about 2 years ago - PlayOverwatch - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

1s [Music]
8s so
9s [Music]
18s [Music]
40s [Music]
58s [Music]
69s [Music]
119s [Music]
200s [Music]
205s so
211s [Music]
218s [Applause]
223s [Music]
244s [Music]
268s [Music]
296s [Music]
309s what it is
312s [Music]
334s [Music]
361s up
362s [Music]
374s so
378s [Applause]
383s [Music]
386s aah
390s [Music]
461s [Music]
473s [Music]
520s [Music]
529s [Music]
564s [Music]
570s [Music]
577s [Music]
590s [Music]
646s [Applause]
648s [Music]
658s [Music]
670s [Music]
689s [Music]
701s [Music]
723s [Music]
774s hmm
778s [Music]
793s hello
797s [Applause]
797s [Music]
814s foreign
814s [Music]
852s [Music]
855s mayhem sweep them away unbelievable
859s are you ready
866s another one falls to music
869s [Music]
872s what the hell did i just win this ah
875s pardon all right looks like pork's back
877s on the menu boys lupus killed two
880s and he dropped it sites three
895s where did that come from
897s [Music]
907s hello and welcome to watchpoint i'm
909s avalie may and with me on the desk where
911s jonathan reinforced larson and scott cat
913s on my shirt kennedy
915s it reminds me of salem i miss my cats
917s it's been like five days
919s i'm a crazy cat person these days no do
922s you think that cats forget about you
924s when you leave i know beau my like
927s primary cat has massive anxiety
929s apparently he's just been meowing
930s everywhere he's been a terror to the
932s world so it's all right he'll get
934s through it do you have any pets yes i
936s have a dog
937s does he miss you she misses me a lot
939s yeah she barks without me oh
943s yeah we were all i think like in the
944s trailer today uh and or last night and i
947s pulled up kind of like the camera feed
949s and i go hi my threshy boy and then he
952s looks at the camera and just goes oh
955s it was so sad it was so fun oh that hurt
959s that that hurt so bad last night but
962s listen we all love our pets and we're
963s all gonna get to see them very do you
965s think people are upset we're not wearing
966s animal costumes today yes i've been
969s thinking about this and i feel like a
970s bit empty inside like i feel like i'm
972s not living up to my best self i know
974s right because we have to be professional
976s for at least one of the playoffs i mean
979s we kind of have a kitty shirt i mean
981s scott has a ripped hole in his jean so i
983s mean that's not very professional
985s yeah it's the fashion apparently
990s this right here this is the fashion
992s right here
993s that's that's the good stuff get the
994s ankle baby yeah what type of flare would
996s you add
997s sorry what type of flare would you add
999s we don't have any i think overwatch to
1000s add into this right
1003s we'll think about it yeah we got i
1005s forgot we have an actual show to get
1006s into because
1008s we have reached the pen ultimate day of
1009s the overwatch league mid-season madness
1012s tournament six teams have been sent home
1014s leaving only six remaining to fight for
1016s the title let's take a look at how the
1018s last four days
1019s wound up with our handy dandy bracket oh
1023s bracket bracket
1025s hey there's the bracket and we've got a
1028s day full of action planned out as we see
1030s the first seed san francisco shock take
1033s on the second seed los angeles
1036s gladiators and this is all going to be
1037s in the semi-finals of the winners
1039s bracket but of course we do also have
1041s the losers bracket where the rest of our
1043s teams currently are see the shanghai
1045s dragons are going to take on atlanta
1047s rain and then we're going to get that
1048s rematch of the hong kong
1052s that's going to be the exciting match of
1054s the day and of course this is the order
1055s that it's going in we're going to see
1057s the rain take on the dragons first up
1059s starting at 4 p.m right after our
1060s pre-show then we're going to see that
1062s rematch of fusion against the spark
1064s then we will see the number one and two
1066s seed teams fight it off for the battle
1068s of california and then of course we are
1071s going to see that fourth and final match
1073s of the day i believe the winners of our
1075s first two games guys we've got a doozy
1079s of games uh kind of like going into this
1082s um
1083s i don't like the word doozy you don't
1084s like the word doozy no it's it's it
1086s sounds lame but doozy is like big but
1089s ducey sounds lame i don't get it
1092s i think we should change the definition
1094s of duty but that's that's for another
1095s time
1097s yeah um i'm trying to like catch my
1099s train of thought as i'm like looking at
1101s the prompter i'm like come on
1104s come on prompt this script i need a
1106s little bit more there we go now guys
1109s what stands out the most to you with uh
1111s how things have shaken out so far custer
1113s um i think it's going to be the fact
1115s that the hongdro spark have been the
1117s leading east team i don't think anyone
1119s expected that the shanghai dragon's
1120s struggling the seoul dynasty went out
1122s first round and the spark have decided
1124s that they're good in the playoffs now so
1126s that's the first
1127s johnny what about you i mean that was
1129s what i was going to say and then castle
1130s said it so now i'm like
1132s what do i do
1134s honestly i am quite shocked how tank
1137s flexibility um is so important in
1139s overwatch and some teams are just
1140s getting hard countered so i'll be
1142s talking more about that later in the
1143s show so stay tuned yeah we've got tons
1144s of stuff to be talking about thoughts
1146s tank thoughts with reinforce take those
1148s i love that well those are the teams
1150s that are remaining but six teams tried
1152s so hard and got so far and in the end it
1155s doesn't even matter guys we talked about
1157s this in rehearsal i'm not allowed to
1158s make this joke but it's so funny i'm not
1161s i am funny the internet has banned me
1164s from making this joke
1166s if you know you know if you know you
1169s know don't look at my twitter but listen
1170s here at watchpoint we like participation
1172s trophies and a lot of teams may not have
1175s reached their ultimate goal but they
1176s have done plenty of things to be proud
1178s of so let's hand out some consolation
1180s prizes
1182s now acosta why don't you start us off
1183s who is deserving of your proverbial pat
1186s on the back
1187s for me it has to be the london spitfire
1189s yes they went out in the first round in
1190s a blaze of fire to a reverse sweep of
1192s the florida mayhem i know it's
1194s disappointing but overall as a team
1196s they've been doing incredibly well
1198s most of us had them 20th in our power
1201s rankings or 19th or pretty low to the
1203s bottom but they have an eight and four
1205s records so far in this season and you
1208s have to give christopher and the entire
1209s london spitfire franchise props because
1212s they're working with a lot less than
1213s some of these other teams their budget
1215s is definitely not there but with these
1216s random players well not random but these
1219s sort of unknown players and these
1220s players that don't have as much clout
1222s and sort of previous performances they
1224s are stepping up to the plate you know
1226s we've got backbone who's been popping
1227s off the chatty narrative throughout the
1230s entire year we have spark has been
1232s popping off and then you've got bone
1233s back flick uh flexing over to that
1235s zenyatta honestly this spitfire team has
1238s just been consistently
1240s impressing me from time to time again
1242s did not get that playoff performance
1243s this time around but i'm excited to see
1245s more of them so as the season goes on
1246s long spitfire went out in the first
1249s round but then you're also praising them
1252s because of their performance
1254s you know what i would call that you know
1255s what i would call that what a hybrid
1257s theory
1259s um can i leave that was
1261s really good that was really good just
1264s focus on the numbers okay sorry uh
1266s looking at the spitfire record last
1268s season they just scratched a win in the
1270s 2021 season 2022 season look at them
1273s eight and four series record over the
1275s regular season 26 and 20 map record
1278s that's a great improvement in just a
1280s year especially since they didn't make
1281s major changes to their roster
1283s they also got a fan which is me joining
1287s in for the spitfire unfortunately yeah
1288s you like the hyper theory
1291s hey johnny if you could tell someone
1293s well you tried who would that be
1296s uh
1298s so
1299s so guys you were the king of clash
1301s champs and i would just disappointed us
1303s all there's no consolidation price you
1306s get nothing
1307s you actually get a league point and 25k
1309s but so come on we're a little bit
1310s disappointed uh you know you'll get back
1313s to it profit
1315s you'll find you'll find another playoffs
1316s all right you'll find another playoffs
1318s let's talk about florida instead all
1319s right because they make me a bit more
1321s happy than a seoul dynasty all right
1323s florida maya they had a good tournament
1325s i think so checkmate i i think he had a
1328s great performance this tournament
1329s because checkmate you know he's he's
1331s been kind of average like he's had to
1333s earn himself this damage role in the
1336s overwatch league and i think that the
1338s overwatch he played the past week has
1340s been some of the best overwatch he's
1341s played in his entire career he was
1343s integral to the florida strategy you can
1345s see for yourself nine point five final
1346s blows for ten minutes fifty percent
1348s postponement hatch rate this is
1349s checkmate we're talking about okay this
1351s is not some elite tier tracer it's a
1353s great uh step up for checkmate as an
1355s individual and i'm looking forward to
1357s see him grow further more now also the
1359s florida mayhem i think they're building
1361s a kind of foundation with their team
1363s we've talked about the attacking
1364s flexibility of some of these teams and
1366s how they're getting abused because of
1367s that the florida mayhem they have
1368s someone in their team and someone he's
1370s willing to flex over to all kinds of
1372s tanks now he might not be the best ball
1375s player he might not be the best sorry
1376s player etc but he's shown willingness to
1378s play these tanks and hearing about his
1381s practice regiments how much he loves
1383s just playing overwatch and how he's
1384s eager to just become better and better
1386s each and every single week i have faith
1388s that someone can grow and develop into
1390s like a standout tank player that is able
1393s to fill all of these different tank
1394s heroes in the wars too so i think that
1397s florida mayhem
1398s they're improving this foundation they
1400s have going in over too but also the
1402s individual play for some of the guys on
1404s the florida man is starting to get
1406s better and better each and every week xc
1408s i didn't even mention him but he's got
1409s some pop-up moments so the florida
1411s mayhem i think they're improving they
1413s finally like got over that hump by
1415s reverse sweeping the lower spitfire and
1416s taking it to some of these better teams
1418s around the league so i'm looking forward
1419s to seeing more from the four man yeah i
1420s like the shout out for checkmate just
1422s because he was the one player in that
1424s fusion game where i was going like no no
1426s no just take him out don't get him out
1428s of there i don't like him on tracer get
1429s him away from the fusion so yeah he made
1431s me know him
1434s hex i don't want to be on the same desk
1436s as him anymore get me out of here i'm
1438s just i'm just going to jump straight
1439s into mine and i'm going to give my
1441s consolation prize to a team that has a
1443s trophy case full of them the houston
1445s outlaws and it's fine because their fans
1448s seem to always be pretty happy that the
1449s guys in green just tried their best and
1452s of course i'm gonna shout out jake
1453s because he gave us a lot of a lot of
1455s stuff for us to talk about here on the
1457s desk whether it was tips that custer
1459s heard in the bathroom uh learning
1463s i
1463s you know what he had to facetime me in
1465s [Laughter]
1468s he also taught us how to
1470s learn how to read in the sunny state of
1473s hawaii or he also taught me what the
1475s term houstonable really meant there
1477s scott yeah he really defined that you
1479s know he's been around since the
1481s franchise beginning jake houston was in
1483s his blood so you know it's it's
1484s definitely a good person to follow on
1486s and learn the roads from
1488s most definitely all right well that's
1490s basically the analysis that i have guys
1492s and enough with you know lying to these
1494s teams to make them feel better because
1496s the battle of norcal versus socal
1498s continues with the san francisco shock
1500s taking on the los angeles gladiators in
1503s the semifinals later today and we're
1505s gonna get into the details right after
1506s the spring
1535s [Laughter]
1542s [Music]
1557s [Music]
1572s [Music]
1578s do
1596s [Laughter]
1602s [Music]
1616s [Music]
1633s [Music]
1637s food
1648s [Music]
1657s [Music]
1663s [Music]
1671s [Music]
1674s do
1691s welcome back to watchpoint and you know
1693s what they say west coast best coast and
1696s the top two teams coming from sunny
1697s california are prime examples of n a
1700s talent top in the charts the san
1702s francisco shock and the gladiators fight
1703s today in hopes of locking their spot
1705s into the mid-season madness grand finals
1707s tomorrow now these teams of course have
1710s a lot of history together in the rivalry
1712s we've called the battle of california
1715s now the gladiators clutched it out
1717s against the spark yesterday and the
1718s shock proceed to obliterate the shanghai
1720s dragons now and i may be newish to the
1722s overwatch league but in my several days
1725s here so far even i've noticed that
1727s there's a lot of tracer in that matchup
1730s so is that the matchup that we should be
1732s focused on here costa yeah i know we
1733s talk a lot about kevster and proper and
1735s their tracer but if you are having this
1737s matchup you just have to talk about them
1739s because they are really the linchpins of
1741s both of their teams the way that the
1743s rest of the team plays around and just
1744s enables their traces to pop off is
1747s incredible and you know proper has the
1749s edge this is just in the mid-season
1750s madness tournament just this week
1752s propper has that edge and you know you
1754s can talk about schedules who they've
1755s played how well their team is done but
1758s proper has been going absolutely crazy
1760s same with kevstar i'm interested to see
1762s how these two are going to match up the
1764s last time we saw these two teams play
1766s was in the last stage in the kickoff
1768s clash and the gladiators got reverse
1771s swept by the san francisco shock so i'm
1774s sure they have a little bit of a chip on
1775s their shoulder from that one but i'm
1777s looking at kevsar to really be that
1779s player that he always is because i don't
1781s see either of these players
1783s trying to step away from that tracer
1784s we've seen a little bit of uh genji from
1787s proper from time to time but i think
1789s both of them are going to be playing
1791s very stock standard dive styles and you
1793s will see these guys go head to head
1795s consistently in this match which i'm
1797s just so excited for honestly i'm trying
1799s to remember was it finn in his post game
1802s interview who shouted out kepster i
1804s think it was saying like all capture's
1806s pretty good have to look out for him but
1808s uh johnny i'm gonna take a shot in the
1810s dark here that you want to highlight the
1812s team players coming into these teams so
1815s which frontliner has earned your praise
1816s yep you're right about that i think we
1819s gotta talk about reiner and this one
1821s reiner is just brian's just too good all
1823s right and he's going to be crucial in
1825s today's matchup as well because summers
1826s has got struck so far they've liked to
1828s slow things down with the diva and
1830s reiner i think he's just going to have a
1832s free-for-all in today's match playing
1834s the doomfist this is him so far in the
1835s tournament first the newer damage
1836s eliminations final blows meteorite kills
1838s second in deaths i mean this guy is on
1842s fire and so not really being able to put
1844s pressure on by like asoria for example i
1846s think reiner is just going to have a
1848s field day in the server today and it's
1850s going to have so much impact we saw
1851s against the hangsha spark for example
1853s how long he can actually stay alive in
1855s some of these engagements it's really
1857s impressive and i just like the sheer
1859s damage output um i think if the shock
1861s decides to slow things down again today
1864s with the diva for example
1866s it's not going to be a lot of things
1868s that could really stop reiner so i think
1870s you might see him over outperform you
1872s know compared to this league average in
1873s that part because there's less counters
1875s in the way um the shock if they want to
1877s count the reiner like good luck either
1879s you have to you know mirror his doom
1881s display or you might have to do some
1883s hero flexibility stuff which i don't
1884s think the shock are really comfortable
1886s so so you don't believe in the diva
1887s taking on the doomfist do you think that
1888s diva is just going to struggle in that
1890s matchup um i i i think that the diva
1892s can't really do much per se to deal like
1895s with the doomfist i feel like reiner
1896s with his engagement tools and disengage
1899s tools i i think he's going to have way
1901s more proactive like agency in that
1903s matchup himself and if you place that
1905s agency really well i think that the
1907s gladiators are going to be able to
1909s orchid orchestrate these types to get
1911s the max amount of uh you know power from
1913s the dives coming in from yeah i agree
1915s because like i like the diva versus the
1917s wrecking ball and the winston because
1918s you can just follow them around right
1920s and just poke at them i think doomfist
1921s if you just punch them against the wall
1923s or you use the power block against the
1924s the rockets it should do pretty well so
1926s i'm interested to see how that
1927s match-up's going to go i also kind of
1929s want to see more trash talk coming out
1930s from all of oh there will be don't worry
1932s about it we got a little bit from finn
1934s but was it really finn at the end of the
1936s day or was it winter standing literally
1938s right behind him using him as a puppet
1940s but now of course in this tournament
1942s format the loser gets to pick the next
1944s map and that could lead to some
1945s interesting scenarios for both of these
1947s teams custom yeah so we don't really
1949s talk about map selection that much just
1951s because of you know the meta
1952s consistently changing and all that kind
1954s of stuff but this is this season's
1956s hybrid map records coming out from both
1958s of these teams the san francisco shock
1959s on the back of that collusion diva
1961s really like to play that icon boulder
1963s and they have been successful on it in
1965s comparison to just the 2-2 record from
1966s the gladiators on the other hand though
1969s shock have struggled heavily on midtown
1971s while the gladiators have yet to drop it
1973s i believe is what i'm looking at here
1975s so depending on who wins this first map
1978s which is going to be ilio so map that
1979s funny astro and that we just saw the
1981s gladiators absolutely dominate on the
1983s losing team is going to be able to
1984s choose their better hybrid map so i'm
1986s excited to see how that is going to play
1987s out in this series and teams playing to
1989s their strengths and yet still no
1991s hanamura
1992s it's not coming back it's over people in
1994s the chat agreed with me they said no no
1996s custo let her talk as soon as i brought
1998s up
2000s just
2001s let me have this they went oh two cp
2003s let's bring it back and so far you're
2005s the only one who says no johnny back me
2006s up i don't want to see any 2cp
2009s it's over
2011s all right go ahead and break my heart
2013s but you know what else breaks my heart
2015s the fact that i can't be watching
2017s overwatch league from home right now so
2019s that i could get 200 league tokens for
2021s the new mercy skin
2023s take a look at it it's the new mercy
2025s royal night skin and you too could get
2027s it for a mere 200 overwatch league
2030s tokens from now until august 19th or
2033s hear me out hear me out guys i found the
2034s secret strat you could also potentially
2037s host the overwatch league desk complain
2039s about not getting the skin and then have
2041s it personally delivered to your battle
2044s no no no no no no no we're honorable we
2046s are honorable here all right it works
2048s for me what so you just you just cut the
2050s line so you just come in here host the
2052s show for a couple of days and now all of
2053s a sudden all of these great chatters
2055s that you just sided with they have to
2057s sit there and watch the overwatch league
2059s and watch us the viewers are doing hard
2062s work putting on their laptops while they
2063s go to school and coming home to league
2064s tokens yeah it's very difficult you're
2066s cheating i think you should donate your
2068s league tokens to chat
2071s i'm just built differently
2074s now we're just minutes away from our
2076s first match of the day the atlanta reign
2078s against the shanghai dragons a match-up
2079s which is a bit more of a surprise to be
2082s sure and also a welcome one now we'll
2085s break down dragons versus rain on the
2087s other side of this break so don't go
2088s anywhere i earned the skin no you didn't
2091s i earned this
2124s [Music]
2176s [Music]
2184s [Music]
2252s [Music]
2272s hello everyone and welcome back to
2274s watchpoint a quick amendment i believe i
2276s said that finn was the interview subject
2278s from yesterday but it was patty i saw
2280s the justice for patty in the chat
2282s apologies my bad but now we do need to
2285s jump into today because we kick off the
2287s day with none other than an elimination
2290s match in the lower bracket between the
2291s atlanta reign and the shanghai dragons
2294s it is now do or die for these two teams
2296s because the loser is getting sent home
2299s now atlanta dispatched houston with
2301s relative ease yesterday as they
2303s continued to make their run through the
2304s lower bracket while shanghai quite
2306s frankly was embarrassed by the shock so
2310s johnny i have but only one question for
2313s you about the dragon's performance
2315s the hell happened
2317s there they kind of got dominated yeah
2320s yeah
2322s it was it was not good uh fate didn't
2324s didn't they didn't really have a good
2326s time ah
2328s it was not too good and i feel like
2329s these issues will remain um in today's
2332s matchup against the atlanta reign the
2334s wrecking ball didn't really work kalush
2336s exposed it with the doomfist and also
2338s the diva play the the shock actually
2340s quite surprisingly started off playing
2343s kilo on this ash and they show the
2345s willingness to play way more diva in
2347s this matchup so fate
2349s didn't really have a good time on the
2350s wrecking ball we also went to circle
2352s royale where we saw you know boy come
2354s out and play some sigma it really just
2356s felt like this entire course
2360s came to a halt
2363s yeah it was not good i mean the shock
2366s were super impressive don't get me wrong
2368s but i am worried for the shanghai
2370s dragons going into this matter because
2371s they do not look comfortable they didn't
2373s look did not look like the elite team
2376s that we were expecting from them so i
2378s think they'll continue to be kind of
2380s dominated this tag matchup boyd
2382s obviously showed some frustration
2384s after yesterday's loss that was one of
2386s the worst losses we've seen shanghai
2388s dragons go through in like over two
2390s years yeah it was devastating so
2393s um
2394s i almost think our dragons should like
2396s abandon ship
2399s time and elaborate on that what
2402s i mean i okay so hear me out i they play
2405s this wrecking ball so much at this point
2407s i think you need to find reasons to like
2409s force winston alright so like dorado
2411s great map to force winston maybe like
2414s get void in there to play some more
2415s sorry on some maps is that something you
2417s want to do but the wrecking ball against
2420s hawks doomfist and like i think atlanta
2423s rain are like gonna laugh to the bank
2425s just like ah they have faith in we will
2427s just you know abuse the fact that he's
2429s faith that he don't space wins to the
2430s ball i the tank the tank match up here
2433s is going to be amazing to watch quite
2434s honestly and you know maybe shanghai
2436s play some rush right well i know i might
2439s not rush no i they have we saw fate just
2442s in this tournament play doomfist like
2444s i'd almost rather just see them take the
2446s mirror like they have goodies but hawk
2447s is about to do this yeah he is but like
2449s at some point
2450s they're gonna be walking uphill no
2452s matter where they are right now i think
2454s mitch matching the doomfist and just
2455s hoping that your talented players can
2457s step over that i think that's a better
2459s look than
2460s abandoning ship and playing rush
2462s hey on some maps okay what's
2465s rush marshall
2466s like colosseum all right or something i
2468s don't know but no no yeah yeah map
2470s dependence abandoned ship is a little
2472s drastic but hopefully for the shanghai
2474s faithful the dragons can get their tank
2476s issues sorted out but unfortunately that
2479s might not be the end of their troubles
2481s huh
2482s yeah so a big thing that we've been
2484s talking about a lot this year is you
2485s know flutter has been the meta for the
2487s last two years the meta is shifting
2489s we're in overwatch two and fleta does
2490s not seem to be that player for them
2492s anymore he has struggled so far this
2494s season he's had a couple of breakout
2496s matches here and there especially in
2497s this tournament but in this like
2499s specific playoffs he has been struggling
2502s you just look at these numbers here he
2503s doesn't die much but he also just
2505s doesn't offer a whole lot in comparison
2507s to the rest that you do here sorry what
2509s do you think you do here yeah well and
2511s that's it right like he's sort of like
2513s supporting lip and hoping lip pops off
2515s but venom individually has been on a
2517s different level on that tracer we've
2519s talked about how he def profit on this
2521s moment he has some great mattress so far
2523s and he is that tracer specialist for the
2526s atlanta reign and he's the guy that i'm
2527s looking at to expose the shanghai
2530s dragons if he can get this dip going on
2532s the tracer we know how important tracer
2534s is in this matter venom will be that
2536s sort of like linchpin for them because
2538s you know i agree with johnny if they
2540s come out and just try and play the same
2542s thing they tr you know the atlanta rain
2544s played very similarly to how the san
2546s francisco shock play it's not going to
2548s work we know how much flexibility
2550s flutter has i think if they try and come
2552s in take this tracer match up
2554s even though he's a rookie venom i think
2556s will dis flatter so i'm a little worried
2558s for the shanghai dragon especially
2560s considering yeah they have had like one
2562s kind of how atlanta had yesterday what a
2564s 14-hour turnaround for this matchup and
2567s i was looking at the time zone
2568s differences it's 7 a.m in shanghai for
2572s they say man we're all gamers we don't
2574s do well in the morning so i'm a little
2575s worried about this team of the short
2577s turnaround they just got dominated how
2579s do you fix things in such a short amount
2581s of time
2583s lip just woke up these kids are five
2585s stacking yeah you gotta be tough i'm
2588s telling you
2589s so you're telling me forget about dps
2591s div tank dip support diff it's time
2593s different it's time different that's
2594s right morning dip for this team but now
2597s johnny time def aside it seems that the
2598s youth seem to be taking over with venom
2600s being an absolute monster in this
2603s tournament and i'm not hearing a ton of
2604s hope for the dragons coming out from you
2606s guys but how could they get it done
2609s today against the rain there is one man
2612s one giant
2614s the last hope
2616s lip
2617s i need you to pop off all right well i
2620s don't need you your team needs you
2622s your team needs you to pop off this
2624s circuit reality performance yesterday
2627s was absolutely bonkers i mean just look
2630s at these shots they're ridiculous and i
2633s need you to do this
2635s all maps in the entire tournament
2637s remaining all right if you want to win
2638s you need to do this like 22 more maps or
2640s even more maps you need to win the
2642s tournament all right you need to step up
2644s today because your team needs it um
2647s obviously he popped up here on circuit
2648s real and he tried his hardest but also
2650s we need to see this on like sojourn on
2652s the other map so starting up on the
2653s control map you need to set the pace
2655s immediately because lip has been you
2658s know the standout player for the
2659s shanghai dragons this entire stage in
2661s those apac qualifier matches and i need
2663s him to just get going on sojourn
2665s immediately put kai down in the soldier
2667s and head to head and it's going to help
2668s this team so much i was thinking about
2670s maybe doing this segment suggesting that
2672s wario genji but then i realized i get
2674s fired off the desk so here we are liv
2677s i just need you to step up okay because
2678s you are the shanghai dragon's last hope
2680s he is the star player of this team and
2682s if the shanghai dragons want to advance
2684s lip needs to just pop up it's as simple
2687s as that
2688s he's already been popping off
2690s the rest of the team needs to step up i
2691s i think lip's doing great everyone else
2692s needs to step up all right well let's go
2694s ahead and get into our predictions
2696s really fast and see uh what everyone
2698s chose for the day and gentlemen i'm kind
2700s of hoping that we line up here together
2703s i'm sorry no no lining up there's no
2705s lining up no lighting especially this
2707s section oh
2709s oh
2710s danny the homie we are the same across
2713s the board except for johnny
2715s yeah what do you mean johnny why are you
2717s predicting the spark over the fusion
2719s because they are the superior team they
2721s also won last time but i've i'm on the
2722s opium with you so i i've honestly just
2724s thrown this okay no seriously custer
2726s tell me why i actually think the
2728s philadelphia fusion
2730s if they can find a way to stop shy i do
2733s not like the way that they're if they
2735s can find a way you're just wrong well as
2737s i said shy can't keep getting away with
2739s it i'm on the philly hophium i think
2741s that they can show up i think that they
2742s can perform to a higher level but
2744s honestly i've probably been blinded by
2746s everything i've always been saying over
2747s the last week we saw them win yesterday
2749s and we'll see them win again today
2751s they've downloaded the spark they know
2753s that they just have to take shai down
2755s immediately i believe in the fusion
2757s johnny doesn't but that's okay because
2759s he's gonna leave today being wrong now
2761s everyone that is it for watchpoint we've
2762s got matches to get to and brackets to
2764s finish the overwatch league mid-season
2767s madness tournament continues right now
2780s [Music]
2784s sweep them away unbelievable
2798s [Music]
2801s what the hell did i just win this uh
2804s pardon all right looks like pork's back
2806s on the menu boys
2808s killed two
2809s and he jumps at sides
2815s double three in overtime maximum winning
2818s is shy looks incredible
2822s was that a triple collapse
2836s hey everyone welcome to the beginning of
2839s the end i know it sounds really dark
2840s when i say that atlanta versus the
2843s shanghai dragons are in the lower
2846s bracket two red teams but one of them
2848s will see red after this one i'm lemon
2850s kiwi this is leg day
2852s and man it's been a long journey to this
2855s point so many game fives and it's come
2857s down to this there's only three eight
2860s pack teams left and they're all in the
2862s lower bracket
2864s yeah lower bracket slash apac bracket
2866s plus atlanta you know it's uh it's not
2869s been a fantastic tournament thus far for
2872s shanghai dragons they started off strong
2874s lemon beating out one of the best teams
2876s coming from north america dallas fuel
2878s 3-0 wasn't a great end for the dallas
2881s fuel but now shanghai dragons the final
2884s godfather of overwatch one have been
2888s cast from mount our olympus into
2890s tartarus and now they're having to make
2892s this brimstone soaked pathway back up
2896s towards potentially the finals but it's
2898s gonna be a long way to get there and
2900s also they're not looking fantastic
2902s atlanta rain stand in their way and well
2905s the desk i plan to say about atlanta
2906s rain and so did i so let's take a look
2908s at these starters because lemon you and
2910s i last year we were casting a lot of
2912s north american contenders and we had
2914s ourselves an import we had ourselves a
2916s little bit of the picante which was
2918s brought over in the form of venom we
2920s called him the tracer supreme and it
2923s seems like in this particular tournament
2926s he's been living up to that reputation
2928s venom you saw the graphic earlier
2930s against fletter is doing so much damage
2932s not playing as much of a supportive dps
2934s as you might expect when kai needs all
2936s these resources to stay healthy and stay
2938s spacious in these hit scans venom is
2941s still punching out so much damage to
2943s allow kai to get those finishes and it
2945s just feels like we're proud parents
2947s right now for venom because i feel like
2948s we were we were there by the way like we
2951s were fans since day one when this guy's
2953s career truly blossomed and contenders
2954s korea was like smurfing in contenders on
2958s tracer alone and he was touted as this
2960s one trick and people were just like oh
2962s yeah he's good enough to be an owl but
2964s what else and it doesn't matter because
2966s you can sign a tracer now and be
2968s confident and venom well he's delivered
2971s and more than enough in uh in this
2974s tournament setting but someone who's
2975s really had some great development is
2977s hawk who's previously an off tank and is
2980s now a jack of all trades you looked at
2982s atlanta rain and you're like yup this is
2984s a doomfist identity team but hawk is now
2986s on the winston and the sigma and because
2988s he's showing that flexibility to so many
2990s different tanks their weaker maps like
2993s king's row are looking immensely better
2994s now that they can operate on a sigmon
2996s attack and waste less time on the
2998s doomfist so there's a lot to expect now
3001s from the atlanta reign than just the one
3003s identity
3005s man's bonafide joked but here are
3007s shanghai cast from the top down into the
3011s lower bracket it's uh well it's the same
3014s team as last year lemon minus one
3015s additional place that allowed for six
3017s versus six it wasn't a huge amount of
3019s changes the shanghai dragons have went
3021s through yes they picked up baby who were
3023s you as stayed around but the roster was
3025s thinned it was crystallized into a more
3028s streamlined form alas yesterday only one
3031s member of shanghai actually logged in
3032s and that was lip everyone else stayed in
3035s the dugout basically uninstalled
3037s overwatch it was not filling me with
3040s confidence yes lip does pop off but
3042s fleather's damaged numbers leaves a
3044s little bit to be desired across the
3045s entire tournament so far and fate was
3047s pretty heavily counted
3049s i know like reinforced was having some
3052s doubts on fates performance in the
3054s previous matches but the one thing you
3056s can always depend on is kai and lib this
3060s sojourn battle is going to be legendary
3063s i just can't wait to get into this match
3065s and then around them have been dps that
3067s have had question marks in terms of
3069s consistency where venom and just the
3071s entirety of atlanta rain just i feel
3072s like they perform so much better in
3074s these high stakes they are the ones that
3076s perform well under pressure and venom
3078s has stepped up to that plate now flutter
3080s had some issues yesterday keeping other
3082s tracers in the league in check mainly
3084s when they went up against the san
3085s francisco shock and there was no
3087s touching proper from that team but fleta
3090s he can at least operate on the echo and
3093s he really likes copying tanks it just
3095s makes shanghai dragons front line
3097s feeling like indestructible but one map
3100s now will be chosen by the shanghai
3102s dragons an advantage they can work with
3104s and they decide to go to lijong tower
3107s it makes sense they wouldn't return to
3109s oasis after the embarrassment suffered
3112s yesterday
3113s shanghai dragons they might go up
3114s against a little bit of an n a special
3116s here we've seen a touch of moira lucio
3118s all across shanghai
3120s all across the jung tower and there it
3122s is ultraviolet picking up the old uh
3125s irish peak biologist and atlanta rain
3128s here when it comes to the pace will they
3130s be able to shell shock for shanghai
3132s dragons or will shanghai dragons be able
3134s to effectively kite these dives until
3137s they can find themselves an early pick
3138s remember here that kai might have a
3141s touch more trouble building up that rail
3142s charge to really deliver the burst
3144s damage but when we look at our tracer
3146s matchup venom is putting out a lot more
3148s damage on average compared to flatter
3150s is this the hawk ball
3153s the myth the legend i was expecting the
3156s doomfist on night market where it's just
3158s one of the better best rounds even for
3160s doomfist and you can already tell by the
3162s lucio moira how atlanta reigns are going
3163s to play this all together as they can
3166s but hawk and you know atlanta rain they
3168s love that confidence if they can beat
3169s you at your own game they'll do it lana
3172s reign already has control of the middle
3173s of the match shanghai dragons going
3175s through the other the sides of the map
3176s but lib already strikes first diffing
3179s kai a five versus four point unlock see
3182s dragons have already made their way
3183s there lana rayne not gonna go down
3185s without a fight but hawk got cc'd or
3187s just his rollout got interrupted and
3189s couldn't leave fast enough and now this
3191s is a almost flawless fight for dragons
3194s with the cap first
3195s oh so hard to play those off angles
3197s lemon when you're playing with a moira
3199s lucio the healing ranges are inherently
3201s limited because of the range of moira's
3203s body grasp and of course lucio can only
3204s heal by his aura so kai couldn't get any
3206s long-range healing that you get from an
3208s anna or from a repair pack or from a
3210s harmony orb and i'm actually surprised
3212s here that hawk has gone for a wrecking
3213s ball considering that he's not as good a
3214s frontline combatant as someone like a
3216s winston who could stay around a lot
3218s longer with a moira at their back
3220s at least for now you see the dragons
3223s they kind of left the objective and
3224s that's what's really cool about night
3226s marking the way apac approaches it is
3227s they'll cap the objective and then play
3229s around it draw the enemy to the
3231s objective and then surround them and
3232s pummel them from there and dragons been
3234s getting a lot of first bloods and it
3236s doesn't even end there now the second
3238s fight won they'll get to work on some
3239s ultimate soon
3241s yeah the real uh weakness here of the
3243s moyra lucio is going to be there if you
3245s expend the speed boost too soon you will
3247s be picked apart from all sides by the
3249s shanghai dragons there is still a pulse
3251s bomb in hand good bathing here from
3252s hawkins on top of izuyaki that's a
3255s finish from og yeah hawk back on his
3257s brand name and you see how much it works
3259s atlanta right now with that quick pick
3261s on the easy jockey legion is one they
3263s know atlanta's chance is to go to the
3265s point but like i said dragons they don't
3267s like to play on the point they play
3268s around it and then fate had minds buys
3271s that real estate right back by from the
3273s shanghai dragons as atlanta reigns
3275s scatter lip and flutter gets to pick
3277s them off on flanks so this is textbook
3280s play of night market by shanghai dragons
3283s and flawless so far
3286s the thing is though the raw damage that
3288s atlanta rain have for taking down people
3289s like fate trying to contest a point is
3291s incredibly low without things like the
3292s discord or the tanks can stay around for
3295s so so long and even longer now solomon
3298s shanghai dragons have both of their
3300s support ultimates and og is still 15 shy
3303s and will stay there from his sound
3305s barrier oh this is last fight too
3307s reigned they can't afford this
3308s coalescence starts and kai kind of loses
3311s loss on that and hawk is separated from
3313s the flock and shanghai dragons keep
3315s picking them off lip is already
3317s dominating this lobby and i was hyping
3319s things up but this is not the way i
3320s thought it was gonna be
3322s a hundred to zero in round one eight
3325s pack ain't playing around
3329s oh yes
3330s the journey back to the top of mount
3332s olympus starts with a single step and
3335s that step was taken on control
3339s shanghai dragons him i've only suffered
3340s a single death there i only remember
3341s izuki dying in the midst of those point
3343s battles we might have lost someone else
3345s as well now shanghai dragons yet again
3347s another look more of a
3350s london spitfire kind of style here a
3352s little bit of a rush here's a replay of
3354s lip popping off and that is getting rid
3355s of og and making sure there was gonna be
3357s no sound barrier for the entirety
3360s of that stage
3362s that's pain you know it's not enough
3365s pain dragons having a total of three
3367s deaths as a team that last round 100 to
3370s zero i wasn't kidding when i said this
3373s was almost perfection out of the dragons
3375s and now you got some rush fate swings
3377s away at the front line you got the
3379s mayweath from flutter to separate an
3381s atlanta reign member at the back and
3384s this is already a one-man advantage for
3385s the dragons point unlocks in a few
3387s seconds ultraviolet is off on his own
3389s has been forced to use fade and dragons
3391s want to coalesce on that and they
3393s capitalize and that won't be a fight for
3395s rain for now especially not with those
3397s heels the dragons will cap first
3399s so the dynamic here between the sojourns
3401s is going to be super interesting kai's
3402s going to have a much easier time
3404s charging the railgun because they can
3406s charge it off both the
3408s the wall of the may and the shield of
3410s the reinhardt but at the same time when
3412s you have the uh when you don't have the
3414s overclock up there's no piercing factor
3416s to that projectile so fate can actually
3418s keep his team safe if kai is on a main
3420s angle rather than going on an off angle
3422s and kai if he goes on an off angle has
3424s to be super careful about being rushed
3425s down venom swaps over now to the genji
3428s to try and get a little bit more
3429s negotiation around fate shield and have
3430s an omnidirectional attack on that
3432s monodirectional defensive measure
3434s i like the honor 2 from uv you need the
3437s nano for hawk and especially on moira
3439s you use it for the survivability and
3441s just provides way more utility and
3443s there's a sleep from uv the man himself
3445s legion's okay though good mayweal from
3447s flutter to protect things venom gets
3449s booped off we'll be able to climb right
3450s back or maybe not i guess he doesn't but
3452s it's still a four on four easy yaki's
3454s down not a ton of heels from the dragons
3457s but rain don't want to take this fight
3458s and it will implant her reign win a
3461s fight i guess we'll find out next
3462s episode
3463s it's been a while since you've heard it
3465s ladies and gentlemen but welcome to liji
3467s gone tower two environmental kills edge
3470s guarding venom i don't even know if
3471s we're in the right game anymore shanghai
3473s dragons remain in control and venom
3475s drags attention back over to a point
3476s beginning to cap it as lip falls down
3479s atlanta rain keep trying to go for these
3480s reengages it wasn't successful at first
3482s but the sound bear starts from the
3484s dragons it's a three on four legion only
3486s hits three of his two other of his
3488s teammates and it's just not working out
3491s but at least it has them extending the
3494s lead that they have almost to 75 percent
3496s you think i'm gonna die on that
3497s objective
3498s and yes it is true atlanta reign can win
3501s a fight
3504s every match win starts with a single one
3507s fight lemon atlanta reign have their
3509s work cut out for them if they wish to
3511s win on shanghai dragons first map pick
3513s here an overclock stands ready and
3516s attention for lip balm flutter with the
3518s blizzard is mostly going to be looking
3520s to either control the point here or
3521s maybe it's a defensive measure against
3523s venom's blade because a lot of people
3525s will be able to flee from this blizzard
3527s overclock starts but rain are just going
3528s to play hide and go seek hawk bumps into
3530s fate mayweal comes behind here's the
3532s solo shatter just to stop hawking
3534s whatever he's up to with this nano
3536s because oh gee has moved two people off
3538s from the dragons who are crossing on
3540s bridge side or playing around the point
3542s i have no idea how that happened but oh
3544s gee just solo one reign to fight
3547s all by himself fletcher actually swaps
3549s over tracer now gives up the blizzard
3551s and i think that might be a slight
3552s mistake here i mean admittedly shanghai
3554s dragons were decided to make an
3555s affirmative decision to swap their
3556s entire comp but that would have been a
3558s really good defensive measure against
3560s the venom blade but frankly shanghai
3562s dragons now don't have anything for
3564s apart from fate hitting a big punch this
3566s is what the desk wanted fake moving away
3568s from the wrecking ball onto these other
3570s tanks and yes reinhardt was one but the
3572s other was doomfist oh she will have to
3574s be careful with this beat i guess he was
3575s nowhere close from the punch and fake
3577s it's overwhelmed punches in and the
3579s bearer comes after at one v5 not even
3582s fake can do that but how long do the
3584s dragons want to stay around they really
3586s just can't afford to stagger out anymore
3588s this has been a zero to 77 plus comeback
3591s from the rain and now they have to lead
3594s og with an interesting use of a sound
3596s barrier they just managing to swarm over
3597s fate after used both of his cooldowns
3599s and got emptied fletter on the back line
3601s gonna put some pressure onto
3602s ultraviolets trying to distract people
3603s as fate moves in onto a point to at
3605s least trigger overtime in a couple of
3607s seconds last fight starts venom can he
3609s win it on his terms he's a yucky and lip
3611s already down a five on three no damage
3613s and no heals it feels like
3615s dragons just don't have enough gas in
3617s the tank they might have killed uv but
3619s venom finished things off a cleanup and
3622s a massive zero to a hundred comeback
3625s from the atlanta reign that's legendary
3627s stuff as we go to round three control
3629s center
3630s a little bit of a flounder of a full
3632s comp swap on controller when we rarely
3634s see those after like the first couple of
3636s fights alas shanghai dragons thought
3638s they had a better chance going over to
3640s the doomfist but fate's engagements they
3642s simply were not reinforced fate was
3646s often engaging alone flash's timings
3648s were a little bit off and it meant that
3649s atlanta rain could just turn around at
3651s different junctures and find themselves
3653s one versus threes there's the uh first
3656s of the environmental kills yeah we may
3658s be on li jigong tower but uh og loves
3661s himself a little bit of environmental
3662s kill too and we also saw og grow up in
3665s north american contenders alongside
3667s venom they were often times in the grand
3670s finals facing each other
3672s but together with their powers combined
3675s north american contenders is here with a
3676s vengeance lucio mora a lot of speed
3679s behind these doomfist comps enabling
3682s these rotations both in and out and now
3684s dragons have control of the server side
3686s immediately give it up now it's the
3688s doomfist battle orbs thrown left and
3690s right hawk way more healthy than fate
3693s waiting for these anti-utilities from
3695s easy yaki he gets one on the hawk but
3697s there was so much cc that came out of
3699s hawk to stun up three members of the
3700s dragons and they all collapsed still the
3703s numbers you're not too confident if you
3705s are the rain but now
3707s that you just utilize the speed
3709s overwhelm the dragons when they hesitate
3710s at the last second the rain will get the
3712s point with three members left
3714s yeah the second shanghai dragons
3716s hesitate they are going to be ran over
3717s by this mora composition it's all about
3719s the speed of being able to engage with
3721s that much aoe healing and potentially
3723s the damage orb as well to just get that
3725s kind of guaranteed damage where it
3727s doesn't really have to be aimed as much
3729s you can see venom already excelling on
3731s the tracer 81 of the way towards the
3734s pulse bomb
3736s now he'll have a flame from flutter he's
3738s close to pulsar even just getting on the
3740s objective and drawing atlanta reign away
3742s from server can help things out it'll be
3744s four on four on servers here's the punch
3746s from fate gets venom no immediate
3748s follow-up yet sleep out of bed finished
3750s off by flutter one-man advantage for the
3752s dragons coming up to nano meteor strike
3755s war
3756s the triggers being pulled a pulse and a
3758s perfect patience to hit hawk as he
3760s landed from meteor strike and now fade
3762s is nanoed and he's gonna just bulldoze
3764s this front line and ultraviolet won't
3766s give this up or he will give this up for
3768s just a little whimper so dragons will
3769s get the point back
3771s oh that was a perfect round for mizzyaki
3773s hitting the sleep onto venom who had
3776s ready to go this pulse bomb was
3778s incredible and also the finish there
3780s from
3781s him the charge he needed for the pulse
3782s one stick that on to hawk as he lands
3784s from medium strike can't do anything
3785s about it
3787s and instantly eviscerate that tank
3789s remember there's not really a defensive
3790s counter measure here like a nano to help
3792s hawke survive if he goes too far
3794s coalescence first pressure mounts for
3796s the atlanta reign it's countered by the
3798s li jaegon barrier as lib just hopes to
3800s have the space to use this overclock and
3802s now he has the resources to do so but
3804s doesn't want to shrink yet but as he
3806s just is a little bit overly patient on
3808s wanting to use ultimates i mean
3810s lip doesn't have any supports anymore so
3812s atlanta rain will get the objective back
3815s for atlanta rain though that was a huge
3817s amount of their staying power expended
3820s in the fight both of the support
3822s ultimates expended almost simultaneously
3824s for coalescence doing damage through
3825s multiple people and the healing on top
3827s of a sound barrier legion expended his
3829s but his izuki gets closer and closer to
3831s walters now you've got to deal with the
3832s overclock first
3835s the fight being kicked off by lift
3836s overclock all that hits hawk in the
3839s finish from fake that is the type of
3840s cohesion we needed from the dragons
3842s presence on the point now range is
3844s barely holding on to the server
3846s fade already used by ultraviolet but the
3848s flank from venna of venom and og is just
3850s so strong they've already assassinated
3852s uh easy yaki
3854s and even though
3855s shanghai dragons started the fight off
3857s on their terms and on the right foot
3858s it's just the flanks from rain are so
3860s strong
3863s that was a uh
3865s interesting interaction going on in that
3867s fight shanghai dragons though looking
3869s towards the current
3871s battle it's going to be all about
3872s standard boost onto fate potentially
3874s onto fletcher as well can get deep
3875s enough og's so low to give over the nano
3878s for the extra burst never mind the burst
3880s coming from kai goodbye flutter oh she
3882s was just the bait and you bit shanghai
3885s dragons got to do this without flutter
3886s for now and venom already gets hawk low
3888s with the pulse bomb but he's
3890s reinvigorated by the nano but what can
3892s he do with it forces the jump out of kai
3894s he wants to focus him down but he's so
3896s deep at the back and the rain supports
3897s have his back shots exchange atlanta
3900s reign in overtime territory dragons
3902s can't leave this objective they might
3904s have saw the faded out of ultraviolet
3905s flutter heads on the flank he has the
3907s pulse bomb he misses it all the kai
3909s and dragons now don't have a tank but
3911s they can depend on lit maybe one last
3913s time it's round three will the range
3915s strike first in this map one meteor
3918s strike at the back hawk starts the fight
3920s he goes after fate but he's saved by the
3922s barrier of legit gold but they don't
3923s have easy yaki dragons have to win this
3926s now but do they have the damage the
3927s coalescence from ultraviolet will heal
3929s everyone back up and now he starts to
3931s pressure down limp and the dragons just
3933s don't have anything left in the tank at
3935s this point there's so much heals with
3938s this moira and atlanta rain will take
3941s the round three
3943s on their own map pick
3945s some of the champions of apac lemon
3947s begin to crumble shanghai dragons find
3951s themselves flummoxed by atlanta rain yes
3954s the moira composition did not pass
3956s muster over on the night marker but in
3958s the tiger confines of the control center
3961s where moira's bodygrass who get those
3963s tighter fights and the best of heels
3966s available
3967s shanghai dragons found themselves with
3969s no answers to the rain aggression the
3972s phoenix has begun to flame
3975s and the dragons though they made them
3977s sweat for round three but as the dusk
3979s said the map choice for hybrid is gonna
3982s be critical and we're gonna see after
3985s this break where the shanghai dragons
3986s want to soar to
3988s [Music]
3999s [Music]
4032s [Music]
4046s [Music]
4085s [Music]
4101s [Music]
4135s [Music]
4141s [Music]
4152s [Music]
4171s [Music]
4190s [Music]
4199s [Music]
4207s there has been one players that's very
4209s consistent ultraviolet has been lights
4211s out
4219s [Music]
4223s really relying on ultraviolet to just
4225s kind of do the heavy lifting of the
4227s support
4237s [Music]
4238s is
4240s [Music]
4254s ultraviolet i see
4264s welcome back everyone going into map two
4266s and it will be the dragon's choice
4268s having to play from behind i mean the
4269s dragons haven't experienced this since
4272s uh the beating that the shock gave them
4274s but even after that beating the the
4276s dragons didn't choose to go to this map
4279s coming up they went to ice and fault
4280s there but maybe trying to exploit some
4283s weaknesses or at least some tape that
4285s has already been revealed this
4286s tournament by the atlanta reign
4288s and also a little bit of an ultraviolet
4290s sizzle there picking up the moira two
4291s maps out of three on li zhang tower more
4293s of a uh more of an n a approach than an
4296s apec approacher there's a good chance
4297s for shanghai dragons haven't had as much
4299s expertise screaming against those
4301s particular moira lucio rush comps and
4304s they're doing their own support swap ups
4305s here bringing in baby like you said
4307s lemon this usually indicates a double
4309s flex support approach baby very good on
4312s the uh on the back and in fact baby was
4314s part of what we might call the failed
4317s shanghai dragons mid-season beginning
4319s experiment where they played a little
4320s bay bay and void and they went owen six
4322s they didn't do great at the uh of the
4325s start of our mid-season madness
4326s qualifiers however they did start to
4329s fare a little bit better later on once
4330s they really zeroed in on using the
4333s fake ball
4334s king's row gonna be an interesting
4336s choice for them if atlanta reign are
4338s gonna be defending first uh
4340s it's a lot to try and get rid of hawks
4342s sigma he is a joke a jack of all tanks
4345s but his sigma certainly is something
4347s else and he's real hard to dislodge
4350s and like i was saying dragons haven't
4352s been to this map this tournament yet the
4355s only time they ever lost control
4356s was to shock and they chose to go to
4358s ikenvault so this is a different look
4360s meanwhile atlanta reign have been to
4363s this map uh been to this map twice this
4365s tournament both against seoul dynasty
4367s and the houston outlaws uh
4369s winning this uh sorry losing this
4371s against the seoul dynasty and winning
4373s against the houston outlaws but what i
4376s liked about the rain which i felt like
4377s was one of their weaker maps um when it
4379s came to the regular season was because
4381s they were a little bit one-dimensional
4383s around the doomfist and it's rather uh
4384s when this map is so narrow it can be
4387s quite easy to counter doomfist who
4389s doesn't want to play from front to back
4390s but rather on these off angles but ever
4392s since atlanta reigns start incorporating
4394s hawk and more of the other options
4396s whether winston or sigma atlanteran have
4398s seen more success even just more
4400s recently against the houston outlaws so
4403s they'll be on the attack we'll see
4405s what's up for bat first the hawk winston
4408s touch of winston versus winston here
4410s whenever fate is a world-class winston a
4412s world-class dive tank in fact however
4415s over on liang tower i think the
4417s coordination between fletter and fate in
4418s those last two rounds was severely
4420s lacking fate's actually been isolated
4422s here has to jump away away from that
4424s disruptor field and now has to expend
4427s the barrier as well so lemon fate's
4429s going to be lacking in resources for a
4430s while this gives room for atlanta rain
4432s to start moving around this monday
4434s statue without taking too much damage
4436s from a winston so lionel raine just
4438s dived to the top right fate's gonna body
4440s block that but really oh
4442s hawk's been ante though so he gets
4443s already below half health you gotta be
4445s careful of that with the focusing beam
4447s from flutter for a quick finish and hawk
4449s is still gonna poke down and the heels
4451s are just not making contact from
4452s ultraviolet
4454s the supports were on the low ground so
4455s without that they don't even get a tick
4457s but you'll have to keep in mind on how
4459s the rain are going to try and either
4460s jump on the lip or izoyaki or baby who
4463s usually want to play in these windows
4464s areas that are very hard to dive but
4466s despite not having to take rain have no
4468s problem just walking up to the point and
4470s taking almost two ticks now hog has been
4472s slept flooded with an injury doesn't
4474s want to interact with that yet lip got
4476s slapped and
4477s he backs on out too rain didn't really
4479s have too much of a hard time getting the
4482s point despite getting killed a lot
4484s i have to once again have to question
4487s fate and flatter both working as solo
4490s artist there it feels like uh fate is
4492s almost in the i need to carry mode and
4494s flutter is playing a lot more reserved
4497s towards the back ultraviolet already
4499s dead that is a huge pick from lip might
4502s be once again but lip has to put on his
4504s carry pants for a little while until the
4505s rest of shanghai dragons are up to speed
4507s or at least calming effectively venom's
4509s down as well
4511s just more stagger kills moral charge for
4513s the dragons depends what kind of
4514s initiative they want to take if they
4515s want to engage with this nano from bay
4518s bay onto fade with these yaki getting
4520s shot you just have to be careful with
4521s these peaks especially how they charge
4523s off the tanks they're the nano's
4525s actually given to fleta and not too
4528s close to the dupe so he has to be
4529s careful how deep he wants to go kai has
4531s been nano from the other side so that's
4533s been nullified now the rain can move on
4535s forward they don't have the
4536s transcendence but they want to chase
4538s down these members these dps from the
4540s dragons that don't have their mobility
4542s cooldowns but the executions didn't come
4544s quick enough for the rain and they break
4545s out of the choke
4547s clutter and fate finally moved together
4549s there on a diver last they were warded
4551s off by a nano boosted kind he's
4553s dangerous enough for about fifty percent
4555s extra damage venomous fossil manhattan
4556s do they just want to remove fate is the
4559s question a deep dive or a primal in the
4561s back pocket babe is gonna be public
4562s enemy number one baby's in trouble great
4565s die from hawk flip is slept too so this
4568s is just
4569s not going to be much
4571s as soon as lip wakes up the overclock or
4573s at least the charge shot hits kai
4575s so i felt like this should have been a
4577s bit easier from the rain now they're
4579s going to prime along through it's a 2v2
4581s both primals activated discord placed on
4584s the venom he heads out the card is
4586s halfway to b
4587s fade is just going to try and exist as
4589s long as he can but he doesn't want to be
4590s staggered now you can hold your
4591s ultimates for the end of point b that's
4593s the fight that matters for the dragons
4595s oh face actually over extended a touch
4597s here might be in trouble if he gets
4599s afflicted with a discord or but uh og's
4600s actually swaps over onto a lucio it's
4602s not a huge issue now kai with the
4604s overclock plenty of energy in the rail
4606s gun but needs to find the head shots
4608s shanghai dragons are carrying away in
4609s fear for the moment
4611s yeah fleta loves the copy of church here
4613s it's in his wheel as for a reason the
4614s pulse bomb at the ready not wanting to
4617s throw down to ultraviolet knows only has
4618s a few more seconds doesn't connect but
4620s now gets to fly away that's all that
4622s matters ultraviolet dead this is not a
4624s good push for the rain especially
4626s missing kai too
4628s and they wanted more out of that engage
4630s it was so aggressive with kai's
4631s overclock but didn't really convert much
4633s after izuyaki fragged one
4635s all right og swaps back over onto the
4637s zenyatta the pathing out of this primary
4640s door i think is a little bit dangerous
4641s lip is multiple times attempted for the
4643s head shots on supports as they leave
4646s og luckily they're only suffering a body
4648s shot and so now fate once again has to
4651s recalculate how these dives are going to
4652s work because the winston's going to be
4654s in additional trouble when faced with
4655s the discord of og and how about the nano
4658s on defeat too he jumps from the corner
4660s goes right up the hawk and he's body
4662s blocking him from the door but still
4665s hawk had more backup than fate did even
4667s when he had the nano but it's still a
4669s good dive from the dragons when you kill
4671s both supports that the attack had you
4673s forced out the transcendence so the rain
4675s don't have to be too sad about this they
4677s have three members up kai is looking for
4679s a flank on the left side that's a good
4681s pulse by venom hitting me sayaki and now
4684s atlanta rain can be more confident they
4685s still only have three up the dragons
4687s will disengage temporarily before
4689s re-contest but uh it's not looking good
4692s for the right now after that shot from
4693s lip
4695s oh kai with oh my god in chat yeah me
4697s too buddy me too
4699s they know venom in the back however that
4702s is a lifesaver from lit for shanghai
4704s dragons a new lease on life after losing
4706s out on easy yaki hawk could have got so
4708s aggressive without having to worry about
4710s that discord orb and so removing that
4713s initiative means that once again
4714s shanghai dragons can set up on these
4716s corners and control the engagement
4718s fletter
4719s he's gonna be pocketed over here
4721s alongside lip of course who is gonna
4723s manage to escape unscathed however hawk
4725s has bought a lot of space for his team
4726s to work with that's actually gonna move
4728s in the jump in the overclock i don't
4730s know if hawk wants that smoke but he's
4731s still back hands left and cancels the
4733s ultimate the dragons have to head out
4735s babe he's getting flanked by venom and
4737s was able to win that 1v1 somehow not
4739s sure baby's okay for now and so with the
4741s dragons and
4742s especially fate who has the primal rage
4744s flooded gonna poke around the corner and
4746s see if he can assassinate kai but sees
4748s that hawks there too so it doesn't want
4749s to be too eager
4751s a fairly economically neutral fight
4753s right there lip expending the
4755s overclocking getting the uh one for one
4757s trade walking out with the prime mover
4759s could move incredibly deep onto was yaki
4760s try and get rid of that zen and use his
4762s large form if he gets caught in a corner
4764s to body block any huge coming in from
4766s baby that could be a huge asset for
4768s winston to use the last fletcher not
4770s been great on the duplicates thus far
4772s this year but maybe somewhat more
4774s dangerous
4775s i don't know if you want to be on the
4776s flank on anna but at least you'll have a
4778s second chance at life grabs the mega and
4780s heads on now uh but especially after
4783s seeing venom on the flank on ali side i
4785s i like the idea just not the copy and it
4787s doesn't matter when the rest of the team
4788s are doing all the killing for you you
4790s get to do your best impression of the
4791s third support and with a few seconds
4793s remaining the rain and got nothing left
4796s in the tank they have the olds they just
4797s got to be alive to use them and venom's
4799s the only person there to keep touching
4801s but hawk comes back on the doomfist
4803s keeps the overtime wick burning but with
4805s the transcendence there's just no kills
4807s that are gonna be had with all the
4808s leftover ultimates that the rain had
4811s it's dragons always first blooding them
4814s and that'll be the end of the road for
4815s the attack of the rain before point b
4818s r.i.p from the lip it was atlanta reigns
4822s best chance but was shut down put in the
4824s ground and consigned to oblivion by a
4827s wonderful random headshot from lip
4829s getting rid of kai eliciting an omg in
4833s the chat and without kai atlan terrain
4835s missed out on so much of their damage
4837s but they just could not complete the
4839s fight where with izyaki having been
4841s stagger picked by venom atlanta were in
4844s their best position ever to try and
4845s complete second alas now i think their
4848s best chance is holding first here i mean
4850s hawk sigma holds on this first point are
4853s pretty prodigious in the overwatch
4855s league and shanghai dragons are gonna
4856s need to keep their coordination
4858s absolutely perfect if they want to outdo
4861s hawk he's actually playing the winston
4862s here maybe betraying the tape a little
4864s thinking that potentially shanghai
4866s dragons are prepped for this
4868s i think this was the shot that made a
4869s kai talk in the chat yup it was just
4872s mid-jump like that i think my big issue
4874s with just the rain on that last attack
4876s was just they didn't have enough
4877s pressure on that left side alleyway so
4879s they were just one dimensional when it
4880s came to the only road they were going to
4882s come from and dragons either frag them
4884s from easy yaki or from lip at a distance
4887s and whenever rain had olds it was just
4889s matched right back by the dragons and
4892s every time the rain thought they had a
4893s chance ultraviolet noji would die
4895s there's been a few fights just failure
4896s after failure
4897s point b
4898s not enough in the tank so we'll see if
4901s the dragons can match that pace getting
4903s some initial initial sonic arrows to see
4905s who's in hotel maybe some ideas on what
4907s comps and we go back to the tried and
4909s true
4911s okay one thing to bear in mind here is
4913s that for shanghai dragons their vertical
4915s mobility outside of winston is going to
4916s be heavily limited which means that in
4918s order to actually get up onto
4919s ultraviolet and og there's a significant
4921s set up time but fleta needs orlip is
4923s going to have to take a risk and just
4925s slide his way into the enemy camp
4928s without any means of protecting
4930s themselves afterwards
4932s now fate
4933s jumps to the very back to see if he can
4936s land on some supports and the auntie
4938s kills kai and hawk is already
4939s overwhelmed he's below 50 hp and at
4942s least he's with ultraviolet but shanghai
4944s dragons have them pinned down they can
4947s start to work on that first kick you
4949s ought to be worried of those orbs for
4950s emoji who's i've really done a great job
4952s of owning that role more and more as an
4955s old lucio player from contenders but
4957s dragon's second tick recontest at the
4960s ready from the rain
4961s close the pulse bomb there from venom he
4964s starts ahead on that flank he already
4965s checks flutter there has to be a touch
4967s though and venom has to take the fight
4968s there oh geez got the warp on him to
4970s help him out if needed you can see how
4973s dragons were quick to disengage to kind
4975s of rely on lip to get some pigs but it's
4977s really the reign who have fought back
4979s even harder two kills for them already
4981s and no third tick for the dragons
4984s i hope kai takes a higher ground
4985s position this time i think playing on
4987s the low actually was uh
4989s a big liability for the atlanta reign
4991s may have been easy picking even for bay
4992s bay to finish off with an antenate venom
4995s at the moment playing doorman and fate
4997s he'll easily be able to get a little bit
4999s of additional damage towards nano
5000s straight onto og
5002s yeah needing to invest ultimates here
5004s for dragons nano v nano both sides
5007s august slap those so that got canceled
5009s the dragons just have to work out the
5010s last take nine more percent away but you
5012s don't have baby you don't have a ziyaki
5014s but driving them closer respawns so now
5016s they have to invest primal they're just
5018s not feeling confident on their chances
5020s of fully securing it and atlanta come
5022s back for a touch and phantom heads fae
5025s with the pulse bomb and hawks there too
5026s they deny the last couple percent lip
5029s now thinks he could take hawk on but
5032s forgot that he still had primal he gets
5034s off the point he needed to just live on
5037s the boy
5039s oh this is so sad
5042s this is so sad lemon ah hawk just not
5044s with the proper control of the primer
5046s right there overshot the jump just the
5047s touch thinking venom might be able to
5048s come in and get that touch after
5050s claiming the uh the health pack from
5053s inside earlier the mega health back
5056s shanghai dragons finally get their
5057s capture here and have a healthy
5058s four-minute time bank to try and
5060s complete b and plenty of ultimates to do
5062s so with flatter we're creeping through
5064s in the subway getting off at warrick
5066s avenue maybe
5069s bit of a slower push from the dragons i
5070s think they probably should have just
5072s checked the top window of the high
5073s ground next to the point because it felt
5074s like some random picks came from there
5076s and
5077s had to invest more ultimates gotta work
5079s on those back and right pulls from flood
5081s ultra pilots go on and that's when the
5083s cards fall oh gee they'll use his
5085s transcendence thought another bush was
5087s coming from the dragons they can wait
5088s this out
5090s until uv gets back dragons have their
5092s own transcendence and they lost slip so
5095s much damage from hawk came out easy
5097s yucky he thought he was okay
5099s he's love two support ultimates for the
5100s dragons though and lip will get back
5102s soon it's one last fight for the dragons
5104s attack and there's already great space
5106s being made from fate
5108s kai has overclock and he's made miracles
5110s happen before the chi factor that turned
5112s around series through the atlanta reign
5114s especially against seoul and he locks
5115s onto baby but it's only a body shot if
5118s it heals back up to full
5119s fate is above kai
5121s waiting for the nano but it's actually
5123s lip that gets the nano and ultraviolet
5125s doesn't have his yet lip is going after
5128s og has already killed two and now three
5130s and that's enough the shanghai dragons
5133s will tie the series
5135s you may have overclocked baby but i just
5137s hit five gigahertz what a play from lip
5141s shot after shot hitting its mark and
5143s shanghai dragons have made sure there
5145s are no more sweeps in store one to one
5148s on their own map choice and well seems
5151s like the research is starting to pay off
5153s for the shanghai dragon to last now
5155s atlanta reign for the first time in this
5157s series so it was a dictator location
5160s park did a fantastic job on the winston
5163s though and you could tell he's just
5164s improving every day now hawk isn't going
5167s to be able to touch the winstons of fate
5169s and others in the league
5171s but he's doing his job he's pressuring
5174s down he's iaking baby and they're
5175s getting pigs but at the end the dragons
5178s they're relentless on their assault we
5180s have a one-word series but coming up
5182s next it's atlantis atlanta marines
5184s choice of map
5188s [Music]
5201s um
5214s [Music]
5234s do
5240s [Music]
5300s do
5323s [Music]
5329s [Music]
5405s [Music]
5417s [Music]
5429s [Music]
5435s boy oh boy lemon i can't wait for our
5437s community to say their famous
5439s catchphrase it's arting time as for
5442s mid-season madness global tournament
5443s rangers i'd submit your art celebrating
5446s the team or region you'd love to see win
5448s it all on the overwatch league fan art
5450s gallery i've personally been watching a2
5452s zeitgeist also known as angie putting
5453s out daily comic strix so v strips
5456s they've been fantastic lemon i'm
5458s thoroughly impressed i know i i also
5461s remember the comic strip uh that's
5463s forgot the name shout out to that artist
5465s though from the who drew the merit
5467s palette uh i should have had that right
5469s in my bed but that's been a big moment
5471s for artists i know
5473s shout out to that artist but speaking of
5476s creativity we saw a different look from
5478s the atlanta reign on king's row
5480s utilizing more of hawks winston when
5482s previously going to the sigma but now we
5485s have some even more changes coming in
5487s now that uh
5489s venom is out
5491s nero in
5492s and this is atlanta reigns choice of map
5495s and i think a good old favorite for both
5497s of our teams will be going to circuit
5499s royale
5501s oh yes this has been since its
5504s introduction to overwatch league the
5506s battleground for some of the greatest
5508s widows in the world and well for my
5510s money when it comes to north america kai
5512s is the best there is killer ai some
5515s might call him and he's gonna be joined
5517s here by nero subbing in for venom one of
5519s the things that i really want you to pay
5520s attention to in the audience is how nero
5522s plays the off angle behind the statue
5525s when uh defending first point of circuit
5527s royale if shanghai dragons have been
5529s studying the tape they need to know that
5531s that off angle needs to be exploited
5533s because nero is essentially in a
5534s one-and-done there if he gets rushed
5536s upon by something like a genji from
5538s fleta he could easily be overwhelmed
5541s destroyed and find an easy four versus
5543s five for shanghai dragons but if they
5545s don't address nero he'll be able to
5547s demolish void
5549s and nero comes in to play the sojourn i
5552s know over kai how could he but kai will
5554s be busy on the widowmaker hitting those
5556s heads and nero also likes to play uh the
5558s honda on defense the sonic arrows can't
5561s be understated enough how that
5562s information is used and so that will be
5565s on the menu when it comes to the dragons
5567s though hey they like this map too
5569s they um
5572s oh my god here goes this again okay i'll
5574s talk about it later right first little
5575s rain are undefeated on this map they
5578s beat both the london spitfire
5580s and my brain is falling out and the
5583s seoul dynasty as the shanghai dragons
5586s the fuel
5587s and also the only time i want to see
5589s orisas play the piano and the dragons
5591s lost to the shock yesterday to that so
5594s uh i'm excited to see the lip versus kai
5598s as i'm slowly losing my sanity
5600s ah yes finally scientifically perfect
5603s music perfected by the shanghai dragons
5606s coaches in their off time lip of course
5608s gonna be out here on the widowmaker
5610s you'll know what to expect
5612s usual spot for a widowmaker not
5614s currently gonna be occupied one of the
5616s things that we got to talk about here
5617s for kai versus lip is the additional
5619s wall hacks he'll be gifted over by nero
5622s sonic arrow here which is going to give
5623s him a distinct advantage in some of
5625s these widows
5627s for now a lot of space being given up by
5630s atlanta rain
5632s able to use that sonic arrow on the shop
5634s too just to see who and
5636s who's coming around the corner mainly
5638s void has also been substituting in as a
5640s sigma duty
5642s rise up and now you can kind of keep in
5644s mind of over on that right statue side
5646s how flutter is going to want to jump
5648s around the corner i think these sojourns
5650s can get also a lot of charge off these
5651s sigma shields liquors for the jump
5653s doesn't connect now it's kai's turn oh
5656s i think that was good as a support
5657s around there yeah that was maybe around
5659s the statue he's got to be careful but he
5661s wants to try and build up towards that
5662s ant matrix so quickly now nero has gone
5665s inside of shop and he wants to try and
5667s lock heads on the back line of dragons
5669s but this is an eager position
5671s the shots exchanged by the snipers no
5673s one home yet
5675s the immortality's out of the picture too
5677s this is a lot of space for the dragons
5680s you have to really try and shove hawk
5682s back you got the accretion hawk gets
5685s healed back up to full near what's
5687s missing a lot of damage now and no tank
5689s for the defense and it's just as easy as
5692s that for the dragons from point a
5694s okay so nero here actually took a really
5696s different approach to the defense but he
5697s usually does them and didn't actually
5699s play on that off angle and instead went
5701s essentially in the same direction as kai
5703s and that meant that atlanta rain had a
5705s quite mono directional zone of influence
5707s and that was really good for shanghai
5709s dragons it meant void could block off
5711s both kai and nero essentially with the
5713s same shield and it meant that lip and
5715s flutter could try and find their own off
5716s angles to overwhelm hawke yes kyle will
5719s take out lip here and that's going to
5720s stop a hugely aggressive claiming of
5722s space from shanghai dragons but void's
5724s got a big advantage when it comes to
5725s generating background plugs
5728s boyd has that advantage but kai has the
5730s high ground and he lots of body shot but
5733s flint has like one and baby's dead so
5735s dragons gotta hope they don't stagger
5736s out anymore as the rain look down below
5739s that cliff to see if there anyone else
5740s is home but yeah this is going to be a
5742s big old fight coming up
5744s izzy yaki had a flying a fantastic uh
5747s king's row lemon i think 11 final blows
5750s drawing equal with lip and izzy is once
5753s more going to be a huge part of a
5755s potential shanghai dragons win here when
5757s it comes to long range pressure the
5758s zenyatta puts out suma so much with the
5760s 20 orb clip and the large amount of
5762s damage that they just do generically
5764s crab flux looking for some friends
5767s has embraced void and to death baby
5769s drops below 50 goes into the doorway and
5771s he's okay for now especially zayaki
5773s there not even needing to use the
5775s transcendence there it's big too
5776s dragon's kevin big engage there's the
5778s counter flux oh she's forced to use the
5780s transcendence he's caught up in it now
5782s the overclock from flutter as the hawk
5785s shield is broken look how the dragons
5788s are taking all the space but kai still
5790s shoots flutter despite not having a
5792s shield there and dragons they they're
5794s being so aggressive but brilliant trades
5797s back and forth when you thought they had
5799s such a big advantage with the shield you
5801s forgot about kai i don't think you could
5803s ever do that and oh my god they're about
5804s to hug each other lip versus kai
5807s who's gonna get it four more meters to
5809s go and atlanta hold
5811s just a couple love taps flatter may have
5813s been meta before but uh kai oh my and
5816s florida now swaps over
5818s after using the overclock onto the genji
5820s it's going to allow them to
5821s close these distances a lot better and
5823s with easy yaki and tandem playing the
5825s break this is a dangerous time for hawk
5827s he can be brawled upon a lot of
5829s dangerous time for void rather because
5831s hawke can just uh be brawled upon
5834s with all of shanghai dragons moving
5835s forward they're gonna focus on winning
5837s the tank fight here instead of winning
5839s the sniper door and uh lip there gets an
5841s unfortunate grapple
5843s i want to see where this dragon goes
5844s it's not really used for kills but
5846s rather to separate the teams goes all
5848s the way behind the dragons now the
5850s atlanta rain could push further
5851s immortality's already been used by
5853s babies with small advantage for the rain
5854s including the information from the
5857s infrasight
5858s but rain don't really just want to hold
5860s their ground they're not going to be too
5862s aggressive off of that now the next
5864s ultimate up to bat is the hawk grab flux
5868s and there's no supports from the dragons
5871s but maybe just building up towards a
5872s baby matrix there's the graph flux
5875s trigger pulled it's always targeting
5877s void if he can and baby's gonna try and
5879s heal him back to full and void almost
5881s dropped there and it's been a stalemate
5884s despite olds being traded
5886s flip moving up a little bit further as
5888s well flats under so much duress here and
5890s void getting stunned that means he's
5892s gonna have to be playing catch up upon
5894s kai with the double unbelievable the
5897s buck stops here and it stops with me he
5900s says and yes void may have a gravity
5903s flux in his back pocket but he does not
5905s want to be using it now we're going to
5907s talk about the dynamics of answering the
5908s gravity flux for shanghai dragons as
5910s well now they no longer have the
5912s zenyatta
5913s here's a quick look at the kai replay
5914s while we talk it through it means that
5916s bay bay has to save that immortality
5919s field for burgeretic flux and it meant
5921s that there wasn't really anything else
5923s to answer the incoming aggression from
5925s kai
5926s meanwhile ultraviolet and og they are
5928s loaded for bear when it comes to
5929s answering the flux themselves
5932s oh kai is expecting to jump snipe that's
5934s one of kind of the interesting ways the
5935s attacking widow can get ahead just get a
5937s surprise is doing the grapple off of the
5939s highway side or even off at the side of
5941s this building
5942s or else you got to go through highway
5943s and then you got to peek around the
5944s corner
5946s the jump snipe there hawk wasn't ready
5948s for it there's boy grab flux it gets
5951s ultra violet mortality not forced out i
5954s like that patience especially no og
5956s transcendence they can keep this up they
5957s have major super motion by the place to
5959s stop the upcoming follow-up from the
5961s grab flux and now that that's gone the
5963s dragons advance the rally behind them
5966s flutter with the blade the immortality
5968s done with he still trades out one to one
5970s with ultraviolet now that og is gone
5971s there's no healing for this defense and
5974s that'll be it point b dusted for the
5976s dragons
5977s and it's unfortunate for the dragons i
5979s actually had to use a rally in order to
5981s finally fulfill their win condition of
5982s brawling over onto hawke and they just
5985s overwhelm this sigma who can't defend
5988s himself from the damage of a brigitte
5990s because the kinetic grasp can't eat the
5991s mace shots and it can't even swift
5993s strikes from a genji either lip uh gets
5996s a brand new ear piercing free of charge
5998s of course from mr nero and atlanta rain
6000s are going to once again retake control
6002s of pool this is going to be a hotly
6003s contested area but shanghai dragons are
6005s going to have to invest plenty of time
6007s into trying to take back
6010s dragon almost gobbling up void there and
6012s flutter on the genji as he usually does
6014s on point c
6016s after he's done with the sojourn this is
6018s a great kind of close range combat and
6020s that also means there's just quicker
6021s follow-up and it's between tracer and
6023s genji on which hero our dps prefer to
6026s have some kind of cart presence because
6028s yes you fight over pool but you also
6029s want to get that cart pushing or else
6031s it's just going to go backwards forever
6032s and it doesn't matter what position you
6034s have the cart keeps going back so
6037s looks like they have both lip and
6038s flutter and maybe even easy yucky push
6040s up on the left side forces kai to
6042s reposition further away
6044s see the high ground battle maybe
6046s favoring hawk and friends now that he
6048s has to grab flux but not even wanting to
6050s peek
6051s and hawk has to try and block these
6053s lines of sight but now that the card is
6054s approaching the end atlanta reigns focus
6057s is on maybe having to drop and prevent
6059s the full capture but nero starts off
6061s this fight well with the pick on to
6062s fleta
6064s now you still have the grab flux and
6066s many tools available from the defense
6067s but they want a proper group up and i
6069s wonder if the dragons know the flux is
6070s coming and that's why they're playing so
6072s split
6073s and with this infrasight available from
6075s kai this is bad news for shanghai
6077s dragons they aren't going to have any
6078s time left in regulation where they
6080s cannot be seen both of these widows pop
6083s the infrasights but it's kai who can
6085s control the carts
6087s grab flux from hawk and it's enough to
6089s kill his ayaki boys gonna have an answer
6091s but also rain have to be on the court
6093s they're gonna use the ant matrix and
6095s it's nero and ultra violet using it to
6097s clear out the presence of the dragons
6099s from the objective and oh geez it's
6101s wrecking from the top and dragons just
6103s got completely surrounded and got
6106s nothing out of all the olds they had
6107s available but it's still a valiant push
6110s almost till the end of the map
6112s what rain i mean the win condition is
6113s set they got to get to that point and if
6115s not i mean this decides the series lead
6119s after matt one lemon we had our uv
6121s sizzle reel and once again we've got to
6123s highlight a play from the flex support
6125s popping down the amplification matrix in
6128s over time when shanghai dragons have to
6130s be on the cart is the winning move
6133s because at that point it zugswang you
6135s can't make a move without it hurting you
6137s if you move to the car to keep up over
6139s time you're taking damage from the amp
6142s matrix if you leave the cart well you're
6144s c9 and you lose anyway and on top of all
6146s of this ultraviolet says okay the matrix
6148s is up i've got nero of a drawn back
6150s arrow hawk it's time to kill void to do
6153s that they hit the accretion on void to
6155s cancel a kinetic grasp and make sure
6157s that boyd has no means of defending
6158s himself when the double damage arrow and
6160s back t shots come his way you instantly
6164s evaporate the enemy tank and shanghai
6166s dragons at that point just have to feed
6167s onto the car hope and pray but their
6170s gods ain't listening
6172s i was expecting more godly like plays
6175s between the kai versus lip and it's been
6177s exciting but it's sort of a slow push
6179s from the dragons it took them forever to
6182s get point b and i think that was because
6183s kai was playing so deep and lip could
6185s never get a handle on that situation
6188s and then even voids grab fluxes just
6190s canceled not cancelled but just
6192s nullified when they get hot low never
6194s able to get truly the finish even when
6196s dragons shove reign against the wall
6198s it's never a clear fight win
6201s so we'll see especially against a hanzo
6204s you really can't afford to just sit
6205s there because the hans is going to have
6207s better shield break than your
6208s composition but bringing out the gates
6210s hoping to get any kind of first pick
6212s especially with dragons playing this far
6213s forward around the lamborghini
6215s and it's the hawk
6217s the hawk shield that breaks first
6220s jump shots exchange no connection
6223s it's all about regenerating those
6224s shields getting around the corner if you
6226s can build in that matrix that's a good
6228s win con but at least dragons forcing
6230s back reign more than the previous round
6234s neither team have opted into a brigitte
6235s here so playing on these longer ranges
6237s is much better for them where they can
6239s more safely poke about taking damage
6241s from the hyperspheres hawk given the
6243s disco at all but the shots simply aren't
6245s connecting thus far and so survivability
6247s is paramount keeping this alive shanghai
6249s dragons are giving up yet another corner
6251s it's do or die in the next fight lemon
6253s and these storm bows from nero are just
6255s all going into void shield and this
6257s shield battle is gonna favor the rain
6259s unless the dragons hit a head shot it
6262s can't just be body shots unless there's
6264s like insane follow up but with the
6266s double range comp of atlanta rain it's
6268s about coalescing on the same target or
6271s hawk maybe following up on a low target
6273s but even that's tough he doesn't want to
6274s get too close here's a boy grab flex
6276s already 40 ahead of hawk again the
6279s dragons get them low and finally they
6281s can finish off these kills flutter and
6284s lip getting involved and the dragons
6287s will be able to hold here
6289s oh it was so important that fletcher go
6290s in and win that one versus one against
6292s nero likely waiting for the storm arrows
6294s to come out so he can get an advantage
6296s when rolling in and trying to catch for
6298s hanzo unawares if nero was able to exist
6301s in that little cubby uncontested for any
6303s longer it would have spelt doom for void
6305s because the crossfire of the hanzo would
6307s simply overwhelm the amiga healthful of
6310s the sigma
6311s now once again atlanta rain have to
6313s fight for each of these corners again
6315s and again and at every single corner you
6317s are threatened by lit
6319s even when you know those jump shots are
6321s coming it's still not easy to hit it's a
6323s tiny hitbox that's very far away and any
6326s pick like that is buying you precious
6328s seconds and the fact that dragons are
6330s are not even playing at the end of point
6332s a but rather around this corner is also
6334s just good extra old charges the dragons
6336s can work for now they have ant matrix
6338s way before ultraviolet they have
6340s transcendence before og
6342s but it's off the strikes first grab flux
6344s will get void low immortality's out from
6347s baby and here's the matrix to stop the
6349s ball from the atlanta reign
6350s transcendence to keep hawk up dragon
6352s strike to keep the dragons locked in
6355s grab flux from the defense to respond
6357s and there is the finish once again hawk
6361s is removed and the rain have to head for
6363s the hills
6364s that was perfectly done by shanghai
6366s dragons they use the amplification
6368s magics to force out the transcendence of
6370s a nova ultraviolet's dead so there's no
6372s immo field afterwards to answer the
6373s gravity flux void manages to actually
6376s overwhelm hawke in this instance nero's
6379s already been stunned and moving forward
6381s takes so much out of the atlanta reign
6383s they've used a huge amount of their
6385s resources for sustain so izayeki has a
6387s massive advantage on the transcendence
6389s as we move into the final minute atlanta
6391s up against the wall
6393s atlanta range is focusing on the shield
6395s break no funny off angles
6397s it's just about moving void away enough
6401s to get the point a and that's a great
6403s pick or two from the atlanta reign is
6405s yucky and void gone there's no shields
6407s to defend baby or the rest and finally a
6410s cat from the atlanta reign but you're
6411s not exactly excited when it took all
6413s that time to get that done and that's
6415s not even the hardest part of the map
6417s the timing there perfect taking out
6419s izayaki he was public enemy number one
6421s disallowing the use of that
6423s transcendence from a fully charged arrow
6425s doing 250 damage yeah he's got 225 hp he
6428s might be a slightly more thick monk than
6430s he was before but the double damage
6432s hanzo arrow still gets the job done to
6435s instantly remove that zenyatta
6437s now shanghai dragons are going to have
6438s to slowly brawl their way out of this
6440s area and try and stop the cart before it
6442s gets into one fight territory but thus
6445s far shanghai dragons have not been great
6447s about uh
6449s okay
6450s lip's been great lip has been great i'll
6451s give you that
6453s hey flutter too he says me too like they
6455s say my name but
6457s i mean their whole wincon is about picks
6459s atlanta rain yes it's about pix but they
6462s have the shield break option as well as
6464s a grab flux now from hawk
6466s despite not having any supports so this
6469s is not gonna yield much result and no
6471s picks off of that so that's that old is
6474s out of the picture for the next fight
6477s overclock
6478s on the field here for flatter
6480s it's been a while since we've said it
6482s it'll overwhelm a transcendence og
6484s almost has one of those and remember
6487s that when nero and kai are either
6489s drawing back their arrows or they are
6491s scoping in they're moving slower they
6493s become much easier headshots for flatter
6496s and so they could be exploited oh that's
6498s playing from nero
6500s you've got to be careful i i really like
6501s that flank spot but you can be punished
6503s so bad and the defense i'll be able to
6505s see it where the offensive flank can see
6508s them see lip is already ready on the
6509s pillar side
6511s kai is down rain are just not netting
6514s any positive any any first bloods to
6516s really kick off these fights they'll
6518s have the dragon strike if dragons want
6520s to play a bit if they overextend a
6522s little bit nero can have a good punish
6524s on that but dragons are playing passive
6526s for a reason
6530s where do you choose to put down this
6532s amplification matrix first she must flee
6534s the dragon hawk up into the air given
6536s the discord all but below him zeno waits
6538s to make sure that health bar is filled
6540s with lemon
6541s at least the immortality was drawn up
6542s from the dragon strike and that's where
6544s the follow-up was there babe is gone the
6546s dragons are gonna try and and do
6548s something with this fight with the
6549s overclock but it's just not connecting
6552s hawk saw the flank and dragons are
6553s getting pummeled from all angles
6556s and i don't think there is a recon test
6558s not with hawk at the front door but
6560s again it costs rain so many seconds to
6564s get these objectives done the same
6565s amount of time as point a boyd is around
6568s the corner hoping to touch but he's
6570s getting bopped back and matrix but the
6572s dragons don't touch it was up to void
6575s they committed they have matrix it's a
6577s mistake
6578s shanghai dragons changed everything they
6580s went genji they went tracer they wanted
6582s one last cataclysmic fight at the end of
6584s point b while kai was still returning to
6587s the fray the ant matrix used as baby
6590s surely baby doesn't swap now there's the
6592s option of course to go to the brigitte
6594s but it's not really what beyblade plays
6595s usually they have izayaki move over onto
6597s that instead and so it's back to the
6600s tried and true for shanghai dragons they
6602s forced overtime out of all of these
6604s fights previously so why can't they do
6606s it again flatter on the genji trying to
6609s get on top of the elder shimada brother
6611s but across these longer sight lines the
6614s poke of the genji is going to be much
6615s much weaker
6617s for sight advantage for kai over lip and
6619s friends
6621s just all stacking three not really much
6622s pull prioritization from atlanta and
6625s especially off this ant matrix if they
6627s can draw dragons towards them and a flag
6630s from kyle on the left side they weren't
6631s expecting this he dips lip and now he
6634s got the flux from hawk he stops the
6636s flame from flutter a five on three
6638s starts you got a nero dragon strike
6640s that'll flush out the rats from the
6641s right side and the dragons are getting
6643s slapped around and the raid head for the
6646s box of victory and there's no one there
6648s it's a letter rain going to series point
6652s long-term planning and overwhelming the
6654s duels from those solo players like lip
6656s and flutter atlanta reign play together
6659s they have each other's backs and well
6661s friendship is magic lemon atlanta rain
6664s takes circuit royale off the back of
6666s some amazing individual performances and
6668s while player may have started to wake up
6670s in this battle with the sojourn still it
6673s seems like atlanta reina controlling how
6676s these engagements work with their tempo
6678s so smart from kai with the infrasight
6680s knew where lip was decides to take the
6682s left side flank it just completely opens
6684s up the dragons who were expecting a pool
6686s on or fight on pool
6688s so that was a great job from the atlanta
6690s reign to keep up with the little time
6692s they had remaining they go to series
6694s point but after this break will be the
6696s shanghai dragons that will decide what's
6698s next
6717s [Music]
6757s [Music]
6771s so
6773s [Music]
6784s so
6789s [Music]
6808s [Music]
6821s [Applause]
6829s [Music]
6861s [Music]
6869s [Applause]
6872s [Music]
6882s [Applause]
6885s [Music]
6891s [Music]
6899s [Applause]
6905s [Music]
6911s so
6920s [Music]
6947s [Music]
6949s two shots dead on the ground we're in
6951s the same pull up three rounds bro you
6954s done we let a rain head pop so look out
6957s when we in the zone don't play around i
6959s got strap puts your back tell you now we
6961s laying it down yeah bow bands up trapped
6964s out i bring the doors gang out look
6967s don't wanna fade and drop out got no
6969s clout things smart this crucial crucial
6971s we ain't no average usual nah
6974s we let rain ain't a savage who you
6976s [Music]
6988s welcome back to the ultimate arena
6990s between the dragons and the rain an
6992s elimination match a battle for top four
6996s with atlanta rain one map away from
6998s knocking out one of apac's last hopes i
7001s gotta say but it was pretty close and it
7004s was just you know catching dragons
7005s lacking on sergey royal
7008s yeah it's catching them lacking here and
7010s there couple
7011s nice tasty shots from kai of course nero
7015s backing out for now back to is a hanzo
7017s dojo to allow venom to return in it's
7019s actually going to be the first time we
7020s see shanghai dragons play push in the
7022s mid-season madness all of their
7024s match-ups thus far have been 3-0 for
7026s better or for worse and for atlanta rain
7029s this is a pretty powerful feeling
7031s especially for hawk it was of course uh
7033s alongside kyle one of the mainstays on
7035s the roster last year this is a rematch
7037s of our 2021 grand finals where atlanta
7040s rain were not as uh we're not as
7043s powerful against shanghai dragons this
7045s time though oh how the turns have tabled
7048s yeah but at least you can work with one
7050s advantage and one of the last ones you
7052s got left i mean
7054s dragons will be choosing our next map
7057s and then out of the two push maps they
7060s want to go to coliseum now from what
7062s we've we haven't really seen the
7064s shanghai dragons play this this
7066s tournament so far but we have enough
7068s tape on what the atlanta reign have done
7070s uh it was a close loss to the seoul
7073s dynasty
7074s but uh
7076s they also got rolled on a previous map i
7079s think this was against a london spitfire
7080s in the first round 132 meters to 44
7083s atlanta did not look good at the very
7085s start but that's when they started
7087s running hawk and nero on like some kind
7090s of may rush and then have since grown to
7092s more towards the doomfist side of things
7095s and hawk just looks more confident and
7097s more experienced on that hero but
7099s you know atlanta rain i just like that
7101s they're changing up the strat so you
7102s never know what you're going to get with
7103s them
7105s well we know at least that fate is going
7107s to be part of this one li gone as well
7109s so we can expect either a lucio or a
7111s brigitte we've seen some interesting
7113s strats from lucio's of course yesterday
7116s an infamous lucio performance from mr
7118s funny astro himself the frag frog on
7122s coliseum and on coliseum when you are
7125s playing these push maps the speed of
7127s elusive rings can be super important to
7128s try and get your positioning for these
7130s first fights especially on colosseum
7132s where the first fight isn't always
7133s guaranteed to be
7135s inside the long lane but can actually
7136s happen out in the
7138s middle area with the mega health pack as
7140s well it depends on what geography is
7142s most uh preferential for the main tank
7144s you play
7146s i mean yeah the dragon just haven't been
7148s to push because they either
7150s win or die by the 3-0
7152s sophia
7154s territory now lemon yeah and i say first
7157s obviously they play push during the
7158s regular season but everyone is looking
7161s different when it comes to the
7162s mid-season madness i mean we have teams
7164s like seoul dynasty who are out in the
7166s first round even london spitfire who are
7168s kind of like that dark horse out in the
7170s first round everyone's bringing all
7172s kinds of strats even like some sombra
7175s and stuff like that that we don't get to
7176s usually see
7178s but this map bodes well when it comes to
7180s wanting to put to choose new queen
7181s street coliseum i say coliseum is a lot
7183s more open and friendlier to hammond well
7186s as maybe if you have a more doomfist
7188s oriented team you might prefer the new
7190s queen street or if you you like your
7192s heavy flankers sombra tracers stuff like
7194s that you'd prefer new queen street but a
7196s lot of our teams prefer colosseum for
7198s that openness
7199s so i'm expecting some hammond from fate
7202s but it's hot it's been this question
7204s mark because he's playing so many
7205s different things these days
7207s all right so let's talk about the genji
7208s that's currently being hovered in both
7209s of our spawns here by both venom and
7211s flatter and this might be a big
7212s advantage for dragons venom's got a
7214s serviceable genji but flatters is
7216s definitely one of his better heroes and
7218s the reason why the genji is so prevalent
7220s here on colosseum is because for the
7222s lane itself in which the bot has the
7224s walk in the middle it has these windows
7226s on the side of it which uh segregated
7229s from the rest of the map and those
7230s windows have a gap at the top meaning
7231s they could easily be wall climbed over
7233s i've been pranked entirely fledder and
7235s venom have both swapped over to a tracer
7237s they'll show me to analyze analysis but
7242s we've been talking about how good venom
7244s has looked this tournament and diffing
7246s flutter is where you're gonna really
7248s prove that to us kai versus liv has
7250s still been an even sojourn battle with
7253s kai having some more creative plays to
7255s catch slip off guard as we saw on
7257s circuit royale but
7258s got the doomfist versus fades and faith
7261s already been antiqued and the doomfist
7263s can kind of displace um the hammonds
7265s quite well with the easy punch just
7267s getting a ham and off off its rocker for
7270s a second just like hawk is on his back
7272s is how you want to catch these tanks off
7274s guard but it's hawk first to fall and
7276s all the dominoes after that down and the
7278s dragons will get an initial push
7281s so let's analyze the dynamic of this
7283s tracer door as well in particular
7284s there's going to be a much better match
7286s up for flatter who can have the
7287s long-term healing of the harmony orb
7289s attached to him or lee jaegon's repair
7291s back and venom will be suffering from a
7293s discord orb as well and you don't get as
7294s much direct support from a lucio anna
7296s backline but atlanta reyna currently
7298s running so venom is trying to do this on
7300s his own in what is essentially a two
7302s versus one tracer
7305s see how this goes the tracer duel is
7307s c-lip needing some help on that right
7309s side that's when you need a tracer
7311s but he's been too busy marking venom and
7313s as soon as lip shows his face it just
7315s gets collapsed on so you gotta be so
7317s careful when you're on this pillar side
7319s of things you want to stay nice and safe
7321s and really have some scouting be done
7323s for you whether by fate or by flutter
7325s and just lip and friends didn't see that
7327s coming and it's atlanta rain with a good
7330s good pushback on the dragons despite
7331s losing ultraviolet no g
7334s so at the end we're still left with lion
7335s rain having closer respawns and more
7337s bodies on the bot so the dragons will
7339s reset
7340s we've discussed how shanghai dragons
7342s support lines a little bit better for
7343s tracer door but what the anna and
7345s valusio really excel in is allowing hawk
7347s to get on top of izayaki and li jaegon
7349s there's so much more support here for
7351s hawk he can brawl for a lot longer
7352s whereas fate doesn't have as much direct
7354s healing and has to exit the game quite
7356s quickly after taking some damage not a
7358s huge amount of push here for atlanta
7360s rain but now paul gets nano to change
7361s that
7362s a hawk has nano but he's a yaki he's in
7364s his face with transcendence so what can
7366s hawk really do
7368s he already has to head back he's 120 hp
7370s so some momentum lost by the brain
7372s especially not knowing where fleta is
7374s venom is missing can't keep that other
7376s tracer in check
7377s so atlanta reigns i want to waste more
7379s time we'll try and contest the bot as
7381s much as they can until venom is back and
7382s he is and that is the call being made
7385s the sound barrier and the overclock by
7388s kai
7389s two down from the dragons will you take
7391s on next kai is on the high ground too
7393s great angle as long as he doesn't drop
7395s into those fate lines that have been
7396s left over a great sleep that will be the
7398s end of fate
7399s and we'll see maybe atlanta rain with a
7401s chance to get ahead
7403s i'm actually finally get some push here
7405s remember the shanghai dragons a very
7407s fast comp so they can habitually contest
7410s this uh particular barricade don't think
7412s it'll be happening before a leaders game
7413s for atlanta reign but that was a very
7415s expensive fight they used both their
7417s alts in tandem with nano and for meteor
7419s strike combined then with a sound
7421s barrier in the overclock so only venom's
7423s really desynced when it comes to using
7425s these and lip can control the next
7427s battle using his own overclock
7429s oh that's a good disrupter right at the
7431s door of where the rallying team of
7432s dragons want to get through and they
7434s just burn right through it overclocked
7435s by lift he's looking at the back side oh
7437s she bounces away and ultraviolet is in
7439s the wrong position at the wrong time and
7442s kai is going to feel that in the morning
7443s so still though gained by the by the
7446s rain 32 meters but the dragons got to
7449s work on some more olds if they really
7451s want to try and take back the fight on
7453s staircase which is really difficult for
7454s this team to do
7456s with that rally expended as well venom
7458s now has uh a choice as to who he wants
7460s to try and stick with izyaki and lee jay
7462s gone are both fruitful targets and the
7463s brig eater in particular very easy for
7465s venom to stick if you can make sure that
7467s izuyaki is the only healing shanghai
7469s dragons will be playing from behind by a
7471s huge margin as soon as you see kai use
7473s the jump to get to the high ground you
7475s see the dragons are on that like butter
7477s on toast that's just the most vulnerable
7479s position that sojourn is going to be in
7481s and dragons have great awareness now it
7483s just sucks that they they've lost they
7485s take on it i believe or maybe even easy
7487s yaki and just having you need really all
7489s five members to get through just the
7492s bend
7492s but they still have us dragons have a
7495s small lead even though even if it's only
7498s by 0.26 meters
7499s but they're not going to be able to keep
7501s this one going
7502s also in a great job here of controlling
7504s fate on the ball essentially fake needs
7506s to get that first kill on the engagement
7508s which they did find on kai in the
7510s previous fight but after that shanghai
7512s dragons really run out of steam if they
7514s can't really disrupt atlanta reigning
7515s force at a huge amount of resources
7517s orchestra meteor strike good to go and
7519s that means fletcher now can freely stick
7521s him
7522s oh the transcendence isn't going to help
7524s a lip and fey got slipped but he's woken
7526s back up he's got mines on the bot too so
7528s fran atlanta rain have to go all the way
7530s around to get stuff done
7533s and as they're just splitting up it's
7535s not working out
7536s at least atlanta rain have that first
7538s pick on the easy yucky
7540s you have fate in the back line tossing
7542s everyone up even just distracting uv and
7544s og from healing can have a big impact
7547s but
7548s so much attention went into fate that
7549s he's dead so the rain can take back a
7551s lead now they start to work on that
7553s bridge control where hawk is already on
7555s the right side but she forgot about lip
7557s and the shots at a distance and
7559s weakening rain bit by bit is huge
7561s especially denying the chance of the
7563s sound bearer but hawk went so deep
7566s yeah hold on incredibly deep there was
7568s no way for ultraviolet support that and
7570s atlanta rain everyone's playing solo at
7572s the moment the second the og fell down
7575s everyone from atlanta rain decided to do
7576s their own thing like oh yeah let's split
7578s up and look for clues boys and so
7580s atlanta rain they may have died apart
7582s but they will respawn together and have
7584s to try and stop this barricade before it
7586s reaches the sizeable lead that they have
7588s gained for themselves still four minutes
7589s on the clock is anybody's matt lemon but
7592s atlanta rain have a significant alt
7594s advantage the question is do they use
7596s these alts in tandem again with ultra
7597s violet narrowing hawk and then v sound
7600s barrier overclock flutters like i had
7602s this bro now i still ended up getting
7604s the kill on the uv but you don't have
7607s the sound barrier
7609s so uh not sure how this push is gonna go
7611s that was such a barrier cool barrier
7613s advantage for the rain but a great
7614s collapse from the dragons on the uv and
7616s denying those on a heels is so crucial
7619s the rain don't have a lot of resources
7621s with just the lucio now the dragons only
7623s have three members remaining to get this
7625s pop this push going we'll see if they
7628s can even tie it up
7629s they didn't just deny the heels lemon
7632s it was lost in transit ultraviolet tried
7634s to use it as some kind of dying
7636s rattle
7638s of a cry and yet it was lost in the air
7640s shanghai dragon simply killed him too
7642s fast and now fate can actually come in
7643s from behind and use these mines to make
7645s sure that atlanta reigns disengage is no
7647s bueno
7648s fade place the mines at the pillar when
7651s maybe i would have liked to use that on
7652s the bridge especially where that's where
7655s kai is going to want to be but lip just
7656s jumps up there and doesn't even find kai
7658s atlanta rain are playing very on the
7661s coast side of things
7663s dragons want to get in there at least
7666s they're getting some car push but
7667s they're two meters away there's a
7668s contest from the atlanta reign to stop
7670s the lead from going the other way two
7672s and a half minutes venom
7674s present hawk meteor strikes to assist
7676s and atlanta raider being divided and
7678s conquered as uv falls again just not a
7681s ton of heals
7682s and lip dips kai in that moment pulse
7685s being thrown and misses og
7687s and this is just barely being held on by
7689s the dragons who only have faith in fleta
7691s remaining so the lead will remain in the
7694s hands of the ring
7696s venom for now needs to try and back off
7698s from this one versus two will allow
7699s fletcher to survive simply because
7701s controlling the bot at this point is a
7703s little bit more valuable flatter court
7705s but can blink out into the safe loving
7707s arms of legion gone and izzy yaki but i
7709s don't give so much credit to og there
7711s took a protracted fight against flatter
7712s even got out the pulse bomb and managed
7714s to stall the barricade before leave
7716s could be gained
7719s it's just a difference of two meters
7722s and a half
7723s and a minute 43 seconds remaining fleta
7726s with a great double kill starts things
7728s off well transcendence to keep easy yaki
7731s up you can criticize that but as long as
7733s all five are alive and before i say that
7735s isaki's dead it's fine we'll see if they
7737s can just get the last two meters
7740s before the checkpoint i'll drive to slow
7742s hawk down from the contest
7745s there is a contest from the top of the
7747s bridge and there goes the lead for the
7748s dragons the rain have to fight all the
7751s way back we could be going into game
7753s five if this remains the case for the
7755s next minute and as soon as dragons get
7757s that lead they go back and try to
7758s reclaim izayaki
7760s yeah they back off as yaki was going to
7762s take way too long to get into that
7764s position and now fake trying to grab
7766s kai's he wants to try and chase off
7768s those who would look to
7770s catch the staggers is yaki's dead again
7772s that's the worst possible person to die
7773s lemon i can't believe hawks even still
7775s alive i don't think he's gonna live much
7777s longer but he grabbed mega he had nano
7779s put all of this just to survive now the
7781s dragons are gonna close off the road
7783s with the mines ultraviolet having issues
7785s escaping he needed the sound there and
7787s hawk is still there power blocking but
7789s that's all he's really done
7791s and the rain have at least claimed to
7792s kill onto flutter five versus four but
7795s they gotta remove fate from this picture
7797s there's not gonna be much progress to be
7799s made and that's exactly why you just
7800s utilize this fam and there's so much
7802s else and survivability but how long will
7804s you live now that kai has the overclock
7807s he's not too eager to get on this high
7808s ground though he wants to be the same
7809s position especially with the dragons
7811s that are extending to contest the bot
7814s and the dragons have the lead at 54
7816s meters
7817s but it dips for now you have a three on
7820s four favoring the atlanta reign the
7822s meteor strike comes down easy yaki in
7825s trouble you need the transcendence if
7826s you're the dragon to maintain this lead
7830s atlanta or meters away the support's
7832s still alive atlanta
7835s keeping fate and check behind and og
7837s keeps the overtime wick burning you got
7839s a bustio that was probably intended for
7842s hawk but atlanta rain are gonna fight
7844s tooth and nail for these last four
7846s meters to send one of apex best out of
7850s the tournament and it's right there
7852s legion he's gonna try and contest he's
7854s got the boop he's the last chance for
7857s the dragons and there's really no one
7859s else there here comes easy yaki but
7861s everyone else is coming out of spawn and
7863s atlanta right have done it the three one
7866s series win and the shanghai dragons are
7869s going home
7871s it's a rematch of the grand finals from
7873s last year lemon of a sacred timeline has
7875s been profaned for dragons
7878s fall from the sky and it's not a blaze
7881s of glory but a last whimper that's the
7884s rain the phoenix themselves rise from
7887s the ashes in a three one they have slain
7892s one of the gods of apac and they will
7894s move further in our bracket towards a
7897s retribution
7900s izuki lost hair after that one i could
7904s come back pulling it out
7907s i can't believe it atlanta rain who
7909s could have predicted this they are the
7912s team that can perform so well under
7915s pressure it started with a game five
7918s upset in the first round of the lower
7920s bracket
7921s slaying the seoul dynasty the number one
7923s team in aipac
7925s to going after the dragons in a 3-1 way
7927s more decisive victory although coliseum
7930s was anyone's game as we said
7932s two apac teams gone by the hands of
7934s atlanta reign
7936s and now they move on to the next round
7937s to do it to someone else potentially
7940s because on the other side they're
7941s waiting for the hangzhou spark in the
7943s philadelphia fusion result to be going
7946s in after this of course
7948s and atlanta rain has made top four
7952s yes they have so let's check in with our
7954s player of the match we apsecutioner
7956s himself it is of course the hit scan
7959s liar the hit scan legend killer ai it's
7962s mr kai and yes for sojourn just as much
7966s as ever has been bloody deadly and you
7969s know what just put a little bit of
7970s genesis widow on top for circuit royale
7974s you can't deny that atlanta reign are
7976s this successful because they have one of
7978s the best sojourn players and you can't
7980s even talk about how much he did even on
7983s widow especially his creative plays to
7985s catch slip off guard to have that last
7987s push because the atlanta reign went into
7989s uh circuit royale c with very little
7991s time coming up to the last 20 seconds
7993s that they had for a and b they needed to
7996s try and
7998s just find a shortcut and they did and
8000s that was off of a genius play from kai
8002s using the infrasight
8003s sniping lip and all the cards from the
8005s dragons fell from there
8007s and the stats i mean speak for
8009s themselves a little higher deaths and i
8011s think that's because just lip has been
8013s one of his biggest challenges when it
8015s came to this series it's a 3-1 for the
8017s rain but
8018s it costed rain like some sweat and some
8021s tears after that one
8023s that was the thing that kai also brings
8024s to the table like with this kind of
8026s reputation comes your
8028s uh very prevalent inclusion in the plans
8032s of your opponents and shanghai did do
8034s their best to try and get on top of kai
8036s and make sure that he didn't have enough
8037s space to work with and that in tandem
8039s allowed for hawk for venom for
8041s ultraviolet let's try and find these
8043s openings and collected a few cheeky
8045s frags here and there that turned fight
8047s after fight and those fights add up over
8049s the course of a series lemon and this
8052s was a a statement once again from the
8056s atlanta reign they came in as one of the
8058s blower seats from north america had to
8060s battle through our first round of games
8063s and actually lost against the houston
8065s outlaws in their first outing we were
8066s like okay
8068s maybe it's a dud here from the atlanta
8069s terrain maybe the the magic juju simply
8072s is not flowing enough with them but it
8074s seems like uh like a pokemon they are
8077s just super effective against a pack and
8080s they'll have to find out who they are
8081s super effective against later on today
8084s because we're gonna have to play again
8085s against the winner of our next matchup
8087s lemon it's going to be the hangzhou
8089s spark versus the philadelphia fusion but
8092s before that we've got overlay on the
8093s desk and we're going to be with you
8094s after this break
8096s face tracer
8099s i'll come back i can't i can't i can't
8101s chase your one
8103s complaint
8114s oh
8123s the on watching is brought to you by
8125s upper deck the official trading card of
8127s the overwatch league
8129s and by teamspeak the official voice
8131s supplier of the overwatch league
8136s [Music]
8155s [Music]
8157s so
8166s [Music]
8178s [Music]
8231s [Music]
8253s [Music]
8262s [Music]
8270s [Laughter]
8287s [Music]
8301s [Music]
8337s [Music]
8349s [Music]
8365s [Music]
8377s welcome to game break everybody i'm here
8379s with hawk from atlanta reinhardt
8381s congratulations on the win you you again
8384s showed your uh jolt
8386s yeah is is that how you use that word i
8388s don't know just certified jokes
8391s all right i mean yeah let's let's talk
8393s about this match can you do you think
8394s you could run us through what happened
8395s at the very last team fight on coliseum
8398s um honestly i didn't
8401s i looked at the clock at like 15 seconds
8402s like oh my god it's last fight so um
8405s we were all just kind of playing we were
8407s no one was really panicking at least i
8408s wasn't and then um
8410s we started pushing car i didn't remember
8412s what happened fully i just i it was just
8414s a blur in my head right now but i
8415s remember going on
8417s lip i missed a couple shots and i
8419s eventually got him and i almost killed
8420s alicia
8421s with the power punch i wasn't able to
8422s and um
8424s then we just cleaned up one point
8425s because alicia was only one allowed to
8426s touch yeah
8427s and you guys clutched out the win so for
8429s today's match we're going to shanghai
8430s dragons did you guys have any like
8431s particular game plan going into today's
8433s match
8434s um
8436s not i mean
8438s we just try to play our strengths and uh
8439s win our map picks and hopefully you know
8442s uh just
8443s win one of theirs as well because you
8444s have to and um
8447s kind of played our game you know like we
8450s had a couple strats didn't work a couple
8451s strats did and um just finally happy to
8454s be at them okay and of course with
8456s today's win you guys are going to be
8457s going up against either
8459s honza spark or the philadelphia fusion
8460s right um yeah and you are really good at
8462s this because yesterday when we talked
8464s you guessed the shanghai dragons are
8465s going to be your next opponent and it
8466s came true so who do you think you're
8468s gonna actually not tomorrow sorry
8470s tonight yeah who do you think you guys
8471s are going to be playing against
8473s probably
8475s i'm gonna go spark i'm gonna go spark on
8477s this one um
8478s unless mn3 just starts aimbot in the
8480s lobby
8481s and um let's show i can match him so
8484s it's hard to tell but i want to go spark
8486s because they look pretty good yesterday
8488s yeah well that match is coming up right
8490s after this uh hawk thank you so much for
8492s your time and with that being said
8493s awfully take it away
8497s thanks danny back-to-back hawk
8498s interviews back-to-back series wins for
8501s the rain congratulations to the
8503s the team as he said the last what minute
8506s he said in the overtime was like a blur
8507s to him he had no idea what was going on
8509s i could speak to that i've had the same
8511s thing where like you have so much
8513s adrenaline going through your body
8514s sometimes like obviously in the moment
8515s it's like you have you ever driven a car
8517s and then you like you like black out and
8519s you don't realize what's been happening
8521s but you got to the destination that's
8522s kind of what happened for this overwatch
8524s league it can happen there's so much
8526s going through and yeah they got the wins
8528s yeah can relate to that you know some of
8530s my pro games on stage just like play of
8532s instinct and then we were like oh what
8534s happened at leading tower and i'm like
8535s i don't know i think akm won cassie or
8537s something
8539s i can't i can understand that but scott
8542s i'm going to speak to someone to revoke
8544s your license because that just doesn't
8545s sound very safe but i haven't crashed
8547s yet but here we go
8549s you know who did kind of crash today the
8551s shanghai dragons johnny what happened
8553s because you were rooned for them you
8555s predicted them and meanwhile we were
8556s sitting over here hey i predicted
8558s atlanta today are you predicting atlanta
8560s for the the match yes look i was on the
8562s aipac train yesterday
8565s i abandoned like half of my hope for the
8568s region
8569s now
8571s well spark or unique okay shy is a very
8574s specific individual that i like to keep
8576s in mind but the shanghai dragons
8578s i thought that they would come out this
8580s tournament and just be this like gold
8582s tier wrecking ball tracer sojourn team
8585s isayaki and legion put on their
8587s strengths
8588s and
8589s in the end no i'm not gonna go there uh
8591s you know they they were forced to adapt
8592s they were forced to adapt like i said
8594s like in the pre-show i said if i was the
8596s shanghai dragons
8597s i just didn't have enough like
8599s comfortability playing the wrecking ball
8600s and just like leaning on that i think
8602s throughout the tournament they
8604s recognized that fleda was not able to
8605s keep up with the tracer play-off the
8607s likes of venom
8609s and so many other good tracers for the
8611s fusion of course uh profit kepster like
8614s fleta is just not that good of a tracer
8616s anymore he can't really compete with
8619s those guys and so it makes it really
8621s difficult to pull off these you know
8623s mechanically skilled dive compositions
8625s when you're losing that tracer battle
8627s and so i think the shanghai dragons they
8628s lean into the doomfist you know they
8630s even play some russian leader tower um
8632s we saw circuit real come out which uh
8634s you know was atlanta reigns pick and
8636s they looked pretty you know competitive
8638s here but fled us what they were to the
8639s genji isayaki to the brigitte because
8641s they recognized we can't take this
8643s sniper duel so we're just going to put
8645s our entire bet to be around the brigitte
8648s rally and the genji died and we're just
8650s going to push in as five and try to win
8651s like the brawl so the shanghai dragons
8653s they can't have a abandoned hope like i
8655s thought they would it just seems like
8656s individually they weren't able to
8658s compete with some of the elite teams
8659s here at this tournament i would have
8661s liked to have seen more of the winston
8663s echo from the shanghai dragons obviously
8665s like you can't do that on a soccer route
8666s but even on coliseum you can kind of
8669s make it work because they're going in
8670s with this wrecking ball zenyatta which
8672s isn't working really against the
8673s doomfist they couldn't win in that
8675s doomfist mirror as well we saw that on
8677s li jiang tower so i don't know like the
8679s only time that they really looked
8680s comfortable and it felt like that they
8682s were at full power was when we had
8684s flutter on that echo and fade on their
8685s winston they're comfort heroes so a
8687s little disappointing to see him go out
8689s but i agree with johnny i expected more
8690s from this wrecking ball composition in
8692s this tournament but it just didn't show
8693s up yeah i have to say as well like i the
8696s winston was something that i mentioned
8697s in the pre-show it's like you know if
8698s you force faith winston versus hawk
8700s winston that's a match up you can win
8702s that's really good but you know you win
8704s hybrid so you don't get the escort pick
8706s and where you could have played the rod
8708s or you instead play circuit real this
8709s map pool is not very friendly to winston
8712s players compared to wrecking ball and
8713s doomfist and so you know maybe future
8715s stages we change up the map pool or
8716s something maybe you can play that
8718s winston a bit more reliably but in the
8720s current meta like doomfist and wrecking
8721s ball is usually the way to go
8723s but again shanghai dragons being
8724s eliminated this is our fifth seed team
8727s out of 12 of course so i mean having
8730s this
8732s i was gonna i was calling them a titan
8734s at the beginning because you thought
8735s that they were going to push all the way
8736s through i believe you took my word for
8738s it
8739s exactly right i was like well if johnny
8741s my analyst says that they're gonna crush
8743s they should but it felt a little flat
8746s are you staying by a mouse just before
8748s no honey just your predictions
8752s from the beginning of the day but just
8754s really quick uh before we head into the
8756s brackets just this team getting knocked
8758s out so early what does that mean for the
8759s rest of the event kind of anything can
8761s happen well the sole dynasty went out in
8762s the first round as well like we said
8764s from the east the two teams to look at
8766s were shanghai and seoul and they just
8767s fell flat and now we have to put our
8769s hopes and dreams for the east in the
8771s hong joo spark and the philadelphia
8773s fusion no no this is the darkest
8775s timeline as an east region as a whole
8778s sorry about mark has been playing well
8779s philly has been playing well maybe they
8781s can pull out some magic but it
8782s definitely looks like the west have a
8784s better grasp in this matter right now
8785s well let's take a look at the updated
8788s lower bracket now that we have the
8789s results of that game because next up we
8792s are going to see the fusion take on the
8794s spark and would you look at that atlanta
8796s moving on to uh the final match today
8799s later on uh this evening and next up
8802s we're gonna see the spark take on the
8804s fusion and i do believe scott you and me
8808s have predicted fusion we're keeping the
8810s the fusion faith alive meanwhile
8813s reinforce you um are you going with
8815s spark there again buddy
8817s got one are you arguing against shy and
8819s super
8820s i am i am arguing i have baseless claims
8823s but i know that the fusion is going to
8825s win just purely on faith yeah that's
8827s going to make the loser bracket run
8829s straight into that what you can do is
8830s you can say that you're basically
8832s cheering for the fusion but you can't
8833s say baselessly that you're going to win
8835s cause that's that's not what it's like
8837s being a fusion fan okay that's that's
8838s where it breaks apart
8840s saying that they're gonna win yeah what
8842s they do that all the time that's kind of
8843s their thing
8846s you couldn't even keep it together you
8848s couldn't even give it together diffusion
8850s winning
8852s no it's not happening no all right okay
8854s johnny johnny's right i i like what
8858s here's the thing okay i have baselessly
8860s gone for the prediction for the
8862s philadelphia fusion just because you
8863s swayed me and just because i think it's
8865s a funny narrative i'm just i'm just
8867s having god i've strapped him forward the
8869s spark no i didn't the spark buddy okay
8871s here's what we're doing join the sparks
8876s philadelphia
8884s so
8885s there we go i'm sticking with the
8886s philadelphia fusion for absolutely
8888s let's go
8889s let me see the faith for the fusion in
8891s the chat but of course if the spark do
8893s pull ahead i guess shy is kind of a good
8896s player reinforces not having this at all
8898s we're gonna go ahead we'll get you some
8900s uh you know headache medication then
8902s we're gonna get you a box of tissues for
8904s when the spark inevitably lose to the
8905s fusion completely baseless claims but uh
8908s you know that's our analysis for the day
8910s we're gonna take a quick break but don't
8911s go anywhere because when we come back we
8913s are going to see this super hype match
8915s of the philadelphia fusion versus the
8917s hong kong spark johnny don't cry it's
8919s gonna be okay it's gonna be okay buddy
8925s [Music]
8970s do
8972s [Music]
9018s [Music]
9028s do
9035s [Music]
9080s [Music]
9092s [Music]
9106s [Music]
9123s so
9135s so
9159s [Music]
9164s welcome back everyone to the overwatch
9166s league mid-season madness it truly is
9170s madness out here atlanta rain if you are
9173s just tuning in this is a spoiler stream
9176s but
9177s they have slain both apex top favorites
9179s of the seoul dynasty and the shanghai
9182s dragons but apac's last hope remain in
9185s this next match is the hangzhou spark
9187s going up against the philadelphia fusion
9190s for elimination and for top four
9193s yes lemon the shanghai dragons have been
9194s sent to the graveyard no monster reborn
9197s gonna be bringing them back alas we
9199s shall have to say goodbye to yet another
9201s apac team and it cannot be avoided it's
9204s apac versus apac down here and the apac
9206s brackets also known as the lower bracket
9209s and moving into this we need to just get
9211s on and talk about these players because
9213s while everyone's in the lower bracket
9215s everyone here deserves to be in the
9216s tournaments bring up those philly
9218s starters so i can tell you all about my
9221s boy bello soria it's not been the
9224s greatest start to the season for bellows
9226s rear coming in a little bit later
9227s compared to the rest of the team where
9229s they must have fury as the start of a
9231s fusion but bellow spree has really come
9233s into his own here in the mid-season
9235s madness picking up the wrecking ball
9236s that the desk were just talking about
9238s the map lends itself really well to
9240s wrecking ball and the more speedy
9242s stealthy and from behind engages he is
9245s working incredibly well with mn3 and
9247s zest to architect those and bellows
9249s ria's role on this team is usually the
9251s hammond player is so important because
9253s of that space creation because guess
9255s who's gonna pop off with a little bit of
9257s space and peace and quiet it's mn3 who's
9260s really the star of the show when it
9262s comes to ash and sojourn but really just
9265s a standout player in aipac when it comes
9268s to the ash and i'm excited to see what
9271s he can do he's definitely in the
9272s discussion of top hit scans in the
9274s league and you know the sojourn in the
9276s widow it stacks up well too but you
9278s can't talk about mn3 without zest and
9281s how he's a beast on the tracer you might
9284s even play echo on more open maps still
9286s prefers tracer on even more open maps
9289s like lighthouse but their opponent is a
9292s tough one the hungzhou spark around the
9295s corner let's see their starters
9298s yeah from one top hit scan to the top
9300s hit scan it's shy baby i think that uh
9303s right now the indie person is really
9304s holding up a candle to shy is probably
9306s kai and there's a reason that their
9308s names rhyme shy when you look at the
9311s sojourn when you look at the ash when
9313s you look at the widowmaker this guy
9315s flicks like nobody else he's got
9317s patience of the hunter in his blood and
9320s puts it to excellent use to always find
9322s the frag
9323s i mean shai also had what 85 percent
9326s rail accuracy on sojourn yesterday like
9329s that i don't know if this person is real
9332s i i shy is
9333s i don't think anyone can argue with me
9335s uh statistically it's just the best so
9337s jordan in the league but when you look
9339s at shai and alpha yi together top you
9341s gotta say it's a top dbf dps duo in the
9344s league alfie is just very flexible uh
9347s whether on the tracer i call them the
9349s alpha yet because his pulse bombs are
9351s just out of this world but he can also
9353s flex to genji and echo and other things
9355s and he's the preferred tracer on the
9357s team and he's pretty disgusting and is
9359s having a really good performance this
9361s tournament too and i think you know
9362s talking to some apac kiddos out there
9365s alpha yi is in the conversation for
9367s rookie of the year because he's
9368s projectile player by trade and you know
9370s has played some echo but hasn't had the
9373s most ideal echo targets we've seen some
9376s lucio and moira's but if i really had to
9378s nitpick perfection that's where i would
9380s draw at well you're talking now for yi
9383s and i'm talking alpha gamers because
9385s unfortunately we don't have philadelphia
9387s fusion's uh webcams at the moment that's
9389s because we're all at home quarantining
9390s because of kovid but uh i don't know
9392s about you lemon but if i hadn't heard it
9395s from the the source itself i wouldn't
9397s know that they were suffering from
9399s covert philadelphia fusion for resolve
9402s for resolute determination to continue
9406s owning in the mid-season mantis has not
9408s been affected by circumstance the only
9411s circumstance that matters to
9412s philadelphia fusion is that they are in
9416s this match and they're trying to avoid a
9418s limb
9419s the hangzhou spark
9420s have the better seed coming into this
9423s tournament so that means they get to
9425s choose our first map and they want to go
9428s to oasis now aipac really loves their
9432s winston their ball and their dive tanks
9434s in general but when you see bernard in
9435s the lineup over goose way that tells me
9437s either sigma or hammond and as we go to
9440s oasis gardens it's good for both those
9442s things but mainly the hammond and i
9444s wonder how that's going to match up
9446s against bello sria which that's mostly
9447s what he's playing as a play with the
9449s occasional zarya here and there
9452s the occasional zarya peppered in for
9454s bernard of course he is uh
9456s and for bellowsphere as well
9458s philadelphia fusion i expect them to try
9462s and match for tracer here but alpha yi i
9464s think that has probably been the best
9466s individual tracer thus far probably
9468s matching wits with kevster and venom in
9471s that top uh echelon but when it comes to
9473s individual pop-off moments and claiming
9475s all of the frags it's either alfie or
9477s shai who just commandeer a fight for
9479s themselves neither of these players is
9480s more of a supportive dps they both are
9483s titans in their own right already
9485s philadelphia fusion have positioned
9487s themselves atop the point as it is gonna
9489s be a mirror match up here
9491s and the spark when they face the fusion
9493s in the first round it was a 3-1 victory
9496s so
9497s how did the fusion re rewrite this
9500s script see bella sria below either
9502s hoping to knock off those numbers from
9504s the spark off the high ground or into
9506s the low ground or really into the water
9508s that'd be great but already alpha yi is
9510s getting involved in the rest of the
9512s spark coalescing into the fusion but
9514s alpha it actually blinks into a pile
9517s drive it's okay bodies falling both
9518s sides and only super rich remains as a
9521s healer for the spark and he's trying to
9523s play passive but he's been isolated and
9525s bernard has left him but doesn't want it
9527s doesn't seem like bellaria wants to
9528s commit because he's more concerned with
9530s trying to cap the point while the rest
9531s of the fusion are dead
9533s you know these teams want to give up the
9535s first control in particular because it's
9536s so important to be able to start
9538s accruing that percentage as you continue
9540s fighting zest claimed by burn after shy
9543s softened them up with a little bit of
9544s pounding from the rail gun speaking of
9546s founding he continues to do so aim god
9549s is on the bad side of the rail and
9551s hongzhou spark can now settle into a
9552s defensive position which is so
9554s advantageous for a wrecking ball and a
9557s sojourn because it means that you can
9559s start building up that rail charge early
9561s on these teams as they're commuting and
9563s you can start on high ground so you can
9564s get yourself a freebie pile driver
9567s and speaking of pile drives bellows aria
9569s doing a whole lot already 15 off of
9571s mines could be one of the first
9572s ultimates if you don't count the
9574s count the pulse bombs which is fastest
9576s generating ultimate in the game there
9577s goes bella serea pile drive on the high
9580s ground the shield from super rich blocks
9582s the impact as he heads over to the
9583s hallway
9584s bellasriya can flush that out with some
9586s mines we'll get that in a few seconds
9588s but zest has the pulse bomb and already
9590s they
9591s fusion have started to ward away smart
9593s from the objective but you should just
9595s can't seem to get the flip yet and
9596s that's all the spark have to do is just
9598s survive but as if a rich goes to because
9600s it's a point he jumps to a post ball and
9602s ms dory has already shot two people
9605s fusion hoping slowly but surely to turn
9607s the objective over and it's 57 for spark
9610s before they do so
9612s ah fixes little grippers can't get back
9614s on to a point unfortunately but in the
9616s end lemon fusion still flip the point
9619s and it feels like zest near men3 are
9621s coming in hot today yes shaya's got a
9624s couple of picks on to aim god but mn3 in
9626s the midst of a fight is at a much easier
9628s time negotiating themselves into some
9630s headshots on some more prepared targets
9633s now fusion from this defensive fostering
9635s have themselves a minefield it's gonna
9637s be counted by bernard and irony is
9639s outpacing when it comes to the
9641s transcendence which is so good for
9642s clearing those mines no overclock for
9645s you
9646s says i'm the better sojourn already
9648s overclocks exchange mn3 getting no value
9650s out of his dropping first in the fight
9652s rally from fixa to keep what's whatever
9655s is remaining from the fusion which is
9656s everyone exiting but at least you trade
9658s up with the transcendence of irony so
9660s not all is lost but spark have regained
9662s the point
9663s i think uh while it does keep fusion
9666s alive and not staggered i don't think
9667s fix is going to be overly happy with
9669s that rally now aim god is going to be
9671s under an immense amount of pressure when
9673s people start to get low to pop this
9675s transcendence especially after bernard
9677s and alfie move together as a diving unit
9679s bellows rear at least it's creating some
9681s space here and super rich could be in
9683s trouble
9684s looks like super rich was able to dodge
9686s the mines for now
9688s still have the transcendence and a pulse
9690s bomb from actually either side
9692s there's the rally first from super rich
9694s full spot though on the irony it's super
9697s rich again doesn't have much to heal not
9699s even himself and stars is going
9700s absolutely feral for fusion but it is 97
9704s and growing for the spark and the spark
9706s don't have any healers they'll have to
9707s give this up so the fusion at the fight
9709s tooth and nail if they want to turn this
9711s round around
9713s good news for custard overlay on the
9715s desk it seems like zest and bellows have
9716s both plugged themselves into the same
9718s matrix terminal their target focus is
9720s looking real good right now we've been
9722s killing super rich through the rally
9724s which is a quite difficult thing to do
9726s when you're continuously getting that
9727s additional overheal from the ultimate
9730s hunger spark now they're making a wide
9732s orbit here trying to catch out anyone
9733s who's on too epic a flank including
9735s bellows rear right now you can see a
9737s silhouette just exchanging fire with
9739s shine bernard
9741s through the fire in the flames we'll see
9743s if the fusion can hold on to the
9744s objective it's really only zest
9746s contesting it
9748s stopping the flip from the spark as the
9751s fusion want to control the sides of the
9752s map and start to pressure out the spark
9754s supports we're trying to hide what the
9755s chase is on for alpha yi and he finds
9757s bella cereal shy gets the diff mn3 again
9761s who's been a big star for the fusion
9762s getting those multi kills alpha he gets
9764s zero kills with that pulse spawn but all
9766s that matters is who's gonna be touching
9768s the poi for the fusion it's over time
9770s for the spark the transcendence and the
9772s rally overlap that's the type of
9774s presence of alpha he has in the back
9775s line to scare those supports to death
9778s but the fusion don't get really any
9779s kills from the big advantage they had
9781s until now a great pulse from zest but
9784s it's traded back and forth and bernard
9786s is pummeling the back line as we look at
9789s the poi there's three members of the
9790s fusion who are successfully getting the
9792s flip back three members of the spark
9794s remain in the middle of the match and
9796s shai is taking bullets to the face of
9798s belgria as irony use the transcendence
9800s to keep shy up he knows he can't afford
9803s to lose shy and the overclock could be a
9805s big win condition for the spark 99 to 91
9808s flip back over to the spark overclock
9810s from the low ground hoping to connect
9813s all them and three when he's hiding and
9815s that's what you gotta do you can't be
9816s taking that duel but a jumping jump and
9819s shy is dead a great pile drive from
9821s bella sorry to stop any more kills from
9823s the from the spark we're left with the
9825s four versus four and this is just a
9827s fight that never ends like they
9829s spin to win for now philadelphia
9832s confusion is all about an mn3 has bought
9835s themselves an overclock rail charge for
9837s days baby but the flip is not
9839s forthcoming just yet finally alpha years
9841s slain and once more this point will
9843s change hands unfortunately for
9845s philadelphia fusion in the midst of that
9846s final fight they actually allowed hunger
9848s spark to flip it and that's why overtime
9849s was going on and on i don't know if
9851s anyone's here to touch and the overhead
9852s map says no philadelphia fusion claim
9856s our first stage and i would love to know
9858s what's going on in the truck at the
9859s moment i bet there are some words being
9861s exchanged
9863s the fact that poor obviously like her
9865s first week in the overwatch league and
9867s she became a fusion fan and just we
9870s tried to warn her
9871s but so far
9873s you can have opium in the fusion but you
9875s can't be happy until the series is over
9878s but who could have predicted fusion
9881s fighting for a top four spot over
9883s shanghai dragons and the seoul dynasty
9886s it really is the mid-season madness
9892s madness is everywhere
9894s however i'm just sparked we've got to
9896s remember they've claimed a very valuable
9899s scalp on this map previously defeating
9901s the la gladiators who are going to be
9904s playing later on today against the san
9905s francisco shock in our winners final
9907s that is by no means that should not be
9910s considered mn3 returns to ash the same
9913s for shy both of these ashes they're all
9915s about instant dps being delivered in
9917s tandem with the power drivers but the
9919s question is who's wrecking ball be able
9921s to pass their way to a back line first
9924s and when it comes to those ashes oh
9926s they do be headshot you've got the
9928s consistent damages which is what makes
9930s ash unique over sojourn is that soldier
9932s does scale up and has insane one-shot
9935s potential but the headshots just the
9937s accuracy that m3 and shy have is
9939s unbelievable the coach gun doesn't hurt
9941s if there's a messy hammond up in your
9943s face which has been i mean bella sorry
9945s and bernard are relentless but first cap
9948s going over to spark maybe but zest is
9950s trying to deny it but has already forced
9952s to use recall he comes back up and are
9955s playing really passive it has to be
9957s bernard that wants to shove everyone
9959s back but he's more concerned with the
9960s backline of the fusion here comes bella
9962s three to assists death to stop the cap
9965s from the spark 75 percent of the weight
9967s there and still no cap
9969s bella soria though hoping to pressure
9972s the spark who is taking shelter over on
9973s the highway side as the fusion want
9976s maybe to take over the high ground but
9978s for now they do get pile drive but
9980s bernard didn't have enough health to
9981s really get away with that even with
9982s alpha yi in the picture so it will be
9985s fusion up first but without aim god and
9988s ballistria low we're really going to
9990s come down to some ultimates before we
9992s see a first cap like that
9994s okay support of combat gonna be the
9997s order of the day today look how much
9998s irony is outpaced ain't god when it
10000s comes to this transcendence 40 percent
10004s ahead irony has been doing a lot more
10006s damage getting some value out of that
10008s harmony orb as well and now spark
10010s they've been able to take this first
10012s fight without any old expenditure they
10014s are ready almost for a five ultimate
10016s defense and that's going to take
10017s philadelphia fusion so long to break
10020s through asses seemingly is already
10022s trying to use his pulse bomb even if it
10024s has a born
10026s i'm one with the plant the plant is with
10028s me
10028s can you plant this pulse bomb somewhere
10030s nice seat but no stick i'm the not
10033s enough air on that one spark though
10036s because they got the first cap they can
10037s just play stall they don't even have to
10040s take a fight they can just roll around
10042s and keep contesting until 99 percent
10044s because it's so difficult for the fusion
10046s to get this back they need to decide to
10048s victory and they've already started the
10049s rally but they lost mn3
10052s who might have thrown the bob but the
10053s block went over to the mega side where
10056s the teleporter is yeah there it is here
10058s so any stragglers that want to go on any
10060s type of flanks are just on the coast
10062s side they get shot at and shy found that
10064s out the hard way now people are getting
10065s shoved into traffic already look look
10067s both ways
10068s it's too late he's dead and now spark
10071s don't have any healers but they can just
10072s try to live for as long as they can i
10074s think they still have bernard nope he's
10076s gone so a decisive fight for fusion and
10078s the flipping their way
10080s unexpected value there from a backstab
10082s bob and hangzhou spark actually used all
10084s of their armory in that fight as well
10086s every single ultimate they had available
10088s was used and admittedly after you did
10090s enough damage to get back up towards
10091s getting another pulse bomb but zest is
10093s keeping pace and now hongzhou spark they
10096s don't have much to deal with below
10097s syria's minefield here if he makes a
10099s good engagement with the minefield and
10101s pile driver it could be guns
10104s hoping to drop those mines and either
10106s the teleporter or the bridge chooses the
10108s bridge
10110s so it seems the fusion we're sorry the
10112s spark
10113s have to clear those before going out to
10115s the higher irony just oh okay i thought
10117s he walked into that no it was a zest
10118s pulse bomb he's been sick of those
10120s really well now
10121s you go after shy he's already forced to
10123s use recall has to head on back for mini
10125s or the orb from aim god pixel has the
10128s rally ready
10129s and bella cereal is just
10131s bulldozing people and without super rich
10133s sparklers just gonna have a tough time
10135s thinking this so they're gonna actually
10136s fully reset
10137s yeah sparks formation there was actually
10139s spread super wide and it was shy no no
10142s no no no you don't get to get two random
10144s headshot kills the dps of fusion are
10146s dead how do they try and play this now
10148s for rally lemon is for choice
10151s yeah for now it's a five on three and
10153s the spark no they have a chance to flip
10155s this while fusion play passive for their
10157s last remaining members to get back
10159s elsery has taken a lot of hits shy's so
10161s close to the bop too if he wants to
10163s flush out the fusion he can and the
10165s kills continue to go the sparks way as
10169s fusion even try a pile drive so low but
10172s they're really just throwing bodies on
10173s the objective to extend with the the
10175s lead that the fusion do have
10178s yeah you claim shy but the sparks should
10180s be healthy beyond this and they have
10182s holes to keep this going even more
10185s and the thing is fixer had to pop the
10186s rally there just for fusion to even get
10188s a fight here's a quick look at how shy
10189s managed to dispatch a bow for
10191s philadelphia fusion's dps and look at
10193s this bellows rear was actually reporting
10195s over the location of shine with the 3d
10197s peak as well and the pings and they both
10199s still got shot in the noggin
10201s unbelievable shy now has a bob to try
10204s and contest this point and this point's
10206s easy to contest anyway so it could be
10208s that hangzhou spark actually try and
10209s play this from the high ground while
10210s philadelphia fusion have to stay on the
10212s low to keep over time ticking yeah mm3's
10215s last bob actually went towards the side
10217s that you just saw bella cereal bowl from
10219s and i'd like to see more point presence
10221s with the mobs unless
10223s it's really about what position you want
10225s to force them to be in now the bob first
10227s from mn3 at the back hongzhou spark
10230s thinks it's killable they deal with the
10232s bob first but they lost shy in the
10234s process rally starts from super rich
10236s they have the irony transcendence just
10237s in case alpha he hopes to land a stick
10240s and bernard sets up the pins for him to
10242s hit down
10243s you see fixing was isolated for a second
10245s i think he realizes that fixer has him
10248s marked
10249s and there's a pulse bomb at the ready
10250s but you don't even need it yet they get
10252s the stake when it forces the
10253s transcendence remains gone now fusion
10255s need to win this play here and now only
10258s other resources and the kills are
10260s already going their way it's 87
10263s fusion still looking for the flip and
10266s the spark keep contesting they keep
10268s thinking it's winnable and they somehow
10270s drew out the rally from pixel i don't
10272s know if that was necessary
10274s drawing out the rally is huge however
10276s the real thing that needs to be dealt
10277s with here for hangzhou spark is this
10280s minefield if irony has to use for trance
10282s to get through the minefield to contest
10284s things will go very wrong very fast
10287s 99
10288s for the fusion spark looking for the
10290s flip they go downstairs with the brides
10292s but bella sorry it's so good to force
10294s out the irony transcendence he'll use
10296s that to clear the minds potentially
10298s the red carpet laid for the spark
10301s fusion head to the high ground a pile
10303s drive right on the super rich fusion
10305s start to coalesce around them they have
10307s the sparks backline against the wall shy
10309s is trying to protect them but he's so
10310s low himself but the sparks flank of
10313s albion bernard is even stronger and shot
10316s hits the third kill spark head for the
10318s flip over time is about to go it away in
10320s the blink of an eye and zest is dueling
10323s he wasn't concerned with the point and
10325s neither was bella's ria we head into
10327s round three
10329s oh my hungzhou spark yes they had their
10332s route they had their
10334s transcendence forced out by that
10335s minefield just so irony could join the
10337s fight but philadelphia fusion could not
10340s find the frags on the isolated members
10342s like bernard who were in the midst of
10344s their backline trying to continually tap
10346s tap tap upon this point keep overtime
10348s going to reduce the pressure on irony
10351s and super rich to put themselves in a
10352s dangerous situation it will all come
10355s down to university lemon previous sins
10357s have been forgiven the slate has been
10359s wiped clean but the plays remain just as
10362s dirty bernard is going to move over onto
10366s the doomfist
10368s as these dives have been
10370s crazy the fact that sparks a back line
10372s survived just a little bit longer here's
10374s the symmetra teleporter to get spark
10376s into a favorable position to the minipak
10379s side with the doomfist these close range
10381s quarters is exactly where bernard wants
10383s to be fusion they like the open space so
10386s bellow syria already heads to coast side
10389s and that makes space for mn3 to have a
10391s bit of a high ground to work with but
10392s yeah emma three's dealing with some
10394s troubles over there and zes is not able
10396s to help him out meanwhile he got shy
10398s dominating the left side until m3 gets
10400s charged up and finishes him off
10403s now you got this tussle in the hustle
10404s but it's fusion hoping to cap first and
10406s bella
10407s is choosing whether to go get involved
10409s in the fight or go for the objective and
10411s he caps first but because of that
10412s decision mn3 dies so fusion might get a
10416s couple percentage but we'll see how long
10418s that will be held on for alpha yi and
10420s shai are on the objective and fusion
10422s immediately lose control and there's
10424s nothing belo soria can do about it
10426s bernard with an excellent take there's
10428s right isolate fixer and you can see that
10429s below is under consistent pressure the
10432s doomfist does such a good job of trying
10433s to control the movement of the wrecking
10435s ball and now mn3 forced to use their
10437s slide to get away from bernard that
10438s means it's going to be much more
10439s difficult to escape alphagi later on
10442s big pig from mn3 irony and super rich
10445s are dead
10447s this die from fusion is nice
10450s so besides sometimes being the
10452s philadelphia confusion where they don't
10454s work together when they do have that
10456s synergy they look incredible and i think
10458s that's why they are this far in this
10460s tournament so they will have the point
10461s for now
10464s as well there's nothing to really answer
10466s irony does not have banana yet but you'd
10469s give over to super rich to try and give
10470s that additional hardiness and of course
10472s you can try and bully out there we go
10474s perfect stick
10476s i gotta throw a five dollar to my stash
10478s people and see what this pulse bob
10480s attacher from zest is he does so much
10483s for the fusion fixes starts the rally
10486s and i think that was uh getting scared
10487s by alfie throwing the pulse in the back
10489s doesn't connect onto anything
10491s so fusion may rest for now as the spark
10493s regain
10496s 63 attach rate for zest of as far below
10499s with the mind up into the air and down
10501s into hades maybe no
10503s it's a nice disengage from a hangzhou
10505s spark and now they'll simply take their
10506s time this actually allows shy to build
10508s up the railgun as well by shooting the
10509s knights
10511s cap for now for fusion transcendence and
10513s overclock almost up but it's spark at
10515s the three old advantage nano rally
10518s overclock at the ready shy has mini pack
10520s room with his support the the nano given
10523s to shy as he wants to finish off bellows
10526s real the only thing contesting this for
10527s the fusion a spark definitely needs a
10529s flip and shy gets two
10531s he sees the recall from zest wanting to
10534s read this one asleep on defensive
10536s he's just built differently and seth
10538s will contest for a few more seconds to
10540s get it up to 82 but spark back in the
10543s driver's seat just like bellows
10545s mid-season madness irony has really had
10547s a couple of breakout games here in this
10549s tournament proving himself to be a
10551s flexible who deserves to be on a top
10553s four team in the world potentially
10556s mn3 with the overclock looking to try
10559s and emulate shy's previous performance
10560s and thus far right they've been going
10562s about equal the attempt to boot them
10564s into a bomb lemon i was almost so cool
10566s by bella three asses down and so is that
10568s at three
10569s shy and friends just coalescing spark
10571s moving as a unit looking for even
10574s stagger kills any second they can buy to
10576s get this lead back spark will do
10578s anything for it
10580s they're overextending they haven't been
10581s punished for it yet alpha he uses a
10584s couple blinks to get away and as fusion
10586s looked at alpha yi shai looked at them
10588s back and even harder and spark
10591s will kill off zest and buy some seconds
10594s okay i said that shine mn3 had been
10596s about equal but that's twice now that
10597s mn3 has popped overclock and instantly
10599s been told to sit down and shut up by shy
10602s and this means mn3 now been forced to go
10604s over onto the instant damage that's
10606s offered by the ashford dynamite yes can
10608s force people out of positions but it
10610s might be a little bit harder to follow
10611s up on
10614s alfie is just too good it's just him for
10617s success against the world and the two
10619s picks and 94 5
10622s for the spark the transcendence is
10624s forced someone from the fusion has to
10626s touch
10627s and it has to be zest he's already
10629s recalled out who is next zest comes in
10632s but he's auntie bella sorry is in the
10633s picture he's supposed to fight he's been
10635s slept all the damage of the spark is
10637s going to bellasriya he's barely escaping
10639s he's drawn the spark back but there's no
10641s front line for the fusion to keep this
10643s one going you have the ultimates
10645s overclock ready for shy and the nano who
10649s can possibly stop this man the fusion
10651s has nothing left in the tank even
10654s through the genji and all the soldiers
10656s they sent to the battlefield the spark
10659s will ignite and take map number one
10662s you line them up and shy will simply
10664s knock them down hung joe's spark what a
10667s masterclass from their dps shy every
10671s time you save at this end now it says
10672s yes it does but not the way you wanted
10675s it to an alpha yi making sure on that
10678s tracer that no one was ever safe in any
10680s of their hidey holes the sticks came
10682s thick and they came fast but
10685s unfortunately
10687s for the philadelphia fusion it's going
10689s to be an ignominious beginning to their
10691s lower bracket run
10693s the 63 attach rate from
10696s zes i mean we got we'll probably get to
10698s compare those to alfie because it's been
10700s neck and neck especially even between
10702s mn3 and shy on the ash and the sojourn
10705s it is chaos and spark are ahead first
10708s we're going to throw it to a break let
10711s the fusion decide where they want to go
10712s next
10721s hey jabari long time no see
10728s [Music]
10737s [Music]
10748s do
10762s [Music]
10809s [Music]
10824s [Music]
10838s [Music]
10844s [Applause]
10845s [Music]
10855s [Music]
10870s [Music]
10878s [Music]
10887s [Music]
10937s [Music]
10949s [Music]
10960s [Music]
10972s [Music]
10980s what a map between our superstars of the
10984s east spark taking it in round three but
10987s it's been the m three versus shy on the
10990s ash sojourn and the zest versus alfie on
10993s the tracer duel and the spat the stats
10996s have been really interesting to look at
10997s like that
10999s yeah the stats for zest and alpha year
11000s about as close as they could be they're
11003s almost equal on final blows and deaths
11004s and there's about 80 damage between them
11006s which is uh i can not a huge golf
11010s considering they got about 13 000 damage
11012s each but the pulse bomb attach rate for
11015s zest has been a touch better however as
11018s you can see at the moment lemon we have
11019s fury coming in for our next map and
11022s fury's not had the greatest season so
11024s far but i think where fury really has
11026s his value is in his veteran's seat this
11029s was our season one overwatch league
11031s winner with the london spitfire
11033s alongside goats like gesture and like
11035s profit and for philadelphia fusion with
11038s the exception of ingot this is a
11040s ridiculously young team so many members
11042s that were sort of in t1 daycare and
11044s korean contenders for a while just sort
11046s of like being sat on like a goose
11048s waiting for the eggs to hatch like
11050s they're gonna be 18 any day now right
11052s tucker yes they finally became 18 but
11055s now they're under the biggest pressure
11057s but they have felt yet yes kickoff clash
11059s it was a close one for philadelphia
11061s fusion but pressure was mounting but
11063s this is the big international event this
11065s is mid-season madness and fury needs to
11068s be the captain who steadies this ship
11070s and bernard brings that same veterans
11072s cities too i mean when i first started
11074s casting bernard was in contenders and
11075s was like the diva guy and now both these
11078s off tanks have grown and to give a lot
11081s of options to their teams fury
11083s interestingly has brought out brought
11085s out the doomfist especially against the
11087s florida mayhem which i think is why
11090s they've brought him in for this next map
11092s the philadelphia fusion because they
11093s lost oasis they get the advantage of
11095s choosing our next map and they want to
11097s go to king's row last time the fusion
11100s went to king's row they full held the
11103s florida mayhem which went the distance
11105s at game five even but it was off the
11107s back of fury's doomfist
11110s uh and it looked pretty good
11112s they're not the best known doomfist
11114s player but evidently furious someone who
11116s can pick up heroes very quickly in fact
11118s even when sigma first came out i think
11120s it was at the end of uh potentially
11122s season two uh fury actually picked up
11125s the eraser from gesture and allowed
11127s gesture to play on the new sigma hero
11129s and has an incredibly wide hero pool in
11131s the uh in the pre-222 era as well we
11134s even saw fury play a little bit of
11136s pharah back in the day to play a third
11138s dps of a london spitfire this guy has it
11141s all even if diva was always his best
11143s hero i trust him whatever fury picks to
11145s be of at least a consistent grade of owl
11149s ready tanking however as we've seen in
11152s our previous rounds as well especially
11154s in hawke vs fate in our previous matchup
11156s the doomfist does a great job of
11158s controlling those wrecking balls and it
11160s might limit bernard's options if he
11161s doesn't play the sigma
11163s yeah the attacking uh doomfist can have
11166s some trouble she's getting up to that
11167s high ground i've seen a lot of success
11169s of doomfist going through hotels
11171s but we also have a lot of success just
11173s looking at these dps kind of the
11175s statistics that really stood out to me
11176s from that last map was zest having a 50
11180s i ended at we said 63 and then ended at
11182s 50 percent attach rate while alfie was
11184s at 25 with same damage so it kind of
11187s tells you zez can really get the first
11189s blood for the fusion but even though
11191s spark won the map it's about are you
11193s following up with the kills that your
11195s ham and really the rest of the team are
11196s setting up for you well as it comes to
11198s the battle between shai and mn3 i'm the
11201s sojourn i felt like their ashes had very
11203s similar damage deaths and all that so
11205s they're very equal there but shy sojourn
11208s really stood apart from mn3 almost
11210s doubling the damage at 9.8 k versus 5.6
11213s k
11214s so shai had a better performance on that
11216s front i think i remember it was gardens
11218s so we'll see how that
11220s goes we might see mn3 return to the
11222s sojourn after that initial widow snipe
11224s what i'm talking about but more fury
11226s doomfist up to bat
11229s a little bit more of the uh oh okay
11231s there he goes over to the sigma one of
11233s the things i really want to concentrate
11234s on here is
11236s the focus fire on fury to get him below
11238s 50 hp because remember
11240s he has access to a focusing beam or
11242s playing on the seco
11243s and that's gonna be super important for
11244s taking up uh fury because he's gonna use
11247s his shield first and that's gonna get
11248s broken quickly and the kinetic grasp is
11250s his secondary defensive option which can
11252s do nothing against the focusing beam of
11254s alpha yi it's really interesting to see
11257s actually on the ash and i guess that's
11259s why you bring him in for that on the
11262s high ground dominating the back line
11264s goes back in the hotel for mini because
11266s usually when they want that double
11267s ranged hitscan they bring carpe into
11269s that picture so uh we'll see how that
11272s goes but for now even though the pigs
11275s came out for the fusion first uh they're
11277s all dead they do have respawn advantage
11279s so the kills might matter slightly more
11281s for fusion
11283s a wicked exit from mn3 right there
11285s sliding away getting the head shot alfie
11287s has already moved over onto the tracer
11290s and zest in tandem has mirrored over to
11292s the genji instead we never just has a
11294s fantastic engine part of his debut and
11296s overwatch league was actually playing
11297s some genji on king's row and it's going
11301s to give a little bit more brawling power
11302s where you can easily skirmish against
11304s bernard and try and force out some early
11306s cooldowns from him
11308s says control of hotel
11310s hong zhou need to go recontest but
11312s they'll have to deal with the flag first
11314s and shy didn't see it coming the
11316s communication from alpha each it's not
11317s there great immortality to save zest at
11320s that moment
11321s fixa had the right idea they also fusion
11324s almost have a second tick spark hoping
11326s to recontest that's the last second here
11330s and it's gonna come from the high ground
11331s bernard trying to leave that charge if
11333s you should only have one person here
11335s they're all trying to stop the doorway
11336s it's only fury but he's full house is
11339s anyone really going to touch it's alpha
11340s yi that keeps trying to dual fury dips
11342s dives and dodges but bernard is trying
11345s to stop the back line almost finally he
11347s goes after fury zest is going to get
11349s involved but bernard is okay for now
11353s the defense don't have much left they
11354s have some members in hotel but it's
11357s fusion at the closer respawns and
11358s eventually the balances tilt the
11361s fusion's way and they get the point in
11363s the card unlocked
11364s it's a long and attrition-based battle
11366s but in the end especially fury who catch
11368s out with a well-placed rock against
11369s alpha yi predicting a blink and crushing
11372s retracer up against the wall now
11374s philadelphia fusion they're going to
11375s have access to a blade but think about
11377s the amount of countermeasures that hung
11379s joe spark have against this all andros
11381s buck needs to do is make sure they only
11383s utilize one of their defensive measures
11385s while killing zest because he's going to
11387s be blading without a nano he's going to
11388s be very vulnerable during that you can't
11390s use both for trance and the immo though
11392s that would be a tragedy
11395s yeah now fusion have two on the cart
11397s they have ant matrix too so as soon as
11399s sparks show their face it could be just
11401s the ant matrixes that can buy some space
11403s you can force the other one to back away
11405s somehow
11407s the defense have already fragged them in
11408s three
11409s and that was come actually because mn3
11411s was trying to jump up and flank on the
11413s right side alleyway where you see kind
11415s of shy jumping up at so
11417s got to be careful and i like the marking
11419s that the back line of the spark are
11421s doing but we have a ton of volts all ten
11424s of them online oh that stick with the
11426s mortality from fixa he saved someone's
11429s life again the second time this map
11432s now the spark or just at a stalemate and
11435s the fusion
11436s are just waiting it's like both teams
11438s are waiting for each other to play their
11440s hands first
11441s a little bit of fusion space as they
11443s head around the corner
11445s zest has the blade he has to dash out
11447s though as a grab flux from nearly gets
11449s cancelled and i think bernard didn't do
11451s a whole lot either either way we're
11454s still not at much cart push for the
11456s fusion
11458s bernard trying to hold this corner right
11459s here and look at that fixes already had
11461s to expend the immortality field now
11463s double damage through the ant matrix
11466s oh number three has to head out of there
11468s but aim god says i got you buddy the
11470s transcendence around the corner to
11471s reestablish the fusion on the ant matrix
11474s and spark head all the way at the back
11476s of their alleyway to create some
11479s distance
11480s fix has been picked just these random
11482s defensive picks from either shire irony
11485s are just really ruining the fusion's
11487s momentum i think that's why they're
11488s playing so slow they're just so cautious
11491s now shy's on the flank and he's going to
11493s look for any picks while the fusion are
11495s waiting destructor shot out
11497s fury's gonna at least push shy out of
11499s alleyway
11500s now fusion only have the blade to depend
11502s on for point b
11504s yeah fusion they didn't get to force out
11506s irony's transcendence which is a massive
11508s pain for zest to try and deal with that
11510s discord already applied to him does not
11512s want to try and run in here oh my
11514s goodness fully charged rail is going to
11515s try and be punished right kill shy
11518s oh good deflect
11520s but he's just hesitating on wanting to
11522s get the dash through and just the one
11523s and done as long as you live
11525s but super rich is dead says slice
11528s through or got the deflector or
11529s something i have no idea what the fusion
11531s are ahead they force the transcendence
11533s out the spark want to stabilize as much
11534s as they can but they're down too and it
11537s just keeps getting worse and worse
11539s but at least spark did a good job of
11541s draining a lot of this time bank from
11543s the fusion but it will still be a point
11545s b cap
11547s oh irony there holding transcendence for
11549s overwatch three not ideal at already let
11551s super rich die admittedly irony could
11553s not save shy in any case with that
11555s transcendence there were simply too many
11557s walls between them and the travel
11558s distance would have been too long anyway
11560s mn3 fails to get up to high ground so
11562s this is a little bit of an opening for
11563s hangzhou spark and zest has to address
11565s that while mn3 gets stuck
11568s that's good you deny mn3 any chance to
11570s get some kind of flanker opening angle
11572s on the mega pack side and zest uh
11575s couldn't disengage in time for the hung
11577s show spark took that area back over
11580s and without any dps the fusion do not
11582s want to get staggered anymore but spark
11584s don't want to overextend and make a
11586s mistake either
11588s bernard getting closer to the gravity
11589s flux is going to be an issue for
11592s philadelphia fusion they don't have the
11594s immortality field best case only one
11596s person gets caught and they get nano to
11598s try and survive it zest just gonna
11600s continue keeping people off the high
11602s ground for the moment and building up
11604s towards that nano blade potentially
11606s considering the iron is out of sync yeah
11608s irony use transcendence at the end of
11610s point b but you're going to start with
11611s the grav flux and mn3 has already killed
11614s one so maybe you can serve the nano
11615s blade for the end of point b but it's an
11618s matrix in the face of fury he uses the
11619s matrix and he does get out for free the
11622s nanos give it to zest
11624s but he doesn't want to use the blade he
11627s got a little too overconfident i guess
11629s not sure if he thought the transcendence
11630s was still up now the fusion hesitated
11633s are missing some members on this final
11635s push you see fixes far forward the
11638s transcendence now from ape god
11641s i don't even think fury's in this
11642s picture at all i'm not sure but the
11644s hangzhou spark aren't too healthy and
11646s the fusion are gonna be relentless on
11649s this push now the blade going after
11651s bernard but the accretion and the
11653s follow-up is so good you shut down the
11655s blade it's up to the overclock of mn3 to
11658s help the fusion get the last two meters
11661s someone has to touch an irony can't get
11663s there in time
11664s so somehow the fusion cap with 53
11667s seconds
11669s speed power and ferocity lemon never
11673s give up an inch never give up a fight
11675s it's always hashtag winnable
11679s oh my goodness philadelphia fusion there
11682s they just decided to take the momentum
11683s they saw and roll with it even if it was
11685s a little bit of a kerfuffle going on in
11687s the back when no one wanted to kill the
11689s immortality field it was like oh fury
11691s will kill it ah zest will kill it mn3
11694s will probably kill it no one did in the
11695s end and i think that may have given a
11697s little bit of additional time for super
11699s rich and bernard in particular to stay
11701s alive and that meant bernard actually
11702s slammed fury down with that gravity flux
11705s even though he was in a very vulnerable
11707s area still hangzhou spark they may not
11711s have given as much respect to the
11712s philadelphia fusion as was needed when
11714s philadelphia fusion just started
11716s investing so heavily in trying to
11718s reclaim that space because hungzhou
11720s spark they thought
11722s no team would be silly enough to do this
11724s right guys no one would do that
11726s alas philadelphia fusion did that and
11728s hongzhou spark they this is a very
11730s similar situation to what we saw
11732s yesterday when shanghai dragons uh got
11735s beaten down on i convolved by the san
11738s francisco shock they just kept going
11739s into these positions they assumed would
11741s be safe because
11742s most teams would not peak this alas
11745s philadelphia fusion they do
11748s yeah the fusion they just know
11751s even though they they lose a member or
11753s two they just know where their
11754s advantages are and they know when to
11756s push and spark has just no space at the
11759s end to work with
11760s and the irony transcendence at point b i
11763s think was
11764s such an error because
11766s fusion had a free blade out of it now
11767s bernard has been keeping zest in check
11769s when he was on the genji but now it's
11770s the hanzo so important information from
11773s the sonic arrow especially just knowing
11775s he actually places it on the statue and
11777s not hotel just to see especially where
11779s alpha he is rotating to
11782s now for now the
11784s fusion defense on the high ground and
11786s somehow alpha he hits the headshot
11788s that'll open things up for the spark
11790s bernardo protects him well but now
11792s starts to anchor the objective as the
11794s fusion has to figure out how many ticks
11795s they want to give up or do they want to
11797s contest the first one because fury's
11799s around the corner but he wants to make
11800s sure alpha yi doesn't get three shots
11802s into the back line if if fury just drops
11805s a contest point so fusion are giving up
11807s the first take
11808s are they gonna give up the second
11810s they're just so tunneled on alfie on
11812s this right side they don't want him to
11815s have access to aim god and mn3 in the
11818s window
11818s now almost the third take goes through
11820s but fusion finally dropped
11823s this for weakness of a composition level
11824s when you're playing this double sniper
11826s kind of approach no one's able to go
11828s down and really brawl on the point
11830s except for the sigma and if the sigma
11831s gives up the high ground he's going to
11832s take hours to get back up there next
11835s time hanzo spark attack fury's going to
11837s have to move faster otherwise he's going
11839s to get exploited
11841s just healing bernard to full so he can
11843s just
11844s be the person who caps the point
11847s and then draw the attention and draw
11849s these vulnerable members of the fusion
11850s out so spark can get the pigs but it's
11852s really zest on the high ground that has
11854s angles above the shields of bernard has
11857s taken care of alpha yi bernard takes a
11859s ton of head shots almost gets killed if
11861s it wasn't for the immortality of super
11862s rich and just spark it so close to
11865s capping it was ten percent away now they
11867s have the air matrix from super rich and
11869s it's from the hotel and zed gets a 3k
11872s off the dragon strike to flush them all
11874s out i just can't believe this fusion
11876s have ordered away a massive storm
11880s so this has finally started to work
11881s because zest is actually hitting his
11882s shots now he's getting the headshots
11884s that he needs lemon and before
11885s philadelphia fusion simply were not
11887s removing any members of hangzhou spark
11889s so fury didn't feel safe enough to go
11891s down to the low ground because he would
11892s have been surrounded and torn apart hung
11895s just sparked now though they have so
11897s many ultimates to work with fury's gonna
11899s have to play this flux
11901s perfectly fusion are playing so passive
11903s you just can't seem to find them you
11906s can't get a shot onto them until they
11908s find you first dragon strike gets fury
11910s goes to drop down the immortality's
11912s already dealt with fury's in a lot of
11914s trouble and oh my god spark i mean three
11916s percent away finally the fusion
11918s straggled their way backed into the
11920s objective and then spark can finally win
11923s a fight it took so much time though
11926s definitely significantly slower than
11928s fusion's attack
11929s yeah unfortunately for philadelphia
11931s fusion the second but they gave up two
11933s ticks in that initial fight without
11934s being able to find any picks from
11936s the bastion
11938s what no never mind oh no beep boop today
11941s okay fine i will settle for the echo
11945s alpha yi also swaps over to a genji here
11947s which has an okay match up and then back
11949s to the hanzo once more both of these
11951s teams trying to outplay each other when
11953s it comes to these counter picks and now
11955s zest once again is going to feel pretty
11957s vulnerable up in the air
11959s after you'll be able to do a significant
11960s amount of damage but wing hitbox of
11962s vienko is really good for the hanzo
11964s i think the hanzo is great for just
11965s these narrow streets but the the echo
11968s might be better for the more open area
11969s of the map at the end of point b and
11972s depending on who you copy you can just
11974s add the extra resource the extra damage
11976s extra front line whatever zest thinks
11978s the team needs
11980s shy goes for a flank over on ali's side
11982s mm3 keeps them in check with the
11984s disrupter shot zest has already
11986s assassinated alpha yi so may 113 is
11988s gonna get a bit more eager has drawn out
11991s the immortality from super rich
11993s now fusion can definitely play more
11995s aggressive if they want they have the
11996s transcendence if things don't go their
11998s way
11999s they also don't want to walk in the line
12001s of fire of shy you can easily trade
12002s things out
12004s check out how mn three and fury actually
12006s play kind of like as a foe tank
12007s sometimes that meant three would just
12008s call for a pocket and then push on the
12010s opposite side to give fury for room to
12012s move up and try and crunch in onto a
12014s tightly packed tongzhou spark zest no
12016s stick is right there he's going to move
12018s it onto our feet was that an accretion
12020s in midair bloody hell
12022s the fly has been swatted and alpha he
12025s claims too so
12026s the spark head towards point b they
12029s might have lost out for you but they
12030s haven't lost hope and fury speaking of
12032s which last hope for fusion with the grab
12035s flux and you have two support alts
12038s see a fusion i'm gonna keep the contest
12040s going shai is above and he has 100
12042s charge
12043s and zest is in his sight but he's so
12046s focused on dislodging fury he is the
12048s anchor and he wants to kill him before
12049s the ground floods that's too loud too
12050s late the nano has to be placed on the
12052s fury to save him and to keep the floods
12054s going on from the fusion including the
12057s transcendence to revitalize the defense
12060s to stop the spark from capping
12063s now we're left with really very little
12064s ultimates as blow after blow has been
12067s exchanged and it's only alpha you with
12068s the dragon strike goes up to the left
12071s side
12072s and he's matching two dps and no one
12075s touches from the fusion they were
12076s running from the dragon strike from
12078s alfie that was right on the card and
12080s fusion's dps were flanking left side
12082s now two and a half minutes first c i
12084s guess for spark
12086s alfie did a really good job of playing
12088s the off angle there and getting a clean
12089s line of sight onto the supports of aim
12091s god and fixer that meant that fury had
12093s to adjust and then was once again forced
12095s to move by the dragon strike admittedly
12098s alpha yi an early casualty here to zest
12100s just popping in through the window and
12101s hitting the stickies the hunger spark
12103s have already got themselves some
12104s significant distance on this cart from
12106s philadelphia fusion's late deaths
12108s oh no you ran
12111s it's out of gas
12112s so fusion
12115s it's expensive these days lemon yeah
12118s well zest will be back with dupe
12120s someone's getting beat in this doorway
12122s it's actually fury just hold things down
12125s and fix it auntie shy to stop it he was
12128s just getting so aggressive on fury
12130s because zest was still coming back but
12132s guess who's back respawns are pretty
12134s close for the fusion spark only have a
12136s minute and a half
12138s just around the corner with only a grab
12140s flux to depend on but it's fusion that
12141s can pull the trigger first and nano's
12143s given to mn3 seth copies the hanzo it's
12146s an all-out assault from the defense as
12148s they tank take flanks around the
12150s doorways and threw the mega side they
12153s deal with immortality from spark but
12155s spark really haven't lost much they have
12157s all five members i think still alive so
12160s what grab flux is thrown from bernard
12162s and from fury as irony uses the
12165s transcendence to keep his front line up
12167s and now surely we're at our ultimate
12169s soon and you're definitely without shy
12170s now
12171s now
12172s all right coming around the back shy is
12174s dead mn3 plenty of charge in the
12176s overclock it seems like yep super rich
12178s has been identified taken out and the
12180s rest of hangzhou spark they're in pretty
12182s poor positions here and essentially
12183s hostages goodbye
12187s oh bernard
12188s he's dead
12190s the spark could be dead too in the next
12192s 40 seconds if they don't get something
12193s done
12195s yeah we could go one to one tie up our
12197s game and that's exactly what we want
12198s here in mid-season man the slower
12200s bracket no three overwatch please let's
12203s keep them being bangers philadelphia
12206s fusion
12206s in the back pocket a transcendence here
12208s but what is going to be the trigger for
12210s it ideally you need to keep your team
12212s safe when they're forced into a bad
12214s position by the dragon strike and you
12215s don't really have a speed to avoid it if
12217s it's used close enough and in the midst
12219s of a battle by alpha yi so ngo needs to
12220s hold off on this as much as possible
12222s spark up the dps ultimates it's a dragon
12224s strike right behind the fusion but a
12226s little too far back fusion are still
12228s comfortable with the space that they
12229s have now shy may be trying to battle the
12232s high ground against zest but the genji
12233s is so great at getting back into the
12235s high ground and climbing back up but
12237s shaw just dominates the low ground has
12238s already killed two with the overclock
12240s including fixer and ankle has already
12242s used transcendence he can't keep this
12244s team up all by himself but the fusion
12246s could still frag at a distance they get
12249s further further away towards the
12250s response they don't want to get
12251s staggered and zest is killed two even
12253s through the immortality and spark are
12256s down three they can't keep it going it
12259s looks so good but the philadelphia
12261s fusion will tie it on king's row
12265s philadelphia fusion surviving through
12267s the amplification matrix using that
12269s transcendence meant that they could
12270s catch shine a position where he was not
12272s hitting the head shot and couldn't kill
12274s anyone he slid a touch too far and
12276s fusion were quick to answer and to
12279s punish it and after that well what more
12281s can i say than it was zest in time baby
12284s on the genji kill after kill the high
12286s ground was challenged and the high
12288s ground was claimed lemon this is gonna
12291s go the distance we are one to one
12295s they might say that the west is best but
12297s in the east it's zest that's best
12299s there's some fabulous dragon strikes and
12301s plays and more the fusion fought so hard
12304s for that we have a tie series so we're
12306s gonna throw into a break we're gonna
12308s hear from the spark on what map is next
12316s [Music]
12323s [Music]
12329s [Music]
12340s [Music]
12349s [Music]
12370s so
12383s [Music]
12394s my
12400s [Music]
12438s [Music]
12446s [Music]
12454s so
12457s [Music]
12483s [Music]
12491s [Music]
12505s do
12512s [Music]
12526s [Music]
12529s they were waiting for zest to rejoin the
12530s fight and what he does oh boy is it
12532s worth the wait
12533s [Music]
12538s appears he fishes for a little bit of
12539s extra primal charge man zest went off on
12542s this attack he showed that he has a fire
12545s and appear in his belly
12547s spells friend tries to get that kill
12548s can't make it happen blade's gonna be
12549s pulled first and foremost here by zest
12551s dashing it gets both of the supports
12552s duffels down for another one there zest
12555s is there for the ally comes through to
12556s help finish off the supports want to get
12558s that combo on the light beautiful
12568s gives them the opportunity to save the
12569s fight when it was looking so dire talk
12572s about profit clutching that was a zest
12573s punch
12575s [Music]
12582s [Music]
12589s zest has definitely been a treat to
12592s watch a huge playmaker from the dragon
12594s strike to really open things up on the
12597s point of kings road to his genji multi
12599s kills he really can do it all
12603s yeah lemon it's hot zest summer that
12605s much is for sure these are the stats
12606s from a genji but of course played a
12608s multitude of heroes over on king's row
12611s in fact 20 final blows all in all for
12614s zest and that was a large amount when it
12618s came it was almost a deadlift for
12619s philadelphia fusion who admittedly all
12621s showed up in that arena speaking of
12623s someone who's showing up below surya has
12625s returned to a freight alongside goose
12627s way and you know what that means once
12629s again the thousand folded gorilla steel
12631s shall be drawn from its sheath as the
12634s primal blade has arrived on the scene
12636s and you know exactly where spark want to
12638s go for escort every time they get to
12640s choose they decide you know what i think
12642s it's dorado time so that gushway can
12644s come from his kung fu panda thailand
12646s prison and dominate
12649s yep gushway really known for his winston
12651s and really there's just not many other
12654s wins that players in left in the
12656s tournament that can i can touch gooshway
12658s and then bernard can just focus on
12660s hammond and the sigma so
12662s you know why you bring gooshway in
12665s and well we also know what map we're
12667s going to next and it's the sparks choice
12669s then they've cooked up a good one we'll
12672s be going to dorado and i think that's
12675s exactly why the fusion have brought back
12677s bello sria no carpe today at least not
12680s yet
12682s yeah carpe uh not playing as much in
12684s this tournament mn3 and zest being
12686s committed to us for philadelphia fusion
12688s they're two rookies they have seen the
12690s light and they have brought them to the
12692s forefront and
12694s spark we've got to say that shine alpha
12697s yi probably one of the most consistent
12698s dps duos in the league in terms of just
12700s the overall play time that they get
12702s together we've only seen a couple of
12704s substitutions when architects come in i
12705s think it's been to play anna and i think
12707s pineapple has played one map a circuit
12709s royale alongside league and i think that
12711s was when spark had already qualified for
12713s mid-season madness but as we head into
12715s dorado lemon i wonder if bello sara is
12717s going to return to his main tank roots
12719s of winston or continue playing the
12720s wrecking ball because the wrecking ball
12722s definitely has its place at the moment
12724s and it's very good for setting up
12725s engages for both your sojourn if she's
12727s got a charged up rail shot to follow up
12729s with your pile driver or your tracer but
12732s where the wrecking ball lacks is in its
12735s ability to hold space effectively that's
12738s where winston excels he can be a long
12740s time duelist he can continue to play
12741s around carts for a long time with his
12743s shield and of course usually with an
12745s anna at his back and holding space is
12747s super important when you're more reliant
12749s on your players like shai to have the
12751s space to operate
12753s well i think hangzhou spark know a thing
12755s or two about space uh especially if you
12758s guys
12759s did you guys catch the hong kong spark
12760s gladiators match yesterday because that
12762s was some of the best overwatch we've
12764s seen it went all the way to game five
12765s but they also went to dorado
12768s where uh hangzhou spark well they want
12771s that map and even had a minute 23 to
12774s spare to win the map it was behind a
12776s gushway winston alphagi tracer shy
12779s sojourn and then some brig anna
12782s so clearly playing to their strengths
12783s and if you're able to be the gladiators
12785s on this map i got some hobium
12789s admittedly i'm yet to see super rich
12792s sipping the uh super rich tea thus far
12794s today with his excellent tiny little cup
12798s that's a man who understands portion
12799s control lemon we're going to be heading
12801s into the map real soon i wonder what
12803s shai's got hung over the back of his
12805s chair there seems to be some kind of
12806s t-shirt but i can't quite make out the
12808s message
12809s yeah someone let us know what that is
12811s i'm sure it's like well it could be also
12813s a sweat towel but maybe it's something
12814s like true memorable
12818s is this part of a shy lore are we gonna
12820s have a shy lore drop i'm sure someone
12822s will uh let us know what it's all about
12824s i love the hunger sparks custom chairs
12826s as well
12827s and
12828s just to say quickly about you know we
12830s think super rich is like this calm guy
12832s he meditates or at least he jokingly
12835s meditated before one of his match he's
12836s got a little teacup and we we did
12838s confirm it as t shout out to twitter for
12840s that uh but also this guy talks smack
12843s like you know the hog show sparking
12845s gladiators yesterday was obviously
12847s entertaining because of the level of
12848s skill but also the amount of trash talk
12850s that happened which is from super ridge
12853s you know writing easy and whatever stuff
12855s like that so that was hilarious
12858s admittedly super rich never throws the
12859s first punch uh he was up against reiner
12862s and ryan is a known motor mouth his is
12865s like the uh he's the player equivalent
12868s of mitchuba leslie lot likes that likes
12870s to pop off sometimes
12872s shout some things do some all caps
12874s messaging
12875s as we head in to dorado with his brand
12878s new funky soundtrack hung joe spark
12881s gonna be starting off on the attack here
12884s i believe and philadelphia fusion i want
12886s to see if bellows rear is going for the
12887s ball
12888s or for the winston which is going to be
12891s important in determining how they're oh
12893s the m3 ash as well i quite like this in
12895s particular for dorado because on the
12897s high grounds it means you can peek out
12899s and deliver instant damage without
12900s having to worry about over peeking to
12902s try and build up the railgun using the
12905s primary fire of sojourn and that could
12907s be dangerous when you're going up
12908s against potentially widowmakers
12910s i just think mn3
12912s especially on the ash is just so so
12914s impressive but even through on map map
12917s one oasis shai's sojourn did diff mn3 in
12920s terms of damage by about four or five k
12923s it's already had a good performance
12924s there i would say mn3 looks like the
12926s stronger ash shy looks like the
12927s strongest sojourn maybe you guys want to
12929s argue with me i'll tussle and hustle
12930s about that but
12932s hangzhou spark will be out the gates
12934s with a widow to get some initial snipes
12936s in
12937s and gushway will have to see what space
12939s he could make on the winston
12941s all right plenty of targets arrayed
12943s there but none which are easily slain
12945s and so out for ye tracer or genji tracer
12948s it is lack of verticality here but it
12950s does mean that you'll be able to brawl
12951s out a little bit better against bella
12952s tree and chase him down when he tries to
12954s make these escapes
12957s so the spark just have some push going
12960s for now on the fusion it's all about
12962s those pigs you'll have the better
12964s dynamite angle for mn3 if you can build
12966s up towards the bar that's also nice but
12969s shy can easily slip and slide up into
12971s the top right you just maybe want some
12973s help with that but how could she
12975s possibly feel comfortable doing anything
12976s if you're the spark when you got bella's
12978s ria just pounding her back light and
12979s just stops irony like a bug
12984s bernin's death bad way to go lemon but
12986s uh for philadelphia fusion this defense
12988s is going rather well and then three was
12989s actually isolated
12991s and that means that gooseberry can pick
12993s up the kill but unfortunately goose was
12994s a little bit too far in an irony there
12996s actually had his sleep baited out by
12997s bellows rear who kind of faked going for
13000s a uh a pile driver when he was actually
13002s just sailing over the top and after
13004s irony expended that sleep dart that's
13007s when zest and bellatria actually
13009s committed to the dive
13011s might need the spark to uh
13013s react to belisaria hit the sleep
13016s but then not having the zen to just
13019s discord or bella syria might mean they
13021s might lack in damage to really take them
13023s down but let's see how that goes shy at
13025s least can snipe mn3 at range is that a
13028s sleep on the zest kind of nasty so spark
13031s are up by two and they'll get to go
13032s towards market
13034s couldn't hit the wrecking ball but a
13035s tracer apparently fire any just slightly
13038s easier charging up towards the next
13040s railgun you know every time shy has that
13042s up everyone on philadelphia fusion has
13043s to cower there's plenty of space alas
13046s for philadelphia fusion to get
13047s themselves a second contest here are no
13048s major ultimates to stop them over the
13050s course of this next fight irony should
13052s be able to build vanello and that's
13053s likely to go on to gushway to force a
13055s fight on the objective oh does he get
13058s out he does irony's having a pretty nice
13060s performance on the honest so far just
13062s sleeping zest below three a little bit
13064s more now the nano though to gush way he
13067s tries to clear that left side pressuring
13068s it out on the right though is mn three
13070s and you can't forget about him zest also
13072s wants to flank from that side and kuchwa
13075s just took too much pressure not able to
13076s use the primal in time in a 36 lap the
13080s spark they either need to give up now or
13081s start heading away at least they draw
13083s out the transcendence from aim gone but
13086s it's matched by the rally and they
13088s overclock by shy
13090s so spark think this is winnable and it's
13092s really three members of the fusion
13094s preventing this from getting capped they
13096s could trade this out between belizaria
13098s and zest to keep it contested forever
13101s and if things get real hairy they could
13102s always depend on mn3 bob but you can
13105s invest less it's always nice and spark
13108s just ran out of wind in their sails to
13110s keep the momentum going so they'll have
13112s to head back
13113s as you get as good as he's been on the
13115s winston recently i think gushwa actually
13116s jumped the gun a little bit there with
13118s her first engagement irony gave goose
13120s way of nano and philadelphia fusion they
13121s weren't even really committed to the
13123s fight yet so the disengage was super
13125s easy to handle and goose way over chase
13127s looking to try and extract value from
13129s the ultimate where
13130s admittedly maybe just giving up and
13132s going back to mccart would have been the
13133s better idea zest forces out an early
13135s recall from alfa east and now he's going
13137s to be out of the fight for a little
13138s while longer oh that's a zesty one
13140s doesn't hit though
13142s so fusion chill
13143s they'll have a bob left over
13146s and the spark maybe you want to just try
13148s and punish bella soria he's not too
13150s worried though he escapes into the
13152s shadows on the right sparkler on the
13153s chase and you have bob just thrown in
13155s the middle of the map so it forces spark
13157s to be trapped on the right side
13159s i'm a little bit split from each other
13160s and i don't see fusion wanting to punish
13162s sparks presence in the mini pack room so
13165s at least the bob from mm3 did buy time
13167s but mm3 will have to buy a new life he's
13169s gone for now fellas three is too low
13171s alpha he has the hunt and the chase down
13174s so the spark just have to keep pushing
13176s the cart but it's over time it's last
13178s chance and irony is dead before you
13180s could deliver the nano
13182s but the kills still come through on the
13184s front line you still have four members
13185s of the sparks so they cap so i might
13188s have freaked out too soon there i need
13190s to ask my boy he gotta live
13193s once again it's shy who opens everything
13196s up he is the omni tool of the hangzhou
13199s spark getting that headshot onto mn3 was
13202s so important and now mn3 goes back over
13205s to the ash once more having swapped over
13207s i believe so for sojourn to try and
13208s slide back and return faster gushway is
13211s doing a little bit of poke to try and
13212s control the high ground you can see the
13213s alpha is on the other side this is
13215s simply to make sure that philadelphia
13217s fusion can't freely poke down on the
13219s less vertically inclined members of the
13221s hunger spark as they bring this car into
13223s a more fightable position
13226s alpha yi is trying to sneak by but aim
13228s god is doing a good job of marking him
13230s the double blink took too much damage
13233s and i met three coach goods back
13234s headshots alfie
13236s and spark lose their chance to get an
13238s opening kill on the high ground usually
13240s jumps back up though you have the nano
13241s advantage
13242s but he already gets flailed back down
13244s thanks to fixer so spark their next win
13247s con will be around the nano or maybe
13249s they even want to save it for the primal
13251s rage
13253s overclock in the hands of shai give him
13255s a discord you can see that he is a
13256s primary target and removing shy from the
13258s battle as quickly as possible always in
13260s the interest of a philadelphia fusion
13262s the super rich pops the rally
13264s cessna hit on the pulse rally starts
13266s gush way primal two irony waits for the
13269s moment to hit the nano it gives it the
13271s shy who jumps around the corner with
13273s overclock it hits two
13275s that snipes on this man that was the 80
13278s rail accuracy we saw from yesterday and
13281s he's certainly newbie hits different shy
13284s is a one-man army and the spark head for
13288s point b
13289s he is simply the rail gun of damocles
13292s yes there's going to be a zest contest
13294s but how long can he last for the recall
13296s used gush ways in the way and hangzhou
13299s spark they make up for lost time on
13301s point b with shy continuing to dominate
13304s mn3 here is on the ash to try and deny
13307s space from goose where he could be
13308s knocked back twice once by the whip shot
13310s and once by the coach gun but that's
13312s simply goose way forcing out resources
13314s it's all about making space for shai to
13317s do this magic that we know he is capable
13320s of
13322s in the spark chill for now
13325s thinking about
13326s where mm3's positioning going to be
13328s which is currently not on the high
13329s ground alfie does some initial scouting
13331s just to see where fusion are coming out
13333s of
13334s right now to some free cart push pile
13336s drive from fellow surya or is that the
13338s bubble from gushway discord or bond
13340s super rich
13342s fusion
13343s send them and three towards the mini
13345s pack hallway on the left side who's
13347s close to bob and that can be a good push
13350s if he can get the ball behind the spark
13352s while they're disengaging but i guess
13354s you don't even need the bob if mf3 is on
13356s that power position high ground and hits
13358s head shots so spark are going to take a
13360s second to recuperate
13362s and then then three if fixer plays with
13364s him he should be undiveable for gushway
13367s alpha you might be able to get a touch
13368s more purchase after those cooldowns have
13371s been expended and that will give good
13373s pathing to try and get a pulse bomb
13375s stick you can see what bellatrix that's
13376s using the 3d peak at the moment
13377s beautiful stick irony no nano today
13379s maybe the pulse and then the bob on top
13382s the sparkles are getting pushed from the
13384s front by bella fria
13386s but fusion don't want to invest any more
13387s ultimates there so the spark had to just
13390s deal with the bob but without alpha yi
13392s this is not a good fight with shai
13394s getting headshot by m3 i'm still not
13396s feeling good
13397s so uh yeah spark are getting kind of
13400s thanos snapped in these fights and we
13402s got 22 seconds left to see if they can
13403s complete
13405s not quite high noon but rifles at dawn
13407s goes the way of mn3 philadelphia fusion
13410s now if you want to come on to this car
13412s you're gonna have the brave farmer
13414s bellows freya's field of minds and man
13417s he's been growing then with a green
13419s thumb and a tender love and care alfie
13421s is gonna have to be the one to contest
13422s the car but guess who's waiting mr zest
13426s almost five volts from the spark but two
13428s support ultimates from the fusion they
13429s got to layer these properly to survive
13432s the assault from the spark the nano to
13434s gush way he's in the back he has primal
13437s you don't have to worry about that main
13438s tank but you got to worry about alpha yi
13440s vs zest zest heads back to get some
13442s rally over health from fixa bello ceria
13445s chases around someone on that high
13447s ground just to buy some space but he
13449s gets anted and bello syria just got too
13451s eager and overstayed is welcome
13454s spark have the overclock shy forcing mn3
13457s to drop down fixa has to go with him and
13460s spark have now trapped the fusion carry
13463s and have battered him against the wall
13465s but zest will claim one two ironies out
13467s of the picture super rich has forced his
13469s rally to make up for those resources but
13471s it's matched by the transcendence of
13472s main god bella soria buys time the
13474s respawn advantage is for the fusion mm3
13478s has the last hope with the ball but shy
13480s has the shot the recall sets don't want
13482s that smoke but then bellatria goes
13484s behind and shut and shy and friends of
13486s spark aren't worried they want to stop
13488s the reinforcements they want the camp in
13490s overtime it's do or die from the spark
13494s and even three dies with bob
13496s oh my god alpha ye makes it happen they
13499s just have to kill bella syria and stop
13501s the supports of the fusion from touching
13502s and they can't the spark will complete
13506s a biblical brotherhood of dps demons shy
13510s and alpha yi continue to say we refuse
13514s to die the lower bracket means nothing
13516s we will slay our own aipac brothers if
13520s we have to to get back and get our
13522s revenge on those who disrespected us
13527s alpha yi unbelievable timing making sure
13530s that bob couldn't appear was absolutely
13532s critical but when it comes to my opinion
13535s lemon bellows ria there was the real
13537s criminal misusing his minefield he could
13539s have negotiated a two versus one against
13542s alpha yi on that car using the minefield
13545s with zest and made sure that hunger
13547s spark had to fight in overtime in the
13549s minefield but instead when elsewhere i
13553s think he tried to assassinate irony
13554s instead i didn't see where the minefield
13556s went but it certainly wasn't in the
13557s location that we wanted and because
13560s alfie was able to survive that 1v1 he
13562s was able to do this
13565s watch this
13566s kill zest from the sky
13568s it's that eagle it's a plane oh it's the
13570s angel delivering the win and stopping
13574s mn3 he actually had bomb and could have
13576s thrown it but was just
13577s just trying to do it the old-fashioned
13579s way i guess but
13580s spark still complete
13583s and this is for the series lead series
13585s point to remain
13587s in the lower bracket
13590s and we'll see what fusion have up their
13592s sleeve starting not with a widow like
13595s the spark did at the start but with a
13597s sojourn tracer and instead of a hammond
13600s dropping down on the defense it's
13601s gushway on the winston
13604s shy
13605s currently on the deadlift 12 out of 18
13608s final blows for hung joe's spark
13611s i call this guy the best hit scan in the
13613s world and right now the numbers are
13615s backing me lemon philadelphia fusion
13617s slowly creep this cart forward as goosh
13620s way pokes from the top of and moves into
13622s position but they stopped his
13624s disengagement they actually caught goose
13625s ways he jumped out using the pile driver
13627s perfect timing from bellator
13629s great punish on the defense so far so
13632s the fusion get a free push and remember
13634s sparks uh sparks defense back then took
13638s a lot or a fusion's defense took a lot
13640s of time at this particular point so
13642s already a head start from the fusion
13645s but this is the the toughest part of the
13647s map to get through at least for point a
13649s of course and then three almost
13650s connecting all the alphae but it's body
13652s shots shy on the card advances forward
13655s the defense collapsing on the supports
13657s but not yielding any result it's the dps
13661s of the fusion that strike through many
13663s members of the spark only leaving shy
13666s and alfie to defend
13668s mn3 has come alive and he's not making
13671s this duel and gets shy and mn3 just that
13674s easy
13675s and that was a mechanical master class
13676s as well from men3 and zest when it came
13678s to the tempo hangzhou sparks should have
13680s been winning that battle they forced
13682s bellosphere out and then hunger spark
13684s managed to move forward and look for
13686s picks but zesting them in three they
13688s negotiated their way into a back line
13690s found the soft underbelly and put the
13692s damage exactly where it needed to be yes
13694s zest might get forced out here by alpha
13697s yi but the thing is zest gets for
13699s harmony all but range from the zenyatta
13701s so can take this door for a lot longer
13702s than alpha yi who has a much more rigid
13704s sight line from his ana
13706s good bella syria bowl around this is
13708s already is either gonna force mobility
13710s cooldowns like the jump from the winston
13712s to just get back up
13714s might even get an assassination because
13716s there is no immortality
13719s there is a sleep that fellow three has
13721s to worry about it uh maybe he's not sort
13722s of worried about that flail
13725s so it's a 4v5
13727s but you can see that spark have already
13729s dropped down to stop some of the uh cart
13732s push going so fusion are going to take a
13733s second
13735s great surveillance there from alpha yi
13737s just crunched from three sides zest had
13738s no time to react when all three members
13741s just put some damage his way still the
13743s car continues to move bellows had a
13745s couple of suspects grapples at the
13747s moment
13748s and alpha yi caught on the recall mn3
13750s was counting the seconds and counting
13752s the pixels
13753s yeah alpha has been holding this guard
13755s inside and finally spark identified or
13757s uh fusion identified that he got the
13759s overclock from mn3 but shy is that owned
13762s and he has overclocked two his energy is
13763s over nine thousand he's already killed
13765s two the immortality can't save you now
13768s fusion and they are one and gooshway
13771s wants to line things up for shy but
13773s bellows free is just too quick with it
13776s an excellent decision made there by
13777s irony shy was in danger of getting no
13781s value not only out of that overclock
13783s that of this defensive fight if he had
13785s caught another shot from mn3 before that
13787s nano came down it was curtains for shy
13789s curtains for the ultimate and maybe
13791s curtains for defense as well but
13793s hungzhou sparks stand fast behind their
13795s avatar of war irony certainly knows
13798s where his bread is butted and now bello
13800s srila wants more to try and support a
13803s high ground fight where zest is
13804s currently alone but timing suspect
13806s yeah zest and bella at least working
13808s together to pressure spark on that high
13811s ground forcing them down alfie trying to
13813s mark zest the best he can
13815s while not letting the car progress any
13816s further fusion have a lot of time but
13818s they can't waste it mn3 and the support
13821s the fusion head for bank it's a nice
13822s shelter from any high ground assault
13824s that the spark may have cooked up as
13827s bella syria lays the mines on the high
13829s ground there and super rich runs into
13831s one of them
13832s kind of needed him for the rally also
13834s irony is blending in with the plant and
13836s i don't think belisarius saw him either
13838s way his job was to go to the card
13840s because fusion almost pushed it in front
13842s of spark who have now lost two members
13845s gushway is low he's got to score her
13846s bottom and it was only alpha
13848s just keeping the car contested so fusion
13851s can't be
13853s all right below being the pop-up pirate
13856s right there that was a lovely minefield
13858s and of course a piledriver finished it
13860s as well super rich had no idea what hit
13862s him from behind and getting rid of that
13863s rally meant that philadelphia fusion
13865s could fight on the cart so much harder
13867s because irony was having to give away
13869s his seals one by one and they had to
13871s choose between gushway and alpha yi and
13873s alpha yi was also trying to hide from
13876s philadelphia fusion on the same angle
13877s which meant irony was having trouble
13879s getting that uh getting those hits in
13882s zest is very stealthy here yet to be
13884s noticed still no one knows
13886s peekaboo
13888s does it the pulse bomb already dead so
13891s this is looking kind of sketch for the
13893s spark but they're gonna make do with
13895s what they have and what they have is a
13896s rally a bit of over health just playing
13898s super passive here shy is above on the
13900s high ground two could get some peaks to
13902s try and equalize things goose way is
13904s going to help out he's got the primal
13906s and he's going for the back line the
13908s transcendence is activated he's
13910s battering the supports against the wall
13912s and they somehow live
13914s transcendence did help a lot too but
13916s goose ways back in this he's got the
13918s nano shy will have to return soon he's
13921s not in this fight yet what spark will
13923s make do with the four that they have
13925s three spawns are close too and fusion
13927s have lost two
13929s shy just does it again you can never be
13933s safe when shy is on the field but fusion
13936s they at least have time to spare
13939s gushway's nano engage right there forces
13941s out so much attention from the
13943s philadelphia fusion but it allows
13945s cheyenne alphae some space to negotiate
13947s themselves the angles needed to find the
13950s shots with the overclock and with the
13952s pulse bomb as well
13954s philadelphia fusion admittedly they
13956s still have plenty of time two minutes
13958s and the ultimates to try and make it
13959s work except with an early pulse bomb
13960s doesn't appear to connect onto anything
13962s special must have been a whiff as
13964s bellows
13965s huge he shoves them all into the corner
13967s and somehow no one dies or not even
13969s super rich at this point and now with
13972s the mines gone from bellatoria and the
13974s postpartum from zest fusion don't have
13976s any ultimates this could be just about
13978s generating those punishing spark where
13980s you can and shy advances forward with
13983s gush way claims aim god while he was
13985s hiding in staircase and jumps back to
13987s safety the one kill is all the spark
13989s need to water away fusion
13991s ah philadelphia fusion their timings
13993s just off lemon they're playing overwatch
13995s like a mortgage they're doing their
13996s diving installments first zest then
13998s bellows rear then the rest of the fusion
13999s come in afterwards they need to move as
14001s one and yes philosopher and zesta
14003s finally found that timing now but it's
14005s too late they don't have the resources
14007s to really force anyone out of these
14010s positions
14011s and
14014s use the disrupter shot to stop any
14016s pushes from stairs and uses the shot to
14018s kill fn3 it's just as easy as that
14021s mn3
14022s just feeling the pain shy dominating the
14025s lobby receiving the nano love and now
14027s spark going for more pics where they can
14030s but never overextending to a point where
14032s they're getting picked and that's just
14034s the intelligence that the spark have
14037s and the thing is once bellows is forced
14039s to disengage and look for health facts
14040s that's when hangzhou spark get their
14042s counter dive in and they can really
14043s control the tempo of a fight using goose
14045s way and alfie for now it's all about
14047s defense making sure that fellow syria is
14049s not going to be present in the majority
14051s of the fight playing counter dive
14052s instead
14054s zest
14055s needs to yield something with this pulse
14056s bomb
14058s at least getting close to killing alpha
14059s yi here it's forced a couple blinks out
14061s no recall though hunger spark
14063s have two support ultimates the nano to
14066s shy and he needs it he dropped out below
14068s 50 hp he's in the back line of the
14071s attack and it's killed two
14073s fusions just can't seem to start these
14076s fights on the right foot
14078s but they will be now spark will now lead
14081s the series two to one the fusion unable
14085s to go to the finish line
14088s it's 3am here in the uk lemon and shai
14090s is in your back line with a nano
14092s overclock there's nothing to be done
14096s hunger spark identified the weakness
14098s once bellows 3 had to go and look for a
14100s health pack
14101s it was all about finding those
14103s engagements and the thing is when
14105s bellowsria leaves as the main tank that
14108s means that shy can be a lot more
14109s audacious for actually joining that dive
14111s and making those flanks into the
14112s backline alongside gushway and alpha yi
14115s that's the weakness of the wrecking ball
14117s when his downtime is exploited by
14119s hangzhou spark using a high uptime main
14122s tank like gooshway there are openings
14124s that can really be exploited by players
14126s like cheyenne alfaji that's why you
14128s gotta invest in those shy stocks 21 out
14131s of 32 final blows i believe i heard from
14133s the stats team the spark go to series
14136s point behind some fabulous sojourn play
14139s but we go to push next and we'll see
14142s what's left of the fusion
14156s [Music]
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14188s [Music]
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14200s [Music]
14206s [Music]
14222s [Music]
14229s [Music]
14234s do
14237s [Music]
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14270s [Music]
14276s do
14278s [Music]
14294s [Music]
14301s [Music]
14304s do
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14318s do
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14338s [Music]
14357s [Music]
14369s [Music]
14376s [Music]
14381s [Music]
14388s [Music]
14394s [Music]
14398s gamers of the court
14399s benvene and off the cap there is royalty
14403s in our midst that's right mid-season
14405s madness legendary skin royal night mercy
14408s is on sale now through august 19th for
14410s just 200 league tokens so make sure you
14413s get yours today and play with a royal
14415s flush
14416s yeah i'm on my hands and knees for the
14419s new season
14420s but uh not as down bad as fusion right
14423s now who uh run match point against the
14426s hangzhou spark who just took dorado if
14429s you are tuning in but at least the
14430s fusion have one advantage they can work
14432s with and it's their choice of push map
14434s between coliseum and new queen street
14436s and they're opting for new queen street
14438s which makes a lot of sense they chose
14440s this against the florida mayhem and the
14442s losers round two in that long game five
14444s series and they're very successful uh
14448s fusion are very successful on new queen
14449s street 111 meters to 75 a big win
14453s against florida mayhem there they also
14455s went on new queen street against the
14457s dallas fuel another three-digit meter
14460s 122-42
14462s and that's when they absolutely rolled
14464s the fuel like it was 122 meters right
14466s off the bat
14468s and their kind of signature composition
14470s their go-to stuff is ball tracer ashes
14473s and anna so we'll have to see if the
14476s hangzhou spark have studied the tape
14478s throughout this tournament because
14479s hungzhou spark was seeing them a lot
14480s more on coliseum than new queen street
14484s well on the other side we have a
14485s hangzhou spark and here's a quick look
14486s once again at the shy stats it feels
14488s like the card that just keeps on giving
14491s 21 final blows as sojourn on dorado
14495s 16.4k damage we didn't even go to extra
14497s rounds
14499s oh my goodness shai is a monster to be
14501s dealt with but when it comes to monsters
14503s lemon i'm thinking about mn3 on the
14505s philadelphia fusion this is the place
14508s where mn3 stuck his flag in the ground
14511s of the overwatch league and said this is
14514s my year on new queen street mn3
14518s absolutely decimated at the end of the
14521s mid-season madness qualifiers and put on
14524s one of the greatest individual
14526s performances i have ever seen in a pro
14528s game
14530s while it also helps with shy it gets
14532s nanoed i mean we're even hearing some
14534s talks on twitter of just oh my god like
14536s just nanowing a sojourn who already does
14539s a ton of damage has a one-shot potential
14542s but it's the damage mitigation the fact
14544s that shai can stay alive when he jumps
14546s into danger he's not jumping away he's
14549s going in there and you just depend on
14552s shy to just get three or four 5k
14555s these fights it's insane the the clutch
14558s potential that shai has even in that
14560s last fight he was in the the attacker's
14563s back line by himself the guy's nuts
14567s so can spark depend on him again they're
14570s on a series point a win here
14573s is top four and i think a minimum of 75k
14576s so a lot of dollars but fusion fans
14580s don't give up hope now
14582s it's all about fusion just making you go
14585s through an emotional rollercoaster and
14587s they can do it here on their choice of
14589s map
14591s yes fusion they teeter on the edge of
14594s oblivion for hangzhou spark
14596s the siren song of glory and victory is
14599s ringing loud in their ears all they need
14601s do is take that final step and claim it
14604s here the major difference is going to be
14606s in the tanks bellow three is keeping the
14607s pace up on the wrecking ball meanwhile
14609s for bernard it's all about the slow and
14611s steady energy that wins the race with
14614s this are you being a little bit more
14615s brawly maybe giving over additional
14617s resources to shine so we can play a
14619s little bit more brazen on this ash
14622s yeah the zarya is gonna do well
14624s at scaling through long fights they have
14626s the resources for the ana and the brig
14629s to help out and it wouldn't even hurt to
14632s just i know shy gets a lot of love but
14634s nanoing the zarya just to have the
14636s frontline potential because the where
14638s zarya is weak is taking too much
14640s pressure she only has two bubbles and
14642s she has other people to care about
14643s somehow bernard has already stopped them
14646s and free mn3 from being in the tunnel
14649s so really i'm surprised bernard's even
14651s just in this tunnel that's usually where
14653s you want to see shire or mn3 and i think
14655s now that shai has that clear way he
14656s actually gets pushed off from being on
14658s top of tunnel bernard all that space for
14660s nothing alfie also gets chased down by
14662s bello sria and then three has burned two
14665s people alive from just existing on the
14668s low ground so with that alone that gets
14670s fusion in some initial push
14672s okay i'm in three that's not very nice i
14675s think that uh there was a big problem
14676s there for bernard being able to actually
14677s generate his energy we saw aimgod
14679s actually give up a five orb uh
14682s play just because it would have given
14683s bernard a lot of charge and playing
14685s slowly here is mvn is in the interest of
14688s visaya to get so many of these bubble
14690s rotations but they're just not being fed
14692s by philadelphia fusion because philly
14694s know that if bellows three is absent and
14696s bernard has charged things are gonna go
14698s poorly huge
14700s bernard actually got shoved into enemy
14702s fire and he gets finished off
14705s so fusion
14706s still can continue this push this was
14708s against the dallas fuel where fusion
14709s just had this initial 100 meter push and
14712s look it's just a passive place but also
14714s reacting to these small opportunities
14717s that the fusion have and when you shove
14718s bernard you can capitalize on the front
14720s line fusion now of a ton of space so
14722s they got the capture point they do see
14724s the spark on the high ground illustrio
14727s does want to get up there and ml3 has
14729s taken a flake he's thrown the dynamite
14731s up it sparks a little hideout alfie has
14734s been nanoed somehow by irony throws the
14738s pulse doesn't connect somewhere off
14739s screen as now fusion from on the car and
14743s behind the enemy team have now thrown
14745s the bomb to help stabilize a bit on the
14748s front
14749s but fusion got it maybe a bit too
14751s creative on that front
14753s maybe a touch of performance anxiety
14755s therefore mn3 i don't think any shots
14757s were really hit with that the shy is
14758s hitting plenty once we're back a fixer's
14760s head the snow is pink with brain matter
14763s now and shy grabs themselves a quick
14766s triple yes you got yourself a quick butt
14767s scratching cap but we'll be taking this
14769s now thank you very much on the other
14771s side bernard finally has a graviton
14774s surge available and remember there's not
14776s really much to counter this from the
14777s philadelphia fusion they don't have any
14778s consistent shielding all they can really
14780s do is try and nave themselves in hopes
14782s that there might be enough healing but
14784s aim god is so shy of that transcendence
14786s that bernard can essentially get a free
14787s kill onto engel and fixer if they play
14789s close enough spacing is everything here
14792s oh well that's some space you got the
14794s mines to trap whoever was on the top of
14796s the tunnel there from spark oh they're
14797s shy the rally starts from super rich but
14800s uh yeah last you carry there cheyenne
14802s alpha yi dead you throw the ground just
14804s to stop bella cereal but does spark even
14805s have enough damage they just straight up
14807s don't i don't think bernard even has a
14809s lot of energy no just sitting at 30. so
14811s the solo grab on the belliceria does
14813s absolutely nothing asleep from irony to
14816s lock down bella 3 is kind of nice but
14818s again the lack of damage uh not working
14821s out especially when you don't aren't
14822s utilizing a zenyatta to get the discord
14825s orbs out but sparker gets some good push
14827s going i think the fusion may have got a
14829s touch too aggressive there maybe aimgod
14831s could have hid around in the back
14832s admittedly it's a risk though could have
14834s been staggered alas going in with not
14836s really much behind them now hunger
14837s sparker in a pretty good position to try
14839s and take this next fight with shai so
14841s close to that overclock if anyone feeds
14844s him over old charge this is going to be
14845s available before you know it and will be
14847s for this most important of fights
14849s yeah this is for the lead
14852s to spark to win this fight shy is
14854s falling asleep fixer stops it and the
14857s orbs from aim god to clean things up and
14860s even kills bernard with a headshot
14862s spark were depending a little maybe too
14865s much on the shot but i mean who expects
14868s an honor to hit asleep mid-jump like
14870s that that is insane
14874s he's not just your healer he is your
14877s playmaker fixer for standing on the flex
14881s support usually playing on it
14884s oh no get down mr burner oh
14888s bloody hell that is that's tragic mate
14891s that is absolutely tragic but for philly
14894s fans that is a big old
14897s smile uh
14899s the fix upper but he's about to get
14901s pulse oh dodge he does in fact dodge
14903s he's a little bit low though it's okay
14905s fusion
14906s takes shelter in the pack room but
14908s fusion got real creative last time off
14910s with these left side flanks and it was
14912s usually epic three who went there and
14913s fix it could even do that if he wants to
14915s throw a nasty ante the bob from mn3
14917s thrown right on the bottom i believe but
14920s either way that is doing work but you
14922s can't discount what shai does trades it
14924s up with a double kill spark have the
14926s respawn advantage so that's huge for shy
14930s to just impact this fight and stop
14932s fusion from getting any further but the
14934s lead is still heavily infusions favor
14936s with 73 meters and spark at the cleanup
14939s nonetheless no sleeves this time mate
14941s and bellows rear staying alive also
14943s means but in a pinch you'll be able to
14945s contest the car because you can kind of
14947s weave in and out quite effectively as a
14948s wrecking ball and just keep trolling
14950s timmy to stop him from moving bernard
14952s critically needs to build up a good
14954s amount of energy for this next fight
14955s because the mortars heading towards high
14957s ground are what are going to zone away
14958s aim god and fix her from being able to
14960s rain down free damage
14963s bella street has mines and we learned
14964s this the hard way of uh
14966s bernard they lost
14968s i think it got lost in transit
14971s not sure how that happened but that
14973s sparker just putting so much
14974s prioritization of putting shy and
14976s friends on the top of the tunnel because
14977s it accesses the pack room where aim god
14979s and fix it like to sit at but fellas ray
14981s just is not letting that space go for
14983s free and with those two picks uh fusion
14986s are back on the card increasing this
14987s lead to 80 plus and this is the red zone
14991s spark need to win a fight but do it as
14993s economically as possible because they
14995s need to match that same 84 meters the
14997s rally starts from super rich shy is on
15000s the high ground not connecting much with
15002s these charged shots but elise is getting
15004s back up to a hundred things to fellas
15005s ria and the card is not going further
15007s fusion don't need it to the pulse from
15010s alpha yield draws out the aim got
15011s transcendence so if you're smart you
15013s take the winds where you can as the
15016s fusion slowly but surely run out of
15018s bolts and don't feel like pushing any
15020s further
15021s where did that grab go where did
15022s bernard's grav go that was supposed to
15024s be a big fight winner if i should have
15025s been a free kill onto aim gold and fixer
15027s they forced out the transcendence using
15029s the sticky i mean it was going to be all
15031s burnout all the time but i've got no
15032s idea where that little cosmological
15034s construct went no stick no kill but zest
15038s still is going to be this annoying
15040s little pest in the back line and
15042s bernard's got no armor as a zarya he
15044s could be torn apart by that tracer
15047s fusion don't even want to push further
15049s than this they want to keep the spark
15050s trapped and they're doing a great job
15052s they've m3 has thrown the bomb on top of
15054s his own body he's one hp and he's
15056s getting well defended but bernard got
15058s nanoed and he's walking into the back
15059s line he's cleared off event three he
15062s goes after fixa
15064s and fusion well they can't keep this
15065s trap going forever as bernard really
15068s rethinks the zarya approach alpha yi's
15070s on the tracer and bernard he swaps to
15072s something else the doom fist
15075s well the doomfist at least has a better
15076s pace because that's the thing that's
15078s happened to the hunger spark they have
15079s not been fast enough to respond to
15081s philadelphia fusion giving different
15083s different stimuli from different angles
15085s and alpha yi swaps as well over to the
15087s genji this provides a lot of brawling
15089s power on the front line alongside that
15091s doomfist and this may be troublesome for
15093s rain god when you don't have a
15094s consistent tank in the front line to
15095s protect you
15097s yeah these crabs haven't been much in
15099s the close range quarters bernard
15100s hopefully can shine but at least we can
15102s know we can depend on shy it's a double
15105s kill and a third and the supports of
15107s fusion head away with berners on the
15109s chase any stagger kills is big for spark
15112s but they still have to bring the bot
15114s back to neutral point without affording
15116s to lose anyone and spark have done that
15118s they still have to win one more fight
15120s and probably two or three to even match
15122s what the fusion have
15125s a new dynamic for these battles now with
15127s the upgraded pace of the hangzhou spark
15128s philadelphia fusion are going to have to
15130s adapt here on the fly and bellows rear
15132s needs to realize that while he has
15133s downtime on these engagements bernard
15136s and alfie are fast enough to get in onto
15138s his back line fixer stands ready with a
15141s nano boost do you give it on to mn3
15143s again the avatar of death on new queen
15145s street he's actually yellow west no way
15147s the ante was disgusting from figsaw and
15149s just an unlucky jump down by shy quick
15151s capitalization by fusion they have to
15153s use the transcendence though they lost
15155s mn3 and they start the struggle the nano
15158s on the bella syria not a prime target
15159s especially while asleep and the rest of
15162s the spark cleaned up all the bodies
15164s around bella surya
15166s and he was last on the hit list but they
15167s didn't even manage to do that but spark
15169s had to use quite a bit to get that done
15171s still got some left over for a fight to
15173s take the lead
15174s miss coms and panic here bellows freya
15176s tried to move into contest but it's just
15178s going to have to give away this
15179s checkpoint now still there's so far to
15181s go for hangzhou spark and only 15
15183s seconds in which to try and do it over
15185s time yes will be in their future and one
15188s fight win for philadelphia fusion can do
15190s it all but they've spent most of their
15192s resources and they've lost aim gods
15194s bruno got slept again how does fix it
15196s keep getting away with this and then
15198s three barely alive but even through one
15201s hp m3 kills two
15203s fusion may have just done it they could
15205s have forced the game five fixes in
15207s trouble bernard's got the push he could
15209s get them that guy in time and on the
15211s card there's only the supports of super
15212s rich and irony remaining the fusion just
15216s on their strongest map
15219s they've done it again they forced the
15222s game five
15224s what else could it look like when we
15226s ascend the steps of the pantheon of
15229s aipac no one was gonna back down no one
15231s was gonna whimper no one was gonna blink
15234s two warriors with swords drawn and
15237s whether it's the anime guns or the power
15240s of the sun in the palm of their hand
15243s neither of these teams is willing to die
15246s of course hangzhou spark have to tweet
15248s the
15249s the cat girl pig from shy as an
15251s explanation of why shai is just so good
15253s at the game and i'll believe it with my
15256s eyes i mean the stats speak for
15258s themselves shy makes this happen
15261s but fusion pull out ahead on their
15263s strongest map 80 meters and growing i
15266s mean they've defeated so many teams on
15268s this map alone but we go to control
15271s it'll be spark's choice and we'll see
15274s you after the break
15299s [Music]
15315s [Music]
15331s [Music]
15341s [Music]
15374s [Music]
15400s uh
15406s [Music]
15417s [Music]
15432s [Music]
15487s [Music]
15499s it's game five and last life for hong
15503s kong spark or philadelphia fusion but
15505s their opportunity to go up against the
15507s apex slayers of atlanta rain in the next
15510s round
15512s fusion i mean they had the 80 meter push
15514s on new queen street and then gate kept
15517s girl boss spark
15519s until oblivion what a map that was
15522s only one team from apac clemon will be
15526s coming out alive of the next 20 minutes
15530s they've been forced to fight each other
15532s that's just the way the bracket crumbles
15534s gushway has returned once more the main
15537s tank extraordinaire to lead the troops
15540s from the front this crown must be earned
15543s it will not be given let's bring up our
15546s map set in a little bit so that you guys
15548s can see where hungzhou spark have
15550s decided to bring us on our final control
15554s with goose way coming in you could
15555s probably take an informed guess but it's
15557s going to be li zhong tower because
15560s gushway he's got one himself one heck of
15562s a rhine as well as a top tier winston
15566s yeah when it comes to lujan tower we saw
15569s hong zhou play this against the
15570s philadelphia of the ocean hey guess what
15573s in their first match their first meetup
15576s and it was 2-1 for hong zhou at that
15579s point so spark going back to what they
15583s know best when it comes to fusion though
15585s there are no strangers to love or li
15588s jeong tower they defeated the florida
15590s mayhem just yesterday in their final
15592s game five on lee zhang tower that also
15594s went the distance that was crazy they
15597s had uber shaken over that round so i'm
15599s excited to see how this final battle is
15602s gonna be decided
15604s i think it's gonna be all about the
15606s order of the maps i feel like with
15608s bellows rear in yes there's gonna be the
15611s main tank in the back pocket for
15612s philadelphia fusion do they want to try
15615s and mirror
15617s some kind of rush here the hunger spark
15618s want to try and attempt that as well
15620s thus far
15621s shai has been putting on a clinic on the
15624s hit scans he almost has a deadlift over
15626s the entirety of the entire series here
15628s lemon i believe he has
15631s 65 out of 138 total spark final blows
15635s which is 47
15638s going into map number five
15641s that is almost uncanny considering that
15643s he's sharing final blows for people like
15645s gooshway and alfie
15648s wow
15649s i mean we really have
15651s wow
15653s we have some of the best of the best
15654s like at this point there are no weak
15657s like weak players on any teams anymore
15660s it is stardom versus stardom we're gonna
15663s go to liang tower and see what round we
15665s end up on first
15667s when it comes to at least the fusion
15670s again a lot of ball tracer with zest
15673s some ash and
15675s sojourn for mn3 and then they kind of
15678s hover around the zen brig or the zen bab
15680s especially the back when you have more
15681s of a poke phase on control center
15684s speaking of control center here we are i
15687s got to guess it just off the scenery
15691s oh yes
15692s map expert lemon reporting in do we see
15695s the reinhardt is the question
15698s do hungzhou spark wish to engage in
15701s a touch of brawling no instead
15705s bringing in gushway and having him play
15706s doomfist would be an interesting angle
15708s considering that they just had bernards
15710s or both fronts fought here and burst in
15711s playing a considerable amount of
15713s doomfist philadelphia fusion i'd be
15716s surprised to see bella soria stick to
15717s this wrecking ball as wrecking ball does
15719s suffer from the lack of high ceilings in
15721s the in the server room
15723s which means that engaging into one of
15725s the most potent areas for a support to
15728s hang out means you have very limited
15729s options to try and make your pile driver
15731s work but hey if anyone can make it work
15733s or los ria can
15735s well fusion tried the rush last time
15737s they faced a spark on this and let's
15738s just say it didn't work out it was 199
15740s though but what did work for the spark
15743s is this very comp they did have uh
15746s alfie yeah on the genji lucio ana and
15749s everything so quick rotations for the
15751s spark and there's an engagement gushway
15753s on the coast side the right and has
15755s already punched out aim got cold and mn3
15758s pooped off
15759s so spark around this lucio honor just
15762s coalescing together and it's working out
15765s and god got booped off as well playing
15767s on the edge they did not expect gooshway
15769s to be on the doomfist they probably
15771s thought the same as me that he was going
15772s to be on the rhyme that's where they
15773s went up and around the outside but
15775s here's the engagement from goose way the
15777s pace there unbelievable and guess what
15779s eminem oh well guccifer fell off as well
15781s okay three environmental kills in our
15783s starting battle how else could it end
15785s here in our apac battle royale
15788s shy already so low as hunger spark have
15790s got themselves the first cap do they
15791s dare contest here
15793s yeah that's kind of a big reason why you
15795s don't hold that coast side you're so
15796s vulnerable to boobs and gucci or sorry
15798s uh bel soria got slept and auntie good
15801s job by irony once again i felt like
15803s bella freya just lived a little too long
15805s on new queen street so i'm glad he could
15807s get to know what dying is like a bit but
15809s alfie has already killed two and he
15811s wants to dash fixes so bad without you
15813s know running into the shield bash and
15814s all that he is going to harass zest some
15816s more get a bunch of blinks out of him
15818s and now dance around because remember
15820s it's spark that have control of the
15821s point so they can play this this ring
15823s around the rosie this cat mess forever
15825s and benefit from it and now because of
15827s the lucio super rich reinforcements are
15830s back from the sparks so they're almost
15831s at full force
15833s and alfie also heavily outpacing these
15834s defensive ultimates when it comes to the
15836s blade he's been hitting so many
15837s shurikens but if he uses it in a good
15839s amount of pace then it could easily
15841s confound the philadelphia fusion losing
15843s goose way means that space is going to
15844s be hard to come by and alpha he gets
15846s nano here for a big old he's dead he's
15848s dead uh wow he just got one clipped and
15852s dove one by pelas fellow surya that was
15854s disgusting the guy was like ready to
15855s whip out his blade and everything and
15857s he's got sat on so spark don't have any
15859s dps so it's to go next and palace is
15862s killing everything okay okay he has
15864s mines i wonder uh i don't know if you
15867s want to hold choke but we'll see how the
15868s mines will be used
15869s was that bellows rear ace on the bowl
15872s not only was that potentially a bellows
15873s rare ace but that also stopped the nano
15875s blade and now the window for the blades
15877s effectiveness is closing for alfa yi aim
15879s god's getting closer and closer to that
15881s trance and fixer is also going to have
15883s the rally which will give enough space
15884s during the knockback to get the
15886s additional health
15887s oh the sleep on the sense of how he's
15889s alive though but the blade from alfie
15892s comes out he's got the sound bear of
15894s super rich to supplement him but he had
15896s such a hard time closing the gap with
15898s him in the fusion at least he doesn't
15900s extend too much he could serve his life
15902s but the blade got a total of zero kills
15905s so sparta have super rich
15906s advantage is starting to go away gucci
15908s got so eager because he thought he had
15909s the meteor strike but he was still three
15911s percent away and the punish from fusion
15913s is so nasty the disengage against alpha
15916s yi so smart the fusion are now back on
15919s the point and they can chill for now
15922s in the end it was more dragon bait than
15923s dragon blade trying to get zest to chase
15925s them in alpha yi solo gushway finally
15928s has this meteor strike and it can't be
15930s forced out early by a pulse bomb from
15932s zest so instead you can use it to make a
15934s much more aggressive dive and then try
15936s and finish off one of those low supports
15937s potentially even force out a
15939s transcendence from aim gold in a
15940s sub-optimal position
15942s just honcho spark just want the server
15944s control so bad so they can access this
15946s back line cool tights from gushway you
15948s scared the heck out of main god he just
15950s used transcendence now fusion really
15952s want to take a fight and they've
15955s amazing got isolated so spark force the
15958s transcendence and then jump immediately
15959s on a man three it's a five on four
15962s infusion they have to control the point
15963s so they can probably just die on it get
15965s to 99 and head on out unless mm3 gets
15967s back soon pile drive from bellatria
15971s spark dodge the pulse bomb from zest
15974s and now spark don't really have any
15976s ultimates
15977s and they got to get away from these
15979s mines it's 99 from the fusion if you
15981s should never even reset you're losing
15983s aim god through losing mn3 and now that
15985s he's back he could shoot away and the
15987s spark ain't looking too good without
15989s gucci without shy what could possibly
15992s pull out a win here you gotta use the
15994s rally super rich used it immediately on
15996s acquiring it
15998s gush will be back soon on the hammond
16000s and fusion are just wasting so much time
16003s you can get a pick on the fusion and
16004s they'll just never give up but at least
16006s they kill super rich and irony cess
16009s makes the miracle happen and fusion take
16012s round one
16013s and zested that against overhealth as
16015s well against the rally zest got the two
16017s versus one against the supports
16019s unbelievable for the philadelphia fusion
16022s and think about this they were coming
16024s from behind they got knocked off
16026s instantly two environmental kills in the
16028s first fight control lemon it was all
16031s about getting that first fight getting
16033s control and playing from a defensive
16035s position but philadelphia fusion the
16037s greats they showed here's out for you
16040s being denied for nano blade that would
16041s have been everything because aim got a
16043s fixer were nowhere near in a position to
16047s try and deal with that this is bello
16050s soria's piece de resistance this is his
16053s magnum opus of competitive overwatch and
16055s it's a round of control center
16057s disgusting i mean the last time spark
16060s infusion went to control center it was
16062s spark that won it fusion had to change
16064s their strat and bellow three at this
16066s speed it's just so much
16068s to handle and he gets out too so you
16070s can't even kill him half the time
16073s so now spark we go over to gardens
16076s fusion won this 194 and of course that
16078s was when mn3 even brought the sombra out
16081s a little bit too much creativity
16082s sometimes but now he's on the ash point
16085s unlocked bella wants to prevent it gets
16087s involved tries to stop the cap but no
16090s one else is there no content from zazz
16092s because he's dead he got booped to death
16094s by super rich so spark at the first cap
16097s and now they have the support so they've
16098s got to fix a trapped
16100s what synergy from the spark in the
16103s moments that matter the most
16106s faster stronger harder better that's
16108s what hangzhou spark have demanded going
16111s into round number two of potentially
16113s their final map of the tournament
16114s raising the tempo pushing on the gas
16118s philadelphia fusion got absolutely
16120s struck out there even with zest managing
16122s to get as much damage as he did was the
16124s first one to die and now hangzhou spark
16127s as philadelphia fusion make their way
16128s towards the point they can choose where
16131s the battle happens with gushway's
16132s initial dive
16135s hangzhou doing some scouting so with
16138s zest
16140s knowing that most of the most everyone
16141s on the spark are near the point and bell
16144s street was trying to separate them and
16146s got close to just getting the supports
16148s of sparca low
16149s and shy has a pulse bump to
16151s zest too and his stick on irony he's
16153s gone
16154s five to four for the fusion as bella
16159s outer chaos on the point a sport can't
16161s even take shelter on the objective they
16163s own belsery is separating them and the
16166s fusion capitalized even fixo with the 2k
16169s zest with the other
16171s and it's the flip back over to fusion
16173s with 67 to spark
16175s an unbelievably large fight there from
16177s zest a couple of blinks to find irony
16179s and deny that nano now is going to be
16181s available would you put it onto alpha ye
16183s again would you risk the conflux of
16186s bellows rear and zest bullying him out
16188s with
16189s that discord orb once again zest is just
16192s being such a pain in the bottom and it's
16194s a turn around from hunger spark trying
16195s to ambush him over disengage oh yeah i
16197s thought goose way was gonna get the nano
16199s but it's the alpha yi we'll see if the
16200s second time's a charm he's close to nano
16203s and they drew out the transcendence so
16205s this alpha yi blade could be big but
16207s maybe he wants to wait out to fix a
16208s rally especially now that it's
16210s accumulated to this point the minus from
16212s uh bella
16214s out spark from dojo but it doesn't
16215s really matter because they own the
16216s entirety of the rest of the map so the
16219s fusion are wiped away and we get a flip
16221s back over to the spark 43 for fusion
16224s this does however mean that super riches
16226s use that sound barrier much more
16228s aggressively than maybe they anticipated
16230s and that means there's nothing to stop
16232s mn3 from tearing through all of these
16233s more squishy members when that
16235s overclocks available and we've already
16236s seen what zest can achieve with these
16238s pulse bombs his stick rate this series
16240s has been impressive and irony's been
16242s feeling the brunt of it but alfa yi with
16245s the blade invashif dare he drag it out
16248s and call upon the dragon to once more
16250s bring hangzhou spark to a stage number
16252s three on control
16254s all the boss again jump just does it
16258s again his attach rate is crazy as
16260s fusions start off on a good foot this
16262s fight melissa has to separate the spark
16265s what is he who brings out the blade
16268s slices through the supports and the
16271s spark at 99
16273s have won the fight in round two they'll
16276s force the third one
16279s two to two lemon
16281s one two one neither team
16284s wants to die at this juncture both want
16288s to be the representative of the east the
16291s champion of aipac the one who would wear
16294s the crown going into our third portion
16298s of the season
16300s so many teams are arrayed before them it
16303s is a harsh path and it's one that will
16305s tear them limb from limb but both of
16309s these warriors they are bloodied
16312s they are ready to take their first step
16315s upon it however it all starts with a
16317s single step here on night market of li
16320s zhong tower and night market was the
16323s last round that the spark infusion faced
16325s off to define that first map when the
16328s first time they met
16330s will the script be rewritten
16332s as spark
16333s took that map the last time and took
16335s night market as well
16338s behind goose ways dive it was shy
16341s actually on the sojourn last time
16343s switching things up going for the gt
16346s genji tracer dive to see if they can
16349s work together for the final time their
16352s last life this tournament fusion on the
16354s point working on the cap first alpha yi
16357s juking things out jumps over the wall
16359s sees the supports gets some good right
16362s clicks in as the shy is behind and
16364s surely they can finish off a god
16366s they do but they lose irony in the
16368s process because the flank of the fusion
16370s was on the spark's tail equally
16373s spark don't have any supports neither do
16375s fusion all damage is permanent and
16377s there's three on two for fusion and they
16379s already have the point so spark are the
16381s ones that have to reset
16383s we call those backline races let them
16384s where you just raced to try and kill the
16386s opponent supports and well philadelphia
16388s fusion said kachow baby philadelphia
16390s fusion now have zest with another pulse
16392s bomb and well we know what that means
16394s for irony luckily this time it's
16396s survival as i already clings to life
16398s with his little grippers and now
16400s philadelphia fusion they're going to
16401s have to retreat back to a point and wait
16403s for hunger spark to come to them
16405s potentially
16406s oh i'm in threes already dead shy can
16408s throw a pulse sees a bunch of supports i
16410s mean it's just a blur at this point
16412s that's all fixes seeing too is dark
16414s as hangzhou spark hope to just flip this
16417s point back over there's still the dps
16419s and veloceria hanging around but they
16422s don't have much to say after that so
16424s spark gets to farm them up a little bit
16426s and flip it over 58 for fusion
16429s and critically hungry spark and now
16430s gonna be in a defensive position once
16432s more almost with access to that nano
16434s blade they've enjoyed giving a nano over
16436s to alpha you when he doesn't have a
16437s blade in hand to see if they can force
16439s any defensive countermeasures out of
16440s philadelphia fusion the problem with
16442s that currently is that philadelphia
16443s fusion don't have the defensive counter
16446s measures if hangzhou spark gets too
16447s aggressive here though bellows rear can
16449s roll in behind them put the minefield on
16451s the point and try and exploit hunger
16453s sparks disengage
16455s see bella soria wants spark to play on
16458s the point to drop these minds he's
16459s already found super rich but or he's
16461s found irony but super rich poops him and
16463s now spark head for the middle of the map
16464s they've already nailed goose way bella
16466s focuses on the flip and it's not even
16468s successful at doing that but cheyenne
16471s accidentally runs into the mines as he
16472s returns to the point to contest now half
16474s a year on the hunt slices through zest
16477s bella street is pretty low but
16479s know if he's not feeling it would rather
16481s stay safe on the objective and spark
16483s hold on for now
16485s aim god he needs an iron will when it
16488s comes to this transcendence if he uses
16489s it too early if gushway can force out
16491s with a primal rage then alfie will have
16493s himself a clear landing strip to bring
16495s hungzhou spark to the next match later
16498s today against the atlanta reign bellows
16501s rear plays distraction but this simply
16503s means that alfie has a clear path to
16505s victory
16507s who will be the last remaining team in
16510s aipac spark have the old sound bear
16513s starts but they couldn't get shy
16514s involved so aim god and friends behind
16517s the transcendence have to five on four
16519s they rotate back to point the rally
16520s starts from fixa fusion trying to
16523s revitalize a bid as the flank from zest
16526s has been unsuccessful the bob from mn3
16529s is thrown in the market side so near the
16532s middle of the map and now people are
16533s getting pooped off the map left and
16535s right fusion working to hold on to this
16538s objective to get the lead back and alpha
16541s yet gets his butt shut down are you
16543s serious
16544s but irony is gone and so are the hoofs
16547s of the spark despite that's what the
16549s fight win here a fusion will take back a
16550s lead
16552s it was messy but the blade from behind
16554s simply could not find the purchase it
16556s was not sharp enough nor with a hangzhou
16559s spark as a holistic group
16561s look at this irony once more the only
16564s alts available for nano if he gets stuck
16566s here it is over philadelphia fusion will
16569s go and face atlanta rain later on lemon
16572s this is the last battle
16574s the nano available from irony
16577s shy heading for mini pack
16579s it's the battle in the middle of the map
16580s gushway received the nano from irony
16583s making the space working with alfie they
16585s head into the support line mm3 is
16587s separated from the flock couldn't get
16589s any healing from aim got in time
16591s spark have the numbers but bella street
16593s has the space the mines the double kill
16595s alpha and gooshway removed i already
16598s gone fusion at 99
16601s off of the tank who's grown from the
16604s caterpillar to a butterfly that fusion
16606s have done it further than any other apec
16609s team game five they are top four
16613s dallas fuel they could not stop them the
16617s hangzhou spark they could not stop them
16620s covid19
16621s it could not stop them the power of the
16624s sun in the palm of their hand
16626s philadelphia fusion are going to face
16629s the atlanta terrain later on today the
16632s lower bracket the crown of aipac belongs
16635s to them but there is yet more to be
16637s earned here at mid-season madness lemon
16642s only fusion can make the fans cry
16645s and get frustrated the way they do but
16647s only fusion makes my voice
16649s go like that
16651s i'm gonna feel that in the morning
16653s what a heckin series
16655s this tournament has presented some of
16657s the best most exciting overwatch we have
16660s seen this year
16662s and the fusion will get top four minimum
16665s of seventy five thousand dollars go up
16666s against the atlanta rain the western
16668s team that has slain the seoul dynasty
16671s and the shanghai
16672s and we're gonna find out if they can do
16675s it again but before we head that way of
16677s course we're gonna have the winners
16679s bracket because the shock and the
16680s gladiators is gonna be crazy enough you
16683s guys thought this match was entertaining
16685s wait for the ultimate battle of top one
16687s and top two in the west but we also have
16689s to crown
16691s our top player of the match because
16695s there were so many stars in this match
16697s but only one is citrusy as i am your
16700s player of the match is zest from the
16702s philadelphia fusion
16705s hima's name may start with a z lemon but
16708s zest was the x factor when it came to
16712s attaching those pulse bombs when it came
16713s to bullying irony there is simply no
16717s body better and what a
16720s case zest is
16723s for the
16724s scouting for the rebuild
16726s that we saw happen for philadelphia
16728s fusion a bunch of new players that
16731s they've been holding on to having dibs
16733s on for years and years under t1 and
16736s finally the investment has come to
16739s fruition finally philadelphia fusion
16743s have made good on the promises made and
16746s zest is at the forefront of that victory
16748s march
16750s insane stats from zest just an
16753s incredible tracer player flexing to echo
16756s genji even in just a singular match
16759s this is a guy you can depend on but i
16761s also want to give a special shout out to
16762s bello sria i've even talked in the past
16765s how i felt like
16767s this was
16768s the weaker pillar of fusion at the start
16770s of the regular season i don't think too
16771s many people can argue with that but the
16773s amount of work that bellasriya has done
16775s to improve as a player improve as a tank
16778s that can actually initiate and take the
16780s space the double kill at the end for
16783s night market when mn3 was dead fusion
16786s turned around a
16787s 4v5 to win it all off of a bellows free
16790s of play so i got to give you know a
16792s shout out to what he was able to do in
16793s that final fight and just throughout as
16796s one of the one of the most improved
16798s players i think in the league so shout
16801s out to the philadelphia fusion fans you
16803s can at least rejoice because they
16806s haven't let you down in the lower
16808s bracket yet
16809s but on the other side of things in the
16811s upper side we have the ultimate battle
16815s of gladiators in shock number one and
16817s number two in the west
16819s that's gonna be insane josh necker are
16822s gonna get on the mic because you know we
16823s sound like dying cats at this point
16825s because we're we're done we're done so
16827s gladiators in shock are next we'll see
16830s you guys later
16873s [Music]
16880s [Music]
16891s [Music]
16905s [Music]
16934s [Music]
16963s do
16968s [Music]
16983s [Music]
17004s foreign
17009s [Music]
17018s [Music]
17025s [Music]
17033s [Music]
17041s [Music]
17048s [Music]
17075s oh my god that was so sick being a
17079s philadelphia fusion fan is the best and
17081s the worst thing at the same time oh that
17083s was incredibly stressful especially
17085s since they took it all the way to the
17086s freaking like final round of the final
17089s map and the final heart rate just going
17091s like this in my chest and night market
17093s it had to go to night market johnny said
17095s it we're on gardens and he's like they
17097s almost have to lose garden so we go back
17098s to are you okay you good there johnny
17101s yes you got your little it's okay
17103s emotional support hamster
17106s does he remind you of beloseria smacking
17109s off the spark from the stage right there
17111s and potentially just being the best dang
17112s player we've ever seen in our whole
17114s lives
17116s am i a fusion foundation
17119s yeah
17120s okay think about it it's so fun bella's
17122s ria is like the best wrecking ball that
17124s we have in the league right now his
17125s ability to move around the map and the
17127s just the sheer amount of stuff that he
17129s did in that match like that clip on
17130s lijiang control center in the first
17132s round was crazy like he
17135s he gets the nano genji he gets everyone
17137s it was it was so good honestly everyone
17139s on the philadelphia fusion really pulled
17141s their weight like you know zest was
17142s crazy his pulse bomb attach rate was
17144s high as you know leg day and lemon key
17146s was saying but the big thing about it
17148s was he wasn't just pulse bombing the
17150s tanks and getting that high percentage
17152s he was hitting high impact targets time
17154s and time again the number of times he
17156s stuck irony in this match
17158s was nuts and then you have mn3 who i'm
17160s not gonna say he was the better hit scan
17162s in the server but he was holding his own
17164s and i think as a team you saw that dive
17166s come together a little bit
17169s shy is so good
17171s shy is just
17173s unbelievable i i i really
17176s actually never mind sorry i'm losing my
17178s mind
17179s row cess was really good on king's row
17181s as well cest deserved player of the
17183s match in my opinion yes i understand
17185s that pelosi had all those closing out
17186s plays on lee jang tower but cess
17188s throughout his entire match was sick we
17190s went over to dorado
17192s shai had about 65
17194s of his team's front blows 65
17198s that that is absolutely bonkers that
17199s might be the highest we've seen in a map
17201s win i then you know don't quote me on
17203s that because you know
17205s this sleeper oh my gosh this this was
17208s meant to be fusion's way okay there's
17210s been a few matches in overwatch history
17212s where things just fall into place and
17214s like you go back and watch like the vods
17216s and it doesn't make sense how things
17217s turned out but it was just meant to be
17219s okay you can't give fixer credit for
17221s that sleep because but it was just meant
17222s to be and that's just you just gotta
17224s accept that it just fell fusion's way
17226s now
17228s lee zhang tower as you said like ben
17230s austria was amazing um his mind
17232s placement and discipline with pulling
17234s out the minds the boobs uh both here uh
17237s on control that they've also the boobs
17238s on night market like we're phenomenal um
17241s and i i think bellasri is making a name
17243s for himself as one of the best working
17244s balls in the entire league this is
17246s someone who was signed after the season
17248s started for the philadelphia fusion so
17250s um amazing like breakout performance for
17253s bella's real really i think you know
17254s we've praised pelosi as wrecking ball
17256s throughout the entire tournament but
17257s this play in particular like saving it
17259s here for the fusion um
17261s really unbelievable play by himmel
17263s bellasri here so gotta give him credit i
17265s i also want to give like a final
17266s sentiment to the hong kong spark they
17268s were really good in this tournament
17271s the hang show sport the hung shy spying
17273s honestly it's about like here but i want
17275s to give a little bit of credit to the
17276s supporting cast like they were good like
17278s they did their jobs like alfie had some
17280s good moments and you know they had they
17282s were pretty solid but it is the shy show
17284s and they can't even deny it their
17286s strategy on dorado was we're gonna nano
17288s shy he's gonna press the overclock and
17290s he's gonna kill three which seems like a
17292s bad strategy it is a bad strategy it
17294s should never be but it worked for them
17296s he got multi kills consistently so you
17299s know they broke the game like they
17301s genuinely made sojourn look overpowered
17303s i should cheat enough just because of
17305s how good he is at that point you know
17307s people are playing ash we saw hangzhou
17309s spark bring out genji tracer so it's not
17311s that other heroes aren't viable like
17313s soldiers not broken in that she's like a
17315s high percentage pick even though she's
17317s just really good on some maps and then
17319s on some maps you can just like nano and
17321s rally and armor pack and it just breaks
17323s the game
17324s i i think you have to give untrustworth
17326s some credit because not all teams can do
17327s that and i think that's a testament to
17329s how good shy is so hank troy spark you
17332s did great
17332s they won a full five maps that's nothing
17335s to be you know feel ashamed of the fact
17337s that they made it uh this far and
17338s unfortunately just lost to the best team
17340s in the entire league which is the fusion
17342s uh they are the only remaining team in
17344s the apac region yeah
17346s well guys i sure know how to uh pick
17349s them but listen now sorry to interrupt
17350s you once more now is the time fusion
17352s fans they go like did oh it's overly
17354s gonna make us win the tournament yeah
17356s but no he's okay here's what here's
17357s where i want to start stemming the
17360s bleeding a little bit because this has
17361s happened before
17363s guys philadelphia fusion fans including
17365s you overly
17367s you need to calm down okay because you
17369s guys are doing great you're making it
17371s far everyone's really proud of you guys
17372s you guys i'm really excited for you
17375s don't assume you're going to win because
17377s this is what happens you guys get your
17378s hopes up remember who are you saying
17379s this for
17380s everyone no one on the reddit is going
17382s to be like oh it cost up yeah he really
17384s spoke out there
17386s common sense i love that
17388s speak of the seconds graphic you know
17390s with all the seconds just be careful
17392s look at your hopeful well then let's say
17394s this because for the fusion their action
17396s is not
17397s rather their journey is not complete
17399s with this game especially for today
17401s because they have to face the atlanta
17403s reign and we could talk about this match
17404s as we take a look at the lower bracket
17406s because again fusion moving on they're
17408s going to be taking on the rain today
17412s and
17413s how do we see this match going because
17415s right now atlanta is just on the same
17418s lower bracket run that fusion is on
17420s honestly by coin yeah flip a coin they
17423s both have these like play-off moments
17425s where they just go crazy both have been
17427s incredibly inconsistent so far
17429s throughout the entire like qualifying
17431s but they're when they get to the
17433s playoffs when push comes to shove
17434s atlanta rain and the philadelphia fusion
17436s they're just on a different level so as
17438s johnny said flip a coin who shows up in
17440s the server
17441s i'm excited to get into that game but
17442s before we do that we gotta at least let
17444s the fusion take you know a breather and
17447s we have to let all the fans take a
17448s breather because the next game that
17449s we're gonna get into the shock versus
17452s the gladiators the battle for california
17454s norcal versus socal i grew up in north
17456s cal but now i live in socal so guys i
17458s side with the gladiators okay i like it
17460s but what are your thoughts going into
17462s this match it makes sense johnny it
17463s makes sense yeah yeah yeah i i love
17466s objectiveness
17467s my favorite traits
17470s i i put my faith in the gladiators i
17472s think overall they are the kickoff clash
17474s winners i think they've been dominant
17475s throughout the entirety of the
17476s tournament but the san francisco shock
17479s they have just been on an absolute tear
17481s recently i highlighted in the pre-show
17483s that kev's the verse proper head-to-head
17485s on the tracer i think that's gonna be
17487s really awesome to see those two go
17488s head-to-head because it's been almost
17490s two months since we saw those guys go so
17492s honestly
17493s any any pick is valid nor caliber south
17496s carolina yeah whatever you said that's a
17497s completely valid guess but yeah johnny
17500s it's going to be interesting to see what
17501s the lg gladiators do here because they
17503s relied a lot on skewed and shoe of
17504s course to get them through so many of
17506s these matches this season but funny
17507s astro he had an incredible performance
17509s on lucio just the other day that like
17511s came in super sub on the fourth map and
17514s then they you know won the two remaining
17515s maps right this this minute on illios
17518s was absolutely incredible for him to
17520s hear the boop and then potty pon gets
17522s alfie out of the duplicates so the the
17525s like few frames he just fell down the
17527s pit and then i mean survives this moment
17529s as well funny asteroids just absolutely
17532s went crazy so this was a strategy that
17533s worked really well against the hangzhou
17535s sport i mean the
17538s costa like dreams of this stuff
17540s it's hard to like state like if you want
17542s to lucify how difficult what he is doing
17544s and how he's staying alive against the
17546s best players in the world like it's just
17548s it's so crazy and this is so
17549s interestingly going on to illios this is
17551s something that the san francisco shock
17553s don't want to do they do not want to
17555s move violet over to that lucio if they
17557s do they're gonna get dipped yeah they
17559s are and so i'm excited to see how this
17561s is going to play out just because you
17562s know these are the two best teams and
17564s then we talk about the tank matchup that
17566s you highlighted in the pre-show rhino vs
17568s colluge they have a history of playing
17569s together now they're against each other
17571s in you know one of the penultimate
17573s matches in the winner's final yeah so
17574s there are two ways i could really see
17576s this going for the show either you
17577s commit to the sun and honor and you have
17579s finn and violet like violet was like a
17581s top three mvp candidate in 2020 because
17583s of zenyatta and finn is like an amazing
17586s honor player as well or like if if the
17588s gladiators diff you on that do you go to
17591s like batiste do you slow things down
17592s with a brigitte violet has a fantastic
17595s brigitte maybe you slow it down all the
17597s way to diva play i really don't know how
17599s this match is going to turn out but the
17601s strategic options that shock has with
17603s diva
17604s multiple different like support
17605s compositions it's going to be a treat i
17608s can't wait to see this match start can't
17610s wait to see this match the first seed
17612s taking on the second seed only one of
17615s them is going to lock in their spot to
17617s tomorrow's grand finals and the other is
17619s just gonna have to fight it out in the
17620s lower bracket i'm excited to get into
17622s this match but before we do we're gonna
17624s take a quick break but don't go anywhere
17626s because when we come back we're gonna
17627s see that battle of california
17633s [Music]
17653s [Music]
17675s [Music]
17709s [Music]
17721s [Music]
17734s [Music]
17782s [Music]
17791s uh
17797s [Music]
17805s [Music]
17812s [Music]
17815s do
17819s [Music]
17825s [Music]
17836s [Music]
17850s [Music]
17857s so
17859s [Music]
17866s [Music]
17873s welcome back after that short break
17876s this single match stands between either
17878s the glad or the shock making it to the
17881s mid season madness finals the other one
17884s will jump down to the losers bracket
17886s where they will have to continue to
17888s fight for that place the glads and the
17890s shark world they've both been
17892s exceptional throughout the start of the
17894s tournament both them find their way
17896s through the upper bracket and they meet
17897s right here in the upper bracket grand
17899s finals and rose the shock still on a
17901s massive win streak by the way they are
17903s oh yeah undefeated eight matches in a
17907s row it's insane and in those eight
17909s matches by the way they've only lost
17910s four maps
17912s yeah well i think what's really
17914s incredible about getting a chance to see
17915s both of these teams duke it out in
17918s the winners finals of the mid season
17920s madness tournament is that these are
17922s inarguably the two best teams in the
17925s western region and to see them go
17927s head-to-head now
17929s i mean this is just fantastic i can't
17932s believe that we've got kind of two
17934s giga bangers of matches back to back
17936s like jen and harry taking you through an
17938s incredible matchup earlier today and now
17941s we get to roll right into this clash of
17943s titans jaws i cannot wait to see what's
17946s gonna happen for this series like i i'm
17948s expecting five maps can we get five maps
17950s please no c9s okay no c9s that's okay
17953s please it's a little bit of a hard one
17955s is that too much to ask american
17957s overwatch so uh yeah
17958s let's have a look at the gladiators
17960s though i mean look the gladiators they
17963s had a tough game
17965s yesterday against the hangzhou spark it
17968s went to five games in fact a lot of our
17970s ridiculous games uh
17972s matches recently have gone to five and
17974s that was no exception it did look like
17977s the spark we're going to win it out but
17978s glad clutched it in the very final few
17981s moments
17982s dude kevster pada pan reiner shu and
17984s astro starting us off today
17988s yeah we do and so this definitely tells
17990s me that they want to go fast and they
17992s want to hit hard funny astro got subbed
17993s in for the final two maps of the
17995s gladiator series versus hong show
17997s yesterday and you could feel the impact
17999s that that particular player had on the
18002s roster it's not to say obviously that
18004s skewed wasn't doing a fantastic job
18006s throughout the rest of the series but
18007s funny astro just provides something so
18009s different in that lucille pick and it
18011s makes it very aggressive god
18014s the loud show is just um
18016s he's also crazy but astro is a
18018s phenomenal lucio player he's i tweeted
18020s out but his name is the the best i think
18022s we've ever seen um in terms of lucio's
18024s let's have a look at their opponents
18026s the san fran cisco shock eight match win
18030s streak and in those eight matches
18033s they've only lost four
18035s maps they had an unreal series versus
18038s the dragons a series a lot of people
18041s were thinking
18042s that would go to five maps but
18045s shock just kind of ran away with it
18046s there were maps that just weren't even
18048s close like the shanghai dragons
18050s fell over like
18052s circuit royale uh iconvalda like a lot
18054s of the maps they just were not stopped
18056s it was insane proper sam mikey finn and
18060s violet starting today
18062s yeah and this just provides so much
18065s diversity when it comes to san francisco
18067s shocks lineup the fact that
18071s mickey uh
18073s mikey over there uh is going to be in
18076s that main tank roll here for the shock
18079s comes in playing the wrecking ball we
18080s get a chance to see some winston and the
18082s fact that we're kicking things off at a
18083s control map does speak that that we will
18086s be having that as an option um so
18090s definitely expect mikey to be playing
18091s both of those heroes but proper proper
18094s proper
18095s oh we go we talk about the meta all the
18097s time but jaws we have to talk about the
18100s fact that proper is meta proper is so
18102s meta yeah i think the bingo
18105s slot has already been filled the casters
18106s talk about rookie of the year i think
18108s it's happened a few times but he's in
18109s contention and is i think right now
18112s far in the lead
18114s the amount of clips he generates is
18116s astronomical we are going on to illios
18119s rose as our first map and it was shock's
18122s choice
18123s yeah it was and so that's why i think it
18126s speaks a lot to why mikey is going to be
18128s starting off for us
18130s definitely playing the wrecking ball the
18132s winston and i love those choices when
18135s you look at how shock has been able to
18137s capitalize off of the power that dps
18140s like sam and like proper really bring to
18143s this roster you know mikey able to
18144s create so much space with the disruption
18147s provided by the wrecking ball and the
18149s winston and also if you wanted to go
18151s over to other incredibly flexible hero
18154s choices that sam and proper have access
18156s to
18157s then i think you just get a lot that
18160s shock gets a play around with being such
18163s a strategic hive mind playing against
18165s these other teams but gladiators will
18167s provide a formidable opponent for them
18169s today
18170s when reiner also has that same type of
18172s flexibility as the starting tank for the
18175s gladiators
18176s sam's gonna be rolling out on the echo i
18179s mean this is kind of classic gladiators
18181s too on this map funny astro we saw
18183s yesterday and you picked up on it
18184s already but he was just out of control
18190s spoke about it
18191s playing a lucio hitting all those
18193s cheerios those uh those left clicks and
18196s also staying alive against some of the
18197s best players in the world
18198s almost impossible but astro always
18201s manages to do it somehow
18202s san francisco shock push back just a
18204s little bit glad setting the tempo with
18206s this game
18207s for the time being
18209s all the way up to uh the shot making
18211s sure they can't get uh let mikey on the
18213s back line is quite important a couple of
18214s try shots hits reiner's head however so
18217s he has to back off but mikey is going
18218s pretty low small dive in from rhino to
18220s try and finish the kill but the
18222s gladiators actually end up capping the
18224s point a trade for kepster for violet but
18226s with the last show going down the
18227s gladiators might be in a little bit of
18229s trouble rhino falls to mikey
18232s shot more than happy to let the
18234s gladiators dive in on the back line they
18235s have violent fin sitting there chunking
18237s health bars down as they do win the
18239s fight and find the cap
18242s i love that you brought up how san
18243s francisco were really playing that first
18245s engagement right allowing gladiators to
18247s take control of the objective first and
18250s then you saw that mikey got really low
18252s started to back up towards the rest of
18254s his team and that's when gladiators
18256s decided to initiate and that ultimately
18258s ended up being their demise where you
18261s had shock waiting for that particular
18264s moment to be able to turn the tide back
18266s in their favor and now proper has a
18268s pulse bomb already ready to go for the
18270s back line of the gladiators
18272s already used to leap out there's the
18274s stick and they heal him up in time no
18275s they cannot the gladiators however in
18278s all of that uh commotion managed to cap
18280s the point of pain gets narrowed straight
18282s to the back vine in trouble double kill
18284s for the genji he's got stamina takes a
18286s couple of sticky bombs ends up falling
18288s over but does enough damage to sam for
18290s kepster to finish off gladiators with
18293s unreal point control shock once again
18296s recoiling a little bit and allow glads
18299s to cap midway through that fight
18301s well that's the power of funny astro
18303s lucio it's not even just funny astro
18305s just being such an aggressive player and
18307s being super slippery and survivable but
18310s it's just lucio allows the composition
18312s of the gladiators to go so much faster
18314s and shock doesn't really have the same
18316s type of pivoting ability because they do
18318s have that more inflexible backline of
18320s the zenyatta and the brigitta
18323s paul swan
18324s on the floor unlucky pancake that one oh
18327s there's the slam and the mines for mikey
18330s once again playing a little bit more
18331s defensive wrecking ball a sound bar if
18333s the guy just doesn't hit rhino because
18334s he's already dead sam's now in the back
18336s line maybe goes for the duke just before
18338s the anna goes down but can't quite get
18340s that beam damage off luckily the tri
18342s shots land and shu does end up falling
18344s and shock finds the cap once more
18347s it's gonna be so back and forth and a
18349s lot of this is just both of these teams
18351s paying so much respect to each other
18353s they know that these fights are going to
18355s be
18356s very very fast and you can't make any
18358s mistakes gladiators already walked away
18361s with 72 percent but you can see that the
18363s shock our posture to keep this rolling
18365s and to match that especially when you
18367s look at how proper is poised with
18369s another pulse bomb and sam's got the
18371s duplicate online get ready for an
18373s aggressive echo
18375s you've got to go right now if you're
18376s padded you hit that rally go up you've
18377s got to kill that break but he's so low
18379s no nano to bear the gladiators didn't
18381s want to combo those holes they just
18383s throw the blade in willy-nilly
18384s shoe reiner end up going down and the
18386s san francisco shock they come out king
18389s on that one they only use the rally in
18391s that fight rose still have both dps alts
18394s and in fact padapan switching over to
18396s sombra instead now wow so i guess like
18399s really feeling the power of the echo
18402s right now from sam you cannot deflect
18404s any of those focus beams coming out from
18407s that hero so maybe the sombra will help
18410s to pressure down the front line of shock
18412s just a little bit more with those manual
18414s hacks onto mikey
18416s but uh ooh on it dude
18418s yeah it's uh i think it was i'm not sure
18421s what happened there but sam's duke did
18422s end up going down as kevin finds two and
18425s a half you'll call that make that two
18427s and a half now violet ends up falling
18429s gladiator is just getting disintegrated
18431s by kepster in the back line nice little
18433s sleep on sam he does kill shoe but it
18434s shouldn't matter there's astro with a
18436s couple of cheerios to the dome 96 to 86
18440s and building rows and gladiators still
18441s have the nano and primal
18443s they do that's huge because that could
18445s be enough sustain for the gladiators to
18447s get to that final win condition of the
18449s emp if they need it patty is already 60
18451s there and we are approaching the end of
18453s this round it's most of us pulse rookie
18455s versus rookie proper sense he's out he
18458s does that on the bubble so no damage
18460s reiner pops the primal rage now trying
18462s to juggle violet into the rest of his
18463s team and nano boost lands on top of him
18465s he ends up jumping straight back in
18467s can't really get the primal blade but
18468s helps panapan secure the kill on
18470s violence over time is here and shocked
18471s now pressure to touch the point but
18473s there's almost nobody left it's only
18475s proper and mikey who's taking a nap
18477s proper is one hp struggling to find a
18479s health pack to pick up
18481s wasn't quick enough to get back to the
18483s point in time the gladiators
18485s claim the first round
18487s what an exceptional example of these two
18490s teams going head-to-head already in that
18492s first round and how quickly they are to
18494s adjust to each other gladiators didn't
18497s get any value from any of the dragon
18499s blades that came out from patapan
18500s immediately switched him over to the
18502s sombra and started to
18504s go ahead and take the round but shock
18506s also playing that so well
18508s to deny the gladiators the aggressive
18511s stance that they wanted to take with the
18513s lucio for so long
18516s but boy oh boy this is gonna be so back
18518s and forth and i cannot believe we've
18519s already got such a treat for that first
18521s round
18522s that wasn't
18524s unbelievably well executed dive by
18527s reiner
18529s and uh yeah
18531s all right so we're going
18532s on to ruins ryan is now on the doom a
18535s little bit easier to counter the
18536s wrecking ball of course and just kind of
18538s move the wrecking ball around oh okay
18541s just gets locked all right that's a good
18543s way to start if you're shocked i sleep
18545s on ryan i shouldn't result in all too
18546s much though i guess auntie but it's
18548s whatever yeah
18550s all right go again maybe maybe uh
18552s a little bit of poke but with sam
18555s setting up like this rose
18556s garden isn't going to wash their heads
18559s yes they do we have seen many a player
18562s recently gets
18564s surprised maybe by some of these dome
18566s shots and hanzo definitely provides that
18568s utility
18570s quick capture for the shock though
18572s yeah ryan is getting rolled in the front
18574s line he bought the power block but he
18575s was already auntied and if you're
18576s shooting from behind it doesn't really
18577s matter oh astro yeah okay can't do any
18580s funny business son you have to sit down
18582s however panapana shoes still end up
18583s finding kills but with mikey on the back
18585s line and the health bars dwindling for
18586s the gladiators it's a pretty easy win
18589s here
18591s yeah that's just going to allow san
18592s francisco shop to keep the ball rolling
18595s and we might start to see some
18597s adjustments coming in from the
18598s gladiators i mean already we're going to
18600s see reiner switch from the doomfist to
18602s the winston and that should help to
18605s initiate on some of these dives onto the
18606s back line just a little bit better the
18609s violet this time around is going to be
18610s playing the ana instead of the brigitte
18612s but it's still pretty stationary
18614s backline when you take a look at things
18616s that's a huge pick not much of a log
18618s maybe a digital log but it's still hit
18620s violet's head he ends up tired good
18622s start paddy finds two
18624s gladiator is happy to walk this one home
18626s maybe proper comes back with the pulse
18628s bomb but rather unlikely i think they
18629s just want to go again i mean you take
18631s that 50 plus percent okay well i've been
18634s trying to kick out today
18637s [Laughter]
18638s well
18639s you gotta try right you walk away with
18641s as much alt charge as you can
18643s so at least finn will be even closer
18646s towards that transcendence heading into
18648s these next rounds sam though switching
18649s off the hanzo now on to the sojourn a
18651s little bit more mobility afforded and
18654s you still have a lot of that one-shot
18655s potential with those charged up railgun
18657s shots but you also just have more
18659s consistent damage it feels like when you
18661s have such mobile pieces of the
18662s gladiators in
18671s somehow still alive robert kills a shoe
18673s so gladiator is just kind of falling
18676s over what happened there
18677s that was i mean i thought kevster was
18679s just going to go for the pulse bomb onto
18680s violet it seemed a pretty easy target
18682s but they're
18683s i guess their ideal engagement was just
18685s killing finn
18686s the idea is at least they have that beat
18689s left and his feet he does get nano too
18691s just kind of goes crazy with it yeah the
18694s the entire line of the gladiator is just
18696s dove to the back line to kill that zen
18697s but kev's had a chance to post bomb
18701s violet but just chose not to
18703s now approaching the point once more
18705s there's a beat for the gladiators might
18706s want to go quick force out the
18708s transcendence from finn there it is it's
18710s been forced and padded on the wrong side
18712s of that bubble the beat does end up
18713s going out anyway for the glass they do
18715s surge on boards all the way back to
18717s shock spawn reiner jumps on top of it
18720s turns into mush make that a double was
18722s while it goes down but the san francisco
18724s shock still on 95
18727s mikey is on the point still contesting
18729s making sure they eat individual percent
18732s towards their victory in their wing
18733s condition ashko going pretty low as
18736s proper is still alive hunting him down
18738s he's one hp just finish him get health
18740s back as well maybe take the 1v1 throws
18742s out the pulse bomb goes completely wide
18743s but he is still alive in the back line
18745s but gladiators still control the point
18748s yeah they did get the flip in that
18749s engagement just trying to finish off the
18751s last dredges of the san francisco shock
18754s so proper goes down that should stop the
18756s recontest from the shock for just a
18758s little while just like that extra shot
18759s from paddy comes through but
18761s this is a pretty big flip for the
18763s gladiators here knowing that kepsters
18765s still hold on to that pulse bomb they're
18767s finding some
18768s nasty staggers this is not good for the
18770s shot they need to just complete
18773s reset as five go again they don't want
18774s to bleed
18776s gladiators just want to force this final
18777s fight i mean we're at 75 already bros
18780s yeah absolutely i mean when we took a
18782s look at how we actually saw kind of
18784s proper playing in the backline as well
18786s uh just to be able to deal with patapan
18789s and and all of that i really thought
18791s that shock might be able to keep the
18793s control of the point but at least shock
18795s have some tools to come back in now with
18797s final fight
18799s so i'm trying to draw them out of hands
18800s having none of it you in a little bit of
18802s trouble can sound like the shots only a
18804s body shot but
18806s no follow-up reiner gets the nano jump
18808s straight to the back line the gladiators
18810s just rolling the shock right now
18812s the glass do end up losing shoe but they
18814s are in control of the point
18816s rhino just absolutely decimates the
18818s shock and they claim map number one clad
18821s coach good map pick
18822s claps all around
18824s remember shot comes in um rose choosing
18827s this map glad yeah whatever we'll take
18829s that
18830s yeah absolutely and i mean that's
18832s exactly what you want to do as i do do
18835s we even call them the lower seed here
18837s we're looking at seeds one and two right
18839s now lower seed doesn't really seem to be
18841s uh any sort of indicator of skilled gap
18844s difference here that we're gonna see
18845s between these two teams um but it does
18848s feel good as the lower seat coming in
18850s winning your opponent's map pick that's
18852s for sure oh yeah the confidence booster
18855s is
18856s huge you bet the boys are hyping them up
18858s now you can see under face and smash
18860s just give him a few fights a few words
18863s of advice before they go to map number
18865s two it will be shocks pick once again
18867s we'll see where they want to go after
18868s this break
19009s [Music]
19032s [Music]
19061s [Music]
19068s [Music]
19076s [Music]
19084s you
19097s [Music]
19104s yes
19108s [Music]
19121s [Music]
19133s glad's off to a strong strong start is
19136s the san francisco shock looking a little
19139s bit more like a side character right now
19141s uh is the glads kind of steamroll um the
19145s control took it 2-0 as we head to hybrid
19148s and ikabada is the next map
19151s yeah and that's not really a surprise i
19153s would love to call up something that the
19155s watchpoint desk talked about during the
19157s pre-show and that is the hybrid map
19159s records for both of these teams coming
19161s into the mid-season madness tournament i
19164s mean i can volda is shock's strongest
19168s record and when you take a look at the
19169s fact that the gladiators don't have much
19171s official experience on this map and they
19174s also don't have a positive map record on
19176s it i think that speaks volumes to why
19178s shock would want to take us here not
19180s only that but during the mid-season
19181s madness tournament san francisco shock
19184s have pulled out a colluge diva which i
19187s think has been a surprise to a lot of
19189s people but speaking of that well let's
19192s talk about some of the substitutions
19193s we're seeing for this map yeah kalusha's
19195s coming in
19196s which is good stuff it's kind of yeah
19199s you you'd expect it skew is coming in
19201s for astro
19203s and
19204s when we talk about this diva pick rose i
19207s want to say like some people are hanging
19209s on the diva some people liking it i
19211s personally quite like it on uh second
19213s point i converted i think it's very very
19215s strong um just because you can
19217s you can get up to the high ground so
19219s quickly and so often but with even more
19221s often than not uh right now in the meta
19222s you're playing more of a defensive style
19226s of things
19228s but we'll have to see how that ends up
19229s going down maybe the uh maybe they pick
19231s that up or they've got something else
19232s that they're saving yeah i think the
19234s shock tweeted out something a little bit
19236s earlier on as well yeah we got a little
19238s traffic on this side of the break i mean
19239s look at that
19240s when two chads meet
19242s wait you know what's really impressive
19244s about this though too jaws i think we
19246s all know how tall collusion is yeah is
19249s there any weird camera angle thing going
19251s on here yeah i don't know are they both
19253s this tall i i i is also uh pretty
19256s ginormous i will say just a little a
19259s little peck on the cheek before you
19260s start the game that's our two shots okay
19262s there you go well there you go okay
19264s who can crack first ryan is already lost
19267s what
19268s okay this is a this is a peggy 12 stream
19270s peggy 12 stream by the way
19273s okay
19274s i love it though no definitely two chads
19277s i mean i you saw that and you're going
19280s to see that throughout the remainder of
19282s this series how important that tank roll
19285s is for both of these teams and how much
19287s they're going to be playing around that
19289s heading into these future maps i mean i
19292s think the fact that it looked like san
19293s francisco got folded over like deck
19296s chairs on a warm summer's day there is
19298s because reiner became the unbeatable
19301s raid boss do you see how many resources
19304s the gladiators were putting into this
19305s man to take out the
19307s shock
19308s look at the end of the day
19310s if one player is popping off you just
19312s continue
19314s throwing resources at him to make sure
19316s that he can pop off yeah
19318s just nano shy every single fight if you
19320s don't have nano and you don't have shy's
19322s not alive then it may be gg i mean hey
19324s if it works
19325s it works i guess
19327s it's too soon it's too soon you can't
19329s say ggg yet all right anyway going to
19332s ikebabado as our next map and yeah rose
19334s like that scoreline for the shock it's
19336s kind of insane like six and two on this
19338s map not so hot on midtown one and three
19340s not great not great i guess that's well
19342s at least they got the choice though
19343s exactly
19345s at least you get that benefit right oh
19347s we've lost the first map but we can
19348s choose the next one right so you're
19350s hoping that plays into their wheelhouse
19352s and like i said maybe we do see a little
19354s bit of clues diva on at the second point
19357s you play a little bit more defensive
19358s using your matrix for your support it
19360s can get kind of run over if you're not
19362s careful and it's
19363s a bit of an old battery too or i
19366s wouldn't say an old battery a railgun
19367s battery for the
19369s because you have to use that matrix so
19371s sparingly
19373s yes no you're absolutely right and i
19375s think that's why there's this
19377s love-hate relationship right now with
19379s seeing diva as a part of this meta and
19381s san francisco shock relying on this
19382s particular hero choice
19384s for a lot of their team comps
19387s it's a great boon when it works for your
19389s team and if it's in the right hands like
19392s colluge piloting the mech i think you're
19394s gonna be fine
19395s but
19396s depending on the team that you're
19397s playing against it can also be a
19399s detriment and i feel like if you've got
19402s a sojourn
19403s with patty behind the wheel that that
19406s might be a detriment
19409s we'll see we'll see
19412s how do you how do you get gapped
19414s okay
19416s it's two when two chad's me
19419s that's the title of their love story
19421s i love it
19423s all right
19424s samsung's shot they are going the diva
19426s but it's on first point gladiators i
19428s think are more than happy with this they
19429s can obviously switch if they need to but
19431s ryden running the zarya
19433s typically the zarya rolls the diva beam
19435s goes through matrix very nice micro
19437s missiles charge up the bubble uh charge
19439s up from the bubbles super easily i was a
19441s nice little sleep on to paddy doesn't
19444s result in anything but it's up to rhino
19446s here to make the space but when you
19448s don't have those bubbles rose very tough
19450s to do so
19451s up to a 40 energy not the worst but they
19454s just have to watch out proppers in the
19455s background and
19456s 70 all charged make that 75 count with
19459s numbers right now make that 80 almost
19461s for the san francisco shots proper he's
19463s close to pulse and it hasn't been like a
19465s minute yet
19467s nope
19468s nope that that's proper for you
19471s propper's meta he's gonna get it
19472s properly and the pulse bomb will come
19474s online very quickly well they expect it
19476s not sure violence already dead robert
19478s needs to do something with his post but
19479s already him with a recall you trade one
19481s for one as sku goes pretty low he's
19483s getting perfect pocketed by shoe right
19484s now he's earned the nano off of all of
19486s that damage that prop has been doing
19488s skewed dmx
19492s easy game there's the point the
19494s gladiators end up unlocking the payload
19498s yeah wait what shock just got two picks
19501s at the very end that's yeah
19504s fortunate you can't tell me they weren't
19506s close enough yeah
19508s throw their bodies on the point real
19509s fast i don't know it sounds terrible
19512s we'll go back and check the tape in a
19513s little bit regardless shocker set up on
19516s the second point where we expect to see
19518s the diva perform just a little bit
19520s better especially when you know that hey
19522s there's still a pulse bomb that could
19524s well well collusion isn't going to block
19526s his own team's pulse bomb but you've got
19528s other things that could be coming your
19529s way like reiner's actually working up to
19531s a graviton surge very quickly here the
19533s defense matrix could be very important
19535s yeah you've got to eat it uh this is one
19537s of the better points for the diva to be
19539s up right are going pretty like kebster
19540s trying to disrupt the uh the high ground
19543s here
19544s and it's all up to kaloush to touch this
19546s payload like he's the
19547s he's the one that has the permission on
19549s it but against that zarya
19550s it's a little bit harder than you might
19552s think
19553s reiner got the grab online kalush has to
19555s escape to the high ground kev's still
19557s trying to build up towards that blade
19558s proper still holding up to this pulse
19559s bomb but the rest of the glads catching
19561s up with the ultimates sam's going to get
19563s nano dive straight to the back line
19565s collusion a little bit of trouble
19567s perfect defense matrix there from kalu
19569s stopping all the healing and landing on
19571s to rhino the blade's been pulled from
19572s kev sorry does fine too both supports
19575s now dead for the shock sam transforms
19577s into the soldier to try and keep his
19580s team in this a nice slide headshot kill
19582s or just skewed and the san francisco
19585s shock even without support to manage to
19587s hold on
19588s wow look at that yeah i mean you had to
19591s use quite a few resources there
19594s sam using duplicate that did help keep
19597s the defense alive for the shock but now
19600s you are looking at the fact that you've
19601s got a bomb you've got a well you got two
19603s bombs
19604s is that enough you've got bobbing kevs
19606s to two
19607s hasn't got a play but doesn't need it
19609s transcendence actually from skewed
19610s potentially force not sure what happened
19612s there by this in a little bit of trouble
19614s does anti-kebster deflects up though
19616s parapan finishes up with the clean and
19619s the san francisco shock with a sleeping
19621s proper yeah um it's about over the
19624s gladiators on a good little push here
19626s three minutes to go as they cross this
19628s bridge
19629s oh look at this i love that we're seeing
19631s this change from violet violet's
19633s actually going to go ahead and play the
19634s batiste sam also switching off of the
19636s echo finding not the right type of value
19640s though we would have hoped to see from
19642s those hero picks in shock kind of just
19643s forced here to stop at the door he
19645s almost easiest grab
19648s of his life there but sam just slides
19650s out of it self-destruct gets launched
19652s into the stratosphere still manages to
19654s kill parapan perma pocket onto kebster
19656s now he's got no nano but he's got the
19658s blade two kills with one slash finally
19660s doesn't end his life quick shot but the
19663s san francisco shock will hold the skewed
19666s yeah doesn't win that duel versus finn
19669s the violet
19670s with the batiste very big brain play
19672s that lamp saved them a whole heap of
19674s damage and made sure they could kill
19676s rhino on the zarya
19678s well that's the biggest problem and
19680s that's why you're seeing gladiators
19682s start to also make some adjustments of
19683s their own rhinos off the zarya now onto
19685s the wrecking ball a bit more mobility
19687s plus you're playing around that bridge
19688s which means you might get some sweet
19690s environmental kills
19692s but
19693s this is just the strategic minds of both
19695s of these teams they're making these
19696s mid-map adjustments to play against the
19699s meta of the other team and that's
19701s absolutely big you can see the
19702s gladiators are constantly trying to
19704s think about what is going to get them
19705s one step further towards their goal of
19707s going to the finals here shock just
19709s trying to get back in this one
19711s is flirting with the idea of just
19713s blinking onto the back line
19716s parapan use the overclock spotted kaluge
19718s but he's eating most of those rails
19720s perfect use the matrix he's just looking
19722s at him permanently robert does
19724s a miracle stick how does he get those
19727s lobster in kill skew kevster ends up
19729s going down and proper is still
19731s destroying at the back line of the
19733s gladiators it's a tough ask to push onto
19736s this uh this second point especially
19738s with how close the spawns are for the
19740s defense the shocker holding firm for now
19742s but glad they got a minute to play with
19746s 60 seconds yeah i mean i think that's
19748s why gladiators are really hoping that
19750s they might be able to get something else
19751s done here with the patapan sombra switch
19755s jaws it worked out for them last time on
19757s the very first map of this series
19759s is this
19760s last second pick going to work here as
19762s well may not be enough time to actually
19764s get an emp up but the manual hack to be
19766s able to remove something like the
19767s defense matrix from the shock could
19770s prove huge to busting open these castle
19772s doors
19773s i've got a problem on their hands though
19775s rose double support ultimate for the
19777s shock like
19778s okay paddy is just uh scouting knows
19781s where violet is can go for the hack if
19782s they can tell the dive everybody's super
19784s far away does get a hack from college
19786s but it's more of an interim now so the
19787s matrix comes back online rather quickly
19789s sam's already killed kevster there's 15
19791s seconds to go as the gladiators are
19792s getting actually wrecked by sam there's
19796s a nano on the sojourn he's got the
19798s overclock and the shock well they're
19801s still sitting on two ops the guardians
19803s need to be able to touch but i don't
19805s think they're going to get there well i
19806s guess parapan is but he's quickly put to
19809s sleep by violets the payload is going to
19811s end here unless kev sir can get back to
19814s the point in time but looking quite
19815s unlikely the san francisco shock
19818s backline looking like a gordian knot
19819s right now
19821s unbreakable
19823s the payload just before that second
19824s point rose it's so tough you're saying
19827s to support ultimates you're golden
19829s oh yeah that was i mean finn just used
19832s the transcendence they're celebratory
19835s i didn't even need it for the rest of
19836s that last fight
19838s it was great to have as an insurance
19840s policy though especially with the paddy
19842s switch over to the sombra maybe you get
19844s the hack maybe you force out the
19845s transcendence but there wasn't really
19847s anything else the gladiators could have
19848s followed up with that either and
19851s unfortunately while we did see those
19852s swaps come through
19854s felt late
19856s felt late
19858s yeah shock definitely have a
19860s they know where the goal post is here to
19863s get another map win under their belt on
19865s eichenwalde and this sombra didn't end
19867s up really working out for paddy and then
19870s you look at the other side
19872s sam has
19873s 12 out of the 24 kills for the shock
19875s right now like the final boys it's
19878s pretty remarkable like patapan's just
19879s not having that same kind of impact
19883s enough to see how they do on their
19885s defense they're gonna roll out with
19886s reiner again on the zarya
19890s i think this arya is still a smart
19892s choice i think gladiators will find out
19894s though that as shock start to move some
19897s of those other pieces around like maybe
19899s sam gets off of the echo as we see them
19902s progress into the second point and then
19904s violet also decides to switch back over
19906s to something like that baptiste
19909s it will become a little bit more
19910s difficult i think for something like the
19912s zarya to work however there's no diva
19915s this time around it's a last-second
19916s switch from college will bring us to
19919s winston to kick off this attack push for
19921s them as sam are you supposed to take a
19923s decent chunk of damage here tussling
19925s with kester over there on the left
19929s those bubbles are so valuable oh you
19931s can't bubble that you can't bubble a big
19933s right click from finn that's uh rather
19935s unfortunate
19937s again not quite having the same impact
19939s right now as sam good auntie a swift
19942s kick from finn sends kevs to flying and
19945s even a little bit of defensive sticky
19946s bombs reiner does end up finishing the
19948s kill but we kept sitting down and
19949s patapan coming only just coming back
19952s from the spawn the san francisco shock
19953s they swarmed the point proper is also
19955s pretty low but with violet and finn in a
19958s very defensible position they're good to
19960s take two ticks
19961s the gladiators are able to contest now
19963s but have no alts to really spare luckily
19966s shoe with all the damage that his team's
19968s been taking he's gonna have that nano
19970s online pretty soon
19972s yeah that nano will definitely be
19973s helpful i mean you can see how much
19975s pressure shock has been putting on to
19977s this back line as well whether it's been
19979s sending proper after those two supports
19982s or it's just been the pressure of the
19984s discord orb
19986s yeah you gotta take some cover
19989s oh
19990s no recall maybe
19992s pulse bomb he's got shoe in his sights
19994s skewed is right around the corner
19995s there's the stick there's the double
19997s kill for proper that'll open this wide
20000s open however people are still alive on
20001s the gladiator side but not for long
20004s skewed trying to get as much as he
20006s possibly could done but it wasn't quite
20008s enough
20008s the shock they unlocked the payload a
20010s respectable amount of time four minutes
20012s and 40 seconds
20015s so much and they just have to get to the
20017s castle doors somehow kepster also goes
20020s down
20021s where was that on the map i think that
20023s was over by somewhere
20025s yeah the castle i think i think hamster
20027s was trying to back up and then proper
20028s was like i don't think so so just a
20031s little bit of a stagger it does stop the
20033s gladiators a little bit from being set
20035s up here i mean look at just how much
20037s harassment proper has been getting into
20040s the backline of the gladiators in fact
20041s the rotation that they're taking just so
20044s that it's a little more difficult for
20046s the shock to reach them on the high
20047s ground as
20049s how much respect they are paying to not
20051s only this aerial unit of sam's echo but
20054s also just
20056s the ground troops of collusion property
20058s nice dive nano boost on to sam the
20061s transcendence to keep the back line the
20063s glad to live but kept is already dead
20065s violet also bites the dust but sam
20067s transforming into thiana he got two
20068s healers back now sam with two kills can
20071s he make it another he's gonna get a free
20072s nano basically off of all this healing
20074s there you go reiner ends up ending his
20076s own life unfortunately with a right
20078s click into that bubble in the san
20079s francisco shock looking up mighty large
20081s coming into this last corner
20084s yeah you can see that reiner now
20086s swapping over to the doomfist it's a
20088s little bit do or die here for the
20089s gladiators because shock they've got
20092s snowball tools and there's really one
20095s more fight here that the shark will need
20096s to take in order to win and that it's a
20098s pulse bomb pedophile going down i
20100s thought that sleep was going to run out
20101s and i think the gladiators thought that
20103s as well the san francisco shock again
20105s off to a good start taking away parapans
20108s gonna put a hindrance in the gladiator
20111s uh what do you have overclocked pulse
20113s bob nano boost coming out for glass they
20114s just need to survive for these holes
20116s get online the transcendence from finn's
20119s gonna be good kevster jumps in with a
20120s possible with the back line but ends up
20121s going or missing
20123s rhino falls in the san francisco shock
20125s are just picking off the glads one by
20126s one before they can get alt up the nano
20128s comes out but kepster can't get the
20130s damage done the focus fire is too good
20132s and the helix even better from the san
20134s francisco shock even without violence
20137s you still have finn alive and well on
20139s the point two meters to go for the shock
20141s and thin ending kevster's life it's only
20143s up to palapan now shu does end up coming
20146s back but it is a very slow hovering zen
20149s to get there but it ain't gonna happen
20151s shock take i can valder and tie the
20153s series up
20155s that was very convincing too look at how
20157s convincing the gladiators went on ilios
20160s was and now we've got the flip of that
20162s with shock with a convincing victory
20165s over the gladiators and iconvalda
20167s jaws does this mean that as we go into
20170s these next maps when these teams get to
20173s pick for loser pick they're just gonna
20175s keep picking these maps that they can
20177s dominate the other teams with and have
20179s it work we might get five maps this way
20182s it's looking like it that was complete
20184s opposite what happened on control glad
20186s that 2-0 san francisco shock on their
20189s map pick remaining i can vault king
20192s maybe not sure right it's gladiator's
20195s turn to pick this time around
20197s perhaps going back so fast it might be a
20199s five-mapper rose but
20201s it might be a quick one if this keeps
20202s happening we'll see where they want to
20204s go after this break don't go anywhere
20214s [Music]
20221s [Music]
20229s [Music]
20244s [Music]
20255s [Music]
20283s [Music]
20289s [Music]
20315s [Music]
20340s [Music]
20352s [Music]
20431s whoever said lightning doesn't strike
20433s twice has never met the san francisco
20439s some of the most hardcore carry
20441s performances that i've ever seen just a
20443s depth of talent on their roster that
20445s can't be denied i mean what more can you
20447s ask in the shop this is going to be a
20449s wild ride
20450s [Music]
20452s pilot is cracked he's out of his mind
20454s i say that justice okay
20457s at least with everything right now jesus
20459s christ
20461s sam deadlifting right now actually
20465s 10 years of doing so much cleans it up
20467s right
20468s san francisco has cemented themselves as
20470s the greatest team in overwatch
20478s welcome back after that small break
20481s let's play a game let's play a game real
20484s quick okay who was in
20486s auntie's face where are we going
20490s oh oh oh it should be an easy one go on
20492s i think i know this one go on
20494s dorado oh okay
20497s close it is a push map it's circle right
20500s um it's a push man
20501s i'm in an escort map um yeah look
20505s when we see space when we see ants we're
20507s going to circuit royale um the
20509s gladiators roster rose is something
20511s we've uh both spoken about a lot before
20513s but like
20514s how much depth they have they have
20516s actually when they when they play lucio
20518s they have skewed and shoe and they want
20519s to play like the zen and the honor space
20521s comes in when they need the sigma play
20524s ash um or widowmaker can be played by
20526s arms kevster
20528s plays everything um and that's one of
20529s the big strengths about the glad is just
20532s how deep their roster goes
20534s yeah that's absolutely true and i think
20536s we talk about this a lot for the los
20538s angeles gladiators is that they get a
20541s chance to show us so many different
20543s looks i mean the fact that you can go to
20546s circuit royal and bring in your experts
20549s at the widowmaker and the sigma to give
20552s yourself the best chance possible speaks
20554s volumes to just the flexibility of the
20556s roster but not only that just the mid
20559s map adaptations that we've been seeing
20561s as well when it comes to
20563s the
20564s the zarya to the doomfist or the
20566s wrecking ball that we saw on just iken
20568s valda alone from reiner
20571s yeah this this raster has an incredibly
20573s deep hero pool in its pocket and i love
20576s that we get a chance to see this
20578s every single time we see them play
20582s that is very true and look the shot came
20584s off a an extremely dominant icon bulb
20588s and we talked about sam a little bit in
20590s there saying how many final blows he had
20592s but probably stats also just
20595s sky-high on his tracer 15 final blows
20598s four pulse bomb kills only two deaths
20601s which that's
20603s so gross
20604s that's so gross
20606s this is the level of play that we wanted
20608s to see from proper coming into this
20610s match though and i love that we've got
20611s the statistics to back up the eye test
20614s of just how impactful this particular
20616s player has been
20617s and
20618s i mean i don't know jaws this robber was
20621s just such a big reason as to why san
20623s francisco shock made the shanghai
20625s dragons look like wet noodles yesterday
20629s um and and so to see him showing up here
20631s today pretty big as well has been really
20634s fun to watch and one of those maps that
20638s they made dragons little i wear noodles
20640s on was circuit royale um they just
20642s didn't stop the payload going it was an
20645s unbelievable display from the san
20648s francisco shock but you then you got to
20650s think well dragons oh sorry
20653s gladiators they want to go to this map
20655s so they can play space so they can play
20657s arms it's on your screen of course is
20660s the tournament rewards
20662s uh the money and the points to go
20665s towards later on in the season pretty
20668s big i mean if you do win here of course
20670s this being the uh upper bracket finals
20672s winner here goes to the grand final so
20674s it's a minimum of 250k
20677s which is also nice
20679s well yeah i mean look at the jump in
20681s prize money
20683s for the winner of this match you get to
20685s go to the mid-season madness finals
20687s you're guaranteed at least 250 000
20692s and look at those sweet league points
20694s jaws those will definitely come into
20695s play as we get into future stages of the
20698s overwatch league season as well and so
20700s both of these teams playing at all the
20702s stops here to make sure that they can
20703s get that one step closer obviously the
20706s loser is not out of it right they get to
20708s jump down into the lower bracket where
20710s they get to play
20711s the winner of atlanta reign versus
20716s the philadelphia fusion yeah it's and
20719s that is going to be a hard matchup and
20720s of itself right one that's gonna be
20722s tough fusion have been also looking
20724s extraordinarily good
20727s and the gladiators of course wanna take
20729s the dub here so they can have a
20730s back-to-back finals appearances they
20732s didn't kick off clash ended up winning
20734s they want to do exactly the same here
20736s just click continue their dominant spree
20739s although it's funny because
20741s the guardian is being the number two
20742s seed the shock being number one scene
20743s shock didn't end up winning kickoff
20744s clash but they have done so well in the
20747s regular season still undefeated in the
20749s regular season mind you
20750s um
20752s well eight match wintry we already
20753s talked about it right all right let's go
20755s to circuit royale gladiator is on at the
20759s defense so on space of course on at the
20761s sigma and the widowmaker
20765s i've got a little feeling we might see a
20766s little bit of ash here although i do
20768s think the widowmaker is just way better
20770s because the angles and the grapple and
20771s stuff like that but i wouldn't mind a uh
20774s ash either what's vin got to play today
20777s come on finn give us the goods
20783s [Music]
20793s [Music]
20804s now i feel refreshed yeah i feel
20807s refreshed
20808s apparently so do the rest of the shock
20811s um you know before we get into like that
20813s heavy hitting action of this match jaws
20815s the question that i have in my mind is
20817s you're just subbing in kilo and ons are
20820s they warm and are they ready
20822s like as the gladiators you are under the
20824s impression that these two players can
20826s slot in and take you into the next map
20828s no problem
20829s [Music]
20830s but
20832s remains to be seen whether or not that
20834s actually ends up happening
20836s is widowmaker after all kind of tough
20839s jump shot it is yeah kilo's aim is just
20842s phenomenal when i was watching him
20844s before the season started on uh on
20846s soldier when they were playing that hey
20848s i'm just blown away by how clean his
20851s tracking is a little bit different on
20852s the widowmaker it's a bit more flick
20855s orientated with the aim but
20857s still it's uh he's quite nutty answers
20860s all the way back
20861s you can see on the ramp already rose
20864s they're just getting pushed in they
20865s really need a pick from odds right now
20867s he doesn't end up taking a body shot no
20868s one's healing him right now so he can't
20870s really take another one before he ends
20872s up going down
20874s yeah good kilo as well
20878s i mean i wouldn't make it like that rose
20880s is super good because you stopped them
20882s from really doing much he tacks out
20883s again but it's through the the small
20885s little like sign things there's a very
20888s very small gap where you can hit people
20890s here the headshot there it looks
20891s unbelievable early window from the
20894s gladiators and space doing an unreal
20896s amount of damage same with colluge lamps
20898s been used by the shock already both
20900s blocks is up in the air but immortality
20902s feels going to save the shocks life for
20903s the time being and loses the jewel to
20906s kilo who know and now has a free line of
20909s sight on the back line of the gladiators
20911s a swift team kill and the
20914s the shock used the lamp early and they
20916s still come out on top which is a miracle
20918s more often than not
20919s well i mean that was just a huge opening
20921s pick there for a kilo as well to be able
20923s to take out that pressure of ons and
20926s then that was just like yeah we're
20928s comfortable more confident we're the
20929s shock and we're just going to go ahead
20931s and do shock things but there's still
20933s some time here for the gladiators to now
20935s come back and contest on second they
20937s have used quite a few of their tools
20938s though look at how much kilo is out
20941s damaging ons at the moment completely
20944s outpacing him on the infrasights so
20946s that's not going to be available right
20947s away to be able to
20950s respond to when kilo gets his active
20952s he's going to pop it right away
20954s yeah i've had that feeling that ant is a
20956s little bit further behind
20958s it's a nice angle up there but yeah the
20960s problem is the gladiators are not going
20962s to peak they might do now this kerbster
20964s has used the overclock propers got one
20966s to his name and he is hiding behind this
20969s column but can't quite see proper
20970s kevster misses
20972s the last overclock shot kilo takes to
20974s the skies a body shot on shoes not going
20976s to result in all too much the guy there
20978s is playing around this widow's sight
20979s line perfectly and yeah even space
20981s checking kilo
20983s well you have to but that does start to
20986s leave room available for colluse to
20988s start going in and getting his own hands
20989s dirty but space already working up to
20991s another flux here
20995s there's the flux two people in the skies
20997s transcendence popped but kilo ends up
20999s going down fully charged shot through
21001s the transcendence kills kilo
21003s and now the cleanup for the glad you're
21006s pretty happy with that if you're glad
21007s you win the fight and you also burn a
21009s ton of time off from the bank
21011s yeah you do i mean you're definitely
21014s really happy about this is the
21015s gladiators i think you finally get a
21017s chance to take a breath because of all
21020s the pressure that shock have put on to
21022s this matchup and the fact that you get a
21024s big pick onto proper as well
21027s i don't even know how that happened
21029s but kepster really out here trying to
21031s carve out every opportunity possible and
21033s gladiators get a chance to be a bit more
21035s aggressive here as well going back to
21036s this first defensive corner yeah the
21038s card's rolling back slowly
21042s he hit a shot like that like i said
21045s it's a bit wicked that is for sure
21048s collusion's not falling okay yeah the
21050s card's rolling back and normally it's
21051s not like a significant amount of uh
21054s space but look at it right now it was on
21056s the final corner and now it's all the
21058s way back uh the clouds need to be able
21059s to touch but obviously impossible with
21061s this boy oh sorry shot need to touch but
21063s almost impossible at this point just
21065s rolling back down a lot of time though
21069s they're like two minutes so that's still
21071s a lot of time for the shock to come back
21073s in and do something with and you're at
21075s this point as the shock trying to make
21076s sure that you get the
21078s economy out of the gladiators get this
21080s get this transcendence get this ant
21082s matrix perfect lamp transcendence comes
21084s out with both dps and the shock already
21086s dead kilo tries for a grapple shot into
21088s the back line but doesn't really find
21090s all of anything the rest of his team are
21091s doing the heavy lift
21093s i said shot onto shoe
21094s they get a lot of uh card progression
21096s here but it's cart progression that they
21098s already made but the stagger kill onto
21100s skewed's gonna be good
21102s should be out to cab
21105s maybe space can juggle this shoes behind
21108s him so he can give him the ore but
21109s that's about it so it looks like
21111s gladiators are just gonna let
21113s them and they're going to take a more
21115s advantageous
21117s spot on the high ground here
21119s well it'd be so bad if the gladiators
21121s aren't all together there and they lose
21122s somebody going into that recontest but
21125s then shock just snowball all the way to
21128s the end of third point especially when
21130s they've got ultimates to spare as well
21132s that would just be absolutely disastrous
21134s and what an int on their part but
21136s gladiators get to hold on to these tools
21138s for the defense on third you can't see
21140s the flux that space is going to be
21142s getting ready to use finn doesn't have
21144s the transcendence quite yet to use that
21146s as an insurance policy if the
21148s immortality field isn't enough but at
21150s this point i don't know if space can
21151s even use it here kept us down
21154s for the shock lamp four shot yep there
21156s you go
21157s flux doesn't really get anything
21159s the entirety of the shock around the
21160s corner overclock coming out through the
21163s window insta kill on shoe and now ours
21166s in a little bit of trouble i don't think
21167s you win these but maybe you do his aim
21169s is cracked but
21171s is better the san francisco shock they
21173s got transcendence they got the flux
21175s kevster has popped the overclock but
21177s needs to come up massive he misses one
21180s shot look into the back line kilo's
21182s there but finally takes him out with the
21183s help for proper a minute and 40 seconds
21185s to go the flux to send space's health
21188s bar down and out of the mech goodbye
21192s gladiators the shock have capped one
21195s minute and 37 seconds in the time bank
21199s and they're looking all so good spaces
21201s flux didn't really get anything on that
21203s second the last corner there rose or in
21204s the last corner sorry no it didn't it
21207s was just because of some really nicely
21210s timed immortality fields from violet you
21212s don't really have a whole lot of
21214s pressure from the rest of the
21215s composition of the gladiators to force
21217s out those immortality fields early or
21219s even the transcendence early and despite
21221s the fact that finn didn't have the
21222s transcendence it's always nice to have
21225s just in case but yeah that what just
21228s clinical play coming through from the
21229s shock there to be able to deal with each
21231s and every ultimate that gladiators was
21233s throwing at them
21234s and this was the map that they toppled
21237s the dragons on the last map for the
21239s series and
21240s it was a it was a cake walk for them
21243s all right we'll see how they do on their
21245s defense
21249s that they're not lucio i mean
21251s yeah i don't think he's rolling out um
21254s that would be that would be too
21255s ridiculous yeah i was like no way
21258s [Laughter]
21262s he goes back to zen
21264s all right we'll see how glad end up
21265s doing because the kilo versus unstall
21268s aren't looking a little bit cold right
21270s now
21272s just jumping into the server not having
21274s as much impact but to be fair kilo's not
21276s finding crazy picks it's more been on
21279s proper and collusion collusion's
21281s positioning over space that's uh winning
21283s out a lot of these a lot of these fights
21286s yeah yeah but you have to also pay
21288s attention that we just saw one push
21290s where the widowmaker on the attacking
21292s side does seem slightly favored on most
21295s of the places where you would want to
21296s take these fights
21298s and so it can be tough as the sigma to
21300s make sure that you're covering for all
21301s of your angles so i'd like to see if the
21303s gladiators can start to use some of
21305s those attack angles to their own
21307s advantage moving into their second round
21310s here
21311s san francisco shock though i mean look
21313s at how far forward they're playing we
21315s don't usually see teams contest on that
21318s very first corner of the shop it's
21319s usually the second quarter where we see
21323s me property kill onto on someone who's
21325s going for that flank but all right no
21327s widowmakers at all
21329s no more long range duels space takes
21331s care of it kevs is in a really nice spot
21333s but he's got to be careful yeah someone
21334s could be creeping behind him it is
21336s proper taking the 1v1 you're not going
21337s to win with the destructor shot down at
21339s your feet and now proper has asserted
21342s his dominance on at the high ground
21343s taking a fair bit of damage with a
21345s discord orb on top of him way too
21347s aggressive as odds come back from the
21349s spore takes care of it i think you're
21352s okay with that though shock already had
21354s the numbers and at this point you're
21356s expecting that kepster will take a
21357s little while to respawn as well
21359s um kester is back though
21363s but we'll see that kilo is still still
21366s dinking heads
21369s yeah this is such a strong position too
21371s kev starts to be super careful windows
21373s are gonna get used actually forces the
21375s lamp super early a very late window from
21378s the san francisco shock but luckily
21380s collusion shield repaired just in time
21383s for it to be used and uh yeah the san
21386s francisco shock they almost i wouldn't
21388s say bait glads if the clouds forced
21390s around that corner proper peeks his head
21392s out disrupted field a couple of shots
21394s they were good
21396s what was all about the fact that
21397s gladiators used that amplification
21399s matrix and i think they were hoping that
21401s would buy them a bit more space than it
21402s did you saw the disrupter shot really
21404s play san francisco shock just a little
21406s bit far backwards but kind of kited them
21408s away from the damage you would have
21410s wanted to be able to get onto them with
21411s the amp matrix active and so they get to
21414s fire back with their own and now san
21415s francisco shock are just continuing to
21417s methodically move through these
21419s ultimates that they have
21420s double flux though fluxy flux
21422s transcendence available from finn but
21424s they're going to use that lamp instead
21427s all right
21428s now how does kalooz approach this it
21430s looks like a small one be what's
21432s happening between kepster and proper
21433s right now but with the sights
21435s kilo is providing a lot of pressure on
21437s this high ground body shot on to kevster
21440s gets healed straight up and now a
21442s transcendence this time to stop kevs to
21444s doing a whole bunch of damage from the
21447s side
21447s proper once again just peeping out of
21450s nowhere is a triple kill right now can
21452s he get four gonna get five of course he
21454s can proper with five kills
21459s was built for proper that is who they
21462s modeled it after i think so i i love the
21466s little like cheeky smile from proper
21469s just like acknowledging that he did a
21470s good job in that fight have brought the
21473s gladiators to sub one minute to be able
21475s to try to capture this first point and
21478s they are at a stalemate jaws
21481s gladiators don't have a whole lot to
21482s work with either they're gonna have to
21483s use this transcendence aggressively they
21485s don't need to counter a flux here so at
21487s least they get to go in with that
21490s all right now
21491s advantage for the gladiators and spots
21494s kilo in the distance wants him to peak
21496s takes a shot of the support line hoping
21498s kilo is going to use that as a a bit of
21500s an entry
21501s pilot i'm just going down through the
21503s window body shot yeah it does a lot of
21504s damage to kills 200 hp targets so
21507s there's no hope for you unfortunately
21509s finn does kill skewed somehow but the
21510s gladiators do end up capping
21514s wait but colluge killed himself
21516s yeah hypersphere's on the ground i
21518s suppose
21519s yeah
21521s that's unfortunate but i i think that
21523s regardless of how that happened
21525s gladiators would have been able to cap
21527s that first point anyway
21529s but it's all about getting towards this
21531s third point and they're starting to run
21533s out of time to do so
21535s skewed is actually going to switch over
21536s to the brigitta just provide a bit more
21538s point presence here i think that
21540s baptiste is great but
21542s the brigitta rally and just being able
21544s to fight these close quarters towards
21545s this they're going to prepare you a
21547s little bit better christ
21549s that's a good shot
21551s guns are such a nice position now now
21553s the enemy will awaken it doesn't have to
21555s be taken care of there's a flux from
21557s kalu survive this and the glads are good
21559s no skewed crumples into a little bit of
21561s paper
21562s the san francisco shock do have a nice
21564s spawn advantage and space being super
21567s low with only shoe to heal above the san
21569s francisco shock and now layering on that
21570s pressure that's trying to turn this
21572s around with a flux but the lap comes out
21574s just in time the shock is still good
21576s hiding in this small corner making a
21578s two-pronged attack with that window you
21580s look proper way or would you look
21581s violet's way unfortunately you're
21583s looking to spawn right now we feel the
21584s glass kilo dies once again but it
21586s doesn't matter profit is still alive and
21588s doing some work
21592s gosh stopping the cart right here too
21594s it's the same predicament that shock
21596s found themselves in on the flip side
21599s gladiators still again starting to run
21602s out of time one minute remaining here
21604s for their attack push and oz is down
21607s again
21608s so that is another person that
21610s gladiators have to wait for to respond
21612s before they can even try to approach
21614s this card yeah i mean first that just
21616s means his last fight um for the glass i
21619s mean at least they got transcendence
21621s online they're gonna have sights
21622s maybe they get rally probably not um 45
21625s percent depending on how quickly go down
21627s and now kevster gets picked the shock
21630s i just hold to the gladiators not with
21632s team-wide just with individual picks
21634s burning that bank uh time bank down
21637s close to zero is probably gonna go for
21638s something cheeky he was trying
21641s i wouldn't test dance
21652s well space is now already dead okay san
21654s francisco shock now to deal with kevster
21657s jumps in the air takes care of two both
21659s dps now dead for the shock he's trying
21661s to get a couple of collapse while
21662s putting himself on the payload there are
21664s 10 seconds to go with glad still having
21666s a transcendence in their back pocket he
21668s has to use it for collusion flux but
21669s actually they can use it early to try
21671s and keep themselves as the engagement no
21672s damage now for the glass they've only
21674s got two supports left sku gets instantly
21676s taken care of by kilo who jumps back
21678s around that corner and the san francisco
21680s shock are now a match point
21684s no
21684s actual way this is the gladiator
21688s choice jaws they brought in their
21690s specialists ons in space hoping that
21693s this would be a map win for them but
21695s they are back to the drawing board
21698s yeah shocker at match points and off the
21700s back of some insane picks coming through
21703s from proper in kilo to continue to start
21706s off each of these fights
21710s prop is on 21
21712s of 40 final blows per
21715s shot that map i mean we saw sam do it a
21718s little bit earlier on and now we're
21720s seeing proper doing it
21721s what more can you ask for from the dps
21724s line of the san francisco shock they're
21725s looking at world class right now and
21727s they're sitting on match point one more
21729s and then we'll be heading to the finals
21731s we'll see after this break
21734s [Music]
21752s [Music]
21760s [Music]
21772s [Music]
21785s [Music]
21797s [Music]
21816s [Music]
21829s [Music]
21835s [Music]
21847s [Music]
21863s [Music]
21874s [Music]
21914s [Music]
21920s do
21922s [Music]
21934s [Music]
21960s so
21962s [Music]
21971s [Music]
21980s feels pretty darn good to be back here
21982s in a land setting it's been quite some
21984s time the overwatch league's most
21986s decorated franchise here in a new era
21989s the pulse under mag another from proper
21992s spark on against you better sparkle
21994s found an opening there's one there's two
21996s that's the sparkle i want to see in this
21998s series those stats
22000s getting padded by sparkle sparkle with
22003s two and another one it's gonna be a heck
22005s of a weekend i'll tell you right now you
22007s get kai set up it is gonna be just like
22009s that the rest of the game
22010s back on their side of the map that's a
22012s stink oh checkmate
22015s a widow player potentially without equal
22017s that is some filthy stuff where did that
22020s come from a triple death blossom but
22022s pelican comes out of nowhere that's two
22025s with the storm arrows millimeters away
22027s from victory
22029s check my dragons just continue to play
22031s right out in front of the spot there's
22032s the blade beat can be used nice pin long
22035s pin two now into the back there managing
22038s to fight two basically the equivalent of
22039s three people he nearly had all the kills
22042s seoul dynasty have not defeated the
22043s shanghai dragon since the 2020 playoffs
22045s i think these are the top two teams in
22047s an apac mf3 goes absolutely monstrous
22050s they take down the dragons i swing the
22053s best widowmaker in all of apac no he
22056s fell onto it chester who has been
22058s frightening ever since he joined this
22060s team smurf knows what it feels like to
22062s win everything hungry to experience that
22065s feeling once more
22067s [Music]
22069s anderson is locked in ready to go and
22072s assume with a 5k
22074s that's what you want to see they might
22076s just pull the trigger here they do but
22077s unreal wall from
22080s now the stakes get ratcheted up
22082s unnotched it is two all dikes pops the
22085s recall he's looking for the target that
22086s comes in he's gonna fight for him
22088s probably the mean time found two with
22089s the pulse bomb
22090s han bin is the best sire in the world
22093s right now
22101s and after so very long the dynasty will
22104s be able to best the dragons playoffs
22106s profit has certainly arrived the script
22108s riders they're not messing around today
22110s you step up to the plate son with a
22112s victorious war the gladiators are just
22115s tearing them apart seoul dynasty will
22117s dominate their way and secure the
22119s kickoff clash title
22128s god
22129s man
22130s overwatch is
22132s i'm not gonna say i swear but it is a
22134s beautiful game when you have clips like
22137s that it honestly just showcases the very
22140s best in the world and that's of course
22142s right now
22143s what they're fighting for that trophy
22145s the mid-season madness
22148s i think it's their total mayhem logo uh
22150s from junkrat i think it's
22151s very hard
22152s it's very sick it looks really nice um
22155s look
22157s the shock of one map away
22158s from make it to the grand finals rose
22161s when when you lifted that kickoff clash
22163s performance they did not step up at all
22166s and it was a shock i think to a lot haha
22169s it was a shock it was a shock i think to
22171s a lot of people and the gladiators ended
22174s up winning the entire thing and now
22176s shock they're not in front of a live
22178s crowd or anything right now but you're
22179s still in an environment when you can see
22181s your opposition there you go proper
22183s waving waving at paddy over there
22186s and
22186s they're in the driving seat a
22189s quite convincing circuit royale and
22191s there's a whole host of uh swaps going
22194s on but we'll talk to the uh in a minute
22196s if the gladiators lose here they jump
22198s down to the lower bracket where they
22200s either face rain or the fusion who will
22202s play a little bit later on
22204s yeah and that doesn't sound like a fun
22206s opponent to have to go up against either
22208s when you look at both of those options
22210s that would be waiting down there for you
22212s but you know i want to talk about the
22214s fact that gladiators were predicted
22217s across the board to win this match from
22220s majority of pickums from our desk
22224s um but
22225s he's holding off on this
22227s talking about it now i think the shock
22230s uh not only poised to take the series
22232s home for this next map but
22234s after the performance that they've given
22236s us the past few days i don't think
22238s there's
22238s a lot of doubters or a lot of doubt you
22240s should have for this team moving forward
22243s i mean proper
22245s having yet another match of his life sam
22249s had an incredible performance in
22251s eichenwalde before getting switched out
22253s for kilo on circuit royale he will be
22256s coming back in to the match but
22259s yeah i mean what the heck
22261s well we looked at preppers we've been
22262s checking in on proper stats every every
22264s map like we looked at them after i
22266s convulded we're looking at them after
22267s circuit royale i think they just got
22269s better
22271s i i actually think they got better yeah
22273s it's uh it's weirder that happens
22275s sometimes proper just kills people and
22277s there you go you can tell final blows 22
22280s out of the 28 limbs
22282s looking unreal we're going to colocio
22284s rose
22286s and
22286s this was
22288s glads map pick
22290s and what's funny about um what's funny
22292s about push with the san francisco shock
22294s they've only actually long lost one push
22296s map out of the 10 that they've played
22300s and the funny thing is uh it is coliseum
22302s that they did lose so i mean picking
22305s picking the highest percentage fly there
22306s if you're the gladiators
22309s def reiner back in powder pan swapping
22311s out for arms and
22312s yep
22313s yeah i mean at the end of the day you're
22315s going to swap out space you don't really
22317s want to play the the sigma here odds
22319s widowmaker ash et cetera but you want
22321s padapan back in so kevs could play
22322s tracer and padapan could play the
22324s soldier so that makes a whole bunch of
22326s sense here
22328s yeah and especially the lucio as well to
22330s help you zoom around the map it's
22331s overseeing funny astro as well in for
22333s skewed
22334s uh as we saw funny astra on ilios and
22336s that was a win that was a win for the
22338s gladiators on elios 2-0 over the shock
22340s in a very convincing manner and so the
22342s fact that we're starting things back out
22344s for the gladiators with their starting
22345s lineup on coliseum does speak to me
22348s they're gonna try to hit fast hit hard
22350s the lucio the doomfist all of the works
22353s but san francisco shock really finally
22356s started to find their groove with the
22357s winston composition and so we will start
22360s to see them go back to that for a little
22362s bit here with the sojourn in the tracer
22365s so sam proper having great games today
22369s but can the gladiators keep with the
22371s team's synergy will that be able to take
22373s them over the top and tie up this series
22376s that's what we're looking at here for
22377s coliseum
22380s slow approach for the shock right now i
22382s guess they were making sure that glad
22383s didn't go for this big flank
22385s they're glad to sniff that out they were
22387s like okay we'll just go to maine
22390s just take a little bit of a better
22391s position than the shot you can see the
22393s kind of huddling around this miniature
22394s health back room like he takes a big
22396s ante and actually has to back off proper
22399s and a jewel versus kevster good speed
22401s boost from astro but i mean he kind of
22404s just boosted away and mikey got punched
22406s into the back line and then sam sniped
22408s padapan it was too much damage it was a
22410s nice idea for a funny astro there but
22412s punching mikey back into the rest of the
22414s team and not great guys you have the
22416s smallest lead in the world but it should
22418s be the cleanup for the shot not crazy
22420s amount of staggers though
22422s i listen
22424s no rhino stay alive please no no
22428s double blink straight inside yeah there
22429s you go okay that was a that's fairly
22431s large and the bot has been booming this
22433s whole time
22434s yeah finn just on perma bot duty right
22437s now just to be able to keep that thing
22439s rolling and i mean you just want to get
22441s to the checkpoint
22442s if you could get to the checkpoint i
22443s think you're pretty you're feeling
22445s pretty good about the lead that you have
22447s but man proper
22449s going after patty again yeah
22452s no not going to happen nano boost for
22454s mikey as he jumps the back line super
22456s early old from the san francisco shock
22459s just showing you how much damage they
22461s did in that first fight how much healing
22464s oh my god the shock actually might hit
22466s checkpoint
22467s before the guys can get out of sport and
22469s proper triple blinks into the spawning
22470s kills round of the pulse all righty okay
22473s it shocks game
22474s it shocks season
22476s i think so i i really think so i mean
22479s they started to look really good i think
22480s people had some questions about this
22482s rookie roster but that bot reaches the
22484s checkpoint before anybody from the
22486s gladiators can stop it and they're just
22489s gonna get folded over like dominoes here
22491s right now trying to disrupt sam but he's
22493s already killed two the body's being
22494s contested but the gladiators have found
22497s themselves back in spawn again a rather
22499s familiar place to be for them currently
22502s the show just piling on the pressure
22504s they did end up losing fin so they've
22505s got a lot of healing but they still gain
22507s a lot of free bar push right now his
22509s guys have to come back from the spawn
22511s then you're going to keep the momentum
22512s going i mean why not a huge beat from
22515s the shock finn wasn't even back in the
22517s mix
22518s but the shock was just pushing on
22520s forward the gladiators have a whole
22522s wealth of ultimates but astro doesn't
22524s have his beat anymore not sure where
22526s that went but the glads they got four
22528s oats let's have a look at the the small
22530s replay
22532s proper comes in gets the b astro 50 hp
22535s gets it canceled by proper
22538s oh there's such a feels bad this such a
22541s feels bad you would love to have that
22543s ultimate online to be able to deal with
22544s anything coming out from the shock here
22546s even if it's just to make sure that
22548s you've got sustained going into the next
22550s fight which they desperately need
22552s dude prophet's just a freak of nature
22555s man he is just so good on the tracer
22558s there is the ultimate from palapan on
22559s the side but a nice little poop from
22561s violet to keep paddy away from the rest
22563s of the team the shock aren't moving the
22565s ball right now but they've made
22566s significant progress on this map already
22569s 106 meters as the gladiators finally
22572s regained control of the bot but it has
22575s been a shock game for the last four
22577s minutes
22579s i looked like it might have been a
22580s shutout there based on the pace that the
22582s shock we're going with for those last
22584s few fights as well just really not
22586s giving the gladiators a chance to
22588s breathe but finally looks like
22590s gladiators can start kicking off some of
22592s these fights themselves with a few alts
22594s of their own
22595s nice nadia is now trying to set their
22597s own tempo that was a a good media strike
22600s there by reiner they do end up killing
22603s shu with the help of that nano on to
22604s mikey but
22606s shouldn't matter all too much and get
22607s astro to
22608s taxi back but get in the back pushing
22611s the the block there that's what you need
22613s oh look at that actually probably trying
22615s to spawn camp spots astro okay nose he
22618s can't hustle with it i mean ideally if
22620s you kill shoe there uh you lose two
22622s fights or a fight and a half because the
22624s bot moves so fast back to the yeah
22627s but but i mean look at this too you just
22629s you just set the gladiators up again and
22631s knock them down sam's going to take that
22633s a trade any day of the week
22635s okay gladiators need to do summon but
22637s the slept no
22638s the disrupter shot woke reiner up
22642s he takes care of finn and sam there's
22644s still a primal rage in mikey happening
22645s uh
22646s in the background he does end up killing
22648s parapan and
22649s astro and reiner uh mikey's still in
22652s this by the way glad they were trying to
22654s get control of the pot there and push it
22656s onto the barricade and it felt like
22658s clouds thought they won that but mikey
22660s comes up with three from the primal
22662s yeah well the thing about shock too is
22664s like they're they're just kind of
22666s individually player
22668s hero
22670s carrying right now
22672s just watch how much value each of them
22673s you gets when they use any of their odds
22676s oh my god oh here's the 180 okay is
22679s going to fill that tomorrow
22680s beat for the glads only hits two padapan
22683s and rhino don't receive that at all
22685s proper gets headshot by parapan keeps
22687s him in the fight and stops that pulse
22689s bomb from going off astro doing his best
22692s to escort you around the map stopping
22695s him from getting jumped on and instantly
22697s killed the gladiators do win that fight
22700s regardless of the two-man beat the shock
22702s still trying to set that tempo but
22704s they're burning a lot of time off the
22705s bank the gladiators have not gained any
22707s meterage and finally now they're uh
22710s getting a little sample of that but the
22712s shock are going to come back so far so
22714s violet on that lucio
22715s yeah we spent over two minutes in the
22717s neutral
22719s that that's a lot of time i mean the
22721s fact that we're sub four minutes now san
22723s francisco shark coming back with alts
22726s sam through the windows can't quite find
22728s much and now ryan is in a whole heap of
22730s trouble got the meteor strike but he's
22732s one hp when he comes back down he's
22733s gonna have to retreat to the rest of his
22735s team go straight to the mega health pack
22737s it's good enough for the time being but
22738s now has to follow up on mikey an unreal
22741s sleep from shoe he's actually got a nano
22743s of his own kevster gets a double pull
22744s spot from somewhere so much is happening
22747s right now but the glads are in control
22749s and that's what counts 50 meters and
22751s counting now
22753s look at this as well i think gladiators
22755s have finally found their footing but i
22757s want to take a look at this double pulse
22759s from kepster you got to stick on sam and
22762s it looks like
22763s oh
22766s that's unfortunate many of those uh
22769s ouch
22771s not mid-slide though when he got stuck
22773s but we'll let it slow will it slide will
22775s it slide uh going back to the neutral
22778s now san francisco shock have a little
22779s bit of control but looking for more
22781s territory and kepster's also trying to
22784s get after the back line
22785s yeah the pace still
22787s a little bit unbelievable
22789s from both teams right now miley gets
22791s stunned by rhino pushed into that wall
22793s nano does so much if you stun someone
22796s and you're nano's
22797s you you it almost insta kill uh a
22800s squishy target mikey in a whole lot of
22802s trouble gets antiqued had the primal so
22804s he was good for the time and now the
22805s gladiator is trying to gain some
22807s meterage good kill on to finn who's way
22809s too far up without the help of violet
22811s and now ryan's in a little bit of
22812s trouble scurries back to the rest of his
22814s support and they're trying trying so
22817s hard to get this checkpoint they
22818s eventually do it as they kill off
22820s properly
22821s this is huge though i mean gladiators
22823s have made up for so much loss meterage
22826s here they are almost going to be able to
22829s live up to what the shock have already
22830s accomplished on the other side of the
22832s map and they still have ultimates to
22834s rotate through in order to match that
22835s progress kept up this bat
22837s [Music]
22839s nice beat from the gladiators they know
22840s they got to win the fight here with a
22842s minute and 50 seconds to go shu puts his
22844s name on the ball killing two of the
22846s shock now the shock no the win condition
22849s right now is just stopping that bolt
22850s from going if they win a fight here they
22851s should be good to play all the way up
22853s and actually shoe ends up going down
22854s somehow finn manages to get the snipe
22856s reiner is super low it's up to pada pam
22858s with the overclock to try and waylay the
22860s shock for
22861s some sort of time before their supports
22864s end up getting back but a b from the
22865s shock surges them forward ryan is up in
22868s the sky but he's so low when he comes
22869s back down to earth he does manage to
22871s kill finn but now sam is nanos with the
22873s overclock going off it does end up
22874s fading away but look at that with one
22877s minute to go they've managed to win the
22879s fight here the bots gonna just travel so
22881s fast around these corners rows the glads
22883s need to come up with something big
22885s otherwise they will be going down to the
22887s lower bracket well it's gonna have to be
22889s that nano from shoe that's the thing
22891s that the gladiators have to rely on
22893s right now to get something over the top
22895s maybe it's a pop-up performance but this
22898s is it we're back in the neutral where we
22900s have seen the gladiators stop for most
22902s of this map so far
22906s she's got the nano in a couple of
22907s percent recall from kevster you want to
22910s go down to stand this early okay there's
22911s the nana
22912s reiner trying to get on the back line
22914s he's spotted finn doesn't quite get the
22916s punch into the wall she's taking so much
22918s damage every single member of the shop
22920s right now is trying to protect finn and
22922s they've done so successfully sam going
22924s pretty low he is anti then somehow rhino
22926s gets the last final kill on him
22928s 92 meters and counting the gladiators
22930s with 20 seconds to go
22931s now i need to just gain her over 10
22933s meters and they should be good to keep
22935s them in the series a late kill on to
22937s finn is fantastic can they get violent
22939s not quite
22940s but they're still in this rose
22942s oh my gosh and look at this though two
22945s gladiators they might be able to go
22946s ahead and match that progress
22949s from rhino
22951s does send mikey hurtling backwards and
22954s two meters to go the stick from kepster
22957s is good one dps down now from the shock
22960s he's got his eyes set on finn in the
22961s back line who's so pretty low violet
22963s needs to be able to save him if finn
22965s falls they've got so little healing left
22967s kev's just done the hero play fire ends
22969s up going down
22971s 2.85 meters to go and the gladiators
22973s send out a beat to try and make this the
22975s final fight pada pan is so healthy right
22978s now as the shock are all back in spawn
22980s apart from proper with no recall it's no
22983s problem for the gladiators overtime is
22986s here but the clouds keep them in the
22988s series
22991s what a comeback from the gladiators
22995s shock we're running away with coliseum
22997s as we kicked it off in those first few
22999s minutes but then
23001s finally gladiators got their act
23003s together it took a little while but they
23006s did get it together jaws
23008s that is
23009s the only push map the shock have lost
23013s out of the 11 push maps they've lost uh
23016s they've played now
23017s it's been a loss twice old colosseum and
23020s you can see why the glads wanted to go
23022s there what an
23023s uh god like turn around from the glad
23026s 106
23028s meters the shock gained on that push
23031s some people would have called it but the
23033s gladiators
23034s no they hung up that phone they knew
23037s they could come back
23038s it was overtime but they managed to do
23040s it we're going all the way map number
23042s five right after this break
23054s [Music]
23069s [Music]
23110s do
23116s [Music]
23124s [Music]
23130s [Music]
23155s [Music]
23184s [Music]
23219s [Music]
23243s [Music]
23254s [Music]
23276s of course it would go all the way map
23278s number five the shock and the glads are
23281s facing down for a spot in the grand
23284s final tomorrow of the mid-season madness
23287s tournament
23289s both teams been uh looking great on it
23292s feels like every other map one team does
23295s exceptionally well and then the other
23296s team does exceptionally well just kind
23297s of topples them over but
23298s what a comeback on coliseum for the
23302s glads they were down 100 meters and
23305s managed to turn that one around
23308s that was absolutely insane i think you
23311s know you just look at that and you look
23313s at the insurmountable lead sometimes
23314s that some of these teams can accumulate
23316s over the course of a push map and you go
23318s that's very difficult to come back from
23320s but as avaly likes to say it is
23322s combatable true so glads fans should be
23325s very excited that we get a chance to go
23326s into a fifth and final map here shocked
23329s still
23330s it is their choice because they just
23332s lost that last map so
23334s i wonder if that's gonna do them any
23335s favors going into this fifth and final
23338s one yeah we are going on to oasis
23342s and
23342s well hmm
23344s oasis is a bit of a interesting one i
23346s think it's 50 roughly right now for uh
23348s the shock win loss on oasis might be a
23351s little bit more tipped in the way of
23353s winning but it was just the the push
23356s line as a scissor stat line which isn't
23358s crazy i can't believe the only map they
23360s lose on purchase coliseum they do end up
23362s losing that one a bit ridiculous i
23364s remember the gladiators they
23366s they got here through the upper bracket
23368s semifinals battling the hungzhou spark
23371s and that was an incredibly close
23373s five-map series so of course this one
23375s would go to five
23378s i mean these are the two best teams in
23379s north america right now you could argue
23382s one of them is the best team in the
23384s overwatch league right now
23386s after wait and see of course mitzi's
23387s madness finals is tomorrow and one of
23390s their teams is booking their ticket to
23392s that
23393s after this series and it all comes down
23395s to this hey they're holding hands though
23397s first seed second seed right at the
23399s winter's finals together and it's all
23401s coming together it's all coming together
23403s but we are heading over to university to
23406s kick off our first round of oasis and
23410s here's something interesting we're
23411s seeing colluge in the lineup for a
23414s control map when typically we've been
23415s seeing mikey to be able to provide that
23417s flexibility of playing the wrecking ball
23420s and the winston but
23423s i believe that this doomfist will stick
23426s from colluge
23428s yeah the ball is
23430s the ball is like okay i think uh on
23432s university i'd still rather have the
23435s doom fist there's so many more walls you
23436s can kind of punch people into so that's
23439s true it's a little bit of uh okay so
23441s what kind of maps are we going to we
23442s don't know because it's controlled and
23444s it's like randomly selected uh what map
23446s or what round so yeah like do we get
23448s city center at all exactly if we are
23450s gonna get it is definitely a tough one
23452s but
23453s inclusion does feel like the right play
23455s no sojourn by the way or the shock
23457s they're actually gonna have kilo on the
23459s ash he's gonna sit all the way at the
23461s back with his support but the ash can be
23464s dope quite easily you only have one oh
23466s well
23467s anymore
23469s not if you kill the diver first yeah
23471s exactly
23474s like i said before rose kilo's aim is
23477s just correct like it's ridiculous
23480s speaking of uh cracked as well proper
23482s two kills on rhinoceros um his tracking
23485s on the soldier when i was watching him
23486s pre-season oh my god it was
23489s absurd and a shock that came in to 2022
23493s with a new roster of all rookies apart
23496s from violet which is
23498s unbelievable and they're still carrying
23500s on that legacy of the shock being one of
23503s the more dominant teams in north america
23505s that just speaks to the coaching of the
23507s shock i feel like
23509s they're gonna kick off another
23512s fight here with violet now getting a
23514s pick
23515s but yeah it just speaks volumes to how
23517s well
23518s coached and how individually skilled all
23520s of these players are put them on a team
23522s together and it's also just magic i mean
23524s it definitely feels like krusty bullies
23526s them into submission at times but
23528s choices see on the timeline
23530s ryan is diving in with the nano boost
23532s going to get anything done both supports
23533s are pretty low punches fit into the wall
23534s but not before an executed dive on the
23537s back line of the gladiators is rather
23539s successful probably the pulse on to
23541s padapan and their skewed wasn't long for
23544s this world shu gets cleaned up and there
23546s you go the guy has tried to go for a
23547s dive reiner found one but he it felt
23550s like he didn't really have any backup
23551s there the gladiators were a little bit
23553s more concerned and split off do we help
23555s our backline or do we try and help ryan
23557s and neither ended up working out and
23559s well they lose that fight
23561s look at this gladiators also having a
23562s bit of a composition identity correct
23565s reiner somehow rhino
23567s no but what i i'm just gonna we'll talk
23570s about that in a second but i want to
23571s talk about the fact that patty has now
23573s chosen his fourth hero this round
23576s um
23577s you know going for the sojourn to the
23579s hanzo to the ash briefly and now the
23582s genji
23583s and now reiner's back
23586s tactical
23587s back definitely not tactical there's the
23589s coach
23590s matching transcendence again the
23591s executed dive on the back line the glass
23593s is successful for colluge a nice name
23595s but it ain't going to matter 82 83
23598s building up where are the glads
23600s the san francisco shock have rolled over
23603s los angeles
23605s as they take round number one there was
23607s no fight for glads there they either got
23609s picked reiner accented yeah maybe
23612s slipping on uh i don't know a bit of wet
23614s floor i suppose and throwing himself off
23616s the map i'm lucky i guess but
23618s there was no fighting there from the
23620s class there wasn't a distinct like okay
23622s there's a lot of brawling going on rhino
23624s went in a couple of times ended up
23626s getting slept or he took too long to to
23628s get a kill and the shock just rolled
23630s over um the glass back line
23633s oh
23634s no that is so unlucky actually oh
23638s that's so sad
23640s i can't i mean
23642s gladiators to just back up what you were
23644s saying jaws they got one kill
23648s one kill
23650s and then the shot got 15
23652s 15. that was clean
23656s all right
23657s clean that that's not what what is
23659s happening
23661s it's it's hard on both sides
23663s stop it
23664s no this is good oh this is real
23667s yep oh yeah
23669s oh well okay it's gonna be entertaining
23671s i think
23672s yeah just bullet sponges basically if
23674s you're playing hog right now
23677s it's kind of annoying to chase down you
23679s just got to be uh wary if you're collude
23681s shu is still playing the honor shock not
23684s so much nice there you go
23686s hook nade there's the kill the glad to
23689s want to fight however i say that i'm not
23692s going to call it yet as proper is still
23693s alive uh excuse does it have falling at
23696s the hands of proper and finn who've made
23698s quite the rotation
23700s are very swiftly sent back to spawn and
23703s the gladiators are going to cap the
23704s fourth point for the first time in oasis
23709s well that's good for them because they
23711s will start to be able to i think keep
23714s get get a nice defensive position i was
23716s i wasn't going to say something snarky
23717s there i swear okay i mean
23720s the fact that you know you get to have
23722s paddy now set up on the high ground who
23724s are you really going to send after him
23726s on that rotunda in the middle and then
23729s you've got the other high ground to play
23730s around ryder keeps getting hooks
23734s tight feels super good though
23735s i mean even if you auntie the mother he
23737s feels still needs to be dealt with now
23738s they want the hog finn doesn't stand to
23740s charge but now he hasn't got a hook to
23742s really play with a couple of right
23744s clicks do a fair bit of damage heals
23745s himself up to full but the shock managed
23748s to cap the point that it really didn't
23750s do all anything there long range how did
23753s that hook hit well don't know both hogs
23755s are dead though a prop has got a pulse
23757s bomb and that's what counts the san
23758s francisco shock do end up capping and
23760s the guide is gonna have to go again i
23762s wonder if they're going to stop hooking
23763s first
23764s normally in the hog door if you hook
23766s last you do end up winning um i will say
23771s so
23772s it's uh it's a bit awkward for ryder
23774s there unfortunately there's no lamp on
23775s the side of the cloud so you can't just
23777s insta put lamp down when uh you get the
23779s hook first so yeah well the other part
23782s about that too is you've seen how shu
23784s follows up a lot of the times of the
23786s bionate as well after reiner secures a
23788s hook so it's just a really quick
23790s takedown of whoever rider decides to get
23793s at the end of that bait
23795s but
23796s still control over the shock here
23799s yeah they can jostle on this point
23801s forever
23803s mr bob comes out to play kilo with a
23805s very clutch coach gun does save himself
23808s from the dragons kevin lanza pulse on to
23810s the immortality field that time violet
23812s not quite so lucky to help the rest of
23815s his team ends up getting taken out kills
23816s rhino in the meantime but the gladiators
23819s seem to want to invest a little bit more
23820s into this fight the transcendence comes
23823s out just to secure i mean 65 you don't
23826s really want to have the fight go on for
23828s any longer otherwise you're in one fight
23830s territory there
23833s yeah and especially when you see colluge
23835s also switch over to the diva and so
23838s that'll be helpful to try to stop any of
23840s those one shot combos coming in from
23842s reiner
23843s on the road hog or maybe even some of
23845s these storm arrows that'll be coming
23847s through from patapan still on the hanzo
23850s so i like the defense matrix choice here
23852s just to kind of change things up a
23853s little bit
23854s as we see shock posture to try to take
23857s back control proper looking for a target
23861s god proper again starting the fight out
23863s killing two people with the help of
23865s finn's discord
23867s 68 before the glad they've only just
23869s managed to match the shot but shot by
23870s the flip uh late transcendence from finn
23873s as proper finds his third kill of the
23876s fight reiner is on the run but not for
23878s long as he gets chased down uses the
23880s breather but he is discorded nice matrix
23883s by colluge to help them finish the kill
23885s on to rhino 81 and building for the
23887s shock now as this could very well be it
23890s glad needs to come back and they need to
23892s come back now
23893s yeah look at that i mean ryden doesn't
23895s even have the chance yeah he can't use
23897s the ultimate here he's got to give it up
23898s go to the wrecking ball he's got to get
23900s back in time to make sure that this is a
23902s fair 5v5 fight
23904s i can see all the way at the back hasn't
23906s really got too much to worry about nice
23907s a bit of dynamite damage but over time
23909s is here
23912s trying to get on the back that was a
23913s headshot i think would have screamed but
23914s powderpants i think screaming a little
23916s bit louder than i would be there as he
23917s goes down first once again to the hands
23919s of proper a recall from kepster and now
23921s he has to put himself in danger he has
23923s the pulse bomb throws it on the make
23925s that should be an incident but the
23927s background the guardians are already
23928s dead kilo kills kepster knows over time
23930s ticks through the san francisco shock
23933s roll the gladiators on oasis
23935s and see themselves in
23937s the mid-season madness
23941s finals wow look at that i mean look at
23944s they're just chatting it up to
23945s gladiators they're taking this one on
23947s the chin they still have another life in
23950s this tournament but for the shock they
23952s have secured themselves to
23955s at least second place
23956s and that definitely has to feel good
23959s especially after the performance that
23960s they put on during the kickoff clash
23962s what a great showing for them today what
23965s a fun match overall
23967s okay it had to go to five it just had
23970s well the san francisco shock do
23973s go to the finals the gladiators still
23976s have a chance they jump down to the
23979s lower bracket final and they will play
23981s the winner of our next match the atlanta
23984s reign versus the philadelphia fusion but
23986s that oasis was just a blowout from the
23989s shock the last round a little bit closer
23991s a little bit closer but university
23994s the glads did not have a single fight
23996s rose
23997s i don't think they touched the point
24001s i don't think they touched the point
24002s they got one kill like that's it that it
24004s was definitely super decisive for the
24007s shock and
24008s you when you look at how well the shock
24010s were able to win some of these fights i
24012s think you've got to give a lot of
24014s accolades to proper who will be our
24017s player of the match i mean
24019s what a mad lad jaws we looked at
24022s proper's performance from yesterday's
24025s match for the san francisco shock and
24027s how incredibly
24030s well poised shock was for success when
24032s looking at some of those picks from
24034s proper but even today
24036s just
24037s it's still on a tear through this
24039s tournament yeah i mean he's a whole new
24041s level of crack that's for sure
24044s on that oasis like he was getting
24046s one to two pigs almost every single
24047s fight this 5k here i
24051s this guy is just a monster
24054s if he keeps this up um it could
24056s potentially be one of the greatest
24058s rookie performances we've ever seen from
24060s a player entering at the overwatch
24061s league
24062s i mean we're only halfway through the
24064s year
24065s right now right i mean you know mitzi's
24067s a madness second tournament in
24069s but
24070s for what we're seeing right now proper
24072s best rookie we have so far
24075s is tracer this match 50 pulse bomb
24077s attach rate very very few deaths 10 plus
24081s final blows per 10 he's looking clean
24084s he's been looking so good whether it is
24087s the tracer or it is the sojourn or
24090s whatever proper decides to play you know
24092s that we're in for a good treat i feel
24094s like so he's gonna be very happy to see
24097s how proper performed in this match today
24099s and you definitely have the stats to
24101s back it up too
24102s a lot of the actually didn't everybody
24105s spread glads too yeah okay that's good
24108s great i'm glad this uh just went this
24109s way because i would have heard of the
24111s shock if i was on the desk i wonder how
24112s they're feeling right now i'm not sure
24113s maybe a little bit salty we'll find out
24116s yeah we'll jump into a quick break don't
24118s go anywhere we've got the desk and
24119s there's salty tears coming up after
24123s this all right
24140s [Music]
24143s the overwatch league is brought to you
24145s by the university of hawaii at manoa go
24148s to take me to manoa.org today
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24396s welcome to game break everybody i'm here
24398s joined now by sam from san francisco
24400s shock sam what a match how are you
24401s feeling right now uh pretty good pretty
24403s good yeah i mean so
24405s i want to ask you i actually overheard
24407s you uh talking to hunter from gladiators
24410s and like you guys were talking and you
24411s said oh this is like the best match i'm
24413s having so much fun uh what about the
24415s match were you so like hyped about um i
24419s always enjoy like matches more when uh
24421s it's against teams we scrim a lot we
24422s scream glad anymore so like the london
24424s match is really fun and then this is
24425s like a fast-paced team they're like just
24428s all respectable players um i have a lot
24430s of friends on the team as well uh i was
24432s just having a blast like competing
24433s against them and with the way they play
24434s overwatch even when we lost elias i knew
24436s we were still in the game i was still
24437s just i don't know i just felt i just
24440s felt like i was having fun you know and
24441s it was definitely really fun to watch i
24443s think everyone on in chat definitely
24445s agrees as well and you mentioned about
24447s earliers and in my personal opinion i
24449s think it was after losing illios where
24451s you guys really just like woke up and
24452s started to dominate um were there any
24454s specific changes you guys made after uh
24457s elios and going into eichenwalde or like
24459s what were you guys talking about um
24461s no we knew like we just hadn't played
24464s much against the lucio comp so adjusting
24467s uh or so like we knew the play style
24469s that we usually play right against their
24470s competent for like yeah would work well
24473s once funny ashes out we know no lucio
24476s so what's your plan to sort of sort of
24477s focus down on funny astro
24479s um not so much that you can't focus a
24481s good lucio that's just bait yeah
24485s all right and of course finally uh yeah
24487s with this win you guys are in the
24489s mid-season madness finals
24492s who do you think is going to be your
24493s opponent tomorrow and why is it the
24494s gladiators
24496s if not then it is it's not if atlanta
24498s keeps playing how they're playing uh i
24500s can see them making it but probably
24502s gladiators probably gladiators yeah and
24503s any good reason any they're they're just
24505s really good they're just really good
24507s yeah oh so we're going to have another
24508s gladiator there is a possibility of
24510s either atlanta or it could be gladiators
24512s but you think it's gladiators i kind of
24514s agree too well anyway sam thank you so
24516s much for your time that is it for the
24517s interview
24518s so avaly back to you
24522s thank you very much danny
24523s congratulations again to the shock uh
24525s are we setting it up for a salty run
24527s back it feels like a salty i saw i saw
24530s collusion stand up and look across the
24532s table and i was like i want to see these
24534s two teams play again like that's going
24536s to be sick it was a it was a great match
24537s there were so many great individual and
24539s team performances like you can tell why
24541s these are two of the best teams we have
24542s in the game i mean honestly forget
24544s overwatch for a second i just want to
24546s see each of those teams just like duke
24548s it out in a all sorts of hawaii like
24550s related activities bowling beach
24553s volleyball
24555s how did you get born
24557s activity i didn't really think about
24559s hawaii to be honest you know what i like
24561s that will you they don't have bowling in
24562s hawaii
24564s well i'm sure they do
24565s this is something that we're going to
24566s have to investigate but that aside let's
24568s actually jump in and investigate this
24570s series because it was looking like he
24572s was back and forth for a second and then
24573s all of a sudden in the fifth map it
24575s looks like gladiators just kind of
24576s rolled over yeah i think you really you
24578s know sam just hit on it right there the
24580s funny outro lucio is something that no
24582s other teams are really utilizing and it
24584s is catching people off guard the san
24586s francisco shock came out in this match
24588s and i honestly it felt like they had the
24590s answer to it in this first round but it
24592s did just start to slip away from them
24594s and you know funny astro i think he
24596s played two maps and those were the two
24597s maps that he won so really funny astro
24599s was the key to the gladiator success
24602s well probably map dependent but it was
24604s it was awesome to see how both of these
24607s teams go and how adaptable both of them
24609s are across from map to map colluge
24611s playing this diva here inherently the
24613s gladiators did not have an answer to it
24615s we saw reiner try to play the zarya i
24617s thought it was an interesting pick but
24618s it eventually just did not work out and
24621s it's just sort of boyfried both these
24622s teams going back and forth yeah
24625s um
24626s it feels like these two teams are really
24628s pushing each other to the limit yeah and
24630s it's so interesting because of what sam
24632s also hit on in the interview there that
24635s like these are two teams that practice a
24638s lot against each other i mean they are
24640s arguably the two best teams in the north
24642s american region and they know that so
24643s they know that the best practice they're
24645s going to get is against each other and
24647s so you have
24649s i love when this happens by the way i
24650s love when you have teams they're just
24652s like they they have such deep
24654s understanding of each other that you're
24656s just going to see like these hero picks
24658s like reiner swapping over to the zarya
24660s for example sam what was this by the way
24662s yeah that was quite cool
24664s but also like reiner swapping over to
24665s the zorya because he probably has an
24667s understanding of what works against the
24670s san francisco shock and what doesn't
24671s work so maybe he goes i need to like try
24674s this story out because this is the only
24676s chance you're going to get by the way
24677s like the yellow gladiators they're not
24678s going to scream shock going into
24680s tomorrow if they have to play against
24681s each other right so you really have to
24683s like try everything now before it's too
24686s late and so i i love what i saw from you
24688s know reiner being able to play that
24690s story a little bit trying it out this is
24692s something we can speculate and play more
24693s of um and then you had both teams go to
24696s road dog canoe shopping over to the diva
24698s i mean
24699s there's just like so much to this
24701s matchup that it's just like to love uh
24703s this is really peak overwatch to me oh
24705s my god i know that's such a like no i i
24707s agree with you it was peak overwatch
24709s unoriginal thing to say but it really
24711s was like if you you'd really read into
24714s all the small details and just be like
24716s wow this is what it's like when like the
24717s 10 best players on the planet play
24719s against each other it's also funny
24721s because you can tell they scream against
24722s each other because in no other world in
24724s any other situation do we have a roadhog
24726s mirror for the final round and the final
24728s map no other way do we have that but i
24731s also want to give some massive credit to
24732s some of the shock players because okay
24734s yeah proper was incredible one mvp we've
24736s talked enough about him he's great we
24737s love you but sam and kilo are the two
24740s dps players that are changing time on
24742s that team and i think that they're doing
24744s an incredible job you know i've had my
24746s questions about both sam and kilo and
24748s how well they're going to be effectively
24750s be able to slot into that roster sam on
24751s that sojourn was getting pick after pick
24754s making his presence known keloid heads
24755s in on that circle royale absolutely
24757s dominant in that widow match up so i do
24759s want to give those guys props they are
24761s integral to the success of this team
24763s actually
24764s we can't lose our pro proper okay
24769s i'm gonna ask for the single right here
24771s because we we gotta address this all
24773s right this is propper's rook a year this
24776s is proper rookie year okay yeah he's one
24778s of the best rookies we've ever had in
24781s this league and i know that we've talked
24783s about proper a lot here on the desk
24785s pretty much every broadcast we talk
24786s about proper even when the shock are not
24787s playing we're talking about proper and
24790s we joke about it you know that it's you
24792s know part of our contract whether we
24793s talk about proper all the time i get it
24795s it's starting to become a bit unoriginal
24798s but here's the thing
24799s proper is a generational talent he's
24801s going to be in this league for a long
24803s time he's going to win a lot of awards
24805s and i've already started to see people
24806s cry on twitter reddit etc oh you know
24809s they always talk about proper too much
24810s i'm so tired of them talking about
24811s proper listen
24813s you need to learn to love proper because
24815s otherwise you're gonna have one hell of
24816s a miserable experience watching the
24817s overwatch league because he's going to
24819s demolish your favorite teams over and
24822s over and over again and it's not going
24824s to stop for a very long time so either
24826s you learn to appreciate and love proper
24829s or i got bad news for you
24830s that's it
24831s i agree because he is probably after
24833s this tournament the mvp front run like
24835s he's at the top of my list before it was
24837s like up in the air even probably with
24840s whatever happens in the rest of this
24841s tournament proper has just been mvp
24843s performance every single match he's at
24844s the top of my list now and a
24846s well-deserved securing of that finals
24850s the grand finals i should say spot and
24852s now all that's left is to find out who
24854s exactly is going to be playing against
24855s them because again gladiators they're
24857s dropping their series here but that
24859s doesn't mean that they're out of the
24860s tournament just yet because they're just
24862s going to fall into that lower bracket we
24864s can actually take a look at our updated
24865s bracket right now both the upper and the
24867s losers i suppose actually i should say
24869s winners and losers or upper and lower
24871s either way some people have lost already
24873s but here we see in the finals moving on
24875s for tomorrow is going to be the san
24877s francisco shock and now let's go ahead
24879s and take a look at the lower bracket to
24881s find out who exactly is going to be
24882s playing them because we still have one
24884s more match for today and that's going to
24886s be the atlanta rain taking on the
24888s philadelphia fusion and then of course
24890s the winner of that match is going to
24892s face the gladiators to find out who will
24894s be taking on the shock and we already
24897s heard
24898s they think that it's going to be the
24899s gladiators again is that you feeling
24901s that you're feeling the salty run back
24903s yeah i think atlanta and philly have
24905s both had their ups but in terms of
24907s consistency of performances i think the
24909s gladiators are just on another level
24911s same with the shock so i'm excited to
24912s see who's going to win this match
24914s because it could either go either way we
24915s talked about that earlier but i think
24917s the gladiators are going to be a tough
24918s opponent to beat but whoever gets there
24920s that was a test and you failed oh i made
24923s it oh no i'm supposed to be loyal to the
24924s fusion
24926s and you just totally you i'm sorry
24929s come on
24930s betrayed all fusion fans don't worry
24932s fusion fans i'm still here for you scott
24935s is it johnny are you
24938s you think fusion can take down atlanta
24939s rain and the gladiators that's the
24941s question well let's maybe just start
24943s with this match right here i i think
24944s it's you know really interesting to keep
24946s in mind that last year all we talked
24948s about was dallas fuel against the
24950s shanghai dragons come the playoffs last
24952s year and then the dallas fuel they lost
24955s in the losers bracket
24957s against the atlanta in a very surprising
24959s loss a very weird loss so
24962s maybe you know we shouldn't just assume
24964s that gladiators because they looked good
24966s in the upper bracket that they're going
24967s to dominate the lower bracket so you
24969s know you never know what's going to
24970s happen in the losers bracket
24973s he didn't talk about philly at all there
24974s that is did he also fail the test you
24976s know what i think there's only one way
24978s to find out can we please pull up our
24980s predictions
24981s for this next match that's coming up
24983s because you all know where my allegiance
24985s lies and let's see we have
24989s yeah
24991s it's
24993s [Applause]
24996s yeah danny you can step on a pineapple
24999s there buddy with that prediction i don't
25001s know if that's actually the pineapple's
25003s growing away
25004s do pineapples grow in hawaii yeah
25007s i want to say that's a dumb question but
25010s i've never seen a pineapple grow outside
25012s of harvest moon before
25015s do pineapples text
25018s pecs do you pineapple
25021s yes access yes that pineapples grow in
25024s hawaii i knew that i was just trying to
25026s get a comedy bit but hey we are going to
25028s take a quick break but when we come back
25030s we're going to see that final match of
25031s the day atlanta rain taking on the
25033s philadelphia fusion so don't go anywhere
25035s unless you're gonna grab a pineapple
25039s i i started questioning myself
25058s [Music]
25078s [Music]
25089s [Music]
25102s um
25105s [Music]
25115s [Music]
25120s [Music]
25133s yes
25137s [Music]
25151s [Music]
25158s [Music]
25172s [Music]
25180s [Music]
25186s [Applause]
25194s [Applause]
25205s [Music]
25221s [Music]
25235s [Music]
25241s [Music]
25260s [Applause]
25261s [Music]
25266s so
25282s what's up welcome back uh
25284s the fusion the rain is up next
25286s look at the end of the day
25289s you do get a second chance in these
25290s tournament brackets and the fusion the
25292s rain they needed that second chance both
25295s of them got knocked out in day one um
25297s straight down for lowers and they both
25300s steamrolled their way through the
25302s philadelphia fusion got revenge on the
25305s spark for knocking them down lower
25306s bracket earlier on today as they beat
25308s the spark three to two the atlanta reign
25311s made it all this way they beat seoul
25313s dynasty a team that everybody thought
25315s was gonna go toward the finals like it's
25318s been a crazy run for both these teams
25321s and now is their final chance
25323s to get to the finals they do have the
25326s glad standing in their way but first
25328s they've got to beat each other before
25329s they even get there
25331s yeah and can atlanta rain just play
25333s spoil again to the final eastern team
25337s that is left in the mid-season madness
25340s josh they've already taken out two
25341s there's a third one knocked up lined up
25343s ready to go for him and that's the
25345s philadelphia fusion you can see their
25347s starting roster here
25348s yeah man oh
25349s the philly fusion looks
25352s so clean today
25354s against the spark it was a close game
25356s but i'm just thinking it back to belas
25358s rio on the wrecking ball
25361s he was so good and
25364s not to mention that mn3 and zest also
25366s had games of their lives like zest
25369s tracer and his pulse bomb attach rate
25371s and just his efficiency with the pulses
25374s is next to none they are
25377s performing to a level they've not
25380s performed
25381s to this season and
25383s they do have to face against the rain
25385s and then they will have to face against
25386s the glads and then they
25388s might have to lose in the finals because
25389s that's how for the delphi fusion role
25392s but i mean the rain can kind of break
25394s that curse kind of
25396s kind of by knocking them out here kylie
25398s venom hawk ultraviolet og
25400s um one of the teams is going to face the
25402s glads tomorrow
25404s very shortly we're going to find out who
25406s that is
25407s either fusion or destined for for second
25410s place or they're going to just get
25411s knocked out here and we're gonna save
25413s all the fusion fans the disappointment
25416s of them getting to the finals i know
25418s yeah
25419s has already made like 17 memes um
25422s tailing the fusion's journey through the
25424s lower bracket uh he's probably got an
25427s extra five lined up for if they win oh
25429s i'm sure we're gonna lose against glass
25431s if they were losing the finals like
25434s that at the end of the day
25435s people are prepared
25437s that you murray most prepared uh yeah i
25440s think so fortunately for the timeline
25442s it's uh it's looking hostile out there
25444s but the look the fusion they have been
25447s performing extremely well but people you
25448s can't uh you can't
25451s you can't speak out
25453s yeah it's like kai in these clutch
25455s scenarios in these situations his
25457s sojourn coming into the tournament is
25459s said to be one of the best in the world
25460s that we have and i think this
25462s tournament specifically has just shown
25465s how much
25467s all dps players can level up in these
25470s high pressure situations
25472s i love that you bring that up because in
25474s this tournament i feel like we have seen
25478s the ceilings go even taller for a lot of
25480s these dps players
25483s they're one-upping themselves i don't
25484s even know how that's possible sometimes
25486s jaws especially when you look at sojourn
25488s players like kai that already had deep
25491s accolades before they even got into the
25494s tournament
25495s and they are con they're topping that
25497s and i don't know how but it goes to show
25499s you that yeah there's a lot that each of
25502s these teams and players individually are
25504s doing to keep getting themselves further
25506s in these tournaments so let's go ahead
25509s and kick off our final match of the
25511s night
25512s on lijiang
25514s yeah that's what i want to see you want
25516s to see fellas where you're on the
25516s wrecking ball
25518s me too did kind of go crazy like some of
25520s the team fights he was just carrying
25521s himself which is uh insane exactly what
25524s you want from your wrecking ball player
25525s but dragonball is like so easy to reset
25527s on as a character uh doom feels a little
25529s less so you're a lot more like cool down
25531s reliant of course you kind of are with
25533s the wrecking ball but your guns still do
25535s a fair bit of damage all right let's
25536s have a look what they're rolling out
25538s with looks like rain surprise surprise
25540s it's gonna have kai on the sojourn
25543s wow look at how bellas how quickly bella
25546s already made it to point even with the
25548s the symmetric teleporters
25551s yeah og attempting to get a couple of
25553s boots luckily zest doesn't really know
25554s where he is
25555s gonna shot him
25556s taking this high ground is pretty
25557s important having kai up there just to
25559s deny space however a very quick dive for
25561s the atlanta reign taking out key threats
25564s in mm3 they just trade half through
25566s which is pretty bad um if you are the
25568s atlanta range
25570s you lose all that space making the
25572s potential and bella is now just playing
25574s a little bit of pinball whoa strikes two
25576s people there and ends up getting away
25578s almost scot-free problem is with the
25580s wrecking ball you get far for old charge
25583s look at venomous charge right now 75
25586s could get back to his team in time and i
25587s said it was bad for the rain they lost
25589s their tank it's even worse now for the
25590s fusion
25593s yeah look at that i mean the fusion are
25594s just going to go ahead and fall over too
25596s and they didn't even get control of the
25597s point yet either that first capture
25600s going over to the atlanta reign we even
25603s already saw a swap up here from the
25605s fusion strategy they have now switched
25608s mn3 off the ash and onto the sombra just
25611s seeing how quickly and aggressively
25613s rayne want to go with the moira lucille
25615s backline and that doomfist in the front
25618s has already got holes i mean zest used
25620s his last fight venom can just go
25622s straight to the back oh flick of the
25624s wrists
25625s ends up missing
25626s fixer hawk doesn't end up getting hacked
25628s perfect target to go for that at the end
25630s of the day if you don't have follow-up
25632s that's a problem zest did take out hawk
25634s but losing sex that's a whole lot of
25635s damage now missing for the philadelphia
25637s fusion they're gonna have to supplement
25638s it with something
25640s they've uh allowed terrain end up
25641s throwing out the coal they've still got
25642s the beat to rely on but this looks
25644s pretty good for the atlanta rain in fact
25646s they're gonna throw in the bee on top of
25647s that and in fact more ultimates all
25649s right okay just keep going in tempo is
25652s being set for the rain all the way back
25654s to spawn go the fusion bellasria came
25657s back and now he's one hp has to scurry
25659s to atlanta reigns side of the map a lot
25662s invested for atlanta
25664s yeah now you don't have that sound
25666s barrier either for mf3 coming back into
25669s this one with the emp
25671s so i think maybe if you're the rain
25673s you're kind of expecting to just lose
25675s out that fight if you do fall victim to
25678s like a five-man emp coming out from m3
25681s but oh
25684s kept at bay for now
25686s yeah already been checked all right zest
25688s got another pulse who's his target
25689s probably og but good luck sticking to
25691s lucio ideally og probably it's going to
25693s be hawk
25695s everybody else has a lot mobility ball
25697s pretty like venom sends out a pulse of
25699s his own and now hawks are high in the
25701s sky no point possessed to track him down
25704s the rally is going to be good for the
25706s philly fusion however zest can't really
25709s get too much stuff done the hawk had the
25711s power block available to him so the
25713s pulse bomb got almost no damage the rain
25715s have 97 on the point the fusion
25718s struggling to find any sort of kill
25720s ultraviolet nearing that coalescence in
25723s a couple of seconds and car just sitting
25725s on the high ground free firing gets
25727s poofed in by bellis rear but use that
25729s power slide to get out of there finally
25731s the philadelphia fusion finder kill in
25733s hawk but the orlando reign is still
25735s willing to contest the point maybe they
25737s just go again give philly fusion the uh
25740s the point control here and go with beats
25742s and coalescence doesn't like that's what
25743s actually what they want to do is the
25745s philly fusion end up finding the cap
25748s yeah they may as well the coalescence
25750s now you get to use it as an engagement
25752s tool there's nothing really to stop you
25754s they're gonna force out that
25755s transcendence unfortunately that
25756s coalescence isn't gonna do too much
25758s above me or the rest of your team
25759s they're actually gonna investigate on
25760s top of that after the coal is ran out
25762s and now fixer is the target for venom
25765s and god does end up falling with og
25767s diving into the back but the atlanta
25769s rain lose their main healer in
25771s ultraviolet so they're gonna have to be
25772s a little bit more careful hawkish hacked
25774s punches back to the point but still his
25776s health bar is falling and he's falling
25778s rapidly
25780s bella took the mega pack away from hawk
25782s and the philadelphia fusion more than
25784s happy with that fight getting both
25786s support ultimates out of the atlanta
25788s reign
25789s yeah now they have another emp to try
25791s again that first one really
25793s un
25794s impactful but that didn't do anything in
25796s fact hawk got super low from it still
25799s got saved
25801s wasn't great but m3 let's try again
25803s shall we
25805s that emp
25806s uh
25807s maybe zero man emp i didn't see any high
25810s timers on my screen i see dead targets
25812s though and so does kai nice double kill
25814s for the sojourn he's looking straight
25816s down towards fusion spawn fix it did not
25819s stand a chance i need to do the rest of
25822s fusion the bella cereal ball ends up
25824s coming back but quickly dealt with you
25827s do have mm3 on the point as the sombra
25829s and zest is coming up the rear with that
25831s pulse bomb but are they going to be able
25832s to get anything done they have only got
25834s the pulse to use and zesters had to use
25837s that recall already overtime is ticking
25839s down rather quickly as this jumps back
25841s throws out the pulse swinging a miss and
25844s the philadelphia fusion just trickling
25847s on only the doomfist left i say that mn3
25850s is there too but it should be a clean
25853s sweep for rain there it is round number
25855s one is in the back
25859s pretty convincing victory from the rain
25861s as well i mean the ballistic wrecking
25863s ball still did a lot of work being able
25865s to disrupt the atlanta
25867s rain but
25869s at the end of the day i feel like what
25871s we saw from the dps lineup from the
25873s fusion was
25875s just super unimpressive and especially
25877s after the way that they played earlier
25879s today i think you were really hoping for
25881s these zest pulse bombs to really make an
25883s impact or even mn3 yeah we haven't seen
25886s the sombra a whole lot from him in
25888s particular but those emps did absolutely
25891s nothing yeah
25893s definitely have to look back and see how
25895s many people that got normally hit the
25896s emp and then look at the other team's
25898s health bars i'm like oh wait there's no
25900s hack symbols so i'll have to check it
25902s might have been a memphis i think it was
25904s like one out of both emps sure yeah i
25907s mean
25908s not great not great that's bureau yeah
25911s all right
25912s for round two yeah frame the same kind
25914s of comp zest is switching over to the
25917s echo instead and it's actually emitted
25918s three on the tracer oh that was a nice
25921s boot unfortunately fixtures does the
25923s shield bash gets back on to ground just
25926s in time oh now aim god's in
25929s in the sights of oge
25931s and hawk manages to push zest off the
25933s map
25935s okay well look at that you know gets to
25938s go a bit of aggressive here too but
25940s don't count fusion now just yet atlanta
25942s rain may have found the cap here but mm3
25945s did pick off venom and bella 3 is back
25949s og is being kind of annoying right now
25951s for the fusion to deal with he keeps
25953s popping over the wall to try and see if
25954s anybody's uh on the bridge
25956s still a bit of a scuffle uh in the white
25959s room that aim god is just isolated in
25961s those small corridors you don't want to
25962s be the zen ultraviolet doesn't have to
25963s use the shift to get in the way and it's
25965s actually a big trade it's three of e3 on
25967s the point but the philadelphia fusion do
25969s not have healers so they just have to
25970s survive on their own ultraviolet going
25972s down it's pretty big but the rain still
25974s control the point atlanta now throw out
25977s that pulse bomb onto bella rio ball and
25979s he gets away just in time but they still
25981s can tag him at this point venom is just
25983s running straight at him checking him in
25986s every single angle that he wants to take
25989s i like that we talk about
25992s kai a lot you can see the sojourn
25994s pop-offs in the kill feed all the time
25996s but what about venom look at how much
25998s territorial control this particular
26000s player has been able to have on this
26002s tracer and i mean it checks and balances
26005s onto the fusion okay venom gets taken
26007s out there but you're a tracer you'll get
26009s you're gonna get back in time
26013s this turns around half a second kai
26015s shoots a rail at his back forcing the
26017s transcendence
26018s for the philadelphia fusion
26020s five members still alive for the iron
26022s terrain hawk is pretty low gets healed
26023s up with that uh biotic orb
26026s i mean that's a rain still in control 75
26028s percent
26029s four ultimates coming alive to fusion
26033s but a sound barrier from og could just
26035s stop all of that in its tracks plus
26037s kai's got an overclock
26039s and so
26040s i'm ready to see
26041s where kai can push the envelope on this
26043s hero once again
26045s especially if he's able to set the pace
26047s of this next fight with it
26049s there's a whole lot of collateral kills
26050s waiting there's the beat start off the
26053s fight the rally is gonna match from the
26054s fusion oh he's lining up kai gets one
26057s fella sorry stepping up doesn't get
26059s anything uh
26060s still shooting the ball with the
26061s overhealth yeah not gonna do too much
26063s damage all the mean time though the
26064s fusion do manage to cap the points nice
26067s pulse one from m3
26069s the atlanta rain use all their ultimates
26071s they did have in that fight fusion saved
26074s their copy for next as they now are in
26077s control
26078s they're gonna have the transcendence
26080s also from aim god
26082s and that's gonna be really nice to start
26084s to try to match the percentage of their
26085s reign arena basically
26087s capped the second point as well and won
26089s this first map so now it's up to fusion
26091s to play flawlessly
26093s bring this into another round zest going
26095s into the back line here has that copy
26097s available
26100s [Applause]
26103s ultraviolet from across the map
26105s yeah can't fade out of that one buddy
26107s unlucky
26109s getting the copy out is pretty nice
26110s though but like you said rose that
26111s transcendence 10 away
26114s that's gonna be really nice and and what
26116s do do rain really have to be able to
26119s deal with this echo as well when you're
26121s able to just chunk down such low health
26123s targets with that focusing beam
26125s still a lot to watch out for here
26128s they got under a little bit of pressure
26129s so as the transcendence in his back
26131s pocket
26132s kai just there and zest life the left
26134s leg you don't normally see that nowadays
26136s normally just the right post bomb on to
26138s fixer three of the three near the point
26142s zest has actually gone sober to get back
26144s in time as the fusion now nearing eighty
26146s percent
26149s may as well have something available the
26152s echo was nice but the packs may help a
26154s little bit more oh she gets booped off
26156s and just straight down to the huddle
26157s zone the atlanta rain lose both their
26159s support so quickly the philadelphia
26161s fusion at 85 percent of building a very
26163s stark contrast to what we saw around
26164s number one but venom and hawk is still
26166s in the game he may be low but
26169s quick movement from the doomfist heals
26170s him straight back up both supports the
26172s fusion trying to hold down this point
26174s they have to retreat to white room for
26175s the time being because hawke and the
26177s rest of the reign are just trying to get
26179s on top of their position asap and then
26181s three pulls off the map oh ken
26184s too many environmental kills
26187s right now uh yeah we're gonna have to
26188s get a replay of that one again
26190s unfortunately it's going straight in the
26191s replay package fixer he used his rally
26194s to begin this fight off as a little bit
26195s of overhealth on the aim god but that's
26197s just about it bellasri is going pretty
26199s low he's got the shield but not much
26201s health to bear it's 99
26204s for the fusion with an emp on the way
26207s but og has the beat and is ready to end
26208s this now there it is five men hit with
26212s the beat can they get anything done he's
26214s trying to choose zest the overclock ends
26216s up just missing a couple of body shots
26218s but his team are finishing up the kills
26220s both supports dead for the fusion it's
26222s less than them and three back on to try
26224s and contest atlanta raina flipped they
26226s found the second round and the first map
26230s well this was reigns mouth choice and
26233s that's a
26234s great start for them winning your map
26236s choice now fusion gets a pick but
26240s pretty good stuff there from the rain to
26242s start
26246s yeah they look
26247s really good on the control center
26249s kind of getting as much value as uh
26252s maybe he wanted but
26253s i mean hawk
26255s doing one just on that doom fist
26257s kind of curious if uh
26259s fusion are gonna take them to a map
26262s where hawk can't play doom we'll have to
26264s wait and see that'll be just around the
26266s corner got a quick break though give
26268s everybody a little bit of time to have
26270s some water
26294s [Music]
26308s [Music]
26314s so
26317s [Music]
26325s [Music]
26334s [Music]
26412s so
26414s [Music]
26440s so
26444s [Music]
26496s [Music]
26498s two shots dead on the ground we're in
26500s the same pull up three rounds bro you
26503s done we let a rain head pop so look out
26506s when we in the zone don't play around i
26508s got strap puts your back tell you now we
26510s laying it down yeah bow bands up trapped
26513s out i bring the doors gang up look
26516s don't wanna fade and drop out got no
26518s clout think smart this crucial crucial
26521s we ain't no average usual no
26523s we let rain ain't a savage who you
26529s [Music]
26540s all right okay
26541s all right right off to a good start
26543s against the fusion they want to knock
26546s out another
26547s eastern team
26549s and they've already done it to the
26550s dragons uh can they do it again
26554s we'll have to wait and see well they've
26555s done so dynasty as well actually saying
26557s that three
26558s teams potentially knocked out or the
26560s atlanta reign still have to
26563s to get to the finals i have to beat the
26564s glads after this but the philadelphia
26566s fusion not out of this just yet we are
26570s going to king's row as our next map and
26572s that was fusion's choice
26575s yeah it is and we're not we don't have
26577s any subs either so both of these teams
26580s sticking with what they feel has worked
26582s for them so far and i think that king's
26585s row for philadelphia fusion does set
26586s them up for some success
26589s i think rain that does force them into a
26592s bit of an awkward position when it comes
26594s to the doomfist i think it's a bit more
26596s predictive
26597s with the rollouts that you can have if
26600s they are trying to make sure that hawk
26602s can't play that like you were talking
26603s about before we went to break um but
26605s then bella ria as well i think also just
26608s this is a comfort pick for fusion for
26610s sure
26613s very much is i mean i just want to see
26615s more out of mn3 as well like
26618s most of the time it felt like he was
26619s dead before the fights even started or
26621s he had little to no impact bellatrix
26623s wrecking ball was looking decent but
26626s there weren't many two bright spots it
26628s felt like on that map it got a couple of
26631s well which was cool i like that so a
26634s sombra though jaws like
26636s sombra
26637s i don't know i feel like we have enough
26639s of a sample size now to talk about
26642s sombra whether it's good or it's bad
26646s uh i'm leaning towards the latter
26649s personally devil's advocate in that
26651s situation though
26653s i will say sombra on that point
26655s specifically when you have a zen there
26657s aren't too many places where you can
26658s kind of run and hide and get that hack
26660s off of you and there's normally a lot
26662s you're normally fighting around the
26663s central column so everybody is there at
26665s that time so if you do go
26667s and you do get discorded you're going to
26668s get deleted pretty fast but then that's
26670s also on ultraviolet and og keeping that
26673s hack target alive if you have an orb as
26676s a moira in that situation you know maybe
26678s a hack is coming or you can hear the
26680s sombra like d cloak or whatever um
26682s you can save the healing orb then throw
26683s it out so that target doesn't get blown
26685s up it is a it is pretty tough and it's a
26687s lot of your fans or butts but yeah the
26689s sombra didn't end up working out for the
26691s fusion i can't imagine we're going to
26693s see it here
26694s um
26695s are on the attack and fusion on the
26697s defense
26698s [Music]
26699s no i don't i don't think we're going to
26700s see the sombra i really don't want to
26702s see the sombra again
26705s it just feels like it's too much high
26707s investment for the value
26710s output right now that we really are
26712s getting from some of these teams but man
26714s let's see some mn3 ash like that's what
26718s i'm here for as a philly fan is to watch
26721s mn3 perform again on the ash yes please
26726s okay well you're gonna get your wish
26727s luckily uh on the defense that's good
26731s sitting up on the high ground like
26732s that's pretty disgusting we'll have to
26734s see how they end up playing it and it's
26736s going to be up to the rain to dislodge
26738s that core i i've always loved the
26741s either you play the zen in the break or
26742s there's on the back in this situation
26743s and then you're having your ash you can
26745s sit up on the high ground discord
26747s somebody mm3 throws dynamite just keep
26748s shooting people and then you hide around
26750s bellatory is shield and then you have
26752s zest being more of a solo operator and
26755s in that situation too with the with the
26757s fusion comp
26758s uh aim god's orb is almost permanently
26761s on zest uh you can put it on fixer when
26763s a dive comes in but zest gets permarob
26765s in this situation on defense uh because
26768s most of the well the rest of the
26769s philadelphia fusions are on one point of
26771s the map
26773s yeah no that's so true though and you
26775s can see how the setup is already
26777s starting to work here for fusion you've
26779s got bella strea playing a little bit of
26781s keeper uh and the high ground and then
26784s look at how else the rest of the fusions
26786s kind of spread out it's up to hawk now
26788s on the winston to try to dislodge the
26790s sigma and get fusion to rotate to where
26793s the rest of rain will be able to pick
26795s them off just a bit easier but aim god
26798s whoo
26799s really nice sidelines for this zenyatta
26801s here it's a naughty angle
26804s with mn3 on this off angle um next to
26807s him it's it's super tough for the amount
26809s of rain to do much we see hawk going
26812s down
26813s bellatoria all he needs to do is play
26814s back towards his batiste their name good
26816s uh aim god gets a good sight line you
26818s can discord the monkey as soon as he
26819s jumps in
26820s ideally here if you're reign i mean okay
26823s they're actually i was gonna say ideally
26824s you set up the tracer super far behind
26827s try and get a pinch on somebody but it's
26828s actually hawks switching over to the
26829s sigma instead just going to play point
26831s presence now
26833s i like that that's smart from the range
26835s you just want to make sure that the
26836s fusion come to you because that winston
26838s jumps and being the only one to initiate
26840s there was gonna always be very difficult
26842s yup crunch wasn't even looking at him by
26845s the way guys back blown out like a glow
26847s stick there atlanta rain now on the
26850s point uh bellatri is the one to touch no
26852s one else you gotta touch that's that's
26854s the aim of the game issue is if you do
26856s end up dropping down it could be pretty
26857s easy to fear you to get cleaned up
26859s although with venomous falling hawk has
26861s to play a little bit more safe zest now
26862s can go for a wrap around somehow mn3
26865s dies no idea how that happened i had no
26867s idea how that happened either please
26869s don't say kai saluted to ultraviolet
26870s we've already had one of those today and
26871s that's one too many zest with a triple
26873s kill in that fight to hold it down for
26875s the fusion
26877s whoa yeah that double pulse came out of
26879s absolute nowhere
26881s the rain did not look like they saw that
26883s coming either as you can see zest going
26886s through hotel whipping around sticking
26889s kai and there was just no escaping from
26891s that ultraviolet was already physically
26893s moving backwards with kai in that
26895s situation too so quick reset there for
26898s the reign they did walk away with two
26900s points though and they might cap the
26902s third oh again this gets caught out i
26905s just got off you haven't got much help
26907s with a tray so that'll be instantly
26908s deleted not a boost for the sigma as the
26912s points gonna get capped if they're not
26913s careful the philadelphia fusion need to
26915s do something a pulse bomb to delete the
26916s lamp and hawk to delete the rest of the
26919s team goodbye mn3
26921s and it perfectly said rose i mean they
26922s already had two ticks coming into it
26924s puts a lot of pressure on the fusion to
26926s try and uh get that touch
26929s well especially when you have this more
26931s point presence oriented composition as
26933s well you're really not looking to try to
26935s make a huge hero play going into the
26937s back line trying to take out the
26939s zenyatta or the honor of the fusion you
26941s just want them to come to you and so if
26943s fusion are gonna go ahead and go for the
26945s venus fly trap then yeah rain's gonna go
26947s ahead and close the leaves on them
26949s because just digest them fusion have to
26952s come back and try to contest i don't
26954s know where i was going
26955s i like that i don't know i like that
26956s captain
26958s that's for sure there you go
26960s there's plants
26962s i love plants i study fish plants and
26963s rocks let's look at the secretions
26967s and now we're all studying overwatch
26968s i'll do your tutelage
26970s all right the atlanta rain do end up
26971s using the transcendence counter that
26972s fellow syria for locked hawks end up
26974s going down fixer is anti-nade
26977s plus a whole lot of extra damage does
26979s end is the line good spot to be in
26981s though if you're the fusion right now
26983s you get to hold on to this choke point
26985s so winning that fight it's actually kind
26986s of crucial not only today bob they have
26988s that
26989s pulse bomb available to him it had to
26991s rain a little bit worse for where got
26993s nano coming up and kai's alt
26996s yeah but the way that the fusion are
26997s playing with the bob as well as the fact
27000s that they've got the pulse bomb
27001s available they get to just control so
27004s much space i'm expecting mf3 to throw
27006s that into the middle of the rain disrupt
27009s them and then someone's gonna get picked
27010s off by zest in the back
27012s there is mr bob
27014s and there is mr bob
27016s you do me
27018s over the shield a couple of spears sent
27021s the way a fixer who's incredibly out of
27023s position but apparently so is oh gee
27025s zips to the back line that's a pulse
27027s bomb kill he's one hp i should be able
27029s to finish this one up no way he wins
27031s that duel
27032s pixel does end up getting finished off
27034s in the end the philadelphia fusion it's
27036s too split for them to really do much oh
27038s god's on the plane oh he's not on the
27039s flank anymore he's a spawn
27041s i said 180 therefore
27043s that's a rain flux coming up they've got
27046s that uh pulse bomb
27048s let's fix this now it's gonna be big
27051s well i was laughing at the cart just
27053s pushing aim god's dead body along with
27055s it this ring captured the point off the
27058s back of that one
27060s yeah they got some great tools that
27062s they're still looking at here rain will
27064s have the flux and the pulse bomb and
27067s fusion now look at the swamp that
27068s they've made jaws they've got zest on
27070s the hanzo now
27073s wow
27074s yeah he gets there's a lot of shield
27076s pressure from the hanzo used the storm
27078s arrows the one shot potential is
27079s permanently there rather than being
27081s there every now and then with the
27082s railgun speaking of railguns
27085s mn3 uh with the option uh not the old
27087s sorry just the nanny
27089s he goes one kill and that's just about
27091s it i was good for the fusion to use
27093s their alt there their nano boost because
27095s it gives them a little bit more time it
27096s gives aim got time to earn that
27097s transcendence hawks got that blocks
27099s already
27100s yeah and that's the only tool that you
27101s have to react to that flux with but if
27104s hog goes in and uses it now and rain can
27106s sniff out that they don't have that
27108s transcendence available then that's a
27109s great way for them to open up the
27110s floodgates here oh kyan to take care of
27113s zest with the help of venom there's the
27115s flux oh fellas rear crunched and anna
27118s wants to venom straight to the back
27120s unfortunately yep aim god your spheres
27122s got directed back at your own head nice
27124s kill by mn3 takes care of venom but the
27127s fusion with only a couple of volts uh
27129s now have to defend the cart moving
27131s around its final corner
27132s wow look at this too just with another
27135s switch up here it feels like fusion just
27137s keep going through the rotation of
27139s heroes available to them now onto the
27142s genji so we'll be able to get to the
27143s back line maybe deflect a few things but
27147s guys this is too little too late
27149s they have to kill hawk here otherwise
27150s that fox was wasted yeah that was
27153s oh fellas really gets owned when he's
27154s trying to chuckle rock
27156s i was there one big tool to stop the
27158s rain from doing anything they knew og
27160s used his transcendence like one and a
27161s half fights ago zest oh kai shot a
27164s couple of bullets in the ultraviolet i
27165s think he got the reflect on the nade too
27167s the transcendence for the fusion this is
27169s an incredibly split fight but zest is
27171s kind of controlling the high ground it's
27173s difficult for kai to move forward
27174s knowing that this is behind him so they
27176s end up just
27177s losing the fight and the fusion
27180s he gets to defend again
27183s yeah well this is big for the fusion
27184s they have the nano they have the
27186s overclock mn3 has been working up to
27189s that over the last couple of fights kai
27191s has one also
27193s and i think there's more follow-up
27194s coming in from the rain but with the
27196s time bank that's left fusion could just
27198s shut things down here
27200s oh but not like that when venom gets a
27201s pick
27202s oh
27209s i mean how else do you think that was
27211s going to go uh the atlanta reign they
27213s lose one of their main dps tools however
27215s zester named god dealing with the og and
27218s ultraviolet quite handily only the dps
27221s just need a solid backline 24 seconds to
27224s go for the atlanta reign they've used
27226s their blade they've got nano maybe a
27228s flux for this last fight but someone's
27229s got a touch looks like venom's going to
27231s switch to tracer to do just that
27233s yeah that will at least get the touch to
27235s come through for the overtime but reign
27237s have got to get something done with this
27239s nano and this flux if they want to
27241s complete this map
27243s okay touch foul
27246s recalled
27247s okay nano online venom dies to aim god
27250s he actually just got kicked off the map
27252s there is no way aim god just kicked
27253s venom off the map they've got killed two
27255s make that a third aim god please the
27257s atlanta reign they used their nano hawk
27260s didn't use his old
27261s zest just flinging around his blade it
27264s don't matter because the atlanta reign
27266s just fell over in that last fight
27269s hawk didn't get in a position to use his
27271s flux
27273s just kind of collab to the very end
27276s yeah wow i mean
27278s you wanted to see
27279s rain get something done with those alts
27281s but hey it feels pretty good if you're
27282s fusion to just not let them use them in
27284s the first place right
27285s i mean
27286s that's the protein powder difference
27288s right there
27289s ain't god's muscles are jacked in game
27291s and out of game
27292s man
27294s i just heard the tracer voice line of
27296s him of like her falling off them
27298s and i'm like there's no way we've we've
27301s seen a few um like silly players on that
27303s point of the map before
27305s we
27306s was it earlier today i think it was
27308s where the echo just did not have the
27310s flight back up the the shift and you
27312s just kind of just went into the dark
27314s it is a a pretty sad state of affairs
27317s ah yeah we've seen a few unfortunate uh
27320s self-eliminations off the side of the
27322s map
27323s so unlucky but
27326s good for the fusion to finally get a
27328s chance to hold their own it took them a
27329s little while to figure out what they
27331s wanted to roll with to to get that
27333s defense
27334s um you know they started off on the ash
27336s the tracer
27337s with the sigma and then eventually
27339s started to rotate over to something a
27340s little bit more high octane with the
27342s sojourn the genji and the doomfist
27344s um they also have the autumn as well but
27347s no no venom oh
27349s he blinked underneath oh
27352s oh so he must have
27354s wow how did aim god get that with the
27357s them
27359s must have meleed him to drop him down
27362s below the stage and then
27365s the blink just secured the pick yeah why
27367s do i feel like that i think how that
27368s happened i think you're right or like he
27371s triple play i think see touch payload
27373s he's triple playing right and aim god
27374s made him so that count the kill when he
27377s hit the recoil and then he was already
27378s off the edge so he didn't touch so it
27379s counts as a melee kill anyway angle got
27381s the credit and they end up uh defending
27384s here is the offense of the fusion now
27387s that's right doing the same kind of
27388s thing setting up on the high ground kai
27390s is playing the sojourn instead of the
27391s ash this time which is all about point
27394s presence venom playing this rather
27396s sneaky yeah discord orb on ballisteria
27398s gets a lot of free old charge up to 40
27401s already
27402s yeah that's huge i mean venom's been
27405s building up with these pulse bombs
27406s really quickly but this could be big
27408s being able to get something like the
27410s immortality field out of fixa early on
27412s before they move in
27427s might get bullied here venom's
27428s definitely looking for it
27430s almost to the pulse bomb already by the
27434s way
27435s uh zest has switched again off the hanzo
27438s now to the genji
27440s i feel like they should just start with
27441s that
27442s they should start with sojourn genji
27445s doomfist it worked out for them on the
27446s defense we're even seeing the swap over
27448s the winston now too just get the full
27450s dive coming in here for the future
27453s it's pretty tough though as soon as that
27454s bubble goes down you're just waiting and
27456s waiting waiting for this cooldown to
27457s come back up
27458s and it misses the pulse bomb see look at
27460s that you've got a position with a
27462s winston but now you have to wait the
27463s bubble
27464s you jump and then you have to deal with
27466s the sigma he's using the rock and the
27468s other shield
27469s it's really tough as a winston
27472s maybe yeah played the doomfist
27474s not sure that there's fellows
27477s oh they're trying to find venom who's
27479s used his recall already i didn't manage
27481s to catch that can get the kill yes he
27484s can
27484s venom unfortunately not getting killed
27486s in time yeah that's right have lost
27488s their tracer but oh well now they've
27491s lost that
27492s well
27493s that was a that was a yikes this that
27495s was killed
27496s climbing the wall no that was just a
27499s creation to the top of the dome that's
27500s what it was it just as soon as he was
27503s climbing up the walls like i don't think
27506s so
27507s uh that definitely buys some time for
27509s venom to get back on the tracer
27511s so rain just holding their own here a
27513s minute and twenty on the clock for
27515s future to get any amount of progress on
27517s this first point
27519s time bank
27520s doobie going down
27523s blocks
27524s on to og to keep them alive as both
27526s fella syria and zest are trying to deal
27528s with the backline of the reign
27530s and now here comes the pincer maneuver
27532s zest though runs straight into
27534s ultraviolet biome and ends up going down
27536s 60 seconds to go for the fusion the
27538s atlanta
27539s are in such a powerful position not only
27542s does venom have the pulse bomb coming up
27544s they have transcendence overclock is
27546s available and it's up to the philly
27548s fusion dps to find something
27550s yeah well i mean audrey could save this
27552s transcendence as well maybe if you see a
27554s dragon blade come through that could be
27556s a great way to just respond but
27559s fixer was trying to set up with a nano
27560s but og actually kicked zest away from
27562s the window so he couldn't get lost by
27564s his honor that was incredibly huge by uh
27568s by og 25 seconds to go nano blade is
27571s coming up for the fusion and aim god
27572s kills venom perfect good start now get
27575s yourself on the payload zest is back in
27578s the action nano blade is so close for
27580s being unlocked boji does have that
27582s transcendence if he wants to they could
27583s even try to from the attack with the
27585s just the nano
27586s oh
27587s they lost the nano on mn3 the blade's
27590s five percent away but there's only two
27592s seconds to go kai sitting three firing
27594s off of the high ground and zest ends up
27595s getting taken down disaster has struck
27598s philadelphia fusion the atlanta reign
27601s all they have to do is deal with aim god
27603s now in the transcendence and the map
27604s will be theirs they're even gonna flux
27607s him because why not emmet three jumps in
27609s finds two it ain't gonna work the
27611s atlanta reign hold the fusion on first
27614s point and find themselves at match point
27620s what fusion lost the nano
27623s oh my god
27625s like m3 died when that was being
27629s given over to him
27631s the fact that you had to even use it as
27633s a survival tool
27635s versus an aggressive tool
27637s that speaks volumes to how elena rayne
27640s are controlling this matchup right now
27642s it is theirs
27644s it is theirs
27645s potentially the worst feeling is nano
27648s losing the nano like mid flight
27651s you could give it to the genji you get
27652s the nano played off for the winston but
27654s they did choose the sojourn in the end
27655s but it didn't end up working out maybe
27657s m3 had like a sick sideline
27660s well we'll never know
27661s all i do know is that atlanta rain are
27663s one map away
27665s from taking this series and facing the
27668s glads tomorrow for a chance in the
27670s finals we're gonna jump to a break don't
27672s go anywhere we'll see in a sec
27683s [Music]
27698s [Music]
27704s me
27707s [Music]
27721s [Music]
27754s so
27769s [Music]
27775s my
27781s [Music]
27791s [Music]
27823s [Music]
27837s [Music]
27849s [Music]
27859s [Music]
27869s [Music]
27882s [Music]
27889s royalty is in our midst the mid season
27892s madness legendary skin
27894s royal night mercy is on sale right now
27897s uh through august 19th with just 200
27900s league tokens so get yours today
27902s it's good looking skin you should have
27904s enough tokens by now if you've been
27905s watching the mid-season madness anyway
27906s so yeah go uh go pick that one up before
27909s it disappears all right
27911s that's the game at hand they're going to
27913s rain apparently 2-0
27916s up against the fusion about to knock
27918s well potentially knock their third
27921s eastern team out of the mid-season
27924s madness they've done it to glads as to
27927s uh sorry seoul they've done it to
27929s dragons can they do it to the
27930s philadelphia fusion now one map stands
27933s in their way facing glad tomorrow the
27935s chance of getting to the grand finals or
27938s the finals not round
27940s well i mean it's uh what no matter how
27942s you slice it jaws this is just gonna be
27944s a great third map either we get a chance
27947s to create some history here atlanta rain
27949s knocking out their third eastern team
27952s like i can't i can't believe that
27953s they're they're just like the apac
27956s assassins over here i i wouldn't want to
27958s face them that that just doesn't feel
27960s great as a as an eastern team or
27963s philadelphia fusion start their comeback
27965s either way you look at it it's going to
27967s be a good one
27968s yeah i mean
27969s look
27970s fusion have been phenomenal up until
27972s this point they just need to find the
27974s secret sauce i mean they also have been
27976s fighting through this lower bracket they
27978s knocked dallas out they knocked mayhem
27981s out they knocked the spark out in a
27983s close five-game series
27985s they got to be able to come back right
27987s here right now we are going to route 66
27989s which was again their map choice
27992s yeah i mean
27994s atlanta reign did get the better of them
27996s on their last map choice of kings row
27998s but maybe route 66 will turn out a bit
28000s differently we still have no
28002s substitutions for either side so we're
28004s sticking with the same five for each
28007s team that kicked off this match and have
28009s been putting up some stellar
28011s performances all weekend going over to
28014s route 66 love to see the wrecking ball
28016s here from bellissoria and i think a lot
28018s of the fusion gets a play within their
28020s comfort zone it really has felt like
28022s atlanta rain has forced them into
28025s uncomfortable positions where we've seen
28026s m3 and zest struggle to figure out what
28029s kinds of heroes they want to land on for
28031s a lot of these compositions we've seen
28032s them switch so much
28034s um
28036s i mean look at the different flavors
28037s that we saw from just zest alone whether
28039s it's been the tracer the genji we saw
28041s some hanzo
28042s i mean
28044s you want to see them just kind of think
28045s stick to something and and give it the
28047s good old-fashioned try it feels like uh
28050s zest is like one of my cats back in the
28052s uk just
28053s just circles the point where they want
28054s to sit but they just they never do you
28056s know what i mean like they
28058s need the sofa or blanket or whatever but
28060s they just never end up sitting and they
28062s just kind of walk away
28063s yep you got to make up your mind i mean
28065s picking the tracer here is really nice
28067s classic on a route 66 defense
28072s then three back on yield faithful on the
28075s on the ash you have to worry about kai
28078s kai switching over to the so from the
28079s sojourn for the first time
28082s god that was gross he was dynamited too
28084s and he was leaping away yeah that's a
28086s good start oh gee does fall for that
28088s rain which is not great but uh king
28091s killing a dps like that yes
28093s gonna put a little bit of a damper in
28096s your defense here
28097s well yeah i mean mn3 is switched over to
28100s the sojourn actually
28102s so off the ash completely just the one
28104s and done
28105s maybe the soldier will work out better i
28107s don't know
28110s what time will tell that almost worked
28112s out in your favor there rose would have
28114s been paid off in
28115s ultraviolet has to use that lamp to stay
28117s alive but having that high ground
28118s position is so tough for the fusion to
28120s to deal with look how much spam is
28122s coming through
28123s the high ground already zest trying to
28126s weave his way towards ultraviolet but
28128s ends up getting taken down by hawking
28131s confusion just crumpling on first point
28134s they do find the killer decline
28135s ultraviolet of course it was mn3 and now
28138s is a 2v2 it says bella
28143s coming back just now this hawk and venom
28146s they're so close to putting that payload
28148s in let him just shut the point you might
28149s be good oh not quite zest with a triple
28151s blink and pulse wants a hawk and they
28153s hold for the time being
28156s yeah at this point i think that's our
28157s vitamins to just get out of there that's
28159s definitely going to get the chase down a
28161s big reset here for the rain but the fact
28163s that the fusion stopped them right
28164s before that first point got unlocked is
28168s huge for them defensively bella's really
28170s gets a little bit less room to work with
28172s as the wrecking ball but
28174s maybe you're able to knock the atlanta
28176s rain backwards in position maybe knock
28179s them up so that you can get a big pick
28180s from mn3
28182s they're they're on the right track here
28185s oh no that's such the car he already
28187s used his dash there so couldn't get out
28189s of the slam mines
28192s and then three and zest
28194s him work
28195s template kill soon
28196s okay
28199s [Music]
28200s okay well well now we're getting up to
28202s the point where rain get to use some
28204s ultimates you know you've got ultra
28205s violets amplification matrix maybe to be
28207s able to push the fusion back but they're
28210s playing so far forward that if rain
28212s decided to pop it at this first corner
28214s then fusion just get to go ahead and
28215s back up from all of that damage that
28217s that amplification matrix could provide
28219s but that might be able to at least open
28222s the door for the rain to approach this
28224s cardigan
28225s very early dragons finds all of nothing
28228s maybe a bit of a tag damage on that
28230s straight look at him go
28231s looks like a ferris wheel oh my god
28234s i mean disrupting the high ground was uh
28236s his goal and he succeeded
28238s from a hawk who's he targets what's he
28240s cooking don't know not sure who it ended
28243s up hitting a rally for the fusion to
28244s keep them in the fight but hawk finished
28246s off fixer fusion their position now they
28248s might have to use the transcendence to
28249s keep them in there it is possible on the
28251s floor for zest misses ultraviolet but
28253s with og dead ultraviolet has no real
28256s support to back him up only a single
28258s shift the name god finishes him off 35
28260s seconds to go for the reign and they're
28262s struggling to find the first checkpoint
28265s kind of going down again luckily hawk is
28267s still alive but he's got no healers so
28269s the reinforcements in fusion come back
28271s just in time to put an end to it
28274s yeah and they are going to have to try
28277s to get back as quickly as possible rain
28279s have to make some dire swaps as we've
28281s got 15 seconds left
28284s the fusion defense has been stalwart but
28287s maybe the hawk diva and the ultraviolet
28289s ana will be able to be what they need to
28292s break through
28293s well no support opens for either side is
28296s all on those mines oh they do isolate og
28299s he's in a whole lot of trouble nades
28301s used defensively from ultraviolet to
28303s keep him and og alive now this three has
28305s to back off and then three is pretty low
28307s they're still doing damage
28308s both races dead mm3 full hp and they
28311s just need to deal with hawks mate uh
28313s mech and the matrix
28315s ultimate on high ground takes care of
28317s bellatoria
28318s there's not a crazy amount of bursting
28320s from the fusion so fellas really not
28321s finding those health packs is bad news
28324s and now the atlanta reign
28326s is sticking into the fusion mm3 fights
28329s yet another kill but hawk and
28330s ultraviolet being alive and on the
28332s payload should be
28334s an easy push-in
28335s aim god is pretty low bellatoria is back
28338s but he's post and he is out of here the
28342s atlanta reign to eventually find that
28345s first point
28346s that was such a great defense from the
28348s fusion though that looks like they've
28349s finally woken up a little bit and maybe
28352s now that they have whittled away at the
28354s time bank and given rain a little less
28356s to work with for the second point they
28358s can kind of keep that going to stop them
28361s before rayner able to complete the map
28363s the hawk
28364s diva looks better though than what we
28366s were seeing coming out from the sigma i
28368s think the segment was just a little too
28370s slow paced to be able to go toe-to-toe
28372s with the bella wrecking ball but now
28374s that atlanta rain can pick it up a
28375s little bit they can go with that
28377s momentum
28391s look at the vantage point you have
28392s beautiful tag team there from number
28394s three and bella street self-destruct
28396s launched him from hawk tried to go on
28397s top of a gas station but i think a lot
28398s of that was blocked by the fixture
28400s shield and then just uh getting into
28402s cover oh gee in a lot of trouble forced
28404s above the transcendence to match aim god
28406s and i know what the hawks not going to
28407s do all too much as both trance is still
28409s going on this with a triple blink pulse
28412s bomb recall to ultraviolet now there's
28414s not really many heels for the rain and
28417s hawk has to be even more careful they
28419s don't really have a leg to stand on
28421s right now they're running back to the
28422s mega health back room and just
28424s staggering themselves at this point we
28426s haven't been seeing not even a kill on
28427s to the pilot diva no look at that zest
28429s just zips right uh right back to the
28431s rest of his team they don't need to
28433s really kill hawk they eventually do but
28435s the rain is just getting staggered
28438s yeah they used so many resources in that
28441s fight as well the transcendence the nano
28444s the overclock it's all gone and so now
28447s you're looking at venom to try to open
28449s something up with that pulse bomb but
28453s 35 seconds that's all that the raid have
28455s to work with and look at how
28458s literal that cart has moved
28460s that might help yeah og with uh
28463s a few little orbs from cave manages to
28465s find a one he does
28467s pay for it though with mn3 popping that
28468s over uh overclock
28470s 20 seconds to go
28473s fusion on a
28474s decent path for defending this point
28476s they have rally
28480s end up going down though didn't expect
28481s hulk to be up in the rafters like that i
28484s missed pulse one from pork but the back
28486s end from the fusion forced to pop the
28488s rally to keep them in this game the evan
28490s terrain have the high ground and control
28492s of the point but fix is just running in
28493s there just steamrolling over the atlanta
28495s right the mines end up clearing up venom
28498s the reinforcements are arriving for the
28500s fusion and the threes back on the case
28503s in just a mere moment a self-destruct on
28506s the point to keep the rain alive but
28508s fixer is just permanently smacking hawk
28510s around every three's here kills off the
28513s enemy sojourn and the fusion are gonna
28515s hold just before the second point
28517s [Music]
28518s look at that not super often we see a
28521s round stop
28523s on second but
28525s huge testament to the defense that the
28527s fusion had on that first point
28530s and they
28531s just rain they left brain with so little
28533s to work with for that second
28535s initiating looking way better for the
28537s fusion i think they will be able to get
28539s a map win here but who knows we've seen
28542s some fuller holds happen before i know
28544s we're not looking at like a like a full
28546s hold because of first point but doesn't
28549s mean that the rain are out of this one
28551s by any means
28552s yeah we have a much better defense we
28554s see some crazy things over of course the
28557s tournament so a lot of c9s a lot of
28559s people jumping off the map so
28567s just yet
28569s um
28570s it's always something that's in the back
28571s of your mind
28572s yeah it's not yeah it's something that i
28574s do think about though that's for sure
28577s well when you're approaching that as uh
28578s the offense right you're like well you
28580s know we it's pretty good we've got a
28582s point in a bit right not bad not bad
28584s but then uh oh sorry we defended uh
28588s oh
28589s benefit
28592s yeah but i'm like oh no it's good it's
28594s good it's good but then you go to the
28595s offense and you start sweating as you
28597s see the time going down like oh god we
28599s need to cap a second the wind's kept
28600s firstly we need to get to second point
28602s it could be rather stressful and not
28605s only that tournament lives on the line
28607s for the fusion in this round
28610s yep
28612s that's right they cannot lose this map
28614s or they will go home
28617s and be the third team
28619s to fall to the atlanta reign in the
28621s lower bracket
28623s definitely don't want that but
28625s here's where the comeback starts
28628s philly fusion
28629s come on copium
28634s where are you going
28635s well he's trying to find the the mega
28637s health battle all the way in the back
28640s ideally wants to start with a dive but
28641s because hawk is holding so far forward
28643s is tough for the dirt
28653s ultraviolet wasn't that situation
28655s definitely spamming o2 with heels but
28657s not enough for him to stay alive
28662s maybe a bit out of loss of ultraviolet
28665s to get the heels but
28666s boy ultraviolet's been putting in some
28668s work in this front line though almost as
28669s nano already
28672s yeah just how much he has been doing
28674s pixar very far away from his ultimates
28677s and god's in trouble not even looking at
28679s venom not worried about it now he's got
28680s a fixer in his back nano boost on it to
28683s pork
28685s pretty gonna do too much yeah i think it
28687s was more to survive the engagement nice
28689s this size of twitch being a little 1v1
28692s but now fusion are in an awkward
28693s situation where those supports can't
28695s really peak with the with the fear of
28697s getting anti-native speaking of which
28699s kai and og take care of event three and
28702s zest
28702s the philadelphia fusion
28704s offense here they're gonna have a
28706s tougher time jumping through these
28708s health bars however i say that as aim
28709s god just comes up massive again and god
28714s he's been doing
28715s absolute numbers for the fusion over the
28718s last couple of maps hawks going to be
28720s here to contest for the time being but
28722s in fact guess all the wiper bellis rio
28724s fusion on a good course to take this map
28728s they've got so much time four and a half
28730s minutes to basically just get the second
28732s point
28733s and they've got ultimates to spare right
28736s now bella syria just going to go ahead
28737s and play
28738s uh a little bit with the backline of the
28740s atlanta reigns but aim god definitely
28742s put in the work earned the transcendence
28744s outpacing og
28747s looking good right now for the fusion to
28748s get them over the finish line and into a
28751s fourth map of this series
28755s watching two traces dueled as they get
28757s infinitely healed
28759s you'll get the one kill one day probably
28761s not soon you've both got an orb nano
28765s violet
28767s yeah i mean that's possible
28769s blocks
28770s catches mn3
28772s no saving him from that you don't want
28773s to put the transcendence for one person
28776s considering how much time you have and
28777s where the payload is currently
28779s allowed to reign with the man advantage
28782s right now kai with some nice movement
28784s use that power side to get up to height
28785s avoiding those mines
28787s post bombs traded organ zest end up
28789s going down but the atlanta reign still
28791s on a nice little bit of defense they've
28792s got just got to worry about balasria in
28794s fact philadelphia fusion gonna pile on
28796s the pressure they can use that rally the
28798s atlanta right now need to touch the
28799s payload oh gee forced to use the
28801s transcendence this is not good
28803s ultraviolet maybe nano someone here
28806s doesn't get a sight line of og to nano
28808s him to keep him alive on the point hawk
28810s is there instead kills off aim god so no
28812s zens are no discords for either side
28815s with og dead the atlanta reign in a
28817s little bit of a sorry situation the
28820s fusion their comeback may be starting
28822s now bella kills kai and there you go
28825s reverse sweep on the car to philadelphia
28829s as they take the third map
28832s all right
28833s okay philly
28835s they're still in this
28836s they are still in this
28838s fortunately they don't get their map
28840s pick and as we're going to push next i
28842s can only imagine what the atlanta rain
28844s will choose
28846s uh
28846s you know knowing they don't want to give
28848s them three infinite sight lines with the
28850s ash but we'll see
28853s well i don't want to fill the fusion
28856s fans with too much hope
28858s just yet but no it is still looking good
28861s it is still looking good reverse weep
28862s starts here can they continue we'll have
28865s to wait and see range choice of map up
28868s next
28885s [Music]
28919s [Music]
28945s [Music]
28979s [Music]
29008s [Music]
29054s [Music]
29113s [Music]
29121s [Music]
29133s [Music]
29145s [Music]
29154s bella ceria on the wrecking ball
29156s he's been a key
29159s to success
29160s for the philadelphia fusion over the
29162s last couple of series and uh well you
29165s know what
29166s it could be
29168s a success
29169s in this series too if if
29171s they reverse sweep the atlanta reign
29173s it's very possible here is his stats
29175s from route 66 only three deaths not bad
29178s at all twelve final blows on top of that
29181s looking great so far now the atlanta
29184s reign it did get their map of choice and
29185s they decide well we want to go to
29188s colosseo somewhere you where you can
29190s play the ball but not
29193s not ideal for this map
29196s no
29197s i that's definitely rain kind of
29199s sticking you to him and going well
29201s you're gonna have to try to play
29202s something a little different maybe we
29203s end up seeing like a bellatria
29206s i know we've seen a lot of different
29207s looks from bellatria today the wrecking
29209s ball definitely his best hero and that
29212s stats card a really nice example of why
29214s we ended up seeing that route 66 map
29216s chosen
29217s but also the choice for atlanta rain was
29220s twofold you bring the fusion to a map
29223s where the bellatria wrecking ball is a
29225s little less valuable
29227s but also
29229s you can't pick new queen street you just
29231s can't you don't do that against the
29234s fusion
29234s you give mn3 infinite sight lines on the
29237s ash and that's no fun if you're the
29239s atlanta rain so just just don't
29241s yeah he's no but if you're anybody to be
29243s fair
29244s that's true that's where he got a lot of
29247s clips from the other day yeah his aim is
29250s exceptional
29251s we'll see though or ends up going down
29254s going on to colosseo
29255s the atlanta reign i think
29257s more than happy uh to be able to choose
29259s this map like you said rose uh for those
29262s reasons above
29263s kai and venom have been looking at
29265s rather clean this game however i gotta
29267s just bring it back to hawk once again
29269s just the consistency from hawk
29270s throughout the entirety of uh the
29272s regular season and these tournaments has
29275s been
29275s paramount to atlanta rain success
29277s leading up to this point
29279s yeah i know the you know the land rain
29281s do have the ability to play gator as
29283s well and we have definitely seen some
29286s gator but i love the insight that
29289s atlanta rain has given that you know
29290s hawk is just one of those players that
29292s not only has the versatility to be able
29294s to quick pivot to things if necessary
29296s but also you just
29298s a lot of teams are trying to stick with
29299s a core roster and really build up on
29302s that to make sure that those individual
29304s players have the flexibility necessary
29307s in order to just make those flexible
29308s picks if you need to but for the reign
29311s coliseum is their stomping grounds you
29314s will see them come out on the doomfist
29315s they will have the honor to be able to
29317s help bolster that up as well and despite
29321s maybe reigns best efforts to limit the
29324s wrecking ball fusion is going to try to
29326s stick it to him and play the wrecking
29328s ball anyway as bella soria rolls out of
29331s spawn venom is already checking him
29334s he just yeah perma marking bella here is
29337s going to be
29338s the game plan i think for venom hawks
29341s going to do a good job and uh is the
29343s doomfist just punching him away and look
29345s at this wrap around from the rain
29347s they've got the lucio fusion do not
29349s target his fixer and aim god you see the
29351s hell bars disappearing and
29352s bada bing bada boom
29354s both supports from the rain cleaning up
29356s the supports from the fusion that was a
29359s very very decisive fight i mean there's
29361s only m3 left on the point and he's dead
29365s yeah and this is where i'm really
29367s questioning some things about the fusion
29369s you've seen them struggle to find out
29372s what kind of composition they want to
29373s play and is this one team fight lost
29375s enough to start
29377s to make them question their decisions
29378s again or are they going to just try to
29380s stick with it and see if they can make
29382s something work this bridge can be a very
29383s powerful defensible position and if
29385s you're able to start working up to some
29386s ultimates then that might be able to
29388s build up some momentum in your favor as
29389s you start to take the ball back but rain
29392s are up front they get aggressive
29394s has to find something with this pulse
29396s bomb
29397s nice decent start from the rain
29399s pulse bomb launched out hits the wall
29401s ultraviolet with a nice little dodge
29403s however amongst the chaos kai and venom
29406s go down
29407s unfortunately ultraviolet nano was a
29408s little bit further behind than he wanted
29410s it to be
29412s oh she gets one kill but doesn't matter
29413s too much okay the fusion in a good spot
29417s with the wrecking ball now and giving
29419s mn3 some sight lines to use the bob's
29422s going to be nice out in that little
29423s courtyard but atlanta rain they're going
29425s to come back with a bang they've got
29426s nano coming up
29428s yeah they also have the meteor strike
29431s hawk is gonna be able to be just super
29433s survivable whether it's gonna be the
29435s nano that keeps him up the meteor show
29436s to get him out there's a lot of great
29438s tools that the rain have here to
29440s continue to play aggressive as long as
29441s bellatria doesn't
29444s you know do bella's real things in the
29446s back line you see him waiting to roll
29448s around
29450s fusion have to give up the
29453s point as well because of that however
29456s slam onto ultraviolet is good enough for
29459s a kill the atlanta rain splitting off
29462s completely from the rest of their squad
29464s do you see a hawk and uh venom off on
29466s the sidelines guys in a little bit of
29468s trouble transcendence for the fusion is
29470s going to help them win that one out nice
29473s setup from bellatria fusion had to back
29475s up because valastro was behind rain but
29478s they were very willing to accept hawk
29481s into their open arms
29483s just a little bit yeah venom will be
29484s able to get back into this one a little
29486s quickly even though he did just go down
29489s but yeah that there's just gonna be so
29491s much fighting here bellatria just
29493s keeping everybody on the rain busy as he
29496s keeps set
29497s oh
29498s just walked into that one yeah roger was
29501s already so low
29503s yeah any uh anybody who damaged her to
29505s finish him off for sure pulse bomb just
29507s secured it oh nice punch by hawk trace
29509s is traded
29512s every there's like small little fight
29513s this is where these cops are just like
29514s loads of small little fights bob ends up
29518s launching himself on the point and it's
29519s kind of pushing kind of the beat from
29522s the atlanta reign didn't result in all
29523s too much in fact it trapped og in that
29525s small corner and he gets cleaned up by
29527s bellatria fusion again the lead they're
29530s in a decent spot they don't have to
29532s worry about that beaks they did use a
29534s nano but high ground is theirs
29537s or it was theirs
29539s jumped out from there
29543s that's
29543s the high ground does give kai some
29545s really nice sight lines with its
29546s overclock but it's if that's going to
29548s keep it busy here i might not get a
29549s chance to use it yet oh just actually
29551s gets needed out of the sky somehow
29553s overclocker has been used powerslide to
29555s the back line and kai
29557s sends the brick pretty low ends up
29559s finishing off fixer
29561s fusion in a decent spot 42 meters to 30
29564s still just having the lead you're gonna
29566s be able to get back in time you don't
29567s have a lucio but bella sorry and zest
29569s can contest if needed
29571s oh
29572s look at that the lights stagger onto
29574s ultraviolet as well
29575s uh it's actually going to cause og to
29577s have to go back and taxi and forward so
29579s elena reign can't contest this just yet
29583s they've got to wait they've got to give
29585s fusion some space and that's plenty of
29587s time for fusion to come back into this
29588s one five strong aim god also with the
29590s transcendence on top of that
29592s oh boy
29594s i think fusion are set up pretty nicely
29596s here to keep this lead
29598s oh same setup surprised by those who
29599s didn't go for the slam there but just a
29601s bit of extra damage damage
29605s wow
29606s okay where'd he go no idea
29611s just uh not even using the punch after
29613s that kill onto mn3 meteor strike lands
29616s on the top of aim god who ends up using
29618s the transcendence they really don't want
29620s this to cross that golden line but it
29622s does anyway hang on transcendence not
29624s helping the fusion at all as fixer ends
29626s up falling pulse one wide for zest has
29628s to recall to the rest of his team and
29630s the atlanta reign now control the high
29631s ground you give high ground to kai uh
29634s you're in for a bad time
29636s now that pick on the desk to open things
29638s up which is absolutely huge yeah
29641s amazon's gonna be able to get a bit of
29642s revenge there onto kai stopping for
29644s building back up to another overclock
29646s but
29647s i like kai with the
29649s with the uh respect there
29652s yeah
29652s the zen some respect oh dear name god is
29655s antique somehow kept alive for a lot
29658s longer than he should have been he did
29660s die to just the hawk punch but hawk
29662s spent a lot of time trying to actually
29663s deal with it
29667s yeah fusion will be able to get the
29670s bot control back in their favor mn3
29673s should be able to open up a lot of space
29674s here with the bob that's ready to go fix
29677s it also could kick things off with the
29678s rally but they're gonna have to wait for
29680s aim god to catch back up bella i think
29683s we'll be able to buy enough time keeping
29684s everybody on the ring busy in the back
29686s line you can see kai just having a spy
29688s check back there like where is the
29690s wrecking ball
29692s oh that's going to take that as a ghost
29693s sign they actually use the beat to try
29694s and push on forward and ignore that is
29696s through as much as possible nursery does
29698s find a lot of damage rolling through
29700s people actually earns himself a minds
29702s off the back of it here's the second
29703s engage from the atlanta reign this time
29705s he's a nano onto hawk who's going all so
29707s low losing his healers completely ends
29709s up just getting shredded by the discord
29711s orb zest and number three just turned
29713s their attention to the doomfist and hawk
29714s has got that damage resist from the nano
29716s but it just does not mean a single damn
29718s thing that is now in the spawn of the
29721s atlanta reign and with three minutes to
29723s go they might be able to take the lead
29724s here
29726s yeah i think they're going to approach
29728s that not unless hawk can help it though
29731s hawk is very close is going to be able
29733s to get the contest sitting on top of
29734s that bridge has the meteor strike now
29736s too oh they're all trapped in a small
29738s corridor kai didn't even usually use the
29740s overclock
29742s really nice uh use the meteor struck by
29744s hawk still ends up slowing just a little
29746s bit when you do crash back down to earth
29748s 59 meters to 53 it's close
29751s three minutes to go now
29754s that's really big though that elena rain
29755s were able to hold on to the overclock
29757s that's something that they should be
29759s able to use as a zoning tool onto the
29760s fusion maybe just be able to get that
29763s lead back
29765s because or i will keep it keep it sorry
29768s i can i can't read
29771s wait he's sleeping but he's standing
29773s how'd that work all right car you know
29775s overclocked by the three dozen they're
29776s being stepped in the back line and dealt
29778s with quite easily kai up on a height as
29781s now is only two minutes to go time is
29783s ticking and the fusion need to find the
29785s win here or the fight to win
29788s well they could be out of luck a nice
29790s pulse bomb from venom equally nice from
29792s zest ain't got once again using the
29794s transcendence to save the fusion on at
29796s this point of the map
29798s they've got two minutes to go only a
29800s couple of meters stands in their way of
29802s taking at this a map nice little 1v1
29805s ends up winning it they regain control
29807s control the bolts
29810s all right well atlanta reigns still have
29812s the lead but not by very much and so
29815s fusion they get to roll it i mean the
29817s transcendence how does amgod keep coming
29819s in so clutch with these to be able to
29821s win fusion these team fights
29824s i mean aimcod's been putting in so much
29826s work
29827s basically keeping up with the rest of
29829s the dps that's super impressive as a
29831s zenyatta to have
29833s roughly you know 20 percent of the
29835s team's overall damage
29837s definitely keeping up with m3 and zest
29839s here fusion trying to do the same thing
29841s again slam earns himself minds is he
29843s going to use him might not need to as
29845s ultraviolet already dies but once again
29847s the atlanta reigns saying the pace of
29849s this fight fusion want to be able to set
29850s the pace with the ball engaged but it's
29852s just not working out for them at all
29853s then losing these neutral fights
29855s the amount terrain use nano on hawk send
29857s him in bellatria sleeps in the back
29860s and this is a problem now with a minute
29861s to go and reign in control of the part
29863s nearing this pod scratch mode and the
29864s checkpoint this is a bad news the fusion
29867s needs to come up with something big and
29868s ces tried to contest but it just gets
29870s dealt with
29872s yeah that snipe from kai just to stops
29875s us from even getting to the payload is
29877s absolutely huge so yeah you see butt
29879s scratch mode that bot's going to get
29881s right back on its feet and going
29883s and ky just keeping these long sight
29886s lines in check below just has to slam by
29889s but the sound barrier what a stick from
29891s venom that
29893s riley got used and he did absolutely
29894s nothing hawk charges his punch off of
29896s the bob meanwhile the rest of his team
29898s are in a little bit of a sorry situation
29901s violet got taken out by the mines but
29904s it's 16 seconds to go and the atlanta
29906s reign have a quite a sizable lead hawk
29909s is going to go down pretty late but it
29911s is now on the fusion to push over that
29913s line wait what kind is still alive wave
29916s venom's going to come back as well it's
29917s time for an aim god they've got these to
29919s be able to clutch only a couple of
29920s seconds to go but no they can't do it
29922s kai comes back
29924s and with the help of venom just clear
29926s the fusion from the point
29929s not a sweat
29930s not a bead of sweat on kai's brow
29933s after that round the atlanta reign knock
29936s out a third eastern team
29939s in the lower bracket
29941s and see themselves against the glads
29943s tomorrow
29946s wow impressive stuff
29949s i think everybody had some philly fusion
29952s hopium going into this matchup but the
29955s rain
29956s after their match earlier today
29959s looked so good and they just keep the
29962s ball rolling
29964s uh they they get to move forward here
29966s you know yeah
29967s josh how did they knock out another team
29970s what they're fighting their way back
29972s they what
29974s they want some of that prize money and
29976s they want a little bit of that trophy
29977s that is for sure
29980s who just got knocked down to the lower
29983s bracket by the san francisco shark they
29985s knocked out the seoul dynasty an
29987s unbelievably hyped team coming into the
29989s midst of madness they knocked out the
29990s dragons houston outlaws the atlanta
29993s reign are on an absolute war path right
29996s now
29997s will they be able to take this one home
30000s it's a question that a lot of people are
30001s going to have on their lips can they
30003s defeat the gladiators to go to the
30006s finals
30006s and face the shock
30008s it's a tough
30010s ask and one that we will have to find
30013s out the answer to tomorrow but let's
30016s celebrate the victory of the rain today
30019s and our player of the match
30021s that is
30022s venom
30024s you know we talk a lot about kai we talk
30026s a lot about hawk ultraviolet og i think
30029s everybody on the reign has gotten some
30031s accolades here but let's
30033s let's hype up venom right now because
30036s boy did this tracer player go on such a
30038s tear today jaws both series today
30041s venom's really showing up and putting
30042s out
30044s yeah i mean
30045s look zest has been performing out of his
30047s mind
30048s and venom just kind of one-upped him in
30051s this series starts looking good and
30053s having a good tracer player in this meta
30055s is paramount i think
30057s going into wrecking ball like that venom
30059s knew his job really well checking the
30061s wrecking ball a lot of the time just
30062s assisting with the dives um when hawk
30065s gets nat only jumps in on the doomfist
30067s attach race near almost 50 percent yeah
30069s venom had a hell of a game this match
30072s yeah i mean uh okay
30075s died a lot but i think that you know
30077s when you look at venom overall as a
30079s player and his impact in the game i
30081s think you can't deny the fact that you
30083s showed up in the kill feed a lot and
30085s then yeah your amazing point about
30087s keeping bellatria just in check that was
30090s huge i think that's one of the reasons
30091s why philadelphia fusion actually didn't
30094s look to be in peak performance this
30096s match is because of how well venom said
30098s hey the wrecking ball won't be able to
30101s hurt us if i'm hurting the wrecking ball
30104s keeping that one away from our back line
30106s yeah i mean you quite clearly saw the
30108s philadelphia fusion's game plan was just
30110s to send by the three around the back
30111s every single time and then go for a slam
30114s and engagement but the atlanta rangers
30115s set the tempo and said well we know
30117s bellatri is there venom's already scoped
30119s them out like we know what you're going
30121s to go for so we just beat engage hulk
30123s jumps into the back venom see the check
30124s and badass rio helping hawk get kills
30126s like yeah the atlanta reign i think they
30128s had a read on the philadelphia fusion in
30131s that last map and ended up taking home
30132s the dub
30134s they getting a face against the glads
30135s it's a tough ask they could do it but
30138s it's they could one of the toughest
30140s opponents out there like shock being the
30142s toughest in the finals of course already
30145s we're going to jump to a quick break the
30146s desk is going to break down the series a
30148s little bit more and round out the day
30149s we'll see in a bit
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30395s welcome to the watchpoint post show
30396s everybody i'm here joined now by gator
30398s from atlanta rain water mash gator um
30401s can you just run me through what
30403s happened the last fight i mean i was
30404s watching it but just everything just
30406s happened so quickly just run me through
30407s what happened all right uh so that last
30409s fight um
30411s we i guess we're pretty much just trying
30412s to get some trades uh i know kai was
30414s like
30415s kyle's gonna get like one trade and i
30416s guess you just end up him and venom end
30418s up just killing everybody so i mean the
30420s game just got over there like we're
30422s pretty much going next fight and then
30423s they just wipe the entire lobby so yeah
30425s that's just literally what happened yeah
30427s it was pretty crazy and i mean it could
30429s have been a cl clean 3-0 victory but you
30431s know i mean you guys did lose route 66
30433s yeah what happened there
30435s um
30436s i mean i'm like a known like route 66
30438s specialist so i mean they just didn't
30440s put me on it so if they want to lose it
30441s it's fine like maybe next time they'll
30443s put me in i guess uh so it's a coach's
30445s fault yes yes like obviously
30448s i told them to put me in they just
30449s didn't so well well hopefully hopefully
30451s tomorrow we'll get to see you on if they
30453s pick route 66 maybe we'll get to see you
30455s yes is there a chance yeah we definitely
30457s will okay all right and also one more
30459s thing so
30460s this is facts so i've actually talked to
30462s multiple coaches and players from
30465s different teams and when they when i
30467s asked them about atlanta reign yeah they
30469s said that you guys were sort of like a
30470s weird team yeah like in screen scrims or
30473s like regular season you guys are just
30474s okay okay team and then when it's like
30476s tournament time you guys are just like a
30478s completely different like monster so how
30480s does that happen like
30482s what gets you guys going during
30483s tournaments like how are you guys able
30485s to pop off like that i guess like
30487s scrims in like regular season uh when
30489s you win you don't get any money
30492s so like yeah at the end of the day i
30493s mean if you just win the tournament then
30495s you get your money and your placement
30496s and
30497s it's much more rewarding to win then so
30499s i guess we kind of just tried then okay
30501s yeah true and of course lastly uh yeah
30503s your your match tomorrow is going to be
30505s against the uh the team the hat you're
30507s wearing yeah
30509s um
30510s i'd be surprised if they could take them
30512s out honestly really yeah yeah i'd be
30514s i'll actually be surprised you're that
30515s confident yeah yeah we
30517s we know their weaknesses so
30519s we'll take care of them all right well
30520s you guys heard it first from gator and
30522s the atlanta rain that is it for the
30523s interview so let's let's send things
30525s back to uh the three really really sad
30528s philadelphia fusion fans
30533s it's okay
30534s it's it no it's okay i know it hurts
30536s sometimes but you know it's just the
30538s life of being a philadelphia fusion fan
30539s you know just sometimes it happens like
30541s that i told her we warned you
30545s i just
30546s i don't even understand
30548s the final map
30549s they even con no they they i don't want
30552s to be around anymore no they sometimes
30554s they just give up and stuff like that
30556s it's just what it's not you it's them
30558s don't worry about it you promised me
30560s second you promised me i didn't come as
30564s disappointment okay and that's why
30566s that's where we are right now okay it
30568s was fun we had a couple of map five wins
30570s that's what philly does but then they
30571s disappoint you ultimately you know i we
30573s tried to warn you here we are you know
30576s it's gonna be okay though there's always
30577s next tournament where they'll get your
30579s hopes up and then disappoint you again
30580s they were supposed to go they were gonna
30582s make the lower bracket run not atlanta
30585s terrain no atlanta always makes a little
30587s bracket run i feel he never does
30589s i we want johnny help me
30593s we tried dude we tried
30595s there were so many excited fans in the
30597s chat yeah and they're all just like you
30600s right now despondent holding a hamster
30603s just
30604s utterly disappointed it'll be you know
30606s johnny let you take the analysis away
30608s i'll i'll console her okay talk about
30610s the game
30611s uh about the rain i mean this team is
30614s sick uh really i'm just amazed by how
30616s good the atlanta rain are so just let's
30618s just go into the highlights really and
30619s just see it one more time exactly where
30622s oberle's heart broke
30625s kai on this soldier spectacular player
30628s really venom is having the torment of
30630s his life lucio moira don't really agree
30632s with it but okay if you're the third
30634s place team in the mid-season madness i'm
30636s just a washed up analyst what do i know
30638s so just do whatever your heart desires
30640s uh you know maybe the coaches were right
30642s about this one uh we'll have to ask
30643s gator about that one next time um really
30646s though the philadelphia fusion
30648s uh you played fury on king's row in your
30651s last series like three hours ago um
30654s now you played below zoria sigma okay
30657s we've never seen before
30660s interesting uh overly any comments on
30661s this one i just i don't even understand
30664s okay yeah no never mind yeah well he
30667s didn't play some monkey here though uh
30668s monkey and tuwannesen uh sigmo but okay
30671s they they played the proper things on
30673s this route66 oh i hear them
30677s and that's the big question mark for me
30679s and probably why alvarez is crying right
30681s now
30683s yeah there was so much but they just it
30685s felt like they were countering
30686s themselves before they even came into
30687s this match like that first lijung map
30690s all of a sudden m and three after the
30692s first team fight switches off a hit scan
30694s and goes to sombra and then on the
30696s second god like doesn't want to use
30697s trance yeah he aim god doesn't want to
30700s save anyone with trans it just
30702s it wasn't the philadelphia fusion we'd
30703s seen so far in the playoffs and it's
30705s kind of disappointing maybe they were
30706s tired it has been a long run for them
30708s but this it was kind of a disappointing
30710s end overall to like such a great run
30712s like maybe they were going to come up
30714s clutching this uh coliseum but i think
30716s this like final team fight really sums
30718s it up like there is no reason that
30720s atlanta reigns should have won in this
30721s team fight yeah philadelphia fusion
30723s should have won that fight they should
30724s have come back at least a little bit
30726s even if they'd fallen a little bit short
30727s there it would have made sense but yeah
30729s i mean if i want to be serious and don't
30731s just joke around for a minute
30733s there is like not like i have a degree
30735s in biochemistry or anything but like
30737s when you play a map five like that
30738s against huntington spark and we both
30740s went competitors we both played on stage
30742s like you get an adrenaline rush like i
30745s can't begin to tell you and you just
30746s play purely based on instinct and coming
30748s off that match as well you losing that
30750s adrenaline it's hard to like kick-start
30753s yourself again and be like
30754s time to go again like it's not that easy
30756s to just like channel that energy it's
30758s hard to like get back into the groove of
30760s things so i don't blame the fusion here
30762s if they were a bit tired if they weren't
30763s popping off like they were against the
30764s hangers park it's really hard to regain
30766s that energy especially when atlanta rain
30768s is such a difficult opponent and i do
30770s think i've said it so many times today
30773s the tank flexibility i think he was on
30774s full display especially on colosseum
30776s yeah like bella he was forced to play
30778s the wrecking ball because it was what
30780s the philadelphia fusion did best but
30782s playing wrecking ball on colosseum into
30785s one of the best doomfist players in the
30787s world it's pain and you can't just play
30790s like bellows riazarya so it's a very
30792s tough situation for the philadelphia
30794s fusion i yes this was a pretty
30796s disappointing performance but i don't
30798s blame the players at all they tried
30800s their heart out they got top four they
30802s should be proud of themselves also like
30803s let's put it in perspective of where
30804s they were coming into this tournament a
30806s lot of people were writing them off they
30807s went three and three i think in the
30809s mid-season
30810s they lost to valiant and chengdu exactly
30813s like they didn't make it they are the
30815s best east team in this tournament of all
30818s things so like it's not awful for the
30819s philadelphia fusion technically yeah
30821s seoul got two maps versus atlanta
30824s you're gonna give seoul a consolation so
30827s we got two maps versus atlanta i don't
30829s make the rules all right i'm not i'm not
30831s giving it to you all right yes atlanta's
30832s had a crazy run but seoul should have
30834s been better than that seoul should be
30835s where the philadelphia fusion are it was
30837s a good run it's okay it was fun while it
30839s lasted
30842s i wanna i wanna see i want my single
30844s this is my time to be single
30849s fusion fans i feel you i came to the
30852s overwatch league with one team in my
30855s heart
30856s and this is what we came up with this is
30860s what we ended up with future fans you
30861s did this all right the fusion fans
30863s didn't do this fusion fans were
30865s believing
30866s scott and johnny were trying to warn me
30869s of this disappointment and i said nuts
30871s to them you know we fusion is going to
30873s wrecking ball through this entire
30875s tournament and unfortunately
30878s i don't know maybe there was something
30880s in the water there was maybe there was
30881s something in there
30884s you're giving me all of my favorite
30886s things right now but listen listen that
30888s was maybe
30890s my worst part of the day why don't we
30892s talk about the best of the days
30895s thing
30896s moments i was trying to find a segway
30898s there we got the best of the day stuff
30899s and i'm going to talk about you know
30902s fonder memories brighter pastures i'm
30905s going to talk about this very sneaky
30907s zest play
30909s that they had in their earlier game
30910s against the spark you see zest just kind
30912s of hiding
30913s hiding you don't know what's happening
30915s look at that trigger discipline watch as
30917s the tracer alpha yi walk by just waits
30920s patiently alpha e does not spot zest
30923s to walk by there goes uh super rich and
30926s then i think he waits for just three one
30929s more four
30931s and boom he finds irony
30934s sixer with the bomb
30936s absolutely gets blown up and that was
30940s that was my happy place let's go back to
30942s my happy place those are better days
30944s well i'm here to bring you another happy
30946s place moment this is back when we fixer
30948s popped off kind of but not really uh
30950s this is back when shai was absolutely
30952s dominating the philadelphia fusion and
30953s we were worried that it was all slipping
30955s away from our hands but the fixer anna
30957s was here to fix it
30958s and here he comes in with a clutch sleep
30960s dart
30963s intentional you gotta be joking people
30965s are gonna say this was lucky people are
30967s gonna say that it wasn't deserved this
30968s was a hundred percent impressive
30970s gameplay by you
30972s stop that is calculated anyone says
30974s shots shy down along with the entire
30976s hong kong spark and that began the run
30978s back for the philadelphia future hey uh
30980s hey pixar um their uh sojourn had 65 of
30983s their final blows uh last map could you
30985s please sleep uh shy real quick okay okay
30988s got it and he did it got it coach he did
30991s it and with style and grace now exactly
30993s johnny what do you got for us well i'm
30996s here to tell you over here right i know
30998s the fusion are out
30999s i know that it's not what you want
31002s but there's three more teams to go okay
31004s and we got another date tomorrow
31006s the party don't stop baby and that's
31009s exactly what lee jaegon said earlier
31012s today when he got slept art and he
31015s didn't care he's a dj he kept the music
31017s going everybody's down yeah let's go i
31020s don't care about sleep keep the music
31023s going
31024s turn it up and we go again i i know the
31027s fusion are out but you know in the
31029s spirit of legion going right here
31031s even when you're
31032s asleep
31034s you can keep the party going probably
31035s and that's what we're gonna do tomorrow
31037s all right i love it keep the party going
31040s keep the games going and in order to
31042s keep the games going we got to know who
31044s is playing who so let's go ahead and
31045s take a look at our brackets both the
31047s upper and the lower as we just got
31049s finished with our lower matches and
31050s there you go
31051s our winner from our upper bracket match
31054s hasn't dropped a single series so far
31056s it's the san francisco shock who are in
31058s the finals for the mid-season madness
31060s tournament now let's go ahead and take a
31062s look at our lower bracket there you have
31064s it atlanta rayne who are just victorious
31066s over the fusion going to face the la
31069s gladiators only one of them can move on
31072s to the grand finals let's go ahead and
31074s take a look at the schedule for how
31076s tomorrow is going to play out exactly
31078s here we go so we're going to see that
31080s lower bracket match of the rain taking
31081s on the gladiators at 4 pm pacific time
31084s tomorrow that is saturday july 23rd and
31087s then of course right after that we're
31089s going to get the winner of the first
31090s match against the san francisco shock in
31093s that grand final tournament
31095s why are you laughing what are you
31096s giggling at what i was wrong i just
31098s realized that i'd love the rain had to
31101s come back from the lower bracket and
31103s beat seoul i don't know i can't go back
31105s and look at the lower back they've been
31106s so many good teams to beat so many
31108s amazing teams throughout the tournament
31110s because they couldn't get past london
31111s spitfire in the opening round
31114s another top three in the world with
31116s chuck and the gladiators because they
31118s couldn't beat london who went out in the
31120s first losers background
31122s is london secretly like the best team
31125s that just got unlucky potentially what
31127s was backbone cooking
31129s i don't wanna know see there were two
31131s teams that i came three teams that i
31132s came in here with the houston outlaws
31135s and london spitfire and philly fusion
31138s you really know how to pick them those
31140s are three hot teams i picked shanghai
31142s and joe so yeah
31145s wow banana fist bump i chose the
31147s gladiators i'm i'm reviving right now
31149s i'm having a great time okay you chose a
31151s top two seed wow you're such a fan what
31154s can i say i know how to pick them
31157s well i would have thought you were a
31158s choke fan the way you're uh
31161s guys we do need to get some rest we need
31163s to let our players get some rest we need
31164s to let all of our fans and viewers get
31166s some rest because i don't think they're
31168s ready for what's about to happen
31169s tomorrow but before we let them go any
31171s final thoughts
31172s um
31173s wes better than east you know it's fully
31175s confirmed three teams in the finals
31177s loves it yeah don't be a fusion fan
31181s yeah um you know what being a fusion fan
31184s i don't regret it not for a single
31186s second i think we had so many fun
31187s moments watching those fusion games
31190s johnny
31191s sat in a corner for the spark us excited
31193s and then all three of us going
31195s absolutely silent during that last
31197s series but you know thank you all so
31199s much for watching we have got the finals
31201s coming up tomorrow so don't miss it and
31203s we will see you all then bye
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31262s listen now
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31345s you