051s for the next World Cup cycle
2053s but we're going to be starting off today
2055s here on ilioso teams two teams that have
2058s very different stylistic approaches here
2061s on ilios Phil who would you give the
2064s heads up to
2065s I think it's hard to say until I see
2068s exactly what's being run here because as
2070s we said before uh emiliox is uh not just
2073s a doom one trick
2075s um but sort of favors that I think if
2079s you look from a mechanic's perspective
2081s and even a law perspective the erisa
2084s heavily heavily counters the doomfist
2086s like designed from the ground up to do
2088s that and so if we see that doomfist
2090s Arisa matchup I just don't think there's
2093s enough you can get done with the
2094s Frontline presence that a doofist has to
2096s overcome an erisa survivability and to
2099s also deal with whatever DPS threats
2102s we've seen thrown their way so I think
2104s again if we see that a recipe come out
2106s first it's got to be going the way of
2108s Gatsby and the rest of the team all
2110s right well it's going to be Argentina
2112s Ecuador to start it all off and we're
2114s now we're just waiting to see which map
2116s we're gonna be starting it off on and
2117s maybe Lighthouse here well Phil Bill
2120s let's go ahead and take it away guys
2122s this is your match
2123s thank you very much Jamison the gamerson
2126s right ready to go in to match here Billy
2129s Billy how upset are you gonna be if we
2131s don't get the erisa out here today I'm
2133s just gonna leave I'm just oh okay good
2135s to know thank you
2140s still in spawn 20 seconds left yeah but
2143s I mean just just the look of it which 20
2145s seconds left they were looking at a dive
2146s composition and with a pocketed Echo so
2148s I I'm probably gonna see this coming out
2151s uh we'll look through the next map type
2153s possibly uh if we go to ruins we might
2155s see the Arista there but as it stands as
2158s the two teams approach this I mean
2160s symmetra to get you out fast uh and then
2163s you know you'll see either Tracer or
2164s Sombra come on behind it
2167s yeah there's the Tracer swap as expected
2170s Ecuador coming out on the doomfist
2172s composition again as expected uh I do
2175s think this goes the way of the Winston
2176s and an equal match up here anti-am
2178s already thinking can go momentarily
2179s slows Checkers they wait for that to
2181s expire in comes the dive up onto The
2183s High Ground there from Gatsby was
2184s followed into that small room by emiliox
2187s here and Walter's able to focus down by
2191s the moon so uh well I was gonna say
2193s early Advantage here go in the way of
2194s adult Tina however Ecuador finding
2196s Frank's here and in a really good
2198s position to get the opening cap well I
2200s mean what happened to Gatsby where where
2202s is Gatsby I don't see where the uh where
2204s the monkey's at but I mean nobito uh
2207s getting two directs uh you know they
2209s lose their life to the sticky bombs of
2210s Walter but nobito getting the the early
2213s first frags and this is exactly what
2215s they want us to now it's gonna be hard
2216s for uh Argentina to get on the point
2220s battle is serious duress oh that's it
2222s good open the two fights in a row it's
2224s water with the opening frag and a big
2227s sleep there on to Gatsby will again just
2228s take a look at the momentum away from
2231s Argentina here but guess we should be
2232s back and ready to go fairly quickly and
2234s down a support emiliox is forced to back
2237s out find a health back before they can
2238s come in and re-engage hotel down here as
2241s well and there's really only so much
2243s that emiliox can do it's a pretty quick
2245s flip back here for Argentina you know I
2248s mean you saw Gatsby going to the air too
2250s to challenge uh novito on this Vera uh
2254s try to get the bubble up in time already
2256s duplicate online here for Argentina and
2260s I think that you go into I you know why
2262s not go into the fair or go into a Healer
2264s I don't know if this is necessarily
2265s where you want to go we'll give you a
2266s quick reset if you can work the tech on
2268s it yeah I mean the the tank swap not
2271s quite as potent as it used to be but
2272s they might not even need to use that
2274s here water with just standard abilities
2276s no required is already causing
2278s significant problems for Ecuador emiliox
2281s already forced to back out they may have
2283s the awesome ready to go but right now
2285s there's no real cause to use it I mean
2287s all this done in the neutral that's uh
2289s that's a bonus and they've got Valkyrie
2291s now as well available to a Kuno uh this
2294s will be a great amount of steadfast
2296s power for Argentina they just got to
2298s watch their sight lines and watch out
2300s for this pulse bomb coming in from
2301s Portal
2303s moves over onto the Echo and that was
2306s that was stuffed there from Walter
2308s here's the Duke
2309s they can't land the Sleep ducks and
2312s Dives hasn't been taken out of this just
2314s yet but struggling to find Targets to
2315s generate the Nana boost with
2317s see the ultimate committed there from
2319s Amelia to find Chuck he takes Walter out
2321s of the duplicate here as well it's again
2323s a big investment from Ecuador and it's
2326s just not worked out for them Billy I
2328s mean the swap or the duplicate onto the
2331s honor who provides an instant amount of
2333s burst healing that allows the Argentina
2335s to really withstand the entirety of
2338s Ecuador throwing their entire kitchen
2339s sink at them and now slots coming
2341s through Amelia's over to the diva so now
2344s we're going to see a little bit of an
2345s aerial threat uh being taken care of
2347s from Walter
2348s I think this is a much more intelligent
2350s pick here like as much as you might like
2352s to play the doomfist the diva offers you
2354s so much more particularly in a matchup
2357s against a Winston Gatsby in
2360s in pulls out the pugilistic Fists of
2363s Fury and jungles can going back into the
2365s greatest no touch here from Ecuador
2367s that's 100 to 34. I mean just too late
2370s on the swap uh from emiliox uh to get it
2374s done and well I mean it was really
2377s Walter dominating the skies uh that we
2379s saw I mean early picks on the onto uh
2382s Papillon
2383s every single fight uh the mercy was just
2386s getting focused down and there was
2387s nothing that uh Ecuador could do so as
2390s we look at ruins surprise that I'm not
2392s seeing the Arisa here we still have time
2393s to swap over but Emilio's is going to
2396s show us the romantra here and I have not
2398s seen emiliox on the uh on the remotra so
2401s this will be an interesting first look
2403s at that hero for them oh it's actually a
2405s swap the style so we have seen this out
2407s from Ecuador previously they run it on
2409s King's Row a couple times and this whole
2412s sale swapped to the brawl Argentina may
2415s not see this one coming but they've
2416s certainly got the tools to get out of
2417s the way of it
2418s I mean you've got so much sustainability
2420s it's survivability with the ice blocks
2423s are they are they going back for a
2425s change really I I think they must go oh
2427s well this comp doesn't get into the sky
2429s so we can't really fight Argentina with
2432s this I mean it's quick recognition I
2435s mean smart for them to switch over yep
2436s we're going to see a little bit of a
2437s long range head scan now with nobito
2439s going on to the ash in the hotel will be
2442s on the Sombra this is going to be a
2445s problem for not only chalky but also
2447s gasping with that defense Motors yeah
2449s this is a very oh
2451s not even time to make analytical
2453s commentary on this as can go finds
2456s himself out of the fight already Gatsby
2458s might be pushed forward a little bit too
2459s fine okay the supports do chase them
2461s down and they're back in the position to
2463s keep pushing this fight forward and so
2464s Ecuador while they may have made some
2466s smart swaps here it's thus far not
2468s worked out I mean that was really your
2470s question from Gatsby I thought they were
2472s going to lose the neck there they were
2473s like on a on a sliver of Health the same
2475s thing with Oracle but almost has pulse
2477s bomb in the first fight that is
2480s incredible generation four yeah 31
2482s capped so far is really not particularly
2485s far into this map at all
2488s looks like on the beach is going to get
2490s isolated again it's Walter with the
2492s first Frank nice connect on the stickies
2494s now around the corner to try and track
2496s down pabalunas they make their way
2497s around to point back over towards spawn
2500s here and it's a hack onto gas B but no
2503s follow-up for it I mean I'm looking for
2505s Walter oh here this is a great
2507s opportunity to hack that nice yeah great
2510s Target focus and they're able to get
2512s O'Connor here okay now the Ecuador this
2514s is a big opening a lot of damage and
2516s sustain taking it off the table entirely
2518s Argentina now forced to backpedal fight
2520s over towards the point and hope that
2522s they can store this out until they get
2525s their full membership back in the fight
2526s yes
2527s we have the reset here but as they
2529s have Jackie I think they're gonna have
2532s to realize when their goose is cooked oh
2534s the goose is back in the oven here oh
2536s and out again it was done after all
2538s watered down no chance for the rest I
2541s mean I think you were trying to get in
2542s there and get the duplicate onto Amelia
2544s we're still fighting it out here the
2546s forecast come through at 10 but the
2547s skills are starting to come through once
2549s again Ecuador now has a chance to
2551s stabilize this is where Argentina needs
2553s to take a bit of a breather and then go
2556s in as a bullfight I really want Ecuador
2558s here to be measured with their oats here
2560s so they started out using the Nano boost
2562s that's on to emiliox hasn't found too
2565s much just yet instead we've got water
2566s with the duplicate again picks up the
2568s Anna forces Emilio onto The High Ground
2570s and away from defending the rest of the
2573s team they might be able to get back in
2574s here maybe find a Frank here with the
2577s self-destruct but they're gonna opt to
2579s hold on to that one wait and use it
2580s again in the next fight they do have the
2582s time here to take another fight they
2584s really do and I mean that was a smart
2585s duplicate out of Walterboro once again
2587s and did get that Dano up and keeps
2589s Gatsby in the neck when they were under
2591s such duress but but now Ecuador has some
2593s tools to get another Point namely the
2595s Bob you can start with that and then
2597s keep yourself alive through a lot of
2599s this transition coming through with the
2601s sound barrier that's a high ground Vault
2603s that is super interesting placement it's
2606s so easy for Argentina to get out of the
2608s way of that that I feel like that's a
2609s bit of a throwaway on the ultimate
2610s luckily nobody is still here to equalize
2612s even if Bob can't do the heavy lifting
2614s No Beats though can't Emilio goes for
2616s the self-destruct makes them so
2618s vulnerable and water capitalizes we've
2621s got the self-destruct on to the point
2622s nabito down to gaspi as well and
2626s 99-40 a valiant attempt here from
2628s Ecuador But ultimately Argentina just
2631s had the momentum and the read on the
2634s comp they really did uh and I mean that
2637s Bob suspect in in the least but I mean
2641s it was all about Argentina being able to
2643s play the five uh knowing that they can
2644s go a little bit more aggressive and that
2646s the support is going to be there to keep
2647s them up and allow them to regress back
2649s into the team so I mean Argentina
2652s definitely smelling blood in the water
2653s right now against his Ecuador team uh
2655s you know I think that the early start
2657s off with the doomfist on Lighthouse
2658s definitely uh kind of played into the
2661s mental battle here that that Ecuador is
2663s going to be facing as we progress
2664s through the series
2666s yeah I think it's interesting that we
2668s spent so much time gearing up for the
2671s erisa meta from Gatsby and the rest of
2674s uh Argentina and that we hadn't seen
2676s that here the other interesting uh
2678s wrinkle to that is that if you look at
2680s the way the team is put together
2682s Gatsby is kind of technically
2684s off-rolling here like Gatsby is
2686s registered as a DPS player for the team
2689s instead we're seeing him pull Duty as uh
2692s both kind of a main tank and a flex tank
2694s here we give them the roles that they've
2695s played and I think this kind of
2697s flexibility from them is a thing that
2700s needs to be really loaded and
2701s highlighted here for this Argentinian
2703s team I mean you can see it in the end
2706s you can see here the aim and I mean I
2709s mean I I wish I had that any sliver of
2712s that kind of aim but I think that the
2713s real star of ilios was Walter uh in the
2717s skies the echo was absolutely perfect uh
2720s got maximum value out of it didn't die
2722s very often then the duplicates both
2724s times that we saw it was onto the Anna
2726s and you know the first one they didn't
2727s get a a nano but the second one they did
2730s get a nano and it did help them secure
2732s and keep a point
2736s playing is unsurprisingly with the
2740s amount of uh the sort of the pointy
2742s nature of the echo damage is finding key
2745s opening cracks so that by the time the
2747s team fight is like properly evolving and
2749s and starting to become a tangible thing
2751s Walter has already found a pick either
2754s onto uh jorel or nobito typically and
2757s like several fights in a row they fall
2760s and prey to Walter's aerial threat which
2763s is of course I think that Ecuador needs
2764s to be looking out for when we move into
2766s this next map absolutely I think that
2768s Walter right now uh is is the uh is the
2771s major point of uh contention here or
2773s Ecuador uh and then you have to yeah if
2776s you could get past Walter and Gatsby
2778s then you've got the back line that's uh
2780s you know just basically having a good
2781s time here on a Saturday afternoon uh and
2784s getting the work done so next map up is
2786s going to be King's Row as we head to
2789s hybrid
2790s now
2791s dude this can work here so can erisa do
2794s we get what we spent all those hours of
2796s research and and and and game planning
2799s and Theory crafting uh will it actually
2801s come to bear or do we see something
2803s different come out and hear from both
2805s teams because I mean honestly uh Ecuador
2808s you know while they didn't get a sub map
2811s there they are showing that they can
2813s play and Argentina you know they're
2815s they're just showing just a little bit
2816s more class uh in the in the mechanics uh
2819s and in a game sense I I think that if
2822s Ecuador uh really ratcheted it down and
2826s get it uh to you know uh you know like a
2829s minute and a half uh on a defense uh and
2831s then they give up a point I think that
2833s it sets them up for success in the
2834s streets phase especially if emiliox is
2836s going to be on the uh on the doomfist
2838s and doomfist has a lot of fun in the
2841s Streets of London well I I think we've
2843s actually seen this map this map Choice
2845s specifically play out already for
2847s Ecuador in their game versus Chile
2849s earlier this week and whether they were
2852s running Winston compositions on their
2853s offense and ramatry compositions on
2856s their defense I believe we very briefly
2859s saw a dunefist for a scrappy recontest
2861s in overtime
2863s um but it seems to me that Ecuador
2865s really have a game plan here and it's
2867s either the brawn or the the Winston dive
2869s brawl hybrid given the kind of DPS they
2871s were playing here and thinking about
2873s Argentina you've mentioned this already
2875s we have definitely seen them play the
2877s orisa here it seemed to me like given
2880s that you could very easily and viably
2882s run the erisa on uh all three ilios
2885s submaps that they've opted into running
2887s dive tanks instead suggests that
2889s um maybe maybe Argentina are here to
2893s play for real now like they they know
2895s that they Maybe Can't Always Get Away
2897s with running slightly wonky stuff
2899s although they are on defense and I'm
2901s looking at some slightly wonky stuff
2903s here Billy ah I mean
2907s okay
2908s I I would have I would have had a
2910s serious eyebrow I'll raise for that but
2912s this is actually a lot more sustainable
2913s and especially with uh when you get
2916s kitsude Russia the job has been the
2919s throw uh the gold all comes up in double
2922s time for Gatsby and that's a lot of
2924s sustainability a lot of of utility in
2927s the eurisa kit
2929s um you're looking at obviously pouring
2930s off space here with the May so Walter is
2933s going to show us what they got coming
2934s out the gate and well we're looking for
2936s an early pick I don't think we're gonna
2937s find anything no I mean you you do this
2940s almost as kind of a good look charm at
2942s this point you pick Widow to try and get
2943s a pick and therefore the ritual has been
2945s completed and it's back onto the Tracer
2948s Ecuador this is uh what we were setting
2950s up all the pre-game four was this
2952s particular composition and Oracle finds
2955s horel and that is going to be much
2956s harder here the Ecuador to push in you
2958s need in the back trying to take out
2960s these supports wow
2964s Oracle hi having a good old-time Oracle
2967s falling very low though uh does get
2969s three here in the initial fight so
2971s almost halfway towards they're uh dragon
2974s ball there they go I mean they take down
2976s Karen Gore this is a this is a horrible
2979s start here for Ecuador I think that you
2981s need to bring us something a little bit
2983s more sturdy in the tank Department yep
2985s yep needs to be a lot more focused and
2988s erisa can't deny the Tesla damage uh
2990s coming in from the Winston so this is
2992s actually a better play here from from
2993s Ecuador and I wish they'd been a little
2995s bit quicker about it this is a minute
2997s off the clock already in a pretty
2999s disastrous first team fight for Ecuador
3001s and the dive comes in or able to LEAP
3004s backwards and that'll be open to The
3005s High Ground for them can there be to
3006s spot them out before any kills come
3008s through it's gonna be the immortality
3009s field down already so not currently
3012s suffering a lot of pressure and we've
3013s had our first trade nobito is not being
3016s given the attention they deserve here
3017s Oracle is out of the fight and now
3019s Ecuador have Argentina trapped in this
3022s hotel lobby nabito it's the Javelin and
3024s gets run over by Gatsby so for Ecuador
3029s some good inroads made here it might be
3032s time for a quick reset to run to get
3034s back in Gatsby one zero the action
3036s there's the old and down goes Ken gone
3039s Emilio's still in this Jackie down I
3042s think this is lost for Ecuador here uh
3044s you maybe want to die ASAP good job
3047s I mean yeah they got to the uh got to
3050s the mega and just fed over that extra
3052s 250 uh Health into the old Department of
3055s Gatsby now you're running into
3057s amplification Matrix but a nano Winston
3059s engage could be the way that Ecuador
3062s unlocks this point I think I've been
3063s fortunate that nabito wasn't able to do
3065s the Eason classic with candle and get
3068s the Nana boosted barrage because it is
3070s so easy to delete a tank from the game
3072s if you get your timings right on the
3073s cooldowns so it will have to be oh okay
3076s it's not that out of Winston it will
3077s still be the Nano pharah now has to push
3080s into an amplification Matrix and
3082s Argentina have given over a lot of space
3084s if we're going around the corner and
3085s that's exactly what the amp Matrix is
3087s for here it means that the beta really
3089s can't get the work done then you just
3090s get done and gets focused out of this
3093s water with the double will secure the
3095s team fight here and just over a minute
3097s on the clock we still get to see that
3099s first tick capped by Ecuador I mean
3101s you're gonna have three ultimates coming
3102s into this fight for Ecuador and I think
3104s that you know you can go in and displace
3106s with the Primal Rage and then see if you
3108s can find a cheeky stick uh from plural
3110s so I think that's your entry into the
3113s point but I mean Dead Eye from Oracle is
3116s ready to go this is going to be a damn
3118s hard uh retake here for Ecuador they're
3121s sub 60 seconds yeah and I would worry
3123s about push into Chucky's ultimate here
3125s wanting to turn the streets of King's
3127s Row into shibuya's scramble oh Oracle is
3130s making a rotation around the right side
3131s here momentarily spots out where can
3133s God's playing from there's the Barrows
3135s beautifully timed amplification Matrix
3138s Jackie dies while he's able to get the
3141s Kitsune rush off here but Ecuador is
3143s starting to feel like they might get
3144s just enough done here to round this out
3146s it is just gasping and water and now
3149s just Gatsby who has the ultimate throws
3152s it in he's doing everything in that
3154s power to just pommel Ecuador back it's
3157s just not quite enough I don't think
3159s there's the chance of a Recon test for
3161s Argentina I mean Karen garm with the
3164s with the anti of the match so far and
3168s the quick swap from nabito over to the
3171s Sombra hacks out denies the javelin spin
3174s to get that speed to get to the mini
3175s health pack and maybe get a last second
3177s contest Ecuador finally pulling out the
3180s training wheels and getting it done this
3183s is what we need you to see this is
3184s potentially very big here for can come
3186s it was a nice anti but Jack is able to
3188s find emiliox already but can't come
3190s holds on to the Nano boost here you
3192s really need to medioces back if you want
3194s to properly start this fight because you
3195s need that Nana Winston engage I mean
3197s they can Argentina can use amp Matrix to
3200s hold the archway here so you're looking
3202s for horel to go around and pull the eyes
3205s and the vision away from just focusing
3207s on the on the archway and look at your
3209s flanks I actually see from the wireframe
3211s there if it's Oracle currently guarding
3213s this top room here on the left hand side
3216s uh Waters already found no pizza rights
3218s back up there with a handy dandy Mercy
3220s pocket res so Even Stevens for now Nana
3223s booth on to nobito needs to generate an
3226s ultimate or kills with this for this to
3228s really find Value has found one makuno
3231s down so far the trades favor Argentina
3233s far too heavily for Ecuador to have
3236s found any value with that combination
3238s and for Argentina they push up and they
3240s take hold of this choke which is
3242s devastating for Ecuador and Matrix one
3245s Argentina that defense there I mean we
3248s saw the Nano engage and you did get them
3250s one kill but the uh the immortality
3252s barrier stayed up way too long for
3255s Argentina that's why they actually
3257s survive through the fight now uh you're
3260s looking at a pull Storm and The Valkyrie
3262s available to Ecuador blizzard is going
3264s to be the real kicker here to hold space
3269s such a good wall from Walter it only
3271s slows things down a little bit here and
3273s water's forced to burn the ice block
3274s that rise there nabito was thinking
3277s about solo holding halting the bay
3280s the front line and sometimes the barrage
3283s is nothing more than a please take me
3285s out of the game button and Argentina
3288s once more Stein the Ecuador's progress
3290s 30 seconds left in the round Philly the
3293s good thing is that Ecuador does have the
3296s Primal uh to start the initiation but
3298s they're going into a casino rush and for
3301s a three other ultimates so Argentina
3303s have a baby
3304s of tools to deny this and stop the
3306s payload as it stands
3308s Eve's waiting for the last possible
3309s second in the round and dumping in the
3311s blizzard to make the point touch that
3313s bit more painful this may come down at
3315s least in part to this Tracy jewel in the
3317s back rooms here blizzards out didn't
3320s cover the cart oracles down to their own
3322s pulse bomb Gatsby only finds one hit
3325s with the ultimate but certainly
3326s equalizes things in the fight now needs
3329s to guard this rest cannot have Ken gone
3332s brought back into the fight I believe
3334s that res is no longer on the table and
3336s emiliox is down Javelin spin to move
3339s novito off the points and the spear to
3342s stick him to the wall it's as far as it
3344s goes on King's Royal for Ecuador Splat
3347s ghost no Beetle like a mosquito holy cow
3352s Gatsby really turning it on there
3354s showing why Arisa at least in OverWatch
3357s 2 now uh is a tank that has viability
3361s and I will rely on this hill I will die
3364s on this hill I love the Arista play I'll
3367s hit you with unfortunately and we can
3369s move on okay
3372s um so I mean the first point defense
3374s really good uh from Argentina there they
3377s get uh you know all the way to overtime
3379s so it was always going to be a struggle
3381s for Ecuador to be able to push through
3383s and the fact that they held so loosely
3386s around the archway allowing some of the
3388s penetration from Ecuador to come in and
3390s then they just repel it and repel it and
3392s repel it again the walls were beautiful
3394s from Walter uh Oracle swapping to three
3396s different Heroes uh absolutely love that
3399s you saw the Hanzo the Cassidy and the
3401s Tracer uh all out of this very flexible
3403s DPS so for uh Argentina to take their
3407s two-nil Victory uh here and get their
3410s first Victory out of the World Cup uh
3412s it's just going to be about doing what
3414s they've been doing all series long and
3416s that's being able to focus down getting
3417s an early pick and then you know
3420s collapsing on the rest of Ecuador after
3422s that and I think this is a very smart
3425s early uh composition here for Ecuador
3428s it's certainly a lot smarter a lot more
3430s meta forward than they do with his
3433s compositions here but there is so much
3436s full potential here with the Cassidy and
3438s the line of Argentina that uh they run
3441s the risk of being run over here
3443s well they've got so much sustain on
3445s their back they've got you know really
3447s early pick potential nobito is going to
3449s have to be uh the Assassin with the bow
3451s and arrow here otherwise Gatsby just
3453s takes all the space in the world does
3455s gas speed moving forward like a mother
3456s duck ducklings short behind them and
3458s nobody defines the first opening Oracle
3460s taken out already and I believe
3462s Argentina decides that discretion might
3464s well be the better part of battle they
3466s backpedal to wait for Oracle to come
3467s back into the fight yeah swap it onto
3469s the hands though very sensible yep I
3471s mean now they're gonna have Vision as
3472s well so they can detail how they want to
3475s get into this point what a throw from
3477s Gatsby once again
3481s flat
3482s covers the hanza now
3486s she went out already for Emilio as half
3489s of the defensive cooldowns of burn for
3490s Argentina for Ecuador sorry Echo
3494s Echo generating alts pretty quickly they
3496s are now gonna have to push into or have
3498s to defend from okuno's amplification
3501s Matrix can gone about to get their own
3503s online and the Beto again may have just
3505s been the Savior takes Gatsby out of this
3508s and Ecuador knowing that the tank isn't
3510s in the mix anymore really but paid to
3513s this push
3514s I think that was a bit greedy from
3516s Argentina I think they tried to uh I
3519s think they tried to diff Ecuador and
3521s Ecuador caught the rotation throws up
3523s the wall and the vortex and just
3525s completely annihilates Argentina so now
3527s uh okuda over to the Anna
3530s hmm okay certainly can do a lot to shut
3533s down the utility that kangon can bring
3535s with some of that bulk healing
3537s early blizzard out from horrell and
3539s eaten by Gatsby that's devastating
3541s because now Walter's got one of their
3543s own and Ecuador find themselves without
3546s their Lucio Suddenly It's much harder to
3549s run away from Argentina it's much harder
3551s to run away from the terror surge but
3555s the damage is here in Spades for Ecuador
3558s if Milo's able to find one Ken gone with
3560s the second Oracle throws out the dragon
3562s and this just got a little bit last
3564s fight of the okay Corral for both teams
3567s here and Oracle might have put the final
3570s nail in the coffin of this point a
3572s defense from Ecuador it's gonna be down
3574s to nabito to try and keep this going and
3576s I I think that they're going to take
3578s their take their chances on on the hold
3580s at the archway because there's two on
3581s the on the point I can make that three I
3584s they don't have time to touch uh even
3586s with Patty Lou coming up with sound
3587s barrier uh they're gonna make their
3590s stand with four minutes left uh here to
3593s get about halfway through the streets
3595s not even that really just to the
3597s bookstore this is gonna have to be a
3599s really impressive first fight here from
3600s Ecuador to set their feet straight
3602s Gatsby coming in here to try and rescue
3605s water which they do but at the cost of
3608s Chucky nabito weaves the arrows in
3610s around the gaps in the team comp puts
3612s Argentina on the back foot nabito again
3615s finds Walter here what a showing even on
3618s the back foot here from the DPS of
3620s Ecuador so it's got to be in serious
3622s trouble right now I don't know if they
3623s get out I think they do they have the
3625s javelin spin ready to go so they were
3626s able to mitigate that damage now you're
3628s going into a nano uh fight here for
3631s Argentina sound barrier still available
3633s to Papillon very disciplined on the
3636s Queue there but I mean the blizzard is
3638s gonna be the nail biter
3639s the economy here for Argentina is
3641s substantially better than it currently
3643s is for Ecuador Pavilion needs to find a
3647s lot of value here with this sound
3649s barrier Pavilions down Sam Barrio was
3651s committed to gasp he finds the double
3653s Oracle with the third and a valiant
3656s effort here from Ecuador on the streets
3659s of King's Row sadly and not quite enough
3661s and Argentina put themselves on the
3664s scoreboard they do and Gatsby is going
3667s to be your player of the game here I
3670s mean just got stuff done uh blizzard eat
3672s was one of the most impactful that we
3673s saw come through uh but I mean the
3675s terror surges were confirming kills and
3677s even if it wasn't confirming kills it
3679s was pulling resources out of Ecuador so
3682s I mean really the work of the tank was
3684s done there by Gatsby and I mean really
3687s uh Walter still putting up one hell of a
3689s performance I think that Oracle actually
3691s outplayed Walter here in King zero so
3694s we'll see how it actually uh how how the
3696s uh how the voting for the MVP actually
3697s goes down nice to see a lot of GPS
3700s getting their time in the son of
3702s developers breakdown what just happened
3704s let's bring Jamison back into the booth
3706s with us
3707s yeah I don't always want to just make it
3709s all about the DPS but in this matchup
3711s you really do have to give it up uh to
3714s both Walter and Oracle they both had
3715s their moments but on different Maps
3717s right I think walls are starting things
3719s off when we were on lighthouse on ilios
3721s it was doing an amazing job of just
3722s focusing down the mercy of the fire
3724s Mercy composition or that duo that was
3726s coming out from Ecuador and you saw
3728s every single time that he was trying to
3730s focus down that Mercy the rest of the
3732s team the rest of Team Argentina were
3733s putting their focus on Karen Gore on
3735s that honor who doesn't have that same
3737s kind of Mobility that needs some peels
3738s that's why the other side for Ecuador
3740s they were trying to play that counter
3741s dive against it and that's why that
3743s first fight kind of went wonky on uh on
3745s Lighthouse there but I I think Walter
3747s was doing an amazing job there but once
3749s we got here to King's Row it was all
3752s about Oracle is Hanzo to open things up
3755s on the defense was absolutely stellar
3757s and like you had mentioned Billy he had
3759s actually swapped off to many different
3760s Heroes throughout this map yep I mean
3762s three different Heroes and basically
3764s trying to counter what Ecuador is
3766s bringing into them you saw Ecuador
3768s trying to play the chess game with them
3769s uh but every time I mean Oracle was the
3772s one that said you know what I'm gonna go
3773s ahead and make the switch I'm gonna take
3774s care of business and we're gonna go
3775s ahead and win this map in a very
3776s resounding way I'm glad to see that we
3779s got to see we were setting this match up
3781s as like two different styles right we're
3783s gonna see the doomfist out of Ecuador
3786s um Gatsby of course on that or uh on
3788s that orisa what she did eventually pull
3789s out but throughout um throughout both
3792s ilios and on uh King's Row here we saw
3794s different looks coming out uh from the
3796s tank line from either side right Phil
3799s oh
3799s we did and you know we kind of
3802s kind of saying historically at uh what
3804s has been run on this map specifically by
3807s Ecuador and that kind of came to bear
3809s like the prophecy was fulfilled and
3812s setting this up early on as like
3813s whatever else you want to say about
3815s Ecuador emiliox is a very flexible tank
3818s we have seen what we're doing doomfist
3820s but also not afraid to flex onto more
3822s appropriate picks the diva the Winston
3825s the ramatra and so when you're looking
3826s for bright spots for a team that is
3828s currently unfortunately sat at the
3830s bottom of the group that is the thing
3831s you definitely need to focus on I think
3833s the other one to focus on here is that
3835s King's role was a real standout match
3837s for nabito cow nobito was absolutely
3840s popping off on this Hanzo finding some
3842s great picks as well
3844s um and eventually going over towards
3846s that Tracer but uh yeah we got a lot of
3849s set out performances coming out from
3850s either side so that's Argentina that was
3852s able to secure their first win but of
3855s course both of these teams still have a
3858s match left to go right so it's not end
3860s of the road for Ecuador Ecuador have one
3863s more opportunity to try and secure a W
3865s for themselves in this group they will
3868s be facing off against I believe it's
3869s going to be Peru in their final match of
3872s the group tomorrow do you think Ecuador
3875s can take that win and uh get themselves
3877s out of that goose egg territory
3879s um I I don't want to be a doomsayer I
3882s want to say that you know everybody here
3884s has a chance to play their absolute best
3886s and win this out but if you look at what
3889s the existing results have been from the
3891s other maps that we've seen uh Peru have
3893s already taken a map off of Argentina
3895s sorry taking a series off of Argentina
3897s Argentina just beat Ecuador and so
3899s through the um internal transitive
3903s property that is competitive OverWatch
3905s it seems to me like that's going to be a
3907s tough one for Ecuador all right well
3910s congratulations Argentina they got their
3912s first victory in their group and as such
3914s we're gonna go ahead and set up an
3916s interview with one of the players from
3917s Team Argentina we're gonna get it we're
3919s gonna take a short break while we set
3921s that up and when we get back we'll be
3923s able to uh break down what happened in
3925s this series with one of them just after
3927s this after this so don't go narrow guys
3929s we'll be right back right after this
3931s thank you
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4259s all right welcome back to the OverWatch
4261s World Cup America's conference qualifier
4263s day number five just before the break we
4265s had Argentina getting their first
4267s victory in their group up against
4269s Ecuador and as such we've got Walter on
4272s the line Walter congratulations on your
4275s Victory I have a few questions here for
4277s you of course and one of the first
4278s things I want to note is that you were
4280s doing an amazing job especially on ilios
4283s when you were playing that Echo into the
4285s pharah and I kind of noticed that you
4288s were putting a lot of focus on that
4290s Mercy was that planned in your matchup
4292s up against Ecuador
4302s there you go there you go we got Walter
4305s on the line so yeah once again just
4306s wanted to ask uh in that first matchup
4308s when you guys were on ilios it opened up
4311s on Lighthouse you're playing that Echo
4313s into the far of Mercy was it planned for
4315s you to try and focus down that Mercy
4318s yeah thank you so much for the
4320s congratulations uh yes we play focus on
4323s the mercy or I play because
4326s she killed the pharah and it's more easy
4329s to build
4330s um
4331s and focusing
4333s yeah and I mean that ilios matchup it
4336s looked fantastic especially when we went
4338s over to ruins as well and then when we
4340s swapped over to King's row I wanted to
4342s wonder I wanted to ask like what was
4344s your preparation going into King's Row
4346s uh what did you think that you were
4348s going to possibly see Ecuador play and
4351s how did you want to counter that
4354s uh on Cairo yes
4358s [Music]
4358s um
4362s oh yeah I don't know it's um were you
4365s guys uh prepared for King's Row what
4367s were you uh noticing coming out from
4369s Ecuador that you want to play into like
4371s uh what kind of composition did you want
4373s to run up against them were you
4375s expecting them to also run the bar of
4377s Mercy possibly on uh King's Row and did
4380s you have a plan to possibly go up
4382s against the far Mercy on King's Row
4385s composition
4391s and we play route for Brothers Brawl and
4397s for best gone for a small comfort for us
4402s that's it
4404s coming into World Cup I know that you
4407s know there were some issues right uh
4410s with with the Argentinian squads maybe
4412s explain to the viewers at home uh
4416s exactly what went on in building up the
4418s team and why maybe some players are not
4421s playing the roles that they're used to
4423s yeah uh we love uh some players two
4427s weeks for the match and we need to
4430s Chance The Gospel for dps2 tank and he
4436s play orisa so good
4438s um
4442s Winston and diva yeah and honestly he
4447s looked fantastic especially in today's
4449s matchup
4450s um speaking of other matchups in the
4452s past Phil wanted to know in that Peru
4455s match right uh where it was a 1-2 in
4458s favor of Peru but it was a pretty close
4461s matchup uh what do you think you guys
4463s maybe could have done differently to try
4465s and secure the victory in that match up
4467s against Peru
4469s yeah that much for uh it's very close
4472s following for us um but we need to
4475s focus more on objectives and play where
4480s with the team more closed everyone and
4485s not splitting so far
4489s and you guys have one more match up you
4492s guys got your first win now your final
4494s match of this group is uh it's gonna be
4497s against Chile tomorrow how do you feel
4500s in your turn in terms of preparation for
4502s that final match can you guys secure
4504s that last victory get a 2-3 score line
4506s to end out the group
4508s uh we speak
4511s um
4511s with big wins I think about
4514s um we we really don't know a whole
4519s weekend and make
4523s a
4524s Brown composition work on versus Chile
4528s we want to try but
4531s I don't know well we'll wait to see uh
4535s you guys have one final match and Before
4537s I Let You Go of course I want you to
4539s have this uh have this stage go ahead
4541s and give out any shout outs if any love
4543s to whomever you want so you can even go
4545s ahead and do it in Spanish if you'd like
4546s to so go ahead and please take it away
4548s Walter
4549s thank you
4553s [Laughter]
4556s uh yeah if you have any special message
4559s for your fans out there for your country
4560s possible just go ahead and do it I could
4563s convince them for yet
4564s um for my team members that we're
4567s already still playing with us with me
4571s um
4573s I'm very happy we can make today
4578s all right we'll fix everything thank you
4581s thank you thank you very much for the uh
4583s interview yeah thank you so much for
4585s coming on I I know you know English
4587s isn't your first language but I I really
4589s do appreciate you for taking that time
4591s with us and I'm sorry if my questions
4593s weren't as clear uh but you were amazing
4596s you were amazing and I can't wait to see
4598s more of you especially in the matchup
4599s against Chile tomorrow so good luck in
4601s your match and now go ahead and have a
4603s good night's rest all right thank you so
4605s much Walter
4606s all right guys that was Walter from Team
4608s Argentina that got their first Victory
4610s up against Ecuador they'll be facing off
4612s against Chile tomorrow so make sure you
4614s uh tune in for that but we're gonna go
4616s ahead and take a short break when we get
4617s back we have our second match of Group B
4620s and this one's gonna be super important
4622s it's Colombia versus Chile this is a a
4626s very important uh matchup to see who
4629s will possibly be moving on in Group B so
4631s we're gonna take a short break while
4632s we'll get that set up and we get when we
4634s get back we'll have more OverWatch World
4636s Cup right after this
4643s foreign
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4759s thank you
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4966s welcome back to the OverWatch World Cup
4969s this is the America's region still in
4971s group b we have one more game here for
4973s the day in group b and it's gonna be
4975s Colombia versus Chile and this is
4979s basically it's all on the line between
4980s both these teams Colombia currently
4982s sitting at three and zero Chile are
4985s serving at two and one and our casters
4987s right now have two different opinions on
4989s how this match will break down bill you
4993s are completely in the camp of Team
4994s Colombia why is that I think if you look
4997s at how Colombia have been playing not
4999s only is the general understanding of
5002s what is meta and what is approved
5005s through each map one of the strongest in
5007s the group their individual flexibility
5009s is also incredibly High I I don't think
5012s they've been pushed by any team they've
5014s played so far admittedly they've yet to
5016s play Brazil that's happening tomorrow
5018s but right now Colombia looked like a
5021s very very strong second place to me and
5024s that's right the strength of schedule
5025s right for Colombia started off Peru
5026s Ecuador Argentina now Chile but for
5029s chile on the other side Billy they have
5031s to start things off by facing off
5032s against Brazil but since then they've
5034s been ramping up in their play they
5036s really have and I think that if I look
5038s back to the the Colombia Peru match uh
5042s Peru gave Colombia some fits and I think
5046s that's where my my lack of uh of the
5050s same Accord that Phil brings out here is
5053s that I think that while Chile have been
5055s really ramping up Ecuador's kind of been
5057s treading water and they haven't really
5058s been battle tested yet and Chile has
5060s been up against the ringer like you said
5061s they started off with Russia uh and then
5064s you know they've had a very convincing
5067s and strong win against uh against uh
5070s Peru so I mean that's where we saw Ram
5073s uh come out that's where we started
5075s seeing what this identity of this
5077s Chilean Squad is and I mean
5081s they're gonna do it I think this is the
5084s upset alert for me uh if they play up to
5086s their potential and they target the back
5088s line out Mixie and hugs are going to
5090s have a hell of a time dealing with
5092s debout and RAM
5093s uh if they play to their full potential
5095s it's that I think it's at least going
5097s three I think that Phil does have great
5100s merits uh in in in Colombia having uh an
5105s understanding of where we're at in the
5107s meta and I think that the star power you
5108s cannot deny that eqo is not going to do
5111s Ikea things it just depends on what the
5112s rest of the team does behind them yeah
5114s that's right I mean we've been seeing
5116s some great looks out of Columbia we were
5118s kind of expecting it to be the eqo show
5120s but I think a lot of standout members
5123s um have really shown up for this world
5125s cup on that Columbia side Phil uh it's
5128s not just eqo but like drummer and super
5130s Gomez have been doing an amazing job
5132s Eternal has been flexing in um every so
5135s often as well uh what do you think is
5138s going to be the the the main point that
5140s collect me is going to try and focus is
5142s it going to be the tank line the support
5143s line or uh the DPS of Chile here that
5147s they're going to try and maybe turn the
5149s screws on in this matchup I think it's a
5152s little bit hard to say here until we see
5154s what the compositions are because the
5156s priorities for each composition change
5159s what it is you're going for like if we
5161s think back to USA's game uh yesterday on
5164s nombani astridex was playing
5165s specifically to kill the supports in the
5168s backline and that's how they won so many
5170s of the fights
5171s um but sometimes it's about winning the
5172s 1v1 against your direct equal as the
5175s tank sometimes it's about whose DPS can
5178s pop off the hardest for Colombia we know
5180s that they have an exceptional DPS line
5183s yes we can talk about Eco eqo but drama
5186s yesterday I think was also a very very
5189s strong candidate on this Colombia roster
5192s and so for me it's going to be down to
5194s how specifically those four DPS players
5198s go head to head here on lijiang Tower
5200s yeah starting off on Legion Tower
5202s actually that's where I I feel like I
5204s have to get up to Colombia because they
5206s have been looking absolutely Stellar
5209s when it comes to playing around super
5210s Gomez and maybe picking up the Mirage or
5213s we've been seeing a lot of our Matra
5214s maze coming out from either side really
5216s when it comes to this specific map so
5218s you know what it looks like the fly
5220s through is ready so Phil Billy go ahead
5222s and take it away
5223s thank you once again Jameson this should
5227s be uh maybe not quite the most impactful
5231s match of the day I think a lot of people
5232s have eyes on Canada and Mexico but for
5235s this group it has so much impact on what
5239s that last day of play means Billy I mean
5242s this is gonna decide who goes through I
5244s think uh we were talking about the the
5247s the economics of how this will pan out
5250s should Chile you know do what many might
5253s consider the impossible and take the win
5255s here uh they're still going to be behind
5258s a map differential but uh as you pointed
5261s out earlier in our in our opening uh
5264s the matchup tomorrow for chile is much
5266s more favorable than what Colombia is
5268s going up against so as we look at the
5270s compositions I mean not anything uh
5273s what not anything unexpected here I
5275s definitely want to see if ROM can uh
5277s get rid of the demons that happened to
5279s them with the barrage nine on ilios on
5281s the first day of composition yeah oh
5283s okay very quick here from Colombia they
5285s see what Chile are running out with and
5287s they go all right well we're not quite
5288s good at mirror but it's going to be
5290s close enough stylistically it's both out
5292s on the junker Queen here eqo comes in on
5296s the Sombra nobody engaging just yet
5299s internal has a line of sight onto Chile
5301s as they rotate through here Force out an
5303s early suzu devout also forced into an
5306s early recall and eternal finds a LA Zoo
5309s here so going on here with a nice early
5311s start here taking Lazo out is a great
5313s win on this one it's going to cost them
5315s eqo but frax down for chile here and
5317s that's going to Colombia with the
5319s opening Camp yep and I mean the Sombra
5321s is going to be the big hacker or the big
5323s the big Difference Maker here for
5324s Colombia I think the ram needs to get
5326s off the fair because you're just waiting
5328s to be hacked you're just waiting to be
5330s hacked and uh you know we'll see uh if
5333s they're able to work around this well
5335s that's a good start from devout yeah I
5337s mean that's great particularly with the
5339s numbers we've been seeing from the
5340s tunnel so far taking that particular 1v1
5342s in your favor is a great opening for
5344s chile but now they need to close in and
5346s find the next frag if they want this to
5348s actually be their flip on the point for
5351s now Colombia are just going to opt to
5353s back out and re-engage oh great hack
5355s even better night Eternal focus is
5357s downrum and now they've got to stop the
5359s rest coming through they've hacked Papo
5361s the race isn't quite off the table yet I
5363s don't think now it is down goes popo and
5366s this has been a blisteringly fast
5368s re-engage here from Colombia Chile just
5371s dropping like flies only 19 20 here for
5375s chile I mean that's very decisive and
5378s you saw them take a back uh and and give
5381s themselves a breathing room and then the
5383s re-engage was just so clean from them
5385s and RAM is still gonna be this hack
5387s Target and well you've got old DPS
5388s ultimates ready to go here for check no
5390s thing two does defend against another
5392s than a Susie
5393s and of course can shut down the barrage
5396s of the second run pulls that uh EMP will
5399s shut that right down and I think that's
5400s a trade you take given how impactful a
5402s barrage can be if it comes in at the
5404s right time but for now Colombia play on
5406s the point and crucially playing around
5408s doorways that allow them to quickly step
5410s out of the way of the barrel Ram has
5412s given over their position and finds one
5416s with the barrage hook caught out by this
5418s one Colombia still in charge and now no
5420s supports available for Colombia they
5422s still have a post one they're closing in
5424s on the jumper Queen ultimate but they're
5425s just gonna let it go
5427s I mean Eternal so low and not able to
5430s find uh many around them ready for
5432s healing to come through they are going
5434s to have kids Sunni rush to push him with
5435s this Rampage lazu is going to be on
5437s Focus here with that Susie
5440s yeah this uh you either need to be
5442s watching that killing lazu before the
5444s fight begins or otherwise avoiding them
5446s hit with a rampage for now they might
5448s just get this done with the katuna
5450s ritualizer already down this will be
5451s this will be contested Rampage it
5454s for the Rampage
5460s a massive Rampage but mixes there with
5464s the sound barrier to nullify that
5466s definitely the suzu got it done with the
5468s ultimate really wants to secure this
5470s today are still throwing bodies out this
5473s fight intent on getting as much progress
5475s captured as they can but it is going to
5477s be Columbia slowly grinding this one out
5479s the numbers the algebra the mathematics
5482s is just too heavily in their favor now's
5484s the chance for a ROM we're about to make
5486s a change papa needs to get off we need
5488s to get off the pharmacy right now
5490s because while you have had middling
5491s success with it eqo is getting too much
5494s value being unchecked on this Sombra so
5496s uh Chile that stop being so darn
5499s stubborn and work into something that's
5501s a little bit more favorable in this
5502s composition and 83 here Chile have to
5506s get a fight win in the neutral up
5509s against eqo's EMP which is just three
5511s percent away from being online so it is
5514s all pressure on RAM and devout to get an
5518s opening frag here
5521s early hack from ROM that's gonna install
5523s uh the attempt to get back in Frack is
5526s going to get big it's gonna stop
5528s everything
5529s yeah eqo EMP I I like myself from three
5532s letter abbreviations but no need to pull
5534s that out just yet there it is it's a big
5536s one it hits four but they go in without
5538s Eternal in the fight and that EMP has
5541s only just converted into kills it was a
5543s little bit slow I was worried they
5545s weren't gonna get the follow-up mixby
5547s Pops in the sound barrier that should
5549s make things nice and stable here for
5551s Colombia to round out this team fight
5553s it's 99-76 I don't think we're seeing a
5556s 77 here for chile on the opening round
5559s of Liu jang's hour I mean it's just Phil
5561s it was just staying on the fire Mercy
5563s too long once eqo goes over to that
5565s Sombra you saw the manual hacks come out
5568s time and time again you saw them looking
5569s for uh with the EMP making sure that the
5572s Pharaoh was in the area of effect but
5574s you know what it's just one sub map and
5577s they did get to 76 so it wasn't a stomp
5579s there from Colombia so I think that
5581s right now for uh Team uh team Chile I
5586s mean debout needs to really step up here
5588s uh they were getting some work done on
5590s that Tracer let me tell you what and
5591s lazum Papu were under serious duress
5594s from Colombia they definitely are
5596s targeting the uh support line of Chile
5598s Colombia if they stay in the same vein
5600s this is going to be a very fast control
5602s center
5603s capture yes and the diva comp into the
5607s brawl I think your focus is going to be
5610s so good here you've got to isolate
5611s somebody in this team composition and
5613s none of them are particularly isolatable
5615s on the side of Colombia come on you're
5618s opting into the role here EQ has already
5619s found a massive pick Larson as well yes
5622s Papa's still here with the rice
5624s available to them but it really doesn't
5625s matter because you are down too many
5627s players to make that happen Papo goes
5629s for the reset as does frackets over the
5631s side and Colombia with the early cab Yep
5635s this has got to be a composition change
5636s right away I would like to see uh
5639s perhaps uh Papa come out on
5642s oh the brigitta give lazu a little bit
5644s of a protection
5646s um you know keep the reaper out of their
5648s back line because that's where uh that's
5650s where eqo is really looking to get their
5652s value done and you saw the early pick on
5655s the lawsuit completely destroys any kind
5657s of a contest there on the point
5659s Ron's playing here from the back of the
5661s point for now no that direct count is
5663s available so Colombia for now applied
5665s the age-old pharah tactic of just
5668s ignoring them and hoping they can find
5669s kills in the meantime ROM a little bit
5671s slow in generating that alt as we're
5672s around the 30 Mark here for Colombia
5674s devout pressuring into the backline
5676s iko's burnt the right form here at about
5678s I believe still holding on to the recall
5681s you are struggling for targets here but
5683s is a massive threat as it turns out
5685s Israel who has the barrows super Gomez
5688s and nicksby both deleted here and run
5691s survives The Barrage and the
5693s ever-present threat of Team Colombia to
5695s secure the flip for chile I mean 49 that
5698s okay yeah you get the value out of the
5701s barrage but now you're looking at Eco
5703s going back over to the Sombra and well
5707s this is gonna spell real bad trouble for
5710s ROM in the sky uh papa is gonna have to
5713s be on almost on spy check Duty I think
5715s he pull out the Glock uh when you start
5717s feeling the pressure coming in
5719s okay 20 here Colombia are ready to
5721s re-engage into Chile looking at the
5724s health right there at the top right Ram
5725s under a lot of pressure and now it's a
5727s 5v4 in favor of Colombia oh massive
5730s stick from devout hope caught out in the
5732s middle of the ultimate and now Colombia
5734s are just trying to feed Chile into the
5736s meat grinder of the ramacha ultimate the
5739s protective layering of the sound barrier
5741s keeps the Machinery in full watch and
5745s Colombia looks set to take the point
5747s back out from under Chile well I mean we
5749s did see the glockster come out from Papo
5751s but uh yeah going up against Rob you're
5752s not gonna win that matchup now uh more
5755s importantly here uh Nano available so I
5758s think that you throw it on the ROM uh
5760s see if they can build up a quick barrage
5761s out of it self-destruct is going to give
5763s you another chance uh at staying on the
5766s point and turning the fight in your
5767s favor
5769s for now we've got Eternal camping here
5770s on the left hand side uh maybe didn't
5772s want to take this 1v1 with about was
5774s hoping for a stick on to lazu or Papa
5777s instead it's going to slow things down a
5778s little bit here for those traces as we
5780s look to reposition here EMP eqo takes
5783s Ram out of the fight Papo currently also
5785s hacked so can't get the res off
5787s immediately elizu may be caught out here
5789s in no man's land a long way away from
5792s except purple and it's a quick reset for
5794s Frank but this is last fight territory
5797s here Billy I mean still oh no no no that
5801s can't happen that's it that's gonna do
5802s it for this fight
5803s we're gonna get the touch here from
5805s devout almost certainly but does have
5806s eternal hop on their heels needs to get
5809s in at 98 and get the overtime ticking
5812s down Papu already isolated here hacked
5815s and sprayed down from the machine
5818s pistols itself just okay from crack
5820s would need to be absolutely miraculous
5822s and unfortunately no Godly Powers
5825s available on that one instead it's the
5826s post bomb around the more of the defense
5828s Matrix into the software on the belly of
5830s the diva rum has the barrage ready to go
5833s Chile starting to crank up some capture
5836s percentage here they take your turtle
5837s out of it and Colombia are out of the
5840s fight for now Chile get a stay at
5842s Redemption oh my word that so that's the
5844s turn that they really did need right
5846s there eqo is making papo's life hell
5849s right now well that's a great picture
5850s deep out taking EQ down that's going to
5853s you know another 15 and you want to see
5855s uh papa-in-laws would get their
5857s ultimates up here it's about needs to be
5859s landing some one Clips with some
5861s frightening rapidity because they're
5862s going into this Annihilation from Super
5865s Gomez and a sound barrier
5867s ROM here on uh perpetuous
5871s wondering whether that was a psychotic
5873s episode or not no just fear of eqo
5876s closing in on another EMP one-to-one
5878s supports out for both sides here and we
5881s get the annihilation run here from Super
5884s Gomez two for two poke down track down
5887s out of the mech out of luck out of light
5889s back into the respawn Q needs to go into
5891s something super Speedy to get back in
5893s this fight because right now it's down
5895s to RAM and to Papa to keep this going
5898s Ram out of the fight Capo with the
5900s valkyrie going can certainly duck in and
5902s keep this point alive whilst
5903s reinforcements come back in for Frack
5905s it's back on the doomfist we know how
5908s hard that is into the EMP into the hack
5912s here from eqo and it's a Turner with a
5914s pulse bomb that puts them down valiantly
5917s fought here from Chile but Colombia was
5919s the first win here in the series
5922s I mean it was back and forth there on
5924s control center some singular good place
5926s coming out from Frack to belt and uh ROM
5929s but they just have not figured out why
5932s when we pull the Slumber out you should
5935s get off of the fair yes I there's value
5937s being being gotten from the the Pharaoh
5940s but why not go to something that isn't
5943s so heavily impacted by the manual hack
5946s by the EMP uh and why you know single
5949s Target healing I mean they're lacking
5951s for uh for sustain the fact that they
5953s get to 99.99 with single Target healing
5955s oh my word yeah I mean they're kind of
5958s you know putting a a dog trap on their
5961s leg and trying to fight with one hand
5962s tie behind their back going up against
5964s Colombia right now
5966s yeah and I think one of the things I'm
5968s really enjoying about covering this
5970s America's region is how many
5973s individualistic and stylistic approaches
5976s we have from each of our teams you know
5978s uh when we look at contenders and an
5981s OverWatch League a lot of what we see
5982s tends to be mirror matches both teams
5985s are playing what is the most efficient
5987s and effective version of OverWatch
5990s because this is in a lot of ways a
5992s Grassroots competition OverWatch League
5994s can contenders Talent regardless we see
5997s things that are indicative of the style
6000s of player that we have on each team and
6002s RAM is clearly very comfortable on that
6005s far a role but at some point you're
6007s going to have to start trading comfort
6009s for efficacy you're right it was so easy
6013s to shoot RAM and Papo down time and time
6016s again and they were so close to Victory
6019s a number of points through that and I
6021s think a bit of a changeup really would
6023s have helped them there yep I think that
6025s uh bringing out on the ash might have
6028s been one of those uh one of those picks
6030s because that was a pick that I I was
6032s really impressed with while we give a
6033s lot of the accolades to Ramen I mean
6035s rightfully so look at what the bout's
6038s doing on the Tracer look at what we're
6039s about had previously historically done
6042s on the ash uh so I mean there's there's
6045s stuff in the in the hero pool here 14
6048s Chilean to really take this to Colombia
6050s and I want to see them really lean into
6052s that when they uh pick their next map oh
6055s I I want them to go to Blizzard world I
6057s want them to go to Blizzard because they
6058s had I think that's where they really
6060s turned uh This World Cup group stage
6062s around for them I I also as much as I
6065s might complain on other broadcasts that
6067s we see a lot of Kings Row uh I actually
6069s think it'd be a relatively good match a
6071s relatively good map here for chile uh
6074s we've seen that there is a space for
6076s pharah on King's Row they've played the
6079s kind of raw hybrids with the junker
6081s Queen in the mix and so we know that
6084s that kind of mixer Styles is a thing
6085s that works for them so I wouldn't hate
6088s seeing that here for the hybrid map of
6090s course it is loser's pick this is now
6092s down to Chile to see where it is we go
6095s so they will absolutely be picking for
6097s the comfort of RAM for the comfort of
6100s Shrek and building that team pump around
6101s it I was not expecting this in the
6105s slightest Billy well this allows Frack
6108s to play the diva
6109s um and this is why they go there uh and
6112s I think that she'll bring out the ash
6113s defensively uh from Davao you might
6116s bring the ram Hanzo uh to Bear here as
6120s well for vision control uh or the Tracer
6122s both are good G works incredibly well
6124s here being so mobile so I think that
6127s they're playing into Mobility here uh
6130s for team Chile and once again uh if you
6134s run the ferret you're you're basically
6135s throwing uh because eqo will just swap
6137s over to that Sombra and make your life
6139s hell and you won't be able to play the
6140s game well that's what I was thinking
6142s when I said I wasn't exciting that was
6144s uh this is a great map for brazumbra
6146s there are so many little nooks and
6148s crannies there is so much High Ground to
6150s Loyal ground transition areas that allow
6153s you to get stealth hacks and the
6155s follow-up damage before getting out
6156s again unless you really think you know
6159s what you need to do to shut down a
6161s Sombra here I think it's a potential
6164s risky pick
6165s but I mean with risk sometimes comes big
6169s rewards and I think that's what they're
6171s banking on here uh for team Chile and I
6175s mean you know it's go big or go home
6176s time they know that they have to pull
6178s something out of the Hat here uh and
6180s with the changes that have happened uh
6182s to the geometry of Gibraltar uh you know
6186s there there's some easier holds here uh
6189s for the Defenders also getting out of
6191s spawns uh is a little bit easier for the
6194s attackers as well
6197s yeah since the changes come through I
6200s have had the chance to cast uh Gibraltar
6203s a number of times in every one of those
6206s it has been such a mismatch but I have
6209s never gotten to the portion of the map
6211s where the reworks are actually
6212s significant and meaningful I've only
6215s ever seen point a of the reworks you
6216s brought up
6218s I mean I I have seen all three points
6221s um so I guess I have that little bit of
6223s an advantage but I you'll see it as a it
6225s basically feeds itself
6227s uh you just you know give it water every
6229s once in a while and you'll get the value
6231s out of it but I mean for for uh for
6234s chile here I mean this is the this is
6236s your defining moment this is your Canon
6238s moment for your country
6241s uh can you pull off uh the the map win
6245s here take it to a map three
6247s uh and give yourself a chance to
6250s dislodge Colombia for the number two
6251s position and possibly make your way to
6254s BlizzCon in October uh so I I I I've not
6259s stopped to Crunch the numbers on this
6260s one but a 2-1 Victory here for chile I
6265s believe puts them on a level Maps level
6269s match score with Colombia but still a
6272s significant deficit
6275s um and so I think if Colombia loses they
6278s need to then prove that they are better
6279s than Brazil because coming out of
6282s Tomorrow Chile I think uh well it's not
6286s count chickens before they hatch but
6287s these are some pretty see-through eggs
6289s in this instant Argentina should be an
6291s easy opponent for chile given what we've
6293s seen so far this continues to be still
6297s very down to the wire stuff Billy that's
6300s why I love it that's why I love it I I'm
6301s so glad that we get to cast this
6303s honestly uh can you imagine what the
6305s players are feeling right now I mean
6306s we're excited we're getting I mean my
6309s hands would be shaking my feet would be
6310s drumming I would be screaming all my
6312s call outs and well we'll see how it
6314s comes out at Columbia gonna be on the
6316s attack Chile with The High Ground
6317s Effects I'm a very different person I'd
6319s just be having an anxiety attack this is
6320s interesting for Colombia they teleport
6323s super Gomez in on the sarrier for now
6325s and Chile give them a little bit of
6327s space here they don't really want to
6328s feed super Gomez if they can avoid it
6330s but of course Frack can't easily 1v1 a
6334s Zaria here that beam damage goes right
6336s through the defense matrix it's up to
6339s the rest of the members of Chile to be
6340s able to burst down Rosario wow well that
6343s is a big open and about down already and
6346s hugs the one at the helm for that one
6348s Eternal now closes the Gap hit with the
6350s last two but they're able to get out of
6352s that fight Chile is taking a little bit
6354s of a beating here but Colombia continue
6357s to find frags or I'm already down for
6359s chile and boy Colombia are just pushing
6363s and pushing and pushing Billy I mean
6365s Super Gomez is charged it's right house
6367s so uh it's about is going to have an
6369s answer Revenge yep revenge and I mean
6372s they have to get back on the bike
6373s they've got to get the point you got to
6374s touch fracas over to the Winston beef so
6376s maybe a nano engager I say that Dixie
6380s very unfortunate the eyes just weren't
6382s turned about way the rest of Chile was
6384s so focused on getting to the point and
6385s getting it contested that they put
6387s themselves into the 4v5 by allowing
6389s about out of the fight Frack down to eqo
6391s and it's two meters and Counting for the
6395s cap here from Colombia a turn up with
6397s the double one with the poles two with
6399s the pistols clean as you like for
6401s Colombia five minutes three seconds to
6404s get through the hangar Bay and you've
6406s got to think that Chile need to get on
6407s top of shuttle uh and begin their
6410s defense right there pulse bomb and uh
6413s the Nano are about to be online for
6416s chile the eqo he's gonna be so
6419s disgusting yeah but that
6423s path there by Chile
6424s um like ships that passed the night as
6426s it were will come out of that most of
6428s the way to the EMP if not all the way
6430s there but Chile they need to leverage
6432s lazu's Nano boost here it's got oh it's
6436s on I was expecting that to go the way to
6438s Frack to help him survive through this
6439s one there we go for chile they start to
6441s find some breaks on this card super
6443s Gomez and mid-sweet both down here for
6445s Colombia I think it's gonna be a quick
6447s reset wipe and then back in for this
6450s fight and we're about to see this be an
6452s out-filled extravaganza bill yeah an old
6455s Strava dancer
6460s Bob's almost online I think that having
6462s that extra extra man there on the field
6464s might be uh what is required to hold
6466s here because I mean while Chile are
6468s getting some serious work done on this
6469s hole uh and really the progress hasn't
6472s been there for Colombia this uh I'm I
6474s think that the gravity surge might be
6477s the one that kills everybody
6482s done with just their Primal Rage you
6485s take that exchange any day of the week
6487s beautifully held there by Chile
6490s beautiful beautiful out of them
6496s yeah you've got Bob so I mean EMP will
6499s shut down the Bob but then you've got to
6501s worry about the pulse bomb coming in
6502s from ROM and Papa's going to be very
6504s sturdy with the rally coming up so
6506s they've got a lot of tools at the belt
6508s here for chile but Colombia do too Amy
6511s comes in that's only got fracu manages
6513s to survive through that oh and eqo is
6516s still pressure and cut here in comes
6518s Frack doesn't want to give them that
6520s free cat here but it has now moved the
6522s cart to a slightly less favorable
6524s position here super Gomez Pops in the
6527s grab has caught devout and Papo the big
6530s Shield the HD Ultra wide from Pavo keeps
6533s the team alive through that one and
6535s Colombia sure have thrown over at this
6537s fight Philly but Chile have this
6539s defensive set of totally on lockdown
6542s this is a way different fight to what we
6544s saw on point a beautiful positioning
6546s here from Chile they're taking their
6548s long-range burst and running with it I
6550s mean these bubbles from Super girls are
6551s huge and there goes the battle Nano's
6553s out
6554s off racks own barrier to answer those
6556s two should kind of nullify each other
6558s nicely and Hogg didn't have the Swift
6560s step couldn't find the way out here but
6563s it started to get a little bit trainy in
6565s favor of Colombia frack and RAM down and
6568s with the rest of the team stopping up
6569s this top left-hand choke there's no
6572s contest and it's on into the launch
6574s phase of the map 3 40 as we enter launch
6578s phase here so here's the change of the
6580s geometry uh being able to get out of
6582s spawn a lot easier for the defense but
6584s eqo is spawn camping and looking for
6587s early frags and I mean 70 towards EMP
6589s they're gonna have this at about the 230
6591s Mark unless they just completely pop off
6594s and this is gonna be a difficult year
6595s for Colombia good scouting here by Frank
6598s the mega health pack was hacked there so
6601s each hero wasn't in too much trouble but
6603s does slow down eqo's setup for now and
6606s Chile take this High Ground position mix
6608s V playing up along the fuel canisters
6610s there peppering the damage on to Frank
6612s as the hat comes through does having
6614s Primal Rage a lot of survivability there
6617s and for now mixed fee content just to be
6619s this annoying little fly upon the wall
6622s over onto the hands though found Eternal
6625s and here's the ground it locks up the
6627s bounce and hug and super Gomez close the
6631s gap and wipe out those chord in the
6634s gravitational anomaly well I mean you
6636s got EMP to close out the last of this
6639s fight I mean we're about 10 meters away
6640s you've got Primal and pulse I mean
6642s almost a five pack of ultimates here for
6644s chile and just holding the door here uh
6646s Hodor and there's the pulse
6649s oh EMP nullifies the barrier that came
6651s in from Frack but Frack has been able to
6653s get the Primal Rage going super goes
6655s it's not interested in the slightest in
6658s the tank matchup what they want is to
6660s get right up against spawn doors and
6661s just empty the entire energy clip into
6664s the door eqo finds Papa and whilst the
6667s respawns here are super fast for chile I
6670s don't think they're fast enough here the
6672s cart rolls on through 0.31 meters as the
6675s Nano boosted Hanzo touches the point
6678s that's where we go one minute 59 in the
6681s time bank for Colombia oh they never
6683s dealt with super Gomez uh efficiently
6685s enough my friend they just uh they they
6688s got burst down I mean it almost reminds
6690s you of the double bubble days where you
6691s would send the Winston and you throw a
6693s bubble up there to generate charge for
6694s the zarya well zarya is the tip of the
6696s spear now and they just kept pumping
6698s damage in and the sustain was just too
6700s good from mitzvi and hug uh keeping
6703s their zarya up while they were getting
6705s their bubble rotations down that's why
6707s you saw such easy fight wins here for
6710s Team Colombia eqo doing eqo things on
6713s the Sombra I mean denying resources
6716s denying cooldowns with the manual hacks
6718s the emps were Stellar once again still
6721s with how it started I think team Chile
6724s have to think that they've at least
6726s weathered the storm and now they have
6728s their chance to answer back on the
6730s attack we'll see how this goes uh lazum
6733s Papa gonna stay with the uh with the
6735s Anna and the brigitta here in the back
6739s line I think honestly suzu well yeah
6742s suzu would be great here especially if
6744s super Gomez is going to come out on this
6745s junker I mean they need that cleans
6747s ability
6748s a a thing that to me shouts Supreme
6751s confidence here from Colombia is that
6754s this is historically the archetypal dive
6757s map this is the map that even during
6759s goats you would see teams running dive
6762s here like High Ground Control is vital
6764s and super Gomez on the defense is
6766s running another broad tank without a
6768s huge amount of Mobility here so Chile do
6771s have an opportunity to get in on top of
6773s Colombia because they lack the capacity
6775s to take High Ground however we've seen
6777s that work out on the first round here so
6779s Chile need to focus up and find
6783s coordinated dive targets well I think
6786s that uh mixing or Eternal I mean just
6790s the mobility of Team Colombia right now
6792s they can get out of the pressure Dives
6795s coming in from from Chile so uh I mean
6798s mitzvi might be the easiest Target and I
6800s say that very very seriously uh with how
6803s mobile Lucio is this this is this is
6806s weird to me I understand why it's
6808s happening but you shortly kind of
6810s playing the Sombra like a sniper cool
6811s calm collected in the back lines just
6814s make him life a little bit trickier for
6816s frack and it has got them 54 of the way
6819s to the EMP already right now it's Ram
6822s place or oh oh okay maybe an overcomer
6826s here from Super Gomez the healing of
6828s mixwen hook not all enough to keep them
6829s here particularly with elizo and the
6831s anti-nates so Colombia found themselves
6833s without a tank here for now Chile not
6836s particularly quick so far through the
6839s car wash and super Gomez should be able
6841s to get back in this fight before we're
6843s at a point where we need to worry about
6844s an early Cappy up in Chile
6846s well I mean uh
6848s it's about can get the work done with
6850s the Archer and get that Sonic Arrow up
6853s and find where Eco is I think they get
6855s it done but oh man what happened
6860s oh puts it behind about hoping they can
6863s force them backwards doesn't work out so
6865s nothing out of that pulse bomb and uh
6868s much like the pause bomb it seems that
6870s the rest of the deep fantastic from
6871s Colombia was something of a whiff Chile
6873s weather the storm nicely and secure the
6876s cap on into point B squish goes goes uh
6880s eqo there they do have uh the EMP
6885s ready to go into this fight hug coming
6887s up close on a kitsuna Russian thing that
6889s you can establish High Ground Control on
6892s top of shuttle here but I mean with Frac
6894s and this Primal Rage this might actually
6897s be the moment where they can turn this
6898s around and get some serious cart push
6900s especially with a rally at their back
6902s what looked like Supreme confidence May
6904s in fact have been hubris here for
6906s Colombia but they have The High Ground
6908s there's the EMP that's a big one it's on
6911s four but crack was able to get into the
6912s Primal Rage so survives the incoming
6915s follow-up damage from that supercompass
6917s each to bounce ultimate and that's not
6918s an easy thing to do on a d but about
6920s maybe a bit of pressure there
6923s funny killers come through this so far
6924s has been Ram finding hugs so Colombia
6927s find themselves again on the back foot
6929s here down a player yep rally definitely
6931s keeping them up through that fight now
6933s largely 25 to the Nano and you've got
6936s both support ultimate ready to go for
6937s Colombia and a big anti coming down on
6938s super Gomez
6940s that was cleansed there by the suzu and
6942s hook also gets off the kitchen orishia
6945s Chile back away for now
6948s go without a couple of passing blows and
6950s does come out of that fight with the
6952s South District ready to go so
6953s survivability thy name is Colombia
6956s Hornet the tunnel also comes into this
6958s with the pulse bomb track taking a bit
6960s of damage on the way out of that fight
6961s continues to hold The High Ground here
6963s and for now both teams just jockeying
6966s for control of the fighters I mean it's
6968s gonna be up to Ron and lazy here to get
6970s the most value there goes ROM taking an
6971s eternal down yeah it looks like a 2V1
6974s there the bridge getting in on the
6976s action sound barrier from mix V expires
6978s but there's the self-destruct from Super
6980s Gomez who does find themselves back in
6982s the mac and ready to fight and Pratt is
6984s heavily pressured but lazu generates the
6986s Nano and it's Mega Mecca monkey time
6989s here for Frack surges on forwards as the
6991s DPS from Chile starts to take care of
6994s Team Colombia
6998s actually gonna get out of there this
7000s should be uh point B unlocked and
7003s heading into the the flight stage
7005s they're gonna have a less time than uh
7008s Colombia but I still this is good for uh
7011s Team Colombia or for team Chile they've
7013s got the pulse bomb and the dragon strike
7015s available into this fight nothing online
7017s for Columbia they threw everything at
7020s that fight and got nothing for it
7022s and Chile coming to that with a
7025s phenomenal economy basic oh okay you do
7029s kinda need your tank though the economy
7031s is great but you've got to be super good
7033s with the results to really make that
7034s count lazu surges into eqo who's made
7037s the swap over onto the hands of and
7039s Colombia have gone all in on damage here
7043s in this setup I mean they're they're
7045s looking to focus down Pratt because
7047s Frack has been getting it done and
7049s fragging out and so I mean right now uh
7052s for chile uh Sonic Arrow needs to reveal
7054s where the rest of the team is I think
7055s they know
7060s the rest of Team Colombia drop onto the
7064s low ground
7065s Eternal gets the pause form to the face
7067s turns to speak to ikiwo and knocks them
7069s out of the fight here Chile closing on
7071s the final straight away through to the
7074s end of the map rally available up
7076s against Ace uh dragon strike there it is
7085s the only hope that Colombia had to play
7087s with it's down to primary fire dailies
7090s and Lentz and it's run down to eqo Frack
7092s closes the Gap and runs the mech over
7095s the body of the hand Zone Eternal still
7097s alive here and continuing to pile
7098s pressure into Papo and Divas and they
7100s continue to fight Chile to a standstill
7103s and into a back pedal
7106s I mean you're looking at dueling
7108s self-destructs here just wait but they
7110s were like 227 away from capturing the
7113s point Bixby is going to be a huge part
7115s of this defense with this Nano also
7118s pulse one Eternal can you land a big one
7122s the force respawns heavily favoring
7125s Colombia for now Nana boost hits Frack a
7129s lot of kill potential going their way
7130s now but for Colombia they may have done
7132s what they set out to do here it's
7134s already a slower cap time for Team Chile
7136s and it's not quite yet a guaranteed cap
7139s so just dropped out and finds devout
7143s so supergum is back into the mag Frack
7145s now with one of their own I don't think
7147s there's anywhere to hide for super Gomez
7150s out of Mech
7152s time
7154s close the gap and there's the cap on
7156s point see we are on our way to around
7159s two 27 seconds the difference uh and
7163s with how they both sped run through
7165s point a I think that whoever uh can
7168s capture point a here
7170s probably wins the map so for uh for
7175s chile I always think that it's it's it's
7177s kind of interesting yes they're below
7179s the time of Colombia but they just come
7182s off of a text so they've still got that
7184s at the Forefront of their mind we're
7185s attacking I think that it actually plays
7188s into the Lesser time bank and I I know
7190s everybody's gonna be screaming about it
7191s but I think that it it merits uh part of
7194s the mental part of this game so
7197s whoo boy I mean she like throwing it all
7201s out on the line here they're trying to
7202s keep themselves in contention in the
7205s conversation here in group b Phil and oh
7207s man this is what we wanted this is the
7210s this is the fight that we wanted to see
7212s it really is and the super Gomez has
7215s clearly learned from what happened on
7216s that last defensive round they are not
7218s opting in for a broken position they
7220s have a high Mobility tank uh this may
7224s even end up being the Mirror by the time
7226s we've seen Ram swap off of this symmetra
7229s and onto the Tracer yeah I mean you just
7231s use uh teleport to get you out to high
7233s ground and start the uh start the
7235s initial push and it'll be around pushing
7238s the payload so I mean watch out for
7240s early picks coming from eqo uh and about
7243s these are the two that have to set the
7245s tone here
7246s yeah uh you've got to be super careful
7248s because boy those arrows do pack a point
7251s it's the punch for now super Gomez
7253s holding on the left hand side of the map
7256s Frac here to defend the rest of kiliers
7259s they look to find an angle onto Colombia
7260s in particular they need to keep the belt
7262s alive because it about needs to win this
7265s 1v1 with eqo or find an answering pick
7270s it's all about the first pick it's all
7272s about the first picket that oh my
7274s goodness the defense Matrix was down for
7275s just a second there is a a sliver of a
7279s look there oh I was gonna say this is uh
7282s clever stuff here from RAM and Chile
7284s they've actually got the payload into a
7286s slightly more awkward position for
7288s Colombia to continue that High Ground
7289s hold and they do find themselves
7291s somewhat split and forced to move back
7293s so should I start to push in now do you
7296s have the control of the server room care
7298s of super Gomez nobody even close to
7300s smelling an ultimate right now and she
7303s will continue to find forward progress
7306s that is massive hug out of the fight
7308s entirely now Frack closing in on a
7311s self-destruct while super Gomez is out
7313s of the match this is desperate stuff now
7316s for Colombia once you're through a an
7318s overtime push is very very dangerous
7322s from a team like Chile well if you're
7324s super low looking for the heels it's
7326s still getting peppered down and being
7328s hunted oh no yep there was the best
7330s because I can see the biscuits coming
7332s through for them so they do get the
7333s heels up and self-destruct already ready
7335s to go from Chile nothing to defend
7336s that's a big opener depend down Frack
7340s will have the self-destruct here
7341s Colombia code you don't have anything to
7343s answer we've seen the dragon strikes be
7345s difficult to use supercompass gets to
7347s eat on to run sportswoman again not
7349s super impactful but contributed to the
7352s working down of a tank that is a fat
7355s antique from both sides here next week
7356s and hope the weather the storm and Frack
7358s receives the Nano gets sled and super
7361s Gomez pops the self-destruct breaks out
7364s of Mech has a self-destruct of their own
7366s it gets a little bit traded direct with
7368s the Remake track with the D-Back taking
7370s super Gomez out of this mixer he's able
7372s to find about here and When the Smoke
7374s Clears I don't think it's gonna be
7376s Columbia they're the ones on fire it's
7378s delay for now continuing to push us up
7382s every single meter that they get now is
7384s just that much harder for Colombia to be
7387s able to push back in and seeing how you
7389s know the first pick potentials came
7391s through from Chile every single second
7394s is gonna count here
7395s the governor says make the swap over
7396s onto the ramatra damage that pay
7402s hug here this makes it so hard and
7405s particularly super groomers gets the
7406s Nano have you ever seen a more money
7409s coddled tank the damage the defense the
7412s presence on the point puts pain to the
7415s push through point B here and now
7417s there's a line in the sand for these
7419s teams
7420s 67.42 meters though through the hangar
7424s that is a an impressive amount of push
7427s for one minute 27. so we will see now
7431s Colombia they had a 27 second difference
7434s uh between the time Banks and I I'm I'm
7438s just flabbergasted how well Chile stood
7442s up to the pressure there
7443s uh from Colombia I mean they got the
7446s first picks uh they pursued they were
7448s very mindful in their approach to how
7451s they were going to attack uh this
7454s Colombian Squad now uh you know one
7458s minute 59 separates them uh from getting
7461s their uh their 4-0 here and for team
7465s Chile they want to force this map three
7467s and this is their OverWatch uh Group B
7470s lives on the line so
7473s I mean I my stomach is in nuts right now
7476s because I'm so excited for this and I
7479s mean dabout really has shown up big here
7481s I talked about how good of a of a uh
7485s supporting cast member has definitely
7486s come into the Limelight here in
7488s Gibraltar
7489s okay can you can you smell that yes it
7493s does smell you're right a little bit
7495s like hubris once again here Colombia
7498s going on to this broad variant super
7500s Gomez on the zaryan early TV through
7503s start to push Chile out of this High
7506s Ground Control again track has a
7508s difficult time on the direct matchup
7510s with the zarya hip The High Ground
7512s Control for the rest of the team is
7513s pretty phenomenal so it's up to eqo to
7515s set things up here for now it's the DPS
7517s for Team Colombia pushing the car
7519s forward whilst the team's jockey for
7521s control of the fight well baby it's
7524s gonna be first pick once again uh and
7525s about it's getting dangerously low with
7527s this highly charged pool uh sorry on
7530s their back
7531s okay with the hack lasting as little as
7533s it does that was able to survive through
7535s that one clients Beckham onto The High
7537s Ground that's a biggie that's a big
7539s opener that's an even bigger one and
7541s super Gomez needs a second one needs a
7543s support out of this fight if they want
7545s to not have to go in for the reset does
7547s find Ron but super Gomez is heavily
7550s heavily heavily pressured and they've
7551s only got mixed feet you saw the retreat
7553s into the lower ground they picked up the
7554s health pack and they start to regroup
7556s and move this card forward Colombia
7558s still have big high ground presence here
7560s there I mean the big problem right now
7563s is that they did not confirm the kill on
7565s the super Grove as they keep the charge
7566s and they're starting to slaughter track
7568s out of the mag super Gomez closing in on
7571s a grab it on search the about is the
7574s savior here there's two Eternal and eqo
7577s out of the fight we get another bite for
7580s the Cherry here for Colombia oh with
7581s we're all in here are we Chile out comes
7584s the dragon they desperately want these
7586s stagger kills super Gomez has a beat on
7588s to the about and lazu keeps them going
7591s keeps them healthy gives them their
7594s weaker blinks and supergomers goes down
7596s at the worst possible time
7599s whole Farm EMP 10 seconds you've also
7602s got a pulse bomb and an upcoming
7604s self-destruct from Chile nothing to
7606s defend
7607s they need to get a touch it's gonna be
7609s they do have EQ and eternal they can get
7611s Point presence here it's whether they
7613s can generate a fight win this all comes
7615s down to eqo Landing the fattest of emps
7619s and now there's no translocator but eqo
7622s has to wait for that to come back off
7623s cooldown the team are all grouped up
7626s nicely and chili out oh okay the post
7629s bomb comes in around the defense Matrix
7631s still waiting on the sports bomb from
7633s eqo on this EMP from eqo rather
7639s rally holds him through it and I think
7641s that the pulse bottom the self-destruct
7642s is going to clean this out the whole
7644s phone goes up but no good massive
7646s Mastiff and Barry but makes me there
7647s mitigates the impact of the pulse pump
7651s ikaw is holding on to this EMP hoping
7654s it's about to come into fruition and
7657s papel finds eqo a massive ante from lazu
7660s sets up what looks to be a team Fight
7663s Win here for team Chile it's down onto
7666s the lower ground from devout so they can
7668s get in and share in The Spoils of this
7671s 1-1 series here Billy
7675s okay game on I told you Chile were they
7679s dug their foot they're not in the sand
7680s and I told you that this is upset alert
7683s time this is I mean they took it to
7685s Colombia and they you know they are
7688s rewarded with their with their presence
7689s with their passion uh with their
7691s teamwork uh I mean Super Gomez was
7694s putting on some pretty impressive stuff
7696s there on the zarya getting that charge
7698s up and and the supports keeping him uh
7700s in the in the fight uh so all right uh
7703s this will be Colombia's map pick coming
7705s up in Chile definitely got to be feeling
7707s it right now yeah I I think it's just a
7711s phenomenal standout performance here
7713s from Chile occasionally looking a little
7716s bit rough but the resources to dig deep
7719s and adapt and know who it is they've got
7721s to focus and what it is their comp wants
7723s to do I think it's very easy if you're
7725s running into a broadcom to just go okay
7728s hey I'm just going to come and roll you
7729s our DPS for our DPS you or DPS it'll be
7732s GG go next no they were patient they
7734s were clever they were careful they kept
7736s that High Ground Control the entire way
7738s through that defense and that's what
7740s ground Colombia two are I think that
7742s also developed on the Hanzo with the
7744s Sonic Hero being able to see ikios
7747s linking around I think that was really
7749s uh an impactful pick there from them and
7752s I mean the trades back and forth uh as
7755s we went through the normal stages when
7757s we got to overtime when we got to the
7758s x-ratings I mean that's where you know
7760s the teams really started ramping it up
7763s and I I think that Chile just really
7766s went all in and frat on their on their
7769s signature Diva which you know saw get
7773s pretty punished by Brazil uh has really
7776s turned up here as a major game player as
7779s far as who we're talking about you know
7780s roll Stars here in the Americas groups
7783s uh frac's got to be right up there
7786s that yeah absolutely I think you know
7788s looking back at the game footage that I
7790s got the chance to look at I was sort of
7791s expecting Frank to come in here
7792s primarily as like a more brawl oriented
7795s tank like we saw quite a bit of junker
7797s Queen out of them
7798s um adaptability here in this region has
7800s truly been phenomenal I know that you
7802s have to have a lot of tanks in your back
7804s pocket here
7805s um but Frank's ability to play them all
7807s to a high level and go Toe to Toe with
7809s super Gomez to a team with eqo and
7811s eternal on the roster really needs its
7813s audits
7815s can we talk about the supports real
7817s quick
7819s can we talk about what these are the two
7821s sets of supports are I mean mix me and
7824s hug uh are under constant arrest from
7826s RAM and from from Frack but on the other
7828s side lazu being able to keep Frack up
7831s through some of these fights where
7832s there's no reason why Winston or the
7834s diva should have lived yeah this has
7838s been crazy stuff out of both of them I
7840s think that is the uh the dragon strike
7842s of the year right there
7844s certainly one for the record books I
7846s think we can also talk about the number
7847s of dragon strikes that were denied
7849s across this map uh you know if you're
7851s maybe new to OverWatch if you're not a
7852s Hanzo player if you're maybe not
7854s routinely having those dragons eaten
7856s there's a very very short travel
7858s duration that is actually consumable by
7861s something like the defense metric or a
7862s kinetic grasp it's like I think maybe
7864s three meters of travel before it becomes
7866s the dragon at which point is on the
7868s field good luck dealing with that and to
7870s see two eaten at such critical moments
7872s from both sides uh really the mark of a
7875s diva that has their head well and truly
7877s on a swivel yep I mean the edge has been
7879s phenomenal and uh you know Jameson is
7881s watching in the background and uh he's
7883s thinking would be uh that Rob is taking
7885s 1v2s and the car wash they're at the
7888s lowest point of Gibraltar map and just
7890s had a wonderful time of it and was
7892s winning them easily uh yeah Ram is
7895s absolutely a star that needs to be on on
7898s the on the world stage and I mean this
7900s is why we need South American contenders
7902s back so bad this is why right here this
7905s gameplay that we're seeing from these
7906s two countries this is why contenders
7908s South America needs to be back at the
7910s ecosystem please blizzard give it back
7911s to us please please please please listen
7913s I promise I won't ask for anything for
7915s my birthday or Christmas same as we move
7918s on to the next map it is of course
7920s Colombia's choice and we are going to
7922s new Queen Street and I think if you've
7924s been keeping your eye on super Gomez you
7927s could maybe understand why he is much
7930s more of that raw favored tank the
7933s ramatra the junker Queen particularly
7936s the zarya seems like something of a
7937s comfort pick for them here really suits
7940s new Queen Street down to a t because The
7942s High Ground Control here is minimal
7946s yeah we'll see we'll see how this
7948s actually plays out because what I don't
7950s want to see
7951s is a pharmacy come out I don't want to
7953s see that come on because I mean you see
7955s it you see it happen in emec uh yazan
7959s very very notably getting seriously is a
7963s special case yup yeah I'm with the best
7967s in the World unfair I don't care what
7969s anybody says uh but I mean we've seen
7972s ROM go back to it time and time again uh
7974s I'd like to honestly see
7976s some variation here a sojourn would be
7980s awesome
7981s um junkrat plays very well here
7983s especially since you don't have to worry
7985s about so much High Ground Control I I
7988s think that Echo plays well very well
7990s here as well
7992s um I think the supports you could run
7994s the same thing that you just ran on
7995s Gibraltar honestly if you're willing to
7997s protect your back line from a tracer you
7999s bring out the brig and you go with an
8000s Anna and you work for the Nano engages
8002s so I mean there's lots to do here for
8004s both sides it's all on the line Chile
8008s Against All Odds Against everybody
8010s else's thought except for me
8012s uh they are here to contest map number
8015s three and well you see the rematch look
8018s coming out of super Gomez look here's
8020s the issue I would love for chile to win
8023s here I would look for Colombia to be
8025s there but if Chile win here Billy's
8027s going to be insufferable so Chile I'm
8031s afraid I've got a root for Colombia here
8033s nothing personal I promise you it's just
8035s to make my own personal life so that bit
8037s easier this is what we were expecting to
8039s see Chile back on that Diva composition
8041s Colombia out on a much more raw Focus
8043s pump eqo pick up a long range hit scan
8046s here Chile ought not to engage through
8048s this set of stairs on the left-hand side
8049s for now wait things out a little bit
8052s here and kind of split their focus at
8054s not entirely sure what happened over I'm
8056s down early too internal gotta watch
8058s those right clicks friends they'll get
8060s you
8061s uh I mean the sustain from Colombia is
8063s going to be much more burst heavy uh I I
8066s think that with hug we've seen them pull
8068s out this Moira quite a few times
8070s throughout the group stages here they
8072s are very well versed on it but if you
8074s will lose it about stick it in the
8076s Highlight reeled about finds EQ oh
8078s Colombia is still making forward
8079s progress here but it's not what we might
8081s call significant forward progress just
8084s yet Chile need another kill to really
8086s get this back in their favor for now
8088s look at Chile playing up in one of the
8091s few places where High gun control really
8093s matters safely tucked away here in the
8095s warbirds gym they take control of the
8097s point and they force Colombia back well
8099s I think that Supergirl has you know
8101s going down to about a third of their
8102s health uh bank they didn't focus on it
8105s they were more concerned about getting
8106s control of Timothy Smith and now ROM
8109s coming up close on a pulse bomb Lazo has
8112s Lazio has been putting in the work again
8113s 82 to Nano
8115s and we'll look at the interpersonal
8117s charge here to an eqfo and the about as
8119s well shades of the Philadelphia Fusion
8122s MN free performance last season Colombia
8126s have not yet given away control of the
8129s Bots
8130s Eternal Force into using all of their
8132s cooldowns here pulse bomb sticks it's a
8134s drive-by right into the waiting mouth of
8136s the ramatra and Chile take the bot out
8139s from under Colombia and start to move it
8141s forward they did use the Nano uh into
8144s that fight though so they did it was a
8146s little bit of expensive fight but you
8147s know Ram will build up this next uh
8150s pulse bomb relatively quickly and about
8152s I want to see where they go uh with
8156s their positioning I like that they're up
8157s here on the train that's a big bit of
8160s dynamite going over the top that was
8162s such a smart predict from debout as well
8164s uh the thing I worry about here for
8166s chile is that super Gomez does now have
8169s the annihilation Papo should just get
8171s the in fact does more or less have the
8173s ultimate online that's a good stepped
8175s account of this on let's hope that kicks
8177s things off here has the coalescence
8178s needs to look out of the way in Focus
8181s eqo meanwhile back on the front line
8182s internal finds Ramen it's about out
8184s first Robert the big omnic Rottler in
8187s here to make the fight a little bit
8189s harder for Colombia
8191s actually the one that's down members
8193s right now is Right closed the Gap and
8194s takes out eqo Eternal has the blizzard
8197s closes the Gap Loop onto The High Ground
8198s and wants this kill desperately wants
8201s this kill onto fries but his hope that
8202s finds it this is the big opening for
8204s Colombia the super Gomez goes down
8208s I'll get that old name right eventually
8210s the annihilation didn't really find too
8211s much hit and Chile they give a bit of
8213s space away and they push right the way
8215s back and they take the lead and now
8218s we're at 6 45 we've got both support
8220s ultimates ready to go Frack over to the
8222s Winston super Gomez to the
8227s and Bob in this next fight for Colombian
8231s look we're just looking to hold space
8232s right now 43 meters and Counting for
8234s Chile
8235s now the Boost out no surprises there
8237s that's on to Frack picking up the front
8240s line pressure here makes it a little bit
8242s harder for Colombia to push in but
8243s Colombia have given space they don't
8245s want fracker getting any additional
8246s charge really didn't get much out of
8248s that Nano boost and now Colombia have a
8250s big space control available to them
8253s they've got the Bob out here eqo
8255s themselves takes an antsy and takes a
8258s dirt nap it's a 4v5 Colombia down a
8261s player here Eternal would need to have a
8263s phenomenal blister but they're just not
8265s gonna get the chance here Billy no
8268s they're not I mean these are these
8269s anti's coming in from lazu are
8270s absolutely everything that you would
8272s want from your auto player this is going
8274s to be them moving forward if you go on
8276s to the reaper Frack is gonna you know we
8278s heard hex and zp talking about it
8280s earlier today where oh no they bring the
8282s reaper man up because I'm playing Winton
8284s well you just uh you change up your
8286s playstyle just a little bit you don't
8288s have to be as aggressive just watch yeah
8290s and manage your cool down so you can
8292s still play up against the street yeah
8293s just don't pretend they don't have a
8295s Reaper you can Norton completely finds
8297s different kills here like for example
8299s the May did get the blizzard off here
8302s and that's allowed eqo to come in guns
8305s are blazing and take Frack out of this
8307s one of course also have grown support
8309s odds committed into this fight so for
8311s Colombia if it ain't the win it's
8314s absolutely a loss with that level of
8315s investment here Papo down Ram down as
8319s well so Chile only have three in this
8321s fights well they whipped on the pulse
8323s bomb too so that's going to be coming
8324s back up but you do have Nano once again
8326s to help Frack stay sturdy uh you're
8329s still 20 away from the Rampage you don't
8332s have anything to cleanse it that's the
8334s unfortunate part you're going to see
8335s more progress now for Colombia yeah
8339s we're looking for the engage and then
8341s another Nano here on to frac anti-hits
8343s hope they're able to get out of that one
8345s prank again tries to close the gap but
8348s Colombia are so good at disengaging here
8350s from Frack on the Winston that they
8352s really don't get a huge amount of up
8354s charge out of that Nano boost and it's
8356s now not there to save them into the back
8359s line comes the whole Rampage from Super
8361s Gomez
8362s then hit two hasn't found kills on the
8365s back of it but Papo gets caught up close
8367s and personal and in the back line eqo
8370s just chunks down what's left of Chile
8373s and Colombia with a bunch of swaps come
8376s through and really start to make chile
8378s hurt I mean this is uh this is starting
8381s to turn into a debacle here uh as we are
8383s under four minutes now death Blossom
8386s online support ultimates almost online
8387s for Colombia Popple over to the Zenyatta
8390s so we have not seen this from Chile
8393s except against uh I think it was up
8395s against
8400s Bob online yeah you gotta get out of
8403s there as a talented and handsome junker
8406s Queen one trick myself it is a thing
8408s that I dislike instinctively is seeing
8410s this out of the team it makes life so
8412s much harder for the Jungle Queen here so
8414s super goomers now needs to play a little
8415s bit more carefully eqo goes into the
8418s back no need to worry about the orbo
8420s Discord now nothing really stop any
8423s keywords and pulling the rip Tire on
8425s this big old lawnmower of an ultimate
8428s down goes the button lazu Ramen Frack
8430s down as well and now we're on the final
8432s straightaway into the end of the map
8434s with a three minute Mark I think they've
8435s got 76 meters and Counting lazu coming
8438s up close on Nano this is where you make
8440s changes Rob now this is where I can see
8442s romp coming out Frack is going to be
8443s able to deal with some damage to with
8446s the defense Matrix I mean the swapping
8447s and counter swapping they know their
8449s lives are on the line we're now under
8450s three minutes Phil this is starting to
8453s become last fight territory Ron picks up
8456s the binky that is the far a pick has
8458s Papo on the mercy look at the damage
8460s coming out from this tick already we get
8462s the Nano in over the top it's the yazan
8463s special one for one trade it's cost them
8466s lazu I'm gonna turn all down as well
8468s here super Gomez playing right up
8470s against the spawn doors I don't think
8472s there's much they can do to answer one
8473s at this point but they've got the
8475s forward spawns they've got the progress
8477s this becomes a mountain declined here
8480s for chile oh I mean just not enough
8482s Hills not enough pills and too much
8484s sustained mixing is putting in a hell of
8486s a performance here on the Lucio being
8487s able to speed around
8489s Eternal onto the echo so now aerial
8492s battle will commence man what a what a
8495s set of swats on both of these teams here
8496s today super adaptable a super good read
8499s of their opponent's intentions on what
8501s the counter swaps are slump holds onto
8504s the barrel and out it comes and
8505s super Gomez gets deleted it's the bounce
8508s back into the fight cap oh
8512s tanks find themselves in a position to
8514s want to regroup reset while they still
8516s got the forward spawns oh man they
8518s invest the sound barrier into that fight
8520s so now we've got you know more
8522s sustainability here for chile you got
8523s the opportunity to cleanse this upcoming
8525s Rampage with lots of going over to the
8528s kiriko and out about coming up close
8530s once again on a Bob Bob is going to be
8532s very impactful but I think this
8534s duplicate you go to Devon this duplicate
8536s you end the match
8538s I'm looking at this interaction here I'm
8539s looking at supergomers with a rampage
8541s and lazu with the suzu the lazu suzu
8544s it's fun to say it's fun to watch open
8547s eqo finds Frack there's now no
8549s self-destruct there's no real need to
8551s throw in the Rampage here you still got
8553s forward spawns and Chile can't push in
8556s without crack in the mix
8558s about doing their darndest right now to
8561s get work done the focusing
8562s the focus from eqo good Lord
8565s uh that's rough that's super rough here
8568s and the pressure don't stop coming and
8570s it don't stop coming back to the rules
8572s and Colombia continue to move it forward
8576s there's the kitchen air rush Eternal has
8578s the dupe at the very least it's an extra
8580s life to keep them in the fight look at
8582s what Colombia have to open and Chuck
8584s bodily actually give out meets the
8587s bubble of a lifetime it needs to be more
8589s than tea and crumpets from the big omnic
8591s Butler it needs to be Braggs or plenty
8594s but down they go Eternal has duplicated
8597s the diva has demacked the duplicate
8599s source and is looking to take Frack out
8602s of this entirely what a fight from Chile
8605s what a pair of pugilists do we have in
8608s these two teams But ultimately the final
8610s cross counter looks like it's coming out
8612s of Colombia into the waiting and
8615s vulnerable chin of Team Chile as they
8618s trickle out of the spawn doors onto the
8621s robot to keep their OverWatch World Cup
8624s dreams alive a single a double no the
8627s headshots were there for about but the
8630s point presence was simply not
8633s heartbreaking stuff here for Chile
8636s my heart goes out to Chile right now oh
8639s my they put everything into it they gave
8641s Colombia everything that they could
8643s possibly handle and Colombia the
8646s counterpicks the counter trades I just
8648s absolutely methodical out of this
8651s Colombian Squad and yeah I mean Jamerson
8654s please come in please help us get
8656s through this emotional turmoil that
8657s we're currently experiencing
8660s [Applause]
8662s that was just oh my goodness what an
8666s amazing match because it was a long
8668s three-map set and I'm so glad that we
8670s got to see the entire three map set
8672s coming out from this because in every
8674s single map when we were on Li Zhang and
8676s we're on Gibraltar and here on new Queen
8678s Street we saw different aspects of
8680s OverWatch being played out one of the
8681s things that I really saw when we were on
8683s lijon was that Colombia were quick to
8685s call their fights when they lost they
8686s got out of there and they were able to
8688s re-engage with a lot more time on the
8690s board they did an amazing job there on
8691s Gibraltar though it was a completely
8693s different story for chile they were
8695s doing an amazing job Ram in particular
8697s like you had mentioned and I really want
8699s to point out was doing an amazing job on
8701s the Tracer duels when it comes down to
8702s that car wash portion on the first phase
8706s of Gibraltar it's so important to be
8708s able to keep pace and keep that cart
8709s moving and he was doing an amazing job
8711s of winning out on the Tracer duels to be
8713s able to on the offensive course get that
8715s payload moving but on the defense keep
8717s them staggered there and his read on EQ
8720s Sombra was so immaculate making sure he
8723s was griefing the translocaters that he
8725s was able to keep him zoned off of very
8728s important health facts it was great and
8729s then of course we came here to New Queen
8731s Street and like you had mentioned those
8733s counter calls and they were so quick my
8735s brain couldn't comprehend what was going
8737s on with all of those hero changes I mean
8740s Phil like
8742s how do you even break that down because
8744s there were so many different phases of
8746s composition changes coming up from Team
8748s Colombia
8749s you've kind of got to sort of take a
8751s step back and look at it as
8753s here are the intelligence levels of our
8755s players with regards to playing
8757s OverWatch right because uh a lot of the
8760s time it's the first instance of oh they
8762s are now running a ramatra it's time for
8765s him to swap onto the diva ah a diva okay
8767s it's time for we need to move over onto
8770s the junker queen I'm like it's easiest
8772s to talk about this in terms of tank tops
8774s but there were wholesale swaps from
8775s across the two teams so you break it
8777s down in terms of just sitting back and
8778s going oh we got some smart players here
8781s in this region yeah it was absolutely
8784s Stellar smarts from either side and
8786s honestly I I was loving what we're
8788s seeing coming up in the support line as
8790s well when they were when you know at
8792s some points uh they realized that I
8794s believe it was on Gibraltar where super
8796s Gomez was going absolutely Ham on that
8798s zarya where they uh needed a little bit
8801s more help in that back line because at
8802s some point super Gomez was just walking
8804s up The Devout on that zarya fully
8806s charged and they could not allow that to
8808s happen they pulled in a little bit more
8810s peel for that uh to try and deal with
8812s that I mean this entire match was just
8814s so stellar and and Billy I know you're
8817s really rooting for chile but you have to
8819s give it up to them they still put out an
8822s amazing performance today look in the
8825s final annals of this
8828s um I think Chile have got to be so proud
8832s of how they competed how they fought the
8835s heart was on display the mechanical
8837s prowess was on display I just think that
8839s the the trades uh favored team Colombia
8843s just that much more I think Papo coming
8846s out onto the uh onto the Zenyatta while
8849s I understand
8850s being focused out immediately by eqo I
8853s think was the dagger that really turned
8855s this map on its head and they just were
8857s not able to write the ship after that so
8861s for team Chile I mean my heart goes out
8864s to them you've got to be proud of them
8866s you've got to be proud of them because
8867s damn did they put up a performance yeah
8869s so uh Chile will now fall down to 2-2
8872s that puts Colombia at 4-0 tied up with
8876s Brazil going into the final day the
8879s final match of uh Group B here in uh in
8883s the Americas conference and that one
8885s while you know it's all set in stone we
8887s know who's moving on to BlizzCon but we
8890s still have implications when it comes to
8892s seating that's uh isn't that right bill
8894s we do so uh both of our teams at the top
8898s of this group come in with a 4-0 record
8902s but because Colombia there dropped a map
8905s to Chile that basically guarantees them
8907s second place uh well as you know that's
8910s not fair because the two teams do go
8912s head to head tomorrow so ultimately the
8914s map differential might not be all that
8916s important I think at this point looking
8918s ahead to tomorrow you are both just
8920s happy that you got through and it's
8923s about now exerting dominance for the
8926s region and for the group and honestly
8928s given what we saw from Colombia today I
8930s can see this go either way so we might
8932s be looking at the map score tomorrow and
8933s go yeah you know it's nice to have a
8935s bigger number but ultimately it didn't
8936s matter all that much yeah there might be
8939s a world maybe maybe if it's 2-0 for
8941s Colombia but again you know what I'm
8943s gonna leave it up
8946s here and going all the way to the
8948s beginning of this uh matchup when we
8950s started off on Legion super Gomez though
8953s across all three Maps just had an
8955s absolutely standout performance didn't
8957s you Billy yeah
8959s I mean just shredded with the with it
8961s with the portable Cannon I mean just got
8962s it done uh and we saw it you know when
8965s they swapped over to the diva as well I
8967s mean we saw what five different tanks
8969s come out from Super Gomez I mean we got
8971s the rematch we got the zarya diva junker
8974s Queen uh we did I don't think we saw
8976s Winston out of super Gomez I don't
8978s remember if there was one that came out
8980s but so I mean he's still four tanks out
8982s of super Gomez absolutely deserving of
8985s the uh MVP and really did get the work
8987s done here especially new Queen Street
8989s just the counter picks to make frax life
8991s hell uh they got it done and they got it
8993s done in some pretty serious fashion so
8996s in Big Ups to Team Colombia dryads got
8998s to be over the moon right now with her
9000s country's performance yeah it's uh now
9004s gonna come down to that Colombia versus
9006s Brazil match tomorrow Chile also have
9009s one match that's up for themselves it's
9011s gonna be Argentina for chile um in their
9014s final match of the group so we'll see if
9016s they can finish it out strong with a
9018s three two still you have to give it up
9020s to them Colombia took the victory today
9022s but Chile still made a statement Ram as
9025s well I really want to give it up to him
9026s I saw some amazing things that coming
9028s out from him but that does mean we're
9030s gonna go ahead and take a short break
9032s when we get back for more OverWatch
9034s World Cup it's going to be group a USA
9037s versus Guatemala to start things all off
9039s and so we're gonna take a short break
9040s when we get back we'll have more
9041s OverWatch World Cup right after this
9050s thank you
9053s [Music]
9073s [Music]
9074s foreign
9086s [Music]
9108s foreign
9111s [Music]
9131s [Music]
9142s [Music]
9159s [Music]
9162s [Applause]
9163s [Music]
9165s [Applause]
9166s thank you
9168s [Music]
9170s [Applause]
9174s [Music]
9176s [Applause]
9176s [Music]
9180s [Applause]
9180s [Music]
9189s foreign
9196s [Music]
9221s [Music]
9225s foreign
9242s [Music]
9253s [Music]
9294s foreign
9295s [Music]
9306s [Music]
9346s [Music]
9362s foreign
9372s welcome back to the OverWatch World Cup
9375s a little bit of Changing of the Guard
9376s here I'm still here though Jameson
9378s joined once again by Moxie and Dustin
9381s and man we just had an amazing match
9384s Colombia versus Chile just before the
9386s break and now we're shifting gears as we
9388s swap on over to group a Moxie we're
9391s starting it off it's gonna be USA versus
9393s Guatemala what is there to say about
9396s this match Tom fillery Tom fillery uh
9399s Vines I think the internet has summed it
9401s up best over the coming days I don't
9402s even know what compositions they have
9404s left to be able to offer all to we were
9406s talking about this in between the break
9408s because uh Flats has been the one behind
9410s two of these off-road composition swaps
9412s coming through so I feel like he needs
9414s to get at least an assistant coach title
9417s The Team USA liquipedia because he was
9420s the one who went to Hydra Reinhardt and
9422s also UV Doom first so whatever there is
9425s left for USA to play it's still going to
9427s be absolutely abounding in Shenanigans
9429s yeah for USA they're sitting on a 4-0
9432s right now looking to close things out
9434s early here on the 4th of July weekend
9436s for Team USA get that 5-0 and get out
9440s partying for Guatemala though this is uh
9443s not the end of the road for them they
9444s still have another match tomorrow as
9445s well Dustin looking at Team Guatemala
9448s what are some standout things that
9450s you've been seeing out of them coming
9451s out of the last uh two weeks of play oh
9453s man wait so you Guatemala or USA I mean
9456s you know what let's go with USA let's go
9458s with you since we've got the board up
9459s yeah let's see we got the board I will
9461s go over USA first I mean we can go into
9462s Guatemala obviously later but I think
9464s you know for Team USA signed I think
9467s that they just you know have proven to
9469s be you know by Far and Away the best you
9472s know team in this group and I think that
9474s they are not slowing down anytime soon
9475s this team's slowly getting that Synergy
9477s together they're slowly improving as a
9480s group and I think eventually I would not
9481s be surprised to see this team as a
9483s favorite to even win the World Cup you
9485s know obviously at the likes of Korea you
9487s know across the pond but for this team
9489s in particular I think that with time
9491s they could really gel together and
9493s improve to degree that will really reach
9495s them towards that top towards the World
9497s Cup trophy yeah and I kind of agree you
9500s know like sometimes you do need to use
9502s the World Cup as uh as a time to really
9505s try to just get the Vibes up because the
9508s meta Tech that takes place during
9509s qualifiers is not gonna be the same meta
9511s where typically isn't the same meta
9512s three four months down the line when we
9514s get on to BlizzCon for Guatemala though
9517s their chances at BlizzCon are gone but
9519s that still they have their pride ahead
9520s of them they've got two more matches
9521s that are trying to get that Victory it's
9523s going to be an uphill struggle to say
9525s the least Moxie when it comes to facing
9527s off against Team USA but what are some
9530s uh gems uh you know uh that still shine
9533s here on the Guatemala side
9535s Richie's wooden maker has been
9537s definitely stand out the problem for
9539s Guatemala however is that
9542s is what just having one Widow who is
9544s exceptionally good at hitting shots is
9546s going to be enough to be able to Solo
9547s Carry a team but it was just too easy to
9549s counter and a lot of the time now just
9551s because she starts the 12 second grapple
9553s cooldown she still has that missing 25
9555s Health you don't even need to try to
9557s mirror a widow from the other side you
9559s can literally just ego check every
9561s single time and still be able to take
9563s full advantage of the composition that
9566s you're running at the very beginning
9567s yeah moving into Nepal I don't know how
9569s much we might actually see the
9570s Widowmaker but we'll see if they can try
9572s and make it work you know what USA they
9574s should run the Widowmaker we'll see
9575s super Widowmaker um have we seen that
9577s before I I don't think so yeah we've
9580s seen the Genji
9582s we haven't seen the window oh you've
9584s seen the Genji Farah Soldier I believe
9587s we might have got it Bastion uh out from
9591s him I don't know I mean he could play he
9593s could play a lot of the dps's I mean
9595s he's a good player like a lot of people
9596s underestimate like Jameson mocks you
9598s guys know like it seems like people
9599s underestimate these Pro players you know
9601s assume they can't play literally every
9602s single goal to a decent level but you
9605s know super I'm sure he could play it if
9606s he really wanted to right all right well
9609s you guys have the pleasure of casting
9611s the last match of Team USA here in the
9613s group stage so Moxie Dustin go ahead and
9616s take it away
9617s all right thank you Jamerson Moxie we're
9619s back on this uh Saturday well actually
9622s no it's Sunday for you nearly right it's
9624s almost all right Justin Sunday just
9627s turned Sunday well on this Saturday
9629s we're in the USA time zone today so oh
9632s they're rolling the rules oh wow you
9634s know it seems like no colors Collision
9636s rifa
9639s we're still not getting to say the shake
9641s a free show so it's not let anytime he's
9644s apparently I think they said he's in
9645s Mexico or something at the moment so you
9647s know he's just celebrating time off at
9649s the moment while they have collusion in
9650s the lineup so you know a fair game I
9652s guess the U.S but this lineup was Rupal
9655s on that Zenyatta also Ultra Valley uh
9657s you know lock in the Baptist meanwhile
9659s Guatemala having ornus on that Ash
9661s Richie's while in the capacity so kind
9663s of going for that Co boy and cowgirl Duo
9666s you know playing at the back of the map
9667s waiting for a little bit spam but you
9669s know hydron's actually been decent on
9670s the on the jump rats yeah so much Shield
9672s break as well
9674s literally have the ability to be able to
9676s step forward but Aaron us takes Hydra
9677s and Darren and that's a lot of pressure
9679s now often been to on the Reinhardt this
9681s glitch just waiting to see whether or
9682s not they try and rotate past them and uh
9684s Guatemala decides to take a back Avenue
9686s instead oh yeah they just really want
9688s this back line really looking for that
9689s Zenyatta or that Baptiste even not you
9692s know even giving up some objective but
9693s super got the hook onto Vendetta Tron
9695s off the map what a play from him also
9697s Rupal finds Martin Leo ultralight also
9699s Richie so even though Guatemala maybe
9701s found that first pick doesn't even
9703s result in them capturing that point
9704s first well we'll see what'll make it
9707s come from actually but it's not from
9708s Richie it's gonna be from hydron it's
9710s not quite the super Widowmaker but it's
9712s still gonna be able to make one the
9713s field as super now is able to find
9715s another hook onto Bandit who've swapped
9717s onto the roadhog themselves there's just
9719s too much Shield pressure coming up from
9721s the United States side that's all we're
9723s going to have to see mirazan as well
9725s coming up from Guatemala are we gonna
9727s get to see Richie actually mirror and to
9729s this Widowmaker since hydron and that
9732s defensive position can literally just
9733s set up shop and wait for them to walk
9735s into his crosshairs yeah it doesn't even
9737s look like it looks like Ultra also on
9739s that Left Flank angle has been able to
9741s go for a little bit of damage but a
9743s hands to give it up due to being matched
9745s by Richie so now it's a pretty equal
9747s five versus five on that front line and
9749s hydro gets sniped by marlia what a play
9752s from that zenyana to open things for
9754s Guatemala but they have to continue it
9756s they do so Richie is fine law developer
9758s super does trade bend it also Blues
9760s wants more TV's all the way back into
9763s Mario who's sitting all the way towards
9765s the fountain sign while Arenas does
9767s trades him back super still is looking
9770s to find more even drops the whole hog
9772s and gets the 3K in that fight Rupa going
9774s a bit aggressive allows super a bit of
9777s that space too on to Richie to give him
9778s a nice what is it three or 4K with the
9780s whole
9781s Hogs just want to die from the amp
9784s Matrix to set Collision because the
9785s second event it goes for that mirror hog
9787s we see Ultra violets pop immediately
9789s onto the Anna he's so easy to be able to
9791s hit and just disable so much of his
9793s utility feelings like take a breather we
9795s have that on teenager's rifle as onto
9797s the life to grab these people away from
9808s but that point now isn't Guatemala's
9811s control because of the zoning High Noon
9812s goes barely narrow the escapes of this
9815s life as U.S kind of back up but because
9817s they're backing up Richie walks into
9819s hydrant sites and he's able to get two
9820s oh now maybe that three two on to marleo
9823s nice shots from Hydra though he's
9825s getting bull hogged backwards towards
9828s his team Ultra inclusion will eventually
9829s combined for two and unfortunately
9831s nobody else is here for Guatemala but
9833s she's coming back on that Tracer point
9835s just gets or it pops that overtime but
9837s hybrid again with aggressive grapple
9839s shot into rna's amazing shots from the
9842s United States Widowmaker close out that
9845s first round the United States again with
9847s these really smart compositions when
9849s they know what they're going to be going
9850s up against the genre for that first
9852s fight to be able to just guarantee that
9855s you get initial control of the point
9856s then you can swap off the junkrat now
9859s that the rain has been removed you still
9860s have all of the control of how Guatemala
9863s are able to approach every single one of
9865s those fights so every single player in
9867s the United States gets to fire the first
9869s shots off first as opposed to Guatemala
9872s who have to walk directly into a full
9874s team set up against them it's why it's
9876s so important that you win these first
9878s fights on control
9879s full let's see if you guys can continue
9882s their shrieks so far obviously dropping
9885s the map to Mexico they don't want to do
9886s it again but to a team like Guatemala
9888s right it's just you know first seed
9890s versus the very very last seed us down
9893s rocking with super on to the original
9894s also hydrant back on that Widow
9896s collusion continuing with the reaper
9899s gameplay so far as Guatemala swap are on
9901s us over the Genji and also have that
9903s Mercy pocket too super getting a little
9905s bit of heal smulch around the back on
9907s the left side also hydrant's able to go
9909s for that flank angle and find the shot
9911s of the mercies kaluge also eventually
9913s will find bendit also Richie as well so
9915s now Guatemala without that front line
9917s pressure and their DPS is eventually
9920s collapsed before the point even unlocked
9921s yeah Guatemala trying to run this Mercy
9924s alongside nothing that can really
9926s benefit from the damage boost other than
9928s Richie on this cast today but it's still
9931s just not enough to be able to keep Pace
9932s with the one shot potential but they're
9933s from hydron as well as just that short
9935s up close pressure from collage to make
9938s sure that Benedict can't really move
9939s forward and not chunk these players down
9941s low enough that aaronis can just finish
9942s them off of a dash
9944s at least we have an honorable duel in
9945s that rhinestone Richie and Hyde's run
9947s records the left side pedal
9949s back towards the top of the point maybe
9951s for that uh Baptiste to have us all
9954s positioned to stay and heal on that
9956s front line glue still kind of shoving
9958s out that choke point to make sure
9960s Guatemala don't make it through 24 on
9962s the board actually 27 the ball 28 as
9965s well Guatemala now walk through the main
9966s side attempt to go quickly but without
9968s the Lucio they can't really make it
9970s through cleanly they lose aranas also
9972s marleo to Super and that's two already
9975s for them a late Valkyrie committed by
9977s noctis but his entire team is down just
9980s the mercy flying away but he can't
9981s escape the shotguns of glues and hydrant
9984s of course going for some quick shots
9986s toward that spawn door here comes the
9988s spawn Camp Guatemala they've got the
9990s Nano blade coming up but the holiday
9992s actually couldn't be able to survive
9993s pulling it out it is hydron still turns
9996s are hard to choice to find the pit well
9999s it does get anted also Ripple bugs as
10001s well it's a nice nade from Mario they
10003s commit the Tree of Life towards the main
10005s side too now that blade comes in with
10006s the Nano from RMS he finds one on to
10009s ultra it also dashes on the Hydra
10011s knowing he doesn't have the grapples at
10012s the 2K for him with that hard pocket
10014s super also gets slept and taken out by R
10017s Us and eventually looking for that
10018s Baptiste as well Richie steals that kill
10021s from him but loses back towards that
10022s point no way commits that Blossom right
10024s so the deflects up boy to do the deflect
10026s and he gets the mercy oh my God but in
10028s fact unfortunately it will eventually go
10030s down in Guatemala flip that point back
10032s now we're gonna see the Swap come for a
10034s ripple is actually off of that Baptiste
10036s on to the kirikos kallush goes on to the
10039s echo they do not have the playing into a
10041s dead eye coming through from Richie
10043s however they can just use that Javelin
10045s for the council let the knights home and
10047s Save
10048s all right now he uses the high noon
10050s super gets ripped away from the point
10052s though so a little bit of a Zone from
10054s that hydron over the back flank hands
10056s down knocked just do a little bit too
10057s spread from his team also takes a body
10058s shot from hydrant and then also some
10060s smooth pulls there to follow through and
10062s Guatemala you know slowly got picked
10064s apart colus does get traded by Bandit
10066s but the rest of USA are here and they
10069s flip the point now if you ever want to
10071s argue about Power Group the fact that
10073s series it just gives this team so much
10075s confidence to be able to just fade our
10077s Dead Eye because even if it comes
10079s through they're going to be able to eye
10080s frame up and as a result can just rotate
10082s straight to that point that there is a
10083s right back up into that Wing condition
10086s is set up towards that top left
10087s Guatemala again towards the point very
10089s quickly 97 of the board Tracer comes
10091s through the touch so Richie great work
10093s for him to touch that point but now
10094s hydron set up with left Genji two trying
10097s to maybe avoid some of that damage
10099s coming through him occlusions there with
10100s the peel onto Earnest and also a nice
10102s shot onto a valkyrie mercy of knock this
10105s in You're missing two members now
10107s Guatemala desperately trying to do
10109s something here super AFK at the point I
10111s mean Just Vibe check from him United
10113s States will take Mount number one in a
10116s you know honestly expected fashion okay
10118s that's the second time we actually see
10120s the Beyond life pedal come on
10123s Ultimate normally it's the other way
10125s around right the end of your life with
10127s the uses the pedal platform to cancel
10129s the terrorist search but but I guess
10130s Team USA are having a little bit of
10132s tomfoolery still around if you do listen
10135s to that columns in the past they do make
10137s sure to try and deny kills coming out
10139s from their plays so that uh they don't
10142s get those kill streaks and some of those
10143s Aces that they're looking for but USA is
10146s still looking as strong as ever even
10148s though we're seeing again different
10149s compositions come through because they
10151s have that just basic understanding of
10153s the macro and how to play positions and
10155s angles they're still able to find more
10157s than enough value like you said Dustin
10158s you can change the hero but all of those
10160s fundamentals remain the same
10162s yeah this is this is uh you know another
10164s one of the USA versus you know whoever
10167s in the world cup so far it feels like it
10170s seems like you know the really you know
10171s strongest opponents are behind them and
10173s now you know obviously versus Guatemala
10175s they just get to kind of do whatever
10176s like you said Moxie it just seems like
10178s they could play whatever they want at
10179s this point right
10181s I said such as well a really tough
10183s position for Bender starting out on that
10185s Reinhardt the
10186s shredding his shoe
10189s Shield pressure with just volley active
10191s volley you have to continue holding your
10193s shield in front of you to block the
10194s Widowmaker shots coming for hydron and
10196s that just leaves you exposed to surface
10198s parks and unfortunately without that
10200s just tank to be able to absorb all of
10202s those heads USA get to play the game
10204s that they want to they push water so far
10207s back towards their spawn and even commit
10209s things like the death Bossman
10210s amplification Matrix to keep them that
10212s creating space for super to walk forward
10213s and find all of the space for the whole
10216s hog and you know we we thought that you
10219s know USA versus Costa Rica was a pretty
10221s hard game for Costa Rica Guatemala also
10224s you know earlier on in the tournament on
10225s day number two lost to Guatemala so now
10228s this is the team you know at the kind of
10230s bottom of the barrel trying to make a
10231s name for themselves you you've called it
10233s before right RNs look good at points
10234s same with Richie um and even marleo
10237s hitting some nice you know anti-grenades
10239s and even you know overall some great
10241s flexibility coming through from them uh
10244s but much yeah it's like what what
10247s analysis can really be done for this
10249s type of game I mean is there anything
10250s you could like grasp for here for a team
10252s like Guatemala where you're going
10254s against such a super team in USA
10257s Guatemala is that their troubles don't
10260s really finish their next game
10262s it's game is against team
10264s [Laughter]
10271s now honestly like looking at Guatemala's
10274s composition glad to say that they didn't
10276s go for the Widowmaker it would just be
10278s too easy for USA to be able to just
10280s punish that staticness of the hero and
10282s defend the like 12 second grapple
10283s cooldown it was literally next to
10286s nothing compared to all of these other
10287s Heroes who can't just run you down very
10289s very quickly I just wish that we'd seen
10292s something other than the mercy to come
10295s from only when you have a mercy it's
10296s pocketing a DPS to make sure that they
10299s have that burst potential that takes
10300s just a little extra step right you have
10302s an echo or a pharah you want to play
10304s upon this guy you want to make sure that
10305s they're going to get a lot of value from
10307s the spam damage but we didn't really see
10309s that and it more felt like they were
10311s running the mercy just to find that rest
10313s in case you as I press them again back
10315s towards that's born and they lost
10317s someone too early on the rotation and it
10319s just meant no damage burst and a
10322s significant lack of healing but you know
10323s it is monks it's like a not so subtle
10326s you know pick to for for guatemalas to
10328s tell us you know they're like Mercy
10330s Mercy please you know please just let us
10332s out of this long so I don't have to go
10334s against USA so I don't
10335s have super Genji or you know collusion
10337s of the reaper it seems like USA could
10339s really do whatever they want man raise
10342s the White Flag I guess it's World Cup
10343s you know like that's the whole point is
10345s we get to see some of these you know uh
10347s you know lesser known regions a lot of
10349s these players and stuff and that's why
10350s at least week one for Guatemala mock see
10352s it seemed like we saw a lot of you know
10354s what they could prove versus teams on a
10356s similar skill level uh to them yeah and
10358s it feels like
10360s play to Richie's friends like this is
10361s something that you and I actually
10362s touched upon when we were casting
10364s Guatemala's games earlier Richie's
10366s Widowmaker was incredibly impressive he
10368s was hitting some really good shots he
10370s was finding a whole lot of kills the
10371s problem is it wasn't match winning
10373s fights no match winning kills because of
10375s how easy it is to be able to shut the
10377s Widowmaker down when you move to
10378s different specific locations of the maps
10380s King's Row continues to be strong for a
10383s Widowmaker even when you give up ground
10385s even when you move to different places
10386s in terms of like point a point B and
10388s point C the Widowmaker still finds a lot
10391s of value overall so I hope I really hope
10394s that Guatemala are going to give Richie
10396s the resources to just let him try to
10399s take these 1v1s on the DPS 100 yeah I
10401s think that's a really good idea that
10403s Guatemala I'm sure I'm sure they're
10404s thinking of it for sure Moxie I mean
10406s like based on what we've seen from them
10407s so far I think that you're right Richie
10410s is one of their best players I think RNs
10411s is slowly coming into his own and it
10413s realistically you know like I think
10415s after this tournament a lot of these
10417s players will probably look back at the
10418s VOD and see you know they have a lot
10419s that they can work they can work on
10421s right I mean there's a lot that they've
10423s done previously in these matchups not
10425s maybe not versus USA because it's really
10427s hard to take you know away a lot from
10428s such a stomp but um okay super is on DPS
10432s ruples on DPS inclusions on support
10434s hydrogen support is on tank they
10437s literally are all off-rolling at the
10439s moment I mean we spun the wheel right
10441s but before
10446s he actually would be running out with
10447s and again it means that all of these
10449s other teams that are going to be
10450s watching the vods that have already been
10451s able to to make that spot confirmed
10454s heading into uh the actual event at
10456s BlizzCon they're not gonna know I don't
10458s know what to expect against USA either
10461s as it is going to be Ripple like you
10463s said on the Widowmaker a lot of skill
10465s transparents however when he normally
10467s plays that Anna you still have a scope
10468s they're going to steal these damages
10470s Guatemala are running the LifeWay with
10473s themselves well Max You're Gonna Do tour
10474s 1v1 first looks like they're gonna do
10476s turbo if you want they have Richie on
10477s the point on tourb super on the tour as
10479s well coming through on that left side it
10480s seems to be a Mainstay also sleep dark
10482s came out that's a little rude on the
10483s back line super going for the first one
10485s so is the back when we get a POV of the
10487s tour display super ghost Halo Richie
10488s wins it what a play from Richie I mean
10491s in a matter of seconds the torbjorn gets
10493s the kill and then immediately destroyed
10494s by ultraviolet so now we have a four
10496s versus four to the point Bennett slept
10498s does get life grip back towards his team
10499s what a life rip from Mario Leo Ultra
10502s that also eventually will take down
10503s Aaron us and fantastic work from Ultra a
10506s little bit of a mean kill there on to
10509s that toward Richie you know he won
10511s nothing but death he won he won the 1v1
10515s and like he said his prize unfortunately
10518s was a a short trip back to the reason uh
10521s Guatemala and I are not going to be able
10523s to conduct this point and in trying to
10526s walk a little bit closer are going to
10528s have to sacrifice and mortality field to
10529s try and re-requent shows but it's not
10531s just he's into UltraViolets range yeah I
10534s mean I like it I like the white grip
10536s it's it's stopping them from beating too
10537s hard you know every now and again just
10540s get ripped away from the fight USA
10542s just absolutely dismantle Guatemala on
10545s that
10546s pushing dude no way please what's the
10550s objective guys you've got this is the
10552s boat you can't be doing this okay listen
10553s here uh you can't do it okay it's fine
10555s but please dude please somebody push the
10558s cart thank you coming back to the cart
10559s super realizing his mistake
10562s leaving the car behind will finally hop
10564s on to it move his turret fantastic job
10566s by super Matthew what a team player
10568s monsters
10572s at the moment it seems as a Malaya does
10575s have tree is holding on to music
10580s oh my goodness what is this match
10582s descending into dalston well yeah bend
10585s it yeah it's it's Rupal getting a 4K
10587s first of all but yeah bend it got
10589s charged off or charged off ultraviolet
10590s with the Nana boost in obviously super
10592s we got wins POV back guys everybody's
10594s wondering you know where's wins here he
10596s is the payload Pusher I'm sure he's
10597s gonna whip out Twitter if it wasn't you
10599s know Limited in terms of how many tweets
10600s you could post or look at it we need to
10602s get like elevator music every single
10604s time they cut back to see if this pay
10605s over there
10611s wow I mean yeah nice work from bend it
10614s there onto collusion cart still pushing
10615s finally somebody comes through to
10617s support super charging from bend that
10619s really has just given up on uh having a
10621s team so we're just going through the
10623s shatter on the super shut him down no
10624s how rude super is he gonna lift nope
10627s after all that objective pushing he
10629s finally gets shut down by bend it who
10631s gets light strips away I mean it's so
10632s cool all his life replace we've seen so
10635s far Benedict trying to go for a charge
10636s but against old trial it's dilation and
10638s the support from collusion might be a
10640s bit too hard bend it marlea both fall as
10642s they trade back Rupal uh payload looks
10645s like it's gonna meet that third
10646s objective oh that's not a lot of makeup
10649s but it still hits then but she owns the
10650s ass I tries to take because High Ground
10652s controls to lose sons of damage of his
10654s way he has to use the Fate immediately
10655s only to be able to cloak away from that
10658s Dynamite hit as a result and regroup
10660s with the rest of his team not gonna
10662s survive that Peak however oh goodbye
10665s Deluge goes down this is some good fun
10667s you know good class to go OverWatch
10668s still on that payload Arena shuts it
10671s down Trooper was doing his best to keep
10673s it alive but aronos did remove It Slam
10676s from ultra violet probably not much of a
10678s ball player in his spare time but we'll
10680s see how he does in the wrecking ball so
10682s far Bolton core committed by super his
10684s donut that back meanwhile Arenas on the
10687s left blank going for the duel on that
10689s side with Grupo but Rupal comes out on
10690s top meanwhile Richie desperately trying
10692s to Stave off old Charlotte's push does
10694s have the double pocket there and rupo
10695s again finds bar Leo you know a lot of
10697s these Zenyatta players quite good at the
10700s Hanzo meanwhile slammed from most Violet
10701s with the Nana boost hydrants able to
10703s find noctis in the air Bandit says he
10705s would rather fall into a pit of lava
10707s than die to Team USA but unfortunately
10708s shut down by Old Charlotte with nearly 3
10711s minutes 55 seconds left they do have
10713s ultimates however
10715s so Guatemala if they can get out of
10717s their spawn to be able to actually
10718s contest this point do you have a good
10720s chance of being able to turn the fight
10721s in their favor but United States it's
10723s gonna make it so hard for them to be of
10725s coordinate oh or an attack found super
10727s bend it also gets Blues with yet again
10728s another charge Nano boost as well on to
10731s the end this is a lot of ultimate for
10733s Team USA to deal with so Guatemala great
10735s Ricket test for them so far if they get
10737s pushed off the hydrants amount finds
10739s noctis who is jumping in the air using
10741s that back piece jump maybe when he
10743s shouldn't dump me while 0.71 meters left
10745s Mario Leo desperately trying to live in
10746s the mini health pack rewards while it's
10748s also found or sorry ripples found Richie
10750s meanwhile Arness gets rude boy he's
10751s trying to push them off the cart to get
10753s it in to that objective last second but
10755s a chatter by Benz it connects on to Bull
10758s super and UltraViolet but able to get
10760s super with it and Arness and the rest of
10762s Guatemala really focusing around this
10763s point around bended at the moment and
10765s they're really doing a great job at the
10767s very last possible second but they
10769s committed the ball to the tail end of
10771s that fight they are gonna have death
10773s Blossom for the one afterwards but
10775s ultraviolet coming back in on that Doom
10777s first Iron's going to have that Nano as
10779s well to be able to send onto the tank I
10781s mean chance well we might actually even
10783s see if I want a super let's be honest it
10785s yeah it might actually or you know we'll
10788s see if uh ultraviolet can get that
10789s engage like you mentioned meanwhile or
10791s on the top of the top of more Leo see if
10793s they can sustain under super who dropped
10794s towards that pail with banana boost in
10796s fact it's him the torben who gets it
10799s the immortality for now meanwhile owner
10801s drops that Blossom on the car able to
10803s find hydrant molten cork trying to be
10805s committed there for super but
10806s unfortunately could shut down meatballs
10807s for like no he's so close to dying 13 HP
10810s left trying to push it to the objective
10812s and he does so with 2 minutes 15 seconds
10814s left on the clock now United States will
10817s move over the defense and Guatemala will
10819s have their chance on offense well super
10821s didn't get anything other than
10823s immortality field with the uh the Nano
10824s tour Palma play but definitely it's
10827s really weird though he keeps having to
10829s count two of you also like it's not
10832s weird
10834s for the unknown of toolbox we've had to
10838s cast together you're right yeah
10842s it's just it is weird huh
10846s it's really weird it's really weird also
10849s that's supposed to be scientists in in
10851s the tour everyone off this time I leave
10853s USA don't have a payload to be able to
10856s steal heels off that that's right hydron
10858s we we saw you Buddy
10861s Joe we know we know what you did on
10865s attack
10866s no it's a lot of it is created in
10868s OverWatch you know history and lore I
10870s think a lot of these things you know
10871s torbirenoffs we had to run off with
10873s super as well but I thought it was him
10875s fight they always throw a super in to
10877s take these duels maybe a little bit of
10880s uh
10881s I don't know favoritism towards him are
10883s you the one that wants to take the tour
10884s Abdul when people ask for it Moxie or
10886s you would rather have somebody else do
10887s it
10889s or in the back
10893s it's ready to go
10898s uh it's gonna be the waving of a green
10901s light in a matter of moments Guatemala
10904s Richie hasn't even picked the hero
10906s oh my God man I mean you know it is what
10909s it is just get it open with Guatemala
10910s yeah Corbin off this time though no
10913s there might be no they're they're
10914s they're they're not running too it's a
10916s rhino it's a rhino if you're right how
10917s convenient it's now bend it versus Old
10920s Charlotte fire truck come in about early
10922s meanwhile armor almost off a nice charge
10924s but Mendoza was probably not expecting
10925s that but the counter charge oh my God
10927s Ultra violent actually comes out on top
10929s and afk's as well on top of it to
10932s signify that he is the champion of today
10934s but you know who the real losers are
10936s it's us Moxie we're the losers for
10938s having to watch in the not the United
10940s States stop
10941s having to make sense of it too dollstone
10946s how many times you're gonna say you
10948s don't make sense of of a clown Fiesta of
10951s a match that this is right it's just
10952s that's true you just roll the circus
10954s yeah exactly but anyway bendit charges
10957s towards that point tries to find
10959s something he doesn't I mean just keep
10960s putting Guatemala on his back gets rid
10962s of ultraviolet too and you know
10964s Guatemala will come through and delay
10967s the inevitable once again USA come on
10969s guys come on you know are we really
10971s gonna
10972s extend all the series this far
10975s just I want to see the the Mind Games in
10978s terms of the Shadow off right because
10979s that is one thing that ultrabath
10982s probably isn't that first at positions
10984s yes holding jokes yes but the Mind Games
10987s Against The another Reinhardt with old
10989s Smith that's something that Ryan means
10991s no oh wait a hydrogen just got another
10994s Kill by the way again and also connected
10996s with the Anthony through the window
10997s there I mean he's really been playing
10999s well on the Anna of all things
11001s surprisingly bended though another
11003s random shark on the collage of all
11006s people maybe collage on the support it's
11008s a bit of a liability
11010s you know playing the DPS Anna again
11013s flanked towards the spawn eventually
11015s will burn due to the dynamite of Richie
11017s down though he did take Richie down yeah
11021s and so now there's not that Dynamite
11023s pressure to keep United States off of
11025s these higher grounds and bandits having
11027s to go far deeper than he would like to
11029s try and Chase his skills down
11031s and RuPaul got staggered by our owners
11033s over the top I mean they're getting this
11034s cart pushing forward if they capture out
11036s in the third
11037s I mean listen I'm going to be triggered
11038s they're doing this on purpose
11041s better suzu by the way before it came
11043s through knocked this nice work from him
11045s ultraviolet will go down and it's kill
11047s after kill after kill guys you're not
11048s good enough to be doing this
11050s come on
11051s come on it's like deuce
11053s States I feel like I'm just the meme
11054s Pokemon
11059s fantastic play from that but they can't
11062s get any more blue tries to go for a bit
11063s more boost eventually runs out the
11066s tourbillon goes aggressive from Super
11067s side but the peel is there from Bob has
11069s found Bennett with the core nice work
11072s from the torbjorn player of that side
11074s also the shot bended down pretty much 37
11076s seconds now Guatemala go for that reset
11078s but a big Ethernet from hydron and a
11081s little bit of a follow-up from the rest
11082s of his team results in even more stagger
11085s on the Guatemala and yet again against
11087s the United States just check
11089s we're on to Guatemala
11091s mall close even if even if he could
11092s probably also Fade to be able to escape
11095s you can literally just play as
11097s aggressive as United States along sleep
11099s early on to ultraviolet but there's just
11100s no follow-up Guatemala cannot close the
11102s distance to be able to take advantage of
11105s it and all that does is force them to
11107s have to wait for that cool down as
11108s ultraviolet still hanging above that
11110s spawn waiting for them to take their
11111s support shotgun to be able to punch them
11113s down below
11114s Guatemala walk out the top of the clock
11118s tower bend it drops towards the bottom
11120s of the point goes incredibly aggressive
11122s and darwiness has picked off collusion
11124s again
11125s that's been a lot of their openings is
11126s off of kills onto collusion let's
11128s probably trade it back though into
11128s marleo and aranas and super also gets
11131s the hammer kill eventually undevented
11133s his group will hit the nice Hanzo Sean
11134s as well Guatemala back into the spot
11136s okay we finally got the answer right
11138s because they both do have hammers
11140s Reinhard and toolville but apparently up
11143s against Reinhardt tobian's Hammer is a
11145s better
11146s for today for sure it is it is a little
11148s bit better meanwhile ultraviolet goes
11150s incredibly growing soon towards the
11151s inside of the clock tower meanwhile for
11153s everyone to Super trying to find Richie
11154s with the turret and the rest of his team
11156s eventually finds him without whipping
11158s out the hammer Mill Ruble commits the
11159s dragon strike in the Guatemala who are
11161s planning on walking out but now just
11163s leave bend that behind to the trying to
11165s make the way towards the cart they just
11167s said screw it bend it we're leaving you
11168s towards that card is three but it's
11170s gonna be tough maybe if they get some
11171s stagger kills onto USA as they walk back
11173s towards the park and work out for them
11175s but unfortunately no kills for them and
11176s AMC by Heinrich him he's dude off Ariana
11178s drops Giants tried to get this payload
11180s pushing forward into a three they could
11182s try to sneak it in I want to skip to
11183s Nana boost though after the Sleep looks
11185s over to potentially find a kill hydrant
11187s goes solo down to one HP but avoids the
11189s shots on the Hanzo bend it tried to walk
11191s out a spot but noticing the rest of his
11193s team is dead will go all the way back
11194s and Richie gets staggered one minute 37
11196s seconds left
11198s of this torture Moxie United States once
11201s again picked themselves up with this
11203s Higher Ground to make it incredibly hard
11204s to Guatemala to look forward now we're
11206s actually going to be seeing the stuff
11207s that I wanted to see come through from
11208s Guatemala to Sombra this is what you use
11210s to punish a team that holds this close
11212s to your spawn send one person a lot less
11214s noticeable to try and back up onto that
11216s card and pull United States Focus away
11219s but aaronas isn't going for the backup
11221s he's just looking for the hacks onto the
11222s ultraviolet it does manage to take the
11224s dunes the side of the fight however but
11225s with media strike available he's coming
11227s back in incredibly shortly oh another
11230s charge by Bandit
11236s so they're doing a decent job getting
11238s out of the spawn a lot of fights taken
11240s by Team USA Miller Ricky dueling with
11243s the tour of Turbo go down to 74 HP
11244s Ripple hands found on us on that trade
11247s of bar Leo and hydron Guatemala
11249s desperately trying to regroup now 40
11252s seconds left United States sitting on a
11253s whole bunch of ultimates and again that
11255s High Ground Dragon Stripes gonna split
11257s the team away from the Reinhardt making
11259s him vulnerable
11270s trying to get away from the coalescence
11273s but gets stunned up temporarily buying
11275s ultraviolet as well now without your
11277s tank
11278s Mario Leo's gonna be on the team the EMP
11279s without him as well but there's not
11281s enough follow-up damage for the side of
11283s Guatemala now we have eight seconds left
11285s to go bend it swaps to the wrecking ball
11288s seems like he wants to continue the
11290s series obviously and he's going to roll
11292s that car oh roll the car but he doesn't
11294s touch in time and surprise surprise USA
11297s has won over guatemalatuo yep
11299s ultraviolet connects with banded as he
11302s tries thrown that payload to be able to
11304s tap and keep it in play and as a result
11305s bull is not able to stop onto the cut
11307s and finally finally we're going to move
11312s away from King's Row and the absolute
11315s circus that A Team USA once again
11317s descended these matches into Jason come
11321s back here we're gonna go over that match
11325s thing that you're gonna have
11330s [Laughter]
11334s um yeah there wasn't really much to say
11336s there in that matchup at least we got
11337s some great entertainment value we got
11339s some uh yeah yeah what was it the tour
11341s battles and the Reinhardt battles it's
11343s great to see Reinhardt once again uh
11345s going toe-to-toe on King's Row at the
11347s very least but it was to be expected
11350s right let's uh it was to be expected USA
11353s secured the 5-0 uh with the plus nine
11357s differential moving on Guatemala though
11359s they have one more opportunity but like
11362s you mentioned Moxie um it doesn't I mean
11365s it gets easier but by very few degrees
11368s right because their final match is gonna
11370s be up against Team Canada tomorrow
11373s yeah it's it's a really tough occasion
11376s for Guatemala they really had just for
11379s one of the roughest schedules for any
11382s team in either group A or B coming into
11385s the tail end of the second week to go
11387s straight up against USA into Canada
11390s literally the day after it's going to be
11393s a real challenge for this team and we
11395s got to see some great life Weaver plays
11397s um across both Maps actually uh when we
11399s were on both Nepal and on King's Row
11402s there so maybe we get to see a little
11404s bit of him later on I don't know we'll
11406s see what what happens
11407s um once we actually get to BlizzCon once
11409s we get to the finals uh the top teams in
11412s the OverWatch World Cup so far but Team
11415s USA can now rest on their Laurels they
11417s can take a nice little break here and
11418s enjoy the rest of the Fourth of July
11420s weekend they have all of Sunday off so
11422s uh congratulations to them moving on 5-0
11425s Guatemala though like we said still have
11428s one last match up against Team Canada uh
11431s look I don't know what what else is to
11434s break down uh in this matchup so far I
11436s mean even though you know it was it was
11439s um pretty hard Gap we have to be honest
11440s about that uh what did you guys see out
11442s of Guatemala that you like seeing
11444s aggression like Ben 10 was incredibly
11447s aggressive on the Reinhardt and I'm I'm
11448s hoping that they're going to be able to
11450s play off of that because we were hoping
11451s when we went to King toe that they would
11453s be trying to set Richie up but uh it
11455s feels like USA just made it almost
11457s impossible to be able to take those
11459s fights one versus one as a Widowmaker
11461s once
11462s ultraviolet doomfist we get to see it
11463s again by the way go
11468s we've got support role and you know what
11470s he wasn't doing a half bad job at it
11472s right uh uh right Dustin
11474s why you got to bring me into this
11475s Jameson listen man
11478s if Moxie has to suffer so do you
11499s to be able to make sure that they
11501s absolutely nullify any impact that the
11503s life Weaver tree Ultima could have been
11505s no
11509s I'm not even gonna try and sugarcoat
11511s with any of that Kings were mapped
11513s listen we could we the viewers could
11515s blame me for this okay I mean we did a
11516s lot of trolling on the on the Atlanta
11517s Reign for a few years you know not
11519s touching the point versus Toronto
11520s defiant delaying series that really
11522s should have ended and uh it's fun for
11524s the players right I bet you the Team USA
11526s guys probably you know having a laugh at
11528s that one huh I mean I'm glad because it
11530s looked like Guatemalan were also offered
11531s as well right we all understand kind of
11534s the power differential here and they
11535s were up for it so I'm glad that they
11537s were able to at least take the duels at
11539s the tour buff even though it kind of
11541s ended abruptly uh with USA seeing the
11544s pride coming out and instantly shut down
11547s what hey he still gets to say I killed
11549s super in that uh torp your duel yeah
11551s that's a good point they killed down one
11553s of the goats they took them out already
11555s you know it was on torburn obviously but
11558s yeah
11560s USA's entire Journey throughout the uh
11562s OverWatch World Cup uh qualifiers is
11564s just marred by like Mass uh asterisk you
11567s know yeah that's super pretty coming in
11569s and all uh tournament battles and all
11570s this other stuff but still I'm glad that
11572s we were at least able to make it
11574s entertaining USA securing the 5-0 uh
11577s super awesome look fantastic as well and
11579s no no question about that whatsoever
11582s it is funny as well you know you know on
11585s that off-rolling you know topic Jamerson
11587s as well like hydrant swapping over to
11588s the Anna I think you see a lot of these
11590s DPS players when they swap over to the
11592s end you know temporarily even a lot of
11594s them will just play the DPS analy like
11595s he did throwing only into grenades you
11597s know doing a lot of damage downrange not
11599s a lot of healing you know individually
11601s kind of having that on the collusion
11602s side it's kind of interesting you know a
11604s lot of these players when they offer
11605s kind of their Dynamic based on what role
11608s they originally play right yeah kind of
11610s interesting kind of interesting
11616s I didn't even realize that yeah they had
11620s swamped off to the supports I forgot all
11621s about that um but
11623s there you go USA congratulations on the
11626s 5-0 I have a very happy Fourth of July
11628s take a well-needed vacation after that
11631s we're gonna go ahead and take a short
11632s break when we get back we'll have map uh
11633s match number two here in group a it's
11635s gonna be quarter excuse me Puerto Rico
11637s versus Costa Rica right after the break
11640s don't go anywhere guys we'll be right
11641s back
11647s foreign
11651s [Music]
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11944s foreign
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11970s welcome back to the OverWatch World Cup
11972s Jamerson joined once again by Moxie and
11974s Dustin here for the second match of
11976s group a here in the Americans conference
11979s it's gonna be Puerto Rico versus Costa
11981s Rica and it's a tale of two different
11984s teams in terms of the importance of this
11987s matchup for Puerto Rico um Moxie their
11991s hopes are still alive to try and make it
11993s through this group but they have a tough
11994s road ahead of them yeah that's a flame
11997s there's a flame and a flicker but it is
11999s very much just a candle at the moment
12002s they really do need to be able to Fan it
12003s for it to be able to stop blazing their
12005s way to BlizzCon and it starts right here
12009s even then the testing is not entirely
12011s fully in their hands they're gonna be
12013s relying on Canada being able to topple
12015s Mexico with a clean two and oh and then
12018s even if Puerto Rico were able to speak
12020s Costa Rica they still have to take on
12022s Mexico tomorrow so it's gonna be a real
12024s tough challenge for this team to be able
12026s to actually make it out of these
12027s conferences yeah it's Puerto Rico
12029s sitting at 1 to Costa Rica though have
12032s already played four of their matches
12034s this is their final one of the World Cup
12036s and it's still important for them
12038s because they want to of course have the
12039s best looks coming out of this Dustin uh
12042s with a two and three record do you think
12043s they can do that up against Puerto Rico
12045s today
12046s I'll be potentially uh it's it's all up
12048s to you know their star players it's all
12050s up to how you know those DPS can perform
12052s a lot of the weight in OverWatch 2 is
12055s kind of put on those players so both the
12057s jello and janello in Winter kind of need
12060s to step it up right and I think that
12062s overall this team needs to rely upon
12064s some outstanding performances otherwise
12066s they won't take down the team like
12067s Puerto Rico
12069s Puerto Rico you know we put a lot of
12071s focus on Papa Joe
12073s um throughout a lot of the well the last
12076s two days so far
12077s um for Moxie uh who are you looking
12080s towards on this roster to try and step
12083s up and uh help Puerto Rico in their
12085s chances at securing a spot for BlizzCon
12087s well I think in terms of not really
12090s needing to stop at lightwolf and zero
12092s likes I've been doing a very good job
12093s right normally when we talk for all of
12095s these players on rosters immediately
12097s your eye gets drawn to the flash you
12099s play It's the tank being able to sustain
12100s for long enough the DPS being able to
12102s come in with those kills which are
12103s really necessary to be able to clutch
12105s out these fights if we don't really
12107s discuss the supports it means that
12108s they're doing their jobs they're going
12110s unnoticed they're keeping everyone alive
12112s and healthy a lot of the time when Papa
12114s Joe was able to go as aggressive as he
12116s wants to it's because his supports are
12118s allowing him that aggressive rank Justin
12121s you know what it's like the support life
12123s of going largely you know unrewarded and
12126s uh not crazed enough rain on the other
12129s side though uh for Costa Rica if the
12132s support line is going to be so important
12134s it's gonna be up to Benji and wood tube
12136s here uh how do you think they match up I
12138s mean I think they match up well I think
12140s both Benji and webbed super decent
12141s players and you know on that previous
12143s Point too you're right a lot of support
12144s players kind of whenever you're doing a
12146s support player it's just because you
12148s know either a they're getting picked off
12149s or doing something bad you know kind of
12151s doing a little bit of a you know mistake
12153s and you know showing up in the kill feet
12155s on the opposite side a lot of the times
12156s uh but you know at points you know
12158s you'll have incredibly strong you know
12161s DPS zenyattas and stuff like that a lot
12162s of those Heroes that kind of get a lot
12164s more Limelight but you know really I'm
12166s just looking at that back line and just
12167s keeping baru alive right A lot of these
12169s fights if you see a tank player living
12171s you know past uh you know points where
12174s you think others would potentially die
12175s then obviously you have to give that
12177s partially the tank player for you know
12179s using this cover well and really
12180s avoiding a lot of that damage with good
12181s movement but also you know that back
12183s line living up to that standard
12186s um that is you know a lot of those
12187s highly regarded supports that's right
12191s make sure you tip your supports uh give
12193s them you know praise throughout all this
12195s we're going to be starting it off on
12196s Nepal in this matchup between Puerto
12198s Rico and Costa Rica uh we got to see a
12202s few looks out of both of these squads so
12204s far I mean we've played almost all their
12206s matches Puerto Rico only has one more
12207s after this uh Moxie who would you favor
12211s in this matchup now that we're going to
12213s Nepal for our first map
12215s heading into this the favor has to be
12217s with Puerto Rico right they've been able
12218s show that they can keep Pace with some
12220s of the the teams a little bit further up
12222s in terms of the leaderboard they've had
12224s some pretty favorable fights as well
12225s even though they weren't able to find
12226s match wins they did still come in with a
12229s couple of clutch wins uh and kills
12231s against the likes of Canada and going
12233s back to sort of like the different looks
12235s we've seen from these different teams
12236s we've seen a lot of diversity in their
12239s rosters too so I think Whoever has
12241s studied the vods and is able to predict
12243s what the other opponent rolls out with
12245s is going to have an infinitely easier
12247s time being able to control this first
12249s fight yeah we got to see uh Papa Joe I
12251s believe we started off on a sanctum I
12254s believe up against team in Canada and
12256s they had that cheeky symmetra uh
12258s Reinhardt back line play that caught
12260s them off guard uh and so it is going to
12263s be important right for Costa Rica to at
12264s least keep an eye on that then that does
12266s of course come down to if we start off
12267s on a sanctum here finally on the other
12270s side for Costa Rica and we'll see what
12272s they have in store for us but it looks
12274s like we are ready for this match Puerto
12276s Rico if they want a shot at BlizzCon it
12279s needs to start here they need the
12281s victory up against Costa Rica and well
12283s it's gonna be Moxie and Dustin bring you
12287s all the action so guys take it away
12289s thank you Jamerson I'm excited Moxie
12292s obviously I mean you couldn't sit up any
12293s better this is really where Puerto
12295s Rico's got a shine otherwise like you
12297s said that they potentially won't even
12299s make it to BlizzCon it needs to be clean
12301s as well this is something that you and I
12302s were discussing with Jameson in between
12304s the break it needs to be a clean to an O
12306s because this is The Benchmark to be able
12308s to see Puerto Rico go up against the
12310s team that isn't USA and Canada that
12313s isn't one of the the weaker teams as
12315s well in terms of the other groups as
12316s well they literally have to face Mexico
12318s tomorrow who were the closest in terms
12321s of uh standing at their weight at the
12322s moment so it can't be a close fashion
12327s against Costa Rica
12328s yeah and Costa Rica has that opportunity
12330s to kind of play spoiler there for Puerto
12333s Rico you know on derp down through the
12335s elephant sign ready to go hack abaru
12338s who's playing that Wrecking Ball early
12339s but he's backed up towards the support
12341s not a lot of Puerto Rico's ready to go
12343s for the dive necessarily in fact Papa
12344s Joe got hacked on the opposite side by
12347s udella meanwhile you know Costa Rica has
12350s kind of controlled this point already
12351s they have that Wrecking Ball there on
12354s derpas but they go for a half but
12356s notices that he can't dive until just
12357s now Papa Joe goes for the dive he uses
12359s the transit going to get up but his
12360s counter though by the wrecking ball of
12362s baru perfect counter engaged by the tank
12364s player of Costa Rica but they do give up
12366s the point to keep that back line alive
12368s meanwhile yadelo sets up towards the
12370s elephant gets the hack on Talisman maybe
12372s potential early slam can come through on
12374s baru's side but it's not exactly direct
12376s towards that hack Target Puerto Rico now
12378s with full point control also ham it's a
12381s member of their teams now regroup back
12382s towards the point as well they're trying
12383s to Die By the Light wolf but he's
12384s already made his Lane towards that
12386s health package meanwhile you know it has
12388s to back up winter now without his zomper
12390s has to recall as well to continue to
12393s stay his stay alive meanwhile Puerto
12395s Rico still diving under on dirt they
12396s found where a translocator is so they're
12398s kind of hard diving on that side
12399s Talisman also got picked by wedge tube
12402s over the top though Papa Joe was there
12403s with the follow-up to trade it through
12405s Zenyatta no longer exists on Costa Rica
12408s signs so it's a lot of Benji with those
12410s support healing on that point meanwhile
12413s the rest of Costa Rica almost have that
12415s point back in the favor 41 already on
12418s that board as well for the sign of
12420s Puerto Rico so they're still kind of
12422s just living on this coin making sure
12423s Costa Rica can't get that cap and EMP
12425s though from yadelo connects on the light
12427s wolf so they find him Talisman trades
12429s Benji but yeah dellostan Papa Joe and
12431s Talisman barely makes over that Mega
12433s health pack to live but he's without his
12435s team so they give up the point to Costa
12436s Rica and unfortunately not actually are
12439s able to live and study MP in time they
12440s were trying to keep him checking on fire
12442s and making sure that the hamster wasn't
12444s the one picking up those kills with
12446s things like the pile drive to site your
12447s Della and went to up and as a result
12449s yodello actually goes way more targets
12451s to be able to clip fruit as opposed to
12453s just having to play a little bit more
12454s possible if those packs and hits the EMP
12455s first and Puerto Rico don't have an
12457s answer for it they don't have the rally
12458s they're not running that Zenyatta either
12460s so Costa Rica with that position I can
12462s actually move to keep their backline
12463s safe in the glass Cannon can properly
12465s start shooting away
12470s Papa Joe lives fell regardless building
12473s towards that Primal Andre has already
12474s found wed tube as well and we're sending
12477s out again for Costa Rica but they're
12478s still trying to take this fight EMP
12479s though connects from on dirt however
12481s they're the ones to lose Talisman in
12484s that fight even off the EMP Papa Joe now
12486s with the Nana Booth tries to equalize it
12488s has found Benji so he couldn't use the
12490s rally in that fight either arugo's
12492s incredibly low will roll the wave from
12494s the point this Puerto Rico will control
12495s it back in their favor yeah good Target
12497s Focus coming from Puerto Rico they have
12499s to EMP in the pocket but they don't know
12501s whether or not web shib on that son had
12503s the Transcendence so they take him off
12504s the table before they commit the song
12506s rolls when everyone targets Benji down
12508s so the rally is not there to allow Costa
12510s Rica to be able to still with those
12512s Highland lines for as long as they want
12513s but Puerto Rican I don't really have a
12515s means of initiating this light wolf goes
12517s down early
12518s they try to counter dive onto Puerto
12520s Rico where Papa Joe attempted to find
12521s web to believe the Transcendence they
12523s were able to survive now Papa Joe come
12524s through a little bit Grady from him
12526s actually to re-engage with that primary
12528s produced so low eventually we'll go down
12530s to yandella on dirtbags traded wed too
12531s but they're without their tank player so
12533s they don't have a lot of Point presence
12534s Costa Rica will flip it again
12536s another EMP as well like wolf is sitting
12539s on the rally but you have to keep an eye
12540s on Talisman he's the one that needs to
12542s come in with an early pick to stop Costa
12544s Rica from just using this EMP to
12546s collapse onto all of these members of
12548s Puerto Rico as they watch towards that
12549s point
12550s Papa Joe's sitting over the top left
12552s just spy checking or somber checking
12554s over the top left notices there's no
12556s somber there so he's given a lot of
12557s space meanwhile his DPS is are towards
12560s the coastal side dealing with baru as
12562s Costa Rica that's really trying to play
12563s that counter dive with web tube on that
12565s kariko to just kind of peel off whenever
12567s that dive eventually comes through Papa
12568s Joe takes a little damage before he
12571s backs up towards the rest of the team
12572s now 92 percent of the board
12574s from Talisman what a nice pulse from him
12577s also follows through on the adello gives
12580s Puerto Rico a fantastic re-engage now
12583s just have to do a baru who's just trying
12585s to stagger but it's overtime so he's
12586s gonna go down
12588s now goes back towards the spawn as the
12589s flip goes back for Puerto Rico
12592s from clutch from Talisman not only is he
12594s able to immediately take out both the
12596s supports in Costa Rica's backline it
12598s limits the impact of yodello's EMP and
12601s we're heading into final fight territory
12602s former Rico and literally just gonna
12604s hack Vengeance of the Lucio can't tap
12606s onto that point and force it on to
12608s Barrow instead the EMP available they
12610s committed onto baru and he just goes
12612s down immediately winter also got hacked
12614s on the outside too so we couldn't really
12616s go up for some aggression couldn't even
12618s touch the point in Puerto Rico will take
12620s round one
12621s again this is Puerto Rico having really
12623s smart game sense they understand the
12625s chain that is going to come out of the
12628s bodies from their opponents to make sure
12630s that that point remains in play first
12632s they go for the Lucio then they go for
12634s the ham and then they make sure once the
12635s Hammond is gone that they keep an eye on
12637s where Benji pops up and because everyone
12639s else from Costa Rica is too far away to
12642s actually throw themselves onto the point
12643s in time they don't have to worry about
12645s those straggle kills they can
12647s immediately take themselves onto Sanctum
12650s Puerto Rico on the side let's see what
12652s they get a run maybe more towards that
12653s Reinhardt Moxie like they did previously
12657s this strategy Works once dalston when
12660s you're running that symmetra and you
12662s have that surprise Factor but Costa Rica
12664s have seen the Canada match and as a
12667s result yodello is on the far and he is
12670s going to be so far away and all papajo
12673s is going to be able to do is just Shield
12674s those concussion Splash damages
12680s what a play already finding maximum
12683s value out of that Pharaoh you
12685s immediately marked here called it to
12687s recane for him potentially even afford
12689s Puerto Rico to have to back up
12690s desperation are we going to see hit scan
12693s this is the problem for Puerto Rico
12695s loopy isn't actually starting out on
12698s control he's the traditional hitscan
12699s he's the one who would go into something
12700s like the caste or the Ash and try and
12702s keep your Delo in check and dear friend
12703s Talisman can rotate towards things like
12706s the Sombra and the Tracer but to
12708s actually come to this Pharmacy it falls
12710s onto papajo's shoulders he's onto the
12712s diva the defense Matrix and boosters
12714s it works out for them that you're gonna
12716s be able to walk through because you know
12717s is looking towards downside where nobody
12719s is he's just sitting back although
12721s Puerto Rico hasn't gained a lot of space
12724s just yet either they're still just
12725s slowly working out the angles winter
12727s gets hacked on Costa Rica side but is
12729s able to recall back towards the team
12730s Talisman takes them both but hangs them
12732s in health pack there so he doesn't have
12734s to recall meanwhile a nice Nate actually
12736s connects on the adello off that statue
12739s side what a need but unfortunately no
12740s follow-up there Puerto Rico attempted to
12742s potentially follow up but there's the
12744s appeal was there for the side of Costa
12746s Rica godella now noticing where the
12748s supports are ready to engage on them
12749s noticing there's no feel here zulux
12751s though he accepted the pack stays nice
12753s and healthy meanwhile no dents yet on
12756s either side the Puerto Rico's the one
12758s poke down so low Papa Joe is but falls
12760s back to his team trying to get some
12762s point presence but immediately give up a
12764s lot of positioning there's always doing
12765s such a good job as well controlling all
12767s these Avenues when we saw him take that
12769s Left Flank he was spy checking and its
12771s location to make sure that Sombra hadn't
12772s backtracked into that back one and as a
12775s result yes Costa Rica down the Tracer
12777s but they still got the fight
12778s one from Puerto Rico is looking in the
12781s forest Direction in time gotta DM that
12784s Papa Joe look who's Mech gets that evil
12787s ball up got to go on the Benji as yellow
12788s try to fly back towards the sky he got
12790s hacked but has enough heal from both
12792s supports you call it early but the
12793s sports ghost we're gonna do a good job
12794s and Bill now Papa Joe shuts down Bull
12797s baru and yadelo Winter though does try
12799s to trade it back with the fullest bomb
12800s onto light wolf also does have that
12802s consumer rush to stay alive the hack
12804s comes through and talisman's there with
12806s the follow through onto end tube so
12807s winter now has to back up Costa Rica 86
12810s on the board but Puerto Rico claim it
12811s back you have to punish the pharmacy
12814s pick now every single time if your dele
12817s tries to move to remain he is in
12818s distance of the hacks from and up and as
12821s a result we're going to be seeing these
12822s rotations as Costa Rica are trying to
12825s stand the fire all the way around the
12826s back with that damage booster trying to
12828s tap one of these squishies before the
12830s none of this can come out from Zoo
12831s Lights
12832s a little bit too low there bear goes
12834s into the sky early baru in a bit of rest
12837s position nice engaged from Papa John you
12839s don't want to hack onto Benji from under
12841s but I mean EMP gets a kill then gets the
12844s hack on to Benji perfect Sombra play
12846s from under oh Puerto Rico are done
12848s playing into this Powers games that was
12850s that wasn't CMP that was a sleep
12852s document from sulux as well just to make
12856s sure that the job got done as they
12858s understand that the far is at its most
12860s vulnerable when you're trying to move
12861s back into a fight when you don't control
12863s that out of real space all false bomb
12865s sticks on the baru but still hangs a lot
12867s of those heels from wedtube or the mega
12870s health pack if he so chooses rotates all
12873s the way around for free because the
12874s Pharaoh is absorbing a lot of that
12875s pressure from Puerto Rico but Baro goes
12876s a bit too aggressive hack gets the suzu
12879s stunned as well from the rallying
12880s brigitta that's a nice work that's nice
12882s work from the back line of Puerto Rico
12884s to get rid of baru but the point did
12886s flip back four Costa Rica because winter
12888s was there maybe Puerto Rico could punish
12890s the aggression Diva bomb from Papa Joe
12892s Dean his enemy territory able to find
12894s yadelo in the sky too Talisman
12896s eventually comes back for winter but
12898s Costa Rica slip got that point up to 99
12900s yeah
12904s and they can't send borrow to use the
12906s Hammond lines to guarantee that the flip
12908s Remains the sudello off of the pharah
12910s onto the Sombra so they have identified
12912s they even give up the barrage too that
12915s Puerto Rico are just going to punish the
12916s forest incapability of getting back into
12919s these fights without forcing one of
12920s their supports to just babysit 24 7.
12922s great Kill from Talisman there too I
12924s mean to stagger kill onto Benji forced
12926s him now over to the Lucio Andre felt
12928s Bound by web tube over that right flank
12930s amazing shots to get that kill now
12932s they're down a person Puerto Rico
12934s desperately trying to back up full spawn
12936s connects him to the shield of light wolf
12937s so it doesn't get the kill point maybe
12939s gonna go favor back Costa Rica but then
12941s it moves to Papa Joe gets him towards
12943s that point in time while there's a bunch
12945s of ultimate towards that point of Costa
12947s Rica to try to Zone Puerto Rico went
12950s almost flipping back in the figure but
12952s Papa Cody a great job to stay uh staying
12954s towards the point making sure it doesn't
12955s flip the Sleep Dart as well lands on to
12957s Wed two but the follow-up damage isn't
12959s there although Costa Rica goes
12960s incredible Talisman finds wedge tube and
12962s yodello and then winter two on top of
12965s those three kills Puerto Rico reclaimed
12968s that point EMP on dabaru as well and
12971s they take map number one and they really
12973s needed that much they really needed that
12975s but Dawson it was not a dominant
12977s performance that there were a couple of
12979s studies there were a couple of cracks
12980s that we saw papajo not expecting that
12982s got Bowers to come through meant that
12984s they lost one of those really crucial
12985s fights and had to claw themselves back
12988s into having to rely on things like
12989s Talisman being able to clutch those
12991s things out with just kills to come
12992s through from that Tracer the pulse bombs
12994s as well zulux in that last fight too
12996s entirely Untouchable positioning
12998s absolutely impact of over impeccable for
13000s the Anna right he's not on the point
13001s he's on the off angle he's entirely
13004s uncontested by anyone from Costa Rica
13006s because everyone's just focused on that
13008s point and trying to find the kills on it
13010s to keep it contested as long as possible
13011s and the Anna literally just gets to farm
13014s that sustain that the team needs
13016s great work from them and now obviously
13018s going to that number two going to escort
13020s so we'll have to see you know what they
13022s choose towards the second or yeah what
13024s they choose towards the second map but I
13026s mean map number one and specifically
13027s like I said it was not close it was a
13029s little you know dirty they tried to play
13031s that Pharaoh they're trying to go for a
13033s bit of kind of like the compositions
13035s obviously I mean what worked for them
13037s the best you think Moxie for for Puerto
13039s Rico I mean they eventually got that win
13041s but it was off some Stellar Tracer play
13044s from Talisman right yeah it was again
13046s just like relying on the clutch to come
13048s through the second that they unseated
13049s that far we we did see that the gear
13052s started working and that they were like
13053s okay the fire is going to be a problem
13055s as long as we can catch her before she
13057s has that space because the far is sort
13059s of in a symbiotic relationship in
13061s setting up the Hammond right both of
13063s these Heroes rely on distraction tactics
13066s they're not necessarily looking for the
13068s kills especially on the Hammond's
13069s perspective but you're trying to draw
13071s the attention away and if your Dello and
13074s Borough had that just freedom movement
13077s so much room was provided for everyone
13080s else in Costa Rica's team the second
13081s that Puerto Rico started limiting the
13084s spaces available for both things like
13085s the EMP and the sleeves that's where we
13087s saw them pull ahead
13088s well now you know obviously on this next
13091s one I'm curious to see you know what
13092s both teams decide to play simply because
13094s I mean it might actually a lot of these
13096s you know a lot of escort or even you
13098s know payload maps in general like do
13100s these kind of more diving compositions
13102s really work for a lot of these World Cup
13104s teams that you know obviously they're
13106s not exactly the best teams on a lot of
13108s these uh very fast paced you know
13110s Winston or wrecking ball compositions
13114s problematic because again something that
13116s we've talked about is just it's one of
13118s the hardest compositions to be able to
13120s fully coordinate and it also involves a
13123s lot of risk in comparison to some of
13125s these other compositions right if you're
13127s running like that romantic rubber band
13128s brawl style if you lose a player chances
13131s are you're still going to be able to
13132s clutch the fight out because everyone is
13134s still going to be in an organized space
13136s and you're still going to be able to
13137s just come in things like ultimates to be
13139s able to make up for a player absence if
13141s you're coming with a dive and you have
13143s everyone go down separately in different
13146s locations and get staggered because no
13148s one's on the same page chasing their
13149s targets at all low one should be taken
13151s out you're not finding value you're not
13153s having any Monopoly on the space and
13155s you're also not folding ultimates up
13157s it's always one-sided so your ultimate
13158s economy is constantly working against
13160s you which is why we sell a lot of teams
13162s when we had the owl teams go a lot of
13164s them going for the Winston sometimes
13166s going for the road hockey it was clear
13167s to see which teams wanted to take the
13170s least amount of risk but still try and
13172s find the same amount of value that the
13174s wind was Finding
13176s you know hybrid actually the second map
13177s sorry for getting that wrong new Bonnie
13179s will be coming up Moxie and you know
13181s maybe this one could enable some of
13183s those more Diamond compositions like we
13184s saw from the previous map I mean
13186s we probably are going to see something
13188s quite similar right that we saw on on
13190s Nepal
13193s it could be something like the echo so
13194s come all right we've talked about it in
13196s depth just because point a with The High
13198s Ground focus is incredibly important and
13201s Echo being able to go coastal side for
13203s the attacking team takes away a lot of
13205s the risk that the defense is immediately
13206s posed on the opening stretch of that
13208s high ground that you have to cross if
13210s you do decide to go main road because if
13212s you try and take The High Ground angle
13214s opposite the Defenders and they have
13216s something like an ash set up that's just
13218s a one-way trip to Richmond with how
13220s horrible those dynamites are to deal
13222s with if you're not running a kiriko and
13224s you're in that enclosure space
13226s and for the side of Puerto Rico
13228s obviously now up that first map if they
13230s get the second one that's going to be
13231s you know very good for the moving
13233s forward but it feels like for them you
13235s know we do talk about obviously you know
13236s Papa Joe we talk about their back line
13238s but you know did feel like in that
13240s previous map a lot of the DPS players
13242s with Andre and Talisman really played
13244s well right yeah clutch hacks to come for
13246s really good EMP just deciding okay we're
13249s gonna throw EMP on taking the pharmacy
13251s down if the pharmacy is removed we can
13253s deal with the rest of the team they're
13255s just trying to have us spinning all of
13256s these different plates so that we lose
13258s focus and it eventually all crashes down
13260s amongst it so identifying and not
13262s holding on to that quote unquote perfect
13264s EMP on paper where you catch all five
13266s players in the exact same space it's
13269s really smart coming out from this team
13271s yeah I mean we saw a lot of um you know
13274s a lot of the other team A lot of it was
13275s a winter you know kind of getting caught
13277s off on the other side getting emped and
13279s you know it was a little bit of a
13280s byproduct even in OverWatch League you
13281s know we see a lot of teams Sombra
13283s players just kind of solo MP tracers
13285s right like it it feels like that's even
13287s a a good Target for a lot of these teams
13291s and you know on for Puerto Rico sign
13293s obviously as we load in I would not be
13295s surprised to still see that or even lock
13296s towards that Echo like you said I mean
13298s do they really have that Echo player on
13300s Puerto Rico side that can compete with
13302s the best of them you know the azons the
13304s lab does you know a lot of the OverWatch
13305s League Talent
13307s but we have seen Talisman actually Flex
13309s onto the echo this very map when a
13311s Puerto Rico went up against Canada and
13314s we have seen Costa Rica try and play
13315s towards something like the fire with
13317s your Delo so I wouldn't be surprised if
13319s it does indeed turn into that dog fight
13321s but we might see Puerto Rico Sub in
13324s loopy and then he can literally just go
13326s Ash and try and deal with Talisman on
13329s his own
13330s and you know it's kind of interesting to
13331s bring up loopy too because you know a
13333s lot of these teams have been kind of
13335s figuring out what they want to run in
13337s terms of their lineups right like a lot
13339s of them with the seven men or even eight
13341s man you know and if if you're the case
13343s of the the French players obviously you
13345s have an entire like 20 man Koji staff so
13347s a lot of the like difficult decisions
13349s have to happen behind the scenes right
13350s you know based on scrims and stuff and
13352s you know loopy obviously on them at
13354s number one didn't get that starting role
13355s but it's very interesting that you
13357s mentioned that maybe they would have
13358s figured something out having lupiah new
13359s Bonnie yeah and Puerto Rico don't even
13361s really get that breathing space that
13363s should come with with taking that first
13365s map because again the map score is
13368s important they have to be able to
13370s overtake either Mexico or Canada if they
13373s want any chance of actually being able
13374s to make it out of the conference and to
13378s BlizzCon for the actual playoffs so it
13381s has to be a two and over them if they
13382s lose nombani they're not going to be
13385s able to uh be able to qualify especially
13388s if they lose against Mexico tomorrow so
13390s having that game plan having those
13392s coaches and analysts looking and
13393s deciding which of these players are
13395s going to get subbed in and play is
13397s crucial for this team to get right
13399s now I like that you mentioned that I
13400s mean the the land Factor right obviously
13402s being in person playing on computers you
13405s know versus the other team in you know
13407s whether it's backstage or on the main
13409s stage of the World Cup you know that's a
13411s big deal I feel like you know a lot of
13413s them will stress that in interviews too
13415s you know I know cloudy will talk about
13416s it a lot for uh for team Finland and you
13419s know it means a lot for a lot of these
13420s teams to make it obviously to the World
13422s Cup because it's a lot like you know I
13424s don't know what would you equate it to
13426s because like going to your first land
13427s you're just like at when you're grinding
13429s for these games you're just playing in
13431s your room you know when you're in your
13432s Mother's or Father's house or whatever
13433s just grinding day in and day out you
13436s don't realize that you know you know
13437s teammates are there in person there to
13439s support you you have fans there as well
13440s and there's a large ecosystem behind you
13443s know the OverWatch scene in general that
13445s a lot of these players really want to
13447s get to
13448s um I think that's when it just stops
13449s feeling real right yeah exactly the time
13452s it can be a little bit but even like
13454s from a casting perspective just just
13456s sitting here watching your screen well
13458s being that I am playing that video game
13460s it doesn't really feel like it can be an
13463s actual Avenue that you can pursue as a
13466s career but when you get to that line and
13467s you hear the audience cheering your name
13468s and for reacting to all the plays that
13470s you make it it really does hit you okay
13472s this is me I'm here I'm ready to show
13474s what I'm made of oh yeah and he that
13478s even got pretty no extends to viewers
13479s going to the event too I mean that's
13480s gonna be it's gonna be a good time
13481s meanwhile Puerto Rico defensively
13484s running that Echo like you said Moxie
13485s yeah Talisman on to that Echo loopy not
13488s actually playing towards the actions
13490s that he's going to be going for the
13491s traitor trying to push towards this back
13493s line some of that Costa Rica have been
13494s anticipating because they've actually
13496s got a Brigida and play to make sure that
13498s the artist stays alive when the Tracer
13500s comes calling and that's loopy in and on
13502s derp out now Costa Rica oh my God Sleek
13506s dart on develop from zulex he's been a
13508s fantastic and a player as you mentioned
13509s before Papa Joe though comes back for
13511s that peel into baru ready to counter
13513s dive now udella goes to that Dash but he
13515s immediately drop off The High Ground
13516s you're given so much cover down in this
13518s main side to this poke you know used
13520s your cooldowns and really get aggressive
13522s now Winter though Falls forward does use
13525s the coach gonna get out now baru finds
13527s also zulex and light wolf now yidel also
13529s gets on the Talisman and loopy Falls
13531s instantaneously so fantastic work from
13534s Costa Rica yeah there's so many much
13536s follow-up damage as well from Costa
13537s Rica's the UPS when Bowery goods for
13539s those jumps right winter can just lob a
13541s dynamite yodelican Dash brew and that
13543s guarantees just so much damage because
13545s brigan's by heel is slow and if so looks
13548s doesn't have that need he's not going to
13550s be able to act heal all of the damage
13552s left on the doorstep as Puerto Rico now
13554s have to contest with stagger kills
13556s they'll get poked out but has those
13558s heels wed Too Close towards that Nano
13559s yadelo also flows towards that blade so
13561s the minute blade play is what Costa Rica
13564s is looking for here
13565s on their attacking signs still getting
13567s that carp pushing and takes a little bit
13569s before it's active and ready to go first
13570s corner it's about to cross Puerto Rico
13573s really want that fast dive I imagine
13574s first before Nano blade could come out
13576s also that ain't he hits onto winter
13578s loopy finds wedge tube early Costa Rica
13580s maybe not ready for the dive of Puerto
13582s Rico to come through losing wed tube
13584s early on winter trying to fight off Papa
13586s Joe but he backs up towards his team
13588s though they still have the spawn doors
13589s Incredibly Close so they just wait for
13591s wet tube to come back and build banana
13592s yeah and I mean Puerto Rico don't really
13595s have anything that can peel this plate
13596s away the closest they're gonna have is
13598s the duplicate or even the Primal coming
13599s through from PAW Patrol is they just
13600s send them Nano to try and take once you
13603s down again and your Dello doesn't get
13605s the Nano when she uses it put it onto
13608s Barrow oh geez that's the worst feeling
13611s I mean Costa Rica at that point that's
13613s got to mentally mess with you obviously
13614s a missed Nano from wet tube's side
13617s sometimes it's obvious tonight his fault
13619s right
13621s is not just waiting with Primal on top
13624s of that spawn so when your dollar
13625s actually feels like this wait he's just
13626s gonna be able to juggle the Genji away
13627s from his team oh good there's gonna be
13628s rough the Girl drops onto winter bubbles
13630s off in early though eventually you know
13632s goes to die flail missed from that back
13635s line but they're able to pocket with the
13636s rally onto the blade gets pretty much
13638s nothing in terms of the kill Department
13639s Papa Joe comes back for the peel also a
13642s 3K for Papa Joe in that fight nice work
13645s from Puerto Rico
13647s himself off of that map really good peel
13650s from Puerto Rico light wolf with that
13651s rally guarantees that even though Papa
13653s Joe was diving on to Costa Rica's side
13655s therefore wasn't available to peel with
13657s the Primal Talisman is able as well to
13660s make sure that your doll was not able to
13661s find the kills nor get the dash reset to
13664s be able to make sure the post supports
13666s fall in one Bell super Costa Rica still
13668s sting on free ultimates do you have an
13670s advantage moving into those 9-5 we'll be
13672s seeing the right side Dash is back to
13673s Maine where they find udello meanwhile
13675s winter drops the Bob out the main side
13678s loopy with the pulse bomb drops it and
13680s it actually connects on a web tube it
13682s was on the shield with Carmack
13684s unfortunately it was hand delivered
13685s didn't know which side of the shield
13687s that that pulse was on fantastic work
13689s from the full spawn of loopy now Puerto
13691s Rico to Primal Rage are able to get
13693s yadel off of the map baru's also slept
13695s in his own Primal Rage Talisman
13697s eventually will find Carmack and Luffy
13698s now recruits the rest of his team two
13700s minutes and 50 seconds left Puerto
13702s Rico's gotten three successful team
13703s fights here Barrow now on to that Diva
13706s that's so much of spam coming through
13708s from Puerto Rico you're gonna be able to
13710s chunk furu Talisman as well the Beam not
13712s able to uh yeah defense metric sure but
13715s the stickies absolutely can as zulux
13717s does have banana boost it looks like he
13719s wants to put it on 2000s
13723s yeah that jumps back interesting play
13725s from them Papa job and Beyond expecting
13728s the Nano in that situation jumped back
13729s to his team also used his bubble
13731s cooldown now Costa Rica obviously don't
13734s have the ultimates here either until
13735s they get that Nano boost Talisman poppy
13737s engage in the he hits but yadelo finds
13740s zolics no papa Joe is there to find both
13742s Carmack and wed tube so it's worth the
13744s trade as eventually Shirley will come
13746s back for yadelo
13748s Puerto Rico just kind of waiting out
13750s again another hold for them again they
13752s have to see through the front of the
13754s Nano blade though yodello's gonna have
13756s it where she was already got the Anna
13758s old's modern light wolf not
13759s unfortunately close enough to the rally
13762s of Costa Rica act fast that's why we're
13763s seeing loopy just make sure that winter
13765s doesn't get passed potentially find
13767s another pick Puerto Rico have dealt with
13769s ultimate economy deficits by just
13771s pushing really aggressively with these
13772s guys to take the Anna down before Costa
13774s Rica can put their win conditions online
13775s it feels like they're doing the exact
13777s same thing again there's Dana blade
13779s jumps into the back it's the 2K Miss
13782s sleep Dart from zulux comes back from
13783s Papa Joe and now we get to see that
13785s Genji POV after he got the 3K with the
13788s blade and eventually through that
13790s they're able to capture out the second
13792s phase Puerto Rico they burn a lot of
13795s time off of a very fast a pickup from
13798s Costa Rica in streets but it's Point C
13801s is where the Defenders will really start
13803s getting that ground with those respawns
13804s when it does have the pulse bomb but
13806s it's the only ultimate that Costa Rica
13808s have tried snowball throw what a RICO on
13810s the other hand have a pulse bomb and a
13812s rally
13813s we're gonna go with that pulse and the
13815s rally like you send front line they're
13817s trying to build it Loop you already got
13819s the pulse waiting to go in for it and be
13821s a bit hesitant with that pulse bomb on
13823s the opposite winter not as says it in
13825s with a drop to close one to Papa Joe
13827s forcing light wolf to commit the rally
13828s now connects to that Force bomb I mean
13830s patience is key for loopy at the moment
13832s I mean he takes his time and connects
13834s the full stop into Carmack light wolf
13835s also finds Dello and two minutes left
13838s off the clock now or on the clock for
13840s Costa Rica on the third thing
13842s pressure as well on Bluetooth I should
13843s be
13846s I should be obviously upon
13848s the baby no they're not even going to
13850s let him get to the railings
13852s puts them out of his misery lets him
13854s regroup with his team but it's going to
13856s be after another 30 seconds of pass and
13858s as a result Puerto Rico's ultimate
13859s economy is absolutely thriving they
13862s found you know all the top Dash is back
13864s but this is where they noted they should
13865s notice baru is not with the team so they
13867s could have gone for an aggressive play
13868s right now and they do so a bit later
13870s goes to deceived on the bar the bar was
13871s there with defensive Matrix Luffy over
13872s the top as well with the rest of his
13874s team jumps back towards that Carver
13876s winter is has to recall away though
13878s Luffy with that Advantage Shirley will
13879s go for that duel but now of course we
13881s could drop off the back side towards
13883s that main yet again
13885s still with the primary Papa Joe goes
13887s aggressive with the Nana who's first to
13889s create some space and find yadello nice
13891s work from Papa Joe in Puerto Rico with
13893s the Nano engage also get baru out of the
13895s mecca again the rally pretty much
13897s negated Talisman will find winter and
13899s baru goes off the map a minute left on
13901s the clock for Costa Rica okay so we
13903s could do it so now I'll put hiridello is
13905s so far away
13909s [Music]
13912s I think
13914s Puerto Rico unable to just find even
13916s more stole but that's such a shame for
13918s your Dollar's play that's definitely
13920s rough 40. without the blade for Papa Joe
13922s Force the Primal wig so because he's in
13923s this aggressive spot and this is what I
13925s like out of Puerto Rico want to see them
13926s you know play in these very open spaces
13928s and just keep going aggressive on Costa
13930s Rica who don't have an answer Luffy
13931s finds guidelo even before it could build
13933s the blade and now that it's set up
13934s before that spawn Camp Over the Top If
13936s they said the supports in The High
13937s Ground they're golden
13938s I mean your doll is gonna have the blade
13940s but Costa Rica just used the Nano boots
13943s they've got the self-destruct at least
13944s to try and cut the path back towards
13946s that payload but Luffy's gonna have the
13948s pulse bomb and he is waiting we'll see
13951s if he does it again a D3 for three and
13953s he is fantastic
13954s and finds winter F3 recalls with his own
13957s blade get Della with the blade trying to
13959s equalize it but zolics finds him Diva
13961s bomb towards the card of baru everybody
13963s zones away the rest of Puerto Rico are
13966s grouped towards that car Papa Joe be
13967s back on the Reinhardt momentarily as
13969s well when troop nades himself to keep
13971s himself a bit healthy for a bit longer
13974s but baru eventually lose the mech and
13977s probably is life in baby Diva for him
13978s trying the duck and dive around a lot of
13981s the shots from the side of Puerto Rico
13983s but Winter Falls to Papa Joe will find
13985s Carmack and Puerto Rico stop Costa Rica
13987s in third phase I love that really late
13990s Tanks off as well from Papa Joe into the
13992s Reinhardt because not only can he just
13993s swing the hammer away at all of those
13995s players trying to just Scurry themselves
13997s onto the payload he can also use The
13999s Shield's block line of sight on the Anna
14000s healing coming through from web tube so
14002s unfortunately for Costa Rica even though
14005s their support should quote unquote be
14007s safely out of the way they're still not
14009s able to sustain the rest of the team the
14011s way we saw Puerto Rico so zulux up on
14014s the angle to be able to keep everyone's
14015s Sanctum I mean Puerto Rico absolute
14019s Master Class towards the end there and
14021s you know Max you I I want to ask you
14023s this question do you think that for some
14025s of these teams that obviously you know
14027s from Puerto Rico side they're very
14029s talented right but would you like to see
14031s them play even a bit more aggressive
14033s against the team like Costa Rica where
14034s they could really abuse a lot of space I
14036s don't know if the communications are to
14039s be honest I would love to see them go
14041s incredibly aggressive but we've seen a
14043s couple of times that there's been some
14045s communication failings right the biggest
14047s sign of it is if you want to none of the
14049s Winston you always wait for the Winston
14051s to either have jump on cooldown or to
14054s already be in the team and be on like
14057s that critical Health trying to build up
14059s to the prime as quickly as possible you
14061s never know the Winston as he jumps back
14063s to the team yeah I'm curious to see how
14065s long they've been practicing together
14068s um as a unit because obviously you know
14070s they each play on their own individual
14071s teams and now coming together for World
14072s Cup it's an interesting but I've never
14074s seen a POV in the bus here at Moxie
14076s either for this camera they're just
14078s walking through the barn so I didn't
14079s know it was an inside of that bus I
14080s didn't know they modeled it but uh you
14082s know they they do actually model these
14084s things now Puerto Rico have that Echo
14087s again like they ran on the defensive
14088s side this time we'll see if it works out
14090s for him
14095s incredibly fall back just waiting for
14097s Barry to make that opening dive chunky
14100s Target down low enough that your dollar
14101s can finish them off but he's immediately
14102s tracked by Puerto Rico oh my God winter
14104s nice shot from him
14106s shuts down loopy early horses Puerto
14109s Rico to play it slow through Maine again
14110s let's see if Puerto Rico wants to do
14112s something at least farm that Nana but
14113s he's probably just let papa Joe take
14115s some poke give zulics towards that Nana
14117s boost so they can go aggressive play or
14119s Talisman is going to build up towards
14120s that copy he's already 50 closest one to
14122s an ultimate in the server at the moment
14124s auntie from wed tube over the top to
14127s maybe equalize it as well now the dive
14130s comes through flail perfect from Carmack
14132s to boopa Papa Joe towards the point
14134s having the bubble here as well as
14135s amazing for that pressure that winter
14137s Shirley will fight over the top but the
14139s Genji goes incredibly low yadela will
14141s fall to Papa Joe for free as the pill
14143s came through onto winter and wed tube
14145s over the top and now missing their Genji
14147s they're they're missing a lot of that
14149s damage at also connects from the back
14151s line of zolek saying Winter's trying to
14153s find a kill here but he's lost all of
14155s his team and surely they'll have to give
14157s up the point
14158s patient play coming from Puerto Rico as
14160s well identifying that Tasman if he goes
14162s too aggressively he's going to get shut
14164s down by winter we saw the dynamites
14165s coming through the Zone the echo off to
14167s make sure that he wasn't able to follow
14168s with him Papa Joe's jumps it's only
14170s after they've been able to chase winter
14171s and exhaust the coach gun and the
14173s dynamite on to call that we see the full
14175s aggressive dive come through and again
14176s Puerto Rico trying to make the same
14178s thing happen just to get even more
14179s payload progress so they don't find
14181s themselves getting stuck around that
14183s first Corner oh my God the target focus
14184s of Puerto Rico is so good right now the
14186s coffee came through one of the Brigitte
14188s hack or a copy as well winter eventually
14191s we'll find it with a dynamite that
14192s provides even more space to Puerto Rico
14194s to set up Fidel is on to the echo but
14196s again we're gonna find ourselves facing
14198s the exact same problem that this team
14200s had they're not in control of the space
14203s that conquer as aggressively as Puerto
14205s Rico can since they've got the Nano
14207s boost in the Primal to be able to stall
14209s you got the Nano Play Over the Top we'll
14211s see if the supports are ready for it I'd
14213s like to see Costa Rica maybe aware but
14215s they send yidello in early they dies to
14218s loopy before they could even do anything
14219s they get now cleaned up by the Nana
14221s boost play and also use their own Nano
14223s ambaru which eventually will go to waste
14226s unless he build that Primal there yeah
14228s Puerto Rico clean him up and without
14230s that Winston to touch I don't know if
14231s they even do so here the banking it all
14234s on just exhausting all of these
14235s ultimates in a pointy fight where they
14238s have the faster response and the upper
14239s hand in terms of ultimate economy the
14241s problem is Papa Joe's is going to be
14243s waiting inside this small room with the
14245s Primal the Costa Rica it's actually form
14248s up and try and use these ultimates then
14250s he can go in and dislodge every single
14252s careful plan as Lucy Professor pencil I
14255s like what Papa Joe's doing here false
14257s bomb over the loopy of the left side and
14258s he sort of blows out nice sleep onto
14260s baru Bob's here though to Zone but an
14262s eight feet connect Audi Adella forcing
14264s that copy Bob's still there on the cart
14266s to at least Zone it for now but loopy
14268s and Papa Joe over there flank looking
14270s for the back with the full thumb could
14271s he connect the game he does this time on
14274s to Winter I think he's what four for
14276s four on pulse bombs the PO is there now
14278s for Costa Rica with yadelo he does get
14280s that Nano off I think before the copy
14282s will run out but they're down a person
14283s in this fight bar who doesn't have that
14286s Primal age desperately the lineman web
14288s shoots heels the aggressive play now
14290s from Puerto Rico with the rally with the
14292s copy results in web tube dying they
14294s could easily push this cart towards the
14296s end now Talisman will find Carmack with
14298s a cop for the with a copy jump onto
14300s Carmack that card is so close to the
14303s objective they're just waiting for this
14304s Tracer winter the last one to touch
14306s three meters two meters sleep there
14307s doesn't connect but they still kill him
14309s regardless and Puerto Rico will make it
14311s way easier on themselves on new Bonnet
14314s to get that 2-0 win that was so smart of
14317s them coming through from their positions
14318s when we headed into Point C just with
14320s the pressure of Papados positioning
14322s alongside loopy they're able to pull out
14325s three ultimates from the side of Costa
14328s Rica who remember had given up the
14330s contest on B to be able to play a full
14333s ultimate fight for the team when we
14335s headed into that defensive half and
14337s before they can actually even match
14339s Puerto Rico they're already down three
14341s of them well let's bring back Jamerson
14343s to kind of wrap everything up here for
14345s that last series yeah I mean I would say
14348s good looks good looks for Puerto Rico
14350s there we saw them um when we were
14352s starting off on Nepal having some great
14354s Dives with that Sombra I think Anders
14356s was doing an amazing job on that Sombra
14358s of being able to call out
14360s um the positions and calling out the
14362s Dives uh we got to see the follow-up
14364s coming as uh up from that tank line so
14366s really good looks from them there on uh
14369s Nepal although we did get to see of
14370s course once we went over to sanctum uh
14373s that we did have that kind of uh Costa
14377s Rica doing their homework and realizing
14378s that you know there might be that
14379s Reinhardt cheese here though on new
14381s Bonnie there's one point that I I kind
14384s of want to mull over with you guys like
14385s uh speaking of like the defense for uh
14388s for Puerto Rico it doesn't seem like
14390s they're not all kind of there when it
14393s comes to the dive defense and absorbing
14394s that dive even though they're running
14396s lightwolf on that brigitta uh what do
14400s you think they could be doing better on
14401s the point a defense
14403s I I it's tough to say I think that
14406s there's a lot that uh obviously they'll
14408s have to look back at
14410s um but obvious ly you know a lot of the
14412s point a defense can be quite difficult
14413s right I mean it's like one of the
14414s hardest in the map you know what's
14415s surprising Jamerson if you if you look
14417s at second point in your body I think it
14419s was a Puerto Rico held as well on their
14421s side for an incredibly long time when
14423s you know a lot of people don't like the
14424s Straits phase of new Bonnie right so you
14426s know I think there's a lot of the
14428s interesting things that happen in that
14429s series and I think it just comes down to
14432s you know a lot of the potential
14434s disparity between these two teams but
14436s also just a lot of you know kind of
14438s Randomness happening as well and here we
14440s go we're gonna go into that point as
14442s well Puerto Rico just looked a lot more
14444s comfortable when they had more grind to
14446s be able to pull back onto in terms of
14448s that defense zombie they had a lot more
14450s room to be able to position too like
14451s really far away from the fight so it was
14453s incredibly hot for Costa Rica so I
14455s should be able to send anyone of their
14458s DPS to be able to try and take the and
14459s down and pressure out some of those
14461s really crucial utilities like the
14462s anti-nate so as a result Puerto Rico
14465s just get kept getting to go as
14467s aggressive as they wanted to sending the
14469s dive in before Costa Rica we're actually
14471s able to use any of the ultimates that
14473s they built up taking Point as quickly as
14475s they did and on their offense they
14476s looked extremely well coordinated loopy
14481s um was doing an amazing job as well as
14484s Talisman but loopy was like Dustin had
14487s mentioned went like four for four maybe
14488s five for five on those pulse bomb
14490s stickies and uh how much of that can you
14493s attribute to Luffy just being able to
14495s fly in those moments but or uh the
14498s pressure that the rest of the like the
14500s tank line uh brings in uh for Puerto
14502s Rico there uh moxie so a lot of the time
14505s when he was actually finding those
14506s sticky uh sticks with the pulse bomb he
14508s was taking it into a lot of players
14510s where they were all clumped up because
14511s of that pressure that all of these other
14513s players on Porter's Rico's side are
14515s providing and as a result even if you
14517s don't manage to find that stick onto the
14519s break because it's onto the shield and
14520s you can immediately just drop in the
14521s first one falls to the floor if too many
14523s players are too close to that Brigida
14525s when the boss from Death needs you're
14527s still gonna be able to find the pick
14528s that being said he had absolutely no
14530s problem bypassing the brake Shield every
14532s single time he went for karma Q was able
14534s to land the stick oh man there were a
14536s few moments as well where like Carmack
14538s tried his best uh to Shield bash's away
14540s uh his way away from the team but there
14542s was one moment I believe where he
14544s brought it right into uh a 2K Palm
14546s there's a really important very
14548s difficult
14549s um in that regard but an amazing job
14551s once again from loopy
14553s um and all of Puerto Rico here again
14554s they had a pretty difficult last two
14557s days having to face off against the USA
14559s then Canada but this is a nice bounce
14561s back for them like we said very
14563s important match to keep their World Cup
14565s hopes alive so congratulations to Puerto
14568s Rico who now go two and two now they're
14570s gonna be watching with baited breath
14572s Canada versus Mexico that's the matchup
14575s on the other side of the break a super
14577s important one as well you're not going
14579s to want to miss that so don't go
14580s anywhere guys we're right back with more
14582s OverWatch World Cup after this
14589s foreign
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14908s thank you
14911s welcome back to the OverWatch World Cup
14914s this is the uh America's conference
14916s group a final match of the day it's
14919s Canada versus Mexico both teams
14921s currently sitting at two and one and a
14925s victory here basically cements your way
14928s in to uh the finals into BlizzCon but uh
14932s they still have two matches ahead of
14933s them of course they haven't played all
14934s five yet so uh their Journey isn't done
14937s but you know there are large
14939s ramifications here now uh taking a look
14942s at this matchup between Canada and
14943s Mexico uh again both of them are sitting
14946s at 2-1 this will be a huge tiebreaker
14948s but we do have to break down the stakes
14951s of this match right Moxie because again
14954s we have three slots available here for
14957s um group a and so it's not completely
14960s set in stone yet especially with Puerto
14962s Rico taking that 2-2
14964s um at the uh at the beginning of the day
14966s I'm so happy you mentioned Puerto Rico
14969s because they may have just won that
14970s match but they are not selling
14971s celebrating or winning that match they
14974s are going to be glued to this stream to
14976s see the results of whether or not Canada
14978s are going to be able to deal a loss to
14981s Mexico who are the only team so far to
14983s be able to take any map any ground
14985s against him he was like so it's a really
14987s important Benchmark map but candidate to
14990s prove that even though they're a little
14991s bit behind Team USA they're not so far
14994s behind Team USA that they can just
14996s practice a little bit more and be able
14998s to meet their match when we actually
14999s head towards BlizzCon and for Mexico
15001s it's incredibly important because they
15003s have to prove they can go for the upside
15005s that they're a lot closer to the likes
15007s of Team Canada and USA that a lot of
15010s people are expecting yeah we got to see
15012s astronauts coming in from Canada
15013s yesterday as well uh much to uh the
15017s happiness of
15019s um Billy earlier on yesterday but on the
15022s other side of this matchup Mexico where
15025s do they stand in this group right we we
15027s I think all fully understood especially
15030s with the caliber of players coming in
15031s for team us say the more the big
15033s question marks were going to be how do
15035s Canada and Mexico
15037s um kind of Step Up in uh in that regard
15040s where do they rank amongst this group
15042s now Dustin what have you been seeing out
15044s of Mexico we've talked a lot about
15046s unhealth a lotto but is it only the
15048s one-man show for them
15050s no I don't think so I think yeah this
15051s whole lineup is is very talented right I
15054s think this is one of the best showings
15055s we've seen from Mexico and World Cup
15056s history I think historically you know
15059s Canada usually edges out Mexico and in
15061s fact at points has been one of the best
15063s teams in World Cup so you know to get
15066s that win today potentially over Canada
15068s would prove you know a lot of the lineup
15070s is super good like you said it isn't
15071s just the angel villado show it's also
15073s castled on that Winston all the time
15075s hysteria also flexing also trouble locks
15077s playing really well and then having a
15078s very solid back line in Momo and
15080s Paulette and also subbing in sopa for
15082s that Lucio so they have a very versatile
15084s group that is also very very
15086s mechanically skilled so I think that
15088s Mexico just is that at the point right
15091s now where they really need to beat
15092s Canada today
15094s um and absolutely make one of the
15095s statement wins so far in the qualifiers
15097s we're gonna be starting it off once
15099s again on Nepal Moxie who do you give the
15102s heads up to here in this matchup
15104s um now that we're starting it off on
15105s Nepal between Canada and Mexico I mean I
15108s have to go with Canada the the favorites
15110s moving into this not just because of the
15112s the track record but also because of
15115s just the experience that that so many of
15117s this team has like they're coming from
15118s contenders teams they've got OverWatch
15120s League experience as well from the likes
15122s of crimson coming out from a Vancouver
15123s Titans Cal had some insane pop-up
15126s moments the last time we got to see him
15127s play the kiriko towards some Barney it's
15129s a really strong team and they do have to
15132s prove that that loss against Team USA
15135s was just a fluke and a little bit of a
15137s rough day and I mean we've seen them
15139s prove that against other teams but
15141s Mexico is the team that's come the
15143s closest to both them and USA so far so
15146s this is the true test for this team to
15148s show that they're here to stay and that
15150s they can Challenge USA again
15152s and what strengths Dustin
15154s um do you think Mexico brings in to try
15157s and upset Canada in this matchup as it
15159s looks like we are ready for this match
15161s so I'm going to leave you with that
15163s question guys go ahead and take it away
15164s let's pondered a bit I guess Moxie thank
15167s you Jameson and obviously last given the
15169s day like you said I think that a lot of
15171s the strengths obviously like you
15172s mentioned earlier you know rely on those
15174s Dives right Moxie it seems like they're
15175s a very good team when it comes to being
15177s fast paced right
15178s as well like you talked about a lot of
15180s different hero is coming through we've
15182s seen Showbox played at Genji as well to
15185s be able to probably get a lot of value
15186s off of things like the Winston dive
15188s where the Winston chips a Target down
15190s low enough Genji Franks and dash and
15191s really gets the dash reset gets to find
15193s that kill but also regroup with the rest
15195s of his team interestingly enough though
15197s like you said they're running sober
15199s rather than Paulette who normally comes
15202s in to play that Brigida so chances are
15205s we're going to be seeing a little bit of
15206s a different look coming through from
15208s this team and so for not on the Lucio
15210s this time on to the mercy to pocket show
15213s blocks on the far a flexibility in full
15215s play yes hope I guess more of their like
15218s paint supporters palette I guess is kind
15219s of flex support Brigitte type player uh
15222s Canada rocking out with that sojourn in
15226s the May playing a little bit slow
15227s instead of trying to go for reset
15228s noxious now caught uh catches on that
15231s Canada wants to make a comp switch Yeah
15233s they have to they were not expecting the
15235s pharmacy and as a result Mexico might
15237s actually potentially get to pick up this
15240s point for absolutely wait look Maxwell's
15243s swapping too they sent Joe blocks back
15245s towards the spawn Mexico takes the point
15246s what do they swapped to put Roblox
15252s off of the romantron today but so the
15255s summer can just shun through the Stephen
15256s act but it is you know whoever wins his
15258s first fight you know can win the series
15260s and they haven't gone to the point just
15261s yet Mexico hasn't so it's there he gets
15263s left hack and integrated on that back
15266s side it's huge for Mexico but he gets
15268s killed by noxious on the front line and
15270s Canada flipped that point back so Mexico
15272s a bit of hesitancy with their
15274s composition results in that first point
15276s going back in the favor of Canada I
15278s think they've valued that stole
15280s potential of this composition a little
15282s bit too much as well right hysteria I
15284s don't know that wrecking ball before you
15286s were going to survive a little bit
15287s longer but obviously with the Sombra has
15290s the means of being able to cut the
15291s grapple short and we've moved away from
15293s the days of a Hammond's Eternal stall
15295s with the six second grapple cooldowners
15297s it looks like I'm actually going to have
15298s a pause Dustin whether or not we're
15300s going to see an actual reason of the map
15302s is gonna be an interesting one because
15304s Mexico did manage to grade out a lot of
15307s early percentage with the forest
15309s Shenanigans coming for at the beginning
15311s yeah that was really interesting I don't
15313s know I mean it's tough to say what the
15315s right call is in a lot of those fights
15316s because obviously you know Canada makes
15318s that swap first which I think is right
15320s but then also eventually Mexico does in
15323s which I I don't think that's right it's
15324s like kind of weird isn't it just a bit
15327s it's not really something fully
15328s understood by some of these teams I mean
15330s you think that with if you run the
15331s ferricot Moxie obviously for the side of
15333s like uh Saudi Arabia you really like
15335s playing that fairy comp no matter what
15337s so don't you want your team to be more
15338s confident anyways if they're gonna play
15339s the Pharaoh comp regardless of what you
15341s roll out against I think they just
15343s didn't want to have to play The Ram
15344s right you look at the composition that
15346s they're coming out with romata is
15348s incredibly strong at being able to deal
15350s with momentum and stole he's ruthlessly
15352s efficient at being able to show things
15354s like the Hammond down with the vortexes
15355s as well as being able to keep that
15358s Shield up to poke down the Anna and also
15360s block line of sight for the heal
15361s sustainability to be there I think
15364s honestly it was literally just Mind
15365s Games to force false off of the
15368s rematcher and onto the diva which is a
15370s far more easy option for the Sombra to
15373s be able to deal if yes the infinite
15374s armor does make this project a little
15376s bit more annoying but you can Farm EMP
15378s off of that Meg deny defense Matrix and
15381s really allow the rest of your team to be
15382s able to flourish as opposed to trying to
15384s go through a matter even if you find the
15386s hack connection onto him you're not
15387s really denying that presence that he has
15390s in the fight because he can still use
15391s the primary to poke you down
15393s uh so it's so interesting I mean there's
15395s like a there's a lot of calls I think
15396s that could be made there uh but
15398s regardless obviously as it stands well
15400s we're in the pause you know Canada are
15402s the ones on the point and have that flip
15405s and you know have a lot of that control
15407s right where Mexico now has to recontest
15410s um and it's not gonna be it's not gonna
15411s be an easy task versus the team that is
15414s you know so mobile it's going to be
15416s essentially just an arms race for for
15418s ultimates especially for the sombres
15420s both of them switching around about the
15422s same time period both of them gonna be
15424s able to farm that EMP off of the diva
15427s Mech whoever hits that EMP first of all
15429s especially because we're seeing Anna
15431s Brigida rather than a Lucio Zenyatta EMP
15434s is essentially a fight one
15436s I'm not going for that poke fight with
15439s the Enemy Sombra of Seeker
15442s now in the main side almost get attacked
15444s with blinks away onto Crimson who's the
15445s dive eventually comes on him with
15447s trouble Lux but he gets to bring it to
15449s health packs from Magic mate ball with
15452s dinner with the peel Crimson doing great
15453s job building towards that Nana booth go
15455s blocks definitely trying to build his as
15457s well but sofa gets slept on that
15458s backside and integrinated let's see if
15461s the kill eventually comes through
15462s eventually it won't actually but Mexico
15464s did a great job sustaining versus that
15467s diver on hell is just trying to find
15468s some positioning on the downside trouble
15469s like sets up with the EMP but his team
15472s is EMP on the opposite side and they
15474s lose Momo and sopa immediately fantastic
15476s EMP from Canada with the nanoboost
15478s engaged but that's two ultimates for us
15479s Mexico hold on to there yeah and I'm
15481s sorry whoever hits the EMP and uses it
15484s first is going to be able to find that
15485s immediate momentum since the support
15487s ultimates have not been bull for the
15489s side of Mexico they're gonna have them
15491s now to be able to try and follow up on
15493s the EMP but Canada also have means of
15495s sustaining of their own the rally the
15497s self-destruct to be able to peel
15498s Mexico's aggression
15502s so he goes to that front line EMP and
15504s they find noxus immediately Crimson not
15506s bear with appeal in time because he was
15507s too scared of the EMP now Mexico used
15510s that advantage to walk in get the hack
15512s on the fall temporarily but with the
15514s rally re-engage from Canada Mexico now
15516s needs to deal with it Nana boost sofa
15518s who's building towards that rally who
15520s doesn't have it yet though but Nancy
15521s connects on the magic mayfall fantastic
15523s made for Momo again we've been so
15525s impactful on the NFL is trying to
15527s equalize if it doesn't have a lot of
15529s that follow-up damn mcnoxious drops the
15530s force bomb though and they find someone
15532s before he goes to Rally false Diva bombs
15534s but dies with the engine on him Angel
15536s was there for the peel and also the
15538s Sleep Dart from Momo on Hell's there
15539s with the peel and fantastic Regatta from
15542s Mexico Canada exhaust all of their
15544s ultimates that they had available in
15546s that fight as well they're going to have
15547s a nano boost and try and save the
15548s squishy Target they don't have a lot of
15550s tries to use responsible bonus so you
15552s can kiss actually spy checked not by the
15555s Diva by the Tracer and as a result the
15558s backline from Mexico are more than safe
15561s at the moment as we're going to have to
15562s see the summer try to relocate yeah I
15564s love this fight it's a super defensible
15566s position on The High Ground but that
15568s does leave hysteria alone on the point
15569s on Hell actually kills himself with the
15570s poor spawn but takes match meatball out
15572s as well 50 of the board Mexico trying to
15575s sustain with their own rally hysteria
15578s jumped up to this guy to avoid a lot of
15580s that damage Seeker also gets hacked with
15581s his EMP available so now he's not in the
15583s fight any longer not just those bill
15585s being a new sense of sleep dark came out
15587s onto hysteria to stop that push Canada
15589s slowly work things back in the favor
15590s Anthony of ultimates here towards the
15592s point Joe Black trying to build that EMP
15594s towards the elephant side as well pack
15597s almost connects onto his area but he
15599s uses the cover to avoid it now the EMP
15600s on the Canada side from tropolis
15603s Fantastic EMP from him they get knocked
15605s us out immediately and Kane didn't want
15607s to reset now
15609s as well to land on to seek around two
15612s other members of candle so they can't
15614s use the EMP but kind of with the rubber
15615s band unable to successfully re-engage
15618s they lose magic maple on the rotation
15620s back towards that point and Canada they
15623s use the EMP Justin they've been
15624s absolutely shut out of this fight oh
15626s noxious hands claimed at the pool spawn
15628s fantastic from him but they're relying
15630s entirely off individual prowess at the
15632s moment Canada pushed forward onto
15634s Mexico's back line Momo gets hacked so
15636s has a lot of pressure from Seeker almost
15639s Falls but uses the cover brilliantly and
15641s has sofa there for the peel now they're
15643s able to come back Paul still sitting
15644s with Ebon criminal goes to low it diced
15646s on Hill volado what a pick up from him
15648s out of the story and a player of Canada
15650s and now without that Anna they don't
15652s have that support they're close to match
15654s Maple at the rally but they've already
15656s lost noxious and fals is out of the neck
15658s Force the diva bomb just with the
15659s rallying brigitta on the point Seeker
15661s has stopped Momo but it did cost him his
15663s life on hell has been running in
15666s absolute a terror on the back line of
15668s Canada at the moment they're diving on a
15670s match Maple who is back towards the main
15671s now has trims though there false is down
15673s hysteria out of Mech maybe with that
15676s they could find some momentum back
15677s towards the point getting able to get
15679s some of that point presence EMP from
15681s trouble Lux is there but unfortunately
15683s they don't have to follow up Canada
15684s sustain through it and they've killed on
15686s hell in hysteria and have reclaimed that
15688s point last second nobody there now for
15690s Mexico
15692s and with just Momo alive nobody's there
15695s to touch Canada oh my God I almost had a
15697s heart attack take round one
15700s this is not as a dominant a performance
15704s as Canada needed Mexico was showing that
15708s they have so much life in them that they
15710s have that Target Focus that they have
15712s the mechanical skill Canada made some
15714s mistakes in terms of where they would
15716s allocate ultimates when they would try
15717s and rotate back towards these fights
15719s there are weaknesses that if Mexico were
15722s able to continue to take advantage of we
15724s could very well be seeing the first
15726s proper upset in this region as again
15729s reading European starting composition
15731s really becomes incredibly important show
15735s blocks onto the echo Seeker onto the
15737s pharah echo always has the means of
15740s being able to collapse onto the mercy
15741s far better but far with that two-tap
15743s depth drop down to be able to zone out
15745s this Anna with the splash damage
15747s constantly there as opposed to the echo
15748s who has to rely on the stickies to do so
15750s it has a lot of space control Showbox
15752s has gone immediately wear a sofa oh no
15756s that's that's a rough opening pick yeah
15759s I mean Village is really unforgiving if
15761s you miss time your GA on this map if
15764s you're far or your Echo uses that shift
15766s and you don't have that slingshot
15768s capability as the mercy you do just get
15770s stuck on the rooftops and slide back
15771s down something that kind of very quickly
15773s saw and take advantage jobs I'm liking
15775s the Pharaoh so far but does have to deal
15777s with the echo over the top now Momo
15780s peeks out as well to put some pressure
15782s on the Seeker force them away back
15785s towards the point Gibson's face to the
15786s echo blocks but neither
15788s you know Sky character really taking a
15791s whole lot of damage now Seeker backs up
15793s as well
15794s no kills just down on the side Public's
15797s looking for magic maple on the beside
15798s primzo's there with the heels to keep
15799s him healthy Max is going to rotate
15801s towards that point to try to get the
15802s flip almost do so but Canada's there to
15805s contest but hysteria through that Rick
15806s attached flying Tinker down below the
15808s ranch potentially could be there and it
15810s is for magic mayfall but Joe blocks
15812s through that is able to find crimson and
15814s they flip the point back Momo needs some
15816s peeling desperately on the back but a
15818s theory is there and so is that back line
15820s of momo two and sofa so they're able to
15823s get knocked a seeker and matched mayfall
15825s find false as well as he runs away then
15827s reclaim the point earlier
15830s onto the echo are we gonna see fools I
15832s think he's gonna use the hammer mines
15833s and then most likely swap towards the
15835s diva she asked to make sure that magic
15836s Maple when he's pulled out of position
15838s to find his glasses has defense Matrix
15840s behind him if sober has to go for that
15842s really vulnerable position where you're
15843s static they at least have a serious Mac
15845s to be able to pull back onto football
15847s stands that copy
15849s pretty good let's play five ultimates on
15850s the side of Mexico the dive comes
15852s through from The Falls but he gets left
15853s however Crimson gets Momo on that dive
15856s however it cost him his life full Spawn
15858s from Angel villado copy and asleep oh my
15861s God the theory is that it was a
15864s follow-up the quick Copy switch into the
15866s sleep from troll boys was absolutely
15868s beautiful and now Mexico have rotated
15870s towards the point to use the copied nano
15871s two to sustain false wants to win this
15873s point so he drops the Wrecking Ball
15875s Ultimate but Seeker is getting dipped in
15877s the air by two blocks what a play from
15879s here even with the valkyrie Match Made
15881s full he couldn't live toe blocks is on
15883s Fire gets magic mayfall out of here and
15886s 60 and going what a play from the echo
15889s of Mexico you need the diva you need the
15891s diva right now false is trying alongside
15893s noxious to draw attention from Mexico
15895s away from all of these squishies walking
15898s through this rotations towards the point
15900s so they can just find that flip but the
15902s diva is necessary to be able to just
15905s make sure you can Crush Roblox the way
15907s that he's been able to pressure the
15908s entirety of Team Canada there it is
15910s Falls onto the dealer with the neck with
15912s defense Matrix gets jumped on absolutely
15916s destroyed with the Nana boost the engage
15917s also connects onto Momo fantastic
15920s re-engage by Canada where Crimson she's
15923s fighting for his life at the moment I
15924s mean he's sitting so far back that
15925s nobody can help him and he wins the one
15927s doing with on hell too Canada flipped
15928s the point now for another favor
15931s it falls up 96 of this point however
15934s Dustin in Canada they it may have
15936s ultimates but they're going to have to
15938s throw a good money in to be able to
15939s stall to make the same percentage that
15941s Mexico have already been able to accrue
15943s speakers just sitting on this duplicate
15945s can't actually duplicate the other Echo
15947s he is going to have to choose another
15948s Target to go for
15949s eign
15951s on the board for Canada that only
15953s ultimate like you said Maxwell do have
15955s that old advantage
15956s Peter Still agree to do whatever he
15958s wants goes for the cop in a tracer
15960s notices Mama took the body shot from
15961s Crimson so they have to feel the
15963s criminal hits with the name as the peel
15964s came from Mysterio defensive Matrix
15966s towards Seeker but now that full spawn
15967s comes out late perfect timing to follow
15970s up on a crimson's made Canada now up to
15972s 70 that Fades like that defense Matrix
15974s so the need can come through from
15976s crimson and as a result even if the diva
15979s had been able to just body a person with
15981s that Dash from The Alley you still would
15982s not have been able to heal yourself
15983s defense Matrix with one eye in Canada
15985s would still have been able to pick up
15987s the kill they did what they needed to do
15988s use one ultimate to be able to stall
15990s into this next fight to be able to
15991s equalize 20 percentage will they hear
15993s Seeker above it's kind of a quiet sound
15995s effect with the echo flying now toe box
15997s goes aggressive towards Crimson gets the
15999s copy again tries to throw off the nape
16000s but he's lost his Mercy already sopa the
16003s target for that dime of Canada Seeker
16005s fantastic Target selection from his side
16007s 96 on the board they're doing without
16008s their Mercy who has to come back with
16010s the valkyrie but they're sticky Vermont
16011s Hill as Seeker flew away he couldn't
16013s shake off that pool so the resurrect is
16015s there for mayfall nox just takes up some
16017s poke from trouble like but without the
16019s mercy pocket there troublex Falls Knox
16021s is still here with the force bomb two
16022s Diva bomb two just delay and he finds
16025s noxious where the red wreck's not there
16026s sleep Dart from Crimson meanwhile came
16027s out and connecting to on Hell fantastic
16029s work from Crimson there a Seeker is
16032s doing a lot of that damage towards the
16034s Point Mexico don't have enough damage to
16036s sustain here on the point the flip goes
16038s back for Canada hysteria loses the mech
16041s and out of baby form takes the internet
16043s too Seeker just getting all of these
16044s final blows crimzo will find sopa and
16047s sadly for Mexico at least on Nepal
16050s they'll lose it down one to Canada it's
16053s that experience again with Target Focus
16055s for Canada yes all of their players are
16058s trying to balance that point contest
16059s southern Mexico don't manage to find
16060s that flip but at the same time Seeker is
16063s incredibly Vigilant of what everyone is
16066s trying to do especially where that Anna
16068s is trying to position he goes after Momo
16070s and Momo goes down without actually
16072s being able to connect on to any one of
16074s his team with that Nano boost and as a
16076s result just don't have the ability to be
16079s able to keep that Diva sustaining on the
16080s point for long enough to be able to body
16082s through and absorb all of the damages
16084s Canada's Target Focus Squishy after
16086s squishy after squishy until that point
16088s is entirely clear I mean Max that was an
16091s absolutely beautiful game of OverWatch
16092s that we just watched between these two
16094s teams I think that you know for the side
16095s of Mexico to take it to Canada as a big
16098s deal obviously you know for Canada's
16099s side that was a fantastic first map to
16101s win but you know Mexico doesn't seem to
16103s be as slouch as it stands Mexico forced
16105s Canada to swap up these compositions
16107s right we saw the attempt at the
16109s racquetball we saw the attempt at the
16110s Farah and it did not work immediately it
16113s was on to okay we have to mirror Diva
16115s for Diva Echo for Echo because you just
16117s saw what happens right when a mercy gets
16119s close enough and has to use things like
16120s the super jump to be able to stay
16121s attached to that DPS that you're
16123s pocketing it creates that space for the
16126s echo to be able to close up the distance
16127s land the staircase land the primary land
16129s a million off the most is gone I mean
16131s fantastic work now going to the game
16134s number two Moxie I mean do we can we
16136s even say a identified like a like a pure
16139s favorite for this next map I mean it's
16140s just at the moment for Canada's side it
16144s does seem like they wanted to play that
16145s Ram composition but really couldn't on
16147s round number one but then made that Flex
16149s over do you think for that now number
16151s two in order to get that 2-0 they lock
16153s maybe something more towards brawl
16156s right because
16159s troll map they're not the ones in
16161s control of where we head to next so we
16163s could very well see that Mexico takes
16166s somewhat like nambani where they're
16167s still going to be able to play Roblox on
16169s the yaka who was absolutely monstrous
16171s until we saw the mirror swaps comfort
16173s from Canada's side but it also means
16175s that Kanda again aren't able to play
16177s towards that round you have to mirror
16178s dive
16180s you know it's an interesting point that
16181s both teams have to make it the moment
16183s and
16184s it did seem like for Canada's side Moxie
16186s that you know a lot of this is coming
16188s down to as well time together I mean
16190s doesn't it also seem I mean Mexico as
16192s well doesn't it seem that both these
16193s teams have a bit more coordination than
16195s some of the other teams we've seen so
16196s far like Costa Rica like Puerto Rico
16198s like some of those teams but it's not
16200s exactly to the level of USA rate yet
16202s right I mean there's obviously some some
16204s um things need to work out there were
16207s some moments again where Canada will
16208s like well we have these ultimate with 71
16211s away from these ultimates if we just use
16213s Hammonds we're going to be able to find
16214s that Point Flip we're gonna be able to
16215s make this composition working as a
16217s result some of those hair results well
16218s they didn't come in too late they
16220s definitely came down to the wire
16222s regards to that stuff onto the diva and
16225s off of the Hammond because again like
16226s you're not really getting to distract
16228s and set your GPS office the Hammond
16231s you're the one that's meant to be going
16232s and interrupting all these compositions
16233s but because they haven't has no means of
16235s being able to stand up to the echo spam
16237s he can't just defense Matrix you can't
16238s immediately find those pile drives he
16240s just gets chunked down incredibly low
16242s and because Crimson on the island second
16244s he tries to line upside down and you're
16246s stepping into line of fire from everyone
16248s on Mexico's side that honor is not going
16250s to last a single second by defense
16251s Matrix so the swaps were necessary they
16254s did come through but Mexico can
16255s absolutely punish how long it took for
16258s some of those to actually be committed
16260s onto in obviously since Canada just won
16263s that battle number one letting the
16265s matter between me we kind of saw some
16266s similar things that we usually see out
16268s of Canada right obviously crims are
16269s popping off by the way numbani is the
16272s next map but you know what was kind of a
16273s surprise Moxie was a Seeker didn't
16275s really look like a slouch on that Echo
16277s did he hmm he had a really good Echo
16280s like he was getting damage boosted a lot
16282s of the time as well being topped up to
16284s make sure that he could go toad so with
16286s two blocks on the echo as well but he
16288s had the positioning and spacing really
16291s nailed down well we saw him move away
16293s from the forest what's the echo like
16294s it's always really interesting to see
16295s how those two DPS is actually like pace
16297s around each other obviously with the
16298s four of us as far you want to be the
16300s Farah above the other far which again is
16302s why you want to be winning the these
16304s floats back to back to back so you're
16305s always going to have that acceleration
16307s and hide above the fire so you can get
16309s as close as possible and go for that two
16310s tap with very little distance to
16313s actually be able to miss those shots
16314s with the echo versus the echo you ignore
16316s the other Echo and go straight for the
16318s mercy which is what we were seeing both
16320s of those hackers trying to do time and
16322s time again and as we head into nambani
16324s if we do see the echo play come through
16326s once again and there is Mercy pockets
16328s it's going to be more of the same Echo
16330s spam damage to keep the head scan off of
16331s the angle and then the second that
16333s you're close enough to be able to land
16334s that beam you go straight for the kill
16337s maybe on that note too I mean obviously
16339s sopa is a good player too which by the
16341s way he's still back in also Cal in for
16344s magic Maple but I was gonna say magic
16345s Maple looked like he was doing good on
16346s the mercy too to avoid a lot of the
16348s damage from Showbox right yeah yeah
16350s Canada now are prioritizing damage they
16353s understand that zika has so much room in
16356s nandani these really tight Corners these
16358s really high building to be able to
16359s disguise his position and Echo already
16361s has a very slim hitbox so it can be
16363s pretty hard for a hit scan to be able to
16366s take it down in comparison to something
16367s like the pharah and whenever characters
16369s play numbani he comes to play on the
16372s kiriko those q and eyes do not miss
16375s who subs for Canada meanwhile only one
16377s for Mexico with castled back in who is
16380s their Winston player now candid on their
16382s side obviously rocking with their own
16384s and playing the echo yet again but
16385s without the mercy this time yeah trouble
16387s is getting a little bit of early damage
16389s however Stills open with those Echo
16391s spans but Canada like you said not going
16395s to be running towards a pretty
16397s aggressive dive at them I'm just waiting
16398s for Mexico to try and show their hand a
16400s little bit too soon no oh no cholos took
16403s a head shot it looked like from Secret
16404s before he went into Castle crates it
16405s back for himself wanted to go aggressive
16407s but that costed him as live Castle now
16410s has to regroup towards his team Canada
16411s looks a little bit stunned at the moment
16413s Seeker goes solo down to when it fit on
16416s on Hell finds him knock just as well
16418s recalls though so he stains as well as
16419s Castle still wants some more even though
16422s he's not fully healthy the back line of
16424s soap and Mom will keep him healthy and
16425s Canada's pushed off the point for now
16427s yeah staying around at High Ground where
16429s Angel villado is able to control all of
16431s these different Avenues if you're on
16433s Echo without a mercy pocket is going to
16434s be an absolute death sentence something
16436s that so you could find out the hard way
16438s is Canada folding up their ultimates
16440s waiting for that right opportunity to be
16442s able to move on to the start yeah I like
16444s that Owen has also trying to counter not
16445s just here on that outside make sure that
16447s fuel doesn't come through castle with
16448s those going alone
16450s Two Shots your money doesn't miss but
16452s Joba trades it back Seeker goes down
16454s though noxious is there to dive on the
16456s sofa regardless of maybe having to deal
16458s with angel on the Tracer on house is
16460s going for Crimson while Astro able to
16463s find shovel Lux there Mexico backs up
16465s maybe gonna try to recontest at 75
16467s percent you're going to be missing
16468s Showbox that is the majority of the
16470s burst damage as well as the ability to
16472s be able to break off Nexus Winston
16474s bubble but it does look like Mexico are
16476s trying he's just full of this Nano Boost
16478s from Momo as quickly as possible not
16479s recontesting the actual point cap but
16482s just trying to have that Winston take a
16483s little bit of FaceTime down to be able
16485s to match ultimates of counter around
16486s corner that was a tough fight probably
16488s to take after Castle views to jump pull
16490s down and also the bubble really
16492s difficult to recontance versus Canada
16494s who's all there meanwhile noxious
16496s recalls can't set up the force bomb yet
16497s Castle is aware of that until he Dives
16499s on him immediately Nana boost available
16500s on the side of Canada's team so they can
16503s immediately go for that dime with that
16506s Nano on an echo or the Winston they go
16507s for Asheville first to build the Primal
16509s Rage Castle just tries to get on the
16511s Crimson but he slept here topless copied
16513s on the end I mean on the front line out
16514s of the copy and then also Tracked Down
16516s by noxious while Castle noticing as well
16518s as Echo wants to climb a race to try to
16520s get something but without Mobile Canada
16522s is at the moment it's hard to really get
16525s any kills with the Primal Rage so he's
16526s just gonna have to back up let's see if
16528s Mexico really wants to win this fight
16530s here and now we're throwing nanabus may
16531s be on the castle they're still sitting
16533s with it Canada though knowing they have
16534s the main advantage wants to go for more
16536s anything connects on the sofa and the
16538s nades are there from Seeker Mexico is
16539s getting staggered on Hill drops the
16541s pulse bomb on the opposite side but he's
16543s without his team and dice the cowl two
16546s Mexico are falling apart at the moment
16548s oh it's so mean when you know that the
16550s target is so low and they're going
16551s straight Health back on The High Ground
16553s just send the stickies from the echo
16555s then chances are you're going to be able
16557s to pick up one squishy before they're
16558s able to find it health replenishment
16560s because astronomics is actually going to
16562s be able to find a stagger pick onto Momo
16564s who still has not been able to use this
16565s Mana boost and as a result Canada are
16568s going to just be able to keep rolling
16569s they have that spam pressure to be able
16571s to make sure that Mexico cannot contest
16573s until that card is on the checkpoint or
16575s at least until the Anna's respawns
16578s [Music]
16579s like he had plural or a Nana boost but
16581s mother was still at the point this is
16583s great from Canada they get on the on
16586s hell to Roblox during this one we talked
16587s about with other let maybe lesser teams
16589s that are still good want to see that
16590s aggression Canada finding that pick on
16592s the end I mean amazing
16594s is going to have the duplicate noxus is
16596s gonna have to postpone crimson's coming
16598s up to another nautilused about to lap
16601s Momo an ultimate charge if he hasn't
16603s already is we're going to be seeing the
16604s Panic Swap come through try and deal
16605s with this dive with this Winston Showbox
16607s onto the Reaper
16610s on that Reaper like you mentioned Nana
16611s boost on the castle to go aggressive but
16613s noxious there with the pulse bomb onto
16615s the shield though nice job to avoid that
16617s pulse Castle though now is the target of
16620s Canada anti-connects on the noxious he
16623s just wait for that the copy did come
16624s through on the Seeker drugs use the
16625s death Blossom before the copied runs out
16627s but doesn't get maximum value on it
16629s necessarily the bubble used from Astro
16631s also with the Nano boost means he can go
16633s aggressive on the sofa and natural has
16635s been playing so well in the Winston thus
16637s far also barely lives and gets those
16639s heels from Crimson Cal
16641s it will get back to full HP as well and
16644s Seeger on the front line finds shovelas
16645s Crimson though goes down because Castle
16647s is Primal raging if Castle could find
16649s one more that would be huge but Cal
16650s Swift steps away towards the mini Health
16652s back it is eventually found by Castle
16654s who gets two that was crucial for Mexico
16656s to find those two kills he stopped
16658s Canada's push that Trump looks now he's
16661s gonna be able to have that death Blossom
16662s as well to derail his momentum that
16664s Canada are going to try and pick up with
16665s Kyle's Kitsoni rush in the fight
16667s afterwards astronauts is going to have
16669s the primary half if he does want to
16671s commit us we're actually gonna say oh no
16673s no it's a disconnect from Cal he's going
16676s to lose kids so they Rush charge it's
16678s gonna reset to zero is that Canada
16680s internet Moxie it must be obviously I
16683s mean that's why USA is better it's
16684s because we just have better internet
16685s here obviously right okay that sucks
16687s that's an absolute tragedy this is
16691s actually really tough however for both
16694s sides because Mexico are now going to be
16697s faced with the choice of do you use
16698s death Blossom before Kitchener watches
16700s available and do you risk not having
16703s anything to be able to derail the
16705s momentum of Kitsune Rush when it comes
16707s up again for Canada
16709s oh man the Earth is this is really a
16711s tough situation to be in for Canada's
16713s side uh I mean that's I I don't know
16716s there's not much we could talk about in
16717s terms of like maybe getting old charged
16718s back or something but obviously
16720s you know we'll have to see what happens
16721s and that's the full do you say it's not
16724s like you you swap here on retain 30 it
16728s is a full disconnect which means bumped
16730s right back from something around 70 to
16733s zero
16734s are they in a facility or like uh like
16738s our Canada like uh set up anywhere I
16741s know India uh Team India we're we're all
16743s playing and staying together but there
16745s it is
16746s on to the Zen I mean they want the
16748s Discord they want that ability to be
16750s able to volley around these Corners
16751s premium to keep Mexico back
16753s Cal has brought the Firepower so far
16755s we'll see if he could do it also on that
16757s Zenyatta Canada though trying to build
16760s up towards some ultimates or even just
16761s go for that hard dime on the Momo in
16763s Mexico that are sitting back towards the
16764s spawn bubble used from Castle really
16766s just taking out the progressions of
16768s Mexico at the moment get those cooldowns
16769s removed Astro also went aggressive with
16771s the Primal Rage to the Zone back Mexico
16773s maybe scare them into using an ultimate
16775s the Nano engage though Angel also finds
16777s Cal the peel was not necessarily there
16779s trouble what's also commits the death
16780s boss Move Over The High Ground to take
16782s down an echo after the back line of
16784s Canada was removed and another reset now
16786s for Canada's noxious jumps off the map
16787s angel villado needs to hit this pulse
16791s bomb Canada are coming in with duplicate
16794s which is going to reset seeker's helper
16796s even if he's under pressure and Nano
16799s boost if camera were able to break
16800s through this choke they're going to be
16802s an advantage in terms of ultimate
16803s charges so Angel villado cannot be
16806s supported
16809s oh what a shot from Cal if they tried to
16812s set up Force bomb from Iron hell is
16814s there has the mega to help the mega
16816s Health the play around grabs it
16817s meanwhile the road turn on the card
16819s that's a huge pick because primso now is
16821s not going to have a lot of support goes
16823s for the copy to enable Crimson on the
16825s back in case Angel goes for that dive
16826s but he's bashed by the rallying copy
16829s Seeker eventually will come out of that
16830s the Nano still available for Canada
16831s that's their only ultimate Memoir Mexico
16833s trying to build up towards castle with
16834s Primal Rage bubble cooldown news for
16837s Astro a lot of space given because of
16839s its same with Castle Nano on to the echo
16841s of Seeker goes aggressive onto sopa they
16844s send mobile back to the spawn and they
16845s find him Cal also with the flail and
16847s found trouble Lux park though stays not
16850s moving because castle with the Primal
16851s Rage is staying there as long as on
16853s health can live with his life they might
16854s have a Ricky test but noxious finds him
16856s towards that mini angle Castle
16858s desperately trying to escape that beam
16860s of Seeker he does so for now but the
16862s rest of his team is trapped and spawned
16864s due to the bubble of the Winston of
16865s Astro castle and Joe Buck trying to
16867s equalize it but it's not a lot of damage
16869s but just that somber in Winston Full
16871s Throttle obnoxious onto sofa two with
16874s time left remaining tovalux has to
16876s translocate now you just have on hell
16878s but he falls too and Canada will cap
16880s shroud 50 seconds uh trouble blocks
16883s trying to go onto that Sombra to punish
16884s Cal's lack of Mobility on that sun meant
16888s that the reaper was taken off of the
16891s board and you see the difference that it
16893s makes in Canada's approach as to how
16895s aggressive and how frequently they sent
16898s astronomics on that Winston for those
16900s Dives they know that that Ming counter
16902s of punishing you when you get close to
16904s forcing you to use bubble far earlier
16906s than you would want so you don't really
16908s have the means of being able to survive
16909s making it back to your team and it
16911s becomes a sort of trait is it worth
16913s sacrificing our Winston for this
16915s basically he's going to be able to
16916s create for the rest of our team all of
16917s that goes up in smoke when the reaper is
16919s taken out
16921s Max this is a very very intriguing
16924s series now where Mexico's on the
16926s defensives are sorry offensive sign
16929s whereas Canada's on the defense and uh
16931s it looks like they're gonna swap Cal
16933s over the Brigitte so he's played you
16935s know three supports thus far
16937s well they know that there's going to be
16938s a dive to come through and Crimson is
16940s most likely going to be Public Enemy
16942s Number One if the Anna goes down so too
16945s does that Winston's life lightning and
16947s break healing is not enough it's it's
16950s not base release Brigida we are going to
16952s be able to make sure every Wednesday is
16953s alive nice and healthy so they do want
16956s to play for their character type with
16957s things like the flail and the shield to
16959s be able to mitigate a lot of the damage
16961s and pressure of castles and true blocks
16963s as Johnson
16965s obviously with that Echo composition yet
16968s again I mean mirror on both sides we'll
16970s have to see how it pans out
16973s obviously Angel gonna be still playing
16975s that Tracer really has been crucial for
16977s Mexico in their success
16980s no Ash on the defense though so he does
16982s have an easier time being able to
16983s approach the points in the back
16985s are you right that that could be that
16987s could enable that meanwhile takes a ton
16988s of poke early on from Seeker who has
16990s kind of come into his own on that Echo
16992s roll still looks for trouble wants to go
16995s for the dive they're able to get Crimson
16996s but Seekers there to counter chobolux
16998s who was our focused on setting up the
17000s dive unaware that Seeker really wanted
17002s to remove him Angels also removed too so
17005s no more DPS there fantastic first fight
17007s for Canada Camden needed those kills too
17010s they'd lost Crimson Mexico was so
17012s focused on taking crimsley down with the
17014s ante and then the dive to follow up if
17016s Mexico had been able to keep all of that
17018s other players alive and rubber band
17020s before Crimson had respawn Kanda would
17022s have attempt to give up this really
17023s aggressive hold towards Maine which is
17025s going to be so helpful in shaving
17027s Mexico's time down
17029s already close to that copy I mean Seeker
17031s is farming at the moment we'll see if he
17033s plays a bit too aggressive because of it
17035s goes back for that Winston bubble used
17037s from Castle as he goes to create some
17039s space but now backs up noticing that
17040s Mexico just wants to get their supports
17043s in a bit more of an aggressive position
17045s but they actually back all the way up
17046s Seeker takes a bit of poke but has that
17047s coffee ready to go on to Castle
17050s potentially at the cost but Angel's
17052s already found Crimson maybe a bit too
17053s hesitant with their own dive now goes to
17055s the copy they're down one cow goes low
17057s though he jumps on a Momo but the peel
17059s is there they're able to live and fend
17061s off Seeker in that coffee no ticks given
17063s just at either so Canada will have time
17065s to regroup as none of them have died a
17068s Seeker will pop the Primal Rage copy as
17070s well onto Mama forcement of the point
17071s but the seat there comes down to Seeker
17072s or I mean actually they connect on to
17075s him though Momo Falls because of the
17076s nades from Seeker as well so he traded
17078s his line for a tassel solo before it can
17081s even get that Nana or the Primal Rage
17083s they use it on the chobal locks who
17085s hasn't really found any copy just yet
17087s regrouped toward that point Canada has
17089s that re-engage with the rally they
17091s committed onto Cal copying down the
17092s pillbox Angel drops the full spawn but
17094s to no avail no kills for them yet as
17097s well as the coffee eventually runs out
17099s for troublex Cal doing a great job with
17100s the Rica test Seeker also finds
17102s chocolate on hell trying to make things
17104s back in the favor of Canada but just
17106s with the rally here they're missing a
17108s lot of that damage and now they have to
17109s back up underneath from Canada just
17112s takes an aggressive position to force
17113s them away
17115s as well as that sleep but he does have
17118s the Primal if he falls low enough as
17120s well as the Nana Goose from crimson's
17121s Mexico are forced to try and find a
17124s different approach to this point and
17125s have a lot of trying to play towards
17127s this Pipeline and go after either the
17129s Anna or the frickita just to be able to
17131s pull folks away from them
17141s gonna find no value just going to back
17144s up and reset a minute left for Mexico
17145s now yeah you're essentially a sitting
17147s dog if you're an attacking team and you
17149s don't pull Canada's Focus from just
17151s being able to sit above your head on
17154s Main get the clear from astrix to be
17156s able to connect onto all of those
17158s players without having to force either
17159s the bubble or the jump onto cooldown and
17162s as a result Primal rages has been online
17163s far more for the defense of Winston
17166s Mexico desperately trying to build some
17168s ultimates now Seeker gets poked Down
17170s Still hands that copy ready to go bubble
17172s use so Seeker can't go for the copy
17174s immediately now Dives with actual on the
17177s front line who is now Primal raging him
17178s and it's really hard to live in these
17179s spots versus two Winston's though they
17181s do get the copy on Hills also towards
17184s the point Cal playing back ready for
17186s crimson's disengage they get secret out
17187s of the copy Mexico now understanding
17190s that the Witnesses on them they go to
17192s the point with 17 seconds left we'll try
17193s to build that Nano go for the dive early
17195s Castle will repeat for that Nano of momo
17197s but Showbox fall Seeker counters him yet
17199s again that feels like that's the
17201s storyline so far on Nirvana sneakers
17203s shut down Joe blocks Castle can't even
17205s get the Nano in time because sofa's
17207s rally was not there soon enough won't
17208s even be able to build the Nano and sadly
17211s for Mexico they're going to be following
17213s the Canada here who looked amazing on
17215s ubani throughout for Canada
17217s I think for Mexico they were just in a
17220s really unfortunate position where they
17221s took us to nambani to try and move away
17223s from that romantra brawl but in my
17226s opinion Canada's strongest map is
17228s nambani it's it's where that dive is
17230s just so potent Crimson always seems to
17231s be able to find so much value with the
17233s utility on this Anna as well it's
17235s incredibly hard as they were able to
17237s pull off another store defense on the
17238s very first opening of the map
17240s I mean great work from Canada obviously
17242s I think with the Astro lineup as well I
17244s mean that was that was so great
17246s obviously him coming in playing that
17247s Winston no big sub didn't playing it
17249s well really enabling Seeker
17251s um enabling their Dives in general it
17253s was super clean to see from Canada now
17255s let's bring back Jamerson to uh break
17257s everything down a little bit here I was
17258s going Jameson what'd you think about
17259s that match man yeah I mean getting to
17261s see a lot of The Echoes In This matchup
17264s uh really makes me appreciate the kind
17266s of intelligence that you have to play
17267s with when it comes down to these Echo
17269s duplications and on both uh sides of the
17272s coin here for Mexico and for Canada both
17275s of their Echoes had some amazing moments
17277s right uh Showbox on Village had a really
17280s smart duplicate because Momo had gone
17282s down early so he needed a little bit
17283s more support line in the back so he
17285s duplicates that for his team to keep
17287s them up in a fight same thing coming up
17289s from Seeker had that same moment as well
17291s um when I believe uh one of their
17294s supports Crimson stayed alive one of
17296s their supporters went down he did the
17297s same duplicate and being able to make
17299s that uh decision making on the Fly
17301s pardon the pun is really amazing to see
17304s now my big question for you guys was
17306s that this matchup was basically kind of
17309s a power gauging matchup for both squads
17312s for Canada and for Mexico uh now with
17315s this performance up against Mexico does
17318s Canada kind of
17320s reinvigorate your faith in them uh
17322s currently standing in this group
17325s uh I mean yeah kind of actually Jamerson
17329s I think that Canada really showed a
17331s little bit of flexibility today how many
17334s Seeker over to that Echo I think knock
17335s just looked uh serviceable on the Tracer
17338s I would still like to see him pop off a
17340s little bit more he had some great pulse
17341s bombs great engages as well with uh with
17345s asteroid I think they have a great
17346s Synergy there
17347s um but obviously I think that's one of
17348s the bigger weaknesses is just making
17350s sure noxious can really improve on that
17352s Tracer role I think it points he looks
17354s solid but realistically Seeker was a big
17357s reason and also Astron that Winston
17359s um to why Canada succeeded so well on uh
17363s nubani and on the other side of moxie uh
17365s for Mexico they have a very important
17367s match now taking this loss up against
17368s Mexico drops and up against Canada drops
17371s them down to 2-2 and they have one final
17374s match up against Puerto Rico do you
17377s think they showed enough in this matchup
17378s uh up up against Canada to make you feel
17381s confident in them to be able to take a
17383s victory up against Puerto Rico and of
17384s course Sakura lot uh it's for BlizzCon
17387s later on oh
17397s all of them commit to a composition see
17400s that it was a rematcher force enough of
17401s the romantra and then slip off of that
17404s composition and that is an immediate and
17407s glaring weakness that Puerto Rico are
17409s going to be able to take advantage of
17411s however with how clean then the
17413s chemicals were especially on the first
17415s couple of uh fights that we saw in Nepal
17417s I would definitely say that Mexico were
17419s the favorites going into that matchup if
17422s they were able to play to their
17422s strengths and they don't have to worry
17423s about their Matra I think they're gonna
17425s go pretty cleanly if they do have to go
17428s against the ram that's when we're
17430s probably going to see this team falter
17431s in terms of confidence and aggression
17433s yeah so congratulations Canada will go
17436s ahead and secure that victory that
17438s brings them up to a 3-1 score line and
17441s uh their final match for this week for
17443s this group stage is going to be
17444s Guatemala if they get that Victory there
17446s no questions whatsoever they move on to
17448s BlizzCon we don't have to do any kinds
17450s of the math with the map differentials
17451s or tiebreakers or anything like that but
17453s for Mexico their tournament is on the
17455s line they need to secure that victory up
17457s against Puerto Rico to have any chance
17459s whatsoever now we do have an interview
17462s in store for you guys but we're gonna go
17463s ahead and take a short break while we
17465s set that up we'll have a member from
17466s Team Canada right after this break
17476s [Music]
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17797s welcome back to the OverWatch World Cup
17800s just before the break we got to watch
17801s Canada secure their Victory up against
17804s Mexico and so now we've got noxious on
17807s the line congratulations on your Victory
17809s very first a quick first question what
17812s were your thoughts on coming into this
17814s game up against Mexico today and were
17816s there any players that stood out for you
17817s uh that you want to see a little bit
17819s more that you know want to see more of
17820s in the future
17823s um well the coming to the game we knew
17825s like what to expect because well even if
17828s um USA was like off-rolling they took a
17829s map off of them which is like kind of a
17831s slap in the face we're like oh damn okay
17832s this is like we need to take this
17834s seriously so uh we came to the match
17836s just kind of preparing and doing what we
17838s could uh we knew Andrew valado is kind
17841s of the underrated goat so we had to like
17842s we kind of had to keep him in check and
17845s I think we did well so yeah I mean
17847s speaking of angel villado of course uh
17850s you have been uh having to move over to
17852s that Tracer World a little bit more for
17853s Team Canada uh could you walk us through
17855s like how that's been like adjusting to
17858s uh playing a hero that you're not as
17860s much used to as playing uh yeah for sure
17862s I think uh I mean Tracer has always been
17865s like one of my one of my strong suits
17867s um obviously the first couple of matches
17870s um I felt a little shaky on Tracer
17871s because the nerves kind of get to you
17873s you know it's like the first time on on
17874s the stage and it's like such an honor to
17877s like be able to represent you know my
17878s country so it was really coming down to
17881s just like I had to really refocus I had
17883s to put a lot of effort outside of uh
17885s scrims and other things to make sure
17887s that like you know I was I was keeping
17889s that in check and coming into the game
17891s like fresh and I was ready to play and
17894s um yeah I mean it was a lot of
17895s adaptations I've been learning a lot
17897s about the game in ways that I never
17899s really thought I would
17901s um you know I'm with a lot of really
17902s experienced players so it's really just
17904s coming down to like me having to like
17906s step up and you know put my best out
17908s there so yeah that's Austin here and you
17911s honestly have been living up to you've
17912s been doing an amazing job so far but
17914s speaking of the pressure and the
17915s expectations so far I mean there is
17917s going to be of course a lot of weight
17919s put on to Team Canada
17921s um how have you been adjusting to that
17923s and uh you know has the has the team
17926s been helpful in dealing with a lot of
17927s that pressure absolutely I mean uh shout
17930s out to our coaches I think we we have a
17932s really like strong team uh you know
17934s overseeing us we have a lot of really
17936s qualified staff members and that really
17939s like helps us like if I have any
17940s questions any time of the day like I can
17942s ask and they come in they've got review
17944s with me or we check some Concepts out so
17946s it's really I think in the few coming
17948s months before you know um blisscon I
17951s think already we we are like secret
17953s qualifying if I'm not mistaken but um we
17956s uh I think if it's gonna be a lot of
17958s adaptations gonna be a lot of you know
17960s working uh outside of scrims and I know
17962s a lot of my players are also playing
17963s guitar so I'll have to uh do the same
17966s yeah
17967s say my best
17969s and speaking of your coaches and stuff
17971s like that it looks like you have a lot
17972s of that support to have some extra eyes
17975s on the tape
17976s um going going back to the match today
17978s up against Mexico uh were you guys
17980s expecting that far a composition out um
17982s on Shrine in particular when it came up
17985s from Mexico and what was your game plan
17987s around it you yeah um well we assumed
17989s they would like try to do like a cheese
17990s composition
17992s um I mean it just at the start it was
17994s funny because my my Discord kind of like
17996s stopped working it like completely shut
17998s down and uh we were calling for pause
17999s and it was not coming up so it was uh it
18003s kind of took us like 20 but uh I think
18006s our adaptation was just like going back
18008s to spawn swap to the monkey cop and you
18010s know do what we could uh what we had and
18012s I think that worked well for us
18014s um I think there's a few fights maybe we
18015s went a little far we overextended a
18017s little bit and that that cost us a
18018s little bit of percentage but overall I I
18020s wasn't really concerned and you guys got
18023s the job done right so no need to be
18024s concerned if you got the job done and
18027s one final question
18028s um so we've been seeing the flex between
18030s false and astronics uh what's it like
18033s playing with either of those tanks in
18035s what changes for Team Canada when you
18038s guys make those swaps
18039s um for faster it's mostly there is like
18042s a assigned Maps So like
18044s um we know there's Maps like um KR where
18046s Astro would just play and he's really
18048s like proactive and he's really good at
18049s it and Falls is just kind of like the
18051s all-in-one player like he's able to do
18053s like anything to like a really good
18055s level but we're really just trying to
18057s see like what kind of adaptations we can
18060s make I think especially like Denny you
18062s know he picked up two tank players he's
18063s trying to give like play time to both so
18064s obviously it's just like finding these
18066s little niche things that like separate
18067s them both and like work to our advantage
18070s in game and I think uh I think we kind
18073s of found it I I genuinely like I think
18075s Astro has improved significantly I think
18077s he's playing really well and same thing
18079s for Falls they're both like really good
18080s tank players so
18081s um yeah it's been it's been great that's
18084s awesome to hear and you know what
18086s um happy Canada Day congratulations on
18089s your Victory and here on this uh
18091s momentous occasion of course uh I want
18092s to give you the final word uh for your
18094s fans back at home because you guys have
18095s been putting on an amazing performance
18098s been really entertaining throughout the
18100s OverWatch World Cup from what I've been
18101s seeing so go ahead and take it away uh
18104s final words I mean there's not much to
18105s say I just I'm just really excited to go
18107s the land and uh uh maybe if we go up
18109s against USA it might be a different
18111s story but we shall see what happens
18113s um I'm just really excited so yeah I
18116s think we are all hoping for that rematch
18118s so once again congratulations thank you
18120s so much to noxious for joining us for
18122s now let's go ahead and bring back Dustin
18124s and Moxie here and because a lot of
18127s these questions did come from them so uh
18129s what were you guys insights on uh his
18132s answers to those questions moxie
18134s I mean again it's really nice to see
18136s that Danny is uh going between both of
18138s these tank players a little bit
18141s of the Wolves is all about trying to
18142s give those players a specific platform
18144s so that more people can see them and to
18146s actually get to see that team Canada is
18148s giving both the tanks equal opportunity
18150s to be able to show themselves off not
18151s just about Synergy with the team but
18153s also to build more opportunities for
18155s themselves outside of the World Cup
18157s event is really lovely to see yeah and
18159s here are our results for today we had a
18162s lot of important matches of course we're
18164s taking a look at Group B I want to say
18166s in particular Colombia versus Chile
18168s Dustin went all the way we finally you
18171s know broke to OverWatch we got the third
18174s map what were your thoughts on that
18176s match I mean that's that's rough for
18178s chile man that was such a good series
18180s obviously earlier on with Phil and and
18184s um and uh Chef Billy covering it it was
18187s such a fun series man I mean Chile
18189s really brings it to any team they're
18190s playing against and unfortunately they
18192s still took that L to Colombia who you
18194s know obviously looked to qualify yeah I
18197s I honestly love that Series so much that
18200s I I feel like you know know if anyone
18202s missed it they should go back re-watch
18203s that the other important match of course
18205s for the day was Canada versus Mexico
18208s Canada securing the 2-0 I'm not sure I
18211s don't know exactly how the rule set
18213s works out there are so many different
18215s permutations when it comes to these
18217s round robin group stages but I think
18219s they secured their spot uh but yeah
18221s congratulations to Canada now they'll be
18223s facing off against I believe it's
18226s Guatemala tomorrow and now it's going to
18228s come down to Mexico versus Puerto Rico
18231s so I love that our scriptwriters were
18233s able to schedule this so well uh is
18236s there a any particular matchup that you
18238s guys are looking forward to tomorrow uh
18240s Moxie I mean it has to be right Puerto
18243s Rico versus Mexico I think it's actually
18245s again give the skip skip ride is a huge
18248s amount of Applause the last game of the
18250s day yeah if someone has the most Stakes
18253s it's the one that you're gonna have to
18254s wait the longest for but it's definitely
18256s probably going to be both the closest
18257s and also the most heartbreaking one of
18260s these teams is going to be able to
18261s Soldier forward and make it to placecon
18263s one of these other teams is going to be
18265s coming incredibly close but
18267s unfortunately not quite close enough and
18269s we're going to have to send away yeah
18271s also in group a we have Colombia versus
18274s Brazil Dustin what are you expecting out
18277s of that matchup I mean I'm expecting it
18279s also to be close I mean there's two
18280s really good series it's kind of like we
18282s had really amazing series at the
18284s beginning and then we're also having the
18286s super good ones on the very last day
18287s which is tomorrow oh my God I'm excited
18290s that's right we still have so much more
18293s OverWatch World Cup for the next 24
18295s hours it's gonna be amazing and I'm so
18298s glad that I was able to be here on the
18301s journey so far with you guys and I'm
18303s glad we have at least one more day but
18305s that is gonna do it for today's
18307s broadcast so from everyone here of
18309s course on the OverWatch World Cup
18310s broadcast for Dustin for Moxie for Phil
18313s and Billy and myself thank you all so
18315s much for watching we'll be back we'll be
18317s back with more America's group stages
18319s tomorrow at 2PM you're not going want to
18321s miss that but for now have a good night
18325s a lot of space if I go around the corner
18327s and that's exactly what the ambition is
18329s for here it means that the beta really
18331s can't get the work done then you just
18333s get done and gets focused out of this
18335s water with the double will secure the
18337s teeth right here and just over a minute
18339s on the clock we still get to see that
18341s thing is foreign
18343s needs to find a lot of value here with
18347s the sound barrier babylon's down sand
18349s burial was committed to Gatsby finds the
18351s double Oracle with the third and a
18354s valiant effort here from Ecuador on the
18356s streets of King's Row sadly and not
18359s quite enough and Argentina put
18361s themselves wondering whether that was a
18363s psychotic episode or not no it's just
18365s fear of eqo closing in on another EMP
18368s one one supports out for both sides here
18370s and we get the annihilation run here
18373s from Super Gomez
18375s down bracket down out of the mech out of
18378s luck out of Lights back into the respawn
18380s cue needs to go on to something super
18382s spinny to get back into swipe because
18384s right now
18387s Apple to keep this going running and
18389s just holding the door here uh Hodor and
18392s there's
18395s the barrier that came in from Frankfurt
18398s track has been able to make the Primal
18399s Rage going super goodness it's not
18401s interested it's in the slices in the
18403s tank matchup what they want is to get
18405s right up against small doors and just
18406s empty the entire energy clip into the
18410s door eqo finds Papa and watch the
18412s response here are super fast for chile I
18415s don't think like so much harder for the
18417s Jungle Queen here so Supergirls now
18419s discipline a little bit more carefully
18420s eqo goes into the back no need to worry
18423s about the orb of Discord now nothing
18426s really stopping eqo from pulling the rip
18428s Tire on this big old one more of an
18432s ultimate down goes the button lazu Roman
18434s Frack down as well and now we're on the
18436s final straightaway into this Ricky is
18439s fine all development Trooper does trade
18441s Bender also Clues once more TV the way
18444s back into barlito who's sitting all the
18446s way towards the fountain sign while
18449s Arenas does trades him back super still
18451s is looking to find more even drops the
18453s whole hog and gets the 3K in that fight
18455s a bit aggressive allows super a bit of
18458s that space too wants to Rich to give him
18460s a nice was it three or four K with the
18462s whole lot Corbin off this time though no
18464s there might be no they're they're
18466s they're not running too it's a rhino
18467s it's a rhino you're right how convenient
18469s it's now bended versus Old Charlotte
18472s fire truck coming about barely meanwhile
18474s armor almost off a nice charge but
18475s Mendoza not expecting that with the
18477s counter charge oh my God Ultra violent
18479s actually comes out on top
18482s well on top of it to signify that he is
18484s the cheers being off today great job to
18487s stay uh staying towards the point making
18489s sure he doesn't put the Sleep Dart as
18490s well lands on to wedge he was a
18492s follow-up damage isn't there although
18494s Costa Rica goes incredible Talisman
18495s finds wetsuit and gadello and then
18498s winter two on top of those three kills
18500s Puerto Rico reclaimed that point EMP on
18503s davaru as well and they take map number
18506s one and they really needed that much
18508s they really needed that but Dustin it
18510s was not a dominant performance but
18513s they're down a person in this fight bar
18515s who doesn't have that Primal Rage
18516s desperately the line on web shoots heels
18519s the aggressive play now from Puerto Rico
18520s with the rally with the copy results in
18523s web tube dying they can easily push this
18525s cart towards the end now Talisman will
18527s find Carmack with a cop for the with the
18529s coffee jump onto car from tow boys was
18531s absolutely beautiful and now Mexico
18533s rotated towards the point they use the
18535s coffee Nano dude because the same false
18537s wants to win this point so he drops to
18539s Wrecking Ball Ultimate but Seeker is
18541s getting ditched in there by job Alex
18542s want to play from here even with the
18544s valkyrie imagine Maple he couldn't live
18546s in topologues is on Fire gets magic
18549s meatball out of here and 60 10 going
18552s what a play from the echo of Mexico you
18554s need the name as a result Canada are
18556s going to just be able to keep rolling
18558s down that spam pressure to be able to
18560s make sure that Mexico cannot change out
18561s until that car is on the checkpoint or
18563s at least until the Anna's response
18565s Council goes
18567s he jumped in like he had prior
18570s to the point that's great from Canada
18573s they get online
18576s [Music]
18587s [Applause]
18588s [Music]