21 days ago - PlayOverwatch - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s hi I'm Connor McLoud and I am absolutely
3s buzzing to tell you that I'll be voicing
5s Hazard the newest character to drop in
7s OverWatch
10s [Music]
12s 2 it'll be released later this year when
15s season 14 drops but from November 22nd
18s to November 25th you can play as them as
20s a little
23s trial Hazard is Bol brass always has his
27s friends back and he will Stick it to the
29s Man and I think both Qui and
31s establishment to say the least that one
34s scratched the pain so if you think that
37s you already have a favorite character in
39s OverWatch be prepared for everything to
41s change cuz Hazard is about to drop what
44s I always say Susy if you're in it with
47s me you're in it for life